INTERFACE zif_i_a2cc_where_used PUBLIC . TYPES object_identifier TYPE string. TYPES: BEGIN OF depending_object, depending_object TYPE object_identifier, depending_type TYPE trobjtype, number_of_usages TYPE i, cycle TYPE i, END OF depending_object. TYPES object_list TYPE HASHED TABLE OF depending_object WITH UNIQUE KEY depending_object depending_type. TYPES: BEGIN OF object_usages, object_identifier TYPE object_identifier, object_type TYPE trobjtype, references TYPE object_list, END OF object_usages. TYPES: BEGIN OF object_id, object TYPE zei_a2cc_object_id, subobject TYPE zei_a2cc_object_id, END OF object_id. TYPES where_used_list TYPE HASHED TABLE OF object_usages WITH UNIQUE KEY object_identifier object_type. METHODS get_cross_references IMPORTING object TYPE object_id RETURNING VALUE(result) TYPE REF TO object_list. ENDINTERFACE.
[ 41358, 49836, 1976, 361, 62, 72, 62, 64, 17, 535, 62, 3003, 62, 1484, 198, 220, 44731, 764, 198, 220, 24412, 47, 1546, 2134, 62, 738, 7483, 41876, 4731, 13, 628, 220, 24412, 47, 1546, 25, 347, 43312, 3963, 6906, 62, 15252, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 6906, 62, 15252, 41876, 2134, 62, 738, 7483, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 6906, 62, 4906, 220, 220, 41876, 4161, 50007, 4906, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1271, 62, 1659, 62, 385, 1095, 41876, 1312, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 6772, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 41876, 1312, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 23578, 3963, 6906, 62, 15252, 13, 628, 220, 24412, 47, 1546, 2134, 62, 4868, 41876, 367, 11211, 1961, 43679, 3963, 6906, 62, 15252, 13315, 4725, 33866, 8924, 35374, 6906, 62, 15252, 6906, 62, 4906, 13, 198, 220, 24412, 47, 1546, 25, 347, 43312, 3963, 2134, 62, 385, 1095, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2134, 62, 738, 7483, 41876, 2134, 62, 738, 7483, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2134, 62, 4906, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 41876, 4161, 50007, 4906, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 10288, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 41876, 2134, 62, 4868, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 23578, 3963, 2134, 62, 385, 1095, 13, 628, 220, 24412, 47, 1546, 25, 347, 43312, 3963, 2134, 62, 312, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2134, 220, 220, 220, 41876, 1976, 20295, 62, 64, 17, 535, 62, 15252, 62, 312, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 850, 15252, 41876, 1976, 20295, 62, 64, 17, 535, 62, 15252, 62, 312, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 23578, 3963, 2134, 62, 312, 13, 628, 220, 24412, 47, 1546, 810, 62, 1484, 62, 4868, 41876, 367, 11211, 1961, 43679, 3963, 2134, 62, 385, 1095, 13315, 4725, 33866, 8924, 35374, 2134, 62, 738, 7483, 2134, 62, 4906, 13, 628, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 651, 62, 19692, 62, 5420, 4972, 198, 220, 220, 220, 30023, 9863, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2134, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 41876, 2134, 62, 312, 198, 220, 220, 220, 30826, 4261, 15871, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 26173, 8924, 7, 20274, 8, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 2134, 62, 4868, 13, 198, 10619, 41358, 49836, 13, 198 ]
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_object_iamu DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM zcl_abapgit_objects_super FINAL. PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES zif_abapgit_object. ALIASES mo_files FOR zif_abapgit_object~mo_files. PRIVATE SECTION. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_internet_appl_comp_binary, attributes TYPE w3mimeattr, source TYPE w3mimetabtype, length TYPE i, END OF ty_internet_appl_comp_binary. DATA: mo_mime_api TYPE REF TO if_w3_api_mime. METHODS: load_mime_api RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, read RETURNING VALUE(rs_internet_appl_comp_binary) TYPE ty_internet_appl_comp_binary RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, save IMPORTING is_internet_appl_comp_binary TYPE ty_internet_appl_comp_binary RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, release_lock RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_abapgit_object_iamu IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~has_changed_since. rv_changed = abap_true. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~changed_by. rv_user = c_user_unknown. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_metadata. rs_metadata = get_metadata( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~serialize. DATA: ls_internet_appl_comp_binary TYPE ty_internet_appl_comp_binary. ls_internet_appl_comp_binary = read( ). io_xml->add( iv_name = 'IAMU' ig_data = ls_internet_appl_comp_binary ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~deserialize. DATA: ls_internet_appl_comp_binary TYPE ty_internet_appl_comp_binary. io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'IAMU' CHANGING cg_data = ls_internet_appl_comp_binary ). ls_internet_appl_comp_binary-attributes-devclass = iv_package. save( ls_internet_appl_comp_binary ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~delete. load_mime_api( ). mo_mime_api->if_w3_api_object~set_changeable( EXPORTING p_changeable = abap_true EXCEPTIONS action_cancelled = 1 object_locked_by_other_user = 2 permission_failure = 3 object_already_changeable = 4 object_already_unlocked = 5 object_just_created = 6 object_deleted = 7 object_modified = 8 object_not_existing = 9 object_invalid = 10 error_occured = 11 OTHERS = 12 ). IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Error from if_w3_api_mime~set_changeable| ). ENDIF. mo_mime_api->if_w3_api_object~delete( EXCEPTIONS object_not_empty = 1 object_not_changeable = 2 object_invalid = 3 error_occured = 4 OTHERS = 5 ). IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Error from if_w3_api_mime~delete| ). ENDIF. mo_mime_api->if_w3_api_object~save( EXCEPTIONS object_invalid = 1 object_not_changeable = 2 action_cancelled = 3 permission_failure = 4 not_changed = 5 data_invalid = 6 error_occured = 7 OTHERS = 8 ). IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Error from if_w3_api_mime~save| ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~exists. DATA: ls_mime_name TYPE iacikeym. ls_mime_name = ms_item-obj_name. cl_w3_api_mime=>s_check_exist( EXPORTING p_mime_name = ls_mime_name IMPORTING p_exists = rv_bool ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~jump. CALL FUNCTION 'RS_TOOL_ACCESS' EXPORTING operation = 'SHOW' object_name = ms_item-obj_name object_type = ms_item-obj_type. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~compare_to_remote_version. CREATE OBJECT ro_comparison_result TYPE zcl_abapgit_comparison_null. ENDMETHOD. METHOD load_mime_api. DATA: ls_mime_name TYPE iacikeym. ls_mime_name = ms_item-obj_name. cl_w3_api_mime=>if_w3_api_mime~load( EXPORTING p_mime_name = ls_mime_name IMPORTING p_mime = mo_mime_api EXCEPTIONS object_not_existing = 1 permission_failure = 2 data_corrupt = 3 error_occured = 4 OTHERS = 6 ). IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error from if_w3_api_mime~load' ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD read. load_mime_api( ). mo_mime_api->get_attributes( IMPORTING p_attributes = rs_internet_appl_comp_binary-attributes EXCEPTIONS object_invalid = 1 mime_deleted = 2 error_occured = 3 OTHERS = 4 ). IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Error from if_w3_api_mime~get_attributes| ). ENDIF. CLEAR: rs_internet_appl_comp_binary-attributes-chname, rs_internet_appl_comp_binary-attributes-tdate, rs_internet_appl_comp_binary-attributes-ttime, rs_internet_appl_comp_binary-attributes-devclass. mo_mime_api->get_source( IMPORTING p_source = rs_internet_appl_comp_binary-source p_datalength = rs_internet_appl_comp_binary-length EXCEPTIONS object_invalid = 1 mime_deleted = 2 error_occured = 3 OTHERS = 4 ). IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Error from if_w3_api_mime~get_source| ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD save. cl_w3_api_mime=>if_w3_api_mime~create_new( EXPORTING p_mime_data = is_internet_appl_comp_binary-attributes p_mime_content = is_internet_appl_comp_binary-source p_datalength = is_internet_appl_comp_binary-length IMPORTING p_mime = mo_mime_api EXCEPTIONS object_already_existing = 1 object_just_created = 2 not_authorized = 3 undefined_name = 4 author_not_existing = 5 action_cancelled = 6 error_occured = 7 OTHERS = 8 ). IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Error from if_w3_api_mime~create_ne| ). ENDIF. mo_mime_api->if_w3_api_object~save( EXCEPTIONS object_invalid = 1 object_not_changeable = 2 action_cancelled = 3 permission_failure = 4 not_changed = 5 data_invalid = 6 error_occured = 7 OTHERS = 8 ). IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Error from if_w3_api_mime~save| ). ENDIF. release_lock( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD release_lock. " As a side effect this method removes also existing locks mo_mime_api->if_w3_api_object~set_changeable( EXPORTING p_changeable = abap_false EXCEPTIONS action_cancelled = 1 object_locked_by_other_user = 2 permission_failure = 3 object_already_changeable = 4 object_already_unlocked = 5 object_just_created = 6 object_deleted = 7 object_modified = 8 object_not_existing = 9 object_invalid = 10 error_occured = 11 OTHERS = 12 ). IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Error from if_w3_api_mime~set_changeable| ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 15252, 62, 1789, 84, 5550, 20032, 17941, 44731, 3268, 16879, 2043, 2751, 16034, 1976, 565, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 48205, 62, 16668, 25261, 13, 628, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 23255, 37, 2246, 1546, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 15252, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8355, 43429, 1546, 6941, 62, 16624, 7473, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 15252, 93, 5908, 62, 16624, 13, 628, 220, 4810, 3824, 6158, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 24412, 47, 1546, 25, 347, 43312, 3963, 1259, 62, 37675, 62, 1324, 75, 62, 5589, 62, 39491, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 12608, 41876, 266, 18, 76, 524, 35226, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2723, 220, 220, 220, 220, 41876, 266, 18, 76, 38813, 397, 4906, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4129, 220, 220, 220, 220, 41876, 1312, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 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CLASS ltcl_object_types DEFINITION FOR TESTING RISK LEVEL HARMLESS DURATION SHORT FINAL. PRIVATE SECTION. METHODS: not_exist FOR TESTING RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. ENDCLASS. CLASS ltcl_object_types IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD not_exist. DATA: ls_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item, lv_exists TYPE abap_bool, lt_types TYPE zcl_abapgit_objects=>ty_types_tt. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lv_type> LIKE LINE OF lt_types. lt_types = zcl_abapgit_objects=>supported_list( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_not_initial( lt_types ). LOOP AT lt_types ASSIGNING <lv_type>. CLEAR ls_item. ls_item-obj_name = 'ZABAPGIT_FOOBAR'. ls_item-obj_type = <lv_type>. lv_exists = zcl_abapgit_objects=>exists( ls_item ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_exists exp = abap_false msg = ls_item-obj_type quit = if_aunit_constants=>no ). ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS ltcl_serialize DEFINITION *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* CLASS ltcl_serialize DEFINITION FOR TESTING RISK LEVEL HARMLESS DURATION SHORT FINAL. PRIVATE SECTION. METHODS: check IMPORTING VALUE(is_item) TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, serialize_tabl FOR TESTING RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, serialize_shlp FOR TESTING RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, serialize_view FOR TESTING RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, serialize_auth FOR TESTING RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, serialize_clas FOR TESTING RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, serialize_doma FOR TESTING RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, serialize_dtel FOR TESTING RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, serialize_fugr FOR TESTING RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, serialize_msag FOR TESTING RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, serialize_prog FOR TESTING RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, serialize_tran FOR TESTING RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, serialize_ttyp FOR TESTING RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. ENDCLASS. *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS ltcl_serialize IMPLEMENTATION *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* CLASS ltcl_serialize IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD serialize_shlp. DATA: ls_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item. ls_item-obj_type = 'SHLP'. ls_item-obj_name = 'USER_LOGON'. check( ls_item ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD serialize_view. DATA: ls_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item. ls_item-obj_type = 'VIEW'. ls_item-obj_name = 'VUSR02_HEADER'. check( ls_item ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD serialize_tabl. DATA: ls_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item. ls_item-obj_type = 'TABL'. ls_item-obj_name = 'USR02'. check( ls_item ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD serialize_auth. DATA: ls_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item. ls_item-obj_type = 'AUTH'. ls_item-obj_name = 'AREA'. check( ls_item ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD serialize_clas. DATA: ls_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item. ls_item-obj_type = 'CLAS'. ls_item-obj_name = 'CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES'. check( ls_item ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD serialize_doma. DATA: ls_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item. ls_item-obj_type = 'DOMA'. ls_item-obj_name = 'PGMID'. check( ls_item ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD serialize_dtel. DATA: ls_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item. ls_item-obj_type = 'DTEL'. ls_item-obj_name = 'PGMID'. check( ls_item ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD serialize_fugr. DATA: ls_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item. ls_item-obj_type = 'FUGR'. ls_item-obj_name = 'SRFC'. check( ls_item ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD serialize_msag. DATA: ls_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item. ls_item-obj_type = 'MSAG'. ls_item-obj_name = '00'. check( ls_item ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD serialize_prog. DATA: ls_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item. ls_item-obj_type = 'PROG'. ls_item-obj_name = 'SAPLWBABAP'. check( ls_item ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD serialize_tran. DATA: ls_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item. ls_item-obj_type = 'TRAN'. ls_item-obj_name = 'SE38'. check( ls_item ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD serialize_ttyp. DATA: ls_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item. ls_item-obj_type = 'TTYP'. ls_item-obj_name = 'ABAPPROG'. check( ls_item ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD check. DATA: ls_files_item TYPE zcl_abapgit_objects=>ty_serialization. ls_files_item = zcl_abapgit_objects=>serialize( is_item = is_item iv_language = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_english ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_not_initial( ls_files_item-files ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_files_item-item exp = is_item ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. CLASS ltcl_object_ddls_mock DEFINITION FOR TESTING. PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES zif_abapgit_object. METHODS: constructor IMPORTING is_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item iv_language TYPE spras. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA ms_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item. ENDCLASS. CLASS ltcl_object_ddls_mock IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD constructor. ms_item = is_item. * dummy use of variable IF iv_language = 'E'. RETURN. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~is_locked. CASE ms_item-obj_name. WHEN 'Z_TEST_DDLS'. rv_is_locked = abap_true. WHEN 'Z_TEST_DDLS2'. rv_is_locked = abap_false. ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_deserialize_steps. "##needed ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~changed_by. "##needed ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_comparator. "##needed ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~delete. "##needed ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~deserialize. "##needed ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~exists. "##needed ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_metadata. "##needed ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~jump. "##needed ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~serialize. "##needed ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~is_active. "##needed ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. CLASS ltcl_check_objects_locked DEFINITION FINAL FOR TESTING DURATION SHORT RISK LEVEL HARMLESS. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA: mt_given_items TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_items_tt, mv_exception_text TYPE string. METHODS: throw_excp_if_object_is_locked FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check, no_excp_if_obj_is_not_locked FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check, given_locked_object, when_check_objects_locked, then_exception_shd_be_raised, given_not_locked_object, then_no_exception_shd_occur, given_object IMPORTING iv_object_name TYPE string. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_abapgit_objects DEFINITION LOCAL FRIENDS ltcl_check_objects_locked. CLASS ltcl_check_objects_locked IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD throw_excp_if_object_is_locked. given_locked_object( ). when_check_objects_locked( ). then_exception_shd_be_raised( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD no_excp_if_obj_is_not_locked. given_not_locked_object( ). when_check_objects_locked( ). then_no_exception_shd_occur( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD given_locked_object. given_object( 'Z_TEST_DDLS' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD when_check_objects_locked. DATA: lx_error TYPE REF TO zcx_abapgit_exception. TRY. zcl_abapgit_objects=>check_objects_locked( iv_language = 'E' it_items = mt_given_items ). CATCH zcx_abapgit_exception INTO lx_error. mv_exception_text = lx_error->get_text( ). ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. METHOD then_exception_shd_be_raised. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = |Object DDLS Z_TEST_DDLS is locked. Action not possible.| act = mv_exception_text ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD given_not_locked_object. given_object( 'Z_TEST_DDLS2' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD then_no_exception_shd_occur. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( mv_exception_text ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD given_object. CONSTANTS: lc_obj_type TYPE string VALUE 'DDLS'. DATA: ls_item LIKE LINE OF mt_given_items, ls_obj_serializer_map LIKE LINE OF zcl_abapgit_objects=>gt_obj_serializer_map. ls_item-obj_type = lc_obj_type. ls_item-obj_name = iv_object_name. INSERT ls_item INTO TABLE mt_given_items. ls_obj_serializer_map-item-obj_type = lc_obj_type. ls_obj_serializer_map-item-obj_name = iv_object_name. ls_obj_serializer_map-metadata-class = '\CLASS-POOL=ZCL_ABAPGIT_OBJECTS\CLASS=LTCL_OBJECT_DDLS_MOCK'. INSERT ls_obj_serializer_map INTO TABLE zcl_abapgit_objects=>gt_obj_serializer_map. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. CLASS ltcl_filter_files_to_deser DEFINITION FINAL FOR TESTING DURATION SHORT RISK LEVEL HARMLESS. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA: mo_objects TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_objects, mt_result TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_results_tt. METHODS: setup, filter_duplicates FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check, filter_duplicates_rstate FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check, filter_duplicates_lstate FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check, filter_duplicates_match FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check, filter_duplicates_init_objtype FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check, filter_duplicates_changes_01 FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check, filter_duplicates_changes_02 FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check, given_result IMPORTING iv_result_line TYPE string, when_filter_is_applied. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_abapgit_objects DEFINITION LOCAL FRIENDS ltcl_filter_files_to_deser. CLASS ltcl_filter_files_to_deser IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD setup. CREATE OBJECT mo_objects. ENDMETHOD. METHOD filter_duplicates. given_result( |PROG;ZAG_UNIT_TEST;;/src/;zag_unit_test.prog.abap;;;;| ). given_result( |PROG;ZAG_UNIT_TEST;;/src/;zag_unit_test.prog.xml;;;;| ). when_filter_is_applied( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = 1 act = lines( mt_result ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD filter_duplicates_rstate. DATA: ls_exp LIKE LINE OF mt_result, ls_act LIKE LINE OF mt_result. given_result( |PROG;ZAG_UNIT_TEST;;/src/;zag_unit_test.prog.abap;;;;| ). given_result( |PROG;ZAG_UNIT_TEST;;/src/;zag_unit_test.prog.xml;;;;A| ). READ TABLE mt_result INDEX 2 INTO ls_exp. when_filter_is_applied( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = 1 act = lines( mt_result ) ). READ TABLE mt_result INDEX 1 INTO ls_act. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = ls_exp act = ls_act ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD filter_duplicates_lstate. given_result( |PROG;ZAG_UNIT_TEST;;/src/;zag_unit_test.prog.abap;;;A;| ). given_result( |PROG;ZAG_UNIT_TEST;;/src/;zag_unit_test.prog.xml;;;A;| ). when_filter_is_applied( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = 0 act = lines( mt_result ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD filter_duplicates_match. given_result( |PROG;ZAG_UNIT_TEST;;/src/;zag_unit_test.prog.abap;;X;;| ). given_result( |PROG;ZAG_UNIT_TEST;;/src/;zag_unit_test.prog.xml;;X;;| ). when_filter_is_applied( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = 0 act = lines( mt_result ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD filter_duplicates_init_objtype. given_result( |;ZAG_UNIT_TEST;;/src/;zag_unit_test.prog.abap;;;;| ). given_result( |;ZAG_UNIT_TEST;;/src/;zag_unit_test.prog.xml;;;;| ). when_filter_is_applied( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = 0 act = lines( mt_result ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD filter_duplicates_changes_01. DATA: ls_exp LIKE LINE OF mt_result, ls_act LIKE LINE OF mt_result. " test different order since SORT object,obj_name is non-deterministic given_result( |CLAS;ZAG_UNIT_TEST;;/src/;zag_unit_test.clas.abap;;;M;M| ). given_result( |CLAS;ZAG_UNIT_TEST;;/src/;zag_unit_test.clas.testclasses.abap;;;;M| ). READ TABLE mt_result INDEX 1 INTO ls_exp. when_filter_is_applied( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = 1 act = lines( mt_result ) ). READ TABLE mt_result INDEX 1 INTO ls_act. " expect M,M cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = ls_exp act = ls_act ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD filter_duplicates_changes_02. DATA: ls_exp LIKE LINE OF mt_result, ls_act LIKE LINE OF mt_result. " test different order since SORT object,obj_name is non-deterministic given_result( |CLAS;ZAG_UNIT_TEST;;/src/;zag_unit_test.clas.abap;;;;M| ). given_result( |CLAS;ZAG_UNIT_TEST;;/src/;zag_unit_test.clas.testclasses.abap;;;M;M| ). READ TABLE mt_result INDEX 2 INTO ls_exp. when_filter_is_applied( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = 1 act = lines( mt_result ) ). READ TABLE mt_result INDEX 1 INTO ls_act. " expect M,M cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = ls_exp act = ls_act ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD given_result. DATA: ls_result LIKE LINE OF mt_result. SPLIT iv_result_line AT ';' INTO ls_result-obj_type ls_result-obj_name ls_result-inactive ls_result-path ls_result-filename ls_result-package ls_result-match ls_result-lstate ls_result-rstate. INSERT ls_result INTO TABLE mt_result. ENDMETHOD. METHOD when_filter_is_applied. mt_result = mo_objects->filter_files_to_deserialize( mt_result ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. CLASS ltcl_adjust_namespaces DEFINITION FINAL FOR TESTING DURATION SHORT RISK LEVEL HARMLESS. PRIVATE SECTION. METHODS: setup, adjust_namespaces FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. DATA: mo_objects TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_objects. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_abapgit_objects DEFINITION LOCAL FRIENDS ltcl_adjust_namespaces. CLASS ltcl_adjust_namespaces IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD setup. CREATE OBJECT mo_objects. ENDMETHOD. METHOD adjust_namespaces. DATA: lt_input TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_results_tt, lt_ouptut TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_results_tt, ls_result LIKE LINE OF lt_input. ls_result-obj_name = |#SAP#ZTEST|. INSERT ls_result INTO TABLE lt_input. ls_result-obj_name = |ZTEST|. INSERT ls_result INTO TABLE lt_input. lt_ouptut = mo_objects->adjust_namespaces( lt_input ). READ TABLE lt_ouptut INTO ls_result INDEX 1. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = |/SAP/ZTEST| act = ls_result-obj_name ). READ TABLE lt_ouptut INTO ls_result INDEX 2. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = |ZTEST| act = ls_result-obj_name ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. CLASS ltcl_prio_deserialization DEFINITION FINAL FOR TESTING DURATION SHORT RISK LEVEL HARMLESS. PRIVATE SECTION. METHODS: setup, ddls_before_dcls FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check, given IMPORTING iv_object_type TYPE trobjtype, when_deser_is_priorized, then IMPORTING iv_exp_object_type TYPE trobjtype. DATA: mo_objects TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_objects, mt_input TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_results_tt, mt_output TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_results_tt, mv_exp_output_tabix TYPE i. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_abapgit_objects DEFINITION LOCAL FRIENDS ltcl_prio_deserialization. CLASS ltcl_prio_deserialization IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD setup. CREATE OBJECT mo_objects. mv_exp_output_tabix = 0. ENDMETHOD. METHOD ddls_before_dcls. given( 'DCLS' ). given( 'DDLS' ). given( 'DCLS' ). given( 'DDLS' ). when_deser_is_priorized( ). then( 'DDLS' ). then( 'DDLS' ). then( 'DCLS' ). then( 'DCLS' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD given. DATA: ls_input LIKE LINE OF mt_input. ls_input-obj_type = iv_object_type. INSERT ls_input INTO TABLE mt_input. ENDMETHOD. METHOD when_deser_is_priorized. mt_output = mo_objects->prioritize_deser( mt_input ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD then. DATA: ls_output LIKE LINE OF mt_output. mv_exp_output_tabix = mv_exp_output_tabix + 1. READ TABLE mt_output INTO ls_output INDEX mv_exp_output_tabix. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = iv_exp_object_type act = ls_output-obj_type ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. CLASS ltcl_warning_overwrite_find DEFINITION FINAL FOR TESTING DURATION SHORT RISK LEVEL HARMLESS. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA: mo_objects TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_objects, mt_result TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_results_tt, mt_overwrite TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_overwrite_tt. METHODS: setup, warning_overwrite_find_01 FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check, warning_overwrite_find_02 FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check, warning_overwrite_find_03 FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check, warning_overwrite_find_04 FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check, given_result IMPORTING iv_result_line TYPE string, when_warning_overwrite_find. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_abapgit_objects DEFINITION LOCAL FRIENDS ltcl_warning_overwrite_find. CLASS ltcl_warning_overwrite_find IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD setup. CREATE OBJECT mo_objects. ENDMETHOD. METHOD warning_overwrite_find_01. " change remote but not local -> no overwrite given_result( |CLAS;ZAG_UNIT_TEST;;/src/;zag_unit_test.clas.abap;;;;M| ). when_warning_overwrite_find( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = 0 act = lines( mt_overwrite ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD warning_overwrite_find_02. " change remote and local -> overwrite given_result( |CLAS;ZAG_UNIT_TEST;;/src/;zag_unit_test.clas.abap;;;M;M| ). when_warning_overwrite_find( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = 1 act = lines( mt_overwrite ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD warning_overwrite_find_03. " delete local -> overwrite (since object will be created again from remote) given_result( |CLAS;ZAG_UNIT_TEST;;/src/;zag_unit_test.clas.abap;;;D;| ). when_warning_overwrite_find( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = 1 act = lines( mt_overwrite ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD warning_overwrite_find_04. " exists local but not remote -> no overwrite " (object will be in delete confirmation popup: see ZCL_ABAPGIT_SERVICES_GIT->GET_UNNECESSARY_LOCAL_OBJS) given_result( |CLAS;ZAG_UNIT_TEST;;/src/;zag_unit_test.clas.abap;;;A;| ). when_warning_overwrite_find( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = 0 act = lines( mt_overwrite ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD given_result. DATA: ls_result LIKE LINE OF mt_result. SPLIT iv_result_line AT ';' INTO ls_result-obj_type ls_result-obj_name ls_result-inactive ls_result-path ls_result-filename ls_result-package ls_result-match ls_result-lstate ls_result-rstate. INSERT ls_result INTO TABLE mt_result. ENDMETHOD. METHOD when_warning_overwrite_find. mt_overwrite = mo_objects->warning_overwrite_find( mt_result ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 31631, 300, 83, 565, 62, 15252, 62, 19199, 5550, 20032, 17941, 7473, 43001, 2751, 45698, 42, 49277, 43638, 5805, 7597, 360, 4261, 6234, 6006, 9863, 25261, 13, 628, 220, 4810, 3824, 6158, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 407, 62, 38476, 7473, 43001, 2751, 17926, 1797, 2751, 1976, 66, 87, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 1069, 4516, 13, 198, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 198, 198, 31631, 300, 83, 565, 62, 15252, 62, 19199, 30023, 2538, 10979, 6234, 13, 628, 220, 337, 36252, 407, 62, 38476, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 42865, 25, 43979, 62, 9186, 220, 220, 41876, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 4299, 50101, 14804, 774, 62, 9186, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 300, 85, 62, 1069, 1023, 41876, 450, 499, 62, 30388, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 300, 83, 62, 19199, 220, 41876, 1976, 565, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 48205, 14804, 774, 62, 19199, 62, 926, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 18930, 24639, 12, 23060, 10744, 3535, 50, 25, 1279, 6780, 62, 4906, 29, 34178, 48920, 3963, 300, 83, 62, 19199, 13, 628, 198, 220, 220, 220, 300, 83, 62, 19199, 796, 1976, 565, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 48205, 14804, 15999, 62, 4868, 7, 6739, 628, 220, 220, 220, 537, 62, 397, 499, 62, 20850, 62, 30493, 14804, 30493, 62, 1662, 62, 36733, 7, 300, 83, 62, 19199, 6739, 628, 220, 220, 220, 17579, 3185, 5161, 300, 83, 62, 19199, 24994, 3528, 15871, 1279, 6780, 62, 4906, 28401, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30301, 1503, 43979, 62, 9186, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 43979, 62, 9186, 12, 26801, 62, 3672, 796, 705, 57, 6242, 2969, 38, 2043, 62, 6080, 9864, 1503, 4458, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 43979, 62, 9186, 12, 26801, 62, 4906, 796, 1279, 6780, 62, 4906, 28401, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 300, 85, 62, 1069, 1023, 796, 1976, 565, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 48205, 14804, 1069, 1023, 7, 43979, 62, 9186, 6739, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 537, 62, 397, 499, 62, 20850, 62, 30493, 14804, 30493, 62, 4853, 874, 7, 198, 220, 220, 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*---------------------------------------------------------------------* * view related FORM routines * generation date: 28.02.2021 at 09:53:08 * view maintenance generator version: #001407# *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * base table related FORM-routines............. INCLUDE LSVIMFTX .
[ 9, 10097, 30934, 9, 198, 9, 220, 220, 220, 1570, 3519, 49144, 31878, 198, 9, 220, 220, 5270, 3128, 25, 2579, 13, 2999, 13, 1238, 2481, 379, 7769, 25, 4310, 25, 2919, 198, 9, 220, 220, 1570, 9262, 17301, 2196, 25, 1303, 405, 1415, 2998, 2, 198, 9, 10097, 30934, 9, 198, 198, 9, 2779, 3084, 3519, 49144, 12, 81, 448, 1127, 44274, 198, 1268, 5097, 52, 7206, 30948, 53, 3955, 9792, 55, 764, 198 ]
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CLASS zcl_op_pretty_printer_factory DEFINITION PUBLIC FINAL CREATE PRIVATE GLOBAL FRIENDS zcl_op_pretty_printer_injector. PUBLIC SECTION. CLASS-METHODS: create RETURNING VALUE(r_pretty_printer) TYPE REF TO zif_op_value_pretty_printer RAISING cx_class_not_existent. PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. TYPES: tt_dve_cust TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ztop_dve_cust WITH DEFAULT KEY. CLASS-DATA: pretty_printer TYPE REF TO zif_op_value_pretty_printer, class_names TYPE string_table, user_class_customizing TYPE tt_dve_cust. CLASS-METHODS: "!get active classes implementing zif_op_value_pretty_printer get_activ_implementing_classes RETURNING VALUE(r_class_names) TYPE string_table RAISING cx_class_not_existent, get_customizing_for_given_user RETURNING VALUE(r_customizing) TYPE ztop_dve_cust, read_customizing, "!check if a given class an active implementation is_given_class_an_active_impl IMPORTING i_classname_to_use TYPE ztop_dve_cust RETURNING VALUE(r_class_impl_is_active) TYPE boole_d RAISING cx_class_not_existent . ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_op_pretty_printer_factory IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD create. IF pretty_printer IS NOT BOUND. "check which of them is customized for current user DATA(classname_to_use) = get_customizing_for_given_user( ). classname_to_use = COND #( WHEN is_given_class_an_active_impl( classname_to_use ) EQ abap_true THEN classname_to_use ELSE |ZCL_OP_VALUE_PRETTY_PRINTER| ). CREATE OBJECT pretty_printer TYPE (classname_to_use). ENDIF. r_pretty_printer = pretty_printer. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_activ_implementing_classes. IF class_names[] IS INITIAL. DATA(oo_interface) = NEW cl_oo_interface( |ZIF_OP_VALUE_PRETTY_PRINTER| ). DATA(classes) = oo_interface->get_implementing_classes( ). class_names = VALUE #( FOR <line> IN classes ( CONV string( <line>-clsname ) ) ). ENDIF. r_class_names = class_names. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_customizing_for_given_user. read_customizing( ). CHECK line_exists( user_class_customizing[ user_name = sy-uname ] ). r_customizing = user_class_customizing[ user_name = sy-uname ]-class_name. ENDMETHOD. METHOD is_given_class_an_active_impl. " get active classes implementing zif_op_value_pretty_printer class_names = get_activ_implementing_classes( ). r_class_impl_is_active = COND boole_d( WHEN line_exists( class_names[ table_line = i_classname_to_use ] ) THEN abap_true ELSE abap_false ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD read_customizing. IF user_class_customizing[] IS INITIAL. SELECT * FROM ztop_dve_cust INTO TABLE user_class_customizing. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 404, 62, 37784, 62, 1050, 3849, 62, 69, 9548, 5550, 20032, 17941, 198, 220, 44731, 198, 220, 25261, 198, 220, 29244, 6158, 4810, 3824, 6158, 198, 220, 10188, 9864, 1847, 48167, 1677, 5258, 1976, 565, 62, 404, 62, 37784, 62, 1050, 3849, 62, 259, 752, 273, 13, 628, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42715, 12, 49273, 50, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2251, 30826, 4261, 15871, 26173, 8924, 7, 81, 62, 37784, 62, 1050, 3849, 8, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 1976, 361, 62, 404, 62, 8367, 62, 37784, 62, 1050, 3849, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 17926, 1797, 2751, 220, 220, 43213, 62, 4871, 62, 1662, 62, 32786, 13, 198, 220, 48006, 9782, 1961, 44513, 13, 628, 220, 4810, 3824, 6158, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 24412, 47, 1546, 25, 256, 83, 62, 67, 303, 62, 66, 436, 41876, 49053, 9795, 43679, 3963, 1976, 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*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report ZDEMO_EXCEL22 *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT zdemo_excel22. DATA: lo_excel TYPE REF TO zcl_excel, lo_worksheet TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_worksheet, lo_style TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style, lo_style_date TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style, lo_style_editable TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style, lo_data_validation TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_data_validation. DATA: lt_field_catalog TYPE zexcel_t_fieldcatalog, ls_table_settings TYPE zexcel_s_table_settings, ls_table_settings_out TYPE zexcel_s_table_settings. DATA: lv_style_guid TYPE zexcel_cell_style. DATA: lv_row TYPE char10. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_field_catalog> TYPE zexcel_s_fieldcatalog. CONSTANTS: gc_save_file_name TYPE string VALUE '22_itab_fieldcatalog.xlsx'. INCLUDE zdemo_excel_outputopt_incl. START-OF-SELECTION. " Creates active sheet CREATE OBJECT lo_excel. " Get active sheet lo_worksheet = lo_excel->get_active_worksheet( ). lo_worksheet->set_title( ip_title = 'PN_MASSIVE' ). DATA lt_test TYPE TABLE OF sflight. SELECT * FROM sflight INTO TABLE lt_test. "#EC CI_NOWHERE " sheet style (white background) lo_style = lo_excel->add_new_style( ). lo_style->fill->filltype = zcl_excel_style_fill=>c_fill_solid. lo_style->fill->fgcolor-rgb = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_white. lv_style_guid = lo_style->get_guid( ). " Get active sheet lo_worksheet = lo_excel->get_active_worksheet( ). lo_worksheet->zif_excel_sheet_properties~set_style( lv_style_guid ). lo_worksheet->zif_excel_sheet_protection~protected = zif_excel_sheet_protection=>c_protected. lo_worksheet->zif_excel_sheet_protection~password = zcl_excel_common=>encrypt_password( 'test' ). lo_worksheet->zif_excel_sheet_protection~sheet = zif_excel_sheet_protection=>c_active. lo_worksheet->zif_excel_sheet_protection~objects = zif_excel_sheet_protection=>c_active. lo_worksheet->zif_excel_sheet_protection~scenarios = zif_excel_sheet_protection=>c_active. " Create cell style for display only fields lo_style = lo_excel->add_new_style( ). lo_style->fill->filltype = zcl_excel_style_fill=>c_fill_solid. lo_style->fill->fgcolor-rgb = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_gray. lo_style->number_format->format_code = zcl_excel_style_number_format=>c_format_text. " Create cell style for display only date field lo_style_date = lo_excel->add_new_style( ). lo_style_date->fill->filltype = zcl_excel_style_fill=>c_fill_solid. lo_style_date->fill->fgcolor-rgb = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_gray. lo_style_date->number_format->format_code = zcl_excel_style_number_format=>c_format_date_ddmmyyyy. " Create cell style for editable fields lo_style_editable = lo_excel->add_new_style( ). lo_style_editable->protection->locked = zcl_excel_style_protection=>c_protection_unlocked. lt_field_catalog = zcl_excel_common=>get_fieldcatalog( ip_table = lt_test ). LOOP AT lt_field_catalog ASSIGNING <fs_field_catalog>. CASE <fs_field_catalog>-fieldname. WHEN 'CARRID'. <fs_field_catalog>-position = 3. <fs_field_catalog>-dynpfld = abap_true. <fs_field_catalog>-style = lo_style->get_guid( ). WHEN 'CONNID'. <fs_field_catalog>-position = 1. <fs_field_catalog>-dynpfld = abap_true. <fs_field_catalog>-style = lo_style->get_guid( ). <fs_field_catalog>-scrtext_m = |Flight\r\nNumber|. " Demonstrates header on 2 lines WHEN 'FLDATE'. <fs_field_catalog>-position = 2. <fs_field_catalog>-dynpfld = abap_true. <fs_field_catalog>-style = lo_style_date->get_guid( ). WHEN 'PRICE'. <fs_field_catalog>-position = 4. <fs_field_catalog>-dynpfld = abap_true. <fs_field_catalog>-style = lo_style_editable->get_guid( ). <fs_field_catalog>-totals_function = zcl_excel_table=>totals_function_sum. WHEN OTHERS. <fs_field_catalog>-dynpfld = abap_false. ENDCASE. ENDLOOP. ls_table_settings-table_style = zcl_excel_table=>builtinstyle_medium2. ls_table_settings-show_row_stripes = abap_true. lo_worksheet->bind_table( EXPORTING ip_table = lt_test it_field_catalog = lt_field_catalog is_table_settings = ls_table_settings IMPORTING es_table_settings = ls_table_settings_out ). lo_worksheet->freeze_panes( ip_num_rows = 3 ). "freeze column headers when scrolling lo_data_validation = lo_worksheet->add_new_data_validation( ). lo_data_validation->type = zcl_excel_data_validation=>c_type_custom. lv_row = ls_table_settings_out-top_left_row. CONDENSE lv_row. CONCATENATE 'ISNUMBER(' ls_table_settings_out-top_left_column lv_row ')' INTO lo_data_validation->formula1. lo_data_validation->cell_row = ls_table_settings_out-top_left_row. lo_data_validation->cell_column = ls_table_settings_out-top_left_column. lo_data_validation->cell_row_to = ls_table_settings_out-bottom_right_row. lo_data_validation->cell_column_to = ls_table_settings_out-bottom_right_column. *** Create output lcl_output=>output( lo_excel ).
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FUNCTION /gal/js_is_waiting_for_event. *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- *"*"Local Interface: *" IMPORTING *" REFERENCE(RFC_ROUTE_INFO) TYPE /GAL/RFC_ROUTE_INFO OPTIONAL *" REFERENCE(JOB_ID) TYPE /GAL/JOB_ID *" REFERENCE(IGNORE_WHEN_MISSING_PREDECS) TYPE FLAG OPTIONAL *" EXPORTING *" REFERENCE(EVENT_IDS) TYPE /GAL/PRECONDITION_IDS *" EXCEPTIONS *" RFC_EXCEPTION *" EXECUTION_FAILED *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Initialize result CLEAR event_ids. * Follow RFC route cfw_custom_auth /gal/cfw_auth=>const_cab_no_check. cfw_follow_rfc_route rfc_route_info. cfw_pass_exception rfc_exception. cfw_pass_exception execution_failed. cfw_remote_coding. CALL FUNCTION '/GAL/JS_UPDATE_PRECONDITIONS' EXPORTING job_id = job_id EXCEPTIONS rfc_exception = 1 execution_failed = 2 OTHERS = 3. IF sy-subrc = 1. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4 RAISING rfc_exception. ELSEIF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4 RAISING execution_failed. ENDIF. IF ignore_when_missing_predecs IS INITIAL. SELECT id INTO TABLE event_ids FROM /gal/jobdata02 WHERE job_id = job_id AND type = 'U' AND status = 'N'. "#EC CI_SUBRC ELSE. SELECT id INTO TABLE event_ids FROM /gal/jobdata02 WHERE job_id = job_id AND type = 'U' AND status = 'N' AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM /gal/jobdata02 WHERE job_id = job_id AND type = 'J' AND status = 'N' ). "#EC CI_SUBRC ENDIF. ENDFUNCTION.
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INTERFACE zif_github. * Generated by abap-openapi-client * GitHub v3 REST API * Component schema: simple-user, object TYPES: BEGIN OF simple_user, login TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, avatar_url TYPE string, gravatar_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, followers_url TYPE string, following_url TYPE string, gists_url TYPE string, starred_url TYPE string, subscriptions_url TYPE string, organizations_url TYPE string, repos_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, received_events_url TYPE string, type TYPE string, site_admin TYPE abap_bool, starred_at TYPE string, END OF simple_user. * Component schema: integration, object TYPES: BEGIN OF integration, id TYPE i, slug TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, owner TYPE string, name TYPE string, description TYPE string, external_url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, permissions TYPE string, events TYPE string, installations_count TYPE i, client_id TYPE string, client_secret TYPE string, webhook_secret TYPE string, pem TYPE string, END OF integration. * Component schema: basic-error, object TYPES: BEGIN OF basic_error, message TYPE string, documentation_url TYPE string, END OF basic_error. * Component schema: validation-error-simple, object TYPES: BEGIN OF validation_error_simple, message TYPE string, documentation_url TYPE string, errors TYPE string, END OF validation_error_simple. * Component schema: webhook-config-url, string TYPES webhook_config_url TYPE string. * Component schema: webhook-config-content-type, string TYPES webhook_config_content_type TYPE string. * Component schema: webhook-config-secret, string TYPES webhook_config_secret TYPE string. * Component schema: webhook-config-insecure-ssl, string TYPES webhook_config_insecure_ssl TYPE string. * Component schema: webhook-config, object TYPES: BEGIN OF webhook_config, url TYPE string, content_type TYPE string, secret TYPE string, insecure_ssl TYPE string, END OF webhook_config. * Component schema: enterprise, object TYPES: BEGIN OF enterprise, description TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, website_url TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, name TYPE string, slug TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, avatar_url TYPE string, END OF enterprise. * Component schema: installation, object TYPES: BEGIN OF installation, id TYPE i, account TYPE string, repository_selection TYPE string, access_tokens_url TYPE string, repositories_url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, app_id TYPE i, target_id TYPE i, target_type TYPE string, permissions TYPE string, events TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, single_file_name TYPE string, has_multiple_single_files TYPE abap_bool, single_file_paths TYPE string, app_slug TYPE string, suspended_by TYPE string, suspended_at TYPE string, contact_email TYPE string, END OF installation. * Component schema: app-permissions, object TYPES: BEGIN OF app_permissions, actions TYPE string, administration TYPE string, checks TYPE string, content_references TYPE string, contents TYPE string, deployments TYPE string, environments TYPE string, issues TYPE string, metadata TYPE string, packages TYPE string, pages TYPE string, pull_requests TYPE string, repository_hooks TYPE string, repository_projects TYPE string, secret_scanning_alerts TYPE string, secrets TYPE string, security_events TYPE string, single_file TYPE string, statuses TYPE string, vulnerability_alerts TYPE string, workflows TYPE string, members TYPE string, organization_administration TYPE string, organization_hooks TYPE string, organization_plan TYPE string, organization_projects TYPE string, organization_secrets TYPE string, organization_self_hosted_runne TYPE string, organization_user_blocking TYPE string, team_discussions TYPE string, END OF app_permissions. * Component schema: license-simple, object TYPES: BEGIN OF license_simple, key TYPE string, name TYPE string, url TYPE string, spdx_id TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, END OF license_simple. * Component schema: repository, object TYPES: BEGIN OF repository, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, name TYPE string, full_name TYPE string, license TYPE string, forks TYPE i, permissions TYPE string, owner TYPE string, private TYPE abap_bool, html_url TYPE string, description TYPE string, fork TYPE abap_bool, url TYPE string, archive_url TYPE string, assignees_url TYPE string, blobs_url TYPE string, branches_url TYPE string, collaborators_url TYPE string, comments_url TYPE string, commits_url TYPE string, compare_url TYPE string, contents_url TYPE string, contributors_url TYPE string, deployments_url TYPE string, downloads_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, forks_url TYPE string, git_commits_url TYPE string, git_refs_url TYPE string, git_tags_url TYPE string, git_url TYPE string, issue_comment_url TYPE string, issue_events_url TYPE string, issues_url TYPE string, keys_url TYPE string, labels_url TYPE string, languages_url TYPE string, merges_url TYPE string, milestones_url TYPE string, notifications_url TYPE string, pulls_url TYPE string, releases_url TYPE string, ssh_url TYPE string, stargazers_url TYPE string, statuses_url TYPE string, subscribers_url TYPE string, subscription_url TYPE string, tags_url TYPE string, teams_url TYPE string, trees_url TYPE string, clone_url TYPE string, mirror_url TYPE string, hooks_url TYPE string, svn_url TYPE string, homepage TYPE string, language TYPE string, forks_count TYPE i, stargazers_count TYPE i, watchers_count TYPE i, size TYPE i, default_branch TYPE string, open_issues_count TYPE i, is_template TYPE abap_bool, topics TYPE string, has_issues TYPE abap_bool, has_projects TYPE abap_bool, has_wiki TYPE abap_bool, has_pages TYPE abap_bool, has_downloads TYPE abap_bool, archived TYPE abap_bool, disabled TYPE abap_bool, visibility TYPE string, pushed_at TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, allow_rebase_merge TYPE abap_bool, template_repository TYPE string, temp_clone_token TYPE string, allow_squash_merge TYPE abap_bool, delete_branch_on_merge TYPE abap_bool, allow_merge_commit TYPE abap_bool, subscribers_count TYPE i, network_count TYPE i, open_issues TYPE i, watchers TYPE i, master_branch TYPE string, starred_at TYPE string, END OF repository. * Component schema: installation-token, object TYPES: BEGIN OF installation_token, token TYPE string, expires_at TYPE string, permissions TYPE string, repository_selection TYPE string, repositories TYPE string, single_file TYPE string, has_multiple_single_files TYPE abap_bool, single_file_paths TYPE string, END OF installation_token. * Component schema: validation-error, object TYPES: BEGIN OF validation_error, message TYPE string, documentation_url TYPE string, errors TYPE string, END OF validation_error. * Component schema: application-grant, object TYPES: BEGIN OF application_grant, id TYPE i, url TYPE string, app TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, scopes TYPE string, user TYPE string, END OF application_grant. * Component schema: scoped-installation, object TYPES: BEGIN OF scoped_installation, permissions TYPE string, repository_selection TYPE string, single_file_name TYPE string, has_multiple_single_files TYPE abap_bool, single_file_paths TYPE string, repositories_url TYPE string, account TYPE string, END OF scoped_installation. * Component schema: authorization, object TYPES: BEGIN OF authorization, id TYPE i, url TYPE string, scopes TYPE string, token TYPE string, token_last_eight TYPE string, hashed_token TYPE string, app TYPE string, note TYPE string, note_url TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, fingerprint TYPE string, user TYPE string, installation TYPE string, END OF authorization. * Component schema: code-of-conduct, object TYPES: BEGIN OF code_of_conduct, key TYPE string, name TYPE string, url TYPE string, body TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, END OF code_of_conduct. * Component schema: content-reference-attachment, object TYPES: BEGIN OF content_reference_attachment, id TYPE i, title TYPE string, body TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, END OF content_reference_attachment. * Component schema: enabled-organizations, string TYPES enabled_organizations TYPE string. * Component schema: allowed-actions, string TYPES allowed_actions TYPE string. * Component schema: selected-actions-url, string TYPES selected_actions_url TYPE string. * Component schema: actions-enterprise-permissions, object TYPES: BEGIN OF actions_enterprise_permissions, enabled_organizations TYPE string, selected_organizations_url TYPE string, allowed_actions TYPE string, selected_actions_url TYPE string, END OF actions_enterprise_permissions. * Component schema: organization-simple, object TYPES: BEGIN OF organization_simple, login TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, repos_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, hooks_url TYPE string, issues_url TYPE string, members_url TYPE string, public_members_url TYPE string, avatar_url TYPE string, description TYPE string, END OF organization_simple. * Component schema: selected-actions, object TYPES: BEGIN OF selected_actions, github_owned_allowed TYPE abap_bool, verified_allowed TYPE abap_bool, patterns_allowed TYPE string, END OF selected_actions. * Component schema: runner-groups-enterprise, object TYPES: BEGIN OF runner_groups_enterprise, id TYPE f, name TYPE string, visibility TYPE string, default TYPE abap_bool, selected_organizations_url TYPE string, runners_url TYPE string, allows_public_repositories TYPE abap_bool, END OF runner_groups_enterprise. * Component schema: runner, object TYPES: BEGIN OF runner, id TYPE i, name TYPE string, os TYPE string, status TYPE string, busy TYPE abap_bool, labels TYPE string, END OF runner. * Component schema: runner-application, object TYPES: BEGIN OF runner_application, os TYPE string, architecture TYPE string, download_url TYPE string, filename TYPE string, END OF runner_application. * Component schema: authentication-token, object TYPES: BEGIN OF authentication_token, token TYPE string, expires_at TYPE string, permissions TYPE string, repositories TYPE string, single_file TYPE string, repository_selection TYPE string, END OF authentication_token. * Component schema: audit-log-event, object TYPES: BEGIN OF audit_log_event, timestamp TYPE i, action TYPE string, active TYPE abap_bool, active_was TYPE abap_bool, actor TYPE string, blocked_user TYPE string, business TYPE string, config TYPE string, config_was TYPE string, content_type TYPE string, created_at TYPE i, deploy_key_fingerprint TYPE string, emoji TYPE string, events TYPE string, events_were TYPE string, explanation TYPE string, fingerprint TYPE string, hook_id TYPE i, limited_availability TYPE abap_bool, message TYPE string, name TYPE string, old_user TYPE string, openssh_public_key TYPE string, org TYPE string, previous_visibility TYPE string, read_only TYPE abap_bool, repo TYPE string, repository TYPE string, repository_public TYPE abap_bool, target_login TYPE string, team TYPE string, transport_protocol TYPE i, transport_protocol_name TYPE string, user TYPE string, visibility TYPE string, END OF audit_log_event. * Component schema: actions-billing-usage, object TYPES: BEGIN OF actions_billing_usage, total_minutes_used TYPE i, total_paid_minutes_used TYPE i, included_minutes TYPE i, minutes_used_breakdown TYPE string, END OF actions_billing_usage. * Component schema: packages-billing-usage, object TYPES: BEGIN OF packages_billing_usage, total_gigabytes_bandwidth_used TYPE i, total_paid_gigabytes_bandwidth TYPE i, included_gigabytes_bandwidth TYPE i, END OF packages_billing_usage. * Component schema: combined-billing-usage, object TYPES: BEGIN OF combined_billing_usage, days_left_in_billing_cycle TYPE i, estimated_paid_storage_for_mon TYPE i, estimated_storage_for_month TYPE i, END OF combined_billing_usage. * Component schema: actor, object TYPES: BEGIN OF actor, id TYPE i, login TYPE string, display_login TYPE string, gravatar_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, avatar_url TYPE string, END OF actor. * Component schema: label, object TYPES: BEGIN OF label, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, name TYPE string, description TYPE string, color TYPE string, default TYPE abap_bool, END OF label. * Component schema: milestone, object TYPES: BEGIN OF milestone, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, labels_url TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, number TYPE i, state TYPE string, title TYPE string, description TYPE string, creator TYPE string, open_issues TYPE i, closed_issues TYPE i, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, closed_at TYPE string, due_on TYPE string, END OF milestone. * Component schema: author_association, string TYPES author_association TYPE string. * Component schema: issue-simple, object TYPES: BEGIN OF issue_simple, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, repository_url TYPE string, labels_url TYPE string, comments_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, number TYPE i, state TYPE string, title TYPE string, body TYPE string, user TYPE string, labels TYPE string, assignee TYPE string, assignees TYPE string, milestone TYPE string, locked TYPE abap_bool, active_lock_reason TYPE string, comments TYPE i, pull_request TYPE string, closed_at TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, author_association TYPE string, body_html TYPE string, body_text TYPE string, timeline_url TYPE string, repository TYPE string, performed_via_github_app TYPE string, END OF issue_simple. * Component schema: reaction-rollup, object TYPES: BEGIN OF reaction_rollup, url TYPE string, total_count TYPE i, 1 TYPE i, _1 TYPE i, laugh TYPE i, confused TYPE i, heart TYPE i, hooray TYPE i, eyes TYPE i, rocket TYPE i, END OF reaction_rollup. * Component schema: issue-comment, object TYPES: BEGIN OF issue_comment, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, body TYPE string, body_text TYPE string, body_html TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, user TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, issue_url TYPE string, author_association TYPE string, performed_via_github_app TYPE string, reactions TYPE string, END OF issue_comment. * Component schema: event, object TYPES: BEGIN OF event, id TYPE string, type TYPE string, actor TYPE string, repo TYPE string, org TYPE string, payload TYPE string, public TYPE abap_bool, created_at TYPE string, END OF event. * Component schema: link-with-type, object TYPES: BEGIN OF link_with_type, href TYPE string, type TYPE string, END OF link_with_type. * Component schema: feed, object TYPES: BEGIN OF feed, timeline_url TYPE string, user_url TYPE string, current_user_public_url TYPE string, current_user_url TYPE string, current_user_actor_url TYPE string, current_user_organization_url TYPE string, current_user_organization_urls TYPE string, security_advisories_url TYPE string, _links TYPE string, END OF feed. * Component schema: base-gist, object TYPES: BEGIN OF base_gist, url TYPE string, forks_url TYPE string, commits_url TYPE string, id TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, git_pull_url TYPE string, git_push_url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, files TYPE string, public TYPE abap_bool, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, description TYPE string, comments TYPE i, user TYPE string, comments_url TYPE string, owner TYPE string, truncated TYPE abap_bool, forks TYPE string, history TYPE string, END OF base_gist. * Component schema: gist-simple, object TYPES: BEGIN OF gist_simple, url TYPE string, forks_url TYPE string, commits_url TYPE string, id TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, git_pull_url TYPE string, git_push_url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, files TYPE string, public TYPE abap_bool, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, description TYPE string, comments TYPE i, user TYPE string, comments_url TYPE string, owner TYPE string, truncated TYPE abap_bool, END OF gist_simple. * Component schema: gist-comment, object TYPES: BEGIN OF gist_comment, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, body TYPE string, user TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, author_association TYPE string, END OF gist_comment. * Component schema: gist-commit, object TYPES: BEGIN OF gist_commit, url TYPE string, version TYPE string, user TYPE string, change_status TYPE string, committed_at TYPE string, END OF gist_commit. * Component schema: gitignore-template, object TYPES: BEGIN OF gitignore_template, name TYPE string, source TYPE string, END OF gitignore_template. * Component schema: issue, object TYPES: BEGIN OF issue, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, repository_url TYPE string, labels_url TYPE string, comments_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, number TYPE i, state TYPE string, title TYPE string, body TYPE string, user TYPE string, labels TYPE string, assignee TYPE string, assignees TYPE string, milestone TYPE string, locked TYPE abap_bool, active_lock_reason TYPE string, comments TYPE i, pull_request TYPE string, closed_at TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, closed_by TYPE string, body_html TYPE string, body_text TYPE string, timeline_url TYPE string, repository TYPE string, performed_via_github_app TYPE string, author_association TYPE string, reactions TYPE string, END OF issue. * Component schema: license, object TYPES: BEGIN OF license, key TYPE string, name TYPE string, spdx_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, description TYPE string, implementation TYPE string, permissions TYPE string, conditions TYPE string, limitations TYPE string, body TYPE string, featured TYPE abap_bool, END OF license. * Component schema: marketplace-listing-plan, object TYPES: BEGIN OF marketplace_listing_plan, url TYPE string, accounts_url TYPE string, id TYPE i, number TYPE i, name TYPE string, description TYPE string, monthly_price_in_cents TYPE i, yearly_price_in_cents TYPE i, price_model TYPE string, has_free_trial TYPE abap_bool, unit_name TYPE string, state TYPE string, bullets TYPE string, END OF marketplace_listing_plan. * Component schema: marketplace-purchase, object TYPES: BEGIN OF marketplace_purchase, url TYPE string, type TYPE string, id TYPE i, login TYPE string, organization_billing_email TYPE string, marketplace_pending_change TYPE string, marketplace_purchase TYPE string, END OF marketplace_purchase. * Component schema: api-overview, object TYPES: BEGIN OF api_overview, verifiable_password_authentica TYPE abap_bool, ssh_key_fingerprints TYPE string, hooks TYPE string, web TYPE string, api TYPE string, git TYPE string, pages TYPE string, importer TYPE string, actions TYPE string, END OF api_overview. * Component schema: minimal-repository, object TYPES: BEGIN OF minimal_repository, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, name TYPE string, full_name TYPE string, owner TYPE string, private TYPE abap_bool, html_url TYPE string, description TYPE string, fork TYPE abap_bool, url TYPE string, archive_url TYPE string, assignees_url TYPE string, blobs_url TYPE string, branches_url TYPE string, collaborators_url TYPE string, comments_url TYPE string, commits_url TYPE string, compare_url TYPE string, contents_url TYPE string, contributors_url TYPE string, deployments_url TYPE string, downloads_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, forks_url TYPE string, git_commits_url TYPE string, git_refs_url TYPE string, git_tags_url TYPE string, git_url TYPE string, issue_comment_url TYPE string, issue_events_url TYPE string, issues_url TYPE string, keys_url TYPE string, labels_url TYPE string, languages_url TYPE string, merges_url TYPE string, milestones_url TYPE string, notifications_url TYPE string, pulls_url TYPE string, releases_url TYPE string, ssh_url TYPE string, stargazers_url TYPE string, statuses_url TYPE string, subscribers_url TYPE string, subscription_url TYPE string, tags_url TYPE string, teams_url TYPE string, trees_url TYPE string, clone_url TYPE string, mirror_url TYPE string, hooks_url TYPE string, svn_url TYPE string, homepage TYPE string, language TYPE string, forks_count TYPE i, stargazers_count TYPE i, watchers_count TYPE i, size TYPE i, default_branch TYPE string, open_issues_count TYPE i, is_template TYPE abap_bool, topics TYPE string, has_issues TYPE abap_bool, has_projects TYPE abap_bool, has_wiki TYPE abap_bool, has_pages TYPE abap_bool, has_downloads TYPE abap_bool, archived TYPE abap_bool, disabled TYPE abap_bool, visibility TYPE string, pushed_at TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, permissions TYPE string, template_repository TYPE string, temp_clone_token TYPE string, delete_branch_on_merge TYPE abap_bool, subscribers_count TYPE i, network_count TYPE i, license TYPE string, forks TYPE i, open_issues TYPE i, watchers TYPE i, END OF minimal_repository. * Component schema: thread, object TYPES: BEGIN OF thread, id TYPE string, repository TYPE string, subject TYPE string, reason TYPE string, unread TYPE abap_bool, updated_at TYPE string, last_read_at TYPE string, url TYPE string, subscription_url TYPE string, END OF thread. * Component schema: thread-subscription, object TYPES: BEGIN OF thread_subscription, subscribed TYPE abap_bool, ignored TYPE abap_bool, reason TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, url TYPE string, thread_url TYPE string, repository_url TYPE string, END OF thread_subscription. * Component schema: organization-full, object TYPES: BEGIN OF organization_full, login TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, repos_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, hooks_url TYPE string, issues_url TYPE string, members_url TYPE string, public_members_url TYPE string, avatar_url TYPE string, description TYPE string, name TYPE string, company TYPE string, blog TYPE string, location TYPE string, email TYPE string, twitter_username TYPE string, is_verified TYPE abap_bool, has_organization_projects TYPE abap_bool, has_repository_projects TYPE abap_bool, public_repos TYPE i, public_gists TYPE i, followers TYPE i, following TYPE i, html_url TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, type TYPE string, total_private_repos TYPE i, owned_private_repos TYPE i, private_gists TYPE i, disk_usage TYPE i, collaborators TYPE i, billing_email TYPE string, plan TYPE string, default_repository_permission TYPE string, members_can_create_repositorie TYPE abap_bool, two_factor_requirement_enabled TYPE abap_bool, members_allowed_repository_cre TYPE string, members_can_create_public_repo TYPE abap_bool, members_can_create_private_rep TYPE abap_bool, members_can_create_internal_re TYPE abap_bool, members_can_create_pages TYPE abap_bool, updated_at TYPE string, END OF organization_full. * Component schema: enabled-repositories, string TYPES enabled_repositories TYPE string. * Component schema: actions-organization-permissions, object TYPES: BEGIN OF actions_organization_permissio, enabled_repositories TYPE string, selected_repositories_url TYPE string, allowed_actions TYPE string, selected_actions_url TYPE string, END OF actions_organization_permissio. * Component schema: runner-groups-org, object TYPES: BEGIN OF runner_groups_org, id TYPE f, name TYPE string, visibility TYPE string, default TYPE abap_bool, selected_repositories_url TYPE string, runners_url TYPE string, inherited TYPE abap_bool, inherited_allows_public_reposi TYPE abap_bool, allows_public_repositories TYPE abap_bool, END OF runner_groups_org. * Component schema: organization-actions-secret, object TYPES: BEGIN OF organization_actions_secret, name TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, visibility TYPE string, selected_repositories_url TYPE string, END OF organization_actions_secret. * Component schema: actions-public-key, object TYPES: BEGIN OF actions_public_key, key_id TYPE string, key TYPE string, id TYPE i, url TYPE string, title TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, END OF actions_public_key. * Component schema: credential-authorization, object TYPES: BEGIN OF credential_authorization, login TYPE string, credential_id TYPE i, credential_type TYPE string, token_last_eight TYPE string, credential_authorized_at TYPE string, scopes TYPE string, fingerprint TYPE string, credential_accessed_at TYPE string, authorized_credential_id TYPE i, authorized_credential_title TYPE string, authorized_credential_note TYPE string, END OF credential_authorization. * Component schema: organization-invitation, object TYPES: BEGIN OF organization_invitation, id TYPE i, login TYPE string, email TYPE string, role TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, failed_at TYPE string, failed_reason TYPE string, inviter TYPE string, team_count TYPE i, invitation_team_url TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, invitation_teams_url TYPE string, END OF organization_invitation. * Component schema: org-hook, object TYPES: BEGIN OF org_hook, id TYPE i, url TYPE string, ping_url TYPE string, name TYPE string, events TYPE string, active TYPE abap_bool, config TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, type TYPE string, END OF org_hook. * Component schema: interaction-group, string TYPES interaction_group TYPE string. * Component schema: interaction-limit-response, object TYPES: BEGIN OF interaction_limit_response, limit TYPE string, origin TYPE string, expires_at TYPE string, END OF interaction_limit_response. * Component schema: interaction-expiry, string TYPES interaction_expiry TYPE string. * Component schema: interaction-limit, object TYPES: BEGIN OF interaction_limit, limit TYPE string, expiry TYPE string, END OF interaction_limit. * Component schema: team-simple, object TYPES: BEGIN OF team_simple, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, members_url TYPE string, name TYPE string, description TYPE string, permission TYPE string, privacy TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, repositories_url TYPE string, slug TYPE string, ldap_dn TYPE string, END OF team_simple. * Component schema: team, object TYPES: BEGIN OF team, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, name TYPE string, slug TYPE string, description TYPE string, privacy TYPE string, permission TYPE string, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, members_url TYPE string, repositories_url TYPE string, parent TYPE string, END OF team. * Component schema: org-membership, object TYPES: BEGIN OF org_membership, url TYPE string, state TYPE string, role TYPE string, organization_url TYPE string, organization TYPE string, user TYPE string, permissions TYPE string, END OF org_membership. * Component schema: migration, object TYPES: BEGIN OF migration, id TYPE i, owner TYPE string, guid TYPE string, state TYPE string, lock_repositories TYPE abap_bool, exclude_attachments TYPE abap_bool, repositories TYPE string, url TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, archive_url TYPE string, exclude TYPE string, END OF migration. * Component schema: project, object TYPES: BEGIN OF project, owner_url TYPE string, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, columns_url TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, name TYPE string, body TYPE string, number TYPE i, state TYPE string, creator TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, organization_permission TYPE string, private TYPE abap_bool, END OF project. * Component schema: group-mapping, object TYPES: BEGIN OF group_mapping, groups TYPE string, group_id TYPE string, group_name TYPE string, group_description TYPE string, status TYPE string, synced_at TYPE string, END OF group_mapping. * Component schema: team-full, object TYPES: BEGIN OF team_full, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, name TYPE string, slug TYPE string, description TYPE string, privacy TYPE string, permission TYPE string, members_url TYPE string, repositories_url TYPE string, parent TYPE string, members_count TYPE i, repos_count TYPE i, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, organization TYPE string, ldap_dn TYPE string, END OF team_full. * Component schema: team-discussion, object TYPES: BEGIN OF team_discussion, author TYPE string, body TYPE string, body_html TYPE string, body_version TYPE string, comments_count TYPE i, comments_url TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, last_edited_at TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, number TYPE i, pinned TYPE abap_bool, private TYPE abap_bool, team_url TYPE string, title TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, url TYPE string, reactions TYPE string, END OF team_discussion. * Component schema: team-discussion-comment, object TYPES: BEGIN OF team_discussion_comment, author TYPE string, body TYPE string, body_html TYPE string, body_version TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, last_edited_at TYPE string, discussion_url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, number TYPE i, updated_at TYPE string, url TYPE string, reactions TYPE string, END OF team_discussion_comment. * Component schema: reaction, object TYPES: BEGIN OF reaction, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, user TYPE string, content TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, END OF reaction. * Component schema: team-membership, object TYPES: BEGIN OF team_membership, url TYPE string, role TYPE string, state TYPE string, END OF team_membership. * Component schema: team-project, object TYPES: BEGIN OF team_project, owner_url TYPE string, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, columns_url TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, name TYPE string, body TYPE string, number TYPE i, state TYPE string, creator TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, organization_permission TYPE string, private TYPE abap_bool, permissions TYPE string, END OF team_project. * Component schema: team-repository, object TYPES: BEGIN OF team_repository, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, name TYPE string, full_name TYPE string, license TYPE string, forks TYPE i, permissions TYPE string, owner TYPE string, private TYPE abap_bool, html_url TYPE string, description TYPE string, fork TYPE abap_bool, url TYPE string, archive_url TYPE string, assignees_url TYPE string, blobs_url TYPE string, branches_url TYPE string, collaborators_url TYPE string, comments_url TYPE string, commits_url TYPE string, compare_url TYPE string, contents_url TYPE string, contributors_url TYPE string, deployments_url TYPE string, downloads_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, forks_url TYPE string, git_commits_url TYPE string, git_refs_url TYPE string, git_tags_url TYPE string, git_url TYPE string, issue_comment_url TYPE string, issue_events_url TYPE string, issues_url TYPE string, keys_url TYPE string, labels_url TYPE string, languages_url TYPE string, merges_url TYPE string, milestones_url TYPE string, notifications_url TYPE string, pulls_url TYPE string, releases_url TYPE string, ssh_url TYPE string, stargazers_url TYPE string, statuses_url TYPE string, subscribers_url TYPE string, subscription_url TYPE string, tags_url TYPE string, teams_url TYPE string, trees_url TYPE string, clone_url TYPE string, mirror_url TYPE string, hooks_url TYPE string, svn_url TYPE string, homepage TYPE string, language TYPE string, forks_count TYPE i, stargazers_count TYPE i, watchers_count TYPE i, size TYPE i, default_branch TYPE string, open_issues_count TYPE i, is_template TYPE abap_bool, topics TYPE string, has_issues TYPE abap_bool, has_projects TYPE abap_bool, has_wiki TYPE abap_bool, has_pages TYPE abap_bool, has_downloads TYPE abap_bool, archived TYPE abap_bool, disabled TYPE abap_bool, visibility TYPE string, pushed_at TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, allow_rebase_merge TYPE abap_bool, template_repository TYPE string, temp_clone_token TYPE string, allow_squash_merge TYPE abap_bool, delete_branch_on_merge TYPE abap_bool, allow_merge_commit TYPE abap_bool, subscribers_count TYPE i, network_count TYPE i, open_issues TYPE i, watchers TYPE i, master_branch TYPE string, END OF team_repository. * Component schema: project-card, object TYPES: BEGIN OF project_card, url TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, note TYPE string, creator TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, archived TYPE abap_bool, column_url TYPE string, content_url TYPE string, project_url TYPE string, END OF project_card. * Component schema: project-column, object TYPES: BEGIN OF project_column, url TYPE string, project_url TYPE string, cards_url TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, name TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, END OF project_column. * Component schema: repository-collaborator-permission, object TYPES: BEGIN OF repository_collaborator_permis, permission TYPE string, user TYPE string, END OF repository_collaborator_permis. * Component schema: rate-limit, object TYPES: BEGIN OF rate_limit, limit TYPE i, remaining TYPE i, reset TYPE i, END OF rate_limit. * Component schema: rate-limit-overview, object TYPES: BEGIN OF rate_limit_overview, resources TYPE string, rate TYPE string, END OF rate_limit_overview. * Component schema: full-repository, object TYPES: BEGIN OF full_repository, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, name TYPE string, full_name TYPE string, owner TYPE string, private TYPE abap_bool, html_url TYPE string, description TYPE string, fork TYPE abap_bool, url TYPE string, archive_url TYPE string, assignees_url TYPE string, blobs_url TYPE string, branches_url TYPE string, collaborators_url TYPE string, comments_url TYPE string, commits_url TYPE string, compare_url TYPE string, contents_url TYPE string, contributors_url TYPE string, deployments_url TYPE string, downloads_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, forks_url TYPE string, git_commits_url TYPE string, git_refs_url TYPE string, git_tags_url TYPE string, git_url TYPE string, issue_comment_url TYPE string, issue_events_url TYPE string, issues_url TYPE string, keys_url TYPE string, labels_url TYPE string, languages_url TYPE string, merges_url TYPE string, milestones_url TYPE string, notifications_url TYPE string, pulls_url TYPE string, releases_url TYPE string, ssh_url TYPE string, stargazers_url TYPE string, statuses_url TYPE string, subscribers_url TYPE string, subscription_url TYPE string, tags_url TYPE string, teams_url TYPE string, trees_url TYPE string, clone_url TYPE string, mirror_url TYPE string, hooks_url TYPE string, svn_url TYPE string, homepage TYPE string, language TYPE string, forks_count TYPE i, stargazers_count TYPE i, watchers_count TYPE i, size TYPE i, default_branch TYPE string, open_issues_count TYPE i, is_template TYPE abap_bool, topics TYPE string, has_issues TYPE abap_bool, has_projects TYPE abap_bool, has_wiki TYPE abap_bool, has_pages TYPE abap_bool, has_downloads TYPE abap_bool, archived TYPE abap_bool, disabled TYPE abap_bool, visibility TYPE string, pushed_at TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, permissions TYPE string, allow_rebase_merge TYPE abap_bool, template_repository TYPE string, temp_clone_token TYPE string, allow_squash_merge TYPE abap_bool, delete_branch_on_merge TYPE abap_bool, allow_merge_commit TYPE abap_bool, subscribers_count TYPE i, network_count TYPE i, license TYPE string, organization TYPE string, parent TYPE string, source TYPE string, forks TYPE i, master_branch TYPE string, open_issues TYPE i, watchers TYPE i, anonymous_access_enabled TYPE abap_bool, END OF full_repository. * Component schema: artifact, object TYPES: BEGIN OF artifact, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, name TYPE string, size_in_bytes TYPE i, url TYPE string, archive_download_url TYPE string, expired TYPE abap_bool, created_at TYPE string, expires_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, END OF artifact. * Component schema: job, object TYPES: BEGIN OF job, id TYPE i, run_id TYPE i, run_url TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, head_sha TYPE string, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, status TYPE string, conclusion TYPE string, started_at TYPE string, completed_at TYPE string, name TYPE string, steps TYPE string, check_run_url TYPE string, END OF job. * Component schema: actions-enabled, boolean TYPES actions_enabled TYPE string. * Component schema: actions-repository-permissions, object TYPES: BEGIN OF actions_repository_permissions, enabled TYPE string, allowed_actions TYPE string, selected_actions_url TYPE string, END OF actions_repository_permissions. * Component schema: pull-request-minimal, object TYPES: BEGIN OF pull_request_minimal, id TYPE i, number TYPE i, url TYPE string, head TYPE string, base TYPE string, END OF pull_request_minimal. * Component schema: simple-commit, object TYPES: BEGIN OF simple_commit, id TYPE string, tree_id TYPE string, message TYPE string, timestamp TYPE string, author TYPE string, committer TYPE string, END OF simple_commit. * Component schema: workflow-run, object TYPES: BEGIN OF workflow_run, id TYPE i, name TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, head_branch TYPE string, head_sha TYPE string, run_number TYPE i, event TYPE string, status TYPE string, conclusion TYPE string, workflow_id TYPE i, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, pull_requests TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, jobs_url TYPE string, logs_url TYPE string, check_suite_url TYPE string, artifacts_url TYPE string, cancel_url TYPE string, rerun_url TYPE string, workflow_url TYPE string, head_commit TYPE string, repository TYPE string, head_repository TYPE string, head_repository_id TYPE i, END OF workflow_run. * Component schema: workflow-run-usage, object TYPES: BEGIN OF workflow_run_usage, billable TYPE string, run_duration_ms TYPE i, END OF workflow_run_usage. * Component schema: actions-secret, object TYPES: BEGIN OF actions_secret, name TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, END OF actions_secret. * Component schema: workflow, object TYPES: BEGIN OF workflow, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, name TYPE string, path TYPE string, state TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, badge_url TYPE string, deleted_at TYPE string, END OF workflow. * Component schema: workflow-usage, object TYPES: BEGIN OF workflow_usage, billable TYPE string, END OF workflow_usage. * Component schema: protected-branch-admin-enforced, object TYPES: BEGIN OF protected_branch_admin_enforce, url TYPE string, enabled TYPE abap_bool, END OF protected_branch_admin_enforce. * Component schema: protected-branch-pull-request-review, object TYPES: BEGIN OF protected_branch_pull_request_, url TYPE string, dismissal_restrictions TYPE string, dismiss_stale_reviews TYPE abap_bool, require_code_owner_reviews TYPE abap_bool, required_approving_review_coun TYPE i, END OF protected_branch_pull_request_. * Component schema: branch-restriction-policy, object TYPES: BEGIN OF branch_restriction_policy, url TYPE string, users_url TYPE string, teams_url TYPE string, apps_url TYPE string, users TYPE string, teams TYPE string, apps TYPE string, END OF branch_restriction_policy. * Component schema: branch-protection, object TYPES: BEGIN OF branch_protection, url TYPE string, required_status_checks TYPE string, enforce_admins TYPE string, required_pull_request_reviews TYPE string, restrictions TYPE string, required_linear_history TYPE string, allow_force_pushes TYPE string, allow_deletions TYPE string, enabled TYPE abap_bool, name TYPE string, protection_url TYPE string, END OF branch_protection. * Component schema: short-branch, object TYPES: BEGIN OF short_branch, name TYPE string, commit TYPE string, protected TYPE abap_bool, protection TYPE string, protection_url TYPE string, END OF short_branch. * Component schema: git-user, object TYPES: BEGIN OF git_user, name TYPE string, email TYPE string, date TYPE string, END OF git_user. * Component schema: verification, object TYPES: BEGIN OF verification, verified TYPE abap_bool, reason TYPE string, payload TYPE string, signature TYPE string, END OF verification. * Component schema: commit, object TYPES: BEGIN OF commit, url TYPE string, sha TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, comments_url TYPE string, commit TYPE string, author TYPE string, committer TYPE string, parents TYPE string, stats TYPE string, files TYPE string, END OF commit. * Component schema: branch-with-protection, object TYPES: BEGIN OF branch_with_protection, name TYPE string, commit TYPE string, _links TYPE string, protected TYPE abap_bool, protection TYPE string, protection_url TYPE string, pattern TYPE string, required_approving_review_coun TYPE i, END OF branch_with_protection. * Component schema: status-check-policy, object TYPES: BEGIN OF status_check_policy, url TYPE string, strict TYPE abap_bool, contexts TYPE string, contexts_url TYPE string, END OF status_check_policy. * Component schema: protected-branch, object TYPES: BEGIN OF protected_branch, url TYPE string, required_status_checks TYPE string, required_pull_request_reviews TYPE string, required_signatures TYPE string, enforce_admins TYPE string, required_linear_history TYPE string, allow_force_pushes TYPE string, allow_deletions TYPE string, restrictions TYPE string, END OF protected_branch. * Component schema: check-run, object TYPES: BEGIN OF check_run, id TYPE i, head_sha TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, external_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, details_url TYPE string, status TYPE string, conclusion TYPE string, started_at TYPE string, completed_at TYPE string, output TYPE string, name TYPE string, check_suite TYPE string, app TYPE string, pull_requests TYPE string, END OF check_run. * Component schema: check-annotation, object TYPES: BEGIN OF check_annotation, path TYPE string, start_line TYPE i, end_line TYPE i, start_column TYPE i, end_column TYPE i, annotation_level TYPE string, title TYPE string, message TYPE string, raw_details TYPE string, blob_href TYPE string, END OF check_annotation. * Component schema: check-suite, object TYPES: BEGIN OF check_suite, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, head_branch TYPE string, head_sha TYPE string, status TYPE string, conclusion TYPE string, url TYPE string, before TYPE string, after TYPE string, pull_requests TYPE string, app TYPE string, repository TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, head_commit TYPE string, latest_check_runs_count TYPE i, check_runs_url TYPE string, END OF check_suite. * Component schema: check-suite-preference, object TYPES: BEGIN OF check_suite_preference, preferences TYPE string, repository TYPE string, END OF check_suite_preference. * Component schema: code-scanning-alert-state, string TYPES code_scanning_alert_state TYPE string. * Component schema: code-scanning-alert-ref, string TYPES code_scanning_alert_ref TYPE string. * Component schema: alert-number, integer TYPES alert_number TYPE string. * Component schema: alert-created-at, string TYPES alert_created_at TYPE string. * Component schema: alert-url, string TYPES alert_url TYPE string. * Component schema: alert-html-url, string TYPES alert_html_url TYPE string. * Component schema: code-scanning-alert-dismissed-at, string TYPES code_scanning_alert_dismissed_ TYPE string. * Component schema: code-scanning-alert-dismissed-reason, string TYPES code_scanning_alert_dismisse01 TYPE string. * Component schema: code-scanning-alert-rule, object TYPES: BEGIN OF code_scanning_alert_rule, id TYPE string, severity TYPE string, description TYPE string, END OF code_scanning_alert_rule. * Component schema: code-scanning-analysis-tool-name, string TYPES code_scanning_analysis_tool_na TYPE string. * Component schema: code-scanning-analysis-tool, object TYPES: BEGIN OF code_scanning_analysis_tool, name TYPE string, version TYPE string, END OF code_scanning_analysis_tool. * Component schema: code-scanning-alert-code-scanning-alert-items, object TYPES: BEGIN OF code_scanning_alert_code_scann, number TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, state TYPE string, dismissed_by TYPE string, dismissed_at TYPE string, dismissed_reason TYPE string, rule TYPE string, tool TYPE string, END OF code_scanning_alert_code_scann. * Component schema: code-scanning-analysis-analysis-key, string TYPES code_scanning_analysis_analysi TYPE string. * Component schema: code-scanning-alert-environment, string TYPES code_scanning_alert_environmen TYPE string. * Component schema: code-scanning-alert-instances, array TYPES code_scanning_alert_instances TYPE string. * Component schema: code-scanning-alert-code-scanning-alert, object TYPES: BEGIN OF code_scanning_alert_code_sca01, number TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, instances TYPE string, state TYPE string, dismissed_by TYPE string, dismissed_at TYPE string, dismissed_reason TYPE string, rule TYPE string, tool TYPE string, END OF code_scanning_alert_code_sca01. * Component schema: code-scanning-alert-set-state, string TYPES code_scanning_alert_set_state TYPE string. * Component schema: code-scanning-analysis-ref, string TYPES code_scanning_analysis_ref TYPE string. * Component schema: code-scanning-analysis-commit-sha, string TYPES code_scanning_analysis_commit_ TYPE string. * Component schema: code-scanning-analysis-created-at, string TYPES code_scanning_analysis_created TYPE string. * Component schema: code-scanning-analysis-environment, string TYPES code_scanning_analysis_environ TYPE string. * Component schema: code-scanning-analysis-code-scanning-analysis, object TYPES: BEGIN OF code_scanning_analysis_code_sc, commit_sha TYPE string, ref TYPE string, analysis_key TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, tool_name TYPE string, error TYPE string, environment TYPE string, END OF code_scanning_analysis_code_sc. * Component schema: code-scanning-analysis-sarif-file, string TYPES code_scanning_analysis_sarif_f TYPE string. * Component schema: collaborator, object TYPES: BEGIN OF collaborator, login TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, avatar_url TYPE string, gravatar_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, followers_url TYPE string, following_url TYPE string, gists_url TYPE string, starred_url TYPE string, subscriptions_url TYPE string, organizations_url TYPE string, repos_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, received_events_url TYPE string, type TYPE string, site_admin TYPE abap_bool, permissions TYPE string, END OF collaborator. * Component schema: repository-invitation, object TYPES: BEGIN OF repository_invitation, id TYPE i, repository TYPE string, invitee TYPE string, inviter TYPE string, permissions TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, expired TYPE abap_bool, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, END OF repository_invitation. * Component schema: commit-comment, object TYPES: BEGIN OF commit_comment, html_url TYPE string, url TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, body TYPE string, path TYPE string, position TYPE i, line TYPE i, commit_id TYPE string, user TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, author_association TYPE string, reactions TYPE string, END OF commit_comment. * Component schema: scim-error, object TYPES: BEGIN OF scim_error, message TYPE string, documentation_url TYPE string, detail TYPE string, status TYPE i, scimtype TYPE string, schemas TYPE string, END OF scim_error. * Component schema: branch-short, object TYPES: BEGIN OF branch_short, name TYPE string, commit TYPE string, protected TYPE abap_bool, END OF branch_short. * Component schema: link, object TYPES: BEGIN OF link, href TYPE string, END OF link. * Component schema: pull-request-simple, object TYPES: BEGIN OF pull_request_simple, url TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, diff_url TYPE string, patch_url TYPE string, issue_url TYPE string, commits_url TYPE string, review_comments_url TYPE string, review_comment_url TYPE string, comments_url TYPE string, statuses_url TYPE string, number TYPE i, state TYPE string, locked TYPE abap_bool, title TYPE string, user TYPE string, body TYPE string, labels TYPE string, milestone TYPE string, active_lock_reason TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, closed_at TYPE string, merged_at TYPE string, merge_commit_sha TYPE string, assignee TYPE string, assignees TYPE string, requested_reviewers TYPE string, requested_teams TYPE string, head TYPE string, base TYPE string, _links TYPE string, author_association TYPE string, draft TYPE abap_bool, END OF pull_request_simple. * Component schema: simple-commit-status, object TYPES: BEGIN OF simple_commit_status, description TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, state TYPE string, context TYPE string, target_url TYPE string, required TYPE abap_bool, avatar_url TYPE string, url TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, END OF simple_commit_status. * Component schema: combined-commit-status, object TYPES: BEGIN OF combined_commit_status, state TYPE string, statuses TYPE string, sha TYPE string, total_count TYPE i, repository TYPE string, commit_url TYPE string, url TYPE string, END OF combined_commit_status. * Component schema: status, object TYPES: BEGIN OF status, url TYPE string, avatar_url TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, state TYPE string, description TYPE string, target_url TYPE string, context TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, creator TYPE string, END OF status. * Component schema: code-of-conduct-simple, object TYPES: BEGIN OF code_of_conduct_simple, url TYPE string, key TYPE string, name TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, END OF code_of_conduct_simple. * Component schema: community-health-file, object TYPES: BEGIN OF community_health_file, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, END OF community_health_file. * Component schema: community-profile, object TYPES: BEGIN OF community_profile, health_percentage TYPE i, description TYPE string, documentation TYPE string, files TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, content_reports_enabled TYPE abap_bool, END OF community_profile. * Component schema: diff-entry, object TYPES: BEGIN OF diff_entry, sha TYPE string, filename TYPE string, status TYPE string, additions TYPE i, deletions TYPE i, changes TYPE i, blob_url TYPE string, raw_url TYPE string, contents_url TYPE string, patch TYPE string, previous_filename TYPE string, END OF diff_entry. * Component schema: commit-comparison, object TYPES: BEGIN OF commit_comparison, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, permalink_url TYPE string, diff_url TYPE string, patch_url TYPE string, base_commit TYPE string, merge_base_commit TYPE string, status TYPE string, ahead_by TYPE i, behind_by TYPE i, total_commits TYPE i, commits TYPE string, files TYPE string, END OF commit_comparison. * Component schema: content-tree, object TYPES: BEGIN OF content_tree, type TYPE string, size TYPE i, name TYPE string, path TYPE string, sha TYPE string, url TYPE string, git_url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, download_url TYPE string, entries TYPE string, _links TYPE string, END OF content_tree. * Component schema: content-directory, array TYPES content_directory TYPE string. * Component schema: content-file, object TYPES: BEGIN OF content_file, type TYPE string, encoding TYPE string, size TYPE i, name TYPE string, path TYPE string, content TYPE string, sha TYPE string, url TYPE string, git_url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, download_url TYPE string, _links TYPE string, target TYPE string, submodule_git_url TYPE string, END OF content_file. * Component schema: content-symlink, object TYPES: BEGIN OF content_symlink, type TYPE string, target TYPE string, size TYPE i, name TYPE string, path TYPE string, sha TYPE string, url TYPE string, git_url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, download_url TYPE string, _links TYPE string, END OF content_symlink. * Component schema: content-submodule, object TYPES: BEGIN OF content_submodule, type TYPE string, submodule_git_url TYPE string, size TYPE i, name TYPE string, path TYPE string, sha TYPE string, url TYPE string, git_url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, download_url TYPE string, _links TYPE string, END OF content_submodule. * Component schema: file-commit, object TYPES: BEGIN OF file_commit, content TYPE string, commit TYPE string, END OF file_commit. * Component schema: contributor, object TYPES: BEGIN OF contributor, login TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, avatar_url TYPE string, gravatar_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, followers_url TYPE string, following_url TYPE string, gists_url TYPE string, starred_url TYPE string, subscriptions_url TYPE string, organizations_url TYPE string, repos_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, received_events_url TYPE string, type TYPE string, site_admin TYPE abap_bool, contributions TYPE i, email TYPE string, name TYPE string, END OF contributor. * Component schema: deployment, object TYPES: BEGIN OF deployment, url TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, sha TYPE string, ref TYPE string, task TYPE string, payload TYPE string, original_environment TYPE string, environment TYPE string, description TYPE string, creator TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, statuses_url TYPE string, repository_url TYPE string, transient_environment TYPE abap_bool, production_environment TYPE abap_bool, performed_via_github_app TYPE string, END OF deployment. * Component schema: deployment-status, object TYPES: BEGIN OF deployment_status, url TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, state TYPE string, creator TYPE string, description TYPE string, environment TYPE string, target_url TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, deployment_url TYPE string, repository_url TYPE string, environment_url TYPE string, log_url TYPE string, performed_via_github_app TYPE string, END OF deployment_status. * Component schema: short-blob, object TYPES: BEGIN OF short_blob, url TYPE string, sha TYPE string, END OF short_blob. * Component schema: blob, object TYPES: BEGIN OF blob, content TYPE string, encoding TYPE string, url TYPE string, sha TYPE string, size TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, highlighted_content TYPE string, END OF blob. * Component schema: git-commit, object TYPES: BEGIN OF git_commit, sha TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, author TYPE string, committer TYPE string, message TYPE string, tree TYPE string, parents TYPE string, verification TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, END OF git_commit. * Component schema: git-ref, object TYPES: BEGIN OF git_ref, ref TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, object TYPE string, END OF git_ref. * Component schema: git-tag, object TYPES: BEGIN OF git_tag, node_id TYPE string, tag TYPE string, sha TYPE string, url TYPE string, message TYPE string, tagger TYPE string, object TYPE string, verification TYPE string, END OF git_tag. * Component schema: git-tree, object TYPES: BEGIN OF git_tree, sha TYPE string, url TYPE string, truncated TYPE abap_bool, tree TYPE string, END OF git_tree. * Component schema: hook-response, object TYPES: BEGIN OF hook_response, code TYPE i, status TYPE string, message TYPE string, END OF hook_response. * Component schema: hook, object TYPES: BEGIN OF hook, type TYPE string, id TYPE i, name TYPE string, active TYPE abap_bool, events TYPE string, config TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, url TYPE string, test_url TYPE string, ping_url TYPE string, last_response TYPE string, END OF hook. * Component schema: import, object TYPES: BEGIN OF import, vcs TYPE string, use_lfs TYPE string, vcs_url TYPE string, svc_root TYPE string, tfvc_project TYPE string, status TYPE string, status_text TYPE string, failed_step TYPE string, error_message TYPE string, import_percent TYPE i, commit_count TYPE i, push_percent TYPE i, has_large_files TYPE abap_bool, large_files_size TYPE i, large_files_count TYPE i, project_choices TYPE string, message TYPE string, authors_count TYPE i, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, authors_url TYPE string, repository_url TYPE string, svn_root TYPE string, END OF import. * Component schema: porter-author, object TYPES: BEGIN OF porter_author, id TYPE i, remote_id TYPE string, remote_name TYPE string, email TYPE string, name TYPE string, url TYPE string, import_url TYPE string, END OF porter_author. * Component schema: porter-large-file, object TYPES: BEGIN OF porter_large_file, ref_name TYPE string, path TYPE string, oid TYPE string, size TYPE i, END OF porter_large_file. * Component schema: issue-event-label, object TYPES: BEGIN OF issue_event_label, name TYPE string, color TYPE string, END OF issue_event_label. * Component schema: issue-event-dismissed-review, object TYPES: BEGIN OF issue_event_dismissed_review, state TYPE string, review_id TYPE i, dismissal_message TYPE string, dismissal_commit_id TYPE string, END OF issue_event_dismissed_review. * Component schema: issue-event-milestone, object TYPES: BEGIN OF issue_event_milestone, title TYPE string, END OF issue_event_milestone. * Component schema: issue-event-project-card, object TYPES: BEGIN OF issue_event_project_card, url TYPE string, id TYPE i, project_url TYPE string, project_id TYPE i, column_name TYPE string, previous_column_name TYPE string, END OF issue_event_project_card. * Component schema: issue-event-rename, object TYPES: BEGIN OF issue_event_rename, from TYPE string, to TYPE string, END OF issue_event_rename. * Component schema: issue-event, object TYPES: BEGIN OF issue_event, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, actor TYPE string, event TYPE string, commit_id TYPE string, commit_url TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, issue TYPE string, label TYPE string, assignee TYPE string, assigner TYPE string, review_requester TYPE string, requested_reviewer TYPE string, requested_team TYPE string, dismissed_review TYPE string, milestone TYPE string, project_card TYPE string, rename TYPE string, author_association TYPE string, lock_reason TYPE string, END OF issue_event. * Component schema: issue-event-for-issue, object TYPES: BEGIN OF issue_event_for_issue, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, actor TYPE string, event TYPE string, commit_id TYPE string, commit_url TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, sha TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, message TYPE string, issue_url TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, author_association TYPE string, body TYPE string, lock_reason TYPE string, submitted_at TYPE string, state TYPE string, pull_request_url TYPE string, body_html TYPE string, body_text TYPE string, END OF issue_event_for_issue. * Component schema: deploy-key, object TYPES: BEGIN OF deploy_key, id TYPE i, key TYPE string, url TYPE string, title TYPE string, verified TYPE abap_bool, created_at TYPE string, read_only TYPE abap_bool, END OF deploy_key. * Component schema: language, object TYPES: BEGIN OF language, END OF language. * Component schema: license-content, object TYPES: BEGIN OF license_content, name TYPE string, path TYPE string, sha TYPE string, size TYPE i, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, git_url TYPE string, download_url TYPE string, type TYPE string, content TYPE string, encoding TYPE string, _links TYPE string, license TYPE string, END OF license_content. * Component schema: pages-source-hash, object TYPES: BEGIN OF pages_source_hash, branch TYPE string, path TYPE string, END OF pages_source_hash. * Component schema: page, object TYPES: BEGIN OF page, url TYPE string, status TYPE string, cname TYPE string, custom_404 TYPE abap_bool, html_url TYPE string, source TYPE string, public TYPE abap_bool, END OF page. * Component schema: page-build, object TYPES: BEGIN OF page_build, url TYPE string, status TYPE string, error TYPE string, pusher TYPE string, commit TYPE string, duration TYPE i, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, END OF page_build. * Component schema: page-build-status, object TYPES: BEGIN OF page_build_status, url TYPE string, status TYPE string, END OF page_build_status. * Component schema: pull-request, object TYPES: BEGIN OF pull_request, url TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, diff_url TYPE string, patch_url TYPE string, issue_url TYPE string, commits_url TYPE string, review_comments_url TYPE string, review_comment_url TYPE string, comments_url TYPE string, statuses_url TYPE string, number TYPE i, state TYPE string, locked TYPE abap_bool, title TYPE string, user TYPE string, body TYPE string, labels TYPE string, milestone TYPE string, active_lock_reason TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, closed_at TYPE string, merged_at TYPE string, merge_commit_sha TYPE string, assignee TYPE string, assignees TYPE string, requested_reviewers TYPE string, requested_teams TYPE string, head TYPE string, base TYPE string, _links TYPE string, author_association TYPE string, draft TYPE abap_bool, merged TYPE abap_bool, mergeable TYPE abap_bool, rebaseable TYPE abap_bool, mergeable_state TYPE string, merged_by TYPE string, comments TYPE i, review_comments TYPE i, maintainer_can_modify TYPE abap_bool, commits TYPE i, additions TYPE i, deletions TYPE i, changed_files TYPE i, END OF pull_request. * Component schema: pull-request-review-comment, object TYPES: BEGIN OF pull_request_review_comment, url TYPE string, pull_request_review_id TYPE i, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, diff_hunk TYPE string, path TYPE string, position TYPE i, original_position TYPE i, commit_id TYPE string, original_commit_id TYPE string, in_reply_to_id TYPE i, user TYPE string, body TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, pull_request_url TYPE string, author_association TYPE string, _links TYPE string, start_line TYPE i, original_start_line TYPE i, start_side TYPE string, line TYPE i, original_line TYPE i, side TYPE string, reactions TYPE string, body_html TYPE string, body_text TYPE string, END OF pull_request_review_comment. * Component schema: pull-request-merge-result, object TYPES: BEGIN OF pull_request_merge_result, sha TYPE string, merged TYPE abap_bool, message TYPE string, END OF pull_request_merge_result. * Component schema: pull-request-review-request, object TYPES: BEGIN OF pull_request_review_request, users TYPE string, teams TYPE string, END OF pull_request_review_request. * Component schema: pull-request-review, object TYPES: BEGIN OF pull_request_review, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, user TYPE string, body TYPE string, state TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, pull_request_url TYPE string, _links TYPE string, submitted_at TYPE string, commit_id TYPE string, body_html TYPE string, body_text TYPE string, author_association TYPE string, END OF pull_request_review. * Component schema: review-comment, object TYPES: BEGIN OF review_comment, url TYPE string, pull_request_review_id TYPE i, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, diff_hunk TYPE string, path TYPE string, position TYPE i, original_position TYPE i, commit_id TYPE string, original_commit_id TYPE string, in_reply_to_id TYPE i, user TYPE string, body TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, pull_request_url TYPE string, author_association TYPE string, _links TYPE string, body_text TYPE string, body_html TYPE string, side TYPE string, start_side TYPE string, line TYPE i, original_line TYPE i, start_line TYPE i, original_start_line TYPE i, END OF review_comment. * Component schema: release-asset, object TYPES: BEGIN OF release_asset, url TYPE string, browser_download_url TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, name TYPE string, label TYPE string, state TYPE string, content_type TYPE string, size TYPE i, download_count TYPE i, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, uploader TYPE string, END OF release_asset. * Component schema: release, object TYPES: BEGIN OF release, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, assets_url TYPE string, upload_url TYPE string, tarball_url TYPE string, zipball_url TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, tag_name TYPE string, target_commitish TYPE string, name TYPE string, body TYPE string, draft TYPE abap_bool, prerelease TYPE abap_bool, created_at TYPE string, published_at TYPE string, author TYPE string, assets TYPE string, body_html TYPE string, body_text TYPE string, END OF release. * Component schema: secret-scanning-alert-state, string TYPES secret_scanning_alert_state TYPE string. * Component schema: secret-scanning-alert-resolution, string TYPES secret_scanning_alert_resoluti TYPE string. * Component schema: secret-scanning-alert, object TYPES: BEGIN OF secret_scanning_alert, number TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, state TYPE string, resolution TYPE string, resolved_at TYPE string, resolved_by TYPE string, secret_type TYPE string, secret TYPE string, END OF secret_scanning_alert. * Component schema: stargazer, object TYPES: BEGIN OF stargazer, starred_at TYPE string, user TYPE string, END OF stargazer. * Component schema: code-frequency-stat, array TYPES code_frequency_stat TYPE string. * Component schema: commit-activity, object TYPES: BEGIN OF commit_activity, days TYPE string, total TYPE i, week TYPE i, END OF commit_activity. * Component schema: contributor-activity, object TYPES: BEGIN OF contributor_activity, author TYPE string, total TYPE i, weeks TYPE string, END OF contributor_activity. * Component schema: participation-stats, object TYPES: BEGIN OF participation_stats, all TYPE string, owner TYPE string, END OF participation_stats. * Component schema: repository-subscription, object TYPES: BEGIN OF repository_subscription, subscribed TYPE abap_bool, ignored TYPE abap_bool, reason TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, url TYPE string, repository_url TYPE string, END OF repository_subscription. * Component schema: tag, object TYPES: BEGIN OF tag, name TYPE string, commit TYPE string, zipball_url TYPE string, tarball_url TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, END OF tag. * Component schema: topic, object TYPES: BEGIN OF topic, names TYPE string, END OF topic. * Component schema: traffic, object TYPES: BEGIN OF traffic, timestamp TYPE string, uniques TYPE i, count TYPE i, END OF traffic. * Component schema: clone-traffic, object TYPES: BEGIN OF clone_traffic, count TYPE i, uniques TYPE i, clones TYPE string, END OF clone_traffic. * Component schema: content-traffic, object TYPES: BEGIN OF content_traffic, path TYPE string, title TYPE string, count TYPE i, uniques TYPE i, END OF content_traffic. * Component schema: referrer-traffic, object TYPES: BEGIN OF referrer_traffic, referrer TYPE string, count TYPE i, uniques TYPE i, END OF referrer_traffic. * Component schema: view-traffic, object TYPES: BEGIN OF view_traffic, count TYPE i, uniques TYPE i, views TYPE string, END OF view_traffic. * Component schema: scim-group-list-enterprise, object TYPES: BEGIN OF scim_group_list_enterprise, schemas TYPE string, totalresults TYPE f, itemsperpage TYPE f, startindex TYPE f, resources TYPE string, END OF scim_group_list_enterprise. * Component schema: scim-enterprise-group, object TYPES: BEGIN OF scim_enterprise_group, schemas TYPE string, id TYPE string, externalid TYPE string, displayname TYPE string, members TYPE string, meta TYPE string, END OF scim_enterprise_group. * Component schema: scim-user-list-enterprise, object TYPES: BEGIN OF scim_user_list_enterprise, schemas TYPE string, totalresults TYPE f, itemsperpage TYPE f, startindex TYPE f, resources TYPE string, END OF scim_user_list_enterprise. * Component schema: scim-enterprise-user, object TYPES: BEGIN OF scim_enterprise_user, schemas TYPE string, id TYPE string, externalid TYPE string, username TYPE string, name TYPE string, emails TYPE string, groups TYPE string, active TYPE abap_bool, meta TYPE string, END OF scim_enterprise_user. * Component schema: scim-user, object TYPES: BEGIN OF scim_user, schemas TYPE string, id TYPE string, externalid TYPE string, username TYPE string, displayname TYPE string, name TYPE string, emails TYPE string, active TYPE abap_bool, meta TYPE string, organization_id TYPE i, operations TYPE string, groups TYPE string, END OF scim_user. * Component schema: scim-user-list, object TYPES: BEGIN OF scim_user_list, schemas TYPE string, totalresults TYPE i, itemsperpage TYPE i, startindex TYPE i, resources TYPE string, END OF scim_user_list. * Component schema: search-result-text-matches, array TYPES search_result_text_matches TYPE string. * Component schema: code-search-result-item, object TYPES: BEGIN OF code_search_result_item, name TYPE string, path TYPE string, sha TYPE string, url TYPE string, git_url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, repository TYPE string, score TYPE i, file_size TYPE i, language TYPE string, last_modified_at TYPE string, line_numbers TYPE string, text_matches TYPE string, END OF code_search_result_item. * Component schema: commit-search-result-item, object TYPES: BEGIN OF commit_search_result_item, url TYPE string, sha TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, comments_url TYPE string, commit TYPE string, author TYPE string, committer TYPE string, parents TYPE string, repository TYPE string, score TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, text_matches TYPE string, END OF commit_search_result_item. * Component schema: issue-search-result-item, object TYPES: BEGIN OF issue_search_result_item, url TYPE string, repository_url TYPE string, labels_url TYPE string, comments_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, number TYPE i, title TYPE string, locked TYPE abap_bool, active_lock_reason TYPE string, assignees TYPE string, user TYPE string, labels TYPE string, state TYPE string, assignee TYPE string, milestone TYPE string, comments TYPE i, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, closed_at TYPE string, text_matches TYPE string, pull_request TYPE string, body TYPE string, score TYPE i, author_association TYPE string, draft TYPE abap_bool, repository TYPE string, body_html TYPE string, body_text TYPE string, timeline_url TYPE string, performed_via_github_app TYPE string, END OF issue_search_result_item. * Component schema: label-search-result-item, object TYPES: BEGIN OF label_search_result_item, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, name TYPE string, color TYPE string, default TYPE abap_bool, description TYPE string, score TYPE i, text_matches TYPE string, END OF label_search_result_item. * Component schema: repo-search-result-item, object TYPES: BEGIN OF repo_search_result_item, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, name TYPE string, full_name TYPE string, owner TYPE string, private TYPE abap_bool, html_url TYPE string, description TYPE string, fork TYPE abap_bool, url TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, pushed_at TYPE string, homepage TYPE string, size TYPE i, stargazers_count TYPE i, watchers_count TYPE i, language TYPE string, forks_count TYPE i, open_issues_count TYPE i, master_branch TYPE string, default_branch TYPE string, score TYPE i, forks_url TYPE string, keys_url TYPE string, collaborators_url TYPE string, teams_url TYPE string, hooks_url TYPE string, issue_events_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, assignees_url TYPE string, branches_url TYPE string, tags_url TYPE string, blobs_url TYPE string, git_tags_url TYPE string, git_refs_url TYPE string, trees_url TYPE string, statuses_url TYPE string, languages_url TYPE string, stargazers_url TYPE string, contributors_url TYPE string, subscribers_url TYPE string, subscription_url TYPE string, commits_url TYPE string, git_commits_url TYPE string, comments_url TYPE string, issue_comment_url TYPE string, contents_url TYPE string, compare_url TYPE string, merges_url TYPE string, archive_url TYPE string, downloads_url TYPE string, issues_url TYPE string, pulls_url TYPE string, milestones_url TYPE string, notifications_url TYPE string, labels_url TYPE string, releases_url TYPE string, deployments_url TYPE string, git_url TYPE string, ssh_url TYPE string, clone_url TYPE string, svn_url TYPE string, forks TYPE i, open_issues TYPE i, watchers TYPE i, topics TYPE string, mirror_url TYPE string, has_issues TYPE abap_bool, has_projects TYPE abap_bool, has_pages TYPE abap_bool, has_wiki TYPE abap_bool, has_downloads TYPE abap_bool, archived TYPE abap_bool, disabled TYPE abap_bool, license TYPE string, permissions TYPE string, text_matches TYPE string, temp_clone_token TYPE string, allow_merge_commit TYPE abap_bool, allow_squash_merge TYPE abap_bool, allow_rebase_merge TYPE abap_bool, delete_branch_on_merge TYPE abap_bool, END OF repo_search_result_item. * Component schema: topic-search-result-item, object TYPES: BEGIN OF topic_search_result_item, name TYPE string, display_name TYPE string, short_description TYPE string, description TYPE string, created_by TYPE string, released TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, featured TYPE abap_bool, curated TYPE abap_bool, score TYPE i, repository_count TYPE i, logo_url TYPE string, text_matches TYPE string, related TYPE string, aliases TYPE string, END OF topic_search_result_item. * Component schema: user-search-result-item, object TYPES: BEGIN OF user_search_result_item, login TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, avatar_url TYPE string, gravatar_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, followers_url TYPE string, subscriptions_url TYPE string, organizations_url TYPE string, repos_url TYPE string, received_events_url TYPE string, type TYPE string, score TYPE i, following_url TYPE string, gists_url TYPE string, starred_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, public_repos TYPE i, public_gists TYPE i, followers TYPE i, following TYPE i, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, name TYPE string, bio TYPE string, email TYPE string, location TYPE string, site_admin TYPE abap_bool, hireable TYPE abap_bool, text_matches TYPE string, blog TYPE string, company TYPE string, suspended_at TYPE string, END OF user_search_result_item. * Component schema: private-user, object TYPES: BEGIN OF private_user, login TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, avatar_url TYPE string, gravatar_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, followers_url TYPE string, following_url TYPE string, gists_url TYPE string, starred_url TYPE string, subscriptions_url TYPE string, organizations_url TYPE string, repos_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, received_events_url TYPE string, type TYPE string, site_admin TYPE abap_bool, name TYPE string, company TYPE string, blog TYPE string, location TYPE string, email TYPE string, hireable TYPE abap_bool, bio TYPE string, twitter_username TYPE string, public_repos TYPE i, public_gists TYPE i, followers TYPE i, following TYPE i, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, private_gists TYPE i, total_private_repos TYPE i, owned_private_repos TYPE i, disk_usage TYPE i, collaborators TYPE i, two_factor_authentication TYPE abap_bool, plan TYPE string, suspended_at TYPE string, business_plus TYPE abap_bool, ldap_dn TYPE string, END OF private_user. * Component schema: public-user, object TYPES: BEGIN OF public_user, login TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, avatar_url TYPE string, gravatar_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, followers_url TYPE string, following_url TYPE string, gists_url TYPE string, starred_url TYPE string, subscriptions_url TYPE string, organizations_url TYPE string, repos_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, received_events_url TYPE string, type TYPE string, site_admin TYPE abap_bool, name TYPE string, company TYPE string, blog TYPE string, location TYPE string, email TYPE string, hireable TYPE abap_bool, bio TYPE string, twitter_username TYPE string, public_repos TYPE i, public_gists TYPE i, followers TYPE i, following TYPE i, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, plan TYPE string, suspended_at TYPE string, private_gists TYPE i, total_private_repos TYPE i, owned_private_repos TYPE i, disk_usage TYPE i, collaborators TYPE i, END OF public_user. * Component schema: email, TYPES email TYPE string. * Component schema: gpg-key, object TYPES: BEGIN OF gpg_key, id TYPE i, primary_key_id TYPE i, key_id TYPE string, public_key TYPE string, emails TYPE string, subkeys TYPE string, can_sign TYPE abap_bool, can_encrypt_comms TYPE abap_bool, can_encrypt_storage TYPE abap_bool, can_certify TYPE abap_bool, created_at TYPE string, expires_at TYPE string, raw_key TYPE string, END OF gpg_key. * Component schema: key, object TYPES: BEGIN OF key, key_id TYPE string, key TYPE string, id TYPE i, url TYPE string, title TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, verified TYPE abap_bool, read_only TYPE abap_bool, END OF key. * Component schema: marketplace-account, object TYPES: BEGIN OF marketplace_account, url TYPE string, id TYPE i, type TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, login TYPE string, email TYPE string, organization_billing_email TYPE string, END OF marketplace_account. * Component schema: user-marketplace-purchase, object TYPES: BEGIN OF user_marketplace_purchase, billing_cycle TYPE string, next_billing_date TYPE string, unit_count TYPE i, on_free_trial TYPE abap_bool, free_trial_ends_on TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, account TYPE string, plan TYPE string, END OF user_marketplace_purchase. * Component schema: starred-repository, object TYPES: BEGIN OF starred_repository, starred_at TYPE string, repo TYPE string, END OF starred_repository. * Component schema: hovercard, object TYPES: BEGIN OF hovercard, contexts TYPE string, END OF hovercard. * Component schema: key-simple, object TYPES: BEGIN OF key_simple, id TYPE i, key TYPE string, END OF key_simple. * GET - "GitHub API Root" * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS meta_root RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get the authenticated app" * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS apps_get_authenticated RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a GitHub App from a manifest" * Parameter: code, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS apps_create_from_manifest IMPORTING code TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a webhook configuration for an app" * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS apps_get_webhook_config_for_ap RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a webhook configuration for an app" * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS apps_update_webhook_config_for RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List installations for the authenticated app" * Parameter: outdated, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Parameter: since, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS apps_list_installations IMPORTING outdated TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL since TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get an installation for the authenticated app" * Parameter: installation_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 415 METHODS apps_get_installation IMPORTING installation_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete an installation for the authenticated app" * Parameter: installation_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS apps_delete_installation IMPORTING installation_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create an installation access token for an app" * Parameter: installation_id, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 415 * Response: 422 METHODS apps_create_installation_acces IMPORTING installation_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Suspend an app installation" * Parameter: installation_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS apps_suspend_installation IMPORTING installation_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Unsuspend an app installation" * Parameter: installation_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS apps_unsuspend_installation IMPORTING installation_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List your grants" * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS oauth_authorizations_list_gran IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a single grant" * Parameter: grant_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS oauth_authorizations_get_grant IMPORTING grant_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a grant" * Parameter: grant_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS oauth_authorizations_delete_gr IMPORTING grant_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete an app authorization" * Response: 204 * Response: 422 METHODS apps_delete_authorization RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Revoke a grant for an application" * Response: 204 METHODS apps_revoke_grant_for_applicat RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Check a token" * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS apps_check_token RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Reset a token" * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 422 METHODS apps_reset_token RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete an app token" * Response: 204 * Response: 422 METHODS apps_delete_token RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a scoped access token" * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS apps_scope_token RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Check an authorization" * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS apps_check_authorization RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Reset an authorization" * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS apps_reset_authorization RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Revoke an authorization for an application" * Response: 204 METHODS apps_revoke_authorization_for_ RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get an app" * Parameter: app_slug, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 415 METHODS apps_get_by_slug IMPORTING app_slug TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List your authorizations" * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS oauth_authorizations_list_auth IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a new authorization" * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 410 * Response: 422 METHODS oauth_authorizations_create_au RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Get-or-create an authorization for a specific app" * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 422 METHODS oauth_authorizations_get_or_cr RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Get-or-create an authorization for a specific app and fingerprint" * Parameter: fingerprint, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 422 METHODS oauth_authorizations_get_or_01 IMPORTING fingerprint TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a single authorization" * Parameter: authorization_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS oauth_authorizations_get_autho IMPORTING authorization_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update an existing authorization" * Parameter: authorization_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 422 METHODS oauth_authorizations_update_au IMPORTING authorization_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete an authorization" * Parameter: authorization_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS oauth_authorizations_delete_au IMPORTING authorization_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get all codes of conduct" * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 415 METHODS codes_of_conduct_get_all_codes RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a code of conduct" * Parameter: key, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 404 * Response: 415 METHODS codes_of_conduct_get_conduct_c IMPORTING key TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a content attachment" * Parameter: content_reference_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 410 * Response: 415 * Response: 422 METHODS apps_create_content_attachment IMPORTING content_reference_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get emojis" * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 METHODS emojis_get RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get GitHub Actions permissions for an enterprise" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS enterprise_admin_get_github_ac IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set GitHub Actions permissions for an enterprise" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS enterprise_admin_set_github_ac IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List selected organizations enabled for GitHub Actions in an enterprise" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS enterprise_admin_list_selected IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set selected organizations enabled for GitHub Actions in an enterprise" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS enterprise_admin_set_selected_ IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Enable a selected organization for GitHub Actions in an enterprise" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: org_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS enterprise_admin_enable_select IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string org_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Disable a selected organization for GitHub Actions in an enterprise" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: org_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS enterprise_admin_disable_selec IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string org_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get allowed actions for an enterprise" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS enterprise_admin_get_allowed_a IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set allowed actions for an enterprise" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS enterprise_admin_set_allowed_a IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List self-hosted runner groups for an enterprise" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS enterprise_admin_list_self_hos IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a self-hosted runner group for an enterprise" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json METHODS enterprise_admin_create_self_h IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a self-hosted runner group for an enterprise" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS enterprise_admin_get_self_host IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a self-hosted runner group for an enterprise" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS enterprise_admin_update_self_h IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a self-hosted runner group from an enterprise" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS enterprise_admin_delete_self_h IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List organization access to a self-hosted runner group in an enterprise" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS enterprise_admin_list_org_acce IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set organization access for a self-hosted runner group in an enterprise" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS enterprise_admin_set_org_acces IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Add organization access to a self-hosted runner group in an enterprise" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Parameter: org_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS enterprise_admin_add_org_acces IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i org_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove organization access to a self-hosted runner group in an enterprise" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Parameter: org_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS enterprise_admin_remove_org_ac IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i org_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List self-hosted runners in a group for an enterprise" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS enterprise_admin_list_self_h01 IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set self-hosted runners in a group for an enterprise" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS enterprise_admin_set_self_host IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Add a self-hosted runner to a group for an enterprise" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Parameter: runner_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS enterprise_admin_add_self_host IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i runner_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove a self-hosted runner from a group for an enterprise" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Parameter: runner_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS enterprise_admin_remove_self_h IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i runner_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List self-hosted runners for an enterprise" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS enterprise_admin_list_self_h02 IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List runner applications for an enterprise" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS enterprise_admin_list_runner_a IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a registration token for an enterprise" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json METHODS enterprise_admin_create_regist IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a remove token for an enterprise" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json METHODS enterprise_admin_create_remove IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a self-hosted runner for an enterprise" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: runner_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS enterprise_admin_get_self_ho01 IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string runner_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a self-hosted runner from an enterprise" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: runner_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS enterprise_admin_delete_self01 IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string runner_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get the audit log for an enterprise" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS audit_log_get_audit_log IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get GitHub Actions billing for an enterprise" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS billing_get_github_actions_bil IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get GitHub Packages billing for an enterprise" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS billing_get_github_packages_bi IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get shared storage billing for an enterprise" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS billing_get_shared_storage_bil IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List public events" * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 503 METHODS activity_list_public_events IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get feeds" * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS activity_get_feeds RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List gists for the authenticated user" * Parameter: since, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 403 METHODS gists_list IMPORTING since TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a gist" * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS gists_create RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List public gists" * Parameter: since, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 422 METHODS gists_list_public IMPORTING since TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List starred gists" * Parameter: since, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS gists_list_starred IMPORTING since TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a gist" * Parameter: gist_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS gists_get IMPORTING gist_id TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a gist" * Parameter: gist_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS gists_update IMPORTING gist_id TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a gist" * Parameter: gist_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS gists_delete IMPORTING gist_id TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List gist comments" * Parameter: gist_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS gists_list_comments IMPORTING gist_id TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a gist comment" * Parameter: gist_id, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS gists_create_comment IMPORTING gist_id TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a gist comment" * Parameter: gist_id, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS gists_get_comment IMPORTING gist_id TYPE string comment_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a gist comment" * Parameter: gist_id, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS gists_update_comment IMPORTING gist_id TYPE string comment_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a gist comment" * Parameter: gist_id, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS gists_delete_comment IMPORTING gist_id TYPE string comment_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List gist commits" * Parameter: gist_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS gists_list_commits IMPORTING gist_id TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List gist forks" * Parameter: gist_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS gists_list_forks IMPORTING gist_id TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Fork a gist" * Parameter: gist_id, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS gists_fork IMPORTING gist_id TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Check if a gist is starred" * Parameter: gist_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * application/json METHODS gists_check_is_starred IMPORTING gist_id TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Star a gist" * Parameter: gist_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS gists_star IMPORTING gist_id TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Unstar a gist" * Parameter: gist_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS gists_unstar IMPORTING gist_id TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a gist revision" * Parameter: sha, required, path * Parameter: gist_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS gists_get_revision IMPORTING sha TYPE string gist_id TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get all gitignore templates" * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 METHODS gitignore_get_all_templates RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a gitignore template" * Parameter: name, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 METHODS gitignore_get_template IMPORTING name TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repositories accessible to the app installation" * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS apps_list_repos_accessible_to_ IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Revoke an installation access token" * Response: 204 METHODS apps_revoke_installation_acces RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List issues assigned to the authenticated user" * Parameter: filter, optional, query * Parameter: state, optional, query * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: collab, optional, query * Parameter: orgs, optional, query * Parameter: owned, optional, query * Parameter: pulls, optional, query * Parameter: labels, optional, query * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Parameter: since, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS issues_list IMPORTING filter TYPE string DEFAULT 'assigned' OPTIONAL state TYPE string DEFAULT 'open' OPTIONAL sort TYPE string DEFAULT 'created' OPTIONAL collab TYPE abap_bool OPTIONAL orgs TYPE abap_bool OPTIONAL owned TYPE abap_bool OPTIONAL pulls TYPE abap_bool OPTIONAL labels TYPE string OPTIONAL direction TYPE string DEFAULT 'desc' OPTIONAL since TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get all commonly used licenses" * Parameter: featured, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 METHODS licenses_get_all_commonly_used IMPORTING featured TYPE abap_bool OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a license" * Parameter: license, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS licenses_get IMPORTING license TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Render a Markdown document" * Response: 200 * Response: 304 METHODS markdown_render RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Render a Markdown document in raw mode" * Response: 200 * text/html * Response: 304 METHODS markdown_render_raw RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a subscription plan for an account" * Parameter: account_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 401 * Response: 404 * application/json METHODS apps_get_subscription_plan_for IMPORTING account_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List plans" * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 401 * Response: 404 METHODS apps_list_plans IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List accounts for a plan" * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Parameter: plan_id, required, path * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 401 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS apps_list_accounts_for_plan IMPORTING direction TYPE string OPTIONAL plan_id TYPE i sort TYPE string DEFAULT 'created' OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a subscription plan for an account (stubbed)" * Parameter: account_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 401 * Response: 404 METHODS apps_get_subscription_plan_f01 IMPORTING account_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List plans (stubbed)" * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 401 METHODS apps_list_plans_stubbed IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List accounts for a plan (stubbed)" * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Parameter: plan_id, required, path * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 401 METHODS apps_list_accounts_for_plan_st IMPORTING direction TYPE string OPTIONAL plan_id TYPE i sort TYPE string DEFAULT 'created' OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get GitHub meta information" * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 METHODS meta_get RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List public events for a network of repositories" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 301 * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS activity_list_public_events_fo IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List notifications for the authenticated user" * Parameter: all, optional, query * Parameter: participating, optional, query * Parameter: since, optional, query * Parameter: before, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 422 METHODS activity_list_notifications_fo IMPORTING all TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT 'false' OPTIONAL participating TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT 'false' OPTIONAL since TYPE string OPTIONAL before TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Mark notifications as read" * Response: 202 * application/json * Response: 205 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS activity_mark_notifications_as RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a thread" * Parameter: thread_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS activity_get_thread IMPORTING thread_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Mark a thread as read" * Parameter: thread_id, required, path * Response: 205 * Response: 304 * Response: 403 METHODS activity_mark_thread_as_read IMPORTING thread_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a thread subscription for the authenticated user" * Parameter: thread_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS activity_get_thread_subscripti IMPORTING thread_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set a thread subscription" * Parameter: thread_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS activity_set_thread_subscripti IMPORTING thread_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a thread subscription" * Parameter: thread_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS activity_delete_thread_subscri IMPORTING thread_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get Octocat" * Parameter: s, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/octocat-stream METHODS meta_get_octocat IMPORTING s TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List organizations" * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 METHODS orgs_list IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS orgs_get IMPORTING org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 409 * Response: 415 * Response: 422 * application/json METHODS orgs_update IMPORTING org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get GitHub Actions permissions for an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS actions_get_github_actions_per IMPORTING org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set GitHub Actions permissions for an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS actions_set_github_actions_per IMPORTING org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List selected repositories enabled for GitHub Actions in an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS actions_list_selected_reposito IMPORTING org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set selected repositories enabled for GitHub Actions in an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS actions_set_selected_repositor IMPORTING org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Enable a selected repository for GitHub Actions in an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: repository_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS actions_enable_selected_reposi IMPORTING org TYPE string repository_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Disable a selected repository for GitHub Actions in an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: repository_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS actions_disable_selected_repos IMPORTING org TYPE string repository_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get allowed actions for an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS actions_get_allowed_actions_or IMPORTING org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set allowed actions for an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS actions_set_allowed_actions_or IMPORTING org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List self-hosted runner groups for an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS actions_list_self_hosted_runne IMPORTING org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a self-hosted runner group for an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json METHODS actions_create_self_hosted_run IMPORTING org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a self-hosted runner group for an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS actions_get_self_hosted_runner IMPORTING org TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a self-hosted runner group for an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS actions_update_self_hosted_run IMPORTING org TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a self-hosted runner group from an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS actions_delete_self_hosted_run IMPORTING org TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repository access to a self-hosted runner group in an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS actions_list_repo_access_to_se IMPORTING org TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set repository access for a self-hosted runner group in an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS actions_set_repo_access_to_sel IMPORTING org TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Add repository access to a self-hosted runner group in an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Parameter: repository_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS actions_add_repo_access_to_sel IMPORTING org TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i repository_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove repository access to a self-hosted runner group in an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Parameter: repository_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS actions_remove_repo_access_to_ IMPORTING org TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i repository_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List self-hosted runners in a group for an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS actions_list_self_hosted_run01 IMPORTING org TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set self-hosted runners in a group for an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS actions_set_self_hosted_runner IMPORTING org TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Add a self-hosted runner to a group for an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Parameter: runner_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS actions_add_self_hosted_runner IMPORTING org TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i runner_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove a self-hosted runner from a group for an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Parameter: runner_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS actions_remove_self_hosted_run IMPORTING org TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i runner_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List self-hosted runners for an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS actions_list_self_hosted_run02 IMPORTING org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List runner applications for an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS actions_list_runner_applicatio IMPORTING org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a registration token for an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json METHODS actions_create_registration_to IMPORTING org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a remove token for an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json METHODS actions_create_remove_token_fo IMPORTING org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a self-hosted runner for an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: runner_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS actions_get_self_hosted_runn01 IMPORTING org TYPE string runner_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a self-hosted runner from an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: runner_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS actions_delete_self_hosted_r01 IMPORTING org TYPE string runner_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List organization secrets" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS actions_list_org_secrets IMPORTING org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get an organization public key" * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS actions_get_org_public_key IMPORTING org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get an organization secret" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS actions_get_org_secret IMPORTING org TYPE string secret_name TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Create or update an organization secret" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Response: 201 * Response: 204 METHODS actions_create_or_update_org_s IMPORTING org TYPE string secret_name TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete an organization secret" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS actions_delete_org_secret IMPORTING org TYPE string secret_name TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List selected repositories for an organization secret" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS actions_list_selected_repos_fo IMPORTING org TYPE string secret_name TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set selected repositories for an organization secret" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS actions_set_selected_repos_for IMPORTING org TYPE string secret_name TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Add selected repository to an organization secret" * Parameter: repository_id, required, path * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 409 METHODS actions_add_selected_repo_to_o IMPORTING repository_id TYPE i org TYPE string secret_name TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove selected repository from an organization secret" * Parameter: repository_id, required, path * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 409 METHODS actions_remove_selected_repo_f IMPORTING repository_id TYPE i org TYPE string secret_name TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get the audit log for an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS orgs_get_audit_log IMPORTING org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List users blocked by an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 415 METHODS orgs_list_blocked_users IMPORTING org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Check if a user is blocked by an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 * application/json METHODS orgs_check_blocked_user IMPORTING org TYPE string username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Block a user from an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 422 METHODS orgs_block_user IMPORTING org TYPE string username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Unblock a user from an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS orgs_unblock_user IMPORTING org TYPE string username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List SAML SSO authorizations for an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS orgs_list_saml_sso_authorizati IMPORTING org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove a SAML SSO authorization for an organization" * Parameter: credential_id, required, path * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS orgs_remove_saml_sso_authoriza IMPORTING credential_id TYPE i org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List public organization events" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS activity_list_public_org_event IMPORTING org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List failed organization invitations" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS orgs_list_failed_invitations IMPORTING org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List organization webhooks" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS orgs_list_webhooks IMPORTING org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create an organization webhook" * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS orgs_create_webhook IMPORTING org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get an organization webhook" * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS orgs_get_webhook IMPORTING org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update an organization webhook" * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS orgs_update_webhook IMPORTING org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete an organization webhook" * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS orgs_delete_webhook IMPORTING org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a webhook configuration for an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS orgs_get_webhook_config_for_or IMPORTING org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a webhook configuration for an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS orgs_update_webhook_config_for IMPORTING org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Ping an organization webhook" * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS orgs_ping_webhook IMPORTING org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get an organization installation for the authenticated app" * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS apps_get_org_installation IMPORTING org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List app installations for an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS orgs_list_app_installations IMPORTING org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get interaction restrictions for an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS interactions_get_restrictions_ IMPORTING org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set interaction restrictions for an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 422 METHODS interactions_set_restrictions_ IMPORTING org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove interaction restrictions for an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS interactions_remove_restrictio IMPORTING org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List pending organization invitations" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS orgs_list_pending_invitations IMPORTING org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create an organization invitation" * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS orgs_create_invitation IMPORTING org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Cancel an organization invitation" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: invitation_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS orgs_cancel_invitation IMPORTING org TYPE string invitation_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List organization invitation teams" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: invitation_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS orgs_list_invitation_teams IMPORTING org TYPE string invitation_id TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List organization issues assigned to the authenticated user" * Parameter: filter, optional, query * Parameter: state, optional, query * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: labels, optional, query * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Parameter: since, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS issues_list_for_org IMPORTING filter TYPE string DEFAULT 'assigned' OPTIONAL state TYPE string DEFAULT 'open' OPTIONAL sort TYPE string DEFAULT 'created' OPTIONAL org TYPE string labels TYPE string OPTIONAL direction TYPE string DEFAULT 'desc' OPTIONAL since TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List organization members" * Parameter: filter, optional, query * Parameter: role, optional, query * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 302 * Response: 422 METHODS orgs_list_members IMPORTING filter TYPE string DEFAULT 'all' OPTIONAL role TYPE string DEFAULT 'all' OPTIONAL org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Check organization membership for a user" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 302 * Response: 404 METHODS orgs_check_membership_for_user IMPORTING org TYPE string username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove an organization member" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 403 METHODS orgs_remove_member IMPORTING org TYPE string username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get organization membership for a user" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS orgs_get_membership_for_user IMPORTING org TYPE string username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set organization membership for a user" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 422 METHODS orgs_set_membership_for_user IMPORTING org TYPE string username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove organization membership for a user" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS orgs_remove_membership_for_use IMPORTING org TYPE string username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List organization migrations" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS migrations_list_for_org IMPORTING org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Start an organization migration" * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS migrations_start_for_org IMPORTING org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get an organization migration status" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: migration_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS migrations_get_status_for_org IMPORTING org TYPE string migration_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Download an organization migration archive" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: migration_id, required, path * Response: 302 * Response: 404 METHODS migrations_download_archive_fo IMPORTING org TYPE string migration_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete an organization migration archive" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: migration_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS migrations_delete_archive_for_ IMPORTING org TYPE string migration_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Unlock an organization repository" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: migration_id, required, path * Parameter: repo_name, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS migrations_unlock_repo_for_org IMPORTING org TYPE string migration_id TYPE i repo_name TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repositories in an organization migration" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: migration_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS migrations_list_repos_for_org IMPORTING org TYPE string migration_id TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List outside collaborators for an organization" * Parameter: filter, optional, query * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS orgs_list_outside_collaborator IMPORTING filter TYPE string DEFAULT 'all' OPTIONAL org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Convert an organization member to outside collaborator" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 202 * Response: 204 * Response: 403 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS orgs_convert_member_to_outside IMPORTING org TYPE string username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove outside collaborator from an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 422 * application/json METHODS orgs_remove_outside_collaborat IMPORTING org TYPE string username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List organization projects" * Parameter: state, optional, query * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 422 METHODS projects_list_for_org IMPORTING state TYPE string DEFAULT 'open' OPTIONAL org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create an organization project" * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 410 * Response: 422 METHODS projects_create_for_org IMPORTING org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List public organization members" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS orgs_list_public_members IMPORTING org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Check public organization membership for a user" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS orgs_check_public_membership_f IMPORTING org TYPE string username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set public organization membership for the authenticated user" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 403 METHODS orgs_set_public_membership_for IMPORTING org TYPE string username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove public organization membership for the authenticated user" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS orgs_remove_public_membership_ IMPORTING org TYPE string username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List organization repositories" * Parameter: type, optional, query * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS repos_list_for_org IMPORTING type TYPE string OPTIONAL sort TYPE string DEFAULT 'created' OPTIONAL direction TYPE string OPTIONAL org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create an organization repository" * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 422 METHODS repos_create_in_org IMPORTING org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get GitHub Actions billing for an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS billing_get_github_actions_b01 IMPORTING org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get GitHub Packages billing for an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS billing_get_github_packages_01 IMPORTING org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get shared storage billing for an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS billing_get_shared_storage_b01 IMPORTING org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List IdP groups for an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS teams_list_idp_groups_for_org IMPORTING org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List teams" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 403 METHODS teams_list IMPORTING org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a team" * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 422 METHODS teams_create IMPORTING org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a team by name" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS teams_get_by_name IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a team" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json METHODS teams_update_in_org IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a team" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS teams_delete_in_org IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List discussions" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS teams_list_discussions_in_org IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string direction TYPE string DEFAULT 'desc' OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a discussion" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json METHODS teams_create_discussion_in_org IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a discussion" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS teams_get_discussion_in_org IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a discussion" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS teams_update_discussion_in_org IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a discussion" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS teams_delete_discussion_in_org IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List discussion comments" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS teams_list_discussion_comments IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string direction TYPE string DEFAULT 'desc' OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a discussion comment" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json METHODS teams_create_discussion_commen IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a discussion comment" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS teams_get_discussion_comment_i IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a discussion comment" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS teams_update_discussion_commen IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a discussion comment" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS teams_delete_discussion_commen IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List reactions for a team discussion comment" * Parameter: content, optional, query * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS reactions_list_for_team_discus IMPORTING content TYPE string OPTIONAL org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create reaction for a team discussion comment" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json METHODS reactions_create_for_team_disc IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete team discussion comment reaction" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS reactions_delete_for_team_disc IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List reactions for a team discussion" * Parameter: content, optional, query * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS reactions_list_for_team_disc01 IMPORTING content TYPE string OPTIONAL org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create reaction for a team discussion" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json METHODS reactions_create_for_team_di01 IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete team discussion reaction" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS reactions_delete_for_team_di01 IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List pending team invitations" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS teams_list_pending_invitations IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List team members" * Parameter: role, optional, query * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS teams_list_members_in_org IMPORTING role TYPE string DEFAULT 'all' OPTIONAL org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get team membership for a user" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS teams_get_membership_for_user_ IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Add or update team membership for a user" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 422 * application/json METHODS teams_add_or_update_membership IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove team membership for a user" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 403 METHODS teams_remove_membership_for_us IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List team projects" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS teams_list_projects_in_org IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Check team permissions for a project" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS teams_check_permissions_for_pr IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Add or update team project permissions" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 403 * application/json METHODS teams_add_or_update_project_pe IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove a project from a team" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS teams_remove_project_in_org IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List team repositories" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS teams_list_repos_in_org IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Check team permissions for a repository" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/vnd.github.v3.repository+json * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS teams_check_permissions_for_re IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Add or update team repository permissions" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS teams_add_or_update_repo_permi IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove a repository from a team" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS teams_remove_repo_in_org IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List IdP groups for a team" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS teams_list_idp_groups_in_org IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Create or update IdP group connections" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS teams_create_or_update_idp_gro IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List child teams" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS teams_list_child_in_org IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a project card" * Parameter: card_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS projects_get_card IMPORTING card_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update an existing project card" * Parameter: card_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS projects_update_card IMPORTING card_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a project card" * Parameter: card_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS projects_delete_card IMPORTING card_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Move a project card" * Parameter: card_id, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * application/json * Response: 422 * Response: 503 * application/json METHODS projects_move_card IMPORTING card_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a project column" * Parameter: column_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS projects_get_column IMPORTING column_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update an existing project column" * Parameter: column_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS projects_update_column IMPORTING column_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a project column" * Parameter: column_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS projects_delete_column IMPORTING column_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List project cards" * Parameter: archived_state, optional, query * Parameter: column_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS projects_list_cards IMPORTING archived_state TYPE string DEFAULT 'not_archived' OPTIONAL column_id TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a project card" * Parameter: column_id, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 422 * application/json * Response: 503 * application/json METHODS projects_create_card IMPORTING column_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Move a project column" * Parameter: column_id, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 422 METHODS projects_move_column IMPORTING column_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a project" * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS projects_get RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a project" * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 410 * Response: 422 METHODS projects_update RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a project" * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 410 METHODS projects_delete RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List project collaborators" * Parameter: affiliation, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 415 * Response: 422 METHODS projects_list_collaborators IMPORTING affiliation TYPE string DEFAULT 'all' OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Add project collaborator" * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 415 * Response: 422 METHODS projects_add_collaborator IMPORTING username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove user as a collaborator" * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 415 * Response: 422 METHODS projects_remove_collaborator IMPORTING username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get project permission for a user" * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 415 * Response: 422 METHODS projects_get_permission_for_us IMPORTING username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List project columns" * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS projects_list_columns IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a project column" * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 422 METHODS projects_create_column RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get rate limit status for the authenticated user" * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 404 METHODS rate_limit_get RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a reaction (Legacy)" * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 410 * Response: 415 METHODS reactions_delete_legacy RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a repository" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 301 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a repository" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS repos_update IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a repository" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 403 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS repos_delete IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List artifacts for a repository" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS actions_list_artifacts_for_rep IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get an artifact" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: artifact_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS actions_get_artifact IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string artifact_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete an artifact" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: artifact_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS actions_delete_artifact IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string artifact_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Download an artifact" * Parameter: archive_format, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: artifact_id, required, path * Response: 302 METHODS actions_download_artifact IMPORTING archive_format TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string artifact_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a job for a workflow run" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: job_id, required, path * Response: 202 * application/json METHODS actions_get_job_for_workflow_r IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string job_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Download job logs for a workflow run" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: job_id, required, path * Response: 302 METHODS actions_download_job_logs_for_ IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string job_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get GitHub Actions permissions for a repository" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS actions_get_github_actions_p01 IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set GitHub Actions permissions for a repository" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS actions_set_github_actions_p01 IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get allowed actions for a repository" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS actions_get_allowed_actions_re IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set allowed actions for a repository" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS actions_set_allowed_actions_re IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List self-hosted runners for a repository" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS actions_list_self_hosted_run03 IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List runner applications for a repository" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS actions_list_runner_applicat01 IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a registration token for a repository" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json METHODS actions_create_registration_01 IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a remove token for a repository" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json METHODS actions_create_remove_token_01 IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a self-hosted runner for a repository" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: runner_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS actions_get_self_hosted_runn02 IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string runner_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a self-hosted runner from a repository" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: runner_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS actions_delete_self_hosted_r02 IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string runner_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List workflow runs for a repository" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: actor, optional, query * Parameter: event, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS actions_list_workflow_runs_for IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string actor TYPE string OPTIONAL event TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a workflow run" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS actions_get_workflow_run IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a workflow run" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS actions_delete_workflow_run IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List workflow run artifacts" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS actions_list_workflow_run_arti IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Cancel a workflow run" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 202 METHODS actions_cancel_workflow_run IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List jobs for a workflow run" * Parameter: filter, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS actions_list_jobs_for_workflow IMPORTING filter TYPE string DEFAULT 'latest' OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Download workflow run logs" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 302 METHODS actions_download_workflow_run_ IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete workflow run logs" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS actions_delete_workflow_run_lo IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Re-run a workflow" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 METHODS actions_re_run_workflow IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get workflow run usage" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS actions_get_workflow_run_usage IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repository secrets" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS actions_list_repo_secrets IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a repository public key" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS actions_get_repo_public_key IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a repository secret" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS actions_get_repo_secret IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string secret_name TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Create or update a repository secret" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Response: 201 * Response: 204 METHODS actions_create_or_update_repo_ IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string secret_name TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a repository secret" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS actions_delete_repo_secret IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string secret_name TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repository workflows" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS actions_list_repo_workflows IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a workflow" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS actions_get_workflow IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Disable a workflow" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS actions_disable_workflow IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a workflow dispatch event" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS actions_create_workflow_dispat IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Enable a workflow" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS actions_enable_workflow IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List workflow runs" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: actor, optional, query * Parameter: event, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS actions_list_workflow_runs IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string actor TYPE string OPTIONAL event TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get workflow usage" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS actions_get_workflow_usage IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List assignees" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS issues_list_assignees IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Check if a user can be assigned" * Parameter: assignee, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 * application/json METHODS issues_check_user_can_be_assig IMPORTING assignee TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Enable automated security fixes" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS repos_enable_automated_securit IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Disable automated security fixes" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS repos_disable_automated_securi IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List branches" * Parameter: protected, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS repos_list_branches IMPORTING protected TYPE abap_bool OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a branch" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 415 METHODS repos_get_branch IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get branch protection" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_branch_protection IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Update branch protection" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 415 * Response: 422 METHODS repos_update_branch_protection IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete branch protection" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, optional, query * Response: 204 * Response: 403 METHODS repos_delete_branch_protection IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get admin branch protection" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS repos_get_admin_branch_protect IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Set admin branch protection" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS repos_set_admin_branch_protect IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete admin branch protection" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, optional, query * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS repos_delete_admin_branch_prot IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get pull request review protection" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/vnd.github.luke-cage-preview+json METHODS repos_get_pull_request_review_ IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update pull request review protection" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 422 METHODS repos_update_pull_request_revi IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete pull request review protection" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, optional, query * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS repos_delete_pull_request_revi IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get commit signature protection" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_commit_signature_pro IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create commit signature protection" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS repos_create_commit_signature_ IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete commit signature protection" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, optional, query * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS repos_delete_commit_signature_ IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get status checks protection" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_status_checks_protec IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update status check protection" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS repos_update_status_check_prot IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove status check protection" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, optional, query * Response: 204 METHODS repos_remove_status_check_prot IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get all status check contexts" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_all_status_check_con IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Add status check contexts" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS repos_add_status_check_context IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set status check contexts" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS repos_set_status_check_context IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove status check contexts" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS repos_remove_status_check_cont IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get access restrictions" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_access_restrictions IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete access restrictions" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, optional, query * Response: 204 METHODS repos_delete_access_restrictio IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get apps with access to the protected branch" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_apps_with_access_to_ IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Add app access restrictions" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 422 METHODS repos_add_app_access_restricti IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set app access restrictions" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 422 METHODS repos_set_app_access_restricti IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove app access restrictions" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 422 METHODS repos_remove_app_access_restri IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get teams with access to the protected branch" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_teams_with_access_to IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Add team access restrictions" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 422 METHODS repos_add_team_access_restrict IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set team access restrictions" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 422 METHODS repos_set_team_access_restrict IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove team access restrictions" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 422 METHODS repos_remove_team_access_restr IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get users with access to the protected branch" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_users_with_access_to IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Add user access restrictions" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 422 METHODS repos_add_user_access_restrict IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set user access restrictions" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 422 METHODS repos_set_user_access_restrict IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove user access restrictions" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 422 METHODS repos_remove_user_access_restr IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Rename a branch" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, optional, query * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS repos_rename_branch IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a check run" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json METHODS checks_create IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a check run" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: check_run_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS checks_get IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string check_run_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a check run" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: check_run_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS checks_update IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string check_run_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List check run annotations" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: check_run_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS checks_list_annotations IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string check_run_id TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a check suite" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json METHODS checks_create_suite IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update repository preferences for check suites" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS checks_set_suites_preferences IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a check suite" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: check_suite_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS checks_get_suite IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string check_suite_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List check runs in a check suite" * Parameter: filter, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: check_suite_id, required, path * Parameter: check_name, optional, query * Parameter: status, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS checks_list_for_suite IMPORTING filter TYPE string DEFAULT 'latest' OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string check_suite_id TYPE i check_name TYPE string OPTIONAL status TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Rerequest a check suite" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: check_suite_id, required, path * Response: 201 METHODS checks_rerequest_suite IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string check_suite_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List code scanning alerts for a repository" * Parameter: state, optional, query * Parameter: ref, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 503 METHODS code_scanning_list_alerts_for_ IMPORTING state TYPE string OPTIONAL ref TYPE string OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a code scanning alert" * Parameter: alert_number, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 503 METHODS code_scanning_get_alert IMPORTING alert_number TYPE i owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a code scanning alert" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: alert_number, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 503 METHODS code_scanning_update_alert IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string alert_number TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List recent code scanning analyses for a repository" * Parameter: ref, optional, query * Parameter: tool_name, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 403 METHODS code_scanning_list_recent_anal IMPORTING ref TYPE string OPTIONAL tool_name TYPE string OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Upload a SARIF file" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 202 * Response: 400 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 413 METHODS code_scanning_upload_sarif IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repository collaborators" * Parameter: affiliation, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS repos_list_collaborators IMPORTING affiliation TYPE string DEFAULT 'all' OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Check if a user is a repository collaborator" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS repos_check_collaborator IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Add a repository collaborator" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 204 * Response: 403 * Response: 422 METHODS repos_add_collaborator IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove a repository collaborator" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS repos_remove_collaborator IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get repository permissions for a user" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_collaborator_permiss IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List commit comments for a repository" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS repos_list_commit_comments_for IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a commit comment" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_commit_comment IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string comment_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a commit comment" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS repos_update_commit_comment IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string comment_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a commit comment" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS repos_delete_commit_comment IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string comment_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List reactions for a commit comment" * Parameter: content, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 415 METHODS reactions_list_for_commit_comm IMPORTING content TYPE string OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string comment_id TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create reaction for a commit comment" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 415 * Response: 422 METHODS reactions_create_for_commit_co IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string comment_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a commit comment reaction" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS reactions_delete_for_commit_co IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string comment_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List commits" * Parameter: sha, optional, query * Parameter: path, optional, query * Parameter: author, optional, query * Parameter: until, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: since, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 400 * Response: 404 * Response: 409 * Response: 500 METHODS repos_list_commits IMPORTING sha TYPE string OPTIONAL path TYPE string OPTIONAL author TYPE string OPTIONAL until TYPE string OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string since TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List branches for HEAD commit" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: commit_sha, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 415 * Response: 422 METHODS repos_list_branches_for_head_c IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string commit_sha TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List commit comments" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: commit_sha, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS repos_list_comments_for_commit IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string commit_sha TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a commit comment" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: commit_sha, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 422 METHODS repos_create_commit_comment IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string commit_sha TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List pull requests associated with a commit" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: commit_sha, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 415 METHODS repos_list_pull_requests_assoc IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string commit_sha TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a commit" * Parameter: ref, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Response: 500 METHODS repos_get_commit IMPORTING ref TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List check runs for a Git reference" * Parameter: ref, required, path * Parameter: filter, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: check_name, optional, query * Parameter: status, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS checks_list_for_ref IMPORTING ref TYPE string filter TYPE string DEFAULT 'latest' OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string check_name TYPE string OPTIONAL status TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List check suites for a Git reference" * Parameter: ref, required, path * Parameter: app_id, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: check_name, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS checks_list_suites_for_ref IMPORTING ref TYPE string app_id TYPE i OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string check_name TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get the combined status for a specific reference" * Parameter: ref, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_combined_status_for_ IMPORTING ref TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List commit statuses for a reference" * Parameter: ref, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 301 METHODS repos_list_commit_statuses_for IMPORTING ref TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get the code of conduct for a repository" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS codes_of_conduct_get_for_repo IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get community profile metrics" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS repos_get_community_profile_me IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Compare two commits" * Parameter: base, required, path * Parameter: head, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 500 METHODS repos_compare_commits IMPORTING base TYPE string head TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get repository content" * Parameter: path, required, path * Parameter: ref, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/vnd.github.v3.object * application/json * Response: 302 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_content IMPORTING path TYPE string ref TYPE string OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Create or update file contents" * Parameter: path, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 409 * Response: 422 METHODS repos_create_or_update_file_co IMPORTING path TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a file" * Parameter: path, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 409 * Response: 422 * Response: 503 METHODS repos_delete_file IMPORTING path TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repository contributors" * Parameter: anon, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 204 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS repos_list_contributors IMPORTING anon TYPE string OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List deployments" * Parameter: sha, optional, query * Parameter: ref, optional, query * Parameter: task, optional, query * Parameter: environment, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS repos_list_deployments IMPORTING sha TYPE string DEFAULT 'none' OPTIONAL ref TYPE string DEFAULT 'none' OPTIONAL task TYPE string DEFAULT 'none' OPTIONAL environment TYPE string DEFAULT 'none' OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a deployment" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 202 * application/json * Response: 409 * application/json * Response: 422 METHODS repos_create_deployment IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a deployment" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: deployment_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_deployment IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string deployment_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a deployment" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: deployment_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS repos_delete_deployment IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string deployment_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List deployment statuses" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: deployment_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS repos_list_deployment_statuses IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string deployment_id TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a deployment status" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: deployment_id, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 422 METHODS repos_create_deployment_status IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string deployment_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a deployment status" * Parameter: status_id, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: deployment_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 415 METHODS repos_get_deployment_status IMPORTING status_id TYPE i owner TYPE string repo TYPE string deployment_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a repository dispatch event" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 422 METHODS repos_create_dispatch_event IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repository events" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS activity_list_repo_events IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List forks" * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 400 METHODS repos_list_forks IMPORTING sort TYPE string DEFAULT 'newest' OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a fork" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 202 * application/json * Response: 400 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS repos_create_fork IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a blob" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 409 * Response: 422 METHODS git_create_blob IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a blob" * Parameter: file_sha, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS git_get_blob IMPORTING file_sha TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a commit" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS git_create_commit IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a commit" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: commit_sha, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS git_get_commit IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string commit_sha TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List matching references" * Parameter: ref, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS git_list_matching_refs IMPORTING ref TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a reference" * Parameter: ref, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS git_get_ref IMPORTING ref TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a reference" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 422 METHODS git_create_ref IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a reference" * Parameter: ref, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 422 METHODS git_update_ref IMPORTING ref TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a reference" * Parameter: ref, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 422 METHODS git_delete_ref IMPORTING ref TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a tag object" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 422 METHODS git_create_tag IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a tag" * Parameter: tag_sha, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS git_get_tag IMPORTING tag_sha TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a tree" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS git_create_tree IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a tree" * Parameter: tree_sha, required, path * Parameter: recursive, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS git_get_tree IMPORTING tree_sha TYPE string recursive TYPE string OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repository webhooks" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS repos_list_webhooks IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a repository webhook" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS repos_create_webhook IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a repository webhook" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_webhook IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a repository webhook" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS repos_update_webhook IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a repository webhook" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS repos_delete_webhook IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a webhook configuration for a repository" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS repos_get_webhook_config_for_r IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a webhook configuration for a repository" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS repos_update_webhook_config_fo IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Ping a repository webhook" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS repos_ping_webhook IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Test the push repository webhook" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS repos_test_push_webhook IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get an import status" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS migrations_get_import_status IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Start an import" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS migrations_start_import IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update an import" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS migrations_update_import IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Cancel an import" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS migrations_cancel_import IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get commit authors" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS migrations_get_commit_authors IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Map a commit author" * Parameter: author_id, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS migrations_map_commit_author IMPORTING author_id TYPE i owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get large files" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS migrations_get_large_files IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update Git LFS preference" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 422 METHODS migrations_set_lfs_preference IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a repository installation for the authenticated app" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 301 * Response: 404 METHODS apps_get_repo_installation IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get interaction restrictions for a repository" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS interactions_get_restriction01 IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set interaction restrictions for a repository" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 409 METHODS interactions_set_restriction01 IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove interaction restrictions for a repository" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 409 METHODS interactions_remove_restrict01 IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repository invitations" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS repos_list_invitations IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a repository invitation" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: invitation_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS repos_update_invitation IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string invitation_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a repository invitation" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: invitation_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS repos_delete_invitation IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string invitation_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repository issues" * Parameter: milestone, optional, query * Parameter: state, optional, query * Parameter: assignee, optional, query * Parameter: creator, optional, query * Parameter: mentioned, optional, query * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: labels, optional, query * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Parameter: since, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 301 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS issues_list_for_repo IMPORTING milestone TYPE string OPTIONAL state TYPE string DEFAULT 'open' OPTIONAL assignee TYPE string OPTIONAL creator TYPE string OPTIONAL mentioned TYPE string OPTIONAL sort TYPE string DEFAULT 'created' OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string labels TYPE string OPTIONAL direction TYPE string DEFAULT 'desc' OPTIONAL since TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create an issue" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 410 * Response: 422 * Response: 503 METHODS issues_create IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List issue comments for a repository" * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: since, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS issues_list_comments_for_repo IMPORTING direction TYPE string OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string sort TYPE string DEFAULT 'created' OPTIONAL since TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get an issue comment" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS issues_get_comment IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string comment_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update an issue comment" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 422 METHODS issues_update_comment IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string comment_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete an issue comment" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS issues_delete_comment IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string comment_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List reactions for an issue comment" * Parameter: content, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 415 METHODS reactions_list_for_issue_comme IMPORTING content TYPE string OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string comment_id TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create reaction for an issue comment" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 415 * Response: 422 METHODS reactions_create_for_issue_com IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string comment_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete an issue comment reaction" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS reactions_delete_for_issue_com IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string comment_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List issue events for a repository" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 422 METHODS issues_list_events_for_repo IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get an issue event" * Parameter: event_id, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 410 METHODS issues_get_event IMPORTING event_id TYPE i owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get an issue" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: issue_number, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 301 * Response: 304 * Response: 404 * Response: 410 METHODS issues_get IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string issue_number TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update an issue" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: issue_number, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 301 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 410 * Response: 422 * Response: 503 METHODS issues_update IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string issue_number TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Add assignees to an issue" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: issue_number, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json METHODS issues_add_assignees IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string issue_number TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove assignees from an issue" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: issue_number, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS issues_remove_assignees IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string issue_number TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List issue comments" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: issue_number, required, path * Parameter: since, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 410 METHODS issues_list_comments IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string issue_number TYPE i since TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create an issue comment" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: issue_number, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 410 * Response: 422 METHODS issues_create_comment IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string issue_number TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List issue events" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: issue_number, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 410 METHODS issues_list_events IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string issue_number TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List labels for an issue" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: issue_number, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 410 METHODS issues_list_labels_on_issue IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string issue_number TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Add labels to an issue" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: issue_number, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 410 * Response: 422 METHODS issues_add_labels IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string issue_number TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set labels for an issue" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: issue_number, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 410 * Response: 422 METHODS issues_set_labels IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string issue_number TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove all labels from an issue" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: issue_number, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 410 METHODS issues_remove_all_labels IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string issue_number TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove a label from an issue" * Parameter: name, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: issue_number, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 410 METHODS issues_remove_label IMPORTING name TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string issue_number TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Lock an issue" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: issue_number, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 410 * Response: 422 METHODS issues_lock IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string issue_number TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Unlock an issue" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: issue_number, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS issues_unlock IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string issue_number TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List reactions for an issue" * Parameter: content, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: issue_number, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 410 * Response: 415 METHODS reactions_list_for_issue IMPORTING content TYPE string OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string issue_number TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create reaction for an issue" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: issue_number, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 415 * Response: 422 METHODS reactions_create_for_issue IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string issue_number TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete an issue reaction" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: issue_number, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS reactions_delete_for_issue IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string issue_number TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List timeline events for an issue" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: issue_number, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 410 * Response: 415 METHODS issues_list_events_for_timelin IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string issue_number TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List deploy keys" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS repos_list_deploy_keys IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a deploy key" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 422 METHODS repos_create_deploy_key IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a deploy key" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: key_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_deploy_key IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string key_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a deploy key" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: key_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS repos_delete_deploy_key IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string key_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List labels for a repository" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS issues_list_labels_for_repo IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a label" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS issues_create_label IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a label" * Parameter: name, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS issues_get_label IMPORTING name TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a label" * Parameter: name, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS issues_update_label IMPORTING name TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a label" * Parameter: name, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS issues_delete_label IMPORTING name TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repository languages" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS repos_list_languages IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get the license for a repository" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS licenses_get_for_repo IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Merge a branch" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * application/json * Response: 409 * application/json * Response: 422 METHODS repos_merge IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List milestones" * Parameter: state, optional, query * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS issues_list_milestones IMPORTING state TYPE string DEFAULT 'open' OPTIONAL sort TYPE string DEFAULT 'due_on' OPTIONAL direction TYPE string DEFAULT 'asc' OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a milestone" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS issues_create_milestone IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a milestone" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: milestone_number, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS issues_get_milestone IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string milestone_number TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a milestone" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: milestone_number, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS issues_update_milestone IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string milestone_number TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a milestone" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: milestone_number, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS issues_delete_milestone IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string milestone_number TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List labels for issues in a milestone" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: milestone_number, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS issues_list_labels_for_milesto IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string milestone_number TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repository notifications for the authenticated user" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: all, optional, query * Parameter: participating, optional, query * Parameter: since, optional, query * Parameter: before, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS activity_list_repo_notificatio IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string all TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT 'false' OPTIONAL participating TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT 'false' OPTIONAL since TYPE string OPTIONAL before TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Mark repository notifications as read" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 202 METHODS activity_mark_repo_notificatio IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a GitHub Pages site" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_pages IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a GitHub Pages site" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 409 * Response: 415 * Response: 422 METHODS repos_create_pages_site IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Update information about a GitHub Pages site" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 400 * Response: 422 METHODS repos_update_information_about IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a GitHub Pages site" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 * Response: 415 * Response: 422 METHODS repos_delete_pages_site IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List GitHub Pages builds" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS repos_list_pages_builds IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Request a GitHub Pages build" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json METHODS repos_request_pages_build IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get latest Pages build" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS repos_get_latest_pages_build IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get GitHub Pages build" * Parameter: build_id, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS repos_get_pages_build IMPORTING build_id TYPE i owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repository projects" * Parameter: state, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 410 * Response: 422 METHODS projects_list_for_repo IMPORTING state TYPE string DEFAULT 'open' OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a repository project" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 410 * Response: 422 METHODS projects_create_for_repo IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List pull requests" * Parameter: state, optional, query * Parameter: head, optional, query * Parameter: base, optional, query * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 422 METHODS pulls_list IMPORTING state TYPE string DEFAULT 'open' OPTIONAL head TYPE string OPTIONAL base TYPE string OPTIONAL sort TYPE string DEFAULT 'created' OPTIONAL direction TYPE string OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a pull request" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 422 METHODS pulls_create IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List review comments in a repository" * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: since, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS pulls_list_review_comments_for IMPORTING direction TYPE string OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string sort TYPE string DEFAULT 'created' OPTIONAL since TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a review comment for a pull request" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS pulls_get_review_comment IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string comment_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a review comment for a pull request" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS pulls_update_review_comment IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string comment_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a review comment for a pull request" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS pulls_delete_review_comment IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string comment_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List reactions for a pull request review comment" * Parameter: content, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 415 METHODS reactions_list_for_pull_reques IMPORTING content TYPE string OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string comment_id TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create reaction for a pull request review comment" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 415 * Response: 422 METHODS reactions_create_for_pull_requ IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string comment_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a pull request comment reaction" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS reactions_delete_for_pull_requ IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string comment_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a pull request" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 404 * Response: 500 METHODS pulls_get IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a pull request" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 422 METHODS pulls_update IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List review comments on a pull request" * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: since, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS pulls_list_review_comments IMPORTING direction TYPE string OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string sort TYPE string DEFAULT 'created' OPTIONAL since TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a review comment for a pull request" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 422 METHODS pulls_create_review_comment IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a reply for a review comment" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS pulls_create_reply_for_review_ IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string comment_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List commits on a pull request" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS pulls_list_commits IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List pull requests files" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 422 * Response: 500 METHODS pulls_list_files IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Check if a pull request has been merged" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS pulls_check_if_merged IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Merge a pull request" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 405 * application/json * Response: 409 * application/json * Response: 422 METHODS pulls_merge IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List requested reviewers for a pull request" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS pulls_list_requested_reviewers IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Request reviewers for a pull request" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 422 METHODS pulls_request_reviewers IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove requested reviewers from a pull request" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * Response: 422 METHODS pulls_remove_requested_reviewe IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List reviews for a pull request" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS pulls_list_reviews IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a review for a pull request" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 422 METHODS pulls_create_review IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a review for a pull request" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: review_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS pulls_get_review IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string review_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Update a review for a pull request" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: review_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 422 METHODS pulls_update_review IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string review_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a pending review for a pull request" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: review_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS pulls_delete_pending_review IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string review_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List comments for a pull request review" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: review_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS pulls_list_comments_for_review IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string review_id TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Dismiss a review for a pull request" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: review_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS pulls_dismiss_review IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string review_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Submit a review for a pull request" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: review_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS pulls_submit_review IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string review_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Update a pull request branch" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 202 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 415 * Response: 422 METHODS pulls_update_branch IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a repository README" * Parameter: ref, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS repos_get_readme IMPORTING ref TYPE string OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List releases" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS repos_list_releases IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a release" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 422 METHODS repos_create_release IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a release asset" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: asset_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 302 * Response: 404 * Response: 415 METHODS repos_get_release_asset IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string asset_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a release asset" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: asset_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS repos_update_release_asset IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string asset_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a release asset" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: asset_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS repos_delete_release_asset IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string asset_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get the latest release" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS repos_get_latest_release IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a release by tag name" * Parameter: tag, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_release_by_tag IMPORTING tag TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a release" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: release_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_release IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string release_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a release" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: release_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS repos_update_release IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string release_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a release" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: release_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS repos_delete_release IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string release_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List release assets" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: release_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS repos_list_release_assets IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string release_id TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Upload a release asset" * Parameter: name, optional, query * Parameter: label, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: release_id, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json METHODS repos_upload_release_asset IMPORTING name TYPE string OPTIONAL label TYPE string OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string release_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List secret scanning alerts for a repository" * Parameter: state, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: page, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 503 METHODS secret_scanning_list_alerts_fo IMPORTING state TYPE string OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a secret scanning alert" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: alert_number, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 503 METHODS secret_scanning_get_alert IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string alert_number TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a secret scanning alert" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: alert_number, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Response: 503 METHODS secret_scanning_update_alert IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string alert_number TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List stargazers" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * application/ * Response: 422 METHODS activity_list_stargazers_for_r IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get the weekly commit activity" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS repos_get_code_frequency_stats IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get the last year of commit activity" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS repos_get_commit_activity_stat IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get all contributor commit activity" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS repos_get_contributors_stats IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get the weekly commit count" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_participation_stats IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get the hourly commit count for each day" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS repos_get_punch_card_stats IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a commit status" * Parameter: sha, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json METHODS repos_create_commit_status IMPORTING sha TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List watchers" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS activity_list_watchers_for_rep IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a repository subscription" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS activity_get_repo_subscription IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set a repository subscription" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS activity_set_repo_subscription IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a repository subscription" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS activity_delete_repo_subscript IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repository tags" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS repos_list_tags IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Download a repository archive (tar)" * Parameter: ref, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 302 METHODS repos_download_tarball_archive IMPORTING ref TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repository teams" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS repos_list_teams IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get all repository topics" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 415 METHODS repos_get_all_topics IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Replace all repository topics" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 415 * Response: 422 METHODS repos_replace_all_topics IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get repository clones" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 403 METHODS repos_get_clones IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per TYPE string DEFAULT 'day' OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get top referral paths" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 403 METHODS repos_get_top_paths IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get top referral sources" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 403 METHODS repos_get_top_referrers IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get page views" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 403 METHODS repos_get_views IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per TYPE string DEFAULT 'day' OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Transfer a repository" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 202 * application/json METHODS repos_transfer IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Check if vulnerability alerts are enabled for a repository" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS repos_check_vulnerability_aler IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Enable vulnerability alerts" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS repos_enable_vulnerability_ale IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Disable vulnerability alerts" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS repos_disable_vulnerability_al IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Download a repository archive (zip)" * Parameter: ref, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 302 METHODS repos_download_zipball_archive IMPORTING ref TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a repository using a template" * Parameter: template_owner, required, path * Parameter: template_repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json METHODS repos_create_using_template IMPORTING template_owner TYPE string template_repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List public repositories" * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 422 METHODS repos_list_public RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List provisioned SCIM groups for an enterprise" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: count, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS enterprise_admin_list_provisio IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string count TYPE i OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Provision a SCIM enterprise group and invite users" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json METHODS enterprise_admin_provision_and IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get SCIM provisioning information for an enterprise group" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: scim_group_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS enterprise_admin_get_provision IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string scim_group_id TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set SCIM information for a provisioned enterprise group" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: scim_group_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS enterprise_admin_set_informati IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string scim_group_id TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update an attribute for a SCIM enterprise group" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: scim_group_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS enterprise_admin_update_attrib IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string scim_group_id TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a SCIM group from an enterprise" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: scim_group_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS enterprise_admin_delete_scim_g IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string scim_group_id TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List SCIM provisioned identities for an enterprise" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: count, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS enterprise_admin_list_provis01 IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string count TYPE i OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Provision and invite a SCIM enterprise user" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json METHODS enterprise_admin_provision_a01 IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get SCIM provisioning information for an enterprise user" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: scim_user_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS enterprise_admin_get_provisi01 IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string scim_user_id TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set SCIM information for a provisioned enterprise user" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: scim_user_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS enterprise_admin_set_informa01 IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string scim_user_id TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update an attribute for a SCIM enterprise user" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: scim_user_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS enterprise_admin_update_attr01 IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string scim_user_id TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a SCIM user from an enterprise" * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: scim_user_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS enterprise_admin_delete_user_f IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string scim_user_id TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List SCIM provisioned identities" * Parameter: startIndex, optional, query * Parameter: count, optional, query * Parameter: filter, optional, query * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/scim+json * Response: 304 * Response: 400 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS scim_list_provisioned_identiti IMPORTING startindex TYPE i OPTIONAL count TYPE i OPTIONAL filter TYPE string OPTIONAL org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Provision and invite a SCIM user" * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 201 * application/scim+json * Response: 304 * Response: 400 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 409 * Response: 500 METHODS scim_provision_and_invite_user IMPORTING org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get SCIM provisioning information for a user" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: scim_user_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/scim+json * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS scim_get_provisioning_informat IMPORTING org TYPE string scim_user_id TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Update a provisioned organization membership" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: scim_user_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/scim+json * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS scim_set_information_for_provi IMPORTING org TYPE string scim_user_id TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update an attribute for a SCIM user" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: scim_user_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/scim+json * Response: 304 * Response: 400 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 429 * application/json METHODS scim_update_attribute_for_user IMPORTING org TYPE string scim_user_id TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a SCIM user from an organization" * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: scim_user_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS scim_delete_user_from_org IMPORTING org TYPE string scim_user_id TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Search code" * Parameter: q, required, query * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: order, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 422 * Response: 503 METHODS search_code IMPORTING q TYPE string sort TYPE string OPTIONAL order TYPE string DEFAULT 'desc' OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Search commits" * Parameter: q, required, query * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: order, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 415 METHODS search_commits IMPORTING q TYPE string sort TYPE string OPTIONAL order TYPE string DEFAULT 'desc' OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Search issues and pull requests" * Parameter: q, required, query * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: order, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 422 * Response: 503 METHODS search_issues_and_pull_request IMPORTING q TYPE string sort TYPE string OPTIONAL order TYPE string DEFAULT 'desc' OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Search labels" * Parameter: repository_id, required, query * Parameter: q, required, query * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: order, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS search_labels IMPORTING repository_id TYPE i q TYPE string sort TYPE string OPTIONAL order TYPE string DEFAULT 'desc' OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Search repositories" * Parameter: q, required, query * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: order, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 422 * Response: 503 METHODS search_repos IMPORTING q TYPE string sort TYPE string OPTIONAL order TYPE string DEFAULT 'desc' OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Search topics" * Parameter: q, required, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 415 METHODS search_topics IMPORTING q TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Search users" * Parameter: q, required, query * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: order, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 422 * Response: 503 METHODS search_users IMPORTING q TYPE string sort TYPE string OPTIONAL order TYPE string DEFAULT 'desc' OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a team (Legacy)" * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS teams_get_legacy RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a team (Legacy)" * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS teams_update_legacy RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a team (Legacy)" * Response: 204 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS teams_delete_legacy RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List discussions (Legacy)" * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS teams_list_discussions_legacy IMPORTING direction TYPE string DEFAULT 'desc' OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a discussion (Legacy)" * Response: 201 * application/json METHODS teams_create_discussion_legacy RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a discussion (Legacy)" * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS teams_get_discussion_legacy RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a discussion (Legacy)" * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS teams_update_discussion_legacy RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a discussion (Legacy)" * Response: 204 METHODS teams_delete_discussion_legacy RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List discussion comments (Legacy)" * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS teams_list_discussion_commen01 IMPORTING direction TYPE string DEFAULT 'desc' OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a discussion comment (Legacy)" * Response: 201 * application/json METHODS teams_create_discussion_comm01 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a discussion comment (Legacy)" * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS teams_get_discussion_comment_l RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a discussion comment (Legacy)" * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS teams_update_discussion_comm01 RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a discussion comment (Legacy)" * Response: 204 METHODS teams_delete_discussion_comm01 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List reactions for a team discussion comment (Legacy)" * Parameter: content, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS reactions_list_for_team_disc02 IMPORTING content TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create reaction for a team discussion comment (Legacy)" * Response: 201 * application/json METHODS reactions_create_for_team_di02 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List reactions for a team discussion (Legacy)" * Parameter: content, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS reactions_list_for_team_disc03 IMPORTING content TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create reaction for a team discussion (Legacy)" * Response: 201 * application/json METHODS reactions_create_for_team_di03 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List pending team invitations (Legacy)" * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS teams_list_pending_invitatio01 IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List team members (Legacy)" * Parameter: role, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS teams_list_members_legacy IMPORTING role TYPE string DEFAULT 'all' OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get team member (Legacy)" * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS teams_get_member_legacy IMPORTING username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Add team member (Legacy)" * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * application/json METHODS teams_add_member_legacy IMPORTING username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove team member (Legacy)" * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS teams_remove_member_legacy IMPORTING username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get team membership for a user (Legacy)" * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS teams_get_membership_for_use01 IMPORTING username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Add or update team membership for a user (Legacy)" * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * application/json METHODS teams_add_or_update_membersh01 IMPORTING username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove team membership for a user (Legacy)" * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 403 METHODS teams_remove_membership_for_01 IMPORTING username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List team projects (Legacy)" * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 415 METHODS teams_list_projects_legacy IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Check team permissions for a project (Legacy)" * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 415 METHODS teams_check_permissions_for_01 RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Add or update team project permissions (Legacy)" * Response: 204 * Response: 403 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 415 * Response: 422 METHODS teams_add_or_update_project_01 RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove a project from a team (Legacy)" * Response: 204 * Response: 404 * Response: 415 * Response: 422 METHODS teams_remove_project_legacy RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List team repositories (Legacy)" * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS teams_list_repos_legacy IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Check team permissions for a repository (Legacy)" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/vnd.github.v3.repository+json * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS teams_check_permissions_for_02 IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Add or update team repository permissions (Legacy)" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 403 * Response: 422 METHODS teams_add_or_update_repo_per01 IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove a repository from a team (Legacy)" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS teams_remove_repo_legacy IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List IdP groups for a team (Legacy)" * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS teams_list_idp_groups_for_lega RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Create or update IdP group connections (Legacy)" * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 422 METHODS teams_create_or_update_idp_g01 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List child teams (Legacy)" * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS teams_list_child_legacy IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get the authenticated user" * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS users_get_authenticated RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update the authenticated user" * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS users_update_authenticated RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List users blocked by the authenticated user" * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 415 METHODS users_list_blocked_by_authenti RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Check if a user is blocked by the authenticated user" * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * application/json METHODS users_check_blocked IMPORTING username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Block a user" * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS users_block IMPORTING username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Unblock a user" * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS users_unblock IMPORTING username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Set primary email visibility for the authenticated user" * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS users_set_primary_email_visibi RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List email addresses for the authenticated user" * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS users_list_emails_for_authenti IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Add an email address for the authenticated user" * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS users_add_email_for_authentica RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete an email address for the authenticated user" * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS users_delete_email_for_authent RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List followers of the authenticated user" * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS users_list_followers_for_authe IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List the people the authenticated user follows" * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS users_list_followed_by_authent IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Check if a person is followed by the authenticated user" * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * application/json METHODS users_check_person_is_followed IMPORTING username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Follow a user" * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS users_follow IMPORTING username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Unfollow a user" * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS users_unfollow IMPORTING username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List GPG keys for the authenticated user" * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS users_list_gpg_keys_for_authen IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a GPG key for the authenticated user" * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS users_create_gpg_key_for_authe RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a GPG key for the authenticated user" * Parameter: gpg_key_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS users_get_gpg_key_for_authenti IMPORTING gpg_key_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a GPG key for the authenticated user" * Parameter: gpg_key_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS users_delete_gpg_key_for_authe IMPORTING gpg_key_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List app installations accessible to the user access token" * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 415 METHODS apps_list_installations_for_au IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repositories accessible to the user access token" * Parameter: installation_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS apps_list_installation_repos_f IMPORTING installation_id TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Add a repository to an app installation" * Parameter: installation_id, required, path * Parameter: repository_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS apps_add_repo_to_installation IMPORTING installation_id TYPE i repository_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove a repository from an app installation" * Parameter: installation_id, required, path * Parameter: repository_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS apps_remove_repo_from_installa IMPORTING installation_id TYPE i repository_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get interaction restrictions for your public repositories" * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS interactions_get_restriction02 RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set interaction restrictions for your public repositories" * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 422 METHODS interactions_set_restriction02 RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove interaction restrictions from your public repositories" * Response: 204 METHODS interactions_remove_restrict02 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List user account issues assigned to the authenticated user" * Parameter: filter, optional, query * Parameter: state, optional, query * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: labels, optional, query * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Parameter: since, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 404 METHODS issues_list_for_authenticated_ IMPORTING filter TYPE string DEFAULT 'assigned' OPTIONAL state TYPE string DEFAULT 'open' OPTIONAL sort TYPE string DEFAULT 'created' OPTIONAL labels TYPE string OPTIONAL direction TYPE string DEFAULT 'desc' OPTIONAL since TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List public SSH keys for the authenticated user" * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS users_list_public_ssh_keys_for IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a public SSH key for the authenticated user" * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS users_create_public_ssh_key_fo RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a public SSH key for the authenticated user" * Parameter: key_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS users_get_public_ssh_key_for_a IMPORTING key_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a public SSH key for the authenticated user" * Parameter: key_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS users_delete_public_ssh_key_fo IMPORTING key_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List subscriptions for the authenticated user" * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 404 METHODS apps_list_subscriptions_for_au IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List subscriptions for the authenticated user (stubbed)" * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 METHODS apps_list_subscriptions_for_01 IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List organization memberships for the authenticated user" * Parameter: state, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 422 METHODS orgs_list_memberships_for_auth IMPORTING state TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get an organization membership for the authenticated user" * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS orgs_get_membership_for_authen IMPORTING org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update an organization membership for the authenticated user" * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS orgs_update_membership_for_aut IMPORTING org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List user migrations" * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS migrations_list_for_authentica IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Start a user migration" * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 422 METHODS migrations_start_for_authentic RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a user migration status" * Parameter: exclude, optional, query * Parameter: migration_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS migrations_get_status_for_auth IMPORTING exclude TYPE string OPTIONAL migration_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Download a user migration archive" * Parameter: migration_id, required, path * Response: 302 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS migrations_get_archive_for_aut IMPORTING migration_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a user migration archive" * Parameter: migration_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS migrations_delete_archive_fo01 IMPORTING migration_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Unlock a user repository" * Parameter: migration_id, required, path * Parameter: repo_name, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS migrations_unlock_repo_for_aut IMPORTING migration_id TYPE i repo_name TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repositories for a user migration" * Parameter: migration_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS migrations_list_repos_for_user IMPORTING migration_id TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List organizations for the authenticated user" * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS orgs_list_for_authenticated_us IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a user project" * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 415 * Response: 422 METHODS projects_create_for_authentica RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List public email addresses for the authenticated user" * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS users_list_public_emails_for_a IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repositories for the authenticated user" * Parameter: visibility, optional, query * Parameter: affiliation, optional, query * Parameter: type, optional, query * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Parameter: since, optional, query * Parameter: before, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 422 METHODS repos_list_for_authenticated_u IMPORTING visibility TYPE string DEFAULT 'all' OPTIONAL affiliation TYPE string DEFAULT 'owner,collaborator,organization_member' OPTIONAL type TYPE string DEFAULT 'all' OPTIONAL sort TYPE string DEFAULT 'full_name' OPTIONAL direction TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL since TYPE string OPTIONAL before TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a repository for the authenticated user" * Response: 201 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 400 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS repos_create_for_authenticated RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repository invitations for the authenticated user" * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS repos_list_invitations_for_aut IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Accept a repository invitation" * Parameter: invitation_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 409 METHODS repos_accept_invitation IMPORTING invitation_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Decline a repository invitation" * Parameter: invitation_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 409 METHODS repos_decline_invitation IMPORTING invitation_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repositories starred by the authenticated user" * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * application/ * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS activity_list_repos_starred_by IMPORTING sort TYPE string DEFAULT 'created' OPTIONAL direction TYPE string DEFAULT 'desc' OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Check if a repository is starred by the authenticated user" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * application/json METHODS activity_check_repo_is_starred IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Star a repository for the authenticated user" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS activity_star_repo_for_authent IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Unstar a repository for the authenticated user" * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS activity_unstar_repo_for_authe IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repositories watched by the authenticated user" * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS activity_list_watched_repos_fo IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List teams for the authenticated user" * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS teams_list_for_authenticated_u IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List users" * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 304 METHODS users_list IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a user" * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 METHODS users_get_by_username IMPORTING username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List events for the authenticated user" * Parameter: username, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS activity_list_events_for_authe IMPORTING username TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List organization events for the authenticated user" * Parameter: username, required, path * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS activity_list_org_events_for_a IMPORTING username TYPE string org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List public events for a user" * Parameter: username, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS activity_list_public_events_01 IMPORTING username TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List followers of a user" * Parameter: username, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS users_list_followers_for_user IMPORTING username TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List the people a user follows" * Parameter: username, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS users_list_following_for_user IMPORTING username TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Check if a user follows another user" * Parameter: target_user, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS users_check_following_for_user IMPORTING target_user TYPE string username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List gists for a user" * Parameter: username, required, path * Parameter: since, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 422 METHODS gists_list_for_user IMPORTING username TYPE string since TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List GPG keys for a user" * Parameter: username, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS users_list_gpg_keys_for_user IMPORTING username TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get contextual information for a user" * Parameter: subject_type, optional, query * Parameter: subject_id, optional, query * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS users_get_context_for_user IMPORTING subject_type TYPE string OPTIONAL subject_id TYPE string OPTIONAL username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a user installation for the authenticated app" * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS apps_get_user_installation IMPORTING username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List public keys for a user" * Parameter: username, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS users_list_public_keys_for_use IMPORTING username TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List organizations for a user" * Parameter: username, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS orgs_list_for_user IMPORTING username TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List user projects" * Parameter: state, optional, query * Parameter: username, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * Response: 415 * Response: 422 METHODS projects_list_for_user IMPORTING state TYPE string DEFAULT 'open' OPTIONAL username TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List events received by the authenticated user" * Parameter: username, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS activity_list_received_events_ IMPORTING username TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List public events received by a user" * Parameter: username, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS activity_list_received_public_ IMPORTING username TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repositories for a user" * Parameter: type, optional, query * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Parameter: username, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS repos_list_for_user IMPORTING type TYPE string DEFAULT 'owner' OPTIONAL sort TYPE string DEFAULT 'full_name' OPTIONAL direction TYPE string OPTIONAL username TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get GitHub Actions billing for a user" * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS billing_get_github_actions_b02 IMPORTING username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get GitHub Packages billing for a user" * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS billing_get_github_packages_02 IMPORTING username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get shared storage billing for a user" * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS billing_get_shared_storage_b02 IMPORTING username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repositories starred by a user" * Parameter: username, required, path * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json * application/ METHODS activity_list_repos_starred_01 IMPORTING username TYPE string sort TYPE string DEFAULT 'created' OPTIONAL direction TYPE string DEFAULT 'desc' OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repositories watched by a user" * Parameter: username, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json METHODS activity_list_repos_watched_by IMPORTING username TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get the Zen of GitHub" * Response: 200 * text/plain METHODS meta_get_zen RAISING cx_static_check. ENDINTERFACE.
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_object_doma DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM zcl_abapgit_objects_super FINAL. PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES zif_abapgit_object. ALIASES mo_files FOR zif_abapgit_object~mo_files. PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_dd01_text, ddlanguage TYPE dd01v-ddlanguage, ddtext TYPE dd01v-ddtext, END OF ty_dd01_text . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_dd07_text, valpos TYPE dd07v-valpos, ddlanguage TYPE dd07v-ddlanguage, domvalue_l TYPE dd07v-domvalue_l, domvalue_h TYPE dd07v-domvalue_h, ddtext TYPE dd07v-ddtext, domval_ld TYPE dd07v-domval_ld, domval_hd TYPE dd07v-domval_hd, END OF ty_dd07_text . TYPES: ty_dd01_texts TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_dd01_text . TYPES: ty_dd07_texts TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_dd07_text . CONSTANTS c_longtext_id_doma TYPE dokil-id VALUE 'DO' ##NO_TEXT. METHODS serialize_texts IMPORTING !ii_xml TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_xml_output !it_dd07v TYPE dd07v_tab RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS deserialize_texts IMPORTING !ii_xml TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_xml_input !is_dd01v TYPE dd01v !it_dd07v TYPE dd07v_tab RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_abapgit_object_doma IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD deserialize_texts. DATA: lv_name TYPE ddobjname, lv_valpos TYPE valpos, ls_dd01v_tmp TYPE dd01v, lt_dd07v_tmp TYPE TABLE OF dd07v, lt_i18n_langs TYPE TABLE OF langu, lt_dd01_texts TYPE ty_dd01_texts, lt_dd07_texts TYPE ty_dd07_texts. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lv_lang> LIKE LINE OF lt_i18n_langs, <ls_dd07v> LIKE LINE OF it_dd07v, <ls_dd01_text> LIKE LINE OF lt_dd01_texts, <ls_dd07_text> LIKE LINE OF lt_dd07_texts. lv_name = ms_item-obj_name. ii_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'I18N_LANGS' CHANGING cg_data = lt_i18n_langs ). ii_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'DD01_TEXTS' CHANGING cg_data = lt_dd01_texts ). ii_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'DD07_TEXTS' CHANGING cg_data = lt_dd07_texts ). SORT lt_i18n_langs. SORT lt_dd07_texts BY ddlanguage. " Optimization LOOP AT lt_i18n_langs ASSIGNING <lv_lang>. " Domain description ls_dd01v_tmp = is_dd01v. READ TABLE lt_dd01_texts ASSIGNING <ls_dd01_text> WITH KEY ddlanguage = <lv_lang>. IF sy-subrc > 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |DD01_TEXTS cannot find lang { <lv_lang> } in XML| ). ENDIF. MOVE-CORRESPONDING <ls_dd01_text> TO ls_dd01v_tmp. " Domain values lt_dd07v_tmp = it_dd07v. LOOP AT lt_dd07v_tmp ASSIGNING <ls_dd07v>. lv_valpos = <ls_dd07v>-valpos. " it_dd07v was potentially renumbered so lookup by value READ TABLE lt_dd07_texts ASSIGNING <ls_dd07_text> WITH KEY ddlanguage = <lv_lang> domvalue_l = <ls_dd07v>-domvalue_l domvalue_h = <ls_dd07v>-domvalue_h. IF sy-subrc = 0. MOVE-CORRESPONDING <ls_dd07_text> TO <ls_dd07v>. <ls_dd07v>-valpos = lv_valpos. DELETE lt_dd07_texts INDEX sy-tabix. " Optimization ELSE. " no translation -> keep entry but clear texts <ls_dd07v>-ddlanguage = <lv_lang>. CLEAR: <ls_dd07v>-ddtext, <ls_dd07v>-domval_ld, <ls_dd07v>-domval_hd. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. CALL FUNCTION 'DDIF_DOMA_PUT' EXPORTING name = lv_name dd01v_wa = ls_dd01v_tmp TABLES dd07v_tab = lt_dd07v_tmp EXCEPTIONS doma_not_found = 1 name_inconsistent = 2 doma_inconsistent = 3 put_failure = 4 put_refused = 5 OTHERS = 6. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error from DDIF_DOMA_PUT @TEXTS' ). ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD serialize_texts. DATA: lv_name TYPE ddobjname, lv_index TYPE i, ls_dd01v TYPE dd01v, lt_dd07v TYPE TABLE OF dd07v, lt_i18n_langs TYPE TABLE OF langu, lt_dd01_texts TYPE ty_dd01_texts, lt_dd07_texts TYPE ty_dd07_texts. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lv_lang> LIKE LINE OF lt_i18n_langs, <ls_dd07v> LIKE LINE OF lt_dd07v, <ls_dd07v_tmp> LIKE LINE OF lt_dd07v, <ls_dd01_text> LIKE LINE OF lt_dd01_texts, <ls_dd07_text> LIKE LINE OF lt_dd07_texts. IF ii_xml->i18n_params( )-serialize_master_lang_only = abap_true. RETURN. ENDIF. lv_name = ms_item-obj_name. " Collect additional languages, skip main lang - it was serialized already SELECT DISTINCT ddlanguage AS langu INTO TABLE lt_i18n_langs FROM dd01v WHERE domname = lv_name AND ddlanguage <> mv_language. "#EC CI_SUBRC LOOP AT lt_i18n_langs ASSIGNING <lv_lang>. lv_index = sy-tabix. CALL FUNCTION 'DDIF_DOMA_GET' EXPORTING name = lv_name langu = <lv_lang> IMPORTING dd01v_wa = ls_dd01v TABLES dd07v_tab = lt_dd07v EXCEPTIONS illegal_input = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc <> 0 OR ls_dd01v-ddlanguage IS INITIAL. DELETE lt_i18n_langs INDEX lv_index. " Don't save this lang CONTINUE. ENDIF. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_dd01_texts ASSIGNING <ls_dd01_text>. MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_dd01v TO <ls_dd01_text>. " Process main language entries and find corresponding translation LOOP AT it_dd07v ASSIGNING <ls_dd07v> WHERE NOT ddlanguage IS INITIAL. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_dd07_texts ASSIGNING <ls_dd07_text>. READ TABLE lt_dd07v ASSIGNING <ls_dd07v_tmp> WITH KEY ddlanguage = <lv_lang> domvalue_l = <ls_dd07v>-domvalue_l domvalue_h = <ls_dd07v>-domvalue_h. IF sy-subrc = 0. MOVE-CORRESPONDING <ls_dd07v_tmp> TO <ls_dd07_text>. ELSE. " no translation -> keep entry but clear texts <ls_dd07_text>-ddlanguage = <lv_lang>. CLEAR: <ls_dd07_text>-ddtext, <ls_dd07_text>-domval_ld, <ls_dd07_text>-domval_hd. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDLOOP. SORT lt_i18n_langs ASCENDING. SORT lt_dd01_texts BY ddlanguage ASCENDING. SORT lt_dd07_texts BY valpos ASCENDING ddlanguage ASCENDING. IF lines( lt_i18n_langs ) > 0. ii_xml->add( iv_name = 'I18N_LANGS' ig_data = lt_i18n_langs ). ii_xml->add( iv_name = 'DD01_TEXTS' ig_data = lt_dd01_texts ). ii_xml->add( iv_name = 'DD07_TEXTS' ig_data = lt_dd07_texts ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~changed_by. SELECT SINGLE as4user FROM dd01l INTO rv_user WHERE domname = ms_item-obj_name AND as4local = 'A' AND as4vers = '0000'. IF sy-subrc <> 0. rv_user = c_user_unknown. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~delete. IF zif_abapgit_object~exists( ) = abap_false. RETURN. ENDIF. delete_ddic( iv_objtype = 'D' iv_no_ask_delete_append = abap_true ). delete_longtexts( c_longtext_id_doma ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~deserialize. * package SEDD * package SDIC * fm TR_TADIR_INTERFACE * fm RS_CORR_INSERT ? DATA: lv_name TYPE ddobjname, ls_dd01v TYPE dd01v, lt_dd07v TYPE TABLE OF dd07v. FIELD-SYMBOLS <ls_dd07v> TYPE dd07v. io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'DD01V' CHANGING cg_data = ls_dd01v ). io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'DD07V_TAB' CHANGING cg_data = lt_dd07v ). corr_insert( iv_package = iv_package ig_object_class = 'DICT' ). lv_name = ms_item-obj_name. " type conversion LOOP AT lt_dd07v ASSIGNING <ls_dd07v>. <ls_dd07v>-domname = lv_name. <ls_dd07v>-valpos = sy-tabix. ENDLOOP. CALL FUNCTION 'DDIF_DOMA_PUT' EXPORTING name = lv_name dd01v_wa = ls_dd01v TABLES dd07v_tab = lt_dd07v EXCEPTIONS doma_not_found = 1 name_inconsistent = 2 doma_inconsistent = 3 put_failure = 4 put_refused = 5 OTHERS = 6. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error from DDIF_DOMA_PUT' ). ENDIF. deserialize_texts( ii_xml = io_xml is_dd01v = ls_dd01v it_dd07v = lt_dd07v ). deserialize_longtexts( io_xml ). zcl_abapgit_objects_activation=>add_item( ms_item ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~exists. DATA: lv_domname TYPE dd01l-domname. SELECT SINGLE domname FROM dd01l INTO lv_domname WHERE domname = ms_item-obj_name. rv_bool = boolc( sy-subrc = 0 ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_comparator. RETURN. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_deserialize_steps. APPEND zif_abapgit_object=>gc_step_id-ddic TO rt_steps. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_metadata. rs_metadata = get_metadata( ). rs_metadata-ddic = abap_true. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~is_active. rv_active = is_active( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~is_locked. rv_is_locked = exists_a_lock_entry_for( iv_lock_object = 'ESDICT' iv_argument = |{ ms_item-obj_type }{ ms_item-obj_name }| ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~jump. jump_se11( iv_radio = 'RSRD1-DOMA' iv_field = 'RSRD1-DOMA_VAL' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~serialize. DATA: lv_name TYPE ddobjname, ls_dd01v TYPE dd01v, lv_masklen TYPE c LENGTH 4, lt_dd07v TYPE TABLE OF dd07v. lv_name = ms_item-obj_name. CALL FUNCTION 'DDIF_DOMA_GET' EXPORTING name = lv_name langu = mv_language IMPORTING dd01v_wa = ls_dd01v TABLES dd07v_tab = lt_dd07v EXCEPTIONS illegal_input = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc <> 0 OR ls_dd01v IS INITIAL. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error from DDIF_DOMA_GET' ). ENDIF. CLEAR: ls_dd01v-as4user, ls_dd01v-as4date, ls_dd01v-as4time, ls_dd01v-appexist. * make sure XML serialization does not dump if the field contains invalid data * note that this is a N field, so '' is not valid IF ls_dd01v-authclass = ''. CLEAR ls_dd01v-authclass. ENDIF. lv_masklen = ls_dd01v-masklen. IF lv_masklen = '' OR NOT lv_masklen CO '0123456789'. CLEAR ls_dd01v-masklen. ENDIF. DELETE lt_dd07v WHERE appval = abap_true. SORT lt_dd07v BY valpos ASCENDING ddlanguage ASCENDING. io_xml->add( iv_name = 'DD01V' ig_data = ls_dd01v ). io_xml->add( iv_name = 'DD07V_TAB' ig_data = lt_dd07v ). serialize_texts( ii_xml = io_xml it_dd07v = lt_dd07v ). serialize_longtexts( ii_xml = io_xml iv_longtext_id = c_longtext_id_doma ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_branch_overview DEFINITION PUBLIC FINAL CREATE PRIVATE GLOBAL FRIENDS zcl_abapgit_factory . PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES zif_abapgit_branch_overview . CONSTANTS c_deleted_branch_name_prefix TYPE string VALUE '__DELETED_BRANCH_' ##NO_TEXT. METHODS constructor IMPORTING io_repo TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo_online RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA mt_branches TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_git_branch_list_tt . DATA mt_commits TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_commit_tt . DATA mt_tags TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_git_tag_list_tt . METHODS compress_internal IMPORTING !iv_name TYPE string CHANGING !ct_temp TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_commit_tt !ct_commits TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_commit_tt . METHODS parse_annotated_tags IMPORTING !it_objects TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_objects_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS determine_branch RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS determine_merges RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS fixes RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS get_git_objects IMPORTING !io_repo TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo_online RETURNING VALUE(rt_objects) TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_objects_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS determine_tags RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_ABAPGIT_BRANCH_OVERVIEW IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD compress_internal. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_temp> LIKE LINE OF ct_temp, <ls_new> LIKE LINE OF ct_commits, <ls_temp_end> LIKE LINE OF ct_temp. IF lines( ct_temp ) >= 10. READ TABLE ct_temp ASSIGNING <ls_temp> INDEX 1. ASSERT sy-subrc = 0. READ TABLE ct_temp ASSIGNING <ls_temp_end> INDEX lines( ct_temp ). ASSERT sy-subrc = 0. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO ct_commits ASSIGNING <ls_new>. <ls_new>-sha1 = <ls_temp_end>-sha1. <ls_new>-parent1 = <ls_temp>-parent1. <ls_new>-time = <ls_temp>-time. <ls_new>-message = |Compressed, { lines( ct_temp ) } commits|. <ls_new>-branch = iv_name. <ls_new>-compressed = abap_true. ELSE. APPEND LINES OF ct_temp TO ct_commits. ENDIF. CLEAR ct_temp. ENDMETHOD. METHOD constructor. DATA: lt_objects TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_objects_tt. lt_objects = get_git_objects( io_repo ). mt_commits = zcl_abapgit_git_commit=>parse_commits( lt_objects ). zcl_abapgit_git_commit=>sort_commits( CHANGING ct_commits = mt_commits ). parse_annotated_tags( lt_objects ). CLEAR lt_objects. determine_branch( ). determine_merges( ). determine_tags( ). fixes( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD determine_branch. CONSTANTS: lc_head TYPE string VALUE 'HEAD'. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_branch_with_time, time TYPE string, name TYPE string, sha1 TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_sha1, END OF ty_branch_with_time. DATA: lt_branches_sorted_by_time TYPE SORTED TABLE OF ty_branch_with_time WITH NON-UNIQUE KEY time, ls_branches_with_time TYPE ty_branch_with_time. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_branch> LIKE LINE OF mt_branches, <ls_branch_sorted_by_time> LIKE LINE OF lt_branches_sorted_by_time, <ls_head> LIKE LINE OF mt_branches, <ls_commit> LIKE LINE OF mt_commits, <ls_create> LIKE LINE OF <ls_commit>-create. * Exchange HEAD, and make sure the branch determination starts with the HEAD branch READ TABLE mt_branches ASSIGNING <ls_head> WITH KEY name = lc_head. ASSERT sy-subrc = 0. LOOP AT mt_branches ASSIGNING <ls_branch> WHERE sha1 = <ls_head>-sha1 AND name <> lc_head. <ls_head>-name = <ls_branch>-name. DELETE mt_branches INDEX sy-tabix. EXIT. ENDLOOP. * Sort Branches by Commit Time LOOP AT mt_branches ASSIGNING <ls_branch>. READ TABLE mt_commits ASSIGNING <ls_commit> WITH KEY sha1 = <ls_branch>-sha1. IF sy-subrc = 0. ls_branches_with_time-name = <ls_branch>-name+11. ls_branches_with_time-sha1 = <ls_branch>-sha1. IF <ls_branch>-is_head = abap_true. ls_branches_with_time-time = '0000000000'. "Force HEAD to be the first one ELSE. ls_branches_with_time-time = <ls_commit>-time. ENDIF. INSERT ls_branches_with_time INTO TABLE lt_branches_sorted_by_time. CLEAR ls_branches_with_time. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. LOOP AT lt_branches_sorted_by_time ASSIGNING <ls_branch_sorted_by_time>. READ TABLE mt_commits ASSIGNING <ls_commit> WITH KEY sha1 = <ls_branch_sorted_by_time>-sha1. ASSERT sy-subrc = 0. DO. IF <ls_commit>-branch IS INITIAL. <ls_commit>-branch = <ls_branch_sorted_by_time>-name. ELSE. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO <ls_commit>-create ASSIGNING <ls_create>. <ls_create>-name = <ls_branch_sorted_by_time>-name. <ls_create>-parent = <ls_commit>-branch. EXIT. ENDIF. IF <ls_commit>-parent1 IS INITIAL. EXIT. ELSE. READ TABLE mt_commits ASSIGNING <ls_commit> WITH KEY sha1 = <ls_commit>-parent1. ASSERT sy-subrc = 0. ENDIF. ENDDO. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD determine_merges. DATA: BEGIN OF ls_deleted_branch_info, created TYPE abap_bool, index TYPE string, name TYPE string, END OF ls_deleted_branch_info. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_merged_branch_commit> TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_commit, <ls_merged_branch_parent> TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_commit, <ls_commit> TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_commit, <ls_create> TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_create. * we need latest first here: latest -> initial zcl_abapgit_git_commit=>reverse_sort_order( CHANGING ct_commits = mt_commits ). LOOP AT mt_commits ASSIGNING <ls_commit> WHERE NOT parent2 IS INITIAL. ASSERT NOT <ls_commit>-branch IS INITIAL. READ TABLE mt_commits ASSIGNING <ls_merged_branch_commit> WITH KEY sha1 = <ls_commit>-parent2. IF sy-subrc = 0. <ls_commit>-merge = <ls_merged_branch_commit>-branch. * orphaned, branch has been deleted after merge ls_deleted_branch_info-created = abap_false. WHILE <ls_merged_branch_commit>-branch IS INITIAL. IF ls_deleted_branch_info-created = abap_false. ls_deleted_branch_info-created = abap_true. ls_deleted_branch_info-index = ls_deleted_branch_info-index + 1. ls_deleted_branch_info-name = c_deleted_branch_name_prefix && ls_deleted_branch_info-index && '__'. CONDENSE ls_deleted_branch_info-name NO-GAPS. <ls_commit>-merge = ls_deleted_branch_info-name. ENDIF. <ls_merged_branch_commit>-branch = ls_deleted_branch_info-name. READ TABLE mt_commits ASSIGNING <ls_merged_branch_parent> WITH KEY sha1 = <ls_merged_branch_commit>-parent1. IF sy-subrc <> 0. EXIT. ELSE. ASSIGN <ls_merged_branch_parent> TO <ls_merged_branch_commit>. ENDIF. ENDWHILE. IF <ls_merged_branch_parent> IS ASSIGNED. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO <ls_merged_branch_parent>-create ASSIGNING <ls_create>. <ls_create>-name = ls_deleted_branch_info-name. <ls_create>-parent = <ls_commit>-branch. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. " switch back to initial -> latest zcl_abapgit_git_commit=>reverse_sort_order( CHANGING ct_commits = mt_commits ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD determine_tags. DATA: lv_tag TYPE LINE OF zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_commit-tags. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_tag> LIKE LINE OF mt_tags, <ls_commit> LIKE LINE OF mt_commits. LOOP AT mt_tags ASSIGNING <ls_tag>. IF <ls_tag>-type = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_git_branch_type-lightweight_tag. READ TABLE mt_commits WITH KEY sha1 = <ls_tag>-sha1 ASSIGNING <ls_commit>. "#EC CI_SUBRC ELSEIF <ls_tag>-type = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_git_branch_type-annotated_tag. READ TABLE mt_commits WITH KEY sha1 = <ls_tag>-object ASSIGNING <ls_commit>. ENDIF. CHECK sy-subrc = 0. lv_tag = zcl_abapgit_git_tag=>remove_tag_prefix( <ls_tag>-name ). INSERT lv_tag INTO TABLE <ls_commit>-tags. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD fixes. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_commit> LIKE LINE OF mt_commits. LOOP AT mt_commits ASSIGNING <ls_commit> WHERE NOT merge IS INITIAL. * commits from old branches IF <ls_commit>-branch = <ls_commit>-merge. CLEAR <ls_commit>-merge. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_git_objects. DATA: lo_branch_list TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_git_branch_list, li_progress TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_progress, lt_branches_and_tags TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_git_branch_list_tt, lt_tags TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_git_branch_list_tt, ls_tag LIKE LINE OF mt_tags. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_branch> LIKE LINE OF lt_tags. li_progress = zcl_abapgit_progress=>get_instance( 1 ). li_progress->show( iv_current = 1 iv_text = |Get git objects { io_repo->get_name( ) }| ). * get objects directly from git, mo_repo only contains a shallow clone of only * the selected branch "TODO refactor lo_branch_list = zcl_abapgit_git_transport=>branches( io_repo->get_url( ) ). mt_branches = lo_branch_list->get_branches_only( ). INSERT LINES OF mt_branches INTO TABLE lt_branches_and_tags. lt_tags = lo_branch_list->get_tags_only( ). INSERT LINES OF lt_tags INTO TABLE lt_branches_and_tags. LOOP AT lt_tags ASSIGNING <ls_branch>. IF <ls_branch>-name CP '*^{}'. CONTINUE. ENDIF. MOVE-CORRESPONDING <ls_branch> TO ls_tag. INSERT ls_tag INTO TABLE mt_tags. ENDLOOP. zcl_abapgit_git_transport=>upload_pack_by_branch( EXPORTING iv_url = io_repo->get_url( ) iv_branch_name = io_repo->get_branch_name( ) iv_deepen_level = 0 it_branches = lt_branches_and_tags IMPORTING et_objects = rt_objects ). DELETE rt_objects WHERE type = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_type-blob. ENDMETHOD. METHOD parse_annotated_tags. DATA: ls_raw TYPE zcl_abapgit_git_pack=>ty_tag. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_object> LIKE LINE OF it_objects, <ls_tag> LIKE LINE OF mt_tags. LOOP AT it_objects ASSIGNING <ls_object> USING KEY type WHERE type = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_type-tag. ls_raw = zcl_abapgit_git_pack=>decode_tag( <ls_object>-data ). READ TABLE mt_tags ASSIGNING <ls_tag> WITH KEY sha1 = <ls_object>-sha1. ASSERT sy-subrc = 0. <ls_tag>-name = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_git_branch-tags_prefix && ls_raw-tag. <ls_tag>-sha1 = <ls_object>-sha1. <ls_tag>-object = ls_raw-object. <ls_tag>-type = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_git_branch_type-annotated_tag. <ls_tag>-display_name = ls_raw-tag. <ls_tag>-tagger_name = ls_raw-tagger_name. <ls_tag>-tagger_email = ls_raw-tagger_email. <ls_tag>-message = ls_raw-message. <ls_tag>-body = ls_raw-body. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_branch_overview~compress. DATA: lv_previous TYPE i, lv_index TYPE i, lv_name TYPE string, lt_temp LIKE it_commits. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_branch> LIKE LINE OF mt_branches, <ls_commit> LIKE LINE OF it_commits. LOOP AT mt_branches ASSIGNING <ls_branch>. CLEAR lt_temp. lv_name = <ls_branch>-name+11. LOOP AT it_commits ASSIGNING <ls_commit> WHERE branch = lv_name. lv_index = sy-tabix. IF NOT <ls_commit>-merge IS INITIAL OR NOT <ls_commit>-create IS INITIAL. * always show these vertices lv_previous = -1. ENDIF. IF lv_previous + 1 <> sy-tabix. compress_internal( EXPORTING iv_name = lv_name CHANGING ct_temp = lt_temp ct_commits = rt_commits ). ENDIF. lv_previous = lv_index. APPEND <ls_commit> TO lt_temp. ENDLOOP. compress_internal( EXPORTING iv_name = lv_name CHANGING ct_temp = lt_temp ct_commits = rt_commits ). ENDLOOP. zcl_abapgit_git_commit=>sort_commits( CHANGING ct_commits = rt_commits ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_branch_overview~get_branches. rt_branches = mt_branches. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_branch_overview~get_commits. rt_commits = mt_commits. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_branch_overview~get_tags. rt_tags = mt_tags. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 1671, 3702, 62, 2502, 1177, 5550, 20032, 17941, 198, 220, 44731, 198, 220, 25261, 198, 220, 29244, 6158, 4810, 3824, 6158, 198, 220, 10188, 9864, 1847, 48167, 1677, 5258, 1976, 565, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 69, 9548, 764, 628, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 23255, 37, 2246, 1546, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 1671, 3702, 62, 2502, 1177, 764, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7102, 2257, 1565, 4694, 269, 62, 2934, 33342, 62, 1671, 3702, 62, 3672, 62, 40290, 41876, 4731, 26173, 8924, 705, 834, 7206, 28882, 1961, 62, 11473, 1565, 3398, 62, 6, 22492, 15285, 62, 32541, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 23772, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30023, 9863, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 33245, 62, 260, 7501, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 1976, 565, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 260, 7501, 62, 25119, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 17926, 1797, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1976, 66, 87, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 1069, 4516, 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REPORT ztest_lang. ********************************************************************** * APP ********************************************************************** class lcl_app definition final. public section. methods read importing iv_s_lang type laiso iv_t_lang type string iv_obj_type type zif_abapgit_i18n=>ty_obj_type iv_obj_name type sobj_name iv_sub_type type zif_abapgit_i18n=>ty_obj_type iv_sub_name type zif_abapgit_i18n=>ty_sub_name iv_textkey_strategy type string returning value(rt_file) type string_table. methods default_demo importing io_lxe type ref to zcl_abapgit_i18n_lxe io_container type ref to zcl_abapgit_i18n_file. endclass. class lcl_app implementation. method default_demo. data lt_texts type zif_abapgit_i18n=>tt_text_object. lt_texts = io_lxe->read( iv_obj_type = 'PROG' " Not needed ? iv_textkey_conf = '8,8,10i' iv_obj_name = 'ZTEST_LANG' iv_sub_type = 'REPT' ). io_container->put( lt_texts ). lt_texts = io_lxe->read( iv_obj_type = 'PROG' iv_textkey_conf = '10,5z' iv_obj_name = 'ZTEST_LANG' iv_sub_type = 'DYNP' iv_sub_name = '2001' ). io_container->put( lt_texts ). lt_texts = io_lxe->read( iv_obj_type = 'PROG' iv_textkey_conf = '10,5z' iv_obj_name = 'ZTEST_LANG' iv_sub_type = 'CUAD' ). io_container->put( lt_texts ). lt_texts = io_lxe->read( iv_obj_type = 'DOMA' iv_textkey_conf = '10,5z' iv_obj_name = 'ZTEST_LANG_DOMA' ). io_container->put( lt_texts ). lt_texts = io_lxe->read( iv_obj_type = 'DTEL' iv_textkey_conf = '10,5z' iv_obj_name = 'ZTEST_LANG_DTEL' ). io_container->put( lt_texts ). lt_texts = io_lxe->read( iv_obj_type = 'TRAN' iv_textkey_conf = '10,5z' iv_obj_name = 'ZTEST_LANG' ). io_container->put( lt_texts ). * lt_texts = io_lxe->read( * iv_obj_type = 'MSAG' * iv_textkey_conf = '10,5z' * iv_obj_name = 'ZTEST_LANG' ). * io_container->put( lt_texts ). endmethod. method read. data lo_lxe type ref to zcl_abapgit_i18n_lxe. data lo_container type ref to zcl_abapgit_i18n_file. data lt_langs type zif_abapgit_i18n=>tt_langid. data lt_texts type zif_abapgit_i18n=>tt_text_object. data lv_str type string. split iv_t_lang at ',' into table lt_langs. create object lo_container. create object lo_lxe exporting iv_orig_lang = iv_s_lang it_alt_langs = lt_langs. if iv_obj_type is initial. default_demo( io_lxe = lo_lxe io_container = lo_container ). else. if iv_obj_type is initial or iv_obj_name is initial * or iv_sub_type is initial * or iv_sub_name is initial or iv_textkey_strategy is initial. message 'Obj type, name and strategy must be filled' type 'E' display like 'I'. return. endif. lt_texts = lo_lxe->read( iv_obj_type = iv_obj_type iv_obj_name = iv_obj_name iv_textkey_conf = iv_textkey_strategy iv_sub_type = iv_sub_type iv_sub_name = iv_sub_name ). lo_container->put( lt_texts ). endif. lv_str = lo_container->render( ). split lv_str at cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline into table rt_file. endmethod. endclass. ********************************************************************** * SELECTION SCREEN ********************************************************************** selection-screen begin of block b1 with frame title txt_b1. parameter p_otype type zif_abapgit_i18n=>ty_obj_type. " eg. PROG parameter p_oname type sobj_name. " eg. ZTEST_LANG parameter p_stype type zif_abapgit_i18n=>ty_obj_type. " eg. DYNP parameter p_sname type zif_abapgit_i18n=>ty_sub_name. " eg. 2001 parameter p_tstra type string default '32'. selection-screen end of block b1. initialization. txt_b1 = 'Source program'. "#EC NOTEXT form main. data lo_i18n type ref to lcl_app. data lt_file type string_table. field-symbols <s> like line of lt_file. create object lo_i18n. lt_file = lo_i18n->read( iv_s_lang = 'EN' iv_t_lang = 'DE,UK' iv_obj_type = p_otype iv_obj_name = p_oname iv_sub_type = p_stype iv_sub_name = p_sname iv_textkey_strategy = p_tstra ). cl_demo_output=>display_data( lt_file ). * loop at lt_file assigning <s>. * write: / <s>. * endloop. endform. start-of-selection. perform main.
[ 2200, 15490, 1976, 9288, 62, 17204, 13, 198, 198, 17174, 17174, 2466, 1174, 198, 9, 43504, 198, 17174, 17174, 2466, 1174, 198, 198, 4871, 300, 565, 62, 1324, 6770, 2457, 13, 628, 220, 1171, 2665, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 5050, 1100, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 33332, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 21628, 62, 82, 62, 17204, 2099, 8591, 26786, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 21628, 62, 83, 62, 17204, 2099, 4731, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 21628, 62, 26801, 62, 4906, 2099, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 72, 1507, 77, 14804, 774, 62, 26801, 62, 4906, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 21628, 62, 26801, 62, 3672, 2099, 27355, 73, 62, 3672, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 21628, 62, 7266, 62, 4906, 2099, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 72, 1507, 77, 14804, 774, 62, 26801, 62, 4906, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 21628, 62, 7266, 62, 3672, 2099, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 72, 1507, 77, 14804, 774, 62, 7266, 62, 3672, 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CLASS zcl_dbbr_sql_query_exec_proxy DEFINITION PUBLIC FINAL CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS constructor IMPORTING is_query TYPE zdbbr_sql_query it_parameters TYPE zdbbr_query_parameter_t. "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Execute Sql SELECT</p> "! METHODS execute_select IMPORTING iv_row_count TYPE i DEFAULT 100 RETURNING VALUE(rs_table_result) TYPE zdbbr_dp_table_data RAISING zcx_dbbr_sql_query_error. "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Execute Sql COUNT</p> "! METHODS execute_count RETURNING VALUE(rs_table_result) TYPE zdbbr_dp_table_data RAISING zcx_dbbr_sql_query_error. PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA mt_parameter TYPE zdbbr_query_parameter_t. DATA ms_query TYPE zdbbr_sql_query. "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Create subroutine for sql statment</p> "! METHODS create_subroutine_code IMPORTING iv_row_count TYPE i OPTIONAL if_count_only TYPE abap_bool OPTIONAL EXPORTING VALUE(ev_program) TYPE program VALUE(ev_message) TYPE string. "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Check and correct the query result</p> "! CLASS-METHODS check_and_correct_result IMPORTING ir_query_result TYPE REF TO data CHANGING cs_result TYPE zdbbr_dp_table_data RAISING zcx_dbbr_sql_query_error. "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Remove/adjust NULL values</p> "! CLASS-METHODS remove_null IMPORTING !i_lv_col_value TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(r_result) TYPE string. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_dbbr_sql_query_exec_proxy IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD constructor. ms_query = is_query. mt_parameter = it_parameters. ENDMETHOD. METHOD execute_count. ENDMETHOD. METHOD execute_select. DATA: lr_query_result TYPE REF TO data. create_subroutine_code( EXPORTING iv_row_count = iv_row_count IMPORTING ev_program = DATA(lv_program) ev_message = rs_table_result-message ). IF rs_table_result-message IS NOT INITIAL. RETURN. ENDIF. DATA(lo_timer) = NEW zcl_dbbr_timer( ). DATA(lv_class) = |\\PROGRAM={ lv_program }\\CLASS=MAIN|. lo_timer->start( ). ** IF ms_query-is_single_result_query = abap_true. ** CALL METHOD (lv_class)=>execute RECEIVING rv_count = rs_table_result-line_count. ** ELSE. CALL METHOD (lv_class)=>execute RECEIVING rr_result = lr_query_result . ** ENDIF. lo_timer->stop( ). rs_table_result-query_execution_time = lo_timer->get_duration_string( ). ** IF ms_query-is_single_result_query = abap_false. check_and_correct_result( EXPORTING ir_query_result = lr_query_result CHANGING cs_result = rs_table_result ). ** ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD create_subroutine_code. DATA: lt_lines TYPE string_table, lt_lines_temp TYPE string_table. lt_lines = VALUE #( ( |REPORT ZSQL_QUERY.| ) ( ) ( |CLASS main DEFINITION.| ) ( | PUBLIC SECTION.| ) ( | CLASS-METHODS execute| ) ( | RETURNING| ) ( | VALUE(rr_result) TYPE REF TO data| ) ( | RAISING| ) ( | ZCX_DBBR_SQL_QUERY_ERROR.| ) ( |ENDCLASS.| ) ( ) ( |CLASS main IMPLEMENTATION.| ) ( | METHOD execute.| ) ( | FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lt_result> TYPE TABLE.| ) ( ) ). *.. Add parameters with their chosen values LOOP AT mt_parameter ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_parameter>). DATA(lv_param_line) = | DATA { <ls_parameter>-name } TYPE|. IF <ls_parameter>-type IS NOT INITIAL. IF <ls_parameter>-is_range = abap_true. lv_param_line = |{ lv_param_line } RANGE OF { <ls_parameter>-type }|. ELSE. lv_param_line = |{ lv_param_line } { <ls_parameter>-type }|. ENDIF. ELSE. lv_param_line = |{ lv_param_line } { <ls_parameter>-inttype } LENGTH { <ls_parameter>-length }|. IF <ls_parameter>-decimals > 0. lv_param_line = |{ lv_param_line } DECIMALS { <ls_parameter>-decimals }|. ENDIF. ENDIF. *.... Fill the value for the parameter IF <ls_parameter>-value IS NOT INITIAL. lv_param_line = |{ lv_param_line } VALUE '{ <ls_parameter>-value }'|. ELSEIF <ls_parameter>-default_value_raw IS NOT INITIAL. lv_param_line = |{ lv_param_line } VALUE { <ls_parameter>-default_value_raw }|. ENDIF. lv_param_line = |{ lv_param_line }.|. lt_lines = VALUE #( BASE lt_lines ( lv_param_line ) ). ENDLOOP. lt_lines = VALUE #( BASE lt_lines ( ) ). CLEAR lt_lines_temp. *.. Fill range parameters with values LOOP AT mt_parameter ASSIGNING <ls_parameter> WHERE value_list IS NOT INITIAL. lt_lines = VALUE #( BASE lt_lines ( | { <ls_parameter>-name } = VALUE #( | ) ). * clear lt_lines_temp LOOP AT <ls_parameter>-value_list ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_range_value>). DATA(lv_line) = | ( sign = '{ <ls_range_value>-sign }' option = '{ <ls_range_value>-option }' low = '{ <ls_range_value>-low }'|. IF <ls_range_value>-high IS NOT INITIAL. lv_line = |{ lv_line } high = '{ <ls_range_value>-high }'|. ENDIF. lv_line = |{ lv_line } )|. lt_lines = VALUE #( BASE lt_lines ( lv_line ) ). ENDLOOP. lt_lines = VALUE #( BASE lt_lines ( |{ lv_line } ).| ) ). ENDLOOP. lt_lines = VALUE #( BASE lt_lines ( ) ). *.. Add lines of the select statement SPLIT ms_query-select_source AT cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf INTO TABLE lt_lines_temp. ASSIGN lt_lines_temp[ ms_query-last_row_in_select_stmnt ] TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<lv_last_query_line>). IF ms_query-is_single_result_query = abap_true. <lv_last_query_line> = |{ <lv_last_query_line>(ms_query-last_row_offset) } INTO @DATA(result)|. ELSE. <lv_last_query_line> = |{ <lv_last_query_line>(ms_query-last_row_offset) } INTO TABLE @DATA(result)|. ENDIF. IF iv_row_count IS SUPPLIED AND iv_row_count > 0 AND ms_query-is_single_result_query = abap_false AND ms_query-main_select_stmnt_type <> zcl_dbbr_sql_query_parser=>c_keywords-union. <lv_last_query_line> = |{ <lv_last_query_line> } UP TO { iv_row_count } ROWS.|. ELSE. <lv_last_query_line> = |{ <lv_last_query_line> }.|. ENDIF. DATA: lr_result TYPE REF TO data. lt_lines = VALUE #( BASE lt_lines ( | TRY.| ) ( LINES OF lt_lines_temp ) ). IF ms_query-is_single_result_query = abap_true. lt_lines = VALUE #( BASE lt_lines ( | CREATE DATA rr_result LIKE TABLE OF result.| ) ). ELSE. lt_lines = VALUE #( BASE lt_lines ( | CREATE DATA rr_result LIKE result.| ) ). ENDIF. lt_lines = VALUE #( BASE lt_lines ( | ASSIGN rr_result->* to <lt_result>.| ) ). IF ms_query-is_single_result_query = abap_true. lt_lines = VALUE #( BASE lt_lines ( | INSERT result INTO TABLE <lt_result>.| ) ). ELSE. lt_lines = VALUE #( BASE lt_lines ( | <lt_result> = result.| ) ). ENDIF. lt_lines = VALUE #( BASE lt_lines ( | CATCH cx_root INTO DATA(lx_root).| ) ( | RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_dbbr_sql_query_error| ) ( | EXPORTING| ) ( | previous = lx_root.| ) ( | ENDTRY.| ) ( | ENDMETHOD.| ) ( |ENDCLASS.| ) ). *.. Generate the subroutine GENERATE SUBROUTINE POOL lt_lines NAME ev_program MESSAGE ev_message LINE DATA(lv_error_line) OFFSET DATA(lv_error_offset) WORD DATA(lv_error_word). "#EC CI_GENERATE ENDMETHOD. METHOD remove_null. DATA: null_char TYPE c. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_help> TYPE x. *.. generate a 'null'-character ASSIGN null_char TO <ls_help> CASTING. IF sy-subrc = 0. CLEAR <ls_help>. ENDIF. r_result = translate( val = i_lv_col_value from = null_char to = '' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD check_and_correct_result. DATA: lo_ref_table_des TYPE REF TO cl_abap_tabledescr, lo_ref_table_line_des TYPE REF TO cl_abap_structdescr, lo_data_ref TYPE REF TO cl_abap_structdescr, lt_table_field_details TYPE abap_compdescr_tab, ls_table_field_details TYPE abap_compdescr, lt_data_fields TYPE abap_compdescr_tab, ls_data_field TYPE abap_compdescr, lf_is_elementary_table TYPE abap_bool, lv_col_value TYPE string, lv_data_cell_col_val TYPE string, lt_types TYPE RANGE OF abap_typekind. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lt_dyn_table> TYPE ANY TABLE, <la_dyn_table_row> TYPE any, <la_column_value> TYPE any, <ls_data_cell_col_val> TYPE any, <ls_table_col> TYPE zdbbr_dp_column. lt_types = VALUE #( ( sign = 'I' option = 'EQ' low = cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_char ) ( sign = 'I' option = 'EQ' low = cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_date ) ( sign = 'I' option = 'EQ' low = cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_string ) ( sign = 'I' option = 'EQ' low = cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_num ) ( sign = 'I' option = 'EQ' low = cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_time ) ). lo_ref_table_des ?= cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data_ref( p_data_ref = ir_query_result ). DATA(lo_line_descr) = lo_ref_table_des->get_table_line_type( ). IF lo_line_descr->kind = cl_abap_typedescr=>kind_elem. lf_is_elementary_table = abap_true. lt_table_field_details = VALUE #( ( name = 'VALUE' decimals = lo_line_descr->decimals length = lo_line_descr->length type_kind = lo_line_descr->type_kind ) ). ELSEIF lo_line_descr->kind = cl_abap_typedescr=>kind_struct. lt_table_field_details = CAST cl_abap_structdescr( lo_line_descr )->components. lo_ref_table_line_des ?= lo_line_descr. ELSE. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_dbbr_sql_query_error. ENDIF. LOOP AT lt_table_field_details INTO ls_table_field_details. DATA(lv_rollname) = VALUE rollname( ). DATA(lv_domname) = VALUE domname( ). DATA(lv_length) = VALUE ddleng( ). DATA(lv_int_length) = VALUE intlen( ). DATA(lv_decimals) = VALUE decimals( ). DATA(lv_description) = VALUE ddtext( ). DATA(lo_comp_type) = SWITCH #( lf_is_elementary_table WHEN abap_true THEN lo_line_descr ELSE lo_ref_table_line_des->get_component_type( p_name = ls_table_field_details-name ) ). IF lo_comp_type->is_ddic_type( ) AND lo_comp_type->kind <> lo_comp_type->kind_struct. DATA(ls_ddic_header) = CAST cl_abap_elemdescr( lo_comp_type )->get_ddic_field( ). lv_rollname = ls_ddic_header-rollname. lv_domname = ls_ddic_header-domname. lv_decimals = ls_ddic_header-decimals. lv_length = ls_ddic_header-leng. lv_int_length = ls_ddic_header-intlen. lv_description = COND #( WHEN ls_ddic_header-scrtext_m IS NOT INITIAL THEN ls_ddic_header-scrtext_m WHEN ls_ddic_header-scrtext_l IS NOT INITIAL THEN ls_ddic_header-scrtext_l WHEN ls_ddic_header-scrtext_s IS NOT INITIAL THEN ls_ddic_header-scrtext_s ELSE ls_ddic_header-fieldname ). ELSE. lv_decimals = lo_comp_type->decimals. lv_description = ls_table_field_details-name. lv_length = lo_comp_type->length. lv_int_length = lo_comp_type->length. ENDIF. *.... add metadata cs_result-columns = VALUE #( BASE cs_result-columns ( metadata = VALUE #( name = ls_table_field_details-name description = lv_description length = lv_length int_length = lv_int_length domname = lv_domname rollname = lv_rollname decimals = lv_decimals typekind = ls_table_field_details-type_kind ) ) ). ENDLOOP. ASSIGN ir_query_result->* TO <lt_dyn_table>. cs_result-line_count = lines( <lt_dyn_table> ). *.. Fill the data sets of the columns LOOP AT <lt_dyn_table> ASSIGNING <la_dyn_table_row>. LOOP AT lt_table_field_details INTO ls_table_field_details. CLEAR lv_col_value . UNASSIGN <la_column_value>. IF lf_is_elementary_table = abap_true. ASSIGN <la_dyn_table_row> TO <la_column_value>. ELSE. ASSIGN COMPONENT ls_table_field_details-name OF STRUCTURE <la_dyn_table_row> TO <la_column_value>. ENDIF. ASSIGN cs_result-columns[ metadata-name = ls_table_field_details-name ] TO <ls_table_col>. IF <ls_table_col> IS ASSIGNED. IF <la_column_value> IS ASSIGNED. IF ls_table_field_details-type_kind EQ cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_struct1 OR ls_table_field_details-type_kind EQ cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_struct2. TRY. lo_data_ref ?= cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data( p_data = <la_column_value> ). lt_data_fields = lo_data_ref->components. LOOP AT lt_data_fields INTO ls_data_field. CLEAR lv_data_cell_col_val. ASSIGN COMPONENT ls_data_field-name OF STRUCTURE <la_column_value> TO <ls_data_cell_col_val>. IF <ls_data_cell_col_val> IS ASSIGNED. lv_data_cell_col_val = <ls_data_cell_col_val>. CONCATENATE lv_col_value lv_data_cell_col_val INTO lv_col_value SEPARATED BY space. IF strlen( lv_col_value ) > 97. EXIT. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. IF strlen( lv_col_value ) > 97. lv_col_value = lv_col_value+0(97). ENDIF. lv_col_value = |{ lv_col_value }...|. CATCH cx_sy_move_cast_error. ENDTRY. ELSE. lv_col_value = <la_column_value>. ENDIF. ENDIF. IF lv_col_value IS NOT INITIAL. IF ls_table_field_details-type_kind IN lt_types. lv_col_value = remove_null( lv_col_value ). ENDIF. ENDIF. APPEND lv_col_value TO <ls_table_col>-dataset. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_git_branch_list DEFINITION PUBLIC CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS constructor IMPORTING !iv_data TYPE string RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS find_by_name IMPORTING !iv_branch_name TYPE clike RETURNING VALUE(rs_branch) TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_git_branch RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS get_head_symref RETURNING VALUE(rv_head_symref) TYPE string . METHODS get_all RETURNING VALUE(rt_branches) TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_git_branch_list_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS get_branches_only RETURNING VALUE(rt_branches) TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_git_branch_list_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS get_tags_only " For potential future use RETURNING VALUE(rt_tags) TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_git_branch_list_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS get_display_name IMPORTING !iv_branch_name TYPE clike RETURNING VALUE(rv_display_name) TYPE string . CLASS-METHODS get_type IMPORTING !iv_branch_name TYPE clike !it_result TYPE string_table OPTIONAL !iv_current_row_index TYPE sy-tabix OPTIONAL RETURNING VALUE(rv_type) TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_git_branch_type . CLASS-METHODS complete_heads_branch_name IMPORTING !iv_branch_name TYPE clike RETURNING VALUE(rv_name) TYPE string . CLASS-METHODS normalize_branch_name IMPORTING !iv_branch_name TYPE clike RETURNING VALUE(rv_name) TYPE string . PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA mt_branches TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_git_branch_list_tt . DATA mv_head_symref TYPE string . CLASS-METHODS skip_first_pkt IMPORTING !iv_data TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(rv_data) TYPE string RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS find_tag_by_name IMPORTING !iv_branch_name TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(rs_branch) TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_git_branch RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS parse_branch_list IMPORTING !iv_data TYPE string EXPORTING !et_list TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_git_branch_list_tt !ev_head_symref TYPE string RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS parse_head_params IMPORTING !iv_data TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(rv_head_symref) TYPE string . ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_abapgit_git_branch_list IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD complete_heads_branch_name. IF iv_branch_name CP zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_git_branch-heads. rv_name = iv_branch_name. ELSE. rv_name = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_git_branch-heads_prefix && iv_branch_name. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD constructor. parse_branch_list( EXPORTING iv_data = iv_data IMPORTING et_list = mt_branches ev_head_symref = mv_head_symref ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD find_by_name. IF iv_branch_name IS INITIAL. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'Branch name empty' ). ENDIF. IF iv_branch_name CP zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_git_branch-tags. rs_branch = find_tag_by_name( iv_branch_name ). ELSE. READ TABLE mt_branches INTO rs_branch WITH KEY name = iv_branch_name. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Branch { get_display_name( iv_branch_name ) } not found. Use 'Branch' > 'Switch' to select a different branch| ). ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD find_tag_by_name. DATA: lv_branch_name TYPE string. lv_branch_name = iv_branch_name && '^{}'. READ TABLE mt_branches INTO rs_branch WITH KEY name = lv_branch_name. IF sy-subrc <> 0. READ TABLE mt_branches INTO rs_branch WITH KEY name = iv_branch_name. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'Branch not found' ). ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_all. rt_branches = mt_branches. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_branches_only. FIELD-SYMBOLS <ls_branch> LIKE LINE OF mt_branches. LOOP AT mt_branches ASSIGNING <ls_branch>. IF <ls_branch>-type = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_git_branch_type-branch. APPEND <ls_branch> TO rt_branches. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_display_name. rv_display_name = iv_branch_name. IF rv_display_name CP zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_git_branch-heads. REPLACE FIRST OCCURRENCE OF zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_git_branch-heads_prefix IN rv_display_name WITH ''. ELSEIF rv_display_name CP zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_git_branch-tags. REPLACE FIRST OCCURRENCE OF zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_git_branch-prefix IN rv_display_name WITH ''. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_head_symref. rv_head_symref = mv_head_symref. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_tags_only. FIELD-SYMBOLS <ls_branch> LIKE LINE OF mt_branches. LOOP AT mt_branches ASSIGNING <ls_branch> WHERE type = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_git_branch_type-lightweight_tag OR type = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_git_branch_type-annotated_tag. APPEND <ls_branch> TO rt_tags. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_type. DATA: lv_annotated_tag_with_suffix TYPE string. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lv_result> TYPE LINE OF string_table. rv_type = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_git_branch_type-other. IF iv_branch_name CP zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_git_branch-heads OR iv_branch_name = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_head_name. rv_type = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_git_branch_type-branch. ELSEIF iv_branch_name CP zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_git_branch-tags. lv_annotated_tag_with_suffix = iv_branch_name && '^{}'. READ TABLE it_result ASSIGNING <lv_result> INDEX iv_current_row_index + 1. IF sy-subrc = 0 AND <lv_result> CP '*' && lv_annotated_tag_with_suffix. rv_type = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_git_branch_type-annotated_tag. ELSE. rv_type = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_git_branch_type-lightweight_tag. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD normalize_branch_name. rv_name = iv_branch_name. " Force convert to string REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF ` ` IN rv_name WITH '-'. " Disallow space in branch name ENDMETHOD. METHOD parse_branch_list. DATA: lt_result TYPE TABLE OF string, lv_hash TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_sha1, lv_name TYPE string, lv_head_params TYPE string, lv_char TYPE c, lv_data LIKE LINE OF lt_result, lv_current_row_index TYPE syst-tabix. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_branch> LIKE LINE OF et_list. CLEAR: et_list, ev_head_symref. lv_data = skip_first_pkt( iv_data ). SPLIT lv_data AT zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_newline INTO TABLE lt_result. LOOP AT lt_result INTO lv_data. lv_current_row_index = sy-tabix. IF sy-tabix = 1 AND strlen( lv_data ) > 12 AND lv_data(4) = '0000' AND lv_data+8(3) = 'ERR'. lv_name = lv_data+8. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( lv_name ). ELSEIF sy-tabix = 1 AND strlen( lv_data ) > 49. lv_hash = lv_data+8. lv_name = lv_data+49. lv_char = zcl_abapgit_git_utils=>get_null( ). SPLIT lv_name AT lv_char INTO lv_name lv_head_params. ev_head_symref = parse_head_params( lv_head_params ). IF ev_head_symref IS INITIAL AND lv_name CS 'refs/heads/'. ev_head_symref = lv_name. ENDIF. ELSEIF sy-tabix > 1 AND strlen( lv_data ) > 45. lv_hash = lv_data+4. lv_name = lv_data+45. ELSEIF sy-tabix = 1 AND strlen( lv_data ) = 8 AND lv_data(8) = '00000000'. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'No branches, create branch manually by adding file' ). ELSE. CONTINUE. ENDIF. ASSERT lv_name IS NOT INITIAL. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO et_list ASSIGNING <ls_branch>. <ls_branch>-sha1 = lv_hash. <ls_branch>-name = lv_name. <ls_branch>-display_name = get_display_name( lv_name ). <ls_branch>-type = get_type( iv_branch_name = lv_name it_result = lt_result iv_current_row_index = lv_current_row_index ). IF <ls_branch>-name = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_head_name OR <ls_branch>-name = ev_head_symref. <ls_branch>-is_head = abap_true. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD parse_head_params. DATA: ls_match TYPE match_result, ls_submatch LIKE LINE OF ls_match-submatches. FIND FIRST OCCURRENCE OF REGEX '\ssymref=HEAD:([^\s]+)' IN iv_data RESULTS ls_match. READ TABLE ls_match-submatches INTO ls_submatch INDEX 1. IF sy-subrc IS INITIAL. rv_head_symref = iv_data+ls_submatch-offset(ls_submatch-length). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD skip_first_pkt. DATA: lv_hex TYPE x LENGTH 1, lv_length TYPE i. * channel ASSERT iv_data(2) = '00'. lv_hex = to_upper( iv_data+2(2) ). lv_length = lv_hex. rv_data = iv_data+lv_length. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_objects_program DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM zcl_abapgit_objects_super. PUBLIC SECTION. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_progdir, name TYPE progdir-name, state TYPE progdir-state, sqlx TYPE progdir-sqlx, edtx TYPE progdir-edtx, varcl TYPE progdir-varcl, dbapl TYPE progdir-dbapl, dbna TYPE progdir-dbna, clas TYPE progdir-clas, type TYPE progdir-type, occurs TYPE progdir-occurs, subc TYPE progdir-subc, appl TYPE progdir-appl, secu TYPE progdir-secu, cnam TYPE progdir-cnam, cdat TYPE progdir-cdat, unam TYPE progdir-unam, udat TYPE progdir-udat, vern TYPE progdir-vern, levl TYPE progdir-levl, rstat TYPE progdir-rstat, rmand TYPE progdir-rmand, rload TYPE progdir-rload, fixpt TYPE progdir-fixpt, sset TYPE progdir-sset, sdate TYPE progdir-sdate, stime TYPE progdir-stime, idate TYPE progdir-idate, itime TYPE progdir-itime, ldbname TYPE progdir-ldbname, uccheck TYPE progdir-uccheck, END OF ty_progdir. METHODS serialize_program IMPORTING io_xml TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_xml_output OPTIONAL is_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item io_files TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_objects_files iv_program TYPE programm OPTIONAL iv_extra TYPE clike OPTIONAL RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. METHODS read_progdir IMPORTING iv_program TYPE programm RETURNING VALUE(rs_progdir) TYPE ty_progdir. METHODS deserialize_program IMPORTING is_progdir TYPE ty_progdir it_source TYPE abaptxt255_tab it_tpool TYPE textpool_table iv_package TYPE devclass RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. PROTECTED SECTION. TYPES: ty_spaces_tt TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF i WITH DEFAULT KEY . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_dynpro, header TYPE rpy_dyhead, containers TYPE dycatt_tab, fields TYPE dyfatc_tab, flow_logic TYPE swydyflow, spaces TYPE ty_spaces_tt, END OF ty_dynpro . TYPES: ty_dynpro_tt TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_dynpro WITH DEFAULT KEY . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_cua, adm TYPE rsmpe_adm, sta TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF rsmpe_stat WITH DEFAULT KEY, fun TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF rsmpe_funt WITH DEFAULT KEY, men TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF rsmpe_men WITH DEFAULT KEY, mtx TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF rsmpe_mnlt WITH DEFAULT KEY, act TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF rsmpe_act WITH DEFAULT KEY, but TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF rsmpe_but WITH DEFAULT KEY, pfk TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF rsmpe_pfk WITH DEFAULT KEY, set TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF rsmpe_staf WITH DEFAULT KEY, doc TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF rsmpe_atrt WITH DEFAULT KEY, tit TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF rsmpe_titt WITH DEFAULT KEY, biv TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF rsmpe_buts WITH DEFAULT KEY, END OF ty_cua . METHODS serialize_dynpros IMPORTING !iv_program_name TYPE programm RETURNING VALUE(rt_dynpro) TYPE ty_dynpro_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS serialize_cua IMPORTING !iv_program_name TYPE programm RETURNING VALUE(rs_cua) TYPE ty_cua RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS deserialize_dynpros IMPORTING !it_dynpros TYPE ty_dynpro_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS deserialize_textpool IMPORTING !iv_program TYPE programm !it_tpool TYPE textpool_table !iv_language TYPE langu OPTIONAL !iv_is_include TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_false RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS deserialize_cua IMPORTING !iv_program_name TYPE programm !is_cua TYPE ty_cua RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS is_any_dynpro_locked IMPORTING !iv_program TYPE programm RETURNING VALUE(rv_is_any_dynpro_locked) TYPE abap_bool RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS is_cua_locked IMPORTING !iv_program TYPE programm RETURNING VALUE(rv_is_cua_locked) TYPE abap_bool RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS is_text_locked IMPORTING !iv_program TYPE programm RETURNING VALUE(rv_is_text_locked) TYPE abap_bool RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS add_tpool IMPORTING !it_tpool TYPE textpool_table RETURNING VALUE(rt_tpool) TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_tpool_tt . CLASS-METHODS read_tpool IMPORTING !it_tpool TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_tpool_tt RETURNING VALUE(rt_tpool) TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_tpool_tt . PRIVATE SECTION. METHODS: uncondense_flow IMPORTING it_flow TYPE swydyflow it_spaces TYPE ty_spaces_tt RETURNING VALUE(rt_flow) TYPE swydyflow. CLASS-METHODS auto_correct_cua_adm IMPORTING is_cua TYPE ty_cua CHANGING cs_adm TYPE rsmpe_adm. METHODS get_program_title IMPORTING !it_tpool TYPE textpool_table RETURNING VALUE(rv_title) TYPE repti . METHODS insert_program IMPORTING !is_progdir TYPE ty_progdir !it_source TYPE abaptxt255_tab !iv_title TYPE repti !iv_package TYPE devclass RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS update_program IMPORTING !is_progdir TYPE ty_progdir !it_source TYPE abaptxt255_tab !iv_title TYPE repti RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS update_progdir IMPORTING !is_progdir TYPE ty_progdir RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS insert_tpool IMPORTING !is_progdir TYPE ty_progdir !it_tpool TYPE textpool_table RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_abapgit_objects_program IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD add_tpool. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_tpool_in> LIKE LINE OF it_tpool, <ls_tpool_out> LIKE LINE OF rt_tpool. LOOP AT it_tpool ASSIGNING <ls_tpool_in>. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO rt_tpool ASSIGNING <ls_tpool_out>. MOVE-CORRESPONDING <ls_tpool_in> TO <ls_tpool_out>. IF <ls_tpool_out>-id = 'S'. <ls_tpool_out>-split = <ls_tpool_out>-entry. <ls_tpool_out>-entry = <ls_tpool_out>-entry+8. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD auto_correct_cua_adm. " issue #1807 automatic correction of CUA interfaces saved incorrectly in the past (ADM was not saved in the XML) CONSTANTS: lc_num_n_space TYPE string VALUE ' 0123456789', lc_num_only TYPE string VALUE '0123456789'. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_pfk> TYPE rsmpe_pfk, <ls_act> TYPE rsmpe_act, <ls_men> TYPE rsmpe_men. IF cs_adm IS NOT INITIAL AND cs_adm-actcode CO lc_num_n_space AND cs_adm-mencode CO lc_num_n_space AND cs_adm-pfkcode CO lc_num_n_space. "Check performed in form check_adm of include LSMPIF03 RETURN. ENDIF. LOOP AT is_cua-act ASSIGNING <ls_act>. IF <ls_act>-code+6(14) IS INITIAL AND <ls_act>-code(6) CO lc_num_only. cs_adm-actcode = <ls_act>-code. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. LOOP AT is_cua-men ASSIGNING <ls_men>. IF <ls_men>-code+6(14) IS INITIAL AND <ls_men>-code(6) CO lc_num_only. cs_adm-mencode = <ls_men>-code. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. LOOP AT is_cua-pfk ASSIGNING <ls_pfk>. IF <ls_pfk>-code+6(14) IS INITIAL AND <ls_pfk>-code(6) CO lc_num_only. cs_adm-pfkcode = <ls_pfk>-code. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD deserialize_cua. DATA: ls_tr_key TYPE trkey, ls_adm TYPE rsmpe_adm. IF lines( is_cua-sta ) = 0 AND lines( is_cua-fun ) = 0 AND lines( is_cua-men ) = 0 AND lines( is_cua-mtx ) = 0 AND lines( is_cua-act ) = 0 AND lines( is_cua-but ) = 0 AND lines( is_cua-pfk ) = 0 AND lines( is_cua-set ) = 0 AND lines( is_cua-doc ) = 0 AND lines( is_cua-tit ) = 0 AND lines( is_cua-biv ) = 0. RETURN. ENDIF. SELECT SINGLE devclass INTO ls_tr_key-devclass FROM tadir WHERE pgmid = 'R3TR' AND object = ms_item-obj_type AND obj_name = ms_item-obj_name. "#EC CI_GENBUFF IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'not found in tadir' ). ENDIF. ls_tr_key-obj_type = ms_item-obj_type. ls_tr_key-obj_name = ms_item-obj_name. ls_tr_key-sub_type = 'CUAD'. ls_tr_key-sub_name = iv_program_name. ls_adm = is_cua-adm. auto_correct_cua_adm( EXPORTING is_cua = is_cua CHANGING cs_adm = ls_adm ). sy-tcode = 'SE41' ##write_ok. " evil hack, workaround to handle fixes in note 2159455 CALL FUNCTION 'RS_CUA_INTERNAL_WRITE' EXPORTING program = iv_program_name language = mv_language tr_key = ls_tr_key adm = ls_adm state = 'I' TABLES sta = is_cua-sta fun = is_cua-fun men = is_cua-men mtx = is_cua-mtx act = is_cua-act but = is_cua-but pfk = is_cua-pfk set = is_cua-set doc = is_cua-doc tit = is_cua-tit biv = is_cua-biv EXCEPTIONS not_found = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc <> 0. * if moving code from SAPlink, see zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise_t100( ). ENDIF. zcl_abapgit_objects_activation=>add( iv_type = 'CUAD' iv_name = iv_program_name ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD deserialize_dynpros. CONSTANTS lc_rpyty_force_off TYPE c LENGTH 1 VALUE '/'. DATA: lv_name TYPE dwinactiv-obj_name, ls_dynpro LIKE LINE OF it_dynpros. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_field> TYPE rpy_dyfatc. * ls_dynpro is changed by the function module, a field-symbol will cause * the program to dump since it_dynpros cannot be changed LOOP AT it_dynpros INTO ls_dynpro. " todo: kept for compatibility, remove after grace period #3680 ls_dynpro-flow_logic = uncondense_flow( it_flow = ls_dynpro-flow_logic it_spaces = ls_dynpro-spaces ). LOOP AT ls_dynpro-fields ASSIGNING <ls_field>. * if the DDIC element has a PARAMETER_ID and the flag "from_dict" is active * the import will enable the SET-/GET_PARAM flag. In this case: "force off" IF <ls_field>-param_id IS NOT INITIAL AND <ls_field>-from_dict = abap_true. IF <ls_field>-set_param IS INITIAL. <ls_field>-set_param = lc_rpyty_force_off. ENDIF. IF <ls_field>-get_param IS INITIAL. <ls_field>-get_param = lc_rpyty_force_off. ENDIF. ENDIF. * If the previous conditions are met the value 'F' will be taken over * during de-serialization potentially overlapping other fields in the screen, * we set the tag to the correct value 'X' IF <ls_field>-type = 'CHECK' AND <ls_field>-from_dict = abap_true AND <ls_field>-text IS INITIAL AND <ls_field>-modific IS INITIAL. <ls_field>-modific = 'X'. ENDIF. "fix for issue #2747: IF <ls_field>-foreignkey IS INITIAL. <ls_field>-foreignkey = lc_rpyty_force_off. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. CALL FUNCTION 'RPY_DYNPRO_INSERT' EXPORTING header = ls_dynpro-header suppress_exist_checks = abap_true TABLES containers = ls_dynpro-containers fields_to_containers = ls_dynpro-fields flow_logic = ls_dynpro-flow_logic EXCEPTIONS cancelled = 1 already_exists = 2 program_not_exists = 3 not_executed = 4 missing_required_field = 5 illegal_field_value = 6 field_not_allowed = 7 not_generated = 8 illegal_field_position = 9 OTHERS = 10. IF sy-subrc <> 2 AND sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise_t100( ). ENDIF. * todo, RPY_DYNPRO_UPDATE? CONCATENATE ls_dynpro-header-program ls_dynpro-header-screen INTO lv_name RESPECTING BLANKS. ASSERT NOT lv_name IS INITIAL. zcl_abapgit_objects_activation=>add( iv_type = 'DYNP' iv_name = lv_name ). ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD deserialize_program. DATA: lv_progname TYPE reposrc-progname, lv_title TYPE rglif-title. CALL FUNCTION 'RS_CORR_INSERT' EXPORTING object = is_progdir-name object_class = 'ABAP' devclass = iv_package master_language = mv_language mode = 'I' suppress_dialog = abap_true EXCEPTIONS cancelled = 1 permission_failure = 2 unknown_objectclass = 3 OTHERS = 4. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise_t100( ). ENDIF. lv_title = get_program_title( it_tpool ). " Check if program already exists SELECT SINGLE progname FROM reposrc INTO lv_progname WHERE progname = is_progdir-name AND r3state = 'A'. IF sy-subrc = 0. update_program( is_progdir = is_progdir it_source = it_source iv_title = lv_title ). ELSE. insert_program( is_progdir = is_progdir it_source = it_source iv_title = lv_title iv_package = iv_package ). ENDIF. insert_tpool( is_progdir = is_progdir it_tpool = it_tpool ). update_progdir( is_progdir ). zcl_abapgit_objects_activation=>add( iv_type = 'REPS' iv_name = is_progdir-name ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD deserialize_textpool. DATA lv_language TYPE langu. DATA lv_state TYPE c. DATA lv_delete TYPE abap_bool. IF iv_language IS INITIAL. lv_language = mv_language. ELSE. lv_language = iv_language. ENDIF. IF lv_language = mv_language. lv_state = 'I'. "Textpool in main language needs to be activated ELSE. lv_state = 'A'. "Translations are always active ENDIF. IF it_tpool IS INITIAL. IF iv_is_include = abap_false OR lv_state = 'A'. DELETE TEXTPOOL iv_program "Remove initial description from textpool if LANGUAGE lv_language "original program does not have a textpool STATE lv_state. lv_delete = abap_true. ELSE. INSERT TEXTPOOL iv_program "In case of includes: Deletion of textpool in FROM it_tpool "main language cannot be activated because LANGUAGE lv_language "this woul activate the deletion of the textpool STATE lv_state. "of the mail program -> insert empty textpool ENDIF. ELSE. IF lines( it_tpool ) = 1 AND lv_language = mv_language. READ TABLE it_tpool WITH KEY id = 'R' TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS. IF sy-subrc = 0. RETURN. "No action because description in main language is already there ENDIF. ENDIF. INSERT TEXTPOOL iv_program FROM it_tpool LANGUAGE lv_language STATE lv_state. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error from INSERT TEXTPOOL' ). ENDIF. ENDIF. IF lv_state = 'I'. "Textpool in main language needs to be activated zcl_abapgit_objects_activation=>add( iv_type = 'REPT' iv_name = iv_program iv_delete = lv_delete ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_program_title. DATA ls_tpool LIKE LINE OF it_tpool. FIELD-SYMBOLS <lg_any> TYPE any. READ TABLE it_tpool INTO ls_tpool WITH KEY id = 'R'. IF sy-subrc = 0. " there is a bug in RPY_PROGRAM_UPDATE, the header line of TTAB is not " cleared, so the title length might be inherited from a different program. ASSIGN ('(SAPLSIFP)TTAB') TO <lg_any>. IF sy-subrc = 0. CLEAR <lg_any>. ENDIF. rv_title = ls_tpool-entry. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD insert_program. CALL FUNCTION 'RPY_PROGRAM_INSERT' EXPORTING development_class = iv_package program_name = is_progdir-name program_type = is_progdir-subc title_string = iv_title save_inactive = 'I' suppress_dialog = abap_true TABLES source_extended = it_source EXCEPTIONS already_exists = 1 cancelled = 2 name_not_allowed = 3 permission_error = 4 OTHERS = 5. IF sy-subrc = 3. " For cases that standard function does not handle (like FUGR), " we save active and inactive version of source with the given PROGRAM TYPE. " Without the active version, the code will not be visible in case of activation errors. INSERT REPORT is_progdir-name FROM it_source STATE 'A' PROGRAM TYPE is_progdir-subc. INSERT REPORT is_progdir-name FROM it_source STATE 'I' PROGRAM TYPE is_progdir-subc. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'Error from INSERT REPORT .. PROGRAM TYPE' ). ENDIF. ELSEIF sy-subrc > 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise_t100( ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD insert_tpool. IF NOT it_tpool[] IS INITIAL. INSERT TEXTPOOL is_progdir-name FROM it_tpool LANGUAGE mv_language STATE 'I'. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'Error from INSERT TEXTPOOL' ). ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD is_any_dynpro_locked. DATA: lt_dynpros TYPE ty_dynpro_tt, lv_object TYPE seqg3-garg. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_dynpro> TYPE ty_dynpro. lt_dynpros = serialize_dynpros( iv_program ). LOOP AT lt_dynpros ASSIGNING <ls_dynpro>. lv_object = |{ <ls_dynpro>-header-screen }{ <ls_dynpro>-header-program }|. IF exists_a_lock_entry_for( iv_lock_object = 'ESCRP' iv_argument = lv_object ) = abap_true. rv_is_any_dynpro_locked = abap_true. EXIT. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD is_cua_locked. DATA: lv_object TYPE eqegraarg. lv_object = |CU{ iv_program }|. OVERLAY lv_object WITH ' '. lv_object = lv_object && '*'. rv_is_cua_locked = exists_a_lock_entry_for( iv_lock_object = 'ESCUAPAINT' iv_argument = lv_object ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD is_text_locked. DATA: lv_object TYPE eqegraarg. lv_object = |*{ iv_program }|. rv_is_text_locked = exists_a_lock_entry_for( iv_lock_object = 'EABAPTEXTE' iv_argument = lv_object ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD read_progdir. DATA: ls_sapdir TYPE progdir. CALL FUNCTION 'READ_PROGDIR' EXPORTING i_progname = iv_program i_state = 'A' IMPORTING e_progdir = ls_sapdir. MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_sapdir TO rs_progdir. CLEAR: rs_progdir-edtx, rs_progdir-cnam, rs_progdir-cdat, rs_progdir-unam, rs_progdir-udat, rs_progdir-levl, rs_progdir-vern, rs_progdir-rmand, rs_progdir-sdate, rs_progdir-stime, rs_progdir-idate, rs_progdir-itime, rs_progdir-varcl, rs_progdir-state. ENDMETHOD. METHOD read_tpool. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_tpool_in> LIKE LINE OF it_tpool, <ls_tpool_out> LIKE LINE OF rt_tpool. LOOP AT it_tpool ASSIGNING <ls_tpool_in>. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO rt_tpool ASSIGNING <ls_tpool_out>. MOVE-CORRESPONDING <ls_tpool_in> TO <ls_tpool_out>. IF <ls_tpool_out>-id = 'S'. CONCATENATE <ls_tpool_in>-split <ls_tpool_in>-entry INTO <ls_tpool_out>-entry RESPECTING BLANKS. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD serialize_cua. CALL FUNCTION 'RS_CUA_INTERNAL_FETCH' EXPORTING program = iv_program_name language = mv_language state = 'A' IMPORTING adm = rs_cua-adm TABLES sta = rs_cua-sta fun = rs_cua-fun men = rs_cua-men mtx = rs_cua-mtx act = rs_cua-act but = rs_cua-but pfk = rs_cua-pfk set = rs_cua-set doc = rs_cua-doc tit = rs_cua-tit biv = rs_cua-biv EXCEPTIONS not_found = 1 unknown_version = 2 OTHERS = 3. IF sy-subrc > 1. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise_t100( ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD serialize_dynpros. DATA: ls_header TYPE rpy_dyhead, lt_containers TYPE dycatt_tab, lt_fields_to_containers TYPE dyfatc_tab, lt_flow_logic TYPE swydyflow, lt_d020s TYPE TABLE OF d020s, lt_fieldlist_int TYPE TABLE OF d021s. "internal format FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_d020s> LIKE LINE OF lt_d020s, <lv_outputstyle> TYPE scrpostyle, <ls_container> LIKE LINE OF lt_containers, <ls_field> LIKE LINE OF lt_fields_to_containers, <ls_dynpro> LIKE LINE OF rt_dynpro, <ls_field_int> LIKE LINE OF lt_fieldlist_int. "#2746: relevant flag values (taken from include MSEUSBIT) CONSTANTS: lc_flg1ddf TYPE x VALUE '20', lc_flg3fku TYPE x VALUE '08', lc_flg3for TYPE x VALUE '04', lc_flg3fdu TYPE x VALUE '02'. CALL FUNCTION 'RS_SCREEN_LIST' EXPORTING dynnr = '' progname = iv_program_name TABLES dynpros = lt_d020s EXCEPTIONS not_found = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc = 2. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise_t100( ). ENDIF. SORT lt_d020s BY dnum ASCENDING. * loop dynpros and skip generated selection screens LOOP AT lt_d020s ASSIGNING <ls_d020s> WHERE type <> 'S' AND type <> 'W' AND type <> 'J' AND NOT dnum IS INITIAL. CALL FUNCTION 'RPY_DYNPRO_READ' EXPORTING progname = iv_program_name dynnr = <ls_d020s>-dnum IMPORTING header = ls_header TABLES containers = lt_containers fields_to_containers = lt_fields_to_containers flow_logic = lt_flow_logic EXCEPTIONS cancelled = 1 not_found = 2 permission_error = 3 OTHERS = 4. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise_t100( ). ENDIF. "#2746: we need the dynpro fields in internal format: FREE lt_fieldlist_int. CALL FUNCTION 'RPY_DYNPRO_READ_NATIVE' EXPORTING progname = iv_program_name dynnr = <ls_d020s>-dnum TABLES fieldlist = lt_fieldlist_int. LOOP AT lt_fields_to_containers ASSIGNING <ls_field>. * output style is a NUMC field, the XML conversion will fail if it contains invalid value * field does not exist in all versions ASSIGN COMPONENT 'OUTPUTSTYLE' OF STRUCTURE <ls_field> TO <lv_outputstyle>. IF sy-subrc = 0 AND <lv_outputstyle> = ' '. CLEAR <lv_outputstyle>. ENDIF. "2746: we apply the same logic as in SAPLWBSCREEN "for setting or unsetting the foreignkey field: UNASSIGN <ls_field_int>. READ TABLE lt_fieldlist_int ASSIGNING <ls_field_int> WITH KEY fnam = <ls_field>-name. IF <ls_field_int> IS ASSIGNED. IF <ls_field_int>-flg1 O lc_flg1ddf AND <ls_field_int>-flg3 O lc_flg3for AND <ls_field_int>-flg3 Z lc_flg3fdu AND <ls_field_int>-flg3 Z lc_flg3fku. <ls_field>-foreignkey = 'X'. ELSE. CLEAR <ls_field>-foreignkey. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. LOOP AT lt_containers ASSIGNING <ls_container>. IF <ls_container>-c_resize_v = abap_false. CLEAR <ls_container>-c_line_min. ENDIF. IF <ls_container>-c_resize_h = abap_false. CLEAR <ls_container>-c_coln_min. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO rt_dynpro ASSIGNING <ls_dynpro>. <ls_dynpro>-header = ls_header. <ls_dynpro>-containers = lt_containers. <ls_dynpro>-fields = lt_fields_to_containers. <ls_dynpro>-flow_logic = lt_flow_logic. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD serialize_program. DATA: ls_progdir TYPE ty_progdir, lv_program_name TYPE programm, lt_dynpros TYPE ty_dynpro_tt, ls_cua TYPE ty_cua, lt_source TYPE TABLE OF abaptxt255, lt_tpool TYPE textpool_table, ls_tpool LIKE LINE OF lt_tpool, li_xml TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_xml_output. IF iv_program IS INITIAL. lv_program_name = is_item-obj_name. ELSE. lv_program_name = iv_program. ENDIF. zcl_abapgit_language=>set_current_language( mv_language ). CALL FUNCTION 'RPY_PROGRAM_READ' EXPORTING program_name = lv_program_name with_includelist = abap_false with_lowercase = abap_true TABLES source_extended = lt_source textelements = lt_tpool EXCEPTIONS cancelled = 1 not_found = 2 permission_error = 3 OTHERS = 4. IF sy-subrc = 2. zcl_abapgit_language=>restore_login_language( ). RETURN. ELSEIF sy-subrc <> 0. zcl_abapgit_language=>restore_login_language( ). zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise_t100( ). ENDIF. zcl_abapgit_language=>restore_login_language( ). ls_progdir = read_progdir( lv_program_name ). IF io_xml IS BOUND. li_xml = io_xml. ELSE. CREATE OBJECT li_xml TYPE zcl_abapgit_xml_output. ENDIF. li_xml->add( iv_name = 'PROGDIR' ig_data = ls_progdir ). IF ls_progdir-subc = '1' OR ls_progdir-subc = 'M'. lt_dynpros = serialize_dynpros( lv_program_name ). li_xml->add( iv_name = 'DYNPROS' ig_data = lt_dynpros ). ls_cua = serialize_cua( lv_program_name ). IF NOT ls_cua IS INITIAL. li_xml->add( iv_name = 'CUA' ig_data = ls_cua ). ENDIF. ENDIF. READ TABLE lt_tpool WITH KEY id = 'R' INTO ls_tpool. IF sy-subrc = 0 AND ls_tpool-key = '' AND ls_tpool-length = 0. DELETE lt_tpool INDEX sy-tabix. ENDIF. li_xml->add( iv_name = 'TPOOL' ig_data = add_tpool( lt_tpool ) ). IF NOT io_xml IS BOUND. io_files->add_xml( iv_extra = iv_extra ii_xml = li_xml ). ENDIF. io_files->add_abap( iv_extra = iv_extra it_abap = lt_source ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD uncondense_flow. DATA: lv_spaces LIKE LINE OF it_spaces. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_flow> LIKE LINE OF it_flow, <ls_output> LIKE LINE OF rt_flow. LOOP AT it_flow ASSIGNING <ls_flow>. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO rt_flow ASSIGNING <ls_output>. <ls_output>-line = <ls_flow>-line. READ TABLE it_spaces INDEX sy-tabix INTO lv_spaces. IF sy-subrc = 0. SHIFT <ls_output>-line RIGHT BY lv_spaces PLACES IN CHARACTER MODE. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD update_progdir. DATA ls_progdir_new TYPE progdir. CALL FUNCTION 'READ_PROGDIR' EXPORTING i_progname = is_progdir-name i_state = 'I' IMPORTING e_progdir = ls_progdir_new EXCEPTIONS not_exists = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'Error reading program directory' ). ENDIF. ls_progdir_new-ldbname = is_progdir-ldbname. ls_progdir_new-dbna = is_progdir-dbna. ls_progdir_new-dbapl = is_progdir-dbapl. ls_progdir_new-rload = is_progdir-rload. ls_progdir_new-fixpt = is_progdir-fixpt. ls_progdir_new-varcl = is_progdir-varcl. ls_progdir_new-appl = is_progdir-appl. ls_progdir_new-rstat = is_progdir-rstat. ls_progdir_new-sqlx = is_progdir-sqlx. ls_progdir_new-uccheck = is_progdir-uccheck. ls_progdir_new-clas = is_progdir-clas. CALL FUNCTION 'UPDATE_PROGDIR' EXPORTING i_progdir = ls_progdir_new i_progname = ls_progdir_new-name i_state = ls_progdir_new-state EXCEPTIONS not_executed = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'Error updating program directory' ). ENDIF. " function UPDATE_PROGDIR does not update VARCL, so we do it here SELECT SINGLE * FROM progdir INTO ls_progdir_new WHERE name = ls_progdir_new-name AND state = ls_progdir_new-state. IF sy-subrc = 0 AND is_progdir-varcl <> ls_progdir_new-varcl. UPDATE progdir SET varcl = is_progdir-varcl WHERE name = ls_progdir_new-name AND state = ls_progdir_new-state. "#EC CI_SUBRC ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD update_program. zcl_abapgit_language=>set_current_language( mv_language ). CALL FUNCTION 'RPY_PROGRAM_UPDATE' EXPORTING program_name = is_progdir-name title_string = iv_title save_inactive = 'I' TABLES source_extended = it_source EXCEPTIONS cancelled = 1 permission_error = 2 not_found = 3 OTHERS = 4. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcl_abapgit_language=>restore_login_language( ). IF sy-msgid = 'EU' AND sy-msgno = '510'. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'User is currently editing program' ). ELSEIF sy-msgid = 'EU' AND sy-msgno = '522'. " for generated table maintenance function groups, the author is set to SAP* instead of the user which " generates the function group. This hits some standard checks, pulling new code again sets the author " to the current user which avoids the check zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Delete function group and pull again, { is_progdir-name } (EU522)| ). ELSE. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise_t100( ). ENDIF. ENDIF. zcl_abapgit_language=>restore_login_language( ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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[ 9, 16935, 515, 379, 3261, 13, 2713, 13, 1238, 2481, 7769, 25, 3023, 25, 2999, 198, 42296, 4177, 2849, 12, 16402, 3535, 1168, 54, 15112, 62, 51, 9148, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 337, 1546, 4090, 8264, 12, 2389, 20546, 13, 198, 198, 9, 3268, 5097, 52, 7206, 406, 57, 54, 15112, 62, 51, 9148, 35, 986, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 10714, 1398, 6770, 198, 220, 3268, 5097, 52, 7206, 30948, 53, 3955, 35, 1404, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 764, 366, 24622, 1366, 2377, 13, 198, 220, 3268, 5097, 52, 7206, 406, 57, 54, 15112, 62, 51, 9148, 51, 405, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 764, 366, 1177, 823, 13, 1366, 288, 565, 13, 198 ]
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CLASS cl_xml_document DEFINITION PUBLIC. PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS parse_string IMPORTING stream TYPE string. METHODS parse_xstring IMPORTING xstr TYPE xstring RETURNING VALUE(subrc) TYPE i. METHODS get_first_node RETURNING VALUE(node) TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node. DATA m_document TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document. ENDCLASS. CLASS cl_xml_document IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD parse_string. RETURN. ENDMETHOD. METHOD parse_xstring. RETURN. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_first_node. RETURN. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 31631, 537, 62, 19875, 62, 22897, 5550, 20032, 17941, 44731, 13, 198, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 21136, 62, 8841, 30023, 9863, 2751, 4269, 41876, 4731, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 21136, 62, 87, 8841, 30023, 9863, 2751, 2124, 2536, 41876, 2124, 8841, 30826, 4261, 15871, 26173, 8924, 7, 7266, 6015, 8, 41876, 1312, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 651, 62, 11085, 62, 17440, 30826, 4261, 15871, 26173, 8924, 7, 17440, 8, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 611, 62, 844, 4029, 62, 17440, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42865, 285, 62, 22897, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 611, 62, 844, 4029, 62, 22897, 13, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 198, 198, 31631, 537, 62, 19875, 62, 22897, 30023, 2538, 10979, 6234, 13, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 21136, 62, 8841, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 30826, 27064, 13, 198, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 628, 220, 337, 36252, 21136, 62, 87, 8841, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 30826, 27064, 13, 198, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 628, 220, 337, 36252, 651, 62, 11085, 62, 17440, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 30826, 27064, 13, 198, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 198, 10619, 31631, 13 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
[ 31631, 1220, 67, 5908, 14, 46583, 62, 35927, 62, 84, 3070, 5550, 20032, 17941, 198, 220, 44731, 198, 220, 9564, 18601, 10659, 198, 220, 25261, 198, 220, 7473, 9348, 7801, 12861, 1581, 3963, 1220, 67, 5908, 14, 72, 62, 35927, 62, 84, 3070, 764, 628, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 48006, 9782, 1961, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 4810, 3824, 6158, 44513, 13, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 628, 198, 198, 31631, 1220, 67, 5908, 14, 46583, 62, 35927, 62, 84, 3070, 30023, 2538, 10979, 6234, 13, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 198 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
CLASS ltcl_fizz_buzz DEFINITION FINAL FOR TESTING DURATION SHORT RISK LEVEL HARMLESS. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA: fizz_buzz TYPE REF TO zh174_fizz_buzz. METHODS: input_3_fizz FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check, input_4 FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check, input_6_fizz FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check, input_5_buzz FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check, input_10_buzz FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check, input_15_fizzbuzz FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check, fizz_buzz_20_lines FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. METHODS setup. ENDCLASS. CLASS ltcl_fizz_buzz IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD setup. fizz_buzz = NEW zh174_fizz_buzz( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD input_3_fizz. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = '3 -> Fizz' exp = |Fizz| act = fizz_buzz->input( 3 ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD input_4. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = '4 -> 4' exp = |4| act = fizz_buzz->input( 4 ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD input_6_fizz. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = '6 -> Fizz' exp = |Fizz| act = fizz_buzz->input( 6 ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD input_5_buzz. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = '5 -> Buzz' exp = |Buzz| act = fizz_buzz->input( 5 ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD input_10_buzz. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = '10 -> Buzz' exp = |Buzz| act = fizz_buzz->input( 10 ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD input_15_fizzbuzz. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = '15 -> FizzBuzz' exp = |FizzBuzz| act = fizz_buzz->input( 15 ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD fizz_buzz_20_lines. DATA(text) = fizz_buzz->fizz_buzz( count = 20 ). SPLIT text AT cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline INTO TABLE DATA(text_table). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = 'lines = 20' exp = 20 act = lines( text_table ) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = '15 = FizzBuzz' exp = |FizzBuzz| act = text_table[ 15 ] ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 31631, 300, 83, 565, 62, 69, 6457, 62, 65, 4715, 5550, 20032, 17941, 25261, 7473, 43001, 2751, 198, 220, 360, 4261, 6234, 6006, 9863, 198, 220, 45698, 42, 49277, 43638, 5805, 7597, 13, 628, 220, 4810, 3824, 6158, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42865, 25, 277, 6457, 62, 65, 4715, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 1976, 71, 22985, 62, 69, 6457, 62, 65, 4715, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5128, 62, 18, 62, 69, 6457, 7473, 43001, 2751, 17926, 1797, 2751, 43213, 62, 12708, 62, 9122, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5128, 62, 19, 7473, 43001, 2751, 17926, 1797, 2751, 43213, 62, 12708, 62, 9122, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5128, 62, 21, 62, 69, 6457, 7473, 43001, 2751, 17926, 1797, 2751, 43213, 62, 12708, 62, 9122, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5128, 62, 20, 62, 65, 4715, 7473, 43001, 2751, 17926, 1797, 2751, 43213, 62, 12708, 62, 9122, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5128, 62, 940, 62, 65, 4715, 7473, 43001, 2751, 17926, 1797, 2751, 43213, 62, 12708, 62, 9122, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5128, 62, 1314, 62, 69, 6457, 65, 4715, 7473, 43001, 2751, 17926, 1797, 2751, 43213, 62, 12708, 62, 9122, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 277, 6457, 62, 65, 4715, 62, 1238, 62, 6615, 7473, 43001, 2751, 17926, 1797, 2751, 43213, 62, 12708, 62, 9122, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 9058, 13, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 628, 198, 31631, 300, 83, 565, 62, 69, 6457, 62, 65, 4715, 30023, 2538, 10979, 6234, 13, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 9058, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 277, 6457, 62, 65, 4715, 796, 12682, 1976, 71, 22985, 62, 69, 6457, 62, 65, 4715, 7, 6739, 198, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 628, 220, 337, 36252, 5128, 62, 18, 62, 69, 6457, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 537, 62, 397, 499, 62, 20850, 62, 30493, 14804, 30493, 62, 4853, 874, 7, 31456, 796, 705, 18, 4613, 376, 6457, 6, 1033, 796, 930, 37, 6457, 91, 719, 796, 277, 6457, 62, 65, 4715, 3784, 15414, 7, 513, 1267, 6739, 198, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 628, 220, 337, 36252, 5128, 62, 19, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 537, 62, 397, 499, 62, 20850, 62, 30493, 14804, 30493, 62, 4853, 874, 7, 31456, 796, 705, 19, 4613, 604, 6, 1033, 796, 930, 19, 91, 719, 796, 277, 6457, 62, 65, 4715, 3784, 15414, 7, 604, 1267, 6739, 198, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 628, 220, 337, 36252, 5128, 62, 21, 62, 69, 6457, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 537, 62, 397, 499, 62, 20850, 62, 30493, 14804, 30493, 62, 4853, 874, 7, 31456, 796, 705, 21, 4613, 376, 6457, 6, 1033, 796, 930, 37, 6457, 91, 719, 796, 277, 6457, 62, 65, 4715, 3784, 15414, 7, 718, 1267, 6739, 198, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 628, 220, 337, 36252, 5128, 62, 20, 62, 65, 4715, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 537, 62, 397, 499, 62, 20850, 62, 30493, 14804, 30493, 62, 4853, 874, 7, 31456, 796, 705, 20, 4613, 15753, 6, 1033, 796, 930, 48230, 91, 719, 796, 277, 6457, 62, 65, 4715, 3784, 15414, 7, 642, 1267, 6739, 198, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 628, 220, 337, 36252, 5128, 62, 940, 62, 65, 4715, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 537, 62, 397, 499, 62, 20850, 62, 30493, 14804, 30493, 62, 4853, 874, 7, 31456, 796, 705, 940, 4613, 15753, 6, 1033, 796, 930, 48230, 91, 719, 796, 277, 6457, 62, 65, 4715, 3784, 15414, 7, 838, 1267, 6739, 198, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 628, 220, 337, 36252, 5128, 62, 1314, 62, 69, 6457, 65, 4715, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 537, 62, 397, 499, 62, 20850, 62, 30493, 14804, 30493, 62, 4853, 874, 7, 31456, 796, 705, 1314, 4613, 376, 6457, 48230, 6, 1033, 796, 930, 37, 6457, 48230, 91, 719, 796, 277, 6457, 62, 65, 4715, 3784, 15414, 7, 1315, 1267, 6739, 198, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 628, 220, 337, 36252, 277, 6457, 62, 65, 4715, 62, 1238, 62, 6615, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42865, 7, 5239, 8, 796, 277, 6457, 62, 65, 4715, 3784, 69, 6457, 62, 65, 4715, 7, 954, 796, 1160, 6739, 198, 220, 220, 220, 46341, 2043, 2420, 5161, 537, 62, 397, 499, 62, 10641, 62, 315, 2410, 14804, 3605, 1370, 39319, 43679, 42865, 7, 5239, 62, 11487, 737, 198, 220, 220, 220, 537, 62, 397, 499, 62, 20850, 62, 30493, 14804, 30493, 62, 4853, 874, 7, 31456, 796, 705, 6615, 796, 1160, 6, 1033, 796, 1160, 719, 796, 3951, 7, 2420, 62, 11487, 1267, 6739, 198, 220, 220, 220, 537, 62, 397, 499, 62, 20850, 62, 30493, 14804, 30493, 62, 4853, 874, 7, 31456, 796, 705, 1314, 796, 376, 6457, 48230, 6, 1033, 796, 930, 37, 6457, 48230, 91, 719, 796, 2420, 62, 11487, 58, 1315, 2361, 6739, 198, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 198, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 198 ]
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CLASS y_demo_failures DEFINITION PUBLIC FINAL CREATE PUBLIC. " Testing Comment_Usage: " Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. " Sed volutpat mi aliquam condimentum pretium. " Suspendisse sit amet vulputate enim. Suspendisse gravida lorem magna, ac consectetur libero venenatis sed. " Aliquam dapibus enim sed mauris mollis accumsan. " Aliquam erat volutpat. " Quisque vehicula orci at erat hendrerit faucibus. " Vivamus id nibh justo. Pellentesque non tincidunt libero. " Pellentesque eget quam maximus, egestas turpis nec, ullamcorper augue. " Vestibulum rhoncus rhoncus ante, non iaculis est pellentesque at. " Maecenas dui tellus, feugiat nec malesuada vitae, sodales quis sem. " Mauris aliquam aliquet laoreet. Ut eu blandit ligula. " Cras augue nulla, mattis facilisis quam non, bibendum pulvinar leo. " Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean vitae magna metus. " In quis varius justo. Ut non nunc sem. " Pellentesque finibus eu libero sed ornare. " Etiam augue lorem, luctus at risus ac, aliquam lobortis leo. " Nullam lobortis dignissim rhoncus. Praesent quis hendrerit nulla. " Curabitur risus metus, condimentum ultrices odio in, eleifend semper massa. " Nam in auctor sapien, in volutpat tortor. " Integer tincidunt erat auctor tellus vestibulum, sed volutpat tellus imperdiet. " Aenean tempor metus ut magna porttitor, nec finibus mauris malesuada. " Donec pellentesque ullamcorper tortor, quis aliquet mauris tempor vestibulum. " Nunc vulputate sapien vel viverra dapibus. Nullam dapibus tristique velit, sit amet bibendum nulla pulvinar id. " Etiam egestas placerat urna non placerat. Maecenas eu hendrerit leo, id posuere justo. " Nam et arcu nec orci sagittis blandit. Quisque eu tortor in enim malesuada lacinia. " Morbi aliquam nibh sed porttitor eleifend. In lobortis nibh lorem, vitae vulputate nisl blandit et. " Donec sollicitudin sit amet sapien eget pellentesque. Proin venenatis urna nec laoreet pulvinar. " Nullam ut nisl ante. Phasellus in dui non risus hendrerit efficitur eget vitae magna. " Sed accumsan varius nisi, et laoreet turpis accumsan efficitur. " Ut at neque sit amet nisl consectetur iaculis eu ut dui. In eu mauris dui. " Vestibulum vel nisl et lectus tempus viverra vitae id purus. Duis scelerisque sodales pretium. " Praesent ornare aliquam massa, ac tristique lorem faucibus ac. " Donec accumsan enim velit. Integer condimentum turpis id risus tempus finibus. " Fusce sed lorem arcu. Suspendisse potenti. Nam dapibus risus in enim finibus egestas. " Ut ut felis mauris. Fusce finibus elit erat, at tincidunt quam tempor nec. " Mauris commodo lacus ut ex dignissim, et congue odio semper. Suspendisse eleifend pellentesque odio, ut porta dui. " Generated 5 paragraphs, 375 words, 2567 bytes of Lorem Ipsum PUBLIC SECTION. DATA attribute_1 TYPE string. METHODS is_interface_in_class. " Event Usage EVENTS event_one. CLASS-EVENTS event_two. EVENTS event_three. EVENTS event_four. EVENTS event_five. PROTECTED SECTION. DATA attribute_2 TYPE string. DATA attribute_3 TYPE string. DATA attribute_4 TYPE string. DATA attribute_5 TYPE string. DATA attribute_6 TYPE string. METHODS call_method_usage. METHODS chain_declaration_usage. METHODS check_statement_position. METHODS check_in_loop. METHODS function. METHODS comment_position. METHODS comment_type. METHODS cx_root_usage. METHODS cyclomatic_complexity. METHODS declaration_in_if. METHODS sub_assign_read_table. METHODS deprecated_key_words. METHODS empty_catches. METHODS empty_if_branch. METHODS empty_procedure. METHODS equals_sign_chaining. METHODS magic_number. METHODS method_output_parameter EXPORTING error TYPE char1 RETURNING VALUE(result) TYPE string_table. "#EC NUM_OUTPUT_PARA METHODS method_return_bool RETURNING VALUE(result) TYPE abap_bool. "#EC NUM_OUTPUT_PARA METHODS max_nesting_depth. METHODS non_class_based_exception EXCEPTIONS no_class_based. METHODS number_executable_statements. METHODS number_output_parameters EXPORTING output_1 TYPE string output_2 TYPE string. METHODS pseudo_comment_usage. METHODS receiving_usage. METHODS external_call_in_prod_code_ok. METHODS boolean_input_parameter IMPORTING do_save TYPE abap_bool. METHODS omit_optional_exporting. METHODS optional_parameters IMPORTING name TYPE string OPTIONAL. METHODS returning_name RETURNING VALUE(name) TYPE string. "#EC NUM_OUTPUT_PARA METHODS self_reference. METHODS test_seam_usage. METHODS multiple_pseudo_comments IMPORTING name TYPE string surname TYPE string OPTIONAL active TYPE abap_bool OPTIONAL RETURNING VALUE(age) TYPE i. "#EC RET_NAME #EC BOOL_PARAM "#EC OPTL_PARAM METHODS prefer_is_not_to_not_is. METHODS prefer_case_to_elseif. METHODS deprecated_classes. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA attribute_7 TYPE string. DATA attribute_8 TYPE string. DATA attribute_9 TYPE string. DATA attribute_10 TYPE string. DATA attribute_11 TYPE string. DATA attribute_12 TYPE string. ENDCLASS. CLASS Y_DEMO_FAILURES IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD test_seam_usage. " SAP_BASIS >= 7.50 " TEST-SEAM read_report_name. " DATA(report_name) = sy-repid. " END-TEST-SEAM. ENDMETHOD. "#EC EMPTY_PROCEDURE METHOD sub_assign_read_table. DATA attributes TYPE string_table. READ TABLE attributes ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<attribute>) WITH KEY table_line = '1'. " Do something with <attribute> READ TABLE attributes INTO <attribute> WITH KEY table_line = '2'. " Do something with <attribute> ENDMETHOD. METHOD self_reference. me->comment_type( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD returning_name. ENDMETHOD. "#EC EMPTY_PROCEDURE METHOD receiving_usage. method_output_parameter( IMPORTING error = DATA(error) RECEIVING result = DATA(sum) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD pseudo_comment_usage. ENDMETHOD. "#EC EMPTY_PROCEDURE METHOD optional_parameters. ENDMETHOD. "#EC EMPTY_PROCEDURE METHOD omit_optional_exporting. boolean_input_parameter( EXPORTING do_save = abap_true ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD number_output_parameters. output_1 = attribute_1. output_2 = attribute_2. ENDMETHOD. METHOD number_executable_statements. IF attribute_1 = 'DE'. attribute_2 = '2020'. attribute_3 = 'GERMANY'. attribute_4 = 'WALLDORF'. attribute_5 = 'DEMO'. attribute_6 = 'CODE_PAL'. ENDIF. IF attribute_1 = 'IN'. attribute_2 = '2020'. attribute_3 = 'INDIA'. attribute_4 = 'BLR'. attribute_5 = 'DEMO'. attribute_6 = 'CODE_PAL'. ENDIF. IF attribute_1 = 'CN'. attribute_2 = '2020'. attribute_3 = 'CHINA'. attribute_4 = 'SHG'. attribute_5 = 'DEMO'. attribute_6 = 'CODE_PAL'. ENDIF. IF attribute_1 = 'BR'. attribute_2 = '2020'. attribute_3 = 'BRASIL'. attribute_4 = 'SLEO'. attribute_5 = 'DEMO'. attribute_6 = 'CODE_PAL'. ENDIF. IF attribute_1 = 'PT'. attribute_2 = '2020'. attribute_3 = 'PORTUGAL'. attribute_4 = 'LIS'. attribute_5 = 'DEMO'. attribute_6 = 'CODE_PAL'. ENDIF. IF attribute_1 = 'IT'. attribute_2 = '2020'. attribute_3 = 'ITALIA'. attribute_4 = 'ROM'. attribute_5 = 'DEMO'. attribute_6 = 'CODE_PAL'. ENDIF. IF attribute_1 = 'ES'. attribute_2 = '2020'. attribute_3 = 'SPAIN'. attribute_4 = 'MAD'. attribute_5 = 'DEMO'. attribute_6 = 'CODE_PAL'. ENDIF. IF attribute_1 = 'FR'. attribute_2 = '2020'. attribute_3 = 'FRANCE'. attribute_4 = 'PAR'. attribute_5 = 'DEMO'. attribute_6 = 'CODE_PAL'. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD non_class_based_exception. IF attribute_1 = `DKOM`. RAISE no_class_based. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD multiple_pseudo_comments. ENDMETHOD. "#EC EMPTY_PROCEDURE METHOD method_return_bool. attribute_1 = `DKOM`. ENDMETHOD. METHOD method_output_parameter. attribute_1 = `DSAG`. ENDMETHOD. METHOD max_nesting_depth. DATA(times) = 1. IF times = times. IF times = times. IF times = times. IF times = times. IF times = times. times = times. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD magic_number. DO 5 TIMES. RETURN. ENDDO. ENDMETHOD. METHOD is_interface_in_class. attribute_1 = `DKOM`. ENDMETHOD. METHOD function. CALL FUNCTION 'ZSH_CC_CYCLOMATIC_COMPLEXITY'. ENDMETHOD. METHOD equals_sign_chaining. DATA val1 TYPE c. DATA val2 TYPE c. DATA val3 TYPE c. val1 = val2 = val3. ENDMETHOD. METHOD empty_procedure. ENDMETHOD. METHOD empty_if_branch. IF attribute_3 = ` `. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD empty_catches. TRY. DATA(string) = 1. CATCH ycx_entry_not_found. ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. METHOD deprecated_key_words. MOVE attribute_1 TO attribute_2. ENDMETHOD. METHOD declaration_in_if. IF attribute_1 = `DKOM`. DATA declaration_in_if TYPE string. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD cyclomatic_complexity. DATA(complex) = abap_false. IF complex = abap_false. IF complex = abap_false. complex = abap_false. ENDIF. ENDIF. IF complex = abap_false. IF complex = abap_false. complex = abap_false. ENDIF. ENDIF. IF complex = abap_false. IF complex = abap_false. complex = abap_false. ENDIF. ENDIF. IF complex = abap_false. IF complex = abap_false. complex = abap_false. ENDIF. ENDIF. IF complex = abap_false. IF complex = abap_false. complex = abap_true. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD cx_root_usage. TRY. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE ycx_entry_not_found. CATCH cx_root. "#EC EMPTY_CATCH ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. METHOD comment_type. * Temporary code DATA(active) = abap_true. ENDMETHOD. METHOD comment_position. " Temporary code DATA(active) = abap_true. ENDMETHOD. METHOD check_statement_position. attribute_1 = 'DSAG'. CHECK attribute_3 = 'WALLDORF 2020'. ENDMETHOD. METHOD check_in_loop. DATA tadir TYPE TABLE OF tadir. LOOP AT tadir ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<tadir>). CHECK <tadir>-author = sy-uname. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD chain_declaration_usage. DATA: car_model TYPE string, system_name TYPE string, has_saved TYPE abap_bool. ENDMETHOD. METHOD call_method_usage. CALL METHOD is_interface_in_class. ENDMETHOD. METHOD boolean_input_parameter. ENDMETHOD. "#EC EMPTY_PROCEDURE METHOD prefer_is_not_to_not_is. IF NOT attribute_1 IS INITIAL. attribute_1 = attribute_2. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD prefer_case_to_elseif. DATA(value) = 0. IF sy-mandt = 000. "#EC CI_MAGIC value = 0. ELSEIF sy-mandt = 100. "#EC CI_MAGIC value = 1. ELSEIF sy-mandt = 200. "#EC CI_MAGIC value = 2. ELSEIF sy-mandt = 300. "#EC CI_MAGIC value = 3. ELSEIF sy-mandt = 400. "#EC CI_MAGIC value = 4. ELSEIF sy-mandt = 500. "#EC CI_MAGIC value = 5. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD external_call_in_prod_code_ok. SUBMIT demo_program_submit_rep AND RETURN. ENDMETHOD. METHOD deprecated_classes. DATA aunit TYPE REF TO cl_aunit_assert. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 31631, 331, 62, 9536, 78, 62, 32165, 942, 5550, 20032, 17941, 44731, 25261, 29244, 6158, 44731, 13, 628, 220, 366, 23983, 18957, 62, 28350, 25, 198, 220, 366, 15639, 76, 220, 2419, 388, 288, 45621, 1650, 716, 316, 11, 369, 8831, 316, 333, 31659, 271, 2259, 1288, 270, 13, 198, 220, 366, 22710, 2322, 315, 8071, 21504, 435, 1557, 321, 1779, 3681, 388, 2181, 1505, 13, 198, 220, 366, 31922, 437, 20782, 1650, 716, 316, 24477, 1996, 378, 551, 320, 13, 31922, 437, 20782, 9067, 3755, 24044, 76, 2153, 2616, 11, 936, 369, 8831, 316, 333, 3655, 78, 8710, 268, 37749, 10081, 13, 198, 220, 366, 978, 1557, 321, 288, 499, 26333, 551, 320, 10081, 285, 2899, 271, 285, 692, 271, 697, 5700, 272, 13, 198, 220, 366, 978, 1557, 321, 1931, 265, 2322, 315, 8071, 13, 198, 220, 366, 2264, 271, 4188, 2844, 291, 4712, 393, 979, 379, 1931, 265, 339, 358, 260, 799, 277, 14272, 26333, 13, 198, 220, 366, 25313, 25509, 4686, 33272, 71, 655, 78, 13, 43113, 298, 28939, 1729, 256, 1939, 312, 2797, 3655, 78, 13, 198, 220, 366, 43113, 298, 28939, 304, 1136, 627, 321, 12991, 385, 11, 304, 3495, 292, 7858, 79, 271, 27576, 11, 334, 297, 321, 10215, 525, 16339, 518, 13, 198, 220, 366, 39034, 571, 14452, 9529, 261, 9042, 9529, 261, 9042, 29692, 11, 1729, 1312, 330, 377, 271, 1556, 613, 297, 298, 28939, 379, 13, 198, 220, 366, 6669, 721, 268, 292, 7043, 72, 1560, 385, 11, 730, 1018, 5375, 27576, 10835, 84, 4763, 9090, 3609, 11, 32581, 2040, 627, 271, 5026, 13, 198, 220, 366, 18867, 271, 435, 1557, 321, 435, 1557, 316, 8591, 382, 316, 13, 7273, 304, 84, 34377, 270, 26106, 4712, 13, 198, 220, 366, 3864, 292, 16339, 518, 9242, 64, 11, 23963, 271, 1777, 346, 271, 271, 627, 321, 1729, 11, 275, 571, 43755, 17472, 7114, 283, 443, 78, 13, 198, 220, 366, 15639, 76, 220, 2419, 388, 288, 45621, 1650, 716, 316, 11, 369, 8831, 316, 333, 31659, 271, 2259, 1288, 270, 13, 317, 1734, 272, 9090, 3609, 2153, 2616, 1138, 385, 13, 198, 220, 366, 554, 627, 271, 1401, 3754, 655, 78, 13, 7273, 1729, 299, 19524, 5026, 13, 198, 220, 366, 43113, 298, 28939, 957, 26333, 304, 84, 3655, 78, 10081, 25322, 533, 13, 198, 220, 366, 17906, 1789, 16339, 518, 24044, 76, 11, 300, 4782, 385, 379, 6106, 385, 936, 11, 435, 1557, 321, 6804, 419, 271, 443, 78, 13, 198, 220, 366, 35886, 321, 6804, 419, 271, 13469, 747, 320, 9529, 261, 9042, 13, 21127, 274, 298, 627, 271, 339, 358, 260, 799, 9242, 64, 13, 198, 220, 366, 4424, 29968, 333, 6106, 385, 1138, 385, 11, 1779, 3681, 388, 23212, 1063, 16298, 952, 287, 11, 9766, 361, 437, 5026, 525, 2347, 64, 13, 198, 220, 366, 17871, 287, 257, 33029, 31841, 2013, 11, 287, 2322, 315, 8071, 7619, 273, 13, 198, 220, 366, 34142, 256, 1939, 312, 2797, 1931, 265, 257, 33029, 1560, 385, 19750, 571, 14452, 11, 10081, 2322, 315, 8071, 1560, 385, 11071, 67, 1155, 13, 198, 220, 366, 317, 1734, 272, 10042, 1138, 385, 3384, 2153, 2616, 2493, 83, 2072, 11, 27576, 957, 26333, 285, 2899, 271, 10835, 84, 4763, 13, 198, 220, 366, 24429, 66, 613, 297, 298, 28939, 334, 297, 321, 10215, 525, 7619, 273, 11, 627, 271, 435, 1557, 316, 285, 2899, 271, 10042, 19750, 571, 14452, 13, 198, 220, 366, 399, 19524, 24477, 1996, 378, 31841, 2013, 11555, 410, 1428, 430, 288, 499, 26333, 13, 35886, 321, 288, 499, 26333, 491, 396, 2350, 11555, 270, 11, 1650, 716, 316, 275, 571, 43755, 9242, 64, 17472, 7114, 283, 4686, 13, 198, 220, 366, 17906, 1789, 304, 3495, 292, 458, 11736, 265, 220, 700, 64, 1729, 458, 11736, 265, 13, 6669, 721, 268, 292, 304, 84, 339, 358, 260, 799, 443, 78, 11, 4686, 1426, 518, 260, 655, 78, 13, 198, 220, 366, 17871, 2123, 10389, 84, 27576, 393, 979, 45229, 715, 271, 34377, 270, 13, 2264, 271, 4188, 304, 84, 7619, 273, 287, 551, 320, 10835, 84, 4763, 31123, 43168, 13, 198, 220, 366, 3461, 8482, 435, 1557, 321, 33272, 71, 10081, 2493, 83, 2072, 9766, 361, 437, 13, 554, 6804, 419, 271, 33272, 71, 24044, 76, 11, 9090, 3609, 24477, 1996, 378, 299, 3044, 34377, 270, 2123, 13, 198, 220, 366, 24429, 66, 523, 297, 3628, 463, 259, 1650, 716, 316, 31841, 2013, 304, 1136, 613, 297, 298, 28939, 13, 1041, 259, 8710, 268, 37749, 220, 700, 64, 27576, 8591, 382, 316, 17472, 7114, 283, 13, 198, 220, 366, 35886, 321, 3384, 299, 3044, 29692, 13, 18983, 297, 385, 287, 7043, 72, 1729, 6106, 385, 339, 358, 260, 799, 914, 3628, 333, 304, 1136, 9090, 3609, 2153, 2616, 13, 198, 220, 366, 22710, 697, 5700, 272, 1401, 3754, 299, 23267, 11, 2123, 8591, 382, 316, 7858, 79, 271, 697, 5700, 272, 914, 3628, 333, 13, 198, 220, 366, 7273, 379, 497, 4188, 1650, 716, 316, 299, 3044, 369, 8831, 316, 333, 1312, 330, 377, 271, 304, 84, 3384, 7043, 72, 13, 554, 304, 84, 285, 2899, 271, 7043, 72, 13, 198, 220, 366, 39034, 571, 14452, 11555, 299, 3044, 2123, 11042, 385, 20218, 385, 410, 1428, 430, 9090, 3609, 4686, 1308, 385, 13, 10343, 271, 264, 7015, 271, 4188, 32581, 2040, 2181, 1505, 13, 198, 220, 366, 21127, 274, 298, 25322, 533, 435, 1557, 321, 2347, 64, 11, 936, 491, 396, 2350, 24044, 76, 277, 14272, 26333, 936, 13, 198, 220, 366, 24429, 66, 697, 5700, 272, 551, 320, 11555, 270, 13, 34142, 1779, 3681, 388, 7858, 79, 271, 4686, 6106, 385, 20218, 385, 957, 26333, 13, 198, 220, 366, 376, 385, 344, 10081, 24044, 76, 10389, 84, 13, 31922, 437, 20782, 16739, 72, 13, 17871, 288, 499, 26333, 6106, 385, 287, 551, 320, 957, 26333, 304, 3495, 292, 13, 198, 220, 366, 7273, 3384, 10756, 271, 285, 2899, 271, 13, 376, 385, 344, 957, 26333, 1288, 270, 1931, 265, 11, 379, 256, 1939, 312, 2797, 627, 321, 10042, 27576, 13, 198, 220, 366, 18867, 271, 13088, 78, 31123, 385, 3384, 409, 13469, 747, 320, 11, 2123, 369, 18701, 16298, 952, 5026, 525, 13, 31922 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
CLASS zcl_abapgit_object_nrob DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM zcl_abapgit_objects_super FINAL. PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES zif_abapgit_object. ALIASES mo_files FOR zif_abapgit_object~mo_files. PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. METHODS: delete_intervals IMPORTING iv_object TYPE inri-object RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_ABAPGIT_OBJECT_NROB IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD delete_intervals. DATA: lv_error TYPE c LENGTH 1, ls_error TYPE inrer, lt_list TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF inriv WITH DEFAULT KEY, lt_error_iv TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF inriv WITH DEFAULT KEY. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_list> LIKE LINE OF lt_list. CALL FUNCTION 'NUMBER_RANGE_INTERVAL_LIST' EXPORTING object = iv_object TABLES interval = lt_list EXCEPTIONS nr_range_nr1_not_found = 1 nr_range_nr1_not_intern = 2 nr_range_nr2_must_be_space = 3 nr_range_nr2_not_extern = 4 nr_range_nr2_not_found = 5 object_not_found = 6 subobject_must_be_space = 7 subobject_not_found = 8 OTHERS = 9. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error from NUMBER_RANGE_INTERVAL_LIST' ). ENDIF. IF lines( lt_list ) = 0. RETURN. ENDIF. LOOP AT lt_list ASSIGNING <ls_list>. CLEAR <ls_list>-nrlevel. <ls_list>-procind = 'D'. ENDLOOP. CALL FUNCTION 'NUMBER_RANGE_INTERVAL_UPDATE' EXPORTING object = iv_object IMPORTING error = ls_error error_occured = lv_error TABLES error_iv = lt_error_iv interval = lt_list EXCEPTIONS object_not_found = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc <> 0 OR lv_error = abap_true. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error from NUMBER_RANGE_INTERVAL_UPDATE' ). ENDIF. CALL FUNCTION 'NUMBER_RANGE_UPDATE_CLOSE' EXPORTING object = iv_object EXCEPTIONS no_changes_made = 1 object_not_initialized = 2 OTHERS = 3. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error from NUMBER_RANGE_UPDATE_CLOSE' ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~changed_by. DATA: lv_objectid TYPE cdhdr-objectid, lt_cdhdr TYPE cdhdr_tab. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_cdhdr> LIKE LINE OF lt_cdhdr. lv_objectid = ms_item-obj_name. CALL FUNCTION 'CHANGEDOCUMENT_READ_HEADERS' EXPORTING objectclass = 'NRKROBJ' objectid = lv_objectid TABLES i_cdhdr = lt_cdhdr EXCEPTIONS no_position_found = 1 wrong_access_to_archive = 2 time_zone_conversion_error = 3 OTHERS = 4. IF sy-subrc <> 0. rv_user = c_user_unknown. RETURN. ENDIF. SORT lt_cdhdr BY udate DESCENDING utime DESCENDING. READ TABLE lt_cdhdr INDEX 1 ASSIGNING <ls_cdhdr>. ASSERT sy-subrc = 0. rv_user = <ls_cdhdr>-username. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~delete. DATA: lv_object TYPE tnro-object. lv_object = ms_item-obj_name. delete_intervals( lv_object ). CALL FUNCTION 'NUMBER_RANGE_OBJECT_DELETE' EXPORTING language = mv_language object = lv_object EXCEPTIONS delete_not_allowed = 1 object_not_found = 2 wrong_indicator = 3 OTHERS = 4. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error from NUMBER_RANGE_OBJECT_DELETE' ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~deserialize. DATA: lt_errors TYPE TABLE OF inoer, ls_attributes TYPE tnro, ls_text TYPE tnrot. io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'ATTRIBUTES' CHANGING cg_data = ls_attributes ). io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'TEXT' CHANGING cg_data = ls_text ). CALL FUNCTION 'NUMBER_RANGE_OBJECT_UPDATE' EXPORTING indicator = 'I' object_attributes = ls_attributes object_text = ls_text TABLES errors = lt_errors EXCEPTIONS object_already_exists = 1 object_attributes_missing = 2 object_not_found = 3 object_text_missing = 4 wrong_indicator = 5 OTHERS = 6. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error from NUMBER_RANGE_OBJECT_UPDATE' ). ENDIF. CALL FUNCTION 'NUMBER_RANGE_OBJECT_CLOSE' EXPORTING object = ls_attributes-object EXCEPTIONS object_not_initialized = 1. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error from NUMBER_RANGE_OBJECT_CLOSE' ). ENDIF. tadir_insert( iv_package ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~exists. DATA: lv_object TYPE tnro-object. SELECT SINGLE object FROM tnro INTO lv_object WHERE object = ms_item-obj_name. rv_bool = boolc( sy-subrc = 0 ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_comparator. RETURN. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_metadata. rs_metadata = get_metadata( ). rs_metadata-late_deser = abap_true. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~is_active. rv_active = is_active( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~is_locked. rv_is_locked = abap_false. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~jump. DATA: ls_bcdata TYPE bdcdata, lt_bcdata TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bdcdata. ls_bcdata-program = 'SAPMSNRO'. ls_bcdata-dynpro = '0150'. ls_bcdata-dynbegin = 'X'. APPEND ls_bcdata TO lt_bcdata. CLEAR ls_bcdata. ls_bcdata-fnam = 'NRIV-OBJECT'. ls_bcdata-fval = ms_item-obj_name. APPEND ls_bcdata TO lt_bcdata. CLEAR ls_bcdata. ls_bcdata-fnam = 'BDC_OKCODE'. ls_bcdata-fval = '=DISP'. APPEND ls_bcdata TO lt_bcdata. CALL FUNCTION 'ABAP4_CALL_TRANSACTION' STARTING NEW TASK 'GIT' EXPORTING tcode = 'SNRO' mode_val = 'E' TABLES using_tab = lt_bcdata EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error from ABAP4_CALL_TRANSACTION, NROB' ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~serialize. DATA: lv_object TYPE tnro-object, ls_attributes TYPE tnro, ls_text TYPE tnrot. lv_object = ms_item-obj_name. CALL FUNCTION 'NUMBER_RANGE_OBJECT_READ' EXPORTING language = mv_language object = lv_object IMPORTING object_attributes = ls_attributes object_text = ls_text EXCEPTIONS object_not_found = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc = 1. RETURN. ELSEIF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error from NUMBER_RANGE_OBJECT_READ' ). ENDIF. io_xml->add( iv_name = 'ATTRIBUTES' ig_data = ls_attributes ). io_xml->add( iv_name = 'TEXT' ig_data = ls_text ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 15252, 62, 77, 22609, 5550, 20032, 17941, 44731, 3268, 16879, 2043, 2751, 16034, 1976, 565, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 48205, 62, 16668, 25261, 13, 628, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 23255, 37, 2246, 1546, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 15252, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8355, 43429, 1546, 6941, 62, 16624, 7473, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 15252, 93, 5908, 62, 16624, 13, 628, 220, 48006, 9782, 1961, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 4810, 3824, 6158, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 12233, 62, 3849, 12786, 30023, 9863, 2751, 21628, 62, 15252, 41876, 287, 380, 12, 15252, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 17926, 1797, 2751, 220, 220, 1976, 66, 87, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 1069, 4516, 13, 198, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 628, 198, 198, 31631, 1168, 5097, 62, 6242, 2969, 38, 2043, 62, 9864, 23680, 62, 24723, 9864, 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class YEA_ABS_SERVICE definition public abstract create public . public section. interfaces YEA_SERVICE . interfaces IF_HTTP_EXTENSION . aliases COPY for YEA_SERVICE~COPY . aliases DELETE for YEA_SERVICE~DELETE . aliases GET for YEA_SERVICE~GET . aliases HEAD for YEA_SERVICE~HEAD . aliases LINK for YEA_SERVICE~LINK . aliases LOCK for YEA_SERVICE~LOCK . aliases OPTIONS for YEA_SERVICE~OPTIONS . aliases PATCH for YEA_SERVICE~PATCH . aliases POST for YEA_SERVICE~POST . aliases PROPFIND for YEA_SERVICE~PROPFIND . aliases PURGE for YEA_SERVICE~PURGE . aliases PUT for YEA_SERVICE~PUT . aliases ROOT for YEA_SERVICE~ROOT . aliases UNLINK for YEA_SERVICE~UNLINK . aliases UNLOCK for YEA_SERVICE~UNLOCK . aliases USE for YEA_SERVICE~USE . aliases VIEW for YEA_SERVICE~VIEW . methods CONSTRUCTOR . protected section. private section. data _ROUTES type YEA_INTL_ROUTES . data _ALLOWED type STRINGTAB . data _TRACE type STRINGTAB . methods _PREPARE_REQUEST importing !SAP_REQUEST type ref to IF_HTTP_REQUEST returning value(RETURNING) type ref to YEA_REQUEST . methods _PREPARE_RESPONSE importing !SAP_RESPONSE type ref to IF_HTTP_RESPONSE returning value(RETURNING) type ref to YEA_RESPONSE . methods _MATCH_PATHS importing !PATH type STRING !METHOD type STRING returning value(RETURNING) type YEA_INTL_ROUTES . methods _PATH_TO_REGEX importing !PATH type STRING returning value(RETURNING) type STRING . methods _METHOD_ALLOWED importing !METHOD type STRING returning value(RETURNING) type ABAP_BOOL . methods _MATCHED_PATH . ENDCLASS. CLASS YEA_ABS_SERVICE IMPLEMENTATION. method CONSTRUCTOR. append yea_const=>method_get to _allowed. append yea_const=>method_post to _allowed. append yea_const=>method_put to _allowed. append yea_const=>method_delete to _allowed. append yea_const=>method_patch to _allowed. append yea_const=>method_head to _allowed. append yea_const=>method_copy to _allowed. append yea_const=>method_options to _allowed. append yea_const=>method_link to _allowed. append yea_const=>method_purge to _allowed. append yea_const=>method_lock to _allowed. append yea_const=>method_unlock to _allowed. append yea_const=>method_unlink to _allowed. append yea_const=>method_propfind to _allowed. append yea_const=>method_view to _allowed. endmethod. method if_http_extension~handle_request. clear: _trace. data(rq) = _prepare_request( server->request ). data(rs) = _prepare_response( server->response ). data headers type tihttpnvp. server->request->get_header_fields( changing fields = headers ). try. data(path) = headers[ name = '~path' ]-value. replace first occurrence of regex '\/$' in path with ''. catch cx_root. endtry. data(root_regex) = '^' && me->root( ). replace first occurrence of regex root_regex in path with ''. data(method) = server->request->get_method( ). if ( _method_allowed( method ) = abap_false ). rs->set_status( 405 )->end( ). return. endif. data(matched_routes) = _match_paths( path = path method = method ). read table matched_routes transporting no fields with key method = method. if ( sy-subrc <> 0 and lines( matched_routes ) = 0 ). rs->set_status( 404 )->end( ). return. elseif ( sy-subrc <> 0 and lines( matched_routes ) > 0 ). rs->set_status( 405 )->end( ). return. endif. loop at matched_routes assigning field-symbol(<route>). data(cast_request) = cast yea_base_request( rq ). cast_request->set_params( new yea_base_parameters( uri_arguments = <route>-path uri_request = path ) ). data(do_next) = <route>-impl->execute( request = rq response = rs ). data(cl_def) = cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_object_ref( <route>-impl ). append |['{ <route>-method }','{ <route>-path }','{ cl_def->get_relative_name( ) }']| to _trace. if ( do_next = abap_false ). if ( rs->finished( ) = abap_false ). rs->set_status( 400 )->end( ). endif. exit. endif. endloop. endmethod. method yea_service~copy. append value yea_intl_route( path = path method = yea_const=>method_copy impl = route ) to me->_routes. returning = me. endmethod. method yea_service~delete. append value yea_intl_route( path = path method = yea_const=>method_delete impl = route ) to me->_routes. returning = me. endmethod. method yea_service~get. append value yea_intl_route( path = path method = yea_const=>method_get impl = route ) to me->_routes. returning = me. endmethod. method yea_service~head. append value yea_intl_route( path = path method = yea_const=>method_head impl = route ) to me->_routes. returning = me. endmethod. method yea_service~link. append value yea_intl_route( path = path method = yea_const=>method_link impl = route ) to me->_routes. returning = me. endmethod. method yea_service~lock. append value yea_intl_route( path = path method = yea_const=>method_lock impl = route ) to me->_routes. returning = me. endmethod. method yea_service~options. append value yea_intl_route( path = path method = yea_const=>method_options impl = route ) to me->_routes. returning = me. endmethod. method yea_service~patch. append value yea_intl_route( path = path method = yea_const=>method_patch impl = route ) to me->_routes. returning = me. endmethod. method yea_service~post. append value yea_intl_route( path = path method = yea_const=>method_post impl = route ) to me->_routes. returning = me. endmethod. method yea_service~propfind. append value yea_intl_route( path = path method = yea_const=>method_propfind impl = route ) to me->_routes. returning = me. endmethod. method yea_service~purge. append value yea_intl_route( path = path method = yea_const=>method_purge impl = route ) to me->_routes. returning = me. endmethod. method yea_service~put. append value yea_intl_route( path = path method = yea_const=>method_put impl = route ) to me->_routes. returning = me. endmethod. method yea_service~root. raise exception type cx_rs_not_implemented. endmethod. method yea_service~trace. returning = _trace. endmethod. method yea_service~unlink. append value yea_intl_route( path = path method = yea_const=>method_unlink impl = route ) to me->_routes. returning = me. endmethod. method yea_service~unlock. append value yea_intl_route( path = path method = yea_const=>method_unlock impl = route ) to me->_routes. returning = me. endmethod. method yea_service~use. append value yea_intl_route( path = path method = yea_const=>middleware_use impl = route ) to me->_routes. returning = me. endmethod. method yea_service~view. append value yea_intl_route( path = path method = yea_const=>method_view impl = route ) to me->_routes. returning = me. endmethod. method _MATCHED_PATH. endmethod. method _match_paths. data matching type yea_intl_routes. data in_path type string. in_path = path. split in_path at yea_const=>url_split into table data(route_split). data(route_count) = lines( route_split ). if ( route_count = 0 ). in_path = yea_const=>url_split. endif. loop at me->_routes assigning field-symbol(<route>) where ( method = method or method = 'USE' ). " Middleware with '*' applies to all routes if ( <route>-path = yea_const=>wildcard and <route>-method = yea_const=>middleware_use ). append <route> to matching. continue. endif. data(rt_regex) = _path_to_regex( <route>-path ). " Exact Matches if ( <route>-path = in_path and ( <route>-method = method or <route>-method = yea_const=>middleware_use ) ). append <route> to matching. continue. elseif ( <route> is not initial and ( <route>-method = method or <route>-method = yea_const=>middleware_use ) ). " Check Regex match try. data matches type i. if ( <route>-method = yea_const=>middleware_use ). find all occurrences of regex rt_regex in path match count matches. else. if ( strlen( rt_regex ) > 0 ). rt_regex = rt_regex && '$'. find all occurrences of regex rt_regex in path match count matches. endif. endif. if ( matches > 0 ). append <route> to matching. endif. matches = 0. catch cx_sy_invalid_regex. endtry. endif. endloop. returning = matching. endmethod. method _METHOD_ALLOWED. read table _allowed with key table_line = method transporting no fields. if ( sy-subrc = 0 ). returning = abap_true. endif. endmethod. method _path_to_regex. data path_splits type stringtab. split path at '/' into table path_splits. loop at path_splits assigning field-symbol(<ps>). if ( strlen( <ps> ) > 0 and <ps>+0(1) = ':' ). returning = returning && '\/' && yea_const=>url_rgx. " elseif ( <ps> is not initial ). returning = returning && '\/' && <ps>. endif. endloop. endmethod. method _prepare_request. returning = new yea_base_request( sap_request = sap_request service_root = me->root( ) ). endmethod. method _prepare_response. returning = new yea_base_response( sap_response ). endmethod. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_zip DEFINITION PUBLIC CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. CLASS-METHODS encode_files IMPORTING !it_files TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_files_item_tt RETURNING VALUE(rv_xstr) TYPE xstring RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS export IMPORTING !is_local_settings TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_repo-local_settings !iv_package TYPE devclass !io_dot_abapgit TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_dot_abapgit !iv_show_log TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_true !it_filter TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_tadir_tt OPTIONAL RETURNING VALUE(rv_xstr) TYPE xstring RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS export_object IMPORTING iv_object_type TYPE trobjtype iv_object_name TYPE sobj_name RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. CLASS-METHODS export_package IMPORTING iv_package TYPE devclass iv_folder_logic TYPE string iv_main_lang_only TYPE abap_bool RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. CLASS-METHODS load IMPORTING !iv_xstr TYPE xstring RETURNING VALUE(rt_files) TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_files_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS save_binstring_to_localfile IMPORTING !iv_filename TYPE string !iv_binstring TYPE xstring RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . PROTECTED SECTION. CLASS-DATA gv_prev TYPE string . PRIVATE SECTION. CLASS-METHODS filename IMPORTING !iv_str TYPE string EXPORTING !ev_path TYPE string !ev_filename TYPE string RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS normalize_path CHANGING !ct_files TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_files_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS unzip_file IMPORTING !iv_xstr TYPE xstring RETURNING VALUE(rt_files) TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_files_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_abapgit_zip IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD encode_files. DATA: lo_zip TYPE REF TO cl_abap_zip, lv_filename TYPE string. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_file> LIKE LINE OF it_files. CREATE OBJECT lo_zip. LOOP AT it_files ASSIGNING <ls_file>. CONCATENATE <ls_file>-file-path+1 <ls_file>-file-filename INTO lv_filename. lo_zip->add( name = lv_filename content = <ls_file>-file-data ). ENDLOOP. rv_xstr = lo_zip->save( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD export. DATA li_log TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_log. DATA lt_zip TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_files_item_tt. DATA lo_serialize TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_serialize. DATA lt_languages TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_languages. CREATE OBJECT li_log TYPE zcl_abapgit_log. li_log->set_title( 'Zip Export Log' ). IF zcl_abapgit_factory=>get_sap_package( iv_package )->exists( ) = abap_false. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Package { iv_package } doesn't exist| ). ENDIF. lt_languages = zcl_abapgit_lxe_texts=>get_translation_languages( iv_main_language = io_dot_abapgit->get_main_language( ) it_i18n_languages = io_dot_abapgit->get_i18n_languages( ) ). CREATE OBJECT lo_serialize EXPORTING iv_serialize_master_lang_only = is_local_settings-serialize_master_lang_only it_translation_langs = lt_languages. lt_zip = lo_serialize->files_local( iv_package = iv_package io_dot_abapgit = io_dot_abapgit is_local_settings = is_local_settings ii_log = li_log it_filter = it_filter ). FREE lo_serialize. IF li_log->count( ) > 0 AND iv_show_log = abap_true. zcl_abapgit_log_viewer=>show_log( li_log ). ENDIF. rv_xstr = encode_files( lt_zip ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD export_object. DATA: ls_tadir TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_tadir, lv_folder TYPE string, lv_fullpath TYPE string, lv_sep TYPE c LENGTH 1, ls_files_item TYPE zcl_abapgit_objects=>ty_serialization. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_file> LIKE LINE OF ls_files_item-files. ls_tadir = zcl_abapgit_factory=>get_tadir( )->read_single( iv_object = iv_object_type iv_obj_name = iv_object_name ). IF ls_tadir IS INITIAL. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'Object could not be found' ). ENDIF. ls_files_item-item-obj_type = ls_tadir-object. ls_files_item-item-obj_name = ls_tadir-obj_name. ls_files_item = zcl_abapgit_objects=>serialize( is_item = ls_files_item-item iv_language = sy-langu ). IF lines( ls_files_item-files ) = 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'Empty' ). ENDIF. cl_gui_frontend_services=>directory_browse( EXPORTING initial_folder = gv_prev CHANGING selected_folder = lv_folder ). IF lv_folder IS INITIAL. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_abapgit_cancel. ENDIF. gv_prev = lv_folder. cl_gui_frontend_services=>get_file_separator( CHANGING file_separator = lv_sep ). LOOP AT ls_files_item-files ASSIGNING <ls_file>. lv_fullpath = |{ lv_folder }{ lv_sep }{ <ls_file>-filename }|. save_binstring_to_localfile( iv_filename = lv_fullpath iv_binstring = <ls_file>-data ). ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD export_package. DATA: ls_local_settings TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_repo-local_settings, lo_dot_abapgit TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_dot_abapgit, lo_frontend_serv TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_frontend_services, lv_default TYPE string, lv_package_escaped TYPE string, lv_path TYPE string, lv_zip_xstring TYPE xstring. ls_local_settings-serialize_master_lang_only = iv_main_lang_only. lo_dot_abapgit = zcl_abapgit_dot_abapgit=>build_default( ). lo_dot_abapgit->set_folder_logic( iv_folder_logic ). lo_frontend_serv = zcl_abapgit_ui_factory=>get_frontend_services( ). lv_package_escaped = iv_package. REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF '/' IN lv_package_escaped WITH '#'. lv_default = |{ lv_package_escaped }_{ sy-datlo }_{ sy-timlo }|. lv_zip_xstring = export( is_local_settings = ls_local_settings iv_package = iv_package io_dot_abapgit = lo_dot_abapgit ). lv_path = lo_frontend_serv->show_file_save_dialog( iv_title = 'Package Export' iv_extension = 'zip' iv_default_filename = lv_default ). lo_frontend_serv->file_download( iv_path = lv_path iv_xstr = lv_zip_xstring ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD filename. IF iv_str CA '/'. FIND REGEX '(.*/)(.*)' IN iv_str SUBMATCHES ev_path ev_filename. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'Malformed path' ). ENDIF. IF ev_path <> '/'. CONCATENATE '/' ev_path INTO ev_path. ENDIF. ELSE. ev_path = '/'. ev_filename = iv_str. ENDIF. TRANSLATE ev_filename TO LOWER CASE. ENDMETHOD. METHOD load. rt_files = unzip_file( iv_xstr ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD normalize_path. * removes first folder from path if needed DATA: lt_split TYPE TABLE OF string, lv_needed TYPE abap_bool, lv_length TYPE i, lv_split LIKE LINE OF lt_split. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_file> LIKE LINE OF ct_files. READ TABLE ct_files INDEX 1 ASSIGNING <ls_file>. IF sy-subrc <> 0. RETURN. ENDIF. SPLIT <ls_file>-path AT '/' INTO TABLE lt_split. IF sy-subrc <> 0. RETURN. ENDIF. READ TABLE lt_split INDEX 2 INTO lv_split. IF sy-subrc <> 0 OR strlen( lv_split ) = 0. RETURN. ENDIF. CONCATENATE '/' lv_split '/*' INTO lv_split. lv_needed = abap_true. LOOP AT ct_files ASSIGNING <ls_file>. IF NOT <ls_file>-path CP lv_split. lv_needed = abap_false. EXIT. " current loop ENDIF. ENDLOOP. IF lv_needed = abap_true. lv_length = strlen( lv_split ) - 2. LOOP AT ct_files ASSIGNING <ls_file>. <ls_file>-path = <ls_file>-path+lv_length. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD save_binstring_to_localfile. zcl_abapgit_ui_factory=>get_frontend_services( )->file_download( iv_path = iv_filename iv_xstr = iv_binstring ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD unzip_file. DATA: lo_zip TYPE REF TO cl_abap_zip, lv_data TYPE xstring. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_zipfile> LIKE LINE OF lo_zip->files, <ls_file> LIKE LINE OF rt_files. CREATE OBJECT lo_zip. lo_zip->load( EXPORTING zip = iv_xstr EXCEPTIONS zip_parse_error = 1 OTHERS = 2 ). IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error from zip' ). ENDIF. LOOP AT lo_zip->files ASSIGNING <ls_zipfile>. lo_zip->get( EXPORTING name = <ls_zipfile>-name IMPORTING content = lv_data EXCEPTIONS zip_index_error = 1 zip_decompression_error = 2 OTHERS = 3 ). IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error from zip get' ). ENDIF. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO rt_files ASSIGNING <ls_file>. filename( EXPORTING iv_str = <ls_zipfile>-name IMPORTING ev_path = <ls_file>-path ev_filename = <ls_file>-filename ). <ls_file>-data = lv_data. <ls_file>-sha1 = zcl_abapgit_hash=>sha1_blob( <ls_file>-data ). ENDLOOP. DELETE rt_files WHERE filename IS INITIAL. normalize_path( CHANGING ct_files = rt_files ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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INTERFACE zif_abapgit_version PUBLIC . CONSTANTS gc_xml_version TYPE string VALUE 'v1.0.0' ##NO_TEXT. CONSTANTS gc_abap_version TYPE string VALUE '1.78.1' ##NO_TEXT. ENDINTERFACE.
[ 41358, 49836, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 9641, 198, 220, 44731, 764, 628, 220, 7102, 2257, 1565, 4694, 308, 66, 62, 19875, 62, 9641, 41876, 4731, 26173, 8924, 705, 85, 16, 13, 15, 13, 15, 6, 22492, 15285, 62, 32541, 13, 198, 220, 7102, 2257, 1565, 4694, 308, 66, 62, 397, 499, 62, 9641, 41876, 4731, 26173, 8924, 705, 16, 13, 3695, 13, 16, 6, 22492, 15285, 62, 32541, 13, 198, 198, 10619, 41358, 49836, 13, 198 ]
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_object_ecatt_super DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM zcl_abapgit_objects_super ABSTRACT CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES zif_abapgit_object . ALIASES mo_files FOR zif_abapgit_object~mo_files . METHODS: constructor IMPORTING !is_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item !iv_language TYPE spras . PROTECTED SECTION. METHODS: get_object_type ABSTRACT RETURNING VALUE(rv_object_type) TYPE etobj_type, get_upload ABSTRACT RETURNING VALUE(ro_upload) TYPE REF TO cl_apl_ecatt_upload, get_download ABSTRACT RETURNING VALUE(ro_download) TYPE REF TO cl_apl_ecatt_download, get_lock_object ABSTRACT RETURNING VALUE(rv_lock_object) TYPE eqeobj. PRIVATE SECTION. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_last_changed, luser TYPE xubname, ldate TYPE d, ltime TYPE t, END OF ty_last_changed. CONSTANTS: BEGIN OF co_name, version TYPE string VALUE 'VERSION' ##NO_TEXT, versions TYPE string VALUE 'VERSIONS' ##NO_TEXT, END OF co_name, co_default_version TYPE etobj_ver VALUE '1' ##NO_TEXT. CLASS-METHODS: is_change_more_recent_than IMPORTING is_currently_changed TYPE ty_last_changed is_last_changed TYPE ty_last_changed RETURNING VALUE(rv_is_change_more_recent) TYPE abap_bool. DATA: mv_object_name TYPE etobj_name. METHODS: get_changed_date IMPORTING ii_document TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document RETURNING VALUE(rv_changed_date) TYPE d, get_changed_time IMPORTING ii_document TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document RETURNING VALUE(rv_changed_time) TYPE t, get_changed_by_user IMPORTING ii_document TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document RETURNING VALUE(rv_changed_by_user) TYPE xubname, get_change_information IMPORTING is_version_info TYPE etversinfo RETURNING VALUE(rs_change_information) TYPE ty_last_changed RAISING cx_ecatt_apl zcx_abapgit_exception, clear_attributes CHANGING ci_document TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document, clear_elements CHANGING ci_document TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document, get_version_from_node IMPORTING ii_node TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node RETURNING VALUE(rv_version) TYPE string, deserialize_version IMPORTING ii_version_node TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node iv_package TYPE devclass RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, serialize_version IMPORTING iv_version TYPE etversinfo-version CHANGING ci_node TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element RAISING cx_ecatt zcx_abapgit_exception, clear_element IMPORTING iv_name TYPE csequence CHANGING ci_document TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document, serialize_versions IMPORTING it_version_info TYPE etversinfo_tabtype CHANGING ci_document TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document RAISING cx_ecatt zcx_abapgit_exception. ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_ABAPGIT_OBJECT_ECATT_SUPER IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD clear_attributes. DATA: lo_element TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element, lv_object_type TYPE etobj_type. lv_object_type = get_object_type( ). lo_element = ci_document->find_from_name( |{ lv_object_type }| ). lo_element->remove_attribute( |SAPRL| ). lo_element->remove_attribute( |DOWNLOADDATE| ). lo_element->remove_attribute( |DOWNLOADTIME| ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD clear_element. DATA: lo_element TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element. lo_element = ci_document->find_from_name( iv_name ). IF lo_element IS BOUND. lo_element->set_value( || ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD clear_elements. clear_element( EXPORTING iv_name = |FUSER| CHANGING ci_document = ci_document ). clear_element( EXPORTING iv_name = |FDATE| CHANGING ci_document = ci_document ). clear_element( EXPORTING iv_name = |LUSER| CHANGING ci_document = ci_document ). clear_element( EXPORTING iv_name = |LDATE| CHANGING ci_document = ci_document ). clear_element( EXPORTING iv_name = |LTIME| CHANGING ci_document = ci_document ). clear_element( EXPORTING iv_name = |TWB_RESP| CHANGING ci_document = ci_document ). clear_element( EXPORTING iv_name = |DEVCLASS| CHANGING ci_document = ci_document ). clear_element( EXPORTING iv_name = |TADIR_RESP| CHANGING ci_document = ci_document ). clear_element( EXPORTING iv_name = |VAR_EXT_PATH| CHANGING ci_document = ci_document ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD constructor. super->constructor( is_item = is_item iv_language = iv_language ). mv_object_name = ms_item-obj_name. ENDMETHOD. METHOD deserialize_version. DATA: ls_object TYPE etmobjects, lo_upload TYPE REF TO cl_apl_ecatt_upload, li_upload TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_ecatt_upload, lv_xml TYPE xstring, lv_text TYPE string, li_document TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document, lv_version TYPE string, lx_error TYPE REF TO cx_ecatt. lv_version = get_version_from_node( ii_version_node ). IF lv_version IS INITIAL. RETURN. ENDIF. lo_upload = get_upload( ). li_upload ?= lo_upload. li_document = cl_ixml=>create( )->create_document( ). li_document->append_child( ii_version_node->get_first_child( ) ). lv_xml = cl_ixml_80_20=>render_to_xstring( li_document ). li_upload->set_stream_for_upload( lv_xml ). ls_object-d_obj_name = mv_object_name. ls_object-s_obj_type = get_object_type( ). ls_object-d_devclass = iv_package. ls_object-d_obj_ver = lv_version. ls_object-d_overwrite = abap_true. TRY. lo_upload->upload( CHANGING ch_object = ls_object ). CATCH cx_ecatt INTO lx_error. lv_text = lx_error->get_text( ). zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( lv_text ). ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_changed_by_user. rv_changed_by_user = ii_document->find_from_name( 'LUSER' )->get_value( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_changed_date. DATA: lv_changed_date_external TYPE string. lv_changed_date_external = ii_document->find_from_name( 'LDATE' )->get_value( ). CALL FUNCTION 'CONVERSION_EXIT_RSDAT_INPUT' EXPORTING input = lv_changed_date_external IMPORTING output = rv_changed_date EXCEPTIONS invalid_date = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc <> 0. RETURN. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_changed_time. DATA: lv_changed_time_external TYPE string. lv_changed_time_external = ii_document->find_from_name( 'LTIME' )->get_value( ). CALL FUNCTION 'CONVERSION_EXIT_TIMLO_INPUT' EXPORTING input = lv_changed_time_external IMPORTING output = rv_changed_time EXCEPTIONS wrong_input = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc <> 0. RETURN. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_change_information. DATA: li_document TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document, lv_xml TYPE xstring, lo_download TYPE REF TO cl_apl_ecatt_download, lv_object_type TYPE etobj_type. lo_download = get_download( ). lv_object_type = get_object_type( ). lv_xml = zcl_abapgit_ecatt_helper=>build_xml_of_object( im_object_name = mv_object_name im_object_version = is_version_info-version im_object_type = lv_object_type io_download = lo_download ). li_document = cl_ixml_80_20=>parse_to_document( stream_xstring = lv_xml ). rs_change_information-ldate = get_changed_date( li_document ). rs_change_information-ltime = get_changed_time( li_document ). rs_change_information-luser = get_changed_by_user( li_document ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_version_from_node. TRY. rv_version = ii_node->get_first_child( )->get_first_child( )->get_first_child( )->get_first_child( )->get_value( ). CATCH cx_sy_ref_is_initial. RETURN. ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. METHOD is_change_more_recent_than. IF ( is_currently_changed-ldate > is_last_changed-ldate ) OR ( is_currently_changed-ldate = is_last_changed-ldate AND is_currently_changed-ltime > is_last_changed-ltime ). rv_is_change_more_recent = abap_true. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD serialize_version. DATA: li_document TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document, lv_xml TYPE xstring, lo_node TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element, lo_download TYPE REF TO cl_apl_ecatt_download, lv_object_type TYPE etobj_type. lo_download = get_download( ). lv_object_type = get_object_type( ). lv_xml = zcl_abapgit_ecatt_helper=>build_xml_of_object( im_object_name = mv_object_name im_object_version = iv_version im_object_type = lv_object_type io_download = lo_download ). li_document = cl_ixml_80_20=>parse_to_document( stream_xstring = lv_xml ). clear_attributes( CHANGING ci_document = li_document ). clear_elements( CHANGING ci_document = li_document ). lo_node = li_document->create_element( co_name-version ). lo_node->append_child( li_document->get_root_element( ) ). ci_node->append_child( lo_node ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD serialize_versions. DATA: li_versions_node TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_version_info> LIKE LINE OF it_version_info. li_versions_node = ci_document->create_element( co_name-versions ). IF lines( it_version_info ) > 0. LOOP AT it_version_info ASSIGNING <ls_version_info>. serialize_version( EXPORTING iv_version = <ls_version_info>-version CHANGING ci_node = li_versions_node ). ENDLOOP. ELSE. serialize_version( EXPORTING iv_version = co_default_version CHANGING ci_node = li_versions_node ). ENDIF. ci_document->append_child( li_versions_node ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~changed_by. DATA: ls_last_changed TYPE ty_last_changed, ls_currently_changed TYPE ty_last_changed, lt_version_info TYPE etversinfo_tabtype, lx_error TYPE REF TO cx_ecatt, lv_text TYPE string, lv_object_type TYPE etobj_type. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_version_info> LIKE LINE OF lt_version_info. TRY. lv_object_type = get_object_type( ). cl_apl_ecatt_object=>get_version_info_object( EXPORTING im_name = mv_object_name im_obj_type = lv_object_type IMPORTING ex_version_info = lt_version_info ). LOOP AT lt_version_info ASSIGNING <ls_version_info>. ls_currently_changed = get_change_information( <ls_version_info> ). IF is_change_more_recent_than( is_currently_changed = ls_currently_changed is_last_changed = ls_last_changed ) = abap_true. ls_last_changed = ls_currently_changed. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. CATCH cx_ecatt INTO lx_error. lv_text = lx_error->get_text( ). MESSAGE lv_text TYPE 'S' DISPLAY LIKE 'E'. ENDTRY. IF ls_last_changed-luser IS NOT INITIAL. rv_user = ls_last_changed-luser. ELSE. rv_user = c_user_unknown. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~delete. DATA: lx_error TYPE REF TO cx_ecatt_apl, lv_text TYPE string, lv_object_type TYPE etobj_type. lv_object_type = get_object_type( ). TRY. cl_apl_ecatt_object=>delete_object( im_obj_type = lv_object_type im_name = mv_object_name " we have to supply a version, so let's use the default version " and delete them all im_version = co_default_version im_delete_all_versions = abap_true ). CATCH cx_ecatt_apl INTO lx_error. lv_text = lx_error->get_text( ). zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( lv_text ). ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~deserialize. DATA: li_document TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document, li_versions TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node_collection, li_version_iterator TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node_iterator, lo_version_node TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node. li_document = io_xml->get_raw( ). li_versions = li_document->get_elements_by_tag_name( depth = 0 name = co_name-version ). li_version_iterator = li_versions->create_iterator( ). DO. lo_version_node = li_version_iterator->get_next( ). IF lo_version_node IS NOT BOUND. EXIT. ENDIF. deserialize_version( ii_version_node = lo_version_node iv_package = iv_package ). ENDDO. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~exists. DATA: lv_object_type TYPE etobj_type. lv_object_type = get_object_type( ). TRY. rv_bool = cl_apl_ecatt_object=>existence_check_object( im_name = mv_object_name im_version = co_default_version im_obj_type = lv_object_type im_exists_any_version = abap_true ). CATCH cx_ecatt. RETURN. ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_comparator. RETURN. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_deserialize_steps. DATA: ls_meta TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_metadata. ls_meta = zif_abapgit_object~get_metadata( ). IF ls_meta-late_deser = abap_true. APPEND zif_abapgit_object=>gc_step_id-late TO rt_steps. ELSEIF ls_meta-ddic = abap_true. APPEND zif_abapgit_object=>gc_step_id-ddic TO rt_steps. ELSE. APPEND zif_abapgit_object=>gc_step_id-abap TO rt_steps. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_metadata. rs_metadata = get_metadata( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~is_active. rv_active = is_active( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~is_locked. DATA: lv_object TYPE seqg3-garg. lv_object = ms_item-obj_name. OVERLAY lv_object WITH ' '. lv_object = lv_object && '*'. rv_is_locked = exists_a_lock_entry_for( iv_lock_object = get_lock_object( ) iv_argument = lv_object ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~jump. CALL FUNCTION 'RS_TOOL_ACCESS' EXPORTING operation = 'SHOW' object_name = ms_item-obj_name object_type = ms_item-obj_type in_new_window = abap_true EXCEPTIONS not_executed = 1 invalid_object_type = 2 OTHERS = 3. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Error { sy-subrc } from RS_TOOL_ACCESS | ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~serialize. DATA: lt_version_info TYPE etversinfo_tabtype, li_document TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document, lx_error TYPE REF TO cx_ecatt, lv_text TYPE string, lv_object_type TYPE etobj_type. lv_object_type = get_object_type( ). TRY. cl_apl_ecatt_object=>get_version_info_object( EXPORTING im_name = mv_object_name im_obj_type = lv_object_type IMPORTING ex_version_info = lt_version_info ). li_document = cl_ixml=>create( )->create_document( ). serialize_versions( EXPORTING it_version_info = lt_version_info CHANGING ci_document = li_document ). io_xml->set_raw( li_document->get_root_element( ) ). CATCH cx_ecatt INTO lx_error. lv_text = lx_error->get_text( ). MESSAGE lv_text TYPE 'S' DISPLAY LIKE 'E'. ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 15252, 62, 721, 1078, 62, 16668, 5550, 20032, 17941, 198, 220, 44731, 198, 220, 3268, 16879, 2043, 2751, 16034, 1976, 565, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 48205, 62, 16668, 198, 220, 9564, 18601, 10659, 198, 220, 29244, 6158, 44731, 764, 628, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 23255, 37, 2246, 1546, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 15252, 764, 628, 220, 220, 220, 8355, 43429, 1546, 6941, 62, 16624, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 7473, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 15252, 93, 5908, 62, 16624, 764, 628, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 23772, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30023, 9863, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5145, 271, 62, 9186, 220, 220, 220, 220, 41876, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 4299, 50101, 14804, 774, 62, 9186, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5145, 452, 62, 16129, 41876, 7500, 292, 764, 628, 220, 48006, 9782, 1961, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 651, 62, 15252, 62, 4906, 9564, 18601, 10659, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30826, 4261, 15871, 26173, 8924, 7, 81, 85, 62, 15252, 62, 4906, 8, 41876, 2123, 26801, 62, 4906, 11, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 651, 62, 25850, 9564, 18601, 10659, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30826, 4261, 15871, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 26173, 8924, 7, 305, 62, 25850, 8, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 537, 62, 64, 489, 62, 721, 1078, 62, 25850, 11, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 651, 62, 15002, 9564, 18601, 10659, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30826, 4261, 15871, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 26173, 8924, 7, 305, 62, 15002, 8, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 537, 62, 64, 489, 62, 721, 1078, 62, 15002, 11, 628, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 651, 62, 5354, 62, 15252, 9564, 18601, 10659, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30826, 4261, 15871, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 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CLASS ycl_addict_dol_obj_intf DEFINITION INHERITING FROM ycl_addict_dol_obj_clas PUBLIC FINAL CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS yif_addict_dol_obj~get_object_txt REDEFINITION. PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. ENDCLASS. CLASS ycl_addict_dol_obj_intf IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD yif_addict_dol_obj~get_object_txt. output = TEXT-452. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 31631, 331, 565, 62, 2860, 713, 62, 67, 349, 62, 26801, 62, 600, 69, 5550, 20032, 17941, 198, 220, 3268, 16879, 2043, 2751, 16034, 331, 565, 62, 2860, 713, 62, 67, 349, 62, 26801, 62, 565, 292, 198, 220, 44731, 198, 220, 25261, 198, 220, 29244, 6158, 44731, 764, 628, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 331, 361, 62, 2860, 713, 62, 67, 349, 62, 26801, 93, 1136, 62, 15252, 62, 14116, 23848, 36, 20032, 17941, 13, 198, 220, 48006, 9782, 1961, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 4810, 3824, 6158, 44513, 13, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 628, 198, 31631, 331, 565, 62, 2860, 713, 62, 67, 349, 62, 26801, 62, 600, 69, 30023, 2538, 10979, 6234, 13, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 331, 361, 62, 2860, 713, 62, 67, 349, 62, 26801, 93, 1136, 62, 15252, 62, 14116, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5072, 796, 40383, 12, 37730, 13, 198, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 198 ]
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class ZCL_COMPONENTE definition public inheriting from ZCL_ENTITY final create public . public section. *"* public components of class ZCL_COMPONENTE *"* do not include other source files here!!! methods CONSTRUCTOR importing !PRODUCTO type ref to ZCL_PRODUCTO !COMPONENTE type ZBT_COMPONT-COMPONENTE . methods GET_PRODUCTO returning value(RETURN) type ref to ZCL_PRODUCTO . methods GET_ID returning value(RETURN) type ZBT_COMPONT-COMPONENTE . methods GET_DESCRIPCION importing !SPRAS type ZBT_COMPONT_TXT-SPRAS default SY-LANGU preferred parameter SPRAS returning value(RETURN) type ZBT_COMPONT_TXT-DESCRIPCION . protected section. *"* protected components of class ZCL_COMPONENTE *"* do not include other source files here!!! methods PREPARE_HASH_STRUCTURE redefinition . private section. *"* private components of class ZCL_COMPONENTE *"* do not include other source files here!!! data PRODUCTO type ref to ZCL_PRODUCTO . data ID type ZBT_COMPONT-COMPONENTE . ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_COMPONENTE IMPLEMENTATION. method CONSTRUCTOR. super->constructor( ). me->producto = producto. me->id = componente. endmethod. METHOD get_descripcion. DATA: l_producto_id TYPE zbt_producto-producto. l_producto_id = producto->get_id( ). SELECT SINGLE descripcion INTO return FROM zbt_compont_txt WHERE spras = spras AND producto = l_producto_id AND componente = id. ENDMETHOD. method GET_ID. return = id. endmethod. method GET_PRODUCTO. return = me->producto. endmethod. METHOD prepare_hash_structure. DATA: str TYPE zbt_compont_txt, value TYPE LINE OF zbt_objectvalue_hash_calcul, i TYPE i. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <field> TYPE any. CALL METHOD zcl_componente_controller=>entity_to_structure EXPORTING entity = me RECEIVING structure = str. DO. ADD 1 TO i. ASSIGN COMPONENT i OF STRUCTURE str TO <field>. IF sy-subrc IS INITIAL. value = <field>. SHIFT value LEFT DELETING LEADING space. INSERT value INTO TABLE values[]. ELSE. EXIT. ENDIF. ENDDO. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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"! PLACE Entities that have a somewhat fixed, physical extension. "! <h1>SchemA</h1> "! The ABAP Framework <br/> "! Copyright (C) 2016 Uwe Fetzer together with the SCN ABAP community <br/> "! <br/> "! Project home: <br/> "! <br/> "! Published under Apache License, Version 2.0 <br/> "! <br/> CLASS zcl_schema_place DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM zcl_schema_thing CREATE PUBLIC GLOBAL FRIENDS zcl_schema_thing. PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS: constructor IMPORTING i_json TYPE string OPTIONAL, get_additional_property RETURNING VALUE(r_result) TYPE string, set_additional_property IMPORTING i_additional_property TYPE string, get_address RETURNING VALUE(r_result) TYPE REF TO zcl_schema_postaladdress, set_address IMPORTING i_address TYPE REF TO zcl_schema_postaladdress, set_address_json IMPORTING i_address TYPE string, get_aggregate_rating RETURNING VALUE(r_result) TYPE REF TO zcl_schema_aggregaterating, set_aggregate_rating IMPORTING i_aggregate_rating TYPE REF TO zcl_schema_aggregaterating, set_aggregate_rating_json IMPORTING i_aggregate_rating TYPE string, get_branch_code RETURNING VALUE(r_result) TYPE string, set_branch_code IMPORTING i_branch_code TYPE string, get_contained_in_place RETURNING VALUE(r_result) TYPE REF TO zcl_schema_place, set_contained_in_place IMPORTING i_contained_in_place TYPE REF TO zcl_schema_place, set_contained_in_place_json IMPORTING i_contained_in_place TYPE string, get_contains_place RETURNING VALUE(r_result) TYPE REF TO zcl_schema_place, set_contains_place IMPORTING i_contains_place TYPE string, get_event RETURNING VALUE(r_result) TYPE REF TO zcl_schema_event, set_event IMPORTING i_event TYPE REF TO zcl_schema_event, set_event_json IMPORTING i_event TYPE string, get_fax_number RETURNING VALUE(r_result) TYPE string, set_fax_number IMPORTING i_fax_number TYPE string, get_geo RETURNING VALUE(r_result) TYPE REF TO zcl_schema_geocoordinates, set_geo IMPORTING i_geo TYPE REF TO zcl_schema_geocoordinates, set_geo_json IMPORTING i_geo TYPE string, get_global_location_number RETURNING VALUE(r_result) TYPE string, set_global_location_number IMPORTING i_global_location_number TYPE string, get_has_map RETURNING VALUE(r_result) TYPE string, set_has_map IMPORTING i_has_map TYPE string, get_isicv4 RETURNING VALUE(r_result) TYPE string, set_isicv4 IMPORTING i_isicv4 TYPE string, get_logo RETURNING VALUE(r_result) TYPE REF TO zcl_schema_imageobject, set_logo IMPORTING i_logo TYPE REF TO zcl_schema_imageobject, set_logo_json IMPORTING i_logo TYPE string, get_photo RETURNING VALUE(r_result) TYPE REF TO zcl_schema_imageobject, set_photo IMPORTING i_photo TYPE string, get_review RETURNING VALUE(r_result) TYPE REF TO zcl_schema_review, set_review IMPORTING i_review TYPE REF TO zcl_schema_review, set_review_json IMPORTING i_review TYPE string, get_telephone RETURNING VALUE(r_result) TYPE string, set_telephone IMPORTING i_telephone TYPE string. PROTECTED SECTION. METHODS: "*--- append attributes of this and all super classes as JSON ---* append_attributes REDEFINITION. PRIVATE SECTION. CLASS-DATA: type TYPE string VALUE 'Place'. DATA: "! A property-value pair representing an additional characteristics of the entitity, e.g. a product feature or another characteristic for which there is no matching property in "! Note: Publishers should be aware that applications designed to use specific properties (e.g.,,, ...) "! will typically expect such data to be provided using those properties, rather than using the generic property/value mechanism. additional_property TYPE string, "! Physical address of the item. address TYPE REF TO zcl_schema_postaladdress, "! The overall rating, based on a collection of reviews or ratings, of the item. aggregate_rating TYPE REF TO zcl_schema_aggregaterating, "! A short textual code (also called "store code") that uniquely identifies a place of business. The code is typically assigned by the parentOrganization and used in structured URLs. "! For example, in the URL the code "3047" is a branchCode for a particular branch. branch_code TYPE string, "! The basic containment relation between a place and one that contains it. Supersedes containedIn. Inverse property: containsPlace. contained_in_place TYPE REF TO zcl_schema_place, "! The basic containment relation between a place and another that it contains. Inverse property: containsPlace. contains_place TYPE REF TO zcl_schema_place, "! Upcoming or past event associated with this place, organization, or action. Supersedes events. event TYPE REF TO zcl_schema_event, "! The fax number. fax_number TYPE string, "! The geo coordinates of the place. geo TYPE REF TO zcl_schema_geocoordinates, "! The Global Location Number (GLN, sometimes also referred to as International Location Number or ILN) of the respective organization, person, or place. The GLN is a 13-digit number used to identify parties and physical locations. global_location_number TYPE string, "! A URL to a map of the place. Supersedes map, maps. has_map TYPE string, "! The International Standard of Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), Revision 4 code for a particular organization, business person, or place. isicv4 TYPE string, "! An associated logo. logo TYPE REF TO zcl_schema_imageobject, "! A photograph of this place. Supersedes photos. photo TYPE REF TO zcl_schema_imageobject, "! A review of the item. Supersedes reviews. review TYPE REF TO zcl_schema_review, "! The telephone number. telephone TYPE string. ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_SCHEMA_PLACE IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD append_attributes. INCLUDE z_schema_attributes_super. ENDMETHOD. METHOD constructor. INCLUDE z_schema_constructor_super. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_additional_property. r_result = me->additional_property. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_address. r_result = me->address. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_aggregate_rating. r_result = me->aggregate_rating. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_branch_code. r_result = me->branch_code. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_contained_in_place. r_result = me->contained_in_place. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_contains_place. r_result = me->contains_place. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_event. r_result = me->event. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_fax_number. r_result = me->fax_number. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_geo. r_result = me->geo. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_global_location_number. r_result = me->global_location_number. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_has_map. r_result = me->has_map. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_isicv4. r_result = me->isicv4. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_logo. r_result = me->logo. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_photo. r_result = me->photo. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_review. r_result = me->review. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_telephone. r_result = me->telephone. ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_additional_property. me->additional_property = i_additional_property. ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_address. me->address = i_address. ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_address_json. me->address = NEW #( i_address ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_aggregate_rating. me->aggregate_rating = i_aggregate_rating. ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_aggregate_rating_json. me->aggregate_rating = NEW #( i_aggregate_rating ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_branch_code. me->branch_code = i_branch_code. ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_contained_in_place. me->contained_in_place = i_contained_in_place. ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_contained_in_place_json. me->contained_in_place = NEW #( i_contained_in_place ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_contains_place. me->contains_place = NEW #( i_contains_place ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_event. me->event = i_event. ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_event_json. me->event = NEW #( i_event ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_fax_number. me->fax_number = i_fax_number. ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_geo. me->geo = i_geo. ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_geo_json. me->geo = NEW #( i_geo ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_global_location_number. me->global_location_number = i_global_location_number. ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_has_map. me->has_map = i_has_map. ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_isicv4. me->isicv4 = i_isicv4. ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_logo. me->logo = i_logo. ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_logo_json. me->logo = NEW #( i_logo ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_photo. me->photo = NEW #( i_photo ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_review. me->review = i_review. ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_review_json. me->review = NEW #( i_review ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_telephone. me->telephone = i_telephone. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS zcl_zip_diff_viewer DEFINITION PUBLIC FINAL CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS constructor IMPORTING io_container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_container. METHODS diff_and_view IMPORTING zip_1 TYPE REF TO cl_abap_zip zip_2 TYPE REF TO cl_abap_zip. EVENTS selection_changed EXPORTING VALUE(node) TYPE zcl_zip_diff_item=>ty_diff_item. PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. TYPES: ty_tree_nodes TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ixmltree1 WITH EMPTY KEY, BEGIN OF ty_tree_file_link, node_key TYPE tv_nodekey, diff_item TYPE REF TO zcl_zip_diff_item=>ty_diff_item, END OF ty_tree_file_link, ty_tree_file_links TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_tree_file_link WITH EMPTY KEY. CONSTANTS state LIKE zcl_zip_diff_item=>state VALUE zcl_zip_diff_item=>state. METHODS add_tree_nodes IMPORTING parent_node_key TYPE tv_nodekey path TYPE string diff_items TYPE zcl_zip_diff_item=>ty_diff_items CHANGING tree_nodes TYPE ty_tree_nodes. METHODS on_selection_changed FOR EVENT selection_changed OF cl_tree_control_base IMPORTING node_key. DATA: container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_container, go_tree TYPE REF TO cl_gui_simple_tree, gt_tree TYPE ty_tree_nodes, tree_file_links TYPE ty_tree_file_links. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_zip_diff_viewer IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD constructor. me->container = io_container. ENDMETHOD. METHOD diff_and_view. DATA(zip_diff) = zcl_zip_diff_item=>get_diff( zip_1 = zip_1 zip_2 = zip_2 ). CLEAR gt_tree. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO gt_tree ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<gs_tree>). <gs_tree>-node_key = '1'. <gs_tree>-text = 'root'. <gs_tree>-isfolder = 'X'. tree_file_links = VALUE #( ). add_tree_nodes( EXPORTING diff_items = zip_diff->items path = '' parent_node_key = '1' CHANGING tree_nodes = gt_tree ). IF go_tree IS NOT BOUND. CREATE OBJECT go_tree EXPORTING parent = container node_selection_mode = cl_gui_simple_tree=>node_sel_mode_single EXCEPTIONS lifetime_error = 1 cntl_system_error = 2 create_error = 3 failed = 4 illegal_node_selection_mode = 5 OTHERS = 6. IF sy-subrc <> 0. * MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno * WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF. ELSE. go_tree->delete_all_nodes( EXCEPTIONS failed = 1 cntl_system_error = 2 OTHERS = 3 ). IF sy-subrc <> 0. * MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno * WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF. ENDIF. go_tree->add_nodes( EXPORTING table_structure_name = 'IXMLTREE1' node_table = gt_tree EXCEPTIONS error_in_node_table = 1 failed = 2 dp_error = 3 table_structure_name_not_found = 4 OTHERS = 5 ). IF sy-subrc <> 0. * MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno * WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF. go_tree->expand_root_nodes( EXPORTING expand_subtree = abap_true EXCEPTIONS failed = 1 illegal_level_count = 2 cntl_system_error = 3 OTHERS = 4 ). IF sy-subrc <> 0. * MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno * WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF. SET HANDLER on_selection_changed FOR go_tree. go_tree->set_registered_events( EXPORTING events = VALUE #( ( eventid = go_tree->eventid_selection_changed appl_event = abap_false ) ) EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1 cntl_system_error = 2 illegal_event_combination = 3 OTHERS = 4 ). IF sy-subrc <> 0. * MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno * WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD add_tree_nodes. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <sub_files> TYPE zcl_zip_diff_item=>ty_diff_items. LOOP AT diff_items REFERENCE INTO DATA(diff_item). APPEND INITIAL LINE TO tree_nodes ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<gs_tree>). <gs_tree>-node_key = |{ sy-tabix }|. <gs_tree>-relatkey = parent_node_key. <gs_tree>-relatship = cl_tree_control_base=>relat_first_child. <gs_tree>-text = diff_item->local_name. <gs_tree>-style = SWITCH #( diff_item->diff_state WHEN state-deleted THEN cl_tree_control_base=>style_emphasized_negative WHEN state-added THEN cl_tree_control_base=>style_emphasized_positive WHEN state-changed OR state-only_attribute_changed OR state-only_content_changed THEN COND #( WHEN diff_item->folder_diff IS NOT BOUND THEN cl_tree_control_base=>style_emphasized ELSE cl_tree_control_base=>style_intensified ) ELSE cl_tree_control_base=>style_default ). tree_file_links = VALUE #( BASE tree_file_links ( node_key = <gs_tree>-node_key diff_item = diff_item ) ). IF diff_item->folder_diff IS BOUND. IF lines( diff_item->folder_diff->items ) > 0. <gs_tree>-isfolder = abap_true. add_tree_nodes( EXPORTING diff_items = diff_item->folder_diff->items path = path && diff_item->local_name parent_node_key = <gs_tree>-node_key CHANGING tree_nodes = gt_tree ). ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD on_selection_changed. ASSIGN tree_file_links[ node_key = node_key ] TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<tree_file_link>). ASSERT sy-subrc = 0. RAISE EVENT selection_changed EXPORTING node = <tree_file_link>-diff_item->*. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS zcl_test_zif_gol_world DEFINITION FOR TESTING PUBLIC ABSTRACT DURATION SHORT RISK LEVEL HARMLESS. PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS: get_cell FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check, set_cell FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check, set_two_cells FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check, reset_two_cells FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check, neighbours_nine FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check, neighbours_eight FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check, neighbours_seven FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. METHODS neighbours_seven_plus_one FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. METHODS clone FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. PRIVATE SECTION. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_test_zif_gol_world IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD get_cell. DATA(cut) = CAST zif_gol_world( NEW zcl_gol_world( ) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = 'cell not dead' exp = cut->c_dead act = cut->get_state( x = 5 y = 5 ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD neighbours_eight. DATA(cut) = CAST zif_gol_world( NEW zcl_gol_world( ) ). cut->set_state( x = 2 y = 3 state = abap_true ). cut->set_state( x = 3 y = 3 state = abap_true ). * cut->set_state( x = 4 y = 3 state = abap_true ). cut->set_state( x = 2 y = 4 state = abap_true ). cut->set_state( x = 3 y = 4 state = abap_true ). cut->set_state( x = 4 y = 4 state = abap_true ). cut->set_state( x = 2 y = 5 state = abap_true ). cut->set_state( x = 3 y = 5 state = abap_true ). cut->set_state( x = 4 y = 5 state = abap_true ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = 'msg' exp = 7 act = cut->get_neighbours( x = 3 y = 4 ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD neighbours_nine. DATA(cut) = CAST zif_gol_world( NEW zcl_gol_world( ) ). cut->set_state( x = 2 y = 3 state = abap_true ). cut->set_state( x = 3 y = 3 state = abap_true ). cut->set_state( x = 4 y = 3 state = abap_true ). cut->set_state( x = 2 y = 4 state = abap_true ). cut->set_state( x = 3 y = 4 state = abap_true ). cut->set_state( x = 4 y = 4 state = abap_true ). cut->set_state( x = 2 y = 5 state = abap_true ). cut->set_state( x = 3 y = 5 state = abap_true ). cut->set_state( x = 4 y = 5 state = abap_true ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = 'msg' exp = 8 act = cut->get_neighbours( x = 3 y = 4 ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD neighbours_seven. DATA(cut) = CAST zif_gol_world( NEW zcl_gol_world( ) ). cut->set_state( x = 2 y = 3 state = abap_true ). cut->set_state( x = 3 y = 3 state = abap_true ). * cut->set_state( x = 4 y = 3 state = abap_true ). cut->set_state( x = 2 y = 4 state = abap_true ). cut->set_state( x = 3 y = 4 state = abap_true ). cut->set_state( x = 4 y = 4 state = abap_true ). * cut->set_state( x = 2 y = 5 state = abap_true ). cut->set_state( x = 3 y = 5 state = abap_true ). cut->set_state( x = 4 y = 5 state = abap_true ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = 'msg' exp = 6 act = cut->get_neighbours( x = 3 y = 4 ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD neighbours_seven_plus_one. DATA(cut) = CAST zif_gol_world( NEW zcl_gol_world( ) ). cut->set_state( x = 2 y = 3 state = abap_true ). cut->set_state( x = 3 y = 3 state = abap_true ). * cut->set_state( x = 4 y = 3 state = abap_true ). cut->set_state( x = 2 y = 4 state = abap_true ). cut->set_state( x = 3 y = 4 state = abap_true ). cut->set_state( x = 4 y = 4 state = abap_true ). * cut->set_state( x = 2 y = 5 state = abap_true ). cut->set_state( x = 3 y = 5 state = abap_true ). cut->set_state( x = 4 y = 5 state = abap_true ). cut->set_state( x = 4 y = 8 state = abap_true ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = 'msg' exp = 6 act = cut->get_neighbours( x = 3 y = 4 ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD reset_two_cells. DATA(cut) = CAST zif_gol_world( NEW zcl_gol_world( ) ). cut->set_state( x = 2 y = 8 state = cut->c_alive ). cut->set_state( x = 15 y = 11 state = cut->c_alive ). cut->set_state( x = 2 y = 8 state = cut->c_dead ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = 'cell not dead' exp = cut->c_dead act = cut->get_state( x = 2 y = 8 ) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = 'cell not alive' exp = cut->c_alive act = cut->get_state( x = 15 y = 11 ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_cell. DATA(cut) = CAST zif_gol_world( NEW zcl_gol_world( ) ). cut->set_state( x = 5 y = 5 state = cut->c_alive ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = 'cell not alive' exp = cut->c_alive act = cut->get_state( x = 5 y = 5 ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_two_cells. DATA(cut) = CAST zif_gol_world( NEW zcl_gol_world( ) ). cut->set_state( x = 2 y = 8 state = cut->c_alive ). cut->set_state( x = 15 y = 11 state = cut->c_alive ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = 'cell not alive' exp = cut->c_alive act = cut->get_state( x = 2 y = 8 ) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = 'cell not alive' exp = cut->c_alive act = cut->get_state( x = 15 y = 11 ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD clone. DATA(cut) = CAST zif_gol_world( NEW zcl_gol_world( ) ). DATA(result) = cut->clone( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_bound( msg = 'msg' act = result ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_gui_page_repo_view DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM zcl_abapgit_gui_page FINAL CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES zif_abapgit_gui_hotkeys . CONSTANTS: BEGIN OF c_actions, repo_list TYPE string VALUE 'abapgit_home' ##NO_TEXT, change_dir TYPE string VALUE 'change_dir' ##NO_TEXT, toggle_hide_files TYPE string VALUE 'toggle_hide_files' ##NO_TEXT, toggle_folders TYPE string VALUE 'toggle_folders' ##NO_TEXT, toggle_changes TYPE string VALUE 'toggle_changes' ##NO_TEXT, toggle_diff_first TYPE string VALUE 'toggle_diff_first ' ##NO_TEXT, display_more TYPE string VALUE 'display_more' ##NO_TEXT, go_data TYPE string VALUE 'go_data', END OF c_actions . METHODS constructor IMPORTING !iv_key TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_repo-key RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS zif_abapgit_gui_event_handler~on_event REDEFINITION . PROTECTED SECTION. METHODS render_content REDEFINITION. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA mo_repo TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo . DATA mo_repo_aggregated_state TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_item_state. DATA mv_cur_dir TYPE string . DATA mv_hide_files TYPE abap_bool . DATA mv_max_lines TYPE i . DATA mv_max_setting TYPE i . DATA mv_show_folders TYPE abap_bool . DATA mv_changes_only TYPE abap_bool . DATA mv_order_by TYPE string . DATA mv_order_descending TYPE abap_bool . DATA mv_diff_first TYPE abap_bool . DATA mv_key TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_value . DATA mv_are_changes_recorded_in_tr TYPE abap_bool . METHODS render_head_line RETURNING VALUE(ri_html) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_html RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS build_head_menu RETURNING VALUE(ro_toolbar) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html_toolbar RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS build_view_menu RETURNING VALUE(ro_toolbar) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html_toolbar RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS render_item IMPORTING !is_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_repo_item !iv_render_transports TYPE abap_bool RETURNING VALUE(ri_html) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_html RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS render_item_files IMPORTING !is_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_repo_item RETURNING VALUE(ri_html) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_html . METHODS render_item_command IMPORTING !is_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_repo_item RETURNING VALUE(ri_html) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_html . METHODS get_item_class IMPORTING !is_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_repo_item RETURNING VALUE(rv_html) TYPE string . METHODS get_item_icon IMPORTING !is_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_repo_item RETURNING VALUE(rv_html) TYPE string . METHODS render_item_lock_column IMPORTING !is_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_repo_item RETURNING VALUE(ri_html) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_html RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS render_parent_dir RETURNING VALUE(ri_html) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_html RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS build_obj_jump_link IMPORTING !is_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_repo_item RETURNING VALUE(rv_html) TYPE string . METHODS build_dir_jump_link IMPORTING !iv_path TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(rv_html) TYPE string . METHODS build_inactive_object_code IMPORTING !is_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_repo_item RETURNING VALUE(rv_inactive_html_code) TYPE string . METHODS open_in_main_language RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS render_order_by RETURNING VALUE(ri_html) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_html . METHODS apply_order_by CHANGING !ct_repo_items TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_repo_item_tt . METHODS build_branch_dropdown RETURNING VALUE(ro_branch_dropdown) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html_toolbar RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS build_tag_dropdown IMPORTING !iv_wp_opt LIKE zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-crossout RETURNING VALUE(ro_tag_dropdown) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html_toolbar RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS build_advanced_dropdown IMPORTING !iv_wp_opt LIKE zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-crossout RETURNING VALUE(ro_advanced_dropdown) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html_toolbar RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS build_main_toolbar IMPORTING !iv_pull_opt LIKE zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-crossout !io_tb_branch TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html_toolbar !io_tb_tag TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html_toolbar !io_tb_advanced TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html_toolbar RETURNING VALUE(ro_toolbar) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html_toolbar RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS build_main_menu RETURNING VALUE(ro_menu) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html_toolbar . METHODS render_scripts RETURNING VALUE(ri_html) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_html RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS is_repo_lang_logon_lang RETURNING VALUE(rv_repo_lang_is_logon_lang) TYPE abap_bool . METHODS get_abapgit_tcode RETURNING VALUE(rv_tcode) TYPE tcode . METHODS render_item_changed_by IMPORTING !is_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_repo_item RETURNING VALUE(ri_html) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_html RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. METHODS order_files CHANGING ct_files TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_repo_file_tt. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_abapgit_gui_page_repo_view IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD apply_order_by. DATA: lt_sort TYPE abap_sortorder_tab, ls_sort LIKE LINE OF lt_sort, lt_non_code_and_metadata_items LIKE ct_repo_items, lt_code_items LIKE ct_repo_items, lt_diff_items LIKE ct_repo_items. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_repo_item> TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_repo_item. IF mv_order_by IS INITIAL. RETURN. ENDIF. " we want to preserve non-code and metadata files at the top, " so we isolate them and and sort only the code artifacts LOOP AT ct_repo_items ASSIGNING <ls_repo_item>. IF <ls_repo_item>-obj_type IS INITIAL AND <ls_repo_item>-is_dir = abap_false. INSERT <ls_repo_item> INTO TABLE lt_non_code_and_metadata_items. ELSE. INSERT <ls_repo_item> INTO TABLE lt_code_items. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. IF mv_diff_first = abap_true. " fix diffs on the top, right after non-code and metadata LOOP AT lt_code_items ASSIGNING <ls_repo_item> WHERE changes > 0. INSERT <ls_repo_item> INTO TABLE lt_diff_items. ENDLOOP. DELETE lt_code_items WHERE changes > 0. ENDIF. CLEAR: ct_repo_items. ls_sort-descending = mv_order_descending. ls_sort-astext = abap_true. ls_sort-name = mv_order_by. INSERT ls_sort INTO TABLE lt_sort. " Combine state fields for order of 'Status' column IF mv_order_by = 'LSTATE'. ls_sort-name = 'RSTATE'. INSERT ls_sort INTO TABLE lt_sort. ENDIF. IF mv_order_by = 'PATH'. ls_sort-name = 'OBJ_NAME'. INSERT ls_sort INTO TABLE lt_sort. ENDIF. SORT lt_code_items STABLE BY (lt_sort). SORT lt_diff_items STABLE BY (lt_sort). INSERT LINES OF lt_non_code_and_metadata_items INTO TABLE ct_repo_items. INSERT LINES OF lt_diff_items INTO TABLE ct_repo_items. INSERT LINES OF lt_code_items INTO TABLE ct_repo_items. IF mv_order_by = 'PATH'. LOOP AT ct_repo_items ASSIGNING <ls_repo_item>. order_files( CHANGING ct_files = <ls_repo_item>-files ). ENDLOOP. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD build_advanced_dropdown. DATA: lv_crossout LIKE zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-crossout. CREATE OBJECT ro_advanced_dropdown. IF mo_repo_aggregated_state->is_unchanged( ) = abap_false. " In case of asyncronicities ro_advanced_dropdown->add( iv_txt = 'Selective Pull' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-git_reset }?key={ mv_key }| iv_opt = iv_wp_opt ). ENDIF. IF mo_repo->is_offline( ) = abap_false. " Online ? ro_advanced_dropdown->add( iv_txt = 'Force Stage' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-go_stage }?key={ mv_key }| ). CLEAR lv_crossout. IF zcl_abapgit_auth=>is_allowed( zif_abapgit_auth=>c_authorization-transport_to_branch ) = abap_false. lv_crossout = zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-crossout. ENDIF. ro_advanced_dropdown->add( iv_txt = 'Transport to Branch' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_transport_to_branch }?key={ mv_key }| iv_opt = lv_crossout ). ENDIF. IF mv_are_changes_recorded_in_tr = abap_true. ro_advanced_dropdown->add( iv_txt = 'Add All Objects to Transport' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_add_all_obj_to_trans_req }?key={ mv_key }| ). ENDIF. ro_advanced_dropdown->add( iv_txt = 'Syntax Check' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_syntax_check }?key={ mv_key }| ). ro_advanced_dropdown->add( iv_txt = 'Run Code Inspector' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_code_inspector }?key={ mv_key }| ). CLEAR lv_crossout. IF zcl_abapgit_auth=>is_allowed( zif_abapgit_auth=>c_authorization-update_local_checksum ) = abap_false. lv_crossout = zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-crossout. ENDIF. ro_advanced_dropdown->add( iv_txt = 'Update Local Checksums' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_refresh_checksums }?key={ mv_key }| iv_opt = lv_crossout ). ro_advanced_dropdown->add( iv_txt = 'Beta - Data' iv_act = |{ c_actions-go_data }?key={ mv_key }| iv_opt = lv_crossout ). IF is_repo_lang_logon_lang( ) = abap_false AND get_abapgit_tcode( ) IS NOT INITIAL. ro_advanced_dropdown->add( iv_txt = 'Open in Main Language' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_open_in_master_lang }?key={ mv_key }| ). ENDIF. ro_advanced_dropdown->add( iv_txt = 'Remove' iv_title = `Remove abapGit's records of the repository (the system's ` && `development objects will remain unaffected)` iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_remove }?key={ mv_key }| ). CLEAR lv_crossout. IF mo_repo->get_local_settings( )-write_protected = abap_true OR zcl_abapgit_auth=>is_allowed( zif_abapgit_auth=>c_authorization-uninstall ) = abap_false. lv_crossout = zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-crossout. ENDIF. ro_advanced_dropdown->add( iv_txt = 'Uninstall' iv_title = `Delete all development objects belonging to this package ` && `(and subpackages) from the system` iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_purge }?key={ mv_key }| iv_opt = lv_crossout ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD build_branch_dropdown. CREATE OBJECT ro_branch_dropdown. IF mo_repo->is_offline( ) = abap_true. RETURN. ENDIF. ro_branch_dropdown->add( iv_txt = 'Overview' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-go_branch_overview }?key={ mv_key }| ). ro_branch_dropdown->add( iv_txt = 'Switch' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-git_branch_switch }?key={ mv_key }| ). ro_branch_dropdown->add( iv_txt = 'Create' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-git_branch_create }?key={ mv_key }| ). ro_branch_dropdown->add( iv_txt = 'Delete' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-git_branch_delete }?key={ mv_key }| ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD build_dir_jump_link. DATA lv_path TYPE string. DATA lv_encode TYPE string. DATA li_html TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_html. CREATE OBJECT li_html TYPE zcl_abapgit_html. lv_path = iv_path. REPLACE FIRST OCCURRENCE OF mv_cur_dir IN lv_path WITH ''. lv_encode = zcl_abapgit_html_action_utils=>dir_encode( lv_path ). " remove leading and trailing / for display IF lv_path <> '/'. IF lv_path(1) = '/'. lv_path = lv_path+1. ENDIF. IF substring( val = reverse( lv_path ) len = 1 ) = '/'. lv_path = substring( val = lv_path len = strlen( lv_path ) - 1 ). ENDIF. ENDIF. rv_html = li_html->a( iv_txt = lv_path iv_act = |{ c_actions-change_dir }?{ lv_encode }| ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD build_head_menu. DATA: lo_tb_advanced TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html_toolbar, lo_tb_branch TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html_toolbar, lo_tb_tag TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html_toolbar, lv_wp_opt LIKE zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-crossout, lv_pull_opt LIKE zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-crossout. IF mo_repo->get_local_settings( )-write_protected = abap_true. lv_wp_opt = zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-crossout. lv_pull_opt = zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-crossout. ELSE. lv_pull_opt = zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-strong. ENDIF. lo_tb_branch = build_branch_dropdown( ). lo_tb_tag = build_tag_dropdown( lv_wp_opt ). lo_tb_advanced = build_advanced_dropdown( iv_wp_opt = lv_wp_opt ). ro_toolbar = build_main_toolbar( iv_pull_opt = lv_pull_opt io_tb_branch = lo_tb_branch io_tb_tag = lo_tb_tag io_tb_advanced = lo_tb_advanced ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD build_inactive_object_code. IF is_item-inactive = abap_true. rv_inactive_html_code = zcl_abapgit_html=>icon( iv_name = 'bolt/orange' iv_hint = 'Object or object part is inactive' iv_class = 'inactive' ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD build_main_menu. CREATE OBJECT ro_menu EXPORTING iv_id = 'toolbar-main'. ro_menu->add( iv_txt = zcl_abapgit_gui_buttons=>repo_list( ) iv_act = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-abapgit_home )->add( iv_txt = zcl_abapgit_gui_buttons=>settings( ) iv_act = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-go_settings )->add( iv_txt = zcl_abapgit_gui_buttons=>advanced( ) iv_title = 'Utilities' io_sub = zcl_abapgit_gui_chunk_lib=>advanced_submenu( ) )->add( iv_txt = zcl_abapgit_gui_buttons=>help( ) iv_title = 'Help' io_sub = zcl_abapgit_gui_chunk_lib=>help_submenu( ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD build_main_toolbar. DATA: li_log TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_log. CREATE OBJECT ro_toolbar EXPORTING iv_id = 'toolbar-repo'. IF mo_repo->is_offline( ) = abap_false. IF mo_repo_aggregated_state->remote( ) IS NOT INITIAL OR mo_repo_aggregated_state->is_reassigned( ) = abap_true. " Something new at remote ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'Pull' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-git_pull }?key={ mv_key }| iv_opt = iv_pull_opt ). ENDIF. IF mo_repo_aggregated_state->local( ) IS NOT INITIAL. " Something new at local ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'Stage' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-go_stage }?key={ mv_key }| iv_opt = zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-strong ). ENDIF. IF mo_repo_aggregated_state->is_unchanged( ) = abap_false. " Any changes ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'Diff' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-go_repo_diff }?key={ mv_key }| iv_opt = zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-strong ). ENDIF. li_log = mo_repo->get_log( ). IF li_log IS BOUND AND li_log->count( ) > 0. ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'Log' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_log }?key={ mv_key }| ). ENDIF. ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'Branch' io_sub = io_tb_branch ). ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'Tag' io_sub = io_tb_tag ). ELSE. IF mo_repo->has_remote_source( ) = abap_true AND mo_repo_aggregated_state->remote( ) IS NOT INITIAL. ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'Pull <sup>zip</sup>' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-git_pull }?key={ mv_key }| iv_opt = zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-strong ). ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'Diff' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-go_repo_diff }?key={ mv_key }| iv_opt = zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-strong ). ENDIF. ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'Import <sup>zip</sup>' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-zip_import }?key={ mv_key }| iv_opt = zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-strong ). IF mo_repo->get_local_settings( )-write_protected = abap_true. ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'Compare <sup>rfc</sup>' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-rfc_compare }?key={ mv_key }| iv_opt = zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-strong ). ENDIF. ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'Export <sup>zip</sup>' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-zip_export }?key={ mv_key }| iv_opt = zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-strong ). li_log = mo_repo->get_log( ). IF li_log IS BOUND AND li_log->count( ) > 0. ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'Log' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_log }?key={ mv_key }| ). ENDIF. ENDIF. ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'Advanced' io_sub = io_tb_advanced ). ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'View' io_sub = build_view_menu( ) ). ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'Refresh' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_refresh }?key={ mv_key }| iv_opt = zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-strong ). ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = zcl_abapgit_html=>icon( iv_name = 'cog' ) iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_settings }?key={ mv_key }| iv_title = `Repository Settings` ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD build_obj_jump_link. DATA lv_encode TYPE string. DATA li_html TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_html. CREATE OBJECT li_html TYPE zcl_abapgit_html. lv_encode = zcl_abapgit_html_action_utils=>jump_encode( iv_obj_type = is_item-obj_type iv_obj_name = is_item-obj_name ). rv_html = li_html->a( iv_txt = |{ is_item-obj_name }| iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-jump }?{ lv_encode }| ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD build_tag_dropdown. CREATE OBJECT ro_tag_dropdown. IF mo_repo->is_offline( ) = abap_true. RETURN. ENDIF. ro_tag_dropdown->add( iv_txt = 'Overview' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-go_tag_overview }?key={ mv_key }| ). ro_tag_dropdown->add( iv_txt = 'Switch' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-git_tag_switch }?key={ mv_key }| iv_opt = iv_wp_opt ). ro_tag_dropdown->add( iv_txt = 'Create' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-git_tag_create }?key={ mv_key }| ). ro_tag_dropdown->add( iv_txt = 'Delete' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-git_tag_delete }?key={ mv_key }| ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD build_view_menu. CREATE OBJECT ro_toolbar. ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'Changes First' iv_chk = mv_diff_first iv_act = c_actions-toggle_diff_first ). ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'Changes Only' iv_chk = mv_changes_only iv_act = c_actions-toggle_changes ). ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'File Paths' iv_chk = boolc( NOT mv_hide_files = abap_true ) iv_act = c_actions-toggle_hide_files ). ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'Folders' iv_chk = mv_show_folders iv_act = c_actions-toggle_folders ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD constructor. DATA: lo_settings TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_settings, lx_error TYPE REF TO zcx_abapgit_exception, lo_persistence_user TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_persist_user. super->constructor( ). TRY. lo_persistence_user = zcl_abapgit_persistence_user=>get_instance( ). mv_key = iv_key. mo_repo = zcl_abapgit_repo_srv=>get_instance( )->get( iv_key ). mv_cur_dir = '/'. " Root mv_hide_files = lo_persistence_user->get_hide_files( ). mv_changes_only = lo_persistence_user->get_changes_only( ). mv_order_by = lo_persistence_user->get_order_by( ). mv_order_descending = lo_persistence_user->get_order_descending( ). mv_diff_first = lo_persistence_user->get_diff_first( ). ms_control-page_title = 'Repository'. ms_control-page_menu = build_main_menu( ). " Read global settings to get max # of objects to be listed lo_settings = zcl_abapgit_persist_factory=>get_settings( )->read( ). mv_max_lines = lo_settings->get_max_lines( ). mv_max_setting = mv_max_lines. CATCH zcx_abapgit_exception INTO lx_error. " Reset 'last shown repo' so next start will go to repo overview " and allow troubleshooting of issue zcl_abapgit_persistence_user=>get_instance( )->set_repo_show( || ). RAISE EXCEPTION lx_error. ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_abapgit_tcode. CONSTANTS: lc_report_tcode_hex TYPE x VALUE '80'. DATA: lt_tcodes TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF tcode. SELECT tcode FROM tstc INTO TABLE lt_tcodes WHERE pgmna = sy-cprog AND cinfo = lc_report_tcode_hex. IF lines( lt_tcodes ) > 0. READ TABLE lt_tcodes INDEX 1 INTO rv_tcode. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_item_class. DATA lt_class TYPE TABLE OF string. IF is_item-is_dir = abap_true. APPEND 'folder' TO lt_class. ELSEIF is_item-changes > 0. APPEND 'modified' TO lt_class. ELSEIF is_item-obj_name IS INITIAL. APPEND 'unsupported' TO lt_class. ENDIF. IF lines( lt_class ) > 0. rv_html = | class="{ concat_lines_of( table = lt_class sep = ` ` ) }"|. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_item_icon. CASE is_item-obj_type. WHEN 'PROG' OR 'CLAS' OR 'FUGR' OR 'INTF' OR 'TYPE'. rv_html = zcl_abapgit_html=>icon( iv_name = 'file-code/darkgrey' iv_hint = 'Code' ). WHEN 'W3MI' OR 'W3HT' OR 'SFPF'. rv_html = zcl_abapgit_html=>icon( iv_name = 'file-image/darkgrey' iv_hint = 'Binary' ). WHEN 'DEVC'. rv_html = zcl_abapgit_html=>icon( iv_name = 'box/darkgrey' iv_hint = 'Package' ). WHEN ''. rv_html = space. " no icon WHEN OTHERS. rv_html = zcl_abapgit_html=>icon( 'file-alt/darkgrey' ). ENDCASE. IF is_item-is_dir = abap_true. rv_html = zcl_abapgit_html=>icon( iv_name = 'folder/darkgrey' iv_hint = 'Folder' ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD is_repo_lang_logon_lang. rv_repo_lang_is_logon_lang = boolc( mo_repo->get_dot_abapgit( )->get_main_language( ) = sy-langu ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD open_in_main_language. DATA: lv_main_language TYPE spras, lt_spagpa TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF rfc_spagpa, ls_spagpa LIKE LINE OF lt_spagpa, ls_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item, lv_subrc TYPE syst-subrc, lv_save_sy_langu TYPE sy-langu, lv_tcode TYPE tcode. " lv_main_language = mo_repo->get_dot_abapgit( )->get_main_language( ). lv_tcode = get_abapgit_tcode( ). ASSERT lv_tcode IS NOT INITIAL. IF lv_main_language = sy-langu. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Repo already opened in main language| ). ENDIF. ls_item-obj_name = lv_tcode. ls_item-obj_type = |TRAN|. IF zcl_abapgit_objects=>exists( ls_item ) = abap_false. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Please install the abapGit repository| ). ENDIF. lv_save_sy_langu = sy-langu. SET LOCALE LANGUAGE lv_main_language. ls_spagpa-parid = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_spagpa_param_repo_key. ls_spagpa-parval = mo_repo->get_key( ). INSERT ls_spagpa INTO TABLE lt_spagpa. CALL FUNCTION 'ABAP4_CALL_TRANSACTION' DESTINATION 'NONE' STARTING NEW TASK 'ABAPGIT' EXPORTING tcode = lv_tcode TABLES spagpa_tab = lt_spagpa EXCEPTIONS call_transaction_denied = 1 tcode_invalid = 2 communication_failure = 3 system_failure = 4 OTHERS = 5. lv_subrc = sy-subrc. SET LOCALE LANGUAGE lv_save_sy_langu. IF lv_subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Error from ABAP4_CALL_TRANSACTION. Subrc = { lv_subrc }| ). ENDIF. MESSAGE 'Repository opened in a new window' TYPE 'S'. ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_content. DATA: lt_repo_items TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_repo_item_tt, lo_browser TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo_content_list, lx_error TYPE REF TO zcx_abapgit_exception, lv_max TYPE abap_bool, lv_max_str TYPE string, lv_add_str TYPE string, li_log TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_log, lv_msg TYPE string, lo_news TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_news. FIELD-SYMBOLS <ls_item> LIKE LINE OF lt_repo_items. gui_services( )->get_hotkeys_ctl( )->register_hotkeys( zif_abapgit_gui_hotkeys~get_hotkey_actions( ) ). gui_services( )->register_event_handler( me ). CREATE OBJECT mo_repo_aggregated_state. TRY. " Reinit, for the case of type change mo_repo = zcl_abapgit_repo_srv=>get_instance( )->get( mo_repo->get_key( ) ). mv_are_changes_recorded_in_tr = zcl_abapgit_factory=>get_sap_package( mo_repo->get_package( ) )->are_changes_recorded_in_tr_req( ). lo_news = zcl_abapgit_news=>create( mo_repo ). CREATE OBJECT ri_html TYPE zcl_abapgit_html. ri_html->add( |<div class="repo" id="repo{ mv_key }">| ). ri_html->add( zcl_abapgit_gui_chunk_lib=>render_repo_top( io_repo = mo_repo io_news = lo_news iv_show_edit = abap_true iv_interactive_branch = abap_true ) ). ri_html->add( zcl_abapgit_gui_chunk_lib=>render_news( io_news = lo_news ) ). zcl_abapgit_exit=>get_instance( )->wall_message_repo( is_repo_meta = mo_repo->ms_data ii_html = ri_html ). CREATE OBJECT lo_browser EXPORTING io_repo = mo_repo. lt_repo_items = lo_browser->list( iv_path = mv_cur_dir iv_by_folders = mv_show_folders iv_changes_only = mv_changes_only ). apply_order_by( CHANGING ct_repo_items = lt_repo_items ). LOOP AT lt_repo_items ASSIGNING <ls_item>. mo_repo_aggregated_state->sum_with_repo_item( <ls_item> ). ENDLOOP. ri_html->add( render_head_line( ) ). li_log = lo_browser->get_log( ). IF li_log->count( ) > 0. ri_html->add( '<div class="log">' ). ri_html->add( zcl_abapgit_log_viewer=>to_html( li_log ) ). " shows eg. list of unsupported objects ri_html->add( '</div>' ). ENDIF. ri_html->add( '<div class="repo_container">' ). CLEAR lv_msg. IF mo_repo->is_offline( ) = abap_true AND mo_repo->has_remote_source( ) = abap_true AND mo_repo_aggregated_state->is_unchanged( ) = abap_true. " Offline match banner lv_msg = 'ZIP source is attached and completely <b>matches</b> the local state'. ELSEIF lines( lt_repo_items ) = 0. " Online match banner IF mv_changes_only = abap_true. lv_msg = 'Local state completely <b>matches</b> the remote repository'. ELSE. lv_msg = |Package is empty. Show { build_dir_jump_link( 'parent' ) } package|. ENDIF. ELSE. " Repo content table ri_html->add( '<table class="repo_tab">' ). ri_html->add( render_order_by( ) ). IF zcl_abapgit_path=>is_root( mv_cur_dir ) = abap_false. ri_html->add( render_parent_dir( ) ). ENDIF. LOOP AT lt_repo_items ASSIGNING <ls_item>. IF mv_max_lines > 0 AND sy-tabix > mv_max_lines. lv_max = abap_true. EXIT. " current loop ENDIF. ri_html->add( render_item( is_item = <ls_item> iv_render_transports = mv_are_changes_recorded_in_tr ) ). ENDLOOP. IF mv_changes_only = abap_true. ri_html->add( `<tfoot><tr><td colspan="5">` ). ri_html->add( `(Only changes are shown. ` ). ri_html->add( ri_html->a( iv_txt = |Show All| iv_act = |{ c_actions-toggle_changes }| ) ). ri_html->add( `)</td></tr></tfoot>` ). ENDIF. ri_html->add( '</table>' ). ENDIF. IF NOT lv_msg IS INITIAL. ri_html->add( |<div class="panel success repo_banner">{ lv_msg }</div>| ). ENDIF. IF lv_max = abap_true. ri_html->add( '<div class = "dummydiv">' ). IF mv_max_lines = 1. lv_max_str = '1 object'. ELSE. lv_max_str = |first { mv_max_lines } objects|. ENDIF. lv_add_str = |+{ mv_max_setting }|. ri_html->add( |Only { lv_max_str } objects shown in list. Display { ri_html->a( iv_txt = lv_add_str iv_act = c_actions-display_more ) } more (change in Settings > { ri_html->a( iv_txt = 'Personal Settings' iv_act = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-go_settings_personal ) })| ). ri_html->add( '</div>' ). ENDIF. ri_html->add( '</div>' ). ri_html->add( '</div>' ). CATCH zcx_abapgit_exception INTO lx_error. " Reset 'last shown repo' so next start will go to repo overview " and allow troubleshooting of issue zcl_abapgit_persistence_user=>get_instance( )->set_repo_show( || ). ri_html->add( render_head_line( ) ). ri_html->add( zcl_abapgit_gui_chunk_lib=>render_error( iv_extra_style = 'repo_banner' ix_error = lx_error ) ). ENDTRY. register_deferred_script( render_scripts( ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_head_line. DATA lo_toolbar TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html_toolbar. CREATE OBJECT ri_html TYPE zcl_abapgit_html. lo_toolbar = build_head_menu( ). ri_html->add( '<div class="paddings">' ). ri_html->add( '<table class="w100"><tr>' ). IF mv_show_folders = abap_true. ri_html->add( '<td class="current_dir">' ). ri_html->add( zcl_abapgit_gui_chunk_lib=>render_path( mv_cur_dir ) ). ri_html->add( '</td>' ). ENDIF. ri_html->add( '<td class="right">' ). ri_html->add( lo_toolbar->render( iv_right = abap_true ) ). ri_html->add( '</td>' ). ri_html->add( '</tr></table>' ). ri_html->add( '</div>' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_item. DATA: lv_link TYPE string, lv_colspan TYPE i. CREATE OBJECT ri_html TYPE zcl_abapgit_html. IF iv_render_transports = abap_false. lv_colspan = 2. ELSE. lv_colspan = 3. ENDIF. ri_html->add( |<tr{ get_item_class( is_item ) }>| ). IF is_item-obj_name IS INITIAL AND is_item-is_dir = abap_false. ri_html->add( |<td colspan="{ lv_colspan }"></td>| && '<td class="object">' && '<i class="grey">non-code and meta files</i>' && '</td>' ). ELSE. ri_html->add( |<td class="icon">{ get_item_icon( is_item ) }</td>| ). IF iv_render_transports = abap_true. ri_html->add( render_item_lock_column( is_item ) ). ENDIF. IF is_item-is_dir = abap_true. " Subdir lv_link = build_dir_jump_link( is_item-path ). ri_html->add( |<td class="dir" colspan="2">{ lv_link }</td>| ). ELSE. lv_link = build_obj_jump_link( is_item ). ri_html->add( |<td class="type">{ is_item-obj_type }</td>| ). ri_html->add( |<td class="object">{ lv_link } { build_inactive_object_code( is_item ) }</td>| ). ENDIF. ENDIF. " Changed by ri_html->add( '<td class="user">' ). ri_html->add( render_item_changed_by( is_item ) ). ri_html->add( '</td>' ). " Files ri_html->add( '<td class="files">' ). ri_html->add( render_item_files( is_item ) ). ri_html->add( '</td>' ). " Command ri_html->add( '<td class="cmd">' ). IF mo_repo->has_remote_source( ) = abap_true. ri_html->add( render_item_command( is_item ) ). ENDIF. ri_html->add( '</td>' ). ri_html->add( '</tr>' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_item_changed_by. CREATE OBJECT ri_html TYPE zcl_abapgit_html. IF is_item-changes = 0 OR is_item-changed_by IS INITIAL. ri_html->add( '&nbsp;' ). ELSE. ri_html->add( zcl_abapgit_gui_chunk_lib=>render_user_name( is_item-changed_by ) ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_item_command. DATA: lv_difflink TYPE string, ls_file LIKE LINE OF is_item-files. CREATE OBJECT ri_html TYPE zcl_abapgit_html. IF is_item-is_dir = abap_true. " Directory ri_html->add( '<div>' ). ri_html->add( |<span class="grey">{ is_item-changes } changes</span>| ). ri_html->add( zcl_abapgit_gui_chunk_lib=>render_item_state( iv_lstate = is_item-lstate iv_rstate = is_item-rstate ) ). ri_html->add( '</div>' ). ELSEIF is_item-changes > 0. IF mv_hide_files = abap_true AND is_item-obj_name IS NOT INITIAL. lv_difflink = zcl_abapgit_html_action_utils=>obj_encode( iv_key = mo_repo->get_key( ) ig_object = is_item ). ri_html->add( '<div>' ). ri_html->add_a( iv_txt = |diff ({ is_item-changes })| iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-go_file_diff }?{ lv_difflink }| ). ri_html->add( zcl_abapgit_gui_chunk_lib=>render_item_state( iv_lstate = is_item-lstate iv_rstate = is_item-rstate ) ). ri_html->add( '</div>' ). ELSE. LOOP AT is_item-files INTO ls_file. ri_html->add( '<div>' ). IF ls_file-is_changed = abap_true. lv_difflink = zcl_abapgit_html_action_utils=>file_encode( iv_key = mo_repo->get_key( ) ig_file = ls_file ). ri_html->add_a( iv_txt = 'diff' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-go_file_diff }?{ lv_difflink }| ). ri_html->add( zcl_abapgit_gui_chunk_lib=>render_item_state( iv_lstate = ls_file-lstate iv_rstate = ls_file-rstate ) ). ELSE. ri_html->add( '&nbsp;' ). ENDIF. ri_html->add( '</div>' ). ENDLOOP. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_item_files. DATA: ls_file LIKE LINE OF is_item-files. DATA li_exit TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_exit. CREATE OBJECT ri_html TYPE zcl_abapgit_html. IF mv_hide_files = abap_true AND is_item-obj_type IS NOT INITIAL. RETURN. ENDIF. li_exit = zcl_abapgit_exit=>get_instance( ). LOOP AT is_item-files INTO ls_file. IF mv_show_folders = abap_true. ri_html->add( |<div>{ li_exit->adjust_display_filename( ls_file-filename ) }</div>| ). ELSE. ri_html->add( |<div>{ li_exit->adjust_display_filename( ls_file-path && ls_file-filename ) }</div>| ). ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_item_lock_column. DATA: ls_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item, lv_transport TYPE trkorr. CREATE OBJECT ri_html TYPE zcl_abapgit_html. ri_html->add( '<td class="icon">' ). ls_item-obj_type = is_item-obj_type. ls_item-obj_name = is_item-obj_name. TRY. lv_transport = zcl_abapgit_factory=>get_cts_api( )->get_transport_for_object( ls_item ). IF lv_transport IS NOT INITIAL. ri_html->add( zcl_abapgit_gui_chunk_lib=>render_transport( iv_transport = lv_transport iv_icon_only = abap_true ) ). ENDIF. CATCH zcx_abapgit_exception ##NO_HANDLER. " Ignore errors related to object check when trying to get transport ENDTRY. ri_html->add( '</td>' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_order_by. DATA: lv_icon TYPE string, lt_col_spec TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_col_spec_tt, ls_col_spec TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_col_spec. CREATE OBJECT ri_html TYPE zcl_abapgit_html. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_col_spec. IF mv_are_changes_recorded_in_tr = abap_true. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_col_spec. ENDIF. ls_col_spec-tech_name = 'OBJ_TYPE'. ls_col_spec-display_name = 'Type'. ls_col_spec-allow_order_by = abap_true. APPEND ls_col_spec TO lt_col_spec. ls_col_spec-tech_name = 'OBJ_NAME'. ls_col_spec-display_name = 'Name'. ls_col_spec-allow_order_by = abap_true. APPEND ls_col_spec TO lt_col_spec. ls_col_spec-tech_name = 'CHANGED_BY'. ls_col_spec-display_name = 'Changed by'. ls_col_spec-allow_order_by = abap_true. APPEND ls_col_spec TO lt_col_spec. ls_col_spec-tech_name = 'PATH'. ls_col_spec-display_name = 'Path'. ls_col_spec-allow_order_by = abap_true. APPEND ls_col_spec TO lt_col_spec. ls_col_spec-tech_name = 'LSTATE'. ls_col_spec-display_name = 'Status'. ls_col_spec-allow_order_by = abap_true. ls_col_spec-css_class = 'cmd'. APPEND ls_col_spec TO lt_col_spec. ri_html->add( |<thead>| ). ri_html->add( |<tr>| ). ri_html->add( zcl_abapgit_gui_chunk_lib=>render_order_by_header_cells( it_col_spec = lt_col_spec iv_order_by = mv_order_by iv_order_descending = mv_order_descending ) ). IF mv_diff_first = abap_true. lv_icon = 'check/blue'. ELSE. lv_icon = 'check/grey'. ENDIF. ri_html->add( '</tr>' ). ri_html->add( '</thead>' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_parent_dir. CREATE OBJECT ri_html TYPE zcl_abapgit_html. ri_html->add( '<tr class="folder">' ). ri_html->add( |<td class="icon">{ ri_html->icon( 'folder' ) }</td>| ). ri_html->add( |<td class="dir" colspan="4">{ build_dir_jump_link( '..' ) }</td>| ). IF mo_repo->has_remote_source( ) = abap_true. ri_html->add( |<td colspan="1"></td>| ). " Dummy for online ENDIF. ri_html->add( '</tr>' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_scripts. CREATE OBJECT ri_html TYPE zcl_abapgit_html. ri_html->set_title( cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_object_ref( me )->get_relative_name( ) ). ri_html->add( zcl_abapgit_gui_chunk_lib=>render_repo_palette( iv_action = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-go_repo iv_only_favorites = abap_true ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_gui_event_handler~on_event. DATA lv_path TYPE string. CASE ii_event->mv_action. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-go_repo. " Switch to another repo CREATE OBJECT rs_handled-page TYPE zcl_abapgit_gui_page_repo_view EXPORTING iv_key = |{ ii_event->query( )->get( 'KEY' ) }|. rs_handled-state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-new_page_replacing. WHEN c_actions-go_data. CREATE OBJECT rs_handled-page TYPE zcl_abapgit_gui_page_data EXPORTING iv_key = |{ ii_event->query( )->get( 'KEY' ) }|. rs_handled-state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-new_page. WHEN c_actions-toggle_hide_files. " Toggle file diplay mv_hide_files = zcl_abapgit_persistence_user=>get_instance( )->toggle_hide_files( ). rs_handled-state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-re_render. WHEN c_actions-change_dir. " Change dir lv_path = ii_event->query( )->get( 'PATH' ). mv_cur_dir = zcl_abapgit_path=>change_dir( iv_cur_dir = mv_cur_dir iv_cd = lv_path ). rs_handled-state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-re_render. WHEN c_actions-toggle_folders. " Toggle folder view mv_show_folders = boolc( mv_show_folders <> abap_true ). mv_cur_dir = '/'. " Root rs_handled-state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-re_render. WHEN c_actions-toggle_changes. " Toggle changes only view mv_changes_only = zcl_abapgit_persistence_user=>get_instance( )->toggle_changes_only( ). rs_handled-state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-re_render. WHEN c_actions-toggle_diff_first. mv_diff_first = zcl_abapgit_persistence_user=>get_instance( )->set_diff_first( boolc( mv_diff_first = abap_false ) ). rs_handled-state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-re_render. WHEN c_actions-display_more. " Increase MAX lines limit mv_max_lines = mv_max_lines + mv_max_setting. rs_handled-state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-re_render. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-change_order_by. mv_order_by = zcl_abapgit_persistence_user=>get_instance( )->set_order_by( ii_event->query( )->get( 'ORDERBY' ) ). mv_order_descending = zcl_abapgit_persistence_user=>get_instance( )->set_order_descending( abap_false ). rs_handled-state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-re_render. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-direction. mv_order_descending = zcl_abapgit_persistence_user=>get_instance( )->set_order_descending( boolc( ii_event->query( )->get( 'DIRECTION' ) = 'DESCENDING' ) ). rs_handled-state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-re_render. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_open_in_master_lang. open_in_main_language( ). rs_handled-state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-re_render. WHEN OTHERS. rs_handled = super->zif_abapgit_gui_event_handler~on_event( ii_event ). " TODO refactor, move to HOC components ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_gui_hotkeys~get_hotkey_actions. DATA: ls_hotkey_action LIKE LINE OF rt_hotkey_actions. ls_hotkey_action-ui_component = 'Repo'. ls_hotkey_action-description = |Stage Changes|. ls_hotkey_action-action = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-go_stage. ls_hotkey_action-hotkey = |s|. INSERT ls_hotkey_action INTO TABLE rt_hotkey_actions. ls_hotkey_action-description = |Switch Branch|. ls_hotkey_action-action = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-git_branch_switch. ls_hotkey_action-hotkey = |b|. INSERT ls_hotkey_action INTO TABLE rt_hotkey_actions. ls_hotkey_action-description = |Repository List|. ls_hotkey_action-action = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-abapgit_home. ls_hotkey_action-hotkey = |o|. INSERT ls_hotkey_action INTO TABLE rt_hotkey_actions. ls_hotkey_action-description = |Refresh Repository|. ls_hotkey_action-action = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_refresh. ls_hotkey_action-hotkey = |r|. INSERT ls_hotkey_action INTO TABLE rt_hotkey_actions. ls_hotkey_action-description = |Pull|. ls_hotkey_action-action = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-git_pull. ls_hotkey_action-hotkey = |p|. INSERT ls_hotkey_action INTO TABLE rt_hotkey_actions. ls_hotkey_action-description = |Diff|. ls_hotkey_action-action = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-go_repo_diff. ls_hotkey_action-hotkey = |d|. INSERT ls_hotkey_action INTO TABLE rt_hotkey_actions. ls_hotkey_action-description = |Uninstall Repository|. ls_hotkey_action-action = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_purge. ls_hotkey_action-hotkey = |u|. INSERT ls_hotkey_action INTO TABLE rt_hotkey_actions. ls_hotkey_action-description = |Run Syntax Check|. ls_hotkey_action-action = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_syntax_check. ls_hotkey_action-hotkey = |c|. INSERT ls_hotkey_action INTO TABLE rt_hotkey_actions. ls_hotkey_action-description = |Run Code Inspector|. ls_hotkey_action-action = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_code_inspector. ls_hotkey_action-hotkey = |i|. INSERT ls_hotkey_action INTO TABLE rt_hotkey_actions. ls_hotkey_action-description = |Show Log|. ls_hotkey_action-action = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_log. ls_hotkey_action-hotkey = |l|. INSERT ls_hotkey_action INTO TABLE rt_hotkey_actions. ls_hotkey_action-description = |abapGit Settings|. ls_hotkey_action-action = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-go_settings. ls_hotkey_action-hotkey = |x|. INSERT ls_hotkey_action INTO TABLE rt_hotkey_actions. ENDMETHOD. METHOD order_files. DATA: lt_sort TYPE abap_sortorder_tab, ls_sort LIKE LINE OF lt_sort. IF lines( ct_files ) = 0. RETURN. ENDIF. ls_sort-descending = mv_order_descending. ls_sort-astext = abap_true. ls_sort-name = 'PATH'. INSERT ls_sort INTO TABLE lt_sort. ls_sort-descending = mv_order_descending. ls_sort-astext = abap_true. ls_sort-name = 'FILENAME'. INSERT ls_sort INTO TABLE lt_sort. SORT ct_files STABLE BY (lt_sort). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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"! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">ADT Resource for handling Tagging Preview</p> CLASS zcl_abaptags_adt_res_tagprev DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM cl_adt_rest_resource FINAL CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS post REDEFINITION. PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_s_tag_count, tag_id TYPE zabaptags_tag_id, count TYPE sy-tabix, END OF ty_s_tag_count. DATA mt_object_refs TYPE SORTED TABLE OF zabaptags_adt_obj_ref WITH UNIQUE KEY name tadir_type. DATA ms_preview_info TYPE zabaptags_tag_preview_info. DATA mt_tags_raw TYPE zabaptags_tag_data_t. DATA mt_tagged_obj_count TYPE HASHED TABLE OF ty_s_tag_count WITH UNIQUE KEY tag_id. METHODS get_content_handler RETURNING VALUE(ro_content_handler) TYPE REF TO if_adt_rest_content_handler. "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Collect object references from request body</p> METHODS collect_object_refs. METHODS read_tags_flat. METHODS fill_tagged_object_info. METHODS determine_tagged_object_count. METHODS create_response_data. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_abaptags_adt_res_tagprev IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD post. DATA(lo_content_handler) = get_content_handler( ). DATA(lv_binary_data) = request->get_inner_rest_request( )->get_entity( )->get_binary_data( ). IF lv_binary_data IS NOT INITIAL. request->get_body_data( EXPORTING content_handler = lo_content_handler IMPORTING data = ms_preview_info ). ENDIF. collect_object_refs( ). read_tags_flat( ). determine_tagged_object_count( ). fill_tagged_object_info( ). create_response_data( ). response->set_body_data( content_handler = lo_content_handler data = ms_preview_info ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_content_handler. ro_content_handler = cl_adt_rest_cnt_hdl_factory=>get_instance( )->get_handler_for_xml_using_st( st_name = 'ZABAPTAGS_TAG_PREVIEW_INFO' root_name = 'TAG_PREVIEW_INFO' content_type = if_rest_media_type=>gc_appl_xml ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD collect_object_refs. LOOP AT ms_preview_info-object_refs ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_obj_ref>). DATA(ls_obj_ref_int) = CORRESPONDING zabaptags_adt_obj_ref( <ls_obj_ref> ). TRY. zcl_abaptags_adt_util=>map_uri_to_wb_object( EXPORTING iv_uri = <ls_obj_ref>-uri IMPORTING ev_object_name = ls_obj_ref_int-name es_object_type = DATA(ls_object_type) ev_tadir_type = ls_obj_ref_int-tadir_type ). ls_obj_ref_int-type = COND #( WHEN ls_object_type-subtype_wb IS NOT INITIAL THEN ls_object_type-objtype_tr && '/' && ls_object_type-subtype_wb ELSE ls_object_type-objtype_tr ). CONDENSE ls_obj_ref_int-name. IF ls_obj_ref_int-name CA ' '. DATA(lv_whitespace) = find( val = ls_obj_ref_int-name regex = '\s' ). IF lv_whitespace <> -1. ls_obj_ref_int-name = ls_obj_ref_int-name(lv_whitespace). ENDIF. ls_obj_ref_int-uri = zcl_abaptags_adt_util=>get_adt_obj_ref( iv_name = |{ ls_obj_ref_int-name }| is_type = ls_object_type )-uri. ENDIF. INSERT ls_obj_ref_int INTO TABLE mt_object_refs. CATCH cx_adt_uri_mapping. ENDTRY. DELETE ms_preview_info-object_refs. ENDLOOP. CLEAR ms_preview_info. ENDMETHOD. METHOD read_tags_flat. SELECT * FROM zabaptags_tags WHERE owner = @sy-uname OR owner = @space INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE @mt_tags_raw. ENDMETHOD. METHOD determine_tagged_object_count. DATA: lt_where TYPE TABLE OF string. LOOP AT mt_object_refs ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_obj_ref>). DATA(lv_operator) = COND #( WHEN sy-tabix <> 1 THEN ` OR ` ELSE `` ). lt_where = VALUE #( BASE lt_where ( |{ lv_operator }( OBJECT_TYPE = { cl_abap_dyn_prg=>quote( <ls_obj_ref>-tadir_type ) } | && |AND OBJECT_NAME = { cl_abap_dyn_prg=>quote( <ls_obj_ref>-name ) } )| ) ). ENDLOOP. SELECT tag_id, COUNT( * ) AS count FROM zabaptags_tgobj WHERE (lt_where) GROUP BY tag_id INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE @mt_tagged_obj_count. ENDMETHOD. METHOD fill_tagged_object_info. LOOP AT mt_tags_raw ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_tag>). ASSIGN mt_tagged_obj_count[ tag_id = <ls_tag>-tag_id ] TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_tag_count>). IF sy-subrc = 0. <ls_tag>-tagged_object_count = <ls_tag_count>-count. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD create_response_data. ms_preview_info-tags = zcl_abaptags_tag_util=>build_hierarchical_tags( mt_tags_raw ). ms_preview_info-object_refs = CORRESPONDING #( mt_object_refs ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 40484, 1279, 79, 1398, 2625, 19509, 5239, 47192, 1, 42392, 2625, 268, 5320, 2885, 51, 20857, 329, 9041, 309, 16406, 22217, 3556, 79, 29, 198, 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 397, 2373, 3775, 62, 324, 83, 62, 411, 62, 12985, 47050, 5550, 20032, 17941, 198, 220, 44731, 198, 220, 3268, 16879, 2043, 2751, 16034, 537, 62, 324, 83, 62, 2118, 62, 31092, 198, 220, 25261, 198, 220, 29244, 6158, 44731, 764, 628, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 1281, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 23848, 36, 20032, 17941, 13, 198, 220, 48006, 9782, 1961, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 4810, 3824, 6158, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 24412, 47, 1546, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 347, 43312, 3963, 1259, 62, 82, 62, 12985, 62, 9127, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 7621, 62, 312, 41876, 1976, 397, 2373, 3775, 62, 12985, 62, 312, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 954, 220, 41876, 827, 12, 8658, 844, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 23578, 3963, 1259, 62, 82, 62, 12985, 62, 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INTERFACE zif_abapgit_definitions PUBLIC . TYPES: ty_type TYPE c LENGTH 6 . TYPES: ty_bitbyte TYPE c LENGTH 8 . TYPES: ty_sha1 TYPE c LENGTH 40 . TYPES: ty_sha1_tt TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_sha1 WITH DEFAULT KEY . TYPES: ty_adler32 TYPE x LENGTH 4 . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_file_signature, path TYPE string, filename TYPE string, sha1 TYPE ty_sha1, END OF ty_file_signature . TYPES: ty_file_signatures_tt TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_file_signature WITH DEFAULT KEY . TYPES: ty_file_signatures_ts TYPE SORTED TABLE OF ty_file_signature WITH UNIQUE KEY path filename . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_file. INCLUDE TYPE ty_file_signature. TYPES: data TYPE xstring, END OF ty_file . TYPES: ty_files_tt TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_file WITH DEFAULT KEY . TYPES: ty_string_tt TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY . TYPES ty_git_branch_type TYPE c LENGTH 2 . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_git_branch, sha1 TYPE ty_sha1, name TYPE string, type TYPE ty_git_branch_type, is_head TYPE abap_bool, display_name TYPE string, END OF ty_git_branch . TYPES: ty_git_branch_list_tt TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_git_branch WITH DEFAULT KEY WITH NON-UNIQUE SORTED KEY name_key COMPONENTS name. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_git_tag, sha1 TYPE ty_sha1, object TYPE ty_sha1, name TYPE string, type TYPE ty_git_branch_type, display_name TYPE string, tagger_name TYPE string, tagger_email TYPE string, message TYPE string, body TYPE string, END OF ty_git_tag . TYPES: ty_git_tag_list_tt TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_git_tag WITH DEFAULT KEY . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_hotkey, ui_component TYPE string, action TYPE string, hotkey TYPE string, END OF ty_hotkey . TYPES: ty_hotkey_tt TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_hotkey WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY WITH NON-UNIQUE SORTED KEY action COMPONENTS ui_component action. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_git_user, name TYPE string, email TYPE string, END OF ty_git_user . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_comment, committer TYPE ty_git_user, author TYPE ty_git_user, comment TYPE string, END OF ty_comment . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_item, obj_type TYPE tadir-object, obj_name TYPE tadir-obj_name, devclass TYPE devclass, inactive TYPE abap_bool, END OF ty_item . TYPES: ty_items_tt TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_item WITH DEFAULT KEY . TYPES: ty_items_ts TYPE SORTED TABLE OF ty_item WITH UNIQUE KEY obj_type obj_name . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_file_item, file TYPE ty_file, item TYPE ty_item, END OF ty_file_item . TYPES: ty_files_item_tt TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_file_item WITH DEFAULT KEY . TYPES: ty_yes_no TYPE c LENGTH 1, ty_yes_no_partial TYPE c LENGTH 1. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_overwrite. INCLUDE TYPE ty_item. TYPES: action TYPE i, icon TYPE icon_d, text TYPE string, decision TYPE ty_yes_no, END OF ty_overwrite . TYPES: ty_overwrite_tt TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_overwrite WITH DEFAULT KEY WITH UNIQUE HASHED KEY object_type_and_name COMPONENTS obj_type obj_name . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_requirements, met TYPE ty_yes_no, decision TYPE ty_yes_no, END OF ty_requirements . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_dependencies, met TYPE ty_yes_no, END OF ty_dependencies . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_transport_type, request TYPE trfunction, task TYPE trfunction, END OF ty_transport_type . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_transport, required TYPE abap_bool, transport TYPE trkorr, type TYPE ty_transport_type, END OF ty_transport . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_deserialize_checks, overwrite TYPE ty_overwrite_tt, warning_package TYPE ty_overwrite_tt, requirements TYPE ty_requirements, dependencies TYPE ty_dependencies, transport TYPE ty_transport, END OF ty_deserialize_checks . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_delete_checks, transport TYPE ty_transport, END OF ty_delete_checks . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_metadata, class TYPE string, version TYPE string, delete_tadir TYPE abap_bool, ddic TYPE abap_bool, END OF ty_metadata . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_repo_file, path TYPE string, filename TYPE string, is_changed TYPE abap_bool, rstate TYPE c LENGTH 1, lstate TYPE c LENGTH 1, END OF ty_repo_file . TYPES: ty_repo_file_tt TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_repo_file WITH DEFAULT KEY . TYPES: ty_chmod TYPE c LENGTH 6 . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_object, sha1 TYPE ty_sha1, type TYPE ty_type, data TYPE xstring, adler32 TYPE ty_adler32, index TYPE i, END OF ty_object . TYPES: ty_objects_tt TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_object WITH DEFAULT KEY WITH NON-UNIQUE SORTED KEY sha COMPONENTS sha1 WITH NON-UNIQUE SORTED KEY type COMPONENTS type sha1 . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_tadir, pgmid TYPE tadir-pgmid, object TYPE tadir-object, obj_name TYPE tadir-obj_name, devclass TYPE tadir-devclass, korrnum TYPE tadir-korrnum, " todo, I think this field can be removed after #2464 -Hvam delflag TYPE tadir-delflag, genflag TYPE tadir-genflag, path TYPE string, END OF ty_tadir . TYPES: ty_tadir_tt TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_tadir WITH DEFAULT KEY . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_result, obj_type TYPE tadir-object, obj_name TYPE tadir-obj_name, inactive TYPE abap_bool, path TYPE string, filename TYPE string, package TYPE devclass, match TYPE abap_bool, lstate TYPE c LENGTH 1, rstate TYPE c LENGTH 1, packmove TYPE abap_bool, END OF ty_result . TYPES: ty_results_tt TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_result WITH DEFAULT KEY . TYPES: ty_results_ts_path TYPE HASHED TABLE OF ty_result WITH UNIQUE KEY path filename . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_stage_files, local TYPE ty_files_item_tt, remote TYPE ty_files_tt, status TYPE ty_results_ts_path, END OF ty_stage_files . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_tpool. INCLUDE TYPE textpool. TYPES: split TYPE c LENGTH 8. TYPES: END OF ty_tpool . TYPES: ty_tpool_tt TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_tpool WITH DEFAULT KEY . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_sotr, header TYPE sotr_head, entries TYPE sotr_text_tt, END OF ty_sotr . TYPES: ty_sotr_tt TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_sotr WITH DEFAULT KEY . TYPES: ty_sotr_use_tt TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF sotr_use WITH DEFAULT KEY . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_obj_attribute, cmpname TYPE seocmpname, attkeyfld TYPE seokeyfld, attbusobj TYPE seobusobj, END OF ty_obj_attribute . TYPES: ty_obj_attribute_tt TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_obj_attribute WITH DEFAULT KEY WITH NON-UNIQUE SORTED KEY cmpname COMPONENTS cmpname . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_transport_to_branch, branch_name TYPE string, commit_text TYPE string, END OF ty_transport_to_branch . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_create, name TYPE string, parent TYPE string, END OF ty_create . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_commit, sha1 TYPE ty_sha1, parent1 TYPE ty_sha1, parent2 TYPE ty_sha1, author TYPE string, email TYPE string, time TYPE string, message TYPE string, body TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, branch TYPE string, merge TYPE string, tags TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, create TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_create WITH DEFAULT KEY, compressed TYPE abap_bool, END OF ty_commit . TYPES: ty_commit_tt TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_commit WITH DEFAULT KEY . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_diff, patch_flag TYPE abap_bool, new_num TYPE c LENGTH 6, new TYPE string, result TYPE c LENGTH 1, old_num TYPE c LENGTH 6, old TYPE string, short TYPE abap_bool, beacon TYPE i, END OF ty_diff . TYPES: ty_diffs_tt TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_diff WITH DEFAULT KEY . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_count, insert TYPE i, delete TYPE i, update TYPE i, END OF ty_count . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_expanded, path TYPE string, name TYPE string, sha1 TYPE ty_sha1, chmod TYPE ty_chmod, END OF ty_expanded . TYPES: ty_expanded_tt TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_expanded WITH DEFAULT KEY . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_ancestor, commit TYPE ty_sha1, tree TYPE ty_sha1, time TYPE string, body TYPE string, END OF ty_ancestor . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_repo_item, obj_type TYPE tadir-object, obj_name TYPE tadir-obj_name, inactive TYPE abap_bool, sortkey TYPE i, path TYPE string, is_dir TYPE abap_bool, changes TYPE i, lstate TYPE c LENGTH 1, rstate TYPE c LENGTH 1, files TYPE ty_repo_file_tt, changed_by TYPE xubname, END OF ty_repo_item . TYPES: ty_repo_item_tt TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_repo_item WITH DEFAULT KEY . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_s_user_settings, max_lines TYPE i, adt_jump_enabled TYPE abap_bool, show_default_repo TYPE abap_bool, link_hints_enabled TYPE abap_bool, link_hint_key TYPE c LENGTH 1, hotkeys TYPE ty_hotkey_tt, parallel_proc_disabled TYPE abap_bool, icon_scaling TYPE c LENGTH 1, ui_theme TYPE string, hide_sapgui_hint TYPE abap_bool, activate_wo_popup TYPE abap_bool, END OF ty_s_user_settings . TYPES: ty_dokil_tt TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF dokil WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_col_spec, tech_name TYPE string, display_name TYPE string, css_class TYPE string, add_tz TYPE abap_bool, title TYPE string, allow_order_by TYPE abap_bool, END OF ty_col_spec, ty_col_spec_tt TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_col_spec WITH NON-UNIQUE KEY tech_name. TYPES: ty_proxy_bypass_url TYPE c LENGTH 255, ty_range_proxy_bypass_url TYPE RANGE OF ty_proxy_bypass_url. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_version, major TYPE i, minor TYPE i, patch TYPE i, prerelase TYPE string, prerelase_patch TYPE i, END OF ty_version. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_alv_column, name TYPE string, text TYPE string, length TYPE lvc_outlen, show_icon TYPE abap_bool, END OF ty_alv_column, ty_alv_column_tt TYPE TABLE OF ty_alv_column WITH DEFAULT KEY. TYPES: ty_deserialization_step TYPE string. TYPES: ty_deserialization_step_tt TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_deserialization_step WITH DEFAULT KEY . CONSTANTS: BEGIN OF c_git_branch_type, branch TYPE ty_git_branch_type VALUE 'HD', lightweight_tag TYPE ty_git_branch_type VALUE 'TG', annotated_tag TYPE ty_git_branch_type VALUE 'AT', other TYPE ty_git_branch_type VALUE 'ZZ', END OF c_git_branch_type . CONSTANTS c_head_name TYPE string VALUE 'HEAD' ##NO_TEXT. CONSTANTS: BEGIN OF c_git_branch, main TYPE string VALUE 'refs/heads/main', prefix TYPE string VALUE 'refs/', heads_prefix TYPE string VALUE 'refs/heads/', heads TYPE string VALUE 'refs/heads/*', tags_prefix TYPE string VALUE 'refs/tags/', tags TYPE string VALUE 'refs/tags/*', END OF c_git_branch. CONSTANTS: BEGIN OF c_diff, insert TYPE c LENGTH 1 VALUE 'I', delete TYPE c LENGTH 1 VALUE 'D', update TYPE c LENGTH 1 VALUE 'U', END OF c_diff . CONSTANTS: BEGIN OF c_type, commit TYPE ty_type VALUE 'commit', "#EC NOTEXT tree TYPE ty_type VALUE 'tree', "#EC NOTEXT ref_d TYPE ty_type VALUE 'ref_d', "#EC NOTEXT tag TYPE ty_type VALUE 'tag', "#EC NOTEXT blob TYPE ty_type VALUE 'blob', "#EC NOTEXT END OF c_type . CONSTANTS: BEGIN OF c_state, " unchanged TYPE c LENGTH 1 VALUE '', added TYPE c LENGTH 1 VALUE 'A', modified TYPE c LENGTH 1 VALUE 'M', deleted TYPE c LENGTH 1 VALUE 'D', mixed TYPE c LENGTH 1 VALUE '*', END OF c_state . CONSTANTS: BEGIN OF c_chmod, file TYPE ty_chmod VALUE '100644', executable TYPE ty_chmod VALUE '100755', dir TYPE ty_chmod VALUE '40000 ', END OF c_chmod . CONSTANTS c_crlf TYPE c LENGTH 2 VALUE cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf ##NO_TEXT. CONSTANTS c_newline TYPE c LENGTH 1 VALUE cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline ##NO_TEXT. CONSTANTS c_english TYPE spras VALUE 'E' ##NO_TEXT. CONSTANTS c_root_dir TYPE string VALUE '/' ##NO_TEXT. CONSTANTS c_dot_abapgit TYPE string VALUE '.abapgit.xml' ##NO_TEXT. CONSTANTS c_author_regex TYPE string VALUE '^(.+) <(.*)> (\d{10})\s?.\d{4}$' ##NO_TEXT. CONSTANTS: BEGIN OF c_action, repo_refresh TYPE string VALUE 'repo_refresh', repo_remove TYPE string VALUE 'repo_remove', repo_settings TYPE string VALUE 'repo_settings', repo_local_settings TYPE string VALUE 'repo_local_settings', repo_remote_settings TYPE string VALUE 'repo_remote_settings', repo_background TYPE string VALUE 'repo_background', repo_infos TYPE string VALUE 'repo_infos', repo_purge TYPE string VALUE 'repo_purge', repo_newonline TYPE string VALUE 'repo_newonline', repo_newoffline TYPE string VALUE 'repo_newoffline', repo_add_all_obj_to_trans_req TYPE string VALUE 'repo_add_all_obj_to_trans_req', repo_refresh_checksums TYPE string VALUE 'repo_refresh_checksums', repo_toggle_fav TYPE string VALUE 'repo_toggle_fav', repo_transport_to_branch TYPE string VALUE 'repo_transport_to_branch', repo_syntax_check TYPE string VALUE 'repo_syntax_check', repo_code_inspector TYPE string VALUE 'repo_code_inspector', repo_open_in_master_lang TYPE string VALUE 'repo_open_in_master_lang', repo_log TYPE string VALUE 'repo_log', abapgit_home TYPE string VALUE 'abapgit_home', zip_import TYPE string VALUE 'zip_import', zip_export TYPE string VALUE 'zip_export', zip_package TYPE string VALUE 'zip_package', zip_transport TYPE string VALUE 'zip_transport', zip_object TYPE string VALUE 'zip_object', rfc_compare TYPE string VALUE 'rfc_compare', performance_test TYPE string VALUE 'performance_test', ie_devtools TYPE string VALUE 'ie_devtools', git_pull TYPE string VALUE 'git_pull', git_reset TYPE string VALUE 'git_reset', git_branch_create TYPE string VALUE 'git_branch_create', git_branch_switch TYPE string VALUE 'git_branch_switch', git_branch_delete TYPE string VALUE 'git_branch_delete', git_tag_create TYPE string VALUE 'git_tag_create', git_tag_delete TYPE string VALUE 'git_tag_delete', git_tag_switch TYPE string VALUE 'git_tag_switch', git_commit TYPE string VALUE 'git_commit', db_display TYPE string VALUE 'db_display', db_edit TYPE string VALUE 'db_edit', bg_update TYPE string VALUE 'bg_update', go_back TYPE string VALUE 'go_back', go_explore TYPE string VALUE 'go_explore', go_repo TYPE string VALUE 'go_repo', go_db TYPE string VALUE 'go_db', go_background TYPE string VALUE 'go_background', go_background_run TYPE string VALUE 'go_background_run', go_repo_diff TYPE string VALUE 'go_repo_diff', go_file_diff TYPE string VALUE 'go_fill_diff', go_stage TYPE string VALUE 'go_stage', go_commit TYPE string VALUE 'go_commit', go_branch_overview TYPE string VALUE 'go_branch_overview', go_tag_overview TYPE string VALUE 'go_tag_overview', go_debuginfo TYPE string VALUE 'go_debuginfo', go_settings TYPE string VALUE 'go_settings', go_settings_personal TYPE string VALUE 'go_settings_personal', go_tutorial TYPE string VALUE 'go_tutorial', go_patch TYPE string VALUE 'go_patch', jump TYPE string VALUE 'jump', jump_transport TYPE string VALUE 'jump_transport', jump_user TYPE string VALUE 'jump_user', url TYPE string VALUE 'url', goto_source TYPE string VALUE 'goto_source', show_callstack TYPE string VALUE 'show_callstack', change_order_by TYPE string VALUE 'change_order_by', goto_message TYPE string VALUE 'goto_message', direction TYPE string VALUE 'direction', documentation TYPE string VALUE 'documentation', changelog TYPE string VALUE 'changelog', END OF c_action. CONSTANTS c_spagpa_param_repo_key TYPE c LENGTH 20 VALUE 'REPO_KEY' ##NO_TEXT. CONSTANTS c_spagpa_param_package TYPE c LENGTH 20 VALUE 'PACKAGE' ##NO_TEXT. CONSTANTS c_yes TYPE ty_yes_no VALUE 'Y'. CONSTANTS c_no TYPE ty_yes_no VALUE 'N'. CONSTANTS c_partial TYPE ty_yes_no_partial VALUE 'P'. TYPES: ty_method TYPE c LENGTH 1 . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_stage, file TYPE ty_file, method TYPE ty_method, status TYPE ty_result, END OF ty_stage . TYPES: ty_stage_tt TYPE SORTED TABLE OF ty_stage WITH UNIQUE KEY file-path file-filename . CONSTANTS: BEGIN OF c_method, add TYPE ty_method VALUE 'A', rm TYPE ty_method VALUE 'R', ignore TYPE ty_method VALUE 'I', skip TYPE ty_method VALUE '?', END OF c_method . TYPES: ty_languages TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF laiso WITH DEFAULT KEY. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_i18n_params, main_language TYPE sy-langu, main_language_only TYPE abap_bool, translation_languages TYPE ty_languages, END OF ty_i18n_params . ENDINTERFACE.
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*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report z_pattern_strategy *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT z_pattern_strategy. " Behavior interfaces for fly and quack INTERFACE lif_fly_behavior. METHODS fly. ENDINTERFACE. INTERFACE lif_quack_behavior. METHODS quack. ENDINTERFACE. " Two behavior for fly CLASS lcl_fly DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES lif_fly_behavior. ENDCLASS. CLASS lcl_fly IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD lif_fly_behavior~fly. WRITE:/ 'I can fly...'. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. CLASS lcl_no_fly DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES: lif_fly_behavior. ENDCLASS. CLASS lcl_no_fly IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD lif_fly_behavior~fly. WRITE:/ 'I can´t fly'. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. CLASS lcl_no_quack DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES: lif_quack_behavior. ENDCLASS. CLASS lcl_no_quack IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD lif_quack_behavior~quack. WRITE:/ 'no quack'. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. CLASS lcl_quack DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES: lif_quack_behavior. ENDCLASS. CLASS lcl_quack IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD lif_quack_behavior~quack. WRITE:/ 'quack, quack...'. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. " Abstract class for duck CLASS lcl_duck DEFINITION ABSTRACT. PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS constructor. METHODS do_quack. METHODS do_fly. METHODS do_show ABSTRACT. METHODS set_fly_behavior IMPORTING io_fly TYPE REF TO lif_fly_behavior. METHODS set_quack_behavior IMPORTING io_quack TYPE REF TO lif_quack_behavior. PROTECTED SECTION. DATA mo_quack TYPE REF TO lif_quack_behavior. DATA mo_fly TYPE REF TO lif_fly_behavior. ENDCLASS. CLASS lcl_duck IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD constructor. mo_fly = NEW lcl_no_fly( ). mo_quack = NEW lcl_no_quack( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD do_quack. mo_quack->quack( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD do_fly. mo_fly->fly( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_fly_behavior. mo_fly = io_fly. ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_quack_behavior. mo_quack = io_quack. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. CLASS lcl_mallard DEFINITION INHERITING FROM lcl_duck. PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS: do_show REDEFINITION. ENDCLASS. CLASS lcl_mallard IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD do_show. WRITE:/ 'I am a mallard'. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. START-OF-SELECTION. DATA(lo_mallard) = NEW lcl_mallard( ). lo_mallard->do_fly( ). lo_mallard->do_quack( ). " change strategy WRITE:/. WRITE:/ 'new strategy'. WRITE:/. lo_mallard->set_fly_behavior( NEW lcl_fly( ) ). lo_mallard->set_quack_behavior( NEW lcl_quack( ) ). lo_mallard->do_fly( ). lo_mallard->do_quack( ).
[ 9, 5, 10097, 30934, 9, 198, 9, 5, 6358, 1976, 62, 33279, 62, 2536, 4338, 198, 9, 5, 10097, 30934, 9, 198, 9, 5, 198, 9, 5, 10097, 30934, 9, 198, 2200, 15490, 1976, 62, 33279, 62, 2536, 4338, 13, 628, 198, 1, 20181, 20314, 329, 6129, 290, 627, 441, 198, 41358, 49836, 3868, 62, 12254, 62, 46571, 13, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 6129, 13, 198, 10619, 41358, 49836, 13, 198, 198, 41358, 49836, 3868, 62, 421, 441, 62, 46571, 13, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 627, 441, 13, 198, 10619, 41358, 49836, 13, 628, 198, 1, 4930, 4069, 329, 6129, 198, 31631, 300, 565, 62, 12254, 5550, 20032, 17941, 13, 628, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 23255, 37, 2246, 1546, 3868, 62, 12254, 62, 46571, 13, 198, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 198, 198, 31631, 300, 565, 62, 12254, 30023, 2538, 10979, 6234, 13, 628, 220, 337, 36252, 3868, 62, 12254, 62, 46571, 93, 12254, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 44423, 14079, 705, 40, 460, 6129, 986, 4458, 198, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 198, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 198, 198, 31631, 300, 565, 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CLASS zcl_abapgit_message_helper DEFINITION PUBLIC FINAL CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. CONSTANTS: BEGIN OF gc_section_text, cause TYPE string VALUE `Cause`, system_response TYPE string VALUE `System response`, what_to_do TYPE string VALUE `Procedure`, sys_admin TYPE string VALUE `System administration`, END OF gc_section_text . CONSTANTS: BEGIN OF gc_section_token, cause TYPE string VALUE `&CAUSE&`, system_response TYPE string VALUE `&SYSTEM_RESPONSE&`, what_to_do TYPE string VALUE `&WHAT_TO_DO&`, sys_admin TYPE string VALUE `&SYS_ADMIN&`, END OF gc_section_token . CLASS-METHODS set_msg_vars_for_clike IMPORTING !iv_text TYPE string . METHODS constructor IMPORTING !ii_t100_message TYPE REF TO if_t100_message . METHODS get_t100_longtext RETURNING VALUE(rv_longtext) TYPE string . PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_msg, msgv1 TYPE symsgv, msgv2 TYPE symsgv, msgv3 TYPE symsgv, msgv4 TYPE symsgv, END OF ty_msg. CLASS-METHODS: split_text IMPORTING iv_text TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(rs_msg) TYPE ty_msg. DATA: mi_t100_message TYPE REF TO if_t100_message. METHODS: itf_to_string IMPORTING it_itf TYPE tline_tab RETURNING VALUE(rv_result) TYPE string, get_t100_longtext_itf RETURNING VALUE(rt_itf) TYPE tline_tab, remove_empty_section IMPORTING iv_tabix_from TYPE i iv_tabix_to TYPE i CHANGING ct_itf TYPE tline_tab, replace_section_head_with_text CHANGING cs_itf TYPE tline, set_single_msg_var IMPORTING iv_arg TYPE clike RETURNING VALUE(rv_target) TYPE char01, set_single_msg_var_clike IMPORTING iv_arg TYPE clike RETURNING VALUE(rv_target) TYPE char01, set_single_msg_var_numeric IMPORTING iv_arg TYPE numeric RETURNING VALUE(rv_target) TYPE char01, set_single_msg_var_xseq IMPORTING iv_arg TYPE xsequence RETURNING VALUE(rv_target) TYPE char01. ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_ABAPGIT_MESSAGE_HELPER IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD constructor. mi_t100_message = ii_t100_message. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_t100_longtext. * method is called dynamically from ZCX_ABAPGIT_EXCEPTION rv_longtext = itf_to_string( get_t100_longtext_itf( ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_t100_longtext_itf. DATA: lv_docu_key TYPE doku_obj. lv_docu_key = mi_t100_message->t100key-msgid && mi_t100_message->t100key-msgno. CALL FUNCTION 'DOCU_GET' EXPORTING id = 'NA' langu = sy-langu object = lv_docu_key typ = 'E' TABLES line = rt_itf EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1. IF sy-subrc = 0. sy-msgv1 = set_single_msg_var( iv_arg = mi_t100_message->t100key-attr1 ). REPLACE '&V1&' IN TABLE rt_itf WITH sy-msgv1. sy-msgv2 = set_single_msg_var( iv_arg = mi_t100_message->t100key-attr2 ). REPLACE '&V2&' IN TABLE rt_itf WITH sy-msgv2. sy-msgv3 = set_single_msg_var( iv_arg = mi_t100_message->t100key-attr3 ). REPLACE '&V3&' IN TABLE rt_itf WITH sy-msgv3. sy-msgv4 = set_single_msg_var( iv_arg = mi_t100_message->t100key-attr4 ). REPLACE '&V4&' IN TABLE rt_itf WITH sy-msgv4. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD itf_to_string. CONSTANTS: lc_format_section TYPE string VALUE 'U1'. DATA: lt_stream TYPE TABLE OF tdline, lt_string TYPE TABLE OF string, lv_string LIKE LINE OF lt_string, lt_itf TYPE tline_tab, lv_has_content TYPE abap_bool, lv_tabix_from TYPE syst-tabix, lv_tabix_to TYPE syst-tabix. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_itf_section> TYPE tline, <ls_itf_section_item> TYPE tline. lt_itf = it_itf. " You should remember that we replace the U1 format because " that preserves the section header of longtexts. LOOP AT lt_itf ASSIGNING <ls_itf_section> WHERE tdformat = lc_format_section. CLEAR: lv_has_content, lv_tabix_to. lv_tabix_from = sy-tabix. LOOP AT lt_itf ASSIGNING <ls_itf_section_item> FROM sy-tabix + 1. IF <ls_itf_section_item>-tdformat = lc_format_section. lv_tabix_to = sy-tabix. EXIT. ELSEIF <ls_itf_section_item>-tdline IS NOT INITIAL. lv_has_content = abap_true. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. IF lv_has_content = abap_false. remove_empty_section( EXPORTING iv_tabix_from = lv_tabix_from iv_tabix_to = lv_tabix_to CHANGING ct_itf = lt_itf ). CONTINUE. ENDIF. replace_section_head_with_text( CHANGING cs_itf = <ls_itf_section> ). ENDLOOP. CALL FUNCTION 'CONVERT_ITF_TO_STREAM_TEXT' EXPORTING lf = 'X' IMPORTING stream_lines = lt_string TABLES itf_text = lt_itf text_stream = lt_stream. LOOP AT lt_string INTO lv_string. IF sy-tabix = 1. rv_result = lv_string. ELSE. CONCATENATE rv_result lv_string INTO rv_result SEPARATED BY cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD remove_empty_section. DELETE ct_itf FROM iv_tabix_from TO iv_tabix_to. ENDMETHOD. METHOD replace_section_head_with_text. CASE cs_itf-tdline. WHEN gc_section_token-cause. cs_itf-tdline = gc_section_text-cause. WHEN gc_section_token-system_response. cs_itf-tdline = gc_section_text-system_response. WHEN gc_section_token-what_to_do. cs_itf-tdline = gc_section_text-what_to_do. WHEN gc_section_token-sys_admin. cs_itf-tdline = gc_section_text-sys_admin. ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_msg_vars_for_clike. DATA: ls_msg TYPE ty_msg, lv_dummy TYPE string. ls_msg = split_text( iv_text ). MESSAGE e001(00) WITH ls_msg-msgv1 ls_msg-msgv2 ls_msg-msgv3 ls_msg-msgv4 INTO lv_dummy. ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_single_msg_var. FIELD-SYMBOLS <lg_arg> TYPE any. IF iv_arg IS INITIAL. RETURN. ENDIF. ASSIGN me->(iv_arg) TO <lg_arg>. IF sy-subrc <> 0. CONCATENATE '&' iv_arg '&' INTO rv_target. RETURN. ENDIF. TRY. rv_target = set_single_msg_var_clike( iv_arg = <lg_arg> ). RETURN. CATCH cx_sy_dyn_call_illegal_type ##no_handler. ENDTRY. TRY. rv_target = set_single_msg_var_numeric( iv_arg = <lg_arg> ). RETURN. CATCH cx_sy_dyn_call_illegal_type ##no_handler. ENDTRY. TRY. rv_target = set_single_msg_var_xseq( iv_arg = <lg_arg> ). RETURN. CATCH cx_sy_dyn_call_illegal_type ##no_handler. ENDTRY. CONCATENATE '&' iv_arg '&' INTO rv_target. ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_single_msg_var_clike. " a kind of MOVE where all conversion errors are signalled by exceptions WRITE iv_arg LEFT-JUSTIFIED TO rv_target. ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_single_msg_var_numeric. " a kind of MOVE where all conversion errors are signalled by exceptions WRITE iv_arg LEFT-JUSTIFIED TO rv_target. ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_single_msg_var_xseq. " a kind of MOVE where all conversion errors are signalled by exceptions WRITE iv_arg LEFT-JUSTIFIED TO rv_target. ENDMETHOD. METHOD split_text. CONSTANTS: lc_length_of_msgv TYPE i VALUE 50, lc_offset_of_last_character TYPE i VALUE 49. TYPES: ty_char200 TYPE c LENGTH 200. DATA: lv_text TYPE ty_char200, lv_msg_var TYPE c LENGTH lc_length_of_msgv, lv_rest TYPE ty_char200, lv_index TYPE syst-index. lv_text = iv_text. DO 4 TIMES. lv_index = sy-index. CALL FUNCTION 'TEXT_SPLIT' EXPORTING length = lc_length_of_msgv text = lv_text IMPORTING line = lv_msg_var rest = lv_rest. IF lv_msg_var+lc_offset_of_last_character(1) = space OR lv_text+lc_length_of_msgv(1) = space. " keep the space at the beginning of the rest " because otherwise it's lost lv_rest = | { lv_rest }|. ENDIF. lv_text = lv_rest. CASE lv_index. WHEN 1. rs_msg-msgv1 = lv_msg_var. WHEN 2. rs_msg-msgv2 = lv_msg_var. WHEN 3. rs_msg-msgv3 = lv_msg_var. WHEN 4. rs_msg-msgv4 = lv_msg_var. ENDCASE. ENDDO. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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"! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">ALV Output</p> CLASS zcl_dbbr_output_grid DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM cl_gui_alv_grid CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Sortierte Felder haben sich geändert</p> EVENTS sorted_fields_changed . "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">CONSTRUCTOR</p> METHODS constructor IMPORTING !ir_parent TYPE REF TO cl_gui_container . "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">CLASS CONSTRUCTOR</p> CLASS-METHODS class_constructor. METHODS execute_user_command IMPORTING !iv_function_code TYPE sy-ucomm . "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Retrieves all selected rows</p> METHODS get_all_selected_rows RETURNING VALUE(result) TYPE lvc_t_indx . "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Gibt 'X' zurück wenn mind. 1 Spalte selektiert ist</p> METHODS has_selected_columns RETURNING VALUE(rf_columns_selected) TYPE boolean . METHODS hide_selected_columns . "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Optimiert die Spaltenbreite</p> METHODS optimize_columns . METHODS set_column_names IMPORTING !if_tech_names TYPE boolean . METHODS dispatch REDEFINITION . METHODS get_variant_fieldcat RETURNING VALUE(rt_fieldcat) TYPE lvc_t_fcat. METHODS set_sort_criteria REDEFINITION . "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Sets the toolbar functions</p> METHODS set_toolbar_functions IMPORTING it_functions TYPE ttb_button it_menus TYPE ttb_btnmnu OPTIONAL. "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Excludes the given functions from ALV</p> METHODS set_excluded_functions IMPORTING it_functions TYPE ui_functions. "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Sets the default toolbar buttons</p> METHODS set_default_toolbar. "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Shows the defined default GUI Status shortcuts</p> METHODS show_active_default_shortcuts. "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Changes the number of fixed rows</p> METHODS change_fixed_rows IMPORTING iv_rows TYPE i OPTIONAL if_from_selection TYPE abap_bool OPTIONAL. "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Copy table content as ABAP Value Statement</p> "! "! @parameter if_compact | <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Compact mode on/off</p> METHODS copy_as_value_statement IMPORTING if_compact TYPE abap_bool OPTIONAL. "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Returns range of selected columns</p> METHODS get_selected_cols_range RETURNING VALUE(rt_col_range) TYPE zif_sat_ty_global=>ty_t_selopt. PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA mt_toolbar_buttons TYPE ttb_button. DATA mt_toolbar_menu TYPE ttb_btnmnu. DATA mt_excluded TYPE RANGE OF ui_func. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_s_tb_button. INCLUDE TYPE stb_button. TYPES: fkey TYPE ui_func. TYPES:END OF ty_s_tb_button. CLASS-DATA gt_shortcuts_map TYPE zif_uitb_ty_gui_screen=>ty_t_fkey_map. CLASS-DATA gt_default_tb_buttons TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_s_tb_button WITH EMPTY KEY. CLASS-DATA gt_default_tb_menu TYPE ttb_btnmnu. "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Retrieves the currently active toolbar buttons</p> METHODS get_active_toolbar_buttons RETURNING VALUE(rt_buttons) TYPE ttb_button. "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Handler for toolbar build event</p> METHODS on_toolbar FOR EVENT toolbar OF cl_gui_alv_grid IMPORTING e_interactive e_object. METHODS on_toolbar_button FOR EVENT toolbar_button_click OF cl_gui_alv_grid IMPORTING fcode. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_dbbr_output_grid IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD class_constructor. *.. Create default toolbar buttons gt_default_tb_buttons = VALUE #( ( function = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>edit_data icon = icon_change quickinfo = |{ 'Edit Data'(002) }| fkey = zif_uitb_c_gui_screen=>c_functions-shift_f6 ) ( butn_type = cntb_btype_sep ) ( function = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>toggle_entity_info_header icon = icon_overview quickinfo = |{ 'Show / Hide Additional Info'(003) }| fkey = zif_uitb_c_gui_screen=>c_functions-f7 ) ( butn_type = cntb_btype_sep ) ( function = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>refresh icon = icon_refresh quickinfo = |{ 'Refresh'(004) }| fkey = zif_uitb_c_gui_screen=>c_functions-f8 ) ( function = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>change_max_row_count text = |{ 'Max Entries'(001) }| quickinfo = |{ 'Change Max. Number of Entries'(005) }| fkey = zif_uitb_c_gui_screen=>c_functions-f5 ) ( function = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>change_cds_parameters icon = icon_parameter_export quickinfo = |{ 'Change Parameters'(007) }| fkey = zif_uitb_c_gui_screen=>c_functions-f6 ) ( butn_type = cntb_btype_sep ) ( function = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>show_users_settings icon = icon_personal_settings quickinfo = |{ 'Show Settings'(008) }| fkey = zif_uitb_c_gui_screen=>c_functions-ctrl_shift_f11 ) ( butn_type = cntb_btype_sep ) ( function = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_sort_asc icon = icon_sort_up quickinfo = |{ 'Sort Up'(009) }| fkey = zif_uitb_c_gui_screen=>c_functions-ctrl_f4 ) ( function = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_sort_dsc icon = icon_sort_down quickinfo = |{ 'Sort Down'(010) }| fkey = zif_uitb_c_gui_screen=>c_functions-ctrl_shift_f4 ) ( butn_type = cntb_btype_sep ) ( function = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_filter icon = icon_filter quickinfo = |{ 'Set Filter'(011) }| fkey = zif_uitb_c_gui_screen=>c_functions-ctrl_f5 ) ( function = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>quick_filter icon = icon_select_with_condition text = |{ 'Quick-Filter'(012) }| quickinfo = |{ 'Filter with chosen Table Cells'(013) }| butn_type = cntb_btype_dropdown fkey = zif_uitb_c_gui_screen=>c_functions-f9 ) ( function = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_delete_filter icon = icon_filter_undo quickinfo = |{ 'Remove Filters'(014) }| fkey = zif_uitb_c_gui_screen=>c_functions-ctrl_shift_f2 ) ( function = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>transfer_filter_values icon = icon_filter text = |{ 'Transfer'(016) }| quickinfo = |{ 'Transfer Filters to Sel.Scrn'(015) }| fkey = zif_uitb_c_gui_screen=>c_functions-shift_f12 ) ( butn_type = cntb_btype_sep ) ( function = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_sum icon = icon_sum quickinfo = |{ 'Total'(017) }| fkey = zif_uitb_c_gui_screen=>c_functions-ctrl_f6 ) ( function = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_subtot icon = icon_intermediate_sum quickinfo = |{ 'Sub Totals'(018) }| fkey = zif_uitb_c_gui_screen=>c_functions-ctrl_shift_f6 ) ( butn_type = cntb_btype_sep ) ( function = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>go_to_column icon = icon_next_page text = |{ 'to Column'(019) }| quickinfo = |{ 'Scroll to Column'(057) }| fkey = zif_uitb_c_gui_screen=>c_functions-shift_f4 ) ( function = 'ROWS' icon = icon_settings text = |{ 'Rows'(020) }| quickinfo = |{ TEXT-020 }| butn_type = cntb_btype_menu ) ( function = 'COLS' icon = icon_settings text = |{ 'Columns'(021) }| quickinfo = |{ TEXT-021 }| butn_type = cntb_btype_menu ) ( butn_type = cntb_btype_sep ) ( function = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_call_xxl icon = icon_xxl text = |{ 'Export'(022) }| quickinfo = |{ 'Export data to Excel...'(023) }| fkey = zif_uitb_c_gui_screen=>c_functions-shift_f8 ) ( function = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_current_variant icon = icon_alv_variants quickinfo = |{ 'Change Layout'(024) }| butn_type = cntb_btype_dropdown fkey = zif_uitb_c_gui_screen=>c_functions-ctrl_f8 ) ( function = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_load_variant icon = icon_alv_variant_choose quickinfo = |{ 'Choose Layout'(025) }| fkey = zif_uitb_c_gui_screen=>c_functions-ctrl_f9 ) ( function = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_save_variant icon = icon_alv_variant_save quickinfo = |{ 'Save Layout'(026) }| fkey = zif_uitb_c_gui_screen=>c_functions-ctrl_f10 ) ( butn_type = cntb_btype_sep ) ( function = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>control_tech_view icon = icon_active_inactive text = |{ text-027 }| quickinfo = |{ 'Technical Column Names on/off'(028) }| fkey = zif_uitb_c_gui_screen=>c_functions-shift_f7 ) ( function = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>compare_selected_lines icon = icon_compare quickinfo = |{ 'Compare selected Rows'(029) }| fkey = zif_uitb_c_gui_screen=>c_functions-ctrl_shift_f7 ) ( function = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>remove_column_grouping icon = icon_delete text = |{ 'Remove Grouping'(030) }| quickinfo = |{ 'Remove Column Grouping'(031) }| fkey = zif_uitb_c_gui_screen=>c_functions-ctrl_shift_f5 ) ( butn_type = cntb_btype_sep ) ( function = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>navigate_association icon = icon_workflow_fork quickinfo = |{ 'Navigate to Association'(033) }| fkey = zif_uitb_c_gui_screen=>c_functions-shift_f5 ) ( function = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>show_cds_source icon = icon_biw_info_object text = |{ 'Source' }| quickinfo = |{ 'Show CDS Source Code'(052) }| fkey = zif_uitb_c_gui_screen=>c_functions-ctrl_shift_f10 ) ( butn_type = cntb_btype_sep ) ( function = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>open_in_sql_console icon = icon_edit_file quickinfo = |{ 'Open in SQL Console'(056) }| ) ( butn_type = cntb_btype_sep ) ( function = 'COPY_MENU' icon = icon_system_copy butn_type = cntb_btype_menu text = 'Copy as...' ) ). *.. Fill shortcut mapping from default toolbar buttons gt_shortcuts_map = VALUE #( FOR bt IN gt_default_tb_buttons WHERE ( fkey IS NOT INITIAL ) ( fkey = bt-fkey mapped_function = bt-function text = COND #( WHEN bt-quickinfo IS NOT INITIAL THEN bt-quickinfo ELSE bt-text ) ) ). *.. Add some additional shortcut mappings for which there are no buttons gt_shortcuts_map = VALUE #( BASE gt_shortcuts_map ( fkey = zif_uitb_c_gui_screen=>c_functions-f2 text = |{ 'Show Line Details'(046) }| ) ( fkey = zif_uitb_c_gui_screen=>c_functions-ctrl_f11 mapped_function = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>save_selection_as_f4 text = |{ 'Save as Value Help'(047) }| ) ( fkey = zif_uitb_c_gui_screen=>c_functions-ctrl_shift_f12 mapped_function = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>show_sql_of_select text = |{ 'Show SQL of current Selection'(048) }| ) ( fkey = zif_uitb_c_gui_screen=>c_functions-shift_f2 text = |{ 'Hide selected Columns'(049) }| ) ( fkey = zif_uitb_c_gui_screen=>c_functions-ctrl_f1 mapped_function = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>set_focus_to_list text = |{ 'Set Focus to List'(050) }| ) ( fkey = zif_uitb_c_gui_screen=>c_functions-ctrl_f2 mapped_function = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>set_focus_to_assoc_list text = |{ 'Set Focus to Associations'(051) }| ) ( fkey = zif_uitb_c_gui_screen=>c_functions-ctrl_shift_f9 mapped_function = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>delete_filters_from_cols text = |{ 'Delete Filters from selected Columns'(053) }| ) ( fkey = zif_uitb_c_gui_screen=>c_functions-ctrl_shift_f8 mapped_function = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>copy_as_val_stmnts text = |{ 'Copy Rows as Value statement'(055) }| ) ). *.. Create and fill button menus DATA(lo_quickfilt_menu) = NEW cl_ctmenu( ). lo_quickfilt_menu->add_function( fcode = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>quick_filter_exclusion text = |{ 'Quickfilter for Selection (Inverted)'(034) }| ). gt_shortcuts_map = VALUE #( BASE gt_shortcuts_map ( text = TEXT-034 fkey = zif_uitb_c_gui_screen=>c_functions-shift_f9 mapped_function = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>quick_filter_exclusion ) ). DATA(lo_rows_menu) = NEW cl_ctmenu( ). lo_rows_menu->add_function( fcode = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>show_hidden_lines text = |{ 'Show hidden Rows'(035) }| ). lo_rows_menu->add_function( fcode = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>delete_hidden_lines text = |{ 'Discard hidden Rows'(036) }| ). lo_rows_menu->add_separator( ). lo_rows_menu->add_function( fcode = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>delete_colors_of_rows text = |{ 'Remove all row colors'(037) }| ). lo_rows_menu->add_function( fcode = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>emphasize_negative_values text = |{ 'Mark negative values'(038) }| ). lo_rows_menu->add_separator( ). lo_rows_menu->add_function( fcode = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>remove_fixed_rows text = |{ 'Remove fixed rows'(054) }| ). DATA(lo_cols_menu) = NEW cl_ctmenu( ). lo_cols_menu->add_function( fcode = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_col_optimize text = |{ 'Optimize Column Width' }| ). lo_cols_menu->add_separator( ). lo_cols_menu->add_function( fcode = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>manage_text_fields text = |{ 'Manage Text Fields' }| ). lo_cols_menu->add_separator( ). lo_cols_menu->add_function( fcode = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>group_by_selected_columns text = |{ 'Group selected Columns'(039) }| ). lo_cols_menu->add_function( fcode = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>remove_column_grouping text = |{ TEXT-030 }| ). lo_cols_menu->add_separator( ). lo_cols_menu->add_function( fcode = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>disable_chkbox_col_style_all text = |{ 'Disable checkbox cell style' }| ). lo_cols_menu->add_separator( ). lo_cols_menu->add_function( fcode = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>delete_colors_of_columns text = |{ 'Remove all column colors'(040) }| ). lo_cols_menu->add_separator( ). lo_cols_menu->add_function( fcode = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>hide_cols_without_values text = |{ 'Hide all Columns where no values exist'(041) }| ). lo_cols_menu->add_function( fcode = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>show_all_columns text = |{ 'Show all Columns'(058) }| ). DATA(lo_variant_menu) = NEW cl_ctmenu( ). lo_variant_menu->add_function( fcode = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>reset_alv_layout text = |{ 'Reset ALV layout'(042) }| ). lo_variant_menu->add_function( fcode = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>leave_screen_with_layout text = |{ 'Leave Screen (+ Transfer Layout)'(043) }| ). DATA(lo_copy_menu) = NEW cl_ctmenu( ). lo_copy_menu->add_function( fcode = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>copy_as_val_stmnts text = |{ 'Copy as VALUE Statement' }| ). lo_copy_menu->add_function( fcode = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>copy_as_val_stmnt_compact text = |{ 'Copy as VALUE Statement (Compact)' }| ). gt_shortcuts_map = VALUE #( BASE gt_shortcuts_map ( text = TEXT-043 fkey = zif_uitb_c_gui_screen=>c_functions-ctrl_shift_f3 mapped_function = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>leave_screen_with_layout ) ). gt_default_tb_menu = VALUE #( ( function = zif_dbbr_c_selection_functions=>quick_filter ctmenu = lo_quickfilt_menu ) ( function = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_current_variant ctmenu = lo_variant_menu ) ( function = 'ROWS' ctmenu = lo_rows_menu ) ( function = 'COLS' ctmenu = lo_cols_menu ) ( function = 'COPY_MENU' ctmenu = lo_copy_menu ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD constructor. super->constructor( i_parent = ir_parent i_lifetime = cl_gui_control=>lifetime_dynpro i_fcat_complete = abap_true ). SET HANDLER: on_toolbar FOR me, on_toolbar_button FOR me. ENDMETHOD. METHOD dispatch. *& Description: Redefined because of additional event handling *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* DATA: lv_action TYPE sy-ucomm. get_event_parameter( EXPORTING parameter_id = 0 queue_only = space IMPORTING parameter = lv_action ). super->dispatch( EXPORTING cargo = cargo eventid = eventid is_shellevent = is_shellevent is_systemdispatch = is_systemdispatch EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1 OTHERS = 2 ). IF sy-subrc <> 0. *.... Implement suitable error handling here RETURN. ENDIF. * ENDIF. *.. handle specific function codes CASE lv_action. WHEN mc_mb_variant OR mc_fc_current_variant OR mc_fc_load_variant OR mc_fc_save_variant OR mc_fc_maintain_variant OR mc_fc_variant_admin OR mc_fc_sort OR mc_fc_sort_asc OR mc_fc_sort_dsc. IF eventid <> evt_toolbar_menubutton_click. RAISE EVENT sorted_fields_changed. " refresh the table * refresh_table_display( is_stable = VALUE #( row = abap_true col = abap_true ) * i_soft_refresh = abap_true ). ENDIF. ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD. METHOD execute_user_command. fcode_bouncer( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_active_toolbar_buttons. rt_buttons = mt_toolbar_buttons. *.. Remove exluded functions IF mt_excluded IS NOT INITIAL. DELETE rt_buttons WHERE function IN mt_excluded. ENDIF. *.. Remove adjacent separators DATA(lf_sep_found) = abap_false. LOOP AT rt_buttons ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_button>). IF lf_sep_found = abap_true. IF <ls_button>-butn_type = cntb_btype_sep. DELETE rt_buttons. ELSE. CLEAR lf_sep_found. ENDIF. ELSE. lf_sep_found = xsdbool( <ls_button>-butn_type = cntb_btype_sep ). ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_all_selected_rows. get_selected_rows( IMPORTING et_index_rows = DATA(lt_rows) ). get_selected_cells( IMPORTING et_cell = DATA(lt_cells) ). result = VALUE #( FOR cell IN lt_cells ( cell-row_id-index ) ). result = VALUE #( BASE result FOR row IN lt_rows ( row-index ) ). SORT result. DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM result. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_variant_fieldcat. get_internal_fieldcat( IMPORTING et_fieldcatalog = rt_fieldcat ). set_toolbar_buttons( EXPORTING toolbar_table = mt_toolbar_buttons * EXCEPTIONS * error = 1 * others = 2 ). IF sy-subrc <> 0. * MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO * WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD has_selected_columns. get_selected_columns( IMPORTING et_index_columns = DATA(lt_col_index) ). rf_columns_selected = xsdbool( lt_col_index IS NOT INITIAL ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD hide_selected_columns. get_scroll_info_via_id( IMPORTING es_row_info = DATA(ls_row_id) es_col_info = DATA(ls_col_id) ). get_selected_columns( IMPORTING et_index_columns = DATA(lt_index_columns) ). IF me->is_cache_valid( ) NE abap_true OR www_active EQ abap_true. cl_gui_cfw=>flush( ). ENDIF. get_frontend_fieldcatalog( IMPORTING et_fieldcatalog = DATA(lt_fieldcat) ). IF lt_index_columns IS NOT INITIAL. LOOP AT lt_fieldcat ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_fieldcat>). IF line_exists( lt_index_columns[ fieldname = <ls_fieldcat>-fieldname ] ). <ls_fieldcat>-no_out = 'X'. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. " update fieldcatalog set_frontend_fieldcatalog( lt_fieldcat ). set_scroll_info_via_id( is_row_info = ls_row_id is_col_info = ls_col_id ). refresh_table_display( ). ELSE. MESSAGE s005(0k). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD on_toolbar. e_object->mt_btnmnu = mt_toolbar_menu. e_object->mt_toolbar = mt_toolbar_buttons. *.. Remove exluded functions IF mt_excluded IS NOT INITIAL. DELETE e_object->mt_toolbar WHERE function IN mt_excluded. ENDIF. *.. Remove adjacent separators DATA(lf_sep_found) = abap_false. LOOP AT e_object->mt_toolbar ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_button>). IF lf_sep_found = abap_true. IF <ls_button>-butn_type = cntb_btype_sep. DELETE e_object->mt_toolbar. ELSE. CLEAR lf_sep_found. ENDIF. ELSE. lf_sep_found = xsdbool( <ls_button>-butn_type = cntb_btype_sep ). ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD on_toolbar_button. ENDMETHOD. METHOD optimize_columns. optimize_all_cols( * EXPORTING * include_header = 1 " Spaltenüberschriften berücksichtigen (0=Nein, 1=Ja) * EXCEPTIONS * error = 1 * others = 2 ). IF sy-subrc <> 0. * MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno * WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_column_names. DATA: lv_tooltip TYPE lvc_tip, lv_coltext TYPE lvc_txtcol. get_internal_variant( IMPORTING es_variant = DATA(ls_variant) ). get_frontend_fieldcatalog( IMPORTING et_fieldcatalog = DATA(lt_fcat) ). LOOP AT lt_fcat ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_fcat>). DATA(ls_fcat) = <ls_fcat>. <ls_fcat>-tooltip = ls_fcat-coltext. <ls_fcat>-coltext = ls_fcat-tooltip. ENDLOOP. set_frontend_fieldcatalog( lt_fcat ). refresh_table_display( is_stable = VALUE #( row = abap_true col = abap_true ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_default_toolbar. set_toolbar_functions( it_functions = CORRESPONDING #( gt_default_tb_buttons ) it_menus = gt_default_tb_menu ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_excluded_functions. mt_excluded = VALUE #( FOR function IN it_functions ( sign = 'I' option = 'EQ' low = function ) ). LOOP AT mt_excluded ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_excluded>). CASE <ls_excluded>-low. WHEN '&OUP'. <ls_excluded>-low = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_sort_asc. WHEN '&ODN'. <ls_excluded>-low = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_sort_dsc. WHEN '&OL0'. <ls_excluded>-low = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_variant_admin. WHEN '&OAD'. <ls_excluded>-low = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_load_variant. WHEN '&AVE'. <ls_excluded>-low = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_save_variant. WHEN '&ILT'. <ls_excluded>-low = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_filter. WHEN '&ILD'. <ls_excluded>-low = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_delete_filter. WHEN '&UMC'. <ls_excluded>-low = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_sum. WHEN '&SUM'. <ls_excluded>-low = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_subtot. ENDCASE. ENDLOOP. set_toolbar_buttons( EXPORTING toolbar_table = get_active_toolbar_buttons( ) * EXCEPTIONS * error = 1 * others = 2 ). IF sy-subrc <> 0. * MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO * WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_sort_criteria. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Author: stockbal Date: 2016/12/01 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* super->set_sort_criteria( EXPORTING it_sort = it_sort ). RAISE EVENT sorted_fields_changed. ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_toolbar_functions. mt_toolbar_buttons = it_functions. mt_toolbar_menu = it_menus. ENDMETHOD. METHOD show_active_default_shortcuts. DATA: lt_active_buttons_range TYPE RANGE OF ui_func. DATA(lt_shortcuts) = gt_shortcuts_map. IF mt_excluded IS NOT INITIAL. DELETE lt_shortcuts WHERE mapped_function IN mt_excluded. ENDIF. zcl_uitb_app_shortcuts_viewer=>display_shortcuts( it_shortcuts = lt_shortcuts ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD change_fixed_rows. IF if_from_selection = abap_true. get_selected_rows( IMPORTING et_index_rows = DATA(lt_row) ). CHECK lt_row IS NOT INITIAL. set_fixed_rows( CONV #( lt_row[ lines( lt_row ) ]-index ) ). ELSE. set_fixed_rows( iv_rows ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD copy_as_value_statement. TYPES: lty_value_line TYPE string. DATA: lt_value_stmnt TYPE TABLE OF lty_value_line, lv_value_stmnt TYPE lty_value_line, lv_value TYPE string, lr_clipboard_export_tab TYPE REF TO data, lv_rc TYPE i. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lt_data> TYPE table. get_frontend_fieldcatalog( IMPORTING et_fieldcatalog = DATA(lt_fieldcat) ). DELETE lt_fieldcat WHERE tech = abap_true OR no_out = abap_true. ASSIGN mt_outtab->* TO <lt_data>. lt_value_stmnt = VALUE #( ( |VALUE #(| ) ). get_filtered_entries( IMPORTING et_filtered_entries = DATA(lt_filtered_entries) ). DATA(lv_copied_rows) = 0. LOOP AT <lt_data> ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_line>). IF lt_filtered_entries IS NOT INITIAL. CHECK NOT line_exists( lt_filtered_entries[ table_line = sy-tabix ] ). ENDIF. lv_value_stmnt = | (|. LOOP AT lt_fieldcat ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_fieldcat>). ASSIGN COMPONENT <ls_fieldcat>-fieldname OF STRUCTURE <ls_line> TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<lv_cell_value>). CHECK sy-subrc = 0. lv_value = |'{ <lv_cell_value> }'|. IF if_compact = abap_true. lv_value_stmnt = |{ lv_value_stmnt } { <ls_fieldcat>-fieldname } = { lv_value }|. ELSE. lv_value_stmnt = |{ lv_value_stmnt } { <ls_fieldcat>-fieldname } = { lv_value WIDTH = <ls_fieldcat>-outputlen + 2 }#|. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. lv_value_stmnt = lv_value_stmnt && | )|. REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF '#' IN lv_value_stmnt WITH space. lt_value_stmnt = VALUE #( BASE lt_value_stmnt ( lv_value_stmnt ) ). ADD 1 TO lv_copied_rows. ENDLOOP. lt_value_stmnt = VALUE #( BASE lt_value_stmnt ( |).| ) ). *.. Determine line with maximum length DATA(lv_max_char) = 0. LOOP AT lt_value_stmnt ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<lv_value_line>). DATA(lv_length) = strlen( <lv_value_line> ). IF lv_length > lv_max_char. lv_max_char = lv_length. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. DATA(lo_line_type_descr) = cl_abap_elemdescr=>get_c( lv_max_char ). DATA(lo_table_descr) = cl_abap_tabledescr=>get( p_line_type = lo_line_type_descr ). CREATE DATA lr_clipboard_export_tab TYPE HANDLE lo_table_descr. ASSIGN lr_clipboard_export_tab->* TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<lt_clipboard_data>). IF sy-subrc = 0. MOVE-CORRESPONDING lt_value_stmnt TO <lt_clipboard_data>. ENDIF. CHECK <lt_clipboard_data> IS NOT INITIAL. cl_gui_frontend_services=>clipboard_export( * EXPORTING * no_auth_check = space IMPORTING data = <lt_clipboard_data> CHANGING rc = lv_rc ). IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ELSE. MESSAGE |Copied VALUE #( ) Statement of { lv_copied_rows } lines to Clipboard| TYPE 'S'. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_selected_cols_range. get_selected_columns( IMPORTING et_index_columns = DATA(lt_cols) ). rt_col_range = VALUE #( FOR col IN lt_cols ( sign = 'I' option = 'EQ' low = col-fieldname ) ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_gui_page_codi_base DEFINITION PUBLIC ABSTRACT INHERITING FROM zcl_abapgit_gui_page. PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS: zif_abapgit_gui_event_handler~on_event REDEFINITION. PROTECTED SECTION. CONSTANTS: BEGIN OF c_actions, rerun TYPE string VALUE 'rerun' ##NO_TEXT, sort_1 TYPE string VALUE 'sort_1' ##NO_TEXT, sort_2 TYPE string VALUE 'sort_2' ##NO_TEXT, sort_3 TYPE string VALUE 'sort_3' ##NO_TEXT, stage TYPE string VALUE 'stage' ##NO_TEXT, commit TYPE string VALUE 'commit' ##NO_TEXT, END OF c_actions . DATA mo_repo TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo . DATA mt_result TYPE scit_alvlist . METHODS render_variant IMPORTING !iv_variant TYPE sci_chkv RETURNING VALUE(ri_html) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_html . METHODS render_result IMPORTING !ii_html TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_html !it_result TYPE scit_alvlist . METHODS render_result_line IMPORTING !ii_html TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_html !is_result TYPE scir_alvlist . METHODS build_nav_link IMPORTING !is_result TYPE scir_alvlist RETURNING VALUE(rv_link) TYPE string . METHODS jump IMPORTING !is_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item !is_sub_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item !iv_line_number TYPE i RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS build_base_menu RETURNING VALUE(ro_menu) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html_toolbar . PRIVATE SECTION. CONSTANTS c_object_separator TYPE char1 VALUE '|'. CONSTANTS c_ci_sig TYPE string VALUE 'cinav:'. ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_ABAPGIT_GUI_PAGE_CODI_BASE IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD build_base_menu. DATA: lo_sort_menu TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html_toolbar. CREATE OBJECT lo_sort_menu. lo_sort_menu->add( iv_txt = 'By Object, Check, Sub-object' iv_act = c_actions-sort_1 )->add( iv_txt = 'By Object, Sub-object, Line' iv_act = c_actions-sort_2 )->add( iv_txt = 'By Check, Object, Sub-object' iv_act = c_actions-sort_3 ). CREATE OBJECT ro_menu. ro_menu->add( iv_txt = 'Sort' io_sub = lo_sort_menu ) ##NO_TEXT. ro_menu->add( iv_txt = 'Re-Run' iv_act = c_actions-rerun iv_cur = abap_false ) ##NO_TEXT. ENDMETHOD. METHOD build_nav_link. rv_link = |{ c_ci_sig }| && |{ is_result-objtype }{ is_result-objname }| && |{ c_object_separator }{ is_result-sobjtype }{ is_result-sobjname }| && |{ c_object_separator }{ is_result-line }|. ENDMETHOD. METHOD jump. DATA: lo_test TYPE REF TO cl_ci_test_root, ls_info TYPE scir_rest, lo_result TYPE REF TO cl_ci_result_root, lv_adt_jump_enabled TYPE abap_bool, lv_line_number TYPE i, ls_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item, ls_sub_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_result> TYPE scir_alvlist. IF is_sub_item IS NOT INITIAL. READ TABLE mt_result WITH KEY objtype = is_item-obj_type objname = is_item-obj_name sobjtype = is_sub_item-obj_type sobjname = is_sub_item-obj_name line = iv_line_number ASSIGNING <ls_result>. ELSE. READ TABLE mt_result WITH KEY objtype = is_item-obj_type objname = is_item-obj_name line = iv_line_number ASSIGNING <ls_result>. ENDIF. ASSERT <ls_result> IS ASSIGNED. ls_item-obj_name = <ls_result>-objname. ls_item-obj_type = <ls_result>-objtype. ls_sub_item-obj_name = <ls_result>-sobjname. ls_sub_item-obj_type = <ls_result>-sobjtype. " see SCI_LCL_DYNP_530 / HANDLE_DOUBLE_CLICK lv_adt_jump_enabled = zcl_abapgit_persist_settings=>get_instance( )->read( )->get_adt_jump_enabled( ). TRY. IF lv_adt_jump_enabled = abap_true. lv_line_number = <ls_result>-line. zcl_abapgit_objects_super=>jump_adt( iv_obj_name = ls_item-obj_name iv_obj_type = ls_item-obj_type iv_sub_obj_name = ls_sub_item-obj_name iv_sub_obj_type = ls_sub_item-obj_type iv_line_number = lv_line_number ). RETURN. ENDIF. CATCH zcx_abapgit_exception. ENDTRY. TRY. CALL METHOD ('CL_CI_TESTS')=>('GET_TEST_REF') EXPORTING p_test = <ls_result>-test RECEIVING p_result = lo_test. CATCH cx_root. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Jump to object not supported in your NW release| ). ENDTRY. lo_result = lo_test->get_result_node( <ls_result>-kind ). MOVE-CORRESPONDING <ls_result> TO ls_info. lo_result->set_info( ls_info ). lo_result->if_ci_test~navigate( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_result. CONSTANTS: lc_limit TYPE i VALUE 500. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_result> TYPE scir_alvlist. ii_html->add( '<div class="ci-result">' ). LOOP AT it_result ASSIGNING <ls_result> TO lc_limit. render_result_line( ii_html = ii_html is_result = <ls_result> ). ENDLOOP. ii_html->add( '</div>' ). IF lines( it_result ) > lc_limit. ii_html->add( '<div class="dummydiv warning">' ). ii_html->add( zcl_abapgit_html=>icon( 'exclamation-triangle' ) ). ii_html->add( |Only first { lc_limit } findings shown in list!| ). ii_html->add( '</div>' ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_result_line. DATA: lv_class TYPE string, lv_obj_txt TYPE string, lv_msg TYPE string, ls_mtdkey TYPE seocpdkey. CASE is_result-kind. WHEN 'E'. lv_class = 'ci-error'. WHEN 'W'. lv_class = 'ci-warning'. WHEN OTHERS. lv_class = 'ci-info'. ENDCASE. lv_msg = escape( val = is_result-text format = cl_abap_format=>e_html_attr ). IF is_result-sobjname IS INITIAL OR ( is_result-sobjname = is_result-objname AND is_result-sobjtype = is_result-sobjtype ). lv_obj_txt = |{ is_result-objtype } { is_result-objname }|. ELSEIF is_result-objtype = 'CLAS'. TRY. CASE is_result-sobjname+30(*). WHEN seop_incextapp_definition. lv_obj_txt = |{ is_result-objname } : Local Definitions|. WHEN seop_incextapp_implementation. lv_obj_txt = |{ is_result-objname } : Local Implementations|. WHEN seop_incextapp_macros. lv_obj_txt = |{ is_result-objname } : Macros|. WHEN seop_incextapp_testclasses. lv_obj_txt = |{ is_result-objname } : Test Classes|. WHEN OTHERS. cl_oo_classname_service=>get_method_by_include( EXPORTING incname = is_result-sobjname RECEIVING mtdkey = ls_mtdkey EXCEPTIONS class_not_existing = 1 method_not_existing = 2 OTHERS = 3 ). IF sy-subrc = 0. lv_obj_txt = |{ ls_mtdkey-clsname }->{ ls_mtdkey-cpdname }|. ELSE. lv_obj_txt = is_result-sobjname. ENDIF. ENDCASE. CATCH cx_root. lv_obj_txt = ''. "use default below ENDTRY. ENDIF. IF lv_obj_txt IS INITIAL. lv_obj_txt = |{ is_result-objtype } { is_result-objname } &gt; { is_result-sobjtype } { is_result-sobjname }|. ENDIF. lv_obj_txt = |{ lv_obj_txt } [ @{ zcl_abapgit_convert=>alpha_output( is_result-line ) } ]|. ii_html->add( |<li class="{ lv_class }">| ). ii_html->add_a( iv_txt = lv_obj_txt iv_act = build_nav_link( is_result ) iv_typ = zif_abapgit_html=>c_action_type-sapevent ). ii_html->add( |<span>{ lv_msg }</span>| ). ii_html->add( '</li>' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_variant. CREATE OBJECT ri_html TYPE zcl_abapgit_html. ri_html->add( '<div class="ci-head">' ). ri_html->add( |Code inspector check variant: <span class="ci-variant">{ iv_variant }</span>| ). ri_html->add( `</div>` ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_gui_event_handler~on_event. DATA: ls_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item, ls_sub_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item, lv_temp TYPE string, lv_main_object TYPE string, lv_sub_object TYPE string, lv_line_number_s TYPE string, lv_line_number TYPE i. lv_temp = replace( val = iv_action regex = |^{ c_ci_sig }| with = `` ). IF lv_temp <> iv_action. " CI navigation request detected SPLIT lv_temp AT c_object_separator INTO lv_main_object lv_sub_object lv_line_number_s. ls_item-obj_type = lv_main_object(4). ls_item-obj_name = lv_main_object+4(*). IF lv_sub_object IS NOT INITIAL. ls_sub_item-obj_type = lv_sub_object(4). ls_sub_item-obj_name = lv_sub_object+4(*). ENDIF. lv_line_number = lv_line_number_s. jump( is_item = ls_item is_sub_item = ls_sub_item iv_line_number = lv_line_number ). ev_state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-no_more_act. ENDIF. CASE iv_action. WHEN c_actions-sort_1. SORT mt_result BY objtype objname test code sobjtype sobjname line col. ei_page = me. ev_state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-re_render. WHEN c_actions-sort_2. SORT mt_result BY objtype objname sobjtype sobjname line col test code. ei_page = me. ev_state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-re_render. WHEN c_actions-sort_3. SORT mt_result BY test code objtype objname sobjtype sobjname line col. ei_page = me. ev_state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-re_render. ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Include /USI/EXCEPTION_DEMO_TXT_GETD01 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* CLASS lcl_exception_factory DEFINITION FINAL CREATE PUBLIC. PUBLIC SECTION. DATA the_exception TYPE REF TO cx_root READ-ONLY. METHODS add_t100_exception IMPORTING i_msgid TYPE symsgid i_msgno TYPE symsgno i_param1 TYPE symsgv OPTIONAL i_param2 TYPE symsgv OPTIONAL i_param3 TYPE symsgv OPTIONAL i_param4 TYPE symsgv OPTIONAL. METHODS add_otr_conversion_no_number IMPORTING i_value TYPE string. METHODS add_otr_unknown_type IMPORTING i_type_name TYPE string. ENDCLASS.
[ 9, 5, 10097, 30934, 9, 198, 9, 5, 40348, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1220, 2937, 40, 14, 6369, 42006, 2849, 62, 39429, 46, 62, 51, 25010, 62, 18851, 35, 486, 198, 9, 5, 10097, 30934, 9, 198, 31631, 300, 565, 62, 1069, 4516, 62, 69, 9548, 5550, 20032, 17941, 25261, 29244, 6158, 44731, 13, 198, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42865, 262, 62, 1069, 4516, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 43213, 62, 15763, 20832, 12, 1340, 11319, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 751, 62, 83, 3064, 62, 1069, 4516, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30023, 9863, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1312, 62, 19662, 312, 220, 41876, 827, 19662, 312, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1312, 62, 19662, 3919, 220, 41876, 827, 19662, 3919, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1312, 62, 17143, 16, 41876, 827, 19662, 85, 39852, 2849, 1847, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1312, 62, 17143, 17, 41876, 827, 19662, 85, 39852, 2849, 1847, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1312, 62, 17143, 18, 41876, 827, 19662, 85, 39852, 2849, 1847, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1312, 62, 17143, 19, 41876, 827, 19662, 85, 39852, 2849, 1847, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 751, 62, 313, 81, 62, 1102, 9641, 62, 3919, 62, 17618, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30023, 9863, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1312, 62, 8367, 41876, 4731, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 751, 62, 313, 81, 62, 34680, 62, 4906, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30023, 9863, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1312, 62, 4906, 62, 3672, 41876, 4731, 13, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 198 ]
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_gui_page_debuginfo DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM zcl_abapgit_gui_page FINAL CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS constructor RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. PROTECTED SECTION. METHODS: render_content REDEFINITION. PRIVATE SECTION. METHODS get_jump_class IMPORTING !iv_class TYPE seoclsname RETURNING VALUE(rv_html) TYPE string . METHODS render_debug_info RETURNING VALUE(ri_html) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_html RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS render_supported_object_types RETURNING VALUE(rv_html) TYPE string . METHODS render_scripts RETURNING VALUE(ri_html) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_html RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_ABAPGIT_GUI_PAGE_DEBUGINFO IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD constructor. super->constructor( ). ms_control-page_title = 'Debug Info'. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_jump_class. DATA lv_encode TYPE string. DATA li_html TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_html. CREATE OBJECT li_html TYPE zcl_abapgit_html. lv_encode = zcl_abapgit_html_action_utils=>jump_encode( iv_obj_type = 'CLAS' iv_obj_name = |{ iv_class }| ). rv_html = li_html->a( iv_txt = |{ iv_class }| iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-jump }?{ lv_encode }| ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_content. CREATE OBJECT ri_html TYPE zcl_abapgit_html. ri_html->add( '<div id="debug_info" class="debug_container">' ). ri_html->add( render_debug_info( ) ). ri_html->add( '</div>' ). ri_html->add( '<div id="supported_objects" class="debug_container">' ). ri_html->add( render_supported_object_types( ) ). ri_html->add( '</div>' ). register_deferred_script( render_scripts( ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_debug_info. DATA: lt_ver_tab TYPE filetable, lv_rc TYPE i, lv_gui_version TYPE string, ls_version LIKE LINE OF lt_ver_tab, lv_devclass TYPE devclass. cl_gui_frontend_services=>get_gui_version( CHANGING version_table = lt_ver_tab rc = lv_rc EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1 ). READ TABLE lt_ver_tab INTO ls_version INDEX 1. " gui release lv_gui_version = ls_version-filename. READ TABLE lt_ver_tab INTO ls_version INDEX 2. " gui sp lv_gui_version = |{ lv_gui_version }.{ ls_version-filename }|. READ TABLE lt_ver_tab INTO ls_version INDEX 3. " gui patch lv_gui_version = |{ lv_gui_version }.{ ls_version-filename }|. CREATE OBJECT ri_html TYPE zcl_abapgit_html. ri_html->add( |<table>| ). ri_html->add( |<tr><td>abapGit version:</td><td>{ zif_abapgit_version=>gc_abap_version }</td></tr>| ). ri_html->add( |<tr><td>XML version: </td><td>{ zif_abapgit_version=>gc_xml_version }</td></tr>| ). ri_html->add( |<tr><td>GUI version: </td><td>{ lv_gui_version }</td></tr>| ). ri_html->add( |<tr><td>APACK version: </td><td>{ zcl_abapgit_apack_migration=>c_apack_interface_version }</td></tr>| ). ri_html->add( |<tr><td>LCL_TIME: </td><td>{ zcl_abapgit_time=>get_unix( ) }</td></tr>| ). ri_html->add( |<tr><td>SY time: </td><td>{ sy-datum } { sy-uzeit } { sy-tzone }</td></tr>| ). ri_html->add( |</table>| ). ri_html->add( |<br>| ). lv_devclass = zcl_abapgit_services_abapgit=>is_installed( ). IF NOT lv_devclass IS INITIAL. ri_html->add( 'abapGit installed in package&nbsp;' ). ri_html->add( lv_devclass ). ELSE. ri_html->add( ' - To keep abapGit up-to-date (or also to contribute) you need to' ). ri_html->add( 'install it as a repository.' ). ENDIF. ri_html->add( |<br><br>| ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_scripts. CREATE OBJECT ri_html TYPE zcl_abapgit_html. ri_html->set_title( cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_object_ref( me )->get_relative_name( ) ). ri_html->add( 'debugOutput("<table><tr><td>Browser:</td><td>" + navigator.userAgent + ' && '"</td></tr><tr><td>Frontend time:</td><td>" + new Date() + "</td></tr></table>", "debug_info");' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_supported_object_types. DATA: lv_list TYPE string, li_html TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_html, lt_types TYPE zcl_abapgit_objects=>ty_types_tt, lv_type LIKE LINE OF lt_types, lt_obj TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ko100 WITH DEFAULT KEY, lv_class TYPE seoclsname, li_object TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_object, ls_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item, ls_metadata TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_metadata, lv_step TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_deserialization_step, lt_steps TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_deserialization_step_tt. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_obj> TYPE ko100. CALL FUNCTION 'TR_OBJECT_TABLE' TABLES wt_object_text = lt_obj. lt_types = zcl_abapgit_objects=>supported_list( ). CREATE OBJECT li_html TYPE zcl_abapgit_html. rv_html = li_html->a( iv_txt = 'Complete list of object types supported by abapGit' iv_act = '' iv_typ = zif_abapgit_html=>c_action_type-url ). rv_html = rv_html && |<br><br>Supported object types in <strong>this</strong> system:<br><br>|. rv_html = rv_html && |<table border="1px"><thead><tr>|. rv_html = rv_html && |<td>Object</td><td>Description</td><td>Class</td><td>Version</td><td>DDIC</td>|. rv_html = rv_html && |<td>Delete TADIR</td><td>Steps</td>|. rv_html = rv_html && |</tr></thead><tbody>|. LOOP AT lt_types INTO lv_type. lv_class = 'ZCL_ABAPGIT_OBJECT_' && lv_type. rv_html = rv_html && |<tr>|. rv_html = rv_html && |<td>{ lv_type }</td>|. READ TABLE lt_obj ASSIGNING <ls_obj> WITH KEY pgmid = 'R3TR' object = lv_type. IF sy-subrc = 0. rv_html = rv_html && |<td>{ <ls_obj>-text }</td>|. ELSE. rv_html = rv_html && |<td class="warning">>No description</td>|. ENDIF. TRY. ls_item-obj_type = lv_type. ls_item-obj_name = 'TEST'. CREATE OBJECT li_object TYPE (lv_class) EXPORTING is_item = ls_item iv_language = sy-langu. rv_html = rv_html && |<td>{ get_jump_class( lv_class ) }</td>|. CATCH cx_sy_create_object_error. TRY. " 2nd step, try looking for plugins CREATE OBJECT li_object TYPE zcl_abapgit_objects_bridge EXPORTING is_item = ls_item. CATCH cx_sy_create_object_error. rv_html = rv_html && |<td class="error" colspan="5">{ lv_class } - error instantiating class</td>|. CONTINUE. ENDTRY. rv_html = rv_html && |<td>{ get_jump_class( lv_class ) } (Plug-in)</td>|. ENDTRY. ls_metadata = li_object->get_metadata( ). rv_html = rv_html && |<td>{ ls_metadata-version }</td>|. rv_html = rv_html && |<td>{ ls_metadata-ddic }</td>|. rv_html = rv_html && |<td>{ ls_metadata-delete_tadir }</td>|. lt_steps = li_object->get_deserialize_steps( ). CLEAR lv_list. LOOP AT lt_steps INTO lv_step. IF lv_list IS INITIAL. lv_list = lv_step. ELSE. lv_list = lv_list && `, ` && lv_step. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. rv_html = rv_html && |<td>{ lv_list }</td>|. rv_html = rv_html && |</tr>|. ENDLOOP. rv_html = rv_html && |</tbody></table>|. rv_html = rv_html && |<br>|. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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INTERFACE zif_abapgit_popups PUBLIC . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_popup, url TYPE string, package TYPE devclass, branch_name TYPE string, display_name TYPE string, folder_logic TYPE string, ign_subpkg TYPE abap_bool, cancel TYPE abap_bool, END OF ty_popup . CONSTANTS c_new_branch_label TYPE string VALUE '+ create new ...' ##NO_TEXT. METHODS popup_package_export EXPORTING !ev_package TYPE devclass !ev_folder_logic TYPE string RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS popup_folder_logic RETURNING VALUE(rv_folder_logic) TYPE string RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS popup_object RETURNING VALUE(rs_tadir) TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_tadir RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS create_branch_popup EXPORTING !ev_name TYPE string !ev_cancel TYPE abap_bool RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS run_page_class_popup EXPORTING !ev_name TYPE string !ev_cancel TYPE abap_bool RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS repo_new_offline RETURNING VALUE(rs_popup) TYPE zif_abapgit_popups=>ty_popup RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS branch_list_popup IMPORTING !iv_url TYPE string !iv_default_branch TYPE string OPTIONAL !iv_show_new_option TYPE abap_bool OPTIONAL !iv_hide_branch TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_repo-branch_name OPTIONAL !iv_hide_head TYPE abap_bool OPTIONAL RETURNING VALUE(rs_branch) TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_git_branch RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS repo_popup IMPORTING !iv_url TYPE string !iv_package TYPE devclass OPTIONAL !iv_branch TYPE string DEFAULT 'refs/heads/master' !iv_freeze_package TYPE abap_bool OPTIONAL !iv_freeze_url TYPE abap_bool OPTIONAL !iv_title TYPE clike DEFAULT 'New Online Project' !iv_display_name TYPE string OPTIONAL RETURNING VALUE(rs_popup) TYPE zif_abapgit_popups=>ty_popup RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception ##NO_TEXT. METHODS popup_to_confirm IMPORTING !iv_titlebar TYPE clike !iv_text_question TYPE clike !iv_text_button_1 TYPE clike DEFAULT 'Yes' !iv_icon_button_1 TYPE icon-name DEFAULT space !iv_text_button_2 TYPE clike DEFAULT 'No' !iv_icon_button_2 TYPE icon-name DEFAULT space !iv_default_button TYPE char1 DEFAULT '1' !iv_display_cancel_button TYPE char1 DEFAULT abap_true RETURNING VALUE(rv_answer) TYPE char1 RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS popup_to_inform IMPORTING !iv_titlebar TYPE clike !iv_text_message TYPE clike RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS popup_to_create_package EXPORTING !es_package_data TYPE scompkdtln !ev_create TYPE abap_bool RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS popup_to_create_transp_branch IMPORTING !it_transport_headers TYPE trwbo_request_headers RETURNING VALUE(rs_transport_branch) TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_transport_to_branch RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. METHODS popup_to_select_transports RETURNING VALUE(rt_trkorr) TYPE trwbo_request_headers . METHODS popup_to_select_from_list IMPORTING !it_list TYPE STANDARD TABLE !iv_header_text TYPE csequence !iv_select_column_text TYPE csequence !it_columns_to_display TYPE string_table EXPORTING VALUE(et_list) TYPE STANDARD TABLE RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS branch_popup_callback IMPORTING !iv_code TYPE clike CHANGING !ct_fields TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_sval_tt !cs_error TYPE svale !cv_show_popup TYPE char01 RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS package_popup_callback IMPORTING !iv_code TYPE clike CHANGING !ct_fields TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_sval_tt !cs_error TYPE svale !cv_show_popup TYPE char01 RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS popup_transport_request IMPORTING !is_transport_type TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_transport_type RETURNING VALUE(rv_transport) TYPE trkorr RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. ENDINTERFACE.
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_object_char DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM zcl_abapgit_objects_super FINAL CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES zif_abapgit_object . PRIVATE SECTION. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_char, cls_attribute TYPE cls_attribute, cls_attributet TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF cls_attributet WITH DEFAULT KEY, cls_attr_value TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF cls_attr_value WITH DEFAULT KEY, cls_attr_valuet TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF cls_attr_valuet WITH DEFAULT KEY, END OF ty_char . METHODS instantiate_char IMPORTING !iv_type_group TYPE cls_object_type_group RETURNING VALUE(ro_char) TYPE REF TO cl_cls_attribute RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_abapgit_object_char IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD instantiate_char. DATA: lv_new TYPE abap_bool, lv_name TYPE cls_attribute_name. SELECT SINGLE name FROM cls_attribute INTO lv_name WHERE name = ms_item-obj_name. lv_new = boolc( sy-subrc <> 0 ). lv_name = ms_item-obj_name. TRY. CREATE OBJECT ro_char EXPORTING im_name = lv_name im_type_group = iv_type_group im_new = lv_new. CATCH cx_pak_invalid_data cx_pak_not_authorized cx_pak_invalid_state cx_pak_wb_object_locked. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'Error while instantiating CL_CLS_ATTRIBUTE' ). ENDTRY. IF lv_new = abap_false. TRY. ro_char->if_pak_wb_object~lock_and_refresh( ). CATCH cx_pak_invalid_data cx_pak_not_authorized cx_pak_invalid_state cx_pak_wb_object_locked. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Could not aquire lock, CHAR { lv_name }| ). ENDTRY. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~changed_by. SELECT SINGLE changed_by FROM cls_attribute INTO rv_user WHERE name = ms_item-obj_name AND activation_state = 'A'. IF rv_user IS INITIAL. SELECT SINGLE created_by FROM cls_attribute INTO rv_user WHERE name = ms_item-obj_name AND activation_state = 'A'. ENDIF. IF rv_user IS INITIAL. rv_user = c_user_unknown. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~compare_to_remote_version. CREATE OBJECT ro_comparison_result TYPE zcl_abapgit_comparison_null. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~delete. DATA: lo_char TYPE REF TO cl_cls_attribute, lv_type_group TYPE cls_attribute-type_group, lx_pak_error TYPE REF TO cx_root, lv_text TYPE string. SELECT SINGLE type_group FROM cls_attribute INTO lv_type_group WHERE name = ms_item-obj_name AND activation_state = 'A'. lo_char = instantiate_char( lv_type_group ). TRY. lo_char->if_pak_wb_object~delete( ). lo_char->if_pak_wb_object~save( ). lo_char->if_pak_wb_object_internal~unlock( ). CATCH cx_pak_invalid_state cx_pak_invalid_data cx_pak_not_authorized INTO lx_pak_error. lv_text = lx_pak_error->get_text( ). zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( lv_text ). ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~deserialize. DATA: ls_char TYPE ty_char, ls_description LIKE LINE OF ls_char-cls_attributet, lo_char TYPE REF TO cl_cls_attribute, lx_pak_error TYPE REF TO cx_root, lv_text TYPE string. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_value> LIKE LINE OF ls_char-cls_attr_value, <ls_valuet> LIKE LINE OF ls_char-cls_attr_valuet. io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'CHAR' CHANGING cg_data = ls_char ). tadir_insert( iv_package ). lo_char = instantiate_char( ls_char-cls_attribute-type_group ). TRY. lo_char->if_cls_attribute~set_kind( ls_char-cls_attribute-kind ). lo_char->if_cls_attribute~set_single_valued( ls_char-cls_attribute-is_single_valued ). lo_char->if_cls_attribute~set_aspect( im_aspect_for = ls_char-cls_attribute-is_aspect_for im_aspect_value = ls_char-cls_attribute-aspect_value ). lo_char->if_cls_attribute~set_default_flag( ls_char-cls_attribute-default_flag ). lo_char->if_cls_attribute~set_default_value( ls_char-cls_attribute-default_value ). lo_char->if_cls_attribute~set_sub_object_treatment( ls_char-cls_attribute-sub_obj_treatm ). lo_char->if_cls_attribute~set_automatic_changes_allowed( ls_char-cls_attribute-automatic_change ). lo_char->if_cls_attribute~set_manual_changes_allowed( ls_char-cls_attribute-manu_chag_allow ). lo_char->if_cls_attribute~set_implicit_changes_allowed( ls_char-cls_attribute-implicit_change ). lo_char->if_cls_attribute~set_expl_values_dominate_links( ls_char-cls_attribute-weak_links ). lo_char->if_cls_attribute~set_assignment_package_rule( ls_char-cls_attribute-assignment_devc ). lo_char->if_cls_attribute~set_hide_remark( ls_char-cls_attribute-hide_remark ). lo_char->if_cls_attribute~set_visible_in_customer_system( ls_char-cls_attribute-visible_for_cust ). lo_char->if_cls_attribute~set_value_table( ls_char-cls_attribute-value_table ). lo_char->if_cls_attribute~set_vtable_field( ls_char-cls_attribute-vtable_field ). lo_char->if_cls_attribute~set_vtable_icon_f( ls_char-cls_attribute-vtable_icon_f ). lo_char->if_cls_attribute~set_vtext_langu_f( ls_char-cls_attribute-vtext_langu_f ). lo_char->if_cls_attribute~set_vtext_table( ls_char-cls_attribute-vtext_table ). lo_char->if_cls_attribute~set_vtext_text_f( ls_char-cls_attribute-vtext_text_f ). lo_char->if_cls_attribute~set_vtext_value_f( ls_char-cls_attribute-vtext_value_f ). lo_char->if_cls_attribute~set_existing_objects_only( ls_char-cls_attribute-existing_objects ). lo_char->if_cls_attribute~set_objs_of_typegr( ls_char-cls_attribute-objs_of_typegr ). lo_char->if_cls_attribute~set_obj_values_have_subtypes( ls_char-cls_attribute-objs_w_subtype ). lo_char->if_cls_attribute~set_arbtry_val_type( ls_char-cls_attribute-arbtry_val_type ). READ TABLE ls_char-cls_attributet INTO ls_description WITH KEY langu = sy-langu. IF sy-subrc <> 0. READ TABLE ls_char-cls_attributet INTO ls_description INDEX 1. ENDIF. lo_char->if_cls_attribute~set_description( ls_description-text ). LOOP AT ls_char-cls_attr_value ASSIGNING <ls_value>. <ls_value>-activation_state = 'I'. ENDLOOP. LOOP AT ls_char-cls_attr_valuet ASSIGNING <ls_valuet>. <ls_valuet>-activation_state = 'I'. ENDLOOP. lo_char->if_cls_attribute~set_values( im_values = ls_char-cls_attr_value im_values_t = ls_char-cls_attr_valuet ). set_default_package( iv_package ). lo_char->if_pak_wb_object~save( ). lo_char->if_pak_wb_object~activate( ). lo_char->if_pak_wb_object_internal~unlock( ). CATCH cx_pak_invalid_state cx_pak_invalid_data cx_pak_not_authorized INTO lx_pak_error. lv_text = lx_pak_error->get_text( ). zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( lv_text ). ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~exists. rv_bool = cl_cls_attribute=>exists_object_attribute( ms_item-obj_name ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_metadata. rs_metadata = get_metadata( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~has_changed_since. rv_changed = abap_true. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~is_locked. rv_is_locked = exists_a_lock_entry_for( iv_lock_object = 'ECLS_ATTRIBUTE' iv_argument = |{ ms_item-obj_name }*| ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~jump. CALL FUNCTION 'RS_TOOL_ACCESS' EXPORTING operation = 'SHOW' object_name = ms_item-obj_name object_type = ms_item-obj_type EXCEPTIONS not_executed = 1 invalid_object_type = 2 OTHERS = 3. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Error from RS_TOOL_ACCESS, CHAR| ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~serialize. DATA: ls_char TYPE ty_char. CONSTANTS: lc_active TYPE c LENGTH 1 VALUE 'A'. SELECT SINGLE * FROM cls_attribute INTO ls_char-cls_attribute WHERE name = ms_item-obj_name AND activation_state = lc_active. * todo, ASSIGNMENT_DEVC? CLEAR: ls_char-cls_attribute-created_by, ls_char-cls_attribute-created_on, ls_char-cls_attribute-changed_by, ls_char-cls_attribute-changed_on. SELECT * FROM cls_attributet INTO TABLE ls_char-cls_attributet WHERE name = ms_item-obj_name AND activation_state = lc_active. SELECT * FROM cls_attr_value INTO TABLE ls_char-cls_attr_value WHERE name = ms_item-obj_name AND activation_state = lc_active. SELECT * FROM cls_attr_valuet INTO TABLE ls_char-cls_attr_valuet WHERE name = ms_item-obj_name AND activation_state = lc_active. io_xml->add( iv_name = 'CHAR' ig_data = ls_char ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~is_active. rv_active = is_active( ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report ZCQSE_PARSER_SELECT_TEST *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* report zcqse_parser_select_test. types: begin of pricest, carrid type s_carr_id, sum type s_price, avg type s_price, end of pricest. data: result_line type sflight, result_tab type table of sflight, sum_price type s_price, prices type pricest, prices_table type table of pricest, ps type i. select sum( price ) from sflight into sum_price. write: / sum_price. select sum( price ) as sum avg( price ) as avg from sflight into corresponding fields of prices. write: / prices-sum, prices-avg. select sum( price ) as sum avg( price ) as avg from sflight into corresponding fields of prices group by carrid. write: / prices-sum, prices-avg. endselect. select carrid sum( price ) as sum avg( price ) as avg from sflight into corresponding fields of prices group by carrid. write: / prices-carrid, prices-sum, prices-avg. endselect. select carrid sum( price ) avg( price ) from sflight into table prices_table group by carrid. select carrid sum( price ) as sum avg( price ) as avg from sflight into corresponding fields of table prices_table group by carrid. select carrid sum( price ) as sum avg( price ) as avg from sflight into corresponding fields of table prices_table where carrid like 'A%' group by carrid. select carrid sum( price ) as sum avg( price ) as avg from sflight into corresponding fields of table prices_table package size ps where carrid like 'A%' group by carrid. write / ps. endselect. select carrid sum( price ) as sum avg( price ) as avg from sflight appending corresponding fields of table prices_table package size ps where carrid like 'A%' group by carrid. write / ps. endselect. select * from sflight into result_line where carrid = 'LH'. write: / result_line-fldate, result_line-carrid. endselect. select * from sflight appending table result_tab where carrid = 'AA'. select * appending table result_tab from sflight where carrid = 'BB'. SELECT COUNT( * ) INTO lv_count FROM xtable FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_p WHERE name = it_p-name. SELECT COUNT( * ) INTO lv_count FROM xtable WHERE name = is_p-name. SELECT COUNT(*) INTO lv_count FROM xtable WHERE name IS NULL.
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_gui DEFINITION PUBLIC FINAL . PUBLIC SECTION. CONSTANTS: BEGIN OF c_event_state, not_handled TYPE i VALUE 0, re_render TYPE i VALUE 1, new_page TYPE i VALUE 2, go_back TYPE i VALUE 3, no_more_act TYPE i VALUE 4, new_page_w_bookmark TYPE i VALUE 5, go_back_to_bookmark TYPE i VALUE 6, new_page_replacing TYPE i VALUE 7, END OF c_event_state . CONSTANTS: BEGIN OF c_action, go_home TYPE string VALUE 'go_home', END OF c_action. INTERFACES zif_abapgit_gui_services. METHODS go_home RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. METHODS go_page IMPORTING ii_page TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_gui_renderable iv_clear_stack TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_true RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. METHODS back IMPORTING iv_to_bookmark TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_false RETURNING VALUE(rv_exit) TYPE abap_bool RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. METHODS on_event FOR EVENT sapevent OF cl_gui_html_viewer IMPORTING action frame getdata postdata query_table. METHODS constructor IMPORTING io_component TYPE REF TO object OPTIONAL ii_asset_man TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_gui_asset_manager OPTIONAL ii_hotkey_ctl TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_gui_hotkey_ctl OPTIONAL ii_html_processor TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_gui_html_processor OPTIONAL iv_rollback_on_error TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_true RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. METHODS free. PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_page_stack, page TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_gui_renderable, bookmark TYPE abap_bool, END OF ty_page_stack. DATA: mv_rollback_on_error TYPE abap_bool, mi_cur_page TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_gui_renderable, mt_stack TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_page_stack, mt_event_handlers TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF REF TO zif_abapgit_gui_event_handler, mi_router TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_gui_event_handler, mi_asset_man TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_gui_asset_manager, mi_hotkey_ctl TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_gui_hotkey_ctl, mi_html_processor TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_gui_html_processor, mo_html_viewer TYPE REF TO cl_gui_html_viewer, mo_html_parts TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html_parts. METHODS startup RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. METHODS cache_html IMPORTING iv_text TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(rv_url) TYPE w3url. METHODS render RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. METHODS call_page IMPORTING ii_page TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_gui_renderable iv_with_bookmark TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_false iv_replacing TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_false RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. METHODS handle_action IMPORTING iv_action TYPE c iv_getdata TYPE c OPTIONAL it_postdata TYPE cnht_post_data_tab OPTIONAL. METHODS handle_error IMPORTING ix_exception TYPE REF TO zcx_abapgit_exception. ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_ABAPGIT_GUI IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD back. DATA: lv_index TYPE i, ls_stack LIKE LINE OF mt_stack. lv_index = lines( mt_stack ). IF lv_index = 0. rv_exit = abap_true. RETURN. ENDIF. DO lv_index TIMES. READ TABLE mt_stack INDEX lv_index INTO ls_stack. ASSERT sy-subrc = 0. DELETE mt_stack INDEX lv_index. ASSERT sy-subrc = 0. lv_index = lv_index - 1. IF iv_to_bookmark = abap_false OR ls_stack-bookmark = abap_true. EXIT. ENDIF. ENDDO. mi_cur_page = ls_stack-page. " last page always stays render( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD cache_html. rv_url = zif_abapgit_gui_services~cache_asset( iv_text = iv_text iv_type = 'text' iv_subtype = 'html' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD call_page. DATA: ls_stack TYPE ty_page_stack. IF iv_replacing = abap_false AND NOT mi_cur_page IS INITIAL. ls_stack-page = mi_cur_page. ls_stack-bookmark = iv_with_bookmark. APPEND ls_stack TO mt_stack. ENDIF. mi_cur_page = ii_page. render( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD constructor. IF io_component IS BOUND. IF zcl_abapgit_gui_utils=>is_renderable( io_component ) = abap_true. mi_cur_page ?= io_component. " direct page ELSE. IF zcl_abapgit_gui_utils=>is_event_handler( io_component ) = abap_false. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'Component must be renderable or be an event handler' ). ENDIF. mi_router ?= io_component. ENDIF. ENDIF. CREATE OBJECT mo_html_parts. mv_rollback_on_error = iv_rollback_on_error. mi_asset_man = ii_asset_man. mi_hotkey_ctl = ii_hotkey_ctl. mi_html_processor = ii_html_processor. " Maybe improve to middlewares stack ?? startup( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD free. SET HANDLER me->on_event FOR mo_html_viewer ACTIVATION space. mo_html_viewer->close_document( ). mo_html_viewer->free( ). FREE mo_html_viewer. ENDMETHOD. METHOD go_home. DATA ls_stack LIKE LINE OF mt_stack. IF mi_router IS BOUND. CLEAR: mt_stack, mt_event_handlers. APPEND mi_router TO mt_event_handlers. on_event( action = |{ c_action-go_home }| ). " doesn't accept strings directly ELSE. IF lines( mt_stack ) > 0. READ TABLE mt_stack INTO ls_stack INDEX 1. mi_cur_page = ls_stack-page. ENDIF. render( ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD go_page. IF iv_clear_stack = abap_true. CLEAR mt_stack. ENDIF. mi_cur_page = ii_page. render( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD handle_action. DATA: lx_exception TYPE REF TO zcx_abapgit_exception, li_handler TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_gui_event_handler, li_page TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_gui_renderable, lv_state TYPE i. TRY. LOOP AT mt_event_handlers INTO li_handler. li_handler->on_event( EXPORTING iv_action = iv_action iv_getdata = iv_getdata it_postdata = it_postdata IMPORTING ei_page = li_page ev_state = lv_state ). IF lv_state IS NOT INITIAL AND lv_state <> c_event_state-not_handled. " is handled EXIT. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. CASE lv_state. WHEN c_event_state-re_render. render( ). WHEN c_event_state-new_page. call_page( li_page ). WHEN c_event_state-new_page_w_bookmark. call_page( ii_page = li_page iv_with_bookmark = abap_true ). WHEN c_event_state-new_page_replacing. call_page( ii_page = li_page iv_replacing = abap_true ). WHEN c_event_state-go_back. back( ). WHEN c_event_state-go_back_to_bookmark. back( abap_true ). WHEN c_event_state-no_more_act. " Do nothing, handling completed WHEN OTHERS. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Unknown action: { iv_action }| ). ENDCASE. CATCH zcx_abapgit_cancel ##NO_HANDLER. " Do nothing = gc_event_state-no_more_act CATCH zcx_abapgit_exception INTO lx_exception. handle_error( lx_exception ). ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. METHOD handle_error. DATA: li_gui_error_handler TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_gui_error_handler, lx_exception TYPE REF TO cx_root. IF mv_rollback_on_error = abap_true. ROLLBACK WORK. ENDIF. TRY. li_gui_error_handler ?= mi_cur_page. IF li_gui_error_handler->handle_error( ix_exception ) = abap_true. " We rerender the current page to display the error box render( ). ELSE. MESSAGE ix_exception TYPE 'S' DISPLAY LIKE 'E'. ENDIF. CATCH zcx_abapgit_exception cx_sy_move_cast_error INTO lx_exception. " In case of fire we just fallback to plain old message MESSAGE lx_exception TYPE 'S' DISPLAY LIKE 'E'. ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. METHOD on_event. handle_action( iv_action = action iv_getdata = getdata it_postdata = postdata ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render. DATA: lv_url TYPE w3url, lv_html TYPE string, li_html TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_html. IF mi_cur_page IS NOT BOUND. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'GUI error: no current page' ). ENDIF. CLEAR mt_event_handlers. mo_html_parts->clear( ). IF mi_router IS BOUND. APPEND mi_router TO mt_event_handlers. ENDIF. IF mi_hotkey_ctl IS BOUND. mi_hotkey_ctl->reset( ). ENDIF. li_html = mi_cur_page->render( ). lv_html = li_html->render( iv_no_indent_jscss = abap_true ). IF mi_html_processor IS BOUND. lv_html = mi_html_processor->process( iv_html = lv_html ii_gui_services = me ). ENDIF. lv_url = cache_html( lv_html ). mo_html_viewer->show_url( lv_url ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD startup. DATA: lt_events TYPE cntl_simple_events, ls_event LIKE LINE OF lt_events, lt_assets TYPE zif_abapgit_gui_asset_manager=>tt_web_assets. FIELD-SYMBOLS <ls_asset> LIKE LINE OF lt_assets. CREATE OBJECT mo_html_viewer EXPORTING query_table_disabled = abap_true parent = cl_gui_container=>screen0. IF mi_asset_man IS BOUND. lt_assets = mi_asset_man->get_all_assets( ). LOOP AT lt_assets ASSIGNING <ls_asset> WHERE is_cacheable = abap_true. zif_abapgit_gui_services~cache_asset( iv_xdata = <ls_asset>-content iv_url = <ls_asset>-url iv_type = <ls_asset>-type iv_subtype = <ls_asset>-subtype ). ENDLOOP. ENDIF. ls_event-eventid = mo_html_viewer->m_id_sapevent. ls_event-appl_event = abap_true. APPEND ls_event TO lt_events. mo_html_viewer->set_registered_events( lt_events ). SET HANDLER me->on_event FOR mo_html_viewer. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_gui_services~cache_asset. DATA: lt_xdata TYPE lvc_t_mime, lv_size TYPE i, lt_html TYPE w3htmltab. ASSERT iv_text IS SUPPLIED OR iv_xdata IS SUPPLIED. IF iv_text IS SUPPLIED. " String input zcl_abapgit_convert=>string_to_tab( " FM SCMS_STRING_TO_FTEXT EXPORTING iv_str = iv_text IMPORTING et_tab = lt_html ). mo_html_viewer->load_data( EXPORTING type = iv_type subtype = iv_subtype url = iv_url IMPORTING assigned_url = rv_url CHANGING data_table = lt_html EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1 ) ##NO_TEXT. ELSE. " Raw input zcl_abapgit_convert=>xstring_to_bintab( EXPORTING iv_xstr = iv_xdata IMPORTING ev_size = lv_size et_bintab = lt_xdata ). mo_html_viewer->load_data( EXPORTING type = iv_type subtype = iv_subtype size = lv_size url = iv_url IMPORTING assigned_url = rv_url CHANGING data_table = lt_xdata EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1 ) ##NO_TEXT. ENDIF. ASSERT sy-subrc = 0. " Image data error ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_gui_services~get_current_page_name. IF mi_cur_page IS BOUND. rv_page_name = cl_abap_classdescr=>describe_by_object_ref( mi_cur_page )->get_relative_name( ). ENDIF." ELSE - return is empty => initial page ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_gui_services~get_hotkeys_ctl. ri_hotkey_ctl = mi_hotkey_ctl. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_gui_services~get_html_parts. ro_parts = mo_html_parts. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_gui_services~register_event_handler. ASSERT ii_event_handler IS BOUND. INSERT ii_event_handler INTO mt_event_handlers INDEX 1. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_res_repo_stage DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM cl_adt_rest_resource FINAL CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_abapgit_file, filename TYPE string, path TYPE string, localstate TYPE char1, remotestate TYPE char1, atom_links TYPE if_atom_types=>link_t, END OF ty_abapgit_file . TYPES: tt_abapgit_file TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_abapgit_file WITH KEY filename path . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_abapgit_object, object_ref TYPE sadt_object_reference, wbkey TYPE string, version TYPE sadt_obj_version, files TYPE tt_abapgit_file, atom_links TYPE if_atom_types=>link_t, END OF ty_abapgit_object . TYPES: tt_abapgit_object TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_abapgit_object WITH KEY object_ref-name object_ref-type . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_abapgit_staging, unstaged_objects TYPE tt_abapgit_object, staged_objects TYPE tt_abapgit_object, ignored_objects TYPE tt_abapgit_object, abapgit_comment TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_comment, atom_links TYPE if_atom_types=>link_t, END OF ty_abapgit_staging . CONSTANTS co_content_type_v1 TYPE string VALUE 'application/abapgit.adt.repo.stage.v1+xml' ##NO_TEXT. CONSTANTS co_root_name TYPE string VALUE 'ABAPGITSTAGING' ##NO_TEXT. CONSTANTS co_st_name TYPE string VALUE 'ZABAPGIT_ST_REPO_STAGE' ##NO_TEXT. METHODS get REDEFINITION . METHODS get_object_wb_type IMPORTING iv_obj_name TYPE sobj_name iv_obj_type TYPE trobjtype RETURNING VALUE(rs_wbtype) TYPE wbobjtype. METHODS get_object_adt_uri IMPORTING iv_obj_name TYPE sobj_name is_wbtype TYPE wbobjtype RETURNING VALUE(rv_adt_uri) TYPE string RAISING cx_adt_uri_mapping . METHODS get_file_links IMPORTING !iv_repo_key TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_value !iv_filename TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(rt_links) TYPE if_atom_types=>link_t. PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_ABAPGIT_RES_REPO_STAGE IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD get. DATA: lv_repo_key TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_value, lv_username TYPE string, lv_password TYPE string, ls_obj_wbtype TYPE wbobjtype, lo_repo_online TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo_online, ls_response_data TYPE ty_abapgit_staging, ls_object TYPE ty_abapgit_object, ls_object_ref TYPE sadt_object_reference, ls_file TYPE ty_abapgit_file, lt_file TYPE tt_abapgit_file, lo_repo_content TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo_content_list, lo_http_utility TYPE REF TO cl_http_utility, lo_user TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_persist_user. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_repo_items> TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_repo_item, <ls_repo_file> TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_repo_file. request->get_uri_attribute( EXPORTING name = 'key' mandatory = abap_true IMPORTING value = lv_repo_key ). CREATE OBJECT lo_http_utility. lv_username = request->get_inner_rest_request( )->get_header_field( iv_name = 'Username' ). *-------Client encodes password with base64 algorithm lv_password = lo_http_utility->decode_base64( request->get_inner_rest_request( )->get_header_field( iv_name = 'Password' ) ). IF lv_username IS NOT INITIAL AND lv_password IS NOT INITIAL. zcl_abapgit_default_auth_info=>set_auth_info( iv_user = lv_username iv_password = lv_password ). ENDIF. " zcl_abapgit_factory=>get_environment( )->set_repo_action( if_abapgit_app_log=>c_action_push ). TRY. DATA(lo_repo) = zcl_abapgit_repo_srv=>get_instance( )->get( lv_repo_key ). *-------- Check if a different action is still running DATA(ls_repo) = zcl_abapgit_persist_factory=>get_repo( )->read( iv_key = lv_repo_key ). lo_repo_online ?= lo_repo. lo_repo_online->refresh( ). DATA(lv_repo_branch) = lo_repo_online->get_selected_branch( ). *------ Retrieve repository content CREATE OBJECT lo_repo_content EXPORTING io_repo = lo_repo. DATA(lt_repo_items) = lo_repo_content->list( iv_path = '/' iv_by_folders = abap_false iv_changes_only = abap_true ). *------ Process data to output structure LOOP AT lt_repo_items ASSIGNING <ls_repo_items>. *-------- consider only those files which already exist locally CLEAR: ls_object, ls_object_ref. *------ Header DATA IF <ls_repo_items>-obj_name IS INITIAL. "non-code and meta files *---------- handle non-code and meta files IF <ls_repo_items>-files IS NOT INITIAL. ls_object_ref-name = 'non-code and meta files'. "if the logic is proper move the text to a message class ENDIF. ELSE. ls_object_ref-name = <ls_repo_items>-obj_name. ls_object_ref-type = <ls_repo_items>-obj_type. IF <ls_repo_items>-obj_type IS NOT INITIAL. *------------ GET object workbench key ls_obj_wbtype = get_object_wb_type( iv_obj_name = <ls_repo_items>-obj_name iv_obj_type = <ls_repo_items>-obj_type ). ls_object-wbkey = cl_wb_object_type=>get_global_id_from_global_type( p_global_type = ls_obj_wbtype ). *------------ GET adt uri ls_object_ref-uri = get_object_adt_uri( iv_obj_name = <ls_repo_items>-obj_name is_wbtype = ls_obj_wbtype ). ENDIF. ENDIF. ls_object-object_ref = ls_object_ref. *------ File specific DATA CLEAR: ls_file, lt_file. LOOP AT <ls_repo_items>-files ASSIGNING <ls_repo_file>. ls_file-path = <ls_repo_file>-path. ls_file-filename = <ls_repo_file>-filename. ls_file-remotestate = <ls_repo_file>-rstate. ls_file-localstate = <ls_repo_file>-lstate. ls_file-atom_links = get_file_links( iv_repo_key = lo_repo_online->get_key( ) iv_filename = ls_file-filename ). INSERT ls_file INTO TABLE lt_file. ENDLOOP. ls_object-files = lt_file. IF <ls_repo_items>-lstate IS NOT INITIAL. INSERT ls_object INTO TABLE ls_response_data-unstaged_objects. ELSE. INSERT ls_object INTO TABLE ls_response_data-ignored_objects. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. *------ Author and Committer details lo_user = zcl_abapgit_persistence_user=>get_instance( ). DATA(lv_user) = lo_user->get_repo_git_user_name( lo_repo_online->get_url( ) ). IF lv_user IS INITIAL. lv_user = lo_user->get_default_git_user_name( ). ENDIF. IF lv_user IS INITIAL. " get default from user master record lv_user = zcl_abapgit_user_master_record=>get_instance( sy-uname )->get_name( ). ENDIF. DATA(lv_email) = lo_user->get_repo_git_user_email( lo_repo_online->get_url( ) ). IF lv_email IS INITIAL. lv_email = lo_user->get_default_git_user_email( ). ENDIF. IF lv_email IS INITIAL. " get default from user master record lv_email = zcl_abapgit_user_master_record=>get_instance( sy-uname )->get_email( ). ENDIF. ls_response_data-abapgit_comment-author-name = lv_user. ls_response_data-abapgit_comment-author-email = lv_email. ls_response_data-abapgit_comment-committer-name = lv_user. ls_response_data-abapgit_comment-committer-email = lv_email. *------ Create Response Content Handler DATA(lo_response_content_handler) = cl_adt_rest_cnt_hdl_factory=>get_instance( )->get_handler_for_xml_using_st( st_name = co_st_name root_name = co_root_name content_type = co_content_type_v1 ). *------ Prepare Response response->set_body_data( content_handler = lo_response_content_handler data = ls_response_data ). response->set_status( cl_rest_status_code=>gc_success_ok ). CATCH zcx_abapgit_exception cx_uuid_error zcx_abapgit_not_found INTO DATA(lx_exception). ROLLBACK WORK. zcx_adt_rest_abapgit=>raise_with_error( ix_error = lx_exception iv_http_status = cl_rest_status_code=>gc_server_error_internal ). ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_file_links. CONSTANTS: lc_file_rel_fetch_local TYPE string VALUE '', lc_file_rel_fetch_remote TYPE string VALUE '', lc_root_path TYPE string VALUE '/sap/bc/adt/abapgit'. DATA(lo_atom_util) = cl_adt_atom_utility=>create_instance( ). lo_atom_util->append_link( EXPORTING rel = lc_file_rel_fetch_local href = |{ lc_root_path }/repos/{ iv_repo_key }/files?filename={ iv_filename }&version=local| type = |fetch_link| CHANGING links = rt_links ). lo_atom_util->append_link( EXPORTING rel = lc_file_rel_fetch_remote href = |{ lc_root_path }/repos/{ iv_repo_key }/files?filename={ iv_filename }&version=remote| type = |fetch_link| CHANGING links = rt_links ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_object_adt_uri. DATA: lv_name TYPE seu_objkey, lv_type TYPE wbobjtype, lv_request TYPE REF TO cl_wb_request. TRY. DATA(lv_mapper) = cl_adt_uri_mapper=>get_instance( ). lv_name = CONV #( iv_obj_name ). lv_type-objtype_tr = is_wbtype-objtype_tr. lv_type-subtype_wb = is_wbtype-subtype_wb. TRY. CALL METHOD lv_mapper->('IF_ADT_URI_MAPPER~GET_ADT_OBJECT_REF_URI') EXPORTING name = lv_name type = lv_type RECEIVING uri = rv_adt_uri. CATCH cx_sy_dyn_call_error. CREATE OBJECT lv_request EXPORTING p_global_type = lv_type p_object_name = lv_name p_operation = swbm_c_op_display EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 0. rv_adt_uri = lv_mapper->if_adt_uri_mapper~map_wb_request_to_objref( lv_request )->ref_data-uri. ENDTRY. CATCH cx_adt_uri_mapping. ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_object_wb_type. cl_wb_object=>create_from_transport_key( EXPORTING p_obj_name = CONV trobj_name( iv_obj_name ) p_object = iv_obj_type RECEIVING p_wb_object = DATA(lr_wb_object) EXCEPTIONS objecttype_not_existing = 1 OTHERS = 2 ). IF lr_wb_object IS NOT INITIAL. lr_wb_object->get_global_wb_key( IMPORTING p_object_type = rs_wbtype ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_html_action_utils DEFINITION PUBLIC CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. CLASS-METHODS parse_post_form_data IMPORTING !it_post_data TYPE zif_abapgit_html_viewer=>ty_post_data !iv_upper_cased TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_false RETURNING VALUE(rt_fields) TYPE tihttpnvp . CLASS-METHODS parse_fields IMPORTING !iv_string TYPE clike !iv_upper_cased TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_false RETURNING VALUE(rt_fields) TYPE tihttpnvp . CLASS-METHODS parse_fields_upper_case_name IMPORTING !iv_string TYPE clike RETURNING VALUE(rt_fields) TYPE tihttpnvp . CLASS-METHODS translate_postdata IMPORTING !it_postdata TYPE zif_abapgit_html_viewer=>ty_post_data RETURNING VALUE(rv_string) TYPE string . CLASS-METHODS get_field IMPORTING !iv_name TYPE string !it_field TYPE tihttpnvp !iv_decode TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_false CHANGING !cg_field TYPE any . CLASS-METHODS jump_encode IMPORTING !iv_obj_type TYPE tadir-object !iv_obj_name TYPE tadir-obj_name RETURNING VALUE(rv_string) TYPE string . CLASS-METHODS dir_encode IMPORTING !iv_path TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(rv_string) TYPE string . CLASS-METHODS file_encode IMPORTING !iv_key TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_repo-key !ig_file TYPE any RETURNING VALUE(rv_string) TYPE string . CLASS-METHODS obj_encode IMPORTING !iv_key TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_repo-key !ig_object TYPE any RETURNING VALUE(rv_string) TYPE string . CLASS-METHODS dbkey_encode IMPORTING !is_key TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_content RETURNING VALUE(rv_string) TYPE string . PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. CLASS-METHODS field_keys_to_upper CHANGING !ct_fields TYPE tihttpnvp . CLASS-METHODS add_field IMPORTING !iv_name TYPE string !ig_field TYPE any CHANGING !ct_field TYPE tihttpnvp . CLASS-METHODS unescape IMPORTING !iv_string TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(rv_string) TYPE string . ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_ABAPGIT_HTML_ACTION_UTILS IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD add_field. DATA ls_field LIKE LINE OF ct_field. FIELD-SYMBOLS <lg_src> TYPE any. ls_field-name = iv_name. CASE cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data( ig_field )->kind. WHEN cl_abap_typedescr=>kind_elem. ls_field-value = ig_field. WHEN cl_abap_typedescr=>kind_struct. ASSIGN COMPONENT iv_name OF STRUCTURE ig_field TO <lg_src>. ASSERT <lg_src> IS ASSIGNED. ls_field-value = <lg_src>. WHEN OTHERS. ASSERT 0 = 1. ENDCASE. APPEND ls_field TO ct_field. ENDMETHOD. METHOD dbkey_encode. DATA: lt_fields TYPE tihttpnvp. add_field( EXPORTING iv_name = 'TYPE' ig_field = is_key-type CHANGING ct_field = lt_fields ). add_field( EXPORTING iv_name = 'VALUE' ig_field = is_key-value CHANGING ct_field = lt_fields ). rv_string = cl_http_utility=>fields_to_string( lt_fields ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD dir_encode. DATA: lt_fields TYPE tihttpnvp. add_field( EXPORTING iv_name = 'PATH' ig_field = iv_path CHANGING ct_field = lt_fields ). rv_string = cl_http_utility=>fields_to_string( lt_fields ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD field_keys_to_upper. FIELD-SYMBOLS <ls_field> LIKE LINE OF ct_fields. LOOP AT ct_fields ASSIGNING <ls_field>. <ls_field>-name = to_upper( <ls_field>-name ). ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD file_encode. DATA: lt_fields TYPE tihttpnvp. add_field( EXPORTING iv_name = 'KEY' ig_field = iv_key CHANGING ct_field = lt_fields ). add_field( EXPORTING iv_name = 'PATH' ig_field = ig_file CHANGING ct_field = lt_fields ). add_field( EXPORTING iv_name = 'FILENAME' ig_field = ig_file CHANGING ct_field = lt_fields ). rv_string = cl_http_utility=>fields_to_string( lt_fields ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_field. DATA: lv_value TYPE string. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_field> LIKE LINE OF it_field, <lg_dest> TYPE any. READ TABLE it_field ASSIGNING <ls_field> WITH KEY name = iv_name. IF sy-subrc IS NOT INITIAL. RETURN. ENDIF. lv_value = <ls_field>-value. IF iv_decode = abap_true. lv_value = cl_http_utility=>unescape_url( escaped = lv_value ). ENDIF. CASE cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data( cg_field )->kind. WHEN cl_abap_typedescr=>kind_elem. cg_field = lv_value. WHEN cl_abap_typedescr=>kind_struct. ASSIGN COMPONENT iv_name OF STRUCTURE cg_field TO <lg_dest>. ASSERT <lg_dest> IS ASSIGNED. <lg_dest> = lv_value. WHEN OTHERS. ASSERT 0 = 1. ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD. METHOD jump_encode. DATA: lt_fields TYPE tihttpnvp. add_field( EXPORTING iv_name = 'TYPE' ig_field = iv_obj_type CHANGING ct_field = lt_fields ). add_field( EXPORTING iv_name = 'NAME' ig_field = iv_obj_name CHANGING ct_field = lt_fields ). rv_string = cl_http_utility=>fields_to_string( lt_fields ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD obj_encode. DATA: lt_fields TYPE tihttpnvp. add_field( EXPORTING iv_name = 'KEY' ig_field = iv_key CHANGING ct_field = lt_fields ). add_field( EXPORTING iv_name = 'OBJ_TYPE' ig_field = ig_object CHANGING ct_field = lt_fields ). add_field( EXPORTING iv_name = 'OBJ_NAME' ig_field = ig_object CHANGING ct_field = lt_fields ). rv_string = cl_http_utility=>fields_to_string( lt_fields ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD parse_fields. DATA: lt_substrings TYPE string_table, ls_field LIKE LINE OF rt_fields. FIELD-SYMBOLS <lv_substring> LIKE LINE OF lt_substrings. SPLIT iv_string AT '&' INTO TABLE lt_substrings. LOOP AT lt_substrings ASSIGNING <lv_substring>. CLEAR ls_field. <lv_substring> = unescape( <lv_substring> ). " On attempt to change unescaping -> run unit tests to check ! ls_field-name = substring_before( val = <lv_substring> sub = '=' ). ls_field-value = substring_after( val = <lv_substring> sub = '=' ). IF ls_field IS INITIAL. " Not a field with proper structure CONTINUE. ENDIF. APPEND ls_field TO rt_fields. ENDLOOP. IF iv_upper_cased = abap_true. field_keys_to_upper( CHANGING ct_fields = rt_fields ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD parse_fields_upper_case_name. rt_fields = parse_fields( iv_string = iv_string iv_upper_cased = abap_true ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD parse_post_form_data. DATA lv_serialized_post_data TYPE string. lv_serialized_post_data = translate_postdata( it_post_data ). IF iv_upper_cased = abap_true. rt_fields = parse_fields_upper_case_name( lv_serialized_post_data ). ELSE. rt_fields = parse_fields( lv_serialized_post_data ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD translate_postdata. DATA: lt_post_data TYPE zif_abapgit_html_viewer=>ty_post_data, ls_last_line LIKE LINE OF it_postdata, lv_last_line_index TYPE i. IF it_postdata IS INITIAL. RETURN. "Nothing to do ENDIF. lt_post_data = it_postdata. "Save the last line for separate merge, because we don't need its trailing spaces WHILE ls_last_line IS INITIAL. lv_last_line_index = lines( lt_post_data ). READ TABLE lt_post_data INTO ls_last_line INDEX lv_last_line_index. DELETE lt_post_data INDEX lv_last_line_index. ENDWHILE. CONCATENATE LINES OF lt_post_data INTO rv_string IN CHARACTER MODE RESPECTING BLANKS. CONCATENATE rv_string ls_last_line INTO rv_string IN CHARACTER MODE. ENDMETHOD. METHOD unescape. * do not use cl_http_utility as it does strange things with the encoding rv_string = iv_string. * todo, more to be added here REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF '%3F' IN rv_string WITH '?'. REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF '%3D' IN rv_string WITH '='. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_object_vcls DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM zcl_abapgit_objects_super FINAL. PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES zif_abapgit_object. PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. * See include MTOBJCON: CONSTANTS c_cluster_type TYPE c VALUE 'C' ##NO_TEXT. CONSTANTS c_mode_insert TYPE obj_para-maint_mode VALUE 'I' ##NO_TEXT. METHODS check_lock IMPORTING !iv_tabname TYPE tabname !iv_argument TYPE seqg3-garg RETURNING VALUE(rv_is_locked) TYPE abap_bool RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_ABAPGIT_OBJECT_VCLS IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD check_lock. DATA: ls_rstable_key TYPE rstable, " Lock argument for table RSTABLE lv_argument TYPE eqegraarg. " Set Values for generic table lock ls_rstable_key-tabname = iv_tabname. ls_rstable_key-varkey = iv_argument. " include all sub keys lv_argument = ls_rstable_key. lv_argument = lv_argument && '*'. rv_is_locked = exists_a_lock_entry_for( iv_lock_object = 'E_TABLEE' iv_argument = lv_argument ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~changed_by. rv_user = c_user_unknown. " todo ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~delete. * Do the same as in VIEWCLUSTER_SAVE_DEFINITION DATA: lv_vclname TYPE vcl_name. lv_vclname = ms_item-obj_name. DELETE FROM vcldir WHERE vclname = lv_vclname. "#EC CI_SUBRC DELETE FROM vcldirt WHERE vclname = lv_vclname. "#EC CI_NOFIRST "#EC CI_SUBRC DELETE FROM vclstruc WHERE vclname = lv_vclname. "#EC CI_SUBRC DELETE FROM vclstruct WHERE vclname = lv_vclname. "#EC CI_NOFIRST "#EC CI_SUBRC DELETE FROM vclstrudep WHERE vclname = lv_vclname. "#EC CI_SUBRC DELETE FROM vclmf WHERE vclname = lv_vclname. "#EC CI_SUBRC ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~deserialize. DATA: ls_vcldir_entry TYPE v_vcldir, lt_vclstruc TYPE TABLE OF v_vclstruc, lt_vclstrudep TYPE TABLE OF v_vclstdep, lt_vclmf TYPE TABLE OF v_vclmf, lv_objectname TYPE ob_object. io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'VCLDIR' CHANGING cg_data = ls_vcldir_entry ). io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'VLCSTRUC_TAB' CHANGING cg_data = lt_vclstruc ). io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'VCLSTRUDEP_TAB' CHANGING cg_data = lt_vclstrudep ). io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'lt_vclstrudep' CHANGING cg_data = lt_vclmf ). ls_vcldir_entry-author = sy-uname. ls_vcldir_entry-changedate = sy-datum. CALL FUNCTION 'VIEWCLUSTER_SAVE_DEFINITION' EXPORTING vcldir_entry = ls_vcldir_entry TABLES vclstruc_tab = lt_vclstruc vclstrudep_tab = lt_vclstrudep vclmf_tab = lt_vclmf. CALL FUNCTION 'RS_CORR_INSERT' EXPORTING object = ms_item-obj_name object_class = ms_item-obj_type devclass = iv_package master_language = mv_language mode = 'INSERT' global_lock = abap_true EXCEPTIONS cancelled = 1 permission_failure = 2 unknown_objectclass = 3 OTHERS = 4. IF sy-subrc = 1. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'Cancelled' ). ELSEIF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error from RS_CORR_INSERT' ). ENDIF. lv_objectname = ls_vcldir_entry-vclname. CALL FUNCTION 'OBJ_GENERATE' EXPORTING iv_objectname = lv_objectname iv_objecttype = c_cluster_type iv_maint_mode = c_mode_insert iv_devclass = iv_package EXCEPTIONS illegal_call = 1 object_not_found = 2 generate_error = 3 transport_error = 4 object_enqueue_failed = 5 OTHERS = 6. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error in OBJ_GENERATE for VCLS' ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~exists. DATA lv_changedate TYPE vcldir-changedate. SELECT SINGLE changedate INTO lv_changedate FROM vcldir WHERE vclname = ms_item-obj_name. rv_bool = boolc( sy-subrc = 0 ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_comparator. RETURN. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_metadata. rs_metadata = get_metadata( ). rs_metadata-delete_tadir = abap_true. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~is_active. DATA lv_changedate TYPE vcldir-changedate. SELECT SINGLE changedate INTO lv_changedate FROM vcldir WHERE vclname = ms_item-obj_name. IF lv_changedate IS NOT INITIAL. * see logic in function module VIEWCLUSTER_GET_DEFINITION rv_active = abap_true. ELSE. rv_active = abap_false. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~is_locked. DATA: lv_argument TYPE seqg3-garg, lv_argument_langu TYPE seqg3-garg. lv_argument = me->ms_item-obj_name. lv_argument_langu = |@{ me->ms_item-obj_name }|. "Check all relevant maintein tabeles for view clusters IF check_lock( iv_tabname = 'VCLDIR' iv_argument = lv_argument ) = abap_true OR check_lock( iv_tabname = 'VCLDIRT' iv_argument = lv_argument_langu ) = abap_true OR check_lock( iv_tabname = 'VCLSTRUC' iv_argument = lv_argument ) = abap_true OR check_lock( iv_tabname = 'VCLSTRUCT' iv_argument = lv_argument_langu ) = abap_true OR check_lock( iv_tabname = 'VCLSTRUC' iv_argument = lv_argument ) = abap_true OR check_lock( iv_tabname = 'VCLMF' iv_argument = lv_argument ) = abap_true. rv_is_locked = abap_true. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~jump. DATA: ls_bcdata TYPE bdcdata, lt_bcdata TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bdcdata. ls_bcdata-program = 'SAPMSVIM'. ls_bcdata-dynpro = '0050'. ls_bcdata-dynbegin = 'X'. APPEND ls_bcdata TO lt_bcdata. CLEAR ls_bcdata. ls_bcdata-fnam = 'VIMDYNFLDS-VIEWNAME'. ls_bcdata-fval = ms_item-obj_name. APPEND ls_bcdata TO lt_bcdata. CLEAR ls_bcdata. ls_bcdata-fnam = 'VIMDYNFLDS-STRUCT_MNT'. ls_bcdata-fval = 'X'. APPEND ls_bcdata TO lt_bcdata. CLEAR ls_bcdata. ls_bcdata-fnam = 'BDC_OKCODE'. ls_bcdata-fval = '=CLUS'. APPEND ls_bcdata TO lt_bcdata. CLEAR ls_bcdata. ls_bcdata-program = 'SAPMSVIM'. ls_bcdata-dynpro = '0052 '. ls_bcdata-dynbegin = 'X'. APPEND ls_bcdata TO lt_bcdata. CLEAR ls_bcdata. ls_bcdata-fnam = 'VIMDYNFLDS-VCLNAME'. ls_bcdata-fval = ms_item-obj_name. APPEND ls_bcdata TO lt_bcdata. CLEAR ls_bcdata. ls_bcdata-fnam = 'BDC_OKCODE'. ls_bcdata-fval = '=CLSH'. APPEND ls_bcdata TO lt_bcdata. CALL FUNCTION 'ABAP4_CALL_TRANSACTION' STARTING NEW TASK 'GIT' EXPORTING tcode = 'SE54' mode_val = 'E' TABLES using_tab = lt_bcdata EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error from ABAP4_CALL_TRANSACTION, SE35' ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~serialize. DATA: lv_vclname TYPE vcl_name, ls_vcldir_entry TYPE v_vcldir, lt_vclstruc TYPE TABLE OF v_vclstruc, lt_vclstrudep TYPE TABLE OF v_vclstdep, lt_vclmf TYPE TABLE OF v_vclmf. IF zif_abapgit_object~exists( ) = abap_false. RETURN. ENDIF. lv_vclname = ms_item-obj_name. CALL FUNCTION 'VIEWCLUSTER_GET_DEFINITION' EXPORTING vclname = lv_vclname IMPORTING vcldir_entry = ls_vcldir_entry TABLES vclstruc_tab = lt_vclstruc vclstrudep_tab = lt_vclstrudep vclmf_tab = lt_vclmf EXCEPTIONS viewcluster_not_found = 1 incomplete_viewcluster = 2 OTHERS = 3. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error in VIEWCLUSTER_GET_DEFINITION' ). ENDIF. SORT lt_vclstrudep BY vclname object objfield. CLEAR ls_vcldir_entry-author. CLEAR ls_vcldir_entry-changedate. io_xml->add( iv_name = 'VCLDIR' ig_data = ls_vcldir_entry ). io_xml->add( iv_name = 'VLCSTRUC_TAB' ig_data = lt_vclstruc ). io_xml->add( iv_name = 'VCLSTRUDEP_TAB' ig_data = lt_vclstrudep ). io_xml->add( iv_name = 'VCLMF_TAB' ig_data = lt_vclmf ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS zcl_dbbr_field_output_tree DEFINITION PUBLIC CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES zif_uitb_page_scroller . INTERFACES zif_uitb_content_searcher . TYPES mty_node_move_type TYPE int1 . CONSTANTS: BEGIN OF c_node_move_types, up TYPE mty_node_move_type VALUE 1, down TYPE mty_node_move_type VALUE 2, top TYPE mty_node_move_type VALUE 3, bottom TYPE mty_node_move_type VALUE 4, to_specified TYPE mty_node_move_type VALUE 5, END OF c_node_move_types . EVENTS tree_data_updated . METHODS constructor IMPORTING io_fields TYPE REF TO zcl_dbbr_tabfield_list io_original_fields TYPE REF TO zcl_dbbr_tabfield_list !if_field_aggregation TYPE boolean OPTIONAL !if_single_table_mode TYPE boolean OPTIONAL !iv_mode TYPE zdbbr_field_chooser_mode !iv_entity_type TYPE zsat_entity_type !iv_current_table TYPE tabname OPTIONAL . METHODS fill_tree IMPORTING !if_update_data TYPE boolean OPTIONAL . METHODS reset_update_ability . METHODS create_tree . METHODS sort_fields_in_ddic_order . METHODS delete_selected_nodes . METHODS free . METHODS update_current_table IMPORTING !iv_tabname TYPE tabname . METHODS move_selected_nodes IMPORTING !iv_move_type TYPE mty_node_move_type !it_selected_nodes TYPE treemnotab OPTIONAL !iv_target_node TYPE tm_nodekey OPTIONAL . PROTECTED SECTION. TYPES: BEGIN OF mty_node_data. INCLUDE TYPE treemsnod. TYPES: items TYPE treemcitab. TYPES: END OF mty_node_data . TYPES: mtt_node_data TYPE TABLE OF mty_node_data . CONSTANTS c_output_field_container TYPE dynfnam VALUE 'OUTPUT_CONTAINER' ##NO_TEXT. CONSTANTS c_top_node TYPE tm_nodekey VALUE 'TOP' ##NO_TEXT. CONSTANTS c_toolbar_container TYPE dynfnam VALUE 'OUTPUT_TOOLBAR' ##NO_TEXT. CONSTANTS: BEGIN OF c_column_names, hierarchy_column TYPE tv_itmname VALUE 'HIERARCHY', key_column TYPE tv_itmname VALUE 'KEYCOL', description_column TYPE tv_itmname VALUE 'DESCRCOL', sorted_column TYPE tv_itmname VALUE 'SORTCOL', END OF c_column_names . CONSTANTS: BEGIN OF c_fcode, cut_nodes TYPE ui_func VALUE 'CUT_NODES' ##NO_TEXT, insert_nodes TYPE ui_func VALUE 'INSERT_NODES' ##NO_TEXT, discard_nodes TYPE ui_func VALUE 'DISCARD_NODES' ##NO_TEXT, del_nodes TYPE ui_func VALUE 'DEL_NODES' ##NO_TEXT, insert_text_fields TYPE ui_func VALUE 'INS_TEXT_FIELDS' ##NO_TEXT, insert_form_fields TYPE ui_func VALUE 'INS_FORM_FIELDS' ##NO_TEXT, END OF c_fcode. DATA mo_tree_model TYPE REF TO cl_column_tree_model . DATA mo_container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container . DATA mo_toolbar_container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container . DATA mo_toolbar TYPE REF TO cl_gui_toolbar . DATA mo_output_tree_container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container . DATA mo_tree_dnd_behaviour TYPE REF TO cl_dragdrop . DATA mo_fields TYPE REF TO zcl_dbbr_tabfield_list . DATA mo_original_fields TYPE REF TO zcl_dbbr_tabfield_list . DATA mf_update_off TYPE boolean . DATA mv_mode TYPE zdbbr_field_chooser_mode . DATA mv_field_count TYPE sy-tabix . DATA mf_field_aggregation TYPE boolean . DATA mf_single_table_mode TYPE boolean . DATA mv_current_table TYPE tabname . DATA mt_node_data_buffer TYPE mtt_node_data . DATA mv_entity_type TYPE zsat_entity_type . METHODS create_sortorder_from_checked . METHODS create_sort_order_from_visible . METHODS create_table_field_node IMPORTING VALUE(io_tabfield_info) TYPE REF TO zdbbr_tabfield_info_ui !iv_dnd_handle TYPE i OPTIONAL . METHODS create_nodes_from_tabfields IMPORTING !iv_dnd_handle TYPE i . METHODS get_node_image IMPORTING !if_is_key TYPE boolean OPTIONAL !if_is_formula TYPE boolean OPTIONAL !if_is_textfield TYPE boolean OPTIONAL RETURNING VALUE(rv_image) TYPE tv_image . PRIVATE SECTION. METHODS create_nodes . METHODS sort_fields_in_user_order . METHODS create_toolbar . METHODS move_nodes IMPORTING !it_selected_nodes TYPE treemnotab OPTIONAL !iv_target_node TYPE tm_nodekey OPTIONAL !iv_move_type TYPE mty_node_move_type EXPORTING !ef_no_nodes_selected TYPE boolean . METHODS determine_previous_node IMPORTING !it_node_key TYPE treemnotab RETURNING VALUE(rv_node_key) TYPE tm_nodekey . METHODS determine_next_node IMPORTING !it_node_key TYPE treemnotab RETURNING VALUE(rv_node_key) TYPE tm_nodekey . METHODS cut_selected_nodes IMPORTING it_selected_nodes TYPE treemnotab. METHODS discard_selected_nodes. METHODS insert_nodes_from_buffer IMPORTING iv_insert_at_node TYPE tm_nodekey. METHODS create_missing_text_fld_nodes. METHODS create_missing_form_fld_nodes. METHODS on_tree_drag FOR EVENT drag OF cl_column_tree_model IMPORTING !drag_drop_object !node_key . METHODS on_tree_drop FOR EVENT drop OF cl_column_tree_model IMPORTING !drag_drop_object !node_key !sender . METHODS on_tree_drag_multiple FOR EVENT drag_multiple OF cl_column_tree_model IMPORTING !drag_drop_object !item_name !node_key_table . METHODS on_toolbar_button_clicked FOR EVENT function_selected OF cl_gui_toolbar IMPORTING !fcode . METHODS on_node_context_menu_request FOR EVENT node_context_menu_request OF cl_column_tree_model IMPORTING !menu !node_key . METHODS on_node_context_menu_select FOR EVENT node_context_menu_select OF cl_column_tree_model IMPORTING !fcode !node_key . ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_dbbr_field_output_tree IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD constructor. mo_fields = io_fields. mo_original_fields = io_original_fields. mo_fields->build_complete_fieldnames( ). mv_field_count = mo_fields->get_field_count( ). mf_field_aggregation = if_field_aggregation. mf_single_table_mode = if_single_table_mode. mv_mode = iv_mode. mv_current_table = iv_current_table. mv_entity_type = iv_entity_type. ENDMETHOD. METHOD create_missing_text_fld_nodes. DATA(lo_iterator) = mo_fields->zif_uitb_data_ref_list~get_iterator( iv_where = 'OUTPUT_ACTIVE = abap_false AND IS_TEXT_FIELD = abap_true' ). mo_tree_dnd_behaviour->get_handle( IMPORTING handle = DATA(lv_dnd_handle) ). WHILE lo_iterator->has_next( ). DATA(lr_element) = CAST zdbbr_tabfield_info_ui( lo_iterator->get_next( ) ). lr_element->output_active = abap_true. create_table_field_node( io_tabfield_info = lr_element iv_dnd_handle = lv_dnd_handle ). ENDWHILE. ENDMETHOD. METHOD create_missing_form_fld_nodes. DATA: lo_iterator TYPE REF TO zif_uitb_data_ref_iterator, lr_element TYPE REF TO zdbbr_tabfield_info_ui. IF mf_field_aggregation = abap_true. lo_iterator = mo_original_fields->zif_uitb_data_ref_list~get_iterator( iv_where = 'IS_FORMULA_FIELD = abap_true' ). ELSE. lo_iterator = mo_fields->zif_uitb_data_ref_list~get_iterator( iv_where = 'OUTPUT_ACTIVE = abap_false AND IS_FORMULA_FIELD = abap_true' ). ENDIF. mo_tree_dnd_behaviour->get_handle( IMPORTING handle = DATA(lv_dnd_handle) ). WHILE lo_iterator->has_next( ). lr_element = CAST zdbbr_tabfield_info_ui( lo_iterator->get_next( ) ). IF mf_field_aggregation = abap_true. " check if field already exists in aggregation list TRY. mo_fields->get_field_ref( iv_tabname_alias = lr_element->tabname_alias iv_fieldname = lr_element->fieldname ). CONTINUE. CATCH cx_sy_itab_line_not_found. mo_fields->add( lr_element ). ENDTRY. ENDIF. lr_element->output_active = abap_true. create_table_field_node( io_tabfield_info = lr_element iv_dnd_handle = lv_dnd_handle ). ENDWHILE. ENDMETHOD. METHOD create_nodes. *... create drag-n-drop behaviour object mo_tree_dnd_behaviour = NEW #( ). mo_tree_dnd_behaviour->add( flavor = 'Node' dragsrc = abap_true droptarget = abap_true effect = cl_dragdrop=>move ). *...get handle of drag n drop control mo_tree_dnd_behaviour->get_handle( IMPORTING handle = DATA(lv_dnd_handle) ). *... create top node for fields mo_tree_model->add_node( node_key = c_top_node isfolder = abap_true style = cl_list_tree_model=>style_emphasized_c item_table = VALUE treemcitab( ( item_name = c_column_names-hierarchy_column class = cl_list_tree_model=>item_class_text font = cl_list_tree_model=>item_font_prop text = COND #( WHEN mv_mode = zif_dbbr_c_global=>c_field_chooser_modes-output THEN TEXT-009 WHEN mv_mode = zif_dbbr_c_global=>c_field_chooser_modes-selection THEN TEXT-010 ) ) ) ). create_nodes_from_tabfields( lv_dnd_handle ). mo_tree_model->expand_root_nodes( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD create_nodes_from_tabfields. mo_fields->initialize_iterator( if_for_active = abap_true ). WHILE mo_fields->has_more_lines( ). create_table_field_node( io_tabfield_info = mo_fields->get_next_entry( ) iv_dnd_handle = iv_dnd_handle ). ENDWHILE. ENDMETHOD. METHOD create_sortorder_from_checked. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Description: Creates user output/selection order from current checked fields *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* " first sort fields in ddic order mo_fields->sort_in_ddic_order( ). mo_fields->create_order_from_active( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD create_sort_order_from_visible. mo_tree_model->node_get_children( EXPORTING node_key = c_top_node IMPORTING node_key_table = DATA(lt_child_nodes) ). LOOP AT lt_child_nodes ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<lv_node>). DATA(lv_index) = sy-tabix. mo_tree_model->node_get_user_object( EXPORTING node_key = <lv_node> IMPORTING user_object = DATA(lr_user_object) ). CAST zcl_dbbr_tabfield( lr_user_object )->set_custom_order( CONV #( lv_index ) ). ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD create_table_field_node. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_tabfield_info> TYPE zdbbr_tabfield_info_ui. ASSIGN io_tabfield_info->* TO <ls_tabfield_info>. DATA(lv_prefix) = COND string( WHEN <ls_tabfield_info>-alias IS NOT INITIAL THEN <ls_tabfield_info>-alias && '~' ). DATA(lv_node_key) = COND tm_nodekey( WHEN <ls_tabfield_info>-is_text_field = abap_true THEN <ls_tabfield_info>-sql_fieldname ELSE lv_prefix && <ls_tabfield_info>-fieldname_raw ). DATA(lt_items) = VALUE treemcitab( ( item_name = c_column_names-hierarchy_column class = cl_list_tree_model=>item_class_text font = cl_list_tree_model=>item_font_prop text = lv_node_key ) ( item_name = c_column_names-key_column class = cl_list_tree_model=>item_class_text font = cl_list_tree_model=>item_font_prop text = <ls_tabfield_info>-is_key ) ). " add sorted column symbol IF <ls_tabfield_info>-sort_active = abap_true. lt_items = VALUE #( BASE lt_items ( item_name = c_column_names-sorted_column class = cl_list_tree_model=>item_class_text font = cl_list_tree_model=>item_font_prop t_image = SWITCH #( <ls_tabfield_info>-sort_direction WHEN zif_dbbr_c_global=>c_sort_direction-ascending THEN icon_sort_up WHEN zif_dbbr_c_global=>c_sort_direction-descending THEN icon_sort_down ) ) ). ENDIF. lt_items = VALUE #( BASE lt_items ( item_name = c_column_names-description_column class = cl_list_tree_model=>item_class_text font = cl_list_tree_model=>item_font_prop text = <ls_tabfield_info>-field_ddtext ) ). mo_tree_model->add_node( node_key = lv_node_key relative_node_key = c_top_node relationship = cl_list_tree_model=>relat_last_child image = get_node_image( if_is_key = <ls_tabfield_info>-is_key if_is_formula = <ls_tabfield_info>-is_formula_field if_is_textfield = <ls_tabfield_info>-is_text_field ) isfolder = abap_false drag_drop_id = iv_dnd_handle user_object = NEW zcl_dbbr_tabfield( ir_table_field_info = io_tabfield_info iv_mode = mv_mode ) item_table = lt_items ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD create_toolbar. DATA: lt_events TYPE cntl_simple_events. " create toolbar mo_toolbar_container = NEW cl_gui_custom_container( container_name = c_toolbar_container ). mo_toolbar = NEW cl_gui_toolbar( parent = mo_toolbar_container ). IF mv_mode = zif_dbbr_c_global=>c_field_chooser_modes-output. mo_toolbar->add_button( fcode = c_fcode-insert_text_fields " fcode associated to a button icon = icon_insert_row " icon name defined like '@0a@' butn_type = cntb_btype_button text = 'Text Fields' quickinfo = 'Add Missing Text Fields' ). mo_toolbar->add_button( fcode = c_fcode-insert_form_fields " fcode associated to a button icon = icon_biw_formula " icon name defined like '@0a@' butn_type = cntb_btype_button text = 'Formula Fields' quickinfo = 'Add Missing Formula' ). ENDIF. lt_events = VALUE #( ( eventid = cl_gui_toolbar=>m_id_function_selected appl_event = abap_true ) ). mo_toolbar->set_registered_events( lt_events ). SET HANDLER on_toolbar_button_clicked FOR mo_toolbar. ENDMETHOD. METHOD create_tree. DATA: lt_events TYPE cntl_simple_events. CHECK mo_container IS INITIAL. mo_container = NEW cl_gui_custom_container( container_name = c_output_field_container ). mo_tree_model = NEW cl_column_tree_model( node_selection_mode = cl_gui_list_tree=>node_sel_mode_multiple item_selection = abap_false hierarchy_header = VALUE treemhhdr( heading = 'Feld' width = 60 ) hierarchy_column_name = c_column_names-hierarchy_column ). mo_tree_model->add_column( name = c_column_names-key_column width = 7 alignment = cl_column_tree_model=>align_center header_text = 'Key Field' header_tooltip = 'Key Field' ). mo_tree_model->add_column( name = c_column_names-sorted_column width = 7 alignment = cl_column_tree_model=>align_center header_text = 'Sorted' header_tooltip = 'Sort Column' ). mo_tree_model->add_column( name = c_column_names-description_column width = 50 header_text = 'Description' ). " create tree control from model mo_tree_model->create_tree_control( parent = mo_container ). create_toolbar( ). lt_events = VALUE #( ( eventid = cl_column_tree_model=>eventid_node_context_menu_req appl_event = abap_true ) ). mo_tree_model->set_registered_events( lt_events ). """ set event handler methods to tree control SET HANDLER: on_tree_drag FOR mo_tree_model, on_tree_drag_multiple FOR mo_tree_model, on_tree_drop FOR mo_tree_model, on_node_context_menu_request FOR mo_tree_model, on_node_context_menu_select FOR mo_tree_model. ENDMETHOD. METHOD cut_selected_nodes. " collect complete node data DATA: lv_relatkey TYPE tm_nodekey, lv_relatship TYPE i, lf_first_iteration TYPE boolean VALUE abap_true. LOOP AT it_selected_nodes ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<lv_node>). mo_tree_model->node_get_items( EXPORTING node_key = <lv_node> IMPORTING item_table = DATA(lt_items) ). mo_tree_model->node_get_properties( EXPORTING node_key = <lv_node> IMPORTING properties = DATA(ls_node_properties) ). DATA(ls_tabfield_info) = CAST zcl_dbbr_tabfield( ls_node_properties-userobject )->get_tabfield_info( ). " cache node with item data APPEND VALUE mty_node_data( node_key = <lv_node> relatkey = lv_relatkey relatship = lv_relatship n_image = COND #( WHEN ls_tabfield_info-is_formula_field = abap_true THEN icon_biw_formula WHEN ls_tabfield_info-is_key = abap_true THEN icon_foreign_key WHEN ls_tabfield_info-is_text_field = abap_true THEN icon_text_ina ELSE zif_dbbr_c_icon=>no_icon ) style = ls_node_properties-style dragdropid = ls_node_properties-dragdropid userobject = ls_node_properties-userobject items = lt_items ) TO mt_node_data_buffer. " update relative node key and relationship for following nodes IF lf_first_iteration = abap_true. lv_relatkey = <lv_node>. lv_relatship = cl_column_tree_model=>relat_next_sibling. CLEAR lf_first_iteration. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. " delete all nodes mo_tree_model->delete_nodes( it_selected_nodes ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD delete_selected_nodes. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Description: Delete all the selected nodes *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* mo_tree_model->get_selected_nodes( IMPORTING node_key_table = DATA(lt_selected_nodes) ). DELETE lt_selected_nodes WHERE table_line = c_top_node. IF lt_selected_nodes IS INITIAL. RETURN. ENDIF. LOOP AT lt_selected_nodes ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<lv_node>). " reset user object behind node mo_tree_model->node_get_user_object( EXPORTING node_key = <lv_node> IMPORTING user_object = DATA(lr_user_object) ). DATA(lo_tabfield) = CAST zcl_dbbr_tabfield( lr_user_object ). IF mf_field_aggregation = abap_true. IF lo_tabfield->get_tabfield_info( )-is_text_field = abap_false. MESSAGE |{ 'Only Text Fields can be deleted if Aggregation is active' }| TYPE 'E'. RETURN. ENDIF. ENDIF. lo_tabfield->set_custom_active( abap_false ). " delete the node mo_tree_model->delete_node( node_key = <lv_node> ). ENDLOOP. RAISE EVENT tree_data_updated. ENDMETHOD. METHOD determine_next_node. " get last node in passed table DATA(lv_node) = it_node_key[ 1 ]. mo_tree_model->node_get_next_sibling( EXPORTING node_key = it_node_key[ lines( it_node_key ) ] IMPORTING sibling_node_key = rv_node_key ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD determine_previous_node. " get first node in passed table DATA(lv_node) = it_node_key[ 1 ]. mo_tree_model->node_get_prev_sibling( EXPORTING node_key = it_node_key[ 1 ] IMPORTING sibling_node_key = rv_node_key ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD discard_selected_nodes. LOOP AT mt_node_data_buffer ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_node_data>) WHERE userobject IS BOUND. CHECK <ls_node_data>-userobject IS BOUND. CAST zcl_dbbr_tabfield( <ls_node_data>-userobject )->set_custom_active( abap_false ). ENDLOOP. CLEAR mt_node_data_buffer. RAISE EVENT tree_data_updated. ENDMETHOD. METHOD fill_tree. CHECK mf_update_off = abap_false. create_tree( ). *... default order will be the custom user order *... check if output fields need to be sorted IF mo_fields->custom_order_exists( ). mo_fields->sort_in_custom_order( ). ELSE. mo_fields->sort_in_ddic_order( ). ENDIF. *... delete old nodes mo_tree_model->delete_all_nodes( ). *... create nodes for model create_nodes( ). mo_tree_model->update_view( ). mf_update_off = abap_true. ENDMETHOD. METHOD free. IF mo_container IS BOUND. mo_container->free( ). ENDIF. IF mo_toolbar_container IS BOUND. mo_toolbar_container->free( ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_node_image. IF if_is_formula = abap_false AND if_is_key = abap_false AND if_is_textfield = abap_false. rv_image = zif_dbbr_c_icon=>no_icon. RETURN. ENDIF. IF if_is_key = abap_true. rv_image = icon_foreign_key. ELSEIF if_is_formula = abap_true. rv_image = icon_biw_formula. ELSEIF if_is_textfield = abap_true. rv_image = icon_text_ina. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD insert_nodes_from_buffer. DATA: lv_relatship TYPE i. " first get the node info CHECK iv_insert_at_node IS NOT INITIAL. IF iv_insert_at_node = c_top_node. lv_relatship = cl_list_tree_model=>relat_first_child. ELSE. lv_relatship = cl_list_tree_model=>relat_next_sibling. ENDIF. " insert cached nodes at top node LOOP AT mt_node_data_buffer ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_node_data>). mo_tree_model->add_node( node_key = <ls_node_data>-node_key relative_node_key = COND #( WHEN sy-tabix = 1 THEN iv_insert_at_node ELSE <ls_node_data>-relatkey ) relationship = COND #( WHEN sy-tabix = 1 THEN lv_relatship ELSE <ls_node_data>-relatship ) isfolder = abap_false style = <ls_node_data>-style image = <ls_node_data>-n_image drag_drop_id = CONV #( <ls_node_data>-dragdropid ) user_object = <ls_node_data>-userobject item_table = <ls_node_data>-items ). ENDLOOP. CLEAR mt_node_data_buffer. create_sort_order_from_visible( ). RAISE EVENT tree_data_updated. ENDMETHOD. METHOD move_nodes. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Author: stockbal Date: 2016/11/27 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Description: Moves the selected nodes according to mode *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* DATA: lt_node_data TYPE mtt_node_data, lv_relatship TYPE i, lv_relatkey TYPE tm_nodekey. " get selected nodes IF it_selected_nodes IS NOT INITIAL. DATA(lt_sel_nodes) = it_selected_nodes. ELSE. mo_tree_model->get_selected_nodes( IMPORTING node_key_table = lt_sel_nodes ). ENDIF. IF lt_sel_nodes IS INITIAL. ef_no_nodes_selected = abap_true. RETURN. ENDIF. CASE iv_move_type. WHEN c_node_move_types-top. lv_relatship = cl_column_tree_model=>relat_first_child. lv_relatkey = c_top_node. WHEN c_node_move_types-bottom. lv_relatship = cl_column_tree_model=>relat_last_child. lv_relatkey = c_top_node. WHEN c_node_move_types-up. lv_relatkey = determine_previous_node( lt_sel_nodes ). lv_relatship = cl_column_tree_model=>relat_prev_sibling. IF lv_relatkey IS INITIAL. " insert nodes at the top lv_relatkey = c_top_node. lv_relatship = cl_column_tree_model=>relat_first_child. ENDIF. WHEN c_node_move_types-down. lv_relatkey = determine_next_node( lt_sel_nodes ). lv_relatship = cl_column_tree_model=>relat_next_sibling. IF lv_relatkey IS INITIAL. " insert node(s) at the bottom lv_relatship = cl_column_tree_model=>relat_last_child. lv_relatkey = c_top_node. ENDIF. WHEN c_node_move_types-to_specified. IF iv_target_node IS INITIAL. ef_no_nodes_selected = abap_true. RETURN. ENDIF. lv_relatship = cl_column_tree_model=>relat_prev_sibling. lv_relatkey = iv_target_node. ENDCASE. " collect complete node data LOOP AT lt_sel_nodes ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<lv_node>). mo_tree_model->node_get_items( EXPORTING node_key = <lv_node> IMPORTING item_table = DATA(lt_items) ). mo_tree_model->node_get_properties( EXPORTING node_key = <lv_node> IMPORTING properties = DATA(ls_node_properties) ). DATA(ls_tabfield_info) = CAST zcl_dbbr_tabfield( ls_node_properties-userobject )->get_tabfield_info( ). " cache node with item data APPEND VALUE mty_node_data( node_key = <lv_node> relatkey = lv_relatkey relatship = lv_relatship n_image = COND #( WHEN ls_tabfield_info-is_formula_field = abap_true THEN icon_biw_formula WHEN ls_tabfield_info-is_key = abap_true THEN icon_foreign_key WHEN ls_tabfield_info-is_text_field = abap_true THEN icon_text_ina ELSE zif_dbbr_c_icon=>no_icon ) style = ls_node_properties-style dragdropid = ls_node_properties-dragdropid userobject = ls_node_properties-userobject items = lt_items ) TO lt_node_data. " update relative node key and relationship for following nodes lv_relatkey = <lv_node>. lv_relatship = cl_column_tree_model=>relat_next_sibling. ENDLOOP. " delete all nodes mo_tree_model->delete_nodes( lt_sel_nodes ). " insert cached nodes at top node LOOP AT lt_node_data ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_node_data>). mo_tree_model->add_node( node_key = <ls_node_data>-node_key relative_node_key = <ls_node_data>-relatkey relationship = <ls_node_data>-relatship isfolder = abap_false style = <ls_node_data>-style image = <ls_node_data>-n_image drag_drop_id = CONV #( <ls_node_data>-dragdropid ) user_object = <ls_node_data>-userobject item_table = <ls_node_data>-items ). ENDLOOP. " select moved nodes mo_tree_model->unselect_all( ). mo_tree_model->select_nodes( lt_sel_nodes ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD move_selected_nodes. move_nodes( EXPORTING iv_move_type = iv_move_type iv_target_node = iv_target_node IMPORTING ef_no_nodes_selected = DATA(lf_no_nodes_selected) ). IF lf_no_nodes_selected = abap_false. create_sort_order_from_visible( ). RAISE EVENT tree_data_updated. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD on_node_context_menu_request. IF mf_field_aggregation = abap_false. IF node_key <> c_top_node. menu->add_function( fcode = c_fcode-cut_nodes text = 'Cut selected Fields' ). ENDIF. IF mt_node_data_buffer IS NOT INITIAL. menu->add_function( fcode = c_fcode-insert_nodes text = 'Insert Fields from Buffer' ). menu->add_function( fcode = c_fcode-discard_nodes text = 'Discard Cut Fields' ). ENDIF. IF node_key <> c_top_node. menu->add_separator( ). menu->add_function( fcode = c_fcode-del_nodes text = 'Delete selected Fields' ). ENDIF. ELSE. mo_tree_model->get_selected_nodes( IMPORTING node_key_table = DATA(lt_selected) ). IF lines( lt_selected ) = 1 AND lt_selected[ 1 ] <> c_top_node. mo_tree_model->node_get_user_object( EXPORTING node_key = lt_selected[ 1 ] IMPORTING user_object = DATA(lr_user_object) ). DATA(lr_tabfield_user_object) = CAST zcl_dbbr_tabfield( lr_user_object ). IF lr_tabfield_user_object->get_tabfield_info( )-is_text_field = abap_true. menu->add_function( fcode = c_fcode-del_nodes text = 'Delete selected Fields' ). ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD on_node_context_menu_select. CASE fcode. WHEN c_fcode-cut_nodes. " get selected nodes mo_tree_model->get_selected_nodes( IMPORTING node_key_table = DATA(lt_selected_nodes) ). cut_selected_nodes( it_selected_nodes = lt_selected_nodes ). WHEN c_fcode-discard_nodes. discard_selected_nodes( ). WHEN c_fcode-insert_nodes. insert_nodes_from_buffer( iv_insert_at_node = node_key ). WHEN c_fcode-del_nodes. delete_selected_nodes( ). WHEN c_fcode-insert_text_fields. create_missing_text_fld_nodes( ). ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD. METHOD on_toolbar_button_clicked. CASE fcode. WHEN zcl_dbbr_tabfield_manager=>c_fcode-delete_selected. delete_selected_nodes( ). WHEN zcl_dbbr_tabfield_manager=>c_fcode-sort_in_ddic. sort_fields_in_ddic_order( ). WHEN c_fcode-insert_text_fields. create_missing_text_fld_nodes( ). WHEN c_fcode-insert_form_fields. create_missing_form_fld_nodes( ). ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD. METHOD on_tree_drag. """ create drag and drop object drag_drop_object->object = NEW zcl_dbbr_tree_dnd_object( VALUE #( ( node_key ) ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD on_tree_drag_multiple. drag_drop_object->object = NEW zcl_dbbr_tree_dnd_object( node_key_table ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD on_tree_drop. DATA(lv_current_node) = node_key. """ get drag and drop object TRY. DATA(lr_dnd_object) = CAST zcl_dbbr_tree_dnd_object( drag_drop_object->object ). DATA(lv_relationship) = cl_list_tree_model=>relat_prev_sibling. WHILE lr_dnd_object->has_more_keys( ). DATA(lv_next_node) = lr_dnd_object->get_next_node( ). sender->move_node( EXPORTING node_key = lv_next_node relative_node_key = lv_current_node relationship = lv_relationship EXCEPTIONS control_not_existing = 1 control_dead = 2 failed = 3 cntl_system_error = 4 node_not_found = 5 move_error = 6 relative_node_not_found = 7 illegal_relationship = 8 OTHERS = 9 ). IF sy-subrc <> 0. CONTINUE. ENDIF. lv_current_node = lv_next_node. lv_relationship = cl_list_tree_model=>relat_next_sibling. ENDWHILE. CATCH cx_sy_move_cast_error. drag_drop_object->abort( ). RETURN. ENDTRY. """ recreate sort order create_sort_order_from_visible( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD reset_update_ability. CLEAR mf_update_off. ENDMETHOD. METHOD sort_fields_in_ddic_order. create_sortorder_from_checked( ). " delete old nodes mo_tree_model->delete_all_nodes( ). """ create nodes for model create_nodes( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD sort_fields_in_user_order. mo_fields->sort_in_custom_order( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD update_current_table. mv_current_table = iv_tabname. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_uitb_content_searcher~search. CHECK mo_tree_model IS NOT INITIAL. mo_tree_model->find( IMPORTING result_item_key_table = DATA(lt_result_item) result_type = DATA(lv_result_type) ). IF lv_result_type <> 0 AND lt_result_item IS NOT INITIAL. mo_tree_model->unselect_all( ). mo_tree_model->select_nodes( VALUE #( ( lt_result_item[ 1 ]-node_key ) ) ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_uitb_content_searcher~search_next. mo_tree_model->find_next( IMPORTING result_item_key_table = DATA(lt_result_item) result_expander_node_key = DATA(lt_result_expander_node_key) result_type = DATA(lv_result_type) ). IF lv_result_type <> 0 AND lt_result_item IS NOT INITIAL. mo_tree_model->unselect_all( ). mo_tree_model->select_nodes( VALUE #( ( lt_result_item[ 1 ]-node_key ) ) ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_uitb_page_scroller~scroll_page_bottom. mo_tree_model->scroll( cl_column_tree_model=>scroll_end ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_uitb_page_scroller~scroll_page_down. mo_tree_model->scroll( cl_column_tree_model=>scroll_down_page ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_uitb_page_scroller~scroll_page_top. mo_tree_model->scroll( cl_column_tree_model=>scroll_home ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_uitb_page_scroller~scroll_page_up. mo_tree_model->scroll( cl_column_tree_model=>scroll_up_page ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_dependencies DEFINITION PUBLIC FINAL CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. CLASS-METHODS resolve CHANGING !ct_tadir TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_tadir_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_dependency, depname TYPE dd02l-tabname, deptyp TYPE c LENGTH 4, deplocal TYPE dd02l-as4local, refname TYPE dd02l-tabname, reftyp TYPE c LENGTH 4, kind TYPE c LENGTH 1, END OF ty_dependency . TYPES: tty_dedenpency TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_dependency WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_item, obj_type TYPE tadir-object, obj_name TYPE tadir-obj_name, devclass TYPE devclass, END OF ty_item . CLASS-METHODS resolve_ddic CHANGING !ct_tadir TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_tadir_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS get_ddls_dependencies IMPORTING iv_ddls_name TYPE tadir-obj_name RETURNING VALUE(rt_dependency) TYPE tty_dedenpency . CLASS-METHODS resolve_packages CHANGING ct_tadir TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_tadir_tt. ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_ABAPGIT_DEPENDENCIES IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD get_ddls_dependencies. DATA: lt_ddls_name TYPE TABLE OF ddsymtab, ls_ddls_name TYPE ddsymtab. ls_ddls_name-name = iv_ddls_name. INSERT ls_ddls_name INTO TABLE lt_ddls_name. PERFORM ('DDLS_GET_DEP') IN PROGRAM ('RADMASDL') TABLES lt_ddls_name rt_dependency. ENDMETHOD. METHOD resolve. DATA: lv_tabclass TYPE dd02l-tabclass. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_tadir> LIKE LINE OF ct_tadir. " misuse field KORRNUM to fix deletion sequence LOOP AT ct_tadir ASSIGNING <ls_tadir>. CASE <ls_tadir>-object. WHEN 'DEVC'. " Packages last <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '999000'. WHEN 'DOMA'. <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '900000'. WHEN 'PARA'. " PARA after DTEL <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '810000'. WHEN 'DTEL'. <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '800000'. WHEN 'DCLS'. " AUTH and SUSO after DCLS <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '705000'. WHEN 'SUSO'. " SUSO after DCLS <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '710000'. WHEN 'AUTH'. " AUTH after DCLS <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '715000'. WHEN 'DDLS'. " DDLS after DCLS but before other DDIC <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '720000'. WHEN 'TTYP' OR 'TABL' OR 'VIEW'. SELECT SINGLE tabclass FROM dd02l INTO lv_tabclass WHERE tabname = <ls_tadir>-obj_name AND as4local = 'A' AND as4vers = '0000'. IF sy-subrc = 0 AND lv_tabclass = 'APPEND'. " delete append structures before database tables <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '730000'. ELSE. <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '750000'. ENDIF. WHEN 'IASP'. <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '552000'. WHEN 'IARP'. <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '551000'. WHEN 'IATU'. <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '550000'. WHEN 'SUSC'. <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '500000'. WHEN 'ACID'. " ACID after PROG/FUGR/CLAS <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '300000'. WHEN 'PROG'. " delete includes after main programs SELECT COUNT(*) FROM reposrc WHERE progname = <ls_tadir>-obj_name AND r3state = 'A' AND subc = 'I'. IF sy-subrc = 0. <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '200000'. ELSE. <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '100000'. ENDIF. WHEN 'IDOC'. <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '200000'. WHEN 'WDCA'. <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '174000'. WHEN 'WDYA'. <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '173000'. WHEN 'WDCC'. <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '172000'. WHEN 'WDYN'. <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '171000'. WHEN 'IEXT'. <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '150000'. WHEN OTHERS. <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '100000'. ENDCASE. ENDLOOP. resolve_ddic( CHANGING ct_tadir = ct_tadir ). resolve_packages( CHANGING ct_tadir = ct_tadir ). SORT ct_tadir BY korrnum ASCENDING. ENDMETHOD. METHOD resolve_ddic. * this will make sure the deletion sequence of structures/tables work * in case they have dependencies with .INCLUDE TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_edge, from TYPE ty_item, to TYPE ty_item, END OF ty_edge. DATA: lt_nodes TYPE TABLE OF ty_item, lt_edges TYPE TABLE OF ty_edge, lt_findstrings TYPE TABLE OF rsfind, lv_plus TYPE i VALUE 1, lv_find_obj_cls TYPE euobj-id, lv_index TYPE i, lv_before TYPE i, lt_founds TYPE TABLE OF rsfindlst, lt_scope TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF seu_obj, lt_dependency TYPE tty_dedenpency. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_tadir_ddls> TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_tadir, <ls_dependency> TYPE ty_dependency, <ls_tadir_dependent> TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_tadir, <ls_tadir> LIKE LINE OF ct_tadir, <ls_edge> LIKE LINE OF lt_edges, <ls_found> LIKE LINE OF lt_founds, <ls_node> LIKE LINE OF lt_nodes. " build nodes LOOP AT ct_tadir ASSIGNING <ls_tadir> WHERE object = 'TABL' OR object = 'VIEW' OR object = 'TTYP'. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_nodes ASSIGNING <ls_node>. <ls_node>-obj_name = <ls_tadir>-obj_name. <ls_node>-obj_type = <ls_tadir>-object. ENDLOOP. APPEND 'TABL' TO lt_scope. APPEND 'VIEW' TO lt_scope. APPEND 'STRU' TO lt_scope. APPEND 'TTYP' TO lt_scope. " build edges LOOP AT lt_nodes ASSIGNING <ls_node>. CLEAR lt_findstrings. APPEND <ls_node>-obj_name TO lt_findstrings. lv_find_obj_cls = <ls_node>-obj_type. CALL FUNCTION 'RS_EU_CROSSREF' EXPORTING i_find_obj_cls = lv_find_obj_cls TABLES i_findstrings = lt_findstrings o_founds = lt_founds i_scope_object_cls = lt_scope EXCEPTIONS not_executed = 1 not_found = 2 illegal_object = 3 no_cross_for_this_object = 4 batch = 5 batchjob_error = 6 wrong_type = 7 object_not_exist = 8 OTHERS = 9. IF sy-subrc <> 0. CONTINUE. ENDIF. LOOP AT lt_founds ASSIGNING <ls_found>. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_edges ASSIGNING <ls_edge>. <ls_edge>-from = <ls_node>. <ls_edge>-to-obj_name = <ls_found>-object. CASE <ls_found>-object_cls. WHEN 'DS' OR 'DT'. <ls_edge>-to-obj_type = 'TABL'. WHEN 'DV'. <ls_edge>-to-obj_type = 'VIEW'. WHEN 'DA'. <ls_edge>-to-obj_type = 'TTYP'. WHEN OTHERS. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'resolve_ddic, unknown object_cls' ). ENDCASE. ENDLOOP. ENDLOOP. " build DDLS edges LOOP AT ct_tadir ASSIGNING <ls_tadir_ddls> WHERE object = 'DDLS'. CLEAR: lt_dependency. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_nodes ASSIGNING <ls_node>. <ls_node>-obj_name = <ls_tadir_ddls>-obj_name. <ls_node>-obj_type = <ls_tadir_ddls>-object. lt_dependency = get_ddls_dependencies( <ls_tadir_ddls>-obj_name ). LOOP AT lt_dependency ASSIGNING <ls_dependency> WHERE deptyp = 'DDLS' AND refname = <ls_tadir_ddls>-obj_name. READ TABLE ct_tadir ASSIGNING <ls_tadir_dependent> WITH KEY pgmid = 'R3TR' object = 'DDLS' obj_name = <ls_dependency>-depname BINARY SEARCH. CHECK sy-subrc = 0. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_edges ASSIGNING <ls_edge>. <ls_edge>-from = <ls_node>. <ls_edge>-to-obj_name = <ls_dependency>-depname. <ls_edge>-to-obj_type = 'DDLS'. ENDLOOP. ENDLOOP. DO. lv_before = lines( lt_nodes ). LOOP AT lt_nodes ASSIGNING <ls_node>. lv_index = sy-tabix. READ TABLE lt_edges WITH KEY from-obj_name = <ls_node>-obj_name from-obj_type = <ls_node>-obj_type TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS. IF sy-subrc <> 0. LOOP AT ct_tadir ASSIGNING <ls_tadir> WHERE obj_name = <ls_node>-obj_name AND object = <ls_node>-obj_type. <ls_tadir>-korrnum = <ls_tadir>-korrnum + lv_plus. CONDENSE <ls_tadir>-korrnum. ENDLOOP. DELETE lt_edges WHERE to-obj_name = <ls_node>-obj_name AND to-obj_type = <ls_node>-obj_type. DELETE lt_nodes INDEX lv_index. EXIT. " make sure the sequence is fixed ENDIF. ENDLOOP. IF lv_before = lines( lt_nodes ). EXIT. ENDIF. lv_plus = lv_plus + 1. ENDDO. ENDMETHOD. METHOD resolve_packages. DATA: lt_subpackages TYPE zif_abapgit_sap_package=>ty_devclass_tt. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_tadir> LIKE LINE OF ct_tadir, <lv_subpackage> LIKE LINE OF lt_subpackages, <ls_tadir_subpackage> LIKE LINE OF ct_tadir. " List subpackage before corresponding superpackage LOOP AT ct_tadir ASSIGNING <ls_tadir> WHERE object = 'DEVC'. lt_subpackages = zcl_abapgit_factory=>get_sap_package( |{ <ls_tadir>-obj_name }| )->list_subpackages( ). LOOP AT lt_subpackages ASSIGNING <lv_subpackage>. READ TABLE ct_tadir ASSIGNING <ls_tadir_subpackage> WITH KEY object = 'DEVC' obj_name = <lv_subpackage>. IF sy-subrc = 0. <ls_tadir_subpackage>-korrnum = condense( |{ <ls_tadir_subpackage>-korrnum - 1 }| ). ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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class ZCL_ABAK_FACTORY definition public final create private . public section. interface ZIF_ABAK_CONSTS load . class-methods GET_STANDARD_INSTANCE importing !I_FORMAT_TYPE type ZABAK_FORMAT_TYPE !I_SOURCE_TYPE type ZABAK_SOURCE_TYPE !I_CONTENT type STRING !I_BYPASS_CACHE type FLAG optional !I_USE_SHM type ZABAK_USE_SHM optional returning value(RO_INSTANCE) type ref to ZIF_ABAK raising ZCX_ABAK . class-methods GET_CUSTOM_INSTANCE importing !IO_FORMAT type ref to ZIF_ABAK_FORMAT value(IO_source) type ref to zif_abak_source optional returning value(RO_INSTANCE) type ref to ZIF_ABAK raising ZCX_ABAK . class-methods GET_ZABAK_INSTANCE importing !I_ID type ZABAK_ID default 'DEFAULT' !I_RFCDEST type RFCDEST optional preferred parameter I_ID returning value(RO_INSTANCE) type ref to ZIF_ABAK raising ZCX_ABAK . PROTECTED SECTION. private section. class-methods GET_ZABAK_INSTANCE_LOCAL importing !I_ID type ZABAK_ID returning value(RO_INSTANCE) type ref to ZIF_ABAK raising ZCX_ABAK . class-methods GET_ZABAK_INSTANCE_RFC importing !I_ID type ZABAK_ID default 'DEFAULT' !I_RFCDEST type RFCDEST optional returning value(RO_INSTANCE) type ref to ZIF_ABAK raising ZCX_ABAK . ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_ABAK_FACTORY IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD get_custom_instance. DATA: o_source_factory TYPE REF TO zcl_abak_source_factory, o_data_factory TYPE REF TO zcl_abak_data_factory. LOG-POINT ID zabak SUBKEY 'factory.get_custom_instance'. IF io_format IS NOT BOUND. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_abak EXPORTING textid = zcx_abak=>invalid_parameters. ENDIF. IF io_source IS NOT BOUND. * If no content is provided we assume the format class doesn't need it so we'll create an empty one CREATE OBJECT o_source_factory. io_source = o_source_factory->get_instance( i_source_type = zif_abak_consts=>source_type-inline i_content = space ). ENDIF. CREATE OBJECT o_data_factory. CREATE OBJECT ro_instance TYPE zcl_abak EXPORTING io_data = o_data_factory->get_custom_instance( io_format = io_format io_source = io_source ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_standard_instance. DATA: o_data_factory TYPE REF TO zcl_abak_data_factory. LOG-POINT ID zabak SUBKEY 'factory.get_instance' FIELDS i_format_type i_source_type i_content. IF i_format_type IS INITIAL OR i_source_type IS INITIAL OR i_content IS INITIAL. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_abak EXPORTING textid = zcx_abak=>invalid_parameters. ENDIF. CREATE OBJECT o_data_factory. CREATE OBJECT ro_instance TYPE zcl_abak EXPORTING io_data = o_data_factory->get_standard_instance( i_format_type = i_format_type i_source_type = i_source_type i_content = i_content i_use_shm = i_use_shm i_bypass_cache = i_bypass_cache ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_zabak_instance. IF i_rfcdest IS INITIAL. ro_instance = get_zabak_instance_local( i_id ). ELSE. ro_instance = get_zabak_instance_rfc( i_id = i_id i_rfcdest = i_rfcdest ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_zabak_instance_local. DATA: s_zabak TYPE zabak, content TYPE string. SELECT SINGLE * FROM zabak INTO s_zabak WHERE id = i_id. IF sy-subrc <> 0. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_abak_factory EXPORTING textid = zcx_abak_factory=>id_not_found id = i_id. ENDIF. content = s_zabak-content. ro_instance = get_standard_instance( i_format_type = s_zabak-format_type i_source_type = s_zabak-source_type i_content = content i_use_shm = s_zabak-use_shm ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_zabak_instance_rfc. DATA: o_data TYPE REF TO zif_abak_data, o_data_factory TYPE REF TO zcl_abak_data_factory. CREATE OBJECT o_data_factory. o_data = o_data_factory->get_standard_instance( i_format_type = zif_abak_consts=>format_type-internal i_source_type = zif_abak_consts=>source_type-rfc i_content = |{ i_rfcdest } { i_id }| ). CREATE OBJECT ro_instance TYPE zcl_abak EXPORTING io_data = o_data. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_gui_page_repo_view DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM zcl_abapgit_gui_page FINAL CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES zif_abapgit_gui_hotkeys . CONSTANTS: BEGIN OF c_actions, repo_list TYPE string VALUE 'abapgit_home' ##NO_TEXT, change_dir TYPE string VALUE 'change_dir' ##NO_TEXT, toggle_hide_files TYPE string VALUE 'toggle_hide_files' ##NO_TEXT, toggle_folders TYPE string VALUE 'toggle_folders' ##NO_TEXT, toggle_changes TYPE string VALUE 'toggle_changes' ##NO_TEXT, toggle_diff_first TYPE string VALUE 'toggle_diff_first ' ##NO_TEXT, display_more TYPE string VALUE 'display_more' ##NO_TEXT, go_data TYPE string VALUE 'go_data', END OF c_actions . METHODS constructor IMPORTING !iv_key TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_repo-key RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS zif_abapgit_gui_event_handler~on_event REDEFINITION . PROTECTED SECTION. METHODS render_content REDEFINITION. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA mo_repo TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo . DATA mv_cur_dir TYPE string . DATA mv_hide_files TYPE abap_bool . DATA mv_max_lines TYPE i . DATA mv_max_setting TYPE i . DATA mv_show_folders TYPE abap_bool . DATA mv_changes_only TYPE abap_bool . DATA mv_order_by TYPE string . DATA mv_order_descending TYPE abap_bool . DATA mv_diff_first TYPE abap_bool . DATA mv_key TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_value . DATA mv_are_changes_recorded_in_tr TYPE abap_bool . METHODS render_head_line IMPORTING !iv_lstate TYPE char1 !iv_rstate TYPE char1 RETURNING VALUE(ri_html) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_html RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS build_head_menu IMPORTING !iv_lstate TYPE char1 !iv_rstate TYPE char1 RETURNING VALUE(ro_toolbar) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html_toolbar RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS build_view_menu RETURNING VALUE(ro_toolbar) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html_toolbar RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS render_item IMPORTING !is_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_repo_item !iv_render_transports TYPE abap_bool RETURNING VALUE(ri_html) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_html RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS render_item_files IMPORTING !is_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_repo_item RETURNING VALUE(ri_html) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_html . METHODS render_item_command IMPORTING !is_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_repo_item RETURNING VALUE(ri_html) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_html . METHODS get_item_class IMPORTING !is_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_repo_item RETURNING VALUE(rv_html) TYPE string . METHODS get_item_icon IMPORTING !is_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_repo_item RETURNING VALUE(rv_html) TYPE string . METHODS render_item_lock_column IMPORTING !is_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_repo_item RETURNING VALUE(ri_html) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_html RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS render_parent_dir RETURNING VALUE(ri_html) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_html RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS build_obj_jump_link IMPORTING !is_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_repo_item RETURNING VALUE(rv_html) TYPE string . METHODS build_dir_jump_link IMPORTING !iv_path TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(rv_html) TYPE string . METHODS build_inactive_object_code IMPORTING !is_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_repo_item RETURNING VALUE(rv_inactive_html_code) TYPE string . METHODS open_in_main_language RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS render_order_by RETURNING VALUE(ri_html) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_html . METHODS apply_order_by CHANGING !ct_repo_items TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_repo_item_tt . METHODS build_branch_dropdown RETURNING VALUE(ro_branch_dropdown) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html_toolbar RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS build_tag_dropdown IMPORTING !iv_wp_opt LIKE zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-crossout RETURNING VALUE(ro_tag_dropdown) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html_toolbar RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS build_advanced_dropdown IMPORTING !iv_wp_opt LIKE zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-crossout !iv_lstate TYPE char1 !iv_rstate TYPE char1 RETURNING VALUE(ro_advanced_dropdown) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html_toolbar RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS build_main_toolbar IMPORTING !iv_pull_opt LIKE zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-crossout !iv_lstate TYPE char1 !iv_rstate TYPE char1 !io_tb_branch TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html_toolbar !io_tb_tag TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html_toolbar !io_tb_advanced TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html_toolbar RETURNING VALUE(ro_toolbar) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html_toolbar RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS build_main_menu RETURNING VALUE(ro_menu) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html_toolbar . METHODS render_scripts RETURNING VALUE(ri_html) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_html RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS is_repo_lang_logon_lang RETURNING VALUE(rv_repo_lang_is_logon_lang) TYPE abap_bool . METHODS get_abapgit_tcode RETURNING VALUE(rv_tcode) TYPE tcode . METHODS render_item_changed_by IMPORTING !is_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_repo_item RETURNING VALUE(ri_html) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_html RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_abapgit_gui_page_repo_view IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD apply_order_by. DATA: lt_sort TYPE abap_sortorder_tab, ls_sort LIKE LINE OF lt_sort, lt_non_code_and_metadata_items LIKE ct_repo_items, lt_code_items LIKE ct_repo_items, lt_diff_items LIKE ct_repo_items. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_repo_item> TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_repo_item. IF mv_order_by IS INITIAL. RETURN. ENDIF. " we want to preserve non-code and metadata files at the top, " so we isolate them and and sort only the code artifacts LOOP AT ct_repo_items ASSIGNING <ls_repo_item>. IF <ls_repo_item>-obj_type IS INITIAL AND <ls_repo_item>-is_dir = abap_false. INSERT <ls_repo_item> INTO TABLE lt_non_code_and_metadata_items. ELSE. INSERT <ls_repo_item> INTO TABLE lt_code_items. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. IF mv_diff_first = abap_true. " fix diffs on the top, right after non-code and metadata LOOP AT lt_code_items ASSIGNING <ls_repo_item> WHERE changes > 0. INSERT <ls_repo_item> INTO TABLE lt_diff_items. ENDLOOP. DELETE lt_code_items WHERE changes > 0. ENDIF. CLEAR: ct_repo_items. ls_sort-descending = mv_order_descending. ls_sort-astext = abap_true. ls_sort-name = mv_order_by. INSERT ls_sort INTO TABLE lt_sort. " Combine state fields for order of 'Status' column IF mv_order_by = 'LSTATE'. ls_sort-name = 'RSTATE'. INSERT ls_sort INTO TABLE lt_sort. ENDIF. SORT lt_code_items STABLE BY (lt_sort). SORT lt_diff_items STABLE BY (lt_sort). INSERT LINES OF lt_non_code_and_metadata_items INTO TABLE ct_repo_items. INSERT LINES OF lt_diff_items INTO TABLE ct_repo_items. INSERT LINES OF lt_code_items INTO TABLE ct_repo_items. ENDMETHOD. METHOD build_advanced_dropdown. DATA: lv_crossout LIKE zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-crossout. CREATE OBJECT ro_advanced_dropdown. IF iv_rstate IS NOT INITIAL OR iv_lstate IS NOT INITIAL. " In case of asyncronicities ro_advanced_dropdown->add( iv_txt = 'Reset Local (Force Pull)' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-git_reset }?key={ mv_key }| iv_opt = iv_wp_opt ). ENDIF. IF mo_repo->is_offline( ) = abap_false. " Online ? ro_advanced_dropdown->add( iv_txt = 'Force Stage' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-go_stage }?key={ mv_key }| ). CLEAR lv_crossout. IF zcl_abapgit_auth=>is_allowed( zif_abapgit_auth=>gc_authorization-transport_to_branch ) = abap_false. lv_crossout = zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-crossout. ENDIF. ro_advanced_dropdown->add( iv_txt = 'Transport to Branch' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_transport_to_branch }?key={ mv_key }| iv_opt = lv_crossout ). ENDIF. IF mv_are_changes_recorded_in_tr = abap_true. ro_advanced_dropdown->add( iv_txt = 'Add All Objects to Transport' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_add_all_obj_to_trans_req }?key={ mv_key }| ). ENDIF. ro_advanced_dropdown->add( iv_txt = 'Syntax Check' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_syntax_check }?key={ mv_key }| ). ro_advanced_dropdown->add( iv_txt = 'Run Code Inspector' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_code_inspector }?key={ mv_key }| ). CLEAR lv_crossout. IF zcl_abapgit_auth=>is_allowed( zif_abapgit_auth=>gc_authorization-update_local_checksum ) = abap_false. lv_crossout = zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-crossout. ENDIF. ro_advanced_dropdown->add( iv_txt = 'Update Local Checksums' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_refresh_checksums }?key={ mv_key }| iv_opt = lv_crossout ). ro_advanced_dropdown->add( iv_txt = 'Beta - Data' iv_act = |{ c_actions-go_data }?key={ mv_key }| iv_opt = lv_crossout ). IF is_repo_lang_logon_lang( ) = abap_false AND get_abapgit_tcode( ) IS NOT INITIAL. ro_advanced_dropdown->add( iv_txt = 'Open in Main Language' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_open_in_master_lang }?key={ mv_key }| ). ENDIF. ro_advanced_dropdown->add( iv_txt = 'Remove' iv_title = `Remove abapGit's records of the repository (the system's ` && `development objects will remain unaffected)` iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_remove }?key={ mv_key }| ). CLEAR lv_crossout. IF mo_repo->get_local_settings( )-write_protected = abap_true OR zcl_abapgit_auth=>is_allowed( zif_abapgit_auth=>gc_authorization-uninstall ) = abap_false. lv_crossout = zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-crossout. ENDIF. ro_advanced_dropdown->add( iv_txt = 'Uninstall' iv_title = `Delete all development objects belonging to this package ` && `(and subpackages) from the system` iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_purge }?key={ mv_key }| iv_opt = lv_crossout ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD build_branch_dropdown. CREATE OBJECT ro_branch_dropdown. IF mo_repo->is_offline( ) = abap_true. RETURN. ENDIF. ro_branch_dropdown->add( iv_txt = 'Overview' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-go_branch_overview }?key={ mv_key }| ). ro_branch_dropdown->add( iv_txt = 'Switch' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-git_branch_switch }?key={ mv_key }| ). ro_branch_dropdown->add( iv_txt = 'Create' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-git_branch_create }?key={ mv_key }| ). ro_branch_dropdown->add( iv_txt = 'Delete' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-git_branch_delete }?key={ mv_key }| ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD build_dir_jump_link. DATA lv_path TYPE string. DATA lv_encode TYPE string. DATA li_html TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_html. CREATE OBJECT li_html TYPE zcl_abapgit_html. lv_path = iv_path. REPLACE FIRST OCCURRENCE OF mv_cur_dir IN lv_path WITH ''. lv_encode = zcl_abapgit_html_action_utils=>dir_encode( lv_path ). rv_html = li_html->a( iv_txt = lv_path iv_act = |{ c_actions-change_dir }?{ lv_encode }| ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD build_head_menu. DATA: lo_tb_advanced TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html_toolbar, lo_tb_branch TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html_toolbar, lo_tb_tag TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html_toolbar, lv_wp_opt LIKE zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-crossout, lv_pull_opt LIKE zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-crossout. IF mo_repo->get_local_settings( )-write_protected = abap_true. lv_wp_opt = zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-crossout. lv_pull_opt = zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-crossout. ELSE. lv_pull_opt = zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-strong. ENDIF. lo_tb_branch = build_branch_dropdown( ). lo_tb_tag = build_tag_dropdown( lv_wp_opt ). lo_tb_advanced = build_advanced_dropdown( iv_wp_opt = lv_wp_opt iv_rstate = iv_rstate iv_lstate = iv_lstate ). ro_toolbar = build_main_toolbar( iv_pull_opt = lv_pull_opt iv_rstate = iv_rstate iv_lstate = iv_lstate io_tb_branch = lo_tb_branch io_tb_tag = lo_tb_tag io_tb_advanced = lo_tb_advanced ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD build_inactive_object_code. IF is_item-inactive = abap_true. rv_inactive_html_code = zcl_abapgit_html=>icon( iv_name = 'bolt/orange' iv_hint = 'Object or object part is inactive' iv_class = 'inactive' ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD build_main_menu. CREATE OBJECT ro_menu EXPORTING iv_id = 'toolbar-main'. ro_menu->add( iv_txt = zcl_abapgit_gui_buttons=>repo_list( ) iv_act = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-abapgit_home )->add( iv_txt = zcl_abapgit_gui_buttons=>settings( ) iv_act = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-go_settings )->add( iv_txt = zcl_abapgit_gui_buttons=>advanced( ) iv_title = 'Utilities' io_sub = zcl_abapgit_gui_chunk_lib=>advanced_submenu( ) )->add( iv_txt = zcl_abapgit_gui_buttons=>help( ) iv_title = 'Help' io_sub = zcl_abapgit_gui_chunk_lib=>help_submenu( ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD build_main_toolbar. DATA: li_log TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_log. CREATE OBJECT ro_toolbar EXPORTING iv_id = 'toolbar-repo'. IF mo_repo->is_offline( ) = abap_false. IF iv_rstate IS NOT INITIAL. " Something new at remote ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'Pull' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-git_pull }?key={ mv_key }| iv_opt = iv_pull_opt ). ENDIF. IF iv_lstate IS NOT INITIAL. " Something new at local ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'Stage' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-go_stage }?key={ mv_key }| iv_opt = zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-strong ). ENDIF. IF iv_rstate IS NOT INITIAL OR iv_lstate IS NOT INITIAL. " Any changes ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'Diff' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-go_repo_diff }?key={ mv_key }| iv_opt = zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-strong ). ENDIF. li_log = mo_repo->get_log( ). IF li_log IS BOUND AND li_log->count( ) > 0. ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'Log' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_log }?key={ mv_key }| ). ENDIF. ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'Branch' io_sub = io_tb_branch ). ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'Tag' io_sub = io_tb_tag ). ELSE. IF mo_repo->has_remote_source( ) = abap_true AND iv_rstate IS NOT INITIAL. ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'Pull <sup>zip</sup>' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-git_pull }?key={ mv_key }| iv_opt = zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-strong ). ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'Diff' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-go_repo_diff }?key={ mv_key }| iv_opt = zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-strong ). ENDIF. ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'Import <sup>zip</sup>' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-zip_import }?key={ mv_key }| iv_opt = zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-strong ). IF mo_repo->get_local_settings( )-write_protected = abap_true. ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'Compare <sup>rfc</sup>' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-rfc_compare }?key={ mv_key }| iv_opt = zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-strong ). ENDIF. ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'Export <sup>zip</sup>' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-zip_export }?key={ mv_key }| iv_opt = zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-strong ). li_log = mo_repo->get_log( ). IF li_log IS BOUND AND li_log->count( ) > 0. ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'Log' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_log }?key={ mv_key }| ). ENDIF. ENDIF. ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'Advanced' io_sub = io_tb_advanced ). ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'View' io_sub = build_view_menu( ) ). ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'Refresh' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_refresh }?key={ mv_key }| iv_opt = zif_abapgit_html=>c_html_opt-strong ). ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = zcl_abapgit_html=>icon( iv_name = 'cog' ) iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_settings }?key={ mv_key }| iv_title = `Repository Settings` ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD build_obj_jump_link. DATA lv_encode TYPE string. DATA li_html TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_html. CREATE OBJECT li_html TYPE zcl_abapgit_html. lv_encode = zcl_abapgit_html_action_utils=>jump_encode( iv_obj_type = is_item-obj_type iv_obj_name = is_item-obj_name ). rv_html = li_html->a( iv_txt = |{ is_item-obj_name }| iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-jump }?{ lv_encode }| ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD build_tag_dropdown. CREATE OBJECT ro_tag_dropdown. IF mo_repo->is_offline( ) = abap_true. RETURN. ENDIF. ro_tag_dropdown->add( iv_txt = 'Overview' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-go_tag_overview }?key={ mv_key }| ). ro_tag_dropdown->add( iv_txt = 'Switch' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-git_tag_switch }?key={ mv_key }| iv_opt = iv_wp_opt ). ro_tag_dropdown->add( iv_txt = 'Create' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-git_tag_create }?key={ mv_key }| ). ro_tag_dropdown->add( iv_txt = 'Delete' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-git_tag_delete }?key={ mv_key }| ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD build_view_menu. CREATE OBJECT ro_toolbar. ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'Changes First' iv_chk = mv_diff_first iv_act = c_actions-toggle_diff_first ). ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'Changes Only' iv_chk = mv_changes_only iv_act = c_actions-toggle_changes ). ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'File Paths' iv_chk = boolc( NOT mv_hide_files = abap_true ) iv_act = c_actions-toggle_hide_files ). ro_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'Folders' iv_chk = mv_show_folders iv_act = c_actions-toggle_folders ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD constructor. DATA: lo_settings TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_settings, lx_error TYPE REF TO zcx_abapgit_exception. super->constructor( ). TRY. mv_key = iv_key. mo_repo = zcl_abapgit_repo_srv=>get_instance( )->get( iv_key ). mv_cur_dir = '/'. " Root mv_hide_files = zcl_abapgit_persistence_user=>get_instance( )->get_hide_files( ). mv_changes_only = zcl_abapgit_persistence_user=>get_instance( )->get_changes_only( ). mv_diff_first = abap_true. ms_control-page_title = 'Repository'. ms_control-page_menu = build_main_menu( ). " Read global settings to get max # of objects to be listed lo_settings = zcl_abapgit_persist_factory=>get_settings( )->read( ). mv_max_lines = lo_settings->get_max_lines( ). mv_max_setting = mv_max_lines. CATCH zcx_abapgit_exception INTO lx_error. " Reset 'last shown repo' so next start will go to repo overview " and allow troubleshooting of issue zcl_abapgit_persistence_user=>get_instance( )->set_repo_show( || ). RAISE EXCEPTION lx_error. ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_abapgit_tcode. CONSTANTS: lc_report_tcode_hex TYPE x VALUE '80'. DATA: lt_tcodes TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF tcode. SELECT tcode FROM tstc INTO TABLE lt_tcodes WHERE pgmna = sy-cprog AND cinfo = lc_report_tcode_hex. IF lines( lt_tcodes ) > 0. READ TABLE lt_tcodes INDEX 1 INTO rv_tcode. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_item_class. DATA lt_class TYPE TABLE OF string. IF is_item-is_dir = abap_true. APPEND 'folder' TO lt_class. ELSEIF is_item-changes > 0. APPEND 'modified' TO lt_class. ELSEIF is_item-obj_name IS INITIAL. APPEND 'unsupported' TO lt_class. ENDIF. IF lines( lt_class ) > 0. rv_html = | class="{ concat_lines_of( table = lt_class sep = ` ` ) }"|. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_item_icon. CASE is_item-obj_type. WHEN 'PROG' OR 'CLAS' OR 'FUGR' OR 'INTF' OR 'TYPE'. rv_html = zcl_abapgit_html=>icon( iv_name = 'file-code/darkgrey' iv_hint = 'Code' ). WHEN 'W3MI' OR 'W3HT' OR 'SFPF'. rv_html = zcl_abapgit_html=>icon( iv_name = 'file-image/darkgrey' iv_hint = 'Binary' ). WHEN 'DEVC'. rv_html = zcl_abapgit_html=>icon( iv_name = 'box/darkgrey' iv_hint = 'Package' ). WHEN ''. rv_html = space. " no icon WHEN OTHERS. rv_html = zcl_abapgit_html=>icon( 'file-alt/darkgrey' ). ENDCASE. IF is_item-is_dir = abap_true. rv_html = zcl_abapgit_html=>icon( iv_name = 'folder/darkgrey' iv_hint = 'Folder' ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD is_repo_lang_logon_lang. rv_repo_lang_is_logon_lang = boolc( mo_repo->get_dot_abapgit( )->get_main_language( ) = sy-langu ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD open_in_main_language. DATA: lv_main_language TYPE spras, lt_spagpa TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF rfc_spagpa, ls_spagpa LIKE LINE OF lt_spagpa, ls_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item, lv_subrc TYPE syst-subrc, lv_save_sy_langu TYPE sy-langu, lv_tcode TYPE tcode. " lv_main_language = mo_repo->get_dot_abapgit( )->get_main_language( ). lv_tcode = get_abapgit_tcode( ). ASSERT lv_tcode IS NOT INITIAL. IF lv_main_language = sy-langu. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Repo already opened in main language| ). ENDIF. ls_item-obj_name = lv_tcode. ls_item-obj_type = |TRAN|. IF zcl_abapgit_objects=>exists( ls_item ) = abap_false. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Please install the abapGit repository| ). ENDIF. lv_save_sy_langu = sy-langu. SET LOCALE LANGUAGE lv_main_language. ls_spagpa-parid = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_spagpa_param_repo_key. ls_spagpa-parval = mo_repo->get_key( ). INSERT ls_spagpa INTO TABLE lt_spagpa. CALL FUNCTION 'ABAP4_CALL_TRANSACTION' DESTINATION 'NONE' STARTING NEW TASK 'ABAPGIT' EXPORTING tcode = lv_tcode TABLES spagpa_tab = lt_spagpa EXCEPTIONS call_transaction_denied = 1 tcode_invalid = 2 communication_failure = 3 system_failure = 4 OTHERS = 5. lv_subrc = sy-subrc. SET LOCALE LANGUAGE lv_save_sy_langu. IF lv_subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Error from ABAP4_CALL_TRANSACTION. Subrc = { lv_subrc }| ). ENDIF. MESSAGE 'Repository opened in a new window' TYPE 'S'. ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_content. DATA: lt_repo_items TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_repo_item_tt, lo_browser TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo_content_list, lx_error TYPE REF TO zcx_abapgit_exception, lv_lstate TYPE char1, lv_rstate TYPE char1, lv_max TYPE abap_bool, lv_max_str TYPE string, lv_add_str TYPE string, li_log TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_log, lv_msg TYPE string, lo_news TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_news. FIELD-SYMBOLS <ls_item> LIKE LINE OF lt_repo_items. gui_services( )->get_hotkeys_ctl( )->register_hotkeys( me ). gui_services( )->register_event_handler( me ). TRY. " Reinit, for the case of type change mo_repo = zcl_abapgit_repo_srv=>get_instance( )->get( mo_repo->get_key( ) ). mv_are_changes_recorded_in_tr = zcl_abapgit_factory=>get_sap_package( mo_repo->get_package( ) )->are_changes_recorded_in_tr_req( ). lo_news = zcl_abapgit_news=>create( mo_repo ). CREATE OBJECT ri_html TYPE zcl_abapgit_html. ri_html->add( |<div class="repo" id="repo{ mv_key }">| ). ri_html->add( zcl_abapgit_gui_chunk_lib=>render_repo_top( io_repo = mo_repo io_news = lo_news iv_show_edit = abap_true iv_interactive_branch = abap_true ) ). ri_html->add( zcl_abapgit_gui_chunk_lib=>render_news( io_news = lo_news ) ). zcl_abapgit_exit=>get_instance( )->wall_message_repo( is_repo_meta = mo_repo->ms_data ii_html = ri_html ). CREATE OBJECT lo_browser EXPORTING io_repo = mo_repo. lt_repo_items = lo_browser->list( iv_path = mv_cur_dir iv_by_folders = mv_show_folders iv_changes_only = mv_changes_only ). apply_order_by( CHANGING ct_repo_items = lt_repo_items ). LOOP AT lt_repo_items ASSIGNING <ls_item>. zcl_abapgit_state=>reduce( EXPORTING iv_cur = <ls_item>-lstate CHANGING cv_prev = lv_lstate ). zcl_abapgit_state=>reduce( EXPORTING iv_cur = <ls_item>-rstate CHANGING cv_prev = lv_rstate ). ENDLOOP. ri_html->add( render_head_line( iv_lstate = lv_lstate iv_rstate = lv_rstate ) ). li_log = lo_browser->get_log( ). IF mo_repo->is_offline( ) = abap_false AND li_log->count( ) > 0. ri_html->add( '<div class="log">' ). ri_html->add( zcl_abapgit_log_viewer=>to_html( li_log ) ). " shows eg. list of unsupported objects ri_html->add( '</div>' ). ENDIF. ri_html->add( '<div class="repo_container">' ). CLEAR lv_msg. IF mo_repo->is_offline( ) = abap_true AND mo_repo->has_remote_source( ) = abap_true AND lv_lstate IS INITIAL AND lv_rstate IS INITIAL. " Offline match banner lv_msg = 'ZIP source is attached and completely <b>matches</b> the local state'. ELSEIF lines( lt_repo_items ) = 0. " Online match banner IF mv_changes_only = abap_true. lv_msg = 'Local state completely <b>matches</b> the remote repository'. ELSE. lv_msg = |Package is empty. Show { build_dir_jump_link( 'parent' ) } package|. ENDIF. ELSE. " Repo content table ri_html->add( '<table class="repo_tab">' ). IF zcl_abapgit_path=>is_root( mv_cur_dir ) = abap_false. ri_html->add( render_parent_dir( ) ). ENDIF. ri_html->add( render_order_by( ) ). LOOP AT lt_repo_items ASSIGNING <ls_item>. IF mv_max_lines > 0 AND sy-tabix > mv_max_lines. lv_max = abap_true. EXIT. " current loop ENDIF. ri_html->add( render_item( is_item = <ls_item> iv_render_transports = mv_are_changes_recorded_in_tr ) ). ENDLOOP. ri_html->add( '</table>' ). ENDIF. IF NOT lv_msg IS INITIAL. ri_html->add( |<div class="panel success repo_banner">{ lv_msg }</div>| ). ENDIF. IF lv_max = abap_true. ri_html->add( '<div class = "dummydiv">' ). IF mv_max_lines = 1. lv_max_str = '1 object'. ELSE. lv_max_str = |first { mv_max_lines } objects|. ENDIF. lv_add_str = |+{ mv_max_setting }|. ri_html->add( |Only { lv_max_str } objects shown in list. Display { ri_html->a( iv_txt = lv_add_str iv_act = c_actions-display_more ) } more (change in Settings > { ri_html->a( iv_txt = 'Personal Settings' iv_act = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-go_settings_personal ) })| ). ri_html->add( '</div>' ). ENDIF. ri_html->add( '</div>' ). ri_html->add( '</div>' ). CATCH zcx_abapgit_exception INTO lx_error. " Reset 'last shown repo' so next start will go to repo overview " and allow troubleshooting of issue zcl_abapgit_persistence_user=>get_instance( )->set_repo_show( || ). ri_html->add( render_head_line( iv_lstate = lv_lstate iv_rstate = lv_rstate ) ). ri_html->add( zcl_abapgit_gui_chunk_lib=>render_error( iv_extra_style = 'repo_banner' ix_error = lx_error ) ). ENDTRY. register_deferred_script( render_scripts( ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_head_line. DATA lo_toolbar TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html_toolbar. CREATE OBJECT ri_html TYPE zcl_abapgit_html. lo_toolbar = build_head_menu( iv_lstate = iv_lstate iv_rstate = iv_rstate ). ri_html->add( '<div class="paddings">' ). ri_html->add( '<table class="w100"><tr>' ). IF mv_show_folders = abap_true. ri_html->add( |<td class="current_dir">{ mv_cur_dir }</td>| ). ENDIF. ri_html->add( '<td class="right">' ). ri_html->add( lo_toolbar->render( iv_right = abap_true ) ). ri_html->add( '</td>' ). ri_html->add( '</tr></table>' ). ri_html->add( '</div>' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_item. DATA: lv_link TYPE string, lv_colspan TYPE i. CREATE OBJECT ri_html TYPE zcl_abapgit_html. IF iv_render_transports = abap_false. lv_colspan = 2. ELSE. lv_colspan = 3. ENDIF. ri_html->add( |<tr{ get_item_class( is_item ) }>| ). IF is_item-obj_name IS INITIAL AND is_item-is_dir = abap_false. ri_html->add( |<td colspan="{ lv_colspan }"></td>| && '<td class="object">' && '<i class="grey">non-code and meta files</i>' && '</td>' ). ELSE. ri_html->add( |<td class="icon">{ get_item_icon( is_item ) }</td>| ). IF iv_render_transports = abap_true. ri_html->add( render_item_lock_column( is_item ) ). ENDIF. IF is_item-is_dir = abap_true. " Subdir lv_link = build_dir_jump_link( is_item-path ). ri_html->add( |<td class="dir" colspan="2">{ lv_link }</td>| ). ELSE. lv_link = build_obj_jump_link( is_item ). ri_html->add( |<td class="type">{ is_item-obj_type }</td>| ). ri_html->add( |<td class="object">{ lv_link } { build_inactive_object_code( is_item ) }</td>| ). ENDIF. ENDIF. " Files ri_html->add( '<td class="files">' ). ri_html->add( render_item_files( is_item ) ). ri_html->add( '</td>' ). ri_html->add( '<td class="user">' ). ri_html->add( render_item_changed_by( is_item ) ). ri_html->add( '</td>' ). " Command ri_html->add( '<td class="cmd">' ). IF mo_repo->has_remote_source( ) = abap_true. ri_html->add( render_item_command( is_item ) ). ENDIF. ri_html->add( '</td>' ). ri_html->add( '</tr>' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_item_command. DATA: lv_difflink TYPE string, ls_file LIKE LINE OF is_item-files. CREATE OBJECT ri_html TYPE zcl_abapgit_html. IF is_item-is_dir = abap_true. " Directory ri_html->add( '<div>' ). ri_html->add( |<span class="grey">{ is_item-changes } changes</span>| ). ri_html->add( zcl_abapgit_gui_chunk_lib=>render_item_state( iv_lstate = is_item-lstate iv_rstate = is_item-rstate ) ). ri_html->add( '</div>' ). ELSEIF is_item-changes > 0. IF mv_hide_files = abap_true AND is_item-obj_name IS NOT INITIAL. lv_difflink = zcl_abapgit_html_action_utils=>obj_encode( iv_key = mo_repo->get_key( ) ig_object = is_item ). ri_html->add( '<div>' ). ri_html->add_a( iv_txt = |diff ({ is_item-changes })| iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-go_file_diff }?{ lv_difflink }| ). ri_html->add( zcl_abapgit_gui_chunk_lib=>render_item_state( iv_lstate = is_item-lstate iv_rstate = is_item-rstate ) ). ri_html->add( '</div>' ). ELSE. LOOP AT is_item-files INTO ls_file. ri_html->add( '<div>' ). IF ls_file-is_changed = abap_true. lv_difflink = zcl_abapgit_html_action_utils=>file_encode( iv_key = mo_repo->get_key( ) ig_file = ls_file ). ri_html->add_a( iv_txt = 'diff' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-go_file_diff }?{ lv_difflink }| ). ri_html->add( zcl_abapgit_gui_chunk_lib=>render_item_state( iv_lstate = ls_file-lstate iv_rstate = ls_file-rstate ) ). ELSE. ri_html->add( '&nbsp;' ). ENDIF. ri_html->add( '</div>' ). ENDLOOP. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_item_files. DATA: ls_file LIKE LINE OF is_item-files. CREATE OBJECT ri_html TYPE zcl_abapgit_html. IF mv_hide_files = abap_true AND is_item-obj_type IS NOT INITIAL. RETURN. ENDIF. LOOP AT is_item-files INTO ls_file. ri_html->add( |<div>{ ls_file-path && ls_file-filename }</div>| ). ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_item_lock_column. DATA: ls_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item, lv_transport TYPE trkorr. CREATE OBJECT ri_html TYPE zcl_abapgit_html. ri_html->add( '<td class="icon">' ). ls_item-obj_type = is_item-obj_type. ls_item-obj_name = is_item-obj_name. TRY. lv_transport = zcl_abapgit_factory=>get_cts_api( )->get_transport_for_object( ls_item ). IF lv_transport IS NOT INITIAL. ri_html->add( zcl_abapgit_gui_chunk_lib=>render_transport( iv_transport = lv_transport iv_icon_only = abap_true ) ). ENDIF. CATCH zcx_abapgit_exception ##NO_HANDLER. " Ignore errors related to object check when trying to get transport ENDTRY. ri_html->add( '</td>' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_order_by. DATA: lv_icon TYPE string, lt_col_spec TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_col_spec_tt, ls_col_spec TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_col_spec. CREATE OBJECT ri_html TYPE zcl_abapgit_html. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_col_spec. IF mv_are_changes_recorded_in_tr = abap_true. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_col_spec. ENDIF. ls_col_spec-tech_name = 'OBJ_TYPE'. ls_col_spec-display_name = 'Type'. ls_col_spec-allow_order_by = abap_true. APPEND ls_col_spec TO lt_col_spec. ls_col_spec-tech_name = 'OBJ_NAME'. ls_col_spec-display_name = 'Name'. ls_col_spec-allow_order_by = abap_true. APPEND ls_col_spec TO lt_col_spec. ls_col_spec-tech_name = 'PATH'. ls_col_spec-display_name = 'Path'. ls_col_spec-allow_order_by = abap_true. APPEND ls_col_spec TO lt_col_spec. ls_col_spec-tech_name = 'CHANGED_BY'. ls_col_spec-display_name = 'Changed by'. ls_col_spec-allow_order_by = abap_true. APPEND ls_col_spec TO lt_col_spec. ls_col_spec-tech_name = 'LSTATE'. ls_col_spec-display_name = 'Status'. ls_col_spec-allow_order_by = abap_true. ls_col_spec-css_class = 'cmd'. APPEND ls_col_spec TO lt_col_spec. ri_html->add( |<thead>| ). ri_html->add( |<tr>| ). ri_html->add( zcl_abapgit_gui_chunk_lib=>render_order_by_header_cells( it_col_spec = lt_col_spec iv_order_by = mv_order_by iv_order_descending = mv_order_descending ) ). IF mv_diff_first = abap_true. lv_icon = 'check/blue'. ELSE. lv_icon = 'check/grey'. ENDIF. ri_html->add( '</tr>' ). ri_html->add( '</thead>' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_parent_dir. CREATE OBJECT ri_html TYPE zcl_abapgit_html. ri_html->add( '<tr class="folder">' ). ri_html->add( |<td class="icon">{ ri_html->icon( 'folder' ) }</td>| ). ri_html->add( |<td class="object" colspan="4">{ build_dir_jump_link( '..' ) }</td>| ). IF mo_repo->has_remote_source( ) = abap_true. ri_html->add( |<td colspan="1"></td>| ). " Dummy for online ENDIF. ri_html->add( '</tr>' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_scripts. CREATE OBJECT ri_html TYPE zcl_abapgit_html. ri_html->set_title( cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_object_ref( me )->get_relative_name( ) ). ri_html->add( zcl_abapgit_gui_chunk_lib=>render_repo_palette( zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-go_repo ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_gui_event_handler~on_event. DATA lv_path TYPE string. CASE ii_event->mv_action. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-go_repo. " Switch to another repo CREATE OBJECT rs_handled-page TYPE zcl_abapgit_gui_page_repo_view EXPORTING iv_key = |{ ii_event->query( )->get( 'KEY' ) }|. rs_handled-state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-new_page_replacing. WHEN c_actions-go_data. CREATE OBJECT rs_handled-page TYPE zcl_abapgit_gui_page_data EXPORTING iv_key = |{ ii_event->query( )->get( 'KEY' ) }|. rs_handled-state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-new_page. WHEN c_actions-toggle_hide_files. " Toggle file diplay mv_hide_files = zcl_abapgit_persistence_user=>get_instance( )->toggle_hide_files( ). rs_handled-state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-re_render. WHEN c_actions-change_dir. " Change dir lv_path = ii_event->query( )->get( 'PATH' ). mv_cur_dir = zcl_abapgit_path=>change_dir( iv_cur_dir = mv_cur_dir iv_cd = lv_path ). rs_handled-state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-re_render. WHEN c_actions-toggle_folders. " Toggle folder view mv_show_folders = boolc( mv_show_folders <> abap_true ). mv_cur_dir = '/'. " Root rs_handled-state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-re_render. WHEN c_actions-toggle_changes. " Toggle changes only view mv_changes_only = zcl_abapgit_persistence_user=>get_instance( )->toggle_changes_only( ). rs_handled-state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-re_render. WHEN c_actions-toggle_diff_first. mv_diff_first = boolc( mv_diff_first = abap_false ). rs_handled-state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-re_render. WHEN c_actions-display_more. " Increase MAX lines limit mv_max_lines = mv_max_lines + mv_max_setting. rs_handled-state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-re_render. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-change_order_by. mv_order_by = ii_event->query( )->get( 'ORDERBY' ). rs_handled-state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-re_render. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-direction. mv_order_descending = boolc( ii_event->query( )->get( 'DIRECTION' ) = 'DESCENDING' ). rs_handled-state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-re_render. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_open_in_master_lang. open_in_main_language( ). rs_handled-state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-re_render. WHEN OTHERS. rs_handled = super->zif_abapgit_gui_event_handler~on_event( ii_event ). " TODO refactor, move to HOC components ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_gui_hotkeys~get_hotkey_actions. DATA: ls_hotkey_action LIKE LINE OF rt_hotkey_actions. ls_hotkey_action-ui_component = 'Repo'. ls_hotkey_action-description = |Stage changes|. ls_hotkey_action-action = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-go_stage. ls_hotkey_action-hotkey = |s|. INSERT ls_hotkey_action INTO TABLE rt_hotkey_actions. ls_hotkey_action-description = |Switch branch|. ls_hotkey_action-action = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-git_branch_switch. ls_hotkey_action-hotkey = |b|. INSERT ls_hotkey_action INTO TABLE rt_hotkey_actions. ls_hotkey_action-description = |Repository list|. ls_hotkey_action-action = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-abapgit_home. ls_hotkey_action-hotkey = |o|. INSERT ls_hotkey_action INTO TABLE rt_hotkey_actions. ls_hotkey_action-description = |Refresh repository|. ls_hotkey_action-action = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_refresh. ls_hotkey_action-hotkey = |r|. INSERT ls_hotkey_action INTO TABLE rt_hotkey_actions. ls_hotkey_action-description = |Pull|. ls_hotkey_action-action = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-git_pull. ls_hotkey_action-hotkey = |p|. INSERT ls_hotkey_action INTO TABLE rt_hotkey_actions. ls_hotkey_action-description = |Diff|. ls_hotkey_action-action = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-go_repo_diff. ls_hotkey_action-hotkey = |d|. INSERT ls_hotkey_action INTO TABLE rt_hotkey_actions. ls_hotkey_action-description = |Uninstall repository|. ls_hotkey_action-action = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_purge. ls_hotkey_action-hotkey = |u|. INSERT ls_hotkey_action INTO TABLE rt_hotkey_actions. ls_hotkey_action-description = |Run syntax check|. ls_hotkey_action-action = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_syntax_check. ls_hotkey_action-hotkey = |c|. INSERT ls_hotkey_action INTO TABLE rt_hotkey_actions. ls_hotkey_action-description = |Run code inspector|. ls_hotkey_action-action = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_code_inspector. ls_hotkey_action-hotkey = |i|. INSERT ls_hotkey_action INTO TABLE rt_hotkey_actions. ls_hotkey_action-description = |Show log|. ls_hotkey_action-action = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_log. ls_hotkey_action-hotkey = |l|. INSERT ls_hotkey_action INTO TABLE rt_hotkey_actions. ls_hotkey_action-description = |abapGit settings|. ls_hotkey_action-action = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-go_settings. ls_hotkey_action-hotkey = |x|. INSERT ls_hotkey_action INTO TABLE rt_hotkey_actions. ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_item_changed_by. CREATE OBJECT ri_html TYPE zcl_abapgit_html. IF is_item-changes = 0 OR is_item-changed_by IS INITIAL. ri_html->add( '&nbsp;' ). ELSE. ri_html->add( zcl_abapgit_gui_chunk_lib=>render_user_name( is_item-changed_by ) ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_persist_settings DEFINITION PUBLIC CREATE PRIVATE . PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS modify IMPORTING !io_settings TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_settings RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS read RETURNING VALUE(ro_settings) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_settings . CLASS-METHODS get_instance RETURNING VALUE(ro_settings) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_persist_settings . PRIVATE SECTION. DATA mo_settings TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_settings . CLASS-DATA go_persist TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_persist_settings . ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_abapgit_persist_settings IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD get_instance. IF go_persist IS NOT BOUND. CREATE OBJECT go_persist. ENDIF. ro_settings = go_persist. ENDMETHOD. METHOD modify. DATA: lv_settings TYPE string, ls_user_settings TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_s_user_settings. lv_settings = io_settings->get_settings_xml( ). zcl_abapgit_persistence_db=>get_instance( )->modify( iv_type = zcl_abapgit_persistence_db=>c_type_settings iv_value = '' iv_data = lv_settings ). ls_user_settings = io_settings->get_user_settings( ). zcl_abapgit_persistence_user=>get_instance( )->set_settings( ls_user_settings ). " Settings have been modified: Update Buffered Settings IF mo_settings IS BOUND. mo_settings->set_xml_settings( lv_settings ). mo_settings->set_user_settings( ls_user_settings ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD read. IF mo_settings IS BOUND. " Return Buffered Settings ro_settings = mo_settings. RETURN. ENDIF. " Settings have changed or have not yet been loaded CREATE OBJECT ro_settings. TRY. ro_settings->set_xml_settings( zcl_abapgit_persistence_db=>get_instance( )->read( iv_type = zcl_abapgit_persistence_db=>c_type_settings iv_value = '' ) ). ro_settings->set_user_settings( zcl_abapgit_persistence_user=>get_instance( )->get_settings( ) ). CATCH zcx_abapgit_not_found zcx_abapgit_exception. ro_settings->set_defaults( ). ENDTRY. mo_settings = ro_settings. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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*----------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS ZCL_CQSE_REPOSRC_OBJECT DEFINITION *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * An ABAP source object as it is stored in table REPOSRC. * In contrast to ZCL_CQSE_SOURCE_OBJECT_BASE, these source objects * may not have an own entry in TADIR. *----------------------------------------------------------------------* class ZCL_CQSE_REPOSRC_OBJECT definition public final create public . public section. interfaces ZIF_CQSE_DATATYPES . interfaces ZIF_CQSE_SOURCE_OBJECT . data PROGRAM_NAME type PROGNAME read-only . methods CONSTRUCTOR importing !PROGRAM_NAME type PROGNAME !EXPORTER type ref to ZCL_CQSE_ABAP_EXPORTER !TADIR_ENTRY type TADIR raising ZCX_CQSE_SRCOBJ_NOT_EXISTS . PROTECTED SECTION. private section. data TADIR_ENTRY type TADIR . data EXPORTER type ref to ZCL_CQSE_ABAP_EXPORTER . methods OBJECT_EXISTS importing !PROGRAM_NAME type PROGNAME returning value(EXISTS) type ABAP_BOOL . endclass. "ZCL_CQSE_REPOSRC_OBJECT definition *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * class ZCL_CQSE_REPOSRC_OBJECT implementation. *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* class ZCL_CQSE_REPOSRC_OBJECT implementation. METHOD constructor. IF object_exists( program_name ) EQ abap_false. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_cqse_srcobj_not_exists. ENDIF. me->program_name = program_name. me->tadir_entry = tadir_entry. me->exporter = exporter. ENDMETHOD. "CONSTRUCTOR METHOD object_exists. DATA count TYPE i. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM reposrc INTO count WHERE progname = program_name AND r3state = 'A'. IF count < 1. exists = abap_false. ELSE. exists = abap_true. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. "object_exists METHOD zif_cqse_source_object~get_meta_data. SELECT SINGLE * FROM reposrc INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF meta_data WHERE progname = me->program_name AND r3state = 'A'. meta_data-objname = me->tadir_entry-obj_name. meta_data-objtype = me->tadir_entry-object. meta_data-devclass = me->tadir_entry-devclass. meta_data-tadir_objname = me->tadir_entry-obj_name. ENDMETHOD. "ZIF_CQSE_SOURCE_OBJECT~GET_DATE_INFOS METHOD zif_cqse_source_object~get_name. name = me->program_name. ENDMETHOD. "ZIF_CQSE_SOURCE_OBJECT~GET_NAME METHOD zif_cqse_source_object~get_source. READ REPORT me->program_name INTO source STATE 'A'. ENDMETHOD. "zif_cqse_source_object~get_source METHOD zif_cqse_source_object~get_source_file_name. DATA: tidy_obj_name TYPE string, tidy_program_name TYPE string, tidy_devclass TYPE string, base_file_name TYPE string. IF ( me->tadir_entry IS NOT INITIAL ). tidy_obj_name = exporter->tidy_file_name( me->tadir_entry-obj_name ). tidy_program_name = exporter->tidy_file_name( me->program_name ). CONCATENATE tidy_obj_name '/' tidy_program_name INTO base_file_name. tidy_devclass = exporter->tidy_file_name( me->tadir_entry-devclass ). file_name = exporter->build_file_name( package = tidy_devclass source_object_type = tadir_entry-object base_file_name = base_file_name ). ELSE. " TODO ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. "zif_cqse_source_object~get_source_file_name endclass. "ZCL_CQSE_REPOSRC_OBJECT implementation
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REPORT z_advent_code_2021_2_1. DATA: depth TYPE i, horizontal TYPE i, input_lines TYPE TABLE OF string. cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_upload( EXPORTING filename = 'C:\Data\AdventOfCode\Day2input.txt' CHANGING data_tab = input_lines ). LOOP AT input_lines INTO DATA(input_line). SPLIT input_line AT space INTO: DATA(command) DATA(value). CASE command. WHEN 'forward'. horizontal = horizontal + value. WHEN 'down'. depth = depth + value. WHEN 'up'. depth = depth - value. ENDCASE. ENDLOOP. WRITE: |{ depth * horizontal }|.
[ 2200, 15490, 1976, 62, 324, 1151, 62, 8189, 62, 1238, 2481, 62, 17, 62, 16, 13, 198, 198, 26947, 25, 198, 220, 6795, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 41876, 1312, 11, 198, 220, 16021, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 41876, 1312, 11, 198, 220, 5128, 62, 6615, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 41876, 43679, 3963, 4731, 13, 198, 198, 565, 62, 48317, 62, 8534, 437, 62, 30416, 14804, 48317, 62, 25850, 7, 7788, 15490, 2751, 29472, 796, 705, 34, 7479, 6601, 59, 2782, 1151, 5189, 10669, 59, 12393, 17, 15414, 13, 14116, 6, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5870, 15567, 2751, 220, 1366, 62, 8658, 796, 5128, 62, 6615, 6739, 198, 198, 21982, 3185, 5161, 5128, 62, 6615, 39319, 42865, 7, 15414, 62, 1370, 737, 198, 220, 46341, 2043, 5128, 62, 1370, 5161, 2272, 39319, 25, 42865, 7, 21812, 8, 42865, 7, 8367, 737, 198, 220, 42001, 3141, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42099, 705, 11813, 4458, 16021, 796, 16021, 1343, 1988, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42099, 705, 2902, 4458, 6795, 796, 6795, 1343, 1988, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42099, 705, 929, 4458, 6795, 796, 6795, 532, 1988, 13, 198, 220, 23578, 34, 11159, 13, 198, 10619, 21982, 3185, 13, 198, 198, 18564, 12709, 25, 930, 90, 6795, 1635, 16021, 1782, 91, 13, 198 ]
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_objects_activation DEFINITION PUBLIC CREATE PUBLIC. PUBLIC SECTION. CLASS-METHODS add IMPORTING iv_type TYPE trobjtype iv_name TYPE clike iv_delete TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_false RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. CLASS-METHODS add_item IMPORTING is_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. CLASS-METHODS activate IMPORTING iv_ddic TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_false RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. CLASS-METHODS clear. PRIVATE SECTION. CLASS-DATA: gt_classes TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF seoclsname WITH DEFAULT KEY, gt_objects TYPE TABLE OF dwinactiv. CLASS-METHODS update_where_used . CLASS-METHODS fix_class_methods IMPORTING !iv_obj_name TYPE trobj_name CHANGING !ct_objects TYPE dwinactiv_tab . CLASS-METHODS use_new_activation_logic RETURNING VALUE(rv_use_new_activation_logic) TYPE abap_bool . CLASS-METHODS activate_new IMPORTING !iv_ddic TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_false RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS activate_old IMPORTING !iv_ddic TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_false RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS activate_ddic RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS show_activation_errors IMPORTING !iv_logname TYPE ddmass-logname RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_ABAPGIT_OBJECTS_ACTIVATION IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD activate. IF use_new_activation_logic( ) = abap_true. activate_new( iv_ddic ). ELSE. activate_old( iv_ddic ). ENDIF. update_where_used( ). ENDMETHOD. "activate METHOD activate_ddic. DATA: lt_gentab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF dcgentb, ls_gentab LIKE LINE OF lt_gentab, lv_rc TYPE sy-subrc, lt_deltab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF dcdeltb, lt_action_tab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF dctablres, lv_logname TYPE ddmass-logname, lv_errmsg(255) TYPE c. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_object> LIKE LINE OF gt_objects. LOOP AT gt_objects ASSIGNING <ls_object>. ls_gentab-name = <ls_object>-obj_name. ls_gentab-type = <ls_object>-object. INSERT ls_gentab INTO TABLE lt_gentab. CALL FUNCTION 'RS_CORR_INSERT' EXPORTING object = <ls_object>-obj_name object_class = <ls_object>-object global_lock = abap_true EXCEPTIONS cancelled = 1 permission_failure = 2 unknown_objectclass = 3 OTHERS = 4. IF sy-subrc <> 0. CONCATENATE 'error from RS_CORR_INSERT for' <ls_object>-object <ls_object>-obj_name INTO lv_errmsg SEPARATED BY space. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( lv_errmsg ). ENDIF. ENDLOOP. IF lt_gentab IS NOT INITIAL. lv_logname = |ABAPGIT_{ sy-datum }_{ sy-uzeit }|. CALL FUNCTION 'DD_MASS_ACT_C3' EXPORTING ddmode = 'C' medium = 'T' device = 'T' logname = lv_logname write_log = abap_true log_head_tail = abap_true t_on = space prid = 1 IMPORTING act_rc = lv_rc TABLES gentab = lt_gentab deltab = lt_deltab cnvtab = lt_action_tab EXCEPTIONS access_failure = 1 no_objects = 2 locked = 3 internal_error = 4 OTHERS = 5. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error from DD_MASS_ACT_C3' ). ENDIF. IF lv_rc > 0. show_activation_errors( lv_logname ). ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD activate_new. DATA: lo_progress TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_progress. IF gt_objects IS INITIAL. RETURN. ENDIF. CREATE OBJECT lo_progress EXPORTING iv_total = 100. IF iv_ddic = abap_true. lo_progress->show( iv_current = 98 iv_text = 'Activating DDIC' ). activate_ddic( ). ELSE. lo_progress->show( iv_current = 98 iv_text = 'Activating non DDIC' ). activate_old( ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD activate_old. DATA: lv_popup TYPE abap_bool. IF gt_objects IS NOT INITIAL. CALL FUNCTION 'GUI_IS_AVAILABLE' IMPORTING return = lv_popup. CALL FUNCTION 'RS_WORKING_OBJECTS_ACTIVATE' EXPORTING activate_ddic_objects = iv_ddic with_popup = lv_popup TABLES objects = gt_objects EXCEPTIONS excecution_error = 1 cancelled = 2 insert_into_corr_error = 3 OTHERS = 4. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error from RS_WORKING_OBJECTS_ACTIVATE' ). ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD add. * function group SEWORKINGAREA * function module RS_INSERT_INTO_WORKING_AREA * class CL_WB_ACTIVATION_WORK_AREA DATA: lt_objects TYPE dwinactiv_tab, lv_obj_name TYPE dwinactiv-obj_name. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_object> LIKE LINE OF lt_objects. lv_obj_name = iv_name. CASE iv_type. WHEN 'CLAS'. APPEND iv_name TO gt_classes. WHEN 'WDYN'. * todo, move this to the object type include instead CALL FUNCTION 'RS_INACTIVE_OBJECTS_IN_OBJECT' EXPORTING obj_name = lv_obj_name object = iv_type TABLES inactive_objects = lt_objects EXCEPTIONS object_not_found = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'Error from RS_INACTIVE_OBJECTS_IN_OBJECT' ). ENDIF. * IF iv_type = 'CLAS'. * fix_class_methods( EXPORTING iv_obj_name = lv_obj_name * CHANGING ct_objects = lt_objects ). * ENDIF. LOOP AT lt_objects ASSIGNING <ls_object>. <ls_object>-delet_flag = iv_delete. ENDLOOP. APPEND LINES OF lt_objects TO gt_objects. WHEN OTHERS. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO gt_objects ASSIGNING <ls_object>. <ls_object>-object = iv_type. <ls_object>-obj_name = lv_obj_name. <ls_object>-delet_flag = iv_delete. ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD. "activate METHOD add_item. add( iv_type = is_item-obj_type iv_name = is_item-obj_name ). ENDMETHOD. "add_item METHOD clear. CLEAR gt_objects. CLEAR gt_classes. ENDMETHOD. "clear METHOD fix_class_methods. * function module RS_WORKING_OBJECTS_ACTIVATE assumes that * METH lines contains spaces between class and method name * however, classes named with 30 characters * eg. ZCL_CLAS_TESTTESTTESTTESTTESTT * this will not be true, so find all the method includes instead * TODO, this class is obsolete with new CLAS deserialization logic DATA: lt_methods TYPE seop_methods_w_include, lv_class TYPE seoclsname. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_method> LIKE LINE OF lt_methods, <ls_object> LIKE LINE OF ct_objects. lv_class = iv_obj_name. cl_oo_classname_service=>get_all_method_includes( EXPORTING clsname = lv_class RECEIVING result = lt_methods EXCEPTIONS class_not_existing = 1 OTHERS = 2 ). ASSERT sy-subrc = 0. DELETE ct_objects WHERE object = 'METH'. LOOP AT lt_methods ASSIGNING <ls_method>. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO ct_objects ASSIGNING <ls_object>. <ls_object>-object = 'METH'. <ls_object>-obj_name = <ls_method>-incname. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD show_activation_errors. DATA: lt_lines TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF trlog, lv_logname_db TYPE ddprh-protname, lo_log TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_log. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_line> LIKE LINE OF lt_lines. lv_logname_db = iv_logname. CALL FUNCTION 'TR_READ_LOG' EXPORTING iv_log_type = 'DB' iv_logname_db = lv_logname_db TABLES et_lines = lt_lines EXCEPTIONS invalid_input = 1 access_error = 2 OTHERS = 3. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error from TR_READ_LOG' ). ENDIF. DELETE lt_lines WHERE severity <> 'E'. CREATE OBJECT lo_log. LOOP AT lt_lines ASSIGNING <ls_line>. lo_log->add( <ls_line>-line ). ENDLOOP. lo_log->show( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD update_where_used. DATA: lv_class LIKE LINE OF gt_classes, lo_cross TYPE REF TO cl_wb_crossreference, lv_include TYPE programm, lo_progress TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_progress. CREATE OBJECT lo_progress EXPORTING iv_total = lines( gt_classes ). LOOP AT gt_classes INTO lv_class. IF sy-tabix MOD 20 = 0. lo_progress->show( iv_current = sy-tabix iv_text = 'Updating where-used lists' ). ENDIF. lv_include = cl_oo_classname_service=>get_classpool_name( lv_class ). CREATE OBJECT lo_cross EXPORTING p_name = lv_include p_include = lv_include. lo_cross->index_actualize( ). ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD use_new_activation_logic. IF zcl_abapgit_persist_settings=>get_instance( )->read( )->get_experimental_features( ) = abap_true. CALL FUNCTION 'FUNCTION_EXISTS' EXPORTING funcname = 'DD_MASS_ACT_C3' " Name of Function Module EXCEPTIONS function_not_exist = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc = 0. rv_use_new_activation_logic = abap_true. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_object_shi8 DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM zcl_abapgit_objects_super FINAL. PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES zif_abapgit_object. ALIASES mo_files FOR zif_abapgit_object~mo_files. METHODS constructor IMPORTING is_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item iv_language TYPE spras. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA: mv_assignment_id TYPE hier_sfw_id. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_abapgit_object_shi8 IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD constructor. super->constructor( is_item = is_item iv_language = iv_language ). mv_assignment_id = ms_item-obj_name. ENDMETHOD. "constructor METHOD zif_abapgit_object~has_changed_since. rv_changed = abap_true. ENDMETHOD. "ZIF_ABAPGIT_OBJECT~has_changed_since METHOD zif_abapgit_object~changed_by. rv_user = c_user_unknown. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_metadata. rs_metadata = get_metadata( ). ENDMETHOD. "ZIF_ABAPGIT_OBJECT~get_metadata METHOD zif_abapgit_object~jump. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |TODO: Jump SHI8| ). ENDMETHOD. "jump METHOD zif_abapgit_object~exists. CALL FUNCTION 'STREE_SFW_ASSIGNMENT_ID_EXISTS' EXPORTING assignment_id = mv_assignment_id IMPORTING exists = rv_bool. ENDMETHOD. "ZIF_ABAPGIT_OBJECT~exists METHOD zif_abapgit_object~delete. DATA: lv_deleted TYPE xfeld, ls_message TYPE hier_mess. CALL FUNCTION 'STREE_SFW_ASSIGNMENT_DELETE' EXPORTING assignment_id = mv_assignment_id IMPORTING id_deleted = lv_deleted message = ls_message. IF lv_deleted = abap_false. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |{ ls_message-msgtxt }| ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. "delete METHOD zif_abapgit_object~serialize. DATA: lt_assignments TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF hier_sfw_assignment_id, ls_assignment LIKE LINE OF lt_assignments, lt_assignment_data TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ttree_sfw_nodes, ls_assignment_data LIKE LINE OF lt_assignment_data. ls_assignment-sfw_ass_id = mv_assignment_id. INSERT ls_assignment INTO TABLE lt_assignments. CALL FUNCTION 'STREE_SFW_ASSIGNMENT_READ' TABLES it_assignments = lt_assignments et_assignment_data = lt_assignment_data. READ TABLE lt_assignment_data INTO ls_assignment_data INDEX 1. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Error serializing { ms_item-obj_type } { ms_item-obj_name }| ). ENDIF. io_xml->add( iv_name = 'SHI8' ig_data = ls_assignment_data ). ENDMETHOD. "serialize METHOD zif_abapgit_object~deserialize. DATA: ls_assignment_data TYPE ttree_sfw_nodes, ls_node_data TYPE hier_iface, lv_saved TYPE xfeld, ls_message TYPE hier_mess. io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'SHI8' CHANGING cg_data = ls_assignment_data ). ls_node_data-tree_id = ls_assignment_data-tree_id. ls_node_data-node_id = ls_assignment_data-node_id. CALL FUNCTION 'STREE_SFW_ASSIGNMENT_SAVE' EXPORTING assignment_id = ls_assignment_data-sfw_ass_id switch_id = ls_assignment_data-switch_id reaction = ls_assignment_data-reaction node_data = ls_node_data IMPORTING data_saved = lv_saved message = ls_message. IF lv_saved = abap_false. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |{ ls_message-msgtxt }| ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. "deserialize METHOD zif_abapgit_object~compare_to_remote_version. CREATE OBJECT ro_comparison_result TYPE zcl_abapgit_comparison_null. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~is_locked. rv_is_locked = abap_false. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. "zcl_abapgit_object_shi8 IMPLEMENTATION
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*"* use this source file for your ABAP unit test classes CLASS ltcl_sap_package_mock DEFINITION FINAL FOR TESTING DURATION SHORT RISK LEVEL HARMLESS. PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES: zif_abapgit_sap_package. CONSTANTS: BEGIN OF c_package, existing TYPE devclass VALUE '$EXISTING', non_existing TYPE devclass VALUE '$NON_EXISTING', user TYPE devclass VALUE '$USER', END OF c_package. METHODS: constructor IMPORTING iv_package TYPE devclass, was_create_called RETURNING VALUE(rv_create_called) TYPE abap_bool. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA: mv_package TYPE devclass, BEGIN OF ms_called, create TYPE abap_bool, END OF ms_called. ENDCLASS. CLASS ltcl_popups_mock DEFINITION FINAL FOR TESTING DURATION SHORT RISK LEVEL HARMLESS. PUBLIC SECTION. TYPES: ty_user_decision TYPE string. CONSTANTS: BEGIN OF c_user_decision, cancel TYPE ty_user_decision VALUE 'cancel', confirm TYPE ty_user_decision VALUE 'confirm', END OF c_user_decision. INTERFACES: zif_abapgit_popups. METHODS: was_create_package_popup_shown RETURNING VALUE(rv_popup_shown) TYPE abap_bool, set_user_decision IMPORTING iv_user_decision TYPE ty_user_decision, set_package IMPORTING iv_package TYPE devclass. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA: BEGIN OF ms_called, popup_to_create_package TYPE abap_bool, END OF ms_called, mv_user_decision TYPE ty_user_decision, mv_package TYPE devclass. ENDCLASS. CLASS ltcl_create_package DEFINITION FINAL FOR TESTING DURATION SHORT RISK LEVEL HARMLESS. PUBLIC SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA: mv_package TYPE devclass, mx_error TYPE REF TO zcx_abapgit_exception, mo_popups_mock TYPE REF TO ltcl_popups_mock, mo_sap_package_mock TYPE REF TO ltcl_sap_package_mock, mv_created_package TYPE devclass. METHODS: setup, raise_error_if_package_exists FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check, package_given_in_popup FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check, package_not_created_when_canc FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check, package_created_when_confirm FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check, given_existing_package, given_non_existing_package, given_user_cancels_popup, given_user_confirms_popup, given_no_package, given_package_by_user, when_create_package, then_error_is_raised, then_popup_is_shown, then_no_package_is_created, then_package_is_created, then_no_error_is_raised. ENDCLASS. CLASS ltcl_create_package IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD setup. mo_popups_mock = NEW ltcl_popups_mock( ). zcl_abapgit_ui_injector=>set_popups( mo_popups_mock ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD raise_error_if_package_exists. given_existing_package( ). when_create_package( ). then_error_is_raised( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD package_given_in_popup. given_no_package( ). given_package_by_user( ). given_user_confirms_popup( ). when_create_package( ). then_no_error_is_raised( ). then_popup_is_shown( ). then_package_is_created( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD package_not_created_when_canc. given_non_existing_package( ). given_user_cancels_popup( ). when_create_package( ). then_popup_is_shown( ). then_no_package_is_created( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD package_created_when_confirm. given_non_existing_package( ). given_user_confirms_popup( ). when_create_package( ). then_popup_is_shown( ). then_package_is_created( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD when_create_package. mo_sap_package_mock = NEW #( iv_package = mv_package ). zcl_abapgit_injector=>set_sap_package( iv_package = mv_package ii_sap_package = mo_sap_package_mock ). TRY. mv_created_package = zcl_abapgit_services_basis=>create_package( mv_package ). CATCH zcx_abapgit_exception INTO mx_error. ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. METHOD given_existing_package. mv_package = ltcl_sap_package_mock=>c_package-existing. ENDMETHOD. METHOD given_non_existing_package. mv_package = ltcl_sap_package_mock=>c_package-non_existing. ENDMETHOD. METHOD then_error_is_raised. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_bound( mx_error ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD then_no_error_is_raised. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_not_bound( mx_error ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD then_popup_is_shown. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( mo_popups_mock->was_create_package_popup_shown( ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD given_user_cancels_popup. mo_popups_mock->set_user_decision( ltcl_popups_mock=>c_user_decision-cancel ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD then_no_package_is_created. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( mo_sap_package_mock->was_create_called( ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD given_user_confirms_popup. mo_popups_mock->set_user_decision( ltcl_popups_mock=>c_user_decision-confirm ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD then_package_is_created. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( mo_sap_package_mock->was_create_called( ) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = mv_package act = mv_created_package ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD given_no_package. CLEAR: mv_package. ENDMETHOD. METHOD given_package_by_user. mo_popups_mock->set_package( ltcl_sap_package_mock=>c_package-user ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. CLASS ltcl_sap_package_mock IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD constructor. mv_package = iv_package. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_sap_package~are_changes_recorded_in_tr_req. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_sap_package~create. ms_called-create = abap_true. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_sap_package~create_child. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_sap_package~create_local. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_sap_package~exists. rv_bool = xsdbool( c_package-existing = mv_package ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_sap_package~get_transport_type. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_sap_package~get_transport_layer. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_sap_package~list_subpackages. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_sap_package~list_superpackages. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_sap_package~read_parent. ENDMETHOD. METHOD was_create_called. rv_create_called = ms_called-create. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. CLASS ltcl_popups_mock IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD zif_abapgit_popups~branch_list_popup. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_popups~branch_popup_callback. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_popups~choose_pr_popup. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_popups~create_branch_popup. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_popups~popup_folder_logic. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_popups~popup_search_help. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_popups~popup_to_confirm. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_popups~popup_to_create_package. ms_called-popup_to_create_package = abap_true. CASE mv_user_decision. WHEN c_user_decision-cancel. ev_create = abap_false. WHEN c_user_decision-confirm. ev_create = abap_true. WHEN OTHERS. cl_abap_unit_assert=>fail( ). ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_popups~popup_to_create_transp_branch. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_popups~popup_to_select_from_list. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_popups~popup_to_select_transports. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_popups~popup_transport_request. ENDMETHOD. METHOD was_create_package_popup_shown. rv_popup_shown = ms_called-popup_to_create_package. ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_user_decision. mv_user_decision = iv_user_decision. ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_package. mv_package = iv_package. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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* See ******************************************************************************** * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2021 Uwe Fetzer and the abapMQ Deamons Contributors * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************************** "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">abapMQ Deamons interface</p> INTERFACE zif_amq_daemon PUBLIC . METHODS on_receive IMPORTING i_message TYPE zif_mqtt_packet=>ty_message i_daemon_guid TYPE guid_16 OPTIONAL. ENDINTERFACE.
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class ZCL_DOCS_SPREADSHEET_COLLECT definition public final create public . public section. *"* public components of class ZCL_DOCS_SPREADSHEET_COLLECT *"* do not include other source files here!!! methods CLEAR . methods CONSTRUCTOR . methods GET importing !IP_INDEX type I returning value(EO_SPREADSHEET) type ref to ZCL_DOCS_SPREADSHEET . methods GET_ITERATOR returning value(EO_ITERATOR) type ref to CL_OBJECT_COLLECTION_ITERATOR . methods IS_EMPTY returning value(IS_EMPTY) type FLAG . methods SIZE returning value(EP_SIZE) type I . protected section. *"* protected components of class ZCL_DOCS_SPREADSHEET_COLLECT *"* do not include other source files here!!! private section. *"* private components of class ZCL_DOCS_SPREADSHEET_COLLECT *"* do not include other source files here!!! data SPREADSHEETS type ref to CL_OBJECT_COLLECTION . methods ADD . methods REMOVE . ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_DOCS_SPREADSHEET_COLLECT IMPLEMENTATION. method ADD. endmethod. METHOD clear. me->spreadsheets->clear( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD constructor. CREATE OBJECT me->spreadsheets. ENDMETHOD. method GET. eo_spreadsheet ?= me->spreadsheets->if_object_collection~get( ip_index ). endmethod. method GET_ITERATOR. eo_iterator ?= me->spreadsheets->if_object_collection~get_iterator( ). endmethod. METHOD is_empty. is_empty = me->spreadsheets->if_object_collection~is_empty( ). ENDMETHOD. method REMOVE. endmethod. method SIZE. ep_size = me->spreadsheets->if_object_collection~size( ). endmethod. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_object_cus2 DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM zcl_abapgit_objects_super FINAL. PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES zif_abapgit_object. ALIASES mo_files FOR zif_abapgit_object~mo_files. METHODS constructor IMPORTING is_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item iv_language TYPE spras. PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. TYPES: tty_attribute_titles TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF cus_atrt WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY, tty_attribute_countries TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF cus_atrcou WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY, tty_attribute_components TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF tfm18 WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY, tty_attribute_comp_variants TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF cus_atrvco WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_customizing_attribute, header TYPE cus_atrh, titles TYPE tty_attribute_titles, countries TYPE tty_attribute_countries, components TYPE tty_attribute_components, components_variants TYPE tty_attribute_comp_variants, END OF ty_customizing_attribute. DATA: mv_img_attribute TYPE cus_atr. ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_ABAPGIT_OBJECT_CUS2 IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD constructor. super->constructor( is_item = is_item iv_language = iv_language ). mv_img_attribute = ms_item-obj_name. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~changed_by. rv_user = c_user_unknown. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~delete. DATA: ls_message TYPE hier_mess. CALL FUNCTION 'S_CUS_ATTRIBUTES_DELETE' EXPORTING img_attribute = mv_img_attribute IMPORTING message = ls_message. IF ls_message-msgty <> 'S'. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |error from delete CUS2 { mv_img_attribute } S_CUS_ATTRIBUTES_DELETE| ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~deserialize. DATA: ls_customizing_attribute TYPE ty_customizing_attribute, ls_message TYPE hier_mess. io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'CUS2' CHANGING cg_data = ls_customizing_attribute ). CALL FUNCTION 'S_CUS_ATTRIBUTES_SAVE' EXPORTING img_attribute = ls_customizing_attribute-header IMPORTING message = ls_message TABLES attributes_title = ls_customizing_attribute-titles attributes_countries = ls_customizing_attribute-countries attributes_components = ls_customizing_attribute-components. IF ls_message-msgty <> 'S'. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |error from deserialize CUS2 { mv_img_attribute } S_CUS_ATTRIBUTES_SAVE| ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~exists. CALL FUNCTION 'S_CUS_ATTRIBUTES_EXIST' EXPORTING img_attribute = mv_img_attribute EXCEPTIONS attributes_exists_not = 1 OTHERS = 2. rv_bool = boolc( sy-subrc = 0 ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_comparator. RETURN. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_deserialize_steps. DATA: ls_meta TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_metadata. ls_meta = zif_abapgit_object~get_metadata( ). IF ls_meta-late_deser = abap_true. APPEND zif_abapgit_object=>gc_step_id-late TO rt_steps. ELSEIF ls_meta-ddic = abap_true. APPEND zif_abapgit_object=>gc_step_id-ddic TO rt_steps. ELSE. APPEND zif_abapgit_object=>gc_step_id-abap TO rt_steps. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_metadata. rs_metadata = get_metadata( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~is_active. rv_active = abap_true. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~is_locked. rv_is_locked = abap_false. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~jump. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |TODO: Jump| ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~serialize. DATA: ls_customizing_attribute TYPE ty_customizing_attribute. CALL FUNCTION 'S_CUS_ATTRIBUTES_READ' EXPORTING img_attribute = mv_img_attribute IMPORTING attribute_header = ls_customizing_attribute-header TABLES attribute_title = ls_customizing_attribute-titles attribute_countries = ls_customizing_attribute-countries attribute_components = ls_customizing_attribute-components attribute_components_variants = ls_customizing_attribute-components_variants. CLEAR: ls_customizing_attribute-header-fdatetime, ls_customizing_attribute-header-fuser, ls_customizing_attribute-header-ldatetime, ls_customizing_attribute-header-luser. io_xml->add( iv_name = 'CUS2' ig_data = ls_customizing_attribute ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report ZDEMO_EXCEL22 *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT zdemo_excel22. TYPES: ty_sflight_lines TYPE TABLE OF sflight. DATA: lo_excel TYPE REF TO zcl_excel, lo_worksheet TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_worksheet, lo_style TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style, lo_style_date TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style, lo_style_editable TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style, lo_data_validation TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_data_validation. DATA: lt_field_catalog TYPE zexcel_t_fieldcatalog, ls_table_settings TYPE zexcel_s_table_settings, ls_table_settings_out TYPE zexcel_s_table_settings. DATA: lv_style_guid TYPE zexcel_cell_style. DATA: lv_row TYPE char10. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_field_catalog> TYPE zexcel_s_fieldcatalog. CONSTANTS: gc_save_file_name TYPE string VALUE '22_itab_fieldcatalog.xlsx'. INCLUDE zdemo_excel_outputopt_incl. START-OF-SELECTION. " Creates active sheet CREATE OBJECT lo_excel. " Get active sheet lo_worksheet = lo_excel->get_active_worksheet( ). lo_worksheet->set_title( ip_title = 'PN_MASSIVE' ). DATA lt_test TYPE ty_sflight_lines. PERFORM load_fixed_data CHANGING lt_test. " sheet style (white background) lo_style = lo_excel->add_new_style( ). lo_style->fill->filltype = zcl_excel_style_fill=>c_fill_solid. lo_style->fill->fgcolor-rgb = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_white. lv_style_guid = lo_style->get_guid( ). " Get active sheet lo_worksheet = lo_excel->get_active_worksheet( ). lo_worksheet->zif_excel_sheet_properties~set_style( lv_style_guid ). lo_worksheet->zif_excel_sheet_protection~protected = zif_excel_sheet_protection=>c_protected. lo_worksheet->zif_excel_sheet_protection~password = zcl_excel_common=>encrypt_password( 'test' ). lo_worksheet->zif_excel_sheet_protection~sheet = zif_excel_sheet_protection=>c_active. lo_worksheet->zif_excel_sheet_protection~objects = zif_excel_sheet_protection=>c_active. lo_worksheet->zif_excel_sheet_protection~scenarios = zif_excel_sheet_protection=>c_active. " Create cell style for display only fields lo_style = lo_excel->add_new_style( ). lo_style->fill->filltype = zcl_excel_style_fill=>c_fill_solid. lo_style->fill->fgcolor-rgb = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_gray. lo_style->number_format->format_code = zcl_excel_style_number_format=>c_format_text. " Create cell style for display only date field lo_style_date = lo_excel->add_new_style( ). lo_style_date->fill->filltype = zcl_excel_style_fill=>c_fill_solid. lo_style_date->fill->fgcolor-rgb = zcl_excel_style_color=>c_gray. lo_style_date->number_format->format_code = zcl_excel_style_number_format=>c_format_date_ddmmyyyy. " Create cell style for editable fields lo_style_editable = lo_excel->add_new_style( ). lo_style_editable->protection->locked = zcl_excel_style_protection=>c_protection_unlocked. lt_field_catalog = zcl_excel_common=>get_fieldcatalog( ip_table = lt_test ). LOOP AT lt_field_catalog ASSIGNING <fs_field_catalog>. CASE <fs_field_catalog>-fieldname. WHEN 'CARRID'. <fs_field_catalog>-position = 3. <fs_field_catalog>-dynpfld = abap_true. <fs_field_catalog>-style = lo_style->get_guid( ). WHEN 'CONNID'. <fs_field_catalog>-position = 1. <fs_field_catalog>-dynpfld = abap_true. <fs_field_catalog>-style = lo_style->get_guid( ). <fs_field_catalog>-scrtext_m = |Flight\r\nNumber|. " Demonstrates header on 2 lines WHEN 'FLDATE'. <fs_field_catalog>-position = 2. <fs_field_catalog>-dynpfld = abap_true. <fs_field_catalog>-style = lo_style_date->get_guid( ). WHEN 'PRICE'. <fs_field_catalog>-position = 4. <fs_field_catalog>-dynpfld = abap_true. <fs_field_catalog>-style = lo_style_editable->get_guid( ). <fs_field_catalog>-totals_function = zcl_excel_table=>totals_function_sum. WHEN OTHERS. <fs_field_catalog>-dynpfld = abap_false. ENDCASE. ENDLOOP. ls_table_settings-table_style = zcl_excel_table=>builtinstyle_medium2. ls_table_settings-show_row_stripes = abap_true. lo_worksheet->bind_table( EXPORTING ip_table = lt_test it_field_catalog = lt_field_catalog is_table_settings = ls_table_settings IMPORTING es_table_settings = ls_table_settings_out ). lo_worksheet->freeze_panes( ip_num_rows = 3 ). "freeze column headers when scrolling lo_data_validation = lo_worksheet->add_new_data_validation( ). lo_data_validation->type = zcl_excel_data_validation=>c_type_custom. lv_row = ls_table_settings_out-top_left_row. CONDENSE lv_row. CONCATENATE 'ISNUMBER(' ls_table_settings_out-top_left_column lv_row ')' INTO lo_data_validation->formula1. lo_data_validation->cell_row = ls_table_settings_out-top_left_row. lo_data_validation->cell_column = ls_table_settings_out-top_left_column. lo_data_validation->cell_row_to = ls_table_settings_out-bottom_right_row. lo_data_validation->cell_column_to = ls_table_settings_out-bottom_right_column. *** Create output lcl_output=>output( lo_excel ). FORM load_fixed_data CHANGING ct_test TYPE ty_sflight_lines. DATA: lt_lines TYPE TABLE OF string, lv_line TYPE string, lt_fields TYPE TABLE OF string, lv_comp TYPE i, lv_field TYPE string, ls_test TYPE sflight. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lv_field> TYPE simple. APPEND 'AA 0017 20171219 422 USD 747-400 385 371 191334 31 28 21 21' TO lt_lines. APPEND 'AA 0017 20180309 422 USD 747-400 385 365 189984 31 29 21 20' TO lt_lines. APPEND 'AA 0017 20180528 422 USD 747-400 385 374 193482 31 30 21 20' TO lt_lines. APPEND 'AA 0017 20180816 422 USD 747-400 385 372 193127 31 30 21 20' TO lt_lines. APPEND 'AA 0017 20181104 422 USD 747-400 385 44 23908 31 4 21 3' TO lt_lines. APPEND 'AA 0017 20190123 422 USD 747-400 385 40 20347 31 3 21 2' TO lt_lines. APPEND 'AZ 0555 20171219 185 EUR 737-800 140 133 32143 12 12 10 10' TO lt_lines. APPEND 'AZ 0555 20180309 185 EUR 737-800 140 137 32595 12 12 10 10' TO lt_lines. APPEND 'AZ 0555 20180528 185 EUR 737-800 140 134 31899 12 11 10 10' TO lt_lines. APPEND 'AZ 0555 20180816 185 EUR 737-800 140 128 29775 12 10 10 9' TO lt_lines. APPEND 'AZ 0555 20181104 185 EUR 737-800 140 0 0 12 0 10 0' TO lt_lines. APPEND 'AZ 0555 20190123 185 EUR 737-800 140 23 5392 12 1 10 2' TO lt_lines. APPEND 'AZ 0789 20171219 1030 EUR 767-200 260 250 307176 21 20 11 11' TO lt_lines. APPEND 'AZ 0789 20180309 1030 EUR 767-200 260 252 306054 21 20 11 10' TO lt_lines. APPEND 'AZ 0789 20180528 1030 EUR 767-200 260 252 307063 21 20 11 10' TO lt_lines. APPEND 'AZ 0789 20180816 1030 EUR 767-200 260 249 300739 21 19 11 10' TO lt_lines. APPEND 'AZ 0789 20181104 1030 EUR 767-200 260 104 127647 21 8 11 5' TO lt_lines. APPEND 'AZ 0789 20190123 1030 EUR 767-200 260 18 22268 21 1 11 1' TO lt_lines. APPEND 'DL 0106 20171217 611 USD A380-800 475 458 324379 30 29 20 20' TO lt_lines. APPEND 'DL 0106 20180307 611 USD A380-800 475 458 324330 30 30 20 20' TO lt_lines. APPEND 'DL 0106 20180526 611 USD A380-800 475 459 328149 30 29 20 20' TO lt_lines. APPEND 'DL 0106 20180814 611 USD A380-800 475 462 326805 30 30 20 18' TO lt_lines. APPEND 'DL 0106 20181102 611 USD A380-800 475 167 115554 30 10 20 6' TO lt_lines. APPEND 'DL 0106 20190121 611 USD A380-800 475 11 9073 30 1 20 1' TO lt_lines. LOOP AT lt_lines INTO lv_line. CONDENSE lv_line. SPLIT lv_line AT space INTO TABLE lt_fields. lv_comp = 2. LOOP AT lt_fields INTO lv_field. ASSIGN COMPONENT lv_comp OF STRUCTURE ls_test TO <lv_field>. <lv_field> = lv_field. lv_comp = lv_comp + 1. ENDLOOP. APPEND ls_test TO ct_test. ENDLOOP. ENDFORM.
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CLASS zcl_gtt_mia_ae_filler_shh_bs DEFINITION PUBLIC ABSTRACT CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES zif_gtt_mia_ae_filler . METHODS constructor IMPORTING !io_ae_parameters TYPE REF TO zif_gtt_mia_ae_parameters RAISING cx_udm_message . PROTECTED SECTION. METHODS get_date_field ABSTRACT RETURNING VALUE(rv_field) TYPE zif_gtt_mia_ef_types=>tv_field_name . METHODS get_eventid ABSTRACT RETURNING VALUE(rv_eventid) TYPE /saptrx/ev_evtid . METHODS get_location_category ABSTRACT RETURNING VALUE(rv_loccat) TYPE zif_gtt_mia_app_types=>tv_loccat . METHODS get_time_field ABSTRACT RETURNING VALUE(rv_field) TYPE zif_gtt_mia_ef_types=>tv_field_name . METHODS is_location_required ABSTRACT RETURNING VALUE(rv_result) TYPE abap_bool . PRIVATE SECTION. TYPES tt_vttsvb TYPE vttsvb_tab . TYPES: BEGIN OF ts_dl_item_id, vbeln TYPE vbeln_vl, posnr TYPE posnr_vl, END OF ts_dl_item_id . DATA mo_ae_parameters TYPE REF TO zif_gtt_mia_ae_parameters . DATA mt_vtts_new TYPE tt_vttsvb . DATA mt_vtts_old TYPE tt_vttsvb . METHODS get_copy_of_vtts_table IMPORTING !ir_vtts TYPE REF TO data EXPORTING !et_vtts TYPE tt_vttsvb . METHODS get_stops_from_shipment IMPORTING !is_events TYPE trxas_evt_ctab_wa EXPORTING !et_stops TYPE zif_gtt_mia_app_types=>tt_stops RAISING cx_udm_message . METHODS is_stop_changed IMPORTING !iv_tknum TYPE tknum !iv_tsnum TYPE tsnum RETURNING VALUE(rv_result) TYPE abap_bool RAISING cx_udm_message . ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_GTT_MIA_AE_FILLER_SHH_BS IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD constructor. mo_ae_parameters = io_ae_parameters. get_copy_of_vtts_table( EXPORTING ir_vtts = mo_ae_parameters->get_appl_table( iv_tabledef = zif_gtt_mia_app_constants=>cs_tabledef-sh_stage_new ) IMPORTING et_vtts = mt_vtts_new ). get_copy_of_vtts_table( EXPORTING ir_vtts = mo_ae_parameters->get_appl_table( iv_tabledef = zif_gtt_mia_app_constants=>cs_tabledef-sh_stage_old ) IMPORTING et_vtts = mt_vtts_old ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_copy_of_vtts_table. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lt_vtts> TYPE tt_vttsvb. ASSIGN ir_vtts->* TO <lt_vtts>. IF <lt_vtts> IS ASSIGNED. et_vtts[] = <lt_vtts>[]. SORT et_vtts BY tknum tsnum. ELSE. CLEAR et_vtts[]. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_stops_from_shipment. DATA: lt_vtts TYPE vttsvb_tab. DATA(lv_tknum) = CONV tknum( zcl_gtt_mia_tools=>get_field_of_structure( ir_struct_data = is_events-maintabref iv_field_name = 'TKNUM' ) ). DATA(lr_vttp) = mo_ae_parameters->get_appl_table( iv_tabledef = zif_gtt_mia_app_constants=>cs_tabledef-sh_item_new ). DATA(lr_vtts) = mo_ae_parameters->get_appl_table( iv_tabledef = zif_gtt_mia_app_constants=>cs_tabledef-sh_stage_new ). DATA(lr_vtsp) = mo_ae_parameters->get_appl_table( iv_tabledef = zif_gtt_mia_app_constants=>cs_tabledef-sh_item_stage_new ). FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lt_vttp> TYPE vttpvb_tab, <lt_vtts> TYPE vttsvb_tab, <lt_vtsp> TYPE vtspvb_tab. ASSIGN lr_vtts->* TO <lt_vtts>. ASSIGN lr_vttp->* TO <lt_vttp>. ASSIGN lr_vtsp->* TO <lt_vtsp>. IF <lt_vtts> IS ASSIGNED AND <lt_vtsp> IS ASSIGNED AND <lt_vttp> IS ASSIGNED. lt_vtts[] = <lt_vtts>[]. SORT lt_vtts BY tsrfo. zcl_gtt_mia_sh_tools=>get_stops_from_shipment( EXPORTING iv_tknum = lv_tknum it_vtts = lt_vtts it_vtsp = <lt_vtsp> it_vttp = <lt_vttp> IMPORTING et_stops = et_stops ). ELSE. MESSAGE e002(zgtt_mia) WITH 'VTTS' INTO DATA(lv_dummy). zcl_gtt_mia_tools=>throw_exception( ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD is_stop_changed. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lv_edate> TYPE d. rv_result = zif_gtt_mia_ef_constants=>cs_condition-false. READ TABLE mt_vtts_new ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_vtts_new>) WITH KEY tknum = iv_tknum tsnum = iv_tsnum BINARY SEARCH. IF sy-subrc = 0. CASE <ls_vtts_new>-updkz. WHEN zif_gtt_mia_ef_constants=>cs_change_mode-insert. ASSIGN COMPONENT get_date_field( ) OF STRUCTURE <ls_vtts_new> TO <lv_edate>. IF <lv_edate> IS ASSIGNED. rv_result = COND #( WHEN <lv_edate> IS NOT INITIAL THEN zif_gtt_mia_ef_constants=>cs_condition-true ELSE zif_gtt_mia_ef_constants=>cs_condition-false ). ELSE. MESSAGE e001(zgtt_mia) WITH get_date_field( ) 'VTTS' INTO DATA(lv_dummy). zcl_gtt_mia_tools=>throw_exception( ). ENDIF. WHEN zif_gtt_mia_ef_constants=>cs_change_mode-update OR zif_gtt_mia_ef_constants=>cs_change_mode-undefined. ASSIGN COMPONENT get_date_field( ) OF STRUCTURE <ls_vtts_new> TO <lv_edate>. IF <lv_edate> IS ASSIGNED AND <lv_edate> IS NOT INITIAL. READ TABLE mt_vtts_old ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_vtts_old>) WITH KEY tknum = <ls_vtts_new>-tknum tsnum = <ls_vtts_new>-tsnum BINARY SEARCH. IF sy-subrc = 0. rv_result = zcl_gtt_mia_tools=>are_fields_different( ir_data1 = REF #( <ls_vtts_new> ) ir_data2 = REF #( <ls_vtts_old> ) it_fields = VALUE #( ( get_date_field( ) ) ( get_time_field( ) ) ) ). ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDCASE. ELSE. MESSAGE e005(zgtt_mia) WITH |{ iv_tknum }{ iv_tsnum }| 'VTTS' INTO lv_dummy. zcl_gtt_mia_tools=>throw_exception( ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_gtt_mia_ae_filler~check_relevance. DATA: lv_date TYPE d. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lt_vtts_new> TYPE zif_gtt_mia_app_types=>tt_vttsvb, <lt_vtts_old> TYPE zif_gtt_mia_app_types=>tt_vttsvb. DATA(lt_fields) = VALUE zif_gtt_mia_ef_types=>tt_field_name( ( get_date_field( ) ) ( get_time_field( ) ) ). DATA(lr_vttp) = mo_ae_parameters->get_appl_table( iv_tabledef = zif_gtt_mia_app_constants=>cs_tabledef-sh_item_new ). DATA(lr_vtts_new) = mo_ae_parameters->get_appl_table( iv_tabledef = zif_gtt_mia_app_constants=>cs_tabledef-sh_stage_new ). rv_result = zif_gtt_mia_ef_constants=>cs_condition-false. IF is_events-maintabdef = zif_gtt_mia_app_constants=>cs_tabledef-sh_header_new AND zcl_gtt_mia_sh_tools=>is_appropriate_type( ir_vttk = is_events-maintabref ) = abap_true AND zcl_gtt_mia_sh_tools=>is_delivery_assigned( ir_vttp = lr_vttp ) = abap_true. ASSIGN lr_vtts_new->* TO <lt_vtts_new>. IF <lt_vtts_new> IS ASSIGNED. LOOP AT <lt_vtts_new> ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_vtts_new>) WHERE updkz IS NOT INITIAL. rv_result = is_stop_changed( iv_tknum = <ls_vtts_new>-tknum iv_tsnum = <ls_vtts_new>-tsnum ). IF rv_result = zif_gtt_mia_ef_constants=>cs_condition-true. EXIT. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ELSE. MESSAGE e002(zgtt_mia) WITH 'VTTS' INTO DATA(lv_dummy). zcl_gtt_mia_tools=>throw_exception( ). ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_gtt_mia_ae_filler~get_event_data. DATA: lt_stops TYPE zif_gtt_mia_app_types=>tt_stops, lv_tmp_shptrxcod TYPE /saptrx/trxcod, lv_shptrxcod TYPE /saptrx/trxcod. lv_shptrxcod = zif_gtt_mia_app_constants=>cs_trxcod-sh_number. TRY. CALL FUNCTION 'ZGTT_SOF_GET_TRACKID' EXPORTING iv_type = is_events-eventtype iv_app = 'MIA' IMPORTING ev_shptrxcod = lv_tmp_shptrxcod. IF lv_tmp_shptrxcod IS NOT INITIAL. lv_shptrxcod = lv_tmp_shptrxcod. ENDIF. CATCH cx_sy_dyn_call_illegal_func. ENDTRY. get_stops_from_shipment( EXPORTING is_events = is_events IMPORTING et_stops = lt_stops ). LOOP AT lt_stops ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_stops>) WHERE loccat = get_location_category( ). IF is_stop_changed( iv_tknum = <ls_stops>-tknum iv_tsnum = <ls_stops>-tsnum ) = zif_gtt_mia_ef_constants=>cs_condition-true. DATA(lv_evtcnt) = zcl_gtt_mia_sh_tools=>get_next_event_counter( ). READ TABLE mt_vtts_new ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_vtts_new>) WITH KEY tknum = <ls_stops>-tknum tsnum = <ls_stops>-tsnum BINARY SEARCH. IF sy-subrc = 0. ct_trackingheader = VALUE #( BASE ct_trackingheader ( language = sy-langu trxcod = lv_shptrxcod trxid = zcl_gtt_mia_sh_tools=>get_tracking_id_sh_header( ir_vttk = is_events-maintabref ) evtcnt = lv_evtcnt evtid = get_eventid( ) evtdat = zcl_gtt_mia_tools=>get_field_of_structure( ir_struct_data = REF #( <ls_vtts_new> ) iv_field_name = get_date_field( ) ) evttim = zcl_gtt_mia_tools=>get_field_of_structure( ir_struct_data = REF #( <ls_vtts_new> ) iv_field_name = get_time_field( ) ) evtzon = zcl_gtt_mia_tools=>get_system_time_zone( ) ) ). ct_eventid_map = VALUE #( BASE ct_eventid_map ( eventid = is_events-eventid evtcnt = lv_evtcnt ) ). ct_tracklocation = VALUE #( BASE ct_tracklocation ( evtcnt = lv_evtcnt loccod = <ls_stops>-loctype locid1 = zcl_gtt_mia_tools=>get_pretty_location_id( iv_locid = <ls_stops>-locid iv_loctype = <ls_stops>-loctype ) locid2 = <ls_stops>-stopid_txt ) ). IF is_location_required( ) = abap_true. ct_trackparameters = VALUE #( BASE ct_trackparameters ( evtcnt = lv_evtcnt param_name = zif_gtt_mia_app_constants=>cs_event_param-location_id param_value = zcl_gtt_mia_tools=>get_pretty_location_id( iv_locid = <ls_stops>-locid iv_loctype = <ls_stops>-loctype ) ) ( evtcnt = lv_evtcnt param_name = zif_gtt_mia_app_constants=>cs_event_param-location_type param_value = <ls_stops>-loctype ) ). ENDIF. ELSE. MESSAGE e005(zgtt_mia) WITH |{ <ls_stops>-tknum }{ <ls_stops>-tsnum }| 'VTTK' INTO DATA(lv_dummy). zcl_gtt_mia_tools=>throw_exception( ). ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_object_filter_tran DEFINITION PUBLIC CREATE PUBLIC. PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES zif_abapgit_object_filter. TYPES ty_trrngtrkor_tt TYPE RANGE OF trkorr. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_e071_filter, pgmid TYPE tadir-pgmid, object TYPE tadir-object, obj_name TYPE trobj_name, END OF ty_e071_filter, ty_e071_filter_tt TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_e071_filter. METHODS set_filter_values IMPORTING iv_package TYPE tadir-devclass it_r_trkorr TYPE ty_trrngtrkor_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS get_filter_values EXPORTING ev_package TYPE tadir-devclass et_r_trkorr TYPE ty_trrngtrkor_tt. PROTECTED SECTION. METHODS adjust_local_filter IMPORTING it_e071_filter TYPE ty_e071_filter_tt iv_package TYPE tadir-devclass RETURNING VALUE(rt_filter) TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_tadir_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA mt_filter TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_tadir_tt . DATA mt_r_trkorr TYPE ty_trrngtrkor_tt . DATA mv_package TYPE tadir-devclass. METHODS generate_local_filter IMPORTING iv_package TYPE tadir-devclass it_r_trkorr TYPE ty_trrngtrkor_tt RETURNING VALUE(rt_filter) TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_tadir_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS init . METHODS get_all_sub_packages IMPORTING iv_package TYPE tadir-devclass RETURNING VALUE(rt_filter) TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_tadir_tt. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_abapgit_object_filter_tran IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD generate_local_filter. DATA lt_e071_filter TYPE ty_e071_filter_tt. SELECT DISTINCT pgmid object obj_name INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE lt_e071_filter FROM e071 WHERE trkorr IN it_r_trkorr. IF sy-subrc <> 0. CLEAR lt_e071_filter. ENDIF. rt_filter = adjust_local_filter( iv_package = iv_package it_e071_filter = lt_e071_filter ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_filter_values. et_r_trkorr = mt_r_trkorr. ev_package = mv_package. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object_filter~get_filter. rt_filter = mt_filter. ENDMETHOD. METHOD init. CLEAR mt_filter. CLEAR mt_r_trkorr. CLEAR mv_package. ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_filter_values. init( ). mt_r_trkorr = it_r_trkorr. mv_package = iv_package. IF it_r_trkorr IS NOT INITIAL. mt_filter = generate_local_filter( iv_package = mv_package it_r_trkorr = mt_r_trkorr ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD adjust_local_filter. DATA lt_e071_filter TYPE ty_e071_filter_tt. DATA lr_e071_filter TYPE REF TO ty_e071_filter. DATA ls_filter TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_tadir. DATA lv_trobj_name_new TYPE trobj_name. DATA lv_trobj_type_new TYPE tadir-object. DATA lt_filter TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_tadir_tt. DATA lr_cts_api TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_cts_api. lt_e071_filter = it_e071_filter. LOOP AT lt_e071_filter REFERENCE INTO lr_e071_filter. IF lr_e071_filter->pgmid = 'LIMU'. "Get Main Object from LIMU Object (Example the Class (R3TR) of a Method (LIMU)) lr_cts_api = zcl_abapgit_factory=>get_cts_api( ). TRY. lr_cts_api->get_r3tr_obj_for_limu_obj( EXPORTING iv_object = lr_e071_filter->object iv_obj_name = lr_e071_filter->obj_name IMPORTING ev_object = lv_trobj_type_new ev_obj_name = lv_trobj_name_new ). CATCH zcx_abapgit_exception. CONTINUE. ENDTRY. CLEAR ls_filter. ls_filter-pgmid = 'R3TR'. ls_filter-object = lv_trobj_type_new. ls_filter-obj_name = lv_trobj_name_new. ELSE. ls_filter-pgmid = lr_e071_filter->pgmid. ls_filter-object = lr_e071_filter->object. ls_filter-obj_name = lr_e071_filter->obj_name. ENDIF. INSERT ls_filter INTO TABLE rt_filter. ENDLOOP. IF iv_package IS NOT INITIAL. ls_filter-pgmid = 'R3TR'. ls_filter-object = 'DEVC'. ls_filter-obj_name = iv_package. INSERT ls_filter INTO TABLE rt_filter. lt_filter = get_all_sub_packages( iv_package ). INSERT LINES OF lt_filter INTO TABLE rt_filter. ENDIF. SORT rt_filter. DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM rt_filter. IF rt_filter IS INITIAL. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'No objects found for transport filter' ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_all_sub_packages. DATA li_package TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_sap_package. DATA lt_list TYPE zif_abapgit_sap_package=>ty_devclass_tt. DATA lr_list TYPE REF TO devclass. DATA ls_filter TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_tadir. li_package = zcl_abapgit_factory=>get_sap_package( iv_package = iv_package ). lt_list = li_package->list_subpackages( ). LOOP AT lt_list REFERENCE INTO lr_list. ls_filter-pgmid = 'R3TR'. ls_filter-object = 'DEVC'. ls_filter-obj_name = lr_list->*. INSERT ls_filter INTO TABLE rt_filter. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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********************************************************************** * UTIL ********************************************************************** class lcl_nodes_helper definition final. public section. data mt_nodes type zcl_ajson=>ty_nodes_tt read-only. methods add importing iv_str type string. methods sorted returning value(rt_nodes) type zcl_ajson=>ty_nodes_ts. endclass. class lcl_nodes_helper implementation. method add. field-symbols <n> like line of mt_nodes. data lv_children type string. data lv_index type string. append initial line to mt_nodes assigning <n>. split iv_str at '|' into <n>-path <n>-name <n>-type <n>-value lv_index lv_children. condense <n>-path. condense <n>-name. condense <n>-type. condense <n>-value. <n>-index = lv_index. <n>-children = lv_children. endmethod. method sorted. rt_nodes = mt_nodes. endmethod. endclass. ********************************************************************** * PARSER ********************************************************************** class ltcl_parser_test definition final for testing risk level harmless duration short. public section. class-methods sample_json importing iv_separator type string optional returning value(rv_json) type string. endclass. class ltcl_parser_test implementation. method sample_json. rv_json = '{\n' && ' "string": "abc",\n' && ' "number": 123,\n' && ' "float": 123.45,\n' && ' "boolean": true,\n' && ' "false": false,\n' && ' "null": null,\n' && ' "date": "2020-03-15",\n' && ' "issues": [\n' && ' {\n' && ' "message": "Indentation problem ...",\n' && ' "key": "indentation",\n' && ' "start": {\n' && ' "row": 4,\n' && ' "col": 3\n' && ' },\n' && ' "end": {\n' && ' "row": 4,\n' && ' "col": 26\n' && ' },\n' && ' "filename": "./zxxx.prog.abap"\n' && ' },\n' && ' {\n' && ' "message": "Remove space before XXX",\n' && ' "key": "space_before_dot",\n' && ' "start": {\n' && ' "row": 3,\n' && ' "col": 21\n' && ' },\n' && ' "end": {\n' && ' "row": 3,\n' && ' "col": 22\n' && ' },\n' && ' "filename": "./zxxx.prog.abap"\n' && ' }\n' && ' ]\n' && '}'. replace all occurrences of '\n' in rv_json with iv_separator. endmethod. endclass. ********************************************************************** * JSON UTILITIES ********************************************************************** class ltcl_json_utils definition for testing risk level harmless duration short final. private section. methods json_diff for testing raising zcx_ajson_error. methods json_diff_types for testing raising zcx_ajson_error. methods json_sort for testing raising zcx_ajson_error. endclass. class ltcl_json_utils implementation. method json_diff. data: lv_json type string, lo_util type ref to zcl_ajson_utilities, lo_insert type ref to zcl_ajson, lo_delete type ref to zcl_ajson, lo_change type ref to zcl_ajson, lo_insert_exp type ref to lcl_nodes_helper, lo_delete_exp type ref to lcl_nodes_helper, lo_change_exp type ref to lcl_nodes_helper. lv_json = '{\n' && ' "string": "abc",\n' && " no changes ' "number": 789,\n' && " changed value ' "float": 123.45,\n' && ' "boolean": "true",\n' && " changed type ' "true": true,\n' && " insert * ' "false": false,\n' && " delete ' "null": null,\n' && ' "date": "2020-03-15",\n' && ' "issues": [\n' && ' {\n' && ' "message": "Indentation problem ...",\n' && ' "key": "indentation",\n' && ' "start": {\n' && ' "row": 5,\n' && " array change ' "col": 3\n' && ' },\n' && ' "end": {\n' && ' "new": 1,\n' && " array insert * ' "row": 4,\n' && " array delete ' "col": 26\n' && ' },\n' && ' "filename": "./zxxx.prog.abap"\n' && ' },\n' && ' {\n' && ' "message": "Remove space before XXX",\n' && ' "key": "space_before_dot",\n' && ' "start": {\n' && ' "row": 3,\n' && ' "col": 21\n' && ' },\n' && ' "end": {\n' && ' "row": 3,\n' && ' "col": 22\n' && ' },\n' && ' "filename": "./zxxx.prog.abap"\n' && ' }\n' && ' ]\n' && '}'. replace all occurrences of '\n' in lv_json with cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline. create object lo_insert_exp. lo_insert_exp->add( ' | |object | |0|3' ). lo_insert_exp->add( '/ |boolean |str |true |0|0' ). " changed type (insert new) lo_insert_exp->add( '/ |issues |array | |0|1' ). lo_insert_exp->add( '/ |true |bool |true |0|0' ). " insert lo_insert_exp->add( '/issues/ |1 |object | |1|1' ). lo_insert_exp->add( '/issues/1/ |end |object | |0|1' ). lo_insert_exp->add( '/issues/1/end/ |new |num |1 |0|0' ). " array insert create object lo_delete_exp. lo_delete_exp->add( ' | |object | |0|3' ). lo_delete_exp->add( '/ |boolean |bool |true |0|0' ). " changed type (delete old) lo_delete_exp->add( '/ |false |bool |false |0|0' ). " delete lo_delete_exp->add( '/ |issues |array | |0|1' ). lo_delete_exp->add( '/issues/ |1 |object | |1|1' ). lo_delete_exp->add( '/issues/1/ |end |object | |0|1' ). lo_delete_exp->add( '/issues/1/end/ |row |num |4 |0|0' ). " array delete create object lo_change_exp. lo_change_exp->add( ' | |object | |0|2' ). lo_change_exp->add( '/ |issues |array | |0|1' ). lo_change_exp->add( '/ |number |num |789 |0|0' ). " changed value lo_change_exp->add( '/issues/ |1 |object | |1|1' ). lo_change_exp->add( '/issues/1/ |start |object | |0|1' ). lo_change_exp->add( '/issues/1/start/|row |num |5 |0|0' ). " array change create object lo_util. lo_util->diff( exporting iv_json_a = ltcl_parser_test=>sample_json( ) iv_json_b = lv_json importing eo_insert = lo_insert eo_delete = lo_delete eo_change = lo_change ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lo_insert->mt_json_tree exp = lo_insert_exp->mt_nodes ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lo_delete->mt_json_tree exp = lo_delete_exp->mt_nodes ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lo_change->mt_json_tree exp = lo_change_exp->mt_nodes ). endmethod. method json_diff_types. data: lv_json_a type string, lv_json_b type string, lo_util type ref to zcl_ajson_utilities, lo_insert type ref to zcl_ajson, lo_delete type ref to zcl_ajson, lo_change type ref to zcl_ajson, lo_insert_exp type ref to lcl_nodes_helper, lo_delete_exp type ref to lcl_nodes_helper. " Change single value to array lv_json_a = '{\n' && ' "string": "abc",\n' && ' "number": 123\n' && '}'. lv_json_b = '{\n' && ' "string": [\n' && ' "a",\n' && ' "b",\n' && ' "c"\n' && ' ],\n' && ' "number": 123\n' && '}'. replace all occurrences of '\n' in lv_json_a with cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline. replace all occurrences of '\n' in lv_json_b with cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline. create object lo_insert_exp. lo_insert_exp->add( ' | |object | |0|1' ). lo_insert_exp->add( '/ |string |array | |0|3' ). lo_insert_exp->add( '/string/ |1 |str |a |1|0' ). lo_insert_exp->add( '/string/ |2 |str |b |2|0' ). lo_insert_exp->add( '/string/ |3 |str |c |3|0' ). create object lo_delete_exp. lo_delete_exp->add( ' | |object | |0|1' ). lo_delete_exp->add( '/ |string |str |abc |0|0' ). create object lo_util. lo_util->diff( exporting iv_json_a = lv_json_a iv_json_b = lv_json_b importing eo_insert = lo_insert eo_delete = lo_delete eo_change = lo_change ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lo_insert->mt_json_tree exp = lo_insert_exp->mt_nodes ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lo_delete->mt_json_tree exp = lo_delete_exp->mt_nodes ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lo_change->mt_json_tree ) exp = 0 ). " Change array to single value lo_util->diff( exporting iv_json_a = lv_json_b iv_json_b = lv_json_a importing eo_insert = lo_insert eo_delete = lo_delete eo_change = lo_change ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lo_insert->mt_json_tree exp = lo_delete_exp->mt_nodes ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lo_delete->mt_json_tree exp = lo_insert_exp->mt_nodes ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lo_change->mt_json_tree ) exp = 0 ). endmethod. method json_sort. data: lv_json type string, lo_util type ref to zcl_ajson_utilities, lv_sorted type string, lv_sorted_exp type string. lv_json = '{\n' && ' "string": "abc",\n' && ' "number": 789,\n' && ' "float": 123.45,\n' && ' "boolean": "true",\n' && ' "true": true,\n' && ' "false": false,\n' && ' "null": null,\n' && ' "date": "2020-03-15"\n' && '}'. replace all occurrences of '\n' in lv_json with cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline. lv_sorted_exp = '{\n' && ' "boolean": "true",\n' && ' "date": "2020-03-15",\n' && ' "false": false,\n' && ' "float": 123.45,\n' && ' "null": null,\n' && ' "number": 789,\n' && ' "string": "abc",\n' && ' "true": true\n' && '}'. replace all occurrences of '\n' in lv_sorted_exp with cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline. create object lo_util. lv_sorted = lo_util->sort( iv_json = lv_json ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_sorted exp = lv_sorted_exp ). endmethod. endclass.
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CLASS y_exemption_general DEFINITION PUBLIC CREATE PUBLIC. PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES y_if_exemption. ALIASES is_object_exempted FOR y_if_exemption~is_object_exempted. PRIVATE SECTION. CLASS-METHODS is_tadir_generated IMPORTING object_type TYPE trobjtype object_name TYPE sobj_name RETURNING VALUE(result) TYPE abap_bool. CLASS-METHODS is_object_existing IMPORTING object_type TYPE trobjtype object_name TYPE sobj_name RETURNING VALUE(result) TYPE abap_bool. ENDCLASS. CLASS y_exemption_general IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD y_if_exemption~is_object_exempted. DATA(object_exists) = is_object_existing( object_type = object_type object_name = object_name ). DATA(tadir_generated) = is_tadir_generated( object_type = object_type object_name = object_name ). result = xsdbool( object_exists = abap_true OR tadir_generated = abap_true ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD is_object_existing. CONSTANTS object_exists TYPE char1 VALUE 'X'. DATA existence_flag TYPE strl_pari-flag. DATA l_object_type TYPE e071-object. DATA l_object_name TYPE e071-obj_name. l_object_type = object_type. l_object_name = object_name. CALL FUNCTION 'TR_CHECK_EXIST' EXPORTING iv_pgmid = 'R3TR' iv_object = l_object_type iv_obj_name = l_object_name IMPORTING e_exist = existence_flag EXCEPTIONS tr_no_check_function = 1. IF sy-subrc = 0 AND existence_flag <> object_exists. result = abap_true. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD is_tadir_generated. SELECT SINGLE genflag FROM tadir INTO @result WHERE pgmid = 'R3TR' AND object = @object_type AND obj_name = @object_name. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report ZDEMO_EXCEL26 *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT zdemo_excel29. DATA: lo_excel TYPE REF TO zcl_excel, lo_excel_writer TYPE REF TO zif_excel_writer, lo_excel_reader TYPE REF TO zif_excel_reader. DATA: lv_file TYPE xstring, lv_bytecount TYPE i, lt_file_tab TYPE solix_tab. DATA: lv_full_path TYPE string, lv_filename TYPE string, lv_workdir TYPE string. PARAMETERS: p_path TYPE zexcel_export_dir OBLIGATORY. AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE-REQUEST FOR p_path. DATA: lt_filetable TYPE filetable, lv_rc TYPE i. cl_gui_frontend_services=>get_sapgui_workdir( CHANGING sapworkdir = lv_workdir ). cl_gui_cfw=>flush( ). p_path = lv_workdir. CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_open_dialog EXPORTING window_title = 'Select Macro-Enabled Workbook template' default_extension = '*.xlsm' file_filter = 'Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (*.xlsm)|*.xlsm' initial_directory = lv_workdir CHANGING file_table = lt_filetable rc = lv_rc EXCEPTIONS file_open_dialog_failed = 1 cntl_error = 2 error_no_gui = 3 not_supported_by_gui = 4 OTHERS = 5. IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF. READ TABLE lt_filetable INTO lv_filename INDEX 1. p_path = lv_filename. START-OF-SELECTION. lv_full_path = p_path. CREATE OBJECT lo_excel_reader TYPE zcl_excel_reader_xlsm. CREATE OBJECT lo_excel_writer TYPE zcl_excel_writer_xlsm. lo_excel = lo_excel_reader->load_file( lv_full_path ). lv_file = lo_excel_writer->write_file( lo_excel ). REPLACE '.xlsm' IN lv_full_path WITH 'FromReader.xlsm'. " Convert to binary CALL FUNCTION 'SCMS_XSTRING_TO_BINARY' EXPORTING buffer = lv_file IMPORTING output_length = lv_bytecount TABLES binary_tab = lt_file_tab. " Save the file cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download( EXPORTING bin_filesize = lv_bytecount filename = lv_full_path filetype = 'BIN' CHANGING data_tab = lt_file_tab ).
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[ 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 26059, 62, 672, 15388, 62, 486, 5550, 20032, 17941, 198, 220, 44731, 198, 220, 25261, 198, 220, 29244, 6158, 44731, 764, 628, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 20314, 1976, 361, 62, 26059, 62, 672, 15388, 13, 198, 220, 48006, 9782, 1961, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 4810, 3824, 6158, 44513, 13, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 628, 198, 198, 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 26059, 62, 672, 15388, 62, 486, 30023, 2538, 10979, 6234, 13, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 1976, 361, 62, 26059, 62, 672, 15388, 93, 7890, 62, 82, 9586, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 649, 12, 1370, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3551, 705, 31310, 18497, 352, 387, 527, 27455, 4458, 198, 220, 220, 220, 22492, 83, 24313, 13, 366, 390, 33133, 72, 46481, 83, 343, 198, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 198, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 198 ]
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CLASS ltcl_test DEFINITION FOR TESTING DURATION SHORT RISK LEVEL HARMLESS FINAL. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA: mo_stream TYPE REF TO zcl_ags_xstream. METHODS: setup, append_and_clear FOR TESTING, band01 FOR TESTING, band02 FOR TESTING, length FOR TESTING. ENDCLASS. "ltcl_Test CLASS ltcl_test IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD setup. CREATE OBJECT mo_stream. ENDMETHOD. METHOD append_and_clear. CONSTANTS: lc_value TYPE xstring VALUE '00FF'. mo_stream->append( lc_value ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = mo_stream->get( ) exp = lc_value ). mo_stream->clear( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( mo_stream->get( ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD band01. mo_stream->append_band01( '0011223344' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = mo_stream->get( ) exp = '30303061010011223344' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD band02. mo_stream->append_band02( '0011223344' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = mo_stream->get( ) exp = '30303061020011223344' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD length. mo_stream->append_length( '0011223344' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = mo_stream->get( ) exp = '303030390011223344' ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 198, 31631, 300, 83, 565, 62, 9288, 5550, 20032, 17941, 7473, 43001, 2751, 198, 220, 360, 4261, 6234, 6006, 9863, 198, 220, 45698, 42, 49277, 43638, 5805, 7597, 25261, 13, 628, 220, 4810, 3824, 6158, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42865, 25, 6941, 62, 5532, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 1976, 565, 62, 3775, 62, 87, 5532, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9058, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 24443, 62, 392, 62, 20063, 7473, 43001, 2751, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4097, 486, 7473, 43001, 2751, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4097, 2999, 7473, 43001, 2751, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4129, 7473, 43001, 2751, 13, 198, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 2528, 565, 62, 14402, 628, 198, 31631, 300, 83, 565, 62, 9288, 30023, 2538, 10979, 6234, 13, 628, 220, 337, 36252, 9058, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 29244, 6158, 25334, 23680, 6941, 62, 5532, 13, 198, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 628, 220, 337, 36252, 24443, 62, 392, 62, 20063, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 7102, 2257, 1565, 4694, 25, 300, 66, 62, 8367, 41876, 2124, 8841, 26173, 8924, 705, 405, 5777, 4458, 628, 220, 220, 220, 6941, 62, 5532, 3784, 33295, 7, 300, 66, 62, 8367, 6739, 628, 220, 220, 220, 537, 62, 397, 499, 62, 20850, 62, 30493, 14804, 30493, 62, 4853, 874, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 719, 796, 6941, 62, 5532, 3784, 1136, 7, 1267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1033, 796, 300, 66, 62, 8367, 6739, 628, 220, 220, 220, 6941, 62, 5532, 3784, 20063, 7, 6739, 628, 220, 220, 220, 537, 62, 397, 499, 62, 20850, 62, 30493, 14804, 30493, 62, 36733, 7, 6941, 62, 5532, 3784, 1136, 7, 1267, 6739, 628, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 628, 220, 337, 36252, 4097, 486, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 6941, 62, 5532, 3784, 33295, 62, 3903, 486, 7, 705, 8298, 1065, 25429, 2598, 6, 6739, 628, 220, 220, 220, 537, 62, 397, 499, 62, 20850, 62, 30493, 14804, 30493, 62, 4853, 874, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 719, 796, 6941, 62, 5532, 3784, 1136, 7, 1267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1033, 796, 705, 1270, 1270, 1270, 5333, 486, 8298, 1065, 25429, 2598, 6, 6739, 628, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 628, 220, 337, 36252, 4097, 2999, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 6941, 62, 5532, 3784, 33295, 62, 3903, 2999, 7, 705, 8298, 1065, 25429, 2598, 6, 6739, 628, 220, 220, 220, 537, 62, 397, 499, 62, 20850, 62, 30493, 14804, 30493, 62, 4853, 874, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 719, 796, 6941, 62, 5532, 3784, 1136, 7, 1267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1033, 796, 705, 1270, 1270, 20548, 940, 14585, 1065, 25429, 2598, 6, 6739, 628, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 628, 220, 337, 36252, 4129, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 6941, 62, 5532, 3784, 33295, 62, 13664, 7, 705, 8298, 1065, 25429, 2598, 6, 6739, 628, 220, 220, 220, 537, 62, 397, 499, 62, 20850, 62, 30493, 14804, 30493, 62, 4853, 874, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 719, 796, 6941, 62, 5532, 3784, 1136, 7, 1267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1033, 796, 705, 1270, 1270, 1270, 2670, 8298, 1065, 25429, 2598, 6, 6739, 628, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 198, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 198 ]
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CLASS zcl_raindrops DEFINITION PUBLIC. PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS raindrops IMPORTING input TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(result) TYPE string. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_raindrops IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD raindrops. IF input MOD 3 = 0. result = |{ result }Pling|. ENDIF. IF input MOD 5 = 0. result = |{ result }Plang|. ENDIF. IF input MOD 7 = 0. result = |{ result }Plong|. ENDIF. IF input MOD 3 <> 0 AND input MOD 5 <> 0 AND input MOD 7 <> 0. result = input. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 3201, 49253, 5550, 20032, 17941, 44731, 13, 198, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 6290, 49253, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30023, 9863, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5128, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 41876, 1312, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30826, 4261, 15871, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 26173, 8924, 7, 20274, 8, 41876, 4731, 13, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 198, 198, 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 3201, 49253, 30023, 2538, 10979, 6234, 13, 628, 220, 337, 36252, 6290, 49253, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 16876, 5128, 19164, 513, 796, 657, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1255, 796, 930, 90, 1255, 1782, 47, 1359, 91, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 23578, 5064, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 16876, 5128, 19164, 642, 796, 657, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1255, 796, 930, 90, 1255, 1782, 3646, 648, 91, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 23578, 5064, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 16876, 5128, 19164, 767, 796, 657, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1255, 796, 930, 90, 1255, 1782, 3646, 506, 91, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 23578, 5064, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 16876, 5128, 19164, 513, 1279, 29, 657, 5357, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5128, 19164, 642, 1279, 29, 657, 5357, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5128, 19164, 767, 1279, 29, 657, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1255, 796, 5128, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 23578, 5064, 13, 198, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 198, 198, 10619, 31631, 13 ]
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class ZLNKECL_XML_UTILS definition public final create private . *"* public components of class ZLNKECL_XML_UTILS *"* do not include other source files here!!! public section. class-methods SHOW_XML_IN_DIALOG importing !I_XML type STRING . class-methods SHOW_XXML_IN_DIALOG importing !I_XXML type XSTRING . class-methods CONVERT_IXML_DOC_TO_XSTRING importing !I_IXML_DOCUMENT type ref to IF_IXML_DOCUMENT returning value(E_XML_XSTRING) type XSTRING . class-methods CONVERT_STRING_TO_IXMLDOC importing !I_XML_STRING type STRING returning value(E_IXMLDOC) type ref to IF_IXML_DOCUMENT . class-methods GET_NODE_VALUE importing !I_IXML_DOC type ref to IF_IXML_DOCUMENT !I_NODE_NAME type STRING returning value(E_NODE_VALUE) type STRING . class-methods GET_NODE_VALUES_FROM_XMLSTRING importing !I_XML_STRING type STRING !I_NODE_NAME type STRING returning value(E_NODE_VALUES) type STRING_TABLE . class-methods GET_NODE_VALUE_FROM_XMLSTRING importing !I_XML_STRING type STRING !I_NODE_NAME type STRING returning value(E_NODE_VALUE) type STRING . protected section. *"* protected components of class ZLNKECL_XML_UTILS *"* do not include other source files here!!! private section. *"* private components of class ZLNKECL_XML_UTILS *"* do not include other source files here!!! ENDCLASS. CLASS ZLNKECL_XML_UTILS IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD convert_ixml_doc_to_xstring. *-------------------------------------------------------------------* * Company: RocketSteam * Author: Jordi Escoda, 28th March 2014 * Given an IXML document, converts it to xstring *--------------------------------------------------------------------* DATA: lr_ixml TYPE REF TO if_ixml, lr_ixml_stream_factory TYPE REF TO if_ixml_stream_factory, lr_ixml_ostream TYPE REF TO if_ixml_ostream, lr_ixml_renderer TYPE REF TO if_ixml_renderer. lr_ixml = cl_ixml=>create( ). lr_ixml_stream_factory = lr_ixml->create_stream_factory( ). lr_ixml_ostream = lr_ixml_stream_factory->create_ostream_xstring( e_xml_xstring ). lr_ixml_renderer = lr_ixml->create_renderer( document = i_ixml_document ostream = lr_ixml_ostream ). lr_ixml_renderer->set_normalizing( ). lr_ixml_renderer->render( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD convert_string_to_ixmldoc. *-------------------------------------------------------------------* * Company: RocketSteam * Author: Jordi Escoda, 30th April 2014 * Given an XML string, converts it to ixml document *--------------------------------------------------------------------* DATA lr_ixml TYPE REF TO if_ixml. DATA lr_streamfactory TYPE REF TO if_ixml_stream_factory. DATA lr_istream TYPE REF TO if_ixml_istream. DATA lr_ixmlparser TYPE REF TO if_ixml_parser. lr_ixml = cl_ixml=>create( ). e_ixmldoc = lr_ixml->create_document( ). lr_streamfactory = lr_ixml->create_stream_factory( ). lr_istream = lr_streamfactory->create_istream_string( i_xml_string ). lr_ixmlparser = lr_ixml->create_parser( stream_factory = lr_streamfactory istream = lr_istream document = e_ixmldoc ). lr_ixmlparser->parse( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_node_value. *-------------------------------------------------------------------* * Company: RocketSteam * Author: Jordi Escoda, 30th April 2014 * Given an IXML document and a node name, returns the node value *--------------------------------------------------------------------* DATA: lr_node_filter TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node_filter. DATA: lr_node_iterator TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node_iterator. DATA: lr_node TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node. lr_node_filter = i_ixml_doc->create_filter_name( i_node_name ). lr_node_iterator = i_ixml_doc->create_iterator_filtered( lr_node_filter ). lr_node ?= lr_node_iterator->get_next( ). IF lr_node IS NOT INITIAL. e_node_value = lr_node->get_value( ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_node_values_from_xmlstring. *-------------------------------------------------------------------* * Company: RocketSteam * Author: Jordi Escoda, 30th April 2014 * Given an XML string and a node name, returns the node value *--------------------------------------------------------------------* DATA: lr_ixml_document TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document. DATA: lr_node_filter TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node_filter. DATA: lr_node_iterator TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node_iterator. DATA: lr_node TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node. DATA: l_node_value TYPE string. lr_ixml_document = convert_string_to_ixmldoc( i_xml_string ). lr_node_filter = lr_ixml_document->create_filter_name( i_node_name ). lr_node_iterator = lr_ixml_document->create_iterator_filtered( lr_node_filter ). lr_node ?= lr_node_iterator->get_next( ). WHILE lr_node IS NOT INITIAL. l_node_value = lr_node->get_value( ). APPEND l_node_value TO e_node_values. lr_node ?= lr_node_iterator->get_next( ). ENDWHILE. ENDMETHOD. METHOD GET_NODE_VALUE_FROM_XMLSTRING. *-------------------------------------------------------------------* * Company: RocketSteam * Author: Jordi Escoda, 30th April 2014 * Given an XML string and a node name, returns the node value *--------------------------------------------------------------------* DATA: lr_ixml_document TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document. lr_ixml_document = convert_string_to_ixmldoc( i_xml_string ). e_node_value = get_node_value( i_ixml_doc = lr_ixml_document i_node_name = i_node_name ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD show_xml_in_dialog. *-------------------------------------------------------------------* * Company: RocketSteam * Author: Jordi Escoda, 28th March 2014 * Given an XML, shows it in a dialog. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* DATA: lr_xml_document TYPE REF TO cl_xml_document. CREATE OBJECT lr_xml_document. CALL METHOD lr_xml_document->parse_string EXPORTING stream = i_xml. CALL METHOD lr_xml_document->display. ENDMETHOD. METHOD show_xxml_in_dialog. *-------------------------------------------------------------------* * Company: RocketSteam * Author: Jordi Escoda, 11th April 2014 * Given an XXML, shows it in a dialog. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* DATA: lr_xml_document TYPE REF TO cl_xml_document. CREATE OBJECT lr_xml_document. CALL METHOD lr_xml_document->parse_xstring EXPORTING stream = i_xxml. CALL METHOD lr_xml_document->display( ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 4871, 1168, 43, 46888, 2943, 43, 62, 55, 5805, 62, 3843, 45484, 6770, 198, 220, 1171, 198, 220, 2457, 198, 220, 2251, 2839, 764, 198, 198, 9, 1, 9, 1171, 6805, 286, 1398, 1168, 43, 46888, 2943, 43, 62, 55, 5805, 62, 3843, 45484, 198, 9, 1, 9, 466, 407, 2291, 584, 2723, 3696, 994, 10185, 198, 11377, 2665, 13, 628, 220, 1398, 12, 24396, 82, 37041, 62, 55, 5805, 62, 1268, 62, 35, 12576, 7730, 198, 220, 220, 220, 33332, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5145, 40, 62, 55, 5805, 2099, 19269, 2751, 764, 198, 220, 1398, 12, 24396, 82, 37041, 62, 8051, 5805, 62, 1268, 62, 35, 12576, 7730, 198, 220, 220, 220, 33332, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5145, 40, 62, 8051, 5805, 2099, 1395, 18601, 2751, 764, 198, 220, 1398, 12, 24396, 82, 7102, 15858, 62, 10426, 5805, 62, 38715, 62, 10468, 62, 55, 18601, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 33332, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5145, 40, 62, 10426, 5805, 62, 38715, 5883, 3525, 2099, 1006, 284, 16876, 62, 10426, 5805, 62, 38715, 5883, 3525, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8024, 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CLASS zcl_excel_autofilter DEFINITION PUBLIC FINAL CREATE PUBLIC . *"* public components of class ZCL_EXCEL_AUTOFILTER *"* do not include other source files here!!! PUBLIC SECTION. TYPES tv_filter_rule TYPE string . TYPES tv_logical_operator TYPE c LENGTH 3 . TYPES: BEGIN OF ts_filter, column TYPE zexcel_cell_column, rule TYPE tv_filter_rule, t_values TYPE HASHED TABLE OF zexcel_cell_value WITH UNIQUE KEY table_line, tr_textfilter1 TYPE RANGE OF string, logical_operator TYPE tv_logical_operator, tr_textfilter2 TYPE RANGE OF string, END OF ts_filter . TYPES: tt_filters TYPE HASHED TABLE OF ts_filter WITH UNIQUE KEY column . DATA filter_area TYPE zexcel_s_autofilter_area . CONSTANTS mc_filter_rule_single_values TYPE tv_filter_rule VALUE 'single_values'. "#EC NOTEXT CONSTANTS mc_filter_rule_text_pattern TYPE tv_filter_rule VALUE 'text_pattern'. "#EC NOTEXT CONSTANTS mc_logical_operator_and TYPE tv_logical_operator VALUE 'and'. "#EC NOTEXT CONSTANTS mc_logical_operator_none TYPE tv_logical_operator VALUE space. "#EC NOTEXT CONSTANTS mc_logical_operator_or TYPE tv_logical_operator VALUE 'or'. "#EC NOTEXT METHODS constructor IMPORTING !io_sheet TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_worksheet . METHODS get_filter_area RETURNING VALUE(rs_area) TYPE zexcel_s_autofilter_area . METHODS get_filter_range RETURNING VALUE(r_range) TYPE zexcel_cell_value RAISING zcx_excel. METHODS get_filter_reference RETURNING VALUE(r_ref) TYPE zexcel_range_value RAISING zcx_excel . METHODS get_values RETURNING VALUE(rt_filter) TYPE zexcel_t_autofilter_values . TYPE-POOLS abap . METHODS is_row_hidden IMPORTING !iv_row TYPE zexcel_cell_row RETURNING VALUE(rv_is_hidden) TYPE abap_bool . METHODS set_filter_area IMPORTING !is_area TYPE zexcel_s_autofilter_area . METHODS set_text_filter IMPORTING !i_column TYPE zexcel_cell_column !iv_textfilter1 TYPE clike !iv_logical_operator TYPE tv_logical_operator DEFAULT mc_logical_operator_none !iv_textfilter2 TYPE clike OPTIONAL . METHODS set_value IMPORTING !i_column TYPE zexcel_cell_column !i_value TYPE zexcel_cell_value . METHODS set_values IMPORTING !it_values TYPE zexcel_t_autofilter_values . *"* protected components of class ZABAP_EXCEL_WORKSHEET *"* do not include other source files here!!! PROTECTED SECTION. METHODS get_column_filter IMPORTING !i_column TYPE zexcel_cell_column RETURNING VALUE(rr_filter) TYPE REF TO ts_filter . METHODS is_row_hidden_single_values IMPORTING !iv_row TYPE zexcel_cell_row !iv_col TYPE zexcel_cell_column !is_filter TYPE ts_filter RETURNING VALUE(rv_is_hidden) TYPE abap_bool . METHODS is_row_hidden_text_pattern IMPORTING !iv_row TYPE zexcel_cell_row !iv_col TYPE zexcel_cell_column !is_filter TYPE ts_filter RETURNING VALUE(rv_is_hidden) TYPE abap_bool . *"* private components of class ZCL_EXCEL_AUTOFILTER *"* do not include other source files here!!! PRIVATE SECTION. DATA worksheet TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_worksheet . DATA mt_filters TYPE tt_filters . METHODS validate_area RAISING zcx_excel . ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_excel_autofilter IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD constructor. worksheet = io_sheet. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_column_filter. DATA: ls_filter LIKE LINE OF me->mt_filters. READ TABLE me->mt_filters REFERENCE INTO rr_filter WITH TABLE KEY column = i_column. IF sy-subrc <> 0. ls_filter-column = i_column. INSERT ls_filter INTO TABLE me->mt_filters REFERENCE INTO rr_filter. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_filter_area. validate_area( ). rs_area = filter_area. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_filter_range. DATA: l_row_start_c TYPE string, l_row_end_c TYPE string, l_col_start_c TYPE string, l_col_end_c TYPE string. validate_area( ). l_row_end_c = filter_area-row_end. CONDENSE l_row_end_c NO-GAPS. l_row_start_c = filter_area-row_start. CONDENSE l_row_start_c NO-GAPS. l_col_start_c = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2alpha( ip_column = filter_area-col_start ) . l_col_end_c = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2alpha( ip_column = filter_area-col_end ) . CONCATENATE l_col_start_c l_row_start_c ':' l_col_end_c l_row_end_c INTO r_range. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_filter_reference. DATA: l_row_start_c TYPE string, l_row_end_c TYPE string, l_col_start_c TYPE string, l_col_end_c TYPE string, l_value TYPE string. validate_area( ). l_row_end_c = filter_area-row_end. CONDENSE l_row_end_c NO-GAPS. l_row_start_c = filter_area-row_start. CONDENSE l_row_start_c NO-GAPS. l_col_start_c = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2alpha( ip_column = filter_area-col_start ) . l_col_end_c = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2alpha( ip_column = filter_area-col_end ) . l_value = worksheet->get_title( ) . r_ref = zcl_excel_common=>escape_string( ip_value = l_value ). CONCATENATE r_ref '!$' l_col_start_c '$' l_row_start_c ':$' l_col_end_c '$' l_row_end_c INTO r_ref. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_values. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_filter> LIKE LINE OF me->mt_filters, <ls_value> LIKE LINE OF <ls_filter>-t_values. DATA: ls_filter LIKE LINE OF rt_filter. LOOP AT me->mt_filters ASSIGNING <ls_filter> WHERE rule = mc_filter_rule_single_values. ls_filter-column = <ls_filter>-column. LOOP AT <ls_filter>-t_values ASSIGNING <ls_value>. ls_filter-value = <ls_value>. APPEND ls_filter TO rt_filter. ENDLOOP. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD is_row_hidden. DATA: lr_filter TYPE REF TO ts_filter, lv_col TYPE i. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_filter> TYPE ts_filter. rv_is_hidden = abap_false. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * 1st row of filter area is never hidden, because here the filter * symbol is being shown *--------------------------------------------------------------------* IF iv_row = me->filter_area-row_start. RETURN. ENDIF. lv_col = me->filter_area-col_start. WHILE lv_col <= me->filter_area-col_end. lr_filter = me->get_column_filter( lv_col ). ASSIGN lr_filter->* TO <ls_filter>. CASE <ls_filter>-rule. WHEN mc_filter_rule_single_values. rv_is_hidden = me->is_row_hidden_single_values( iv_row = iv_row iv_col = lv_col is_filter = <ls_filter> ). WHEN mc_filter_rule_text_pattern. rv_is_hidden = me->is_row_hidden_text_pattern( iv_row = iv_row iv_col = lv_col is_filter = <ls_filter> ). ENDCASE. IF rv_is_hidden = abap_true. RETURN. ENDIF. ADD 1 TO lv_col. ENDWHILE. ENDMETHOD. METHOD is_row_hidden_single_values. DATA: lv_value TYPE string. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_sheet_content> LIKE LINE OF me->worksheet->sheet_content. rv_is_hidden = abap_false. " Default setting is NOT HIDDEN = is in filter range *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * No filter values --> only symbol should be shown but nothing is being hidden *--------------------------------------------------------------------* IF is_filter-t_values IS INITIAL. RETURN. ENDIF. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * Get value of cell *--------------------------------------------------------------------* READ TABLE me->worksheet->sheet_content ASSIGNING <ls_sheet_content> WITH TABLE KEY cell_row = iv_row cell_column = iv_col. IF sy-subrc = 0. lv_value = <ls_sheet_content>-cell_value. ELSE. CLEAR lv_value. ENDIF. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * Check whether it is affected by filter * this needs to be extended if we support other filtertypes * other than single values *--------------------------------------------------------------------* READ TABLE is_filter-t_values TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS WITH TABLE KEY table_line = lv_value. IF sy-subrc <> 0. rv_is_hidden = abap_true. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD is_row_hidden_text_pattern. DATA: lv_value TYPE string. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_sheet_content> LIKE LINE OF me->worksheet->sheet_content. rv_is_hidden = abap_false. " Default setting is NOT HIDDEN = is in filter range *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * Get value of cell *--------------------------------------------------------------------* READ TABLE me->worksheet->sheet_content ASSIGNING <ls_sheet_content> WITH TABLE KEY cell_row = iv_row cell_column = iv_col. IF sy-subrc = 0. lv_value = <ls_sheet_content>-cell_value. ELSE. CLEAR lv_value. ENDIF. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * Check whether it is affected by filter * this needs to be extended if we support other filtertypes * other than single values *--------------------------------------------------------------------* IF lv_value NOT IN is_filter-tr_textfilter1. rv_is_hidden = abap_true. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_filter_area. filter_area = is_area. ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_text_filter. * see method documentation how to use this DATA: lr_filter TYPE REF TO ts_filter, ls_value1 TYPE LINE OF ts_filter-tr_textfilter1. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_filter> TYPE ts_filter. lr_filter = me->get_column_filter( i_column ). ASSIGN lr_filter->* TO <ls_filter>. <ls_filter>-rule = mc_filter_rule_text_pattern. CLEAR <ls_filter>-tr_textfilter1. IF iv_textfilter1 CA '*+'. " Pattern ls_value1-sign = 'I'. ls_value1-option = 'CP'. ls_value1-low = iv_textfilter1. ELSE. ls_value1-sign = 'I'. ls_value1-option = 'EQ'. ls_value1-low = iv_textfilter1. ENDIF. APPEND ls_value1 TO <ls_filter>-tr_textfilter1. ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_value. DATA: lr_filter TYPE REF TO ts_filter. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_filter> TYPE ts_filter. lr_filter = me->get_column_filter( i_column ). ASSIGN lr_filter->* TO <ls_filter>. <ls_filter>-rule = mc_filter_rule_single_values. INSERT i_value INTO TABLE <ls_filter>-t_values. ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_values. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_value> LIKE LINE OF it_values. LOOP AT it_values ASSIGNING <ls_value>. me->set_value( i_column = <ls_value>-column i_value = <ls_value>-value ). ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD validate_area. DATA: l_col TYPE zexcel_cell_column, ls_original_filter_area TYPE zexcel_s_autofilter_area, l_row TYPE zexcel_cell_row. l_row = worksheet->get_highest_row( ) . l_col = worksheet->get_highest_column( ) . IF filter_area IS INITIAL. filter_area-row_start = 1. filter_area-col_start = 1. filter_area-row_end = l_row . filter_area-col_end = l_col . ENDIF. IF filter_area-row_start > filter_area-row_end. ls_original_filter_area = filter_area. filter_area-row_start = ls_original_filter_area-row_end. filter_area-row_end = ls_original_filter_area-row_start. ENDIF. IF filter_area-row_start < 1. filter_area-row_start = 1. ENDIF. IF filter_area-col_start < 1. filter_area-col_start = 1. ENDIF. IF filter_area-row_end > l_row OR filter_area-row_end < 1. filter_area-row_end = l_row. ENDIF. IF filter_area-col_end > l_col OR filter_area-col_end < 1. filter_area-col_end = l_col. ENDIF. IF filter_area-col_start > filter_area-col_end. filter_area-col_start = filter_area-col_end. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS zcl_abaplint_backend DEFINITION PUBLIC CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_position, row TYPE token_row, col TYPE token_col, END OF ty_position . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_issue, message TYPE string, key TYPE string, filename TYPE string, severity TYPE string, start TYPE ty_position, END OF ty_issue . TYPES: ty_issues TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_issue WITH KEY table_line . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_message, error TYPE abap_bool, message TYPE string, END OF ty_message . TYPES: " Must match the content of the payload for /api/v1/list_rules " BEGIN OF ty_rule, key TYPE string, title TYPE string, END OF ty_rule . TYPES: ty_rules TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_rule WITH KEY key . METHODS check_object IMPORTING !iv_configuration TYPE string !iv_object_type TYPE trobjtype !iv_object_name TYPE sobj_name RETURNING VALUE(rt_issues) TYPE ty_issues RAISING zcx_abaplint_error zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS ping RETURNING VALUE(rs_message) TYPE ty_message RAISING zcx_abaplint_error . METHODS get_default_config RETURNING VALUE(rv_json) TYPE string RAISING zcx_abaplint_error . METHODS list_rules RETURNING VALUE(rt_rules) TYPE ty_rules RAISING zcx_abaplint_error . METHODS constructor IMPORTING !is_config TYPE zabaplint_glob_data OPTIONAL . PROTECTED SECTION. DATA ms_config TYPE zabaplint_glob_data . METHODS escape IMPORTING !iv_input TYPE clike RETURNING VALUE(rv_output) TYPE string . METHODS base64_encode IMPORTING !iv_bin TYPE xstring RETURNING VALUE(rv_base64) TYPE string . METHODS build_deps IMPORTING !iv_object_type TYPE trobjtype !iv_object_name TYPE sobj_name RETURNING VALUE(rv_files) TYPE string RAISING zcx_abaplint_error zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS build_files IMPORTING !iv_object_type TYPE trobjtype !iv_object_name TYPE sobj_name RETURNING VALUE(rv_files) TYPE string . PRIVATE SECTION. CONSTANTS: BEGIN OF c_uri, ping TYPE string VALUE '/api/v1/ping', check_file TYPE string VALUE '/api/v1/check_file', get_default_config TYPE string VALUE '/api/v1/default_config', list_rules TYPE string VALUE '/api/v1/list_rules', END OF c_uri. ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_ABAPLINT_BACKEND IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD base64_encode. CALL FUNCTION 'SSFC_BASE64_ENCODE' EXPORTING bindata = iv_bin IMPORTING b64data = rv_base64. ENDMETHOD. METHOD build_deps. DATA lt_files TYPE string_table. DATA lo_deps TYPE REF TO zcl_abaplint_deps. DATA lt_found TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_files_tt. CREATE OBJECT lo_deps. lt_found = lo_deps->find( iv_depth = ms_config-depth iv_continue = ms_config-conti iv_object_type = iv_object_type iv_object_name = iv_object_name ). DATA ls_file LIKE LINE OF lt_found. DATA lv_contents TYPE string. LOOP AT lt_found INTO ls_file. lv_contents = base64_encode( ls_file-data ). lv_contents = |\{"name": "{ escape( ls_file-filename ) }", "contents": "{ lv_contents }"\}|. APPEND lv_contents TO lt_files. ENDLOOP. CONCATENATE LINES OF lt_files INTO rv_files SEPARATED BY ','. rv_files = |[{ rv_files }]|. ENDMETHOD. METHOD build_files. * todo, this should be done relative to what is the root abapGit folder and * also take settings into account, but not super important? DATA lt_files TYPE string_table. DATA ls_files_item TYPE zcl_abapgit_objects=>ty_serialization. ls_files_item-item-obj_type = iv_object_type. ls_files_item-item-obj_name = iv_object_name. TRY. ls_files_item = zcl_abapgit_objects=>serialize( is_item = ls_files_item-item iv_language = sy-langu ). CATCH zcx_abapgit_exception. ASSERT 0 = 1. ENDTRY. DATA ls_file LIKE LINE OF ls_files_item-files. DATA lv_contents TYPE string. LOOP AT ls_files_item-files INTO ls_file. lv_contents = base64_encode( ls_file-data ). lv_contents = |\{"name": "{ escape( ls_file-filename ) }", "contents": "{ lv_contents }"\}|. APPEND lv_contents TO lt_files. ENDLOOP. CONCATENATE LINES OF lt_files INTO rv_files SEPARATED BY ','. rv_files = |[{ rv_files }]|. ENDMETHOD. METHOD check_object. IF iv_object_type = 'DEVC'. RETURN. ENDIF. DATA lv_files TYPE string. lv_files = build_files( iv_object_type = iv_object_type iv_object_name = iv_object_name ). DATA lv_deps TYPE string. lv_deps = build_deps( iv_object_type = iv_object_type iv_object_name = iv_object_name ). DATA lv_config TYPE string. lv_config = base64_encode( zcl_abapgit_convert=>string_to_xstring_utf8( iv_configuration ) ). DATA lv_cdata TYPE string. lv_cdata = |\{\n| && | "configuration": "{ lv_config }",\n| && | "object": \{\n| && | "objectName": "{ escape( iv_object_name ) }",\n| && | "objectType": "{ iv_object_type }"\n| && | \},\n| && | "deps": { lv_deps },\n| && | "files": { lv_files }\n| && |\}|. DATA lo_agent TYPE REF TO zcl_abaplint_backend_api_agent. DATA li_json TYPE REF TO zif_ajson_reader. lo_agent = zcl_abaplint_backend_api_agent=>create( ms_config-url ). li_json = lo_agent->request( iv_method = if_http_request=>co_request_method_post iv_uri = c_uri-check_file iv_payload = lv_cdata ). DATA lt_issues TYPE string_table. DATA lv_issue LIKE LINE OF lt_issues. DATA lv_prefix TYPE string. FIELD-SYMBOLS <issue> LIKE LINE OF rt_issues. lt_issues = li_json->members( '/issues' ). LOOP AT lt_issues INTO lv_issue. lv_prefix = '/issues/' && lv_issue && '/data'. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO rt_issues ASSIGNING <issue>. <issue>-message = li_json->get_string( lv_prefix && '/message' ). <issue>-key = li_json->get_string( lv_prefix && '/key' ). <issue>-filename = li_json->get_string( lv_prefix && '/filename' ). <issue>-severity = li_json->get_string( lv_prefix && '/severity' ). <issue>-start-row = li_json->get_string( lv_prefix && '/start/row' ). <issue>-start-col = li_json->get_string( lv_prefix && '/start/col' ). ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD constructor. IF is_config IS SUPPLIED. ms_config = is_config. ELSE. DATA lo_config TYPE REF TO zcl_abaplint_configuration. CREATE OBJECT lo_config. ms_config = lo_config->get_global( ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD escape. rv_output = iv_input. REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF '"' IN rv_output WITH '\"'. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_default_config. DATA lo_agent TYPE REF TO zcl_abaplint_backend_api_agent. DATA li_json TYPE REF TO zif_ajson_reader. DATA lo_json TYPE REF TO zcl_ajson. DATA lx_error TYPE REF TO zcx_ajson_error. lo_agent = zcl_abaplint_backend_api_agent=>create( ms_config-url ). li_json = lo_agent->request( c_uri-get_default_config ). li_json = li_json->slice( '/config' ). lo_json ?= li_json. TRY. rv_json = lo_json->stringify( iv_indent = 2 ). CATCH zcx_ajson_error INTO lx_error. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_abaplint_error EXPORTING message = lx_error->message. ENDTRY. IF rv_json IS INITIAL. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_abaplint_error EXPORTING message = 'Fetched Config is empty!'. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD list_rules. DATA: lo_agent TYPE REF TO zcl_abaplint_backend_api_agent, li_json TYPE REF TO zif_ajson_reader, lx_error TYPE REF TO zcx_ajson_error. " Get a list of all abaplint rules via /api/v1/list_rules " lo_agent = zcl_abaplint_backend_api_agent=>create( ms_config-url ). li_json = lo_agent->request( c_uri-list_rules ). IF NOT li_json IS BOUND. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_abaplint_error EXPORTING message = 'Fetched rules are empty!'. ENDIF. TRY. li_json->to_abap( IMPORTING ev_container = rt_rules ). CATCH zcx_ajson_error INTO lx_error. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_abaplint_error EXPORTING message = lx_error->message. ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. METHOD ping. DATA lx_error TYPE REF TO zcx_abaplint_error. DATA lo_agent TYPE REF TO zcl_abaplint_backend_api_agent. DATA li_json TYPE REF TO zif_ajson_reader. lo_agent = zcl_abaplint_backend_api_agent=>create( ms_config-url ). TRY. li_json = lo_agent->request( c_uri-ping ). rs_message-message = li_json->get_string( '' ). rs_message-error = abap_false. CATCH zcx_abaplint_error INTO lx_error. rs_message-message = lx_error->message. rs_message-error = abap_true. ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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class zcx_aps_task_invalid_class definition public inheriting from cx_static_check final create public. public section. interfaces: if_t100_dyn_msg, if_t100_message. constants: begin of zcx_aps_task_invalid_class, msgid type symsgid value 'ZAPS_TASK', msgno type symsgno value '001', attr1 type scx_attrname value '', attr2 type scx_attrname value '', attr3 type scx_attrname value '', attr4 type scx_attrname value '', end of zcx_aps_task_invalid_class. methods: constructor importing i_textid type scx_t100key default zcx_aps_task_invalid_class i_previous type ref to cx_root optional. protected section. private section. endclass. class zcx_aps_task_invalid_class implementation. method constructor ##ADT_SUPPRESS_GENERATION. super->constructor( previous = i_previous ). clear textid. if_t100_message~t100key = i_textid. endmethod. endclass.
[ 4871, 1976, 66, 87, 62, 1686, 62, 35943, 62, 259, 12102, 62, 4871, 6770, 198, 220, 1171, 198, 220, 10639, 1780, 422, 43213, 62, 12708, 62, 9122, 198, 220, 2457, 198, 220, 2251, 1171, 13, 628, 220, 1171, 2665, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 20314, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 62, 83, 3064, 62, 67, 2047, 62, 19662, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 62, 83, 3064, 62, 20500, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 38491, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2221, 286, 1976, 66, 87, 62, 1686, 62, 35943, 62, 259, 12102, 62, 4871, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 31456, 312, 2099, 827, 19662, 312, 1988, 705, 57, 44580, 62, 51, 1921, 42, 3256, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 31456, 3919, 2099, 827, 19662, 3919, 1988, 705, 8298, 3256, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 708, 81, 16, 2099, 629, 87, 62, 35226, 3672, 1988, 705, 3256, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 708, 81, 17, 2099, 629, 87, 62, 35226, 3672, 1988, 705, 3256, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 708, 81, 18, 2099, 629, 87, 62, 35226, 3672, 1988, 705, 3256, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 708, 81, 19, 2099, 629, 87, 62, 35226, 3672, 1988, 705, 3256, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 286, 1976, 66, 87, 62, 1686, 62, 35943, 62, 259, 12102, 62, 4871, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 5050, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 23772, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 33332, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1312, 62, 5239, 312, 220, 220, 2099, 629, 87, 62, 83, 3064, 2539, 4277, 1976, 66, 87, 62, 1686, 62, 35943, 62, 259, 12102, 62, 4871, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1312, 62, 3866, 1442, 2099, 1006, 284, 43213, 62, 15763, 11902, 13, 198, 220, 6861, 2665, 13, 198, 220, 2839, 2665, 13, 198, 437, 4871, 13, 628, 198, 198, 4871, 1976, 66, 87, 62, 1686, 62, 35943, 62, 259, 12102, 62, 4871, 7822, 13, 628, 198, 220, 2446, 23772, 22492, 2885, 51, 62, 40331, 32761, 62, 35353, 1137, 6234, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2208, 3784, 41571, 273, 7, 2180, 796, 1312, 62, 3866, 1442, 6739, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1598, 2420, 312, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 611, 62, 83, 3064, 62, 20500, 93, 83, 3064, 2539, 796, 1312, 62, 5239, 312, 13, 198, 220, 886, 24396, 13, 198, 437, 4871, 13, 198 ]
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_object_asfc DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM zcl_abapgit_objects_super CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES zif_abapgit_object . PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. METHODS get_generic RETURNING VALUE(ro_generic) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_objects_generic RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_abapgit_object_asfc IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD get_generic. CREATE OBJECT ro_generic EXPORTING is_item = ms_item iv_language = mv_language. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~changed_by. rv_user = zcl_abapgit_objects_super=>c_user_unknown. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~delete. get_generic( )->delete( iv_package ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~deserialize. get_generic( )->deserialize( iv_package = iv_package io_xml = io_xml ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~exists. rv_bool = get_generic( )->exists( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_comparator. RETURN. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_deserialize_steps. APPEND zif_abapgit_object=>gc_step_id-abap TO rt_steps. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_metadata. rs_metadata = get_metadata( ). rs_metadata-delete_tadir = abap_true. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~is_active. rv_active = is_active( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~is_locked. rv_is_locked = abap_false. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~jump. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~serialize. get_generic( )->serialize( io_xml ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_file_status DEFINITION PUBLIC FINAL CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. CLASS-METHODS status IMPORTING !io_repo TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo !ii_log TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_log OPTIONAL RETURNING VALUE(rt_results) TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_results_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. CLASS-METHODS calculate_status IMPORTING !iv_devclass TYPE devclass !io_dot TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_dot_abapgit !it_local TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_files_item_tt !it_remote TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_files_tt !it_cur_state TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_file_signatures_tt RETURNING VALUE(rt_results) TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_results_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS prepare_remote IMPORTING !io_dot TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_dot_abapgit !it_remote TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_files_tt RETURNING VALUE(rt_remote) TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_files_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS process_local IMPORTING !io_dot TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_dot_abapgit !it_local TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_files_item_tt !it_state_idx TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_file_signatures_ts CHANGING !ct_remote TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_files_tt !ct_items TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_items_tt !ct_results TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_results_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS process_items IMPORTING !iv_devclass TYPE devclass !io_dot TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_dot_abapgit !it_remote TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_files_tt CHANGING !ct_items TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_items_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS process_remote IMPORTING !iv_devclass TYPE devclass !io_dot TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_dot_abapgit !it_local TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_files_item_tt !it_remote TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_files_tt !it_state_idx TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_file_signatures_ts !it_items_idx TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_items_ts CHANGING !ct_results TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_results_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS run_checks IMPORTING !ii_log TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_log !it_results TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_results_tt !io_dot TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_dot_abapgit !iv_top TYPE devclass RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS build_existing IMPORTING !is_local TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_file_item !is_remote TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_file !it_state TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_file_signatures_ts RETURNING VALUE(rs_result) TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_result . CLASS-METHODS build_new_local IMPORTING !is_local TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_file_item RETURNING VALUE(rs_result) TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_result . CLASS-METHODS build_new_remote IMPORTING !iv_devclass TYPE devclass !io_dot TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_dot_abapgit !is_remote TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_file !it_items TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_items_ts !it_state TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_file_signatures_ts RETURNING VALUE(rs_result) TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_result RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS get_object_package IMPORTING !iv_object TYPE tadir-object !iv_obj_name TYPE tadir-obj_name RETURNING VALUE(rv_devclass) TYPE devclass RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS check_package_move IMPORTING !ii_log TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_log !it_results TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_results_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS check_files_folder IMPORTING !ii_log TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_log !it_results TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_results_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS check_package_folder IMPORTING !ii_log TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_log !it_results TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_results_tt !io_dot TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_dot_abapgit !iv_top TYPE devclass RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS check_multiple_files IMPORTING !ii_log TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_log !it_results TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_results_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS check_namespace IMPORTING !ii_log TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_log !it_results TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_results_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_ABAPGIT_FILE_STATUS IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD build_existing. DATA: ls_file_sig LIKE LINE OF it_state. " Item rs_result-obj_type = is_local-item-obj_type. rs_result-obj_name = is_local-item-obj_name. rs_result-package = is_local-item-devclass. " File rs_result-path = is_local-file-path. rs_result-filename = is_local-file-filename. IF is_local-file-sha1 = is_remote-sha1. rs_result-match = abap_true. RETURN. ENDIF. " Match against current state READ TABLE it_state INTO ls_file_sig WITH KEY path = is_local-file-path filename = is_local-file-filename BINARY SEARCH. IF sy-subrc = 0. IF ls_file_sig-sha1 <> is_local-file-sha1. rs_result-lstate = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_state-modified. ENDIF. IF ls_file_sig-sha1 <> is_remote-sha1. rs_result-rstate = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_state-modified. ENDIF. rs_result-match = boolc( rs_result-lstate IS INITIAL AND rs_result-rstate IS INITIAL ). ELSE. " This is a strange situation. As both local and remote exist " the state should also be present. Maybe this is a first run of the code. " In this case just compare hashes directly and mark both changed " the user will presumably decide what to do after checking the actual diff rs_result-match = boolc( is_local-file-sha1 = is_remote-sha1 ). IF rs_result-match = abap_false. rs_result-lstate = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_state-modified. rs_result-rstate = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_state-modified. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD build_new_local. " Item rs_result-obj_type = is_local-item-obj_type. rs_result-obj_name = is_local-item-obj_name. rs_result-package = is_local-item-devclass. " File rs_result-path = is_local-file-path. rs_result-filename = is_local-file-filename. " Match rs_result-match = abap_false. rs_result-lstate = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_state-added. ENDMETHOD. METHOD build_new_remote. DATA: ls_item LIKE LINE OF it_items, ls_file_sig LIKE LINE OF it_state. " Common and default part rs_result-path = is_remote-path. rs_result-filename = is_remote-filename. rs_result-match = abap_false. rs_result-rstate = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_state-added. zcl_abapgit_filename_logic=>file_to_object( EXPORTING iv_filename = is_remote-filename iv_path = is_remote-path iv_devclass = iv_devclass io_dot = io_dot IMPORTING es_item = ls_item ). " Check if in item index + get package READ TABLE it_items INTO ls_item WITH KEY obj_type = ls_item-obj_type obj_name = ls_item-obj_name BINARY SEARCH. IF sy-subrc = 0. " Completely new (xml, abap) and new file in an existing object rs_result-obj_type = ls_item-obj_type. rs_result-obj_name = ls_item-obj_name. rs_result-package = ls_item-devclass. READ TABLE it_state INTO ls_file_sig WITH KEY path = is_remote-path filename = is_remote-filename BINARY SEARCH. " Existing file but from another package " was not added during local file proc as was not in tadir for repo package IF sy-subrc = 0. IF ls_file_sig-sha1 = is_remote-sha1. rs_result-match = abap_true. CLEAR rs_result-rstate. ELSE. rs_result-rstate = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_state-modified. ENDIF. " Item is in state and in cache but with no package - it was deleted " OR devclass is the same as repo package (see #532) IF ls_item-devclass IS INITIAL OR ls_item-devclass = iv_devclass. rs_result-match = abap_false. rs_result-lstate = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_state-deleted. ENDIF. ENDIF. ELSE. " Completely unknown file, probably non-abapgit ASSERT 1 = 1. " No action, just follow defaults ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD calculate_status. DATA: lt_remote LIKE it_remote, lt_items TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_items_tt, lt_items_idx TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_items_ts, " Sorted by obj_type+obj_name lt_state_idx TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_file_signatures_ts. " Sorted by path+filename lt_state_idx = it_cur_state. " Force sort it " Prepare remote files lt_remote = prepare_remote( io_dot = io_dot it_remote = it_remote ). " Process local files and new local files process_local( EXPORTING io_dot = io_dot it_local = it_local it_state_idx = lt_state_idx CHANGING ct_remote = lt_remote ct_items = lt_items ct_results = rt_results ). " Complete item index for unmarked remote files process_items( EXPORTING iv_devclass = iv_devclass io_dot = io_dot it_remote = lt_remote CHANGING ct_items = lt_items ). lt_items_idx = lt_items. " Self protection + UNIQUE records assertion " Process new remote files (marked above with empty SHA1) process_remote( EXPORTING iv_devclass = iv_devclass io_dot = io_dot it_local = it_local it_remote = lt_remote it_state_idx = lt_state_idx it_items_idx = lt_items_idx CHANGING ct_results = rt_results ). SORT rt_results BY obj_type ASCENDING obj_name ASCENDING filename ASCENDING path ASCENDING. ENDMETHOD. METHOD check_files_folder. DATA: ls_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item, lt_res_sort LIKE it_results, lt_item_idx LIKE it_results. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_result> LIKE LINE OF it_results, <ls_result_idx> LIKE LINE OF it_results. " Collect object index lt_res_sort = it_results. SORT lt_res_sort BY obj_type ASCENDING obj_name ASCENDING. LOOP AT it_results ASSIGNING <ls_result> WHERE NOT obj_type IS INITIAL AND packmove = abap_false. IF NOT ( <ls_result>-obj_type = ls_item-obj_type AND <ls_result>-obj_name = ls_item-obj_name ). APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_item_idx ASSIGNING <ls_result_idx>. <ls_result_idx>-obj_type = <ls_result>-obj_type. <ls_result_idx>-obj_name = <ls_result>-obj_name. <ls_result_idx>-path = <ls_result>-path. MOVE-CORRESPONDING <ls_result> TO ls_item. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. LOOP AT it_results ASSIGNING <ls_result> WHERE NOT obj_type IS INITIAL AND obj_type <> 'DEVC' AND packmove = abap_false. READ TABLE lt_item_idx ASSIGNING <ls_result_idx> WITH KEY obj_type = <ls_result>-obj_type obj_name = <ls_result>-obj_name BINARY SEARCH. " Sorted above IF sy-subrc <> 0 OR <ls_result>-path <> <ls_result_idx>-path. " All paths are same ii_log->add( iv_msg = |Files for object { <ls_result>-obj_type } { <ls_result>-obj_name } are not placed in the same folder| iv_type = 'W' ). ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD check_multiple_files. DATA: lt_res_sort LIKE it_results, ls_file TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_file_signature. FIELD-SYMBOLS <ls_result> LIKE LINE OF it_results. lt_res_sort = it_results. SORT lt_res_sort BY filename ASCENDING. LOOP AT lt_res_sort ASSIGNING <ls_result> WHERE obj_type <> 'DEVC' AND packmove = abap_false. IF <ls_result>-filename IS NOT INITIAL AND <ls_result>-filename = ls_file-filename. ii_log->add( iv_msg = |Multiple files with same filename, { <ls_result>-filename }| iv_type = 'W' ). ENDIF. IF <ls_result>-filename IS INITIAL. ii_log->add( iv_msg = |Filename is empty for object { <ls_result>-obj_type } { <ls_result>-obj_name }| iv_type = 'W' ). ENDIF. MOVE-CORRESPONDING <ls_result> TO ls_file. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD check_namespace. DATA: lv_namespace TYPE namespace, lt_namespace TYPE TABLE OF namespace, ls_trnspace TYPE trnspace. FIELD-SYMBOLS <ls_result> LIKE LINE OF it_results. " Collect all namespaces based on name of xml-files LOOP AT it_results ASSIGNING <ls_result>. FIND REGEX '^#([a-zA-Z0-9]+)#.*\..*\.xml$' IN <ls_result>-filename SUBMATCHES lv_namespace. IF sy-subrc = 0. lv_namespace = '/' && to_upper( lv_namespace ) && '/'. COLLECT lv_namespace INTO lt_namespace. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. LOOP AT lt_namespace INTO lv_namespace. CALL FUNCTION 'TR_READ_NAMESPACE' EXPORTING iv_namespace = lv_namespace IMPORTING es_trnspace = ls_trnspace EXCEPTIONS namespace_not_existing = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc <> 0. ii_log->add( iv_msg = |Namespace { lv_namespace } does not exist. Create it in transaction SE03| iv_type = 'W' ). ELSEIF ls_trnspace-editflag <> 'X'. ii_log->add( iv_msg = |Namespace { lv_namespace } is not modifiable. Check it in transaction SE03| iv_type = 'W' ). ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD check_package_folder. DATA: lv_path TYPE string, lo_folder_logic TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_folder_logic. FIELD-SYMBOLS <ls_result> LIKE LINE OF it_results. lo_folder_logic = zcl_abapgit_folder_logic=>get_instance( ). LOOP AT it_results ASSIGNING <ls_result> WHERE NOT package IS INITIAL AND NOT path IS INITIAL AND packmove = abap_false. lv_path = lo_folder_logic->package_to_path( iv_top = iv_top io_dot = io_dot iv_package = <ls_result>-package ). IF lv_path <> <ls_result>-path. ii_log->add( iv_msg = |Package and path does not match for object, { <ls_result>-obj_type } { <ls_result>-obj_name }| iv_type = 'W' ). ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD check_package_move. DATA: lt_move_idx LIKE it_results. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_result> LIKE LINE OF it_results, <ls_result_move> LIKE LINE OF it_results. LOOP AT it_results ASSIGNING <ls_result> WHERE lstate = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_state-added AND packmove = abap_true. READ TABLE lt_move_idx TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS WITH KEY obj_type = <ls_result>-obj_type obj_name = <ls_result>-obj_name BINARY SEARCH. " Sorted since it_result is sorted IF sy-subrc <> 0. ii_log->add( iv_msg = |Changed package assignment for object { <ls_result>-obj_type } { <ls_result>-obj_name }| iv_type = 'W' ). APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_move_idx ASSIGNING <ls_result_move>. <ls_result_move>-obj_type = <ls_result>-obj_type. <ls_result_move>-obj_name = <ls_result>-obj_name. <ls_result_move>-path = <ls_result>-path. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_object_package. DATA: lv_name TYPE devclass, li_package TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_sap_package. rv_devclass = zcl_abapgit_factory=>get_tadir( )->get_object_package( iv_object = iv_object iv_obj_name = iv_obj_name ). IF rv_devclass IS INITIAL AND iv_object = 'DEVC' AND iv_obj_name(1) = '$'. " local packages usually have no tadir entry lv_name = iv_obj_name. li_package = zcl_abapgit_factory=>get_sap_package( lv_name ). IF li_package->exists( ) = abap_true. rv_devclass = lv_name. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD prepare_remote. DATA lv_index TYPE sy-index. FIELD-SYMBOLS <ls_remote> LIKE LINE OF it_remote. rt_remote = it_remote. SORT rt_remote BY path filename. " Skip ignored files LOOP AT rt_remote ASSIGNING <ls_remote>. lv_index = sy-tabix. IF io_dot->is_ignored( iv_path = <ls_remote>-path iv_filename = <ls_remote>-filename ) = abap_true. DELETE rt_remote INDEX lv_index. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD process_items. DATA: ls_item LIKE LINE OF ct_items, lv_is_xml TYPE abap_bool, lv_sub_fetched TYPE abap_bool, lt_sub_packages TYPE zif_abapgit_sap_package=>ty_devclass_tt, lv_msg TYPE string. FIELD-SYMBOLS <ls_remote> LIKE LINE OF it_remote. LOOP AT it_remote ASSIGNING <ls_remote> WHERE sha1 IS NOT INITIAL. zcl_abapgit_filename_logic=>file_to_object( EXPORTING iv_filename = <ls_remote>-filename iv_path = <ls_remote>-path io_dot = io_dot iv_devclass = iv_devclass IMPORTING es_item = ls_item ev_is_xml = lv_is_xml ). CHECK lv_is_xml = abap_true. " only object definitions ls_item-devclass = get_object_package( iv_object = ls_item-obj_type iv_obj_name = ls_item-obj_name ). IF NOT ls_item-devclass IS INITIAL AND iv_devclass <> ls_item-devclass. IF lv_sub_fetched = abap_false. lt_sub_packages = zcl_abapgit_factory=>get_sap_package( iv_devclass )->list_subpackages( ). lv_sub_fetched = abap_true. SORT lt_sub_packages BY table_line. "Optimize Read Access ENDIF. " Make sure the package is under the repo main package READ TABLE lt_sub_packages TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS WITH KEY table_line = ls_item-devclass BINARY SEARCH. IF sy-subrc <> 0. IF ls_item-obj_type = 'DEVC'. " If package already exist but is not included in the package hierarchy of " the package assigned to the repository, then a manual change of the package " is required i.e. setting a parent package to iv_devclass (or one of its " subpackages). We don't this automatically since it's not clear where in the " hierarchy the new package should be located. (#4108) lv_msg = |Package { ls_item-devclass } already exists but is not a subpackage of { iv_devclass }. Check your package and folder logic or assign { ls_item-devclass } to package hierarchy of { iv_devclass } to match the repository.|. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( lv_msg ). ELSE. CLEAR ls_item-devclass. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDIF. APPEND ls_item TO ct_items. ENDLOOP. SORT ct_items DESCENDING. " Default key - type, name, pkg, inactive DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM ct_items COMPARING obj_type obj_name devclass. ENDMETHOD. METHOD process_local. DATA lv_msg TYPE string. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_remote> LIKE LINE OF ct_remote, <ls_result> LIKE LINE OF ct_results, <ls_state> LIKE LINE OF it_state_idx, <ls_local> LIKE LINE OF it_local. LOOP AT it_local ASSIGNING <ls_local>. " Skip ignored files IF io_dot->is_ignored( iv_path = <ls_local>-file-path iv_filename = <ls_local>-file-filename ) = abap_true. CONTINUE. ENDIF. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO ct_results ASSIGNING <ls_result>. IF <ls_local>-item IS NOT INITIAL. APPEND <ls_local>-item TO ct_items. " Collect for item index ENDIF. READ TABLE ct_remote ASSIGNING <ls_remote> WITH KEY path = <ls_local>-file-path filename = <ls_local>-file-filename BINARY SEARCH. IF sy-subrc = 0. " Exist local and remote <ls_result> = build_existing( is_local = <ls_local> is_remote = <ls_remote> it_state = it_state_idx ). IF <ls_remote>-sha1 IS INITIAL. IF <ls_local>-file-filename = zcl_abapgit_filename_logic=>c_package_file. lv_msg = |Package name conflict { <ls_local>-item-obj_type } { <ls_local>-item-obj_name }. | && |Rename package or use FULL folder logic|. ELSE. lv_msg = |Checksum conflict { <ls_local>-item-obj_type } { <ls_local>-item-obj_name }. | && |Please create an issue on Github|. ENDIF. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( lv_msg ). ENDIF. CLEAR <ls_remote>-sha1. " Mark as processed ELSE. " Only L exists <ls_result> = build_new_local( <ls_local> ). " Check if same file exists in different location READ TABLE ct_remote ASSIGNING <ls_remote> WITH KEY file COMPONENTS filename = <ls_local>-file-filename. IF sy-subrc = 0 AND <ls_local>-file-sha1 = <ls_remote>-sha1. <ls_result>-packmove = abap_true. ELSEIF sy-subrc = 4. " Check if file existed before and was deleted remotely READ TABLE it_state_idx ASSIGNING <ls_state> WITH KEY path = <ls_local>-file-path filename = <ls_local>-file-filename BINARY SEARCH. IF sy-subrc = 0. IF <ls_local>-file-sha1 = <ls_state>-sha1. <ls_result>-lstate = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_state-unchanged. ELSE. <ls_result>-lstate = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_state-modified. ENDIF. <ls_result>-rstate = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_state-deleted. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDIF. <ls_result>-inactive = <ls_local>-item-inactive. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD process_remote. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_remote> LIKE LINE OF it_remote, <ls_result> LIKE LINE OF ct_results, <ls_local> LIKE LINE OF it_local. LOOP AT it_remote ASSIGNING <ls_remote> WHERE sha1 IS NOT INITIAL. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO ct_results ASSIGNING <ls_result>. <ls_result> = build_new_remote( iv_devclass = iv_devclass io_dot = io_dot is_remote = <ls_remote> it_items = it_items_idx it_state = it_state_idx ). " Check if same file exists in different location READ TABLE it_local ASSIGNING <ls_local> WITH KEY file-filename = <ls_remote>-filename. IF sy-subrc = 0. <ls_result>-match = abap_false. <ls_result>-lstate = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_state-deleted. <ls_result>-rstate = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_state-unchanged. IF <ls_local>-file-sha1 = <ls_remote>-sha1. <ls_result>-packmove = abap_true. ENDIF. ELSEIF sy-subrc = 4. " Check if file existed before and was deleted locally READ TABLE it_state_idx TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS WITH KEY path = <ls_remote>-path filename = <ls_remote>-filename BINARY SEARCH. IF sy-subrc = 0. <ls_result>-match = abap_false. <ls_result>-lstate = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_state-deleted. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD run_checks. " This method just adds messages to the log. No log, nothing to do here IF ii_log IS INITIAL. RETURN. ENDIF. " Find all objects which were assigned to a different package check_package_move( ii_log = ii_log it_results = it_results ). " Check files for one object is in the same folder check_files_folder( ii_log = ii_log it_results = it_results ). " Check that objects are created in package corresponding to folder check_package_folder( ii_log = ii_log it_results = it_results io_dot = io_dot iv_top = iv_top ). " Check for multiple files with same filename check_multiple_files( ii_log = ii_log it_results = it_results ). " Check if namespaces exist already check_namespace( ii_log = ii_log it_results = it_results ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD status. DATA lt_local TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_files_item_tt. DATA lt_remote TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_files_tt. DATA li_exit TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_exit. lt_local = io_repo->get_files_local( ii_log = ii_log ). IF lines( lt_local ) <= 2. " Less equal two means that we have only the .abapgit.xml and the package in " our local repository. In this case we have to update our local .abapgit.xml " from the remote one. Otherwise we get errors when e.g. the folder starting " folder is different. io_repo->find_remote_dot_abapgit( ). ENDIF. lt_remote = io_repo->get_files_remote( ). li_exit = zcl_abapgit_exit=>get_instance( ). li_exit->pre_calculate_repo_status( EXPORTING is_repo_meta = io_repo->ms_data CHANGING ct_local = lt_local ct_remote = lt_remote ). rt_results = calculate_status( iv_devclass = io_repo->get_package( ) io_dot = io_repo->get_dot_abapgit( ) it_local = lt_local it_remote = lt_remote it_cur_state = io_repo->get_local_checksums_per_file( ) ). run_checks( ii_log = ii_log it_results = rt_results io_dot = io_repo->get_dot_abapgit( ) iv_top = io_repo->get_package( ) ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report ZFUGRINCLUDES *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT zfugrincludes. DATA: includes TYPE prognames, include TYPE progname. CALL FUNCTION 'GET_INCLUDES' EXPORTING progname = 'SAPLZCQSE_CONQAT_RFC' TABLES incltab = includes. *SELECT progname INTO TABLE includes * FROM reposrc * FOR ALL ENTRIES IN includes * WHERE progname EQ includes-table_line * AND progname LIKE 'LZCQSE_CONQAT_RFC%' * AND progname NOT LIKE '%UXX' * AND progname NOT LIKE '%$__' * AND r3state EQ 'A'. LOOP AT includes INTO include. WRITE / include. ENDLOOP.
[ 9, 5, 10097, 30934, 9, 198, 9, 5, 6358, 220, 1168, 37, 7340, 49, 1268, 39149, 1546, 198, 9, 5, 198, 9, 5, 10097, 30934, 9, 198, 9, 5, 198, 9, 5, 198, 9, 5, 10097, 30934, 9, 198, 198, 2200, 15490, 220, 1976, 69, 1018, 12769, 13955, 13, 198, 198, 26947, 25, 3407, 41876, 1172, 14933, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2291, 41876, 1172, 3672, 13, 628, 198, 34, 7036, 29397, 4177, 2849, 705, 18851, 62, 1268, 39149, 1546, 6, 198, 220, 7788, 15490, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1172, 3672, 796, 705, 50, 2969, 43, 57, 34, 48, 5188, 62, 10943, 48, 1404, 62, 41150, 6, 198, 220, 309, 6242, 28378, 198, 220, 220, 220, 13358, 8658, 220, 796, 3407, 13, 628, 198, 198, 9, 46506, 1172, 3672, 39319, 43679, 3407, 198, 9, 220, 16034, 1128, 418, 6015, 198, 9, 220, 7473, 11096, 12964, 5446, 11015, 3268, 3407, 198, 9, 220, 33411, 1172, 3672, 36529, 3407, 12, 11487, 62, 1370, 198, 9, 220, 5357, 1172, 3672, 34178, 705, 43, 57, 34, 48, 5188, 62, 10943, 48, 1404, 62, 41150, 4, 6, 198, 9, 220, 5357, 1172, 3672, 5626, 34178, 705, 4, 52, 8051, 6, 198, 9, 220, 5357, 1172, 3672, 5626, 34178, 705, 4, 3, 834, 6, 198, 9, 220, 5357, 374, 18, 5219, 36529, 705, 32, 4458, 628, 198, 21982, 3185, 5161, 3407, 39319, 2291, 13, 198, 220, 44423, 1220, 2291, 13, 198, 10619, 21982, 3185, 13 ]
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[ 31631, 1220, 67, 5908, 14, 46583, 62, 2070, 654, 7211, 1732, 62, 84, 1415, 5550, 20032, 17941, 198, 220, 44731, 198, 220, 9564, 18601, 10659, 198, 220, 25261, 198, 220, 7473, 9348, 7801, 12861, 1581, 3963, 1220, 67, 5908, 14, 72, 62, 35927, 62, 84, 1415, 764, 628, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 48006, 9782, 1961, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 4810, 3824, 6158, 44513, 13, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 628, 198, 198, 31631, 1220, 67, 5908, 14, 46583, 62, 2070, 654, 7211, 1732, 62, 84, 1415, 30023, 2538, 10979, 6234, 13, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 198 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
class ZCX_JOB_ERROR definition public inheriting from CX_STATIC_CHECK create public . public section. interfaces IF_T100_DYN_MSG . interfaces IF_T100_MESSAGE . methods CONSTRUCTOR importing !TEXTID like IF_T100_MESSAGE=>T100KEY optional !PREVIOUS like PREVIOUS optional . protected section. private section. ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCX_JOB_ERROR IMPLEMENTATION. method CONSTRUCTOR. CALL METHOD SUPER->CONSTRUCTOR EXPORTING PREVIOUS = PREVIOUS . clear me->textid. if textid is initial. IF_T100_MESSAGE~T100KEY = IF_T100_MESSAGE=>DEFAULT_TEXTID. else. IF_T100_MESSAGE~T100KEY = TEXTID. endif. endmethod. ENDCLASS.
[ 4871, 1168, 34, 55, 62, 41, 9864, 62, 24908, 6770, 198, 220, 1171, 198, 220, 10639, 1780, 422, 327, 55, 62, 35744, 2149, 62, 50084, 198, 220, 2251, 1171, 764, 198, 198, 11377, 2665, 13, 628, 220, 20314, 16876, 62, 51, 3064, 62, 35, 40760, 62, 5653, 38, 764, 198, 220, 20314, 16876, 62, 51, 3064, 62, 44, 1546, 4090, 8264, 764, 628, 220, 5050, 7102, 46126, 1581, 198, 220, 220, 220, 33332, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5145, 32541, 2389, 588, 16876, 62, 51, 3064, 62, 44, 1546, 4090, 8264, 14804, 51, 3064, 20373, 11902, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5145, 46437, 12861, 20958, 588, 22814, 12861, 20958, 11902, 764, 198, 24326, 2665, 13, 198, 19734, 2665, 13, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 628, 198, 198, 31631, 1168, 34, 55, 62, 41, 9864, 62, 24908, 30023, 2538, 10979, 6234, 13, 628, 198, 220, 2446, 7102, 46126, 1581, 13, 198, 34, 7036, 337, 36252, 33088, 3784, 10943, 46126, 1581, 198, 6369, 15490, 2751, 198, 46437, 12861, 20958, 796, 22814, 12861, 20958, 198, 13, 198, 20063, 502, 3784, 5239, 312, 13, 198, 361, 2420, 312, 318, 4238, 13, 198, 220, 16876, 62, 51, 3064, 62, 44, 1546, 4090, 8264, 93, 51, 3064, 20373, 796, 16876, 62, 51, 3064, 62, 44, 1546, 4090, 8264, 14804, 7206, 38865, 62, 32541, 2389, 13, 198, 17772, 13, 198, 220, 16876, 62, 51, 3064, 62, 44, 1546, 4090, 8264, 93, 51, 3064, 20373, 796, 40383, 2389, 13, 198, 32088, 13, 198, 220, 886, 24396, 13, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 198 ]
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CLASS zcl_app_rule_cond_n_rl_is_no_b DEFINITION PUBLIC FINAL CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES zif_app_rule_condition. PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_app_rule_cond_n_rl_is_no_b IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD zif_app_rule_condition~is_cond_fulfilled. DATA lr_next_rule TYPE REF TO zif_app_rule. rv_result = abap_true. lr_next_rule = ir_rule->get_next_rule( ). IF lr_next_rule IS NOT INITIAL AND lr_next_rule->get_token_up( ) = '('. rv_result = abap_false. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 1324, 62, 25135, 62, 17561, 62, 77, 62, 45895, 62, 271, 62, 3919, 62, 65, 5550, 20032, 17941, 198, 220, 44731, 198, 220, 25261, 198, 220, 29244, 6158, 44731, 764, 628, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 23255, 37, 2246, 1546, 1976, 361, 62, 1324, 62, 25135, 62, 31448, 13, 198, 220, 48006, 9782, 1961, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 4810, 3824, 6158, 44513, 13, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 628, 198, 198, 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 1324, 62, 25135, 62, 17561, 62, 77, 62, 45895, 62, 271, 62, 3919, 62, 65, 30023, 2538, 10979, 6234, 13, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 1976, 361, 62, 1324, 62, 25135, 62, 31448, 93, 271, 62, 17561, 62, 913, 20286, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42865, 300, 81, 62, 19545, 62, 25135, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 1976, 361, 62, 1324, 62, 25135, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 374, 85, 62, 20274, 796, 450, 499, 62, 7942, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 300, 81, 62, 19545, 62, 25135, 796, 4173, 62, 25135, 3784, 1136, 62, 19545, 62, 25135, 7, 6739, 628, 220, 220, 220, 16876, 300, 81, 62, 19545, 62, 25135, 3180, 5626, 3268, 2043, 12576, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5357, 300, 81, 62, 19545, 62, 25135, 3784, 1136, 62, 30001, 62, 929, 7, 1267, 796, 29513, 4458, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 374, 85, 62, 20274, 796, 450, 499, 62, 9562, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 23578, 5064, 13, 628, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 198, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 198 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
*Usage CONSTANTS c_limit TYPE i VALUE 990. IF lines( lt_acgl[] ) > c_limit. lv_function_name = 'Z_BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST_DIV'. ls_intermediate_acc-gl_account = '8990000008'. SELECT SINGLE skat~txt50 FROM skat JOIN t001 ON t001~ktopl = skat~ktopl WHERE skat~spras = @sy-langu AND t001~bukrs = @ls_doch-comp_code AND skat~saknr = @ls_intermediate_acc-gl_account INTO @ls_intermediate_acc-item_text. ls_intermediate_acc-tax_code = space. ls_intermediate_acc-profit_ctr = lt_acgl[ 1 ]-profit_ctr. CALL FUNCTION 'Z_PARAM_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST_DIV' EXPORTING iv_limit = c_limit iv_doc_type = 'ZZ' is_intermediate_acc = ls_intermediate_acc. ELSE. lv_function_name = 'BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST'. ENDIF. CALL FUNCTION lv_function_name EXPORTING documentheader = ls_doch IMPORTING obj_key = lv_obj_key TABLES accountgl = lt_acgl accountpayable = lt_acpy accounttax = lt_actx currencyamount = lt_cura criteria = lt_crit return = lt_ret. *Function group TOP include DATA: gv_limit TYPE i, gv_doc_type TYPE bapiache09-doc_type, gs_intermediate_acc TYPE BAPIACGL09. FUNCTION z_param_acc_document_post_div. *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- *"*"Local Interface: *" IMPORTING *" VALUE(IV_LIMIT) TYPE I DEFAULT 990 *" VALUE(IV_DOC_TYPE) TYPE BAPIACHE09-DOC_TYPE *" VALUE(IS_INTERMEDIATE_ACC) TYPE BAPIACGL09 *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- gv_limit = iv_limit. gv_doc_type = iv_doc_type. gs_intermediate_acc = is_intermediate_acc. ENDFUNCTION. FUNCTION z_bapi_acc_document_post_div. *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- *"*"Local Interface: *" IMPORTING *" VALUE(DOCUMENTHEADER) TYPE BAPIACHE09 *" EXPORTING *" VALUE(OBJ_KEY) TYPE BAPIACHE09-OBJ_KEY *" TABLES *" ACCOUNTGL STRUCTURE BAPIACGL09 OPTIONAL *" ACCOUNTPAYABLE STRUCTURE BAPIACAP09 OPTIONAL *" ACCOUNTTAX STRUCTURE BAPIACTX09 OPTIONAL *" CURRENCYAMOUNT STRUCTURE BAPIACCR09 *" CRITERIA STRUCTURE BAPIACKEC9 OPTIONAL *" RETURN STRUCTURE BAPIRET2 *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- TYPES lvt_result TYPE p LENGTH 16 DECIMALS 8. DATA ls_documentheader TYPE bapiache09. DATA lv_obj_key TYPE bapiache09-obj_key. DATA lt_accountgl TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiacgl09. DATA lt_accountpayable TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiacap09. DATA lt_accounttax TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiactx09. DATA lt_currencyamount TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiaccr09. DATA lt_criteria TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiackec9. DATA lt_return TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiret2. DATA lt_docs TYPE gtt_docs. DATA lv_index TYPE sy-tabix. CLEAR: obj_key, return[]. IF NOT gv_limit > 1. APPEND VALUE #( type = 'E' id = 'ZACID_PI' number = '001' ) TO return. RETURN. ENDIF. DATA(lv_doc_count) = ( ceil( CONV lvt_result( lines( accountgl[] ) ) / gv_limit ) ) + 1. DO lv_doc_count TIMES. DATA(lv_current_doc) = sy-index. CLEAR: ls_documentheader, lv_obj_key, lt_accountgl, lt_accountpayable, lt_accounttax, lt_currencyamount, lt_criteria, lt_return. CASE lv_current_doc. WHEN 1. PERFORM build_first_doc USING documentheader accountpayable[] accounttax[] accountgl[] currencyamount[] criteria[] gs_intermediate_acc CHANGING ls_documentheader lt_accountpayable lt_accounttax lt_accountgl lt_currencyamount lt_criteria. WHEN OTHERS. PERFORM build_next_doc USING documentheader gv_doc_type accountgl[] currencyamount[] criteria[] gs_intermediate_acc lv_current_doc gv_limit CHANGING ls_documentheader lt_accountgl lt_currencyamount lt_criteria lt_accounttax. ENDCASE. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST' EXPORTING documentheader = ls_documentheader IMPORTING obj_key = lv_obj_key TABLES accountgl = lt_accountgl accountpayable = lt_accountpayable accounttax = lt_accounttax currencyamount = lt_currencyamount criteria = lt_criteria return = lt_return. APPEND LINES OF lt_return TO return. LOOP AT lt_return ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_return>) WHERE type CA 'AEX'. EXIT. ENDLOOP. IF sy-subrc = 0. DATA(lv_error_occured) = abap_true. EXIT. ENDIF. CASE lv_current_doc. WHEN 1. obj_key = lv_obj_key. WHEN OTHERS. APPEND VALUE #( obj_key = lv_obj_key ) TO lt_docs. ENDCASE. ENDDO. CASE lv_error_occured. WHEN abap_true. CLEAR obj_key. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK'. WHEN abap_false. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT' EXPORTING wait = abap_true. PERFORM update_text USING obj_key lt_docs. ENDCASE. ENDFUNCTION. FORM build_first_doc USING is_header TYPE bapiache09 it_payable TYPE bapiacap09_tab it_tax TYPE bapiactx09_tab it_gl TYPE bapiacgl09_tab it_amount TYPE bapiaccr09_tab it_crit TYPE bapiackec9_tab is_intermediate_acc TYPE bapiacgl09 CHANGING cs_header TYPE bapiache09 ct_payable TYPE bapiacap09_tab ct_tax TYPE bapiactx09_tab ct_gl TYPE bapiacgl09_tab ct_amount TYPE bapiaccr09_tab ct_crit TYPE bapiackec9_tab. DATA: lv_itemno TYPE bapiaccr09-itemno_acc, lv_amount TYPE bapiaccr09-amt_doccur, ls_gl LIKE LINE OF ct_gl, lv_currency TYPE bapiaccr09-currency, lt_gl_amounts TYPE SORTED TABLE OF gst_gl_amount WITH UNIQUE KEY tax_code. cs_header = is_header. LOOP AT it_payable INTO DATA(ls_payable). LOOP AT it_amount INTO DATA(ls_amount) WHERE itemno_acc = ls_payable-itemno_acc. ADD 1 TO lv_itemno. LOOP AT it_crit INTO DATA(ls_crit) WHERE itemno_acc = ls_payable-itemno_acc. ls_crit-itemno_acc = lv_itemno. APPEND ls_crit TO ct_crit. ENDLOOP. ADD ls_amount-amt_doccur TO lv_amount. ls_amount-itemno_acc = lv_itemno. lv_currency = ls_amount-currency. APPEND ls_amount TO ct_amount. ENDLOOP. ls_payable-itemno_acc = lv_itemno. APPEND ls_payable TO ct_payable. ENDLOOP. LOOP AT it_tax INTO DATA(ls_tax). LOOP AT it_amount INTO ls_amount WHERE itemno_acc = ls_tax-itemno_acc. ADD 1 TO lv_itemno. LOOP AT it_crit INTO ls_crit WHERE itemno_acc = ls_tax-itemno_acc. ls_crit-itemno_acc = lv_itemno. APPEND ls_crit TO ct_crit. ENDLOOP. ADD ls_amount-amt_doccur TO lv_amount. ls_amount-itemno_acc = lv_itemno. APPEND ls_amount TO ct_amount. ENDLOOP. ls_tax-itemno_acc = lv_itemno. APPEND ls_tax TO ct_tax. ENDLOOP. LOOP AT it_gl ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_gl>). LOOP AT it_amount ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_amount>) WHERE itemno_acc = <ls_gl>-itemno_acc. COLLECT VALUE gst_gl_amount( tax_code = <ls_gl>-tax_code amt_doccur = <ls_amount>-amt_doccur ) INTO lt_gl_amounts. ENDLOOP. ENDLOOP. LOOP AT lt_gl_amounts ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_gl_amount>). ADD 1 TO lv_itemno. ls_gl = is_intermediate_acc. ls_gl-tax_code = <ls_gl_amount>-tax_code. ls_gl-itemno_acc = lv_itemno. APPEND ls_gl TO ct_gl. CLEAR ls_amount. ls_amount-itemno_acc = lv_itemno. ls_amount-curr_type = '00'. ls_amount-amt_doccur = <ls_gl_amount>-amt_doccur. ls_amount-currency = lv_currency. APPEND ls_amount TO ct_amount. ENDLOOP. ENDFORM. FORM build_next_doc USING is_header TYPE bapiache09 iv_doc_type TYPE bapiache09-doc_type it_gl TYPE bapiacgl09_tab it_amount TYPE bapiaccr09_tab it_crit TYPE bapiackec9_tab is_intermediate_acc TYPE bapiacgl09 iv_current_doc TYPE i iv_limit TYPE i CHANGING cs_header TYPE bapiache09 ct_gl TYPE bapiacgl09_tab ct_amount TYPE bapiaccr09_tab ct_crit TYPE bapiackec9_tab ct_tax TYPE bapiactx09_tab. DATA: lv_itemno TYPE bapiaccr09-itemno_acc, lv_amount TYPE bapiaccr09-amt_doccur, lv_currency TYPE bapiaccr09-currency, lt_gl_amounts TYPE SORTED TABLE OF gst_gl_amount WITH UNIQUE KEY tax_code. cs_header = is_header. cs_header-doc_type = iv_doc_type. DATA(lv_begin) = ( ( iv_current_doc - 2 ) * iv_limit ) + 1. DATA(lv_end) = lv_begin + iv_limit - 1. LOOP AT it_gl INTO DATA(ls_gl) FROM lv_begin TO lv_end. LOOP AT it_amount INTO DATA(ls_amount) WHERE itemno_acc = ls_gl-itemno_acc. ADD 1 TO lv_itemno. LOOP AT it_crit INTO DATA(ls_crit) WHERE itemno_acc = ls_gl-itemno_acc. ls_crit-itemno_acc = lv_itemno. APPEND ls_crit TO ct_crit. ENDLOOP. ADD ls_amount-amt_doccur TO lv_amount. ls_amount-itemno_acc = lv_itemno. lv_currency = ls_amount-currency. APPEND ls_amount TO ct_amount. ENDLOOP. ls_gl-itemno_acc = lv_itemno. APPEND ls_gl TO ct_gl. ENDLOOP. LOOP AT it_gl ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_gl>) FROM lv_begin TO lv_end. LOOP AT it_amount ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_amount>) WHERE itemno_acc = <ls_gl>-itemno_acc. COLLECT VALUE gst_gl_amount( tax_code = <ls_gl>-tax_code amt_doccur = <ls_amount>-amt_doccur ) INTO lt_gl_amounts. ENDLOOP. ENDLOOP. LOOP AT lt_gl_amounts ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_gl_amount>). ADD 1 TO lv_itemno. ls_gl = is_intermediate_acc. ls_gl-tax_code = <ls_gl_amount>-tax_code. ls_gl-itemno_acc = lv_itemno. APPEND ls_gl TO ct_gl. CLEAR ls_amount. ls_amount-itemno_acc = lv_itemno. ls_amount-curr_type = '00'. ls_amount-amt_doccur = <ls_gl_amount>-amt_doccur * -1. ls_amount-currency = lv_currency. APPEND ls_amount TO ct_amount. ENDLOOP. ENDFORM. FORM update_text USING ip_first_doc it_next_docs TYPE gtt_docs. DATA lt_lines TYPE tlinetab. PERFORM wait_for_commit USING ip_first_doc. lt_lines = VALUE #( FOR doc IN it_next_docs ( tdformat = '*' tdline = doc-obj_key(10) ) ) . PERFORM save_text USING ip_first_doc lt_lines. LOOP AT it_next_docs ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_next_doc>). PERFORM wait_for_commit USING <ls_next_doc>-obj_key. lt_lines = VALUE #( ( tdformat = '*' tdline = ip_first_doc(10) ) ) . PERFORM save_text USING <ls_next_doc>-obj_key lt_lines. ENDLOOP. COMMIT WORK. ENDFORM. FORM wait_for_commit USING ip_obj_key. DO 10 TIMES. SELECT SINGLE @abap_true FROM bkpf INTO @DATA(lv_exists) WHERE bukrs = @ip_obj_key+10(4) AND belnr = @ip_obj_key(10) AND gjahr = @ip_obj_key+14(4). CASE sy-subrc. WHEN 0. EXIT. WHEN OTHERS. WAIT UP TO 1 SECONDS. ENDCASE. ENDDO. ENDFORM. FORM save_text USING ip_key it_lines TYPE tlinetab. CALL FUNCTION 'SAVE_TEXT' EXPORTING header = VALUE thead( tdobject = 'BELEG' tdname = |{ ip_key+10(4) }{ ip_key(10) }{ ip_key+14(4) }| tdid = '0001' tdspras = sy-langu tdlinesize = '072' mandt = sy-mandt ) savemode_direct = abap_true TABLES lines = it_lines EXCEPTIONS id = 1 language = 2 name = 3 object = 4 OTHERS = 5. ENDFORM.
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"! abapGit API INTERFACE zif_cilib_git_abapgit PUBLIC. TYPES: gty_repo_key TYPE c LENGTH 12. METHODS: get_repo_url IMPORTING iv_repo_key TYPE gty_repo_key RETURNING VALUE(rv_url) TYPE string RAISING zcx_cilib_not_found, is_object_part_of_online_repo IMPORTING is_object TYPE zif_cilib_constants=>gty_object EXPORTING ev_repo_key TYPE gty_repo_key RETURNING VALUE(rv_is_part) TYPE abap_bool. ENDINTERFACE.
[ 40484, 450, 499, 38, 270, 7824, 198, 41358, 49836, 1976, 361, 62, 2856, 571, 62, 18300, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 44731, 13, 198, 220, 24412, 47, 1546, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 308, 774, 62, 260, 7501, 62, 2539, 41876, 269, 406, 49494, 1105, 13, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 651, 62, 260, 7501, 62, 6371, 30023, 9863, 2751, 21628, 62, 260, 7501, 62, 2539, 220, 220, 41876, 308, 774, 62, 260, 7501, 62, 2539, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30826, 4261, 15871, 26173, 8924, 7, 81, 85, 62, 6371, 8, 41876, 4731, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 17926, 1797, 2751, 220, 220, 1976, 66, 87, 62, 2856, 571, 62, 1662, 62, 9275, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 318, 62, 15252, 62, 3911, 62, 1659, 62, 25119, 62, 260, 7501, 30023, 9863, 2751, 318, 62, 15252, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 41876, 1976, 361, 62, 2856, 571, 62, 9979, 1187, 14804, 70, 774, 62, 15252, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 7788, 15490, 2751, 819, 62, 260, 7501, 62, 2539, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 41876, 308, 774, 62, 260, 7501, 62, 2539, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30826, 4261, 15871, 26173, 8924, 7, 81, 85, 62, 271, 62, 3911, 8, 41876, 450, 499, 62, 30388, 13, 198, 10619, 41358, 49836, 13, 198 ]
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CLASS cl_ci_atc_finding_details DEFINITION PUBLIC FINAL CREATE PRIVATE. PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS attach_stack IMPORTING name TYPE string stack TYPE REF TO if_ci_atc_finding_stack RETURNING VALUE(self) TYPE REF TO cl_ci_atc_finding_details. METHODS attach_quickfixes IMPORTING fixes TYPE REF TO cl_ci_atc_quickfixes RETURNING VALUE(self) TYPE REF TO cl_ci_atc_finding_details. PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. ENDCLASS. CLASS cl_ci_atc_finding_details IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD attach_stack. RETURN. ENDMETHOD. METHOD attach_quickfixes. RETURN. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 31631, 537, 62, 979, 62, 265, 66, 62, 41070, 62, 36604, 5550, 20032, 17941, 198, 220, 44731, 198, 220, 25261, 198, 220, 29244, 6158, 4810, 3824, 6158, 13, 628, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 10199, 62, 25558, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30023, 9863, 2751, 1438, 41876, 4731, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 8931, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 611, 62, 979, 62, 265, 66, 62, 41070, 62, 25558, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30826, 4261, 15871, 26173, 8924, 7, 944, 8, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 537, 62, 979, 62, 265, 66, 62, 41070, 62, 36604, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 10199, 62, 24209, 42624, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30023, 9863, 2751, 13040, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 537, 62, 979, 62, 265, 66, 62, 24209, 42624, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30826, 4261, 15871, 26173, 8924, 7, 944, 8, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 537, 62, 979, 62, 265, 66, 62, 41070, 62, 36604, 13, 198, 220, 48006, 9782, 1961, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 4810, 3824, 6158, 44513, 13, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 628, 198, 198, 31631, 537, 62, 979, 62, 265, 66, 62, 41070, 62, 36604, 30023, 2538, 10979, 6234, 13, 628, 220, 337, 36252, 10199, 62, 25558, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 30826, 27064, 13, 198, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 628, 220, 337, 36252, 10199, 62, 24209, 42624, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 30826, 27064, 13, 198, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 198, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 198 ]
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_gui_router DEFINITION PUBLIC FINAL CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS on_event IMPORTING iv_action TYPE clike iv_prev_page TYPE clike iv_getdata TYPE clike OPTIONAL it_postdata TYPE cnht_post_data_tab OPTIONAL EXPORTING ei_page TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_gui_page ev_state TYPE i RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception zcx_abapgit_cancel. PRIVATE SECTION. METHODS get_page_diff IMPORTING iv_getdata TYPE clike iv_prev_page TYPE clike RETURNING VALUE(ri_page) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_gui_page RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. METHODS get_page_branch_overview IMPORTING iv_getdata TYPE clike RETURNING VALUE(ri_page) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_gui_page RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. METHODS get_page_stage IMPORTING iv_getdata TYPE clike RETURNING VALUE(ri_page) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_gui_page RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. METHODS get_page_background IMPORTING iv_key TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_repo-key RETURNING VALUE(ri_page) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_gui_page RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. METHODS get_page_playground RETURNING VALUE(ri_page) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_gui_page RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception zcx_abapgit_cancel. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_abapgit_gui_router IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD get_page_background. CREATE OBJECT ri_page TYPE zcl_abapgit_gui_page_bkg EXPORTING iv_key = iv_key. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_page_branch_overview. DATA: lo_repo TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo_online, lo_page TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_gui_page_boverview, lv_key TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_repo-key. lv_key = iv_getdata. lo_repo ?= zcl_abapgit_repo_srv=>get_instance( )->get( lv_key ). CREATE OBJECT lo_page EXPORTING io_repo = lo_repo. ri_page = lo_page. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_page_diff. DATA: ls_file TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_file, ls_object TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item, lo_page TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_gui_page_diff, lv_key TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_repo-key. zcl_abapgit_html_action_utils=>file_obj_decode( EXPORTING iv_string = iv_getdata IMPORTING ev_key = lv_key eg_file = ls_file eg_object = ls_object ). CREATE OBJECT lo_page EXPORTING iv_key = lv_key is_file = ls_file is_object = ls_object iv_supress_stage = boolc( iv_prev_page = 'PAGE_STAGE' ). ri_page = lo_page. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_page_playground. DATA: lv_class_name TYPE string, lv_cancel TYPE abap_bool. zcl_abapgit_ui_factory=>get_popups( )->run_page_class_popup( IMPORTING ev_name = lv_class_name ev_cancel = lv_cancel ). IF lv_cancel = abap_true. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_abapgit_cancel. ENDIF. TRY. CREATE OBJECT ri_page TYPE (lv_class_name). CATCH cx_sy_create_object_error. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Cannot create page class { lv_class_name }| ). ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_page_stage. DATA: lo_repo TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo_online, lv_key TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_repo-key, lv_seed TYPE string, lo_stage_page TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_gui_page_stage, lo_code_inspector_page TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_gui_page_code_insp. FIND FIRST OCCURRENCE OF '=' IN iv_getdata. IF sy-subrc <> 0. " Not found ? -> just repo key in params lv_key = iv_getdata. ELSE. zcl_abapgit_html_action_utils=>stage_decode( EXPORTING iv_getdata = iv_getdata IMPORTING ev_key = lv_key ev_seed = lv_seed ). ENDIF. lo_repo ?= zcl_abapgit_repo_srv=>get_instance( )->get( lv_key ). IF lo_repo->get_local_settings( )-code_inspector_check_variant IS NOT INITIAL. CREATE OBJECT lo_code_inspector_page EXPORTING io_repo = lo_repo. ri_page = lo_code_inspector_page. ELSE. " force refresh on stage, to make sure the latest local and remote files are used lo_repo->refresh( ). CREATE OBJECT lo_stage_page EXPORTING io_repo = lo_repo iv_seed = lv_seed. ri_page = lo_stage_page. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD on_event. DATA: lv_url TYPE string, lv_key TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_repo-key, ls_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item. lv_key = iv_getdata. " TODO refactor lv_url = iv_getdata. " TODO refactor CASE iv_action. " General PAGE routing WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-go_main. " Go Main page CREATE OBJECT ei_page TYPE zcl_abapgit_gui_page_main. ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-new_page. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-go_explore. " Go Explore page CREATE OBJECT ei_page TYPE zcl_abapgit_gui_page_explore. ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-new_page. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-go_repo_overview. " Go Repository overview CREATE OBJECT ei_page TYPE zcl_abapgit_gui_page_repo_over. ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-new_page. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-go_db. " Go DB util page CREATE OBJECT ei_page TYPE zcl_abapgit_gui_page_db. ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-new_page. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-go_debuginfo. CREATE OBJECT ei_page TYPE zcl_abapgit_gui_page_debuginfo. ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-new_page. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-go_settings. CREATE OBJECT ei_page TYPE zcl_abapgit_gui_page_settings. ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-new_page. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-go_background_run. " Go background run page CREATE OBJECT ei_page TYPE zcl_abapgit_gui_page_bkg_run. ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-new_page. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-go_background. " Go Background page ei_page = get_page_background( lv_key ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-new_page. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-go_diff. " Go Diff page ei_page = get_page_diff( iv_getdata = iv_getdata iv_prev_page = iv_prev_page ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-new_page_w_bookmark. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-go_stage. " Go Staging page ei_page = get_page_stage( iv_getdata ). IF iv_prev_page = 'PAGE_DIFF'. ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-new_page. ELSE. ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-new_page_w_bookmark. ENDIF. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-go_branch_overview. " Go repo branch overview ei_page = get_page_branch_overview( iv_getdata ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-new_page. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-go_playground. " Create playground page ei_page = get_page_playground( ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-new_page. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-go_tutorial. " Go to tutorial zcl_abapgit_persistence_user=>get_instance( )->set_repo_show( '' ). " Clear show_id ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-re_render. " Assume we are on main page " SAP GUI actions WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-jump. " Open object editor zcl_abapgit_html_action_utils=>jump_decode( EXPORTING iv_string = iv_getdata IMPORTING ev_obj_type = ls_item-obj_type ev_obj_name = ls_item-obj_name ). zcl_abapgit_objects=>jump( ls_item ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-no_more_act. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-jump_pkg. " Open SE80 zcl_abapgit_services_repo=>open_se80( |{ iv_getdata }| ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-no_more_act. " DB actions WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-db_edit. CREATE OBJECT ei_page TYPE zcl_abapgit_gui_page_db_edit EXPORTING is_key = zcl_abapgit_html_action_utils=>dbkey_decode( iv_getdata ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-new_page. IF iv_prev_page = 'PAGE_DB_DIS'. ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-new_page_replacing. ENDIF. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-db_display. CREATE OBJECT ei_page TYPE zcl_abapgit_gui_page_db_dis EXPORTING is_key = zcl_abapgit_html_action_utils=>dbkey_decode( iv_getdata ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-new_page. " ABAPGIT services actions WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-abapgit_home. " Go abapGit homepage zcl_abapgit_services_abapgit=>open_abapgit_homepage( ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-no_more_act. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-abapgit_wiki. " Go abapGit wikipage zcl_abapgit_services_abapgit=>open_abapgit_wikipage( ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-no_more_act. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-abapgit_install. " Install abapGit zcl_abapgit_services_abapgit=>install_abapgit( ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-re_render. " REPOSITORY services actions WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-repo_newoffline. " New offline repo zcl_abapgit_services_repo=>new_offline( ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-re_render. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-repo_refresh. " Repo refresh zcl_abapgit_services_repo=>refresh( lv_key ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-re_render. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-repo_syntax_check. CREATE OBJECT ei_page TYPE zcl_abapgit_gui_page_syntax EXPORTING io_repo = zcl_abapgit_repo_srv=>get_instance( )->get( lv_key ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-new_page. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-repo_code_inspector. CREATE OBJECT ei_page TYPE zcl_abapgit_gui_page_code_insp EXPORTING io_repo = zcl_abapgit_repo_srv=>get_instance( )->get( lv_key ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-new_page. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-repo_purge. " Repo remove & purge all objects zcl_abapgit_services_repo=>purge( lv_key ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-re_render. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-repo_remove. " Repo remove zcl_abapgit_services_repo=>remove( lv_key ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-re_render. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-repo_newonline. zcl_abapgit_services_repo=>new_online( lv_url ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-re_render. WHEN 'install'. " 'install' is for explore page zcl_abapgit_services_repo=>new_online( lv_url ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-re_render. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-repo_refresh_checksums. " Rebuil local checksums zcl_abapgit_services_repo=>refresh_local_checksums( lv_key ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-re_render. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-repo_toggle_fav. " Toggle repo as favorite zcl_abapgit_services_repo=>toggle_favorite( lv_key ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-re_render. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-repo_transport_to_branch. zcl_abapgit_services_repo=>transport_to_branch( iv_repository_key = lv_key ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-re_render. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-repo_settings. CREATE OBJECT ei_page TYPE zcl_abapgit_gui_page_repo_sett EXPORTING io_repo = zcl_abapgit_repo_srv=>get_instance( )->get( lv_key ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-new_page. " ZIP services actions WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-zip_import. " Import repo from ZIP zcl_abapgit_zip=>import( lv_key ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-re_render. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-zip_export. " Export repo as ZIP zcl_abapgit_zip=>export( zcl_abapgit_repo_srv=>get_instance( )->get( lv_key ) ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-no_more_act. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-zip_package. " Export package as ZIP zcl_abapgit_zip=>export_package( ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-no_more_act. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-zip_transport. " Export transport as ZIP zcl_abapgit_transport=>zip( ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-no_more_act. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-zip_object. " Export object as ZIP zcl_abapgit_zip=>export_object( ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-no_more_act. " Remote ORIGIN manipulations WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-repo_remote_attach. " Remote attach zcl_abapgit_services_repo=>remote_attach( lv_key ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-re_render. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-repo_remote_detach. " Remote detach zcl_abapgit_services_repo=>remote_detach( lv_key ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-re_render. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-repo_remote_change. " Remote change zcl_abapgit_services_repo=>remote_change( lv_key ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-re_render. " GIT actions WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-git_pull. " GIT Pull zcl_abapgit_services_git=>pull( lv_key ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-re_render. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-git_reset. " GIT Reset zcl_abapgit_services_git=>reset( lv_key ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-re_render. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-git_branch_create. " GIT Create new branch zcl_abapgit_services_git=>create_branch( lv_key ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-re_render. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-git_branch_delete. " GIT Delete remote branch zcl_abapgit_services_git=>delete_branch( lv_key ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-re_render. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-git_branch_switch. " GIT Switch branch zcl_abapgit_services_git=>switch_branch( lv_key ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-re_render. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-go_tag_overview. " GIT Tag overview zcl_abapgit_services_git=>tag_overview( lv_key ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-re_render. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-git_tag_create. " GIT Tag create CREATE OBJECT ei_page TYPE zcl_abapgit_gui_page_tag EXPORTING io_repo = zcl_abapgit_repo_srv=>get_instance( )->get( lv_key ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-new_page. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-git_tag_delete. " GIT Tag create zcl_abapgit_services_git=>delete_tag( lv_key ). zcl_abapgit_services_repo=>refresh( lv_key ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-re_render. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-git_tag_switch. " GIT Switch Tag zcl_abapgit_services_git=>switch_tag( lv_key ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-re_render. "Others WHEN OTHERS. ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-not_handled. ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_objects DEFINITION PUBLIC CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. TYPES: ty_types_tt TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF tadir-object WITH DEFAULT KEY . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_deserialization, obj TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_object, xml TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_xml_input, package TYPE devclass, item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item, END OF ty_deserialization . TYPES: ty_deserialization_tt TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_deserialization WITH DEFAULT KEY . CLASS-METHODS serialize IMPORTING !is_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item !iv_language TYPE spras !io_log TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_log OPTIONAL RETURNING VALUE(rt_files) TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_files_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS deserialize IMPORTING !io_repo TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo !is_checks TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_deserialize_checks RETURNING VALUE(rt_accessed_files) TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_file_signatures_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS deserialize_checks IMPORTING !io_repo TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo RETURNING VALUE(rs_checks) TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_deserialize_checks RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS delete IMPORTING !it_tadir TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_tadir_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS jump IMPORTING !is_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS changed_by IMPORTING !is_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item RETURNING VALUE(rv_user) TYPE xubname RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS has_changed_since IMPORTING !is_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item !iv_timestamp TYPE timestamp RETURNING VALUE(rv_changed) TYPE abap_bool RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS is_supported IMPORTING !is_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item !iv_native_only TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_false RETURNING VALUE(rv_bool) TYPE abap_bool . CLASS-METHODS exists IMPORTING !is_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item RETURNING VALUE(rv_bool) TYPE abap_bool . CLASS-METHODS supported_list RETURNING VALUE(rt_types) TYPE ty_types_tt . PRIVATE SECTION. CLASS-METHODS files_to_deserialize IMPORTING !io_repo TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo RETURNING VALUE(rt_results) TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_results_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS check_duplicates IMPORTING !it_files TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_files_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS create_object IMPORTING !is_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item !iv_language TYPE spras !is_metadata TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_metadata OPTIONAL !iv_native_only TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_false RETURNING VALUE(ri_obj) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_object RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS prioritize_deser IMPORTING !it_results TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_results_tt RETURNING VALUE(rt_results) TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_results_tt . CLASS-METHODS class_name IMPORTING !is_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item RETURNING VALUE(rv_class_name) TYPE string . CLASS-METHODS warning_overwrite_adjust IMPORTING !it_overwrite TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_overwrite_tt CHANGING !ct_results TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_results_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS checks_adjust IMPORTING !io_repo TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo !is_checks TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_deserialize_checks CHANGING !ct_results TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_results_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS warning_overwrite_find IMPORTING !it_results TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_results_tt RETURNING VALUE(rt_overwrite) TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_overwrite_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS warning_package_adjust IMPORTING !io_repo TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo !it_overwrite TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_overwrite_tt CHANGING !ct_results TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_results_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS warning_package_find IMPORTING !it_results TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_results_tt !io_repo TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo RETURNING VALUE(rt_overwrite) TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_overwrite_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS update_package_tree IMPORTING !iv_package TYPE devclass . CLASS-METHODS delete_obj IMPORTING !is_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS compare_remote_to_local IMPORTING !io_object TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_object !it_remote TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_files_tt !is_result TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_result RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS deserialize_objects IMPORTING !it_objects TYPE ty_deserialization_tt !iv_ddic TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_false !iv_descr TYPE string CHANGING !ct_files TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_file_signatures_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_ABAPGIT_OBJECTS IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD changed_by. DATA: li_obj TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_object. IF is_item IS INITIAL. * eg. ".abapgit.xml" file rv_user = zcl_abapgit_objects_super=>c_user_unknown. ELSE. li_obj = create_object( is_item = is_item iv_language = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_english ). rv_user = li_obj->changed_by( ). ENDIF. ASSERT NOT rv_user IS INITIAL. * todo, fallback to looking at transports if rv_user = 'UNKNOWN'? ENDMETHOD. METHOD checks_adjust. warning_overwrite_adjust( EXPORTING it_overwrite = is_checks-overwrite CHANGING ct_results = ct_results ). warning_package_adjust( EXPORTING io_repo = io_repo it_overwrite = is_checks-warning_package CHANGING ct_results = ct_results ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD check_duplicates. DATA: lt_files TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_files_tt. lt_files[] = it_files[]. SORT lt_files BY path ASCENDING filename ASCENDING. DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM lt_files COMPARING path filename. IF lines( lt_files ) <> lines( it_files ). zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'Duplicates' ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD class_name. CONCATENATE 'ZCL_ABAPGIT_OBJECT_' is_item-obj_type INTO rv_class_name. "#EC NOTEXT ENDMETHOD. "class_name METHOD compare_remote_to_local. * this method is used for comparing local with remote objects * before pull, this is useful eg. when overwriting a TABL object. * only the main XML file is used for comparison DATA: ls_remote_file TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_file, lo_remote_version TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_xml_input, lv_count TYPE i, li_comparison_result TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_comparison_result. FIND ALL OCCURRENCES OF '.' IN is_result-filename MATCH COUNT lv_count. IF is_result-filename CS '.XML' AND lv_count = 2. IF io_object->exists( ) = abap_false. RETURN. ENDIF. READ TABLE it_remote WITH KEY filename = is_result-filename INTO ls_remote_file. "if file does not exist in remote, we don't need to validate IF sy-subrc = 0. CREATE OBJECT lo_remote_version EXPORTING iv_xml = zcl_abapgit_convert=>xstring_to_string_utf8( ls_remote_file-data ). li_comparison_result = io_object->compare_to_remote_version( lo_remote_version ). li_comparison_result->show_confirmation_dialog( ). IF li_comparison_result->is_result_complete_halt( ) = abap_true. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'Deserialization aborted by user' ). ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD create_object. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_obj_serializer_map, item LIKE is_item, metadata LIKE is_metadata, END OF ty_obj_serializer_map. STATICS st_obj_serializer_map TYPE SORTED TABLE OF ty_obj_serializer_map WITH UNIQUE KEY item. DATA: lv_message TYPE string, lv_class_name TYPE string, ls_obj_serializer_map LIKE LINE OF st_obj_serializer_map. READ TABLE st_obj_serializer_map INTO ls_obj_serializer_map WITH KEY item = is_item. IF sy-subrc = 0. lv_class_name = ls_obj_serializer_map-metadata-class. ELSEIF is_metadata IS NOT INITIAL. * Metadata is provided only on serialization * Once this has been triggered, the same serializer shall be used * for subsequent processes. * Thus, buffer the metadata afterwards ls_obj_serializer_map-item = is_item. ls_obj_serializer_map-metadata = is_metadata. INSERT ls_obj_serializer_map INTO TABLE st_obj_serializer_map. lv_class_name = is_metadata-class. ELSE. lv_class_name = class_name( is_item ). ENDIF. * IF zcl_abapgit_persist_settings=>get_instance( )->read( )->get_experimental_features( ) = abap_true * AND is_item-obj_type = 'CLAS'. * lv_class_name = 'LCL_OBJECT_CLAS_NEW'. * ENDIF. REPLACE FIRST OCCURRENCE OF 'LCL' IN lv_class_name WITH 'ZCL_ABAPGIT'. TRY. CREATE OBJECT ri_obj TYPE (lv_class_name) EXPORTING is_item = is_item iv_language = iv_language. CATCH cx_sy_create_object_error. lv_message = |Object type { is_item-obj_type } not supported, serialize|. "#EC NOTEXT IF iv_native_only = abap_false. TRY. " 2nd step, try looking for plugins CREATE OBJECT ri_obj TYPE zcl_abapgit_objects_bridge EXPORTING is_item = is_item. CATCH cx_sy_create_object_error. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( lv_message ). ENDTRY. ELSE. " No native support? -> fail zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( lv_message ). ENDIF. ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. "create_object METHOD delete. DATA: ls_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item, lo_progress TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_progress, lt_tadir LIKE it_tadir. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_tadir> LIKE LINE OF it_tadir. lt_tadir[] = it_tadir[]. zcl_abapgit_dependencies=>resolve( CHANGING ct_tadir = lt_tadir ). CREATE OBJECT lo_progress EXPORTING iv_total = lines( lt_tadir ). LOOP AT lt_tadir ASSIGNING <ls_tadir>. lo_progress->show( iv_current = sy-tabix iv_text = |Delete { <ls_tadir>-obj_name }| ) ##NO_TEXT. CLEAR ls_item. ls_item-obj_type = <ls_tadir>-object. ls_item-obj_name = <ls_tadir>-obj_name. delete_obj( ls_item ). * make sure to save object deletions COMMIT WORK. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. "delete METHOD delete_obj. DATA: li_obj TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_object. IF is_supported( is_item ) = abap_true. li_obj = create_object( is_item = is_item iv_language = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_english ). li_obj->delete( ). IF li_obj->get_metadata( )-delete_tadir = abap_true. CALL FUNCTION 'TR_TADIR_INTERFACE' EXPORTING wi_delete_tadir_entry = abap_true wi_tadir_pgmid = 'R3TR' wi_tadir_object = is_item-obj_type wi_tadir_obj_name = is_item-obj_name wi_test_modus = abap_false. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. "delete METHOD deserialize. DATA: ls_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item, lv_cancel TYPE abap_bool, li_obj TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_object, lt_remote TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_files_tt, lv_package TYPE devclass, lo_files TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_objects_files, lo_xml TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_xml_input, lt_results TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_results_tt, lt_ddic TYPE TABLE OF ty_deserialization, lt_rest TYPE TABLE OF ty_deserialization, lt_late TYPE TABLE OF ty_deserialization, lo_progress TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_progress, lv_path TYPE string. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_result> TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_result, <ls_deser> LIKE LINE OF lt_late. lv_package = io_repo->get_package( ). zcl_abapgit_default_task=>get_instance( )->set( lv_package ). zcl_abapgit_objects_activation=>clear( ). lt_remote = io_repo->get_files_remote( ). lt_results = files_to_deserialize( io_repo ). checks_adjust( EXPORTING io_repo = io_repo is_checks = is_checks CHANGING ct_results = lt_results ). CREATE OBJECT lo_progress EXPORTING iv_total = lines( lt_results ). LOOP AT lt_results ASSIGNING <ls_result>. lo_progress->show( iv_current = sy-tabix iv_text = |Deserialize { <ls_result>-obj_name }| ) ##NO_TEXT. CLEAR ls_item. ls_item-obj_type = <ls_result>-obj_type. ls_item-obj_name = <ls_result>-obj_name. lv_package = zcl_abapgit_folder_logic=>path_to_package( iv_top = io_repo->get_package( ) io_dot = io_repo->get_dot_abapgit( ) iv_path = <ls_result>-path ). IF ls_item-obj_type = 'DEVC'. " Packages have the same filename across different folders. The path needs to be supplied " to find the correct file. lv_path = <ls_result>-path. ENDIF. CREATE OBJECT lo_files EXPORTING is_item = ls_item iv_path = lv_path. lo_files->set_files( lt_remote ). * Analyze XML in order to instantiate the proper serializer lo_xml = lo_files->read_xml( ). li_obj = create_object( is_item = ls_item iv_language = io_repo->get_dot_abapgit( )->get_master_language( ) is_metadata = lo_xml->get_metadata( ) ). compare_remote_to_local( io_object = li_obj it_remote = lt_remote is_result = <ls_result> ). li_obj->mo_files = lo_files. IF li_obj->get_metadata( )-late_deser = abap_true. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_late ASSIGNING <ls_deser>. ELSEIF li_obj->get_metadata( )-ddic = abap_true. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_ddic ASSIGNING <ls_deser>. ELSE. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_rest ASSIGNING <ls_deser>. ENDIF. <ls_deser>-item = ls_item. <ls_deser>-obj = li_obj. <ls_deser>-xml = lo_xml. <ls_deser>-package = lv_package. CLEAR: lv_path, lv_package. ENDLOOP. deserialize_objects( EXPORTING it_objects = lt_ddic iv_ddic = abap_true iv_descr = 'DDIC' CHANGING ct_files = rt_accessed_files ). deserialize_objects( EXPORTING it_objects = lt_rest iv_descr = 'Objects' CHANGING ct_files = rt_accessed_files ). deserialize_objects( EXPORTING it_objects = lt_late iv_descr = 'Late' CHANGING ct_files = rt_accessed_files ). update_package_tree( io_repo->get_package( ) ). SORT rt_accessed_files BY path ASCENDING filename ASCENDING. DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM rt_accessed_files. " Just in case zcl_abapgit_default_task=>get_instance( )->reset( ). ENDMETHOD. "deserialize METHOD deserialize_checks. DATA: lt_results TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_results_tt. lt_results = files_to_deserialize( io_repo ). rs_checks-overwrite = warning_overwrite_find( lt_results ). rs_checks-warning_package = warning_package_find( io_repo = io_repo it_results = lt_results ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD deserialize_objects. DATA: lo_progress TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_progress. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_obj> LIKE LINE OF it_objects. zcl_abapgit_objects_activation=>clear( ). CREATE OBJECT lo_progress EXPORTING iv_total = lines( it_objects ). LOOP AT it_objects ASSIGNING <ls_obj>. lo_progress->show( iv_current = sy-tabix iv_text = |Deserialize { iv_descr } - { <ls_obj>-item-obj_name }| ) ##NO_TEXT. <ls_obj>-obj->deserialize( iv_package = <ls_obj>-package io_xml = <ls_obj>-xml ). APPEND LINES OF <ls_obj>-obj->mo_files->get_accessed_files( ) TO ct_files. ENDLOOP. zcl_abapgit_objects_activation=>activate( iv_ddic ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD exists. DATA: li_obj TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_object. TRY. li_obj = create_object( is_item = is_item iv_language = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_english ). rv_bool = li_obj->exists( ). CATCH zcx_abapgit_exception. * ignore all errors and assume the object exists rv_bool = abap_true. ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. "exists METHOD files_to_deserialize. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_result> LIKE LINE OF rt_results. rt_results = zcl_abapgit_file_status=>status( io_repo ). DELETE rt_results WHERE match = abap_true. " Full match SORT rt_results BY obj_type ASCENDING obj_name ASCENDING. DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM rt_results COMPARING obj_type obj_name. DELETE rt_results WHERE obj_type IS INITIAL. DELETE rt_results WHERE lstate = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_state-added AND rstate IS INITIAL. rt_results = prioritize_deser( rt_results ). LOOP AT rt_results ASSIGNING <ls_result>. * handle namespaces REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF '#' IN <ls_result>-obj_name WITH '/'. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD has_changed_since. rv_changed = abap_true. " Assume changed IF is_supported( is_item ) = abap_false. RETURN. " Will requre serialize which will log the error ENDIF. rv_changed = create_object( is_item = is_item iv_language = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_english )->has_changed_since( iv_timestamp ). ENDMETHOD. "has_changed_since METHOD is_supported. TRY. create_object( is_item = is_item iv_language = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_english iv_native_only = iv_native_only ). rv_bool = abap_true. CATCH zcx_abapgit_exception. rv_bool = abap_false. ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. "is_supported METHOD jump. DATA: li_obj TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_object, lv_adt_jump_enabled TYPE abap_bool. li_obj = create_object( is_item = is_item iv_language = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_english ). lv_adt_jump_enabled = zcl_abapgit_persist_settings=>get_instance( )->read( )->get_adt_jump_enabled( ). IF lv_adt_jump_enabled = abap_true. TRY. zcl_abapgit_objects_super=>jump_adt( i_obj_name = is_item-obj_name i_obj_type = is_item-obj_type ). CATCH zcx_abapgit_exception. li_obj->jump( ). ENDTRY. ELSE. li_obj->jump( ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. "jump METHOD prioritize_deser. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_result> LIKE LINE OF it_results. * XSLT has to be handled before CLAS/PROG LOOP AT it_results ASSIGNING <ls_result> WHERE obj_type = 'XSLT'. APPEND <ls_result> TO rt_results. ENDLOOP. * PROG before internet services, as the services might use the screens LOOP AT it_results ASSIGNING <ls_result> WHERE obj_type = 'PROG'. APPEND <ls_result> TO rt_results. ENDLOOP. * ISAP has to be handled before ISRP LOOP AT it_results ASSIGNING <ls_result> WHERE obj_type = 'IASP'. APPEND <ls_result> TO rt_results. ENDLOOP. * PINF has to be handled before DEVC for package interface usage LOOP AT it_results ASSIGNING <ls_result> WHERE obj_type = 'PINF'. APPEND <ls_result> TO rt_results. ENDLOOP. * ENHS has to be handled before ENHO LOOP AT it_results ASSIGNING <ls_result> WHERE obj_type = 'ENHS'. APPEND <ls_result> TO rt_results. ENDLOOP. LOOP AT it_results ASSIGNING <ls_result> WHERE obj_type <> 'IASP' AND obj_type <> 'PROG' AND obj_type <> 'XSLT' AND obj_type <> 'PINF' AND obj_type <> 'ENHS'. APPEND <ls_result> TO rt_results. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. "prioritize_deser METHOD serialize. DATA: li_obj TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_object, lo_xml TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_xml_output, lo_files TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_objects_files. IF is_supported( is_item ) = abap_false. IF NOT io_log IS INITIAL. io_log->add( iv_msg = |Object type ignored, not supported: { is_item-obj_type }-{ is_item-obj_name }| iv_type = 'E' ). ENDIF. RETURN. ENDIF. CREATE OBJECT lo_files EXPORTING is_item = is_item. li_obj = create_object( is_item = is_item iv_language = iv_language ). li_obj->mo_files = lo_files. CREATE OBJECT lo_xml. li_obj->serialize( lo_xml ). lo_files->add_xml( io_xml = lo_xml is_metadata = li_obj->get_metadata( ) ). rt_files = lo_files->get_files( ). check_duplicates( rt_files ). ENDMETHOD. "serialize METHOD supported_list. DATA: lt_objects TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ko100, lv_supported TYPE abap_bool, ls_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item. FIELD-SYMBOLS <ls_object> LIKE LINE OF lt_objects. CALL FUNCTION 'TR_OBJECT_TABLE' TABLES wt_object_text = lt_objects EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1 ##FM_SUBRC_OK. LOOP AT lt_objects ASSIGNING <ls_object> WHERE pgmid = 'R3TR'. ls_item-obj_type = <ls_object>-object. lv_supported = zcl_abapgit_objects=>is_supported( is_item = ls_item iv_native_only = abap_true ). IF lv_supported = abap_true. APPEND <ls_object>-object TO rt_types. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD update_package_tree. DATA: lt_packages TYPE zif_abapgit_sap_package=>ty_devclass_tt, lv_package LIKE LINE OF lt_packages, lv_tree TYPE dirtree-tname. lt_packages = zcl_abapgit_sap_package=>get( iv_package )->list_subpackages( ). APPEND iv_package TO lt_packages. LOOP AT lt_packages INTO lv_package. * update package tree for SE80 lv_tree = 'EU_' && lv_package. CALL FUNCTION 'WB_TREE_ACTUALIZE' EXPORTING tree_name = lv_tree without_crossreference = abap_true with_tcode_index = abap_true. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. "update_package_tree METHOD warning_overwrite_adjust. DATA: lt_overwrite LIKE it_overwrite, ls_overwrite LIKE LINE OF lt_overwrite. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_overwrite> LIKE LINE OF lt_overwrite. * make sure to get the current status, as something might have changed in the meanwhile lt_overwrite = warning_overwrite_find( ct_results ). LOOP AT lt_overwrite ASSIGNING <ls_overwrite>. READ TABLE it_overwrite INTO ls_overwrite WITH KEY obj_type = <ls_overwrite>-obj_type obj_name = <ls_overwrite>-obj_name. IF sy-subrc <> 0 OR ls_overwrite-decision IS INITIAL. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Overwrite { <ls_overwrite>-obj_type } { <ls_overwrite>-obj_name } undecided| ). ENDIF. IF ls_overwrite-decision = 'N'. DELETE ct_results WHERE obj_type = <ls_overwrite>-obj_type AND obj_name = <ls_overwrite>-obj_name. ASSERT sy-subrc = 0. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD warning_overwrite_find. DATA: ls_overwrite LIKE LINE OF rt_overwrite. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_result> LIKE LINE OF it_results. LOOP AT it_results ASSIGNING <ls_result> WHERE NOT obj_type IS INITIAL. IF <ls_result>-lstate IS NOT INITIAL AND <ls_result>-lstate <> zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_state-deleted AND NOT ( <ls_result>-lstate = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_state-added AND <ls_result>-rstate IS INITIAL ). * current object has been modified locally, add to table CLEAR ls_overwrite. MOVE-CORRESPONDING <ls_result> TO ls_overwrite. APPEND ls_overwrite TO rt_overwrite. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD warning_package_adjust. DATA: lt_overwrite LIKE it_overwrite, ls_overwrite LIKE LINE OF lt_overwrite. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_overwrite> LIKE LINE OF lt_overwrite. * make sure to get the current status, as something might have changed in the meanwhile lt_overwrite = warning_package_find( it_results = ct_results io_repo = io_repo ). LOOP AT lt_overwrite ASSIGNING <ls_overwrite>. READ TABLE it_overwrite INTO ls_overwrite WITH KEY obj_type = <ls_overwrite>-obj_type obj_name = <ls_overwrite>-obj_name. IF sy-subrc <> 0 OR ls_overwrite-decision IS INITIAL. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Overwrite odd package { <ls_overwrite>-obj_type } { <ls_overwrite>-obj_name } undecided| ). ENDIF. IF ls_overwrite-decision = 'N'. DELETE ct_results WHERE obj_type = <ls_overwrite>-obj_type AND obj_name = <ls_overwrite>-obj_name. ASSERT sy-subrc = 0. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD warning_package_find. DATA: lv_package TYPE devclass, ls_overwrite LIKE LINE OF rt_overwrite, ls_tadir TYPE tadir. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_result> LIKE LINE OF it_results. LOOP AT it_results ASSIGNING <ls_result>. lv_package = zcl_abapgit_folder_logic=>path_to_package( iv_top = io_repo->get_package( ) io_dot = io_repo->get_dot_abapgit( ) iv_path = <ls_result>-path ). ls_tadir = zcl_abapgit_tadir=>read_single( iv_object = <ls_result>-obj_type iv_obj_name = <ls_result>-obj_name ). IF NOT ls_tadir IS INITIAL AND ls_tadir-devclass <> lv_package. * overwriting object from different package than expected CLEAR ls_overwrite. ls_overwrite-obj_type = <ls_result>-obj_type. ls_overwrite-obj_name = <ls_result>-obj_name. ls_overwrite-devclass = ls_tadir-devclass. APPEND ls_overwrite TO rt_overwrite. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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class ZCL_BC009_HTML definition public final create private . public section. types: BEGIN OF ts_index_str " определяем структуру " определяем структуру " определяем структуру " определяем структуру " определяем структуру " определяем структуру " определяем структуру " определяем структуру " определяем структуру , index TYPE syindex , line TYPE string , END OF ts_index_str . types: " определяем структуру tt_index_str TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ts_index_str WITH DEFAULT KEY . events HTML_ACTION exporting value(EV_ACTION) type STRING . class-methods GET_INSTANCE importing !IV_TITLE type C optional returning value(RO_OBJ) type ref to ZCL_BC009_HTML . methods CONSTRUCTOR importing !IV_TITLE type C . methods ADD_PARA_VAL importing !IV_ID type C !IV_VALUE type C . methods ADD_TAB importing !IT_TAB type TABLE . methods ADD_PARA_VAL_CH importing !IV_ID type C !IV_VALUE type C returning value(RO_OBJ) type ref to ZCL_BC009_HTML . methods ADD_TAB_CH importing !IT_TAB type TABLE returning value(RO_OBJ) type ref to ZCL_BC009_HTML . methods SHOW . methods SHOW_XML importing !IV_XML type STRING . PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. TYPES: BEGIN OF ts_html_part , tag_str TYPE text20 , content TYPE tt_index_str , END OF ts_html_part . DATA mt_head TYPE tt_index_str. DATA mt_body TYPE tt_index_str. DATA mv_title_win TYPE cl_abap_browser=>title. CONSTANTS: c_step_index TYPE syindex VALUE 10. CLASS-DATA mo_html TYPE REF TO ZCL_BC009_HTML . METHODS fill_default_head IMPORTING iv_title TYPE c . METHODS add_index CHANGING cv_index TYPE syindex. METHODS add_html_line CHANGING ct_block TYPE tt_index_str cs_line TYPE ts_index_str. METHODS get_html_tab RETURNING value(rt_val) TYPE cl_abap_browser=>html_table. METHODS add_head_line IMPORTING iv_line TYPE c. METHODS add_body_line IMPORTING iv_line TYPE c. METHODS add_html_menu. METHODS on_html_sapevent FOR EVENT sapevent OF cl_abap_browser IMPORTING action. ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_BC009_HTML IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD ADD_BODY_LINE. DATA ls_body_line TYPE ts_index_str. ls_body_line-line = iv_line. ls_body_line-index = lines( mt_body ) * c_step_index. add_index( CHANGING cv_index = ls_body_line-index ). add_html_line( CHANGING ct_block = mt_body cs_line = ls_body_line ). ENDMETHOD. "ADD_BODY_LINE METHOD ADD_HEAD_LINE. DATA ls_head_line TYPE ts_index_str. ls_head_line-line = iv_line. ls_head_line-index = lines( mt_head ) * c_step_index. add_index( CHANGING cv_index = ls_head_line-index ). add_html_line( CHANGING ct_block = mt_head cs_line = ls_head_line ). ENDMETHOD. "ADD_HEAD_LINE METHOD ADD_HTML_LINE. APPEND cs_line TO ct_block. ENDMETHOD. "ADD_HTML_LINE METHOD ADD_HTML_MENU. add_body_line( iv_line = '<span>' ). add_body_line( iv_line = '<A HREF=SAPEVENT:F1>Action#1</A>' ). add_body_line( iv_line = '</span>' ). add_body_line( iv_line = '<span>' ). add_body_line( iv_line = '<A HREF=SAPEVENT:F2>Action#2</A>' ). add_body_line( iv_line = '</span>' ). add_body_line( iv_line = '<span>' ). add_body_line( iv_line = '<A HREF=SAPEVENT:F3>Action#3</A>' ). add_body_line( iv_line = '</span>' ). ENDMETHOD. "ADD_HTML_MENU METHOD ADD_INDEX. cv_index = cv_index + c_step_index. ENDMETHOD. "ADD_INDEX METHOD ADD_PARA_VAL. DATA ls_body_line TYPE ts_index_str. ls_body_line-line = ` <div> <p> `. add_index( CHANGING cv_index = ls_body_line-index ). add_html_line( CHANGING ct_block = mt_body cs_line = ls_body_line ). ls_body_line-line = `<strong>` && iv_id && `: </strong>`. add_index( CHANGING cv_index = ls_body_line-index ). add_html_line( CHANGING ct_block = mt_body cs_line = ls_body_line ). ls_body_line-line = `<em>` && iv_value && `</em>`. add_index( CHANGING cv_index = ls_body_line-index ). add_html_line( CHANGING ct_block = mt_body cs_line = ls_body_line ). ls_body_line-line = ` </p></div>`. add_index( CHANGING cv_index = ls_body_line-index ). add_html_line( CHANGING ct_block = mt_body cs_line = ls_body_line ). ENDMETHOD. "ADD_PARA_VAL METHOD ADD_PARA_VAL_CH. DATA lv_id TYPE text20. DATA lv_value TYPE text200. lv_id = iv_id. lv_value = iv_value. me->add_para_val( EXPORTING iv_id = lv_id iv_value = lv_value ). ro_obj = me. ENDMETHOD. "ADD_PARA_VAL_CH METHOD ADD_TAB. DATA ls_body_line TYPE ts_index_str. DATA lo_desc_table TYPE REF TO cl_abap_tabledescr. DATA lo_desc_struc TYPE REF TO cl_abap_structdescr. DATA lv_text255 TYPE text255. FIELD-SYMBOLS <fs_component> TYPE abap_compdescr. FIELD-SYMBOLS <fs_itab> TYPE any. FIELD-SYMBOLS <fs_field> TYPE any. lo_desc_table ?= cl_abap_tabledescr=>describe_by_data( it_tab ). lo_desc_struc ?= lo_desc_table->get_table_line_type( ). ls_body_line-line = ` <div> <table id="table_id" class="display"> `. add_index( CHANGING cv_index = ls_body_line-index ). add_html_line( CHANGING ct_block = mt_body cs_line = ls_body_line ). " добавляем заголовок ls_body_line-line = `<thead> <tr>` . add_index( CHANGING cv_index = ls_body_line-index ). add_html_line( CHANGING ct_block = mt_body cs_line = ls_body_line ). LOOP AT lo_desc_struc->components ASSIGNING <fs_component>. * ls_body_line-line = `<th>` . * add_index( CHANGING cv_index = ls_body_line-index ). * add_html_line( CHANGING ct_block = mt_body cs_line = ls_body_line ). add_body_line( iv_line = '<th>' ). add_body_line( iv_line = <fs_component>-name ). add_body_line( iv_line = '</th>' ). ENDLOOP. add_body_line( iv_line = '<tbody>' ). LOOP AT it_tab ASSIGNING <fs_itab>. add_body_line( iv_line = '<tr>' ). LOOP AT lo_desc_struc->components ASSIGNING <fs_component>. add_body_line( iv_line = '<td>' ). ASSIGN COMPONENT <fs_component>-name OF STRUCTURE <fs_itab> TO <fs_field>. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. lv_text255 = <fs_field>. add_body_line( iv_line = lv_text255 ). ENDIF. add_body_line( iv_line = '</td>' ). ENDLOOP. add_body_line( iv_line = '</tr>' ). ENDLOOP. add_body_line( iv_line = '</tbody>' ). add_body_line( iv_line = '</table>' ). add_body_line( iv_line = '</div>' ). ENDMETHOD. "ADD_TAB METHOD ADD_TAB_CH. me->add_tab( it_tab = it_tab ). ro_obj = me. ENDMETHOD. "ADD_TAB_CH METHOD CONSTRUCTOR. me->mv_title_win = iv_title. fill_default_head( iv_title = iv_title ). CLEAR mt_body. add_html_menu( ). ENDMETHOD. "CONSTRUCTOR METHOD FILL_DEFAULT_HEAD. DATA ls_head TYPE ts_index_str. CLEAR mt_head. ls_head-index = 10. ls_head-line = '<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="ru">'. add_html_line( CHANGING ct_block = mt_head cs_line = ls_head ). add_index( CHANGING cv_index = ls_head-index ). ls_head-line = '<head>'. add_html_line( CHANGING ct_block = mt_head cs_line = ls_head ). add_index( CHANGING cv_index = ls_head-index ). ls_head-line = `<title>` && iv_title && `</title>`. add_html_line( CHANGING ct_block = mt_head cs_line = ls_head ). add_index( CHANGING cv_index = ls_head-index ). * add_head_line( iv_line = '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"' ). * add_head_line( iv_line = 'href="">' ). * add_head_line( iv_line = '<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" ' ). * add_head_line( iv_line = 'src=""></script>' ). * add_head_line( iv_line = '<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" ' ). * add_head_line( iv_line = 'src=""></script>' ). add_head_line( iv_line = '<style>' ). add_head_line( iv_line = 'table, th, td {'). add_head_line( iv_line = 'border: 1px solid black;' ). add_head_line( iv_line = '}' ). add_head_line( iv_line = '</style>' ). add_head_line( iv_line = '</head>' ). ENDMETHOD. "FILL_DEFAULT_HEAD METHOD GET_HTML_TAB. DATA ls_html_line TYPE cl_abap_browser=>html_line. FIELD-SYMBOLS <fs_line> LIKE LINE OF mt_head. CLEAR rt_val[]. LOOP AT mt_head ASSIGNING <fs_line>. CLEAR ls_html_line. ls_html_line = <fs_line>-line. APPEND ls_html_line TO rt_val. ENDLOOP. APPEND '<body>' TO rt_val. LOOP AT mt_body ASSIGNING <fs_line>. CLEAR ls_html_line. ls_html_line = <fs_line>-line. APPEND ls_html_line TO rt_val. ENDLOOP. APPEND '</body>' TO rt_val. APPEND '</html>' TO rt_val. ENDMETHOD. "GET_HTML_TAB METHOD GET_INSTANCE. IF mo_html IS BOUND. ELSE. " lazy initialization " то есть не при загрузке класса " а в момент первого обращения CREATE OBJECT mo_html EXPORTING iv_title = iv_title. ENDIF. ro_obj = mo_html. ENDMETHOD. "GET_INSTANCE METHOD ON_HTML_SAPEVENT. RAISE EVENT html_action EXPORTING ev_action = action. ENDMETHOD. "ON_HTML_SAPEVENT METHOD SHOW. DATA lt_html_errors TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF text255. SET HANDLER on_html_sapevent. cl_abap_browser=>show_html( EXPORTING html = me->get_html_tab( ) " HTML Table, Line Width 255 Characters title = me->mv_title_win " Window Title * size = CL_ABAP_BROWSER=>MEDIUM " Size (S,M.L,XL) modal = abap_true " Display as Modal Dialog Box * html_string = " HTML String * printing = ABAP_FALSE buttons = cl_abap_browser=>navigate_html * format = CL_ABAP_BROWSER=>LANDSCAPE " Landscape/portrait format * position = CL_ABAP_BROWSER=>TOPLEFT " Position * data_table = " External data * anchor = " Goto Point * context_menu = ABAP_FALSE " Display context menu in browser * html_xstring = " HTML Binary String * check_html = ABAP_TRUE " Test of HTML File * container = IMPORTING html_errors = lt_html_errors " Error List from Test ). ENDMETHOD. "SHOW METHOD SHOW_XML. DATA lt_html_errors TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF text255. SET HANDLER on_html_sapevent. cl_abap_browser=>show_xml( EXPORTING xml_string = IV_XML " XML in String * xml_xstring = " XML in XString * title = " Window Title * size = CL_ABAP_BROWSER=>MEDIUM " Size (S,M.L,XL) * modal = ABAP_TRUE " Display as Modal Dialog Box * printing = ABAP_FALSE * buttons = NAVIGATE_OFF " Navigation Keys navigate_... * format = CL_ABAP_BROWSER=>LANDSCAPE " Landscape/portrait format * position = CL_ABAP_BROWSER=>TOPLEFT " Position * context_menu = ABAP_FALSE " Display context menu in browser * container = ). ENDMETHOD. "SHOW ENDCLASS.
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[ 31631, 1220, 67, 5908, 14, 46583, 62, 2070, 654, 7211, 1732, 62, 84, 3312, 5550, 20032, 17941, 198, 220, 44731, 198, 220, 9564, 18601, 10659, 198, 220, 25261, 198, 220, 7473, 9348, 7801, 12861, 1581, 3963, 1220, 67, 5908, 14, 72, 62, 35927, 62, 84, 3312, 764, 628, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 48006, 9782, 1961, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 4810, 3824, 6158, 44513, 13, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 628, 198, 198, 31631, 1220, 67, 5908, 14, 46583, 62, 2070, 654, 7211, 1732, 62, 84, 3312, 30023, 2538, 10979, 6234, 13, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 198 ]
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"Name: \PR:SAPLSZA7\FO:D0400_OUTPUT\SE:END\EI ENHANCEMENT 0 ZE_KR_POSTCODE_SZA7. * KR_POSTCODE IF addr2_data-country EQ 'KR' AND g_dialog_mode <> display. LOOP AT SCREEN. IF screen-name = 'ADDR2_DATA-POST_CODE1' OR screen-name = 'ADDR2_DATA-STREET' OR screen-name = 'ADDR2_DATA-CITY1'. screen-value_help = 2. IF screen-name = 'ADDR2_DATA-POST_CODE1'. screen-length = 8. ENDIF. MODIFY SCREEN. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. ENDENHANCEMENT.
[ 1, 5376, 25, 3467, 4805, 25, 50, 2969, 6561, 34892, 22, 59, 6080, 25, 35, 3023, 405, 62, 2606, 7250, 3843, 59, 5188, 25, 10619, 59, 36, 40, 198, 1677, 39, 20940, 12529, 657, 1168, 36, 62, 30758, 62, 32782, 34, 16820, 62, 50, 34892, 22, 13, 198, 9, 29430, 62, 32782, 34, 16820, 198, 220, 16876, 37817, 17, 62, 7890, 12, 19315, 36529, 705, 30758, 6, 5357, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 308, 62, 38969, 519, 62, 14171, 1279, 29, 3359, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 17579, 3185, 5161, 6374, 2200, 1677, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 16876, 3159, 12, 3672, 796, 705, 2885, 7707, 17, 62, 26947, 12, 32782, 62, 34, 16820, 16, 6, 6375, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3159, 12, 3672, 796, 705, 2885, 7707, 17, 62, 26947, 12, 2257, 2200, 2767, 6, 6375, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3159, 12, 3672, 796, 705, 2885, 7707, 17, 62, 26947, 12, 34, 9050, 16, 4458, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3159, 12, 8367, 62, 16794, 796, 362, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 16876, 3159, 12, 3672, 796, 705, 2885, 7707, 17, 62, 26947, 12, 32782, 62, 34, 16820, 16, 4458, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3159, 12, 13664, 796, 807, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 23578, 5064, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 19164, 5064, 56, 6374, 2200, 1677, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 23578, 5064, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 23578, 21982, 3185, 13, 198, 220, 23578, 5064, 13, 198, 10619, 1677, 39, 20940, 12529, 13, 198 ]
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"! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Looks for UI5 repositories (BSP) apps</p> CLASS zcl_i18nchk_repo_reader DEFINITION PUBLIC FINAL CREATE PUBLIC. PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES: zif_i18nchk_repo_reader. PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_i18nchk_repo_reader IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD zif_i18nchk_repo_reader~read. SELECT ui5_app~applname AS bsp_name, repo_info~git_url FROM o2appl AS ui5_app LEFT OUTER JOIN zi18nchkbspai AS repo_info ON ui5_app~applname = repo_info~bsp_name WHERE ui5_app~applclas = '/UI5/CL_UI5_BSP_APPLICATION' AND ui5_app~applname IN @bsp_name_range INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE @result. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 40484, 1279, 79, 1398, 2625, 19509, 5239, 47192, 1, 42392, 2625, 268, 5320, 41102, 329, 12454, 20, 38072, 357, 33, 4303, 8, 6725, 3556, 79, 29, 198, 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 72, 1507, 77, 354, 74, 62, 260, 7501, 62, 46862, 5550, 20032, 17941, 198, 220, 44731, 198, 220, 25261, 198, 220, 29244, 6158, 44731, 13, 628, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 23255, 37, 2246, 1546, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1976, 361, 62, 72, 1507, 77, 354, 74, 62, 260, 7501, 62, 46862, 13, 198, 220, 48006, 9782, 1961, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 4810, 3824, 6158, 44513, 13, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 628, 198, 198, 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 72, 1507, 77, 354, 74, 62, 260, 7501, 62, 46862, 30023, 2538, 10979, 6234, 13, 628, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 1976, 361, 62, 72, 1507, 77, 354, 74, 62, 260, 7501, 62, 46862, 93, 961, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 33493, 334, 72, 20, 62, 1324, 93, 1324, 75, 3672, 7054, 275, 2777, 62, 3672, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 29924, 62, 10951, 93, 18300, 62, 6371, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 16034, 267, 17, 1324, 75, 7054, 334, 72, 20, 62, 1324, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 12509, 9792, 16289, 1137, 32357, 1268, 1976, 72, 1507, 77, 354, 74, 24145, 1872, 7054, 29924, 62, 10951, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 6177, 334, 72, 20, 62, 1324, 93, 1324, 75, 3672, 796, 29924, 62, 10951, 93, 24145, 62, 3672, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 33411, 334, 72, 20, 62, 1324, 93, 1324, 75, 565, 292, 796, 31051, 10080, 20, 14, 5097, 62, 10080, 20, 62, 33, 4303, 62, 2969, 31484, 6234, 6, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5357, 334, 72, 20, 62, 1324, 93, 1324, 75, 3672, 3268, 2488, 24145, 62, 3672, 62, 9521, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 39319, 23929, 19535, 47, 18672, 2751, 18930, 3698, 5258, 3963, 43679, 2488, 20274, 13, 198, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 628, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 198 ]
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CLASS zunitdemo_ex1_cl_migrator_2 DEFINITION PUBLIC CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. TYPES: ty_carrid TYPE RANGE OF sflight-carrid . METHODS migrate IMPORTING !carrid_range TYPE ty_carrid . PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. ENDCLASS. CLASS zunitdemo_ex1_cl_migrator_2 IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD migrate. DATA: modified TYPE sflight, modifieds TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF sflight WITH DEFAULT KEY. SELECT * FROM sflight INTO TABLE @DATA(sfs) WHERE carrid IN @carrid_range. LOOP AT sfs INTO DATA(sf). IF sf-fldate EQ '20200101'. IF sf-price IS NOT INITIAL. modified = sf. IF sf-price < 100. ADD 1 TO modified-price. ELSEIF sf-price < 1000. ADD 10 TO modified-price. ELSE. ADD 20 TO modified-price. ENDIF. modifieds = VALUE #( BASE modifieds ( modified ) ). ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. IF modifieds IS NOT INITIAL. MODIFY sflight FROM TABLE modifieds. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 31631, 1976, 20850, 9536, 78, 62, 1069, 16, 62, 565, 62, 76, 3692, 1352, 62, 17, 5550, 20032, 17941, 198, 220, 44731, 198, 220, 29244, 6158, 44731, 764, 628, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 24412, 47, 1546, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1259, 62, 66, 3258, 312, 41876, 371, 27746, 3963, 264, 22560, 12, 66, 3258, 312, 764, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 32492, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30023, 9863, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5145, 66, 3258, 312, 62, 9521, 41876, 1259, 62, 66, 3258, 312, 764, 198, 220, 48006, 9782, 1961, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 4810, 3824, 6158, 44513, 13, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 628, 198, 198, 31631, 1976, 20850, 9536, 78, 62, 1069, 16, 62, 565, 62, 76, 3692, 1352, 62, 17, 30023, 2538, 10979, 6234, 13, 628, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 32492, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 42865, 25, 9518, 220, 41876, 264, 22560, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9518, 82, 41876, 49053, 9795, 43679, 3963, 264, 22560, 13315, 5550, 38865, 35374, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 33493, 1635, 16034, 264, 22560, 39319, 43679, 2488, 26947, 7, 82, 9501, 8, 33411, 1097, 6058, 3268, 2488, 66, 3258, 312, 62, 9521, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 17579, 3185, 5161, 264, 9501, 39319, 42865, 7, 28202, 737, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 16876, 264, 69, 12, 69, 335, 378, 36529, 705, 1238, 2167, 8784, 4458, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 16876, 264, 69, 12, 20888, 3180, 5626, 3268, 2043, 12576, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9518, 796, 264, 69, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 16876, 264, 69, 12, 20888, 1279, 1802, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 27841, 352, 5390, 9518, 12, 20888, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 17852, 5188, 5064, 264, 69, 12, 20888, 1279, 8576, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 27841, 838, 5390, 9518, 12, 20888, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 17852, 5188, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 27841, 1160, 5390, 9518, 12, 20888, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 23578, 5064, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9518, 82, 796, 26173, 8924, 1303, 7, 49688, 9518, 82, 357, 9518, 1267, 6739, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 23578, 5064, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 23578, 5064, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 23578, 21982, 3185, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 16876, 9518, 82, 3180, 5626, 3268, 2043, 12576, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 19164, 5064, 56, 264, 22560, 16034, 43679, 9518, 82, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 23578, 5064, 13, 628, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 198 ]
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