[ "Lipid peroxidation is thought to be one of the major factors involved in atherogenesis. There is an increasing evidence is increasing that oxidation of LDL cholesterol may be instrumental in atherogenesis. Diabetics are known to be at increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, a phenomenon which has previously been linked to the lipid peroxidation process. As a result, a number of studies have been undertaken to evaluate the effects of antioxidant vitamins on coronary heart disease and risks factors of ischaemic heart disease such as diabetes mellitus. Lipid peroxidation and antioxidant status were studied in 51 patients with ischaemic heart disease and some of with having diabetes mellitus (18%). Results were compared before and after supplementation of 450 mg of tocopherol acetate for three months. SOD were found to be elevated in patients with diabetes and in whole groups of patients after supplementation of tocopherol acetate. Also, TAS was found to be elevated in a subgroup of patients without diabetes and no significant changes were found in glutathion-peroxidase after supplementation. We found statistically significantly decreased mean values of glucose after supplementation in all groups of patients. The monitoring of antioxidant parameters in diabetic patients could be of vital importance in the study of the disease.", "PURPOSE: Abacavir is associated with an infrequent but potentially serious hypersensitivity reaction (HSR) that can include a wide range of signs and symptoms. Identification of this reaction through medical insurance claims could provide a simple and efficient means of monitoring the incidence of abacavir hypersensitivity in large populations of patients.METHODS: Using data from a safety study of 948 abacavir users with 22 hypersensitivity events identified from claims and validated through medical record review, we used a recursive partitioning analysis to construct an algorithm to differentiate between patients with and without validated adverse events. Bootstrap resampling techniques provided validation for the analysis.RESULTS: The analysis produced a classification tree with three decision nodes that comprised the best indicators of HSRs. The predictors included any one of several specific symptoms commonly found with this reaction, a claims diagnosis of adverse effect of drug, anaphylactic shock or unspecified allergy, and a discontinuation in abacavir prior to completing a 90-day course of therapy. The algorithm demonstrated 95% sensitivity and 90% specificity when tested using a bootstrap resampling approach with the current data.CONCLUSIONS: A sensitive and specific algorithm for identifying abacavir hypersensitivity from claims was created. This algorithm would permit efficient identification of charts for medical review. Further testing of the algorithm with additional medical claims data for abacavir users will be required to ascertain its validity across databases.", "Development of clinical decision support systems (CDSs) has tended to focus on facilitating medication management. An understanding of behavioral medicine perspectives on the usefulness of a CDS for patient care can expand CDSs to improve management of chronic disease. The purpose of this study is to explore feedback from behavioral medicine providers regarding the potential for CDSs to improve decision-making, care coordination, and guideline adherence in pain management. Qualitative methods were used to analyze semi-structured interview responses from behavioral medicine stakeholders following demonstration of an existing CDS for opioid prescribing, ATHENA-OT. Participants suggested that a CDS could assist with decision-making by educating providers, providing recommendations about behavioral therapy, facilitating risk assessment, and improving referral decisions. They suggested that a CDS could improve care coordination by facilitating division of workload, improving patient education, and increasing consideration and knowledge of options in other disciplines. Clinical decision support systems are promising tools for improving behavioral medicine care for chronic pain.", "Deamidation of asparagine and glutamine residues is a common post-translational modification. Researchers often rely on mass spectrometric based proteomic techniques for the identification of these post-translational sites. Mass spectral analysis of deamidated peptides is complicated and often misassigned due to overlapping (13)C peak of the amidated form with the deamidated monoisotopic peak; these two peaks are only separated by 19.34 mDa. For proper assignment, it is inherently important to use a mass spectrometer with high mass measurement accuracy and high resolving power. Herein, mouse brain tissue lysate was prepared using filter-aided sample preparation (FASP) method and Stage Tip fractionation followed by analysis on a nanoLC coupled with a quadrupole orbitrap (Q-Exactive) mass spectrometer to accurately identify more than 5400 proteins. Mass spectral data was processed using MASCOT and ProteoIQ for accurate identification of peptides and proteins. MASCOT search values for precursor and MS/MS mass tolerances were investigated, and it was determined that data searched with greater than 5 ppm precursor mass tolerance resulted in the misassignment of deamidated peptides. Peptides that were identified with a mass measurement accuracy of ±5 ppm were correctly assigned.", "BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Hypoxia is a hallmark of solid cancers and associated with metastases and treatment failure. During tumor progression epithelial cells often acquire mesenchymal features, a phenomenon known as epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Intratumoral hypoxia has been linked to EMT induction. We hypothesized that signals from the tumor microenvironment such as growth factors and tumor oxygenation collaborate to promote EMT and thereby contribute to radioresistance.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Gene expression changes under hypoxia were analyzed using microarray and validated by qRT-PCR. Conversion of epithelial phenotype upon hypoxic exposure, TGFβ addition or oncogene activation was investigated by Western blot and immunofluorescence. Cell survival following ionizing radiation was assayed using clonogenic survival.RESULTS: Upon hypoxia, TGFβ addition or EGFRvIII expression, MCF7, A549 and NMuMG epithelial cells acquired a spindle shape and lost cell-cell contacts. Expression of epithelial markers such as E-cadherin decreased, whereas mesenchymal markers such as vimentin and N-cadherin increased. Combining hypoxia with TGFβ or EGFRvIII expression, lead to more rapid and pronounced EMT-like phenotype. Interestingly, E-cadherin expression and the mesenchymal appearance were reversible upon reoxygenation. Mesenchymal conversion and E-cadherin loss were associated with radioresistance.CONCLUSIONS: Our findings describe a mechanism by which the tumor microenvironment may contribute to tumor radioresistance via E-cadherin loss and EMT.", "Despite early positive response to platinum-based chemotherapy, the majority of ovarian carcinomas develop resistance and progress to fatal disease. Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) is a ubiquitous phosphatase involved in the regulation of DNA-damage response (DDR) and cell-cycle checkpoint pathways. Recent studies have shown that LB100, a small-molecule inhibitor of PP2A, sensitizes cancer cells to radiation-mediated DNA damage. We hypothesized that LB100 could sensitize ovarian cancer cells to cisplatin treatment. We performed in vitro studies in SKOV-3, OVCAR-8, and PEO1, -4, and -6 ovarian cancer lines to assess cytotoxicity potentiation, cell-death mechanism(s), cell-cycle regulation, and DDR signaling. In vivo studies were conducted in an intraperitoneal metastatic mouse model using SKOV-3/f-Luc cells. LB100 sensitized ovarian carcinoma lines to cisplatin-mediated cell death. Sensitization via LB100 was mediated by abrogation of cell-cycle arrest induced by cisplatin. Loss of the cisplatin-induced checkpoint correlated with decreased Wee1 expression, increased cdc2 activation, and increased mitotic entry (p-histone H3). LB100 also induced constitutive hyperphosphorylation of DDR proteins (BRCA1, Chk2, and γH2AX), altered the chronology and persistence of JNK activation, and modulated the expression of 14-3-3 binding sites. In vivo, cisplatin sensitization via LB100 significantly enhanced tumor growth inhibition and prevented disease progression after treatment cessation. Our results suggest that LB100 sensitizes ovarian cancer cells to cisplatin in vitro and in vivo by modulation of the DDR pathway and cell-cycle checkpoint abrogation.", "Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a common primary cardiac disorder defined by a hypertrophied left ventricle, is one of the main causes of sudden death in young athletes, and has been associated with mutations in most sarcomeric proteins (tropomyosin, troponin T and I, and actin, etc.). Many of these mutations appear to affect the functional properties of cardiac troponin C (cTnC), i.e., by increasing the Ca(2+)-sensitivity of contraction, a hallmark of HCM, yet surprisingly, prior to this report, cTnC had not been classified as a HCM-susceptibility gene. In this study, we show that mutations occurring in the human cTnC (HcTnC) gene (TNNC1) have the same prevalence (~0.4%) as well established HCM-susceptibility genes that encode other sarcomeric proteins. Comprehensive open reading frame/splice site mutation analysis of TNNC1 performed on 1025 unrelated HCM patients enrolled over the last 10 years revealed novel missense mutations in TNNC1: A8V, C84Y, E134D, and D145E. Functional studies with these recombinant HcTnC HCM mutations showed increased Ca(2+) sensitivity of force development (A8V, C84Y and D145E) and force recovery (A8V and D145E). These results are consistent with the HCM functional phenotypes seen with other sarcomeric-HCM mutations (E134D showed no changes in these parameters). This is the largest cohort analysis of TNNC1 in HCM that details the discovery of at least three novel HCM-associated mutations and more strongly links TNNC1 to HCM along with functional evidence that supports a central role for its involvement in the disease. This study may help to further define TNNC1 as an HCM-susceptibility gene, a classification that has already been established for the other members of the troponin complex." ]
[ "Recent studies have identified genes involved in high-altitude adaptation in Tibetans. Genetic variants/haplotypes within regions containing three of these genes (EPAS1, EGLN1, and PPARA) are associated with relatively decreased hemoglobin levels observed in Tibetans at high altitude, providing corroborative evidence for genetic adaptation to this extreme environment. The mechanisms that afford adaptation to high-altitude hypoxia, however, remain unclear. Considering the strong metabolic demands imposed by hypoxia, we hypothesized that a shift in fuel preference to glucose oxidation and glycolysis at the expense of fatty acid oxidation would improve adaptation to decreased oxygen availability. Correlations between serum free fatty acid and lactate concentrations in Tibetan groups living at high altitude and putatively selected haplotypes provide insight into this hypothesis. An EPAS1 haplotype that exhibits a signal of positive selection is significantly associated with increased lactate concentration, the product of anaerobic glycolysis. Furthermore, the putatively advantageous PPARA haplotype is correlated with serum free fatty acid concentrations, suggesting a possible decrease in the activity of fatty acid oxidation. Although further studies are required to assess the molecular mechanisms underlying these patterns, these associations suggest that genetic adaptation to high altitude involves alteration in energy utilization pathways.", "Insomnia is a highly prevalent disorder that can occur in conjunction with other medical or psychiatric conditions or can occur in the absence of a coexisting disorder. Regardless, treatment of insomnia is beneficial to the patient and may benefit comorbidities if they exist. Nonpharmacologic modalities such as sleep hygiene and stimulus controls are important mainstays of insomnia therapy, but may not be sufficient to treat the disorder. Dual orexin receptor antagonists (DORAs) are a new class of insomnia medication that target wakefulness-promoting neuropeptides to regulate the sleep-wake cycle. Suvorexant is the first DORA to be approved and has demonstrated efficacy at decreasing both time to sleep onset and increasing total sleep time compared with placebo. Suvorexant has a novel mechanism of action and may represent an alternative for patients who cannot tolerate or do not receive benefit from traditional sleep agents. Suvorexant is generally effective and well tolerated, but has not been compared head to head with traditional sleep agents and being only newly available, lacks a longer-term 'real-world' experience base.", "Transcribed-ultraconserved regions (T-UCRs) are long non-coding RNAs (lncRNA) encoded by a subset of long ultraconserved stretches in the human genome. Recent studies revealed that the expression of several T-UCRs is altered in cancer and growing evidences underline the importance of T-UCRs in oncogenesis, offering also potential new strategies for diagnosis and prognosis. We found that overexpression of one specific T-UCRs named uc.63 is associated with bad outcome in luminal A subtype of breast cancer patients. uc.63 is localized in the third intron of exportin-1 gene (XPO1) and is transcribed in the same orientation of its host gene. Interestingly, silencing of uc.63 induces apoptosis in vitro. However, silencing of host gene XPO1 does not cause the same effect suggesting that the transcription of uc.63 is independent of XPO1. Our results reveal an important role of uc.63 in promoting breast cancer cells survival and offer the prospect to identify a signature associated with poor prognosis.", "Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are transcripts longer than 200 bp with no protein-coding capacity. Transcribed ultraconserved regions (T-UCRs) are a type of lncRNA and are conserved among human, chick, dog, mouse and rat genomes. These sequences are involved in cancer biology and tumourigenesis. Nevertheless, the clinical significance and biological mechanism of T-UCRs in breast cancer remain largely unknown. The expression of uc.38, a T-UCR, was down-regulated in both breast cancer tissues and breast cancer cell lines. However, uc.38 was expressed at significantly lower levels in larger tumours and tumours of more advanced stages. Based on the results of in vitro and in vivo experiments, up-regulation of uc.38 expression inhibited cell proliferation and induced cell apoptosis. Thus, uc.38 suppressed breast cancer. Additional experiments revealed that uc.38 negatively regulated the expression of the pre-B-cell leukaemia homeobox 1 (PBX1) protein and subsequently affected the expression of Bcl-2 family members, ultimately inducing breast cancer cell apoptosis. Describing the uc.38/PBX1 axis has improved our understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in breast cancer apoptosis and has suggested that this axis is a potential therapeutic target for breast cancer.", "Human metapneumovirus (HMPV), a single-stranded negative-sense RNA virus belonging to the family Paramyxoviridae, is associated with respiratory tract illness, primarily in young children and persons with underlying disease. Based on genetic and antigenic variation, HMPV strains are classified into two serotypes, with isolates NL/1/00 and NL/1/99 as prototypes for serotypes A and B, respectively. The development of plasmid-based reverse genetics systems for both serotypes has resulted in developments of a wide range of vaccine candidates against HMPV infection. The approach to virus rescue of HMPV is similar to that used for other paramyxoviruses, starting with mini-replicon assays for optimizations of the rescue protocols and subsequent replacement of the mini genome with a plasmid expressing the cDNA of the full-length viral RNA genome. Here, we provide detailed information on the reverse genetics systems for HMPV.", "The nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors UC-781 and TMC120-R147681 (Dapivirine) effectively prevented human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in cocultures of monocyte-derived dendritic cells and T cells, representing primary targets in sexual transmission. Both drugs had a favorable therapeutic index. A 24-h treatment with 1,000 nM UC-781 or 100 nM TMC120-R147681 prevented cell-free HIV infection, whereas 10-fold-higher concentrations blocked cell-associated HIV.", "During infection, bacterial pathogens interfere with many different post-translational modifications of the host cell to promote their own survival and replication. By stimulating or counteracting host post-translational modifications, these pathogens may control locally and specifically the fate and function of host factors critical for the infection process. Besides phosphorylation or ubiquitylation, for which many examples of modulation by pathogens exist, a post-translational modification called SUMOylation was recently shown to be targeted by pathogenic bacteria.", "α-Klotho, a multifunctional protein, has been demonstrated to protect tissues from injury via anti-oxidation and anti-inflammatory effects. The expression of α-klotho is regulated by several physiological and pathological factors, including acute inflammatory stress, oxidative stress, hypertension, and chronic renal failure. Exhaustive exercise has been reported to result in tissue damage, which is induced by inflammation, oxidative stress, and energy metabolism disturbance. However, little is known about the effects of exhaustive exercise on the expression of α-klotho in various tissues. To determine the effects, the treadmill exhaustion test in mice was performed and the mice were sacrificed at different time points following exhaustive exercise. Our results confirmed that the full-length (130 kDa) and shorter-form (65 kDa) α-klotho were primarily expressed in the kidneys. Moreover, we found that, except for the kidneys and brain, other tissues primarily expressed the shorter-form α-klotho, including liver, which was in contrast to previous reports. Furthermore, the shorter-form α-klotho was decreased immediately following the acute exhaustive exercise and was then restored to the pre-exercise level or even higher levels in the next few days. Our results indicate that α-klotho may play a key role in the body exhaustion and recovery following exhaustive exercise." ]
[ "Progressive accumulation of amyloid-β peptide (Aβ) in the brain is implicated as the central event in the development of Alzheimer's disease (AD). It is thought that extracellular Aβ triggers toxic signals leading to neurodegeneration. The events downstream of Aβ however are not entirely clear. Clusterin (Apo J) is one of the major risk factors for sporadic form of AD. Clusterin binds to Aβ and prevents Aβ aggregation. In addition, clusterin promotes Aβ degradation and accelerates Aβ clearance from the brain. Clusterin thus protects neurons from Aβ and loss of clusterin level in the brain is implicated as promoting AD pathology. In this study, we found that the level of clusterin protein but not mRNA is reduced in the brains of 3xTg-AD mice. When rat hippocampal primary neurons were treated with Aβ1-42, level of clusterin protein but not mRNA was downregulated. Aβ1-42-induced downregulation of clusterin was blocked by lysosome inhibitors bafilomycin A1 and ammonium chloride. In neurons, Aβ1-42 induced expression of sortilin, a lysosomal sorting protein that targets proteins to lysosome for degradation. In BE(2) M17 human neuroblastoma cells, clusterin bound to sortilin and when sortilin expression was silenced, Aβ1-42-induced clusterin downregulation was almost completely blocked. Our data demonstrate that in neurons, Aβ1-42 promotes lysosomal degradation of clusterin by inducing expression of sortilin and provide a novel mechanism by which Aβ promotes AD pathogenesis.", "Author information:(1)Department of Hematology, The First Affiliated Hospital, College of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310003, People's Republic of China.(2)Department of Hematology, Hangzhou First People's Hospital, Hangzhou, 310006, Zhejiang Province, People's Republic of China.(3)Myelodysplastic Syndromes Diagnosis and Therapy Center, The First Affiliated Hospital, College of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310003, People's Republic of China.(4)Department of Hematology, Yin Zhou People's Hospital, Ningbo, 315040, Zhejiang Province, People's Republic of China.(5)Surgical Neurology Branch, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, 20892, USA.(6)Surgical Neurology Branch, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, 20892, USA. of Hematology, The First Affiliated Hospital, College of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310003, People's Republic of China. Syndromes Diagnosis and Therapy Center, The First Affiliated Hospital, College of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310003, People's Republic of China.", "Clinical treatment of heart failure is still not fully solved. A novel class of agents, the myosin motor activators, acts directly on cardiac myosin resulting in an increased force generation and prolongation of contraction. Omecamtiv mecarbil, the lead molecule of this group, is now in human phase 3 displaying promising clinical performance. However, omecamtiv mecarbil is not selective to myosin, because it readily binds to and activates cardiac ryanodine receptors (RyR-2), an effect that may cause complications in case of overdose. In this study, in silico analysis was performed to investigate the docking of omecamtiv mecarbil and other structural analogues to cardiac myosin heavy chain and RyR-2 to select the structure that has a higher selectivity to myosin over RyR-2. In silico docking studies revealed that omecamtiv mecarbil has comparable affinity to myosin and RyR-2: the respective Kd values are 0.60 and 0.87 μmol/L. Another compound, CK-1032100, has much lower affinity to RyR-2 than omecamtiv mecarbil, while it still has a moderate affinity to myosin. It was concluded that further research starting from the chemical structure of CK-1032100 may result a better myosin activator burdened probably less by the RyR-2 binding side effect. It also is possible, however, that the selectivity of omecamtiv mecarbil to myosin over RyR-2 cannot be substantially improved, because similar moieties seem to be responsible for the high affinity to both myosin and RyR-2.", "The Morel-Lavallée lesion (MLL) is a closed degloving injury caused by traumatic separation of the subcutaneous tissue from the underlying fascia, without a break in the overlying skin. We present two cases that demonstrate a previously unrecognised association of the MLL with thoracolumbar spine fractures. The lesion is frequently missed, or its significance is overlooked, on initial evaluation. Awareness of this injury should allow tailored strategies to decrease the high risk of wound complications.", "Seven members of an Ashkenazi Jewish family with Gaucher disease in 3 successive generations were tested for the presence of the 2 common mutations known to occur in the glucocerebrosidase gene. Genomic DNA from blood or skin fibroblasts of relatives was amplified by using the PCR technique and individual mutations identified by oligonucleotides specific to the mutated sequences. Four individuals were homozygous for a mutation at amino acid 370 (370 mutation) known to occur only in type 1 disease. The other 3 affected relatives were compound heterozygotes for this mutation and for a mutation at amino acid 444 (NciI mutation) which, in the homozygous state, is associated with neurological disease. Clinical severity was more marked in the compound heterozygotes than in the homozygotes. Since the mutation is present in Ashkenazim, molecular diagnosis in families which carry the NciI mutation should prove useful in assessing their risk of the neurologic forms of Gaucher disease.", "INTRODUCTION: Irinotecan has an important place in the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer. It was initially administered as monotherapy, but is now generally used in combination with 5-fluorouracil or targeted therapies (cetuximab or bevacizumab), with various doses.METHODS: We here review the main studies assessing irinotecan doses escalation, and discuss the potent advantages of this escalation.RESULTS: Several studies have demonstrated a dose-intensity relationship for irinotecan, and high doses (up to 600 mg/m2 as monotherapy, 260 mg/m2 in combination therapy) have been used with satisfactory safety and higher objective response rates. It is possible that, in practice, some patients receive insufficient doses of irinotecan. Dose escalation could be considered in carefully selected patients: young patients with a good performance status and normal liver function. This approach could be useful in patients with liver metastases, which may become resectable in the case of a major tumour response. It is wise to perform UGT1A1 genotyping prior to dose escalation to detect patients at high risk of toxicity (genotype 7/7). The role of another laboratory parameter, which needs to be evaluated is the KRAS status of the tumour. A KRAS mutation confers resistance to cetuximab, which reduces treatment options, especially in first-line. However, in the CRYSTAL trial comparing FOLFIRI to FOLFIRI-cetuximab as first-line therapy, the presence of a KRAS mutation did not appear to influence the efficacy of FOLFIRI. The value of irinotecan dose escalation needs to be determined in this setting.CONCLUSION: Irinotecan dose escalation is potentially of interest in highly selected patients, but this concept is only based on phase I or II trials and must be validated by a randomized trial. Its value regarding other regimens such as FOLFIRINOX or combinations with targeted therapies also needs to be determined.", "The National Institutes of Health (US NIH, 2018) estimates that in the US approximately 50 million men and 30 million women suffer from AGA (also known as pattern hair loss). Minoxidil is the only topical drug for the treatment of both female and male pattern hair loss. In the US, minoxidil is approved over-the-counter (OTC) at a maximum concentration of 5%. In this review, we summarize the findings of the pivotal studies used in support of the drug's approval as well as recent discoveries and novel developments in the use of minoxidil for the treatment of AGA." ]
[ "AIMS: Patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) are at increased risk of stroke. Betrixaban is a novel oral factor Xa inhibitor administered once daily, mostly excreted unchanged in the bile and with low (17%) renal excretion.METHODS AND RESULTS: Patients with AF and more than one risk factor for stroke were randomized to one of three blinded doses of betrixaban (40, 60, or 80 mg once daily) or unblinded warfarin, adjusted to an international normalized ratio of 2.0-3.0. The primary outcome was major or clinically relevant non-major bleeding. The mean follow-up was 147 days. Among 508 patients randomized, the mean CHADS2 score was 2.2; 87% of patients had previously received vitamin K antagonist therapy. The time in therapeutic range on warfarin was 63.4%. There were one, five, five, and seven patients with a primary outcome on betrixaban 40, 60, 80 mg daily, or warfarin, respectively. The rate of the primary outcome was lowest on betrixaban 40 mg (hazard ratio compared with warfarin = 0.14, exact stratified log-rank P-value 0.04, unadjusted for multiple testing). Rates of the primary outcome with betrixaban 60 or 80 mg were more similar to those of wafarin. Two ischaemic strokes occurred, one each on betrixaban 60 and 80 mg daily. There were two vascular deaths, one each on betrixaban 40 mg and warfarin. Betrixaban was associated with higher rates of diarrhoea than warfarin.CONCLUSION: Betrixaban was well tolerated and had similar or lower rates of bleeding compared with well-controlled warfarin in patients with AF at risk for stroke.", "BACKGROUND: A recent multicenter prospective Canadian study presented prospective evidence supporting the Low Risk Ankle Rules (LRAR) as a means of reducing the number of ankle radiographs ordered for children presenting with an ankle injury while maintaining nearly 100% sensitivity. This is in contrast to a previous prospective study which showed that this rule yielded only 87% sensitivity.OBJECTIVE: It is important to further investigate the LRAR and compare them with the already validated Ottawa Ankle Rules (OAR) to potentially curb healthcare costs and decrease unnecessary radiation exposure without compromising diagnostic accuracy.METHODS: We conducted a retrospective chart review of 980 qualifying patients ages 12months to 18years presenting with ankle injury to a commonly staffed 310 bed children's hospital and auxiliary site pediatric emergency department.RESULTS: There were 28 high-risk fractures identified. The Ottawa Ankle Rules had a sensitivity of 100% (95% CI 87.7-100), specificity of 33.1% (95% CI 30.1-36.2), and would have reduced the number of ankle radiographs ordered by 32.1%. The Low Risk Ankle Rules had a sensitivity of 85.7% (95% CI 85.7-96), specificity of 64.9% (95% CI 61.8-68), and would have reduced the number of ankle radiographs ordered by 63.1%. The latter rule missed 4 high-risk fractures.CONCLUSION: The Low Risk Ankle Rules may not be sensitive enough for use in Pediatric Emergency Departments, while the Ottawa Ankle Rules again demonstrated 100% sensitivity. Further research on ways to implement the Ottawa Ankle Rules and maximize its ability to decrease wait times, healthcare costs, and improve patient satisfaction are needed.", "BACKGROUND: Transcribed ultraconserved regions (T-UCRs) are a subset of long noncoding RNAs. It has been reported that T-UCRs are dysregulated in cancers and play an important role in the development and progression of malignancies. uc.160 was found to be a suppressive factor of cancer development, but its role has not been fully elucidated.METHODS: The uc.160 expression was examined in gastric cancer tissues and established cell lines by quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). The biological function of gastric cancer cells with uc.160 over-expression were investigated, and the interaction between uc.160 and microRNA miR-155 was examined by dual-luciferase reporter assay. PTEN levels were detected by Western blotting. Anti-tumor effects of uc.160 were further explored in tumor transplantation models.RESULTS: uc.160 expression was significantly down-regulated in gastric cancer tissues and gastric cell lines as compared to adjacent normal tissues and immortalized gastric epithelial cell line (GES-1), respectively. Over-expression of uc.160 in SGC-7901 and AGS gastric cancer cells significantly suppressed their proliferation in vitro and in vivo. Moreover, uc.160 positively regulated the tumor suppressor protein PTEN. Interestingly, uc.160 was inhibited by microRNA miR-155 that is also a negative regulator of gastric cancer.CONCLUSION: uc.160 is significantly down-regulated in gastric carcinomas and can inhibit the tumor growth both in vitro and in vivo, suggesting that uc.160 may be used as a diagnostic marker and therapeutic target of gastric malignancies.", "The superfamily of protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) includes at least one enzyme with an RNA substrate. We recently showed that the RNA triphosphatase domain of the Caenorhabditis elegans mRNA capping enzyme is related to the PTP enzyme family by sequence similarity and mechanism. The PTP most similar in sequence to the capping enzyme triphosphatase is BVP, a dual-specificity PTP encoded by the Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus. Although BVP previously has been shown to have modest tyrosine and serine/threonine phosphatase activity, we find that it is much more potent as an RNA 5'-phosphatase. BVP sequentially removes gamma and beta phosphates from the 5' end of triphosphate-terminated RNA, leaving a 5'-monophosphate end. The activity was specific for polynucleotides; nucleotide triphosphates were not hydrolyzed. A mutant protein in which the active site cysteine was replaced with serine was inactive. Three other dual-specificity PTPs (VH1, VHR, and Cdc14) did not exhibit detectable RNA phosphatase activity. Therefore, capping enzyme and BVP are members of a distinct PTP-like subfamily that can remove phosphates from RNA.", "Emerging research shows that the packaging of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) into protein-DNA assemblies called nucleoids confers higher-order organization to the mitochondrial genome. Studies of nucleoid composition, structure and dynamics reveal the mitochondrial nucleoid to be tightly regulated in its genetic autonomy, macromolecular organization and distribution throughout the cell. Our recent research shows that mitochondrial nucleoids are self-contained genetic entities that do not exchange mtDNAs with each other frequently. This suggests that the genetic composition of a cell's nucleoids will be the key determinant of the cell's mtDNA dynamics, and provides a mechanistic basis for therapeutic methods to rescue dysfunction due to mutations in mtDNA.", "Lemierre's syndrome, a systemic anaerobic infection caused by Fusobacterium necrophorum, is characterized by an acute oropharyngeal infection, septic thrombophlebitis of the internal jugular vein, sepsis, and multiple metastatic infections. It commonly leads to septic arthritis and occasionally to osteomyelitis. In the preantibiotic era, this infection was nearly universally fatal. Today it still poses a potentially grave threat to the young patients affected. Prompt recognition with appropriate debridement and antibiotic treatment results in complete recovery in most cases. We report a case of anaerobic septic arthritis and multifocal acute hematogenous osteomyelitis as part of a classic presentation of Lemierre's syndrome.", "The transcribed-ultraconserved regions (T-UCRs) are a novel class of non-coding RNAs, which are absolutely conserved (100%) between the orthologous regions of the human, rat and mouse genomes. Previous studies have described that several T-UCRs show differential expressions in cancers and might be involved in cancer development. We investigated the transcriptional levels of representative 26 T-UCRs and determined the regions that were differently expressed in prostate cancer (PCa) and gastric cancer (GC). A quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction analysis revealed the downregulation of Uc.158+A expression by a DNA methylation-associated mechanism, which was restored by 5-Aza-dC (5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine) treatment. Bisulfite genomic sequencing using cell lines and tissue samples demonstrated cancer-specific CpG hypermethylation in both GC and PCa. However, Uc.416+A was only overexpressed in GC and we identified an miR-153 binding site in the possible regulatory region of Uc.416+A using online databases. Along with a forced expression or knockdown of miR-153 in MKN-74 GC cells, the transcriptional levels of Uc.416+A were significantly disturbed. A luciferase reporter gene assay supported the direct regulation of Uc.416+A expression by miR-153. Furthermore, Uc.416+A was associated with cell growth through the regulation of IGFBP6 (insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 6) in GC. These findings suggest an oncogenic role of Uc.416+A in GC, which suggests that our approach would provide new insights into functional studies of T-UCRs in cancer biology.", "Author information:(1)Institute for Human Genetics, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA The Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regeneration Medicine and Stem Cell Research, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA.(2)The Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regeneration Medicine and Stem Cell Research, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Pathology and Center for Reproductive Sciences, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA Diabetes Center, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA.(3)The Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regeneration Medicine and Stem Cell Research, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Pathology and Center for Reproductive Sciences, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA Diabetes Center, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA for Human Genetics, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA The Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regeneration Medicine and Stem Cell Research, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA", "BACKGROUND: Pre-clinical findings suggest that combination treatment with bevacizumab and temsirolimus could be effective against malignant pediatric central nervous system (CNS) tumors.PATIENTS AND METHODS: Six pediatric patients were treated as part of a phase I trial with intravenous temsirolimus 25 mg on days 1, 8, 15, and bevacizumab at 5, 10, or 15 mg/kg on day 1 of each 21-day cycle until disease progression or patient withdrawal.RESULTS: The median patient age was six years (range=3-14 years). The primary diagnoses were glioblastoma multiforme (n=2), medullobalstoma (n=2), pontine glioma (n=1) and ependymoma (n=1). All patients had disease refractory to standard-of-care (2-3 prior systemic therapies). Grade 3 toxicities possibly related to drugs used occurred in two patients: anorexia, nausea, and weight loss in one, and thrombocytopenia and alanine aminotransferase elevation in another. One patient with glioblastoma multiforme achieved a partial response (51% regression) and two patients (with medulloblastoma and pontine glioma) had stable disease for four months or more (20 and 47 weeks, respectively). One other patient (with glioblastoma multiforme) showed 18% tumor regression (duration=12 weeks).CONCLUSION: The combination of bevacizumab with temsirolimus was well-tolerated and resulted in stable disease of at least four months/partial response in three out of six pediatric patients with chemorefractory CNS tumors.", "Women presenting with low pressure post-partum headache following neuraxial techniques are frequently offered an epidural blood patch, despite its inherent risks. We present two parturients with classical symptoms of low-pressure headache, who each received neuraxial labour analgesia without a documented dural puncture with a Tuohy needle. Both parturients were successfully managed using acupuncture rather than an epidural blood patch.", "BACKGROUND: Transcribed ultraconserved regions (T-UCRs) are a novel class of noncoding RNAs that are highly conserved among the orthologous regions in most vertebrates. It has been reported that T-UCRs have distinct signatures in human cancers. We previously discovered the downregulation of T-UCR expression in gastric cancer (GC), indicating that T-UCRs could play an important role in GC biology. Uc.160+, a T-UCR reported to be downregulated in human cancer, has not been examined in GC.METHODS: We analyzed the expression pattern of Uc.160+ in nonneoplastic and tumor tissues of the stomach by using uantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) and in situ hybridization (ISH), specifically focusing on the mechanism of transcriptional regulation and target genes that are regulated by T-UCRs. We also attempted to determine the effect of Uc.160+ expression on biological features of GC cell lines by Western blotting.RESULTS: On the basis of the qRT-PCR and ISH results, Uc.160+ expression in adenoma and GC tissues was clearly downregulated compared with that in nonneoplastic mucosa tissues of the stomach. Cancer-specific DNA methylation in the promoter region of Uc.160 was observed by bisulfite genomic DNA sequencing analysis. The effect of DNA methylation on Uc.160+ expression was further confirmed by reporter gene assay. We also revealed that Uc.160+ inhibited the phosphorylation of Akt by regulating phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) expression.CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that Uc.160+ could possibly have a tumor suppressive role in GC.", "BACKGROUND: To our knowledge, inclisiran was the first agent composed of small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) to be preliminarily used to reduce proatherogenic lipoprotein cholesterol levels. Inclisiran was evaluated in large clinical trials but did not receive government approval. The ability of inclisiran to reduce low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) greatly improved its chances of becoming a novel therapeutic option for patients with hyperlipidemia.OBJECTIVE: Our goal was to summarize the preliminary effectiveness and safety data for inclisiran.METHODS: We conducted a comprehensive search of PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, the OVID EMB Reviews database, and Clinical Trials with the keyword \"inclisiran\" to find all related randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Five recently published RCTs involving 583 adults aged 18-65 years with hyperlipidemia were included in the analysis.RESULTS: Subgroup analysis suggested that inclisiran 100 mg (standard mean difference [SMD] - 2.09; 95% confidence interval [CI] - 2.51 to - 1.66; p < 0.05), 300 mg (SMD - 2.74; 95% CI - 3.61 to - 1.87; p < 0.05), and 500 mg (SMD - 2.21; 95% CI - 2.62 to - 1.80; p < 0.05) significantly (p < 0.05) reduced LDL-C and total cholesterol even though pooled analysis showed no LDL-C-lowering effect (SMD 0.15; 95% CI - 0.34 to 0.04; p = 0.116). Compared with patients receiving placebo, pooled and subgroup analysis of patients receiving inclisiran showed no favorable changes in triglycerides or high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (p > 0.05). The most commonly reported adverse events were musculoskeletal pain, nasopharyngitis, headache, and elevated C-reactive protein (CRP), none of which were significant (p > 0.05).CONCLUSIONS: To date, inclisiran has been effective in treating hyperlipidemia. Major adverse events were not identified, although other possible adverse events may be discovered with more RCTs and extensive long-term follow-up." ]
[ "The direct factor Xa inhibitor apixaban (Eliquis(®)) has predictable pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics and does not require routine anticoagulation monitoring. This article reviews the efficacy and tolerability of oral apixaban to reduce the risk of stroke or systemic embolism in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (AF). In the ARISTOTLE (Apixaban for Reduction in Stroke and Other Thromboembolic Events in Atrial Fibrillation) trial in patients with AF and at least one additional risk factor for stroke, apixaban recipients were significantly less likely than warfarin recipients to experience stroke or systemic embolism, major bleeding or death; the beneficial effects of treatment with apixaban versus warfarin were generally maintained across various patient subgroups. Apixaban recipients also had a significantly lower risk of intracranial haemorrhage than warfarin recipients. In the AVERROES (Apixaban Versus Acetylsalicylic Acid to Prevent Stroke in Atrial Fibrillation Patients who have Failed or are Unsuitable for Vitamin K Antagonist Therapy) trial in patients with AF and at least one additional risk factor for stroke for whom vitamin K antagonist therapy was unsuitable, apixaban was associated with a significantly lower risk of stroke or systemic embolism than aspirin, without an increase in the risk of major bleeding. In conclusion, although longer-term efficacy and safety data are needed, apixaban is an important new option for use in patients with nonvalvular AF to reduce the risk of stroke or systemic embolism.", "Hunter disease or mucopolysaccharidosis type II is an X-linked disease caused by the deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme iduronate-2-sulfatase (IDS). The IDS gene (24 kb) contains nine exons and has been completely sequenced. A pseudogene (IDS-2 locus) distal to the functional IDS gene has recently been identified. This work reports the characterization of IDS gene alterations in two severely affected patients. Patient 1 has a partial deletion that removes exons I to VI and extends about 200 kb upstream of the IDS gene. Patient 2 has an internal deletion of exons IV, V, VI, and VII, which results from an IDS gene-pseudogene exchange between highly homologous regions. In the rearranged gene, the junction intron contains pseudogene intron 3- and intron 7-related sequences. An interchromosomal recombination is probably the cause of this rearranged X chromosome.", "Shone's syndrome is a rare congenital heart disease that includes 4 cardiovascular anomalies: supravalvular mitral ring, parachute mitral valve, subaortic stenosis, and coarctation of the aorta. Early diagnosis and treatment result in better outcomes. Echocardiography plays an important role in the diagnosis and is the optimal examination for detecting this disease. Pressure gradients are often unreliable and inaccurate; thus, careful anatomical observation of the left ventricular inflow and outflow tracts, particularly the mitral valve, is vital for accurate diagnosis and planning appropriate management. Herein, we describe 9 cases of Shone's syndrome, diagnosed with echocardiography and treated surgically.", "The Chromosome 16 Consortium forms part of the Human Proteome Project that aims to develop an entire map of the proteins encoded by the human genome following a chromosome-centric strategy (C-HPP) to make progress in the understanding of human biology in health and disease (B/D-HPP). A Spanish consortium of 16 laboratories was organized into five working groups: Protein/Antibody microarrays, protein expression and Peptide Standard, S/MRM, Protein Sequencing, Bioinformatics and Clinical healthcare, and Biobanking. The project is conceived on a multicenter configuration, assuming the standards and integration procedures already available in ProteoRed-ISCIII, which is encompassed within HUPO initiatives. The products of the 870 protein coding genes in chromosome 16 were analyzed in Jurkat T lymphocyte cells, MCF-7 epithelial cells, and the CCD18 fibroblast cell line as it is theoretically expected that most chromosome 16 protein coding genes are expressed in at least one of these. The transcriptome and proteome of these cell lines was studied using gene expression microarray and shotgun proteomics approaches, indicating an ample coverage of chromosome 16. With regard to the B/D section, the main research areas have been adopted and a biobanking initiative has been designed to optimize methods for sample collection, management, and storage under normalized conditions and to define QC standards. The general strategy of the Chr-16 HPP and the current state of the different initiatives are discussed.", "Achondroplasia, the most common cause of chondrodysplasia in man (1 in 15,000 live births), is a condition of unknown origin characterized by short-limbed dwarfism and macrocephaly. More than 90% of cases are sporadic and there is an increased paternal age at the time of conception of affected individuals, suggesting that de novo mutations are of paternal origin. Affected individuals are fertile and achondroplasia is transmitted as a fully penetrant autosomal dominant trait, accounting for rare familial forms of the disease (10%). In contrast, homozygous achondroplasia is usually lethal in the neonatal period and affects 25% of the offspring of matings between heterozygous achondroplasia parents. The gene responsible for achondroplasia has been mapped to chromosome 4p16.3 (refs 7, 8); the genetic interval encompassing the disease gene contains a member of the fibroblast-growth-factor receptor (FGFR3) family which is expressed in articular chondrocytes. Here we report the finding of recurrent missense mutations in a CpG doublet of the transmembrane domain of the FGFR3 protein (glycine substituted with arginine at residue 380, G380R) in 17 sporadic cases and 6 unrelated familial forms of achondroplasia. We show that the mutant genotype segregates with the disease in these families. Thus it appears that recurrent mutations of a single amino acid in the transmembrane domain of the FGFR3 protein account for all cases (23/23) of achondroplasia in our series.", "OBJECTIVE: Heterozygous mutations in the Seipin/BSCL2 gene have recently been identified in two autosomal dominant motor neuron diseases, distal hereditary motor neuropathy type V and Silver's syndrome. Seipin protein is reportedly a transmembrane protein localized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). N88S and S90L mutations of this protein disrupt its glycosylation, resulting in its aggregation, but the mechanism of neurodegeneration remains unclear. To clarify the molecular pathogenesis of seipin-related motor neuron diseases, we expressed wild-type and mutant seipin proteins in neuronal and nonneuronal cells.METHODS AND RESULTS: Coexpression of human seipin and ubiquitin showed that seipin is polyubiquitinated and its ubiquitination is enhanced by mutation. Treatment of cells with a proteasome inhibitor increased the amounts of mutant seipin in the cells, suggesting that they are degraded through the ER-associated degradation pathway. Immunoprecipitation studies showed that mutant seipin stably binds to the ER chaperone calnexin, indicating accumulation of unfolded mutant seipin in the ER. Furthermore, expression of mutant seipin increased the level of ER stress-mediated molecules and induced apoptosis in cultured cells.INTERPRETATION: These findings demonstrate that seipin/BSCL2-related motor neuron diseases are novel conformational diseases, and we suspect that they are tightly associated with ER stress-mediated cell death.", "Protein ubiquitination, a major post-translational modification in eukaryotes, requires an adequate pool of free ubiquitin. Cells maintain this pool by two pathways, both involving deubiquitinases (DUBs): recycling of ubiquitin from ubiquitin conjugates and processing of ubiquitin precursors synthesized de novo. Although many advances have been made in recent years regarding ubiquitin recycling, our knowledge on ubiquitin precursor processing is still limited, and questions such as when are these precursors processed and which DUBs are involved remain largely unanswered. Here we provide data suggesting that two of the four mammalian ubiquitin precursors, UBA52 and UBA80, are processed mostly post-translationally whereas the other two, UBB and UBC, probably undergo a combination of co- and post-translational processing. Using an unbiased biochemical approach we found that UCHL3, USP9X, USP7, USP5 and Otulin/Gumby/FAM105b are by far the most active DUBs acting on these precursors. The identification of these DUBs together with their properties suggests that each ubiquitin precursor can be processed in at least two different manners, explaining the robustness of the ubiquitin de novo synthesis pathway." ]
[ "BACKGROUND: Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL) is an inherited cerebral small vessel disease, clinically characterized by migraine, recurrent transient ischemic attacks or strokes, psychiatric disorders and cognitive decline. Strokes are typically ischemic, while hemorrhagic events have been only sporadically described. However, cerebral microbleeds have been found in 31-69% of CADASIL patients.METHODS: We describe four unrelated CADASIL patients who had hemorrhagic strokes. We also briefly review the literature on intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) in CADASIL.RESULTS: Three patients had a thalamo-capsular hemorrhage (age at onset: 54, 67, 77) and one of these had a second hemispheric cerebellar hemorrhage. Another patient experienced an interpeduncular cistern subarachnoid hemorrhage when he was 39. None of these patients was receiving antiplatelets, anticoagulants or statins at the time of hemorrhage; all were hypertensive. NOTCH3 gene analysis revealed mutations on exons 14, 22 (two patients presenting the same mutation), and 24. MRI signs of previous hemorrhages were present in all these patients.CONCLUSIONS: Hemorrhagic stroke can occur in CADASIL similarly to sporadic cerebral small vessel diseases; this finding expands the phenotype of the disease. A diagnosis of CADASIL should probably be considered also in patients with ICH. These data bear potential implications in terms of need of better control of risk factors, particularly hypertension, and raise relevant questions about the use of antiplatelets as prevention measures in CADASIL patients.", "Gfi-1 and Gfi-1b are homologous transcriptional repressors involved in diverse developmental contexts, including hematopoiesis and oncogenesis. Transcriptional repression by Gfi proteins requires the conserved SNAG domain. To elucidate the function of Gfi proteins, we purified Gfi-1b complexes and identified interacting proteins. Prominent among these is the corepressor CoREST, the histone demethylase LSD1, and HDACs 1 and 2. CoREST and LSD1 associate with Gfi-1/1b via the SNAG repression domain. Gfi-1b further recruits these cofactors to the majority of target gene promoters in vivo. Inhibition of CoREST and LSD1 perturbs differentiation of erythroid, megakaryocytic, and granulocytic cells as well as primary erythroid progenitors. LSD1 depletion derepresses Gfi targets in lineage-specific patterns, accompanied by enhanced histone 3 lysine 4 methylation at the respective promoters. Overall, we show that chromatin regulatory proteins CoREST and LSD1 mediate transcriptional repression by Gfi proteins. Lineage-restricted deployment of these cofactors through interaction with Gfi proteins controls hematopoietic differentiation.", "We report here a comparative analysis of the genome sequence of Methanosarcina barkeri with those of Methanosarcina acetivorans and Methanosarcina mazei. The genome of M. barkeri is distinguished by having an organization that is well conserved with respect to the other Methanosarcina spp. in the region proximal to the origin of replication, with interspecies gene similarities as high as 95%. However, it is disordered and marked by increased transposase frequency and decreased gene synteny and gene density in the distal semigenome. Of the 3,680 open reading frames (ORFs) in M. barkeri, 746 had homologs with better than 80% identity to both M. acetivorans and M. mazei, while 128 nonhypothetical ORFs were unique (nonorthologous) among these species, including a complete formate dehydrogenase operon, genes required for N-acetylmuramic acid synthesis, a 14-gene gas vesicle cluster, and a bacterial-like P450-specific ferredoxin reductase cluster not previously observed or characterized for this genus. A cryptic 36-kbp plasmid sequence that contains an orc1 gene flanked by a presumptive origin of replication consisting of 38 tandem repeats of a 143-nucleotide motif was detected in M. barkeri. Three-way comparison of these genomes reveals differing mechanisms for the accrual of changes. Elongation of the relatively large M. acetivorans genome is the result of uniformly distributed multiple gene scale insertions and duplications, while the M. barkeri genome is characterized by localized inversions associated with the loss of gene content. In contrast, the short M. mazei genome most closely approximates the putative ancestral organizational state of these species.", "UV-induced DNA damage plays a key role in the initiation phase of skin cancer. When left unrepaired or when damaged cells are not eliminated by apoptosis, DNA lesions express their mutagneic properties, leading to the activation of proto-oncogene or the inactivation of tumor suppression genes. The chemical nature and the amount of DNA damage strongly depend on the wavelength of the incident photons. The most energetic part of the solar spectrum at the Earth's surface (UVB, 280-320 nm) leads to the formation of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) and pyrimidine (6-4) pyrimidone photoproducts (64PPs). Less energetic but 20-times more intense UVA (320-400 nm) also induces the formation of CPDs together with a wide variety of oxidatively generated lesions such as single strand breaks and oxidized bases. Among those, 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine (8-oxoGua) is the most frequent since it can be produced by several mechanisms. Data available on the respective yield of DNA photoproducts in cells and skin show that exposure to sunlight mostly induces pyrimidine dimers, which explains the mutational signature found in skin tumors, with lower amounts of 8-oxoGua and strand breaks. The present review aims at describing the basic photochemistry of DNA and discussing the quantitative formation of the different UV-induced DNA lesions reported in the literature. Additional information on mutagenesis, repair and photoprotection is briefly provided.", "Photolyases (PHRs) and cryptochromes (CRYs) belong to the same family known as blue-light photoreceptors. Although their amino acid sequences and corresponding structures are similar to each other, they exert different functions. PHRs function as an enzyme to repair UV-induced deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) lesions such as a cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer (CPD) and a (6-4) photoproduct ((6-4)pp), whereas CRYs are a circadian photoreceptor in plants and animals and at the same time they control the photoperiodic induction of flowering in plants. When a new type cryptochrome was identified, it was assumed that another type of CRYs, cryptochrome-DASH (CRY-DASH), which is categorized as a subfamily of photolyase/cryptochrome family, would possess the DNA photolyase activity. However, CRY-DASH had a weak DNA photolyase activity, but the reason for this is still unclear. To clarify the reason, we performed molecular dynamics (MD) simulations for a complex of CPD-PHR or CRY-DASH with damaged double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) and estimated the binding free energy, ΔGbind, between the protein and the damaged dsDNA by using a molecular mechanics/Poisson-Boltzmann surface area (MM/PBSA) method. ΔGbind for both proteins were -35 and 57 kcal mol-1, respectively, indicating that the structural stability of CRY-DASH was lower than that of CPD-PHR upon the damaged dsDNA binding. In particular, the number of amino acid residues relevant to the damaged dsDNA binding on the CRY-DASH surface was smaller than that on CPD-PHR. Therefore, the present result suggests that CRY-DASH has a weak DNA photolyase activity because it has a lower binding affinity than CPD-PHR.", "CONTEXT: Monocarboxylate transporter 8 (MCT8) is a thyroid hormone-specific cell membrane transporter. MCT8 deficiency causes severe psychomotor retardation and abnormal thyroid tests. The great majority of affected children cannot walk or talk, and all have elevated serum T(3) levels, causing peripheral tissue hypermetabolism and inability to maintain weight. Treatment with thyroid hormone is ineffective. In Mct8-deficient mice, the thyroid hormone analog, diiodothyropropionic acid (DITPA), does not require MCT8 to enter tissues and could be an effective alternative to thyroid hormone treatment in humans.OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect and efficacy of DITPA in children with MCT8 deficiency.METHODS: This was a multicenter report of four affected children given DITPA on compassionate grounds for 26-40 months. Treatment was initiated at ages 8.5-25 months, beginning with a small dose of 1.8 mg, increasing to a maximal 30 mg/d (2.1-2.4 mg/kg · d), given in three divided doses.RESULTS: DITPA normalized the elevated serum T(3) and TSH when the dose reached 1 mg/kg · d and T(4) and rT(3) increased to the lower normal range. The following significant changes were also observed: decline in SHBG (in all subjects), heart rate (in three of four), and ferritin (in one of four). Cholesterol increased in two subjects. There was no weight loss and weight gain occurred in two. None of the treated children required a gastric feeding tube or developed seizures. No adverse effects were observed.CONCLUSION: DITPA (1-2 mg/kg · d) almost completely normalizes thyroid tests and reduces the hypermetabolism and the tendency for weight loss. The effects of earlier commencement and long-term therapy remain to be determined.", "The DNA damage response encompasses a complex series of signaling pathways that function to regulate and facilitate the repair of damaged DNA. Recent studies have shown that the repair of transcriptionally inactive chromatin, named heterochromatin, is dependent upon the phosphorylation of the co-repressor, Krüppel-associated box (KRAB) domain-associated protein (KAP-1), by the ataxia telangiectasia-mutated (ATM) kinase. Co-repressors, such as KAP-1, function to regulate the rigid structure of heterochromatin by recruiting histone-modifying enzymes, such HDAC1/2, SETDB1, and nucleosome-remodeling complexes such as CHD3. Here, we have characterized a phosphorylation site in the HP1-binding domain of KAP-1, Ser-473, which is phosphorylated by the cell cycle checkpoint kinase Chk2. Expression of a nonphosphorylatable S473A mutant conferred cellular sensitivity to DNA-damaging agents and led to defective repair of DNA double-strand breaks in heterochromatin. In addition, cells expressing S473A also displayed defective mobilization of the HP1-β chromodomain protein. The DNA repair defect observed in cells expressing S473A was alleviated by depletion of HP1-β, suggesting that phosphorylation of KAP-1 on Ser-473 promotes the mobilization of HP1-β from heterochromatin and subsequent DNA repair. These results suggest a novel mechanism of KAP-1-mediated chromatin restructuring via Chk2-regulated HP1-β exchange from heterochromatin, promoting DNA repair.", "Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is one of the most common adult-onset neurodegenerative diseases, with progressive paralysis and muscle atrophy. The exact pathogenic mechanism remains unknown, but recent evidence suggests that differential gene expression and gene splicing may play a significant role. We used Affymetrix GeneChip Mouse Exon 1.0 ST Array to investigate the expression profiling of lumbar spinal cord samples from SOD1-G93A transgenic mice, the widely used animal model of ALS. The de-regulated genes analyzed either from the expression level or from the alternative splicing level both showed overlapping GO categories and pathway mapping. Our findings indicate that cell adhesion, immune-inflammation response and lipid metabolism all play important roles in the onset of ALS. Detailed analysis by RT-PCR of key genes confirmed the experimental results of microarrays. These results suggest a multi-factor mechanism in ALS development.", "The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I and class II loci are the most polymorphic genes in the human genome; distinguishing the thousands of HLA alleles is challenging. Next generation sequencing of exonic amplicons with the 454 genome sequence (GS) FLX System and Conexio Assign ATF 454 software provides high resolution, high throughput HLA genotyping for eight class I and class II loci. HLA typing of potential donors for unrelated bone marrow donor registries typically uses a subset of these loci at high sample throughput and low cost per sample. The Fluidigm Access Array System enables the incorporation of 48 different multiplex identifiers (MIDs) corresponding to 48 genomic DNA samples with up to 48 different primer pairs in a microfluidic device generating 2304 parallel polymerase chain reactions (PCRs). Minimal volumes of reagents are used. During genomic PCR, in this 4-primer system, the outer set of primers containing the MID and the 454 adaptor sequences are incorporated into an amplicon generated by the inner HLA target-specific primers each containing a common sequence tag at the 5' end of the forward and reverse primers. Pools of the resulting amplicons are used for emulsion PCR and clonal sequencing on the 454 Life Sciences GS FLX System, followed by genotyping with Conexio software. We have genotyped 192 samples with 100% concordance to known genotypes using 8 primer pairs (covering exons 2 and 3 of HLA-A, B and C, and exon 2 of DRB1, 3/4/5 and DQB1) and 96 MIDs in a single GS FLX run. An average of 166 reads per amplicon was obtained. We have also genotyped 96 samples at high resolution (14 primer pairs covering exons 2, 3, and 4 of the class I loci and exons 2 of DRB1, 3/4/5, DQA1, DQB1, DPB1, and exon 3 of DQB1), recovering an average of 173 sequence reads per amplicon.", "BACKGROUND: Asthma is an inflammatory airway disease caused by interaction between susceptibility genes and diverse environmental factors. In Israel, asthma seems to be familial and more severe in patients of Iraqi Jewish descent. On the other hand, asthma is less frequent in individuals with familial Mediterranean fever, an autoinflammatory disease prevalent in the Iraqi Jewish community and linked to mutations in the familial Mediterranean fever gene, designated MEFV.OBJECTIVES: To explore a possible role for mutated MEFV in the reduced susceptibility to asthma and to determine its expression in Israeli subjects of Iraqi origins.METHODS: Using a case-control approach, we studied the presence of the 3 most common MEFV mutations (M694V, V726A, and E148Q) in DNA samples from 75 patients with asthma and 45 asymptomatic first-degree relatives, all of Iraqi Jewish origin. The severity of asthma was evaluated using a published severity score.RESULTS: Eleven patients with asthma and 14 of their relatives carried 1 or 2 mutations in the MEFV gene, a carrier rate significantly lower in patients with asthma than in their first-degree relatives and in ethnically matched healthy individuals (P < .03 and P < .003, respectively). Carriers of MEFV mutations had less severe disease, compared with noncarriers (P < .002).CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that MEFV mutations may have a protective effect in the pathogenesis of asthma.", "Fifty seven children with dermatitis herpetiformis, 18 from Finland and 39 from Hungary, were studied. Diagnostic criteria included the finding of granular IgA deposits in the skin of all patients. The mean age at onset of the rash was 7 X 2 years and favoured sites were the elbows, knees, and buttocks. Symptoms suggesting small intestinal disease were rare but in 35 (61%) of the children subtotal villous atrophy and in 16 (28%) partial villous atrophy were found on jejunal biopsy. Eighteen children underwent a second biopsy after a mean of 21 months on a gluten free diet; villous height was found to be increased and the intraepithelial lymphocyte count decreased in all these patients. Gluten challenge caused a reversal in the two children who underwent a third biopsy. The effect of the gluten free diet on the rash was examined in Finnish children by observing the daily requirements of dapsone, a drug used to control the rash at the beginning of the diet. Eight (67%) of the 12 children were able to stop taking dapsone after a mean of 11 months on the diet and all three patients treated with diet alone became asymptomatic after three to 6 months on the diet. These results confirm that most children with dermatitis herpetiformis have jejunal villous atrophy, though they rarely have gastrointestinal symptoms. The central role of gluten in childhood dermatitis herpetiformis is evidenced by the fact that a gluten free diet helps the damaged jejunal mucosa to recover and controls the rash even in those children who do not have an abnormal jejunal biopsy.", "Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), trichothiodystrophy (TTD) and Cockayne syndrome (CS) are rare genetic diseases characterized by a large range of clinical symptoms. However, they are all associated with defects in nucleotide excision repair (NER), the system responsible for removing bulky DNA lesions such as those generated by UV light: cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) and pyrimidine-pyrimidone photoproducts (6-4 PPs). Over the past years, detailed structural and biochemical information on NER-associated proteins has emerged. In the first part of the article we briefly present the main steps of the NER pathway with an emphasis on the precise role of certain proteins. Further, we focus on clinical manifestations of the disorders and describe the diagnostic procedures. Then we consider how current therapy and advanced technology could improve patients' quality of life. Although to date the discussed diseases remain incurable, effective sun protection, a well thought out diet, and holistic medical care provide longer life and better health. This review summarizes the current state of knowledge regarding the epidemiology of NER-associated diseases, their genetic background, clinical features, and treatment options." ]
[ "Using in silico analysis a number of potential sites for post-translational modifications has been revealed within the human O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) protein. In particular these were the acetylation of Gly3 residue in the N-terminus of protein and internal residues Lys132 and Lys135; Arg166 residue methylation; Lys63 SUMOylation and ubiquitination of Lys31, Lys39, Lys49, Lys63, Lys67, Lys135, Lys156, Lys196, Lys209. Also it has been predicted 16 novel potential phosphorylation sites of serine residues (positions 13, 124, 144, 182, 183, 190, 215, 216 and 230), tyrosine residues (positions 100 and 189) and threonine residues (positions 23, 69, 94, 126 and 229), as well as five binding sites for kinases and other proteins (Serl3 with 14-3-3, Val21 and Ile172 with D-domain, Pro78 and Pro111 with SH3-domain, Pro111 with MAPK3). Some kinases predicted by the authors are known as partners of the MGMT protein, that confirms the probability of modification of the given sites. Potential sites require further experimental confirmation of modifications and investigation of their influence on stability and DNA-repair activity of this protein.", "Istradefylline (ISD) is a new drug developed for the treatment of Parkinson's disease (PD). It is an adenosine receptor A2A antagonists that will represent an important option for patients with advanced PD where it has been demonstrated efficacy in decreasing daily OFF time and is well tolerated. ISD has been marketed in Japan since May 2013. Areas covered: The objective of this review is to summarize evidences emerged from clinical studies that have demonstrated the efficacy of ISD in advanced parkinsonian patients. It will then focus on the potential role in treating non-motor symptoms (NMS) and cognitive decline, which heavily affect quality of life for PD patients. Its putative role as neuroprotective agent will also be discussed. Expert opinion: ISD might represent an alternative option for patients with advanced PD. The reduction of OFF time highlighted in pivotal trials is comparable to that obtained with different levodopa adjunct therapies. The low profile of side effects makes ISD a more suitable drug for advanced patients whose illness is complicated by depression or cognitive impairment. Future studies are warranted to investigate the possible effects of this drug to delay the occurrence of dyskinesia and to impact significantly on NMS.", "Based on present publications we review indications of the therapy of dermatoses with thalidomide as well as possible mechanisms of action and side effects of this drug. In reactional states of leprosy the use of thalidomide is established. Further indications are chronic cutaneous lupus erythematosus, prurigo nodularis, and eventually recurrent aphthosis and certain photodermatoses not responding to usual treatment. Therapeutical trials of thalidomide in diseases in which such a treatment is only occasionally or not at all mentioned in the literature will be reported. Concerning the mechanisms of action emphasis is put on a possible immunosuppression by thalidomide. Among the side effects the thalidomide neuropathy is stressed.", "Vasoplegia occurs in up to 16% of patients who undergo heart transplantation (HT) and is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. We present a case of a 61-year-old man with ischemic cardiomyopathy receiving sacubitril/valsartan (Entresto; Novartis, Cambridge, MA) who developed profound hypotension after HT. He was treated with intravenous methylene blue and high-dose vasopressors, but developed acute kidney injury requiring dialysis and a prolonged stay in the intensive care unit. This case supports a potent vasodilatory effect of sacubitril/valsartan, and if confirmed by other studies, might warrant consideration for withholding treatment while awaiting HT, particularly in patients with risk factors for vasoplegia.", "The Coding Region Determinant-Binding Protein (CRD-BP) is an RRM and KH-domain-containing protein that recognizes specifically at least three RNAs. It binds to one of the two c-myc mRNA instability elements, to the 5'Un Translated Region (UTR) of the leader 3 IGF-II mRNA and to the oncofetal H19 RNA. CRD-BP has been assigned a role in stabilizing c-myc mRNA by preventing its endonucleolytic cleavage and in repressing the translation of the leader 3 IGF-II mRNA, the major embryonic species of this message. CRD-BP is normally expressed only in fetal tissues. However, its expression is detected in primary tumors and transformed cell lines of different origins. The vast majority of colon (80%) and breast (60%) tumors and sarcomas (73%) express CRD-BP whereas in other tumor types, for example prostate carcinomas, its expression is rare. CRD-BP expression has also been detected in benign tumors such as breast fibroadenomas, meningiomas and other benign mesenchymal tumors, implying a role for this gene in abnormal cell proliferation. In breast carcinomas, CRD-BP expression and or gene copy number gains in the region encompassing the c-myc locus were detected in approximately 75% of tumors, implying that the deregulated expression of c-myc may be more widespread than previously believed. Infiltrated lymph nodes, corresponding to CRD-BP-positive primary tumors, were also found positive indicating that monitoring for CRD-BP could prove useful for the detection and monitoring of disseminated disease.", "The effect of haloperidol and apomorphine, and both drugs in combination, on the first steps in the synthesis of catecholamines and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) has been studied in three rat brain regions. The rate of formation of dopa and 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) was studied by measuring the accumulation of these amino acids during 30 min after administration of the inhibitor of the aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase, NSD 1015 (3-hydroxybenzylhydrazine HCl). Haloperidol caused an increase in dopa and no change in 5-HTP formation. The threshold dose was severalfold higher in the noradrenaline-predominated hemisphere portion than in the dopamine-rich striatal and limbic regions, suggesting a higher affinity of haloperidol for dopamine than for noradrenaline receptors. Apomorphine caused a decrease in dopa formation in all three brain regions studied, although the effect was much more pronounced in the regions dominated by dopamine. The threshold dose was about 30 microng/kg, i.e. an order of magnitude lower than the threshold dose for apparent postsynaptic dopaminergic receptor activation. This discrepancy is suggested to be due to preferential activation of inhibitory dopaminergic autoreceptors by low apomorphine doses. This phenomenon may also contribute to explain the complex dose-response curves of apomorphine. Low doses of apomorphine caused a decrease and high doses an increase in 5-HTP formation. These effects, like those on noradrenaline synthesis, are suggested to be secondary to activation of dopaminergic pre- and post-synaptic receptors. The interaction between apomorphine and haloperidol with respect to dopa formation appears to be largely explicable on the assumption of a competition between an agonist and an antagonist for dopaminergic receptors. However, very large doses of apomorphine cause a haloperidol-resistant inhibition of tyrosine, and probably also tryptophan, hydroxylation, which may be due to a direct inhibition of the aromatic amino acid hydroxylase involved.", "Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) fulfill essential biological functions and are key pharmaceutical targets. Regulation of MAPKs is achieved via a plethora of regulatory proteins including activating MAPKKs and an abundance of deactivating phosphatases. Although all regulatory proteins use an identical interaction site on MAPKs, the common docking and hydrophobic pocket, they use distinct kinase interaction motif (KIM or D-motif) sequences that are present in linear, peptide-like, or well folded protein domains. It has been recently shown that a KIM-containing MAPK-specific dual specificity phosphatase DUSP10 uses a unique binding mode to interact with p38α. Here we describe the interaction of the MAPK binding domain of DUSP16 with p38α and show that despite belonging to the same dual specificity phosphatase (DUSP) family, its interaction mode differs from that of DUSP10. Indeed, the DUSP16 MAPK binding domain uses an additional helix, α-helix 4, to further engage p38α. This leads to an additional interaction surface on p38α. Together, these structural and energetic differences in p38α engagement highlight the fine-tuning necessary to achieve MAPK specificity and regulation among multiple regulatory proteins." ]
[ "The NF-κB transcription factor family plays a central role in innate immunity and inflammation processes and is frequently dysregulated in cancer. We developed an NF-κB functional assay in yeast to investigate the following issues: transactivation specificity of NF-κB proteins acting as homodimers or heterodimers; correlation between transactivation capacity and in vitro DNA binding measurements; impact of co-expressed interacting proteins or of small molecule inhibitors on NF-κB-dependent transactivation. Full-length p65 and p50 cDNAs were cloned into centromeric expression vectors under inducible GAL1 promoter in order to vary their expression levels. Since p50 lacks a transactivation domain (TAD), a chimeric construct containing the TAD derived from p65 was also generated (p50TAD) to address its binding and transactivation potential. The p50TAD and p65 had distinct transactivation specificities towards seventeen different κB response elements (κB-REs) where single nucleotide changes could greatly impact transactivation. For four κB-REs, results in yeast were predictive of transactivation potential measured in the human MCF7 cell lines treated with the NF-κB activator TNFα. Transactivation results in yeast correlated only partially with in vitro measured DNA binding affinities, suggesting that features other than strength of interaction with naked DNA affect transactivation, although factors such as chromatin context are kept constant in our isogenic yeast assay. The small molecules BAY11-7082 and ethyl-pyruvate as well as expressed IkBα protein acted as NF-κB inhibitors in yeast, more strongly towards p65. Thus, the yeast-based system can recapitulate NF-κB features found in human cells, thereby providing opportunities to address various NF-κB functions, interactions and chemical modulators.", "MOTIVATION: We present Faucet, a two-pass streaming algorithm for assembly graph construction. Faucet builds an assembly graph incrementally as each read is processed. Thus, reads need not be stored locally, as they can be processed while downloading data and then discarded. We demonstrate this functionality by performing streaming graph assembly of publicly available data, and observe that the ratio of disk use to raw data size decreases as coverage is increased.RESULTS: Faucet pairs the de Bruijn graph obtained from the reads with additional meta-data derived from them. We show these metadata-coverage counts collected at junction k-mers and connections bridging between junction pairs-contain most salient information needed for assembly, and demonstrate they enable cleaning of metagenome assembly graphs, greatly improving contiguity while maintaining accuracy. We compared Fauceted resource use and assembly quality to state of the art metagenome assemblers, as well as leading resource-efficient genome assemblers. Faucet used orders of magnitude less time and disk space than the specialized metagenome assemblers MetaSPAdes and Megahit, while also improving on their memory use; this broadly matched performance of other assemblers optimizing resource efficiency-namely, Minia and LightAssembler. However, on metagenomes tested, Faucet,o outputs had 14-110% higher mean NGA50 lengths compared with Minia, and 2- to 11-fold higher mean NGA50 lengths compared with LightAssembler, the only other streaming assembler available.AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: Faucet is available at or INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.", "Combination therapy with platinum preparations still occupies a central position in chemotherapy for lung cancer. Third-generation regimens that combine an anticancer drug and a platinum preparation that were published in the 1990s remain standard therapy for untreated non-small-cell lung cancer today. Cisplatin or carboplatin is used as the platinum preparation, but combination therapy with cisplatin has been found to have a greater antitumor effect than combination therapy with carboplatin. However, there is very little difference between them, and on balance, when adverse reactions, etc. are taken into consideration, we do not think that it makes much difference which one of them is used. Clinical studies of combinations between platinum preparations and pemetrexed and S-1, which have been developed since 2000, have been conducted recently. Docetaxel has been established as standard therapy for recurrent cases, but based on the results of recent comparative studies, a survival-prolonging effect has been shown for pemetrexed and for EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (gefitinib, erlotinib), which are molecularly targeted drugs, and it has now become possible to select treatment methods by choosing from a number of anticancer drugs. EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors have been demonstrated to have a very high cytoreductive effect on lung cancers that have EGFR gene mutations. The frequency of EGFR gene mutations is high in East Asia, including Japan, whereas it is very low in Western countries. Thus, the future course of development of chemotherapy for non-small-cell lung cancer may differ in Western countries and Asia, and the method of using EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors is expected to have great implications in Asia.", "Adult-onset autosomal dominant leukodystrophy (ADLD) is a slowly progressive neurological disorder characterized by symmetrical widespread myelin loss in the central nervous system, with a phenotype similar to chronic progressive multiple sclerosis. In this study, we identify a genomic duplication that causes ADLD. Affected individuals carry an extra copy of the gene for the nuclear laminar protein lamin B1, resulting in increased gene dosage in brain tissue from individuals with ADLD. Increased expression of lamin B1 in Drosophila melanogaster resulted in a degenerative phenotype. In addition, an abnormal nuclear morphology was apparent when cultured cells overexpressed this protein. This is the first human disease attributable to mutations in the gene encoding lamin B1. Antibodies to lamin B are found in individuals with autoimmune diseases, and it is also an antigen recognized by a monoclonal antibody raised against plaques from brains of individuals with multiple sclerosis. This raises the possibility that lamin B may be a link to the autoimmune attack that occurs in multiple sclerosis.", "OBJECTIVE: To examine long-term organ damage and safety following treatment with belimumab plus standard of care (SoC) in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).METHODS: Pooled data were examined from two ongoing open-label studies that enrolled patients who completed BLISS-52 or BLISS-76. Patients received belimumab every four weeks plus SoC. SLICC Damage Index (SDI) values were assessed every 48 weeks (study years) following belimumab initiation (baseline). The primary endpoint was change in SDI from baseline at study years 5-6. Incidences of adverse events (AEs) were reported for the entire study period.RESULTS: The modified intent-to-treat (MITT) population comprised 998 patients. At baseline, 940 (94.2%) were female, mean (SD) age was 38.7 (11.49) years, and disease duration was 6.7 (6.24) years. The mean (SD) SELENA-SLEDAI and SDI scores were 8.2 (4.18) and 0.7 (1.19), respectively; 411 (41.2%) patients had organ damage (SDI = 1: 235 (23.5%); SDI ≥ 2: 176 (17.6%)) prior to belimumab. A total of 427 (42.8%) patients withdrew overall; the most common reasons were patient request (16.8%) and AEs (8.5%).The mean (SD) change in SDI was +0.2 (0.48) at study years 5-6 (n = 403); 343 (85.1%) patients had no change from baseline in SDI score (SDI +1: 46 (11.4%), SDI +2: 13 (3.2%), SDI +3: 1 (0.2%)). Of patients without organ damage at baseline, 211/241 (87.6%) had no change in SDI and the mean change (SD) in SDI was +0.2 (0.44). Of patients with organ damage at baseline, 132/162 (81.5%) had no change in SDI and the mean (SD) change in SDI was +0.2 (0.53). The probability of not having a worsening in SDI score was 0.88 (95% CI: 0.85, 0.91) and 0.75 (0.67, 0.81) in those without and with baseline damage, respectively (post hoc analysis).Drug-related AEs were reported for 433 (43.4%) patients; infections/infestations (282, 28.3%) and gastrointestinal disorders (139, 13.9%) were the most common.CONCLUSION: Patients with SLE treated with long-term belimumab plus SoC had a low incidence of organ damage accrual and no unexpected AEs. High-risk patients with pre-existing organ damage also had low accrual, suggesting a favorable effect on future damage development.", "OBJECTIVE: To determine the better approach for weaning preterm infants from nasal continuous positive airway pressure (NCPAP) with or without transitioning to nasal cannula (NC).DESIGN/METHODS: This is a randomized, open label, controlled trial. Preterm infants born at ≥28 weeks gestation who were clinically stable on NCPAP of 5 cm H(2)O with FiO(2)<0.30 for at least 24 h were randomly assigned to one of 2 groups. The no-NC group were kept on NCPAP until they were on FiO(2)=0.21 for 24 h, and then were weaned off NCPAP completely without any exposure to NC. If they met failing criteria, NCPAP was re-instituted. The NC-group was weaned off NCPAP when FiO(2) was ≤0.30 to NC (2 L/min) followed by gradual weaning from oxygen. Infants who failed NC were supported back with NCPAP for 24 h before making a second attempt of NC.RESULTS: Sixty neonates were enrolled; 30 in each group. The two groups were similar in birthweight, gestational age, sex, antenatal steroids, mode of delivery, use of surfactant and xanthines, and duration of mechanical ventilation. After randomization, the no-NC group had fewer days on oxygen [median (interquartile range): 5 (1-8) vs 14 (7.5-19.25) days, p<0.001] and shorter duration of respiratory support [10.5 (4-21) vs 18 (11.5-29) days, p=0.03]. There were no differences between groups regarding success of weaning from NCPAP.CONCLUSIONS: Weaning preterm infants from NCPAP to NC is associated with increased exposure to oxygen and longer duration of respiratory support.", "OBJECTIVE: To determine the accumulated end organ damage and health status in patients with SS and to compare with patients with SLE (with or without SS).METHODS: Thirty-seven patients with primary SS were studied and compared with 120 patients with SLE and 21 patients with SLE and SS. The Medical Outcome Survey Short Form 20 with an additional question for fatigue was used to assess health status. The SLICC/ACR damage index with a supplementary oral section was used to assess end organ damage. For statistical analysis, logistic regression analysis, Fisher's exact test, and Kruskal-Wallis rank tests were applied.RESULTS: Patients in all 3 groups had reduced quality of life with respect to all aspects of functional status and well being. There was no difference between the groups. In the primary SS group, the greatest damage was in the oral section (62% of patients). The patients with SLE and SS had the greatest renal, peripheral vascular, and musculoskeletal damage (24, 19, 38% of patients, respectively) followed by the SLE group. Ocular damage was more common in the primary SS group, but that was due to older age in this group. Malignancy was most common in the primary SS group (11%). Other organ damage scores did not differ between groups.CONCLUSION: End organ damage is uncommon in primary SS (with the exception of oral damage), but the degree of functional ability is as great as in SLE.", "Author information:(1)Shanghai Hengrui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., 279 Wenjing Road, Shanghai 200245, China. Electronic address: Hengrui Medicine Co., Ltd., Jiangsu, Lianyungang 222047, China. Electronic address: Hengrui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., 279 Wenjing Road, Shanghai 200245, China. Electronic address: Hengrui Medicine Co., Ltd., Jiangsu, Lianyungang 222047, China. Electronic address: Hengrui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., 279 Wenjing Road, Shanghai 200245, China. Electronic address: Hengrui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., 279 Wenjing Road, Shanghai 200245, China. Electronic address: Key Laboratory of Drug Research, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201203, China. Electronic address: Key Laboratory of Drug Research, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201203, China. Electronic address: Key Laboratory of Drug Research, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201203, China. Electronic address: Hengrui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., 279 Wenjing Road, Shanghai 200245, China. Electronic address: Hengrui Medicine Co., Ltd., Jiangsu, Lianyungang 222047, China; China Pharmaceutical University, Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Drug Design and Optimization, Nanjing 210009, China. Electronic address:", "The treatment of hypothyroidism in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery is a difficult clinical problem. To determine perioperative thyroid replacement therapy in patients with hypothyroidism, plasma total thyroxine (T4), total triiodothyroxine (T3), free T4, free T3 and thyroid-stimulating hormone levels were measured preoperatively and at 1, 2, 3, 7, and 14 days after operation in 9 patients with hypothyroidism and were compared with levels in 14 patients with normal thyroid function who underwent coronary bypass surgery. In the normal control group, total T4 decreased to its lowest level on the 1st postoperative day and then increased gradually to the preoperative level at 7 days. Total T4 remained within the normal range throughout the entire postoperative course. In 6 patients with hypothyroidism who were treated with thyroid hormone before surgery, total T4 decreased immediately after operation and only increased after starting thyroid replacement therapy. In 3 hypothyroid patients without prior thyroid replacement, total T4 showed a change similar to patients in the control group but remained below the normal range until starting thyroid replacement therapy. Coronary bypass surgery was performed safely in patients with hypothyroidism. Preoperative thyroid replacement with suboptimal doses was safe in patients with severe hypothyroidism. Adequate postoperative thyroid replacement was achieved in all patients without complications.", "OBJECTIVE: To update the evidence on the efficacy and safety of pharmacological agents in psoriatic arthritis (PsA).METHODS: Systematic literature review of randomised controlled trials comparing pharmacological interventions in PsA: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, glucocorticoid, synthetic disease modifying antirheumatic drugs (sDMARDs) either conventional or targeted, biologicals (bDMARDs), placebo or any combination. Main outcomes were American College of Rheumatology (ACR)20-50, Psoriasis Area Severity Index 75, radiographic progression, and withdrawals due to adverse events (AEs). Multiple studies of the same intervention were meta-analysed using random effects.RESULTS: In total, 25 papers and 12 abstracts were included. The efficacy of tumour necrosis factor inhibitors (including the recently added golimumab and certolizumab pegol) was confirmed and 16 articles/abstracts focused on 3 drugs with new modes of action: ustekinumab (UST), secukinumab (SEC) and apremilast (APR). All were placebo-compared trials and met their primary end point, ACR20. In 2 studies with UST ACR20 was met by 50% and 44% of patients with UST 90 mg, 42% and 44% with UST 45 mg vs 23% and 20% with placebo, respectively. In two studies with SEC ACR20 ranged 54% (SEC 300 mg), 50-51% (SEC 150 mg), 29-51% (SEC 75 mg) and 15-17% (placebo). In four studies with APR, ACR20 ranged 32-43% (APR 30 mg), 29-38% (APR 20 mg) and 17-20% (placebo). For all three drugs, no more withdrawals due to AEs than placebo were seen and, in general, safety appeared satisfactory. A strategy trial, TIght COntrol of Psoriatic Arthritis (TICOPA), showed better ACR responses with treatment adaptations upon tight control compared with standard care.CONCLUSIONS: UST, SEC and APR are new drugs with efficacy demonstrated for the treatment of PsA. No major safety signals arise, but long-term studies are needed. This review informed about the European League Against Rheumatism recommendations for management of PsA.", "Increased longevity of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) leads to chronic organ damage accrual, which reduces the possibility of further survival improvement in patients with the disease. Observations from lupus centres worldwide revealed that the prevalence of damage occurring in the cardiovascular system in patients with SLE has increased over the past four decades. The results of a meta-analysis involving over 70 observational studies demonstrated that lupus-related organ damage involving the neuropsychiatric and renal systems also remains a major factor that limits survival improvement in patients with this disease. While efforts to halt acute lupus-related injury are continuing, through early diagnosis and effective use of immunosuppressive agents, a concomitant strategy to improve survival of patients with SLE would be early detection and timely treatment of lupus-related organ damage with meticulous monitoring. This Review discusses the pattern and trend of organ damage in patients with SLE worldwide, the potential serological and genetic mechanisms of organ damage, and the advances in research on potential tools for early detection of lupus-related organ damage, such as functional brain imaging techniques, measurement of endothelial function, identification of biomarkers from body fluids, and development of risk calculation models.", "INTRODUCTION: Rapid diagnostic testing has made HIV diagnosis and subsequent treatment more accessible. However, multiple factors, including improper implementation of testing strategies and clerical errors, have been reported to lead to HIV misdiagnosis. The World Health Organization has recommended HIV retesting prior to antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation which has become pertinent with scaling up of Early Access to ART for All (EAAA). In this analysis, misdiagnosed clients are identified from a subgroup of clients enrolled in EAAA implementation study in Swaziland.METHODS: The subgroup to assess misdiagnosis was identified from enrolled EAAA study clients, who had an undetectable viral load prior to ART initiation between September 1, 2014 and May 31, 2016. One hundred and five of 2533 (4%) clients had an undetectable viral load prior to initiation to ART (pre-ART). The HIV status of clients was confirmed using the Determine HIV 1/2 and Uni-Gold HIV 1/2 rapid tests performed serially as recommended by the national testing algorithm. The status of clients on ART was additionally confirmed by fourth-generation HIV Ag/Ab combo tests, Architect and Genscreen Ultra.RESULTS: Fourteen of the 105 (13%) clients were false positive (HIV negative) on confirmation testing, of whom five (36%) were still in pre-ART care, while nine (64%) were in ART care. Overall, proportion of false positive was 0.6% (14/2533). The false-positive clients had a median CD4 of 791 cells/ml (interquartile range (IQR): 628, 967) compared to 549 cells/ml (IQR: 387, 791) for true positives (HIV positive) (p = 0.0081) and were nearly 20 years older (p = 0.0008).CONCLUSIONS: Overall 0.6% of all enrolled EAAA clients were misdiagnosed, and 64% of misdiagnosed clients were initiated on ART. With adoption of EAAA guidelines by national governments, ART initiation regardless of immunological criteria, strengthening of proficiency testing and adoption of retesting prior to ART initiation would allow identification of misdiagnosed clients and further reduce potential of initiating misdiagnosed clients on ART." ]
[ "OBJECTIVE: To develop a simple systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) severity index that requires knowledge of only American College of Rheumatology (ACR) criteria and subcriteria.METHODS: This study used demographic, mortality and medical records data of 1915 patients with lupus from the Lupus Family Registry and Repository. The data were randomly split (2:1 ratio) into independent training and validation sets. A logistic regression with ridge penalty was used to model the probability of being prescribed major immunosuppressive drugs-a surrogate indicator of lupus severity. ACR criteria and subcriteria were used as predictor variables in this model, and the resulting regression coefficient estimates obtained from the training data were used as item weightings to construct the severity index.RESULTS: The resulting index was tested on the independent validation dataset and was found to have high predictive accuracy for immunosuppressive use and early mortality. The index was also found to be strongly correlated with a previously existing severity score for lupus. In addition, demographic factors known to influence lupus severity (eg, age of onset, gender and ethnicity) all showed robust associations with our severity index that were consistent with observed clinical trends.CONCLUSIONS: This new index can be easily computed using ACR criteria, which may be among the most readily available data elements from patient medical records. This tool may be useful in lupus research, especially large dataset analyses to stratify patients by disease severity, an important prognostic indicator in SLE.", "Hemophilic pseudotumor is a rare, but well-known, complication of hemophilia occurring in 1-2 % of individuals with a severe factor VIII or IX deficiency. The hemophilic pseudotumor is defined as an encapsulated hematoma that increases of volume progressively by episodes of recurrent hemorrhage; usually originate in soft tissues or in subperiosteal or intraosseous areas. Very seldom, patient with mild form of hemophilia present with intraosseous pseudotumor. This report describe an 11-year-old boy with mild factor IX deficiency (17 % of normal factor IX activity), who developed a pseudotumor of the femur.", "OBJECTIVE: Benign familial infantile convulsions (BFIC) is a form of idiopathic epileptic syndrome characterized by onset of afebrile seizures between 3 and 12 months of life, Spontaneous remission after several weeks or months, and autosomal dominant mode of inheritance. Previous linkage analysis in western countries defined three susceptible loci on chromosomes 19q12.0-13.1, 16p12-q12, and 2q23-31, but studies performed in several Chinese families with BFIC got negative results of these previously reported loci. The authors investigated the relation of voltage-gated potassium channel gene KCNQ2 to BFIC in a Chinese family and thus to understand the molecular pathogenesis of BFIC.METHODS: A four-generation Chinese BFIC family was investigated. All the affected 17 members had similar pattern of seizures starting from 2 to 6 months of age. In 15 of them, the seizures disappeared spontaneously within the first year of life. The phenotype extended beyond infancy only in two patients. Blood sample was collected from the 41 family members and 75 unassociated normal individuals. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-DNA direct sequencing was performed to screen all exons and their flanking introns of KCNQ2 gene for mutation analysis. Polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) was used to ascertain the co-segregation of genotype and phenotype and to exclude polymorphism.RESULTS: PCR amplification and subsequent direct sequencing of KCNQ2 from the DNA of proband revealed a heterozygous guanine to thymine nucleotide exchange (G812T) in exon 5, leading to the substitution of glycine by valine at amino acid position 271 (G271V) of the predicted protein. The same mutation with a comparable localization has been previously described for KCNQ3 in benign familial neonatal convulsions (BFNC). The glycine at this position (G271) is located in pore region of KCNQ2 protein and is evolutionarily highly conserved. The same SSCP variant as that of the proband was shown in the rest of the affected members of this family but not in the unaffected members enrolled in the study of this family and all the 75 unrelated normal individuals.CONCLUSION: Previously reported mutations of KCNQ2 were mainly identified in BFNC family in which at least one individual had an onset of seizures during the first week of life, a hallmark of the BFNC disorder. The results of the present study suggest the possibility that KCNQ2 mutation exist in patients with BFIC diagnosis. G812T of KCNQ2 gene is a novel mutation found in BFIC and functional expression of KCNQ2 G812T is required for understanding the mechanism of BFIC and other idiopathic epilepsy.", "Lipids play an important role in the central nervous system (CNS). They contribute to the structural integrity and physical characteristics of cell and organelle membranes, act as bioactive signalling molecules, and are utilised as fuel sources for mitochondrial metabolism. The intricate homeostatic mechanisms underpinning lipid handling and metabolism across two major CNS cell types; neurons and astrocytes, are integral for cellular health and maintenance. Here, we explore the various roles of lipids in these two cell types. Given that changes in lipid metabolism have been identified in a number of neurodegenerative diseases, we also discuss changes in lipid handling and utilisation in the context of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), in order to identify key cellular processes affected by the disease, and inform future areas of research.", "INTRODUCTION: Sentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsy is an important independent prognostic factor for invasive cutaneuos melanoma, although its role is strongly debated. In clinical practice SLN leads to complete lymph node dissection of basin draining melanoma site. However only 7-30% of positive sentinel node patients present additional non SLN metastasis. Melanoma cells diffusion through SLN and extranodal spreading depends upon biological features, such as cell chemokine receptors and adhesion molecules. CXCR4 has been proposed in melanoma patients as prognostic marker. Therefore we have analyzed both histopathological parameters and CXCR4 expression in melanoma infiltrate of SLN, in order to evaluate its potential prognostic role.RESULTS: Micrometastases were detected in 23 cases (48.93%); metastases >2 mm in 23 cases (48.93%) and isolated metastatic cells in one case (2.01%). High CXCR4 expression was observed in 21 nodal metastases. Node metastases in complete dissection were associated to >10% relative tumor area (RTA) in all lymph nodes (p = 0.006). Extranodal invasion (p = 0.006) and >2 mm centripetal metastasis thickness (p = 0.01), while shorter Disease Free Survival (DFS) was significantly associated to high CXCR4 expression (p = 0.02).MATERIALS AND METHODS: Forty-seven positive lymph node metastases were collected and analysed for both histopathological parameters and CXCR4 expression.CONCLUSION: More than 10% RTA in SLN, extranodal invasion and centripetal metastasis thickness all predict additional lymph node metastases in melanoma site draining basins. Moreover, high CXCR4 expression is correlated to shorter DFS and could be used as a prognostic marker in order to stratify melanoma patients at higher progression risk.", "INTRODUCTION: Recently, some authors have claimed that the Awaji criteria (AC) are not always more sensitive than the revised El Escorial criteria (rEEC) in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).METHODS: A meta-analysis examined 2 prospective and 7 retrospective studies, which included 1,121 ALS patients, to compare AC and rEEC for early diagnosis of ALS.RESULTS: AC led to an 11% greater likelihood of being classified into the categories \"clinically definite\" or \"clinically probable\", while if confined to the \"clinically probable - laboratory supported (LS)\" category, this effect was 40% higher with the rEEC (95% cnfidence interval, 3-82%; I2=98%). Specifically, AC downgraded 20% of the rEEC \"clinically probable - LS\" category to the AC \"clinically possible\".CONCLUSIONS: Despite overall superiority of AC, this meta-analysis shows that it is not always more sensitive than rEEC. These results are related to the requirement for 2 upper motor neuron signs in the AC \"clinically probable\" category.", "Author information:(1)Department of Haematology, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust and University College London, London, UK.(2)Department of Nephrology, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Parkville, Victoria, Australia.(3)Section of Vitreoretinal Surgery & Diseases, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.(4)Division of Nephrology and Dialysis, Department of Medicine III, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.(5)Doernbecher Children's Hospital, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon, USA.(6)Infusion Associates, Grand Rapids, Missouri, USA.(7)Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.(8)Department of Pediatrics, Osaka City University Hospital, Osaka-shi, Japan.(9)Charles Dent Metabolic Unit, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, London, UK.(10)Jikei University Hospital, Tokyo, Japan.(11)Departmento Cuore e vasi, A.O.U. Careggi Firenze, Firenze, Italy.(12)Osaka City University Hospital, Osaka-shi, Japan.(13)Lysosmal Disorders Unit, Department of Medicine, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, UK.(14)Genetics Center MS716, Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.(15)Univeritair Ziekenhaus Anterpen, Edegem, Belgium.(16)Division of Medical Genetics, University of Versailles, Paris-Saclay University and Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Paris, France.(17)O & O Alpan LLC, Springfield, Virginia, USA.(18)Service de Médecine, Hôpital Claude Huriez-CHRU Lille, Lille, France.(19)Department of Endocrinology and Metabolic Medicine, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust, Salford, UK.(20)Hospital das Clínicas FMUSP-Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil.(21)Niigata University Graduate School of Medicine and Dental Sciences, Niigata, Japan.(22)Royal Perth Hospital, Perth, New South Wales, Australia.(23)Department of Genetics, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.(24)Clinical Research Division, Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montreal, University of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.(25)Institute of Metabolic Disease, Baylor Research Institute, Dallas, Texas, USA.(26)Agility Clinical Inc., Carlsbad, California, USA.(27)Amicus Therapeutics Inc., Cranbury, New Jersey, USA.(28)CymaBay Therapeutics, Inc., Newark, California, USA.(29)TranscripTx, Inc., Sunnyvale, California, USA.(30)Parkinson's Institute and Clinical Center, Sunnyvale, California, USA.(31)Department of Medical Endocrinology, Rigshospital, Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark." ]
[ "PURPOSE/OBJECTIVES: To examine the effect of cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBTI) on sleep improvement, daytime symptoms, and quality of life (QOL) in breast cancer survivors (BCSs) after cancer treatment.DESIGN: A prospective, longitudinal, randomized, controlled trial.SETTING: Oncology clinics, breast cancer support groups, and communities in Colorado.SAMPLE: 56 middle-aged BCSs with chronic insomnia.METHODS: Women were randomly assigned to CBTI or behavioral placebo treatment (BPT) and completed measures of sleep, QOL, functioning, fatigue, and mood at baseline, postintervention, and at three- and six-month follow-ups.MAIN RESEARCH VARIABLES: Sleep outcomes (e.g., sleep efficiency, sleep latency, total sleep time, wake after sleep onset, number of nightly awakenings); secondary variables included sleep medication use, insomnia severity, QOL, physical function, cognitive function, fatigue, depression, anxiety, and sleep attitudes or knowledge.FINDINGS: Sleep efficiency and latency improved more in the CBTI group than the BPT group; this difference was maintained during follow-up. Women in the CBTI group had less subjective insomnia, greater improvements in physical and cognitive functioning, positive sleep attitudes, and increased sleep hygiene knowledge. No group differences in improvement were noted relative to QOL, fatigue, or mood.CONCLUSIONS: Nurse-delivered CBTI appears to be beneficial for BCSs' sleep latency/efficiency, insomnia severity, functioning, sleep knowledge, and attitudes more than active placebo, with sustained benefit over time.IMPLICATIONS FOR NURSING: Oncology nurses are in a unique position to identify insomnia in cancer survivors. When sleep disturbances become chronic, nurses need to make recommendations and referrals.", "3-Iodothyronamine is considered as a derivate of thyroid hormone as a result of enzymatic deiodination and decarboxylation. The physiological role of thyronamine (T1AM) is not known. The aim of this study was to analyze the metabolic response to T1AM in the Djungarian hamster Phodopus sungorus. We measured the influence of T1AM (50 mg/kg) on metabolic rate (VO(2)), body temperature (T (b)) and respiratory quotient (RQ) in this species and in BL/6 mice. T1AM treated hamsters as well as the mice showed a rapid decrease in VO(2) and T (b), accompanied by a reduction of RQ from normal values of about approximately 0.9 to approximately 0.70 for several hours. This indicates that carbohydrate utilisation is blocked by the injection of T1AM and that metabolic pathways are rerouted from carbohydrate to lipid utilisation in response to T1AM. This assumption was further supported by the observation that the treatment of T1AM caused ketonuria and a significant loss of body fat. Our results indicate that T1AM has the potential to control the balance between glucose and lipid utilisation in vivo.", "The myotubularin family is a large eukaryotic group within the tyrosine/dual-specificity phosphatase super-family (PTP/DSP). Among the 14 human members, three are mutated in genetic diseases: myotubular myopathy and two forms of Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy. We present an analysis of the myotubularin family in sequenced genomes. The myotubularin family encompasses catalytically active and inactive phosphatases, and both classes are well conserved from nematode to man. Catalytically active myotubularins dephosphorylate phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PtdIns3P) and PtdIns3,5P2, leading to the production of PtdIns and PtdIns5P. This activity may be modulated by direct interaction with catalytically inactive myotubularins. These phosphoinositides are signaling molecules that are notably involved in vacuolar transport and membrane trafficking. Myotubularins are thus proposed to be implicated in these cellular mechanisms, and recent observations on myotubularins homologues in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans indicate a role in endocytosis.", "Emapalumab-Igsz (Gamifant) is a human monoclonal antibody directed against interferon-γ (IFN-γ), and the first Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved therapy for primary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH). HLH is a disorder characterized by hypercytokinemia in the setting of unbridled immune activation, and emapalumab represents the first therapeutic developed to address the underlying pathophysiology of HLH. Emapalumab is approved for treatment of primary HLH that is refractory, recurrent, progressing or intolerant to current HLH treatments in both adult and pediatric patients. FDA approval was based on the results of a phase II/III clinical trial evaluating the safety and efficacy of emapalumab in 34 pediatric patients with primary HLH, 27 of whom were refractory to current therapies. Additional studies of emapalumab are currently ongoing in adults and other pediatric populations. Here, we will review the pharmacology, safety and efficacy of emapalumab for the treatment of HLH.", "The Koebner phenomenon has been reported to develop in classic or acquired immune deficiency syndrome-related Kaposi's sarcoma (KS). A 12-year-old kidney transplant recipient who developed immunosuppression-related KS showed reoccurrence of lesions in some previously intact incision sites following removal of tumor, suggesting Koebner phenomenon. It is recommended that surgeons be careful when planning surgical interventions in patients with certain skin disorders in which Koebner phenomenon is known to develop.", "Levodopa is the most efficacious treatment for Parkinson's disease (PD). Long-term treatment with levodopa is limited due to dyskinesia. Dyskinesia in PD can be socially and functionally disabling. Extended-release amantadine (amantadine ER) is the first approved medication for the treatment of dyskinesia. When it is given at bedtime, it reaches plasma concentration approximately twice the level achieved by amantadine immediate release. Amantadine ER reduces the severity and duration of dyskinesia during the day, reduces OFF time and increases ON time without troublesome dyskinesia. The most common side effects are hallucination, dizziness, orthostatic hypotension and pedal edema. This review discusses the safety and efficacy of amantadine ER in dyskinesia in PD patients.", "Familial glioblastoma multiforme is a rather uncommon entity, being in most cases associated to known genetic disorders (as Turcot syndrome, Li-Fraumeni syndrome, neurofibromatosis, etc.). However, familial gliomas have also been described, although less frequently, independently of these genetic syndromes showing some special features regarding its etiology and clinical manifestations. Less than 10% of gliomas may be considered as true multicentric tumours either synchronous or metachronous in clinical presentation. Metachronous glioblastomas have been associated to better prognosis in some studies, with genetic studies having found clear differences among the tumors within same patients. Familial glioblastoma with metachronous presentation is an exceptional disorder. These tumors show special therapeutic implications due to the limitations of radiotherapy once the patient has already irradiated. A variety of non-specific mutations have been found in these patients but true characterization of this disorder remains unclear and will be based on further genetic studies. We present a clinical report on a patient harbouring a familial and metachronous glioblastoma. The main aspects of this entity are reviewed." ]
[ "Advances in cancer genomics have revealed genomic classes of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) characterized by class-defining mutations, such as chimeric fusion genes or in genes such as NPM1, MLL, and CEBPA. These class-defining mutations frequently synergize with internal tandem duplications in FLT3 (FLT3-ITDs) to drive leukemogenesis. However, ∼20% of FLT3-ITD-positive AMLs bare no class-defining mutations, and mechanisms of leukemic transformation in these cases are unknown. To identify pathways that drive FLT3-ITD mutant AML in the absence of class-defining mutations, we performed an insertional mutagenesis (IM) screening in Flt3-ITD mice, using Sleeping Beauty transposons. All mice developed acute leukemia (predominantly AML) after a median of 73 days. Analysis of transposon insertions in 38 samples from Flt3-ITD/IM leukemic mice identified recurrent integrations at 22 loci, including Setbp1 (20/38), Ets1 (11/38), Ash1l (8/38), Notch1 (8/38), Erg (7/38), and Runx1 (5/38). Insertions at Setbp1 led exclusively to AML and activated a transcriptional program similar, but not identical, to those of NPM1-mutant and MLL-rearranged AMLs. Guide RNA targeting of Setbp1 was highly detrimental to Flt3ITD/+/Setbp1IM+, but not to Flt3ITD/+/Npm1cA/+, AMLs. Also, analysis of RNA-sequencing data from hundreds of human AMLs revealed that SETBP1 expression is significantly higher in FLT3-ITD AMLs lacking class-defining mutations. These findings propose that SETBP1 overexpression collaborates with FLT3-ITD to drive a subtype of human AML. To identify genetic vulnerabilities of these AMLs, we performed genome-wide CRISPR-Cas9 screening in Flt3ITD/+/Setbp1IM+ AMLs and identified potential therapeutic targets, including Kdm1a, Brd3, Ezh2, and Hmgcr. Our study gives new insights into epigenetic pathways that can drive AMLs lacking class-defining mutations and proposes therapeutic approaches against such cases.", "BACKGROUND: Factor VIII replacement products have improved the care of patients with hemophilia A, but the short half-life of these products affects the patients' quality of life. The half-life of recombinant factor VIII ranges from 15 to 19 hours because of the von Willebrand factor chaperone effect. BIVV001 (rFVIIIFc-VWF-XTEN) is a novel fusion protein designed to overcome this half-life ceiling and maintain high sustained factor VIII activity levels. Data are lacking on the safety and pharmacokinetics of single-dose BIVV001.METHODS: In this phase 1-2a open-label trial, we consecutively assigned 16 previously treated men (18 to 65 years of age) with severe hemophilia A (factor VIII activity, <1%) to receive a single intravenous injection of recombinant factor VIII at a dose of 25 IU per kilogram of body weight (lower-dose group) or 65 IU per kilogram (higher-dose group). This injection was followed by a washout period of at least 3 days. The patients then received a single intravenous injection of BIVV001 at the same corresponding dose of either 25 IU or 65 IU per kilogram. Adverse events and pharmacokinetic measurements were assessed.RESULTS: No inhibitors to factor VIII were detected and no hypersensitivity or anaphylaxis events were reported up to 28 days after the injection of single-dose BIVV001. The geometric mean half-life of BIVV001 was three to four times as long as that of recombinant factor VIII (37.6 hours vs. 9.1 hours in the lower-dose group and 42.5 vs. 13.2 hours in the higher-dose group); the area under the curve (AUC) for product exposure was six to seven times as great in the two dose groups (4470 hours vs. 638 hours × IU per deciliter in the lower-dose group and 12,800 hours vs. 1960 hours × IU per deciliter in the higher-dose group). After the injection of BIVV001 in the higher-dose group, the mean factor VIII level was in the normal range (≥51%) for 4 days and 17% at day 7, which suggested the possibility of a weekly interval between treatments.CONCLUSIONS: In a small, early-phase study involving men with severe hemophilia A, a single intravenous injection of BIVV001 resulted in high sustained factor VIII activity levels, with a half-life that was up to four times the half-life associated with recombinant factor VIII, an increase that could signal a new class of factor VIII replacement therapy with a weekly treatment interval. No safety concerns were reported during the 28-day period after administration. (Funded by Sanofi and Sobi; number, NCT03205163.).", "MOTIVATION: Conserved non-coding elements (CNEs) represent an enigmatic class of genomic elements which, despite being extremely conserved across evolution, do not encode for proteins. Their functions are still largely unknown. Thus, there exists a need to systematically investigate their roles in genomes. Towards this direction, identifying sets of CNEs in a wide range of organisms is an important first step. Currently, there are no tools published in the literature for systematically identifying CNEs in genomes.RESULTS: We fill this gap by presenting CNEFinder; a tool for identifying CNEs between two given DNA sequences with user-defined criteria. The results presented here show the tool's ability of identifying CNEs accurately and efficiently. CNEFinder is based on a k-mer technique for computing maximal exact matches. The tool thus does not require or compute whole-genome alignments or indexes, such as the suffix array or the Burrows Wheeler Transform (BWT), which makes it flexible to use on a wide scale.AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: Free software under the terms of the GNU GPL (", "Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) occurs due to anatomic and/or neurologic factors involving connective tissues, muscles and nerves. Although SUI is more common in post-menopausal and multiparous women, studies have also shown a high prevalence of SUI in young, physically fit female athletes. With a goal toward dynamic subject-specific mechanical characterization of the interaction between anatomical structures during physical activities that elicit SUI in females during physical or daily activities, a computer aided design (CAD)-based computer model of the female pelvis has been developed to test the feasibility of the computer modeling approach in understanding the measurable differences between stress-continent and stress-incontinent women. In the present study, a fluid-structure interaction analysis was conducted by using the finite element (FE) analysis technique based on the CAD-based computer model of the female pelvis to investigate the urine leakage in females during jumping. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first application of a fluid-structure interaction FE analysis approach in understanding the mechanisms of SUI in females. Through a series of computer simulations, the effects of varying impact forces determined by jumping height and bladder volume were investigated. The dynamic computer simulation results revealed that jumping heights have a significant influence on the volume of urine leakage caused by the landing impact of jumping. Bladder volume did not have a significant influence on leakage when the jumping heights were smaller than 1 ft, which indicates that normal walking (corresponds to a jumping height smaller than 0.1 ft) is not the primary cause of urine leakage for healthy females. The computer simulation results also showed that the deformation difference between the anterior and posterior portion of the female pelvis causes opening of the urethra and resultant urine leakage. The present study demonstrates the feasibility of using a computer modeling approach to study female SUI during physical and daily activities.", "Lumbar discectomy is an effective treatment for lumbar disc herniation (LDH). Although the majority of patients experience successful outcomes, a significant fraction will experience a recurrence of their back pain due to facet joint degeneration. Facet joint degeneration after discectomy may be the result of excessive nuclear removal, disc space narrowing, and annular injury. This study investigated whether implantation with the Barricaid annular closure device (ACD) during discectomy reduced the rate of facet degeneration. Inclusion criteria were primary lumbar disc herniation failing conservative treatment, Visual Analog Scale (VAS) Leg≥40/100, Oswestry Disability Index (ODI)≥40/100 and defects that were ≤60 mm2 (Barricaid arm only), and patient age 18-75. CT interpretations were collected preoperatively and 12 months post-discectomy. Patients implanted with Barricaid had significantly reduced rates and grades of facet degeneration than patients without Barricaid. Reinforcing the annulus fibrosus with Barricaid during lumbar discectomy may slow the progression of facet joint degeneration.", "Ventricular noncompaction (VNC) of the myocardium is a rare genetic cardiomyopathy caused by a disorder during endocardial morphogenesis and could be accompanied by life-threatening complications. The major clinical manifestations of VNC are heart failure, arrhythmias, and embolic events. The left ventricle is the most commonly reported affected site, but a few cases of right ventricular involvement have also been reported. We report a case of biventricular noncompaction cardiomyopathy in a 31-year-old woman presenting with a new onset seizure. On the second day of her telemetry-monitored hospitalization, she suffered a witnessed ventricular fibrillation arrest requiring emergency direct-current cardioversion and induced hypothermia. Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) showed isolated left ventricular (LV) noncompaction and depressed LV systolic function. Subsequent cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed both left and right ventricular noncompaction. This unusual presentation highlights the importance of a complete and thorough evaluation of patients even when presenting with apparently noncardiac symptom(s).", "A mutated cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (CDK4) was identified as a tumor-specific antigen recognized by HLA-A2. 1-restricted autologous cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTLs) in a human melanoma. The mutated CDK4 allele was present in autologous cultured melanoma cells and metastasis tissue, but not in the patient's lymphocytes. The mutation, an arginine-to-cysteine exchange at residue 24, was part of the CDK4 peptide recognized by CTLs and prevented binding of the CDK4 inhibitor p16INK4a, but not of p21 or of p27KIP1. The same mutation was found in one additional melanoma among 28 melanomas analyzed. These results suggest that mutation of CDK4 can create a tumor-specific antigen and can disrupt the cell-cycle regulation exerted by the tumor suppressor p16INK4a." ]
[ "BACKGROUND: Istradefylline, a selective adenosine A2A receptor antagonist, has been reported to improve daily \"off time\" and motor symptoms in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). However, the effect of istradefylline on sleep problems has not been thoroughly investigated.METHODS: We evaluated the effect of istradefylline on daytime sleepiness, sleep disturbances, and motor symptoms in 22 PD patients who were affected by the wearing off phenomenon in an open-label, 3-month study. Participants received 20-40mg/day istradefylline once daily (morning) over a 3-month period. The Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), PD sleep scale (PDSS)-2 and PD Questionnaire (PDQ-8) were administered at baseline, 2weeks, 1month, 2months and 3months. At baseline and 3months, patients were evaluated on the Movement Disorder Society Revision of the Unified PD Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) parts III and IV.RESULTS: Twenty-one patients (95.5%) completed the study. At 3months, MDS-UPDRS part III (-5.3, p=0.0002) and part IV (-2.5, p=0.001) scores improved and off time decreased significantly (-50.1min, p=0.0004). PDQ-8 scores were unchanged at 3months. ESS scores decreased significantly at 2months and 3months (-2.4 and -3.3, respectively, p<0.0001), but the total PDSS-2 scores did not change.CONCLUSION: Istradefylline improved daytime sleepiness in PD patients, possibly through its effect on enhancing alertness. In addition, the lack of significant changes in the total PDSS-2 scores over the study period suggests istradefylline had no negative impact on sleep.", "Dysfunction of brain-derived arginine-vasopressin (AVP) systems may be involved in the etiology of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Certain regions such as the hypothalamus, amygdala, and hippocampus are known to contain either AVP neurons or terminals and may play an important role in regulating complex social behaviors. The present study was designed to investigate the concomitant changes in autistic behaviors, circulating AVP levels, and the structure and functional connectivity (FC) of specific brain regions in autistic children compared with typically developing children (TDC) aged from 3 to 5 years. The results showed: (1) children with ASD had a significantly increased volume in the left amygdala and left hippocampus, and a significantly decreased volume in the bilateral hypothalamus compared to TDC, and these were positively correlated with plasma AVP level. (2) Autistic children had a negative FC between the left amygdala and the bilateral supramarginal gyri compared to TDC. The degree of the negative FC between amygdala and supramarginal gyrus was associated with a higher score on the clinical autism behavior checklist. (3) The degree of negative FC between left amygdala and left supramarginal gyrus was associated with a lowering of the circulating AVP concentration in boys with ASD. (4) Autistic children showed a higher FC between left hippocampus and right subcortical area compared to TDC. (5) The circulating AVP was negatively correlated with the visual and listening response score of the childhood autism rating scale. These results strongly suggest that changes in structure and FC in brain regions containing AVP may be involved in the etiology of autism.", "Hypothalamic hormones as well as anterior pituitary hormones were detected in the peripheral plasma after the diagnosis of brain death. It is possible that residual hypothalamic tissue was functioning after satisfying the usual criteria of total brain death. To examine this possibility, endocrinological and morphological alterations of the hypothalamic-pituitary system was evaluated in 28 brain dead patients. Intrinsic ADH was depleted in the plasma shortly after the diagnosis of brain death. Anterior pituitary hormones were initially detected in all patients, but gradually disappeared. The direct TRH (thyrotropin releasing hormone) stimulation to the anterior lobe was responded to well. Morphological studies showed a partial necrosis of the anterior lobe and the preservation of the posterior lobe for as long as a week. These data prove that the pituitary is partially preserved after brain death. LH-RH (luteinizing hormone releasing hormone) was detected in the peripheral plasma of all patients and GRF (growth hormone releasing factor) was detected in half of the patients for as long as 15 days, but autopsy revealed the fact that the brain tissue including the hypothalamus became extensively necrotic after the sixth day of brain death. In order to solve this controversy it is proposed that these hormones originate from extracranial tissues such as pancreas. The detection of hypothalamic hormones after the diagnosis of brain death therefore is not contradictory to the concept of total brain death.", "In vertebrates, conserved noncoding elements (CNEs) are functionally constrained sequences that can show striking conservation over >400 million years of evolutionary distance and frequently are located megabases away from target developmental genes. Conserved noncoding sequences (CNSs) in plants are much shorter, and it has been difficult to detect conservation among distantly related genomes. In this article, we show not only that CNS sequences can be detected throughout the eudicot clade of flowering plants, but also that a subset of 37 CNSs can be found in all flowering plants (diverging ∼170 million years ago). These CNSs are functionally similar to vertebrate CNEs, being highly associated with transcription factor and development genes and enriched in transcription factor binding sites. Some of the most highly conserved sequences occur in genes encoding RNA binding proteins, particularly the RNA splicing-associated SR genes. Differences in sequence conservation between plants and animals are likely to reflect differences in the biology of the organisms, with plants being much more able to tolerate genomic deletions and whole-genome duplication events due, in part, to their far greater fecundity compared with vertebrates.", "This study examined the effect of a Du-zhong (Eucommia ulmoides Oliver) leaf extract (0.175 g/100 g diet) that was supplemented with a high-fat diet (10% coconut oil, 0.2% cholesterol, wt/wt) on hyperlipidemic hamsters. Hamsters fed with Du-zhong leaf extract for 10 weeks showed a smaller size of epididymal adipocytes compared to the control group. The supplementation of the Du-zhong leaf extract significantly lowered the plasma levels of triglyceride, total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, non HDL-cholesterol, and free fatty acid, whereas it elevated the HDL-cholesterol/total cholesterol ratio and apolipoprotein A-I levels. The hepatic cholesterol concentration was lower in the Du-zhong group than in the control group. The plasma total cholesterol concentration was positively correlated with hepatic HMG-CoA reductase activity (r = 0.547, p < 0.05) and hepatic cholesterol concentration (r = 0.769, p < 0.001). The hepatic fatty acid synthase and HMG-CoA reductase activities were significantly lowered by a Du-zhong leaf extract supplement in high fat-fed hamsters. Hepatic fatty acid synthase activity was positively correlated with plasma fatty acid concentration (r = 0.513, p < 0.05) that was lower in the Du-zhong group. These results demonstrate that the Du-zhong leaf extract exhibits antihyperlipidemic properties by suppressing hepatic fatty acid and cholesterol biosynthesis with the simultaneous reduction of plasma and hepatic lipids in high fat-fed hamsters.", "The integrin antagonist cilengitide has been explored as an adjunct with anti-angiogenic properties to standard of care temozolomide chemoradiotherapy (TMZ/RT → TMZ) in newly diagnosed glioblastoma. Preclinical data as well as anecdotal clinical observations indicate that anti-angiogenic treatment may result in altered patterns of tumor progression. Using a standardized approach, we analyzed patterns of progression on MRI in 21 patients enrolled onto a phase 2 trial of cilengitide added to TMZ/RT → TMZ in newly diagnosed glioblastoma. Thirty patients from the experimental treatment arm of the EORTC/NCIC pivotal TMZ trial served as a reference. MRIcro software was used to map location and extent of initial preoperative and recurrent tumors on MRI of both groups into the same stereotaxic space which were then analyzed using an automated tool of image analysis. Clinical and outcome data of the cilengitide-treated patients were similar to those of the EORTC/NCIC trial except for a higher proportion of patients with a methylated O(6)-methylguanyl-DNA-methyltransferase gene promoter. Analysis of recurrence pattern revealed neither a difference in the size of the recurrent tumor nor in the distance of the recurrences from the preoperative tumor location between groups. Overall frequencies of distant recurrences were 20 % in the reference group and 19 % (4/21 patients) in the cilengitide group. Compared with TMZ/RT → TMZ alone, the addition of cilengitide does not alter patterns of progression. This analysis does not support concerns that integrin antagonism by cilengitide may induce a more aggressive phenotype at progression, but also provides no evidence for an anti-invasive activity of cilengitide in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma.", "Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are key molecular sensors used by the mammalian innate immune system to detect microorganisms. Although TLR functions in colonic immune homeostasis and tolerance to commensal bacteria have been intensively researched, the precise roles of different TLRs in response to pathogen infection in the gut remain elusive. Peyer patches are the major entrance of Salmonella infection and antigen transportation in intestine. Here, we report that, in contrast to TLR5 as a \"carrier of Salmonella,\" TLR11 works as a \"blocker of Salmonella\" to prevent highly invasive Salmonella from penetrating into the murine Peyer patches and spreading systemically. TLR11 plays an important role in mediating TNF-α induction and systemic inflammation in response to Salmonella infection. Remarkably, in mice lacking TLR11, apparent hemorrhages at Peyer patches are induced by highly invasive Salmonella, a phenotype resembling human Salmonella infection. Therefore, our results indicate a potentially important role for TLR11 in preventing murine intestinal infection and modulating antigen transportation in the gut and imply an important role for various TLRs in cooperation with tight control of pathogens penetrating into Peyer patches. The TLR11 knock-out mouse can serve as a good animal model to study Salmonella infection." ]
[ "PIWI-interacting small non-coding RNAs (piRNAs) are genetic and epigenetic regulatory factors in germline cells, where they maintain genome stability, are involved in RNA silencing and regulate gene expression. We found that the piRNA biogenesis and effector pathway are present in human breast cancer (BC) cells and, analyzing smallRNA-Seq data generated from BC cell lines and tumor biopsies, we identified >100 BC piRNAs, including some very abundant and/or differentially expressed in mammary epithelial compared to BC cells, where this was influenced by estrogen or estrogen receptor β, and in cancer respect to normal breast tissues. A search for mRNAs targeted by the BC piRNome revealed that eight piRNAs showing a specific expression pattern in breast tumors target key cancer cell pathways. Evidence of an active piRNA pathway in BC suggests that these small non-coding RNAs do exert transcriptional and post-transcriptional gene regulatory actions also in cancer cells.", "Eukaryotic gene expression is dependent on the modification of the first transcribed nucleotide of pre-mRNA by the addition of the 7-methylguanosine cap. The cap protects transcripts from exonucleases and recruits complexes which mediate transcription elongation, processing and translation initiation. The cap is synthesized by a series of reactions which link 7-methylguanosine to the first transcribed nucleotide via a 5' to 5' triphosphate bridge. In mammals, cap synthesis is catalysed by the sequential action of RNGTT (RNA guanylyltransferase and 5'-phosphatase) and RNMT (RNA guanine-7 methyltransferase), enzymes recruited to RNA pol II (polymerase II) during the early stages of transcription. We recently discovered that the mammalian cap methyltransferase is a heterodimer consisting of RNMT and the RNMT-activating subunit RAM (RNMT-activating mini-protein). RAM activates and stabilizes RNMT and thus is critical for cellular cap methylation and cell viability. In the present study we report that RNMT interacts with the N-terminal 45 amino acids of RAM, a domain necessary and sufficient for maximal RNMT activation. In contrast, smaller components of this RAM domain are sufficient to stabilize RNMT. RAM functions in the nucleus and we report that nuclear import of RAM is dependent on PY nuclear localization signals and Kapβ2 (karyopherin β2) nuclear transport protein.", "Anti-TNF treatments have given patients with rheumatoid arthritis considerable hope and relief. However, 20-30% of patients do not respond sufficiently to a given anti-TNF drug. In this situation, current strategies include switching to an alternative agent, increasing the dose of the current agent or to return to conventional DMARDs. The arrival of new biologics, which target different molecules than TNF, opens the perspective to other pathways of immunomodulation in RA. These drugs include rituximab (anti-CD20), abatacept (CTLA4Ig) and tocilizumab (anti- IL6R). Comparative studies are urgently needed to assess the efficacy of the different treatment options in order to provide the best therapeutic strategy for our patients.", "BACKGROUND: Distinguishing genetic variants that cause disease from variants that are rare but benign is one of the principal challenges in contemporary clinical genetics, particularly as variants are identified at a pace exceeding the capacity of researchers to characterise them functionally.METHODS: We previously developed a novel method, called paralogue annotation, which accurately and specifically identifies disease-causing missense variants by transferring disease-causing annotations across families of related proteins. Here we refine our approach, and apply it to novel variants found in 2266 patients across two large cohorts with inherited sudden death syndromes, namely catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT) or Brugada syndrome (BrS).RESULTS: Over one third of the novel non-synonymous variants found in these studies, which would otherwise be reported in a clinical diagnostics setting as 'variants of unknown significance', are categorised by our method as likely disease causing (positive predictive value 98.7%). This identified more than 500 new disease loci for BrS and CPVT.CONCLUSIONS: Our methodology is widely transferable across all human disease genes, with an estimated 150 000 potentially informative annotations in more than 1800 genes. We have developed a web resource that allows researchers and clinicians to annotate variants found in individuals with inherited arrhythmias, comprising a referenced compendium of known missense variants in these genes together with a user-friendly implementation of our approach. This tool will facilitate the interpretation of many novel variants that might otherwise remain unclassified.", "Automated methods for NMR structure determination of proteins are continuously becoming more robust. However, current methods addressing larger, more complex targets rely on analyzing 6-10 complementary spectra, suggesting the need for alternative approaches. Here, we describe 4D-CHAINS/autoNOE-Rosetta, a complete pipeline for NOE-driven structure determination of medium- to larger-sized proteins. The 4D-CHAINS algorithm analyzes two 4D spectra recorded using a single, fully protonated protein sample in an iterative ansatz where common NOEs between different spin systems supplement conventional through-bond connectivities to establish assignments of sidechain and backbone resonances at high levels of completeness and with a minimum error rate. The 4D-CHAINS assignments are then used to guide automated assignment of long-range NOEs and structure refinement in autoNOE-Rosetta. Our results on four targets ranging in size from 15.5 to 27.3 kDa illustrate that the structures of proteins can be determined accurately and in an unsupervised manner in a matter of days.", "BACKGROUND: Brain subependymal giant cell astrocytomas (SEGAs) in patients with tuberous sclerosis have been reported to respond to everolimus.METHODS: A 15-year-old male patient with intractable seizures and multiple SEGAs of the brain developed leptomeningeal enhancement and multiple metastatic, histologically confirmed SEGAs of the spinal cord. He received daily everolimus at a dose of 3 mg/m for 6 weeks, which was then increased to 6 mg/m.RESULTS: Magnetic resonance image of the brain and spine showed significant reduction in the size of SEGAs after 6 weeks of treatment. The patient has remained free of progression for 24 months. Additional benefits included: excellent seizure control, decrease in the size of cardiac rhabdomyomas, and improved quality of life.CONCLUSIONS: We describe a rare case of metastatic SEGA, which was successfully treated with everolimus.", "Somatic hypermutation (SHM) diversifies the V region of Ig genes and underlies the process of affinity maturation, in which B lymphocytes producing high-affinity Abs are generated and selected. SHM is triggered in activated B cells by deamination of deoxycytosine residues mediated by activation-induced deaminase (AID). Whereas mistargeting of SHM and AID results in mutations and DNA damage in many non-Ig genes, they act preferentially at Ig loci. The mechanisms responsible for preferential targeting of SHM and AID activity to Ig loci are poorly understood. Using an assay involving an SHM reporter cassette inserted into the Ig L chain locus (IgL) of chicken DT40 B cells, we have identified a 1.9-kb DIVAC (diversification activator) element derived from chicken IgL that supports high levels of AID-dependent mutation activity. Systematic deletion analysis reveals that targeting activity is spread throughout much of the sequence and identifies two core regions that are particularly critical for function: a 200-bp region within the IgL enhancer, and a 350-bp 3' element. Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrate that whereas DIVAC does not alter levels of several epigenetic marks in the mutation cassette, it does increase levels of serine-5 phosphorylated RNA polymerase II in the mutation target region, consistent with an effect on transcriptional elongation/pausing. We propose that multiple, dispersed DNA elements collaborate to recruit and activate the mutational machinery at Ig gene variable regions during SHM." ]
[ "We study the vibration modes of a short section in the middle turn of the gerbil cochlea including both longitudinal and radial interstitial fluid spaces between the pillar cells (PC) and the sensory hair cells to determine the role of the interstitial fluid flow within the organ of corti (OoC). Three detailed finite element (FE) models of the cochlear short section (CSS) are studied. In model 1, the CSS is without fluids; model 2 includes the OoC fluid, but not the exterior scalae fluids; and model 3 is the CSS with both scalae and OoC fluids. We find that: (1) the fundamental mode shape of models 1 or 3 is similar to the classical basilar membrane (BM) bending mode that includes pivoting of the arch of corti, and hence determines the low frequency vibrational mode shape of the cochlea in the presence of the cochlear wave. (2) The fundamental mode shape of model 2 is characterized by a cross-sectional shape change similar to the passive response of the cochlea. This mode shape includes a tilting motion of the inner hair cell (IHC) region, a fluid motion within the tunnel of corti (ToC) in the radial direction and along the OoC, and a bulging motion of the reticular lamina (RL) above the outer hair cell (OHC). Each of these motions provides a plausible mode of excitation of the sensory hair cells. (3) The higher vibrational modes of model 1 are similar to the electrically evoked response within the OoC and suggests that the higher vibrational modes are responsible for the active response of the cochlea. We also observed that the fluid flow through the OoC interstitial space is significant, and the model comparison suggests that the OoC fluid contributes to the biphasic BM motion seen in electrical stimulation experiments. The effect of fluid viscosity on cilium deflection was assessed by performing a transient analysis to calculate the cilium shearing gain. The gain values are found to be within the range of experimentally measured values reported by Dallos et al. (1996, The Cochlea, Springer-Verlag, New York).", "The course of organophosphate-induced delayed polyneuropathy (OPIDP) in humans has not been quantitatively measured in epidemiologic studies. This study evaluated the association of acute OP poisonings with motor neurologic impairment. Hand grip and pinch strength were evaluated among 62 Nicaraguan men hospitalized for acute OP poisoning between 1992 and 1996; 39 cattle ranchers and fishermen who had never experienced pesticide poisoning were controls. Exposure categories were moderate and severe poisonings with neuropathic and non-neuropathic OPs. Strength was measured at hospital discharge and seven weeks after poisoning. Grip and pinch strength were impaired among all OP-poisoned subjects at both examinations, more noticeably among those poisoned with OPs with suspected neuropathic effects, methamidophos and chlorpyrifos. In those with severe poisonings with neuropathic OPs, impairments were more marked among intentional than among occupational poisonings. The performances of suicidal subjects worsened at the second examination, consistent with OPIDP. Early motor impairment at the time of hospital discharge is consistent with cholinergic depolarization blockade after acute poisoning. The persistence of deficits in motor strength in all severely poisoned patients regardless of pesticide type was unexpected, and may reflect persistent cholinergic blockade or intermediate syndrome, neuropathy, or a combination of these.", "The 3D structure of chromatin plays a key role in genome function, including gene expression, DNA replication, chromosome segregation, and DNA repair. Furthermore the location of genomic loci within the nucleus, especially relative to each other and nuclear structures such as the nuclear envelope and nuclear bodies strongly correlates with aspects of function such as gene expression. Therefore, determining the 3D position of the 6 billion DNA base pairs in each of the 23 chromosomes inside the nucleus of a human cell is a central challenge of biology. Recent advances of super-resolution microscopy in principle enable the mapping of specific molecular features with nanometer precision inside cells. Combined with highly specific, sensitive and multiplexed fluorescence labeling of DNA sequences this opens up the possibility of mapping the 3D path of the genome sequence in situ. Here we develop computational methodologies to reconstruct the sequence configuration of all human chromosomes in the nucleus from a super-resolution image of a set of fluorescent in situ probes hybridized to the genome in a cell. To test our approach, we develop a method for the simulation of DNA in an idealized human nucleus. Our reconstruction method, ChromoTrace, uses suffix trees to assign a known linear ordering of in situ probes on the genome to an unknown set of 3D in-situ probe positions in the nucleus from super-resolved images using the known genomic probe spacing as a set of physical distance constraints between probes. We find that ChromoTrace can assign the 3D positions of the majority of loci with high accuracy and reasonable sensitivity to specific genome sequences. By simulating appropriate spatial resolution, label multiplexing and noise scenarios we assess our algorithms performance. Our study shows that it is feasible to achieve genome-wide reconstruction of the 3D DNA path based on super-resolution microscopy images.", "A 13-year-old child presented with three simultaneous malignancies: glioblastoma multiforme, Burkitt lymphoma, and colonic adenocarcinoma. She was treated for her diseases without success and died 8 months after presentation. Genetic analysis revealed a homozygous mutation in the PMS2 gene, consistent with constitutional mismatch repair deficiency. Her siblings and parents were screened: three of four siblings and both parents were heterozygous for this mutation; the fourth sibling did not have the mutation.", "Due to increased travel, climatic, and environmental changes, the incidence of tick-borne disease in both humans and animals is increasing throughout Europe. Therefore, extended surveillance tools are desirable. To accurately screen tick-borne pathogens (TBPs), a large scale epidemiological study was conducted on 7050 Ixodes ricinus nymphs collected from France, Denmark, and the Netherlands using a powerful new high-throughput approach. This advanced methodology permitted the simultaneous detection of 25 bacterial, and 12 parasitic species (including; Borrelia, Anaplasma, Ehrlichia, Rickettsia, Bartonella, Candidatus Neoehrlichia, Coxiella, Francisella, Babesia, and Theileria genus) across 94 samples. We successfully determined the prevalence of expected (Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Rickettsia helvetica, Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis, Babesia divergens, Babesia venatorum), unexpected (Borrelia miyamotoi), and rare (Bartonella henselae) pathogens in the three European countries. Moreover we detected Borrelia spielmanii, Borrelia miyamotoi, Babesia divergens, and Babesia venatorum for the first time in Danish ticks. This surveillance method represents a major improvement in epidemiological studies, able to facilitate comprehensive testing of TBPs, and which can also be customized to monitor emerging diseases.", "BACKGROUND: Parkinson's disease is typically treated with oral dopamine replacement therapies; however, long-term treatment leads to motor complications and, occasionally, impulse control disorders caused by intermittent stimulation of dopamine receptors and off-target effects, respectively. We aimed to assess the safety, tolerability, and efficacy of bilateral, intrastriatal delivery of ProSavin, a lentiviral vector-based gene therapy aimed at restoring local and continuous dopamine production in patients with advanced Parkinson's disease.METHODS: We undertook a phase 1/2 open-label trial with 12-month follow-up at two study sites (France and UK) to assess the safety and efficacy of ProSavin after bilateral injection into the putamen of patients with Parkinson's disease. All patients were then enrolled in a separate open-label follow-up study of long-term safety. Three doses were assessed in separate cohorts: low dose (1·9×10(7) transducing units [TU]); mid dose (4·0×10(7) TU); and high dose (1×10(8) TU). Inclusion criteria were age 48-65 years, disease duration 5 years or longer, motor fluctuations, and 50% or higher motor response to oral dopaminergic therapy. The primary endpoints of the phase 1/2 study were the number and severity of adverse events associated with ProSavin and motor responses as assessed with Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) part III (off medication) scores, at 6 months after vector administration. Both trials are registered at, NCT00627588 and NCT01856439.FINDINGS: 15 patients received ProSavin and were followed up (three at low dose, six mid dose, six high dose). During the first 12 months of follow-up, 54 drug-related adverse events were reported (51 mild, three moderate). Most common were increased on-medication dyskinesias (20 events, 11 patients) and on-off phenomena (12 events, nine patients). No serious adverse events related to the study drug or surgical procedure were reported. A significant improvement in mean UPDRS part III motor scores off medication was recorded in all patients at 6 months (mean score 38 [SD 9] vs 26 [8], n=15, p=0·0001) and 12 months (38 vs 27 [8]; n=15, p=0·0001) compared with baseline.INTERPRETATION: ProSavin was safe and well tolerated in patients with advanced Parkinson's disease. Improvement in motor behaviour was observed in all patients.FUNDING: Oxford BioMedica.", "OBJECTIVES: Two different depletion strategies for removing albumin from human cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), Microcon Centrifugal Filter vs. Montage Albumin Deplete kit, were evaluated for improving protein profiling pattern and reproducibility in SELDI analysis.DESIGN AND METHODS: Pooled CSF was divided into 20 aliquots and these aliquots were subjected to SELDI analysis either after albumin depletion or without preprocessing. Protein profiles were obtained by using CM10, Q10 and IMAC chips.RESULTS: Both strategies resulted in reliable albumin depletion (<6.2 mg/L, filter; 8.1 mg/L, depletion kit). Investigated methods of albumin depletion showed no significant differences in coefficients of variation (CVs) of peak intensities compared to unprocessed CSF on almost all chip types. Peak intensities were significantly higher after albumin depletion compared to CSF without preprocessing on Q10 and on CM10 chips. Nevertheless, the two strategies of albumin depletion led to a decrease in the number of detected peaks on all chip types compared to unprocessed CSF, but several additional peaks, not detected in unprocessed CSF, occurred.CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates that reduction of sample complexity by albumin depletion of CSF can be performed without CV impairment. However, the significance of this strategy needs to be evaluated separately for each individual biomarker discovery study." ]
[ "Scleroderma (progressive systemic sclerosis) is a systemic autoimmune disorder characterised by skin sclerosis, calcinosis and changes in microvasculature. The etiology of the disease is unknown but both genetic and environmental factors have been implicated. Telangiectasia (macroscopically visible dilated skin vessels) occurring primarily on the hands and face, are a prominent feature in scleroderma and are present in the majority of patients. Similarly, telangiectasia are found in patients with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT), a mutational disorder of the germline genes endoglin and ALK-1, members of the TGFbeta receptor family, expressed on endothelial cells. Our study investigated the number, distribution and microscopic characteristics of telangiectasia in both limited (n = 29) and diffuse scleroderma (n = 9) and compared findings with 3 patients with HHT. In limited scleroderma, the mean number of telangiectasia (hand and face) was 36 (0-150) compared with 23 (0-135) in diffuse scieroderma. A significant correlation was observed between the number of telangiectasia on the face and on the hands (p = 0.014). The total number of telangiectasia correlated significantly with the disease duration (p = 0.009). The spatial distribution of the telangiectasia appeared to be random on both hands and foreface in contrast with the distribution of subcutaneous calcification of the hands which occurred predominantly on the distal and flexor surfaces of the first, second and fifth digits. Nailfold microscopic capillaroscopy was performed on 12 patients. No significant correlation was observed between capillary diameter or density and with total number of telangiectasia observed macroscopically. The distribution and microscopic appearance of telangiectasia in scleroderma appeared very similar to those observed in HHT. In view of these similarities we therefore conclude that telangiectactic development in scleroderma may be associated with disorders of the TGFb receptor family proteins found on the microvasculature.", "Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL) is the best understood cause of dominantly inherited stroke and results from NOTCH3 mutations that lead to NOTCH3 protein accumulation and selective arterial smooth muscle degeneration. Previous studies show that NOTCH3 protein forms multimers. Here, we investigate protein interactions between NOTCH3 and other vascular Notch isoforms and characterize the effects of elevated NOTCH3 on smooth muscle gene regulation. We demonstrate that NOTCH3 forms heterodimers with NOTCH1, NOTCH3, and NOTCH4. R90C and C49Y mutant NOTCH3 form complexes which are more resistant to detergents than wild type NOTCH3 complexes. Using quantitative NOTCH3-luciferase clearance assays, we found significant inhibition of mutant NOTCH3 clearance. In coculture assays of NOTCH function, overexpressed wild type and mutant NOTCH3 significantly repressed NOTCH-regulated smooth muscle transcripts and potently impaired the activity of three independent smooth muscle promoters. Wildtype and R90C recombinant NOTCH3 proteins applied to cell cultures also blocked canonical Notch fuction. We conclude that CADASIL mutants of NOTCH3 complex with NOTCH1, 3, and 4, slow NOTCH3 clearance, and that overexpressed wild type and mutant NOTCH3 protein interfere with key NOTCH-mediated functions in smooth muscle cells.", "BACKGROUND: In multiple sclerosis, development of screening tools for remyelination-promoting molecules is timely.OBJECTIVE: A Xenopus transgenic line allowing conditional ablation of myelinating oligodendrocytes has been adapted for in vivo screening of remyelination-favoring molecules.METHODS: In this transgenic, the green fluorescent protein reporter is fused to E. coli nitroreductase and expressed specifically in myelinating oligodendrocytes. Nitroreductase converts the innocuous pro-drug metronidazole to a cytotoxin. Spontaneous remyelination occurs after metronidazole-induced demyelinating responses. As tadpoles are transparent, these events can be monitored in vivo and quantified. At the end of metronidazole-induced demyelination, tadpoles were screened in water containing the compounds tested. After 72 h, remyelination was assayed by counting numbers of oligodendrocytes per optic nerve.RESULTS: Among a battery of molecules tested, siponimod, a dual agonist of sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 1 and 5, was among the most efficient favoring remyelination. Crispr/cas9 gene editing showed that the promyelinating effect of siponimod involves the sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 5.CONCLUSION: This Xenopus transgenic line constitutes a simple in vivo screening platform for myelin repair therapeutics. We validated several known promyelinating compounds and demonstrated that the strong remyelinating efficacy of siponimod implicates the sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 5.", "Teprotumumab (teprotumumab-trbw; TEPEZZA™ - Horizon Therapeutics) is a monoclonal antibody insulin-like growth factor-I receptor (IGF-IR) antagonist developed for the treatment of thyroid eye disease (Graves ophthalmopathy/orbitopathy, thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy). Based on positive results from two multinational clinical trials teprotumumab was recently approved for this indication in the US. This article summarizes the milestones in the development of teprotumumab leading to this first approval for thyroid eye disease.", "In a previous pharmacokinetic study in Alzheimer patients great inter-individual variation and low oral bioavailability of the cholinesterase inhibitor tacrine (tetrahydroaminoacridine, THA) were found. In the present investigation oral and rectal administration of tacrine were compared with the aim to find a route for improved bioavailability through diminished first-pass metabolism in the liver. Eight patients suffering from Alzheimer's dementia were given tacrine by oral (25 and 50 mg b.i.d.) and rectal (12.5 and 25 mg b.i.d.) routes for 1 week with 4-6 weeks washout in between. Drug hydroxylation capacity in the patients was determined using the debrisoquine test. Levels of tacrine in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) were determined and the cognitive performance was examined by the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the Alzheimer Deficit Assessment Scale (ADAS). Tacrine was well tolerated in all but one patient, a slow hydroxylator, who developed an aplastic anemia. MMSE and ADAS scores did not significantly change, except for word recall which was improved on tacrine when given by the rectal route. Pharmacokinetic analysis of the two administration routes revealed that the drug dose may be reduced by almost 50% when given rectally compared to orally. Concentrations of tacrine in the CSF were significantly lower and correlated linearly with the concentrations in plasma.", "The objective of this study was to investigate clinical, biochemical, and genetic features in 7 probands (a total of 11 patients) with nicotine-amide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) dehydrogenase (complex I) deficiency. We screened the mitochondrial DNA for mutations and found pathogenic mutations in complex I genes (mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit (MTND) genes) in three probands. The 10191T>C mutation in MTND3 and the 14487T>C mutation in MTND6 were present in two probands with Leigh's-like and Leigh's syndrome, respectively. Four siblings with a syndrome consisting of encephalomyopathy with hearing impairment, optic nerve atrophy, and cardiac involvement had the 11778G>A mutation in MTND4, previously associated with Leber hereditary optic neuropathy. These findings demonstrate that mutations in MTND genes are relatively frequent in patients with complex I deficiency. Biochemical measurements of respiratory chain function in muscle mitochondria showed that all patients had a moderate decrease of the mitochondrial adenosine triphosphate production rate. Interestingly, the complex I deficiency caused secondary metabolic alterations with decreased oxaloacetate-induced inhibition of succinate dehydrogenase (complex II) and excretion of Krebs cycle intermediates in the urine. Our results thus suggest that altered regulation of metabolism may play an important role in the pathogenesis of complex I deficiency.", "A new chromatographic-densitometric method has been developed for the qualitative and quantitative determination of the active ingredients in a simulated mixture corresponding to the PolyIran polypill, composed of acetylsalicylic acid, hydrochlorothiazide (HCT), enalapril (ENA), and atorvastatin (ATR), whose efficacy in the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular disease has been documented in clinical trials. Chromatographic separation was performed using TLC silica gel 60 plates with fluorescent indicator F254 as the stationary phase and a mixture of n-hexane-ethyl acetate-methanol-water-acetic acid (8.4 + 8 + 3 + 0.4 + 0.2, v/v/v/v/v) as the mobile phase. Densitometric measurements were carried out at λ = 210 nm when determining ENA and at λ = 265 nm in the case of the other drugs. Peaks of examined substances were well separated in the recorded chromatograms, enabling the evaluation of the results in terms of both qualitative and quantitative analysis. The method was specific for the analyzed components and was characterized by high sensitivity. The LOD was between 0.043 and 0.331 μg/spot, and LOQ was between 0.100 and 0.942 μg/spot. Recovery was in the range of 97.02-101.34%. The linearity range was broad and ranged from 0.600 to 6.000 μg/spot for acetylsalicylic acid, from 0.058 to 1.102 μg/spot for HCT, from 0.505 to 6.560 μg/spot for ENA, and from 0.100 to 1.000 μg/spot for ATR. The method was characterized by good precision, with RSD values that ranged from 0.10 to 2.26%.", "BACKGROUND: The complexity of treatment regimens, costs and pill burden decrease the medication adherence and contribute to shortfall in cardiovascular preventive drug coverage. The polypill, a fixed dose combination pill of established drugs, is expected to increase adherence and reduce the costs whilst preventing major cardiovascular events (MCVE).DESIGN AND METHODS: The PolyIran trial is a pragmatic cluster randomized trial nested within the Golestan Cohort Study (GCS). Subjects were randomized to either non-pharmacological preventive interventions alone (minimal care arm) or together with a polypill (polypill arm) comprising hydrochlorothiazide, aspirin, atorvastatin and either enalapril or valsartan. This study benefits from the infrastructure of the primary health care system in Iran and the interventions are delivered by the local auxiliary health workers (Behvarz) to the participants. The primary outcome of the study is the occurrence of first MCVE within five years defined as non-fatal and fatal myocardial infarction, unstable angina, sudden death, heart failure, coronary artery revascularization procedures, and non-fatal and fatal stroke.TRIAL STATUS: From February 2011 to April 2013, 8410 individuals (236 clusters) attended the eligibility assessment. Of those, 3421 in the polypill arm and 3417 in the minimal care arm were eligible. The study is ongoing.CONCLUSION: The infrastructure of GCS and the primary health care system in Iran enabled the conduct of this pragmatic large-scale trial. If the polypill strategy proves effective, it may be implemented to prevent cardiovascular disease in developing countries.", "During B cell development, long-distance DNA interactions are needed for V(D)J somatic rearrangement of the immunoglobulin (Ig) loci to produce functional Ig genes, and for class switch recombination (CSR) needed for antibody maturation. The tissue-specificity and developmental timing of these mechanisms is a subject of active investigation. A small number of factors are implicated in controlling Ig locus long-distance interactions including Pax5, Yin Yang 1 (YY1), EZH2, IKAROS, CTCF, cohesin, and condensin proteins. Here we will focus on the role of YY1 in controlling these mechanisms. YY1 is a multifunctional transcription factor involved in transcriptional activation and repression, X chromosome inactivation, Polycomb Group (PcG) protein DNA recruitment, and recruitment of proteins required for epigenetic modifications (acetylation, deacetylation, methylation, ubiquitination, sumoylation, etc.). YY1 conditional knock-out indicated that YY1 is required for B cell development, at least in part, by controlling long-distance DNA interactions at the immunoglobulin heavy chain and Igκ loci. Our recent data show that YY1 is also required for CSR. The mechanisms implicated in YY1 control of long-distance DNA interactions include controlling non-coding antisense RNA transcripts, recruitment of PcG proteins to DNA, and interaction with complexes involved in long-distance DNA interactions including the cohesin and condensin complexes. Though common rearrangement mechanisms operate at all Ig loci, their distinct temporal activation along with the ubiquitous nature of YY1 poses challenges for determining the specific mechanisms of YY1 function in these processes, and their regulation at the tissue-specific and B cell stage-specific level. The large numbers of post-translational modifications that control YY1 functions are possible candidates for regulation.", "BACKGROUND: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is among the most common causes of mortality in all populations. Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis is a common finding in patients with CVD. Prevention of CVD in individual patients typically requires periodic clinical evaluation, as well as diagnosis and management of risk factors such as hypertension and hyperlipidemia. However, this is resource consuming and hard to implement, especially in developing countries. We designed a study to investigate the effects of a simpler strategy: a fixed-dose combination pill consisting of aspirin, valsartan, atorvastatin and hydrochlorthiazide (PolyPill) in an unselected group of persons aged over 50 years.DESIGN: The PolyIran-Liver study was performed in Gonbad city as an open label pragmatic randomized controlled trial nested within the Golestan Cohort Study. We randomly selected 2,400 cohort study participants aged above 50 years, randomly assigned them to intervention or usual care and invited them to participate in an additional measurement study (if they met the eligibility criteria) to measure liver related outcomes. Those agreeing and randomized to the intervention arm were offered a daily single dose of PolyPill. We will follow participants for 5 years. The primary outcome is major cardiovascular events, secondary outcomes include all-cause mortality and liver related outcomes: liver stiffness and liver enzyme levels. Cardiovascular outcomes and mortality will be determined from the cohort study and liver-related outcomes in those consenting to follow up. Analysis will be by allocated group.TRIAL STATUS: Between October and December 2011, 1,320 intervention and 1,080 control participants were invited to participate in the additional measurement study. For all these participants, the major cardiovascular events will be determined using blind assessment of outcomes through the cohort study. In the intervention and control arms, 875 (66%) and 721 (67%) respectively, met the eligibility criteria and agreed to participate in the additional measurement study. Liver related outcomes will be measured in these participants. Of the 1,320 participants randomized to the intervention, 787 (60%) accepted the PolyPill.CONCLUSION: The PolyIran-liver urban study will provide us with important information on the effectiveness of PolyPill on major cardiovascular events, all-cause mortality and liver related outcomes. ( ID: NCT01245608).", "Silver staining is widely used to detect protein in polyacrylamide gels when high sensitivity is required. A simple and rapid protocol for silver staining of proteins following PAGE was developed in the present study. The number of steps was reduced compared to conventional protocol by combining fixing, rinsing, and soaking into a single impregnating step, thus achieving detection of proteins in 20 min. The present method is as sensitive as current protocols with the advantage of saving time and costs.", "OBJECTIVE: Informational needs among cancer patients are similar, but the degree of information disclosure in different cultural areas varies. In this paper, we present the results of a cross-cultural study on information received.METHODS: The EORTC information questionnaire, EORTC QLQ-INFO25, was administered during the treatment process. This questionnaire evaluates the information that patients report they have received. Cross-cultural differences in information have been evaluated using statistical tests such as Kruskall-Wallis and multivariate models with covariates to account for differences in clinical and demographic characteristics across areas.RESULTS: Four hundred and fifty-one patients from three cultural areas, North-Middle Europe, South Europe, and Taiwan, were included in the study. Significant differences among the three cultural areas appeared in eight QLQ-INFO25 dimensions: information about the disease; medical tests; places of care; written information; information on CD/tape/video; satisfaction; wish for more information; and information helpfulness. North-Middle Europe patients received more written information (mean = 67.2 (North) and 33.8 (South)) and South Europe patients received more information on different places of care (mean = 24.7 (North) and 35.0 (South)). Patients from North-Middle Europe and South Europe received more information than patients from Taiwan about the disease (mean = 57.9, 60.6, and 47.1, respectively) and medical tests (70.9, 70.4, and 54.5), showed more satisfaction (64.8, 70.2, and 35.0), and considered the information more helpful (71.9, 73.9, and 50.4). These results were confirmed when adjusting for age, education, and disease stage.CONCLUSION: There are cross-cultural differences in information received. Some of these differences are based on the characteristics of each culture." ]
[ "The POEMS (polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, monoclonal gammapathy, and skin changes) syndrome is a rare variant of plasma cell dyscrasia with multisystemic manifestations. We present 4 cases with arterial symptoms typical of acute arterial obliteration (AAO) and review 9 similar cases in the literature. The clinical course of AAO was unusual and particularly severe when affecting the lower limbs; recurrent events required amputations. As demonstrated by angiographic and histologic studies, thrombotic and atheromatous lesions were the main pathologic features of AAO. Atherosclerotic risk factors were absent or moderate in 3 of our cases, and no cause of thrombosis other than the POEMS syndrome was found. A high production of cytokines was found in all cases, with elevated serum levels of interleukin-1 beta (9/9 samples), interleukin-6 (7/9 samples), and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (6/9 samples). We suggest that arterial manifestations should be added to the spectrum of manifestations of the POEMS syndrome. Cytokines may mediate the POEMS syndrome-associated AAO, as previously proposed for the other systemic manifestations of this disorder.", "BACKGROUND: The reconstruction of lifetime radiation doses for medical workers presents special challenges not commonly encountered for the other worker cohorts comprising the Million Worker Study.METHODS: The selection of approximately 175,000 medical radiation workers relies on using estimates of lifetime and annual personal monitoring results collected since 1977. Approaches have been created to adjust the monitoring results so that mean organ absorbed doses can be estimated.RESULTS: Changes in medical technology and practices have altered the radiation exposure environments to which a worker may have been exposed during their career. Other temporal factors include shifts in regulatory requirements that influenced the conduct of radiation monitoring and the changes in the measured dose quantities.CONCLUSIONS: The use of leaded aprons during exposure to lower energy X rays encountered in fluoroscopically based radiology adds complexity to account for the shielding of the organs located in the torso when dosimeters were worn over leaded aprons. Estimating doses to unshielded tissues such as the brain and lens of the eye become less challenging when dosimeters are worn at the collar above the apron. The absence of leaded aprons in the higher energy photon settings lead to a more straightforward process of relating dosimeter results to mean organ doses.", "We recently reported an unconventional mechanism by which miRNAs inhibit HIV-1 viral production. This occurs when miRNAs bind nonspecifically to the viral structural protein Gag, interfering with viral RNA-mediated Gag assembly at the plasma membrane. Consequently, misassembled viral complexes are redirected into the endocytic pathway where they are delivered to lysosomes for degradation. In this study, we demonstrate that autophagy is a critical mediator of the viral degradation pathway and that this pathway is not HIV-1 specific. Misassembled viral complexes were found to colocalize extensively with LC3 and p62 in late endosomes/lysosomes, demonstrating a convergence of autophagy with functional degradative compartments. Knocking down autophagosome formation machineries reduced this convergence, while treatment with autophagy-inducer rapamycin enhanced the convergence. Furthermore, similar autophagy-dependent nonspecific miRNA inhibition of murine leukemia virus (MLV) assembly was shown. Overall, these results reveal autophagy as a crucial regulator of the retroviral degradation pathway in host cells initiated by nonspecific miRNA-Gag interactions. These findings could have significant implications for understanding how cells may regulate retroviral complex assembly by miRNA expression and autophagy, and raise the possibility that similar regulations can occur in other biological contexts.", "One of the main goals for Radiation Safety Professionals is to help maintain radiation worker doses below administrative control levels. In the radiation safety field there is an increasing recognition of the value of dosimetry-related data that can be used to enhance safety programs and regulatory compliance. Mining radiation dosimetry data and rendering results in the form of dashboards provides insights for the Radiation Safety Professionals that could help improve the radiological protection programs effectiveness, enhances quality, and reduces cost. Quite often the professionals spend more time assembling data than analyzing for trends and acting to improve the radiation safety program. Data analysis tools were developed allowing the radiation safety professionals to perform surveillance on key parameters in the dosimetry program that can help identifying risks and insure early intervention. More than 2,200 institutions chosen from different industries were surveyed for more than 2 years after the implementation of this tool. Four indicators: dose per participant, collective dose, dosimeter return compliance, and number of workers exceeding ALARA levels were chosen as meaningful parameters in characterizing the health of the program. These parameters were tracked, analyzed, and compared to benchmarks developed based on more than 1 million monitored workers.", "Local control of mRNA translation modulates neuronal development, synaptic plasticity, and memory formation. A poorly understood aspect of this control is the role and composition of ribonucleoprotein (RNP) particles that mediate transport and translation of neuronal RNAs. Here, we show that staufen- and FMRP-containing RNPs in Drosophila neurons contain proteins also present in somatic \"P bodies,\" including the RNA-degradative enzymes Dcp1p and Xrn1p/Pacman and crucial components of miRNA (argonaute), NMD (Upf1p), and general translational repression (Dhh1p/Me31B) pathways. Drosophila Me31B is shown to participate (1) with an FMRP-associated, P body protein (Scd6p/trailer hitch) in FMRP-driven, argonaute-dependent translational repression in developing eye imaginal discs; (2) in dendritic elaboration of larval sensory neurons; and (3) in bantam miRNA-mediated translational repression in wing imaginal discs. These results argue for a conserved mechanism of translational control critical to neuronal function and open up new experimental avenues for understanding the regulation of mRNA function within neurons.", "BACKGROUND: Cerebral cavernous malformations (CCM) are enlarged vascular lesions affecting 0.1-0.5% of the population worldwide and causing hemorrhagic strokes, seizures, and neurological deficits. Familial CCM type 1 (CCM1) is an autosomal dominant disease caused by mutations in the Krev Interaction Trapped 1 (KRIT1/CCM1) gene, and is characterized by multiple brain lesions whose number and size increase with age. The number of lesions varies widely for unknown reasons, even among carriers of similar ages with the same mutation. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether cardiovascular (CV) risk factors influence potential markers of familial CCM1 disease severity, such as lesion count and history of intracerebral hemorrhage.METHODS: We analyzed baseline data from 185 Hispanic subjects, enrolled in the Brain Vascular Malformation Consortium study between June 2010 and March 2013. All subjects were carriers of the founder Q455X 'Common Hispanic Mutation' (CHM) in the KRIT1 gene, and had a clinical diagnosis of CCM or had an affected first- or second-degree relative with CCM. We performed a cross-sectional study, collecting detailed clinical information of CCM1-CHM subjects and cerebral susceptibility-weighted magnetic resonance imaging to assess lesion count. Linear or logistic regression analysis of log-lesion count or history of intracerebral hemorrhage and CV risk factors (age, gender, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and smoking status) and related quantitative traits (body mass index, glycosylated hemoglobin levels, blood pressure, lipids levels and pack-years of cigarette smoking) was performed accommodating familial clustering.RESULTS: CCM1-CHM subjects were mainly female (63.8%) and symptomatic at presentation (63.2%). Lesion count was highly variable (mean ± SD: 57.7 ± 110.6; range: 0-713); 90% of CCM1-CHM subjects had multiple lesions at enrollment. Age (p < 0.001) was positively correlated with lesion count and male gender (p = 0.035) was associated with a greater number of lesions. Obesity (p = 0.001) and higher body mass index (p = 0.002) were associated with fewer lesions. No association with hypertension was detected, however, systolic blood pressure (p = 0.002) was associated with fewer lesions. No significant association with lesion count was observed for diabetes, hyperlipidemia, smoking status or for related quantitative traits. History of intracerebral hemorrhage was not significantly associated with any CV risk factors, however, we found borderline associations of hemorrhage with obesity (p = 0.062), systolic blood pressure (p = 0.083) and pack-years of cigarette smoking (p = 0.055). After correction for multiple testing, age and obesity remained significantly associated with lesion count in CCM1-CHM subjects.CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that several CV risk factors explain some of the variability in lesion count in Hispanic CCM1-CHM subjects. Although age, gender, obesity, body mass index and systolic blood pressure may influence familial CCM1 disease severity, further longitudinal studies in larger sample sizes are essential to confirm these findings.", "BACKGROUND: Conventional PCR-based direct sequencing of candidate genes for a family with X-linked leucoencephalopathy with unknown aetiology failed to identify any causative mutations.OBJECTIVE: To carry out exome sequencing of entire transcripts of the whole X chromosome to investigate a family with X linked leucoencephalopathy.METHODS AND RESULTS: Next-generation sequencing of all the transcripts of the X chromosome, after liquid-based genome partitioning, was performed on one of the two affected male subjects (the proband) and an unaffected male subject (his brother). A nonsense mutation in MCT8 (c.1102A→T (p.R368X)) was identified in the proband. Subsequent PCR-based direct sequencing of other family members confirmed the presence of this mutation, hemizygous in the other affected brother and heterozygous in the proband's mother and maternal grandmother. MCT8 mutations usually cause abnormal thyroid function in addition to neurological abnormalities, but this proband had normal thyroid function.CONCLUSION: Single-lane exome next-generation sequencing is sufficient to fully analyse all the transcripts of the X chromosome. This method is particularly suitable for mutation screening of X-linked recessive disorders and can avoid biases in candidate gene choice.", "OBJECTIVE: Nuclear medicine technologists rely on a single dosimeter to measure their work-related dose. Estimates of whole-body effective dose are based on the assumptions that the radiation is incident from the front and in a uniform beam. We sought to investigate these assumptions and also to quantify doses associated with different activities.METHODS: A single technologist wore 3 electronic dosimeters for 3 mo, at the front waist, the back waist, and the front collar. The technologist also recorded her activities throughout the day.RESULTS: We found that the assumption of an anterior beam held about two thirds of the time, breaking down only when the technologist was receiving lower doses. Overall, the average whole-body dose was estimated correctly by assuming an anterior beam. We also found that irradiation was uniform (i.e., waist and collar badges gave equivalent readings) except when the technologist was performing injections. Then, the collar readings were 1.7 times the waist readings. Finally, average doses were measured for different types of activities. Performing injections registered a dose rate of approximately 2 microSv/h. Doses received while scanning ranged from 0.2 to 2 microSv/h. The average dose for a scan depended not only on the administered activity and isotope but also on the amount of patient contact required. Even for high activities, such as patients who had already received therapy, the dose to the technologist was low for patients requiring little assistance.CONCLUSION: The assumption of anterior irradiation correctly estimates whole-body effective dose. The assumption of a uniform beam is good except when injections are being performed, when the upper torso receives a much higher dose than the waist. Overall, doses to the technologist were found to be 5.4 microSv/d for scanning and 12 microSv/d for injections. These correspond to 1.4 mSv/y and 3.2 mSv/y, respectively, which are comparable to naturally occurring radiation levels and are much lower than regulatory limits. However, if the dose to a particular technologist needs to be minimized (e.g., for a pregnant worker), the most effective strategy is for the technologist to be assigned patients requiring little contact or assistance and, in particular, to avoid administering injections.", "Endogenous noncoding circular RNAs (circRNAs) have gained attention for their involvement in carcinogenesis, but their expression pattern in breast cancer has remained largely unknown. In this two-stage study, we first used an Arraystar Human circRNA Array to construct a genome-wide circRNA profile. We then selected candidate circRNAs for validation using a quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction system. CircRNA/miRNA interactions were predicted and sequence analyses were performed. Among 1155 differentially expressed circRNAs, 715 were upregulated and 440 were downregulated in breast cancer tissues. The validation study demonstrated that hsa_circ_103110, hsa_circ_104689 and hsa_circ_104821 levels were elevated in breast cancer tissues, whereas hsa_circ_006054, hsa_circ_100219 and hsa_circ_406697 were downregulated. These circRNAs targeted complementary miRNA response elements. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve for distinguishing breast cancer was 0.82 (95% CI: 0.73-0.90) when hsa_circ_006054, hsa_circ_100219 and hsa_circ_406697 were used in combination. This study provides evidence that circRNAs are differentially expressed in breast cancer and are important in carcinogenesis because they participate in cancer-related pathways and sequester miRNAs.", "Jiangsu Chia-Tai Tianqing Pharmaceutical and Advenchen Laboratories are co-developing anlotinib (Focus V®) for the treatment of advanced cancer. Anlotinib is an oral small molecule inhibitor of multiple receptor tyrosine kinases, with a broad spectrum of inhibitory effects on tumour angiogenesis and growth. Anlotinib is approved in China for the treatment of patients with locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) who have undergone progression or recurrence after ≥ 2 lines of systemic chemotherapy. Anlotinib is also undergoing phase II and/or III clinical development for various sarcomas and carcinomas in China, USA and Italy. This article summarizes the milestones in the development of anlotinib leading to this first approval for NSCLC.", "The ubiquitin-proteasome system degrades an enormous variety of proteins that contain specific degradation signals, or 'degrons'. Besides the degradation of regulatory proteins, almost every protein suffers from sporadic biosynthetic errors or misfolding. Such aberrant proteins can be recognized and rapidly degraded by cells. Structural and functional data on a handful of degrons allow several generalizations regarding their mechanism of action. We focus on different strategies of degron recognition by the ubiquitin system, and contrast regulatory degrons that are subject to signalling-dependent modification with those that are controlled by protein folding or assembly, as frequently occurs during protein quality control.", "Eighteen women with severe premenstrual syndrome (PMS) (premenstrual dysphoric disorder, PMDD) were treated openly with paroxetine for 10 consecutive menstrual cycles. Dosage was flexible (5-30 mg/day); also, the patients were free to chose between continuous medication and medication in the luteal phase only. The rating of premenstrual irritability, depressed mood, increase in appetite, and anxiety/tension was markedly lower during treatment with paroxetine than before, and this reduction in symptomatology appeared unabated for the entire treatment period. Sedation, dry mouth, and nausea were common side-effects but declined during the course of the trial; in contrast, reduced libido and anorgasmia, which were reported by almost 50% of the participants, were not improved with time. The results indicate that the beneficial effects as well as the sexual side-effects of serotonin reuptake inhibitors persist unchanged for at least 10 consecutive cycles of treatment." ]
[ "We report three children with autistic spectrum disorders who underwent upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and intravenous administration of secretin to stimulate pancreaticobiliary secretion. All three had an increased pancreaticobiliary secretory response when compared with nonautistic patients (7.5 to 10 mL/min versus 1 to 2 mL/min). Within 5 weeks of the secretin infusion, a significant amelioration of the children's gastrointestinal symptoms was observed, as was a dramatic improvement in their behavior, manifested by improved eye contact, alertness, and expansion of expressive language. These clinical observations suggest an association between gastrointestinal and brain function in patients with autistic behavior.", "Precision oncology is predicated upon the ability to detect specific actionable genomic alterations and to monitor their adaptive evolution during treatment to counter resistance. Because of spatial and temporal heterogeneity and comorbidities associated with obtaining tumor tissues, especially in the case of metastatic disease, traditional methods for tumor sampling are impractical for this application. Known to be present in the blood of cancer patients for decades, cell-free DNA (cfDNA) is beginning to inform on tumor genetics, tumor burden, and mechanisms of progression and drug resistance. This substrate is amenable for inexpensive noninvasive testing and thus presents a viable approach to serial sampling for screening and monitoring tumor progression. The fragmentation, low yield, and variable admixture of normal DNA present formidable technical challenges for realization of this potential. This review summarizes the history of cfDNA discovery, its biological properties, and explores emerging technologies for clinically relevant sequence-based analysis of cfDNA in cancer patients. Molecular barcoding (or Unique Molecular Identifier, UMI)-based methods currently appear to offer an optimal balance between sensitivity, flexibility, and cost and constitute a promising approach for clinically relevant assays for near real-time monitoring of treatment-induced mutational adaptations to guide evidence-based precision oncology. Mol Cancer Res; 14(10); 898-908. ©2016 AACR.", "Author information:(1)Department of Nuclear Medicine, Institut Bergonié, 229 cours de l'Argonne, Bordeaux 33000, France. Electronic address: of Nuclear Medicine, Institut Bergonié, 229 cours de l'Argonne, Bordeaux 33000, France.(3)Non-Vascular IR Department, University Hospital of Strasbourg, Nouvel hopital civil, 1 Place de l'hopital, BP 426, Strasbourg 67091, France.(4)Department of Interventional Radiology, Institut Bergonié, 229 cours de l'Argonne, Bordeaux 33000, France.", "Ameloblastoma is a locally aggressive, epithelial odontogenic tumor involving mandibles and maxillas. Distant metastasis is a very rare condition and is designated as metastasizing (malignant) ameloblastoma despite its benign histological appearance. Up to now, only 27 well-documented cases of metastasizing ameloblastomas are reported in the literature, and lung is the most commonly involved organ. In previous reports of pulmonary metastasizing ameloblastomas, there was little description of the histopathologic finding. Here, the authors report 2 cases of pulmonary metastasizing ameloblastomas with special emphasis on their interesting, interstitial spread along alveolar septa, resulting in a unique 2-cell pattern under microscopic examination. Pulmonary metastasizing ameloblastoma may pose difficulty in diagnosis if the pathologist is not aware of patient's clinical history of ameloblastoma.", "The approval of histone deacetylase inhibitors for treatment of lymphoma subtypes has positioned histone modifications as potential targets for the development of new classes of anticancer drugs. Histones also undergo phosphorylation events, and Haspin is a protein kinase the only known target of which is phosphorylation of histone H3 at Thr3 residue (H3T3ph), which is necessary for mitosis progression. Mitotic kinases can be blocked by small drugs and several clinical trials are underway with these agents. As occurs with Aurora kinase inhibitors, Haspin might be an optimal candidate for the pharmacological development of these compounds. A high-throughput screening for Haspin inhibitors identified the CHR-6494 compound as being one promising such agent. We demonstrate that CHR-6494 reduces H3T3ph levels in a dose-dependent manner and causes a mitotic catastrophe characterized by metaphase misalignment, spindle abnormalities and centrosome amplification. From the cellular standpoint, the identified small-molecule Haspin inhibitor causes arrest in G2/M and subsequently apoptosis. Importantly, ex vivo assays also demonstrate its anti-angiogenetic features; in vivo, it shows antitumor potential in xenografted nude mice without any observed toxicity. Thus, CHR-6494 is a first-in-class Haspin inhibitor with a wide spectrum of anticancer effects that merits further preclinical research as a new member of the family of mitotic kinase inhibitors.", "Dysfunctions in brain cholesterol homeostasis have been extensively related to brain disorders. The main pathway for brain cholesterol elimination is its hydroxylation into 24S-hydroxycholesterol by the cholesterol 24-hydrolase, CYP46A1. Increasing evidence suggests that CYP46A1 has a role in the pathogenesis and progression of neurodegenerative disorders, and that increasing its levels in the brain is neuroprotective. However, the mechanisms underlying this neuroprotection remain to be fully understood. Huntington's disease is a fatal autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disease caused by an abnormal CAG expansion in huntingtin's gene. Among the multiple cellular and molecular dysfunctions caused by this mutation, altered brain cholesterol homeostasis has been described in patients and animal models as a critical event in Huntington's disease. Here, we demonstrate that a gene therapy approach based on the delivery of CYP46A1, the rate-limiting enzyme for cholesterol degradation in the brain, has a long-lasting neuroprotective effect in Huntington's disease and counteracts multiple detrimental effects of the mutated huntingtin. In zQ175 Huntington's disease knock-in mice, CYP46A1 prevented neuronal dysfunctions and restored cholesterol homeostasis. These events were associated to a specific striatal transcriptomic signature that compensates for multiple mHTT-induced dysfunctions. We thus explored the mechanisms for these compensations and showed an improvement of synaptic activity and connectivity along with the stimulation of the proteasome and autophagy machineries, which participate to the clearance of mutant huntingtin (mHTT) aggregates. Furthermore, BDNF vesicle axonal transport and TrkB endosome trafficking were restored in a cellular model of Huntington's disease. These results highlight the large-scale beneficial effect of restoring cholesterol homeostasis in neurodegenerative diseases and give new opportunities for developing innovative disease-modifying strategies in Huntington's disease.", "Approximately one-third of sarcomas contain specific translocations. Ewing sarcoma is the prototypical member of this group of sarcomas; it was the first to be recognized pathologically as a singular entity and to have its signature translocation defined cytogenetically, which led to the identification of its key driver alteration, the EWS-FLI1 gene fusion that encodes this aberrant, chimeric transcription factor. We review recent progress in selected areas of Ewing sarcoma research, including the application of genome-wide chromatin immunoprecipitation analyses, to provide a comprehensive view of the EWS-FLI1 target gene repertoire, the identification of EWS-FLI1 target genes that may also point to therapeutically targetable pathways, and data from model systems as they relate to the elusive cell of origin of Ewing sarcoma and its possible similarities to mesenchymal stem cells.", "Testing of tumor tissue remains the recommended method for detecting the presence of somatic mutations in human malignancies. V600E is the most frequent somatic point mutation in metastatic melanoma, providing a unique molecular marker for this malignancy. In addition, tumors carrying this mutation are primary candidates for BRAF-targeted therapy. Although metastatic melanoma patients usually have sufficient tumor tissue available for genetic analyses, the detection of V600E in blood can have prognostic and predictive value. In addition, patients are rarely re-biopsied and genetic testing in blood can be useful for monitoring response to therapy. Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) and cell-free RNA (cfRNA), RNA associated to platelets and circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are some of the materials that can be derived from the blood of cancer patients. cfDNA can be easily purified from serum and plasma and contains DNA fragments of tumor origin. For this reason, it is the most widely used material for the detection of somatic mutations in blood. Several methodologies have been used to determine V600E status in the cfDNA of metastatic melanoma and some studies have demonstrated that the identification and follow-up of V600E in cfDNA can have prognostic and predictive value.", "OBJECTIVE: To investigate personality traits in patients with Alzheimer disease, compared with mentally healthy control subjects. We compared both current personality characteristics using structured interviews as well as current and previous personality traits as assessed by proxies.METHOD: Fifty-four patients with mild Alzheimer disease and 64 control subjects described their personality traits using the Structured Interview for the Five-Factor Model. Family members filled in the Revised NEO Personality Inventory, Form R, to evaluate their proxies' current personality traits, compared with 5 years before the estimated beginning of Alzheimer disease or 5 years before the control subjects.RESULTS: After controlling for age, the Alzheimer disease group presented significantly higher scores than normal control subjects on current neuroticism, and significantly lower scores on current extraversion, openness, and conscientiousness, while no significant difference was observed on agreeableness. A similar profile, though less accentuated, was observed when considering personality traits as the patients' proxies remembered them. Diachronic personality assessment showed again significant differences between the 2 groups for the same 4 domains, with important personality changes only for the Alzheimer disease group.CONCLUSIONS: Group comparison and retrospective personality evaluation are convergent. Significant personality changes follow a specific trend in patients with Alzheimer disease and contrast with the stability generally observed in mentally healthy people in their personality profile throughout their lives. Whether or not the personality assessment 5 years before the current status corresponds to an early sign of Alzheimer disease or real premorbid personality differences in people who later develop Alzheimer disease requires longitudinal studies.", "The optimal surgical procedure for patients with calcified and organized chronic subdural haematoma (CSDH), or \"armoured brain\", has not been established because it is difficult to obtain good re-expansion of the brain after surgery. We present herein the case of a 32-year-old woman with huge calcified CSDH manifesting as refractory headache, periods of unconsciousness, and unsteady gait who obtained favourable results after craniotomy. Thinning of the thick calcified inner membrane using high-speed air drilling was performed after removal of the organized CSDH. The patient obtained good re-expansion after surgery. This observation illustrates that it is possible to perform such a surgery even on a huge calcified CSDH.", "INTRODUCTION: Tumour burden is a prognostic biomarker in metastatic melanoma. However, tumour burden is difficult to measure and there are currently no reliable surrogate biomarkers to easily and reliably determine it. The aim of this study was to assess the potential of plasma total cell free DNA as biomarker of tumour burden and prognosis in metastatic melanoma patients.MATERIALS AND METHODS: A prospective biomarker cohort study for total plasma circulating cell-free DNA (cfDNA) concentration was performed in 43 metastatic melanoma patients. For 38 patients, paired blood collections and scan assessments were available before treatment and at first response evaluation. Tumour burden was calculated as the sum of volumes from three-dimensional radiological measurements of all metastatic lesions in individual patients.RESULTS: Baseline cfDNA concentration correlated with pre-treatment tumour burden (ρ = 0.52, P < 0.001). Baseline cfDNA levels correlated significantly with hazard of death and overall survival, and a cut off value of 89 pg/μl identified two distinct prognostic groups (HR = 2.22 for high cfDNA, P = 0.004). Patients with cfDNA ≥89 pg/μl had shorter OS (10.0 versus 22.7 months, P = 0.009; HR = 2.22 for high cfDNA, P = 0.004) and the significance was maintained when compared with lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) in a multivariate analysis. We also found a correlation between the changes of cfDNA and treatment-related changes in tumour burden (ρ = 0.49, P = 0.002). In addition, the ratio between baseline cfDNA and tumour burden was prognostic (HR = 2.7 for cfDNA/tumour volume ≥8 pg/(μl*cm3), P = 0.024).CONCLUSIONS: We have demonstrated that cfDNA is a surrogate marker of tumour burden in metastatic melanoma patients, and that it is prognostic for overall survival.", "Cell-free fetal DNA analysis for non-invasive prenatal screening of fetal chromosomal aneuploidy has been widely adopted for clinical use. Fetal monogenic diseases have also been shown to be amenable to non-invasive detection by maternal plasma DNA analysis. A number of recent technological developments in this area has increased the level of clinical interest, particularly as one approach does not require customized reagents per mutation. The mutational status of the fetus can be assessed by determining which parental haplotype that fetus has inherited based on the detection of haplotype-associated SNP alleles in maternal plasma. Such relative haplotype dosage analysis requires the input of the parental haplotype information for interpretation of the fetal inheritance pattern from the maternal plasma DNA data. The parental haplotype information can be obtained by direct means, reducing the need to infer haplotypes using DNA from other family members. The technique also allows the assessment of complex mutations and has multiplexing capabilities where a number of genes and mutations can be assessed at the same time. These advantages allow non-invasive prenatal diagnosis of fetal monogenic diseases to be much more scalable. These applications may drive the next wave of clinical adoption of cell-free fetal DNA testing. © 2018 The Authors Prenatal Diagnosis Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.", "Atherothrombosis is no longer considered solely a disorder of lipoprotein accumulation in the arterial wall. Rather, the initiation and progression of atherosclerotic lesions is currently understood to have major inflammatory influences that encompass components of both the innate and acquired immune systems. Promising clinical data for 'upstream' biomarkers of inflammation such as interleukin-6 (IL-6) as well as 'downstream' biomarkers such as C-reactive protein, observations regarding cholesterol crystals as an activator of the IL-1β generating inflammasome, and recent Mendelian randomization data for the IL-6 receptor support the hypothesis that inflammatory mediators of atherosclerosis may converge on the central IL-1, tumour necrosis factor (TNF-α), IL-6 signalling pathway. On this basis, emerging anti-inflammatory approaches to vascular protection can be categorized into two broad groups, those that target the central IL-6 inflammatory signalling pathway and those that do not. Large-scale Phase III trials are now underway with agents that lead to marked reductions in IL-6 and C-reactive protein (such as canakinumab and methotrexate) as well as with agents that impact on diverse non-IL-6-dependent pathways (such as varespladib and darapladib). Both approaches have the potential to benefit patients and reduce vascular events. However, care should be taken when interpreting these trials as outcomes for agents that target IL-6 signalling are unlikely to be informative for therapies that target alternative pathways, and vice versa. As the inflammatory system is redundant, compensatory, and crucial for survival, evaluation of risks as well as benefits must drive the development of agents in this class.", "OBJECTIVE: Access to care has become a priority for the Veterans Administration (VA) health care system as a significant number of veterans enrolled in the VA health care system reside in rural areas. The feasibility and effects of a novel clinical intervention that combined group therapy and biofeedback training was evaluated on women veterans living in rural areas.METHODS: The study was conducted at selected community-based outpatient clinics (CBOCs) in Texas. Thirty four women veterans with chronic pain and comorbid depression and/or posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) were recruited. Five sessions of education/therapy were delivered via telemedicine in combination with daily home practice of a portable biofeedback device (Stress Eraser®, Helicor, New York, NY, USA). Participants responded to self-report questionnaires at baseline, at posttreatment, and at 6-week follow-up. Daily practice logs were also maintained by participants.RESULTS: The clinical protocol was acceptable, easy to administer, and associated with statistically significant decreases in self-reported pain unpleasantness, pain interference, depressive symptoms, PTSD symptoms, and sleep disturbance at posttreatment. Improvements were maintained at 6-week follow-up. Qualitative analyses indicated that many participants 1) wished to continue to meet as a support group in their respective CBOCs and 2) felt less isolated and more empowered to cope with their problems of daily living as a result of the treatment.CONCLUSIONS: It is feasible to provide treatment to women veterans living in rural areas by utilizing video-teleconferencing technology between larger VA medical centers and facilities at CBOCs in more rural settings. A controlled trial of the intervention is warranted.", "Mesenchymal hamartoma of the liver (MHL) is a benign and rare hepatic lesion, with an uncertain etiology and a potential for developing into an undifferentiated distant embryonal sarcoma after an incomplete resection. It mainly presents as progressive abdominal distension with normal blood works. Most cases are diagnosed in the first two years of life, with a higher frequency in boys and on the right liver. We report the case of a mesenchymal hamartoma of the left liver in an 18-month-old girl, with a rough evolution and a literature review. There were performed an abdominal computed tomography (CT) scan and resection of the lesion. The macroscopic and histological examination described a 16.5×17.9×10.5 cm multicystic mass as a MHL lesion. MHLs may have a malignant potential and in the clinical presence of a \"neoplastic\" syndrome there requires a good diagnosis and drastic surgical treatment.", "BACKGROUND: Marfan's syndrome is an inherited disorder of connective tissue associated with characteristic abnormalities of the skeletal, ocular, and cardiovascular systems. Marked clinical variability and age dependency of all manifestations of Marfan's syndrome may render the unequivocal diagnosis difficult in mildly affected, young subjects.HYPOTHESIS: The study and care of a 32-year-old woman with evidence of Marfan's syndrome, several cardiac abnormalities, and paranoid schizophrenia led to an investigation of her consenting relatives to verify the penetrance of Marfan's syndrome and the degree of comorbidity between the disease and psychiatric disorders.METHODS: The patient and 12 subjects belonging to three generations of her family underwent cardiovascular, skeletal, ophthalmologic, and psychiatric examinations. Two-dimensional and Doppler echocardiography were performed.RESULTS: One female index patient and six of her first-degree relatives were found to be affected by Marfan's syndrome. All seven patients were found to have mitral valve prolapse associated with other cardiac abnormalities. Four of these patients were affected by the following psychiatric disorders: generalized anxiety disorder, major depressive disorder, paranoid schizophrenia (two cases). Six more relatives without Marfan's syndrome showed mitral valve prolapse in association with other echocardiographic features. Two of these were found to be affected by a major depressive disorder.CONCLUSIONS: The present data support the hypothesis that a psychiatric condition, associated with a significantly high frequency of cardiac involvement, may be part of the phenotype of Marfan's syndrome.", "The Meier-Gorlin syndrome (MGS) or ear, patella, short stature syndrome (MIM #224690) is a rare disorder with bilateral microtia, aplasia or hypoplasia of the patellae and severe intra-uterine and post-natal growth retardation. We report the case of a 10-year-old male with MGS diagnosis, his parents were related, he also showed conductive hearing loss and maloclussion and long upper central incisors, more importantly he had asymmetry of the left cerebral hemisphere and ventricular system, his intelligence was normal. As far as we know, these abnormalities have not been previously described in patients with MGS and the present report corresponds to the first Mexican case described so far.", "PURPOSE: Chemotherapy is an integral part of the treatment of castration resistant prostate cancer. With the introduction of new drugs the need to identify nonresponders is increasing. To our knowledge there are no prognostic parameters to date for use upon the initiation of any treatment.MATERIALS AND METHODS: cfDNA was isolated from a serum specimen before chemotherapy. Its value was correlated to recurrence-free and overall survival using Kaplan-Meier curves. Univariate and multivariate Cox regression analysis was performed to identify independent predictors.RESULTS: Of 59 men 48 (81.4%) had a measurable prostate specific antigen decrease from baseline. Median followup was 15.0 months (range 2.4 to 58.4). The median cfDNA concentration in all men in this study was 27.71 ng/ml (mean 32.64). A threshold of 55.03 ng/ml was significantly associated with a poor prostate specific antigen response of less than 30% (p = 0.005). On univariate and multivariate analysis circulating cfDNA was an independent predictor of overall survival (HR 0.36, 95% CI 0.13-0.97, p = 0.044 and HR 0.34, 95% CI 0.12-0.91, p = 0.032, respectively). Limitations of the study are its retrospective character, and first and second line therapies.CONCLUSIONS: Our trial shows that the cfDNA concentration before therapy may be a useful predictive and prognostic biomarker for prostate specific antigen response and survival.", "PURPOSE: The African-American-white mortality gap for males in the United States is 6 years in favor of whites. Participation in professional sport may moderate this ethnic disparity. The historical cohort of professional basketball players, with nearly equal numbers of African-American and white players, can provide a natural experiment that may control for the classic confounders of income, education, socioeconomic status (SES), and physical factors related to mortality. The objectives of this study are to assess mortality and calculate survival for the overall study population and within ethnicity.METHODS: Data were combined from several publicly available sources. The cohort was analyzed to compare longevity among all players, and for players stratified by ethnicity, with the general U.S. population.RESULTS: The final dataset included 3366 individuals, of whom 56.0% were African American. Results suggest white players live 18 months longer than their African-American colleagues. African-American players gained 9 years on their respective referent and live longer than white men in the general public. After controlling for covariates, we found that African-American players have a 75% increased risk of death compared with white players, a statistically significant gap (p < .0001, 95% confidence interval 1.41-2.44).CONCLUSIONS: The African-American-white mortality gap for males is largely ameliorated (1.5 years vs. 6.1 years) in professional basketball but still persists.", "Although microRNAs (miRNAs), other non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) (e.g. lncRNAs, pseudogenes and circRNAs) and competing endogenous RNAs (ceRNAs) have been implicated in cell-fate determination and in various human diseases, surprisingly little is known about the regulatory interaction networks among the multiple classes of RNAs. In this study, we developed starBase v2.0 ( to systematically identify the RNA-RNA and protein-RNA interaction networks from 108 CLIP-Seq (PAR-CLIP, HITS-CLIP, iCLIP, CLASH) data sets generated by 37 independent studies. By analyzing millions of RNA-binding protein binding sites, we identified ∼9000 miRNA-circRNA, 16 000 miRNA-pseudogene and 285,000 protein-RNA regulatory relationships. Moreover, starBase v2.0 has been updated to provide the most comprehensive CLIP-Seq experimentally supported miRNA-mRNA and miRNA-lncRNA interaction networks to date. We identified ∼10,000 ceRNA pairs from CLIP-supported miRNA target sites. By combining 13 functional genomic annotations, we developed miRFunction and ceRNAFunction web servers to predict the function of miRNAs and other ncRNAs from the miRNA-mediated regulatory networks. Finally, we developed interactive web implementations to provide visualization, analysis and downloading of the aforementioned large-scale data sets. This study will greatly expand our understanding of ncRNA functions and their coordinated regulatory networks.", "Thermogenin is the purine-nucleotide binding polypeptide in brown adipose tissue mitochondria (Mr 32 000) which confers upon these mitochondria the ability to produce heat. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) has been developed to demonstrate and quantitate the occurrence of thermogenin antigen in small amounts of tissue, and thus to characterize different depots of fat tissue as white or brown. The extreme sensitivity of the method allows determination of thermogenin in samples equivalent to less than 1 mg tissue. The results indicate that thermogenin seems to be exclusively localised in brown fat mitochondria (as compared to white fat, liver or heart muscle mitochondria), and thermogenin antigen could only be found in brown adipocytes (as compared to white adipocytes). Thus, brown and white adipose tissue are probably ontogenetically different.", "Organophosphate-induced delayed polyneuropathy (OPIDP) is a rare toxicity resulting from exposure to certain organophosphorus (OP) esters. It is characterised by distal degeneration of some axons of both the peripheral and central nervous systems occurring 1-4 weeks after single or short-term exposures. Cramping muscle pain in the lower limbs, distal numbness and paraesthesiae occur, followed by progressive weakness, depression of deep tendon reflexes in the lower limbs and, in severe cases, in the upper limbs. Signs include high-stepping gait associated with bilateral foot drop and, in severe cases, quadriplegia with foot and wrist drop as well as pyramidal signs. In time, there might be significant recovery of the peripheral nerve function but, depending on the degree of pyramidal involvement, spastic ataxia may be a permanent outcome of severe OPIDP. Human and experimental data indicate that recovery is usually complete in the young. At onset, the electrophysiological changes include reduced amplitude of the compound muscle potential, increased distal latencies and normal or slightly reduced nerve conduction velocities. The progression of the disease, usually over a few days, may lead to non-excitability of the nerve with electromyographical signs of denervation. Nerve biopsies have been performed in a few cases and showed axonal degeneration with secondary demyelination. Neuropathy target esterase (NTE) is thought to be the target of OPIDP initiation. The ratio of inhibitory powers for acetylcholinesterase and NTE represents the crucial guideline for the aetiological attribution of OP-induced peripheral neuropathy. In fact, pre-marketing toxicity testing in animals selects OP insecticides with cholinergic toxicity potential much higher than that to result in OPIDP. Therefore, OPIDP may develop only after very large exposures to insecticides, causing severe cholinergic toxicity. However, this was not the case with certain triaryl phosphates that were not used as insecticides but as hydraulic fluids, lubricants and plasticisers and do not result in cholinergic toxicity. Several thousand cases of OPIDP as a result of exposure to tri-ortho-cresyl phosphate have been reported, whereas the number of cases of OPIDP as a result of OP insecticide poisoning is much lower. In this article, we mainly discuss OP pesticide poisoning, particularly when caused by chlorpyrifos, dichlorvos, isofenphos, methamidophos, mipafox, trichlorfon, trichlornat, phosphamidon/mevinphos and by certain carbamates. We also discuss case reports where neuropathies were not convincingly attributed to fenthion, malathion, omethoate/dimethoate, parathion and merphos. Finally, several observational studies on long-term, low-level exposures to OPs that sometimes reported mild, inconsistent and unexplained changes of unclear significance in peripheral nerves are briefly discussed.", "OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to determine the principal factors contributing to the cost of avoiding a birth with Down syndrome by using cell-free DNA (cfDNA) to replace conventional screening.METHODS: A range of unit costs were assigned to each item in the screening process. Detection rates were estimated by meta-analysis and modeling. The marginal cost associated with the detection of additional cases using cfDNA was estimated from the difference in average costs divided by the difference in detection.RESULTS: The main factor was the unit cost of cfDNA testing. For example, replacing a combined test costing $150 with 3% false-positive rate and invasive testing at $1000, by cfDNA tests at $2000, $1500, $1000, and $500, the marginal cost is $8.0, $5.8, $3.6, and $1.4m, respectively. Costs were lower when replacing a quadruple test and higher for a 5% false-positive rate, but the relative importance of cfDNA unit cost was unchanged. A contingent policy whereby 10% to 20% women were selected for cfDNA testing by conventional screening was considerably more cost-efficient. Costs were sensitive to cfDNA uptake.CONCLUSION: Universal cfDNA screening for Down syndrome will only become affordable by public health purchasers if costs fall substantially. Until this happens, the contingent use of cfDNA is recommended.", "BACKGROUND: Regulation of mRNAs is one way to control protein levels and thereby important cellular processes such as growth, invasion and apoptosis. G3BPs constitute a family of mRNA-binding proteins, shown to be overexpressed in several cancer types, including breast, colon and pancreas cancer. G3BP has been reported to both stabilize and induce degradation of specific mRNAs.RESULTS: Here, we show that G3BP1, but not G3BP2, supports proliferation of several breast cancer cell lines. Global gene expression analyses of G3BP1- and G3BP2-depleted cells indicate that primarily G3BP1, and much less G3BP2, influences mRNA expression levels. Peripheral myelin protein 22 (PMP22) was one gene that was significantly influenced by G3BP1 depletion which led to a 2-3 fold increased expression. Depletion of PMP22 resulted in increased proliferation and the G3BP1-mediated effect on proliferation was not seen upon PMP22-depletion.CONCLUSIONS: This indicates a novel role for G3BP1 in the regulation of cell proliferation in breast cancer cells, perhaps via a regulatory effect on PMP22 expression." ]
[ "DNA damage caused by the binding of the tumorigen 7R,8S-diol 9S,10R-epoxide (B[a]PDE), a metabolite of bezo[a]pyrene, to guanine in CpG dinucleotide sequences could affect DNA methylation and, thus, represent a potential epigenetic mechanism of chemical carcinogenesis. In this work, we investigated the impact of stereoisomeric (+)- and (-)-trans-anti-B[a]P-N(2)-dG adducts (B(+) and B(-)) on DNA methylation by prokaryotic DNA methyltransferases M.SssI and M.HhaI. These two methyltransferases recognize CpG and GCGC sequences, respectively, and transfer a methyl group to the C5 atom of cytosine (C). A series of 18-mer unmethylated or hemimethylated oligodeoxynucleotide duplexes containing trans-anti-B[a]P-N(2)-dG adducts was generated. The B(+) or B(-) residues were introduced either 5' or 3' adjacent or opposite to the target 2'-deoxycytidines. The B[a]PDE lesions practically produced no effect on M.SssI binding to DNA but reduced M.HhaI binding by 1-2 orders of magnitude. In most cases, the benzo[a]pyrenyl residues decreased the methylation efficiency of hemimethylated and unmethylated DNA by M.SssI and M.HhaI. An absence of the methylation of hemimethylated duplexes was observed when either the (+)- or the (-)-trans-anti-B[a]P-N(2)-dG adduct was positioned 5' to the target dC. The effects observed may be related to the minor groove conformation of the bulky benzo[a]pyrenyl residue and to a perturbation of the normal contacts of the methyltransferase catalytic loop with the B[a]PDE-modified DNA. Our results indicate that a trans-anti-B[a]P-N(2)-dG lesion flanking a target dC in the CpG dinucleotide sequence on its 5'-side has a greater adverse impact on methylation than the same lesion when it is 3' adjacent or opposite to the target dC.", "4103 cases suspected of mycoses were analysed as to sex, age and site of disease and 3891 were proved cases. This group formed 50% of total mycoses or 13-93% of all dermatoses recorded in the Government General Hospital, Madras, during the period of study. There were 66-26% adult female, 27-6% adult male and 6-14% were below 13 years. Dermatophytoses were found in 73-5%; the other common diseases were tinea versicolor (17-68%) and candidiasis (12-43%). Multiple sites of involvement or more than 1 disease in the same individual were mostly observed. The incidence of piedra (0-1%) and deep mycoses (0-156%) was very low. Mycetoma was the common disease (5/6) in deep mycoses. In dermatophytoses, tinea corporis (49-71%) and tinea cruris (47-85%) commonest; tinea axillaris (3-42%), tinea capitis (1-72%) and tinea barbae (1-29%) were less common. The incidence of tinea manuum, tinea pedis and tinea unguium was similar (4-97%-6-38%). High temperature and humidity were related to the higher incidence of tinea corporis, tinea cruris and tinea versicolor. Mainly children suffered from tinea capitis. All other mycoses were commonly found in adults between 2nd and 3rd decades. In all mycoses but candidiasis, female predominated. Cutaneous candidiasis was mainly a problem of housewives. Among the dermatophytes Trichophyton violaceum was predominant (33-7%) followed by T. rubrum (32-6%). Trichophyton schoenleinii and M. gypseum were rarely isolated. From mycetoma, Madurella mycetomii, Nocardia braziliensis, N. asteroides and Actinomadura spp. were isolated. Demonstration of Cryptococcus laurentii in 1 case is reported in this area for the first time.", "The authors present a case report of 26 years old man with bilateral optic nerve neuropathy. Detection of heteroplasmic mutation of mitochondrial DNA at G3460A site confirmed the suspicion on Lebers hereditary optic nerve neuropathy (LHON). Genetic and environmental factors of the disease and various accompanying neurologic and other symptoms, which can together with the optic nerve defect participate in the development of of the LOHN clinical pattern are discussed. (Ref. 12.)", "Despite early positive response to platinum-based chemotherapy, the majority of ovarian carcinomas develop resistance and progress to fatal disease. Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) is a ubiquitous phosphatase involved in the regulation of DNA-damage response (DDR) and cell-cycle checkpoint pathways. Recent studies have shown that LB100, a small-molecule inhibitor of PP2A, sensitizes cancer cells to radiation-mediated DNA damage. We hypothesized that LB100 could sensitize ovarian cancer cells to cisplatin treatment. We performed in vitro studies in SKOV-3, OVCAR-8, and PEO1, -4, and -6 ovarian cancer lines to assess cytotoxicity potentiation, cell-death mechanism(s), cell-cycle regulation, and DDR signaling. In vivo studies were conducted in an intraperitoneal metastatic mouse model using SKOV-3/f-Luc cells. LB100 sensitized ovarian carcinoma lines to cisplatin-mediated cell death. Sensitization via LB100 was mediated by abrogation of cell-cycle arrest induced by cisplatin. Loss of the cisplatin-induced checkpoint correlated with decreased Wee1 expression, increased cdc2 activation, and increased mitotic entry (p-histone H3). LB100 also induced constitutive hyperphosphorylation of DDR proteins (BRCA1, Chk2, and γH2AX), altered the chronology and persistence of JNK activation, and modulated the expression of 14-3-3 binding sites. In vivo, cisplatin sensitization via LB100 significantly enhanced tumor growth inhibition and prevented disease progression after treatment cessation. Our results suggest that LB100 sensitizes ovarian cancer cells to cisplatin in vitro and in vivo by modulation of the DDR pathway and cell-cycle checkpoint abrogation.", "Moebius sequence is a rare congenital disorder usually defined as a combination of facial weakness with impairment of ocular abduction. It is questionable, whether there is a strong association of the sequence with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) as suggested in some earlier case reports and studies. Twenty-two participants with Möbius sequence aged 6-16 years followed a request of the German Moebius foundation to participate in a nationwide study. All patients had a physical examination and intelligence testing. Primary caregivers were asked to complete two screening measures of ASD (Behaviour and Communication Questionnaire, VSK; Marburger Asperger's Syndrome Rating Scale, MBAS). For those who reached the cut-off for ASD and/or showed behavioural aspects indicative of ASDs during IQ testing and/or physical examination, well standardized diagnostic instruments (Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised, Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, and Kinder-DIPS) were administered. Minimal diagnostic criteria for Möbius sequence were congenital facial weakness (uni- or bilateral) and impairment of ocular abduction (uni- or bilateral). Three boys (one of them mentally retarded) out of 22 participants (12 males and 10 females) were found suspicious of ASD by screening, but none of them fulfilled diagnostic criteria of ASD on a clinical consensus conference. Therefore, ASDs seem to be not as frequent as reported in previous studies on patients with Möbius sequence.", "Paget's disease of the breast is a disorder of the nipple-areola complex that, while rare, is often associated with an underlying carcinoma. It is characterized by eczematoid changes of the nipple. Two theories have been proposed to explain the pathogenesis of Paget's disease. The Epidermotropic, which is the most accepted theory, suggests that Paget's cells originate from ductal cancer cells that had migrated from the underlying breast parenchyma. It is supported by the predominance of breast cancer markers found in Paget's disease. This article provides an overview of Paget's disease of the breast with special attention to immunohistochemistry and raises the question of new therapeutic approaches.", "PURPOSE: Studies suggest that aspirin, other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and statins may reduce risk of some cancers. However, findings have been conflicting as to whether these agents reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer.METHODS: We used data from the Queensland Pancreatic Cancer Study, a population-based case-control study. In total, 704 cases and 711 age- and sex-matched controls were recruited. Participants completed an interview in which they were asked about history of NSAID and statin use. We included 522 cases and 653 controls who had completed the medication section of the interview in this analysis. Unconditional multivariable logistic regression was used to estimate associations between medication use and pancreatic cancer.RESULTS: We found no consistent evidence of an association between use of NSAIDs or statins and risk of pancreatic cancer. There was some suggestion of a protective effect in infrequent users of selective COX-2 inhibitors, but no association in more frequent users. We did not find evidence of protective effects in analyses stratified by sex, smoking status, time between diagnosis and interview, or presence/absence of metastases.CONCLUSIONS: Overall, our results do support the hypothesis that use of NSAIDs or statins may reduce the odds of developing pancreatic cancer." ]
[ "Waardenburg's syndrome consists of lateral displacement of the inner canthi of the eyes (dystopia canthorum), a broad nasal root and confluent eyebrows, heterochromia iridum, a white forelock and congenital deafness. The syndrome is inherited as a dominant, but affected individuals do not necessarily have all of the characteristics cited.Five hundred and fourteen pupils at a school for the deaf were screened for features of this syndrome. Three cases were discovered. Eleven other deaf children were found to have heterochromia iridum and two more had white forelocks. The interocular dimensions of the remaining children were recorded as standards by which to judge the presence of dystopia canthorum. The results of chromosomal analysis in two cases with Waardenburg's syndrome were normal.The findings provide further evidence that Waardenburg's syndrome is a distinct entity and call in question Mackenzie's concept of a comprehensive \"first arch syndrome\".", "MOTIVATION: A growing number of genomes are sequenced. The differences in evolutionary pattern between functional regions can thus be observed genome-wide in a whole set of organisms. The diverse evolutionary pattern of different functional regions can be exploited in the process of genomic annotation. The modelling of evolution by the existing comparative gene finders leaves room for improvement.RESULTS: A probabilistic model of both genome structure and evolution is designed. This type of model is called an Evolutionary Hidden Markov Model (EHMM), being composed of an HMM and a set of region-specific evolutionary models based on a phylogenetic tree. All parameters can be estimated by maximum likelihood, including the phylogenetic tree. It can handle any number of aligned genomes, using their phylogenetic tree to model the evolutionary correlations. The time complexity of all algorithms used for handling the model are linear in alignment length and genome number. The model is applied to the problem of gene finding. The benefit of modelling sequence evolution is demonstrated both in a range of simulations and on a set of orthologous human/mouse gene pairs.AVAILABILITY: Free availability over the Internet on www server:", "Both insulin and the cell death-inducing DNA fragmentation factor-α-like effector (CIDE) family play important roles in apoptosis and lipid droplet formation. Previously, we reported that CIDEA and CIDEC are differentially regulated by insulin and contribute separately to insulin-induced anti-apoptosis and lipid droplet formation in human adipocytes. However, the upstream signals of CIDE proteins remain unclear. Here, we investigated the signaling molecules involved in insulin regulation of CIDEA and CIDEC expression. The phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitors wortmannin and PI-103 blocked both insulin-induced downregulation of CIDEA and upregulation of CIDEC. The Akt inhibitor API-2 and the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) inhibitor SP600125 selectively inhibited insulin regulation of CIDEA and CIDEC expression, respectively, whereas the MAPK/ERK kinase inhibitor U0126 and the p38 inhibitor SB203580 did not. Small interfering RNA-mediated depletion of Akt1/2 prevented insulin-induced downregulation of CIDEA and inhibition of apoptosis. Depletion of JNK2, but not JNK1, inhibited insulin-induced upregulation of CIDEC and lipid droplet enlargement. Furthermore, insulin increased both Akt and JNK phosphorylation, which was abrogated by the PI3K inhibitors. These results suggest that insulin regulates CIDEA and CIDEC expression via PI3K, and it regulates expression of each protein via Akt1/2- and JNK2-dependent pathways, respectively, in human adipocytes.", "Clinical treatment of heart failure is still not fully solved. A novel class of agents, the myosin motor activators, acts directly on cardiac myosin resulting in an increased force generation and prolongation of contraction. Omecamtiv mecarbil, the lead molecule of this group, is now in human phase 3 displaying promising clinical performance. However, omecamtiv mecarbil is not selective to myosin, because it readily binds to and activates cardiac ryanodine receptors (RyR-2), an effect that may cause complications in case of overdose. In this study, in silico analysis was performed to investigate the docking of omecamtiv mecarbil and other structural analogues to cardiac myosin heavy chain and RyR-2 to select the structure that has a higher selectivity to myosin over RyR-2. In silico docking studies revealed that omecamtiv mecarbil has comparable affinity to myosin and RyR-2: the respective Kd values are 0.60 and 0.87 μmol/L. Another compound, CK-1032100, has much lower affinity to RyR-2 than omecamtiv mecarbil, while it still has a moderate affinity to myosin. It was concluded that further research starting from the chemical structure of CK-1032100 may result a better myosin activator burdened probably less by the RyR-2 binding side effect. It also is possible, however, that the selectivity of omecamtiv mecarbil to myosin over RyR-2 cannot be substantially improved, because similar moieties seem to be responsible for the high affinity to both myosin and RyR-2.", "Author information:(1)Department of Hematology, The First Affiliated Hospital, College of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310003, People's Republic of China.(2)Department of Hematology, Hangzhou First People's Hospital, Hangzhou, 310006, Zhejiang Province, People's Republic of China.(3)Myelodysplastic Syndromes Diagnosis and Therapy Center, The First Affiliated Hospital, College of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310003, People's Republic of China.(4)Department of Hematology, Yin Zhou People's Hospital, Ningbo, 315040, Zhejiang Province, People's Republic of China.(5)Surgical Neurology Branch, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, 20892, USA.(6)Surgical Neurology Branch, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, 20892, USA. of Hematology, The First Affiliated Hospital, College of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310003, People's Republic of China. Syndromes Diagnosis and Therapy Center, The First Affiliated Hospital, College of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310003, People's Republic of China.", "PURPOSE: Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is currently the most commonly diagnosed form of muscular dystrophy due to mutations in the dystrophin gene. However, its pathological process remains unknown and there is a lack of specific molecular biomarkers. The aim of our study is to explore key regulatory connections underlying the progression of DMD.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The gene expression profile dataset GSE38417 of DMD was obtained from the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database. The differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between DMD patients and healthy controls were screened using geo2R, followed by Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) and Gene Ontology (GO) pathway enrichment analyses. Then a protein-protein interaction (PPI) network and sub-network of modules were constructed. To investigate the regulatory network underlying DMD, a global triple network including miRNAs, mRNAs and transcription factors (TFs) was constructed.RESULTS: A total of 1811 DEGs were found between the DMD and control groups, among which HERC5, SKP2 and FBXW5 were defined as hub genes with a degree of connectivity >35 in the PPI network. Furthermore, the five TFs ZNF362, ATAT1, SPI1, TCF12 and ABCF2, as well as the eight miRNAs miR-124a, miR-200b/200c/429, miR-19a/b, miR-23a/b, miR-182, miR-144, miR-498 and miR-18a/b were identified as playing crucial roles in the molecular pathogenesis of DMD.CONCLUSIONS: This paper provides a comprehensive perspective on the miRNA-TF-mRNA co-regulatory network underlying DMD, although the bioinformatic findings need further validation in future studies.", "Restless legs syndrome (RLS) has gradually been recognized as a cause for insomnia in adults, but there have been few reports about children with RLS in Japan. Here we described seven pediatric RLS patients. All of the parents of our patients had difficult times to make their children sleep due to irritability, restlessness, and demanding bedtime routines. All patients had asked their parents to rub their feet in bed, and it took more than half an hour to soothe them until they fell asleep. Their mothers had been exhausted from this night-time routine. However, they did not consider the routine abnormal, as it had been their habitual behavior since infancy. Some parents were too distressed or embarrassed to describe the symptoms of their child properly. Five patients had clear family history and none had obvious periodic leg movements during sleep. All patients showed low levels of ferritin and iron supplementation was effective in five cases. In the severest two cases, pramipexole, but not iron, was dramatically effective. Both patients started to show RLS symptoms in the early days of infancy, which may suggest more severe hereditary dopaminergic dysfunction. RLS does occur in childhood and pediatricians should bear it in mind as one of the differential diagnoses when seeing children who are irritated and/or having difficulty in initiating their sleep." ]
[ "We present here a novel proteomics design for systematic identification of protease cleavage events by quantitative N-terminal proteomics, circumventing the need for time-consuming manual validation. We bypass the singleton detection problem of protease-generated neo-N-terminal peptides by introducing differential isotopic proteome labeling such that these substrate reporter peptides are readily distinguished from all other N-terminal peptides. Our approach was validated using the canonical human caspase-3 protease and further applied to mouse cathepsin D and E substrate processing in a mouse dendritic cell proteome, identifying the largest set of protein protease substrates ever reported and gaining novel insight into substrate specificity differences of these cathepsins.", "Clostridium difficile infection is a significant cause of infectious diarrhoea and is associated with considerable morbidity and mortality.1,2 Management of Clostridium difficile infection often requires treatment with antibiotics (metronidazole, vancomycin or fidaxomicin) alongside supportive care to manage hydration, electrolytes and nutrition. However, the risk of recurrence is approximately 20%.2 Here, we review the evidence for bezlotoxumab (▼ Zinplava - Merck Sharp & Dohme Limited), a monoclonal antibody licensed for the prevention of recurrence of Clostridium difficile in adults who are at high risk of recurrence.", "Th2 cells produce Th2 cytokines such as IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13, but repress Th1 cytokine IFNγ. Recent studies have revealed various distinct memory-type Th2 cell subsets, one of which produces a substantial amount of IFNγ in addition to Th2 cytokines, however it remains unclear precisely how these Th2 cells produce IFNγ. We herein show that phosphorylation of Gata3 at Ser308, Thr315 and Ser316 induces dissociation of a histone deacetylase Hdac2 from the Gata3/Chd4 repressive complex in Th2 cells. We also identify Akt1 as a Gata3-phosphorylating kinase, and the activation of Akt1 induces derepression of Tbx21 and Ifng expression in Th2 cells. Moreover, T-bet-dependent IFNγ expression in IFNγ-producing memory Th2 cells appears to be controlled by the phosphorylation status of Gata3 in human and murine systems. Thus, this study highlights the molecular basis for posttranslational modifications of Gata3 that control the regulation of IFNγ expression in memory Th2 cells.", "External-beam radiotherapy plays a critical role in the treatment of most pediatric solid tumors. Particularly in children, achieving an optimal therapeutic index to avoid damage to normal tissue is extremely important. Consequently, in metastatic disease, the utility of external-beam radiotherapy is limited. Molecular radiotherapy with tumor-targeted radionuclides may overcome some of these challenges, but to date there exists no single cancer-selective agent capable of treating various pediatric malignancies independently of their histopathologic origin. We tested the therapeutic potential of the clinical-grade alkyl-phospholipid ether analog CLR1404, 18-(p-iodophenyl)octadecyl phosphocholine, as a scaffold for tumor-targeted radiotherapy of pediatric malignancies. Methods: Uptake of CLR1404 by pediatric solid tumor cells was tested in vitro by flow cytometry and in vivo by PET/CT imaging and dosimetry. The therapeutic potential of 131I-CLR1404 was evaluated in xenograft models. Results: In vitro, fluorescent CLR1404-BODIPY showed significant selective uptake in a variety of pediatric cancer lines compared with normal controls. In vivo tumor-targeted uptake in mouse xenograft models using 124I-CLR1404 was confirmed by imaging. Single-dose intravenous injection of 131I-CLR1404 significantly delayed tumor growth in all rodent pediatric xenograft models and extended animal survival while demonstrating a favorable side effect profile. Conclusion:131I-CLR1404 has the potential to become a tumor-targeted radiotherapeutic drug with broad applicability in pediatric oncology. Because 131I-CLR1404 has entered clinical trials in adults, our data warrant the development of pediatric clinical trials for this particularly vulnerable patient population.", "La progestérone est indispensable à la grossesse normale mais nous savons maintenant qu'elle a aussi d'autres fonctions importantes. De récentes recherches démontrent que cette hormone est aussi un puissant neurostéroïde susceptible de protéger les cellules des systèmes nerveux périphérique et central altérées, et qu'elle est capable d'action rapide allant bien au-delà de ses effets sur le classique récepteur intranucléaire à la progestérone. Des années de recherche préclinique ont démontré sa sécurité d'emploi et son efficacité dans des modèles animaux de lésion du système nerveux central. L'hormone a été récemment évaluée dans deux études cliniques de phase 2 pour les lésions cérébrales traumatiques (LCT). Une étude clinique nationale de phase 3, financée par les National Institutes of Health aux États-Unis, évalue maintenant la progestérone dans les LCT modérées à sévères chez 1 200 patients. Une étude internationale de phase 3 financée par l'industrie est également en cours ainsi que la planification d'une étude utilisant la progestérone pour traiter les lésions cérébrales chez l'enfant. Des données précliniques suggèrent que la progestérone pourrait être aussi efficace dans les accidents vasculaires cérébraux et certains troubles neurodégénératifs.", "The AzgA purine/H(+) symporter of Aspergillus nidulans is the founding member of a functionally and phylogenetically distinct transporter family present in fungi, bacteria and plants. Here a valid AzgA topological model is built based on the crystal structure of the Escherichia coli uracil transporter UraA, a member of the nucleobase-ascorbate transporter (NAT/NCS2) family. The model consists of 14 transmembrane, mostly α-helical, segments (TMSs) and cytoplasmic N- and C-tails. A distinct compact core of 8 TMSs, made of two intertwined inverted repeats (TMSs 1-4 and 8-11), is topologically distinct from a flexible domain (TMSs 5-7 and 12-14). A putative substrate binding cavity is visible between the core and the gate domains. Substrate docking, molecular dynamics and mutational analysis identified several residues critical for purine binding and/or transport in TMS3, TMS8 and TMS10. Among these, Asn131 (TMS3), Asp339 (TMS8) and Glu394 (TMS10) are proposed to directly interact with substrates, while Asp342 (TMS8) might be involved in subsequent substrate translocation, through H(+) binding and symport. Thus, AzgA and other NAT transporters use topologically similar TMSs and amino acid residues for substrate binding and transport, which in turn implies that AzgA-like proteins constitute a distant subgroup of the ubiquitous NAT family.", "Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is one of the deadliest malignancies and is known for its high resistance and low response to treatment. Tumor immune evasion is a major stumbling block in designing effective anticancer therapeutic strategies. Karyopherin alpha 2 (KPNA2), a member of the nuclear transporter family, is elevated in multiple human cancers and accelerates carcinogenesis. However, the specific role of KPNA2 in PDAC remains unclear. In this study, we found that expression of KPNA2 was significantly upregulated in PDAC compared to adjacent nontumor tissue and its high expression was correlated with poor survival outcome by analyzing the GEO datasets. Similar KPNA2 expression pattern was also found in both human patient samples and KPC mouse models through IHC staining. Although KPNA2 knockdown failed to impair the vitality and migration ability of PDAC cells in vitro, the in vivo tumor growth was significantly impeded and the expression of immune checkpoint ligand PD-L1 was reduced by silencing KPNA2. Furthermore, we uncovered that KPNA2 modulated the expression of PD-L1 by mediating nuclear translocation of STAT3. Collectively, our data suggested that KPNA2 has the potential to serve as a promising biomarker for diagnosis in PDAC.", "PURPOSE: Neuroblastoma may be treated with molecular radiotherapy, 131I meta-Iodobenzylguanidine and 177Lu Lutetium DOTATATE, directed at distinct molecular targets: Noradrenaline Transporter Molecule (NAT) and Somatostatin Receptor (SSTR2), respectively. This study used immunohistochemistry to evaluate target expression in archival neuroblastoma tissue, to determine whether it might facilitate clinical use of molecular radiotherapy.METHODS: Tissue bank samples of formalin fixed paraffin embedded neuroblastoma tissue from patients for whom clinical outcome data were available were sectioned and stained with haematoxylin and eosin, and monoclonal antibodies directed against NAT and SSTR2. Sections were examined blinded to clinical information and scored for the percentage and intensity of tumour cells stained. These data were analysed in conjunction with clinical data.RESULTS: Tissue from 75 patients was examined. Target expression scores varied widely between patients: NAT median 45%, inter-quartile range 25% - 65%; and SSTR2 median 55%, interquartile range 30% - 80%; and in some cases heterogeneity of expression between different parts of a tumour was observed. A weak positive correlation was observed between the expression scores of the different targets: correlation coefficient = 0.23, p = 0.05. MYCN amplified tumours had lower SSTR2 scores: mean difference 23% confidence interval 8% - 39%, p < 0.01. Survival did not differ by scores.CONCLUSIONS: As expression of both targets is variable and heterogeneous, imaging assessment of both may yield more clinical information than either alone. The clinical value of immunohistochemical assessment of target expression requires prospective evaluation. Variable target expression within a patient may contribute to treatment failure." ]
[ "PURPOSE: In this study factors are analyzed that may potentially influence the site of failure in pediatric medulloblastoma. Patient-related, disease-related, and treatment-related variables are analyzed with a special focus on radiotherapy time-dose and technical factors.METHODS AND MATERIALS: Eighty-six children and adolescents with a diagnosis of medulloblastoma were treated in Switzerland during the period 1972-1991. Postoperative megavoltage radiotherapy was delivered to all patients. Simulation and portal films of the whole-brain irradiation (WBI) fields were retrospectively reviewed in 77 patients. The distance from the field margin to the cribiform plate and to the floor of the temporal fossa was carefully assessed and correlated with supratentorial failure-free survival. In 19 children the spine was treated with high-energy electron beams, the remainder with megavoltage photons. Simulation and port films of the posterior fossa fields were also reviewed in 72 patients. The field size and the field limits were evaluated and correlated with posterior fossa failure-free survival.RESULTS: In 36 patients (47%) the WBI margins were judged to miss the inferior portion of the frontal and temporal lobes. Twelve patients failed in the supratentorial region and 9 of these patients belonged to the group of 36 children in whom the inferior portion of the brain had been underdosed. On multivariate analysis only field correctness was retained as being significantly correlated with supratentorial failure-free survival (p = 0.049). Neither the total dose to the spinal theca nor the treatment technique (electron vs. photon beams) were significantly correlated with outcome. Posterior fossa failure-free survival was not influenced by total dose, overall treatment time, field size, or field margin correctness. Overall survival was not influenced by any of the radiotherapy-related technical factors.CONCLUSION: A correlation between WBI field correctness and supratentorial failure-free survival was observed. Treatment protocols should be considered that limit supratentorial irradiation mainly to subsites at highest risk of relapse. Optimized conformal therapy or proton beam therapy may help to reach this goal. Treating the spine with electron beams was not deletereous. A significant correlation between local control and other technical factors was not observed, including those relating to posterior fossa treatment. The use of small conformal tumor bed boost fields may be prefered to the larger posterior fossa fields usually considered as the standard treatment approach.", "The aims of the present study were to determine cytochrome P450 enzyme activity in six strains of experimental rodents (n = 5/sex/species): ICR, C57BL/6 and DBA/2 mice; Sprague Dawley and Wistar rats; and Dunkin Hartley guinea pigs. After animals were treated with the typical inducers β-naphthoflavone (BNF), dexamethasone (DEX) and phenobarbital (PB), the levels of O-dealkylation of ethoxyresorufin (EROD), methoxyresorufin (MROD), pentoxyresorufin (PROD) and benzyloxyresorufin (BROD) activity were determined using responsive catalytic reactions to study CYP1A1, CYP1A2 and CYP2B, respectively. A maximal induction of EROD and MROD was found in BNF-treated animals from all strains (2.4- to 15.1-fold) except DBA/2 (0.9- to 1.8-fold). C57BL/6 mice had the strongest BNF-induced EROD (15.1-fold) and MROD (8.3-fold) activities. No differences in BNF-induced EROD and MROD activities were observed between males and females. However, the EROD activity of Wistar rats and the MROD activity of Sprague Dawley rats were higher in males than females. DEX induced PROD activity only in mice (1.3- to 7.1-fold), but not in rats and guinea pigs (0.2- to 1.1-fold). However, induction of BROD activity was found in DEX-treated mice and rats (1.5 to 12.5-fold), but not in guinea pigs (0.3 to 0.4-fold). PB caused a significant elevation of PROD (1.7- to 10.4-fold) and BROD (31- to 13.2-fold) activities in all the animals. PB-induced BROD activity was higher in females than males in Sprague Dawley rats. These observations strongly suggest that the choice of experimental animal strain, species and inducer is of critical importance for studies of drug metabolism and interaction.", "PURPOSE: Oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) is a construct for assessing the self-perceived oral health of patients. The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between OHRQoL and orthodontic treatment need in consideration of demographic and psychological factors.PATIENTS AND METHODS: This multicentre study included 250 patients with an indication for orthodontic diagnostics. In cooperation with the Institute of Clinical Psychology at the University of Würzburg, validated and internationally acknowledged questionnaires were selected to assess OHRQoL (COHIP-G19) and health-related quality of life (HRQOL). Self-esteem and behavioural problems were taken into consideration as possible psychological factors. Orthodontic treatment need was assessed using the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need-Dental Health Component (IOTN-DHC), the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need-Aesthetic Component (IOTN-AC) and the Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI). Possible significant correlations between the collected parameters and OHRQoL were evaluated by means of linear regression analysis.RESULTS: Objective orthodontic treatment need (IOTN-DHC and DAI) was significantly correlated with OHRQoL. Further factors significantly influencing OHRQoL in children and adolescents were age, HRQOL, self-esteem and behavioural problems.CONCLUSIONS: Objective orthodontic treatment need significantly influences OHRQoL in children and adolescents. Further studies are required to investigate if OHRQoL may be improved by correcting misaligned teeth and jaws.", "As a result of the coronavirus disease pandemic, commercial hand hygiene products have become scarce and World Health Organization (WHO) alcohol-based hand rub formulations containing ethanol or isopropanol are being produced for hospitals worldwide. Neither WHO formulation meets European Norm 12791, the basis for approval as a surgical hand preparation, nor satisfies European Norm 1500, the basis for approval as a hygienic hand rub. We evaluated the efficacy of modified formulations with alcohol concentrations in mass instead of volume percentage and glycerol concentrations of 0.5% instead of 1.45%. Both modified formulations met standard requirements for a 3-minute surgical hand preparation, the usual duration of surgical hand treatment in most hospitals in Europe. Contrary to the originally proposed WHO hand rub formulations, both modified formulations are appropriate for surgical hand preparation after 3 minutes when alcohol concentrations of 80% wt/wt ethanol or 75% wt/wt isopropanol along with reduced glycerol concentration (0.5%) are used.", "Hypochondroplasia (HCH) and Muenke syndrome (MS) are caused by mutations on FGFR3 gene. FGFR3 is known to play a role in controlling nervous system development. We describe the clinical and neuroradiological findings of the first two patients, to our knowledge, affected by HCH and MS, respectively, in whom bilateral dysgenesis of the medial temporal lobe structures has been observed. In both patients diagnosis was confirmed by molecular analysis. They were mentally normal and showed similarities in early-onset temporal lobe-related seizures. In both patients EEG recorded bilateral temporal region discharges. MRI detected temporal lobe anomalies with inadequate differentiation between white and gray matter, defective gyri, and abnormally shaped hippocampus.", "Src is a nonreceptor tyrosine kinase involved in the cross-talk and mediation of many signaling pathways that promote cell proliferation, adhesion, invasion, migration, and tumorigenesis. Increased Src activity has been reported in many types of human cancer, including gastric cancer. Therefore, this factor has been identified as a promising therapeutic target for cancer treatments, and targeting Src in gastric cancer is predicted to have potent effects. We evaluated the antitumor effect of a c-Src/Abl kinase inhibitor, saracatinib (AZD0530), alone or combined with chemotherapeutic agents in gastric cancer cell lines and a NCI-N87 xenograft model. Among 10 gastric cancer cell lines, saracatinib specifically inhibited the growth and migration/invasion of SNU216 and NCI-N87 cells. Saracatinib blocked the Src/FAK, HER family, and oncogenic signaling pathways, and it induced G(1) arrest and apoptosis in SNU216 and NCI-N87 cells. Apoptosis required induction of the proapoptotic BCL2 family member Bim. Knockdown of Bim using siRNA decreased apoptosis induced by treatment with saracatinib, suggesting that Bim has an important role in saracatinib-induced apoptosis. Saracatinib enhanced the effects of lapatinib, an EGFR/HER2 dual inhibitor, in SNU216 and NCI-N87 cells. Furthermore, combined treatment with saracatinib and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) or cisplatin exerted synergistic effects in both saracatinib-sensitive and saracatinib-resistant cells. Consistent with our in vitro findings, cotreatment with saracatinib and 5-FU resulted in enhanced antitumor activity in the NCI-N87 xenografts. These data indicate that the inhibition of Src kinase activity by saracatinib alone or in combination with other agents can be a strategy to target gastric cancer.", "Ectopia lentis (EL) is a condition that can either herald underlying systemic conditions, or be isolated. The recent expansion in the genetics of these conditions has furthered the understanding of the underlying molecular aetiology. It is becoming apparent that novel genes, and in particular the ADAMTS (a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs) family, are important in ocular development. The common link in these genes seems to be EL. The clinical management of EL is challenging. In particular, the options for addressing surgically induced aphakia in the context of an ectopic capsule are varied. Little evidence exists to direct management of these issues. This review summarises the molecular pathogenesis of EL and conditions associated with it, using the genetic aetiology as a framework. Furthermore, it summarises some of the issues involved in its clinical management." ]
[ "BACKGROUND: Infantile hemangiomas (IHs) are the most common benign vascular tumors of childhood. Propranolol is an effective drug in treating IH. A reliable and complementary instrument is necessary to evaluate IH response to propranolol in addition to clinical and photographic assessments. Ultrasonography is a simple and non-invasive technique that enables precise measurements of tumor size and contributes to objective follow-up.OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the use of serial ultrasonography as an adjunctive tool for assessment of IH treatment with propranolol.PATIENTS AND METHODS: A retrospective study of 19 patients with IH treated with propranolol was conducted from January 2009 to March 2014. Data of individual IH volume at the beginning and at least 6 months after the onset of treatment and overall volume reduction by ultrasonographic measurement were obtained.RESULTS: We observed a statistically significant IH volume reduction of approximately 0.51 cm3 . This volume corresponds to an average reduction of 47% in the final volume compared with the initial volume.CONCLUSION: Ultrasonographic measurements contribute to demonstrate tumor regression and IH response to propranolol. Thus, ultrasonography is an important instrument to guide therapeutic strategies.", "Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) occurs due to anatomic and/or neurologic factors involving connective tissues, muscles and nerves. Although SUI is more common in post-menopausal and multiparous women, studies have also shown a high prevalence of SUI in young, physically fit female athletes. With a goal toward dynamic subject-specific mechanical characterization of the interaction between anatomical structures during physical activities that elicit SUI in females during physical or daily activities, a computer aided design (CAD)-based computer model of the female pelvis has been developed to test the feasibility of the computer modeling approach in understanding the measurable differences between stress-continent and stress-incontinent women. In the present study, a fluid-structure interaction analysis was conducted by using the finite element (FE) analysis technique based on the CAD-based computer model of the female pelvis to investigate the urine leakage in females during jumping. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first application of a fluid-structure interaction FE analysis approach in understanding the mechanisms of SUI in females. Through a series of computer simulations, the effects of varying impact forces determined by jumping height and bladder volume were investigated. The dynamic computer simulation results revealed that jumping heights have a significant influence on the volume of urine leakage caused by the landing impact of jumping. Bladder volume did not have a significant influence on leakage when the jumping heights were smaller than 1 ft, which indicates that normal walking (corresponds to a jumping height smaller than 0.1 ft) is not the primary cause of urine leakage for healthy females. The computer simulation results also showed that the deformation difference between the anterior and posterior portion of the female pelvis causes opening of the urethra and resultant urine leakage. The present study demonstrates the feasibility of using a computer modeling approach to study female SUI during physical and daily activities.", "The causative agent of malaria, Plasmodium falciparum posses a single aquaglyceroporin (PfAQP) which represents a potential drug target for treatment of the disease. PfAQP is localized to the parasite membrane to transport water, glycerol, ammonia and possibly glycolytic intermediates. In order to enable design of inhibitors we set out to determine the 3D structure of PfAQP, where the first bottleneck to overcome is achieving high enough yield of recombinant protein. The wild type PfAQP gene was expressed to low or undetectable levels in the expression hosts, Escherichia coli and Pichia pastoris, which was assumed to be due to different genomic A+T content and different codon usage. Thus, two codon-optimized PfAQP genes were generated. The Opt-PfAQP for E. coli still did not result in high production yields, possibly due to folding problems. However, PfAQP optimized for P. pastoris was successfully expressed in P. pastoris for production and in Saccharomyces cerevisiae for functional studies. In S. cerevisiae, PfAQP mediated glycerol transport but unexpectedly water transport could not be confirmed. Following high-level membrane-localized expression in P. pastoris (estimated to 64mg PfAQP per liter cell culture) PfAQP was purified to homogeneity (18mg/L) and initial attempts at crystallization of the protein yielded several different forms.", "BACKGROUND: Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) is a fundamental analysis method used in bioinformatics and many comparative genomic applications. Prior MSA acceleration attempts with reconfigurable computing have only addressed the first stage of progressive alignment and consequently exhibit performance limitations according to Amdahl's Law. This work is the first known to accelerate the third stage of progressive alignment on reconfigurable hardware.RESULTS: We reduce subgroups of aligned sequences into discrete profiles before they are pairwise aligned on the accelerator. Using an FPGA accelerator, an overall speedup of up to 150 has been demonstrated on a large data set when compared to a 2.4 GHz Core2 processor.CONCLUSIONS: Our parallel algorithm and architecture accelerates large-scale MSA with reconfigurable computing and allows researchers to solve the larger problems that confront biologists today. Program source is available from", "BACKGROUND: Resistance to mericitabine (prodrug of HCV NS5B polymerase inhibitor PSI-6130) is rare and conferred by the NS5B S282T mutation.METHODS: Serum HCV RNA from patients who experienced viral breakthrough, partial response, or nonresponse in 2 clinical trials in which patients received mericitabine plus peginterferon alfa-2a (40KD)/ribavirin were analyzed by population and clonal sequence analysis as well as phenotypic assay for assessment of in vivo mericitabine resistance.RESULTS: Among 405 patients treated with mericitabine plus peginterferon alfa-2a/ribavirin in PROPEL and JUMP-C, virologic breakthrough or nonresponse were not observed; 12 patients experienced a partial response. The NS5B S282T resistance mutation was not observed in any patient. A number of treatment-associated NS5B changes were observed and characterized. A novel double mutant (L159F/L320F) with impaired replication capacity was detected in one HCV genotype 1b-infected patient. Introduction of double mutant L159F/L320F into genotype 1a (H77) and 1b (Con-1) replicons, respectively, increased the EC50 for mericitabine by 3.1- and 5.5-fold and the EC90 by 3.1- and 8.9-fold. The double mutant also decreased susceptibility to sofosbuvir (GS-7977) and GS-938 but not setrobuvir, relative to wild-type.CONCLUSIONS: A novel and replication-deficient double mutation (L159F/L320F) confers low-level resistance to mericitabine and cross-resistance to both sofosbuvir and GS-938.CLINICAL TRIALS REGISTRATION: NCT00869661, NCT01057667.", "BACKGROUND: Activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway is important for growth of pediatric low-grade gliomas (LGGs). The aim of this study was to determine the recommended phase II dose (RP2D) and the dose-limiting toxicities (DLTs) of the MEK inhibitor selumetinib in children with progressive LGG.METHODS: Selumetinib was administered orally starting at 33 mg/m2/dose b.i.d., using the modified continual reassessment method. Pharmacokinetic analysis was performed during the first course. BRAF aberrations in tumor tissue were determined by real-time polymerase chain reaction and fluorescence in situ hybridization.RESULTS: Thirty-eight eligible subjects were enrolled. Dose levels 1 and 2 (33 and 43 mg/m2/dose b.i.d.) were excessively toxic. DLTs included grade 3 elevated amylase/lipase (n = 1), headache (n = 1), mucositis (n = 2), and grades 2-3 rash (n = 6). At dose level 0 (25 mg/m2/dose b.i.d, the RP2D), only 3 of 24 subjects experienced DLTs (elevated amylase/lipase, rash, and mucositis). At the R2PD, the median (range) area under the curve (AUC0-∞) and apparent oral clearance of selumetinib were 3855 ng*h/mL (1780 to 7250 ng × h/mL) and 6.5 L × h-1 × m-2 (3.4 to 14.0 L × h-1 × m-2), respectively. Thirteen of 19 tumors had BRAF abnormalities. Among the 5 (20%) of 25 subjects with sustained partial responses, all at the RP2D, 4 had BRAF aberrations, 1 had insufficient tissue. Subjects received a median of 13 cycles (range: 1-26). Fourteen (37%) completed all protocol treatment (26 cycles [n = 13], 13 cycles [n = 1]) with at least stable disease; 2-year progression-free survival at the RP2D was 69 ± SE 9.8%.CONCLUSION: Selumetinib has promising antitumor activity in children with LGG. Rash and mucositis were the most common DLTs.", "BACKGROUND: Coronaviruses (CoVs) are large ribonucleic acid (RNA) viruses causing primarily respiratory disease in humans. A novel human coronavirus, subsequently named middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), was first reported in Saudi Arabia in September of 2012. With increasing numbers of infections and deaths from MERS-CoV, development of a rapid and reliable kit was crucial to prevent further spread of MERS-CoV.OBJECTIVES: In this study, we present two real-time reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) assays for in-house rapid and sensitive diagnostic testing of MERS-CoV, detecting the regions upstream of the envelope gene (upE) and open reading frame (ORF) 1b, respectively, for initial screening and final confirmation of MERS-CoV infection, as recommended by the world health organization (WHO).MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this experimental study, acquiring patient samples was difficult; thus, according to WHO recommendations and standard protocols, we synthesized RNA sequences of upE and ORF1b genes as the template signatures and TaqMan based-diagnostic rRT-PCR assays were carried out using these synthetic genes for detection of MERS-CoV. In this research, we also inaugurated a cell-free system to transcribe these RNA sequences using the DNA templates synthesized.RESULTS: The upE and ORF1b based one-step rRT-PCR assays were optimized by testing several times via different synthetic RNAs, and validation results were highly successful. The sensitivity obtained for upE was fewer than ten copies of RNA template per reaction and for ORF1b was 50 or fewer copies per reaction.CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that the developed rRT-PCR assays are rapid, reliable, reproducible, specific, sensitive, and simple tools for detection of MERS-CoV. Finally, a kit consisting of two assay signatures and controls was assembled, which can be distributed to public health laboratories in Iran to support international MERS-CoV surveillance and public health response.", "BACKGROUND: Paediatric low-grade glioma is the most common CNS tumour of childhood. Although overall survival is good, disease often recurs. No single universally accepted treatment exists for these patients; however, standard cytotoxic chemotherapies are generally used. We aimed to assess the activity of selumetinib, a MEK1/2 inhibitor, in these patients.METHODS: The Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium performed a multicentre, phase 2 study in patients with paediatric low-grade glioma in 11 hospitals in the USA. Patients aged 3-21 years with a Lansky or Karnofsky performance score greater than 60 and the presence of recurrent, refractory, or progressive paediatric low-grade glioma after at least one standard therapy were eligible for inclusion. Patients were assigned to six unique strata according to histology, tumour location, NF1 status, and BRAF aberration status; herein, we report the results of strata 1 and 3. Stratum 1 comprised patients with WHO grade I pilocytic astrocytoma harbouring either one of the two most common BRAF aberrations (KIAA1549-BRAF fusion or the BRAFV600E [Val600Glu] mutation). Stratum 3 comprised patients with any neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1)-associated paediatric low-grade glioma (WHO grades I and II). Selumetinib was provided as capsules given orally at the recommended phase 2 dose of 25 mg/m2 twice daily in 28-day courses for up to 26 courses. The primary endpoint was the proportion of patients with a stratum-specific objective response (partial response or complete response), as assessed by the local site and sustained for at least 8 weeks. All responses were reviewed centrally. All eligible patients who initiated treatment were evaluable for the activity and toxicity analyses. Although the trial is ongoing in other strata, enrolment and planned follow-up is complete for strata 1 and 3. This trial is registered with, number NCT01089101.FINDINGS: Between July 25, 2013, and June 12, 2015, 25 eligible and evaluable patients were accrued to stratum 1, and between Aug 28, 2013, and June 25, 2015, 25 eligible and evaluable patients were accrued to stratum 3. In stratum 1, nine (36% [95% CI 18-57]) of 25 patients achieved a sustained partial response. The median follow-up for the 11 patients who had not had a progression event by Aug 9, 2018, was 36·40 months (IQR 21·72-45·59). In stratum 3, ten (40% [21-61]) of 25 patients achieved a sustained partial response; median follow-up was 48·60 months (IQR 39·14-51·31) for the 17 patients without a progression event by Aug 9, 2018. The most frequent grade 3 or worse adverse events were elevated creatine phosphokinase (five [10%]) and maculopapular rash (five [10%]). No treatment-realted deaths were reported.INTERPRETATION: Selumetinib is active in recurrent, refractory, or progressive pilocytic astrocytoma harbouring common BRAF aberrations and NF1-associated paediatric low-grade glioma. These results show that selumetinib could be an alternative to standard chemotherapy for these subgroups of patients, and have directly led to the development of two Children's Oncology Group phase 3 studies comparing standard chemotherapy to selumetinib in patients with newly diagnosed paediatric low-grade glioma both with and without NF1.FUNDING: National Cancer Institute Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program, the American Lebanese Syrian Associated Charities, and AstraZeneca." ]
[ "Reproducing routine bioinformatics analysis is challenging owing to a combination of factors hard to control for. Nextflow is a flow management framework that uses container technology to insure efficient deployment and reproducibility of computational analysis pipelines. Third party pipelines can be ported into Nextflow with minimum re-coding. We used RNA-Seq quantification, genome annotation and phylogeny reconstruction examples to show how two seemingly irreproducible analyzes can be made stable across platforms when ported into Nextflow.", "Orthostatic intolerance (OI) or postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is a syndrome primarily affecting young females, and is characterized by lightheadedness, palpitations, fatigue, altered mentation, and syncope primarily occurring with upright posture and being relieved by lying down. There is typically tachycardia and raised plasma norepinephrine levels on upright posture, but little or no orthostatic hypotension. The pathophysiology of OI is believed to be very heterogeneous. Most studies of the syndrome have focused on abnormalities in norepinephrine release. Here the hypothesis that abnormal norepinephrine transporter (NET) function might contribute to the pathophysiology in some patients with OI was tested. In a proband with significant orthostatic symptoms and tachycardia, disproportionately elevated plasma norepinephrine with standing, impaired systemic, and local clearance of infused tritiated norepinephrine, impaired tyramine responsiveness, and a dissociation between stimulated plasma norepinephrine and DHPG elevation were found. Studies of NET gene structure in the proband revealed a coding mutation that converts a highly conserved transmembrane domain Ala residue to Pro. Analysis of the protein produced by the mutant cDNA in transfected cells demonstrated greater than 98% reduction in activity relative to normal. NE, DHPG/NE, and heart rate correlated with the mutant allele in this family.CONCLUSION: These results represent the first identification of a specific genetic defect in OI and the first disease linked to a coding alteration in a Na+/Cl(-)-dependent neurotransmitter transporter. Identification of this mechanism may facilitate our understanding of genetic causes of OI and lead to the development of more effective therapeutic modalities.", "OBJECTIVE: To determine the relationships between spasticity, strength, and the functional measures of gait and gross motor function in persons with spastic diplegia cerebral palsy (CP).DESIGN: Retrospective, cross-sectional study.SETTING: Hospital clinic.PARTICIPANTS: Ninety-seven participants (49 boys, 48 girls; mean age+/-standard deviation, 9.11+/-4.8 y) with spastic diplegia CP were tested once.INTERVENTIONS: Not applicable.MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: A KinCom dynamometer was used to objectively measure spasticity (ankle plantarflexors, knee flexors, hip adductors) and maximum strength (ankle dorsiflexors and plantarflexors, knee flexors and extensors, hip abductors and adductors). A gait analysis was conducted to evaluate linear variables (gait speed, stride length, cadence) and kinematic variables (ankle dorsiflexion, foot progression, knee and hip flexion, pelvic tilt at initial contact and ankle dorsiflexion, knee and hip flexion, pelvic tilt, trunk rotation range of motion) during gait. Gross motor function was measured using the Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM-66) and separately, the GMFM walking, running & jumping dimension. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to determine the relationships between spasticity, strength, gait, and the GMFM (P<.05).RESULTS: Spasticity did not account for a substantial amount of explained variance in gait and gross motor function (up to 8% for the GMFM walking, running & jumping dimension). Moderate to high correlations existed between strength and gait linear data and function, accounting for up to 69% of the explained variance (strength and GMFM-66, r2=.69).CONCLUSIONS: For this cohort of participants with spastic diplegia CP who ambulated with or without an assistive device, strength was highly related to function and explained far more of the variance than spasticity. The results may not be generalized to those with more severe forms of CP.", "Ibalizumab (formerly TNX-355) is a humanized monoclonal antibody that binds CD4, the primary receptor for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), and inhibits the viral entry process. A phase lb multidose study of the safety, pharmacokinetics, and antiviral activity of ibalizumab was conducted with 22 HIV-1-infected patients. Nineteen patients were randomized to receive either 10 mg/kg of body weight weekly (arm A) or a 10-mg/kg loading dose followed by 6 mg/kg every 2 weeks (arm B) intravenously for 9 weeks. Three patients were assigned to receive 25 mg/kg every 2 weeks for five doses (arm C). During the study, the patients remained off other antiretrovirals or continued a stable failing regimen. Treatment with ibalizumab resulted in substantial reductions in HIV-1 RNA levels (0.5 to 1.7 log(10)) in 20 of 22 subjects. In most patients, HIV-1 RNA fell to nadir levels after 1 to 2 weeks of treatment and then returned to baseline despite continued treatment. Baseline viral isolates were susceptible to ibalizumab in vitro, regardless of coreceptor tropism. Emerging resistance to ibalizumab was manifested by reduced maximal percent inhibition in a single-cycle HIV infectivity assay. Resistant isolates remained CD4 dependent and were susceptible to enfuvirtide in vitro. Complete coating of CD4(+) T-cell receptors was correlated with serum ibalizumab concentrations. There was no evidence of CD4(+) T-cell depletion in ibalizumab-treated patients. Ibalizumab was not immunogenic, and no serious drug-related adverse effects occurred. In conclusion, ibalizumab administered either weekly or biweekly was safe and well tolerated and demonstrated antiviral activity. Further studies with ibalizumab in combination with standard antiretroviral treatments are warranted.", "OBJECTIVE: To describe the clinical, morphologic, and genetic findings in a family in which one woman had nemaline myopathy, whereas her daughter showed features of cap disease.PATIENTS: A 66-year-old woman and her 35-year-old daughter had congenital, slowly progressive muscle weakness. They had weakness in both proximal and distal muscles and facial diplegia with bilateral ptosis, a long narrow face, a high arched palate, and micrognathia.RESULTS: Muscle biopsy specimens in the mother at age 57 years had shown nemaline myopathy, whereas a biopsy specimen at age 32 years had demonstrated no rods. Muscle biopsy specimens in the daughter at age 26 years had shown features of cap disease and no apparent nemaline rods. A missense mutation, Glu41Lys, in the beta-tropomyosin gene TPM2 was identified in both patients but was absent in their healthy relatives.CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that mutations in TPM2 may cause nemaline myopathy as well as cap disease with a dominant mode of inheritance. These disorders may thus be phenotypic variants of the same genetic defect.", "The transcription factor Otx2 acts as a negative switch in the regulation of transition from naive to primed pluripotency in mouse pluripotent stem cells. However, the molecular features and function of porcine OTX2 have not been well elucidated in porcine-induced pluripotent stem cells (piPSCs). By studying high-throughput transcriptome sequencing and interfering endogenous OTX2 expression, we demonstrate that OTX2 is able to downgrade the self-renewal of piPSCs. OTX2 is highly expressed in porcine brain, reproductive tissues, and preimplantation embryos, but is undetectable in fibroblasts and most somatic tissues. However, the known piPSC lines reported previously produced different levels of OTX2 depending on the induction procedures and culture conditions. Overexpression of porcine OTX2 can reduce the percentage of alkaline phosphatase-positive colonies and downregulate NANOG and OCT4 expression. In contrast, knockdown of OTX2 can significantly increase endogenous expressions of NANOG, OCT4, and ESRRB, and stabilize the pluripotent state of piPSCs. On the other hand, NANOG can directly bind to the OTX2 promoter as shown in ChIP-seq data and repress OTX2 promoter activity in a dose-dependent manner. These observations indicate that OTX2 and NANOG can form a negative feedback circuitry to regulate the pluripotency of porcine iPS cells.", "Objective We aimed to investigate the clinical features of acute acalculous cholecystitis (AAC) in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Methods SLE patients with AAC hospitalized in the Peking Union Medical College Hospital (PUMCH) from January 2001 to September 2015 were retrospectively analyzed. Their medical records were systematically reviewed. The diagnosis of AAC was based on clinical manifestations and confirmed by radiologic findings including a distended gallbladder with thickened wall, pericholecystic fluid and absence of gallstones. Results Among the 8411 hospitalized SLE patients in PUMCH, 13 (0.15%) were identified to have SLE-AAC. Eleven (84.6%) of them were female, with a mean age of 30.1 ± 8.6 years. AAC was the initial manifestation of SLE in four (30.8%) cases. Eleven (84.6%) patients complained of fever and abdominal pain, four (30.8%) had positive Murphy's sign and six (46.2%) had elevated liver enzymes. The median SLE Disease Activity Index was 8.0 (range 0-20.0) at the time of AAC. Other affected organs in SLE-AAC included kidney (11, 84.6%) and hematologic system (11, 84.6%), followed by mucocutaneous (seven, 53.8%), musculoskeletal (seven, 53.8%) and neuropsychiatric (two, 15.4%) systems. All patients received treatment of glucocorticoids and immunosuppressants but none underwent surgical intervention. During a median follow-up of 28 months (range, 2-320 months), 12 cases (92.4%) responded to treatment with no relapse and one patient (7.6%) died of septic shock. Conclusion Our study suggests that AAC is a relatively uncommon and underestimated gastrointestinal involvement of SLE that is often associated with active disease. For patients with AAC in SLE, treatment with aggressive glucocorticoids could result in a good prognosis." ]
[ "Integration of DNA copies in a host genome is a necessary stage in the life cycle of retroviruses and LTR-retrotransposons. There is still no clear understanding of integration specificity of retroelements into a target site. The selection of the target DNA is believed to potentially affect a number of factors such as transcriptional status, association with histones and other DNA-binding proteins, and DNA bending. The authors performed a comprehensive computer analysis of the integration specificity of Drosophila melanogaster LTR-retrotransposons and retroviruses including an analysis of the nucleotide composition of targets, terminal sequences of LTRs, and integrase sequences. A classification of LTR-retrotransposons based on the integration specificity was developed. All the LTR-retrotransposons of the gypsy group with three open frames (errantiviruses) and their derivatives with two open frames demonstrate strict specificity to a target DNA selection. Such specificity correlates with the structural features of the target DNA: bendability, A-philicity, or protein-induced deformability. The remaining LTR-retrotransposons (copia and BEL groups, blastopia and 412 subgroups of the gypsy group) do not show specificity of integration. Chromodomain is present in the integrase structures of blastopia and 412 subgroup LTR-retrotransposons and may facilitate the process of non-specific integration.", "We investigated how mitochondrial membrane proteins remain soluble in the cytosol until their delivery to mitochondria or degradation at the proteasome. We show that Ubiquilin family proteins bind transmembrane domains in the cytosol to prevent aggregation and temporarily allow opportunities for membrane targeting. Over time, Ubiquilins recruit an E3 ligase to ubiquitinate bound clients. The attached ubiquitin engages Ubiquilin's UBA domain, normally bound to an intramolecular UBL domain, and stabilizes the Ubiquilin-client complex. This conformational change precludes additional chances at membrane targeting for the client, while simultaneously freeing Ubiquilin's UBL domain for targeting to the proteasome. Loss of Ubiquilins by genetic ablation or sequestration in polyglutamine aggregates leads to accumulation of non-inserted mitochondrial membrane protein precursors. These findings define Ubiquilins as a family of chaperones for cytosolically exposed transmembrane domains and explain how they use ubiquitin to triage clients for degradation via coordinated intra- and intermolecular interactions.", "BACKGROUND: Anticitrullinated protein antibodies (ACPAs) are serological biomarkers associated with early, rapidly progressing rheumatoid arthritis (RA), including more severe disease and joint damage. ACPA testing has become a routine tool for RA diagnosis and prognosis. Furthermore, treatment efficacy has been shown to vary by ACPA-positive status. However, it is not clear if the economic burden of patients with RA varies by ACPA status.OBJECTIVE: To determine if the economic burden of RA varies by patient ACPA status.METHODS: IMS PharMetrics Plus health insurance claims and electronic medical record (EMR) data from 2010-2015 were used to identify patients with incident RA. Patients were aged ≥ 18 years, had ≥ 1 inpatient or ≥ 2 outpatient claims reporting an RA diagnosis code (ICD-9-CM code 714.0), and had an anticyclic citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP; a surrogate of ACPA) antibody test within 6 months of diagnosis. Incident patients were defined as those who had no claims with an RA diagnosis code in the 6 months before the first observed RA diagnosis. The primary outcome of interest was RA-related medical expenditures, defined as the sum of payer- and patient-paid amounts for all claims with an RA diagnosis code. Secondary outcomes included health care utilization metrics such as treatment with a disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (DMARD) and physician visits. Generalized linear regression models were used for each outcome, controlling for ACPA-positive status (defined as anti-CCP ≥ 20 AU/mL), age, sex, and Charlson Comorbidity Index score as explanatory variables.RESULTS: Of 647,171 patients diagnosed with RA, 89,296 were incident cases, and 47% (n = 42,285) had an anti-CCP test. After restricting this sample to patients with a linked EMR and reported anti-CCP test result, 859 remained, with 24.7% (n = 212) being ACPA-positive. Compared with ACPA-negative patients, adjusted results showed that ACPA-positive patients were more likely to use either conventional (71.2% vs. 49.6%; P < 0.001) or biologic (20.3% vs. 11.8%; P < 0.001) DMARDs during the first year after diagnosis and had more physician visits (5.58 vs. 3.91 times per year; P < 0.001). Annual RA-associated total expenditures were $7,941 for ACPA-positive and $5,243 for ACPA-negative patients (Δ = $2,698; P = 0.002). RA-associated medical expenditures were $4,380 for ACPA-positive and $3,427 for ACPA-negative patients (Δ = $954; P = 0.168), whereas DMARD expenditures were $3,560 and $1,817, respectively (Δ = $1,743; P = 0.001).CONCLUSIONS: RA-related economic burden is higher for patients who are ACPA-positive compared with those who are ACPA-negative. Providers may wish to inform patients diagnosed with ACPA-positive RA about the likely future disease and economic burden in hopes that both stakeholders can be more proactive in addressing them.DISCLOSURES: Funding for this research was contributed by Bristol-Myers Squibb. Patel and Price are employees and stockholders of Bristol-Myers Squibb. Shafrin and Tebeka are employees of Precision Health Economics, a health care consulting firm that received funding from Bristol-Myers Squibb to conduct this study. Michaud has received a grant from Pfizer and is employed by the National Data Bank for Rheumatic Diseases, which has received funds from Amgen, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly, Janssen, Pfizer, and Regeneron. Study concept and design were contributed by Shafrin, Price, Patel, and Michaud. Shafrin, Price, and Patel collected the data, and all authors contributed equally to data analysis. The manuscript was written by Shafrin and Tebeka and revised by Shafrin, Price, Patel, and Michaud.", "OBJECTIVE: Given recent reports about the off-label use of modafinil as an adjuvant for the treatment of antipsychotic-associated sedation in schizophrenia patients and the recent interest in its putative cognitive-enhancing effects in this population, we present a systematic review of available data on trials of modafinil as an adjuvant in the treatment of cognitive deficits, negative symptoms, and antipsychotic-induced fatigue, and its tolerability.DATA SOURCES: PubMed was searched for trials published in English up to January 2008 evaluating modafinil's effects on fatigue, negative symptoms, and cognition in schizophrenia with combinations of the following terms: schizophrenia, modafinil, cognition, negative symptoms, and fatigue.STUDY SELECTION: Six trials were identified: 2 randomized, prospective, double-blind placebo-controlled trials; 3 randomized, prospective, double-blind placebo-controlled crossover trials; and 1 open-label pilot study. Case series and case reports were excluded in the data analysis, except to identify potential adverse reactions to modafinil.DATA EXTRACTION: Studies were examined for number of subjects, trial duration, design, dosing, and outcomes with respect to sedation, negative symptoms, cognitive function, and tolerability.RESULTS: One of 4 reviewed studies found a significant effect of modafinil as an alerting agent for antipsychotic-induced fatigue and sedation. Neither of 2 reviewed studies found modafinil to improve negative symptoms of schizophrenia. Three of 6 reviewed studies showed that modafinil may improve short-term memory, attention, and the ability to shift mental sets. Two neuroimaging studies identified functional correlates in areas associated with working memory functions. The main adverse effect was found to be a small risk of psychosis exacerbation, which was seen in 5 of 83 patients (6.0%) in the active treatment groups as compared to 2 of 70 patients (2.9%) in the placebo groups.CONCLUSIONS: While the available data suggest that modafinil is generally well tolerated and may have some efficacy in the treatment of antipsychotic-induced sedation and cognitive domains, the small sample sizes, contradictory results, and methodological differences between trials, especially with respect to cognitive testing, make it difficult to draw firm conclusions about the overall effectiveness of modafinil as an adjunct in the treatment of schizophrenia. Well-powered, prospective, randomized placebo-controlled trials using the MATRICS battery concomitantly with functional outcome measures are necessary to elucidate modafinil's efficacy and effectiveness as an adjunctive treatment for sedation, negative symptoms, and cognitive deficits in schizophrenia. Hence, before prescribing modafinil to a schizophrenia patient, the possible risks and benefits of each particular case should be evaluated.", "SUMMARY: BioPAXViz is a Cytoscape (version 3) application, providing a comprehensive framework for metabolic pathway visualization. Beyond the basic parsing, viewing and browsing roles, the main novel function that BioPAXViz provides is a visual comparative analysis of metabolic pathway topologies across pre-computed pathway phylogenomic profiles given a species phylogeny. Furthermore, BioPAXViz supports the display of hierarchical trees that allow efficient navigation through sets of variants of a single reference pathway. Thus, BioPAXViz can significantly facilitate, and contribute to, the study of metabolic pathway evolution and engineering.AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: BioPAXViz has been developed as a Cytoscape app and is available at: The software is distributed under the MIT License and is accompanied by example files and data. Additional documentation is available at the aforementioned GitHub repository.CONTACT:", "PURPOSE: To investigate characteristics of cine phase contrast-calculated cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow and velocity measures in patients with relapsing-remitting (RR) multiple sclerosis (MS) receiving standard medical treatment who had been diagnosed with chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI) and underwent percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA).MATERIALS AND METHODS: This case-controlled, magnetic resonance (MR) imaging-blinded study included 15 patients with RR MS who presented with significant stenoses (≥50% lumen reduction on catheter venography) in the azygous or internal jugular veins. Eight patients underwent PTA in addition to medical therapy immediately following baseline assessments (case group) and seven had delayed PTA after 6 months of medical therapy alone (control group). CSF flow and velocity measures were quantified over 32 phases of the cardiac cycle by a semiautomated method. Outcomes were compared between groups at baseline and at 6 and 12 months of the study by mixed-effect model analysis.RESULTS: At baseline, no significant differences in CSF flow or velocity measures were detected between groups. At month 6, significant improvement in flow (P<.001) and velocity (P = .013) outcomes were detected in the immediate versus the delayed group, and persisted to month 12 (P = .001 and P = .021, respectively). Within-group flow comparisons from baseline to follow-up showed a significant increase in the immediate group (P = .033) but a decrease in the delayed group (P = .024). Altered CSF flow and velocity measures were associated with worsening of clinical and MR outcomes in the delayed group.CONCLUSIONS: PTA in patients with MS with CCSVI increased CSF flow and decreased CSF velocity, which are indicative of improved venous parenchyma drainage.", "Waardenburg Syndrome (WS) is a condition characterized by pigmentary changes of the hair or skin, hearing loss, heterochromia iridis, and dystopia canthorum. There are four main types of WS, which can be commonly caused by mutations in the PAX3, MITF, EDNRB, EDN3, SNAI2, or SOX10 genes. Herein, we present a patient with Waardenburg Syndrome type 2 with no findings of mutations in the commonly associated genes." ]
[ "OBJECTIVES: There is previous epidemiological evidence that intake of polyphenol-rich foods has been associated with reduced cardiovascular disease risk. We aimed to investigate the effect of increasing dietary polyphenol intake on microvascular function in hypertensive participants.METHODS: All participants completed a 4-week run-in phase, consuming <2 portions of fruit and vegetables (F&V) daily and avoiding berries and dark chocolate. Subjects were then randomised to continue with the low-polyphenol diet for 8 weeks or to consume a high-polyphenol diet of six portions F&V (including one portion of berries/day and 50 g of dark chocolate). Endothelium-dependent (acetylcholine, ACh) and endothelium-independent (sodium nitroprusside) vasodilator responses were assessed by venous occlusion plethysmography. Compliance with the intervention was measured using food diaries and biochemical markers.RESULTS: Final analysis of the primary endpoint was conducted on 92 participants. Between-group comparison of change in maximum % response to ACh revealed a significant improvement in the high-polyphenol group (p=0.02). There was a significantly larger increase in vitamin C, carotenoids and epicatechin in the high-polyphenol group (between-group difference p<0.001; p<0.001; p=0.008, respectively).CONCLUSIONS: This study has shown that increasing the polyphenol content of the diet via consumption of F&V, berries and dark chocolate results in a significant improvement in an established marker of cardiovascular risk in hypertensive participants.TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT01319786.", "Technological advances have made it possible to measure spatially resolved gene expression at high throughput. However, methods to analyze these data are not established. Here we describe SpatialDE, a statistical test to identify genes with spatial patterns of expression variation from multiplexed imaging or spatial RNA-sequencing data. SpatialDE also implements 'automatic expression histology', a spatial gene-clustering approach that enables expression-based tissue histology.", "In this study, we used a rat model of severe closed traumatic brain injury to explore the relationship between neuroglobin, brain injury and neuronal apoptosis. Real-time PCR showed that neuroglobin mRNA expression rapidly increased in the rat cerebral cortex, and peaked at 30 minutes and 48 hours following traumatic brain injury. Immunohistochemical staining demonstrated that neuroglobin expression increased and remained high 2 hours to 5 days following injury. The rate of increase in the apoptosis-related Bax/Bcl-2 ratio greatly decreased between 30 minutes and 1 hour as well as between 48 and 72 hours post injury. Expression of neuroglobin and the anti-apoptotic factor Bcl-2 greatly increased, while that of the proapoptotic factor decreased, in the cerebral cortex post severe closed traumatic brain injury. It suggests that neuroglobin might protect neurons from apoptosis after traumatic injury by regulating Bax/Bcl-2 pathway.", "OBJECTIVES: To describe the clinical characteristics of the pregnant women who were hospitalized in a tertiary referral hospital with pandemic influenza H1N1 2009 virus infection and neonatal outcomes from October 2009 to December 2009 during which the pandemic influenza cases peaked in Turkey.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-five pregnant women who were hospitalized with influenza-like illness and who had laboratory confirmation for pandemic influenza H1N1 virus infection were evaluated prospectively.RESULTS: Of the 25 patients, 4 (16%) were in the first trimester, 8 (32%) were in the second trimester, and 13 (52%) were in the third trimester. The median time from the onset of symptoms to the initiation of antiviral therapy was 1 day (range 1-9 days). Nineteen (76%) patients received oseltamivir treatment. It took 1.6 days on the average for the fever defervescence after the initiation of treatment or hospitalization. Of the 14 patients who underwent chest radiography, three had findings consistent with pneumonia. The mean duration of hospitalization was 4.8 days. Four women (16%) were admitted to an intensive care unit, but there were no maternal or neonatal deaths in this series. At the time of their H1N1 hospitalization, seven women delivered by cesarean at 33-40 weeks gestation, two vaginally at 38 weeks gestation, and two had an abortion at 10 weeks and 16 weeks of gestation, respectively. None of the infants had any evidence of influenza infection.CONCLUSION: Pregnant women are at increased risk for complications from pandemic influenza H1N1 virus infection. Timely medical attention with early recourse to antiviral therapy is associated with a better outcome in H1N1-affected pregnant women.", "Auxin is a small molecule morphogen that bridges SCFTIR1/AFB-AUX/IAA co-receptor interactions leading to ubiquitylation and proteasome-dependent degradation of AUX/IAA transcriptional repressors. Here, we systematically dissect auxin sensing by SCFTIR1-IAA6 and SCFTIR1-IAA19 co-receptor complexes, and assess IAA6/IAA19 ubiquitylation in vitro and IAA6/IAA19 degradation in vivo. We show that TIR1-IAA19 and TIR1-IAA6 have distinct auxin affinities that correlate with ubiquitylation and turnover dynamics of the AUX/IAA. We establish a system to track AUX/IAA ubiquitylation in IAA6 and IAA19 in vitro and show that it occurs in flexible hotspots in degron-flanking regions adorned with specific Lys residues. We propose that this signature is exploited during auxin-mediated SCFTIR1-AUX/IAA interactions. We present evidence for an evolving AUX/IAA repertoire, typified by the IAA6/IAA19 ohnologues, that discriminates the range of auxin concentrations found in plants. We postulate that the intrinsic flexibility of AUX/IAAs might bias their ubiquitylation and destruction kinetics enabling specific auxin responses.", "Despite the declaration of smallpox eradication in 1980, the existence of variola stockpiles and the threat of bioterrorism demand that immunity to smallpox through vaccination be maintained. Although the currently available vaccine was used for the most successful medical intervention ever accomplished, it also is associated with side effects that are difficult to accept in a vaccine for a disease that has not been present for >25 years. Herein, we review alternative approaches to maintaining immunity to smallpox through vaccination with attenuated poxviruses, and we suggest modified vaccinia Ankara (MVA) as a leading candidate for an alternative smallpox vaccine.", "BACKGROUND: Afatinib, an irreversible ErbB-family blocker, has shown preclinical activity when tested in EGFR mutant models with mutations that confer resistance to EGFR tyrosine-kinase inhibitors. We aimed to assess its efficacy in patients with advanced lung adenocarcinoma with previous treatment failure on EGFR tyrosine-kinase inhibitors.METHODS: In this phase 2b/3 trial, we enrolled patients with stage IIIB or IV adenocarcinoma and an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance (ECOG) performance score of 0-2 who had received one or two previous chemotherapy regimens and had disease progression after at least 12 weeks of treatment with erlotinib or gefitinib. We used a computer-generated sequence to randomly allocate patients (2:1) to either afatinib (50 mg per day) or placebo; all patients received best supportive care. Randomisation was done in blocks of three and was stratified by sex and baseline ECOG performance status (0-1 vs 2). Investigators, patients, and the trial sponsor were masked to treatment assignment. The primary endpoint was overall survival (from date of randomisation to death), analysed on an intention-to-treat basis. This study is registered with, number NCT00656136.FINDINGS: Between May 26, 2008, and Sept 21, 2009, we identified 697 patients, 585 of whom were randomly allocated to treatment (390 to afatinib, 195 to placebo). Median overall survival was 10·8 months (95% CI 10·0-12·0) in the afatinib group and 12·0 months (10·2-14·3) in the placebo group (hazard ratio 1·08, 95% CI 0·86-1·35; p=0·74). Median progression-free survival was longer in the afatinib group (3·3 months, 95% CI 2·79-4·40) than it was in the placebo group (1·1 months, 0·95-1·68; hazard ratio 0·38, 95% CI 0·31-0·48; p<0·0001). No complete responses to treatment were noted; 29 (7%) patients had a partial response in the afatinib group, as did one patient in the placebo group. Subsequent cancer treatment was given to 257 (68%) patients in the afatinib group and 153 (79%) patients in the placebo group. The most common adverse events in the afatinib group were diarrhoea (339 [87%] of 390 patients; 66 [17%] were grade 3) and rash or acne (305 [78%] patients; 56 [14%] were grade 3). These events occurred less often in the placebo group (18 [9%] of 195 patients had diarrhoea; 31 [16%] had rash or acne), all being grade 1 or 2. Drug-related serious adverse events occurred in 39 (10%) patients in the afatinib group and one (<1%) patient in the placebo group. We recorded two possibly treatment-related deaths in the afatinib group.INTERPRETATION: Although we recorded no benefit in terms of overall survival with afatinib (which might have been affected by cancer treatments given after progression in both groups), our findings for progression-free survival and response to treatment suggest that afatinib could be of some benefit to patients with advanced lung adenocarcinoma who have failed at least 12 weeks of previous EGFR tyrosine-kinase inhibitor treatment.FUNDING: Boehringer Ingelheim Inc." ]
[ "The nuclear lamins function in the regulation of replication, transcription, and epigenetic modifications of chromatin. However, the mechanisms responsible for these lamin functions are poorly understood. We demonstrate that A- and B-type lamins form separate, but interacting, stable meshworks in the lamina and have different mobilities in the nucleoplasm as determined by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS). Silencing lamin B1 (LB1) expression dramatically increases the lamina meshwork size and the mobility of nucleoplasmic lamin A (LA). The changes in lamina mesh size are coupled to the formation of LA/C-rich nuclear envelope blebs deficient in LB2. Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) analyses of microdissected blebs, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), and immunofluorescence localization of modified histones demonstrate that gene-rich euchromatin associates with the LA/C blebs. Enrichment of hyperphosphorylated RNA polymerase II (Pol II) and histone marks for active transcription suggest that blebs are transcriptionally active. However, in vivo labeling of RNA indicates that transcription is decreased, suggesting that the LA/C-rich microenvironment induces promoter proximal stalling of Pol II. We propose that different lamins are organized into separate, but interacting, microdomains and that LB1 is essential for their organization. Our evidence suggests that the organization and regulation of chromatin are influenced by interconnections between these lamin microdomains.", "Entacapone is frequently used together with levodopa/carbidopa (LC) and levodopa/benserazide (LB) in the treatment of Parkinson's disease (PD) patients with wearing-off symptoms. It is generally assumed that the effects of entacapone are independent of the type of decarboxylase inhibitor used, but there is very little published data available on the efficacy of entacapone administered with LB versus LC. We have performed a pooled analysis of three randomized, double-blind, 6-month, phase III studies to compare the treatment effects of entacapone (compared to placebo) in PD patients receiving LC or LB. A total of 551 PD patients experiencing wearing-off were included in the analysis. 300 patients were on LB and 251 on LC at baseline. At 6 months, entacapone (compared to placebo) improved mean daily OFF-time in patients on LB and LC by 0.76 (p = 0.016) and 0.95 (p = 0.011) hours, respectively. The corresponding improvements in ON-time were 0.97 (p = 0.002) and 0.83 h (p = 0.022), respectively. The treatment effects of entacapone both in LB and LC users were statistically significant (p < 0.05) also in UPDRS II and III scores, except in UPDRS II scores in patients receiving LC (p = 0.20). None of the treatment effects of entacapone were statistically significantly different between patients receiving LB or LC. Reported adverse events were comparable between LB and LC users. We conclude that entacapone provided comparable benefits in PD patients with wearing-off symptoms using either LB or LC.", "Craniosynostosis, the premature closure of cranial suture, is a pathologic condition that affects 1/2000 live births. Saethre-Chotzen syndrome is a genetic condition characterized by craniosynostosis. The Saethre-Chotzen syndrome, which is defined by loss-of-function mutations in the TWIST gene, is the second most prevalent craniosynostosis. Although much of the genetics and phenotypes in craniosynostosis syndromes is understood, less is known about the underlying ossification mechanism during suture closure. We have previously demonstrated that physiological closure of the posterior frontal suture occurs through endochondral ossification. Moreover, we revealed that antagonizing canonical Wnt-signaling in the sagittal suture leads to endochondral ossification of the suture mesenchyme and sagittal synostosis, presumably by inhibiting Twist1. Classic Saethre-Chotzen syndrome is characterized by coronal synostosis, and the haploinsufficient Twist1(+/-) mice represents a suitable model for studying this syndrome. Thus, we seeked to understand the underlying ossification process in coronal craniosynostosis in Twist1(+/-) mice. Our data indicate that coronal suture closure in Twist1(+/-) mice occurs between postnatal day 9 and 13 by endochondral ossification, as shown by histology, gene expression analysis, and immunohistochemistry. In conclusion, this study reveals that coronal craniosynostosis in Twist1(+/-) mice occurs through endochondral ossification. Moreover, it suggests that haploinsufficiency of Twist1 gene, a target of canonical Wnt-signaling, and inhibitor of chondrogenesis, mimics conditions of inactive canonical Wnt-signaling leading to craniosynostosis.", "Patterns of DNA methylation at CpG dinucleotides and their relations with gene expression are complex. Methylation-free CpG clusters, so-called HTF islands, are most often associated with the promoter regions of housekeeping genes, whereas genes expressed in a single-cell type are usually deficient in these sequences. However, in the human carbonic anhydrase (CA) gene family, both the ubiquitously expressed CAII and the muscle specific CAIII appear to have such CpG islands although erythrocyte-specific CAI does not. The CAII island is quantitatively more CpG rich than that of CAIII, with a CpG:GpC ratio of 0.94 compared with 0.82 for CAIII. Estimation of CpG:GpC ratios in the proximal-promoter regions of 44 vertebrate genes suggest that 40% of genes with tissue-specific or limited tissue distribution may show methylation-free CpG clusters in their promoter regions. In many cases the CpG:GpC ratio is less than that found in housekeeping genes and this may reflect variation in the interaction of CpG clusters with regulatory factors that define different patterns of tissue expression.", "MOTIVATION: Large genomic datasets combining genotype and sequence data, such as for expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) detection, require perfect matching between both data types.RESULTS: We described here MBV (Match BAM to VCF); a method to quickly solve sample mislabeling and detect cross-sample contamination and PCR amplification bias.AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: MBV is implemented in C ++ as an independent component of the QTLtools software package, the binary and source codes are freely available at .CONTACT: or INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.", "Holoprosencephaly is a spectrum of congenital defects of forebrain development characterized by incomplete separation of the cerebral hemispheres. In vivo diagnosis can be established with prenatal brain imaging and disease severity correlates with extent of abnormally developed brain tissue. Advances in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) over the past 25 years and their application to the fetus have enabled diagnosis of holoprosencephaly in utero. Here, we report on the prenatal diagnosis of holoprosencephaly using MRI as part of a diagnostic and management evaluation at a tertiary and quaternary referral center. Using an advanced MRI protocol and a 1.5-Tesla magnet, we show radiographic data diagnostic for the holoprosencephaly spectrum, including alobar, semilobar, lobar, middle interhemispheric, and septopreoptic variant. Accurate prenatal evaluation is important because the severity of imaging findings correlates with postnatal morbidity and mortality in holoprosencephaly. Therefore, this work has implications for the evaluation, diagnosis, management, and genetic counseling that families can receive during a pregnancy.", "In female mammals most X-linked genes are subject to X-inactivation. However, in humans some X-linked genes escape silencing, these escapees being candidates for the phenotypic aberrations seen in polyX karyotypes. These escape genes have been reported to be under stronger purifying selection than other X-linked genes. Although it is known that escape from X-inactivation is much more common in humans than in mice, systematic assays of escape in humans have to date employed only interspecies somatic cell hybrids. Here we provide the first systematic next-generation sequencing analysis of escape in a human cell line. We analyzed RNA and genotype sequencing data obtained from B lymphocyte cell lines derived from Europeans (CEU) and Yorubans (YRI). By replicated detection of heterozygosis in the transcriptome, we identified 114 escaping genes, including 76 not previously known to be escapees. The newly described escape genes cluster on the X chromosome in the same chromosomal regions as the previously known escapees. There is an excess of escaping genes associated with mental retardation, consistent with this being a common phenotype of polyX phenotypes. We find both differences between populations and between individuals in the propensity to escape. Indeed, we provide the first evidence for there being both hyper- and hypo-escapee females in the human population, consistent with the highly variable phenotypic presentation of polyX karyotypes. Considering also prior data, we reclassify genes as being always, never, and sometimes escape genes. We fail to replicate the prior claim that genes that escape X-inactivation are under stronger purifying selection than others." ]
[ "OBJECTIVES: The increasing number of prostatectomies entails an increasing number of patients suffering from iatrogenic incontinence despite improved surgical techniques. The severity of this problem often requires invasive treatments such as periurethral injection of bulking agents, artificial urinary sphincter (AUS) implantation, and sub-urethral sling positioning. The artificial urethral sphincter has represented, until today, the gold standard but, in the recent years, sling systems have been investigated as minimally invasive alternative options. Today, three different sling procedures are commonly performed: bone-anchored, readjustable, and trans-obturator slings systems. The aim of this review is to critically report the current status of sling systems in the treatment of iatrogenic male incontinence.MATERIALS AND METHODS: MEDLINE and PubMed databases were searched and all articles between 1974 and 2009 were evaluated.RESULTS: With regard to bone-anchored, readjustable, and trans-obturator slings systems, cure rates ranged between 58.0% and 86.0%, 55.5% and 73.0%, and 40.0% and 63.0%, respectively, while major complication rates ranged between 0 and 14.5%, 10.0 and 22.2%, and 0 and 10.0%, respectively.CONCLUSIONS: Suburethral slings are the only alternative techniques which can be favorably compared with the AUS, showing more advantages with respect to AUS implantations which are mainly represented by a quick and less invasive approach, low morbidity, and low costs. In spite of the difficulty in identifying the most effective sling procedure, overall, sling systems can be recommended for patients with persistent mild or moderate incontinence. However, the indication can also be extended to patients with severe incontinence, after appropriate counseling, allowing AUS implantation in the event of sling failure.", "TREX1 is a potent 3' → 5' exonuclease that degrades single- and double-stranded DNA (ssDNA and dsDNA). TREX1 mutations at amino acid positions Asp-18 and Asp-200 in familial chilblain lupus and Aicardi-Goutières syndrome elicit dominant immune dysfunction phenotypes. Failure to appropriately disassemble genomic DNA during normal cell death processes could lead to persistent DNA signals that trigger the innate immune response and autoimmunity. We tested this concept using dsDNA plasmid and chromatin and show that the TREX1 exonuclease locates 3' termini generated by endonucleases and degrades the nicked DNA polynucleotide. A competition assay was designed using TREX1 dominant mutants and variants to demonstrate that an intact DNA binding process, coupled with dysfunctional chemistry in the active sites, explains the dominant phenotypes in TREX1 D18N, D200N, and D200H alleles. The TREX1 residues Arg-174 and Lys-175 positioned adjacent to the active sites act with the Arg-128 residues positioned in the catalytic cores to facilitate melting of dsDNA and generate ssDNA for entry into the active sites. Metal-dependent ssDNA binding in the active sites of the catalytically inactive dominant TREX1 mutants contributes to DNA retention and precludes access to DNA 3' termini by active TREX1 enzyme. Thus, the dominant disease genetics exhibited by the TREX1 D18N, D200N, and D200H alleles parallel precisely the biochemical properties of these TREX1 dimers during dsDNA degradation of plasmid and chromatin DNA in vitro. These results support the concept that failure to degrade genomic dsDNA is a principal pathway of immune activation in TREX1-mediated autoimmune disease.", "The spatial organization of the genome is intimately linked to its biological function, yet our understanding of higher order genomic structure is coarse, fragmented and incomplete. In the nucleus of eukaryotic cells, interphase chromosomes occupy distinct chromosome territories, and numerous models have been proposed for how chromosomes fold within chromosome territories. These models, however, provide only few mechanistic details about the relationship between higher order chromatin structure and genome function. Recent advances in genomic technologies have led to rapid advances in the study of three-dimensional genome organization. In particular, Hi-C has been introduced as a method for identifying higher order chromatin interactions genome wide. Here we investigate the three-dimensional organization of the human and mouse genomes in embryonic stem cells and terminally differentiated cell types at unprecedented resolution. We identify large, megabase-sized local chromatin interaction domains, which we term 'topological domains', as a pervasive structural feature of the genome organization. These domains correlate with regions of the genome that constrain the spread of heterochromatin. The domains are stable across different cell types and highly conserved across species, indicating that topological domains are an inherent property of mammalian genomes. Finally, we find that the boundaries of topological domains are enriched for the insulator binding protein CTCF, housekeeping genes, transfer RNAs and short interspersed element (SINE) retrotransposons, indicating that these factors may have a role in establishing the topological domain structure of the genome.", "The unpredictable behavior of uncontrolled type 1 diabetes often involves frequent swings in blood glucose levels that impact maintenance of a daily routine. An intensified insulin regimen is often unsuccessful, while other therapeutic options, such as amylin analog injections, use of continuous glucose sensors, and islet or pancreas transplantation are of limited clinical use. In efforts to provide patients with a more compliable treatment method, Oramed Pharmaceuticals tested the capacity of its oral insulin capsule (ORMD-0801, 8 mg insulin) in addressing this resistant clinical state. Eight Type I diabetes patients with uncontrolled diabetes (HbA1c: 7.5-10%) were monitored throughout the 15-day study period by means of a blind continuous glucose monitoring device. Baseline patient blood glucose behavior was monitored and recorded over a five-day pretreatment screening period. During the ensuing ten-day treatment phase, patients were asked to conduct themselves as usual and to self-administer an oral insulin capsule three times daily, just prior to meal intake. CGM data sufficient for pharmacodynamics analyses were obtained from 6 of the 8 subjects. Treatment with ORMD-0801 was associated with a significant 24.4% reduction in the frequencies of glucose readings >200 mg/dL (60.1 ± 7.9% pretreatment vs. 45.4 ± 4.9% during ORMD-0801 treatment; p = 0.023) and a significant mean 16.6% decrease in glucose area under the curve (AUC) (66055 ± 5547 mg/dL/24 hours vs. 55060 ± 3068 mg/dL/24 hours, p = 0.023), with a greater decrease during the early evening hours. In conclusion, ORMD-0801 oral insulin capsules in conjunction with subcutaneous insulin injections, well tolerated and effectively reduced glycemia throughout the day.TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT00867594.", "Expression of genes for Bacillus anthracis toxin and capsule virulence factors are dependent upon the AtxA transcription factor. The mechanism by which AtxA regulates the transcription of its target genes is unknown. Here we report that bioinformatic analyses suggested the presence in AtxA of two PTS (phosphenolpyruvate : sugar phosphotransferase system) regulation domains (PRD) generally regulated by phosphorylation/dephosphorylation at conserved histidine residues. By means of amino acid substitutions that mimic the phosphorylated (H to D) or the unphosphorylated (H to A) state of the protein, we showed that phosphorylation of H199 of PRD1 is likely to be necessary for AtxA activation while phosphorylation of H379 in PRD2 is inhibitory to toxin gene transcription. In vivo labelling experiments with radioactive phosphate allowed us to propose that H199 and H379 are AtxA residues subject to regulated phosphorylation. In support to these notions, we also show that deletion of ptsHI, encoding the HPr intermediate and the EI enzymes of PTS, or growth in the presence of glucose affect positively and negatively, respectively, the activity of AtxA. Our results link virulence factor production in B. anthracis to carbohydrate metabolism and, for the first time, provide a mechanistic explanation for AtxA transcriptional activity.", "Successful reprogramming of somatic cells into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) has ushered in a new era of regenerative medicine. Several studies on iPSCs have corroborated their immense promise and potential for use in cell therapy and disease modeling. However, several shortcomings need to be overcome before they can be used in clinical therapy. Investigation of iPSC fate and physiology in vivo and ultimately, the feasibility of their application in cell transplantation therapy, requires more in-depth studies in living subjects. One recently established alternative approach to reprogramming involves the direct conversion of a terminally differentiated somatic cell of one type into another, without dedifferentiating into a pluripotent state. This direct lineage reprogramming strategy is significantly faster, has the potential to generate an enriched population of a specific subtype of cells, and hence, has wide implications in regenerative cell therapy. Here, we review recent advances in iPSC technology and summarize the research on the generation of patient-specific induced cell types using direct lineage conversion. Specifically, we focus on the scope of application of this approach in autologous cell replacement therapy for diabetic wound treatment.", "Author information:(1)Istituto Scientifico Romagnolo per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori (IRST) S.r.l., IRCCS, Gene Therapy Unit, 47014, Meldola (FC), Italy.(2)Departments of Pediatrics and Molecular Microbiology & Immunology, Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Children's Center for Cancer and Blood Diseases and The Saban Research Institute, Children's Hospital Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, 90027, USA.(3)Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Nebraska Medical Center, 985870 Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE, 68198, USA.(4)Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, 43210, USA.(5)Department of Experimental, Diagnostic and Specialty Medicine-DIMES, University of Bologna, 40126, Bologna, Italy.(6)Department of Experimental Therapeutics, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, 77030, USA.(7)The Center for RNA Interference and Non-coding RNAs, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, 77030, TX, USA.(8)Departments of Preventive Medicine and Neurological Surgery, Northwestern University-Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, 60611, USA.(9)Department of Experimental Radiation Oncology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, 77030, USA.(10)Department of Gynecologic Oncology and Reproductive Medicine, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, 77030, USA.(11)Integrated Molecular Discovery Laboratory, Department of Experimental Therapeutics, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, 77030, USA.(12)Department of Molecular Virology, Immunology and Medical Genetics, Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, 43210, USA.(13)Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, McGovern Medical School, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, TX, 77030, USA.(14)Istituto Scientifico Romagnolo per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori (IRST) S.r.l., IRCCS, Biosciences Laboratory Unit, 47014, Meldola (FC), Italy.(15)Division of Medical Oncology, Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, 90033, USA.(16)Departments of Surgery and Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, 90033, USA.(17)Division of Pulmonary Diseases and Critical Care Medicine, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, 23298, USA.(18)Department of Morphology, Surgery and Experimental Medicine and Laboratory for Technologies of Advanced Therapies (LTTA), University of Ferrara, 44121, Ferrara, Italy.(19)Department of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, 77030, USA.(20)Department of Oncology Unit, Istituto Scientifico Romagnolo per lo Studio e la Cura dei Tumori (IRST) S.r.l., IRCCS, 47014, Meldola (FC), Italy.(21)Institute of Genetics and Biophysics, National Research Council, 80131, Naples, Italy.(22)Department of Experimental Therapeutics, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, 77030, USA. Center for RNA Interference and Non-coding RNAs, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, 77030, TX, USA. of Pediatrics and Molecular Microbiology & Immunology, Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Children's Center for Cancer and Blood Diseases and The Saban Research Institute, Children's Hospital Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, 90027, USA." ]
[ "We presented a case of probable Bickerstaff's brainstem encephalitis. A 39-year-old woman developed easy falling, progressive consciousness disturbance, total ophthalmoplegia, and bilateral pyramida tract sign. In serum anti-ganglioside antibody assay using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, high anti-GQ1b antibody was found. Electroencephalography was dominated by alpha activity, superimposed with occasional theta wave bursts. Brain MRI showed abnormal signal hyperintensities in the tegmentum of the midbrain to the upper pons on T2 weighted images and swelling of the midbrain and pons on T1 weighted images. Five days after the onset of the disease, she had respiratory arrest, which necessitated artificial ventilation for a few days. Then, she began to recover. However, she gained only partial recovery, leaving upward gaze palsy, right abducens nerve palsy, pseudbulbar palsy and quadriplegia.", "One class of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins (hnRNPs), AUF1/hnRNP D, consists of four isoform proteins (p45, p42, p40, and p37) which are generated by alternative splicing. The present study was therefore undertaken to clarify any isoform-specific differences in terms of their functions and nucleocytoplasmic localization. All isoforms primarily localized in the nucleus. However, heterokaryon analysis and a study using RNA polymerase II inhibitor revealed that p40/p37 exhibited a continuous shuttling between the nucleus and cytoplasm. Constant nuclear retention activity was mapped to the p45/p42-specific sequence at the C-terminal region, which is retained by alternative splicing. Using this domain as a probe, we performed a yeast two-hybrid screening and we found that scaffold attachment factor B (SAF-B), a nuclear matrix-associated protein, exhibits protein-protein interaction to this region. Colocalization of p45/p42 and SAF-B was observed as a speckle in the nucleus. Interestingly, p45/p42 isoforms appeared to act as a negative regulator in gene expression by forming a complex with SAF-B. Thus, the present study revealed that the isoform-specific functions of AUF1/hnRNP D are defined by intracellular shuttling capacity.", "Complex regulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) governs its intricate functions in brain development and neuronal plasticity. Besides tight transcriptional control from multiple distinct promoters, alternative 3'end processing of the BDNF transcripts generates either a long or a short 3'untranslated region (3'UTR). Previous reports indicate that distinct RNA sequence in the BDNF 3'UTRs differentially regulates BDNF production in the brain to accommodate neuronal activity changes, conceivably through differential interactions with undefined trans-acting factors that regulate stability and translation of these BDNF mRNA isoforms. In this study, we report that the neuronal RNA-binding protein (RBP) HuD interacts with a highly conserved AU-rich element (ARE) specifically located in the BDNF long 3'UTR. Such interaction is necessary and sufficient for selective stabilization of mRNAs that contain the BDNF long 3'UTR in vitro and in vivo. Moreover, in a HuD transgenic mouse model, the BDNF long 3'UTR mRNA is increased in the hippocampal dentate granule cells (DGCs), leading to elevated expression of BDNF protein that is transported and stored in the mossy fiber (MF) terminals. Our results identify HuD as the first trans-acting factor that enhances BDNF expression specifically through the long 3'UTR and a novel mechanism that regulates BDNF protein production in selected neuronal populations by HuD abundance.", "BACKGROUND: Neurons containing proopiomelanocortin (POMC)-derived peptides, known to control stress axis, metabolic, and immune functions, have a lower function in patients with a family history of alcoholism, raising the possibility that alcohol effects on the POMC system may transmit through generations. Here we describe epigenetic modifications of Pomc gene that transmit through generation via male germline and may be critically involved in alcoholism-inherited diseases.METHODS: Whether an epigenetic mechanism is involved in causing a Pomc expression deficit in fetal alcohol-exposed rats is studied by determining Pomc gene methylation, expression, and functional abnormalities and their normalization following suppression of DNA methylation or histone acetylation. Additionally, transgenerational studies were conducted to evaluate the germline-transmitted effect of alcohol.RESULTS: Fetal alcohol-exposed male and female rat offspring showed a significant deficit in POMC neuronal functions. Associated with this was an increased methylation status of several CpG dinucleotides in the proximal part of the Pomc promoter region and altered level of histone-modifying proteins and DNA methyltransferases levels in POMC neurons. Suppression of histone deacetylation and DNA methylation normalized Pomc expression and functional abnormalities. Fetal alcohol-induced Pomc gene methylation, expression, and functional defects persisted in the F2 and F3 male but not in female germline. Additionally, the hypermethylated Pomc gene was detected in sperm of fetal alcohol-exposed F1 offspring that was transmitted through F3 generation via male germline.CONCLUSIONS: Trangenerational epigenetic studies should spur new insight into the biological mechanisms that influence the sex-dependent difference in genetic risk of alcoholism-inherited diseases.", "The significant morbidity and mortality associated with heart failure with reduced (HFrEF) or preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) justify the search for novel therapeutic agents. The nitric oxide (NO)-soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC)-cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) pathway plays an important role in the regulation of cardiovascular function. This pathway is disrupted in HF resulting in decreased protection against myocardial injury. The sGC activator cinaciguat increases cGMP levels by direct, NO-independent activation of sGC, and may be particularly effective in conditions of increased oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction, and then reduced NO levels, but this comes at the expense of a greater risk of hypotension. Conversely, sGC stimulators (riociguat and vericiguat) enhance sGC sensitivity to endogenous NO, and then exert a more physiological action. The phase 3 VICTORIA trial found that vericiguat is safe and effective in patients with HFrEF and recent HF decompensation. Therefore, adding vericiguat may be considered in individual patients with HFrEF, particularly those at higher risk of HF hospitalization; the efficacy of the sacubitril/valsartan-vericiguat combination in HFrEF is currently unknown.", "BACKGROUND: Scaffold attachment factor A (SAF-A) participates in the regulation of gene expression by organizing chromatin into transcriptionally active domains and by interacting directly with RNA polymerase II.METHODOLOGY: Here we use co-localization, co-immunoprecipitation (co-IP) and in situ proximity ligation assay (PLA) to identify Brahma Related Gene 1 (BRG1), the ATP-driven motor of the human SWI-SNF chromatin remodeling complex, as another SAF-A interaction partner in mouse embryonic stem (mES) cells. We also employ RNA interference to investigate functional aspects of the SAF-A/BRG1 interaction.PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We find that endogenous SAF-A protein interacts with endogenous BRG1 protein in mES cells, and that the interaction does not solely depend on the presence of mRNA. Moreover the interaction remains intact when cells are induced to differentiate. Functional analyses reveal that dual depletion of SAF-A and BRG1 abolishes global transcription by RNA polymerase II, while the nucleolar RNA polymerase I transcription machinery remains unaffected.CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate that SAF-A interacts with BRG1 and that both components are required for RNA Polymerase II Mediated Transcription.", "In spite of research efforts to develop vaccines against the causative agent of human malaria, Plasmodium falciparum, effective control remains elusive. The predominant vaccine strategy focuses on targeting parasite blood stages in the vertebrate host. An alternative approach has been the development of transmission-blocking vaccines (TBVs). TBVs target antigens on parasite sexual stages that persist within the insect vector, anopheline mosquitoes, or target mosquito midgut proteins that are presumed to mediate parasite development. By blocking parasite development within the insect vector, TBVs effectively disrupt transmission and the resultant cascade of secondary infections. Using a mosquito midgut-specific mouse monoclonal antibody (MG96), we have partially characterized membrane-bound midgut glycoproteins in Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles stephensi. These proteins are present on the microvilli of midgut epithelial cells in both blood-fed and unfed mosquitoes, suggesting that the expression of the protein is not induced as a result of blood feeding. MG96 exhibits a dose-dependent blocking effect against Plasmodium yoelii development in An. stephensi. We achieved 100% blocking of parasite development in the mosquito midgut. Preliminary deglycosylation assays indicate that the epitope recognized by MG96 is a complex oligosaccharide. Future investigation of the carbohydrate epitope as well as gene identification should provide valuable insight into the possible mechanisms of ookinete attachment and invasion of mosquito midgut epithelial cells.", "SAF-A/hnRNP U is an abundant nuclear protein that interacts specifically with nuclear matrix attachment region DNA (MAR) and RNA as a component of hnRNPs. SAF-A/hnRNP U was also shown to specifically bind mouse major satellite DNA (satMa). Antibodies against SAF-A and GFP-fusion constructs were used in the current work in order to trace SAF-A localization. In accordance with its diverse nucleic acid binding specificity, SAF-A was found to be localized in three different domains: outside the chromosomes, on the surface of the chromosome arms (probably MARs), and in the centromere region where it apparently binds specifically to the satMa. GFP-fusion constructs with different SAF-A/hnRNP U domains confirms the functional significance of the protein's functional domains in interphase cells. In telophase cells, the anti-SAF-A antibody signal appeared as a kind of network covering unfolded chromosomes.", "INTRODUCTION: Risk factors for acute atrial fibrillation include increasing age, cardiovascular disease, alcohol, diabetes, and lung disease. Acute atrial fibrillation increases the risk of stroke and heart failure. Acute atrial fibrillation resolves spontaneously within 24-48 hours in over 50% of people, however many people will require interventions to control heart rate or restore sinus rhythm.METHODS AND OUTCOMES: We conducted a systematic review and aimed to answer the following clinical questions: What are the effects of interventions: to prevent embolism; for conversion to sinus rhythm; and to control heart rate in people with recent onset atrial fibrillation (within 7 days) who are haemodynamically stable? We searched: Medline, Embase, The Cochrane Library and other important databases up to October 2007 (Clinical Evidence reviews are updated periodically, please check our website for the most up-to-date version of this review). We included harms alerts from relevant organisations such as the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).RESULTS: We found 28 systematic reviews, RCTs, or observational studies that met our inclusion criteria. We performed a GRADE evaluation of the quality of evidence for interventions.CONCLUSIONS: In this systematic review we present information relating to the effectiveness and safety of the following interventions: amiodarone, antithrombotic treatment before cardioversion, digoxin, diltiazem, direct current cardioversion, flecainide, propafenone, quinidine, sotalol, timolol, and verapamil.", "BACKGROUND: X-linked hypophosphatemia (XLH) is the most common form of heritable rickets characterized by X-linked dominant inheritance, renal phosphate wasting, hypophosphatemia, and defective bone mineralization. Inactivating mutations of the PHEX gene located at Xp22.1 have been linked with this disease. Ethnic distribution of such mutations seems widespread but only a few mutations in the Chinese population have been reported to date.MATERIALS AND METHODS: We report on a large Han Chinese family affected with XLH rickets, which included 13 patients from four generations. Polymerase chain reaction and direct sequencing were performed for all exons and intron-exon boundaries of the PHEX gene. The effect of nucleotide changes was analyzed using bioinformatic software. Prenatal diagnosis was performed on umbilical cord blood at the 20th gestational week.RESULTS: A novel G-->A splice mutation in intron 7 (c.849+1G>A) was identified in all patients from the family. As confirmed by reverse-transcription (RT)-polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the mutation has rendered loss of a normal splice donor site (c.849+1G) while activating a cryptic one at c.849+519G, which resulted in addition of 518 nucleotides to the mature RNA. Prenatal diagnosis had excluded the fetus for carrying the same mutation. A healthy boy was born later.CONCLUSIONS: A novel splice mutation c.849+1G>A in the PHEX gene is responsible for XLH in the studied family. Further studies may enhance our understanding of the role of this mutation in the pathogenesis of XLH.", "MOTIVATION: Next generation sequencing machines produce vast amounts of genomic data. For the data to be useful, it is essential that it can be stored and manipulated efficiently. This work responds to the combined challenge of compressing genomic data, while providing fast access to regions of interest, without necessitating decompression of whole files.RESULTS: We describe CSAM (Compressed SAM format), a compression approach offering lossless and lossy compression for SAM files. The structures and techniques proposed are suitable for representing SAM files, as well as supporting fast access to the compressed information. They generate more compact lossless representations than BAM, which is currently the preferred lossless compressed SAM-equivalent format; and are self-contained, that is, they do not depend on any external resources to compress or decompress SAM files.AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: An implementation is available at CONTACT: canovas-ba@lirmm.frSupplementary Information: Supplementary data is available at Bioinformatics online.", "Increasing data suggest that many or most adults in the United States and Europe would benefit from vitamin D supplements. This review summarizes the benefits of vitamin D with the strongest evidence today from randomized controlled trials for fall and fracture prevention. Beyond fall and fracture prevention, vitamin D may also reduce overall morbidity by multiple mechanisms. Prospective epidemiological studies supported by strong mechanistic evidence suggest a reduction of cardiovascular disease (incident hypertension and cardiovascular mortality) and colorectal cancer, extending to weaker evidence on immune-modulatory and anti-inflammatory benefits of vitamin D." ]
[ "Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a multiorgan genetic disease caused by inactivation of either the TSC1 or TSC2 genes. The disorder typically has profound neurologic involvement and often presents early in life with epilepsy, developmental delay, mental retardation, and autism. These features are generally accepted to result from structural brain abnormalities that are found in patients with TSC. Although much progress has recently been made in discerning the function(s) of the TSC genes, many questions remain as to the role of these genes in brain development and homeostasis. This review will summarize recent progress and suggest future avenues of basic science research.", "Organophosphorous pesticides (OPs) are suspected of altering reproductive function by reducing brain acetylcholinesterase activity and monoamine levels, thus impairing hypothalamic and/or pituitary endocrine functions and gonadal processes. Our objective was to evaluate in a longitudinal study the association between OP exposure and serum levels of pituitary and sex hormones. Urinary OP metabolite levels were measured by gas-liquid chromatography, and serum pituitary and sex hormone levels by enzymatic immunoassay and radioimmunoassay in 64 men. A total of 147 urine and blood samples were analyzed for each parameter. More than 80% of the participants had at least one OP metabolite in their urine samples. The most frequent metabolite found was diethylthiophosphate (DETP; 55%), followed by diethylphosphate (DEP; 46%), dimethylthiophosphate (DMTP; 32%), and dimethyldithiophosphate (DMDTP; 31%). However, the metabolites detected at higher concentrations were DMTP, DEP, DMDTP, and dimethylphosphate. There was a high proportion of individuals with follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) concentrations outside the range of normality (48%). The average FSH serum levels were higher during the heavy pesticide spraying season. However, a multivariate analysis of data collected in all periods showed that serum FSH levels were negatively associated with urinary concentrations of both DMTP and DMDTP, whereas luteinizing hormone (LH) was negatively associated with DMTP. We observed no significant associations between estradiol or testosterone serum levels with OP metabolites. The hormonal disruption in agricultural workers presented here, together with results from experimental animal studies, suggests that OP exposure disrupts the hypothalamic-pituitary endocrine function and also indicates that FSH and LH are the hormones most affected.", "Multiply inverted balancer chromosomes that suppress exchange with their homologs are an essential part of the Drosophila melanogaster genetic toolkit. Despite their widespread use, the organization of balancer chromosomes has not been characterized at the molecular level, and the degree of sequence variation among copies of balancer chromosomes is unknown. To map inversion breakpoints and study potential diversity in descendants of a structurally identical balancer chromosome, we sequenced a panel of laboratory stocks containing the most widely used X chromosome balancer, First Multiple 7 (FM7). We mapped the locations of FM7 breakpoints to precise euchromatic coordinates and identified the flanking sequence of breakpoints in heterochromatic regions. Analysis of SNP variation revealed megabase-scale blocks of sequence divergence among currently used FM7 stocks. We present evidence that this divergence arose through rare double-crossover events that replaced a female-sterile allele of the singed gene (sn(X2)) on FM7c with a sequence from balanced chromosomes. We propose that although double-crossover events are rare in individual crosses, many FM7c chromosomes in the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center have lost sn(X2) by this mechanism on a historical timescale. Finally, we characterize the original allele of the Bar gene (B(1)) that is carried on FM7, and validate the hypothesis that the origin and subsequent reversion of the B(1) duplication are mediated by unequal exchange. Our results reject a simple nonrecombining, clonal mode for the laboratory evolution of balancer chromosomes and have implications for how balancer chromosomes should be used in the design and interpretation of genetic experiments in Drosophila.", "The unique anatomy and flexibility of the cervical spine predispose it to a risk of injury. Trauma to the cervical spine encompasses a wide range of injuries from minor muscular strains to life-threatening fracture-dislocations associated with spinal cord lesions. Initial assessment and management should follow the Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) protocols with adequate protection of the cervical spine through triple immobilisation to prevent any unnecessary movement, which can make the patient susceptible to further neurological injuries. Although the presence of cervical spine injury is very often overt, reliance on clinical examination alone is sometimes not sufficient and potentially requires further imaging. Clinical decision rules such as the Canadian C-Spine Rule are frequently used to risk-stratify patients needing radiography. The level of cervical spine instability and knowledge of their unique classification systems is of paramount importance and assists in the decision-making process to guide definitive management. In this review, we also propose an algorithm to aid the initial management of a patient with suspected cervical spine injury in the emergency department.", "OBJECTIVE: Potentially fatal pulmonary toxicity is a dreaded complication of bleomycin. Increased use of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor in patients receiving chemotherapy has been paralleled by an increased incidence of bleomycin-induced pulmonary toxicity. We investigated whether granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (25 microg x kg(-1) x day(-1), 4 days) enhanced endotracheal bleomycin-induced (5 mg/kg) acute lung injury and fibrosis in rats.SETTING: University laboratory.SUBJECTS: Sprague-Dawley rats.INTERVENTIONS: We compared the effects of alveolar instillation of bleomycin in rats treated with either granulocyte colony-stimulating factor or saline.MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Mortality was 25% with bleomycin only and 50% with bleomycin + granulocyte colony-stimulating factor. Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor increased alveolar neutrophil recruitment, pulmonary edema, and lung myeloperoxidase activity on day 4. Lung static compliance on day 15 was severely decreased with bleomycin alone and showed a further significant decrease when granulocyte colony-stimulating factor was added (controls, 3.85 +/- 0.14 mL/kPa; bleomycin, 1.44 +/- 0.06 mL/kPa; and bleomycin + granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, 0.65 +/- 0.09 mL/kPa; control vs. bleomycin, p <.0001; and bleomycin vs. bleomycin + granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, p =.0003). Lung morphology with bleomycin + granulocyte colony-stimulating factor showed, in addition to the changes observed with bleomycin alone, four patterns indicating more severe disease: honeycomb foci, pleural thickening with hyaline fibrosis, interstitial granuloma with increased number of macrophages but not neutrophils, and established interstitial fibrosis. Lidocaine, which prevents neutrophil adhesion to endothelial cells, inhibited granulocyte colony-stimulating factor-related exacerbation of acute lung injury (bronchoalveolar lavage fluid cells and pulmonary edema) and pulmonary fibrosis (lung static compliance and morphologic changes).CONCLUSIONS: Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor enhances bleomycin-induced lung toxicity by a mechanism that probably involves neutrophils.", "Skin lesions are a severe disease globally. Early detection of melanoma in dermoscopy images significantly increases the survival rate. However, the accurate recognition of melanoma is extremely challenging due to the following reasons: low contrast between lesions and skin, visual similarity between melanoma and non-melanoma lesions, etc. Hence, reliable automatic detection of skin tumors is very useful to increase the accuracy and efficiency of pathologists. In this paper, we proposed two deep learning methods to address three main tasks emerging in the area of skin lesion image processing, i.e., lesion segmentation (task 1), lesion dermoscopic feature extraction (task 2) and lesion classification (task 3). A deep learning framework consisting of two fully convolutional residual networks (FCRN) is proposed to simultaneously produce the segmentation result and the coarse classification result. A lesion index calculation unit (LICU) is developed to refine the coarse classification results by calculating the distance heat-map. A straight-forward CNN is proposed for the dermoscopic feature extraction task. The proposed deep learning frameworks were evaluated on the ISIC 2017 dataset. Experimental results show the promising accuracies of our frameworks, i.e., 0.753 for task 1, 0.848 for task 2 and 0.912 for task 3 were achieved.", "Rho GTPases and their downstream effectors regulate changes in the actin cytoskeleton that underlie cell motility and adhesion. They also participate, with RhoA, in the regulation of gene transcription by activating serum response factor (SRF)-mediated transcription from the serum response element (SRE). SRF-mediated transcription is also promoted by several proteins that regulate the polymerization or stability of actin. We have previously identified a family of PP2C phosphatases, POPXs, which can dephosphorylate the CDC42/RAC-activated kinase PAK and downregulate its enzymatic and actin cytoskeletal activity. We now report that POPX2 interacts with the formin protein mDia1 (DIAPH1). This interaction is enhanced when mDia1 is activated by RhoA. The binding of POPX2 to mDia1 or to an mDia-containing complex greatly decreases the ability of mDia1 to activate transcription from the SRE. We propose that the interaction between mDia1 and POPX2 (PPM1F) serves to regulate both the actin cytoskeleton and SRF-mediated transcription, and to link the CDC42/RAC1 pathways with those of RhoA.", "Serum phosphate concentration value is controlled by the kidney, which adapts phosphate reabsorption in the proximal tubule to the needs of the body and regulates intestine absorption of phosphate and calcium through calcitriol synthesis. Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 (FGF23) is a hormone that controls sodium-phosphate transporter and 1-alpha 25(OH) vitamin D hydroxylase expression in the renal proximal tubule. FGF23 is synthesized by bone cells in response to an increase in serum phosphate or calcitriol concentrations. The binding of FGF23 to a FGF receptor requires a protein named Klotho that is expressed in the kidney in the distal but not in the proximal tubule. The mechanism by which FGF23 controls proximal tubule function remains to be established. The alteration of the FGF23-Klotho axis in animal models and various human disorders is associated with abnormal control of body phosphate content confirming the major role played by these protein in phosphate homeostasis. This review details FGF23 and Klotho functions in normal conditions and in genetics or acquired disorders.", "A model for the evolution of senescence known as \"antagonistic pleiotropy\" makes the specific prediction that there should be a negative genetic correlation between early- and late-age traits associated with fitness. This model has previously been tested by classical quantitative-genetic means including sib-analysis and artificial selection. We used the approach of chromosome extraction, which has both advantages and disadvantages compared to classical techniques, to test the model further. From four isogenic lines of Drosophila melanogaster, four sets of recombinant extracted lines were constructed using standard balancer-chromosome techniques. The four parental lines and 53 recombinants were reared under controlled laboratory conditions and isolated as pairs for scoring daily fecundity and longevity. Even though the design is not optimal for estimating classical components of genetic variance, it afforded a uniquely direct test of the magnitude of environmental covariances, while giving a detailed genetic picture of part of the genome. There were clear differences among the recombinant series in the distribution of mean longevity and early fecundity. The genetic correlation between early fecundity (sum of egg production for the first five days posteclosion) and female longevity was significantly negative in only one of the recombinant series. When all lines were considered together, the phenotypic correlation between these traits was significantly negative (P < 0.02), while the broad-sense genetic correlation was -0.219 (P < 0.11). This result may be viewed as weakly consistent with the model of antagonistic pleiotropy, but other aspects of the data are at odds with the model.", "Multiple sub-vital effects, here designated as reductions in fitness S1-S5, for the second chromosome gene 'daughterless' (da) of Drosophila melanogaster were described as (S1) a recessive maternal lethality for daughters, (S2) a reduced fertility of da/da females, (S3) a recessive sub-vital zygotic effect, (S4) a recessive female-specific zygotic effect and (S5) a recessive maternal interaction effect on sons. (For S1-3 see also: Bell, 1954; Sandler, 1972; Cline, 1976). These five distinct effects were initially quantified from estimates of viability in single generation crossing experiments. Dynamic estimates of these fitness parameters were obtained by fitting the elimination rate of da from a series of large random mating cage populations to a recurrence equation by the method of minimum chi-square. The stability of these estimates discerns those effects which are truly pleiotropic versus those due to linked genes. The dynamic estimates supported only S1 and S4 effects. Evidence for S2 and S5 was indeterminate, but the S3 effect was rejected (P less than 0.01). The observed reduction in fitness, supposedly due to this recessive zygotic effect for da, was most likely the result of linked deleterious genes. These results indicate that pleiotropic vital effects observed in single generation test-cross matings may be caused by linked genes rather than the specific mutant per se. This problem is of particular importance when the mutant allele has been maintained with a balancer chromosome. Experiments on the rescue of daughters from da/da mothers with low temperatures during embryogenesis and with dechorionation of eggs were described in which the findings failed to confirm previously reported actions of the da gene. Modifying genes rather than environmental variables were cited as the probable cause for these conflicting results.", "The metabolic syndrome represents a cluster of closely connected premorbid risk factors or diseases with visceral obesity type 2 diabetes, hypertension and low HLD/hypertriglyceridemia as established traits affecting about 20% in the adult European populations. This syndrome develops on a complex soil with overnutrition, low physical activity and psychosocial stress. Common comorbidities are fatty liver, sleep apnoe and endothelial dysfunction with cardiovascular complications, nephropathy and type 2 diabetes as \"end-stage\" diseases. Thus, a rational diagnostic is needed to elucidate the complex cluster of diseases as basis for an integrated therapy. There is a clear priority for life style intervention, however, most diseases of the metabolic syndrome need medical treatment. Medical treatment of single traits has to take into account possible pleiotropic or adverse effects on the other traits. This paper presents the pros and cons of major drug intervention for type 2 diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia and hypercoagulation in the context with the metabolic syndrome.", "Balancer chromosomes are genetic reagents that are used in Drosophila melanogaster for stock maintenance and mutagenesis screens. Despite their utility, balancer chromosomes are rarely used in mice because they are difficult to generate using conventional methods. Here we describe the engineering of a mouse balancer chromosome with the Cre-loxP recombination system. The chromosome features a 24-centiMorgan (cM) inversion between Trp53 (also known as p53) and Wnt3 on mouse chromosome 11 that is recessive lethal and dominantly marked with a K14-Agouti transgene. When allelic to a wild-type chromosome, the inversion suppresses crossing over in the inversion interval, accompanied by elevated recombination in the flanking regions. The inversion functions as a balancer chromosome because it can be used to maintain a lethal mutation in the inversion interval as a self-sustaining trans-heterozygous stock. This strategy can be used to generate similar genetic reagents throughout the mouse genome. Engineering of visibly marked inversions and deficiencies is an important step toward functional analyses of the mouse genome and will facilitate large-scale mutagenesis programs.", "BACKGROUND: Mutations in the TREX1 and NOTCH3 genes cause retinal vasculopathy with cerebral leukodystrophy (RVCL) and cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL), respectively. Both are hereditary small vessel diseases of the brain (HSVDB).METHODS: We performed mutational analyses of TREX1 in genomic DNA from 39 unrelated patients who were NOTCH3-negative in genetic testing, selected out of 72 unrelated consecutive patients with HSVDB.RESULTS: Only one patient had a TREX1 sequence variation, a heterozygous TREX1 c.294dupA, putatively resulting in a truncated protein, p.C99MfsX3. The medical history of the patient's family was scrutinized, which revealed that heterozygous TREX1 p.C99MfsX3 was not segregating with the HSVDB. Re-examination of the NOTCH3 sequence data of the proband led to the identification of a homozygous NOTCH3 c.1630C>T (p.R544C) mutation, which segregated with the HSVDB in the family. The proband had a slightly more severe phenotype in comparison with her heterozygous p.R544C sister.CONCLUSION: TREX1 mutation is not a common cause of HSVDB. TREX1 p.C99MfsX3 is not a dominant mutation. Homozygosity of the NOTCH3 p.R544C has a modestly deleterious effect on the CADASIL phenotype. The NOTCH3 mutation may cause CADASIL through a gain-of-toxic function effect, which can be modified by other genetic or environmental factors and results in the phenotypic variation of CADASIL.", "This multiple-ascending-dose study investigated safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics, of macitentan, a new endothelin receptor antagonist (ERA) with sustained receptor binding and enhanced tissue penetration properties compared to other ERAs. Healthy male subjects (n = 32) received once daily oral doses of macitentan (1 - 30 mg) or placebo for 10 days. Administration of macitentan was safe and well tolerated. Macitentan had no effect on bile salts, suggesting an improved liver safety profile. The multiple-dose pharmacokinetics of macitentan were dose-proportional and were characterized by a median tmax and apparent elimination half-life varying from 6.0 to 8.5 and 14.3 to 18.5 hours, respectively, for the different doses and minimal accumulation. ACT-132577, a metabolite with lower potency than macitentan, had a half-life of about 48 hours and accumulated approximately 8.5-fold. Compared to placebo, administration of macitentan caused a dose-dependent increase in plasma ET-1 with maximum effects attained at 10 mg. A small dose-dependent increase in the 6β-hydroxycortisol/cortisol urinary excretion ratio was observed, although there were no statistically significant differences between treatments including placebo. Effects of macitentan on cytochrome P450 enzyme 3A4 should be further evaluated in dedicated studies. The present results support investigation of macitentan in the management of pulmonary arterial hypertension and ET-1-dependent pathologies.", "OBJECTIVE: Dravet syndrome or severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy (SMEI) is a baleful epileptic encephalopathy that begins in the first year of life. This syndrome specified by febrile seizures followed by intractable epilepsy, disturbed psychomotor development, and ataxia. Clinical similarities between Dravet syndrome and generalized epilepsy with febrile seizure plus (GEFS+) includes occurrence of febrile seizures and joint molecular genetic etiology. Shared features of these two diseases support the idea that these two disorders represent a severity spectrum of the same illness. Nowadays, more than 60 heterozygous pattern SCN1A mutations, which many are de novo mutations, have been detected in Dravet syndrome.MATERIALS & METHODS: From May 2008 to August 2012, 35 patients who referred to Pediatric Neurology Clinic of Mofid Children Hospital in Tehran were enrolled in this study. Entrance criterion of this study was having equal or more than four criteria for Dravet syndrome. We compared clinical features and genetic findings of the patients diagnosed as Dravet syndrome or GEFS+.RESULTS: 35 patients (15 girls and 20 boys) underwent genetic testing. Mean age of them was 7.7 years (a range of 13 months to 15 years). Three criteria that were best evident in SCN1A mutation positive patients are as follows: \"Normal development before the onset of seizures, onset of seizure before age of one year, and psychomotor retardation after onset of seizures. Our genetic testing showed that 1 of 3 (33.3%) patients with clinical Dravet syndrome and 3 of 20 (15%) patients that diagnosed as GEFS+, had SCN1A mutation.CONCLUSION: In this study, normal development before seizure onset, seizures beginning before age of one year and psychomotor retardation after age of two years are the most significant criteria in SCN1A mutation positive patients.", "The aims of the present study were to determine cytochrome P450 enzyme activity in six strains of experimental rodents (n = 5/sex/species): ICR, C57BL/6 and DBA/2 mice; Sprague Dawley and Wistar rats; and Dunkin Hartley guinea pigs. After animals were treated with the typical inducers β-naphthoflavone (BNF), dexamethasone (DEX) and phenobarbital (PB), the levels of O-dealkylation of ethoxyresorufin (EROD), methoxyresorufin (MROD), pentoxyresorufin (PROD) and benzyloxyresorufin (BROD) activity were determined using responsive catalytic reactions to study CYP1A1, CYP1A2 and CYP2B, respectively. A maximal induction of EROD and MROD was found in BNF-treated animals from all strains (2.4- to 15.1-fold) except DBA/2 (0.9- to 1.8-fold). C57BL/6 mice had the strongest BNF-induced EROD (15.1-fold) and MROD (8.3-fold) activities. No differences in BNF-induced EROD and MROD activities were observed between males and females. However, the EROD activity of Wistar rats and the MROD activity of Sprague Dawley rats were higher in males than females. DEX induced PROD activity only in mice (1.3- to 7.1-fold), but not in rats and guinea pigs (0.2- to 1.1-fold). However, induction of BROD activity was found in DEX-treated mice and rats (1.5 to 12.5-fold), but not in guinea pigs (0.3 to 0.4-fold). PB caused a significant elevation of PROD (1.7- to 10.4-fold) and BROD (31- to 13.2-fold) activities in all the animals. PB-induced BROD activity was higher in females than males in Sprague Dawley rats. These observations strongly suggest that the choice of experimental animal strain, species and inducer is of critical importance for studies of drug metabolism and interaction." ]
[ "Chaperonins are universally conserved molecular machines that facilitate the proper -folding of nascent and partially folded polypeptides into their respective three-dimensional structures. These multimeric protein complexes utilize the energy derived from ATP hydrolysis to fuel a protein-folding mechanism that consists of multiple rounds of substrate binding, encapsulation, and eventual expulsion back into the cytosolic environment. In this portion of the chapter, the structure and function of group I and group II chaperonins are discussed. Furthermore, the general mechanism of chaperonin-mediated protein folding is addressed in addition to illustrating how viral phages such as Lambda, T4, and RB49 exploit the host machinery for the proper folding of viral gene products. Lastly, the phiEL chaperonin from phage EL is revealed to be the first virally encoded chaperonin and is proposed to function independently of the host chaperonin machinery. The molecular architecture of the phiEL chaperonin, coupled with its unique functional abilities, renders its characterization a challenge and further highlights its novelty as a potentially whole new class of chaperonins.", "(131)I, when released in a radiological or nuclear accident as happened recently in Fukushima, Japan, may cause thyroid cancer as a long-term consequence. Iodine thyroid blocking (ITB) is known to reduce the risk of developing thyroid cancer. Potential adverse effects of ITB have not been systematically investigated so far. This article summarises the results of a review on adverse effects of ITB based on a systematic literature search in scientific medical databases. A meta-analysis was not performed as identified studies displayed major heterogeneity. The search resulted in 14 articles relevant to the topic, reporting mostly on surveys, ecological and intervention studies. Only one study from Poland focused on effects (both desired and adverse) of an ITB intervention following the Chernobyl accident. All other studies reported on iodine administration in a different context. Overall, the studies did not reveal severe adverse reactions to potassium iodide in the general public. Since ITB is a protective measure only applied in very specific circumstances, scientifically sound studies of adverse effects are scarce and consequently the evidence base is weak. The assessment of adverse effects of ITB relies on indirect evidence from related areas. This study may contribute to ongoing developments in pharmacoepidemiology aiming to better quantify adverse effects of medications and health care interventions including ITB.", "The ambiguous terminology 'Iodine Prophylaxis' used for decades to provide iodine to the population for very different purposes as well as its replacement with 'Iodine Thyroid Blocking' is discussed and argued. Recommendations of international organisations regarding the action level for Iodine Thyroid Blocking and their implementation in national regulations in a few Member States of the European Union, and particularly in Hungary, is presented and discussed.", "Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome is a rare condition, classically associated with a triad of facial and/or lip edema, fissured tongue, and relapsing facial palsy. This article offers a review of the literature and presents two cases of Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome associated with elevated serum levels of angiotensin converting enzyme in two patients of Thai descent.", "OBJECTIVES: Mutations in the SLC26A4 gene (7q22.3-7q31.1) are considered one of the most common causes of genetic hearing loss. There are two clinical forms related to these mutations: syndromic and non-syndromic deafness. The first one is named Pendred Syndrome (PS) when deafness is associated with thyroid goiter; the second is called DFNB4, when no other symptoms are present. Both are transmitted as an autosomal recessive trait, but simple heterozygotes can develop both forms of deafness. Actually it is thought that Pendred Syndrome occurs when both alleles of SLC26A4 gene are mutated; DFNB4 seems due to monoallelic mutations. PS and DFNB4 can be associated with inner ear malformations. In most of the cases (around 80%), these consist in Enlarged Vestibular Aqueduct (EVA). EVA can also be present without SLC26A4 mutations. Understanding the role of new SLC26A4 variants should facilitate clinical assessment, as well as diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. This investigation aims to detect and report genetic causes of two unrelated Italian boys with hearing loss.METHODS: Patients and family members underwent clinical, audiological and genetic evaluations. To identify genetic mutations, DNA sequencing of SLC26A4 gene (including all 21 exons, exon-intron boundaries and promoter region) was carried out.RESULTS: Both probands were affected by congenital, progressive and fluctuating mixed hearing loss. Temporal bone imaging revealed a bilateral EVA with no other abnormalities in both cases. Probands were heterozygotes for previously undescribed mutations in the SLC26A4 gene: R409H/IVS2+1delG (proband 1) and L236P/K590X (proband 2). No other mutations were detected in GJB2, GJB6 genes or mitochondrial DNA (mit-DNA).CONCLUSIONS: The IVS2+1delG and K590X mutations have not yet been described in literature but there is some evidence to suggest that they have a pathological role. The results underlined the importance of considering the complete DNA sequencing of the SLC26A4 gene for differential molecular diagnosis of deafness, especially in those patients affected by congenital, progressive and fluctuating mixed hearing loss with bilateral EVA.", "BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Nephrotic syndrome (NS) represents a common disease in pediatric nephrology typified by a relapsing and remitting course and characterized by the presence of edema that can significantly affect the health-related quality of life in children and adolescents. The PROMIS pediatric measures were constructed to be publically available, efficient, precise, and valid across a variety of diseases to assess patient reports of symptoms and quality of life. This study was designed to evaluate the ability of children and adolescents with NS to complete the PROMIS assessment via computer and to initiate validity assessments of the short forms and full item banks in pediatric NS. Successful measurement of patient reported outcomes will contribute to our understanding of the impact of NS on children and adolescents.DESIGN: This cross-sectional study included 151 children and adolescents 8-17 years old with NS from 16 participating institutions in North America. The children completed the PROMIS pediatric depression, anxiety, social-peer relationships, pain interference, fatigue, mobility and upper extremity functioning measures using a web-based interface. Responses were compared between patients experiencing active NS (n = 53) defined by the presence of edema and patients with inactive NS (n = 96) defined by the absence of edema.RESULTS: All 151 children and adolescents were successfully able to complete the PROMIS assessment via computer. As hypothesized, the children and adolescents with active NS were significantly different on 4 self-reported measures (anxiety, pain interference, fatigue, and mobility). Depression, peer relationships, and upper extremity functioning were not different between children with active vs. inactive NS. Multivariate analysis showed that the PROMIS instruments remained sensitive to NS disease activity after adjusting for demographic characteristics.CONCLUSIONS: Children and adolescents with NS were able to successfully complete the PROMIS instrument using a web-based interface. The computer based pediatric PROMIS measurement effectively discriminated between children and adolescents with active and inactive NS. The domain scores found in this study are consistent with previous reports investigating the health-related quality of life in children and adolescents with NS. This study establishes known-group validity and feasibility for PROMIS pediatric measures in children and adolescents with NS.", "Mosquito feeding behavior determines the degree of vector-host contact and may have a serious impact on the risk of pathogen transmission, including that of the West Nile virus (WNV). To measure the role of Culex mosquitoes as WNV vectors, host-seeking females were collected using animal-baited traps containing live birds (quail) or mammals (rabbits) and CO2-baited Center for Disease Control and Prevention traps placed in several wetland areas in the Czech Republic. Culex pipiens (L.) and Culex modestus (F.) were the most frequently collected species. Although Cx. modestus did not distinguish between baits, Cx. pipiens was collected significantly more frequently in bird-baited traps. Based on mitochondrial DNA analysis of bloodmeals from engorged females collected by CO2-baited traps situated within reed beds, a diverse group of birds were the predominant hosts (93.7%), followed by mammals (4.2%) including humans, and amphibians (2.1%). Among birds, Anseriformes were fed upon most frequently by Cx. modestus, whereas Cx. pipiens fed most frequently on Passeriformes. To measure the infection risk and confirm the distribution of mosquito species in various biotopes, transects of CO2-baited CDC traps were operated from wetland reed beds into upland vegetated areas. Even though both Culex species occurred in all biotopes sampled and frequently dispersed hundreds of meters away from fishpond shore vegetation, the spatial distribution of Cx. modestus was significantly associated with reed beds at wetlands. The first detection of WNV (subtype RabV) in Cx. modestus in Bohemia and confirmation of WNV presence in Cx. pipiens in Moravia together with observed feeding behavior supports the presumed role of both Culex species in the avian-to-avian enzootic WNV cycle and in avian-to-mammal transmission in the Czech Republic.", "Symptoms of a burning sensation of the oral mucosa mainly occur in the elderly, more often in women than in men. Often accompanying symptoms are complaints of a dry mouth and taste disturbances, all together referred to as the burning mouth syndrome. In the majority of cases there is no detectable cause. Although a psychogenic aetiology has often been put forward, no scientific evidence has ever been provided on this matter. In the majority of patients the burning mouth syndrome will disappear spontaneously, although this may take many years.", "Borrelia spirochaetes are unique among diderm bacteria in their abundance of surface-displayed lipoproteins, some of which play important roles in the pathogenesis of Lyme disease and relapsing fever. To identify the lipoprotein-sorting signals in Borrelia burgdorferi, we generated chimeras between the outer surface lipoprotein OspA, the periplasmic oligopeptide-binding lipoprotein OppAIV and mRFP1, a monomeric red fluorescent reporter protein. Localization of OspA and OppAIV point mutants showed that Borrelia lipoproteins do not follow the '+2' sorting rule which targets lipoproteins to the cytoplasmic or outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria via the Lol pathway. Fusions of mRFP1 to short N-terminal lipopeptides of OspA, and surprisingly OppAIV, were targeted to the spirochaetal surface. Mutagenesis of the OspA N-terminus defined less than five N-terminal amino acids as the minimal secretion-facilitating signal. With the exception of negative charges, which can act as partial subsurface retention signals in certain peptide contexts, lipoprotein secretion occurs independent of N-terminal sequence. Together, these data indicate that Borrelia lipoproteins are targeted to the bacterial surface by default, but can be retained in the periplasm by sequence-specific signals.", "Tumors of the central nervous system (CNS) are common causes of morbidity and mortality. These tumors can occur sporadically or in individuals with genetic disorders predisposing to cancer development. Such syndromes include neurofibromatosis type 2, neurofibromatosis type 1, Li-Fraumeni syndrome, as well as von Hippel-Lindau disease, tuberous sclerosis, and Turcot syndrome. There may also be familial syndromes resulting in glioma or meningioma alone, but these are not well understood. Development of sporadic gliomas is accompanied by a number of molecular genetic alterations, including activation of dominant oncogenes and inactivation of tumor suppressor genes. Some of these alterations may be associated with progression of gliomas to their most malignant form, glioblastoma multiforme. However, at this time molecular genetic analysis of gliomas does not provide better prognosis than histopathological staging. Recently, experimental treatments of gliomas in rodents, using gene therapy, have been reported. Results of these studies have been promising, and these techniques may represent a future direction for therapy in humans.", "Bathing suit ichthyosis (BSI) is a rare variant of autosomal recessive lamellar ichthyosis due to transglutaminase-1 (TGase-1) gene mutations leading to a temperature sensitive phenotype. It is characterized by dark-grey or brownish scaling restricted to the 'bathing suit' areas, whereas the extremities and central face are almost completely spared. We report a 2-year-old African girl with BSI with ultrastructural and biochemical demonstration of TGase-1 deficiency over the affected skin. TGase-1 gene analysis disclosed the homozygous p.R315L mutation, which may lead to a temperature sensitive dysfunction of the enzyme.", "Diagnosis of paroxysmal events in epilepsy patients is often made through video-telemetry electroencephalography in the epilepsy monitoring unit. This case report describes the first-ever diagnosis of exploding head syndrome in a patient with longstanding epilepsy and novel nocturnal events. In this report, we describe the presentation of exploding head syndrome and its prevalence and risk factors. In addition, the prevalence of newly diagnosed sleep disorders through video-telemetry electroencephalography in the epilepsy monitoring unit is briefly reviewed. This report also illustrates the novel use of clobazam for the treatment of exploding head syndrome.", "The popularity of antidepressants in the treatment of insomnia is not supported by a large amount of convincing data, but rather by opinions and beliefs of the prescribing physicians on the advantages of these agents compared with drugs acting on the benzodiazepine receptor or other drugs used for the treatment of insomnia. The existing data do not allow for clear-cut, evidence-based recommendations concerning the use of antidepressants in insomnia. Our conclusions result from a few short-term studies on single agents, clinical experience and inferences from knowledge on the effect of antidepressants in other indications. At present, prescribing antidepressants for short-term treatment of insomnia can be useful if there is some amount of concomitant depressive symptomology or a history of depression, raising the impression that the present insomnia may be a prodromal sign for a new depressive episode. In all other cases, benzodiazepine receptor agonists, especially the nonbenzodiazepines among them (the so-called 'z drugs') should be the drugs of choice. For long-term treatment, antidepressants are among the pharmacological options, in addition to other groups of psychotropics. Off-label use of antidepressants may be considered for chronic insomnia if there is a concomitant depressive symptomalogy (which is not so pronounced that an antidepressant treatment with adequate higher doses would be required) and if there is no specific indication for one of the other groups of psychotropics (e.g. dementia-related nocturnal agitation, in which case an antipsychotic would be preferred, or circadian problems, in which case melatonin or a melatonin agonist would be favoured). If antidepressants are used to treat insomnia, sedating ones should be preferred over activating agents such as serotonin reuptake inhibitors. In general, drugs lacking strong cholinergic activity should be preferred. Drugs blocking serotonin 5-HT2A or 5-HT2C receptors should be preferred over those whose sedative property is caused by histamine receptor blockade only. The dose should be as low as possible (e.g. as an initial dose: doxepin 25 mg, mirtazapine 15 mg, trazodone 50 mg, trimipramine 25 mg). Regarding the lack of substantial data allowing for evidence-based recommendations, we are facing a clear need for well designed, long-term, comparative studies to further define the role of antidepressants versus other agents in the management of insomnia.", "Epigenetic changes such as DNA methylation and histone methylation and acetylation alter gene expression at the level of transcription by upregulating, downregulating, or silencing genes completely. Dysregulation of epigenetic events can be pathological, leading to cardiovascular disease, neurological disorders, metabolic disorders, and cancer development. Therefore, identifying drugs that inhibit these epigenetic changes are of great clinical interest. In this review, we summarize the epigenetic events associated with different disorders and diseases including cardiovascular, neurological, and metabolic disorders, and cancer. Knowledge of the specific epigenetic changes associated with these types of diseases facilitates the development of specific inhibitors, which can be used as epigenetic drugs. In this review, we discuss the major classes of epigenetic drugs currently in use, such as DNA methylation inhibiting drugs, bromodomain inhibitors, histone acetyl transferase inhibitors, histone deacetylase inhibitors, protein methyltransferase inhibitors, and histone methylation inhibitors and their role in reversing epigenetic changes and treating disease.", "Author information:(1)University Hospital Wuerzburg, Oberduerrbacher Str. 6, 97080 Wuerzburg, Germany Hospital Wuerzburg, Oberduerrbacher Str. 6, 97080 Wuerzburg, Germany.(3)National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology (QST), 4-9-1 Anagawa, Inage-ku, 263-8555 Chiba, Japan.(4)Department of Internal Medicine, American University of Beirut, Riad-El-Solh 1107 2020, P.O. Box: 11-0236, Beirut, Lebanon.(5)Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire, B.P. 17, 92262 Fontenay-aux- Roses, France.(6)Radiation Protection Bureau, Health Canada, 775 Brookfield Rd, Ottawa, Canada K1A 1C1.(7)Division Radioprotection de l'Office Federal de la Santé Publique, Schwarzenburgstrasse 157, CH-3003 Berne, Switzerland.(8)Federal Agency for Nuclear Control, Ravensteinstraat 36, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium.(9)Department of Radiation Medical Sciences, Atomic Bomb Disease Institute, Nagasaki University, 1-12-4 Sakamoto, Nagasaki 8528523, Japan.(10)Leibniz-Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology (BIPS), Achterstraße 30, 28359 Bremen, Germany.(11)Endocrine Unit, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University Hospital, Via Paradisa, 2, 56124 Pisa, Italy.(12)Department of Public Health, Environmental and Social Determinants of Health, World Health Organization, 20 avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva-27, Switzerland.", "Thyroid cancer in children and adolescents has to be considered as the most severe health consequence of a nuclear reactor emergency with release of radioiodine into the atmosphere. High doses of potassium iodide are effective to block radioiodine thyroid uptake and to prevent development of thyroid cancer years later. However, there are controversies concerning thyroid cancer risk induced by radioiodine exposure in adults. Further, the interaction of nutritional supply of potassium iodide and radioiodine uptake as well as the interaction of radioiodine with certain drugs has not been addressed properly in existing guidelines and recommendations. How to proceed in case of repeated release of radioiodine is an open, very important question which came up again recently during the Fukushima accident. Lastly, the side effects of iodine thyroid blocking and alternatives of this procedure have not been addressed systematically up to now in guidelines and recommendations. These questions can be answered as follows: in adults, the risk to develop thyroid cancer is negligible. In countries, where nutritional iodine deficiency is still an issue, the risk to develop thyroid cancer after a nuclear reactor emergency has to be considered higher because the thyroid takes up more radioiodine as in the replete condition. Similarly, in patients suffering from thyrotoxicosis, hypothyroidism or endemic goitre not being adequately treated radioiodine uptake is higher than in healthy people. In case of repeated or continued radioiodine release, more than one dose of potassium iodide may be necessary and be taken up to 1 week. Repeated iodine thyroid blocking obviously is not harmful. Side effects of iodine thyroid blocking should not be overestimated; there is little evidence for adverse effects in adults. Newborns and babies, however, may be more sensitive to side effects. In the rare case of iodine hypersensitivity, potassium perchlorate may be applied as an alternative to iodine for thyroid blocking." ]
[ "On a model pair Aedes aegypti--Plasmodium gallinaceum in has been shown that changes in the conditions of larvae development caused by the addition into the water medium of the live culture of Synochocystis sp. cyanobacteria or green seaweeds Chlorella vulgaris, acetone extracts from the live culture precipitate or Chlorella powder, as well as nitrogen-containing fertilizer--ammonium chloride did not lower the sensitivity of the imago flying to malaria parasites. The results of the experiments assessing the effect of biologically active compounds introduced into the larvae habitation medium on the ability to change sensitivity of the survived mosquito females to malaria agent have been summed up. The data obtained are indicative of the high level of mutual adaptation between mosquito-carriers and malaria parasites.", "Activity-dependent changes in gene-expression are believed to underlie the molecular representation of memory. In this study, we report that in vivo activation of neurons rapidly induces the CREB-regulated microRNA miR-132. To determine if production of miR-132 is regulated by neuronal activity its expression in mouse brain was monitored by quantitative RT-PCR (RT-qPCR). Pilocarpine-induced seizures led to a robust, rapid, and transient increase in the primary transcript of miR-132 (pri-miR-132) followed by a subsequent rise in mature microRNA (miR-132). Activation of neurons in the hippocampus, olfactory bulb, and striatum by contextual fear conditioning, odor-exposure, and cocaine-injection, respectively, also increased pri-miR-132. Induction kinetics of pri-miR-132 were monitored and found to parallel those of immediate early genes, peaking at 45 min and returning to basal levels within 2 h of stimulation. Expression levels of primary and mature-miR-132 increased significantly between postnatal Days 10 and 24. We conclude that miR-132 is an activity-dependent microRNA in vivo, and may contribute to the long-lasting proteomic changes required for experience-dependent neuronal plasticity.", "OBJECTIVE: Hereditary long QT syndrome (LQTS) is a genetically heterogeneous disease characterized by prolonged QT intervals and an increased risk for ventricular arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death. Mutations in the voltage-gated potassium channel subunit KCNQ1 induce the most common form of LQTS. KCNQ1 is associated with two different entities of LQTS, the autosomal-dominant Romano-Ward syndrome (RWS), and the autosomal-recessive Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome (JLNS) characterized by bilateral deafness in addition to cardiac arrhythmias. In this study, we investigate and discuss dominant-negative I(Ks) current reduction by a KCNQ1 deletion mutation identified in a RWS family.METHODS: Single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis and direct sequencing were used to screen LQTS genes for mutations. Mutant KCNQ1 channels were heterologously expressed in Xenopus oocytes, and potassium currents were recorded using the two-microelectrode voltage clamp technique.RESULTS: A heterozygous deletion of three nucleotides (CTT) identified in the KCNQ1 gene caused the loss of a single phenylalanine residue at position 339 (KCNQ1-deltaF339). Electrophysiological measurements in the presence and absence of the regulatory beta-subunit KCNE1 revealed that mutant and wild type forms of an N-terminal truncated KCNQ1 subunit (isoform 2) caused much stronger dominant-negative current reduction than the mutant form of the full-length KCNQ1 subunit (isoform 1).CONCLUSION: This study highlights the functional relevance of the truncated KCNQ1 splice variant (isoform 2) in establishment and mode of inheritance in long QT syndrome. In the RWS family presented here, the autosomal-dominant trait is caused by multiple dominant-negative effects provoked by heteromultimeric channels formed by wild type and mutant KCNQ1-isoforms in combination with KCNE1.", "Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer. Ipilimumab, a novel immunotherapy, is the first treatment shown to improve survival in patients with metastatic melanoma in large randomized controlled studies. The most concerning side effects reported in clinical studies of ipilimumab fall into the category of immune-related adverse events, which include enterocolitis, dermatitis, thyroiditis, hepatitis, hypophysitis, uveitis, and others. During the course of routine clinical care at Mount Sinai Medical Center, frequent hepatotoxicity was noted when ipilimumab was administered at a dose of 3 mg/kg according to Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines. To better characterize these adverse events, we conducted a retrospective review of the first 11 patients with metastatic melanoma treated with ipilimumab at the Mount Sinai Medical Center after FDA approval. Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) elevation, as defined by the National Cancer Institute's Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events, each occurred in six of 11 cases (≥grade 1), a notably higher frequency than could be expected on the basis of the FDA licensing study where elevations were reported in 0.8 and 1.5% of patients for AST and ALT, respectively. Grade 3 elevations in AST occurred in three of 11 patients as compared with 0% in the licensing trial. All cases of transaminitis resolved when ipilimumab was temporarily withheld without administration of immunosuppressive medication. During routine clinical care of late-stage melanoma patients with ipilimumab, physicians should monitor patients closely for hepatotoxicity and be aware that toxicity rates may differ across populations during ipilimumab therapy.", "BACKGROUND: The clinical activity of fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) inhibitors seems restricted to cancers harbouring rare FGFR genetic aberrations. In preclinical studies, high tumour FGFR mRNA expression predicted response to rogaratinib, an oral pan-FGFR inhibitor. We aimed to assess the safety, maximum tolerated dose, recommended phase 2 dose, pharmacokinetics, and preliminary clinical activity of rogaratinib.METHODS: We did a phase 1 dose-escalation and dose-expansion study of rogaratinib in adults with advanced cancers at 22 sites in Germany, Switzerland, South Korea, Singapore, Spain, and France. Eligible patients were aged 18 years or older, and were ineligible for standard therapy, with an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status of 0-2, a life expectancy of at least 3 months, and at least one measurable or evaluable lesion according to Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors (RECIST) version 1.1. During dose escalation, rogaratinib was administered orally twice daily at 50-800 mg in continuous 21-day cycles using a model-based dose-response analysis (continuous reassessment method). In the dose-expansion phase, all patients provided an archival formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tumour biopsy or consented to a new biopsy at screening for the analysis of FGFR1-3 mRNA expression. In the dose-expansion phase, rogaratinib was given at the recommended dose for expansion to patients in four cohorts: urothelial carcinoma, head and neck squamous-cell cancer (HNSCC), non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), and other solid tumour types. Primary endpoints were safety and tolerability, determination of maximum tolerated dose including dose-limiting toxicities and determination of recommended phase 2 dose, and pharmacokinetics of rogaratinib. Safety analyses were reported in all patients who received at least one dose of rogaratinib. Patients who completed cycle 1 or discontinued during cycle 1 due to an adverse event or dose-limiting toxicity were included in the evaluation of recommended phase 2 dose. Efficacy analyses were reported for all patients who received at least one dose of study drug and who had available post-baseline efficacy data. This ongoing study is registered with, number NCT01976741, and is fully recruited.FINDINGS: Between Dec 30, 2013, and July 5, 2017, 866 patients were screened for FGFR mRNA expression, of whom 126 patients were treated (23 FGFR mRNA-unselected patients in the dose-escalation phase and 103 patients with FGFR mRNA-overexpressing tumours [52 patients with urothelial carcinoma, eight patients with HNSCC, 20 patients with NSCLC, and 23 patients with other tumour types] in the dose-expansion phase). No dose-limiting toxicities were reported and the maximum tolerated dose was not reached; 800 mg twice daily was established as the recommended phase 2 dose and was selected for the dose-expansion phase. The most common adverse events of any grade were hyperphosphataemia (in 77 [61%] of 126 patients), diarrhoea (in 65 [52%]), and decreased appetite (in 48 [38%]); and the most common grade 3-4 adverse events were fatigue (in 11 [9%] of 126 patients) and asymptomatic increased lipase (in 10 [8%]). Serious treatment-related adverse events were reported in five patients (decreased appetite and diarrhoea in one patient with urothelial carcinoma, and acute kidney injury [NSCLC], hypoglycaemia [other solid tumours], retinopathy [urothelial carcinoma], and vomiting [urothelial carcinoma] in one patient each); no treatment-related deaths occurred. Median follow-up after cessation of treatment was 32 days (IQR 25-36 days). In the expansion cohorts, 15 (15%; 95% CI 8·6-23·5) out of 100 evaluable patients achieved an objective response, with responses recorded in all four expansion cohorts (12 in the urothelial carcinoma cohort and one in each of the other three cohorts), and in ten (67%) of 15 FGFR mRNA-overexpressing tumours without apparent FGFR genetic aberration.INTERPRETATION: Rogaratinib was well tolerated and clinically active against several types of cancer. Selection by FGFR mRNA expression could be a useful additional biomarker to identify a broader patient population who could be eligible for FGFR inhibitor treatment.FUNDING: Bayer AG.", "Objective: To evaluate the effect of arterial blood HCO3- level on the accuracy of NoSAS questionnaire screening for obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS). Methods: The hospitalized patients with suspected OSAHS were recruited from March 2016 to December 2017 in the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University. NoSAS scores, blood gas analysis and polysomnography (PSG) were performed in these patients. Patients were divided into non OSAHS group and mild, moderate and severe OSAHS group according to the PSG results. According to the NoSAS questionnaire score, the patients were divided into OSAHS high-risk group and low risk group. The correlation between arterial blood HCO3- level and apnea hypopnea index (AHI) was analyzed. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was plotted to analyze the accuracy of HCO3- prediction OSAHS. Predictive parameters(sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values)for NoSAS scores and HCO3- level were calculated. Results: A total of 243 patients with suspected OSAHS were included, including 186 males (76.5%), 57 females (23.5%), age (49±13) years, body mass index (BMI) (26.9±4.4) kg/m2, and neck circumference (38.6±4.5) cm. The HCO3- level was positively correlated with AHI (r=0.206, P=0.001). The proportion of patients with HCO3- level ≥26 mmol/L in non-OSAHS group was lower than that in OSAHS group (13.0% vs 34.5%, P=0.004); the proportion of patients with HCO3- level ≥26 mmol/L in severe OSAHS group was higher than that in mild OSAHS group (37.7% vs 15.0%, P=0.008), and there was no difference in the ratio of patients with severe OSAHS and moderate OSAHS (37.7% vs 35.3%, P=0.767). The specificity of OSAHS predicted by HCO3- level 25 and 26 mmol/L was 69.6% and 87.0%, respectively. With the NoSAS score of 8 or 7 as cutoffs for analysis, the sensitivity for OSAHS was 61.9% and 79.2%, the specificity for OSAHS was 57.4% and 40.4%, respectively. With the addition of HCO3- level ≥ 26 mmol/L to the NoSAS score ≥ 7, the specificity for OSAHS improved to 93.6%, while the sensitivity decreased to 27.4%. Conclusion: Combined with the arterial blood HCO3- level, the specificity of the NoSAS questionnaire increases and the sensitivity decreases.", "A major challenge in cancer therapy is tumor drug resistance. To overcome it, it is essential to understand the mechanisms and identify the molecules involved, so that they can be specifically targeted in combination therapies. The proteasome is such a validated target: it plays a key role in cancer cell proliferation, inhibition of chemotherapy-induced apoptosis and drug resistance development. Bortezomib (Velcade, PS-341) was the first proteasome inhibitor to receive regulatory approval from the US Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of multiple myeloma. Clinical combination trials have demonstrated a chemo-sensitizing effect of bortezomib on conventional agents in hematological malignancies and some solid tumors such as androgen-independent prostate and ovarian cancer. Although generally well-tolerated, bortezomib still generates toxicity which underscores the need for less toxic proteasome inhibitors. Several naturally occurring products, such as green tea polyphenols and the antibiotic lactacystin, have been shown to be potent proteasome inhibitors. Significantly, green tea polyphenols, as well as several flavonoids such as genistein, curcumin and resveratrol, have also been shown to have chemo-sensitizing properties in prostate, breast, hepatic, and lung tumors. Further studies on natural proteasome inhibitors as chemo-sensitizers could lead to identification of more potent and less toxic compounds that could be used in combination therapies for drug-resistant tumors.", "Lantibiotics are antibiotic peptides distinguished by the presence of the rare thioether amino acids lanthionine and/or methyllanthionine. They are produced by Gram-positive bacteria as gene-encoded precursor peptides and undergo post-translational modification to generate the mature peptide. The structural gene for the prepeptide and the genes involved in biosynthesis, processing, export as well as regulation and producer strain self-protection are organized in clusters. Based on their structural and functional features lantibiotics are currently divided into two major groups. The flexible amphiphilic type-A lantibiotics act primarily by pore formation in the bacterial membrane, a mechanism which was recently shown, e.g. for nisin and epidermin, to involve the interaction with specific docking molecules such as the membrane precursor lipid II. The rather rigid and globular type-B lantibiotics inhibit enzyme functions through interaction with the respective substrates: mersacidin and actagardine inhibit the cell wall biosynthesis by complexing lipid II, whereas the cinnamycin-like peptides inhibit phospholipases by binding phosphoethanolamine. Lantibiotics have attracted much attention in recent years and undergone extensive characterization. New insights into the mode of action and structure-function relationships as well as the biochemistry and the genetics will be outlined in this review.", "A pharmacophore model does not describe a real molecule or a real association of functional groups but illustrates a molecular recognition of a biological target shared by a group of compounds. Pharmacophores also represent the spatial arrangement of essential interactions in a receptor-binding pocket. Structure based pharmacophores (SBPs) can work both with a free (apo) structure or a macromolecule-ligand complex (holo) structure. The SBP methods that derive pharmacophore from protein-ligand complexes use the potential interactions observed between ligand and protein, whereas, the SBP method that aims to derive pharmacophore from ligand free protein, uses only protein active site information. Therefore SBPs do not encounter to challenging problems such as ligand flexibility, molecular alignment as well as proper selection of training set compounds in ligand based pharmacophore modeling. The current review deals with Hot Spot' analysis of binding site to feature generation, several approaches to feature reduction, and considers shape and excluded volumes to SBP model building. This review continues to represent several applications of SBPs in virtual screening especially in parallel screening approach and multi-target drug design. Also it reports the applications of SBPs in QSAR. This review emphasizes that SBPs are valuable tools for hit to lead optimization, virtual screening, scaffold hopping, and multi-target drug design.", "Aberrant activation in fibroblast growth factor signaling has been implicated in the development of various cancers, including squamous cell lung cancer, squamous cell head and neck carcinoma, colorectal and bladder cancer. Thus, fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFRs) present promising targets for novel cancer therapeutics. Here, we evaluated the activity of a novel pan-FGFR inhibitor, rogaratinib, in biochemical, cellular and in vivo efficacy studies in a variety of preclinical cancer models. In vitro kinase activity assays demonstrate that rogaratinib potently and selectively inhibits the activity of FGFRs 1, 2, 3 and 4. In line with this, rogaratinib reduced proliferation in FGFR-addicted cancer cell lines of various cancer types including lung, breast, colon and bladder cancer. FGFR and ERK phosphorylation interruption by rogaratinib treatment in several FGFR-amplified cell lines suggests that the anti-proliferative effects are mediated by FGFR/ERK pathway inhibition. Furthermore, rogaratinib exhibited strong in vivo efficacy in several cell line- and patient-derived xenograft models characterized by FGFR overexpression. The observed efficacy of rogaratinib strongly correlated with FGFR mRNA expression levels. These promising results warrant further development of rogaratinib and clinical trials are currently ongoing ( Identifiers: NCT01976741, NCT03410693, NCT03473756).", "INTRODUCTION: Delivery of therapeutic insulin via the pulmonary route has been the most investigated non-invasive alternative to the commonly used subcutaneous (SC) route for diabetes management. Despite discontinuation of the first inhalable insulin, Exubera®, due to suboptimal market acceptance, development of orally inhaled insulin delivery systems has been galvanized by the recent approval of Afrezza® and several others awaiting approval.AREAS COVERED: The scope of this review article includes the prospects for and the challenges faced in developing inhaled insulin delivery systems; discussion of orally inhaled therapeutic insulin delivery systems that were discontinued, recently approved or are currently under active investigation; and formulation approaches that have the potential to deliver insulin via the pulmonary route.EXPERT OPINION: The pulmonary route is the most advantageous route for non-invasive insulin delivery. Inhalable insulin therapeutics have the potential to be successful, provided that the formulations can be made with modified release patterns to substitute for both prandial and basal insulin injections, the delivery devices are convenient and easy to use, and the long-term safety of inhaled insulin is documented through extensive studies.", "Rogaratinib (BAY 1163877) is a highly potent and selective small-molecule pan-fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) inhibitor (FGFR1-4) for oral application currently being investigated in phase 1 clinical trials for the treatment of cancer. In this publication, we report its discovery by de novo structure-based design and medicinal chemistry optimization together with its pharmacokinetic profile." ]
[ "Sepsis and meningitis caused by serogroup B meningococcus are devastating diseases of infants and young adults, which cannot yet be prevented by vaccination. By genome mining, we discovered GNA1870, a new surface-exposed lipoprotein of Neisseria meningitidis that induces high levels of bactericidal antibodies. The antigen is expressed by all strains of N. meningitidis tested. Sequencing of the gene in 71 strains representative of the genetic and geographic diversity of the N. meningitidis population, showed that the protein can be divided into three variants. Conservation within each variant ranges between 91.6 to 100%, while between the variants the conservation can be as low as 62.8%. The level of expression varies between strains, which can be classified as high, intermediate, and low expressors. Antibodies against a recombinant form of the protein elicit complement-mediated killing of the strains that carry the same variant and induce passive protection in the infant rat model. Bactericidal titers are highest against those strains expressing high yields of the protein; however, even the very low expressors are efficiently killed. The novel antigen is a top candidate for the development of a new vaccine against meningococcus.", "BACKGROUND: While the promotion of health-related fitness is thereby widespread, less focus is currently being given on the biological influence that physical activity might exert on results of laboratory testing. As such, this study was undertaken to assess the kinetics of liver injury markers following physical exercise.DESIGN AND METHODS: Total and direct bilirubin as well as the activity of biochemical markers of liver injury including aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) and creatine kinase (CK), were measured before and after a half-marathon.RESULTS: Significant increases occurred for GGT, AST, LDH, CK, total and direct bilirubin immediately after the run. AST, LDH, CK, total and direct bilirubin were still increased 24h thereafter, whereas GGT decreased after 6h. None of the athletes exceed the upper reference limit for ALT, ALP and GGT, whereas significant variations were instead observed for LDH, AST, CK, total and direct bilirubin.CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, the results of our prospective investigation clearly attest that an acute bulk of aerobic physical exercise, such as a half-marathon, might produce significant changes in the activity of traditional biomarkers of liver injury, which should be carefully considered when investigating physically active individuals undergoing laboratory testing.", "The incidence of sudden cardiac death (SCD) among young athletes is estimated to be 1-3 per 100,000 person years, and may be underestimated. The risk of SCD in athletes is higher than in non-athletes because of several factors associated with sports activity that increase the risk in people with an underlying cardiovascular abnormality. A clear gender difference in the incidence of SCD exists in young athletes, with the risk in male athletes being up to 9 times higher than in female athletes. The most common causes of SCD in young athletes is underlying inherited/congenital cardiac disease, such as cardiomyopathies, congenital coronary anomalies and ion channelopathies. Blunt chest trauma also may cause ventricular fibrillation in a structurally normal heart, known as commotio cordis. Although geographical differences in the causes of SCD in young athletes have been reported, these disparities are more likely to be related to the type and implementation of pre-participation screening leading to the identification of athletes at risk, rather than reflecting a truly different ethiology. More studies are needed to clarify the role of ethnicity in the prevalence of diseases known to cause SCD in young athletes.", "FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3- internal tandem duplication (FLT3-ITD) remains as one of the most frequently mutated genes in acute myeloid leukemia (AML), especially in those with normal cytogenetics. The FLT3-ITD and FLT3-TKD (tyrosine kinase domain) mutations are biomarkers for high risk AML and are associated with drug resistance and high risk of relapse. Multiple FLT3 inhibitors are in clinical development, including lestaurtinib, tandutinib, quizartinib, midostaurin, gilteritinib, and crenolanib. Midostaurin and gilteritinib have been approved by FDA for Flt3 mutated AML. Gilteritinib (ASP2215, Xospata) is a small molecule dual inhibitor of FLT3/AXL. The ADMIRAL study showed that longer overall survival and higher response rate are associated with gilteritinib in comparison with salvage chemotherapy for relapse /refractory (R/R) AML. These data from the ADMIRAL study may lead to the therapy paradigm shift and establish gilteritinib as the new standard therapy for R/R FLT3-mutated AML. Currently, multiple clinical trials are ongoing to evaluate the combination of gilteritinib with other agents and regimens. This study summarized clinical trials of gilteritinib for AML.", "PURPOSE: The purpose was to investigate whether surgical repair earlier or later than 3 months after injury may result in similar outcomes and patient satisfaction.METHODS: Seventy-three patients (75 shoulders, 58 males, mean age 59) who had undergone surgical intervention for traumatic rotator cuff tears from 1999 to 2011 were assessed by MRI, clinical examination and Western Ontario Rotator Cuff Index (WORC) as a primary outcome measure and Oxford Shoulder score (OSS), Constant-Murley score (CS) and EQ-5D as secondary. The patients treated less than 3 months after injury (n = 39) were compared with patients treated more than 3 months after injury (n = 36). The average follow-up time was 56 months (range 14-149), and the average time from injury to repair for all patients was 16 weeks (range 3-104). A single senior radiologist performed a blinded evaluation of all the MRIs. Rotator cuff integrity, presence of arthritis, fatty degeneration and muscle atrophy were evaluated.RESULTS: No differences were found for any of the assessed outcomes (WORC, OSS, CS and EQ-5D) between the two groups. The mean WORC % was 77 % for both groups. Re-tear frequency was 24 %, nine in both groups. Patients with re-tear reported less satisfaction with their outcome.CONCLUSIONS: The surgical treatment of symptomatic traumatic rotator cuff tears repairable later than 3 months after injury yields a good functional outcome, a high level of subjective patient satisfaction, and at the same level for patients receiving earlier treatment. Based on our findings, surgical repair could be encouraged whenever technically possible.LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Retrospective Comparative Study, Level III.", "Retinoblastoma (RB) is an intraocular malignancy that mainly occurs in infants and young children under 5 years of age. Circular RNA hsa_circ_0000034 (circ_0000034) was reported to be upregulated in RB tissues. Nevertheless, the function and mechanism of circ_0000034 in RB are unclear. Expression of circ_0000034, microRNA-361-3p (miR-361-3p), and a disintegrin and metalloproteinase 19 (ADAM19) was examined via quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). Cell viability, migration, invasion, and apoptosis were determined though Cell Counting Kit-8 (CCK-8), transwell, or flow cytometry assays. Caspase-3 activity was detected using a caspase-3 activity assay kit. Some protein levels were examined using Western blot analysis. Dual-luciferase reporter assay, RNA immunoprecipitation (RIP) assay, or RNA pull-down assay were performed to verify the relationship between circ_0000034 or ADAM19 and miR-361-3p. The function of circ_0000034 in vivo was confirmed via animal experiment. We verified that circ_0000034 expression was elevated in RB tissues and cells. Circ_0000034 silencing reduced RB growth in vivo, repressed viability, migration, invasion, and EMT, and induced apoptosis of RB cells in vitro. Circ_0000034 acted as a sponge for miR-361-3p, which targeted ADAM19 in RB cells. Furthermore, the inhibition of miR-361-3p restored circ_0000034 knockdown-mediated impacts on viability, migration, invasion, apoptosis, and EMT of RB cells. Moreover, ADAM19 overexpression abolished the influence of miR-361-3p mimic on viability, migration, invasion, apoptosis, and EMT of RB cells. Circ_0000034 expedited RB progression through upregulating ADAM19 via sponging miR-361-3p, which indicated that circ_0000034 might a target for RB therapy.", "Meningitis and sepsis caused by serogroup B meningococcus are two severe diseases that still cause significant mortality. To date there is no universal vaccine that prevents these diseases. In this work, five antigens discovered by reverse vaccinology were expressed in a form suitable for large-scale manufacturing and formulated with adjuvants suitable for human use. The vaccine adjuvanted by aluminum hydroxide induced bactericidal antibodies in mice against 78% of a panel of 85 meningococcal strains representative of the global population diversity. The strain coverage could be increased to 90% and above by the addition of CpG oligonucleotides or by using MF59 as adjuvant. The vaccine has the potential to conquer one of the most devastating diseases of childhood.", "We report a novel mutation in the XK gene (XK) in a Japanese patient with McLeod syndrome. A 50-year-old man showed progressive muscular atrophy, choreic movement, elevated level of serum creatinine kinase, and acanthocytosis. The expression level of all the Kell antigens in erythrocyte was decreased and molecular analysis revealed a single-base (T) deletion at the nucleotide position 1095 in XK. This deletion caused a frameshift in translation, leading to a premature stop codon at the amino acid position 408. We conclude this single-base deletion causes defective Kx protein, which is responsible for the McLeod phenotype in this patient.", "PURPOSE: The new International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) classification for focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) differentiates between patients with isolated FCD (type 1) and FCD with an associated hippocampal sclerosis (HS) (type 3a). In contrast to the former FCD classification by Palmini, which considered only histologic features, the novel ILAE classification also relies on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings and presumed pathogenesis. We investigated in a cohort of 100 patients with exclusively temporal FCD if the new subdivision of FCD is reflected in clinical characteristics.METHODS: Thirty-one patients with FCD type 1 and 50 patients with FCD type 3a in the temporal lobe were included. In all patients MRI and histology of the FCD were available. Both patient groups were compared to 19 patients with temporal FCD type 2 with clearly different histologic appearance.KEY FINDINGS: Patients with FCD type 1 and type 3a presented with similar clinical features in many respects. In univariate analyses, no statistically significant differences were found as to age at epilepsy onset (p = 0.07) and epilepsy surgery (p = 0.14), a normal appearing neocortical temporal lobe (p = 0.08) or diagnosis of FCD by visual inspection of MRI (p = 0.08), preoperative seizure frequency (p = 0.06), and the predominance of an epigastric aura (p = 0.08). The postoperative outcome was nearly identical 1 year (p = 0.8) and 2 (p = 0.8), 3 (p = 0.8), 5 (p = 0.7), and 8 (p = 1.0) years postoperatively. Only febrile seizures (p = 0.025) and an aura (p = 0.03) were significantly more frequently reported in patients with FCD type 3a. Similar results were obtained from a multivariate logistic regression analysis. Patients with FCD type 2 were more different: Compared to FCD type 3a, age at epilepsy surgery was significantly lower (p = 0.004) and auras (p = 0.005) were significantly less frequently reported. Epigastric auras (p = 0.04) and febrile seizures (p = 0.025) occurred significantly less frequently in patients with FCD type 2 without HS compared to FCD type 3a. The diagnosis of an FCD was significantly more frequently made (p = 0.03) by visual inspection of the MRI compared to FCD type 1.SIGNIFICANCE: Clinical features did not allow to clear separation of temporal FCD types 1 and 3a. Statistically significant differences were seen in a history of febrile seizures and the occurrence of auras more common in FCD type 3a. However, FCD type 2 in the same localization but with different histology presented with further differences such as more frequent FCD diagnosis by visual inspection of MRI, earlier operation, and less frequent epigastric auras.", "The prevention of paediatric bacterial meningitis and septicaemia has recently entered a new era with the availability of two vaccines against capsular group B meningococcus (MenB). Both of these vaccines are based on sub-capsular proteins of the meningococcus, an approach that overcomes the challenges set by the poorly immunogenic MenB polysaccharide capsule but adds complexity to predicting and measuring the impact of their use. This review describes the development and use of MenB vaccines to date, from the use of outer membrane vesicle (OMV) vaccines in MenB outbreaks around the world, to emerging evidence on the effectiveness of the newly available vaccines. While recent data from the United Kingdom supports the potential for protein-based vaccines to provide direct protection against MenB disease in immunised children, further research is required to understand the breadth and duration of this protection. A more detailed understanding of the impact of immunisation with these vaccines on nasopharyngeal carriage of the meningococcus is also required, to inform both their potential to induce herd immunity and to preferentially select for carriage of strains not susceptible to vaccine-induced antibodies. Although a full understanding of the potential impact of these vaccines will only be possible with this additional information, the availability of new tools to prevent the devastating effect of invasive MenB disease is a significant breakthrough in the fight against childhood sepsis and meningitis.", "We have previously described a series of patients in whom the deletion of 1-2 megabases (Mb) of DNA from the tip of the short arm of chromosome 16 (band 16p13.3) is associated with alpha-thalassemia/mental retardation syndrome (ATR-16). We now show that one of these patients has a de novo truncation of the terminal 2 Mb of chromosome 16p and that telomeric sequence (TTAGGG)n has been added at the site of breakage. This suggests that the chromosomal break, which is paternal in origin and which probably arose at meiosis, has been stabilized in vivo by the direct addition of the telomeric sequence. Sequence comparisons of this breakpoint with that of a previously described chromosomal truncation (alpha alpha)TI do not reveal extensive sequence homology. However, both breakpoints show minimal complementarity (3-4 bp) to the proposed RNA template of human telomerase at the site at which telomere repeats have been added. Unlike previously characterized individuals with ATR-16, the clinical features of this patient appear to be solely due to monosomy for the terminal portion of 16p13.3. The identification of further patients with \"pure\" monosomy for the tip of chromosome 16p will be important for defining the loci contributing to the phenotype of this syndrome.", "On April 26, 2007, a patient from Alberta, Canada, died after 9 weeks in an intensive care unit (ICU) from encephalitis caused by a rabies virus variant associated with silver-haired bats. This report summarizes the clinical course of disease in that patient, who was treated using the Milwaukee Protocol, an experimental treatment protocol similar to one used for the rabies survivor described in 2005. This report also describes the subsequent epidemiologic investigations by three regional public health departments in Alberta. Rabies continues to be a cause of human death in the developed and developing world. The findings in this report underscore the need for continued public education that promotes rabies prevention and postexposure prophylaxis while emphasizing the importance of bat exposure in rabies transmission." ]
[ "Primary tissue samples are valuable resources for investigators interested in understanding disease. In order to maximize the information content that can be gained from these precious samples, proper storage, handling, and preparation are essential. Some tissue preservation techniques utilize the cryopreservation medium, optimal cutting temperature (OCT) compound. While this medium provides benefits for traditional molecular studies, certain components can interfere with mass spectrometric analyses. Mass spectrometry based proteomics is a growing field with many applications for disease research. Our goal is to determine a reliable method for separating the proteins from the contaminating species in OCT embedded samples, thus making these samples compatible with mass spectrometric analyses. The novel applications of ether-methanol precipitation, filter-aided sample preparation (FASP), and SDS-PAGE provide researchers with protocols for removing OCT contaminating species from valuable samples. The results presented in this study show that all three methods reproducibly remove OCT; however, precipitation and FASP outperform SDS-PAGE by common proteomic metrics.", "KRAS is one of the most common human oncogenes, but concerted efforts to produce direct inhibitors have largely failed, earning KRAS the title of \"undruggable\". Recent efforts to produce subtype specific inhibitors have been more successful, and several KRASG12C inhibitors have reached clinical trials, including adagrasib and sotorasib, which have shown early evidence of efficacy in patients. Lessons from other inhibitors of the RAS pathway suggest that the effect of these drugs will be limited in vivo by the development of drug resistance, and pre-clinical studies of G12C inhibitors have identified evidence of this. In this review we discuss the current evidence for G12C inhibitors, the mechanisms of resistance to G12C inhibitors and potential approaches to overcome them. We discuss possible targets of combination therapy, including SHP2, receptor tyrosine kinases, downstream effectors and PD1/PDL1, and review the ongoing clinical trials investigating these inhibitors.", "The concept of the four cardinal signs of acute inflammation comes from antiquity as rubor et tumor cum calore et dolore, (redness and swelling with heat and pain) extended later by functio laesa (loss of function). The contemporary understanding of this process we owe to 19th-century milestone discoveries by Rudolph Virchow, Julius Cohnheim and Elie Metchnikoff. In the 20th century, the development of potent technological tools allowed the rapid expansion of knowledge of the cells and mediators of inflammatory processes, as well as the molecular mechanisms of their interactions. It turned out that some mediators of inflammation have both local and distant targets, among them the liver (responding by the production of several acute phase reactants) and neurohormonal centers. In the last decades it has become clear that the immune system shares mediators and their receptors with the neurohormonal system of the body; thus, they form a common homeostatic entity. Such an integrative view, introduced by J. Edwin Blalock, when combined with Hans Selye's concept of stress, led to the contemporary understanding of sickness behavior, defined by Robert Dantzer as a highly organized strategy of the organism to fight infections and to respond to other environmental stressors.", "Epidermolysis bullosa simplex is a hereditary skin blistering disorder caused by mutations in the KRT5 or KRT14 genes. More than 50 different mutations have been described so far. These, and reports of other keratin gene mutations, have highlighted the existence of mutation \"hotspots\" in keratin proteins at which sequence changes are most likely to be detrimental to protein function. Pathogenic mutations that occur outside these hotspots are usually associated with less severe disease phenotypes. We describe a novel K5 mutation (V186L) that produces a conservative amino acid change (valine to leucine) at position 18 of the 1A helix. The phenotype of this case is unexpectedly severe for the location of the mutation, which lies outside the consensus helix initiation motif mutation hotspot, and other mutations at this position have been associated in Weber--Cockayne (mild) epidermolysis bullosa simplex only. The mutation was confirmed by mismatch-allele-specific polymerase chain reaction and the entire KRT5 coding region was sequenced, but no other changes were identified. De novo K5/K14 (mutant and wild-type) filament assembly in cultured cells was studied to determine the effect of this mutation on filament polymerization and stability. A computer model of the 1A region of the K5/K14 coiled-coil was generated to visualize the structural impact of this mutation and to compare it with an analogous mutation causing mild disease. The results show a high level of concordance between genetic, cell culture and molecular modeling data, suggesting that even a conservative substitution can cause severe dysfunction in a structural protein, depending on the size and structure of the amino acid involved.", "Two-color flow-cytometric analysis on peripheral blood lymphocytes of 46 untreated multiple sclerosis patients (MS), 36 other medical disease patients (OMD) and 19 healthy control subjects (HC) was performed to know the relationships between T and B cell subpopulations. In MS patients we observed an increase of total lymphocyte count and an increase of CD4+CD29+ cells, which are adjuvant to B cell in antibody production. We hypothesized this change is related to the reduction of CD21+ cells, expressing B2 antigen which disappears after B cell activation. The unperfect balance of immune system in MS was also demonstrated by the increased level of CD25+ cells in relapsing-remitting patients and by the decreased level of CD4+ CD45RA+ (suppressor inducer) cells in progressive patients.", "Atrial fibrillation (AF), the most common, clinically significant, cardiac arrhythmia affects 1% of the general population and has important hemodynamic and thromboembolic complications that contribute to elevated morbidity and mortality. AF increases the overall risk of stroke five-fold, accounting for approximately 15% of all strokes and is associated with particularly severe stroke. For the last 50 years, long-term anticoagulation with vitamin K antagonists has been the most effective therapy for preventing stroke and systemic embolism in patients with AF and other risk factors, but their use has a lot of limitations and drawbacks (frequent monitoring and dose adjustment, food and drug interactions, delayed onset of action etc). Nowadays, new oral anticoagulants have emerged that seem to overcome those limitations. Direct thrombin inhibitor dabigatran and factor Xa inhibitors rivaroxaban and apixaban have proven, in large, multicenter, randomized, phase III, clinical studies, to be at least as efficient as warfarin in stroke prevention in patients with AF. RELY and ROCKET AF trials have contributed to market approval of dabigatran and rivaroxaban, respectively and made them available to clinical practice. Another factor Xa inhibitor, edoxaban, is under evaluation in an ongoing phase III clinical trial and others such as AZD0837, betrixaban and darexaban are still in safety and tolerability phase II studies. The oral anticoagulation landscape is changing rapidly and these new agents seem to be very promising. However future post-marketing studies and registries will help clarify their efficacy and safety.", "Cases of diarrhoeal disease number from 1.7 to 5 billion per year worldwide. One of the main causes of diarrhoeal disease is typhoid fever, which is a potentially life-threatening multi-systemic illness. According to the most recent estimates, a total of 26.9 million typhoid fever episodes occurred in 2010. The geographical distribution of the disease differs widely; in developed countries, the incidence rate per 100,000 per year varies from < 0.1 to 0.3, and the disease mainly affects people who travel to endemic areas located in low- and middle-income countries. Low- and middle-income countries are mainly affected owing to the lack of clean water and proper sanitation. In the fight against this plague, prevention is fundamental, and vaccination against typhoid is an effective measure. Vivotif® is an oral live attenuated vaccine which contains a mutated strain of Salmonella (Ty21a) and reproduces the natural infection. The vaccine was first licensed in Europe in 1983 and in the US in 1989, and over the years it has proved efficacious and safe. It is indicated for adults and children from 5 years of age upwards. Specifically, in the most developed countries, vaccination is suggested for highrisk population groups and particularly for international travellers to destinations where the risk of contracting typhoid fever is high. It must also be borne in mind that international travel is increasing. Indeed, international tourist arrivals totalled 1,184 million in 2015 and, on the basis of current trends, international travel is expected to grow by 3-4% in 2017. Vivotif® appears to be a powerful means of disease prevention, the importance of which is highlighted by the spread of antibiotic-resistant strains of Salmonella typhy (S. typhi)." ]
[ "Publisher: El déficit de vitamina B12 es una de las complicaciones más importantes que puede producir el vegetarianismo. Los lactantes hijos de madres vegetarianas tienen riesgo aumentado de deficiencia y de presentar compromiso neurológico irreversible si esta no se identifica y corrige adecuadamente. Se describe el caso de un lactante de un mes y veinte días que consultó por episodios paroxísticos de mecanismo epileptógeno, en el cual los estudios complementarios permitieron identificar un déficit de vitamina B12 como causa de estos. Tras la confirmación diagnóstica, se instauró el tratamiento con vitamina B12 intramuscular, con remisión completa de los síntomas, buena evolución posterior y desarrollo psicomotor sin alteraciones. Teniendo en cuenta las tendencias alimentarias actuales, es necesario incorporar, en la práctica clínica habitual, la anamnesis nutricional materna detallada para detectar precozmente el riesgo de déficit de esta vitamina y prevenirlo.", "BACKGROUND: Casirivimab and imdevimab (REGEN-COV™) markedly reduces risk of hospitalization or death in high-risk individuals with Covid-19. Here we explore the possibility that subcutaneous REGEN-COV prevents SARS-CoV-2 infection and subsequent Covid-19 in individuals at high risk of contracting SARS-CoV-2 by close exposure in a household with a documented SARS-CoV-2-infected individual.METHODS: Individuals ≥12 years were enrolled within 96 hours of a household contact being diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 and randomized 1:1 to receive 1200 mg REGEN-COV or placebo via subcutaneous injection. The primary efficacy endpoint was the proportion of participants without evidence of infection (SARS-CoV-2 RT-qPCR-negative) or prior immunity (seronegative) who subsequently developed symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection during a 28-day efficacy assessment period.RESULTS: Subcutaneous REGEN-COV significantly prevented symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection compared with placebo (81.4% risk reduction; 11/753 [1.5%] vs. 59/752 [7.8%], respectively; P<0.0001), with 92.6% risk reduction after the first week (2/753 [0.3%] vs. 27/752 [3.6%], respectively). REGEN-COV also prevented overall infections, either symptomatic or asymptomatic (66.4% risk reduction). Among infected participants, the median time to resolution of symptoms was 2 weeks shorter with REGEN-COV vs. placebo (1.2 vs. 3.2 weeks, respectively), and the duration of time with high viral load (>104 copies/mL) was lower (0.4 vs. 1.3 weeks, respectively). REGEN-COV was generally well tolerated.CONCLUSIONS: Administration of subcutaneous REGEN-COV prevented symptomatic Covid-19 and asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection in uninfected household contacts of infected individuals. Among individuals who became infected, REGEN-COV reduced the duration of symptomatic disease, decreased maximal viral load, and reduced the duration of detectable virus.( number, NCT04452318.).", "Formation of mRNA 3' termini involves cleavage of an mRNA precursor and polyadenylation of the newly formed end. Cleavage of simian virus 40 late pre-mRNA in a crude nuclear extract generated two RNAs, 5' and 3' half-molecules. These RNAs were unmodified and linear. The 5' half-molecule contained sequences upstream but not downstream of the poly(A) site and ended in a 3'-terminal hydroxyl. The 3' half-molecules comprised a family of RNAs, each of which contains only sequences downstream of the poly(A) site, and ends in a 5'-terminal phosphate. These RNAs differed only in the locations of their 5' terminus. The 3' terminus of the 5' half-molecule was the adenosine 10 nucleotides downstream of AAUAAA, at the +1 position. The 5' terminus of the longest 3' half-molecule was at +2. Thus, these two RNAs contain every nucleoside and phosphate of the precursor. The existence of these half-molecules demonstrates that endonucleolytic cleavage occurs near the poly(A) site. 5' half-molecules generated in the presence of EDTA (which blocks polyadenylation, but not cleavage) ended at the adenosine at position +1 of the precursor. When incubated in the extract under suitable conditions, they became polyadenylated. 5' half-molecules formed in 3'-dATP-containing reactions contained a single 3'-deoxyadenosine (cordycepin) residue added onto the +1 adenosine and were poor polyadenylation substrates. We infer that the +1 adenosine of the precursor becomes the first A of the poly(A) tract and provides a 3' hydroxyl group to which poly(A) is added posttranscriptionally.", "This article collects opinions from leading scientists about how text mining can provide better access to the biological literature, how the scientific community can help with this process, what the next steps are, and what role future BioCreative evaluations can play. The responses identify several broad themes, including the possibility of fusing literature and biological databases through text mining; the need for user interfaces tailored to different classes of users and supporting community-based annotation; the importance of scaling text mining technology and inserting it into larger workflows; and suggestions for additional challenge evaluations, new applications, and additional resources needed to make progress.", "Lactose is a reducing sugar consisting of galactose and glucose, linked by a β (1→4) glycosidic bond, considered as an antioxidant due to its α-hydroxycarbonyl group. Lactose is widely ingested through the milk and other unfermented dairy products and is considered to be one of the primary foods. On the other hand, lactose is also considered as one of the most widely used excipients for the development of pharmaceutical formulations. In this sense, lactose has been related to numerous drug-excipient or drug-food pharmacokinetic interactions. Intolerance, maldigestion and malabsorption of carbohydrates are common disorders in clinical practice, with lactose-intolerance being the most frequently diagnosed, afflicting 10% of the world's population. Four clinical subtypes of lactose intolerance may be distinguished, namely lactase deficiency in premature infants, congenital lactase deficiency, adult-type hypolactasia and secondary lactase intolerance. An overview of the main uses of lactose in human nutrition and in the pharmaceutical industry and the problems derived from this circumstance are described in this review.", "Psoriasin (S100 A7) was discovered two decades ago as a protein abundantly expressed in psoriatic keratinocytes. Even though much scientific research has been carried out on the characterization of psoriasin, only recent studies point to an important role of psoriasin as an antimicrobial and immunomodulatory protein in skin and other epithelia. In this review, we provide an overview of the major findings in psoriasin research and discuss novel studies highlighting the role of psoriasin as an important effector molecule of the cutaneous barrier.", "BACKGROUND: Characteristic DNA methylation differences have been identified between primary and metastatic melanomas at EBF3 and/or TBC1D16 gene loci. To further evaluate whether these epigenetic changes may act more generally as drivers of tumour onset and metastasis, we have investigated DNA methylation changes involving EBF3 and TBC1D16 in additional publicly available data of multiple different tumour types.RESULTS: Promoter hypermethylation and gene body hypomethylation of EBF3 were observed in a number of metastatic tumour types, when compared to normal or primary tumour tissues, as well as in tumour vs normal tissues and in a colorectal primary/metastasis pair, although not all tumour samples or primary/metastasis cancer pairs exhibited altered patterns of EBF3 methylation. In addition, hypomethylation of TBC1D16 was observed in multiple tumours, including a breast cancer primary/metastasis pair, and to a lesser degree in melanoma, although again not all tumours or cancer primary/metastasis pairs exhibited altered patterns of methylation.CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest characteristic DNA methylation changes in EBF3 and TBC1D16 are relatively common tumour-associated epigenetic events in multiple tumour types, which is consistent with a potential role as more general drivers of tumour progression.", "Genetic variation of influenza neuraminidase (NA), unlike for hemagglutinin (HA), has not been fully characterized. Therefore, we determined the relation between mutations in the NA and HA genome segments of 205 influenza A/H3N2 viruses isolated from patients in Japan during the five seasons from 2010 to 2015. The amino acid (AA) sequences of the NA and HA proteins in these isolates were then determined. In the 2011-2012 season, there was the emergence of isolates with NA and HA sequences containing AA93G (NA93G) and AA278K (HA278K), respectively (24/48 isolates, 50.0%). This was in contrast to NA93D-HA278N being detected exclusively in the previous 2010-2011 season (24/24 isolates, 100.0%). The isolates with the NA93G-HA278K substitutions became predominant in the following 2012-2013 season (95.8%, 46/48 isolates). The NA and HA phylogenetic trees of the 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 seasons were segregated by clades with NA93D-HA278N or NA93G-HA278K. In the subsequent 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 seasons, the strong relationship between NA93D-HA278N and NA93G-HA278K observed in the previous seasons, was no longer present and NA93G-HA278N (33/52 isolates, 63.5% in the 2014-2015 season) became predominant. In addition, the clades within the NA and HA trees could no longer be segregated based on NA AA93 and HA AA278. These findings suggest that the co-mutation of NA and HA AA sequences is present and may contribute to the formation of an epidemic lineage.", "Author information:(1)Cancer Epigenetics and Biology Program, Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute, L'Hospitalet, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.(2)Molecular Oncology Group, Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute, Manchester, UK.(3)Translational Research Laboratory, Catalan Institute of Oncology, Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute, L'Hospitalet, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.(4)Department of Pathological Anatomy, Bellvitge University Hospital, Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute, L'Hospitalet, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.(5)Medical Oncology Service, Catalan Institute of Oncology, Germans Trias i Pujol University Hospital, Badalona, Catalonia, Spain.(6)Pathology Department, Germans Trias i Pujol University Hospital, Badalona, Catalonia, Spain.(7)Medical Oncology Service, Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.(8)Dermatology Service, Hospital La Fe, Universidad de Valencia, Valencia, Spain.(9)Medical Oncology Service, Hospital General, Valencia, Spain.(10)Department of Pathology, University Hospital of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden.(11)Translational Cell &Tissue Pathology, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.(12)University College Dublin School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Science, University College Dublin Conway Institute, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin, Ireland.(13)Center for Melanoma, Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center, Boston, Massachusetts.(14)Cancer Genome Project, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK.(15)University of Manchester, Christie National Health Service Foundation Trust, Manchester, UK.(16)1] Cancer Epigenetics and Biology Program, Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute, L'Hospitalet, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. [2] Department of Physiological Sciences II, School of Medicine, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. [3] Institucio Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.", "Tay syndrome or IBIDS is a rare autosomal recessive genetic disorder characterized by congenital ichthyosis and abnormal brittle hair (trichothiodystrophy). Other features include photosensitivity, abnormal nails and multiple developmental defects affecting organs mainly derived from neuroectoderm. The exact prevalence of this condition is not known, but up to 1991, clinical data of 15 cases with IBIDS were published .We report a case of Tay syndrome with additional features of Duane's retraction syndrome and Perthes disease, which have not yet been reported in literature.", "Epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) is the most lethal gynecologic malignancy with high recurrence and poor prognosis duo to the lack of effective biomarkers. TBC1 domain family member 16 (TBC1D16), a GTPase-activating protein, is involved in regulating intracellular trafficking in tumorigenesis and metastasis. However, the clinical significance of TBC1D16 in EOC remains unknown. In the present study, we investigated the expression and prognostic significance of TBC1D16 in EOC and its relationship with the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). The tissue specimens included 156 histologically confirmed EOC and 30 normal ovarian tissues. The expression of TBC1D16 and VEGF was detected by immunohistochemistry (IHC), and the immunoreactive score was calculated with signal intensity and percentage of positive cells. IHC results showed that TBC1D16 and VEGF were both mainly localized in cytoplasm of epithelial cells in normal ovarian tissues and were expressed in cancer cells. Based on the immunoreactive score, TBC1D16 expression in EOC was categorized as \"high expression,\" compared with normal ovarian tissues (P < 0.05). The Chi-square test showed that high TBC1D16 expression was related to advanced pT stages (P = 0.029), but not correlated with other clinical features. Moreover, the TBC1D16 expression was significantly higher in EOC specimens with low VEGF expression (P < 0.001). Importantly, in both univariate and multivariate survival analyses, high expression of TBC1D16 was significantly correlated with good overall survival (OS). In conclusion, TBC1D16 is a predictive marker for favorable prognosis of EOC.", "Atlantoaxial rotatory fixation (AARF) resulting from drug-induced cervical dystonia (DICD) represents an extremely rare complication of antipsychotic treatment, requiring a comprehensive assessment of pharmacologic therapy and timely radiologic workup. We report a chronic case of Fielding type I, Pang type I AARF secondary to schizophrenia treatment in a 16-year-old girl, along with a review of the literature on the management challenges posed in this condition. In this scenario, torticollis may just represent the tip of the iceberg, and only an effective multidisciplinary approach increases the chances of satisfactory correction with closed reduction, hence avoiding the burden of more invasive treatment options." ]
[ "INTRODUCTION: The neurokinin 3 (NK(3)) receptor is a GPCR that has been shown to modulate monoaminergic systems within regions of the brain implicated in schizophrenia. Preclinical and Phase II clinical results of osanetant and talnetant in schizophrenic patients have indicated that NK(3) antagonists may provide significant improvement of the positive symptoms and cognitive impairment associated with this disorder. Recent findings have also indicated that neurokinin B (NKB)-NK(3) signaling plays a key role in the hypothalamic regulation of reproduction in humans.AREAS COVERED: This review article discusses the latest medicinal chemistry strategies used to derive novel NK(3) receptor antagonists which have been patented during the period 2005 - 2010.EXPERT OPINION: Since the report of a beneficial effect of osanetant in schizophrenic patients, major pharmaceutical companies have been involved in this field, leading to a very large number of patent applications disclosed. Nevertheless, only three NK(3) selective antagonists entered into Phase II, but were then terminated for various reasons. Currently, the main challenge to move forward a selective NK(3) antagonist into the clinic would be to define a safety margin between the desired therapeutic effect and the effect on testosterone levels. The involvement of NKB-NK(3) signaling in reproduction in humans may also lead to new exciting indications, such as treatment for sex steroid-sensitive cancers of breast and prostate.", "Nonapeptides play a fundamental role in the regulation of social behavior, among numerous other functions. In particular, arginine vasopressin and its non-mammalian homolog, arginine vasotocin (AVT), have been implicated in regulating affiliative, reproductive, and aggressive behavior in many vertebrate species. Where these nonapeptides are synthesized in the brain has been studied extensively in most vertebrate lineages. While several hypothalamic and forebrain populations of vasopressinergic neurons have been described in amniotes, the consensus suggests that the expression of AVT in the brain of teleost fish is limited to the hypothalamus, specifically the preoptic area (POA) and the anterior tuberal nucleus (putative homolog of the mammalian ventromedial hypothalamus). However, as most studies in teleosts have focused on the POA, there may be an ascertainment bias. Here, we revisit the distribution of AVT preprohormone mRNA across the dorsal and ventral telencephalon of a highly social African cichlid fish. We first use in situ hybridization to map the distribution of AVT preprohormone mRNA across the telencephalon. We then use quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction to assay AVT expression in the dorsomedial telencephalon, the putative homolog of the mammalian basolateral amygdala. We find evidence for AVT preprohormone mRNA in regions previously not associated with the expression of this nonapeptide, including the putative homologs of the mammalian extended amygdala, hippocampus, striatum, and septum. In addition, AVT preprohormone mRNA expression within the basolateral amygdala homolog differs across social contexts, suggesting a possible role in behavioral regulation. We conclude that the surprising presence of AVT preprohormone mRNA within dorsal and medial telencephalic regions warrants a closer examination of possible AVT synthesis locations in teleost fish, and that these may be more similar to what is observed in mammals and birds.", "The NK3 receptor is a GPCR that is prominently expressed in limbic areas of the brain, many of which have been implicated in schizophrenia. Phase II clinical trials in schizophrenia with two selective NK3 antagonists (osanetant and talnetant) have demonstrated significant improvement in positive symptoms. The objective of this study was to characterize the properties of a novel dual NK2/NK3 antagonist, RO5328673. [(3)H]RO5328673 bound to a single saturable site on hNK2, hNK3 and gpNK3 with high-affinity. RO5328673 acted as an insurmountable antagonist at both human and guinea-pig NK3 receptors in the [(3)H]IP accumulation assay. In binding kinetic analyses, [(3)H]RO5328673 had fast association and dissociation rates at hNK2 while it had a fast association rate and a remarkably slow dissociation rate at gp and hNK3. In electrophysiological recordings of gp SNpc, RO5328673 inhibited the senktide-induced potentiation of spontaneous activity of dopaminergic neurons with an insurmountable mechanism of action. RO5328673 exhibited in-vivo activity in gerbils, robustly reversing the senktide-induced locomotor activity. The TM2 residue gpNK3-A114(2.58) (threonine in all other species) was identified as the critical residue for the RO5328673's slower dissociation kinetics and stronger insurmountable mode of antagonism in the guinea-pig as compared to hNK3-T139(2.58). Using site-directed mutagenesis, [(3)H]RO5328673 binding and rhodopsin-based modeling, the important molecular determinants of the RO5328673-binding pocket of hNK3 were determined. A comparison of the RO5328673-binding pocket with that of osanetant showed that two antagonists have similar contact sides on hNK3 binding crevice except for three mutations V95L(1.42), Y247W(5.38), V255I(5.46), which behaved differently between interacting modes of two antagonists in hNK3.", "Primary intestinal lymphangiectasia (PIL), so-called Waldmann's disease, is an uncommon condition, characterized by dilated intestinal submucosal and subserosal lymphatics of the gastrointestinal tract. Protein-losing enteropathy is the most common manifestation of this supposed congenital disease. Since the initial description in 1961, 11 cases of lymphoma have been reported suggesting that PIL predisposes to lymphoma. Here, we report the first case of primary nodal location lymphoma during PIL with recovery of the protein-losing enteropathy after its treatment by radiochemotherapy.", "Cohesins, which mediate sister chromatin cohesion, and CTCF, which functions at chromatin boundaries, play key roles in the structural and functional organization of chromosomes. We examined the binding of these two factors on the Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) episome during latent infection and found a striking colocalization within the control region of the major latency transcript responsible for expressing LANA (ORF73), vCyclin (ORF72), vFLIP (ORF71), and vmiRNAs. Deletion of the CTCF-binding site from the viral genome disrupted cohesin binding, and crippled colony formation in 293 cells. Clonal instability correlated with elevated expression of lytic cycle gene products, notably the neighbouring promoter for K14 and vGPCR (ORF74). siRNA depletion of RAD21 from latently infected cells caused an increase in K14 and ORF74, and lytic inducers caused a rapid dissociation of RAD21 from the viral genome. RAD21 and SMC1 also associate with the cellular CTCF sites at mammalian c-myc promoter and H19/Igf2 imprinting control region. We conclude that cohesin subunits associate with viral and cellular CTCF sites involved in complex gene regulation and chromatin organization.", "Cereblon (CRBN) is a substrate recognition protein in the E3-ligase ubiquitin complex. The binding target of CRBN varies according to tissues and cells, and the protein regulates various biological functions by regulating tissue-specific targets. As new endogenous targets of CRBN have been identified over the past decade, the physiological and pathological functions of CRBN and its potential as a therapeutic target in various diseases have greatly expanded. For this purpose, in this review article, we introduce the basic principle of the ubiquitin-proteasome system, the regulation of physiological/pathological functions related to the endogenous substrate of CRBN, and the discovery of immunomodulatory imide drug-mediated neo-substrates of CRBN. In addition, the development of CRBN-based proteolysis-targeting chimeras, which has been actively researched recently, and strategies for developing therapeutic agents using them are introduced. These recent updates on CRBN will be useful in the establishment of strategies for disease treatment and utilization of CRBNs in biomedical engineering and clinical medicine.", "Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a common inherited cardiovascular disease present in one in 500 of the general population. It is caused by more than 1400 mutations in 11 or more genes encoding proteins of the cardiac sarcomere. Although hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is the most frequent cause of sudden death in young people (including trained athletes), and can lead to functional disability from heart failure and stroke, the majority of affected individuals probably remain undiagnosed and many do not experience greatly reduced life expectancy or substantial symptoms. Clinical diagnosis is based on otherwise unexplained left-ventricular hypertrophy identified by echocardiography or cardiovascular MRI. While presenting with a heterogeneous clinical profile and complex pathophysiology, effective treatment strategies are available, including implantable defibrillators to prevent sudden death, drugs and surgical myectomy (or, alternatively, alcohol septal ablation) for relief of outflow obstruction and symptoms of heart failure, and pharmacological strategies (and possibly radiofrequency ablation) to control atrial fibrillation and prevent embolic stroke. A subgroup of patients with genetic mutations but without left-ventricular hypertrophy has emerged, with unresolved natural history. Now, after more than 50 years, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy has been transformed from a rare and largely untreatable disorder to a common genetic disease with management strategies that permit realistic aspirations for restored quality of life and advanced longevity.", "Retinoids have been shown to be clinically useful in the biological therapy of certain myeloid and T-cell malignancies, whereas CD20 has proven to be an effective target in B-cell lymphoma immunotherapy. Both retinoic acid derivatives and anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies have also been shown to induce apoptosis of malignant cells in vitro. Retinoid-induced apoptosis is thought to be mediated by nuclear retinoid receptor binding and transcriptional activation, whereas CD20 ligation appears to initiate transmembrane Ca(2+) influx with resultant programmed cell death. In this report, we evaluate the in vitro effects of N-(4-hydroxyphenyl) retinamide (4-HPR) with and without anti-CD20 antibodies in B-cell lymphoma lines. We demonstrate that 4-HPR inhibits the growth of malignant B-cells beyond that of all-trans-retinoic acid and 13-cis-retinoic acid. We also show that this 4-HPR-mediated growth inhibition is attributable to apoptosis, is consistent across a variety of malignant B-cell lines (Ramos, Ramos AW, SU-DHL4, and Raji), peaks at 96 to 144 h, and is attainable with concentrations as low as 2 microM. As with CD20-mediated apoptosis, we show that the final common pathway includes caspase activation that can be blocked by 2-val-Ala-Asp-fluoromethyl ketone (z-VAD), a specific inhibitor of caspase function. Coincubation of a 2 microM concentration of 4-HPR and the anti-CD20 antibodies rituximab and tositumomab exhibited a supra-additive increase in levels of apoptosis induction of 24% (P = 0.009) and 42% (P = 0.0019) relative to expected additive levels of these same agents. These in vitro findings suggest that the potential in vivo synergy of these well-tolerated drugs may augment the previously demonstrated clinical activity of anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies in the treatment of B-cell malignancies." ]
[ "Inflammasome is an intracellular signaling complex of the innate immune system. Activation of inflammasomes promotes the secretion of interleukin 1β (IL-1β) and IL-18 and triggers pyroptosis. Caspase-1 and -11 (or -4/5 in human) in the canonical and non-canonical inflammasome pathways, respectively, are crucial for inflammasome-mediated inflammatory responses. Here we report that gasdermin D (GSDMD) is another crucial component of inflammasomes. We discovered the presence of GSDMD protein in nigericin-induced NLRP3 inflammasomes by a quantitative mass spectrometry-based analysis. Gene deletion of GSDMD demonstrated that GSDMD is required for pyroptosis and for the secretion but not proteolytic maturation of IL-1β in both canonical and non-canonical inflammasome responses. It was known that GSDMD is a substrate of caspase-1 and we showed its cleavage at the predicted site during inflammasome activation and that this cleavage was required for pyroptosis and IL-1β secretion. Expression of the N-terminal proteolytic fragment of GSDMD can trigger cell death and N-terminal modification such as tagging with Flag sequence disrupted the function of GSDMD. We also found that pro-caspase-1 is capable of processing GSDMD and ASC is not essential for GSDMD to function. Further analyses of LPS plus nigericin- or Salmonella typhimurium-treated macrophage cell lines and primary cells showed that apoptosis became apparent in Gsdmd(-/-) cells, indicating a suppression of apoptosis by pyroptosis. The induction of apoptosis required NLRP3 or other inflammasome receptors and ASC, and caspase-1 may partially contribute to the activation of apoptotic caspases in Gsdmd(-/-) cells. These data provide new insights into the molecular mechanisms of pyroptosis and reveal an unexpected interplay between apoptosis and pyroptosis.", "The prevalence of persistent microalbuminuria, retinopathy, and peripheral and autonomic neuropathy was assessed in 18 children and adolescents with type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus (IDDM) who suffered from necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticorum (NLD) and in 40 diabetics without NLD, matched for sex, age, duration of disease, and metabolic control. The mean +/- SD age of the patients was 15.1 +/- 8.6 years (range 7.9-23.9 yrs) and their duration of IDDM was 10.9 +/- 8.1 years (range 7.1-21.0 yrs). Their mean glycosylated hemoglobin level was 9.9 +/- 5.0% (7.3-16.6%) and their fructosamine level was 274 +/- 180 mumol/L (199-466 mumol/L). Patients with NLD had a higher frequency of persistent microalbuminuria (p < 0.001) and retinopathy (p < 0.001) than those without NLD. Our study suggests that children as well as adult diabetics with NLD can be at high risk for nephropathy and retinopathy; NLD can be a clue for diabetic nephropathy and retinopathy.", "The mitochondrial protein SLC25A46 has been recently identified as a novel pathogenic cause in a wide spectrum of neurological diseases, including inherited optic atrophy, Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 2, Leigh syndrome, progressive myoclonic ataxia and lethal congenital pontocerebellar hypoplasia. SLC25A46 is an outer membrane protein, member of the Solute Carrier 25 (SLC25) family of nuclear genes encoding mitochondrial carriers, with a role in mitochondrial dynamics and cristae maintenance. Here we identified a loss-of-function mutation in the Slc25a46 gene that causes lethal neuropathology in mice. Mutant mice manifest the main clinical features identified in patients, including ataxia, optic atrophy and cerebellar hypoplasia, which were completely rescued by expression of the human ortholog. Histopathological analysis revealed previously unseen lesions, most notably disrupted cytoarchitecture in the cerebellum and retina and prominent abnormalities in the neuromuscular junction. A distinct lymphoid phenotype was also evident. Our mutant mice provide a valid model for understanding the mechanistic basis of the complex SLC25A46-mediated pathologies, as well as for screening potential therapeutic interventions.", "Although the identification of menin-interacting partners and other evidence support a role for menin, the multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 gene (MEN1) product, in regulating gene expression, little is known about the cellular pathways dysregulated by menin loss during tumorigenesis. The mouse models of MEN1 accurately mimic the human syndrome and provide an opportunity to assess the transcriptional effects of Men1 deletion in different endocrine tumor types to identify common pathway aberrations underlying tumorigenesis in MEN1-affected tissues. We compared the global gene expression profiles of pituitary adenomas and pancreatic islet tumors with control tissues from wild-type littermates. Amongst the 551 differentially expressed genes was significant over-representation of genes associated with chromatin remodelling, transcription and cell cycling, including some genes known to encode menin-binding partners, e.g., Rhox5 and Mll1. Consistent with increased cell-cycle transition from G1 to S phase was an elevation of Cdc7 expression in the tumors, which was confirmed by qRT-PCR using independent samples. In support of previous findings in islet tumors, we found down-regulation of the cell-cycle regulator, p18, in both the pancreatic islet and pituitary adenomas, suggesting that reduced p18 levels may be important for Men1-related tumorigenesis in multiple tissues. Surprisingly, we identified increased p16 transcript in pancreatic islet and pituitary tumors. This was accompanied by increased cytoplasmic localization p16 protein in tumor cells. The specific genes and general pathways we have found to be commonly dysregulated in MEN1 tumors, provide a platform for determining their roles in endocrine tumorigenesis.", "We have investigated the existence of neural connections between the duodenum and the sphincter of Oddi (SO). Stimulation of duodenal myenteric fiber bundles elicited synaptic responses in SO neurons, which included nicotinic fast excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs), slow EPSPs, and alpha(2)-adrenoreceptor-mediated inhibitory postsynaptic potentials. After 48 h in organ culture, when extrinsic fibers had diminished, only the fast EPSPs persisted. Duodenal mucosal stimulation also elicited nicotinic fast EPSPs in SO neurons. There was no association between the SO neurons that received duodenal input and their chemical coding. A reciprocal projection also exists from the SO to the duodenum. In acute and cultured preparations, duodenal myenteric stimulation caused antidromic responses in 20% of SO neurons. Furthermore, 45.6 +/- 10.5 neurons in SO ganglia were retrogradely labeled from dye application sites in the duodenum. It is proposed that bidirectional neural communication occurs between the duodenum and the SO and that duodenal neurons provide excitatory fast synaptic input to SO neurons through a reflex that can be activated at the duodenal mucosa.", "CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF) is an architectural protein involved in the three-dimensional (3D) organization of chromatin. In this study, we assayed the 3D genomic contact profiles of a large number of CTCF binding sites with high-resolution 4C-seq. As recently reported, our data also suggest that chromatin loops preferentially form between CTCF binding sites oriented in a convergent manner. To directly test this, we used CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing to delete core CTCF binding sites in three loci, including the CTCF site in the Sox2 super-enhancer. In all instances, CTCF and cohesin recruitment were lost, and chromatin loops with distal, convergent CTCF sites were disrupted or destabilized. Re-insertion of oppositely oriented CTCF recognition sequences restored CTCF and cohesin recruitment, but did not re-establish chromatin loops. We conclude that CTCF binding polarity plays a functional role in the formation of higher-order chromatin structure.", "IMPORTANCE: Alzheimer disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by cognitive deterioration and impaired activities of daily living. Current treatments provide only minor symptomatic improvements with limited benefit duration. Lanabecestat, a brain-permeable inhibitor of human beta-site amyloid precursor protein-cleaving enzyme 1 (BACE1/β-secretase), was developed to modify the clinical course of AD by slowing disease progression.OBJECTIVE: To assess whether lanabecestat slows the progression of AD compared with placebo in patients with early AD (mild cognitive impairment) and mild AD dementia.DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: AMARANTH (first patient visit on September 30, 2014; last patient visit on October 4, 2018) and DAYBREAK-ALZ (first patient visit on July 1, 2016; last patient visit on September 28, 2018) were randomized, placebo-controlled, phase 2/3 and phase 3 clinical trials lasting 104 weeks and 78 weeks, respectively. AMARANTH and DAYBREAK-ALZ were multicenter, global, double-blind studies conducted at 257 and 251 centers, respectively, located in 15 and 18 countries or territories, respectively. A population-based sample of men and women aged 55 to 85 years who met National Institute on Aging-Alzheimer's Association criteria for early AD or mild AD dementia was screened using cognitive assessments, and the presence of amyloid was confirmed. Patients were excluded for unstable medical conditions or medication use, significant cerebrovascular pathologic findings, or a history of vitiligo and/or current evidence of postinflammatory hypopigmentation. AMARANTH screened 6871 patients; 2218 (32.3%) were randomized, and 539 patients completed the study. DAYBREAK-ALZ screened 5706 patients; 1722 (30.2%) were randomized, and 76 patients completed the study.INTERVENTIONS: Patients were randomized (1:1:1) to once-daily oral doses of lanabecestat (20 mg), lanabecestat (50 mg), or placebo.MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: The primary outcome measure was change from baseline on the 13-item Alzheimer Disease Assessment Scale-cognitive subscale. Secondary outcomes included Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study-Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Inventory, Clinical Dementia Rating, Functional Activities Questionnaire, Mini-Mental State Examination, and Neuropsychiatric Inventory. Efficacy analyses were conducted on the intent-to-treat population.RESULTS: Among 2218 AMARANTH patients, the mean (SD) age was 71.3 (7.1) years, and 1177 of 2218 (53.1%) were women. Among 1722 DAYBREAK-ALZ patients, the mean (SD) age was 72.3 (7.0) years, and 1023 of 1722 (59.4%) were women. Both studies were terminated early after futility analysis. There were no consistent, reproducible dose-related findings on primary or secondary efficacy measures. Psychiatric adverse events, weight loss, and hair color changes were reported in a higher percentage of patients receiving lanabecestat than placebo.CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: Treatment with lanabecestat was well tolerated and did not slow cognitive or functional decline.TRIAL REGISTRATION: identifiers: NCT02245737 and NCT02783573." ]
[ "BACKGROUND: Acute inflammatory responses to supplemental oxygen and mechanical ventilation have been implicated in the pathophysiological sequelae of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). Although surfactant replacement therapy (SRT) has contributed to lung stability, the effect on lung inflammation is inconclusive. Lucinactant contains sinapultide (KL4), a novel synthetic peptide that functionally mimics surfactant protein B, a protein with anti-inflammatory properties. We tested the hypothesis that lucinactant may modulate lung inflammatory response to mechanical ventilation in the management of RDS and may confer greater protection than animal-derived surfactants.METHODS: Preterm lambs (126.8 ± 0.2 SD d gestation) were randomized to receive lucinactant, poractant alfa, beractant, or no surfactant and studied for 4 h. Gas exchange and pulmonary function were assessed serially. Lung inflammation biomarkers and lung histology were assessed at termination.RESULTS: SRT improved lung compliance relative to no SRT without significant difference between SRT groups. Lucinactant attenuated lung and systemic inflammatory response, supported oxygenation at lower ventilatory requirements, and preserved lung structural integrity to a greater degree than either no SRT or SRT with poractant alfa or beractant.CONCLUSION: These data suggest that early intervention with lucinactant may more effectively mitigate pulmonary pathophysiological sequelae of RDS than the animal-derived surfactants poractant alfa or beractant.", "In the nervous system, voltage-gated Ca2+ channels regulate numerous processes critical to neuronal function including secretion of neurotransmitters, initiation of action potentials in dendritic regions of some neurons, growth cone elongation, and gene expression. Because of the critical role which Ca2+ channels play in signaling processes within the nervous system, disruption of their function will lead to profound disturbances in neuronal function. Voltage-gated Ca2+ channels are the targets of several relatively rare neurological or neuromuscular diseases resulting from spontaneously-occurring mutations in genes encoding for parts of the channel proteins, or from autoimmune attack on the channel protein responses. Mutations in CACNAIA, which encodes for the alpha1A subunit of P/Q-type Ca2+ channels, lead to symptoms seen in familial hemiplegic migraine, episodic ataxia type 2, and spinocerebellar ataxia type 6. Conversely, autoimmune attack on Ca2+ channels at motor axon terminals causes peripheral cholinergic nerve dysfunction observed in Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome (LEMS), the best studied of the disorders targeting voltage-gated Ca2+ channels. LEMS is characterized by decreased evoked quantal release of acetylcholine (ACh) and disruption of the presynaptic active zones, the sites at which ACh is thought to be released. LEMS is generally believed to be due to circulating antibodies directed specifically at the Ca2+ channels located at or near the active zone of motor nerve terminals (P/Q-type) and hence involved in the release of ACh. However, other presynaptic proteins have also been postulated to be targets of the autoantibodies. LEMS has a high degree of coincidence (approximately 60%) with small cell lung cancer; the remaining 40% of patients with LEMS have no detectable tumor. Diagnosis of LEMS relies on characteristic patterns of electromyographic changes; these changes are observable at neuromuscular junctions of muscle biopsies from patients with LEMS. In the majority of LEMS patients, those having detectable tumor, the disease is thought to occur as a result of immune response directed initially against voltage-gated Ca2+ channels found on the lung tumor cells. In these patients, effective treatment of the underlying tumor generally causes marked improvement of the symptoms of LEMS as well. Animal models of LEMS can be generated by chronic administration of plasma, serum or immunoglobulin G to mice. These models have helped dramatically in our understanding of the pathogenesis of LEMS. This \"passive transfer\" model mimics the electrophysiological and ultrastructural findings seen in muscle biopsies of patients with LEMS. In this model, we have shown that the reduction in amplitude of Ca2+ currents through P/Q-type channels is followed by \"unmasking\" of an L-type Ca2+ current not normally found at the motor nerve terminal which participates in release of ACh from terminals of mice treated with plasma from patients with LEMS. It is unclear what mechanisms underlie the development of this novel L-type Ca2+ current involved in release of ACh at motor nerve terminals during passive transfer of LEMS.", "BACKGROUND: Resting brain connectivity is a crucial component of human behavior demonstrated by disruptions in psychosexual and emotional disorders. Kisspeptin, a recently identified critical reproductive hormone, can alter activity in certain brain structures but its effects on resting brain connectivity and networks in humans remain elusive.METHODS: We determined the effects of kisspeptin on resting brain connectivity (using functional neuroimaging) and behavior (using psychometric analyses) in healthy men, in a randomized double-blinded 2-way placebo-controlled study.RESULTS: Kisspeptin's modulation of the default mode network (DMN) correlated with increased limbic activity in response to sexual stimuli (globus pallidus r = 0.500, P = 0.005; cingulate r = 0.475, P = 0.009). Furthermore, kisspeptin's DMN modulation was greater in men with less reward drive (r = -0.489, P = 0.008) and predicted reduced sexual aversion (r = -0.499, P = 0.006), providing key functional significance. Kisspeptin also enhanced key mood connections including between the amygdala-cingulate, hippocampus-cingulate, and hippocampus-globus pallidus (all P < 0.05). Consistent with this, kisspeptin's enhancement of hippocampus-globus pallidus connectivity predicted increased responses to negative stimuli in limbic structures (including the thalamus and cingulate [all P < 0.01]).CONCLUSION: Taken together, our data demonstrate a previously unknown role for kisspeptin in the modulation of functional brain connectivity and networks, integrating these with reproductive hormones and behaviors. Our findings that kisspeptin modulates resting brain connectivity to enhance sexual and emotional processing and decrease sexual aversion, provide foundation for kisspeptin-based therapies for associated disorders of body and mind.FUNDING: NIHR, MRC, and Wellcome Trust.", "The fungal pathogen Candida albicans causes macrophage death and escapes, but the molecular mechanisms remained unknown. Here we used live-cell imaging to monitor the interaction of C. albicans with macrophages and show that C. albicans kills macrophages in two temporally and mechanistically distinct phases. Early upon phagocytosis, C. albicans triggers pyroptosis, a proinflammatory macrophage death. Pyroptosis is controlled by the developmental yeast-to-hypha transition of Candida. When pyroptosis is inactivated, wild-type C. albicans hyphae cause significantly less macrophage killing for up to 8 h postphagocytosis. After the first 8 h, a second macrophage-killing phase is initiated. This second phase depends on robust hyphal formation but is mechanistically distinct from pyroptosis. The transcriptional regulator Mediator is necessary for morphogenesis of C. albicans in macrophages and the establishment of the wild-type surface architecture of hyphae that together mediate activation of macrophage cell death. Our data suggest that the defects of the Mediator mutants in causing macrophage death are caused, at least in part, by reduced activation of pyroptosis. A Mediator mutant that forms hyphae of apparently wild-type morphology but is defective in triggering early macrophage death shows a breakdown of cell surface architecture and reduced exposed 1,3 β-glucan in hyphae. Our report shows how Candida uses host and pathogen pathways for macrophage killing. The current model of mechanical piercing of macrophages by C. albicans hyphae should be revised to include activation of pyroptosis by hyphae as an important mechanism mediating macrophage cell death upon C. albicans infection. IMPORTANCE Upon phagocytosis by macrophages, Candida albicans can transition to the hyphal form, which causes macrophage death and enables fungal escape. The current model is that the highly polarized growth of hyphae results in macrophage piercing. This model is challenged by recent reports of C. albicans mutants that form hyphae of wild-type morphology but are defective in killing macrophages. We show that C. albicans causes macrophage cell death by at least two mechanisms. Phase 1 killing (first 6 to 8 h) depends on the activation of the pyroptotic programmed host cell death by fungal hyphae. Phase 2 (up to 24 h) is rapid and depends on robust hyphal formation but is independent of pyroptosis. Our data provide a new model for how the interplay between fungal morphogenesis and activation of a host cell death pathway mediates macrophage killing by C. albicans hyphae.", "Angiogenesis seems to be important both in the pathogenesis of acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) and for the susceptibility of AML blasts to chemotherapy. Recent clinical studies even suggest that antiangiogenic therapy can induce disease control in patients with AML relapse. In this context we have investigated the profile of the systemic component of angiogenic regulation in AML by characterizing the serum levels of (i) the angiogenic regulators angiogenin, basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and endostatin; (ii) the endothelial cell marker soluble (s) E-selectin. Patients with untreated AML had increased levels of angiogenin, endostatin and sE-selectin, whereas the levels of bFGF were not significantly altered. The systemic levels of the proangiogenic bFGF, the antiangiogenic endostatin and the endothelial cell marker sE-selectin showed significant correlations, whereas angiogenin and sE-selectin levels were not correlated. Furthermore, intensive chemotherapy resulted in decreased systemic levels of the 2 proangiogenic mediators angiogenin and bFGF, whereas endostatin levels remained high after treatment. Although angiogenin normally is a part of the acute phase reaction, its systemic levels were not altered when patients with chemotherapy-induced cytopenia developed complicating bacterial infections. Our results suggest that intensive chemotherapy can modulate the systemic component of angiogenic regulation in AML patients.", "TET proteins oxidize 5-methylcytosine in DNA to 5-hydroxymethylcytosine and other oxidation products. We found that simultaneous deletion of Tet2 and Tet3 in mouse CD4+CD8+ double-positive thymocytes resulted in dysregulated development and proliferation of invariant natural killer T cells (iNKT cells). Tet2-Tet3 double-knockout (DKO) iNKT cells displayed pronounced skewing toward the NKT17 lineage, with increased DNA methylation and impaired expression of genes encoding the key lineage-specifying factors T-bet and ThPOK. Transfer of purified Tet2-Tet3 DKO iNKT cells into immunocompetent recipient mice resulted in an uncontrolled expansion that was dependent on the nonclassical major histocompatibility complex (MHC) protein CD1d, which presents lipid antigens to iNKT cells. Our data indicate that TET proteins regulate iNKT cell fate by ensuring their proper development and maturation and by suppressing aberrant proliferation mediated by the T cell antigen receptor (TCR).", "We have evaluated a technology called transcriptionally active PCR (TAP) for high throughput identification and prioritization of novel target antigens from genomic sequence data using the Plasmodium parasite, the causative agent of malaria, as a model. First, we adapted the TAP technology for the highly AT-rich Plasmodium genome, using well-characterized P. falciparum and P. yoelii antigens and a small panel of uncharacterized open reading frames from the P. falciparum genome sequence database. We demonstrated that TAP fragments encoding six well-characterized P. falciparum antigens and five well-characterized P. yoelii antigens could be amplified in an equivalent manner from both plasmid DNA and genomic DNA templates, and that uncharacterized open reading frames could also be amplified from genomic DNA template. Second, we showed that the in vitro expression of the TAP fragments was equivalent or superior to that of supercoiled plasmid DNA encoding the same antigen. Third, we evaluated the in vivo immunogenicity of TAP fragments encoding a subset of the model P. falciparum and P. yoelii antigens. We found that antigen-specific antibody and cellular immune responses induced by the TAP fragments in mice were equivalent or superior to those induced by the corresponding plasmid DNA vaccines. Finally, we developed and demonstrated proof-of-principle for an in vitro humoral immunoscreening assay for down-selection of novel target antigens. These data support the potential of a TAP approach for rapid high throughput functional screening and identification of potential candidate vaccine antigens from genomic sequence data." ]
[ "BACKGROUND: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is associated with increased inward-rectifier current activity that may stabilize atrial rotors maintaining the arrhythmia. Left atrial (LA) structures are important for AF maintenance, but previous studies have mostly evaluated changes in the right atrium. MicroRNA-1 (miR-1) reciprocally regulates inwardly rectifying potassium channel (Kir)2.1 expression in coronary disease, contributing to arrhythmogenesis.OBJECTIVES: This study sought to evaluate changes in miR-1 and Kir2 subunit expression in relation to I(K1) alterations in LA of patients with persistent AF.METHODS: Atrial tissue was obtained from 62 patients (31 with AF) undergoing mitral valve repair or bypass grafting. Currents were recorded from isolated cells. Proteins were quantified from immunoblots. mRNA and miR-1 levels were measured with real-time polymerase chain reaction. Immunohistochemistry was applied to localize connexin (Cx) 43.RESULTS: I(K1) density was increased in LA cells from patients with AF (at -100 mV: -5.9 +/- 1.3 vs. -2.7 +/- 0.7 sinus rhythm, P <.05). There was a corresponding increase in Kir2.1 protein expression, but no change in other Kir or Cx proteins. Expression of inhibitory miR-1 was reduced by approximately 86% in tissue samples of AF patients. Kir2.1 mRNA was significantly increased. No change in Cx43 localization occurred. Ex vivo tachystimulation of human atrial slices up-regulated Kir2.1 and down-regulated miR-1, suggesting a primary role of atrial rate in miR-1 down-regulation and I(K1) up-regulation.CONCLUSION: miR-1 levels are greatly reduced in human AF, possibly contributing to up-regulation of Kir2.1 subunits, leading to increased I(K1). Because up-regulation of inward-rectifier currents is important for AF maintenance, these results provide potential new insights into molecular mechanisms of AF with potential therapeutic implications.", "CONTEXT: Goiter and deafness can be associated in some genetic syndromes, e.g. Pendred syndrome (PS) and resistance to thyroid hormone (RTH). PS is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by goiter and sensorineural hearing impairment with an enlarged vestibular aqueduct bilaterally. RTH is an autosomal dominant condition of reduced tissue sensitivity to thyroid hormone in which goiter is very frequent and hearing loss occurs in about 20% of patients. OBJECTIVE, PATIENTS, AND DESIGN: The objective of this study was to identify the cause of goiter and deafness in two sisters born to healthy unrelated parents. We present their history, clinical presentation, and follow-up and report the results of molecular genetic investigations.RESULTS: The elder sister had an elevated TSH level at newborn screening followed by subclinical hypothyroidism, childhood-onset goiter, and bilateral progressive sensorineural hearing impairment with enlarged vestibular aqueducts, consistent with a diagnosis of PS. Her younger sister had congenital goiter, elevated free T3 and free T4 concentrations with unsuppressed TSH, sinus tachycardia, and bilateral progressive sensorineural hearing impairment with enlarged vestibular aqueducts. This clinical presentation was consistent with a diagnosis of RTH, in which, however, inner ear malformations are uncommon. Interestingly, molecular genetic testing showed that, whereas the elder sister is affected by PS, the younger sister has both PS (due to compound heterozygous SLC26A4 mutations) and RTH (due to a novel de novo heterozygous THRB mutation).CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report of the cooccurrence, in the same individual, of PS and RTH, two genetic syndromes both associated with goiter and hearing impairment.", "CONTEXT: There is a great necessity to find and use accomplished terminal sterilization technique for industrial manufacturing, research and development studies. Gamma (γ)-sterilization has been commonly employed for wide range of products as indicated by the pharmacopoeias. However, carefully examination should be performed prior to administration since γ-radiation can cause changes in drug and polymer excipients. No information is available in literature about γ-sterilization effects on vancomycin HCl-loaded poly (ɛ-caprolactone) (PCL) microspheres.OBJECTIVE: Formulations were developed using a different preparation approach for the treatment of medical device-related osteomyelitis, and γ-sterilization effects on the physicochemical characterization of the formulations were examined.METHODS: Water-in-oil-in-water (w/o/w) emulsion technique using polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) in inner and outer phase was applied to prepare formulations. Physicochemical properties of the formulations were investigated before and after γ-sterilization and the antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) and Staphylococcus epidermidis (S. epidermidis) were measured.RESULTS: The particle size of the nonsterilized formulations were between 58 and 134 μm. 60% or 20% of vancomycin HCl were released from 42.500 Mn or 70.000-90.000 Mn PCL microspheres, respectively, in 24 h. No difference was observed in the particle size, drug-loading efficiency, morphology, in vitro release and antimicrobial activity of the formulations after γ-sterilization (p > 0.05).", "The Wnt/β-catenin pathway plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of various human cancers. In multiple myeloma (MM), aberrant auto-and/or paracrine activation of canonical Wnt signaling promotes proliferation and dissemination, while overexpression of the Wnt inhibitor Dickkopf1 (DKK1) by MM cells contributes to osteolytic bone disease by inhibiting osteoblast differentiation. Since DKK1 itself is a target of TCF/β-catenin mediated transcription, these findings suggest that DKK1 is part of a negative feedback loop in MM and may act as a tumor suppressor. In line with this hypothesis, we show here that DKK1 expression is low or undetectable in a subset of patients with advanced MM as well as in MM cell lines. This absence of DKK1 is correlated with enhanced Wnt pathway activation, evidenced by nuclear accumulation of β-catenin, which in turn can be antagonized by restoring DKK1 expression. Analysis of the DKK1 promoter revealed CpG island methylation in several MM cell lines as well as in MM cells from patients with advanced MM. Moreover, demethylation of the DKK1 promoter restores DKK1 expression, which results in inhibition of β-catenin/TCF-mediated gene transcription in MM lines. Taken together, our data identify aberrant methylation of the DKK1 promoter as a cause of DKK1 silencing in advanced stage MM, which may play an important role in the progression of MM by unleashing Wnt signaling.", "Radiation enteritis is an old but emerging question induced by the application of radiation. However, no effective drugs for radiation enteritis in clinic. In this study, we found that thymoquinone (TQ) could mitigate intestinal damages induced by irradiation. After exposure to irradiation, TQ-treated improved the irradiated mice survival rate, ameliorated intestinal injury and increased the numbers of intestinal crypts. Furthermore, Lgr5+ ISCs and their daughter cells, including Vil1+ enterocytes, Ki67+ cells and lysozyme+ Paneth cells, were all significantly increased with TQ treatment. In addition, P53, γH2AX, caspase8, caspase9 and caspase3 expression were all reduced by TQ. Our data showed that TQ modulated DNA damages and decreased the apoptosis in the small intestine. TQ might be used for radiation enteritis treatment.", "PURPOSE: Severe local and systemic tissue damage called ischemia/reperfusion (IR) injury occurs during the period of reperfusion. Free oxygen radicals and proinflammatory cytokines are responsible for reperfusion injury. IL-18 binding protein (IL-18BP) is a natural inhibitor of IL-18. The balance between IL-18 and IL-18BP has an important role in the inflammatory setting. The present study aimed to investigate whether IL-18BP had a protective role in remote organ hepatic IR injury.METHODS: Wistar-Albino rats were divided into three groups that contained seven rats. Group I (sham): Laparotomy and infrarenal abdominal aorta (AA) dissection were done but no clamping was done. Group II (I/R): The infrarenal AA was clamped by atraumatic microvascular clamp for 30 minutes and then was exposed to 90 minutes of reperfusion. Group III (IR + IL-18BP): 75 µg/kg of IL-18BP in 0.9% saline (1 mL) was administered 30 minutes before infrarenal AA dissection and clamping; 30 minutes of ischemia was applied and then was exposed to 90 minutes of reperfusion.RESULTS: Serum AST, ALT, and LDH levels were remarkably higher in IR group and returned to normal levels in treatment group. The proinflammatory cytokine levels had decreased in treatment group, and was statistically significant compared with the IR group. Serum levels of total oxidant status and oxidative stress index decreased and levels of total antioxidant status increased by IL-18BP.CONCLUSION: This study suggested that IL-18BP has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective effects in cases of IR with infrarenal AA induced liver oxidative damage.", "An organism's genome sequence serves as a blueprint for the proteins and regulatory RNAs essential for cellular function. The genome also harbors cis-acting non-coding sequences that control gene expression and are essential to coordinate regulatory programs during embryonic development. However, the genome sequence is largely identical between cell types within a multi-cellular organism indicating that factors such as DNA accessibility and chromatin structure play a crucial role in governing cell-specific gene expression. Recent studies have identified particular chromatin modifications that define functionally distinct cis regulatory elements. Among these are forms of histone 3 that are mono- or tri-methylated at lysine 4 (H3K4me1 or H3K4me3, respectively), which bind preferentially to promoter and enhancer elements in the mammalian genome. In this work, we investigated whether these modified histones could similarly identify cis regulatory elements within the zebrafish genome. By applying chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by deep sequencing, we find that H3K4me1 and H3K4me3 are enriched at transcriptional start sites in the genome of the developing zebrafish embryo and that this association correlates with gene expression. We further find that these modifications associate with distal non-coding conserved elements, including known active enhancers. Finally, we demonstrate that it is possible to utilize H3K4me1 and H3K4me3 binding profiles in combination with available expression data to computationally identify relevant cis regulatory sequences flanking syn-expressed genes in the developing embryo. Taken together, our results indicate that H3K4me1 and H3K4me3 generally mark cis regulatory elements within the zebrafish genome and indicate that further characterization of the zebrafish using this approach will prove valuable in defining transcriptional networks in this model system." ]
[ "BACKGROUND: Adolescent substance use is an important public health problem in New Mexico and the United States. The New Mexico Department of Health school-based health centers (SBHCs) universally administer a validated screen, the CRAFFT (Car, Relax, Alone, Forget, Friends, Trouble), for adolescent substance use concerns; however, quality assurance efforts revealed that SBHC providers needed more information at the point of screening to initiate brief interventions for students with positive CRAFFT screens. The CHISPA (Cocaine, Heroin, IV drugs, Synthetic pot, Pot, Alcohol) was developed to gather specific information on recent substance use experience to guide brief interventions. This paper describes the development and initial reliability and validity of data obtained using the CHISPA instrument.METHODS: In 2015, 99 high school-aged SBHC users in Albuquerque, New Mexico, completed the CRAFFT and CHISPA twice over 2 weeks using standard test-retest methods. Using the CHISPA, students reported for the prior 3 months substances used, frequency of use, and signs of addiction or acute danger (adverse events).RESULTS: Retest reliability for the CRAFFT score was 0.82. CHISPA retest reliabilities were 0.75 for alcohol use; 0.91 for having used any substances; 0.92 for number of substances used; 0.81 for frequency of substance use; and 0.79 for number of adverse events. CRAFFT scores correlated with CHISPA measures of number of substances used at 0.62; with frequency of substance use at 0.58; and with number of adverse events at 0.64.CONCLUSIONS: CHISPA measures show preliminary evidence of reliability and validity. SBHC providers and other providers in primary care settings who use the CRAFFT screen may benefit from using the CHISPA to define recent substance use experience to guide brief interventions for adolescents with substance use concerns. The CHISPA instrument is currently being tested in electronic form in selected SBHCs in the state of New Mexico.", "Most tubes have seams (intercellular or autocellular junctions that seal membranes together into a tube), but \"seamless\" tubes also exist. In Drosophila, stellate-shaped tracheal terminal cells make seamless tubes, with single branches running through each of dozens of cellular extensions. We find that mutations in braided impair terminal cell branching and cause formation of seamless tube cysts. We show that braided encodes Syntaxin7 and that cysts also form in cells deficient for other genes required either for membrane scission (shibire) or for early endosome formation (Rab5, Vps45, and Rabenosyn-5). These data define a requirement for early endocytosis in shaping seamless tube lumens. Importantly, apical proteins Crumbs and phospho-Moesin accumulate to aberrantly high levels in braided terminal cells. Overexpression of either Crumbs or phosphomimetic Moesin induced lumenal cysts and decreased terminal branching. Conversely, the braided seamless tube cyst phenotype was suppressed by mutations in crumbs or Moesin. Indeed, mutations in Moesin dominantly suppressed seamless tube cyst formation and restored terminal branching. We propose that early endocytosis maintains normal steady-state levels of Crumbs, which recruits apical phosphorylated (active) Moe, which in turn regulates seamless tube shape through modulation of cortical actin filaments.", "The neoplastic proliferation of single clones of plasma cells causes synthesis of very large amount of monoclonal immunoglobulins consisting of only one type of heavy either the gamma, alpha, mu, delta or epsilon chain or only kappa or lambda light chains. Each monoclonal immunolobulin differs idiotypically from each other. These monoclonal immunoglobulins are also called paraproteins and are frequently associated with a broad heterogeneous group of plasma cell dyscrasias. Occasionally their presence is observed in a few benign conditions and in old age. In the present review a detailed account of different types of monoclonal gammapathies are described.", "RAS is the most frequently mutated oncogene in human cancer. Scientists attempted for decades to target this protein or its pathways, however, all the attempts failed and RAS was labeled as \"undruggable\". With KRAS-G12C covalent inhibitors entering clinical trials, the myth of this \"undruggable\" RAS is fading away. In 2021, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the use of Sotorasib (Lumakras) for the treatment of adult patients with KRAS-G12C mutated locally advanced or metastatic NSCLC, following at least one prior systemic therapy. However, and as every other drug, KRAS-G12C inhibitors are facing intrinsic and acquired resistances. In order to overcome these resistances, researchers are now working on combination strategies. Furthermore, studies are currently ongoing to better elucidate the status of KRAS-G12C as a predictive and prognostic tool and to strengthen its role in the field of personalized medicine.", "BACKGROUND: CCDC39 and CCDC40 genes have recently been implicated in primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) with inner dynein arm (IDA) defects and axonemal disorganisation; their contribution to the disease is, however, unknown. Aiming to delineate the CCDC39/CCDC40 mutation spectrum and associated phenotypes, this study screened a large cohort of patients with IDA defects, in whom clinical and ciliary phenotypes were accurately described.METHODS: All CCDC39 and CCDC40 exons and intronic boundaries were sequenced in 43 patients from 40 unrelated families. The study recorded and compared clinical features (sex, origin, consanguinity, laterality defects, ages at first symptoms and at phenotype evaluation, neonatal respiratory distress, airway infections, nasal polyposis, otitis media, bronchiectasis, infertility), ciliary beat frequency, and quantitative ultrastructural analyses of cilia and sperm flagella.RESULTS: Biallelic CCDC39 or CCDC40 mutations were identified in 30/34 (88.2%) unrelated families with IDA defects associated with axonemal disorganisation (22 and eight families, respectively). Fourteen of the 28 identified mutations are novel. No mutation was found in the six families with isolated IDA defects. Patients with identified mutations shared a similar phenotype, in terms of both clinical features and ciliary structure and function. The sperm flagellar ultrastructure, analysed in 4/7 infertile males, showed evidence of abnormalities similar to the ciliary ones.CONCLUSIONS: CCDC39 and CCDC40 mutations represent the major cause of PCD with IDA defects and axonemal disorganisation. Patients carrying CCDC39 or CCDC40 mutations are phenotypically indistinguishable. CCDC39 and CCDC40 analyses in selected patients ensure mutations are found with high probability, even if clinical or ciliary phenotypes cannot prioritise one analysis over the other.", "In the present study, monoclonal gammapathy was identified in a total of 245 patients of plasma cell dyscrasias during period of 1987 to 2000. The monoclonal band was identified in serum by agar gel electrophoresis in all the cases and in urine in a few cases. Characterization of paraprotein (monoclonal immunoglobulin class and light chain type) was carried out by employing immunoelectrophoresis and/or immunofixation electrophoresis using heavy chain specific gamma, alpha, mu, delta and epsilon and light chain specific kappa (K), lambda (λ) antisera. Serum immunoglobulins Ig G, Ig A, and Ig M were estimated by immunoturbidometry. Serum urea, creatinine, uric acid, alkaline phosphatase, total proteins, albumin, calcium and phosphorus were estimated by using routine biochemical methods. Among the 245 cases, 73.1% monoclonal gammapathies were of secretory type and 7.3% were non-secretory. Monoclonal gammapathies were associated with 80.4% of multiple myeloma, 8.9% of solitary plasmacytoma, 4.1% of extra-medullary plasmacytoma, 3.3% of lymphoma and 2.9% of plasma cell leukemia. Classification of secretory monoclonal immunoglobulin revealed monoclonal immunoglobulin Ig G in 74%, Ig A 15% and Ig M in 2.9% cases.", "Lack of knowledge about how regulatory regions evolve in relation to their structure-function may limit the utility of comparative sequence analysis in deciphering cis-regulatory sequences. To address this we applied reverse genetics to carry out a functional genetic complementation analysis of a eukaryotic cis-regulatory module-the even-skipped stripe 2 enhancer-from four Drosophila species. The evolution of this enhancer is non-clock-like, with important functional differences between closely related species and functional convergence between distantly related species. Functional divergence is attributable to differences in activation levels rather than spatiotemporal control of gene expression. Our findings have implications for understanding enhancer structure-function, mechanisms of speciation and computational identification of regulatory modules.", "Hsp90 is an important cellular chaperone and attractive target for therapeutics against both cancer and infectious organisms. The Hsp90 protein from the parasite Plasmodium falciparum, the causative agent of malaria, is critical for this organism's survival; the anti-Hsp90 drug geldanamycin is toxic to P. falciparum growth. We have solved the structure of the N-terminal ATP-binding domain of P. falciparum Hsp90, which contains a principal drug-binding pocket, in both apo and ADP-bound states at 2.3 A resolution. The structure shows that P. falciparum Hsp90 is highly similar to human Hsp90, and likely binds agents such as geldanamycin in an identical manner. Our results should aid in the structural understanding of Hsp90-drug interactions in P. falciparum, and provide a scaffold for future drug-discovery efforts.", "In mature B cells of mice and most mammals, cellular release of single H chain Abs without L chains is prevented by H chain association with Ig-specific chaperons in the endoplasmic reticulum. In precursor B cells, however, surface expression of mu-H chain in the absence of surrogate and conventional L chain has been identified. Despite this, Ag-specific single H chain Ig repertoires, using mu-, gamma-, epsilon-, or alpha-H chains found in conventional Abs, are not produced. Moreover, removal of H chain or, separately, L chain (kappa/lambda) locus core sequences by gene targeting has prevented B cell development. In contrast, H chain-only Abs are produced abundantly in Camelidae as H2 IgG without the C(H)1 domain. To test whether H chain Abs can be produced in mice, and to investigate how their expression affects B cell development, we introduced a rearranged dromedary gamma2a H chain into the mouse germline. The dromedary transgene was expressed as a naturally occurring Ag-specific disulphide-linked homodimer, which showed that B cell development can be instigated by expression of single H chains without L chains. Lymphocyte development and B cell proliferation was accomplished despite the absence of L chain from the BCR complex. Endogenous Ig could not be detected, although V(D)J recombination and IgH/L transcription was unaltered. Furthermore, crossing the dromedary H chain mice with mice devoid of all C genes demonstrated without a doubt that a H chain-only Ab can facilitate B cell development independent of endogenous Ig expression, such as mu- or delta-H chain, at early developmental stages.", "We identified, by homozygosity mapping, a novel locus on 10q21.3-q22.1 for Goldberg-Shprintzen syndrome (GOSHS) in a consanguineous Moroccan family. Phenotypic features of GOSHS in this inbred family included microcephaly and mental retardation, which are both central nervous system defects, as well as Hirschsprung disease, an enteric nervous system defect. Furthermore, since bilateral generalized polymicogyria was diagnosed in all patients in this family, this feature might also be considered a key feature of the syndrome. We demonstrate that homozygous nonsense mutations in KIAA1279 at 10q22.1, encoding a protein with two tetratrico peptide repeats, underlie this syndromic form of Hirschsprung disease and generalized polymicrogyria, establishing the importance of KIAA1279 in both enteric and central nervous system development.", "Our knowledge on cyanobacterial molecular biology increased tremendously by the application of the \"omics\" techniques. Only recently, metabolomics was applied systematically to model cyanobacteria. Metabolomics, the quantitative estimation of ideally the complete set of cellular metabolites, is particularly well suited to mirror cellular metabolism and its flexibility under diverse conditions. Traditionally, small sets of metabolites are quantified in targeted metabolome approaches. The development of separation technologies coupled to mass-spectroscopy- or nuclear-magnetic-resonance-based identification of low molecular mass molecules presently allows the profiling of hundreds of metabolites of diverse chemical nature. Metabolome analysis was applied to characterize changes in the cyanobacterial primary metabolism under diverse environmental conditions or in defined mutants. The resulting lists of metabolites and their steady state concentrations in combination with transcriptomics can be used in system biology approaches. The application of stable isotopes in fluxomics, i.e. the quantitative estimation of carbon and nitrogen fluxes through the biochemical network, has only rarely been applied to cyanobacteria, but particularly this technique will allow the making of kinetic models of cyanobacterial systems. The further application of metabolomics in the concert of other \"omics\" technologies will not only broaden our knowledge, but will also certainly strengthen the base for the biotechnological application of cyanobacteria.", "Primary burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is defined as an \"intraoral burning or dysaesthetic sensation, recurring daily… more than 3 months, without clinically evident causative lesions\" (IHS 2013). In addition to pain, taste alterations are frequent (dysgeusia, xerostomia). Although lacking clinical signs of neuropathy, more accurate diagnostic methods have shown neuropathic involvement at various levels of the neuraxis in BMS: peripheral small fiber damage (thermal quantitative sensory testing, electrogustatometry, epithelial nerve fiber density), trigeminal system lesions in the periphery or the brainstem (brainstem reflex recordings, trigeminal neurography, evoked potentials), or signs of decreased inhibition within the central nervous system (deficient brainstem reflex habituation, positive signs in quantitative sensory testing, neurotransmitter-positron emission tomography findings indicative of deficient striatal dopamine function). Abnormalities in electrogustatometry indicate the involvement of the small Aδ taste afferents, in addition to somatosensory small fibers. According to these findings, the clinical entity of BMS can be divided into 2 main subtypes compatible with either peripheral or central neuropathic pain, which may overlap in individual patients. The central type does not respond to local treatments and associates often with psychiatric comorbidity (depression or anxiety), whereas the peripheral type responds to peripheral lidocaine blocks and topical clonazepam. Burning mouth syndrome is most prevalent in postmenopausal women, having led to a hypothesis that BMS is triggered as a consequence of nervous system damage caused by neurotoxic factors affecting especially vulnerable small fibers and basal ganglia in a setting of decrease in neuroprotective gonadal hormones and increase in stress hormone levels, typical for menopause." ]
[ "BACKGROUND: The Franciscan Hospital for Children Oral Health-Related Quality of Life questionnaire (FHC-OHRQOL-Q) is an instrument designed specifically for parents and caregivers of patients with special needs that has not yet been applied in Spain. The aim of this study was to adapt it to Spanish and evaluate its reliability and validity in patients with intellectual disability (ID) treated under general anesthesia.MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was conducted in two different stages: a) cross-cultural adaptation of the original questionnaire, and b) cross-sectional study on 100 parents and caregivers who completed the piloted FHC-OHRQOL-Q. The patients were examined according to the WHO methodology. Dental treatments performed were recorded. Statistical tests were used to evaluate reliability (internal consistency) and validity (content, criterion, construct and discriminant) of the instrument.RESULTS: The mean age was 24 years (range=4-71 years). The most frequent causes of ID were psychomotor retardation (25%) and cerebral palsy (24%). The items most frequently answered by parents and caregivers were eating and nutrition problems (80%) and bad breath/taste (57%). Reliability (Cronbach's alpha coefficient) was considered excellent (alpha=0.80-0.95). The analysis of the factorial validity yielded similar results to the original questionnaire. The high response rate of items (>96%) allowed content validity. Criterion validity was confirmed by a significant correlation with questions on oral health and oral well-being. Discriminant validity was demonstrated by the significant association of ≥21.5 years of age with worse oral symptoms (p=0.034) and parental concerns (p=0.005), DMFT index ≥3 with daily life problems (p=0.02), ≥4 decayed teeth with daily life problems (p=0.001), and >2 dental extractions with oral symptoms (p=0.000), daily life problems (p=0.002) and parent's perceptions (p=0.043).CONCLUSIONS: The FHC-OHRQOL-Q in Spanish is a reliable and valid instrument to apply in clinical practice to evaluate the impact of OHRQOL in mostly adult patients with ID, accessible to Spanish-speaking parents and caregivers.", "Transcript elongation by RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) is accompanied by conserved patterns of histone modification. Whereas histone modifications have established roles in transcription initiation, their functions during elongation are not understood. Mono-ubiquitylation of histone H2B (H2Bub1) plays a key role in coordinating co-transcriptional histone modification by promoting site-specific methylation of histone H3. H2Bub1 also regulates gene expression through an unidentified, methylation-independent mechanism. Here we reveal bidirectional communication between H2Bub1 and Cdk9, the ortholog of metazoan positive transcription elongation factor b (P-TEFb), in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Chemical and classical genetic analyses indicate that lowering Cdk9 activity or preventing phosphorylation of its substrate, the transcription processivity factor Spt5, reduces H2Bub1 in vivo. Conversely, mutations in the H2Bub1 pathway impair Cdk9 recruitment to chromatin and decrease Spt5 phosphorylation. Moreover, an Spt5 phosphorylation-site mutation, combined with deletion of the histone H3 Lys4 methyltransferase Set1, phenocopies morphologic and growth defects due to H2Bub1 loss, suggesting independent, partially redundant roles for Cdk9 and Set1 downstream of H2Bub1. Surprisingly, mutation of the histone H2B ubiquitin-acceptor residue relaxes the Cdk9 activity requirement in vivo, and cdk9 mutations suppress cell-morphology defects in H2Bub1-deficient strains. Genome-wide analyses by chromatin immunoprecipitation also demonstrate opposing effects of Cdk9 and H2Bub1 on distribution of transcribing RNAPII. Therefore, whereas mutual dependence of H2Bub1 and Spt5 phosphorylation indicates positive feedback, mutual suppression by cdk9 and H2Bub1-pathway mutations suggests antagonistic functions that must be kept in balance to regulate elongation. Loss of H2Bub1 disrupts that balance and leads to deranged gene expression and aberrant cell morphologies, revealing a novel function of a conserved, co-transcriptional histone modification.", "microRNAs (miRNAs) are a recently discovered class of small non-coding RNAs that regulate gene expression. Rapidly accumulating evidence has revealed that miRNAs are associated with cancer. The human tissue kallikrein gene family is the largest contiguous family of proteases in the human genome, containing 15 genes. Many kallikreins have been reported as potential tumor markers. In this review, recent bioinformatics and experimental evidence is presented indicating that kallikreins are potential miRNA targets. The available experimental approaches to investigate these interactions and the potential diagnostic and therapeutic applications are also discussed. miRNAs represent a possible regulatory mechanism for controlling kallikrein expression at the post-transcriptional level. Many miRNAs were predicted to target kallikreins and a single miRNA can target more than one kallikrein. Recent evidence suggests that miRNAs can also exert 'quantitative' control of kallikreins by utilizing multiple targeting sites in the kallikrein mRNA. More research is needed to experimentally verify the in silico predictions and to investigate the possible role in tumor initiation and/or progression.", "INTRODUCTION: Macitentan is a novel dual endothelin receptor antagonist (ERA) showing sustained receptor occupancy. In vitro and in vivo animal studies have demonstrated its potency in antagonizing endothelin-induced disorders. A large morbidity/mortality study in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) taking macitentan has been completed recently.AREAS COVERED: This drug evaluation reviews the efficacy, safety and clinical pharmacology of macitentan in the treatment of PAH.EXPERT OPINION: The large Phase III study (SERAPHIN) tested macitentan in more than 700 PAH patients and has provided unique long-term outcome data for this ERA, not available for other members of this class. The effect on a composite clinically relevant morbidity/mortality end point was highly significant at a 10 mg/day dose. The safety profile of macitentan appears to be superior with respect to hepatic safety and edema/fluid retention than bosentan and ambrisentan, respectively, and is similar when considering decrease in hemoglobin concentration. The drug has a low propensity for drug-drug interactions and has one circulating pharmacologically active metabolite. The pharmacokinetics of macitentan in patients with renal or hepatic impairment does not require dose adjustments. Based on its characteristics, macitentan is an important addition to the therapeutic armamentarium in the long-term treatment of PAH. Its potential use in other disorders is under investigation.", "DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are major DNA lesions that are constantly formed during physiological processes such as DNA replication, transcription, and recombination, or as a result of exogenous agents such as ionizing radiation, radiomimetic drugs, and genome editing nucleases. Unrepaired DSBs threaten genomic stability by leading to the formation of potentially oncogenic rearrangements such as translocations. In past few years, several methods based on next-generation sequencing (NGS) have been developed to study the genome-wide distribution of DSBs or their conversion to translocation events. We developed Breaks Labeling, Enrichment on Streptavidin, and Sequencing (BLESS), which was the first method for direct labeling of DSBs in situ followed by their genome-wide mapping at nucleotide resolution (Crosetto et al., Nat Methods 10:361-365, 2013). Recently, we have further expanded the quantitative nature, applicability, and scalability of BLESS by developing Breaks Labeling In Situ and Sequencing (BLISS) (Yan et al., Nat Commun 8:15058, 2017). Here, we first present an overview of existing methods for genome-wide localization of DSBs, and then focus on the BLESS and BLISS methods, discussing different assay design options depending on the sample type and application.", "Precisely measuring the location and frequency of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) along the genome is instrumental to understanding genomic fragility, but current methods are limited in versatility, sensitivity or practicality. Here we present Breaks Labeling In Situ and Sequencing (BLISS), featuring the following: (1) direct labelling of DSBs in fixed cells or tissue sections on a solid surface; (2) low-input requirement by linear amplification of tagged DSBs by in vitro transcription; (3) quantification of DSBs through unique molecular identifiers; and (4) easy scalability and multiplexing. We apply BLISS to profile endogenous and exogenous DSBs in low-input samples of cancer cells, embryonic stem cells and liver tissue. We demonstrate the sensitivity of BLISS by assessing the genome-wide off-target activity of two CRISPR-associated RNA-guided endonucleases, Cas9 and Cpf1, observing that Cpf1 has higher specificity than Cas9. Our results establish BLISS as a versatile, sensitive and efficient method for genome-wide DSB mapping in many applications.", "A form of severe social withdrawal, called hikikomori, has been frequently described in Japan and is characterized by adolescents and young adults who become recluses in their parents' homes, unable to work or go to school for months or years. The aim of this study was to review the evidence for hikikomori as a new psychiatric disorder. Electronic and manual literature searches were used to gather information on social withdrawal and hikikomori, including studies examining case definitions, epidemiology, and diagnosis. A number of recent empirical studies have emerged from Japan. The majority of such cases of hikikomori are classifiable as a variety of existing Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) psychiatric disorders. However, a notable subset of cases with substantial psychopathology does not meet criteria for any existing psychiatric disorder. We suggest hikikomori may be considered a culture-bound syndrome and merits further international research into whether it meets accepted criteria as a new psychiatric disorder. Research diagnostic criteria for the condition are proposed.", "Protein phosphorylation is a central regulatory mechanism in signal transduction involved in most biological processes. Phosphorylation of a protein may lead to activation or repression of its activity, alternative subcellular location and interaction with different binding partners. Extracting this type of information from scientific literature is critical for connecting phosphorylated proteins with kinases and interaction partners, along with their functional outcomes, for knowledge discovery from phosphorylation protein networks. We have developed the Extracting Functional Impact of Phosphorylation (eFIP) text mining system, which combines several natural language processing techniques to find relevant abstracts mentioning phosphorylation of a given protein together with indications of protein-protein interactions (PPIs) and potential evidences for impact of phosphorylation on the PPIs. eFIP integrates our previously developed tools, Extracting Gene Related ABstracts (eGRAB) for document retrieval and name disambiguation, Rule-based LIterature Mining System (RLIMS-P) for Protein Phosphorylation for extraction of phosphorylation information, a PPI module to detect PPIs involving phosphorylated proteins and an impact module for relation extraction. The text mining system has been integrated into the curation workflow of the Protein Ontology (PRO) to capture knowledge about phosphorylated proteins. The eFIP web interface accepts gene/protein names or identifiers, or PubMed identifiers as input, and displays results as a ranked list of abstracts with sentence evidence and summary table, which can be exported in a spreadsheet upon result validation. As a participant in the BioCreative-2012 Interactive Text Mining track, the performance of eFIP was evaluated on document retrieval (F-measures of 78-100%), sentence-level information extraction (F-measures of 70-80%) and document ranking (normalized discounted cumulative gain measures of 93-100% and mean average precision of 0.86). The utility and usability of the eFIP web interface were also evaluated during the BioCreative Workshop. The use of the eFIP interface provided a significant speed-up (∼2.5-fold) for time to completion of the curation task. Additionally, eFIP significantly simplifies the task of finding relevant articles on PPI involving phosphorylated forms of a given protein.", "Lignin is one of the most prevalent biopolymers on the planet and a major component of lignocellulosic biomass. This phenolic polymer plays a vital structural and protective role in the development and life of higher plants. Although the intricate mechanisms regulating lignification processes in vivo strongly impact the industrial valorization of many plant-derived products, the scientific community still has a long way to go to decipher them. In a simple three-step workflow, the dual labeling protocol presented herein enables bioimaging studies of actively lignifying zones of plant tissues. The first step consists in the metabolic incorporation of two independent chemical reporters, surrogates of the two native monolignols that give rise to lignin H- and G-units. After incorporation into growing lignin polymers, each reporter is then specifically labeled with its own fluorescent probe via a sequential combination of bioorthogonal SPAAC/CuAAC click reactions. Combined with lignin autofluorescence, this approach leads to the generation of three-color localization maps of lignin within plant cell walls by confocal fluorescence microscopy and provides precise spatial information on the presence or absence of active lignification machinery at the scale of plant tissues, cells and different cell wall layers.", "Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin 9 (PCSK9) is the ninth member of the proprotein convertase family. It is an important regulator of cholesterol metabolism. PCSK9 can bind to low-density lipoprotein receptors (LDLRs) and induce the degradation of these receptors through the endosome/lysosome pathway, thus decreasing the LDLR levels on the cell surface of hepatocytes, resulting in increased serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) concentrations. Recent studies have found that gene polymorphisms of PCSK9 are associated with hypercholesterolemia, risk of atherosclerosis, and ischemic stroke. Furthermore, monoclonal antibodies, peptide mimetics, small molecule inhibitors and gene silencing agents that are associated with PCSK9 are some of the newer pharmaceutical therapeutic strategies and approaches for lowering serum LDL-C levels. In this review, we will discuss recent advances in PCSK9 research, which show that PCSK9 is correlated with lipid metabolism, atherosclerosis, and, in particular, ischemic stroke. We will also discuss the current state of PCSK9 therapeutics and their potential in modulating these diseases.", "A significant percentage of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) cases are caused by premature termination codon (PTC) mutations in the dystrophin gene, leading to the production of a truncated, non-functional dystrophin polypeptide. PTC-suppressing compounds (PTCSC) have been developed in order to restore protein translation by allowing the incorporation of an amino acid in place of a stop codon. However, limitations exist in terms of efficacy and toxicity. To identify new compounds that have PTC-suppressing ability, we selected and clustered existing PTCSC, allowing for the construction of a common pharmacophore model. Machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) models were developed for prediction of new PTCSC based on known compounds. We conducted a search of the NCI compounds database using the pharmacophore-based model and a search of the DrugBank database using pharmacophore-based, ML and DL models. Sixteen drug compounds were selected as a consensus of pharmacophore-based, ML, and DL searches. Our results suggest notable correspondence of the pharmacophore-based, ML, and DL models in prediction of new PTC-suppressing compounds.", "The ability to generate mutations is a prerequisite to functional genetic analysis. Despite a long history of using mice as a model system for genetic analysis, the scientific community has not generated a comprehensive collection of multiple alleles for most mouse genes. The chemical mutagen of choice for mouse has been N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU), an alkylating agent that mainly causes base substitutions in DNA, and therefore allows for recovery of complete and partial loss-, as well as gain-, of-function alleles . Specific locus tests designed to detect recessive mutations showed that ENU is the most efficient mutagen in mouse with an approximate mutation rate of 1 in 1,000 gametes. In fact, several genome-wide and region-specific screens based on phenotypes have been carried out. The anticipation of the completion of the human and mouse genome projects, however, now emphasizes genotype-driven genetics--from sequence to mutants. To take advantage of the mutagenicity of ENU and its ability to create allelic series of mutations, we have developed a complementary approach to generating mutations using mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells. We show that a high mutation frequency can be achieved and that modulating DNA-repair activities can enhance this frequency. The treated cells retain germline competency, thereby rendering this approach applicable for efficient generation of an allelic series of mutations pivotal to a fine-tuned dissection of biological pathways." ]
[ "Lupus erythematosus (LE) includes a broad spectrum of diseases from a cutaneous-limited type to a systemic type. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a systemic autoimmune disease which affects multiple organs. Cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE) includes skin symptoms seen in SLE and cutaneous-limited LE. Although immune abnormalities, as well as heritable, hormonal and environmental factors, are involved in the pathology of LE, the actual pathogenesis is still unclear. Recently, the involvement of various cytokines has been shown in the pathogenesis of LE. Moreover, some trials with biological agents targeted specific cytokines are also ongoing for SLE. In this article, we review the contributions of major cytokines such as interferon, tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-18 to LE, especially SLE and CLE.", "BACKGROUND: Focal cerebral ischaemia causes release of excitatory amino acid (EAA) neurotransmitters, principally glutamate, with resultant over-stimulation of EAA receptors and downstream pathways. Excess glutamate release is a pivotal event in the evolution of irreversible ischaemic damage in animal models of ischaemia, and drugs that modulate glutamate action either by inhibiting its release, or blocking post-synaptic receptors, are potent neuroprotective agents. Many clinical trials with EAA modulating drugs have been conducted, none individually demonstrating efficacy.OBJECTIVES: To synthesise all the available data on all different classes of EAA modulators and to evaluate evidence of effects on outcome systematically.SEARCH STRATEGY: Relevant trials were identified in the Specialised Register of Controlled Trials (last searched May 2001). In addition, MEDLINE and EMBASE online searches for the terms \"neuroprotection\" (and its variants), \"neuroprotective agent\", for all individual drugs and drug classes included in the review, hand searches of conference proceedings from European, International, American Heart Association and Princeton conferences on Stroke, American Neurological Association and American Academy of Neurology meetings from 1992-2001, and direct contact with individual investigators and pharmaceutical companies.SELECTION CRITERIA: Trials were included if they were randomised, controlled studies giving agents with pharmacological properties that included modification of release of EAAs, or blockade of EAA receptors, in stroke within 24h of onset. Efficacy analysis was restricted to trials with a parallel group design: dose escalation studies were excluded. Intention-to-treat analyses were performed on all data. Outcome had to be reported in terms of death or dependence 1-12 months after the acute event.DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Data were available for 36 of 41 relevant trials identified, involving 11,209 subjects. Data were unavailable for 632 participants (517 in trials fulfilling criteria for efficacy analysis). Seven trials did not report disability data, which were available for 29 trials involving 10,802 subjects. Twenty one of these trials, involving 10,342 subjects, were parallel group studies included in the primary efficacy analysis. Efficacy analysis included data derived from 9 trials not primarily designed to assess efficacy (1022 subjects). The primary (efficacy) end-point was the proportion of patients dead or disabled at final follow-up (defined by Barthel Index<60 at 3 months by preference). Mortality was a secondary end-point. Drugs were considered as individual agents, and also grouped principally into categories of ion channel modulators (glutamate release inhibition) and NMDA antagonists.MAIN RESULTS: There was no significant heterogeneity of outcome amongst individual drugs, or of drug classes either for the primary efficacy analysis (death or dependence) or for mortality at final follow-up. For the primary efficacy analysis, odds of death or dependence were 1.03 [95% confidence interval 0.96-1.12], and for mortality 1.02 [0.92-1.12]. Neither ion channel modulators (death or dependence 1.02 [0.90-1.16]) nor NMDA antagonists (death or dependence 1.05 [0.95-1.16]) differed from the principal analysis including all compounds. Trends for increased mortality with three NMDA antagonists were seen - selfotel (OR 1.19 [0.81-1.74]), aptiganel (OR 1.32 [0.91-1.93]) and gavestinel (OR 1.12 [0.95-1.32]) - but this did not achieve significance for the NMDA antagonists considered as a class (1.09 [0.96-1.23]). Aptiganel was also associated with a trend towards worse functional outcome (OR 1.20 [0.88-1.65]) although this was not the case for either of the other two compounds. No statistically significant detriment of psychotomimetic NMDA antagonists was found, although a trend towards higher mortality in this sub-group was seen (OR 1.25 [0.96-1.64]).REVIEWER'S CONCLUSIONS: There was no evidence of significant benefit or harm from drugs modulating excitatory amino acid action. Reductio]).REVIEWER'S CONCLUSIONS: There was no evidence of significant benefit or harm from drugs modulating excitatory amino acid action. Reduction of death or dependence by 8% or more has been excluded for gavestinel and lubeluzole, which contribute most of the data for this review. However, mechanistic understanding of neuroprotection is too poor to extrapolate from these two failed development plans to all glutamate modulators. Further clinical trials of neuroprotective agents remain justified, since confidence limits around estimates of effect remain wide for most agents, and cannot reliably exclude benefit. Although numbers of patients are too small to confirm or refute a trend towards increased mortality with some NMDA antagonists, further commercial development of these agents is exceedingly unlikely.", "Emodin was isolated from Rheum palmatum L. and exhibits an anticancer effect on human cancer cell lines, however, the molecular mechanisms of emodin-mediated apoptosis in human tongue cancer cells have not been fully investigated. In this study, treatment of human tongue cancer SCC-4 cells with various concentrations of emodin led to G2/M arrest through promoted p21 and Chk2 expression but inhibited cyclin B1 and cdc2; it also induced apoptosis through the pronounced release of cytochrome c from mitochondria and activations of caspase-9 and caspase-3. These events were accompanied by the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), disruption of mitochondrial membrane potential (delta psi(m)) and a decrease in the ratio of mitochondrial Bcl-2 and Bax content; emodin also promoted the levels of GADD153 and GRP78. The free radical scavenger N-acetylcysteine and caspase inhibitors markedly blocked emodin-induced apoptosis. Taken together, these findings suggest that emodin mediated oxidative injury (DNA damage) based on ROS production and ER stress based on the levels of GADD153 and GRP78 that acts as an early and upstream change in the cell death cascade to caspase- and mitochondria-dependent signaling pathways, triggers mitochondrial dysfunction from Bcl-2 and Bax modulation, mitochondrial cytochrome c release and caspase activation, consequently leading to apoptosis in SCC-4 cells.", "Deubiquitinating enzymes (DUB) form a family of cysteine proteases that digests ubiquitin chains and reverses the process of protein ubiquitination. Despite the identification of a large number of DUBs, their physiological functions remain poorly defined. Here we provide genetic evidence that CYLD, a recently identified DUB, plays a crucial role in regulating the peripheral development and activation of B cells. Disruption of the CYLD gene in mice results in B cell hyperplasia and lymphoid organ enlargement. The CYLD-deficient B cells display surface markers indicative of spontaneous activation and are hyperproliferative upon in vitro stimulation. When challenged with antigens, the CYLD(-/-) mice develop exacerbated lymphoid organ abnormalities and abnormal B cell responses. Although the loss of CYLD has only a minor effect on B cell development in bone marrow, this genetic deficiency disrupts the balance of peripheral B cell populations with a significant increase in marginal zone B cells. In keeping with these functional abnormalities, the CYLD(-/-) B cells exhibit constitutive activation of the transcription factor NF-kappaB due to spontaneous activation of IkappaB kinase beta and degradation of the NF-kappaB inhibitor IkappaBalpha. These findings demonstrate a critical role for CYLD in regulating the basal activity of NF-kappaB and maintaining the naive phenotype and proper activation of B cells.", "In heart failure, cardiac output is insufficient to meet the needs of the body for oxygen delivery. Available data suggest that alterations in thyroid hormone metabolism may contribute to defective myocardial performance. Accordingly, thyroid hormone or a thyroid hormone analogue that improves cardiac performance might be useful in the treatment of heart failure and has been studied. Experimental and theoretical results of these studies are reviewed and indicate that thyroid hormone increases cardiac output by a combination of effects on the heart and peripheral circulation, specifically by increasing myocardial contractile performance and decreasing venous compliance. In the rat postinfarction model of heart failure, treatment with low doses of thyroxine (1.5 micrograms/100 g) for 3 days produced a positive inotropic response, including an increase in rate of change of left ventricular pressure and a decrease in left ventricular end-diastolic pressure. These changes could be attributed to conversion to triiodothyronine, the active intracellular form of thyroid hormone. When treatment with thyroxine was continued at the same or higher doses (3 to 15 micrograms/100 g) for 10 to 12 days, heart rate increased and improvement in left ventricular end-diastolic pressure was not sustained. More favorable results were obtained with 3,5-diiodothyropropionic acid, a cardiotonic thyroid hormone analogue administered at doses of 375 microgram/100 g, given in combination with captopril. Thus, triiodothyronine or a thyroid hormone analogue may be a useful adjunct to other measures in the treatment of heart failure.", "CONTEXT: Tissue plasminogen activator is the only thrombolytic agent approved in the United States for treatment of acute ischemic stroke, and has limitations. Aptiganel hydrochloride is a novel and selective ligand for the ion-channel site of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor-channel complex and a promising neuroprotective agent in animal models of focal brain ischemia.OBJECTIVE: To determine whether aptiganel improves the clinical outcome for acute ischemic stroke patients.DESIGN: Nested phase 2/phase 3 randomized controlled trial conducted between July 1996 and September 1997.SETTING: One hundred fifty-six medical centers in the United States, Canada, Australia, South Africa, England, and Scotland.PARTICIPANTS: A total of 628 patients with hemispheric ischemic stroke (50.3% male; mean age, 71.5 years).INTERVENTIONS: Patients were randomly assigned within 6 hours of stroke to receive 1 of 3 treatment regimens: high-dose aptiganel (5-mg bolus followed by 0.75 mg/h for 12 hours; n = 214); low-dose aptiganel (3-mg bolus followed by 0.5 mg/h for 12 hours; n = 200); or placebo (n = 214).MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The primary efficacy end point was the Modified Rankin Scale score at 90 days after stroke onset. Secondary end points included mortality and change in National Institutes of Health (NIH) Stroke Scale score at 7 days after stroke.RESULTS: The trial was suspended by the sponsor and the independent data and safety monitoring board because of both a lack of efficacy and a potential imbalance in mortality. There was no improvement in outcome for either aptiganel (low-dose or high-dose) group compared with the placebo group at 90 days (median Modified Rankin Scale score for all 3 treatment groups = 3; P =.31). At 7 days, placebo-treated patients exhibited slightly greater neurological improvement on the NIH Stroke Scale than high-dose aptiganel patients (mean improvement for placebo group, -0.8 points vs for high-dose aptiganel, 0.9 points; P =.04). The mortality rate at 120 days in patients treated with high-dose aptiganel was higher than that in patients who received placebo (26.3% vs 19.2%; P =.06). Mortality in the low-dose aptiganel group was 22.5% (P =.39 vs placebo).CONCLUSIONS: Aptiganel was not efficacious in patients with acute ischemic stroke at either of the tested doses, and m ay be harmful. The larger proportion of patients with favorable outcomes and lower mortality rate in the placebo group suggest that glutamate blockade with aptiganel may have detrimental effects in an undifferentiated population of stroke patients.", "During cerebral ischaemia, glutamate is released in supraphysiological amounts and is toxic to brain tissue. This excitotoxicity is mediated by several glutamate receptor subtypes, including the ionotropic N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid (AMPA) receptors. Clinical trials of drugs that block the NMDA receptor in acute ischaemic stroke have been disappointing. No improvement in clinical outcome of stroke has been seen with competitive NMDA antagonists (selfotel) and non-competitive NMDA antagonists (dextrorphan, GV150526, aptiganel and eliprodil). The AMPA receptor differs in important ways from the NMDA receptor. It is the principal mediator of fast excitatory neurotransmission. This ligand-gated cation channel is primarily permeable to sodium rather than calcium. It is found in grey and white matter. It is expressed by oligodendrocytes. This distribution may provide neuroprotection for both grey and white matter. In a variety of animal models, reduction in infarct volume with AMPA blockade has been demonstrated. AMPA antagonists also show benefit in spinal cord ischaemia and trauma. The clinical development of safe and effective AMPA blockers has been hampered by poor water solubility and associated renal toxicity. A novel, highly water-soluble, competitive AMPA receptor antagonist, YM872 ([2,3-dioxo-7-(1H-imidazol-1-yl)-6-nitro-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoxalin-1-yl]acetic acid monohydrate; Yamanouchi), has been identified. Phase I clinical trial data indicate that this agent can be safely administered in young and elderly subjects. Sedation and other CNS associated adverse events determine the ceiling dose and become more problematic with infusion times exceeding 24 h. Phase II studies of YM872 in acute ischaemic stroke are ongoing.", "Occupational allergies are among the most common recorded occupational diseases. The skin and the upper and lower respiratory tract are the classical manifestation organs. More than 400 occupational agents are currently documented as being potential \"respiratory sensitizers\" and new reported causative agents are reported each year. These agents may induce occupational rhinitis (OR) or occupational asthma (OA) and can be divided into high-molecular weight (HMW) and low-molecular weight (LMW) agents. The most common occupational HMW agents are (glycol)proteins found in flour and grains, enzymes, laboratory animals, fish and seafood, molds, and Hevea brasiliensis latex. Typical LMW substances are isocyanates, metals, quaternary ammonium persulfate, acid anhydrides, and cleaning products/disinfectants. Diagnosis of occupational respiratory allergy is made by a combination of medical history, physical examination, positive methacholine challenge result or bronchodilator responsiveness, determination of IgE-mediated sensitization, and specific inhalation challenge tests as the gold standard. Accurate diagnosis of asthma is the first step to managing OA as shown above. Removal from the causative agent is of central importance for the management of OA. The best strategy to avoid OA is primary prevention, ideally by avoiding the use of and exposure to the sensitizer or substituting safer substances for these agents.", "In contrast to the inner structure, three-dimensional structure of psammona bodies in meningiomas is not well defined. This study examined three cultured meningiomas, in which surface observation of psammoma bodies might be easier than in the tumor tissues since influence of interposing connective tissue is minimized in tissue culture. Early culture revealed that psammoma bodies with frank calcification were suspended in the tissue culture medium, and so were they collected, centrifuged, and then processed for electron microscopy. Ultrastructurally, psammoma bodies were mostly spherical in shape and composed of a core of dense calcification and surrounding collagen fiber bundles. Apart from psammoma bodies, round bodies with concentric lamination like a transversely cut onion were frequently noted by light microscopy. These bodies were composed mainly of tangles of collagen fibers emerged from surrounding tumor cell processes. The results suggest that psammoma bodies in meningiomas arise in part from meningothelial whorls due to collagen production by tumor cells followed by obliteration and disappearance of tumor cell processes, although some of the alternative pathways for psammoma body formation proposed by other investigators cannot be ruled out by this study.", "Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor-associated factor 6 (TRAF6) plays a vital role in immune signal transduction pathways by acting as a ubiquitin ligase (E3) for Lys63-linked polyubiquitin chain synthesis. However, the detailed mechanism by which the TRAF6 RING dimer promotes ubiquitin transfer was unknown. Through structural modeling and biochemical analysis, we here show that the TRAF6 RING dimer employs a concerted allosteric mechanism using both subunits of the TRAF6 dimer to promote ubiquitin (Ub) transfer. In particular, we reveal the importance of the C-terminal extension of the TRAF6 RING domain that mediates trans-interactions with the donor-Ub. By analyzing structures and models of E3s in complex with Ub-loaded ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes (E2s), we further highlight the roles of N-terminal and C-terminal extensions beyond the bona fide RING domains in promoting Ub transfer through engagement with a donor-Ub in cis and in trans, respectively.", "STUDY OBJECTIVE: Adult women with endometriosis are often diagnosed with comorbid pain, mood, and autoimmune conditions. This study aims to describe the occurrence of pain syndromes, mood conditions, and asthma in adolescents and young women with endometriosis evaluated at our medical center.DESIGN: Retrospective review of medical records.SETTING: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at a tertiary referral center.PARTICIPANTS: 138 adolescents/young women who were less than age 24 years at the time of their initial visit at our medical center, and whose surgical diagnosis of endometriosis was made at our institution or by outside institutions by the age of 21.INTERVENTIONS: None.MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Prevalence of comorbid pain syndromes (defined as interstitial cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic headaches, chronic low back pain, vulvodynia, fibromyalgia, temporomandibular joint disease, and chronic fatigue syndrome), mood conditions (defined as depression and anxiety), and asthma.RESULTS: Comorbid pain syndromes were found in 77 (56%) women, mood conditions in 66 (48%) women, and asthma in 31 (26%) women. Comparing endometriosis patients with and without comorbid pain syndromes, no differences were found in age at time of diagnosis, endometriosis symptoms, and endometriosis stage. Patients with comorbid pain syndromes were more likely to report mood conditions (62% vs 30% respectively, P < .001) and smoking (31% vs 10% respectively, P = .003), underwent more surgeries for endometriosis (median of 2 [range, 1-7] vs 1 [range, 1-5], P < .005), and were more likely to undergo appendectomy or cholecystectomy (30% vs 13%, P = .02).CONCLUSIONS: Comorbid pain syndromes, mood conditions and asthma are common in adolescents and young women with endometriosis.", "Pendred's syndrome is a combination of congenital sensorineural hearing loss and iodine organification defect leading to a positive perchlorate test and goiter. Although it is the commonest form of syndromic hearing loss, the variable clinical presentation contributes to the difficulty in securing a diagnosis. The identification of the disease gene (PDS) prompts the need to reevaluate the syndrome to identify possible clues for the diagnosis. To this purpose, in three Italian families presenting with the clinical features of Pendred's syndrome, the molecular analysis was accompanied by full clinical, biochemical, and radiological examination. A correlation between genotype and phenotype was found in the only patient with enlargement of vestibular aqueduct and endolymphatic duct and sac at magnetic resonance imaging. This subject was a compound heterozygote for a deletion in PDS exon 10 (1197delT, FS400) and a novel insertion in exon 19 (2182-2183insG, Y728X). The present study demonstrates for the first time the value of the combination of clinical/radiological and genetic studies in the diagnosis of Pendred's syndrome. The positivity of a perchlorate discharge test and the malformations of membranous labyrinth fit well with the recent achievements on the role of pendrin in thyroid hormonogenesis and the maintenance of endolymph homeostasis.", "On December 22, 2014, the FDA granted accelerated approval to nivolumab (OPDIVO; Bristol-Myers Squibb) for the treatment of patients with unresectable or metastatic melanoma and disease progression following ipilimumab and, if BRAF V600 mutation positive, a BRAF inhibitor. Approval was based on a clinically meaningful, durable objective response rate (ORR) in a non-comparative analysis of 120 patients who received 3 mg/kg of nivolumab intravenously every 2 weeks with at least 6-month follow-up in an ongoing, randomized, open-label, active-controlled clinical trial. The ORR as assessed by a blinded independent review committee per RECIST v1.1 was 31.7% (95% confidence interval, 23.5-40.8). Ongoing responses were observed in 87% of responding patients, ranging from 2.6+ to 10+ months. In 13 patients, the response duration was 6 months or longer. The risks of nivolumab, including clinically significant immune-mediated adverse reactions (imARs), were assessed in 268 patients who received at least one dose of nivolumab. The FDA review considered whether the ORR and durations of responses were reasonably likely to predict clinical benefit, the adequacy of the safety database, and systematic approaches to the identification, description, and patient management for imARs in product labeling. Clin Cancer Res; 23(14); 3484-8. ©2017 AACR.", "Primary familial brain calcification (PFBC), widely known as Fahr's disease, is a rare disorder caused by pathogenic variants in SLC20A2, PDGFB, PDGFRB, XPR1, or MYORG genes. It is characterized by ectopic brain calcification, mostly affecting basal ganglia, thalamus, and cerebellum. PFBC patients can present a wide spectrum of symptoms including cognitive, neuropsychiatric, and motor alterations. However, it is well established that PFBC individuals also present high clinical heterogeneity, though the genetic cause of this phenotypic is not understood. Recently, Wang et al. (Front Cell Neurosci., 2019) reported on the role of MEA6 gene in cerebellar development and motor performance, also citing that MEA6 might be linked to PFBC. A MEA6 variant was described in 2007 as a PFBC candidate gene in an American family. However, this family was later linked to the SLC20A2 gene discarding the MEA6 as a PFBC-gene and also some members were confirmed as phenocopy. Additionally, five independent studies have been shown that variants in a second gene, not related to PFBC, were identified in PFBC patients, promoting a complex and heterogeneous phenotype. Thus, further investigation is required to explain whether and how MEA6 contributes to the clinical presentation in this American family. Finally, this letter highlights the possible digenic influence on clinical heterogeneity of PFBC patients, and such a possibility might advance our understanding of PFBC phenotypes.", "The role of plant mitochondrial outer membrane proteins in the process of preprotein import was investigated, as some of the principal components characterized in yeast have been shown to be absent or evolutionarily distinct in plants. Three outer membrane proteins of Arabidopsis thaliana mitochondria were studied: TOM20 (translocase of the outer mitochondrial membrane), METAXIN, and mtOM64 (outer mitochondrial membrane protein of 64 kD). A single functional Arabidopsis TOM20 gene is sufficient to produce a normal multisubunit translocase of the outer membrane complex. Simultaneous inactivation of two of the three TOM20 genes changed the rate of import for some precursor proteins, revealing limited isoform subfunctionalization. Inactivation of all three TOM20 genes resulted in severely reduced rates of import for some but not all precursor proteins. The outer membrane protein METAXIN was characterized to play a role in the import of mitochondrial precursor proteins and likely plays a role in the assembly of beta-barrel proteins into the outer membrane. An outer mitochondrial membrane protein of 64 kD (mtOM64) with high sequence similarity to a chloroplast import receptor was shown to interact with a variety of precursor proteins. All three proteins have domains exposed to the cytosol and interacted with a variety of precursor proteins, as determined by pull-down and yeast two-hybrid interaction assays. Furthermore, inactivation of one resulted in protein abundance changes in the others, suggesting functional redundancy. Thus, it is proposed that all three components directly interact with precursor proteins to participate in early stages of mitochondrial protein import.", "Glutamate N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonists (competitive receptor antagonists, ion channel blockers, and glycine antagonists)--such as selfotel, aptiganel, eliprodil, licostinel and gavestinel--failed to show efficacy in clinical trials of stroke or traumatic brain injury. This failure has been attributed to the deficient properties of the molecules that entered human trials and to inappropriate design of clinical studies. In this article we hypothesise that glutamate may be involved in the acute neurodestructive phase that occurs immediately after traumatic or ischaemic injury (excitotoxicity), but that, after this period, it assumes its normal physiological functions, which include promotion of neuronal survival. We propose that NMDA receptor antagonists failed stroke and traumatic brain injury trials in human beings because blockade of synaptic transmission mediated by NMDA receptors hinders neuronal survival." ]
[ "BACKGROUND: Mutations in the beta-myosin heavy-chain (betaMyHC) gene cause hypertrophic (HCM) and dilated (DCM) forms of cardiomyopathy. In failing human hearts, downregulation of alphaMyHC mRNA or protein has been correlated with systolic dysfunction. We hypothesized that mutations in alphaMyHC could also lead to pleiotropic cardiac phenotypes, including HCM and DCM.METHODS AND RESULTS: A cohort of 434 subjects, 374 (134 affected, 214 unaffected, 26 unknown) belonging to 69 DCM families and 60 (29 affected, 30 unaffected, 1 unknown) in 21 HCM families, was screened for alphaMyHC gene (MYH6) mutations. Three heterozygous MYH6 missense mutations were identified in DCM probands (P830L, A1004S, and E1457K; 4.3% of probands). A Q1065H mutation was detected in 1 of 21 HCM probands and was absent in 2 unaffected offspring. All MYH6 mutations were distributed in highly conserved residues, were predicted to change the structure or chemical bonds of alphaMyHC, and were absent in at least 300 control chromosomes from an ethnically similar population. The DCM carrier phenotype was characterized by late onset, whereas the HCM phenotype was characterized by progression toward dilation, left ventricular dysfunction, and refractory heart failure.CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that mutations in MYH6 may cause a spectrum of phenotypes ranging from DCM to HCM.", "The unpredictable behavior of uncontrolled type 1 diabetes often involves frequent swings in blood glucose levels that impact maintenance of a daily routine. An intensified insulin regimen is often unsuccessful, while other therapeutic options, such as amylin analog injections, use of continuous glucose sensors, and islet or pancreas transplantation are of limited clinical use. In efforts to provide patients with a more compliable treatment method, Oramed Pharmaceuticals tested the capacity of its oral insulin capsule (ORMD-0801, 8 mg insulin) in addressing this resistant clinical state. Eight Type I diabetes patients with uncontrolled diabetes (HbA1c: 7.5-10%) were monitored throughout the 15-day study period by means of a blind continuous glucose monitoring device. Baseline patient blood glucose behavior was monitored and recorded over a five-day pretreatment screening period. During the ensuing ten-day treatment phase, patients were asked to conduct themselves as usual and to self-administer an oral insulin capsule three times daily, just prior to meal intake. CGM data sufficient for pharmacodynamics analyses were obtained from 6 of the 8 subjects. Treatment with ORMD-0801 was associated with a significant 24.4% reduction in the frequencies of glucose readings >200 mg/dL (60.1 ± 7.9% pretreatment vs. 45.4 ± 4.9% during ORMD-0801 treatment; p = 0.023) and a significant mean 16.6% decrease in glucose area under the curve (AUC) (66055 ± 5547 mg/dL/24 hours vs. 55060 ± 3068 mg/dL/24 hours, p = 0.023), with a greater decrease during the early evening hours. In conclusion, ORMD-0801 oral insulin capsules in conjunction with subcutaneous insulin injections, well tolerated and effectively reduced glycemia throughout the day.TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT00867594.", "Amblyopia is a neurodevelopmental visual disorder arising from decorrelated binocular experience during the critical periods of development. The hallmark of amblyopia is reduced visual acuity and impairment in binocular vision. The consequences of amblyopia on various sensory and perceptual functions have been studied extensively over the past 50 years. Historically, relatively fewer studies examined the impact of amblyopia on visuomotor behaviours; however, research in this area has flourished over the past 10 years. Therefore, the aim of this review paper is to provide a comprehensive review of current knowledge about the effects of amblyopia on eye movements, upper limb reaching and grasping movements, as well as balance and gait. Accumulating evidence indicates that amblyopia is associated with considerable deficits in visuomotor behaviour during amblyopic eye viewing, as well as adaptations in behaviour during binocular and fellow eye viewing in adults and children. Importantly, due to amblyopia heterogeneity, visuomotor development in children and motor skill performance in adults may be significantly influenced by the etiology and clinical features, such as visual acuity and stereoacuity. Studies with larger cohorts of children and adults are needed to disentangle the unique contribution of these clinical characteristics to the development and performance of visuomotor behaviours.", "Chromodomains typically recruit protein complexes to chromatin and read the epigenetic histone code by recognizing lysine methylation in histone tails. We report the crystal structure of the chloroplast signal recognition particle (cpSRP) core from Arabidopsis thaliana, with the cpSRP54 tail comprising an arginine-rich motif bound to the second chromodomain of cpSRP43. A twinned aromatic cage reads out two neighboring nonmethylated arginines and adapts chromodomains to a non-nuclear function in post-translational targeting.", "Classical Lemierre's syndrome is characterized by severe sepsis with metastatic abscess formation in young, previously fit people from a primary head or neck focus. The causative organisms are the anaerobic fusobacteria, most commonly Fusobacterium necrophorum. We describe the evaluation, therapeutic interventions and management of a patient with Lemierre's syndrome who presented in septic shock with multiple organ dysfunction. The patient required immediate interventions including endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation, fluid resuscitation, inotropic support, bilateral thoracostomy tube drainage of empyemata and antimicrobial therapy. The unexpected isolation of Fusobacterium necrophorum from blood cultures and empyema fluid necessitated a change of antibiotic regime to provide anaerobic cover. The patient required 4 weeks of intensive support including prolonged antimicrobial therapy, and after a further 2 weeks was discharged home from hospital. This case highlights the need to raise the awareness of 'the forgotten disease': Lemierre's syndrome. Its diagnosis may, as in this case, be confounded by a lack of symptoms of pharyngitis at the time of presentation, and end-organ dysfunction associated with severe sepsis, possibly suggesting an alternative source of infection. As appropriate antibiotics reduce mortality dramatically, clinicians need to be alert to Lemierre's syndrome and include it in the differential diagnosis in young but otherwise healthy patients presenting with severe sepsis.", "RATIONALE: Women are increasingly prescribed selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) during pregnancy, with potential implications for neurodevelopment. Whether prenatal SSRI exposure has an effect on neurodevelopment and behavior in the offspring is an important area of investigation.OBJECTIVES: The aim of this paper was to review the existing preclinical and clinical literature of prenatal SSRI exposure on serotonin-related behaviors and markers in the offspring. The goal is to determine if there is a signal in the literature that could guide clinical care and/or inform research.RESULTS: Preclinical studies (n = 4) showed SSRI exposure during development enhanced depression-like behavior. Half of rodent studies examining anxiety-like behavior (n = 13) noted adverse effects with SSRI exposure. A majority of studies of social behavior (n = 4) noted a decrease in sociability in SSRI exposed offspring. Human studies (n = 4) examining anxiety in the offspring showed no adverse effects of prenatal SSRI exposure. The outcome of one study suggested that children with autism were more likely to have a mother who was prescribed an SSRI during pregnancy.CONCLUSIONS: Preclinical findings in rodents exposed to SSRIs during development point to an increase in depression- and anxiety-like behavior and alteration in social behaviors in the offspring, though both the methods used and the findings were not uniform. These data are not robust enough to discourage use of SSRIs during human pregnancy, particularly given the known adverse effects of maternal mental illness on pregnancy outcomes and infant neurodevelopment. Future research should focus on consistent animal models and prospective human studies with larger samples.", "The year 2001 witnessed the sequencing of 90% of the euchromatic region in the human genome but the ultimate goal to delineate the positions of all genes is yet to be achieved. Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) is one of the methods for localizing genes on chromosomes. In the present study, diagnostic utility of single-, dual-, and multicolor FISH was evaluated for prenatal diagnosis, cancer genetics, and screening of various congenital anomalies (sex chromosomal and autosomal). Centromeric probes for chromosomes X and Y were used for screening minor aneuploid cell lines (XXY, XO, and XXX) in the cases of primary amenorrhea and suspected Klinefelter syndrome. The cases with ambiguous genitalia were analyzed using a probe specific for the sex-determining region (SRY). Suspected cases of Down syndrome were subjected to FISH using probe specific for chromosome 21. FISH was also used to study gene alterations in retinoblastoma and myeloid leukemias. Prenatal diagnosis was done to screen for aneuploidies of chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X, and Y using FISH on uncultured cells from amniotic fluid and chorionic villi sampling. The screening for common aneuploidies was extended to abortuses from spontaneous abortions. Using FISH, low-level mosaicism could be identified in some cases of primary amenorrhea and suspected Klinefelter syndrome. Submicroscopic gene rearrangements could be detected using FISH in cases of ambiguous genitalia and cancers. Further interphase FISH could provide results within 24 hours. To conclude, FISH adds to the diagnostic utility of routine cytogenetics and its use on interphase nuclei overcomes the difficulty of conventional cytogenetics, thereby reducing the time between sampling and diagnosis to 24 hr." ]
[ "Src is a nonreceptor tyrosine kinase involved in the cross-talk and mediation of many signaling pathways that promote cell proliferation, adhesion, invasion, migration, and tumorigenesis. Increased Src activity has been reported in many types of human cancer, including gastric cancer. Therefore, this factor has been identified as a promising therapeutic target for cancer treatments, and targeting Src in gastric cancer is predicted to have potent effects. We evaluated the antitumor effect of a c-Src/Abl kinase inhibitor, saracatinib (AZD0530), alone or combined with chemotherapeutic agents in gastric cancer cell lines and a NCI-N87 xenograft model. Among 10 gastric cancer cell lines, saracatinib specifically inhibited the growth and migration/invasion of SNU216 and NCI-N87 cells. Saracatinib blocked the Src/FAK, HER family, and oncogenic signaling pathways, and it induced G(1) arrest and apoptosis in SNU216 and NCI-N87 cells. Apoptosis required induction of the proapoptotic BCL2 family member Bim. Knockdown of Bim using siRNA decreased apoptosis induced by treatment with saracatinib, suggesting that Bim has an important role in saracatinib-induced apoptosis. Saracatinib enhanced the effects of lapatinib, an EGFR/HER2 dual inhibitor, in SNU216 and NCI-N87 cells. Furthermore, combined treatment with saracatinib and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) or cisplatin exerted synergistic effects in both saracatinib-sensitive and saracatinib-resistant cells. Consistent with our in vitro findings, cotreatment with saracatinib and 5-FU resulted in enhanced antitumor activity in the NCI-N87 xenografts. These data indicate that the inhibition of Src kinase activity by saracatinib alone or in combination with other agents can be a strategy to target gastric cancer.", "BACKGROUND: Growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF-15) is expressed and secreted in response to inflammation, oxidative stress, hypoxia, telomere erosion, and oncogene activation. Cardiovascular (CV) disease is a major driver of GDF-15 production. GDF-15 has favorable preanalytic characteristics and can be measured in serum and plasma by immunoassay.CONTENT: In community-dwelling individuals higher concentrations of GDF-15 are associated with increased risks of developing CV disease, chronic kidney disease, and cancer, independent of traditional CV risk factors, renal function, and other biomarkers (C-reactive protein, B-type natriuretic peptide, cardiac troponin). Low concentrations of GDF-15 are closely associated with longevity. GDF-15 is as an independent marker of all-cause mortality and CV events in patients with coronary artery disease, and may help select patients with non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome for early revascularization and more intensive medical therapies. GDF-15 is independently associated with mortality and nonfatal events in atrial fibrillation and heart failure (HF) with preserved or reduced ejection fraction. GDF-15 reflects chronic disease burden and acute perturbations in HF and responds to improvements in hemodynamic status. GDF-15 is independently associated with major bleeding in patients receiving antithrombotic therapies and has been included in a new bleeding risk score, which may become useful for decision support.SUMMARY: GDF-15 captures distinct aspects of CV disease development, progression, and prognosis, which are not represented by clinical risk predictors and other biomarkers. The usefulness of GDF-15 to guide management decisions and discover new treatment targets should be further explored.", "There has been a revolution in the development of effective, small-molecule anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents. Numerous trypsin-like serine proteases have been under active pursuit as therapeutic targets. Important examples include thrombin, factor VIIa, factor Xa, and β-tryptase with indications ranging from thrombosis and inflammation to asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Trypsin-like serine proteases exhibit a highly similar tertiary folding pattern, especially for the region near the substrate binding pocket that includes the conserved catalytic triad consisting of histidine 57, aspartic acid 102, and serine 195. A rich collection of X-ray structures for many trypsin-like serine proteases is available, which greatly facilitated the optimization of small organic inhibitors as therapeutic agents. The present review surveyed those inhibitors disclosed in peer-reviewed scientific journals and patent publications with a special focus on structural features and protein-inhibitor interactions that implicated the inhibitor optimization process. The role played by the residue 190 of trypsin-like serine proteases is critical. While many inhibitors without a basic group have progressed into the clinic for ones with alanine 190, the task for those with serine 190 remains extremely challenging, if not impossible. In addition to warfarin, heparin, and low molecular weight heparins (LMWHs), treatment options have expanded with the development and approval of the new oral anticoagulants (NOACs). The NOACs are superior to vitamin K antagonists in terms of rapid onset, pharmacokinetics, drug/food interactions, and regular coagulation monitoring; but one serious drawback is the lack of an effective antidote at this time. Apixaban (Eliquis), rivaroxaban (Xarelto), and edoxaban (Savaysa) are the new Xa inhibitors that have been recently approved by the U.S. FDA and are in current clinical practice. These drugs bind to the active site of factor Xa (fXa) which prevents the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin. In addition, dabigatran etexikate (Pradaxa), the direct thrombin inhibitor (fIIa) is also now widely prescribed.", "In this study, we show the high frequency of spontaneous γδ T-cell leukemia (T-ALL) occurrence in mice with biallelic deletion of enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (Ezh2). Tumor cells show little residual H3K27 trimethylation marks compared with controls. EZH2 is a component of the PRC2 Polycomb group protein complex, which is associated with DNA methyltransferases. Using next-generation sequencing, we identify alteration in gene expression levels of EZH2 and acquired mutations in PRC2-associated genes (DNMT3A and JARID2) in human adult T-ALL. Together, these studies document that deregulation of EZH2 and associated genes leads to the development of mouse, and likely human, T-ALL.", "The application of high-resolution analytical techniques to characterize ancient bone proteins requires clean, efficient extraction to obtain high quality data. Here, we evaluated many different protocols from the literature on ostrich cortical bone and moa cortical bone to evaluate their yield and relative purity using the identification of antibody-antigen complexes on enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and gel electrophoresis. Moa bone provided an ancient comparison for the effectiveness of bone extraction protocols tested on ostrich bone. For the immunological part of this study, we focused on collagen I, osteocalcin, and hemoglobin because collagen and osteocalcin are the most abundant proteins in the mineralized extracellular matrix and hemoglobin is common in the vasculature. Most of these procedures demineralize the bone first, and then the remaining organics are chemically extracted. We found that the use of hydrochloric acid, rather than ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, for demineralization resulted in the cleanest extractions because the acid was easily removed. In contrast, the use of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid resulted in smearing upon electrophoretic separation, possibly indicating these samples were not as pure. The denaturing agents sodium dodecyl sulfate, urea, and guanidine HCl have been used extensively for the solubilization of proteins in non-biomineralized tissue, but only the latter has been used on bone. We show that all three denaturing agents are effective for extracting bone proteins. One additional method tested uses ammonium bicarbonate as a solubilizing buffer that is more appropriate for post-extraction analyses (e.g., proteomics) by removing the need for desalting. We found that both guanidine HCl and ammonium bicarbonate were effective for extracting many bone proteins, resulting in similar electrophoretic patterns. With the increasing use of proteomics, a new generation of scientists are now interested in the study of proteins from not only extant bone but also from ancient bone.", "After a 15-year period of low incidence, dengue has reemerged in Singapore in the past decade. We identify potential causes of this resurgence. A combination of lowered herd immunity, virus transmission outside the home, an increase in the age of infection, and the adoption of a case-reactive approach to vector control contribute to the increased dengue incidence. Singapore's experience with dengue indicates that prevention efforts may not be sustainable. For renewed success, Singapore needs to return to a vector control program that is based on carefully collected entomologic and epidemiologic data. Singapore's taking on a leadership role in strengthening disease surveillance and control in Southeast Asia may also be useful in reducing virus importation.", "Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS), a rare disease that results in what appears to be premature aging, is caused by the production of a mutant form of prelamin A known as progerin. Progerin retains a farnesyl lipid anchor at its carboxyl terminus, a modification that is thought to be important in disease pathogenesis. Inhibition of protein farnesylation improves the hallmark nuclear shape abnormalities in HGPS cells and ameliorates disease phenotypes in mice harboring a knockin HGPS mutation (LmnaHG/+). The amelioration of disease, however, is incomplete, leading us to hypothesize that nonfarnesylated progerin also might be capable of eliciting disease. To test this hypothesis, we created knockin mice expressing nonfarnesylated progerin (LmnanHG/+). LmnanHG/+ mice developed the same disease phenotypes observed in LmnaHG/+ mice, although the phenotypes were milder, and mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) derived from these mice contained fewer misshapen nuclei. The steady-state levels of progerin in LmnanHG/+ MEFs and tissues were lower, suggesting a possible explanation for the milder phenotypes. These data support the concept that inhibition of protein farnesylation in progeria could be therapeutically useful but also suggest that this approach may be limited, as progerin elicits disease phenotypes whether or not it is farnesylated." ]
[ "The Steno hypothesis suggests that albuminuria reflects widespread vascular damage (proliferative retinopathy and severe macroangiopathy) due to a generalized vascular (endothelial) dysfunction. We assessed this concept in NIDDM (non-insulin-dependent diabetic) patients with (13 female/ 39 male, age 60 +/- 7 years, group 1) and without (12 female /41 male, age 61 +/- 7 years, group 2) diabetic nephropathy compared to matched non-diabetic subjects (7 female/15 male, age 58 +/- 8 years, group 3). A 12-lead ECG was recorded and coded blindly using the Minnesota Rating Scale; the World Health Organization cardiovascular questionnaire was used to assess past and present evidence of myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease (digital systolic blood pressure determination). The degree of diabetic retinopathy was scored from fundus photography. The following variables were measured: transcapillary escape rate of albumin (initial disappearance of intravenously injected 125I-labelled human serum albumin), plasma concentrations of prorenin (radioimmunoassay) and serum concentrations of von Willebrand factor (enzyme-linked immunoadsorbent assay). Prevalence of ischaemic heart disease (ECG reading) (49/20/5)% and peripheral vascular disease as indicated by reduced systolic blood pressure on big toe (69/30/ 14)% was significantly higher in group 1 vs group 2 (p < 0.01) and in group 2 vs group 3 (p < 0.01), respectively. The prevalence and severity of retinopathy was higher in group 1 vs 2 (p < 0.01). Transcapillary escape rate of albumin (%/h) was elevated in group 1 and 2 as compared to control subjects: 7.9 (4.3-13.7); 7.4 (3.7-16.4) vs 6.0 (3.4-8.7), (p < 0.005), respectively. Plasma prorenin activity (IU/ml) was raised in group 1 and group 2 as compared to group 3: 272 (59-2405); 192 (18-813), and 85 (28-246), p < 0.001, respectively. Serum von Willebrand factor (IU/ ml) was elevated in group 1 as compared to group 2 and 3: 2.07 (0.83-4.34); 1.60 (0.30-2.99) and 1.50 (1.00-2.38), p < 0.001, respectively. Our study demonstrated that NIDDM patients with and without albuminuria had increased transcapillary escape of albumin and raised prorenin activity, whereas only those with albuminuria had increased von Willebrand factor. Patients with NIDDM may have abnormal endothelial function in the absence of albuminuria.", "SATB2 is associated with schizophrenia and is an important transcription factor regulating neocortical organization and circuitry. Rare mutations in SATB2 cause a syndrome that includes developmental delay, and mouse studies identify an important role for SATB2 in learning and memory. Interacting partners BCL11B and GATAD2A are also schizophrenia risk genes indicating that other genes interacting with or are regulated by SATB2 are making a contribution to schizophrenia and cognition. We used data from Satb2 mouse models to generate three gene-sets that contain genes either functionally related to SATB2 or targeted by SATB2 at different stages of development. Each was tested for enrichment using the largest available genome-wide association studies (GWAS) datasets for schizophrenia and educational attainment (EA) and enrichment analysis was also performed for schizophrenia and other neurodevelopmental disorders using data from rare variant sequencing studies. These SATB2 gene-sets were enriched for genes containing common variants associated with schizophrenia and EA, and were enriched for genes containing rare variants reported in studies of schizophrenia, autism and intellectual disability. In the developing cortex, genes targeted by SATB2 based on ChIP-seq data, and functionally affected when SATB2 is not expressed based on differential expression analysis using RNA-seq data, show strong enrichment for genes associated with EA. For genes expressed in the hippocampus or at the synapse, those targeted by SATB2 are more strongly enriched for genes associated EA than gene-sets not targeted by SATB2. This study demonstrates that single gene findings from GWAS can provide important insights to pathobiological processes. In this case we find evidence that genes influenced by SATB2 and involved in synaptic transmission, axon guidance and formation of the corpus callosum are contributing to schizophrenia and cognition.", "Cerebral cavernous malformation is a common human vascular disease that arises due to loss-of-function mutations in genes encoding three intracellular adaptor proteins, cerebral cavernous malformations 1 protein (CCM1), CCM2, and CCM3. CCM1, CCM2, and CCM3 interact biochemically in a pathway required in endothelial cells during cardiovascular development in mice and zebrafish. The downstream effectors by which this signaling pathway regulates endothelial function have not yet been identified. Here we have shown in zebrafish that expression of mutant ccm3 proteins (ccm3Delta) known to cause cerebral cavernous malformation in humans confers cardiovascular phenotypes identical to those associated with loss of ccm1 and ccm2. CCM3Delta proteins interacted with CCM1 and CCM2, but not with other proteins known to bind wild-type CCM3, serine/threonine protein kinase MST4 (MST4), sterile 20-like serine/threonine kinase 24 (STK24), and STK25, all of which have poorly defined biological functions. Cardiovascular phenotypes characteristic of CCM deficiency arose due to stk deficiency and combined low-level deficiency of stks and ccm3 in zebrafish embryos. In cultured human endothelial cells, CCM3 and STK25 regulated barrier function in a manner similar to CCM2, and STKs negatively regulated Rho by directly activating moesin. These studies identify STKs as essential downstream effectors of CCM signaling in development and disease that may regulate both endothelial and epithelial cell junctions.", "AIMS: Mirabegron, the first β3 -adrenoceptor agonist to enter clinical practice, has a different mechanism of action from antimuscarinic agents. This review presents data on the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of mirabegron in studies conducted to date.METHODS: All clinical data on mirabegron that are currently in the public domain are included, including some in-press manuscripts.RESULTS: In Phase III clinical trials in patients with overactive bladder (OAB), mirabegron at daily doses of 25, 50, and 100 mg demonstrated significant efficacy in treating the symptoms of OAB, including micturition frequency, urgency incontinence, and urgency. Significant improvements in micturition frequency, urgency incontinence, and mean volume voided/micturition were seen as early as the first assessment (week 4) for mirabegron 50 and 100 mg, and were maintained throughout treatment. Responder analyses showed a significant improvement with mirabegron 50 and 100 mg in terms of dry rates, ≥50% reduction in mean number of incontinence episodes/24 hr, and the proportion of patients with ≤8 micturitions/24 hr at final visit. The benefit of mirabegron 50 and 100 mg was also evident in patients ≥65 years of age, and in both treatment-naïve patients and those who previously discontinued antimuscarinic therapy. These data therefore demonstrate a clinically meaningful benefit with mirabegron in the objective endpoints of OAB. Assessment of measures of health-related quality of life and treatment satisfaction showed that patients perceived treatment with mirabegron as meaningful. In OAB clinical trials of up to 12 months mirabegron appeared to be well tolerated. The most common adverse events (AEs) observed with mirabegron in clinical trials of up to 12 months were hypertension, nasopharyngitis, and urinary tract infection. The incidence of dry mouth was similar to placebo, and was between three and fivefold less than for tolterodine extended release 4 mg. Since dry mouth is the most bothersome AE associated with antimuscarinic drugs and often a reason for treatment discontinuation, mirabegron may be a valuable treatment option for these patients.CONCLUSIONS: In Phase III clinical trials, mirabegron at daily doses of 25, 50, and 100 mg demonstrated significant efficacy in treating symptoms of OAB and, at doses of 50 and 100 mg, demonstrated significant improvements versus placebo on key secondary endpoints, as early as the first assessment (week 4), and these were maintained throughout treatment. In OAB clinical trials of up to 12 months, mirabegron appeared to be well tolerated.", "Collaborators: Sklar P, Ripke S, Scott LJ, Andreassen OA, Cichon S, Craddock N, Edenberg HJ Jr, Nurnberger JI, Rietschel M, Blackwood D, Corvin A, Flickinger M, Guan W, Mattingsdal M, McQuillen A, Kwan P, Wienker TF, Daly M, Dudbridge F, Holmans PA, Lin D, Burmeister M, Greenwood TA, Hamshere ML, Muglia P, Smith EN, Zandi PP, Nievergelt CM, McKinney R, Shilling PD, Schork NJ, Bloss CS, Foroud T, Koller DL, Gershon ES, Liu C, Badner JA, Scheftner WA, Lawson WB, Nwulia EA, Hipolito M, Coryell W, Rice J, Byerley W, McMahon FJ, Schulze TG, Berrettini W, Lohoff FW, Potash JB, Mahon PB, McInnis MG, Zöllner S, Zhang P, Craig DW, Szelinger S, Barrett TB, Breuer R, Meier S, Strohmaier J, Witt SH, Tozzi F, Farmer A, McGuffin P, Strauss J, Xu W, Kennedy JL, Vincent JB, Matthews K, Day R, Ferreira MA, O'Dushlaine C, Perlis R, Raychaudhuri S, Ruderfer D, Lee PH, Smoller JW, Li J, Absher D, Bunny WE, Barchas JD, Schatzberg AF, Jones EG, Meng F, Thompson RC, Watson SJ, Myers RM, Akil H, Boehnke M, Chambert K, Moran J, Scolnick E, Djurovic S, Melle I, Morken G, Gill M, Morris D, Quinn E, Mühleisen TW, Degenhardt FA, Mattheisen M, Schumacher J, Maier W, Steffans M, Propping P, Nöthen MM, Anjorin A, Bass N, Gurling H, Kandaswamy R, Lawrence J, McGhee K, McIntosh A, McLean AW, Muir WJ, Pickard BS, Breen G, St Clair D, Caesar S, Gordon-Smith K, Jones L, Fraser C, Green EK, Frozeva D, Jones IR, Kirov G, Moskvina V, Nikolov I, O'Donovan MC, Owen MJ, Collier DA, Elkin A, Williamson R, Young AH, Ferrier IN, Stefansson K, Stefansson H, Porgeirsson P, Steinberg S, Gustafsson Ó, Bergen SE, Nimgaonkar V, Hultman C, Landén M, Lichtenstein P, Sullivan P, Schalling M, Osby U, Backlund L, Frisén L, Langstrom N, Jamain S, Leboyer M, Etain B, Bellivier F, Petursson H, Sigurđsson E, Müller-Mysok B, Lucae S, Schwarz M, Fullerton JM, Schofield PR, Martin N, Montgomery GW, Lathrop M, Óskarsson H, Bauer M, Wright A, Mitchell PB, Hautzinger M, Reif A, Kelsoe JR, Purcell SM.", "This study explored older men's and their partners' reactions to a television news program on the medical debate surrounding the use of the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test for prostate cancer screening. Six focus groups, split by gender and socio-economic status (SES), were conducted with men aged 50 years or older (n = 28) and female partners of such men (n = 13). A self-completion questionnaire was also used to yield quantitative indices. In general, viewers appeared to appreciate from the debate that there was controversy surrounding prostate cancer screening, and they recognized that PSA testing is more applicable to certain subgroups of men. Although there were differences by SES and gender, the results suggest that exposing health consumers to medical uncertainty and \"expert\" conflict can help raise awareness of the issue and complexities involved. However, there was evidence to suggest that health consumers may be better able to negotiate conflicting medical information if the different sides of the argument are plainly noted and a clear distinction is made between opinion and evidence. This study has broader relevance to the management of media coverage of medical controversies by public health organizations.", "Sotos' syndrome, or cerebral gigantism, is a disorder of growth regulation. Tumours have occasionally been reported in children with Sotos' syndrome, but it is uncertain whether this is a coincidence, or whether it is aetiologically related to the underlying disorder of growth. We report a 15 month old child with a paraspinal neuroblastoma and Sotos' syndrome and suggest that children with this condition may be at higher risk for developing tumours than the general population." ]
[ "BACKGROUND: Mitochondria have been suggested to be involved in the pathology of bipolar disorder (BD) and schizophrenia. However, the mechanism underlying mitochondrial dysfunction is unclear. Mitochondrial network dynamics, which reflects cellular metabolic state, is important for embryonic development, synapse formation, and neurodegeneration. This study aimed to investigate mitochondrial network dynamics and its plausible association with abnormal cellular oxygen consumption in schizophrenia.METHODS: Viable Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-transformed lymphocytes (lymphoblastoids) from DSM-IV diagnosed patients with schizophrenia (n = 17), BD (n = 15), and healthy control subjects (n = 15) were assessed for mitochondrial respiration, mitochondrial dynamics, and relevant protein levels by oxygraph, confocal microscopy, and immunoblotting, respectively.RESULTS: Respiration of schizophrenia-derived lymphoblastoids was significantly lower compared with control subjects, and was twice as sensitive to dopamine (DA)-induced inhibition. Unlike DA, haloperidol inhibited complex I-driven respiration to a similar extent in both schizophrenia and the control cells. Both drugs interact with complex I but at different sites. At the site of DA interaction, we found alterations in protein levels of three subunits of complex I in schizophrenia. In addition, we observed structural and connectivity perturbations in the mitochondrial network, associated with alterations in the profusion protein OPA1, which was similarly reduced in schizophrenia prefrontal cortex specimens. None of these alterations were observed in the BD cells, which were similar to control cells.CONCLUSIONS: We show impaired mitochondrial network dynamics associated with reduced cellular respiration and complex I abnormalities in schizophrenia but not in BD. If these findings represent disease-specific alterations, they may become an endophenotype biomarker for schizophrenia.", "Bleeding diatheses are a hallmark of hemophilia. Hemophilic pseudotumor results from multiple episodes of hemorrhage into bones or soft tissue spaces. It is uncommon and is seen in severe cases of hemophilia only 1-2% of the time. Complications and symptoms arise due to pain and/or compression of surrounding structures. Pathologic fractures can be associated with intraosseous lesions and can result from bone destruction or resorption due to the chronic pressure of an osseous hemorrhage. Radiographs may demonstrate expansile lesions of the bones or increased soft tissue density that may be associated with extra osseous lesions. Bleeding may also occur within the joint space. These intra-articular hemorrhages can, over time, result in hemophilic arthropathy. The following case report demonstrates both an expansile lesion of a metacarpal as well as hemophilic knee arthropathy in an 11 year old.", "Wernicke encephalopathy is caused by thiamine deficiency in the central nervous system, and is defined by the triad of confusional symptoms, ocular alterations and ataxia. Some other factors may also predispose alcoholic patients to this deficiency. We report two patients with hyperglicaemia and ketoacidosis due to diabetes mellitus decompensation and chronic alcoholism who developed Wernicke encephalopathy before their hospital admission. The outcome was successful after intravenous thiamine administration and insulinotherapy. The presence of Wernicke encephalopathy in alcoholics with diabetic ketoacidosis, suggests that metabolic decompensation is essential in the onset of the disease.", "Statins, which specifically inhibit HMG Co-A reductase, the rate-limiting step of cholesterol biosynthesis, are widely prescribed to reduce serum cholesterol and cardiac risk, but many other effects are seen. We now show an effect of these drugs to induce profound changes in the step-wise synthesis of glycosphingolipids (GSLs) in the Golgi. Glucosylceramide (GlcCer) was increased several-fold in all cell lines tested, demonstrating a widespread effect. Additionally, de novo or elevated lactotriaosylceramide (Lc3Cer; GlcNAcβ1-3Galβ1-4GlcCer) synthesis was observed in 70%. Western blot showed that GlcCer synthase (GCS) was elevated by statins, and GCS and Lc3Cer synthase (Lc3S) activities were increased; however, transcript was elevated for Lc3S only. Supplementation with the isoprenoid precursor, geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate (GGPP), a downstream product of HMG Co-A reductase, reversed statin-induced glycosyltransferase and GSL elevation. The Rab geranylgeranyl transferase inhibitor 3-PEHPC, but not specific inhibitors of farnesyl transferase, or geranylgeranyl transferase I, was sufficient to replicate statin-induced GlcCer and Lc3Cer synthesis, supporting a Rab prenylation-dependent mechanism. While total cholesterol was unaffected, the trans-Golgi network (TGN) cholesterol pool was dissipated and medial Golgi GCS partially relocated by statins. GSL-dependent vesicular retrograde transport of Verotoxin and cholera toxin to the Golgi/endoplasmic reticulum were blocked after statin or 3-PEHPC treatment, suggesting aberrant, prenylation-dependent vesicular traffic as a basis of glycosyltransferase increase and GSL remodeling. These in vitro studies indicate a previously unreported link between Rab prenylation and regulation of GCS activity and GlcCer metabolism.", "Effective and easy to administer cholera vaccines are in need more than ever, for at risk populations and travellers alike. In many parts of the world cholera is still endemic, causing outbreaks and constituting repeatedly serious public health problems. The oral live cholera vaccine CVD 103-HgR (Orochol, Mutachol), the first genetically modified organism (GMO) used as vaccine, was in its time (launched 1993, Switzerland) the ideal cholera vaccine: single-dose, protective efficacy of 80-100% against moderate to severe cholera, acting within 8 days and exhibiting excellent safety, indiscernible from placebo. However, there were strong headwinds: In the 1990s the indication for cholera vaccines was generally downplayed by experts and in 1997 the European Commission called for a moratorium of GMOs which blocked the registration in the European Union. Thus, demand for this vaccine remained low and in 2003 it was taken off the market for economic reasons. After a decade in obscurity it (Vaxchora) has resurfaced again, now produced in the U.S. and equipped with a U.S. FDA license (June 10, 2016). What had happened? This commentary gives a critical account of an almost unbelievable string of misadventures, emerging adverse circumstances and man-made failures which nearly killed this single-dose live oral cholera vaccine. The good news is that patience and persistence lead to success in the end, allowing good science to prevail for the benefit of those in need.", "Fexinidazole is a 5-nitroimidazole drug currently in clinical development for the treatment of human sleeping sickness (human African trypanosomiasis [HAT]), caused by infection with species of the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma brucei. The compound and its two principal metabolites, sulfoxide and sulfone, have been assessed for their ability to kill a range of T. brucei parasite strains in vitro and to cure both acute and chronic HAT disease models in the mouse. The parent molecule and both metabolites have shown trypanocidal activity in vitro in the 0.7-to-3.3 μM (0.2-to-0.9 μg/ml) range against all parasite strains tested. In vivo, fexinidazole is orally effective in curing both acute and chronic diseases in the mouse at doses of 100 mg/kg of body weight/day for 4 days and 200 mg/kg/day for 5 days, respectively. Pharmacokinetic data indicate that it is likely that the sulfoxide and sulfone metabolites provide most, if not all, of the in vivo killing activity. Fexinidazole and its metabolites require up to 48 h exposure in order to induce maximal trypanocidal efficacy in vitro. The parent drug and its metabolites show no in vitro cross-reactivity in terms of trypanocidal activity with either themselves or other known trypanocidal drugs in use in humans. The in vitro and in vivo antitrypanosomal activities of fexinidazole and its two principal metabolites provide evidence that the compound has the potential to be an effective oral treatment for both the T. b. gambiense and T. b. rhodesiense forms of human sleeping sickness and both stages of the disease.", "OBJECTIVE: To review practices of brain death (BD) determination in patients on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO).METHODS: A systematic search was applied to PubMed and 6 electronic databases from inception to May 22, 2019. Studies reporting methods of BD assessment in adult patients (>18 years old) while on ECMO were included, after which data regarding BD assessment were extracted.RESULTS: Twenty-two studies (n = 177 patients) met the inclusion criteria. Eighty-eight patients (50%) in 19 studies underwent the apnea test (AT); most commonly through decreasing the ECMO sweep flow in 14 studies (n = 42, 48%), followed by providing CO2 through the ventilator in 2 studies (n = 6, 7%), and providing CO2 through the ECMO oxygenator in 1 study (n = 1, 1%). The details of the AT were not reported in 2 studies (n = 39, 44%). In 19 patients (22%), the AT was nonconfirmatory due to hemodynamic instability, hypoxia, insufficient CO2 rise, or unreliability of the AT. A total of 157 ancillary tests were performed, including electroencephalogram (62%), computed tomography angiography (22%), transcranial Doppler ultrasound (6%), cerebral blood flow nuclear study (5%), cerebral angiography (4%), and other (1%). Forty-seven patients (53% of patients with AT) with confirmatory AT still underwent additional ancillary for BD confirmation. Only 21 patients (12% of all patients) were declared brain-dead using confirmatory ATs alone without ancillary testing.CONCLUSIONS: Performing AT for patients with ECMO was associated with high failure rate and hemodynamic complications. Our study highlights the variability in practice in regard to the AT and supports the use of ancillary tests to determine BD in patients on ECMO." ]
[ "The serine/threonine kinase mTORC1 regulates cellular homeostasis in response to many cues, such as nutrient status and energy level. Amino acids induce mTORC1 activation on lysosomes via the small Rag GTPases and the Ragulator complex, thereby controlling protein translation and cell growth. Here, we identify the human 11-pass transmembrane protein SLC38A9 as a novel component of the Rag-Ragulator complex. SLC38A9 localizes with Rag-Ragulator complex components on lysosomes and associates with Rag GTPases in an amino acid-sensitive and nucleotide binding state-dependent manner. Depletion of SLC38A9 inhibits mTORC1 activity in the presence of amino acids and in response to amino acid replenishment following starvation. Conversely, SLC38A9 overexpression causes RHEB (Ras homolog enriched in brain) GTPase-dependent hyperactivation of mTORC1 and partly sustains mTORC1 activity upon amino acid deprivation. Intriguingly, during amino acid starvation mTOR is retained at the lysosome upon SLC38A9 depletion but fails to be activated. Together, the findings of our study reveal SLC38A9 as a Rag-Ragulator complex member transducing amino acid availability to mTORC1 activity.", "The National Institutes of Health (US NIH, 2018) estimates that in the US approximately 50 million men and 30 million women suffer from AGA (also known as pattern hair loss). Minoxidil is the only topical drug for the treatment of both female and male pattern hair loss. In the US, minoxidil is approved over-the-counter (OTC) at a maximum concentration of 5%. In this review, we summarize the findings of the pivotal studies used in support of the drug's approval as well as recent discoveries and novel developments in the use of minoxidil for the treatment of AGA.", "Heerfordt's syndrome is a rare manifestation of sarcoidosis and is defined as a combination of facial palsy, parotid swelling, and uveitis, associated with a low-grade fever. We report a case of Heerfordt's syndrome presenting with a high fever and increased serum tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) levels. The patient had facial palsy, parotid swelling, uveitis, and swelling of the right supraclavicular and hilar lymph nodes. Corticosteroid therapy was initiated, and her symptoms soon resolved completely, in tandem with a decrease in TNF-α serum levels.", "Chronic wasting disease (CWD), a contagious prion disease of the deer family, has the potential to severely harm deer populations and disrupt ecosystems where deer occur in abundance. Consequently, understanding the dynamics of this emerging infectious disease, and particularly the dynamics of its transmission, has emerged as an important challenge for contemporary ecologists and wildlife managers. Although CWD is contagious among deer, the relative importance of pathways for its transmission remains unclear. We developed seven competing models, and then used data from two CWD outbreaks in captive mule deer and model selection to compare them. We found that models portraying indirect transmission through the environment had 3.8 times more support in the data than models representing transmission by direct contact between infected and susceptible deer. Model-averaged estimates of the basic reproductive number (R0) were 1.3 or greater, indicating likely local persistence of CWD in natural populations under conditions resembling those we studied. Our findings demonstrate the apparent importance of indirect, environmental transmission in CWD and the challenges this presents for controlling the disease.", "Genome-wide association studies have identified strong associations between the risk of developing Parkinson's disease (PD) and polymorphisms in the genes encoding α-synuclein and the microtubule-associated protein tau. However, the contribution of tau and its phosphorylated form (p-tau) to α-synuclein-induced pathology and neuronal dysfunction remains controversial. We have assessed the effects of NAP (davunetide), an eight-amino acid peptide that decreases tau hyperphosphorylation, in mice overexpressing wild-type human α-synuclein (Thy1-aSyn mice), a model that recapitulates aspects of PD. We found that the p-tau/tau level increased in a subcortical tissue block that includes the striatum and brain stem, and in the cerebellum of the Thy1-aSyn mice compared to nontransgenic controls. Intermittent intranasal NAP administration at 2 μg/mouse per day, 5 days a week, for 24 weeks, starting at 4 weeks of age, significantly decreased the ratio of p-tau/tau levels in the subcortical region while a higher dose of 15 μg/mouse per day induced a decrease in p-tau/tau levels in the cerebellum. Both NAP doses reduced hyperactivity, improved habituation to a novel environment, and reduced olfactory deficits in the Thy1-aSyn mice, but neither dose improved the severe deficits of motor coordination observed on the challenging beam and pole, contrasting with previous data obtained with continuous daily administration of the drug. The data reveal novel effects of NAP on brain p-tau/tau and behavioral outcomes in this model of synucleinopathy and suggest that sustained exposure to NAP may be necessary for maximal benefits.", "AIMS: Left ventricular non-compaction (LVNC) is caused by mutations in multiple genes. It is still unclear whether LVNC is the primary determinant of cardiomyopathy or rather a secondary phenomenon with intrinsic cardiomyocyte dysfunction being the actual cause of the disease. Here, we describe a family with LVNC due to a novel missense mutation, pE96K, in the cardiac troponin T gene (TNNT2).METHODS AND RESULTS: The novel mutation was identified in the index patient and all affected relatives, but not in 430 healthy control individuals. Mutations in known LVNC-associated genes were excluded. To investigate the pathophysiological implications of the mutation, we generated transgenic mice expressing human wild-type cTNT (hcTNT) or a human troponin T harbouring the pE96K mutation (mut cTNT). Animals were characterized by echocardiography, histology, and gene expression analysis. Mut cTNT mice displayed an impaired left ventricular function and induction of marker genes of heart failure. Remarkably, left ventricular non-compaction was not observed.CONCLUSION: Familial co-segregation and the cardiomyopathy phenotype of mut cTNT mice strongly support a causal relationship of the pE96K mutation and disease in our index patient. In addition, our data suggest that a non-compaction phenotype is not required for the development of cardiomyopathy in this specific TNNT2 mutation leading to LVNC.", "PURPOSE: This paper examines the tear concentration of cystatin S (CST4), calcyclin (S100A6), calgranulin A (S100A8), and matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP9), and the correlation between biomarker expression, clinical parameters, and disease severity in patients suffering from dry eye (DE). A comparison of the results is obtained via ELISA tests and customized antibody microarrays for protein quantification.METHODS: This single-center, observational study recruited 59 participants (45 DE and 14 controls). Clinical evaluation included an Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) questionnaire, a tear osmolarity (OSM) test, the Schirmer test (SCH), tear breakup time (TBUT), fluorescein (FLUO) and lissamine green (LG) corneal staining, and meibomian gland evaluation (MGE). Tear concentrations of CST4, S100A6, S100A8, and MMP9 were measured using standard individual ELISA assays. The levels of CST4, S100A6, and MMP9 were also measured using customized multiplexed antibody microarrays. Correlations between variables were evaluated, and a significance level was p value <0.05.RESULTS: The quantification of tear protein biomarkers with ELISA showed that the concentration of CST4 was significantly (2.14-fold) reduced in tears of DE patients in comparison with control (CT) subjects (p < 0.001). S100A6 and S100A8 concentrations were significantly higher in the tears of DE patients (1.36- and 2.29-fold; p < 0.001 and 0.025, respectively) in comparison with CT. The MMP9 level was also higher in DE patients (5.83-fold), but not significantly (p = 0.22). The changes in CST4 and S100A6 concentrations were significantly correlated with dry eye disease (DED) severity. Quantification of CST4, S100A6, and MMP9, using antibody microarrays, confirmed the ELISA results. Similar trends were observed: 1.83-fold reduction for CST4 (p value 0.01), 8.63-fold increase for S100A6 (p value <0.001) and 9.67-fold increase for MMP9 (p value 0.94), but with higher sensitivity. The biomarker concentrations were significantly associated with the signs and symptoms related with DED.CONCLUSIONS: S100A6, S100A8, and CST4 diagnostic biomarkers strongly correlate with DED clinical parameters. S100A6 and CST4 are also useful for grading DE severity. The multiplexed antibody microarray technique, used here for tear multi-marker quantification, appears more sensitive than standard ELISA tests." ]
[ "Saracatinib, a highly selective, dual Src/Abl kinase inhibitor, is currently in a Phase II clinical trial for the treatment of ovarian cancer. In our study, we investigated the effect of saracatinib on the reversal of multidrug resistance (MDR) induced by ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters in vitro and in vivo. Our results showed that saracatinib significantly enhanced the cytotoxicity of ABCB1 substrate drugs in ABCB1 overexpressing HeLa/v200, MCF-7/adr and HEK293/ABCB1 cells, an effect that was stronger than that of gefitinib, whereas it had no effect on the cytotoxicity of the substrates in ABCC1 overexpressing HL-60/adr cells and its parental sensitive cells. Additionally, saracatinib significantly increased the doxorubicin (Dox) and Rho 123 accumulation in HeLa/v200 and MCF-7/adr cells, whereas it had no effect on HeLa and MCF-7 cells. Furthermore, saracatinib stimulated the ATPase activity and inhibited photolabeling of ABCB1 with [(125)I]-iodoarylazidoprazosin in a concentration-dependent manner. In addition, the homology modeling predicted the binding conformation of saracatinib within the large hydrophobic drug-binding cavity of human ABCB1. However, neither the expression level of ABCB1 nor the phosphorylation level of Akt was altered at the reversal concentrations of saracatinib. Importantly, saracatinib significantly enhanced the effect of paclitaxel against ABCB1-overexpressing HeLa/v200 cancer cell xenografts in nude mice. In conclusion, saracatinib reverses ABCB1-mediated MDR in vitro and in vivo by directly inhibiting ABCB1 transport function, without altering ABCB1 expression or AKT phosphorylation. These findings may be helpful to attenuate the effect of MDR by combining saracatinib with other chemotherapeutic drugs in the clinic.", "Loss of consciousness in childhood may be due to cardiovascular causes, and the Long Q-T syndromes can present with seizures. The Romano-Ward syndrome is of autosomal dominant inheritance, and the Jervell and Lange-Nielson syndrome, with associated deafness, of autosomal recessive inheritance. The diagnosis is often delayed, but a careful history can avoid this. The syndromes can appear to be due to an imbalance in the sympathetic nerve to the ventricular myocardium, and precipitating causes such as stress suggest a CNS influence on this. The electrocardiogram can confirm the prolonged Q-T interval, but this is not always present, at least without an exercise test. Treatment with beta-blockers is often successful. If a wrong diagnosis of epilepsy is made a chance may be missed of avoiding sudden death, quite apart from all the medical, and social consequences that can result from such a diagnosis.", "Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by social and communication impairments and repetitive behaviours. The inbred BTBR T+ tf/J (BTBR) strain, a putative mouse model of autism, exhibits lower social interactions, higher repetitive self-grooming levels and unusual pattern of vocalizations as compared to C57BL/6J strain. First aim of the present study was to evaluate at adolescence (postnatal days 30-35) male BTBR and C57BL/6J performances in two different tasks involving either investigation of social cues (same strain partners) or non social ones (inanimate objects). In the social interaction test, BTBR mice showed a reduction of investigation of the social partner, due to a selective reduction of head sniffing, associated with a decrease in ultrasonic vocalizations. By contrast, no strain differences were detected in object investigations. Second aim of the study was to evaluate adult male BTBR and C57BL/6J performances in a fear conditioning task. Strain differences were evident during contextual retest: these strain differences primarily suggested a lack of behavioural flexibility in BTBR mice (i.e., realizing the occurrence of changes in the experimental paradigm). Subsequent electrophysiological analysis in hippocampal slices from adult BTBR and C57BL/6J mice revealed a significant reduction of Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF)-induced potentiation of synaptic transmission in BTBR mice. BDNF and tyrosine kinase B (TrkB) protein levels measured in the hippocampal region were also lower in BTBR as compared to C57BL/6J mice. These data confirm the presence of low levels of direct interaction with social stimuli in BTBR mice at adolescence, in the absence of any strain difference as for investigation of physical objects. At adulthood in BTBR mice clear signs of behavioural inflexibility were evident whereas both biochemical and electrophysiological data point to decreased BDNF signalling (likely due to a reduction in TrkB levels) in the hippocampus of this mouse strain.", "BACKGROUND: Type II (tyrosinase-positive) oculocutaneous albinism is an autosomal recessive disorder that has recently been mapped to chromosome segment 15q11-q13. The frequency of this disorder is greatly increased in patients with Prader-Willi or Angelman syndrome, both of which involve deletions of chromosome 15q. The P protein is a transmembrane polypeptide that may transport small molecules such as tyrosine, the precursor of melanin. The P gene is located in chromosome segment 15q11-q13.METHODS: We studied the tyrosinase and P genes in three patients with type II oculocutaneous albinism, one of whom also had Prader-Willi syndrome, and in one patient with a milder syndrome known as autosomal recessive ocular albinism. Individual exons of these genes were amplified from the DNA of each patient by the polymerase chain reaction and screened for mutations by simultaneous analyses of single-stranded conformation polymorphisms and heteroduplexes and subsequent DNA sequencing.RESULTS: Mutations of the P gene were identified in all four patients. These included one frame shift, three missense mutations that result in amino acid substitutions, and one mutation that affects RNA splicing. The patient with Prader-Willi syndrome plus albinism had a typical deletion of the paternal chromosome 15, rendering him hemizygous for a maternally inherited mutant allele of the P gene. The child with ocular albinism was heterozygous for two different mutations in the P gene.CONCLUSIONS: Abnormalities of the P gene are associated with a wide range of clinical phenotypes, including type II oculocutaneous albinism, albinism associated with the Prader-Willi syndrome, and at least some cases of autosomal recessive ocular albinism.", "Genes of the Fanconi complementation groups [Fanconi anemia (FA) genes] are suggested to be involved in homologous DNA recombination and produce FA when two allelic mutations are inherited. BRCA2 is an FA gene and additionally conveys an inherited risk for breast, ovarian, and pancreatic cancer for individuals carrying a single mutated allele [N. G. Howlett et al., Science (Wash. DC), 297: 606-609, 2002]. Here we report inherited and somatic mutations of FANCC and FANCG present in young-onset pancreatic cancer. This may imply a general involvement of Fanconi genes with an inherited risk of cancer. The known hypersensitivity of Fanconi cells to mitomycin and other therapeutic agents [M. S. Sasaki, Nature (Lond.), 257: 501-503, 1975] suggests a therapeutic utility for a more complete characterization of the DNA repair defects and their causative genetic mutations in pancreatic cancer.", "In 2004, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) controversially issued a black box warning that antidepressants were associated with an increased risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviours in people aged under 18 years. In 2007, the warning was expanded to include young adults aged under 25 years. In 2005, the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration responded to the FDA warning by requiring Product and Consumer Information leaflets to be updated to reflect the risk. However, there was considerable debate, and at times emotive backlash, in academic journals and the international media. Prominent US and Australian mental health organisations and psychiatrists challenged the FDA warning. They argued that, on balance, antidepressant use was likely to reduce the risk of suicide. Several ecological studies were cited misleadingly as evidence that decreasing antidepressant use increases suicide risk. From 2008 to 2018, Australian per-capita child, adolescent and young adult antidepressant dispensing (0-27 years of age) and suicide (0-24 years) rates have increased approximately 66% and 49%, respectively. In addition, there was a 98% increase in intentional poisonings among 5 to 19 year-olds in New South Wales and Victoria between 2006 and 2016, with substantial overlap between the most commonly dispensed psychotropics and the drugs most commonly used in self-poisoning. These results do not support claims that increased antidepressant use reduces youth suicide risk. They are more consistent with the FDA warning and the hypothesis that antidepressant use increases the risk of suicide and self-harm by young people. Causal relationships cannot be established with certainty until there is a vast improvement in post-marketing surveillance. However, there is clear evidence that more young Australians are taking antidepressants, and more young Australians are killing themselves and self-harming, often by intentionally overdosing on the very substances that are supposed to help them.", "The adhesin NadA favors cell adhesion/invasion by hypervirulent Neisseria meningitidis B (MenB). Its recombinant form NadA(Δ351-405,) devoid of the outer membrane domain, is an immunogenic candidate for an anti-MenB vaccine able to stimulate monocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells. In this study we investigated the molecular mechanism of NadA(Δ351-405) cellular effects in monocytes. We show that NadA(Δ351-405) (against which we obtained polyclonal antibodies in rabbits), binds to hsp90, but not to other extracellular homologous heat shock proteins grp94 and hsp70, in vitro and on the surface of monocytes, in a temperature dependent way. Pre-incubation of monocytes with the MenB soluble adhesin interfered with the binding of anti-hsp90 and anti-hsp70 antibodies to hsp90 and hsp70 at 37°C, a condition in which specific cell-binding occurs, but not at 0°C, a condition in which specific cell-binding is very diminished. Conversely, pre-incubation of monocytes with anti-hsp90 and anti-hsp70 antibodies did not affected NadA(Δ351-405) cell binding in any temperature condition, indicating that it associates to another receptor on their plasma membrane and then laterally diffuses to encounter hsp90. Consistently, polymixin B interfered with NadA(Δ351-405) /hsp90 association, abrogated the decrease of anti-hsp90 antibodies binding to the cell surface due to NadA(Δ351-405) and inhibited adhesin-induced cytokine/chemokine secretion without affecting monocyte-adhesin binding. Co-stimulation of monocytes with anti-hsp90 antibodies and NadA(Δ351-405) determined a stronger but polymixin B insensitive cell activation. This indicated that the formation of a recombinant NadA/hsp90/hsp70 complex, although essential for full monocyte stimulation, can be replaced by anti-hsp90 antibody/hsp90 binding. Finally, the activation of monocytes by NadA(Δ351-405) alone or in the presence of anti-hsp90 antibodies were both inhibited by neutralizing anti-TLR4 antibodies, but not by anti-TLR2 antibodies. We propose that hsp90-dependent recruitment into an hsp90/hsp70/TLR4 transducing signal complex is necessary for the immune-stimulating activity of NadA(Δ351-405) anti-MenB vaccine candidate." ]
[ "BACKGROUND: Burning mouth syndrome (BMS) has features of a neuropathy and could be related to the production of the toxic free radicals that are released in stress situations. Alpha-lipoic acid is an antioxidant able to increase the levels of intracellular glutathione and eliminate free radicals. This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of alpha-lipoic acid in the therapy of BMS.METHOD: This was a double blind, controlled study conducted for two months on 60 patients with constant BMS. Comparing alpha-lipoic acid (test) with cellulose starch (placebo), there was no laboratory evidence of deficiencies in iron, vitamins or thyroid function and no hyperglycaemia.RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Following treatment with alpha-lipoic acid, there was a significant symptomatic improvement, compared with placebo, with the majority showing at least some improvement after 2 months, thus supporting the hypothesis that burning mouth syndrome is a neuropathy. This improvement was maintained in over 70% of patients at the 1 year follow-up.", "Kartagener syndrome (a clinical variant of primary ciliary dyskinesia) is a recessive autossomical disease characterized by the triad of chronic sinusitis, bronchiectasis and situs inversus with dextrocardia. We report one case described in a 8 years old boy who besides presented a seromucous otitis and bronchitis of repetition. Finally we performed a short bibliographic review at respect of this uncommon pathology.", "AIMS: To evaluate the evidence for the novel dual sodium-glucose co-transporter-1 (SGLT1) and -2 (SGLT2) inhibitor, sotagliflozin, which may enhance the efficacy of SGLT2 inhibitors by additionally reducing intestinal glucose absorption.METHODS: The search terms 'sotagliflozin', 'LX4211', 'SGLT' and 'diabetes' were entered into PubMed. Evidence for the pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, safety and efficacy of sotagliflozin in Type 1 and 2 diabetes was extracted from the retrieved literature, critically evaluated, and contextualized in relation to data on existing SGLT2 inhibitors.RESULTS: There is convincing evidence from a range of phase II and III clinical trials that sotagliflozin significantly improves glycaemic control in both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Additional benefits, such as smaller postprandial plasma glucose excursions, lower insulin requirements, appetite suppression and weight loss have been documented. While this is encouraging, several safety concerns remain; a dose-dependent increase in the rate of diabetic ketoacidosis, diarrhoea and genital mycotic infection is apparent, although statistical exploration of the data regarding such events is currently lacking. Speculatively, use of a 200-mg rather than a 400-mg dose may help to limit unwanted effects.CONCLUSIONS: The current evidence for sotagliflozin in diabetes appears promising. Further studies sufficiently powered to assess present and emerging safety concerns, as well as to identify individuals for whom sotagliflozin may be of particular benefit/harm would now be informative for regulatory decision-making. Direct comparisons with existing SGLT2 inhibitors are also needed to determine relative safety/efficacy profiles for the different indications.", "Skeletal muscle tissue is sensitive to the acute and chronic stresses associated with resistance training. These responses are influenced by the structure of resistance activity (i.e. frequency, load and recovery) as well as the training history of the individuals involved. There are histochemical and biochemical data which suggest that resistance training alters the expression of myosin heavy chains (MHCs). Specifically, chronic exposure to bodybuilding and power lifting type activity produces shifts towards the MHC I and IIb isoforms, respectively. However, it is not yet clear which training parameters trigger these differential expressions of MHC isoforms. Interestingly, many programmes undertaken by athletes appear to cause a shift towards the MHC I isoform. Increments in the cross-sectional area of muscle after resistance training can be primarily attributed to fibre hypertrophy. However, there may be an upper limit to this hypertrophy. Furthermore, significant fibre hypertrophy appears to follow the sequence of fast twitch fibre hypertrophy preceding slow twitch fibre hypertrophy. Whilst some indirect measures of fibre number in living humans suggest that there is no interindividual variation, postmortem evidence suggests that there is. There are also animal data arising from investigations using resistance training protocols which suggest that chronic exercise can increase fibre number. Furthermore, satellite cell activity has been linked to myotube formation in the human. However, other animal models (i.e. compensatory hypertrophy) do not support the notion of fibre hyperplasia. Even if hyperplasia does occur, its effect on the cross-sectional area of muscle appears to be small. Phosphagen and glycogen metabolism, whilst important during resistance activity appear not to normally limit the performance of resistance activity. Phosphagen and related enzyme adaptations are affected by the type, structure and duration of resistance training. Whilst endogenous glycogen reserves may be increased with prolonged training, typical isotonic training for less than 6 months does not seem to increase glycolytic enzyme activity. Lipid metabolism may be of some significance in bodybuilding type activity. Thus, not surprisingly, oxidative enzyme adaptations appear to be affected by the structure and perhaps the modality of resistance training. The dilution of mitochondrial volume and endogenous lipid densities appears mainly because of fibre hypertrophy.", "BACKGROUND: Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) is a widely expressed pattern recognition receptor critical for innate immunity. TLR2 is also a key regulator of mucosal immunity implicated in the development of allergic disease. TLR2 activators are found in many common foods, but the role of TLR2 in oral tolerance and allergic sensitization to foods is not well understood.OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impacts of TLR2 expression and TLR2 activation on oral tolerance to food antigens in a murine model.METHODS: Mice were fed ovalbumin (OVA) or peanut butter with or without the addition of low doses of TLR2 activators Pam3 CSK4 or FSL-1. Oral tolerance was assessed by analysing antibody responses after a systemic antigen challenge. OVA-specific Tregs were assessed in the Peyer's patches, mesenteric lymph nodes, and spleen in wild-type and TLR2(-/-) mice. Low-dose Pam3 CSK4 was also tested as an oral adjuvant.RESULTS: Oral tolerance was successfully induced in both wild-type and TLR2(-/-) recipient mice, with an associated regulatory T-cell response. Oral TLR2 activation, with low-dose Pam3 CSK4 or FSL-1, during oral antigen exposure was found to alter oral tolerance and was associated with the development of substantial IgE and IgA responses to foods upon systemic challenge. Low-dose oral Pam3 CSK4 treatment also selectively enhanced antigen-specific IgA responses to oral antigen exposure.CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: TLR2 is not necessary for oral tolerance induction, but oral TLR2 activation modulates humoral IgE and IgA responses during tolerance development. Low-dose Pam3 CSK4 is also an effective oral adjuvant that selectively enhances IgA production. These observations are pertinent to the optimization of oral allergen immunotherapy and oral vaccine development.", "Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), a biological process by which polarized epithelial cells convert into a mesenchymal phenotype, has been implicated to contribute to the molecular heterogeneity of epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC). Here we report that a transcription factor--Grainyhead-like 2 (GRHL2) maintains the epithelial phenotype. EOC tumours with lower GRHL2 levels are associated with the Mes/Mesenchymal molecular subtype and a poorer overall survival. shRNA-mediated knockdown of GRHL2 in EOC cells with an epithelial phenotype results in EMT changes, with increased cell migration, invasion and motility. By ChIP-sequencing and gene expression microarray, microRNA-200b/a is identified as the direct transcriptional target of GRHL2 and regulates the epithelial status of EOC through ZEB1 and E-cadherin. Our study demonstrates that loss of GRHL2 increases the levels of histone mark H3K27me3 on promoters and GRHL2-binding sites at miR-200b/a and E-cadherin genes. These findings support GRHL2 as a pivotal gatekeeper of EMT in EOC via miR-200-ZEB1.", "Chromatin boundary elements serve as cis-acting regulatory DNA signals required to protect genes from the effects of the neighboring heterochromatin. In the yeast genome, boundary elements act by establishing barriers for heterochromatin spreading and are sufficient to protect a reporter gene from transcriptional silencing when inserted between the silencer and the reporter gene. Here we dissected functional topography of silencers and boundary elements within circular minichromosomes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We found that both HML-E and HML-I silencers can efficiently repress the URA3 reporter on a multi-copy yeast minichromosome and we further showed that two distinct heterochromatin boundary elements STAR and TEF2-UASrpg are able to limit the heterochromatin spreading in circular minichromosomes. In surprising contrast to what had been observed in the yeast genome, we found that in minichromosomes the heterochromatin boundary elements inhibit silencing of the reporter gene even when just one boundary element is positioned at the distal end of the URA3 reporter or upstream of the silencer elements. Thus the STAR and TEF2-UASrpg boundary elements inhibit chromatin silencing through an antisilencing activity independently of their position or orientation in S. cerevisiae minichromosomes rather than by creating a position-specific barrier as seen in the genome. We propose that the circular DNA topology facilitates interactions between the boundary and silencing elements in the minichromosomes." ]
[ "Immunohistochemical analyses were performed on 64 nevocellular nevi (12 compound nevi and 52 intradermal nevi). S-100 protein and its alpha- and beta-subunits were almost always demonstrated in type A, B and C cells, and the staining intensity tended to increase in the type C cells. Neuron-specific enolase was detected in each type of cell; however, the population of positive cells was smaller among type C cells. Beta 2-microglobulin was occasionally demonstrated, but only in type A cells. Vimentin was frequently revealed in every type of cell. Neither myelin basic protein nor glial fibrillary acidic protein was observed in any type of cell. In contrast, normal epidermal melanocytes were positive for vimentin, but negative for S-100 protein and its subunits and neuron-specific enolase. Schwann cells were positive for S-100 protein and its beta-subunit, but negative for the alpha-subunit. Thus, the nevus cells shared a common nature with epidermal melanocytes and Schwann cells which originate from the neural crest; however, the former cells were somewhat different from the latter two kinds and from benign and malignant tumors derived from these cells in the expression of these antigenic substances. Such differences in the expression of antigenic substances may be due to dysontogenic manifestations in nevus cells.", "BACKGROUND: A fundamental assumption of all widely-used multiple sequence alignment techniques is that the left- and right-most positions of the input sequences are relevant to the alignment. However, the position where a sequence starts or ends can be totally arbitrary due to a number of reasons: arbitrariness in the linearisation (sequencing) of a circular molecular structure; or inconsistencies introduced into sequence databases due to different linearisation standards. These scenarios are relevant, for instance, in the process of multiple sequence alignment of mitochondrial DNA, viroid, viral or other genomes, which have a circular molecular structure. A solution for these inconsistencies would be to identify a suitable rotation (cyclic shift) for each sequence; these refined sequences may in turn lead to improved multiple sequence alignments using the preferred multiple sequence alignment program.RESULTS: We present MARS, a new heuristic method for improving Multiple circular sequence Alignment using Refined Sequences. MARS was implemented in the C++ programming language as a program to compute the rotations (cyclic shifts) required to best align a set of input sequences. Experimental results, using real and synthetic data, show that MARS improves the alignments, with respect to standard genetic measures and the inferred maximum-likelihood-based phylogenies, and outperforms state-of-the-art methods both in terms of accuracy and efficiency. Our results show, among others, that the average pairwise distance in the multiple sequence alignment of a dataset of widely-studied mitochondrial DNA sequences is reduced by around 5% when MARS is applied before a multiple sequence alignment is performed.CONCLUSIONS: Analysing multiple sequences simultaneously is fundamental in biological research and multiple sequence alignment has been found to be a popular method for this task. Conventional alignment techniques cannot be used effectively when the position where sequences start is arbitrary. We present here a method, which can be used in conjunction with any multiple sequence alignment program, to address this problem effectively and efficiently.", "OBJECTIVES: The aim of study was to compare the accuracy between rectal water contrast transvaginal ultrasound (RWC-TVS) and double-contrast barium enema (DCBE) in evaluating the bowel endometriosis presence as well as its extent.DESIGN AND SETTING: 198 patients at reproductive age with suspicious bowel endometriosis were included. Physicians in two groups specialised at endometriosis performed RWC-TVS as well as DCBE before laparoscopy and both groups were blinded to other groups' results. Findings from RWC-TVS or DCBE were compared with histological results. The severity of experienced pain severity through RWC-TVS or DCBE was assessed by an analogue scale of 10 cm.RESULTS: In total, 110 in 198 women were confirmed to have endometriosis nodules in the bowel by laparoscopy as well as histopathology. For bowel endometriosis diagnosis, DCBE and RWC-TVS demonstrated sensitivities of 96.4% and 88.2%, specificities of 100% and 97.3%, positive prediction values of 100% and 98.0%, negative prediction values of 98.0% and 88.0%, accuracies of 98.0% and 92.4%, respectively. DCBE was related to more tolerance than RWC-TVS.CONCLUSIONS: RWC-TVS and DCBE demonstrated similar accuracies in the bowel endometriosis diagnosis; however, patients showed more tolerance for RWC-TVS than those with DCBE.", "BACKGROUND: Vesicular dyshidrotic palmoplantar eczema is a common disorder but treatment is difficult. Localized photochemotherapy (cream psoralen-UVA [PUVA]) has widely been used for therapy. Although the efficacy of cream PUVA therapy is well known, potential side effects may occur. Therefore, a more standardized safe and effective UV therapy should be carried out.OBJECTIVE: This study compared the effects of localized high-dose UVA1 irradiation versus topical cream PUVA for treatment of chronic vesicular dyshidrotic eczema.METHODS: On the basis of the assessment of the Dyshidrotic Area and Severity Index, the decrease of score points on the UVA1-treated side was compared with the decrease on the cream PUVA-treated side in 27 patients. In addition, analysis of serum markers was performed.RESULTS: Of 27 patients, 24 showed a good response to localized UVA1 irradiation or cream PUVA. Dyshidrotic Area and Severity Index scores significantly decreased on both sides and were reduced to half of the pretreatment values. No statistically significant differences between localized UVA1 irradiation or cream PUVA could be detected.CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates that localized UVA1 phototherapy is easy to perform and appears to be an effective and safe treatment for vesicular dyshidrotic eczema.", "Increased arterial endothelial cell permeability (ECP) is considered an initial step in atherosclerosis. Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) which is rapidly degraded by neprilysin (NEP) may reduce injury-induced endothelial cell leakiness. Omapatrilat represents a first in class of pharmacological agents which inhibits both NEP and angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE). We hypothesized that ANP prevents thrombin-induced increases of ECP in human aortic ECs (HAECs) and that omapatrilat would reduce aortic leakiness and atherogenesis and enhance ANP mediated vasorelaxation of isolated aortas. Thrombin induced ECP determined by I(125) albumin flux was assessed in HAECs with and without ANP pretreatment. Next we examined the effects of chronic oral administration of omapatrilat (12 mg/kg/day, n=13) or placebo (n=13) for 8 weeks on aortic leakiness, atherogenesis and ANP-mediated vasorelaxation in isolated aortas in a rabbit model of atherosclerosis produced by high cholesterol diet. In HAECs, thrombin-induced increases in ECP were prevented by ANP. Omapatrilat reduced the area of increased aortic leakiness determined by Evans-blue dye and area of atheroma formation assessed by Oil-Red staining compared to placebo. In isolated arterial rings, omapatrilat enhanced vasorelaxation to ANP compared to placebo with and without the endothelium. ANP prevents thrombin-induced increases in ECP in HAECs. Chronic oral administration of omapatrilat reduces aortic leakiness and atheroma formation with enhanced endothelial independent vasorelaxation to ANP. These studies support the therapeutic potential of dual inhibition of NEP and ACE in the prevention of increased arterial ECP and atherogenesis which may be linked to the ANP/cGMP system.", "Listeria rhombencephalitis is caused by infection with Listeria monocytogenes and is associated with a high mortality rate in humans and ruminants. Little is known about the metabolic changes associated with neurolisteriosis in particular and infectious central nervous system (CNS) diseases in general. The purpose of our study was to investigate the metabolic changes associated with listeria rhombencephalitis in small ruminants (goats and sheep) as a model for inflammatory CNS disease by 1 H high-resolution magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (1 H HR-MAS NMR) spectroscopy of brain biopsies obtained from the brainstem and thalamus. Statistical analysis revealed distinct differences in the metabolic profile of brainstem biopsies, the primary location of listeria rhombencephalitis with moderate or severe inflammatory changes. N-Acetylaspartate (NAA), N-acetylaspartylglutamate, choline, myo-inositol and scyllo-inositol were decreased, and glycine, phosphocholine, taurine and lactate were increased, in the diseased group (n = 13) in comparison with the control group (n = 12). In the thalamus, which showed no or only mild inflammatory changes in the majority of animals, no statistically significant metabolic changes were observed. However, trends for metabolic alterations were partly the same as those found in the brainstem, including NAA, choline and lactate. This may be an indicator of metabolic changes occurring in the early stages of the disease. Therefore, further research with a larger number of animals is needed to evaluate the presence of subtle metabolic changes associated with mild inflammatory changes in the thalamus. In conclusion, 1 H HR-MAS NMR investigation of listeria rhombencephalitis identified brain metabolite changes, offering new insights into the disease pathophysiology.", "CONTEXT: Women's health disorders are commonly treated by agents that suppress the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. NK3 receptor antagonism modulates this axis with distinct pharmacology compared to existing therapies.OBJECTIVE: The study aim was to evaluate safety, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics on gonadotropins and sex hormones after single- and multiple-dose administration of an NK3R antagonist to healthy men and women.DESIGN AND SETTING: This was a first-in-human, double-blind, placebo-controlled, combined single and multiple ascending dose trial.PARTICIPANTS: Forty-one men and 24 regularly cycling women participated in the study.INTERVENTION(S): In part 1 of the study, men received single oral doses of 3-180 mg or placebo. In part 2, men received placebo or 20, 60, or 180 mg each day for 10 days. In part 3, women received placebo or 20, 60, or 180 mg each day for 21 days, where dosing was initiated on day 3 ± 2 after menses.MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics on circulating levels of LH, FSH, testosterone, estradiol, and progesterone, in addition to physiological biomarkers of endometrial thickening, follicle growth, and the duration of the menstrual cycle were evaluated.RESULTS: ESN364 was well-tolerated and rapidly bioavailable with linear pharmacokinetics and no drug accumulation with repeated, daily oral administration. Drug treatment dose-dependently decreased basal LH, but not FSH, and consequently decreased estradiol and progesterone (in women) as well as testosterone (in men). The hormonal changes in women corresponded to delayed ovulation, decreased endometrial thickening, impeded follicular maturation, and prolongation of the menstrual cycle. Drug effects were rapidly reversible.CONCLUSIONS: Oral administration of the NK3R antagonist, ESN364, suppressed the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis in healthy volunteers by selective modulation of gonadotropin secretion, leading to a restrained decrease in ovarian hormone levels in women. These results suggest that ESN364 may offer therapeutic benefit in the treatment of women's health disorders with a mitigated risk of menopausal-like adverse events.", "Women's health disorders such as uterine fibroids and endometriosis are currently treated by GnRH modulators that effectively suppress the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. The neurokinin-3 receptor (NK3R) is an alternative target with an important role in the modulation of this axis. In this report, we demonstrate that systemic administration of an NK3R antagonist (ESN364) prolongs the LH interpulse interval in ovarectomized ewes and significantly lowers plasma LH and FSH concentrations in castrated nonhuman primates (Macaca fascicularis). Moreover, daily oral dosing of ESN364 throughout the menstrual cycle in M fascicularis lowered plasma estradiol levels in a dose-dependent manner, although nadir levels of estradiol were maintained well above menopausal levels. Nevertheless, estradiol levels during the follicular phase were sufficiently inhibited at all doses to preclude the triggering of ovulation as evidenced by the absence of the LH surge and failure of a subsequent luteal phase rise in plasma progesterone concentrations, consistent with the absence of normal cycle changes in the uterus. Apart from the point at surge, FSH levels were not altered over the course of the menstrual cycle. These effects of ESN364 were reversible upon cessation of drug treatment. Together these data support the proposed role of neurokinin B-NK3R signaling in the control of pulsatile GnRH secretion. Furthermore, in contrast to GnRH antagonists, NK3R antagonists induce a partial suppression of estradiol and thereby offer a viable therapeutic approach to the treatment of ovarian sex hormone disorders with a mitigated risk of menopausal-like adverse events in response to long-term drug exposure." ]
[ "In an effort to optimize reverse-phase liquid chromatography (RPLC) for proteomics, we studied the impact of composition of the sample injection solution on protein on-column selection and retention. All the proteins studied were retained on-column when injections were made in 50% formic acid, 0.1% TFA or 8.3M urea. When formic acid was increased to 80%, the superoxide dismutase standard (MW 26,159) and 58 mouse microsomal proteins that possessed low-range molecular weights, high pIs or basic amino acid clusters were non-retained, resulting in retention selectivity during sample injection. Introducing to the 80% formic acid injection solution an organic solvent such as acetonitrile or acetonitrile-DMSO induced further retention selectivity, and increasing levels of organic solvents reduced on-column retention. The proteome was split into the proteins that were retained on-column which eluted at higher retention times (RTs), vs the proteins that collected in the injection flow-through which normally eluted at lower RTs. This protein selectivity was confirmed after fraction collection, 1D-GE and nano-LC-MS/MS. The significance of this procedure is that it can be exploited for fast extraction of small basic proteins from the bulk of the proteome and for on-column enrichment of hydrophobic proteins.", "An unexpectedly large number of human autosomal genes are subject to monoallelic expression (MAE). Our analysis of 4,227 such genes uncovers surprisingly high genetic variation across human populations. This increased diversity is unlikely to reflect relaxed purifying selection. Remarkably, MAE genes exhibit an elevated recombination rate and an increased density of hypermutable sequence contexts. However, these factors do not fully account for the increased diversity. We find that the elevated nucleotide diversity of MAE genes is also associated with greater allelic age: variants in these genes tend to be older and are enriched in polymorphisms shared by Neanderthals and chimpanzees. Both synonymous and nonsynonymous alleles of MAE genes have elevated average population frequencies. We also observed strong enrichment of the MAE signature among genes reported to evolve under balancing selection. We propose that an important biological function of widespread MAE might be the generation of cell-to-cell heterogeneity; the increased genetic variation contributes to this heterogeneity.", "BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: NXY-059 is a free radical-trapping neuroprotectant demonstrated to reduce disability from ischemic stroke. We conducted analyses on additional end points and sensitivity analyses to confirm our findings.METHODS: We randomized 1722 patients with acute ischemic stroke to a 72-hour infusion of placebo or intravenous NXY-059 within 6 hours of stroke onset. The primary outcome was disability at 90 days, as measured by the modified Rankin Scale (mRS), a 6-point scale ranging from 0 (no residual symptoms) to 5 (bed-bound, requiring constant care). Additional and exploratory analyses included mRS at 7 and 30 days; subgroup interactions with final mRS; assessments of activities of daily living by Barthel index; and National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) neurological scores at 7 and 90 days.RESULTS: NXY-059 significantly improved the distribution of the mRS disability score compared with placebo at 7, 30, and 90 days (Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test P=0.002, 0.004, 0.038, respectively; 90-day common odds ratio 1.20; 95% CI, 1.01 to 1.42). The benefit was not attributable to any specific baseline characteristic, stratification variable or subgroup interaction. Neurological scores were improved at 7 days (odds ratio [OR], 1.46; 95% CI, 1.13, 1.89; P=0.003) and the Barthel index was improved at 7 and 30 days (OR, 1.55; 95% CI, 1.22, 1.98; P<0.0001; OR, 1.27; 95% CI, 1.01, 1.59; P=0.02).CONCLUSIONS: NXY-059 within 6 hours of acute ischemic stroke significantly reduced disability. Benefit on neurological scores and activities of daily living was detectable early but not significant at 90 days; however, our trial was underpowered to measure effects on the neurological examination. The benefit on disability is not confounded by interactions and is supported by other outcome measures.", "Missense mutations in the PRESENILIN1 (PSEN1) gene frequently underlie familial Alzheimer's disease (FAD). Nonsense and most splicing mutations result in the synthesis of truncated peptides, and it has been assumed that truncated PSEN1 protein is functionless so that heterozygotes for these mutations are unaffected. Some FAD mutations affecting PSEN1 mRNA splicing cause loss of exon 8 or 9 sequences while maintaining the reading frame. We attempted to model these exon-loss mutations in zebrafish embryos by injecting morpholino antisense oligonucleotides (morpholinos) directed against splice acceptor sites in zebrafish psen1 transcripts. However, this produced cryptic changes in splicing potentially forming mRNAs encoding truncated presenilin proteins. Aberrant splicing in the region between exons 6 and 8 produces potent dominant negative effects on Psen1 protein activity, including Notch signalling, and causes a hydrocephalus phenotype. Reductions in Psen1 activity feedback positively to increase psen1 transcription through a mechanism apparently independent of gamma-secretase. We present evidence that the dominant negative effects are mediated through production of truncated Psen1 peptides that interfere with the normal activity of both Psen1 and Psen2. Mutations causing such truncations would be dominant lethal in embryo development. Somatic cellular changes in ageing cells that interfere with PSEN1 splicing, or otherwise cause protein truncation, might contribute to sporadic Alzheimer's disease, cancer and other diseases.", "PURPOSE: NOTCH signaling pathway is essential in T-cell development and NOTCH1 mutations are frequently present in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL). To gain insight into its clinical significance, NOTCH1 mutation was investigated in 77 patients with T-ALL.EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Detection of NOTCH1 mutation was done using reverse transcription-PCR amplification and direct sequencing, and thereby compared according to the clinical/biological data of the patients.RESULTS: Thirty-two mutations were identified in 29 patients (with dual mutations in 3 cases), involving not only the heterodimerization and proline/glutamic acid/serine/threonine domains as previously reported but also the transcription activation and ankyrin repeat domains revealed for the first time. These mutations were significantly associated with elevated WBC count at diagnosis and independently linked to short survival time. Interestingly, the statistically significant difference of survival according to NOTCH1 mutations was only observed in adult patients (>18 years) but not in pediatric patients (< or = 18 years), possibly due to the relatively good overall response of childhood T-ALL to the current chemotherapy. NOTCH1 mutations could coexist with HOX11, HOX11L2, or SIL-TAL1 expression. The negative effect of NOTCH1 mutation on prognosis was potentiated by HOX11L2 but was attenuated by HOX11.CONCLUSION: NOTCH1 mutation is an important prognostic marker in T-ALL and its predictive value could be even further increased if coevaluated with other T-cell-related regulatory genes. NOTCH pathway thus acts combinatorially with oncogenic transcriptional factors on T-ALL pathogenesis.", "Understanding epidemiology of the tick-borne pathogens requires the accurate identification of the vector ticks. Morphological analysis of ticks is difficult and often leads to misidentification. Molecular techniques offer an alternative approach of tick identification. To date, no practical and reliable molecular assays for discrimination of Euro-Asian ticks are available. Our aim was to develop such an assay for discrimination between four Euro-Asian tick species of high medical importance such as Ixodes ricinus, Ixodes persulcatus, Ixodes hexagonus, and Dermacentor reticulatus. As a basis, we have chosen conventional species-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a technique providing a good combination of simplicity and reliability. The DNA information available on ticks was searched for orthologous loci containing stretches of sequence dissimilarity sufficient for designing species-specific primers. ITS2 locus (second internal transcribed region of the rRNA gene cluster) was found to be the most favorable for primer design. Finally, for each of the three Ixodes species a PCR was developed amplifying only for the targeted species. One PCR amplified the entire ITS2 locus of the four species and allowed discrimination of D. reticulatus from the Ixodes species on the basis of the size difference of the respective PCR products. This PCR system was successfully tested for discrimination of the ticks at different maturation stages (larva, nymph, and adult) in engorged and unfed conditions, and therefore it may be useful for large-scale epidemiological studies. Differentiation between the closely related I. ricinus and I. persulcatus, the two species most often occurring in the tick-borne diseases in Eurasia, is of special importance.", "The Biological General Repository for Interaction Datasets (BioGRID: is an open access database dedicated to the annotation and archival of protein, genetic and chemical interactions for all major model organism species and humans. As of September 2016 (build 3.4.140), the BioGRID contains 1 072 173 genetic and protein interactions, and 38 559 post-translational modifications, as manually annotated from 48 114 publications. This dataset represents interaction records for 66 model organisms and represents a 30% increase compared to the previous 2015 BioGRID update. BioGRID curates the biomedical literature for major model organism species, including humans, with a recent emphasis on central biological processes and specific human diseases. To facilitate network-based approaches to drug discovery, BioGRID now incorporates 27 501 chemical-protein interactions for human drug targets, as drawn from the DrugBank database. A new dynamic interaction network viewer allows the easy navigation and filtering of all genetic and protein interaction data, as well as for bioactive compounds and their established targets. BioGRID data are directly downloadable without restriction in a variety of standardized formats and are freely distributed through partner model organism databases and meta-databases." ]
[ "BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The American College of Gastroenterology recommends early risk stratification in patients presenting with upper GI bleeding (UGIB). The AIMS65 score is a risk stratification score previously validated to predict inpatient mortality. The aim of this study was to validate the AIMS65 score as a predictor of inpatient mortality in patients with acute UGIB and to compare it with established pre- and postendoscopy risk scores.METHODS: ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision) codes identified patients presenting with UGIB requiring endoscopy. All patients were risk stratified by using the AIMS65, Glasgow-Blatchford score (GBS), pre-endoscopy Rockall, and full Rockall scores. The primary outcome was inpatient mortality. Secondary outcomes were a composite endpoint of inpatient mortality, rebleeding, and endoscopic, radiologic, or surgical intervention; blood transfusion requirement; intensive care unit (ICU) admission; rebleeding; and hospital length of stay. The area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve (AUROC) was calculated for each score.RESULTS: Of the 424 study patients, 18 (4.2%) died and 69 (16%) achieved the composite endpoint. The AIMS65 score was superior to both the GBS (AUROC, 0.80 vs 0.76, P < .027) and the pre-endoscopy Rockall score (0.74, P = .001) and equivalent to the full Rockall score (0.78, P = .18) in predicting inpatient mortality. The AIMS65 score was superior to all other scores in predicting the need for ICU admission and length of hospital stay. AIMS65, GBS, and full Rockall scores were equivalent (AUROCs, 0.63 vs 0.62 vs 0.63, respectively) and superior to pre-endoscopy Rockall (AUROC, 0.55) in predicting the composite endpoint. GBS was superior to all other scores for predicting blood transfusion.CONCLUSION: The AIMS65 score is a simple risk stratification score for UGIB with accuracy superior to that of GBS and pre-endoscopy Rockall scores in predicting in-hospital mortality and the need for ICU admission.", "Phosphorylation-dependent ubiquitination and ensuing down-regulation and lysosomal degradation of the interferon alpha/beta receptor chain 1 (IFNAR1) of the receptor for Type I interferons play important roles in limiting the cellular responses to these cytokines. These events could be stimulated either by the ligands (in a Janus kinase-dependent manner) or by unfolded protein response (UPR) inducers including viral infection (in a manner dependent on the activity of pancreatic endoplasmic reticulum kinase). Both ligand-dependent and -independent pathways converge on phosphorylation of Ser(535) within the IFNAR1 degron leading to recruitment of beta-Trcp E3 ubiquitin ligase and concomitant ubiquitination and degradation. Casein kinase 1 alpha (CK1 alpha) was shown to directly phosphorylate Ser(535) within the ligand-independent pathway. Yet given the constitutive activity of CK1 alpha, it remained unclear how this pathway is stimulated by UPR. Here we report that induction of UPR promotes the phosphorylation of a proximal residue, Ser(532), in a pancreatic endoplasmic reticulum kinase-dependent manner. This serine serves as a priming site that promotes subsequent phosphorylation of IFNAR1 within its degron by CK1 alpha. These events play an important role in regulating ubiquitination and degradation of IFNAR1 as well as the extent of Type I interferon signaling.", "The development of various cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are associated with chronic inflammation. Tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) is a pro-inflammatory cytokine that activates the nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) signaling pathway, leading to increased inflammatory cytokine expression, such as interleukin-6 (IL-6). Interventions to reduce each of these factors have been demonstrated to reduce the development of CVD. Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is a naturally occurring compound that demonstrates anti-inflammatory effects in humans and various animal and cell culture models. The effects of MSM include decreased NF-κB activation, decreased expression of TNF-α, and IL-6. However, the effects of MSM within the heart have not yet been examined. Therefore, the purpose of this investigation was to determine whether MSM protects cardiac cells from inflammation that occurs in response to pro-inflammatory stimuli. A novel immortalized human ventricular cardiomyocyte cell line, designated Ac16, developed and characterized in the laboratory of Dr. Mercy Davidson, Columbia Invention Report No. 823, U.S. patent No. 7,223,599 were utilized. Cells were treated with TNF-α, alone or in combination with MSM. To confirm an appropriate dosage of MSM, the effect of various concentrations on cell viability, and IL-6 production were examined. The effect of MSM on transcript expression of pro-inflammatory markers and activation of NF-κB were examined with the established dose by real-time quantitative PCR and western blot, respectively. MSM treatment combined with TNF-α significantly decreased IL-6 production and transcript expression compared to TNF-α alone. These findings indicate that MSM may protect against inflammation in the heart, and thereby protect against inflammation-linked CVDs. Further study is warranted to determine the effect of MSM on cardiovascular health outcomes.", "AIM: The aim of this study was to explore the physical status and gait patterns of children with spastic diplegia secondary to human immunodeficiency virus encephalopathy (HIVE).METHOD: A cross-sectional study was conducted on children diagnosed with HIVE and spastic diplegia. Sociodemographic and clinical background information was obtained, followed by three-dimensional gait analysis (3DGA) and a physical examination including assessments of muscle tone, strength, motor control, contractures, and bony deformities of the lower extremities.RESULTS: Fourteen children (eight males, six females; mean age 5 y 8 mo [SD 9 mo], range 4 y 4 mo-6 y 10 mo) were studied. The cohort was divided into two groups based on distinctive gait patterns. Nine participants in group I showed only limited abnormalities. Group II displayed a more pathological gait pattern including stiff knee and equinus ankle abnormalities. Results of 3DGA, as with the physical examination outcomes, showed increased impairments from proximal to distal (except for hip extension).INTERPRETATION: This study provides a first description of distinctive gait patterns and related physical characteristics of children with HIVE and spastic diplegia. Further research is necessary.", "Incontinentia Pigmenti is an X-linked dominant neurocutaneous disorder with central nervous system manifestations in 30% of cases, including seizures and mental retardation. Ischemic or hemorrhagic cerebrovascular accidents have been reported rarely in incontinentia pigmenti. Chart review and literature search was performed following identification of the index case. We describe a patient with incontinentia pigmenti who developed bilateral cerebrovascular accidents in the neonatal period, with resultant severe neurologic sequelae. This is the second reported case of bilateral cerebrovascular accidents in a patient with incontinentia pigmenti. This finding may be secondary to cerebrovascular anomalies, similar to those observed in the retina. Recognition of cerebrovascular accidents as a complication of incontinentia pigmenti will hopefully lead to earlier recognition and treatment.", "BACKGROUND: Hot flushes affect 70% of menopausal women and often severely impact physical, psychosocial, sexual, and overall wellbeing. Hormone replacement therapy is effective but is not without risk. Neurokinin B signalling is increased in menopausal women, and has been implicated as an important mediator of hot flushes.METHODS: This phase 2, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, single-centre, crossover trial assessed the effectiveness of an oral neurokinin 3 receptor antagonist (MLE4901) on menopausal hot flushes. Eligible participants were healthy women aged 40-62 years, having seven or more hot flushes in every 24 h of which some were reported as being severe or bothersome, who had not had a menstrual period for at least 12 months, and who had not been taking any medication shown to improve menopausal flushes in the preceding 8 weeks. Participants received 4 weeks of MLE4901 (40 mg, orally, twice daily) and placebo (orally, twice daily) in random order separated by a 2 week washout period. Randomisation was completed by a central computer, and participants were allocated to treatment number in numerical order. The primary outcome was the total number of hot flushes during the final week of both treatment periods. Analyses were by intention to treat and per protocol using generalised linear mixed models and standard crossover analysis. All analyses were prespecified in the study protocol. The trial is registered at, number NCT02668185.FINDINGS: 68 women were screened between Feb 3 and Oct 10, 2016, of which 37 were randomly assigned and included in an intention-to-treat analysis. 28 participants completed the trial and were included in a per-protocol analysis. MLE4901 significantly reduced the total weekly number of hot flushes by 45 percentage points (95% CI 22-67) compared with the placebo (intention-to-treat adjusted means: placebo 49·01 [95% CI 40·81-58·56] vs MLE4901 19·35 [15·99-23·42]; adjusted estimate of difference 29·66 [17·39-42·87], p<0·0001). Treatment was well tolerated. Three participants developed a transaminase rise (alanine aminotransferase 4·5-5·9 times the upper limit of normal) with a normal bilirubin 28 days after starting MLE4901, which normalised within 90 days.INTERPRETATION: Treatment with a neurokinin 3 receptor antagonist (MLE4901) could be practice changing as it safely and effectively relieves hot flush symptoms without the need for oestrogen exposure. Larger scale studies of longer duration are now indicated.FUNDING: UK Medical Research Council and National Institute for Health Research.", "BACKGROUND: Prognosis of patients affected by metastatic esophageal-gastric junction (EGJ) or gastric cancer (GC) remains dismal. Trastuzumab, an anti-HER2 monoclonal antibody, is the only targeted agent approved for the first-line treatment of patients with HER2-overexpressing advanced EGJ or GC in combination with chemotherapy. However, patients invariably become resistant during this treatment. We recently identified the overexpression of fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptor 3 (FGFR3) as a molecular mechanism responsible for trastuzumab resistance in GC models, providing the rationale for the inhibition of this receptor as a potential second-line strategy in this disease. Pemigatinib is a selective, potent, oral inhibitor of FGFR1, 2, and 3.METHODS: The FiGhTeR trial is a phase II, single-arm, open-label study to assess safety and activity of the FGFR inhibitor pemigatinib as second-line treatment strategy in metastatic EGJ/GC patients progressing under trastuzumab-containing therapies. The primary endpoint is the 12-week progression-free survival rate. Plasma and tumor tissue samples will be collected for translational research analyses at baseline, during treatment, and at progression on pemigatinib.DISCUSSION: Co-alterations in genes coding for different tyrosine-kinase receptors are emerging as relevant mechanisms of acquired resistance to anti-HER2 therapeutic strategies in GC. In particular, our group has recently identified that in GC models the overexpression of FGFR3 sustains the acquired resistance to trastuzumab. This trial aims to assess the safety, tolerability and activity of the FGFR inhibitor pemigatinib as a second-line treatment in metastatic EGJ/GC patients refractory to first-line trastuzumab-containing therapies. Furthermore, this study offers the opportunity to prospectively study mechanisms and pathways involved in trastuzumab resistance.PROTOCOL NUMBER: CRC2017_02.EUDRACT NUMBER: 2017-004522-14." ]
[ "CONTEXT: Women's health disorders are commonly treated by agents that suppress the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. NK3 receptor antagonism modulates this axis with distinct pharmacology compared to existing therapies.OBJECTIVE: The study aim was to evaluate safety, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics on gonadotropins and sex hormones after single- and multiple-dose administration of an NK3R antagonist to healthy men and women.DESIGN AND SETTING: This was a first-in-human, double-blind, placebo-controlled, combined single and multiple ascending dose trial.PARTICIPANTS: Forty-one men and 24 regularly cycling women participated in the study.INTERVENTION(S): In part 1 of the study, men received single oral doses of 3-180 mg or placebo. In part 2, men received placebo or 20, 60, or 180 mg each day for 10 days. In part 3, women received placebo or 20, 60, or 180 mg each day for 21 days, where dosing was initiated on day 3 ± 2 after menses.MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics on circulating levels of LH, FSH, testosterone, estradiol, and progesterone, in addition to physiological biomarkers of endometrial thickening, follicle growth, and the duration of the menstrual cycle were evaluated.RESULTS: ESN364 was well-tolerated and rapidly bioavailable with linear pharmacokinetics and no drug accumulation with repeated, daily oral administration. Drug treatment dose-dependently decreased basal LH, but not FSH, and consequently decreased estradiol and progesterone (in women) as well as testosterone (in men). The hormonal changes in women corresponded to delayed ovulation, decreased endometrial thickening, impeded follicular maturation, and prolongation of the menstrual cycle. Drug effects were rapidly reversible.CONCLUSIONS: Oral administration of the NK3R antagonist, ESN364, suppressed the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis in healthy volunteers by selective modulation of gonadotropin secretion, leading to a restrained decrease in ovarian hormone levels in women. These results suggest that ESN364 may offer therapeutic benefit in the treatment of women's health disorders with a mitigated risk of menopausal-like adverse events.", "In the cell, RNA polymerase II (pol II) efficiently transcribes DNA packaged into nucleosomes, but in vitro encounters with the nucleosomes induce catalytic inactivation (arrest) of the pol II core enzyme. To determine potential mechanisms making nucleosomes transparent to transcription in vivo, we analyzed the nature of the nucleosome-induced arrest. We found that the arrests have been detected mostly at positions of strong intrinsic pause sites of DNA. The transient pausing makes pol II vulnerable to arrest, which involves backtracking of the elongation complex for a considerable distance on DNA. The histone-DNA contacts reestablished in front of pol II stabilize backtracked conformation of the polymerase. In agreement with this mechanism, blocking of backtracking prevents nucleosome-induced arrest. Transcript cleavage factor TFIIS reactivates the backtracked complexes and promotes pol II transcription through the nucleosome. Our findings establish the crucial role of elongation factors that suppress pol II pausing and backtracking for transcription in the context of chromatin.", "Narcolepsy is a chronic sleep disorder characterized by a pentad of excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS), cataplexy, sleep paralysis, hypnagogic/hypnopompic hallucinations, and disturbed nocturnal sleep. While non-pharmacological treatments are sometimes helpful, more than 90% of narcoleptic patients require a pharmacological treatment. Areas covered: The present review is based on an extensive Internet and PubMed search from 1994 to 2017. It is focused on drugs currently in development for the treatment of narcolepsy. Expert opinion: Currently there is no cure for narcolepsy, with treatment focusing on symptoms control. However, these symptomatic treatments are often unsatisfactory. The research is leading to a better understanding of narcolepsy and its symptoms. New classes of compounds with possible applications in the development of novel stimulant/anticataplectic medications are described. H3 receptor antagonists represent a new therapeutic option for EDS in narcolepsy. JZP-110, with its distinct mechanism of action, would be a new therapeutic option for the treatment of EDS in the coming years. In the future, hypocretin-based therapies and immune-based therapies, could modify the clinical course of the disease. However, more information would be necessary to completely understand the autoimmune process and also how this process can be altered for therapeutic benefits.", "alpha-Synuclein and ubiquitin are two Lewy body protein components that may play antagonistic roles in the pathogenesis of Lewy bodies. We examined the relationship between alpha-synuclein, ubiquitin, and lipids in Lewy bodies of fixed brain sections or isolated from cortical tissues of dementia with Lewy bodies. Lewy bodies exhibited a range of labeling patterns for alpha-synuclein and ubiquitin, from a homogeneous pattern in which alpha-synuclein and ubiquitin were evenly distributed and overlapped across the inclusion body to a concentric pattern in which alpha-synuclein and ubiquitin were partially segregated, with alpha-synuclein labeling concentrated in the peripheral domain and ubiquitin in the central domain of the Lewy body. Lipids represented a significant component in both homogeneous and concentric Lewy bodies. These results suggest that Lewy bodies are heterogeneous in their subregional composition. The segregation of alpha-synuclein to Lewy body peripheral domain is consistent with the hypothesis that alpha-synuclein is continually deposited onto Lewy bodies.", "The vocal tract from the glottis to the lips is considered to he a resonator and the voice is changeable depending upon the shape of the vocal tract. In this report, we examined the change in pharyngeal size and acoustic feature of voice after tonsillectomy.METHODS: Subjects were 20 patients. The distance between both anterior pillars (glossopalatine arches), and between both posterior pillars (pharyngopalatine arches) was measured weekly. For acoustic measurements, the five Japanese vowels and Japanese conversational sentences were recorded and analyzed.RESULTS: The distance between both anterior pillars became wider 2 weeks postoperatively, and tended to become narrower thereafter. The distance between both posterior pillars became wider even after 4 weeks postoperatively. No consistent changes in F0, F1 and F2 were found after surgery. Although there was a tendency for a decrease in F3, tonsillectomy did not appear to change the acoustical features of the Japanese vowels remarkably. It was assumed that the subject may adjust the shape of the vocal tract to produce consistent speech sounds after the surgery using auditory feedback.", "BACKGROUND: The Azorean population presents the highest standardized mortality rate for cardiovascular diseases (CVD) when compared to mainland Portugal and other populations. Since thrombosis is a common cause of CVD, we assessed four polymorphisms in three thrombotic risk genes - F5 (G1691A), F2 (G20210A) and MTHFR (C677T, A1298C), in 469 healthy blood donors from São Miguel Island (Azores). We also analysed the CYP2C9 (C430T, A1075C) and VKORC1 (G1639A) variants in fifty-eight individuals with predisposition to thrombosis (possessing at least one variation in F5 or F2 genes and one in MTHFR) to evaluate their warfarin drug response genetic profiles.RESULTS: Among the 469 individuals, the data showed that thrombotic risk allele frequencies - 1691A (4.9%), 20210A (1.8%), 677T (41.7%) and 1298C (24.8%) - were similar to other Caucasians, but significantly different from mainland Portuguese (chi2, p < 0.001). The combined analysis of these variants identified twenty-two different genetic profiles (genotype order: F5, F2, MTHFR C677T and A1298C). Complete homozygosity for all wild-type alleles (GG GG CC AA) was present in 11.7%, being GG GG CT AA (22.4%) the most frequent profile. The results also demonstrated that 12.4% (58 out of 469) of São Miguel islanders have increased genetic predisposition to thrombosis. Subsequently, we evaluated these individuals for their warfarin response genetic profiles. The data showed that seven out of fifty-eight individuals are poor metabolizers (two with CYP2C9*2/*2 and five with CYP2C9*2/*3 genotypes). VKORC1 polymorphism analysis identified twelve individuals (20.7%) with AA genotype, who probably will require lower doses of warfarin. The joint analysis of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 revealed that 79.3% (46 out of 58) of the individuals carry at least one polymorphism in these genes. Within these, twenty-five individuals (43.1%) need intermediate and/or low doses of warfarin, if treatment is started.CONCLUSION: The present study demonstrated, for the first time, that São Miguel, and possibly the Azores population, shows significant differences on allele frequencies of thrombotic risk factors when compared to mainland Portugal. This research constitutes a primary approach for future studies on CVD, as well as for the implementation of warfarin dosing protocols using the patient's genotypic information.", "Obesity is a chronic medical condition that is expected to become an indirect but leading cause of mortality and morbidity. Obesity results in type 2 diabetes mellitus, insulin resistance, hypertension, dyslipidemia, coronary heart disease. These factors contribute to cardiovascular disease that is a leading cause of death. Therefore, the approach to obesity therapy should be designed to reduce cardiovascular disease risk and mortality. Diet and lifestyle changes remain the cornerstones of therapy for obesity, but the resultant weight loss is often small. For more effective weight loss, individuals have shown to benefit from anti-obesity medications. Anti-Obesity therapy is considered for individuals with a body mass index greater than 30 kg/m2 or ranging from 25 to 30 kg/m2, or individuals with co-morbid conditions. Recent anti-obese medications affect biological mechanisms that suppress appetite and absorb nutrients to regulate body weight. In this review, we discuss the FDA approved anti-obesity drugs and recent patents which include phentermine/topiramate, pramlintide, lorcaserin, AOD9604, oleoyl-estrone, trk-beta antagonists and melanin concentrating hormone that can reduce adiposity at the molecular level." ]
[ "BACKGROUND: It is estimated that 1-13% of cases of bronchiectasis in adults globally are attributable to primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) but many adult patients with bronchiectasis have not been investigated for PCD. PCD is a disorder caused by mutations in genes required for motile cilium structure or function, resulting in impaired mucociliary clearance. Symptoms appear in infancy but diagnosis is often late or missed, often due to the lack of a \"gold standard\" diagnostic tool and non-specific symptoms. Mutations in > 50 genes account for around 70% of cases, with additional genes, and non-coding, synonymous, missense changes or structural variants (SVs) in known genes presumed to account for the missing heritability.METHODS: UK patients with no identified genetic confirmation for the cause of their PCD or bronchiectasis were eligible for whole genome sequencing (WGS) in the Genomics England Ltd 100,000 Genomes Project. 21 PCD probands and 52 non-cystic fibrosis (CF) bronchiectasis probands were recruited in Wessex Genome Medicine Centre (GMC). We carried out analysis of single nucleotide variants (SNVs) and SVs in all families recruited in Wessex GMC.RESULTS: 16/21 probands in the PCD cohort received confirmed (n = 9), probable (n = 4) or possible (n = 3) diagnosis from WGS, although 13/16 of these could have been picked up by current standard of care gene panel testing. In the other cases, SVs were identified which were missed by panel testing. We identified variants in novel PCD candidate genes (IFT140 and PLK4) in 2 probands in the PCD cohort. 3/52 probands in the non-CF bronchiectasis cohort received a confirmed (n = 2) or possible (n = 1) diagnosis of PCD. We identified variants in novel PCD candidate genes (CFAP53 and CEP164) in 2 further probands in the non-CF bronchiectasis cohort.CONCLUSIONS: Genetic testing is an important component of diagnosing PCD, especially in cases of atypical disease history. WGS is effective in cases where prior gene panel testing has found no variants or only heterozygous variants. In these cases it may detect SVs and is a powerful tool for novel gene discovery.", "Accurate variant calling in next generation sequencing (NGS) is critical to understand cancer genomes better. Here we present VarDict, a novel and versatile variant caller for both DNA- and RNA-sequencing data. VarDict simultaneously calls SNV, MNV, InDels, complex and structural variants, expanding the detected genetic driver landscape of tumors. It performs local realignments on the fly for more accurate allele frequency estimation. VarDict performance scales linearly to sequencing depth, enabling ultra-deep sequencing used to explore tumor evolution or detect tumor DNA circulating in blood. In addition, VarDict performs amplicon aware variant calling for polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based targeted sequencing often used in diagnostic settings, and is able to detect PCR artifacts. Finally, VarDict also detects differences in somatic and loss of heterozygosity variants between paired samples. VarDict reprocessing of The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Lung Adenocarcinoma dataset called known driver mutations in KRAS, EGFR, BRAF, PIK3CA and MET in 16% more patients than previously published variant calls. We believe VarDict will greatly facilitate application of NGS in clinical cancer research.", "CONCLUSION: Blockage of the endolymphatic duct is a significant finding in Meniere's disease. The position of the utriculo-endolymphatic valve (UEV) and blockage of the ductus reuniens in the temporal bones were not found to be directly indicative of Meniere's disease.OBJECTIVE: Comparison of blockage of the longitudinal flow of endolymph between ears affected by Meniere's disease and normal ears.METHODS: We examined 21 temporal bones from 13 subjects who had Meniere's disease and 21 normal temporal bones from 12 controls.RESULTS: The endolymphatic duct was blocked in five (23%) ears affected by Meniere's disease (p = 0.016). The utricular duct was blocked in 16 (76%) ears affected by Meniere's disease and 11 (52%) normal ears (p = 0.112). The saccular duct was blocked in 6 (28%) of ears affected by Meniere's disease and 16 (76%) normal ears (p = 0.001). The ductus reuniens was blocked in 10 (47%) ears affected by Meniere's disease and 10 (47%) normal ears (p = 1.000).", "KCNQ1 (formerly called KVLQT1) is a Shaker-like voltage-gated potassium channel gene responsible for the LQT1 sub-type of LQTS. In general, heterozygous mutations in KCNQ1 cause Romano-Ward syndrome (LQT1 only), while homozygous mutations cause JLNS (LQT1 and deafness). To date, more than 100 families with mutations in this gene have been reported, most with their own novel 'private' mutations. The majority of these mutations are missense. However, other types of mutations, such as deletions, frame-shifts and splice-donor errors have also been reported. There is one frequently reported mutated region (the 'hot-spot'). KCNQ1 is now believed to be the most commonly mutated gene in LQTS. The combination of normal and mutant KCNQ1 alpha-subunits has been found to form abnormal IKS channels, hence mutations associated with the KCNQ1 gene are also believed to act mainly through a dominant-negative mechanism (the mutant form interferes with the function of the normal wild-type form through a 'poison pill' type mechanism) or loss of function mechanism. Even in the case of carriers of the same mutation, it is currently unknown why there are significant clinical phenotype variations in LQT1 patients. This question could be answered by increasing the number of patient genotypes studied. LQT1 patients experience a majority of their cardiac events (62%) during exercise, and only 3% occur during rest or sleep. Of the patients who experienced cardiac events while swimming, 99% were LQT1. Auditory stimuli are rare and occur in only 2% of patients. However, both lethal and non-lethal events follow the same pattern.", "Lung cancer is the most fatal cancer and development of agents that suppress lung tumorigenesis is a crucial strategy to reduce mortality related to this disease. In the present study, we showed, using an in vitro model of lung tumorigenesis, that dimethylamino-parthenolide (DMAPT), a water soluble parthenolide analog, selectively inhibited the growth and survival of premalignant and malignant cells with minimal effects on parental immortalized cells. These effects were paralleled by suppression of pSTAT3, Mcl-1 and cyclin D1 and PARP cleavage, suggesting that the antiproliferative and apoptotic effects of DMAPT could be mediated, at least in part, via suppression of the STAT3 signaling pathway. Moreover, in tobacco smoke carcinogen-induced lung tumor bioassay in mice, intranasal instillation of low doses of DMAPT significantly reduced the overall lung tumor multiplicity by 39%. Interestingly, the drug was specifically effective (62% reduction) against bigger lung tumors (> 2 mm), which have a higher potential to develop into lung adenocarcinoma. Western immunoblotting analyses of mouse lung tissues indicated significantly lower level of pSTAT3 and Mcl-1 in the carcinogen plus DMAPT group relative to the group treated with the carcinogen only. Given the evidence that STAT3 is activated in more than half of lung cancers and it regulates genes involved in cell proliferation, survival and angiogenesis, DMAPT is a promising agent for lung cancer chemoprevention in subjects who are at high risk of developing this devastating disease.", "PURPOSE: To evaluate the duration and dose intensity of epirubicin-based regimens in premenopausal patients with lymph node-positive breast cancer.PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between 1986 and 1990, 621 patients with operable breast cancer were randomly assigned to receive fluorouracil (Roche SA, Basel, Switzerland) 500 mg/m2, epirubicin (Pharmacia SA, Milan, Italy) 50 mg/m2, and cyclophosphamide (Asta Medica AG, Frankfurt, Germany) 500 mg/m2 every 21 days (FEC 50) for six cycles (6 FEC 50); FEC 50 for three cycles (3 FEC 50); or the same regimen with epirubicin 75 mg/m2 (FEC 75) for three cycles (3 FEC 75). All patients in the three arms received chest wall irradiation at the end of the third cycle.RESULTS: After a 131-month median follow-up, the 10-year disease-free survival (DFS) was 53.4%, 42.5%, and 43.6% (P =.05) in the three arms, respectively. Pairwise comparisons demonstrate that 6 FEC 50 was superior both to 3 FEC 50 (P =.02) and to 3 FEC 75 (P =.05). The 10-year overall survival (OS) for the 6 FEC 50 arm was 64.3%, for the 3 FEC 50 arm it was 56.6%, and for the 3 FEC 75 arm, it was 59.7% (P =.25), respectively. Pairwise comparisons demonstrate that 6 FEC 50 was more effective than 3 FEC 50 (P =.10). Cox regression analysis demonstrates that OS was significantly better in the 6 FEC 50 than in the 3 FEC 50 arm (P =.046). No severe infections (grade 3 to 4), acute cardiac toxicity, or deaths from toxicity have been observed. Only five patients developed delayed cardiac dysfunctions, and three patients developed acute myeloblastic leukemia.CONCLUSION: After a long-term follow-up in an adjuvant setting, the benefit of six cycles of FEC 50 compared with three cycles, whatever the dose, is highly significant in terms of DFS. As regards OS, the group receiving six cycles of FEC 50 has significantly better results than the group receiving three cycles of FEC 50.", "PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The purpose of this study is to highlight the pathological features and clinical aspects of progressive multiple sclerosis (PMS) and also the results of clinical trial experience to date and review ongoing clinical trials and prospective new treatment options. This study will explain the challenges of clinical trial design in PMS.RECENT FINDINGS: Multiple sclerosis (MS) has been identified as a chronic immune mediated disease, and the progressive phase of the disease appears to have significant neurodegenerative mechanisms. The classification of the course of PMS has been reorganized into categories of active vs. inactive inflammatory disease and the presence vs. absence of gradual disease progression. This differentiation allows clearer conceptualization of PMS and possibly even more efficient recruitment of PMS patients into clinical trials. Clinical trial experience to date in PMS has been negative with anti-inflammatory medications used in relapsing MS. Simvastatin was recently tested in a phase II trial and showed a 43% reduction of annualized atrophy progression in secondary progressive MS. Ongoing PMS trials are currently being conducted with the phosphodiesterase inhibitor ibudilast, S1P modulator siponimod and anti-B-cell therapy ocrelizumab. Several efforts for development of outcome measures in PMS are ongoing.SUMMARY: PMS represents a significant challenge, as the pathogenesis of the disease is not well understood, no validated outcome metrics have been established and clinical trial experience to date has been disappointing. Advances in the understanding of the disease and lessons learned in previous clinical trials are paving the way for successful development of disease-modifying agents for this disease." ]
[ "Hedgehog (Hh) signaling is an important factor in growth and patterning during embryonic development. A mutation in Patched, Smoothened or Gli1, which regulate the Hh signaling pathway, might lead to the onset of glioblastoma, basal cell carcinoma, medulloblastoma and rhabdomyosarcoma. Recently, Hh signaling has been reported to be activated in a ligand-dependent manner, contributing to carcinogenesis and cancer progression. Hedgehog signaling is reactivated in various types of cancer, and this contributes to cancer progression by facilitating proliferation, invasion and cell survival. Moreover, Hh signaling is associated with several other signaling pathways that contribute to cancer progression. These observations indicate that controlling Hh signaling might become a target for novel molecular targeting therapy.", "The GENCODE Consortium aims to identify all gene features in the human genome using a combination of computational analysis, manual annotation, and experimental validation. Since the first public release of this annotation data set, few new protein-coding loci have been added, yet the number of alternative splicing transcripts annotated has steadily increased. The GENCODE 7 release contains 20,687 protein-coding and 9640 long noncoding RNA loci and has 33,977 coding transcripts not represented in UCSC genes and RefSeq. It also has the most comprehensive annotation of long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) loci publicly available with the predominant transcript form consisting of two exons. We have examined the completeness of the transcript annotation and found that 35% of transcriptional start sites are supported by CAGE clusters and 62% of protein-coding genes have annotated polyA sites. Over one-third of GENCODE protein-coding genes are supported by peptide hits derived from mass spectrometry spectra submitted to Peptide Atlas. New models derived from the Illumina Body Map 2.0 RNA-seq data identify 3689 new loci not currently in GENCODE, of which 3127 consist of two exon models indicating that they are possibly unannotated long noncoding loci. GENCODE 7 is publicly available from and via the Ensembl and UCSC Genome Browsers.", "The prevalence of cardiac sarcoidosis has exponentially increased over the past decade, primarily due to increased awareness and diagnostic modalities for the disease entity. Despite an expanding patient cohort, the optimal management of cardiac sarcoidosis remains yet to be established with a significant lack of prospective trials to support current practice. Corticosteroids remain first-line treatment of this disorder, and we recommend that immunosuppressive therapy should be initiated in all patients diagnosed with cardiac sarcoidosis. Additional pharmacotherapy may be necessary based on disease manifestations and response to treatment. The use of nuclear imaging with 18fluorodeoxyglucose (18FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) to guide treatment has become more common, but lacks rigorous data from larger cohorts. Whether an improvement in inflammatory burden as assessed by 18FDG-PET is correlated with clinical outcomes is as yet unproven. Device therapy with implantable-cardioverter defibrillators should be considered in all cardiac sarcoidosis patients for either primary or secondary prevention of ventricular arrhythmias and cardiac death.", "Extrachromosomal circular DNA (eccDNA) derived from chromosomal Ty retrotransposons in yeast can be generated in multiple ways. Ty eccDNA can arise from the circularization of extrachromosomal linear DNA during the transpositional life cycle of retrotransposons, or from circularization of genomic Ty DNA. Circularization may happen through nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) of long terminal repeats (LTRs) flanking Ty elements, by Ty autointegration, or by LTR-LTR recombination. By performing an in-depth investigation of sequence reads stemming from Ty eccDNAs obtained from populations of Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c, we find that eccDNAs predominantly correspond to full-length Ty1 elements. Analyses of sequence junctions reveal no signs of NHEJ or autointegration events. We detect recombination junctions that are consistent with yeast Ty eccDNAs being generated through recombination events within the genome. This opens the possibility that retrotransposable elements could move around in the genome without an RNA intermediate directly through DNA circularization.", "Scurvy is caused by prolonged dietary deficiency of vitamin C, the plasma concentration of which appears inversely related to mortality from all causes. Its clinical importance relates principally to its role as a cofactor in a number of enzyme reactions involved in collagen synthesis, dysfunction of which disrupts connective tissue integrity, resulting in impaired wound healing and capillary bleeding. In the UK, overt scurvy is diagnosed only rarely. However, subclinical vitamin C deficiency appears quite common, one study estimated that 25% of men and 16% of women in the low income/materially deprived population had vitamin C deficiency, with smoking a strong predictor. Because many of the early symptoms of vitamin C deficiency (fatigue, malaise, depression and irritability) are non-specific, the diagnostic possibility of scurvy is usually delayed until haemorrhagic manifestations occur. The classical cutaneous features consist of perifollicular purpura, contorted (corkscrew) hairs and follicular hyperkeratosis, particularly affecting the legs. Large areas of purpura or ecchymosis may occur. Swelling and bleeding of the gums is an early mucosal symptom, and progressively severe gum disease causes loss of teeth. Subperiosteal haemorrhage, particularly in the femur and tibia, can present as pain, pseudoparalysis, swelling and discoloration of the legs. Haemorrhage into joints and muscle is very uncomfortable. Diagnosis is generally made on the basis of clinical features, corroborated by a history of dietary inadequacy, and the subsequent rapid resolution of symptoms with the restoration of an adequate vitamin C intake.", "The unpredictable behavior of uncontrolled type 1 diabetes often involves frequent swings in blood glucose levels that impact maintenance of a daily routine. An intensified insulin regimen is often unsuccessful, while other therapeutic options, such as amylin analog injections, use of continuous glucose sensors, and islet or pancreas transplantation are of limited clinical use. In efforts to provide patients with a more compliable treatment method, Oramed Pharmaceuticals tested the capacity of its oral insulin capsule (ORMD-0801, 8 mg insulin) in addressing this resistant clinical state. Eight Type I diabetes patients with uncontrolled diabetes (HbA1c: 7.5-10%) were monitored throughout the 15-day study period by means of a blind continuous glucose monitoring device. Baseline patient blood glucose behavior was monitored and recorded over a five-day pretreatment screening period. During the ensuing ten-day treatment phase, patients were asked to conduct themselves as usual and to self-administer an oral insulin capsule three times daily, just prior to meal intake. CGM data sufficient for pharmacodynamics analyses were obtained from 6 of the 8 subjects. Treatment with ORMD-0801 was associated with a significant 24.4% reduction in the frequencies of glucose readings >200 mg/dL (60.1 ± 7.9% pretreatment vs. 45.4 ± 4.9% during ORMD-0801 treatment; p = 0.023) and a significant mean 16.6% decrease in glucose area under the curve (AUC) (66055 ± 5547 mg/dL/24 hours vs. 55060 ± 3068 mg/dL/24 hours, p = 0.023), with a greater decrease during the early evening hours. In conclusion, ORMD-0801 oral insulin capsules in conjunction with subcutaneous insulin injections, well tolerated and effectively reduced glycemia throughout the day.TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT00867594.", "Diphenylene iodonium (Ph2I), a lipophilic reagent, is an efficient inhibitor of the production of O2- by the activated NADPH oxidase of bovine neutrophils. In a cell-free system of NADPH oxidase activation consisting of neutrophil membranes and cytosol from resting cells, supplemented with guanosine 5'-[gamma-thio]triphosphate, MgCl2 and arachidonic acid, or in membranes isolated from neutrophils activated by 4 beta-phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, addition of a reducing agent, e.g. NADPH or sodium dithionite, markedly enhanced inhibition of the NADPH oxidase by Ph2I. The membrane fraction was found to contain the Ph2I-sensitive component(s). In the presence of a concentration of Ph2I sufficient to fully inhibit O2- production (around 10 nmol/mg membrane protein), addition of catalytic amounts of the redox mediator dichloroindophenol (Cl2Ind) resulted in a by-pass of the electron flow to cytochrome c, the rate of which was about half of that determined in non-inhibited oxidase. A marked increase in the efficiency of this by-pass was achieved by addition of sodium deoxycholate. The Cl2-Ind-mediated cytochrome c reduction was negligible in membranes isolated from resting neutrophils. At a higher concentration of Ph2I (100 nmol/mg membrane protein), the Cl2Ind-mediated cytochrome c reductase activity was only half inhibited, which indicated that, in the NADPH oxidase complex, there are at least two Ph2I sensitive components, differing by their sensitivity to the inhibitor. At low concentrations of Ph2I (less than 10 nmol/mg protein), the spectrum of reduced cytochrome b558 in isolated neutrophil membranes was modified, suggesting that the component sensitive to low concentrations of Ph2I is the heme binding component of cytochrome b558. Higher concentrations of Ph2I were found to inhibit the isolated NADPH dehydrogenase component of the oxidase complex. A number of membrane and cytosolic proteins were labeled by [125I]Ph2I. However, the radiolabeling of a membrane-bound 24-kDa protein, which might be the small subunit of cytochrome b558, responded more specifically to the conditions of activation and reduction which are required for inhibition of O2- production by Ph2I. The O2(-)-generating form of xanthine oxidase was also inhibited by Ph2I. Inhibition of xanthine oxidase, a non-heme iron flavoprotein, by Ph2I had a number of features in common with that of the neutrophil NADPH oxidase, namely the requirement of reducing conditions for inhibition of O2- production by Ph2I and the induction of a by-pass of electron flow to cytochrome c by Cl2Ind in the inhibited enzyme, suggesting some similarity in the molecular organization of the two enzymes." ]
[ "Author information:(1)Landesbetrieb Hessisches Landeslabor, Schubertstr. 60, 35392, Gießen, Germany. und Veterinäruntersuchungsamt Stuttgart, Schaflandstr. 3/2, 70736, Fellbach, Germany. und Veterinäruntersuchungsamt Stuttgart, Schaflandstr. 3/2, 70736, Fellbach, Germany. und Veterinäruntersuchungsamt Stuttgart, Schaflandstr. 3/2, 70736, Fellbach, Germany. of Hygiene and Infectious Diseases of Animals, Justus Liebig University Giessen, Frankfurter Strasse 85-89, 35392, Giessen, Germany. Hessisches Landeslabor, Schubertstr. 60, 35392, Gießen, Germany. Hessisches Landeslabor, Schubertstr. 60, 35392, Gießen, Germany. Frankfurt, Bernhard-Grzimek-Allee 1, 60316, Frankfurt, Germany. Frankfurt, Bernhard-Grzimek-Allee 1, 60316, Frankfurt, Germany. Consiliary Laboratory on Diphtheria, Bayerisches Landesamt für Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit, Veterinärstraße 2, 85764, Oberschleißheim, Germany. Consiliary Laboratory on Diphtheria, Bayerisches Landesamt für Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit, Veterinärstraße 2, 85764, Oberschleißheim, Germany. Consiliary Laboratory on Diphtheria, Bayerisches Landesamt für Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit, Veterinärstraße 2, 85764, Oberschleißheim, Germany.", "Conflict of interest statement: W.X. and P.G. are employed by Merck Institute of Pharmacometrics, Lausanne, Switzerland (an affiliate of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany). M.F.‐H., A.J., C.S., M.K., and S.E.B. are employed by Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany. G.S.F. has received royalties from Wolters Kluwer; travel reimbursement from Bristol‐Myers Squibb, EMD Serono, Fujifilm, Millennium Pharmaceuticals, and Sarah Cannon Research Institute; honoraria from Total Health Conferencing and Rocky Mountain Oncology Society; and been an advisor for Fujifilm and EMD Serono. G.S.F. has been an investigator on clinical trials for which his institution has received funding from: 3‐V Biosciences, Abbisko, AbbVie, ADC Therapeutics, Aileron Therapeutics, American Society of Clinical Oncology, Amgen, ARMO BioSciences, AstraZeneca, BeiGene, BioAtla, Biothera Pharmaceuticals, Celldex Therapeutics, Celgene, Ciclomed, Curegenix, Curis, Cyteir, Daiichi, DelMar Pharmaceuticals, eFFECTOR Therapeutics, Eli Lilly, EMD Serono, Epizyme, Exelixis, Fujifilm, Genmab, GlaxoSmithKline, Hutchison MediPharma, Ignyta, Incyte, Jacobio Pharmaceuticals, Jounce Therapeutics, Kolltan Pharmaceuticals, Loxo Oncology, MedImmune, Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Merck KGaA, miRNA Therapeutics, National Institutes of Health, Novartis, OncoMed Pharmaceuticals, Oncorus, Oncothyreon, Poseida, Precision Oncology, Prelude, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Rgenix, Ribon, Strategia Therapeutics, Syndax Pharmaceuticals, Taiho Pharmaceutical, Takeda, Tarveda Therapeutics, Tesaro, Tocagen, Turning Point Therapeutics, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Vegenics, and Xencor. D.S.H. has received research funding from AbbVie, Adaptimmune, Amgen, AstraZeneca, Bayer, BMS, Daiichi‐Sankyo, Eisai, Eli Lilly, Fate Therapeutics, Genentech, Genmab, Ignyta, Infinity Pharmaceuticals, Kite Pharma, Kyowa Kirin, Loxo Oncology, Merck KGaA, MedImmune, Mirati Therapeutics, miRNA Therapeutics, Molecular Templates, Mologen, NCI‐CTEP, Novartis, Pfizer, Seattle Genetics, and Takeda; travel reimbursement from AACR, ASCO, Genmab, Loxo Oncology, miRNA Therapeutics, and SITC. D.S.H. has been an advisor or consultant to Alpha Insights, Amgen, Axiom Pharmaceuticals, Adaptimmune Therapeutics, Baxter International, Bayer Healthcare, Genentech, GLG Pharma, Group H, Guidepoint, Infinity Pharmaceuticals, Janssen, Merrimack Pharmaceuticals, Medscape, Numab, Pfizer, Prime Oncology, Seattle Genetics, Takeda, Trieza Therapeutics, WebMD; and has ownership interests in Molecular Match, OncoResponse, and Presagia Inc.", "Cases of diarrhoeal disease number from 1.7 to 5 billion per year worldwide. One of the main causes of diarrhoeal disease is typhoid fever, which is a potentially life-threatening multi-systemic illness. According to the most recent estimates, a total of 26.9 million typhoid fever episodes occurred in 2010. The geographical distribution of the disease differs widely; in developed countries, the incidence rate per 100,000 per year varies from < 0.1 to 0.3, and the disease mainly affects people who travel to endemic areas located in low- and middle-income countries. Low- and middle-income countries are mainly affected owing to the lack of clean water and proper sanitation. In the fight against this plague, prevention is fundamental, and vaccination against typhoid is an effective measure. Vivotif® is an oral live attenuated vaccine which contains a mutated strain of Salmonella (Ty21a) and reproduces the natural infection. The vaccine was first licensed in Europe in 1983 and in the US in 1989, and over the years it has proved efficacious and safe. It is indicated for adults and children from 5 years of age upwards. Specifically, in the most developed countries, vaccination is suggested for highrisk population groups and particularly for international travellers to destinations where the risk of contracting typhoid fever is high. It must also be borne in mind that international travel is increasing. Indeed, international tourist arrivals totalled 1,184 million in 2015 and, on the basis of current trends, international travel is expected to grow by 3-4% in 2017. Vivotif® appears to be a powerful means of disease prevention, the importance of which is highlighted by the spread of antibiotic-resistant strains of Salmonella typhy (S. typhi).", "3-iodothyronamine (T(1)AM) is a novel endogenous relative of thyroid hormone, able to interact with trace amine-associated receptors, a class of plasma membrane G protein-coupled receptors, and to produce a negative inotropic and chronotropic effect. In the isolated rat heart 20-25 microM T(1)AM decreased cardiac contractility, but oxygen consumption and glucose uptake were either unchanged or disproportionately high when compared to mechanical work. In adult rat cardiomyocytes acute exposure to 20 microM T(1)AM decreased the amplitude and duration of the calcium transient. In patch clamped cardiomyocytes sarcolemmal calcium current density was unchanged while current facilitation by membrane depolarization was abolished consistent with reduced sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) calcium release. In addition, T(1)AM decreased transient outward current (I(to)) and I(K1) background current. SR studies involving 20 microM T(1)AM revealed a significant decrease in ryanodine binding due to reduced B(max), no significant change in the rate constant of calcium-induced calcium release, a significant increase in calcium leak measured under conditions promoting channel closure, and no effect on oxalate-supported calcium uptake. Based on these observations we conclude T(1)AM affects calcium and potassium homeostasis and suggest its negative inotropic action is due to a diminished pool of SR calcium as a result of increased diastolic leak through the ryanodine receptor, while increased action potential duration is accounted for by inhibition of I(to) and I(K1) currents.", "Achalasia is one of the most studied esophageal motility disorders. However, the pathophysiology and reasons that patients develop achalasia are still unclear. Patients often present with dysphagia to solids and liquids, regurgitation, and varying degrees of weight loss. There is significant latency prior to diagnosis, which can have nutritional implications. The diagnosis is suspected based on clinical history and confirmed by esophageal high-resolution manometry testing. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy is necessary to rule out potential malignancy that can mimic achalasia. Recent data presented in abstract form suggest that patients with type II achalasia may be most likely, and patients with type III achalasia may be least likely, to report weight loss compared to patients with type I achalasia. Although achalasia cannot be permanently cured, palliation of symptoms is possible in over 90% of patients with the treatment modalities currently available (pneumatic dilation, Heller myotomy, or peroral endoscopic myotomy). This article reviews the clinical presentation, diagnosis, and management options in patients with achalasia, as well as potential insights into histopathologic differences and nutritional implications of the subtypes of achalasia.", "We studied the new catechol-O-methyltransferase inhibitor tolcapone, 100 and 200 mg, three times daily (tid) in a randomized, double-blind, parallel-group trial involving 202 parkinsonian patients who were experiencing the \"wearing-off\" phenomenon on levodopa therapy. After 3 months, patients receiving tolcapone had a significant decrease in mean daily levodopa dose requirement compared with placebo-treated patients (p < 0.01). In patients treated with tolcapone 200 mg tid, daily \"off\" time, measured using patient diaries, was reduced from baseline by 3.25 hours; this reduction was significantly different from that seen in the placebo group (p < 0.01). Moreover, the number of daily levodopa intakes was reduced significantly in each tolcapone group compared with placebo (p < 0.01). We found significant improvements in motor function and overall efficacy in the tolcapone groups (p < 0.01). The most frequent adverse events were associated with levodopa treatment. Dyskinesia developed or worsened in 18% of patients receiving placebo, in 51% receiving tolcapone 100 mg tid, and in 64% receiving 200 mg tid, with most cases occurring within the first 30 days of the study. Diarrhea was the most frequent nondopaminergic event, occurring in 14% on placebo, 13% on tolcapone 100 mg tid, and 19% on 200 mg tid. Overall 18% of patients withdrew because of adverse events: 15% on placebo, 17% on tolcapone 100 mg tid, and 22% on 200 mg tid. We conclude that tolcapone as an adjunct offers promise for the relief of the \"wearing-off \" phenomenon in levodopa-treated parkinsonian patients.", "Author information:(1)University of Cambridge, Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, Robinson Way, Cambridge, CB2 0RE, UK.(2)European Molecular Biology Laboratory, European Bioinformatics Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, CB10 1SD, UK.(3)Department of Biological Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), 845 West Taylor Street, Chicago, IL 60607, USA.(4)UK Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme (CSIP) and Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London, Outer Circle, Regent's Park, London NW1 4RY, UK.(5)School of Optometry and Vision Sciences, Cardiff University, Maindy Road, Cardiff CF24 4HQ, UK.(6)UCLA Center for Neurobehavioral Genetics, 695 Charles E. Young Drive South, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA.(7)Division of Stem Cell Biology and Developmental Genetics, MRC National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, London NW7 1AA, UK.(8)Center for Zoo and Wild Animal Health, Copenhagen Zoo, Roskildevej 38, DK-2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark.(9)Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0ES, UK.(10)European Molecular Biology Laboratory, European Bioinformatics Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, CB10 1SD, UK; Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, CB10 1SD, UK. Electronic address: of Cambridge, Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, Robinson Way, Cambridge, CB2 0RE, UK; Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, CB10 1SD, UK. Electronic address:" ]
[ "In order to analyze the transcriptional regulation of the muscle-specific subunit of the human phosphoglycerate mutase (PGAM-M) gene, chimeric genes composed of the upstream region of the PGAM-M gene and the bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene were constructed and transfected into C2C12 skeletal myocytes, primary cultured cardiac muscle cells, and C3H10T1/2 fibroblasts. The expression of chimeric reporter genes was restricted in skeletal and cardiac muscle cells. In C2C12 myotubes and primary cultured cardiac muscle cells, the segment between nucleotides -165 and +41 relative to the transcription initiation site was sufficient to confer maximal CAT activity. This region contains two E boxes and one MEF-2 motif. Deletion and substitution mutation analysis showed that a single MEF-2 motif but not the E boxes had a substantial effect on skeletal and cardiac muscle-specific enhancer activity and that the cardiac muscle-specific negative regulatory region was located between nucleotides -505 and -165. When the PGAM-M gene constructs were cotransfected with MyoD into C3H10T1/2, the profile of CAT activity was similar to that observed in C2C12 myotubes. Gel mobility shift analysis revealed that when the nuclear extracts from skeletal and cardiac muscle cells were used, the PGAM-M MEF-2 site generated the specific band that was inhibited by unlabeled PGAM-M MEF-2 and muscle creatine kinase MEF-2 oligomers but not by a mutant PGAM-M MEF-2 oligomer. These observations define the PGAM-M enhancer as the only cardiac- and skeletal-muscle-specific enhancer characterized thus far that is mainly activated through MEF-2.", "MOTIVATION: Gene fusion is an important evolutionary process. It can yield valuable information to infer the interactions and functions of proteins. Fused genes have been identified as non-transitive patterns of similarity in triplets of genes. To be computationally tractable, this approach usually imposes an a priori distinction between a dataset in which fused genes are searched for, and a dataset that may have provided genetic material for fusion. This reduces the 'genetic space' in which fusion can be discovered, as only a subset of triplets of genes is investigated. Moreover, this approach may have a high-false-positive rate, and it does not identify gene families descending from a common fusion event.RESULTS: We represent similarities between sequences as a network. This leads to an efficient formulation of previous methods of fused gene identification, which we implemented in the Python program FusedTriplets. Furthermore, we propose a new characterization of families of fused genes, as clique minimal separators of the sequence similarity network. This well-studied graph topology provides a robust and fast method of detection, well suited for automatic analyses of big datasets. We implemented this method in the C++ program MosaicFinder, which additionally uses local alignments to discard false-positive candidates and indicates potential fusion points. The grouping into families will help distinguish sequencing or prediction errors from real biological fusions, and it will yield additional insight into the function and history of fused genes.AVAILABILITY: FusedTriplets and MosaicFinder are published under the GPL license and are freely available with their source code at this address: INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.", "PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This review highlights the development of long-acting injectable cabotegravir (CAB LA) for HIV preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP), with a focus on phase 2 studies and later development.RECENT FINDINGS: Early studies of CAB LA for HIV prevention offered promising pharmacokinetic data and paved the way for phase 2 studies, which have now been completed. On the basis of phase 2 data, dosing of CAB LA at 8-week intervals consistently delivers target trough concentrations in both men and women. Recent studies have shown no required dose adjustments for hepatic or renal disease and minimal drug--drug interactions. Additionally, injectable PrEP is desired by potential PrEP candidates. Still, gaps in knowledge remain with respect to implementation and delivery, the clinical significance of the pharmacologic tail, and dosing in key populations. Phase 3 trials are underway that are anticipated to inform some of these questions and provide efficacy and safety data to support regulatory submissions for CAB LA as a potential PrEP agent.SUMMARY: Recent studies have defined an appropriate CAB LA dosing interval and offered insight into its safety profile. Phase 3 studies will provide much-anticipated efficacy data. If efficacious, CAB LA may provide a desirable PrEP option for those who face challenges to daily pill adherence. A more complete understanding of how to best integrate LA PrEP into service delivery models will be critical for success.", "Juvenile neuronal ceroid-lipofuscinosis (JNCL) or Batten/Spielmeyer-Vogt-Sjogren disease (OMIM #204200) is one of a group of nine clinically related inherited neurodegenerative disorders (CLN1-9). JNCL results from mutations in CLN3 on chromosome 16p12.1. The neuronal loss in Batten disease has been shown to be due to a combination of apoptosis and autophagy suggesting that CLN3P, the defective protein, may have an anti-neuronal death function. PANDER (PANcreatic-DERived factor) is a novel cytokine that was recently cloned from pancreatic islet cells. PANDER is specifically expressed in the pancreatic islets, small intestine, testis, prostate, and neurons of the central nervous system, and has been demonstrated to induce apoptosis. In this study, we over-expressed CLN3P in SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells and monitored the effects on PANDER-induced apoptosis. CLN3P significantly increased the survival rate of the SH-SY5Y cells in this system. This study provides additional evidence that the function of CLN3P is related to preventing neuronal apoptosis.", "Vaxchora is the first vaccine approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the prophylaxis of cholera infection. Cholera, a potentially life-threatening bacterial infection that occurs in the intestines and causes severe diarrhea and dehydration, has a low incidence in the U.S., but a high incidence in Africa, Southeast Asia, and other locations around the world. These areas draw travelers from the U.S., so cholera can present in patients who return from visits to these regions. Previous means of prophylaxis included the use of doxycycline for the prevention of traveler's diarrhea, but doxycycline is not specific for cholera. With the approval of Vaxchora, a live attenuated, single-dose, oral suspension vaccine, travelers can now visit these areas with less chance of contracting the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, which causes cholera infections.", "1. Cardiac troponin I-interacting kinase (TNNI3K) is a novel cardiac-specific kinase gene. Quantitative real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction analysis showed a significant increase in TNNI3K mRNA expression in hypertrophic cardiomyocytes induced by endothelin-1 (ET-1). The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of TNNI3K on neonate rat cardiomyocyte hypertrophy induced by ET-1. 2. Adenoviruses were amplified in 293A cells. To determine a reasonable adenovirus infection dose cardiomyocytes were infected with an adenovirus carrying human TNNI3K (Ad-TNNI3K) at varying multiplicity of infection (MOI) and the expression of TNNI3K was analysed by western blot. 3. Cardiomyocytes were infected with either a control adenovirus carrying green fluorescent protein (Ad-GFP) or Ad-TNNI3K. Compared with Ad-GFP, the Ad-TNNI3K induced an increase in sarcomere organization, cell surface area, (3) H-leucine incorporation and β-MHC re-expression. This type of hypertrophic phenomenon is similar to that observed in Ad-GFP-infected hypertrophic cardiomyocytes induced by ET-1. To determine the functional role of TNNI3K in ET-1-induced hypertrophic cardiomyocytes, the cells were infected with Ad-GFP or Ad-TNNI3K. Ad-TNNI3K induced an increase in sarcomere organization, cell surface area and (3) H-leucine incorporation compared with Ad-GFP. 4. These results suggest that TNNI3K overexpression induces cardiomyocytes hypertrophy and accelerates hypertrophy in hypertrophic cardiomyocytes. Therefore, TNNI3K might be an interesting target for the clinical treatment of hypertrophy.", "Dominant inheritance of osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is caused by mutations in COL1A1 or COL1A2, the genes that encode type I collagen, and CRTAP, LEPRE1, PPIB, FKBP10, SERPINH1, and SP7 mutations were recently detected in a minority of patients with autosomal recessive OI. However, these findings have been mostly restricted to Western populations. The proportion of mutations and the correlations between genotype and phenotype in Chinese patients with OI are completely unknown. In this study, mutation analyses were performed for COL1A1, COL1A2, CRTAP, and LEPRE1 in a cohort of 58 unrelated Chinese patients with OI; the relationship between collagen type I mutations and clinical features was examined. A total of 56 heterozygous mutations were identified in COL1A1 and COL1A2, including 43 mutations in COL1A1 and 13 mutations in COL1A2. Among the 56 causative COL1A1 and COL1A2 mutations, 24 novel mutations were found, and 25 (44.6%) resulted in the substitution of a glycine within the Gly-X-Y triplet domain of the triple helix. Compared with COL1A1 haploinsufficiency (n = 23), patients with mutations affecting glycine residues had a severe skeletal phenotype. In patients 18 years of age or older, on average patients with COL1A1 haploinsufficiency were taller and had higher femoral neck bone mineral density than with patients with helical mutations. Interestingly, we found two novel compound heterozygous mutations in the LEPRE1 gene in two unrelated families with autosomal recessive OI. Although the genotype-phenotype correlation is still unclear, our findings are useful to understand the genetic basis of Chinese patients with OI." ]
[ "A 36-year-old woman presented with abdominal pain followed by fever, confusion, right sided weakness and nuchal rigidity. The investigation showed severe anemia, thrombocytopenia and left middle cerebral artery (MCA) territory infarction. The platelet was given before the lumbar puncture. After that, the patient's clinical was deteriorating to quadriplegia and stuporous. Then the patient was referred to Siriraj Hospital. The patient was diagnosed thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) following pentad of clinical features: microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, fever neurologic, and renal abnormalities. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) of brain showed extensive bilateral MCA and mid basilar artery stenosis. That was uncommon findings in TTP. The authors believed that platelet transfusion made the clinical deterioration and develop extensive intracranial vessels stenosis. Even the plasma exchange was performed but the neurological symptoms did not improved. Finally, the patient succumbed from ventilator associated pneumonia at 2 months after diagnosis.", "PURPOSE: Chinese people are more frequent carriers of cytochrome P450 2C19 (CYP2C19) loss-of-function alleles than Caucasians. The effect of the ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B, member 1 (ABCB1), and paraoxonase 1 (PON1) variants on platelet reactivity and clinical outcomes of clopidogrel treatment has not yet been reported in Chinese patients after percutaneous coronary intervention. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the CYP2C19, ABCB1, and PON1 variants on clopidogrel pharmacodynamics and clinical outcomes in these patients.METHODS: Six hundred and seventy patients after percutaneous coronary intervention were enrolled in a single-center registry. The antiplatelet effect of clopidogrel was assessed by thromboelastography, and the CYP2C19, ABCB1, and PON1 genotypes were detected by the ligase detection reaction. Primary clinical endpoints included cardiovascular death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, target vessel revascularization, and stent thrombosis. The secondary clinical endpoints were thrombolysis in myocardial infarction bleeding. The follow-up period was 12 months.RESULTS: The frequency of the CYP2C19 loss-of-function alleles was relatively high (57.3 %). The risk of a low response to clopidogrel and composite ischemic events increased with the number of CYP2C19 loss-of-function alleles. However, there were not significant differences in clopidogrel pharmacodynamics and clinical outcomes across the ABCB1 and PON1 genotype groups; bleeding was not significantly different across the CYP2C19, ABCB1, and PON1 genotype groups.CONCLUSIONS: The CYP2C19 loss-of-function alleles had a gene dose effect on the pharmacodynamics and composite ischemic events of clopidogrel in our study population. Neither the ABCB1 nor the PON1 genotype significantly influenced the antiplatelet effect and clinical outcomes of clopidogrel in these patients.", "BACKGROUND: A consistent approach to cervical spine injury (CSI) clearance for patients 65 and older remains a challenge. Clinical clearance algorithms like the National Emergency X-Radiography Utilisation Study (NEXUS) criteria have variable accuracy and the Canadian C-spine rule excludes older patients. Routine CT of the cervical spine is performed to rule out CSI but at an increased cost and low yield. Herein, we aimed to identify predictive clinical variables to selectively screen older patients for CSI.METHODS: The University of Iowa's trauma registry was interrogated to retrospectively identify all patients 65 years and older who presented with trauma from a ground-level fall from January 2012 to July 2017. The relationship between predictive variables (demographics, NEXUS criteria and distracting injuries) and presence of CSI was examined using the generalised linear modelling (GLM) framework. A training set was used to build the statistical models to identify clinical variables that can be used to predict CSI and a validation set was used to assess the reliability and consistency of the model coefficients estimated from the training set.RESULTS: Overall, 2312 patients ≥65 admitted for ground-level falls were identified; 253 (10.9%) patients had a CSI. Using the GLM framework, the best predictive model for CSI included midline tenderness, focal neurological deficit and signs of trauma to the head/face, with midline tenderness highly predictive of CSI (OR=22.961 (15.178-34.737); p<0.001). The negative predictive value (NPV) for this model was 95.1% (93.9%-96.3%). In the absence of midline tenderness, the best model included focal neurological deficit (OR=2.601 (1.340-5.049); p=0.005) and signs of trauma to the head/face (OR=3.024 (1.898-4.815); p<0.001). The NPV was 94.3% (93.1%-95.5%).CONCLUSION: Midline tenderness, focal neurological deficit and signs of trauma to the head/face were significant in this older population. The absence of all three variables indicates lower likelihood of CSI for patients≥65. Future observational studies are warranted to prospectively validate this model.", "RNA editing increases transcriptome diversity through post-transcriptional modifications of RNA. Adenosine deaminases that act on RNA (ADARs) catalyze the adenosine-to-inosine (A-to-I) conversion, the most common type of RNA editing in higher eukaryotes. Caenorhabditis elegans has two ADARs, ADR-1 and ADR-2, but their functions remain unclear. Here, we profiled the RNA editomes of C. elegans at different developmental stages of wild-type and ADAR mutants. We developed a new computational pipeline with a \"bisulfite-seq-mapping-like\" step and achieved a threefold increase in identification sensitivity. A total of 99.5% of the 47,660 A-to-I editing sites were found in clusters. Of the 3080 editing clusters, 65.7% overlapped with DNA transposons in noncoding regions and 73.7% could form hairpin structures. The numbers of editing sites and clusters were highest at the L1 and embryonic stages. The editing frequency of a cluster positively correlated with the number of editing sites within it. Intriguingly, for 80% of the clusters with 10 or more editing sites, almost all expressed transcripts were edited. Deletion of adr-1 reduced the editing frequency but not the number of editing clusters, whereas deletion of adr-2 nearly abolished RNA editing, indicating a modulating role of ADR-1 and an essential role of ADR-2 in A-to-I editing. Quantitative proteomics analysis showed that adr-2 mutant worms altered the abundance of proteins involved in aging and lifespan regulation. Consistent with this finding, we observed that worms lacking RNA editing were short-lived. Taken together, our results reveal a sophisticated landscape of RNA editing and distinct modes of action of different ADARs.", "INTRODUCTION: For more than 50 years the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor pyridostigmine bromide has been the drug of choice in the symptomatic therapy for myasthenia gravis. The sustained-release dosage form of pyridostigmine (SR-Pyr) is only available in a limited number of countries (e.g. in the United States and Germany). Astonishingly, the therapeutic usefulness of SR-Pyr has not yet been evaluated.METHODS: In this non-interventional prospective open-label trial, 72 patients with stable myasthenia gravis were switched from instant-release dosage forms of pyridostigmine bromide to SR-Pyr. The results from the 37 patients younger than 60 years were separately analyzed.RESULTS: The initial daily dose of SR-Pyr was 288.1 ± 171.0mg. The drug switch was unproblematic in all patients. The number of daily doses was significantly reduced from 4.3 to 3.6 (p=0.011). The switch to SR-Pyr ameliorated the total quantified myasthenia gravis (QMG) score from 0.9 ± 0.5 to 0.6 ± 0.4 (p<0.001) in all patients and in the younger subgroup. This was accompanied by a significant improvement in the quality of life parameters. The health status valued by EuroQoL questionnaire improved from 0.626 ± 0.286 to 0.782 ± 0.186 (p<0.001). After switching to SR-Pyr, 28 adverse reactions disappeared and 24 adverse reactions occurred less frequent or weaker, however, 17 new adverse reactions were documented.CONCLUSIONS: Our results support the usefulness of SR-Pyr in an individualized therapeutic regimen to improve quality of life regardless of the patient's age in myasthenia gravis.", "Author information:(1)Département de biopathologie et département de recherche translationnelle et d'innovations, centre Léon-Bérard UNICANCER, 28, rue Laennec, 69008 Lyon, France; Inserm U1209/CNRS 5309, Grenoble-Alpes université, Institute for Advanced Biosciences, 38700 La Tronche, France. Electronic address:épartement de biologie et pathologie médicales, Gustave-Roussy, 114, rue Edouard-Vaillant, 94805 Villejuif, France; Inserm U981, Gustave-Roussy, 94805 Villejuif, France.(3)Institut du thorax Curie-Montsouris, institut Curie, 75005 Paris, France; Université Claude-Bernard Lyon 1, université de Lyon, 69622 Villeurbanne, France.(4)Inserm 1052, CNRS 5286, centre de recherche en cancérologie de Lyon, institut de cancérologie des Hospices Civiles de Lyon (IC-HCL), service de pneumologie, hôpital Louis-Pradel, 69008 Lyon, France.(5)Département de pathologie, hôpital Cochin, université Paris Descartes, Assistance publique-hôpitaux de Paris, 74014 Paris, France.(6)Inserm UMR1152, département de pathologie, hôpital Bichat, université Paris Diderot, 75018 Paris, France.(7)Département de pathologie, IUCT Oncopôle, CHU de Toulouse, 31059 Toulouse, France.(8)Département de pathologie, hôpital européen Georges-Pompidou, Assistance publique-hôpitaux de Paris, 75015 Paris, France; Inserm UMR-S970, Paris centre de recherche cardiovasculaire, Georges-Pompidou European Hospital, 75015 Paris, France.(9)Département de Pathologie, hôpital Nord, Assistance publique-hôpitaux de Marseille, Aix-Marseille Université, CRCM, 13015 Marseille, France.(10)Service d'anatomie pathologique, hôpital Tenon AP-HP, 75020 Paris, France; UPMC université Paris 06, GRC n(o) 04, Theranoscan, 75252 Paris, France.(11)Département de pathologie, CHRU de Nancy, 54035 Nancy, France; Inserm 1256, université de Lorraine, 54505 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy, France.(12)Centre National Référent MESOPATH, Base Clinicobiologique nationale MESOBANK, Registre multicentrique MESONAT centre Leon-Bérard, département de biopathologie, 69008 Lyon, France.(13)Inserm U1087, institut du Thorax, service d'anatomie et cytologique pathologiques, hôpital Hotel-Dieu, CHU de Nantes, 44093 Nantes, France.(14)UMR Inserm 1240 IMoST, Centre Jean-Perrin, département de pathologie, université Clermont-Auvergne, 63011 Clermont-Ferrand, France.", "Maintenance of the commensal bacteria that comprise the gut microbiome is essential to both gut and systemic health. Traumatic injury, such as burn, elicits a number of changes in the gut, including a shift in the composition of the microbiome (dysbiosis), increased gut leakiness, and bacterial translocation into the lymphatic system and bloodstream. These effects are believed to contribute to devastating secondary complications following burn, including pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, multi-organ failure, and septic shock. Clinical studies demonstrate that advanced age causes a significant increase in mortality following burn, but the role of the gut in this age-dependent susceptibility has not been investigated. In this study, we combined our well-established murine model of scald burn injury with bacterial 16S-rRNA gene sequencing to investigate how burn injury affects the fecal microbiome in aged versus young mice. Of our treatment groups, the most substantial shift in gut microbial populations was observed in aged mice that underwent burn injury. We then profiled antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) in the ileum, and found that burn injury stimulated a 20-fold rise in levels of regenerating islet-derived protein 3 gamma (Reg3γ), a 16-fold rise in regenerating islet-derived protein 3 beta (Reg3β), and an 8-fold rise in Cathelicidin-related antimicrobial peptide (Cramp) in young, but not aged mice. Advanced age alone elicited 5-fold higher levels of alpha defensin-related sequence1 (Defa-rs1) in the ileum, but this increase was lost following burn. Comparison of bacterial genera abundance and AMP expression across treatment groups revealed distinct correlation patterns between AMPs and individual genera. Our results reveal that burn injury drives microbiome dysbiosis and altered AMP expression in an age-dependent fashion, and highlight potential mechanistic targets contributing to the increased morbidity and mortality observed in elderly burn patients." ]
[ "The Escherichia coli AlkA protein is a base excision repair glycosylase that removes a variety of alkylated bases from DNA. The 2.5 A crystal structure of AlkA complexed to DNA shows a large distortion in the bound DNA. The enzyme flips a 1-azaribose abasic nucleotide out of DNA and induces a 66 degrees bend in the DNA with a marked widening of the minor groove. The position of the 1-azaribose in the enzyme active site suggests an S(N)1-type mechanism for the glycosylase reaction, in which the essential catalytic Asp238 provides direct assistance for base removal. Catalytic selectivity might result from the enhanced stacking of positively charged, alkylated bases against the aromatic side chain of Trp272 in conjunction with the relative ease of cleaving the weakened glycosylic bond of these modified nucleotides. The structure of the AlkA-DNA complex offers the first glimpse of a helix-hairpin-helix (HhH) glycosylase complexed to DNA. Modeling studies suggest that other HhH glycosylases can bind to DNA in a similar manner.", "The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) is an intracellular receptor protein that regulates gene transcription in response to both man-made and natural ligands. A modular transactivaton domain (TAD) has been mapped to the 304 C-terminal amino acids and consists of acidic, Q-rich, and P/S/T-rich subdomains. We have used steady-state intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence and circular dichroism spectroscopy to investigate the conformation of the acidic Q-rich region. The results reveal that this region of the protein is structurally flexible but adopts a more folded conformation in the presence of the natural osmolyte trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) and the solvent trifluoroethanol (TFE). In protein-protein interaction studies, the acidic Q-rich region bound to components of the general transcription machinery [TATA-binding protein (TBP), TAF4, and TAF6] as well as the coactivator proteins SRC-1a and TIF2. The binding site for TBP mapped to the acidic subdomain, while SRC-1a bound preferentially to the Q-rich sequence. Significantly, the binding of TBP was modulated by induced folding of the TAD with TMAO. The results indicate that the AhR TAD makes multiple interactions with the transcriptional machinery and protein conformation plays a critical role in receptor function. Taken together, these findings support a role for protein folding in AhR action and suggest possible mechanisms of receptor-dependent gene activation.", "The turning point in antimicrobial therapy of Mycobacterium avium infections came with the development of two new macrolides, clarithromycin and azithromycin. Controlled clinical trials, the first ever conducted with any agent among patients with M. avium infection, indicated the high efficiency of clarithromycin, in either acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) patients having a disseminated infection or non-AIDS patients with localized pulmonary disease. Monotherapy with clarithromycin resulted in elimination of bacteremia in almost all patients with disseminated infection, which is inevitably followed by a relapse of bacteremia in patients who survived long enough to reach this event. The strains susceptible to clarithromycin isolated before therapy contained 10(-8) or 10(-9) resistant mutants, and the relapses of bacteremia were caused by multiplication of these pre-existing mutants. Clarithromycin-resistance was associated with a mutation in the 23S rRNA gene. Cross-resistance between clarithromycin and azithromycin was confirmed with laboratory mutants and clinical isolates. At least two methods for determining the susceptibility of the M. avium isolates to clarithromycin are available: one is minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) determination on Mueller-Hinton agar (pH 7.4) supplemented with 10% Oleic acid-albumin-dextrose catalase, the other is MIC determination in 7H12 broth, also at pH 7.4. The breakpoints for 'susceptible' for these methods are < or = 8.0 micrograms/ml and < or = 2.0 micrograms/ml, respectively. The breakpoints for 'resistant' are > 128 micrograms/ml for the agar method and > 32.0 micrograms/ml for the broth method. The predictability value of MIC determination was confirmed by comparing the test results with the patients' clinical and bacteriological response to therapy. The remaining major problem in the therapy of the M. avium infections is a selection of companion drugs to be used in combination with clarithromycin (or azithromycin) to prevent the emergence of the macrolide-resistance. A number of clinical trials are now in progress to find a solution to this problem.", "Ocular toxoplasmosis is present in 20% of infected immunocompetent individuals. Toxoplasmosis is the most common cause of posterior uveitis in immunocompetent subjects and congenital toxoplasmosis transmission was the first parasite to be linked to human lesions in the eye. An experimental model for congenital ocular toxoplasmosis was developed in C57BL/6 mice with the purpose to evaluate Toxoplasma induced ocular pathology during fetal life. Toxoplasma gondii, ME-49 strain, was used to infect pregnant females. Histological analysis of pre-natal fetal eyes from infected female mice, did not show parasite infestation, however, alterations were observed in the outer nuclear layer (ONL) and in the inner nuclear layers (INL) of the retina. Edema was also observed, characterized by the increase of interstitial spaces forming lacunae between the ONL and INL cells and a net of vessels associated with an intense inflammatory infiltrate. These histological observations suggest that ocular lesions are not delayed manifestations of toxoplasmosis. The eye was affected in the initial phase of disease, and these alterations were of similar nature as those observed in mice at later stages of infection.", "BACKGROUND: Identification of fetal nucleated red blood cells (NRBCs) in maternal circulation can facilitate non-invasive prenatal diagnosis, but technical difficulties still exist. An increase in the number of circulating NRBCs, however, could indicate fetal aneuploidies or pregnancy complications.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The number of NRBCs was determined from 20 mL peripheral blood in 351 women in the second trimester of pregnancy after isolation by magnetic cell sorting (MACS) with anti-CD71 antibody and identification with May-Grunwald/Giemsa staining.RESULTS: An average of eight NRBCs (range 1-12) were identified among 282 women with chromosomally normal fetuses. In cases known to carry aneuploid fetuses the mean number was 35 (range 7-113), but when the fetus had trisomy 21 (n = 17) an average of 71 NRBCs were identified. Among 26 carriers of beta-thalassemia, 42 NRBCs (range 22-158) were isolated. In pregnancies with abnormal Doppler findings in both uterine arteries (n = 20), 15 NRBCs (range 2-75) were isolated.CONCLUSION: Determining the number of NRBCs in maternal circulation could represent an additional screening step for fetal aneuploidies, as long as the anemic status of the mother is taken into consideration. However, more cases with abnormal Doppler results must be investigated before this test is used for in the prediction of pregnancy complications.", "While nuclear compartmentalization is an essential feature of three-dimensional genome organization, no genomic method exists for measuring chromosome distances to defined nuclear structures. In this study, we describe TSA-Seq, a new mapping method capable of providing a \"cytological ruler\" for estimating mean chromosomal distances from nuclear speckles genome-wide and for predicting several Mbp chromosome trajectories between nuclear compartments without sophisticated computational modeling. Ensemble-averaged results in K562 cells reveal a clear nuclear lamina to speckle axis correlated with a striking spatial gradient in genome activity. This gradient represents a convolution of multiple spatially separated nuclear domains including two types of transcription \"hot zones.\" Transcription hot zones protruding furthest into the nuclear interior and positioning deterministically very close to nuclear speckles have higher numbers of total genes, the most highly expressed genes, housekeeping genes, genes with low transcriptional pausing, and super-enhancers. Our results demonstrate the capability of TSA-Seq for genome-wide mapping of nuclear structure and suggest a new model for spatial organization of transcription and gene expression.", "Machado-Joseph disease (MJD), also known as spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3), may be the most common dominantly inherited ataxia in the world. Here I will review historical, clinical, neuropathological, genetic, and pathogenic features of MJD, and finish with a brief discussion of present, and possible future, treatment for this currently incurable disorder. Like many other dominantly inherited ataxias, MJD/SCA3 shows remarkable clinical heterogeneity, reflecting the underlying genetic defect: an unstable CAG trinucleotide repeat that varies in size among affected persons. This pathogenic repeat in MJD/SCA3 encodes an expanded tract of the amino acid glutamine in the disease protein, which is known as ataxin-3. MJD/SCA3 is one of nine identified polyglutamine neurodegenerative diseases which share features of pathogenesis centered on protein misfolding and accumulation. The specific properties of MJD/SCA3 and its disease protein are discussed in light of what is known about the entire class of polyglutamine diseases." ]
[ "Author information:(1)Cell Cycle and Cancer Genetics, Research Division, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.(2)1] Cell Cycle and Cancer Genetics, Research Division, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia [2] The Sir Peter MacCallum Department of Oncology, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.(3)Cell Signaling and Cell Death Division, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Parkville, Victoria, Australia.(4)1] The Sir Peter MacCallum Department of Oncology, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia [2] Translational Research Laboratory, Cancer Therapeutics Program, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.(5)1] Cell Cycle and Cancer Genetics, Research Division, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia [2] The Sir Peter MacCallum Department of Oncology, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia [3] Department of Pathology, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia [4] Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia.", "An active replication complex of citrus exocortis viroid (CEV) was isolated as a chromatin-enriched fraction of infected tomato leaf with CEV RNA synthesis activity. This activity was solubilised from the chromatin with ammonium sulphate, but not with sarkosyl. Nucleoprotein complexes in the soluble fraction which bound to a monoclonal antibody to the carboxy terminal domain of the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II (8WG16) were affinity purified and contained plus- and minus-sense CEV RNA. The results support a role for RNA polymerase II in viroid replication and provide the first direct evidence of an association in vivo between host RNA polymerase II and CEV.", "A statistical 30-year study of dermatomycosis in Sendai National Hospital (1968-1997) revealed many changes in the prevalent diseases: Tinea pedis and tinea unguium constantly increased during this period, and the ratio of the former associated with nail infection finally reached 30% of all tinea pedis patients. On the contrary, tinea corporis and cruris showed a remarkable decreasing tendency. Patient age distribution of each disease also showed distinctive changes, generally increasing in the older generation and decreasing in the younger. The number of patients with tinea pedis and unguium gradually increased among the middle and older generations, with the peak of the age-distribution curve shifting upward year after year. On the other hand, cases of tinea cruris among the younger generation were few in the latest years, and middle-age patients remained at a low number. In the first stage of this study the kinds of atiologic dermatophytes consisted of multiple species, but after middle period the isolation of Epidermaphyton floccosum decreased. Microsporum canis appeared first in 1976 but in the recent several years has completely disappeared. In the last few years of the period studied Trichophyton rubrum and Trichophyton mentagrophytes were the only isolates found from among all types of dermatophytoses. Infantile candidiasis remarkably increased in 1970-1975 but thereafter decreased rapidlly. Candidial intertrigo also increased in the same period but did not decrease as much thereafter and continued at the same intermediate level. The number of other types of candidiases were not greatly changed throughout the 30-year period. Malassezia infection also showed no remarkable changes, and only 20 cases of sporothrichosis were found. One case of the deep seated form of cutaneous aspergillosis was found, and this was also true of chromomycosis caused by Fonceaea pedrosoi.", "Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease is a common neurogenetic disorder and its heterogeneity is a challenge for genetic diagnostics. The genetic diagnostic procedures for a CMT patient can be explored according to the electrophysiological criteria: very slow motor nerve conduction velocity (MNCV) (<15 m/s), slow MNCV (15-25 m/s), intermediate MNCV (25-45 m/s), and normal MNCV (>45 m/s). Based on the inheritance pattern, intermediate CMT can be divided into dominant (DI-CMT) and recessive types (RI-CMT). GJB1 is currently considered to be associated with X-linked DI-CMT, and MPZ, INF2, DNM2, YARS, GNB4, NEFL, and MFN2 are associated with autosomal DI-CMT. Moreover, GDAP1, KARS, and PLEKHG5 are associated with RI-CMT. Identification of these genes is not only important for patients and families but also provides new information about pathogenesis. It is hoped that this review will lead to a better understanding of intermediate CMT and provide a detailed diagnostic procedure for intermediate CMT.", "Circadian clock genes regulate 10-15% of the transcriptome, and might function as tumor suppressor genes. Relatively little is known about the circadian clock in tumors and its effect on surrounding healthy tissues. Therefore, we compared the 24-hr expression levels of key circadian clock genes in liver and kidney of healthy control mice with those of mice bearing C26 colorectal tumor metastases in the liver. Metastases were induced by injection of C26 colorectal carcinoma cells into the spleen. Subsequently, tumor, liver and kidney tissue was collected around the clock to compare circadian rhythmicity. Expression levels of five clock genes (Rev-Erbα, Per1, Per2, Bmal1 and Cry1) and three clock-controlled genes (CCGs; Dbp, p21 and Wee1) were determined by qRT-PCR. Liver and kidney tissue of healthy control mice showed normal 24-hr oscillations of all clock genes and CCGs, consistent with normal circadian rhythmicity. In colorectal liver metastases, however, 24-hr oscillations were completely absent for all clock genes and CCGs except Cry1. Liver and kidney tissue of tumor-bearing mice showed a shift in clock periodicity relative to control mice. In the liver we observed a phase advance, whereas in the kidney the phase was delayed. These data show that hepatic metastases of C26 colon carcinoma with a disrupted circadian rhythm phase shift liver and kidney tissue clocks, which strongly suggests a systemic effect on peripheral clocks. The possibility that tumors may modify peripheral clocks to escape from ordinary circadian rhythms and in this way contribute to fatigue and sleep disorders in cancer patients is discussed.", "Biological networks capture structural or functional properties of relevant entities such as molecules, proteins or genes. Characteristic examples are gene expression networks or protein-protein interaction networks, which hold information about functional affinities or structural similarities. Such networks have been expanding in size due to increasing scale and abundance of biological data. While various clustering algorithms have been proposed to find highly connected regions, Markov Clustering (MCL) has been one of the most successful approaches to cluster sequence similarity or expression networks. Despite its popularity, MCL's scalability to cluster large datasets still remains a bottleneck due to high running times and memory demands. Here, we present High-performance MCL (HipMCL), a parallel implementation of the original MCL algorithm that can run on distributed-memory computers. We show that HipMCL can efficiently utilize 2000 compute nodes and cluster a network of ∼70 million nodes with ∼68 billion edges in ∼2.4 h. By exploiting distributed-memory environments, HipMCL clusters large-scale networks several orders of magnitude faster than MCL and enables clustering of even bigger networks. HipMCL is based on MPI and OpenMP and is freely available under a modified BSD license.", "Pilocytic astrocytomas (PAs) are benign glial tumors and one of the most common childhood posterior fossa tumors. Spontaneous intratumoral hemorrhage in PAs occurs occasionally, in about 8-20% of cases. Cerebellar hemorrhages in pediatric population are rare and mainly due to head injuries, rupture of vascular malformations, infections, or hematological diseases. We have investigated the still controversial and unclear pathophysiology underlying intratumoral hemorrhage in PAs. Bleeding in low-grade tumors might be related to structural abnormalities and specific angio-architecture of tumor vessels, such as degenerative mural hyalinization, \"glomeruloid\" endothelial proliferation, presence of encased micro-aneurysms, and glioma-induced neoangiogenesis. The acute hemorrhagic presentation of cerebellar PA in childhood although extremely uncommon is of critical clinical importance and necessitates promptly treatment. We described a case of hemorrhagic cerebellar PA in a 9-year-old child and reviewed the English-language literature that reported spontaneous hemorrhagic histologically proven cerebellar PA in pediatric patients (0-18 years). According to our analysis, the mortality was not related to symptom onset, tumor location, hemorrhage distribution, presence of acute hydrocephalous, and timing of surgery, while the GCS at hospital admission resulted to be the only statistically significant prognostic factor affecting survival outcome. The abrupt onset of signs and symptoms of acute hydrocephalous and consequent raised intracranial pressure are life-threatening conditions, which need emergent medical and neurosurgical treatments. At a later time, the identification of posterior fossa hemorrhage etiology is crucial to select the appropriate treatment and address the surgical strategy, optimizing the postoperative results." ]
[ "Adrenal hypoplasia congenita (AHC) is a rare condition and causes primary adrenal insufficiency. X-linked (OMIM 300200) and autosomal recessive (OMIM 240200) forms are recognized. Recently, an association between Intrauterine growth restriction, Metaphyseal dysplasia, Adrenal hypoplasia congenita, and Genital abnormalities (IMAGe syndrome; OMIM 300290) has been described. We present the clinical features of two sisters with intrauterine growth restriction, AHC, and dysmorphic features. Interesting histopathologic findings of one sister are also presented. We suggest that IMAGe syndrome is the most plausible diagnosis and that autosomal recessive inheritance is likely. We analyzed genes that were postulated candidates for IMAGe syndrome (SF1, DAX-1, and STAR), and no mutations were found. Other cases of IMAGe syndrome are reviewed.", "INTRODUCTION: Few studies exist on the psychosexual outcome of homogeneous groups of individuals with 5α-reductase deficiency type 2 (5α-RD-2) and the relation between gender changes and parental hostile and benevolent sexism, which are two components of ambivalent sexism that assume a stereotypical approach toward women in an overtly negative way or a chivalrous, seemingly positive way.AIM: To report on the psychosexual outcome of individuals with 5α-RD-2 and to investigate its relation to the level of parental sexism in a relatively large sample of Iranians with 5α-RD-2.METHODS: Twenty participants (mean age = 19.5 years, SD = 6.345) with a molecularly confirmed diagnosis of 5α-RD-2 who were assigned the female gender at birth and raised as female were included in the study. Participants and their parents were interviewed and their medical records were assessed. Parents also completed the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory (ASI), which includes hostile and benevolent sexism subscales.MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Psychosexual outcome and parental hostile and benevolent sexism measurements.RESULTS: Twelve of 20 participants (60%) were diagnosed with gender identity disorder not otherwise specified (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision). Ten of these transitioned to the male gender. The other 10 participants (50%), including the two diagnosed with gender identity disorder not otherwise specified, continued living in a female gender role. When comparing the ASI subscale scores between families of participants who changed their gender and those who did not, no significant difference was found for ASI total and hostile sexism scores, but there was a difference for benevolent sexism (P = .049): those whose daughters had changed their gender had higher benevolent sexism scores.CONCLUSION: The high prevalence of gender change and gender dysphoria reported in the literature was confirmed in this relatively large and homogeneous sample of Iranians with 5-α-RD-2 raised as female. Prenatal exposure to testosterone is hypothesized to play a role in the development of gender identity and sexual orientation, but parental attitudes also might be important. Although gender change in individuals with 5-α-RD-2 is often attributed to high levels of hostile sexism in some cultures, our findings show this to be associated with benevolent sexism.", "AIMS: Short-QT syndrome (SQTS) is a recently recognized disorder associated with atrial fibrillation (AF) and sudden death due to ventricular arrhythmias. Mutations in several ion channel genes have been linked to SQTS; however, the mechanism remains unclear. This study describes a novel heterozygous gain-of-function mutation in the inward rectifier potassium channel gene, KCNJ2, identified in SQTS.METHODS AND RESULTS: We studied an 8-year-old girl with a markedly short-QT interval (QT = 172 ms, QTc = 194 ms) who suffered from paroxysmal AF. Mutational analysis identified a novel heterozygous KCNJ2 mutation, M301K. Functional assays displayed no Kir2.1 currents when M301K channels were expressed alone. However, co-expression of wild-type (WT) with M301K resulted in larger outward currents than the WT at more than -30 mV. These results suggest a gain-of-function type modulation due to decreased inward rectification. Furthermore, we analysed the functional significance of the amino acid charge at M301 (neutral) by changing the residue. As with M301K, in M301R (positive), the homozygous channels were non-functional, whereas the heterozygous channels demonstrated decreased inward rectification. Meanwhile, the currents recorded in M301A (neutral) showed normal inward rectification under both homo- and heterozygous conditions. Heterozygous overexpression of WT and M301K in neonatal rat ventricular myocytes exhibited markedly shorter action potential durations than the WT alone.CONCLUSION: In this study, we identified a novel KCNJ2 gain-of-function mutation, M301K, associated with SQTS. Functional assays revealed no functional currents in the homozygous channels, whereas impaired inward rectification demonstrated under the heterozygous condition resulted in larger outward currents, which is a novel mechanism predisposing SQTS.", "Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) usually affects men. However, women are also affected in rare instances. Approximately 8% of female DMD carriers have muscle weakness and cardiomyopathy. The early identification of functional and motor impairments can support clinical decision making.OBJECTIVE: To investigate the motor and functional impairments of 10 female patients with dystrophinopathy diagnosed with clinical, pathological, genetic and immunohistochemical studies.METHODS: A descriptive study of a sample of symptomatic female carriers of DMD mutations. The studied variables were muscular strength and functional performance.RESULTS: The prevalence was 10/118 (8.4%) symptomatic female carriers. Deletions were found in seven patients. The age of onset of symptoms in female carriers of DMD was quite variable. Pseudohypertrophy of calf muscles, muscular weakness, compensatory movements and longer timed performance on functional tasks were observed in most of the cases. Differently from males with DMD, seven female patients showed asymmetrical muscular weakness. The asymmetric presentation of muscle weakness was frequent and affected posture and functionality in some cases. The functional performance presents greater number of compensatory movements. Time of execution of activities was not a good biomarker of functionality for this population, because it does not change in the same proportion as the number of movement compensations.CONCLUSION: Clinical manifestation of asymmetrical muscle weakness and compensatory movements, or both can be found in female carriers of DMD mutations, which can adversely affect posture and functional performance of these patients.", "Ca(2+)-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) plays an important role mediating apoptosis/necrosis during ischemia-reperfusion (IR). We explored the mechanisms of this deleterious effect. Langendorff perfused rat and transgenic mice hearts with CaMKII inhibition targeted to sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR-AIP) were subjected to global IR. The onset of reperfusion increased the phosphorylation of Thr(17) site of phospholamban, without changes in total protein, consistent with an increase in CaMKII activity. Instead, there was a proportional decrease in the phosphorylation of Ser2815 site of ryanodine receptors (RyR2) and the amount of RyR2 at the onset of reperfusion, i.e. the ratio Ser2815/RyR2 did not change. Inhibition of the reverse Na(+)/Ca(2+)exchanger (NCX) mode (KBR7943) diminished phospholamban phosphorylation, reduced apoptosis/necrosis and enhanced mechanical recovery. CaMKII-inhibition (KN-93), significantly decreased phospholamban phosphorylation, infarct area, lactate dehydrogenase release (LDH) (necrosis), TUNEL positive nuclei, caspase-3 activity, Bax/Bcl-2 ratio and Ca(2+)-induced mitochondrial swelling (apoptosis), and increased contractile recovery when compared with non-treated IR hearts or IR hearts pretreated with the inactive analog, KN-92. Blocking SR Ca(2+) loading and release (thapsigargin/dantrolene), mitochondrial Ca(2+) uniporter (ruthenium red/RU360), or mitochondrial permeability transition pore (cyclosporine A), significantly decreased infarct size, LDH release and apoptosis. SR-AIP hearts failed to show an increase in the phosphorylation of Thr(17) of phospholamban at the onset of reflow and exhibited a significant decrease in infarct size, apoptosis and necrosis respect to controls. The results reveal an apoptotic-necrotic pathway mediated by CaMKII-dependent phosphorylations at the SR, which involves the reverse NCX mode and the mitochondria as trigger and end effectors, respectively, of the cascade.", "Inflammatory immune responses play an important role in mucosal homeostasis and gut diseases. Nuclear factor κB (NF-κB), central to the proinflammatory cascade, is activated in necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), a devastating condition of intestinal injury with extensive inflammation in premature infants. TGF-β is a strong immune suppressor and a factor in breast milk, which has been shown to be protective against NEC. In an NEC animal model, oral administration of the isoform TGF-β1 activated the downstream effector Smad2 in intestine and significantly reduced NEC incidence. In addition, TGF-β1 suppressed NF-κB activation, maintained levels of the NF-κB inhibitor IκBα in the intestinal epithelium, and systemically decreased serum levels of IL-6 and IFN-γ. The immature human fetal intestinal epithelial cell line H4 was used as a reductionistic model of the immature enterocyte to investigate mechanism. TGF-β1 pretreatment inhibited the TNF-α-induced IκBα phosphorylation that targets the IκBα protein for degradation and inhibited NF-κB activation. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays demonstrated decreased NF-κB binding to the promoters of IL-6, IL-8, and IκBα in response to TNF-α with TGF-β1 pretreatment. These TGF-β1 effects appear to be mediated through the canonical Smad pathway as silencing of the TGF-β central mediator Smad4 resulted in loss of the TGF-β1 effects. Thus, TGF-β1 is capable of eliciting anti-inflammatory effects by inhibiting NF-κB specifically in the intestinal epithelium as well as by decreasing systemic IL-6 and IFN-γ levels. Oral administration of TGF-β1 therefore can potentially be used to protect against gastrointestinal diseases.", "This study has shown that purified recombinant human α-synuclein (20 μM) causes membrane depolarization and loss of phosphorylation capacity of isolated purified rat brain mitochondria by activating permeability transition pore complex. In intact SHSY5Y (human neuroblastoma cell line) cells, lactacystin (5 μM), a proteasomal inhibitor, causes an accumulation of α-synuclein with concomitant mitochondrial dysfunction and cell death. The effects of lactacystin on intact SHSY5Y cells are, however, prevented by knocking down α-synuclein expression by specific siRNA. Furthermore, in wild-type (non-transfected) SHSY5Y cells, the effects of lactacystin on mitochondrial function and cell viability are also prevented by cyclosporin A (1 μM) which blocks the activity of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore. Likewise, in wild-type SHSY5Y cells, typical mitochondrial poison like antimycin A (50 nM) produces loss of cell viability comparable to that of lactacystin (5 μM). These data, in combination with those from isolated brain mitochondria, strongly suggest that intracellularly accumulated α-synuclein can interact with mitochondria in intact SHSY5Y cells causing dysfunction of the organelle which drives the cell death under our experimental conditions. The results have clear implications in the pathogenesis of sporadic Parkinson's disease. α-Synuclein is shown to cause mitochondrial impairment through interaction with permeability transition pore complex in isolated preparations. Intracellular accumulation of α-synuclein in SHSY5Y cells following proteasomal inhibition leads to mitochondrial impairment and cell death which could be prevented by knocking down α-synuclein gene. The results link mitochondrial dysfunction and α-synuclein accumulation, two key pathogenic mechanisms of Parkinson's disease, in a common damage pathway.", "BACKGROUND: Asthma is a common chronic respiratory disease that influences 300 million people all over the world. However, the pathogenesis of asthma has not been fully elucidated. It has been reported that transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) can activate myofibroblasts. Moreover, the fibroblast to myofibroblast transformation (FMT) can be triggered by TGF-β, which is a major mediator of subepithelial fibrosis. Secreted modular calcium-binding protein 2 (SMOC2) is a member of cysteine (SPARC) family and is involved in the progression of multiple diseases. However, its role in asthma remains poorly understood. RT-qPCR evaluated the expression of SMOC2. Bromodeoxyuridine assay and wound-healing assay detected the proliferation and migration of lung fibroblasts, respectively. IF staining was performed to assess the expression of α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA). Western blot analysis detected the levels of proteins. Flow cytometry was utilized for determination of the number of myofibroblasts.RESULTS: We found the expression of SMOC2 was upregulated by the treatment of TGF-β1 in lung fibroblasts. In addition, SMOC2 promoted the proliferation and migration of lung fibroblasts. More importantly, SMOC2 accelerated FMT of lung fibroblasts. Furthermore, SMOC2 was verified to control the activation of AKT and ERK. Rescue assays showed that the inhibition of AKT and ERK pathway reversed the promoting effect of SMOC2 overexpression on proliferation, migration and FMT in lung fibroblasts.CONCLUSIONS: This work demonstrated that SMOC2 modulated TGF-β1-induced proliferation, migration and FMT in lung fibroblasts and may promote asthma, which potentially provided a novel therapeutic target for the management of asthma.", "Loss of cell polarity proteins such as Scribble induces neoplasia in Drosophila by promoting uncontrolled proliferation. In mammals, the role that polarity proteins play during tumorigenesis is not well understood. Here, we demonstrate that depletion of Scribble in mammary epithelia disrupts cell polarity, blocks three-dimensional morphogenesis, inhibits apoptosis, and induces dysplasia in vivo that progress to tumors after long latency. Loss of Scribble cooperates with oncogenes such as c-myc to transform epithelial cells and induce tumors in vivo by blocking activation of an apoptosis pathway. Like depletion, mislocalization of Scribble from cell-cell junction was sufficient to promote cell transformation. Interestingly, spontaneous mammary tumors in mice and humans possess both downregulated and mislocalized Scribble. Thus, we demonstrate that scribble inhibits breast cancer formation and that deregulation of polarity pathways promotes dysplastic and neoplastic growth in mammals by disrupting morphogenesis and inhibiting cell death.", "PURPOSE: Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) survivors have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CD), lung cancer, and breast cancer. We investigated the risk for the development of CD and secondary lung, breast, and thyroid cancer after radiation therapy (RT) delivered with deep inspiration breath-hold (DIBH) compared with free-breathing (FB) using 3-dimensional conformal RT (3DCRT) and intensity modulated RT (IMRT). The aim of this study was to determine which treatment modality best reduced the combined risk of life-threatening late effects in patients with mediastinal HL.METHODS AND MATERIALS: Twenty-two patients with early-stage mediastinal HL were eligible for the study. Treatment plans were calculated with both 3DCRT and IMRT on both DIBH and FB planning computed tomographic scans. We reported the estimated dose to the heart, lung, female breasts, and thyroid and calculated the estimated life years lost attributable to CD and to lung, breast, and thyroid cancer.RESULTS: DIBH lowered the estimated dose to heart and lung regardless of delivery technique (P<.001). There was no significant difference between IMRT-FB and 3DCRT-DIBH in mean heart dose, heart V20Gy, and lung V20Gy. The mean breast dose was increased with IMRT regardless of breathing technique. Life years lost was lowest with DIBH and highest with FB.CONCLUSIONS: In this cohort, 3DCRT-DIBH resulted in lower estimated doses and lower lifetime excess risks than did IMRT-FB. Combining IMRT and DIBH could be beneficial for a subgroup of patients.", "Positive selection occurs in the thymic cortex, but critical maturation events occur later in the medulla. Here we defined the precise stage at which T cells acquired competence to proliferate and emigrate. Transcriptome analysis of late gene changes suggested roles for the transcription factor NF-κB and interferon signaling. Mice lacking the inhibitor of NF-κB (IκB) kinase (IKK) kinase TAK1 underwent normal positive selection but exhibited a specific block in functional maturation. NF-κB signaling provided protection from death mediated by the cytokine TNF and was required for proliferation and emigration. The interferon signature was independent of NF-κB; however, thymocytes deficient in the interferon-α (IFN-α) receptor IFN-αR showed reduced expression of the transcription factor STAT1 and phenotypic abnormality but were able to proliferate. Thus, both NF-κB and tonic interferon signals are involved in the final maturation of thymocytes into naive T cells.", "New data on viruses isolated from patients with subacute thyroiditis de Quervain are reported. Characteristic morphological, cytological, some physico-chemical and biological features of the isolated viruses are described. A possible role of these viruses in human and animal health disorders is discussed. The isolated viruses remain unclassified so far.", "Eukaryotic genomes are extensively transcribed, generating many different RNAs with no known function. We have constructed 1502 molecular barcoded ncRNA gene deletion strains encompassing 443 ncRNAs in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as tools for ncRNA functional analysis. This resource includes deletions of small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs), transfer RNAs (tRNAs), small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs), and other annotated ncRNAs as well as the more recently identified stable unannotated transcripts (SUTs) and cryptic unstable transcripts (CUTs) whose functions are largely unknown. Specifically, deletions have been constructed for ncRNAs found in the intergenic regions, not overlapping genes or their promoters (i.e., at least 200 bp minimum distance from the closest gene start codon). The deletion strains carry molecular barcodes designed to be complementary with the protein gene deletion collection enabling parallel analysis experiments. These strains will be useful for the numerous genomic and molecular techniques that utilize deletion strains, including genome-wide phenotypic screens under different growth conditions, pooled chemogenomic screens with drugs or chemicals, synthetic genetic array analysis to uncover novel genetic interactions, and synthetic dosage lethality screens to analyze gene dosage. Overall, we created a valuable resource for the RNA community and for future ncRNA research.", "Metastasis is a major cause of death of patients with malignant tumors. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are important for the migration and invasion of various types of cancer cell. Propofol is a known anesthetic agent, widely used for short-term anesthesia and for longer-term sedation. Propofol inhibits the proliferation of a variety of tumor cells, but there is no available information regarding propofol-inhibited migration and invasion of tumor cells in vitro. In this study, we investigated the effects of propofol on the migration and invasion of human lung carcinoma A549 cells. Wound healing assay and Boyden chamber assays indicated that propofol inhibited the migration and invasion of A549 cells in vitro. Gelatin zymographic analysis showed the inhibitory effect of propofol on the activation of expression MMP-2. Western blot analysis also indicated that propofol suppressed the protein expiration of growth factor receptor-bound protein 2 (GRB2), Jun N-terminal kinases 1/2 (p-JNK1/2), p-p38, MMP-2 and MMP-9 in A549 cells. Results from real-time PCR assay also showed that propofol inhibited the mRNA gene expression of MMP-2, -7 and -9, and enhanced that of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 1 (TIMP1) and TIMP2 in A549 cells. Taken together, these data show that propofol inhibits MMP-2 and -9 mRNA and protein expressions, resulting in suppression of lung cancer cell invasion and migration in vitro.", "The RGD cyclic pentapetide, cilengitide, is a selective inhibitor of αvβ3 and αvβ5 integrins and was developed for antiangiogenic therapy. Since cilengitide interacts with platelet αIIbβ3 and platelets express αv integrins, the effect of cilengitide on platelet pro-coagulative response and adhesion is of interest. Flow-based adhesion assays were performed to evaluate platelet adhesion and rolling on von Willebrand factor (vWf), on fibrinogen and on human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Flow cytometry was used to detect platelet activation (PAC1) and secretion (CD62P) by cilengitide and light transmission aggregometry was used to detect cilengitide-dependent platelet aggregation. Cilengitide inhibited platelet adhesion to fibrinogen at concentrations above 250 µM [which is the Cmax in human studies] and adhesion to vWf and HUVECs at higher concentrations under physiologic flow conditions. Platelet aggregation was already impaired at cilengitide concentrations >10 µM. Activation of αIIbβ3 integrin was inhibited by 250 µM cilengitide, whereas platelet secretion was unaffected by cilengitide. No evidence of cilengitide-induced platelet activation was found at all tested concentrations (0.01-1500 µM). At higher concentrations, platelet activation was inhibited, predominantly due to αIIbβ3 inhibition.", "CD4+CD8+ double-positive (DP) T cells represent a minor subpopulation of T lymphocytes found in the periphery of adult rats. In this study, we show that peripheral DP T cells appear among the first T cells that colonize the peripheral lymphoid organs during fetal life, and represent approximately 40% of peripheral T cells during the perinatal period. Later their proportion decreases to reach the low values seen in adulthood. Most DP T cells are small size lymphocytes that do not exhibit an activated phenotype, and their proliferative rate is similar to that of the other peripheral T cell subpopulations. Only 30-40% of DP T cells expresses CD8beta chain, the remaining cells expressing CD8alphaalpha homodimers. However, both DP T cell subsets have an intrathymic origin since they appear in the recent thymic emigrant population after injection of FITC intrathymically. Functionally, although DP T cells are resistant to undergo apoptosis in response to glucocorticoids, they show poor proliferative responses upon CD3/TCR stimulation due to their inability to produce IL-2. A fraction of DP T cells are not actively synthesizing the CD8 coreceptor, and they gradually differentiate to the CD4 cell lineage in reaggregation cultures. Transfer of DP T lymphocytes into thymectomized SCID mice demonstrates that these cells undergo post-thymic maturation in the peripheral lymphoid organs and that their CD4 cell progeny is fully immunocompetent, as judged by its ability to survive and expand in peripheral lymphoid organs, to proliferate in response to CD3 ligation, and to produce IL-2 upon stimulation.", "Regain of immunocompetence after myeloablation and bone marrow cell (BMC) reconstitution essentially depends on T progenitor homing into the thymus and intrathymic T cell maturation. CD44 facilitates progenitor homing and settlement in the bone marrow and is known as a T progenitor marker. In search for improving regain of immunocompetence after BMC reconstitution, we explored whether the CD44 standard (CD44 s) and/or variant isoforms CD44v6 and CD44v7 contribute to thymus repopulation and thymocyte maturation. Antibody-blocking studies and cells/mice with a targeted deletion of CD44v6/7 or CD44v7 revealed that CD44s, but not CD44v6 and CD44v7, has a major impact on progenitor cell homing into the thymus. Instead, CD44v6 strengthens apoptosis resistance and expansion of early thymocytes. CD44v6-induced apoptosis resistance, most strong in double-negative (DN) thymocytes, is accompanied by Akt activation. CD44v6-induced proliferation of DN cells proceeds via activation of the MAPK pathway. At later stages of T cell maturation, CD44 acts as an accessory molecule, initiating and supporting TCR/CD3 complex-mediated signal transduction in double-positive and single-positive thymocytes. Thus, CD44 plays a major role in thymus homing. In addition, CD44v6 is important for survival and expansion of early thymocytes. These findings suggest that strengthening CD44v6 expression on lymphoid progenitors could well contribute to accelerated regain of immunocompetence.", "The University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC) Genome Browser is a popular Web-based tool for quickly displaying a requested portion of a genome at any scale, accompanied by a series of aligned annotation \"tracks.\" The annotations-generated by the UCSC Genome Bioinformatics Group and external collaborators-display gene predictions, mRNA and expressed sequence tag alignments, simple nucleotide polymorphisms, expression and regulatory data, phenotype and variation data, and pairwise and multiple-species comparative genomics data. All information relevant to a region is presented in one window, facilitating biological analysis and interpretation. The database tables underlying the Genome Browser tracks can be viewed, downloaded, and manipulated using another Web-based application, the UCSC Table Browser. Users can upload data as custom annotation tracks in both browsers for research or educational use. This unit describes how to use the Genome Browser and Table Browser for genome analysis, download the underlying database tables, and create and display custom annotation tracks.", "OBJECTIVE AND IMPORTANCE: Hemophilic pseudotumor is a rare complication of hemophilia, occurring in 1 to 2% of patients with severe hemophilia. Its principal sites of occurrence are the long bones and the pelvis. Only one case of this tumor occurring in the cranium has been previously reported.CLINICAL PRESENTATION: We report a case of cranial hemophilic pseudotumor involving the diploe of the right parietal vault. A 29-year-old man with severe hemophilia (Factor VIII, 0.8% of normal activity) presented with an unsightly scalp protrusion measuring 5 x 5 x 2 cm and tingling discomfort in the left arm. About 5 years before admission, he noted a walnut-sized, nontender mass in the right parietal area that had enlarged slightly after minor head trauma. Tingling discomfort developed as the manifestation of the compression of the parietal lobe in the 2 to 3 months after the head trauma.INTERVENTION: Under proper factor replacement therapy, surgery was undertaken for excision and tissue diagnosis. Histological examination of the content in the diploe revealed old blood coagulum.CONCLUSION: Postoperatively, the tingling discomfort in the arm resolved completely. To our knowledge, this is the second case of the cranial hemophilic pseudotumor in the English literature. Diagnosis and management of cranial hemophilic pseudotumor are presented with a review of the literature.", "The mRNA for dopamine receptors of type D1, D3, D5, but not type D2, was detected in the thymus of rats starting from day 16 of embryonic development (E16). Dopamine at concentrations of 10-8-10‒6 M inhibited fetus thymocyte response to mitogen, confirming the functionality of the receptors and the possibility of a direct effect of dopamine on the developing thymus. Pharmacological inhibition of catecholamine synthesis in the crucial period of thymus development leads to long-term changes in the T-system immunity due to increased production of natural regulatory T-lymphocytes. The presence and functional activity of dopamine receptors in the fetal thymus indicates its ability to influence the development of the immune system of rats during ontogeny.", "Transgenic mice expressing the E7 protein of HPV16 from the keratin 14 promoter demonstrate increasing thymic hypertrophy with age. This hypertrophy is associated with increased absolute numbers of all thymocyte types, and with increased cortical and medullary cellularity. In the thymic medulla, increased compartmentalization of the major thymic stromal cell types and expansion of thymic epithelial cell population is observed. Neither an increased rate of immature thymocyte division nor a decreased rate of immature thymocyte death was able to account for the observed hypertrophy. Thymocytes with reduced levels of expression of CD4 and/or CD8 were more abundant in transgenic (tg) mice and became increasingly more so with age. These thymic SP and DP populations with reduced levels of CD4 and/or CD8 markers had a lower rate of apoptosis in the tg than in the non-tg mice. The rate of export of mature thymocytes to peripheral lymphoid organs was less in tg animals relative to the pool of available mature cells, particularly for the increasingly abundant CD4lo population. We therefore suggest that mature thymocytes that would normally die in the thymus gradually accumulated in E7 transgenic animals, perhaps as a consequence of exposure to a hypertrophied E7-expressing thymic epithelium or to factors secreted by this expanded thymic stromal cell population. The K14E7 transgenic mouse thus provides a unique model to study effects of the thymic epithelial cell compartment on thymus development and involution.", "Histone acetylation and nucleosome remodeling regulate DNA damage repair, replication and transcription. Rtt109, a recently discovered histone acetyltransferase (HAT) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, functions with the histone chaperone Asf1 to acetylate lysine K56 on histone H3 (H3K56), a modification associated with newly synthesized histones. In vitro analysis of Rtt109 revealed that Vps75, a Nap1 family histone chaperone, could also stimulate Rtt109-dependent acetylation of H3K56. However, the molecular function of the Rtt109-Vps75 complex remains elusive. Here we have probed the molecular functions of Vps75 and the Rtt109-Vps75 complex through biochemical, structural and genetic means. We find that Vps75 stimulates the kcat of histone acetylation by approximately 100-fold relative to Rtt109 alone and enhances acetylation of K9 in the H3 histone tail. Consistent with the in vitro evidence, cells lacking Vps75 showed a substantial reduction (60%) in H3K9 acetylation during S phase. X-ray structural, biochemical and genetic analyses of Vps75 indicate a unique, structurally dynamic Nap1-like fold that suggests a potential mechanism of Vps75-dependent activation of Rttl09. Together, these data provide evidence for a multifunctional HAT-chaperone complex that acetylates histone H3 and deposits H3-H4 onto DNA, linking histone modification and nucleosome assembly.", "A dedicated excision repair pathway, termed transcription-coupled repair (TCR), targets the removal of DNA lesions from transcribed strands of expressed genes. Transcription arrest at the site of the lesion has been proposed as the first step for initiation of TCR. In support of this model, a strong correlation between arrest of transcription by a lesion in vitro and TCR of that lesion in vivo has been found in most cases analyzed. TCR has been reported for oxidative DNA damage; however, very little is known about how frequently occurring and spontaneous DNA damage, such as depurination and base deamination, affects progression of the transcription complex. We have previously determined that the oxidative lesion, thymine glycol, is a significant block to transcription by T7 RNA polymerase (T7 RNAP) but has no detectable effect on transcription by RNA polymerase II (RNAP II) in a reconstituted system with all of the required factors. Another oxidative lesion, 8-oxoguanine, only slightly blocked T7 RNAP and caused RNAP II to briefly pause at the lesion before bypassing it. Because an abasic site is an intermediate in the repair of oxidative damage, it was of interest to learn whether it arrested transcription. Using in vitro transcription assays and substrates containing a specifically positioned lesion, we found that an abasic site in the transcribed strand is a 60% block to transcription by T7 RNAP but nearly a complete block to transcription by mammalian RNAP II. An abasic site in the nontranscribed strand did not block either polymerase. Our results clearly indicate that an abasic site is a much stronger block to transcription than either a thymine glycol or an 8-oxoguanine. Because the predominant model for TCR postulates that only lesions that block RNAP will be subject to TCR, our findings suggest that the abasic site may be sufficient to initiate TCR in vivo.", "Deleterious mutations inevitably emerge in any evolutionary process and are speculated to decisively influence the structure of the genome. Meiosis, which is thought to play a major role in handling mutations on the population level, recombines chromosomes via non-randomly distributed hot spots for meiotic recombination. In many genomes, various types of genetic elements are distributed in patterns that are currently not well understood. In particular, important (essential) genes are arranged in clusters, which often cannot be explained by a functional relationship of the involved genes. Here we show by computer simulation that essential gene (EG) clustering provides a fitness benefit in handling deleterious mutations in sexual populations with variable levels of inbreeding and outbreeding. We find that recessive lethal mutations enforce a selective pressure towards clustered genome architectures. Our simulations correctly predict (i) the evolution of non-random distributions of meiotic crossovers, (ii) the genome-wide anti-correlation of meiotic crossovers and EG clustering, (iii) the evolution of EG enrichment in pericentromeric regions and (iv) the associated absence of meiotic crossovers (cold centromeres). Our results furthermore predict optimal crossover rates for yeast chromosomes, which match the experimentally determined rates. Using a Saccharomyces cerevisiae conditional mutator strain, we show that haploid lethal phenotypes result predominantly from mutation of single loci and generally do not impair mating, which leads to an accumulation of mutational load following meiosis and mating. We hypothesize that purging of deleterious mutations in essential genes constitutes an important factor driving meiotic crossover. Therefore, the increased robustness of populations to deleterious mutations, which arises from clustered genome architectures, may provide a significant selective force shaping crossover distribution. Our analysis reveals a new aspect of the evolution of genome architectures that complements insights about molecular constraints, such as the interference of pericentromeric crossovers with chromosome segregation.", "Ctf4/AND-1 is a highly conserved gene product required for both DNA replication and the establishment of sister chromatid cohesion. In this report, we examined the mechanism of action of human Ctf4 (hCtf4) in DNA replication both in vitro and in vivo. Our findings show that the purified hCtf4 exists as a dimer and that the hCtf4 SepB domain likely plays a primary role determining the dimeric structure. hCtf4 binds preferentially to DNA template-primer structures, interacts directly with the replicative DNA polymerases (alpha, delta, and epsilon), and markedly stimulates the polymerase activities of DNA polymerases alpha and epsilon in vitro. Depletion of hCtf4 in HeLa cells by small interfering RNA resulted in G(1)/S phase arrest. DNA fiber analysis revealed that cells depleted of hCtf4 exhibited a rate of DNA replication slower than cells treated with control small interfering RNA. These findings suggest that in human cells, hCtf4 plays an essential role in DNA replication and its ability to stimulate the replicative DNA polymerases may contribute to this effect.", "BACKGROUND: Upadacitinib, an oral Janus kinase (JAK)1-selective inhibitor, showed efficacy in combination with stable background conventional synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (csDMARDs) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis who had an inadequate response to DMARDs. We aimed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of upadacitinib monotherapy after switching from methotrexate versus continuing methotrexate in patients with inadequate response to methotrexate.METHODS: SELECT-MONOTHERAPY was conducted at 138 sites in 24 countries. The study enrolled adults (≥18 years) who fulfilled the 2010 American College of Rheumatology (ACR)-European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) classification criteria for rheumatoid arthritis. Patients with active rheumatoid arthritis despite stable methotrexate were randomly assigned 2:2:1:1 to switch to once-daily monotherapy of of upadacitinib or to continue methotrexate at their existing dose as blinded study drug; starting from week 14, patients assigned to continue methotrexate were switched to 15 mg or 30 mg once-daily upadacitinib per prespecified random assignment at baseline. The primary endpoints in this report are proportion of patients achieving 20% improvement in the ACR criteria (ACR20) at week 14, and proportion achieving low disease activity defined as 28-joint Disease Activity Score using C-reactive protein (DAS28[CRP]) of 3·2 or lower, both with non-responder imputation at week 14. Outcomes were assessed in patients who received at least one dose of study drug. This study is active but not recruiting and is registered with, number NCT02706951.FINDINGS: Patients were screened between Feb 23, 2016, and May 19, 2017 and 648 were randomly assigned to treatment. 598 (92%) completed week 14. At week 14, an ACR20 response was achieved by 89 (41%) of 216 patients (95% CI 35-48) in the continued methotrexate group, 147 (68%) of 217 patients (62-74) receiving upadacitinib 15 mg, and 153 (71%) of 215 patients (65-77) receiving upadacitinib 30 mg (p<0·0001 for both doses vs continued methotrexate). DAS28(CRP) 3·2 or lower was met by 42 (19%) of 216 (95% CI 14-25) in the continued methotrexate group, 97 (45%) of 217 (38-51) receiving upadacitinib 15 mg, and 114 (53%) of 215 (46-60) receiving upadacitinib 30 mg (p<0·0001 for both doses vs continued methotrexate). Adverse events were reported in 102 patients (47%) on continued methotrexate, 103 (47%) on upadacitinib 15 mg, and 105 (49%) on upadacitinib 30 mg. Herpes zoster was reported by one (<1%) patient on continued methotrexate, three (1%) on upadacitinib 15 mg, and six (3%) on upadacitinib 30 mg. Three malignancies (one [<1%] on continued methotrexate, two [1%] on upadacitinib 15 mg), three adjudicated major adverse cardiovascular events (one [<1%] on upadacitinib 15 mg, two [<1%] on upadacitinib 30 mg), one adjudicated pulmonary embolism (<1%; upadacitinib 15 mg), and one death (<1%; upadacitinib 15 mg, haemorrhagic stroke [ruptured aneurysm]) were reported in the study.INTERPRETATION: Upadacitinib monotherapy showed statistically significant improvements in clinical and functional outcomes versus continuing methotrexate in this methotrexate inadequate-responder population. Safety observations were similar to those in previous upadacitinib rheumatoid arthritis studies.FUNDING: AbbVie Inc, USA.", "The finding of peanut agglutinin (PNA) binding capacity, supposed to be a marker of immature lymphocytes, within the T-cell population of the human thymus (58%) and tonsil (10%) prompted the comparison of maturation stages of PNA binding (PNA+) and nonbinding (PNA-) T cells in both organs. The proliferative response after mitogenic stimulation of purified PNA+ fractions was significantly less than that of purified PNA- fractions. The results of mitogen dose-response experiments, of variation in time of culture harvest, and of addition of irradiated allogeneic peripheral blood non-T cells indicated the intrinsic mitogen unresponsiveness of cells in the PNA+ fractions. The mitogen response of tonsil fractions was higher than that of thymocyte fractions. Cells with an immature immunologic phenotype were enriched in the thymocyte PNA+ fraction, and almost absent in the tonsil fractions. Both tonsil fractions contained cells with the immunologic phenotype of mature T cells, and showed a purine interconversion enzyme makeup comparable to mature T lymphocytes. It is concluded that the tonsil PNA+ T cell is a functionally immature lymphocyte which is in a further maturation stage than PNA+ or PNA- thymocytes. The presence of PNA+ T cells outside the thymus is of relevance for the clinical evaluation of PNA binding assays and suggests the occurrence of T-cell maturation within the tonsil environment.", "Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia is a familial cardiac arrhythmia that is related to RYR2 or CASQ2 gene mutation. It occurs in patients with structurally normal heart and causes exercise-emotion triggered syncope and sudden cardiac death. We present a 13 year-old girl with recurrent episodes of exercise-related syncope and prior history of sudden death in a first degree relative.", "There is evidence for both physiological functions of the natural neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, and pharmacological actions of the plant alkaloid, nicotine, on the development and function of the immune system. The effects of continuous exposure to nicotine over a 12-day course of fetal thymus organ culture (FTOC) were studied, and thymocytes were analyzed by flow cytometry. In the presence of very low concentrations of nicotine many more immature T cells (defined by low or negative TCR expression) and fewer mature T cells (intermediate or high expression of TCR) were produced. In addition, the numbers of cells expressing CD69 and, to a lesser extent, CD95 (Fas) were increased. These effects took place when fetal thymus lobes from younger (13-14 days gestation) pups were used for FTOC. If FTOC were set up using tissue from older (15-16 days gestation pups), nicotine had little effect, suggesting that it may act only on immature T cell precursors. Consistent with an increase in immature cells, the expression of recombinase-activating genes was found to be elevated. Nicotine effects were partially blocked by the simultaneous addition of the nicotinic antagonist d-tubocurarine. Furthermore, d-tubocurarine alone blocked the development of both immature and mature murine thymocytes, suggesting the presence of an endogenous ligand that may engage nicotinic acetylcholine receptors on developing thymocytes and influence the course of normal thymic ontogeny.", "AIM: Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) is a cardioactive molecule produced in the myocardium. BNP is a sensitive marker of cardiac failure and its measurement in blood could be useful to the diagnosis and the treatment of this disease. Sporting activities, especially endurance ones, can induce cardiac problems, owing to the high workload for the myocardium during long and ultralong heavy effort. There are 2 papers describing the behavior of BNP in endurance events. BNP was elevated in marathoners, immediately after the race and also after 4 h. We studied the behavior of BNP in the triathlon, which is a complex sport characterized by 3 different activities (swimming, cycling, running).METHODS: We recruited 49 athletes, all males, except for 4 females; 2 athletes did not finish the race and were not included in the statistical analysis in 2 different competitions. In these subjects we measured BNP using an immunological method before and after a triathlon.RESULTS: No statistical significance between BNP values, before and after the triathlon, was found.CONCLUSIONS: We found no significant differences between pre- and postcompetition BNP values. Moreover, the range of values in both the blood drawings are similar of those of the general population, representing the biological variability of the analyte. The values in regularly trained athletes,, are not different from the general population and BNP is not modified by a triathlon, a typical endurance sport performance. We can underline that BNP increases in plasma are induced by heavy pathologies and are not influenced by physical activities, even strenuous ones.", "Ldb1, a ubiquitously expressed LIM domain binding protein, is essential in a number of tissues during development. It interacts with Gata1, Tal1, E2A and Lmo2 to form a transcription factor complex regulating late erythroid genes. We identify a number of novel Ldb1 interacting proteins in erythroleukaemic cells, in particular the repressor protein Eto-2 (and its family member Mtgr1), the cyclin-dependent kinase Cdk9, and the bridging factor Lmo4. MO-mediated knockdowns in zebrafish show these factors to be essential for definitive haematopoiesis. In accordance with the zebrafish results these factors are coexpressed in prehaematopoietic cells of the early mouse embryo, although we originally identified the complex in late erythroid cells. Based on the change in subcellullar localisation of Eto-2 we postulate that it plays a central role in the transition from the migration and expansion phase of the prehaematopoietic cells to the establishment of definitive haematopoietic stem cells.", "Catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT) is an inherited arrhythmogenic disorder that causes syncopal episodes related with stress or emotion and even sudden cardiac deaths. Signs and symptoms usually begin in childhood. A suspicion of CPVT should be kept in mind when a child or an adolescent suddenly loses consciousness, particularly if this happens upon physical exercise or sudden mental stress. During the past decade, the knowledge of CPVT genetics and physiology has increased. Exercise testing is essential when suspecting arrhythmogenic origin of syncope, and in the case of CPVT, it may be even more sensitive than Holter monitoring. Beta-antiadrenergic medication can substantially decrease the mortality associated with CPVT. Asymptomatic patients with known CPVT gene defects should also be treated because sudden cardiac death may be the first manifestation of the disease. An implantable cardioverter-defibrillator may also be required in the most severe CPVT cases. In this review, we summarise the current knowledge on the clinical characteristics, diagnostic, genetic and prognostic features of CPVT in children. In all, 133 publications covering 60 years were checked, and those written in English and containing ten or more, mainly paediatric CPVT cases, were included. In addition, a CPVT family with three members and delayed diagnoses until late childhood and adulthood is presented.", "Plasma cell tumors of the skull base are rare in neurosurgical practice. True solitary osseous plasmacytoma of the skull base without development of multiple myeloma is extremely rare. We report a case of typical Gradenigo's syndrome, including left abducens nerve palsy, left facial pain and paresthesia in V1 and V2 distribution of trigeminal nerve caused by solitary osseous plasmacytoma of the left petrous apex. The patient was a 46-year-old man who presented with diplopia for two days. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain showed a hyperintense mass on T1-weighted images and slightly hypointense mass on T2-weighted images in the left petrous apex and left parasellar area. Through a left subtemporal middle fossa approach, subtotal resection of the lesion was performed. Histopathological examination of the lesion revealed plasmacytoma. The patient received 54 Gy radiation for the local tumor. Four months after radiation, the abducens palsy improved. Four years after treatment, the patient remained well with no symptoms or signs of local recurrence or progression to multiple myeloma.", "In the thymus, a T-cell repertoire able to confer protection against infectious and noninfectious agents in a peptide-dependent, self-MHC-restricted manner is selected. Direct detection of Ag-specific thymocytes, and analysis of the impact of the expression of the MHC-restricting allele on their frequency or function has never been studied in humans because of the extremely low precursor frequency. Here, we used a tetramer-based enrichment protocol to analyze the ex vivo frequency and activation-phenotype of human thymocytes specific for self, viral and tumor-antigens presented by HLA-A*0201 (A2) in individuals expressing or not this allele. Ag-specific thymocytes were quantified within both CD4CD8 double or single-positive compartments in every donor. Our data indicate that the maturation efficiency of Ag-specific thymocytes is poorly affected by HLA-A2 expression, in terms of frequencies. Nevertheless, A2-restricted T-cell lines from A2(+) donors reacted to A2(+) cell lines in a highly peptide-specific fashion, whereas their alloreactive counterparts showed off-target activity. This first ex vivo analysis of human antigen-specific thymocytes at different stages of human T-cell development should open new perspectives in the understanding of the human thymic selection process.", "BACKGROUND: Generation of functional (CD4+)(CD8-)CD25+ regulatory T cells (Treg) in the murine thymus depends on FoxP3. Removal of the thymus from neonatal mice has been shown to result in a multiple organ autoimmune disease phenotype that can be prevented by introducing the FoxP3+ Treg population to the animal. It has therefore, been proposed that functional FoxP3+ Treg cells are not made in the neonatal thymus; however, it remains unclear when and where functional (FoxP3+)(CD4+)(CD8-)CD25+ thymocytes are generated in postnatal thymus.RESULTS: We report that neither FoxP3 mRNA nor protein is expressed in (CD4+)(CD8-)CD25+, or (CD4+)(CD8-)CD25- thymocytes until 3-4 days post birth, despite the presence of mature (CD4+)(CD8-)CD25+/- thymocytes in the thymus by 1-2 days after birth. (FoxP3-)(CD4+)(CD8-)CD25+ thymocytes from day 2 newborn mice show no Treg activity. Interestingly, we are able to detect low numbers of FoxP3+ thymocytes dispersed throughout the medullary region of the thymus as early as 3-4 days post birth. Expression of FoxP3 is induced in embryonic day 17 fetal thymus organ culture (FTOC) after 4-6 days of in vitro culture. Treatment of FTOCs with thymic stromal derived lymphopoietin (TSLP) enhanced expression of FoxP3, and blocking the TSLP receptor reduces FoxP3 expression in FTOC. Furthermore, TSLP stimulates FoxP3 expression in purified (CD4+)CD8- thymocytes, but not in (CD4+)CD8+, (CD4-)CD8+ and (CD4-)CD8- thymocytes.CONCLUSION: Expression of FoxP3 or Treg maturation is ontogenically distinct and kinetically delayed from the generation of (CD4+)(CD8-)CD25+ or (CD4+)(CD8-)CD25- thymocytes in the postnatal thymus. TSLP produced from medullary thymic epithelia cells (mTEC) contributes to the expression of FoxP3 and the maturation of natural regulatory T cells. Overall, these results suggest that the development of Treg cells requires paracrine signaling during late stages of thymocyte maturation that is distinct from signaling during positive or negative selection.", "Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are characterized by: social and communication impairments, and by restricted repetitive behaviors. The aim of the present paper is to review abnormalities of oxytocin (OXT) and related congenital malformations in ASD. A literature search was conducted in the PubMed database up to 2016 for articles related to the pathomechanism of ASD, abnormalities of OXT and the OXT polymorphism in ASD. The pathomechanism of ASD has yet to be. The development of ASD is suggested to be related to abnormalities of the oxytocin-arginin-vasopressin system. Previous results suggest that OXT and arginine vasopressin (AVP) may play a role in the etiopathogenesis of ASD." ]
[ "Mutations in the skeletal muscle voltage-gated sodium channel alpha-subunit gene (SCN4A) have been associated with a spectrum of inherited nondystrophic myotonias and periodic paralyses. Most disease-associated SCN4A alleles occur in portions of the gene that encode the third and fourth repeat domains with the conspicuous absence of mutations in domain 1. Here we describe a family segregating an unusual autosomal dominant congenital myotonia associated with debilitating pain especially severe in the intercostal muscles. A novel SCN4A mutation causing the replacement of Val445 in the sixth transmembrane segment of domain 1 with methionine was discovered in all affected individuals and is the likely genetic basis for the syndrome. Myotonia was resistant to treatment; however, the most severely affected family member responded dramatically to the sodium channel blocking agent flecainide.", "Active enhancers in mammals produce enhancer RNAs (eRNAs) that are bidirectionally transcribed, unspliced, and unstable. Enhancer regions are also enriched with long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) transcripts, which are typically spliced and substantially more stable. In order to explore the relationship between these two classes of RNAs, we analyzed DNase hypersensitive sites with evidence of bidirectional transcription, which we termed eRNA-producing centers (EPCs). EPCs found very close to transcription start sites of lncRNAs exhibit attributes of both enhancers and promoters, including distinctive DNA motifs and a characteristic chromatin landscape. These EPCs are associated with higher enhancer activity, driven at least in part by the presence of conserved, directional splicing signals that promote lncRNA production, pointing at a causal role of lncRNA processing in enhancer activity. Together, our results suggest that the conserved ability of some enhancers to produce lncRNAs augments their activity in a manner likely mediated through lncRNA maturation.", "Long QT and Brugada syndromes are two hereditary cardiac diseases. Brugada syndrome has so far been associated with only one gene, SCN5A, which encodes the cardiac sodium channel. However, in long QT syndrome (LQTS) at least six genes, including the SCN5A, are implicated. The substitution (D1790G) causes LQTS and the insertion (D1795) induces both LQTS and Brugada syndromes in carrier patients. hH1/insD1795 and hH1/D1790G mutant channels were expressed in the tsA201 human cell line and characterized using the patch clamp technique in whole-cell configuration. Our data revealed a persistent inward sodium current of about 6% at -30 mV for both D1790G and insD1795, and a reduction of 62% of channel expression for the insD1795. Moreover, a shift of steady-state inactivation curve in both mutants was also observed. Our findings uphold the idea that LQT3 is related to a persistent sodium current whereas reduction in the expression level of cardiac sodium channels is one of the biophysical characteristics of Brugada syndrome.", "Glucocorticoids (GCs) are widely used to treat acute graft-versus-host disease (aGvHD) due to their immunosuppressive activity, but they also reduce the beneficial graft-versus-leukemia (GvL) effect of the allogeneic T cells contained in the graft. Here, we tested whether aGvHD therapy could be improved by delivering GCs with the help of inorganic-organic hybrid nanoparticles (IOH-NPs) that preferentially target myeloid cells. IOH-NPs containing the GC betamethasone (BMP-NPs) efficiently reduced morbidity, mortality, and tissue damage in a totally MHC mismatched mouse model of aGvHD. Therapeutic activity was lost in mice lacking the GC receptor (GR) in myeloid cells, confirming the cell type specificity of our approach. BMP-NPs had no relevant systemic activity but suppressed cytokine and chemokine gene expression locally in the small intestine, which presumably explains their mode of action. Most importantly, BMP-NPs delayed the development of an adoptively transferred B cell lymphoma better than the free drug, although the overall incidence was unaffected. Our findings thus suggest that employing IOH-NPs could diminish the risk of relapse associated with GC therapy of aGvHD patients while still allowing to efficiently ameliorate the disease.", "Several lines of evidence suggest that deficiency of eosinophils is not associated with any characteristic abnormality. Patients lacking eosinophils, in the setting of immunodeficiency or as a consequence of IgG-mediated eosinophil precursor destruction, do not display any distinguishing abnormalities related to eosinophil reduction. The observation that eosinophil-deficient mice do not display any distinctive syndrome or failure of their health is evidence that, under ordinary laboratory conditions, the eosinophil does not play a critical role in the well-being of mammals. Observations that monoclonal antibodies to interleukin-5 (IL-5) are well tolerated appear unsurprising in light of these findings. For example, patients with the hypereosinophilic syndrome have received mepolizumab, an anti-IL-5 monoclonal antibody, for as long as 6 years and have not developed any characteristic set of adverse events. Safety data for reslizumab, another anti-IL-5 monoclonal antibody, and benralizumab, a monoclonal antibody to the IL-5 receptor α-chain, are comparatively limited, especially for benralizumab, although reports of administration of these antibodies to humans suggest that they are well tolerated. Thus, data to the present suggest that reduction of eosinophils appears to have no characteristic ill effects on normal health, and monoclonal antibodies that deplete eosinophils have the potential to be widely employed in the treatment of eosinophil-associated diseases.", "PURPOSE: In this study factors are analyzed that may potentially influence the site of failure in pediatric medulloblastoma. Patient-related, disease-related, and treatment-related variables are analyzed with a special focus on radiotherapy time-dose and technical factors.METHODS AND MATERIALS: Eighty-six children and adolescents with a diagnosis of medulloblastoma were treated in Switzerland during the period 1972-1991. Postoperative megavoltage radiotherapy was delivered to all patients. Simulation and portal films of the whole-brain irradiation (WBI) fields were retrospectively reviewed in 77 patients. The distance from the field margin to the cribiform plate and to the floor of the temporal fossa was carefully assessed and correlated with supratentorial failure-free survival. In 19 children the spine was treated with high-energy electron beams, the remainder with megavoltage photons. Simulation and port films of the posterior fossa fields were also reviewed in 72 patients. The field size and the field limits were evaluated and correlated with posterior fossa failure-free survival.RESULTS: In 36 patients (47%) the WBI margins were judged to miss the inferior portion of the frontal and temporal lobes. Twelve patients failed in the supratentorial region and 9 of these patients belonged to the group of 36 children in whom the inferior portion of the brain had been underdosed. On multivariate analysis only field correctness was retained as being significantly correlated with supratentorial failure-free survival (p = 0.049). Neither the total dose to the spinal theca nor the treatment technique (electron vs. photon beams) were significantly correlated with outcome. Posterior fossa failure-free survival was not influenced by total dose, overall treatment time, field size, or field margin correctness. Overall survival was not influenced by any of the radiotherapy-related technical factors.CONCLUSION: A correlation between WBI field correctness and supratentorial failure-free survival was observed. Treatment protocols should be considered that limit supratentorial irradiation mainly to subsites at highest risk of relapse. Optimized conformal therapy or proton beam therapy may help to reach this goal. Treating the spine with electron beams was not deletereous. A significant correlation between local control and other technical factors was not observed, including those relating to posterior fossa treatment. The use of small conformal tumor bed boost fields may be prefered to the larger posterior fossa fields usually considered as the standard treatment approach.", "The marine cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus is the most abundant photosynthetic organism in oligotrophic regions of the oceans. The inability to assimilate nitrate is considered an important factor underlying the distribution of Prochlorococcus, and thought to explain, in part, low abundance of Prochlorococcus in coastal, temperate, and upwelling zones. Here, we describe the widespread occurrence of a genomic island containing nitrite and nitrate assimilation genes in uncultured Prochlorococcus cells from marine surface waters. These genes are characterized by low GC content, form a separate phylogenetic clade most closely related to marine Synechococcus, and are located in a different genomic region compared with an orthologous cluster found in marine Synechococcus strains. This sequence distinction suggests that these genes were not transferred recently from Synechococcus. We demonstrate that the nitrogen assimilation genes encode functional proteins and are expressed in the ocean. Also, we find that their relative occurrence is higher in the Caribbean Sea and Indian Ocean compared with the Sargasso Sea and Eastern Pacific Ocean, which may be related to the nitrogen availability in each region. Our data suggest that the ability to assimilate nitrite and nitrate is associated with microdiverse lineages within high- and low-light (LL) adapted Prochlorococcus ecotypes. It challenges 2 long-held assumptions that (i) Prochlorococcus cannot assimilate nitrate, and (ii) only LL adapted ecotypes can use nitrite. The potential for previously unrecognized productivity by Prochlorococcus in the presence of oxidized nitrogen species has implications for understanding the biogeography of Prochlorococcus and its role in the oceanic carbon and nitrogen cycles." ]
[ "Blood group systems based on red blood cell antigens are genetically determined and can identify patients at risk. Type non-O of the ABO blood group system has been associated with coronary artery disease, thrombosis, and a worse prognosis. The present study evaluated the distribution of blood group types in patients with heart failure (HF) and the impact on clinical outcome. We evaluated the ABO and Rhesus D antigen (RhD) blood types in a large cohort of chronic HF patients (n = 3,815). ABO blood type distribution in the HF population was not significantly different to that reported in the general national population (A 40%, B 20%, AB 8%, and O 33%). The percentage of Rh-negative per blood type was also similar (A 10%, B 9%, AB 10%, and O 7%). Patients with type O were more likely to be hypertensive compared with non-O type. Mean follow-up was 4.2 years. Overall survival during follow-up was 55%. Cox regression analysis after adjustment for significant predictors demonstrated that RhD-negative was associated with a worse prognosis in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy (n = 2,881, 76%): hazard ratio 1.26, 95% confidence interval 1.04 to 1.53, p = 0.02. Type non-O was also independently associated with a worse prognosis compared with type O in patients with non-ischemic cardiomyopathy: hazard ratio 1.32, 95% confidence interval 1.04 to 1.67, p = 0.02. In conclusion, blood group type distribution in HF patients are similar to the general population. RhD-negative is associated with a worse prognosis in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy.", "McKusick-Kaufman syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disease diagnosed by polydactyly, hydrometrocolpos, and congenital heart disease. We present an unusual laparotomy confirmed urogenital MRI finding (atretic vaginal pouch) in a 3-month-old girl with McKusick-Kaufman syndrome. Up to our knowledge, this MR finding has not been reported in the literature yet.", "The effect of semaglutide, a once-weekly human glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) analog in development for type 2 diabetes (T2D), on the bioavailability of a combined oral contraceptive was investigated. Postmenopausal women with T2D (n = 43) on diet/exercise ± metformin received ethinylestradiol (0.03 mg)/levonorgestrel (0.15 mg) once daily for 8 days before (semaglutide-free) and during (steady-state 1.0 mg) semaglutide treatment (subcutaneous once weekly; dose escalation: 0.25 mg 4 weeks; 0.5 mg 4 weeks; 1.0 mg 5 weeks). Bioequivalence of oral contraceptives was established if 90%CI for the ratio of pharmacokinetic parameters during semaglutide steady-state and semaglutide-free periods was within prespecified limits (0.80-1.25). The bioequivalence criterion was met for ethinylestradiol area under the curve (AUC0-24 h ) for semaglutide steady-state/semaglutide-free; 1.11 (1.06-1.15). AUC0-24 h was 20% higher for levonorgestrel at semaglutide steady-state vs. semaglutide-free (1.20 [1.15-1.26]). Cmax was within bioequivalence criterion for both contraceptives. Reductions (mean ± SD) in HbA1c (-1.1 ± 0.6%) and weight (-4.3 ± 3.1 kg) were observed. Semaglutide pharmacokinetics were compatible with once-weekly dosing; the semaglutide dose and dose-escalation regimen were well tolerated. Adverse events, mainly gastrointestinal, were mild to moderate in severity. Asymptomatic increases in mean amylase and lipase were observed. Three subjects had elevated alanine aminotransferase levels ≥3x the upper limit of normal during semaglutide/oral contraceptive coadministration, which were reported as adverse events, but resolved during follow-up. Semaglutide did not reduce the bioavailability of ethinylestradiol and levonorgestrel.", "Gliomas are the most common type of brain cancer in the pediatric patients, constituting about 50% of all childhood intracranial tumors. This is a highly heterogeneous group, varying from the benign WHO histopathological grades I and II to malignant WHO grades III and IV. The histology and location are significant prognostic factors, which influence the decision for surgical intervention, as well as the extent of possible tumor removal. In low-grade gliomas, surgery remains the initial option and should be directed at gross total resection in favorable locations, such as the cerebral hemispheres and the cerebellum. Management of high-grade gliomas (HGG), which are less common in children compared to adults, continue to pose a significant challenge. In non-brainstem HGG, the goal is safe maximal tumor removal, while it generally does not play any role in diffuse intrinsic pontine gliomas. Treatment must, thus, be individualized in the majority of cases of HGG. Surgery for gliomas in children continues to be aided by technological advancements facilitating tumor resection and improving patient safety and outcomes.", "Collaborators: Forrest AR, Kawaji H, Rehli M, Baillie JK, de Hoon MJ, Haberle V, Lassmann T, Kulakovskiy IV, Lizio M, Itoh M, Andersson R, Mungall CJ, Meehan TF, Schmeier S, Bertin N, Jørgensen M, Dimont E, Arner E, Schmid C, Schaefer U, Medvedeva YA, Plessy C, Vitezic M, Severin J, Semple CA, Ishizu Y, Young RS, Francescatto M, Alam I, Albanese D, Altschuler GM, Arakawa T, Archer JA, Arner P, Babina M, Rennie S, Balwierz PJ, Beckhouse AG, Pradhan-Bhatt S, Blake JA, Blumenthal A, Bodega B, Bonetti A, Briggs J, Brombacher F, Burroughs AM, Califano A, Cannistracti CV, Carbajo D, Chen Y, Chierici M, Ciani Y, Clevers HC, Dalla E, Davis CA, Detmar M, Diehl AD, Dohi T, Drabløs F, Edge AS, Edinger M, Ekwall K, Endoh M, Enomoto H, Fagiolini M, Fairbairn L, Fang H, Farach-Carson MC, Faulkner GJ, Favorov AV, Fisher ME, Frith MC, Fujita R, Fukuda S, Furlanello C, Furuno M, Furusawa J, Geijtenbeek TB, Gibson AP, Gingeras T, Goldowitz D, Gough J, Guhl S, Guler R, Gustincich S, Ha TJ, Hamaguchi M, Hara M, Harbers M, Harshbarger J, Hasegawa A, Hasegawa Y, Hashimoto T, Herlyn M, Hitchens KJ, Ho Sui SJ, Hofman OM, Hoof I, Hori F, Huminiecki L, Iida K, Ikawa T, Jankovic BR, Jia H, Joshi A, Jurman G, Kaczkowski B, Kai C, Kaida K, Kaiho A, Kajiyama K, Kanamori-Katayama M, Kasianov AS, Kasukawa T, Katayama S, Kato S, Kawaguchi S, Kawamoto H, Kawamura YI, Kawashima T, Kempfle JS, Kenna TJ, Kere J, Khachigian LM, Kitamura T, Klinken SP, Knox AJ, Kojima M, Kojima S, Kondo N, Koseki H, Koyasu S, Krampitz S, Kubosaki A, Kwon AT, Laros JF, Lee W, Lennartsson A, Li K, Lilje B, Lipovich L, Mackay-Sim A, Manabe R, Mar JC, Marchand B, Mathelier A, Mejhert N, Meynert A, Mizuno Y, de Lima Morais DA, Morikawa H, Morimoto M, Moro K, Motakis E, Motohashi H, Mummery CL, Murata M, Nagao-Sato S, Nakachi Y, Nakahara F, Nakamura T, Nakamura Y, Nakazato K, van Nimwegen E, Ninomiya N, Nishiyori H, Noma S, Nozaki T, Ogishima S, Ohkura N, Ohmiya H, Ohno H, Onshima M, Okada-Hatakeyama M, Okazaki Y, Orlando V, Ovchinnikov DA, Pain A, Passier R, Patrikakis M, Persson H, Piazza S, Prendergast JG, Rackham OJ, Ramilowski JA, Rashid M, Ravasi T, Rizzu P, Roncador M, Roy S, Rye MB, Saijyo E, Sajantila A, Saka A, Sakaguchi S, Sakai M, Sato H, Satoh H, Savvi S, Saxena A, Schneider C, Schultes EA, Schultz-Tanzil GG, Schwegmann A, Sengstag T, Sheng G, Shimoji H, Shimoni Y, Shin JW, Simon C, Sugiyama D, Sugiyama T, Suzuki M, Suzuki N, Swoboda RK, 't Hoen PA, Tagami M, Takahashi N, Takai J, Tanaka H, Tatsukawa H, Tatum Z, Thompson M, Toyoda H, Toyodo T, Valen E, van de Wetering M, van den Berg LM, Verardo R, Vijayan D, Vorontsov IE, Wasserman WW, Watanabe S, Wells CA, Winteringham LN, Wolvetang E, Wood EJ, Yamaguchi Y, Yamamoto M, Yoneda M, Yonekura Y, Yoshida S, Zabierowski SE, Zhang PG, Zhao X, Zucchelli S, Summers KM, Suzuki H, Daub CO, Kawai J, Heutink P, Hide W, Freeman TC, Lenhard B, Bajic VB, Taylor MS, Makeev VJ, Sandelin A, Hume DA, Carninci P, Hayashizaki Y.", "Author information:(1)Department of Genetics, Development & Molecular Biology, School of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessalonica, 54124, Thessalonica, Greece.(2)Institute of Radiation Biology, Helmholtz Zentrum München, German Research Center for Environmental Health GmbH, 85764, Neuherberg, Germany.(3)Present address: Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Southern Denmark, Campusvej 55, 5230, Odense M, Denmark.(4)Radiobiology Unit, Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK•CEN), B-2400, Mol, Belgium.(5)School of Medicine, IISPV, \"Rovira i Virgili\" University, Sant Llorens 21, 43201, Reus, Spain.(6)Laboratory of Radiation Biology & Biomedicine, Agenzia Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, l'Energia e lo Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile (ENEA) Centro Ricerche Casaccia, 00123, Rome, Italy.(7)National Research Center for Radiation Medicine of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Melnykov str. 53, Kyiv, 04050, Ukraine.(8)Erasmus Medical Center, 3015GE, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.(9)Institute of Radiation Biology, Helmholtz Zentrum München, German Research Center for Environmental Health GmbH, 85764, Neuherberg, Germany. Unit, Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK•CEN), B-2400, Mol, Belgium. of Genetics, Development & Molecular Biology, School of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessalonica, 54124, Thessalonica, Greece. Process & Computation Laboratory (BCPL), Chemical Process & Energy Resources Institute (CPERI), Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH), Thessalonica, 57001, Greece.", "We introduce a graph-theoretic model for predicting the supersecondary structure of transmembrane β-barrel proteins--a particular class of proteins that performs diverse important functions but it is difficult to determine their structure with experimental methods. This ab initio model resolves the protein folding problem based on pseudo-energy minimization with the aid of a simple probabilistic filter. It also allows for determining structures whose barrel follows a given permutation on the arrangement of β-strands, and allows for rapidly discriminating the transmembrane β-barrels from other kinds of proteins. The model is fairly accurate, robust and can be run very efficiently on PC-like computers, thus proving useful for genome screening." ]
[ "Cases of diarrhoeal disease number from 1.7 to 5 billion per year worldwide. One of the main causes of diarrhoeal disease is typhoid fever, which is a potentially life-threatening multi-systemic illness. According to the most recent estimates, a total of 26.9 million typhoid fever episodes occurred in 2010. The geographical distribution of the disease differs widely; in developed countries, the incidence rate per 100,000 per year varies from < 0.1 to 0.3, and the disease mainly affects people who travel to endemic areas located in low- and middle-income countries. Low- and middle-income countries are mainly affected owing to the lack of clean water and proper sanitation. In the fight against this plague, prevention is fundamental, and vaccination against typhoid is an effective measure. Vivotif® is an oral live attenuated vaccine which contains a mutated strain of Salmonella (Ty21a) and reproduces the natural infection. The vaccine was first licensed in Europe in 1983 and in the US in 1989, and over the years it has proved efficacious and safe. It is indicated for adults and children from 5 years of age upwards. Specifically, in the most developed countries, vaccination is suggested for highrisk population groups and particularly for international travellers to destinations where the risk of contracting typhoid fever is high. It must also be borne in mind that international travel is increasing. Indeed, international tourist arrivals totalled 1,184 million in 2015 and, on the basis of current trends, international travel is expected to grow by 3-4% in 2017. Vivotif® appears to be a powerful means of disease prevention, the importance of which is highlighted by the spread of antibiotic-resistant strains of Salmonella typhy (S. typhi).", "We present here a novel proteomics design for systematic identification of protease cleavage events by quantitative N-terminal proteomics, circumventing the need for time-consuming manual validation. We bypass the singleton detection problem of protease-generated neo-N-terminal peptides by introducing differential isotopic proteome labeling such that these substrate reporter peptides are readily distinguished from all other N-terminal peptides. Our approach was validated using the canonical human caspase-3 protease and further applied to mouse cathepsin D and E substrate processing in a mouse dendritic cell proteome, identifying the largest set of protein protease substrates ever reported and gaining novel insight into substrate specificity differences of these cathepsins.", "Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) inducible early gene 1 (TIEG1) is known to induce apoptosis in TGF-beta sensitive pancreatic cancer cells, yet its effect on TGF-beta resistant cancer cells remains unclear. In this study, TIEG1 was found to induce apoptosis in TGF-beta resistant cancer cells and concurrently enhanced gemcitabine chemosensitivity. Down-regulation of stathmin was noted to associate with TIEG1 expression, whilst ectopic overexpression of stathmin prevented TIEG1 mediated growth inhibition of tumor cells. Small interfering RNAs targeting stathmin inhibited pancreatic cancer cell growth. These suggest that stathmin is a downstream target of TIEG1.", "Thermoesthesia-and-algesthesia disorders have been registered in the dermatomes of cauda equina roots of patients with lumbar spine osteochondrosis in all the cases. Negative changes in the sensitivity of this type are manifested themselves as follows: 1) 2-8-degree increases of thresholds; 2) 3-6-degree decreases of thresholds; 3) absence of thermal sense. In the presence of reflex syndromes (lumbalgia and lumbar ischialgia) the disorders in L4, L5, S1 dermatomes have been determined to the greatest degree. Thermoesthesia-and-algesthesia disorders are more pronounced in patients with the radicular syndrome than in those with the reflex syndromes. The most improvement ofthermoesthesia-and-algesthesia values is observed in L5 dermatome of patients with lumbalgia and lumbar ischialgia after complex conservative therapy. The treatment performed does not result in significant thermoesthesia-and-algesthesia improvement for the limb with radiculopathy events and in the dermatome of the root compressed in patients with the radicular syndrome. Positive changes in contralateral limb are more pronounced.", "Collaborators: Kong XZ, Mathias SR, Guadalupe T, Abé C, Agartz I, Akudjedu TN, Aleman A, Alhusaini S, Allen NB, Ames D, Andreassen OA, Vasquez AA, Armstrong NJ, Bergo F, Bastin ME, Batalla A, Bauer J, Baune BT, Baur-Streubel R, Biederman J, Blaine SK, Boedhoe P, Bøen E, Bose A, Bralten J, Brandeis D, Brem S, Brodaty H, Yüksel D, Brooks SJ, Buitelaar J, Bürger C, Bülow R, Calhoun V, Calvo A, Canales-Rodríguez EJ, Canive JM, Cannon DM, Caparelli EC, Castellanos FX, Cavalleri GL, Cendes F, Chaim-Avancini TM, Chantiluke K, Chen QL, Chen X, Cheng Y, Christakou A, Clark VP, Coghill D, Connolly CG, Conzelmann A, Córdova-Palomera A, Cousijn J, Crow T, Cubillo A, Dale A, Dannlowski U, Ambrosino de Bruttopilo S, de Zeeuw P, Deary IJ, Delanty N, Demeter DV, Di Martino A, Dickie EW, Dietsche B, Doan NT, Doherty CP, Doyle A, Durston S, Earl E, Ehrlich S, Ekman CJ, Elvsåshagen T, Epstein JN, Fair DA, Faraone SV, Fernández G, Filho GB, Förster K, Fouche JP, Foxe JJ, Frodl T, Fuentes-Claramonte P, Fullerton J, Garavan H, Garcia DDS, Gotlib IH, Goudriaan AE, Grabe HJ, Groenewold NA, Grotegerd D, Gruber O, Gurholt T, Haavik J, Hahn T, Hansell NK, Harris MA, Hartman CA, Hernández MDCV, Heslenfeld D, Hester R, Hibar DP, Ho BC, Ho TC, Hoekstra PJ, van Holst RJ, Hoogman M, Høvik MF, Howells FM, Hugdahl K, Huyser C, Ingvar M, Irwin L, Ishikawa A, James A, Jahanshad N, Jernigan TL, Jönsson EG, Kähler C, Kaleda V, Kelly C, Kerich M, Keshavan MS, Khadka S, Kircher T, Kohls G, Konrad K, Korucuoglu O, Krämer B, Krug A, Kwon JS, Lambregts-Rommelse N, Landén M, Lázaro L, Lebedeva I, Lenroot R, Lesch KP, Li Q, Lim KO, Liu J, Lochner C, London ED, Lonning V, Lorenzetti V, Luciano M, Luijten M, Lundervold AJ, Mackey S, MacMaster FP, Maingault S, Malpas CB, Malt UF, Mataix-Cols D, Martin-Santos R, Mayer AR, McCarthy H, Mitchell PB, Mueller BA, Maniega SM, Mazoyer B, McDonald C, McLellan Q, McMahon KL, McPhilemy G, Momenan R, Morales AM, Narayanaswamy JC, Moreira JCV, Nerland S, Nestor L, Newman E, Nigg JT, Nordvik JE, Novotny S, Weiss EO, O'Gorman RL, Oosterlaan J, Oranje B, Orr C, Overs B, Pauli P, Paulus M, Plessen KJ, von Polier GG, Pomarol-Clotet E, Portella MJ, Qiu J, Radua J, Ramos-Quiroga JA, Reddy YCJ, Reif A, Roberts G, Rosa P, Rubia K, Sacchet MD, Sachdev PS, Salvador R, Schmaal L, Schulte-Rüther M, Schweren L, Seidman L, Seitz J, Serpa MH, Shaw P, Shumskaya E, Silk TJ, Simmons AN, Simulionyte E, Sinha R, Sjoerds Z, Smelror RE, Soliva JC, Solowij N, Souza-Duran FL, Sponheim SR, Stein DJ, Stein EA, Stevens M, Strike LT, Sudre G, Sui J, Tamm L, Temmingh HS, Thoma RJ, Tomyshev A, Tronchin G, Turner J, Uhlmann A, van Erp TGM, van den Heuvel OA, van der Meer D, van Eijk L, Vance A, Veer IM, Veltman DJ, Venkatasubramanian G, Vilarroya O, Vives-Gilabert Y, Voineskos AN, Völzke H, Vuletic D, Walitza S, Walter H, Walton E, Wardlaw JM, Wen W, Westlye LT, Whelan CD, White T, Wiers RW, Wright MJ, Wittfeld K, Yang TT, Yasuda CL, Yoncheva Y, Yücel M, Yun JY, Zanetti MV, Zhen Z, Zhu XX, Ziegler GC, Zierhut K, de Zubicaray GI, Zwiers M, Glahn DC, Franke B, Crivello F, Tzourio-Mazoyer N, Fisher SE, Thompson PM, Francks C, Farde L, Flyckt L, Engberg G, Erhardt S, Fatouros-Bergman H, Cervenka S, Schwieler L, Piehl F, Agartz I, Collste K, Victorsson P, Malmqvist A, Hedberg M, Orhan F.", "When the levels of intracellular amino acids are high, RRAG GTPases recruit MTORC1 to lysosomes and promote its activation. We found that RRAGs also recruit specific MTORC1 substrates to the lysosomal surface, thus facilitating MTORC1-mediated phosphorylation and regulation. In particular, active RRAGs interact with the transcription factor EB (TFEB), the master regulator of a gene network that promotes lysosomal biogenesis and autophagy. Redistribution to lysosomes is critical for MTORC1-dependent inactivation of TFEB under nutrient-rich conditions. Therefore, RRAGs play a critical role coordinating nutrient availability and cellular clearance.", "OBJECTIVE: To develop a clinical prediction rule to identify patients who can be safely discharged one hour after the administration of naloxone for presumed opioid overdose.METHODS: Patients who received naloxone for known or presumed opioid overdose were formally evaluated one hour later for multiple potential predictor variables. Patients were classified into two groups: those with adverse events within 24 hours and those without. Using classification and regression tree methodology, a decision rule was developed to predict safe discharge.RESULTS: Clinical findings from 573 patients allowed us to develop a clinical prediction rule with a sensitivity of 99% (95% CI = 96% to 100%) and a specificity of 40% (95% CI = 36% to 45%). Patients with presumed opioid overdose can be safely discharged one hour after naloxone administration if they: 1) can mobilize as usual; 2) have oxygen saturation on room air of >92%; 3) have a respiratory rate >10 breaths/min and <20 breaths/min; 4) have a temperature of >35.0 degrees C and <37.5 degrees C; 5) have a heart rate >50 beats/min and <100 beats/min; and 6) have a Glasgow Coma Scale score of 15.CONCLUSIONS: This prediction rule for safe early discharge of patients with presumed opioid overdose performs well in this derivation set but requires validation followed by confirmation of safe implementation." ]
[ "We present familial Moyamoya disease in two European children and emphasize the importance of familial factors in the pathogenesis of this disease and its appearance not only in Asians but in the Western population as well. The first patient, a Greek female infant, also has coagulation disorders. Her mother, also suffering from Moyamoya and other family members, have similar coagulation disorders (Factor V Leiden, Methylene-tetrahydrofolic reductase and Factor II 20210A mutations). The second patient, a Scottish boy, is unique in that familial Moyamoya affects five members of three consecutive generations of his maternal family. Genetic analysis in the Greek family demonstrated no abnormality on chromosome 3p26, as in other cases. However, the mitochondrial DNA and Y chromosomal genotype showed that affected members had the same sequence of the Mitochondrial 3 portion of D-loop with Japanese patients. These findings suggest that the pathogenesis of Moyamoya may vary across races and ethnic groups.", "'miR2Disease', a manually curated database, aims at providing a comprehensive resource of microRNA deregulation in various human diseases. The current version of miR2Disease documents 1939 curated relationships between 299 human microRNAs and 94 human diseases by reviewing more than 600 published papers. Around one-seventh of the microRNA-disease relationships represent the pathogenic roles of deregulated microRNA in human disease. Each entry in the miR2Disease contains detailed information on a microRNA-disease relationship, including a microRNA ID, the disease name, a brief description of the microRNA-disease relationship, an expression pattern of the microRNA, the detection method for microRNA expression, experimentally verified target gene(s) of the microRNA and a literature reference. miR2Disease provides a user-friendly interface for a convenient retrieval of each entry by microRNA ID, disease name, or target gene. In addition, miR2Disease offers a submission page that allows researchers to submit established microRNA-disease relationships that are not documented. Once approved by the submission review committee, the submitted records will be included in the database. miR2Disease is freely available at", "OBJECTIVE: Metformin, an antidiabetic drug, inhibits the endometrial cancer cell growth in vivo by improving the insulin resistance; however, its mechanism of action is not completely understood. Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) is a serine/threonine phosphatase associated with insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, and its inhibition restores the insulin resistance. This study investigated the antitumor effect of metformin on endometrial cancer with a focus on PP2A.METHODS: Metformin (1,500-2,250 mg/day) was preoperatively administered to patients with endometrial cancer for 4 to 6 weeks. Expression of the PP2A regulatory subunits, 4 (PPP2R4) and B (PP2A-B), was evaluated using real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and immunohistochemistry (IHC) using paired specimens obtained before and after metformin treatment. The effect of PPP2R4 inhibition with small interfering RNA was evaluated in the endometrial cancer cell lines HEC265 and HEC1B. P values of < .05 were considered statistically significant.RESULTS: Preoperative metformin treatment significantly reduced the expression of PP2A-B, as determined using IHC, and the mRNA expression of PPP2R4, as determined using RT-PCR, in the patients with endometrial cancer. However, metformin could not directly alter the PPP2R4 mRNA levels in the endometrial cancer cell lines in vitro. PPP2R4 knockdown reduced the proliferation and induced the apoptosis by activating caspases 3/7 in HEC265 and HEC1B cells.CONCLUSIONS: Downregulation of the PP2A-B subunit, including PPP2R4, is an important indirect target of metformin. Inhibition of PP2A may be an option for the treatment of endometrial cancer patients with insulin resistance.TRIAL REGISTRATION: This trial is registered with UMIN-CTR (number UMIN000004852).", "Immune modulatory treatment regimens, led by immune checkpoint inhibitors, have transformed the treatment of clear-cell renal cell carcinoma. First-in-class, the PD-1 inhibitor nivolumab improved overall survival in advanced renal cell carcinoma following prior anti-angiogenic therapy, an important shift in the management of clear-cell renal cell carcinoma. Further improvements of long-term outcomes will be driven by combinations in the first-line setting, including PD-1/PD-L1 associated with antiangiogenic therapies, or PD1/PD-L1 inhibitors with other immune checkpoint inhibitors such as anti-CTLA-4, anti-LAG-3 or TIM-3 targeted therapies. The first two randomized Phase 3 trials assessing these combinations have now challenged sunitinib in first-line setting. First, the CheckMate 214 trial demonstrated an objective response rate and overall survival benefit for the combination of nivolumab plus ipilimumab in the intermediate- and poor-risk patients. Second, the IMMotion 151 study demonstrated a progression-free survival benefit for the atezolizumab plus bevacizumab combination by investigator assessment. Further Phase 3 trials are awaited with tyrosine kinase and immune checkpoint inhibitor combinations. Clinical trials of immune checkpoint inhibitors are also actively investigated in the localized adjuvant or neoadjuvant setting. Nevertheless, the search for biomarkers along with new clinical trial designs will be crucial to better select the patients that may derive the greatest benefit from these advances. The continuing improvement of antitumor immunity comprehension and the emergence of new immune modulatory treatments will deeply change the management of renal cell carcinoma for the years to come.", "Author information:(1)Section of Cell Biology and Biophysics, Department of Biology, School of Sciences, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Panepistimiopolis, Athens 157 01, Greece. Electronic address: of Cell Biology and Biophysics, Department of Biology, School of Sciences, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Panepistimiopolis, Athens 157 01, Greece. Electronic address: of Cell Biology and Biophysics, Department of Biology, School of Sciences, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Panepistimiopolis, Athens 157 01, Greece. Electronic address: of Cell Biology and Biophysics, Department of Biology, School of Sciences, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Panepistimiopolis, Athens 157 01, Greece. Electronic address: of Pharmacy, University of Patras, Patras 26504, Greece. Electronic address: of Cell Biology and Biophysics, Department of Biology, School of Sciences, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Panepistimiopolis, Athens 157 01, Greece. Electronic address: of Cell Biology and Biophysics, Department of Biology, School of Sciences, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Panepistimiopolis, Athens 157 01, Greece. Electronic address:", "Patients with major depressive disorder often experience relapse after responding to treatment; therefore, maintenance therapy with antidepressants is recommended for maintaining response or remission. This multicenter, open-label, flexible-dose, 52-week extension study evaluated the long-term safety, tolerability, and maintenance of efficacy in study participants who had completed one of two randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, 8-week dose-ranging vortioxetine trials in study participants with major depressive disorder. At the open-label baseline, all study participants were switched to vortioxetine 5 mg/day for the first week, with subsequent dose adjustments from 2.5 to 10 mg/day on the basis of response and tolerability. Treatment with vortioxetine for 52 weeks was well tolerated, with no new safety signals identified. Among the 834 evaluable study participants, treatment-emergent adverse events were reported in 70.6%, with the most common in the combined (all doses) population of nausea (15.2%), headache (12.4%), nasopharyngitis (9.8%), diarrhea (7.2%), and dizziness (6.8%). The rate of adverse events related to sexual dysfunction was low and weight gain was minimal. Laboratory values, vital signs, ECGs, physical examinations, and Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale results showed no trends of clinical concern. The change in the severity of depressive and anxiety symptoms was maintained throughout the study as reflected by a 24-item Hamilton Depression Scale total score of 8.2 at week 52 (from 17.6 at open-label baseline) in the observed case data set.", "Prevention and correction of oxidative DNA lesions in Pseudomonas aeruginosa is ensured by the DNA oxidative repair system (GO). Single inactivation of mutT, mutY and mutM involved in GO led to elevated mutation rates (MRs) that correlated to increased development of resistance to antibiotics. In this study, we constructed a double mutant in mutY and mutM (PAOMY-Mgm) and characterized the phenotype and the gene expression profile using microarray and RT-PCR. PAOMY-Mgm presented 28-fold increases in MR compared with wild-type reference strain PAO1. In comparison, the PAOMYgm (mutY) single mutant showed only a fivefold increase, whereas the single mutant PAOMMgm (mutM) showed a nonsignificant increase in MR compared with PAO1 and the single mutants. Mutations in the regulator nfxB leading to hyperexpression of MexCD-OprJ efflux pump were found as the mechanism of resistance to ciprofloxacin in the double mutant. A better fitness of the mutator compared with PAO1 was found in growth competition experiments in the presence of ciprofloxacin at concentrations just below minimal inhibitory concentration. Up-regulation of the antimutator gene pfpI, that has been shown to provide protection to oxidative stress, was found in PAOMY-Mgm compared with PAO1. In conclusion, we showed that MutY and MutM are cooperating in the GO of P. aeruginosa, and that oxidative DNA lesions might represent an oxidative stress for the bacteria." ]
[ "Only 50% of abdominal aortic aneurysms present with the classic triad of hypotension, back pain and a pulsatile abdominal mass. This variability in symptoms can delay diagnosis and treatment. We present the case of a patient presenting with a unique combination of symptoms suggesting that decompression of urinary retention can lead to abdominal aortic aneurysm rupture.", "Merestinib is an oral multi-kinase inhibitor targeting a limited number of oncokinases including MET, AXL, RON and MKNK1/2. Here, we report that merestinib inhibits neurotrophic receptor tyrosine kinases NTRK1/2/3 which are oncogenic drivers in tumors bearing NTRK fusion resulting from chromosomal rearrangements. Merestinib is shown to be a type II NTRK1 kinase inhibitor as determined by x-ray crystallography. In KM-12 cells harboring TPM3-NTRK1 fusion, merestinib exhibits potent p-NTRK1 inhibition in vitro by western blot and elicits an anti-proliferative response in two- and three-dimensional growth. Merestinib treatment demonstrated profound tumor growth inhibition in in vivo cancer models harboring either a TPM3-NTRK1 or an ETV6-NTRK3 gene fusion. To recapitulate resistance observed from type I NTRK kinase inhibitors entrectinib and larotrectinib, we generated NIH-3T3 cells exogenously expressing TPM3-NTRK1 wild-type, or acquired mutations G595R and G667C in vitro and in vivo. Merestinib blocks tumor growth of both wild-type and mutant G667C TPM3-NTRK1 expressing NIH-3T3 cell-derived tumors. These preclinical data support the clinical evaluation of merestinib, a type II NTRK kinase inhibitor (NCT02920996), both in treatment naïve patients and in patients progressed on type I NTRK kinase inhibitors with acquired secondary G667C mutation in NTRK fusion bearing tumors.", "Author information:(1)Cambridge Institute for Medical Research, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 0XY, UK; Department of Medical Genetics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 0QQ, UK.(2)Department of Oncology and Molecular Medicine, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome 00161, Italy.(3)Department of Haematology, NHS Blood and Transplant Centre, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 0XY, UK; NIHR BioResource, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, Cambridge CB2 0QQ, UK.(4)Department of Medical Genetics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 0QQ, UK; European Molecular Biology Laboratory - European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire CB10 1SA, UK.(5)Microscopy Area, Core Facilities, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome 00161, Italy.(6)Department of Medical Genetics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 0QQ, UK.(7)Cambridge Institute for Medical Research, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 0XY, UK; Department of Pathology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 1QP, UK.(8)Department of Oncology and Molecular Medicine, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome 00161, Italy; Genetics and Rare Diseases Research Division, Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù, IRCCS, Rome 00146, Italy.(9)Genetics and Rare Diseases Research Division, Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù, IRCCS, Rome 00146, Italy.(10)Genomics England, London, UK.(11)Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli-IRCCS, Rome 00168, Italy.(12)Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli-IRCCS, Rome 00168, Italy; Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome 00168, Italy.(13)Unit of Mechanisms, Biomarkers and Models, Department of Environment and Health, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome 00161, Italy.(14)Department of Clinical Genetics, Great Ormond Street Hospital, London WC1N 3JH, UK.(15)Department of Paediatric Neurology, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge CB2 0QQ, UK.(16)Department of Clinical Genetics, Liverpool Women's Hospital, Liverpool L8 7SS, UK.(17)Department of Medical Genetics, Guys' and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London SE1 9RT, UK.(18)Clinical Genetics, Birmingham Women's and Children's NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham B15 2TG, UK.(19)Phoenix Children's Hospital, Phoenix, AZ 76109, USA.(20)Cook Children's Medical Centre, Fort Worth, TX 76104, USA.(21)Colchester Hospital, East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust, Essex CO4 5JL, UK.(22)Ophthalmology Department, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge CB2 0QQ, UK.(23)Department of Neuroscience and Brain Technologies, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova 16163, Italy; Area of Neuroscience, SISSA, Trieste 34136, Italy.(24)Genetics and Rare Diseases Research Division, Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù, IRCCS, Rome 00146, Italy. Electronic address: Institute for Medical Research, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 0XY, UK; Department of Medical Genetics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 0QQ, UK. Electronic address:", "The Cri du Chat syndrome (CdCS) is a genetic disease resulting from a deletion of variable size occurring on the short arm of chromosome 5 (5p-). The incidence ranges from 1:15,000 to 1:50,000 live-born infants. The main clinical features are a high-pitched monochromatic cry, microcephaly, broad nasal bridge, epicanthal folds, micrognathia, abnormal dermatoglyphics, and severe psychomotor and mental retardation. Malformations, although not very frequent, may be present: cardiac, neurological and renal abnormalities, preauricular tags, syndactyly, hypospadias, and cryptorchidism. Molecular cytogenetic analysis has allowed a cytogenetic and phenotypic map of 5p to be defined, even if results from the studies reported up to now are not completely in agreement. Genotype-phenotype correlation studies showed a clinical and cytogenetic variability. The identification of phenotypic subsets associated with a specific size and type of deletion is of diagnostic and prognostic relevance. Specific growth and psychomotor development charts have been established. Two genes, Semaphorin F (SEMAF) and delta-catenin (CTNND2), which have been mapped to the \"critical regions\", are potentially involved in cerebral development and their deletion may be associated with mental retardation in CdCS patients. Deletion of the telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) gene, localised to 5p15.33, could contribute to the phenotypic changes in CdCS. The critical regions were recently refined by using array comparative genomic hybridisation. The cat-like cry critical region was further narrowed using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and three candidate genes were characterised in this region. The diagnosis is based on typical clinical manifestations. Karyotype analysis and, in doubtful cases, FISH analysis will confirm the diagnosis. There is no specific therapy for CdCS but early rehabilitative and educational interventions improve the prognosis and considerable progress has been made in the social adjustment of CdCS patients.", "BACKGROUND: An increase in the incidence of intraoperative aortic dissection has been reported recently, attributed to the increasingly elderly patient population undergoing cardiac surgery and more off-pump coronary artery bypass. We performed this study to examine current trends, identify risk factors for iatrogenic dissection, and compare iatrogenic intraoperative aortic dissection with spontaneous aortic dissection.METHODS: The 15,144 consecutive patients who underwent cardiac surgery from April 1999 to April 2011 were studied retrospectively on data collected prospectively.RESULTS: Iatrogenic type A aortic dissection following cardiac surgery was diagnosed intraoperatively in 7 (0.04%) patients. Of the 4784 patients who had off-pump coronary artery bypass, only 2 (0.04%) developed iatrogenic intraoperative aortic dissection. Patients in the iatrogenic aortic dissection group were older by a decade (median age 72 vs. 62 years, p = 0.01). The cannulation site in conventional coronary artery bypass grafting and injury by the side-biting clamp in off-pump coronary artery bypass were the most common causes of dissection. Atheromatous disease was identified at the site of cannulation in 5 (71.4%) of the 7 cases.CONCLUSIONS: Intraoperative aortic dissection remains a rare and unpredictable complication of cardiac surgery, with worse outcomes than spontaneous aortic dissection. Increased age and atheromatous disease at the site of cannulation are significant risk factors for iatrogenic dissection. In this series, off-pump coronary artery bypass did not appear to be a risk factor for iatrogenic aortic dissection.", "Author information:(1)From the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (G.E.G., Z.M., N. Grunenberg, Y.H., D.G., B.P., J.J.K., J.H., C.B., S.R., S.T., M.J., M. Sikhosana, M. Andrasik, J.G.K., M.J.M., P.B.G., H.J., L.C.), Seattle; the Perinatal HIV Research Unit, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand (G.E.G., F.L., E.L., B.M., T.P., S.T.), the National Institute for Communicable Diseases, National Health Laboratory Service (A.P.), and Aurum Institute (C.I., M. Sebe, W.B., P.S., T.A., G. Kobane), Johannesburg, Desmond Tutu HIV Centre (L.-G.B., S.K., C.N.N., M. Atujuna), the Department of Medicine, Wellcome Centre for Infectious Diseases Research in Africa, and Institute of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine (G.M., A.M.W.), and the Division of Clinical Pharmacology, Department of Medicine (L.W.), University of Cape Town, Cape Town, Setshaba Research Centre, Soshanguve (M.M., K.S.M.), Mecru Clinical Research Unit, Sefako Mkgatho Health Sciences University, Ga-Rankuwa (M.N., M.P.M.), Nelson Mandela Academic Clinical Research Unit and Department of Internal Medicine and Pharmacology, Walter Sisulu University, Mthatha (T.D., P.M.), the School of Health Systems and Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Pretoria, Pretoria (S.T.), the South African Medical Research Council (G.E.G., D.K., N.S., V.N., G. Kistnasami, Z.G.) and the Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa, University of KwaZulu-Natal (N.N., N. Garrett), Durban, and Qhakaza Mbokodo Research Clinic, Ladysmith (P.K., P.B.M.) - all in South Africa; the Vaccine Research Program, Division of AIDS, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda (M. Allen), and GlaxoSmithKline Vaccines, Rockville (N.K.-T.) - both in Maryland; the Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta (D.B.); GSK Vaccines, Cambridge, MA (S.W.B.); Sanofi Pasteur, Swiftwater, PA (S.P., C.D.G.); GlaxoSmithKline, Siena, Italy (S.P.); GlaxoSmithKline, Wavre (M.K.), and GlaxoSmithKline, Rixensart (O.V.D.M.) - both in Belgium; and the Graduate Group in Biostatistics and the Center for Computational Biology, University of California, Berkeley (N.S.H.).", "The authors report an unusual case of a 2-year-old boy with a 3-month history of episodic rightward anterolateral head tilt and large-amplitude positional anteroposterior head bobbing reminiscent of bobble-head doll syndrome. This child experienced a sudden onset of drop attacks and then, within several hours, deep coma. The causative lesion was a contrast-enhancing, partially cystic third ventricular mass, which ultimately obstructed the aqueduct, producing profound obstructive hydrocephalus. An emergency ventriculostomy and endoscopic fenestration of the septum pellucidum was performed. Four days later, the tumor was completely resected by a transcallosal-transforaminal approach. The lesion was freely mobile within the third ventricle and contained a large cyst within its posterior pole; following drainage of the cyst, the lesion was easily delivered through the foramen of Monro. The histopathological diagnosis was choroid plexus papilloma. The child's neurological deficits, head tilt, and head bobbing resolved immediately after operation. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this represents the first well-documented report of bobble-head doll syndrome and drop attacks secondary to a choroid plexus papilloma. The highly mobile nature of the cystic lesion presumably led to its intermittent impaction within the foramen of Monro and/or proximal aqueduct; this produced the intermittent head tilt and bobble-head symptoms and, ultimately, resulted in acute obstruction of the aqueduct, causing the child's precipitous neurological decline." ]
[ "INTRODUCTION: Novel rearranged in transfection (RET)-specific tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) such as selpercatinib (LOXO-292) have shown unprecedented efficacy in tumors positive for RET fusions or mutations, notably RET fusion-positive NSCLC and RET-mutated medullary thyroid cancer (MTC). However, the mechanisms of resistance to these agents have not yet been described.METHODS: Analysis was performed of circulating tumor DNA and tissue in patients with RET fusion-positive NSCLC and RET-mutation positive MTC who developed disease progression after an initial response to selpercatinib. Acquired resistance was modeled preclinically using a CCDC6-RET fusion-positive NSCLC patient-derived xenograft. The inhibitory activity of anti-RET multikinase inhibitors and selective RET TKIs was evaluated in enzyme and cell-based assays.RESULTS: After a dramatic initial response to selpercatinib in a patient with KIF5B-RET NSCLC, analysis of circulating tumor DNA revealed emergence of RET G810R, G810S, and G810C mutations in the RET solvent front before the emergence of clinical resistance. Postmortem biopsy studies reported intratumor and intertumor heterogeneity with distinct disease subclones containing G810S, G810R, and G810C mutations in multiple disease sites indicative of convergent evolution on the G810 residue resulting in a common mechanism of resistance. Acquired mutations in RET G810 were identified in tumor tissue from a second patient with CCDC6-RET fusion-positive NSCLC and in plasma from patients with additional RET fusion-positive NSCLC and RET-mutant MTC progressing on an ongoing phase 1 and 2 trial of selpercatinib. Preclinical studies reported the presence of RET G810R mutations in a CCDC6-RET patient-derived xenograft (from a patient with NSCLC) model of acquired resistance to selpercatinib. Structural modeling predicted that these mutations sterically hinder the binding of selpercatinib, and in vitro assays confirmed loss of activity for both anti-RET multikinase inhibitors and selective RET TKIs.CONCLUSIONS: RET G810 solvent front mutations represent the first described recurrent mechanism of resistance to selective RET inhibition with selpercatinib. Development of potent inhibitor of these mutations and maintaining activity against RET gatekeeper mutations could be an effective strategy to target resistance to selective RET inhibitors.", "BACKGROUND: Mutations in the TREX1 and NOTCH3 genes cause retinal vasculopathy with cerebral leukodystrophy (RVCL) and cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL), respectively. Both are hereditary small vessel diseases of the brain (HSVDB).METHODS: We performed mutational analyses of TREX1 in genomic DNA from 39 unrelated patients who were NOTCH3-negative in genetic testing, selected out of 72 unrelated consecutive patients with HSVDB.RESULTS: Only one patient had a TREX1 sequence variation, a heterozygous TREX1 c.294dupA, putatively resulting in a truncated protein, p.C99MfsX3. The medical history of the patient's family was scrutinized, which revealed that heterozygous TREX1 p.C99MfsX3 was not segregating with the HSVDB. Re-examination of the NOTCH3 sequence data of the proband led to the identification of a homozygous NOTCH3 c.1630C>T (p.R544C) mutation, which segregated with the HSVDB in the family. The proband had a slightly more severe phenotype in comparison with her heterozygous p.R544C sister.CONCLUSION: TREX1 mutation is not a common cause of HSVDB. TREX1 p.C99MfsX3 is not a dominant mutation. Homozygosity of the NOTCH3 p.R544C has a modestly deleterious effect on the CADASIL phenotype. The NOTCH3 mutation may cause CADASIL through a gain-of-toxic function effect, which can be modified by other genetic or environmental factors and results in the phenotypic variation of CADASIL.", "BACKGROUND: Kawasaki-like syndrome occurring in children during the COVID-19 pandemic has been labelled multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) by the CDC and paediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome temporally associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection (PIMS-TS) by the ECDC.CASE REPORT: We report the case of an 18-year-old male patient presenting with a 72-hour history of abdominal pain, fever, erythematous skin rash, vomiting and diarrhoea. Examination showed he also had shock and he was first thought to have oedematous cholecystitis. SARS-CoV-2 infection was also diagnosed. He was admitted to the ICU, and echocardiography showed cardiac dysfunction, with a low ejection fraction and low cardiac index. High-sensitivity troponin serum levels were elevated. The patient received inotropic and vasopressor support. As he fulfilled several criteria for MIS-C/PIMS-TS, he was administered acetylsalicylic acid, corticosteroids and immunoglobulin, with a good clinical response.CONCLUSION: This case emphasizes how this severe presentation of COVID-19 can easily be misdiagnosed if the clinician is less aware of this syndrome in younger patients.LEARNING POINTS: SARS-CoV-2 infection is a diagnostic challenge in some patients with atypical clinical presentations, who may have MIS-C/PIMS-TS.Physicians should be aware of this condition when evaluating teenagers and young adults with COVID-19.", "BACKGROUND: Triple negative breast cancers (TNBCs) are a diverse and heterogeneous group of tumors that by definition lack estrogen and progesterone receptors and amplification of the HER-2 gene. The majority of the tumors classified as TNBCs are highly malignant, patients are usually young and only a subgroup of patients responds to conventional chemotherapy with a favorable prognosis. Various studies have been reported in western literature on TNBCs, all highlighting the poor prognosis of this subtype. However, extensive data from India is lacking.AIM: The aim of this study was to analyze the epidemiological and clinical profile of TNBCs at our institute.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was the retrospective study carried out in Tertiary Cancer Care Center in South India. Case files of all breast cancer patients were reviewed from the hospital database registered in 1 year and TNBC patients were selected for the study. Patient's characteristic, treatment, and histological features were analyzed.RESULTS: A total of 322 patients were registered during the period of 1 year and 26% (84/322) of total patients were TNBC. Median age of presentation was 44.5 years. About 94% (79/84) of patients had first full-term delivery before the age of 30 years. The most common presenting symptom was left sided breast lump. Locally advanced and early breast cancer (EBC) was 51% (43/84) and 42% (36/84), respectively. Metastatic breast cancer was seen in five patients. The highest numbers of patients were node negative disease (36.9%) [31/84], followed by N1 30.95% (26/84). Most of the patients had high-grade tumor. 94% (34/36) of cases of EBC had undergone upfront modified radical mastectomy. Invasive ductal carcinoma was the predominant histology except one who had medullary carcinoma. Twenty-four patients received neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT). There was no pathological complete remission, but all patients responded to NACT. Metastatic disease was seen in five patients. All patients had bone metastasis.CONCLUSIONS: TNBCs are highly aggressive subtype, with high grade with limited treatment options and very poor prognosis. Incidence is more in our country than the western literature. Even in our country also the incidence is varies in different region. TNBCs are significantly associated with young aged patients. There was a lack of association between tumor size and lymph node positivity.", "BACKGROUND: Cellular senescence can be a functional barrier to carcinogenesis. We hypothesized that inflammation modulates carcinogenesis through senescence and DNA damage response (DDR). We examined the association between senescence and DDR with macrophage levels in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). In vitro experiments tested the ability of macrophages to induce senescence in primary cells. Inflammation modulating microRNAs were identified in senescence colon tissue for further investigation.METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Quantitative immunohistochemistry identified protein expression by colon cell type. Increased cellular senescence (HP1γ; P = 0.01) or DDR (γH2A.X; P = 0.031, phospho-Chk2, P = 0.014) was associated with high macrophage infiltration in UC. Co-culture with macrophages (ANA-1) induced senescence in >80% of primary cells (fibroblasts MRC5, WI38), illustrating that macrophages induce senescence. Interestingly, macrophage-induced senescence was partly dependent on nitric oxide synthase, and clinically relevant NO• levels alone induced senescence. NO• induced DDR in vitro, as detected by immunofluorescence. In contrast to UC, we noted in Crohn's disease (CD) that senescence (HP1γ; P<0.001) and DDR (γH2A.X; P<0.05, phospho-Chk2; P<0.001) were higher, and macrophages were not associated with senescence. We hypothesize that nitric oxide may modulate senescence in CD; epithelial cells of CD had higher levels of NOS2 expression than in UC (P = 0.001). Microarrays and quantitative-PCR identified miR-21 expression associated with macrophage infiltration and NOS2 expression.CONCLUSIONS: Senescence was observed in IBD with senescence-associated β-galactosidase and HP1γ. Macrophages were associated with senescence and DDR in UC, and in vitro experiments with primary human cells showed that macrophages induce senescence, partly through NO•, and that NO• can induce DDR associated with senescence. Future experiments will investigate the role of NO• and miR-21 in senescence. This is the first study to implicate macrophages and nitrosative stress in a direct effect on senescence and DDR, which is relevant to many diseases of inflammation, cancer, and aging.", "Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) is a type of breast cancer (BC) that does not express the oestrogen and the progesterone receptors and the human epidermal growth factor receptor type 2 (HER2). Since there are no positive markers to reliably classify TNBC, these tumours are not yet treated with targeted therapies. Perhaps for this reason they are the most aggressive form of breast carcinomas. However, the clinical observation that these patients do not carry a uniformly dismal prognosis, coupled with data coming from pathology and epidemiology, suggests that this negative definition is not capturing a single clinical entity, but several. We critically evaluate this evidence in this paper, reviewing clinical and epidemiological data and new studies that aim to subclassify TNBC. Moreover, evidence on the role of tumour infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) on TNBC progression, response to chemotherapy and patient outcome have been published. The heterogeneity, observed even at TILs level, highlights the idea that TNBC is much more than a single disease with a unique treatment. The exploration of the immune environment present at the tumour site could indeed help in answering the question 'How many diseases is TNBC' and will help to define prognosis and eventually develop new therapies, by stimulating the immune effector cells or by inhibiting immunological repressor molecules. In this review, we focus on the prospect of the patient's diverse immune signatures within the tumour as potential biomarkers and how they could be modulated to fight the disease.", "Orthostatic intolerance (OI) or postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is a syndrome primarily affecting young females, and is characterized by lightheadedness, palpitations, fatigue, altered mentation, and syncope primarily occurring with upright posture and being relieved by lying down. There is typically tachycardia and raised plasma norepinephrine levels on upright posture, but little or no orthostatic hypotension. The pathophysiology of OI is believed to be very heterogeneous. Most studies of the syndrome have focused on abnormalities in norepinephrine release. Here the hypothesis that abnormal norepinephrine transporter (NET) function might contribute to the pathophysiology in some patients with OI was tested. In a proband with significant orthostatic symptoms and tachycardia, disproportionately elevated plasma norepinephrine with standing, impaired systemic, and local clearance of infused tritiated norepinephrine, impaired tyramine responsiveness, and a dissociation between stimulated plasma norepinephrine and DHPG elevation were found. Studies of NET gene structure in the proband revealed a coding mutation that converts a highly conserved transmembrane domain Ala residue to Pro. Analysis of the protein produced by the mutant cDNA in transfected cells demonstrated greater than 98% reduction in activity relative to normal. NE, DHPG/NE, and heart rate correlated with the mutant allele in this family.CONCLUSION: These results represent the first identification of a specific genetic defect in OI and the first disease linked to a coding alteration in a Na+/Cl(-)-dependent neurotransmitter transporter. Identification of this mechanism may facilitate our understanding of genetic causes of OI and lead to the development of more effective therapeutic modalities.", "RPE65-related Leber's congenital amaurosis (LCA) is a rod-cone dystrophy whose clinical outcome is mainly attributed to the loss of rod photoreceptors followed by cone degeneration. Pathogenesis in Rpe65(-/-) mice is characterized by a slow and progressive degeneration of rods dependent on the constitutive activation of unliganded opsin. We previously reported that this opsin-mediated apoptosis of rods was dependent on Bcl-2-apoptotic pathway and Bax-induced pro-death activity. In this study, we report early initial apoptosis in the newly differentiated retina of Rpe65(-/-) mice. Apoptotic photoreceptors were identified as rods and resulted from pathological phototransduction signaling. This wave of early apoptosis triggered Bcl-2-related pathway and Bax apoptotic activity, while activation of the caspases was not induced. Following cellular stress, multiple signaling pathways are initiated which either commit cells to death or trigger pro-survival responses including autophagy. We report that Bcl-2-related early rod apoptosis was associated with the upregulation of autophagy markers including chaperone-mediated autophagy (CMA) substrate receptor LAMP-2 and lysosomal hydrolases Cathepsin S and Lysozyme. This suggests that lysosomal-mediated autophagy may be triggered in response to early rod apoptosis in Rpe65-LCA disease. These results highlight that Rpe65-related primary stress induces early signaling events, which trigger Bax-induced-apoptotic pathway and autophagy-mediated cellular response. These events may determine retinal cell fate, progression and severity of the disease.", "The accelerated loss of lung epithelium through activation of extrinsic apoptosis is believed to play a causative role in lung pathogenesis. Previous investigations have shown that zinc is required to sustain lung epithelial cell viability under stress conditions and that depletion of intracellular zinc predisposes cells to apoptosis. In this investigation, we determined whether intracellular zinc deficiency enhanced the susceptibility of primary, differentiated cultures of human lung epithelium to death receptor-mediated apoptosis, leading to barrier dysfunction. Cultures obtained from multiple donors were exposed to stimuli that provoke death receptor-mediated apoptosis and depleted of intracellular zinc with a zinc-specific chelating agent. Transepithelial resistance, paracellular transport, caspase-8 and caspase-3 activity, and apoptosis were measured. Activation of extrinsic apoptosis or zinc chelation alone resulted in a nominal increase in caspase function and apoptosis without major evidence of barrier disruption. Activation of extrinsic apoptosis in addition to zinc depletion resulted in an abrupt decrease in transepithelial resistance, a substantial increase in apoptosis, and an increased paracellular leak. Cultures were rescued by supplementation with zinc sulfate. Further analysis revealed that exogenous zinc facilitates cell survival through activation of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt signaling pathway. We conclude that intracellular zinc is a vital factor in lung epithelium that protects cells from death receptor-mediated apoptosis and barrier dysfunction.", "We report on a 12-year-old patient with Turcot Syndrome (Glioma polyposis). This patient's case deals with the association between a glioblastoma, anaplastic glioma (WHO Grade III) and colonic adenocarcinoma based on familial polyposis coli. Possible etiology and neurosurgical, clinically important characteristics of this rare syndrome, such as the young age of the patient and the relatively long survival time, will be discussed.", "The so called \"Triple Negative Breast Cancer\" (TNBC) represents approximately 15-20% of breast cancers. This acronym simply means that the tumour does not express oestrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) and does not exhibit amplification of the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) gene. Despite this unambiguous definition, TNBCs are an heterogeneous group of tumours with just one common clinical feature: a distinctly aggressive nature with higher rates of relapse and shorter overall survival in the metastatic setting compared with other subtypes of breast cancer. Because of the absence of well-defined molecular targets, cytotoxic chemotherapy is currently the only treatment option for TNBC. In the last decades, the use of more aggressive chemotherapy has produced a clear improvement of the prognosis in women with TNBC, but this approach results in an unacceptable deterioration in the quality of life, also if some support therapies try to relieve patients from distress. In addition, there is the general belief that it is impossible to further improve the prognosis of TNBC patients with chemotherapy alone. In view of that, there is a feverish search for new \"clever drugs\" able both to rescue chemo-resistant, and to reduce the burden of chemotherapy in chemo-responsive TNBC patients. A major obstacle to identifying actionable targets in TNBC is the vast disease heterogeneity both inter-tumour and intra-tumour and years of study have failed to demonstrate a single unifying alteration that is targetable in TNBC. TNBC is considered the subtype that best benefits from the neoadjuvant model, since the strong correlation between pathological Complete Response and long-term Disease-Free-Survival in these patients. In this review, we discuss the recent discoveries that have furthered our understanding of TNBC, with a focus on the subtyping of TNBC. We also explore the implications of these discoveries for future treatments and highlight the need for a completely different type of clinical trials.", "GM1 gangliosidosis and Morquio B disease are distinct disorders both clinically and biochemically yet they arise from the same beta-galactosidase enzyme deficiency. On the other hand, galactosialidosis and sialidosis share common clinical and biochemical features, yet they arise from two separate enzyme deficiencies, namely, protective protein/cathepsin A and neuraminidase, respectively. However distinct, in practice these disorders overlap both clinically and biochemically so that easy discrimination between them is sometimes difficult. The principle reason for this may be found in the fact that these three enzymes form a unique complex in lysosomes that is required for their stability and posttranslational processing. In this review, I focus mainly on the primary and secondary beta-galactosidase deficiency states and offer some hypotheses to account for differences between GM1 gangliosidosis and Morquio B disease." ]
[ "OBJECTIVE: To identify disease-related genes and immune-regulatory pathways in the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) by using gene expression profiling and protein-protein interaction analysis.METHODS: Peripheral white blood cell gene expression profiles of 10 SLE patients were determined by oligonucleotide microarray analysis. Clustering of the gene expression profile was compared with the clinical immune phenotype. SLE-induced genes that were over- or under-expressed were determined and independently validated using a real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method. To study their potential function and the possible pathways involved, a candidate gene was cloned and a GST (glutathione S-transferase) fusion protein was expressed in Escherichia coli. The fusion protein was further purified using the glutathione Sepharose 4B system, and was treated as bait to capture prey from SLE peripheral white blood cell lysate. MALDI-TOF (matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time-of-flight) mass spectrometry was then performed to determine the prey protein.RESULTS: Similarity was found between the gene expression profile and the immune phenotype clusters of the SLE patients. More than 20 disease-associated genes were identified, some of which have not been related to SLE previously. Of these genes, a cluster of interferon-induced genes were highly correlated. IFIT1 (interferon-induced with tetratricopeptide repeats 1) was one of these genes, and overexpression of its mRNA was confirmed independently by real-time PCR in a larger population (40 SLE patients and 29 normal controls). An IFIT1 protein- protein interaction study showed that IFIT1 may interact with Rho/Rac guanine nucleotide exchange factor.CONCLUSION: The gene expression profile seems to be the molecular basis of the diverse immune phenotype of SLE. On the basis of the SLE-related genes found in this study, we suggest that the interferon-related immune pathway is important in the pathogenesis of SLE. IFIT1 is the first gene described as a candidate gene for SLE, and may function by activating Rho proteins through interaction with Rho/Rac guanine nucleotide exchange factor. IFIT1 and the interferon-related pathway may provide potential targets for novel interventions in the treatment of SLE.", "Renal damage is the major cause of SLE associated mortality, and IFIT1expression was elevated in SLE cases in accordance of previous studies. Therefore, we conducted an animal study to identify the role of IFIT1 expression in renal pathological changes.18 female MRL/lpr mice and same number of female BALB/c mice were enrolled in present study. Quantitative analysis of urine protein, Complement C3 and C4, and anti-ds DNA antibody were conducted. HE and PAS staining and TEM analysis were employed to observe the pathological changes in renal tissue. Significant elevation on urine protein and anti-dsDNA and reduction on Complement C3 and C4 were observed in MRL/lpr mice when comparing the controls in same age. Staining and TEM analysis observed several pathological changes in glomerulus among MRL/lpr mice, including cellular enlargement, basement membrane thickening, and increased cellularcasts. The linear regression analysis found the optical density of IFIT1 was inversely associated with F-actin, Nephrin, and Podocin, but not Synatopodin. In summary, IFIT1 expression is associated with podocytes damage, and capable of suppressing some proteins essential to glomerular filtration.", "The p53 tumor suppressor protein has a major role in protecting genome integrity. Under normal circumstances Mdmx and Mdm2 control the activity of p53. Both proteins inhibit the transcriptional regulation by p53, while Mdm2 also functions as an E3 ubiquitin ligase to target both p53 and Mdmx for proteasomal degradation. HAUSP counteracts the destabilizing effect of Mdm2 by direct deubiquitination of p53. Subsequently, HAUSP was shown to deubiquitinate Mdm2 and Mdmx, thereby stabilizing these proteins. The ATM protein kinase is a key regulator of the p53 pathway in response to double strand breaks (DSBs) in the DNA. ATM fine-tunes p53's response to DNA damage by directly phosphorylating it, by regulating additional post-translational modifications of this protein, and by affecting two p53 regulators: Mdm2 and Mdmx. ATM directly and indirectly induces Mdm2 and Mdmx phosphorylation, resulting in decreased activity and stability of these proteins. We recently provided a mechanism for the reduced stability of Mdm2 and Mdmx by showing that ATM-dependent phosphorylation lowers their affinity for the deubiquitinating enzyme HAUSP. Altogether, the emerging picture portrays an elaborate, but fine-tuned, ATM-mediated control of p53 activation and stabilization following DNA damage. Further insight into the mechanism by which ATM switches the interactions between HAUSP, Mdmx, Mdm2 and p53, to favor p53 activation may offer new tools for therapeutic intervention in the p53 pathway for cancer treatment.", "The production performance of pigs has been significantly improved due to long-term artificial selection, and the specific variation characterizations (selection signatures) emerged from the selected genome regions. Different types of breeds are subjected to different selection intensities and had different selection signatures. Selective sweep analysis is one of major methods to detect the selection signatures. In this study, based on the 60K BeadChip genotyping data of both commercial Large White (n=45) and local Tongcheng pigs (n=45), genetic differentiation coefficient Fst was applied to detect the selection signatures. Using gPLINK software to set quality control standards, a total of 34 304 SNPs were selected for statistical analysis. Fst values between two breeds were estimated with Genepop package and the average Fst value was 0.3209. Setting Fst>0.7036 (1% of total number of Fst values) as selection threshold, 344 SNPs were obtained and SNP location annotation indicated that there were 79 candidate genes (Sus scrofa Build 9). Furthermore, network analysis was performed using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis and the preliminary results suggested that most genes were involved in growth, reproduction, and immune response, such as NCOA6, ERBB4, RUNX2, and APOB genes. The findings from this study will contribute to further identification of candidate genes and causal mutations implying for meat production and disease resistance in pig.", "Mitochondrial DNA instability disorders are responsible for a large clinical spectrum, among which amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-like symptoms and frontotemporal dementia are extremely rare. We report a large family with a late-onset phenotype including motor neuron disease, cognitive decline resembling frontotemporal dementia, cerebellar ataxia and myopathy. In all patients, muscle biopsy showed ragged-red and cytochrome c oxidase-negative fibres with combined respiratory chain deficiency and abnormal assembly of complex V. The multiple mitochondrial DNA deletions found in skeletal muscle revealed a mitochondrial DNA instability disorder. Patient fibroblasts present with respiratory chain deficiency, mitochondrial ultrastructural alterations and fragmentation of the mitochondrial network. Interestingly, expression of matrix-targeted photoactivatable GFP showed that mitochondrial fusion was not inhibited in patient fibroblasts. Using whole-exome sequencing we identified a missense mutation (c.176C>T; p.Ser59Leu) in the CHCHD10 gene that encodes a coiled-coil helix coiled-coil helix protein, whose function is unknown. We show that CHCHD10 is a mitochondrial protein located in the intermembrane space and enriched at cristae junctions. Overexpression of a CHCHD10 mutant allele in HeLa cells led to fragmentation of the mitochondrial network and ultrastructural major abnormalities including loss, disorganization and dilatation of cristae. The observation of a frontotemporal dementia-amyotrophic lateral sclerosis phenotype in a mitochondrial disease led us to analyse CHCHD10 in a cohort of 21 families with pathologically proven frontotemporal dementia-amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. We identified the same missense p.Ser59Leu mutation in one of these families. This work opens a novel field to explore the pathogenesis of the frontotemporal dementia-amyotrophic lateral sclerosis clinical spectrum by showing that mitochondrial disease may be at the origin of some of these phenotypes.", "A new study identifies homozygous missense mutations in SGOL1, which encodes a component of the cohesin complex, in a newly described disorder termed Chronic Atrial and Intestinal Dysrhythmia (CAID) syndrome. These findings implicate cohesin in the regulation of intrinsic cardiac and intestinal rhythm and further expand the growing group of disorders termed the cohesinopathies.", "OBJECTIVE: To investigate the protein-to-protein interaction of interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 1 (IFIT1), a newly discovered systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) related up-regulated gene, and its possible function.METHODS: Peripheral blood of 40 SLE patients was obtained to extract total RNA and synthesized cDNA. Real-time PCR was used to determine the IFIT1 expression at transcript level. Peripheral blood of another 10 SLE patients was extracted to obtain specimens of white blood cell lysate. Molecular cloning and a modified gluthion S-transferase (GST)-pull down assay were used to capture the protein interacting with IFIT1 in the specimens of white blood cell lysate. MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry (MS) was preformed to identify the captured protein that could interact with IFIT1. Twenty-nine sex and age-matched healthy persons were used as controls.RESULTS: By real-time PCR showed that the IFIT1Delta Ct value (x +/- s) was 2.344 +/- 1.200 in the SLE patients and was 3.734 +/- 1.274 in the controls (P < 0.001), showing a significant up-regulation in SLE patients. IFIT1 was cloned and GST-IFIT1 fusion protein was expressed in Escherichia coli. GST-IFIT1 fusion protein was further purified using Glutathione Sepharose 4B column, and was treated as bait to capture prey from peripheral white blood cell lysate of SLE patients. MALDI-TOF MS detected protein interaction between Rho/Rac guanine nucleotide exchange factor and IFIT1.CONCLUSION: IFIT1 may interact with Rho/Rac guanine nucleotide exchange factor, and regulate the activation of Rho/Rac proteins, thus being involved in the pathogenesis of SLE.", "Most selenoproteins contain a single selenocysteine residue per polypeptide chain, encoded by an in-frame UGA codon. Selenoprotein P is unique in that its mRNA encodes 10-12 selenocysteine residues, depending on species. In addition to the high number of selenocysteines, the protein is cysteine- and histidine-rich. The function of selenoprotein P has remained elusive, in part due to the inability to express the recombinant protein. This has been attributed to presumed inefficient translation through the selenocysteine/stop codons. Herein, we report for the first time the expression of recombinant rat selenoprotein P in a transiently transfected human epithelial kidney cell line, as well as the endogenously expressed protein from HepG2 and Chinese hamster ovary cells. The majority of the expressed protein migrates with the predicted 57-kDa size of full-length glycosylated selenoprotein P. Based on the histidine-rich nature of selenoprotein P, we have purified the recombinant and endogenously expressed proteins using nickel-agarose affinity chromatography. We show that the recombinant rat and endogenous human proteins react in Western blotting and immunoprecipitation assays with commercial anti-histidine antibodies. The ability to express, purify, and immunochemically detect the recombinant protein provides a foundation for investigating the functions and efficiency of expression of this intriguing protein.", "Although direct-acting antiviral (DAA) therapies for chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection have demonstrated high rates of sustained virologic response, virologic failure may still occur, potentially leading to the emergence of viral resistance, which can decrease the effectiveness of subsequent treatment. Treatment options for patients who failed previous DAA-containing regimens, particularly those with nonstructural protein 5A inhibitors, are limited and remain an area of unmet medical need. This phase 2, open-label study (MAGELLAN-1) evaluated the efficacy and safety of glecaprevir (GLE) + pibrentasvir (PIB) ± ribavirin (RBV) in HCV genotype 1-infected patients with prior virologic failure to HCV DAA-containing therapy. A total of 50 patients without cirrhosis were randomized to three arms: 200 mg GLE + 80 mg PIB (arm A), 300 mg GLE + 120 mg PIB with 800 mg once-daily RBV (arm B), or 300 mg GLE + 120 mg PIB without RBV (arm C). By intent-to-treat analysis, sustained virologic response at posttreatment week 12 was achieved in 100% (6/6, 95% confidence interval 61-100), 95% (21/22, 95% confidence interval 78-99), and 86% (19/22, 95% confidence interval 67-95) of patients in arms A, B, and C, respectively. Virologic failure occurred in no patients in arm A and in 1 patient each in arms B and C (two patients were lost to follow-up in arm C). The majority of adverse events were mild in severity; no serious adverse events related to study drug and no relevant laboratory abnormalities in alanine aminotransferase, total bilirubin, or hemoglobin were observed.CONCLUSION: The combination of GLE and PIB was highly efficacious and well tolerated in patients with HCV genotype 1 infection and prior failure of DAA-containing therapy; RBV coadministration did not improve efficacy. (Hepatology 2017;66:389-397).", "Novel biomarkers may improve our ability to predict which patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are at higher risk for progressive loss of renal function. Here, we assessed the performance of urine neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) for outcome prediction in a diverse cohort of 3386 patients with CKD in the Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort study. In this cohort, the baseline mean estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) was 42.4 ml/min per 1.73 m(2), the median 24-h urine protein was 0.2 g/day, and the median urine NGAL concentration was 17.2 ng/ml. Over an average follow-up of 3.2 years, there were 689 cases in which the eGFR was decreased by half or incident end-stage renal disease developed. Even after accounting for eGFR, proteinuria, and other known CKD progression risk factors, urine NGAL remained a significant independent risk factor (Cox model hazard ratio 1.70 highest to lowest quartile). The association between baseline urine NGAL levels and risk of CKD progression was strongest in the first 2 years of biomarker measurement. Within this time frame, adding urine NGAL to a model that included eGFR, proteinuria, and other CKD progression risk factors led to net reclassification improvement of 24.7%, but the C-statistic remained nearly identical. Thus, while urine NGAL was an independent risk factor of progression among patients with established CKD of diverse etiology, it did not substantially improve prediction of outcome events.", "Pyostomatitis vegetans is a disease of the gingiva and the oral mucosa with noticeable, uncommon morphology. Clinical characteristics of this rare disease and considerations regarding differential diagnosis are described. Pyostomatitis vegetans is frequently associated with chronic inflammatory bowel diseases and can, thus, give a diagnostic hint at an existing ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease. A therapy plan for pyostomatitis vegetans is presented, which led to remission using local treatment only. The follow-up examination after one year showed that the treatment outcome had remained stable. An unexpected clinical appearance of the gingiva with small, pale pink thickenings after therapy and at follow-up is portrayed.", "Chronic inflammation contributes to a wide variety of human disorders. In the stomach, longstanding gastritis often results in structural alterations in the gastric mucosa, including metaplastic changes and gastric cancers. Therefore, it is important to elucidate factors that are involved in gastric inflammation. Nardilysin (N-arginine dibasic convertase; Nrdc) is a metalloendopeptidase of the M16 family that promotes ectodomain shedding of the precursor forms of various growth factors and cytokines by enhancing the protease activities of a disintegrin and metalloproteinase (ADAM) proteins. Here, we have demonstrated that Nrdc crucially regulates gastric inflammation caused by Helicobacter felis infection or forced expression of prostaglandin E2 in K19-C2mE mice. Metaplastic changes following gastric inflammation were suppressed by the deletion of Nrdc. Furthremore, the deletion of Nrdc significantly suppressed N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU)-induced gastric tumorigenesis in the murine stomach. These data may lead to a global therapeutic approach against various gastric disorders by targeting Nrdc." ]
[ "Pericentric regions form epigenetically organized, silent heterochromatin structures that accumulate histone H3 lysine 9 tri-methylation (H3K9me3) and heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1), a methylated H3K9-binding protein. At pericentric regions, Suv39h is the major enzyme that generates H3K9me3. Suv39h also interacts directly with HP1. However, the importance of HP1 interaction for Suv39h-mediated H3K9me3 formation at the pericentromere is not well characterized. To address this question, we introduced HP1 binding-defective, N-terminally truncated mouse Suv39h1 (ΔN) into Suv39h-deficient cells. Pericentric H3K9me3-positive cells were not detected by endogenous-level expression of ΔN. Notably, ΔN could induce pericentric accumulation of H3K9me3 as wild type Suv39h1 did if it was overexpressed. These findings demonstrate that the N-terminal region of Suv39h1, presumably via HP1-Suv39h1 interaction, is required for Suv39h1-mediated pericentric H3K9me3 formation, but can be overridden if Suv39h1 is overproduced, indicating that Suv39h1-mediated heterochromatin formation is controlled by multiple modules, including HP1.", "Ustekinumab is a fully human monoclonal antibody directed against the p40 subunit shared by interleukin 12 and interleukin 23, two naturally occurring protein regulators that play an important role in immune-mediated inflammatory diseases, including psoriatic arthritis (PsA). In September of 2009, the US FDA approved ustekinumab for the treatment of adult patients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Beginning in November of 2009, Janssen Biotech (formerly Centocor Biotech), the developer of ustekinumab, initiated clinical trials to investigate the efficacy of ustekinumab in the treatment of other inflammatory disorders, including PsA. Phase II and Phase III studies showed both a good safety profile and significant efficacy for ustekinumab in the treatment of PsA, leading to the drug's approval in both Europe and the USA. In an immunotherapy market currently dominated by anti-TNF-α drugs for the treatment of PsA, ustekinumab offers an alternative option for patients with PsA, including those unresponsive to methotrexate and the TNF-α inhibitory agents currently approved for this potentially debilitating disease.", "Since its discovery 40 years ago, rotavirus (RV) is considered to be a major cause of infant and childhood morbidity and mortality particularly in developing countries. Nearly every child in the world under 5 years of age is at the risk of RV infection. It is estimated that 90% of RV-associated mortalities occur in developing countries of Africa and Asia. Two live oral vaccines, RotaTeq (RV5, Merck) and Rotarix (RV1, GlaxoSmithKline) have been successfully deployed to scale down the disease burden in Europe and America, but they are less effective in Africa and Asia. In April 2009, the World Health Organization recommended the inclusion of RV vaccination in national immunization programs of all countries with great emphasis in developing countries. To date, 86 countries have included RV vaccines into their national immunization programs including 41 Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization eligible countries. The predominant RV genotypes circulating all over the world are G1P[8], G2P[4], G3P[8], G4P[8], and G9P[8], while G12[P6] and G12[P8] are emerging genotypes. On account of the segmented genome, RV shows an enormous genetic diversity that leads to the evolution of new genotypes that can influence the efficacy of current vaccines. The current need is for a global RV surveillance program to monitor the prevalence and antigenic variability of new genotypes to formulate future vaccine development planning. In this review, we will summarize the previous and recent insights into RV structure, classification, and epidemiology and current status of RV vaccination around the globe and will also cover the status of RV research and vaccine policy in Pakistan.", "BACKGROUND: Gliadel (polifeprosan 20 with carmustine [BCNU] implant) is commonly used for local delivery of BCNU to high-grade gliomas after resection and is associated with increased survival. Various complications of Gliadel wafers have been reported but not consistently reproduced. We set out to characterize Gliadel-associated morbidity in our 10-year experience with Gliadel wafers for treatment of malignant glioma.METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed records of 1013 patients undergoing craniotomy for resection of malignant brain astrocytoma (World Health Organization grade III/IV disease). Perioperative morbidity occurring within 3 months of surgery was assessed for patients and compared between patients receiving versus not receiving Gliadel wafer. Overall survival was assessed for all patients.RESULTS: A total of 1013 craniotomies were performed for malignant brain astrocytoma. A total of 288 (28%) received Gliadel wafer (250 glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), 38 anaplastic astrocytoma/anaplastic oligodendroglioma (AA/AO), 166 primary resection, 122 revision resection). Compared with the non-Gliadel cohort, patients receiving Gliadel were older (55 +/- 14 vs. 50 +/- 17, P = .001) and more frequently underwent gross total resection (75% vs 36%, P < .01) but otherwise similar. Patients in Gliadel versus non-Gliadel cohorts had similar incidences of perioperative surgical site infection (2.8% vs. 1.8%, P = .33), cerebrospinal fluid leak (2.8% vs. 1.8%, P = .33), meninigitis (.3% vs. .3%, P = 1.00), incisional wound healing difficulty (.7% vs. .4%, P = .63), symptomatic malignant edema (2.1% vs. 2.3%, P = 1.00), 3-month seizure incidence (14.6% vs. 15.7%, P = .65), deep-vein thrombosis (6.3% vs. 5.2%, P = .53), and pulmonary embolism (PE) (4.9% vs. 3.7%, P = .41). For patients receiving Gliadel for GBM, median survival was 13.5 months after primary resection (20% alive at 2 years) and 11.3 months after revision resection (13% alive at 2 years). For patients receiving Gliadel for AA/AO, median survival was 57 months after primary resection (66% alive at 2 years) and 23.6 months after revision resection (47% alive at 2 years).CONCLUSION: In our experience, use of Gliadel wafer was not associated with an increase in perioperative morbidity after surgical treatment of malignant astrocytoma.", "Possible causes for a normocytic hyperregeneratory anemia are beside an incomplete treatment of iron deficiency, vitamin B12 deficiency or folic acid deficiency notably a hemolysis. After exclusion of other causes of hemolysis like immune hemolytic anemias, microangiopathic hemolytic anemias and hemoglobinopathies, an enzyme deficiency of erythrocytes should be considered. By far the most common form worldwide is the Glucose-6-phosphate deficiency. In the most frequent variants of this disease hemolysis occurs only during stress, imposed for example by infection, \"oxidative\" drugs or after ingestion of fava beans. The most serious clinical complication of the Glucose-6-phosphate deficiency is the rarely observed neonatal icterus. Some enzyme variants can cause chronic hemolysis which is described as chronic nonsperocytic hemolytic anemia. This form of chronic anemia can also be caused by other enzyme deficiencies, most frequently by the Pyruvate kinase deficiency. All other deficiencies of glycolytic enzymes are even rarer. It should be noted that in some of these very rare forms neurological rather than hematological symptoms predominate the clinical syndrome. If there is suspicion, on the basis of clinical symptoms and/or familial history, diagnosis of an enzyme deficiency can be achieved relatively easy by measurement of the enzyme activity. Accurate diagnosis might be helpful in therapeutic decisions (e.g. splenectomy in certain forms) and it is essential for genetic counseling, since certain deficiencies are transmitted as autosomal recessive disorders (e.g. pyruvate kinase deficiency), while the most common form, the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency is linked to the X-chromosome.", "Comprehensive reviews of pre licensure rotavirus strain prevalence data indicated the global importance of six rotavirus genotypes, G1P[8], G2P[4], G3P[8], G4P[8], G9P[8] and G12P[8]. Since 2006, two vaccines, the monovalent Rotarix (RV1) and the pentavalent RotaTeq (RV5) have been available in over 100 countries worldwide. Of these, 60 countries have already introduced either RV1 or RV5 in their national immunization programs. Post licensure vaccine effectiveness is closely monitored worldwide. This review aimed at describing the global changes in rotavirus strain prevalence over time. The genotype distribution of the nearly 47,000 strains that were characterized during 2007-2012 showed similar picture to that seen in the preceding period. An intriguing finding was the transient predominance of heterotypic strains, mainly in countries using RV1. Unusual and novel antigen combinations continue to emerge, including some causing local outbreaks, even in vaccinated populations. In addition, vaccine strains have been found in both vaccinated infants and their contacts and there is evidence for genetic interaction between vaccine and wild-type strains. In conclusion, the post-vaccine introduction strain prevalence data do not show any consistent pattern indicative of selection pressure resulting from vaccine use, although the increased detection rate of heterotypic G2P[4] strains in some countries following RV1 vaccination is unusual and this issue requires further monitoring.", "Macropinosome formation occurs as a localized sequence of biochemical activities and associated morphological changes, which may be considered a form of signal transduction leading to the construction of an organelle. Macropinocytosis may also convey information about the availability of extracellular nutrients to intracellular regulators of metabolism. Consistent with this idea, activation of the metabolic regulator mechanistic target of rapamycin complex-1 (mTORC1) in response to acute stimulation by growth factors and extracellular amino acids requires internalization of amino acids by macropinocytosis. This suggests that macropinocytosis is necessary for mTORC1-dependent growth of metazoan cells, both as a route for delivery of amino acids to sensors associated with lysosomes and as a platform for growth factor-dependent signalling to mTORC1 via phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) and the Akt pathway. Because the biochemical signals required for the construction of macropinosomes are also required for cell growth, and inhibition of macropinocytosis inhibits growth factor signalling to mTORC1, we propose that signalling by growth factor receptors is organized into stochastic, structure-dependent cascades of chemical reactions that both build a macropinosome and stimulate mTORC1. More generally, as discrete units of signal transduction, macropinosomes may be subject to feedback regulation by metabolism and cell dimensions. This article is part of the Theo Murphy meeting issue 'Macropinocytosis'.", "BACKGROUND: Sustained lung inflation (SLI) applied at birth has been demonstrated to lead to clearance of lung fluid and achievement of a precocious functional residual capacity in animal studies.OBJECTIVES: To verify if the application of SLI in preterm infants at birth may reduce the need for mechanical ventilation and improve their respiratory outcome.METHODS: We prospectively studied 89 infants with respiratory distress (gestational age (GA) 28.1 ± 2.2 weeks) treated at birth with a SLI (25 cm H(2)O, sustained for 15 s) in addition to AAP recommendations versus a historical control group (n = 119; GA 28.1 ± 2.0 weeks) treated without SLI with the same device (controlled positive end-expiratory pressure of 5 cm H(2)O).RESULTS: The SLI group had less need for (51 vs. 76%, p < 0.0001) and shorter duration of mechanical ventilation (5 ± 11 vs. 11 ± 19 days, p = 0.008), a more frequent occurrence of exclusive nasal continuous airway pressure support (49 vs. 24%, p < 0.0001) and INtubation-SURfactant-Extubation (INSURE) treatment (16 vs. 3%, p = 0.01), less need for surfactant (45 vs. 61%, p = 0.027) and postnatal steroids (10 vs. 25%, p = 0.01), a shorter duration of oxygen therapy (21 ± 27 vs. 31 ± 31 days, p = 0.016), and, finally, a lower occurrence of bronchopulmonary dysplasia in survivors (7 vs. 25%, p = 0.004). Multiple regression analysis showed that 23-27 weeks of GA and birth weight <750 g increased the risk of mechanical ventilation, while a clinical risk index for babies (CRIB) score <3 as well as INSURE strategy and SLI treatment in the delivery room decreased it.CONCLUSIONS: The application of a SLI at birth in preterm infants with respiratory distress may decrease the need for mechanical ventilation without inducing evident adverse effects." ]
[ "Six persons with the classical Angelman syndrome (AS) phenotype and de novo deletions of chromosome 15q11-q13 were studied to determine the parental origin of the chromosome deletion. Four of the 6 patients had informative cytogenetic studies and all demonstrated maternal inheritance of the deletion. These findings, together with other reported cases of the origin of the chromosome 15 deletion in AS, suggest that deletion of the maternally contributed chromosome leads to the AS phenotype. This contrasts with the Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) in which a similar deletion of the paternally contributed chromosome 15 is observed. In deletion cases, a parental gamete effect such as genomic imprinting may be the best model to explain why apparently identical 15q11-q13 deletions may develop the different phenotypes of AS or PWS.", "The proteins belonging to the nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) family of transcription factors are expressed in several cell types and regulate genes involved in differentiation, cell cycle and apoptosis. NFAT proteins share two conserved domains, the NFAT-homology region (NHR) and a DNA-binding domain (DBD). The N- and C-termini display two transactivation domains (TAD-N and TAD-C) that have low sequence similarity. Due to the high sequence conservation in the NHR and DBD, NFAT members have some overlapping roles in gene regulation. However, several studies have shown distinct roles for NFAT proteins in the regulation of cell death. The TAD-C shows low sequence similarity among NFAT family members, but its contribution to specific NFAT1-induced phenotypes is poorly understood. Here, we described at least two regions of NFAT1 TAD-C that confer pro-apoptotic activity to NFAT1. These regions extend from amino acids 699 to 734 and 819 to 850 of NFAT1. We also showed that the NFAT1 TAD-C is unable to induce apoptosis by itself and requires a functional DBD. Furthermore, we showed that when fused to NFAT1 TAD-C, NFAT2, which is associated with cell transformation, induces apoptosis in fibroblasts. Together, these results suggest that the NFAT1 TAD-C includes NFAT death domains that confer to different NFAT members the ability to induce apoptosis.", "Author information:(1)Adelaide Medical School and the Robinson Research Institute, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA, Australia.(2)Genetics of Learning Disability Service, Hunter Genetics, Waratah, NSW, Australia.(3)School of Women's and Children's Health, University of New South Wales, Randwick, NSW, Australia.(4)Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, Division of Evolution and Genomic Sciences, School of Biological Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom.(5)Manchester Centre for Genomic Medicine, St. Mary's Hospital, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, Health Innovation Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom.(6)Department of Neuroscience, Erasmus MC University Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands.(7)ENCORE Expertise Centre for Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Erasmus MC University Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands.(8)Genetic Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States.(9)North West Thames Regional Genetics Service, Northwick Park Hospital, Harrow, United Kingdom.(10)Nottingham Clinical Genetics Service, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, and the 100,000 Genomes Project and the Genomics England Research Consortium, Nottingham, United Kingdom.(11)Division of Pediatric Neurology, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, United States.(12)Department of Pediatrics, McMaster University Medical Centre, Hamilton, ON, Canada.(13)Department of Diagnostic Genomics, PathWest, Nedlands, WA, Australia.(14)Division of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Medical School, University of Western Australia, Crawley, WA, Australia.(15)Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Western Australia Medical School, Perth, WA, Australia.(16)Genetic Services of Western Australia, Undiagnosed Diseases Program, Department of Health, Government of Western Australia, Perth, WA, Australia.(17)Linear Clinical Research, Perth, WA, Australia.(18)Child Health Evaluative Sciences, Research Institute, The Hospital for Sick Children, and Institute of Health Policy Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada.(19)Genome Diagnostics, Department of Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children, and Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada.(20)Department of Paediatrics, Division of Clinical and Metabolic Genetics, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON, Canada.(21)Department of Clinical Genetics, Erasmus MC University Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands.(22)Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust, Exeter, United Kingdom.(23)Neuroradiology, Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney, NSW, Australia.(24)Childhood Disability Prevention, South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute, Adelaide, SA, Australia.", "OBJECTIVE: Pendred syndrome (PS) is characterized by the association of sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) and a partial iodide organification defect at the thyroid level. It is caused by mutations in the SLC26A4 gene. The encoded transmembrane protein, called pendrin, has been found to be able to transport chloride and other anions.DESIGN: The aim of the present study was to characterize a family with PS, which shows a strong intrafamilial phenotypic variability, including kidney atrophy in one member. The age of disease-onset was significantly different in all three affected siblings, ranging from 2 to 21 years for thyroid alterations and from 1.5 to 11 years for SNHL.METHODS: Clinical and genetic studies were carried out in affected siblings. The functional activity of the novel duplication found was studied by a fluorimetric method in a human renal cell line (HEK293 Phoenix) in which the protein was overexpressed.RESULTS: All three siblings were found to be compound heterozygotes for the missense mutation (1226G>A, R409H) and for a novel 11 bp duplication (1561_1571CTTGGAATGGC, S523fsX548). The latter mutation creates a frame shift leading to the loss of the entire carboxy-terminus domain. Functional studies of this mutant demonstrated impaired transport of chloride and iodide when expressed in HEK 293 Phoenix cells, when compared with wild type pendrin.CONCLUSIONS: A novel 11 bp duplication was found in a family with Pendred syndrome, showing a high intrafamilial phenotypic variability. An impaired transmembrane anionic transport of the mutated SLC26A4 protein was demonstrated in functional studies using a heterologous cell system.", "A live attenuated vaccine to prevent herpes zoster, or shingles (Zostavax; Merck & Co Inc, Whitehouse Station, NJ), is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in adults aged 50 years or older. Studies show that this vaccine is safe when administered to immunocompetent adults. Investigations are being conducted to evaluate the long-term safety and efficacy of the vaccine in immunocompromised populations, including patients who are dependent on steroids. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that this vaccine be routinely administered only to patients aged 60 years or older. As more data regarding duration of immunity after vaccination become available and as concerns regarding supply of this vaccine are adequately addressed, the ACIP plans to reconsider its recommendations regarding its use in patients aged 50 to 59 years. The author provides an overview of the herpes zoster vaccine, focusing on the latest extension in use approved by the FDA and the recommendations of the ACIP.", "The clinico-pathological study of a new type of familial parkinsonism with striatal degeneration is reported. The inheritance mode was autosomal recessive, and three out of four offspring of married cousins developed parkinsonism in their early adulthood. Their clinical signs were rigidity, bradykinesia, postural instability and dysarthria. These symptoms were slowly progressive and responsive to levodopa therapy to a variable degree. On cerebral magnetic resonance imaging, T2 and proton density-weighted images showed hyperintensity in the bilateral putamina. The neuropathological study of one case revealed atrophy of the bilateral putamina and caudate nuclei, and a severe neuronal loss and gliosis in the putamina. Patchy mosaicism of normal and degenerated tissue was observed in the putamina. A similar mode of the degeneration was mildly seen in the caudate nuclei. The substantia nigra showed atrophy of the pars reticulata, and mild to moderate neuronal loss of the pars compacta with rostral dominance, but no Lewy bodies were observed. These neuropathological findings differed from those of Parkinson's disease or juvenile parkinsonism, but mimic to those of X-linked dystonia parkinsonism (Lubag). It seems that this familial bilateral striatal degeneration is a new variant of familial parkinsonism.", "BACKGROUND: Cerebral cavernous malformation is a vascular disease of the brain causing headaches, seizures, and cerebral hemorrhage. Familial and sporadic cases are recognized, and a gene causing familial disease has been mapped to chromosome 7. Hispanic Americans have a higher prevalence of cavernous malformation than do other ethnic groups, raising the possibility that affected persons in this population have inherited the same mutation from a common ancestor.METHODS: We compared the segregation of genetic markers and clinical cases of cavernous malformation in Hispanic-American kindreds with familial disease; we also compared the alleles for markers linked to cavernous malformation in patients with familial and sporadic cases.RESULTS: All kindreds with familial disease showed linkage of cavernous malformation to a short segment of chromosome 7 (odds supporting linkage, 4X10(10).1). Forty-seven affected members of 14 kindreds shared identical alleles for up to 15 markers linked to the cavernous-malformation gene, demonstrating that they had inherited the same mutation from a common ancestor. Ten patients with sporadic cases also shared these same alleles, indicating that they too had inherited the same mutation. Thirty-three asymptomatic carriers of the disease gene were identified, demonstrating the variability and age dependence of the development of symptoms and explaining the appearance of apparently sporadic cases.CONCLUSIONS: Virtually all cases of familial and sporadic cavernous malformation among Hispanic Americans of Mexican descent are due to the inheritance of the same mutation from a common ancestor." ]
[ "Centromere protein A (Cenpa for mouse, CENP-A for other species) is a histone H3-like protein that is thought to be involved in the nucleosomal packaging of centromeric DNA. Using gene targeting, we have disrupted the mouse Cenpa gene and demonstrated that the gene is essential. Heterozygous mice are healthy and fertile whereas null mutants fail to survive beyond 6.5 days postconception. Affected embryos show severe mitotic problems, including micronuclei and macronuclei formation, nuclear bridging and blebbing, and chromatin fragmentation and hypercondensation. Immunofluorescence analysis of interphase cells at day 5.5 reveals complete Cenpa depletion, diffuse Cenpb foci, absence of discrete Cenpc signal on centromeres, and dispersion of Cenpb and Cenpc throughout the nucleus. These results suggest that Cenpa is essential for kinetochore targeting of Cenpc and plays an early role in organizing centromeric chromatin at interphase. The evidence is consistent with the proposal of a critical epigenetic function for CENP-A in marking a chromosomal region for centromere formation.", "PURPOSE: This paper examines the tear concentration of cystatin S (CST4), calcyclin (S100A6), calgranulin A (S100A8), and matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP9), and the correlation between biomarker expression, clinical parameters, and disease severity in patients suffering from dry eye (DE). A comparison of the results is obtained via ELISA tests and customized antibody microarrays for protein quantification.METHODS: This single-center, observational study recruited 59 participants (45 DE and 14 controls). Clinical evaluation included an Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) questionnaire, a tear osmolarity (OSM) test, the Schirmer test (SCH), tear breakup time (TBUT), fluorescein (FLUO) and lissamine green (LG) corneal staining, and meibomian gland evaluation (MGE). Tear concentrations of CST4, S100A6, S100A8, and MMP9 were measured using standard individual ELISA assays. The levels of CST4, S100A6, and MMP9 were also measured using customized multiplexed antibody microarrays. Correlations between variables were evaluated, and a significance level was p value <0.05.RESULTS: The quantification of tear protein biomarkers with ELISA showed that the concentration of CST4 was significantly (2.14-fold) reduced in tears of DE patients in comparison with control (CT) subjects (p < 0.001). S100A6 and S100A8 concentrations were significantly higher in the tears of DE patients (1.36- and 2.29-fold; p < 0.001 and 0.025, respectively) in comparison with CT. The MMP9 level was also higher in DE patients (5.83-fold), but not significantly (p = 0.22). The changes in CST4 and S100A6 concentrations were significantly correlated with dry eye disease (DED) severity. Quantification of CST4, S100A6, and MMP9, using antibody microarrays, confirmed the ELISA results. Similar trends were observed: 1.83-fold reduction for CST4 (p value 0.01), 8.63-fold increase for S100A6 (p value <0.001) and 9.67-fold increase for MMP9 (p value 0.94), but with higher sensitivity. The biomarker concentrations were significantly associated with the signs and symptoms related with DED.CONCLUSIONS: S100A6, S100A8, and CST4 diagnostic biomarkers strongly correlate with DED clinical parameters. S100A6 and CST4 are also useful for grading DE severity. The multiplexed antibody microarray technique, used here for tear multi-marker quantification, appears more sensitive than standard ELISA tests.", "Obesity is a low-grade sustained inflammatory state that causes oxidative stress in different metabolic tissues, which leads to insulin resistance and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Particularly, obesity-induced metabolic endotoxemia plays an important role in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance and inflammation. Nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) is a key regulator of antioxidant signaling that serves as a primary cellular defense against the cytotoxic effects of oxidative stress. Pharmacological stimulation of Nrf2 mitigates obesity and insulin resistance in mice; however, Nrf2 activators are not clinically available due to biosafety concerns. A recent study demonstrated that glucoraphanin, a precursor of the Nrf2 activator sulforaphane, ameliorates obesity by enhancing energy expenditure and browning of white adipose tissue, and attenuates obesity-related inflammation and insulin resistance by polarizing M2 macrophages and reducing metabolic endotoxemia. Thus, this review focuses on the efficiency and safety of glucoraphanin in alleviating obesity, insulin resistance, and NAFLD. Abbreviations: ALT, Alanine aminotransferase; AMPK, AMP-activated protein kinase; ATMs, Adipose tissue macrophages; BAT, Brown adipose tissue; CDDO-Im, 2-cyano-3,12-dioxoolean-1,9-dien-28-oic acid-imidazolide; CDDO-Me, CDDO-methyl ester; DIO, High-fat-diet-induced obese; FFA, Free fatty acid; FGF, Fibroblast growth factor; GTP, Glutamyl transpeptidase; HFD, High-fat diet; IKKβ, Inhibitor of κB-kinase β; IL, Interleukin; JNK, C-Jun N-terminal kinase; KD, Knockdown; Keap1, Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1; KO, Knockout; LPS, Lipopolysaccharide; NADPH, Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate; NAFLD, Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease; NF-κB, Nuclear factor-κB; Nrf2, Nuclear factor E2-related factor 2; ROS, Reactive oxygen species; T2D, Type 2 diabetes; TLR, Toll-like receptor; TNF, tumor necrosis factor; UCP, Uncoupling protein; WAT, White adipose tissue.", "The γ-secretase complex is responsible for intramembrane processing of over 60 substrates and is involved in Notch signaling as well as in the generation of the amyloid β-peptide (Aβ). Aggregated forms of Aβ have a pathogenic role in Alzheimer disease and, thus, reducing the Aβ levels by inhibiting γ-secretase is a possible treatment strategy for Alzheimer disease. Regrettably, clinical trials have shown that inhibition of γ-secretase results in Notch-related side effects. Therefore, it is of great importance to find ways to inhibit amyloid precursor protein (APP) processing without disturbing vital signaling pathways such as Notch. Nicastrin (Nct) is part of the γ-secretase complex and has been proposed to be involved in substrate recognition and selection. We have investigated how the four evenly spaced and conserved cysteine residues in the Nct ectodomain affect APP and Notch processing. We mutated these cysteines to serines and analyzed them in cells lacking endogenous Nct. We found that two mutants, C213S (C2) and C230S (C3), differentially affected APP and Notch processing. Both the formation of Aβ and the intracellular domain of amyloid precursor protein (AICD) were reduced, whereas the production of Notch intracellular domain (NICD) was maintained on a high level, although C230S (C3) showed impaired complex assembly. Our data demonstrate that single residues in a γ-secretase component besides presenilin are able to differentially affect APP and Notch processing.", "The SCF(Fbw7) ubiquitin ligase complex plays important roles in cell growth, survival, and differentiation via the ubiquitin-proteasome-mediated regulation of protein stability. Fbw7 (also known as Fbxw7, Sel-10, hCdc4, or hAgo), a substrate recognition subunit of SCF(Fbw7) ubiquitin ligase, facilitates the degradation of several proto-oncogene products by the proteasome. Given that mutations in Fbw7 are found in various types of human cancers, Fbw7 is considered to be a potent tumor suppressor. In the present study, we show that E1A, an oncogene product derived from adenovirus, interferes with the activity of the SCF(Fbw7) ubiquitin ligase. E1A interacted with SCF(Fbw7) and attenuated the ubiquitylation of its target proteins in vivo. Furthermore, using in vitro purified SCF(Fbw7) component proteins, we found that E1A directly bound to Roc1/Rbx1 and CUL1 and that E1A inhibited the ubiquitin ligase activity of the Roc1/Rbx1-CUL1 complex but not that of another RING-type ubiquitin ligase, Mdm2. Ectopically expressed E1A interacted with cellular endogenous Roc1/Rbx1 and CUL1 and decelerated the degradation of several protooncogene products that were degraded by SCF(Fbw7) ubiquitin ligase. Moreover, after wild-type adenovirus infection, adenovirus-derived E1A interacted with endogenous Roc1/Rbx1 and decelerated degradation of the endogenous target protein of SCF(Fbw7). These observations demonstrated that E1A perturbs protein turnover regulated by SCF(Fbw7) through the inhibition of SCF(Fbw7) ubiquitin ligase. Our findings may help to explain the mechanism whereby adenovirus infection induces unregulated proliferation.", "In the last fifty years, Clostridium botulinum has become notorious for its ability to produce the deadly botulinum neurotoxins. While botulinum toxin A, better known as Botox, is universally recognised by the public as a cosmetic enhancement tool, the botulinum neurotoxins are commonly used off-label for many medical conditions in ophthalmology, neurology and dermatology. The versatility of these botulinum toxins has made Clostridium botulinum one of the most widely known bacterial pathogens in medical history. This article outlines the discovery of botulinum toxins through to their present day applications in medicine.", "The reduction of the dose limit for eye lens from 150 to 20 mSv yr-1 must be implemented by EU member states by February 2018. Consequently, there is a requirement for all employers engaged with work with ionising radiation to have appropriate monitoring arrangements in place by this date to demonstrate that they can meet this new limit for all workers. Eye lens dose is conventionally monitored by specific dosemeters worn near the eye. However, it is usually impractical for these dosemeters to be worn at all times in the workplace which can lead to problems accounting for any periods of work when an eye lens dosemeter has not been worn. The Berkeley Approved Dosimetry Service provides a monitoring service for 22 nuclear sites in the UK using active personal dosemeters (APDs) for measuring H p(10) and H p(0.07). TLDs for extremity and eye are also issued as appropriate for the working conditions. An analysis of the data from 2007 to 2016 concludes that the values for H p(0.07) as monitored indirectly by APDs worn on the trunk are comparable to the values assessed by specific H p(3) eye TLDs. This paper sets out evidence that compliance with the 20 mSv dose limit for the eye lens can be demonstrated using routine issue APDs although specific eye TLDs may still be required to meet international guidance for non-uniform workplace fields. This evidence supports the recent statement from International Radiation Protection Association that 'for the nuclear industry and other non-medical sectors the use of a whole body dosimeter is considered likely to be sufficient for the majority of workers'." ]
[ "Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy is a syndrome with five salient features: early and unusual contractures; humeroperoneal muscle wasting; the slow progression of weakness, beginning in childhood; cardiac conduction defects; and X-linked inheritance. We present two cases and detail other reports with a similar constellation of findings with apparent autosomal dominant inheritance. We postulate separate genetic disorders with similar phenotypic expression.", "OBJECTIVE: Cryptococcus is an opportunistic yeast with a worldwide distribution that primarily causes significant infections in immunocompromised individuals, generally by affecting the respiratory tract. But primary cutaneous cryptococcosis (PCC) without systemic infection is rare. We report a case of PCC in a patient with nephrotic syndrome.METHODS: The 23-year-old man developed severe necrotising cellulitis on both the anterior and posterior of his trunk following a massage. He had been treated with systemic corticosteroids over 20 months for nephrotic syndrome. A skin biopsy of the wound area revealed cutaneous vasculitis and chronic inflammation with yeast-like organisms. Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) staining indicated that the structures were consistent with Cryptococcus. A Cryptococcus neoformans infection was confirmed by culture. Azole therapy was begun, and the skin ulcers gradually stopped disseminating. However, the patient died following continuous capillary haemorrhage on the 22 day since admission.CONCLUSION: Cryptococcus is crucial to be considered in the differential diagnosis of subcutaneous necrosis in any patient on immunosuppressive therapy.", "Mutations in the TRIM8 gene have been described in patients with severe developmental delay, intellectual disability and epilepsy. Only six patients have been described to date. All the previous mutations were truncating variants clustered in the C-terminus of the protein. A previous patient with TRIM8-related epileptic encephalopathy was reported to have nephrotic syndrome. Here we describe the clinical, radiological and histological features of an 8-year-old male patient with a TRIM8 mutation who, in contrast to previous patients, had only mild intellectual disability and well-controlled epilepsy. The patient was found to have proteinuria at 2 years of age. Renal biopsy findings were suggestive of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. His kidney function declined and peritoneal dialysis was started at 5 years of age. He underwent renal transplant at 7 years of age. Trio-based whole genome sequencing identified a novel de novo heterozygous frameshift mutation in TRIM8 (NM_030912.2) c.1198_1220del, p.(Tyr400ArgfsTer2). This patient is further evidence that TRIM8 mutations cause a syndrome with both neurological and renal features. Our findings suggest the spectrum of TRIM8-related disease may be wider than previously thought with the possibility of milder neurodevelopmental problems and/or a more severe, progressive renal phenotype. We highlight the need for proteinuria screening in patients with TRIM8 mutations.", "Publisher: HINTERGRUND: Für Patienten mit anthrazyklinresistentem metastasierten Angiosarkom existiert momentan keine Standard-Zweitlinientherapie, und es besteht Bedarf an neuen effektiven Regimen zur Verbesserung der Ansprechraten.FALLBERICHT: Wir berichten von einem Fall von primärem, bilateralen Angiosarkom der Brust bei einer 34-jährigen Patientin mit Lungenmetastasen. Nach 3 Zyklen des MAID-Regimes (Mesna, Adriamycin, Ifosfamid, Dacarbazin) zeigte die computertomographische Untersuchung ein Fortschreiten der Erkrankung. Daraufhin wurde eine Zweitlinienchemotherapie mit dem GVP-Regime (Gemcitabin, Vincristin, Cisplatin) begonnen. Nach 6 Behandlungszyklen konnte ein komplettes Ansprechen der Lungenmetastasen verzeichnet werden.SCHLUSSFOLGERUNG: In Abwesenheit einer effektiven Therapie für Patienten mit anthrazyklinresistentem metastasierten Angiosarkom der Brust stellt das GVP-Chemothe-rapieregime eine Behandlungsmöglichkeit dar.", "Members of the cell death-inducing DFF45-like effector (CIDE) gene family have been shown to regulate lipid metabolism. In this article, we report that the third member of the human CIDE family, CIDEC, is down-regulated in response to a reduced caloric intake. The down-regulation was demonstrated by microarray and real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis of subcutaneous adipose tissue in 2 independent studies on obese patients undergoing treatment with a very low calorie diet. By analysis of CIDEC expression in 65 human tissues, we conclude that human CIDEC is predominantly expressed in subcutaneous adipocytes. Together, these observations led us to investigate the effect of decreased CIDEC expression in cultured 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Small interfering RNA-mediated knockdown of CIDEC resulted in an increased basal release of nonesterified fatty acids, decreased responsiveness to adrenergic stimulation of lipolysis, and increased oxidation of endogenous fatty acids. Thus, we suggest that CIDEC is a regulator of adipocyte lipid metabolism and may be important for the adipocyte to adapt to changes in energy availability.", "Burosumab-twza (Crysvita) for a rare inherited form of rickets; ibalizumab-uiyk (Trogarzo) for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection; and tildrakizumab-asmn (Ilumya) for adults with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis.", "B cells play a central role in the pathogenesis in multiple sclerosis (MS), being involved in the activation of proinflammatory T cells, secretion of proinflammatory cytokines, and production of autoantibodies directed against myelin. Hence, the usage of B-cell-depleting monoclonal antibodies as therapy for autoimmune diseases including MS lay near at hand. Rituximab was the first therapeutic B-cell-depleting chimeric monoclonal antibody to be used successfully in MS. Ocrelizumab, a second-generation humanized anti-CD20 antibody, was explored in a large phase II, randomized, placebo-controlled multicentre trial in patients with relapsing-remitting disease. Compared with placebo, two doses of ocrelizumab (600 and 2000 mg on days 1 and 15) showed a pronounced effect on disease activity seen in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as gadolinium-enhanced lesions (89% and 96% relative reduction, both p < 0.001) and also had a significant effect on relapses. In exploratory analyses, both doses of ocrelizumab had better effect on gadolinium-enhanced lesions than interferon beta-1a intramuscularly that was used as a reference arm. Adverse effects were mainly infusion-related reactions, in particular during the first infusion. Serious infections occurred at similar rates in ocrelizumab and placebo-treated patients, and no opportunistic infections were reported. However, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) has been reported in patients treated with anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies for other indications. Other anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies have been tested as treatments for MS, including ofatumumab that has shown beneficial results in placebo-controlled phase II trials in patients with relapsing-remitting MS. Ocrelizumab is now in phase III development for the treatment of relapsing-remitting MS, as well as primary progressive MS, and the results of ongoing clinical trials are eagerly awaited and will determine the place of ocrelizumab in the armamentarium of MS therapies." ]
[ "Six instances of subluxation of the radial head (\"nursemaid's elbow, pulled elbow\") in babies in the first 6 months of life are presented. In four cases, the pulled elbow was produced in a previously unreported fashion.", "A growing number of patients are recognised to have chronic kidney disease (CKD). However, only a minority will progress to end-stage renal disease requiring dialysis or transplantation. Currently available diagnostic and staging tools frequently fail to identify those at higher risk of progression or death. Furthermore within specific disease entities there are shortcomings in the prediction of the need for therapeutic interventions or the response to different forms of therapy. Kidney and urine proteomic biomarkers are considered as promising diagnostic tools to predict CKD progression early in diabetic nephropathy, facilitating timely and selective intervention that may reduce the related health-care expenditures. However, independent groups have not validated these findings and the technique is not currently available for routine clinical care. Furthermore, there are gaps in our understanding of predictors of progression or need for therapy in non-diabetic CKD. Presumably, a combination of tissue and urine biomarkers will be more informative than individual markers. This review identifies clinical questions in need of an answer, summarises current information on proteomic biomarkers and CKD, and describes the European Kidney and Urine Proteomics initiative that has been launched to carry out a clinical study aimed at identifying urinary proteomic biomarkers distinguishing between fast and slow progressors among patients with biopsy-proven primary glomerulopathies.", "A common challenge in pathogen discovery by deep sequencing approaches is to recognize viral or subviral pathogens in samples of diseased tissue that share no significant homology with a known pathogen. Here we report a homology-independent approach for discovering viroids, a distinct class of free circular RNA subviral pathogens that encode no protein and are known to infect plants only. Our approach involves analyzing the sequences of the total small RNAs of the infected plants obtained by deep sequencing with a unique computational algorithm, progressive filtering of overlapping small RNAs (PFOR). Viroid infection triggers production of viroid-derived overlapping siRNAs that cover the entire genome with high densities. PFOR retains viroid-specific siRNAs for genome assembly by progressively eliminating nonoverlapping small RNAs and those that overlap but cannot be assembled into a direct repeat RNA, which is synthesized from circular or multimeric repeated-sequence templates during viroid replication. We show that viroids from the two known families are readily identified and their full-length sequences assembled by PFOR from small RNAs sequenced from infected plants. PFOR analysis of a grapevine library further identified a viroid-like circular RNA 375 nt long that shared no significant sequence homology with known molecules and encoded active hammerhead ribozymes in RNAs of both plus and minus polarities, which presumably self-cleave to release monomer from multimeric replicative intermediates. A potential application of the homology-independent approach for viroid discovery in plant and animal species where RNA replication triggers the biogenesis of siRNAs is discussed.", "BACKGROUND: The zinc finger (ZF) protein CTCF (CCCTC-binding factor) is highly conserved in Drosophila and vertebrates where it has been shown to mediate chromatin insulation at a genomewide level. A mode of genetic regulation that involves insulators and insulator binding proteins to establish independent transcriptional units is currently not known in nematodes including Caenorhabditis elegans. We therefore searched in nematodes for orthologs of proteins that are involved in chromatin insulation.RESULTS: While orthologs for other insulator proteins were absent in all 35 analysed nematode species, we find orthologs of CTCF in a subset of nematodes. As an example for these we cloned the Trichinella spiralis CTCF-like gene and revealed a genomic structure very similar to the Drosophila counterpart. To investigate the pattern of CTCF occurrence in nematodes, we performed phylogenetic analysis with the ZF protein sets of completely sequenced nematodes. We show that three ZF proteins from three basal nematodes cluster together with known CTCF proteins whereas no zinc finger protein of C. elegans and other derived nematodes does so.CONCLUSION: Our findings show that CTCF and possibly chromatin insulation are present in basal nematodes. We suggest that the insulator protein CTCF has been secondarily lost in derived nematodes like C. elegans. We propose a switch in the regulation of gene expression during nematode evolution, from the common vertebrate and insect type involving distantly acting regulatory elements and chromatin insulation to a so far poorly characterised mode present in more derived nematodes. Here, all or some of these components are missing. Instead operons, polycistronic transcriptional units common in derived nematodes, seemingly adopted their function.", "BACKGROUND: Depression after acute coronary syndromes (ACS) is an important risk factor for further coronary events; but the influence of anhedonia, the decreased capacity to experience pleasure, has received little attention. The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of anhedonia on prognosis at 3-year follow-up in patients hospitalized for ACS.METHOD: Consecutively admitted ACS patients (n = 291) completed the Chapman Physical Anhedonia Scale (PAS) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale depression subscale (HAD-D) at baseline (1-4 days after their admission). Two definitions of anhedonia were taken into account: dimensional definition using PAS score as well as categorical definition using several cutoff scores (hedonics: PAS less than 23 or 29; anhedonics: PAS equal to or greater than 23 or 29). Patients were followed during 3 years for adverse clinical events divided into severe cardiac events (mortality or myocardial infarction [MI]) and clinical events (mortality, MI, recurrence of ACS, hospital readmission, and onset or deterioration of heart failure).RESULTS: At follow-up, there were 176 clinical events (36 deaths, 8 MIs, 58 ACS, 55 hospital readmissions, 19 heart failures). Dimensional anhedonia and depression were associated with poor prognosis, but anhedonia was the only predictor of severe cardiac events and clinical events after adjusting for demographic and clinical variables. Contrary to depression, categorical anhedonia (PAS >23) was an independent and significant predictor of severe cardiac events after adjusting for clinical variables. The incidence of death/MI in hedonics vs anhedonics was 11.1% vs 22.1% (hazard ratio = 2.18; 95% confidence interval, 1.11-4.26).CONCLUSIONS: Dimensional and categorical anhedonias predicted independently severe cardiac events and clinical events after ACS.", "PURPOSE: A number of genes in the 9q34.11 region may be haploinsufficient. However, studies analyzing genotype-phenotype correlations of deletions encompassing multiple dosage-sensitive genes in the region are lacking.METHODS: We mapped breakpoints of 10 patients with 9q34.11 deletions using high-resolution 9q34-specific array comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) to determine deletion size and gene content.RESULTS: The 9q34.11 deletions range in size from 67 kb to 2.8 Mb. Six patients exhibit intellectual disability and share a common deleted region including STXBP1; four manifest variable epilepsy. In five subjects, deletions include SPTAN1, previously associated with early infantile epileptic encephalopathy, infantile spasms, intellectual disability, and hypomyelination. In four patients, the deletion includes endoglin (ENG), causative of hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. Finally, in four patients, deletions involve TOR1A, of which molecular defects lead to early-onset primary dystonia. Ninety-four other RefSeq genes also map to the genomic intervals investigated.CONCLUSION: STXBP1 haploinsufficiency results in progressive encephalopathy characterized by intellectual disability and may be accompanied by epilepsy, movement disorders, and autism. We propose that 9q34.11 genomic deletions involving ENG, TOR1A, STXBP1, and SPTAN1 are responsible for multisystemic vascular dysplasia, early-onset primary dystonia, epilepsy, and intellectual disability, therefore revealing cis-genetic effects leading to complex phenotypes.", "Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death in the world. Prior to the era of targeted therapy, platinum-based doublet chemotherapy was the first-line therapy of choice for patients with metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The availability of agents that target epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-tyrosine kinase, as well as inhibitors against anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) gene rearrangement or ROS-1 gene rearrangement product, has provided promising clinical benefits in specific subpopulations of NSCLC. At present, only first-generation EGFR-tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) (erlotinib and gefitinib) are available for clinical use. Second-generation irreversible EGFR-TKIs, such as afatinib, are still in clinical trials. In current clinical practice, EGFR-TKI is the first-line treatment of choice for metastatic NSCLC patients with tumor EGFR mutation or as salvage therapy in NSCLC patients who received systemic chemotherapy previously. Platinum-based doublet chemotherapy continues to be the standard of care for those treatment-naïve patients with EGFR wild -type tumor or unknown EGFR status. Even though all investigators agree with the use of EGFR-TKI as the first-line treatment in tumor EGFR-mutated patients, only 10-30% of NSCLC patients have mutated EGFR, and there was no obvious survival difference when EGFR-TKIs were used in a second-line setting versus a first-line treatment in EGFR-mutated patients. Thus, the molecular complexity of lung cancer emphasizes the need for optimizing treatment by seeking a more personalized approach to care, including searching for driver oncogenes, managing the emergence of resistance and overcoming that resistance, and optimizing the sequence of treatment. Numerous other novel targeted agents are now in clinical development, including new agents targeting novel pathways and those that may have the potential to overcome the limitations or resistance associated with currently available EGFR-TKIs. In this report, we review the clinical data of EGFR-TKIs as molecular-targeted therapies in NSCLC.", "During blood cell development, hematopoietic stem cells generate diverse mature populations via several rounds of binary fate decisions. At each bifurcation, precursors adopt one fate and inactivate the alternative fate either stochastically or in response to extrinsic stimuli and stably maintain the selected fates. Studying of these processes would contribute to better understanding of etiology of immunodeficiency and leukemia, which are caused by abnormal gene regulation during the development of hematopoietic cells. The CD4(+) helper versus CD8(+) cytotoxic T-cell fate decision serves as an excellent model to study binary fate decision processes. These two cell types are derived from common precursors in the thymus. Positive selection of their TCRs by self-peptide presented on either MHC class I or class II triggers their fate decisions along with mutually exclusive retention and silencing of two coreceptors, CD4 and CD8. In the past few decades, extensive effort has been made to understand the T-cell fate decision processes by studying regulation of genes encoding the coreceptors and selection processes. These studies have identified several key transcription factors and gene regulatory networks. In this chapter, I will discuss recent advances in our understanding of the binary cell fate decision processes of T cells.", "Cell therapy, in particular liver cell transplantation, holds great therapeutic potential and is partially hindered by the high rate of apoptosis during cell isolation, cryopreservation and engraftment. Apoptosis triggered by cell detachment from the extracellular matrix, which occurs during hepatocyte isolation, is a phenomenon termed \"anoikis\". It's importance in the normal physiologic development of the human body, as well as in disease states, has been described. Cancer cells harbor anoikis resistance allowing spread to occur. Activation of the protein Fas associated death domain/MORT1 initiates the apoptosis cascade, with further downstream activation of caspase 8, Bid, cytochrome c and the executioner caspases. The anti-apoptotic protein family (bcl-2) and integrins, in particular beta 1 integrin, balance the pro apoptotic signals. The family of caspase enzymes, currently including 14 members, is subdivided by the prodomain length, specific substrate and phylogenetic analysis, and plays a crucial role in the apoptotic cascade. Therefore, understanding the molecular biology of apoptosis and specifically the \"form\" termed anoikis, has advanced clinical implications in cancer and cell therapy research.", "Conserved noncoding elements (CNEs) constitute the majority of sequences under purifying selection in the human genome, yet their function remains largely unknown. Experimental evidence suggests that many of these elements play regulatory roles, but little is known about regulatory motifs contained within them. Here we describe a systematic approach to discover and characterize regulatory motifs within mammalian CNEs by searching for long motifs (12-22 nt) with significant enrichment in CNEs and studying their biochemical and genomic properties. Our analysis identifies 233 long motifs (LMs), matching a total of approximately 60,000 conserved instances across the human genome. These motifs include 16 previously known regulatory elements, such as the histone 3'-UTR motif and the neuron-restrictive silencer element, as well as striking examples of novel functional elements. The most highly enriched motif (LM1) corresponds to the X-box motif known from yeast and nematode. We show that it is bound by the RFX1 protein and identify thousands of conserved motif instances, suggesting a broad role for the RFX family in gene regulation. A second group of motifs (LM2*) does not match any previously known motif. We demonstrate by biochemical and computational methods that it defines a binding site for the CTCF protein, which is involved in insulator function to limit the spread of gene activation. We identify nearly 15,000 conserved sites that likely serve as insulators, and we show that nearby genes separated by predicted CTCF sites show markedly reduced correlation in gene expression. These sites may thus partition the human genome into domains of expression.", "A protein methylase III responsible for specifically methylating the cytochrome c in Neurospora crassa was partially characterized by using unmethylated horse heart cytochrome c as a substrate. This enzyme utilizes S-adenosyl-L-methionine as the methyl donor. An analysis of the distribution of [14C]methyl groups in the peptides obtained by chymotrypsin digestion of the enzymically methylated cytochrome c showed that all of the radioactivity could be recovered within a single peak after chromatography. This indicates that the enzyme methylates a specific amino acid sequence within cytochrome c. On hydrolysis of the radioactive chymotryptic peptide, Me-14C-labelled epsilon -N-mono-methyl-lysine, epsilon-N-dimethyl-lysine and epsilon-N-trimethyl-lysine were identified. The enzyme can easily be extracted from the N. crassa mycelial pads and was purified approx. 30-fold.", "The CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF) is multi-functional, ubiquitously expressed, and highly conserved from Drosophila to human. It has important roles in transcriptional insulation and the formation of a high-dimensional chromatin structure. CTCF has a paralog called \"Brother of Regulator of Imprinted Sites\" (BORIS) or \"CTCF-like\" (CTCFL). It binds DNA at sites similar to those of CTCF. However, the expression profiles of the two proteins are quite different. We investigated the evolutionary trajectories of the two proteins after the duplication event using a phylogenomic and interactomic approach. We find that CTCF has 52 direct interaction partners while CTCFL only has 19. Almost all interactors already existed before the emergence of CTCF and CTCFL. The unique secondary loss of CTCF from several nematodes is paralleled by a loss of two of its interactors, the polycomb repressive complex subunit SuZ12 and the multifunctional transcription factor TYY1. In contrast to earlier studies reporting the absence of BORIS from birds, we present evidence for a multigene synteny block containing CTCFL that is conserved in mammals, reptiles, and several species of birds, indicating that not the entire lineage of birds experienced a loss of CTCFL. Within this synteny block, BORIS and its genomic neighbors seem to be partitioned into two nested chromatin loops. The high expression of SPO11, RAE1, RBM38, and PMEPA1 in male tissues suggests a possible link between CTCFL, meiotic recombination, and fertility-associated phenotypes. Using the 65,700 exomes and the 1000 genomes data, we observed a higher number of intergenic, non-synonymous, and loss-of-function mutations in CTCFL than in CTCF, suggesting a reduced strength of purifying selection, perhaps due to less functional constraint." ]
[ "BACKGROUND: Improvisation of the nanosized vesicular systems has led to a series of useful developments including the deformable vesicles namely transfersomes, ethosomes and invasomes. The former two have been explored extensively, however, literature on invasomes is relatively scanty.METHOD: Invasomal formulations researched for various applications have been reviewed using search engine \"Scopus\". The present review focuses on the update of the research activity on effectiveness and permeation enhancing effects of invasomes for dermal and topical delivery.RESULT: Many research reports could be found on invasomes in the literature but scarce patent citations were found. The present write up elaborates the mechanism of penetration, and compiles literature dental applications of the invasomes, the detection ability, use in photodynamic therapy, pilosebaceous targeting, and for delivery of macromolecules. The use of massage and microneedles for penetration enhancement is the newer element in this area. Interestingly, the majority of research has been reported on temoporfin molecule but scarce literature is available for other molecules, so the area provides ample research opportunities. The review also highlights toxicity fact sheet of commonly used terpenes for invasome formulation.CONCLUSION: Though invasomes present an advantageous system for enhanced topical delivery but it needs to be assessed for dermatopharmacokinetics; safety and toxicity issues on long term usage.", "BACKGROUND: Outpatient Therapeutic feeding Program (OTP) brings the services for management of Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) closer to the community by making services available at decentralized treatment points within the primary health care settings, through the use of ready-to-use therapeutic foods, community outreach and mobilization. Little is known about the program outcomes. This study revealed the levels of program outcome indictors and determinant factors to recovery rate.METHODS: A retrospective cohort study was conducted on 628 children who had been managed for SAM under OTP from April/2008 to January/2012. The children were selected using systematic random sampling from 12 health posts and 4 health centers. The study relied on information of demographic characteristics, anthropometries, Plumpy'Nut, medical problems and routine medications intakes. The results were estimated using Kaplan-Meier survival curves, log-rank test and Cox-regression.RESULTS: The recovery, defaulter, mortality and weight gain rates were 61.78%, 13.85%, 3.02% and 5.23 gm/kg/day, respectively. Routine medications were administered partially and children with medical problems were managed inappropriately under the program. As a child consumed one more sachet of Plumpy'Nut, the recovery rate from SAM increased by 4% (HR = 1.04, 95%-CI = 1.03, 1.05, P<0.001). The adjusted hazard ratios to recovery of children with diarrhea, appetite loss with Plumpy'Nut and failure to gain weight were 2.20 (HR = 2.20, 95%-CI = 1.31, 3.41, P = 0.001), 4.49 (HR = 1.74, 95%-CI = 1.07, 2.83, P = 0.046) and 3.88 (HR = 1.95, 95%-CI = 1.17, 3.23, P<0.001), respectively. Children who took amoxicillin and de-worming had 95% (HR = 1.95, 95%-CI = 1.17, 3.23) and 74% (HR = 1.74, 95%-CI = 1.07, 2.83) more probability to recover from SAM as compared to those who didn't take them.CONCLUSIONS: The OTP was partially successful. Management of children with comorbidities under the program and partial administration of routine drugs were major threats for the program effectiveness. The stakeholders should focus on creating the capacity of the OTP providers on proper management of SAM to achieve fully effective program.", "BACKGROUND: Given the extended survival of patients diagnosed with cervical cancer, the large number of these women treated with radiotherapy, and the presence in this population of established cancer risk factors such as human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and cigarette smoking, it is important to clarify long-term trends in second cancer risk.METHODS: Using data from 104,760 one-year survivors of cervical cancer reported to 13 population-based cancer registries in Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, and the United States, we calculated standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) for second cancers overall and cancers at particular sites among women with cervical cancer, including cervical cancer patients who were treated or not treated with radiation, over more than 40 years of follow-up. Cox regression models were used to assess the time-varying association of radiotherapy with risk of second cancers and to assess the interaction of radiation treatment with age at diagnosis. All statistical tests were two-sided.RESULTS: Among 104,760 one-year survivors of cervical cancer, the risk of all second cancers taken together was increased to a statistically significant extent (n = 12,496; SIR = 1.30; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.28 to 1.33). Compared with the general population, in both radiotherapy (N = 52,613) and no-radiotherapy groups (N = 27,382), risks for HPV-related cancers (of the pharynx, genital sites, and rectum/anus) and smoking-related cancers (of the pharynx, trachea/bronchus/lung, pancreas, and urinary bladder) were elevated to a statistically significant extent. Cervical cancer patients treated with radiotherapy, but not those who did not receive radiotherapy, were at increased risk for all second cancers and cancers at heavily irradiated sites (colon, rectum/anus, urinary bladder, ovary, and genital sites) beyond 40 years of follow-up compared with women in the general population. The association of radiotherapy with second cancer risk was modified by age at cervical cancer diagnosis for rectum/anus, genital sites, and urinary bladder, with higher hazard ratios for second cancer at younger ages of cervical cancer. After adjustment for competing mortality, the 40-year cumulative risk of any second cancer was higher among women diagnosed with cervical cancer before age 50 (22.2%; 95% CI = 21.5% to 22.8%) than among women diagnosed after age 50 (16.4%; 95% CI = 16.1% to 16.9%).CONCLUSION: Cervical cancer patients treated with radiotherapy are at increased risk of second cancers at sites in close proximity to the cervix beyond 40 years of follow-up.", "INTRODUCTION: Approximately 30% of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) respond inadequately to conventional-synthetic disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (csDMARDs). However, widespread use of biologic DMARDs (bDMARDs) and targeted-synthetic (tsDMARDs) is limited by cost. We formulated updated recommendations for eligibility criteria for government-assisted funding of bDMARDs/tsDMARDs for RA patients in Singapore.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Published guidelines regarding use of bDMARD and tsDMARDs were reviewed. We excluded those without a systematic literature review, formal consensus process or evidence grading. Separately, unpublished national reimbursement guidelines were included.RESULTS: Eleven recommendations regarding choice of disease activity measure, initiation, order of selection and continuation of bDMARD/tsDMARDs were formulated. A bDMARD/tsDMARD is indicated if a patient has: (a) at least moderately active RA with a Disease Activity Score in 28 joints/erythrocyte sedimentation rate (DAS28-ESR) score of ≥3.2; (b) failed ≥2 csDMARD strategies, 1 of which must be a combination; (c) received an adequate dose regimen of ≥3 months for each strategy. For the first-line bDMARD/tsDMARD, either tumor necrosis factor inhibitors (TNFi), non-TNFi (abatacept, tocilizumab, rituximab), or tsDMARDs, may be considered. If a first-line TNFi fails, options include another TNFi, non-TNFi biologic or tsDMARDs. If a first-line non-TNFi biologic or tsDMARD fails, options include TNFi or another non-TNF biologic or tsDMARD. For continued bDMARD/tsDMARD subsidization, a patient must have a documented DAS28-ESR every 3 months and at least a moderate European League Against Rheumatism response by 6 months.CONCLUSION: These recommendations are useful for guiding funding decisions, making bDMARD/tsDMARDs usage accessible and equitable in RA patients who fail csDMARDs.", "In 11 patients with alcohol-induced hyperlipemia, of whom 6 showed a Zieve Syndrome increased phospholipids, triglycerides and total cholesterol were found in the red cells stromal. The gasliquid chromatographic analysis of the phospholipid fatty acids showed increased contents of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids C 16-C 18 smaller contents of longchain highly unsaturated fatty acids. The changes in the fatty acid pattern mainly occurred in patients with Zieve Syndrome and could be important for the mechanism of the hemolytic anemia. Theses findings could be in connexion with vitamin E deficiency.", "Renal angiomyolipomas were present in 23 out of a series of 38 patients with proven tuberous sclerosis (60.5%). Multiplicity and bilateral localization of combined renal angiomyolipomas were important differences between this category and the isolated, usually solitary, angiomyolipomas. One of the parents of a patient with tuberous sclerosis had small renal angiomyolipomas without signs of tuberous sclerosis. This indicates that renal angiomyolipomas might be a forme fruste of tuberous sclerosis. Two patients with suspected isolated renal angiomyolipomas proved to have tuberous sclerosis. From this study we can conclude that multiple angiomyolipomas, or a combination of a single renal hamartoma with one of the signs suggestive of tuberous sclerosis, warrant a thorough examination to exclude tuberous sclerosis.", "Children with chromosome 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2DS), Fragile X syndrome (FXS), or Turner syndrome (TS) are considered to belong to distinct genetic groups, as each disorder is caused by separate genetic alterations. Even so, they have similar cognitive and behavioral dysfunctions, particularly in visuospatial and numerical abilities. To assess evidence for common underlying neural microstructural alterations, we set out to determine whether these groups have partially overlapping white matter abnormalities, relative to typically developing controls. We scanned 101 female children between 7 and 14years old: 25 with 22q11.2DS, 18 with FXS, 17 with TS, and 41 aged-matched controls using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Anisotropy and diffusivity measures were calculated and all brain scans were nonlinearly aligned to population and site-specific templates. We performed voxel-based statistical comparisons of the DTI-derived metrics between each disease group and the controls, while adjusting for age. Girls with 22q11.2DS showed lower fractional anisotropy (FA) than controls in the association fibers of the superior and inferior longitudinal fasciculi, the splenium of the corpus callosum, and the corticospinal tract. FA was abnormally lower in girls with FXS in the posterior limbs of the internal capsule, posterior thalami, and precentral gyrus. Girls with TS had lower FA in the inferior longitudinal fasciculus, right internal capsule and left cerebellar peduncle. Partially overlapping neurodevelopmental anomalies were detected in all three neurogenetic disorders. Altered white matter integrity in the superior and inferior longitudinal fasciculi and thalamic to frontal tracts may contribute to the behavioral characteristics of all of these disorders." ]
[ "Clinical studies have suggested that myocardial iron is a risk factor for left ventricular remodeling in patients after myocardial infarction. Ferroptosis has recently been reported as a mechanism of iron-dependent nonapoptotic cell death. However, ferroptosis in the heart is not well understood. Mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) protects the heart against pathological stimuli such as ischemia. To define the role of cardiac mTOR on cell survival in iron-mediated cell death, we examined cardiomyocyte (CM) cell viability under excess iron and ferroptosis conditions. Adult mouse CMs were isolated from cardiac-specific mTOR transgenic mice, cardiac-specific mTOR knockout mice, or control mice. CMs were treated with ferric iron [Fe(III)]-citrate, erastin, a class 1 ferroptosis inducer, or Ras-selective lethal 3 (RSL3), a class 2 ferroptosis inducer. Live/dead cell viability assays revealed that Fe(III)-citrate, erastin, and RSL3 induced cell death. Cotreatment with ferrostatin-1, a ferroptosis inhibitor, inhibited cell death in all conditions. mTOR overexpression suppressed Fe(III)-citrate, erastin, and RSL3-induced cell death, whereas mTOR deletion exaggerated cell death in these conditions. 2',7'-Dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate measurement of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production showed that erastin-induced ROS production was significantly lower in mTOR transgenic versus control CMs. These findings suggest that ferroptosis is a significant type of cell death in CMs and that mTOR plays an important role in protecting CMs against excess iron and ferroptosis, at least in part, by regulating ROS production. Understanding the effects of mTOR in preventing iron-mediated cell death will provide a new therapy for patients with myocardial infarction. NEW & NOTEWORTHY Ferroptosis has recently been reported as a new form of iron-dependent nonapoptotic cell death. However, ferroptosis in the heart is not well characterized. Using cultured adult mouse cardiomyocytes, we demonstrated that the mechanistic target of rapamycin plays an important role in protecting cardiomyocytes against excess iron and ferroptosis.", "Author information:(1)Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, The Alfred Hospital, Prahran, Victoria 3181, Australia.", "Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease caused by interaction of genetic and environmental factors. To date, genetic genes and variants causing PD remain largely unknown. Autophagy is a conserved cellular process including three subtypes, macroautophagy (hereafter referred to as autophagy), microautophagy and chaperone-mediated autophagy (CMA). Although reduced CMA and induced autophagy are observed in human PD brain samples, cell and animal PD models, CMA and autophagy have not been systemically studied in sporadic PD patients. In the peripheral leukocytes of sporadic PD patients, we examined gene expression levels of lysosome-associated membrane 2 (LAMP-2), a CMA receptor and a limiting step, and microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 (LC3), product of which is sequentially cleaved and lipidated to form LC3-II as an autophagosome marker. Compared to age- and sex-matched healthy controls, LAMP-2 gene expression and protein levels in sporadic PD patients were significantly decreased, which may lead to reduced CMA activity and impaired fusion of autophagosome and lysosome. LC3 gene expression and LC3-II protein levels were significantly increased in sporadic PD patients, suggesting that autophagosomes are accumulated. Our findings, decreased LAMP-2 gene expression and increased LC3 gene expression, are consistent to the previous studies with dopaminergic neuronal cells in vitro and in vivo, which may contribute to the pathogenesis of sporadic PD by altering CMA and autophagy activities. The genetic causes leading to decreased LAMP-2 gene expression need further investigation and genetic or pharmacological restoration of LAMP-2 might be a novel strategy for treating PD patients.", "Mood disorders cause much suffering and are the single greatest cause of lost productivity worldwide. Although multiple medications, along with behavioral therapies, have proven effective for some individuals, millions of people lack an effective therapeutic option. A common serotonin (5-HT) transporter (5-HTT/SERT, SLC6A4) polymorphism is believed to confer lower 5-HTT expression in vivo and elevates risk for multiple mood disorders including anxiety, alcoholism, and major depression. Importantly, this variant is also associated with reduced responsiveness to selective 5-HT reuptake inhibitor antidepressants. We hypothesized that a reduced antidepressant response in individuals with a constitutive reduction in 5-HTT expression could arise because of the compensatory expression of other genes that inactivate 5-HT in the brain. A functionally upregulated alternate transporter for 5-HT may prevent extracellular 5-HT from rising to levels sufficiently high enough to trigger the adaptive neurochemical events necessary for therapeutic benefit. Here we demonstrate that expression of the organic cation transporter type 3 (OCT3, SLC22A3), which also transports 5-HT, is upregulated in the brains of mice with constitutively reduced 5-HTT expression. Moreover, the OCT blocker decynium-22 diminishes 5-HT clearance and exerts antidepressant-like effects in these mice but not in WT animals. OCT3 may be an important transporter mediating serotonergic signaling when 5-HTT expression or function is compromised.", "The SWR1 complex (SWR1C) in yeast catalyzes the replacement of nucleosomal H2A with the H2AZ variant, which ensures full activation of underlying genes. We compared the phenotype of mutants in the homologs of SWR1C components in Arabidopsis thaliana. Mutations in Arabidopsis SWC6 (AtSWC6), SUPPRESSOR OF FRIGIDA 3 (SUF3) and PHOTOPERIOD-INDEPENDENT EARLY FLOWERING 1 (PIE1), homologs of SWC6, ARP6 and SWR1, respectively, caused similar developmental defects, including leaf serration, weak apical dominance, flowers with extra petals and early flowering by reduction in expression of FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC), a strong floral repressor. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays showed that AtSWC6 and SUF3 bind to the proximal region of the FLC promoter, and protoplast transfection assays showed that AtSWC6 colocalizes with SUF3. Protein interaction analyses suggested the formation of a complex between PIE1, SUF3, AtSWC6 and AtSWC2. In addition, H2AZ, a substrate of SWR1C, interacts with both PIE1 and AtSWC2. Finally, knockdown of the H2AZ genes by RNA interference or artificial microRNA caused a phenotype similar to that of atswc6 or suf3. Our results strongly support the presence of an SWR1C-like complex in Arabidopsis that ensures proper development, including floral repression through full activation of FLC.", "Recent progress in the treatment for pediatric malignancies using a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy has improved survival. However, late toxicities of radiotherapy are a concern in long-term survivors. A recent study suggested reduced secondary cancer and other late toxicities after proton beam therapy (PBT) due to dosimetric advantages. In this study, we evaluated the safety and efficacy of PBT for pediatric patients treated in Japan. A retrospective observational study in pediatric patients who received PBT was performed. All patients aged <20 years old who underwent PBT from January 1983 to August 2014 at four sites in Japan were enrolled in the study. There were 343 patients in the study. The median follow-up periods were 22.6 months (0.4-374.3 months) for all patients and 30.6 months (0.6-374.3 months) for survivors. The estimated 1-, 3-, 5-, and 10-year survival rates were 82.7% (95% CI: 78.5-87.0%), 67.4% (61.7-73.2%), 61.4% (54.8-67.9%), and 58.7% (51.5-65.9%), respectively. Fifty-two events of toxicity ≥ grade 2 occurred in 43 patients. Grade 4 toxicities of myelitis, visual loss (two cases), cerebral vascular disease, and tissue necrosis occurred in five patients. This study provides preliminary results for PBT in pediatric patients in Japan. More experience and follow-up with this technique are required to establish the efficacy of PBT in this patient population.", "The largest whole genome sequencing (WGS) endeavour involving cancer and rare diseases was initiated in the UK in 2015 and ran for 5 years. Despite its rarity, sarcoma ranked third overall among the number of patients' samples sent for sequencing. Herein, we recount the lessons learned by a specialist sarcoma centre that recruited close to 1000 patients to the project, so that we and others may learn from our experience. WGS data was generated from 597 patients, but samples from the remaining approximately 400 patients were not sequenced. This was largely accounted for by unsuitability due to extensive necrosis, secondary to neoadjuvant radiotherapy or chemotherapy, or being placed in formalin. The number of informative genomes produced was reduced further by a PCR amplification step. We showed that this loss of genomic data could be mitigated by sequencing whole genomes from needle core biopsies. Storage of resection specimens at 4 °C for up to 96 h overcame the challenge of freezing tissue out of hours including weekends. Removing access to formalin increased compliance to these storage arrangements. With over 70 different sarcoma subtypes described, WGS was a useful tool for refining diagnoses and identifying novel alterations. Genomes from 350 of the cohort of 597 patients were analysed in this study. Overall, diagnoses were modified for 3% of patients following review of the WGS findings. Continued refinement of the variant-calling bioinformatic pipelines is required as not all alterations were identified when validated against histology and standard of care diagnostic tests. Further research is necessary to evaluate the impact of germline mutations in patients with sarcoma, and sarcomas with evidence of hypermutation. Despite 50% of the WGS exhibiting domain 1 alterations, the number of patients with sarcoma who were eligible for clinical trials remains small, highlighting the need to revaluate clinical trial design." ]
[ "BACKGROUND: To compare the effectiveness of oseltamivir for treatment of influenza A and influenza B, we conducted a prospective, multicenter study of the 2003-2004 and 2004-2005 influenza seasons. The study included 3351 patients in whom influenza had been diagnosed by use of an antigen detection test kit.METHODS: Oseltamivir was administered to 1818 patients with influenza A and 1485 patients with influenza B. No anti-influenza drugs were administered to 21 patients with influenza A or to 27 patients with influenza B. Patients receiving oseltamivir therapy were divided into 4 groups according to the time between the onset of fever (temperature, > or = 37.5 degrees C) and administration of the first dose of oseltamivir (0-12 h, 13-24 h, 25-36 h, and 37-48 h). The patients were also divided into 4 subgroups on the basis of age (0-6 years, 7-15 years, 16-64 years, and >64 years). Virus isolation was performed after completion of oseltamivir therapy for 44 patients with influenza A and 31 patients with influenza B.RESULTS: The duration of fever was significantly shorter for patients with influenza A and B who were treated with oseltamivir than for patients who were not treated with an anti-influenza drug (P<.001 for both). The time until the patient became afebrile after the initial administration of oseltamivir and the duration of fever were significantly longer for patients with influenza B than for patients with influenza A for the 0-12 h, 13-24 h, 25-36 h, and 37-48 h groups (P<.001) and for all age groups (P<.001). After 4-6 days of oseltamivir therapy, the influenza B virus reisolation rate (51.6%) was significantly higher than the influenza A virus reisolation rate (15.9%) (P<.001).CONCLUSION: Oseltamivir is less effective for influenza B than for influenza A with regard to duration of fever and virus persistence, irrespective of patient age or the timing of administration of the first dose.", "There is scanty data regarding the efficacy and tolerability of the modified Atkins diet in children with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. This study was a retrospective review of children with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome treated with the modified Atkins diet from May 2009 and March 2011. The diet was initiated in those children who persisted to have daily seizures despite the use of at least 3 appropriate antiepileptic drugs. Twenty-five children were started on a modified Atkins diet, restricting carbohydrate intake to 10 g/d. After 3 months, 2 patients were seizure-free, and 10/25 children had >50% reduction in seizure frequency. At 6 months, of 11 patients on the diet, 3 were seizure free and 8 had >50% reduction in seizure frequency. At 1 year, all 9 children on diet had >50% reduction in seizure frequency. The side effects of the diet were mild. The modified Atkins diet was found to be effective and well tolerated in children with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome.", "Duvelisib is an orally active dual inhibitor of PI3K-δ and PI3K-γ in clinical development in hematologic malignancies (HM). To identify novel pairings for duvelisib in HM, it was evaluated alone and in combination with 35 compounds comprising a diverse panel of standard-of-care agents and emerging drugs in development for HM. These compounds were tested in 20 cell lines including diffuse large B-cell, follicular, T-cell, and mantle cell lymphomas, and multiple myeloma. Single agent activity was seen in fourteen cell lines, with a median GI50 of 0.59 μM. A scalar measure of the strength of synergistic drug interactions revealed a synergy hit rate of 19.3% across the matrix of drug combinations and cell lines. Synergy with duvelisib was prominent in lymphoma lines with approved and emerging drugs used to treat HM, including dexamethasone, ibrutinib, and the BCL-2 inhibitor venetoclax. Western blotting revealed that certain duvelisib-treated cell lines showed inhibition of phosphorylated (p) AKT at serine 473 only out to 12 hours, with mTORC2 dependent re-phosphorylation of pAKT evident at 24 hours. Combination with dexamethasone or ibrutinib, however, prevented this reactivation leading to durable inhibition of pAKT. The combination treatments also inhibited downstream signaling effectors pPRAS40 and pS6. The combination of duvelisib with dexamethasone also significantly reduced p-4EBP1, which controls cap dependent translation initiation, leading to decreased levels of c-MYC 6 hours after treatment. In support of the in vitro studies, in vivo xenograft studies revealed that duvelisib in combination with the mTOR inhibitor everolimus led to greater tumor growth inhibition compared to single agent administration. These data provide a rationale for exploring multiple combinations in the clinic and suggest that suppression of mTOR-driven survival signaling may be one important mechanism for combination synergy.", "The Alu sequence family comprises the major dispersed repeat sequences of rodent and primate genomes, numbering greater than 300,000 copies in the human haploid genome. The function of these elements is unknown. The sequences can be transcribed by RNA polymerase III and represent a substantial fraction of total heterogeneous nuclear RNA. Alu sequences can be found both in the flanking regions and within the transcription units of several well-characterized genes. Here we show that some members of the mouse B1 Alu sequence family encode a small cytoplasmic RNA. The mouse B1 sequence is congruent to 130 nucleotides long and shows homology with the monomeric units of the dimeric 300-nucleotide primate sequence. By means of microinjection studies in the Xenopus laevis oocyte, we have elucidated a novel pathway leading to the appearance of a processed B1-type Alu RNA species in the cytoplasm. The abundance of this small Alu RNA differs between various mouse tissues, suggesting a role in tissue-specific gene expression.", "Most extracellular proteins consist of various modules with distinct functions. Mutations in one common type, the calcium-binding epidermal growth factor-like module (cbEGF), can lead to a variety of genetic disorders. Here, we describe as a model system structural and functional consequences of two typical mutations in cbEGF modules of fibrillin-1 (N548I, E1073K), resulting in the Marfan syndrome. Large (80-120 kDa) wild-type and mutated polypeptides were recombinantly expressed in mammalian cells. Both mutations did not alter synthesis and secretion of the polypeptides into the culture medium. Electron microscopy after rotary shadowing and comparison of circular dichroism spectra exhibited minor structural differences between the wild-type and mutated forms. The mutated polypeptides were significantly more susceptible to proteolytic degradation by a variety of proteases as compared with their wild-type counterparts. Most of the sensitive cleavage sites were mapped close to the mutations, indicating local structural changes within the mutated cbEGF modules. Other cleavage sites, however, were observed at distances beyond the domain containing the mutation, suggesting longer range structural effects within tandemly repeated cbEGF modules. We suggest that proteolytic degradation of mutated fibrillin-1 may play an important role in the pathogenesis of Marfan syndrome and related disorders.", "INTRODUCTION: Approximately 30% of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) respond inadequately to conventional-synthetic disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (csDMARDs). However, widespread use of biologic DMARDs (bDMARDs) and targeted-synthetic (tsDMARDs) is limited by cost. We formulated updated recommendations for eligibility criteria for government-assisted funding of bDMARDs/tsDMARDs for RA patients in Singapore.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Published guidelines regarding use of bDMARD and tsDMARDs were reviewed. We excluded those without a systematic literature review, formal consensus process or evidence grading. Separately, unpublished national reimbursement guidelines were included.RESULTS: Eleven recommendations regarding choice of disease activity measure, initiation, order of selection and continuation of bDMARD/tsDMARDs were formulated. A bDMARD/tsDMARD is indicated if a patient has: (a) at least moderately active RA with a Disease Activity Score in 28 joints/erythrocyte sedimentation rate (DAS28-ESR) score of ≥3.2; (b) failed ≥2 csDMARD strategies, 1 of which must be a combination; (c) received an adequate dose regimen of ≥3 months for each strategy. For the first-line bDMARD/tsDMARD, either tumor necrosis factor inhibitors (TNFi), non-TNFi (abatacept, tocilizumab, rituximab), or tsDMARDs, may be considered. If a first-line TNFi fails, options include another TNFi, non-TNFi biologic or tsDMARDs. If a first-line non-TNFi biologic or tsDMARD fails, options include TNFi or another non-TNF biologic or tsDMARD. For continued bDMARD/tsDMARD subsidization, a patient must have a documented DAS28-ESR every 3 months and at least a moderate European League Against Rheumatism response by 6 months.CONCLUSION: These recommendations are useful for guiding funding decisions, making bDMARD/tsDMARDs usage accessible and equitable in RA patients who fail csDMARDs.", "BACKGROUND: Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) are known to increase the expression of angiotensin converting enzyme 2 receptor, which has been shown to be the receptor for the acute severe respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).AREAS OF UNCERTAINTY: Based on these observations, speculations raised the concerns that ACEIs/ARBs users would be more susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection and would be at higher risk for severe COVID-19 disease and death. Therefore, we systematically reviewed the literature and performed a meta-analysis of the association between prior use of ACEIs and ARBs and mortality due to COVID-19 disease.DATA SOURCES: A comprehensive search of several databases from November 2019 to June 18, 2020 was conducted. The databases included Ovid MEDLINE(R) and Epub Ahead of Print, In-Process and Other Non-Indexed Citations and Daily, Ovid Embase, Ovid Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Ovid Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Web of Science, and Scopus. was also searched for unpublished data.THERAPEUTIC ADVANCES: Nine studies with a total of 18,833 patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 met our eligibility criteria. Prior use of ACEIs and/or ARBs was associated with reduced mortality among SARS-CoV-2-infected patients, with a pooled adjusted relative risk (aRR) from 6 studies of 0.63, 95% confidence interval (CI) (0.42-0.94) (I 2 = 65%). Three studies reported separately on ACEIs or ARBs and their association with survival among SARS-CoV-2-infected patients, with a pooled adjusted relative risk of 0.78, 95% CI (0.58-1.04) (I 2 = 0%) and 0.97, 95% CI (0.73-1.30) (I 2 = 0%) respectively. The results of sensitivity analyses were consistent with the main analysis.CONCLUSION: Our meta-analysis suggests that use of ACEIs/ARBs is associated with a decreased risk of death among SARS-CoV-2-infected patients. This finding provides a reassurance to the public not to stop prescribed ACEIs/ARBs because of fear of severe COVID-19." ]
[ "Phosphoinositides control many different processes required for normal cellular function. Myotubularins are a family of Phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PtdIns3P) phosphatases identified by the positional cloning of the MTM1 gene in patients suffering from X-linked myotubular myopathy and the MTMR2 gene in patients suffering from the demyelinating neuropathy Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 4B. MTM1 is a phosphatidylinositol phosphatase with reported specificity toward PtdIns3P, while the related proteins MTMR2 and MTMR3 hydrolyze both PtdIns3P and PtdIns(3,5)P2. We have investigated MTM1 and MTMR6 and find that they use PtdIns(3,5)P2 in addition to PtdIns3P as a substrate in vitro. The product of PtdIns(3,5)P2 hydrolysis, PtdIns5P, causes MTM1 to form a heptameric ring that is 12.5 nm in diameter, and it is a specific allosteric activator of MTM1, MTMR3, and MTMR6. A disease-causing mutation at arginine 69 of MTM1 falling within a putative pleckstrin homology domain reduces the ability of the enzyme to respond to PtdIns5P. We propose that the myotubularin family of enzymes utilize both PtdIns3P and PtdIns(3,5)P2 as substrates, and that PtdIns5P functions in a positive feedback loop controlling their activity. These findings highlight the importance of regulated phosphatase activity for the control of phosphoinositide metabolism.", "BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Erb-B1 (epidermal growth factor receptor, EGFR) and Erb-B2 (HER-2) are two of the best-characterized members in the EGFR pathway. In many tumor types, overexpression of these proteins is associated with enhanced malignant potential. The aim of this study was to determine the prognostic impact of EGFR and HER-2 protein expression on colorectal cancer.METHOD: Immunohistochemistry was carried out in paraffin-embedded specimens of 115 colorectal carcinomas for the assessment of EGFR and HER-2 expression. Immunostaining for EGFR was graded negative, weak or strong according to extension and staining intensity. The results were correlated with traditional clinicopathologic parameters and patients' outcome.RESULTS: The mean survival time was 64 (range 9-78) months in the EGFR-negative group, 166 (range 2-293) months in the group with a low EGFR expression, and 51 (range 4-71) months in the group with a high EGFR expression. The median survival time was 31 (range 2-114) months in the HER-2 negative group, and 30 (range 4-293) months in the HER-2 positive group. None of the clinicopathologic parameters or patient prognoses had statistically significant association with EGFR or HER-2 expression.CONCLUSION: Conventional immunohistochemistry was unable to reveal any association between EGFR or HER-2 expression and outcome predicted by the biologic role of EGFR in tumor behavior and the established prognostic role of HER-2 in breast cancer.", "Repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) is essential for cell viability and genome stability. Homologous recombination repair plays an important role in DSB repair and impairment of this repair mechanism may lead to loss of genomic integrity, which is one of the hallmarks of cancer. Recent research has shown that the tumor suppressor genes p53 and BRCA1 and -2 are involved in the proper control of homologous recombination, suggesting a role of this type of repair in human cancer. We developed a novel assay based on recombination between two Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) sequences in transiently transfected plasmid DNA. The plasmid construct contains an intact, emission-shifted, \"blue\" variant of GFP (BFP), with a 300 nucleotide stretch of homology to a nonfunctional copy of GFP. In the absence of homologous recombination only BFP is present, but homologous recombination can create a functional GFP. The homologous regions in the plasmid were constructed in both the direct and the inverted orientation of transcription to detect possible differences in the recombination mechanisms involved. A panel of human tumor cell lines was chosen on the basis of genetic background and chromosome integrity and tested for homologous recombination using this assay. The panel included cell lines with varying levels of karyotypic abnormalities, isogenic cell lines with normal and mutant p53, isogenic cell lines with or without DNA mismatch repair, BRCA1 and -2 mutant cell lines, and the lymphoma cell line DT40. With this assay, the observed differences between cell lines with the lowest and highest levels of recombination were about 100-fold. Increased levels of recombination were associated with mutant p53, whereas a low level of recombination was found in the BRCA1 mutant cell line. In the cell line HT1080TG, a mutagenized derivative of HT1080 with two mutant alleles of p53, high levels of recombination were found with the direct orientation but not with the inverted orientation plasmid. No difference in recombination was detected between two isogenic cell lines that only differed in DNA mismatch repair capability. We conclude that this assay can detect differences in homologous recombination capacity in cultured cell lines and that these differences follow the patterns that would be expected from the different genotypes of these cell lines. Future application in normal cells may be useful to identify genetic determinants controlling genomic integrity or to detect differences in DNA repair capacity in individuals.", "The life and personality of Johann Gregor Mendel (1822-1884), the founder of scientific genetics, are reviewed against the contemporary background of his times. At the end are weighed the benefits for Mendel (as charged by Sir Ronald Fisher) to have documented his results on hand of falsified data. Mendel was born into a humble farm family in the \"Kuhländchen\", then a predominantly German area of Northern Moravia. On the basis of great gifts Mendel was able to begin higher studies; however, he found himself in serious financial difficulties because of his father's accident and incapacitation. His hardships engendered illness which threatened continuation and completion of his studies until he was afforded the chance of absolving successfully theological studies as an Augustinian monk in the famous chapter of St. Thomas in Altbrünn (Staré Brno). Psychosomatic indisposition made Mendel unfit for practical pastoral duties. Thus, he was directed to teach but without appropriate state certification; an attempt to pass such an examination failed. At that point he was sent to the University of Vienna for a 2-year course of studies, with emphasis on physics and botany, to prepare him for the exam. His scientific and methodologic training enabled him to plan studies of the laws of inheritance, which had begun to interest him already during his theology training, and to choose the appropriate experimental plant. In 1865, after 12 years of systematic investigations on peas, he presented his results in the famous paper \"Versuche über Pflanzenhybriden.\" Three years after his return from Vienna he failed to attain his teaching certification a second time. Only by virtue of his exceptional qualifications did he continue to function as a Supplementary Professor of Physics and Natural History in the two lowest classes of a secondary school. In 1868 he was elected Abbot of his chapter, and freed from teaching duties, was able to pursue his many scientific interests with greater efficiency. This included meteorology, the measurement of ground water levels, further hybridization in plants (a.o. involving the hawk week Hieracium up to about 1873), vegetable and fruit tree horticulture, apiculture, and agriculture in general. This involved Mendel's active participation in many organizations interested in advancing these fields at a time when appropriate research institutes did not exist in Brünn. Some of the positions he took in his capacity of Abbot had severe repercussions and further taxed Mendel's already over-stressed system. The worst of these was a 10-year confrontation with the government about the taxation of the monastery.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)", "Ultraviolet light induced pyrimidine dimers in DNA are recognized and repaired by a number of unique cellular surveillance systems. At the highest level of complexity Escherichia coli (E. coli) has a uvr DNA repair system comprising the UvrA, UvrB and UvrC proteins responsible for incision. There are several preincision steps governed by this pathway which includes an ATP-dependent UvrA dimerization reaction required for UvrAB nucleoprotein formation. This complex formation driven by ATP binding, is associated with localized topological unwinding of DNA. This protein complex can catalyze an ATP-dependent 5'----3' directed strand displacement of D-loop DNA or short single strands annealed to a single stranded circular or linear DNA. This putative translocational process is arrested when damaged sites are encountered. The complex is now primed for dual incision catalyzed by UvrC. The remainder of the repair process involves UvrD (helicase II) and DNA polymerase I for a coordinately controlled \"excision resynthesis\" step accompanied by UvrABC turnover. Furthermore, it is proposed that levels of repair proteins can be regulated by proteolysis. UvrB is converted to truncated UvrB* by a stress induced protease which also acts at similar sites on the E. coli Ada protein. Although UvrB* can bind with UvrA to DNA it cannot participate in helicase or incision reactions. It is also a DNA-dependent ATPase.", "Atrial fibrillation continues to be a challenging arrhythmia. There are some conventional, time-tested explanations of atrial fibrillation genesis, however some uncertainty of its complete understanding still exists. We focused on atrial ischemia which, hypothetically, could be responsible for manifestation of the arrhythmia, irrespective of the underlying heart disease. Evidences abounds that atrial fibrillation has an extremely strong association with nutritional/oxidative status of myocardium. This arrhythmia seemingly may stem from the electrophysiological differences taking place in the boundary areas. To validate such assumptions we have surveyed widely accepted theories based on clinical and experimental evidence. There was an attempt to integrate some well-known theoretical explanations (focal, multifocal, ectopic, reentrant activity, atrial remodeling, etc.) into a new conceptually systematized arrhythmogenesis. Confronting ischemic and non-ischemic atrial zones electrophysiologically on their borderlines presumably creates a substrate vulnerable to the development of atrial fibrillation. The behavior of these interrelated areas is likely ischemia-dependent; the separating borderline(s) may be treated as conflictogenic, releasing triggers/drivers to commence and to perpetuate the arrhythmia. Ischemically damaged and non-damaged myocardial areas likely participate in the relay-race carousel of arrhythmogenicity due to their mutual interactions, accompanied by the \"fireworks\" at the separating borderlines. It could be concluded that myocardial ischemia as a nonspecific proarrhythmic factor presumably plays a key role in the genesis and sustenance of atrial fibrillation. Theoretically the most important step in eradication of arrhythmogenic substrate might be an overall abolition of ischemia regardless of the characteristics of underlying heart disease. Innovative intellectual and explorative research is needed to render innocuous the ischemia that might help us win the century's cardioarrhythmological battle.", "INTRODUCTION: Synovial Sarcoma (SS) and Myxoid Round Cell Liposarcoma (MRCL) are devastating sarcoma subtypes with few treatment options and poor outcomes in the advanced setting. However, both these diseases may be ideal for novel immunotherapies targeting the cancer-testis antigen, NY-ESO-1.AREAS COVERED: In this review, we discuss the novel NY-ESO-1 targeted vaccine regimen, CMB305. This regimen uses a unique integration-deficient, dendritic-cell targeting lentiviral vector from the ZVex® platform, LV305, in order to prime NY-ESO-1 specific T cells. LV305 has single agent activity, and, in one case, caused a durable partial response in a refractory SS patient. CMB305 also includes a boost from a NY-ESO-1 protein vaccine given along with a potent toll-like-4 receptor agonist, glycopyranosyl lipid A. CMB305 induces NY-ESO-1 specific T cell responses in both SS and MRC patients and these patients had excellent overall survival (OS) outcomes in the initial phase I study.EXPERT COMMENTARY: CMB305 is a therapeutic vaccine regimen targeting NY-ESO-1 based on the lentiviral vaccine vector, LV305. Phase I studies have proven this vaccine is active immunologically. Data suggesting this vaccine may improve OS for SS and MRCL patients is exciting but early, and on-going work is testing the impact of CMB305 on patient outcomes." ]
[ "Warfarin is an anticoagulant available as a racemic mixture. The R- and S-isomers differ with respect to relative plasma concentrations, clearance, potency, sites of metabolism, and cytochrome P450 (CYP) isoenzymes responsible for metabolism. S-Warfarin, the more potent isomer, is metabolized primarily by CYP2C9. Genetic polymorphisms resulting from single amino acid substitutions reduce the metabolic capability of 2C9. A reduction in warfarin metabolism due to genetic polymorphism may explain the increased warfarin response and bleeding episodes in some patients. Clinical studies showed an increased plasma level of S-warfarin, decreased clearance of S-warfarin, increased frequency of bleeding, and prolongation of hospitalization in patients with variant CYP2C9 alleles. Adverse outcomes associated with warfarin possibly could be avoided by identifying patients with variant alleles before therapy and starting therapy at low dosages.", "Interest has recently reawakened in whether loss of the heterochromatic X chromosome (Barr body) is prevalent in certain breast and ovarian cancers, and new insights into the mechanisms involved have emerged. Mitotic segregation errors commonly explain the loss of the inactive X chromosome (Xi), but compromise of Xi heterochromatin in some cancers may signal broader deficits of nuclear heterochromatin. The debated link between BRCA1 and Xi might reflect a general relationship between BRCA1 and heterochromatin, which could connect BRCA1 to both epigenetic and genetic instability. We suggest that heterochromatic instability is a common but largely unexplored mechanism, leading to widespread genomic misregulation and the evolution of some cancers.", "Author information:(1)From Massachusetts General Hospital (L.J.W.) and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (J. Lorch), Boston; Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York (E.S., A.D.); Royal North Shore Hospital, St. Leonards, NSW (B.R.), and Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute, Melbourne, VIC (B.S.) - both in Australia; University of California, San Francisco-Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, San Francisco (H.K.), David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles (J.W.G.), and Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of California Irvine, Orange (V.W.Z.) - all in California; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (F.W.), and START Midwest, Grand Rapids (N.L.) - both in Michigan; University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (M.B.); University of Chicago, Chicago (J.P.); Gustave Roussy, Villejuif (S.L.), Institut Bergonié, Bordeaux (Y.G.), Aix Marseille University, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, INSERM, Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Marseille, Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Marseille, Early Phase Cancer Trial Center CLIP2, Hospital La Timone, Marseille (F.B.), Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon (C.D.L.F.), and Hôpital Européen Georges-Pompidou, Faculté de Médecine Paris-Descartes, Paris (J.M.) - all in France; Mayo Clinic-Rochester, Rochester, MN (J.C.M.); Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University, Atlanta (T.K.O.); National Cancer Center Singapore, Singapore (D.S.W.T.); University of Bern, Bern, and Cantonal Hospital of Lucerne, Lucerne - both in Switzerland (O.G.); University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill (J.W.); University of Wisconsin-Carbone Cancer Center, Madison (M.E.B.); British Columbia Cancer Agency, Vancouver, Canada (J. Laskin); Oregon Health and Science University, Portland (M.H.T.); Universitätsklinikum Würzburg, Department of Internal Medicine I, Division of Endocrinology and Diabetology, Würzburg, Germany (M.K.); Sarah Cannon Research Institute-Tennessee Oncology, Nashville (T.M.B.); Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center, Washington, DC (B.L.); Fundación Jimenez Diaz, START-Madrid, Madrid (V.M.); Loxo Oncology, Stamford, CT (K.E., M.N., D.H., E.Y.Z., X.H., L.Y., J.K., S.M.R.); University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston (V.S., M.E.C.); and Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, Columbus (M.H.S.).", "Author information:(1)Division of Molecular Medicine, Leeds Institute of Medical Research, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK.(2)School of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK.(3)Division of Evolution and Genomic Sciences, School of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Biology, Medicines and Health, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK.(4)National Institute of Sensory Organs, National Hospital Organization Tokyo Medical Centre, Tokyo, Japan.(5)Moorfields Eye Hospital, London, UK.(6)UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, London, UK.(7)Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan.(8)Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium.(9)Division of Genetic Medicine, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.(10)The Jikei University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan.(11)Mie University Graduate School of Medicine, Mie, Japan.(12)Department of Genetics, Faculty of Science, Hazara University Mansehra, Dhodial, Pakistan.(13)Clinical Research Center, Institute of Molecular and Clinical Ophthalmology Basel (IOB), Basel, Switzerland.(14)School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK.(15)Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.(16)St Thomas's Hospital, London, UK.(17)Department of Ophthalmology, Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, UK.(18)Department of Genetics and Genome Biology, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK.(19)Department of Ophthalmology, University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland.(20)Sorbonne Université, INSERM, CNRS, Institut de la Vision, Paris, France.(21)Manchester Centre for Genomic Medicine, Saint Mary's Hospital, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, UK.(22)Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, St James' University Hospital, Leeds, UK.(23)School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK.", "Familial pituitary adenomas occurr in the classical syndromes of MEN1 and Carney Complex as well as in Familial Isolated Pituitary Adenomas (FIPA), an autosomal dominant disease with incomplete penetrance. In some families and also rarely in sporadic tumours germline mutations of a gene located on chromosome 11q13 known as the aryl hydrocarbon receptor interacting protein have been found. This article discusses the AIP mutations in these groups and the different molecular interactions of AIP that may play a role in pituitary tumour formation.", "Poly(A) tail elongation after export of an messenger RNA (mRNA) to the cytoplasm is called cytoplasmic polyadenylation. It was first discovered in oocytes and embryos, where it has roles in meiosis and development. In recent years, however, has been implicated in many other processes, including synaptic plasticity and mitosis. This review aims to introduce cytoplasmic polyadenylation with an emphasis on the factors and elements mediating this process for different mRNAs and in different animal species. We will discuss the RNA sequence elements mediating cytoplasmic polyadenylation in the 3' untranslated regions of mRNAs, including the CPE, MBE, TCS, eCPE, and C-CPE. In addition to describing the role of general polyadenylation factors, we discuss the specific RNA binding protein families associated with cytoplasmic polyadenylation elements, including CPEB (CPEB1, CPEB2, CPEB3, and CPEB4), Pumilio (PUM2), Musashi (MSI1, MSI2), zygote arrest (ZAR2), ELAV like proteins (ELAVL1, HuR), poly(C) binding proteins (PCBP2, αCP2, hnRNP-E2), and Bicaudal C (BICC1). Some emerging themes in cytoplasmic polyadenylation will be highlighted. To facilitate understanding for those working in different organisms and fields, particularly those who are analyzing high throughput data, HUGO gene nomenclature for the human orthologs is used throughout. Where human orthologs have not been clearly identified, reference is made to protein families identified in man.", "Spinocerebellar ataxia type 3/Machado-Joseph disease (SCA3/MJD) is a dominant neurodegenerative disease caused by the expansion of a CAG repeat tract in ATXN3. Anticipation and worsening of clinical picture in subsequent generations were repeatedly reported, but there is no indication that SCA3/MJD frequency is changing. Thus, we performed a systematic review and meta-analysis on phenomena with potential effect on SCA3/MJD recurrency in populations: instability of CAG repeat transmissions, anticipation, fitness, and segregation of alleles. Transmission of the mutant allele was associated with an increase of 1.23 CAG repeats in the next generation, and the average change in age at onset showed an anticipation of 7.75 years per generation; but biased recruitments cannot be ruled out. Affected SCA3/MJD individuals had 45% more children than related controls. Transmissions from SCA3/MJD carriers showed that the expanded allele was segregated in 64% of their children. In contrast, transmissions from normal subjects showed that the minor allele was segregated in 54%. The present meta-analysis concluded that there is a segregation distortion favoring the expanded allele, among children of carriers. Therefore, further studies on transmissions and anticipation phenomena as well as more observations about fertility are required to clarify these selective forces over SCA3/MJD." ]
[ "The next generation of targeted biologic therapies for psoriasis will either be directed against new protein targets or improve on the efficacy, safety, or convenience of medications available for an already validated area in the immune response. Adalimumab is a fully human monoclonal antibody directed against tumor necrosis factor-alpha, a central cytokine in the immune response in psoriasis that has already been shown to be an effective target for therapy. This medication is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Early phrase II studies with adalimumab have shown excellent efficacy for psoriasis with either weekly or every other week subcutaneous injection. Moreover, the safety and tolerability of adalimumab in large clinical studies of rheumatoid arthritis have shown good results. Thus, adalimumab shows significant promise for the therapy of psoriasis in the future.", "To determine whether the autosomal dominant fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3) Pro250Arg mutation causes anterior plagiocephaly, patients with either apparently sporadic unicoronal synostosis (N = 37) or other forms of anterior plagiocephaly (N = 10) were studied for this mutation. Of 37 patients with unicoronal synostosis, 4 tested positive for the Pro250Arg mutation in FGFR3, and 33 were negative for this mutation. In three mutation positive patients with full parental studies, a parent with an extremely mild phenotype was found to carry the same mutation. None of the 6 patients with nonsynostotic plagiocephaly and none of the 4 patients with additional suture synostosis had the FGFR3 mutation. Because it is impossible to predict the FGFR3 Pro250Arg mutation status based on clinical examination alone, all patients with unicoronal synostosis should be tested for it. To assess their recurrence risk, all parents of mutation positive patients should be tested regardless of their clinical findings, because the phenotype can be extremely variable and without craniosynostosis.", "BACKGROUND: Fewer than half of the patients with completely resected non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) are cured. Since the introduction of adjuvant chemotherapy in 2004, no substantial progress has been made in adjuvant treatment. We aimed to assess the efficacy of the MAGE-A3 cancer immunotherapeutic in surgically resected NSCLC.METHODS: In this randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, we recruited patients aged at least 18 years with completely resected stage IB, II, and IIIA MAGE-A3-positive NSCLC who did or did not receive adjuvant chemotherapy from 443 centres in 34 countries (Europe, the Americas, and Asia Pacific). Patients were randomly assigned (2:1) to receive 13 intramuscular injections of recMAGE-A3 with AS15 immunostimulant (MAGE-A3 immunotherapeutic) or placebo during 27 months. Randomisation and treatment allocation at the investigator site was done centrally via internet with stratification for chemotherapy versus no chemotherapy. Participants, investigators, and those assessing outcomes were masked to group assignment. A minimisation algorithm accounted for the number of chemotherapy cycles received, disease stage, lymph node sampling procedure, performance status score, and lifetime smoking status. The primary endpoint was broken up into three co-primary objectives: disease-free survival in the overall population, the no-chemotherapy population, and patients with a potentially predictive gene signature. The final analyses included the total treated population (all patients who had received at least one treatment dose). This trial is registered with, number NCT00480025.FINDINGS: Between Oct 18, 2007, and July 17, 2012, we screened 13 849 patients for MAGE-A3 expression; 12 820 had a valid sample and of these, 4210 (33%) had a MAGE-A3-positive tumour. 2312 of these patients met all eligibility criteria and were randomly assigned to treatment: 1515 received MAGE-A3 and 757 received placebo and 40 were randomly assigned but never started treatment. 784 patients in the MAGE-A3 group also received chemotherapy, as did 392 in the placebo group. Median follow-up was 38·1 months (IQR 27·9-48·4) in the MAGE-A3 group and 39·5 months (27·9-50·4) in the placebo group. In the overall population, median disease-free survival was 60·5 months (95% CI 57·2-not reached) for the MAGE-A3 immunotherapeutic group and 57·9 months (55·7-not reached) for the placebo group (hazard ratio [HR] 1·02, 95% CI 0·89-1·18; p=0·74). Of the patients who did not receive chemotherapy, median disease-free survival was 58·0 months (95% CI 56·6-not reached) in those in the MAGE-A3 group and 56·9 months (44·4-not reached) in the placebo group (HR 0·97, 95% CI 0·80-1·18; p=0·76). Because of the absence of treatment effect, we could not identify a gene signature predictive of clinical benefit to MAGE-A3 immunotherapeutic. The frequency of grade 3 or worse adverse events was similar between treatment groups (246 [16%] of 1515 patients in the MAGE-A3 group and 122 [16%] of 757 in the placebo group). The most frequently reported grade 3 or higher adverse events were infections and infestations (37 [2%] in the MAGE-A3 group and 19 [3%] in the placebo group), vascular disorders (30 [2%] vs 17 [3%]), and neoplasm (benign, malignant, and unspecified (29 [2%] vs 16 [2%]).INTERPRETATION: Adjuvant treatment with the MAGE-A3 immunotherapeutic did not increase disease-free survival compared with placebo in patients with MAGE-A3-positive surgically resected NSCLC. Based on our results, further development of the MAGE-A3 immunotherapeutic for use in NSCLC has been stopped.FUNDING: GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals SA.", "AIM: To report one patient with slowly progressive encephalopathy, ataxia, central hypomyelination, hypodontia and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, the 4H syndrome. This clinical picture has been described recently and there are only four patients reported previously.CASE REPORT: A girl with a previously normal early psychomotor development, presented a slowly progressive deterioration since 15 months of age. Now, she is 14 years old, and has a severe cerebellar ataxia, with tremor and dysmetria. She can't neither walk nor remain standing alone. She has lost the sphincter control and has an immature expressive language. She has no puberal development and definitive hypodontia of upper central incisors. The brain magnetic resonance imaging shows a diffuse hypomyelination, that is confirmed with diffusion and spectroscopy studies.CONCLUSION: The hypomyelinating leukoencephalopathies are disorders with abnormally low amount of myelin. The diagnosis is difficult in most of the patients. The hypomyelinating leukoencephalopathies include classic disorders and new leukoencephalopathies, described in the past few years.", "Anti-Vel is an uncommon antibody to a high-prevalence antigen. Its clinical significance and management in the prenatal setting are not well characterized. We present a case that demonstrates the utility of serial prenatal anti-Vel quantitative serologic monitoring with 2-ME serum treatment during pregnancy. The patient is a 23-year-old Hispanic woman with history of prior pregnancy and prior transfusion who was discovered to have an antibody to the high-prevalence Vel antigen in the first trimester (week 7) of her second pregnancy. Interval measurements of the serologic antibody titers were performed during the next 26 weeks. The untreated serum (IgM and IgG) titer increased from a baseline of 4 to 16 during that interval, while the 2-ME (presumed IgG component) titer remained stable at 4. Responding to ultrasound findings suspicious for fetal anemia, the child was delivered without complications at 34 weeks' gestation. At birth, the DAT was negative and there was no evidence of HDN. Placed in the context of other similar reports, this case demonstrates the importance of separately reporting the IgG fraction (after either DTT treatment or 2-ME treatment) from the untreated (IgM and IgG) fraction and the importance of correlating the treated serum titer with potential clinical significance.", "Many growth factors and cytokines are involved in liver regeneration. Of them, only hepatopoietin (HPO)/ALR (augmenter of liver regeneration) is a specifically hepatotrophic factor originally identified from the cytosol of regenerating or hyperplastic hepatic cells. Previous reports indicate that extracellular HPO triggers the MAPK pathway by binding its specific receptor on the cell surface. However, its function in the cytosol of hepatocytes is unclear. Here we identified that JAB1 (Jun activation domain-binding protein 1), a co-activator of AP-1, which is essential for liver regeneration, specifically interacts with intracellular HPO. JAB1 colocalizes with HPO in nuclei of hepatic cells or COS-7 cells. As an intracrine factor, the intracellular function of HPO is to increase c-Jun phosphorylation independent of c-Jun amino-terminal kinase (JNK), extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) -1 and -2, and leads to potentiation of JAB1-mediated AP-1 activation. Amino acids 1-63 of HPO molecule are sufficient to bind to JAB1, but the full-length HPO is necessary for its intracellular signaling. Taken together, these results elucidate a novel mechanism of intracrine cytokine signaling by specifically modulating the AP-1 pathway through JAB1, in a MAPK-independent fashion.", "Atrial fibrillation is a growing health problem and the most common cardiac arrhythmia, affecting 5% of persons above the age of 65 years. The number of hospital discharges for atrial fibrillation has more than doubled in the past decade. It occurs very often in patients with congestive heart failure and the prevalence increases with the severity of the disease. These two conditions seem to be linked together, and congestive heart failure may either be the cause or the consequence of atrial fibrillation. The prognosis of atrial fibrillation is controversial, but studies indicate that atrial fibrillation is a risk factor in congestive heart failure patients. In the last 10-15 years, significant advances in the treatment of heart failure have improved survival, whereas effective management of atrial fibrillation in heart failure patients still awaits similar progress. Empirically, two strategies have evolved for treatment of atrial fibrillation: 1) rhythm control, which means conversion to sinus rhythm and maintenance of sinus rhythm; and 2) rate control, which means reduction of heart rate to an acceptable frequency. It is unknown whether one of these strategies is better than the other. In this review the authors discuss the prevalence, impact, and treatment of atrial fibrillation in heart failure patients." ]
[ "Apoptosis is an organized, energy dependent process, which leads to cell death. Its definition is based on distinct morphological features [10] and demonstration of internucleosomal DNA degradation [27], executed by selectively activated DNAses [4, 22]. The morphologic hallmarks of apoptosis include chromatic margination, nuclear condensation and fragmentation, and condensation of the cell with preservation of organelles. The process is followed by fragmentation of the cell into membrane-bound apoptotic bodies, which undergo phagocytosis by nearby cells without associated inflammation [10, 11]. Apoptosis characteristically occurs in insolated single cells. The duration of apoptosis is estimated to be from 12 to 24 hours, but in cell culture visible morphologic changes are accomplished in less than two hours [10, 16]. Non-apoptotic cell death, a prototype of which is cell death due to ischemia (oncosis), is characterized by depletion of intracellular ATP stores, swelling of the cell with disruption of organelles and rupture of the plasma membrane [15]. Groups of necrotic cells and inflammation are found in tissues [10, 15]. The significance of apoptosis has mostly been studied using the TUNEL assay that detects DNA strand breaks in tissue sections and allows quantification of apoptotic cells by light microscopy [6]. Common experience seems to be that the TUNEL assay is prone to false positive or negative findings. This has been explained by the dependence of the staining kinetics on the reagent concentration [17], fixation of the tissue [2] and the extent of proteolysis [17]. Active RNA synthesis [12] and DNA damage in necrotic cells [17, 19] may cause non-specific staining. To obtain reliable and reproducible results, TUNEL assay should be carefully standardized by using tissue sections treated with DNAse (positive control of apoptosis). Quantification of apoptosis should include enough microscopic fields and identification of the cell type undergoing apoptosis. The specificity of the results can be substantiated by combining other methods with TUNEL, such as assessment of the pattern of DNA fragmentation or evaluation of the morphological features. Even though there is high variation in the results obtained in consecutive studies under the same circumstances, increasing evidence shows that TUNEL-positive cardiomyocytes and internucleosomal DNA fragmentation are associated with various cardiac diseases, including acute myocardial infarction and heart failure [reviewed in 5, 9]. Some morphological features of apoptosis have been observed in TUNEL-positive cardiomyocytes using light microscopy (Figure 1) or confocal microscopy [20]. Electron microscopic evidence of apoptosis has been found in the degenerating conduction system [7], in experimental heart failure [23], and in human hibernating myocardium [3]. In acutely ischemic myocardium the interpretation of the findings remains controversial, since only non-apoptotic cell morphology has been found in electron microscopy [8, 19]. One explanation might be abortion of the apoptotic program due to the lack of ATP before the morphologic features are fully evident [14]. Another explanation is the possibility that non-apoptotic cell death and apoptosis share common mechanisms in the early phases of the processes [14, 19]. The exact mechanisms of ischemic cell death remain to be clarified and the classification between apoptosis and non-apoptosis cell death to be specified. Recently, caspase activation has emerged as the central molecular event leading to apoptosis, preceding DNA degradation and the development of apoptotic morphology [22, 25]. New methods have been developed to demonstrate caspase activation [1, 13]. Inhibition of caspase may be an efficient way to prevent apoptotic cardiomyocyte death as well as to define and specifically probe the significance of apoptotic cell death in cardiac diseases.", "Cellular processes such as proliferation, differentiation, and adaptation to environmental changes are regulated by protein phosphorylation. Development of sensitive and comprehensive analytical methods for determination of protein phosphorylation is therefore a necessity in the pursuit of a detailed molecular view of complex biological processes. We present a quantitative modification-specific proteomic approach that combines stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) for quantitation with IMAC for phosphopeptide enrichment and three stages of mass spectrometry (MS/MS/MS) for identification. This integrated phosphoproteomic technology identified and quantified phosphorylation in key regulator and effector proteins of a prototypical G-protein-coupled receptor signaling pathway, the yeast pheromone response. SILAC encoding of yeast proteomes was achieved by incorporation of [(13)C(6)]arginine and [(13)C(6)]lysine in a double auxotroph yeast strain. Pheromone-treated yeast cells were mixed with SILAC-encoded cells as the control and lysed, and extracted proteins were digested with trypsin. Phosphopeptides were enriched by a combination of strong cation exchange chromatography and IMAC. Phosphopeptide fractions were analyzed by LC-MS using a linear ion trap-Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer. MS/MS and neutral loss-directed MS/MS/MS analysis allowed detection and sequencing of phosphopeptides with exceptional accuracy and specificity. Of more than 700 identified phosphopeptides, 139 were differentially regulated at least 2-fold in response to mating pheromone. Among these regulated proteins were components belonging to the mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathway and to downstream processes including transcriptional regulation, the establishment of polarized growth, and the regulation of the cell cycle.", "Diamond-Blackfan anemia (DBA) is a rare congenital erythroid hypoplastic anemia that usually presents early in infancy and is inherited in up to 45% of cases. It is characterized by red cell aplasia, congenital anomalies, and a predisposition to cancer. Corticosteroids and red blood cell transfusions are the mainstays of therapy. We describe a case of 3-month-old infant who presented with severe anemia, elevated levels of HbF and adenosine deaminase and bilateral hydronephrosis, who was later confirmed as DBA by mutation analysis using the direct sequencing method. Direct sequencing analysis of RPS19 gene was performed with both cDNA and genomic DNA extracted from peripheral blood and a c.3G>A point mutation of exon 2 resulting in p.Met1Ile was identified in this patient. The patient showed an inadequate response to steroid therapy and a partial response to RBC transfusion with a follow-up Hb level of 8.3 g/dL on her last visit to the outpatient clinic. DBA is a genetically and phenotypically heterogeneous disease, and we have reviewed the clinical characteristics of 25 Korean patients thus far reported in the literature. To our knowledge, this is the first case of DBA confirmed by mutation analysis in Korea, and mutation identification using molecular method is recommended for confirmation of this genetically and phenotypically heterogeneous disease.", "Comparative genomics remains a pivotal strategy to study the evolution of gene organization, and this primacy is reinforced by the growing number of full genome sequences available in public repositories. Despite this growth, bioinformatic tools available to visualize and compare genomes and to infer evolutionary events remain restricted to two or three genomes at a time, thus limiting the breadth and the nature of the question that can be investigated. Here we present Genomicus, a new synteny browser that can represent and compare unlimited numbers of genomes in a broad phylogenetic view. In addition, Genomicus includes reconstructed ancestral gene organization, thus greatly facilitating the interpretation of the data.AVAILABILITY: Genomicus is freely available for online use at while data can be downloaded at", "The Department of Pediatric Cardiology, Medical University of Silesia in Katowice-Ligota, studied 24 patients with clinically diagnosed (using ECG) long-QT syndrome (LQTS) in 18 cases. Nine patients were diagnosed with LQT1 and nine with LQT2. The other six individuals were healthy, with no symptoms characteristic for prolonged QT syndrome, but came from families with confirmed disease occurrence. The study was conducted on members of four families. In order to search for mutations (using mSSCP and sequencing), genomic DNA was obtained from patients to determine the expression levels of the genes KCNQ1 and KCNH2 (HERG), involved in the occurrence of clinical signs of disease. Total RNA was extracted from peripheral blood. Consent to the use of blood samples of patients had been given by the Bioethics Commission of the Medical University of Silesia. mSSCP analysis and sequencing did not confirm the occurrence of mutations in KCNQ1 and HERG associated with the occurrence of LQTS. Analysis of gene expression profile of KCNQ1 and HERG confirmed the presence of disease in people with a known clinical diagnosis. Overexpression, as well as reduced expression, was observed for the examined genes. KCNQ1 was inhibited in two families, whereas HERG was reduced in one and overexpressed in the other. Gene expression profile analysis showed abnormal expressions of KCNQ1 and HERG in healthy subjects, which may be a sign of predisposition to develop the disease. The novelty of our study involved the use of total mRNA isolated from human peripheral blood, and the very limited evidence in the literature to date regarding the assessment of gene expression profile of HERG and KCNQ1 in relation to the presence of prolonged QT syndrome.", "IntroductionRotavirus vaccination with the live-attenuated monovalent (a G1P[8] human rotavirus strain) two-dose Rotarix vaccine was introduced in England in July 2013. Since then, there have been significant reductions in rotavirus gastroenteritis incidence.AimWe assessed the vaccine's impact on rotavirus genotype distribution and diversity 3 years post-vaccine introduction.MethodsEpidemiological and microbiological data on genotyped rotavirus-positive samples between September 2006 and August 2016 were supplied by EuroRotaNet and Public Health England. Multinomial multivariable logistic regression adjusting for year, season and age was used to quantify changes in genotype prevalence in the vaccine period. Genotype diversity was measured using the Shannon's index (H') and Simpson's index of diversity (D).ResultsWe analysed genotypes from 8,044 faecal samples. In the pre-vaccine era, G1P[8] was most prevalent, ranging from 39% (411/1,057) to 74% (527/709) per year. In the vaccine era, G1P[8] prevalence declined each season (35%, 231/654; 12%, 154/1,257; 5%, 34/726) and genotype diversity increased significantly in 6-59 months old children (H' p < 0.001: D p < 0.001). In multinomial analysis, G2P[4] (adjusted multinomial odds ratio (aMOR): 9.51; 95% confidence interval (CI): 7.02-12.90), G3P[8] (aMOR: 2.83; 95% CI: 2.17-3.81), G12P[8] (aMOR: 2.46; 95% CI: 1.62-3.73) and G4P[8] (aMOR: 1.42; 95% CI: 1.02-1.96) significantly increased relative to G1P[8].ConclusionsIn the context of reduced rotavirus disease incidence, genotype diversity has increased, with a relative change in the dominant genotype from G1P[8] to G2P[4] after vaccine introduction. These changes will need continued surveillance as the number and age of vaccinated birth cohorts increase in the future.", "BACKGROUND: Since 2006, the New Vaccine Surveillance Network has conducted active, population-based surveillance for acute gastroenteritis (AGE) hospitalizations and emergency department (ED) visits in 3 United States counties. Trends in the epidemiology and disease burden of rotavirus hospitalizations and ED visits were examined from 2006 to 2016.METHODS: Children < 3 years of age hospitalized or visiting the ED with AGE were enrolled from January 2006 through June 2016. Bulk stool specimens were collected and tested for rotavirus. Rotavirus-associated hospitalization and ED visit rates were calculated annually with 2006-2007 defined as the prevaccine period and 2008-2016 as the postvaccine period. Rotavirus genotype trends were compared over time.RESULTS: Over 11 seasons, 6954 children with AGE were enrolled and submitted a stool specimen (2187 hospitalized and 4767 in the ED). Comparing pre- and postvaccine periods, the proportion of children with rotavirus dramatically declined for hospitalization (49% vs 10%) and ED visits (49% vs 8%). In the postvaccine era, a biennial pattern of rotavirus rates was observed, with a trend toward an older median age. G1P[8] (63%) was the predominant genotype in the prevaccine period with a significantly lower proportion (7%) in the postvaccine period (P < .001). G2P[4] remained stable (8% to 14%) in both periods, whereas G3P[8] and G12P[8] increased in proportion from pre- to postvaccine periods (1% to 25% and 17% to 40%), respectively.CONCLUSIONS: The epidemiology and disease burden of rotavirus has been altered by rotavirus vaccination with a biennial disease pattern, sustained low rates of rotavirus in children < 3 years of age, and a shift in the residual genotypes from G1P[8] to other genotypes.", "BACKGROUND: Introduction of rotavirus vaccines into national immunization programs (NIPs) could result in strain selection due to vaccine-induced selective pressure. This study describes the distribution and diversity of rotavirus genotypes before and after rotavirus vaccine introduction into the Australian NIP. State-based vaccine selection facilitated a unique comparison of diversity in RotaTeq and Rotarix vaccine states.METHODS: From 1995 to 2015, the Australian Rotavirus Surveillance Program conducted genotypic analysis on 13051 rotavirus-positive samples from children <5 years of age, hospitalized with acute gastroenteritis. Rotavirus G and P genotypes were determined using serological and heminested multiplex reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction assays.RESULTS: G1P[8] was the dominant genotype nationally in the prevaccine era (1995-2006). Following vaccine introduction (2007-2015), greater genotype diversity was observed with fluctuating genotype dominance. Genotype distribution varied based on the vaccine implemented, with G12P[8] dominant in states using RotaTeq, and equine-like G3P[8] and G2P[4] dominant in states and territories using Rotarix.CONCLUSIONS: The increased diversity and differences in genotype dominance observed in states using RotaTeq (G12P[8]), and in states and territories using Rotarix (equine-like G3P[8] and G2P[4]), suggest that these vaccines exert different immunological pressures that influence the diversity of rotavirus strains circulating in Australia.", "The Short QT Syndrome is a recently described new genetic disorder, characterized by abnormally short QT interval, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and life threatening ventricular arrhythmias. This autosomal dominant syndrome can afflict infants, children, or young adults; often a remarkable family background of cardiac sudden death is elucidated. At electrophysiological study, short atrial and ventricular refractory periods are found, with atrial fibrillation and polymorphic ventricular tachycardia easily induced by programmed electrical stimulation. Gain of function mutations in three genes encoding K(+) channels have been identified, explaining the abbreviated repolarization seen in this condition: KCNH2 for I(kr) (SQT1), KCNQ1 for I(ks) (SQT2) and KCNJ2 for I(k1) (SQT3). The currently suggested therapeutic strategy is an ICD implantation, although many concerns exist for asymptomatic patients, especially in pediatric age. Pharmacological treatment is still under evaluation; quinidine has shown to prolong QT and reduce the inducibility of ventricular arrhythmias, but awaits additional confirmatory clinical data.", "The Bmi-1 oncoprotein regulates proliferation and oncogenesis in human cells. Its overexpression leads to senescence bypass in human fibroblasts and immortalization of human mammary epithelial cells. In this study, we report that compared with normal nasopharyngeal epithelial cells (NPEC), Bmi-1 is overexpressed in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell lines. Importantly, Bmi-1 was also found to be overexpressed in 29 of 75 nasopharyngeal carcinoma tumors (38.7%) by immunohistochemical analysis. In contrast to nasopharyngeal carcinoma, there was no detectable expression of Bmi-1 in noncancerous nasopharyngeal epithelium. Moreover, high Bmi-1 expression positively correlated with poor prognosis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients. We also report that the overexpression of Bmi-1 leads to bypass of senescence and immortalization of NPECs, which normally express p16(INK4a) and exhibit finite replicative life span. Overexpression of Bmi-1 in NPECs led to the induction of human telomerase reverse transcriptase activity and reduction of p16(INK4a) expression. Mutational analysis of Bmi-1 showed that both RING finger and helix-turn-helix domains of it are required for immortalization of NPECs. Our findings suggest that Bmi-1 plays an important role in the development and progression of nasopharyngeal carcinoma, and that Bmi-1 is a valuable marker for assessing the prognosis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients. Furthermore, this study provides the first cellular proto-oncogene immortalized nasopharyngeal epithelial cell line, which may serve as a cell model system for studying the mechanisms involved in the tumorigenesis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma.", "To elucidate the mechanism of thyroid hormone-induced hyperinsulinemia, the acute and direct effect of thyroid hormone administration on insulin secretion was investigated in rats in vivo and in vitro. In the perfused rat pancreas, the addition of thyroxine (10 micrograms/dL) or 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine (150 ng/dL) to the perfusing medium did not affect insulin secretion. The administration of thyroxine (40 micrograms/kg, s.c.) in vivo increased the plasma insulin level from 11 +/- 2 microUnits/mL (mean +/- SD) to 30 +/- 7 microUnits/mL, while blood glucose and plasma glucagon were unchanged. This phenomenon was inhibited completely by the preadministration of oxprenolol hydrochloride (2 mg/kg, s.c.), and inhibited partly by the preadministration of metoprolol tartrate (35 mg/kg, s.c.). These results suggest that thyroid hormone induces hyperinsulinemia via beta-adrenergic stimulation in the rat.", "BACKGROUND: Angiopoietin-like protein 3 (ANGPTL3) affects lipid metabolism by inhibiting the activity of lipoprotein and endothelial lipases. Angptl3 knockout mice have marked hypolipidemia, and heterozygous carriers of ANGPLT3, loss-of-function mutations were found among individuals in the lowest quartile of plasma triglycerides in population studies. Recently, 4 related individuals with primary hypolipidemia were found to be compound heterozygotes for ANGPTL3 loss-of-function mutations.METHODS AND RESULTS: We resequenced ANGPTL3 in 4 members of 3 kindreds originally identified for very low levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (0.97±0.16 and 0.56±0.20 mmol/L, respectively) in whom no mutations of known candidate genes for monogenic hypobetalipoproteinemia and hypoalphalipoproteinemia had been detected. These subjects were found to be homozygous or compound heterozygous for ANGPTL3 loss-of-function mutations (p.G400VfsX5, p.I19LfsX22/p.N147X) associated with the absence of ANGPTL3 in plasma. They had reduced plasma levels of triglyceride-containing lipoproteins and of HDL particles that contained only apolipoprotein A-I and pre-β-high-density lipoprotein. In addition, their apolipoprotein B-depleted sera had a reduced capacity to promote cell cholesterol efflux through the various pathways (ABCA1-, SR-BI-, and ABCG1-mediated efflux); however, these subjects had no clinical evidence of accelerated atherosclerosis. Heterozygous carriers of the ANGPTL3 mutations had low plasma ANGPTL3 and moderately reduced low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (2.52±0.38 mmol/L) but normal plasma high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.CONCLUSIONS: Complete ANGPTL3 deficiency caused by loss-of-function mutations of ANGPTL3 is associated with a recessive hypolipidemia characterized by a reduction of apolipoprotein B and apolipoprotein A-I-containing lipoproteins, changes in subclasses of high-density lipoprotein, and reduced cholesterol efflux potential of serum. Partial ANGPTL3 deficiency is associated only with a moderate reduction of low-density lipoprotein." ]
[ "The aim of the present study was to develop an experimental paradigm for the study of serotonergic neurotransmission in humans using positron emission tomography and the 5-HT2A selective radioligand [18F]altanserin. [18F]altanserin studies were conducted in seven subjects using the bolus/infusion approach designed for attaining steady state in blood and brain 2 hours after the initial [18F]altanserin administration. Three hours after commencement of radiotracer administration, 0.25 mg/kg of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, citalopram (Lundbeck, Valby, Denmark), was administered to all subjects as a constant infusion for 20 minutes. To reduce 5-HT1A-mediated autoinhibition of cortical 5-HT release, four of the seven subjects were pretreated with the partial 5-HT1A agonist pindolol for 3 days at an increasing oral dose (25 mg on the day of scanning). In each subject, the baseline condition (120 to 180 minutes) was compared with the stimulated condition (195 to 300 minutes). Despite a pronounced increase in plasma prolactin and two subjects reporting hot flushes compatible with an 5-HT-induced adverse effect, cortical [18F]altanserin binding was insensitive to the citalopram challenge, even after pindolol pretreatment. The biochemical and cellular events possibly affecting the unsuccessful translation of the citalopram/pindolol challenge into a change in 5-HT2A receptor binding of [18F]altanserin are discussed.", "Much has been learned about thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) and heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) and much remains a diagnostic and management challenge. While the pentad of thrombocytopenia, microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, fever, and renal and neurologic abnormalities characterize the clinical presentation of TTP, few patients present with all signs and symptoms. Worse yet, the pentad and its components are seen in other so-called thrombotic microangiopathies that demand different treatment approaches. HIT is another systemic disorder presenting with thrombocytopenia and/or thrombosis with potential devastating consequences whose diagnosis is difficult and management is still evolving. Highlights of the conditions and clinical and laboratory hints that allow physicians to diagnose TTP and HIT efficiently and offer patients the best available therapeutic interventions are presented.", "The aim of this study was to determine the effects of acupotomy on energy crises in rat trigger points (TrPs) by measuring mechanical pain thresholds (MPTs) and levels of acetylcholinesterase (AChE), free sarcoplasmic calcium (Ca2+), adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP), adenosine 5'-monophosphate (AMP), substance P (SP), and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) in rat muscle TrP tissue. Male Sprague Dawley rats (n = 32) were randomly divided into four groups: control, TrP, acupotomy, and lidocaine injection. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays were used to measure AChE, and free sarcoplasmic Ca2+ concentrations were determined by fluorescent staining with Fura-2 AM; high-performance liquid chromatography was used to measure ATP and AMP, and SP and CGRP were evaluated by immunohistochemistry. Compared with the control group, free sarcoplasmic Ca2+, AMP, SP, and CGRP were higher in the model group, while MPT, AChE, and ATP were lower. Treatment with acupotomy or lidocaine injection reduced free sarcoplasmic Ca2+, SP, and CGRP and increased MPTs and AChE levels compared with the model group. However, only acupotomy also led to decreased AMP and increased ATP levels relative to the model group. We conclude that acupotomy can alleviate energy crises at TrPs.", "Author information:(1)Institute of Medical Genetics, University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff CF14 4XW, UK; Division of Cancer and Genetics, School of Medicine, Cardiff University, Cardiff CF14 4XN, UK. Electronic address: of Biological Sciences, Hunter College of City University, 695 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10065, USA; Program in Biology, Graduate Center of City University, 365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10016, USA.(3)Neurology and Molecular Neuroscience Research, Institute of Life Science, Swansea University Medical School, Swansea University, Swansea SA2 8PP, UK.(4)Neurology and Molecular Neuroscience Research, Institute of Life Science, Swansea University Medical School, Swansea University, Swansea SA2 8PP, UK; Neurology department, Morriston Hospital, Swansea Bay University Hospital Health Board, Swansea SA6 6NL, UK.(5)Paediatric Neurology, University Hospital of Wales, Heath Park, Cardiff CF14 4XW, UK.(6)Division of Cancer and Genetics, School of Medicine, Cardiff University, Cardiff CF14 4XN, UK.(7)Institute of Medical Genetics, University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff CF14 4XW, UK.(8)Manchester Centre for Genomic Medicine, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust and Institute of Human Development, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9WL, UK.(9)Department of Paediatric Neurology, Royal Manchester Children's Hospital, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9WL, UK.(10)Department of Neurology, Salford Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Stott Lane, Salford M6 8HD, UK.(11)Department of Radiology, Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust, Eaton Road, Liverpool L12 2AP, UK.(12)West Midlands Regional Genetics Service, Clinical Genetics Unit, Birmingham Women's Hospital, Birmingham B15 2TG, UK.(13)Department of Paediatrics, McMaster University, 1200 Main St. W., Hamilton, ON L8N 3Z5, Canada.(14)Department of Pediatrics, Peking University First Hospital, Xicheng District, Beijing 100034, China.(15)Cipher Gene Ltd, Beijing, China.(16)Genomics England, London EC1M 6BQ, UK.(17)Neurology and Molecular Neuroscience Research, Institute of Life Science, Swansea University Medical School, Swansea University, Swansea SA2 8PP, UK; Faculty of Medicine and Health, Camperdown, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia.(18)Neurology and Molecular Neuroscience Research, Institute of Life Science, Swansea University Medical School, Swansea University, Swansea SA2 8PP, UK; Kids Neuroscience Centre, Kids Research, Children Hospital at Westmead, Sydney, NSW 2145, Australia; Brain and Mind Centre, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney, NSW 2050, Australia.", "Muenke syndrome caused by point mutation (C749G) in the FGFR3 gene affects 1 in 30,000 newborns and accounts for 25% to 30% of genetic causes of craniosynostosis. Anomalies in patients with Muenke syndrome include craniosynostosis, hypertelorism, sensorineural hearing loss, and developmental delay, among others. Most craniosynostoses in patients with Muenke syndrome involve bicoronal suture fusion. This article reports, for the first time, the existence of squamosal craniosynostosis in patients with Muenke syndrome.", "PURPOSE: GRIA3, encoding subunit 3 of glutamate ionotropic AMPA receptor, is associated with X-linked intellectual disability (ID), dysmorphic features, and non-syndromic epilepsy. We aimed to characterize electro-clinical features of patients with GRIA3 variants.METHODS: We report a patient carrying a hemizygous missense variant c.2359 G > A (p.Glu787Lys) inGRIA3 gene. Following a literature search, we also reviewed clinical, electrophysiological, radiological, and genetic features of 19 patients with GRIA3 mutations.RESULTS: This 26-month-old boy had developmental delay, early onset refractory myoclonic epilepsy, and non-convulsive refractory status epilepticus. In published reports, epilepsy was in 6 of 19 patients carrying different genotypes, though epilepsy and electroencephalogram features were not completely defined. Out of the 6 patients, one presented with generalized tonic-clonic seizures, two with myoclonic and clonic events (one also presented with epileptic spasms), and one with atypical absences and myoclonic jerks. Information on type of epilepsy was unavailable for 3 cases. Epilepsy onset was early in life and there was potential tendency for myoclonic/clonic events. The epilepsy was difficult to treat and prognosis is poor. Severity of ID ranged from mild to severe and was variably associated with bipolar affective disorder and autistic spectrum disorders. Other neurological features included hypotonia, asthenic body habitus with poor muscle bulk, and hyporeflexia.CONCLUSION: Our report expands knowledge on the electro-clinical and molecular spectrum of GRIA3 variants. Larger investigations will better define the prevalence of epilepsy, the epileptic phenotype, and syndromic features underlying GRIA3 variants.", "Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is a lethal brain tumour in adults and children. However, DNA copy number and gene expression signatures indicate differences between adult and paediatric cases. To explore the genetic events underlying this distinction, we sequenced the exomes of 48 paediatric GBM samples. Somatic mutations in the H3.3-ATRX-DAXX chromatin remodelling pathway were identified in 44% of tumours (21/48). Recurrent mutations in H3F3A, which encodes the replication-independent histone 3 variant H3.3, were observed in 31% of tumours, and led to amino acid substitutions at two critical positions within the histone tail (K27M, G34R/G34V) involved in key regulatory post-translational modifications. Mutations in ATRX (α-thalassaemia/mental retardation syndrome X-linked) and DAXX (death-domain associated protein), encoding two subunits of a chromatin remodelling complex required for H3.3 incorporation at pericentric heterochromatin and telomeres, were identified in 31% of samples overall, and in 100% of tumours harbouring a G34R or G34V H3.3 mutation. Somatic TP53 mutations were identified in 54% of all cases, and in 86% of samples with H3F3A and/or ATRX mutations. Screening of a large cohort of gliomas of various grades and histologies (n = 784) showed H3F3A mutations to be specific to GBM and highly prevalent in children and young adults. Furthermore, the presence of H3F3A/ATRX-DAXX/TP53 mutations was strongly associated with alternative lengthening of telomeres and specific gene expression profiles. This is, to our knowledge, the first report to highlight recurrent mutations in a regulatory histone in humans, and our data suggest that defects of the chromatin architecture underlie paediatric and young adult GBM pathogenesis.", "Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome (MIM 220400; JLNS), is a rare form of profound congenital deafness combined with syncopal attacks and sudden death due to prolonged QTc; it is an autosomal recessive trait. After its first description in Norway in 1957, later reports from many other countries have confirmed its occurrence. Nowhere is the prevalence so high as in Norway, where we estimate a prevalence of at least 1:200,000. The KCNQ1 and KCNE1 proteins coassemble in a potassium channel, and mutations in either the KCNQ1 gene or the KCNE1 gene disrupt endolymph production in the stria vascularis in the cochlea, causing deafness. KCNQ1 seems to be the major gene in JLNS. Long QT syndrome (LQTS) is a separate disorder of either autosomal dominant or recessive inheritance caused by mutations in four different ion channel genes; KCNQ1 is the one most frequently involved. Some heterozygous carriers of JLNS mutations in either gene may suffer from prolonged QTc and be symptomatic LQTS patients with a need for appropriate medical treatment to prevent life-threatening cardiac arrhythmia. In general, frameshift/stop mutations cause JLNS, and missense/splice site mutations cause LQTS, but a precise genotype-phenotype correlation in LQTS and JLNS is not established, which complicates both genetic counseling and clinical risk evaluation in carriers. We review JLNS from a Norwegian perspective because of the unusually high prevalence, the genetic homogeneity associated with considerable mutational heterogeneity, and some evidence for recurrent mutational events as well as one founder mutation. We outline the clinical implications for investigation of deaf children and cases of sudden infant death syndrome as well as careful electrocardiographic monitoring of identified mutation carriers to prevent sudden death. Am. J. Med. Genet. (Semin. Med. Genet.) 89:137-146, 1999." ]
[ "Bartter syndrome is a rare heterogeneous disease characterised by a deficiency in sodium and chloride absorption. Gain-of-function mutations in the CASR gene have been described in some patients with Bartter syndrome associated with hypocalcaemia and hypercalciuria. We describe a case of adult-onset Bartter syndrome with hypocalcaemia severe enough to cause osteomalacia.LEARNING POINTS: Bartter syndrome is one of the rare heterogenous diseases that present with electrolyte disturbances.Bartter syndrome type 5 also causes hypercalciuria which is not severe enough to cause osteomalacia.Patients with adult-onset Bartter syndrome should be screened promptly for osteomalacia to prevent pathological fractures and consequent complications.", "BACKGROUND: Given the extended survival of patients diagnosed with cervical cancer, the large number of these women treated with radiotherapy, and the presence in this population of established cancer risk factors such as human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and cigarette smoking, it is important to clarify long-term trends in second cancer risk.METHODS: Using data from 104,760 one-year survivors of cervical cancer reported to 13 population-based cancer registries in Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, and the United States, we calculated standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) for second cancers overall and cancers at particular sites among women with cervical cancer, including cervical cancer patients who were treated or not treated with radiation, over more than 40 years of follow-up. Cox regression models were used to assess the time-varying association of radiotherapy with risk of second cancers and to assess the interaction of radiation treatment with age at diagnosis. All statistical tests were two-sided.RESULTS: Among 104,760 one-year survivors of cervical cancer, the risk of all second cancers taken together was increased to a statistically significant extent (n = 12,496; SIR = 1.30; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.28 to 1.33). Compared with the general population, in both radiotherapy (N = 52,613) and no-radiotherapy groups (N = 27,382), risks for HPV-related cancers (of the pharynx, genital sites, and rectum/anus) and smoking-related cancers (of the pharynx, trachea/bronchus/lung, pancreas, and urinary bladder) were elevated to a statistically significant extent. Cervical cancer patients treated with radiotherapy, but not those who did not receive radiotherapy, were at increased risk for all second cancers and cancers at heavily irradiated sites (colon, rectum/anus, urinary bladder, ovary, and genital sites) beyond 40 years of follow-up compared with women in the general population. The association of radiotherapy with second cancer risk was modified by age at cervical cancer diagnosis for rectum/anus, genital sites, and urinary bladder, with higher hazard ratios for second cancer at younger ages of cervical cancer. After adjustment for competing mortality, the 40-year cumulative risk of any second cancer was higher among women diagnosed with cervical cancer before age 50 (22.2%; 95% CI = 21.5% to 22.8%) than among women diagnosed after age 50 (16.4%; 95% CI = 16.1% to 16.9%).CONCLUSION: Cervical cancer patients treated with radiotherapy are at increased risk of second cancers at sites in close proximity to the cervix beyond 40 years of follow-up.", "BACKGROUND: Predicting survival after surgery for patients with metastatic spine disease can be challenging, with multiple variables that can influence a patient's overall survival. Predictive models have been developed to assist clinicians in providing a prognosis for patients. Recently, Ghori et al. reported a composite model taking into account a modified Bauer score, preoperative albumin, and ambulatory status of patients with spinal metastasis. Using an independent cohort, we sought to assess the reliability and validity of this composite model to predict 1-year survival in patients diagnosed with metastatic cancer to the spine.PURPOSE: This study aimed to assess the reliability and validity of the Ghori et al. composite model to predict 1-year survival in patients diagnosed with metastatic cancer to the spine, using an independent cohort.STUDY DESIGN/SETTING: A retrospective study was carried out.PATIENT SAMPLE: The sample comprised 161 patients with spinal metastasis undergoing surgery.OUTCOME MEASURES: Patients' modified Bauer score, preoperative albumin, and ambulatory status were assessed.METHODS: This study used a retrospective analysis of 161 patients with spinal metastasis who underwent surgical management from 2007 to 2013. The ability of this composite model to predict 1-year survival was compared with actual patient survival using multivariable logistic regression to control for confounders, as well as post-regression diagnostics.RESULTS: Our analysis revealed significantly lower 1-year mortality among patients with higher composite scores as compared with those with lower scores. Strong associations between scores and survival were appreciated in unadjusted analysis. The final model was able to account for 80% of the variation in the 1-year survival, and there was no evidence of lack of fit.CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates, in an independent cohort of spinal metastases patients, that a composite model taking into account the ambulatory status, serum albumin, and modified Bauer score is able to better predict postoperative survival. These data serve to validate the use of this predictive model in determining the prognosis of patients with spinal metastasis.", "Because advances in therapy have increased long-term survival for women with cervical cancer, it is important to study the risk of secondary primary malignancies in high-dose organ areas. From the 1973-2009 National Cancer Institute Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) program, we studied the risk of developing cancer of the colon and rectum in 64,507 cervical cancer patients over 35 years after initial radiation treatment. We also assessed change in risk over time. Kaplan-Meier estimator for survival curve and Cox proportional hazards models was used. More than half (52.6%) of the cervical cancer patients received radiation treatment. In the analyses adjusted for race/ethnicity, age, marital status, surgery status, stage and grade, the risk of colon cancer between those both with and without XRT diverged beginning at approximately 8 years. After 8 years, the hazard ratio for developing colon cancer was 2.00 (95% CI 1.43-2.80) for women with radiation versus those without radiation treatment. The risk of rectal cancer diverged after 15 years of follow-up (HR 4.04, 95% CI 2.08-7.86). After 35 years of follow-up, the absolute risk of developing colon cancer was 6.5% for those who received radiation versus 2.5% for those without, and 3.7 versus 0.8% for rectum. The risk of colon and rectum cancer over 20 years of follow-up after radiation remained the same across three eras (1973-1980, 1981-1990, and 1991-2000). Radiation-induced second cancers of the colon and rectum may occur 8 years after radiation treatment for cervical cancer.", "Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is an aggressive and incurable malignant disease. Despite of general chemotherapy, relapse and mortality are common, highlighting the need for the development of novel targeted drugs or combination of therapeutic regimens. Recently, several drugs that target the B-cell receptor (BCR) signaling pathway, especially the Bruton's tyrosine kinase (BTK) inhibitor ibrutinib, have demonstrated notable therapeutic effects in relapsed/refractory patients, which indicate that pharmacological inhibition of BCR pathway holds promise in MCL treatment. Here, we have developed a novel irreversible BTK inhibitor, PLS-123, that has more potent and selective anti-tumor activity than ibrutinib in vitro and in vivo. Using in vitro screening, we discovered that the combination of PLS-123 and the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitor everolimus exert synergistic activity in attenuating proliferation and motility of MCL cell lines. Simultaneous inhibition of BTK and mTOR resulted in marked induction of apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in the G1 phase, which were accompanied by upregulation of pro-apoptotic proteins (cleaved Caspase-3, cleaved PARP and Bax), repression of anti-apoptotic proteins (Mcl-1, Bcl-xl and XIAP), and downregulation of regulators of the G1/S phase transition (CDK2, CDK4, CDK6 and Cyclin D1). Gene expression profile analysis revealed simultaneous treatment with these agents led to inhibition of the JAK2/STAT3, AKT/mTOR signaling pathways and SGK1 expression. Finally, the anti-tumor and pro-apoptotic activities of combination strategy have also been demonstrated using xenograft mice models. Taken together, simultaneous suppression of BTK and mTOR may be indicated as a potential therapeutic modality for the treatment of MCL.", "ERK activation is enhanced by the scaffolding proteins KSR and MP1, localized near the cell membrane and late endosomes respectively, but little is known about their dynamic interplay. We develop here a mathematical model with ordinary differential equations to describe the dynamic activation of EGFR-ERK signaling under a conventional pathway without scaffolds, a KSR-scaffolded pathway, and an MP1-scaffolded pathway, and their impacts were examined under the influence of the endosomal regulators, Cbl-CIN85 and Endophilin A1. This new integrated model, validated against experimental results and computational constraints, shows that changes of ERK activation and EGFR endocytosis in response to EGF concentrations (i.e ligand sensitivity) depend on these scaffold proteins and regulators. The KSR-scaffolded and the conventional pathways act synergistically and are sensitive to EGF stimulation. When the KSR level is high, the sensitivity of ERK activation from this combined pathway remains low when Cbl-CIN85 level is low. But, such sensitivity can be increased with increasing levels of Endophilin if Cbl-CIN85 level becomes high. However, reduced KSR levels already present high sensitivity independent of Endophilin levels. In contrast, ERK activation by MP1 is additive to that of KSR but it shows little ligand-sensitivity under high levels of EGF. This can be partly reversed by increasing level of Endophilin while keeping Cbl-CIN85 level low. Further analyses showed that high levels of KSR affect ligand-sensitivity of EGFR endocytosis whereas MP1 ensures the robustness of endosomal ERK activation. These simulations constitute a multi-dimensional exploration of how EGF-dependent EGFR endocytosis and ERK activation are dynamically affected by scaffolds KSR and MP1, co-regulated by Cbl-CIN85 and Endophilin A1. Together, these results provide a detailed and quantitative demonstration of how regulators and scaffolds can collaborate to fine-tune the ligand-dependent sensitivity of EGFR endocytosis and ERK activation which could underlie differences during normal physiology, disease states and drug responses.", "We report a 12 years old female patient with an overlap syndrome involving autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The patient presented with jaundice, hepatosplenomegaly, malaise, polyarthralgia, arthritis and butterfly rash on the face. Laboratory tests revealed severe liver dysfunction, Coombs positive hemolytic anemia and a positive ANA/anti-dsDNA test. Renal biopsy showed class IIA kidney disease, while liver biopsy showed chronic hepatitis with severe inflammatory activity. The patient satisfied the international criteria for both SLE and AIH. Clinical symptoms and laboratory findings of SLE improved with high dose treatment with corticosteroids and azathioprine, however, remission of the liver disease could not be achieved. Repeat biopsy of the liver after three years of therapy revealed ongoing chronic hepatitis with high level of inflammatory activity. The present case indicates that children with liver dysfunction and SLE should be investigated for AIH. There is much diagnostic and therapeutic dilemma in patients with AIH-SLE overlap syndrome.", "Osteosarcoma, the most common malignant bone tumor of childhood, is a high-grade primary bone sarcoma that occurs mostly in adolescence. Standard treatment consists of surgery in combination with multi-agent chemotherapy regimens. The development and approval of imatinib for Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children and the fully human monoclonal antibody, anti-GD2, as part of an immune therapy for high-risk neuroblastoma patients have established the precedent for use of targeted inhibitors along with standard chemotherapy backbones. However, few targeted agents tested have achieved traditional clinical endpoints for osteosarcoma. Many biological agents demonstrating anti-tumor responses in preclinical and early-phase clinical testing have failed to reach response thresholds to justify randomized trials with large numbers of patients. The development of targeted therapies for pediatric cancer remains a significant challenge. To aid in the prioritization of new agents for clinical testing, the Pediatric Preclinical Testing Program (PPTP) has developed reliable and robust preclinical pediatric cancer models to rapidly screen agents for activity in multiple childhood cancers and establish pharmacological parameters and effective drug concentrations for clinical trials. In this article, we examine a range of standard and novel agents that have been evaluated by the PPTP, and we discuss the preclinical and clinical development of these for the treatment of osteosarcoma. We further demonstrate that committed resources for hypothesis-driven drug discovery and development are needed to yield clinical successes in the search for new therapies for this pediatric disease.", "Incidence of second primary cancers was evaluated in 7,127 women with invasive cancer of the cervix uteri, diagnosed between 1935 and 1978, and followed up to 38 years (average, 8.9 yr) in Connecticut. Among 5,997 women treated with radiation, 449 developed second primary cancers compared with 313 expected (relative risk = 1.4) on the basis of rates from the Connecticut Tumor Registry. Excess incidence was noticeable 15 years or more after radiotherapy and attributed mostly to cancers of sites in or near the radiation field, especially the bladder, kidneys, rectum, corpus uteri, and ovaries. No excess was found for these sites among the 1,130 nonirradiated women. The ratio of observed to expected cancers for these sites did not vary appreciably by age at irradiation. The data suggested that high-dose pelvic irradiation was associated with increase in cancers of the bladder, kidneys, rectum, ovaries, corpus uteri, and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma but, apparently, not leukemia, Hodgkin's disease, breast cancer, or colon cancer.", "Growth factor-independence 1b (Gfi1b) is a zinc finger transcription factor essential for erythroid and megakaryocytic development. To better understand Gfi1b regulation and to know the implication of the level of expression of this gene in human pathology, we have searched for promoter punctual sequence variations in 214 patients with different hematological diseases. We found two previously unknown congenital mutations at evolutionary conserved GATA and octamer-binding (Oct) transcription factor sites. The Oct site mutation was also found in five relatives of the patient. The GATA motif mutation reduced promoter activity by 50% in vitro, while homozygous patients with the octamer site mutation showed a four-to-five times increase of Gfi1b RNA in platelets. Electrophoretic mobility shift analyses demonstrated that different protein complexes bind to both sites and that binding is reduced by the mutations. Finally, we found that GATA-1 and Oct-1 are the main components of each complex. This study provides evidences of a new mechanism for Gfi1b repression. This is also the first report of Gfi1b mutations with a functional implication; further investigation and follow-up will clarify the involvement of these mutations in hematological disease.", "Mechanosensitive ion channels (MSCs) have long been the only established molecular class of cell mechanosensors; however, in the last decade, a variety of non-channel type mechanosensor molecules have been identified. Many of them are focal adhesion-associated proteins that include integrin, talin, and actin. Mechanosensors must be non-soluble molecules firmly interacting with relatively rigid cellular structures such as membranes (in terms of lateral stiffness), cytoskeletons, and adhesion structures. The partner of MSCs is the membrane in which MSC proteins efficiently transduce changes in the membrane tension into conformational changes that lead to channel opening. By contrast, the integrin, talin, and actin filament form a linear complex of which both ends are typically anchored to the extracellular matrices via integrins. Upon cell deformation by forces, this structure turns out to be a portion that efficiently transduces the generated stress into conformational changes of composite molecules, leading to the activation of integrin (catch bond with extracellular matrices) and talin (unfolding to induce vinculin bindings). Importantly, this structure also serves as an \"active\" mechanosensor to detect substrate rigidity by pulling the substrate with contraction of actin stress fibers (SFs), which may induce talin unfolding and an activation of MSCs in the vicinity of integrins. A recent study demonstrates that the actin filament acts as a mechanosensor with unique characteristics; the filament behaves as a negative tension sensor in which increased torsional fluctuations by tension decrease accelerate ADF/cofilin binding, leading to filament disruption. Here, we review the latest progress in the study of those non-channel mechanosensors and discuss their activation mechanisms and physiological roles.", "BACKGROUND: Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a complex autosomal recessive disease that continues to present unique diagnostic challenges. Because CF was first described in 1938, there has been a substantial growth of genetic and phenotypic information about the disorder. During the past few years, as more evidence has become available, a consortium of international experts determined that the 2008 guidelines from the CF Foundation needed to be reviewed and updated.CONTENT: The goal of this review is to highlight the latest advances in CF multidisciplinary care, together with the recent updates to the 2017 CF Foundation diagnostic guidelines.SUMMARY: Data from newborn screening programs, patient registries, clinical databases, and functional research have led to a better understanding of the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene. Recent consensus guidelines have provided recommendations for clinicians and laboratorians to better assist with interpretation of disease status and related CF mutations. The highly recommended Clinical and Functional Translation of CFTR project should be the first resource in the evaluation of disease severity for CF mutations. Screen-positive newborns and patients with high clinical suspicion for CF are always recommended to undergo confirmatory sweat chloride testing with interpretations based on updated reference intervals. Every patient diagnosed with CF should receive genotyping, as novel molecular therapies are becoming standard of practice. The future of CF management must consider healthcare system disparities as CF transitions from a historically childhood disease to a predominantly adult epidemic." ]
[ "OBJECTIVE: To determine whether intensive combinations of conventional synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (csDMARDS) achieve similar clinical benefits more cheaply than high-cost biologics such as tumor necrosis factor inhibitors (TNFi) in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis (RA) whose illness has failed to respond to methotrexate and another DMARD.METHODS: We used within-trial cost-effectiveness and cost-utility analyses from health and social care and 2 societal perspectives. Participants were recruited into an open-label, 12-month, pragmatic, randomized, multicenter, 2-arm, noninferiority trial in 24 rheumatology clinics in England and Wales. Costs were linked with the Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ; primary outcome) and quality-adjusted life years derived from 2 measures (Short-Form 36 health survey and EuroQol 5-domain 3-level instrument).RESULTS: In total, 205 participants were recruited, 104 in the csDMARD arm and 101 in the TNFi arm. Participants in the csDMARD arm with poor response at 6 months were offered TNFi; 46 participants (44%) switched. Relevant cost and outcome data were available for 93% of participants at 6-month follow-up and for 91-92% of participants at 12-month follow-up. The csDMARD arm had significantly lower total costs from all perspectives (6-month health and social care adjusted mean difference -£3,615 [95% confidence interval (95% CI) -4,104, -3,182]; 12-month health and social care adjusted mean difference -£1,930 [95% CI -2,599, -1,301]). The HAQ score showed benefit to the csDMARD arm at 12 months (-0.16 [95% CI -0.32, -0.01]); other outcomes/follow-ups showed no differences.CONCLUSION: Starting treatment with csDMARDs, rather than TNFi, achieves similar outcomes at significantly lower costs. Patients with active RA and who meet the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence criteria for expensive biologics can be treated with combinations of intensive csDMARDs in a cost-effective manner.", "The MTH1 protein catalyzes hydrolysis of oxidatively damaged purine nucleotides including 8-hydroxy-dGTP to the monophosphates. The MTH1 protein seems to act as an important defense system against mutagenesis, carcinogenesis, and cell death induced by oxidized purine nucleotides. We previously reported that the functional groups at the 2- and 6-positions of the purine ring affect the recognition by the human MTH1 protein. 8-Hydroxy-dGTP and 8-hydroxy-dATP are substrates of MTH1, and both have the \"7,8-dihydro-8-oxo structure.\" In this study, three nucleotide analogs containing this motif were examined. A synthetic purine analog containing the 7,8-dihydro-8-oxo structure and the 2-amino function (dJTP) was hydrolyzed to the monophosphate with high efficiency by MTH1. On the other hand, two analogs that lack the two-ring system of their bases [formamidopyrimidine-dGTP (FAPY-dGTP) and 2-OH-dYTP] were poor substrates. FAPY-dGTP is a mixture of conformers and was hydrolyzed more than ten-fold less efficiently than 8-hydroxy-dGTP. These results clarify the effects of the 2-amino group and the two-ring system of the purine base on the recognition by the human MTH1 protein.", "We report a family case of type II early-onset Alzheimer's disease (AD) inherited over three generations. None of the patients in the family had mutations in the genes believed to be the major risk factors for AD, such as APP, presenilin 1 or 2. Targeted exome sequencing of 249 genes that were previously reported to be associated with AD revealed a rare mutation in hemochromatosis (HFE) gene known to be associated with hemochromotosis. Compared to previous studies, we show that HFE mutation can possess the risk of AD in transferrin-, APOE- and APP-normal patients.", "Spondyloarthritis (SpA) is an umbrella term for a group of rheumatic diseases characterised by inflammation of the sacroiliac (SI) joints and vertebral column; today, differentiation is made between axial SpA and peripheral SpA. Ankylosing spondylitis (Bechterew's disease) is the most typical form of axial SpA whereby sacroiliitis can be found on X-rays of the SI joints. Axial SpA can, however, also be present without radiographic evidence of sacroiliitis. A range of SpA-related symptoms can also manifest themselves outside the musculoskeletal system, for example, uveitis, psoriasis and inflammatory intestinal diseases. Tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α inhibitors play an important role in the treatment of SpA. New classification criteria have recently been established in which MRI of the SI joints and the presence of the HLA-B27 tissue antigen are key. Axial and peripheral SpA should be recognized early in order to be able to successfully treat these conditions.", "Dendritic cells (DC) and macrophages phagocytose pathogens and degrade them in their phagosomes to allow for proper presentation of foreign antigens to other cells of the immune system. The Plasmodium parasite, causative agent of malaria, infects RBC that are phagocytosed by DC and macrophages during the course of infection. Under specific conditions, the functionality of these cells can be affected by phagocytosis of Plasmodium-infected RBC. We investigated whether phagosomal maturation and degradation of Plasmodium yoelii-infected RBC in phagosomes is affected in DC and macrophages. We show that recruitment of the phagolysosomal marker Lamp-1 and of MHC-II, as well as acidification of phagosomes, was achieved in a timely manner. Using P. yoelii-infected RBC labelled with a fluorescent dye or transgenic green fluorescent protein (GFP)-expressing parasites, we found a gradual, rapid decrease in the phagosome fluorescence signal, indicating that P. yoelii-infected RBC are efficiently degraded in macrophages and DC. We also observed that pre-incubation of DC with infected RBC did not affect phagosomal maturation of newly internalized P. yoelii-infected RBC. In conclusion, after phagocytosis, Plasmodium-infected RBC are degraded by DC and macrophages, suggesting that the process of phagosomal maturation is effectively completed in malaria.", "BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to emphasize the clinical and imaging findings of 19 child cases of cerebral hemiatrophy.METHODS: A total of 11 male and eight female patients underwent assessment with computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. The patients ranged from 1 to 17 years in age. The evaluated parameters were: location of the lesions, midline structural shift effect, ipsilateral calvarial and parenchymal changes.RESULTS: Left cerebral hemiatrophy was seen in 14 of the cases while right cerebral hemiatrophy was observed in five cases. Unilateral calvarial thickening was seen in 11 cases, hyperpneumatization of paranasal sinuses in five, and hypoplasia of the middle frontal cranial fossa in three patients. Cerebral peduncle atrophy was noted in seven cases. In total, 11 patients had thalamic atrophy and lentiform nucleus hypoplasia. In one case, cerebral hemiatrophy was associated with ipsilateral large schizencephalic cleft and absence of the septum pellucidum, whereas in another case, there was diffuse cerebellar atrophy associated with cerebral hemiatrophy.CONCLUSION: Computed tomography and, in particular, magnetic resonance imaging are the procedures of choice with respect to assessment of the etiology and extent of cerebral parenchymal involvement in cerebral hemiatrophy.", "Cancer bears a poisoning threat to human society. Melanoma, the skin cancer, originates from skin layers and penetrates deep into subcutaneous layers. There exists an extensive research in melanoma diagnosis using dermatoscopic images captured through a dermatoscope. While designing a diagnostic model for general handheld imaging systems is an emerging trend, this article proposes a computer-aided decision support system for macro images captured by a general-purpose camera. General imaging conditions are adversely affected by nonuniform illumination, which further affects the extraction of relevant information. To mitigate it, we process an image to define a smooth illumination surface using the multistage illumination compensation approach, and the infected region is extracted using the proposed multimode segmentation method. The lesion information is numerated as a feature set comprising geometry, photometry, border series, and texture measures. The redundancy in feature set is reduced using information theory methods, and a classification boundary is modeled to distinguish benign and malignant samples using support vector machine, random forest, neural network, and fast discriminative mixed-membership-based naive Bayesian classifiers. Moreover, the experimental outcome is supported by hypothesis testing and boxplot representation for classification losses. The simulation results prove the significance of the proposed model that shows an improved performance as compared with competing arts." ]
[ "Signal peptide-CUB-EGF domain-containing protein 2 (SCUBE2) belongs to a secreted and membrane-tethered multidomain SCUBE protein family composed of three members found in vertebrates and mammals. Recent reports suggested that zebrafish scube2 could facilitate sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling for proper development of slow muscle. However, whether SCUBE2 can regulate the signaling activity of two other hedgehog ligands (Ihh and Dhh), and the developmental relevance of the SCUBE2-induced hedgehog signaling in mammals remain poorly understood. In this study, we first showed that as compared with SCUBE1 or SCUBE3, SCUBE2 is the most potent modulator of IHH signaling in vitro. In addition, gain and loss-of-function studies demonstrated that SCUBE2 exerted an osteogenic function by enhancing Ihh-stimulated osteoblast differentiation in the mouse mesenchymal progenitor cells. Consistent with these in vitro studies and the prominent roles of Ihh in coordinating skeletogenesis, genetic ablation of Scube2 (-/-) caused defective endochondral bone formation and impaired Ihh-mediated chondrocyte differentiation and proliferation as well as osteoblast differentiation of -/- bone-marrow mesenchymal stromal-cell cultures. Our data demonstrate that Scube2 plays a key regulatory role in Ihh-dependent endochondral bone formation.", "The social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum is already known as a model organism for a variety of cellular and molecular studies. Now that the genome sequencing project has been completed and different tools with which to overexpress or knock out genes are available, this species has also moved into the spotlight of functional genomics studies. Consequently, this genomic sequence information can now be exploited to realize D. discoideum proteomics projects. Here, we present validated protocols adapted for analysis of the D. discoideum proteome. The workflow described in this chapter comprises two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for protein separation and peptide mass fingerprint (matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry) for protein identification.", "We previously reported that prostate derived Ets transcription factor (PDEF) is a breast tumor-associated molecule. To obtain further insights into PDEF expression in other human tumor types, a cDNA library database from human adult normal and tumor tissues was compiled and searched for PDEF distribution. The results showed that PDEF is present at relative higher frequencies in the cDNA libraries from brain, breast, lung and ovarian tumors in comparison to those from the corresponding normal tissues. RT/PCR analysis of PDEF expression in ovarian tumors confirmed that PDEF is expressed in 36 out of 51 (71%) ovarian tumors. Further comparison of the distribution of PDEF with other widely recognized cancer-associated molecules showed that PDEF has more restricted distributions than Her-2/neu, Bcl-2, survivin or telomerase in cDNA libraries from normal human tissues and more increased distribution than Her-2/neu, CA-125, Bcl-2, survivin and telomerase in cDNA libraries from brain (except survivin), breast, lung and ovarian tumors. These data together show a better tumor-association for PDEF and suggest that PDEF is a more suitable target for developing specific cancer therapies.", "Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is characterized by rapidly evolving ascending weakness, mild sensory loss, and hyporeflexia or areflexia. Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy was the first to be recognized over a century ago and is the most common form of GBS. Axonal motor and sensorimotor variants have been described in the last three decades and are mediated by molecular mimicry targeting peripheral nerve motor axons. Other rare phenotypic variants have been recently described with pure sensory variant, restricted autonomic manifestations, and the pharyngeal-cervical-brachial pattern. It is important to recognize GBS and its variants because of the availability of equally effective therapies in the form of plasmapheresis and intravenous immunoglobulins.", "Kupffer cells (KC), by virtue of their ability to present antigen (AP) and express major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II antigen (Ia), play a pivotal role in the host defence system against invading micro-organisms. Although haemorrhagic shock depresses the above KC functions, it is not known whether increased KC tumour necrosis factor (TNF) production and elevated TNF plasma levels following haemorrhage are responsible for it. To study this, C3H/HeN mice were pretreated intraperitoneally with either anti-murine TNF antibody (anti-TNF Ab) or saline. Twenty hours later mice were bled and maintained at a mean blood pressure of 35 mmHg for 60 min followed by adequate fluid resuscitation. Two and 24 hr later, plasma was collected and KC were isolated. AP was measured by co-culturing KC with the D10.G4.1 Th cell clone. Ia expression was determined by direct immunofluorescence. Interleukin (IL)-1, IL-6 and TNF levels in KC supernatants and plasma were measured with bioassays or ELISA. Haemorrhage increased circulating TNF levels by 215% at 2 hr and by 76% at 24 hr (P less than 0.05), which was prevented by pretreatment with anti-TNF Ab. Haemorrhage-induced increase of circulating IL-6 was abolished (P less than 0.05) at 2 hr but not at 24 hr in the anti-TNF Ab group. The suppression of KC AP (P less than 0.05) and Ia expression (P less than 0.05) due to haemorrhage was attenuated (P less than 0.05) in anti-TNF Ab-treated mice at 2 and 24 hr and KC IL-1 and TNF synthesis was further (P less than 0.01) increased. These results indicate that TNF plays a critical role in the initiation and regulation of KC AP, Ia expression, and cytokine production following haemorrhage.", "Aptamers are a group of molecules, which can specifically bind, track, and inhibit target molecules, comprising DNA aptamers, RNA aptamers, and peptide aptamers. So far, there are much progress about developing novel aptamers and their expansile applications. This prospect systematically introduces the composition and technological evolution of aptamers, and then focuses on the application of aptamers in cancer diagnosis, imaging, and therapy. Following this, we discuss the potential to harness aptamers in discovering the biomarker of stem cells, which is favorable for us to study the normal developmental or abnormal pathological process of tissue and to deliver drugs into target cells or tissues in the future.", "Sarcoidosis is a systemic granulomatous disease that affects numerous organs, commonly manifesting at the lungs and skin. While corticosteroids remain the first line of treatment, tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) inhibitors have been investigated as one potential steroid sparing treatment for sarcoidosis. TNF-α is one of many components involved in the formation of granulomas in sarcoidosis. While there have been larger scale studies of biologic TNF-α inhibition in systemic sarcoidosis, studies in cutaneous disease are limited. Paradoxically, in some patients treated with biologic TNF-α inhibitors for other diseases, treatment can induce the development of sarcoidosis. In the light of this complexity, we discuss the role of TNF-α in granuloma formation, the therapeutic role of TNF-α inhibition and immunologic abnormalities following treatment with these TNF-α inhibitors including drug-specific alterations involving interferon-γ, lymphotoxin-α, TNF receptor 2 (TNFR2) and T-regulatory cells." ]
[ "1. Decapped tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) RNA and rabbit globin mRNA were prepared by enzymic treatment of RNAs with nucleotide pyrophosphatase purified from potato. The extent of removal of 5'-terminal 7-methylguanosine 5'-monophosphate (m7GMP) from TMV RNA was at least 97% as estimated by labeling of the 5' termini in vitro with S-adenosyl[methyl-3H]methionine catalysed by vaccinia virus methyltransferases. 2. The effect of enzymic decapping was compared with the effect of cap analogs on mRNAs translation in a nuclease-treated rabbit reticulocyte lysate and in a wheat germ extract. When translation was studied at low K+ concentration, little or no dependence on 5'-terminal 7-methylguanosine was found with either cell-free system. The importance of the 5'-terminal cap for the efficient translation of TMV RNA and globin mRNA increased as the concentration of K+ in a protein-synthesis system was raised. In a reticulocyte lysate analogs and enzymic decapping had a similar effect on translation. In a wheat germ extract, mRNA decapping resulted in a more pronounced decrease of mRNA activity, presumably due to the increased susceptibility of decapped mRNAs to the nucleases present in this protein synthesis system. 3. The requirement for a 5'-terminal cap was similar for the synthesis of 130,000-Mr and 165,000-Mr polypeptides coded by TMV RNA. This indicates that both proteins may be initiated at the common site close to the 5' terminus.", "The y-linked autoimmune accelerating (yaa) locus is a potent autoimmune disease allele. Transcription profiling of yaa-bearing B cells revealed the overexpression of a cluster of X-linked genes that included Tlr7. FISH analysis demonstrated the translocation of this segment onto the yaa chromosome. The resulting overexpression of Tlr7 increased in vitro responses to Toll-like receptor (TLR) 7 signaling in all yaa-bearing males. B6.yaa mice are not overtly autoimmune, but the addition of Sle1, which contains the autoimmune-predisposing Slam/Cd2 haplotype, causes the development of fatal lupus with numerous immunological aberrations. B6.Sle1yaa CD4 T cells develop the molecular signature for T(FH) cells and also show expression changes in numerous cytokines and chemokines. Disease development and all component autoimmune phenotypes were inhibited by Sles1, a potent suppressor locus. Sles1 had no effect on yaa-enhanced TLR7 signaling in vitro, and these data place Sles1 downstream from the lesion in innate immune responses mediated by TLR7, suggesting that Sles1 modulates the activation of adaptive immunity in response to innate immune signaling.", "Missense mutations in the PRESENILIN1 (PSEN1) gene frequently underlie familial Alzheimer's disease (FAD). Nonsense and most splicing mutations result in the synthesis of truncated peptides, and it has been assumed that truncated PSEN1 protein is functionless so that heterozygotes for these mutations are unaffected. Some FAD mutations affecting PSEN1 mRNA splicing cause loss of exon 8 or 9 sequences while maintaining the reading frame. We attempted to model these exon-loss mutations in zebrafish embryos by injecting morpholino antisense oligonucleotides (morpholinos) directed against splice acceptor sites in zebrafish psen1 transcripts. However, this produced cryptic changes in splicing potentially forming mRNAs encoding truncated presenilin proteins. Aberrant splicing in the region between exons 6 and 8 produces potent dominant negative effects on Psen1 protein activity, including Notch signalling, and causes a hydrocephalus phenotype. Reductions in Psen1 activity feedback positively to increase psen1 transcription through a mechanism apparently independent of gamma-secretase. We present evidence that the dominant negative effects are mediated through production of truncated Psen1 peptides that interfere with the normal activity of both Psen1 and Psen2. Mutations causing such truncations would be dominant lethal in embryo development. Somatic cellular changes in ageing cells that interfere with PSEN1 splicing, or otherwise cause protein truncation, might contribute to sporadic Alzheimer's disease, cancer and other diseases.", "The CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF) is multi-functional, ubiquitously expressed, and highly conserved from Drosophila to human. It has important roles in transcriptional insulation and the formation of a high-dimensional chromatin structure. CTCF has a paralog called \"Brother of Regulator of Imprinted Sites\" (BORIS) or \"CTCF-like\" (CTCFL). It binds DNA at sites similar to those of CTCF. However, the expression profiles of the two proteins are quite different. We investigated the evolutionary trajectories of the two proteins after the duplication event using a phylogenomic and interactomic approach. We find that CTCF has 52 direct interaction partners while CTCFL only has 19. Almost all interactors already existed before the emergence of CTCF and CTCFL. The unique secondary loss of CTCF from several nematodes is paralleled by a loss of two of its interactors, the polycomb repressive complex subunit SuZ12 and the multifunctional transcription factor TYY1. In contrast to earlier studies reporting the absence of BORIS from birds, we present evidence for a multigene synteny block containing CTCFL that is conserved in mammals, reptiles, and several species of birds, indicating that not the entire lineage of birds experienced a loss of CTCFL. Within this synteny block, BORIS and its genomic neighbors seem to be partitioned into two nested chromatin loops. The high expression of SPO11, RAE1, RBM38, and PMEPA1 in male tissues suggests a possible link between CTCFL, meiotic recombination, and fertility-associated phenotypes. Using the 65,700 exomes and the 1000 genomes data, we observed a higher number of intergenic, non-synonymous, and loss-of-function mutations in CTCFL than in CTCF, suggesting a reduced strength of purifying selection, perhaps due to less functional constraint.", "The ubiquitous transcription factor Yin Yang 1 (YY1) is known to have a fundamental role in normal biologic processes such as embryogenesis, differentiation, replication, and cellular proliferation. YY1 exerts its effects on genes involved in these processes via its ability to initiate, activate, or repress transcription depending upon the context in which it binds. Mechanisms of action include direct activation or repression, indirect activation or repression via cofactor recruitment, or activation or repression by disruption of binding sites or conformational DNA changes. YY1 activity is regulated by transcription factors and cytoplasmic proteins that have been shown to abrogate or completely inhibit YY1-mediated activation or repression; however, these mechanisms have not yet been fully elucidated. Since expression and function of YY1 are known to be intimately associated with progression through phases of the cell cycle, the physiologic significance of YY1 activity has recently been applied to models of tumor biology. The majority of the data are consistent with the hypothesis that YY1 overexpression and/or activation is associated with unchecked cellular proliferation, resistance to apoptotic stimuli, tumorigenesis and metastatic potential. Studies involving hematopoetic tumors, epithelial-based tumors, endocrine organ malignancies, hepatocellular carcinoma, and retinoblastoma support this hypothesis. Molecular mechanisms that have been investigated include YY1-mediated downregulation of p53 activity, interference with poly-ADP-ribose polymerase, alteration in c-myc and nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappaB) expression, regulation of death genes and gene products, and differential YY1 binding in the presence of inflammatory mediators. Further, recent findings implicate YY1 in the regulation of tumor cell resistance to chemotherapeutics and immune-mediated apoptotic stimuli. Taken together, these findings provide strong support of the hypothesis that YY1, in addition to its regulatory roles in normal biologic processes, may possess the potential to act as an initiator of tumorigenesis and may thus serve as both a diagnostic and prognostic tumor marker; furthermore, it may provide an effective target for antitumor chemotherapy and/or immunotherapy.", "BACKGROUND: Glutathione (GSH) plays an important role in neuronal oxidant defence. Depletion of cellular GSH is observed in neurodegenerative diseases and thereby contributes to the associated oxidative stress and Ca2+ dysregulation. Whether depletion of cellular GSH, associated with neuronal senescence, directly influences Ca2+ permeation pathways is not known. Transient receptor potential melastatin type 2 (TRPM2) is a Ca2+ permeable non-selective cation channel expressed in several cell types including hippocampal pyramidal neurons. Moreover, activation of TRPM2 during oxidative stress has been linked to cell death. Importantly, GSH has been reported to inhibit TRPM2 channels, suggesting they may directly contribute to Ca2+ dysregulation associated with neuronal senescence. Herein, we explore the relation between cellular GSH and TRPM2 channel activity in long-term cultures of hippocampal neurons.RESULTS: In whole-cell voltage-clamp recordings, we observe that TRPM2 current density increases in cultured pyramidal neurons over time in vitro. The observed increase in current density was prevented by treatment with NAC, a precursor to GSH synthesis. Conversely, treatment of cultures maintained for 2 weeks in vitro with L-BSO, which depletes GSH by inhibiting its synthesis, augments TRPM2 currents. Additionally, we demonstrate that GSH inhibits TRPM2 currents through a thiol-independent mechanism, and produces a 3.5-fold shift in the dose-response curve generated by ADPR, the intracellular agonist for TRPM2.CONCLUSION: These results indicate that GSH plays a physiologically relevant role in the regulation of TRPM2 currents in hippocampal pyramidal neurons. This interaction may play an important role in aging and neurological diseases associated with depletion of GSH.", "BACKGROUND: The zinc finger (ZF) protein CTCF (CCCTC-binding factor) is highly conserved in Drosophila and vertebrates where it has been shown to mediate chromatin insulation at a genomewide level. A mode of genetic regulation that involves insulators and insulator binding proteins to establish independent transcriptional units is currently not known in nematodes including Caenorhabditis elegans. We therefore searched in nematodes for orthologs of proteins that are involved in chromatin insulation.RESULTS: While orthologs for other insulator proteins were absent in all 35 analysed nematode species, we find orthologs of CTCF in a subset of nematodes. As an example for these we cloned the Trichinella spiralis CTCF-like gene and revealed a genomic structure very similar to the Drosophila counterpart. To investigate the pattern of CTCF occurrence in nematodes, we performed phylogenetic analysis with the ZF protein sets of completely sequenced nematodes. We show that three ZF proteins from three basal nematodes cluster together with known CTCF proteins whereas no zinc finger protein of C. elegans and other derived nematodes does so.CONCLUSION: Our findings show that CTCF and possibly chromatin insulation are present in basal nematodes. We suggest that the insulator protein CTCF has been secondarily lost in derived nematodes like C. elegans. We propose a switch in the regulation of gene expression during nematode evolution, from the common vertebrate and insect type involving distantly acting regulatory elements and chromatin insulation to a so far poorly characterised mode present in more derived nematodes. Here, all or some of these components are missing. Instead operons, polycistronic transcriptional units common in derived nematodes, seemingly adopted their function.", "The clinical manifestations associated with H5N1 infection in humans range from asymptomatic infection to mild upper respiratory illness, severe pneumonia, and multiple organ failure. The ratio of symptomatic cases to asymptomatic cases is not known, because it is not possible to precisely define the number of asymptomatic cases. A total of 97 cases suffering from avian flu were suspected based on history taking, demographic data, clinical manifestations, laboratory and radiological investigations. The followings were done for all cases; complete blood picture (differential leucocytic count), coagulation profile, renal and liver function tests. H5N1 influenza virus was diagnosed thorough PCR technique. Changes in arterial blood gases and repeated chest X-rays were reported frequently. All patients were given specific antiviral therapy (oseltamivir). The study described the clinical picture and laboratory results of 81 confirmed avian influenza human cases in an Egyptian hospital (Abassia chest hospital), and reviewed the avian influenza current situation covering from March 2006 to June 2009 with very high pick in the first half of 2009. The significant apparent symptoms were fever as initial and main symptom (93.75%), followed by shortness of breathing (73%), cough (66.6%), muscle & joint pain (60%) and sore throat (40%).", "Conserved noncoding elements (CNEs) constitute the majority of sequences under purifying selection in the human genome, yet their function remains largely unknown. Experimental evidence suggests that many of these elements play regulatory roles, but little is known about regulatory motifs contained within them. Here we describe a systematic approach to discover and characterize regulatory motifs within mammalian CNEs by searching for long motifs (12-22 nt) with significant enrichment in CNEs and studying their biochemical and genomic properties. Our analysis identifies 233 long motifs (LMs), matching a total of approximately 60,000 conserved instances across the human genome. These motifs include 16 previously known regulatory elements, such as the histone 3'-UTR motif and the neuron-restrictive silencer element, as well as striking examples of novel functional elements. The most highly enriched motif (LM1) corresponds to the X-box motif known from yeast and nematode. We show that it is bound by the RFX1 protein and identify thousands of conserved motif instances, suggesting a broad role for the RFX family in gene regulation. A second group of motifs (LM2*) does not match any previously known motif. We demonstrate by biochemical and computational methods that it defines a binding site for the CTCF protein, which is involved in insulator function to limit the spread of gene activation. We identify nearly 15,000 conserved sites that likely serve as insulators, and we show that nearby genes separated by predicted CTCF sites show markedly reduced correlation in gene expression. These sites may thus partition the human genome into domains of expression.", "Macropinocytosis is a form of endocytosis that accompanies cell surface ruffling. It is distinct in many ways from the better characterized micropinocytosis, which includes clathrin-coated vesicle endocytosis and small uncoated vesicles. Because macropinosomes are relatively large, they provide an efficient route for non-selective endocytosis of solute macromolecules. This route may facilitate MHC-class-II-restricted antigen presentation by dendritic cells. Because the ruffling that leads to macropinocytosis is regulated, it has been exploited by some pathogenic bacteria as a novel route for entry into cells.", "Hemophilic pseudotumor is a rare complication of hemophilia. We present the case of a male toddler with moderate hemophilia A and cranial hemophilic pseudotumor managed with factor VIII infusions. We also provide a review of the literature. Recognition of this rare manifestation of this complication of hemophilia is important to provide correct treatment and avoid unnecessary investigations, particularly biopsy, which is contraindicated in this condition.", "FLASH protein is a component of death-inducing signaling complex and might be involved in death receptor-mediated extrinsic apoptosis. Here we developed the peptide aptamer against death effecter domain recruiting domain (DRD) of FLASH protein and showed that the peptide bound to FLASH protein in vitro. Intracellular expression of the DRD-binding peptide aptamer specifically suppressed receptor-mediated extrinsic apoptosis but not intrinsic pathway, which was recapitulated by the antisense oligonucleotides for FLASH. These data suggest that DRD-binding peptide is not only a novel inhibitor modulating receptor-mediated apoptosis but also a tool for elucidating the roles of FLASH in apoptosis." ]
[ "INTRODUCTION: We established a colony of dogs that harbor an X-linked MTM1 missense mutation.Muscle from affected male dogs exhibits reduction and altered localization of the MTM1 gene product, myotubularin, and provides a model analogous to X-linked myotubular myopathy (XLMTM).METHODS: We studied hindlimb muscle function in age-matched canine XLMTM genotypes between ages 9 and 18 weeks.RESULTS: By the end of the study, affected dogs produce only ∼15% of the torque generated by normals or carriers (0.023 ± 0.005 vs. 0.152 ± 0.007 and 0.154 ± 0.003 N-m/kg body mass, respectively, P < 0.05) and are too weak to stand unassisted. At this age, XLMTM dogs also demonstrate an abnormally low twitch:tetanus ratio, a right-shifted torque-frequency relationship and an increase in torque during repetitive stimulation (P < 0.05).CONCLUSIONS: We hypothesize that muscle weakness results from impaired excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling. Interventions that improve E-C coupling might be translated from the XLMTM dog model to patients.", "BACKGROUND: Enteric aganglionosis in Hirschsprung disease has been linked to genes coding for endothelin-3 (EDN3) and the endothelin B receptor (EDNRB), but there is no such linkage in most patients with sporadic Hirschsprung disease. However, the similarity between the distal colonic aganglionosis in Hirschsprung disease and that due to EDN3 or EDNRB mutations led to the hypothesis that levels of expression of these genes might be affected in the absence of mutation, thus causing the Hirschsprung disease phenotype. The aim of this study was to determine EDN3 and EDNRB messenger RNA (mRNA) levels in tissue samples from patients with sporadic Hirschsprung disease.METHODS: RNA and DNA were isolated from the ganglionic and aganglionic colonic segments of ten children with sporadic Hirschsprung disease, and from the colon of ten age-matched controls. The DNA was analysed for mutations in the genes coding for endothelin-3 (ET-3) and endothelin B receptor (ET-B) proteins. Relative levels of EDN3 and EDNRB mRNA were determined by semi-quantitative transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction.RESULTS: Three children had sequence variants in EDN3 and EDNRB. In the remaining seven patients, EDN3 mRNA levels were reduced in both the ganglionic and aganglionic colon compared with levels in controls; there was no difference in expression of EDNRB between groups.CONCLUSION: In the absence of mutation, EDN3 is downregulated in short-segment Hirschsprung disease, suggesting that this may be a common step leading to aganglionosis.", "INTRODUCTION: Polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, M-protein and skin changes (POEMS) syndrome is a fatal systemic disorder associated with plasma cell dyscrasia and the overproduction of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Recently, the prognosis of POEMS was substantially improved by introduction of therapeutic intervention for myeloma. However, no randomised clinical trial has been performed because of the rarity and severity of the disease.METHODS AND ANALYSIS: The Japanese POEMS syndrome with Thalidomide (J-POST) Trial is a phase II/III multicentre, double-blinded, randomised, controlled trial that aims to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a 24-week treatment with thalidomide in POEMS syndrome, with an additional 48-week open-label safety study. Adults with POEMS syndrome who have no indication for transplantation are assessed for eligibility at 12 tertiary neurology centres in Japan. Patients who satisfy the eligibility criteria are randomised (1:1) to receive thalidomide (100-300 mg daily) plus dexamethasone (12 mg/m(2) on days 1-4 of a 28-day cycle) or placebo plus dexamethasone. Both treatments were administered for 24 weeks (six cycles; randomised comparative study period). Patients who complete the randomised study period or show subacute deterioration during the randomised period participate in the subsequent 48-week open-label safety study (long-term safety period). The primary end point of the study is the reduction rate of serum VEGF levels at 24 weeks.ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: The protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board of each hospital. The trial was notified and registered at the Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Agency, Japan (No. 22-1716). The J-POST Trial is currently ongoing and is due to finish in August 2015. The findings of this trial will be disseminated through peer-reviewed publications and conference presentations and will also be disseminated to participants.TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: UMIN000004179 and JMA-IIA00046.", "The 3'-ends of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic mRNA are polyadenylated, but the poly(A) tracts of prokaryotic mRNA are generally shorter, ranging from 15 to 60 adenylate residues and associated with only 2-60% of the molecules of a given mRNA species. The sites of polyadenylation of bacterial mRNA are diverse and include the 3'-ends of primary transcripts, the sites of endonucleolytic processing in the 3' untranslated and intercistronic regions, and sites within the coding regions of mRNA degradation products. The diversity of polyadenylation sites suggests that mRNA polyadenylation in prokaryotes is a relatively indiscriminate process that can occur at all mRNA's 3'-ends and does not require specific consensus sequences as in eukaryotes. Two poly(A) polymerases have been identified in Escherichia coli. They are encoded by unlinked genes, neither of which is essential for growth, suggesting significant functional overlap. Polyadenylation promotes the degradation of a regulatory RNA that inhibits the replication of bacterial plasmids and may play a similar role in the degradation of mRNA. However, under certain conditions, poly(A) tracts may lead to mRNA stabilization. Their ability to bind S1 ribosomal protein suggests that poly(A) tracts may also play a role in mRNA translation.", "Lamin B1 plays an important role in the nuclear envelope stability, the regulation of gene expression, and neural development. Duplication of LMNB1, or missense mutations increasing LMNB1 expression, are associated with autosomal-dominant leukodystrophy. On the basis of its role in neurogenesis, it has been postulated that LMNB1 variants could cause microcephaly. Here, we confirm this hypothesis with the identification of de novo mutations in LMNB1 in seven individuals with pronounced primary microcephaly (ranging from -3.6 to -12 SD) associated with relative short stature and variable degree of intellectual disability and neurological features as the core symptoms. Simplified gyral pattern of the cortex and abnormal corpus callosum were noted on MRI of three individuals, and these individuals also presented with a more severe phenotype. Functional analysis of the three missense mutations showed impaired formation of the LMNB1 nuclear lamina. The two variants located within the head group of LMNB1 result in a decrease in the nuclear localization of the protein and an increase in misshapen nuclei. We further demonstrate that another mutation, located in the coil region, leads to increased frequency of condensed nuclei and lower steady-state levels of lamin B1 in proband lymphoblasts. Our findings collectively indicate that de novo mutations in LMNB1 result in a dominant and damaging effect on nuclear envelope formation that correlates with microcephaly in humans. This adds LMNB1 to the growing list of genes implicated in severe autosomal-dominant microcephaly and broadens the phenotypic spectrum of the laminopathies.", "Author information:(1)MRC Human Genetics Unit, Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.(2)Yorkshire Regional Genetics Service, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Department of Clinical Genetics, Chapel Allerton Hospital, Leeds, UK.(3)West Midlands Regional Genetics Service, Birmingham Women's NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham Women's Hospital, Edgbaston, Birmingham, UK.(4)Northern Ireland Regional Genetics Service, Belfast City Hospital, Belfast, UK.(5)Liverpool Centre for Genomic Medicine, Liverpool Women's Hospital, Liverpool, UK.(6)Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK.(7)Wessex Clinical Genetics Service, University Hospital Southampton, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, Southampton, UK.(8)Wessex Clinical Genetics Service, Princess Anne Hospital, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, Southampton, UK.(9)Human Development and Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK.(10)Department of Radiology, Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburgh, UK.(11)Department of Clinical Genetics, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Scotland, UK.(12)Clinical Genetics Service, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, City Hospital Campus, Nottingham, UK.(13)MRC Human Genetics Unit, Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.", "A 9-year-old Caucasian boy affected by hot water epilepsy, with positive family history, experienced complex partial seizures during contact with hot water. A video-EEG recording was taken while hot water was poured onto his chest. Hot water epilepsy is rarely described in European countries, where bathing epilepsy in younger children is more common and often confused with this type of epilepsy.", "Thalidomide was developed in the 1950s as a sedative drug and withdrawn in 1961 because of its teratogenic effects, but has been rediscovered as an immuno-modulatory drug. It has been administered successfully for the treatment of erythema nodosum leprosum, aphthous ulceration and cachexia in HIV disease, inflammatory bowel diseases, and several malignant diseases. The suppressive effect of thalidomide on the activation of the nuclear transcription factor NF-κB may explain these effects of thalidomide. NF-κB is retained in the cytoplasm with IκBα, and is activated by a wide variety of inflammatory stimuli including TNF, IL-1 and endotoxin followed by its translocation to the nucleus. Angiogenesis and organogenesis also require gene transcription and signal translocation. The findings shed new light on the anti-inflammatory properties of thalidomide and suggest pharmaceutical actions of thalidomide via interference of transcription mechanism. I reviewed the effects of thalidomide on auto-inflammatory diseases of childhood." ]
[ "The effects on growth, body composition, and metabolism of a protein-restricted diet supplemented with essential aminoacids, the calcium-ketoacids of valine, leucine, isoleucine, and phenylalanine, and the calcium-hydroxyacid of methionine, were investigated in seven growth-retarded children with chronic renal failure. During 0.4 to 1.0 years of treatment there were significant increases in growth velocity and upper arm circumference SD scores, body cell mass (intracellular water calculated as tritium space minus corrected sodium bromide space) and serum transferrin. Blood urea and urea:creatinine ratio fell in all children. Renal function assessed from plasma creatinine and 51Cr EDTA clearance did not change significantly. During treatment there was an increase in plasma calcium, high levels necessitating brief interruption of therapy in two children, and a decrease in plasma phosphate. Levels of serum parathormone fell in all children, and were correlated inversely with plasma calcium and positively with plasma phosphate. Abnormalities compared to control children in blood aminoacid and branched-chain ketoacid levels were unaffected by treatment. These results suggest that a protein-restricted diet supplemented with essential aminoacids and calcium-keto and hydroxyacids may be useful to improve linear growth and nutritional status in children with chronic renal failure, and that a reduction in hyperparathyroidism may be partly responsible for some of the beneficial effects observed.", "Author information:(1)Renal, Vascular and Diabetes Research Laboratory, Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain and Spanish Biomedical Research Centre in Diabetes and Associated Metabolic Disorders (CIBERDEM), Spain. Electronic address:, Vascular and Diabetes Research Laboratory, Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain and Spanish Biomedical Research Centre in Diabetes and Associated Metabolic Disorders (CIBERDEM), Spain. Electronic address:, Vascular and Diabetes Research Laboratory, Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain and Spanish Biomedical Research Centre in Diabetes and Associated Metabolic Disorders (CIBERDEM), Spain. Electronic address: of Hematology, Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Madrid, Spain. Electronic address: of Endocrinology, Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Madrid, Spain. Electronic address: of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain. Electronic address:, Vascular and Diabetes Research Laboratory, Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain and Spanish Biomedical Research Centre in Diabetes and Associated Metabolic Disorders (CIBERDEM), Spain. Electronic address:, Vascular and Diabetes Research Laboratory, Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Fundación Jiménez Díaz, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain and Spanish Biomedical Research Centre in Diabetes and Associated Metabolic Disorders (CIBERDEM), Spain. Electronic address:", "Alpha-Lactalbumin is the main whey protein in human milk rising 2,44 g/L in mature milk. It has a key function in the synthesis of lactose from glucose and galactose in the mammary gland although this compound has also other beneficial effects on the infant health due to the high proportion of essential aminoacids (tryptophan and cysteine). It seems also to increase iron absorption in the digestive track, and in in vitro experiments, linked to oleic acid (HAMLET complex), has shown anticarcinogenic effects against cellular tumor such as human papilloma. In addition, this complex has been reported to exhibit antimicrobial properties against Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, enteropathogenic strains of Escherichia coli and Salmonella thypimurium. However, the in vivo synthesis of HAMLET complex during milk digestion has not been proved yet. Infant formula have been improved considerably during the last decades not only adapting nutrient concentrations to infants requirements but also by the addition of new bioactive ingredients such as alpha-lactalbumin, to have the same functional effect as in breast fed babies.", "Heyde syndrome is a triad of aortic stenosis, acquired coagulopathy, and anemia due to bleeding from intestinal angiodysplasia. Here we describe a case of this syndrome. An 80-year-old woman with severe aortic stenosis was referred to our department for an aortic valve replacement. She suffered from recurrent iron-deficiency anemia and required transfusions every 2 weeks. Gastroscopy and colonoscopy were normal with the exception of angiodysplasia without bleeding in the cecum. After aortic valve replacement her anemia was resolved. She was discharged on postoperative day 22. No transfusions were needed after the procedure. To date, her hemoglobin has remained stable at >10 mg/dL.", "The most common transposable genetic element in humans, long interspersed element 1 (L1), constitutes about 20% of the genome. The activity of L1 and related transposons such as Alu elements causes disease and contributes to speciation. Little is known about the cellular mechanisms that control their spread. We show that expression of human APOBEC3B or APOBEC3F decreased the rate of L1 retrotransposition by 5-10-fold. Expression of two related proteins, APOBEC3D or APOBEC3G, had little effect. The mechanism of L1 inhibition did not correlate with an obvious subcellular protein distribution as APOBEC3B appeared predominantly nuclear and APOBEC3F was mostly cytosolic. Two lines of evidence indicated that these APOBEC3 proteins use a deamination-independent mechanism to inhibit L1. First, a catalytically inactive APOBEC3B mutant maintained L1 inhibition activity. Second, cDNA strand-specific C --> T hypermutations were not detected among L1 elements that had replicated in the presence of APOBEC3B or APOBEC3F. In addition, lower levels of retrotransposed L1 DNA accumulated in the presence of APOBEC3B and APOBEC3F. Together, these data combined to suggest a model in which APOBEC3B or APOBEC3F provide a preintegration barrier to L1 retrotransposition. A particularly high level of APOBEC3F protein in human testes and an inverse correlation between L1 activity and APOBEC3 gene number suggest the relevance of this mechanism to mammals.", "BACKGROUND: Plant food lacks vitamin B12, vitamin D and higher n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Essential aminoacids methionine and lysine can be found in significantly lower amounts. On the contrary, the culinary and technologically non-processed plant food and whole-grain products contain essential nutrients in a highly condensed form. The aim of the study was to compare nutritional status of adults on alternative or on traditional diet and sequels of the diet to body metabolism.METHODS AND RESULTS: The group on alternative diet consisted of 89 lacto-ovo-vegetarians (age 38.7 +/- 0.6 years, average duration of vegetarianism 7.8 years). Control group on traditional diet (omnivores, n = 84) was formed as an average sample. Nutritional regime was determined using dietetic questionnaire on the food intake regularity. Vegetarians consume optimal amount of fat (along with recommendations of OVD) with predominance of vegetal lipids. They have low intake of cholesterol (62.8 mg), recommended ratio of saturated fatty acids (SFA), monounsaturated (MUFA), and polyunsaturated (PUFA) 6.5:10.6:8.9 energetic percent. Their ratio of linolic:alpha-linolenic acid (10.4:1) also corresponds with recommendations. In traditional diet, the content of lipids and energy usually exceeds the norm of OVD (by 33% or 19% respectively), cholesterol intake is much higher (512.2 mg, 200 mg is recommended as a maximum). Higher is the amount taken of SFA (11.2 energetic %, recommended 7%), and not sufficient is the intake of alpha-linolenic acid (68% of OVD). People on alternative diet have low plasma levels of risk lipid parameters and significantly higher levels of antisclerotic substances. As a result of significantly higher intake of fruits and vegetables, plant oil, sprouts, seeds, and whole-grain food the plasma levels of antioxidative vitamins are in vegetarians higher then threshold. It reduces the risk of the free-radical disease. On the contrary, vegetarians have deficits in methionine intake, and 15% of them have hypoproteinemia is (0% in omnivores). Low plasma levels of iron and calcium, occurrence of hyposideremia (16% versus 2%) and hypocalcemia (21% versus 8%) corresponds with intake of vegetal absorption inhibitors (fytolic acid, oxalic acid, roughage). Frequently a mild form of hyperhomocysteinemia is found (28% versus 5%), resulting vitamin B12 deficit.CONCLUSIONS: Vegetarian diet is optimal for prevention of free-radical diseases, especially those of the cardiovascular system. It may bring a risk from the point of view of low iron and calcium absorption, low intake of methionine and occurrence of mild forms of hyperhomocysteinemia. In traditional diet, total lipid content should be lowered, amount of vegetable oil with alpha-linolenic acid should be elevated as well as fruit and vegetable consummation. Whole grain food and oily seeds should be included into the daily food.", "Linkage testing using Affymetrix 6.0 SNP Arrays mapped the disease locus in TCD-G, an Irish family with autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (adRP), to an 8.8 Mb region on 1p31. Of 50 known genes in the region, 11 candidates, including RPE65 and PDE4B, were sequenced using di-deoxy capillary electrophoresis. Simultaneously, a subset of family members was analyzed using Agilent SureSelect All Exome capture, followed by sequencing on an Illumina GAIIx platform. Candidate gene and exome sequencing resulted in the identification of an Asp477Gly mutation in exon 13 of the RPE65 gene tracking with the disease in TCD-G. All coding exons of genes not sequenced to sufficient depth by next generation sequencing were sequenced by di-deoxy sequencing. No other potential disease-causing variants were found to segregate with disease in TCD-G. The Asp477Gly mutation was not present in Irish controls, but was found in a second Irish family provisionally diagnosed with choroideremia, bringing the combined maximum two-point LOD score to 5.3. Mutations in RPE65 are a known cause of recessive Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA) and recessive RP, but no dominant mutations have been reported. Protein modeling suggests that the Asp477Gly mutation may destabilize protein folding, and mutant RPE65 protein migrates marginally faster on SDS-PAGE, compared with wild type. Gene therapy for LCA patients with RPE65 mutations has shown great promise, raising the possibility of related therapies for dominant-acting mutations in this gene.", "The cyclophilins are widely expressed enzymes that catalyze the interconversion of the cis and trans peptide bonds of prolines. The immunosuppressive natural products cyclosporine A and sanglifehrin A inhibit the enzymatic activity of the cyclophilins. Chemical modification of both the cyclosporine and sanglifehrin scaffolds has produced many analogues that inhibit cyclophilins in vitro but have reduced immunosuppressive properties. Three nonimmunosuppressive cyclophilin inhibitors (alisporivir, SCY-635, and NIM811) have demonstrated clinical efficacy for the treatment of hepatitis C infection. Additional candidates are in various stages of preclinical development for the treatment of hepatitis C or myocardial reperfusion injury. Recent publications suggest that cyclophilin inhibitors may have utility for the treatment of diverse viral infections, inflammatory indications, and cancer. In this review, we document the structure-activity relationships of the nonimmunosuppressive cyclosporins and sanglifehrins in clinical and preclinical development. Aspects of the pharmacokinetic behavior and chemical biology of these drug candidates are also described.", "BACKGROUND: Diffuse myocardial fibrosis, and to a lesser extent global myocardial edema, are important processes in heart disease which are difficult to assess or quantify with cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) using conventional late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) or T1-mapping. Measurement of the myocardial extracellular volume fraction (ECV) circumvents factors that confound T1-weighted images or T1-maps. We hypothesized that quantitative assessment of myocardial ECV would be clinically useful for detecting both focal and diffuse myocardial abnormalities in a variety of common and uncommon heart diseases.METHODS: A total of 156 subjects were imaged including 62 with normal findings, 33 patients with chronic myocardial infarction (MI), 33 with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), 15 with non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), 7 with acute myocarditis, 4 with cardiac amyloidosis, and 2 with systemic capillary leak syndrome (SCLS). Motion corrected ECV maps were generated automatically from T1-maps acquired pre- and post-contrast calibrated by blood hematocrit. Abnormally-elevated ECV was defined as >2SD from the mean ECV in individuals with normal findings. In HCM the size of regions of LGE was quantified as the region >2 SD from remote.RESULTS: Mean ECV of 62 normal individuals was 25.4 ± 2.5% (m ± SD), normal range 20.4%-30.4%. Mean ECV within the core of chronic myocardial infarctions (without MVO) (N=33) measured 68.5 ± 8.6% (p<0.001 vs normal). In HCM, the extent of abnormally elevated ECV correlated to the extent of LGE (r=0.72, p<0.001) but had a systematically greater extent by ECV (mean difference 19 ± 7% of slice). Abnormally elevated ECV was identified in 4 of 16 patients with non-ischemic DCM (38.1 ± 1.9% (p<0.001 vs normal) and LGE in the same slice appeared \"normal\" in 2 of these 4 patients. Mean ECV values in other disease entities ranged 32-60% for cardiac amyloidosis (N=4), 40-41% for systemic capillary leak syndrome (N=2), and 39-56% within abnormal regions affected by myocarditis (N=7).CONCLUSIONS: ECV mapping appears promising to complement LGE imaging in cases of more homogenously diffuse disease. The ability to display ECV maps in units that are physiologically intuitive and may be interpreted on an absolute scale offers the potential for detection of diffuse disease and measurement of the extent and severity of abnormal regions.", "OBJECTIVE: To report a single patient case that presented with a probable drug interaction between warfarin and 3 methods of hormonal contraceptives, as assessed by the Horn Interaction Probability Scale.CASE SUMMARY: A 33-year-old female patient required long-term anticoagulation following an aortic valve replacement. While taking warfarin (38.5 mg weekly), she transitioned from a monophasic combined oral contraceptive (ethinyl estradiol plus norethindrone) to an implantable progestin-only contraceptive (etonogestrel) on the advice of her cardiologist. Nineteen days following etonogestrel implant insertion, her international normalized ratio (INR) decreased to 1.8 and required a 55.8% warfarin dose increase (resulting dose of 60 mg weekly). Within 10 months, the patient elected to have the implant removed due to vaginal bleeding. Nine days following removal of etonogestrel, she experienced a transient INR increase to 6.5. Her INR returned to within goal range after her warfarin dose was decreased to 55.5 mg weekly. After using barrier methods of contraception for 48 days, she initiated an oral progestin-only contraceptive (norethindrone). Further warfarin dose adjustments were made, resulting in a weekly warfarin dose of 53.5 mg. Thirty-nine days after initiation of oral norethindrone, she elected to discontinue use due to vaginal bleeding and no longer uses hormonal contraceptive methods. No further adjustments to her warfarin dose were warranted.DISCUSSION: The increased warfarin requirement observed in this patient may have been a result of multiple factors. Based on a literature review, we hypothesize that the predominant mechanism of interaction was ethinyl estradiol inhibition of CYP1A2 and 2C19.CONCLUSIONS: We recommend that further in vivo studies be completed to definitively identify the mechanism of the interaction. It is necessary to intensify warfarin monitoring upon initiation or alteration of hormonal contraceptives.", "NFAT (nuclear factor of activated T cell) proteins are expressed in most immune system cells and regulate the transcription of cytokine genes critical for the immune response. The activity of NFAT proteins is tightly regulated by the Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein phosphatase 2B/calcineurin (CaN). Dephosphorylation of NFAT by CaN is required for NFAT nuclear localization. Current immunosuppressive drugs such as cyclosporin A and FK506 block CaN activity thus inhibiting nuclear translocation of NFAT and consequent cytokine gene transcription. The inhibition of CaN in cells outside of the immune system may contribute to the toxicities associated with cyclosporin A therapy. In a search for safer immunosuppressive drugs, we identified a series of 3,5-bistrifluoromethyl pyrazole (BTP) derivatives that block Th1 and Th2 cytokine gene transcription. The BTP compounds block the activation-dependent nuclear localization of NFAT as determined by electrophoretic mobility shift assays. Confocal microscopy of cells expressing fluorescent-tagged NFAT confirmed that the BTP compounds block calcium-induced movement of NFAT from the cytosol to the nucleus. Inhibition of NFAT was selective because the BTP compounds did not affect the activation of NF-kappaB and AP-1 transcription factors. Treatment of intact T cells with the BTP compounds prior to calcium ionophore-induced activation of CaN caused NFAT to remain in a highly phosphorylated state. However, the BTP compounds did not directly inhibit the dephosphorylation of NFAT by CaN in vitro, nor did the drugs block the dephosphorylation of other CaN substrates including the type II regulatory subunit of protein kinase A and the transcription factor Elk-1. The data suggest that the BTP compounds cause NFAT to be maintained in the cytosol in a phosphorylated state and block the nuclear import of NFAT and, hence, NFAT-dependent cytokine gene transcription by a mechanism other than direct inhibition of CaN phosphatase activity. The novel inhibitors described herein will be useful in better defining the cellular regulation of NFAT activation and may lead to identification of new therapeutic targets for the treatment of autoimmune disease and transplant rejection.", "BACKGROUND: Good local control of high-grade non-small round cell soft tissue sarcomas (NSRCSTSs) has been achieved with significant advances in surgical techniques and radiotherapy. However, the role of chemotherapy remains controversial. Our aim was to investigate the efficacy, feasibility and adverse effects of neoadjuvant and adjuvant chemotherapy with modified mesna, adriamycin, ifosfamide and dacarbazine (MAID) regimen for NSRCSTSs.METHODS: We conducted a retrospective review of 40 consecutive patients (29 men, 11 women; median age 47 years) with high-grade NSRCSTSs treated in two referral centers between 2004 and 2009 (median follow-up 38.5 months). Patients with distant or nodal metastases at diagnosis were excluded. The regimen consisted of ifosfamide 2,500 mg/m(2)/6 h (days 1-3), mesna 2,500 mg/m(2)/6 h (days 1-3), tetrahydropyranyl adriamycin 20 mg/m(2)/0.5 h (days 1-3), and dacarbazine 300 mg/m(2)/1 h (days 1-3).RESULTS: Among the 26 evaluable patients, there were 8 with a partial response, 15 with stable disease, and 3 with progressive disease. Two- and 5-year overall survival rates were 92 and 86%, respectively, and corresponding disease-free survival rates were 80 and 77%. All relapses were metastases without local recurrence. Grade 3-4 neutropenia, anemia and thrombocytopenia were observed in 38, 18, and 21 patients, respectively. No serious infectious complications occurred due to the administration of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor and prophylactic antibiotics. No other life-threatening serious adverse events were observed.CONCLUSION: The modified MAID regimen achieved a better outcome with less serious adverse events than previously reported and is a potential option in the management of NSRCSTSs. Further evaluation with long-term follow-up is required.", "Achalasia is an incurable neuromuscular disorder of the esophagus, resulting from destruction of the esophageal myenteric plexus. This leads to aperistalsis and failure of the lower esophageal sphincter to relax after swallowing. Symptoms of achalasia are gradual in onset and include dysphagia, regurgitation, and weight loss. Severe malnutrition can ensue. Wernicke's encephalopathy (WE) is a serious, potentially fatal, neurologic disorder caused by thiamine deficiency (vitamin B(1)), classically described as presenting with a triad of ocular abnormalities, ataxia, and confusion. The incidence is uncertain, and many cases likely go unrecognized. It is usually diagnosed in the alcoholic population. We describe its onset after the successful surgical treatment of achalasia.", "Understanding of frontotemporal lobar degeneration, the underlying pathology most often linked to the clinical diagnosis of frontotemporal dementia, is rapidly increasing. Mutations in 7 known genes (MAPT, GRN, C9orf72, VCP, CHMP2B, and, rarely, TARDBP and FUS) are associated with frontotemporal dementia, and the pathologic classification of frontotemporal lobar degeneration has recently been modified to reflect these discoveries. Mutations in one of these genes (GRN), which encodes progranulin, have been implicated in up to a quarter of cases of frontotemporal lobar degeneration with TDP-43 (TAR DNA-binding protein 43)-positive inclusions; currently, there are more than 60 known pathogenic mutations of the gene. We present the clinical, pathologic, and genetic findings on 6 cases from 4 families, 5 of which were shown to have a novel GRN c.708+6_+9delTGAG mutation.", "BACKGROUND: Current chemotherapy in platinum-resistant ovarian cancer patients has demonstrated minimal to no improvements in survival. Despite the lack of benefit, significant resources are utilized with such therapies. Therefore, the objective in the current study was to assess the cost-effectiveness of salvage chemotherapy for patients with platinum-resistant epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC).METHODS: A decision analysis model evaluated a hypothetical cohort of 4000 platinum-resistant patients with recurrent EOC. Several chemotherapy strategies were analyzed: 1) best supportive care (BSC); 2) second-line chemotherapy-monotherapy; 3) second-line chemotherapy-combination therapy; 4) third-line chemotherapy after disease progression on second-line monotherapy; and 5) third-line chemotherapy after disease progression on second-line combination therapy. Sensitivity analyses were performed on all pertinent uncertainties.RESULTS: Using costs alone, BSC was the only definitive cost-effective treatment for platinum-resistant recurrent ovarian cancer patients, and second-line monotherapy was a reasonable cost-effective strategy with an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of 64,104 dollars. The cost-effectiveness ranged from 4,065 dollars per month of overall survival (OS) for BSC to 12,927 dollars for third-line previous combination therapy. Compared with BSC, second-line monotherapy gained an additional 3 months of OS, with a cost-effectiveness of 4,703 dollars per month of OS. Second-line combination therapy and third-line therapies exhibited unfavorable ICER.CONCLUSIONS: The current decision analysis was intended to be thought-provoking and bring awareness to the high costs of subsequent chemotherapy with limited effectiveness in patients with recurrent platinum-resistant EOC. Although actual patients may receive multiple lines of chemotherapy, from the perspective of costs alone this model using a hypothetical cohort demonstrated that best supportive care was the only cost-effective strategy, with second-line monotherapy appearing to be a reasonable cost-effective strategy given current chemotherapeutic options.", "Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that affects around 1% of the population worldwide. The two main therapies, pharmacology and the electrical stimulation, both have some shortcomings. For instance, pharmacological therapy is frequently accompanied by side effects, and current anticonvulsive drugs fail to be effective to around a third of patients. These patients could suffer astrocyte-related epilepsy, as increasing evidence indicates that dysfunctions of astrocytes can result in epilepsy. However, epilepsy drugs that affect astrocytes are not available currently. Although electrical stimulation has benefited many patients, the electrode stimulates unselective neurons or circuits. All these need to develop new strategies for improving the life of the patients. As channelrhodopsins (ChRs) were discovered, a novel method referred to as \"optogenetics\" was developed. It has advantages over electrical stimulation of being less-invasiveness and allowing spatiotemporally stimulation. Recently, a number of experiments have explored the treatments for epilepsy with optogenetic control of neurons. Here, we discuss the possibility that an optogenetic approach could be used to control the release of gliotransmitters and improve astrocyte function such as glutamate and K(+) uptake, and thereby offer a potential strategy to investigate and treat astrocyte-related epilepsy." ]
[ "Germline activation of H-RAS oncogenes is the primary cause of Costello syndrome (CS), a neuro-cardio-facio-cutaneous developmental syndrome. Here we describe the generation of a mouse model of CS by introduction of an oncogenic Gly12Val mutation in the mouse H-Ras locus using homologous recombination in ES cells. Germline expression of the endogenous H-RasG12V oncogene, even in homozygosis, resulted in hyperplasia of the mammary gland. However, development of tumors in these mice was rare. H-RasG12V mutant mice closely phenocopied some of the abnormalities observed in patients with CS, including facial dysmorphia and cardiomyopathies. These mice also displayed alterations in the homeostasis of the cardiovascular system, including development of systemic hypertension, extensive vascular remodeling, and fibrosis in both the heart and the kidneys. This phenotype was age dependent and was a consequence of the abnormal upregulation of the renin-Ang II system. Treatment with captopril, an inhibitor of Ang II biosynthesis, prevented development of the hypertension condition, vascular remodeling, and heart and kidney fibrosis. In addition, it partially alleviated the observed cardiomyopathies. These mice should help in elucidating the etiology of CS symptoms, identifying additional defects, and evaluating potential therapeutic strategies.", "The pesticide rotenone has been shown to cause systemic inhibition of mitochondrial complex I activity, with consequent degeneration of dopamine neurons along the nigrostriatal pathway, as observed in Parkinson's disease (PD). Recently, intracranial infusion of rotenone was found to increase the protein levels of the Lewy body constituents, α-synuclein and small ubiquitin-related modifier-1(SUMO-1), in the lesioned hemisphere of the mouse brain. These findings are supportive of a mouse model of PD, but information about the dopamine-synthesizing enzyme, tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), an essential marker of dopaminergic status, was not reported. Clarification of this issue is important because an intracranial rotenone mouse model of Parkinson's disease has not been established. Towards this end, the present study examined the effects of intracranial rotenone treatment on TH and α-synuclein immunohistochemistry in addition to forelimb motor function. Mice were unilaterally infused with either vehicle or rotenone (2μg/site) in both the medial forebrain bundle and the substantia nigra. The forelimb asymmetry (cylinder) test indicated a significant decrease in use of the contralateral forelimb in lesioned animals as compared to the sham group. Densitometric analysis revealed a significant depletion of TH immunofluorescence within the ipsilateral striatum and substantia nigra of lesioned animals. Moreover, a significant bilateral increase in α-synuclein immunofluorescence was found in the substantia nigra of lesioned mice, as compared to control animals. These findings indicate that this intracranial rotenone mouse model will be useful for studies of neurodegenerative disorders such as PD.", "INTRODUCTION: To assess the efficacy of desvenlafaxine (administered as desvenlafaxine succinate) in outpatients with major depressive disorder.METHODS: A meta-analysis of individual patient data was performed on the complete set of registration trials (nine randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled 8-week studies) of desvenlafaxine. Patients received fixed (50, 100, 200, or 400 mg/day; n=1,342) or flexible doses (100-400 mg/day; n=463) of desvenlafaxine or placebo (n=1,108). The primary efficacy variable was the 17-item Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D(17)); the primary intent to treat analyses used the last-observation-carried-forward method.RESULTS: Significantly greater improvement with desvenlafaxine versus placebo on the HAM-D(17) total score was observed for the full data set (difference in adjusted means: -1.9; P<.001), each fixed-dose group (all P<.001), and the flexible-dose group (P=.024). Overall rates of HAM-D1(17) response (> or =150% decrease from baseline score: 53% vs 41%) and remission (HAM-D(17) < or =7: 32% vs 23%) were significantly greater for desvenlafaxine versus placebo (all P<.001). Discontinuation rates due to adverse events increased with dose (4% to 18%; placebo: 3%).CONCLUSION: Desvenlafaxine demonstrated short-term efficacy for treating major depressive disorder across the range of doses studied. No evidence of greater efficacy was observed with doses >50 mg/day; a strong dose-response effect on tolerability was observed.", "OBJECTIVE: To determine whether intensive combinations of conventional synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (csDMARDS) achieve similar clinical benefits more cheaply than high-cost biologics such as tumor necrosis factor inhibitors (TNFi) in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis (RA) whose illness has failed to respond to methotrexate and another DMARD.METHODS: We used within-trial cost-effectiveness and cost-utility analyses from health and social care and 2 societal perspectives. Participants were recruited into an open-label, 12-month, pragmatic, randomized, multicenter, 2-arm, noninferiority trial in 24 rheumatology clinics in England and Wales. Costs were linked with the Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ; primary outcome) and quality-adjusted life years derived from 2 measures (Short-Form 36 health survey and EuroQol 5-domain 3-level instrument).RESULTS: In total, 205 participants were recruited, 104 in the csDMARD arm and 101 in the TNFi arm. Participants in the csDMARD arm with poor response at 6 months were offered TNFi; 46 participants (44%) switched. Relevant cost and outcome data were available for 93% of participants at 6-month follow-up and for 91-92% of participants at 12-month follow-up. The csDMARD arm had significantly lower total costs from all perspectives (6-month health and social care adjusted mean difference -£3,615 [95% confidence interval (95% CI) -4,104, -3,182]; 12-month health and social care adjusted mean difference -£1,930 [95% CI -2,599, -1,301]). The HAQ score showed benefit to the csDMARD arm at 12 months (-0.16 [95% CI -0.32, -0.01]); other outcomes/follow-ups showed no differences.CONCLUSION: Starting treatment with csDMARDs, rather than TNFi, achieves similar outcomes at significantly lower costs. Patients with active RA and who meet the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence criteria for expensive biologics can be treated with combinations of intensive csDMARDs in a cost-effective manner.", "Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are involved in the development of various diseases, but there is little knowledge of circRNAs in osteoarthritis (OA). The aim of study was to identify circRNA expression in articular cartilage and to explore the function of chondrocyte extracellular matrix (ECM)-related circRNAs (circRNA-CER) in cartilage. To identify circRNAs that are specifically expressed in cartilage, we compared the expression of circRNAs in OA cartilage with that in normal cartilage. Bioinformatics was employed to predict the interaction of circRNAs and mRNAs in cartilage. Loss-of-function and rescue experiments for circRNA-CER were performed in vitro. A total of 71 circRNAs were differentially expressed in OA and normal cartilage. CircRNA-CER expression increased with interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor levels in chondrocytes. Silencing of circRNA-CER using small interfering RNA suppressed MMP13 expression and increased ECM formation. CircRNA-CER could compete for miR-136 with MMP13. Our results demonstrated that circRNA-CER regulated MMP13 expression by functioning as a competing endogenous RNA (ceRNA) and participated in the process of chondrocyte ECM degradation. We propose that circRNA-CER could be used as a potential target in OA therapy.", "INTRODUCTION: Metastatic melanoma is an aggressive disease resistant to chemotherapy. Recent clinical trials have reported improved survival for two novel agents; ipilimumab, a humanized, IgG1 monoclonal antibody that blocks cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 (CTLA-4) and vemurafenib , a BRAF (v-raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B1) inhibitor targeting an activating mutation in the serine-threonine-protein kinase BRAF gene.AREAS COVERED: The authors reviewed preclinical and clinical data examining the safety of vemurafenib in melanoma. MEDLINE and EMBASE were searched using the medical subject heading 'vemurafenib' and the following text terms: melanoma, BRAF inhibition, vemurafenib. This review provides the reader with an overview of current data examining the efficacy and safety of vemurafenib in metastatic melanoma.EXPERT OPINION: Vemurafenib is an oral agent licensed for patients with BRAF V600E mutation-positive inoperable and metastatic melanoma. The most common adverse effects observed in Phase III clinical trials were dermatological events, arthralgia and fatigue. Specific dermatological toxicities included development of cutaneous squamous cell cancers and keratoacanthomas. Prolongation of the QT interval was also reported. Regular dermatological assessments and electrocardiograms are recommended. Ongoing trials are examining vemurafenib in both the adjuvant setting and metastatic setting in combination with ipilimumab and MEK inhibitors (mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular signal-regulated kinase). Understanding and overcoming mechanisms of resistance to BRAF inhibitors is the focus of ongoing research.", "Both intact fetal cells as well as cell-free fetal DNA are present in the maternal circulation and can be recovered for non-invasive prenatal genetic diagnosis. Although methods for enrichment and isolation of rare intact fetal cells have been challenging, diagnosis of fetal chromosomal aneuploidy including trisomy 21 in first- and second-trimester pregnancies has been achieved with a 50-75% detection rate. Similarly, cell-free fetal DNA can be reliably recovered from maternal plasma and assessed by quantitative PCR to detect fetal trisomy 21 and paternally derived single gene mutations. Real-time PCR assays are robust in detecting low-level fetal DNA concentrations, with sensitivity of approximately 95-100% and specificity near 100%. Comparing intact fetal cell versus cell-free fetal DNA methods for non-invasive prenatal screening for fetal chromosomal aneuploidy reveals that the latter is at least four times more sensitive. These preliminary results do not support a relationship between frequency of intact fetal cells and concentration of cell-free fetal DNA. The above results imply that the concentration of fetal DNA in maternal plasma may not be dependent on circulating intact fetal cells but rather be a product of growth and cellular turnover during embryonic or fetal development." ]
[ "Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a debilitating disease with a poor prognosis. Therapeutic options remain limited despite the introduction of prostacyclin analogues, endothelin receptor antagonists and phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors within the last 15 years; these interventions address predominantly the endothelial and vascular dysfunctionS associated with the condition, but simply delay progression of the disease rather than offer a cure. In an attempt to improve efficacy, emerging approaches have focused on targeting the pro-proliferative phenotype that underpins the pulmonary vascular remodelling in the lung and contributes to the impaired circulation and right heart failure. Many novel targets have been investigated and validated in animal models of PH, including modulation of guanylate cyclases, phosphodiesterases, tyrosine kinases, Rho kinase, bone morphogenetic proteins signalling, 5-HT, peroxisome proliferator activator receptors and ion channels. In addition, there is hope that combinations of such treatments, harnessing and optimizing vasodilator and anti-proliferative properties, will provide a further, possibly synergistic, increase in efficacy; therapies directed at the right heart may also offer an additional benefit. This overview highlights current therapeutic options, promising new therapies, and provides the rationale for a combination approach to treat the disease.", "One of the main features of neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is benign neurofibromas, 10-20% of which become transformed into malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNSTs). The molecular basis of NF1 tumorigenesis is, however, still unclear. Ninety-one tumors from 31 NF1 patients were screened for gross changes in the NF1 gene using microsatellite/restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers; loss of heterozygosity (LOH) was found in 17 out of 91 (19%) tumors (including two out of seven MPNSTs). Denaturing high performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC) was then used to screen 43 LOH-negative and 10 LOH-positive tumors for NF1 microlesions at both RNA and DNA levels. Thirteen germline and 12 somatic mutations were identified, of which three germline (IVS7-2A>G, 3731delT, 6117delG) and eight somatic (1888delG, 4374-4375delCC, R2129S, 2088delG, 2341del18, IVS27b-5C>T, 4083insT, Q519P) were novel. A mosaic mutation (R2429X) was also identified in a neurofibroma by DHPLC analysis and cloning/sequencing. The observed somatic and germline mutational spectra were similar in terms of mutation type, relative frequency of occurrence, and putative underlying mechanisms of mutagenesis. Tumors lacking mutations were screened for NF1 gene promoter hypermethylation but none were found. Microsatellite instability (MSI) analysis revealed MSI in five out of 11 MPNSTs as compared to none out of 70 neurofibromas (p=1.8 x 10(-5)). The screening of seven MPNSTs for subtle mutations in the CDKN2A and TP53 genes proved negative, although the screening of 11 MPNSTs detected LOH involving either the TP53 or the CDKN2A gene in a total of four tumors. These findings are consistent with the view that NF1 tumorigenesis is a complex multistep process involving a variety of different types of genetic defect at multiple loci.", "BACKGROUND: Introduction of rotavirus vaccines into national immunization programs (NIPs) could result in strain selection due to vaccine-induced selective pressure. This study describes the distribution and diversity of rotavirus genotypes before and after rotavirus vaccine introduction into the Australian NIP. State-based vaccine selection facilitated a unique comparison of diversity in RotaTeq and Rotarix vaccine states.METHODS: From 1995 to 2015, the Australian Rotavirus Surveillance Program conducted genotypic analysis on 13051 rotavirus-positive samples from children <5 years of age, hospitalized with acute gastroenteritis. Rotavirus G and P genotypes were determined using serological and heminested multiplex reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction assays.RESULTS: G1P[8] was the dominant genotype nationally in the prevaccine era (1995-2006). Following vaccine introduction (2007-2015), greater genotype diversity was observed with fluctuating genotype dominance. Genotype distribution varied based on the vaccine implemented, with G12P[8] dominant in states using RotaTeq, and equine-like G3P[8] and G2P[4] dominant in states and territories using Rotarix.CONCLUSIONS: The increased diversity and differences in genotype dominance observed in states using RotaTeq (G12P[8]), and in states and territories using Rotarix (equine-like G3P[8] and G2P[4]), suggest that these vaccines exert different immunological pressures that influence the diversity of rotavirus strains circulating in Australia.", "OBJECTIVES: The aim of this report is to assess the safety of endovascular treatment for chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI). Although balloon angioplasty and stenting seem to be safe procedures, there are currently no data on the treatment of a large group of patients with this vascular pathology.METHODS: A total of 564 endovascular procedures (balloon angioplasty or, if this procedure failed, stenting) were performed during 344 interventions in 331 CCSVI patients with associated multiple sclerosis.RESULTS: Balloon angioplasty alone was performed in 192 cases (55.8%), whereas the stenting of at least one vein was required in the remaining 152 cases (44.2%). There were no major complications (severe bleeding, venous thrombosis, stent migration or injury to the nerves) related to the procedure, except for thrombotic occlusion of the stent in two cases (1.2% of stenting procedures) and surgical opening of femoral vein to remove angioplastic balloon in one case (0.3% of procedures). Minor complications included occasional technical problems (2.4% of procedures): difficulty removing the angioplastic balloon or problems with proper placement of stent, and other medical events (2.1% of procedures): local bleeding from the groin, minor gastrointestinal bleeding or cardiac arrhythmia.CONCLUSIONS: The procedures appeared to be safe and well tolerated by the patients, regardless of the actual impact of the endovascular treatments for venous pathology on the clinical course of multiple sclerosis, which warrants long-term follow-up.", "BACKGROUND: Achondroplasia is a genetic disorder that inhibits endochondral ossification, resulting in disproportionate short stature and clinically significant medical complications. Vosoritide is a biologic analogue of C-type natriuretic peptide, a potent stimulator of endochondral ossification.METHODS: In a multinational, phase 2, dose-finding study and extension study, we evaluated the safety and side-effect profile of vosoritide in children (5 to 14 years of age) with achondroplasia. A total of 35 children were enrolled in four sequential cohorts to receive vosoritide at a once-daily subcutaneous dose of 2.5 μg per kilogram of body weight (8 patients in cohort 1), 7.5 μg per kilogram (8 patients in cohort 2), 15.0 μg per kilogram (10 patients in cohort 3), or 30.0 μg per kilogram (9 patients in cohort 4). After 6 months, the dose in cohort 1 was increased to 7.5 μg per kilogram and then to 15.0 μg per kilogram, and in cohort 2, the dose was increased to 15.0 μg per kilogram; the patients in cohorts 3 and 4 continued to receive their initial doses. At the time of data cutoff, the 24-month dose-finding study had been completed, and 30 patients had been enrolled in an ongoing long-term extension study; the median duration of follow-up across both studies was 42 months.RESULTS: During the treatment periods in the dose-finding and extension studies, adverse events occurred in 35 of 35 patients (100%), and serious adverse events occurred in 4 of 35 patients (11%). Therapy was discontinued in 6 patients (in 1 because of an adverse event). During the first 6 months of treatment, a dose-dependent increase in the annualized growth velocity was observed with vosoritide up to a dose of 15.0 μg per kilogram, and a sustained increase in the annualized growth velocity was observed at doses of 15.0 and 30.0 μg per kilogram for up to 42 months.CONCLUSIONS: In children with achondroplasia, once-daily subcutaneous administration of vosoritide was associated with a side-effect profile that appeared generally mild. Treatment resulted in a sustained increase in the annualized growth velocity for up to 42 months. (Funded by BioMarin Pharmaceutical; numbers, NCT01603095, NCT02055157, and NCT02724228.).", "The t(14,18) chromosomal translocation that occurs in human follicular lymphoma constitutively activates the BCL2 gene and disrupts control of apoptosis. Interestingly, 70% of the t(14,18) translocations are confined to three 15-bp clusters positioned within a 150-bp region (major breakpoint region or [MBR]) in the untranslated portion of terminal exon 3. We analyzed DNA-protein interactions in the MBR, as these may play some role in targeting the translocation to this region. An 87-bp segment (87MBR) immediately 3' to breakpoint cluster 3 was essential for DNA-protein interaction monitored with mobility shift assays. We further delineated a core binding region within 87MBR: a 33-bp, very AT-rich sequence highly conserved between the human and mouse BCL2 gene (37MBR). We have purified and identified one of the core factors as the matrix attachment region (MAR) binding protein, SATB1, which is known to bind to AT-rich sequences with a high propensity to unwind. Additional factors in nuclear extracts, which we have not yet characterized further, increased SATB1 affinity for the 37MBR target four- to fivefold. Specific binding activity within 37MBR displayed cell cycle regulation in Jurkat T cells, while levels of SATB1 remained constant throughout the cell cycle. Finally, we demonstrated in vivo binding of SATB1 to the MBR, strongly suggesting the BCL2 major breakpoint region is a MAR. We discuss the potential consequences of our observations for both MBR fragility and regulatory function.", "We previously isolated and characterized a coding region determinant-binding protein (CRD-BP) that might regulate c-myc mRNA post-transcriptionally. CRD-BP binds specifically to the coding region of c-myc mRNA and might stabilize c-myc mRNA in vitro by protecting it from endonucleolytic cleavage. Since c-myc abundance is regulated during embryonic development and cell replication, we investigated whether CRD-BP is also regulated in animal tissues. We focused on CRD-BP expression during rat liver development and liver regeneration, because c-myc mRNA is regulated post-transcriptionally in both cases. CRD-BP expression parallels c-myc expression during liver development; the protein is present in fetal and neonatal liver but is absent or in low abundance in adult liver. In contrast, the up-regulation of c-myc mRNA following partial hepatectomy is not accompanied by up-regulation of CRD-BP. To our knowledge, CRD-BP is the first example of a putative mammalian mRNA-binding protein that is abundant in a fetal tissue but either absent from or scarce in adult tissues. Its expression in fetal liver and in transformed cell lines suggests CRD-BP is an oncofetal protein." ]
[ "While studies of alternative pre-mRNA splicing regulation have typically focused on RNA-binding proteins and their target sequences within nascent message, it is becoming increasingly evident that mRNA splicing, RNA polymerase II (pol II) elongation and chromatin structure are intricately intertwined. The majority of introns in higher eukaryotes are excised prior to transcript release in a manner that is dependent on transcription through pol II. As a result of co-transcriptional splicing, variations in pol II elongation influence alternative splicing patterns, wherein a slower elongation rate is associated with increased inclusion of alternative exons within mature mRNA. Physiological barriers to pol II elongation, such as repressive chromatin structure, can thereby similarly impact splicing decisions. Surprisingly, pre-mRNA splicing can reciprocally influence pol II elongation and chromatin structure. Here, we highlight recent advances in co-transcriptional splicing that reveal an extensive network of coupling between splicing, transcription and chromatin remodeling complexes. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Chromatin in time and space.", "To study the role of caspase-6 during nuclear disassembly, we generated a chicken DT40 cell line in which both alleles of the caspase-6 gene were disrupted. No obvious morphological differences were observed in the apoptotic process in caspase-6- deficient cells compared with the wild type. However, examination of apoptosis in a cell-free system revealed a block in chromatin condensation and apoptotic body formation when nuclei from HeLa cells expressing lamin A or lamin A-transfected Jurkat cells were incubated in caspase-6-deficient apoptotic extracts. Transfection of exogenous caspase-6 into the clone reversed this phenotype. Lamins A and C, which are caspase-6-only substrates, were cleaved by the wild-type and heterozygous apoptotic extracts but not by the extracts lacking caspase-6. Furthermore, the caspase-6 inhibitor z-VEID-fmk mimicked the effects of caspase-6 deficiency and prevented the cleavage of lamin A. Taken together, these observations indicate that caspase-6 activity is essential for lamin A cleavage and that when lamin A is present it must be cleaved in order for the chromosomal DNA to undergo complete condensation during apoptotic execution.", "Intellectual disability (ID) refers to deficits in mental abilities, social behavior, and motor skills to perform activities of daily living as compared to peers. Numerous genetic and environmental factors may be responsible for ID. We report on elucidation of molecular basis for syndromic ID associated with ptosis, polydactyly, and MRI features suggestive of Joubert syndrome using homozygosity mapping followed by exome sequencing. The analysis revealed a novel synonymous variation p.T293T (c.879G>A) which leads to a splicing defect in ARMC9 gene. The variant is present in conserved region of ARM domain of ARMC9 protein, which is predicted to form a platform for protein interaction. This domain is likely to be altered in patient due to splicing defect caused by this synonymous variation. Our report of variant in ARMC9 Leading to Joubert syndrome phenotype (JS30), elucidates the genetic heterogeneity of Joubert syndrome, and expands the gene list for ciliopathies.", "PURPOSE: Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) is considered a complex genetic disease, in which malfunctioning or dysregulation of one or more genes has been proposed to be responsible for the expressed phenotype. However, to date, no disease causing genes has been identified and the pathogenesis of AIS remains unknown. The aim of this study is, therefore, to identify specific molecules with differing expression patterns in AIS compared to healthy individuals.METHODS: Microarray analysis and quantitative RT-PCR have examined differences in the gene transcription profile between primary osteoblasts derived from spinal vertebrae of AIS patients and those of healthy individuals.RESULTS: There are 145 genes differentially expressed in AIS osteoblasts. A drastic and significant change has been noted particularly in the expression levels of Homeobox genes (HOXB8, HOXB7, HOXA13, HOXA10), ZIC2, FAM101A, COMP and PITX1 in AIS compared to controls. Clustering analysis revealed the interaction of these genes in biological pathways crucial for bone development, in particular in the differentiation of skeletal elements and structural integrity of the vertebrae.CONCLUSIONS: This study reports on the expression of molecules that have not been described previously in AIS. We also provide for the first time gene interaction pathways in AIS pathogenesis. These genes are involved in various bone regulatory and developmental pathways and many of them can be grouped into clusters to participate in a particular biological pathway. Further studies can be built on our findings to further elucidate the association between different biological pathways and the pathogenesis of AIS.", "Idiopathic scoliosis (IS) affects approximately 2%-3% of the population and has a heritable component. The genetics of this disorder are complex. Here, we describe a family in which a pericentric inversion of chromosome 8 co-segregates with IS. We have used fluorescence in situ hybridization to identify cloned DNAs that span the breakpoints on the two arms of the chromosome. We have identified a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) of 150 kb that crosses the q-arm breakpoint and a BAC of 120 kb that crosses the p-arm breakpoint. The complete genomic DNA sequence of these BACs has been analyzed to identify candidate genes and to localize further the precise breakpoints. This has revealed that the p-arm break does not interrupt any known gene and occurs in a region of highly repetitive sequence elements. On the q-arm, the break occurs between exons 10 and 11 of the gamma-1 syntrophin (SNTG1) gene. Syntrophins are a group of cytoplasmic peripheral membrane proteins that associate directly with dystrophin, the Duchenne muscular dystrophy gene; gamma1-syntrophin has been shown to be a neuronal cell-specific protein. Mutational analysis of SNTG1 exons in 152 sporadic IS patients has revealed a 6-bp deletion in exon 10 of SNTG1 in one patient and a 2-bp insertion/deletion mutation occurring in a polypyrimidine tract of intronic sequence 20 bases upstream of the SNTG1 exon 5 splice site in two patients. These changes were not seen in a screen of 480 control chromosomes. Genomic DNAs from seven affected individuals within the family of a patient carrying the 6-bp deletion were typed to determine whether the alteration co-segregated with IS. The deletion was only observed in five out of these seven individuals. Thus, although genetic heterogeneity or multiple alleles cannot be ruled out, the 6-bp deletion does not consistently co-segregate with the disease in this family.", "Author information:(1)Division of Hematology/Oncology, Children's Hospital Boston, Boston, MA 02115, USA; Department of Pediatrics and the Human Oncology and Pathogenesis Program, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY 10065, USA.(2)Department of Pediatrics and the Human Oncology and Pathogenesis Program, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY 10065, USA.(3)Division of Hematology/Oncology, Children's Hospital Boston, Boston, MA 02115, USA.(4)Laboratory of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, The Rockefeller University, New York, NY 10065, USA.(5)Molecular Pharmacology and Chemistry Program, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY 10065, USA.(6)Department of Medical Oncology, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115, USA.(7)Department of Pediatrics, University of Colorado Anshutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO 80045 USA.(8)Division of Hematology/Oncology, Children's Hospital Boston, Boston, MA 02115, USA; Department of Pediatrics and the Human Oncology and Pathogenesis Program, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY 10065, USA. Electronic address:", "Reconfigurable systolic arrays can be adapted to efficiently resolve a wide spectrum of computational problems; parallelism is naturally explored in systolic arrays and reconfigurability allows for redefinition of the interconnections and operations even during run time (dynamically). We present a reconfigurable systolic architecture that can be applied for the efficient treatment of several dynamic programming methods for resolving well-known problems, such as global and local sequence alignment, approximate string matching and longest common subsequence. The dynamicity of the reconfigurability was found to be useful for practical applications in the construction of sequence alignments. A VHDL (VHSIC hardware description language) version of this new architecture was implemented on an APEX FPGA (Field programmable gate array). It would be several magnitudes faster than the software algorithm alternatives.", "Author information:(1)Department of Human Genetics and Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, Netherlands.(2)Department of Pediatrics, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA.(3)Institute of Medical Genetics, and.(4)Department of Molecular Life Sciences, University of Zurich, Zürich, Switzerland.(5)Department of Genetics, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.(6)Department of Medical Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.(7)Translational and Clinical Research Institute, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Newcastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom.(8)Department of Paediatric Neurology, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge, United Kingdom.(9)Department of Human Genetics, Medical Research Institute, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt.(10)The University of Washington Center for Mendelian Genomics is detailed in Supplemental Acknowledgments.(11)University of Washington Center for Mendelian Genomics, Seattle, Washington, USA.(12)Department of Genome Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA.(13)Medical Proteome Center, Institute for Ophthalmic Research, University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany.(14)Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, College of Medicine, Alfaisal University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.(15)Center for Integrative Brain Research, Seattle Children's Research Institute, Seattle, Washington, USA." ]
[ "Purpose To determine the frequency of, and yield after, provider overrides of evidence-based clinical decision support (CDS) for ordering computed tomographic (CT) pulmonary angiography in the emergency department (ED). Materials and Methods This HIPAA-compliant, institutional review board-approved study was performed at a tertiary care, academic medical center ED with approximately 60 000 annual visits and included all patients who were suspected of having pulmonary embolism (PE) and who underwent CT pulmonary angiography between January 1, 2011, and August 31, 2013. The requirement to obtain informed consent was waived. Each CT order for pulmonary angiography was exposed to CDS on the basis of the Wells criteria. For patients with a Wells score of 4 or less, CDS alerts suggested d-dimer testing because acute PE is highly unlikely in these patients if d-dimer levels are normal. The yield of CT pulmonary angiography (number of positive PE diagnoses/total number of CT pulmonary angiographic examinations) was compared in patients in whom providers overrode CDS alerts (by performing CT pulmonary angiography in patients with a Wells score ≤4 and a normal d-dimer level or no d-dimer testing) (override group) and those in whom providers followed Wells criteria (CT pulmonary angiography only in patients with Wells score >4 or ≤4 with elevated d-dimer level) (adherent group). A validated natural language processing tool identified positive PE diagnoses, with subsegmental and/or indeterminate diagnoses removed by means of chart review. Statistical analysis was performed with the χ2 test, the Student t test, and logistic regression. Results Among 2993 CT pulmonary angiography studies in 2655 patients, 563 examinations had a Wells score of 4 or less but did not undergo d-dimer testing and 26 had a Wells score of 4 or less and had normal d-dimer levels. The yield of CT pulmonary angiography was 4.2% in the override group (25 of 589 studies, none with a normal d-dimer level) and 11.2% in the adherent group (270 of 2404 studies) (P < .001). After adjustment for the risk factor differences between the two groups, the odds of an acute PE finding were 51.3% lower when providers overrode alerts than when they followed CDS guidelines. Comparison of the two groups including only patients unlikely to have PE led to similar results. Conclusion The odds of an acute PE finding in the ED when providers adhered to evidence presented in CDS were nearly double those seen when providers overrode CDS alerts. Most overrides were due to the lack of d-dimer testing in patients unlikely to have PE. © RSNA, 2016.", "There are approximately 1500 proteins that are needed for mitochondrial structure and function, most of which are encoded in the nuclear genome (Calvo et al., 2006). Each mitochondrion has its own genome (mtDNA), which in humans encodes 13 polypeptides, 22 tRNAs and 2 rRNAs required for oxidative phosphorylation. The mitochondrial genome of humans and most vertebrates is approximately 16.5kbp, double-stranded, circular, with few non-coding bases. Thus, maintaining mtDNA stability, that is, the ability of the cell to maintain adequate levels of mtDNA template for oxidative phosphorylation is essential and can be impacted by the level of mtDNA mutation currently within the cell or mitochondrion, but also from errors made during normal mtDNA replication, defects in mitochondrial quality control mechanisms, and exacerbated by exposures to exogenous and/or endogenous genotoxic agents. In this review, we expand on the origins and consequences of mtDNA instability, the current state of research regarding the mechanisms by which mtDNA instability can be overcome by cellular and chemical interventions, and the future of research and treatments for mtDNA instability.", "Viliuisk encephalomyelitis (VE) is a unique disease occurring in the Yakut (Sakha) population of Eastern Siberia. VE is always fatal, with some patients dying during the acute encephalitic phase of illness; those surviving the acute phase develop progressive dementia, rigidity and spastic quadriparesis as part of a more prolonged pan-encephalitic syndrome. The disease is characterized neuropathologically by multiple widespread micronecrotic foci with marked inflammatory reactions and subsequent gliosis throughout the cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, cerebellum and brain stem. The acute febrile onset with cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis and increased protein and neuropathology showing inflammatory reactions suggest that VE is an infectious disease, but the causative agent has not been identified. Initially detected in a small mixed Yakut-Evenk population of the mid-Viliui region, the disease subsequently spread south to densely populated areas around the capital city of Yakutsk. The occurrence of secondary VE cases in households and the introduction of the disease by migrants into new populations indicate that the disease is horizontally transmitted in a setting of a long intra-household contact. Although there has been a recent decline in the number of cases, increasing travel may result in further spread of this fatal disease to susceptible individuals in other regions of the world.", "Author information:(1)Department of Surgery, Division of Orthopaedic Surgery, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA.(2)Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, MI 48201, USA.(3)Division of Medical Genetics, Department of Pediatrics, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA.(4)Division of Medical Genetics, Children's Hospital Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90027, USA.(5)Division of Medical Genetics, Department of Pediatrics, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA; Department of Human Genetics, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA.(6)Department of Clinical Genetics, Leiden University Medical Centre, 2300 LC Leiden, the Netherlands.(7)Division of Clinical and Metabolic Genetics, Department of Pediatrics, The Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5G 1X8, Canada; Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5G 1X8, Canada.(8)Institute of Human Genetics, University Hospital Essen, University of Duisburg-Essen, 45147 Essen, Germany.(9)Institute of Human Genetics, University Hospital Essen, University of Duisburg-Essen, 45147 Essen, Germany; Institute für Humangenetik, Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf, Heinrich-Heine-Universität, 40225 Düsseldorf, Germany.(10)Neurovascular Unit and Cognitive Disorders (EA-3808 NEUVACOD), Université de Poitiers, 86073 Poitiers, France; Service de Génétique Clinique, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Poitiers, 86021 Poitiers, France.(11)Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Groupe Hospitalier Pitié-Salpêtrière, Département de Génétique, 75013 Paris, France.(12)Service de Génétique, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nice Hôpital de l'Archet 2,151 route Saint Antoine de la Ginestière, 062002 Nice, France.(13)Center for Human Genetics, University Hospitals Leuven, 3000 Leuven, Belgium.(14)Laboratory for Molecular Diagnosis, Center for Human Genetics, University Hospitals Leuven, 3000 Leuven, Belgium.(15)University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA 15224, USA.(16)Roberts Individualized Medical Genetics Center, Division of Human Genetics, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA.(17)Division of Genomic Diagnostics, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA.(18)MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford OX3 9DS, UK.(19)MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford OX3 9DS, UK; Clinical Genetics Service, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, City Hospital Campus, Nottingham NG5 1PB, UK.(20)Clinical Genetics Service, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, City Hospital Campus, Nottingham NG5 1PB, UK.(21)Wessex Clinical Genetics Services, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, Southampton SO16 5YA, UK.(22)GeneDx, Gaithersburg, MD 20877, USA.(23)Division of Medical Genetics, Department of Pediatrics, Duke University, Durham, NC 27707, USA.(24)Service de Génétique, Génomique, et Procréation, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Grenoble Alpes, 38700 La Tronche, France; INSERM 1209, CNRS UMR 5309, Institute for Advanced Biosciences, Université Grenoble Alpes, 38706 Grenoble, France.(25)Section of Genetics, Department of Pediatrics, University of Colorado School of Medicine and Children's Hospital Colorado, Aurora, CO 80045, USA.(26)Clinical Institute of Medical Genetics, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.(27)Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Nantes, Service de Génétique Médicale, 44000 Nantes, France.(28)Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Nantes, Service de Génétique Médicale, 44000 Nantes, France; Université de Nantes, CNRS, INSERM, L'Institut du Thorax, 44000 Nantes, France.(29)Service de Cytogénétique, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Le Mans, 72037 Le Mans, France.(30)Department of Surgery, Division of Orthopaedic Surgery, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA. Electronic address: Hospitalier Universitaire Nantes, Service de Génétique Médicale, 44000 Nantes, France; Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Toulouse, Service de Génétique Médicale, 31000 Toulouse, France. Electronic address:", "Calcium-activated chloride channel (CaCC) plays an important role in modulating epithelial secretion. It has been suggested that in salivary tissues, sustained fluid secretion is dependent on Ca(2+) influx that activates ion channels such as CaCC to initiate Cl(-) efflux. However direct evidence as well as the molecular identity of the Ca(2+) channel responsible for activating CaCC in salivary tissues is not yet identified. Here we provide evidence that in human salivary cells, an outward rectifying Cl(-) current was activated by increasing [Ca(2+)]i, which was inhibited by the addition of pharmacological agents niflumic acid (NFA), an antagonist of CaCC, or T16Ainh-A01, a specific TMEM16a inhibitor. Addition of thapsigargin (Tg), that induces store-depletion and activates TRPC1-mediated Ca(2+) entry, potentiated the Cl(-) current, which was inhibited by the addition of a non-specific TRPC channel blocker SKF96365 or removal of external Ca(2+). Stimulation with Tg also increased plasma membrane expression of TMEM16a protein, which was also dependent on Ca(2+) entry. Importantly, in salivary cells, TRPC1 silencing, but not that of TRPC3, inhibited CaCC especially upon store depletion. Moreover, primary acinar cells isolated from submandibular gland also showed outward rectifying Cl(-) currents upon increasing [Ca(2+)]i. These Cl(-) currents were again potentiated with the addition of Tg, but inhibited in the presence of T16Ainh-A01. Finally, acinar cells isolated from the submandibular glands of TRPC1 knockout mice showed significant inhibition of the outward Cl(-) currents without decreasing TMEM16a expression. Together the data suggests that Ca(2+) entry via the TRPC1 channels is essential for the activation of CaCC.", "The marked increase in infants born with microcephaly in Brazil after a 2015 outbreak of Zika virus (Zika virus) disease suggests an association between maternal Zika virus infection and congenital microcephaly. To project the timing of delivery of infants born to mothers infected during early pregnancy in 1 city in Bahia State, Brazil, we incorporated data on reported Zika virus disease cases and microcephaly cases into a graphical schematic of weekly birth cohorts. We projected that these births would occur through February 2016. Applying similar projections to a hypothetical location at which Zika virus transmission started in November, we projected that full-term infants at risk for Zika virus infection would be born during April-September 2016. We also developed a modifiable spreadsheet tool that public health officials and researchers can use for their countries to plan for deliveries of infants to women who were infected with Zika virus during different pregnancy trimesters.", "Following the clinical approval of novel oral anticoagulants as alternatives to the vitamin K antagonists, many additional novel oral anticoagulant drugs are currently in early and advanced stages of clinical development. The majority of the drugs in development belong to the class of direct factor Xa inhibitors (the -xabans). These include betrixaban, letaxaban, darexaban, eribaxaban, and LY517717. Another representative of the class of orally available direct thrombin inhibitors (the -gatrans) is known as AZD0837. Furthermore other coagulation factors with central roles within the coagulation cascade are currently investigated as potential targets for the development of novel oral anticoagulant drugs. Among those, the first direct oral factor IXa inhibitor TTP889 has entered the clinical phase of development. A short summary of novel oral anticoagulant currently in earlier stages of clinical development is provided." ]
[ "Thyroid hormone receptor alpha1 (TRalpha1) is predominantly expressed in the myocardium but its biological function under physiological or pathological conditions remains largely unknown. The present study investigated possible interactions between alpha1 adrenergic and thyroid hormone signaling at the level of TRalpha1, potential underlying mechanisms and physiological consequences, as well as the role of TRalpha1 in cell differentiation. This may be of physiological relevance since both thyroid hormone and adrenergic signalling are implicated in the pathophysiology of cardiac remodelling. Neonatal cardiomyocytes obtained from newborn rats (2-3 days) were exposed to phenylephrine (PE, an alpha1 adrenergic agonist) for 5 days, in the absence or excess of T3 in the culture medium. PE, in the absence of T3, resulted in 5.0 fold increase in TRalpha1 expression in nucleus and 2.0 fold decrease in TRalpha1 expression in cytosol, P<0.05. As a result, a fetal pattern of myosin isoform expression with marked expression of beta-MHC was observed in PE treated vs the untreated cells, P<0.05. PD98059 (an ERK signalling inhibitor) abrogated this response. In the presence of T3 in the culture medium, TRalpha1 expression was increased 1.6 fold in nucleus and 2.0 fold in cytosol in PE-T3 vs PE treated cells, P<0.05, and the fetal pattern of myosin isoform expression was prevented. Parallel studies with H9c2 myoblasts showed that reduction of T3 binding to TRalpha1 receptor delayed cardiac myoblasts differentiation without affecting proliferation. In conclusion, in neonatal cardiomyocytes, nuclear TRalpha1 is overexpressed after prolonged activation of the alpha1- adrenergic signalling by PE. This response seems to be an ERK kinase dependent process. Over-expression of TRalpha1 may lead to fetal cardiac phenotype in the absence of thyroid hormone availability. Furthermore, TRalpha1 seems to be critical in cardiac myoblast differentiation.", "Agonist-evoked endocytosis of G protein-coupled receptors has been extensively studied. The mechanisms by which agonists stimulate mobilization and plasma membrane translocation of G protein-coupled receptors from intracellular stores are unexplored. Protease-activated receptor-2 (PAR2) traffics to lysosomes, and sustained protease signaling requires mobilization and plasma membrane trafficking of PAR2 from Golgi stores. We evaluated the contribution of protein kinase D (PKD) and Gβγ to this process. In HEK293 and KNRK cells, the PAR2 agonists trypsin and 2-furoyl-LIGRLO-NH2 activated PKD in the Golgi apparatus, where PKD regulates protein trafficking. PAR2 activation induced translocation of Gβγ, a PKD activator, to the Golgi apparatus, determined by bioluminescence resonance energy transfer between Gγ-Venus and giantin-Rluc8. Inhibitors of PKD (CRT0066101) and Gβγ (gallein) prevented PAR2-stimulated activation of PKD. CRT0066101, PKD1 siRNA, and gallein all inhibited recovery of PAR2-evoked Ca(2+) signaling. PAR2 with a photoconvertible Kaede tag was expressed in KNRK cells to examine receptor translocation from the Golgi apparatus to the plasma membrane. Irradiation of the Golgi region (405 nm) induced green-red photo-conversion of PAR2-Kaede. Trypsin depleted PAR2-Kaede from the Golgi apparatus and repleted PAR2-Kaede at the plasma membrane. CRT0066101 inhibited PAR2-Kaede translocation to the plasma membrane. CRT0066101 also inhibited sustained protease signaling to colonocytes and nociceptive neurons that naturally express PAR2 and mediate protease-evoked inflammation and nociception. Our results reveal a major role for PKD and Gβγ in agonist-evoked mobilization of intracellular PAR2 stores that is required for sustained signaling by extracellular proteases.", "Melanoma of the eye is a rare and distinct subtype of melanoma, which only rarely are familial. However, cases of uveal melanoma (UM) have been found in families with mixed cancer syndromes. Here, we describe a comprehensive search for inherited genetic variation in a family with multiple cases of UM but no aggregation of other cancer diagnoses. The proband is a woman diagnosed with UM at 16 years who within 6 months developed liver metastases. We also identified two older paternal relatives of the proband who had died from UM. We performed exome sequencing of germline DNA from members of the affected family. Exome-wide analysis identified a novel loss-of-function mutation in the BAP1 gene, previously suggested as a tumor suppressor. The mutation segregated with the UM phenotype in this family, and we detected a loss of the wild-type allele in the UM tumor of the proband, strongly supporting a causative association with UM. Screening of BAP1 germline mutations in families predisposed for UM may be used to identify individuals at increased risk of disease. Such individuals may then be enrolled in preventive programs and regular screenings to facilitate early detection and thereby improve prognosis.", "A proteostasis view of neurodegeneration (ND) identifies protein aggregation as a leading causative reason for damage seen at the cellular and organ levels. While investigative therapies that aim at dissolving aggregates have failed, and the promises of silencing expression of ND associated pathogenic proteins or the deployment of engineered induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are still in the horizon, emerging literature suggests degrading aggregates through autophagy-related mechanisms hold the current potential for a possible cure. Macroautophagy (hereafter autophagy) is an intracellular degradative pathway where superfluous or unwanted cellular cargoes (such as peroxisomes, mitochondria, ribosomes, intracellular bacteria and misfolded protein aggregates) are wrapped in double membrane vesicles called autophagosomes that eventually fuses with lysosomes for their degradation. The selective branch of autophagy that deals with identification, capture and degradation of protein aggregates is called aggrephagy. Here, we cover the workings of aggrephagy detailing its selectivity towards aggregates. The diverse cellular adaptors that bridge the aggregates with the core autophagy machinery in terms of autophagosome formation are discussed. In ND, essential protein quality control mechanisms fail as the constituent components also find themselves trapped in the aggregates. Thus, although cellular aggrephagy has the potential to be upregulated, its dysfunction further aggravates the pathogenesis. This phenomenonwhen combined with the fact that neurons can neither dilute out the aggregates by cell division nor the dead neurons can be replaced due to low neurogenesis, makes a compelling case for aggrephagy pathway as a potential therapeutic option.", "Many neurodegenerative disorders feature the presence of misfolded polypeptide-containing intracellular inclusion bodies biochemically and morphologically analogous to cellular aggresomes. However, it is largely unknown how misfolded polypeptides form aggresomes and are eventually cleared by the aggresome-macroautophagy/autophagy pathway, so-called aggrephagy. Our recent study revealed that when the ubiquitin-proteasome system is impaired, the accumulated misfolded polypeptides are selectively recognized and transported to the aggresome by a CED complex. This complex is composed of CTIF, originally identified as a specific factor for nuclear cap-binding protein complex (a heterodimer of NCBP1/CBP80 and NCBP2/CBP20)-dependent translation (CT), and its associated factors EEF1A1 and DCTN1. Aggresomal targeting of a misfolded polypeptide via the CED complex is accompanied by CTIF release from the CT complex and thereby inhibits CT efficiency. Therefore, our study provides new mechanistic insights into the crosstalk between translational inhibition and aggresome formation under the influence of a misfolded polypeptide.", "DNA undermethylation is a characteristic feature of ICF syndrome and has been implicated in the formation of the juxtacentromeric chromosomal abnormalities of this rare syndrome. We have previously shown that in female ICF patients the inactive X chromosome (Xi) is also undermethylated. This result was unexpected since female ICF patients are not more severely affected than male patients. Here we show that CpG island methylation is abnormal in some ICF patients but in other ICF patients, the difference in methylation pattern between Xi and Xa (active X) is maintained. The consequences of Xi undermethylation on gene expression were investigated by enzyme assays. They showed that significant gene expression did not correlate with CpG island methylation status. The widespread Xi undermethylation does not affect overall Xi replication timing and does not prevent Barr body formation suggesting that a normal methylation pattern is not required for normal chromatin organization of Xi. Molecular investigation of some X-chromosome intron regions showed that the methylation changes in ICF female patients extend to non CpG islands sequences. Our results suggest that the genetic alteration of DNA methylation in ICF syndrome has little consequence on X chromosome gene expression and chromatin organization.", "OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to test the association of the personality traits of neuroticism and extraversion with risk of death in old age.METHODS: A census was taken of a geographically defined urban community in Chicago, and those aged 65 years or older were invited to participate in an in-home interview; 6158 (79% of those eligible) did so. The interview included brief measures of neuroticism and extraversion, medical history, and questions about current participation in cognitive, social, and physical activities. Vital status was subsequently monitored. The association of each trait with risk of death was examined in a series of accelerated failure-time models that controlled for age, sex, race, and education.RESULTS: During a mean of more than 6 years of observation, 2430 persons (39.5%) died. A high level of neuroticism (score = 27; 90th percentile) was associated with a 33% increase in risk of death compared with a low level of neuroticism (score = 9; 10th percentile). A high level of extraversion (score = 33; 90th percentile) was associated with a 21% decrease in risk of death compared with a low level (score = 18; 10th percentile). Adjustment for medical conditions and health-related variables did not substantially affect results, but adjusting for baseline levels of cognitive, social, and physical activity reduced the association of both traits with mortality.CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that higher extraversion and lower neuroticism are associated with reduced risk of mortality in old age and that these associations are mediated in part by personality-related patterns of cognitive, social, and physical activity.", "Protein inference is an important issue in proteomics research. Its main objective is to select a proper subset of candidate proteins that best explain the observed peptides. Although many methods have been proposed for solving this problem, several issues such as peptide degeneracy and one-hit wonders still remain unsolved. Therefore, the accurate identification of proteins that are truly present in the sample continues to be a challenging task. Based on the concept of peptide detectability, we formulate the protein inference problem as a constrained Lasso regression problem, which can be solved very efficiently through a coordinate descent procedure. The new inference algorithm is named as ProteinLasso, which explores an ensemble learning strategy to address the sparsity parameter selection problem in Lasso model. We test the performance of ProteinLasso on three datasets. As shown in the experimental results, ProteinLasso outperforms those state-of-the-art protein inference algorithms in terms of both identification accuracy and running efficiency. In addition, we show that ProteinLasso is stable under different parameter specifications. The source code of our algorithm is available at:", "AIM: To report one patient with slowly progressive encephalopathy, ataxia, central hypomyelination, hypodontia and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, the 4H syndrome. This clinical picture has been described recently and there are only four patients reported previously.CASE REPORT: A girl with a previously normal early psychomotor development, presented a slowly progressive deterioration since 15 months of age. Now, she is 14 years old, and has a severe cerebellar ataxia, with tremor and dysmetria. She can't neither walk nor remain standing alone. She has lost the sphincter control and has an immature expressive language. She has no puberal development and definitive hypodontia of upper central incisors. The brain magnetic resonance imaging shows a diffuse hypomyelination, that is confirmed with diffusion and spectroscopy studies.CONCLUSION: The hypomyelinating leukoencephalopathies are disorders with abnormally low amount of myelin. The diagnosis is difficult in most of the patients. The hypomyelinating leukoencephalopathies include classic disorders and new leukoencephalopathies, described in the past few years.", "The critical concentration required for filament assembly in vitro from highly purified desmin was determined by both turbidity and centrifugation assays. Assembly was done in the presence of 2 mM-Ca2+, 2 mM-Mg2+ or 150 mM-Na+ at 2, 22 and 37 degrees C. Similar values for critical concentration were obtained by both assays. As temperature increased, critical concentration decreased for each cation. The critical concentration was lowest in the presence of Ca2+ at 2, 22 and 37 degrees C, but was highest in the presence of 150 mM-Na+ at 2 degrees C. Negative staining showed that supernatants from the centrifugation assays contained protofilaments, protofibrils and short particles (less than 300 nm), but pellets contained long filaments (greater than 1 micron) with an average diameter of 10 nm. As the temperature increased, both the average diameter and average length of particles in the supernatant increased. Thermodynamic analysis indicated that hydrophobic interactions were dominant during desmin assembly, but that ionic interactions might also be involved. Our results demonstrated that the specific cation and temperature and temperature-cation interactions all are important in assembly of desmin intermediate filaments.", "The human body is composed of diverse cell types with distinct functions. Although it is known that lineage specification depends on cell-specific gene expression, which in turn is driven by promoters, enhancers, insulators and other cis-regulatory DNA sequences for each gene, the relative roles of these regulatory elements in this process are not clear. We have previously developed a chromatin-immunoprecipitation-based microarray method (ChIP-chip) to locate promoters, enhancers and insulators in the human genome. Here we use the same approach to identify these elements in multiple cell types and investigate their roles in cell-type-specific gene expression. We observed that the chromatin state at promoters and CTCF-binding at insulators is largely invariant across diverse cell types. In contrast, enhancers are marked with highly cell-type-specific histone modification patterns, strongly correlate to cell-type-specific gene expression programs on a global scale, and are functionally active in a cell-type-specific manner. Our results define over 55,000 potential transcriptional enhancers in the human genome, significantly expanding the current catalogue of human enhancers and highlighting the role of these elements in cell-type-specific gene expression.", "Mechanistic insights into aggrephagy, a selective basal autophagy process to clear misfolded protein aggregates, are lacking. Here, we report and describe the role of Estrogen Related Receptor α (ERRα, HUGO Gene Nomenclature ESRRA), new molecular player of aggrephagy, in keeping autophagy flux in check by inhibiting autophagosome formation. A screen for small molecule modulators for aggrephagy identified ERRα inverse agonist XCT 790, that cleared α-synuclein aggregates in an autophagy dependent, but mammalian target of rapamycin (MTOR) independent manner. XCT 790 modulates autophagosome formation in an ERRα dependent manner as validated by siRNA mediated knockdown and over expression approaches. We show that, in a basal state, ERRα is localized on to the autophagosomes and upon autophagy induction by XCT 790, this localization is lost and is accompanied with an increase in autophagosome biogenesis. In a preclinical mouse model of Parkinson's disease (PD), XCT 790 exerted neuroprotective effects in the dopaminergic neurons of nigra by inducing autophagy to clear toxic protein aggregates and, in addition, ameliorated motor co-ordination deficits. Using a chemical biology approach, we unrevealed the role of ERRα in regulating autophagy and can be therapeutic target for neurodegeneration." ]
[ "BACKGROUND: The human genome is highly organized in the three-dimensional nucleus. Chromosomes fold locally into topologically associating domains (TADs) defined by increased intra-domain chromatin contacts. TADs contribute to gene regulation by restricting chromatin interactions of regulatory sequences, such as enhancers, with their target genes. Disruption of TADs can result in altered gene expression and is associated to genetic diseases and cancers. However, it is not clear to which extent TAD regions are conserved in evolution and whether disruption of TADs by evolutionary rearrangements can alter gene expression.RESULTS: Here, we hypothesize that TADs represent essential functional units of genomes, which are stable against rearrangements during evolution. We investigate this using whole-genome alignments to identify evolutionary rearrangement breakpoints of different vertebrate species. Rearrangement breakpoints are strongly enriched at TAD boundaries and depleted within TADs across species. Furthermore, using gene expression data across many tissues in mouse and human, we show that genes within TADs have more conserved expression patterns. Disruption of TADs by evolutionary rearrangements is associated with changes in gene expression profiles, consistent with a functional role of TADs in gene expression regulation.CONCLUSIONS: Together, these results indicate that TADs are conserved building blocks of genomes with regulatory functions that are often reshuffled as a whole instead of being disrupted by rearrangements.", "BACKGROUND: Stroke Prognostication using Age and NIH (National Institutes of Health) Stroke Scale (SPAN)-100 is a simple and easy-to-use tool for assessing the outcomes of ischemic stroke after thrombolysis. To explore its application, we evaluated SPAN-100's prognostic value in predicting 3- and 12-month outcomes in general ischemic stroke patients.METHODS: We applied the SPAN-100 to ischemic stroke patients from the China National Stroke Registry. Poor outcome was defined as a modified Rankin Scale of 2-6. Discrimination of SPAN-100 was assessed by the area under the receiver-operator curves (AUC) and 95% confidence intervals (CI). We also performed an exploratory post hoc analysis of the performance of the SPAN index score using 80 as the cutoff point.RESULTS: Among 11,894 ischemic stroke patients, 479 (4.0%) patients were SPAN-100 positive. The AUC of SPAN-100 for poor outcome was .54 (95% CI, .54-.54) at 3 months and .54 (95% CI, .54-.55) at 12 months, respectively. In the exploratory analysis, when 80 was used as the cutoff point of SPAN index score, the AUC for poor outcome was .66 (95% CI, .66-.67) at 3 months and .68 (95% CI, .67-.68) at 12 months, respectively.CONCLUSIONS: SPAN-100 suffered from low prediction power for 3- and 12-month outcomes of ischemic stroke in Chinese population. A cutoff point of 80 may improve the performance, but none of them had an AUC above the threshold of .8 required for use in individuals.", "Cellular senescence is generally defined as an irreversible state of G1 cell cycle arrest in which cells are refractory to growth factor stimulation. Cellular senescence can be induced through several different mechanisms. Primary mammalian cells display a finite life span, suggesting a mechanism that counts cell divisions. Those cells initially proliferate but eventually enter a state of permanent growth arrest, called replicative senescence. Erosion of telomeric DNA has emerged as a key factor in replicative senescence, which is antagonized during cell immortalization. Nevertheless, besides telomere shortening, there are other mechanisms inducing a growth arrest similar to the replicative senescencent phenotype. Oncogenic or mitogenic signals as well as DNA damage can induce such a phenotype of cellular senescence. All forms of cellular senescence share common signaling pathways and morphological features. Thereby, p53 seems to be essential for the senescence response. Many of these senescence inducing mechanisms can be experimentally recapitulated by the introduction of defined genetic elements. Replicative senescence due to telomere shortening can, for example, be induced by a dominant negative version of telomerase, premature senescence by the overexpression of oncogenic ras, or p16.", "STUDY OBJECTIVE: Adult women with endometriosis are often diagnosed with comorbid pain, mood, and autoimmune conditions. This study aims to describe the occurrence of pain syndromes, mood conditions, and asthma in adolescents and young women with endometriosis evaluated at our medical center.DESIGN: Retrospective review of medical records.SETTING: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at a tertiary referral center.PARTICIPANTS: 138 adolescents/young women who were less than age 24 years at the time of their initial visit at our medical center, and whose surgical diagnosis of endometriosis was made at our institution or by outside institutions by the age of 21.INTERVENTIONS: None.MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Prevalence of comorbid pain syndromes (defined as interstitial cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic headaches, chronic low back pain, vulvodynia, fibromyalgia, temporomandibular joint disease, and chronic fatigue syndrome), mood conditions (defined as depression and anxiety), and asthma.RESULTS: Comorbid pain syndromes were found in 77 (56%) women, mood conditions in 66 (48%) women, and asthma in 31 (26%) women. Comparing endometriosis patients with and without comorbid pain syndromes, no differences were found in age at time of diagnosis, endometriosis symptoms, and endometriosis stage. Patients with comorbid pain syndromes were more likely to report mood conditions (62% vs 30% respectively, P < .001) and smoking (31% vs 10% respectively, P = .003), underwent more surgeries for endometriosis (median of 2 [range, 1-7] vs 1 [range, 1-5], P < .005), and were more likely to undergo appendectomy or cholecystectomy (30% vs 13%, P = .02).CONCLUSIONS: Comorbid pain syndromes, mood conditions and asthma are common in adolescents and young women with endometriosis.", "Despite therapeutic advances, heart failure remains a common and serious event characterized by initial and progressive loss of cardiac myocytes, a loss that is currently untreatable. Cell therapy has emerged as a promising new approach to the treatment of heart failure, with very encouraging experimental results. Since 2000, when human stem cell therapy was first attempted in France, clinical trials with adult stem cells (myoblasts, bone-marrow derived cells, mesenchymal stem cells) have given variable results. The inconsistent and modest therapeutic benefit observed in these studies is due more to paracrine effects than to the hoped-for cell replacement, as adult stem cells do not turn into cardiomyocytes and their survival rate after transplantation is very low. In order to be effective, cell therapy should use heart muscle cells derived from pluri- or multipotent cells (human embryonic stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells, resident cardiac cells), which are likely to have a higher survival rate in a hostile biological environment and deteriorated tissue scaffold. Cardiac tissue engineering assisted by nanotechnologies may eventually help to meet this challenge.", "Author information:(1)Department of Pharmacology, College of Physicians and Surgeons (M.S.B., K.J.S., R.S.K.), Columbia University, New York, NY.(2)Department of Pediatrics, College of Physicians and Surgeons (L.M., N.Z., U.K., E.B.R., W.K.C.), Columbia University, New York, NY.(3)Department of Systems Biology (N.Z., H.Q., Y.S.), Columbia University, New York, NY.(4)Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics (H.Q., Y.S.), Columbia University, New York, NY.(5)Department of Cell Biology and Physiology (C.M., C.G.N.) and Center for the Investigation of Membrane Excitability Diseases (C.M., C.G.N.), Washington University School of Medicine, Washington University in St. Louis, MO.(6)Regeneron Genetics Center, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc, Tarrytown, NY (C.G.-J., F.E.D., J.D.O., J.G.R., A.R.S., A.B.).(7)Department of Medicine (M.B., C.H., M.H., J.M.M., M.T., C.M.T., K.Y., S.G., N.W.M.), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.(8)VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (H.J.B., A.C.H., A.V.N.).(9)Golden Jubilee National Hospital, Glasgow, Scotland (C.C., A.J.P.).(10)Royal Free Hospital, London, England (G.C.).(11)Newcastle University (P.A.C.) and Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals National Health Service Foundation Trust (P.A.C.), United Kingdom.(12)Dépat de Génétique, Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière, Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris (M.E., F.S.) and UMR_S 1166-ICAN, INSERM (Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale) (M.E., F.S.), UPMC (Pierre and Marie Curie University) Sorbonne Universités, France.(13)National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, United Kingdom (J.S.R.G., S.J.W.).(14)AP-HP (Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris), Centre de référence de l'hypertension pulmonaire sévère, INSERM UMR_S 999, Hôpital Bicêtre, Université Paris-Sud, Université Paris-Saclay, Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France (B.G., M.H., C.G., D.M.).(15)Sheffield Clinical Research Facility, Royal Hallamshire, Sheffield, United Kingdom (D.G.K.).(16)Department of Infection, Immunity, and Cardiovascular Disease, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom (A.L.).(17)Royal United Bath Hospitals, Bath, United Kingdom (R.V.M.R., J.S.).(18)Papworth Hospital, Cambridge, United Kingdom (J.P.-Z., M.T.).(19)Division of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, King's College London, London, England (R.C.T.).(20)Department of Medicine, Imperial College London, Hammersmith Campus, London, United Kingdom (J.W., M.R.W.).(21)Royal Brompton Hospital, London, United Kingdom (S.J.W.).(22)Department of Hematology (S.G.), Addenbrookes Hospital, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.", "6-Hexadecanoylamino-4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside (HMGal) has been shown to be a specific fluorogenic substrate of galactocerebrosidase and to facilitate the simple enzymatic diagnosis of Krabbe disease in human patients and in twitcher mice. HMGal hydrolysis at pH 4.5 is optimally stimulated by sodium taurocholate (0.25%) and oleic acid (0.05%) with a Km of 0.150, 0.04 and 0.03 mM, respectively for control mouse kidney, human fibroblasts and leukocytes. In control samples, the specific activity (nmol/mg prot./h) for HMGal is higher than for the natural substrate, galactocerebroside, and is severely deficient in the twitcher mouse and in patients with Krabbe disease. Comparative investigation of galactocerebrosidase activity in fibroblasts, leukocytes and brain with radioactive and fluorogenic substrates reveals a good agreement between the results of the two methods. Galactocerebroside (Gal-Cer) is a competitive inhibitor of HMGal hydrolysis in mouse kidney homogenates while GM1-ganglioside has no inhibitory effect in the same assay system. The sensitivity and specificity of this fluorogenic substrate for galactocerebrosidase provides a simple and rapid method for the diagnosis of Krabbe disease, and for the purification of this enzyme from normal tissues." ]
[ "Three split-virion vaccines (Vaxigrip, Begrivac, and Influsplit/Fluarix) and three subunit vaccines containing only viral surface glycoproteins (Influvac, Agrippal, and Fluvirin) available for the 1994-95 season were analysed by biological, molecular, and biochemical methods. Although all vaccines are required by health authorities to contain 15 micrograms haemagglutinin per dose of each virus strain, there were significant differences in haemagglutination titres among the examined vaccines of both types. The enzymatic activity of neuraminidase was present in all vaccines except Fluvirin. Total protein content was lower for subunit vaccines. Viral nucleoprotein was detected in all split vaccines but to varying levels according to SDS-PAGE and Western blot analyses. The ovalbumin content was low in general but was about tenfold higher for Influvac than for the other vaccines analysed. This protein may induce hypersensitive reactions among persons with severe egg allergy. All three split-virion vaccines were found to contain the matrix protein; however, it was not detected in the subunit vaccines. Differences in influenza antigen variety in currently available vaccines may affect efficacy, whereas differences in concentrations of nonviral compounds such as ovalbumin and endotoxin may lead to different postvaccination reactogenicity profiles.", "BACKGROUND: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common cause of nontraumatic neurological disability in young adults. There is great need for developing effective treatments to arrest the disease. As of today, there is no cure for MS but several agents mitigating its effects are available. The era of disease-modifying therapy began with the use of interferon beta and glatiramer acetate in the 1990s. Given the injectable nature and the limited efficacy of these agents, efforts are ongoing to develop new treatments.SUMMARY OF REVIEW: We provide an overview of the ongoing developments in MS therapy. After considering the clinical features and measures of drug efficacy in MS clinical trials, we report the phase-III clinical trials results of: (1) 3 oral agents approved within the last 5 years, fingolimod (Gilenya), dimethylfumarate (Tecfidera), and teriflunomide (Aubagio); (2) the oral agent laquinimod; and (3) the monoclonal antibodies daclizumab, ocrelizumab, and alemtuzumab. We will then briefly mention remyelinating and neuroprotective agents that are in very early studies. We will end with a possible approach to different clinical scenarios to guide the choice of disease-modifying therapy in patients.CONCLUSIONS: The newer agents offer the convenience of oral administration (for the oral agents) and potentially higher efficacy, but their long-term safety profile remains unknown. All available agents attack only 1 aspect of MS, that is, inflammatory demyelination. Arresting or reversing the progression of disability will be feasible only with agents affecting remyelination and neuroprotection, still in relatively early research.", "BACKGROUND: Research is ongoing to develop multipurpose vaginal rings to be used continuously for contraception and to prevent Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection. Contraceptive vaginal rings (CVRs) are available in a number of countries and are most of the time used intermittently i.e. three weeks out of a 4-week cycle. Efficacy trials with a dapivirine-containing vaginal ring for HIV prevention are ongoing and plans to develop multi-purpose vaginal rings for prevention of both HIV and pregnancy have been elaborated. In contrast with the CVRs, multi-purpose vaginal rings will have to be used continuously. Women who continuously use a CVR will no longer have menses. Furthermore, some safety aspects of CVR use have never been studied in-depth in the past, such as the impact of the vaginal ring on the vaginal microbiota, biofilm formation and induction of inflammation. We studied acceptability and these novel aspects of safety in Rwandan women. Although significant progress has been made over the past decade, Rwanda still has a high unmet need for contraception (with 47% unplanned births) and a generalized HIV epidemic, and CVRs are not yet available.METHODS: We will conduct an open label, single centre, randomized controlled trial. A total of 120 HIV-negative women will be randomized to intermittent CVR use (to allow menstruation) or continuous CVR use. Women will be followed for a maximum of 14 weeks. In parallel, we will conduct a qualitative study using in-depth interview and focus group discussion methodology.DISCUSSION: In addition to evaluating the safety and acceptability of intermittent and continuous CVR use in Rwandan women, we hope that our findings will inform the development of future multipurpose vaginal rings, will prepare Rwandan study populations for future clinical trials of multipurpose vaginal rings, and will pave the way for introduction of CVRs on African markets.TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT01796613 . Registered 14 February 2013.", "OBJECTIVE: To examine the effects of canagliflozin, a sodium glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitor that lowers blood glucose by increasing urinary glucose excretion (UGE), on asymptomatic bacteriuria and urinary tract infections (UTIs).RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter, dose-ranging phase 2 study, subjects with type 2 diabetes with inadequate glycemic control while receiving metformin were enrolled and randomized to one of seven arms - placebo; canagliflozin doses 50 mg, 100 mg, 200 mg, 300 mg daily, or 300 mg twice daily; and sitagliptin 100 mg daily - for 12 weeks.CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: This study is registered under identification number NCT00642278.RESULTS: Canagliflozin increased renal glucose excretion by 35.4-61.6 mg/mg creatinine in the five dose groups. In the placebo group renal glucose excretion was increased by 1.9 mg/mg creatinine, and in the sitagliptin group it decreased by 1.9 mg/mg creatinine. Asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB) were present in 6.4% of canagliflozin and 6.5% of placebo/sitagliptin (control) subjects at randomization and, at 12 weeks, in 7.7% and 6.3% of subjects, respectively (odds ratio [OR] 1.23; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.45-3.89). For subjects with initially negative urine cultures at baseline, 3 out of 82 (3.7%) who received controls and 10 out of 207 (4.8%) who received canagliflozin developed bacteriuria (p = 0.76) at week 12. There were 21 adverse event (AE) reports of UTI; 16 (5.0%) in canagliflozin subjects and 5 (3.8%) in control subjects (OR 1.31; 95% CI, 0.45-4.68).CONCLUSIONS: In this trial, when compared with control subjects, canagliflozin increased UGE but was not associated with increased bacteriuria or AE reports of UTI. However, further studies enrolling larger numbers of subjects with longer term exposure to canagliflozin will be necessary to more fully understand the impact of this agent on the risk of developing UTI.", "INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this study was to examine the efficiency of a single dose of fast-acting exogenous surfactant (Curosurf) given to premature babies with progressive respiratory insufficiency. Curosurf was given as early rescue therapy during a brief intubation (INSURE method: INtubation-SURfactant-Extubation) during treatment with nasal Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP).MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective study of 115 premature infants with respiratory distress syndrome born and treated at Odense University Hospital during the years 1999 to 2004. The criterion for surfactant treatment was a decrease in the arterial/alveolar oxygen tension ratio (or corresponding values for the fraction of inspired oxygen) below 0.36 in infants with gestational age (GA) < 30 weeks and 0.22 in more mature infants.RESULTS: The primary end point was survival during the first week of life without mechanical ventilation. This end point was reached by 51% of the infants with GA < 30 weeks. However, the effect proved to be GA-dependent, increasing from 22% in infants with a GA of 24-25 weeks to 86% in week 29. Seventy percent survived to be discharged. In infants with GA > 29 weeks the effect was 87%, and all survived.CONCLUSION: The effect of surfactant therapy administered per the INSURE method is GA-dependent, and the method works best after GA week 25. The question is whether earlier therapy will increase its efficiency or the method has reached its limit.", "Mutations in the ribosomal protein (RP)S19 gene have been found in about 25% of the cases of Diamond-Blackfan anemia (DBA), a rare congenital hypoplastic anemia that includes variable physical malformations. Various mutations have been identified in the RPS19 gene, but no investigations regarding the effect of these alterations on RPS19 mRNA levels have been performed. It is well established that mutated mRNA containing a premature stop codon (PTC) or lacking a stop codon can be rapidly degraded by specific mechanisms called nonsense mediated decay (NMD) and nonstop decay. To study the involvement of such mechanisms in DBA, we analyzed immortalized lymphoblastoid cells and primary fibroblasts from patients presenting different kinds of mutations in the RPS19 gene, generating allelic deletion, missense, nonsense, and nonstop messengers. We found that RPS19 mRNA levels are decreased in the cells with allelic deletion and, to a variable extent, also in all the cell lines with PTC or nonstop mutations. Further analysis showed that translation inhibition causes a stabilization of the mutated RPS19 mRNA. Our findings indicate that NMD and nonstop decay affect the expression of mutated RPS19 genes; this may help to clarify genotype-phenotype correlations in DBA.", "AA amyloidosis may be a complication of Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF). This is a case history of a female patient who did not have the classic symptoms of FMF, which usually precede the renal manifestation. The patient was admitted with edema of both legs, and the nephrotic syndrome was discovered, leading to the diagnosis of AA amyloidosis on kidney biopsy. Genetic testing uncovered the homozygous M694V type mutation, the most common mutation of FMF, which renders the patients prone to amyloidosis. This case represents the phenotype II of FMF, which presents with amyloidosis without prior classic attacks of FMF. Since effective prevention of the development of amyloidosis is available, genetic testing should be considered in order to identify mutations which carry high risk for the development of amyloidosis. This is also relevant in asymptomatic individuals with family history of FMF." ]
[ "Degradation and remodelling of the extracellular matrix has been investigated, with the main focus on the balance between matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases (TIMP). Recent reports disclose the presence of a novel MMP-inhibiting cell membrane-anchored glycoprotein designated 'reversion-inducing cysteine-rich protein with Kazal motifs' (RECK). Our main aim in this study was to elucidate the role of RECK in cell invasion of pituitary adenomas and its contribution to signal transduction. The function of RECK in cell invasion was investigated by comparing data obtained from full-length RECK clone transfection and gene silencing with RECK mRNA-targeting siRNA. RECK expression was confirmed using real-time RT-PCR and Western blotting. Levels of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP-2 and -9) and TIMP-1 were measured by zymography and reverse zymography, respectively. Cell invasion was examined with a 3-D invasion assay. The signal cascade was investigated by cDNA microarray analysis. As expected, expression of RECK was elevated upon cDNA transfection, and diminished using siRNA. We observed elevation of MMP-2 and -9 expression and consequent 3-D cell invasion in cells under-expressing RECK. However, TIMP expression was not affected by RECK. Analysis with cDNA microarray revealed that RECK additionally upregulates growth hormone-releasing hormone receptor (GHRHR) and latrophilin 2 at the transcriptional level. Our findings collectively suggest that RECK regulates the cell signalling pathway, playing a critical neuroendocrinological role in the pituitary adenoma cell line.", "There is a striking and unexplained male predominance across many cancer types. A subset of X-chromosome genes can escape X-inactivation, which would protect females from complete functional loss by a single mutation. To identify putative 'escape from X-inactivation tumor-suppressor' (EXITS) genes, we examined somatic alterations from >4,100 cancers across 21 tumor types for sex bias. Six of 783 non-pseudoautosomal region (PAR) X-chromosome genes (ATRX, CNKSR2, DDX3X, KDM5C, KDM6A, and MAGEC3) harbored loss-of-function mutations more frequently in males (based on a false discovery rate < 0.1), in comparison to zero of 18,055 autosomal and PAR genes (Fisher's exact P < 0.0001). Male-biased mutations in genes that escape X-inactivation were observed in combined analysis across many cancers and in several individual tumor types, suggesting a generalized phenomenon. We conclude that biallelic expression of EXITS genes in females explains a portion of the reduced cancer incidence in females as compared to males across a variety of tumor types.", "RNA editing is proposed as a modulator of transcriptomes, but its biological impact has not been fully elucidated. In particular, its importance for transposable elements is controversial. We found RNA editing on antisense read-through transcripts of KP elements, one of the deletion derivatives of P transposable elements in Drosophila melanogaster. Three kinds of RNA editing were detected at 20 sites around the terminal inverted repeats (TIR); 15 A-to-G, four U-to-C, and one C-to-U conversions. A-to-G conversions are suggested to be attributed to A-to-I RNA editing on KP element RNAs, because inosine (I) in RNA is recognized as G by reverse transcriptase. TIRs were deduced to form dsRNAs as a putative target of ADAR. This is the first report of RNA editing on mobile elements of Drosophila.", "As a component of the transcriptional repression complex 1 (PRC1), the ring finger protein RING1 participates in the epigenetic regulation in cancer. However, the contributions of RING1 to cancer etiology or development are unknown. In this study, we report that RING1 is a critical negative regulator of p53 homeostasis in human hepatocellular and colorectal carcinomas. RING1 acts as an E3 ubiquitin (Ub) ligase to directly interact with and ubiquitinate p53, resulting in its proteasome-dependent degradation. The RING domain of RING1 was required for its E3 Ub ligase activity. RING1 depletion inhibited the proliferation and survival of the p53 wild-type cancer cells by inducing cell-cycle arrest, apoptosis, and senescence, with only modest effects on p53-deficient cells. Its growth inhibitory effect was partially rescued by p53 silencing, suggesting an important role for the RING1-p53 complex in human cancer. In clinical specimens of hepatocellular carcinoma, RING1 upregulation was evident in association with poor clinical outcomes. Collectively, our results elucidate a novel PRC1-independent function of RING1 and provide a mechanistic rationale for its candidacy as a new prognostic marker and/or therapeutic target in human cancer.Significance: These results elucidate a novel PRC1-independent function of RING1 and provide a mechanistic rationale for its candidacy as a new prognostic marker and/or therapeutic target in human cancer. Cancer Res; 78(2); 359-71. ©2017 AACR.", "Cabotegravir is a novel human immunodeficiency virus integrase enzyme inhibitor used for prevention and treatment of HIV infection. The combinational final dosage form, as extended release injection suspension in combination with rilpivirine and as cabotegravir tablets (for lead-in therapy), was recently approved in Canada, EU and in USA and is currently seeking approval also in other countries. The subject of this investigation was to study the degradation of cabotegravir under different stress conditions as per the International Council for Harmonization (ICH) guidelines. The drug substance was found to be stable in thermal, photolytic and basic stress conditions, but degraded under acidic and oxidative stress conditions. It was determined that four main degradation products of cabotegravir are formed in forced degradation studies. All four main degradation products were isolated using preparative chromatography and subjected to NMR and HRMS analysis in order to determine their structure. We proposed degradation pathways of cabotegravir under acidic stress conditions in solution based on the structure of isolated degradation products, cabotegravir degradation kinetic studies and degradation studies on two isolated key degradation products. Moreover, degradation pathway to predominant oxidation degradation product is proposed based on the adduct of cabotegravir and peroxide species, which was identified by LC-HRMS analysis. This is the first report to the best of our knowledge that describes characterized cabotegravir forced degradation impurities and provides insights into its degradation pathways.", "* A cream containing 0.05% tretinoin (Retinova((R)) is approved for treatment of sun-induced skin damage (\"photoaging\").* Three trials comparing tretinoin with the excipient show that the effects of tretinoin cream are at best limited and slow to occur. Furthermore, they disappear on treatment cessation, necessitating long-term use.* The 0.05% tretinoin cream has poor local tolerability: most subjects develop irritation and fragile skin and require longer intervals between each application. Systemic adverse effects occur in some circumstances.* There are persistent doubts about whether it is safe to use tretinoin during pregnancy.", "INTRODUCTION: Despite the proven efficacy of statins, they are often reported to be inadequate to achieve low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) goals (especially in high-risk patients). Moreover, a large number of subjects cannot tolerate statins or full doses of these drugs. Thus, there is a need for additional effective LDL-C reducing agents.AREAS COVERED: Evolocumab (AMG145) is a monoclonal antibody inhibiting the proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 that binds to the liver LDL receptor and prevents it from normal recycling by targeting it for degradation. Phase I and II trials revealed that its subcutaneous injection, either alone or in combination with statins, is able to reduce LDL-C from 40 to 80%, apolipoprotein B100 from 30 to 59% and lipoprotein(a) from 18 to 36% in a dose-dependent manner. The incidence of side effects seems to be low and mainly limited to nasopharyngitis, injection site pain, arthralgia and back pain.EXPERT OPINION: Evolocumab is an innovative powerful lipid-lowering drug, additive to statins and with an apparently large therapeutic range associated to a low rate of mild adverse events. If available data will be confirmed in long-term trials with strong outcomes, Evolocumab will provide an essential tool to treat high-risk patients who need to reach ambitious LDL-C target." ]
[ "Imatinib mesylate is the sole BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase inhibitor approved as first-line treatment of accelerated-phase (AP) chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Indication was based on the STI571 0109 study, in which imatinib favorably compared to historical treatments in patients failing prior therapies. The relevance of these results to currently newly diagnosed AP-CML patients remains unknown. We evaluated the benefit of imatinib in 42 newly diagnosed AP-CML patients. In all, 16 patients had hematological acceleration without chromosomal abnormalities in addition to the Philadelphia chromosome (ACAs; HEM-AP), 16 solely had ACAs (ACA-AP) and 10 had hematological acceleration plus ACAs (HEM-AP + ACA). Major cytogenetic responses were achieved in 93.7% of HEM-AP patients, 75% of patients with ACA-AP (P=NS) and 40% of patients with HEM-AP + ACA (P=0.0053). The 24-month failure-free survival rate was 87.5% in HEM-AP patients, 43.8% in ACA-AP patients and 15% in HEM-AP + ACA patients (P=0.022). The 24-month estimate of progression-free survival was 100% in HEM-AP patients, 92.8% in ACA-AP patients and 58.3% in HEM-AP + ACA patients (P=0.0052). In conclusion, frontline imatinib allows favorable outcomes in HEM-AP and ACA-AP patients but appears insufficient for patients with HEM-AP + ACA. Broader-target and/or more potent BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase inhibitors alone or in combination may be considered in this setting.", "The sera of patients with Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome (LEMS) contain autoantibodies against several extracellular and intracellular components of the voltage-gated calcium channel (VGCC)/synaptic vesicle release complex. An example of the latter are anti-beta-subunit antibodies (anti-MysB antibodies). We constructed a full-length cDNA clone of a human VGCC beta-subunit to produce purified beta-subunit fusion protein (MysB protein). Using this protein, we demonstrated that anti-beta-subunit antibodies are present in the sera of 23% of LEMS patients and only, in low titer, in 2% of small cell lung cancer patients without LEMS. The presence of anti-beta-subunit antibodies was closely associated with high titers of P/Q- and N-type VGCC antibodies. Immunization of rats with the purified MysB protein induced high antibody titers, but no signs of neurologic dysfunction were found. We conclude that anti-beta-subunit antibodies are not likely to interfere with ion channel function, but their presence could explain the cross-reactivity of LEMS sera with several subtypes of VGCCs and the lack of correlation between anti-VGCC antibody titer and clinical severity of disease.", "The APOBEC3 deoxycytidine deaminase family functions as host restriction factors that can block replication of Vif (virus infectivity factor) deficient HIV-1 virions to differing degrees by deaminating cytosines to uracils in single-stranded (-)HIV-1 DNA. Upon replication of the (-)DNA to (+)DNA, the HIV-1 reverse transcriptase incorporates adenines opposite the uracils, thereby inducing C/G→T/A mutations that can functionally inactivate HIV-1. Although both APOBEC3F and APOBEC3G are expressed in cell types HIV-1 infects and are suppressed by Vif, there has been no prior biochemical analysis of APOBEC3F, in contrast to APOBEC3G. Using synthetic DNA substrates, we characterized APOBEC3F and found that similar to APOBEC3G; it is a processive enzyme and can deaminate at least two cytosines in a single enzyme-substrate encounter. However, APOBEC3F scanning movement is distinct from APOBEC3G, and relies on jumping rather than both jumping and sliding. APOBEC3F jumping movements were also different from APOBEC3G. The lack of sliding movement from APOBEC3F is due to an ¹⁹⁰NPM¹⁹² motif, since insertion of this motif into APOBEC3G decreases its sliding movements. The APOBEC3G NPM mutant induced significantly less mutations in comparison to wild-type APOBEC3G in an in vitro model HIV-1 replication assay and single-cycle infectivity assay, indicating that differences in DNA scanning were relevant to restriction of HIV-1. Conversely, mutation of the APOBEC3F ¹⁹¹Pro to ¹⁹¹Gly enables APOBEC3F sliding movements to occur. Although APOBEC3F ¹⁹⁰NGM¹⁹² could slide, the enzyme did not induce more mutagenesis than wild-type APOBEC3F, demonstrating that the unique jumping mechanism of APOBEC3F abrogates the influence of sliding on mutagenesis. Overall, we demonstrate key differences in the impact of APOBEC3F- and APOBEC3G-induced mutagenesis on HIV-1 that supports a model in which both the processive DNA scanning mechanism and preferred deamination motif (APOBEC3F, 5'TTC; APOBEC3G 5'CCC) influences the mutagenic and gene inactivation potential of an APOBEC3 enzyme.", "Diabetes is generally associated with vasculopathy, which contains both microvascular and macrovascular complications, associated with high morbidity and mortality. Currently, despite interventional therapy, the overall prognosis for patients with diabetic vasculopathy remains unsatisfactory. Angiogenesis and vascular injury and repair are associated with a variety of cells. However, the molecular mechanisms of the cells that are involved in pathogenesis of diabetic vasculopathy remain largely unknown. As novel molecules, microRNAs (miRs) take part in regulating protein-coding gene expression at the post-transcriptional level, and contribute to the pathogenesis of various types of chronic metabolism disease, especially diabetic vasculopathy. This allows miRs to have a direct function in regulation of various cellular events. Additionally, circulating miRs have been proposed as biomarkers for a wide range of cardiovascular diseases. This review elucidates miR-mediated regulatory mechanisms in diabetic vasculopathy. Furthermore, we discuss the current understanding of miRs in diabetic vasculopathy. Finally, we summarize the development of novel diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for diabetic vasculopathy related to miRs.", "OBJECTIVES: The NoSAS score has been shown to be a reliable screening tool for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in overall populations. This study aimed to explore the effects of age and sex on the predicting performance of this score.METHODS: A retrospective analysis was conducted on 1119 subjects aged ≥ 18 years and with a total sleep time of ≥ 4 h during overnight polysomnography. Discrimination was assessed by using areas under receiver operating characteristic curve (AUCs), while predictive parameters were calculated by using contingency tables.RESULTS: Overall, a NoSAS score of 8 points or higher resulted in sensitivity, specificity, and AUC for predicting an apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) of ≥ 20 events/h of 74%, 36%, and 0.63 (in non-elderly 73%, 46%, and 0.65; in elderly 91%, 17%, and 0.59; in men 85%, 18%, and 0.56; in women 52%, 76%, and 0.71, respectively). The AUCs at all AHI cutoffs were significantly lower in men than in women (all with p < 0.01), while the AUCs at AHI cutoff of 5, 15, and 30 events/h were significantly lower in elderly than in non-elderly (p < 0.01, 0.05, and 0.05, respectively). In non-elderly, a conventional NoSAS with cutoff of 7 or a modified NoSAS with age cutoff of 50 years provided sensitivity and specificity for predicting an AHI of ≥ 20 events/h of 87%, 37% and 80%, 36%, respectively, with comparable AUCs. In women, a conventional NoSAS with cutoff of 6 or a modified NoSAS with neck circumference cutoff of 35 cm provided sensitivity and specificity for predicting an AHI of ≥ 20 events/h of 85%, 39% and 79%, 52%, respectively, with comparable AUCs.CONCLUSIONS: NoSAS score has better discrimination but lower sensitivity for predicting OSA in non-elderly and women than in their counterparts. Age- and sex-specific cutoff values reverse this imbalance. Our results underline the preference of age- and sex-specific cutoff values and the need for better age- and sex-specific screening algorithms.", "Objective: To evaluate the effect of arterial blood HCO3- level on the accuracy of NoSAS questionnaire screening for obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS). Methods: The hospitalized patients with suspected OSAHS were recruited from March 2016 to December 2017 in the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University. NoSAS scores, blood gas analysis and polysomnography (PSG) were performed in these patients. Patients were divided into non OSAHS group and mild, moderate and severe OSAHS group according to the PSG results. According to the NoSAS questionnaire score, the patients were divided into OSAHS high-risk group and low risk group. The correlation between arterial blood HCO3- level and apnea hypopnea index (AHI) was analyzed. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was plotted to analyze the accuracy of HCO3- prediction OSAHS. Predictive parameters(sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values)for NoSAS scores and HCO3- level were calculated. Results: A total of 243 patients with suspected OSAHS were included, including 186 males (76.5%), 57 females (23.5%), age (49±13) years, body mass index (BMI) (26.9±4.4) kg/m2, and neck circumference (38.6±4.5) cm. The HCO3- level was positively correlated with AHI (r=0.206, P=0.001). The proportion of patients with HCO3- level ≥26 mmol/L in non-OSAHS group was lower than that in OSAHS group (13.0% vs 34.5%, P=0.004); the proportion of patients with HCO3- level ≥26 mmol/L in severe OSAHS group was higher than that in mild OSAHS group (37.7% vs 15.0%, P=0.008), and there was no difference in the ratio of patients with severe OSAHS and moderate OSAHS (37.7% vs 35.3%, P=0.767). The specificity of OSAHS predicted by HCO3- level 25 and 26 mmol/L was 69.6% and 87.0%, respectively. With the NoSAS score of 8 or 7 as cutoffs for analysis, the sensitivity for OSAHS was 61.9% and 79.2%, the specificity for OSAHS was 57.4% and 40.4%, respectively. With the addition of HCO3- level ≥ 26 mmol/L to the NoSAS score ≥ 7, the specificity for OSAHS improved to 93.6%, while the sensitivity decreased to 27.4%. Conclusion: Combined with the arterial blood HCO3- level, the specificity of the NoSAS questionnaire increases and the sensitivity decreases.", "The neurohypophysial peptide arginine vasotocin (AVT) and its mammalian ortholog arginine vasopressin function in a wide range of physiological and behavioral events. Here, we generated a new line of transgenic medaka (Oryzias latipes), which allowed us to monitor AVT neurons by enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) and demonstrate AVT neuronal development in the embryo and the projection of AVT neurons in the adult brain of avt-egfp transgenic medaka. The onset of AVT expression manifested at 2 days postfertilization (dpf) as a pair of signals in the telencephalon of the brain. The telencephalic AVT neurons migrated and converged on the preoptic area (POA) by 4dpf. At the same stage, another onset of AVT expression manifested in the central optic tectum (OT), and they migrated to the ventral part of the hypothalamus (VH) by 6dpf. In the adult brain, the AVT somata with EGFP signals existed in the gigantocellular POA (gPOA), magnocellular POA (mPOA), and parvocellular POA (pPOA) and in the VH. Whereas the major projection of AVT fibers was found from the pPOA and VH to the posterior pituitary, it was also found that AVT neurons in the three POAs send their fibers into wide regions of the brain such as the telencephalon, mesencephalon and diencephalon. This study suggests that the avt-egfp transgenic medaka is a useful model to explore AVT neuronal development and function.", "Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a common inflammatory dermatologic disease clinically characterized by intense itch, recurrent eczematous lesions, and a chronic or relapsing disease course. Mild-to-moderate AD can be controlled by using moisturizers and topical immunomodulators such as topical corticosteroids and calcineurin inhibitors. If topical therapies fail, phototherapy and systemic immunosuppressant therapies, such as ciclosporin, methotrexate, and azathioprine, can be considered. However, relapse and side effects could still occur. The pathogenesis of AD involves epidermal barrier dysfunction, skin microbiome abnormalities, and cutaneous inflammation. Inflammatory mediators, such as interleukin (IL)-4, IL-13, IL-31, IL-33, IL-17, IL-23, and thymic stromal lymphopoietin, are involved in AD development. Therefore, a series of biological agents targeting these cytokines are promising approaches for treating AD. Dupilumab is the first biological agent approved for the treatment of AD in patients aged 6 years and older in the United States. Tralokinumab, lebrikizumab, and nemolizumab have also been confirmed to have significant efficacy against AD in phase III or IIb clinical trials. Also, fezakinumab was effective in severe AD patients in a phase IIa trial. However, phase II trials of ustekinumab, tezepelumab, etokimab, secukinumab, and omalizumab have failed to meet their primary endpoints. Phase II trials of GBR 830 and KHK 4083 are ongoing. In general, further studies are needed to explore new therapeutic targets and improve the efficacy of biological agents.", "This unit describes a method of isolating of proteins from formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue for mass spectrometry analysis. Heat-induced antigen retrieval is the basis of the protein extraction strategy presented in this protocol. This protocol may be used to identify nuclear, cytosolic, and membrane proteins from FFPE tissues extracted from tissue blocks or slides.", "BACKGROUND: There is a growing number of patients with sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) referred to sleep clinics. Therefore, a simple but useful screening tool is urgent. The NoSAS score, containing only five items, has been developed and validated in population-based studies.AIM: To evaluate the performance of the NoSAS score for the screening of SDB patients from a sleep clinic in China, and to compare the predictive value of the NoSAS score with the STOP-Bang questionnaire.METHODS: We enrolled consecutive patients from a sleep clinic who had undergone apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) testing by type III portable monitor device at the hospital and completed the STOP-Bang questionnaire. The NoSAS score was assessed by reviewing medical records. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) of both screening tools were calculated at different AHI cutoffs to compare the performance of SDB screening.RESULTS: Of the 596 eligible patients (397 males and 199 female), 514 were diagnosed with SDB. When predicting overall (AHI ≥ 5), moderate-to-severe (AHI ≥ 15), and severe (AHI ≥ 30) SDB, the sensitivity and specificity of the NoSAS score were 71.2, 80.4, and 83.1% and 62.4, 49.3, and 40.7%, respectively. At all AHI cutoffs, the AUC ranged from 0.688 to 0.715 for the NoSAS score and from 0.663 to 0.693 for the STOP-Bang questionnaire. The NoSAS score had the largest AUC (0.715, 95% CI: 0.655-0.775) of diagnosing SDB at AHI cutoff of ≥5 events/h. NoSAS performed better in discriminating moderate-to-severe SDB than STOP-Bang with a marginally significantly higher AUC (0.697 vs. 0.663, P=0.046).CONCLUSION: The NoSAS score had good performance on the discrimination of SDB patients in sleep clinic and can be utilized as an effective screening tool in clinical practice.", "Despite the availability of new broad-spectrum antibiotics, sinusitis occasionally causes significant morbidity and mortality. One serious complication of paranasal sinusitis is subdural empyema, a fulminating intracranial disease that is invariably fatal if not treated. The symptoms of subdural empyema may be mild and may be the same as those associated with sinusitis, or the infection may result in alteration of the level of consciousness and focal neurologic deficits. Rapid recognition and treatment of subdural empyema is extremely important. Before magnetic resonance imaging became available, computed tomography was used for rapid diagnosis of this infection. Magnetic resonance imaging, however, is now becoming the diagnostic tool of choice. Neurosurgical intervention and high doses of intravenously administered antibiotics are the mainstays of treatment. If treatment is initiated as soon as the diagnosis of subdural empyema is made, the patient has a good chance of recovering with no, or only slight, neurologic defects.", "MOTIVATION: The extraction of sequence variants from the literature remains an important task. Existing methods primarily target standard (ST) mutation mentions (e.g. 'E6V'), leaving relevant mentions natural language (NL) largely untapped (e.g. 'glutamic acid was substituted by valine at residue 6').RESULTS: We introduced three new corpora suggesting named-entity recognition (NER) to be more challenging than anticipated: 28-77% of all articles contained mentions only available in NL. Our new method nala captured NL and ST by combining conditional random fields with word embedding features learned unsupervised from the entire PubMed. In our hands, nala substantially outperformed the state-of-the-art. For instance, we compared all unique mentions in new discoveries correctly detected by any of three methods (SETH, tmVar, or nala ). Neither SETH nor tmVar discovered anything missed by nala , while nala uniquely tagged 33% mentions. For NL mentions the corresponding value shot up to 100% nala -only.AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION: Source code, API and corpora freely available at: .CONTACT: INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.", "BACKGROUND: Since the clinical presentation of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) shares common features with major depressive (MDE), the screening of OSAS is challenging in this population. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of the NoSAS score in predicting the presence of OSAS among participants with current MDE and to compare it with the performance of existing screening tools.METHODS: A random sample of the population-based cohort CoLaus (Lausanne, Switzerland) underwent a psychiatric evaluation (PsyCoLaus) and a complete polysomnography at home (HypnoLaus). The effectiveness of the NoSAS score in detecting the risk of significant OSAS among current MDE participants was assessed and compared with STOP-BANG and Berlin scores.RESULTS: Among the 1761 subjects (58,75 ± 11y.o.; 47,8%men) who underwent polysomnography, significant OSAS was present in 24.0% with and 26.1% without current MDE. Using a threshold of ≥ 8 points, the NoSAS score identified OSAS in MDE participants with a sensitivity of 0.79, a specificity of 0.66, a negative predictive value of 0.91, and a positive predictive value of 0.41. The area under the ROC curve was 0.72 for NoSAS, 0.66 for STOP-BANG and 0.69 for the Berlin score (NS).LIMITATIONS: Only 44% of the PsyCoLaus participants had a polysomnography. The studied population was mainly of Caucasian ancestry and above 40 years of age.CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study assessing the performance of screening tools for OSAS in MDE. The NoSAS score is a simple and efficient screening tool for OSAS in this population, and may be a helpful instrument for clinicians.", "BACKGROUND: Diagnosis of sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) requires overnight polysomnography (PSG). Because of the cost and low availability of these procedures, the NoSAS score was developed to identify subjects at high risk of SDB. To evaluate the clinical utility of the NoSAS score for screening patients with SDB in China and to compare the predictive value of the NoSAS score with the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), we used the STOP-Bang questionnaire and the Berlin questionnaire.METHODS: In our study, we retrospectively reviewed the existing clinical data of patients who underwent an overnight PSG for suspected SDB from June 2014 to September 2017 at the sleep medical center of Guangdong Medical University Affiliated Second Hospital. The information we collected included all parts of the NoSAS score, the ESS, the STOP-Bang questionnaire and the Berlin questionnaire. Based on the severity of SDB determined by the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI), the patients were classified into four groups of primary snoring (<5 events/h), mild SBD (AHI ≥5 and <15 events/h), moderate SBD (AHI ≥15 and ≤30 events/h) and severe SBD (>30 events/h). We calculated the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of the five questionnaires to compare their relative efficacy for screening SDB.RESULTS: A total of 479 consecutive patients (374 males and 105 females) ranging in age from 18 to 80 years old (mean ± SD, 48.9±14.4 years old) were recruited into this study. When using the standard of AHI ≥5 for diagnosing SDB, the NoSAS score had the largest area under the curve (AUC) (AUC =0.734), and the Berlin questionnaire (AUC =0.732) came second. Both exhibited a better predictive value than the ESS score and the STOP-Bang questionnaire. Using NoSAS ≥8 to predict AHI ≥5 events/h, AHI ≥15 events/h and AHI >30 events/h, the sensitivity and specificity were 0.590 and 0.707, 0.649 and 0.626, and 0.644 and 0.562, respectively; for the STOP-Bang questionnaire, the values were 0.721 and 0.512, 0.752 and 0.440, and 0.763 and 0.399, respectively; and for the Berlin questionnaire, the values were 0.721 and 0.512, 0.752 and 0.440, and 0.763 and 0.399, respectively.CONCLUSIONS: The NoSAS score and the Berlin questionnaire both exhibited good predictive value for SDB patients. NoSAS is a more suitable questionnaire to use in clinic for the conveniences but the similar performance with another questionnaire.", "Cerliponase alfa (Brineura™) is a recombinant human tripeptidyl peptidase-1 (TPP1) being developed by BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. for use in patients with neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis type 2 (CLN2), a paediatric neurodegenerative disease caused by a deficiency in TPP1. CLN2 is characterised by progressive impairment of motor function, language deficiencies, seizures, ataxia, blindness and early death, and intracerebroventricular infusion of cerliponase alfa has been shown to reduce the progression of functional decline. This article summarizes the milestones in the development of cerliponase alfa leading to its first global approval in the USA for the treatment of motor function loss in paediatric patients ≥3 years of age with CLN2, and subsequent approval in the EU for CLN2 in all ages.", "OBJECTIVE: A study was undertaken to identify the responsible gene defect underlying late onset spinal motor neuronopathy (LOSMoN/SMAJ; Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man #615048), an autosomal dominant disease mapped to chromosome 22q11.2.METHODS: The previous genetic linkage approach by microsatellite haplotyping was continued in new families. A whole genome sequencing was performed to find all possibly pathogenic mutations in the linked area. The detected variations were verified by Sanger sequencing.RESULTS: Six new SMAJ families were identified based on the unique founder haplotype. A critical recombination in 1 family restricted the linked area to 727kb between markers SHGC-106816 and D22S345. In whole genome sequencing a previously unknown mutation c.197G>T p.G66V in CHCHD10 was identified. The mutation was shown to segregate with the disease in 55 patients from 17 families.INTERPRETATION: Mutation c.197G>T p.G66V in CHCHD10 is the cause of the lower motor neuron syndrome LOSMoN/SMAJ. During the preparation of this article other mutations were reported to cause frontotemporal dementia-amyotrophic lateral sclerosis syndrome, indicating that the CHCHD10 gene is largely important for the motor and cognitive neuronal systems.", "Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is the main secondary form associated with resistant hypertension (RH), but it is largely underdiagnosed and consequently undertreated in clinical practice. The Berlin questionnaire (BQ) is a useful tool among general population, but seems to not perform well among patients with RH. Recently, NoSAS score was validated in a large population, however, has not been tested in the cardiovascular scenario. Thus, we aimed to compare BQ versus the NoSAS score as screening tools for OSA in RH. In the present study, patients with confirmed diagnosis of RH were invited to perform polysomnography. OSA was diagnosed by an apnoea-hypopnoea index (AHI) ≥15 events/h. BQ and NoSAS were applied in a blinded way. We calculated the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV) and area under the curve (AUC) of the two sleep questionnaires to detect OSA in RH. The frequency of OSA was 64%. The BQ presented a better sensitivity (91 vs. 72%) and higher values of NPV (67 vs. 54%) than NoSAS score. In contrast, the NoSAS score had higher specificity for excluding OSA (58 vs. 33%) and higher PPV (75 vs. 70%). Compared to the BQ, NoSAS score had a better AUC (0.55 vs. 0.64) but these values are in the fail to poor accuracy range. In conclusion, both BQ and NoSAS score had low accuracy for detecting OSA in RH. Considering the high frequency of OSA, objective sleep study may be considered in these patients.", "The \"Bermuda triangle\" of genetics, environment and autoimmunity is involved in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Various aspects of genetic contribution to the etiology, pathogenesis and outcome of RA are discussed in this review. The heritability of RA has been estimated to be about 60 %, while the contribution of HLA to heritability has been estimated to be 11-37 %. Apart from known shared epitope (SE) alleles, such as HLA-DRB1*01 and DRB1*04, other HLA alleles, such as HLA-DRB1*13 and DRB1*15 have been linked to RA susceptibility. A novel SE classification divides SE alleles into S1, S2, S3P and S3D groups, where primarily S2 and S3P groups have been associated with predisposition to seropositive RA. The most relevant non-HLA gene single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with RA include PTPN22, IL23R, TRAF1, CTLA4, IRF5, STAT4, CCR6, PADI4. Large genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified more than 30 loci involved in RA pathogenesis. HLA and some non-HLA genes may differentiate between anti-citrullinated protein antibody (ACPA) seropositive and seronegative RA. Genetic susceptibility has also been associated with environmental factors, primarily smoking. Some GWAS studies carried out in rodent models of arthritis have confirmed the role of human genes. For example, in the collagen-induced (CIA) and proteoglycan-induced arthritis (PgIA) models, two important loci - Pgia26/Cia5 and Pgia2/Cia2/Cia3, corresponding the human PTPN22/CD2 and TRAF1/C5 loci, respectively - have been identified. Finally, pharmacogenomics identified SNPs or multiple genetic signatures that may be associated with responses to traditional disease-modifying drugs and biologics.", "Objective: To evaluate the clinical utility of the NoSAS score in the screening of patients with obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome(OSAHS), and to compare the performance of the NoSAS score with other tools including Epworth Sleepiness Scale(ESS), STOP, STOP-Bang(SBQ) and Berlin questionnaires. Methods: A total of 444 consecutive patients(328 males and 116 females) with suspected OSAHS who underwent an overnight polysomnography(PSG) were recruited into this study. Five questionnaires including the NoSAS score, ESS, STOP, SBQ and Berlin were completed. Based on the severity of OSAHS which was determined by apnea-hypopnea index(AHI), the patients were classified into 4 groups: normal(<5 events/h), mild(5-15 events/h), moderate(15-30 events/h) and, severe (≥30 events/h) OSA.Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive values, negative predictive values and the area under the receiver operating characteristics curve of 5 questionnaires were calculated. Results: With AHI≥5 events/h as the standard diagnosis of OSAHS, the NoSAS score and SBQ questionnaire showed a moderate performance, with the NoSAS score having the largest area under the ROC curve(0.753, P<0.001), followed by the SBQ questionnaire (0.727, P<0.001). The performance of the ESS, Berlin, and the STOP questionnaire was not high. Using mild moderate-severe(≥5 events/h), moderate-severe(≥15 events/h), and severe(≥30 events/h)OSAHS as cutoffs, NoSAS had the highest specificity and positive predictive values(80.2% and 88%, 72% and 69.8%, 66.3% and 50.5%), and the sensitivity and negative predictive values were (51.5% and 36.9%, 56.5% and 59.1%, 66.3% and 74.2%) .SBQ had the highest sensitivity and the negative predictive values(80.2% and 88%, 72% and 69.8%, 66.3% and 50.5%), and the specific and positive predictive values were (45.7% and 81.0%, 39.1% and 61.9%, 34.8% and 44.4%). The NoSAS score ≥ 7 had higher sensitivity and negative predictive value(75.0% and 47.1%, 78.1% and 66.5%, 82.7% and 81.9%)than the NoSAS socre ≥ 8. With AHI≥5 events/h as the standard diagnosis of OSAHS, the NoSAS score and the SBQ questionnaire had a higher accuracy than the other 3 questionnaires as screening questionnaires for diagnosing OSAHS, and the value of DOR were 4.298 and 3.758 respectively. Conclusions: The NoSAS score and the SBQ questionnaire have a moderate performance in diagnosing OSAHS. The NoSAS score is a new screening tool, and it is similar to the SBQ questionnaire, being also simple and effective. While the SBQ questionnaire is more widely used, it is necessary to further evaluate the diagnostic value of NoSAS score.", "STUDY OBJECTIVES: This study was conducted to validate the NoSAS score in clinical populations and to compare it with the Berlin, STOP, and STOP-Bang questionnaires, as well as the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), in screening for sleep-disordered breathing (SDB).METHODS: A retrospective analysis was conducted of all patients aged 18 to 80 years who had completed a full-night polysomnography (PSG) at the sleep center of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University from October 2012 to November 2016. Patients who had incomplete or unanswered questionnaires were excluded. The data for the NoSAS score, ESS, STOP, STOP-Bang, and Berlin questionnaires were collected, after which the NoSAS score was compared against the other questionnaires for SDB screening.RESULTS: A total of 2,208 participants were enrolled in this study. The NoSAS scores, which ranged from 0 to 17 and allocated a threshold of 8 points, identified individuals at risk of clinically significant SDB (defined as an apnea-hypopnea index [AHI] cutoff of ≥ 20 events/h), with an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.707. The NoSAS score performed significantly better than the STOP (AUC 0.655) and STOP-Bang (AUC 0.704) questionnaires and the ESS (AUC 0.642), and it was at par with the Berlin (AUC 0.697) scores for SDB screening. A significant correlation was found between the AHI and NoSAS score (r = .386, P < .001).CONCLUSIONS: The NoSAS score is a simple, efficient, and easy method for screening SDB in the clinical setting, especially in moderate to severe SDB. It demonstrates a moderately high level of sensitivity for SDB.", "We report a case of a 68-year-old man diagnosed with pulmonary pleomorphic carcinoma who showed partial response after a single treatment with camrelizumab (PD1 monoclonal antibody). The patient's tumor was positive for programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) and progressed rapidly after a course of chemotherapy. Fortunately, the tumors dramatically shrank after one cycle of camrelizumab, an anti-programmed cell death-1 (PD-1) antibody developed by Chinese Hengrui Medicine. In conclusion, camrelizumab may be a good treatment option, especially in tumors that express PD-L1.", "While the human transcriptome contains a large number of circular RNAs (circRNAs), the functions of most circRNAs remain unclear. Sequence annotation suggests that most circRNAs are generated from splicing in reversed orders across exons. However, the mechanisms of this backsplicing are largely unknown. Here we constructed a single exon minigene containing split GFP, and found that the pre-mRNA indeed produces circRNA through efficient backsplicing in human and Drosophila cells. The backsplicing is enhanced by complementary introns that form double-stranded RNA structure to bring splice sites in proximity, but such structure is not required. Moreover, backsplicing is regulated by general splicing factors and cis-elements, but with regulatory rules distinct from canonical splicing. The resulting circRNA can be translated to generate functional proteins. Unlike linear mRNA, poly-adenosine or poly-thymidine in 3' UTR can inhibit circular mRNA translation. This study revealed that backsplicing can occur efficiently in diverse eukaryotes to generate circular mRNAs.", "INTRODUCTION: Screening methods have become increasingly important due to the growing number of patients suspected of having obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) being referred to sleep clinics. The Lausanne NoSAS (Neck circumference, Obesity, Snoring, Age, Sex) score test is a simple, efficient, and easily employed tool enabling identification of individuals at risk for the disease. The score ranges from 0 to 17 and the patient has a high probability of OSA if they have a NoSAS score of 8 or higher.OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the performance of the NoSAS score as a screening tool for the diagnosis of OSA in a sleep clinic.METHODS: Prospectively, for 12 months, we included all the patients referred by primary care physicians to our sleep unit for clinical evaluation who had undergone in-lab polysomnography (PSG) and completed the NoSAS score. This test assigns 4 points for a neck circumference of more than 40cm, 3 points for a body-mass index of 25kg/m2 to less than 30kg/m2 or 5 points for having a body-mass index of 30kg/m2 or more, 2 points for snoring, 4 points for being older than 55 years of age and 2 points for being male.RESULTS: Of the 294 patients, 70.7% were male, aged 53.5±12.1 years, with a neck circumference of 41.0±3.6cm and a BMI of 30.8±5.1kg/m2. OSA was present in 84.0% of the patients, 34.8% with moderate OSA and 36.4% severe OSA. Using the NoSAS model for the prediction of all OSA, moderate/severe OSA and severe OSA, the area under the ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) was 0.770 (IC95%: (0.703; 0.837), p<0.001), 0.746 (IC95%: (0.691; 0.802), p<0.001) and 0.686 (IC95%: (0.622; 0.749), p<0.001), respectively, thus confirming the diagnostic ability of the NoSAS model. With a NoSAS score ≥7, the sensitivity and positive predictive value (PPV) were 94.3% and 87.6% for all OSA, 94.9% and 62.8% for moderate/severe OSA and 100% and 33.8% for severe OSA, respectively. With the same cut-off, the negative predictive value (NPV) for moderate/severe and severe OSA were 67.9% and 100%, respectively. Each increase in the NoSAS score was associated with an increase in the probability of OSA, reaching a 97% OSA probability for a score of 17.CONCLUSIONS: The NoSAS score showed high sensitivity and PPV for OSA with specificity and diagnostic accuracy steadily increasing with higher scores. Furthermore, a low score showed high predictive value for the exclusion of moderate/severe OSA. Overall, our results suggest that, in primary care, this score can be a powerful tool for stratifying and prioritizing patients in the diagnosis of OSA. Nevertheless, more studies are needed to evaluate the efficacy of this score in hospital health care, in younger populations, with a predominance of female and non-obese individuals or in cardiovascular disease.", "Macitentan (Opsumit(®)) is an orally active, dual endothelin receptor antagonist (ERA) with tissue targeting properties. Macitentan was approved recently in the EU (as monotherapy or combination therapy) for the long-term treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) in adults of WHO functional class II or III, and in the USA for the treatment of PAH (WHO group I) to delay disease progression and reduce hospitalization for PAH. This article reviews the pharmacological properties, efficacy and tolerability data relevant to the use of macitentan in this indication. Treatment with macitentan 10 mg once daily significantly reduced the risk for the primary composite endpoint of morbidity and mortality in patients with PAH (mostly WHO functional class II or III) in the large, randomized, placebo-controlled SERAPHIN study. Other efficacy outcomes, including exercise capacity, haemodynamic parameters and health-related quality of life also improved significantly with macitentan relative to placebo. Macitentan was generally well tolerated in this study. As with other ERAs, haemoglobin levels decreased with macitentan therapy; however, these were not progressive and stabilized following longer-term treatment. Although comparative studies are needed to definitively position macitentan with respect to other approved agents, current evidence suggests that macitentan is a useful treatment option for initial therapy in patients with WHO functional class II or III PAH, which has the potential advantage of once-daily administration.", "BACKGROUND: Adult stem cells come from many sources and have the capacity to differentiate into many cell types, including those of the skin. The most commonly studied stem cells are those termed mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), which are easily isolated from bone marrow and adipose tissue. Mesenchymal stem cells are known to produce a wide array of cytokines that modulate the regeneration process. The ease of collection, propagation and use of these MSCs in therapy of traumatic, ischaemic and immune-mediated skin conditions is emerging.APPROACH AND EVIDENCE: In traumatic and ischaemic skin damage, MSCs are used in tissue-engineered skin and by direct injection into damaged tissue. For immune-mediated diseases, systemic administration of stem cells can modulate the immune system. The earliest clinical work has been with autologous stem cell sources, such as adipose tissue and bone marrow. In immune-mediated diseases, the MSCs are used to downregulate production of inflammatory cytokines and to block T-cell activation. Cells are generally given intravenously. Multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and lupus have been successfully treated in human clinical trials. Mesenchymal stem cells can also stimulate resident local cells, such as keratinocytes and progenitor cells, to proliferate, migrate and repair skin injury and disease.LOOKING AHEAD: The discovery of the MSC in adipose tissue has spawned a global effort to utilize these cells in therapy of a wide range of diseases of the skin. Reconstructive surgery, scar blocking and resolution and skin regeneration have all been shown to be possible in human and animal studies.", "The majority of eukaryotic pre-mRNAs are processed by 3'-end cleavage and polyadenylation, although in metazoa the replication-dependent histone mRNAs are processed by 3'-end cleavage but not polyadenylation. The macromolecular complex responsible for processing both canonical and histone pre-mRNAs contains the approximately 1160-residue protein Symplekin. Secondary-structural prediction algorithms identified putative HEAT domains in the 300 N-terminal residues of all Symplekins of known sequence. The structure and dynamics of this domain were investigated to begin elucidating the role Symplekin plays in mRNA maturation. The crystal structure of the Drosophila melanogaster Symplekin HEAT domain was determined to 2.4 A resolution with single-wavelength anomalous dispersion phasing methods. The structure exhibits five canonical HEAT repeats along with an extended 31-amino-acid loop (loop 8) between the fourth and fifth repeat that is conserved within closely related Symplekin sequences. Molecular dynamics simulations of this domain show that the presence of loop 8 dampens correlated and anticorrelated motion in the HEAT domain, therefore providing a neutral surface for potential protein-protein interactions. HEAT domains are often employed for such macromolecular contacts. The Symplekin HEAT region not only structurally aligns with several established scaffolding proteins, but also has been reported to contact proteins essential for regulating 3'-end processing. Together, these data support the conclusion that the Symplekin HEAT domain serves as a scaffold for protein-protein interactions essential to the mRNA maturation process.", "BACKGROUND: Our objectives were to assess the differences in perforating disease behavior, disease severity, and extraintestinal manifestations (EIM) in patients with Crohn's disease (CD) by race.MATERIALS AND METHODS: We identified outpatients with CD evaluated at the University of Maryland Gastroenterology Faculty Practice office or the Baltimore Veterans Affairs Maryland Health Care System, from 1997 to 2005. We assessed age at diagnosis, disease behavior, disease location, need for surgery and EIM.RESULTS: Race was not associated with perforating disease behavior (relative risk [RR] 0.79, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.46-1.35), need for surgery (RR 0.89, 95% CI 0.56-1.12), and EIM of CD (RR 0.77, 95% CI 0.46-1.27). White patients were significantly more likely to have ileal disease, whereas African American patients were significantly more likely to have ileocolonic and colonic disease. Age at diagnosis younger than 40 years (odds ratio [OR] 4.41, 95% CI 1.84-10.56) and ileocolonic disease (OR 2.39, 95% CI 1.24-4.63) were independent risk factors for perforating disease behavior. Similarly, age at diagnosis younger than 40 (OR 2.79, 95% CI 1.45-5.33), ileal disease (OR 3.76, 95% CI 1.66-8.48), and ileocolonic disease (OR 2.57, 95% CI1.21-5.46) were associated with the need for surgery. Female gender (OR 4.23, 95% CI 1.87-9.58) and a positive family history of CD (OR 3.45, 95% CI 1.49-8.0) were associated with joint manifestations of CD.DISCUSSION: We did not detect differences in disease behavior, severity, or joint EIM by race. Although African American patients were more likely to have ileocolonic or colonic disease, these factors did not affect disease behavior or severity.", "BACKGROUND/AIM: The NoSAS score is a new tool for the identification of high-risk patients for sleep-disordered breathing (SDB). The aim of this study was to validate the NoSAS score in a sleep clinical population in Turkey and compare its performance with the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), STOP-Bang, and Berlin questionnaires for high-risk SDB.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a retrospective study. Patients who had a full-night PSG examination between 01.03.2017 and 01.01.2018 at the sleep center of our hospital were included in the study. Demographic characteristics, anthropometrics measurements, ESS, STOP-Bang, and Berlin scores were collected from the existing data of the patients. The NoSAS score was subsequently calculated based on available data. Predictive parameters for each screening questionnaires were calculated to compare the discriminative power of those for high-risk SDB.RESULTS: A total of 450 patients were included in the study. The sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV of the NoSAS score were 81%, 51.2%, 88.2%, and 37.5% for an AHI (apnea–hypopnea index) ≥ 5 event/h and 84.5%, 38.2%, 66%, and 63.4% for an AHI ≥ 15 event/h, respectively. AUC percentages for the NoSAS score, STOP-Bang questionnaire, Berlin questionnaire, and ESS were 0.740, 0.737, 0.626, and 0.571 for an AHI ≥ 5 events/h and 0.715, 0.704, 0.574, and 0.621 for an AHI ≥ 30 events/h. The NoSAS score had a false negative rate of 2.9% for severe SDB.CONCLUSION: The NoSAS score had a good degree of differentiation for SDB and can be used as an easily applicable, subjective, and effective screening tool in a sleep clinical population in Turkey. Not only in moderate to severe SDB but also in mild SDB, the NoSAS score performed better than the other 3 screening tools.", "BACKGROUND: Diagnosis of sleep-disordered breathing requires overnight recordings, such as polygraphy or polysomnography. Considering the cost and low availability of these procedures, preselection of patients at high risk is recommended. We aimed to develop a screening tool allowing identification of individuals at risk of sleep-disordered breathing.METHODS: We used the participants from the population-based HypnoLaus cohort in Lausanne, Switzerland, who had a clinical assessment and polysomnography at home, to build a clinical score (the NoSAS score) using multiple factor analysis and logistic regression to identify people likely to have clinically significant sleep-disordered breathing. The NoSAS score was externally validated in an independent sleep cohort (EPISONO). We compared its performance to existing screening scores (STOP-Bang and Berlin scores).FINDINGS: We used the 2121 participants from the HypnoLaus cohort who were assessed between Sept 1, 2009, and June 30, 2013. The NoSAS score, which ranges from 0 to 17, allocates 4 points for having a neck circumference of more than 40 cm, 3 points for having a body-mass index of 25 kg/m(2) to less than 30 kg/m(2) or 5 points for having a body-mass index of 30 kg/m(2) or more, 2 points for snoring, 4 points for being older than 55 years of age, and 2 points for being male. Using a threshold of 8 points or more, the NoSAS score identified individuals at risk of clinically significant sleep-disordered breathing, with an area under the curve (AUC) of 0·74 (95% CI 0·72-0·76). It showed an even higher performance in the EPISONO cohort, with an AUC of 0·81 (0·77-0·85). The NoSAS score performed significantly better than did the STOP-Bang (AUC 0·67 [95% CI 0·65-0·69]; p<0·0001) and Berlin (0·63 [0·61-0·66]; p<0·0001) scores.INTERPRETATION: The NoSAS score is a simple, efficient, and easy to implement score enabling identification of individuals at risk of sleep-disordered breathing. Because of its high discrimination power, the NoSAS score can help clinicians to decide which patients to further investigate with a nocturnal recording.FUNDING: Faculty of Biology and Medicine of the University of Lausanne, Lausanne University Hospital, Swiss National Science Foundation, Leenaards Foundation, GlaxoSmithKline, and Vaud Pulmonary League.", "BACKGROUND: The routine HIV screening essentially depends on the detection of HIV specific antibodies. However, HIV p24 antigen can be detected in individuals with recent HIV infection about 2-18 days prior to seroconversion. New fourth generation HIV screening assays combine the detection of anti-HIV antibodies with the simultaneous detection of HIV p24 antigen. This may result in a reduction of the diagnostic window after primary infection.OBJECTIVES: The performance of two novel fourth generation assays in routine diagnostic was evaluated.STUDY DESIGN: We compared two third generation, two fourth generation and one antigen HIV assays in a case with acute primary HIV infection.RESULTS: In our case, the HIV infection was detected 11 days earlier with the fourth generation assays compared to third generation assays. Interestingly, after the initial reactive results the fourth generation assays became negative resulting in a second diagnostic window. During this second diagnostic window neither third nor fourth generation HIV assays were reactive. This second diagnostic window was caused by the absence of HIV specific antibodies and the decline of HIV p24 antigen concentrations below the detection limits of the fourth generation assays.CONCLUSIONS: Fourth generation assays markedly improve the diagnosis of recent HIV infections but the possibility of a second diagnostic window must be considered.", "Urinary extracellular vesicles (uEVs) are released by cells throughout the nephron and contain biomolecules from their cells of origin. Although uEV-associated proteins and RNA have been studied in detail, little information exists regarding uEV glycosylation characteristics. Surface glycosylation profiling by flow cytometry and lectin microarray was applied to uEVs enriched from urine of healthy adults by ultracentrifugation and centrifugal filtration. The carbohydrate specificity of lectin microarray profiles was confirmed by competitive sugar inhibition and carbohydrate-specific enzyme hydrolysis. Glycosylation profiles of uEVs and purified Tamm Horsfall protein were compared. In both flow cytometry and lectin microarray assays, uEVs demonstrated surface binding, at low to moderate intensities, of a broad range of lectins whether prepared by ultracentrifugation or centrifugal filtration. In general, ultracentrifugation-prepared uEVs demonstrated higher lectin binding intensities than centrifugal filtration-prepared uEVs consistent with lesser amounts of co-purified non-vesicular proteins. The surface glycosylation profiles of uEVs showed little inter-individual variation and were distinct from those of Tamm Horsfall protein, which bound a limited number of lectins. In a pilot study, lectin microarray was used to compare uEVs from individuals with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease to those of age-matched controls. The lectin microarray profiles of polycystic kidney disease and healthy uEVs showed differences in binding intensity of 6/43 lectins. Our results reveal a complex surface glycosylation profile of uEVs that is accessible to lectin-based analysis following multiple uEV enrichment techniques, is distinct from co-purified Tamm Horsfall protein and may demonstrate disease-specific modifications.", "Sudden cardiac death in young athletes is rare but tragic. The cardiology community is faced with the challenge of providing a sensible strategy for the prevention of SCD while simultaneously reaffirming that the benefits of regular exercise far outweigh potential risks. At present, there is a broad range of screening recommendations dependent upon country, sporting discipline, and competition level. While much recent debate has focused on the efficacy of screening with electrocardiography, a number of sporting bodies also mandate the inclusion of exercise testing and echocardiography in screening protocols. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, coronary calcium scoring and computed tomography coronary angiography have also been promoted as potentially valuable screening tools for competitive athletes. This review will examine the controversial topic of utilizing cardiac imaging for athlete pre-participation screening. Specifically, the limitations of screening for relatively rare disorders using imaging tools with uncertain or imperfect accuracy will be addressed. Current evidence suggests that the accuracy of all cardiac imaging modalities is insufficient to justify their use as primary screening modalities in athletes. Atypical findings such as marked cardiac dilation, reduced deformation, or small patches of delayed gadolinium enhancement may be commonly encountered in well-trained athletes, but, at present, the prognostic significance of such findings is unknown. Resulting uncertainty for the clinician and athlete has the potential for psychological stress, further testing, and unnecessary exclusions from competition. However, these concerns must not be confused with the extremely useful applications of cardiac imaging for the assessment of athletes with symptoms, an abnormal electrocardiogram or a positive family history. As modern imaging further enhances our understanding of the spectrum of athlete's heart, its role may expand from the assessment of athletes with suspected disease to being part of comprehensive pre-participation screening in apparently healthy athletes.", "HYPOTHESIS: The goal of this study was to assess the impact of dizziness handicap, illness intrusiveness (in relation to vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing problems), and illness uncertainty on depression in people with the symptoms of Ménière's disease.BACKGROUND: Ménière's disease is a progressive disease of the inner ear, the symptoms of which are vertigo, tinnitus, hearing loss, and aural fullness. Although pharmacologic treatments may reduce acute vertigo spells and dizziness, they rarely disappear entirely. Previous research shows that Ménière's disease is unpredictable and has a negative impact on patients' quality of life.METHODS: Questionnaires measuring Dizziness Handicap, Illness Intrusiveness, Illness Uncertainty, and Depression were completed by 74 people with self-reported symptoms of Ménière's disease. Bivariate correlations, repeated-measures analysis of variance, and multiple regression analyses were used to assess the contribution of dizziness handicap, illness intrusiveness, and illness uncertainty to depression.CONCLUSION: Vertigo was more intrusive than tinnitus, hearing problems, and most other comparator illnesses. The intrusiveness of the symptoms of Ménière's disease accounted for 32% of the variance in depression scores, which were high; illness uncertainty did not account for additional variance. Dizziness handicap accounted for 31% of the variation in depression. Although the symptoms of Ménière's disease may not be alleviated by psychological methods, programs that target cognitions in relation to the embarrassment in front of others, and the feeling of being handicapped, may lessen the psychosocial impact of the symptoms of Ménière's disease, which may reduce some of the depression felt in this group.", "Metformin appears to be involved in altering energy expenditure and thermogenesis, and could affect hypothalamic feeding circuits. However, it is not clear whether metformin is able to cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) to reach the hypothalamus and exert a direct effect on the central nervous system. Here we show the presence of metformin in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of diabetic rats administered orally with metformin which was confirmed by detecting the concentration of metformin with liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Food intake of diabetic rats treated with metformin was reduced, and glucose homeostasis was gained. Expression of orexigenic peptides neuropeptide Y (NPY) and agouti-related protein (AgRP) decreased in the hypothalamus of metformin-treated diabetic rats, though anorexigenic peptides pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) did not change significantly. The phosphorylation of signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) was increased but phosphorylated AMP-activated kinase (AMPK) was similar in the hypothalamus of metformin-treated diabetic rats. Our findings suggest that metformin may cross BBB and play a central mechanism on regulation of food intake in the hypothalamus. The anorexic effect of metformin may be mediated by inhibition of NPY and AgRP gene expression through the STAT3 signaling pathway.", "BACKGROUND: A new 1,4-benzothiazepine derivative, JTV519, has a strong protective effect against Ca(2+) overload-induced myocardial injury. We investigated the effect of JTV519 on ischemia/reperfusion injury in isolated rat hearts.METHODS AND RESULTS: At 30 minutes of reperfusion after 30-minute global ischemia, the percent recovery of left ventricular developed pressure was improved, and the creatine phosphokinase and lactate dehydrogenase leakage was reduced in a concentration-dependent manner when JTV519 was administered in the coronary perfusate both at 5 minutes before the induction of ischemia and at the time of reperfusion. The myocardial protective effect of JTV519 was completely blocked by pretreatment of the heart with GF109203X, a specific protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor. In contrast, the effect of JTV519 was not affected by alpha(1)-, A(1)-, and B(2)-receptor blockers that couple with PKC in the cardiomyocyte. Both immunofluorescence images and immunoblots of JTV519-treated left ventricular myocardium and isolated ventricular myocytes demonstrated that this agent induced concentration-dependent translocation of the delta-isoform but not the other isoforms of PKC to the plasma membrane.CONCLUSIONS: The mechanism of cardioprotection by JTV519 against ischemia/reperfusion injury involves isozyme-specific PKC activation through a receptor-independent mechanism. This agent may provide a novel pharmacological approach for the treatment of patients with acute coronary diseases via a subcellular mechanism mimicking ischemic preconditioning.", "Interest in nonpharmaceutical supplements for treating major depressive disorder (MDD) has increased significantly, both among patients and among clinicians during the past decades. Despite the large array of antidepressants (ADs) available, many patients continue to experience relatively modest response and remission rates, in addition to a burden of side effects that can hinder treatment compliance and acceptability. In this article, we review the literature on folates and S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe), 2 natural compounds linked in the 1-carbon cycle metabolic pathway, for which substantial evidence supports their involvement in mood disorders. Background information, efficacy data, proposed mechanisms of action, and side effects are reviewed. Based on existing data, supplementation with SAMe, as well as with various formulations of folates, appears to be efficacious and well tolerated in reducing depressive symptoms. Compared with other forms of folates, 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (L-methylfolate or 5-MTHF) may represent a preferable treatment option for MDD given its greater bioavailability in patients with a genetic polymorphism, and the lower risk of specific side effects associated with folic acid. Although further randomized controlled trials in this area appear warranted, SAMe and L-methylfolate may represent a useful addition to the AD armamentarium.", "Although 5% of all cases of congenital deafness are caused by Pendred's syndrome, there are few reports in the literature. Seven patients with Pendred's syndrome in three families living in the same village were detected. For that reason, the syndrome is reviewed in light of the literature. The sex distribution of the patients with Pendred's syndrome and their families was recorded. We tested for thyroxine, triiodothyronine, thyroid-stimulating hormone, triiodothyronine resin uptake, and perchlorate, and performed caloric testing. In one patient, subtotal thyroidectomy was performed. In the histopathologic study, a thyroid nodule filled with colloid was found. Chromosome studies showed no anomalies in any patient. Five of the patients were deaf-mutes. We observed that the parents were cousins in all three families. These families also had healthy children, and the existence of the syndrome in both sexes points to an autosomal recessive trait.", "Objective:To evaluate the value of improved Mallampati grading combined with NoSAS questionnaire in screening for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Method:A total of 344 patients admitted to our hospital for sleep disorders were studied. All patients were measured for their height, weight, neck circumference and other parameters. NoSAS scores, improved Mallampati grading and polysomnography (PSG) were performed in these patients. According to AHI in PSG monitoring results, patients were divided into non-osa group (AHI<5) 93 cases and OSA group 251 cases. The OSA group were divided into mild (AHI 5-15), moderate(AHI 16-30) and severe OSA group(AHI>30) according to the PSG result. The ROC curve was plotted to evaluate the screening value of NoSAS and improved Mallampati grading combined with NoSAS for OSA. Result:With the NoSAS score of 8 or 9 as cutoffs for analysis, the sensitivity for OSA was 0.733 and 0.701; the specificity for OSA was 0.538 and 0.624, respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of NoSAS combined with improved Mallampati grading for screening OSA were 0.813 and 0.710, respectively. Conclusion:As a new screening tool, NoSAS questionnaire is simple and convenient, and has certain screening value to OSA. The improved Mallampati grading combined with NoSAS questionnaire can obviously improve the screening sensitivity and specificity of Osa, and has higher application value.", "BACKGROUND: Alterations in the NOTCH1 signaling pathway are found in about 60% of pediatric T-ALL, but its impact on prognosis remains unclear.PROCEDURE: We extended the previously published CoALL cohort (n = 74) to a larger cohort (n = 127) and additionally included 38 Argentine patients from ALL IC-BFM to potentially identify novel mutations and decipher a stronger discriminatory effect on the genotype/phenotype relationship with regard to early treatment response and long-term outcome.RESULTS: Overall, 101 out of 165 (61.2%) T-ALL samples revealed at least one NOTCH1 mutation, 28 of whom had combined NOTCH1 and FBXW7 mutations. Eight T-ALL samples (4.8%) exclusively revealed FBXW7 mutations. Fifty-six T-ALL (33.9%) exhibited a wild-type configuration of either gene. Four novel NOTCH1 mutations were identified localized in the C-terminal PEST domain, in the rarely affected LNR repeat domain and in the ankyrin domain. Novel LNR mutations may contribute to a better understanding of the structure of the NOTCH1 negative regulatory region (NRR) and the R1946 mutation in the ankyrin domain may represent an unusual loss-of-function mutation.CONCLUSIONS: Overall, NOTCH1 pathway mutations did not affect the relapse rate and outcome of the extended T-ALL cohort uniformly treated according to CoALL protocols, although NOTCH1 mutations were associated with good response to induction therapy (P = 0.009). Individually, HD and PEST domain mutations might exert distinct functional effects on cellular homeostasis under treatment NOTCH1 pathway activity with prognostic implications.", "PURPOSE: The NoSAS score was developed to identify subjects at high risk of sleep-disordered breathing (SDB). We aimed to validate the NoSAS score in a multiethnic Asian cohort and compare its performance to the STOP-Bang and Berlin questionnaires.METHODS: A sample of 242 subjects selected from a population-based cohort in Singapore completed home-based sleep testing with an Embletta device (type 3 monitor). All subjects were given the STOP-Bang and Berlin questionnaires for self-administration prior to the sleep study. The NoSAS score was subsequently calculated based on available demographic data and Berlin questionnaire responses.RESULTS: The prevalence of severe SDB, defined as an apnea-hypopnea index cutoff of ≥30 events/h, was 10.7%. The number of subjects who were classified as high risk by the NoSAS score and STOP-Bang and Berlin questionnaires were 76 (31.4%), 89 (36.8%), and 79 (32.6%), respectively. The sensitivity, specificity, and negative and positive predictive values of the NoSAS score to predict severe SDB were 69.2, 73.1, 95.2, and 23.7%, respectively. The STOP-Bang and Berlin questionnaires performed similarly to the NoSAS score, with area under the curve (AUC) values of all three questionnaires clustered around 0.682-0.748. Compared to the STOP-Bang (94.8%) and Berlin questionnaires (96.3%), the NoSAS score (95.2%) had equally high negative predictive value in ruling out severe SDB.CONCLUSIONS: The NoSAS score performed similarly to the STOP-Bang and Berlin questionnaires in a multiethnic Asian cohort. All three questionnaires had high negative predictive values in ruling out severe SDB and may have utility as screening tools.", "Several cytokines signalling via Janus Kinase (JAK) proteins have been implicated in the pathogenesis of immune-mediated inflammatory diseases, including psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Tofacitinib, a small JAK inhibitor, is approved for the treatment of RA and has demonstrated good efficacy in psoriasis phase III clinical trials. In this work, we analysed the in vitro effects of tofacitinib on the functions of human dendritic cells (DCs) and macrophages. When assessing the effects of tofacitinib on monocyte-derived DCs, we observed reduced differentiation of monocytes into immature DCs, as evidenced by a decreased transcription of CD209 and CD80. Phenotype assessment in the presence of tofacitinib suggested a switch towards a M1-like macrophage phenotype, as evidenced by the expression of M1 markers such as iNOS, as well as cytokines typically expressed by M1 cells, including IL-12 and IL-23. Of note, Arginase1 and CD200R, typically expressed by M2 cells, were absent on tofacitinib-treated DCs. Furthermore, tofacitinib affected the response of differentiated DCs to maturation stimuli such as LPS and IFNγ, resulting in a partial up-regulation of IL-23 and down-regulation of IL-12, as assessed by qPCR. When investigating macrophage development, we found that tofacitinib inhibited the ability of monocytes to differentiate and polarize into regulatory M2 macrophages, while rather enhancing the ability to develop into inflammatory M1-like macrophages, as evidenced by decreased expression of the M2 marker CD200R and enhanced production of IL-12 and IL-23. In conclusion, tofacitinib impacts the differentiation of human DCs and macrophages, it particularly favours generation of M1-like pro-inflammatory macrophages.", "Gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is the main controller of the reproductive axis and stimulates the synthesis and secretion of gonadotrophins. Estrogen is the main peripheral factor controlling GnRH secretion, and this action is mainly mediated by the transsynaptic pathway through nitric oxide, kisspeptin, leptin, among other factors. Kisspeptin is the most potent factor known to induce GnRH release. Nitric oxide and leptin also promote GnRH release; however, neurons expressing GnRH do not express the leptin receptor (OB-R). Leptin seems to modulate the expression of genes and proteins involved in the kisspeptin system. However, few kisspeptin-synthesizing cells in the arcuate nucleus (ARC) and few cells, if any, in the preoptic area (POA) express OB-R; this indicates an indirect mechanism of leptin action on kisspeptin. Nitric oxide is an important intermediate in the actions of leptin in the central nervous system. Thus, this work aimed to verify the numbers of nNOS cells were activated by leptin in different hypothalamic areas; the modulatory effects of the nitrergic system on the kisspeptin system; and the indirect regulatory effect of leptin on the kisspeptin system via nitric oxide. Ovariectomized rats were treated with estrogen or a vehicle and received an intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injection of a nitric oxide donor, leptin or neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) enzyme inhibitor. Thirty minutes after the injection, the animals were decapitated. Leptin acts directly on nitrergic neurons in different hypothalamic regions, and the effects on the ventral premammillary nucleus (PMV) and ventral dorsomedial hypothalamus (vDMH) are enhanced. The use of a nitric oxide donor or the administration of leptin stimulates the expression of the kisspeptin mRNA in the ARC of animals with or without estrogenic action; however, these changes are not observed in the POA. In addition, the action of leptin on the expression of the kisspeptin mRNA in the ARC is blocked by a nitric oxide synthesis inhibitor. We concluded that the effects of leptin on the central nervous system are at least partially mediated by the nitrergic system. Also, nitric oxide acts on the kisspeptin system by modulating the expression of the kisspeptin mRNA, and leptin at least partially modulates the kisspeptin system through the nitrergic system, particularly in the ARC.", "This paper reports the isolation and characterization from bovine milk of two proteins: angiogenin-1, a recently discovered angiogenin, and lactogenin, a novel protein. Both proteins were adsorbed on and eluted closely from CM-Sepharose and Mono S. Lactogenin possessed a molecular weight (17 kDa) slightly higher than that of angiogenin-1 (15 kDa). Lactogenin had a higher ribonucleolytic (RNase) activity than angiogenin-1 towards yeast transfer RNA (tRNA). The Km values estimated for the RNase activities of angiogenin-1 and lactogenin were 51 microM and 40 microM respectively. Both were specific for poly C. The optimal pH for the RNase activities of angiogenin-1 and lactogenin was 7.75 and 7.5 respectively. Comparison of the amino acid sequences of cyanogen bromide fragments and the pyroglutaminase-treated N-terminal fragment of lactogenin with the sequence of bovine liver RNase (RNase BL4) revealed identity in residues 3-22, 24, 26-27, 37, 41-44, 46-50, 54, 56, 63, 72-80, and 83. Considerable similarity to the N-terminal sequence of angiogenin-2 was also noted. Both lactogenin and angiogenin-1 inhibited cell-free translation in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate system with an IC(50) below 100 nM.", "Loss of cell polarity proteins such as Scribble induces neoplasia in Drosophila by promoting uncontrolled proliferation. In mammals, the role that polarity proteins play during tumorigenesis is not well understood. Here, we demonstrate that depletion of Scribble in mammary epithelia disrupts cell polarity, blocks three-dimensional morphogenesis, inhibits apoptosis, and induces dysplasia in vivo that progress to tumors after long latency. Loss of Scribble cooperates with oncogenes such as c-myc to transform epithelial cells and induce tumors in vivo by blocking activation of an apoptosis pathway. Like depletion, mislocalization of Scribble from cell-cell junction was sufficient to promote cell transformation. Interestingly, spontaneous mammary tumors in mice and humans possess both downregulated and mislocalized Scribble. Thus, we demonstrate that scribble inhibits breast cancer formation and that deregulation of polarity pathways promotes dysplastic and neoplastic growth in mammals by disrupting morphogenesis and inhibiting cell death.", "Cardiac magnetic resonance (MR) imaging has grown over the past several decades into a validated, noninvasive diagnostic imaging tool with a pivotal role in cardiac morphologic and functional assessment and tissue characterization. With traditional cardiac MR imaging sequences, assessment of various pathologic conditions ranging from ischemic and nonischemic cardiomyopathy to cardiac involvement in systemic diseases (eg, amyloidosis and sarcoidosis) is possible; however, these sequences are most useful in focal myocardial disease, and image interpretation relies on subjective qualitative analysis of signal intensity. Newer T1 and T2 myocardial mapping techniques offer a quantitative assessment of the myocardium (by using T1 and T2 relaxation times), which can be helpful in focal disease, and demonstrate special utility in the evaluation of diffuse myocardial disease (eg, edema and fibrosis). Altered T1 and T2 relaxation times in disease states can be compared with published ranges of normal relaxation times in healthy patients. In conjunction with traditional cardiac MR imaging sequences, T1 and T2 mapping can limit the interpatient and interstudy variability that are common with qualitative analysis and may provide clinical markers for long-term follow-up.", "Hot water epilepsy is a reflex or sensory epilepsy in which seizures are triggered by the stimulus of bathing in hot water. Although there is evidence of a genetic basis to its etiology, no gene associated with this disorder has so far been found. In order to identify the genetic locus involved in the pathophysiology of hot water epilepsy, we performed a genome-wide linkage analysis in a four-generation family manifesting the disorder in an autosomal dominant manner. Significant linkage was detected on chromosome 4q24-q28, with the highest two-point LOD score of 3.50 at recombination value (theta) of 0 for the marker D4S402. Centromere-proximal and centromere-distal boundaries of this locus were defined by the markers D4S1572 and D4S2277, respectively. The critical genetic interval spans 22.5 cM and corresponds to about 24 megabases of DNA. The genes NEUROG2, ANK2, UGT8 and CAMK2D, which are known to be expressed in human brain, are strong positional candidates and we propose to examine these and other genes in the locus to identify the causative gene for this intriguing form of epilepsy.", "CONCLUSION: Blockage of the endolymphatic duct is a significant finding in Meniere's disease. The position of the utriculo-endolymphatic valve (UEV) and blockage of the ductus reuniens in the temporal bones were not found to be directly indicative of Meniere's disease.OBJECTIVE: Comparison of blockage of the longitudinal flow of endolymph between ears affected by Meniere's disease and normal ears.METHODS: We examined 21 temporal bones from 13 subjects who had Meniere's disease and 21 normal temporal bones from 12 controls.RESULTS: The endolymphatic duct was blocked in five (23%) ears affected by Meniere's disease (p = 0.016). The utricular duct was blocked in 16 (76%) ears affected by Meniere's disease and 11 (52%) normal ears (p = 0.112). The saccular duct was blocked in 6 (28%) of ears affected by Meniere's disease and 16 (76%) normal ears (p = 0.001). The ductus reuniens was blocked in 10 (47%) ears affected by Meniere's disease and 10 (47%) normal ears (p = 1.000).", "Mast cells are important elements of the body response to foreign antigens, being those represented either by small molecules (allergic response) or harbored by foreign microorganisms (response to parasite infection). These cells derive from hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells present in the marrow. However, in contrast with most of the other hematopoietic lineages, mast cells do not differentiate in the marrow but in highly vascularized extramedullary sites, such as the skin or the gut. Mast cell differentiation in the marrow is activated as part of the body response to parasites. We will review here the mast cell differentiation pathway and what is known of its major intrinsic and extrinsic control mechanisms. It will also be described that thrombopoietin, the ligand for the Mpl receptor, in addition to its pivotal rule in the control of thrombocytopoiesis and of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cell proliferation, exerts a regulatory function in mast cell differentiation. Some of the possible implications of this newly described biological activity of thrombopoietin will be discussed.", "NXY 059 [CPI 22, NXY 059G], a nitrone with free radical trapping properties, has potential in the treatment of ischaemic stroke.This profile has been selected from R&D Insight, a pharmaceutical intelligence database produced by Adis International Ltd. NXY 059 is based on Centaur Pharmaceuticals' proprietary Nitrone-Related Therapeutics (NRT) technology. A generic form of NXY 059, NXY 059G, has been synthesised. On 12 December 2002, Centaur Pharmaceuticals was acquired by, and integrated into, Renovis. AstraZeneca has exclusive worldwide rights to NXY 059, under a licence from Centaur Pharmaceuticals; the licensing agreement is continuing with Renovis. Renovis will receive a significant milestone payment and retains a co-promotion option for NXY 059 in the US. In addition, Renovis is entitled to royalties on profits from worldwide sales of the drug once commercialised. Centaur received a cash payment of $US1.25 million, and up to 30% of Renovis stock in exchange for these assets. In May 2003, AstraZeneca announced the initiation of two major phase III pivotal clinical trials to determine the effect of NXY 059 on disability and neurological recovery in acute ischemic stroke patients. The trials, known as the SAINT (Stroke-Acute-Ischaemic-NXY-Treatment) trials, will compare the efficacy and safety of a 72-hour intravenous infusion of NXY 059 given within 6 hours of the onset of symptoms vs placebo. The studies will enrol >3000 patients. The SAINT I trial will involve 200 centres across 24 countries in Europe, Asia, Australia and South Africa. The SAINT II trial will involve patients from approximately 150 sites in the US, Canada and South America. AstraZeneca is evaluating NXY 059 in a phase I clinical study in the US. Phase III trials of NXY 059 have begun in the UK and Sweden for the treatment of stroke. In November 2000, Centaur Pharmaceuticals announced that the Japanese regulatory authorities approved AstraZeneca's regulatory filings for phase I clinical studies of NXY 059 in Japan. The purpose of these studies is to investigate the safety and tolerability of 8h and 24h IV infusions of NXY 059 in 56 healthy Japanese male subjects. A secondary objective will be to evaluate the pharmacokinetics of NXY 059 in these volunteers.", "Mutations in the CHD7 (chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 7) gene cause CHARGE syndrome. At present, however, genetic testing of the CHD7 gene is not commonly applied in clinical settings because the currently available assays are technically and financially demanding, mainly because of the size of the gene. In the present study, we optimized the highly sensitive and specific mutation scanning method automated denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC) to analyze the entire coding region of CHD7. The coding region was amplified by 39 primer pairs, all of which have the same cycling conditions, aliquoted on a 96-well format polymerase chain reaction (PCR) plate. In this manner, all of the exons were amplified simultaneously using a single block in a thermal cycler. We then wrote a computer script to analyze each segment of the CHD7 gene by DHPLC in a serial manner using conditions that were optimized for each amplicon. The implementation of this screening method for CHD7 will help medical geneticists confirm their clinical impressions and provide accurate genetic counseling to the patients with CHARGE syndrome and their families.", "AIMS: Endurance training may be associated with arrhythmogenic cardiac remodelling of the right ventricle (RV). We examined whether myocardial dysfunction following intense endurance exercise affects the RV more than the left ventricle (LV) and whether cumulative exposure to endurance competition influences cardiac remodelling (including fibrosis) in well-trained athletes.METHODS AND RESULTS: Forty athletes were studied at baseline, immediately following an endurance race (3-11 h duration) and 1-week post-race. Evaluation included cardiac troponin (cTnI), B-type natriuretic peptide, and echocardiography [including three-dimensional volumes, ejection fraction (EF), and systolic strain rate]. Delayed gadolinium enhancement (DGE) on cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) was assessed as a marker of myocardial fibrosis. Relative to baseline, RV volumes increased and all functional measures decreased post-race, whereas LV volumes reduced and function was preserved. B-type natriuretic peptide (13.1 ± 14.0 vs. 25.4 ± 21.4 ng/L, P = 0.003) and cTnI (0.01 ± .03 vs. 0.14 ± .17 μg/L, P < 0.0001) increased post-race and correlated with reductions in RVEF (r = 0.52, P = 0.001 and r = 0.49, P = 0.002, respectively), but not LVEF. Right ventricular ejection fraction decreased with increasing race duration (r = -0.501, P < 0.0001) and VO(2)max (r = -0.359, P = 0.011). Right ventricular function mostly recovered by 1 week. On CMR, DGE localized to the interventricular septum was identified in 5 of 39 athletes who had greater cumulative exercise exposure and lower RVEF (47.1 ± 5.9 vs. 51.1 ± 3.7%, P = 0.042) than those with normal CMR.CONCLUSION: Intense endurance exercise causes acute dysfunction of the RV, but not the LV. Although short-term recovery appears complete, chronic structural changes and reduced RV function are evident in some of the most practiced athletes, the long-term clinical significance of which warrants further study.", "Author information:(1)Program in Systems Biology, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts 01605, USA.(2)Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois 61801, USA.(3)Division of Biology and Biological Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125, USA.(4)Department of Bioengineering, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, California 92093, USA.(5)Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853, USA.(6)Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Mortimer B. Zuckerman Mind Brain and Behavior Institute, Columbia University, New York, New York 10027, USA.(7)Institute for Medical Engineering and Science, and Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA.(8)Molecular and Cell Biology Laboratory, Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, California 92037, USA.(9)Department of Biomedical Informatics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA.(10)Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Institute of Genomic Medicine, Moores Cancer Center, University of California San Diego, La Jolla California 92093, USA.(11)Basic Sciences, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, 1100 Fairview Avenue North, Seattle, Washington 98109, USA.(12)Department of Genome Sciences, University of Washington, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Seattle, Washington 98109, USA.", "The use of metabolomic and lipidomic strategies for selecting potential biomarkers for obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) has been little explored. We examined adult male patients with OSA (defined by an apnoea-hypopnoea index ≥15 events/hour), as well as age-, gender-, and fat-composition-matched volunteers without OSA. All subjects were subjected to clinical evaluation, sleep questionnaires for detecting the risk of OSA (Berlin and NoSAS score), metabolomic analysis by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry and lipidomic analysis with liquid chromatography followed by detection by MALDI-MS. This study included 37 patients with OSA and 16 controls. From the 6 metabolites and 22 lipids initially selected, those with the best association with OSA were glutamic acid, deoxy sugar and arachidonic acid (metabolites), and glycerophosphoethanolamines, sphingomyelin and lyso-phosphocholines (lipids). For the questionnaires, the NoSAS score performed best with screening for OSA (area under the curve [AUC] = 0.724, p = 0.003). The combination of the NoSAS score with metabolites or lipids resulted in an AUC for detecting OSA of 0.911 and 0.951, respectively. In conclusion, metabolomic and lipidomic strategies suggested potential early biomarkers in OSA that could also be helpful in screening for this sleep disorder beyond traditional questionnaires.", "Autophagy (macroautophagy), a highly conserved eukaryotic mechanism, is a non-selective degradation process, helping to maintain a balance between the synthesis, degradation and subsequent recycling of macromolecules to overcome various stress conditions. The term autophagy denotes any cellular process which involves the delivery of cytoplasmic material to the lysosome for degradation. Autophagy, in filamentous fungi plays a critical role during cellular development and pathogenicity. Autophagy, like the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase cascade and nutrient-sensing cyclic AMP (cAMP) pathway, is also an important process for appressorium turgor accumulation in order to penetrate the leaf surface of host plant and destroy the plant defense. Yeast, an autophagy model, has been used to compare the multi-valued functions of ATG (autophagy-related genes) in different filamentous fungi. The autophagy machinery in both yeast and filamentous fungi is controlled by Tor kinase and both contain two distinct phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complexes. In this review, we focus on the functions of ATG genes during pathogenic development in filamentous fungi.", "The deficiencies of serum PSA as a prostate-cancer-specific diagnostic test are well recognized. Thus, the development of novel biomarkers for prostate cancer detection remains an important and exciting challenge. Noninvasive urine-based tests are particularly attractive candidates for large-scale screening protocols, and biomarker discovery programs using urine samples have emerged for detecting and predicting aggressiveness of prostate cancer. Some new biomarkers already outperform serum PSA in the diagnosis of this disease. Currently, the PCA3 (prostate cancer antigen 3) urine test is probably the best adjunct to serum PSA for predicting biopsy outcome, and has proven its clinical relevance by surpassing the predictive abilities of traditional serum biomarkers. New research methods are also emerging, and high-throughput technologies will facilitate high-dimensional biomarker discovery. Future approaches will probably integrate proteomic, transcriptomic and multiplex approaches to detect novel biomarkers, and aim to identify combinations of multiple biomarkers to optimize the detection of prostate cancer. In addition, an unmet need remains for markers that differentiate indolent from aggressive cancers, to better inform treatment decisions.", "A mutation in the huntingtin (Htt) gene produces mutant Htt and Huntington's disease (HD), a neurodegenerative disorder. HD patients have oxidative damage in the brain, but the causes are unclear. Compared with controls, we found brain levels of NADPH oxidase (NOX) activity, which produces reactive oxygen species (ROS), elevated in human HD postmortem cortex and striatum and highest in striatum of presymptomatic individuals. Synaptosome fractions from cortex and striatum of HD(140Q/140Q) mice had elevated NOX activity at 3 months of age and a further rise at 6 and 12 months compared with synaptosomes of age-matched wild-type (WT) mice. High NOX activity in primary cortical and striatal neurons of HD(140Q/140Q) mice correlated with more ROS and neurite swellings. These features and neuronal cell death were markedly reduced by treatment with NOX inhibitors such as diphenyleneiodonium (DPI), apocynin (APO) and VAS2870. The rise in ROS levels in mitochondria of HD(140Q/140Q) neurons followed the rise in NOX activity and inhibiting only mitochondrial ROS was not neuroprotective. Mutant Htt colocalized at plasma membrane lipid rafts with gp91-phox, a catalytic subunit for the NOX2 isoform. Assembly of NOX2 components at lipid rafts requires activation of Rac1 which was also elevated in HD(140Q/140Q) neurons. HD(140Q/140Q) mice bred to gp91-phox knock-out mice had lower NOX activity in the brain and in primary neurons, and neurons had normal ROS levels and significantly improved survival. These findings suggest that increased NOX2 activity at lipid rafts is an early and major source of oxidative stress and cell death in HD(140Q/140Q) neurons." ]
[ "Our genome contains tens of thousands of long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs), many of which are likely to have genetic regulatory functions. It has been proposed that lncRNA are organized into combinations of discrete functional domains, but the nature of these and their identification remain elusive. One class of sequence elements that is enriched in lncRNA is represented by transposable elements (TEs), repetitive mobile genetic sequences that have contributed widely to genome evolution through a process termed exaptation. Here, we link these two concepts by proposing that exonic TEs act as RNA domains that are essential for lncRNA function. We term such elements Repeat Insertion Domains of LncRNAs (RIDLs). A growing number of RIDLs have been experimentally defined, where TE-derived fragments of lncRNA act as RNA-, DNA-, and protein-binding domains. We propose that these reflect a more general phenomenon of exaptation during lncRNA evolution, where inserted TE sequences are repurposed as recognition sites for both protein and nucleic acids. We discuss a series of genomic screens that may be used in the future to systematically discover RIDLs. The RIDL hypothesis has the potential to explain how functional evolution can keep pace with the rapid gene evolution observed in lncRNA. More practically, TE maps may in the future be used to predict lncRNA function.", "Significant increases in the concentration of plasma glucagon-like immunoreactivity (GLI) and plasma levels of free fatty acids (FFA) and triglycerides (TG) concomitant with decreases in circulating levels of thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) and T3/T4 ratio were observed in homing pigeons, untrained for 3 months, after a flight of 48 km lasting 90-160 min. The increased level of FFA is attributed to glucagon stimulated lipolysis. The elevation of TG levels may be due to altered partitioning and utilization of lipoprotein in adipose tissue and muscle. Reductions in plasma T4, T3 and T3/T4 ratio are probably due to inhibition of T4 secretion and 5'-monodeiodination with possible conversion of T4 to reverse T3 (rT3). These processes may represent a mechanism for regulation of thyroid hormone metabolism during strenuous and extended flight.", "Myotubularin related protein 2 (MTMR2) is a member of the myotubularin family of phosphoinositide lipid phosphatases. Although MTMR2 dephosphorylates the phosphoinositides PI(3)P and PI(3,5)P2, the phosphoinositide binding proteins that are regulated by MTMR2 are poorly characterized. In this study, phosphoinositide affinity chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry identified receptor mediated endocytosis 8 (RME-8) as a novel PI(3)P binding protein. RME-8 co-localized with the PI(3)P marker DsRed-FYVE, while the N-terminal region of RME-8 is required for PI(3)P and PI(3,5)P(2) binding in vitro. Depletion of PI(3)P by MTMR2 S58A or wortmannin treatment attenuated RME-8 endosomal localization and co-localization with EGFR on early endosomes. Our results suggest a model in which the localization of RME-8 to endosomal compartments is spatially mediated by PI(3)P binding and temporally regulated by MTMR2 activity.", "Parkinson's disease psychosis (PDP) is a common and often very disturbing component of Parkinson's disease (PD). PDP consists of hallucinations that are mainly visual and delusions that are often of a paranoid nature. These symptoms can be the most troubling and disruptive of all the manifestations of Parkinson's disease. Current treatment methods include the reduction of anti-Parkinson's medications, a strategy that may worsen the motor problems the medications are prescribed to alleviate, and the introduction of selected antipsychotic medications that carry with them the potential for troubling side effects and serious consequences. Pimavanserin has been developed and studied in clinical trials to specifically address Parkinson's disease psychosis and has been submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for its approval for this purpose. If this is granted, we believe the evidence of Pimavanserin efficacy, safety and tolerability will position this medication as the first choice for treatment of Parkinson's disease psychosis.", "We have determined the genomic structure and organization of the mouse Cenpa and Cenpc genes. CENPA is a member of the histone H3-like proteins and is thought to replace histone H3 in centromeric nucleosomes. CENPC is a DNA-binding protein that is located at the inner kinetochore plate of active mammalian centromeres. The Cenpa cDNA encodes a 134-amino-acid product that is 70% identical and 84% similar to its human homolog. The mouse Cenpa gene is approximately 8 kb in length and contains five exons. Sequence analysis of the 5' DNA sequence of the gene revealed two consensus CAAT boxes, a putative TFIID-binding site, an Sp1-binding domain, and two cell cycle regulatory motifs, but no consensus TATA element. The mouse Cenpc gene spans 60 kb and contains 19 exons that range in size from 44 to 602 bp. Sequence analysis of the C+G-rich promoter region showed the presence of known promoter elements, including a CpG island, a CAAT box, and several GC boxes, but the absence of a consensus TATA element.", "Proteins that fail to fold properly as well as constitutive or regulated short-lived proteins of the endoplasmic reticulum are subjected to proteolysis by cytosolic 26S proteasomes. This process is known as endoplasmic reticulum-associated protein degradation. In order to become accessible to the proteasome of this system substrates must first be retrogradely transported from the endoplasmic reticulum into the cytosol, in a process termed dislocation. This export step seems to be accompanied by polyubiquitination of such molecules. Surprisingly, protein dislocation from the endoplasmic reticulum seems to require at least some components that mediate import into this compartment. However, protein import and export display differences in the mechanism that provides the driving force and ensures directionality. Of special interest is the cytoplasmic Cdc48p/Npl4p/Ufd1p complex, which is required for the degradation of various endoplasmic reticulum-associated protein degradation substrates and seems to function in a step after polyubiquitination but before proteasomal digestion. In this review, we will summarize our knowledge on protein export during endoplasmic reticulum-associated protein degradation and discuss the possible function of certain components involved in this process.", "BACKGROUND: PALB2 (Partner and Localizer of BRCA2) was identified as a moderate-risk gene in breast and pancreatic cancers. Recently, it was reported that PALB2 carriers have a high risk of developing breast cancer, with the cumulative risk of 34 % by the age of 70.PATIENTS AND METHODS: Peripheral blood samples from 155 patients at risk for hereditary breast and/or ovarian cancer were tested for BRCA1/2 and PALB2 by targeted sequencing using a next-generation sequencer. Of these 155, 146 met NCCN criteria and the remaining 9 did not.RESULTS: BRCA1/2 analysis was performed on 155 patients, for whom the results were reported previously (Hirotsu Y et al. Mol Genet Genomic Med, doi:10.1002/mgg3.157, 2015). Eleven patients were identified to have deleterious BRCA mutations (Hirotsu Y et al. Mol Genet Genomic Med, doi:10.1002/mgg3.157, 2015). However, none of the 155 patients were found to have deleterious PALB2 germline mutations. Missense mutations [variants of uncertain significance (VUS)] of PALB2 were found in 12 cases. In silico analyses by SIFT (Sorting Intolerant Form Tolerant) and PolyPhen2 (Polymorphism Phenotyping version 2) indicated that 2 of 12 VUS were deleterious and probably damaging.CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report on PALB2 mutations in Japan, revealing two missense mutations as \"deleterious and probably damaging\" by in silico analyses, but no PALB2 premature truncation mutations were identified. The sample size is relatively small and a larger cohort study is needed in Japan." ]
[ "Netherton's syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations of the SPINK5 gene, which encodes the lymphoepithelial Kazal-type-related inhibitor (LEKTI) protein. We observed microstructural changes and detected LEKTI activity and SPINK5 gene mutation in three Chinese patients with Netherton's syndrome. Decreased LEKTI activity was found in the skin of patients. Lamellar bodies and foci of electron-dense material were detected in the intercellular spaces of the stratum corneum. A novel homozygous splicing mutation of 1430+2 T-->G was found in the SPINK5 gene in one proband. No mutation was found in the other family.", "BACKGROUND: Combined BRAF-MEK inhibitor therapy is the standard of care for BRAFV600-mutant advanced melanoma. We investigated encorafenib, a BRAF inhibitor with unique target-binding properties, alone or in combination with the MEK inhibitor binimetinib, versus vemurafenib in patients with advanced BRAFV600-mutant melanoma.METHODS: COLUMBUS was conducted as a two-part, randomised, open-label phase 3 study at 162 hospitals in 28 countries. Eligible patients were aged 18 years or older and had histologically confirmed locally advanced (American Joint Committee on Cancer [AJCC] stage IIIB, IIIC, or IV), unresectable or metastatic cutaneous melanoma, or unknown primary melanoma; a BRAFV600E or BRAFV600K mutation; an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status of 0 or 1; and were treatment naive or had progressed on or after previous first-line immunotherapy. In part 1 of the study, patients were randomly assigned (1:1:1) via interactive response technology to receive either oral encorafenib 450 mg once daily plus oral binimetinib 45 mg twice daily (encorafenib plus binimetinib group), oral encorafenib 300 mg once daily (encorafenib group), or oral vemurafenib 960 mg twice daily (vemurafenib group). The primary endpoint was progression-free survival by blinded independent central review for encorafenib plus binimetinib versus vemurafenib. Efficacy analyses were by intention-to-treat. Safety was analysed in patients who received at least one dose of study drug and one postbaseline safety assessment. The results of part 2 will be published separately. This study is registered with, number NCT01909453, and EudraCT, number 2013-001176-38.FINDINGS: Between Dec 30, 2013, and April 10, 2015, 577 of 1345 screened patients were randomly assigned to either the encorafenib plus binimetinib group (n=192), the encorafenib group (n=194), or the vemurafenib group (n=191). With a median follow-up of 16·6 months (95% CI 14·8-16·9), median progression-free survival was 14·9 months (95% CI 11·0-18·5) in the encorafenib plus binimetinib group and 7·3 months (5·6-8·2) in the vemurafenib group (hazard ratio [HR] 0·54, 95% CI 0·41-0·71; two-sided p<0·0001). The most common grade 3-4 adverse events seen in more than 5% of patients in the encorafenib plus binimetinib group were increased γ-glutamyltransferase (18 [9%] of 192 patients), increased creatine phosphokinase (13 [7%]), and hypertension (11 [6%]); in the encorafenib group they were palmoplantar erythrodysaesthesia syndrome (26 [14%] of 192 patients), myalgia (19 [10%]), and arthralgia (18 [9%]); and in the vemurafenib group it was arthralgia (11 [6%] of 186 patients). There were no treatment-related deaths except for one death in the combination group, which was considered possibly related to treatment by the investigator.INTERPRETATION: Encorafenib plus binimetinib and encorafenib monotherapy showed favourable efficacy compared with vemurafenib. Overall, encorafenib plus binimetinib appears to have an improved tolerability profile compared with encorafenib or vemurafenib. Encorafenib plus binimetinib could represent a new treatment option for patients with BRAF-mutant melanoma.FUNDING: Array BioPharma, Novartis.", "The polycomb protein Bmi-1 represses the INK4a locus, which encodes the tumor suppressors p16 and p14(ARF). Here we report that Bmi-1 is downregulated when WI-38 human fibroblasts undergo replicative senescence, but not quiescence, and extends replicative life span when overexpressed. Life span extension by Bmi-1 required the pRb, but not p53, tumor suppressor protein. Deletion analysis showed that the RING finger and helix-turn-helix domains of Bmi-1 were required for life span extension and suppression of p16. Furthermore, a RING finger deletion mutant exhibited dominant negative activity, inducing p16 and premature senescence. Interestingly, presenescent cultures of some, but not all, human fibroblasts contained growth-arrested cells expressing high levels of p16 and apparently arrested by a p53- and telomere-independent mechanism. Bmi-1 selectively extended the life span of these cultures. Low O(2) concentrations had no effect on p16 levels or life span extension by Bmi-1 but reduced expression of the p53 target, p21. We propose that some human fibroblast strains are more sensitive to stress-induced senescence and have both p16-dependent and p53/telomere-dependent pathways of senescence. Our data suggest that Bmi-1 extends the replicative life span of human fibroblasts by suppressing the p16-dependent senescence pathway.", "FTY720 is a prodrug for FTY-phosphate, an agonist at four of the five known receptors for sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P). We show that administration of either FTY720 or FTY-P to SJL mice with established relapsing-remitting experimental autoimmune encephalitis (EAE) results in a rapid and sustained improvement in their clinical status, and a reversal of changes in expression of mRNAs encoding some myelin proteins and inflammatory mediators. EAE produced by adoptively transferring lymph node cells from immunized mice to naïve hosts is similarly ameliorated by FTY-P. Treatment with FTY-P is accompanied by a dose-responsive peripheral lymphopoenia.", "Background.  First- and second-generation smallpox vaccines are contraindicated in individuals infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). A new smallpox vaccine is needed to protect this population in the context of biodefense preparedness. The focus of this study was to compare the safety and immunogenicity of a replication-deficient, highly attenuated smallpox vaccine modified vaccinia Ankara (MVA) in HIV-infected and healthy subjects. Methods.  An open-label, controlled Phase II trial was conducted at 36 centers in the United States and Puerto Rico for HIV-infected and healthy subjects. Subjects received 2 doses of MVA administered 4 weeks apart. Safety was evaluated by assessment of adverse events, focused physical exams, electrocardiogram recordings, and safety laboratories. Immune responses were assessed using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and a plaque reduction neutralization test (PRNT). Results.  Five hundred seventy-nine subjects were vaccinated at least once and had data available for analysis. Rates of ELISA seropositivity were comparably high in vaccinia-naive healthy and HIV-infected subjects, whereas PRNT seropositivity rates were higher in healthy compared with HIV-infected subjects. Modified vaccinia Ankara was safe and well tolerated with no adverse impact on viral load or CD4 counts. There were no cases of myo-/pericarditis reported. Conclusions.  Modified vaccinia Ankara was safe and immunogenic in subjects infected with HIV and represents a promising smallpox vaccine candidate for use in immunocompromised populations.", "Monkeypox virus (MPXV), a close relative of Variola virus, is a zoonotic virus with an unknown reservoir. Interaction with infected wildlife, bites from peri-domestic animals, and bushmeat hunting are hypothesized routes of infection from wildlife to humans. Using a Risk Questionnaire, performed in monkeypox-affected areas of rural Democratic Republic of the Congo, we describe the lifestyles and demographics associated with presumptive risk factors for MPXV infection. We generated two indices to assess risk: Household Materials Index (HMI), a proxy for socioeconomic status of households and Risk Activity Index (RAI), which describes presumptive risk for animal-to-human transmission of MPXV. Based on participant self-reported activity patterns, we found that people in this population are more likely to visit the forest than a market to fulfill material needs, and that the reported occupation is limited in describing behavior of individuals may participate. Being bitten by rodents in the home was commonly reported, and this was significantly associated with a low HMI. The highest scoring RAI sub-groups were 'hunters' and males aged ≥ 18 years; however, several activities involving MPXV-implicated animals were distributed across all sub-groups. The current analysis may be useful in identifying at-risk groups and help to direct education, outreach and prevention efforts more efficiently.", "A 12-year-old boy was seen in our department with a three year history of eruptions on his back consisting of normal colored or slightly reddish, pinhead-sized papules, which had gradually spread to his trunk within the previous year. Four days before the first visit, May 13, 1992, the eruption involved his entire extremities. On the back side of his lumbar region, Koebner's phenomenon was observed. He had received several medications for more than two years to treat this eruption in several hospitals, but none were effective. He was in good general health. Mantoux reaction was negative two months after BCG injection. Histopathologic features of the papules included focal epidermal hyperplasia and elongation of the rete ridges in a narrow area and a well demarcated dense lymphohistiocytic infiltrate on the papillar layer. Biscoclaurine alkaloids (20 mg/day) and Jumi-haidoku-to (TJ-6; 7.5 g/day) were administered to the patient after the biopsy. No topical ointments were applied. Two weeks after of these treatments, he reported moderate pruritus on the back. The eruption diminished rapidly within 2 weeks after the therapy began. Almost all the eruptions were cured within one year. Mantoux reaction developed 8 x 8 mm erythema two and half months after the treatment began, and it was significantly positive (23 x 30 mm) 6 months later." ]
[ "The jejunum is the segment of the small intestine responsible for several metabolism and biotransformation functions. In this report, we have cultured rat jejunum explants in vitro and integrated them with hepatocyte cultures. We have also investigated the changes in jejunum function at different locations since spatial variations in intestinal functions have been reported previously. We divided the length of the rat jejunum into three distinct regions of approximately 9 cm each. We defined the regions as proximal (adjacent to the duodenum), medial, and distal (adjacent to the ileum). Spatiotemporal variations in functions were observed between these regions within the jejunum. Alkaline phosphatase activity (a marker of enterocyte function), decreased twofold between the proximal and distal regions at 4 hr. Lysozyme activity (a marker of Paneth cell function) increased from the proximal to the distal jejunum by 40% at 24 hr. Mucin-covered areas, a marker of goblet cell function, increased by twofold between the proximal and distal segments of the jejunum at 24 hr. When hepatocytes were integrated with proximal jejunum explants, statistically higher urea (~2.4-fold) and mucin (57%) production were observed in the jejunum explants. The integrated intestine-liver cultures can be used as a platform for future investigations.", "It is essential to understand the role of cardiolipin (CL) in mitochondrial membrane organization given that changes in CL levels contribute to mitochondrial dysfunction in type II diabetes, ischemia-reperfusion injury, heart failure, breast cancer, and aging. Specifically, there are contradictory data on how CL influences the molecular packing of membrane phospholipids. Therefore, we determined how increasing levels of heart CL impacted molecular packing in large unilamellar vesicles, modeling heterogeneous lipid mixtures found within the mitochondrial inner membrane, using merocyanine (MC540) fluorescence. We broadly categorized lipid vesicles of equal mass as loosely packed, intermediate, and highly packed based on peak MC540 fluorescence intensity. CL had opposite effects on loosely versus highly packed vesicles. Exposure of loosely packed vesicles to increasing levels of CL dose-dependently increased membrane packing. In contrast, increasing amounts of CL in highly packed vesicles decreased the packing in a dose-dependent manner. In vesicles that were categorized as intermediate packing, CL had either no effect or decreased packing at select doses in a dose-independent manner. Altogether, the results aid in resolving some of the discrepant data by demonstrating that CL displays differential effects on membrane packing depending on the composition of the lipid environment. This has implications for mitochondrial protein activity in response to changing CL levels in microdomains of varying composition.", "Thyroid hormones (THs) are involved in the occurrence of anxiety and affective disorders; however, the effects following an anxiolytic benzodiazepine treatment, such as diazepam administration, on the mechanism of action of thyroid hormones has not yet been investigated. The effect of diazepam on the in vitro nuclear T3 binding, on the relative expression of the TH receptors (TRs) and on the synaptosomal TH availability were examined in adult rat cerebral hemispheres 24 h after a single intraperitoneal dose (5 mg/kg BW) of this tranquillizer. Although, diazepam did not affect the availability of TH either in blood circulation or in the synaptosomal fraction, it decreased (33%) the nuclear T3 maximal binding density (B(max)). No differences were observed in the equilibrium dissociation constant (K(d)). The TRalpha2 variant (non-T3-binding) mRNA levels were increased by 33%, whereas no changes in the relative expression of the T3-binding isoforms of TRs (TRalpha1, TRbeta1) were observed. This study shows that a single intraperitoneal injection of diazepam affects within 24 h, the density of the nuclear TRs and their expression pattern. The latest effect occurs in an isoform-specific manner involving specifically the TRalpha2 mRNA levels in adult rat brain.", "Replicative DNA helicases expose the two strands of the double helix to the replication apparatus, but accessory helicases are often needed to help forks move past naturally occurring hard-to-replicate sites, such as tightly bound proteins, RNA/DNA hybrids, and DNA secondary structures. Although the Schizosaccharomyces pombe 5'-to-3' DNA helicase Pfh1 is known to promote fork progression, its genomic targets, dynamics, and mechanisms of action are largely unknown. Here we address these questions by integrating genome-wide identification of Pfh1 binding sites, comprehensive analysis of the effects of Pfh1 depletion on replication and DNA damage, and proteomic analysis of Pfh1 interaction partners by immunoaffinity purification mass spectrometry. Of the 621 high confidence Pfh1-binding sites in wild type cells, about 40% were sites of fork slowing (as marked by high DNA polymerase occupancy) and/or DNA damage (as marked by high levels of phosphorylated H2A). The replication and integrity of tRNA and 5S rRNA genes, highly transcribed RNA polymerase II genes, and nucleosome depleted regions were particularly Pfh1-dependent. The association of Pfh1 with genomic integrity at highly transcribed genes was S phase dependent, and thus unlikely to be an artifact of high transcription rates. Although Pfh1 affected replication and suppressed DNA damage at discrete sites throughout the genome, Pfh1 and the replicative DNA polymerase bound to similar extents to both Pfh1-dependent and independent sites, suggesting that Pfh1 is proximal to the replication machinery during S phase. Consistent with this interpretation, Pfh1 co-purified with many key replisome components, including the hexameric MCM helicase, replicative DNA polymerases, RPA, and the processivity clamp PCNA in an S phase dependent manner. Thus, we conclude that Pfh1 is an accessory DNA helicase that interacts with the replisome and promotes replication and suppresses DNA damage at hard-to-replicate sites. These data provide insight into mechanisms by which this evolutionarily conserved helicase helps preserve genome integrity.", "Anticoagulant drugs reduce the risk of venous thromboembolic events after total hip and knee arthroplasty. However, the use of current drugs, such as low molecular weight heparins, is hampered by their subcutaneous route of administration. The use of vitamin K antagonists is hampered by the requirement for routine coagulation monitoring and dose titration to provide effective anticoagulation without an increased risk of bleeding and numerous food and drug interactions. Clearly, there is a need for new oral, fixed-dose anticoagulant drugs that do not require coagulation monitoring, while demonstrating similar or better efficacy and safety profiles when compared with current agents.", "During neurogenesis, neural patterning is a critical step during which neural progenitor cells differentiate into neurons with distinct functions. However, the molecular determinants that regulate neural patterning remain poorly understood. Here we optimized the \"dual SMAD inhibition\" method to specifically promote differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) into forebrain and hindbrain neural progenitor cells along the rostral-caudal axis. We report that neural patterning determination occurs at the very early stage in this differentiation. Undifferentiated hPSCs expressed basal levels of the transcription factor orthodenticle homeobox 2 (OTX2) that dominantly drove hPSCs into the \"default\" rostral fate at the beginning of differentiation. Inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase 3β (GSK3β) through CHIR99021 application sustained transient expression of the transcription factor NANOG at early differentiation stages through Wnt signaling. Wnt signaling and NANOG antagonized OTX2 and, in the later stages of differentiation, switched the default rostral cell fate to the caudal one. Our findings have uncovered a mutual antagonism between NANOG and OTX2 underlying cell fate decisions during neural patterning, critical for the regulation of early neural development in humans.", "INTRODUCTION: Immune therapies have dramatically changed the treatment landscape for melanoma in the past decade. Ipilimumab, nivolumab, and pembrolizumab have been approved by U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of metastatic melanoma sequentially. Toripalimab, a humanized IgG4 monoclonal antibody against programmed cell death protein-1 (PD-1), was approved by National Medical Product Administration in China in 2018 as second-line therapy for metastatic melanoma.AREAS COVERED: This is a comprehensive review of the literature and studies of toripalimab in melanoma, including clinical trials and translational research.EXPERT OPINION: Toripalimab is not inferior to pembrolizumab as a second-line therapy for metastatic melanoma. Prospective validated predictive markers are lacking. Programmed cell death ligand 1 expression and tumor mutational burden are two common recognized biomarkers, but the predictability of these markers requires additional improvement. A number of studies have confirmed that PD-1 inhibitors, including toripalimab, are not as effective in mucosal and acral melanomas as in non-acral cutaneous subtype. Toripalimab in combination with tyrosine kinase inhibitor axitinib has shown a promising result for metastatic mucosal melanoma. It is crucial to explore the mechanisms underlying the varying biological behavior of melanoma subtypes, which may also provide clues of innate and acquired resistance to PD-1 blockade.", "Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) cultured in leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) plus fetal bovine serum (FBS) exhibit heterogeneity in the expression of naive and primed transcription factors. This heterogeneity reflects the dynamic condition of ESCs and their versatility to promptly respond to signaling effectors promoting naive or primed pluripotency. Here, we report that ESCs lacking Nanog or overexpressing Otx2 exhibit an early primed identity in LIF + FBS and fail to convert into 2i-induced naive state. Conversely, Otx2-null ESCs possess naive identity features in LIF + FBS similar to Nanog-overexpressing ESCs and convert poorly into FGF-induced early primed state. When both Nanog and Otx2 are inactivated, ESCs cultured in LIF + FBS exhibit primed identity and weakened ability to convert into naive state. These data suggest that, through mutual antagonism, NANOG and OTX2 specify the heterogeneous identity of ESCs cultured in LIF + FBS and individually predispose them for optimal response to naive or primed inducing factors.", "Melioidosis is an emerging infectious disease of humans and animals in the tropics caused by the soil bacterium Burkholderia pseudomallei. Despite high fatality rates, the ecology of B.pseudomallei remains unclear. We used a combination of field and laboratory studies to investigate B.pseudomallei colonization of native and exotic grasses in northern Australia. Multivariable and spatial analyses were performed to determine significant predictors for B.pseudomallei occurrence in plants and soil collected longitudinally from field sites. In plant inoculation experiments, the impact of B.pseudomallei upon these grasses was studied and the bacterial load semi-quantified. Fluorescence in situ hybridization and confocal laser scanning microscopy were performed to localize the bacteria in plants. Burkholderia pseudomallei was found to inhabit not only the rhizosphere and roots but also aerial parts of specific grasses. This raises questions about the potential spread of B.pseudomallei by grazing animals whose droppings were found to be positive for these bacteria. In particular, B.pseudomallei readily colonized exotic grasses introduced to Australia for pasture. The ongoing spread of these introduced grasses creates new habitats suitable for B.pseudomallei survival and may be an important factor in the evolving epidemiology of melioidosis seen both in northern Australia and elsewhere globally.", "Alpha-synuclein (alphaS) is the primary component of Lewy bodies, the pathological hallmark of Parkinson's Disease. Aggregation of alphaS is thought to proceed from a primarily disordered state with nascent secondary structure through intermediate conformations to oligomeric forms and finally to mature amyloid fibrils. Low pH conditions lead to conformational changes associated with increased alphaS fibril formation. Here we characterize these structural and dynamic changes using solution state NMR measurements of secondary chemical shifts, relaxation parameters, residual dipolar couplings, and paramagnetic relaxation enhancement. We find that the neutralization of negatively charged side-chains eliminates electrostatic repulsion in the C-terminal tail of alphaS and leads to a collapse of this region at low pH. Hydrophobic contacts between the compact C-terminal tail and the NAC (non-amyloid-beta component) region are maintained and may lead to the formation of a globular domain. Transient long-range contacts between the C-terminus of the protein and regions N-terminal to the NAC region are also preserved. Thus, the release of long-range contacts does not play a role in the increased aggregation of alphaS at low pH, which we instead attribute to the increased hydrophobicity of the protein.", "Current evidence from experimental studies in animals and humans along with findings from prospective studies indicates beneficial effects of green and black tea as well as chocolate on cardiovascular health, and that tea and chocolate consumption may reduce the risk of stroke. The strongest evidence exists for beneficial effects of tea and cocoa on endothelial function, total and LDL cholesterol (tea only), and insulin sensitivity (cocoa only). The majority of prospective studies have reported a weak inverse association between moderate consumption of coffee and risk of stroke. However, there are yet no clear biological mechanisms whereby coffee might provide cardiovascular health benefits. Awaiting the results from further long-term RCTs and prospective studies, moderate consumption of filtered coffee, tea, and dark chocolate seems prudent.", "The transcription factor Otx2 acts as a negative switch in the regulation of transition from naive to primed pluripotency in mouse pluripotent stem cells. However, the molecular features and function of porcine OTX2 have not been well elucidated in porcine-induced pluripotent stem cells (piPSCs). By studying high-throughput transcriptome sequencing and interfering endogenous OTX2 expression, we demonstrate that OTX2 is able to downgrade the self-renewal of piPSCs. OTX2 is highly expressed in porcine brain, reproductive tissues, and preimplantation embryos, but is undetectable in fibroblasts and most somatic tissues. However, the known piPSC lines reported previously produced different levels of OTX2 depending on the induction procedures and culture conditions. Overexpression of porcine OTX2 can reduce the percentage of alkaline phosphatase-positive colonies and downregulate NANOG and OCT4 expression. In contrast, knockdown of OTX2 can significantly increase endogenous expressions of NANOG, OCT4, and ESRRB, and stabilize the pluripotent state of piPSCs. On the other hand, NANOG can directly bind to the OTX2 promoter as shown in ChIP-seq data and repress OTX2 promoter activity in a dose-dependent manner. These observations indicate that OTX2 and NANOG can form a negative feedback circuitry to regulate the pluripotency of porcine iPS cells.", "STUDY DESIGN: Case-control study.OBJECTIVE: As inflammation plays a key role in the etiology of intervertebral disc degeneration, we suggest a possible contribution of pro-inflammatory gene polymorphisms in the pathogenesis of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS).SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: The nucleus pulposus of scoliotic discs responds to exogenous stimuli by secreting interleukin-6 (IL-6) and other inflammatory cytokines. The association between matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and disc degeneration has been reported by several investigators. A human MMP-3 promoter 5A/6A gene polymorphism regulates MMP-3 genes expression, while the G/C polymorphism of the promoter region of IL-6 gene influences levels and functional activity of the IL-6 protein.METHODS: We conducted a case-control study to investigate whether the 5A/6A polymorphism of the MMP-3 gene and the G/C polymorphism of the promoter region of IL-6 gene were associated with susceptibility to AIS.RESULTS: The frequency of the 5A/5A genotype of MMP-3 gene polymorphism in patients with scoliosis was almost 3 times higher than in controls (30.2% vs. 11.2%, p 0.001), and the frequency of the G/G genotype of IL-6 gene polymorphism in patients with scoliosis was almost 2 times higher than in controls (52.8% vs. 26.2%, P < 0.001). 5A/5A genotype of MMP-3 gene polymorphism and G/G genotype of IL-6 gene polymorphism are independently associated with a higher risk of scoliosis (odds ratio, respectively, 3.34 and 10.54).CONCLUSION: This is the first study that has evaluated the possibility that gene variants of IL-6 and MMPs might be associated with scoliosis and suggests that MMP-3 and IL-6 promoter polymorphisms constitute important factors for the genetic predisposition to scoliosis.", "Nox activator 1 (NoxA1) is a homologue of p67(phox) that acts in conjunction with Nox organizer 1 (NoxO1) to regulate reactive oxygen species (ROS) production by the NADPH oxidase Nox1. The phosphorylation of cytosolic regulatory components by multiple kinases plays important roles in assembly and activity of the phagocyte NADPH oxidase (Nox2) system, but little is known about regulation by phosphorylation in the Nox1 system. Here we identify Ser(172) and Ser(461) of NoxA1 as phosphorylation sites for protein kinase A (PKA). A consequence of this phosphorylation was the enhancement of NoxA1 complex formation with 14-3-3 proteins. Using both a transfected human embryonic kidney 293 cell Nox1 model system and endogenous Nox1 in colon cell lines, we showed that the elevation of cAMP inhibits, whereas the inhibition of PKA enhances, Nox1-dependent ROS production through effects on NoxA1. Inhibition of Nox1 activity was intensified by the availability of 14-3-3zeta protein, and this regulatory interaction was dependent on PKA-phosphorylatable sites at Ser(172) and Ser(461) in NoxA1. We showed that phosphorylation and 14-3-3 binding induce the dissociation of NoxA1 from the Nox1 complex at the plasma membrane, suggesting a mechanism for the inhibitory effect on Nox1 activity. Our data establish that PKA-phosphorylated NoxA1 is a new binding partner of 14-3-3 protein(s) and that this forms the basis of a novel mechanism regulating the formation of ROS by Nox1 and, potentially, other NoxA1-regulated Nox family members.", "Mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and the inner cell mass (ICM)-derived epiblast exhibit naive pluripotency. ESC-derived epiblast stem cells (EpiSCs) and the postimplantation epiblast exhibit primed pluripotency. Although core pluripotency factors are well-characterized, additional regulators, including Otx2, recently have been shown to function during the transition from naive to primed pluripotency. Here we uncover a role for Otx2 in the control of the naive pluripotent state. We analyzed Otx2-binding activity in ESCs and EpiSCs and identified Nanog, Oct4, and Sox2 as direct targets. To unravel the Otx2 transcriptional network, we targeted the strongest Otx2-binding site in the Nanog promoter, finding that this site modulates the size of specific ESC-subtype compartments in cultured cells and promotes Nanog expression in vivo, predisposing ICM differentiation to epiblast. Otx2-mediated Nanog regulation thus contributes to the integrity of the ESC state and cell lineage specification in preimplantation development.", "Monocarboxylate transporter 8 (MCT8) is a thyroid hormone (TH)-specific transporter. Mutations in the MCT8 gene are associated with Allan-Herndon-Dudley Syndrome (AHDS), consisting of severe psychomotor retardation and disturbed TH parameters. To study the functional consequences of different MCT8 mutations in detail, we combined functional analysis in different cell types with live-cell imaging of the cellular distribution of seven mutations that we identified in patients with AHDS. We used two cell models to study the mutations in vitro: 1) transiently transfected COS1 and JEG3 cells, and 2) stably transfected Flp-in 293 cells expressing a MCT8-cyan fluorescent protein construct. All seven mutants were expressed at the protein level and showed a defect in T3 and T4 transport in uptake and metabolism studies. Three mutants (G282C, P537L, and G558D) had residual uptake activity in Flp-in 293 and COS1 cells, but not in JEG3 cells. Four mutants (G221R, P321L, D453V, P537L) were expressed at the plasma membrane. The mobility in the plasma membrane of P537L was similar to WT, but the mobility of P321L was altered. The other mutants studied (insV236, G282C, G558D) were predominantly localized in the endoplasmic reticulum. In essence, loss of function by MCT8 mutations can be divided in two groups: mutations that result in partial or complete loss of transport activity (G221R, P321L, D453V, P537L) and mutations that mainly disturb protein expression and trafficking (insV236, G282C, G558D). The cell type-dependent results suggest that MCT8 mutations in AHDS patients may have tissue-specific effects on TH transport probably caused by tissue-specific expression of yet unknown MCT8-interacting proteins." ]
[ "Foxp3+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) are potent suppressor cells, essential for the maintenance of immune homeostasis. Most Tregs develop in the thymus and are then released into the immune periphery. However, some Tregs populate the thymus and constitute a major subset of yet poorly understood cells. Here we describe a subset of thymus recirculating IL18R+ Tregs with molecular characteristics highly reminiscent of tissue-resident effector Tregs. Moreover, we show that IL18R+ Tregs are endowed with higher capacity to populate the thymus than their IL18R- or IL18R-/- counterparts, highlighting the key role of IL18R in this process. Finally, we demonstrate that IL18 signaling is critical for the induction of the key thymus-homing chemokine receptor - CCR6 on Tregs. Collectively, this study provides a detailed characterization of the mature Treg subsets in the mouse thymus and identifies a key role of IL18 signaling in controlling the CCR6-CCL20-dependent migration of Tregs into the thymus.", "BACKGROUND: Several antidiabetic drugs (i.e., sulfonylureas; SU, rosiglitazone) have been reported to be associated with increased risks of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors (DPP4i) are newly available antidiabetic drugs. Most studies only compared DPP4i with a placebo or SU, or targeted a specific CVD event of interest (i.e., heart failure; HF). Comparative research of CVD risks of DPP4i with other antidiabetic drugs (i.e., metformin, thiazolidinediones, meglitinides, acarbose, and insulin) remains scarce. This study was aimed to assess comparative risks of CVD, including ischemic stroke, myocardial infarction (MI) and HF, and hypoglycemia of DPP4i with other antidiabetic drugs.METHODS: We utilized Taiwan's National Health Insurance Research Database. A total of 123,050 T2DM patients newly prescribed oral antidiabetic treatments were identified in 2009-2010 and followed until 2013. Outcome endpoints included a composite of CVD events: hospitalizations for ischemic stroke, MI and HF, and hypoglycemia. Time-varying Cox proportional hazards regression was applied to assess the time to event hazards of various antidiabetic drugs, adjusted for patients' demographics, comorbidity, diabetic complications, and co-medications. Additional analyses were performed for the patients with and without CVD history, respectively.RESULTS: DPP4i users had significantly lower CVD risks as compared to that of non-DPP4i users (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR]: 0.83, 95 % confidence interval [CI]: 0.76-0.91). Compared to DPP4i users, meglitinides (aHR 1.3, 95 % CI 1.20-1.43) and insulin users (aHR 3.73, 95 % CI 3.35, 4.14) had significantly higher risks for composite CVD, as well as those for stroke, MI, HF, and hypoglycemia. Additionally, metformin users had significantly lower risks for composite CVD risk (aHR 0.87, 95 % CI 0.79-0.94), as well as those for MI, HF, and hypoglycemia, as compared to those of DPP4i users. Although there was a trend toward low CVD risks in pioglitazone users, the role of potential confounding by indication cannot be excluded.CONCLUSIONS: DPP4i-treated T2DM patients had lower risks for CVD as compared to those for non-DPP4i users, except metformin users.", "We have used a linear DNA template (239 bp) containing a nucleosome positioning sequence (NX1) downstream of the T7 RNA polymerase promoter to study the mechanism of transcription elongation through a nucleosome. Under ionic strength approaching physiological conditions we have observed that transcription causes nucleosome dissociation and histone redistribution within the template. We have examined the role of the different elements that, in principle, could induce nucleosome dissociation during transcription. The high affinity of histones for single-stranded DNA observed in titration experiments performed using the purified (+) and (-) strands of the NX1 fragment suggests that nucleosome dissociation is not due to the formation of segments of single-stranded DNA by RNA polymerase in the elongation process. Furthermore, our results show that although RNA can interact with core histones, the synthesized RNA is not bound to the histones dissociated by transcription. Our results indicate that core histones released during transcription can be bound to naked DNA and chromatin (with or without histones H1-H5). From the dynamic properties of excess histones bound to chromatin, we suggest a nucleosome transcription mechanism in which displaced histones are transiently bound to chromatin and finally are reassembled with DNA after the passage of the polymerase.", "INTRODUCTION: Pemphigus is a chronic inflammatory and autoimmune disease which can cause blisters and mucocutaneous erosions. ABO secretor refers to those who secrete ABO blood group antigens based on their blood type in body fluids such as saliva, sweat, tears, semen, and serum. Previous studies showed that nonsecretor people are more prone to certain autoimmune diseases.AIM: The aim of this study was to determine the ABO secretor status in the saliva of patients with pemphigus vulgaris.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This case-control study was conducted on 35 patients with pemphigus vulgaris and 35 healthy controls. The two groups were matched for age and gender. Pemphigus vulgaris diagnosis was confirmed by histopathology and direct immunofluorescence microscopy. ABO blood grouping was done, and 5 ml of unstimulated saliva was collected to determine secretor status. Secretors were recognized from nonsecretors by the Wiener agglutination inhibition test. Results were extracted by using statistical chi-square and Fisher's exact tests.RESULTS: 16 male and 19 female patients aged 49.43 ± .12.37 years were compared with 16 male and 19 female controls aged 46.43 ± 11.88 years. The most frequent blood group among case and control groups was O (54.3% and 60%, respectively). There was no significant difference in blood groups (P=0.73). 90% of the samples were ABO secretors. The patient group included 31 (88.6%) and the control group included 32 (91.4%) ABO secretors; there was no significant difference between the two groups (P=1.000).CONCLUSION: In this study, we observed that the people with nonsecretor status in comparison with the people with secretor status are not more susceptible to develop pemphigus vulgaris.", "As a rich source of pro-fibrogenic growth factors and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), macrophages are well-placed to play an important role in renal fibrosis. However, the exact underlying mechanisms and the extent of macrophage involvement are unclear. Tubular cell epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is an important contributor to renal fibrosis and MMPs to induction of tubular cell EMT. The aim of this study was to investigate the contribution of macrophages and MMPs to induction of tubular cell EMT. The murine C1.1 tubular epithelial cell line and primary tubular epithelial cells were cultured in activated macrophage-conditioned medium (AMCM) derived from lipopolysaccharide-activated J774 macrophages. MMP-9, but not MMP-2 activity was detected in AMCM. AMCM-induced tubular cell EMT in C1.1 cells was inhibited by broad-spectrum MMP inhibitor (GM6001), MMP-2/9 inhibitor, and in AMCM after MMP-9 removal by monoclonal Ab against MMP-9. AMCM-induced EMT in primary tubular epithelial cells was inhibited by MMP-2/9 inhibitor. MMP-9 induced tubular cell EMT in both C1.1 cells and primary tubular epithelial cells. Furthermore, MMP-9 induced tubular cell EMT in C1.1 cells to an extent similar to transforming growth factor-beta. Transforming growth factor-beta-induced tubular cell EMT in C1.1 cells was inhibited by MMP-2/9 inhibitor. Our in vitro study provides evidence that MMPs, specifically MMP-9, secreted by effector macrophages can induce tubular cell EMT and thereby contribute to renal fibrosis.", "Multifocal tumor recurrence of glioblastomas occurs in up to 14% of patients. In a parallel phase-II-study investigating post-operative treatment with tamoxifen (TAM), carboplatin and radiation therapy for glioblastomas, 16 of 49 patients (33%) showed multifocal recurrence, which developed after a mean of 46 weeks, raising the question of an association with therapy. We studied the interrelation of proliferation and migration in the presence of different protein-kinase-C(PKC) inhibitors (TAM, staurosporine, hypericin) in 2 glioma cell lines. In addition, 3 cell lines were selected for TAM resistance by repeated cycles of treatment with sub-lethal concentrations of TAM. The proliferative capacity and the invasive potential of selected sub-populations were assessed using growth-curve experiments, monolayer migration, and cell-adhesion assays. Treatment with all PKC inhibitors tested resulted in a dose-dependent decrease of proliferation, while motility was altered only at significantly higher doses. Resistance to TAM occurred in all 3 selected cell lines. The TAM-resistant sub-populations showed significantly increased proliferation, migration and adhesion as compared with the parental (non-selected) cell line. The higher incidence of multifocal disease after TAM treatment was paralleled by increased migratory potential of TAM-treated cells in vitro.", "Pyrimidine biosynthesis is an attractive drug target in a variety of organisms, including humans and the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase, an enzyme catalyzing the only redox reaction of the pyrimidine biosynthesis pathway, is a well-characterized target for chemotherapeutical intervention. In this study, we have applied SPROUT-LeadOpt, a software package for structure-based drug discovery and lead optimization, to improve the binding of the active metabolite of the anti-inflammatory drug leflunomide to the target cavities of the P. falciparum and human dihydroorotate dehydrogenases. Following synthesis of a library of compounds based upon the SPROUT-optimized molecular scaffolds, a series of inhibitors generally showing good inhibitory activity was obtained, in keeping with the SPROUT-LeadOpt predictions. Furthermore, cocrystal structures of five of these SPROUT-designed inhibitors bound in the ubiquinone binding cavity of the human dihydroorotate dehydrogenase are also analyzed." ]
[ "Plasmodium falciparum is the causative agent of malaria tropica in man. Biochemical studies were focused on the asexual, intraerythrocytic stages of P. falciparum, because of their role in the clinical phase of the disease and the possibility of propagation in a cell culture system. In this report, we describe the in-culture labeling of malarial glycolipids and the analysis of their hydrophilic moieties. They were identified as glycosylphosphatidylinositols (GPIs) by: 1) labeling with [3H]mannose, [3H]glucosamine, and [3H]ethanolamine and 2) sensitivity toward glycosylphosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase D, phospholipase A2, and nitrous acid. Malarial GPIs are shown to be unaffected by treatment with phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C, regardless of prior treatment with mild base commonly used for inositol deacylation. Two candidates for putative GPI-anchor precursors to malarial membrane proteins with the structures ethanolamine-phosphate-6(Man alpha 1-2)Man alpha 1-2Man alpha 1-6Man alpha 1-4 GlcN-PI (Pfg1 alpha) and ethanolamine-phosphate-6Man alpha 1-2Man alpha 1-6Man-alpha 1-4-GlcN-PI (Pfg1 beta) were identified.", "Mutations of tumor suppressor genes, of the mismatch DNA repair system, and of the TGF-beta-II-receptor are the main causes for a higher risk of colorectal cancer. Among mutations of the Ape gene, which characterize the clinical manifestation of the familial polyposis (FAP), point mutations are dominating which create new stop codons or arise from deletions or insertions of nucleotides causing frame shifts. Because the binding site of beta-catenin is localized in the C-terminus of the Ape protein, disturbances result in the cellular signal transfer from its loss. Consequently, the interactions of the usually formed Ape-beta-catenin complex with the cytoskeleton and the cadherin system in the plasma membrane as well as the translocation of beta-catenin into the nucleus cannot be realized. Mutations in the genes of the mismatch DNA repair system and of the TGF-beta-II-receptor, the main defects of the HNPCC (hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer), are exclusively identified in sequences of microsatellites. Because the majority of Apc gene mutations is also localized in repetitive motifs even in CpG islands primary disturbances are to postulate in the methylation pattern of the genes producing germline and somatic mutations. Generally, complexly connected reactions are involved in this cascade of colorectal cancer genesis. This fact explains the relatively late clinical manifestation of the disease and offers the possibility to identify carriers with an increased risk of colorectal cancer development in order to integrate them into a programme of control and preventive medicine. Beside the known treatment by surgery and cytostatics, inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis gain therapeutic significance. Cancerogenesis can be efficiently suppressed by inhibition of the COX-2-induction (cyclo-oxygenase-2). There is a lack of clinical experience for a decision whether a high intraluminal level of butyrate in the large intestine can delay colorectal carcinogenesis.", "AIM: We assessed the efficacy of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors vildagliptin, sitagliptin, saxagliptin and alogliptin to reach the haemoglobin HbA1c target of <7% in people with type 2 diabetes.METHODS: We conducted an electronic search for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) involving DPP-4 inhibitors through September 2010. RCTs were included if they lasted at least 12 weeks, included 30 patients or more and reported the proportion of patients reaching the HbA1c target of <7%.RESULTS: A total of 43 RCTs reporting 52 comparisons met the selection criteria, which included 19 101 study participants evaluated for the primary endpoint, 10 467 treated with a DPP-4 inhibitor and 8634 treated with placebo or a comparator drug. DPP-4 inhibitors showed a statistically significant reduction in HbA1c compared to placebo and approximately 40% of participants achieved the HbA1c goal of <7%: this was associated with weight neutrality and no greater hypoglycaemia. The reduction of the HbA1c level and the rate of HbA1c goal attainment was not different from comparator drugs, with similar hypoglycaemia, and different effect on weight owing to the nature of comparator (metformin, sulfonylurea or glitazones). Baseline HbA1c was the best predictor for achievement of A1C target (overall weighted r(2) value = 0.410, p < 0.001).CONCLUSIONS: A greater proportion of type 2 diabetic patients can achieve the HbA1c goal <7% with DPP-4 inhibitors compared to placebo, with no weight gain, and no hypoglycaemic risk when used alone; DPP-4 inhibitors were not different from comparator drugs.", "Local Allergic Rhinitis (LAR) is an emerging disease. However, its incidence in the pediatric popolution has not yet been studied. The gold standard for the diagnosis is the nasal provocation test that is not everywhere avalaible and difficult to apply in children. The aim of our study was to evaluate the nasal lavage fluid IgE as a biomarker of LAR in children. 54 pediatric patients [IQR 4.0-12.0 years] were divided into 3 groups: study group (26 children with rhinitis symptoms and without evidence of systemic atopy); allergic rhinitis (AR) group (15 children) and 13 healty controls (HC). Every child was subjected to nasal lavage using 2 ml/nostril of physiologic saline solution, that was therefore analyzed by ImmunoCAP to obtain the IgE concentration. Rhinofibroscopy and nasal cytology were performed. Our data showed the presence of higher value of nasal lavage fluid IgE (average of 6.005 UI/ml; range: 4.47-7.74 UI/ml) in 16 out of 26 patients of the study group who therefore may be classified as affected by LAR. We observed a statistically significant difference (P< 0.0001) between NAR/HC group and LAR group, identifying a cut-off of 3.85 UI/ml. Finally, we found a better response to previous AR therapy in the LAR group than in the NAR group. Our data showed the high incidence of LAR in pediatric patients previously classified as NAR. The measurment of IgE in nasal lavage fluid may be considered an easy and rapid method for the diagnosis of LAR in children. Besides, our data add confirmatory evidence about the good response of LAR children to the classic AR therapy.", "Leishmaniasis is a group of diseases with a spectrum of clinical manifestations ranging from cutaneous ulcers to visceral leishmaniasis, which results from the bite of an infected sandfly to human. Attempts to develop an effective vaccine have been shown to be feasible but no vaccine is in active clinical use. This study adopts a Reverse Vaccinology approach to identify common vaccine candidates from both highly pathogenic species Leishmania major and Leishmania infantum. Total proteome of both species were compared to identify common proteins, which are further taken for sub-cellular localization and transmembrane helices prediction. Plasma membrane proteins having only one transmembrane helix were first identified and analyzed which are non-homologous in human and mouse in order to avoid molecular mimicry with other proteins. Selected proteins were analyzed for their binding efficiency to both major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and class II alleles. As a result, 19 potential epitopes are screened in this study using different approaches, which can be further verified through in vivo experiments in MHC compatible animal models. This study demonstrates that Reverse Vaccinology approach has potential in discovering various immunogenic antigens from in silico analysis of pathogen's genome or proteome instead of culturing the whole organism by conventional methods.", "Gabapentin enacarbil XR is a new extended-release formulation which attempts to overcome the reduced efficacy of shorter-acting gabapentin, with sustained delivery over a 24-hour period. It is a gabapentin prodrug which is efficiently and rapidly converted to gabapentin during active transport throughout the length of the intestine via high-capacity monocarboxylate type 1 nutrient transporters unlike its predecessor, which is absorbed via low-capacity transporters largely confined to the upper intestinal region. Its lack of saturable absorption allows for dose-proportional absorption and hence increased bioavailability. Several clinical trials addressing its efficacy in moderate to severe restless legs syndrome (RLS) demonstrate improvements in the International RLS Rating Scale after a 2-week to 3-month period. Open-label studies of 52 weeks' duration showed maintenance of symptom reduction with once-daily administration of the extended-release formulation. The most commonly reported treatment-emergent adverse effects were somnolence and dizziness. Although the incidence of emergent adverse effects is high, it is comparable with that of gabapentin. No studies thus far have documented augmentation as an issue, unlike that observed with most dopaminergic agents. In addition, both dopamine precursors and agonists have not been shown to increase slow wave sleep or improve overall sleep architecture consistently despite improvement in the periodic leg movement index, in contrast with gabapentin enacarbil. Presently, gabapentin enacarbil has not been approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration or Medsafe for use in RLS. The cost of this medication may also be a potential barrier for many patients. Future comparative efficacy studies with gabapentin, first-line dopaminergic agents, rotigotine, being the other once daily RLS medication, and pregabalin, the structural analog of gabapentin, will be necessary.", "Recent clinical studies have raised the clinically important question of the relationship between dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and prostate cancer (PCa) progression. The significance of DHT or 5α-reductase inhibitors (5ARI) in PCa development and progression has not yet been fully characterized. The aim of this study was to determine whether the initiation of DNA replication was influenced by DHT in PCa. Three cell lines were used. LNCaP: a human PCa cell line that exhibits androgen-dependent proliferation, C4-2: a human PCa cell line that exhibits androgen-independent proliferation, and C4-2AT6: a castration resistant prostate cancer cell line. Two 5ARIs, finasteride and dutasteride, were used. We examined the mRNA expression of the components of pre-replication complex (Pre-RC), CDC6, CDT1, and MCM2-7. DHT induced cell proliferation of LNCaP accompanied by significantly increased CDC6, CDT1, and MCM2-7 expression. In contrast to LNCaP, DHT inhibited cell proliferation in C4-2AT6 cells accompanied by decreased expression of CDC6, CDT1, and MCM2-7. These reverse effects resemble the effects of 5ARIs in Pre-RC. Treatment with finasteride or dutasteride inhibited CDC6 expression in LNCaP, but both 5ARIs induced CDC6 expression in C4-2 and C4-2AT6 cells.These results indicate that DHT showed reversal effects on PCa cell proliferation among prostate cancer cells based on androgen-dependence, accompanied by regulation of the initiation of DNA replication. 5ARIs may modulate the DNA replication system in someaggressive PCa through up-regulation of CDC6 expression.", "The decision made in the year 2004 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to require a boxed warning on antidepressants regarding the risk of suicidality in young adults still represents a matter of controversy. The FDA warning was grounded on industry-sponsored trials carried one decade ago or earlier. However, within the past decade, an increasing number of reports have questioned the actual validity of the FDA warning, especially considering a decline in the prescription of the antidepressant drugs associated with an increase in the rate of suicidal events among people with severe depression. The present report provides an overview of the FDA black box warning, also documenting two Major Depressive Disorder patients whose refusal to undergo a pharmacological antidepressant treatment possibly led to an increased risk for suicidal behaviors. The concerns raised by the FDA black box warning need to be considered in real-world clinical practice, stating the associated clinical and public health implications.", "Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4α (HNF4α) is a master regulator of development and function of digestive tissues. The HNF4A gene uses two separate promoters P1 and P2, with P1 products predominant in adult liver, whereas P2 products prevalent in fetal liver, pancreas, and liver/colon cancer. To date, the mechanisms for the regulation of HNF4A and the dynamic switch of P1-HNF4α and P2-HNF4α during ontogenesis and carcinogenesis are still obscure. Our study validated the previously reported self-stimulation of P1-HNF4α but invalidated the reported synergism between HNF4α and HNF1α. HNF4A-AS1, a long noncoding RNA, is localized between the P2 and P1 promoters of HNF4A. We identified critical roles of P1-HNF4α in regulating the expression of HNF4A-AS1 and its mouse ortholog Hnf4a-os. Paired box 6 (PAX6), a master regulator of pancreas development overexpressed in colon cancer, cooperated with HNF1α to induce P2-HNF4α but antagonized HNF4α in HNF4A-AS1 expression. Thus, PAX6 may be important in determining ontogenic and carcinogenic changes of P2-HNF4α and HNF4A-AS1 in the pancreas and intestine. We also interrogated transactivation activities on multiple gene targets by multiple known and novel HNF4α mutants identified in patients with maturity onset diabetes of the young 1 (MODY1) and liver cancer. Particularly, HNF4α-D78A and HNF4α-G79S, two mutants found in liver cancer with mutations in DNA-binding domain, displayed highly gene-specific transactivation activities. Interestingly, HNF4α-Q277X, a MODY1 truncation mutant, antagonized the transactivation activities of HNF1α and farnesoid X receptor, key regulators of insulin secretion. Taken together, our study provides novel mechanistic insights regarding the transcriptional regulation and transactivation activity of HNF4α in digestive tissues.", "OBJECTIVES: To study prescribing trends for antidepressants in Hawai'i following the FDA black box warning regarding the possible risk of suicide in children and adolescents. We also explored relationships between changes in prescribing trends and patient and provider characteristics.STUDY DESIGN: Analysis of an existing insurance data set of prescriptions to children and adolescents within the State of Hawai'i.STUDY POPULATION: Children and adolescents under 18-years-old insured through the largest (>60%) third-party insurance company in the state.RESULTS: Our results showed variations in changes in prescribing trends for different selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) following the FDA black box warning. SSRIs with more evidence-based research supporting their safety and efficacy were least affected as were those that were less implicated by the FDA analysis of the possible link between SSRIs and Suicidality. Trends were apparent for all age groups examined and for both females and males.CONCLUSIONS: Changes in prescribing patterns of psychiatric medications for children and adolescents in Hawai'i were identified. Differing patterns have evolved since 2003 following the series of concerns raised regarding SSRIs and suicidality in children and adolescents.", "Cerebral vasospasm is the classic cause of delayed neurological deterioration leading to cerebral ischemia and infarction, and thus, poor outcome and occasionally death, after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). Advances in diagnosis and treatment, principally nimodipine, intensive care management, hemodynamic manipulations, and endovascular neuroradiology procedures, have improved the prospects for these patients, but outcomes remain disappointing. A phase 2b clinical trial (CONSCIOUS-1) demonstrated marked prevention of vasospasm with the endothelin antagonist, clazosentan, yet patient outcome was not improved. The most likely explanation is that the study was underpowered to detect the relatively small improvements in outcome that would be seen with prevention of vasospasm, especially when assessed using relatively insensitive measures such as the modified Rankin and Glasgow outcome scales. Other possible explanations for this result are that adverse effects of treatment affected the beneficial effects of the drug. It also is possible that alternative causes of neurological deterioration and poor outcome after SAH, including delayed effects of acute global cerebral ischemia, thromboembolism, microcirculatory dysfunction, and cortical spreading depression, play a role. Clazosentan reduced angiographic vasospasm in a dose-dependent manner in patients with aneurysmal SAH following coiling or clipping of the aneurysm. Reducing the incidence of vasospasm should have an important effect on clinical outcome. A phase 3 clinical trial (CONSCIOUS-2) will focus on quantifying this outcome in patients undergoing aneurysm clipping receiving placebo or 5 mg/h of clazosentan.", "CONTEXT: On January 31, 2008, the Food and Drug Administration issued an alert regarding increased risk of suicidal thoughts and behavior related to use of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). On July 10, 2008, a Food and Drug Administration scientific advisory committee voted that, yes, there was a significant positive association between AEDs and suicidality but voted against placing a black box warning on AEDs for suicidality.OBJECTIVE: To determine if AEDs increase the risk of suicide attempt in patients with bipolar disorder.DESIGN: A pharmacoepidemiologic study in which suicide attempt rates were compared before and after treatment and with a medication-free control group. Analyses were restricted to AED and lithium monotherapy.SETTING: We used the PharMetrics medical claims database to study the relationship between the 11 AEDs identified in the FDA alert, and lithium, to suicide attempts.MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Suicide attempts. Patients A cohort of 47 918 patients with bipolar disorder with a minimum 1-year window of information before and after the index date of their illness.RESULTS: Overall, there was no significant difference in suicide attempt rates for patients treated with an AED (13 per 1000 person-years [PY]) vs patients not treated with an AED or lithium (13 per 1000 PY). In AED-treated subjects, the rate of suicide attempts was significantly higher before treatment (72 per 1000 PY) than after (13 per 1000 PY). In patients receiving no concomitant treatment with an antidepressant, other AED, or antipsychotic, AEDs were significantly protective relative to no pharmacologic treatment (3 per 1000 vs 15 per 1000 PY).CONCLUSIONS: Despite Food and Drug Administration reports regarding increased risk of suicidality associated with AED treatment, the current study reveals that, as a class, AEDs do not increase risk of suicide attempts in patients with bipolar disorder relative to patients not treated with an AED or lithium. Use of AEDs reduces suicide attempt rates both relative to patients not receiving any psychotropic medication and relative to their pretreatment levels.", "Depression represents a huge pharmaceutical market opportunity. There are approximately 350 million people worldwide with depression, and it is the leading cause of disability in the world. In the U.S., 9.1% of the population suffers from depression. Globally, fewer than half of depression sufferers receive treatment for their illness, and in some countries this figure falls to fewer than 1 in 10. The high incidence rate, combined with limited market penetration, makes depression a high potential market for pharmaceuticals. However, companies developing drugs for depression also face a number of serious challenges. Psychosocial treatment options remain the preferred first-line therapy ahead of medication-and when it comes to drug treatment, the abundance of generic options available has significantly contributed to halving the value of the branded antidepressant market over recent years. Another hurdle faced by new drugs is the requirement that all antidepressants carry a black-box warning regarding the increased risk of suicide in children, adolescents and young adults, which limits their use in this population. Switching between medications presents both an opportunity and a challenge, as a significant number of patients will switch away from their first medication within the first year of treatment. The lack of complete understanding of why depression occurs also makes this area a difficult one, although it opens the door for the development of drugs with novel mechanisms of action.", "von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease is an autosomal-dominant familial cancer syndrome associated with mutations of the VHL tumor suppressor gene (3p25-26). Its estimated incidence ranges from 1 in 36,000 to 1 in 53,000 with a penetrance of up to 95% by age 60. Genotype-phenotype correlation divides VHL into two broad clinical subtypes. Type 1 VHL is predominantly associated with large deletion or truncation mutations which result in an encoded protein with very little or no activity. It is associated with retinal and CNS hemangioblastoma and renal cell carcinoma but not pheochromocytoma. Type 2 is usually associated with missense mutations encoding a protein with limited activity and includes pheochromocytoma. It is further classified into three other subtypes (2A, 2B, 2C) based on the presence of hemangioblastoma and renal cell carcinoma. Visceral cysts in the kidney, pancreas and epididymis, nonfunctioning pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors which often show distinctive clear cell cytology, endolymphatic sac tumors and head and neck paragangliomas are well recognized but less common presenting features. Surveillance of carriers can reduce the burden of disease and is best performed in specialist referral centers with due consideration given to both the complex molecular pathogenesis and psychosocial aspects of the disease.", "Observational studies have found that persons who consume large amounts of fruit and vegetables have lower rates of coronary heart disease. The strength of epidemiologic evidence, however, differs for each of the antioxidant vitamins. High intake of vitamin E from food or supplements has generally been associated with a lower incidence of coronary heart disease. The evidence for beta-carotene intake is inconsistent, with several studies finding a modest reduction in risk among persons with high intake, and others failing to find an association. Although many studies have examined the relationship between vitamin C intake and cardiovascular disease, no significant benefit was seen in any of the large studies that were able to control for other antioxidant intake or multivitamin use. Observational studies cannot discern whether the decreased risk observed is caused by the antioxidants themselves or other characteristics of the individuals who consume them. The epidemiologic associations may be due to other nutrients in antioxidant-rich foods, or other dietary or lifestyle factors. Randomized controlled trials are necessary to confirm or refute the observational data. On the basis of available evidence, we should recommend a healthy diet, rich in fruit and vegetables, but should not endorse vitamin supplementation unless conclusive evidence of benefit is demonstrated in clinical trials.", "Cyclophosphamide (CYP), a commonly prescribed chemotherapy drug, has multiple adverse side effects including alteration of taste. The effects on taste are a cause of concern for patients as changes in taste are often associated with loss of appetite, malnutrition, poor recovery and reduced quality of life. Amifostine is a cytoprotective agent that was previously shown to be effective in preventing chemotherapy-induced mucositis and nephrotoxicity. Here we determined its ability to protect against chemotherapy-induced damage to taste buds using a mouse model of CYP injury. We conducted detection threshold tests to measure changes in sucrose taste sensitivity and found that administration of amifostine 30 mins prior to CYP injection protected against CYP-induced loss in taste sensitivity. Morphological studies showed that pre-treatment with amifostine prevented CYP-induced reduction in the number of fungiform taste papillae and increased the number of taste buds. Immunohistochemical assays for markers of the cell cycle showed that amifostine administration prevented CYP-induced inhibition of cell proliferation and also protected against loss of mature taste cells after CYP exposure. Our results indicate that treatment of cancer patients with amifostine prior to chemotherapy may improve their sensitivity for taste stimuli and protect the taste system from the detrimental effects of chemotherapy.", "OBJECTIVES: We evaluated the implementation of three commercially available neuraminidase inhibition assays in a public health laboratory (PHL) setting. We also described the drug susceptibility patterns of human influenza A and B circulating in Maryland during the 2011-2012 influenza season.METHODS: From January to May 2012, 169 influenza virus isolates were tested for phenotypic susceptibility to oseltamivir, zanamivir, and peramivir using NA-Fluor(TM), NA-Star®, and NA-XTD(TM) concurrently. A 50% neuraminidase inhibitory concentration (IC50) value was calculated to determine drug susceptibility. We used the standard deviation based on the median absolute deviation of the median analysis to determine the potential for reduced drug susceptibility. We evaluated each assay for the use of resources in high- and low-volume testing scenarios.RESULTS: One of the 25 2009 influenza A (H1N1) pandemic isolates tested was resistant to oseltamivir and peramivir, and sensitive to zanamivir, on all three platforms. Eighty-two influenza A (H3N2) and 62 B isolates were sensitive to all three drugs in all three assays. For a low-volume scenario, NA-Star and NA-XTD took 120 minutes to complete, while NA-Fluor required 300 minutes to complete. The lowest relative cost favored NA-Star. In a high-volume scenario, NA-Fluor had the highest throughput. Reagent use was most efficient when maximizing throughput. Cost efficiency from low- to high-volume testing improved the most for NA-Star.CONCLUSIONS: Our evaluation showed that both chemiluminescent and fluorescent neuraminidase inhibition assays can be successfully implemented in a PHL setting to screen circulating influenza strains for neuraminidase inhibitor resistance. For improved PHL influenza surveillance, it may be essential to develop guidelines for phenotypic drug-resistance testing that take into consideration a PHL's workload and available resources.", "OBJECTIVE: In 2002, 264 children and adolescents ages 5-14 died by suicide in the United States, the fifth leading cause of death. Of these suicides, 260 were in the 10-14 year age group, making suicide the third largest cause of death behind accidents and malignancy. Although 60% of suicides in the general population occur in the midst of a mood disorder, usually untreated, little is known about the relationship between treatment of mood disorders and youth suicide. The FDA recently linked adverse event reports of suicidal ideation among children and adolescents in randomized controlled trials to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and consequently required a change in labeling that included a black box warning regarding SSRI use for all age groups. Given that the age-adjusted suicide rate is about six times higher in 15-19 year olds compared with 10-14 year olds, the risk-benefit ratio may be different in younger children. Therefore, this study examined the association between antidepressant medication prescription rate and suicide rate in children ages 5-14 prior to the FDA findings by analyzing associations at the county level across the United States.METHOD: National county-level suicide rate data among children ages 5-14 were broken down by sex, income, and race during the period 1996-1998. National county-level antidepressant prescription rate data were expressed as number of pills prescribed per person. The primary outcome measure was the suicide rate in each county expressed as number of suicides for a given population size.RESULTS: After adjustment for sex, race, income, access to mental health care, and county-to-county variability in suicide rates, higher SSRI prescription rates were associated with lower suicide rates in children and adolescents.CONCLUSIONS: The aggregate nature of these observational data precludes a direct causal interpretation of the results. More SSRI prescriptions are associated with lower suicide rates in children and may reflect antidepressant efficacy, treatment compliance, better quality mental health care, and low toxicity in the event of a suicide attempt by overdose.", "PURPOSE: We investigated whether inhibition of interleukin 6 (IL-6) has therapeutic activity in ovarian cancer via abrogation of a tumor-promoting cytokine network.EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: We combined preclinical and in silico experiments with a phase 2 clinical trial of the anti-IL-6 antibody siltuximab in patients with platinum-resistant ovarian cancer.RESULTS: Automated immunohistochemistry on tissue microarrays from 221 ovarian cancer cases showed that intensity of IL-6 staining in malignant cells significantly associated with poor prognosis. Treatment of ovarian cancer cells with siltuximab reduced constitutive cytokine and chemokine production and also inhibited IL-6 signaling, tumor growth, the tumor-associated macrophage infiltrate and angiogenesis in IL-6-producing intraperitoneal ovarian cancer xenografts. In the clinical trial, the primary endpoint was response rate as assessed by combined RECIST and CA125 criteria. One patient of eighteen evaluable had a partial response, while seven others had periods of disease stabilization. In patients treated for 6 months, there was a significant decline in plasma levels of IL-6-regulated CCL2, CXCL12, and VEGF. Gene expression levels of factors that were reduced by siltuximab treatment in the patients significantly correlated with high IL-6 pathway gene expression and macrophage markers in microarray analyses of ovarian cancer biopsies.CONCLUSION: IL-6 stimulates inflammatory cytokine production, tumor angiogenesis, and the tumor macrophage infiltrate in ovarian cancer and these actions can be inhibited by a neutralizing anti-IL-6 antibody in preclinical and clinical studies.", "Suicide is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality amongst children and adolescents. In 2004 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a \"black-box\" warning for antidepressants in children and adolescents, stating that these drugs may increase suicidality, a term encompassing both suicidal thoughts and behavior, especially in the first few weeks of treatment. The warning was extended in 2007 to antidepressants prescribed to adults aged 25 and under. The evidence behind this decision stemmed from meta-analyses of antidepressant clinical trials that demonstrated a slight increase in suicidality in those receiving antidepressants versus those treated with a placebo. Due to methods of this pooled data compilation, the relationship between antidepressants and suicidality remains controversial. This report investigates a case where a 14 year old with major depressive disorder (MDD) developed suicidal ideation shortly after being prescribed a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). Investigating the role antidepressants may play in suicidality suggests the need to explore the neurobiological mechanisms within the serotonin system. This case and its theoretical explanations attempt to bridge the gap between neurobiology and pharmacology in order to better delineate the etiology of this adverse effect.", "The United States Food and Drug Administration issued a Black Box warning in October 2004 after placebo-controlled trials of antidepressant medications found an increased risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors among children and adolescents taking antidepressant medications relative to placebo. Subsequently, some researchers have concluded that the Black Box warning caused severe unintended consequences; specifically, they have argued that the warning led to reduced use of antidepressants among youth, which led to more suicides. In this paper, we critically examine research regarding the Black Box warning's alleged deleterious consequences. One study claimed that controlled trials did not actually find an increased risk of suicidality among youth taking fluoxetine relative to those taking placebo, but its measure of suicidality is likely invalid. We found that ecological time series studies claiming that decreasing antidepressant prescriptions are linked to higher rates of suicide attempts or actual suicides among youth were methodologically weak. These studies exhibited shortcomings including: selective use of time points, use of only a short-term time series, lack of performing statistical analysis, not examining level of severity/impairment among participants, inability to control confounding variables, and/or use of questionable measures of suicide attempts. Further, while some time-series studies claim that increased antidepressant prescriptions are related to fewer youth suicides, more recent data suggests that increasing antidepressant prescriptions are related to more youth suicide attempts and more completed suicides among American children and adolescents. We also note that case-control studies show increased risk of suicide attempts and suicide among youth taking antidepressants, even after controlling for some relevant confounds. As clinical trials have the greatest ability to control relevant confounds, it is important to remember such trials demonstrated increased risk of suicidality adverse events among youth taking antidepressants. The Black Box warning is firmly rooted in solid data whereas attempts to claim the warning has caused harm are based on quite weak evidence.", "The risk of suicidal behavior associated with antidepressant treatment is an issue of debate and concern. The US FDA has required that antidepressants carry a black box warning that there may be a risk of suicidal ideations in depressed pediatric patients treated with these medications, and recently extended the warning to include individuals up age 24. However studies of antidepressant-induced suicidality in adults have yielded contradictory findings and conclusions. This article discusses investigations of this poorly understood phenomenon and the clinical implications of research findings and FDA warnings for clinicians treating adults with depression. Although antidepressant-induced suicidality apparently occurs only rarely, close monitoring and follow up care after the initiation of a new antidepressant is indicated.", "In 2004, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) controversially issued a black box warning that antidepressants were associated with an increased risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviours in people aged under 18 years. In 2007, the warning was expanded to include young adults aged under 25 years. In 2005, the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration responded to the FDA warning by requiring Product and Consumer Information leaflets to be updated to reflect the risk. However, there was considerable debate, and at times emotive backlash, in academic journals and the international media. Prominent US and Australian mental health organisations and psychiatrists challenged the FDA warning. They argued that, on balance, antidepressant use was likely to reduce the risk of suicide. Several ecological studies were cited misleadingly as evidence that decreasing antidepressant use increases suicide risk. From 2008 to 2018, Australian per-capita child, adolescent and young adult antidepressant dispensing (0-27 years of age) and suicide (0-24 years) rates have increased approximately 66% and 49%, respectively. In addition, there was a 98% increase in intentional poisonings among 5 to 19 year-olds in New South Wales and Victoria between 2006 and 2016, with substantial overlap between the most commonly dispensed psychotropics and the drugs most commonly used in self-poisoning. These results do not support claims that increased antidepressant use reduces youth suicide risk. They are more consistent with the FDA warning and the hypothesis that antidepressant use increases the risk of suicide and self-harm by young people. Causal relationships cannot be established with certainty until there is a vast improvement in post-marketing surveillance. However, there is clear evidence that more young Australians are taking antidepressants, and more young Australians are killing themselves and self-harming, often by intentionally overdosing on the very substances that are supposed to help them.", "Heyde's syndrome was first proposed in 1958. It refers to gastrointestinal haemorrhage resulting from a combination of aortic stenosis with angiodysplasia. This report explores the case of a 93-year-old lady who was admitted to hospital following a neck of femur fracture. She suffered from multiple comorbidities including renal failure and congestive heart failure secondary to critical aortic stenosis. As an inpatient she suffered an exacerbation of both her heart and renal failure postoperatively. A week later she suffered from heavy upper gastro-intestinal bleeding, which failed to respond to pharmacological and endoscopic therapies as well as angiographic embolisation. The pathophysiology of Heyde's syndrome: an acquired von Willebrand deficiency syndrome has a much wider impact than was commonly thought, both in terms of how common it is and in how the association may be extrapolated to a wide range of bleeding disorders, rather than simply angiodysplasia associated gastrointestinal haemorrhage.", "Depending on symptom severity, psychopharmacological treatment can be a valuable option in the treatment of depressive disorders in childhood and adolescence. This review provides recommendations for clinical treatment, focusing on suicidality and treatment-resistant patients. The quality of studies regarding the psychopharmacological therapy of depressive disorders in childhood and adolescence has improved since the «black box» warning of the FDA concerning the occurrence of suicidality under treatment with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). In Germany, there is proof for a trend toward a more evidence-based psychopharmacological treatment approach within recent years.", "Structure-based virtual screening relies on scoring the predicted binding modes of compounds docked into the target. Because the accuracy of this scoring relies on the accuracy of the docking, methods that increase docking accuracy are valuable. Here, we present a relatively straightforward method for improving the probability of identifying accurately docked poses. The method is similar in concept to consensus scoring schemes, which have been shown to increase ranking power and thus hit rates, but combines information about predicted binding modes rather than predicted binding affinities. The pose prediction success rate of each docking program alone was found in this trial to be 55% for Autodock, 58% for DOCK, and 64% for Vina. By using more than one docking program to predict the binding pose, correct poses were identified in 82% or more of cases, a significant improvement. In a virtual screen, these more reliably posed compounds can be preferentially advanced to subsequent scoring stages to improve hit rates. Consensus docking can be easily introduced into established structure-based virtual screening methodologies.", "AIMS: Desmin, the muscle-specific intermediate filament protein, is a major target in dilated cardiomyopathy and heart failure in humans and mice. The hallmarks of desmin-deficient (des(-/-)) mice pathology include pronounced myocardial degeneration, extended fibrosis, and osteopontin (OPN) overexpression. We sought to identify the molecular and cellular events regulating adverse cardiac remodelling in des(-/-) mice and their potential link to OPN.METHODS AND RESULTS: In situ hybridization, histology, and immunostaining demonstrated that inflammatory cells and not cardiomyocytes were the source of OPN. RNA profile comparison revealed that activation of inflammatory pathways, sustained by innate immunity mechanisms, predominated among all changes occurring in degenerating des(-/-) myocardium. The expression of the most highly up-regulated genes (OPN: 226×, galectin-3: 26×, osteoactivin/Gpnmb/DC-HIL: 160× and metalloprotease-12: 98×) was associated with heart infiltrating macrophages. To evaluate the role of OPN, we generated des(-/-)OPN(-/-) mice and compared their cardiac function and remodelling indices with those of des(-/-). Osteopontin promoted cardiac dysfunction in this model since des(-/-)OPN(-/-) mice showed 53% improvement of left ventricular function, paralleled to an up to 44% reduction in fibrosis. The diminished fibrotic response in the absence of OPN could be partly mediated by a dramatic reduction in myocardial galectin-3 levels, associated with an impaired galectin-3 secretion by OPN-deficient infiltrating macrophages.CONCLUSION: Cardiomyocyte death due to desmin deficiency leads to inflammation and subsequent overexpression of a series of remodelling modulators. Among them, OPN seems to be a major regulator of des(-/-) adverse myocardial remodelling and it functions at least by potentiating galectin-3 up-regulation and secretion.", "We performed a study to evaluate the role of three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), factor V Leiden G1691A (FVL), prothrombin gene mutation G20210A (PRT or FII-G20210A) and methylenotetrahydrofolate reductase variant C677T (MTHFRC677T), as risk factors for G6PD in Saudi populations. Our results did not show any association with the three Thrombophilic genes with FVL gene, no statistical analysis have shown any association with either allele or genotype frequencies OR=0.566, p=.0.667, (95% CI=0.014-22.48) and OR=0.569, p=0.251¸ (95% CI=0.014-22.96).In PRT gene G20210A for G Vs A, p=0.774; OR=0.566 (95%CI; 0.011-29.6); AA+GA Vs GG; p=0.502; OR=0.569 (95%CI=0.010-2969). G and A allele frequencies were similar between cases and controls with no statistical significance. In the MTHFR gene none of the genotypes or allele frequency cannot show any association OR=1.281, p=.0.667, (95% CI=0.414-3.958) and OR=1.1.172, p=0.800¸ (95% CI=0.343-4.008). Similarly, the difference of T allele frequencies between patients and controls was not found any association. In conclusion, our finding indicates that the prevalence of G1691A, G20210A and C677T mutations in G6PD deficient individuals is not statistically different compared to normal subjects and G6PD is not associated with these thrombophilic mutations in Saudi population.", "Objective. This study evaluates changes in use of antidepressants in children and adolescents after the US Food and Drug Administration black box warning for increased risk of suicide.Method. A retrospective chart review was completed for children and adolescents (ages 4-17) who were diagnosed with depressive or anxiety disorders in an outpatient clinic and offered a trial of antidepressants between September 2003 and February 2004 (before the black box warning) and between January 2005 and June 2005 (after the black box warning). Statistical analyses were performed with the SPSS version 17 and R package version 2.9.1. Univariate analysis was conducted using the Fisher's Exact test.Results. The odds ratio calculated for the different groups suggests that in all the groups, the proportion of acceptance of antidepressant use was greater before the black box warning as compared to after the black box warning (odds ratio>1). It was also found that upon combining the age groups after the warning and comparing them, based on the diagnoses, there was a greater degree of refusal of antidepressant therapy when a diagnosis of anxiety disorder was made as compared to a diagnosis of depressive disorder (p=0.017).Conclusion. There has been a decrease in the use of antidepressant therapy in children and adolescents following the US Food and Drug Administration black box warning for risk of suicide. A limitation of this study is that reasons for refusal of antidepressent therapy by parents or guardians of children and adolescents were not collected; therefore, there is no certainty that the black box warning was the primary reason for refusal.", "♦BACKGROUND: Peginesatide is a novel, synthetic, peptide-based pegylated erythropoiesis-stimulating agent that is designed specifically to stimulate the erythropoietin receptor. The purpose of the present study was to assess, for the first time, the efficacy and safety of peginesatide in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients receiving peritoneal dialysis (PD) and previously on epoetin treatment. ♦METHODS: In this open-label multicenter study, 59 PD patients with CKD were converted from epoetin (alfa or beta) to once-monthly peginesatide. Doses were titrated to maintain hemoglobin levels between 10 g/dL and 12 g/dL during the 25 weeks of the study. The primary endpoint was change from baseline in mean hemoglobin values during the evaluation period (weeks 20 - 25). ♦RESULTS: The mean hemoglobin value during the evaluation period was 11.3 ± 1.07 g/dL, and the mean change from baseline was 0.10 ± 1.15 g/dL (95% confidence limits: -0.24, 0.44 g/dL). During the evaluation period, most patients maintained hemoglobin levels between 10 g/dL and 12 g/dL (63.0%) and within ±1.0 g/dL of baseline (60.9%). The median weekly epoetin dose at baseline was 96.0 U/kg, and the median starting peginesatide dose was 0.047 mg/kg. Forty-three patients (72.9%) completed the study. Six patients (10.2%) received red blood cell transfusions. The observed adverse event profile was consistent with underlying conditions in the PD patient population. The most common adverse event was peritonitis (20.3%), a complication commonly associated with PD. Four deaths occurred during the study (2 related to septic shock, and 1 each to myocardial ischemia and myasthenia gravis). ♦CONCLUSIONS: In this study, once-monthly peginesatide maintained hemoglobin levels in PD patients after conversion from epoetin.", "MEDICAL HISTORY AND CLINICAL COURSE: A 42-year-old patient with hairy cell leukemia had been treated for 3 years by a hematologist in private practice. Initially the patient received 1 course of cladribine upon which the disease went into complete remission. 6 weeks ago a relapse was diagnosed and combination therapy with cladibrin and rituximab was initiated. Now the patient presented to the emergency room with shortness of breath and pain when breathing.INVESTIGATIONS, TREATMENT AND COURSE: In the chest x-ray, patchy infiltrates and pleural effusions were found on both sides. The subsequently performed computed tomography showed bilateral compactions with an Halo suspicious for fungal infiltrates. Upon admission to the hospital, an empirical antibiotic therapy with clarithromycin and piperacillin/tazobactam was initiated, which was later escalated to meropenem and linezolid. Additionally, an antifungal therapy with voriconazole was started and later switched to liposomal amphotericin B. At his admission, a positive aspergillus antigen could be detected in the microbiological laboratory. Under antimycotic treatment the aspergillus antigen was repeatedly negative. The patient presented with pronounced cytopenias and after a switch of therapy to vemurafenib and filgrastim, the hematopoiesis could only be stimulated insufficiently. The patient was transferred to the intensive care unit three days after admission with severe respiratory failure. He died on day 8 after admission. AUTOPSY AND DIAGNOSIS: Diagnosis was consistent with relapse of hairy cell leukemia with positive BRAF mutation and a bone marrow infiltration > 80 %. Autopsy revealed a significant hepato-splenomegaly, a lack of erythro-, granulo- and thrombopoiesis. Clots interspersed with fungal hyphae were found in both lungs and an infarction of the spleen with evidence of fungal hyphae was detected. The cultural findings post mortem on yeast or mold were negative.CONCLUSION: Patients with refractory hairy cell leukemia and prolonged neutropenia are at increased risk for systemic fungal infections. Therefore, prohylactic antimycotic therapy should be considered early in this group of patients. The therapeutic approach of vemurafenib in treatment-refractory hairy cell leukemia is promising and offers an additional treatment option. In the present case, the patient could unfortunately not be stabilized due to the septic complications.", "The molecular circadian clock in mammals is generated from transcriptional activation by the bHLH-PAS transcription factor CLOCK-BMAL1 and subsequent repression by PERIOD and CRYPTOCHROME (CRY). The mechanism by which CRYs repress CLOCK-BMAL1 to close the negative feedback loop and generate 24-h timing is not known. Here we show that, in mouse fibroblasts, CRY1 competes for binding with coactivators to the intrinsically unstructured C-terminal transactivation domain (TAD) of BMAL1 to establish a functional switch between activation and repression of CLOCK-BMAL1. TAD mutations that alter affinities for co-regulators affect the balance of repression and activation to consequently change the intrinsic circadian period or eliminate cycling altogether. Our results suggest that CRY1 fulfills its role as an essential circadian repressor by sequestering the TAD from coactivators, and they highlight regulation of the BMAL1 TAD as a critical mechanism for establishing circadian timing.", "Omega-conotoxin MVIIC (MVIIC) blocks P/Q-type calcium channels with high affinity and N-type calcium channels with low affinity, while the highly homologous omega-conotoxin MVIIA blocks only N-type calcium channels. We wished to obtain MVIIC analogues more selective for P/Q-type calcium channels than MVIIC to elucidate structural differences among the channels, which discriminate the omega-conotoxins. To prepare a number of MVIIC analogues efficiently, we developed a combinatorial method which includes a random air oxidation step. Forty-seven analogues were prepared in six runs and some of them exhibited higher selectivity for P/Q-type calcium channels than MVIIC in binding assays.", "Six transmembrane protein of prostate (Stamp) proteins play an important role in prostate cancer cell growth. Recently, we found that Stamp2 has a critical role in the integration of inflammatory and metabolic signals in adipose tissue where it is highly expressed and regulated by nutritional and metabolic cues. In this study, we show that all Stamp family members are differentially regulated during adipogenesis: whereas Stamp1 expression is significantly decreased upon differentiation, Stamp2 expression is increased. In contrast, Stamp3 expression is modestly changed in adipocytes compared to preadipocytes, and has a biphasic expression pattern during the course of differentiation. Suppression of Stamp1 or Stamp2 expression both led to inhibition of 3T3-L1 differentiation in concert with diminished expression of the key regulators of adipogenesis - CCAAT/enhancer binding protein alpha (C/ebpα) and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (Pparγ). Upon Stamp1 knockdown, mitotic clonal expansion was also inhibited. In contrast, Stamp2 knockdown did not affect mitotic clonal expansion, but resulted in a marked decrease in superoxide production that is known to affect adipogenesis. These results suggest that Stamp1 and Stamp2 play critical roles in adipogenesis, but through different mechanisms.", "The regulation of gene expression was studied, for the Escherichia coli rpoBC operon, which includes the genes, rpoB and rpoC, for the beta and beta subunits of RNA polymerase, and rplJ and rplL, for the two proteins, L10 and L7/12, of the 50S ribosome. The gene organization agrees well with the accumulated observations indicating the coordinate synthesis of RNA polymerase and ribosomes under various growth conditions for wild-type E. coli cells. On the other hand, the differential regulation of the two essential components observed under restrictive growth conditions, after addition of various drugs or with certain mutants, in particular those carrying mutations in the RNA polymerase genes, was found to take place through two novel regulation systems: The transcriptional termination at an internal attenuation site and the two autogenous and posttranscriptional controls, being specific for the two ribosomal protein genes and the two RNA polymerase subunit genes, respectively. The majority of the transcription initiated from the promoter rpoP beta terminates at an attenuator site between the promoter-proximal rplJL and the promoter-distal rpoBC genes. The frequency of the attenuation seems to control the relative level of RNA polymerase synthesis to that of ribosomes. The expression of rpoBC genes is subject to an autogenous regulation, in which both RNA polymerase holoenzyme and alpha 2 beta complex function as regulatory molecules with repressor activity. The autogenous regulation was found to operate at post-transcriptional step(s), probably at the level of translation. During the study on the regulation of RNA polymerase synthesis, we noticed that the rpoBC operon contained another autogenous regulation circuit, in which the synthesis of L10 and L7/12 was specifically repressed by the L10-L7/12 complex. Molecular mechanisms and physiological meanings of the novel regulations are discussed.", "Activating mutations in BRAF are the most common genetic alterations in melanoma. Inhibition of BRAF by small molecules leads to cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis. We show here that BRAF inhibition also induces an oxidative phosphorylation gene program, mitochondrial biogenesis, and the increased expression of the mitochondrial master regulator, PGC1α. We further show that a target of BRAF, the melanocyte lineage factor MITF, directly regulates the expression of PGC1α. Melanomas with activation of the BRAF/MAPK pathway have suppressed levels of MITF and PGC1α and decreased oxidative metabolism. Conversely, treatment of BRAF-mutated melanomas with BRAF inhibitors renders them addicted to oxidative phosphorylation. Our data thus identify an adaptive metabolic program that limits the efficacy of BRAF inhibitors.", "The T-box transcription factor TBX5 plays essential roles in cardiac and limb development. Various mutations in the TBX5 gene have been identified in patients with Holt-Oram syndrome, which is characterized by congenital defects in the heart and upper extremities. In this study, we identified a WW-domain-containing transcriptional regulator TAZ as a potent TBX5 coactivator. TAZ directly associates with TBX5 and markedly stimulates TBX5-dependent promoters by interacting with the histone acetyltransferases p300 and PCAF. YAP, a TAZ-related protein with conserved functional domains, also stimulates TBX5-dependent transcription, possibly by forming a heterodimer with TAZ. TBX5 lacks a PY motif, which mediates the association of other proteins with TAZ, and interacts with TAZ through multiple domains including its carboxyl-terminal structure. Truncation mutants of TBX5 identified in patients with Holt-Oram syndrome were markedly impaired in their ability to associate with and be stimulated by TAZ. These findings reveal key roles for TAZ and YAP in the control of TBX5-dependent transcription and suggest the involvement of these coactivators in cardiac and limb development.", "OBJECTIVES: To reconstruct the evolutionary history of the clinical Acinetobacter baumannii XH1056, which lacks the Oxford scheme allele gdhB.METHODS: Susceptibility testing was performed using broth microdilution and agar dilution. The whole-genome sequence of XH1056 was determined using the Illumina and Oxford Nanopore platforms. MLST was performed using the Pasteur scheme and the Oxford scheme. Antibiotic resistance genes were identified using ABRicate.RESULTS: XH1056 was resistant to all antibiotics tested, apart from colistin, tigecycline and eravacycline. MLST using the Pasteur scheme assigned XH1056 to ST256. However, XH1056 could not be typed with the Oxford MLST scheme as gdhB is not present. Comparative analyses revealed that XH1056 contains a 52 933 bp region acquired from a global clone 2 (GC2) isolate, but is otherwise closely related to the ST23 A. baumannii XH858. The acquired region in XH1056 also contains a 34 932 bp resistance island that resembles AbGRI3 and contains the armA, msrE-mphE, sul1, blaPER-1, aadA1, cmlA1, aadA2, blaCARB-2 and ere(B) resistance genes. Comparison of the XH1056 chromosome to that of GC2 isolate XH859 revealed that the island in XH1056 is in the same chromosomal region as that in XH859. As this island is not in the standard AbGRI3 position, it was named AbGRI5.CONCLUSIONS: XH1056 is a hybrid isolate generated by the acquisition of a chromosomal segment from a GC2 isolate that contains a resistance island in a new location-AbGRI5. As well as generating ST256, it appears likely that a single recombination event is also responsible for the acquisition of AbGRI5 and its associated antibiotic resistance genes.", "Platelet-derived growth factor receptor α (PDGFRα), a tyrosine kinase receptor, is up-regulated in hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) during chronic liver injury. HSCs mediate hepatic fibrosis through their activation from a quiescent state partially in response to profibrotic growth factors. HSC activation entails enhanced expression of profibrotic genes, increase in proliferation, and increase in motility, which facilitates migration within the hepatic lobule. We show colocalization of PDGFRα in murine carbon tetrachloride, bile duct ligation, and 0.1% 3,5-diethoxycarbonyl-1,4-dihydrocollidine models of chronic liver injury, and investigate the role of PDGFRα on proliferation, profibrotic gene expression, and migration in primary human HSCs (HHSteCs) using the PDGFRα-specific inhibitory monoclonal antibody olaratumab. Although lacking any effects on HHSteC transdifferentiation assessed by gene expression of ACTA2, TGFB1, COL1A1, SYP1, and FN1, olaratumab specifically reduced HHSteC proliferation (AlamarBlue assay) and cell migration (transwell migration assays). Using phospho-specific antibodies, we show that olaratumab attenuates PDGFRα activation in response to PDGF-BB, and reduced phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1 and 2, Elk-1, p38, Akt, focal adhesion kinase, mechanistic target of rapamycin, C10 regulator of kinase II, and C10 regulator of kinase-like, suggesting that PDGFRα contributes to mitogenesis and actin reorganization through diverse downstream effectors. Our findings support a distinct contribution of PDGFRα signaling to HSC proliferation and migration and provide evidence that inhibition of PDGFRα signaling could alter the pathogenesis of hepatic fibrosis.", "BACKGROUND: Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) is a promising biomarker of acute kidney injury. There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that NGAL is also a marker of kidney disease and severity in chronic kidney disease (CKD). We studied the utility of urinary NGAL in more accurately predicting renal function in patients with diabetic CKD.METHODS: We studied possible relationships between urinary NGAL, estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), and proteinuria in diabetic CKD patients and in healthy populations.RESULTS: Urinary NGAL levels were significantly higher in CKD patients than in healthy controls (96.0 [2.7 to 975.2] ng/mL vs. 18.8 [1.3 to 81.9] ng/mL, P=0.02), and the GFR was lower among CKD patients (49.3 [13.1 to 78.3] mL/min/1.73 m(2) vs. 85.6 [72 to 106.7] mL/min/1.73 m(2), P<0.0001). The urinary NGAL level showed a significant inverse correlation with GFR (r=-0.5634, P<0.0001). The correlation analyses between urinary protein level and urinary NGAL levels and GFR were as follows: urine protein and urinary NGAL (r=0.3009, P=0.0256), urine protein and GFR (r=-0.6245, P<0.0001), urine microalbumin and urinary NGAL (r=0.1794, P=0.2275), and urine microalbumin and GFR (r=-0.5190, P=0.0002).CONCLUSION: From these results, we concluded that urinary NGAL is a reliable marker of renal function in diabetic CKD patients. However, urinary NGAL did not provide more accurate information regarding renal function than GFR.", "Alpha-synuclein accumulates in the brains of sporadic Parkinson's disease patients as a major component of Lewy bodies, and mutations in alpha-synuclein are associated with familial forms of Parkinson's disease. The pathogenic mechanisms that precede and promote the aggregation of alpha-synuclein into Lewy bodies in neurons remain to be determined. Here, we constructed a series of alpha-synuclein-enhanced green fluorescent protein (alpha-synucleinEGFP, SynEGFP) fusion proteins to address whether the Parkinson's disease-associated mutations alter the subcellular distribution of alpha-synuclein, and to use as a tool for experimental manipulations to induce aggregate formation. When transfected into mouse cultured primary neurons, the 49-kDa alpha-synucleinEGFP fusion proteins are partially truncated to a approximately 27-kDa form. This non-fluorescent carboxy-terminally modified fusion protein spontaneously forms inclusions in the neuronal cytoplasm. A marked increase in the accumulation of inclusions is detected following treatment with each of three proteasome inhibitors, n-acetyl-leu-leu-norleucinal, lactacystin and MG132. Interestingly, Ala30Pro alpha-synucleinEGFP does not form the cytoplasmic inclusions that are characteristic of wild-type and Ala53Thr alpha-synucleinEGFP, supporting the idea that the Ala30Pro alpha-synuclein protein conformation differs from wild-type alpha-synuclein. Similar inclusions are formed if alpha-synuclein carboxy-terminus is modified by the addition of a V5/6xHistidine epitope tag. By contrast, overexpression of unmodified alpha-synuclein does not lead to aggregate formation. Furthermore, synphilin-1, an alpha-synuclein interacting protein also found in Lewy bodies, colocalizes with the carboxy-terminally truncated alpha-synuclein fusion protein in discrete cytoplasmic inclusions.Our finding that manipulations of the carboxy-terminus of alpha-synuclein lead to inclusion formation may provide a model for studies of the pathogenic mechanisms of alpha-synuclein aggregation in Lewy bodies.", "OBJECTIVE: Isotretinoin (13-cis-retinoic acid), approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of acne, carries a black box warning related to the risk of depression, suicide, and psychosis. Retinoic acid, the active form of vitamin A, regulates gene expression in the brain, and isotretinoin is its 13-cis isomer. Retinoids represent a group of compounds derived from vitamin A that perform a large variety of functions in many systems, in particular the central nervous system, and abnormal retinoid levels can have neurologic effects. Although infrequent, proper recognition and treatment of psychiatric side effects in acne patients is critical given the risk of death and disability. This article reviews the evidence for isotretinoin's relationships with depression and suicidality.DATA SOURCES: The PsycINFO, MEDLINE, and PubMed searchable database indexes were searched for articles published in the English language from 1960 to June 2010 using the key words isotretinoin, retinoids, retinoic acid, depression, depressive disorders, and vitamin A. Evidence examined includes (1) case reports; (2) temporal association between onset of depression and exposure to the drug; (3) challenge-rechallenge cases; (4) class effect (other compounds in the same class, like vitamin A, having similar neuropsychiatric effects); (5) dose response; and (6) biologically plausible mechanisms.STUDY SELECTION: All articles in the literature related to isotretinoin, depression, and suicide were reviewed, as well as articles related to class effect, dose response, and biologic plausibility.DATA EXTRACTION: Information from individual articles in the literature was extracted, including number of episodes of depression, suicidality, suicide, psychosis, violence and aggression, past psychiatric history, time of onset in relation to isotretinoin usage, medication dosage, duration of treatment, and dechallenge and challenge history.RESULTS: The literature reviewed is consistent with associations of isotretinoin administration with depression and with suicide in a subgroup of vulnerable individuals.CONCLUSIONS: The relationship between isotretinoin and depression may have implications for a greater understanding of the neurobiology of affective disorders.", "Conflict of interest statement: Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr. Takeshita receives a research grant (to the Trusteees of the University of Pennyslvania) from Pfizer and payment for continuing medical education work related to psoriasis. Dr. Mehta is a full time U.S. Government employee. Dr. Ogdie receives research grants from AbbVie (to the Group for Research and Assessment of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis [GRAPPA]), Celgene (to GRAPPA), and Pfizer Inc. (to the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania and GRAPPA), and has served as a consultant for Novartis, receiving honoraria. Dr. Van Voorhees has served as a consultant for AbbVie, Amgen, Aqua, Astra Zeneca, Celgene, Corrona, Dermira, Janssen, Leo, Novartis, and Pfizer, receiving honoraria; received a research grant from AbbVie; and has other relationship with Merck. Dr. Gelfand has served as a consultant for AbbVie, AstraZeneca, Celgene Corp, Coherus, Eli Lilly, Janssen Biologics (formerly Centocor), Sanofi, Merck, Novartis Corp, Endo, and Pfizer Inc., receiving honoraria; and receives research grants (to the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania) from AbbVie, Amgen, Eli Lilly, Janssen, Novartis Corp, Regeneron, and Pfizer Inc.; and received payment for continuing medical education work related to psoriasis. Dr. Gelfand is a co-patent holder of resiquimod for treatment of cutaneous T cell lymphoma.", "Regulatory agencies of different European countries and the United States have been critically examining the possible link between suicidality and antidepressant use in children and adults, which has resulted in an FDA directive to the manufacturers of all antidepressant medications to add a 'black box' warning. 'Black box' warning describes the increased risk of suicidality in persons who take antidepressants. Because the news media's coverage of the antidepressant-suicide controversy has increased dramatically in the last few years, serious concerns need to be performed. In this review, the possible risk-benefit ratio has been estimated according to the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) antidepressants due to relevant psychobiological, clinical and epidemiologic data.", "PURPOSE: 23andMe is back on the market as the first direct-to-consumer genetic testing company that \"includes reports that meet Food and Drug Administration (FDA) standards….\" But, whereas its front-end product is selling individual genetic tests online, its back-end business model is amassing one of the largest privately owned genetic databases in the world. What is the effect, however, of the private control of bio/databases on genetic epidemiology and public health research?METHODS: The recent federal government notices of proposed rulemaking for: (1) revisions to regulations governing human subjects research and (2) whether certain direct-to-consumer genetic tests should require premarket FDA review, were reviewed and related to the 23andMe product, business model, and consumer agreements.RESULTS: FDA regulatory action so far has focused on the return of consumer test reports but it should also consider the broader misuse of data and information not otherwise protected by human subjects research regulations.CONCLUSIONS: As the federal government revises its decades-old human subjects research structure, the Executive Office of the President (EOP) should consider a cohesive approach to regulating private genetic bio/databanks. This strategy should allow the FDA and other agencies to play a role in expanding current regulatory coverage.", "Epidemiological data suggests suicide is uncommon in childhood but becomes an extremely serious issue among adolescents.Several risk factors have been identified and include the presence of psychiatric illness, a previous suicide attempt, family factors, substance abuse, sexual and physical abuse, disorders in gender identity or bullying. Pediatricians have a primary role in searching for these risk factors, recognizing them and acting synergistically with other specialists to prevent and treat suicidal behavior.Pediatricians should also be able to identify the \"warning signs\" for suicide since their presence implies a need for immediate action, as attempted suicide may occur in a few hours or days.The use of antidepressant drugs and its association with suicidal risk in pediatric age is another topic of ongoing debate. Food and Drug Administration has recently introduced the so-called \"black box\" on antidepressants' packages with the aim of gaining attention to the possible risk of suicide among adolescents who are treated with antidepressants, with a warning that the risk of suicide is higher when starting a therapy or while adjusting its dosage.", "BACKGROUND: This 8-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, conducted August 2010-May 2012 in the United States, evaluated the safety and efficacy of vortioxetine 10 mg and 15 mg in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD). The mechanism of action of vortioxetine is thought to be related to direct modulation of serotonin (5-HT) receptor activity and inhibition of the serotonin transporter.METHOD: Adults aged 18-75 years with MDD (DSM-IV-TR) and Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) total score ≥ 26 were randomized (1:1:1) to receive vortioxetine 10 mg or 15 mg or placebo once daily, with the primary efficacy end point being change from baseline at week 8 in MADRS analyzed by mixed model for repeated measures. Adverse events were recorded during the study, suicidal ideation and behavior were assessed using the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS), and sexual dysfunction was assessed using the Arizona Sexual Experience (ASEX) scale.RESULTS: Of the 1,111 subjects screened, 469 subjects were randomized: 160 to placebo, 157 to vortioxetine 10 mg, and 152 to vortioxetine 15 mg. Differences from placebo in the primary efficacy end point were not statistically significant for vortioxetine 10 mg or vortioxetine 15 mg. Nausea, headache, dry mouth, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness, and flatulence were reported in ≥ 5% of subjects receiving vortioxetine. Discontinuation due to adverse events occurred in 7 subjects (4.4%) in the placebo group, 8 (5.2%) in the vortioxetine 10 mg group, and 12 (7.9%) in the vortioxetine 15 mg group. ASEX total scores were similar across groups. There were no clinically significant trends within or between treatment groups on the C-SSRS, laboratory values, electrocardiogram, or vital sign parameters.CONCLUSIONS: In this study, vortioxetine did not differ significantly from placebo on MADRS total score after 8 weeks of treatment in MDD subjects.TRIAL REGISTRATION: identifier: NCT01179516.", "MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of non-coding RNA, which have recently been shown to have a wide variety of regulatory functions in relation to gene expression. Since their identification nearly 20 years ago, miRNAs have been found to play an important role in cancer, including in neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1)-associated tumours. NF1 is the most commonly inherited tumour predisposition syndrome and can lead to malignancy via the development of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumours (MPNSTs). Although the mechanisms by which benign neurofibromas develop into MPNSTs still remain to be elucidated, it is becoming increasingly clear that miRNAs play a key role in this process and have the potential to be used as both diagnostic and prognostic markers of tumorigenesis.", "We have recently described the presence of a high proportion of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates (20%) with an increased mutation frequency (mutators) in the lungs of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. In four out of 11 independent P. aeruginosa strains, the high mutation frequency was found to be complemented with the wild-type mutS gene from P. aeruginosa PAO1. Here, we report the cloning and sequencing of two additional P. aeruginosa mismatch repair genes and the characterization, by complementation of deficient strains, of these two putative P. aeruginosa mismatch repair genes (mutL and uvrD). We also describe the alterations in the mutS, mutL and uvrD genes responsible for the mutator phenotype of hypermutable P. aeruginosa strains isolated from CF patients. Seven out of the 11 mutator strains were found to be defective in the MMR system (four mutS, two mutL and one uvrD). In four cases (three mutS and one mutL), the genes contained frameshift mutations. The fourth mutS strain showed a 3.3 kb insertion after the 10th nucleotide of the mutS gene, and a 54 nucleotide deletion between two eight nucleotide direct repeats. This deletion, involving domain II of MutS, was found to be the main one responsible for mutS inactivation. The second mutL strain presented a K310M mutation, equivalent to K307 in Escherichia coli MutL, a residue known to be essential for its ATPase activity. Finally, the uvrD strain had three amino acid substitutions within the conserved ATP binding site of the deduced UvrD polypeptide, showing defective mismatch repair activity. Interestingly, cells carrying this mutant allele exhibited a fully active UvrABC-mediated excision repair. The results shown here indicate that the putative P. aeruginosa mutS, mutL and uvrD genes are mutator genes and that their alteration results in a mutator phenotype.", "Probabilities for secondary cancer incidence have been estimated for a patient with Hodgkin's disease for whom treatment has been planned with different radiation modalities using photons and protons. The ICRP calculation scheme has been used to calculate cancer incidence from dose distributions. For this purpose, target volumes as well as critical structures have been outlined in the CT set of a patient with Hodgkin's disease. Dose distributions have been calculated using conventional as well as intensity-modulated treatment techniques using photon and proton radiation. The cancer incidence has been derived from the mean doses for each organ. The results of this work are: (a) Intensity-modulated treatment of Hodgkin's disease using nine photon fields (15 MV) results in nearly the same cancer incidence as treating with two opposed photon fields (6 MV). (b) Intensity-modulated treatment using nine proton fields (maximum energy 177.25 MeV) results in nearly the same cancer incidence as treating with one proton field (160 MeV). (c) Irradiation with protons using the spot scanning technique decreases the avoidable cancer incidence compared to photon treatment by a factor of about two. This result is independent of the number of beams used. Our work suggests that there are radiotherapy indications in which intensity-modulated treatments will result in little or no reduction of cancer incidence compared to conventional treatments. However, proton treatment can result in a lower cancer incidence than photon treatment.", "Objective: To review the pharmacology, efficacy, and safety of the calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) inhibitor erenumab for migraine preventive therapy. Data Sources: A MEDLINE/PubMed search (January 2000 to January 2019) was conducted using the keywords erenumab-aooe, erenumab, migraine, migraine prophylaxis, migraine prevention, and chronic migraine. Additional articles were identified by hand from references. Study Selection and Data Extraction: We included English-language articles (excluding poster presentations) evaluating erenumab pharmacology, efficacy, or safety in humans for migraine prevention. Data Synthesis: Erenumab is a CGRP inhibitor that inhibits vasodilation in response to acute migraines, which decreases pain perception during the migraine. Erenumab efficacy and safety has only been compared with placebo, but its reduction in monthly migraine days (MMDs) and medication response (≥50% reduction in MMDs) are comparable to current recommended off-label therapies for migraine prevention in short-term treatment studies. Additionally, erenumab is associated with low adverse event burden with no difference found compared with placebo per published clinical trials. Relevance to Patient Care and Clinical Practice: Erenumab is the first medication approved in the United States for the prevention of migraines in adults. No head-to-head data are available, but existing data suggest that erenumab is at least as effective as current off-label products and with reduced adverse effects. Conclusion: Erenumab is an effective once-monthly injectable agent for migraine prevention in patients with chronic or episodic migraine. It is also effective for patients who have previously failed migraine preventive therapy. Erenumab has a favorable adverse effect profile, which may improve patient adherence.", "HIV-1 Tat binds human CyclinT1 and recruits the CDK9/P-TEFb complex to the viral TAR RNA in a step that links RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) C-terminal domain (CTD) Ser 2 phosphorylation with transcription elongation. Previous studies have suggested a connection between Tat and pre-mRNA splicing factors. Here we show that the splicing-associated c-Ski-interacting protein, SKIP, is required for Tat transactivation in vivo and stimulates HIV-1 transcription elongation, but not initiation, in vitro. SKIP associates with CycT1:CDK9/P-TEFb and Tat:P-TEFb complexes in nuclear extracts and interacts with recombinant Tat:P-TEFb:TAR RNA complexes in vitro, indicating that it may act through nascent RNA to overcome pausing by RNAPII. SKIP also associates with U5snRNP proteins and tri-snRNP110K in nuclear extracts, and facilitates recognition of an alternative Tat-specific splice site in vivo. The effects of SKIP on transcription elongation, binding to P-TEFb, and splicing are mediated through the SNW domain. HIV-1 Tat transactivation is accompanied by the recruitment of P-TEFb, SKIP, and tri-snRNP110K to the integrated HIV-1 promoter in vivo, whereas the U5snRNPs associate only with the transcribed coding region. These findings suggest that SKIP plays independent roles in transcription elongation and pre-mRNA splicing.", "BACKGROUND: Alport syndrome is an inherited Type IV collagenopathy characterised by renal failure, hearing loss and ophthalmic manifestations such as lenticonus and dot-and-fleck retinopathy. New signs have been described which can be useful both for diagnosis and for prognosticating the risk of complications. This study examines and describes a triad comprising the unusual 'stair-case' foveal sign, together with choroidal thinning and late-stage peripheral schisis in a patient with Alport syndrome.CASE PRESENTATION: This is a case report of a 49-year-old Caucasian male with a background of X-linked Alport syndrome presenting with gradual and progressive diminution of vision in the left eye with a central blur. He had already undergone three renal allografts, was deaf and suffered from hypertension by the time of his first presentation to ophthalmology. On examination, corrected visual acuity was 6/9.5 in the right eye and 6/30 in the left eye. Optical coherence tomography imaging showed an unusual 'stair-case' sign of the fovea in both eyes, together with choroidal thinning. We postulate that an abnormal vitreomacular interface followed by vitreomacular traction and eventually separation, removing layers of the inner retina with the vitreous, led to this unusual appearance. Subsequently, this patient also developed schitic changes more peripherally in the retina which progressed over the following 5 years.CONCLUSION: The stair-case foveal sign, choroidal thinning and mid-peripheral schisis are three signs that clinicians might expect to encounter on optical coherence tomography imaging of patients with Alport syndrome. These findings can be attributed to unique mutations of collagen IV which lead to a variety of clinical phenotypes affecting basement membrane structures. Identification of these features may not only be useful diagnostically and in forecasting complications such as macular holes, but also predict mode of inheritance and likelihood of early-onset renal failure.", "Publisher: Zusammenfassung. Die Diskussion über das Auftreten von suizidalen Symptomen bzw. Suizid unter einer Antidepressivatherapie ist bereits jahrzehntealt. Sowohl die Fachwelt als auch die Laienpresse setzte sich mit dem Thema immer wieder kritisch auseinander. Die vorliegende Arbeit gibt einen Überblick über die aktuelle Evidenzlage: Zurzeit bestehen keine Hinweise für eine Erhöhung des Suizidrisikos. Hingegen wurde insbesondere bei Kindern, Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen zu Beginn der Therapie eine höhere Rate an Suizidalitätssymptomen (Suizidgedanken, Suizidhandlungen) beobachtet. Diese Symptome waren gegenüber der Periode vor Einsetzen der Antidepressivatherapie nicht erhöht und nehmen im Verlauf der Therapie kontinuierlich ab. Zu Beginn der Behandlung ist deshalb eine besonders intensive Therapieführung nötig. Allgemein gilt, dass eine unterlassene Therapie einer Depression das grösste Risiko für einen Suizid darstellt.", "Five murine epitopes were defined and mapped within IgA1 protease produced by Neisseria meningitidis. Epitopes 1 and 2 were present in IgA1 protease from all strains, and from Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Epitopes 3 through to 5 varied between subgroups of serogroup A meningococci, but have remained constant over decades within the subgroups, except for epitope 4, which changed between 1983 and 1987 during the spread of subgroup III meningococci from Asia to Africa. Binding of monoclonal antibodies to epitopes 1, 4 and 5 neutralized enzymatic function. Human sera containing antibodies to IgA1 protease as a result of natural infection inhibited binding of monoclonal antibodies to epitope 4 but not to the other epitopes.", "Dupilumab is the first US FDA approved biologic for treatment of atopic dermatitis. It is a human monoclonal antibody which blocks the shared receptor component, the interleukin (IL)-4α subunit, of IL-4 and IL-13 signaling pathways. Occurrence of \"conjunctivitis\", mostly in atopic dermatitis trials, has been the main side effect reported thus far. The etiology of \"conjunctivitis\" associated with dupilumab treatment is unclear and might be similar to atopic keratoconjunctivitis. There is evidence in the published literature that unlike the Th2-like profile in vernal keratoconjunctivitis, Th1-mediated inflammation is predominant in atopic keratoconjunctivitis. Blocking the Th2 pathway with dupilumab therapy might result in a shift towards Th1, causing the ocular findings associated with dupilumab. In addition, blockage of IL-13 might have implications with regards to mucin production and ocular surface health. This review highlights the clinical manifestations, reviews treatment options and offers explanations for pathogenesis of this ocular surface diseases associated with dupilumab treatment.", "Thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy (TAO) is an autoimmune component of Graves' disease for which no currently available medical therapy provides reliable and safe benefit. Based on insights generated experimentally over the past several decades, the insulin-like growth factor-I receptor (IGF-IR) has been implicated in the pathogenesis of TAO. Furthermore, an IGF-IR inhibitor, teprotumumab, has emerged from 2 clinical trials as a promising treatment for active, moderate to severe TAO. This brief review intends to provide an overview of the rationale underlying the development of teprotumumab for this disease. It is possible that teprotumumab will soon take its place in our therapeutic armamentarium for active TAO.", "BACKGROUND AND AIM: The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of biological agents (vedolizumab, abatacept, visilizumab, golimumab) in patients with active moderate to severe ulcerative colitis.METHODS: This paper was prepared according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis guidelines. The systematic literature search was performed in PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Library, and other databases until December 27, 2013 to identify randomized controlled trials fulfilling the established inclusion criteria for this review.RESULTS: Eight randomized controlled trials were included in the systematic review. Vedolizumab was significantly more effective compared with placebo (P < 0.05) increasing the percentage of patients with a clinical response, clinical remission and mucosal healing in the induction phase, and patients with a clinical remission and mucosal healing in the maintenance phase. Similarly, golimumab was significantly more effective than placebo (P < 0.05) regarding the percentage of patients with a clinical response and mucosal healing in the induction phase, and patients with a clinical response, clinical remission, and mucosal healing in the maintenance phase. The safety of these two biological agents was comparable with placebo during the treatment (P > 0.05). However, the efficacy of visilizumab or abatacept was related to the higher risk of treatment failure and a worse safety profile than placebo.CONCLUSIONS: The results of the systematic review demonstrated that the efficacy and safety of particular biological agents are differentiated. Vedolizumab and golimumab occurred more effective, and comparably as safe as placebo in patients with active moderate to severe ulcerative colitis increasing the number of available therapeutic options.", "This network meta-analysis compared the short-term and long-term efficacies of first-line chemotherapy regimens in patients with advanced colorectal cancer (CRC). The 10 regimens included folinic acid + 5-fluorouracil + oxaliplatin (FOLFOX), folinic acid + 5-fluorouracil + irinotecan (FOLFIRI), folinic acid + 5-fluorouracil + gemcitabine (FFG), folinic acid + 5-fluorouracil + trimetrexate (FFT), folinic acid + 5-fluorouracil (FF), irinotecan + oxaliplatin (IROX), raltitrexed + oxaliplatin (TOMOX), folinic acid + tegafur-uracil (FTU), raltitrexed, and capecitabine. Electronic searches were performed in the Cochrane Library, PubMed and Embase databases from inception to June 2017. Network meta-analysis combined direct and indirect evidence to obtain odds ratios (ORs) and surface under the cumulative ranking curves (SUCRA) of different chemotherapy regimens for advanced CRC. Fourteen randomized controlled trails (RCTs) covering 4,383 patients with advanced CRC were included. The results revealed that FOLFOX, FOLFIRI, IROX, and TOMOX all showed higher overall response rates (ORRs) than FF or raltitrexed. Compared with raltitrexed, the aforementioned four regimens also had higher 1-year progression-free survival (PFS) rates. In addition, FOLFOX and FOLFIRI exhibited higher disease control rates (DCRs) and 1-year PFS rates than FF or raltitrexed. Cluster analysis revealed that FOLFOX, FOLFIRI, and TOMOX had better short-term and long-term efficacies. These findings suggest FOLFOX, FOLFIRI, and TOMOX are superior to other regimens for advanced CRC. These three regimens are therefore recommended for clinical treatment of advanced CRC.", "Mucometrocolpos is the distention of the uterus and vagina caused by obstruction to the drainage of genital secretions. Although most cases of mucometrocolpos are sporadic, it may be part of an autosomal recessive condition, known as McKusick-Kaufman syndrome (MKS), including postaxial polydactyly and congenital heart disease as main findings. The diagnosis may be difficult when the presence of additional findings creates an overlap with other syndromes. We report on a female infant with mucometrocolpos, postaxial polydactyly, congenital heart disease, short limbs, short ribs, and chest constriction. The clinicopathological findings are described and discussed in the context of the phenotypic spectrums of MKS and mucometrocolpos concomitant with Ellis van Creveld syndrome." ]