2 values
I agree there are other ways to handle this. I can also see some good and pitfalls falling along this. On the good it's taking a nice step towards better health care and hopefully less crappy profit driven insurance and health consultants (for lack of more appropriate term) On the bad, they are looking too short sighted and a little too exclusive. There are local companies who could probably do a great job on this project. There are probably other industries that would be interested in investing in this to be included. This may also be stepping on the toes of history here. Don't forget the companies that owned and dictated where their employees lived, and that went horribly. (Can't really remember much specific about it, mid 1800s I think)
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Apparently you didn't read, or you didn't understand, Samuelson's essay, especially the part where the finished goods have been across the border multiple times, making them a cooperative effort between our two nations. Those are specific products for specific larger assemblies in many cases, and the disruption of the complex net of manufacturing would cost industries huge money in lost capital, lost time, and lost sources. I would guess the immediate loss of capital in Mexico (and in the US) would hit investors on both sides of the border, and greatly increase the scarcity and cost of major goods to consumers in both countries. What is the gain? I see none. The manufacture of widgets for American cars would simply go to China. Much of it has, already. And not only for us. Honda small engines now are manufactured in China, as are many auto parts and subassemblies. You would start a trade war over an insignificant deficit with a neighbor we need to prosper.
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“High Cost of Ignorance" Toronto Sun, Editorial page article about Greg Vezina, Oct. 23, 2016 Green energy entrepreneur Greg Vezina says it’s no surprise the Ontario Liberal government’s experiment with green energy has turned into an expensive debacle. http://www.torontosun.com/2016/10/21/high-cost-of-ignorance Here are links to editorial page articles I have written in the Toronto Sun in the last two years. http://bit.ly/29bWkc2
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Sure seems that the legislature needs to start doing its own homework. They need to talk to the feds if they don't believe the city.
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Just another snit fit. They won't be noticed or missed. Must not have been very-good fans.
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"Testimony in the House Select Committee on Benghazi report shows there was no stand-down order to defy because there was never an order to not intervene in the unfolding disaster. The "stand-down" story contains some element of truth but ignores critical facts that would give a different impression. We rate it Mostly False." http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/jul/18/mark-geist/stand-down-story-ignores-critical-facts-about-effo/
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Ask and ye shall receive, Boy-Roy: Loss, S. R., Tom Will and Peter Marra; "Direct Human-Caused Mortality of Birds: Improving Quantification of Magnitude and Assessment of Population Impacts." Frontiers in Ecology and Environment 10 (2012): 357-364 Loss, S. R., Tom Will and Peter P. Marra; "The Impact of Free-Ranging Domestic Cats On Wildlife In the United States." Nature Communications 4 (2013): 1396 Loss, Scott R., Tom Will and Peter P. Marra; "Direct Mortality of Birds from Anthropogenic Causes."; Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 40 (2015): No.1 Lowe, Sarah, Michael Browne, Souyad Boujelas, and M. De Poorter; "100 of the World's Worst Invasive Alien Species: a Selection from the Global Invasive Species Database." Aukland, New Zealand: The Invasive Species Specialist Group, n.d. That's just for starters, Boy-Roy. Got lots more. BTW, Loss, Will and Marrah work for the Smithsonian Institute.
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Would prefer a return to the National Team as before. Lots of good hockey players around in Division 1, CIS and pro leagues in Europe to put together a squad for the world championships and the Olympics.
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Ummm, Stocks are up, our reputation has been in the toilet for 8 years, US exporters are called "employers", Trade wars are possible, but as yet nothing but progressive hyperbole, former GOP leaders also got sent a message via Trump, there is no stopping the pain from, a $20 trillion debt, but there is a slim chance of correcting course and averting the US economy from going down the tubes. I don't think trump can do it, I doubt anyone could. But he at least seems interested in trying instead of more free stuff for the people that don't work for a living.
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Freedom to become a slave to another drug that dulls the senses and takes away incentive.
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"Ms. Yaffe ... is paid a salary between $153,600 and $180,600 – roughly 70 per cent of Mr. Sarkar’s pay range." ________________________________ Blatant sexism by the Trudeau government!
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The topic is about EPA. And Trump nominee is not "against the EPA", the EPA is a department, has no mind of its own, and just represents the agenda of the director at the time. Precisely because he knows how EPA works, the lies and collusion, and how it has manipulated data and serve the elite econuts, is that his nominee is a VERY good choice. Understandable that the left would disagree, but hardly the sanctimonious and drama queen reaction they are having.
The short answer is No, they won't.
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Fat, bald and felonious, too.
Too outlandish., I wouldn"t worry about it , when the Republicans killed Kennedy, on one was worried. More assassinations in the U.S., than any where else.
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Wait, where is this? 82nd in Multnomah or Clackamas county somewhere? Tell me where it is, otherwise it don't exist.
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What a clown this Ige is. Hypocrite saying he wants to honor the Paris accord but he doesnt even respect the ocean.
If you ask the Americans, black and white, whether they landed at Normandy together, as a mixed group, or if they were racially separated you might have a different view of things. How many movies, documentaries, pictures have you seen of WWII that have black soldiers in them? And of course you have the Red Tails.
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Cut the bloated state government first!
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Honestly, I'm having a tough time standing for it. It has nothing to do with disrespect for the Constitution. It has everything to do with how we behave domestically and internationally. Our domestic in-fighting continues to separate us, so we never compromise or cooperate to work towards a positive end for all. I feel bad about this, because when I was young, I believed in our country, so I served to defend it. Now, having watched 54 years transpire in this country, I see more division and bad behavior than ever. Krapernick ticked me off because all that guy did was sit and draw attention. Heck, I read he doesn't even vote. Now, Marshall at least went out and talked to police departments and educated himself. So, I had no problem with him sitting. If someone is actually doing something, sitting or standing during the song doesn't mean much to me. If all they do is sit or stand for that song, that ticks me off.
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I suppose Mr. Saunders will want to tell us that the Paris riots currently going on (with little reports from our mainstream media) are not what they seem either. ' https://twitter.com/Eire_QC/status/833354358259646466/video/1
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Um, because I was commenting on what was printed in the article, and the article is specifically about sexually violent predators. Did you read the article? I didn't mention thieves, arsonists, drug dealers, gangbangers, or any number of other criminals either. So by your "logic," that means I'm OK with them?
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Tell us how do you move on from a lying pervert like Trump ? Why are you even reading this article ? Are you expecting he will change ?
Great. What were you ever even thinking? Now you can break them up for being a monopoly and corporate trust that's far too much of a juggernaut for US consumers and The People to tolerate.
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Where's the "stupid" emoticon when you need it?
Ecological Hysteria "Many radical environmentalists do not have the environment as their top priority. In 1992 the top 12 environmental groups raised $638 million. Six-figure salaries abound in the offices of these organizations. Saving the environment has proven for some to be an easy path to financial success. A second motivating factor is the political agenda of a new breed of socialists, who regard private ownership of property as a major source of evil on the planet. A third motivating factor is the New Age religion of people in the Greenpeace and Earth First organizations. Political and social radicals love the implicit revolutionary nature of contemporary environmentalism; they see it as a way of mobilizing the masses into supporting their radical agenda."
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The same real estate board in Vancouver said the same thing for many years and had the exact same 4.9 % number (coincidence?)and even up to the introduction of the 15% foreign tax which, when introduced, stopped sales in their tracks and started us on the slow road of making housing affordable again. If I were you I would be very skeptical of the self interest of the real estate board as I think you will find they are only supporting whatever position is in their interest. Remember nobody, including CMHC, tracks this data and the number are whatever they want them to be
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ridiculous, I plant 4 or 5 clones the end of May and harvest before the first killer frost, usually early October, dry in empty wine boxes of with a food dehydrator. Use good soil and water sparingly, no fertilizers or pesticides are used.. Pruning is a pleasant task I look forward. My yield is usually 3-4 pounds of high quality herb.
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The population of the USA is about 320 million. An article about how one of them feels about Donald Trump is "must-read" journalism. Kudos to the Globe.
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The guy can't stay with his sister if I read right because she is his paid care taker. There is a guy living near us who is definitely mental. Clinically. However he ups his crazy for attention. Especially near children. The guy is thisclose to being lynched. He was evicted finally for loads of lease breaks. Like allowing wanted felons to live with him. Smoking on porch bellowing smoke to others apartments. And, capturing small animals holding them against their will. He has a housing voucher. He has debts to the landlord. He should be removed from the housing program. He should be in a secured group home. Housing overrode his debts to keep him compliant with voucher program. They helped this single guy get into a three bedroom, privately owned dwelling. Our taxes would be paying for this freaks keep one way or another. Outrageous there are children without a reasonable home. While he has. Neighbors on 54th and Arctic he moves in tonight. Lock up your pets and kids.
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Even assuming so, "abhorrent" is not the moral equivalent of heretical.
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Kasich has particularly broad appeal, especially with independents. He also polls better with nonwhite voters than most Republicans. He even goes so far as to acknowledge the fact of climate change, which gives him a leg up with younger voters who aren't fooled by the denialism of the right and who will be living with the consequences of it for their entire adult lives. After the dust settles and the magnitude of what Trump has done to their brand sinks in, Republicans will do well to look to Kasich as one of the people who can lead them out of the woods. Nikki Haley is another they should listen to. The problem is the alt-right has infiltrated so deep that they are in an ugly bind: they can't win with this crowd, and they can't win without them. True conservatism is in no way racist (in fact it's anti-racist by nature), but the party of conservatism has dug this hole by not addressing the rot within. It won't be easy repairing the damage.
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It's obvious that this deranged lunatic was fueled by all the hate speech being spewed by the alt-right, and the blatantly racist actions being taken by Trump himself. Another article identified the gunman as being a supporter of both Trump and LePen. When the leaders are openly saying that it's ok to be racist and target people based on religion, it's only a matter of time before the sheep start doing the same.
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Like laughing at your own jokes; obviously.
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Perhaps he had to recuse himself due to a conflict of interest with Jack Abramoff?
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Get a grip, Duke.
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"This analysis provides clear evidence that those who view Trump favorably are disproportionately living in racially and culturally isolated zip codes and commuting zones. Holding other factors constant, support for Trump is highly elevated in areas with few college graduates, far from the Mexican border, and in neighborhoods that stand out within the commuting zone for being white, segregated enclaves, with little exposure to blacks, Asians, and Hispanics." —Jonathan Rothwell, Gallup Researcher In other words, race is important. Rothwell, discussing what is known to social scientists as “contact theory,” essentially argues that living in overwhelmingly white enclaves increases one’s chances of being a racist, as “Limited interactions with racial and ethnic minorities, immigrants, and college graduates may contribute to prejudicial stereotypes, political and cultural misunderstandings, and a general fear of rejection and not belonging.” —Ryan Lizza
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Yes, and they, too, are arbitrary and pointless, and unconstitutional as well when they bring churches in.
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"Poor people gonna rise up And get their share Poor people gonna rise up And take what's theirs"
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Especially first point needs to somehow be garanteed. the ANC had and will again have no shame in using the SABC for their political gain even at the expense of other parties. Remember the constant need to involve courts just to get a small piece of broadcasting. Finally an open report of the Gupta and state capture cases need to be broadcast in all our languages....so tat everyone can see the depths the ANC went to.
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So, to follow-up on the ordinance regulating leaving the bins outside of the time allowed, is there enforcement of this? There is a house by my mother's care home that regularly has their bins on the road, taking up the space for two cars. When we go to visit, its difficult to find parking.
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So what could be done? A 15% top rate graduated income tax conservatively raises $2.5B. Bumping that as State tax is deductible by itemizers, and adding some basic subsistence allowances for stiff taxes on gasoline ($6/gallon) and booze (by gallon of alcohol volume bought by consumer instead of current excise tax) we get to actually start paying our own way. The obstacle is that we have whingers who enjoy the concept of privatizing return, but are allergic to privatizing cost. And, of course, it is this gang famous for demanding that we socialize loss, lol. These folk are looking to demonize "welfare chiselers" while all along the worst of the breed was staring back at them from their own mirror ;-)
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But DAN ARMSTRONG has this . . . http://www.mudcitypress.com/parkblockshistory.html
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Damien, I couldn't have said it any better myself. They intend for registrants to be hounded out of society altogether by the public. They can call vigilantism "collateral" or "unintended" consequences, but here and now I stand toe-to-toe with the politicians who pass these laws and call them filthy sorry liars to their very faces. The only real warning attached to using the registry as a means to inflict additional punishment upon offenders in TN is "The offender may not live at the address indicated." In other words, you might get the wrong person. The legislators are by far and large lawyers and have figured out they can put "civil" or "regulatory" on any additional punishment and the courts will wink, nod, and swallow that bull hook, line, and sinker.
Let's see. Don't put conservatives… Then you follow that sentence with your own attempt to put others in a box you construct, There's a name for that. And that last sentence is an eye opener too. You've never seen anyone in this community be so hateful to others as you are now. Hmmmm. Got it.
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Marijuana can not be used in public! The Scenic Flight Services, the Fishing Guides, the River Guides, the Cruise Lines, B&B's and other Lodging don't want marijuana users and have banned marijuana from their properties! ADN has turned into a joke!
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Oddly I've not come across the phobia in question in medical or scientific journals. If you have Richard perhaps you could point me in the right direction. I suspect it has come to us via public relation pro's and, I'm just guessing, it's achieving it's goal of shutting down discussion on the ideology of Islam. I don't think it's 'ignorant' to question, to be skeptical, to challenge an ideology. In fact it's fundamental to a healthy, free society. I think the above editorial, and indeed the pseudo word - Islamophobia, creates a divisive and polar situation that serves little purpose. I see nothing fearful, irrational or otherwise in engaging in discussion regarding this ideology. Pull it out into the free marketplace of ideas and see if how it fairs.
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The suspect would have been 28 y/o 5 years ago -- same age the victim was when he died.
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Mr. Libera, please cite one documented case of any human being who was ever harmed in any way by drinking optimally fluoridated water. . . even for as much as a lifetime. Since no such person exists, I can't wait to see what you come up with.
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Pandora17 again makes a fool of herself - again : " WORLD NEWS DAILY REPORT " online is the source for her comment on Hawking below. Other articles on this site : " Man with multiple personalities wants his vote cancelled after “other self” voted for Trump " " Iowa Farmer Claims Bill Clinton Had Sex with Cow During ‘Cocaine Party’ " " New Malaysian King to Legalize Sodomy...." " WNDR assumes however all responsibility for the satirical nature of its articles and for the fictional nature of their content. " http://worldnewsdailyreport.com/disclaimer/ In reply to: - apatrick "He [the pope] told us that it was all right to study the evolution of the universe after the big bang, but we should not inquire into the big bang itself because that was the moment of..." Pandora17 and yet now Hawkings, claiming to be an atheist, admits to a "God-like" force. http://worldnewsdailyreport.com/stephen-hawkins-admits-intelligent-design-is-highly-probable/ Give him time - he's coming around :-)
Sadly, the NDP response to every issue is just another tax. Your kids are fat, put a tax on soft drinks, what ever happened to sending them outside. Why not deal with the real problems in housing. The housing crisis is due to the systemic failure of a lot of government agencies and such. Fintrac, CRA, CBSA, the Realtors Association and the Legal profession all turning a blind eye to what was happening. Yes, many are government employees. Examples abound of illicit money in the market, bidding up homes and looking for a quick resale. Now governments at all levels find themselves in a bind. If the market crashes, and it will, how about the poor family that grossly overpaid for a half duplex in Abbotsford that finds themselves underwater. These taxes never generate the funds aspiring politicians think they will. Capital is mobile and will go where it is most wanted. The public should be asking tougher questions.
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Your not from Ontario are you?
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"very few" people, you state. i.e., they are no different from the vast majority, ethically nothing special whatsoever. Where are the very few? these are the ones who should get the job.
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No longer a Smartphone company. Blackberry is about secure software. The phones are not a serious part of their business. This change was inevitable as the hardware market is too saturated and profits on phones are dwindling. Anyone can make a smartphone clone now, they're just another PC running software.
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LW1: Don't tell your families what to give you, or what NOT to give you. Instead, at Thanksgiving, bring in boxes. Fill them with existing toys they don't play with. Donate the nicer ones to people collecting gifts for homeless children. Donate the played with toys that are still good to charity. Toss the broken stuff. If you get too many new gifts, put back the excess, in packaging, to donate next year.
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"Every 30 days"? It seems that you don't live near a coast, or don't pay attention to tides. "Spring" tides occur twice a month, at new and full moon. In the Northern Hemisphere the new moon tides go higher, and lower, during the summer and in winter the full moon tides are the most noticeable. That relates to the northern hemisphere being closer to the new moon during summer days and closer to the full moon on winter nights. https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/springtide.html
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Guess racism and climate change scam believe go hand in hand.
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The article said Muslims would make up only 7% (max) of the Canadian population by 2036.
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I think what we have to appreciate here, is that one of the sock puppets has plunged to a new depth. In addition to spewing a variation on the usual Restorationist/retrograde nonsense, it has adopted a Semitic name/avitar in what I surmise is a juvenile attempt to engender ill will towards that group. Not only do believe our new commentator is not a member of the group which she attempts to defame by association (a proud and educated nation to which our Lord and his family and friends were also members), I suspect he/she/it could in real life recite the Tridentine Mass backward on request.
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We are smart enough not to run in an area that has bears. So let's kill the bear for being a bear. Yes it sounds like something idiots like you would agree with.
Then there are the round the table political and policy discussions that sound like Monty Python's Argument Clinic.
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Transfer payments are for things like health care that the feds mandate. Equalization is for boosting the per capita GDP of each province intended to level the field and to be spent how the province desires. Thus, you get some provinces with more services than others due to artificial fiscal viability. BTW: http://i.imgur.com/HnmVWkT.jpg Many residents of have not provinces are in denial....
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Don Young is still in office.
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The idea is to not to have to build a wall between the Irelands. A flip side implication would be that the EU is less interested in Scotland leaving the UK and joining the EU. However, Northern Ireland would have trouble getting a referendum to quit the UK. By the power-sharing agreement, the Protestants would never leave and become the minority in a Catholic country, so no referendum would ever be held. And if power-sharing fails, the NI government reverts to direct rule from London, which would never let a referendum be held either.
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Make him eat pavement, citizens.
Don't conflate this innocuous incident with more serious matters going on in the Church. This doesn't indicate "the Archbishop’s total lack of discernment." In fact, it doesn't indicate much at all, except that some Catholics are hopelessly priggish. There may be plenty to criticize Archbishop Prendergast for. Or there may not. But this silly business of the robotic spider on the cathedral? Not in the least.
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Bubba, I'd like you to meet Anthony. Anthony; Bubba.
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All of this is not about CSIS or the R word it’s about over rapid social change and a failed experiment in multi-culturalism, multilateral politics and globalism. Many of us grew up in a world set a certain way and it’s quickly been changed…. and the change enforced by over-extended liberalism. Humans are tribal and norm based organisms and resist change and not everyone agrees with the direction being taken. So, who is at fault, those that are being changed or the power elites with high principals out of touch with the population and the natural resistance to change. God gave us only 2 very different sexes not more Tribalism is in our DNA…. Go figure
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In Texas the royalty rate is 25%. In Alaska it is half that amount.
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How many years were you in the service Shore?
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So, Bob Gillam, here comes that Trump "administration" you were so keen to join. Sweet irony that your utter amorality comes to your wilderness front door in the shape of a massive, destructive environmental bomb, eh? I'm sorry that the world has to lose our greatest salmon run to this corrupt posse of industry clowns in the guise of environmental overseers, but I will take a small bit of comfort that your greedy shortsightedness may manifest as your worst nightmare.
Thank you Mr. Katcher for making it possible for our most vulnerable women and children to leave abusive home-lives. Your selfless service has already saved countless lives and will continue to save more. *Everyone can do something to help to stop domestic violence. #BreesLaw #GreenDotAlaska
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Earlier, it was the Hep A raw scallops at Genki Sushi, and now this. As consumers, we can all be more careful about washing produce well, but how can we be assured that restaurants and stores do the same? The placard system is really a farce. It's merely a checklist of procedures and, if an establishment follows all the procedures, it gets a green card. If not, then a yellow or red. It does not do anything to guarantee the food you eat or buy will be free of disease. In fact, a restaurant can have cockroaches and still "pass."
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Admittedly. The Globe copy editor who thought up the title for this article -- "Who Acts for Trudeau if he is Incapable of Doing His Job?" -- set up the comments section for endless wisecracks. And readers are not disappointing us.
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I was thinking about this peeing business last night..I hope Trump had all the mattresses changed in the White House and Camp David ..cause i think DemRats are bedwetters by nature
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Oh Bullshit Sullivan. If it takes a train a mile to stop through this area or any other area known for problems I would say the train is traveling TOO FAST. Slow the f++k down a==shole.
Huge cognitive blind spot on the part of the author about climate skepticism. This article is a very slick piece of rhetoric, but it plays the false equivalency game to the hilt. Color me skeptical about him.
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Its a trick I've learned from you Liberals. Deflect deflect deflect and if that doesn't work blame Bush, oh and the NRA! It's definitely all their fault.
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Nice try HRC. Those were DNC emails that were released. They were written by your handlers and yourself. You lost it on your own.
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Expecting bureaucracy to function correctly 100% of the time is naïve. There are likely dozens of AF bases that do courts martial, maybe hundreds. Expecting the Secretary of the Air Force to visit all of them, and check up on the legal clerks work, is infantile. Is the Secretary responsible? Sure. But not directly.
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Public finance campaign reform - the reform that makes all others possible.
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There are over 3,600 Jewish Racist Supremacist groups like SPLC, ADL, Council of Presidents of major Jewish Organizations, etc. These extremist have not only pushed for open borders in America, while supporting the Jews only immigration Policy of Israel, but control our politicians through AIPAC. Which is a lobby for a foreign government. This is the Jewish 800 pound guerilla
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I hope Mayak recover`s and tell`s the story.
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Absolutely right, Steve. Everyone knows you're not supposed to enable drunks. So why do we do it? Good grief.
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The FBI is investigating.
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The American electorate got exactly what they wanted-a shake up.The msm is still trembling in disbelief and shock and keeps lashing out, futilely, at Trump.So be it.It's very entertaining.
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And Comey is a registered Republican.
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There have also been some horrendous cover-ups and abuses over the years, up to and including human trafficking and child abuse. No charity should get a free pass because they claim to be 'nice'. In the UK they have found some charities are just front groups for terrorist organizations.
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No amount of money spent by politicians in Ottawa can solve this. As long as the Tribe decides to be so isolated and so autonomous then they are the only one who can solve this. It is time to treat all people in Canada the same and not favour one group over another based on race and bloodlines.
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Where do you recommend going to u-pick? I kept hoping they would mention some local farms where we could go u-pick and pay the farm directly, but alas, none are listed.
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The City could use the jail cells in the courthouse for councilor and mayor's offices. That would be rather fitting.
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Trump worshipper, your man is nuts
Massive and unforgiving ego isn't attractive.
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It's incredible how you contradict yourself. In one sentence you say dip netting is the only way Alaskans feed their families and in the next sentence you claim commercial fisherman shouldn't be allowed to fish weekends because you work a 9-5. Do you not receive monetary income from your work? Would it be safe to presume that commercial fisherman are just trying to feed their families as well (most of whom bought in before dip netting existed).
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Hi, Winnipeg. You tell us, "every day we become more fractured into identity groups and regional interests; any semblance of a whole quickly deteriorating." And blahblahblah. Another, "Gosh, in the good old days..." comment. Maybe because you're too young to remember what Canada was like...before. Today, in Quebec, no bombs in mailboxes; no FLQ-type groups stuffing government ministers into car trunks for assassination. Nobody in Ottawa (heck, even Edmonton!) scratching their heads over B.C.'s "Oriental problem"--which makes today's subtle west coast anti-Asian sentiment a joke. Why? Only a few hundred Chinese East of the Rockies back then! When Ottawa sold hundreds of thousands of European refugees on coming here, the press called them "scum of the earth" and the "dregs of Europe." Not much news about "Indians," though as the RCMP rounded up the kids for residential schools... Yeah, we got troubles today, boy! We were never "whole," Winnipeg. Never.
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I know that math is hard. But if you try just a little bit harder it may come to you.
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I agree. Many people who are in the "one percent" work very hard, willing to take risks and face challenges. To them, money do not fall from the sky. For other who do not have their drive and motivation to want a "fair share"? Make Canada a communist state!
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Damn Kinky....Who Knew???
It would help to have a nasal vaccine. My child has to be strapped down for shots, so it's a tough call getting the shot. But there is no nasal vaccine available anywhere this year.
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Once a person crosses the line into addiction, it's no longer a choice.
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