Dataset Preview
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The full dataset viewer is not available (click to read why). Only showing a preview of the rows.
The dataset generation failed because of a cast error
Error code:   DatasetGenerationCastError
Exception:    DatasetGenerationCastError
Message:      An error occurred while generating the dataset

All the data files must have the same columns, but at some point there are 2 new columns ({'valid', 'test'}) and 3 missing columns ({'story', 'cause_idx', 'res_idx'}).

This happened while the json dataset builder was generating data using

hf://datasets/ZhaoweiWang/COPES/split_idx_42.json (at revision b2b739b496c214611acc099a296d39eb1a3fd519)

Please either edit the data files to have matching columns, or separate them into different configurations (see docs at
Traceback:    Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2011, in _prepare_split_single
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 585, in write_table
                  pa_table = table_cast(pa_table, self._schema)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2302, in table_cast
                  return cast_table_to_schema(table, schema)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2256, in cast_table_to_schema
                  raise CastError(
              datasets.table.CastError: Couldn't cast
              valid: list<item: int64>
                child 0, item: int64
              test: list<item: int64>
                child 0, item: int64
              {'story': Sequence(feature=Value(dtype='string', id=None), length=-1, id=None), 'cause_idx': Sequence(feature=Value(dtype='int64', id=None), length=-1, id=None), 'res_idx': Value(dtype='int64', id=None)}
              because column names don't match
              During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
              Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1321, in compute_config_parquet_and_info_response
                  parquet_operations = convert_to_parquet(builder)
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 935, in convert_to_parquet
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1027, in download_and_prepare
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1122, in _download_and_prepare
                  self._prepare_split(split_generator, **prepare_split_kwargs)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1882, in _prepare_split
                  for job_id, done, content in self._prepare_split_single(
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2013, in _prepare_split_single
                  raise DatasetGenerationCastError.from_cast_error(
              datasets.exceptions.DatasetGenerationCastError: An error occurred while generating the dataset
              All the data files must have the same columns, but at some point there are 2 new columns ({'valid', 'test'}) and 3 missing columns ({'story', 'cause_idx', 'res_idx'}).
              This happened while the json dataset builder was generating data using
              hf://datasets/ZhaoweiWang/COPES/split_idx_42.json (at revision b2b739b496c214611acc099a296d39eb1a3fd519)
              Please either edit the data files to have matching columns, or separate them into different configurations (see docs at

Need help to make the dataset viewer work? Make sure to review how to configure the dataset viewer, and open a discussion for direct support.

[ "Taylor went fishing with his father.", "They got up very early to go to the lake.", "They sat quietly all day long.", "Finally, they caught a fish!.", "It was too small and they had to toss it back." ]
[ 3 ]
[ "Charlie went to food truck event at the beach.", "He said they had a ton of trucks there.", "He tried food from a few trucks.", "He said the food was great.", "I am going to try to go next year." ]
[ 3 ]
[ "Sandra went strawberry picking with her mother.", "They spent several hours in the sun gathering berries.", "At the end of the day sandra dropped her bushel of strawberries!.", "Luckily she was able to scoop them all up again.", "Sandra was glad that her hard work hadn't been wasted!." ]
[ 3 ]
[ "Lewy wanted to build a snowman.", "He went outside and started rolling snow.", "Soon he had a snowman.", "Lewy found some green paint.", "Soon he had a green snowman." ]
[ 2, 3 ]
[ "Nell was new in school and wanted to make friends.", "Nell told the class that her parents ran a candy store.", "On the playground, kids flocked around nell.", "They asked nell to bring them some candy.", "Nell snuck into the store and grabbed candy for her friends." ]
[ 3 ]
[ "Today was sarah's birthday!.", "She had a big party with all of her family and friends.", "She had lots of presents.", "Her cake had pink and purple flowers on it.", "Sarah had a great birthday." ]
[ 0, 1 ]
[ "Sally's mother woke her up for school.", "Sally told her that she did not feel very well.", "Her mother checked her temperature.", "Her temperature showed she had a fever.", "So her mother took her to the doctor for medicine." ]
[ 3 ]
[ "My friend told me about a new bar in town.", "We drove around trying to find it and saw it was packed.", "We parked and went inside the bar.", "My friend saw a handsome man who she liked.", "The man walked up to my friend and gave her his number." ]
[ 3 ]
[ "Kim was excited about her new shows.", "She decided to wear them out as soon as she could.", "Unfortunately it had rained recently.", "Kim accidentally stepped into a muddy puddle.", "It ruined her new shoes." ]
[ 3 ]
[ "Today timmy jumped and played in the mud.", "The mud got all over his clothes.", "He went inside his home and his mom said he needed a bath.", "Timmy got in the tub and his mom bathed him.", "Timmy was finally clean." ]
[ 3 ]
[ "I woke up feeling very sick.", "I had a fever, aches, and a runny nose.", "I went to the doctor to find out what was wrong.", "My doctor told me that i had the flu.", "I slept a lot for three days until i finally felt better." ]
[ 1, 3 ]
[ "Jill's tomatoes kept disappearing off the plant on her deck.", "There'd be one ready to be picked the next day.", "But when she'd get up in the morning, it would be gone.", "One day she got up extra early.", "When she looked outside there was a fat squirrel eating her tomatoes." ]
[ "Jim gained weight after eating poorly.", "He tried to put a belt on but it would not fit.", "He took out a hole punch and punched new holes in his belt.", "Jim put on the new belt for a test fit.", "He was pleased with how the bigger belt fit." ]
[ 3 ]
[ "Ed took out his airplane for fun on a cloudy day.", "Some of the clouds started to get dark as he flew.", "Eventually ed got stuck in a thunderstorm.", "He had to land the plane on the road down below.", "Many cars rushed out of the way to make room for his plane." ]
[ 3 ]
[ "My girlfriend, rita, was sitting on the beach.", "She started getting bored, so she decided to take a swim.", "When she jumped in the ocean, she saw the fin of a shark.", "Rita quickly exited the water, and ran for the parking lot.", "She told me she never wanted to go to that beach again." ]
[ 2 ]
[ "Ollie does not plan to go to school today.", "When he leaves home after breakfast, he walks towards the bus stop.", "He continues past the bus stop and goes to the arcade.", "As it turns out, the arcade isn't open at 9am.", "Ollie goes to school." ]
[ 3 ]
[ "It started raining this morning.", "I spent some time making coffee and sitting down.", "Opening the curtains, i saw the pretty rain.", "It rained all morning.", "Now i don't need to water my garden!." ]
[ 3 ]
[ "We decided to get married on the beach.", "Our family and friends met us there.", "It was a perfectly sunny summer day.", "Best of all, no one had to wear shoes!.", "We ended our day with a dip in the cool ocean." ]
[ 0 ]
[ "The man filled the pitcher.", "He carried it to the table.", "He dropped the pitcher.", "Some of the beer fell on the ground.", "The man went to get a new pitcher." ]
[ 2 ]
[ "Yesterday was lauren's birthday.", "Her mother decided to surprise her with her favorite cake.", "Lauren loves lemon cake.", "Lauren's mother even decorated the cake with candles.", "She loved the cake and ate 2 pieces after blowing out the candles." ]
[ 1, 3 ]
[ "Tim wanted to start a band.", "Tim wanted to play the guitar.", "Tim practiced for months.", "Tim had gotten really good at guitar.", "Tim successfully started his band!." ]
[ 3 ]
[ "Steph was in a pumpkin patch.", "She wandered around the patch checking pumpkins.", "She found a few that were okay, but nothing great.", "Suddenly, she saw a perfect pumpkin.", "She put it in a wheelbarrow and brought it to her car." ]
[ 3 ]
[ "Joe woke up to see that his car was snowed in.", "Joe put on his warm cloths to go outside.", "Joe went outside and got his snow shovel.", "Joe worked for a long time shoveling the snow.", "Joe was proud when he saw he had cleared his car out." ]
[ 3 ]
[ "Renee has a baby.", "One day, courtney asked to hold the baby.", "Courtney did not know how to hold renee's baby.", "Renee showed her how to hold the baby.", "Courtney was happy to learn how to hold a baby." ]
[ 3 ]
[ "I wanted to grow fruit in my backyard.", "I decided to grow pears.", "I bought some pear tree seeds and planted them.", "After two years, the pear tree finally developed fruit.", "The pears were delicious!." ]
[ 3 ]
[ "Timmy wanted to have a big thanksgiving dinner.", "Timmy asked his mom if the family could have a big thanksgiving dinner.", "Timmy's mom agreed that they could have a big thanksgiving dinner.", "Timmy's mom invited all of their friends and family for thanksgiving.", "Timmy and his family had a great thanksgiving together." ]
[ 2, 3 ]
[ "Kelly and rob had a date for tonight.", "Rob picked her up at six.", "The two of them had a great time.", "The date went so well, they ended with a kiss.", "Rob and kelly agreed to see each other again." ]
[ 3 ]
[ "Tina wanted a new phone.", "She begged her parents for one.", "They said no.", "Finally they said yes.", "She got a new one the next day." ]
[ 3 ]
[ "Sadie was on a skiing trip with her parents.", "She was really having fun for the first part of the day.", "Soon she began to feel bitterly cold.", "She tried to get through it but it was too frustrating.", "Finally, she gave up and decided to stop skiing." ]
[ 3 ]
[ "Ericka enjoyed going to restaurants, but she liked to save money too.", "She found a coupon for her favorite restaurant.", "She went there for lunch and ordered a burger.", "When the bill came, she was nervous about the coupon.", "The restaurant accepted the coupon and ericka saved a lot of money!." ]
[ 1, 2 ]
[ "Ian decided to grow his own vegetables in his backyard.", "He thought it would save him money.", "But he got tired of watering of them.", "It turned out to be a lot of work.", "Ian felt like a full time farmer." ]
[ 3 ]
[ "Kyle had decided to teach his cat how to walk on a leash.", "That way he could take it for walks around the city.", "He went to the pet store and bought a leash and collar.", "The cat did not fight him at all when he put the collar on.", "They go for walks twice a day with no problems." ]
[ 3 ]
[ "Oliver was visiting the dog pound with his family.", "They were looking for a new puppy.", "Then, oliver spotted an older, tired looking dog.", "He was a stray who had been injured.", "Oliver decided that he wanted to give that dog a home." ]
[ 2 ]
[ "Sarah got into an accident on new year's eve.", "She slid on the highway and hit the car next to her.", "They both slid into the guardrail.", "No one was hurt.", "Both cars were totalled." ]
[ 2 ]
[ "Cory had his first track meet today.", "Cory had only been on the track team for a few weeks.", "He ran laps every day with his friends.", "He still wasn't sure how his performance would compare.", "Cory did much better than he expected." ]
[ 1, 3 ]
[ "Dave had to take a train to his grandma's house.", "This was his first time.", "He kept asking people for help and directions.", "He made everything on time.", "He met up with his grandma." ]
[ 3 ]
[ "We had my oldest nephew sleep over at our house.", "He packed up all his clothes, and brought some books.", "We went swimming in the pool and then got ice cream.", "After dinner we made a fire and had s'mores.", "It was a great time, i hope we can do it again." ]
[ 0, 2, 3 ]
[ "Stephen woke up to a cold morning.", "He walked outside.", "There was ice on the ground.", "A old woman was about to step on the ice.", "Stephen saved her from the fall." ]
[ 2, 3 ]
[ "Ann loved to build snowmen.", "She went outside in the snow.", "Than she began to roll it in balls.", "Soon she had a big snowman.", "Ann had the coolest snowman on the block." ]
[ 3 ]
[ "Nana sings a song to fiona.", "Fiona smiles at nana.", "Fiona claps her hands.", "Fiona dances in circles.", "Fiona sings a song to nana." ]
[ 0 ]
[ "The man made a date.", "He was excited to go.", "He got ready for the date.", "He went to the meeting spot.", "His date never showed up." ]
[ 0, 3 ]
[ "Lucy burned her arm on the oven.", "She tried not to cry, but the burn hurt a lot.", "Her grandma sprayed a burn spray on the burn.", "Lucy put a band-aid on the burn and went to watch tv.", "After 10 minutes the burn no longer hurt." ]
[ 2 ]
[ "I went to a baseball game.", "There was a loud fan in front of me.", "He yelled at every pitch for three innings.", "The crowd then yelled at him.", "He was very quiet for the rest of the game." ]
[ 1, 3 ]
[ "I was in plays my entire young adult life.", "I wanted to become a big star.", "I practiced acting all the time.", "I was great on stage.", "But i never won any awards and gave up my dreams." ]
[ 1 ]
[ "It was finally time to leave for the beach.", "I packed up all of my things and put my flip-flops on.", "It was a short walk to the beach.", "I took my flip-flops off and started walking on the sand.", "The feeling of sand between my toes was great." ]
[ 1, 3 ]
[ "Nell had always wanted to go to spain.", "As soon as she could afford it she booked her ticket to madrid.", "She stayed in madrid for a few days before heading out to explore.", "Her explorations led her to walk the camino de santiago.", "Two months later she flew back to the united states a happy woman." ]
[ 1 ]
[ "Rachel was studying to become baptized.", "She was nearing the end of her lessons.", "Her teacher asked her if she was sure that she wanted to do it.", "Rachel thought about it.", "She had a change of heart and decided not to go through with it." ]
[ 2 ]
[ "Thalia has been invited to play at her friend janice's home.", "When thalia arrives there, she is excited to see a trampoline.", "Thalia and janice spend the whole afternoon on the trampoline.", "Thalia has so much fun that she asks her father if they can get one.", "Thalia would love to have a trampoline just like janice has." ]
[ 2 ]
[ "Ashley hated dragon flys a lot.", "In fact, she hated anything that was small and flew.", "One day, ashley was forced to go outside.", "Then, ashley suddenly saw a dragonfly.", "At first, she was scared but then, she fought her fears and won." ]
[ 3 ]
[ "Rob took his son fishing.", "The went out in the boat in the pond.", "Rob helped his son cast his line.", "The little boy threw out the line and felt a tug.", "He caught a five pound catfish!." ]
[ 3 ]
[ "Joe didn't have a costume for this halloween party.", "Joe went to a costume store to find one.", "He found a very nice costume.", "He bought it and took it home to put it on.", "He went to the party with his costume." ]
[ 0 ]
[ "I have to do most of the cleaning at my house.", "One thing i do is clean the floors.", "I sweep the floors with a broom.", "Then, i mop the floors with hot water and soap.", "Finally, i wait for the floors to dry." ]
[ 3 ]
[ "The horse showed up to our house.", "It was brown and white.", "No one knew where it came from.", "She was broken and let us ride here.", "We adopted her and named her claire." ]
[ 0 ]
[ "Bob hated mowing.", "Mowing was his least favorite activity.", "His wife however, loved to have a perfect yard.", "So every saturday bob would wake up and mow the yard.", "Bob mowed every saturday to prove his love for his wife." ]
[ 2 ]
[ "Linda had always loved the xylophone.", "Since she was very little, she loved the instrument.", "Once linda was 10 years old, she started learning it.", "After a lot of hard work, she could play it.", "Now, linda is one of the best players in the nation." ]
[ 3 ]
[ "Gina was on a side street getting on the main street.", "But the streets were icy, and the side street was a hill.", "Gina's car was having a hard time getting up the hill.", "She realized she would need to back up to get up the hill.", "Just then a van pulled up behind her and she was unable to back up." ]
[ 3 ]
[ "I went to the beach yesterday.", "It took forever to get there.", "We had to use the gps.", "But the gps was not working.", "We got stuck." ]
[ 0, 1 ]
[ "Mindy was scared of roaches.", "She thought they would one day take over the world.", "One day she got out of bed for a glass of water.", "She saw a roach on the floor.", "Mindy nearly fainted." ]
[ 0, 3 ]
[ "John decided he wanted to move to a new state.", "Before he could move he needed to sell his house.", "A buyer offered john a good price for his house.", "John sold the house.", "He was happy that he could now move to a new state." ]
[ 2, 3 ]
[ "Ed wanted to go for a boat ride.", "He went down to the marina.", "There, he asked a captain to give him a ride.", "The captain agreed.", "Ed had a great time on his boat ride!." ]
[ 2, 3 ]
[ "Jake was invited to a friend's house for a party.", "He never really liked the friend.", "He knew it was his parent's house.", "He decided to throw up in one of the closets.", "Nobody ever found out it was him." ]
[ 0, 3 ]
[ "Louisa got her kids a new puppy.", "She surprised them on christmas morning.", "The puppy came out of the garage with a bow on it's neck.", "The boys played with the puppy.", "Then, they named it." ]
[ 0 ]
[ "Dan was digging in his yard to put in an extension to his home.", "He wasn't very deep when his shovel thudded against something hard.", "Suddenly a black stream spewed up into the air!.", "Dan thought he'd struck oil!.", "When he sniffed the air he realized he'd struck a sewage pipe." ]
[ 2, 3 ]
[ "It was the day of the big football game.", "Tim went to school ready to win.", "After a hard fought game, tim's team won.", "However, tim's clothes were all dirty.", "Fortunately, his mother bought him a change of clothes." ]
[ 2, 3 ]
[ "Sandra went strawberry picking with her mother.", "They spent several hours in the sun gathering berries.", "At the end of the day sandra dropped her bushel of strawberries!.", "Luckily she was able to scoop them all up again.", "Sandra was glad that her hard work hadn't been wasted!." ]
[ 2, 3 ]
[ "Richard was never sick usually.", "One day, richard got a horrible flu.", "He was in bed for 5 days, nauseous and ill.", "He thought he might never get better.", "But by the 6th day he started to feel better, and returned to school." ]
[ 1, 2 ]
[ "Edward was in the middle of his birthday celebration.", "It was time for the cake to come out.", "He loved hearing his friends and family sing for him.", "When it was time, edward blew all the candles out.", "It only took one blow to do so." ]
[ 0, 3 ]
[ "Sally had a birthday coming up.", "She was excited about her party and gifts.", "When she got to her party there was a table full of gifts.", "She could not wait to open the biggest one.", "It in was the most perfect purse and she was so happy." ]
[ 0 ]
[ "Gina wanted to go in the woods.", "His mother told him not to.", "Gina did it anyways.", "Night fell and she was lost.", "So, a wolf started to chase her." ]
[ 0 ]
[ "I was watching the llws and the red sox tonight.", "Both were exciting games.", "The score was tied in both games.", "But i was tired and fell asleep.", "I got up in time to watch the end of the llws game." ]
[ 0, 3 ]
[ "Lewy wanted a puppy.", "He asked his mom and dad for one.", "They he would have to wait.", "One morning lewy woke up some wet on his face.", "There it was on his bed his very own puppy." ]
[ 0, 1 ]
[ "When i was in high school i use to watch south park.", "My parents didn't know what this show was about.", "This show was very politically incorrect.", "At first, my parents didn't like south park.", "Eventually my parents end up liking it." ]
[ 3 ]
[ "Sam went door to door to try to sell magazines.", "He knocked on one door and waited.", "An old man opened the door and greeted sam.", "Sam took out his flyers and began to sell to the man.", "The old man waved sam off and told him to go." ]
[ 3 ]
[ "The pool was open yesterday, to mia's excitement.", "Mia wanted to go swimming.", "She asked a friend to go with her.", "Mia and her friend went to the pool to enjoy the water.", "They swam until the pool closed, and went home exhausted." ]
[ 0 ]
[ "Last friday was my sister's birthday.", "She really wanted a cake so i baked her one.", "I asked my friend to take it to my sister's house with me.", "On the way there, my friend dropped the cake on the car floor.", "We stopped at the store to buy a new one and my sister was happy." ]
[ 1, 3 ]
[ "Jim's cat would not stop meowing.", "His cat was keeping him up all night.", "Jim decided to play with his cat.", "He also gave his cat some catnip.", "After a few minutes, his cat got tired and fell asleep." ]
[ 2 ]
[ "Rufus has always wanted to try to skateboard.", "He saved up his allowance until he had almost enough money for one.", "His father gave him the extra money he needed.", "He took his new skateboard to the local park to try it out.", "Rufus was so happy to finally be riding a skateboard." ]
[ 2, 3 ]
[ "Sam had a crush on katy.", "Sam was too shy to talk to her.", "One day he decided to ask her out.", "She said that she would love to go out!.", "Sam and katy have been dating ever since." ]
[ 2, 3 ]
[ "Marion was about to move.", "She was cleaning her house up before the move.", "She opened up a closet that had been closed for a year.", "Inside was a bag with some sort of goo on it.", "She decided to just leave it." ]
[ 2, 3 ]
[ "When i was younger, my dad played guitar to put me to sleep.", "As i grew older, i really wanted to learn how to play the guitar.", "I begged for a guitar, but dad wouldn't let me play with his.", "Instead, i looked at beginner guitars online.", "Later, my dad drove me to the music store so i could buy a guitar." ]
[ 2 ]
[ "Cindy got a new phone.", "But when she brought it to school, she left it in her backpack.", "When she got home, she couldn't find her phone.", "Cindy's parents got her a new phone.", "And cindy always kept the phone in her pocket." ]
[ 3 ]
[ "Lisa's daughter was three.", "They had been shopping and running errands all day.", "The child was thirsty so lisa bought her a drink.", "Lisa's daughter spilled the drink in the car.", "Lisa stopped allowing her daughter to drink in the car." ]
[ 0 ]
[ "Sam was afraid of his mean, old neighbor, mrs june.", "Sam asked his mother why mrs june was so mean.", "His mother explained that mrs june wasn't mean, just lonely.", "Sam thought about it, and decided to be friendlier to mrs june.", "It turned out she wasn't so scary after all!." ]
[ 2, 3 ]
[ "Todd liked pizza for dinner.", "He asked his mom if he could have it for today.", "She said yes but he had to make it.", "Todd made his first pizza that day.", "He was the only one to have pizza that night." ]
[ 3 ]
[ "Tom got a new grill.", "He bought steak to cook.", "Tom invited friends over to eat.", "When they cut into the steak they were still bloody.", "Tom just threw the steaks back on the grill." ]
[ 2, 3 ]
[ "Todd wanted a pet fish.", "He told his mom he wanted a fish.", "His mom told him he had to wait.", "It was todd's birthday.", "His mom got him a big fish." ]
[ 0, 3 ]
[ "Sam was trying to light a fire on a camping trip.", "It was extremely windy, though.", "Every time he lit a match, it would go out.", "He had to hold his hand in front of it to stop this from happening.", "It took an hour, but he finally managed to get a fire going." ]
[ 3 ]
[ "Micah was at work.", "His bike was chained up out back.", "When he went to ride his bike home, it was gone.", "He checked the tapes and saw that it had been stolen.", "He was never able to find it." ]
[ 2 ]
[ "Fred wanted to take sally on a fun date.", "He decided to take them ice skating.", "Fred and sally had a lot of fun!.", "Fred asked sally to be his girlfriend during the date.", "Since she had so much fun, sally said yes." ]
[ 2, 3 ]
[ "Sam can't sleep at night.", "He is afraid of the monsters under the bed.", "Dad tells him there is no such thing as monsters but it doesn't help.", "So dad gives him a blanket and tells him that it's a magic blanket.", "Sam believes that he is protected by the blanket and he sleeps well." ]
[ 2, 3 ]
[ "Sandra was walking to the store.", "She passed a little girl who was crying on her front steps.", "Sandra asked her what was wrong.", "The little girl said she was locked out of her house.", "Sandra sat down and waited with her for her parents to come home." ]
[ 1, 3 ]
[ "Cindy wanted to go to the store and buy a lollipop.", "Cindy had no money to buy it.", "Cindy took money from her dad's change jar to buy the lollipop.", "Her dad found out cindy took the money.", "Cindy's dad made cindy return the lollipop to the store." ]
[ 2 ]
[ "Jane loved cooking.", "Everyone else in her family did too.", "Her grandmother was teaching her family recipes.", "Jane was a quick learner.", "Eventually she learned everything there was to teach." ]
[ 2 ]
[ "We had my oldest nephew sleep over at our house.", "He packed up all his clothes, and brought some books.", "We went swimming in the pool and then got ice cream.", "After dinner we made a fire and had s'mores.", "It was a great time, i hope we can do it again." ]
[ 0, 2, 3 ]
[ "My son fell asleep for his afternoon nap.", "I tiptoed through the house so that i wouldn't wake him.", "The doorbell rang.", "I opened the door, but nobody was there.", "I closed the door and my son woke up." ]
[ 2, 3 ]
[ "Fred wanted to start a joke shop.", "He did not have money.", "Luckily his friend, harry, gave him some money.", "Fred opened the shop as soon as he could.", "Many people were very excited." ]
[ 1, 3 ]
[ "Tim had a bag of chips.", "He kept it to himself.", "Lee wanted some.", "Tim thought about it.", "Tim decided to share so that everyone was happy." ]
[ 2, 3 ]
[ "Andrea and sara had just left a candy store.", "They were eating chocolate lollipops.", "Suddenly, sara tripped and dropped her candy.", "It had fallen into the dirt.", "Sara was so sad, so she went and bought a new one." ]
[ 1, 2 ]
[ "A group of us play chess at work.", "One night we visited the boylston chess club.", "They play speed chess on tuesday nights.", "We won a few games and lost a lot.", "It was a fun trip but we never went back." ]
[ 1 ]
[ "Betty was five year's old and loved to go to restaurants.", "Every weekend she would beg her mother to take her out to eat.", "One weekend, her mother took her to a mexican restaurant.", "Betty ordered something that was too spicy for her.", "For many weeks after, betty did not ask to go out to eat." ]
[ 0, 3 ]
End of preview.
YAML Metadata Warning: empty or missing yaml metadata in repo card (

All commonsense causal data is in COPES.json. The data is recorded in the format of json records with three fileds:

  1. story: the story of 5 sentences sampled from RocStories.
  2. cause_idx: the events that have a causal relation with the last event (indices start from 0).
  3. res_idx: the result, just the last event.

The split_idx.json provide the indices for validation and testing data, indexing from 0.

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