5 values
6 values
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uously and accurately measured NO3 beyond the critical level, results in reduction in growth and at any stage of the plant growth and the experiment. Tomatoes grown biomass accumulation (Gastal & Lemaire, 2002) as well as shoot to in the aeroponic system were less sensitive to sali
Aeroponic systems: A unique tool for estimating plant waterrelations and NO3 uptake in response to salinity stress
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nity. In aeroponics, root ratios (Bennett et al., 1989). The reason for the nonsignificant nitrate supply to the plants can be minimized without significant reducdifference in total biomass between tomatoes supplied with 4 and tion of the plant performances due to high nitrate uptake. The
Aeroponic systems: A unique tool for estimating plant waterrelations and NO3 uptake in response to salinity stress
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most 8 mM NO3 is that the plants might have reached the NO3 critical content for maximum growth rate. interesting aspect of our findings is the continuous estimation of exact amount of water transpired by plant at any given time. TAFESSE ET Al. 8 of 8  |     AC K N OW L E D G M
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E N T S The authors thank Yuval Shani for his skillful assistance with the operation and maintenance of the system, Liron Summerfield for all her great help. C O N FL I C T O F I N T E R E S T The authors declare that they have no competing interests. AU T H O R S ’ C O N T R I B
Aeroponic systems: A unique tool for estimating plant waterrelations and NO3 uptake in response to salinity stress
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U T I O N S EGT performed the experiment, analyzed data, and helped in writing the manuscript. MKA organized the data and helped in summarizing and writing the manuscript. NL designed the experiment. NL and SR supervised the discussion of the results. NL and SR were in charge of the researc
Aeroponic systems: A unique tool for estimating plant waterrelations and NO3 uptake in response to salinity stress
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h project. All authors read and approved the manuscript. O R C I D Endale Geta Tafesse Moses Kwame Aidoo Naftali Lazarovitch Shimon Rachmilevitch
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formation section. How to cite this article: Tafesse EG, Aidoo MK, Lazarovitch N, Rachmilevitch S. Aeroponic systems: A unique tool for estimating plant water relations and NO3 uptake in response to salinity stress. Plant Direct. 2021;5:e00312. https://doi. org/10.1002/pld3.312 TAFESSE ET Al.
Aeroponic systems: A unique tool for estimating plant waterrelations and NO3 uptake in response to salinity stress
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