File size: 52,433 Bytes
{"chunk_num": 0, "subtitles": ["the can", "Bell humankind's last standing city", "state the world within the", "lantern", "fandor within the unending Darkness", "outside lur monsters nod away at by the", "night called Lanken", "[Music]", "throes", "[Music]", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "this almost feels like a brainy place", "oh my we said the same thing yes talk"]}
{"chunk_num": 1, "subtitles": ["about a coincidence", "H take my hand my lady wow what a", "gentleman thank", "you it's only natural to show a little", "courtesy I wish I could escort you to", "your destination don't be", "silly you see I had been terribly", "anxious being all on my own I'm glad I", "met you I get the feeling everything's", "going to go smooth now I'm so happy to", "hear that well I hope to run into you", "again sometime soon yeah me", "too I hope we get to meet up with each", "other", "again see you"]}
{"chunk_num": 2, "subtitles": ["soon", "[Music]", "sh", "I presume you're Mr vamper pleased to", "meet you I very much look forward to", "working alongside you you may call me", "Amy I'm the headmate of this residence", "I'm looking forward to working alongside", "you as well well then allow me to show", "you around the", "[Music]", "mansion", "starting today this is where you'll be", "working for the next 3 years M lady is", "already waiting oh"]}
{"chunk_num": 3, "subtitles": ["dear uh lady", "[Music]", "Molita", "[Music]", "Mady are you all", "[Music]", "right", "[Music]", "I are you by chance the instructor", "that's been sent for me I am my name is", "kufa Mady I look forward to to spending", "the next 3 years with you I'm so glad", "you're scar", "me are you", "hurt it's nice to meet you"]}
{"chunk_num": 4, "subtitles": ["instructor my name is Molita", "Angel Mady it's time to go please get", "ready if you would sir please look after", "meady even if she's just attending the", "academy so you'll be coming along with", "me to the academy as well yes were you", "aware of the news while I may be in", "charge of your instruction I am also", "your attendant so I have received", "special permission to enter and leave", "the", "grounds so you're finally here you know", "you're late", "Molita yeah yes good morning nurva I", "thought you were just playing hookie"]}
{"chunk_num": 5, "subtitles": ["and who might this guy be uh he's my", "private tutor who has just arrived today", "oh yeah is he going to instruct you in", "your studies or maybe instead in the use", "of", "Mana well", "I oh dear we don't have time to waste", "talking like this right dear Mita come", "and be my training", "partner a power that grants various", "unusual talents to its users and", "elevates their physical abilities Beyond", "those of ordinary human Mana it is a", "gift that has been granted to Only The", "Chosen Noble classes generally speaking"]}
{"chunk_num": 6, "subtitles": ["this power awakens around the age of", "seven oh she has a beautiful", "form while she was born into the house", "of angel with its title of Paladin as", "one of the three big night Duke", "houses she has been been unable to", "manifest any Mana whatsoever to this", "day an incompetent talented", "[Music]", "girl that is the limitation of the", "manoles Molita Angel hey Mita you're", "going to be able to achieve your dream", "like that oh she has a dream what are", "you going on about now nerva", "I hear that from a young and tender age"]}
{"chunk_num": 7, "subtitles": ["it's been this little girl's dream to", "join Crest Legion and become the people", "sword of hope when I learned it was the", "incompetent talented girl who said it I", "found it quite", "amusing and one more thing the new tutor", "Elise secured for herself is an Elite", "member of Crest Legion", "you're here", "Ellie we are talking about Elise who", "ages ago awakened her Paladin class so", "if she receives guidance from a tutor of", "that caliber she'll end up joining Crest", "Legion in no", "time I"]}
{"chunk_num": 8, "subtitles": ["uh having been born into a branch family", "of a night Duke house that is Lady", "mita's cousin Elise angel", "why did you come chasing after", "me you're also going to tell me there's", "no way I can do it", "right you know Lita I um don't be all", "friendly calling me", "Len", "[Music]", "he", "this incompetent talented girl's goal is", "to join Crest Legion the most eminent", "Guild what a terrible", "joke lady mita's grandfather Lord morreu"]}
{"chunk_num": 9, "subtitles": ["has doubts as to whether Molita who has", "yet to awaken the power of Mana is a", "true child of the House of", "Angel so you mean to say that Lord Elis", "had an affair with Lady mita's mother", "lady", "meloa tough to say we're left in the", "dark now that he's ended up like", "this and so that means it's finally your", "turn to spring into", "action your first mission is to play out", "as follows become lady Molita Angel's", "private tutor in guiding her foster her", "into a Battle Maiden befitting a night", "Duke house if not working from the"]}
{"chunk_num": 10, "subtitles": ["outside then try infiltrating within so", "you see the use of a specialist", "instructor has become", "necessary I've now observed her for a", "full day and I see no sign of Molita", "Angel possessing any aptitude conclusion", "she is not the biological daughter of", "the night Duke felus Angel consequently", "I will carry out my second mission the", "assassination of Molita", "Angel properly speaking the deed", "shouldn't be done so", "soon nevertheless", "less I can't stomach watching Molita", "Angel a child who's the product of a"]}
{"chunk_num": 11, "subtitles": ["mother who although vastly wealthy came", "from the commoner class as well as the", "man with whom she had an affair she may", "boast the angel family name but she", "lacks the qualities to be a paladin", "without knowing any of that she", "straightforwardly believes in her own", "talents what a pitiful", "girl her life is full of suffering", "and she will continue to keep on", "suffering the day that all suffering is", "finally rewarded will never", "come that being the case promptly", "severing that chain of events is called", "for it's the mercy of a professional"]}
{"chunk_num": 12, "subtitles": ["killer an Assassin's", "Pride I don't sense", "her", "[Music]", "what the hell is it with all of", "you", "[Music]", "these", "[Music]", "animals", "Lopes why are they in a city block on a", "layer this high up I hear Lord morreu", "often tries to pressure her through", "numerous trials but it apparently never", "produces a positive"]}
{"chunk_num": 13, "subtitles": ["effect so this is that pressure he", "intends to awaken her Mana by forcing", "her into", "[Music]", "combat", "why doesn't she call for", "[Music]", "help stop it don't you dare touch my", "hair get your dirty monster hands off of", "it it's something I remember my mother", "by my departed mother had the same", "golden hair if it's taken I'll no longer", "be able to recall my mother and will be", "lost forever if she were to call for", "assistance a guild out on patrol would"]}
{"chunk_num": 14, "subtitles": ["rush to the scene they'd easily dispatch", "these lowest of lenthrop so why then I", "have to treasure and take good care of", "my hair I have to join the ranks of CHR", "Legion because", "otherwise no one will ever", "even acknowledge that I'm a child of the", "House of", "Angel so she doesn't call for help", "because it would mean she doesn't", "possess any mana and it would show that", "she's not a child of the House of", "Angel it truly", "is not a very funny joke at", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 15, "subtitles": ["all don't lay a finger on my", "employer save me what made you think you", "would live through", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "this Phantom Blade", "trus", "Vo", "[Music]", "it's", "you I'm sorry it took me so long to get", "here my lady it's", "okay forgive me I'm sorry for having", "caused you trouble"]}
{"chunk_num": 16, "subtitles": ["oh I see she's always on her own I'd", "like to see it with my own two eyes the", "moment this precious girl who's been", "fighting with all she's got in this", "cruel world is someday acknowledged", "please Mady if you would allow me to at", "least save you when I can I want to lend", "you my support please no matter the", "storm you may find yourself in I will", "not fail to respond to your", "call Mady will you please and trust me", "with your life it's a risky gamble but", "there is one and only one way to awaken", "your Mana there's no guarantee it will", "be successful though if it fails Beyond"]}
{"chunk_num": 17, "subtitles": ["just lasting After Effects it may even", "result in your death I can't just force", "you to go through with what will it", "be I'll do", "[Music]", "it and now my lady as You' entrusted", "your life I've now Stak my life on", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "you", "Doctor simply amazing Lady M why did you", "become able to do such a thing Mady has", "that long last used", "Mana Amy Grace n Myra I'm sorry for", "causing you to worry for so"]}
{"chunk_num": 18, "subtitles": ["long if you hadn't all been here with me", "I couldn't have ever endured it so thank", "you all right my lady tonight we're", "having a party to", "celebrate", "party", "well I suppose there's no turning back", "now I can't let Mady know about about", "her mother's illicit Affair and of", "course me being an assassin must remain", "a secret at the same time I must conceal", "her true lineage and the substantial", "support I'm giving her our client Lord", "morreu and my guild White Knight must", "never know what I'm doing in order to"]}
{"chunk_num": 19, "subtitles": ["help find your hidden", "Mana if I air in regard to any of this", "both of us will meet our", "demise so please my little", "lady that this is a very necessary", "checkup you were able to weather out the", "drug and acquired the ability to use", "Mana but we can't discard the", "possibility that you've developed", "abnormalities now Li face up", "please", "instructor is this right you don't seem", "at all mindful of the fact that I'm a", "girl laying here", "I wouldn't say that exactly I actually"]}
{"chunk_num": 20, "subtitles": ["feel embarrassed doing this it's just", "that I've trained myself not to let my", "feeling show outwardly if you really are", "embarrassed by it then why do something", "so invasive you might find this strange", "seeing as we've just met but I'm doing", "it because I care deeply about your", "well-being when I think about the", "possibility however tiny it may be that", "what I did has caused you bodily harm in", "any way the thought of it is so Dreadful", "I can't even sleep at", "night now there is just one more thing I", "wish from you that is for you to be", "healthy and Lively please my"]}
{"chunk_num": 21, "subtitles": ["lady my apologies instructor if you need", "to check anywhere else please feel free", "to touch", "me thank you m", "Lady by the way there's one more", "important thing I need to speak speak to", "you about huh to tell the truth Mady the", "class you've attained is sadly not the", "Paladin you desire", "what so then", "I'm your class is Samurai the same as", "mine", "Samurai I see although it's unfortunate", "I couldn't become a", "paladin I'm happy to share the same"]}
{"chunk_num": 22, "subtitles": ["class as you I'm glad you were able to", "come to terms with this news although", "for now it might be advisable for you to", "keep this matter secret from everyone", "for the time why is that because given", "your position there would surely be", "someone who starts unsavory rumors about", "you seeing as I shared my Mana with her", "this is the natural", "outcome but I just hope Mady can", "establish a track record befitting a", "member of a night Duke", "house this is this is the sole path", "forward that will allow Mady and me to", "survive if that's what you think is"]}
{"chunk_num": 23, "subtitles": ["best I'll do", "it you're all done now in every respect", "both internally and externally your body", "is free from After Effects that's a", "relief am", "I am I going to be able to become your", "honored pupil", "now please my lady it's my pleasure to", "already count you as my", "pupil I'm looking forward to going to", "school after all I have my Mana now I'm", "a part of a great class too I'm not the", "least bit different now I forgot to tell", "you friends until the public tournament", "held one week from this day I'm"]}
{"chunk_num": 24, "subtitles": ["forbidding you from using any Mana", "outside of your lessons practiced with", "me", "huh the turn is coming up soon I'm", "getting nervous already we've got nerva", "on our side so we'll be", "fine my", "my you know I've been wanting to read", "this", "book how about I keep it after all the", "two of us are good", "friends come on Molita hurry up and get", "changed we're going to go", "train but I", "uh I I see well fine then you saved me"]}
{"chunk_num": 25, "subtitles": ["some trouble that's one less burden", "seems that lessons with her tutor are", "more important to Molita than her", "friends she's quite heartless isn't she", "it sure is cares about", "herself it's a shame considering I can", "use Mana now you've only just awakened", "your ability to use your talents it's", "currently still imperfect I'm aware of", "that fact the faithful day is a week", "from now until then keep giving your", "friends the wrong idea about you if you", "do that they will witness an", "unprecedented Miracle arise before their", "very eyes understood instructor be that"]}
{"chunk_num": 26, "subtitles": ["as it may do those people over there", "spying on us have some kind of business", "to do with", "Mady hi", "there", "Ellie listen about the other", "day", "[Music]", "seems we meet again Mr", "Perfect so it was you I believe you're", "right uh instructor who might that be", "nice to meet you I've recently become", "lady Elisa's private tutor my name is", "Rosetti pricket my lady did you say", "Rosetti are you saying that you are"]}
{"chunk_num": 27, "subtitles": ["truly that Rosetti pricket oh wow you", "say that as if I were famous here or", "something not just like you actually are", "famous around here despite being born in", "the lower social stratum living quarters", "she awakened her man at a very young age", "and not only succeeded in being the", "youngest ever to join Crest Legion but", "also granted the special title of career", "Marquez by his majesty the king people", "always exaggerate my skills but don't", "mind any of that talk my lady and you", "can call me", "Rose", "okay I've also actually heard a bit"]}
{"chunk_num": 28, "subtitles": ["about you from Lady Elise Mr Kua vampir", "seeing as we're both with House of angel", "I hope that means we can get along as", "their private", "tutors I'm sorry but I cannot afford the", "luxury of getting along with you while", "tutoring why not a blly woman such as", "yourself would have a terrible influence", "on lady mita's higher education what do", "you mean by blly I don't believe this", "last time we met you were so kind and", "gentlemanly to me not only the young", "ladies but those in charge of their", "education are subject to public", "judgment well I'll show you my precious"]}
{"chunk_num": 29, "subtitles": ["young lady is going to annihilate your", "pretty little lady Molita at the next", "public tournament you got that", "vampir instructor", "Rose come on let's head home my", "lady", "the big day has finally", "arrived huh", "instructor I'm", "scared I want to get out of here it will", "be all right you've trained thoroughly", "leading up to today but there's there's", "such a huge crowd", "here", "father"]}
{"chunk_num": 30, "subtitles": ["I don't have any", "self-confidence Mady it is about time", "for me to head to the", "stands what is to be done those things", "stand she can only manifest half her", "power at best oh", "Molina I heard the news it seems you", "Go's unit decided to take you on with", "them yes that's", "right I pity your poor sad family to", "think they have to sit there and", "helplessly watch as you embarrass", "yourself in front of a giant Crow and", "get laughed at seriously why is a", "pathetic girl like you even a student at"]}
{"chunk_num": 31, "subtitles": ["our Academy you're so unsightly that as", "a friend I can't bear watching", "you lady", "nerva with all due respect I have a", "favor to ask of you", "why instructor please go ahead and ask", "anything of me thank you lady nerva well", "then my ears can't take any more of your", "jabbering so can you please shut up you", "pathetic", "child how dare you say something so", "insulting like that to me is that so you", "don't know the first thing about lady", "Molita has a nameless Noble gotten", "carried away now that he's employed by"]}
{"chunk_num": 32, "subtitles": ["the", "Duke you may like to call yourself a", "private tutor but I bet you just read", "her picture books and collect your", "[Music]", "salary he's the very best tutor around", "so don't even think I'll let you get", "away with mocking him I'm going to", "completely destroy you in the", "tournament now you've gone and said it", "hopeless failure I'm looking forward to", "this", "[Music]", "now", "I've got it done and now what should I"]}
{"chunk_num": 33, "subtitles": ["do what should I do what should I do", "what seems Mady is the type who's able", "to summon her strength not just for her", "own sake but for the sake of others she", "cares for as", "well look even sir fal's Angel is in", "attendance and next to him isn't that", "Lord morreu that's her grandfather lady", "malas I mean ah the girl who rumor has", "it can't use", "Mana", "to put it in the extreme depending on", "the results of this tournament it is", "possible that both Mady and I will end", "up being disposed of seems you're"]}
{"chunk_num": 34, "subtitles": ["feeling the pressure of the tournament", "Mr blackhearted sham gentlemen well if", "it isn't miss prickley my name's pricket", "okay is there something that you", "need my lady Elise was a big concern the", "other day about lady Molita that is", "there's no need for you to do anything", "understand Molita leave everything to us", "but I want", "to look at", "that and now I present to you the St", "frideswide girls Academy end of semester", "public tournament let the first match", "commence and", "battle charge"]}
{"chunk_num": 35, "subtitles": ["[Applause]", "ahead the", "leader", "instructor please watch", "[Music]", "me I'm so happy that it's you who is the", "first one stupid enough to come and", "greet me if you want to stand out so", "badly I'll help you out by ending the", "incompetent talented", "girl I'll pble each of your little Limbs", "and make you shamefully gravel before", "[Music]", "me", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 36, "subtitles": ["Mita angel can use", "Mana lady Molina use", "Mana that right there is the warrior who", "you all called", "worthless why are you acting all proud", "of yourself the little Rich baby simply", "learned how to finally use the big girl", "tool just because your opponent has a", "weapon doesn't mean that's what they're", "going to attack with you you", "[Music]", "little I of all people can't end I of", "all people can't end up like this it's", "Molita Angel we're talking about out", "here it's just Molita Angel just Molita"]}
{"chunk_num": 37, "subtitles": ["Angel it's only the D Molita", "[Music]", "[Music]", "angel", "oh Deary me was that too intense for a", "wee babe who's only just learned how to", "use", "Mana but we are good friends after all", "aren't we if you surrender to me I will", "spare you further suffering and", "humiliation instructor's attacks were", "scarier huh say", "what sorry but I didn't catch a single", "word of", "that"]}
{"chunk_num": 38, "subtitles": ["I guess I'll hear what you have to say", "in the nurse's", "office what I said was that my", "instructor's attacks were a lot", "[Music]", "scarier she must be in pain she is", "however compared to the pain she's", "experienced up till now it might hardly", "[Music]", "register", "don't mess around with me you damn", "incompetent talented", "[Music]", "girl the man has been used", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 39, "subtitles": ["up you got you Cy out here little", "[Music]", "girl there There She Goes turning tail", "and running away like that really suits", "your tragic", "uselessness so you say instructor", "attacks were scarier huh take that back", "in truth I'm the one who's frightening", "right you dare defy me of all people so", "now repent as you wail out you don't", "frighten me you can't even compare to my", "instructor you little you're just Molita", "just Molita just Molita why the hell did", "you awaken to Mana now of all", "times oh that's who everyone's talking"]}
{"chunk_num": 40, "subtitles": ["about yeah she really doesn't have any", "Mana so you're the much talked about", "incompetent talented girl", "huh it's all right if you don't have", "Mana I don't mind being your friend even", "if no one else is willing", "to happy to hear it thank you", "you should have just stayed exactly like", "that you should have remained my friend", "and not kicked up such a fuss that was", "that was exactly what you", "[Music]", "deserved you won't be able to lift a", "spoon when I'm done with you", "gar Phantom Blade"]}
{"chunk_num": 41, "subtitles": ["flash twin", "[Music]", "that was a Phantom Blade technique she", "did that after watching me use such a", "skill just once so she trained over and", "over again in secret did", "she I'll be borrowing this I don't think", "so", "go now Molita Angel go we'll handle", "things here not so", "fast bre quickly now hurry up and go", "[Music]", "Mita instructor did you see what I did", "I that was brilliantly done meady you", "exceeded my expectations I instructor"]}
{"chunk_num": 42, "subtitles": ["I'm no longer a child you can lift you", "know uh hello father I", "was father", "please I I won for the very first time I", "won I won was watching don't get too", "excited after a single Victory before", "saying such a thing first prove yourself", "all conquering in a match against", "another", "school my lady aren't you", "glad I'm not really happy", "[Music]", "anymore think about what just happened", "you worked up the courage to speak to", "the Master of the House of Angel and"]}
{"chunk_num": 43, "subtitles": ["although it wasn't the response you", "desired he did indeed stop and respond", "to you nonetheless that is a big step", "forward", "instructor there you are Molita", "a I finished reading this book so", "here I'm sorry", "[Music]", "leaving all that mess aside isn't the", "next match starting up soon oh you're", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "right that's lady Elise for you you must", "be choking in a mere 13 seconds so this", "is the power of a paladin"]}
{"chunk_num": 44, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "is ciret night it's a festival to wish", "for the Peace of the city that will be", "held for two days over the weekend that", "sounds like fun do you like attending", "festivals", "instructor can't really say jeez what's", "wrong with just telling me if you do or", "don't you know my body in and out so", "it's quite unfair that I know hardly", "anything about you instructor is that", "how you feel Mady well that's the truth", "of the matter isn't isn't", "it", "uh to be honest I don't know much about"]}
{"chunk_num": 45, "subtitles": ["festivals huh I hail from the land of", "Eternal Night you mean the lower social", "stratum living quarters further out", "Beyond", "there rather than saying I lived there", "it was more like I somehow managed to", "survive I understand I'm so sorry anyway", "what's with that dress right", "this is the costume for the festival's", "parade all the St Brides wide students", "will wear it and join in a", "parade please try it on and let me have", "a look I I can't do that right now for a", "long time I've looked forward to wearing", "the same outfit as Ellie and joining the"]}
{"chunk_num": 46, "subtitles": ["parade so I don't want to go and spoil", "the big day", "already is that how you see it that", "sounds delightful my lady", "really but um I was wondering do you", "have something on your mind if it's all", "right with you then instructor when they", "finally had the campfire going strong I", "was thinking I'd really like for you to", "dance with", "me I'm afraid I can't do that it's due", "to a previous commitment I must return", "to the holy Monarch District On", "Assignment I suppose I understand", "however I'll be able to come back on the"]}
{"chunk_num": 47, "subtitles": ["festival's final day so would you do me", "the pleasure of dancing with me then", "I'll be sure to keep my hand open so", "that it's ready for you to take M lady", "what an", "honor your performance at the match the", "other day was most Splendid and if I may", "say the masters of the house were also", "most pleased with your presentation", "great I'm", "happy however you were in a bit of a", "rush to clinch the match had you given", "lady Molita a sound beating and made her", "kneel in front of the spectators they", "would have seen that you are worthy of"]}
{"chunk_num": 48, "subtitles": ["being the successor of the House of", "Angel wouldn't you agree", "Dear Mrs aell a costume has arrived from", "the academy ah must be the one for the", "festival dear me what in the world is", "this chabby piece of cloth we certainly", "cannot allow lady Elise to wear this", "red we shall prepare a new costume for", "you one that will make it easy for us to", "show them that you aren't like the other", "children hey Lita over", "here how", "beautiful this cloth looks like it's", "made from flame bird feathers and that", "gem is a fire starter stone lady Elise"]}
{"chunk_num": 49, "subtitles": ["where did you get that outfit to wear my", "family went out and had it made for me", "looks like someone over paid for a dress", "I don't care if she comes from a famous", "night Duke house or not these are", "precious costumes that have been handed", "down by our seniors at the school but it", "seems even that doesn't matter to", "her no Ellie isn't self-centered like", "that wait where are you", "going", "[Music]", "Ellie I've been wanting to wear it I've", "been looking forward to it", "I can't stand being the only one wearing"]}
{"chunk_num": 50, "subtitles": ["this only I could have warn when I", "really wanted to", "Ellie", "Ellie", "Ellie I", "am what who the hell are you supposed to", "be I'm no night in shining armor if", "that's what you", "[Music]", "thought you", "Leah", "[Music]", "no what what is this supposed to be", "where am I now oh you're way you're that", "guy from"]}
{"chunk_num": 51, "subtitles": ["before it's no use I", "know you're one of those Lanken throes", "right then why are you hanging around", "with", "humans", "say there girl you're not a real Paladin", "despite being a member of the night Duke", "House of", "Angel what do you mean I am a human you", "know well I suppose I'm half lanen throb", "too I am a being reborn as an artificial", "lenthrop made when I was transplanted", "with a night Gene factor with the hope", "of obtaining the power to compete with", "Mana users that's what I am Girl by the"]}
{"chunk_num": 52, "subtitles": ["way our organization goes by the name", "Guild grim", "heard of us but why are you after", "me because you were flashy with your", "power during that", "[Music]", "match Ellie well now Molita angel now", "don't be shocked but I'm going to", "forcibly mutate your class to Paladin I", "will transplant Elise Angel's ability", "into", "you that said the success rate is low", "and even if it goes well well you might", "end up tantamount to a", " this place is a"]}
{"chunk_num": 53, "subtitles": ["museum this whole area has been", "surrounded and blocked off by members of", "The Guild so no one will be coming to", "your rescue that would be hard for", "someone without connections to a night", "Duke house my", "father Ellie I see you're finally awake", "people with sheltered upbringings lack a", "sense of", "danger", "[Music]", "noie I'm", "scared you're all right Ellie I'm right", "here next to", "you that's why I knew I had to become"]}
{"chunk_num": 54, "subtitles": ["strong and yet hey go and hold her", "down", "I'm pathetic to rely on Ellie to come", "save me I'm going to protect Ellie what", "in the world are you doing no matter how", "much noise you make there's nobody", "around here", "remember God Ellie this", "[Music]", "way looks like there's an emergency exit", "toward the back of Ara number three", "let's go don't cry", "Ellie but it's also look I'm right here", "next to you", "okay"]}
{"chunk_num": 55, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "good hey those are weapons right but I", "don't feel a divine nature coming from", "any of them I don't think they'll work", "against Lanken", "throes we can't use our Mana so we need", "to get our hands on weapons with the", "divine nature", "oh I've got it sorry about this VA oh", "that's right this dress has a fabric", "made from flame", "Birds my tutor taught me something keep", "in mind all the possible options your", "surroundings offer when you fight do", "whatever's necessary to survive even if"]}
{"chunk_num": 56, "subtitles": ["it means tearing the world", "apart I'll be borrowing this too the", "fire starter Stone and flame bird", "feathers are of a divine nature so if we", "use this", "[Music]", "lah", "[Music]", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "lah", "get away from Ellie here I'll give you a", "taste of this too your eyes are over to", "attack you don't frighten me one bit", "anymore do you"]}
{"chunk_num": 57, "subtitles": ["understand that was so", "amazing you haven't seen anything yet", "Ellie ah here's the exit you're a", "shockingly tough little princess aren't", "you what's the matter Mita I'm offering", "to make you a paladin so why are you", "running from me they already have the", "same respectable class as my instructor", "does I don't need what you", "[Music]", "offer you're out of your league here", "little", "girl", "Le don't try to put up a fight holding", "back from killing you is something I"]}
{"chunk_num": 58, "subtitles": ["find difficult", "[Music]", "you", "[Music]", "[Music]", "go it seems we have a change of plans", "we're going to need to dispose of these", "two right here but sir if we just let", "them live there is no question they'll", "become a threat to us in the near future", "they you weren't ever expected to", "survive the procedure anyway we can", "think of an", "[Music]", "excuse bye"]}
{"chunk_num": 59, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "[Music]", "princess sorry we took so long Mady", "I received an Urgent Message from my", "guild and made my way back here say your", "prayers you horrible monsters forget the", "bratty kids and kill those", "[Music]", "Knights", "[Music]", "here Scarlet Phoenix conquer", "us L Adora", "Avalanche", "[Music]", "amazing this feeling just now this Unity"]}
{"chunk_num": 60, "subtitles": ["is a first for me please see to the", "young", "ladies wait", "[Music]", "jeez he suspected it would be you yeah", "you were given the job first but you've", "left it undone which is why my guild was", "mobilized in the first place just as I", "thought Lord morreu is behind this I", "won't allow you to meddle in the young", "lady's", "[Music]", "Affairs this unfortunately for you is", "our wild card", "[Applause]"]}
{"chunk_num": 61, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "hm that", "thing a manmade land throp haunted Chima", "the development concept was a monster", "that humans are absolutely no match for", "the secret to that lies in maxing out", "all of its", "abilities so then let's pick up where we", "left off last", "[Music]", "time I see you're quick as ever same", "goes for", "you what bothers some", "bandages really Qui you reacted well", "but ultimate un sheathing"]}
{"chunk_num": 62, "subtitles": ["radiant Night", "War", "[Music]", "stor you damned", "monster you left yourself open to attack", "and you won't be using", "[Music]", "Mana", "[Music]", "humans are so pathetically fragile are", "they", "not so you were able to get a blow in I", "thought I had sealed off all your", "Mana", "nevertheless you no longer have any"]}
{"chunk_num": 63, "subtitles": ["future as a warrior is that girl really", "worth all you've done to protect her I", "believe so sooner or later Mady will", "surpass me and defeat every fierce", "fighter eventually coming to stand at", "top all of Flor although previously", "disdained as an incompetent talented", "girl her Gallant figure will become a", "source of Hope for those who lead", "thankless lives and thus here I stand", "before you risking my life I will", "nurture", "Mady you felt it too didn't you in that", "case I can't waste any time talking like", "this it's time to crush the both of"]}
{"chunk_num": 64, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "you in the end he didn't even make a", "move well then I'm feeling better now", "next it's time to go kill", "m", "[Music]", "ridiculous that thing is fully maxed out", "there's no way a human could rival it", "you think this is maxed out sorry to say", "but I I seem to be breaking the", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "limits", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 65, "subtitles": ["what", "the Imp possible don't tell me that", "power", "[Music]", "is a", "[Music]", "vampire what's the strongest type of L", "can Thro doing in a place like", "[Music]", "this I'm also half", "human much like you I'm not fully one", "thing just relax I'm not going to kill", "you here", "what what the you were attempting to", "mutate Molita Angel's class"]}
{"chunk_num": 66, "subtitles": ["correct however just before you tried it", "she exhibited Paladin likee power and", "with that it's confirmed that she's a", "descendant of a night Duke house just", "how would miss Angel's life or death", "affect your own position I do Wonder", "after giving it ample thought you might", "want to consider your future course of", "action now why don't you pass that on to", "your client you got", "that understood", "now you can", "go do you really intend to train Molita", "Angel into becoming the Ultimate Warrior", "if that girl fully develops into that it"]}
{"chunk_num": 67, "subtitles": ["might be you who becomes the hunt", "it if that time comes I will gladly", "stick out my", "neck", "this is a report on the act of Terror", "recently carried out by Guild", "grimus there's quite a lot written that", "is hard to make sense of black mandia", "make contact with Molita Angel who's at", "the center of this as well as kufa", "vampir and find out what it is those two", "are", "hiding", "[Music]", "really my father yes he noticed"]}
{"chunk_num": 68, "subtitles": ["something was off with the way the", "stationing of the guards were changed", "and he assisted in determining the", "location of you", "girls", "please my lady may I have the pleasure", "of having this", "dance yes", "please", "instructor may I ask how long will you", "keep on being my tutor what's this all", "of a sudden", "Mady I feel like it's not natural for", "you to be at the S side of Someone Like", "Me"]}
{"chunk_num": 69, "subtitles": ["but I want to always stay together with", "you forever instructor right now I'm", "still just a helpless little lady but", "one day I'll Stand By Your Side as one", "who is worthy that's", "[Music]", "[Music]", "why mother", "you", "[Music]", "there get away from", "Ellie Lita you're all right now", "Ellie", "come on it's hard to walk when you cling", "on me like that but it's just you're"]}
{"chunk_num": 70, "subtitles": ["such a baby you know that Ellie we're", "going to be second graders coming up", "really soon we'll be big girls among the", "lower grade students so you better shape", "up there's no need", "to you can already use Mana forget that", "I just want to stay as your little", "sister forever that's okay isn't it you", "really mean that", "Ellie", "[Music]", "hey it's hard to walk when you cling", "like that it's because I'm happy now", "starting today we're going to be", "together for a whole week"]}
{"chunk_num": 71, "subtitles": ["well I'm happy about it too", "but those two act like real sisters", "don't you think they do but this what is", "this", "here how many times do I need to tell", "you know you and me we're tutors for a", "head and Branch family we are nothing", "but Rivals to each other I see no", "problem after all the two young ladies", "get along perfectly even if that were", "the situation the issue is how our", "clients would feel about us being close", "at the very least the headmate of your", "residence does not seem to share your", "enlightened view I hear she forced her"]}
{"chunk_num": 72, "subtitles": ["own name onto the visitors", "list she couldn't depend on me alone oh", "really it sounds like it's destined to", "be a fun week well", "anyway", "nonetheless we have but one vital", "mission to protect the enjoyable school", "life of our two respective", "charges who do you think the cadets will", "be this year naturally there's no doubt", "president Christa will be won she's", "already vowed that this is the year", "she'll seize the title of Luna well", "there's no question who the other girl", "will be last year's Queen Shena vog how"]}
{"chunk_num": 73, "subtitles": ["lovely the both of them look today as", "the pride of St fwi the names of those", "two are sure to be up there our school", "will surely secure the title of Luna", "again this year a match against a sister", "school gets everyone fired up doesn't it", "seems the cadets are chosen from the", "most outstanding students in the higher", "grades", "huh join my unit is that too", "much I I get it for one thing there's", "too much of a gap between our statuses", "and as for our actual", "abilities but if if I could somehow", "fight right alongside you it would be"]}
{"chunk_num": 74, "subtitles": ["just", "[Music]", "wonderful good morning", "Molita good morning nerva", "Lita good morning everyone Ellie let's", "go at long last today marks the start of", "this year's anticipated Luna lumere", "selection", "tournament as you know by now Luna", "lumier selection tournament is not only", "our own beloved event but it is also", "conducted with our sister School St dric", "girls Academy with the title of Moon", "Goddess Luna lumier on the line the", "chosen Cadets representing each School"]}
{"chunk_num": 75, "subtitles": ["will confront a harsh trial at the", "completion of the week the Luna lumier", "selection tournament with two students", "selected from each school there's a", "total of four students who compete", "During the week-long period when the", "tournament is held all contact with the", "outside world is cut off the trial that", "the cadets will undertake takes place on", "the final day of the tournament however", "that alone does not determine the", "tournament's outcome for the next seven", "days your conduct within the school and", "the effort you show with regard to the", "trial will all be things you may be"]}
{"chunk_num": 76, "subtitles": ["judged upon going by your performance in", "the trial as well as the votes cast by", "everyone present the cadet who receives", "the most points overall by the end of", "the tournament week will officially", "receive the distinction of Luna", "[Music]", "lumere that surprise you there salacha", "uh what are those things K they're the", "Valkyries who guard this glass Palace no", "one will be allowed entry to the Palace", "without having received permission if", "you desire to enter present proof that", "you have been given permission it's", "fascinating huh"]}
{"chunk_num": 77, "subtitles": ["yeah Kira espara and the St doc girls", "Academy we receive permission allow us", "to", "pass it would seem they are being", "allowed to enter now let us all greet", "our sister School", "guests welcome sure enough one of the", "conects has to be K she's the prince of", "who's that next to her it seems to be a", "first year student now that you mention", "it I've heard of her where it is they've", "got this amazing first year girl she", "cute isn't", "[Music]", "she moving right along allow me to"]}
{"chunk_num": 78, "subtitles": ["present our Academy's Cadets the cadets", "are", "must be right isn't that the incompetent", "girl I don't", "know the cadetes are Mita Angel and", "Elise Angel how is that this can't be", "happening the two of you come up", "here quiet down we now assemble the", "cadets from bothies next allow me to", "unveil details of the trial in this", "commemorable 50th year of the Luna", "Lumiere selection tournament the", "upcoming trial will be held right here", "on the grounds of glasman Palace the", "trial is a round robin Battle Royal"]}
{"chunk_num": 79, "subtitles": ["between groups of three students each", "being led by one of the", "cadets the team that captures the most", "medals with one of each pinned on the", "breast of every student will be declared", "the clear winner without further Ado", "let's have the cadets each select two of", "their schoolmates to help with in the", "tournament Mita angel will start with", "you yes who will join you to fight this", "week", "well", "Mita I will", "really then I'd like to be the other", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 80, "subtitles": ["teammate", "listen here all I did was take my given", "responsibility as your former blooman", "teammate this is great I'm", "excited right the cadets and their units", "taking on this year's trial have", "assembled and now from this very moment", "let the selection tournament begin chain", "[Music]", "Castle", "it's weird that", "thead it was painful seeing the", "disappointment on the", "Bey yeah I bet she secretly switched to", "save glass how"]}
{"chunk_num": 81, "subtitles": ["horrible I I didn't switch anything I", "don't", "know", "Mady even if they Harbor suspicions I", "alone will stand by", "you instructor so please Mady believe in", "me especially when I say that I believe", "in", "you", "okay G hmer impartation", "[Music]", "achieving you need to work the timing of", "that sword", "draw hey now could you at least make my", "weapon a bit lighter so it doesn't"]}
{"chunk_num": 82, "subtitles": ["damage her if Molita actually gets", "injured it will cause problems for all", "of us no can do that would reduce the", "sense of tension when you're able to amp", "it up to 120% then you can use it in the", "match at least let us take a small break", "I'm asking for my own sake as well", "instructor I suppose there's no helping", "it Mady let's take a moment to rest yes", "fine", "the way things stand there's no way I", "can go toe-to-toe in combat with", "Ellie how do you do Melly to", "Angel so the incompetent talented girl", "of fried's wife you're famous you know"]}
{"chunk_num": 83, "subtitles": ["two from the house of angel from head", "and Branch it's really quite ironic", "don't you think that you both were", "selected for the sake of publicly", "showing to everyone you're a genuine", "heir of a Duke house you must come out", "Victorious over Elise", "Angel but that's not something I want if", "you have such power you must not waver", "it is through the display of it that", "people will come to trust you if you", "want to accomplish something you must", "demonstrate that you have that power", "within", "you demonstrate my power"]}
{"chunk_num": 84, "subtitles": ["within I'll be cheering you on dear Mita", "um", "[Music]", "wait Mady huh instructor who was that", "student uh let's see she's from", "do but I failed to get what her actual", "name", "is", "I see you're burning the midnight oil to", "destroy", "evidence what what are you talking", "about", "pardon This Is A Shard from the Stained", "Glass isn't it for someone of your high", "standing you were quite careless that's"]}
{"chunk_num": 85, "subtitles": ["if impossible I checked myself over I", "see so you made the swap last night then", "you let the cat out of the bag and just", "so you know this glass Shard isn't from", "the stained glass you broke I brought it", "here", "myself and that's the score young ladies", "a Mrs a fellow forgive me lady Elise I", "was simply why why you ask needless to", "say for your sake my lady if the two of", "you VI with one another in public people", "will finally see which one is a true", "Angel so you did this in order to make", "the two compete directly against each", "other precisely right I've exhausted my"]}
{"chunk_num": 86, "subtitles": ["patience with this the idea of that", "incompetent talented girl standing", "beside lady Elise is too much to witness", "it makes me sick but even so Ellie and I", "are tied together by a precious and", "irreplaceable", "Bond if you want to accomplish something", "you must demonstrate that you have that", "power within you", "you so please acknowledge me if if I can", "triumph over Ellie in the tournament if", "I prove that I'm not incompetent please", "permit me to form a unit together along", "with", "Ellie"]}
{"chunk_num": 87, "subtitles": ["L nicely done back", "there", "huh", "well I was I was caught up in the moment", "and that's what makes you my pupil", "catching your opponent off their guard", "and hammering them with an unknown", "attack you did a wonderful job tonight", "thank", "you well it would be nice if you could", "be that skillful when transitioning from", "un sheathing to feather slash", "jeez good night my lady good night to", "you", "instructor"]}
{"chunk_num": 88, "subtitles": ["I never imagined that Mrs aell would do", "something so", "reckless it's the first time I've seen", "Mady looking so", "distressed", "huh an emissary of the White", "Knight come and tell me what this is all", "[Music]", "about I thought it' be you black", "[Music]", "Mia", "[Music]", "yes", "Ellie what have you come here to", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 89, "subtitles": ["do I did nothing more than frankly", "report the facts there are no grounds", "for doubting", "me of course not", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "stop all this I'm currently an employee", "of the House of angel I can't do", "anything that would threaten my position", "with", "[Music]", "them as if I let", "[Music]", "you"]}
{"chunk_num": 90, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "[Music]", "I currently serve as mady's attendant", "and I will do my", "[Music]", "duty what do you mean lose on purpose", "just what it sounds like I will lose to", "you in the trial Lita if I do that in", "front of her Mrs aell will have to", "acknowledge you but that wouldn't be my", "real ability at all that's all right", "with me the only thing that matters is", "the way it", "looks Ellie you", "don't what's wrong with"]}
{"chunk_num": 91, "subtitles": ["you cut the", "[Music]", "crap Rosetti I I've already gone and", "notified the director didn't I tell you", "there was no need for you to come over", "here that wasn't going to fly with me", "and who the hell is", "[Music]", "that what what's with this girl never", "mind that any who Disturbed the piece of", "the academy shall be", "[Music]", "ejected she's got two", "weapons", "what the hell just who are"]}
{"chunk_num": 92, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "you play time's", "[Music]", "over instructor Koopa are you somewhere", "over there where's the suspicious person", "could they be over that", "way I assume you you'd like to avoid", "being spotted beat a", "[Music]", "retreat I've never seen that the way she", "fought just what the hell is she", "anyway her class is known as", "clown fencer Gladiator s amurai Maiden", "Gunner wizard", "cleric with the ability to imitate all"]}
{"chunk_num": 93, "subtitles": ["seven", "[Music]", "classes she's the strongest one in all", "of fandor Ellie so you're saying I have", "no chance of beating you you can't", "correct I'm going to lose during the", "trial one week from today if I follow", "through we can both both form a unit", "together Lita am I wrong but still just", "the idea it's not for your sake I'm", "doing this for personal", "reasons", "Ellie there's nothing left to say on it", "good night now", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 94, "subtitles": ["Lita hey", "Lita", "I want to stay as your little sister", "forever so that's", "[Music]", "why the Luna lumere selection tournament", "will go ahead as we planned suspending", "it is unthinkable black Mia is a hired", "killer who's well known even in the Holy", "Monarch District she's an infiltration", "professional who can convincingly act", "the part of all manner of people there's", "no doubt she has disguised herself as a", "student and snuck her way into the", "academy she is a person of special"]}
{"chunk_num": 95, "subtitles": ["ability and with the exception of", "classes like Paladin there's no class", "she can't", "imitate leaving everything like this is", "too", "dangerous the academy has made its", "decision", "[Music]", "H my lady did something happen between", "you", "two I mean until recently the two of you", "were just like sisters together all the", "time", "my lady what are you talking about isn't", "the situation obvious to you why must"]}
{"chunk_num": 96, "subtitles": ["lady Elise be together with that", "incompetent talented girl in the first", "place but as Cadets they're the same how", "are they in any way the same in terms of", "wits it is only lady Elise who is worthy", "of being a Cadet the sad truth is that's", "the way you all feel", "[Music]", "right the two angels a battle for who", "will win the family name huh I'd rather", "they don't tarnish The Honorable", "selection tournament by bringing that", "into it in the trial huh each individual", "should play fair and square and make", "sure to give it their all in my case no"]}
{"chunk_num": 97, "subtitles": ["matter who you are I will not hold back", "salacha", "[Music]", "understood the", "lady if you're fresh frustrated then you", "should just make a hard Counterattack", "nerva I this seat happened to be open", "okay my mind nerva you may like to say", "that but who is it that ends up sitting", "next to Molita day after day I wonder", "well that's well then I feel that our", "unit will cooperate well in battle uh", "you're right I'll try my", "[Music]", "best"]}
{"chunk_num": 98, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "that's proof of the hard work you've put", "in over the last 6", "days here's some hot milk for you thank", "you it'll warm you up it's tasty please", "my lady did something else happen after", "the glass incident I mean on the first", "day of the name selection if something", "I'm not aware of happened to you after", "that particular Incident That's the only", "time it could have occurred putting it", "the other way around it has only been us", "we have been close the whole time except", "for then well well that was will you", "please just talk to me I can no longer"]}
{"chunk_num": 99, "subtitles": ["stand silently while something is", "clearly troubling you right now sorry", "instructor the truth is lose on purpose", "to think lady Elise would propose such a", "thing ellot was the child who would", "really Fawn all over she was a cute", "little sister who was always clinging to", "my back and would never leave my side", "but I maybe I was the only one who felt", "that way about it despite me being a", "fake by trying to act like a big sister", "I only heard Ellie emotionally I ended", "up driving her into a", "corner which is why Ellie did such a", "thing and if so then it's as Mrs oel"]}
{"chunk_num": 100, "subtitles": ["says remembering my place when", "associating with Ellie", "lady in my opinion the thing you need", "isn't to better know your", "place what lady Elise needs to do is", "explain herself in more", "detail by presuming that you fully", "understand her when she hardly says a", "thing is her being emotionally dependent", "on you dependent on me yes which is", "why when you meet with Lady Elise during", "the trial discuss things with her until", "you reach a full understanding don't", "hold back pour out your feelings to", "her but then"]}