Mitsubishi Electric Corp <MIET.T> said it is nearing an agreement with Unisys Corp <UIS> of the U.S. To supply central processing units for a medium-sized Unisys mainframe computer planned to succeed the System 80. A Mitsubishi Electric official declined to say how many processors would be involved, but said there are no plans to market the new Unisys computer in Japan. REUTER 
Canon Inc <CANN.T> and Intel Corp <INTC> of the U.S. Agreed to the joint development, production and import of very large scale integrated circuits, a Canon spokesman said. He told Reuters Intel will make the chips and Canon will import them for use in for use in photocopiers, printers and facsimiles to be made and sold in Japan. Canon, which last week made a similar pact with National Semiconductor Corp <NSM>, plans to raise its ratio of microchip imports this year to 28 pct from 24 pct last year to take advantage of the yen's rise and help quell mounting trade friction, he said. REUTER 
Hungary has announced sharp price increases for a range of food and consumer products as part of its efforts to curb a soaring budget deficit. The official MTI news agency said the government decided consumer price subsidies had to be cut to reduce state spending. From today the price of meat will rise by an average 18 pct and that of beer and spirits by 10 pct, MTI said. MTI said consumer goods will also become more expensive, with the price of refrigerators rising some five pct. It also announced a number of measures to ease hardship, including higher pensions and family allowances. Statistics indicate the budget deficit tripled in 1986 to 47 billion forints. Central banker Janos Fekete has said the Finance Ministry is trying to cut the 1987 shortfall to between 30 and 35 billion from a planned 43.8 billion. A major tax reform, including the introduction of a Western-style valued added tax, is planned for January 1988 in an effort to cure problems in state spending. But diplomats said the latest announcement shows the authorities were forced to act quickly to keep this year's deficit under control. The measures are also aimed at cooling an overheated economy, and could help dampen Hungarians' appetite for imported Western goods which consume increasingly expensive hard currency, the diplomats said. The diplomats also said, however, that they did not expect the kind of social unrest that followed sharp price rises in other East Bloc states, notably Poland. REUTER 
Tokyo's stockmarket index plunged sharply at the start of afternoon trade as investors took profits from last week's four straight record closes, brokers said. The market index fell 427.48 points to 22,789.11 only 13 minutes after afternoon trading began at 13:30 local time. Brokers said concern over weekend announcements of mounting trade tension with Europe and the U.S. Sparked the heavy selloff. The average had risen 630.48 points in the last four trading sessions of last week. REUTER 
China is negotiating with Pakistan to buy 5,000 tonnes of cotton this year, after importing the same amount last year under a barter agreement, Chinese consulate sources said. Chinese ambassador Tian Ding told a meeting of Pakistani industrialists on Thursday that China intended to increase imports from Pakistan to reduce a trade imbalance. Pakistani officials estimate the country's cotton output from the current crop at a record 7.6 mln bales (375 pounds each). Last year's output totalled 7.2 mln bales and domestic consumption was just below three mln bales, they said. REUTER 
The government must announce harsh cuts in spending in its May 14 economic statement if it is to give an adequate response to Australia's economic problems, the ANZ Banking Group Ltd <ANZA.S> said. Cuts of two billion dlrs would be insufficient against the backdrop of a 12 billion dlr government deficit and a 14 billion dlr current account deficit, it said in its monthly Business Indicators publication. "For the past two years, the government has struggled with an economic reality that demands measures beyond those which it sees as politically practicable," it said. The political climate meant there would be a continued over-reliance on monetary policy to hold the exchange rate and maintain confidence in economic management, ANZ said. "The cost of this approach is that the much-needed revival of business investment will be further postponed," it said. The economy was now on a modest growth upswing boosted by export and import-replacement industries which had created a false suggestion that the worst adjustments to the balance of payments crisis were past. "Unfortunately, successful adjustment to Australia's deep-seated economic problems remains a long-term process," it said. In its economic forecasts, ANZ said it expected moderate overall economic growth with gross domestic product (GDP) rising 2.7 pct this year and 2.4 pct in 1988. The current account deficit would narrow to five pct of GDP this year and 4.3 pct in 1988 and net foreign debt would grow strongly from 81 billion at the end of 1986 to 97.2 billion at end-1987 and 110.3 billion a year later. Inflation would fall to 8.5 pct in 1987 and 7.5 pct in 1988 from 8.9 pct in 1986 and further falls in real wages were expected, ANZ said. REUTER 
Bell Resources Ltd <BLLA.S> said it will raise about 50.8 mln dlrs by issuing 135.6 mln warrants at 37.5 cents each, entitling the holder to take up shares in BHP Gold Mines Ltd <BHPG.ME> at 1.60 dlrs each on or before December 15, 1987. The non-renounceable entitlement will be on the basis of one-for-three to holders of Bell Resources fully-paid shares and convertible preference shares registered on May 6, the company said in a statement. Other ratios will be one-for-five for partly paid Series A shares, one-for-eight for partly-paid Series B and C shares and one-for-10 for 1987 options. Bell said the security is similar in concept to the warrants on the shares of BHP Gold Mine's parent company, The Broken Hill Pty Co Ltd <BRKN.ME> (BHP), launched by Bell about one year ago. BHP is currently floating BHP Gold Mines, the vehicle for its gold interests in Australia and other countries. The Bell Group Ltd will not take up its entitlement to the BHP Gold Mines warrants, but the family companies of its chairman Robert Holmes a Court will, Bell said. The warrants will be listed and stockbroker McCaughan Dyson and Co Ltd is underwriting the issue. REUTER 
The Electrolytic Refining and Smelting Co of Australia Pty Ltd said it lowered its ex-works Port Kembla Refinery Copper Price by 20 dlrs to 2,160 dlrs a tonne, effective today. REUTER 
The Bank of Japan actively bought dollars here in early afternoon trade at around 142.20 yen, dealers said. The central bank had placed buy orders at that level and prevented the dollar from falling when it came under heavy selling pressure from investment trusts and trading houses, they said. However, the intervention failed to boost the U.S. Currency significantly from the 142.20 yen level, they added. The dollar was trading around its midday rate of 142.30 yen. It had opened here at 141.85 yen. REUTER 
Texaco Inc <TX> said its decision to file for protection under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy code will not affect the majority of its businesses. It said its subsidiaries, which account for 96 pct of its 32.6 billion dlrs in revenues and 79 pct of its net property, plant and equipment, were free of the action. Only parent holding company, Texaco Inc, and operating subsidiaries, Texaco Capital Inc and Texaco Capital N.V, are affected, it said. But the company said it was likely to suspend its 75 cents per share quarterly common stock dividend and halt repayments on debts of some 6.8 billion dlrs. Texaco said it filed for Chaper 11 because suppliers were demanding cash payments and banks were withholding loans as a result of a legal dispute with Pennzoil Co <PZL>. Texaco is fighting a Texas law requiring it to post a bond of more than 10 billion dlrs before it can appeal a 1985 judgment that ruled it illegally interfered with Pennzoil's 1984 acquisition of Getty Petroleum Corp <GTY>. The bond almost matches the damages awarded against Texaco. Should Texaco fail to place the bond, Pennzoil could begin to attach its assets to secure the judgment. Last Monday, the Supreme Court overturned a decision to cut Texaco's bond to one billion dlrs, and sent the issue back to the Texas courts. Analysts said the bankruptcy filing effectively froze all Texaco's obligations while it continued to appeal the merits of the Pennzoil lawsuit. "Attempts last week to win a compromise on both the bond issue and the larger dispute failed," James Kinnear, Texaco's president and chief executive officer, told reporters. Kinnear said Pennzoil's disclosure in court papers on Friday that it wanted to extend the bond issue hearing until the end of April, pushed Texaco further towards Chapter 11. Pennzoil had asked Texaco to post a 5.6 billion dlr cash bond and to reduce its dividend to not more than 50 pct of earnings. Pennzoil also wanted assurances that Texaco would not sell any assets, Kinnear said. Texaco offered to put up one billion dlrs in a letter of credit and agreed not to let the value of its assets fall under 11.1 billion dlrs, he added. Joseph Jamail, a Houston attorney for Pennzoil, said the company had made its latest settlement offer to Texaco on Saturday and was taken by surprise when Texaco filed for bankruptcy. He declined to reveal the amount of the proposal, citing a confidentiality agreement between the two companies. "Texaco told us they would get back to us but instead they chose to go to bankruptcy court," Jamail said. Attorneys for Pennzoil said they believed the company would prevail in court appeals, adding that Texaco's assets were ample ultimately to pay the Pennzoil judgment in full. REUTER 
The United Auto Workers union (UAW) vowed to fight wage and job cuts in a round of labour talks starting in July that cover nearly 500,000 workers at General Motors Corp <GM> and Ford Motor Co <F>. "The UAW doesn't go around picking fights, but we don't run away from them when they're forced on us ... We want peace, but peace comes at a price," union president Owen Bieber said. "And if it's war, the UAW will be ready for it," he said, in an address to 3,000 union leaders at the start of a four-day special convention. He said the Detroit carmakers had turned their backs on America by the increasing use of imports that cost U.S. Jobs. He said the union was ready to strike for "job and income guarantees," bans on shifting production to foreign and other non-union sources, and increases in pay and profit-sharing. GM, under pressure from declining sales and profits, has said this year's talks will be difficult because it wants to limit wage rises and shed parts-manufacturing operations considered uncompetitive. Contracts at both companies expire at midnight on September 14. REUTER 
Finance Minister Roger Douglas said eight bond tenders of 250 mln dlrs each are planned for the year ending March 1988. Douglas said in a statement the June quarter borrowing program will not include a May tender, but a 250 mln dlr tender will be held on June 11. Overfunding in 1986/87 has removed the need for a May tender, he said. Preliminary estimates put net public sector injections for 1987/88 year at 2.1 billion dlrs. The fiscal deficit for 1987/88 is forecast at 2.2 billion dlrs compared with a forecast of 2.45 billion for 1986/87 and 1.87 billion a year earlier. However, Douglas said the 1987/88 estimate is subject to uncertainties over the results of pre-budget spending reviews and tax forecasts and over the effect the program of "corporatising" certain government departments will have on liquidity. Douglas said whatever the outcome of these influences the net public sector injections will continue to be fully funded on a fiscal year basis. REUTER 
U.S. roastings of green coffee in the week ended April 4 were about 275,000 (60-kilo) bags, including that used for soluble production, compared with 215,000 bags in the corresponding week of last year and about 320,000 bags in the week ended March 28, George Gordon Paton and Co Inc reported. It said cumulative roastings for calendar 1987 now total 4,440,000 bags, compared with 4,540,000 bags by this time last year. Reuter 
Australian share markets closed at record levels for the seventh consecutive session as strong overseas interest in gold stocks pushed the market higher, brokers said. They said heavy trading in gold stocks in London on Friday night provided the impetus for the local market. At the close of trading the all ordinaries index was 11.6 points higher above Friday's previous record close at 1,799.0, while the gold index had risen 176.8 points or 5.2 pct to a record 3,562.1. The all resources index added 23.9 points to 1,164.3 but the all industrials index dropped 4.8 points to 2,631.9. National turnover was a high 228 mln shares worth 525 mln dlrs with rises outnumbering falls by four to three. Western Mining continued its run, jumping 1.04 dlrs to a record 10.30. Poseidon gained 3.00 to 16.00, Sons of Gwalia 90 cents to 16.50 and Kidston 50 to 9.00. Placer Pacific rose 25 cents to 3.95 dlrs, Elders Resources 17 to 3.20, CRA 36 to 8.70 and MIM 19 to 3.35. Market turnover was boosted substantially by the inclusion of about 180 mln dlrs in Australian Consolidated Minerals shares, understood to represent the sale of Western Mining's holding, brokers said. ACM shares finished 30 cents down at 8.40 dlrs. Resources leader BHP closed 15 down at 11.40 in quiet trading while Bell Resources rose eight to 5.70. Elders IXL lost 10 to 4.75. With most investors concentrating on mining stocks, industrial stocks took a back seat. TNT dropped 10 cents to 4.75 dlrs and News Corp recovered to be steady at 23.00 after being down most of the day. ANZ Bank dropped 10 to 5.60 and National four to 5.46. In the oil and gas sector Santos dropped 26 to 5.00 and Bridge eight to 1.40, but Genoa gained 25 to 3.05. June share price index futures staged a late rally and finished 24.0 points higher at 1,824.0. REUTER 
Western Mining Corp Holdings Ltd <WMNG.S> (WMC) said it sold its entire holding of 22.13 mln shares in the gold mining company <Australian Consolidated Minerals Ltd> (ACM). WMC gave no details, but stockbrokers said the sale was made at eight dlrs a share on Friday to a number of U.S., European and Australian investors through WMC's usual brokers. The company purchased the 19.9 pct parcel in early March from Amax Inc <AMX.N> at 6.32 dlrs a share ahead of a one-for-three bonus issue when Amax sold its entire 47 pct stake in ACM to a number of local companies. REUTER 
National Bank economic data for 1986 shows that Yugoslavia's trade deficit grew, the inflation rate rose, wages were sharply higher, the money supply expanded and the value of the dinar fell. The trade deficit for 1986 was 2.012 billion dlrs, 25.7 pct higher than in 1985. The trend continued in the first three months of this year as exports dropped by 17.8 pct, in hard currency terms, to 2.124 billion dlrs. Yugoslavia this year started quoting trade figures in dinars based on current exchange rates, instead of dollars based on a fixed exchange rate of 264.53 dinars per dollar. Yugoslavia's balance of payments surplus with the convertible currency area fell to 245 mln dlrs in 1986 from 344 mln in 1985. The National Bank said the drop was due to a deterioration in trade. Exports to the convertible currency area rose 11.6 pct from 1985, while imports rose 17.8 pct. Retail prices rose an average of 88.1 pct in 1986 while industrial producer prices rose by 70.6 pct, the bank's data showed. The cost of living rose by 89.1 pct. Personal incomes rose by 109 pct in 1986. Prime Minister Branko Mikulic warned in February that wages were too high given the level of productivity. Mikulic introduced a law cutting wages to the level of the last quarter of 1986 and tying future rises to productivity. Bank statistics show the overall 1986 rise in M-1 money supply was 109.1 pct with a year-end position of 3,895.9 billion dinars. Yugoslavs have 9.8 billion dlrs worth of foreign currency savings in the country and 20 billion dlrs abroad, mostly owned by workers employed in western Europe. The dinar fell by 73.1 pct against a basket of hard currencies in 1986. The highest depreciation was against the Swiss franc, 85.3 pct, and the lowest against the U.S. Dollar, 46.2 pct. REUTER 
Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd <ANZA.S> said it will make a one-for-two bonus issue from its asset revaluation reserve to shareholders registered June 2. The proposed bonus and an increase in authorised capital to one billion one-dlr par shares from 600 mln will be put to shareholders for approval at an extraordinary general meeting on May 26, the ANZ said in a statement. The issue will absorb about 230 mln dlrs of the 260.9 mln standing in the asset revaluation reserve, it said. The bank said that by lowering the dividend rate it expects to maintain the value of dividend payout on the enlarged capital at about the level of its last full year ended September 30. The group paid 31 cents a share and 133.1 mln dlrs in all for that year. Shareholders will also be asked to approve changes in the bank's articles of association to allow it to offer shares in lieu of the interim dividend at a discount of five pct to the market price. The group is the latest to announce a tax-free bonus issue ahead of dividend imputation, effective July 1. REUTER 
Yields on certificates of deposit (CD) offered by the United Arab Emirates Central Bank were higher than last Monday's offering, the bank said. The one-month CD rose 1/4 point to 6-3/8 pct, while the two, three and six-month maturities rose 5/16 point each to 6-7/16, 6-1/2 and 6-5/8 pct respectively. REUTER 
A tourist hotel in Suzhou, Jiangsu province, is raising a 21 mln U.S. Dlr loan to cover its construction cost, lead manager <DnC Ltd> said. The loan for the Suzhou Aster Hotel will mature in 10 years and is guaranteed by the provincial investment arm <Jiangsu International Trust and Investment Corp>. The terms were not revealed. The loan, to be signed by the end of the month, will be provided by a number of banks on a club basis. The hotel is being developed on a contractual joint venture basis between an unnamed Hong Kong Chinese investor and Suzhou municipal entities. REUTER 
China's largest sulphur-iron mine has started trial production at Yunfu in the southern province of Guangdong, the China Daily said. It said the mine has an annual output capacity of three mln tonnes of sulphur-iron ore, which can be used without processing because of its high quality. REUTER 
China's state-owned Beijing Non-Ferrous Metals Industrial Corp and <Wrought Copper Ltd> of Chile signed a contract to jointly build a copper tube plant on the outskirts of Peking, the China Daily said. The Beijing-Santiago Copper Tube Co involves an investment of 9.93 mln dlrs and will, on completion, have a production capacity of 5,000 tonnes of copper tubes a year, it said. It said Chile will supply copper at preferential rates to the venture, whose equipment comes from <Wednesbury Tube Co> of U.K. The agreement calls for joint Sino-Chilean management of the venture for 15 years, the paper said. It said the venture is the first economic cooperation project between China and Chile, but gave no more details. China is a major copper importer. Customs figures show it imported 171,118 tonnes of copper and alloy in calendar 1986, down from 355,652 tonnes in 1985. REUTER 
The <Scandinavian Airlines System>'s SAS International Hotels unit and Skanska AB <SKBS.ST> of Sweden are raising a 37 mln U.S. Dlr loan for their joint venture hotel in China, loan lead manager DnC Ltd said. It said the loan will finance part of the cost of the 46 mln dlr SAS Grand Hotel Beijing in the Chinese capital. The three other lead managers are DnC's parent company Den norske Creditbank, Scandinavian Far East Ltd and its parent Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken. Terms of the loan are being finalised and syndication is expected to begin in about one month, DnC Ltd said. The recipient of the loan will be SAS Grand Hotel Beijing Joint Venture Co Ltd, which is owned 50 pct by the China International Exhibition Centre and 50 pct by the two Swedish firms. Skanska will be responsible for the construction and SAS International Hotels for the management of the hotel, which is part of the International Exhibition Centre complex. Construction of the 400-room hotel will start after the loan is signed. It is due to be opened in late 1989. REUTER 
Singapore's external trade grew 8.8 pct in first quarter 1987, against a 12.4 pct decline in the same period last year and two pct growth in the previous quarter, the Trade Development Board said. It said exports over the period rose by 8.7 pct to 12.38 billion dlrs and imports by 8.9 pct to 14.64 billion for a trade deficit of 2.26 billion, against a 2.06 billion deficit in the same 1986 period and 1.78 billion deficit previously. The growth was attributed to the strength of non-oil trade, especially computers and computer parts, electronic components and garments, it said. REUTER 
Malaysia's manufacturing exports rose by 24.5 pct to 15.1 billion ringgit in 1986, chairman of the Export Promotion Council Ahmad Sarji Abdul Hamind said. The improved export performance was led by electrical and electronic products, textiles, footwear, clothing, processed food, timber, chemical and rubber products, he told a news conference. However, total gross exports for the year declined by 5.6 pct to 35.9 billion ringgit from 38 billion in 1985 due to a fall in major commodity exports and weak prices, he said. REUTER 
Rates for five billion pesos worth of Philippine Treasury bills eased slightly at Friday's auction, with tenders totaling 13.94 billion, the Central Bank said. It said 1.3 billion pesos of 91-day bills averaged 11.249 pct, down from 11.743 pct the previous week, 1.6 billion of 182-day bills averaged 12.473 pct against 12.847 pct, and 2.1 billion of 364-day bills averaged 14.029 pct against 14.233. The bank said there would be no auction this week because of the Easter holiday. It also said T-bills and three-year T-note auctions totaled 61.1 billion pesos in the first quarter of 1987. REUTER 
West Germany's capital market liberalization program has stalled and bankers are worried it may take years for further reforms to be completed. Liberalization got underway in May 1985 when foreign banks received Bundesbank permission to lead-manage mark eurobonds. Further moves included introduction of mark-denominated certificates of deposit last year. But other changes, including revisions in the domestic options market and introduction of futures contracts, need lengthy statutory changes and this may take years, bankers and dealers say. Deutsche Bank AG co-chairman F. Wilhelm Christians called last week for an enlargement of current capital market instruments to include instruments already standard abroad. He said these are needed especially when prices fall, citing declines in West German share prices in the first two months of this year when stock indices fell about 20 pct. Others are more blunt. Securities dealers say the lack of viable hedging instruments for shares and bonds makes trading in domestic markets too risky. "We need a stock index futures contract, and a futures contract for recent government bonds," one dealer said. West Germany now has options contracts on about five pct of shares and bonds traded on exchanges here, covering only about 30 pct of the average traded volume, stock market sources said. Options can only be written on the original 14 bonds selected when bond options were introduced last April. The most recent bond on the list was issued in 1985. There are no futures exchanges in West Germany. German banks may participate in futures exchanges through branches abroad but these are at least outwardly subject to stringent West German rules requiring that every contract be secured on a one-by-one basis with a separate hedge, to prevent speculation. Another problem is a lack of liquidity in the existing markets, owing to lack of private investor participation. Private individuals and corporations do not engage in options trading now due to West Germany's civil and exchange laws, which define losses made in futures and options business as gambling losses, which investors need not pay back. Options business has been hurt by lack of liquidity from pension funds, which currently are forbidden to invest in these instruments. But they are to be allowed to enter the business soon as the European Community begins to harmonize rules governing funds. Manfred Laux, general secretary of the West German mutual funds association in Frankfurt, said harmonized rules are to be adopted by October 1, 1989 at the latest. The push to adopt new instruments has not been great in the past, owing to wide-spread belief they are speculative, which gives them a bad name in West Germany. But pressure for their introduction here is growing. The start-up of a Swiss futures exchange has some bankers considering if a similar exchange would be useful in West Germany. They say that without innovations, some business could drift to London, which the Bundesbank vehemently opposes. An official at the London International Financial Futures Exchange (LIFFE) said the exchange currently has no plans to introduce more mark-denominated contracts beyond the existing mark-dollar contract. But he said the exchange is studying the feasibility of other contracts, including one for three-month mark interest rates and possibly a government bond contract. A Bundesbank capital markets expert said the Bundesbank has no objections to hedging through futures but any liberalization in that sector is still in the early planning stages after earlier talks ended two years ago. Considerations about the futures business have been drawn out because of the large number of participants involved in talks. They include parliament, the Bundesbank, the Federal Banking Supervisory Board, eight West German stock exchanges and their governing states, and the four West German banking associations. Beyond options and futures, other changes being suggested include replacing the federal government's current bond consortium with an auction procedure similar to one being considered in the U.K. And already in practice in the U.S. This would upset the existing market order providing German and foreign banks in the consortium with fixed quotas but it would eliminate the misallocations some bankers say presently arise within the fixed consortium quota system. In addition, some bankers would like the method of bond trading on the West German stock exchange changed to a system of continuous price-setting from the current system in which every bond price is fixed once a day. This would make trading more transparent if it reduced the proportion of off-floor interbank bond trading, now some 90 pct of the volume of bond transactions here, the bankers say. REUTER 
The central bank, Bank Negara, said yields on the 91-day Malaysian treasury bills rate rose slightly to 2.032 pct at this week's tender from 2.020 pct last week. Accepted bids ranged between 1.951 and 2.060 pct compared with 1.874 and 2.048 pct previously. Applications totalled 440 mln ringgit for the 100 mln of bills on offer. The bank said it will offer 100 mln ringgit of 91-day bills and 150 mln of 182-days at a tender closing on April 20. REUTER 
A 3.22 billion dlr offer for Dome Petroleum Ltd <DMP.MO> by TransCanada Pipelines Ltd <TRP.TO> may short-circuit Dome's restructuring plan and open the door for more takeover bids, oil analysts said. Dome is trying to get approval for a plan to refinance debt of more than 4.5 billion dlrs by July 1, 1987, when an interim debt plan that allowed the Canadian oil and gas firm to defer substantial payments to creditors will expire. Analysts said TransCanada's bid signals Dome's debtholders that an alternative exists to Dome's debt plan. Dome announced its plan to 56 major creditors as well as public noteholders in March after several months of delicate negotiations. TransCanada's proposal "amounts to a quasi debt restructuring," oil analyst Doug Gowland of Brown Baldwin Nisker Ltd said from Toronto. Calgary-based Dome's restructuring plan would allow creditors to convert debt to common shares under a formula yet to be negotiated. Payments on remaining debt would be linked to cash flow generated by assets pledged against the debt. "The weakness of the whole debt-refinancing proposal is that even with approval of creditors, there is no assurance that Dome will in fact be able to repay all of its debt obligations," said Wilf Gobert, an oil analyst for Peters and Co Ltd in Calgary. TransCanada's announcement came as a surprise since Dome was waiting for responses from creditors on its proposed refinancing packages, Gobert said. The TransCanada proposal could open the bidding for Dome since other potential buyers were probably waiting for lenders to agree to a restructuring, he added. "I would think that the debtholders would want to entertain any and all offers (for Dome)," Gobert said. Dome spokesman David Annesley said in New York that TransCanada's announcement could be seen as an attempt to fix the bidding price for Dome and an effort to preclude other possible buyers from making an offer. "By drawing attention to us in our discussions, it means that others may be a little reluctant to come forward," he said. Dome does not consider TransCanada's proposal a formal offer because the pipeline utility's announcement breached a confidential agreement between the two companies, he said. Dome responded to the statement by suspending discussions with TransCanada in order to pursue talks with other unidentified parties. However, Dome said its management and financial advisers would evaluate all proposals, including TransCanada's. Gowland said TransCanada's offer is probably a fair price for the company's 36.1 mln acres of oil and gas land holdings. However, he said not enough financial details are known about Dome's debt restructuring to compare the value of TransCanada's proposed offer. REUTER 
Prime Ministers Zhao Ziyang of China and Anibal Cavaco Silva of Portugal signed an agreement to end more than four centuries of Portuguese rule over the territory of Macao and return it to Chinese control in 1999. Macao will become a special administrative region on December 20, 1999, retaining a high degree of autonomy except in foreign affairs and defence. Its capitalist system is to remain intact for 50 years under an arrangement similar to the one that will return Hong Kong to China from Britain in 1997. China hopes to win back the Nationalist-ruled island of Taiwan under the same "one country, two systems" formula. "The successful settlement of the question of Macao has proven and will continue to prove that the concept of 'one country, two systems' is realistic and therefore definitely viable," Zhao said. Macao's population of 300,000 includes more than 40,000 Portuguese passport holders. Peking has said Chinese nationals in this category will be able to use their Portuguese passports after 1999 but will not be entitled to Portuguese consular protection in Macao or elsewhere in China. REUTER 
Eurobonds for Texaco Inc subsidiaries were unquoted this morning as traders assessed the implications of the company's shock weekend decision to file for bankruptcy under Chapter 11 of U.S. Bankruptcy laws, eurobond dealers said. The decision to file for bankruptcy follows a court decision that it had to post an 11 billion dlr bond to continue its court battles with Pennzoil Co <PZL>. One head trader at a U.S. Securities house said, "I don't want to be obstructive, but there genuinely is no market in Texaco bonds at the moment. Everyone is stunned by the decision (to file for bankruptcy) and can't really believe it." One dealer noted that Texaco subsidiaries have outstanding eurobonds totalling over three billion dlrs out of total borrowings of some 6.8 billion dlrs. He added that many of the fixed interest eurobonds - dollar straights - had been trading "basis only" for some time prior to this weekend's news. This means traders could quote a two way price for the bonds but would not be bound to trade them. Any trades would be negotiated. He said that recently there appeared to have been some speculative buying of the bonds from the U.S. But that European investors had been overall sellers. Dealers noted that under the Chapter 11 filing noteholders will receive no interest payments. Texaco also has eurobonds outstanding which are convertible into Texaco Inc common stock - known as convertibles. Trading did not open in these issues either. One convertible dealer said, "We're waiting to see the result of today's court hearing." Texaco is applying today in the Texas courts for relief from having to post the court bond. Texaco shares were being indicated by over the counter share dealers here at around 26 to 28 dlrs compared with Friday's close in New York of 31-7/8 dlrs. Pennzoil shares were indicated at 85 to 87 dlrs compared with Friday's New York finish of 92-1/4 dlrs. REUTER 
The Bank of England said it forecast a shortage of around 400 mln stg in the money market today. Among the main factors affecting liquidity, bills maturing in official hands and the take-up of treasury bills will drain some 1.085 billion stg. Partly offsetting these outflows, a fall in note circulation will add some 340 mln stg, exchequer transactions around 300 mln and bankers' balances above target about 50 mln. REUTER 
Bangladesh's cost of living index fell 1.09 pct in January to 479, after a 1.6 pct decline to 484.28 in December (1973-74 base 100), the Bureau of Statistics said. The cost of living index fell 0.14 pct to 434.49 in January 1986. In the year to January, inflation ran at 10.24 pct after an 11.3 pct rate a month earlier and 9.72 pct a year earlier. REUTER 
Deutsche Bank Finance NV Curacao is issuing a 100 mln Australian dlr eurobond due May 14, 1990 paying 14-1/8 pct and priced at 101-1/4 pct, lead manager Deutsche Bank Capital Markets Ltd said. The bond, guaranteed by parent Deutsche Bank AG, is available in denominations of 1,000 and 10,000 dlrs and will be listed in Luxembourg. Fees total 1-1/2 pct, comprising one pct selling concession and 1/2 pct management and underwriting combined. REUTER 
<Rothmans Holdings (Tobacco) Ltd> said in a sttement there was "no foundation" to press speculation that it would sell its stake in Rothmans International Plc <ROT.L> to Philip Morris Inc <MO.N>, or that it would buy Morris' stake. In the 1986 report, Rothmans International said RHT, which is controlled by <Rupert Foundation SA>, owned 18.25 mln ordinary and 64.37 mln B ordinary shares, or 99.9 pct and 26.1 pct respectively. Morris owns 79.8 mln B ordinary shares, or 32.4 pct. Rothmans B shares, which firmed on the speculation to close at 273p from 241p on Friday, eased to 245.5p at 0838 GMT. REUTER 
Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone's unpopular plan to introduce a sales tax caused an electoral setback for his ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) in Sunday's local elections, political analysts said. The LDP retained its 11 prefectural governorships, but failed to restore a governorship in Fukuoka it had placed much importance on winning. In the prefectural assembly elections to fill 2,670 seats, the LDP has so far lost 92 of its previously held 1,487 seats to the socialists and communists. Full election results should be available later today. Discussing the election results with reporters, Nakasone said, "I wouldn't say the proposed five pct sales tax had no effect at all, but there were other factors, such as a low turnout and unusually cold weather." The Home Affairs Ministry said the average turnout for the 13 gubernatorial elections was a record low 59.78 pct while the prefectural assembly polls drew an average of 66.66 pct, also a record low. Noboru Goto, president of the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry and a longtime friend of Nakasone, told reporters the impact of the sales tax on the LDP's setback was obvious. "The government should take action (on the sales tax) in regard to the people's wishes," Goto said. Nakasone and other LDP leaders have already hinted at a delay in the implementation of the tax, which had been scheduled for next January, and a possible cut in the rate. "The most important thing now is to get parliamentary approval of the budget as soon as possible to arrest a rapid appreciation of the yen," Nakasone said. "We must implement measures to prop up the economy." Opposition parties said the elections were a referendum on the tax and they will continue to demand its retraction. REUTER 
Union Bank of Switzerland NV is issuing a 15 billion yen eurobond due June 1, 1992 paying 4-3/8 pct and priced at 101-3/8 pct, lead manager Union Bank of Switzerland (Securities) Ltd said. The issue has a call option and put option after four years at par and is guaranteed by Union Bank of Switzerland. The selling concession is one pct while management and underwriting combined pays 5/8 pct. The issue is available in denominations of one mln yen and will be listed in Luxembourg. The payment date is June 1. REUTER 
Member states of the European Community are starting to run out of patience with Japan which they believe has repeatedly promised major initiatives to open its market to imports, but as often made only minor moves. Diplomatic sources here said several recent actions by EC countries bear witness to a new disillusionment with the willingness, or at least the ability, of the Japanese government to reduce its massive trade surplus with the EC. However, they said an all-out trade war may be far off, as EC states know they would suffer almost as much as Japan. Senior EC diplomats gave a generally favourable reaction to an EC executive commission proposal under which the EC could raise tariffs on a range of Japanese products if the U.S. Carries out a threat to make a similar move on April 17. The EC tariffs, which would involve renouncing obligations entered into with the world trade body GATT, would be designed to stop a diversion of exports to the EC market from that of the U.S. The diplomats were meeting as Tokyo announced that the EC's trade deficit with Japan reached a record 2.13 billion dlrs in March, up from 1.94 billion in February. In 1986, Japanese exports to the EC totalled 30.67 billion dlrs, up 4.5 pct from 1985, while EC exports to Japan fell one pct to 12.43 billion dlrs. In Paris, trade minister Michel Noir said France has decided to give Japan a taste of its own medicine. Burgeoning imports of microwave ovens and of frozen Coquilles St Jacques will be restricted by a strict application of French quality standards -- something EC states say often happens to their own exports entering Japan. Britain has threatened to withdraw the licences of Japanese banks and insurance companies to operate in the City of London, because the British Cable and Wireless company lost out in competition for a Japanese telecommucations contract. However, British officials in London have said that the government may have gone too far in implying that it would take immediate drastic action unless the contract was reopened. By contrast, West Germany, with the EC's most successful economy, has never threatened Tokyo with sanctions, preferring to rely on firm diplomacy and encouragement of its own industries to surmount obstacles to export to Japan. The EC Commission itself has switched its tactics in recent years, substituting general calls for action by Japan to open its market with specific demands for moves in key areas. At present, it is, for instance, pressuring Japan to end allegedly discriminatory taxation of imported wines and spirits, to ensure EC companies have a chance to win contracts for the building of a new international airport, and to simplify certification and safety checks on imported cars. EC officials say these tactics yield some benefits, but often the Japanese announce modifications of their non-tariff barriers which open the door to imports by only a token amount. They stress, however, that any action must be taken by the EC as a whole to stop beggar-my-neighbour action. One of the problems Britain could face if it were to withdraw licences for Japanese banks would be that the bankers would be welcomed with open arms in Frankfurt or Amsterdam, they point out. REUTER 
Morgan Crucible Co Plc <MGCR.L> said the prospects for 1987 were encouraging, with orders and sales significantly up on last year in all divisions. It said there were good opportunities for growth in both existing and recently acquired businesses as well as for growth by acquisition in related areas. It earlier announced a 6.1 mln stg rise in pre-tax profit to 24.8 mln stg for the year to December 28. Turnover rose to 242.1 mln from 211.5 mln. Most of its companies performed well despite a slowdown in the U.S., U.K. And Australian economies in the first half. Currency fluctuations reduced pretax profit by around one mln stg, it noted. Morgan said although profits in the electronics sector improved to 1.0 mln stg from 100,000 stg previously, results were nonetheless disappointing. Sales were lower than expected, due mainly to delayed defence orders and cancellations. However, it said it had taken the necessary remedial action, obtained new business and was now proceeding with the delivery of major delayed orders. Morgan shares firmed two pence to 318p at 0905 GMT from 316p at Friday's close. REUTER 
Year to December 28, 1986 Shr 20.1p vs 17.6p Div 5.0p vs 4.6p making 9.2p vs 8.5p Turnover 242.1 mln stg vs 211.5 mln Pretax profit 24.8 mln vs 18.7 mln Tax 6.7 mln vs 5.8 mln Operating profit 28.3 mln vs 21.3 mln Investment income 1.0 mln vs 0.7 mln Net finance charges 4.5 mln vs 3.3 mln Company full name is Morgan Crucible Co Plc <MGCR.L> Minorities and provisions for preference dividends 0.7 mln vs 1.2 mln Extraordinary debit - 0.9 mln vs 1.3 mln credit Operating profit includes - Carbon 8.3 mln vs 7.0 mln Technical ceramics 7.0 mln vs 5.6 mln Thermal ceramics 7.6 mln vs 4.6 mln Speciality chemicals 4.4 mln vs 4.0 mln Electronics 1.0 mln vs 0.1 mln REUTER^M 
Swedish industrial production rose 2.6 pct in February, after a 1.8 pct fall in January, showing a 4.4 pct rise over February 1986 and reaching its highest level ever, the Central Bureau of Statistics said. The rise reflected recovery in almost all sectors after an exceptionally cold spell in January, the Bureau said, adding that the highest rises were seen in the forest, chemical and metal industries. REUTER 
Kenya devalued the shilling by 0.6 pct against the special drawing right (SDR) in response to the decline of the dollar last last week, bankers said. The Central Bank of Kenya set the shilling at 20.7449 to the SDR compared with the 20.6226 rate in force since the last devaluation on March 31. The Kenyan shilling has lost 5.6 pct of its value against the SDR this year in a series of devaluations designed to keep the value of the dollar above 16 shillings. REUTER 
Australia could lose valuable wheat markets through lack of availability if plantings for the coming 1987/88 season are significantly reduced, Australian Wheat Board (AWB) chairman Clinton Condon said. "If predictions of a 30 pct decrease in plantings prove true, Australia may not be able to supply wheat to some of its valuable markets," he said in a statement. Condon did not say who had made the predictions, but an AWB spokesman said there was a general industry feeling that farmers, hard hit by low prices and rising costs, could cut back plantings sharply. Wheat sowing normally begins in May. However, Condon said he did not believe plantings would be cut by as much as 30 pct although he realised many farmers were facing enormous financial pressures. He said the AWB expects the area sown to be about 10.7 mln hectares, down from 11.3 mln in 1986/87 when the crop was about 16 mln tonnes. Final crop estimates for 1986/87 and planting intentions for 1987/88 are not yet available. If the AWB is unable, because of a short-term cut in plantings, to meet the needs of the markets it has developed with much time and effort, it may have great difficulty selling wheat to those markets in the future, Condon said. "Markets which rely on a steady supply of Australian wheat understand a decrease in production due to drought but they will have difficulty understanding a deliberate decision to decrease production," Condon said. "If Australia wants wheat to continue as a major export income earner, governments and government authorities will need to closely examine ways of contributing to the continuing viability of the wheat industry," he added. Australia's leading wheat markets include China, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, the Soviet Union and Japan. REUTER 
<Williams Holdings Plc> said that it had received acceptances for its offer for Norcros Plc <NCRO.L> from the holders of 233,448 Norcros ordinary shares, or 0.18 pct, and 180,240 preference shares, or 8.19 pct. Before the 568 mln stg contested bid was launched last month, Williams held 850,000 ordinary shares, or 0.67 pct and since then it had acquired options to buy a further 1.99 mln or 1.58 pct. The offer has been extended to April 15. Norcros shares eased 26p to 410p on the announcement while Williams fell to 767p from 785p. REUTER 
A major animal feed producer, Cehave NV Veghel (CHV), has begun legal proceedings against the application of the European Community grain co-responsibility levy, with the full backing of the Dutch animal grain and feed trade association, Het Comite, association chief executive Peter Pex told Reuters. Oral proceedings were held in the Hague on Friday and the court said it would give its verdict within six weeks. "However, that is the normal wording and we expect the Hague court to refer questions on the interpretation and application of the levy to the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg," Pex added. Het Comite claims the way the levy is applied does not take account of currency cross-rates of exchange and can mean a compounder in one country being asked to pay a higher levy in its own national currency than it received down the chain from the original producer of the grain. "We would like the Business Administration Court in the Hague to ask the Luxembourg Court of Justice not only whether the Dutch Grain Commodity Board, the levy collection agency, has interpreted the levy regulations correctly, but also whether the regulations themselves may contravene European law," Pex said. "It is only with great regret that we have taken this route, but we have had no political help, and therefore have no option even though it could take years," Pex added. Het Comite asked CHV to act as a test case against the grain levy because the bill the company received from the commodity board included grain from a wide variety of origins and was therefore considered to be the best general basis for a legal challenge to the levy, Pex noted. Het Comite's actions will run in tandem with questions on the levy already posed to the Luxembourg Court in a case brought by the Association of European Animal Feed Manufacturers, FEFAC. REUTER 
China has raised the state purchase prices of corn, rice, cottonseed and shelled peanuts from April 1 to encourage farmers to grow them, the official China Commercial Daily said. The paper said the price paid for corn from 14 northern provinces, cities and regions has increased by one yuan per 50 kg. A foreign agricultural expert said the rise will take the price to 17 fen per jin (0.5 kg) from 16 fen. The paper said the price for long-grained rice from 10 southern provinces and cities was raised by 1.5 yuan per 50 kg. The paper said the price for round-grained rice from 11 provinces, regions and cities in central, east and northwest China has been increased by 1.75 yuan per 50 kg. It gave no more price details. It said local authorities must inform farmers of the price increases before farmers begin planting, to encourage production of grains and oilseeds. Chinese officials have said farmers are unwilling to grow grain because they can earn more from other crops. REUTER 
West German first quarter cocoa grindings, which rose 2.9 pct from the same 1986 quarter, were within expectations, trade sources said. They described the results, announced Saturday, as normal and unspectacular, considering that the grind in the fourth quarter was rather high and some was carried over into the first quarter. Grindings rose to 55,190 tonnes from 53,643 in the first 1986 quarter. A spokesman for the Confectionery Industry Association said that West German grindings are expected to stay relatively high in comparison to other West European countries. REUTER 
St.Gobain Netherlands, guaranteed by Cie de St.Gobain, is issuing a 75 mln ECU bond with gold warrants attached, due May 6, 1992 carrying a 4-1/2 pct coupon and priced at par, lead manager Salomon Brothers International Ltd said. Fees comprise 1-1/4 pct selling concession with 5/8 pct for management and underwriting combined. Listing is in Luxembourg. Each 1,000 ECU bond carries one gold warrant exercisable from May 6, 1987 until May 6, 1990 entitling the holder to purchase one ounce at an exercise price of 490 dlrs. REUTER 
The Commonwealth Bank of Australia said it will lower its prime lending rate to 17.5 pct from 18.25, effective April 15. The bank's new rate will be the lowest of Australia's current prime rates. They now range from 17.75 pct to 18.5 after a recent series of reductions since late March following an easier trend in short term money market rates. Two of the three other major trading banks now have prime rates of 18 pct and one of 18.25. The Commonwealth's move reverses an increase from 17.5 pct in early February. REUTER 
Bond Corp Holdings Ltd <BONA.S> plans to use its 1.05 billion dlr acquisition of Kerry Packer's television and radio holdings as the springboard to a global media group, chairman Alan Bond said. Bond Corp's broadcasting float, <Bond Media Ltd>, was geared for international expansion as a company specialising in the electronic media, he told a news conference here after a presentation on the new company to shareholders and analysts. "It's intended that we will be a global media company in the fullness of time," Bond said. Bond Media will bring together Bond's existing broadcasting interests and those recently acquired from Packer's <Consolidated Press Holdings Ltd>. Bond Corp shareholders are being offered 50 pct of the new company at 1.55 dlrs a share on a three-for-four basis. A presentation by underwriters A C Goode and Co Ltd and Rivkin James Capel Ltd forecast Bond Media's net profit at 41 mln dlrs in 1987/88 ending June 30, rising to 72 mln in 1989/90. REUTER 
Hepworth Ceramic Holdings Plc <HEPC.L> said it had agreed to sell its <Western Plastics Corp> unit to <Globe Machine Manufacturing Co> for 16.25 mln dlrs cash. Western, which makes polystyrene foam and container products, has net assets of 19.3 mln dlrs and reported a 1986 pre-tax profit of 0.9 mln. The proceeds of the sale would be used to reduce borrowings and develop activities in the U.K. Hepworth shares eased 0.5p on the announcement to 227.5p. REUTER 
U.S. Legislators called on Japan to open its financial markets to more foreign participation and boost its efforts to head off growing U.S. Protectionism, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said. "We have come to seek the opening of Japan's financial and banking markets," Jake Garn, ranking Republican on the Senate Banking Committee, told Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone. "Japan's financial and banking market is very large and increasingly sophisticated, but there is not yet true reciprocity between Japan and the United States in this market," the ministry official quoted Garn as saying. Nakasone replied that some problems exist over providing more seats on the Tokyo Stock Exchange for foreign firms, one of the main steps urged by the U.S. Delegation. "But I promise to make Tokyo's markets as open as those of New York," he told Garn and three other legislators. In separate talks with Finance Minister Kiichi Miyazawa, the U.S. Group also urged Japan to give U.S. Financial institutions a bigger role in the underwriting of long-term Japanese government bonds, a Finance Ministry spokesman said. REUTER 
Euro-medium term notes, a recent phenomenon in the international capital markets, are hardly attracting a flood of issuers but investment bankers are doing their best to breath life into the market. Medium term notes (MTNs) have met with staggering success in the U.S. Market where total outstandings have grown to around 50 billion dlrs since 1983, the year they took hold as a new financing vehicle to bridge the gap between commercial paper and longer term bonds. Convinced they are here to stay, investment bankers are attempting to adapt MTNs for the euromarket. Ralph Bunche, a vice president of Morgan Stanley International, predicted at a recent Euromoney conference on MTNs here that they will become the predominant instrument for raising funds in the late 1980's and 1990's. "It (the MTN market) will even surpass the bond market," he said. Other bankers took exception with the degree to which MTNs will grow. But they generally agreed that these instruments provide the borrower with greater flexibility and lower costs than a traditional bond. The trick is in convincing European borrowers it is worth arranging a program and, having accomplished that, to persaude European investors -- whose preferences differ from their U.S. Counterparts -- to buy the securities. Discussions with bankers proved one thing. No one is exactly sure how to proceed with structuring and marketing these issues. To date only 13 Euro-MTN programs have been announced but only a few have been activated, such as those for a unit of PepsiCo Inc and another for AB Electrolux. Several firms have devised different structures for Euro-MTNs and defend their structures adamantly. The PepsiCo notes, for example, are sold on a continuously offered basis. This involves a small amount of new notes with similar maturities constantly on offer at current market rates. The Electrolux program uses multi-tranche tap notes devised by Merrill Lynch. Under this structure, an initial tranche of a minimum 50 mln dlrs has a fixed rate of interest and maturity. The borrower then issues additional notes in this category up to a pre-determined maximum. Those who defend the continuously offered method, such as Wendy Dietze, a Salomon Brothers Inc vice president, point to the flexibility they offer in interest rate and maturity. Furthermore, she believes this structure offers the European investor greater confidence in market liquidity -- a major concern for these buyers. Merrill Lynch Europe Ltd's Kevin Regan defends the medium-tranche tap notes concept saying it offers comparable liquidity. But he also said that this structure may not be the right option for all borrowers. Peter Mortimer, a partner in the law firm Milbank, Tweed, Hadley and McCloy, noted that legal requirements could well determine which structure is chosen. He noted that the tap system allows a more clearly defined "lock-up" period as each tranche has a specific maturity. In the case of notes issued by U.S. Borrowers, the "lock-up" period is the 90 days after the completion of a series during which time a security cannot be sold back to the U.S. Or to U.S. Investors. However, he said that the Securities and Exchange Commission is reviewing its current regulations on the ownership of foreign securities by U.S. Citizens and that some softening in the rules could come in the not too distant future. For their part borrowers say they feel a bit like guinea pigs. Petter Skouen, executive vice president of the Nordic Investment Bank (NIB), noted that a few weeks ago NIB would have said it was disappointed with its Euro-MTN program, but that the success of a recent issue changed their minds. He conceded that in retrospect it would have been wiser to establish separate programs for the euromarket and the U.S. Domestic market, rather than try to extend the U.S. Issue globally. Under NIB's 200 mln dlr program, 100 mln has been sold in the U.S. And 25 mln in Europe. REUTER 
Bond Corp Holdings Ltd <BONA.S> said it has agreed to acquire an 80 pct stake in <Merlin International Petroleum Corp> from <Crowley Maritime Corp> for 90.8 mln U.S. Dlrs. Of this total, 7.8 mln dlrs is due on exchange of contracts on April 30 and 69 mln on July 7, subject to any regulatory approvals being obtained, Bond said in a statement. The balance of 14 mln dlrs will be paid as required by Merlin for its exploration and production commitments, it said. Bond said Merlin has a 6.25 pct working interest plus a 2.5 pct reversionary interest in the Papua New Guinea permit, PPL-17, the site of the Iagifu oil discovery. Merlin also has a 12.5 pct stake in the adjacent Papuan Basin permit, PPL-18, which contains the Juha gas and condensate discovery. In addition to Papua New Guinea, Merlin has petroleum exploration and production interests in the U.S., Bond added. REUTER 
Kyushu Electric Power Co Inc will issue a seven-year 20 billion Euroyen bond on April 22, a company spokesman said. The straight bond, to be priced at 101.625, will carry a 4.75 pct coupon to yield 4.445 pct. Lead manager is Nomura International Inc. Issue cost including fees will be 4.8 pct, or 0.9 percentage point below the March issue rates for Japanese electric power company bonds. These are normally between the rates on 10-year government bonds and private corporate bonds. REUTER 
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co Ltd <MC.T> said it would launch the world's smallest and lightest personal-use plain paper copier (PPC) on the domestic market in early June. It said the 69,800 yen copier is 367 mm by 407 mm by 120 mm, weighs six kilos, and can copy pictures from television and VCR's with an optional adaptor. The company plans to produce 2,000 sets a month and will eventually export them, it said without providing further details. Total Japanese PPC output rose 12 pct to 560,000 units in 1986 and is projected to rise to 610,000 this year, it said. REUTER 
The five leading West German economic research institutes have failed to agree about how strongly the domestic economy will expand this year but revised down forecasts contained in a report published six months ago. The three research groups of Kiel, Hamburg and Essen predicted in the institutes' joint spring report that gross national product (GNP) would rise by two pct in 1987, compared with 2.4 pct in 1986. The five institutes had jointly forecast three pct 1987 growth in October last year. Taking a dissenting view, the DIW institute of West Berlin and Munich's Ifo institute predicted only one pct 1987 growth. The joint report said that the estimates of economic development made by the DIW and Ifo were "markedly less favourable" than those of the other three. The DIW and Ifo forecast the economy would pick up after a slow start to the year. "In the second half of 1987 there will, however, only be a weak upward movement," they said. The two institutes said external economic factors which were currently damaging exports and pushing up imports would dominate the economic environment throughout the year. They saw exports falling by a real 2-1/2 pct in 1987 and predicted no marked improvement in the course of the year. The other three institutes, however, wrote: "The decline in demand and production (seen) in the winter months does not indicate the beginning of a cyclical downswing." They said the sharp rise of the mark had led to corporate uncertainty and companies had not carried out investment plans. But they expected that many investments had not been cancelled but only put off. "It can be presumed that the braking actions (on the economy) will diminish markedly this year." They added: "The domestic prerequisites for a continuation of the economic uptrend are still favourable." These three institutes said diminishing external burdens combined with favourable domestic conditions meant an upturn in demand and production could be expected by the spring. However, this projection was clouded by risks including the further development of the mark against the dollar. Contrary to the DIW and Ifo, the three institutes said that while exports would continue to be the weak point of the economy in 1987, "there is good reason to believe that exports will soon bottom out and that a slight rise will emerge during the course of the year." They predicted an overall 0.5 pct fall in exports in 1987, the same as in 1986. The three more positive institutes saw private consumption rising by four pct in 1987, compared with 4.2 pct in 1986, while DIW and Ifo predicted a three pct increase. They saw the climate for equipment investment improving but predicted only a rise of four pct in 1987 against 4.6 pct in 1986. Ifo and DIW saw these investments rising by only two pct. All the institutes predicted only a slight decline in unemployment. The Kiel, Hamburg and Essen institutes said the jobless total would average 2.17 mln in 1987 compared with 2.23 mln in 1986 and predicted a rise in the number of people in work of about 200,000. These three institutes said new jobs would be created mainly in the private services sector and also by the state in the context of job creation measures. The construction industry was likely to engage new workers for the first time since 1980 but they predicted either no rise in employment in the manufactured goods industry or only a slight expansion. The DIW and Ifo said rises in employment would occur only in the tertiary sector, while "the number employed in the manufacturing industry will decline." The DIW and Ifo said unemployment would only decline to 2.20 mln in 1987 from 2.23 mln in 1986. They saw the current account surplus falling in 1987 to 58 billion marks from 78 billion in 1986. The other three saw a current account surplus in 1987 of at least 60 billion marks and predicted that the trade surplus would fall to only around 100 billion marks from 112 billion in 1986. The institutes agreed that consumer prices would start to rise in 1987, after they declined in 1986, and all five predicted an average increase over the year of 0.5 pct. REUTER 
<Blue Arrow Plc> said it had agreed terms to acquire a group of U.S. Companies collectively known as the <Richards Companies>, which specialise in executive recruitment and management consultancy on personnel matters. The total consideration will be 29 mln U.S. Dlrs of which 50 pct will be payable in cash and 50 pct by the issue of 1.36 mln new ordinary shares in Blue Arrow. The Richard Companies made a pre-tax profit of 3.6 mln dlrs in the year to end-1986, on turnover of 7.1 mln dlrs with net tangible assets at the end of 1986 of 3.4 mln dlrs. Blue Arrow shares were trading 9p lower at 670 this morning. REUTER 
The State Bank of Victoria is raising 50 mln Australian dlrs through a three-year bullet eurobond at 14-1/2 pct and priced at 101-3/8, lead and sole manager Commerzbank AG said. The bond is due on May 15, 1990 and interest is paid on that date annually. Payment date is also May 15. Denominations are 1,000 and 10,000 dlrs and listing is in London. Fees total 1-1/2 pct, with a half-point for management and underwriting and one point for selling. REUTER 
Saudi riyal interbank deposit rates surged across the board as banks tried to build long positions in anticipation of a further rise in U.S. Interest rates, dealers said. They said traders expected riyal deposits to follow the recent strong rise in eurodollar rates sparked by fears of a tighter U.S. Monetary policy to halt the dollar's slide. "There was a wave of panic buying early in the morning as people tried to cover gaps and build long riyal positions," said one dealer. As a result, riyal deposits were strongly bid and traders scrambled for any available offers. One-way trade focused mainly on the fixed periods but short dates also rose, dealers said. Spot-next and one-week deposits climbed to 6-5/8, 1/8 pct from 6-3/8, six on Sunday. One-month deposits rose to 6-1/2, 3/8 pct from 6-1/4, six and three-month deposits climbed to 6-3/4, 5/8 pct from 6-9/16, 7/16. Six-month deposits also firmed to 7-1/8, seven pct from 7-1/16, 6-7/8 on Sunday. The spot riyal was steady at 3.7500/03 to the dollar after quotes of 3.7498/7503 yesterday. REUTER 
Gold bullion continued to move higher supported by good general buying and was fixed this morning at 436.50 dlrs, 268.368 stg, an ounce, up from Friday's close of 432.00/50, dealers said. The setting was the highest since October 8 as gold built on Friday's gains, which had been based on the weakness of the dollar and fears of a trade war between the United States and Japan. It opened slightly firmer at 433.50/434.00 and moved up steadily during the morning supported by commission house and trade buying, dealers said. Dealers said there was resistance around 440.00 but with sentiment still firm some traders believe the rally may even take gold as high as 500 dlrs. Platinum was fixed this morning at 583.50 dlrs an ounce, up from Friday's close of 578.50/580.50, and also the highest setting since October. REUTER 
Borg-Warner <BOR> Corp, facing an unwanted offer from GAF Corp <GAF>, agreed to a 4.23 billion dlr buyout offer from a company to be formed by <Merrill Lynch Capital Partners Inc>. Borg-Warner and Merrill said yesterday they entered a definitive merger agreement, under which a subsidiary of the new company, <AV Holdings Corp>, will begin a 48.50 dlr per share cash tender offer today for 77.6 mln shares or 89 pct of Borg-Warner common stock. The offer will be followed by a merger in which each remaining share will be converted into 19.75 dlrs cash and 54.25 dlrs principal amount of AV Holdings junior subordinated discount debentures. As a result of the merger, Borg-Warner will become a wholly owned subsidiary of AV Holdings. A Borg-Warner spokeswoman said members of management do not plan to participate in the transaction, but they will retain their positions with the company. A spokesman for GAF was unavailable for comment. GAF holds 19.9 pct of Borg-Warner's shares. GAF had said it would offer 46 dlrs per share. Borg-Warner's spokeswoman said the company still plans to sell its financial services unit, which includes Wells Fargo security guards, and the Chilton Corp, a credit rating service. Borg-Warner has been the focus of takeover speculation for about a year. Corporate raider Irwin Jacobs last year proposed a takeover of the firm and until recently held 10 pct of the stock. Following the GAF offer, analysts had calculated breakup values for the company in the low 50 dlrs per share range and speculated an offer would have to be sweetened. In its statement, Borg-Warner said its board endorsed the Merrill offer and it recommended that shareholders tender their shares. The board received opinions on the offer from its advisors, First Boston Corp and Goldman, Sachs and Co. James Burke, president of Merrill Lynch Capital Partners, said, "We are very pleased to have entered into this transaction with Borg-Warner. We are looking forward to working with the employees of Borg-Warner and to Borg-Warner maintaining its strong presence in the Chicago community." Merrill Lynch will be the dealer-manager for the offer, which expires at midnight EDT May 8 (0400 GMT, May 9), subject to conditions, including the completion of necessary financing arrangements. The offer is also subject to a minimum 44.25 mln shares, or 51 pct of the outstanding shares, being tendered. Merrill Lynch and certain affiliates have committed to provide 200 mln dlrs in AV Holdings equity and 870 mln in subordinated financing and forward underwriting commitments. Merrill Lynch said that following discussions with commercial banks it is confident it can obtain the rest of the financing required to complete the transaction. The junior subordinated discount debentures to be issued in the merger will carry a 13 pct coupon and will begin paying cash interest after five years. The debentures will be redeemable at the company's option for the first six years at 105 pct, during the seventh year at 102.5 pct and after that at 100 pct of the principal amount. The junior subordinated discount debentures have a maturity of 20 years and are entitled to a sinking fund commencing in the 16th year designed to retire 60 pct of the issue before maturity. Borg-Warner will also redeem all of its outstanding 4.50 dlrs cumulative preferred stock, series A, for 100 dlrs per share. Holders who wish to participate in the offer must first convert their preferred stock into Borg-Warner common stock. The board of Borg-Warner has also taken steps to redeem its poison pill or share purchase rights for five cents per right, effective immediately. REUTER 
The price index for sales of manufactured goods in the U.K. Rose a provisional, unadjusted 0.3 pct in March after an identical rise in February, Department of Trade and Industry figures show. The index for materials and fuel purchased by manufacturing industry fell a provisional and unadjusted 1.1 pct after a 1.7 pct fall in February. The Department said the year-on-year rise in producer prices in March was a provisional 3.7 pct, compared with a provisional 4.2 pct increase in the year to end-February. The index for output prices, non-seasonally adjusted, was put at a provisional 149.7 in March after 149.3 in February. The index for input prices, also not seasonally adjusted, was set at 128.2 in March after February's 129.6. The 1.1 pct fall in input prices between February and March was mainly due to a seasonal fall in industrial electricity costs and lower scheduled prices for petroleum products, the Department said. The Department said these falls were only partly offset by a rise in prices of home-produced food manufacturing materials. The seasonally adjusted index for input prices showed a 0.2 pct rise between February and March. Year-on-year, the input price index was down 0.7 pct in March after a 2.8 pct drop in February. REUTER 
Sri Lanka's cabinet has ordered a 12 pct cut in budget spending by ministries this year to offset the rising cost of the fight against Tamil guerrillas, Finance Ministry officials said. A senior economist at the Ministry, who declined to be named, told Reuters the cuts would not apply to defence-related Ministries and those involved in health and education. Defence expenditure, projected at 10 billion rupees this year, is now forecast at 12 billion and is expected to exceed this by the year-end. The economist said the cuts were part of a government plan to reduce spending to satisfy the International Monetary Fund (IMF) which has promised to lend Sri Lanka 6.5 billion rupees to help its balance of payments. The IMF has said previously Sri Lanaka must reduce its budget and balance of payments deficits to satisfy loan conditions. He said World Bank and IMF teams were expected here next month. "If approved the loan would be available only after November and would be part of the 1988 budget," he said. REUTER 
Norway's state oil company Den Norske Stats Oljeselskap A/S (Statoil) <STAT.OL>, has told Thai authorities it is interested in taking a 30 pct share in a big offshore Thailand gas field, Statoil said. The field, in the southern sector of the Gulf of Thailand, is currently operated by U.S. Oil company Texas Pacific Oil Co Inc, a unit of Canada's Seagram Co Ltd <VO.N>. Thailand's state oil company <Petroleum Authority Thailand> (PTT) also holds a major stake in the field. PTT wants to develop the field and has asked Statoil to consider co-development if the field's licence is renewed. PTT, according to Statoil, is currently negotiating with Texas Pacific to buy back the Dallas-based oil company's holdings in the field. "PTT must first sort out its problems with Texas Pacific. When this is done, we have said we are interested in taking over a 30 pct share in the field," Statoil spokesman Willy Olsen told Reuters. Statoil, hired by PTT to carry out an independent appraisal of the field's reserves and propose a development plan, has estimated the field could be commercially developed at a cost of some 700 mln crowns. Industry sources said Texas Pacific has submitted lower reserve estimates for the field than Statoil and shown little interest in its development. Statoil refused to disclose its upgraded reserve estimate for the field. The field's reserves could be sold domestically through Thailand's gas distribution network or by converting the gas to electricity, the sources said. Sources would not say which field Statoil is considering. REUTER 
The New South Wales Treasury Corporation is issuing a 100 mln Australian dlr eurobond due May 27, 1992 paying 14-1/4 pct and priced at 101-7/8 pct, lead manager County Natwest Capital Markets said. The non-callable bond is guaranteed by the crown-in-right of New South Wales. The selling concession is 1-3/8 pct while management and underwriting combined pays 5/8 pct. The issue is available in denominations of 1,000 and 10,000 Australian dlrs and will be listed in Luxembourg. The payment date is May 27. REUTER 
The ruling Liberal Democratic Party's (LDP) setback in Sunday's nationwide local elections may force the government to water down its controversial proposal for a five pct sales tax and undermine its commitment to stimulating the economy, private economists said. The LDP's failure to win seats in some crucial local constituencies will weaken the government's ability to push through its tax plan, and without a compromise tax proposal the budget for fiscal 1987/88 ending March 31 is unlikely to be passed soon, they said. Without the budget, the government would also be hard-pressed to come up with an effective package to stimulate the economy as pledged at Group of Seven meetings in Paris in late February and in Washington last week, they said. Opposition protests against the sales tax have stalled parliamentary debate on the budget for weeks and forced the government to enact a stop-gap 1987/88 budget that began early this month. "The LDP's election setback will have an enormous impact on the already faltering economy," said Johsen Takahashi, chief economist at Mitsubishi Research Institute. Takahashi said that behind the LDP's poor showing was public discontent with the government's high-handed push for tax reform and its lack of effective policies to cope with economic woes caused by the yen's appreciation. "This explains why the LDP failed to regain governorships in the most hotly contested constituencies of Fukuoka and Hokkaido, where the shipbuilding and steel industries are suffering heavily from the yen's extended rise," he said. Takahashi said the government should delay introduction of the sales tax for one or two years beyond its original starting date of January 1988 and implement tax cuts now. Sumitomo Bank Ltd chief economist Masahiko Koido also said he favours watering down the proposed sales tax while suggesting the government boost public works spending by modifying its tight fiscal policies. "The local election results were a signal the economy now needs government action to take clear-cut fiscal measures," he said, adding that such moves would help the world economy as well as Japan's. For the last five years or so, the government has stuck to a tight fiscal policy in a bid to halt the issue of deficit financing bonds by fiscal 1990/91, economists said. If the LDP election setback leads to a scaled down sales tax proposal, the government would have to find other revenue sources to help finance the planned tax cuts and a package of measures to stimulate the economy, the economists said. Koido said the government could raise additional revenue by selling shares in public corporations such as Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp. But it should issue additional bonds to ensure a more stable source of funds, he said. "It may run counter to its avowed policy of balancing the budget, but it can do so on a short-term basis," he said. Takahashi of Mitsubishi Research also agreed with the need for the government to float more bonds to raise funds needed for economic expansion. He said additional government borrowing would place no burden on the capital market because it has amassed huge excess funds and government bond prices have risen to record levels lately. "The market is just waiting for more new government bond issues," he said. REUTER 
Japanese oil traders and refiners are considering whether to suspend further business with Texaco Inc <TX>, which yesterday filed for protection under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy code, industry sources told Reuters. Texaco, the third biggest U.S. Oil company, said it filed to protect itself from creditors while it fights a legal battle with Pennzoil Co <PZL> over the purchase of Getty Petroleum Corp <GTY> in 1984. Many Japanese trading houses decided to stop dealing with Texaco several months ago as rumours it was about to file for bankruptcy spread through the market, the sources said. "We haven't dealt with them for six months," said one Japanese trader. Some Japanese trading houses with offices in the U.S. May ask for letters of credit if they decide to continue trading with Texaco, oil sources said. They said Texaco, which said its bankrupcty protection measure will not affect the majority of its businesses, may find industry reaction stronger than anticipated. "Texaco tried to buy substantial volumes of gasoline on the U.S. Gulf on Friday but no one offered to them," one trading house source said. One U.S. Major is reviewing its relationship with Texaco, and an international oil trading company, while continuing limited transactions with Texaco, will send its lawyers to meet with the company tonight in New York, oil sources said. But one Japanese oil company, which holds several joint venture oil exploration interests with Texaco, said business would continue as usual pending the outcome of the dispute, a company spokesman said. REUTER 
French commercial bank Credit Commercial de France has split each of its shares into four to increase the number of shares on offer when it is privatised at the end of this month, a company official said. He told Reuters a general assembly had passed a proposal splitting 10.33 mln shares of 100 francs nominal into around 41.32 mln shares of 25 francs nominal. Market sources have put the total value of CCF's selloff at between four and five billion francs. The bank said the share sale price was likely to be announced on April 24, before the launch of a public flotation offer on April 27. REUTER 
The five leading West German economic research institutes said the government should do more to stimulate economic growth and called for early introduction of tax cuts planned for 1990. In their joint spring report the institutes were divided about 1987 growth forecasts, with three predicting two pct expansion and the other two only one pct growth. Gross national product grew 2.4 pct last year. But the report said all the institutes believed that "more must be done to produce dynamic growth so that more additional jobs can be created." The institutes said any step which improved basic economic conditions should be taken as quickly as possible. "From this point of view, the tax reform planned for 1990 should be brought forward." The government plans gross tax reductions of 44 billion marks as part of the major tax reform. The net tax relief from the tax reform will amount to 25 billion marks. However, the institutes criticised the government, not only for the timing of the reform, but also because the question of its financing had been left open. The government has not specified how the remaining 19 billion marks of the tax reduction package will be paid for, though it has said it wants to cut state subsidies. The institutes said this lack of clarity from Bonn had caused uncertainty among companies and households as to what exactly they would receive from the tax reform and urged a quick decision from the government. They also said the government should reduce tax preferences, which would simplify the fiscal system, urged a restriction of state spending and called for no increase in value-added tax. The institutes also criticised Bonn for increasing subsidies at a time further reductions had been pledged. They referred specifically to a doubling of special writedowns for small and medium sized companies announced in a package of tax adjustments planned for 1988 and described this as an increase in subsidies. The institutes said total subsidies, including tax preferences, had reached 80 billion marks in 1985 and risen further since then. Given the scope of these subsidies, it should be possible "despite ... Major political difficulties" to finance the tax reform by cutting state handouts. The institutes said that if the government raised value added tax or other indirect taxes a large portion of the positive effects resulting from lower taxes would be lost. The report also noted that the government was progressing only slowly with its plans to privatise state companies and said more deregulation was needed. The government had to aim for more competition, it said. REUTER 
Glaxo pre-tax profit 376 mln stg vs 260 mln in six months to end-December
Hillsdown Holdings Plc <HLDN.L> said its Christie-Tyler Ltd unit would buy the European bedding making interests of Simmons Co U.S.A., Owned by Gulf and Western Industries Inc USA <GW>, for 23 mln dlrs. The acquisitions include <Sleepeeze Ltd> in the U.K., <Compagnie Continentale Simmons SA> in France and <Compagnia Italiana Simmons SpA> in Italy. In 1986 the three businesses made pre-tax profit of around 2.5 mln stg on sales of 39 mln stg. Net assets being acquired come to around nine mln stg. Hillsdown shares were unchanged at 266p. REUTER 
The European Community (EC) has effectively given Japan six weeks to take moves to open its market to imports before it decides on possible tough retaliatory trade measures, EC diplomats said. They said EC foreign ministers will meet on May 25 and 26 to review the state of trade relations between the two sides. The EC executive commission was asked by representatives of member states on Friday to propose a renunciation of some EC pledges to the world trade body, GATT, unless there are "adequate and early measures to open the Japanese market." Such a renunciation would be the first step to imposing stiff increases in duties, or quantitative limits, on Japanese exports. The diplomats said it was unlikely that the issue would be discussed in detail at the next meeting of EC foreign ministers on April 27 and 28 in Luxembourg as time was needed to prepare proposals for possible retaliatory action. They said the commission has powers to take some limited action before getting ministerial approval to prevent Japanese exports of electrical, photographic and other goods being diverted to Europe in the wake of possible U.S. Tariff moves. In May, the ministers are also likely to discuss how to prevent Japan from getting an extra trading advantage as a result of Spain and Portugal joining the bloc, which obliges them gradually to reduce tariffs on many industrial goods. Meanwhile, Japan's trade surplus with the Community has grown steadily, registering a record 2.13 billion dlrs in March. REUTER 
Six months to end-December Shr 32.6p vs 22.3p Div 5.0p vs 4.0p Pre-tax profit 376 mln stg vs 260 mln Turnover 883 mln vs 686 mln Tax 133 mln vs 94 mln Note - company full name is Glaxo Holdings Plc <GLXO.L>. Trading profit 338 mln vs 233 mln Share of profits of associates 14 mln vs seven mln Investment income less interest payable 24 mln vs 20 mln Profit after tax 243 mln vs 166 mln Minority interests two mln vs one mln Extraordianry credit eight mln vs nil Turnover includes - Continuing activities 875 mln vs 647 mln Discontinued activities eight mln vs 39 mln U.K. 111 mln vs 91 mln Europe 299 mln vs 218 mln North America 334 mln vs 229 mln Central and South America 21 mln vs 20 mln Africa and Middle East 29 mln vs 23 mln South East Asia and Far East 57 mln vs 47 mln Australasia 24 mln vs 19 mln Anti-peptic ulcerants 414 mln vs 285 mln Systemic antibiotics 112 mln vs 82 mln Respiratory system 183 mln vs 141 mln REUTER 
A takeover battle began today for debt-burdened Dome Petroleum Ltd <DMP.MO> as TransCanada PipeLines Ltd <TRP.TO> announced a 4.3 billion dlr offer and Dome said it is continuing talks with other possible buyers. Companies mentioned in market speculation as potential buyers for Dome include Imperial Oil Ltd <IMO.A> which is 70 pct owned by Exxon Corp <XON.N>, <PanCanadian Petroleum Ltd> which is 87 pct owned by the conglomerate Canadian Pacific Ltd <CP.N> and British Petroleum Co Plc <BP.L>. Along with the TransCanada offer, Dome has had another proposal from "a substantial company" and discussions with a third company which could lead to an offer, Dome said in a statement. The statement confirmed Dome received TransCanada's bid, but did not identify the companies involved in talks. TransCanada, Canada's largest natural gas pipeline operator, said it is offering Dome a package of cash, common and preferred shares, and shares in a new subsidiary which would own and operate Dome's assets. TransCanada said the offer is to Dome management, not to shareholders. Dome has massive oil and gas landholdings in Canada, totalling 36.1 mln acres of which 7.4 mln have been developed. It also has tax credits worth about 2.5 billion dlrs. Dome's statement said the TransCanada announcement "violated the terms and spirit of a confidentiality agreement entered into with prospective purchasers" and was apparently timed to prevent Dome from considering other proposals. It said the TransCanada bid "seems to require favourable and substantial taxation concessions from the federal and provincial governments." But Dome added that its management and financial advisers will evaluate all proposals. TransCanada chief financial officer H. Neil Nichols said he was surprised at the vehemence of Dome's statement and denied that TransCanada was trying to usurp other bids. "I find (Dome's statement) very bothersome. Once the board made the decision to authorise the proposal, it had a legal obligation to announce it," he said. Nichols said he did not know the identity of the other bidders, or the terms of other offers. Dome common shares closed at 1.13 dlrs on Friday on the Toronto Stock Exchange. The preferred class A stock closed at 5.00 dlrs. Common stock traded as high as 25.00 dlrs in 1981. REUTER 
The Bank of Japan will sell 800 billion yen in deficit financing bills today through 51-day repurchase agreements maturing June 3 to help absorb a projected money market surplus, money traders said. The operation will raise the outstanding supply of the bills to a record 4,800 billion yen. The yield on the bills for sale to banks and securities houses from money houses will be 3.8999 pct compared with the two-month commercial bill discount rate today of 3.8750 pct and the two-month certificate of deposit rate of 4.13/00 pct. The traders estimated the surplus today at about 1,800 billion yen. They said it is mainly due to 1,300 billion yen of government tax allocations to local governments and public entities and to excessive banking system cash holdings due to continuous large central bank dollar purchases. REUTER 
Italian state-owned bank Banca Commerciale Italiana, BCI, said it and Mediocredito Centrale will sign a joint venture pact with Soviet central bank Gosbank and Vneshtorgbank, the foreign trade financial institution. A BCI spokesman told Reuters the agreement involves the banks providing financial services and taking equity stakes in joint Soviet-Italian industrial ventures. Under the agreement, the Italian banks will have a 50 pct interest in a new firm to be formed by the four institutions. The accord is expected to be signed today or tomorrow at a Venice conference on East West trade, the spokesman said. The spokesman said the joint venture company will operate primarily in the corporate finance sector. Additional details about the firm's activities were not available, he said. BCI is Italy's second largest bank, while Mediocredito provides medium-term export financing. REUTER 
The London Metal Exchange (LME) has issued a note clarifying details on its new high grade aluminium contract, in response to questions from members following the announcement of the contract, due to start June 1. All deliverable shapes of aluminium under the high grade primary aluminium contract (minimum 99.7 pct purity) will also be deliverable against the standard primary aluminium contract (min 99.5 pct), the LME said. Sows will not constitute good delivery against the standard contract until September 1, and 99.5 pct purity sows are not good delivery and cannot be placed on LME warrant. The dollar quotation for the high grade contract will be in multiples of one U.S. Dollar but carries may be made at 50 cents for even tonnages only. Singapore, which is the first port warehouse outside Europe to be used as an LME delivery point, will be used for high grade metal only and the rent imposed by owners Steinweg will be 1.05 U.S. Dlr a tonne per week, the LME said. The LME Board, in response to representation from the trade, agreed to annul from LME contracts the minimum weight requirements of 450 kilos for T-bars and 250 kilos for sows, effective for high grade on June 1 and for standard on July 24. REUTER 
The yield on 91-day bankers security deposit accounts issued this week by the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (SAMA) rose to 6.43896 pct from 6.21563 a week ago, bankers said. SAMA lowered the offer price on the 500 mln riyal issue to 98.39844 from 98.45313 last Monday. Like-dated interbank deposits were quoted today at 6-3/4, 5/8 pct. SAMA offers a total of 1.9 billion riyals in 30, 91 and 180-day accounts to banks in the Kingdom each week. REUTER 
Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone's unpopular plan to introduce a sales tax caused an electoral setback for his ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) in Sunday's local elections, political analysts said. The LDP retained its 11 prefectural governorships, but failed to restore a governorship in Fukuoka it had placed much importance on winning. In the prefectural assembly elections to fill 2,670 seats, the LDP has so far lost 92 of its previously held 1,487 seats to the socialists and communists. Full election results should be available later today. Discussing the election results with reporters, Nakasone said, "I wouldn't say the proposed five pct sales tax had no effect at all, but there were other factors, such as a low turnout and unusually cold weather." The Home Affairs Ministry said the average turnout for the 13 gubernatorial elections was a record low 59.78 pct while the prefectural assembly polls drew an average of 66.66 pct, also a record low. Noboru Goto, president of the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry and a longtime friend of Nakasone, told reporters the impact of the sales tax on the LDP's setback was obvious. "The government should take action (on the sales tax) in regard to the people's wishes," Goto said. Nakasone and other LDP leaders have already hinted at a delay in the implementation of the tax, which had been scheduled for next January, and a possible cut in the rate. "The most important thing now is to get parliamentary approval of the budget as soon as possible to arrest a rapid appreciation of the yen," Nakasone said. "We must implement measures to prop up the economy." Opposition parties said the elections were a referendum on the tax and they will continue to demand its retraction. REUTER 
A Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) official denied a local news agency report that Japan will end its seven-month-old semiconductor agreement with the U.S. If Washington imposes tariffs on 300 mln dlrs worth of Japanese electronic goods from April 17. Kyodo News Agency reported a high-ranking MITI official as saying Japan would end the chip pact if the U.S. Implements the punitive tariffs. Nothing new has been decided, the official said. As MITI said on Saturday, Japan would only pursue its rights under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), he added. REUTER 
Eurobonds for Texaco Inc subsidiaries were unquoted this morning as traders assessed the implications of the company's shock weekend decision to file for bankruptcy under Chapter 11 of U.S. Bankruptcy laws, eurobond dealers said. The decision to file for bankruptcy follows a court decision that it had to post an 11 billion dlr bond to continue its court battles with Pennzoil Co <PZL>. One head trader at a U.S. Securities house said, "I don't want to be obstructive, but there genuinely is no market in Texaco bonds at the moment. Everyone is stunned by the decision (to file for bankruptcy) and can't really believe it." One dealer noted that Texaco subsidiaries have outstanding eurobonds totalling over three billion dlrs out of total borrowings of some 6.8 billion dlrs. He added that many of the fixed interest eurobonds - dollar straights - had been trading "basis only" for some time prior to this weekend's news. This means traders could quote a two way price for the bonds but would not be bound to trade them. Any trades would be negotiated. He said that recently there appeared to have been some speculative buying of the bonds from the U.S. But that European investors had been overall sellers. Dealers noted that under the Chapter 11 filing noteholders will receive no interest payments. Texaco also has eurobonds outstanding which are convertible into Texaco Inc common stock - known as convertibles. Trading did not open in these issues either. One convertible dealer said, "We're waiting to see the result of today's court hearing." Texaco is applying today in the Texas courts for relief from having to post the court bond. Texaco shares were being indicated by over the counter share dealers here at around 26 to 28 dlrs compared with Friday's close in New York of 31-7/8 dlrs. Pennzoil shares were indicated at 85 to 87 dlrs compared with Friday's New York finish of 92-1/4 dlrs. REUTER 
U.S. Legislators called on Japan to open its financial markets to more foreign participation and boost its efforts to head off growing U.S. Protectionism, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said. "We have come to seek the opening of Japan's financial and banking markets," Jake Garn, ranking Republican on the Senate Banking Committee, told Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone. "Japan's financial and banking market is very large and increasingly sophisticated, but there is not yet true reciprocity between Japan and the United States in this market," the ministry official quoted Garn as saying. Nakasone replied that some problems exist over providing more seats on the Tokyo Stock Exchange for foreign firms, one of the main steps urged by the U.S. Delegation. "But I promise to make Tokyo's markets as open as those of New York," he told Garn and three other legislators. In separate talks with Finance Minister Kiichi Miyazawa, the U.S. Group also urged Japan to give U.S. Financial institutions a bigger role in the underwriting of long-term Japanese government bonds, a Finance Ministry spokesman said. REUTER 
North Yemen at its weekend tender bought white sugar from a French operator acting on behalf of a Swiss house at 214.70 dlrs a tonne c and f, traders said. The amount bought was not immediately available, although the country had sought 30,000 tonnes of June arrival whites, they said. REUTER 
A Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) official denied a local news agency report that Japan will end its seven-month-old semiconductor agreement with the U.S. If Washington imposes tariffs on 300 mln dlrs worth of Japanese electronic goods from April 17. Kyodo News Agency reported a high-ranking MITI official as saying Japan would end the chip pact if the U.S. Implements the punitive tariffs. Nothing new has been decided, the official said. As MITI said on Saturday, Japan would only pursue its rights under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), he added. REUTER 
Japan warned the United States it may take retaliatory measures if the U.S. imposes its planned trade sanctions on April 17, a senior government official said at the weekend. Shinji Fukukawa, Vice Minister of the International Trade and Industry Ministry, said in a statement that Japan would consider measures under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and other actions if the United States imposes 100 pct tariffs on some Japanese exports as planned next week. However, Fukukawa said Japan was ready to continue trade talks with the United States despite its failure to convince America to call off the threatened tariffs during two days of emergency talks which ended in Washington on Friday. In March President Reagan announced the sanctions in retaliation for what he called Japan's failure to honor a July 1986 pact to stop dumping computer microchips in markets outside the U.S. and to open its home market to U.S. goods. Fukukawa said the U.S. had not listened to Japan's explanation of its efforts to live up the pact. He saod the U.S had not given detailed reasons of why it planned tariffs. Reuter 
The Bank of England said it had provided the money market with 75 mln stg help in the morning session. This compares with the Bank's estimate that the system would face a shortage of around 400 mln stg today. The central bank bought bank bills outright comprising two mln stg in band two at 9-13/16 pct, 15 mln stg in band three at 9-3/4 pct and 58 mln stg in band three at 9-11/16 pct. REUTER 
The Bank of Japan actively bought dollars here in early afternoon trade at around 142.20 yen, dealers said. The central bank had placed buy orders at that level and prevented the dollar from falling when it came under heavy selling pressure from investment trusts and trading houses, they said. However, the intervention failed to boost the U.S. Currency significantly from the 142.20 yen level, they added. The dollar was trading around its midday rate of 142.30 yen. It had opened here at 141.85 yen. REUTER 
Japanese trade figures are seriously challenging the entrenched view of policy makers of the Group of Seven industrialised nations that relative currency rates are the key to smoothing world trade problems. Senior Japanese, U.S. And European officials in Tokyo say they are at a loss to fully explain the data, for if currencies are the key they ask, why then are are U.S. Exports to Japan shrinking? What if manipulating currencies and driving the dollar down made world trade problems worse rather than solving them, fulfilling Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker's forecast of world trade recession? U.S.-Japan trade has declined even after a 40 pct dollar fall against the yen since the September 1985 Group of Five pact in New York. The lower dollar ought to have made U.S. Exports 40 pct more competitive in Japan. The officials, most of them economists, can offer no objective reason why they are not. Worse, how are European Community sales to Japan rising rapidly when the European Currency Unit has until now declined only 11 pct against the yen.? Last week's G-7 meeting in Washington has been widely interpreted as a sign from the policy makers that the dollar must go lower. So worst of all, what if Volcker is correct? At a loss to give an objective explanation, officials can only offer explanations which tend to be highly subjective. "I don't know and I don't think anyone knows," said Hugh Richardson, acting head of the EC delegation in Tokyo. "What I do know is that Community exporters are making a hell of an effort in this market. If you make an effort, there is money to be made in Japan," he added. But U.S. Officials and businessmen are convinced low U.S. Exports to Japan are Japan's fault. They cite restrictive trade practices, protected Japanese trade sectors, such as agriculture, and non-tariff barriers, such as unreasonable checking and customs procedures for car imports. Publicly, Japanese officials remain conciliatory in the face of what they see as U.S. Aggression. In private, they blame U.S. Industry for being uncompetitive. "We see it that way, but we don't like to seem arrogant," said a senior official, who declined to be named. "We like to refrain from accusing them of not making enough effort." Industrialists such as Eishiro Saito, chairman of the Keidanren business group, and Sony Corp chairman Akio Morita repeatedly accuse foreign firms of not making enough effort to understand Japan's markets, and some foreigners agree. "The real issue is the inability of major sectors of American and European industry to compete not only internationally but even in their home markets," Peter Huggler, President of Interallianz Bank Zurich, told a recent conference in Switzerland. REUTER...^M 
Turkey is to apply tomorrow for European Community membership, Foreign Ministry officials said. They told Reuters that Minister of State Ali Bozer would lodge the application in Brussels with Belgian Foreign Minister Leo Tindemans. Turkey would be the 13th member of the group, of which Belgium is current president. REUTER 
Negotiations scheduled between the metalworkers' IG Metall union and employers to resolve an impasse over a new contract will start on Wednesday, the union said in a statement. IG Metall is demanding a 35-hour week, with a parallel increase in wages of five pct. Employers Gesamtmetall have offered a half-hour shortening in the current working week, to 38 hours, and an initial rise of 2.8 pct. IG Metall, under newly-elected leader Franz Steinkuehler, proposed the talks on Thursday, after regional negotiations in the northern part of the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg collapsed. REUTER 
Saudi Arabia is in the market for 4,000 tonnes of refined bleached deodorised palm olein for June 1/10 shipment, traders said. REUTER 
The London based trade journal "METAL BULLETIN'S" average producer price of good ordinary brand zinc for week ended April 10 is 790.00 dlrs per tonne. Reuter 
U.K. Producer price data for March were roughly as expected after taking into account technical factors which affected the year-on-year outcome, economic analysts said. The figures showed a 0.3 pct provisional, non-seasonally adjusted rise in output prices in March, unchanged from February and close to the average for the last six months. The year-on-year rise was put at 3.7 pct, down from 4.2 pct in February. But Chris Tinker, economist at brokerage house Phillips and Drew, said the drop in the year-on-year rate mainly reflected a rise in excise duties which affected the index in March last year. He cautioned that it was dangerous to read too much into the monthly figure, adding that a rise of only 0.2 pct in April would take the year-on-year rise back above 4.2 pct. Analysts also noted that a drop in manufacturers' input prices was almost entirely due to anticipated seasonal factors such as a fall in industrial electricity costs. Duncan Squire of Lloyds Merchant Bank said the figures were slightly disappointing in that the strengthening of sterling had not yet reduced input prices as much as expected. Both he and Tinker said this factor should help keep input costs down over the next few months, although Tinker added that last year's fall in oil prices is now about to drop out of the year-on-year comparisons and is likely to lead to a return to rises in the index rather than falls. REUTER 
West German Economics Minister Martin Bangemann indirectly rejected a call from the country's leading economic research institutes for early introduction of a major tax reform involving gross tax cuts of 44 billion marks. In a statement reacting to the five institutes' joint spring report, Bangemann said that as far as the call for bringing forward the 1990 tax reform was concerned -- "The government points out that the positive effects for growth of its policy of consolidation (cutting the budget deficit) must not be allowed to be endangered." Bangemann also recalled that the scope of tax cuts planned for 1988 had already been increased. Three institutes predicted two pct economic growth in 1987, with exports falling by 0.5 pct. The other two saw only one pct growth and said exports would fall 2.5 pct. Bangemann said "The government, agreeing with the majority, sees no reason for the extraordinarily pessimistic estimate for exports expressed by the minority." He said there was reason to believe that export demand would start to rise in the course of the year, partly because of a further increase in world trade. REUTER 
Italy's Gross Domestic Product, calculated at 1980 prices, rose 2.4 pct in the fourth quarter of 1986, compared with the same period in 1985, National Statistics Institute ISTAT said. ISTAT said in a statement that GDP growth in fourth quarter 1986 was zero compared with the preceding quarter. Italy's budget ministry said last month that 1986 GDP rose 2.7 pct in real terms from 1985. Imports in the fourth quarter totalled 26,361 billion lire, down 1.4 pct from the 1985 fourth quarter and down 6.6 pct from the third 1986 quarter, ISTAT said. Istat said exports totaled 23,190 billion lire in the fourth quarter, down 4.1 pct from the comparable 1985 quarter and down 6.7 pct from the third quarter in 1986. Fixed investments were 23,438 billion lire in the fourth quarter, down 0.7 pct from the preceding quarter and up 1.1 pct from the comparable 1985 quarter. REUTER 
Tokyo share prices are expected to weaken further for about a week, following a sharp drop which at one time today saw the Nikkei Dow index down 571.01 points in mid-afternoon trading, brokers said. They said uncertainty caused by disputes between Japan and its main trading partners will continue to deter investors from equities. The market index, which closed the day 297.05 points down at 22,919.54, will probably end the present downturn at around 22,300 points, brokers predicted. "This is just a short-term correction and the market will probably end up at about 22,300 in about a week's time," said a broker at Nomura Securities Co. He said that today's late recovery from afternoon lows showed that investors were still hunting bargains in anticipation of an upturn. Brokers reiterated expectations of an imminent cut in Japan's 2.5 pct discount rate, a factor seen to be diverting money from bank accounts into stocks and boosting the market. Securities company, bank and insurance issues, likely to benefit from a rate cut, were bought in late trading. The Nomura broker said he expects the rate cut in May or June, after Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone's scheduled visit to Washington on April 29. Nakasone is expected to seek an end to Japanese-U.S. Trade disputes which are hurting investor confidence. "Until we see some concerted effort by the Japanese to halt the yen's rise against the dollar and settle trade disputes, the market will stay low," said head of equities at Jardine Fleming Securities Co, Mario Malt. Malt said current talks between the countries were inflammatory and damaged stockmarket optimism. Brokers also said that Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party has to show it still rules, after Sunday's nationwide local elections showed dwindling support. "It raises doubts on whether the LDP can push through the reforms it planned for this year," said one broker. Top policy priorities this year are deregulation of financial activities, stimulation of domestic demand to boost imports and removal of agricultural subsidies. If these policies are abandoned or scaled down, stockmarket investors will have few reasons to buy stocks, brokers said. REUTER 
Two Utah financial institutions, the Bank of Iron County and Summit Savings and Loan Association, have failed, official spokesmen said. The board of directors of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has approved the assumption of the deposit liabilities of Bank of Iron County, Parowan, Utah, by Dixie State Bank, St George, Utah, an FDIC spokesman said. The bank, which had total assets of 20.1 mln dlrs, was the first bank in Utah to fail this year and the 59th nationwide. Its three offices will reopen today as branches of Dixie State Bank and its depositors will automatically become depositors of the assuming bank. Dixie State Bank will assume about 19.9 mln dlrs in 6,300 deposit accounts and will purchase all of the failed bank's assets at a discount of 3.575 mln dlrs. The Federal Home Loan Bank Board closed Summit Savings and Loan Association, Park City, Utah, and directed the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC) to transfer an estimated 116.9 mln dlrs in insured deposits to United Savings and Loan Association, Ogden, Utah, an FSLIC spokesman said. Summit, a 120.8 mln dlr institution, was insolvent, the spokesman said. The bank board appointed the FSLIC as conservator for the association on April 14, 1986. Summit has since operated as part of the bank board's Management Consignment Program. United Savings has 205 mln dlrs in assets and nine offices in Utah, and one in Idaho. REUTER 
Top officials of leading industrial nations appear deeply worried that financial markets have ignored their efforts to coordinate policies, which they believe they strengthened in talks last week. Monetary sources said officials were exasperated that the markets, which drove the dollar rapidly lower and severely disrupted bond and stock markets too, did not take heed of the policy commitments of the Group of Seven -- the United States, Japan, West Germany, France, Britain, Italy and Canada. Treasury Secretary James Baker went out of his way to reassure markets of his commitment to a stable dollar with a statement, and French Finance Minister Edouard Balladur underscored that by saying: "I don't believe at all that the Americans want a weaker dollar." West German Finance Minister Gerhard Stoltenberg said the dollar's latest rapid descent "involves the risk -- now already a tangible threat -- of a new strong surge of inflation, leading to a renewed rise in interest rates." But there were signs too, that while policymakers feared the market uproar, they seemed to accept there was little they could do until the economic picture changed, and currencies settled into a stable pattern as a result. Nor did there seem to be any enthusiasm at last week's semi-annual meetings of the IMF and the World Bank for higher U.S. Interest rates as the best way to curb the dollar's rapid descent. That distaste stems in part from fears of recession. Outgoing Deputy Treasury Secretary Richard Darman told television interviewers he did not think a policy of driving the dollar down would solve the U.S. trade deficit. "It would slow growth in Germany and Japan which would adversely affect our trade balance and ultimately it would drive interest rates up here which would throw us, if not (into) recession, into slower growth," he said. Asked if higher U.S. Interest rates would stabilize the dollar, Balladur said: "When a currency is maintained artificially high, by artificially high interest rates, it is not healthy." And resorting to higher interest rates could lead to recession, he said. Acknowledging the dollar's latest slide was now a fact of life, Balladur said, "there may be adjustments of course in one or other currencies, this is not a fixed rate system." But Federal Reserve Board chairman Paul Volcker said he might rein in credit if the dollar's slide deepens. U.S. Monetary sources also said Washington wanted it understood by markets the seven's commitments were genuine. "The United States and the six major industrial countries are fully committed to implementing our undertakings in these agreements," Baker told the meetings. Darman said Baker had been misinterpreted by markets which wrongly believed earlier remarks suggested he wanted a further decline in the dollar. Baker, Darman said, was committed to stabilizing currencies at current levels. Last week's statement from the seven reaffirmed a February 22 agreement in Paris in which the Reagan administration agreed to reach a budget deficit compromise with Congress and to fight protectionism. West Germany and Japan, meanwhile, agreed to stimulate domestic demand and lead a global upturn. Ministers believed the Paris pact was bolstered by Japan's promise of a 35 billion dlr supplementary budget. The sources said they believed Baker saw it as a major action. But the seven seem to accept their commitment to stable currencies applied to today's exchange rates and not those at the time of the Paris agreement, when the dollar stood higher. The Paris accord said, "currencies (are) within ranges broadly consistent with underlying economic fundamentals, given the policy commitments summarized in this statement." Now they accept the dollar's lower level, especially against the yen, as hard reality that is nonetheless consistent with the agreement. "The ministers and governors reaffirmed the view that around current levels their currencies are within ranges broadly consistent with fundamentals," last week's statement read. Monetary sources said policymakers understood markets were focusing on instability created by the gap between the U.S. Trade deficit and the surpluses of West Germany and Japan rather than prospective policy changes. European monetary sources said Bonn was still unconvinced that Washington meant business with its commitment to cut the budget deficit. Reuter