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livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id03127/CkoaDgoj_-o/00052.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id03127/CkoaDgoj_-o/00052.m4a | Believe me, I was very emotional and I was just really breathing. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id04657/E6TJpq5s95o/00072.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id04657/E6TJpq5s95o/00072.m4a | to the point that one of my friends, he was texting on the social media, |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id01333/bs7ZWVqAGCU/00342.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id01333/bs7ZWVqAGCU/00342.m4a | in the industry, I'm still back after, well you know I started. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id02548/bnCuzQoOldo/00253.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id02548/bnCuzQoOldo/00253.m4a | kind of an indie on a shoestring budget and a lot of shooting curfew did feel that way. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id08392/f9gvRww8rbU/00350.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id08392/f9gvRww8rbU/00350.m4a | inspiring because she is juggling being a mom. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id05999/Lri_u9ukuEw/00123.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id05999/Lri_u9ukuEw/00123.m4a | you know, water you find a puddle, it's rained you can't drink it, you've got to get fire |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id03677/R_kz72hg6j8/00069.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id03677/R_kz72hg6j8/00069.m4a | the film itself is a love story and set against one of the great tragedies in our history. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id00419/BXiDYyjujq4/00093.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id00419/BXiDYyjujq4/00093.m4a | They just have a lot in common, and she hasn't met that before. And somebody who gives her credit for |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id05654/jnsaCPs0Btw/00110.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id05654/jnsaCPs0Btw/00110.m4a | Okay, last one. Last one What's the best birthday present you've ever gotten? |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id03178/S9TeWlhAkP0/00119.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id03178/S9TeWlhAkP0/00119.m4a | and they're the people that he's trying to attack. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id05594/gT6RzG6jEIE/00132.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id05594/gT6RzG6jEIE/00132.m4a | one hour series finale. It's not just |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id08696/cUmyIjpOYlY/00361.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id08696/cUmyIjpOYlY/00361.m4a | game and happy to be very much successful. And just trying to evolve |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id06104/1RJWLw4kM2A/00030.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id06104/1RJWLw4kM2A/00030.m4a | It has been. We've lost a little bit of a practice rhythm because we've had three in a week. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id01224/eYWcMCsgkLY/00256.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id01224/eYWcMCsgkLY/00256.m4a | biggest highlight of my whole entire career. And it was an honor. It was an honor to get in the ring with Stephanie. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id03677/R_kz72hg6j8/00079.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id03677/R_kz72hg6j8/00079.m4a | And I couldn't tell you that I noticed a difference in the process of making them |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id04862/urBu296jCDU/00361.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id04862/urBu296jCDU/00361.m4a | What I am when I step on that court is, I become that. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id01041/I1Ciwf_GXmo/00188.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id01041/I1Ciwf_GXmo/00188.m4a | There's a great confidence and swagger about them which I really like. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id05459/kkaYxtBZnNo/00356.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id05459/kkaYxtBZnNo/00356.m4a | to be lifestyle where a lot of times it's very easy here to surround yourself with people who are |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id02181/pJf9m2YAREo/00131.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id02181/pJf9m2YAREo/00131.m4a | Because the stigma is so great. They don't want to be different. They can hide it. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id03030/Sb7U2Mov-s0/00167.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id03030/Sb7U2Mov-s0/00167.m4a | how to defend, how do you say? Almost untouchable. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id08701/z8t-KFSoYLI/00498.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id08701/z8t-KFSoYLI/00498.m4a | in that we also run the gamut of people who love us or hate |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id07874/Li3vQdN8yzg/00018.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id07874/Li3vQdN8yzg/00018.m4a | and that things were going to change in so many years. Obviously, the people could not |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id02725/GpongLybzsk/00026.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id02725/GpongLybzsk/00026.m4a | the world. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id06692/9vs0zAHfI0M/00138.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id06692/9vs0zAHfI0M/00138.m4a | believed in the truth, was interested in proclaiming the truth to the world not |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id03524/Cqh4rBSoViA/00061.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id03524/Cqh4rBSoViA/00061.m4a | Yes, well that would do wouldn't it? It's the two sides of my life which have |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id04253/Toxj5eCzKOw/00245.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id04253/Toxj5eCzKOw/00245.m4a | And people should always have a bucket list. They should always have a list of things that they haven't done. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id04253/POQV_LTOre8/00228.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id04253/POQV_LTOre8/00228.m4a | But I like the I was attracted to the role you know in the actresses of course that were in it |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id02542/2_tnHwIJ2uM/00029.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id02542/2_tnHwIJ2uM/00029.m4a | like number 25 Emmanuel Adebayo you can see some people booing. To be honest I'm a great |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id00817/WRMSQzOzK-Q/00283.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id00817/WRMSQzOzK-Q/00283.m4a | thinking about what it is that people would want, how they'd want it to feel. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id00154/xH3Pp_5yxOk/00178.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id00154/xH3Pp_5yxOk/00178.m4a | I don't think they realize right now what the situation is and how deep an |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id00817/kgNvPO_771c/00335.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id00817/kgNvPO_771c/00335.m4a | 10 episodes at a time in these chunks and with sitcoms, the general way that |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id01822/YNT1TrCTips/00082.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id01822/YNT1TrCTips/00082.m4a | He's one of the key persons in the club because it changed the mentality of many players. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id04232/XK9sYLtThUw/00309.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id04232/XK9sYLtThUw/00309.m4a | to keep some objectivity. So aviation has always been this thing for me. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id07621/72NtFq0kkUI/00077.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id07621/72NtFq0kkUI/00077.m4a | with an incredibly difficult decision to make, a massive sacrifice to make. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id06811/XsFVhEWXghE/00172.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id06811/XsFVhEWXghE/00172.m4a | every night and different improvisation things that happen and she's such a crazy |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id04366/GAE3onT-CHs/00103.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id04366/GAE3onT-CHs/00103.m4a | is proving that I am right by the defense |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id01822/bCs5SoifsiY/00135.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id01822/bCs5SoifsiY/00135.m4a | I have this obsession with the world. I'm not sure, no. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id07961/CrSm8Jizi9Y/00057.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id07961/CrSm8Jizi9Y/00057.m4a | I was nervous about the single reaction, what people would think about it, but so far it seems to be |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id05202/mQh3nYxW6e8/00158.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id05202/mQh3nYxW6e8/00158.m4a | of children who needed counseling. We've had to |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id00817/ERsr0JoyqWM/00101.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id00817/ERsr0JoyqWM/00101.m4a | that people might know. And I was like, nobody's going to know. But then you said something and then she thought that you knew. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id02086/6Of-kCCCT-4/00073.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id02086/6Of-kCCCT-4/00073.m4a | We kind of need him on the show. He's kind of amazing. And we have amazing casting directors, Nathan and I. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id02576/Fbivq3kISM0/00070.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id02576/Fbivq3kISM0/00070.m4a | It's fun that they involve the fans and you know I wouldn't be here without them and don't think I would have won |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id01509/qLxfiUMYgQg/00408.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id01509/qLxfiUMYgQg/00408.m4a | off like this. I didn't have a, oh I've got to be an actor thing. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id07426/LTxE249trWA/00066.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id07426/LTxE249trWA/00066.m4a | I'm very difficult. I'm funny very difficult to suppress myself. I've kind of been living in this trash can behind an archway for a while |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id08392/rxz0tUiutbw/00410.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id08392/rxz0tUiutbw/00410.m4a | The internet. I guess that's my fault for being so private because people make up stuff. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id05055/Ps9pyXom0L0/00213.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id05055/Ps9pyXom0L0/00213.m4a | I just want to long as I' try to make plays for my |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id06104/xiENOo0OOWM/00314.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id06104/xiENOo0OOWM/00314.m4a | It's an honor to compete against Pitt. Now this is my third coach I've coached against. Tells you how long I've been at no |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id09017/oF8cALd6lU0/00270.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id09017/oF8cALd6lU0/00270.m4a | are some of the nicest people that I've ever met. And I know nice people because I grew up in |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id05459/JuVxC4SMP5g/00150.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id05459/JuVxC4SMP5g/00150.m4a | But a big movie like this takes about 3 to 4 months. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id00154/geNO_h-jZOc/00129.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id00154/geNO_h-jZOc/00129.m4a | and I was part of |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id07621/EIQ9GHLtzsY/00131.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id07621/EIQ9GHLtzsY/00131.m4a | like that was an inspiration. But when have you seen lately? Just tell me the person you've seen actually |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id03127/QAySEL63CLw/00178.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id03127/QAySEL63CLw/00178.m4a | I was more nervous and I just, it was kind of an out-of-body experience in so many ways. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id01509/1y0aWmgYDtw/00009.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id01509/1y0aWmgYDtw/00009.m4a | or do I even need to get there? I don't know what the right, I know what it says and John breaks down or whatever. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id05176/5OdQFv5mwsk/00018.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id05176/5OdQFv5mwsk/00018.m4a | I have actually a great story. My dad is an artist and he had his studio down there |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id01437/fMB4XR2zppI/00176.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id01437/fMB4XR2zppI/00176.m4a | I was excited to have the opportunity to just get on NBC when people aren't just asleep |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id00419/r10BFvZ5ugA/00438.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id00419/r10BFvZ5ugA/00438.m4a | and yet like nothing we've seen before that hasn't been presented to us before. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id02019/OfPKHc6w2vw/00069.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id02019/OfPKHc6w2vw/00069.m4a | I think it was a bold move, but I think the manager always did things like that. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id02576/C0NimEy590g/00052.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id02576/C0NimEy590g/00052.m4a | At any point in time, at any music there's always stuff that's good, there's always stuff that is bad. I think you can go back to |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id04950/PQEAck-3wcA/00135.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id04950/PQEAck-3wcA/00135.m4a | trying so hard to grasp onto things to keep her safe and keep her okay. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id03030/8Znay2UkKJ0/00005.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id03030/8Znay2UkKJ0/00005.m4a | and who's get more well prepared. It's also a question of technology. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id07354/gNnNpOn_dV0/00318.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id07354/gNnNpOn_dV0/00318.m4a | you got play the outside of their own so I didn't want to hurt people's feet I |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id00017/iJOjkDq6rW8/00129.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id00017/iJOjkDq6rW8/00129.m4a | there's a connection and we need to do something about it. If we can't do anything else with the player's safety, which they're doing |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id05594/QhWw4AxHRrQ/00071.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id05594/QhWw4AxHRrQ/00071.m4a | Oh yes, we were all crying and just there's so much to love because we really had a very special |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id08374/HORMlVMgY1Q/00132.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id08374/HORMlVMgY1Q/00132.m4a | Well, and it's just so different than anything else. So that's the |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id06209/ajLsn8qtCA4/00093.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id06209/ajLsn8qtCA4/00093.m4a | tuition there and go and buck there. I went back there two months ago and |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id05124/UBUFmICrT-I/00283.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id05124/UBUFmICrT-I/00283.m4a | And if you ask him anything, he'll go on for about a half an hour and describe anything. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id05459/lFW9WmJlYXU/00370.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id05459/lFW9WmJlYXU/00370.m4a | I think because my character on Trophy Wife is this sort of |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id08701/z8t-KFSoYLI/00488.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id08701/z8t-KFSoYLI/00488.m4a | Rough and tumble, and my face is scarred up, and you know when I'm out there. I'm all |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id07396/JY1nExxVASY/00098.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id07396/JY1nExxVASY/00098.m4a | Here is to the provincial government a billion-dollar scandal that's criminal |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id02577/LgIR54ySi-4/00033.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id02577/LgIR54ySi-4/00033.m4a | time. It takes a lot of discipline to work out on your own. I can do it but I |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id05124/G5srTdVKjDI/00173.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id05124/G5srTdVKjDI/00173.m4a | out of the airplane and then my first shoot didn't open they cut it's tandem so somebody |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id01437/LgnNNq3sfPY/00105.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id01437/LgnNNq3sfPY/00105.m4a | me and Craig Wayne Boyd, for us. That story he had about his father and their relationship. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id02685/QFtopNE3vHI/00043.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id02685/QFtopNE3vHI/00043.m4a | compared to what it's like in Calgary every day. I mean, I guess people are used to it there and they've got winter tires in their car. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id00812/kOGC6Y4KZ8w/00327.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id00812/kOGC6Y4KZ8w/00327.m4a | Just being with my family and I'm excited. It's just |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id08374/Q19dd3hKFKk/00221.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id08374/Q19dd3hKFKk/00221.m4a | But it looks so weird the way that I did it. So it was one of those things, but Colbert was |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id02317/6Q5b766PFlY/00080.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id02317/6Q5b766PFlY/00080.m4a | The movie is success and audiences like it, and then it turns into a franchise. We got a shot I think |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id03789/FErDFm0ZmYY/00171.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id03789/FErDFm0ZmYY/00171.m4a | Not only do I not like him, I don't really like what he stands for. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id01892/7sODin7rirc/00062.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id01892/7sODin7rirc/00062.m4a | they get behind something because they feel passionate about it. I mean, you have the elephants and you have Catherine Bigelow. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id06484/4j0SrxBqqx8/00028.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id06484/4j0SrxBqqx8/00028.m4a | whatever consider a relationship with is a rediculous relationship. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id06692/V4zhQ3M892E/00334.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id06692/V4zhQ3M892E/00334.m4a | for, so I wonder is it just among spiritual folks, people who think the way he |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id04862/ORhcTM80e0A/00189.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id04862/ORhcTM80e0A/00189.m4a | So the respect goes above and beyond. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id04862/pMrFlbicSR0/00336.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id04862/pMrFlbicSR0/00336.m4a | We've seen pretty much every defense we could possibly see so it was very easy for him |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id00817/1q_cQ40Jips/00033.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id00817/1q_cQ40Jips/00033.m4a | I had to keep white alive and then I went through a phase where I had to keep her from killing herself and now I'm going through a phase where I have |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id00419/m_r-55zWVLg/00412.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id00419/m_r-55zWVLg/00412.m4a | I think yes too. I think she is as smart and maybe a little smarter. What do you think? |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id04656/C9MSVzhtB8A/00102.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id04656/C9MSVzhtB8A/00102.m4a | grab a person's attention or opinion these days. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id08456/6QFe7cYnZk4/00027.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id08456/6QFe7cYnZk4/00027.m4a | and not the mystique Oprah and it was the most beautiful |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id07802/HrpJg06dowY/00152.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id07802/HrpJg06dowY/00152.m4a | He was amazed. He was amazed with the women. I mean, he's Italian so he appreciates, you know. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id03030/yl-93nl6Skc/00411.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id03030/yl-93nl6Skc/00411.m4a | My specialties, who have given me the advantage to fight if I'm not in combat, are very accomplished. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id01106/WRjuuae075U/00175.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id01106/WRjuuae075U/00175.m4a | and that was because I wanted very much to avoid being a cultural imperialist. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id06811/LEjkgGXhyts/00107.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id06811/LEjkgGXhyts/00107.m4a | promoting this and we woke up and I sent them off to school today and |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id01593/zX0qavYQnsY/00489.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id01593/zX0qavYQnsY/00489.m4a | You know, I have to tell you the truth, Chris. The stuff you guys focus on amazes me. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id07354/Bs17DjkQioc/00095.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id07354/Bs17DjkQioc/00095.m4a | dwarves for hire and he just exploits other little people. He hires them out as human bowl |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id08456/jWd1_d93EJE/00319.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id08456/jWd1_d93EJE/00319.m4a | one or two apartments out of an apartment building of 20 where |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id01333/Tz1pFxm98mE/00234.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id01333/Tz1pFxm98mE/00234.m4a | sound so cliche, but to stay true to myself and not allow so |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id03789/9alL5EAVFZU/00125.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id03789/9alL5EAVFZU/00125.m4a | good people that want to work hard come in because we've got loads of people that you know whether it's chefs or |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id04656/kjngGjKO8qk/00345.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id04656/kjngGjKO8qk/00345.m4a | in a very loud way, whether it's in UNICEF or things that I feel really... |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id07961/HHtJ97YaLS4/00128.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id07961/HHtJ97YaLS4/00128.m4a | It means a lot to him, it means a lot to all of them obviously. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id04950/4nfxC4uYO40/00034.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id04950/4nfxC4uYO40/00034.m4a | way back the drummer slipped and twisted his ankle. We ran out |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id08911/IddDkZwRflE/00056.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id08911/IddDkZwRflE/00056.m4a | I'm not going to do that. I'm going to do it because, in the end, most of my family is in the same place. |
livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/mp4/id00061/jT6eew_nWz4/00173.mp4 | livebark/data.ignore/data/vox2/aac/id00061/jT6eew_nWz4/00173.m4a | Tarzan's character represents that, somebody who's been in this life forever and is just |