def get_quest_stat(cards): # pylint: disable=R0912,R0915 """ Get quest statistics. """ res = {} encounter_sets = set() keywords = set() card_types = {} for card in cards: if card.get(lotr.CARD_KEYWORDS): keywords = keywords.union( lotr.extract_keywords(card[lotr.CARD_KEYWORDS])) if (card.get(lotr.CARD_TEXT) and (' Restricted.' in card[lotr.CARD_TEXT] or '\nRestricted.' in card[lotr.CARD_TEXT])): keywords.add('Restricted') if card.get(lotr.CARD_ENCOUNTER_SET): encounter_sets.add(card[lotr.CARD_ENCOUNTER_SET]) if card.get(lotr.CARD_ADDITIONAL_ENCOUNTER_SETS): encounter_sets = encounter_sets.union( [s.strip() for s in str(card[lotr.CARD_ADDITIONAL_ENCOUNTER_SETS]).split(';')]) card_type = card[lotr.CARD_TYPE] if card.get(lotr.CARD_SPHERE) in ('Boon', 'Burden'): card_type = '{} ({})'.format(card_type, card[lotr.CARD_SPHERE]) card_types[card_type] = ( card_types.get(card_type, 0) + card[lotr.CARD_QUANTITY]) if encounter_sets: res['encounter_sets'] = '*Encounter Sets*: {}\n'.format( ', '.join(sorted(encounter_sets))) else: res['encounter_sets'] = '' if keywords: res['keywords'] = '*Keywords*: {}\n'.format( ', '.join(sorted(keywords))) else: res['keywords'] = '' card_types = sorted(list(card_types.items()), key=lambda t: t[0]) card_types = sorted(card_types, key=lambda t: t[1], reverse=True) res['total'] = '*Cards*: {}\n'.format(sum(t[1] for t in card_types)) res['card_types'] = '\n'.join('*{}*: {}'.format( t[0], t[1]) for t in card_types) card_types = {} threat = 0 max_threat = 0 shadow = 0 surge = 0 res['encounter_deck'] = '' deck = [card for card in cards if card[CARD_DECK_SECTION] == 'Encounter'] for card in deck: card_type = card[lotr.CARD_TYPE] if card.get(lotr.CARD_SPHERE) in ('Boon', 'Burden'): card_type = '{} ({})'.format(card_type, card[lotr.CARD_SPHERE]) card_types[card_type] = ( card_types.get(card_type, 0) + card[lotr.CARD_QUANTITY]) if lotr.is_positive_int(card.get(lotr.CARD_THREAT)): threat += int(card[lotr.CARD_THREAT]) * card[lotr.CARD_QUANTITY] max_threat = max(max_threat, int(card[lotr.CARD_THREAT])) if card.get(lotr.CARD_SHADOW): shadow += card[lotr.CARD_QUANTITY] if card.get(lotr.CARD_KEYWORDS): if 'Surge' in lotr.extract_keywords(card[lotr.CARD_KEYWORDS]): surge += card[lotr.CARD_QUANTITY] if not card_types: return res card_types = sorted(list(card_types.items()), key=lambda t: t[0]) card_types = sorted(card_types, key=lambda t: t[1], reverse=True) total = sum(t[1] for t in card_types) card_types = [(t[0], '{} ({}%)'.format(t[1], round(t[1] * 100 / total))) for t in card_types] res['encounter_deck'] = '**Encounter Deck**\n*Cards*: {}\n\n{}\n\n'.format( total, '\n'.join('*{}*: {}'.format(t[0], t[1]) for t in card_types)) if shadow: res['encounter_deck'] += '*Shadow*: {} ({}%)\n'.format( shadow, round(shadow * 100 / total)) if surge: res['encounter_deck'] += '*Surge*: {} ({}%)\n'.format( surge, round(surge * 100 / total)) res['encounter_deck'] += '*Threat*: {} (Avg), {} (Max)\n\n'.format( round(threat / total, 1), max_threat) return res
def bind_type(python_value): """Return a Gibica type derived from a Python type.""" binding_table = {'bool': Bool, 'int': Int, 'float': Float} if python_value is None: return NoneType() python_type = type(python_value) gibica_type = binding_table.get(python_type.__name__) if gibica_type is None: raise TypeError('Impossible to recognize underlying type.') return gibica_type(python_value)
import traceback import requests def delete_server(hostname, instance_id): """ Deletes a server by hostname and instance_id. """ host = get_host_by_hostname(hostname) if not host or not instance_id: return None try: r = requests.delete("%s/servers/%i" % (host['uri'], instance_id), auth=HTTPDigestAuth(host['username'], host['password']), timeout=(CONNECT_TIMEOUT, READ_TIMEOUT)) if r.ok: return r.json() except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: traceback.print_exc() return None return None
def quote_ident(val): """ This method returns a new string replacing " with "", and adding a " at the start and end of the string. """ return '"' + val.replace('"', '""') + '"'
def TFC_TDF(in_channels, num_layers, gr, kt, kf, f, bn_factor=16, bias=False): """ Wrapper Function: -> TDC_TIF in_channels: number of input channels num_layers: number of densely connected conv layers gr: growth rate kt: kernel size of the temporal axis. kf: kernel size of the freq. axis f: num of frequency bins below are params for TDF bn_factor: bottleneck factor. if None: single layer. else: MLP that maps f => f//bn_factor => f bias: bias setting of linear layers """ return TFC_TIF(in_channels, num_layers, gr, kt, kf, f, bn_factor, bias)
import json def barplot_data(gene_values, gene_names, cluster_name, x_label, title=None): """ Converts data for top genes into a json for building the bar plot. Output should be formatted in a way that can be plugged into Plotly. Args: gene_values (list): list of tuples (gene_id, gene_value) gene_names (list): list of gene names corresponding to the genes in gene_values. cluster_name: name of the cluster from which the top genes are drawn. x_label: label for the x-axis. title: plot title """ if gene_values is None: gene_values = [(1,1), (2,2), (3,3)] if gene_names is None: gene_names = ['placeholder 1', 'placeholder 2', 'placeholder 3'] if title is None: title = 'Top genes for cluster {0}'.format(cluster_name) return json.dumps({ 'data': [{ 'x': list(x[1] for x in gene_values), 'y': gene_names, 'orientation': 'h', 'type': 'bar', }], 'layout': { 'title': title, 'xaxis': {'title': x_label}, 'margin': {'t': 40}, }, }, cls=SimpleEncoder)
def logic_not(operand: ValueOrExpression) -> Expression: """ Constructs a logical negation expression. """ return Not(operators.NotOperator.NOT, ensure_expr(operand))
def webpage_attribute_getter(attr): """ Helper function for defining getters for web_page attributes, e.g. ``get_foo_enabled = webpage_attribute_getter("foo")`` returns a value of ```` attribute. """ def _getter(self): return getattr(self.web_page, attr) return _getter
def diff_with_step(a:np.ndarray, step:int=1, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: """ finished, checked, compute a[n+step] - a[n] for all valid n Parameters ---------- a: ndarray, the input data step: int, default 1, the step to compute the difference kwargs: dict, Returns ------- d: ndarray: the difference array """ if step >= len(a): raise ValueError(f"step ({step}) should be less than the length ({len(a)}) of `a`") d = a[step:] - a[:-step] return d
def rmse(y_true: np.ndarray, y_pred: np.ndarray): """ Returns the root mean squared error between y_true and y_pred. :param y_true: NumPy.ndarray with the ground truth values. :param y_pred: NumPy.ndarray with the ground predicted values. :return: root mean squared error (float). """ return np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred))
def party_name_from_key(party_key): """returns the relevant party name""" relevant_parties = {0: 'Alternativet', 1: 'Dansk Folkeparti', 2: 'Det Konservative Folkeparti', 3: 'Enhedslisten - De Rød-Grønne', 4: 'Liberal Alliance', 5: 'Nye Borgerlige', 6: 'Radikale Venstre', 7: 'SF - Socialistisk Folkeparti', 8: 'Socialdemokratiet', 9: 'Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti'} return relevant_parties[party_key]
def __imul__(self,n) : """Concatenate the bitstring to itself |n| times, bitreversed if n < 0""" if not isint(n) : raise TypeError("Can't multiply bitstring by non int"); if n <= 0 : if n : n = -n; l = self._l; for i in xrange(l//2) : self[i],self[l-1-i] = self[l-1-i],self[i]; else : self._x = 0; self._l = 0; if n > 1 : y = type(self)(self); for _ in xrange(n-1) : self.iconcat(y); return self;
from pyrado.environments.pysim.quanser_qube import QQubeSim def create_uniform_masses_lengths_randomizer_qq(frac_halfspan: float): """ Get a uniform randomizer that applies to all masses and lengths of the Quanser Qube according to a fraction of their nominal parameter values :param frac_halfspan: fraction of the nominal parameter value :return: `DomainRandomizer` with uniformly distributed masses and lengths """ dp_nom = QQubeSim.get_nominal_domain_param() return DomainRandomizer( UniformDomainParam( name="mass_pend_pole", mean=dp_nom["mass_pend_pole"], halfspan=dp_nom["mass_pend_pole"] / frac_halfspan, clip_lo=1e-3, ), UniformDomainParam( name="mass_rot_pole", mean=dp_nom["mass_rot_pole"], halfspan=dp_nom["mass_rot_pole"] / frac_halfspan, clip_lo=1e-3, ), UniformDomainParam( name="length_rot_pole", mean=dp_nom["length_rot_pole"], halfspan=dp_nom["length_rot_pole"] / frac_halfspan, clip_lo=1e-2, ), UniformDomainParam( name="length_pend_pole", mean=dp_nom["length_pend_pole"], halfspan=dp_nom["length_pend_pole"] / frac_halfspan, clip_lo=1e-2, ), )
def compress_table(tbl, condition, blen=None, storage=None, create='table', **kwargs): """Return selected rows of a table.""" # setup storage = _util.get_storage(storage) names, columns = _util.check_table_like(tbl) blen = _util.get_blen_table(tbl, blen) _util.check_equal_length(columns[0], condition) length = len(columns[0]) nnz = count_nonzero(condition) # block iteration out = None for i in range(0, length, blen): j = min(i+blen, length) bcond = np.asanyarray(condition[i:j]) # don't access any data unless we have to if np.any(bcond): bcolumns = [np.asanyarray(c[i:j]) for c in columns] res = [np.compress(bcond, c, axis=0) for c in bcolumns] if out is None: out = getattr(storage, create)(res, names=names, expectedlen=nnz, **kwargs) else: out.append(res) return out
def validate_schedule(): """Helper routine to report issues with the schedule""" all_items = prefetch_schedule_items() errors = [] for validator, _type, msg in SCHEDULE_ITEM_VALIDATORS: for item in validator(all_items): errors.append('%s: %s' % (msg, item)) all_slots = prefetch_slots() for validator, _type, msg in SLOT_VALIDATORS: for slot in validator(all_slots): errors.append('%s: %s' % (msg, slot)) return errors
from typing import Any from typing import Dict from typing import Union from typing import Callable from typing import Tuple def train_gridsearchcv_model(base_model: Any, X: np.array, y: np.array, cv_splitter, hyperparameter_grid: Dict[str, Any], scoring: Union[str, Callable[[Any, np.array, np.array], int]]="f1_weighted", n_jobs: int=4, verbose: int=3, ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], pd.DataFrame]: """Trains given model using gridsearch crossvalidation. X - numpy array of input vectors y - numpy array of input labels cv - spitter that splits X and y to train and validation splits hyperaparameter_grid - hyperparameters used for grid search scoring - scoring function which is used to evaluate n_jobs - number of cores to use verbose - level of verboseness used for GridSearchCV, see scikit-learn returns (best_parameters, scores_df) where best_parameters are best hyperparameters found scores_df is dataframe with scores over all hyperparameter combinations """ model = GridSearchCV( base_model, hyperparameter_grid, scoring=scoring, n_jobs=n_jobs, cv=cv_splitter, refit=False, verbose=verbose, return_train_score=True ) return train_cv_model(model, X, y)
def set_resolmatrix(nspec,nwave): """ Generate a Resolution Matrix Args: nspec: int nwave: int Returns: Rdata: np.array """ sigma = np.linspace(2,10,nwave*nspec) ndiag = 21 xx = np.linspace(-ndiag/2.0, +ndiag/2.0, ndiag) Rdata = np.zeros( (nspec, len(xx), nwave) ) for i in range(nspec): for j in range(nwave): kernel = np.exp(-xx**2/(2*sigma[i*nwave+j]**2)) kernel /= sum(kernel) Rdata[i,:,j] = kernel return Rdata
def assembleR(X, W, fct): """ """ M = W * fct(X) return M
import logging def generate_dictionary_variable_types( dict_name, key_name, search_dict, indent_level=0 ): """Generate a dictionary from config with values from either function, variable, or static""" out_str = [] # Don't escape these: types_used = ["None", "True", "False", None, True, False] if len(search_dict) < 1: logging.warning("Can't search 0 len dict") return None if key_exists("function", search_dict):"Found funciton in dict") out_str = f'{dict_name}["{key_name}"] = {search_dict["function"]}' elif key_exists("variable", search_dict):"Found variable in dict") out_str = f'{dict_name}["{key_name}"] = {search_dict["variable"]}' elif key_exists("static", search_dict): if ( isinstance(search_dict["static"], int) or search_dict["static"] in types_used ):"Found static (None / Bool) in dict") out_str = f'{dict_name}["{key_name}"] = {search_dict["static"]}' else:"Found static (string) in dict") out_str = f'{dict_name}["{key_name}"] = "{search_dict["static"]}"' else: logging.warning("Unable to find function, variable, or static string") return None return indent(out_str, indent_level)
import uuid def make_uuid(value): """Converts a value into a python uuid object.""" if isinstance(value, uuid.UUID): return value return uuid.UUID(value)
def create_config(config_data, aliases=False, prefix=False, multiple_displays=False, look_info=None, custom_output_info=None, custom_lut_dir=None): """ Create the *OCIO* config based on the configuration data Parameters ---------- config_data : dict Colorspaces and transforms converting between those colorspaces and the reference colorspace, *ACES*, along with other data needed to generate a complete *OCIO* configuration aliases : bool, optional Whether or not to include Alias colorspaces prefix : bool, optional Whether or not to prefix the colorspace names with their Family names multiple_displays : bool, optional Whether to create a single display named *ACES* with Views for each Output Transform or multiple displays, one for each Output Transform look_info : array of str or unicode, optional Paths and names for look data custom_lut_dir : str or unicode, optional Directory to use for storing custom look files Returns ------- *OCIO* config The constructed OCIO configuration """ if look_info is None: look_info = [] if custom_output_info is None: custom_output_info = [] prefixed_names = {} alias_colorspaces = [] config = ocio.Config() config.setDescription('An ACES config generated from python') search_path = ['luts'] if custom_lut_dir: search_path.append('custom') config.setSearchPath(':'.join(search_path)) reference_data = config_data['referenceColorSpace'] # Adding the colorspace *Family* into the name which helps with # applications that present colorspaces as one a flat list. if prefix: prefixed_name = colorspace_prefixed_name(reference_data) prefixed_names[] = prefixed_name = prefixed_name print('Adding the reference color space : %s' % reference = ocio.ColorSpace(, bitDepth=reference_data.bit_depth, description=reference_data.description, equalityGroup=reference_data.equality_group,, isData=reference_data.is_data, allocation=reference_data.allocation_type, allocationVars=reference_data.allocation_vars) config.addColorSpace(reference) if aliases: if reference_data.aliases: # Deferring adding alias colorspaces until end, which helps with # applications listing the colorspaces in the order that they were # defined in the configuration: alias colorspaces are usually named # lower case with spaces but normal colorspaces names are longer # and more verbose, thus it becomes harder for user to visually # parse the list of colorspaces when there are names such as # "crv_canonlog" interspersed with names like # "Input - Canon - Curve - Canon-Log". # Moving the alias colorspace definitions to the end of the # configuration avoids the above problem. alias_colorspaces.append( [reference_data, reference_data, reference_data.aliases]) print('') if look_info: print('Adding looks') config_data['looks'] = [] for look in look_info: add_look(config, look, custom_lut_dir,, config_data) add_looks_to_views(look_info,, config_data, multiple_displays) print('') if custom_output_info: print('Adding custom output transforms') for custom_output in custom_output_info: add_custom_output(config, custom_output, custom_lut_dir, reference_data, config_data, alias_colorspaces, prefix) print('') print('Adding regular colorspaces') for colorspace in sorted(config_data['colorSpaces'], cmp=lambda x,y: cmp(, # Adding the colorspace *Family* into the name which helps with # applications that present colorspaces as one a flat list. if prefix: prefixed_name = colorspace_prefixed_name(colorspace) prefixed_names[] = prefixed_name = prefixed_name print('Creating new color space : %s' % description = colorspace.description if colorspace.aces_transform_id: description += ( '\n\nACES Transform ID : %s' % colorspace.aces_transform_id) ocio_colorspace = ocio.ColorSpace(, bitDepth=colorspace.bit_depth, description=description, equalityGroup=colorspace.equality_group,, isData=colorspace.is_data, allocation=colorspace.allocation_type, allocationVars=colorspace.allocation_vars) if colorspace.to_reference_transforms: print('\tGenerating To-Reference transforms') ocio_transform = create_ocio_transform( colorspace.to_reference_transforms) ocio_colorspace.setTransform( ocio_transform, ocio.Constants.COLORSPACE_DIR_TO_REFERENCE) if colorspace.from_reference_transforms: print('\tGenerating From-Reference transforms') ocio_transform = create_ocio_transform( colorspace.from_reference_transforms) ocio_colorspace.setTransform( ocio_transform, ocio.Constants.COLORSPACE_DIR_FROM_REFERENCE) config.addColorSpace(ocio_colorspace) if aliases: if colorspace.aliases: # Deferring adding alias colorspaces until end, which helps # with applications listing the colorspaces in the order that # they were defined in the configuration. alias_colorspaces.append( [reference_data, colorspace, colorspace.aliases]) print('') print('') # Adding roles early so that alias colorspaces can be created # with roles names before remaining colorspace aliases are added # to the configuration. print('Setting the roles') if prefix: set_config_roles( config, color_picking=prefixed_names[ config_data['roles']['color_picking']], color_timing=prefixed_names[config_data['roles']['color_timing']], compositing_log=prefixed_names[ config_data['roles']['compositing_log']], data=prefixed_names[config_data['roles']['data']], default=prefixed_names[config_data['roles']['default']], matte_paint=prefixed_names[config_data['roles']['matte_paint']], reference=prefixed_names[config_data['roles']['reference']], scene_linear=prefixed_names[config_data['roles']['scene_linear']], compositing_linear=prefixed_names[config_data['roles']['scene_linear']], rendering=prefixed_names[config_data['roles']['scene_linear']], texture_paint=prefixed_names[ config_data['roles']['texture_paint']]) # Add the aliased colorspaces for each role for role_name, role_colorspace_name in config_data['roles'].iteritems(): role_colorspace_prefixed_name = prefixed_names[role_colorspace_name] #print( 'Finding colorspace : %s' % role_colorspace_prefixed_name ) # Find the colorspace pointed to by the role role_colorspaces = [colorspace for colorspace in config_data['colorSpaces'] if == role_colorspace_prefixed_name] role_colorspace = None if len(role_colorspaces) > 0: role_colorspace = role_colorspaces[0] else: if == role_colorspace_prefixed_name: role_colorspace = reference_data if role_colorspace: # The alias colorspace shouldn't match the role name exactly role_name_alias1 = "role_%s" % role_name role_name_alias2 = "Role - %s" % role_name print( 'Adding a role colorspace named %s, pointing to %s' % ( role_name_alias2, alias_colorspaces.append( (reference_data, role_colorspace, [role_name_alias1])) add_colorspace_aliases( config, reference_data, role_colorspace, [role_name_alias2], 'Utility/Roles') else: set_config_roles( config, color_picking=config_data['roles']['color_picking'], color_timing=config_data['roles']['color_timing'], compositing_log=config_data['roles']['compositing_log'], data=config_data['roles']['data'], default=config_data['roles']['default'], matte_paint=config_data['roles']['matte_paint'], reference=config_data['roles']['reference'], scene_linear=config_data['roles']['scene_linear'], compositing_linear=config_data['roles']['scene_linear'], rendering=config_data['roles']['scene_linear'], texture_paint=config_data['roles']['texture_paint']) # Add the aliased colorspaces for each role for role_name, role_colorspace_name in config_data['roles'].iteritems(): # Find the colorspace pointed to by the role role_colorspaces = [colorspace for colorspace in config_data['colorSpaces'] if == role_colorspace_name] role_colorspace = None if len(role_colorspaces) > 0: role_colorspace = role_colorspaces[0] else: if == role_colorspace_name: role_colorspace = reference_data if role_colorspace: # The alias colorspace shouldn't match the role name exactly role_name_alias1 = "role_%s" % role_name role_name_alias2 = "Role - %s" % role_name print('Adding a role colorspace named %s, pointing to %s' % ( role_name_alias2, alias_colorspaces.append( (reference_data, role_colorspace, [role_name_alias1])) add_colorspace_aliases( config, reference_data, role_colorspace, [role_name_alias2], 'Utility/Roles') print('') # Adding alias colorspaces at the end as some applications use # colorspaces definitions order of the configuration to order # the colorspaces in their selection lists, some applications # use alphabetical ordering. # This should keep the alias colorspaces out of the way for applications # using the configuration order. print('Adding the alias colorspaces') for reference, colorspace, aliases in alias_colorspaces: add_colorspace_aliases(config, reference, colorspace, aliases, 'Utility/Aliases') print('') print('Adding the diplays and views') # Setting the *color_picking* role to be the first *Display*'s # *Output Transform* *View*. default_display_name = config_data['defaultDisplay'] default_display_views = config_data['displays'][default_display_name] default_display_colorspace = default_display_views['Output Transform'] # Defining *Displays* and *Views*. displays, views = [], [] # Defining a generic *Display* and *View* setup. if multiple_displays: looks = config_data['looks'] if ('looks' in config_data) else [] looks = ', '.join(looks) print('Creating multiple displays, with looks : %s' % looks) # *Displays* are not reordered to put the *defaultDisplay* first # because *OCIO* will order them alphabetically when the configuration # is written to disk. for display, view_list in config_data['displays'].iteritems(): for view_name, colorspace in view_list.iteritems(): config.addDisplay(display, view_name,, looks) if 'Output Transform' in view_name and looks != '': # *Views* without *Looks*. config.addDisplay(display, view_name, # *Views* with *Looks*. view_name_with_looks = '%s with %s' % (view_name, looks) config.addDisplay(display, view_name_with_looks,, looks) else: config.addDisplay(display, view_name, if not (view_name in views): views.append(view_name) displays.append(display) # *Displays* and *Views* useful in a *GUI* context. else: single_display_name = 'ACES' displays.append(single_display_name) # Ensuring the *defaultDisplay* is first. display_names = sorted(config_data['displays']) display_names.insert(0, display_names.pop( display_names.index(default_display_name))) looks = config_data['looks'] if ('looks' in config_data) else [] look_names = ', '.join(looks) displays_views_colorspaces = [] for display in display_names: view_list = config_data['displays'][display] for view_name, colorspace in view_list.iteritems(): if 'Output Transform' in view_name: # We use the *Display* names as the *View* names in this # case as there is a single *Display* containing all the # *Views*. # This works for more applications than not,as of the time # of this implementation. # Autodesk Maya 2016 doesn't support parentheses in # *View* names. sanitised_display = replace(display, {')': '', '(': ''}) # *View* with *Looks*. if 'with' in view_name: sanitised_display = '%s with %s' % ( sanitised_display, look_names) views_with_looks_at_end = False # Storing combo of *Display*, *View* and *Colorspace* # name so they can be added to the end of the list. if views_with_looks_at_end: displays_views_colorspaces.append( [single_display_name, sanitised_display,]) else: config.addDisplay(single_display_name, sanitised_display, if not (sanitised_display in views): views.append(sanitised_display) # *View* without *Looks*. else: config.addDisplay(single_display_name, sanitised_display, if not (sanitised_display in views): views.append(sanitised_display) # Adding to the configuration any *Display*, *View* combinations that # were saved for later. # This list should be empty unless `views_with_looks_at_end` is # set `True` above. for display_view_colorspace in displays_views_colorspaces: single_display_name, sanitised_display, colorspace_name = ( display_view_colorspace) config.addDisplay(single_display_name, sanitised_display, colorspace_name) if not (sanitised_display in views): views.append(sanitised_display) raw_display_space_name = config_data['roles']['data'] log_display_space_name = config_data['roles']['compositing_log'] if prefix: raw_display_space_name = prefixed_names[raw_display_space_name] log_display_space_name = prefixed_names[log_display_space_name] config.addDisplay(single_display_name, 'Raw', raw_display_space_name) views.append('Raw') config.addDisplay(single_display_name, 'Log', log_display_space_name) views.append('Log') config.setActiveDisplays(','.join(sorted(displays))) config.setActiveViews(','.join(views)) print('') # Ensuring the configuration is valid. config.sanityCheck() # Resetting colorspace names to their non-prefixed versions. if prefix: prefixed_names_inverse = {} for original, prefixed in prefixed_names.iteritems(): prefixed_names_inverse[prefixed] = original = prefixed_names_inverse[] try: for colorspace in config_data['colorSpaces']: = prefixed_names_inverse[] except: print('Error with Prefixed names') for original, prefixed in prefixed_names.iteritems(): print('%s, %s' % (original, prefixed)) print('\n') print('Inverse Lookup of Prefixed names') for prefixed, original in prefixed_names_inverse.iteritems(): print('%s, %s' % (prefixed, original)) raise return config
import re from pathlib import Path import json def parse_json_with_comments(pathlike): """ Parse a JSON file after removing any comments. Comments can use either ``//`` for single-line comments or or ``/* ... */`` for multi-line comments. The input filepath can be a string or ``pathlib.Path``. Parameters ---------- filename : str or os.PathLike Path to the input JSON file either as a string or as a ``pathlib.Path`` object. Returns ------- obj : dict JSON object representing the input file. Note ---- This code was adapted from: """ # Regular expression to identify comments comment_re = re.compile(r'(^)?[^\S\n]*/(?:\*(.*?)\*/[^\S\n]*|/[^\n]*)($)?', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE) # if we passed in a string, convert it to a Path if isinstance(pathlike, str): pathlike = Path(pathlike) with open(pathlike, 'r') as file_buff: content = ''.join(file_buff.readlines()) # Looking for comments match = while match: # single line comment content = content[:match.start()] + content[match.end():] match = # Return JSON object config = json.loads(content) return config
def _unpack_available_edges(avail, weight=None, G=None): """Helper to separate avail into edges and corresponding weights""" if weight is None: weight = "weight" if isinstance(avail, dict): avail_uv = list(avail.keys()) avail_w = list(avail.values()) else: def _try_getitem(d): try: return d[weight] except TypeError: return d avail_uv = [tup[0:2] for tup in avail] avail_w = [1 if len(tup) == 2 else _try_getitem(tup[-1]) for tup in avail] if G is not None: # Edges already in the graph are filtered flags = [not G.has_edge(u, v) for u, v in avail_uv] avail_uv = list(it.compress(avail_uv, flags)) avail_w = list(it.compress(avail_w, flags)) return avail_uv, avail_w
import json def reddit_data(subreddit, time_request = -9999): """ @brief function to retrieve the metadata of a gutenberg book given its ID :param subreddit: the name of the subreddit :param time_request: unix timestamp of when requested subreddit was generated :return: a list of reddit objects with the data of the posts """ base_url = get_reddit_url() url = f"{base_url}/cache?subreddit={subreddit}&time_resquest={time_request}" content = server_request(url) data = json.loads(content.decode("utf-8")) reddit_posts = [] for n in data: post = reddit.reddit = data[n]["id"] post.title = data[n]["title"] = data[n]["author"] post.score = int(data[n]["score"]) post.vote_ratio = int(data[n]["vote_ratio"]) post.comment_count = int(data[n]["comment_count"]) post.subreddit = data[n]["subreddit"] post.post_time = int(data[n]["post_time"]) post.url = data[n]["url"] post.text = data[n]["text"] reddit_posts.append(post) return reddit_posts
def write_velocity_files(U_25_RHS_str, U_50_RHS_str, U_100_RHS_str, U_125_RHS_str, U_150_RHS_str, U_25_LHS_str, U_50_LHS_str, U_100_LHS_str, U_125_LHS_str, U_150_LHS_str, path_0_100, path_0_125, path_0_150, path_0_25, path_0_50): """Create the details file for the surrounding cases, and write the velocities in line two""" fname = "details" # Filename file_25_path = path_0_25 file_50_path = path_0_50 file_100_path = path_0_100 file_125_path = path_0_125 file_150_path = path_0_150 details_file_25 = file_25_path + fname details_file_50 = file_50_path + fname details_file_100 = file_100_path + fname details_file_125 = file_125_path + fname details_file_150 = file_150_path + fname with open(details_file_25, 'w+') as f: f.write('Velocity' +'\n') f.write(U_25_RHS_str) with open(details_file_50, 'w+') as f: f.write('Velocity' +'\n') f.write(U_50_RHS_str) with open(details_file_100, 'w+') as f: f.write('Velocity' +'\n') f.write(U_100_RHS_str) with open(details_file_125, 'w+') as f: f.write('Velocity' +'\n') f.write(U_125_RHS_str) with open(details_file_150, 'w+') as f: f.write('Velocity' +'\n') f.write(U_150_RHS_str) return details_file_25, details_file_50, details_file_100, details_file_125, details_file_150
def datetime_to_bytes(value): """Return bytes representing UTC time in microseconds.""" return pack('>Q', int(value.timestamp() * 1e6))
from typing import Sequence from typing import List def _f7(seq: Sequence) -> List: """order preserving de-duplicate sequence""" seen = set() seen_add = seen.add return [x for x in seq if not (x in seen or seen_add(x))]
def get_config(cfg): """ Sets the hypermeters for the optimizer and experiment using the config file Args: cfg: A YACS config object. """ config_params = { "train_params": { "adapt_lambda": cfg.SOLVER.AD_LAMBDA, "adapt_lr": cfg.SOLVER.AD_LR, "lambda_init": cfg.SOLVER.INIT_LAMBDA, "nb_adapt_epochs": cfg.SOLVER.MAX_EPOCHS, "nb_init_epochs": cfg.SOLVER.MIN_EPOCHS, "init_lr": cfg.SOLVER.BASE_LR, "batch_size": cfg.SOLVER.TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE, "optimizer": { "type": cfg.SOLVER.TYPE, "optim_params": { "momentum": cfg.SOLVER.MOMENTUM, "weight_decay": cfg.SOLVER.WEIGHT_DECAY, "nesterov": cfg.SOLVER.NESTEROV } } }, "data_params": { "dataset_group": cfg.DATASET.NAME, "dataset_name": cfg.DATASET.SOURCE + '2' + cfg.DATASET.TARGET, "source": cfg.DATASET.SOURCE, "target": cfg.DATASET.TARGET, "size_type": cfg.DATASET.SIZE_TYPE, "weight_type": cfg.DATASET.WEIGHT_TYPE } } return config_params
def get_nas_transforms(): """ Returns trajectory transformations for NAS. """ return [ PadActions(), AsArray(), RewardsAsValueTargets(), TileValueTargets() ]
from datetime import datetime def epoch_to_datetime(epoch): """ :param epoch: str of epoch time :return: converted datetime type """ return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(epoch) / 1000)
def qe_m4(px,mlmax,Talm=None,fTalm=None): """ px is a pixelization object, initialized like this: px = pixelization(shape=shape,wcs=wcs) # for CAR px = pixelization(nside=nside) # for healpix output: curved sky multipole=4 estimator """ ells = np.arange(mlmax) #prepare temperature map rmapT=px.alm2map(np.stack((Talm,Talm)),spin=0,ncomp=1,mlmax=mlmax)[0] #find tbarf t_alm=cs.almxfl(fTalm,np.sqrt((ells-3.)*(ells-2.)*(ells-1.)*ells*(ells+1.)*(ells+2.)*(ells+3.)*(ells+4.))) alms=np.stack((t_alm,t_alm)) rmap=px.alm2map_spin(alms,0,4,ncomp=2,mlmax=mlmax) #multiply the two fields together rmap=np.nan_to_num(rmap) prodmap=rmap*rmapT prodmap=np.nan_to_num(prodmap) if not(px.hpix): prodmap=enmap.enmap(prodmap,px.wcs) realsp2=prodmap[0] #spin +4 real space real space field if not(px.hpix): realsp2 = enmap.enmap(realsp2,px.wcs) #convert the above spin4 fields to spin pm 4 alms res1 = px.map2alm_spin(realsp2,mlmax,4,4) #will return pm4 #spin 4 ylm ttalmsp2=rot2dalm(res1,4)[0] #pick up the spin 4 alm of the first one ttalmsm2=rot2dalm(res1,4)[1] #pick up the spin -4 alm of the second one m4_alm=ttalmsp2+ttalmsm2 return m4_alm
def seasonality_plot_df(m, ds): """Prepare dataframe for plotting seasonal components. Parameters ---------- m: Prophet model. ds: List of dates for column ds. Returns ------- A dataframe with seasonal components on ds. """ df_dict = {'ds': ds, 'cap': 1., 'floor': 0.} for name in m.extra_regressors: df_dict[name] = 0. # Activate all conditional seasonality columns for props in m.seasonalities.values(): if props['condition_name'] is not None: df_dict[props['condition_name']] = True df = pd.DataFrame(df_dict) df = m.setup_dataframe(df) return df
async def response(request: DiscoveryRequest, xds_type: DiscoveryTypes, host: str = 'none'): """ A Discovery **Request** typically looks something like: .. code-block:: json { "version_info": "0", "node": { "cluster": "T1", "build_version": "<revision hash>/<version>/Clean/RELEASE", "metadata": { "auth": "..." } } } When we receive this, we give the client the latest configuration via a Discovery **Response** that looks something like this: .. code-block:: json { "version_info": "abcdef1234567890", "resources": [] } The version_info is derived from :func:`sovereign.discovery.version_hash` :param request: An envoy Discovery Request :param xds_type: what type of XDS template to use when rendering :param host: the host header that was received from the envoy client :return: An envoy Discovery Response """ template: XdsTemplate = XDS_TEMPLATES.get(request.envoy_version, default_templates)[xds_type] context = make_context( node_value=extract_node_key(request.node), template=template, ) # If the discovery request came from a mock, it will # typically contain this metadata key. # This means we should prevent any decryptable data # from ending up in the response. if request.node.metadata.get('hide_private_keys'): context['crypto'] = disabled_suite config_version = '0' if config.cache_strategy == 'context': config_version = version_hash(context, template.checksum, request.node.common, request.resources) if config_version == request.version_info: return {'version_info': config_version} kwargs = dict( discovery_request=request, host_header=host, resource_names=request.resources, **context ) if template.is_python_source: content = {'resources': list(**kwargs))} else: content = await template.content.render_async(**kwargs) if config.cache_strategy == 'content': config_version = version_hash(content) if config_version == request.version_info: return {'version_info': config_version} # This is the most expensive operation, I think, so it's performed as late as possible. if not template.is_python_source: content = deserialize_config(content) content['version_info'] = config_version return remove_unwanted_resources(content, request.resources)
def count_inner_bags(content, start_color): """Count inner bags""" rules = process_content(content) bags = rules[start_color] count = len(bags) while len(bags) != 0: new_bags = [] for bag in bags: count += len(rules[bag]) new_bags += rules[bag] bags = new_bags return count
def build_generation_data( egrid_facilities_to_include=None, generation_years=None ): """ Build a dataset of facility-level generation using EIA923. This function will apply filters for positive generation, generation efficiency within a given range, and a minimum percent of generation from the primary fuel (if set in the config file). The returned dataframe also includes the balancing authority for every power plant. Parameters ---------- egrid_facilities_to_include : list, optional List of plant codes to include (default is None, which builds a list) generation_years : list, optional Years of generation data to include in the output (default is None, which builds a list from the inventories of interest and eia_gen_year parameters) Returns ---------- DataFrame Dataframe columns include: ['FacilityID', 'Electricity', 'Year'] """ if not generation_years: # Use the years from inventories of interest generation_years = set( list(inventories_of_interest.values()) + [eia_gen_year] ) df_list = [] for year in generation_years: gen_fuel_data = eia923_download_extract(year) primary_fuel = eia923_primary_fuel(gen_fuel_data) gen_efficiency = calculate_plant_efficiency(gen_fuel_data) final_gen_df = gen_efficiency.merge(primary_fuel, on="Plant Id") if not egrid_facilities_to_include: if include_only_egrid_facilities_with_positive_generation: final_gen_df = final_gen_df.loc[ final_gen_df["Net Generation (Megawatthours)"] >= 0, : ] if filter_on_efficiency: final_gen_df = efficiency_filter(final_gen_df) if filter_on_min_plant_percent_generation_from_primary_fuel and not keep_mixed_plant_category: final_gen_df = final_gen_df.loc[ final_gen_df["primary fuel percent gen"] >= min_plant_percent_generation_from_primary_fuel_category, :, ] # if filter_non_egrid_emission_on_NAICS: # # Check with Wes to see what the filter here is supposed to be # final_gen_df = final_gen_df.loc[ # final_gen_df['NAICS Code'] == '22', : # ] else: final_gen_df = final_gen_df.loc[ final_gen_df["Plant Id"].isin(egrid_facilities_to_include), : ] ba_match = eia860_balancing_authority(year) ba_match["Plant Id"] = ba_match["Plant Id"].astype(int) final_gen_df["Plant Id"] = final_gen_df["Plant Id"].astype(int) final_gen_df = final_gen_df.merge(ba_match, on="Plant Id", how="left") final_gen_df["Year"] = int(year) df_list.append(final_gen_df) all_years_gen = pd.concat(df_list) all_years_gen = all_years_gen.rename( columns={ "Plant Id": "FacilityID", "Net Generation (Megawatthours)": "Electricity", } ) all_years_gen = all_years_gen.loc[:, ["FacilityID", "Electricity", "Year"]] all_years_gen.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) all_years_gen["Year"] = all_years_gen["Year"].astype("int32") return all_years_gen
def get_nessus_scans(): """Return a paginated list of Nessus scan reports. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /api/1.0/analysis/nessus?page=1 HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/json **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.0 200 OK Content-Type: application/json Link: <.../api/1.0/analysis/nessus?page=1&per_page=20>; rel="First", <.../api/1.0/analysis/nessus?page=0&per_page=20>; rel="Last" { "count": 3, "items": [ { "created": "2016-03-21T16:52:52", "id": 4, "report": "...", "type": "Nessus scan" }, { "created": "2016-03-21T16:51:49", "id": 3, "report": "...", "type": "Nessus scan" }, { "created": "2016-03-20T17:09:03", "id": 2, "report": "...", "type": "Nessus scan" } ], "page": 1 } :reqheader Accept: Content type(s) accepted by the client :resheader Content-Type: this depends on `Accept` header or request :resheader Link: Describe relationship with other resources :>json array items: Nessus scan reports :>jsonarr integer id: Scan unique ID :>jsonarr object report: Scan report :>json integer page: Current page number :>json integer count: Total number of items :status 200: Reports found :status 404: Resource not found """ return ApiPagedResponse(Report.query.filter_by(type_id=4))
from doctest import TestResults from _doctest26 import TestResults def count_failures(runner): """Count number of failures in a doctest runner. Code modeled after the summarize() method in doctest. """ try: except: return [TestResults(f, t) for f, t in runner._name2ft.values() if f > 0 ]
def fnv1_64(data, hval_init=FNV1_64_INIT): """ Returns the 64 bit FNV-1 hash value for the given data. """ return fnv(data, hval_init, FNV_64_PRIME, 2**64)
from pathlib import Path import tqdm def parse_data_sp(source_root, parallel_roots, glob_str="**/*.wav", add_source=False): """ assert that parallel_root wil contain folders of following structure: PARALLEL_ROOT/record_17/IPhone 12 Pro Max/JBL CLIP3/distance=60-loudness=15-recording_mode=default/RELATIVE_PATH_TO_WAV_FROM_SOURCE """ data = defaultdict(list) source_root = Path(source_root).resolve() parallel_roots = [Path(parallel_root) for parallel_root in parallel_roots] # print(parallel_roots) _class_ind_maps = defaultdict(list) source_pathes = list(source_root.glob(glob_str)) if add_source: _class_ind_maps["spoofing"] = ["genuine", "spoof"] for source_path in tqdm(source_pathes): for parallel_root in parallel_roots: playback_device =[-2].lower().replace(" ", "") recording_device =[-3].lower().replace(" ", "") # print(f"{playback_device}, {recording_device}") if not (playback_device in _class_ind_maps["playback_device"]): _class_ind_maps["playback_device"].append(playback_device) if not (recording_device in _class_ind_maps["recording_device"]): _class_ind_maps["recording_device"].append(recording_device) source_rlp = source_path.relative_to(source_root) parallel_path = parallel_root / source_rlp if parallel_path.exists(): data[source_path].append({ "path": parallel_path, "spoofing": "spoof", "playback_device": playback_device, "recording_device": recording_device }) if add_source: if len(data[source_path]) > 0: data[source_path].insert( 0, { "path": source_path, "spoofing": "genuine", "playback_device": None, "recording_device": None }) class_ind_maps = defaultdict(dict) print(_class_ind_maps) for task_name, task_classes in _class_ind_maps.items(): for cls_ind, cls_name in enumerate(sorted(task_classes)): class_ind_maps[task_name][cls_name] = cls_ind return data, class_ind_maps
def heat_diffusion(A, t, L, k, eps=0.0001): """ Computes the heat diffusion equation Parameters ---------- A : Tensor or SparseTensor the (N,N,) density matrix t : float the diffusion time L : Tensor or SparseTensor the (N,N,) Laplacian matrix k : Tensor the (N,D,) initial heat tensor eps : float (optional) a regularizer value (default is 0.0001) Returns ------- Tensor the (N,D,) heat tensor """ return poisson_equation(A+t*L, k, eps=eps)
def unpack_ad_info(ad_info: dict, param_name: str) -> bytes: """Проверяет наличие ожидаемой структуры и возвращает значение.""" # Красиво не сработает, потому что применение условий должно быть последовательным if ( isinstance(ad_info, dict) and ad_info.get(param_name) # noqa: W503 and isinstance(ad_info[param_name], list) # noqa: W503 and isinstance(ad_info[param_name][0], bytes) # noqa: W503 ): return ad_info[param_name][0] return None
def _read_file(file, sheet_name=0): """ Helper function used to read the file and return a pandas dataframe. Checks if file type is a .csv or excel. If not, returns a ValueError. Parameters ---------- file : str the name of the file, including the filetype extension sheet_name : int, optional if passing an excel file, the name of the sheet to analyze, by default 0 Returns ------- pandas.Dataframe pandas dataframe containing data from file """ if file.endswith('.csv'): df = pd.read_csv(file) else: try: df = pd.read_excel(file, sheet_name=sheet_name) except XLRDError: raise ValueError("Please use a valid csv or excel file.") return df
def get_school_total_students(school_id, aug_school_info): """ Gets total number of students associated with a school. Args: district_id (str): NCES ID of target district (e.g. '0100005'). aug_school_info (pandas.DataFrame): Target augmented school information (as formatted by `auxiliary.data_handler.DataHandler`). Returns: int: Single number comprising school-level data. """ return int(aug_school_info.loc[school_id]["total_students"])
def loci_adjust(ds, *, group, thresh, interp): """LOCI: Adjust on one block. Dataset variables: hist_thresh : Hist's equivalent thresh from ref sim : Data to adjust """ sth = u.broadcast(ds.hist_thresh, ds.sim, group=group, interp=interp) factor = u.broadcast(, ds.sim, group=group, interp=interp) with xr.set_options(keep_attrs=True): scen = (factor * (ds.sim - sth) + thresh).clip(min=0) return scen.rename("scen").to_dataset()
def _ClientThread(client_ip, client_user, client_pass, mvip, username, password, purge): """delete the volumes for a client, run as a thread""" log = GetLogger() SetThreadLogPrefix(client_ip)"Connecting to client") client = SFClient(client_ip, client_user, client_pass) account_name = client.HostnameToAccountName() cluster = SFCluster(mvip, username, password) try: match_volumes = cluster.SearchForVolumes(accountName=account_name) except UnknownObjectError: log.passed("Account is already deleted") return True if len(list(match_volumes.keys())) <= 0: log.passed("No volumes to delete") return True"Deleting {} volumes".format(len(list(match_volumes.keys())))) cluster.DeleteVolumes(volumeIDs=list(match_volumes.keys()), purge=purge) log.passed("Successfully deleted volumes")
import json def objective(args: Namespace, trial: optuna.trial._trial.Trial) -> float: """Objective function for optimization trials. Args: args (Namespace): Input arguments for each trial (see `config/args.json`) for argument names. trial (optuna.trial._trial.Trial): Optuna optimization trial. Returns: F1 score from evaluating the trained model on the test data split. """ # Paramters (to tune) args.embedding_dim = trial.suggest_int("embedding_dim", 128, 512) args.num_filters = trial.suggest_int("num_filters", 128, 512) args.hidden_dim = trial.suggest_int("hidden_dim", 128, 512) args.dropout_p = trial.suggest_uniform("dropout_p", 0.3, 0.8) = trial.suggest_loguniform("lr", 5e-5, 5e-4) # Train (can move some of these outside for efficiency)"\nTrial {trial.number}:"), indent=2)) artifacts = run(args=args, trial=trial) # Set additional attributes args = artifacts["args"] performance = artifacts["performance"]["overall"], indent=2)) trial.set_user_attr("threshold", args.threshold) trial.set_user_attr("precision", performance["overall"]["precision"]) trial.set_user_attr("recall", performance["overall"]["recall"]) trial.set_user_attr("f1", performance["overall"]["f1"]) return performance["overall"]["f1"]
def read_gdwarfs(file=_GDWARFALLFILE,logg=False,ug=False,ri=False,sn=True, ebv=True,nocoords=False): """ NAME: read_gdwarfs PURPOSE: read the spectroscopic G dwarf sample INPUT: logg= if True, cut on logg, if number, cut on logg > the number (>4.2) ug= if True, cut on u-g, if list/array cut to ug[0] < u-g< ug[1] ri= if True, cut on r-i, if list/array cut to ri[0] < r-i< ri[1] sn= if False, don't cut on SN, if number cut on SN > the number (15) ebv= if True, cut on E(B-V), if number cut on EBV < the number (0.3) nocoords= if True, don't calculate distances or transform coordinates OUTPUT: cut data, returns numpy.recarray HISTORY: 2011-07-08 - Written - Bovy@MPIA (NYU) """ raw= _load_fits(file) #First cut on r indx= (raw.field('dered_r') < 20.2)*(raw.field('dered_r') > 14.5) raw= raw[indx] #Then cut on g-r indx= ((raw.field('dered_g')-raw.field('dered_r')) < 0.55)\ *((raw.field('dered_g')-raw.field('dered_r')) > .48) raw= raw[indx] #Cut on velocity errs indx= (raw.field('pmra_err') > 0.)*(raw.field('pmdec_err') > 0.)\ *(raw.field('vr_err') > 0.) raw= raw[indx] #Cut on logg? if (isinstance(logg,bool) and logg): indx= (raw.field('logga') > 4.2) raw= raw[indx] elif not isinstance(logg,bool): indx= (raw.field('logga') > logg) raw= raw[indx] if isinstance(ug,bool) and ug: indx= ((raw.field('dered_u')-raw.field('dered_g')) < 2.)\ *((raw.field('dered_u')-raw.field('dered_g')) > .6) raw= raw[indx] if not isinstance(ug,bool): indx= ((raw.field('dered_u')-raw.field('dered_g')) < ug[1])\ *((raw.field('dered_u')-raw.field('dered_g')) > ug[0]) raw= raw[indx] if isinstance(ri,bool) and ri: indx= ((raw.field('dered_r')-raw.field('dered_i')) < .4)\ *((raw.field('dered_r')-raw.field('dered_i')) > -.1) raw= raw[indx] elif not isinstance(ri,bool): indx= ((raw.field('dered_r')-raw.field('dered_i')) < ri[1])\ *((raw.field('dered_r')-raw.field('dered_i')) > ri[0]) raw= raw[indx] if (isinstance(sn,bool) and sn): indx= (raw.field('sna') > 15.) raw= raw[indx] elif not isinstance(sn,bool): indx= (raw.field('sna') > sn) raw= raw[indx] if isinstance(ebv,bool) and ebv: indx= (raw.field('ebv') < .3) raw= raw[indx] elif not isinstance(ebv,bool): indx= (raw.field('ebv') < ebv) raw= raw[indx] if nocoords: return raw raw= _add_distances(raw) raw= _add_velocities(raw) return raw
def add_item(category_slug=None): """ Add a new Item Form. :param category_slug: The category slug """ # Get the current category using the slug current_category = Category.where('slug', category_slug).first() return render_template( 'items/add.html', categories=Category.all(), current_category=current_category )
def track_type(time, lat, tmax=1): """ Determines ascending and descending tracks. Defines unique tracks as segments with time breaks > tmax, and tests whether lat increases or decreases w/time. """ # Generate track segment tracks = np.zeros(lat.shape) # Set values for segment tracks[0:np.argmax(np.abs(lat))] = 1 # Output index array i_asc = np.zeros(tracks.shape, dtype=bool) # Loop trough individual tracks for track in np.unique(tracks): # Get all points from an individual track i_track, = np.where(track == tracks) # Test tracks length if len(i_track) < 2: continue # Test if lat increases (asc) or decreases (des) w/time i_min = time[i_track].argmin() i_max = time[i_track].argmax() lat_diff = lat[i_track][i_max] - lat[i_track][i_min] # Determine track type if lat_diff > 0: i_asc[i_track] = True # Output index vector's return i_asc, np.invert(i_asc)
def get_installed_procnames(): """Get a list of procs currently on the file system.""" return set(get_procs())
def pam_bw_as_matrix(buff, border): """\ Returns the QR code as list of [0, 1] lists. :param io.BytesIO buff: Buffer to read the matrix from. :param int border: The QR code border """ res = [] data, size = _image_data(buff) for i, offset in enumerate(range(0, len(data), size)): if i < border: continue if i >= size - border: break row_data = bytearray(data[offset + border:offset + size - border]) # Invert bytes since PAM uses 0x0 = black, 0x1 = white res.append([b ^ 0x1 for b in row_data]) return res
def delete_task(task_id: int): """Remove task with associated ID from the database.""" send_to_login = ensure_login() if send_to_login: return send_to_login else: old_task = Task.delete(task_id) flash(f'You deleted "{old_task.title}"', "info") return redirect(url_for("task.view_task_list"))
def get_version(): # noqa: E501 """API version The API version # noqa: E501 :rtype: str """ return '1.0.0'
import tqdm import torch def bert_evaluate(model, eval_dataloader, device): """Evaluation of trained checkpoint.""" model.eval() predictions = [] true_labels = [] data_iterator = tqdm(eval_dataloader, desc="Iteration") for step, batch in enumerate(data_iterator): input_ids, input_mask, labels = batch input_ids = input_mask = with torch.no_grad(): outputs = model(input_ids, token_type_ids=None, attention_mask=input_mask) #loss is only output when labels are provided as input to the model ... real smooth logits = outputs[0] print(type(logits)) logits ='cpu').numpy() label_ids ='cpu').numpy() for label, logit in zip(label_ids, logits): true_labels.append(label) predictions.append(np.argmax(logit)) #print(predictions) #print(true_labels) metrics = get_metrics(true_labels, predictions) return metrics
def get_cached_scts(hex_ee_hash): """ get_cached_scts returns previously fetched valid SCT from this certificate. The key to perform this search is the hex-encoded hash of the end-entity certificate :param hex_ee_hash: the hex-encoded hash of the end-entity certificate :return: a dictionary of SCTs where the keys are the log URL """ c = dbconn.cursor() c.execute(''' SELECT logs.log, scts.sct FROM certs INNER JOIN scts ON = scts.cert_id INNER JOIN logs ON scts.log_id = WHERE certs.ee_hash = ? AND scts.valid = 1 ''', (hex_ee_hash,)) return { log: {'sct': sct, 'valid': True} for (log, sct) in c.fetchall() }
import torch def all_gather_multigpu( output_tensor_lists, input_tensor_list, group=None, async_op=False ): """ Gathers tensors from the whole group in a list. Each tensor in ``tensor_list`` should reside on a separate GPU Only nccl backend is currently supported tensors should only be GPU tensors Complex tensors are supported. Args: output_tensor_lists (List[List[Tensor]]): Output lists. It should contain correctly-sized tensors on each GPU to be used for output of the collective, e.g. ``output_tensor_lists[i]`` contains the all_gather result that resides on the GPU of ``input_tensor_list[i]``. Note that each element of ``output_tensor_lists`` has the size of ``world_size * len(input_tensor_list)``, since the function all gathers the result from every single GPU in the group. To interpret each element of ``output_tensor_lists[i]``, note that ``input_tensor_list[j]`` of rank k will be appear in ``output_tensor_lists[i][k * world_size + j]`` Also note that ``len(output_tensor_lists)``, and the size of each element in ``output_tensor_lists`` (each element is a list, therefore ``len(output_tensor_lists[i])``) need to be the same for all the distributed processes calling this function. input_tensor_list (List[Tensor]): List of tensors(on different GPUs) to be broadcast from current process. Note that ``len(input_tensor_list)`` needs to be the same for all the distributed processes calling this function. group (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on. If None, the default process group will be used. async_op (bool, optional): Whether this op should be an async op Returns: Async work handle, if async_op is set to True. None, if not async_op or if not part of the group """ if _rank_not_in_group(group): return output_tensor_lists = [ [t if not t.is_complex() else torch.view_as_real(t) for t in l] for l in output_tensor_lists ] input_tensor_list = [ t if not t.is_complex() else torch.view_as_real(t) for t in input_tensor_list ] if group is None: default_pg = _get_default_group() work = default_pg.allgather(output_tensor_lists, input_tensor_list) else: work = group.allgather(output_tensor_lists, input_tensor_list) if async_op: return work else: work.wait()
import uuid def get_uuid_from_str(input_id: str) -> str: """ Returns an uuid3 string representation generated from an input string. :param input_id: :return: uuid3 string representation """ return str(uuid.uuid3(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, input_id))
import requests def extend_request(request_id=None, workload_id=None, lifetime=30): """ extend an request's lifetime. :param request_id: The id of the request. :param workload_id: The workload_id of the request. :param lifetime: The life time as umber of days. """ return requests.extend_request(request_id=request_id, workload_id=workload_id, lifetime=lifetime)
def from_bytes(buf: bytes) -> str: """Return MIME type from content in form of bytes-like type. Example: >>> import defity >>> defity.from_bytes(b'some-binary-content') 'image/png' """ _guard_buf_arg(buf) # We accept many input data types just for user's convenience. We still convert # it to immutable bytes to pass down to Rust function. return _mod.from_bytes(bytes(buf))
def pl__5__create_train_frame_sequences(ctvusts_by_tcp__lte_1, frame_sequences__by__tcpctvustsfs, train_tcpctvustsfs__gt__1): """ returns: train_tcpctvustsfs__all ( <TokenID>, <CameraPerspective>, <ASLConsultantID>, <TargetVideoFilename>, <UtteranceSequence>, <TokenSequence>, <FrameSequence> ) """ train__ctvusts_by_tcp__lte_1__keys = ( ctvusts_by_tcp__lte_1 | "Beam PL: extract ((TokenID,CameraPerspective,ASLConsultantID,TargetVideoFilename,UtteranceSequence,TokenSequence), '<ctvusts_by_tcp__lte_1_tpl__has_key>') for join to tcpctvustsfs" >> beam.Map( lambda ctvusts_by_tcp__lte_1_tpl : ( ( ctvusts_by_tcp__lte_1_tpl[0], # TokenID ctvusts_by_tcp__lte_1_tpl[1], # CameraPerspective ctvusts_by_tcp__lte_1_tpl[2], # ASLConsultantID ctvusts_by_tcp__lte_1_tpl[3], # TargetVideoFilename ctvusts_by_tcp__lte_1_tpl[4], # UtteranceSequence ctvusts_by_tcp__lte_1_tpl[5] # TokenSequence ), "<ctvusts_by_tcp__lte_1_tpl__has_key>" ) ) ) train_tcpctvustsfs__lte_1 = ( ({ 'has_key': train__ctvusts_by_tcp__lte_1__keys, 'frame_sequences': frame_sequences__by__tcpctvustsfs }) | "Beam PL: join ctvusts_by_tcp__lte_1 to tcpctvustsfs" >> beam.CoGroupByKey() # the above produces tuples of the form: # ( # ( # <TokenID>, # <CameraPerspective>, # <ASLConsultantID>, # <TargetVideoFilename>, # <UtteranceSequence>, # <TokenSequence> # ), # { # 'has_key': listof('<ctvusts_by_tcp__lte_1_tpl__has_key>'), # should have only one/single element # 'frame_sequences': listof(<FrameSequence>) # many # } # ) | "Beam PL: filter out mismatches from joined train__ctvusts_by_tcp__lte_1 to tcpctvustsfs" >> beam.Filter( lambda joined__train__ctvusts_by_tcp__lte_1__to__tcpctvustsfs__tpl: len(joined__train__ctvusts_by_tcp__lte_1__to__tcpctvustsfs__tpl[1]['has_key'])>0 and \ len(joined__train__ctvusts_by_tcp__lte_1__to__tcpctvustsfs__tpl[1]['frame_sequences'])>0 ) | "Beam PL: 'explode' listof(<FrameSequence>) from joined train__ctvusts_by_tcp__lte_1 to tcpctvustsfs to list of tuples" >> beam.Map( lambda joined__train__ctvusts_by_tcp__lte_1__to__tcpctvustsfs__tpl: [ ( joined__train__ctvusts_by_tcp__lte_1__to__tcpctvustsfs__tpl[0][0], # TokenID joined__train__ctvusts_by_tcp__lte_1__to__tcpctvustsfs__tpl[0][1], # CameraPerspective joined__train__ctvusts_by_tcp__lte_1__to__tcpctvustsfs__tpl[0][2], # ASLConsultantID joined__train__ctvusts_by_tcp__lte_1__to__tcpctvustsfs__tpl[0][3], # TargetVideoFilename joined__train__ctvusts_by_tcp__lte_1__to__tcpctvustsfs__tpl[0][4], # UtteranceSequence joined__train__ctvusts_by_tcp__lte_1__to__tcpctvustsfs__tpl[0][5], # TokenSequence frame_seq ) for frame_seq in sorted(joined__train__ctvusts_by_tcp__lte_1__to__tcpctvustsfs__tpl[1]['frame_sequences']) ] ) | "Beam PL: 'explode' listof((TokenID,CameraPerspective,ASLConsultantID,TargetVideoFilename,UtteranceSequence,TokenSequence, FrameSequence)) from joined ttrain__ctvusts_by_tcp__lte_1 to tcpctvustsfs" >> beam.FlatMap( lambda list_joined__train__ctvusts_by_tcp__lte_1__to__tcpctvustsfs__tpl: list_joined__train__ctvusts_by_tcp__lte_1__to__tcpctvustsfs__tpl ) ) train_tcpctvustsfs__all = ( (train_tcpctvustsfs__gt__1, train_tcpctvustsfs__lte_1) | f"Beam PL: merge train_tcpctvustsfs__gt__1 with train_tcpctvustsfs__lte_1" >> beam.Flatten() ) return train_tcpctvustsfs__all
def createList(value, n): """ @param value: value to initialize the list @param n: list size to be created @return: size n list initialized to value """ return [value for i in range (n)]
def label_class_num(label): """ 标签的种类 :param label: :return: """ return label.shape[1]
def heur(puzzle, item_total_calc, total_calc): """ Heuristic template that provides the current and target position for each number and the total function. Parameters: puzzle - the puzzle item_total_calc - takes 4 parameters: current row, target row, current col, target col. Returns int. total_calc - takes 1 parameter, the sum of item_total_calc over all entries, and returns int. This is the value of the heuristic function """ t = 0 for row in range(3): for col in range(3): val = puzzle.peek(row, col) - 1 target_col = val % 3 target_row = val / 3 # account for 0 as blank if target_row < 0: target_row = 2 t += item_total_calc(row, target_row, col, target_col) return total_calc(t)
def make_argparse_help_safe(s): """Make strings safe for argparse's help. Argparse supports %{} - templates. This is sometimes not needed. Make user supplied strings safe for this. """ return s.replace('%', '%%').replace('%%%', '%%')
def create_pysm_commands( mapfile, nside, bandcenter_ghz, bandwidth_ghz, beam_arcmin, coord, mpi_launch, mpi_procs, mpi_nodes, ): """ Return lines of shell code to generate the precomputed input sky map. """ mpistr = "{}".format(mpi_launch) if mpi_procs != "": mpistr = "{} {} 1".format(mpistr, mpi_procs) if mpi_nodes != "": mpistr = "{} {} 1".format(mpistr, mpi_nodes) outstr = "# Create sky model\n" outstr = '{}if [ ! -e "{}" ]; then\n'.format(outstr, mapfile) outstr = '{} echo "Creating sky model {} ..."\n'.format(outstr, mapfile) outstr = '{} {} ./ --output "{}" --nside {} --bandcenter_ghz {} --bandwidth_ghz {} --beam_arcmin {} --coord {}\n'.format( outstr, mpistr, mapfile, nside, bandcenter_ghz, bandwidth_ghz, beam_arcmin, coord, ) outstr = "{}fi\n".format(outstr) outstr = "{}\n".format(outstr) return outstr
def edits1(word): """ All edits that are one edit away from `word`. """ letters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' splits = [(word[:i], word[i:]) for i in range(len(word) + 1)] deletes = [L + R[1:] for L, R in splits if R] transposes = [L + R[1] + R[0] + R[2:] for L, R in splits if len(R)>1] replaces = [L + c + R[1:] for L, R in splits if R for c in letters] inserts = [L + c + R for L, R in splits for c in letters] return set(deletes + transposes + replaces + inserts)
def process_text_cn(text: str): """中文文本处理""" text = del_white_chars(text) text = sub_punctuation(text) return text
import math def total_elastic_cross_section_browning1994_cm2(atomic_number, energy_keV): """ From browning1994 Valid in the range 100 eV to 30 keV for elements 1 to 92. """ Z = atomic_number E = energy_keV factor = 3.0e-18 power_z = math.pow(Z, 1.7) power_e = math.pow(E, 0.5) nominator = factor*power_z denominator = E + 0.005 * power_z * power_e + 0.0007 * Z * Z / power_e cross_section_cm2 = nominator/denominator return cross_section_cm2
def plot_fancy(nodes, elems, phi=None, charge=None, u=None, charge_max=None, show=False, save=None, num_intp=100, title=None, clabel=None, animation_mode=True, latex=False): """ Plots fancily. """ if animation_mode: fig = Figure(colorbar=False, tight_layout=True, show=show, xlabel="", ylabel="", save=save, ticks=False, latex=latex) else: fig = Figure(colorbar=True, tight_layout=False, show=show, xlabel=tex_escape("x"), ylabel=tex_escape("y"), save=save, ticks=True, latex=latex) if phi is None: phi = -np.ones(len(nodes)) if charge is None: charge = np.zeros(len(nodes)) if charge_max is None: charge_max = max(np.max(np.abs(charge)), 1e-10) cmap ='Greys') cmap._init() cmap._lut[:, :] = 0. length = len(cmap._lut[:, -1]) # cmap._lut[:, -1] = np.linspace(0., 1.0, length) cmap._lut[:length//2, -1] = 0. cmap._lut[length//2:, -1] = 1. phi[phi > 1.] = 1. phi[phi < -1.] = -1. plt.tripcolor(nodes[:, 0], nodes[:, 1], elems, charge, cmap=plt.get_cmap("coolwarm"), shading="gouraud", vmin=-charge_max, vmax=charge_max) plt.tricontourf(nodes[:, 0], nodes[:, 1], elems, phi, cmap=cmap, levels=[-2.0, 0., 2.0], antialiased=True) if u is not None: Lx = nodes[:, 0].max()-nodes[:, 0].min() Ly = nodes[:, 1].max()-nodes[:, 1].min() dx = max(Lx, Ly)/num_intp Nx = int(Lx/dx) Ny = int(Ly/dx) x_i, y_i = np.meshgrid( np.linspace(dx+nodes[:, 0].min(), nodes[:, 0].max()-dx, Nx), np.linspace(dx+nodes[:, 1].min(), nodes[:, 1].max()-dx, Ny)) triang = mtri.Triangulation(nodes[:, 0], nodes[:, 1], elems) ux_interp = mtri.LinearTriInterpolator(triang, u[:, 0]) uy_interp = mtri.LinearTriInterpolator(triang, u[:, 1]) phi_interp = mtri.LinearTriInterpolator(triang, phi) ux_i = ux_interp(x_i, y_i) uy_i = uy_interp(x_i, y_i) phi_i = phi_interp(x_i, y_i) ux_i = np.array(ux_i.filled(0.)) uy_i = np.array(uy_i.filled(0.)) phi_i = np.array(phi_i.filled(0.)) u_norm = np.sqrt(ux_i**2 + uy_i**2) lw = np.zeros_like(ux_i) lw[:] += 5*u_norm/(u_norm.max() + 1e-10) mask = np.zeros(ux_i.shape, dtype=bool) mask[phi_i > 0.] = True ux_i_2 =, mask=mask), y_i, ux_i_2, uy_i, color="k", density=0.6, linewidth=lw) mask = np.zeros(ux_i.shape, dtype=bool) mask[phi_i < 0.] = True ux_i_2 =, mask=mask), y_i, ux_i_2, uy_i, color="w", density=0.6, linewidth=lw) return fig
def buildModelGPT(modelType='gpt2-medium'): """ This function builds the model of the function und returns it based on GPT """ ## Create Model # Load pre-trained model tokenizer (vocabulary) tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained(modelType) # Load pre-trained model (weights) model = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained(modelType) # Set the model in evaluation mode to deactivate the DropOut modules # This is IMPORTANT to have reproducible results during evaluation! model.eval() return model, tokenizer
def vid_to_list(filepath): """ Converts a video file to a list of 3d arrays of dim (h, w, c) Input: filepath: (str) full filepath of video Output: vid: (ndarray) list of 3d numpy arrays, of shape (height, width, color) """ cap = cv.VideoCapture(filepath) list_of_frames = [] while True: ret, frame = if ret: frame = cv.cvtColor(frame, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB) list_of_frames.append(frame) else: break return list_of_frames
import pickle def from_pickle(fname=interpolator_path): """Loads grid inperpolator from pickle located at `fname`. """ with open(fname, "rb") as f: grid = pickle.load(f) return grid
import torch def get_prob_and_custom_prob_per_crops( logits_for_patches, img_size_work_px_space, n_pixels_in_crop, descendent_specifier, target_list, rf, DEVICE, ): """Determine the probability and the custom probability (i.e. the non-Deep-Learning "logit", cf. Appendix C.2) for crops according to the descendent_specifier, i.e. either each crop or only the four corner crops. Note that for the grouping of patches into one crop, each directly neighboring patch is considered (stride 1: logits_for_patches_reshaped[start_row:stop_row:stride_1, start_col:stop_col:stride_1]). This enables us to both either select all data for all crops or only the data for the corner crops. This is in contrast to the value that was used to train and evaluate BagNet-33 (stride = 8). Args: logits_for_patches: logit predictions for each patch torch tensor, dtype = torch.float32 np_array of dimensions n_patches x 1000 img_size_work_px_space: number of image pixels in latest parent n_pixels_in_crop: size of child crop descendent_specifier: choice between selecting all crops ("stride1") or only four corner crops ("Ullman4") target_list: list of targets rf: number of pixels in image crop for BagNet-33 rf stands for receptive field size Returns: prob_per_crop: list of length n_crops^2 containing the probabilities per relevant crop custom_prob_per_crop: list of length n_crops^2 containing the custom probabilities per relevant crop """ # When the crop is larger than 33x33 (or in fact 37x37 because that's the # next larger pixel size appearing in the decreasing order of pixels when # decreasing by 80% for each crop from 224 pixels), group patches into # crops to calculate the probaiblities and the custom probabilities if img_size_work_px_space > 37: # calculate how many crops there are n_crops = img_size_work_px_space - n_pixels_in_crop + 1 # calculate how many patches contribute to one crop in one dimensions # (i.e. width or height) n_patches_contribute_to_crop = n_pixels_in_crop - rf + 1 # make matrix square instead of one-dimensional along the patch-axis patch_square_length = int(np.sqrt(logits_for_patches.size()[0])) logits_for_patches_reshaped = torch.reshape( logits_for_patches, (patch_square_length, patch_square_length, logits_for_patches.shape[1]), ) # loop through each crop prob_per_crop = [] custom_prob_per_crop = [] for start_row in range(n_crops): stop_row = start_row + n_patches_contribute_to_crop for start_col in range(n_crops): stop_col = start_col + n_patches_contribute_to_crop # average logits over patches logit_avg_of_cur_patch = torch.mean( torch.mean( logits_for_patches_reshaped[ start_row:stop_row, start_col:stop_col ], dim=0, ), dim=0, ) # calculate probabilities prob_for_targets_summed = get_prob_for_logits( logit_avg_of_cur_patch[None, :], target_list ) prob_per_crop.append(prob_for_targets_summed) # calculate custom probabilities cur_custom_prob_per_crop = get_custom_prob( logit_avg_of_cur_patch[None, :], target_list, DEVICE ) custom_prob_per_crop.append(cur_custom_prob_per_crop[0]) # patches correspond to crops else: custom_prob_per_crop = get_custom_prob( logits_for_patches, target_list, DEVICE) prob_per_crop = list( get_prob_for_logits( logits_for_patches, target_list)) # if only the four corner crops are of interest ("Ullman4"), get that data # only if descendent_specifier == "Ullman4": prob_per_crop, custom_prob_per_crop = extract_corner_data_for_Ullman4( prob_per_crop, custom_prob_per_crop ) return prob_per_crop, custom_prob_per_crop
def xywh_to_xyxy(boxes): """Convert [x y w h] box format to [x1 y1 x2 y2] format.""" if boxes is None or len(boxes) == 0: return boxes boxes = np.array(boxes) return np.hstack((boxes[:, 0:2], boxes[:, 0:2] + boxes[:, 2:4] - 1))
def vscat(a,fig=None,ls=None,marker='o',nmin=2,mhmin=-3,density=False,out=None) : """ Make histograms of VSCATTER for different bins of Teff H], given min NVISITS, and min [M/H] """ if fig == None : fig,ax=plots.multi(4,6,hspace=0.001,wspace=0.4,figsize=(12,8)) else : fig,ax=fig tbins=[3000,3500,4000,4500,5500,8000,30000] hbins=[8,11,12,13,15] try: snr = a['SNREV'] except: snr=a['SNR'] j=np.where(snr > 300) [0] snr[j] = 300 for i in range(len(tbins)-1) : ax[i,0].text(0.9,0.9,'{:d}<=RV_TEFF<{:d}'.format(tbins[i],tbins[i+1]),ha='right',transform=ax[i,0].transAxes,fontsize=8) for j in range(len(hbins)-1) : ax[0,j].set_title('{:d}<=H<{:d}'.format(hbins[j],hbins[j+1])) gd = np.where((a['RV_TEFF']>=tbins[i]) & (a['RV_TEFF']<tbins[i+1]) & (a['H']>=hbins[j]) & (a['H']<hbins[j+1]) & (a['NVISITS']>nmin) & (a['RV_FEH']>mhmin) & (a['VSCATTER'] > 0)) [0] print(tbins[i],tbins[i+1],hbins[j],hbins[j+1],nmin,len(gd)) try : #plots.plotc(ax[i,2],snr[gd],a['VSCATTER'][gd],a['RV_FEH'][gd],marker=marker,xr=[0,310],yr=[0,1],xt='S/N',yt='VSCATTER') ax[i,j].hist(a['VSCATTER'][gd],bins=np.arange(0,1,0.01),ls=ls,histtype='step',color=colors[j],normed=density) ax[i,j].set_xlabel('VSCATTER (km/s)') ax[i,j].plot([0.1,0.1],ax[i,j].get_ylim()) #ax[i,1].hist(a['VSCATTER'][gd],bins=np.arange(0,1,0.01),histtype='step',cumulative=True,normed=True,ls=ls,color=colors[j]) #ax[i,1].set_xlabel('VSCATTER') except : pass if out is not None : fig.savefig(out+'.png') plt.close() fig.suptitle('NVISITS>{:d} [M/H]>{:6.2f}'.format(nmin,mhmin)) return fig,ax
def parse_unique_count_for_column(column_df, column): """ returns column specific distribution details. sample output, ``` "<column_df>": { "<>": 30 } ``` """ return {column: get_unique_counts_of_column(column_df)}
def transaction(): """ Get database transaction object :return: _TransactionContext object usage: with transaction(): # transactions operation pass >>> def update_profile(t_id, name, rollback): ... u = dict(id=t_id, name=name, email='' % name, password=name, last_modified=time.time()) ... insert('testuser', **u) ... update('update testuser set password=%s where id=%s', name.upper(), t_id) ... if rollback: ... raise StandardError('will cause rollback...') >>> with transaction(): ... update_profile(900301, 'Python', False) >>> select_one('select * from testuser where id=%s', 900301).name u'Python' >>> with transaction(): ... update_profile(900302, 'Ruby', True) Traceback (most recent call last): ... StandardError: will cause rollback... >>> select('select * from testuser where id=%s', 900302) [] """ return _TransactionContext()
from typing import Union from typing import Dict from typing import Any import typing def _BoundedIntRange( description: str = "", description_tooltip: str = None, layout: Union[Dict[str, Any], Element[ipywidgets.widgets.widget_layout.Layout]] = {}, max: int = 100, min: int = 0, style: Union[Dict[str, Any], Element[ipywidgets.widgets.widget_description.DescriptionStyle]] = {}, value: tuple = (0, 1), on_description: typing.Callable[[str], Any] = None, on_description_tooltip: typing.Callable[[str], Any] = None, on_layout: typing.Callable[[Union[Dict[str, Any], Element[ipywidgets.widgets.widget_layout.Layout]]], Any] = None, on_max: typing.Callable[[int], Any] = None, on_min: typing.Callable[[int], Any] = None, on_style: typing.Callable[[Union[Dict[str, Any], Element[ipywidgets.widgets.widget_description.DescriptionStyle]]], Any] = None, on_value: typing.Callable[[tuple], Any] = None, ) -> Element[ipywidgets.widgets.widget_int._BoundedIntRange]: """ :param description: Description of the control. :param description_tooltip: Tooltip for the description (defaults to description). :param max: Max value :param min: Min value :param style: Styling customizations :param value: Tuple of (lower, upper) bounds """ kwargs: Dict[Any, Any] = without_default(_BoundedIntRange, locals()) if isinstance(kwargs.get("layout"), dict): kwargs["layout"] = Layout(**kwargs["layout"]) if isinstance(kwargs.get("style"), dict): kwargs["style"] = DescriptionStyle(**kwargs["style"]) widget_cls = ipywidgets.widgets.widget_int._BoundedIntRange comp = react.core.ComponentWidget(widget=widget_cls) return Element(comp, **kwargs)
def get_benchmark_snapshot(benchmark_df, threshold=_MIN_FRACTION_OF_ALIVE_TRIALS_AT_SNAPSHOT): """Finds the latest time where |threshold| fraction of the trials were still running. In most cases, this is the end of the experiment. However, if less than |threshold| fraction of the trials reached the end of the experiment, then we will use an earlier "snapshot" time for comparing results. Returns a data frame that only contains the measurements of the picked snapshot time. """ # Allow overriding threshold with environment variable as well. threshold = environment.get('BENCHMARK_SAMPLE_NUM_THRESHOLD', threshold) num_trials = benchmark_df.trial_id.nunique() trials_running_at_time = benchmark_df.time.value_counts() criteria = trials_running_at_time >= threshold * num_trials ok_times = trials_running_at_time[criteria] latest_ok_time = ok_times.index.max() benchmark_snapshot_df = benchmark_df[benchmark_df.time == latest_ok_time] return benchmark_snapshot_df
import tqdm import timeit import warnings def get_results_seq_len(given_true_eig, hidden_dim, input_dim, min_seq_len, max_seq_len, num_sampled_seq_len, num_repeat, input_mean, input_stddev, output_noise_stddev, init_state_mean=0.0, init_state_stddev=0.0, generate_diagonalizable_only=False, random_seed=0): """Get results for varying sequence lengths. Args: given_true_eig: Ground truth of eigenvalues. If None, generate random eigenvalues from uniform [-1,1] in each repeat of experiment. hidden_dim: Assumed hidden dim. If 0, use true hidden dim. input_dim: The input dim. min_seq_len: Min seq len in experiments. max_seq_len: Max seq len in experiments. num_sampled_seq_len: Number of sampled seq len values in between min and max seq len. num_repeat: Number of repeated experiments for each seq_len. input_mean: Scalar or 1D array of length hidden state dim. input_stddev: Scalar of 1D array of length hidden state dim. output_noise_stddev: Scalar. init_state_mean: Scalar or 1D array of length hidden state dim. init_state_stddev: Scalar of 1D array of length hidden state dim. generate_diagonalizable_only: Whether to only use diagonalizable LDSs in simulations. random_seed: Random seed, integer. Returns: A pandas DataFrame with columns `method`, `seq_len`, `t_secs`, `failed_ratio`, and `l2_r_error`. The same method and seq_len will appear in num_repeat many rows. """ np.random.seed(random_seed) progress_bar = tqdm.tqdm(total=num_repeat * num_sampled_seq_len) gen = lds.SequenceGenerator( input_mean=input_mean, input_stddev=input_stddev, output_noise_stddev=output_noise_stddev, init_state_mean=init_state_mean, init_state_stddev=init_state_stddev) # seq_len_vals = np.linspace(min_seq_len, max_seq_len, num_sampled_seq_len) # seq_len_vals = [int(round(x)) for x in seq_len_vals] min_inv_sqrt_seq_len = 1. / np.sqrt(max_seq_len) max_inv_sqrt_seq_len = 1. / np.sqrt(min_seq_len) inv_sqrt_seq_len_vals = np.linspace(min_inv_sqrt_seq_len, max_inv_sqrt_seq_len, num_sampled_seq_len) seq_len_vals = [int(round(1. / (x * x))) for x in inv_sqrt_seq_len_vals] learning_fns = create_learning_fns(hidden_dim) metric_dict = { k: [] for k in [ 'method', 'seq_len', 't_secs', 'l2_a_error', 'l2_r_error', 'failed_convg' ] } for _ in xrange(num_repeat): if given_true_eig is not None: ground_truth = lds.generate_linear_dynamical_system( hidden_dim, input_dim, eigvalues=given_true_eig) else: ground_truth = lds.generate_linear_dynamical_system( hidden_dim, input_dim, diagonalizable=generate_diagonalizable_only) true_eig = ground_truth.get_spectrum() for seq_len in seq_len_vals: seq = gen.generate_seq(ground_truth, seq_len=seq_len) for k, fn in learning_fns.iteritems(): start_t = timeit.default_timer() with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as caught: warnings.filterwarnings( 'always', category=sm_exceptions.ConvergenceWarning) if FLAGS.hide_inputs: eig_pred = fn(seq.outputs, None) else: eig_pred = fn(seq.outputs, seq.inputs) t_elapsed = timeit.default_timer() - start_t metric_dict['seq_len'].append(seq_len) metric_dict['method'].append(k) metric_dict['t_secs'].append(t_elapsed) metric_dict['l2_a_error'].append(np.linalg.norm(true_eig - eig_pred)) metric_dict['l2_r_error'].append( np.linalg.norm(true_eig - eig_pred) / np.linalg.norm(true_eig)) metric_dict['failed_convg'].append(False) for w in caught: if w.category in [ RuntimeWarning, sm_exceptions.ConvergenceWarning, sm_exceptions.HessianInversionWarning ]: metric_dict['failed_convg'][-1] = True else: warnings.warn(w.message, w.category) progress_bar.update(1) progress_bar.close() return pd.DataFrame(data=metric_dict)
import functools def episode_to_timestep_batch( episode: rlds.BatchedStep, return_horizon: int = 0, drop_return_horizon: bool = False, flatten_observations: bool = False, calculate_episode_return: bool = False) -> """Converts an episode into multi-timestep batches. Args: episode: Batched steps as provided directly by RLDS. return_horizon: int describing the horizon to which we should accumulate the return. drop_return_horizon: bool whether we should drop the last `return_horizon` steps to avoid mis-calculated returns near the end of the episode. flatten_observations: bool whether we should flatten dict-based observations into a single 1-d vector. calculate_episode_return: Whether to calculate episode return. Can be an expensive operation on datasets with many episodes. Returns: rl_dataset.DatasetType of 3-batched transitions, with scalar rewards expanded to 1D rewards This means that for every step, the corresponding elements will be a batch of size 3, with the first batched element corresponding to *_t-1, the second to *_t and the third to *_t+1, e.g. you can access the previous observation as: ``` o_tm1 = el[types.OBSERVATION][0] ``` Two additional keys can be added: 'R_t' which corresponds to the undiscounted return for horizon `return_horizon` from time t (always present), and 'R_total' which corresponds to the total return of the associated episode (if `calculate_episode_return` is True). Rewards are converted to be (at least) one-dimensional, prior to batching (to avoid ()-shaped elements). In this example, 0-valued observations correspond to o_{t-1}, 1-valued observations correspond to o_t, and 2-valued observations correspond to s_{t+1}. This same structure is true for all keys, except 'R_t' and 'R_total' which are both scalars. ``` ipdb> el[types.OBSERVATION] <tf.Tensor: shape=(3, 11), dtype=float32, numpy= array([[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.], [2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2., 2.]], dtype=float32)> ``` """ steps = episode[rlds.STEPS] if drop_return_horizon: episode_length = steps.cardinality() steps = steps.take(episode_length - return_horizon) # Calculate n-step return: rewards = step: step[rlds.REWARD]) batched_rewards = rlds.transformations.batch( rewards, size=return_horizon, shift=1, stride=1, drop_remainder=True) returns = output =, returns)).map(_append_n_step_return) # Calculate total episode return for potential filtering, use total # of steps # to calculate return. if calculate_episode_return: dtype = jnp.float64 if jax.config.jax_enable_x64 else jnp.float32 # Need to redefine this here to avoid a crash. rewards = step: step[rlds.REWARD]) episode_return = rewards.reduce(dtype(0), lambda x, y: x + y) output = functools.partial( _append_episode_return, episode_return=episode_return)) output = if flatten_observations: output = output = rlds.transformations.batch( output, size=3, shift=1, drop_remainder=True) return output
def parse(authz_file, modules): """Parse a Subversion authorization file. Return a dict of modules, each containing a dict of paths, each containing a dict mapping users to permissions. Only modules contained in `modules` are retained. """ parser = UnicodeConfigParser(ignorecase_option=False) groups = {} aliases = {} sections = {} for section in parser.sections(): if section == 'groups': for name, value in parser.items(section): groups.setdefault(name, set()).update(to_list(value)) elif section == 'aliases': for name, value in parser.items(section): aliases[name] = value.strip() else: for name, value in parser.items(section): parts = section.split(':', 1) module, path = parts[0] if len(parts) > 1 else '', parts[-1] if module in modules: sections.setdefault((module, path), []) \ .append((name, value)) def resolve(subject, done): if subject.startswith('@'): done.add(subject) for members in groups[subject[1:]] - done: for each in resolve(members, done): yield each elif subject.startswith('&'): yield aliases[subject[1:]] else: yield subject authz = {} for (module, path), items in sections.iteritems(): section = authz.setdefault(module, {}).setdefault(path, {}) for subject, perms in items: readable = 'r' in perms # Ordering isn't significant; any entry could grant permission section.update((user, readable) for user in resolve(subject, set()) if not section.get(user)) return authz
def send_expiry_note(invite, request, user_name): """ Send a notification email to the issuer of an invitation when a user attempts to accept an expired invitation. :param invite: ProjectInvite object :param request: HTTP request :param user_name: User name of invited user :return: Amount of sent email (int) """ subject = ( SUBJECT_PREFIX + ' ' + SUBJECT_EXPIRY.format( user_name=user_name, project=invite.project.title ) ) message = get_email_header( MESSAGE_HEADER.format( recipient=invite.issuer.get_full_name(), site_title=SITE_TITLE ) ) message += MESSAGE_EXPIRY_BODY.format(, project=invite.project.title, user_name=user_name,, date_expire=localtime(invite.date_expire).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'), site_title=SITE_TITLE, project_label=get_display_name(invite.project.type), ) if not settings.PROJECTROLES_EMAIL_SENDER_REPLY: message += NO_REPLY_NOTE message += get_email_footer() return send_mail(subject, message, [], request)
def level_is_between(level, min_level_value, max_level_value): """Returns True if level is between the specified min or max, inclusive.""" level_value = get_level_value(level) if level_value is None: # unknown level value return False return level_value >= min_level_value and level_value <= max_level_value
def voronoiMatrix(sz=512,percent=0.1,num_classes=27): """ Create voronoi polygons. Parameters ---------- sz : int row and column size of the space in which the circle is placed percent : float Percent of the space to place down centers of the voronoi polygons. Smaller percent makes the polygons larger num_classes : int Number of classes to assign to each of the voronoi polygons Returns ------- X : 2D array Array containing all voronoi polygons """ X = np.zeros((sz,sz)) #fill in percentage of the space locs = np.random.rand(sz,sz)<=percent vals = np.random.randint(0,num_classes,size=(sz,sz)) X[locs]=vals[locs] #get all the indices of the matrix cc,rr = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0,sz),np.arange(0,sz)) f = np.zeros((sz**2,2)) f[:,0]=rr.ravel() #feature1 f[:,1]=cc.ravel() #feature2 t = X.ravel() #target train_ind = locs.ravel() f_train = f[train_ind] t_train = t[train_ind] clf = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=1), t_train) preds = clf.predict(f) locs = f.astype(int) X[locs[:,0],locs[:,1]] = preds return X
from typing import Counter def genVBOF2(virus_record, model, model_name=None): """New version of the genVBOF function by Hadrien. Builds a Virus Biomass Objective Function (basically a virus biomass production reaction, from aminoacids and nucleotides) from a genbank file. Params: - virus_record: genbank record of a virus (output from Bio.SeqIO.parse) - model: a cobra metabolic model (cobra.core.model.Model) Returns: - virus biomass objective function (cobra.core.reaction.Reaction) """ met_dict = load_metabolite_id_dict(model, model_name=model_name) # VIRUS IDENTIFICATION taxonomy = " ".join([taxon.lower() for taxon in virus_record.annotations["taxonomy"]]) if "betacoronavirus" not in taxonomy: raise NotImplementedError('Virus family is not supported: Unable to create VBOF. Consult _README') short_name, full_name = get_virus_names(virus_record) # AMINOACID COUNT all_cds = {feature for feature in virus_record.features if feature.type == "CDS"} # Check that our own virus_composition dict contain exactly the # proteins defined in the genbank file, no more, no less. protein_names_in_gb_file = {cds.qualifiers["product"][0] for cds in all_cds} protein_names_in_our_data = {protein_name for protein_name in virus_composition[short_name]["proteins"]} assert protein_names_in_gb_file == protein_names_in_our_data virus_aa_composition = Counter() # protein name -> number of atp involved in its peptide bonds formations # (accounting for the number of copies of protein) peptide_bond_formation = dict() for cds in all_cds: protein_name = cds.qualifiers["product"][0] aa_sequence = cds.qualifiers["translation"][0] aa_count = Counter(aa_sequence) copies_per_virus = virus_composition[short_name]["proteins"][protein_name] virus_aa_composition += multiply_counter(aa_count, copies_per_virus) peptide_bond_formation[protein_name] = (len(aa_sequence) * k_atp_protein - k_atp_protein) * copies_per_virus # [3] Precursor frequency # Genome [Nucleotides] Cg = virus_composition[short_name]["Cg"] # number of genome copies per virus virus_nucl_count = Counter(str(virus_record.seq)) countA = virus_nucl_count["A"] countC = virus_nucl_count["C"] countG = virus_nucl_count["G"] countU = virus_nucl_count["T"] # Base 'T' is pseudo for base 'U' antiA = countU antiC = countG antiG = countC antiU = countA # Count summation totNTPS = (Cg * (countA + countC + countG + countU + antiA + antiC + antiG + antiU)) totAA = sum(count for count in virus_aa_composition.values()) # [4] VBOF Calculations # Nucleotides # mol.ntps/mol.virus V_a = (Cg*(countA + antiA)) V_c = (Cg*(countC + antiC)) V_g = (Cg*(countG + antiG)) V_u = (Cg*(countU + antiU)) # g.ntps/mol.virus G_a = V_a * ntpsDict["atp"] G_c = V_c * ntpsDict["ctp"] G_g = V_g * ntpsDict["gtp"] G_u = V_u * ntpsDict["ttp"] # Amino Acids # g.a/mol.virus G_aa = {aa: count * aaDict[aa] for aa, count in virus_aa_composition.items()} # Total genomic and proteomic molar mass M_v = (G_a + G_c + G_g + G_u) + sum(G_aa.values()) # Stoichiometric coefficients # Nucleotides [mmol.ntps/g.virus] (for the genome) S_atp = 1000 * (V_a/M_v) S_ctp = 1000 * (V_c/M_v) S_gtp = 1000 * (V_g/M_v) S_utp = 1000 * (V_u/M_v) # Amino acids [mmol.aa/g.virus] S_aa = {aa: 1000 * V_aa / M_v for aa, V_aa in virus_aa_composition.items()} # Energy requirements # Genome: Phosphodiester bond formation products [Pyrophosphate] # SARS Cov 2 is a single stranded RNA virus: it has to first do an # intermediary reverse copy of itself and then replicate itself from # that intermediary strand. genTemp = (((countA + countC + countG + countU) * k_ppi) - k_ppi) genRep = (((antiA + antiC + antiG + antiU) * k_ppi) - k_ppi) genTot = genTemp + genRep V_ppi = genTot S_ppi = 1000 * (V_ppi / M_v) # Proteome: Peptide bond formation [ATP + H2O] # Note: ATP used in this process is denoated as ATPe/Ae [e = energy version] V_Ae = sum(peptide_bond_formation.values()) S_Ae = 1000 * (V_Ae / M_v) # [5] VBOF Reaction formatting and output # Left-hand terms: Nucleotides # Note: ATP term is a summation of genome and energy requirements S_ATP = (S_atp + S_Ae) * -1 S_CTP = S_ctp * -1 S_GTP = S_gtp * -1 S_UTP = S_utp * -1 # Left-hand terms: Amino Acids S_AAf = {aa: -coef for aa, coef in S_aa.items()} # Left-hand terms: Energy Requirements S_H2O = S_Ae * -1 # Right-hand terms: Energy Requirements S_ADP = S_Ae S_Pi = S_Ae S_H = S_Ae S_PPi = S_ppi reaction_name = short_name + '_prodrxn_VN' virus_reaction = Reaction(reaction_name) = full_name + ' production reaction' virus_reaction.subsystem = 'Virus Production' virus_reaction.lower_bound = 0 virus_reaction.upper_bound = 1000 virus_reaction.add_metabolites(({ met_dict['atp']: S_ATP, met_dict['ctp']: S_CTP, met_dict['gtp']: S_GTP, met_dict['utp']: S_UTP, met_dict['A']: S_AAf['A'], met_dict['R']: S_AAf['R'], met_dict['N']: S_AAf['N'], met_dict['D']: S_AAf['D'], met_dict['C']: S_AAf['C'], met_dict['Q']: S_AAf['Q'], met_dict['E']: S_AAf['E'], met_dict['G']: S_AAf['G'], met_dict['H']: S_AAf['H'], met_dict['I']: S_AAf['I'], met_dict['L']: S_AAf['L'], met_dict['K']: S_AAf['K'], met_dict['M']: S_AAf['M'], met_dict['F']: S_AAf['F'], met_dict['P']: S_AAf['P'], met_dict['S']: S_AAf['S'], met_dict['T']: S_AAf['T'], met_dict['W']: S_AAf['W'], met_dict['Y']: S_AAf['Y'], met_dict['V']: S_AAf['V'], met_dict['h2o']: S_H2O, met_dict['adp']: S_ADP, met_dict['Pi']: S_Pi, met_dict['h']: S_H, met_dict['PPi']: S_PPi})) return virus_reaction
import time def get_current_ms_time() -> int: """ :return: the current time in milliseconds """ return int(time.time() * 1000)
def get_service_info(): # noqa: E501 """Get information about Workflow Execution Service. May include information related (but not limited to) the workflow descriptor formats, versions supported, the WES API versions supported, and information about general service availability. # noqa: E501 :rtype: ServiceInfo """ return adapter.get_service_info()
def str_of_tuple(d, str_format): """Convert tuple to str. It's just str_format.format(*d). Why even write such a function? (1) To have a consistent interface for key conversions (2) We want a KeyValidationError to occur here Args: d: tuple if params to str_format str_format: Auto fields format string. If you have manual fields, consider auto_field_format_str to convert. Returns: parametrized string >>> str_of_tuple(('hello', 'world'), "Well, {} dear {}!") 'Well, hello dear world!' """ try: return str_format.format(*d) except Exception as e: raise KeyValidationError(e)
def _intersect(bboxes1, bboxes2): """ bboxes: t x n x 4 """ assert bboxes1.shape[0] == bboxes2.shape[0] t = bboxes1.shape[0] inters = np.zeros((bboxes1.shape[1], bboxes2.shape[1]), dtype=np.float32) _min = np.empty((bboxes1.shape[1], bboxes2.shape[1]), dtype=np.float32) _max = np.empty((bboxes1.shape[1], bboxes2.shape[1]), dtype=np.float32) w = np.empty((bboxes1.shape[1], bboxes2.shape[1]), dtype=np.float32) h = np.empty((bboxes1.shape[1], bboxes2.shape[1]), dtype=np.float32) for i in range(t): np.maximum.outer(bboxes1[i, :, 0], bboxes2[i, :, 0], out=_min) np.minimum.outer(bboxes1[i, :, 2], bboxes2[i, :, 2], out=_max) np.subtract(_max + 1, _min, out=w) w.clip(min=0, out=w) np.maximum.outer(bboxes1[i, :, 1], bboxes2[i, :, 1], out=_min) np.minimum.outer(bboxes1[i, :, 3], bboxes2[i, :, 3], out=_max) np.subtract(_max + 1, _min, out=h) h.clip(min=0, out=h) np.multiply(w, h, out=w) inters += w return inters
def convert_x_to_bbox(x,score=None): """ Takes a bounding box in the centre form [x,y,s,r] and returns it in the form [x1,y1,x2,y2] where x1,y1 is the top left and x2,y2 is the bottom right """ w = np.sqrt(np.abs(x[2] * x[3])) if(w<=0): w=1 h = x[2] / w if(score==None): return np.array([x[0]-w/2.,x[1]-h/2.,x[0]+w/2.,x[1]+h/2.],np.float32) else: return np.array([x[0]-w/2.,x[1]-h/2.,x[0]+w/2.,x[1]+h/2.,score]).reshape((1,5))
from typing import Tuple def decimal_to_boolean_list(num: int, padding: int = 0) -> Tuple[bool, ...]: """ Convert a decimal number into a tuple of booleans, representing its binary value. """ # Convert the decimal into binary binary = bin(num).replace('0b', '').zfill(padding) # Return a tuple of booleans, one for each element of the binary number (it's either '0' or '1' so we can convert # directly to boolean) return tuple(char == '1' for char in binary)
def get_credentials(fn, url, username, allowed): """Call fn and return the credentials object""" url_str = maybe_string(url) username_str = maybe_string(username) creds = fn(url_str, username_str, allowed) credential_type = getattr(creds, 'credential_type', None) credential_tuple = getattr(creds, 'credential_tuple', None) if not credential_type or not credential_tuple: raise TypeError("credential does not implement interface") cred_type = credential_type if not (allowed & cred_type): raise TypeError("invalid credential type") ccred ='git_cred **') if cred_type == C.GIT_CREDTYPE_USERPASS_PLAINTEXT: name, passwd = credential_tuple err = C.git_cred_userpass_plaintext_new(ccred, to_bytes(name), to_bytes(passwd)) elif cred_type == C.GIT_CREDTYPE_SSH_KEY: name, pubkey, privkey, passphrase = credential_tuple if pubkey is None and privkey is None: err = C.git_cred_ssh_key_from_agent(ccred, to_bytes(name)) else: err = C.git_cred_ssh_key_new(ccred, to_bytes(name), to_bytes(pubkey), to_bytes(privkey), to_bytes(passphrase)) else: raise TypeError("unsupported credential type") check_error(err) return ccred
def tpack(text, width=100): """Pack a list of words into lines, so long as each line (including intervening spaces) is no longer than _width_""" lines = [text[0]] for word in text[1:]: if len(lines[-1]) + 1 + len(word) <= width: lines[-1] += (' ' + word) else: lines += [word] return lines
import torch def _log_evidence_func(arr): """Returns an estimate of the log evidence from a set of log importance wegiths in arr. arr has shape TxN where T is the number of trials and N is the number of samples for estimation. Args: arr (torch.FloatTensor of shape TxN): log importance weights Returns: A tensor of shape (T,) representing the estimates for each set of sampels. """ T, N = arr.shape log_evidence = torch.logsumexp(arr, dim=1) - np.log(N) return log_evidence
import struct def parse_bgp_attr(atype, aval_buf): """Given a type and value buffer, parses a BGP attribute and returns the value parsed""" if atype == BGP_ATYPE_ORIGIN: attr = 'ORIGIN' if len(aval_buf) != 1: return None, None, -1 aval = struct.unpack('B', aval_buf)[0] aval = BGP_ORIGIN_TYPES[aval] return attr, aval, 1 elif atype == BGP_ATYPE_ASPATH: attr = 'ASPATH' segtype, seglen = struct.unpack('BB', aval_buf[:2]) ases = [] segproc = 2 for i in range(seglen): as_, = struct.unpack('>I', aval_buf[segproc:segproc+4]) segproc += 4 ases.append(as_) return attr, ases, len(aval_buf) elif atype == BGP_ATYPE_NEXTHOP: attr = 'NEXTHOP' aval = inet_ntoa(aval_buf) return attr, aval, 4 else: return None, None, len(aval_buf)
def getUsage(): """ Get usage information about running APBS via Python Returns (usage) usage: Text about running APBS via Python """ usage = "\n\n\ ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\ This driver program calculates electrostatic potentials, energies,\n\ and forces using both multigrid methods.\n\ It is invoked as:\n\n\ python\n\ ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n" return usage
def run_length_div_decode(x, n, divisor): """Decodes a run length encoded array and scales/converts integer values to float Parameters ---------- x : encoded array of integers (value, repeat pairs) n : number of element in decoded array """ y = np.empty(n, dtype=np.float32) start = 0 for i in range(0, x.shape[0] - 1, 2): end = x[i + 1] + start y[start:end] = x[i] / divisor start = end return y
def modelFnBuilder(config): """Returns 'model_fn' closure for Estimator.""" def model_fn(features, labels, mode, params): print('*** Features ***') for name in sorted(features.keys()):' name = {}, shape = {}'.format(name, features[name].shape)) is_training = (mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN) # get the data input_texts = features['input_texts'] input_texts_length = features['input_texts_length'] input_chars = features['input_chars'] input_chars_length = features['input_chars_length'] output_tags = labels['output_tags'] if is_training else None # build the model model = MultiTaskIntentModel(config, cg.BATCH_SIZE, is_training, input_texts=input_texts, input_texts_length=input_texts_length, input_chars=input_chars, input_chars_length=input_chars_length, output_tags=output_tags) # predict if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT: intent_logits = model.getResults('intent_logits') intent_probs = tf.nn.softmax(intent_logits, axis=-1) intent_labels = tf.math.argmax(intent_probs, axis=-1) tag_logits = model.getResults('tag_logits') viterbi_sequence, viterbi_score = model.decode(logit=tag_logits, sequence_lengths=input_texts_length) predictions = {'intent_labels': intent_labels, 'viterbi_sequence': viterbi_sequence, 'viterbi_score': viterbi_score} output_spec = tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec(mode, predictions) elif mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN: gold_intent_labels = labels['output_indents'] intent_logits = model.getResults('intent_logits') # max_time = tf.shape(gold_intent_labels)[1] # target_weights = tf.sequence_mask(input_texts_length, max_time, dtype=intent_logits.dtype) batch_size = tf.cast(cg.BATCH_SIZE, dtype=tf.float32) intent_loss = tf.reduce_sum( tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( labels=gold_intent_labels, logits=intent_logits)) / batch_size tag_log_likelihood = model.getResults('log_likelihood') tag_loss = tf.reduce_mean(-tag_log_likelihood) loss = intent_loss + tag_loss tvars = tf.trainable_variables() l2_loss = 1e-2 * (tf.reduce_mean([tf.nn.l2_loss(v) for v in tvars])) loss += l2_loss lr = tf.train.polynomial_decay( cg.LEARNING_RATE, tf.train.get_or_create_global_step(), cg.TRAIN_STEPS) lr = tf.maximum(tf.constant(cg.LEARNING_RATE_LIMIT), lr) # create optimizer and update optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=lr) gradients = tf.gradients(loss, tvars, colocate_gradients_with_ops=True) clipped_gradients, _ = tf.clip_by_global_norm(gradients, 5.0) train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(clipped_gradients, tvars), global_step=tf.train.get_global_step()) logging_hook = tf.train.LoggingTensorHook({'step': tf.train.get_global_step(), 'loss': loss, 'l2_loss': l2_loss, 'lr': lr, 'intent_loss': intent_loss, 'tag_loss': tag_loss}, every_n_iter=1) output_spec = tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec(mode, loss=loss, train_op=train_op, training_hooks=[logging_hook]) else: raise NotImplementedError return output_spec return model_fn
from notifications.utils import notify_people, unotify_people def accreds_validate(request, pk): """Validate an accred""" accreds = [get_object_or_404(Accreditation, pk=pk_, end_date=None) for pk_ in filter(lambda x: x, pk.split(','))] multi_obj = len(accreds) > 1 for accred in accreds: if not accred.rights_can('VALIDATE', request.user): raise Http404 if request.method == 'POST': for accred in accreds: accred.need_validation = False accred.user.clear_rights_cache() AccreditationLog(accreditation=accred, who=request.user, type='validated').save() dest_users = accred.unit.users_with_access('ACCREDITATION', no_parent=True) notify_people(request, 'Accreds.Validated', 'accreds_validated', accred, dest_users) unotify_people('Accreds.ToValidate', accred) if multi_obj: messages.success(request, _(u'Accréditations validées !')) else: messages.success(request, _(u'Accréditation validée !')) return redirect('units-views-accreds_list') return render(request, 'units/accreds/validate.html', {'accreds': accreds, 'multi_obj': multi_obj})