astronomical observations of the past decades reveal that there exists invisible non - baryonic matter ( dark matter , dm ) in the universe . exploring the nature of dm is one of the most important issues in astrophysics and cosmology today , and a variety of experiments have been carried out to directly detect dm particles . the most prominent candidate for dm is the weakly interacting massive particle ( wimp ) , and most of the current experiments aim at detection of wimps . however , there are alternative candidates to account for the features of dm , and weakly interacting slim particles ( wisp ) , e.g. axion - like particles ( alp ) or hidden - sector photons ( hp ) , can be the main component of dm @xcite . hidden photon cdm can be experimentally investigated via kinetic mixing @xmath3 between photons and hidden photons . for example , the axion dark matter experiment ( admx ) @xcite , which employs a resonant cavity and magnetic field to search for axion dark matter , also has sensitivity to hidden photon cdm , and its non - detection of the signal @xcite was translated to the upper limit for the kinetic mixing parameter @xmath2 @xcite . additionally , a novel method with a spherical mirror to search for hp cdm was recently proposed @xcite , with which wider mass - range can be probed without rearranging the set - up . in this method , ordinary photons of energy @xmath4 induced by hp cdm via kinetic mixing are emitted in the direction perpendicular to the surface of the mirror , resulting in concentration of the power to the center of the mirror sphere . this method using a spherical reflector is extremely simple , and can be implemented relatively easily . to confirm its feasibility in real situations , we planned and carried out two experiments to search for hp cdm in two different mass regions : one is for @xmath5 using optical equipments and the other for @xmath6 employing rf instruments . here we report on the preparations and the results of those searches for hp cdm using the dish method . r0.4 for the seach in @xmath7 , we need a spherical mirror and a photodetector . non - relativistic hps near the surface of a reflector induce emission of photons in the direction perpendicular to the surface . a photodetector is placed at the point of convergence and detect emitted photons . we used a parabolic mirror as a ` dish ' . the parabolic mirror is 500 mm in diameter , 1007 mm focal length and the focal spot diameter is 1.5 mm . we used a parabolic surface instead of a spherical surface originally proposed in ref . @xcite to reuse the mirror which had been employed in the solar hp helioscope @xcite . from the diameter and the focal length of the parabolic mirror , photons emitted perpendicularly to the surface are calculated to concentrate to a small area of 4 mm in diameter at twice the focal length of the mirror , which is small enough compared to the effective area of the photodetector . a photomultiplier tube ( pmt ) was employed as the detector of emitted photons . we selected hamamatsu photonics r3550p because of its low dark count rate of @xmath8 . we used a motorized stage to shift the position of the pmt , which enabled us to measure background noise . the mirror and the detector were mounted on a steel frame , which rigidly holds the arrangement ( fig . [ fig : opt_pict ] ) . after installing optical equipments , this frame was wrapped with black polyethylene sheets to shield from ambient light . additionally , whole the set - up was installed in a light - tight box of @xmath9 to attain higher light - tightness . with this set - up , we carried out the experimental search for hp cdm in the ev mass range @xcite . the overall duration of the measurement was @xmath10 for each with the pmt at the position of convergence of the hp cdm signal ( signal , s ) and at the position displaced by 25 mm from position s ( background , b ) . we found no excess in count rate measured at position s compared to at position b. we translated this non - detection result to the limit for the mixing parameter @xmath2 ( fig . [ fig : result ] ) . we also targeted detection in @xmath11 band ( @xmath12 ) for the feasibility test of the ` dish ' method . we can use commercially available dish antennas for this frequency region , though they usually have parabolic shape , which can not be approximated as spherical shape because of their short focal lengths compared to their diameters . in order to overcome this problem , we let our dish face a plane reflector , from which plane radio wave of hp cdm origin would be emitted perpendicularly to the surface . because parabolic dishes concentrate plane wave to their focal point , the amplification of hp cdm signal properly works . we used anstellar sxt-220 as a dish , which is 2.2 m diameter and designed for cs broadcast reception . a huge plane reflector was constructed by combining four alminum plates on a rigid frame . for the converter , we selected norsat 4506b , which down - converts the signal with the local frequency of 11 ghz . r0.45 the output of the converter was connected to the fft analyzer , rohde & schwarz fsv-4 . the signal of the existence of hp cdm would be seen as a spectral line with a broadening of @xmath13 due to the velocity dispersion of dm . after the calibration , the set - up for the experimetal search was constructed by setting the dish in front of the plane reflector ( fig . [ fig : rf_pict ] ) . using this set - up , we actually carried out the experimental search for four days . we observed no signal - like excess in the power spectrum and set an upper limit for the parameter @xmath2 ( fig . [ fig : result ] ) . although the limit is narrow in the sensitive mass region , we can expand it only by replacing the converter for the one which is capable of handling wider frequency range . , and the horizontal axis shows the mass of hidden - photon @xmath14 . the red colored regions are excluded by our results for two experimental set - ups . with the optical set - up , we excluded the area around @xmath5 . the search in @xmath15 band excluded the region around @xmath6 . for descriptions of other colored areas , see ref . , scaledwidth=80.0% ] we constructed two apparatus utilizing a novel method using a dish antenna . one uses an optical mirror for the survey in @xmath5 , and the other uses a dish antenna for cs broadcast reception to search hps with @xmath6 . we actually carried out the experimetal search , and found no evidence for the existence of hp cdm . from the result , we set upper limits on the photon - hp mixing parameter @xmath2 in two different mass regions ( fig . [ fig : result ] ) . t. horie acknowledges support by advanced leading graduate course for photon science ( alps ) at the university of tokyo . this reaserch is supported by the grant - in - aid for challenging exploratory research by mext , japan , and also by the research center for the early universe , school of science , the university of tokyo .
we report on a search for hidden photon cold dark matter ( hp cdm ) using a novel technique with a dish antenna . we constructed two independent apparatus : one is aiming at the detection of the hp with a mass of @xmath0 which employs optical instruments , and the other is for a mass of @xmath1 utilizing a commercially available parabolic antenna facing on a plane reflector . from the result of the measurements , we found no evidence for the existence of hp cdm and set upper limits on the photon - hp mixing parameter @xmath2 .
scalar fields with a @xmath0 potentials has been studied along several decades , it has been used to model the behavior of physical systems in several branches of physics like condensed matter , plasma physics and field theory among others . this toy model is interesting because although it is one of the of simplest models , it is non - integrable @xcite . this model has a kink and a anti - kink solution , see @xcite . the kink is linear and topologically stable , meaning that it is a kind of ` indestructible ' solution of the field equations . in the mid 70 s it was found numerically , that after the collision of a kink with an antikink , something like a breather solution appeared , see @xcite . segur and kruskal showed that a breather is unable to exist @xcite , but it is an unstable oscillatory solution of the of the @xmath1 theory , that has an unusual long time existence . after that article , new work have been done studying this oscillon , its existence , stability ( see for instance @xcite ) and its interaction with kinks . the aim of the present paper is to revisit the behavior of the of the @xmath1 kink under perturbations . we know that it is stable , but we want to know how extra energy of a perturbation is dissipated . it is well known that when the perturbation is small enough , the extra energy is dissipated through radiation . our interest is to study beyond this regime , increasing the amplitude beyond the linear domain and further if possible . the lagrangian density of the model is , @xmath2 with the potential @xmath3 . the equation of motion in one dimension is , @xmath4 we use units such that @xmath5 . this equation has the static solutions , @xmath6 that are known as kinks ( @xmath7 ) and anti - kinks ( @xmath8 ) . we shall perturb the kink with a perturbation of gaussian profile . this profile is chosen because it is smooth and localized . in this way , our perturbation problem can be defined as solving equation ( [ eqmov ] ) with the initial condition , @xmath9 where the constants @xmath10 and @xmath11 describe the amplitude , inverse of width and position of the gaussian perturbation . to solve our differential equation we use a finite difference scheme , for simplicity we use the leap - frog scheme that is of the order two in time and space and it is also explicit , then it is not difficult to implement . fixed boundaries far enough from the kink and the perturbation are imposed . we note that three parameters can be tuned in the perturbation @xmath10 and @xmath11 . different results are obtained depending on the amplitude ( @xmath12 ) and the width ( @xmath13 ) . when @xmath14 is of the order of @xmath15 and the amplitude is less than one , basically all the perturbations are transformed in radiation . this behavior is shown in figure [ fig1 ] . when we further increase the amplitude , an oscillon is created , see figure [ fig2 ] . beyond the threshold of four times the energy of the kink , it can appear a kink - anti kink pair and if the energy is high enough an oscillon , see figure [ fig3 ] . if the amplitude is further increased , the double well is ignored and only the @xmath16 potential is seen . in this case it is observed oscillations around @xmath17 . see for example figure [ fig4 ] , where @xmath18 and the total enery of the system is almost @xmath19 times the energy of the kink . then , the perturbation is spread , its amplitude decreases while going away from the kink . when the field is of the same order of unity , creation of structures occurs , see figure [ fig5 ] . if @xmath14 is smaller , @xmath20 , i.e. the perturbation is broader similar results are obtained . but the formation of oscillons at lower energies is more likely . for @xmath14 high , @xmath21 , the perturbation is very sharp and it seems that the energy goes away from the kink like shock waves , see figure [ fig6 ] . times the kink enery , it shows oscillation around @xmath17 , the double well is unnoticed.,width=453 ] times the kink enery , some time later , the creation of structures begin.,width=453 ] .,width=453 ] it is very interesting the different behaviors of the field under different perturbations . in figure [ fig7 ] we show the parameter space of the perturbation . the curves are equal energy lines , the legend shows the value in terms of the kink energy , i.e. @xmath22 means total energy twice the kink . also this figure shows the outcome of the perturbation at the time @xmath23 units . `` rad . '' , means radiation , `` osc . '' an oscillon was created , `` k+ak '' a kink anti - kink pair , ` k+ak+st' a kink anti - kink plus an oscillon or two , `` phi '' means that the double well is unnoticed and finally `` shock '' stands for a lot energy is in the border , like figure [ fig6 ] for a given amplitud we can obtain the same energy with two widths . if is sharp enough , the spatial derivative term in the kinetic energy is huge , and on the opposite case we have a lot of energy because of the bigger area of the perturbation . we did not find in the literature where large perturbations were explored . due to nonlinear character of the field equation , some precautions have to be taken , some regions will oscillate rather quickly in time and space and it is important to have a small grid spacing . but , there are zones where this small grid spacing is not needed . there are schema like the amr ( adaptive mesh refinement ) , where the refinement is applied intelligently to adjust itself and reduce calculations . we thank fapesp for financial support and also p.s.l thanks cnpq for partial financial support . . . mcleod and p. j. olver , siam j. math . vol 14 , 488 , 1983 . r. rajaraman , _ solitons and instantons _ , pp 20 - 22 , north - holland , amsterdam , 1982 . a. m. kosevich and a. s. kovalev , zh . teor . fiz . 67,1793 ( 1975 ) [ sov , phys . jept 40 , 891 ( 1975 ) ] . h. segur and m. d. kruskal , `` nonexistence of small - amplitude breather solutions in @xmath24 theory '' , phys . 58 , 747 ( 1987 ) . m. gleiser and d. sicilia , `` analytical characterization of oscillon energy and lifetime '' , phys . lett . 101 , 011602 ( 2008 )
the lambda - phi4 kink is linearly and topologically stable . we study how extra energy perturbations are dissipated beyond the linear regime . we found that depending on the width , amplitude and energy of a gaussian perturbation different scenarios are possible : radiation , oscillons creation , kink anti - kink pairs production and shock waves . * keywords : * applications of nonlinear sciences , nonlinear dynamics , kink , stability , lambda phi 4 . +
young pulsars are relatively rare objects in the pulsar population because they evolve rapidly , so on average their distance is relatively high . they are usually found at low galactic latitudes , close to their places of birth , where their detection is limited by the high background temperature and by the broadening of pulses due to dispersion and interstellar scattering . on the other hand , they are interesting objects for many reasons : they are likely to be @xmath0ray sources ; they exibhit rotational _ glitches _ , which are of interest in the understanding of the interior structure of neutron stars ; they are likely to be associated with supernova remnants . high frequency ( @xmath1 @xmath2 1400 mhz ) surveys ( clifton et al , 1992 ; johnston et al 1992 ) and searches ( kaspi et al , 1996 ; manchester , damico & tuohy , 1985 ) for young , low latitude distant pulsars proved to be successful , because the contribution of the galactic synchrotron radiation to the radiotelescope system temperature is highly reduced , because the effect of dispersion is more easlily removed , and because the broadening of pulses due to interstellar scattering varies with frequency aproximately as @xmath3 . .three 20 cm pulsar surveys [ cols="<,<,<,<",options="header " , ] triggered by the above motivations , we are undertaking a new survey for pulsars along the galactic plane at 1.4 ghz , using the 13-element multibeam receiver recently installed on the 64-m parkes radiotelescope . in this paper we present the experiment configuration , the survey plan and the preliminary results of about 50% of the survey . each beam of the multibeam receiver system at parkes is approximately 0.23@xmath4 wide and the beams centres are spaced 2 beamwidth apart ( see fig . the survey pointings are interleaved to give complete sky coverage on a hexagonal grid containing a total of 2670 pointings of 13 beams each . the parameters of the present experiment and those of two previous high frequency surveys of the galactic plane are summarized in table 1 . thanks to the long integration time adopted ( 35-min ) and the high sensitivity of the new receiver system , the present survey has a sensitivity 7 times better than previous surveys . fig 2 . shows the theoretical sensitivity as a function of the pulsar period and dispersion measure . so far we have observed about 1600 pointings , 90% of which are analysed , corresponding to about 50% of the total survey region . the data reduction system is similar to that used in the parkes low frequency survey ( manchester et al , 1996 ) , and is carried out on a network of workstations . because of the relatively long integrations adopted , we complement the standard search analysis with `` acceleration search '' to take into account possible binary motions . to date we have discovered 513 new pulsars , and have detected 190 known pulsars . accounting for the fact that so far we searched the regions closest to the galactic plane , we believe that the number of new discoveries for the entire survey should be somewhat over 800 . timing observations of the newly discovered pulsars are carried out at jodrell bank and parkes . observations are made at intervals of 4 8 weeks , or more closely spaced when pulse - counting statistics need to be resolved . full timing solutions have been obtained so far for 80 pulsars . at least eight of the new discoveries are young pulsars ( @xmath5 @xmath6 10@xmath7 years ) . two radio pulsars with the highest known surface magnetic field have been discovered ( kaspi et al , these proceedings ) . one of these objects , psr j1119 - 6127 is very young , with as characteristic age , @xmath5 = 1600 years . for this pulsar we also measured a braking index @xmath8=3.0@xmath90.1 . so far , eight of the newly discovered pulsars proved to be members of binary systems , including a pulsar ( psr j1811 - 1736 ) in a highly eccentric binary system ( lyne et al 1999 ) and a pulsar ( psr j1740 - 3052 ) with a very massive companion ( @xmath2 11 m@xmath10 ) . the basic parameters of the binary pulsars are shown in table 2 . lcccccc psr j & @xmath11 & @xmath12 & distance & @xmath13 & ecc . & @xmath14 + & ( ms ) & ( @xmath15 y ) & ( kpc ) & ( d ) & & ( @xmath16 ) + j1232@xmath176501 & ! 88.28 & 1400 & 10.0 & ! ! 1.863 & 0.00 & ! 0.15 + j1904 + 04 & ! 71.09 & & ! 4.0 & ! 15.750 & 0.04 & ! 0.23 + j1810@xmath172005 & ! 32.82 & 4000 & ! 4.0 & ! 15.012 & 0.00 & ! 0.29 + j1453@xmath1758 & ! 45.25 & & ! 3.3 & ! 12.422 & 0.00 & ! 0.88 + j1435@xmath1760 & ! ! 9.35 & & ! 3.2 & ! ! 1.355 & 0.00 & ! 0.90 + + j1811@xmath171736 & 104.18 & ! 950 & ! 5.9 & ! 18.779 & 0.83 & ! 0.87 + j1141@xmath176545 & 393.90 & ! ! ! 1.45 & ! 3.2 & ! ! 0.198 & 0.17 & ! 1.01 + + j1740@xmath173052 & 570.31 & ! ! ! 0.36 & 10.8 & 231.039 & 0.58 & 11.07 +
a high - frequency survey of the galactic plane for radio pulsars is in progress , using the multibeam receiver on the 64-m parkes radiotelescope . we describe the survey motivations , the observing plan and the inital results . the survey is discovering many pulsars , more than 500 so far . eight of the new pulsars are binary , one with a massive companion . at least eight are young , with characteristic ages of less than 100 kyr . two of these ( kaspi et al , this conference ) have surface dipole magnetic field strengths greater than any other known radio pulsar . 0= = 0 ! = !
rooted in the book of job , `` behemoth '' is a worthy accolade to bestow upon the class of red supergiants . this finds reason in the popular use of the word . thinking of the namesake polish death metal band , red supergiants are dying stars , and their explosive death sparks the production and distribution of metals . in the cult game final fantasy , behemoths are beasts most feared for their magic spell `` meteor '' ; indeed , red supergiants fabricate dust grains , a process enshrouded in mystery . princeton university s farlex wordnet describes behemoths as `` abnormally large and powerful '' , `` unusual '' , `` of exceptional importance and reputation '' , and that `` strongly influence the course of events '' all applicable to red supergiants . and they are , simply put , `` whoppers '' . descendent from stars with birth masses in the region of 830 m@xmath0 , red supergiants become large , hundreds of r@xmath0 up to more than a thousand r@xmath0 , because their mantles become convective . the reason they become convective is because the energy production rate in the core can no longer be balanced by radiative diffusion and instead bulk motion is induced to transport the energy to the surface . this causes a drastic restructuring of the mantle , with a much shallower density gradient . it becomes optically thin at much larger radial distance from the core , and hence the temperature of the plasma where this happens is relatively low , @xmath14000 k , such that equilibrium is maintained ( @xmath2 ) . to put this in perspective , a massive main sequence star would easily fit within the orbit of mercury , but its red supergiant progeny could swallow jupiter . at that point , it would take more than a decade to travel around its surface at a speed of 10 km s@xmath3 , which is little more than the thermal motions in the star s atmosphere but only a few times smaller than the escape speed from its surface . hence red supergiants oscillate on timescales of years , and their winds have speeds of just a few tens of km s@xmath3 taking tens of thousands of years for matter to move out to one parsec distance . this means that we may be able to read the immediate past of the red supergiant even if it is no longer there in the story told by its circumstellar medium . the low escape speed makes it easy for these stars to lose mass , but it critically depends on how long they spend their time doing this , how much mass they eventually will have lost . it also means that rotation at the mere km s@xmath3 level may already affect these stars . red supergiants matter , as actors and probes in processes that drive galaxy evolution . but there are some important aspects of their formation , evolution and behaviour that need to be better understood : + + and finally , if close binary interaction does affect the evolution of a large fraction of the massive star population ( ( * ? ? * de mink ( 2014 ) ) , then observational and theoretical efforts must be promoted that aim to quantify these effects . 2012 , _ a&a _ , 548 , 113 2014 , _ apj _ , 782 , 7 2009 , _ a&a _ , 508 , 923 2014 , _ apj _ , 782 , l2 2015 , _ mnras _ , 447 , 3973 2009 , _ a&a _ , 504 , 115 2011 , _ a&a _ , 531 , 117 2015 , _ apj _ , 799 , 50 2006 , _ apj _ , 645 , 1102 2007 , _ apj _ , 667 , 202 2013 , _ a&a _ , 560 , 16 2011 , _ science _ , 333 , 1258 2015 , , 575 , 60 2012 , _ nature _ , 482 , 375 2013 , _ mnras _ , 433 , 1246 2015 , _ pasa _ , 32 , 16 2015 , _ apj _ , 799 , 158 2010 , _ aspc _ , 425 , 279 2013 , _ eas _ , 60 , 307 1999 , _ a&a _ , 351 , 559 2005 , _ a&a _ , 438 , 273
as the opening review to the focus meeting `` stellar behemoths : red supergiants across the local universe '' , i here provide a brief introduction to red supergiants , setting the stage for subsequent contributions . i highlight some recent activity in the field , and identify areas of progress , areas where progress is needed , and how such progress might be achieved .
the xmm - newton serendipitous source catalogue is the largest catalogue of x - ray sources built to date , see ( * ? ? ? * watson ( 2009 ) ) . in its latest version , the 3xmm - newton data release 4 ( 3xmm dr4 ) , it contains photometric information for more than 500,000 source detections , corresponding to @xmath1 370,000 unique sources . besides , spectra and time series were also extracted if the number of source counts collected by the epic camera was @xmath2 100 counts . the resulting catalogue contains spectra for more than 120,000 detections corresponding to @xmath1 85,000 unique sources . the project described here , is aimed to take advantage of the great wealth of data and information contained within the xmm - newton source catalogue , to construct a database composed of spectral - fitting results . the xmm - newton spectral - fit database is constructed by using automated spectral fits applied to the pipe - line extracted spectra within the 3xmm dr4 catalogue . the software used to perform the spectral fits is xspec v12.7 ( see ( * ? ? ? * arnaud ( 1996 ) ) ) . the statistics used to fit the data is cash statistics , implemented as c - stat in xspec . this statistics was selected , to optimise the spectral fitting in the case of low quality spectra . however , even using this statistics , a lower limit on the number of counts in each individual spectrum of 50 counts per instrument had to be imposed to ensure a minimum quality on the spectral fits . therefore , * the spectral - fit database is composed of spectral - fitting results for @xmath0 114,000 detections , corresponding to @xmath1 77,000 unique sources*. + three energy bands are considered during the spectral fits : full / total band ( 0.5 - 10 kev ) , soft band ( 0.5 - 2 kev ) , and hard band ( 2 - 10 kev ) . six spectral models have been implemented in the spectral - fitting pipe - line : three simple models ( models 1 to 3 ) , and three more complex models ( models 4 to 6 ) . these six models were designed and optimised to reproduce the most commonly observed x - ray spectral shapes among different astronomical sources . the three simple models are applied to all sources provided that the number of counts collected in the energy band in use is @xmath2 50 counts : * 1 . absorbed power - law model * ( wa*pow ) : a photoelectrically absorbed power - law model . this model is applied in the three energy bands . * 2 . absorbed thermal model * ( wa*mekal ) : a photoelectrically absorbed thermal model . this model is applied in the total and soft bands . * 3 . absorbed black - body model * ( wa*bb ) : a photoelectrically absorbed black - body model . this model is only applied in the soft band , and its primary use is to obtain initial input parameters for a more complex model . the three more complex models are only applied if the number of counts collected in the total band is @xmath2 500 counts ( @xmath0 28,000 detections , corresponding to @xmath1 18,000 unique sources ) : * 4 . absorbed power - law model plus thermal model * ( wa(mekal+wa*pow ) ) : an absorbed thermal model plus a more highly absorbed power - law model . * 5 . double power - law model * ( wa*(pow+wa*pow ) ) : . two power - law models with different photon indices , and additional absorption for the second power - law component . * black - body plus power - law model * ( wa*(bb+pow ) ) : . a black - body plus a power - law component , both absorbed by the same amount of gas . a full description of this project as well as the full spectral - fit database is presented in the webpage of this project : + * http://xraygroup.astro.noa.gr / webpage - prodec / index.html*. + the spectral - fit database contains one row per source and observation , listing source information , and spectral - fit output parameters and errors , as well as fluxes and additional information about the goodness of fit for every model applied . in this way , users can construct large and representative samples of x - ray sources by querying this database according to spectral properties . in addition , and in order to test the reliability of the automated fits , the spectral - fitting process has also been applied to a sample of x - ray sources extracted from the sdss / xmm - newton cross - correlation presented in ( * ? ? ? * georgakakis & nandra ( 2011 ) ) . the spectral - fitting pipe - line was modified to include the effect of redshift and galactic absorption , in the case of sources with either spectroscopic or photometric redshifts within that sample . + a. corral acknowledges financial support by the european space agency ( esa ) under the prodex program .
the xmm - newton spectral - fit database is an ongoing esa funded project aimed to construct a catalogue of spectral - fitting results for all the sources within the xmm - newton serendipitous source catalogue for which spectral data products have been pipeline - extracted ( @xmath0 120,000 x - ray source detections ) . the fundamental goal of this project is to provide the astronomical community with a tool to construct large and representative samples of x - ray sources by allowing source selection according to spectral properties .
@xcite has suggested that bulges in spiral galaxies can be classified into _ classical bulges _ or _ pseudobulges_. classical bulges are thought to form through galactic merger . pseudobulges are discussed to form through secular evolution caused by non - axisymmetric structures in a galactic disc . @xcite demonstrated that clumpy structures form due to gas instability , which could also explain some clumpy galaxies observed in the high - redshift universe . these galaxies are referred to as clump clusters ( chain galaxies ) . @xcite suggested that these clumpy stellar structures fall into the galactic centre by dynamical friction and merge into a single bulge at the galactic centre , a clump - origin bulge . clump - origin bulges form through ` _ _ mergers of the clumps _ _ ' in a galactic disc , neither the galactic merger nor the secular evolution . therefore , properties of clump - origin bulges could be different from those of the conventional ones , classical bulges nor pseudobulges . i perform a similar numerical simulation to @xcite using an isolated halo model by a @xmath0-body / sph code and study the naive natures of clump - origin bulges in details . our initial condition follows the spherical model that was used to study the formation of disc galaxies in an isolated environment . i assume an equilibrium system with the nfw profile with a virial mass @xmath1 . baryon mass fraction of the system is set to @xmath2 . the details of my simulation settings are given in @xcite . in fig . [ fig:1 ] , i plot the azimathally averaged surface density and density map from the edge - on view . the fitting is given by the srsic index , @xmath3 indicating a nearly exponential density profile . as seen from the central panel , it clearly appears that this bulge is a boxy bulge from the edge - on view . furthermore , i find that this bulge shows a significant rotation with a value of @xmath4 , the rotation ( spin ) is _ not _ negligible in kinematics . these are indicating pseudobulge signatures @xcite . however , i find that the clump - origin bulge consists of stars with an over - solar metallicity @xcite . additionally , this bulge formation scenario , the clump cluster phase , is expected to happen only at the high - redshift . therefore , the clump - origin bulge consists of old stars . such old and metal - rich natures are better similar to classical bulges rather than pseudobugles @xcite . the mw bulge is also known to be an ambiguous bulge . the mw bulge shows a nearly exponential profile , an oblate peanut shape ( x - shape ) and a significant rotation , which are similar to pseudobulges . at the same time , the mw bulge is made of old and metal - rich stars , which are classical bulge signatures @xcite . these properties of the mw bulge are consistent with the clump - origin bulge obtained in this study . such unclassifiable bulges ( old pseudobulge ) are also observed in some other disc galaxies @xcite . my simulation results imply that such old pseudobulges like the mw bulge may be a clump - origin bulge and the mw might use to be a clump cluster .
bulges in spiral galaxies have been supposed to be classified into two types : classical bulges or pseudobulges . classical bulges are thought to form by galactic merger with bursty star formation , whereas pseudobulges are suggested to form by secular evolution . @xcite suggested another bulge formation scenario , ` clump - origin bulge ' . he demonstrated using a numerical simulation that a galactic disc forms clumpy structures in the early stage of disc formation , then the clumps merge into a single bulge at the centre . i perform a high - resolution @xmath0-body / sph simulation for the formation of the clump - origin bulge in an isolated galaxy model . i find that the clump - origin bulge resembles pseudobulges in dynamical properties , but this bulge consists of old and metal - rich stars . these natures , old metal - rich population but pseudobulge - like structures , mean that the clump - origin bulge can not be simply classified into classical bulges nor pseudobulges . from these results , i discuss similarities of the clump - origin bulge to the milky way ( mw ) bulge .
pion production reactions induced by neutrinos are very interesting as a means to study hadronic structure . besides , they have become very relevant in the analysis of neutrino oscillation experiments where pion production contributes to the background . most previous studies@xcite of pion production processes at intermediate energies considered only the delta pole ( @xmath3 ) mechanism ( see fig.[fig : diagramas ] ) . here , we shall also include background terms required by chiral symmetry . some background terms have been included before in the works of ref.@xcite although they are not fully consistent with chiral counting rules . for charged current ( cc ) processes our model includes all contributions depicted in fig . [ fig : diagramas ] . we have the @xmath3 terms and background terms which include nucleon - pole terms ( @xmath4 ) , contact term ( @xmath5 ) , pion - pole term ( @xmath6 ) , and pion in flight term ( @xmath7 ) . for that purpose we use a su(2 ) nonlinear @xmath8model with nucleon and pion degrees of freedom . on top of the vertices and currents provided by this model we include phenomenological form factors for the weak @xmath9 vertex that we take from the work of ref.@xcite . a different form factor is included in the purely axial @xmath6 term to account for the @xmath10meson dominance of the @xmath11 vertex . vector current conservation ( cvc ) and partial conservation of the axial current ( pcac ) require the introduction of corresponding form factors in the @xmath7 term , and the vector and axial parts of the @xmath5 term . the weak nucleon - delta vertex is parametrized in terms of four vector and four axial form factors@xcite . we use the set of vector form factors of ref.@xcite determined from the analysis of photo and electroproduction data . initially we shall take the set of axial form factors in ref.@xcite . in this latter work adler s model@xcite is used to fix @xmath12 and @xmath13 , while @xmath14 is obtained from @xmath15 by pcac . for @xmath15 they use the parameterization @xmath16 @xmath17 corresponds to the value obtained from the @xmath18 coupling constant using the off - diagonal goldberger - treiman relation . we shall call this set i. due to the lack of space we can not give a full account of our model and all the results we have obtained . interested readers can find all the relevant information in ref.@xcite . in the top left panel of fig.[fig : neutrino ] we show the flux - averaged @xmath0-differential @xmath19 cross section @xmath20 , where @xmath21 is the invariant mass of the final hadronic state . the inclusion of the background terms spoils the agreement with anl data if set i is used . the least well known ingredients of the model are the axial nucleon - delta form factors , of which @xmath15 gives the largest contribution . this strongly suggests a new fit of @xmath15 to the anl experimental data . keeping the parameterization in eq.([eq : c5a ] ) we obtain the new values @xmath22 that we shall call set ii . the new @xmath23 value is some 30% smaller than the commonly assumed one , but it is not in contradiction with a recent lattice determination@xcite . in the panel we also show a 68% confidence level band deduced from the statistical errors quoted above . in the rest of the panels we show the results for different cc and neutral current ( nc ) driven processes . in all of them the background terms give sizeable contributions . the use of set ii of axial nucleon - delta form factor increase the overall agreement with data . for the neutrino induced cc processes we also show bnl data@xcite which seem to favor a larger @xmath23 value . for antineutrino induced cc processes we see our full model calculation with set ii gives the best results but it is still larger than the experimental data obtained at cern@xcite . a recent calculation@xcite claims that medium and pion absorption effects can perfectly explain this discrepancy between theoretical results on the nucleon and antineutrino experimental data actually measured in a freon - propane target . the last three panels of fig [ fig : neutrino ] show results for nc processes . the isovector contributions to these can be obtained directly from the cc ones using isospin symmetry . besides , there are two different isoscalar contributions , one given in terms of the isoscalar part of the electromagnetic current and another one related to the @xmath24 content of the nucleon . both are of the @xmath4 type and their expressions and the form factors used in this case are given in ref.@xcite . our full model using set ii reproduces fairly well the experimental results for @xmath25 . the bottom left panel shows our results results are not sensitive to the @xmath24 content of the nucleon . last panel serves two purposes . first , it exemplifies the fact that antineutrino induced nc processes are suppressed with respect to neutrino induced ones , and second , it shows there is little isovector - isoscalar interference . in fact the isovector contribution is dominant . this research was supported by dgi and feder funds , under contracts fis2005 - 00810 , fis2006 - 03438 and fpa2007 - 65748 , by j. de andaluca and j. de castilla y len under contracts fqm0225 and sa016a07 , and it is part of the eu integrated infrastructure initiative hadron physics project under contract number rii3-ct-2004 - 506078 . 0 c. alexandrou _ et al . _ , _ phys . lett . _ * 98 * , 122001 ( 2007 ) ; c. alexandrou _ et al . _ , _ phys . rev . d _ * 76 * , 094511 ( 2007 ) s.l . _ adler , ann . _ * 50 * , 189 ( 1968 ) . llewellyn smith , _ phys . rep . _ * 3 * , 261 ( 1972 ) . p. a. schreiner _ _ , _ phys . lett . _ * 30*,339 ( 1973 ) ; l. alvarez - ruso _ et al . _ , _ phys . c _ * 57 * , 2693 ( 1998 ) ; l. alvarez - ruso _ et al . _ , _ phys . c_*59 * , 3386 ( 1999 ) ; o. lalakulich _ _ , _ phys . d _ * 71 * , 074003 ( 2005 ) ; t. leitner _ _ , _ phys . c _ * 73 * , 065502 ( 2006 ) . t. kitagaki _ _ , _ phys . d _ * 34 * , 2554 ( 1986 ) ; t. kitagaki _ et al . _ , _ phys . d _ * 42 * , 1331 ( 1990 ) . t. bolognese _ et al . _ , _ phys . b _ * 81 * , 393 ( 1979 ) . m. sajjad athar _ _ , _ phys . d _ * 75 * , 093003 ( 2007 ) .
we study neutrino induced one - pion production off the nucleon in and around the delta resonance region . apart from the delta - pole mechanism we include background terms required by chiral symmetry . these background terms give sizeable contributions in all channels . to better reproduce the anl @xmath0-differential cross section data , we make a new fit of the @xmath1 axial nucleon to delta form factor . the new result @xmath2 is some 30% smaller than the commonly accepted value . this correction is compatible with most quark model estimates and a recent lattice calculation @xcite .
particle interferometry provides a tool to study the final stage of relativistic heavy ion collisions . intensity interferometry is based on the hanbury - brown twiss , or hbt , effect . the hbt analysis in relativistic high - energy heavy - ion experiments was originally motivated by theoretical predictions that a large source size and the long duration of particle emission @xcite would be observed due to softening of the equation - of - state in a first - order phase transition from a quark - gluon - plasma state . to analyze the hbt data , the bertsch - pratt parameterization is employed in a longitudinal co - moving ( lcms ) frame , where the three - dimensional gaussian radii are parameterized to be , and @xcite . assuming a cylindrically symmetric , longitudinally expanding , transversely homogeneous source , corresponds to a radial size of the source , while is a combination of the radial size and a temporal term of the source duration time . to study the space - time evolution of the source , we introduce two independent external parameters : the transverse momentum of the particle pair and the collision centrality . the transverse momentum , , of the pair is defined by @xmath0 , where @xmath1 is the transverse momentum of each particle in the pair . recently , transport models @xcite have been used to predict the radius parameters and their dependence . we will compare our results to these predictions . the phenix detector provides powerful particle identification ( pid ) capabilities over a wide momentum range @xcite . in this analysis , charged pions and kaons are identified by the time - of - flight technique using the beam - beam counters and the electromagnetic calorimeter ( emcal ) , combined with momentum measurement by the drift chamber ( dch ) . the detector covers the pseudorapidity region @xmath2 and @xmath3 in azimuthal angle . the timing resolution is approximately 500 ps . charged pions and kaons are identified in squared mass versus momentum space using momentum - dependent pid bands which take into account the emcal timing resolution and dch momentum resolution . charged pions and kaons must lie within 1.5@xmath4 of their squared mass peak , but 2.5@xmath4 away from neighboring pid bands . using 50 million minimum bias events , @xmath570 million charged pions and @xmath56 million charged kaons are selected in a momentum range from 0.2 to 2.0 gev / c . similar to our previous analyses at = 130 gev @xcite , two - track separation cuts were applied using the dch and emcal such that pairs within 1 cm in the longitudinal direction and 0.02 radians in the azimuthal direction of each other are removed to eliminate ghost tracks and dch inefficiency . pairs that share the same cluster in the emcal are also removed . the systematic error of the resultant radius parameters from these pair cuts is about 10@xmath6 in total . the systematic error is evaluated by varying the condition of pair cuts , and the amount of the changes of radius parameters . after the pair cuts , about 160 million charged pion pairs and 1 million charged kaon pairs remain . the statistics are 70 times larger than that obtained in the previous runs @xcite . a full coulomb correction was applied assuming a gaussian source without pairs coming from resonance decays @xcite . the systematic error originating from the coulomb correction is small compared to the systematic errors for the pair cuts . figure [ fig : kaon3d ] shows projections of the three - dimensional correlation function onto @xmath7 , @xmath8 and @xmath9 for positive pions ( top ) and negative kaons ( bottom ) after the full coulomb correction . ) with statistical error bars and systematic error bands . in the left figure , results from phenix and star at 130 gev @xcite are shown . the error bars are statistical only . [ fig : routside],width=604,height=264 ] figure [ fig : ktdep ] shows the dependence of the chaoticity and the bertsch - pratt radius parameters of pions at the most central 30@xmath6 of the cross section . the radius parameters at = 200 gev are , within errors , equal to the corresponding results at 130 gev @xcite at the same . while the radius parameters show a strong dependence , the chaoticity is constant in all the bins . the kaon radius parameters are slightly larger than those of pions at the same ( the bin for kaons is between 0.2 to 2.0 gev / c ) as shown in fig . [ fig : ktdep ] ; however , the kaon chaoticity is significantly larger than that of pions . figure [ fig : npdep ] shows the collision centrality dependence of the radius parameters . the number of participants ( @xmath10 ) is evaluated from the charged particle multiplicity using a glauber model calculation @xcite . the radius parameters depend linearly on @xmath11 . in order to study the duration time , we plot in fig . [ fig : routside ] as a function of ( a ) and ( b ) centrality . the ratio is independent of centrality and is constant for up to 1.2 gev / c within error , and is systematically below one . we have presented hbt results in the bertsch - pratt frame for identified charged pions and kaons measured by phenix in au+au collisions at = 200 gev . we have obtained the three - dimensional correlation functions with 160 million charged pion pairs and 1 million kaon pairs . a clear dependence of the pion radius parameter was found , in agreement with the results at = 130 gev . the kaon radius parameters are equal to or slightly larger than the pion radius parameters at the same bin . the pion radius parameters are consistent with a linear parameterization as a function of @xmath11 . it should be noted that the measured radius parameters in the transverse directions ( and ) contradict recent transport model predictions @xcite . however , the measured longitudinal radius parameter ( ) is well reproduced by those models . the ratios are independent of both and centrality , and are systematically smaller than unity albeit with large errors . no evidence is seen for the anomalous increase of as predicted from calculations based on the formation of a qgp @xcite . 7 d.h . rischke and m. gyulassy , nucl . a*597 * , 701 - 726 ( 1996 ) . s. pratt , phys . lett . * 53 * , 1219 ( 1984 ) . s. pratt , phys . d * 33 * , 72 ( 1986 ) . u. heinz and p.f . kolb , hep - ph/0204061 . t. hirano and k. tsuda , nucl - th/0205043 . j. t. mitchell _ et al . _ , nucl . instr . and meth . a*482 * , 498 ( 2002 ) . et al . _ , lett . * 88 * , 192302 ( 2002 ) . c. adler _ et al . _ , lett . * 87 * , 082301 ( 2001 ) . . lett . * 86 * , 3500 ( 2001 ) . s. soff , s.a . bass , and a. dumitru , phys . lett . * 86 * , 3981 ( 2001 ) .
in 2001 , phenix measured particle correlations of identical charged pions and kaons at mid - rapidity in au - au collisions at = 200 gev . bertsch - pratt radius parameters of pion pairs are studied for 9 regions from 0.2 to 2.0 gev / c and for 9 selections of collision centralities . the pion radius parameters are consistent with the result at = 130 gev , and the ratio is below 1 in all ranges up to 1.2 gev / c . the radius parameters from charged kaon correlations are compared with those of pions .
the cyg x-1 data presented here were obtained by the pca onboard rxte , mostly gained through our monitoring campaign 19982002 ( for a description of the data see @xcite ) . we split each light curve into segments of 1s length and determine the mean flux of each segment . the segments are binned into 41 equally segmented flux bins , for each of which we calculate the power spectral density ( psd ) of all contained lightcurve segments via the dft ( see , e.g. , ) . from all periodograms of each flux bin the mean psd is determined using standard methods . for better statistics we chose to take into account only flux bins containing at least 20 periodograms . integrating the poisson noise corrected psd over the range @xmath0@xmath1hz , we arrive at the squared fractional rms variability . in a next step we multiply the fractional rms variability by the mean flux of the bin , to obtain the absolute rms variability @xmath2 . for all bins of each observation we plot @xmath2 over flux @xmath3 and fit a linear function in two different representations . by fitting @xmath4 , two characterizing values are determined : slope @xmath5 and intercept @xmath6 on the @xmath2 axis . the gradient of the @xmath2-@xmath3-trend @xmath5 is equivalent to the fractional rms variability of the light curve . alternatively to intercept @xmath6 , it was proposed to determine the physically meaningful intercept @xmath7 on the @xmath3 axis by fitting @xmath8 @xcite . if @xmath5 is interpreted as the variable component of the lightcurve , then @xmath7 represents a second component of it which does not follow the linear @xmath2-@xmath3-trend . in deriving results , it should be kept in mind that @xmath7 , which is identical to @xmath9 , and @xmath5 are not independent values for the characterization of the rms - flux - relation . generally , there is a good linear relationship between @xmath2 and @xmath3 in the hard state , which is reflected by the stable pearson correlation coefficient in fig . [ fig : rmsfluxvstime ] . we also notice coincidence of the change of the general long term behavior of cyg x-1 from a `` quiet hard state '' to a `` flaring hard state '' in 1998 may @xcite with a shift in the values of slope @xmath5 and the intercepts . the shape of the rms - flux - relation in the soft states of 1996 and 2001/2002 changes continuously between waviness and approximate linearity ( see fig . [ fig : softstate ] ) . during `` failed state transitions''(fst ) , i.e. , during times when the source reached its intermediate state , the linear rms - flux relation breaks down . we examined four fst : 1998 july 15 , 1999 dec 05 , 2000 nov 03 , and 2001 jan 29 ( indicated in fig . [ fig : rmsfluxvstime ] by dotted lines ) . comparing these events with the neighboring hard state observations , we notice that the rms - flux - relations of 1999 december 05 and 2000 november 03 being strictly linear before and after change to an arch - like appearance during the fst itself ( see fig . [ fig : failed ] ) . the other two examined fst also deviate from the linear relation , but these deviations are not as prominent . an explanation of the rms - flux - relation seems to be the modification of a theory which explains the psd of gbhc by the superposition of accretion disk ( ad ) instabilities occuring at several radii in the ad that are propagated towards the innermost region of the disk . local @xmath10 variations , which are caused by short term changes of the disk viscosity and whose time scale is dependent on radius , are superimposed on long term @xmath10 modulations . if the fractional amplitude of the @xmath10 variations is independent of the long term @xmath10 , a linear flux - rms relation will be observed @xcite . the rms - flux - relation will break down if the corona is severely disturbed this seems to be the case during the intermediate state of cyg x-1 , in agreement with earlier results for the behavior of x - ray time lags @xcite . here , the observed x - ray time lag is much larger than during the normal hard state , which could indicate changes in the geometry of the ad corona , possibly related to the observed radio emitting outflow .
a linear dependence of the amplitude of broadband noise variability on flux for gbhc and agn has been recently shown by uttley & mchardy @xcite . we present the long term evolution of this rms - flux - relation for cyg x-1 as monitored from 19982002 with rxte . we confirm the linear relationship in the hard state and analyze the evolution of the correlation for the period of 19962002 . in the intermediate and the soft state , we find considerable deviations from the otherwise linear relationship . a possible explanation for the rms - flux - relation is a superposition of local mass accretion rate variations .
since its discovery in 1974 , the @xmath0 meson has provided a useful laboratory for quantitative tests of quantum chromodynamics ( qcd ) and , in particular , of the interplay of perturbative and nonperturbative phenomena . the factorization formalism of nonrelativistic qcd ( nrqcd ) @xcite provides a rigorous theoretical framework for the description of heavy - quarkonium production and decay . this formalism implies a separation of short - distance coefficients , which can be calculated perturbatively as expansions in the strong - coupling constant @xmath3 , from long - distance matrix elements ( mes ) , which must be extracted from experiment . the relative importance of the latter can be estimated by means of velocity scaling rules , i.e. the mes are predicted to scale with a definite power of the heavy - quark ( @xmath4 ) velocity @xmath5 in the limit @xmath6 . in this way , the theoretical predictions are organized as double expansions in @xmath3 and @xmath5 . a crucial feature of this formalism is that it takes into account the complete structure of the @xmath7 fock space , which is spanned by the states @xmath8 with definite spin @xmath9 , orbital angular momentum @xmath10 , total angular momentum @xmath11 , and colour multiplicity @xmath12 . the hierarchy of the mes predicted by the velocity scaling rules is explained for the @xmath0 , @xmath13 , and @xmath14 mesons in table [ tab : vsr ] . in particular , this formalism predicts the existence of colour - octet ( co ) processes in nature . this means that @xmath7 pairs are produced at short distances in co states and subsequently evolve into physical , colour - singlet ( cs ) quarkonia by the nonperturbative emission of soft gluons . in the limit @xmath15 , the traditional cs model ( csm ) @xcite is recovered . the greatest triumph of this formalism was that it was able to correctly describe @xcite the cross section of inclusive charmonium hadroproduction measured in @xmath16 collisions at the fermilab tevatron @xcite , which had turned out to be more than one order of magnitude in excess of the csm prediction . .values of @xmath17 in @xmath18\right\rangle\propto v^k$ ] for @xmath19 . [ cols="^,^,^",options="header " , ] inclusive @xmath0 production in dis lends itself as a sensitive probe of the co mechanism . as for @xmath20 , the h1 data @xcite generally confirms nrqcd and disfavours the csm @xcite . however , nrqcd predicts at lo a distinct rise in cross section as @xmath21 , which is not reflected by the h1 data . this anomaly is familiar from photoproduction , and it is likely to be resolved by the inclusion of higher - order corrections @xcite , possibly in combination with intrinsic-@xmath22 effects and/or nonperturbative shape functions . as for @xmath23 , the chorus central value for the total cross section @xcite exceeds the lo prediction @xcite by almost one order of magnitude . however , the experimental error is still rather sizeable . as for @xmath24 , co processes are dominant , diffractive ones are absent , and the experimental signature is spectacular , so that a measurement would be worthwhile @xcite . inclusive @xmath0 production in cc dis represents a challenge for hera and thera . cdf collaboration , f. abe et al . lett . 69 ( 1992 ) 3704 ; 71 ( 1993 ) 2537 ; 79 ( 1997 ) 572 ; 79 ( 1997 ) 578 ; d0 collaboration , s. abachi et al . , phys . b 370 ( 1996 ) 239 ; d0 collaboration , b. abbott et al . , phys . rev . lett . 82 ( 1999 ) 35 . m. beneke and m. krmer , phys . d 55 ( 1997 ) 5269 ; a.k . leibovich , phys . d 56 ( 1997 ) 4412 ; m. beneke , m. krmer , and m. vnttinen , phys . d 57 ( 1998 ) 4258 ; b.a . kniehl and j. lee , phys . rev . d 62 ( 2000 ) 114027 ; s. fleming , a.k . leibovich , and i.z . rothstein , phys . d 64 ( 2001 ) 036002 . todorova - nov , in _ proceedings of the xxxi international symposium on multiparticle dynamics ( xxxi - ismd ) _ , datong , china , september 17 , 2001 , edited by b. yuting , y. meiling , and w. yuanfang , econf c010901 ( 2001 ) ; m. chapkin , talk presented at _ 7th international workshop on meson production , properties and interaction ( meson 2002 ) _ , krakow , poland , 2428 may 2002 .
we discuss the inclusive production of @xmath0 mesons in deep - inelastic scattering ( dis ) via the electromagnetic , weak neutral , and charged currents within the factorization formalism of nonrelativistic quantum chromodynamics . theoretical predictions are confronted with experimental data of @xmath1 and @xmath2 dis taken by the h1 collaboration at desy hera and the chorus collaboration at cern , respectively .
walter harrison developed an elegant analytic theory of the electronic structure of solids @xcite . this theory has been very sucessful in providing a physical understanding of the electronic structure and the characteristics of bonding . however , harrison s theory of solid state has limited ability to produce accurate numerical results for the band structure , density of states and the relative stability of different crystal structures . in this work , we have set out to put harrison s approach on a quantitative foundation . we have now realized that it is possible to put the slater - koster parameters in the form given by harrison but with new prefactors and determine new onsite parameters . the result is that we retain the universality of harrison s parameters , which means the same prefactors for all transition , alkaline earth and noble metals , but with different onsite terms for each element . it is clear to us that this approach , perhaps slightly modified , may be extended to cover the rest of the periodic table . we have also succeeded with a small number of additional parameters to describe the volume and structure dependence of the energy bands and , therefore , obtain total energies and predictions of relative stability . harrison has opted for simplicity in the lcao approach and has created a set of universal hopping parameters that can easily be used to perform calculations . in the tables of his books , harrison uses atomic energies as onsite parameters in his hamiltonians , which is the main shortcoming of directly using these tables , to perform sufficiently accurate band structure calculations . however , harrison pointed out(@xcite , p561 ) that atomic values for the d - state energies need to be corrected for differences in d - state occupancy , and gave a way for doing that in the case of cr . we illustrate the importance of correcting the values of the onsite parameters for the transition metals nb and pd by using harrison s hopping parameters and uncorrected atomic term values . we compared the results of a @xmath0 harrison hamiltonian(without @xmath1 orbitals ) as given in harrison s book and we found that the energy bands created this way are in serious disagreement with augmented plane wave(apw ) results ( see left fig . [ har_band_fit ] ) . we also tested a @xmath2(with @xmath1 orbitals ) harrison hamiltonian with all hopping prefactors kept at harrison s values , but the onsite parameters modified by fitting the energy bands to apw calculations . @xcite this modification gave us better results in the @xmath3bands , but there was still a large error for the s - like first band(see right fig . [ har_band_fit ] ) . our conclusion is that harrison s theory can only give a qualitative description of the band structure of the transition metals even if we fit the onsite terms to first - principles results . hamiltonian ; right graph created by @xmath2 hamiltonian and fitted onsite energies . , width=144,height=163 ] hamiltonian ; right graph created by @xmath2 hamiltonian and fitted onsite energies . , width=144,height=172 ] we have developed a procedure that while maintaining the simplicity of harrison s approach gives an impressive improvement that puts the theory on a quantitative basis . to accomplish this we have made the following modifications to harrison s theory : ( 1 ) we introduced a @xmath1 onsite energy as an additional parameter to the @xmath4 and @xmath5 onsite energies used by harrison , and fit them all to apw results . ( 2 ) we modified the @xmath6 hopping integrals of harrison , by introducing a dimensionless parameter @xmath7 as follows : @xmath8 the parameter @xmath7 provides more flexibility to fit the first and sixth bands . ( 3 ) we obtained new hopping prefactors by simultaneously fitting the apw energy bands of the following 12 transition metals : v , cr , ni , cu , nb , mo , pd , ag , ta , w , pt and au . in this fit , all 12 elements have the same common prefactors @xmath9 but different(for each element ) onsite energies s , p and d , and also different values for the parameters @xmath7 and @xmath10 that appear in the hopping parameters . our hamiltonian corresponds to an orthognal basis set as in harrison . we did the above fitting at the equilibrium lattice constants of the structure , which is the ground state of each element , and included interactions of nearest , second - nearest , and third - nearest neighbors for the @xmath11 structure and nearest and second - nearest for the @xmath12 structure . of course , using more neighbors than harrison did in the fit would automatically make changes in the parameters , even if one were fitting the same bands . using the parameters determined with the above procedure , we reproduced apw energy bands and density of states(dos ) remarkably well , not only for the 12 elements originally fitted , but also for the rest of the transition metals , the alkaline earth and the noble metals , as seen in fig . [ bands_we ] and fig . [ dos_we ] for four of the elements . our new hamiltonian prefactors , common for all metals , together with harrison s original prefactors are shown in table [ we_sst ] . the onsite terms and the parameters @xmath7 and @xmath10 for each element are shown in table [ onsite ] . . harrison s hopping prefactors and our modified values . [ cols="^,^,^,^,^,^",options="header " , ] to recapitulate , we have accomplished two goals . in the first we have reevaluated the ten universal prefactors in harrison s hopping parameters and redetermined the @xmath13 onsite energies together with the parameters @xmath7 and @xmath10 . this enables us to calculate very accurately the band structure of all the transition , alkaline earth and noble metals . for the second goal we have used a polynomial form for the onsite energies which , with the addition of 15 new parameters , provides a total energy capability for our modified harrison theory
harrison s tight - binding theory provides an excellent qualitative description of the electronic structure of the elements across the periodic table . however , the resulting band structures are in significant disagreement with those found by standard methods , particularly for the transition metals . for these systems we developed a new procedure to generate both the prefactors of harrison s hopping parameters and the onsite energies . our approach gives an impressive improvement and puts harrison s theory on a quantitative basis . our method retains the most attractive aspect of the theory , in using a revised set of universal prefactors for the hopping integrals . in addition , a new form of onsite parameters allows us to describe the lattice constant dependence of the bands and the total energy , predicting the correct ground state for all transition , alkaline earth and noble metals . this work represents not only a useful computational tool but also an important pedagogical enhancement for harrison s books . = 6.5 true in = 8.9 true in = 15 pt = 0.1 in
rxj0806.3 + 1527 is a remarkable object discovered during the rosat all - sky survey @xcite . its soft x - ray flux is @xmath0 100% modulated with a period of 321.54s @xcite . if this is the orbital period of a double - degenerate close binary system as suggested by @xcite and @xcite it would lie close to the theoretical minimum period of white dwarf binaries and would imply the presence of a he - rich donor star . the spectral energy distributions in the optical and x - ray windows reveal two distinct components with black body temperatures of @xmath040000k and @xmath0750000k which could be attributed to the donor star or an accretion disk and to an accretion spot on the primary , respectively @xcite . as a crucial test to distinguish between the double - degenerate scenario and competing models ( e.g. * ? ? ? * ) for rxj0806.3 + 1527 we have started an abundance analysis of the optical spectrum presented by @xcite . the optical spectrum of rxj0806.3 + 1527 obtained with fors1 at the eso vlt shows a composite of a blue continuum and superimposed emission lines of the heii pickering series and , possibly , the h balmer series . for the spectral analysis , we utilize a grid of theoretical spectra calculated with an nlte model atmosphere code for white dwarf photospheres with a range of effective temperatures @xmath1 , @xmath2 abundance ratios , and isotropic irradiation @xcite . here , we present a study of the influence of the three main parameters on the spectrum . in our models , irradiation is treated as black body emission with effective temperature @xmath3k from a spherically symmetric shell around a white dwarf with @xmath4k and an abundance ratio @xmath5 . the distance between the irradiating source and the photosphere is represented by a free `` illumination '' parameter @xmath6 . it has been varied from @xmath7 to @xmath8 with a more detailed study in the parameter range which leads to the occurrence of significant emission lines in the spectrum ( fig . [ fig : illumination_parameter ] ) . depending on @xmath6 , our models produce three phenomenologically different types of spectra : [ cols="<,^,^,^ , < , < " , ] in order to estimate the chemical composition of rxj0806.3 + 1527 we have calculated models with different @xmath2 abundance ratios between @xmath9 and @xmath10 . the irradiation and photospheric temperatures have been fixed at @xmath3k and @xmath4k , respectively , and the illumination parameter has been set to @xmath11 ( see fig . [ fig : abundance_ratio ] ) . based on our analysis , we can reject he - deficient atmospheres , @xmath12 , as well as models with strong he overabundances , @xmath13 . the latter fail to reproduce the observed spectrum , especially around the heii @xmath14 4540 line . proper fits to the observational data can be obtained with abundances @xmath15 . as a third parameter , we varied the effective temperature of the illuminated photosphere in the range @xmath16k @xmath17k with fixed parameters @xmath11 and @xmath5 ( see figure [ fig : effective_temperature ] ) . our models show that photospheric temperatures between 30000k and 35000k seem to be more realistic than higher temperatures , in agreement with the overall spectral energy distribution of rxj0806.3 + 1527 . our parameter study has shown that the optical spectrum of rxj0806.3 + 1527 can be quantitatively reproduced with our irradiated white dwarf atmosphere model . the model spectra provide some evidence against a he - white dwarf nature of the donor star implied by the double - degenerate binary scenario . noting that illumination is the dominant effect in modeling the optical spectrum of rxj0806.3 + 1527 , our approach of an isotropic irradiation of a high - gravity atmosphere may , however , be too simplistic . further work will be required to investigate models with non - isotropical irradiation and irradiated accretion disks . beuermann , k. , thomas , h .- c . , reinsch , k. , et al . 1999 , , 347 , 47 burwitz , v. , & reinsch , k. 2001 , in aip conf . 599 , x - ray astronomy : stellar endpoints , agn , and the diffuse x - ray background , ed . n. e. white , g. malaguti , & g. g. c. palumbo ( new york : aip ) , 522 dreizler , s. 2003 , in stellar atmosphere modeling , asp conf . , 288 , ed . i. hubeny , d. mihalas , & k. werner ( san francisco : asp ) , 69 israel , g. l. , panzera , m. r. , campana , s. , et al . 1999 , , 349 , l1 israel , g. l. , hummel , w. , covino , s. , et al . 2002 , , 386 , l13 israel , g. l. , covino , s. , stella , l. , et al . 2003 , , 598 , 492 norton , a. j. , haswell , c. a. , & wynn , g. a. 2004 , , 419 , 1025 ramsay , g. , hakala , p. , & cropper , m. 2002 , , 332 , l7 werner , k. , & dreizler , s. 1999 , the journal of computational and applied mathematics , 109 , 65 werner , k. , deetjen , j. l. , dreizler , s. et al . 2003 , in asp conf . 288 , stellar atmosphere modeling , ed . i. hubeny , d. mihalas , & k. werner ( san francisco : asp ) , 31
rxj0806.3 + 1527 is suspected to be a double - degenerate white dwarf binary . we present first results of our nlte analysis of its optical spectrum . the vlt / fors1 data show a composite spectrum consisting of a blue continuum and superimposed emission lines of the heii pickering series and , possibly , the h balmer series . our models are based on hot white dwarf atmospheres and include illumination effects onto the secondary star . the physical parameters and chemical abundances derived from the comparison of the observed spectrum with a grid of model atmospheres provide constraints on the true nature of this enigmatic binary and on the models proposed so far .
during the recent gregorian upgrade of the arecibo telescope , considerable effort was put into drift scan searches of the arecibo sky ( @xmath0 ) for new pulsars . the stsci / naic group was assigned declination strips centered at 1.5@xmath1 , 6.5@xmath1 , 11.5@xmath1 , 16.5@xmath1 , 21.5@xmath1 , 26.5@xmath1 , 31.5@xmath1 , and 36.5@xmath1 . a list of 20 candidates was compiled from a search in these areas between 1994 and 1998 . we have so far confirmed eight new pulsars as a result of these observations . the nominal parameters based on the confirmation observations are summarized in table 1 . barycentric periods have uncertainties of order one unit in the last digit quoted , while a conservative estimate of the uncertainty in the dispersion measures ( dm ) is @xmath2 @xmath3 pc . the positions are presently uncertain by of order @xmath4 arcmin in right ascension and declination equivalent to the half power beam size of the telescope at 430 mhz . although we presently have no long - term estimates of the flux densities of the new pulsars , it is already clear that they are weak sources with typical flux densities of order 0.5 to 1 mjy . some of the initial detections were probably significantly facilitated by flux amplifications due to interstellar scintillation . inferred 430-mhz luminosities , based on their fluxes and dispersion measures estimates range between 3 and 30 mjy kpc@xmath5 . these pulsars , along with those discovered by other groups during the arecibo upgrade , should greatly assist future statistical studies of the low end of the pulsar luminosity function . more accurate measurements of the flux densities , as well as the spin and astrometric parameters for each source are presently underway at arecibo as part of a regular timing program using the penn state pulsar machine . llllll psr & r.a . & decl . & period & epoch & dm + & & ( sec ) & ( mjd ) & @xmath3 pc + j0137 + 16 & 01:37:31 & + 16:55 & 0.41477 & 51264 & 26 + j0329 + 16 & 03:29:13 & + 16:54 & 0.8933 & 51257 & 35 + + j1549 + 21 & 15:49:41 & + 21:14 & 1.262 & 51335 & 55 + j1822 + 11 & 18:22:17 & + 11:22 & 1.787 & 51261 & 112 + + j1838 + 16 & 18:38:52 & + 16:53 & 1.902 & 51261 & 36 + j1849 + 06 & 18:49:07 & + 06:07 & 2.219 & 51258 & 236 + + j1905 + 06 & 19:05:21 & + 06:23 & 0.9897 & 51261 & 262 + j2040 + 16 & 20:40:13 & + 16:54 & 0.8656 & 51261 & 51 +
the unique sensitivity of the arecibo telescope at 430 mhz motivated a drift scan search of the visible sky divided up into eight declination strips . based on an analysis of the data collected in the region assigned to us , eight new long - period pulsars have so far been discovered . 1.25 in .125 in .25 in
the recent few years have witnessed a great devotion to exploration and understanding of underlying mechanism of complex systems as diverse as the internet @xcite , social networks @xcite and biological networks @xcite . as critical infrastructure , transportation networks are widely studied . examples include airline @xcite , ship @xcite , bus @xcite , subway @xcite and railway @xcite networks . maritime transportation plays an important role in the world merchandize trade and economics development . most of the large volume cargo between countries like crude oil , iron ore , grain , and lumber are carried by ocean vessels . according to the statistics from united nations @xcite , the international seaborne trade continuously increased to 7.4 billion tons in 2006 with a robust annual growth rate of @xmath2 per cent . and over 70 per cent of the value of world international seaborne trade is being moved in containers . container liners have become the primary transportation mode in maritime transport since 1950 s . liner shipping means the container vessels travel along regular routes with fixed rates according to regular schedules . at present most of the shipping companies adopt hub - and - spoke operating structure which consists of hub ports , lateral ports , main lines and branch lines , forming a complex container transportation network system @xcite . compared with other transportation networks , the maritime container liner networks have some distinct features : ( 1 ) a great number of the routes of container liners are circular . container ships call at a series of ports and return to the origin port without revisiting each intermediate port . it s called pendulum service in container transportation . while bus transport networks and railway networks are at the opposite with most of buses or trains running bidirectionally on routes . ( 2 ) the network is directed and asymmetric due to circular routes . ( 3 ) lines are divided into main lines and branch lines . main lines are long haul lines which involves a set of sequential port calls across the oceans . sometimes long haul lines call at almost 30 ports . branch lines are short haul lines connecting several ports in one region to serve for main lines . we construct the worldwide maritime transportation network ( wmn ) using two different network representations and analyze basic topological properties . our result shows that the degree distribution follows a truncated power - law distribution in the space @xmath0 and an exponential decay distribution in the space @xmath1 . with small average shortest path length 2.66 and high cluster coefficient 0.7 in the space @xmath1 , we claim that wmn is a small world network . we also check the weighted network and find the network has hierarchy structure and `` rich - club '' phenomenon . centrality measures are found to have strong correlations with each other . the rest of the paper is organized as follows : in section [ construction ] , we introduce the database and set up the network using two different network representations . in section [ basicproperty ] various topological properties are studied including degree distribution , degree correlations , shortest path length , weight distribution and strength distribution etc . section [ structure ] discloses the hierarchy structure by studying the weighted and unweighted clustering and degree correlations . centrality measures correlations and central nodes geographical distribution are studied in section [ centrality ] . section [ conclusion ] gives the conclusion . we get the original data from a maritime transport business database named ci - online @xcite which provides ports and fleet statistics of 434 ship companies in the world . the data includes 878 sea ports and 1802 lines . the ports are distributed in different regions and we list the number of ports in each region in table [ listofports ] . .number of sea ports by major geographic region [ listofports ] [ cols="<,^,^,^,^",options="header " , ] in fig . [ maritimeworldmap ] we plot the 25 most connected ports on the world map . they show unbalanced geographical distribution mainly located in asia and europe , including 13 ports in asia and middle east , 1 in africa , 9 in europe , 1 in north america and 1 in latin america . particularly they are located along the east - west lines . lines in maritime transportation are usually divided into east - west lines , north - south lines and south - south lines @xcite . the fact that 25 most connected ports in the world are in east - west trade routes represents rapid growth and large trade volume in europe - america , asia - america and asia - europe trade @xcite . in this paper we have presented an empirical study of the worldwide maritime transportation network ( wmn ) under different representations of network topology . we study the statistical properties of wmn and find that wmn is a small world network with power law behavior . there are strong correlations in degree - degree , strength - degree and betweenness - degree relations . central nodes are identified based on different centrality measures . based on the analysis of weighted cluster coefficient and weighted average nearest neighbors degree , we find that wmn has the same hierarchy structure and `` rich - club '' phenomenon with wan . we conjecture that this structure is related to optimal behavior both existing in air transportation and maritime transportation . so our future research direction is the evolution modeling of wmn using optimal behavior to reproduce real properties in wmn . the work was supported by natural science foundation of china and usa ffgg ( nsfc 70432001 ) .
in this paper we present an empirical study of the worldwide maritime transportation network ( wmn ) in which the nodes are ports and links are container liners connecting the ports . using the different representations of network topology namely the space @xmath0 and @xmath1 , we study the statistical properties of wmn including degree distribution , degree correlations , weight distribution , strength distribution , average shortest path length , line length distribution and centrality measures . we find that wmn is a small - world network with power law behavior . important nodes are identified based on different centrality measures . through analyzing weighted cluster coefficient and weighted average nearest neighbors degree , we reveal the hierarchy structure and rich - club phenomenon in the network .
55 cancri (= hd 75732 ) is a late g / early k dwarf / subgiant currently known to host five extrasolar planets with periods between around 0.7 days and 14 years and minimum masses between 0.026 and 3.84 @xmath5 . the super - earth 55 cnc e was recently discovered to transit ( winn et al . 2011 , demory et al . 2011 ) , prompting a number of studies of the properties of this system ( e.g. , kane et al . 2011 , von braun et al . we used the chara interferometric array to directly measure the stellar angular diameter , which , when combined with hipparcos parallax measurement and calculation of bolometric flux based on spectral templates and literature broad - band photometry , yields the physical @xmath6 and @xmath7 ( von braun et al . details of our observations and calculations of stellar properties are described in von braun et al . ( 2011b ) . we give our results in table 1 . of particular interest are the location and extent of the circumstellar habitable zone ( hz ) , based on the equations of jones & sleep ( 2010 ) , and the physical radius of the transiting super - earth , based on simply the measured flux decrement during transit and our calculated stellar radius value . 1 illustrates that planet f , with its elliptical orbit ( @xmath8 ) , spends about 74% of its year inside the hz , while its equilibrium temperature varies between 221k ( apastron ) and 302k ( periastron ) for the assumption of perfect efficiency in the redistribution of energy received from the star ( von braun et al . 2011b ) . coupled with the recent literature values of assumed planetary mass and measured flux decrement during transit , our measured stellar radius implies @xmath9 and @xmath10 ( for @xmath11 = @xmath12 ; winn et al . 2011 ) , and @xmath13 and @xmath14 ( for @xmath11 = @xmath15 ; demory et al . 2011 ) . .stellar properties of the 55 cancri system . @xmath16 and @xmath17 correspond to the uniform disk and limb - darkening corrected angular stellar diameters , respectively . @xmath17 corresponds to the angular diameter of the rosseland , or mean , radiating surface of the star . [ cols=">,^ " , ]
the bright star 55 cancri is known to host five planets , including a transiting super - earth . we use the chara array to directly determine the following of 55 cnc s stellar astrophysical parameters : @xmath0 , @xmath1 k. planet 55 cnc f ( @xmath2 ) spends the majority of the duration of its elliptical orbit in the circumstellar habitable zone ( 0.671.32 au ) where , with moderate greenhouse heating , it could harbor liquid water . our determination of 55 cancri s stellar radius allows for a model - independent calculation of the physical diameter of the transiting super - earth 55 cnc e ( @xmath3 ) , which , depending on the assumed literature value of planetary mass , implies a bulk density of 0.76 @xmath4 or 1.07 @xmath4 .
entanglement is one of the potential sources of quantum theory . it is the key concept and major resource for quantum communication and computation @xcite . in the last few years , enormous efforts has been made to investigate various aspects of quantum entanglement and its benefits in a number of setups , such as teleportation of unknown states @xcite , quantum key distribution @xcite , quantum cryptography @xcite and quantum computation @xcite . recently , the study of quantum entanglement of various fields has been extended to the relativistic setup @xcite and interesting results about the behavior of entanglement have been obtained . the study of entanglement in the relativistic framework is important not only from quantum information perspective but also to understand deeply the black hole thermodynamics @xcite and the black hole information paradox @xcite . the earlier investigations on quantum entanglement in the relativistic framework is mainly focused by considering isolated quantum systems . in fact , no quantum system can be completely isolated from its environment and may results in a non - unitary dynamics of the system . therefore , it is important to study the effect of environment on the entanglement in an initial state of a quantum system during its evolution . the interaction between an environment and a quantum system leads to the phenomenon of decoherence and it gives rise to an irreversible transfer of information from the system to the environment @xcite . [ cols="^,^,^ " , ] if we compare the single qubit and the both qubits decohering situations , it becomes obvious that the entanglement loss is rapid when both the qubits are coupled to the noisy environment . for example , in the case of bit flip channel the concurrence behaves as a linear function of @xmath0 for single qubit decohering case whereas in the case of both qubits decohering case it varies as a parabolic function . nevertheless , the sudden death happens at the same value of @xmath0 , irrespective of the acceleration , for both cases under the action of bit flip and phase damping channels . for depolarizing channel , however , this is not true . in conclusion , we have investigated that the entanglement in dirac fields is strongly dependent on coupling with a noisy environment . this result is contrary to the case of an isolated system in which the entanglement of dirac fields survives even in the limit of infinite acceleration of rob s frame . in the presence of decoherence , the entanglement rapidly decreases and entanglement sudden death occurs even for zero acceleration . under the action of phase flip channel , the entanglement can regrow when both qubits are coupled to a noisy environment in the limit of large values of decoherence parameter . the entanglement disappears , irrespective of the acceleration , under the action of phase damping channel only when the channel is fully decohered both for single qubit and the two qubits decohering cases . however , under the action of depolarizing channel an early sudden death occurs for larger acceleration when both qubits are coupled to the environment . in summary , the entanglement generated by unruh effect in noninertial frame is strongly influenced by decoherence .
we study the effects of decoherence on the entanglement generated by unruh effect in noninertial frames by using bit flip , phase damping and depolarizing channels . it is shown that decoherence strongly influences the initial state entanglement . the entanglement sudden death can happens irrespective of the acceleration of the noninertial frame under the action of phase flip and phase damping channels . it is investigated that an early sudden death happens for large acceleration under the depolarizing environment . moreover , the entanglement increases for a highly decohered phase flip channel.pacs : 03.65.ud ; 03.65.yz ; 03.67.mn;04.70.dy keywords : entanglement ; decoherence ; noninertial frames .
in order to have an idea on the types of objects we can expect at flux levels accessible with ska we have modeled the main classes of sources detected at mjy and sub - mjy levels : steep agns ( radio galaxies ) modeled following dunlop & peacock ( 1990 , mnras , 247 , 19 ) ; flat agns ( sy1 and qso ) , for which we have assumed the quasar optical lf and evolution ( boyle et al 1988 , mnras , 235 , 935 ; 1991 , asp conf . 21 , p. 191 ; schmidt et al 1995 , aj , 109 , 473 ) ; the star - forming galaxies ( rlf from sadler et al 2002 , mnras , 329 , 227 ) composed by a fraction ( assumed 50% ) of non - evolving normal spirals and a fraction ( 50% ) of evolving starburst galaxies ( @xmath1 ) . passive optical evolution has been assumed whenever necessary ( poggianti 1997 , a&as , 122 , 399 ) . + a number of available surveys at the mjy , sub - mjy and jy level can provide important boundary conditions to any modelling of the radio sky . the radio counts are constrained by using all the samples available in the literature , while we focused on samples with optical spectroscopy follow - up to get constraints on the redshift and magnitude distributions of the sources . in particular we refer to the following samples : first ( magliocchetti et al . 2000 , mnras , 318 , 1047 ) , atesp - eis ( prandoni et al . 2001b ) , pdf ( phoenix deep field , georgakakis et al . 1999 , mnras , 306 , 708 ) , mf ( marano field , gruppioni et al . 1999 ) , b93 ( sample collection studied by benn et al . 1993 , mnras , 263 , 98 ) , h00 ( collection studied by haarsma et al . + the models used here provide a good fit to the observed number counts along the entire flux range spanned by the counts ( @xmath2 @xmath0jy - 1 jy ) and can reproduce the total number of sources in the comparison samples within a factor of 2 . the models can trace with good accuracy both the magnitude and the redshift distributions of the sources in the given samples . the models above have been used to simulate the radio sky at fainter flux levels than reached by the current surveys . the composition of the radio sky changes with flux as shown in figure [ eps1 ] . the figure clearly shows that radio galaxies , which dominate ( together with qso ) the mjy population , reappear in large proportions going to nanojy levels ( @xmath3 at @xmath4 njy ) ! + on the other hand , starburst galaxies and their evolution can be suitably studied with less sensitive surveys ( e.g. @xmath5 njy ) . the other main population at nanojy level is represented by non - evolving spirals , whose contribution shows a bump ( mainly due to @xmath6 galaxies ) in the range @xmath7 njy . + this work demonstrates that nuclear activity could be important at nanojy flux levels . deeper data are strongly needed to better constrain the models and provide more reliable simulations . this kind of analysis can provide very useful constraints to the design of ska .
the apparent change in the composition of the parent optical objects of radio sources around 1 mjy ( at 1.4 ghz ) is now well established , although there is still some debate about the relative importance of classical radio galaxies and star - forming galaxies at sub - mjy levels ( see e.g. gruppioni et al . 1999 , mnras , 304 , 199 ; prandoni et al . 2001b , a&a , 369 , 787 ) . it is clear , however , that at @xmath0jy levels star - forming galaxies are dominant ( see fomalont et al . 1997 , apj , 475 , l5 ; haarsma et al . 2000 , apj , 544 , 641 ) . + does this mean that ska will basically tell us more about the history of star formation than about the space density ( and its cosmological evolution ) of active galactic nuclei ? + using current best estimates of luminosity functions ( and their evolution ) of various classes of objects , we show that the increasing dominance of star - forming galaxies below 1 mjy is a natural consequence of the different luminosity functions , but that this does not at all mean that star - forming galaxies do necessarily dominate at all sub - mjy flux levels and all redshifts .
in this paper we present exact solutions of the ( 0 + 1)-dimensional kinetic ( boltzmann ) equation for a massive gas in the relaxation time approximation @xcite . our results describe a purely longitudinal boost - invariant expansion and may be useful for description of very early stages of relativistic heavy - ion collisions . at first , we analyse the case of classical statistics and show that the traditional second - order hydrodynamics has problems to correctly reproduce the kinetic result . this discrepancy is due to the missing shear - bulk coupling in the standard second - order hydrodynamics . we further take into account the effects of quantum statistics @xcite . they turn out to be important for the bulk viscous pressure . the results presented here generalise several earlier results obtained for massless particles @xcite . we note that the exact solutions of the kinetic equation help us to select the right form of the kinetic coefficients @xcite and the correct structure of the hydrodynamic equations , as has been demonstrated recently in refs . our approach uses a simple form of the kinetic equation , namely @xmath0\ , , \hspace{1.5 cm } c[f ] = - \frac{p_\alpha u^\alpha}{\tau_{\rm eq } } ( f - f_{\rm eq } ) , \label{kineq}\ ] ] where @xmath1 is the one - particle phase - space distribution function depending on the parton space - time coordinates @xmath2 and momentum @xmath3 , and @xmath4 is the collision term written in the relaxation time approximation @xcite . the parameter @xmath5 is the relaxation time . in our present calculations we use the value @xmath6 . the boost - invariance implies that the kinetic equation ( [ kineq ] ) can be rewritten in the form @xmath7 where @xmath8 is the proper time . in addition , the function @xmath1 may depend only on the three variables : @xmath9 , @xmath10 and @xmath11 , where @xmath12 . the background equilibrium distribution function may be written as @xmath13 -\epsilon\right\}^{-1}. \label{feq}\ ] ] in eq . ( [ feq ] ) the parameter @xmath14 specifies the appropriate quantum statistics . with @xmath15 we include bose - einstein , boltzmann or fermi - dirac statistics , respectively . the first moment of the left - hand side of the kinetic equation describes divergence of the energy - momentum tensor that must be conserved , namely @xmath16 here @xmath17 is the number of internal degrees of freedom and @xmath18 is the momentum integration measure . equation ( [ tmunu1 ] ) is fulfilled if the energy densities calculated with the distribution functions @xmath1 and @xmath19 are equal . this leads us to our main equation @xmath20 \label{lm2 } \\ & & = d(\tau,\tau_0 ) \lambda^4_0 \tilde{\cal h}_2\left [ \frac{\tau_0}{\tau \sqrt{1+\xi_0}},\frac{m}{\lambda_0}\right ] + \int\limits_{\tau_0}^\tau \frac{d\tau^\prime}{\tau_{\rm eq } } d(\tau,\tau^\prime ) t^4(\tau^\prime ) \tilde{\cal h}_2\left [ \frac{\tau^\prime}{\tau},\frac{m}{t(\tau^\prime)}\right ] . \nonumber\end{aligned}\ ] ] this is an integral equation for the effective temperature @xmath21 that can be solved using the iterative method @xcite . the function @xmath22 is defined in ref . here we used the initial condition given by the romatsche - strickland form @xmath23 -\epsilon \right\}^{-1}. \label{f0}\end{aligned}\ ] ] we note that the form of eq . ( [ lm2 ] ) is the same for the three different statistics . the differences are hidden in the implicit dependence of the functions @xmath24 , @xmath25 , and @xmath26 on the quantum statistics parameter @xmath14 . to find the shear viscosity @xmath27 for the bose einstein and fermi dirac gases , we use the formula @xcite @xmath28 on the other hand , we determine the effective shear viscosity using the exact solution of the kinetic equation @xmath29 . \label{etakin}\ ] ] we treat the bulk viscosity @xmath30 in the similar way as the shear viscosity . for a quantum massive gas , the formula for the bulk viscosity is the following @xcite @xmath31 to find the effective bulk viscosity , which is obtained from the exact solution we use the formula @xmath32 . \label{zetakin}\ ] ] the sound velocity appearing in eq . ( [ zeta_qs ] ) is obtained from the formula @xmath33 . in the classical limit , @xmath34 , the integrals ( [ eta_qs ] ) and ( [ zeta_qs ] ) become analytic . the appropriate formulas can be found in ref . ) , finally , black lines show our results obtained for three versions of the second order hydrodynamics @xcite . ] ) , finally , black lines show our results obtained for three versions of the second order hydrodynamics @xcite.,scaledwidth=95.0% ] results shown in fig . [ fig : bulk_boltzmann ] represent the time evolution of the bulk viscosity calculated directly from the kinetic theory and compared with three formulations of the second - order hydrodynamics @xcite . in the case of an initially isotropic system we can see that the simplest formulation of the second - order hydrodynamics ( dotted line ) gives the worst agreement with the kinetic theory . on the other hand , this formulation gives the best agreement for an initially highly oblate system . the problems illustrated in fig . [ fig : bulk_boltzmann ] helped to identify the importance of the shear - bulk couplings @xcite in the hydrodynamic approach . to have a good agreement it is necessary to use equations where the bulk and shear viscosities are correlated @xcite . the proper description of the bulk pressure is important as it may affect different physical observables studied in relativistic heavy - ion collisions @xcite . + to show the effects of quantum statistics on the evolution of matter we calculated the shear viscosity using eqs . ( [ eta_qs ] ) and ( [ etakin ] ) and the bulk viscosity using eqs . ( [ zeta_qs ] ) and ( [ zetakin ] ) . in fig . [ fig : quantum_statistics_comparison ] we present our results . in the case of the shear viscosity , we find only small differences between the results obtained for bose - einstein , boltzmann , and fermi - dirac statistics . this is in contrast to the bulk - viscosity case , where we find important differences , especially , for the initially isotropic systems . we have constructed the exact solutions of the boltzmann equation using analytical and numerical methods . this allowed us to find the effective bulk and shear viscosities of the ( 0 + 1)dimensional system and to compare them with the analytic formulas appearing in the literature . we have shown that standard equations of the second - order hydrodynamics do not work properly although the quantum statistics effects are not essential for the shear viscosity they become quite important for the correct description of the bulk viscous effects . i would like to thank my supervisor wojciech florkowski for valuable advices and interesting discussions . this work was supported by polish national science center grant no . dec-2012/06/a / st2/00390 . 11 url # 1#1urlprefix[2][]#2 florkowski w , maksymiuk e , ryblewski r and strickland m 2014 _ phys.rev . _ * c89 * 054908 ( _ preprint _ )
we present exact solutions of the ( 0 + 1)-dimensional kinetic equation for a massive gas in the relaxation time approximation . at first , we analyse the case of classical statistics and argue that the traditional second - order hydrodynamics misses the shear - bulk coupling . in the next step , we include bose - einstein and fermi - dirac statistics in the calculations and show that they are important for description of the effects connected with bulk viscosity .
the origin of ultra - high energy cosmic rays remains a fundamental and unsolved problem in astroparticle physics . promising clues could be provided by the associated high energy neutrinos since they would neither interact with intergalactic or interstellar media nor be deflected by the magnetic fields . various detectors have been proposed for detecting high energy neutrinos . some of them rely on measuring the air shower by the so - called earth - skimming @xmath1 , for which horizontal showers are generated by the ensuing @xmath2 decay@xcite . in this paper , we investigate the shower properties by simulations . equipped with the knowledge of the @xmath1 induced air shower , we are able to calculate the induced geosynchrotron radiation . in sec . ii , we present the corsika@xcite simulated shower profile to be employed in the calculation of geosynchrotron radiation in sec . our calculation is based on the coherent geosynchrotron emission scenario initiated in 1970s@xcite and further developed by huege and falcke@xcite . in sec . iv , we summarize and conclude our work . the tau decay induced air shower is initiated by the decay product . using corsika code , we simulate the shower initiated by electrons at five different energies . table [ stat ] presents the statistics of these simulations . the simulation shows that the shower particles reside in a shower thickness less than @xmath3 . compared with the radiation which traverses a distance of @xmath4 @xmath5 , the shower front at the shower maximum is treated as longitudinally coherent . the remaining structures are the lateral profile and lorentz factor distribution representing the spatial and energy distribution of the shower particles . .shower statistics [ cols="<,^,^,^ " , ] fig . [ gamma ] and [ lateral ] show the energy and position distributions of the shower particles at shower maximum for different energies . both are displayed in the unit normalized to the total number at the corresponding energies . having determined the spatial structure and energy distribution of shower particles , we can calculate the emission from the shower maximum . [ interfere ] depicts the expected electric field at different receiver locations . the interference pattern arises from the scale of the shower front . in fig . [ pulse ] , we calculate the pulse measured by the receiver with a given bandwidth . this plot indicates how large the separation between antennae can be for the current technology . for the maximum of a @xmath6 shower at the observation distance of @xmath7 . curves in blue , red and yellow represent signals in observing frequencies of @xmath8 , @xmath9 and @xmath10 , respectively.,width=302 ] shower at the observation distance of @xmath7 , using an idealized rectangular filter spanning @xmath11 . curves in blue , red and yellow denote pulses measured at center , at lateral distances of @xmath12 and @xmath13 , respectively.,width=302 ] in this work , we investigate properties of the earth - skimming tau neutrino induced shower . the universal behavior of the shower particle allows a simple parametrization which will be helpful in future calculations of the geosynchrotron radiation . our calculations also provide useful information for the future experiments .
cosmogenic neutrinos@xcite are expected from ultrahigh energy cosmic rays undergoing the gzk process@xcite and anticipated to be observed by detecting air showers from the decays of tau leptons . we use corsika simulated shower structure to calculate the coherent geosynchrotron radio emissions of the tau decay showers above @xmath0ev . we present the pattern and spectrum of radio waves and discuss their detections by radio antennae .
ship bow waves exhibit both large and small scale features . the most prominent small scale feature is the bow wave crest formation of thin overturning sheets which break up into spray . re and we scale effects are large such that replication of full scale phenomena of the small scale features of ship bow waves is difficult even with large models . however , experimental studies for wedge flows display and document the small scale structures of bow waves . herein , flows around a wedge - shaped bow are numerically simulated with the aim of investigating the wave breaking mechanism and small scale features of ship bow waves . the side length of the wedge is l = 0.75 m , and the height of the wedge is h = 1.0 m. the half wedge angle is @xmath0 = @xmath1 and the flare angle @xmath2 = @xmath3 . the water depth is d = 0.0745 m and the upstream velocity is u = 2.5 m / s , the corresponding reynolds number , re = @xmath4 , and the froude number , fr = 2.93 .
flows around a wedge - shaped bow are simulated with the aim of investigating the wave breaking mechanism and small scale features of ship bow waves . this fluid dynamics video shows the plunging wave breaking process around the wedge including the thin water sheet formation , overturning sheet with surface disturbance , fingering and breaking up into spray , plunging and splashing , and air entrainment .
the vimos integral field unit ( hereafter ifu ) allows to obtain one spectrum for each resolution element of its field of view , thanks to a square array of microlenses , each one coupled to an optical fiber . technical details about vimos ifu can be found in prieto et al . see also le fvre et al . ( 1998 ) . vimos ifu can be used in various configurations , outlined in table [ tab : ifuconf ] [ tab : ifuconf ] cccc field of view & spatial resolution & spectral resolution & number of fibers + 54@xmath0 54 & 067 & 250 & @xmath1 + 27@xmath0 27 & 033 & 250 & @xmath1 + 27@xmath0 27 & 067 & 700 , 2500 & @xmath2 + 13@xmath0 13 & 033 & 700 , 2500 & @xmath2 + ifu data reduction presents new challenges and requires to set up new data reduction techniques with respect to `` traditional '' mos data . two main aspects that have to be taken into account for the data reduction of every ifu are the high density of spectra on the detector , causing some degree of crosstalk ( overlapping of light from neighbouring spectra ) and the sky subtraction , demanding special care , since the sky must be evaluated using different fibers for different observations . for vimos ifu in particular a third aspect is the high number of spectra collected in a single exposure ( up to 6400 spectra on four 2k@xmath04k ccds ) , requiring at least a partial automatization of the reduction process . once data have been reduced , exploiting their scientific content is even more challenging . for this reason a european network has been set up , formed by all the european institutes involved in ifu instrument development , with the purpose to provide the european astronomical community with powerful 3d data analysis tools . the fact that an ifu can obtain spectra for all the objects in the field of view at once makes it much more efficient than a mos in very crowded field , where complete sampling is required . this is especially true in the case of high - z clusters , where the numbers of interlopers is roughly 90% of all the field objects . this can have great advantages regarding spectroscopic confirmation of clusters and dynamical studies of cluster cores , where just one ifu observation ( or a few ones , if using the smaller size and higher resolution configuration ) could obtain the same result as several mos exposures . it is clear that medium and high - z clusters , being of a smaller angular size , are ideal targets for ifu observations , as shown by figure 1 .
research on the core of medium and high z clusters of galaxies can derive great benefits from integral field spectroscopy , and a key role in this respect will be played by the integral field unit ( ifu ) being developed by the virmos consortium as part of the vimos spectrograph . after a brief technical outline of the instrument , some of the problems to be addressed by data reduction techniques are described , and the scientific issues to which vimos ifu is likely to give its major contribution are pointed out .
after the completion of the palomar - quest northern sky survey in september 2008 the quest large field camera ( ( * ? ? ? * baltay et al . 2007 ) ) was moved and installed on the 1.0-m eso schmidt in la silla and had first light on april 24 , 2009 . since september 2009 , the southern survey has been in routine observations ( ( * ? ? ? * andrews et al . 2008 ) ) and the telescope and camera are controlled from yale and fully robotic . we have 90@xmath1 of the time on the telescope with 10@xmath1 allocated to chile . the quest camera consists of 112 ccds of 600 @xmath2 2400 sarnoff thinned pixels , back illuminated devices with 13 @xmath3 m x 13 @xmath3 m pixel pitch . the camera covers an area of 4.6@xmath4 @xmath2 3.6@xmath4 on the sky and a plate scale of 0.86 arcsec / pixel . the survey covers @xmath51000 square degrees per night , primarily between @xmath625@xmath4 to allow for follow up from both hemispheres . the lsq variability ( sn and transient ) survey uses 60 sec exposures ( and the tno survey-180 sec ) taken twice a night with a cadence of 2 nights in one broad band filter of 4000 to 7000 ( qst*-band ) . the seeing at la silla for the 60 sec exposures is 1.7 arcsec fwhm , reaching depth of 20.5 mag . the lsq survey subtraction pipeline has started producing between 400 and 900 transient candidates each night ( fig.[fig3 ] ) . the lsq rr lyrae star ( rrls ) survey is searching the galactic halo for rrls that have v magnitudes between roughly 14 and 20 . because rrls are excellent standard candles , they provide a powerful probe of the density distribution of the halo , which is being examined for halo substructure . plotted are the v magnitude light - curves for three type ab rrls ( fig.[fig5](a ) ) , which illustrate the typical photometric precisions at these magnitudes . from their mean v magnitudes , we estimate that rrab 12574 , 10770 , and 5381 lie 7 , 13 , and 52 kpc from the sun , respectively . a deep eclipsing cataclysmic variable ( ( * ? ? ? * rabinowitz et al . 2011a ) ) was discovered with eclipse depths @xmath75.7 magnitudes , orbital period 94.657 min , and peak brightness v@xmath518 at j2000 position 17h 25 m 54.8s , -64 deg 38 min 39 sec . light curves in b , v , r , i , z and j were obtained with smarts 1.3-m and 1.0-m telescopes at cerro tololo and spectra from 3500 to 9000 with the soar 4.3-m telescope at cerro pachon . the optical light curves ( fig.[fig5](b ) ) show a deep , 5-min eclipse immediately followed by a shallow 38-min eclipse and then sinusoidal variation . no eclipses appear in j. during the deep eclipse the measure of v - j @xmath7 7.1 corresponds to a spectral type m8 or later secondary . the spectra show strong hydrogen emission lines , doppler broadened by 600 - 1300 km s-1 , oscillating with radial velocity that peaks at mid deep eclipse with semiamplitude 500 @xmath6 22 km s-1 . it is suggested that lsq172554.8 - 643839 is a polar with a low - mass secondary viewed at high inclination . an apparent dwarf nova was discovered ( ( * ? ? ? * rabinowitz et al . 2011b ) ) on june 11.046 ( when the variable was at magnitude r = 16.3 ) and june 11.063 ut ( at r = 16.0)(fig.[fig6](a ) and ( b ) ) . a faint source is reported at this position in the guide star catalog v2.3.2 ( with bj = 20.76 ) . simultaneous visible and j - band observations were taken with andicam on the 1.3-m smarts telescope at cerro tololo . a spectrum ( range 0.350 - 0.966 nm ) taken on june 26 with gmos on the gemini south telescope reveals strong h - alpha and h - beta emission lines , with h - alpha clearly double - peaked , indicating the presence of an accretion disk with rotational velocity 1000 km / s .
we describe the la silla - quest ( lsq ) variability survey . lsq is a dedicated wide field synoptic survey in the southern hemisphere , focusing on the discovery and study of transients ranging from low redshift ( z @xmath0 0.1 ) sn ia , tidal disruption events , rr lyrae variables , cvs , quasars , tnos and others . the survey utilizes the 1.0-m schmidt telescope of the european southern observatory at la silla , chile with the large area quest camera , a mosaic of 112 ccd s with field of view of 9.6 square degrees . the lsq survey was commissioned in 2009 , and is now regularly covering 1000 square deg per night with a repeat cadence of hours to days . the data are currently processed on a daily basis . we present here a first look at the photometric capabilities of lsq and we discuss some of the most interesting recent transient detections .
madeup is an integrated development environment for programmatically generating 3-d models . its primary purpose is to serve as a platform for teaching computation and algorithmic thinking to young learners of mathematics and computer science . the interface is comprised a text - based code editor and a 3-d canvas . users program their models in a custom but traditional language that supports variables , operators , control structures , and modular abstraction . similar to logo s 2-d navigation commands , functions for moving and orienting in 3-d space are provided . when a madeup program is executed , the path that is traced out by the navigation commands forms a 3-d model that may be exported or sent to a 3-d printer . the madeup environment is under active development by a group of computer science and mathematics educators . given that its first formal evaluation will be conducted in a classroom equipped with mobile devices and that we want its general availability to be maximized , we are targeting mobile platforms . at present , we are drawn to mobile devices primarily because they provide a portable learning environment . we d like learners to have a chance to construct models while riding the bus or waiting in line . we will look at incorporating the other features of mobility as development progresses . for example , we have considered but not fully addressed the challenges of entering code without a hardware keyboard . currently we eliminate the need for a hardware keyboard by reducing the use of non - alphabetic characters in the syntax of our language . for example , function calls do not require parentheses and parameters need only be delimited when they consist of more than one token . some non - alphabetic characters are precious like carets for exponentiation and forward - slashes for division . substituting other symbols that are easier to type would violate the sanctity of conventional mathematical notation . for this reason users are offered a palette of operators through the devices automatic suggestion interface . madeup is designed to be used in a constructionist learning environment , where building and learning necessarily happen simultaneously . constructionism is a theory of learning posited by seymour papert : `` the word constructionism is a mnemonic for two aspects of the theory of science education underlying this project . from constructivist theories of psychology we take a view of learning as a reconstruction rather than as a transmission of knowledge . then we extend the idea of manipulative materials to the idea that learning is most effective when part of an activity the learner experiences as constructing is a meaningful product . '' @xcite . constructionism does not demand that the object being built is actually physically manifested , though madeup certainly makes printing the created objects feasible . instead , papert argues that the most import quality of the learner s creation is that it is publicly perceivable @xcite . a long term goal of our project is to provide an online community for sharing code , objects , and lessons . * function definitions form closures . variables defined in the enclosing scope at the time of definition do not need to be explicitly passed to the function . there is no concern that other code will alter the variables , as they are not dynamically scoped . * types are determined dynamically . this obviates the need to declare variables . in a future iteration , we hope to implement static but implicit typing so that errors are detected earlier . * every construct is an expression and has a value . a block , for example , evaluates to its last statement , as in ruby and scala . no explicit return statement is needed . conditional statements evaluate to the value of the block that is executed . loops evaluate to the value of the repeated block s last iteration . the madeup grammar is defined using antlr @xcite . the antlr - generated parse tree is traversed to build up an abstract syntax tree . the move and moveto commands emit vertex definitions . as vertices are emitted , geometry is assembled and sent to the mobile device s graphics processing unit , where it is shaded and placed on screen . users may freely rotate their objects and turn on color or wireframe presentation styles to help them debug . constructing geometry through code is done in several different ways , which range from simple to complex . we expect users to begin by generating linear paths , or polylines . madeup generates a polytube along the traversed path . once familiar with the environment , users move on to walking through 2-d parametric spaces to generate spheres , toruses , cones , and other 2-manifolds . in both these modes , vertices are connected implicitly by the madeup software to form the model . advanced users may wish to form the geometry more directly , which we allow through a manual triangle forming mode . in addition to the sandbox environment that madeup provides , it supports integrated playback of prerecorded interactive lessons . a teacher or peer may record a coding session , capturing both spoken annotations and every edit made to the code . the captured edits are preprocessed into a compressed form , where for each frame we store only the changes that were applied to the previous frame . we do this to reduce the size of the lesson , whose download may count against the learner s monthly data plan . the movie is a `` text movie '' and is never locked up in pixels . the lesson is played back directly in the madeup development environment , with the code appearing in the code editor and the results appearing in the 3-d canvas . because the lesson code is text , the student may alter the content , scroll to other portions of the code to revisit context , and copy and paste useful snippets for their own projects . in our current prototype system , lessons are recorded by instructors on a non - mobile platform . we have a medium - term goal of enabling recording of lessons directly in the madeup environment . this would allow teachers and students to annotate their own creations and share them with others .
constructionism is a learning theory that states that we learn more when we construct tangible objects . in the process of building and presenting our work , we make concrete the abstract mental models we ve formed , see where they breakdown through the feedback we receive , and revise the models accordingly . computer programming has long been taught under a constructionist approach using sensory - rich contexts like robots , media , and logo - style environments . now , with affordable 3-d printers in the hands of consumers , we have a new medium in which learners may realize their computational ideas . in this demonstration , we share a mobile development environment named madeup , which empowers its users to navigate 3-d space using a logo - like imperative and functional language . every stop in space becomes a vertex in a 3-d model . the generated models may be exported or uploaded to a 3-d printing service . constructionism , 3-d modeling , learning ides
compact groups of galaxies are associations of three to seven galaxies , where the projected distances between them is of the order of their diameters , and where the group shows a low velocity dispersion , making compact groups an ideal place to study galaxy interaction and intergalactic star formation ( e.g. ( * ? ? ? * torres - flores et al . 2010 ) , ( * ? ? ? * de mello et al . 2008 ) , ( * ? ? ? * de mello , torres flores & mendes de oliveira 2008 ) , ( * ? ? ? * mendes de oliveira et al . 2004 ) ) . the main goal of this work is to search for a link between the evolutionary stage of a group and the presence of young intergalactic objects which may have formed during galaxy interactions . for this , we analyze a subsample of seven compact groups ( hcg 2 , 7 , 22 , 23 , 92 , 100 and ngc 92 ) which span a wide range of evolutionary stages , from hi rich groups to strongly interacting groups , where the galaxies show tidal tail features and a deficiency in neutral hi gas . in order to analyze the evolutionary stage of each group , we used new fabry - perot velocity maps , galex / uv data and optical r - band images . the velocity fields and rotation curves help constraining the evolutionary stage of each compact group while ultraviolet light contains important information regarding the age of the young stellar population that may be present in the intragroup medium . we searched for ultraviolet emitting regions in the vicinity of all seven targets , using the sextractor software ( se , ( * ? ? ? * bertin & arnouts 1996 ) ) in the fuv , nuv and r sky - subtracted images of our compact group sample . we compare the field density of regions detected in the compact group with a control sample outside the group . hcg 92 and hcg 22 have the highest field density in this study . no excess was found in hcg 2 , hcg 7 , hcg 23 , hcg 100 and ngc 92 ( ( * ? ? ? * torres - flores et al . 2009 ) ) . in order to constrain the evolutionary stage of each compact group , we inspected the velocity field and rotation curve of each galaxy to search for interaction indicators , in a similar way to that done by ( * ? ? ? * plana et al . ( 2003 ) ) and ( * ? ? ? * amram et al . ( 2003 ) ) . in the case of ngc 92 , it shows a prominent tidal tail in its velocity field . at the tip of this tail , there is a tidal dwarf galaxy candidate , having an age of about 40 myrs ( ( * ? ? ? * torres - flores et al . 2009 ) ) . we used multiwavelength data to study the evolutionary stages of the compact groups of galaxies hcg 2 , 7 , 22 , 23 , 92 , 100 and ngc 92 . new fabry - perot velocity fields , rotation curves and galex nuv / fuv images were analyzed for four and seven of these groups respectively . groups hcg 7 and 23 are in an early stage of interaction whereas hcg 2 and 22 show limited interaction features and hcg 92 , 100 and ngc 92 are in a late stage of evolution , having hi gas in the intragroup medium , galaxies with peculiar velocity fields and several young star - forming regions in the intergalactic medium .
we present the results of a multiwavelength campaign searching for young objects in the intragroup medium of seven compact groups of galaxies : hcg 2 , 7 , 22 , 23 , 92 , 100 and ngc 92 . we used fabry - perot velocity fields and rotation curves together with galex nuv and fuv images , optical r - band and hi maps to evaluate the stage of interaction of each group . we conclude that groups ( i ) hcg 7 and hcg 23 are in an early stage of interaction , ( ii ) hcg 2 and hcg 22 are mildly interacting , and ( iii ) hcg 92 , hcg 100 and ngc 92 are in a late stage of evolution . evolved groups have a population of young objects in their intragroup medium while no such population is found within the less evolved groups . we also report the discovery of a tidal dwarf galaxy candidate in the tail of ngc 92 . these three groups , besides containing galaxies which have peculiar velocity fields , also show extended hi tails . our results indicate that the advanced stage of evolution of a group together with the presence of intragroup hi clouds may lead to star formation in the intragroup medium .
when confronting bfkl with data , it must be remembered that the analytic leading log ( ll ) bfkl resummation@xcite makes some approximations which , even though formally subleading , can be numerically important at present collider energies . these approximations include : @xmath1 the bfkl resummation is performed at fixed coupling constant . @xmath2 because of the strong rapidity ordering any two - parton invariant mass is large . thus there are no collinear divergences in the ll resummation in the bfkl ladder ; jets are determined only at tree - level and accordingly have no non - trivial structure . @xmath3 finally , energy and longitudinal momentum are not conserved , since the momentum fraction @xmath4 of the incoming parton is reconstructed without the contribution to the total energy from the radiation of the bfkl ladder . therefore , the analytic bfkl approach systematically underestimate the exact value of the @xmath4 s , and can thus grossly overestimate the parton luminosities . in fact , for dijet production ( at a hadron collider ) with a bfkl gluon exchange in the @xmath5-channel we have @xmath6 where the minus sign in the exponentials of the right - hand side applies to the subscript @xmath7 on the left - hand side . @xmath8 is the bjorken @xmath4 of the incoming partons , and @xmath9 is the transverse momentum and rapidity of the two leading dijets . the sum is over the number @xmath10 of gluons emitted from the bfkl chain , each with transverse momentum @xmath11 and rapidity @xmath12 . it is this last contribution to the energy and longitudinal momentum conservation that is inaccessible in the standard analytic approach to ll bfkl , since the bfkl equation is solved by summing over any number of gluons radiated and integrating over the full allowed rapidity ordered gluon phase space . considering mueller - navelet dijet production@xcite , a comparison of three - parton production to the truncation of the bfkl ladder to @xmath13 shows that the ll approximation leads to sizable violations of energy - momentum conservation @xcite . we will , in the following , report on studies of the effects of including energy and momentum conservation in the ll bfkl evolution . a monte carlo approach to studying the bfkl gluon exchange was first reported in ref . @xcite and the details of the formalism will not be repeated here . the basic idea of the monte carlo bfkl model is to solve the bfkl equation while maintaining information on each radiated gluon . this is done by unfolding the integration over the rapidity ordered bfkl gluon phase space by introducing a resolution scale @xmath14 discriminating between resolved and unresolved radiation . the latter combines with virtual corrections to form an ir safe integral . thereby the solution to the bfkl equation is recast in terms of phase space integrals for resolved gluon emissions , with form factors representing the net effect of unresolved and virtual emissions . besides being necessary for calculating the impact on the parton flux by including energy and momentum conservation , this approach also allows for further studies of the details of the bfkl radiation , and for the effects of the running of the coupling to be added to the ll evolution . the main result of the study @xcite is that the contribution of the bfkl gluon radiation to the parton momentum fractions ( at lhc energies ) lowers the parton flux in such a way as to approximately cancel the rise in the subprocess cross section with increasing dijet rapidity separation ( @xmath15 ) ) predicted from the standard bfkl approach ( see figure [ fig : dijetxsec ] ) . this strong pdf suppression is due to the dijet production being driven by the gluon pdf , which is very steeply falling in @xmath4 for the region in @xmath4 of interest . this means that even the slightest change in @xmath4 has a dramatic impact on the parton flux . the leading - order qcd prediction for the hadronic dijet cross section is therefore only slightly modified when including bfkl evolution of the @xmath5-channel gluon to an almost no - change situation . however , other bfkl signatures such as the dijet azimuthal angle decorrelation do still survive ( see figure [ fig : dijetdecor ] ) . although at hadron colliders the simplest process for studying bfkl effects is the production of dijets with large rapidity separation , the formalism also applies to the production of more complicated forward final states . one of the forward mueller - navelet jets can be replaced by a @xmath0jet pair , which also provides a testing ground for bfkl signatures @xcite . in fact , the suppressing effect of the bfkl gluon radiation on the pdfs is less pronounced in this case , since requiring a @xmath0 in the final state at means ( at leading order ) that at least one of the initial state partons must be a _ quark _ , with a less steeply falling pdf . this means that the bfkl rise in the partonic cross section is not compensated to the same extent as in the dijet case . in fact , we find that in this case the cross section for the process including a bfkl gluon exchange is higher than the leading order cross section , thanks to the relative flatness of the quark pdf in the relevant region in @xmath4 ( see figure [ fig : w2jet ] ) . in the case of @xmath0 + 2jet production , there will be some decorrelation in azimuthal angle between the two jets already at leading order because of the radiation of the @xmath0 . however , a bfkl gluon exchange will increase this decorrelation@xcite significantly ( see figure [ fig : w2jetangle ] ) . the author would like to thank v. del duca , f. maltoni , s. frixione , c. schmidt , and w.j . stirling for a fruitful collaboration and many stimulating discussions . 99 e. a. kuraev , l. n. lipatov and v. s. fadin , sov . jetp * 45 * ( 1977 ) 199 [ zh . * 72 * ( 1977 ) 377 ] . i. i. balitsky and l. n. lipatov , sov . j. nucl . * 28 * ( 1978 ) 822 [ yad . * 28 * ( 1978 ) 1597 ] . a. h. mueller and h. navelet , nucl . b * 282 * ( 1987 ) 727 . v. del duca and c. r. schmidt , phys . rev . d * 51 * ( 1995 ) 2150 [ hep - ph/9407359 ] . c. r. schmidt , phys . lett . * 78 * , 4531 ( 1997 ) [ hep - ph/9612454 ] . l. h. orr and w. j. stirling , phys . d * 56 * ( 1997 ) 5875 [ hep - ph/9706529 ] . j. r. andersen , v. del duca , s. frixione , c. r. schmidt and w. j. stirling , jhep * 0102 * ( 2001 ) 007 [ arxiv : hep - ph/0101180 ] . j. r. andersen , v. del duca , f. maltoni and w. j. stirling , jhep * 0105 * ( 2001 ) 048 [ arxiv : hep - ph/0105146 ] .
we present results on dijet and @xmath0+dijet production at hadron colliders obtained by supplementing the leading log bfkl resummation with energy and momentum conservation . for pure dijet production , the inclusion of the bfkl radiation in the energy conservation leads to a decrease in the parton flux sufficient to counter - act the expected exponential increase in the cross section obtained for the partonic cross section . other bfkl signatures such as the dijet azimuthal angle decorrelation do still survive . * * forward jets and bfkl at hadron colliders * * + jeppe r. andersen + +
the observation of stellar clusters is a relevant tool in testing the goodness of stellar evolution theories . in particular when intermediate - mass stars ( about 2 - 9 ) are investigated , one has to observe young clusters . unfortunately such a clusters in our galaxy , in general , contains too few stars to allow significant tests to stellar theoretical models , so that it is useful to study young populous clusters in near galaxies ; in particular in smc one of the richest cluster is ngc 458 , which appears poorly investigated . in fact there is no direct measurement of his metallicity or reddening , and the estimations of the age ( see @xcite , @xcite and @xcite ) ranges from 50 to 130 . the only previous photometric work on this cluster is due to @xcite who obtained a photographic bv cm diagram either of the cluster core and of the surrounding field . for this reasons , ngc 458 was observed and a new cmd for this cluster was derived . in the following we will present our preliminary results on ngc 458 , giving evaluation for metallicity , reddening and age of this cluster . the cm diagram is based on three b and three v frames obtained with eso ntt telescope equipped with susi ( la silla , chile ) in december 1995 . these data was reduced using the romafot package ( buonanno et al . 1979 , 1983 ) for crowded field photometry and bv instrumental magnitudes for 1056 stars within a radius of 65 were measured . the small size of the susi field of view , covering only the ngc458 core , was compensated by using a set of observations based on b v frames obtained at the 0.9 ctio telescope ( cerro tololo , chile ) , and kindly provided by a. r. walker . the relationships for calibration were derived by using 9 photoelectric standards by @xcite and @xcite located in the field covered by ctio measurements . common stars between ntt and ctio data were then used to calibrate the ntt photometry . the ntt - based cm diagram of ngc 458 core ( @xmath0 , 1056 stars ) is presented in fig . it shows a well defined ms extending over about four magnitude in , = 18.2 is the estimated visual magnitude of the to and a consistent population of evolved stars ( 34 stars ) can be recognized from @xmath1 to @xmath2 . the ctio - based cm diagrams , reported in fig.s [ fig2ab ] , resemble the main features of the ntt ones . however , it can be recognized that , selecting the external region ( @xmath3 120 ) of the cluster , a clump of field stars appears at @xmath4 and @xmath5 . this clump has been already recognized to be populated of helium burning intermediate mass stars belonging to the field ( 2 - 3 , see @xcite , bencivenni et al . ( 1991 ) ) . it is interesting to note that the field of smc and lmc appears to be very similar according to theoretical previsions discussed in @xcite . since for ngc 458 there is no indication in literature about reddening we first estimated this quantity . to obtain preliminary indication , we compared the cm diagram of ngc 458 with that of the lmc cluster ngc 1866 which has known reddening and distance modulus and presents a quite similar morphology ( @xcite ) . concerning ngc 458 we assumed the distance modulus of smc , i.e. dm = 18.9 ( @xcite ) . then , by assuming the quoted values of distance modulus the two main sequences fairly overlap if a reddening of e(b - v ) = 0.11 is adopted for ngc 458 ( fig . [ fig34 ] left ) . this figure also discloses that the evolved stars of the two clusters are located at about the same luminosity , but ngc 458 evolved stars extend to much bluer colors ( temperatures ) . recalling that the temperature extension of the he - burning blue loop in intermediate mass stars depends on metallicity ( @xcite ) , a possible explanation is that ngc 458 and ngc 1866 have quite similar ages ( about 110 ) but different metallicity ( i.e. ngc 1866 more metal - rich than ngc 458 ) . this suggestion is supported by fig . [ fig34 ] right , where we overplot two isochrones ( @xcite ) of different metallicities ( z=0.02 and z=0.006 ) but same ages ( 110 ) on the observational data . we also checked the consistency of the age evaluation by plotting ( fig . [ fig56 ] left ) the observed lf of ngc 458 to compare the observed bright ms termination end to the theoretical one obtained by the quoted isochrone of t = 110 . as a conclusion we find that a fairly good isochrone fitting for ngc 458 ( fig . [ fig56 ] right ) is reached with the following values : dm=18.9 , = 0.11 , t=110 and z=0.006 . independent evaluation of metallicity and reddening would certainly improve the reliability of the values derived in this work for the first time and which should be regarded as temptative estimates . we presented a cm diagram for ngc 458 mainly based on ntt data ; we are able to fairly identify the various stages of stellar evolution present in this cluster ; in particular the ms and the blue loop of the evolved stars are clearly defined . on the basis of our diagram and by comparison with observational data of ngc 1866 in lmc we estimated the reddening ( = 0.11 ) of ngc 458 and we suggest that these two cluster have very similar age ( 110 ) but different metallicity , being ngc 458 less metal - rich . moreover , theoretical isochrones provide a fairly good fit assuming the following quantities : z=0.006 , = 0.11 , age=110 . as a final remark we have to note that more work is still necessary in order to improve and refine the interpretation of ngc 458 : in particular independent evaluation of reddening and metallicity would greatly improve the reliability of the age determination . we are in debt with a.r . walker that kindly provided us the ctio data .
we present a ccd investigation of the poorly known smc young globular cluster ngc 458 . the ntt data , presented here , allowed us to study in detail the more internal regions of the cluster which are less contaminated by the field . on the basis of theoretical isochrones , a preliminary evaluation of the age is also given . latexlatex psfig.sty -0.5pc -0.5pc -2pc
we present the characteristics and performances of a demonstrative experiment devoted to the observation of ultra high- energy cosmic rays extensive air showers using a radiodetection technique . the codalema ( cosmic ray detection array with logarithmic electromagnetic antennas ) experiment was set up at the nanay radio observatory in 2003 . it uses 6 of the 144 log - periodic antennas ( in the 1 - 100 mhz frequency band for codalema ) constituting the decametric array ( dam ) @xcite . in the first period of observation @xcite , the setup ( see fig . [ fig : setup ] ) was self - triggered using one devoted antenna : its signal was filtered in an appropriate noise - free frequency band ( 33 - 65 mhz ) chosen after an exhaustive study in the observed local noise frequency spectrum , before entering the adc . the wide band waveform signals ( 1 - 100 mhz ) of the other antennas were registered when a voltage threshold was reached on the trigger antenna . the trigger threshold was set at 4 @xmath1 ( @xmath1 : the rms sky background noise ) , leading to an electric field sensitivity of 4 @xmath2v / m . on figure [ fig : triggerlevel ] the evolution of the average counting rate at nancay is presented as a function of the trigger level expressed in unit of @xmath1 . the counting rate evolves greatly with the anthropic activities in the vicinity of the station of nancay and with the weather conditions . except for the trigger antenna , transient signals on the antennas were hidden by radio transmitters signals . consequently , a numerical passband filter ( same as trigger frequency band ) was applied , offline , in order to observe coincidences involving several antennas @xcite . using the position and the timing differences between antennas , it was also possible to perform the trajectory reconstruction of the electromagnetic plane wave using a triangulation techniques across the array @xcite . this level of analysis enables us to bring in light several cosmic ray air shower candidates . in the second phase operating since mid 2004 , the above setup ( see fig . [ fig : setup2 ] ) has been completed with four double plastic scintillators @xcite placed at the corner of the dam array ( @xmath3 ) . the trigger of the experiment is made of the four particle detectors in coincidence , resulting on an event rate of 0.8 event / mn . all the antennas have now the same role and are passband filtered ( 24 - 82 mhz ) in order to increase the signal to noise ratio . the observation of coincident events on antennas and charged particle detectors ( fig . [ fig : r248e1782 ] ) demonstrates the association of antenna transient signals with the occurrence of extensive air showers . this unambiguous evidence of radio signals through the simultaneous detection of shower particles will allow , for the first time , the characterisation of the shape and amplitude of air showers associated radio pulses . a preliminary event rate of 1/(8 hours ) is observed with antenna multiplicity ranging from 3 to 6 . from the corresponding deposited energy distribution in scintillators , one can infer the location of the air shower core . the time delays between the particle detectors allow the reconstruction of the shower axis . from these information , impact parameter effects can be studied especially those related to non vertical showers . the latter are expected @xcite to generate amplitude and shape field variations which will better show up in large atmosphere volumes accessible with radiodetection method . purposely , 5 antennas will be installed ( up to 400 m from the dam ) on a east - west line crossing the existing array . two effects , namely cerenkov emission and the classical far field , contribute to the radio emission of a shower @xcite . the line will also allow to study their respective influences and asseses the interest for designing a larger antenna array dedicated to ultra high energy cosmic rays . http://www.obs-nancay.fr/ and http://www - subatech.in2p3.fr/. ravel o. _ et al . * a518 * , 213 - 215 ( 2004 ) . dallier r. _ et al . sf2a 2003 scientific highlights _ , ed f. combes _ et al . _ ( edp sciences , 2003 ) . a. belltoile _ et al . _ , astro - ph/0409034 ( 2004 ) . m. boratav _ et al _ , _ proc . of the @xmath4icrc _ , rome , 954,(1984 ) . t. gousset , o. ravel and c. roy , _ astroparticle physics _ , * 22 * , 103 - 107 ( 2004 ) .
the codalema experiment uses 6 large frequency bandwidth antennas of the nanay radio observatory decametric array ( france ) . in a first configuration , one antenna narrowed band filtered acting as trigger , with a 4 @xmath0 threshold above sky background - level , was used to tag any radio transient in coincidence on the antenna array . recently , the addition of 4 particle detectors allowed us to observe cosmic ray events in coincidence with antennas . * keywords:*ultra high energy cosmic rays ; radiodetection .
it has been recently pointed out@xcite that atomic nuclei with tetrahedral symmetry could be encountered all over the nuclear chart . the predictions are based on a very general analysis of symmetries of the nuclear mean - field and are inspired by the group - theory considerations . the implied unique 4-fold degeneracies of the single - particle levels characteristic of tetrahedral ( and/or octahedral ) symmetry of the fermionic mean - field are thought to favour the appearance of large gaps in the shell structure thus leading to stable potential minima with the corresponding symmetry . [ this mechanism is similar to that of the stabilizing mechanism related to the ( 2j+1)-fold degeneracies at spherical shapes ] . calculations performed for a few candidate - nuclei in various mass regions show indeed that the tetrahedral - shape isomers are relatively low in energy . they are separated from the ground - state minimum by a significant barrier ( up to a couple of mev ) . in this paper , we would like to focus on the nuclei whose hypothetical tetrahedral - symmetry states can be found in the dedicated experiments ; we present examples of related mean - field calculations and briefly discuss the envisaged experimental challenges . in the following , the nuclear shape is parametrized using the standard expansion onto the basis of spherical harmonics @xmath1 : @xmath2\ , ; \quad r_0=r_0\,a^{1/3}\,.\ ] ] in this expression , @xmath3 represents the nuclear surface in spherical coordinates , @xmath4 is the nuclear radius parameter , @xmath5 accounts for the volume conservation when deforming the nucleus , and @xmath6 are the deformation parameters . there exists _ a priori _ an infinite number of ways to generate a nuclear shape with the tetrahedral symmetry . ] . various possible combinations of the deformation parameters as well as a detailed discussion of the geometrical properties of the implied shapes can be found elsewhere@xcite . however , the lowest multipole - order to realize the symmetry in question is @xmath7 and one can demonstrate that any other allowed multipolarity must be greater or equal @xmath8 . thus it is believed that the high multipolarities may contribute only neglegibly . in this paper we consider tetrahedral symmetry realized by @xmath9 and every other @xmath6 vanishing . single - particle levels show strong variation in function of @xmath10 and it has been demonstrated using realistic mean - field calculations that huge gaps may appear in the corresponding spectra , comparable to , or larger than the known spherical gaps . the predicted@xcite _ tetrahedral - magic _ numbers for protons and neutrons are : n = 16 , 20 , 32 , 40 , 56 , 70 , 90 , 112 , 136@xmath11 + z = 16 , 20 , 32 , 40 , 56 , 70 , 90 , 112 , 126 . the corresponding nuclei should in principle be the best candidates for the tetrahedral symmetry . however , pairing effects and/or quasi - particle excitations can favour tetrahedral minima also in neighbouring nuclei . in addition , some nuclei are likely to present other shape isomers that compete with the tetrahedral one . it is therefore possible that the best candidates to look for may _ not _ be those with the tetrahedral magic numbers but in their vicinity . case - by - case thorough calculations are therefore needed : here we limit ourselves to presenting a few illustrations only . let us focus on the gaps @xmath12 and @xmath13 . two types of mean - field calculations have been performed . one of them is based on the macroscopic - microscopic approach where the energy is given by the sum of a liquid drop term and the shell- supplemented by a pairing - energy terms . in such an approach , the nuclear shape is an input , and to find physical solutions one has to minimize the energy as a function of the deformation parameters . another type , the self - consistent hartree - fock technique based on an effective ( skyrme ) interaction do not explicitely predefine any dependence on the deformation , and the deformation parameters are extracted from the selfconsistent solutions : it is thus an output of the theory . however , the single - particle degeneracies in a nucleus do not depend on which mean - field is used , but exclusively on the particular symmetry of the nucleus . indeed calculations show that the four - fold degeneracies in the spectra are independent of the type of the mean - field used , while the exact values of the tetrahedral gaps of course do depend somewhat on the model and its parametrisation . in figure [ figure ] , we show the total energy of two isotopes of zirconium as a function of the elongation @xmath14 . at each point , the energy is minimized over the @xmath15 angle and all octupole and hexadecapole degrees of freedom using the gradient method . the energy is calculated in the macroscopic - microscopic approach , with a liquid drop term including curvatures effects@xcite , a shell correction@xcite based on the non - relativistic woods - saxon potential with the universal parametrization@xcite and a pairing correction@xcite with particle - number projection ( before variation ) . two minima clearly appear in both nuclei : a prolate ground - state and a minimum at @xmath16 which turns out to be tetrahedral ( with @xmath17 ) . these calculations are very much consistent with those published earlier@xcite , the latter obtained independently using self - consistent skyrme - hartree - fock technique . we performed also skyrme - hartree - fock - bogoljubov calculations in the region of @xmath18zr , the results of which are presented in table [ table ] . the most striking result shown in the table is that with the parameterization sly4 , ref.@xcite , the tetrahedral minima appear to be the ground - state in both @xmath18zr and @xmath19zr . we have verified using other skyrme parametrizations that the tetrahedral minima persist although they lie above the corresponding ground - states . tetrahedral minima may lead to shape isomerism ; they correspond to a non - axial octupole shape . consequently , if rotational bands are built on top of these configurations they should lead to parity doublets . however , contrary to the better - known case of axial - octupole deformations , no e1 inter - band transitions should be observed due to the vanishing dipole moment . the bands should be sought at relatively low spins since the angular momentum alignment will tend to break the tetrahedral symmetry , and at relatively high excitation energy . indeed , tetrahedral minima are predicted at about 1 - 2 mev above the ground - states in most of the cases ; the corresponding moments of inertia are expected to be smaller than those in the prolate minima , the intraband decay energies should be correspondingly larger . also : the single - particle energies in a tetrahedral nucleus beeing up to 4-fold degenerate , one may expect to observe a unique 16-fold , approximately degenerate , quasi - particle pattern . we have presented results of microscopic calculations supporting the existence of very low - lying tetrahedral shape minima in zirconium isotopes . the eventuality of tetrahedral ground - states in the heaviest zr must also be considered . these nuclei are not beyond the range of the current experimental facilities . v. m. strutinsky , _ nucl . _ , * a95 * , 420 , ( 1967 ) ; + v. m. strutinsky , _ nucl . phys . _ , * a122 * , 1 , ( 1968 ) ; + m. brack , j. damgaard , a. s. jensen , h. c. pauli , v. m. strutinsky , c. y. wong _ rev . mod . phys . _ * 44 * 320 ( 1972 )
we recall the main features of the @xmath0 ( tetrahedral ) symmetry in atomic nuclei and present realistic mean - field calculations supporting the existence such a symmetry all over the nuclear chart . a few potential candidate - nuclei are investigated and the possible experimental signatures of the tetrahedral symmetry are also briefly discussed .
since the discovery of the far - infrared background ( firb ; @xcite ) , successive surveys have aimed to identify the discrete sources ( primarily galaxies ) responsible for this emission . with the launch of the esa _ herschel _ space observatory @xcite , with its large ( 3.5 m ) telescope and high sensitivity , it is now possible to resolve a much greater fraction of the firb . an essential element of this is to have methods for identifying individual sources from _ herschel _ data . this paper describes the generation of single - band point source catalogues from scan - map observations at 250 , 350 and 500@xmath0 m made using the photometer array of the spire instrument on _ herschel_. the spire instrument , its in - orbit performance , and its scientific capabilities are described by @xcite , and the spire astronomical calibration methods and accuracy are outlined by @xcite . the observations described here have been taken as part of the _ herschel _ multi - tiered extragalactic survey ( hermes ; oliver et al . , in preparation ) , using data from the science demonstration phase ( sdp ) of the survey . these observations cover approximately 20deg@xmath1 in five regions located in four extra - galactic fields , chosen for their minimal galactic emission at far - infrared wavelengths , and for the amount of high - quality multi - wavelength ancillary data available in those fields ( oliver et al . , in preparation ) . details of the observations are given in table [ tbl : wcs ] . the observations in the spitzer first look survey ( fls ) field were taken in spire pacs parallel mode , at scan speed 20 arcsec per second , while the other observations were taken in spire - only mode , at scan speed 30 arcsec per second ( abell 2218 , goods - north and lockman - north ) or 60 arcsec per second ( lockman - swire ) . standard spire observing modes were used for all observations . the number of repetitions is indicated in table [ tbl : wcs ] ; for each spire - only repetition , the field is scanned in both the nominal and orthogonal directions , while for spire pacs parallel mode ( fls ) , one of the repetitions is in the nominal direction and the other is in the orthogonal direction . for the lockman - swire field , two separate observations were taken , offset from one another , in order to produce a more uniform coverage . the abell 2218 ( a2218 ) data were obtained through two observations , each consisting of 50 repetitions , separated by 38 days , giving complementary scan directions . all observations were taken with nominal bias mode . more details are given by @xcite ( @xcite ; in preparation ) .
we describe the generation of single - band point source catalogues from submillimetre _ herschel_spire observations taken as part of the science demonstration phase of the _ herschel _ multi - tiered extragalactic survey ( hermes ) . flux densities are found by means of peak - finding and the fitting of a gaussian point - response function . with highly - confused images , careful checks must be made on the completeness and flux density accuracy of the detected sources . this is done by injecting artificial sources into the images and analysing the resulting catalogues . measured flux densities at which 50 per cent of injected sources result in good detections at ( 250 , 350 , 500)@xmath0 m range from ( 11.6 , 13.2 , 13.1)mjy to ( 25.7 , 27.1 , 35.8)mjy , depending on the depth of the observation ( where a ` good ' detection is taken to be one with positional offset less than one full - width half - maximum of the point - response function , and with the measured flux density within a factor of 2 of the flux density of the injected source ) . this paper acts as a reference for the 2010 july hermes public data release . [ firstpage ] catalogues submillimetre : galaxies methods : data analysis galaxies : photometry
a rather comprehensive determination of the rich energy spectrum of the confined chromoelectric flux between static sources in the fundamental representation of @xmath0 was reported earlier @xcite for separations r ranging from 0.1 fm to 4 fm . the full spectrum is summarized in fig . [ fig : spectrum ] with different characteristic behavior on two scales separated approximately at r=2 fm . = 3.0 in -0.6 in the @xmath2 ground state is the familiar static quark - antiquark potential which is dominated by the rather dramatic linearly - rising behavior once @xmath3 exceeds about @xmath4 . although the empirical function @xmath5 approximates the ground state energy very well for @xmath6 , the fitted constant @xmath7 has no relation to the running coulomb law whose loop expansion breaks down before @xmath8 separation is reached @xcite . early indoctrination on the popular string interpretation of the confined flux for @xmath9 was mostly based on the observed shape of the @xmath2 ground state energy : the linear shape of the ground state potential for @xmath10 and the approximate agreement of the curvature shape for @xmath11 with the ground state casimir energy @xmath12 of a long confined flux @xcite . the excitation spectrum clearly contradicts earlier claims @xcite on the simple string interpretation of the linearly rising confining potential . the gluon excitation energies lie well below the string predictions and the level orderings and degeneracies are in violent disagreement with expectations from a fluctuating string . a feature of any low - energy description of a fluctuating flux sheet in euclidean space is the presence of goldstone excitations associated with the spontaneously - broken transverse translational symmetry . these transverse modes have energy separations above the ground state given by multiples of @xmath14 ( for fixed ends ) . the level orderings and approximate degeneracies of the gluon energies at large r match , without exception , those expected of the goldstone modes . however , the precise @xmath15 gap behaviour is not observed . the spectrum is consistent with massive capillary waves on the surface of the flux sheet , with a cutoff dependent mass gap . the most likely explanation for this gap is peierls - nabarro lattice pinning of the confining flux sheet at small correlation lengths . our new results @xcite on the same spectrum in su(2 ) for d=3,4 , and a detailed test of the strong coupling spectrum in su(2 ) for d=3 lend further support to the above summary of the earlier findings . = 3.0 in -0.6 in the purpose of the z(2 ) project is to understand flux formation and the string excitation spectrum from high statistics simulations and the loop expansion on the analytic side . the wkb approximation of flux formation in the sine - gordon field representation of the monopole plasma was discussed earlier @xcite . the z(2 ) model maps into the ising model by duality transformation which was exploited before in the study of large wilson loops @xcite . by invoking universality , the critical region of the z(2 ) model is mapped into d=3 @xmath16 scalar field theory in the study of flux formation . the confining flux sheet of the wilson loop corresponds to a twisted surface in the ising representation which is described by a classical soliton solution of the @xmath16 field equations . excitations of the flux are given by the spectrum of the fluctuation operator @xmath17 where @xmath18 is the field potential energy of the @xmath16 field . the spectrum of the fluctuation operator @xmath19 of the finite surface is determined from a two - dimensional schrdinger equation with a potential of finite extent @xcite . in the limit of asymptotically large surfaces , the equation becomes separable in the longitudinal and transverse coordinates . the transverse part of the spectrum is in close analogy with the quantization of the one - dimensional classical @xmath16 soliton . there is always a discrete zero mode in the spectrum which is enforced by translational invariance in the transverse direction . [ fig : flux],[fig : wf],[fig : string],[fig : peierls ] illustrate some of the results which are _ consistent with our findings in qcd_. = 3.0 in -0.6 in = 2.5 in -0.6 in = 2.5 in -0.6 in one of us ( j. k. ) would like to acknowledge valuable discussions with s. renn , p. hasenfratz , and f. niedermayer on surface goldstone modes . juge , j. kuti , and c. morningstar , nucl . b ( proc . suppl . ) * 63 * , 326 ( 1998 ) . k.j . juge , j. kuti , and c. morningstar , nucl . b ( proc . suppl . ) * 73 * , 590 ( 1999 ) . s. perantonis and c. michael , nucl . * b 347 * , 854 ( 1990 ) m. peter , nucl . * b 501 * , 471 ( 1997 ) . m. lscher , nucl . phys . , b180 ( 1981 ) 317 . juge , j. kuti , and c. morningstar , to be published . j. kuti nucl . suppl . ) * 73 * , 72 ( 1999 ) and to be published . m. caselle , r. fiore , f. gliozzi , nucl . phys . , b486 ( 1997 ) 245 .
surface critical phenomena and the related onset of goldstone modes probe the fundamental properties of the confining flux in quantum chromodynamics . new ideas on surface roughening and their implications for lattice studies of quark confinement are presented . problems with the oversimplified string description of the wilson flux sheet are discussed .
the gaia cornerstone mission by esa ( perryman et al . 2001 ) , scheduled for launch around 2010 , will record during its 5-year lifetime an average of @xmath2100 spectra for each of all the stars brighter than @xmath317.5 mag ( @xmath4 objects ) , over the wavelength range 84808740 and at a resolution 10000@xmath5 20000 , corresponding to dispersions 0.22 @xmath6 / pix @xmath6 0.44 in the nyquist fwhm=2 pix sense . the main aim of such spectra is to support the mission micro - arcsec accurate astrometry with the 6@xmath7 component of the phase - space via determination of the radial velocities . however , this huge number of spectra will not only provide radial velocities but will also carry the whole usual astrophysical content ( munari 2002 ) , which will be pretty large given the adopted high spectral resolution and the diagnostic potential of this wavelength region dominated by the caii triplet , the head of the paschen series , multiplet # 1 and # 8 of ni , and a forest of fei , tii lines and of many other metals . the study of the cool component of symbiotic stars will particularly benefit from the choice of this wavelength region for the gaia mission , as much as the spectral observations performed from the ground ( cf . marrese et al . , this volume ) . in fact , the 84808740 region is the only astrophysically relevant wavelength interval longward of h@xmath8 free from telluric absorption interference ( cf . munari 1999 ) , and is within the reach of many of the currently available high - resolution spectrographs . we have identified and calibrated , over this wavelength interval , a family of diagnostic line ratios that provide good estimate of temperature ( spectral type ) and surface gravity ( luminosity ) . the whole set of ratios will be described elsewhere , with only a sample of them presented here . other diagnostic ratios have been presented by munari ( 2002 ) . the line ratios have been investigated on the available high - resolution spectral atlases in this region , both observational ( munari and tomasella 1999 ) and synthetic ( munari and castelli 2000 , castelli and munari 2001 ) ones . the relations here presented come entirely from observational material , mainly referring to mkk standards ( thus bright , solar neighborhood stars ) . figure 1 presents temperature ( spectral type ) sensitive indicators for supergiant , giant and dwarf cool stars , built on the ratio of equivalent widths . to _ blend 8680 _ contribute mainly lines of fei ( 8679.638 ) , si ( 8678.927 , 8679.620 , 8680.411 ) and ni ( 8680.282 ) , and the extremes for equivalent width integration extends from 8678.0 to 8681.6 . the extremes for caii 8542 extend from 8522.0 to 8565.0 , to fully cover the line wings ( even if including several weak metallic lines ) . those for fei 8675 go from 8673.0 to 8676.5 , for tii 8683 from 8681.6 to 8684.0 , for fei 8688 from 8688.5 to 8690.5 . figure 2 offers surface gravity ( luminosity class ) sensitive indicators for supergiant , giant and dwarf cool stars , built on the ratio of equivalent widths . the extremes for equivalent width integration of fei 8688 and fei 8675 are the same for in figure 1 , while for tii+mgi 8735 it is 8734.38737.7 , for sii+fei 8728 is 8726.78729.5 , for fei 8514 is 8512.58515.8 and for tii 8518 it is 8516.68519.6 . castelli f. & munari u. 2001 , , 366 , 1003 munari u. 1999 , baltic astron . 8 , 73 munari u. 2002 , in _ gaia : an european space project _ , les houches , o.bienaym and c.turon ed.s , eas pub . series , edp sciences , pag . 39 munari u. & castelli f. 2000 , , 141 , 141 munari u. & tomasella l. 1999 , , 137 , 521 perryman m.a.c . 2001 , , 369 , 339
the far - red portion of the spectrum offers bright prospects for an accurate classification of cool stars , like the giant components of symbiotic stars . the 84808740 region , free from telluric absorptions and where the gaia cornerstone mission by esa will record spectra for @xmath0 stars , is investigated on the base of available observed and synthetic spectral atlases . we have identified and calibrated diagnostic line ratios useful to derive the effective temperature ( spectral type ) and gravity ( luminosity class ) for cool stars observed at spectral resolutions 10,000 @xmath1 20,000 , bracketing that eventually chosen for gaia .
massive galaxies are on average more compact in the primitive universe ( e.g. @xcite , @xcite ) . if the mechanism which is growing in size these galaxies is stochastic ( such as mergers ) , there should exist relic galaxies ( that is , survivors to this size growth ) . the discovery of relic galaxies is interesting because they are ideal tools for studying galaxy formation , as they remain intact the imprint of their primal properties . unfortunately , by now only one firm candidate has been reported ( @xcite ) . consequently , the question about which is the best environment for looking for massive relic galaxies arises as an interesting topic . we addressed this question in our recent article @xcite , which we will summarize on what follows . * @xcite reported that the fraction of old superdense galaxies is higher in clusters . * @xcite reported that ngc 1277 is a firm candidate to be a relic galaxy . interestingly , ngc 1277 inhabits the central region of the perseus galaxy cluster . * using the bolsoi simulation , @xcite reported that the probability of finding dark matter haloes like that of ngc 1277 increases significantly with the mass of the host structure . in our recent article @xcite , we address the question about which is the best environment for looking for massive relic galaxies . we consider as massive galaxies those with stellar masses above @xmath0 . we performed our analysis simultaneously and analogously using simulations and observations . in particular , we used the simulations from millenium i - wmap7 ( @xcite , which contains 1850648 massive galaxies ) and the observational information from new york university value - added galaxy catalogue ( @xcite , which contains 41716 massive galaxies ) . we define the environmental density around each galaxy in the simulations and observations in the same way : for each one we identify all its massive neighbours within a sphere of radius @xmath1 , and compute the following formula : @xmath2 where @xmath3 is the stellar mass of the @xmath4th neighbour located at less than @xmath5 of the @xmath6th galaxy of the sample ( galaxy @xmath6 has @xmath7 neighbours ) . it is worth noting that , although the prescription is the same for both frameworks , observational computations will be affected by the fingers - of - god effect ( and we will emphasize this difference noting that environmental density by @xmath8 ) . 1 . the galaxy must be already formed at @xmath9 . 2 . the stellar mass of the @xmath9 precursor is higher than the 90 per cent of the @xmath10 mass . from the numerical catalogue , normalized radial position of relic galaxies in clusters ( red diamonds ) as a function of the velocity dispersion of the clusters , compared with the averaged radial positions @xmath11 of all galaxies in each cluster ( blue circles ) . error bars represent one standard deviation for the radial distribution of the galaxies in a given cluster . figure from @xcite . ] from the numerical catalogue , distribution of the environmental density of massive ( blue ) and relic ( red ) galaxies . figure from @xcite . ] * 11.7 per cent of relic galaxies are located in clusters , while 2.6 per cent of massive galaxies live in clusters . this means that the fraction of relic galaxies is 4.6 higher in cluster environments . * the relics tend to be located a factor of 2 closer to the central parts of the clusters than the other massive galaxies ( fig . [ fig1 ] ) . * the fraction of relic galaxies is higher in environments with higher environmental densities ( c.f . [ fig2 ] ) . from the observational catalogue , distribution over the stellar mass size plane of the galaxies . the green dashed line indicates the upper limit of the compact definition , while the two solid black lines show the region populated by the galaxies defined as normal - sized . in addition , we have represented the galaxies with different colours depending on their srsic indices as indicated in the legend . figure from @xcite . ] 1 . its stellar population is old : its position in the rest - frame colour colour diagram @xmath12 versus @xmath13 corresponds to the location of a single stellar population with an age older than 10 gyr . its structure is early - type , that is with srsic index @xmath14 . 3 . it is compact : its size must be close to stellar mass size relationship of early types at @xmath9 ( as indicated in fig . [ fig3 ] ) . from the observational catalogue , fraction of normal - sized galaxies ( blue circles ) , normal - sized early - type galaxies ( green hexagons ) and relics ( red diamonds ) in each environmental - density bin for the subsample . horizontal blue solid , green dash dotted and red dashed solid lines show the global fractions of galaxies ( i.e. those computed neglecting any @xmath8 binning ) which are normal - sized galaxies , normal - sized early - type galaxies and relics , respectively . vertical black dotted lines show the limits used for binning in the @xmath8 axis , while the numbers within boxes indicate the number of galaxies of the whole sample which belong to each @xmath8 bin . the error bars with similar sizes to the symbol sizes were omitted for clarity . figure from @xcite . ] * the fraction of relic galaxies is higher in environments with higher environmental densities ( fig . [ fig4 ] ) . * the fraction of relic galaxies is higher in environments with higher environmental densities . * simulations show that relics tend to be located closer to the central parts of the clusters than the other massive galaxies . this work has been supported by the programa nacional de astronoma y astrofsica of the spanish ministry of economy and competitiveness ( under the grants aya2009 - 11137 , aya2013 - 48226-c3 - 1-p and aya2013 - 48226-c3 - 2-p ) and the generalitat valenciana ( under the grant prometeoii/2014/069 ) .
the finding that massive galaxies grow with cosmic time fired the starting gun for the search of objects which could have survived up to the present day without suffering substantial changes ( neither in their structures , neither in their stellar populations ) . nevertheless , and despite the community efforts , up to now only one firm candidate to be considered one of these relics is known : ngc 1277 . curiously , this galaxy is located at the centre of one of the most rich near galaxy clusters : perseus . is its location a matter of chance ? should relic hunters focus their search on galaxy clusters ? in order to reply this question , we have performed a simultaneous and analogous analysis using simulations ( millennium i - wmap7 ) and observations ( new york university value - added galaxy catalogue ) . our results in both frameworks agree : it is more probable to find relics in high density environments .
many online algorithms base their model update on the margin of each example . passive online algorithms , such as rosenblatt s perceptron @xcite and crammer et al s online passive - aggressive algorithms @xcite , update the algorithm s model only if the value of the margin falls below a defined threshold . these algorithms fully evaluate the margin for each example , even if the model is not to be updated ! the running time of these algorithms is linear either in the number of features , or in the dimensionality of the input space . contemporary models may have thousands of features making running time daunting . the budgeted learning community addresses this problem by putting a budget on the number of features a classifier can evaluate while learning and while making predictions . our work stems from the theoretical framework suggested by ben david and dichterman @xcite , and is closely related to recent work by cesa - bianchi et al . @xcite as well as reyzin @xcite . we differ by the fact that we do not impose a hard budget constraint on the number of features , but rather look at the probability of making decision errors . decision error are errors that occur when the algorithm stops the feature evaluation process , predicts its outcome , and is wrong . this work extends on previous work by pelossof et al . @xcite . we propose a new method for early stopping the computation of feature evaluations for uninformative examples by connecting the perceptron algorithm to sequential statistical tests @xcite ( figure [ fig : attentive - perceptron ] . ) this connection results in a general method that makes margin based learning algorithms attentive , which means that they have the ability to quickly filter uninformative examples . the margin of each example is computed as a weighted sum of feature evaluations . informative examples are misclassified examples , which force the perceptron to preform a model update , whereas uninformative examples are correctly classified and therefore ignored by the perceptron . we break up the feature evaluation for every example in the stream . the breakup of every example allows the attentive perceptron to make a decision after the evaluation of each feature about whether the feature evaluation should continue or be stopped . this decision making process allows us to stop the evaluation of features early on examples with a large partial margin after having evaluated only a few features . for example , examples with a large partial margin are unlikely to have a negative full margin . therefore , rejecting these examples early achieves large savings in computation . we define the mathematical setup to derive the stopping conditions for margin evaluation . let @xmath0 be weakly dependent random variables . let a partial sum be defined by @xmath1 and the remainder sum by @xmath2 . the expectation of a sum is denoted by @xmath3 and its standard deviation by @xmath4 . the perceptron compares the margin ( a sum ) to a threshold , and updates its model if the margin of the example is negative . we formulate the equivalent sequential decision making process , and drive constant stopping thresholds @xmath5 . these thresholds will essentially tell us when it s highly unlikely for the margin to end below the desired importance threshold @xmath6 . the stopping thresholds are derived by requiring that the joint distribution of stopping ( and predicting @xmath7 ) while the actual full sum satisfies @xmath8 is less than a required error rate @xmath9 @xmath10 we bound the probability of making a decision error @xmath11 equation [ eqn : rw_reflection ] is derived by applying the reflection principle , and equation [ eqn : flat_reflection_standerdized ] is its standardization . since we assume that @xmath0 are weakly independent , the sum @xmath12 is approximately normally distributed by the central limit theorem . by standardizing @xmath13 we upper bound the probability of making a decision error with the inverse normal cumulative distribution function @xmath14 . therefore , requiring that the probability of making a decision error be less than @xmath9 we get the following equality from equation [ eqn : flat_reflection_standerdized ] @xmath15 the quantities @xmath16 and @xmath17 can be approximated using the empirical data . finally , by solving for the stopping threshold @xmath5 we get from equation [ eqn : boundary_inequality ] @xmath18 therefore , examples with partial margin calculations @xmath19 that hit this boundary should be filtered and with probability at least @xmath20 determined that their full margin satisfies @xmath7 . in summary , we presented a simple test to speed up the perceptron algorithm by quickly filtering unimportant examples without fully evaluating their features . this results in an algorithm which typically focuses on examples by the decision boundary - the attentive perceptron .
we propose a focus of attention mechanism to speed up the perceptron algorithm . focus of attention speeds up the perceptron algorithm by lowering the number of features evaluated throughout training and prediction . whereas the traditional perceptron evaluates all the features of each example , the attentive perceptron evaluates less features for easy to classify examples , thereby achieving significant speedups and small losses in prediction accuracy . focus of attention allows the attentive perceptron to stop the evaluation of features at any interim point and filter the example . this creates an attentive filter which concentrates computation at examples that are hard to classify , and quickly filters examples that are easy to classify .
the distribution of the duration of gamma - ray bursts shows an indication of two distinct groups from earlier experiments@xcite@xcite@xcite@xcite . data from burst and transient source experiment ( batse ) have confirmed the bimodal distribution of the duration of gamma - ray bursts . in terms of the parameter t90 , which is the time interval during which the integrated counts of a burst go from 5% to 95% of the total integrated counts , the bursts are separated into two groups around t90 @xmath0 2 s @xcite . time dilation , an evidence for the cosmological origin of grbs , was found in the long grbs @xcite . it is not yet known whether the two kinds of bursts are different or not . a recent study on the pulses in grbs suggests that the duration of the equivalent width of each pulse and the mean duration of individual pulse are bimodal @xcite . in this paper , we present a different approach to investigate the average pulse width of grbs . light curves of the batse grbs in 4b catalogue are studied . the light curves are from concatenated discla , preb and discsc data , and were obtained from compton observatory science support center ( cossc ) . they have been arranged into 64 ms time bins . first we subtract batse background from grb light curves . the batse background were estimated by a 5-degree polynomial . the total number of grbs with visually acceptable background estimate is 1186 . then we calculate the average pulse width @xmath1 of each grb as follows . first we calculate the auto - correlation of the light curve of each grb . the auto - correlation coefficients of the grb , @xmath2 , are defined as follows : @xmath3 where @xmath2 ( @xmath4 ) the auto - correlation coefficient at @xmath5 . we define the average pulse width @xmath1 as @xmath6 where 0.25 represents the average time shift of the central bin of the auto - correlation coefficient a(0 ) , and @xmath7 the maximum of @xmath8 with @xmath9+@xmath2 no less than 0.0 in the main peak of the auto - correlation . + the auto - correlation coefficients of batse trigger no.143 is shown in fig.1 . the data in the shaded region is used to calculate @xmath1 . we calculate @xmath1 of each grb and study the distribution of the average pulse width of the 1186 grbs . we have obtained the following results from the study of the average pulse width @xmath1 * the distribution of @xmath1 of grb is bimodal . this suggests that the average pulse width is bimodally distributed , and grbs can be divided into two groups , namely shot - pulse bursts and long - pulse bursts . the distribution of @xmath1 is peaked at about 0.5 s and 14 s for the two groups , respectively . they are roughly separated around 2 s. this is shown in fig.2 . * the average pulse width of the dim long - pulse bursts are longer than the bright long - pulse bursts . however , the average pulse width of the short - pulse bursts does not show a simple relation with grb peak flux . this is shown in fig.3 . we have presented our preliminary analyses of 1186 batse grb light curves in order to study the bimodal distribution of the duration of grbs . we conclude * the duration of the average pulse width in grbs are bimodally distributed . this is consistent with a different approach ( mitrofanov et al . * long - pulse bursts show the evidence for the time dilation effect . this is nt shown for the short - pulse bursts . further study of the short - pulse bursts is need , and probably need to include correction of the batse selection effect and to study short grbs with high time resolution tte data . wy appreciate various assistances by dr . r. s. mallozzi at msfc / uah .
we have investigated the bimodal distribution of the duration of batse gamma - ray bursts ( grbs ) by analyzing light curves of 64 ms time resolution . we define the average pulse width of grbs from the auto - correlation function of grb profiles . the distribution of the average pulse width of grbs is bimodal , suggesting that grbs are composed of long - pulse grbs and short - pulse grbs . the average pulse width of long - pulse grbs appears correlated with the peak flux , consistent with the time dilation effect anticipated from the cosmological origin of grbs . however , the correlation between the average pulse width and the peak flux for the short - pulse grbs does nt show such a tendency , which needs further study with higher time resolution data . email : yuwf@astrosv1.ihep.ac.cn
the famous microquasar ss 433 shows two distinctive states ; the quiescent state in which the continuous jet flow is emanated , and the high state in which massive jet blobs are successively ejected@xcite . while the former state has been well studied with numerous x - ray missions , few massive jet - ejection events were observed in x - ray band , except for a possible snapshot or two taken with _ einstein_@xcite and rxte @xcite . because the ejection of a massive jet blob is a rare ( 2.6 yr@xmath3 ) and short ( a few days ) event , it is difficult to observe with an x - ray mission unless the observation is specially coordinated for that purpose . the situation is same for other microquasars such as grs 1915 + 105 . while minor jet - ejection events in grs 1915 + 105 have been observed with rxte in multi - wavelength campaigns and several other occasions ( e.g. , @xcite ) , there are few x - ray observations of a massive ejection event like the one reported in the famous paper by mirabel & rodirguez@xcite . x - ray data of a massive jet - ejection event in microquasars are needed to fill the void in our understanding . with such data , we can measure the mass of the massive blob , determine the energy budget of the system , etc . we planed too monitoring observations of ss 433 with rxte . in the plan , a long - term monitoring is triggered with a radio flare , which indicates that the source enters its high state . in the high state , the source is expected to experience a second flare within 30 days . if the second flare occurs , we can observe it from the onset . our plan is different from the common too strategy for transient sources aiming at the first flare . the formation of a massive jet blob would not be observed with an x - ray pointing observation after the detection of the flare . ss 433 s radio activity is monitored with the ratan-600 radio telescope , which performs such a several - month - long monitoring observation of ss 433 occasionally . a radio monitoring observation of ss 433 with ratan-600 started on 2001/09/15 . after two months of static activity , a remarkable flare occurred on 2001/11/02 ( mjd = 52215 ) . the radio and x - ray light curves are shown in figure [ fig : xradio ] . flux densities reached 1.3 jy at 2.3 ghz at mjd = 52216.6@xcite . we triggered rxte monitoring observations as shown in table [ tbl : log ] . except for a break at 2001/11/18 , the source was observed for 3 ks everyday until 2001/11/25 . both anodes of layer 1 , 2 , and 3 of the pca have been used in the standard-2 mode . the raw count rate of a data segment taken on 2001/11/19 is shown in figure [ fig : blowup ] . irregular variations are clearly seen . the spectrum and the response matrix have been made from each segment and fitted with the traditional model used for the data of ss 433 taken with ginga and rxte ( e.g. , @xcite ) : @xmath4 \times \ { \mbox{bremsstrahlung } + \mbox{thin fe line } + \mbox{thick fe line } \}.\ ] ] the hydrogen column density @xmath5 is fixed to @xmath6 . from the fit , bgd - subtracted x - ray light curves are obtained as shown in figure [ fig : xradio ] . for more detailed spectroscopy , see @xcite . .observation log [ cols="^,^,^",options="header " , ] the x - ray emitting part of the continuous jet flow with a speed of 0.26 c was estimated to be as long as @xmath7 cm , and the cooling time of the x - ray emitting plasma as short as @xmath8 s @xcite . according to this picture , an x - ray variation faster than @xmath9 s is difficult to detect . so , the discovery of the fast variation clearly seen in figure [ fig : blowup ] is surprising , and our understanding of the system must be somehow changed . the fast variation suggests that either the x - ray emitting part of the jet was as short as @xmath10 cm , or other source than the jet , e.g. , the inner part of the accretion disk or the surface of the compact object was seen . to distinguish the two possibilities , a temporal analysis of the doppler - shifted iron lines is quite promising . if the jet itself was flickering , the iron line would also show flickering , and if the variation was caused by some instability of the accretion disk , the iron line would be stable through the variation . this report is preliminary and spectrally - resolved temporal study is not yet done . the data taken on 2001/11/19 has been divided into two , data with count rate larger than 220 counts s@xmath3 and with count rate less than 220 counts s@xmath3 , and a spectrum has been made from each data . the fit results are not different significantly . so far , there is no evidence of an x - ray source other than the jet . and from the quick - look analysis , it can be said that the fast variation is not periodic ; no pulsation or qpo has been found from the power spectra . we can not determine whether the variation comes from the accretion disk or a neutron star at this stage of analysis . if we assume that the fast variation is resulted from the sudden change of the power of the jet , the parameters of the jet would be derived . the shortest time scale of the fast variation seems to be @xmath150 s , i.e. , @xmath11 cm , which corresponds to an initial electron density of @xmath12 @xmath13 , assuming an initial temperature of 20 kev @xcite . assuming a x - ray luminosity of @xmath14 erg s@xmath3 , the mass outflow rate of the jet would be @xmath15 m@xmath16 yr@xmath3 , or a kinematic luminosity of @xmath17 erg s@xmath3 . it should be noted that these estimated parameters are rather smaller than those based on the data taken in the quiescent state . is the jet weaker in the high state than in the quiescent state ? or the previous estimations are simply wrong and the jet is always short and weak ? further analysis is going on .
the detection of a massive jet - ejection event from ss 433 with rxte is reported . ss 433 in its high state has been monitored with rxte from 2001/11/09 ( mjd = 52222 ) to 2001/11/25 ( mjd = 52238 ) , following a radio flare on 2001/11/02 ( mjd = 52215 ) . an irregular temporal variation with time scales of @xmath0 s appears in the light curve , and the amplitude increases day by day . this is the first detection of such a fast variation from the source . in addition to the fast variations , the daily light curve scatters with a time scale of @xmath1day from 2001/11/17 ( mjd = 52230 ) . following the scatter , another radio flare has been detected on 2001/11/22 ( mjd = 52235 ) , which has been obviously formed during the x - ray scatter . this is a preliminary report on a massive jet - ejection event witnessed in x - ray band for the first time . 2@xmath2 1s@xmath3
during the last few years a new class of fermion algorithms have emerged . the essential progress is a result of our ability to rewrite certain fermionic partition functions as a sum over configurations of bond variables with positive definite weights @xcite , i.e. , @xmath0}\;w[b]\;\overline{{{\rm sign}}}[b ] \label{bpf}\ ] ] where @xmath1>0 $ ] is the weight of the bond configuration @xmath2 $ ] and @xmath3 \geq 0 $ ] is an entropy factor that takes into account degrees of freedom other than the bond variables . typically , the pauli principle is encoded in the topology of clusters formed by lattice sites connected through the bonds . clusters also carry a variety of interesting physical information . for example , sizes of certain clusters are related to condensates , the squares of the sizes of clusters yield susceptibilities . further , clusters are useful in building efficient algorithms close to critical points where the correlation lengths diverge since they allow non - local updates with a reasonable acceptance . this property has helped in studying critical phenomena in fermionic models with unmatched precision . the recent success of cluster methods in fermionic systems originates from the hamiltonian approach . one starts by writing the partition function in terms of configurations of fermion occupation numbers whose boltzmann weight is not guaranteed to be positive definite . by introducing additional bond variables which help in the integration over the fermion occupation numbers , the partition function of certain models can be rewritten in the form of eq . ( [ bpf ] ) . configurations with clusters of a specific topology , called merons , then yield @xmath3 = 0 $ ] . recently , superconductivity in a two dimensional attractive hubbard type model was studied using the meron cluster approach . the fermion pairing susceptibility @xmath4 is a useful observable . it is expected to satisfy the finite size scaling formula @xmath5 if the superconducting transition belongs to the kosterlitz - thouless ( kt ) universality class , with @xmath6 , @xmath7 and @xmath8 . in the specific model studied , @xmath4 turns out to be a sum over the square of the size of each cluster in the zero meron sector and the product of the size of the merons in the two meron sector . figure [ psus ] shows a plot of the susceptibility as a function of lattice size for various temperatures . consistency with kt predictions is clear . pairing susceptibility as a function of system size for various temperatures . ] -0.3 in another observable relevant to the study of superconductivity is the spatial fermion winding number susceptibility @xmath9 . although this is difficult to evaluate with conventional algorithms , it is relatively straight forward in the meron cluster approach . each cluster can be assigned a spatial fermion winding number . the susceptibility then turns out to be the sum over the square of each cluster s spatial winding number in the zero meron sector and the product of the spatial winding number of meron clusters in the two meron sector . in the infinite volume limit below the critical temperature , one can combine known results to obtain @xmath10 . results again show consistency with this expectation . preliminary results from this study was presented in @xcite and the final analysis in @xcite . although the recent success has been applied to hamiltonian models of chiral symmetry breaking @xcite , cluster methods are applicable to more conventional lagrangian models as well . for example , consider strongly coupled lattice gauge theory with massless staggered fermions in which the @xmath11 chiral symmetry is expected to be broken spontaneously in four dimensions @xcite . this result was obtained by mapping the massive model into a statistical mechanics of monomer - dimer - polymer ( mdp ) system with positive definite boltzmann weights and extrapolating the results to the chiral limit . unfortunately , as far as we know , it has been difficult to devise algorithms in the chiral limit where the systems become constrained . local metropolis updates which can be formulated in the massive case become exponentially inefficient in the chiral limit . here we argue that cluster representations of the mdp systems yield useful algorithms directly in the chiral limit . to understand the cluster representation consider for simplicity the strongly coupled @xmath11 gauge system . the partition function in this case is given by the number of closely - packed - dimer ( cpd ) configurations on a lattice . a typical cpd configuration in two dimensions is shown in fig . [ cpdconf ] . -0.3 in such configurations are also of interest in statistical mechanics and play an important role in the solution to the 2-d ising model @xcite . the chiral symmetry of staggered fermions is manifest in this representation by the fact that the chiral condensate vanishes since it is impossible to find a cpd configuration with one defect ( one site has no dimer lines attached to it ) . the chiral susceptibility on the other hand is non - zero and proportional to the ratio of the total number of cpd configurations with two defects ( two sites are not connected by dimers ) and the partition function . it is possible to extend cpd configurations to configurations of loops made up of bonds which include the original or `` filled '' dimers ( represented here by `` solid '' bonds ) and `` empty '' dimers ( represented by `` dashed '' bonds ) such that the partition function can be expressed as a sum over weights of new loop configurations . figure [ rules ] shows the rules of one such extension in two dimensions . each shaded plaquette of the cpd configuration of fig . [ cpdconf ] carries one of the seven plaquette configurations given on the left side of equations in fig . [ rules ] . it is easy to check that all constraints are satisfied if each loop is made up of a repeating sequence of filled and empty dimers . the usefulness of the loop variable is that a dimer system can be updated by `` flipping '' a loop where filled dimers are emptied and vice versa . the acceptance of such a flip is reasonable and leads to a useful algorithm . the chiral susceptibility gets contributions when a part of the loop is flipped and can be measured easily along with the update . the algorithm was first applied to the two dimensional model . although a @xmath11 chiral symmetry can not spontaneously break in two dimensions , long range correlations can arise as predicted by the kosterlitz - thouless universality class as discussed in the previous section . figure [ scsus ] plots the chiral susceptibility with system size . surprisingly , although the data is not inconsistent with the presence of long range correlations , the susceptibility does not seem to follow the predictions of eq . ( [ suseq ] ) . this puzzle is currently being investigated along with extensions to higher dimensions .
cluster variables have recently revolutionized numerical work in certain models involving fermionic variables . this novel representation of fermionic partition functions is continuing to find new applications . after describing results from a study of a two dimensional hubbard type model that confirm a superconducting transition in the kosterlitz - thouless universality class , we show how a cluster type algorithm can be devised to study the chiral limit of strongly coupled lattice gauge theories with staggered fermions .
radio sources are divided into two distinct morphological groups of objects : fris and friis @xcite . there is a relatively sharp luminosity boundary between them at low frequency . the nature of the fr - division is still an open issue , as are the details of the evolutionary process in which younger and smaller gigahertz - peaked spectrum ( gps ) and compact steep spectrum ( css ) sources become large scale radio structures . it is unclear whether frii objects evolve to become fris , or whether a division has already occurred amongst css sources and some of these then become fris and some friis . a majority of css sources known to date have high radio luminosities and , if unbeamed , have frii structures . it seems reasonable to suspect that some of the csss with lower radio luminosity could be the progenitors of less luminous fri objects . the gps and css sources form a well - defined class of compact radio objects and are considered to be entirely contained within the host galaxy . during their evolution the radio jets start to cross the ism and try to leave the host galaxy . the interaction with the ism can be very strong in gps / css sources @xcite and it seems to be a crucial point in the evolution of radio sources . recently developed models @xcite show that all sources start out with a frii morphology . as the radio source expands the interaction with the dense environment of the host galaxy can disrupt jets and change their morphology to fris or hybrid objects @xcite . some sources with disrupted jets can fade away @xcite . detection of several candidates for dying compact sources supports this view @xcite . what s more , the activity of compact radio sources can be an episodic event @xcite , like in the case of large scale radio objects . as recently suggested by @xcite there could be a connection between the existence of short - lived compact radio sources and the intermittent activity of the central engine caused by a radiation pressure instability within an accretion disc . according to the authors a radio source powered by a short - lived outburst of the central activity is not able to escape from the host galaxy unless the active phase lasts longer than @xmath2@xmath3 years . it is then likely that among the low luminosity compact ( llc ) sources we can find objects affected during their evolution either by a strong interaction with the ism , which changes their morphology and luminosity , or by the instability of the accretion disc . in this paper we present the l - band and c - band merlin observations of 44 low luminosity css sources selected from the first survey . this is a new approach since the main criterion used for selection was not flux density but luminosity of the objects . the selection criteria caused that approximately one third of the css sources from the new sample have a value of radio luminosity lower than the luminosity boundary found for fr sources @xcite , which means that they are compact young sources with luminosities comparable to fris ( fig . [ sample_plot ] ) . the goal of this project is to study the properties of low luminosity compact ( llc ) objects and the evolution of the compact object population . our previous multifrequency observations of css sources have shown that some of the small - scale objects can be strong candidates for compact faders @xcite . this finding supports the idea that there exist a group of short - lived radio objects that has been largely neglected to date . using the final release of first , combined with the gb6 survey at 4.85ghz we looked for unresolved , isolated sources i.e. more compact than first beam ( 54 ) and surrounded by an empty field ( we adopted 1 as a radius of that field ) . we required that the redshifts of the objects identified with radio sources are known and we extracted them from ned and sloan digital sky survey ( sdss ) . consequently , we were able to impose the low power criterion . the limit on flux density was chosen in order to produce a sample of manageable size , but also to exclude objects with flux densities too low to be detected in snapshot observations . eventually , the selection criteria were as follows : * low luminosity criterion : @xmath4@xmath5 . ( for @xmath6=100@xmath7 , @xmath8=0.5 ; in this paper we use another cosmology ) ; * flux density criterion : 70mjy @xmath9 1jy ; * spectral index criterion : @xmath10 ( @xmath11 ) . description of the columns : ( 1 ) source name ; ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) source coordinates ( j2000 ) ; ( 4 ) redshift ; @xmath12 - photometric redshift taken form the literature or from the sdss ; @xmath13 - this is a new value from the sdss ; we adopt @xmath14 for sources with unknown redshift ; ( 5 ) total flux density at 1.4ghz extracted from first ; ( 6 ) log of the radio luminosity at 1.4ghz ; ( 7 ) total flux density at 4.85ghz extracted from gb6 ; ( 8) log of the radio luminosity at 4.85ghz ; ( 9 ) largest angular size ( las ) ; ( 10 ) largest linear size ( lls ) calculated based on the largest angular size measurements on resolved structure taken from the literature . data are taken from @xcite sample ( first part of the table ) and @xcite . there is a small overlap of this two samples that is why the overlaping sources are included only in a first part of the table .
we present a new sample of compact steep spectrum ( css ) sources with radio luminosity below @xmath0 at 1.4ghz called the low luminosity compact ( llc ) objects . the sources have been selected from first survey and observed with merlin at l - band and c - band . the main criterion used for selection was luminosity of the objects and approximately one third of the css sources from the new sample have a value of radio luminosity comparable to fris . about 80@xmath1 of the sources have been resolved and about 30@xmath1 of them have weak extended emission and disturbed structures when compared with the observations of higher luminosity css sources . we studied correlation between radio power and linear size , and redshift with a larger sample that included also published samples of compact objects and large scale friis and fris . the low luminosity compact objects occupy the space in radio power versus linear size diagram below the main evolutionary path of radio objects . we suggest that many of them might be short - lived objects , and their radio emission may be disrupted several times before becoming friis . we conclude that there exists a large population of short - lived low luminosity compact objects unexplored so far and part of them can be precursors of large scale fris . [ firstpage ] galaxies : active galaxies : evolution
observational studies of the environmental dependence of galaxy evolution mostly concentrate on galaxies in rich clusters , even though @xmath5% of galaxies are found in such environments . most galaxies are found in groups , and arguably the group environment plays an important role in their evolution . in groups , galaxies could be transformed by their interaction with the intragroup medium , or with other galaxies by means of a variety of processes ( e.g. stripping , tidal interaction ) or through merging with other galaxies . here we seek to study the optical and near - ir properties of galaxies in groups to find whether they support the relative importance of any of these processes . we explore the optical properties of galaxies in a sample of 60 nearby groups , known as the group evolution multi - wavelength study ( gems , detailed descriptions in @xcite . this sample represents a variety of groups over a large range of evolutionary stages , and are all in the fields of @xmath6 ks of rosat pspc observations ( some of them are not detected ) . as a description of the group environment , we use their bolometric x - ray luminosity @xmath7 , and divide the sample into two subsamples : x - ray bright if @xmath8 erg s@xmath9 , and x - ray dim if less ( including the undetected ones ) . this x - ray luminosity refers to that of the group plus any central galaxy that might exist ( for more details , see @xcite . ) . the optical subsample consists of 25 gems groups : 17 of them were observed at the 2.5 m int , la palma , with the wfc , imaging an area of @xmath10 arcmin of sky with bvi filters . another 8 groups were observed with the 2.2 m eso / mpi telescope at la silla , chile , using the wfi , with a field of @xmath11 arcmin , with broadband bri filters . for each group , we went out to a radius of @xmath12 from their centres . furthermore , we extracted jhk magnitudes of all 60 gems groups from the 2mass all - sky extended source catalog ( 2masx ) , going out to a radius @xmath3 of its centre for each group , down to a limiting magnitude of @xmath13 . the adopted group centres , values of @xmath3 and distances to these groups can be found in @xcite , and details of member selection and data reduction in @xcite . in fig . [ fig : cumulf ] , we show the cumulative @xmath14-band luminosity function ( lf ) for our optical subsample ( 25 gems groups ) , evaluated by co - adding galaxies of several groups in equally spaced bins of absolute luminosity , with galaxies chosen from within @xmath2 from the centre of each group . this reveals that the lf of the x - ray dim groups ( @xmath15 erg s@xmath9 ) is significantly different from that of the x - ray brighter groups . [ fig : difflf ] shows the differential lfs , ( left ) for the @xmath14-band , within @xmath2 ( same data as fig . [ fig : cumulf ] ) , and ( right ) for the @xmath16-band , within @xmath3 . the differential lfs reveal the nature of the difference , in the form of a prominent dip , at around @xmath17 and @xmath18 ( more details of observational data in @xcite ) . we interpret this deficiency of intermediate luminosity galaxies as evidence of rapid evolution through merging . in the low velocity dispersion environment , as in x - ray dim groups , dynamical friction would facilitate more rapid merging , thus depleting intermediate luminosity galaxies to form more giant central galaxies . since the collision cross - section depends on the size of a galaxy , the dwarf galaxies at the faint end of the lf are more likely to merge with a giant galaxy , than merge with each other . this ensures galaxies in a range of intermediate luminosities are preferentially depleted , thus enhancing the bright end of the lf . we suggest that x - ray dim ( or low velocity dispersion ) groups are the present sites of rapid dynamical evolution rather than their x - ray bright counterparts , and may be the modern precursors of fossil groups . such lf features are seen in some clusters as well , such as coma ( e.g. @xcite ) , which we would argue has resulted from recent merger with groups . the optical lfs are determined only out to @xmath2 of each group , but we can investigate the nature of the lf in their outer parts from the near - ir lfs from the 2mass survey . we consider three ranges of radial distance in finding the the mean @xmath16-band lf in fig . [ fig : lfrad ] . the dip between @xmath19 seen in the lf in the central regions of the groups gradually disappears as the lf is averaged out to larger radii , approaching @xmath3 , where the lfs of both x - ray bright and dim groups are of a similar shape . one of the consequences of this scenario is that the brightest group galaxies in the x - ray dim groups are expected to be more massive and brighter than those in x - ray bright groups . [ fig : lxmm2 ] shows the colour of galaxies as a function of radial distance , stacked in radial bins scales by @xmath3 , to reveal that x - ray dim groups have redder central galaxies . it also shows that in x - ray bright groups , the difference in @xmath14-magnitude between their brightest and second brightest galaxies is in general smaller than in x - ray faint groups . the x - ray bright groups have several galaxies of comparable luminosity ( and mass ) at the bright end , possibly being the end - products of earlier mergers on smaller scales in sub - groups that were incorporated in the virialised systems we observe today . we argue that the missing intermediate - luminosity galaxies in the optical and near - infrared luminosity functions of x - ray dim groups indicate that , in the dynamically sluggish environment of such groups ( which have low velocity disperison ) , dynamical friction would facilitate more rapid merging , thus depleting intermediate - luminosity galaxies to form a few giant central galaxies . we also show that this effect is seen only in the interior regions of the groups ( @xmath20 ) , and vanishes as one approaches @xmath3 . rather than a bright - end enhancement caused by excess star formation . in @xcite , we show that this feature can not arise due to enhanced star formation in the brightest galaxies , or due to a varying morphological mix of galaxies in various groups . it is often suggested ( e.g. @xcite ) that mergers are not an important ingredient of galaxy evolution in the recent universe ( @xmath21 ) . here we have shown that in nearby poor groups , merging is still an important process . this picture of galaxy evolution leads to a definite prediction . if x - ray dim groups are indeed systems undergoing rapid dynamical evolution , the stellar populations in their galaxies would be significantly younger than those in x - ray bright groups in case of dissipative merging . this can be observationally verified .
we present a study of the optical ( bri ) and near - infrared ( jhk ) luminosity fuctions ( lfs ) of the gems sample of 60 nearby groups of galaxies between @xmath0 , with our optical ccd photometry and near - ir photometry from the 2mass survey . the lfs in all filters show a depletion of galaxies of intermediate luminosity , two magnitudes fainter than @xmath1 , within @xmath2 from the centres of x - ray faint groups . this feature is not as pronounced in x - ray bright gropus , and vanishes when lfs are found out to @xmath3 , even in the x - ray dim groups . we argue that this feature arises due to the enhanced merging of intermediate - mass galaxies in the dynamically sluggish environment of low velocity - dispersion groups , indicating that merging is important in galaxy evolution even at @xmath4 .
tls have been reported so far from both accreting black holes ( bhs , cyg x-1 , gx339 - 4 ) and nss ( 4u0614 + 09 , 4u1705 - 44 , ford et al . the amplitude of these tls is typically 20 ms at 1 hz for nss and bhs ( ford et al . the origin of these tls is currently under debate . uniform comptonization models predicting constant tls are however ruled out by the data . comptonization in a non - uniform medium might account for the observed tls ( kazanas et al . 1997 ) , but in this case , their magnitude implies that the comptonizing cloud extends to very large radii , which in turn poses an energy problem . recently , poutanen and fabian ( 1999 ) have proposed a `` magnetic flare '' model that could reproduce the observed pds and tl magnitude without requiring a large size region . using proprietary and archival rxte / pca data , we have initiated a systematic study of tls from nss , with the aim of determining whether tls were associated with a singular spectral and/or timing state . we characterize the spectral state of a source using color - color diagrams ( ccds ) . for the timing state , we compute the pds over a broad x - ray energy band ( 2 - 40 kev ) . to start with , we have selected two nss that are always in a low state ( 2 , , barret et al . 2000 ) , and two that are more variable ; undergoing occasionally low states ( , ) . for the latter sources , we have sampled both their low and high states . their low state pds are typical of `` island '' state pds , being characterized by a flat top below and a broad qpo - like feature in the declining part of the pds above ( at ) . tls were computed using the techniques described in nowak et al . ( 1999a ) between the 7 - 40 kev hard and 2 - 7 kev soft photons . figure 1 shows the ccd of the four sources . fig . 2 shows the corresponding pds ( top ) and tl spectra ( bottom ) . tls were detected only from and , and in their lowest / hardest intensity states ( namely their `` island '' state ) . this is the first report of tls from . no tls were detected in their high states , with upper limits of 0.1 - 0.01 seconds between 1 and 10 hz ; i.e. a factor of 10 larger than the values detected during their low states . no tls were detected from the two steady low state sources , and the upper limits we derived are lower than the observed values for and , indicating that the non detection of similar tls is not due to a lack of sensitivity . looking at fig . 1 and 2 , a few points can be drawn . first , tls are not associated with a singular spectral state ; and 2 occupy the same region of the ccd , and only the former shows tls . second , although the overall shape of their pds is broadly similar , there is one noticeable difference that shows up very clearly in the @xmath2 representation of the pdss ; that tls are associated with a timing state in which the whole pds is shifted towards high frequencies ( and are a factor of 10 larger for and than for 2 and ) . third , when and are high , tls are significantly detected at frequencies between and up to or slightly above . fourth , although of lower significance than the effect observed in the two bhs cyg x-1 and gx339 - 4 ( nowak et al . 1999a , b ) , there is an indication that the tl decreases with frequency , especially for . finally , tls do not depend upon the intensity of the aperiodic variability , as the four pdss of fig 2 . have comparable integrated rms ( ranging from 17 to 25% in the 2 - 40 kev band ) . we have discovered tls in the low state of , and confirmed the previous detection of tls from ( ford et al . 1999 ) . in our attempt to associate the presence of tls with a singular spectral state , we have shown that for the same spectral state ( same position in the ccd ) some sources do have tls whereas some do not . the presence of tls must thus be tracked somewhere else . despite having a limited sample , we have found that tls are detected when the characteristic low state pds shows excess power at high frequencies ( with a @xmath1 hz instead of @xmath3 hz ) . recently , pottschmidt et al . ( 2000 ) showed that the shot relaxation time in the hard state of cyg x-1 ( scaling as @xmath4 ) anticorrelates with the tl amplitude . we can not test the presence of this effect within the data set used here . however , if the same anticorrelation applies to nss , it could provide an explanation for the non detection of smaller tls from the sources with the lowest . if and are somehow related to the position of the inner disk radius within the corona , as possibly suggested by recent observations ( revnivtsev et al . 2000 ) , the closer the disk gets to the central object ( i.e the deeper inside the corona ) , and the larger the tls are . in this picture , it is interesting to note that this subtle change in the accretion geometry is not reflected in the ccd , implying similar parameters for the comptonizing cloud and input seed photon energy for all sources . to conclude , the above study , although not addressing the origin of the tl itself has provided some hints about the conditions under which they are produced . further work is needed to determine whether tls are indeed always associated with the peculiar timing state described in this paper . confirming this result would be extremely valuable for constraining any theoretical models attempting to reproduce the tl properties of these systems . barret , d. et al . , 2000 , apj , 533 , 329 + ford , e. c. et al . , 1999 , apjl , 512 , l31 + kazanas , d. , hua , x. & titarchuk , l. , 1997 , apj , 480 , 280 + nowak , m. et al . , 1999a , apj , 510 , 874 + nowak , m. et al . , 1999b , apj , 517 , 355 + poutanen , j. & fabian , a. , 1999 , mnras , 306 , l31 + pottschmidt k. et al . , 2000 , a&a , 357 , l17 + revnivtsev , m. , gilfanov , m. , churazov , e. , 2000 , a&a submitted , ( astro - ph/9910423 )
using rxte / pca data , we have studied the time lag ( tl ) properties of a sample of four accreting neutron stars ( nss ) , namely 2 , , 705 and . the aim of the study is to identify the spectral and timing state(s ) in which tls are detected . along this work , we have discovered tls between the 7 - 40 kev hard and 2 - 7 kev soft photons from with amplitudes similar to those seen in ( i.e. @xmath0 ms at 5 hz ) . we show that the tls are only seen in the low states of those sources , but that within the so - called `` island '' spectral state , some sources display tls whereas some do not . on the other hand , we have found that tls are detected when the associated power density spectrum ( pds ) shows excess power at high frequencies ( above @xmath1 hz ) . 7054u1705 - 44 21e1724 - 3045
the anisotropy of the crystal - liquid interface free energy ( @xmath6 ) reflects differences in the interface structure for different orientations , and may play an essential role in determining the morphology of growing crystals @xcite . anisotropy is needed for dendritic structures , and apparently a detailed knowledge on anisotropy is required to fully understand the growth morphology @xcite . experimentally , the anisotropy of the interface free energy can be deduced from the shape of liquid inclusions in a solid matrix ( though , one needs to be careful to relax all the stresses before converting the shape into anisotropy ) @xcite . anisotropy has also been evaluated on the basis of the assumption that the dendrite growth directions correspond to the maximum stiffness , and minimizing the deviation between the calculated minima of an appropriately parameterized interface stiffness function and the growth directions of dendrites found in thin coatings experimentally @xcite . other methods evaluate the interface free energy and its anisotropy from molecular dynamics simulations @xcite using empirical model potentials such as the embedded atom potential . whether experiment @xcite or atomistic simulation @xcite , the anisotropic interface free energy data are usually fitted by the cubic harmonic expansion series introduced by fehlner and vosko @xcite . often only a few low index orientations are considered ( typically @xmath1 , @xmath7 , and @xmath3 ) , and a second - order cubic harmonic expansion is employed @xcite . theoretical predictions for the anisotropy of the crystal - liquid interface in 3d emerge mostly from the early broken - bond models for the fcc , bcc , hcp , and dc structures @xcite ( utilizing former results for the crystal - vapor interfaces @xcite ) , from the classical density functional theory @xcite , and recently for the fcc and bcc structures from the phase - field crystal ( pfc ) approach @xcite ( a simple dynamical density functional theory @xcite ) . some analytical predictions based on the approximations of the pfc model are also available : a multi - scale analysis has been used by wu and karma @xcite to evaluate the anisotropy of the interfacial fee energy near the critical point . they have approximated the equation of motion of the pfc model by a set of coupled equations that describe the time evolution of the amplitudes of the dominant density waves . analyzing the stationary solution , they have concluded that the anisotropy is independent of the reduced temperature , a finding that accords with the results of majaniemi and provatas @xcite , who have used the local volume averaging method to obtain amplitude equations for liquid solid interfaces that are broad relative to the periodicity of the crystalline phase . in these studies , the independence of the anisotropy from the reduced temperature follows from approximations , which lead to weakly fourth - order amplitude theories of the ginzburg - landau type , from which all material parameters can be scaled out @xcite . as a result , the anisotropy of the solid - liquid interface free energy depends only on the crystal structure . this independence of the anisotropy from the reduced temperature is , however , unphysical , as the anisotropy must vanish , when the correlation length ( the width of the solid - liquid interface ) diverges at the critical point , as indeed suggested by the equilibrium shapes of finite size clusters from 2d pfc simulations @xcite . it is , however , important to test the anisotropy of the solid - liquid interface free energy by equilibrium simulations for the flat interface in 3d , which is free from size effects , since the latter is known to influence the equilibrium shape considerably @xcite . accordingly , in this paper , we are going to demonstrate that the free energy of the flat bcc - liquid interface depends not only on the orientation but also on the reduced temperature . we map out the orientation dependence in detail at several reduced temperatures , then fit the results with an expression based on an eight - term kubic harmonic expansion @xcite to represent the orientation dependence in a closed form , and determine the respective wulff shapes , a mathematical construction @xcite to which the equilibrium shape , minimizing the interfacial contribution to the cluster free energy for a given volume , tends for large particle sizes . [ cols= " < , < " , ] we have mapped the orientation and temperature dependence of the bcc - liquid interface free energy @xmath6 in the pfc model . as in 2d , the dependence of @xmath6 on the reduced temperature is consistent with the respective mean field exponent . a kubic harmonic fit has been performed to represent the anisotropy . with increasing reduced temperature , the corresponding wulff shape changes from sphere ( at the critical point , @xmath8 ) to a polyhedral shape at large @xmath2 that differs considerably from rhombo - dodecahedral , observed in dynamic simulations based on the pfc equation of motion . this work has been supported by the eu fp7 collaborative project `` exomet '' ( contract no . nmp - la-2012 - 280421 , co - funded by esa ) , and by the esa map / pecs projects `` magnephas iii '' ( estec contract no . 4000105034/11/nl / kml ) and `` gradecet '' ( estec contract no . 4000104330/11/nl / kml ) .
the euler - lagrange equation of the phase - field crystal ( pfc ) model has been solved under appropriate boundary conditions to obtain the equilibrium free energy of the body centered cubic crystal - liquid interface for 18 orientations at various reduced temperatures in the range @xmath0 $ ] . while the maximum free energy corresponds to the @xmath1 orientation for all @xmath2 values , the minimum is realized by the @xmath3 direction for small @xmath4 , and by the @xmath5 orientation for higher @xmath2 . the predicted dependence on the reduced temperature is consistent with the respective mean field critical exponent . the results are fitted with an eight - term kubic harmonic series , and are used to create stereographic plots displaying the anisotropy of the interface free energy . we have also derived the corresponding wulff shapes that vary with increasing @xmath2 from sphere to a polyhedral form that differs from the rhombo - dodecahedron obtained previously by growing a bcc seed until reaching equilibrium with the remaining liquid . solidification , surface energy anisotropy , wulff shape , phase - field crystal model
in order to explain the differences observed between type 1 and type 2 agn it has been proposed that an axially symmetric dusty structure ( the torus ) beyond the accretion disk absorbes a considerable fraction of the radiation emitted at wavelengths shorter than 1 @xmath0 m ( the agn unified scheme ) . the dust in this torus typically reaches temperatures of a few hundred degrees and therefore its emission peaks somewhere at ir wavelengths . it is therefore in this wavelength regime that the torus can be detected allowing us to determine its properties . we have obtained images for 49 seyfert 2 galaxies in 6 ir bands : j ( 1.25 @xmath0 m ) , h ( 1.65 @xmath0 m ) , k ( 2.2 @xmath0 m ) , l ( 3.78 @xmath0 m ) , m ( 4.66 @xmath0 m ) and n ( 10.36 @xmath0 m ) using the vlt at paranal , ntt at la silla and gemini at pachn . these galaxies were selected from the _ extended 12 @xmath0 m galaxy sample _ @xcite . we obtained the surface brightness profiles of each galaxy and modeled them to separate the contribution from a nuclear point source and a stellar component ( disk+bulge , figure 1 ) to construct the nuclear spectral energy distributions ( seds ) for each galaxy . the seds are then fitted using theoretical models of the emission of the dusty torus from @xcite , who solved the radiative transfer problem of a clumpy torus including absorption , emission and scattering . in figure 2 we show results for mcg -2 - 40 - 004 and mcg -3 - 34 - 64 , both galaxies classified as type 2 seyfert galaxies in @xcite , but in @xcite mcg -2 - 40 - 004 is classified as a type 1.9 seyfert , and mcg -3 - 34 - 64 as a type 1 due to the detection of broad polarized balmer lines . following @xcite definitions , for mcg -2 - 40 - 004 we obtained a torus of 100 pc in size , with 5 clouds along the line of sight ( each with a @xmath1=20 ) and an inclination of 60@xmath2 . for mcg -3 - 34 - 64 we obtained a torus of 30 pc in size , with 5 clouds along the line of sight ( each with a @xmath1=40 ) and a face on inclination . this sed is clearly more consistent with a type 1 seyfert classification . complementary data for our study comes from x - ray , spectropolarimetry , isocam and spitzer observations . together with our observations , we will use this information to further constrain the seds of our targets and determine the geometrical and physical parameters that govern the ir emission from agns .
we performed imaging on 49 type 2 seyfert galaxies in 6 near- and mid - infrared bands ( 1 - 10@xmath0 m ) . we are separating the contribution of the torus from the host galaxy by radial profile fitting techniques and we will compare the observed spectral energy distributions with theoretical models of torus emission to constrain geometrical and physical parameters .
the muon bundle data cover an energy range between the data of direct methods ( balloons , satellites ) and the extensive air showers ( eas ) data : from @xmath4 and up to @xmath5 ev for primary cosmic ray ( i.e. includes the `` knee '' ) . high energy muons are produced in the highest energy part of the eas cascade at high altitudes . the muon bundle events give information on the transverse momenta of the secondaries in high energy collisions , which affects a lateral spread of muons in the bundles . on the other hand , the `` knee '' energy range is related to interesting phenomena observed in cosmic rays , in particular , to the phenomenon of the alignment of most energetic subcores of gamma - ray - hadron ( @xmath6 ) families ( particles of highest energies in the central eas core ) found in the `` pamir '' emulsion chamber experiment @xcite . in this work we performed a search for aligned events among the muon groups observed in bust . the first search for aligned muon bundle events has been done with macro detector @xcite without certain results . the bust detector @xcite is located in baksan valley ( north caucuses , russia ) at a height of 1700 m. a. s. l. in the underground laboratory at a distance of 550 m from the tunnel entrance . its effective depth is 850 @xmath7 , and the effective threshold energy is 220 gev . the depth varies from 800 @xmath7 for nearly vertical directions up to 6000 @xmath7 for slant trajectories where the energy threshold is about 6 - 10 tev . the telescope looks like a four - storeyed building with a size of @xmath8 @xmath9 . four vertical scintillator layers and four horizontal scintillator planes are formed by liquid scintillation detectors of standard type . the total number of detectors is 3150 . the standard detector ( @xmath10 @xmath9 ) consists of an aluminum tank filled with liquid scintillator viewed by a 15-cm diameter pmt ( feu-49 ) . in this experiment additional requirements were applied to select the so called _ aligned _ events . we used the standard @xmath1 parameter introduced by the `` pamir '' experiment @xcite , which is varying from @xmath11 to @xmath12 ( for aligned events ) . it is equal to near zero values for isotropic events . inclined tracks with zenith angles inside a range of 50-@xmath13 were selected to make the muon energy threshold higher . the effective depth for such a selection was equal to 2500 @xmath7 , which corresponds to muon threshold energy of 0.85 tev . the experimental normalized distributions on the @xmath1 parameter is shown in fig.1 for visible muon multiplicity m=4 , 5 and 6 . as one can see we have no any significant access near @xmath14 . in fact , aligned events do exist as it is seen in fig.1 , but , very similar spot configurations can be realized by chance as it is shown below . + a ) + b ) + c ) a monte carlo simulation of eas propagation in the atmosphere has been carried out . muon groups were first simulated in the framework of the mc0 code @xcite ( close to qgsjet ) , which reproduces well the results obtained by the pamir experiment emulsion chamber experiments and does not include unusual processes . to analyze the alignment phenomena , a simplified model of particle coplanar generation ( pcgm ) in the first interaction of a primary particle with an air nucleus has been used . this model reproduces pamir s data on aligned @xmath6 families . conclusions found on the basis of the simulations are as follows : + 1 . the influence of magnetic field on alignment of muons is strong and it doubles the background fraction of aligned muon bundles caused by the cascade development . + 2 . in accordance with the pamir s concept assuming the coplanar generation of several most energetic particles , which can not actually decay into muons , the appearance of coplanar generation has no influence on the features of muon groups formed mainly by muons produced by lower - energy secondary particles in further generations . figure 3 demonstrates this : the results of simulations made in the framework of both the mc0 and pcgm algorithms coincide for all the muon multiplicities while there exists a dependence on the detector dimensions . for @xmath15 set - ups ( bust dimensions ) it is close to that being characteristic for @xmath6 families . as one can see , a fraction of aligned events on a level of about several percent is normal and this is in agreement with our experimental data shown in fig . 1 . fig.4 shows the same behaviour for the average alignment @xmath16 . + 3 . a significant alignment of muons could only be produced in case of direct coplanar muon generation . an experimental search has been performed for aligned events in muon groups with threshold energy equal to 0.85 tev . the measured distributions on the alignment parameter @xmath1 agree very well with simulated event distributions and there is no evidence of the existence of such events among the muon groups underground ( at least for threshold energy 0.85 tev ) at a level beyond the expectations obtained for simulated events with a random track distribution . moreover , even in eas s simulated in the framework of a model including the coplanar particle generation there exists no visible effect of alignment in muon groups because only a small fraction of muons could be generated in the first interaction via the decay of the most energetic aligned secondaries . fluctuations of cascade development and a huge number of muons produced in later generations make this process random . therefore , the observed muon alignment is only determined by random fluctuations of muon tracks on the detector area . taking into account the detector area ( @xmath17 @xmath18 ) and the trigger selected solid angle ( @xmath19 sr ) and the duration of the experiment ( 7.7 y ) we can put an upper limit to the flux of aligned muon groups on a one sigma level as low as @xmath20 @xmath21 @xmath22 @xmath23 . 12 pamir collaboration . 4th isvhecri , beijing . kopenkin v.v . phys.rev.d ( 1995 ) v. 52 , no 5 , p. 2766 a new approach to the study of high energy muon bundles with the macro detector in gran sasso . phd thesis . degli studi di bologna . 1999 alekseeev e.n . 16th icrc , kyoto , 10 , p.276 , 1979 fedorova g.f . and mukhamedshin r.a . bull . lodz , ser . ( 1994 ) vol .
a search for aligned events has been done throughout the muon groups events measured by baksan underground scintillation telescope ( bust ) during a period of 7.7 years . only groups of multiplicity @xmath0 for muon threshold energy equal to 0.85 tev were selected for the analysis . a distribution of the events on alignment parameter @xmath1 has been obtained and compared with the results of monte - carlo simulation made for this experiment . the upper limit for aligned muon event flux as low as @xmath2 @xmath3 is given .
in the last several years , many systems have been analyzed unraveling the way in which their constituents interact which each other . surprisingly , many seemingly diverse phenomena found in biological , social and technological systems @xcite share a complex interaction topology that is in most cases characterized by the existence of a few key nodes that participates in a large number of interactions @xcite . this observation is in sharp contrast to previous studies that in order to model the dynamical aspects of biological , social and technological processes assumed a regular or a random distribution of interactions for the system s units . obviously , the new approach to the topology of networked systems has important bearings on their dynamics and functioning as have been pointed out during the last few years @xcite . a first step is then the characterization of the topological properties in order to get better insights into the dynamics , functioning and new designs of natural and man - made networked systems . peer - to - peer ( p2p ) networks form a kind of open , decentralized overlay network on top of the internet @xcite , on which distributed users communicate directly to find and share resources , often music and movie files . these networks may be one of the few largest distributed computing systems ever , and more surprisingly , they can run with great stability and resilient performance in face of possibly the most ferocious dynamics . the number of hosts running on gnutella was reported to be 1,800,000 in august 2005 @xcite . recent studies have extensively investigated the traffic , shared files , queries and peer properties of some widely applied p2p systems such as gnutella and kazaa @xcite . it has also been reported that node connectivity ( the number of partners a node interacts with ) in gnutella follows a combination of a power - law distribution ( usually for nodes with more than 10 connections ) and a quasi - constant distribution ( for nodes with fewer connections ) @xcite . this may be due to the arbitrarily created connections : peers establish connections to others by searching presently available peers on the overlay , in addition to a few links to well known hosts provided by the system . peer connections in these systems only suggest routes of traffic and usually have no relation to peer properties , e.g. , peer interests or resources held by peers . [ cols= " < , < , < , < , < , < , < " , ] this paper presents the first study on social associations of distributed peers in peer - to - peer networks . several peer social networks have been constructed from the real user data collected from the gnutella system . basic properties of the social networks , including degree distributions , local topological quantities and degree - degree correlations have been particularly studied in this paper . the results have proved that peer social networks are small world networks , as peers are clustered and the path length between them is small . moreover , most of the peers ( nearly 98.5% ) are pure resource providers , contributing to the high resource reliability and availability of p2p networks in resource sharing . comparatively , free riding peers that do not contribute any resources are only a small fraction ( less than 1% ) of the whole network . for peers that have more than one connection , their undirected , directed ( including out and in ) and weighted degree distributions follow a clear power - law distribution . the exponents are greater than 2 for undirected and in degrees and nearly 1 for out degrees . investigations on betweenness and correlations suggest that dynamics of peer social networks are not dominated by a few highly connected peers . in fact , the peer degrees are generally disassortative mixing , except some @xmath0 and @xmath1 , suggesting that active providers are connected between each other and by active requesters . the collected social networks studied in this paper are only some small snapshots of the large - scale and continuously changing p2p networks . however , the kind of study performed here allows us to touch upon the real network topologies that are difficult to obtain with existing network models . the analysis results will give useful hints for the future design of effective p2p systems , by considering their acyclic topologies and small world architecture . in the future , the joint relation of the social network topology and the topology of the underlying peer - to - peer network ( e.g. , gnutella ) will be studied to examine their commonness and discrepancy . on top of the kind of network found in the study , simulations of processes can be enabled to investigate spreading processes @xcite , modeling of traffic flow @xcite and optimization of network resources @xcite . based on the current study on peer betweenness and degree correlations , we will further investigate network hierarchy , peer work load and dynamic properties of p2p social networks . the authors are grateful to di liu for his work on gnutella data collection , dr . kun yang and weibo chen for their help on early data calculation and the anonymous referees for their valuable comments . y. m. thanks v. latora for helpful discussions on several aspects of this work . y. m. is supported by mec ( spain ) through the ramn y cajal program and by the spanish dgicyt project fis2004 - 05073-c04 - 01 .
this paper presents a statistical analysis of the structure of peer - to - peer ( p2p ) social networks that captures social associations of distributed peers in resource sharing . peer social networks appear to be mainly composed of pure resource providers that guarantee high resource availability and reliability of p2p systems . the major peers that both provide and request resources are only a small fraction . the connectivity between peers , including undirected , directed ( out and in ) and weighted connections , is scale - free and the social networks of all peers and major peers are small world networks . the analysis also confirms that peer social networks show in general disassortative correlations , except that active providers are connected between each other and by active requesters . the study presented in this paper gives a better understanding of peer relationships in resource sharing , which may help a better design of future p2p networks and open the path to the study of transport processes on top of real p2p topologies . [ phys . rev . e * 73 * , 036123 ( 2006 ) ]
the golf - ng instrument ( turck - chize et al . 2006 ) is a 15 points resonant scattering spectrophotometer observing in the blue and red wings of the d1 sodium line . the sodium cell , where resonant scattering is produced , is placed in a varying permanent magnet ( between 0 and 12 kg ) , and the resonant scattered light ( resulting from , alternatively , left and right circular polarized incident light ) is extracted at eight different positions ( channels ) along the cell , and later collected on a photodiode matrice detector . four optical fibers are placed around the cell for each channel position , thus increasing the total photon counting rate compared to other existing instruments . the objective is to reduce at maximum all the instrumental noise sources in order to increase the sensitivity to solar oscillations . in order to validate the instrumental concept and evaluate its current performances , the golf - ng prototype has been observing the sun at the observatorio del teide ( tenerife ) for a 2008 summer campaign . the analysis is currently underway and we present here the first preliminary results . the uncalibrated solar radial velocity @xmath0 is computed at the different channel positions of golf - ng . @xmath1 and @xmath2 are the number of photons collected by the detectors coming ( with a 1-second cadence ) from the left and right wings of the nad1 line respectively . figure [ fig : r_and_pw ] shows the uncalibrated ratio @xmath3 and the associated power spectra for the golf - ng channels obtained for a daily run of observations . the observed power of the 5-minute oscillations varies as we move along the nad1 line , i.e. as we observe at different heights in the solar atmosphere , although the main pattern ( 5-minute band ) is similar . the daily residual velocities are obtained by fitting the observations as a function of the total line - of - sight velocity computed from the ephemerides . the output parameters of this procedure are the coefficient k ( instrumental sensitivity ) and the offset velocity ( representative to the instrumental stability ) , and are represented as a function of the golf - ng channels on figs . [ fig : kcal]a and [ fig : kcal]b . the daily evolution of the golf - ng instrument ( figs . [ fig : kcal]c and [ fig : kcal]d ) presents a high day - to - day stability in addition to the expected decreasing trend resulting from the ( provisional ) lack of proper line profile corrections in the calibration process ( pall et al . 1993 ) . [ cols="^,^ " , ] figure [ fig : compa ] compares golf - ng observations with simultaneous observations collected by the space - based golf / soho instrument observing in the na(d1+d2 ) lines ( approximatively the same height as golf - ng channel 4 ) , and by the mark - i instrument a node of the bison network , operating at the same site as golf - ng and observing in the k line . figure [ fig : photon ] shows simultaneous spectra observed by the ground - based golf - ng and space - based golf / soho instruments during @xmath4 10 hours on july 01 , 2008 . the use of multiple fibres at each channel position in golf - ng results in a lower high - frequency noise ( above 8 mhz , region dominated by the photon noise ) and in a better signal - to - noise ratio in the p - mode range ( of a factor @xmath4 3 ) compared to the present golf / soho instrument after 12 years of operation ( garca et al . 2005 ) . 10 hours of simultaneous observations from golf - ng channel 4 ( green ) and golf / soho ( black).,scaledwidth=70.0% ] in this preliminary analysis , we showed that the signature of the 5-minute solar oscillations is observed in the different channels of the golf - ng instrumental prototype . the high - frequency noise level is lower than the one from the present golf / soho observations . the optimal way to combine the signal collected by the different channels of golf - ng , in order to reduce the noise level at low frequency ( g - mode region ) , is currently under investigation , as well as the study of the main instrumental noise sources and their respective contributions . if not limited by atmospheric conditions due to the ground - based location of the prototype and by other instrumental factors , we will use the observations from this 2008 summer campaign to study the contributions of the solar noise as a function of the height in the solar atmosphere in the low - frequency range of the power spectra . technical and instrumental improvements ( turck - chize et al . 2008 ) are in progress in order to reach the nominal performances necessary for the study of gravity modes and the solar atmosphere characteristics . we thank the technical and instrumental support received from the different iac s services , as well as the operator team from the observatorio del teide , with a special thanks to a. pimienta . this work utilizes data from the mark - i instrument , a node of the bison network . d. s. acknowledges the support of the spanish grant pnaya2007 - 62650 . garca r. a. , turck - chize , s. , boumier , p. et al . 2005 , a&a 442 , 385 pall , p. l. , et al . 1993 , , 280 , 324 turck - chize , s. and the golf - ng team 2006 , adv . res . , 38 , 1812 turck - chize , s. et al . 2008 , nachr . , 329 , 521
the primary challenge of golf - ng ( global oscillations at low frequency new generation ) is the detection of the low - frequency solar gravity and acoustic modes , as well as the possibility to measure the high - frequency chromospheric modes . on june 8th 2008 , the first sunlight observations with the multichannel resonant golf - ng prototype spectrometer were obtained at the observatorio del teide ( tenerife ) . the instrument performs integrated ( sun - as - a - star ) , doppler velocity measurements , simultaneously at eight different heights in the d1 sodium line profile , corresponding to photospheric and chromospheric layers of the solar atmosphere . in order to study its performances , to validate the conceived strategy , and to estimate the necessary improvements , this prototype has been running on a daily basis over the whole summer of 2008 at the observatorio del teide . we present here the results of the first golf - ng observations , clearly showing the characteristics of the 5-minute oscillatory signal at different heights in the solar atmosphere . we compare these signals with simultaneous observations from golf / soho and from the mark - i instrument a node of the bison network , operating at the same site .
we are currently in a renaissance for x - ray astronomy , with two major missions , _ chandra _ and _ xmm - newton _ , currently operating . these missions are producing large amounts of archival data , which is supplementing existing databases from missions such as _ rosat _ and _ asca_. historically , only x - ray `` experts '' usually attempted the analysis of x - ray data . this is because there were fundamental differences in the analysis of x - ray data compared with other bandpasses , most notably the fact that individual photons are detected as opposed to the accumulation of ( only ) spectra or images . most modern x - ray detectors are imaging spectrometers so each observation results in a photon list from which images , spectra and light curves can be extracted . in general the numbers of photons are small so poissonian rather than gaussian statistical methods must be used . the spectral and spatial resolution of most detectors is moderate at best and forward - fitting convolution methods are needed to properly fit the data . all of these factors limit the accessibility of the x - ray data to non - experts . in addition each mission tends to have its own unique software package for the reduction and analysis of the data , and x - ray data often require reprocessing as the calibration improves . these latter two factors also limit the ability of experts to take advantage of all available data for a given project , particularly large - scale surveys . we have developed a software package to address these concerns . xassist is capable of performing data reduction and preliminary analysis for _ rosat _ , _ chandra _ and _ xmm - newton _ data . it is fully automatic making it well - suited for surveys , as well as for the reprocessing of existing data . below we will discuss its capabilities and prospects for the future . xassist currently has the following capabilities : * downloads data * reprocesses data * creates exposure maps and detector masks ( if possible ) * detects sources ( using built - in routine for _ rosat _ and _ asca _ , ciao wavdetect for _ chandra _ , etc . ) * fits each source with `` simple '' ( i.e. , not including point - spread function ) model to establish source extent and ( poisson - correct ) significance ( using the stand - alone python program ) * flags extended , confused and problematic sources * computes median ( or mean ) background level * excludes times of high background * extracts spectra , `` postage stamp '' images , and light curves of each source for more detailed analysis ( a simple power - law model is fit to sources with more than 100 sources ) * optionally performs chip - by - chip analysis ( relevant just for _ chandra _ right now ) * analysis can be restricted to an energy band * large emphasis on detailed reporting * looks for correlations of x - ray sources with astronomy databases and provides links on the detailed source web reports to query simbad ( see below ) note that in the case of _ chandra _ analysis , most of the data reduction steps are based on the `` threads '' reported in the . most parameters controlling xassist are read from iraf / ftools - style parameter file , and can be set on the command - line as well ( allowing for the automated setup of xassist for surveys ) . xassist can be run ( and configured ) interactively ( with a text - based interface ) . figure [ n1569_chandra_dss_fig ] shows images created as part of the report for the processing of the _ chandra _ observation ngc 1569 . figure [ n1569_chandra_src2_fig ] shows the detailed report generated for a source . while there are admittedly `` warts '' that occur ( as in any automated system ) , this example demonstrates that even in moderately crowded fields the system performs well and continues to the point of fitting a power - law spectrum model to the source spectrum . obviously , this opens a powerful possibility for virtual observatories , namely that searches could be performed on high - level quantites such as spectral slope . even though human inspection would of course still be necessary for science - grade results , an automated system such as this could cull samples and produce useable results for many of the sources , both of which would be particularly useful prior to observing proposal deadlines ( especially if the data of interest had only recently become publically available and had not been published yet ) . queries are also submitted to heasarc to find correlations of x - ray sources with 2@xmath0ass , usno , first , and other catalogs . to demonstrate xassist s capabilities , have been set up to run xassist on _ rosat _ hri and _ chandra _ observations of rc3 galaxies . the _ rosat _ analysis is nearing completion , and crontab jobs are checking for the public release of _ chandra _ observations that may containing rc3 galaxies in the fov of view , and these data sets are downloaded ( using the script cda.py also available for download ) . _ xmm - newton _ has recently been added as a supported mission , and we are in the process of establishing a pipeline for public _ xmm _ data . the pipeline products are searchable and work is in progress to allow users to request fields to be added to the processing lists . * finishing off details ( especially for _ asca _ and _ rosat _ pspc analysis ) * better installation and configuration support ( including the creation of a gui ) * web access to xassist * web services : limited status reporting is already available using soap and it will be possible to request full or partial processing of data via soap requests
xassist is a nasa aisr - funded project for the automation of x - ray astrophysics , with emphasis on galaxies . it is nearing completion of its initially funded effort , and is working well for _ chandra _ and _ rosat _ data . initial support for _ xmm - newton _ data is present as well . it is capable of data reprocessing , source detection , and preliminary spatial , temporal and spectral analysis for each source with sufficient counts . the bulk of the system is written in python , which in turn drives underlying software ( ciao for _ chandra _ data , etc . ) . future work will include a gui ( mainly for beginners and status monitoring ) and the exposure of at least some functionality as web services . the latter will help xassist to eventually become part of the vo , making advanced queries possible , such as determining the x - ray fluxes of counterparts to hst or sdss sources ( including the use of unpublished x - ray data ) , and add the ability of `` on - the - fly '' x - ray processing . pipelines are running on _ rosat _ , _ chandra _ and now _ xmm - newton _ observations of galaxies to demonstrate xassist s capabilities , and the results are available online ( in real time ) at . xassist itself as well as various associated projects are available for download .
we observed the central parsec of the galactic center using an h band filter and seven intermediate band filters covering the k band with the ao assisted instrument naco at the eso vlt on paranal . this yielded eight point spectral energy distributions ( seds ) for 5914 sources . the spectral feature we used for stellar classification is the co bandhead absorption ( @xmath0 m ) , which allows the separation of late and early type stars . we determined its presence by fitting the seds with an extincted blackbody . our method produces reliable results for stars as faint as 15.5 mag in the k band ( k2iii or b2v stars , considering extinction and distance modulus ) , much deeper than previous studies . we classfied 322 stars as early type candidates and 2955 as late type . for the first time , it is now possible to study the early and late type population separately at this depth . only the latter can be expected to be dynamically relaxed due to its age ( gyrs ) . our new results show that the late type population indeed lacks the predicted cusp structure , showing a core instead ( see e.g. * ? ? ? the steep decline of the projected early type density towards the outer parts of the cluster ( e.g. * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? * ) could be confirmed here as well ( for both see fig.[fig1 ] ) . , resp . @xmath1 and @xmath2 for @xmath3 , red : late type stars , fitted with @xmath4 and @xmath5 for @xmath6 , blue : all identified stars , light blue : @xcite sources , right : klfs for different populations in the gc , with fitted power laws . ] the total k band luminosity function of the central parsec is considerably flatter than that of the galactic bulge , with a power law index @xmath7 @xcite compared to @xmath8 @xcite . the power law slope we fitted to the late type klf alone agrees very well with that of the bulge , a surprising result since the gc cluster is assumed to be a dynamically separate entity ( see fig.[fig1 ] ) . we can also confirm the much flatter klf found for the early type stars ( e.g. * ? ? ? * ) to a much greater depth ( k@xmath915.5 instead of k@xmath913 - 14 ) . these new results have enhanced our knowledge of the stellar population in the gc considerably , although several points remain unclear . instead of a cusp , we find a depletion of giants in the very center , as already found by e.g. @xcite , for giants with k@xmath912 , with @xcite confirming our own results spectroscopically only recently . several possible causes for this have been suggested , such as collisions / envelope stripping , mass segregation and imbh / smbh infall scenarios ( see e.g. * ? ? ? the fact that the power law slopes of the bulge and the late type klf agree within errors points to a similar mass function and stellar evolution . how this agrees with both being dynamically separate entities needs to be determined . for our further results and a more detailed treatment of the issues mentioned above , please see @xcite . bartko , h. , martins , f. , trippe , s. , fritz , t. , genzel , r. , et al . 2010 , apj , 708 , 834b buchholz , r. m. , schdel , r. , eckart , a. 2009 , a&a , 499 , 483 dale , j. , davies , m. , church , r. , freitag , m. 2009 , mnras 393 , 1016 do , t. , ghez , a. , morris , m. , lu , j. , et al . 2009 , apj 703 , 1323d figer , d. , rich , r. , sunsoo , s. , morris , m. , & serabyn , e. 2004 , apj , 601 , 319 genzel , r. , schdel , r. , ott , t. , eisenhauer , f. , et al . 2003 , apj , 594 , 812 haller , j. w. , rieke , m. j. , rieke , g. h. , et al . 1996 , apj , 456 , 194 merritt , d. 2009 , arxiv:0909.1318 paumard , t. , genzel , r. , martins , f. , et al . 2006 , apj , 643 , 1011 - 1035 schdel , r. , eckart , a. , alexander , t. , et al . 2007 , a&a , 469 , pp.125 - 146
we present a population analysis of the nuclear stellar cluster of the milky way based on adaptive optics narrow band spectral energy distributions . we find strong evidence for the lack of a stellar cusp and a similarity of the late type luminosity function to the bulge klf .
cosmological inflation provides an explanation for the formation of structures in the universe . however , we lack a fundamental theory from which inflation would emerge as a natural consequence . instead , a large number of inflationary scenarios have been proposed . on the other hand , the standard model of particle physics ( sm ) unifies three of the four fundamental forces of nature and requires the existence of a particle with the same properties as the field driving inflation in many models . if the higgs field could act as the inflaton field , current particle physics experiments at tevatron and lhc would probe the physics of inflation . the study of this problem has first been addressed long ago @xcite . it was shown that a false vacuum scenario for the higgs field ( at the electroweak energy scale ) leads to an overproduction of density perturbations and is thus ruled out . an alternative would be to concentrate on much higher values of the higgs potential in the spirit of chaotic ( or large field ) inflation @xcite . this scenario has been investigated in the context of a higgs field minimally coupled to gravity , approximating the potential by its quartic term @xcite and in theories with a non - minimal coupling @xcite . it has been shown @xcite that the sm could in principle be well defined up to the planck scale . then the @xmath2 potential , presumably the dominant contribution to the effective higgs potential at high energies , could provide enough inflation , but generically overproduces density perturbations as @xmath3 and is thus ruled out . even if one allows for an arbitrary value of @xmath4 , data from 5 years of wmap observations exclude the scenario of an extended slow - roll epoch in a @xmath5-potential @xcite . likewise , the inclusion of a non - minimal coupling allows the possibility of adjusting the higgs potential so that cosmological perturbations can be in accordance with observational restrictions @xcite . here we consider a different situation in which the total amount of inflation is not much more than 60 e - foldings . the onset of inflation is thus observable and violates the slow - roll assumptions . the resulting primordial power spectrum is not scale invariant , as the moment of the onset of the slow - roll regime distinguishes a scale . it turns out that such a situation can not be discarded on grounds of current analysis and observations@xcite . this new scenario of `` just enough '' chaotic inflation seems to be generic if two fundamental energy scales are relevant in the very early universe . the planck scale @xmath6 is the fundamental scale of quantum gravity . the notions of spatial curvature , expansion rate @xmath7 and kinetic energy density are well defined and real quantities , at least up to that scale . however , this is less clear for the effective potential @xmath8 of the inflaton . the effective potential carries the information about all interactions of the inflaton , except its gravitational ones . if we consider the sm higgs as a candidate for the inflaton , it is clear that inflation would only take place if the effective higgs potential is real the existance of an imaginary part would lead to the immediate decay of the inflaton . the quartic self - coupling of the higgs runs with energy . depending on the mass of the top - quark , the self - coupling decreases with increasing energy scale @xmath9 and can become negative at high energy ( see fig . 1 ) . the effective higgs potential is real as long as the quartic self - coupling is positive , but becomes complex as soon as it runs to negative values @xcite . such an imaginary contribution would give rise to the decay of the higgs field and thus establishes an effective upper bound for an effective real higgs potential @xmath10 , with @xmath11 . motivated by the sm higgs , we can assume that @xmath12 gev and @xmath13 at that scale . we applied that idea to @xmath5-inflation @xcite . as for chaotic inflation , curvature , expansion rate and kinetic energy density start at the planck scale . however , if the potential energy were at @xmath1 as well , the inflaton would decay and the universe would not grow old . only regions with @xmath10 ( occurs with a finite probability ) start to inflate . these regions are dominated by kinetic energy initially . it decays quickly and the universe enters a state of fast - roll inflation , followed by about 60 e - foldings of slow - roll inflation . the trajectory of the universe in the observable plane of tensor - to - scalar ratio vs. spectral tilt is shown in fig . 2 . it turns out that this model evades the constraints form the wmap 5 year data @xcite , as it breaks scale - invariance at the largest cosmological scales @xcite . we found that by means of a fine tuned running of @xmath4 , the tree - level sm higgs effective potential could give rise to such a scenario . the inclusion of one- and higher - loop corrections spoils that consistency . 99 a. d. linde , phys . b * 108 * , 389 ( 1982 ) ; a. j. albrecht and p. j. steinhardt , phys . lett . * 48 * , 1220 ( 1982 ) . a. d. linde , phys . b * 129 * ( 1983 ) 177 . g. isidori _ et al . _ , phys . d * 77 * , 025034 ( 2008 ) . f. l. bezrukov and m. shaposhnikov , phys . b * 659 * , 703 ( 2008 ) . l. maiani , g. parisi and r. petronzio , nucl . b * 136 * , 115 ( 1978 ) ; c. d. froggatt and h. b. nielsen , phys . lett . b * 368 * , 96 ( 1996 ) ; j. ellis _ et al . _ , phys . b * 679 * , 369 ( 2009 ) . e. komatsu _ et al . _ [ wmap collaboration ] , astrophys . j. suppl . * 180 * , 330 ( 2009 ) .
we propose a version of chaotic inflation , in which a fundamental scale @xmath0 , well below the planck scale @xmath1 , fixes the initial value of the effective potential . if this scale happens to be the scale of grand unified theories , there are just enough e - foldings of inflation . an initial epoch of fast - roll breaks scale - invariance at the largest observable scales .
neutrons emitted from the muon - stopping target of the comet experiment could cause fake veto signals in the cosmic veto counter ( cvc ) . besides , they could damage silicon photo - multipliers mppcs to be used in the cvc @xcite . on average , neutrons appear in six of ten muon captures by nuclei of a target made of aluminum , that results in @xmath0 neutrons per second for the comet phase - i . possible spectra of neutrons from muon captures are shown in fig . [ nspe ] . there are two major ways , in which neutrons affect the cvc : ( i ) through gammas from neutron captures by materials of the comet detector and ( ii ) kicking out protons and ions right in the cvc . the latter way is discussed in detail in the section [ response ] . since there is a threshold for signal amplitudes of the cvc photo - detectors , signals of low - energy neutrons are being rejected . affordable values of the threshold lie from one tenth to one fifth of the average mip signal in cvc , so the threshold corresponds to @xmath1@xmath2 mev of energy deposited in scintillator by ionization . therefore , we do not discuss low - energy neutrons in the section [ response ] , but only those with kinetic energy from 0.1 mev to 1 mev usually referred to as fast ones and medium - energy neutrons carrying up to 10 mev . in the section [ shielding ] we discuss energies typical for spectrum of muon captures . in all simulations presented in this note , the ftfp_bert_hp physics list is used . in order to clarify neutron s behavior in polystyrene , an ensemble of @xmath3 neutrons at normal incidence has been simulated . the energy threshold for the geant4 proton creation has been set to 0.1 kev . the simulation has shown that fast and medium - energy neutrons traversing 7 mm thick polystyrene ( c@xmath4h@xmath4)@xmath5 scintillator interact predominantly elastically . those elastic interactions lead largely to production of charged projectiles protons and carbon ions that deposit their kinetic energy mostly through ionization causing scintillation in polystyrene . track lengths of the charged projectiles lie in the sub - millimeter range . their ionization energy loss per path length @xmath6 is much higher than that of mip , so the resulting light yield per path length @xmath7 lessens due to saturation effects described by the birks empiric law @xmath8 where @xmath9 is defined by the light yield at low ionization , and @xmath10 is a material - dependent coefficient that we take equal to 0.126 mm / mev for polystyrene - based scintillators , following authors of @xcite . in order to quantitatively understand the birks effect for neutron s energies of interest , we have computed spectra of the energy deposited to ionization by charged projectiles created in the elastic collisions of incident neutrons , see fig . [ sper ] , as well as their track lengths . table [ estim ] summarizes mean values of both the energy loss and the track length . the right column presents quotients of the two values , which are good estimates of the most probable value of the ionization energy loss per path length referred as stopping power . . [ cols="^,^,^,^ " , ] dimensions of the shield depend on details of its composition and design . the optimal configuration of the shield is of arched shape , which accounts for signal attenuation along strips , and better protects mppcs that are located at outer ends of strips , see fig . [ shape ] . the final choice of shield s composition and shape shall be done taking into account the cost of materials , convenience of construction , and affordable outer size the cvc . geant4 simulations have been performed including details of signal coincidence in a scintillator strip veto counter , namely time and transverse spatial information from strips . simulation have shown that a mix of iron and concrete performs quite well as a base material for the inner shield of the cvc . in the conjunction with the solenoid yoke , a shield composed of that mix , polyethylene and lead drastically reduces the neutron flux at the counter strips . thereby , the time loss concerned with fake veto signals of neutrons in the strips can be reduced to a tolerable value of 1% of data - taking time by a 4050 cm thick shield even at the 5-pixel threshold of photo - detectors . in the context of muon registration efficiency , values of the photo - detector threshold up to 11 pixels can be safely used @xcite . that would additionally reduce the time lost due of fake veto signals by a factor up to 1.5 , cf . table [ thick ] . the shield can be comprised of 20 to 30 cm of the iron - concrete mix , 10 cm of polyethylene and 5 cm of lead . such a shield would reduce the flux of fast and more energetic neutrons at photo - detectors by 2 orders of magnitude . since the expected value of the flux at cvc is about @xmath11@xmath12s , no substantial decrease of the photo - detector efficiency is expected throughout full period of data taking . 99 o. markin and e. tarkovsky , _ simulations of the comet veto counter _ , comet - doc-90 , arxiv:1402.5522 [ physics.ins-det ] t. kozlowski et al . , _ energy spectra and asymmetries of neutrons emitted after muon capture _ , nucl . a * 436 * , 717 ( 1985 ) v. biliyar , _ calculation of the spectrum of ejected neutrons from muon capture _ , mu2e - doc-1619 b.d . leverington , m. anelli , p. campana , r. rosellini , _ a 1 mm scintillating fibre tracker readout by a multi - anode photomultiplier _ , arxiv:1106.5649v2 [ physics.ins-det ] the mu2e collaboration , _ mu2e conceptual design report _ , fermilab - tm-2545 ( 2012 ) p. rinard , _ neutron interactions with matter _ , in _ passive nondestructive assay of nuclear materials _ , nureg / cr-5550 , la - ur-90 - 732 ( 1991 ) the comet collaboration , _ conceptual design report for experimental search for lepton flavor violating @xmath13 conversion at sensitivity of @xmath14 with a slow - extracted bunched proton beam ( comet ) _ , j - parc p21 ( 2009 )
a simulation of neutrons traversing a shield beneath the comet scintillator strip cosmic - veto counter is accomplished using the geant4 toolkit . a geant4 application is written with an appropriate detector construction and a possible spectrum of neutron s energy . the response of scintillator strips to neutrons is studied in detail . a design of the shield is optimized to ensure the time loss concerned with fake veto signals caused by neutrons from muon captures is tolerable . materials of shield layers are chosen , and optimum thicknesses of the layers are computed .
the gas distribution in the magellanic clouds , unlike the stellar component , immediately suggests that the clouds are not independent entities , but part of a dynamically interacting system . recent observations taken as part of the hi parkes all - sky survey ( hipass ) reveal several exciting new features of this system . the single dish 21-cm observations allow us to examine the large scale structure of the lmc , the overall spatial and velocity distribution of the smc and bridge gas and resolve the long - standing controversy about the mechanism responsible for the formation of the magellanic stream . hipass is a survey for extragalactic neutral hydrogen in the southern sky ( @xmath0 ) , which has also proven useful for studies of the local gas distribution ( i.e. -400 - + 400 km s@xmath1 ) . the survey is being completed by actively scanning the 64-m parkes telescope , equipped with the 13 feed - horn multibeam receiver , across the sky in declination ( staveley - smith 1997 ) . the entire southern sky has already been scanned once with a spacing on the sky of @xmath2 and a sensitivity of 20 mk ( 1@xmath3 ) . the complete survey will consist of five separate scans , resulting in sub - nyquist sampling and a resulting sensitivity of 9 mk ( 1@xmath3 ) . the channel spacing is 13.2 km s@xmath1 , with hanning smoothing resulting in a final resolution of 26.4 km s@xmath1 . the survey s unbiased coverage of the southern sky and dense spatial sampling provide us with the ideal tools to reveal previously unidentified hi structure about the magellanic clouds . the data presented here are from the first scan of hipass data . starting with the lmc ( figure 1 ) , we immediately see the advantages of fully sampled single dish observations . figure 1 highlights the distinct spiral structure of the lmc and also depicts the diffuse hi edges on all sides of the cloud . this contradicts the suggestion that the gas is being compressed as the lmc moves through the halo of the milky way ( e.g. de boer et al 1998 ) ; however , there is still a steep gradient in the east and the diffuse nature of the outer gas may be due to differential rotation . the lmc appears to have 3 spiral `` arms '' ( figure 1 ) and one southern extension which looks like another thin spiral arm until its relationship to the magellanic bridge gas is examined . figure 2 shows the lmc+bridge+smc as seen by hipass . in this picture the lmc s southern extension is clearly seen as a tidal feature which merges with gas from the smc , forming the bridge . this figure also shows the beginning of the magellanic stream which continues for another @xmath4 to the north ( mathewson et al 1974 ) . the clumpy nature of the stream is immediately apparent , even in this limited region . in addition to the magellanic stream , figure 2 also shows the beginning of a thin southern feature emanating from the smc+bridge region @xmath5 . moving out to a 2400 square degree mosaic about the south celestial pole ( figure 3 ) , we see that this feature continues `` towards '' the galactic plane , on the leading side of the clouds . this extension is at very high positive velocities and is clearly separate from galactic emission ( see putman et al 1998 ) . the leading feature continues from the clouds both spatially and in velocity , to @xmath6 and v@xmath7 = 350 km s@xmath1 . this leading extension is exactly the type of feature predicted to form during a tidal interaction between the clouds and the milky way ( e.g. gardiner & noguchi 1996 ) . there are two principal interaction scenarios which attempt to explain the presence of the magellanic stream . one uses gravitational tides to pull out leading and trailing streams from the clouds ; the other employs ram - pressure stripping to rip the stream out of the clouds as they pass through an extended galactic halo . the argument against tidal models ( and for the ram - pressure models ) is largely based on two observational features : no leading stream has been detected , and there are no stars observed in the stream ( stars should also be affected by tidal forces ) . the leading feature of figure 3 removes the first discriminant against tidal models . the second issue , not finding stars in the stream , is actually quite complex . it is common to find systems with strong hi tidal features and no optical counterpart ( e.g. the m81 system ( yun et al 1994 ) ) or hi streams offset from the optical streams ( e.g. smith et al 1997 ) . it may be that we have not looked in the right place for this optical counterpart to the magellanic stream , or , considering that the stream is believed to be @xmath8 gyr old , we may not be looking for the right age of stars ( majewski et al 1998 ) . in addition , it is probable that the gas in the clouds was originally more extended than the stars . thus , the discovery of the leading arm is the strongest support in 25 years for a past tidal interaction between the magellanic clouds and the milky way . there are several ways in which the tidal interaction scenario can be confirmed . hipass will continue to map the hi about the magellanic system , allowing us to search for a continuation of the leading arm and other magellanic - related features . a preliminary look at the data on the other side of the galactic plane suggests that the arm veers to the east and continues to @xmath9 . we will also increase the sensitivity of our present data by adding more multibeam scans and increase our velocity resolution by observing these features with the narrow - band facility . emission line observations and metallicity determinations will also prove useful for constraining the dominant ionization mechanism in the leading arm region and confirming the magellanic origin .
the first results from the hi parkes all - sky survey ( hipass ) provide a spectacular view of the global hi distribution in the vicinity of the magellanic clouds and the southern milky way . a 2400 square degree mosaic around the south celestial pole ( scp ) reveals the existence of a narrow , continuous counter - stream which leads the direction of motion of the clouds , i.e. opposite in direction to the stream . this strongly supports the gravitational model for the stream in which the leading and trailing streams are tidally torn from the body of the magellanic clouds . the data also reveal additional tidal features in the bridge region which appear to emanate from the lmc , and a distinct spiral structure within the lmc itself . # 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in
t2k ( tokai - to - kamioka ) @xcite is a long - baseline off - axis neutrino oscillation experiment that focuses on measuring @xmath4 and @xmath5 in both @xmath6 and @xmath7-modes . a very pure @xmath8 beam is produced at j - parc accelerator complex and detected 295 km away at the super - kamiokande ( sk ) @xcite far detector . t2k uses a set of near detectors in order to reduce the large uncertainties on the oscillation parameters that come from the neutrino fluxes and interaction models . the nd280 off - axis detector @xcite measures the non - oscillated @xmath8 spectrum , constrains the cross - section models and determines the @xmath9 intrinsic contamination in the beam . it reduced the uncertainties from @xmath10 to @xmath11 and from @xmath0 to @xmath1 respectively in the @xmath4 and @xmath5 channels . however , this systematic uncertainty reduction is limited due to intrinsic detector limitations : * differences in most of the target material between nd280 ( 80@xmath12 c@xmath13h@xmath13 + 20@xmath12 h@xmath14o ) and sk ( pure h@xmath14o ) . this leads to using the cross - section model to cover the difference between c@xmath13h@xmath13 and h@xmath14o . * differences in the angular acceptance of nd280 ( mostly foward ) and sk ( @xmath15 ) . the flux and cross - section models are therefore not constrained in the high angle regions . * inability to reconstruct low momentum protons ( @xmath16 mev / c ) at the near detector . this leads to a large uncertainty on the interaction of the neutrino with bounded states of 2 protons ( 2p-2h ) and final state interactions ( fsi ) that affect the far detector differently than nd280 due to the different threshold in proton momentum . * differences in the flux at the near and far detector . figure [ cpsensitivityt2k ] shows how the current systematic error limits the phase space corresponding to a @xmath17 evidence of cp violation at the t2k phase ii experiment @xcite . in order to remove the impact of possible statistical fluctuations , mass hierarchy or true value of @xmath18 , we propose to upgrade the nd280 near detectors that will tackle the previously listed issues while keeping the current advantages of the detector . note that the flux difference will remain but its fractional error is lower than @xmath19 in the oscillation maximum . this upgrade will also be crucial for observing cp violation at the future hyper - kamiokande experiment with more than @xmath20 confidence level . schematic view of the nd280-upgrade detector . ] schematic view of the nd280-upgrade detector . ] the nd280-upgrade design is shown in figure [ nd280design ] . it is constructed based on a target embedded in a central tracker that is surrounded by time projecting chambers ( tpcs ) . reconstruction efficiency as a function of muon angle . ] reconstruction efficiency as a function of muon angle . ] two different modules are considered : * a 2.8 tonne h@xmath14o module to mimic the target of the far detector . a scintillator tracker ( see description below ) is embedded in this module . in the current configuration , the module is comprised of 70@xmath12 h@xmath14o and 30@xmath12 c@xmath13h@xmath13 . * a 0.9 tonne c@xmath13h@xmath13 module consisting only of scintillators . it allows the scintillator background in the first module to be substracted . moreover , a fully active detector is crucial in order to reconstruct low momentum protons . the central tracker is designed in order to have an excellent reconstruction of large angle tracks to mimic the far detector 4@xmath21 acceptance . it is constructed by alternating vertically and horizontally aligned scintillator planes for tracking forward going tracks ( similar to the current nd280 ) , with new 3d grid scintillator planes which allow the reconstruction of high angle tracks ( see figure [ 3dgrid ] ) . + the tpcs are responsible for separating @xmath6 and @xmath22 components , identifying the interaction topology and measuring the neutrino energy . the latter is measured through the identification of the daughter particles via measurement of their charge and kinematics . the tpcs are only located upstream and downstream of the tracker in the current nd280 which limits the high angle acceptance . it is therefore proposed to add horizontal tpcs on the top and bottom of the tracker in order to extend their acceptance to @xmath15 for the upgraded detector . the size of these additional tpcs is tuned coarsely to 80 cm in order to adapt the current tpcs characteristics for the high angle muons that have lower momenta . the performance of the upgrade detector is established using a reconstruction adapted from the wagasci detector @xcite . the water cell size is first optimized to cubic cells of 2.5 cm side in order to keep a high water content while reducing the threshold in particle momenta . though the detector is not fully active , it ensures that over @xmath23 of the muons above @xmath24 mev / c are reconstructed . note that the oscillation maximum concerns neutrinos having @xmath25mev . the new 3d grid ensures a very high reconstruction efficiency ( @xmath26 ) even for large angle muons as shown on figure [ efficiencyangle ] . the nd280-upgrade is therefore an ideal detector to cover the sk phase space . note that since the current nd280 topology is not only based on muon but also on pion identification , it is crucial to ensure an excellent pion reconstruction and identification . this criterion is currently used for final optimization of the detector size and granularity . a c@xmath13h@xmath13 detector is needed in order to substract the scintillator background in the water - in module . moreover , the large contamination of 2p-2h interactions in the ccqe sample leads to a @xmath27 uncertainty in the @xmath9 appearance channel . the upgrade aims to reduce this uncertainty through separation of these two topologies , using proton counting and kinematics . however , the water - in detector is unable to reconstruct low momentum protons ( @xmath28mev / c ) which constitutes @xmath29 of the sample . therefore , we propose a water - out detector ( see figure [ nd280design ] ) . using the current reconstruction , it lowers the threshold on proton momentum to 200 - 250 mev / c . consequently , @xmath30 of the protons produced in ccqe and 2p-2h interactions are reconstructed . on top of pure proton counting , it opens very promizing possibilities for separating the ccqe and 2p-2h interactions by using single and double transverse variables @xcite . 9 t2k collaboration , k. abe , nucl . instr . phys . rev . a * 659(1 ) * , 106135 ( 2011 ) .
in the search for cp violation at the t2k and future hyper - kamiokande experiments , it is crucial to reduce the present systematic uncertainties . the current t2k near detector , nd280 , reduces the uncertainties coming from the neutrino beam and cross - section models from @xmath0 to @xmath1 in the @xmath2 appearance channel . these residual uncertainties mostly come from intrinsic limitations of nd280 due to its difference in target material and angular acceptance with the far detector . + in order to show evidence ( subsequently observation ) of the cp violation in the t2k phase - ii and hyper - kamiokande experiments , this paper proposes an upgrade of the nd280 detector . it uses a 3d grid scintillator structure surrounded by time projecting chambers in order to reconstruct particles with @xmath3 acceptance .
planetary nebulae ( pn ) are spectacularly beautiful and diverse in form . while some appear circular , others have the shapes of butterfly wings and show elliptical or bipolar shapes , in some cases with complex , filamentary structures . one possible cause of the variations is that magnetic fields from the stars constrain the flow of stellar winds in different ways . alternatively , companion stars or planets may produce gravitational effects and rotation of the central stars may be an important factor . the different geometries seen in pn are also evident in post - agb stars and it seems likely that the shaping of non - spherical pn winds begins early in the post - agb phase . by studying the post - agb stars we may be able to determine what causes the complicated structures seen in some pn . a sample of 86 post - agb stars has been selected from a previous study of oh 1612 mhz maser sources in the galactic plane ( sevenster et al . sevenster ( 2002a , b ) has compared the far - infrared iras ( infrared astronomical satellite ) and msx ( mid - course space experiment ) properties of these sources and found that the far - infrared colours provide a powerful tool for distinguishing between early and late , and low and high mass , post - agb objects . the present project is to observe maser emission from hydroxyl ( oh ) , water ( h@xmath0o ) and silicon monoxide ( sio ) molecules that are located in the outflowing stellar winds . each molecule exists in different physical conditions and the maser emission from these molecules is produced at different locations within the circumstellar winds , providing information on the wind velocities , and on whether the winds are likely to be spherically symmetrical or distorted . sevenster has argued that the more massive sources in the sample , designated li ( sevenster 2002b ) are likely precursors of bipolar pn while the less massive sources ( ri ) evolve into elliptical or spherical pn . analysis of the maser properties of li and ri objects , together with a study of the early and late post - agb objects , will give insights into the origins of the different morphologies in pn . to date we have made observations in the four ground - state oh maser transitions at 1612 , 1665 , 1667 and 1720 mhz for all the sources in the sample , using the parkes radio telescope ( r. m. deacon , j. m. chapman , & a. j. green , in preparation ) . after hanning smoothing , the final velocity resolution of the spectra was 0.18 km s@xmath1 per channel . the average rms noise on a single channel was 70 mjy beam@xmath1 . the angular resolution achieved was @xmath2 . typically , each source was observed for 10 mins . higher - resolution observations of sources with 1720 mhz detections were carried out in august 2003 with the australia telescope compact array ( atca ) particularly to resolve confused sources . figure 1 shows examples of maser spectra for sources in our sample . we have classified them in six different categories , as follows . many exhibit a double - peaked spectrum ( * d * ) with steep outer edges and sloping inner edges between the two peaks . this spectral profile is characteristic of an expanding spherical shell , with the strongest emission coming from the region of the shell closest and furthest from the observer along the line of sight ( reid et al . 1977 ) . we see several variations on the classic double - peaked profiles . the * de * spectra are very asymmetric showing that the maser emission is much stronger on one side of the star than on the other . the * dw * stars have spectra with sloping outer edges as well as sloping inner edges . these are expected to be stars with bipolar shells . more unusual is the * dd * source with four emission peaks . at present there are only two sources known with profiles like this , and one of them is in our sample . we also find a small number of * s * sources . these show only a single peak of maser emission , but otherwise have characteristics in common with agb and post - agb stars . finally the * i * or irregular spectra have multiple emission peaks and an unusually large velocity dispersion . post - agb stars with irregular spectra have previously been associated with exotic envelope geometries ( zijlstra et al . 2001 ) oh 1720 mhz maser emission was detected for one source in the sample - b292 - confirming a previous measurement ( sevenster & chapman 2001 ) . table [ ta : dets_by_profile ] lists the number of sources detected in the oh 1612 , 1665 and 1667 mhz lines for each profile type . the fraction of sources detected at 1665 and 1667 mhz are approximately 30% and 50% respectively . one significant result is that 63% of the 1665 mhz detections are classified as * i * , in contrast to 1612 ( 13% * i * ) and 1667 mhz ( 16% * i * ) . c c c c & 60 & 5 & 25 + * dd * & 1 & 0 & 0 + * de * & 4 & 0 & 2 + * dw * & 6 & 1 & 1 + * i * & 11 & 17 & 7 + * s * & 4 & 4 & 9 + + total sample & * 86 * & * 27 * & * 44 * + the aim of this project is to determine how the maser characteristics correlate with trends in the infrared colours of the sample . preliminary results show a lower number of li objects detected at 1667 and ( particularly ) 1665 mhz , compared with the other sub - groups in the sample . this shows a possible correlation between mainline emission and stellar mass in post - agb stars , with mainline masers being preferentially disrupted by the bipolar outflows and/or magnetic fields in higher - mass pn precursors . the parkes telescope and atca are funded by the commonwealth of australia for operation as national facilities managed by csiro . rachel deacon acknowledges the receipt of an australian postgraduate award . reid , m. j. , muhleman , d. o. , moran , j. m. , johnston , k. j. , & schwartz , p. r. 1977 , , 214 , 60 sevenster , m. n. & chapman , j. m. 2001 , , 546 , l119 sevenster , m. n. , van langevelde , h. j. , moody , r. a. , chapman , j. m. , habing , h. j. , & killeen , n. e. b. 2001 , , 366 , 481 sevenster , m. n. 2002a , 123 , 2772 sevenster , m. n. 2002b , 123 , 2788 zijlstra , a. a. , chapman , j. m. , te lintel hekkert , p. , likkel , l. , comeron , f. , norris , r. p. , molster , f. j. , & cohen , r. j. 2001 , , 322 , 280
we present observations of 86 post - asymptotic giant branch ( post - agb ) stars of oh maser transitions , taken with the parkes telescope between september 2002 and august 2003 . post - agb stars are the precursors of planetary nebulae , which have a wide range of morphologies that are not well explained . by studying the circumstellar envelopes of post - agb stars through the masers produced in them , we hope to shed light on the origin of planetary nebula morphologies .
hii galaxies are local , dwarf starburst systems ( e.g. , * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? * ) , which show low metallicity [ 1/50 @xmath0 z / z@xmath1 @xmath0 1/3](e.g . * ; * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? wolf - rayet ( wr ) signatures ( commonly a broad feature at @xmath2 4680 or blue bump ) , indicating the presence of wr stars , have been found in the spectra of some hii galaxies ( e.g. , * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? this is an important observational fact since according to recent stellar evolution models for single rotating / non - rotating massive stars , hardly any wrs are expected in metal - poor environments @xcite . studying the wr content in hii galaxies is crucial to test stellar evolutionary models at low metallicities . we have initiated a program to investigate hii galaxies with wr features using integral field spectroscopy ( ifs ; e.g. , @xcite ) . so far , we have observed 15 wr galaxies with the optical ifus : pmas at the 3.5 m telescope at caha and integral at the 4.2 m wht in orm . ifs has many benefits in a study of this kind , in comparison with long - slit spectroscopy . using ifs one can locate and find wrs where they were not detected before , not only because it samples a larger area of the galaxy , but also because ifs can increase the contrast of the wr bump emission against the galaxy continuum , thus minimizing the wr bump dilution . also , ifs is a powerful technique to probe issues related with aperture effects , and allows a more precise spatial correlation between massive stars and nebular properties ( e.g. , * ? ? ? * ; * ? ? ? we summarize here some recent results on mrk178 , one of _ the most metal - poor nearby wr galaxies _ ( see * ? ? ? * for more details ) : \1 ) the origin of high - ionization nebular lines ( e.g. heii@xmath34686 ) , apparently more frequent in high - z galaxies , is still an open question . one widely favored mechanism for he@xmath4-ionization involves hot wrs , but it has been shown that nebular heii@xmath34686 is not always accompanied by wr signatures , thus wrs do not explain he@xmath4-ionization at all times @xcite . in mrk178 , we find nebular heii@xmath34686 emission spatially extended reaching well beyond the location of the wr stars ( fig . [ fig ] , left - panel ) . the excitation source of he@xmath4 in mrk178 is still unknown . \2 ) from the sdss spectra , we have found a too high ew(wr bump ) value for mrk178 , which is the most deviant point among the metal - poor wr galaxies in fig . [ fig ] , right - panel . using our ifu data , we have demonstrated that this curious behaviour is caused by aperture effects , which actually affect , to some degree , the ew(wr bump ) measurements for all galaxies in fig.1 . we have also shown that using too large an aperture , the chance of detecting wr features decreases , and that wr signatures can escape detection depending on the distance of the object and on the aperture size . therefore , wr galaxy samples / catalogues constructed on single fiber / long - slit spectrum basis may be biased ! 4686 line ; the spaxels where we detect wr features are marked with green crosses . _ right panel _ : ew(wr blue bump ) vs ew(h@xmath5 ) . asterisks show values obtained from sdss dr7 for metal - poor wr galaxies ; the red one represents mrk178 . the three blue circles , from the smallest to the biggest one , represent the 5 , 7 and 10 arcsec - diameter apertures from our ifu data centered at the wr knot of mrk178 , at which the sdss fiber was centered too @xcite.,title="fig:",scaledwidth=54.0% ] 4686 line ; the spaxels where we detect wr features are marked with green crosses . _ right panel _ : ew(wr blue bump ) vs ew(h@xmath5 ) . asterisks show values obtained from sdss dr7 for metal - poor wr galaxies ; the red one represents mrk178 . the three blue circles , from the smallest to the biggest one , represent the 5 , 7 and 10 arcsec - diameter apertures from our ifu data centered at the wr knot of mrk178 , at which the sdss fiber was centered too @xcite.,title="fig:",scaledwidth=45.0% ] this work has been partially funded by research project aya2010 - 21887-c04 - 01 from the spanish pnaya .
wolf - rayet hii galaxies are local metal - poor star - forming galaxies , observed when the most massive stars are evolving from o stars to wr stars , making them template systems to study distant starbursts . we have been performing a program to investigate the interplay between massive stars and gas in wr hii galaxies using ifs . here , we highlight some results from the first 3d spectroscopic study of mrk 178 , _ the closest metal - poor wr hii galaxy _ , focusing on the origin of the nebular heii emission and the aperture effects on the detection of wr features .
overall spectral energy distributions ( sed ) of bl lacs and blazars in general show two broad peaks : the synchrotron one at low energies and the inverse compton scattering peak at high energies . the position of the synchrotron peak defines different classes of bl lacs : the hbl ( high - peaked bl lacs ) and the lbl ( low - peaked bl lacs ) . ghisellini et al . ( 1998 ) and fossati et al . ( 1998 ) propose a sequence for blazars in which the energy of the peak is anti - correlated with the bolometric luminosity , and fainter objects , as hbl , should have a peak in the uv x - ray band . 1es 1101232 ( z=0.186 ) is an extreme case of hbl in which the synchrotron component peaks in the x - ray band ( @xmath0 1 kev ) , as shown by our previous observation ( wolter et al . 1998 ) . even if not as extreme as that of the flaring states of mkn 501 ( pian et al . 1998 ) and 1es 2344 + 514 ( catanese et al . 1998 ) , the sed of 1es 1101232 makes it a good candidate for tev emission . has observed 1es1101232 on two occasions , on 4 jan 97 and 19 jun 98 . a single power law fit with galactic absorption at low energy is rejected for both observations , while a broken power law yields an acceptable @xmath1 . in wolter et al . ( 1999 ) all the details of the fits are reported . the broken power law model is preferred , from a statistical point of view besides for physical reasons , even over a single power law with intrinsic absorption . the pds observations , being so short , are not of sufficient statistical significance to put a real constraint on the spectrum . the position of the break energy ( @xmath2 ) and the slope of the low energy part of spectrum ( @xmath3 ) are the same in the two observations within the errors . on the contrary , the portion of the spectrum at higher energies ( i.e. above @xmath2 ) has changed between the two observations . we therefore fit the two datasets together , by using an appropriate model ; the best fit of a broken power law model , in which only the high energy index @xmath4 is untied between the two observations , is acceptable ( see table 1 ) . the fluxes are consistent with those obtained by the separate fits . only the intensity above 2 kev changed ( of @xmath5 ) between the two observations . even if the flux variation is small , this result might bear an impact on spectral variability models in bl lacs . 0.2 cm by using the same data as reported in wolter et al . ( 1998 ) and adding the second observation we construct the sed of figure 1 and 2 . furthermore , 1es1101 - 232 has been observed on the nights of 19 - 27 may 1998 with the durham university mark 6 atmospheric @xmath6erenkov telescope ( chadwick et al . 1999 ) . the source was not detected and an upper limit of @xmath7 ( @xmath8 gev ) = 3.7 @xmath9 photons @xmath10 s@xmath11 has been derived from the observation . this value also has been plotted in figure 1 . [ cols="<,^,>,^ , > , > " , ] broken p.l . with @xmath12=@xmath13 ; @xmath3 and @xmath2 tied between the two datasets . + @xmath14 unabsorbed flux [ 2 - 10 kev ] in @xmath15 . [ fit2 ] we can reproduce the observed sed by using the homogeneous synchrotron self compton model described in detail in ghisellini et al . ( 1998 ) . a power - law distribution of electrons with slope @xmath16 and minimum lorentz factor @xmath17 is continuously injected in a spherical region with radius @xmath18 . the source is in relativistic motion toward the observer and relativistic effects are expressed by the doppler factor @xmath19 . electrons are free to cool and form the low energy flat spectrum with spectral index @xmath20 . the model over - imposed on the sed is derived assuming a radius of @xmath21 cm , @xmath22=15 , @xmath23 erg / s ; @xmath24 , with no external photons . the slope of the injected electrons is @xmath25=2.7 ( 1998 ) or @xmath25=1.95 ( 1997 ) . @xmath26 = 0.6 gauss ( and @xmath27 ) for the continuous line ; @xmath26 = 1.2 gauss ( and @xmath28 ) for the dashed line . a small change in the magnetic field , while still consistent with the x - ray ( ) observations ( see figure 1 ) , produces a very different tev emission . the tev band data can therefore put stringent constraints on the magnetic field . the tev upper limit indicates that the compton peak can not be higher than the synchrotron peak ( @xmath29 ) ; using the analytical relations discussed in tavecchio et al . ( 1998 ) we can calculate the minimum @xmath26 allowed by the observed tev upper limit for different values of @xmath30 and @xmath19 . the values that produce a sed in agreement with both the x - ray spectra and the tev upper limit are very similar to those found for mkn 501 ( e.g. @xmath31 and @xmath26=0.2 g ; kataoka et al . 1999 ) implying that the physical conditions of the two sources are also quite similar . the x - ray spectrum of 1es 1101 - 232 is fitted by a broken power law ( a single or an absorbed power law are not statistically acceptable ) with a break at 1.3 - 1.9 kev . from the first to the second observation , the spectrum varied at high energies , becoming softer ( steeper ) . the flux has therefore decreased by about 32% , in the 2 - 10 kev band . the tev observation has not yielded a detection . however , since the tev emission is largely sensitive to parameters like the magnetic field that produces the synchrotron emission , interesting limits can be put on this quantity . of course , more sensitive tev instruments will produce more stringent constraints on the higher energy part of the spectrum and therefore on the emission mechanisms . [ c]atanese m. et al . , 1998 , apj , 501 , 616 . [ c]hadwick p.m. et al . , 1999 , apj , 513 , 161 . [ f]ossati g. et al . , 1998 , mnras , 299 , 433 . [ g]hisellini g. et al . , 1998 , mnras , 301 , 451 . [ k]ataoka , j. , et al . 1999 , apj , 514 , 138 . [ p]ian e. et al . , 1998 , apjl , 492 , l17 . [ t]avecchio f. et al . 1998 , apj , 509 , 608 . [ w]olter a. et al . 1998 , a&a , 335 , 899 . [ w]olter a. et al . 1999 , a&a , submitted .
the bright x - ray selected bl lac object 1es1101232 shows a flat x - ray spectrum , making it detectable with high statistics over the wide bepposax energy range . we have observed it in two different epochs with bepposax , and found a variation of the flux of about 30% that can be explained by a change in the spectral index above the synchrotron peak . we present here the data and infer limits on the strength of the magnetic field based on models of emission for high - frequency peaked bl lacs .
since there are no large systematically selected samples of gamma - ray bursts ( grb ) with redshifts available yet , the derivation of their luminosity function requires a luminosity criterion to estimate the redshifts . in this paper , we use the results of five recent studies using one or more luminosity criteria to compare the resulting luminosity functions and to derive from each the expected source counts and the euclidean value of @xmath0 . these studies are presented in detail in fenimore and ramirez - ruiz ( 2000 ) ( fr ) , schmidt ( 2001 ) ( s ) , schaefer , deng and band ( 2001 ) ( sdb ) , lloyd - ronning , fryer , and ramirez - ruiz ( 2002 ) ( lfr ) , and norris ( 2002 ) ( n ) . the luminosity criteria used in these studies are variability ( fr , sdb , lfr ) , spectral lag ( sdb , n ) and spectral hardness ( s ) . references to original work on these luminosity criteria are given in the individual papers . our use of the spectral hardness was based on its correlation with @xmath0 ( schmidt 2001 ) , which we interpreted in terms of a correlation between the peak luminosity of grbs and the observed photon spectral index @xmath2 ( based on batse channels 2 and 3 ) . this appears to be supported by the correlation of the isotropic - equivalent energy @xmath3 and @xmath2 shown in figure 1 . the data used are based on bepposax observations of 12 grbs with redshifts ( amati et al . we derived the values of @xmath2 from those given for the band @xmath4 and @xmath5 parameters and the redshift . it is curious , however , that no correlation is seen between @xmath3 and either the band @xmath4 or @xmath5 parameter . generally , the authors used one or two luminosity criteria to assign peak luminosities to each grb in a sample complete above a stated flux limit . the luminosity function @xmath6 was then derived , see the references . since lfr and n gave only the luminosity distribution of their samples , we derived the luminosity function using the spectral properties and cosmological parameters adopted by the authors . the redshift dependence or cosmological evolution of @xmath6 derived or adopted in four of the studies was a density evolution @xmath7 up to redshifts @xmath8 . lfr concluded that in addition there was luminosity evolution @xmath9 . n did not consider any evolution . details about the application of the luminosity criteria , and the evolution of the luminosity function can be found in the individual papers . finally , since not all luminosity functions were given in terms of numbers per unit volume per unit time , we applied a normalization factor such that , following the procedure discussed in the next section , each produces a rate of 53 grbs per year above a photon flux of 5 ph @xmath10 s@xmath11 . figure 2 shows the luminosity functions @xmath6 at @xmath12 , where @xmath13 refers to the peak luminosity @xmath14 at a time resolution of 1024 ms . the cosmological parameters used are @xmath15 , @xmath16 , and @xmath17 km s@xmath11 mpc@xmath11 . the n luminosity function extends to @xmath18 where its ordinate is @xmath19 . the five luminosity functions show considerable divergence , partly caused by differences in the cosmological evolution . for a given luminosity function @xmath6 , the source counts @xmath20 as a function of photon flux @xmath21 can be derived ( see schmidt 2001 ) . we show in figure 3 the resulting expected source counts for the five luminosity functions . also shown are the observed counts based on the bd2 sample of grbs described in schmidt ( 1999 ) . even though we had normalized the five luminosity functions ( see section 2 ) , the expected source counts show considerable divergence . the counts for n are very flat , probably a consequence of not including any cosmological evolution . at low values of @xmath21 the other four predicted counts are high , only partially caused by the incompleteness of the counts setting in for @xmath22 ph @xmath10 s@xmath11 . obviously , most of the curves have no predictive value in estimating the number of grbs that may be detected by future deep missions . the euclidean value of @xmath0 , which to first order characterizes the steepness of the source counts @xmath20 , has the advantage that it accounts for the variation of sensitivity over a survey . we have derived @xmath0 for each of the luminosity functions , where for the individual sources @xmath23 . we use for the limiting photon flux @xmath24 ph @xmath10 s@xmath11 , which characterizes both the bd2 sample and the batse catalog . the results are given in figure 3 . conservatively assuming that the observed value @xmath25 has an r.m.s . error of @xmath26 ( schmidt 2001 ) , we see that four of the predicted values deviate by @xmath1 sigmas . the agreement for s reflects the fact that @xmath0 for each spectral class was used directly to set its contribution to the luminosity function . the key to understanding the systematics of figure 3 is twofold . first , the euclidean value of @xmath0 is a distance indicator for uniformly distributed cosmological objects ( schmidt 2001 ) . second , @xmath0 is larger for objects with stronger positive cosmological evolution . hence , if the expected value of @xmath0 is larger than the observed one , the model luminosities @xmath13 are too low and/or the cosmological evolution is too strong ( see schmidt 1999 , table 1 ) . since the observed value of @xmath0 is known quite accurately , important information about @xmath6 is missed if it is not used . we recommend that any study of @xmath6 take into account the euclidean value of @xmath0 . amati , l. et al . 2002 , , 390 , 81 fenimore , e. e. , and ramirez - ruiz , e. 2000 , astro - ph/0004176 lloyd - ronnig , n. m. , fryer , c. l. , and ramirez - ruiz , e. 2002 , , 574 , 554 norris , j. p. 2002 , astro - ph/0201503 schaefer , b. e. , deng , m. , and band , d. l. 2001 , , 563 , l123 schmidt , m. 1999 , , 523 , l117 schmidt , m. 2001 , , 552 , 36
we review five studies of the gamma - ray burst ( grb ) luminosity function that are based on one or more of the proposed luminosity criteria , i.e. , variability , spectral lag and spectral hardness . a comparison between the resulting luminosity functions at redshift zero shows considerable divergence . we derive for each of the luminosity functions the expected source counts and the euclidean value of @xmath0 . the source counts exhibit large differences from the observed counts . in most cases the value of @xmath0 differs substantially from the observed value of 0.34 for batse - based samples , with offsets ranging from @xmath1 sigmas . given that the value of @xmath0 is well established and that it is a cosmological distance criterion , we recommend that any study of the grb luminosity function take its value into account . # 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in
observations of occultations of compact radio sources by solar system planets may be interesting for several astronomical and physical applications , such as testing gr @xcite , improvement of planet orbits and their tie to icrf @xcite , and planetary researches @xcite . our previous computations of occultations of astrometric radio sources by planets and their close approaches were published in @xcite . in this paper we present the updated list of the forthcoming occultations that may be interesting for radio astronomy observations . the main differences with the previous work are the use of an extended astrometric source list , and computation of event maps to help better planning of observations . most computations of the circumstances of occultations of geodetic radio sources by planets were performed using the codes approach and occult , which utilize the ephemeride package for objects of the solar system ( epos ) data and environment . source coordinates were taken from the catalog of astrometric radio source positions of leonid petrov , version 2009c the list of occultations is presented in table [ tab : occulttaions ] with their basic circumstances . one can see that most of the events are visible in regions with radio astronomy observatories , and several of them can be observed on many antennas . the nearest most interesting event is the occultation of the source 1946200 by mars in february 2011 visible in north america with vlba , vla , gbt and other radio astronomy facilities . figure [ fig : maps ] and table [ tab : details1 ] present the detailed circumstances of the several nearest events that can be observed in regions with several geodetic vlbi antennas . the maps of shadow path are shown in fig . [ fig : maps ] . table [ tab : details1 ] presents the detailed circumstances of the several nearest events , such as the elevation , azimuth , and position angle on the planetary limb at the beginning and the end of the occultation . the circumstances for other events are available on request .
astrometric observations of the radio source occultations by solar system bodies may be of large interest for testing gravity theories , dynamical astronomy , and planetary physics . in this paper , we present an updated list of the occultations of astrometric radio sources by planets expected in the nearest years . such events , like the solar eclipses , generally speaking , can be only observed in a limited region . the map of the shadow path is provided for the events occurred in regions with several vlbi stations and hence the most interesting for radio astronomy experiments .
a large number of low mass x - ray binaries ( lmxb ) are believed to harbor neutron stars , rotating rapidly due to accretion - induced angular momentum transfer . these systems show many complex spectral and temporal behaviors . one of the main purpose for studying such behaviors is to understand the properties of very high density @xmath0 g @xmath1 matter at the neutron star core . such high densities can not be created in the laboratory and only the study of these sources can give a possible answer to this fundamental question of physics . here we calculate the equation of state ( eos ) dependent model spectra of the accretion disks around rapidly rotating neutron stars . these models , when fitted to the observed spectra , can in principle help to constrain eos models and hence to understand the properties of core - matter of neutron stars . we compute the structure of a rapidly rotating neutron star for realistic eos models , gravitational masses and rotational speeds using the same procedure as cook , shapiro , & teukolsky ( 1994 ) . we use the axisymmetric metric ( see bhattacharyya et al . 2000 for description ) @xmath2 to calculate the metric coefficients and the bulk structure parameters of the neutron star , we solve einstein s field equations and the equation of hydrostatic equilibrium simultaneously . for a thin blackbody disk , we compute the temperature profile ( see bhattacharyya et al . 2000 ) and hence the spectrum ( see bhattacharyya , bhattacharya , & thampan 2001b ) considering the effect of the doppler shift , gravitational redshift and light - bending effects . we calculate the spectra for different eos models , which therefore gives a way to constrain eoss when fitted to the observed spectra . however , the computation of the complete spectrum in this manner is rather time - consuming and therefore not quite suitable for routine use . therefore , in order to make our results available for routine spectral fitting work , we intend to present a series of approximate parametric fits to our computed spectra in a forthcoming publication . as a first step towards this aim , here we present an analytical function which describes both the relativistic spectra and the newtonian spectra well . this function with three free parameters @xmath3 and @xmath4 is given by ( see bhattacharyya , misra , & thampan 2001a for details ) @xmath5 where , @xmath6 , @xmath7 is the energy of the photons in kev and @xmath8 is in units of photons / sec/@xmath9/kev . the value of @xmath10-parameter is @xmath11 for the newtonian case , while it ranges from @xmath12 to @xmath13 for the relativistic cases ( if the value of inclination angle is not too high ) . therefore , constraining this parameter by fits to future observational data may indicate the effect of strong gravity in the observed spectrum . this work is a step forward towards constraining eos models of neutron stars by fitting the observed spectra of lmxbs .
we compute spectra from accretion disks around rapidly rotating neutron stars . the full effect of general relativity is considered for the structure calculation of the stars . we take into account the doppler shift , gravitational redshift and light - bending effects in order to compute the observed spectra . to facilitate direct comparison with observations , a simple empirical function is presented which describes the numerically computed spectra well . this function can in principle be used to distinguish between the newtonian spectra and the relativistic spectra . we also discuss the possibility of constraining neutron star s equation of state using our spectral models . # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in
the analysis of the trends of abundances of light elements with respect to [ fe / h ] for the oldest metal - poor stars is a direct way to provide some clues on their production mechanism and evolution . in a recent work on non - lte effects in iron abundances , thvenin & idiart ( 1999 ) ( ti99 ) obtained that for metal - poor dwarf stars fe abundances ( [ fe / h ] ) are affected by significant non - lte effects and , moreover , surface gravities ( logg ) derived by lte analysis also need corrections . this logg corrections should be crucial for beryllium abundances determination , since be ii resonance lines normally used to estimate be abundances are much sensitive to this stellar parameter . in this work we examine the consequences of non - lte corrections to logg and [ fe / h ] for logn(be / h ) vs. [ fe / h ] ( or be - fe ) diagram . in section 2 we present a short summary of our results obtained in ti99 for fe and in section 3 the results for be abundances . ti99 performed statistical equilibrium calculations for fe i and fe ii to estimate non - lte effects in iron abundances . the main results are showed in figure 1 ( see ti99 for details ) . we re - estimate n(be / h ) abundances for 21 stars also analised by boesgaard et al.(1999 ) using @xmath0 , logg and [ fe / h ] given by ti99 . be abundances were calculated assuming lte conditions , since the non - lte corrections are negligible for be ii lines considered here ( @xmath1 3130 and 3131 ) , as demonstrated by garcia lopez et al . ( 1995 ) , for example . figure 2 shows our results . we conclude that for the range of metal - poor objects -3 @xmath2 [ fe / h ] @xmath2 -1.5 , non - lte corrections for [ fe / h ] compensate changes in be abundances ( as result of logg corrections ) in the be - fe diagram , recovering the same linear behavior of lte derived abundances ( boesgaard et al.1999 ) . similar results are found for boron ( see primas 1999 , this colloquium ) . thvenin , f . & idiart , t . 1999 , , 521 , 753 boesgaard , a.,constantine , p.,king , j.,ryan , s. vogt , s . , 1999 , , 117 , 1549 garcia lopez , r . , severino , g . & gomez , m . , 1995 , , 297 , 787 primas f. , 1999 , this colloquium
in this work we analyze the beryllium - iron chemical diagram from the point of view of non - lte effects . be abundances were re - calculated by considering non - lte corrections in ionization equilibrium ( logg ) and fe abundances ( [ fe / h ] ) . these corrections seem do not affect the linear relation between be - fe for metal - poor stars already found in the literature for lte derived abundances . epsf # 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in
galaxies believed to be responsible for damped ly@xmath8 absorption ( dla ) systems in the spectra of high - redshift quasars represent a viable population of progenitors of normal disk galaxies @xcite . it is also possible that they represent still merging , gas - rich protogalactic clumps , rather than already formed disks . they appear to contain a substantial fraction of the baryons known to exist in normal galaxies today @xcite . dla systems represent an already well - established , _ large population _ of high-@xmath9 objects for which the confusion with agn does not arise . the crucial question is whether dla systems represent a population of already assembled massive proto - disks , as advocated , e.g. , by wolfe and collaborators , or whether they are still subgalactic fragments in the process of hierarchical assembly , as favored by many n - body simulators @xcite . in order to answer this question , it is essential to obtain firm optical identifications of objects responsible for the dla absorption , and to determine their physical properties . direct imaging of dla galaxies can provide measurements of their luminosities . from their separation from the qso line of sight , one can infer their physical sizes . coupled with the spectroscopic measurements of velocity fields in these systems , one can deduce their dynamical masses . sizes and h i column densities give the gas masss . star formation rates can be obtained from the uv continuum luminosity , and from the ly@xmath8 line emission , if present . clustered companions of dla systems , all containing agn , or quasar companions which may be responsible for some associated absorption have been seen in several cases @xcite , but until recently no normal , isolated dla systems themselves . warren & moller @xcite found emission - line regions associated with a radio - loud quasar pks 0528250 at @xmath10 , which also has an associated dla system . the relation of these emission - line objects with the absorber is not clear ; yet ly@xmath8 companions of radio - loud quasars have been seen in many cases . the whole point of studying dla galaxies is to get away from systems dominated by agn , by selecting isolated , field objects . even if there are dla systems associated with quasars , their utility for the purpose of understanding of formation of normal disk galaxies is rather uncertain . we discovered for the first time a galaxy responsible for a known , isolated dla system at @xmath11 in the spectrum of a quasar 2233 + 131 @xcite . its observed physical properties and the derived sfr correspond closely to what may be expected of a young disk galaxy still in the process of formation : no spectroscopic evidence for an agn , luminosity @xmath12 , inferred star formation rate ( both from the ly@xmath8 line and the uv continuum ) sfr @xmath13/yr , a physical size ( from the separation of the absorber portion in the front of the qso and the counterpart galaxy emission ) of @xmath14 kpc in the restframe , and a velocity field with an amplitude of @xmath15 km / s . these properties are exactly what may be expected from a young , massive disk galaxy . since then , we have stared a systematic search for more such high-@xmath9 dla counterparts at the w.m . keck telescope . so far , we have found a several candidates , most of which still require more spectroscopy . typically , these galaxies have @xmath16 and no strong line emission , in agreement with the results found for the field lyman - break galaxies @xcite . the most interesting case so far ( figure 1 ) is a possible counterpart of a dla system at @xmath17 , seen in the spectrum of the quasar dms 22470209 ( @xmath18 ) @xcite . the object is an @xmath19 galaxy seen 3.3 arcsec in projection from the qso l.o.s . ( corresponding to @xmath20 comoving kpc , or @xmath21 proper kpc at the absorber redshift , for @xmath22 and @xmath23 ) . weak ly@xmath8 emission line ( figure 2 ) is detected at @xmath24 . its inferred continuum luminosity is @xmath25 , and the sfr @xmath26/yr . in other words , we can now study nearly dwarf galaxies at @xmath27 ! of course , its low luminosity and sfr may be indicative of its extreme youth , rather than its mass . to summarize , direct galaxy counterparts of dla systems at @xmath28 have been found . their typical magnitudes are @xmath29 , with separations from the qso l.o.s . @xmath30 arcsec ( the inner limit is due to the seeing ) . for a reasonable range of cosmological parameters , the corresponding luminosities are @xmath1 , star formation rates ( determined from both the uv coninuum luminosity and from the ly@xmath8 emission line ) are @xmath31 a few @xmath3/yr , and the projected physical sizes are @xmath4 kpc . along with the typical observed velocity fields of @xmath32 km / s , this implies dynamical masses @xmath5 . these preliminary results support the idea that dla systems represent likely progenitors of normal disk galaxies today . the populations of dla systems , of which dla 2233 + 131 and dla 2247021 may be representative , and of lyman - break objects studied by steidel and others @xcite may overlap considerably , and they may be tentatively identified as progenitors of typical normal ( disk ? ) galaxies today . intriguingly , we have found a significant excess ( a 7-@xmath33 effect ) of apparently foreground galaxies near the lines of sight to luminous quasars at @xmath6 , which may be also correlated with the apparent luminosity of the qso @xcite . our spectroscopy of these galaxies so far shows that nearly all are foreground objects , typically at @xmath34 , although at least a few are quasar companions at @xmath6 @xcite . this suggests that gravitational ( micro)lensing may be systematically affecting our inferred luminosities of these objects . this result may have significant implications for our understanding of the evolution of the quasar luminosity function @xcite , as well as the evolution of the high - redshift absorbers seen in their spectra @xcite : both the abundance of high - luminosity quasars and the comoving density of h i in dla s at high redshifts would be overestimated . however , if a population of optically thick lenses / absorbers exists , that would have the opposite effect @xcite .
our understanding of the nature of dla systems at large redshifts , ostensibly progenitors of normal disk galaxies , depends critically on their direct identifications with galaxies , and the resulting measurements of their properties . a few such objects have now been found , reaching out to @xmath0 . their observed luminosities are @xmath1 , star formation rates @xmath2 a few @xmath3/yr , physical sizes @xmath4 kpc , and velocity fields of a few hundred km / s , implying masses @xmath5 . while their morphology remains uncertain , the observed properties are consistent with those expected of young disk galaxies in the early stages of formation . we also find a statistically significant excess of foreground galaxies near lines of sight to luminous quasars at @xmath6 . this suggests a systematical gravitational lensing magnification of such quasar samples , possibly with important consequences for the estimates of the quasar luminosity function at high redshifts , and the deduced @xmath7 in dla systems found in their spectra .
the three - quark ( 3q ) potential is one of the most important fundamental quantities in the hadron physics , because it is directly responsible to the baryon properties and is the key quantity to clarify the quark confinement in baryons . we perform the first systematic study of the ground - state 3q potential @xmath0 and the excited - state 3q potential @xmath1 using su(3 ) lattice qcd @xcite . for more than 300 different patterns of the spatially - fixed 3q systems , we perform the thorough calculation for the ground - state potential @xmath0 in lattice qcd with @xmath3 at @xmath4 and with @xmath5 at @xmath6 at the quenched level . for the accurate calculation , we construct the quasi - ground - state of the 3q system using the smearing method @xcite . as an important conclusion , the static ground - state 3q potential @xmath0 is found to be well described by the coulomb plus y - type linear potential " , i.e. , y - ansatz , @xmath7 within the 1%-level deviation @xcite . here , @xmath8 denotes the minimal value of total flux - tube length , as shown in fig.1 . such a y - type flux - tube profile is actually observed in recent lattice qcd @xcite , as shown in fig.2 . from the comparison with the q-@xmath9 potential , @xmath10 , we find the universality of the string tension as @xmath11 and the one - gluon - exchange result as @xmath12 @xcite . of the total flux - tube length . there appears a physical junction linking the three flux tubes at the fermat point p , and one finds @xmath13 . , width=168 ] 0.5fm in the maximally - abelian projected qcd @xcite . , width=432 ] we study also the excited - state potential @xmath1 in the spatially - fixed 3q systems in lattice qcd with @xmath5 at @xmath14 @xcite . the energy gap between @xmath0 and @xmath1 physically means the excitation energy of the gluon field in the presence of the spatially - fixed three quarks , and the gluonic excitation energy , @xmath2 , is found to be about 1gev , as shown in fig.3 . note that the gluonic excitation energy is rather large compared with the excitation energy of quark origin , and the present result predicts that the hybrid baryon expressed as @xmath15 should be heavier than 2gev . 1 gev / fm . in the flux - tube picture , the gluonic excitation is described as the flux - tube vibration , and the flux - tube vibrational energy is expected to be large , reflecting the large string tension . the large gluonic - excitation energy of about 1gev leads to the absence of the gluonic mode in low - lying hadrons , which would play the key role to the success of the quark model without gluonic excitation modes . , width=672 ] we show in fig.4 a possible scenario from qcd to the massive quark model . in terms of the flux - tube picture , the large gluonic - excitation energy is conjectured to originate from the large string tension as a result of strong color confinement . the large gluonic - excitation energy would be responsible to the absence of the gluonic mode and the success of the quark model for low - lying hadrons . 9 t.t.takahashi , h.matsufuru , y.nemoto , h.suganuma , phys.rev.lett . 86 ( 2001 ) 18 . t.t.takahashi , h.suganuma , y.nemoto , h.matsufuru , phys.rev . d65 ( 2002 ) 114509 . t.t . takahashi and h. suganuma , ( 2003 ) 182001 . takahashi , h. suganuma , h. ichie et al . a721 ( 2003 ) 926 . h. ichie , v. bornyakov , t. streuer and g. schierholz , nucl . a721 ( 2003 ) 899 .
we study the ground - state three - quark ( 3q ) potential @xmath0 and the excited - state 3q potential @xmath1 using su(3 ) lattice qcd . from the accurate and thorough calculation for more than 300 different patterns of 3q systems , the static ground - state 3q potential @xmath0 is found to be well described by the coulomb plus y - type linear potential , i.e. , y - ansatz , within 1%-level deviation . with lattice qcd , we calculate also the excited - state potential in the 3q system , and find the gluonic excitation energy , @xmath2 , to be about 1 gev . this large gluonic - excitation energy would play an essential role to the success of the quark model for the low - lying hadrons in terms of the absence of the gluonic mode .
classical nova outbursts take place in mass transferring binaries , when hydrogen - rich material is accreted onto a white dwarf ( wd ) . once enough matter has accumulated , nuclear burning sets in explosively causing a complex and dynamical initial phase of the nova outburst . around visual maximum however , a much more steady phase begins , where an extremely large ratio of luminosity to mass occurs and the structure of the star resembles that of a giant : a nuclear burning shell sitting on top of the wd , covered by an extended envelope of very little mass ( typically @xmath0 ) . schenker ( 1999 ) analyses the pulsational stability of such a structure assuming a static envelope , or ( given the ongoing evolution of the nova on time - scales of maybe weeks or months ) a sequence of quasi - static envelopes . the background models for the linear analysis have been constructed by a linear series of core plus envelope models , obtained via a shooting method . figure 1a ( left panel ) shows their position in the hr diagram . along these curves a radial , non - adiabatic linear stability analysis has been performed utilising the riccati method ( gautschy & glatzel 1990 ) . for the 20 models specifically marked i have also studied the non - linear evolution with adaptive - grid radiation hydro - code ( rhd , dorfi & feuchtinger 1991 ) . one major result is plotted in figure 1b ( right panel ) , showing the complex eigenspectrum of model b ( @xmath1 ) . frequencies @xmath2 are plotted normalised with the free - fall time - scale in full non - adiabatic treatment and two different approximations . most striking are the enormous growth rates found , of the same order as the free - fall time - scale . this is the case not only in model b , but for an extended range of @xmath3 . in contrast to classical pulsators on the instability strip ( e.g. rr lyr stars ) here the adiabatic approximation can not reproduce the frequencies at all . however , a highly suitable approximation for such a situation is the non - adiabatic reversible approximation ( nar ) , also used by glatzel ( 1994 ) and saio , baker , & gautschy ( 1998 ) in their investigations into the nature of strange modes . one typical characteristic is the occurrence of complex conjugate pairs of eigenfrequencies as apparent in figure 1b . nar represents the eigenmodes almost perfectly around the centre of the instability region ( model b ) , not only in frequency ( fig . 1b ) but also in terms of the eigenfunctions . these eigenfunctions ( cf . fig . 2 ) represent complex standing , but in their projection running waves ( in @xmath4 , @xmath5 , and @xmath6 ) : outwards for the unstable , and inwards for the stable mode of each pair . in figure 2 , fully non - adiabatic eigenfunctions are shown by amplitude and phase , so perfectly complex conjugate pairs of waves running inwards & outwards would have identical arguments but negative phase in each of the eigenfunctions . this is almost fulfilled and a mathematical requirement for nar solutions , with the exception of the luminosity perturbation @xmath5 which is effectively set to zero in this approximation . an improved local analysis with gradients on such models reveals their nature as radiation - modified acoustic modes . it also allows to understand the spectrum found ( e.g. in fig . 1 ) to some degree . the complementary analysis using the rhd code provides further characteristics of the modes and consequences in the non - linear regime . during the linear growth , and more so lateron , an additional energy transport is observed , as packets of radiation energy are spiralling outwards in density perturbations ( similar to a `` screw conveyor '' ) . this is likely to be responsible for the new `` equilibrium '' structure of background model , which actually forms a curve on the hr diagram which can significantly deviate from the initial position . as a possibly related phenomena with non - radial behaviour of envelopes under strong radiation fields , shaviv ( 2001 ) has studied the application of super - eddington winds on novae . in his model spatial variations of opacity allow a larger radiation flux to pass , whereas in the 1-dimensional case here only temporal modulations provide a similar effect . although the project initially attempted to explain oscillation during the so - called `` transition phase '' ( bianchini , friedjung , & brinkmann 1992 ) , a more probably scenario for direct observational evidence lies in the predicted x - ray oscillations shortly before the turn - off of many novae ( including the faster ones on more massive wds , cf . it has become evident that static equilibrium models of novae after visual maximum are subject to violent pulsational instabilities . this finding ( i ) may suggests a possible link between mass loss in novae and pulsations , but ( ii ) at least excludes a purely quasi - static evolution even for the lowest mass novae ( possibly systems like v723 cas and hr del ) , where common mass loss mechanisms tend to fail . for more massive wds , only the very late phases of the outburst could be modelled . while they do also show instabilities , they still might pulsate even during the non - static earlier part . classical novae form an excellent laboratory for pulsations under radiation dominated conditions , so both fields will benefit from their further detailed study . this work was financially supported by the swiss national science foundation . bianchini , a. , friedjung , m. , & brinkmann , w. 1992 , , 257 , 599 dorfi , e. a. , & feuchtinger , m. u. 1991 , , 249 , 417 gautschy , a. , & glatzel , w. 1990 , , 245 , 154 glatzel , w. 1994 , , 271 , 66 saio , h. , baker , n. h. , & gautschy , a. 1998 , , 294 , 622 schenker , k. 1999 , phd thesis , universitt basel shaviv , n. j. 2001 , , 326 , 126 _ a. cox : _ is there any convection included in your calculations ? + _ k. schenker : _ i do not believe that convective effects are very important in this case . these envelopes are strongly dominated by radiation , and the radiative flux in the static models ( which do include convection via mlt ) is indeed much higher that its convective counterpart . so the linear analysis neglects the contribution of the convective flux altogether , which is consistent with the rhd models that do not contain convection at all . + _ a. cox : _ what is the temperature of the pulsating driving region ? + _ k. schenker : _ the driving temperature lies in the range of the ` iron peak ' present in the new opal opacities , around @xmath7 .
based on a linear and non - linear study of radial pulsations in the envelopes of classical novae ( schenker 1999 ) , i discuss the results both from the point of view of pulsation theory as well as their consequences for current nova models . starting from initially static envelope structures at various stages during the decline of a nova outburst , strong ` running wave ' instabilities have been found that rapidly grow into shocks . improved analytical concepts give a new direction to the interpretation of such highly non - adiabatic radial pulsations . for direct observational confirmation a search for short period variability in the uv and soft x - ray is suggested during the very late decline phase . speculative consequences for mass loss scenarios in novae due to these instabilities will need some more work in the future .
temporal variation of the vorticity magnitude during the falling procedure is demonstrated here . a high vorticity region is obvious on top of the troplet . the more the fragments , the more the complexity in the carrier phase . two of the crucial parameters for the case of falling droplets are size and velocity of the fragments . this video shows the variation of falling velocity over the interface . using the integration , the falling velocity and size of the fragments can be easily and accurately achieved . since an accurate prediction of the radius of curvature and vorticity magnitude are essential to the breakup process , these parameters are considered as refinement criteria , while the latter is also important to resolve the local turbulent eddies generated in the continues phase and close to the interface . in this part , the detailed mechanism of thin liquid sheet breakup is shown where the instability growth over the interface generates several punctures . the retraction of punctures produces a network of ligaments rapidly disintegrates into several number of small droplets . a video presenting the results obtained via direct numerical simulation is presented . outcomes demonstrates the capability of the current numerical methods to investigate the complex problem of falling droplets .
using direct numerical simulations , the fragmentation of falling liquid droplets in a quiescent media is studied . three simulations with different e@xmath0tv@xmath0s numbers were performed . an adaptive volume of fluid ( vof ) method based on octree meshing is used , providing a notable reduction of computational cost . the current video includes 4 main parts describing the fragmentation of the falling droplet .
the term _ patience sorting _ was introduced in 1962 by c.l . mallows @xcite as the name of a card sorting algorithm invented by a.s.c . ross . this algorithm works by first partitioning a shuffled deck of @xmath0 cards ( which we take to be a permutation @xmath1 ) into sorted subsequences @xmath2 called _ piles _ and then gathering the cards up in order from the tops of these piles . the procedure used in forming @xmath3 can be viewed as an iterated , non - recursive form of the schensted insertion algorithm for interposing values into the rows of a young tableau ( see @xcite and @xcite ) . given @xmath1 , we call this resulting collection of piles ( given as part of the more general algorithm [ alg : extendedpsalgorithm ] below ) the _ pile configuration _ corresponding to @xmath4 and denote it by @xmath5 . given a pile configuration @xmath6 , one forms its _ reverse patience word _ @xmath7 by listing the piles in @xmath6 `` from bottom to top , left to right '' ( i.e. , by reversing the so - called `` far - eastern reading '' ) as illustrated in example [ eg : pileconfigurationexample ] below . in recent work @xcite the authors used g. viennot s ( northeast ) shadow diagram construction ( defined in @xcite and summarized in section [ sec : geometricrsk : neshadowdiagrams ] below ) to characterize these words in terms of the following pattern avoidance condition : given @xmath1 , each instance of the generalized permutation pattern @xmath8 in @xmath9 must be contained within an instance of the pattern @xmath10 . we call this restricted form of the generalized permutation pattern @xmath8 a _ ( generalized ) barred permutation pattern _ and denote it by @xmath11 . this notational convention is due to j. west , et al . , and first appeared in the study of two - stack sortable permutations @xcite . as usual , we denote the set of permutations @xmath1 that avoid the pattern @xmath11 by @xmath12 . ( see bna @xcite for a review of permutation patterns in general . ) [ eg : pileconfigurationexample ] let @xmath13 . then , using a simplified form of algorithm [ alg : extendedpsalgorithm ] below , @xmath4 has the pile configuration @xmath14 , which is visually represented as the following array of numbers : d. aldous and p. diaconis . `` longest increasing subsequences : from patience sorting to the baik - deift - johansson theorem '' , _ bull . * 36 * ( 1999 ) , 413432 . available online at ` http://www.ams.org/bull/1999-36-04/ ` g. viennot . `` une forme gomtrique de la correspondance de robinson - schensted '' , in _ combinatoire et reprsenatation du groupe symtrique _ , d. foata , ed . lecture notes in mathematics 579 . springer - verlag , 1977 , pp .
patience sorting is a combinatorial algorithm that can be viewed as an iterated , non - recursive form of the schensted insertion algorithm . in recent work the authors extended patience sorting to a full bijection between the symmetric group and certain pairs of combinatorial objects ( called _ pile configurations _ ) that are most naturally defined in terms of generalized permutation patterns and barred pattern avoidance . this extended patience sorting algorithm is very similar to the robinson - schensted - knuth ( or rsk ) correspondence , which is itself built from repeated application of the schensted insertion algorithm . in this work we introduce a geometric form for the extended patience sorting algorithm that is in some sense a natural dual algorithm to g. viennot s celebrated geometric rsk algorithm . unlike geometric rsk , though , the lattice paths coming from patience sorting are allowed to intersect . we thus also give a characterization for the intersections of these lattice paths in terms of the pile configurations associated with a given permutation under the extended patience sorting algorithm .
tourism and hospitality sectors have witnessed enormous growth in the past century . originating as a pastime of the wealthy , only very recently technological advances and global economic progress have brought traveling for leisure closer to nearly all layers of the society @xcite . the rise from modest beginnings has been astounding , and today tourism accounts for nearly @xmath0 of the world s gross domestic product , employing more than @xmath1 million people worldwide @xcite . the upward trend is projected to continue in the future at unabated rates , further highlighting the impact and the importance of the thriving industry . given such deep economic footprint , it is highly beneficial to understand customers behavior in order to satisfy the growing demand . a number of challenging problems has brought attention of researchers , who proposed diverse approaches towards painting a clearer picture of a modern tourist . more specifically , in @xcite authors focus on understanding how tourists make their travel plans , while authors of @xcite tackle the task of profiling of hotel patrons and learning actionable behavioral patterns using rule mining . in the absence of travel data , some studies attempt to recreate travel information using online photos and other resources @xcite . in addition to modeling tourist behavior when they are already on the road , understanding decision process that led to booking of the trip is equally important , as it allows tourist companies to actively influence decisions of a potential customer at its source through better ad targeting @xcite . for example , effect of online reviews on booking decisions is explored in @xcite , while @xcite analyzes impact of information overload . however , such studies mostly rely on surveys comprising few hundred examples , limiting their generality . we address this issue , and explore booking behavior of millions of online customers by mining their travel receipts . we collected more than 25 million travel receipts , received by a subset of yahoo mail users from january through april , 2015 . we considered flight , hotel , and car rental receipts , for which we extracted booking timestamp , travel ( for flights ) and check - in and check - out dates ( for hotels and rentals ) . the data was anonymized ( users were assigned random ids ) . first , let us consider weekly distribution of check - in and booking days . in figure [ fig : weekly_travel ] we can see that the largest number of hotel check - ins and rental pick - ups happens on fridays and saturdays , while flights had largely uniform distribution . on the other hand , as seen in figure [ fig : weekly_booking ] , the largest number of bookings for hotels and rentals is made on mondays , and on tuesdays for flights . the least number of bookings in all cases is made on fridays . another interesting finding was a huge increase in hotel check - ins on valentine s day ( not shown ) , more than 2 times higher number than rates one week before or after . curiously , we did not see the corresponding increase in flights and rentals , implying that most of these hotel stays were local . we take a closer look at the booking channels independently . in figure [ fig : cumul_flight ] we analyze airline booking times segregated by companies . around 22% of flights are booked within one week ahead of the trip . however , when we take a look at each company individually , this fluctuates from 10% for ryanair to 35% for us airways . the results suggests that customers plan further ahead for lower - cost companies which often have special deals and promotions in such cases . for hotels , we can see that there is a significant difference between short - term ( less than 7 days ) and long - term stay ( 7 days and more ) in terms of number of days the rooms are booked in advance . for short - term stay nearly 40% of all bookings are made within one week in advance , while for long - term stay the percentage drops to 15% . in other words , customers are planning more in advance for longer , more expensive stays . we also observe jumps in the number of bookings 60 days in advance , which could be explained by black - out windows imposed by some loyalty programs . lastly , we see that more than 45% of rentals are booked within 7 days from car pick - up date . this grows to 70% one month prior to pick - up , indicating that rentals are planned much less ahead than either flights or hotels . next we analyzed time difference between bookings from different channels made for the same trip , where the bookings were deemed part of the same trip if the check - in times are within 24 hours . we only considered trips where the difference between booking dates and check - in date is longer than 30 days , in order to avoid the effect of late purchases which would bias the bookings to be temporally close . the results are given in figure [ fig : diffs ] , where @xmath2-axis shows number of days between bookings from two different channels . by considering the three subfigures , we can see that the majority of two - channel bookings are made within 10 days from each other . moreover , we can conclude that when users are booking more than one channel for a single trip ( e.g. , booking a flight in addition to hotel , or rental in addition to flight ) , they are mostly purchasing them in the order flight @xmath3 hotel @xmath3 rental " , going from higher demand toward smaller demand channels . interestingly , this conclusion is also confirmed by figure [ fig : cumul_receipt ] , where 50% of flights are booked around 30 days in advance , 50% of short - term hotel stays around 20 days in advance , while half of car rentals are booked 10 days in advance . these insights are of great importance to booking agencies ( e.g. , they provide guidance on how and when to target users that already booked a flight ) . in this section we turn our attention to behavior prediction task . in particular , we predict when a user will book a rental given they already booked a flight . we cast the problem as a classification task and predict labels < 5 days " , 6 - 10 " , 11 - 20 " , 21 - 40 " , and > 41 or never " , while we used age , gender , and past bookings in each channel as features . we trained logistic regression ( we split the data into equally - sized training and test sets ) , and compared to baselines that predict most frequent label and most frequent label in age - gender groups ( age buckets were set to < 26 " , 26 - 40 " , > 40 " ) . the results are given in table [ tbl : classification ] , where we see that the proposed approach outperformed the baselines .
tourism industry has grown tremendously in the previous several decades . despite its global impact , there still remain a number of open questions related to better understanding of tourists and their habits . in this work we analyze the largest data set of travel receipts considered thus far , and focus on exploring and modeling booking behavior of online customers . we extract useful , actionable insights into the booking behavior , and tackle the task of predicting the booking time . the presented results can be directly used to improve booking experience of customers and optimize targeting campaigns of travel operators . = 10000 = 10000
csma / eca instruct nodes to get out of the contention when their mac queue empties . these nodes @xmath0 upon receiving a new packet in the mac queue @xmath0 will rejoin the contention picking a random backoff counter @xmath1 $ ] . this behavior brings again a transitory state , where nodes that just rejoined the contention will attempt to make a successful transmission and get back into the collision - free state . our first attempts to take a look at what happens under this condition were unsuccessful mainly for the lack of code considering this scenario , i.e. : packet erasure from the mac queue upon successful transmissions or retransmission attempts , delay measures and the determination of when was it really an unsaturated system . nevertheless , those times are behind us . in the following sections we will take a look at some of the results , namely : * throughput , * delay , * number of packets in the mac queue at the end of each simulation , * number of times a mac queue empties , * average backoff stage at the end of each simulation , and * average collisions . we can see form figure [ unsat : throughput ] that as each tested protocol enters in saturation , it deviates from the straight line ( which is the offered traffic load ) . the delay metric that we are using in this report measures the time elapsed between the moment a packet enters the mac queue , up until an acknowledgement for this ( these ) packet(s ) is received . csma / eca offers lower delay than csma / ca , nevertheless we can see an otherwise strange behavior at around 60 nodes . what happens ? if we take a closer look at what happens with the delay curves ( using a logarithmic scale ) , the `` _ _ bumb _ _ '' appears again at 60 nodes . this bumb is related to the saturation of csma / eca . we can see from figure [ unsat : delaylog ] , that this behavior is similar to csma / ca when it is about to enter in saturation . if we use the `` csma / ca unsaturated with maximum aggregation '' curve as an example : * from around 20 to around 35 contenders , this curve seems to be concave ; as both csma / eca curves are from around 20 to 60 contenders . * the concavity ends at around 35 contenders ( which coincides with the saturation point , see figure [ unsat : throughput ] ) , just to change to another concavity from the saturation point forward . * for the csma / eca curves this behavior seems to be the same , but this time at around csma / eca s saturation point ( around 60 nodes ) . this increase in the delay at saturation point will be appreciated as a rapid increase in the number of packets in the mac queue , see figure [ unsat : qsize ] . csma / eca eliminates collisions while in saturation and for a limited number of contenders in 802.11 networks . in figure [ unsat : collisions ] an increase on the average number of collisions is appreciated in the csma / eca curves . this is the result of many nodes emptying their mac queue and rejoining the contention . figure [ unsat : qempties ] provides evidence of this event , where from 20 to 60 nodes csma / eca s nodes empty their mac queue sometime in the simulation and collide .
during the past month we have been trying to understand both the behavior of csma / eca and how our simulator works . in this report i try to asses some of those doubts and provide a groundwork for discussion of past and new ideas for further develop the mac protocol .
the importance of studying the isolated galaxies is quite evident now . a well - defined , numerous , complete and homogeneous sample of isolated galaxies , which are situated in low - density regions is necessary as reference one to study properties of galaxies in groups and clusters . a special aspect is the investigation of physical processes in isolated galaxies to explain their star formation rate , chemical abundance , as well as global morphological properties . a good example of such a sample is the catalog of isolated galaxies ( karachentseva 1973=cig ) which contains 1050 galaxies in the northern sky with blue apparent magnitudes brighter than 15@xmath27 . here , we present a new catalog of isolated galaxies , 2mig , selected from the 2masx part of of the @xmath3- band 2mass survey ( jarrett et al . 2000 , skrutskie et al . 1997 ) , using a modified isolation criterion from cig . the cig isolation criterion has used the empirically chosen conditions : @xmath4 @xmath5 where indeces `` 1 '' and `` i '' refer to a fixed galaxy and its neighbours , respectively . according to them , the galaxy with a standard angular diameter @xmath6 is classified as isolated if all its significant neighbours with their angular diameters @xmath7 locate on the projected distances not closer than @xmath8 . physically , it means that isolated galaxy did not suffer essential gravitational influence from nearby galaxies during the last billion years . to select isolated galaxies from 2masx we changed the value `` s '' in ( 1 ) from 20 to 30 because the mean ir galaxy diameter is 1.5 times less than the standard optical one , @xmath9 this modified criterion was applied to 51572 2masx candidate galaxies with @xmath10 magnitudes being in the interval @xmath11 @xmath12 hereby , a huge number of 2mass galaxies with @xmath13 , and @xmath14 were taken part in the checking of isolation . the automatic selection has been performed using the pleinpot environment package developed by the postgresql global development group for reduction and analysis of astronomical data . as a result we obtained a sample of 4045 candidate objects , but 250 of them turn out to be non - galaxies : pns , star clusters and binary stars . the remaining 3795 were inspected than visually on dss-1 and dss-2 surveys using the conditions ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) . the galaxies without significant neighbours both in optical and ir bands entered in the `` 2mass very isolated galaxy catalog '' i.e. 2mvig . there are 2493 of the 2mvig galaxies , or 4.8% among 2masx ones satisfying ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) . if the significant neighbours have been detected on dss we checked their radial velocities using ned and leda databases . when the radial velocity difference was less than 500 km / s we excluded such candidate galaxy as a member of pair or group ; the number of these galaxies amounts to 568 . the remaining 734 galaxies , which have significant neighbours without measured radial velocities , were added to the 2mvig sample as likely isolated ones . these 3227 galaxies constitute the `` 2mass isolated galaxies '' catalog , 2mig ( karachentseva et al . the data presented in 2mig are following : ( 1 ) running number , ( 2 ) equatorial coordinates ( j2000.0 ) taken from 2mass , ( 3 ) galaxy name , ( 4 ) angular radius ( a large semi - axis ) @xmath15 in arcsec from 2mass , ( 5 ) @xmath10 magnitude from 2mass , @xmath16 , ( 6 ) a dimensionless `` separation '' between isolated galaxy and its nearest significant neighbour , @xmath17 , ( 7 ) heliocentric radial velocity taken from leda or ned , ( 8) morphological type in de vaucouleurs scale . the types were estimated visually on dss-1 , dss-2 and sdss surveys , using also the 2mass jhk images for central galaxy regions , ( 9 ) number of significant neighbours of the isolated galaxy detected during our additional inspection on dss . a blank means that the galaxy belongs to 2mvig , ( 10 ) comments about galaxy morphological peculiarity and its identification in ned with cig , iras as well as the catalogs and lists of active and peculiar galaxies . the cumulative galaxy number versus @xmath10 magnitude is presented in fig.1 for different samples . two parallel lines show the homogeneous disribution with the slope of 0.6 @xmath10 . the isolated 2mig and 2mvig galaxies follow well this distribution except a small lack of bright galaxies due to the local supercluster effect . therefore , the applied criterion selects about one and the same fraction of isolated galaxies among near as well as distant galaxies . fig.4 exhibits the number rate distribution of 2mig and 2mvig galaxies by their morphological types . elliptical and lenticular galaxies amount to about 19% , and a fraction of irregular galaxies does not exceed 1% . on the upper panel of fig.4 we present an appropriate distribution for cig galaxies taken from hernandes - toledo et al . as seen , 2mig and cig samples contain almost the same fraction of early - type galaxies , but the abundance of the sa , sab types is higher in 2mig in comparison with cig . it seems quite expected because of a low ability of the ir survey to detect blue diffuse objects .
we undertook searches for isolated galaxies based on automatic selection of infrared sources from the two micron all - sky survey ( 2mass ) followed by a visual inspection of their surrounding . using a modified criterion by karachentseva ( 1973 ) , we compiled a catalog of 3227 isolated galaxies ( 2mig ) containing 6% of 2mass extended sources ( 2masx ) brighter than @xmath0 with angular diameters @xmath1 . the most isolated 2493 galaxies among them enter in the 2mass very isolated galaxy catalog , 2mvig . being situated in the regions of extremely low mass density , the 2mvig galaxies can serve as a reference sample for investigation the influence of environment on structure and evolution of galaxies .
the study of the kinematics of spiral galaxies is an active area of astronomical research . the construction of fabry - perot interferometers have greatly increased the kinematical knowledge of these objects . in this contribution , we present preliminary results from a fabry - perot study of ngc 5457 ( m101 ) . the observations were carried out during the night of july 23 - 24 , 2001 , with the unam scanning fabry - perot interferometer ( sfpi ) puma attached to the f/7.9 ritchey - chretien focus of the 2.1 m telescope at the observatorio astronmico nacional at san pedro mrtir , b.c . the main characteristics of puma can be found in rosado et al . the data reduction was performed using the adhoc package ( boulesteix 1993 ) . the reduction procedure followed a `` standard '' scheme and the details will be published elsewhere ( puerari et al . , in preparation ) . one of the main results obtained from fabry - perot data is the radial velocity field . by using this field , and the geometrical parameters of the galaxy ( inclination and position angles , kinematical center ) as well as the recession velocity , the rotation curve can be calculated . for ngc 5457 , we have derived the rotation curve presented in fig . 1 ( left panels ) . this curve is in agreement with that one of comte et al . ( 1979 , see their fig . 6 ) , but our results present less dispersion , due to the better resolution and signal / noise ratio of our observations . assuming a distance of 7.2 mpc ( sandage & tammann 1974 ) , we have calculated a total mass of 9.8@xmath1 10@xmath2 m@xmath3 inside a radius of 48 ( or 10 kpc ) , also in agreement with comte et al . ( 1979 ) . we have also obtained the velocity dispersion of the hii region population . we fitted a gaussian to each hii region velocity profile and corrected the final value by the instrumental , thermal and intrinsic broadenings . the distribution of velocity dispersion values presents a normal behavior ( see fig . 1 , right panel ) . the mean value of this distribution is 30 km sec@xmath4 ( i.e. , supersonic dispersion ) ; this result must be checked with fabry - perot studies at other lines ( eg . , [ sii ] ) . boulesteix , j. 1993 , `` adhoc reference manual '' , publications de lobservatoire de marseille ( http://alpha2.cnrs-mrs.fr/adhoc/ ) comte , g. , monnet , g. , rosado , m. 1979 , a&a , 72 , 73 rosado , m. et al . 1995 , rev . y astrof . , 3 , 263 sandage , a. , tammann , g.a . 1974 , apj , 194 , 223
we have analyzed h@xmath0 fabry - perot interferograms of ngc 5457 ( m101 ) in order to calculate the rotation curve . we have also isolated a sample of 263 hii regions and we determined for each one its radial velocity and velocity dispersion . the rotation curve agrees with previous determinations and the mass derived from it is 9.8@xmath1 10@xmath2 m@xmath3 . the distribution of velocity dispersion values of the hii regions presents a normal behavior , with a mean value of 30 km sec@xmath4 . # 1_#1 _ # 1_#1 _ = # 1 1.25 in .125 in .25 in
the last decade witnessed the birth of a new research field , the large - scale study of variable stars in external galaxies . this has first been made possible by the huge databases of microlensing observations of the magellanic clouds , like the macho , ogle and eros projects ( see szabados & kurtz 2000 for reviews ) . these programs ( beyond their primary purpose ) resulted in the discovery of thousands of new eclipsing binaries with an unprecedented homogeneous coverage of their light curves opening a new avenue of the binary star research . here we present the first results of an analysis of the publicly available macho light curves . the main aim of the project is to measure period changes and discover eclipsing binaries with pulsating components . we have analysed macho lights curves for 6833 stars that were originally classified as eclipsing binaries . after re - determining the period and classifying the stars based on their light curve shapes , only 3031 stars remained as genuine eclipsing or ellipsoidal variables ( the rest being cepheids , rr lyraes and other non - eclipsing variable stars ) . the period distribution of this binary sample is bimodal , with the strongest peak between 1 and 2 days . roughly 20% of stars have periods longer than 10 days ; many of them show w uma - like light curve shapes , suggesting ellipsoidal variability of giant componens . we classified the binary sample using fourier - decomposition of the phase diagrams . two coefficients , @xmath0 and @xmath1 , of the cosine decomposition @xmath2 allow a well - defined distinction between detached , semi - detached and contact binaries ( pojmaski 2002 ) . the results show that the sample is dominated by bright main - sequence detached ( 50% ) and semi - detached ( 30% ) binaries . contact systems comprise 20% of the sample ; the short period systems are all foreground objects in the milky way , while longer periods belong to red giant binaries . we used the color - magnitude diagram ( cmd ) to clean the sample of the foreground objects . for this we took evolutionary models of castellani et al . ( 2003 ) and calculated the locations of certain minimal orbital period values ( where two identical model stars are in contact ) . the cleaned sample contains about 2800 lmc binaries . detached and semi - detached binaries are spread uniformly in the period - k magnitude plane , while there is a well - defined sequence for the contact systems . we found that the widely accepted sequence of eclisping binaries between seqs . c and d , known as seq . e , does not exist . the correct position for seq . e is at periods a factor of two greater . a simple roche - model describes seq . e very well . although seq . e seems to merge into seq . d of the long secondary periods ( wood et al . 2004 ) , the two groups are significantly different in their color and amplitude properties ( derekas et al . 2006 ) . from the 8 years of macho observations we measured period changes using the o c method applied to seasonal subsets of the data . we found about 80 parabolic and 45 cyclic period changes , the rest showing linear o c diagrams . a significant fraction of the former two groups are candidates for light - time effect in hierarchic triple systems . one example is shown in the top panels of fig . 2 . in about 40 eccentric binaries we measured different o c variations for the primary and the secondary minima , which indicates apsidal motion ( bottom panels in fig . 2 ) . with this we double the number of known binaries with apsidal motion in the lmc ( michalska & pigulski 2005 ) . in a few objects we discovered gradual amplitude variation , which can be explained by rapid variations in the orbital geometry , most likely in inclination . a third body in the system can perturb the eclipsing pair in such a way that the eclipse depth , as a sensitive indicator of the inclination variations , follows these perturbations . in fig . 3 we present an example ( @xmath3 ) , for which the large scatter in the o c diagram may suggest an orbital period of @xmath4 for the hypothetical third companion . this work has been supported by the australian research council . llk is supported by a university of sydney postdoctoral research fellowship . ad is supported by an australian postgraduate research award . this paper utilizes public domain data obtained by the macho project , jointly funded by the us department of energy through the university of california , lawrence livermore national laboratory under contract no . w-7405-eng-48 , by the national science foundation through the center for particle astrophysics of the university of california under cooperative agreement ast-8809616 , and by the mount stromlo and siding spring observatory , part of the australian national university .
we have analysed publicly available macho observations of 6833 variable stars in the large magellanic cloud , classified as eclipsing binaries . after finding that a significant fraction of the sample was misclassified , we redetermined periods and variability class for all stars , producing a clean sample of 3031 eclipsing binaries . we have investigated their distribution in the period - color - luminosity space , which was used , for example , to assign a foreground probability to every object and establish new period - luminosity relations to selected types of eclipsing stars . we found that the orbital period distribution of lmc binaries is very similar to those of the smc and the milky way . we have also determined the rate of period change for every star using the o c method , discovering about 40 eclipsing binaries with apsidal motion , 45 systems with cyclic period changes and about 80 stars with parabolic o c diagrams . in a few objects we discovered gradual amplitude variation , which can be explained by changes in the orbital inclination caused by a perturbing third body in the system .
the lhcb experiment records millions of proton collision events every second . most of them are not needed for further analysis and are discarded by a sophisticated multi - layer trigger system @xcite . what is left amounts to @xmath0 events in run 1 . before physics analysis takes place , the number of events is further reduced by a factor of around 10 . this `` stripping '' process takes place after the full reconstruction of the events , and produces a set of a dozen `` streams '' of the analysis dataset . @xcite . those streams contain candidate events for different processes identified by `` stripping lines . '' events that passed the stripping process are indexed by event index . along the stripping lines some other information is indexed global activity counters ( such as total number of tracks and hits in individual subdetectors ) , logical file names ( lfns ) on the grid , and run conditions database tags . event index consists of four primary parts : backend , which hosts the indexes and processes the queries ; frontend , which interacts with the user ; the grid collector for downloading events from the grid ; and an indexer for compiling the indexes . their relationship is expressed on the figure [ fig : arch ] . the principle component that stores events and handles queries is a 7-node cluster . each node hosts several shards . a shard is an apache lucene index . indexes are build from .root files using mapreduce with events being evenly distributed between the nodes . events are represented in backend in a problem - agnostic generic format . thus event index can be used on new datasets with minimal modification . event index is optimized for read - only indexes on a static hardware configuration . cluster expansion is still possible and can be accomplished in two ways . first , if both new data and new nodes are available , the data can be indexed on these nodes without changes to the existing structure . this approach may be suboptimal , as the best performance is only achieved when the data is evenly distributed among the nodes . second , if only nodes are added , we must either redistribute the existing shards between nodes or reindex the dataset to include them into the cluster . index splitting is possible but constitutes a highly experimental @xcite procedure with computational costs similar to that of reindexing . requests are handled by a java application as follows . any node can become a master node by virtue of initiating a request . * search request : a master node receives a query , sends it to all the nodes , each in turn sends it to its shards , shards run the query , and cache the resulting bitset . * partial search results retrieval : a master node receives a query , asks all the nodes for the results counts , determines the nodes to send the request to . nodes receiving the following request do the same with shards . the master node then gathers the responses and forwards them to the user . * field value aggregation : a master node receives a query , sends it to all the nodes , each in turn sends it to its shards , each shard aggregates the field values from the matching events . the master node aggregates the results and returns them to the user . * histogram calculation : a master node receives a query , sends it to all the nodes , each in turn sends it to its shards , each shard counts unique values of the requested fields , and returns them to the master node , which computes the resulting histogram . queries are transformed into lucene filters using a simple top - down parser for context - free grammar . it consists of two parts : the tokenizer and the parser itself . the tokenizer transforms a query string into a list of tokens ( @xmath1and , or , has ) and values . the parser uses the list to build the solution tree , using prefix notation to handle parentheses and substituting has and and for missing unary and binary operators . it then converts the tree into a lucene filter . indexing @xmath2 events took three days and 0.5 tb of hard drive space per node . the backend response times for various requests can be seen in figure [ fig : performance ] . this response was within 20 seconds for the majority of requests . the outliers are currently being investigated . all user interaction is done through the web interface , protected by cern single sign - on @xcite . queries can either be typed manually or constructed with the help of an interactive wizard . example searches : * for a specific stripping line : + * by file location : + `` lfn = lfn:/lhcb / lhcb / collision11/charmtobeswum.dst/ 00022760/0002/00022760_00029252_1.charmtobeswum.dst and stripping=20r1 '' * stripping line and npvs value : + event index can compile a list of logical file names ( lfn ) containing the search results . if there are less than 1000 results , event index can fetch them from grid as a .root file and display them in the web browser using event display @xcite . users can also plot histograms for the global activity counters . the grid collector handles the .root file download requests . it resides on a dedicated server at cern . it uses lhcb dirac @xcite for retrieving event locations on the grid . then it launches parallel gaudi@xcite jobs for events retrieval and format conversion for event display . the source code is available on https://gitlab.cern.ch/ysda/grid_collector . event index is deployed into production on https://eindex.cern.ch/. data from strippnigs 20 , 20r1 , 21 , 21r1 is available . we are currently studying the needs of different groups in lhcb to make event index a better tool . plans include python api , mc and turbo stream @xcite indexing , and free form query processing . event index allows selection of events and viewing of histograms of basic properties in a matter of seconds . this is much faster than the current use of grid , which can take hours . event index s core architecture will allow it to scale with data and be used for different datasets . 99 https://lucene.apache.org/ , apache software foundation head t , 2014 , the lhcb trigger system , _ jinst 9 c09015 _ doi:10.1088/1748 - 0221/9/09/c09015 charpentier p ( on behalf ofthe lhcb collaboration ) , the lhcb computing model and real data _ journal of physics : conference series , vol . 331 , num . 7 , chep-2010 _ lucene 5.1.0 misc api https://lucene.apache.org/core/5_1_0/misc/org/apache/lucene/index/indexsplitter.html ormancey e , 2007 , cern single sign on solution , _ langenbruch c , couturier b , frank m , a webgl event display for lhcb : status update , _ 5th lhcb computing workshop , may 18 , 2015 _ stagni f , et al , lhcbdirac : distributed computing in lhcb , _ journal of physics : conference series , vol . 396 , num . 3 , chep-2012 _ barrand g et al . , gaudi - a software architecture and framework for building hep data processing applications , _ computer physics communications 140 ( 2001 ) 4555 _ benson s , 2015 , the lhcb turbo stream _ chep-2015 _
during lhc run 1 , the lhcb experiment recorded around @xmath0 collision events . this paper describes event index an event search system . its primary function is to quickly select subsets of events from a combination of conditions , such as the estimated decay channel or number of hits in a subdetector . event index is essentially apache lucene @xcite optimized for read - only indexes distributed over independent shards on independent nodes .
a ground penetrating radar ( gpr , hereafter ) is used for probing the underground by transmitting radio waves in the subsurface and recording the backscattered reflections . the interest in gpr is due to its ability to reveal buried objects non - invasively and detect non - metallic scatterers with increased sensitivity to dielectric contrast @xcite . this sensing technique is , therefore , attractive for several applications such as geophysics , archaeology , forensics , and defense ( see e.g. @xcite for some surveys ) . in this work , our focus is detection of buried landmines . it is one of the most extensively investigated gpr applications due to its obvious security and humanitarian importance . mine detection gpr usually operates in l - band ( @xmath0-@xmath1 ghz ) with ultra - wideband ( uwb ) transmit signals that allow resolving small targets ( @xmath2-@xmath3 cm diameter ) at shallow depths ( @xmath4-@xmath5 cm ) @xcite . in such situations , gpr target recognition suffers from signal distortion due to inhomogeneous soil clutter , surface roughness and antenna ringing . moreover , the constituting material of many models of landmines is largely plastic and has a very weak response to radar signals due to its low dielectric contrast with respect to the soil @xcite . a variety of signal processing algorithms have been proposed for detection of low metal - content landmines in realistic scenarios ; approaches based on feature extraction and classification are found to be the most effective ( see e.g. @xcite ) , yet false - alarm rates remain very high . further , a high - resolution gpr has long scan times thereby making the data acquisition by a portable instrument very cumbersome @xcite . in order to reduce the scan time or number of measurements , an emerging trend in gpr research @xcite is to employ the recently proposed compressed sensing ( cs ) framework @xcite . in cs , a signal can be reconstructed using a reduced number of samples w.r.t . the the nyquist rate requirements , provided the signal is sparse in some domain.however , unlike point scatterers , the mine echoes are spatially extended and the resulting gpr received signal is not sparse in conventional range - time and frequency domains @xcite . therefore , our immediate goal is to find an efficient sparse representation ( sr ) which accurately represents the scattering behaviors related to soil type and targets . this has been shown to improve the classifier performance in discriminating mines from clutter @xcite . in sr , the signal - of - interest is transformed to a domain where the signal can be expressed as a linear combination of only a few columns or _ atoms _ of the _ dictionary _ matrix @xcite . when it is inefficient to pre - define the dictionary to contain arbitrary basis ( e.g. fourier or wavelets ) , the usual resort is to _ learn _ the dictionary from previous measurements . dictionary learning ( dl ) techniques aim to create adapted dictionaries which provide the sparsest reconstruction for given training - sets , i.e. , a representation with a minimum number of constituting atoms . classical dl algorithms such as method of optimal directions ( mod ) @xcite and k - svd @xcite operate in batches - dealing with the entire training set in each iteration . although extremely successful , these methods are computationally demanding and not scalable to high - dimension training sets . an efficient alternative is the online dictionary learning ( odl ) algorithm @xcite that converges fast , processes small sets , and can infer the dictionary from large or time - varying training sets @xcite . improved dl methods can aid in better target identification and subsequent reduction in gpr measurements through cs - based design . to this end , our work focuses on hitherto unexamined application of dl towards gpr - based landmine classification . only one previous study has employed dl ( k - svd ) using gpr signals @xcite , for identifying bedrock features . we propose employing odl and then use the coefficients of the resulting sparse vectors as input to a support vector machine ( svm ) classifier to distinguish mines from clutter . our comparison of odl and k - svd using real data from l - band gpr shows that odl enjoys distinct advantage in speed and low false - alarm rates . fast odl computations pave the way towards cognitive gpr operation , wherein the system uses previous measurements to optimize the processing performance and is capable of sequential sampling adaptation based on the learned dictionary @xcite . in the next section , we describe the gpr system and the data sets . in section iii , we introduce our technique for gpr target identification , with particular focus on odl . section iv presents classification and reconstruction results using real radar data . we provide concluding remarks in section v. we used a commercial gpr system and carried out the field campaign at leibniz institute for applied geophysics ( liag ) , hannover ( germany ) @xcite . we now provide details for the system and data . the gpr system ( see fig . [ fig : gpr ] inset ) is an impulse radar with central frequency of 2 ghz.the frequency of the pulse repetition ( prf ) and the sampling of the receiver adc is of @xmath0 mhz . table [ tbl : techparams ] lists the salient technical parameters of the system . the scan rate of the system is @xmath6 m / s with sampling resolution of 1 cm towards the perpendicular broadside ( or x direction ) and @xmath7 cm towards the cross - beam ( y direction ) . the radar uses a @xmath8 @xmath9 cm dual bow - tie dipole antenna for both transmit ( tx ) and receive ( rx ) sealed in a metallic shielding and an internal absorber . the raw data consists of samples of complex envelope of the received signal . [ fig : gpr ] .gpr parameters [ cols= " < , < " , ] in this work , we proposed odl for sparse decomposition of gpr - based mine data . our results indicate near - real - time execution times using odl , high clutter rejection and improved classifier performance . these characteristics open interesting opportunities for future cognitive operation of gpr . for example , in a realistic landmine - clearance campaign , an operator could gather the training measurements over a safe area next to the contaminated site , hypothetically placing some buried landmine simulants over it in order to have a faithful representation of the soil / targets interaction beneath the surface . in other words , our work allows the operator to `` calibrate '' the acquisition by providing a good training set to learn the dictionary .
sparse decomposition of ground penetration radar ( gpr ) signals facilitates the use of compressed sensing techniques for faster data acquisition and enhanced feature extraction for target classification . in this paper , we investigate use of an online dictionary learning ( odl ) technique in the context of gpr to bring down the learning time as well as improve identification of abandoned anti - personnel landmines . our experimental results using real data from an l - band gpr for pmn / pma2 , era and t72 mines show that odl reduces learning time by 94% and increases clutter detection by 10% over the classical k - svd algorithm . moreover , our methods could be helpful in cognitive operation of the gpr where the system adapts the range sampling based on the learned dictionary . ground penetration radar , online dictionary learning , ksvd , compressed sensing , cognitive radar
the @xmath0dor stars constitute a new class of pulsating variables that was discovered only recently . krisciunas ( @xcite ) and zerbi ( @xcite ) review the history of the discovery and the current observational status of this group of variables . we refer to these papers for a general introduction on @xmath0dor stars , but we mention here that these objects are thought to exhibit multiperiodic high - order g - mode pulsations with periods in the range of 0.5 - 3 days . much effort is currently made to find new members of this group , in order to constrain their pulsational characteristics and their position in the hrdiagram . this is especially relevant since the subject of the precise excitation mechanism is not yet settled . promising theoretical models are currently being worked out . no direct confrontation between the new theoretical ideas about the driving and the observational status has been performed yet , one of the reason being that the number of _ bona fide _ members is still low and that these stars have quite a large variety in their observational behaviour . we already performed a systematic detection and classification of @xmath0dor stars from the hipparcos periodic annex using the geneva photometric system . the method used was a multivariate discriminant analysis and it led to the discovery of 14 new @xmath0dor candidates ( aerts et al . ) . moreover , handler ( @xcite ) , searching for new @xmath0dor stars in the hipparcos catalogues of the periodic and unsolved variables , found respectively 13 and 18 new `` prime '' @xmath0dor candidates which are non - redundant with other studies . the paper is organised as follows . in sect.2 , we present the obtained data from the geneva photometry , and compare it to the hipparcos photometry . in sect.3 , we search for periodic behaviour in the data . in sect.4 , we present the spectra of the stars . finally , we end with some conclusions in sect.5 . the content of the geneva catalogue is the union of more than 200 scientific programmes , including all stars in the bright star catalogue south of @xmath2 . the geneva photometric database now contains 344 500 measurements of 47 600 stars . there are seven filters , namely u , b , v , b1 , b2 , v1 , g. during the reduction scheme , a weight is assigned to each measurement and the noise level of single measurements with the weights 3 or 4 for the v band is about 4 to 5 milli - magnitudes . for the article , we take the intermediate value of 4.5 milli - magnitudes . we started a search in the geneva photometric database for @xmath0dor candidates . we selected in the geneva catalogue f0-f9 stars which fitted the observational window and with a high dispersion , @xmath3 . the eleven chosen candidates were monitored with the p7 photometer attached to the 70 cm swiss telescope at la silla observatory . we here report our analyses of the new photometric data . generally , we disregarded the very few measurements that already existed of the programmed stars in the geneva database and used only the data taken during the dedicated campaigns . these consist from 2 to 7 runs of each 3 weeks , during which each star was observed typically twice per night . the total time span of the data varies between 1 to 5 years with a mean of 2 years . the geneva photometry permits an accurate determination of temperature @xmath4 , gravity @xmath5 , and metallicity [ m / h ] . in table [ tab : anphys ] we list the physical properties of our 11 stars derived from the knzli et al . ( @xcite ) calibrations . the errors given are the ones resulting from the interpolation in the tables of standard stars . they are only valid assuming that the average colours are free from errors . the standard errors should therefore not be considered as physical error estimates . our targets are in general slightly metal weak and some are just slightly hotter than the sun . [ cols="^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^",options="header " , ] the more thoroughly the candidates were studied the more they were rejected . we end therefore with a shorter list of @xmath0dor stars . establishing such a list needs strong efforts , but it is important for describing precisely the physical properties of this pulsating star group . we have found three new @xmath0doradus stars ( hd12901 , hd48501 , hd26298 ) . one of them ( hd12901 ) was indicated by handler ( @xcite ) to have a possible @xmath6scuti behaviour on the basis of hipparcos data . our geneva photometry , however , clearly points towards multiple periods longer than those of @xmath6scuti stars and in the region expected for @xmath0doradus stars . hd48501 is also a multiperiodic variable . the line - profile variability of these three new @xmath0dor stars will be discussed in a separate paper . it is presently important to find as many confirmed @xmath0doradus stars as possible , in order to constrain the suggested theoretical excitation models . in particular , the question remains whether or not the @xmath0doradus phenomenon only occurs for f0 f2 type stars or also for much cooler objects as suggested by aerts et al . ( ) . if the latter is true , then it is tempting to assume that the @xmath0doradus stars may exhibit simultaneously opacity - driven g - modes and stochastically excited solar - like p - modes . the occurrence of both such types of pulsations would broaden the interest for the stars because they would become unique objects for seismology . in this respect , the search for solar - like oscillations in bright selected @xmath0doradus stars by future seismology space missions , such as most , mons and corot , would be extremely valuable . aerts c. , eyer l. , kestens e. , 1998 , a&a 337 , 790 deeming t.j . , 1975 , ap&ss 36 , 137 esa 1997 , _ the hipparcos and tycho catalogues _ , esa sp-1200 eyer l. , 1998 , phd thesis , geneva university ferraz - mello s. , 1981 , aj 86 , 619 handler g. , 1999 , mnras 309 , l19 jurkevich i. , 1971 , ap&ss 13 , 154 krisciunas k. , 1998 , the discovery of non - radial gravity - mode pulsations in gamma doradus - type star . in : deubner f .- christensen - dalsgaard j.j . , kurtz d.w . 185 , new eyes to see inside the sun and stars , dordrecht : kluwer academic , p. 339 knzli m. , north p. , kurucz r.l . , nicolet b. , 1997 , a&as 122 , 51 scargle j.d . , 1982 , apj 263 , 835 schaller g. , schaerer d. , meynet g. , maeder a. , 1992 , a&as 96 , 269 schaerer d. , meynet g. , maeder a. , schaller g. , 1993 , a&as 98 , 523 stellingwerf r.f . , 1978 , apj 224 , 953 zerbi f. , 2000 , g - mode pulsation among early f - type stars : the @xmath0doradus class . in : breger m. , montgomery m.h . sixth vienna workshop in astrophysics , delta scuti and related stars . pasp ( in press )
we present a study of selected potential @xmath0doradus stars observed in the geneva photometric system . eleven stars were monitored at least during the last year of functioning of the 70 cm swiss telescope at la silla , leading to about one thousand photometric measurements and permitting a detailed analysis of these stars . after the analysis , five stars are thought to be constant stars . we report three new @xmath1 dor stars . a spectroscopic campaign has been started at la silla with the new 1m20 swiss telescope , equipped with the spectrograph coralie , of which we show the results for the selected stars .
almost all hgmn stars exhibit a strong absorption feature at 3984 , which has been identified as a line of . the wavelength at which this line is observed depends on the isotopic mix of hg ( white et al . 1976 ) , which ranges from the terrestrial mix to nearly pure @xmath0hg . mercury is not the only very heavy element observed in hgmn stars . lines of ( dworetsky & vaughan 1973 ) and ( guthrie 1985 ) are also observed . dworetsky & vaughan ( 1973 ) studied the @xmath1 line in a sample of nine hgmn stars . this line is the strongest pt line at optical wavelengths , and in the nine stars studied it is shifted toward longer wavelengths by 0.04 to 0.09 , with respect to the centroid of the terrestrial platinum line . these shifts are interpreted as an isotopic effect . the corresponding anomalies are analogous to those found for hg , in the sense that the heavier isotopes tend to dominate in cooler stars . neither radiatively driven diffusion nor any other theory until now can account satisfactorily for the variations in the hg and pt isotope mix among the hgmn stars ( leckrone et al . 1993 ) . the main purpose of the work reported here was to provide additional observational constraints to guide the theorists in the understanding of the isotopic anomalies in hgmn stars , improving upon previous studies through the much better data quality obtainable now . thanks to the availability of new laboratory measurements of isotope shifts in ( engleman 1989 ) it became possible to identify more definitely the isotopes . .isotopic compositions [ cols= " < , > , > , > , > , > , > " , ] spectra were obtained with the eso 1.4 m coud auxiliary telescope and the coud echelle spectrograph long camera at a resolving power r = @xmath2 and @xmath3 . the observed wavelength ranges are 39654000 and 40184035 . synthetic spectra and model atmospheres were computed with the synthe and atlas9 codes ( kurucz 1997 ) , respectively . a code similar to the tefflogg code of moon & dworetsky ( 1985 ) , but based on new computed uvbybeta indices , was used to obtain the stellar parameters ( castelli & kurucz 1994 ) . observed indices were taken from the mermilliod , mermilliod , & hauck catalogue ( 1997 ) and were dereddened using the uvbybeta code of moon ( 1985 ) . for all the stars we assumed zero microturbulent velocity , while the rotational velocity was derived from the comparison of the observed and computed spectra , after having degraded the computed spectra for the broadening due to the instrumental profile . for the whole transition of 3983 we adopted @xmath4 ( dworetsky 1980 ) . for each isotopic and hyperfine component this value was scaled in agreement with each observed relative intensity . for reference , the terrestrial intensities from kurucz ( 1993 ) and from smith ( 1997 ) were adopted . for the transitions of 4023.8 , 4034.2 , and 4046.4 we adopted log @xmath5 , and @xmath6 , respectively ( dworetsky & vaughan 1973 ) . the isotopic and hyperfine shifts and intensities were either taken directly from engleman ( 1989 ) or were derived from engleman ( 1989 ) and kalus et al . one of the programme stars with very sharp lines is the double - lined spectroscopic binary @xmath7 lup . an updated version of the binary code of kurucz ( 1993 , cd - rom 18 ) has yielded as final computed spectrum the spectrum resulting from the contribution of both components . the atmospheric parameters of the secondary star and ratio of the radii of the primary to the secondary stars in @xmath7 lup were taken from wahlgren et al . ( 1994 ) . for five programme stars with extremely sharp spectral lines ( @xmath8 km / s ) the isotopic composition could be studied in greater detail . the results are summarized in table 1 . all stars have hg overabundance by more than 5 dex compared with the solar abundance . the largest overabundance of pt ( 4.69 dex ) was found in the star hr 7775 . no star shows terrestrial isotopic proportions . the most pronounced deviation from the terrestrial composition is found in the stars @xmath7 lup and hr 7775 , which are the coolest ones in our sample . castelli f. , kurucz r.l . : 1994 , poster paper presented at the jd no . 12 of the 22nd iau general assembly kalus g. , johansson s. , wahlgren g.m . , leckrone d.s . , thorne a.p . , brandt j.c . _ astrophys . j. _ , in press kurucz r.l . : 1997 , private communication moon t.t . : 1985 , _ comm . . london obs._*78 *
preliminary results from a study of the isotopic compositions of the elements hg and pt in a number of hgmn stars are presented . this work represents an improvement over previous studies thanks to the very high spectral resolution available ( r = 118 000 ) and to the new information on wavelengths and atomic structure of and .
malin 1 is a highly unusual disk galaxy characterized by an enormous , hi rich and extremely low surface brightness disk @xcite . recent , deep r - band data by moore & parker @xcite show an exponential disk extending out to 124 kpc @xmath0}^{-1}$ ] ( scale length 53 kpc ) . this corresponds to the hi extent . there is also a prominent _ bulge_-like component . according to pickering et al . @xcite the rotation curve has the slowly rising shape typical of the less luminous , `` dark matter dominated '' lsb galaxies . this slow rise of the rotation curve in the presence of a luminous central component is in marked contrast with the rule that there is a close correlation between the distribution of light and the shape of the rotation curve @xcite . however , pickering et al . @xcite do point out that their rotation curve is very uncertain because of the low resolution of the observations , the low signal / noise ratio and the strong warping . this has induced us to carry out a re - analysis of the hi data with special attention for the beam - smearing effects and to make a new comparison with the luminosity profile . the results of our analysis agree with those of a recent hst optical study of the bright central component @xcite : malin 1 is a normal , early - type galaxy surrounded by a huge , low - surface - brightness outer disk . atoms @xmath1 with an increment of 4.6@xmath2 atoms @xmath1 . the hpbw is 21 ( @xmath329 kpc).,height=340 ] the hi data cube obtained with the vla by pickering et al . @xcite has been re - analyzed . the large extent of the hi disk is shown in fig . 1 superposed on the optical ( dss ) image . the hi radius corresponds approximately to that of the extended , faint optical disk . a new velocity field has been derived . the 21-cm line profiles are strongly affected by beam smearing and are very asymmetric . instead of the intensity - weighted mean velocities used by pickering et al . , which suffer heavily from beam smearing , we have taken the velocities at the profile peaks , close to the high rotation velocity side . subsequently , the rotation curve has been derived from the velocity field following well - known standard procedures . this rotation curve has been used to construct model data cubes to verify its correctness ( fraternali & sancisi , in preparation ) . the new and the old @xcite rotation curves are shown in fig . 2 ( bottom ) . amplitude and flat outer part are the same . in the inner parts the new curve rises much more steeply and reaches higher values inside 20 arcsec ( @xmath330 kpc ) in correspondence of the central concentration in the luminosity profile ( fig . 2 , top ) . 3 shows the `` maximum disk '' decomposition , with isothermal halo and hi disk . the r - band profile @xcite has been used . the maximum disk m / l ratio is 5.2 . this is in the range of the values found for luminous early - type galaxies @xcite . the present study is based on a re - analysis of existing hi observations of malin 1 obtained with the vla . a new rotation curve has been derived . this rotation curve shows a close correlation with the luminosity distribution , in line with the `` rule '' suggested by sancisi @xcite . also in this galaxy the mass seems to follow the light . the rotation curve has the shape ( steep inner rise ) typical of high surface brightness ( hsb ) galaxies . the classical disk - halo decomposition of the rotation curve has shown that a maximum disk solution is possible . clearly , in its inner luminous part , malin 1 has the characteristics of an early - type hsb galaxy . barth @xcite has recently published a study of malin 1 based on archival hubble i - band data . he has examined the structure and the properties of the inner bright parts and has concluded that malin 1 has a normal stellar disk and that , out to a radius of @xmath310 kpc , its structure is that of a typical sb0/a galaxy . the new hi analysis and the optical study throw new light on malin 1 and on its dark / luminous matter properties . both point at the same conclusion : malin 1 is a normal , luminous early - type galaxy . the enigma of the huge ( 120 kpc ) , low - surface - brightness stellar and hi disk surrounding the bright inner parts remains . in view of the large - scale symmetry and regularity and of the large orbital period ( @xmath33.5 billion years ) in the outer parts , it seems unlikely that the formation of this extended structure is due to recent accretion and mergers . barth , a.j . 2007 , aj , 133 , 1085 bothun , g.d . , impey , c.d . , malin , d.f . , mould , j.r . 1987 , aj , 94 , 23 pickering , t.e . , impey , c.d . , van gorkom , j.h . , bothun , g.d . , 1997 , aj , 114 , 1858 moore , l. , parker , q.a . 2007 , pasp , in presse ( astro - ph/0702551 ) noordermeer , e. , van der hulst , j.m . , sancisi , r. , swaters , r.s . , van albada , t.s . 2007 , mnras , 376 , 1513 sancisi , r. , 2004 , iaus , 220 , 233s
malin 1 has long been considered a prototype giant , dark matter dominated low surface brightness galaxy . two recent studies , one based on a re - analysis of vla hi observations and the other on an archival hubble i - band image , throw a new light on this enigmatic galaxy and on its dark / luminous matter properties .
stokes v spectra of hd 184927 were obtained with the espadons spectopolarimeter at cfht between 2008 august 20 and 2012 june 27 . the resolution of all the spectra is r=65000 . the s / n ratio varies , but is typically is about 520 . spectra were reduced using the upena pipeline feeding the libre - esprit code . then we applied the lsd procedure to obtain mean stokes i and v profiles and improve the s / n ratio of our measurements ( see donati j .- f . _ et al . _ , 1997 , mnras , 291 , 658 for details ) . resulting s / n ratio of lsd profiles varies from 1000 to 1700 . we also used medium resolution data obtained at the dao 1.8-meter plaskett telescope with the dimapol spectropolarimeter . the s / n in stokes v varies between 250 and 450 at 4970 . typically 12 - 18 10-minute sub - exposures were taken and then combined to produce a single measurement . to check consistency with previously published data , we included magnetic field measurements from wade et al . ( wade g. _ et al . _ , 1997 , a&a , 320 , 172 ) in our dataset . to determine rotational period of hd 184927 we used magnetic field data obtained with sao zeeman analyzer and uwo photoelectric polarimeter ( see wade et al . 1997 ) and added dimapol measurements of @xmath2 and he 4922 line . @xmath2 measurements ( uwo + dimapol ) only give possible periods of 9.531072 and 9.522540 , with the latter barely within the 1-sigma error bar of the 1997 period estimate . the best ephemeris for this set is @xmath3 . in order to estimate projected rotational velocity we used grid of nlte tlusty models with fixed teff , log g and microturbulence and combination of different [ si / h ] and vsini parameters to calculate several synthetic spectra for nine siii - siiii lines . the code computed equivalent widths for each case and compared it to the observed equivalent widths . for these calculations we adopted projected rotational velocity @xmath4 km / s . the longitudinal magnetic field and null measurements from the espadons spectra were computed from each lsd stokes v and diagnostic null profile , using an integration range from -200 to 200 km / s . the computed longitudinal field varies from -200 to 950 g. we used the oblique rotator model to model the magnetic curve assuming that the field can be described by a centred dipole . the best - fit model has the following parameters : beta=70 , bd=4500 , i=26 . to explore the consistency of magnetic field measured from different elements we built lsd masks containing lines of si , o , n , fe and he . the longitudinal magnetic field was also measured from the balmer lines halpha and hbeta . as one can clearly see , magnetic field from si , o , n and fe masks changes its sign while the field from he is not . at the same time the magnetic field of helium lines strongly correlates with the field measured from hydrogen halpha and hbeta lines . we find that the lines can be reproduced by a spot with @xmath5 radius and helium abundance n(he)/n(h ) = 2 . inversions were carried out with a modified invers13 code ( kochukhov o. _ et al . _ , 2013 , a&a , 550 , a84 ) . the grid of llmodels atmospheres ( shulyak d. _ et al . _ , 2004 , a&a , 428 , 993 ) was computed for teff=22000 , log g=4.0 and a range of he abundance . for this grid we computed nlte departure coefficients with tlusty . these model atmospheres and nlte departure coefficients were then used in the mdi code to calculate local he i 6678 line profiles . magnetic field was parameterized with a spherical harmonic expansion , similar to the tau sco analysis by donati et al . ( donati j .- f . _ _ , 2006 , mnras , 370 , 629 ) . we performed a dipole+quadrupole fitting , allowing full freedom ( toroidal field , independent poloidal radial and horizontal fields ) of the spherical harmonic expansion . we found that the field is mostly poloidal , with comparable contributions of the dipole and quadrupole terms . total fraction of poloidal component is 81.5% and toroidal component is 18.5% .
we have employed an extensive new timeseries of stokes i and v spectra obtained with the espadons spectropolarimeter at the 3.6-m canada - france - hawaii telescope to investigate the physical parameters , chemical abundance distributions and magnetic field topology of the slowly - rotating he - strong star hd 184927 . we infer a rotation period of @xmath0 from @xmath1 , @xmath2 , lsd magnetic measurements and ews of helium lines . we used an extensive nlte tlusty grid along with the synspec code to model the observed spectra and find a new value of luminosity . in this poster we present the derived physical parameters of the star and the results of magnetic doppler imaging analysis of the stokes i and v profiles . wide wings of helium lines can be described only under the assumption of the presence of a large , very helium - rich spot .
correlations between spatially separated cosmic ray events would indicate that the particles have some common history . extensive air showers are well - known to produce correlated signals on the earth s surface over distances of several kilometers . however , it is possible that isolated primary cosmic ray events separated by @xmath2 km could arrive in time coincidence . such correlated cosmic ray events could result , for example , from the photodisintegration of heavy nuclei ( _ i.e. _ , iron ) by solar photons @xcite . in a previous study @xcite , there was some episodic evidence for time correlations up to @xmath3 s in events separated by @xmath4 km . more recently , laas @xcite searched for correlated events at large distances @xmath5 km and found a few candidate events . however , these events were consistent with interpretation as accidental coincidences between uncorrelated events . we have studied data obtained with the chicos array during january 2003 through june 2005 and searched for evidence of correlated air shower events separated by @xmath6 km with energy threshold @xmath7 ev . the california high school cosmic ray observatory ( chicos ) observes cosmic ray induced air showers with an array of detector sites located on school roofs in the los angeles area ( lat . @xmath8 , long . @xmath9 , average 250 m above sea level ) . the sites are separated by distances of typically @xmath10 kilometers , with the overall array covering an area of @xmath11 km@xmath12 . during this study , the number of operational sites increased from 31 to 66 . each detector site contains two plastic scintillator detectors , separated by @xmath13 meters . the detector typically has @xmath14 m@xmath1 area and @xmath15 cm thickness . data are stored on local hard disk and automatically transferred to caltech via internet every night by the computer located at each site . `` trigger '' events are defined as those where both detectors at a site record signals greater than 2 single vertical particles within a 100 ns time window . most trigger events are isolated single events ( _ i.e. _ , no nearby sites are hit ) which are generated by low energy showers with a threshold of about @xmath7 ev . the rate of these triggers ( about 1000 per day per site ) is comparable to expectations based on the previously measured flux @xcite and computer simulations of air showers with the aires code @xcite . large showers that generate a trigger at one site with coincident single hits at several neighboring sites must have extremely high energies of @xmath16 ev . we do observe such large air shower events with the chicos array , presently at a rate of about one per month . however , even the largest air showers with primary energy @xmath17 ev would not generate 2 triggers in sites separated by more than 1 km . in this work we search for double trigger events where two sites , separated by more than 1 km , both record trigger events within a certain coincidence time . such a signal could indicate the existence of isolated correlated cosmic ray events separated in distance by up to 60 km ( the largest distance between two chicos sites ) . the data sample for this analysis is the time - stamped sequence of trigger data from the operational sites , which forms a complete record of all the events detected by the array with sufficient energy to trigger a single site . in order to examine these data for time correlations , a randomized data set was constructed directly from the real data , as in @xcite , by offsetting the sequence of triggers at each site by some integer number of seconds relative to the other sites . since a shift of several seconds is small compared to the time for drift in the average trigger rate , the randomized data should reproduce all aspects of the real data associated with accidental coincidences . deviations of correlations observed in the real data relative to the randomized data could be indications of significant correlations ( _ i.e. _ , not accidental ) in the data . given a coincidence time interval @xmath18 , we define @xmath19 as the number of excess event pairs ( relative to the randomized data sample ) with that time difference , which may be positive or negative . if both members of a successive pair are from the same site , that pair is not counted ( to eliminate instrumental effects such as pmt afterpulsing ) . in order to search for correlations on any time scale less than 1 second , we compute the probability of an excess coincidence per site for the cumulative time interval @xmath20 according to @xmath21 in which @xmath22 is the average number of operational sites and @xmath23 is the total number of trigger pairs . we compute a 90% confidence interval for @xmath24 using the method in @xcite , and interpret the upper limit as the 90% confidence level upper limit for the excess probability per site for the interval @xmath25 . the results , for 17 months of data from january 2003 through july 2004 are shown in fig . [ fccis ] @xcite . as discussed in @xcite , the data in fig . [ fccis ] indicate an excess of events at time scales of order @xmath26 s , or @xmath27s . the excess heals itself at larger @xmath28 as we add more data that show ( apparently ) no correlations . to study this possible signal further , we have repeated this analysis with an independent data set from august 2004 through may 2005 . in fig . [ timediffs ] we show the results of the analysis of the new data . it is clear from the new data that there is no evidence of the apparent excess displayed in fig . [ fccis ] . therefore , the excess in the earlier dataset is interpreted as a statistical fluctuation . a search for time correlations in cosmic ray data collected by the chicos project has been performed . the results are consistent with a lack of any real correlation between isolated events . earlier observations that indicated an excess of events at shorter times are interpreted as a statistical fluctuation . the excess coincidence probabilities displayed in fig . [ fccis ] can be properly interpreted as 90% cl upper limits for the incidence of correlated pairs of cosmic rays above @xmath7 ev separated by distances between 1 and 60 km . we are grateful for the generous support of caltech and the weingart foundation in initiating the chicos project . the donation of the detectors by the cygnus collaboration is gratefully acknowledged . support from the nsf ( grants phy-0244899 and phy-0102502 ) and the donation of computers for the project by ibm corporation are also acknowledged . the volunteer efforts of many high school and middle school teachers have been essential in the deployment and operation of the chicos array , and we are delighted to acknowledge their participation . o. carrel and m. martin , physics letters * b325 * , ( 1994 ) 526 . n. ochi , _ et al . _ , j. phys . g. : nucl . * 29 * ( 2003 ) 1169 . m. nagano and a. watson , rev . phys . * 72 * , ( 2000 ) 698 . aires webpage : + g. feldman and r. cousins , phys * d57 * , ( 1998 ) 3873 . b. e. carlson , _ et al . _ , journ . phys . g : nucl . part 31 * , 409 ( 2005 ) .
we present the results of a search for time correlations in high energy cosmic ray data ( primary @xmath0 ev ) collected by the california high school cosmic ray observatory ( chicos ) array . data from 69 detector sites spread over an area of 400 km@xmath1 were studied for evidence of isolated events separated by more than 1 km with coincidence times ranging from 1 microseconds up to 1 second . we report upper limits for the coincidence probability as a function of coincidence time .
in the family of frustrated magnets , the kagom and pyrochlore lattices have attracted special attention both experimentally and theoretically . experimentally such magnets display a wide variety of unusual low temperature behaviors @xcite signatures of different kind of collective low energy degrees of freedom . the first - neighbor classical heisenberg model on such lattices has a t=0 entropy @xcite . on these lattices , the heisenberg model can be rewritten as the sum of the square of the total spin of corner sharing units @xmath2 ( triangles for the kagom lattice , tetrahedra in the pyrochlore ) : @xmath3 thus a classical ground - state is obtained whenever @xmath4 for all @xmath2 . it is a straightforward exercise to show that such ground - states have a continuous local degeneracy . thermal fluctuations select planar spin configurations on the kagom lattice @xcite , but are unable to build order from disorder in the pyrochlore lattice@xcite . a simple maxwellian counting has been done by the last authors : the number of degrees of freedom of @xmath5 heisenberg spins with a given length is @xmath6 . the number of constraints to realize a classical ground - state is @xmath7 where @xmath8 is the number of spins on each @xmath2 unit . assuming that these constraints are linearly independent , one finds a @xmath9 extensive entropy ( @xmath10 ) for the pyrochlore and zero entropy ( @xmath11 ) in the kagom case . although the assumption is known to fail for the kagom magnet this naive counting suggests that the degeneracy of the classical ground - state in the pyrochlore magnet is larger than in kagom magnet , in qualitative agreement with the thermal behavior of the two magnets . lately , palmer and chalker have studied the heisenberg problem on the checker - board lattice@xcite . this lattice built out of corner sharing 4-spin squares ( see fig . [ checkerboard2 ] ) is the two dimensional analog of the pyrochlore lattice . the classical heisenberg model on the checker - board lattice has a similar ground - state degeneracy and behave the same way at low temperature ( and with additional dipolar interactions)@xcite . the effect of quantum fluctuations on these different structures remains to be fully understood . in the large s , first - order spin - wave approximation , all these magnets remain disordered@xcite . higher order approximations have been devised for the kagom lattice and lead to selection of order out of disorder by quantum fluctuations@xcite . there is no spin long range order ( lro ) in the pyrochlore magnet@xcite . the spectrum of low lying excitations of the spin-1/2 kagom magnet obtained from exact diagonalizations has been a real surprise@xcite : whereas it probably has a small gap for @xmath12 excitations ( transitions @xmath13 ) , there is no gap to singlet excitations ( transitions @xmath14 ) and the density of low lying @xmath15 states is so large that the system has a t=0 residual entropy . the discovery of a second model with a similar spectrum of low lying excitations on the triangular lattice with 4-spin exchange interaction lead us to speculate that this could be a generic new type of magnets@xcite . a natural question thus arises : do the 2-dimensional and the true pyrochlore quantum magnets belong to this generic class ? the results obtained from their classical and semi - classical counterparts support the speculation that the answer might be positive ! as exact diagonalizations are up to now limited to systems of @xmath16 spins , the problem of the true spin-1/2 pyrochlore magnet might remain open for still a long time . the 2-d pyrochlore looks more promising : palmer and chalker@xcite have computed the spectra of clusters up to @xmath17 spins . from their results , they were able to conclude that the system has no nel lro ; it does not break @xmath18 at @xmath9 and probably has a large spin gap . yet these sizes were not large enough to be sure that this magnet was really in the same class as the kagom magnet . in this work we extend such diagonalizations up to @xmath0 . the technical aspects of these diagonalizations have been previously described@xcite . besides these diagonalizations in the full hilbert space , we also have peformed diagonalizations in the restricted space of first neighbor dimer coverings ( denoted in the following fnss , for first neighbor singlet subspace ) . the size of this restricted subspace is smaller than the @xmath15 sector of the full hilbert space and it increases slower with the system size ( @xmath19 compared to @xmath20 ) . in this restricted basis we have studied samples up to @xmath1 . the fnss calculations for @xmath1 have required an order of magnitude less of computer memory than the full hilbert space calculations for @xmath0 . as usual , periodic boundary conditions are applied to the samples . spectrum of the heisenberg model in the full hilbert space . energy per spin in the ground - state @xmath21 and energy gaps @xmath22 between the @xmath23 energy level of the @xmath24 spin sector and the @xmath25 level of the @xmath26 sector . second line : spin gap . third line : gap between the absolute ground - state and the first singlet excitation . fourth line : gap between the second and third level in the @xmath15 sector . fifth line : gap between the third level in the @xmath15 sector and the first triplet excitation . following lines : @xmath27 is the number of singlet states in the spin gap ( including degeneracies ) . the starred columns correspond to samples which have the extra symmetries of the pyrochlore lattice . the three first columns are 4-spins tubes . [ cols="^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^",options="header " , ]
exact diagonalizations of the spin-1/2 heisenberg model on the checkerboard lattice have been performed for sizes up to @xmath0 in the full hilbert space and @xmath1 in the restricted subspace of first neighbor dimers . this antiferromagnet does not break su(2 ) symmetry and displays long range order in 4-spin s=0 plaquettes . both the symmetry properties of the spectrum and various correlations functions are extensively studied . at variance with the kagom antiferromagnet , the heisenberg quantum model on a checkerboard lattice is a valence bond crystal . some results concerning the 3-dimensional spin-1/2 pyrochlore magnet ( for sizes 16 and 32 ) are also shown : this system could behave differently from its 2-dimensional analog . ( ) + pacs numbers : 75.10.jm ; 75.50.ee ; 75.40.-s
we come up with the formalism in several stages . first , we write down the standard propagation equations of stokes parameters @xmath2 @xmath3 @xmath4 @xmath5 in the uniform thermal plasma @xcite in a locally flat co - moving reference frame with synchrotron emissivities / absorptivities from @xcite . we take faraday rotation / conversion coefficients from @xcite , as the other published derivation of faraday conversion coefficients @xcite is a very crude approximation . second , we parallel propagate the basis vectors along the null geodesic from the observer s plane to account for gr rotation of the basis . third , with proper gauges on wave vector potential we write down the covariant equations of polarized radiative transfer . following @xcite , we assume that the matrix of absorptivities and propagation coefficients generalizes in the polarized transfer analogously to the unpolarized case . the dynamical model used in the transfer starts with adiabatic 3d grmhd simulations of thick accretion flow onto the kerr black hole ( bh ) with spins @xmath6 @xmath7 @xmath8 @xmath9 we average the flow velocity , magnetic field , rms magnetic field , gas density and pressure for the quasi - steady period of the developed accretion and separate the electron temperature @xmath10 from the proton temperature @xmath11 by applying the heating prescription from @xcite . the dynamical model is smoothly extended to large radii @xmath12 to take into account the faraday rotation effect at large distances from the bh . we perform the gr polarized radiative transfer for each spin for a set of inclination angles @xmath13 and compare the specific fluxes , linear polarization fractions ( lp ) , and circular polarization fractions ( cp ) to observations . we find , that the extreme spins @xmath14 @xmath15 do not fit all the observations well . they require lower density @xmath16 @xmath17 near bh to fit the flux at @xmath18 ghz , but faraday depolarization fails at these densities leading to high lp at @xmath19 ghz compared to the observed value @xcite . the preferred value of the inclination angle @xmath1 is coincident with that in @xcite . the spin value @xmath0 gives the best fit ( see fig . [ fig ] ) , though spin @xmath20 produces good fits as well . imaging produces some unexpected results . as our simulation appears to be substantially sub - keplerian and have significant thermal support , the innermost stable circular orbit ( isco ) loses its importance and the black hole shadow is not always seen . huang , l. , liu , s. , shen , z .- q . , yuan , y .- f . , cai , m. j. , li , h. , & fryer , c. l. 2009 , apj , 703 , 557 macquart , j .- bower , g. c. , wright , m. c. h. , backer , donald c. , falcke , h. 2006 , , 646 , l111 marrone , d. p. , moran , j. m. , zhao , j. , & rao r. , 2007 , , 654l , 57 melrose , d. b. 1971 , 12 , 172 melrose , d. b. , mcphedran , r. c. 1991 , `` electromagnetic processes in dispersive media '' , ( cambridge university press : cambridge ) sharma , p. , quataert , e. , hammett , g. w. , & stone , j. m. 2007 , , 667 , 714 shcherbakov , r. v. 2008 , apj , 688 , 695 yuan , f. , quataert , e. , narayan , r. 2004 , , 606 , 894
we present the combination of dynamical accretion model based on 3d grmhd simulations and general relativistic ( gr ) polarized radiative transfer . we write down the formalism of and perform the gr ray - tracing of cyclo - synchrotron radiation through the model of accretion flow in sagittarius a*. gr polarimetric imaging is presented as well as the results for spectrum for a probable set of spins and orientations . precise fitting formulae for faraday rotation and faraday conversion coefficients are employed for thermal plasma . the axisymmetic flow pattern and the magnetic field geometry correspond to averaged 3d grmhd simulations near the black hole , whereas the analytic model was used far from the black hole . the density scaling is found by fitting the sub - mm flux . spin @xmath0 and inclination angle @xmath1 produce the best fit to sub - mm flux and linear polarization fraction .
a @xmath1 matrix prototype , built with ( @xmath2 ) mm@xmath3 lyso scintillating crystals from siccas , was assembled in frascati to study the performances of such a calorimeter for the mu2e experiment @xcite . global transverse and longitudinal dimensions provide a coverage of @xmath4 and @xmath5 , respectively . although the baseline crystal is now baf@xmath6 @xcite , tests with electron and photon beams have been carried out to measure the calorimeter performances . before the assembly , the crystals have been extensively tested using a @xmath7na source and a spectrophotometer . all of them showed good light yield , longitudinal response uniformity and transmittance . each crystal has been wrapped with 60 @xmath8 m thick enhanced specular reflector ( esr ) from 3 m and then optically connected to a hamamatsu s8664 large area avalanche photodiode ( apd ) using saint - gobain bc-630 grease . amplification and bias voltage regulation was provided by custom made front end electronic boards . the lyso matrix has been tested with tagged photon beams in the energy range 60@xmath0190 mev at mami @xcite ( mainz , germany ) and with 80@xmath0450 mev electron beams at btf @xcite ( frascati , italy ) . here , the trigger was provided by two orthogonal ( @xmath9 ) mm@xmath3 plastic scintillation counters read out by ( @xmath10 ) mm@xmath11 silicon photomultipliers . data were acquired with caen v1720 waveform digitizer , 250 msps , 12 bit resolution and 0@xmath02 v dynamic range . apds were illuminated , through 250 @xmath8 m diameter fused silica optical fibers , by a green laser ( @xmath12 nm ) , whose pulse was synchronized with an external trigger at a frequency of @xmath13 hz . equalization of matrix channels at 10% level was obtained using minimum ionizing particles ( mips ) crossing vertically the detector . calibration of cell response was done directly with beams ( 450 mev electrons at btf , 92.5 mev photons at mami ) firing on each cell center . beam events have been selected with a cut on the waveform time distribution , which retains the range corresponding to beam particles hitting the matrix . the total charge for each crystal is defined as the sum of the waveform spectrum in a selected time range , 400 ns wide , around the peak . baseline is evaluated in a same width region , far from the peak . multiple scattering events has been reduced by cutting on the distance between the energy weighted centroid and the impact point in the calorimeter , which is kept below 0.5 cm . for btf beams , the particle multiplicity , @xmath14 , is greater than one and it can be tuned by adjusting beam intensity and collimators . in our test it was set to @xmath15 . peaks due to one , two and three particle events are clearly visible and well separated in the energy spectra . in this analysis , single and double particle events have been selected with a cut in the total charge of both scintillator counters and matrix . the energy scale has been set , after the offline equalization , by comparing the total reconstructed charge in the matrix with the expected energy deposited in the entire matrix , @xmath16 , as estimated by a geant4 simulation . besides the beam spatial spread , an additional constant 2.6% gaussian smearing is needed in the simulation to reproduce real data , accounting for miscalibration , non uniformity and non linearity ( fig . [ fig : enespectrum ] ) . the energy resolution has been obtained from a fit with a lognormal distribution to the energy spectra . while at mami the beam energy spread is negligible , at btf it is of the order of 5% in our energy range . therefore , for each energy , the intrinsic energy spread of the beam , @xmath17 , has been obtained by comparing the energy resolution of one - particle and two - particle events . after subtracting @xmath17 , the energy resolution is reported as a function of the deposited energy in fig . [ fig : enereso ] both for electron and photon beams . in the same figure , the corresponding simulated events without including the gaussian smearing are also reported . a fit is then performed with the formula : @xmath18 the extracted parameters are : @xmath19 , @xmath20 . the same parametrization on monte carlo ( mc ) events provides @xmath21 , @xmath22 . s ( dots ) and @xmath23 ( full squares ) . corresponding mc expectations are reported in circles and open squares , respectively . simulation points are obtained without the 2.6% gaussian smearing needed to describe real data . ] the time of the event has been extracted from a fit to the waveform shape of the digitizer , performed with a landau function . a residual time walk is observed , so that slewing corrections are applied . time resolution has been measured with electrons using both the central crystal and the energy - weighted time of the whole matrix . in both cases , the time of the external trigger , defined as the semi - sum of the time for scintillation counters , has been subtracted event by event . the time jitter of the trigger has been measured from a gaussian fit to the time difference of the two scintillation counters : @xmath24 ps . after subtracting the trigger jitter , the calorimeter time resolution as a function of the deposited energy is reported in fig . [ fig : timereso ] . to exploit the low energy region , the time resolution has been also evaluated with minimum ionizing particles and with special runs where the beam hits in the middle of two crystals , using their time difference . data have been fit taking into account the stochastic contribution only , and are well parametrized by the scaling law : @xmath25 as a function of the deposited energy . the jitter due to the trigger has been subtracted . the @xmath26 value has been obtained with the whole matrix ( dots ) , the central crystal ( circles ) and the difference of two crystals when the beams hit in the middle of the two ( open squares ) . the low energy region has been exploited with minimum ionizing particles ( triangles ) . ]
we have measured the performances of a lyso crystal matrix prototype tested with electron and photon beams in the energy range 60@xmath0450 mev . this study has been carried out to determine the achievable energy and time resolutions for the calorimeter of the mu2e experiment . calorimetry , scintillating crystals , avalanche photodiodes 29.40.mc , 29.40.vj
temperature profiles of galaxy clusters are of great importance for two main reasons : firstly they allow us to measure the total mass of these systems through the hydrostatic equilibrium equation and secondly they provide informations on the thermodynamic state of the intra cluster medium ( hereafter icm ) . measurements of temperature profiles have been performed with the the first generation of x - ray satellites carrying telescopes operating in the medium energy band ( 2 - 10 kev ) , namely asca and bepposax . a detailed description of results obtained with these experiments may be found in de grandi & molendi ( 2002 ) and refs . therein . in the last 3 years various authors have published xmm - newton temperature profiles of individual clusters . arnaud et al . ( 2003 ) with a sample of 7 objects comprising 5 clusters and 2 groups find that the temperature profiles are essentially isothermal within @xmath1 , and possibly declining at larger radii , where the statistics is rather limited . recently , zhang et al . ( 2003 ) have published temperature profiles for a sample of 9 clusters , in the outer regions they find both flat and strongly decreasing profiles , however they do not provide a mean temperature profiles of their sample . in this note we derive the mean temperature profile for a sample of hot , medium distant clusters whose profiles are available from the literature and compare it with our mean bepposax profile . we have selected from the literature all hot ( i.e. kt@xmath2 kev ) clusters in the redshift range between 0.1 and 0.3 with an available projected radial temperature profile . the resulting sample comprises a total of 15 clusters : 9 reflex clusters at redshift @xmath3 ( zhang et al . 2003 ) , a1413 at z=0.143 ( pratt & arnaud 2002 ) , a2163 at z=0.201 ( pratt et al . 2001 ) , a1835 at z=0.250 ( majerovitz et al . 2002 ) , pks 0745@xmath4191 at z=0.1028 ( chen et al . 2003 ) , zw 3146 at z=0.291 and e1455@xmath5223 at z=0.258 both taken from mushotzky ( 2003 ) . the adopted redshift range allows us to compare the temperature profiles measured from xmm - newton data with those derived from bepposax observations . the profiles published for the clusters in the xmm - newton sample extend out to @xmath6 from the core , corresponding to physical radii of @xmath7 mpc ( h@xmath8 km s@xmath9 mpc@xmath9 ) . the same physical radii are reached by bepposax observations of clusters laying in the @xmath10 redshift range and detected out to @xmath11 ( see de grandi & molendi 2002 ) . the average cluster temperature of the xmm - newton sample is @xmath12 7 kev , very similar to that of the bepposax sample ( @xmath13 kev ) . we have converted all temperature uncertainties at the 90% confidence level into errors at the 68% c.l . by dividing them by the scaling factor 1.65 . for each cluster we have computed the virial radius @xmath14 ( @xmath15 ) from the relation derived by evrard et al . ( 1996 ) : @xmath16 using published cluster mean temperatures and redshifts . visual inspection of fig.1 , where we report the individual xmm - newton temperature profiles , shows that the profiles are about isothermal from 0.10 to @xmath17 ; beyond @xmath17 there seems to be a decline . it is also clear that points at @xmath18 are heavily fluctuating and tend to have larger errors . we have modelled the xmm - newton profiles in fig . 1 with a power law and converted the slope into the polytrophic gas index accordingly to the calculation reported in the appendix of de grandi & molendi ( 2002 ) . in the range @xmath19 we have obtained a polytrophic index @xmath20 , which is close to the isothermal value 1 . whereas , for @xmath21r@xmath22 we have found @xmath23 , which is formally above the adiabatic limit of 5/3 , although consistent at the 68% confidence level with values below 5/3 . the drop in the profiles at @xmath12 0.55 r@xmath24 ( clearly visible in fig . 2 ) highlights a possible problem in the xmm - newton profiles . the binned error - weighted average temperature profile computed from the 15 clusters is shown in fig . 2 , where we also plot the bepposax cool core and non cool core clusters profiles ( see de grandi & molendi 2002 for details ) . we have added here to the bepposax cool core clusters the ophiuchus cluster . the xmm - newton and bepposax profiles are in good agreement between 0.05 and 0.25 @xmath0 . from 0.25 to about 0.5 @xmath0 both profiles decline , however the bepposax profile does so more rapidly than the xmm - newton profile . the presence of a temperature jump , at the limit of convective stability , at the largest radii explored with xmm - newton , hints to a problem possibly related to the low signal - to - noise ratio of the outermost cluster regions and to the difficulties in operating a correct background subtraction ( see molendi these proceedings for a discussion of this issue ) .
we derive here the mean temperature profile for a sample of hot , medium distant clusters recently observed with xmm - newton , whose profiles are available from the literature , and compare it with the mean temperature profile found from bepposax data . the xmm - newton and bepposax profiles are in good agreement between 0.05 and 0.25 @xmath0 . from 0.25 to about 0.5 @xmath0 both profiles decline , however the bepposax profile does so much more rapidly than the xmm - newton profile .
the presence of large amounts of unseen matter in galaxies , distributed differently from stars and gas , is well established from rotation curves ( rcs ) which do not show the expected keplerian fall - off at large radii ( rubin _ et al . _ 1980 ) , but increase , remain flat or start to gently decrease according to a well organized pattern that involves an invisible mass component becoming progressively more abundant at outer radii and in the less luminous galaxies ( persic , salucci & stel 1996 ) . in spirals we have the best opportunity to study the mass distribution : the gravitational potentials of a spherical stellar bulge , a dark halo , a stellar disk and a gaseous disk give rise to an observed equilibrium circular velocity @xmath0 the poisson equation relates the surface ( spatial ) densities of these components to the corresponding gravitational potentials . the investigation is not difficult : e.g. @xmath1 , the surface stellar density , is proportional ( by the mass - to - light ratio ) to the observed surface brightness : dark and luminous matter in spirals are coupled : at any galactocentric radii @xmath7 measured in terms of disk length - scale @xmath8 @xmath9 , there is a _ radial _ tully - fisher relation ( yegorova & salucci 2007 ) , i.e. a relation between the local rotation velocity @xmath10 and the total galaxy luminosity : @xmath11 . spirals present universal features in their kinematics that correlate with their global galactic properties ( pss and salucci _ et al . _ 2007 ) . this led to the discovery , from 3200 individual rcs , of the `` universal rotation curve '' of spirals @xmath12 ( see pss and fig . 1 ) , i.e. a function of galactocentric radius @xmath13 , that , tuned by a global galaxy property ( e.g. the luminosity ) , well reproduces , out to the virial radius ( shankar _ et al . _ 2006 ) , the rc of any spiral ( salucci _ et al . @xmath14 is the observational counterpart to which the circular velocity profile emerging in cosmological simulations must comply ( link to www.youtube.com/user/dvd5film#p/a/u/1/ycgafvb-wji for a 3-d visualization of the urc ) . in the same way of individual rcs , it underlies a mass model that includes a freeman disk and a dm halo with a burkert profile @xmath15 @xmath16 is the core radius and @xmath17 the central density , see salucci & burkert 2000 for details . we obtain the structural parameters @xmath17 , @xmath16 , @xmath4 by @xmath18 fitting the urc and a number of individual rcs . as result a set of scaling laws among local and global galaxy quantities emerges ( see fig . 2 ) . these scaling laws indicate ( salucci _ et al . _ 2007 ) that spirals have an inner baryon dominance region where the stellar disk dominates the total gravitational potential , while the dm halo emerges farther out . at any radii , objects with lower luminosities have a larger dark - to - stellar mass ratio . the baryonic fraction in spirals is always much smaller than the cosmological value @xmath20 , and it ranges between @xmath21 to @xmath22 , suggesting that processes such as sn explosions must have removed a very large fraction of the original hydrogen . smaller spirals are denser , with their central density spanning 2 orders of magnitude over the mass sequence of spirals . to assume a cored halo profile is obligatory . it is well known that @xmath23cdm scenario provides a successful picture of the cosmological structure formation and that large n - body numerical simulations performed in this scenario lead to the commonly used nfw halo cuspy spatial density profile . however , a careful analysis of about 100 high quality , extended and free from deviations from axial symmetry rcs has now ruled out the disk + nfw halo mass model , in favor of cored profiles ( e.g. gentile _ et al . _ 2004 , 2005 , donato _ _ 2004 , spano _ et al . _ 2007 , de blok 2008 , kuzio de naray _ 2008 ) . the mass modelling in dsph , lsb and ellipticals is instead still in its infancy . however , data seem to confirm the pattern shown by in spirals ( gilmore _ et al . _ 2005 , walker _ _ 2010 , nagino & matsushita , 2009 ) . regarding the structural properties of the dm distribution a most important finding is that the central surface density @xmath24 , where @xmath16 and @xmath17 are the halo core radius and central spatial density , is nearly constant and independent of galaxy luminosity . based on the co - added rcs of @xmath25 spiral galaxies , mass models of individual dwarf irregular and spiral galaxies of late and early types with high - quality rcs and on galaxy - galaxy weak lensing signals from a sample of spiral and elliptical galaxies , we find that : @xmath26 in units of @xmath27(m@xmath28 pc@xmath29 ) . this constancy transpasses the family of disk systems and reaches spherical systems . the internal kinematics of local group dwarf spheroidal galaxies are consistent with this picture . our results are obtained for galactic systems spanning over 14 magnitudes , belonging to different hubble types , and whose mass profiles have been determined by several independent methods . very significantly , in the same objects , the approximate constancy of @xmath30 is in sharp contrast to the systematical variations , by several orders of magnitude , of galaxy properties , including @xmath17 and central stellar surface density , see fig . the evidence that the dm halo central surface density @xmath31 remains constant to within less than a factor of two over fourteen galaxy magnitudes , and across several hubble types , does indicates that this quantity is perhaps hiding the physical nature of the dm . considering that dm haloes are ( almost ) spherical systems it is surprising that their central surface density plays a role in galaxy structure . moreover it is difficult to understand this evidence in an evolutionary scenario as the product of the process that has turned the primordial cosmological gas in the stellar galactic structures we observe today . such constancy , in fact , must be achieved in very different galaxies of different morphology and mass , ranging from dark matter - dominated to baryon - dominated objects . in addition , these galaxies have experienced significantly different evolutionary histories ( e.g. numbers of mergers , significance of baryon cooling , stellar feedback , etc ) . the best explanation for our findings relays with the nature itself of the dm , as it seems to indicate recent theoretical work ( de vega _ et al . _ 2009 , 2010 . ) in warm dark matter scenario , it is quite possible , for certain values of the particle mass , to form cored dm virialized structures ( de vega _ et al . _ 2010 ) . the results obtained so far indicate that the distribution of matter in galaxies is a benchmark for understanding the dark matter nature and the galaxy formation process ( at darkmatteringalaxies.selfip.org the reader could be interested in an initiative that strongly takes this point of view ) . in particular , the universality of certain structural quantities and the dark - luminous coupling of the mass distributions seem to bear the direct imprint of the nature of the dm ( donato _ et al . _ 2009 , gentile _ et al .
in this paper i report the highlights of the talk : `` universal properties in galaxies and cored dm profiles '' , given at : colloquium lectures , ecole internationale dastrophysique daniel chalonge . the 14th paris cosmology colloquium 2010 `` the standard model of the universe : theory and observations '' .
the eclipses of the 11th magnitude star ee cep have been observed with a period of 5.6 yr from the early 1950-ies . their depths change in a wide range from about @xmath0 to @xmath1 ( see * ? ? ? * ) , however all of them show the same features : they are almost gray and have the same asymmetric shape ( descending branch of every eclipse has longer duration than the ascending one ) . in all eclipses it is possible to distinguish five phases ( shown in fig . 1 ) : ingress ( 12 ) and egress ( 34 ) , respectively preceded and followed by the extended atmospheric parts ( 1@xmath21 and 44@xmath2 ) , and the slope - bottom transit ( 23 ) . the most plausible explanation of the observed photometric behavior was proposed by @xcite . they suggested that the secondary consists of a dark disk , with opaque interior and semi - transparent exterior , around a low luminosity central object . the inclination of the disk to the line of sight and the tilt of its cross - section to the direction of motion are changed by precession . this causes the changes in the depth and the duration of the eclipses . a significant impact parameter is responsible for the observed asymmetry of the eclipses . this model can explain the shallow ( @xmath3 ) , flat - bottomed eclipse observed in 1969 if we assume a nearly edge - on and non - tilted projection of the disk . an observational campaign organized during the 2003 eclipse @xcite , brought very good quality photometric @xmath4 data with a dense time coverage . for the first time it was possible to analyze the color evolution during the eclipse and not only their amplitudes . the preliminary photometric results of this campaign were described by @xcite . the eclipse turned out to be quite shallow and in accordance with expectations almost gray . the eclipse achieved depths from about @xmath0 in @xmath5 to @xmath6 in @xmath7 passbands . in fig . 2 , the @xmath8 light curve and the color indices are presented . each point represents the average of all measurements obtained in a given passband during a single night . the color indices from the 2003 eclipse show two blue maxima , about nine days before and after the mid - eclipse . simultaneously , weak maxima in the @xmath8 light curve are clearly visible . the blue maxima observed in the color indices can be understood if we assume that a hot star , rotationally darkened at the equator and brightened at the poles , is eclipsed by a disk divided into two parts by a gap ( fig . the spectra obtained in 2003 indicate indeed that the hot component is a rapidly rotating be star @xcite . a comparison of the balmer absorption lines in the spectrum of ee cep with theoretical profiles gives @xmath9 km / s ( see * ? ? ? * ) , which implies strong equatorial darkening . the difference between the polar and the equatorial temperatures can reach even 5 - 6 @xmath10 k. therefore , when the hot polar area appears in the gap the blue maxima are observed . in fig . 3 two eclipse models are presented : with a solid disk and with a disk having a gap . the first model gives quite a good fit to the light curve and the global color changes , but it does not explain in details the color evolution during the eclipse . the disk model with a circular gap fits the observed color changes quite well . it was not possible to obtain a good fit to the light and color curves simultaneously , most likely because the assumed formula for the density of the disk was too simple . the fruitful observational campaign in 2003 did not provide answers to a number of questions : ( i ) is the be star ( primary ) in the ee cep system indeed eclipsed by a dark , precessing disk ? ( ii ) does the gap in the disk really exist ? ( iii ) what is the nature of the central body surrounded by the disk and what is its contribution to the total flux ? an excellent opportunity for answering these questions came with the next eclipse , which took place at the turn of 2008 , with a minimum occuring on january 10 , 2009 . the invitation to the observational campaign was announced in a short paper in _ ibvs _ @xcite . the strong interest among observers , who took part in the observations , resulted in a large amount of the collected data . the @xmath4 light curves presented in fig . 4 are composed of more than 1600 individual data points in total ! surprisingly , the last eclipse with depths @xmath11 in @xmath7 and nearly @xmath12 in @xmath5 passbands , turned out to be the shallowest in the observing history of ee cep . in fig . 5 , we present the _ b _ light curve and the color indices . each point represents the average of all measurements obtained in a given filter during the first and second part of a particular julian day . the accuracy of the photometry is excellent , reaching a few mmag . the features observed during the previous eclipse , including the two blue maxima , occur also in the 2008/9 eclipse . the bump preceding the minimum , at jd 2454836 ( fig . 4 and 5 ) is much more pronounced than previously . the differences in the phase and strength of these features can be caused by the changes in the spatial orientation of the disk . the observed variations in the _ i _ passband before and after the eclipses during the last decade @xcite would give additional support for this idea . a comparison of the photometric and spectroscopic data obtained during the last two eclipses ( see fig . 6 ) reveals some new characteristics of the eclipsing disk in the ee cep system . the durations of last two eclipses were longer than we expected ( about 90 days ) , and they both were preceeded and followed by very shallow minima which are perhaps repeatable in each orbital cycle . the 2008/9 campaign results confirmed the existence of a gap in the disk . additionaly , the data present some indications of the existence of a second , outer gap in the disk . the possible multi - ring structure of the eclipsing disk in ee cep suggests the existence of some massive bodies that could be responsible for their formation . this means that we may observe signs of planet formation in a circumstellar disk in ee cep . the results presented here show that the disk in ee cep system is very similar to the multi - ring structure observed in @xmath13 aurigae @xcite . during the ee cep eclipses additional components appear in the @xmath14 emission line and in the nai absorption doublet . towards the mid - eclipse an absorption component appears and grows in the @xmath14 profile and during the minimum it is very deep and broad . the sodium doublet line profiles evolve during the eclipse and in the minimum multi - component structure with at least two additional absorption components can be seen . during the shallow minimum at orbital phase 0.017 an additional nai absorption component was also present , while it was absent soon after the egress . the spectra from the last two eclipses suggest that the absorption lines evolution is the same during each cycle . unfortunately spectroscopic observations coverage of the last eclipse was very bad . many more spectroscopic observations during the next eclipse would be needed to understand the nature of ee cep . photometry in the infrared _ jhk _ passbands and the radial velocity variations of the hot component could be invaluable as well . a part of the observations used were taken through courtesy of the aavso and the sonoita research observatory . this study was supported by mnisw grant no . n203 018 32/2338 and umk promotor s grants no . 366-a and 367-a .
the photometric and spectroscopic observational campaign organized for the 2008/9 eclipse of ee cep revealed features , which indicate that the eclipsing disk in the ee cep system has a multi - ring structure . we suggest that the gaps in the disk can be related to the possible planet formation .
in order to do a spectral aging analysis in the radio bridges of fanaroff - riley - ii ( frii ) radio galaxies , we have observed a sample of 13 large , powerful frii radio galaxies with the vla using multiple configurations at 330 mhz , 1.4 , 5 and 8 ghz @xcite . the sources span the redshift range of @xmath0 and have angular extents @xmath1 . using a large combined dataset comprising our radio galaxies and others from the literature we have revisited some well known radio galaxy correlations , the results of which are presented here . using the combined radio galaxy dataset we confirm that the hotspot size @xmath2 is correlated with the total linear size @xmath3 of the source and follows the relation @xmath4 . this result is consistent with a self - similar model of a jet ( eg . * ) propagating in a medium where the ambient density @xmath5 falls off with distance from source @xmath6 as @xmath7 . this could be due to the large jets spanning hundreds of kiloparsecs in these sources , propagating mostly through a roughly constant density intergalactic medium . the hotspot spectral index is found to correlate with redshift and follows the relation , @xmath8 , which is consistent with previous studies on radio galaxies ( eg . , * ? ? ? the mean rotation measure ( rm ) of the radio lobes of the combined sample is correlated with galactic latitude . the rotation measure dispersion , on the other hand , is not . this suggests that the rm dispersion is probably caused by the source and/or its environment . ) . dp is the ratio of the fractional polarization in the lobe at 1.4 to 5 ghz ; @xmath9 is the ratio of the radio core to lobe flux density . filled circles , stars , crosses , squares , and diamonds denote radio galaxies from @xcite and @xcite , respectively . , title="fig:",width=260 ] ) . dp is the ratio of the fractional polarization in the lobe at 1.4 to 5 ghz ; @xmath9 is the ratio of the radio core to lobe flux density . filled circles , stars , crosses , squares , and diamonds denote radio galaxies from @xcite and @xcite , respectively . , title="fig:",width=260 ] we examined the liu - pooley correlation of lobe depolarization and spectral index , with the combined dataset , and found that the correlation is significant at the 99.99% significance level ( spearman rank test ; fig.1 left ) . this is an improvement from the original radio galaxy correlation ( excluding quasars ) which was observed at the 80% significance level . @xcite had concluded that differences in the medium surrounding the two radio lobes influence both the spectrum and the depolarization . a denser medium around one radio lobe would result in greater confinement of the lobe , thereby decreasing the expansion losses and increasing the radiative losses , resulting in a steeper spectral index and greater depolarization . @xcite have indeed demonstrated that the emission - line gas is intrinsically asymmetric in powerful radio sources . however , we find that the depolarization does not seem to be correlated with the arm - length ratio or misalignment angle . we find a weak correlation between lobe depolarization and radio core prominence - which is a statistical indicator of beaming and therefore orientation ( fig.1 right ) . the weak correlation is consistent with the picture of these radio galaxies lying largely in the plane of the sky . the lobe - to - lobe differences in spectral index however , do not correlate with the arm - length ratios , misalignment angles or radio core prominence . further , the arm - length ratios seem to be correlated with the misalignment angles but anti - correlated with the axial ratios . this is suggestive of environmental asymmetries close to the radio sources . such asymmetries can cause a variation in the outflow direction which can result in larger misalignments between the two sides of the source . variation in the jet direction can also result in fatter radio lobes and lower axial ratios . j. c. , odea c. p. , 2002 , , 141 , 337 s. t. , conway r. g. , leahy j. p. , 1991 , , 250 , 171 j. a. , kaiser c. r. , best p. n. , dennett - thorpe j. , 2004 , , 347 , 508 kharb p. et al . , 2006 , submitted to apj supplement series r. , pooley g. , 1991 , , 253 , 669 p. j. , van breugel w. , kapahi v. k. , 1991 , , 371 , 478 j. a. , rudnick l. , mccarthy p. j. , spinrad h. , 1989 , , 97 , 647 g. f. , daly r. a. , wan l. , 1997 , , 480 , 96
we have observed a sample of 13 large , powerful fanaroff - riley type ii radio galaxies with the very large array ( vla ) in multiple configurations and at multiple frequencies . we have combined our measurements of spectral indices , rotation measures and structural parameters such as arm - length ratios , axial ratios and misalignment angles , with similar data from the literature and revisited some well - known radio galaxy correlations .
fueled by the successes of current transit - observation incentives like kepler @xcite and corot @xcite the quest for discovering the first earth - twin has lead to a considerable cross - disciplinary interest in the interplay between stellar and planetary properties to produce habitable worlds . even - though opinions differ on what exactly to look for in a system harboring a terrestrial planet in order to declare it habitable ( see e.g. @xcite , @xcite , @xcite , @xcite ) , the classical assumption investigated by @xcite , i.e. the capacity for water to stay liquid on the planet s surface , may still be considered a prerequisite for the development and sustainability of complex life as we know it @xcite . this entails restrictions on planetological characteristics , such as mass , atmospheric and bulk composition , and sets limits to the host star s activity as well as radiation properties @xcite . dynamical considerations are of equal importance , since changes in orbital stability , or extreme variations in insolation due to large planetary eccentricities ( @xmath0 ) may also result in a hostile environment @xcite . it is therefore only natural that one would look for a copy of our solar system , when searching for habitable worlds . yet , the study of exoplanetary systems so far has clearly shown that a broader perspective is required . in fact , up to 70% of all stellar systems in our galaxy may not be single but multi - stellar systems ( e.g. @xcite and references therein ) . together with the approximately 60 planets that have already been discovered in systems harboring two stars @xcite this suggests that binary and multiple star systems should not be ignored in the search for habitable worlds . investigations of environments that permit planetary formation in binary star systems have progressed rapidly over the last decade ( see e.g. @xcite and references therein ) . even - though important questions regarding the early phases of planet formation in binary star systems - especially the transition from planetesimal to planetary embryos - still remain to be answered , late stage formation scenarios for terrestrial planets in such environments are available @xcite . since previous studies did consider the extent of the classical habitable zone ( khz ) to be purely a function of the primary star s luminosity and spectral type as introduced by @xcite ( hereafter kwr93 ) , we aim to refine this definition to encompass the gravitational and radiative influence of a second star . this article is structured as follows : after a short recapitulation of the main radiative aspects of habitability as defined in kwr93 section [ sec : bp ] introduces three exemplary binary - planet configurations , which will serve as test - cases for habitability considerations . section [ sec : stab ] briefly mentions the dynamical requirements which binary - planet configurations have to fulfill in order to ensure system stability . in section [ sec : sec ] the maximum radiative influence of the second star on a terrestrial planet in the primary s hz is estimated and compared to actual insolation simulations . the occurring differences are being investigated in the following section . finally , generalized , analytical estimates are developed and compared to numerical simulations in sections [ sec : ana ] & [ sec : num ] , and the results concerning the behavior of hzs in binary star systems are presented in section [ sec : res ] . a discussion of the results concludes this article . ccc f0 & 1.90 & 0.46 + g2 & 1.41 & 0.36 + m0 & 1.05 & 0.27 apart from planetological and dynamical aspects , the insolation a terrestrial planet receives from its host star is naturally the main driver determining the extent of the hz . when considering planets within a binary star system it is therefore important to track the combined radiation of both stars arriving at the planet . kwr93 showed that not only the sheer amount of insolation , but also the spectral distribution is essential to estimate limiting values for atmospheric collapse . in order to model the impact of diverse stellar spectral classes on an earth - like planet s atmosphere , kwr93 introduced so - called effective radiation values . these measure the relative impact a comparable amount of radiation ( e.g. 1360 @xmath1 $ ] ) with different spectral properties has on a planet s atmosphere . taking the effects of different stellar spectra into account is especially important in binary star systems with different stellar components [ tab2 ] reproduces the effective radiation values for the inner ( runaway greenhouse ) and outer ( maximum greenhouse ) edge of a single star s hz as given in kwr93 . notice how the onset of runaway greenhouse effects requires almost twice as much radiation for a spectral distribution akin to f0 class stars compared to m0 spectral types . even though @xcite assume similar effective radiation values for m and k spectral classes , actual calculations have only been done for f0 , g2 and m0 zams stars . for this reason , we first investigate the following three stellar configurations :
with more and more extrasolar planets discovered in and around binary star systems , questions concerning the determination of the classical habitable zone arise . do the radiative and gravitational perturbations of the second star influence the extent of the habitable zone significantly , or is it sufficient to consider the host - star only ? in this article we investigate the implications of stellar companions with different spectral types on the insolation a terrestrial planet receives orbiting a sun - like primary . we present time independent analytical estimates and compare these to insolation statistics gained via high precision numerical orbit calculations . results suggest a strong dependence of permanent habitability on the binary s eccentricity , as well as a possible extension of habitable zones towards the secondary in close binary systems .
the fruit fly is considered to be one of the smallest flying insects with a wingspan of about 6 mm . it flies at about 200 wingbeats per second , which yields a reynolds number of about 120 . however , there is a large variety of flying insects that are much smaller in size . one group includes parasatoid wasps . the jewel wasp is one example and has a wingspan of about 3 mm , flying at a reynolds number of about 60 . another group includes _ thysanoptera _ , commonly known as thrips . these insects are characterized by bristled wings and fly at reynolds numbers around 10 . in typical insect flight , lift is produced when a leading edge vortex is formed and remains attached to the wing , and a trailing edge vortex is formed and separates from the wing during each stroke . for tiny insect flight , neither the leading nor trailing edge vortices separate from the wing during the duration of each stroke . as the reynolds number is lowered from 100 to 1 , the relative lift forces produced during flapping flight decrease while drag forces increase significantly . these transitions are associated with a change in the behavior of the vortex wakes behind the flapping wings @xcite . thrips were collected during july and august locally on the university of north carolina campus . fruit flies were obtained from a local collection in the unc department of biology . jewel wasps were ordered from carolina biological . high speed videos of the insects were taken at 4000 hz . in each case , one or two cameras were focused on a standard pipette tip from which the insects were filmed during takeoff . immersed boundary simulations @xcite were performed for a two - dimensional wing with a fixed angle of attack of @xmath3 immersed in a channel . reynolds number was calculated as @xmath4 , where @xmath5 was the maximum velocity in the channel , @xmath6 was the dynamic viscosity of the fluid , @xmath7 was the density of the fluid , and @xmath8 was the chord length of the wing . the initially velocity of the channel was set to zero and then linearly increased to a set velocity determined by the desired reynolds number . particle image velocimetry was used to quantify the flow fields around a dynamically scaled physical model of a wing that rotated about its base . the velocities of particles illuminated in the laser sheet were determined from sequential images analyzed using a cross - correlation algorithm ( lavision inc . software ) . image pairs were analyzed with shifting overlapping interrogation windows of decreasing size ( @xmath9 pixels then @xmath10 pixels ) . lift and drag forces were also measured using a dynamically scaled physical model that rotated about its base @xcite .
we present fluid dynamics videos of the flight of some of the smallest insects including the jewel wasp , _ ampulex compressa _ , and thrips , _ thysanoptera _ spp . the fruit fly , _ drosophila melanogaster _ , is large in comparison to these insects . while the fruit fly flies at @xmath0 , the jewel wasp flies at @xmath1 , and thrips flies at @xmath2 . differences in the general structures of the wakes generated by each species are observed . the differences in the wakes correspond to changes in the ratio of lift forces ( vertical component ) to drag forces ( horizontal component ) generated . http://manowar.amath.unc.edu/~lam9/movies/miller_largeaps_movie.m4v[large ] and http://manowar.amath.unc.edu/~lam9/movies/miller_smallaps_movie.mp4[small ] versions of the movies may be found by clicking the links .
one of the most important methods used in characterizing young stars , and the only method that can establish membership in specific nearby young moving groups , is their kinematics . kinematics exploits the property that young stars ( at ages less than a billion years ) are still tracing the space motion of the gas from which they formed . several membership identification codes are available publically : banyan ( * ? ? ? * ( malo et al . 2013 ) ) , banyan ii ( * ? ? ? * ( gagne et al . 2014 ) ) ; a convergence code ( * ? ? ? * ( rodriguez et al . 2013 ) ) ; and ( soon ) , lacewing ( * ? ? ? * ( riedel et al . in prep ) ) . these codes use the six basic kinematic elements ( ra , dec , @xmath0 , @xmath1 , @xmath2 , and rv ) to predict probabilities of membership in nearby young moving groups , and can handle incomplete data . it is , however , important to know how to use and interpret the results of lacewing ( and codes like it ) to obtain the most accurate results . the lacewing code computes membership probabilities in 10 moving groups ( @xmath3 chameleon , tw hydra , @xmath4 pic , octans , tucana - horologium , columba , argus , ab doradus , hercules - lyra , and ursa major ) and 4 open clusters ( @xmath5 chameleon , the pleiades , coma berenices , and the hyades ) . the groups are represented as freely oriented triaxial ellipsoids , which are computed from new lists of bona - fide ( high confidence ) members taken from existing lists ( e.g. ( * ? ? ? * malo et al . 2013 ) ) , and filtered using epicyclic tracebacks to limit membership to only the stars that were plausibly within the group s boundaries at the time of formation . the lacewing code matches stars to groups by computing up to four metrics of membership , matching the proper motion , distance , radial velocity , and spatial location of the star to those estimated for a group member at the same ra and dec . those metrics are combined into a single numerical goodness - of - fit value . the goodness - of - fit values are transformed into membership probabilities by creating a large simulation ( using 32 million stars ; ( * ? ? ? * riedel et al . submitted ) ) of the solar neighborhood , which is then binned by goodness - of - fit value relative to a group . this is shown for @xmath4 pic and coma ber in fig.[fig : beta_pic ] , where all seven different possible combinations of data ( ra and dec are assumed to be known ) are given as different colors . curves are fit to those distributions to provide membership probabilities . pictoris moving group ( left ) and coma berenices open cluster ( right ) , showing the percentage of stars in each bin that are genuine members of the group / cluster . curves fit to these histograms ( dotted lines ) are used to translate the lacewing code s goodness - of - fit parameters to actual membership probabilities . [ fig : beta_pic],title="fig:",width=240 ] pictoris moving group ( left ) and coma berenices open cluster ( right ) , showing the percentage of stars in each bin that are genuine members of the group / cluster . curves fit to these histograms ( dotted lines ) are used to translate the lacewing code s goodness - of - fit parameters to actual membership probabilities . [ fig : beta_pic],title="fig:",width=240 ] some groups ( like the coma berenices open cluster ) have very distinctive uvw space velocities and space positions ( fig.[fig : ellipses ] ) , which translate into uniquely identifying proper motion and radial velocity estimates for any given star . , width=480 ] as an example , the large simulation of stars in fig.[fig : beta_pic ] shows us that for the case in which all kinematic elements are available ( ra , dec , plus proper motion , distance , and rv ) , a goodness - of - fit value of 0.75 relative to @xmath4 pic yields a roughly 50% probability that the object is a member of @xmath4 pic . the stars matched to coma ber show that , for the equivalent case using all available data , a goodness - of - fit of 0.75 yields a nearly 100% probability that the object is a member of coma ber . fig.[fig : beta_pic ] shows the seven different data availability scenarios lacewing expects : ra and dec plus all combinations of proper motion , radial velocity , and distance . for @xmath4 pic , the proper motion method ( red dashed line ) demonstrates that even in the best possible case of a goodness - of - fit = 0 , the probability of membership is only 35% , i.e. 65% of those perfect matches to @xmath4 pic are actually ( simulated ) members of other moving groups and the generic field population . adding a radial velocity ( pink triangles ) increases the best - case probability to 80%/20% contamination . another good reason to obtain more kinematic information is to reduce the false positive contamination ( fig.[fig : beta_pic_falsepositive ] ) of a survey . with only proper motion and a fixed cutoff of 20% probability , over 80% of the objects in a survey will be contaminants ( to be weeded out by some other technique , such as spectroscopy ) . having complete data for the star of interest reduces the contamination rate to just above 40% . virtually all lithium is primordial and easily fused by objects over roughly 60 jupiter masses . therefore , a low mass object with detectable lithium must either be a brown dwarf , or a young star . * riedel et al . ( submitted ) ) assembled a sample of roughly 500 lithium - detected nearby stars and used those stars as a test sample for lacewing , reasoning that these should be the best nearby young moving group members . however , nearly half the sample did not match any of the known nearby young moving groups lacewing tests for . the same lithium - detected sample was run through other moving group codes - banyan i and ii , and the convergence code - with similar results . some lithium - detected stars were not sorted into moving groups ( fig.[fig : nongroup ] ) . 20 m ( * ? ? ? * ( murphy & lawson 2015 ) ) , a proper motion , a radial velocity , and no distance . if we generate a range of reasonable distances for the star , it could spatially be within the octans ( cyan ) moving group , but it can not possibly share the space velocity of octans , and can not be a member ( as previously noted by murphy ) [ fig : nongroup],width=326 ] there are three potential reasons for this : 1 . ) there are additional nearby young stellar groups not currently known or accounted for ; 2 . ) there is a young field population not part of any previously identified groups ; 3 . ) our current understanding of the kinematics of moving groups is incomplete . the fact that multiple moving group codes ( each with a different algorithm and kinematic model of the nearby young moving groups ) could not identify large numbers of stars as members of nearby young moving groups suggests that the explanation probably involves some combination of the first two points . ultimately , the message is clear : young stars do not need to be members of a known nearby young moving group . `` none of the above '' can be a correct answer . as we enter the third decade of nearby young star research , there is much more to be done from the standpoint of membership statistics . moving group identification codes such as lacewing will continue to provide essential tools in studies of stellar and planetary formation and evolution , but care must still be taken in interpreting their results .
with the recent accelerating rate of discoveries in the field of nearby young stars , the ability to identify new nearby young stars is as important as ever , and membership identification codes will continue to perform a vital role in scientific research . in the process of creating a new moving group membership identification code - locating constituent members in nearby groups ( lacewing ) - we have compiled a few pointers relevant to astronomers trying to use codes like lacewing to locate young stars .
the centers of galaxy clusters are the densest regions of galaxy populations in the universe . they are the places where the most frequent interactions between galaxies are expected to have taken place during the cluster formation epoch ( and maybe also in the present ) . some striking properties of galaxy cluster centers are : 1 ) a very rich globular cluster system ( gcs ) around the central galaxy ( e.g. harris 1991 ) , 2 ) an extended stellar halo ( cd halo ) around the central galaxy ( e.g. schombert 1988 ) , and 3 ) an abundant population of early - type dwarf galaxies clustered towards the center ( e.g. ferguson & binggeli 1994 ) . how do these findings come together ? can they be the result of a common scenario in which galaxy disruption played a major role ( see hilker et al . nearby galaxy clusters provide an ideal laboratory to study the different stellar components in detail . the hydra i galaxy cluster is dynamically evolved , has a regular core shape and an isothermal x - ray gas halo that can be followed out to about 160 kpc . the centaurus cluster is dynamically young with two merging sub - groups , a main cluster component ( cen30 ) around the cd galaxy ngc 4696 and a smaller group component ( cen45 ) around ngc 4709 . both galaxy clusters are located at a distance of about 45 mpc . both galaxy clusters were observed at dark time and under photometric conditions in the filters @xmath2 and @xmath3 with fors1 at the vlt ( eso , paranal ) . the seeing in all fields was in the range 0.5 to 0.7 arcsec , thus providing a very homogeneous data set . as one can see in fig . 1 , globular cluster candidates are spread all over the core of the two galaxy clusters , well outside the tidal radii of the central galaxies . the red gcs ( @xmath4 ) are more concentrated towards the galaxy s bulges than the blue gcs ( @xmath5 ) . the intra - cluster gcs are not uniformly distributed around the central galaxies . in the centaurus cluster , they show a tidal tail - like structure between the two dominant giant ellipticals . in hydra i , they occupy the same space as the abundant ( newly found ) dwarf spheroidal galaxies . also there exists a population of very blue ( @xmath6 ) , probably young clusters close to ngc 3311 . these clusters might have been stripped from the late - type group of galaxies around ngc 3312 that is passing by the core of hydra i. in both clusters , a population of very bright ( @xmath7 ) cluster or compact dwarf galaxy candidates seems to exist . in the near future we intend to 1 ) construct a density map of the intra - cluster gc population , in order to define its center and compare it to that of the x - ray gas halo , 2 ) model the cd halo light to study the local specific frequency all over the galaxy cluster , 3 ) study in detail the individual gcss of all member galaxies down to the dwarf galaxy regime , and 4 ) confirm the membership of dwarf galaxies and bright compact objects by follow - up spectroscopy .
in this contribution , first results of deep vlt photometry ( @xmath0 ) in the central region of the hydra i and centaurus galaxy clusters are presented . in both galaxy clusters , many star clusters have been identified down to the turnover magnitude of the globular cluster luminosity function at @xmath1 mag . they are distributed not only around the several early - type galaxies , but also in the intra - cluster field , as far as 250 kpc from the cluster centers . outside the bulges of the central galaxies in hydra i and centaurus , the intra - cluster globular cluster system is dominated by blue clusters whose spatial distribution is similar to that of the ( newly discovered ) dwarf galaxies .
at the ilc it will be necessary to measure the beam polarisation with a precision of 0.25% to fully exploit the physics potential of machine and detectors @xcite . these measurements will be realised via compton polarimeters , where cherenkov counters detect the backscattered compton electrons . the compton cross sections for different configurations of the laser light l0.70 ( 10.4 , 8.47 ) ( 0.0 , 3.8 ) ( 0.0 , 0.0 ) ( 9.3 , 8.3 ) ( a ) ( 9.3 , 3.4 ) ( b ) and @xmath0 spin helicities are different , allowing for an asymmetry measurement , from which the polarisation level of the @xmath0-beams can finally be determined . for the upstream polarimeter a special magnetic chicane ( fig . [ fig : magnchic - cherhodolayout](a ) ) is envisioned , so that the compton edge of the backscattered electron beam will always be at the same position in the cherenkov detector regardless of the energy of the original electron / positron beam . circularly polarised laser light is scattered off the @xmath0-beams with about @xmath1 interactions per bunch . the scattered @xmath0 are then deflected by the dipole magnetic fields of the chicane and led to the detector , whose current baseline design @xcite consists of gas tubes read out by photomultipliers ( fig . [ fig : magnchic - cherhodolayout](b ) ) . the incident @xmath0 generate cherenkov radiation inside the gas tubes , which is then detected by photomultipliers . however , alternative design possibilities , using quartz fibers and silicon photomultipliers , are also being studied . for the detector r&d , many different aspects have to be taken into account and optimised . among these are not only the choice of gas or the inside mirror - coating of the cherenkov gas tubes ( currently similar to those used for the polarimeter of the sld detector at slac ) , but also different aspects of the photomultiplier and read - out electronics . it will , for example , be necessary to optimise the quantum efficiency , the sensitive area and the dynamic range of the photomultipliers , but also the reflectivity and the light extraction from the gas tubes . furthermore , since the goal of achieving a polarisation measurement with a precision of 0.25% is very ambitious , the linearity of all detector components is extremely important . all non - linear effects ( photodetectors , electronics , etc . ) need to be measured precisely and corrected for if necessary . this test stand is based on camac electronics and is used to develop different techniques for on- and off - line linearity measurements of various electronics components and different photodetectors . up to now , two different methods for measuring the linearity of a qdc have been studied . the first method , of which fig . [ fig : electronicstest ] illustrates the setup , uses a sine wave as input to the qdc . the transition codes , or rather , the probability @xmath2 for l0.48 ( 6.0 , 1.84 ) ( 0.0 , 0.0 ) each transition to occur at a certain adc - code is measured and compared to the response of an ideal qdc , see fig . [ fig : measurements](a ) : @xmath3 where @xmath4 pc is the charge amplitude at full scale range . figure [ fig : measurements](b ) shows the differential non - linearity ( dnl ) , i.e. , the difference between the measured and ideal qdc codes , ( 14.0 , 4.4 ) ( 0.0 , 0.0 ) ( 4.8 , 0.0 ) ( 9.5 , 0.0 ) ( 0.0,-0.1 ) ( a ) ( 4.8,-0.1 ) ( b ) ( 9.5,-0.1 ) ( c ) while fig . [ fig : measurements](c ) displays the corresponding integral non - linearity ( inl ) after gain and offset correction , exemplary for channel 1 . if a straight - line - fit is applied in the mid range of codes , from 200 to 800 adc - counts , the inl ranges from 1 to 2 lsbs ( least significant bit , or ideal qdc code width ) , corresponding to 0.1 - 0.2% of the full scale range . the second method is a qdc self - test , integrated in the readout software . a dc - voltage from 0 to 20 v is applied to the qdc ( 1 v @xmath5 12.5 pc ) and the measured charge is compared to the input charge for multiple charge injections . this second method is less precise and , moreover , requires many steps and thus a very long measurement time . in the near future , the component test stand will be used for a variety of other measurements , including the characterisation of different photo detectors ( conventional pmts and rather new developments , e.g. silicon photomultipliers ) , further linearity measurements regarding the photo detectors and , possibly , the entire readout chain . longer term plans for this test stand also foresee measurements of temperature effects , the gain stability and other issues . as of early may 2006 , the sld cherenkov detector is located at desy . however , the necessary hardware components for its setup are not yet available , but a vme - pci interface as well as charge - sensitive adc ( qdc ) have been ordered . ( for a description of the entire sld - detector and the compton polarimeter see ref . @xcite . ) for the detector commissioning it is planned to first test all nine channels for functionality with a system of blue ( and green ) leds . furthermore , the reflectivity and light yield ( @xmath6 geometry ) , the sensitivity of the photo detectors , and the light extraction from the gas tubes will be studied . later on , temperature effects will also be investigated , which might lead to an active regulation / stabilisation via thermo - electric elements . a proposal from april 18 , 2007 lists further planned measurements , that will serve as a reference for studying new design features . each measurement will either be performed as component and readout test of a single channel or of the entire detector system ( fig . [ fig : sld - det ] ) , including : * the characterisation of different types of photomultipliers ( regarding sensitivity ) * * dark rate / light response ; * * voltage and/or temperature dependence ; * * dynamic range / sensitivity ; * the pros / cons of different types of photo detectors and connecting fibers : * * photo detectors : conventional pms , apds , and sipms ; * * fiber types : optical , wavelength - shifting fibers ; * and the analysis of different couplings : ( direct , air gap , etc . ) between gas tubes & fibers , and between fibers & photo detectors ; * linearity / non - linearity measurements for different configurations ( 15.0 , 10.0 ) ( 0.2 , 0.0 ) ( -0.1 , 4.4 ) ( 8.2 , 2.3 ) the authors acknowledge the support by dfg li 1560/1 - 1 .
the setup of two different small scale teststands for measurements regarding an electron cherenkov detector as part of the ilc polarimeters is presented . component measurements already carried out are analyzed and others , foreseen for the near future , are discussed . the larger one of the two teststands features the old cherenkov detector of the sld experiment , which will be used as a reference for a number of crucial measurements . especially , the requirements for the non - linearity of the read - out chain are studied in greater detail and methods for its precise measurement before and during operation are being developed accordingly .
a decade ago , solar models matched the sun remarkably well . sound speed profiles in models differed from the sun s actual sound speed by less than half a percent . then @xcite reanalyzed the solar optical spectrum using improved atomic physics and a 3d hydrodynamical model of the atmosphere ( instead of a 1d hydrostatic model ) . their results indicate that the abundances of the heavy elements should be lower by a substantial amount . for example , carbon was lowered by 35% , nitrogen by 27.5% , oxygen by 48% , and neon by 74% . solar models that are evolved using the new abundance mixture give worse agreement with helioseismic constraints than models using the old abundances . problems include a tripling in the sound - speed discrepency below the convection zone , a convection zone that is too shallow , and a helium abundance in the convection zone that is too low . many attempts have been made to reconcile the new abundances with seismology . a few examples include increasing the opacities below the convection zone , increasing abundances within their uncertainties , increasing the neon abundance , enhancing diffusive settling rates , and including early accretion of lower - z material . various combinations of these changes have also been explored . none of the alterations has resolved the discrepency between the revised abundances and seismology . for further discussion of the problem and the attempted solutions , see @xcite and @xcite in these proceedings . since the mismatch between seismology and the new abundances remains a problem , a seismic determination of the heavy element abundances in the solar convection zone is necessary . the techniques for a seismic measurement of heavy elements are discussed in the following sections . @xcite measured the solar helium abundance through the effect of helium ionization on the adiabatic exponent @xmath0 . ionization lowers @xmath0 from the ideal gas value of 5/3 . since the convection zone stratification is almost purely adiabatic , the gradient of the square of the sound speed in that region can be written as @xmath1 \right\}.\ ] ] this expression can be separated into a term called @xmath2 that contains the seismic variables and a term called @xmath3 that contains only thermodynamic variables . @xmath4 @xmath5\ ] ] since @xmath3 contains a derivative of @xmath0 , it shows a more pronounced variation due to the ionization of each element than @xmath0 alone shows . for the helium abundance measurement , dppen and gough used seismic data to obtain the sound speed , then computed @xmath2 and @xmath3 for their model . figure [ figone ] shows the helium hump that dppen and gough discovered in @xmath2 and @xmath3 where ionization takes place in the convection zone . here @xmath2 and @xmath3 are ploted against the acoustic radius @xmath6 . the signatures of heavy - element ionization can already be seen in the small wiggles lower in the convection zone @xcite . near @xmath7 , we see ionization . from 0.45 - 0.55 , ionization appears . near 0.58 , shows up as an imperceptibly small hump that is impossible to measure here . near 0.68 , there is a double hump due to the first two k - shell ionizations of ne . the larger humps are merged ionization zones . since the humps from heavy element ionization are such small features , great care must be taken to obtain an accurate measurement of the abundances . and @xmath3 throughout the convection zone in model s of @xcite . the large hump around @xmath8 is due to helium ionization . the smaller wiggles lower in the convection zone are due to heavy element ionization . ] it is common to use sound speed and density or sound speed and @xmath0 as solar inversion variables . however , the extremely small ionization humps of the heavy elements require a more sensitive inversion . we suggest inverting the frequency differences directly for @xmath2 and @xmath3 . @xmath9 in the adiabatically stratified convection zone , @xmath10 . this allows us to rewrite the integral as @xmath11 since this formulation has the added advantage of reducing the problem to a single - variable inversion , we no longer need to worry about contamination from a second inversion variable . the conversion from the familiar sound speed and density kernels ( see , for example , * ? ? ? * ) to the desired @xmath2 and @xmath3 kernels requires quite a bit of algebra . one possible trick to simplify the calculation is to reconfigure @xmath2 and @xmath3 in terms of the square of the isothermal sound speed @xmath12 . the gradient of @xmath13 in an adiabatically stratified region is @xmath14 this leads to a set of definitions analogous to equations ( [ eq2 ] ) and ( [ eq3 ] ) for the separation of seismic and thermodynamic variables : @xmath15 @xmath16 the derivative of @xmath0 in the definition of @xmath3 does not appear in the new @xmath17 . this greatly simplifies the kernel conversion . however , without the @xmath0 derivative , @xmath17 is less sensitive to the effects of ionization than @xmath3 is . as shown in figure [ figtwo ] , @xmath17 does not have visible heavy - element ionization humps . since the effect of ionization is so small to begin with , reducing it even further by switching to @xmath17 is not worth the gain in algebraic simplicity in the kernel conversion . the @xmath0 derivative is essential to highlight the effect of heavy - element ionization . we therefore choose to use the original definitions of @xmath2 and @xmath3 . and @xmath17 throughout the convection zone in model s of @xcite . the heavy - element ionization humps are clearly visible in @xmath3 , yet they do not appear in @xmath17 . ] one source of uncertainty in solar equations of state is the effect of pressure ionization . pressure ionization occurs when matter is so dense that electron orbits overlap . the electrons in the overlapping orbits no longer belong to a particular atomic nucleus . the pressure effectively frees these electrons , increasing the ionization of the plasma . @xcite developed a technique to account for pressure ionization in an equation of state by applying constraints to the effective atomic and ionic sizes . they used a single pressure - ionization parameter @xmath18 for all species of ions . they then implemented a model in which they calibrated @xmath18 to fit solar data . the calibrated pressure - ionization model fit the data better than the parameter - free equations of state , highlighting the importance of pressure ionization for an accurate equation of state . changing the effective atomic size in the pressure - ionization model leads to a vertical shift in @xmath0 . since @xmath0 appears as a factor in @xmath3 , @xmath3 also suffers from this shift due to the atomic size parameterization . therefore , we can not just measure the average value of @xmath3 to obtain the heavy - element abundances . in order to obtain an accurate seismological measurement , we must consider the effective atomic size by using a pressure - ionization model for the equation of state or measure the humps relative to the background level of @xmath3 . in order to obtain a seismic measurement of the heavy - element abundances in the sun the following techniques should be used : the frequency data should be inverted directly for @xmath2 or @xmath3 instead of sound speed , the original definitions for @xmath2 and @xmath3 should be used instead of the @xmath19 and @xmath17 derived from the isothermal sound speed formulation , and the effect of atomic size calibration on the background level of @xmath3 should be taken into account . these choices are crucial for accurately measuring the small effect of heavy - element ionization in order to determine solar abundances seismically . asplund , m. , grevesse , n. , and sauval , a.j . 2005 , in proc . cosmic abundances as records of stellar evolution and nucleosynthesis , asp conference series , vol . barnes iii and f.n . bash ( san francisco , ca ) , 25
the revision of the photospheric abundances proferred by asplund et al has rendered opacity theory inconsistent with the seismologically determined opacity through the sun . this highlights the need for a direct seismological measurement of solar abundances . here we describe the technique used to measure abundances with seismology , examine our ability to detect differences between solar models using this technique , and discuss its application in the sun .
models with latent variables have been proposed and investigated for explaining , understanding , or classifying observed data . if a model is a generative model , observed data are modeled to be as if they were generated by latent variables through parameterized probability distributions . popular criteria for learning generative models include likelihood or posterior probability , which both evaluate the probability of the given observed data or parameters . another kind of criteria is mutual information . mutual information has been used to learn non - linear generative models @xcite in which relationships between observed and latent variables are directly evaluated . it has also been used to learn linear encoding ( recognition ) models @xcite . the relationships between observed and latent variables have greater importance in more complex generative models , e.g. , deep learning models @xcite . in the pre - training of deep belief networks ( dbns ) , one of the models or techniques of deep learning , posterior samples of latent variables in the lower layer are used as samples of observed variables in the next , higher layer . for successive layer learning to be possible , latent variables should possess properties that enable such learning . it is crucial and fundamental for multiple layer learning theory to assess which observed variable properties are preserved , discarded , or modified in latent variables . for this purpose , it is necessary to have good measures that capture the capability of higher layer learning and to know the configurations of models suitable for higher layer learning . unfortunately , mutual information is not an adequate measure for this purpose . the maximization of mutual information is known to yield independent latent variables under certain conditions @xcite , however , if latent variables are independent of each other , successive learning exploiting their correlations becomes impossible . in this paper , we propose a novel measure to capture the dissimilarity between latent and observed variables in two - layer models . we refer to the proposed measure as latent - observed dissimilarity ( lod ) . the key idea is to define a `` virtual - latent '' probability mass function ( pmf ) over observed variables , using the conditionally expected information of latent variables . this definition provides us with a new pmf for which we can measure the dissimilarity from the original pmf . the dissimilarity between these two pmfs can be regarded as the dissimilarity between the latent and observed variables , since the defined pmf reflects the conditionally expected information of latent samples , while the original pmf reflects the self - information of observed samples . we applied lod to four essential types of two - layer models : 1 ) a single - latent - variable model ( sl ) , 2 ) a multi - latent - variable model whose latent variables are independent of each other ( il ) , 3 ) a multi - latent - variable model whose latent variables are conditionally independent given observed variables ( ci ) , and 4 ) a multi - latent - variable model whose latent variables are independent of each other and conditionally independent given observed variables ( ici ) . these four types cover the major possible combinations of independence or conditional independence in two - layer models . in our experiments , lod clearly reflected the difference between these four model types . lod was also shown to reflect the latent layer s capability for higher layer learning . our experiments also revealed that the conditional independence of latent variables given observed variables , particularly for ci models , contributes to the improvement of higher layer learning , improving lod and the mutual information between lower and higher layers . let @xmath0 denote the probability mass function ( pmf ) of a generative model where @xmath1 denotes observed variables and @xmath2 denotes latent variables . when an observation @xmath1 is received , its self information under a model @xmath3 is given as @xmath4 . we first define the corresponding expected information for latent variables . let @xmath5 denote the expected information of @xmath2 given @xmath1 , @xmath6 where @xmath5 may be said to be the expected surprise of the latent layer given @xmath1 , while @xmath7 is the surprise of the observed layer given @xmath1 . we then define a pmf @xmath8 based on @xmath5 . to measure the distance between some pmf and @xmath5 , preprocessing is necessary because the function @xmath5 is not guaranteed to be a pmf . based on the fact that @xmath5 represents the expected information , we define the following pmf , @xmath9 where @xmath10 . let @xmath11 denote a data distribution . that is , we assume @xmath12 for any function @xmath13 . using @xmath8 , we define the dissimilarity between the observed and latent variables for a dataset using kl - divergence , @xmath14 [ [ single - variable - example . ] ] single variable example . + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + we now study the differences between lod and mutual information using single variable examples . the proposed measure , lod , behaves differently from the mutual information of @xmath1 and @xmath2 . when the joint probability of @xmath1 and @xmath2 is defined by @xmath0 , the mutual information @xmath15 between @xmath1 and @xmath2 is @xmath16 where @xmath17 denotes the kullback - leibler divergence . a more data - based evaluation is possible if the data distribution @xmath11 is employed @xmath18 we also refer to mi as ( data - based ) mutual information . consider the difference between lod and mi in the simplest case . consider a model consisting of a single observed variable and a single latent variable . let @xmath19 and @xmath20 . define the probabilities @xmath21 as @xmath22 , respectively . for simplicity , we assume the mapping from @xmath1 to @xmath2 to be deterministic , so each @xmath23 is either @xmath24 or @xmath25 . from among all possible @xmath23 under this assumption , let @xmath26 denote the one that realizes the best lod , and let @xmath27 denote the one that realizes the best mi . the joint and marginal probabilities of @xmath28 and @xmath29 as well as the transformed probabilities @xmath8 are shown in table [ tb_p1_p2_6 ] . note that since @xmath30 by assumption , the log likelihood is maximized for both @xmath28 and @xmath29 , as @xmath31 . the scores of lod and mi are shown in table [ tb_p1_p2_score_6 ] . .joint and marginal probabilities of @xmath28 and @xmath29 , and transformed probabilities @xmath8 . top : the best similarity assignment . bottom : the best mutual information assignment . note that @xmath32 , @xmath33 . [ cols="^,^,^,^,^,^,^,^",options="header " , ] we proposed latent - observed dissimilarity ( lod ) , a dissimilarity measure between latent and observed variables in generative models , to evaluate the relationships between latent and observed variables . lod compares the self - information of an observation with the expected information of a latent layer given that observation . we numerically evaluated four types of two - layer models ( sl , il , ci , and ici ) using log likelihood , mutual information , and lod . the results suggested an advantage of using lod as a measure for multi - layer learning ; the lod between observed and latent variables had significant correlation with the lod between observed and higher layer latent variables for all four types of models , while mutual information had significant correlation only for ci models . the results also suggested the conditional independence of latent variables given observed variables facilitates the transmission of a layer s characteristics to the higher layers . this fact sheds new light on the advantages of conditional independence , of which usually only its computational advantage is emphasized . this work was supported by mext kakenhi grant number 23240019 . masashi ohata , toshiharu mukai , and kiyotoshi matsuoka . independent component analysis on the basis of helmholtz machine . in _ 4th international symposium on independent component analysis and blind signal separation ( ica2003 ) _ , 2003 .
quantitatively assessing relationships between latent variables and observed variables is important for understanding and developing generative models and representation learning . in this paper , we propose latent - observed dissimilarity ( lod ) to evaluate the dissimilarity between the probabilistic characteristics of latent and observed variables . we also define four essential types of generative models with different independence / conditional independence configurations . experiments using tractable real - world data show that lod can effectively capture the differences between models and reflect the capability for higher layer learning . they also show that the conditional independence of latent variables given observed variables contributes to improving the transmission of information and characteristics from lower layers to higher layers .
the starting point lies with the narrow absorption lines ( nals)/x - ray warm absorbers in the well - studied seyfert 1 galaxy ngc 5548 . accepting for a moment the identity of the uv and x - ray absorbers , then the absorber must lie @xmath010@xmath1 cm from the continuum source , but is only @xmath010@xmath2 cm thick ; i.e. a thin shell . ( this is also needed to have a single ionization state fit the data . ) this shell has an outward velocity of 1200 km s@xmath3 ( figure 1 ) , yet in 20 years has not changed its ionization state . ( being a trace ion , n(civ ) should have increased by a factor 100 , unless density changes precisely matched the declining ionizing continuum , yet the civ ew has been constant . ) mathur , elvis & wilkes ( 1995 ) explained this constancy by invoking a flow of absorbing material across our line of sight to the continuum . so the structure remained constant , although the particular gas atoms changed . a flow across the line of sight implies a conical structure ( figure 1c ) , so from some directions no absorbers will be seen . a cone angle of 60@xmath4 divides the solid angle equally , and could explain why half of seyfert galaxies have ionized absorbers and half do not ( figures 3a , b ) . there is a third viewing direction : directly down the flow . this too will show a highly ionized absorber , but with much larger column density and higher velocity . recent work on broad absorption line ( bal ) quasars suggests that they have such conditions ( e.g. mathur , elvis & singh 1996 ; hamman 1998 ) . if the flow opens at a half angle of 6@xmath4 then 10% of agn will be seen as bal quasars , as observed . this is appealing since both warm absorber outflows ( see above ) and bals are likely present in all quasars ( to explain , among other reasons , the strong continuum polarization in bal troughs , ogle 1998 ) . however the velocities in bals are @xmath010 times those of the nals . the simplest modification to figure 1 that accomodates this is to bend the flow ( figure 2 , figure 3a ) . at first glance this geometry appears unlikely ; however , it can arise quite naturally . symmetry requires that a disk wind will first rise vertically . once exposed to radiation pressure from the continuum source the flow will begin to bend outward , giving the @xmath01000 km s@xmath3 nal outflow velocity , and will become radial when @xmath5 . the ` detachment velocities ' of bals measure this critical velocity to be 0 - 5000 km s@xmath3 , so @xmath6 , the disk orbital velocity at the wind ejection point . conditions in the ` warm ' absorber are likely to be high density ( @xmath710@xmath8@xmath9 ) , and truly warm ( @xmath010@xmath10k , nicastro et al . , 1999 , 2000 ) , hence the name ` warm highly ionized medium ' ( whim ) . the whim pressure is comparable with that in broad emission - line clouds . the geometry removes the objection that a belr confining medium would be compton thick , while the bulk co - outflowing of both whim and belr means that the belr clouds will not be destroyed by shear forces . in addition : @xmath11 and @xmath12 , about 10@xmath1 cm in ngc 5548 . the cylinder / cone geometry of the wind naturally divides the belr into a high ionization ( cylindrical ) region , and a low ionization ( conical ) region shielded from x - rays by the whim . along the flow ( in the bal direction ) the whim is compton thick . scattering from the rear of the flow ( figure 3c ) produces the polarized continuum in bals ( ogle 1998 ) . compton thick scatterers are also needed to make : ` polarized bel ' seyfert 2s ( e.g. ngc 1068 ) ; uv continuum polarization below ly@xmath13 ( beloborodov & poutanen 1999 ) ; and the x - ray reflection features , the ` compton hump ' and fluorescent fe - k line . could these could arise from the whim ? the uv continuum polarization needs semi - relativistic outflow , which the conical bal part of the wind has . the ` polarized bel ' might work if there is dust in the outer part of the wind . ( if this happens only in low luminosity agn , then the missing ` quasar 2s ' are the bal quasars . ) however hst has resolved some of the ` mirrors ' in seyfert 2s on @xmath010 parsec scales , too large to be the whim . the whim will necessarily produce x - ray features , proportional to the whim covering factor of 10% 30% , i.e. almost half the observed fe - k line strength . the whim fe - k component can not vary on timescales @xmath14 weeks . high luminosity quasars differ from the lower luminosity agn in several features . changes in the outflow opening angle and the height of the cylindrical region , e.g. from increased radiation or cosmic ray pressure at high luminosities , may explain : the lower civ ew ( baldwin effect ) , the rarity of nals , and the weakness of x - ray scattering features in high luminosity quasars . the need for an ` obscuring torus ' is weaker in this model : ( 1 ) the seyfert 2s with polarized bels could be viewed through a dusty bal ; ( 2 ) the conical shell outflow could itself produce the bi - cone structures , which would then be hollow , matter bounded , cones rather than filled , ionization bounded , structures ; ( 3 ) the more common ` no polarized bel ' seyfert 2s could be made in several ways ( lawrence & elvis 1982 ) . the complete structure proposed here and in elvis ( 2000 ) is shown in figure 4 . this ambitious proposal draws together a number of previously disparate areas of quasar research into a single simple scheme . the broad and narrow absorption line ( bal , nal ) regions , the high and low ionization broad emission line regions ( belr ) , and at least some of the five compton thick scattering regions can all be combined into the single funnel - shaped outflow , while on large scales this outflow could produce the bi - conical narrow emission line regions . this unification gives the model a certain appeal .
we propose a simple unifying structure for the inner regions of quasars and agn . this empirically derived model links together the bals , the narrow uv / x - ray ionized absorbers , the belr , and the compton scattering / fluorescing regions into a single structure . the model also suggests an origin for the large - scale bi - conical outflows . some other potential implications of this structure are discussed . galaxies : active ; quasars : general ; quasars : absorption lines
x - ray binaries are rather common galactic x - ray objects and about 300 sources are catalogued . recently several objects have been reported to emit gamma - rays of gev and/or tev energies which are modulated in their orbital periods , and a new category of gamma - ray binaries is emerging ( @xcite ) , but their emission mechanism is not understood well . it is clear that we need more observations and samples for the detailed study of their nature . in this study , gamma - ray emissions from hess j0632 + 057 , for which 321-day period has been found recently , and agl j2241 + 4454 , which could be identified with a be star binary with 60-day period , have been searched for using the fermi - lat data in the gev energy range . this object was found as a tev point source by h.e.s.s . in the monoceros snr / rosetta nebula region ( @xcite ) . it coincides with a massive star mwc148/xmmu j063259.3 + 054801 ( @xmath0 kpc ) which is variable on hour timescales , and is suspected to be a binary system ( @xcite ) . then , @xmath1 day period was found in the xmmu source ( @xcite ) . tev follow - up observations for 6 years have revealed that gamma - ray fluxes are modulated at this period ( @xcite ) ( see fig.[fig : j0632lc ] ) . however , this object is not listed in the second fermi - lat catalog ( @xcite ) . , width=302 ] we analyzed lat gamma - ray data above 200 mev for 3.5 years using the fermi science tools ( version v9r27p1 ) with p7source_v6 response function . the resulting skymap is shown in fig . [ fig : j0632 cm ] . the likelihood analysis yielded no significant signal , and we found no evidence for gamma - ray emission . we obtained an upper limit of @xmath2@xmath3s@xmath4 ( 90% c.l . ) for 1-year data ( 3.5 year - data is under analysis ) . the spectral energy distribution is shown in fig . [ fig : j0632sp ] with radio and x - ray data ( @xcite ) where the gev limit is very close to model expectations assuming inverse compton emission ( solid : @xmath5 electron injection with @xmath6 gev , dashed : @xmath7 / 1 gev , dotted : @xmath8 / 2 gev ) . , width=302 ] , width=302 ] orbital modulation of gev gamma - ray emission has been investigated assuming the 321 day period . we could not find any significant phase bins , and fig . [ fig : j0632op ] shows the upper - limit light curve . , width=302 ] agile reported the discovery of this object for a short period ( 2010 - 07 - 25/26 ) with a flux of @xmath9@xmath3s@xmath4 above 100 mev ( @xcite ) . however , fermi - lat observations could not confirm this detection and set an upper limit of @xmath10@xmath3s@xmath4 ( 95% c.l . ) above 100 mev ( @xcite ) . it could be identified as a be star hd 215227 ( mwc 656 ) showing an orbital period of @xmath11 days ( @xcite ) . we analyzed lat gamma - ray data above 100 mev using the fermi science tools as in the previous section . the resulting skymap is shown in fig.5 ( 2010 - 07 - 25/26 ) and fig . 6 ( 3.5 years ) . we found no evidence for gamma - ray emission and obtained upper limits of @xmath12@xmath3s@xmath4 and @xmath13@xmath3s@xmath4 ( 90% c.l . ) for the two - day data and 3.5-year data , respectively . , width=302 ] , width=302 ] orbital modulation of gev gamma - ray emission has been investigated assuming the 60.37 day period . we could not find any significant phase bins , and fig . [ fig : j2241op ] shows the upper - limit light curve . , width=302 ] we have searched for gev gamma - ray emission from hess j0632 + 057 and agl j2241 + 4454 using the fermi - lat data . no significant signal was found from either objects and long - term and orbital - phase - resolved upper limits have been set on gamma - ray fluxes which set restriction on their high - energy activities . 9 i. f. mirabel , science 335 , 175 - 176 ( 2012 ) and references therein . aharonian et al . , a&a 469 , l1 ( 2009 ) j. hinton et al . , apj 690 , l101 ( 2009 ) s.d . bongiorno et al . , apj 737 , l11 ( 2011 ) g. maier , j. skilton et al . , 32nd icrc ( beijing , 2011)/arxiv:1111.2155 j. aleksic et al . , apj 754 , l10 ( 2012 ) p.l . nolan et al . , apjs 199 , 31 ( 2012 ) j.l . skilton et al . , mnras 399 , 317 ( 2009 ) f. lucarelli et al . , atel # 2761 ( july 2010 ) fermisky blog , july 30 , 2012 s.j . williams et al . , apj 723 , l93 ( 2010 )
gev gamma - ray emission from two gamma - ray binary candidates , hess j0632 + 057 and agl j2241 + 4454 , which were recently reported by h.e.s.s . and agile , respectively , have been searched for using the fermi - lat archival dataset . spatial and temporal distribution of gamma - ray events are studied , but there was no evidence for gev gamma - ray signal from either sources .
agile , the 4@xmath1 gamma - ray satellite , is a bridge between the compton gamma ray observatory ( cgro ) , switched off in 2000 , and the gamma ray large area space telescope ( glast ) to be launched at the end of 2006 . the agile instrument is designed to detect and image gamma - ray and hard x - ray photons by means of the gamma ray imaging detector ( grid ) and the hard x - ray imager super - agile ( sa ) . grid , sensitive in the energy range 30mev@xmath050gev , is made of 12 si - w planes and the mini calorimeter , sensitive in the energy range 0.3@xmath0100mev and positioned at the bottom of the instrument . sa , sensitive in the energy range 10@xmath040kev , with its 4 si - detectors and the ultra - light coded mask system is positioned on top of the first grid tray . the asi science data center ( asdc ) will host the agile data center ( adc ) . the adc includes the agile team processing group and the agile science support group . agile data from the malindi ground station will be received by the operational and control center ( aocc ) in italy and then they will be transfered to adc . + the adc@asdc will be in charge of the following tasks @xcite : * running the quick look analysis * running the standard data reduction analysis * performing , when necessary , the interactive data analysis * managing announcement of opportunities * contributing to the agile management of the pointing program * archiving the data ( raw , cleaned and calibrated , scientific ) * distributing the data to the scientific community * providing scientific support to the users community * interfacing the project for both data and proposals + via dedicated web pages * providing the standard software support for data analysis the pipeline that will be running at asdc will drive the automated data analysis for both grid and sa data . figure [ memola1 ] shows a preliminary flow chart concerning the grid data analysis . the software modules needed to process the data are under development by the agile team , while the pipeline itself will be built by professional programmers of the agile science support group at asdc , in collaboration with the agile team . the grid telemetry packets will be pre - processed in order to get files in the standard fits format . the event list undergoes a complex process of background subtraction and track reconstruction analysis in order to get a cleaned @xmath2-photon list . then , standard products as spectra , light curves and images will be made available to the scientific community via a set of dedicated web pages . agile data will be part of the permanent multi - mission interactive archive at asdc . the scientific goals of the agile mission include the detailed study of active galactic nuclei . figure [ memola2 ] ( _ top _ ) shows the simulated all - sky intensity map above 100mev @xcite as well as the spectral energy distributions ( seds ) of the blazars mkn 501 ( _ bottom , left _ ) and 3c 273 ( _ bottom , right _ ) . the multi - frequency data have been retrieved from the nasa / ipac extragalactic database ( ned ) , the second version of the guide star catalog ( gsc - ii ) and from _ beppo_sax . by accounting for agile - grid and super - agile limiting sensitivity we plan to select the blazars currently known that might be suitable candidates for agile observations . according to the predictions of a synchrotron - self compton ( ssc ) spectral model ( _ dashed _ , _ dashed - dotted lines _ ) , mkn 501 and 3c 273 would be visible to both agile - grid and super - agile . the seds of all the blazars observed by _ beppo_sax during its first five years of operations @xcite and the corresponding ssc predictions together with the plotted agile - grid and super - agile limiting sensitivity can be found at the following web address : http://www.asdc.asi.it/blazars/ agile science management plan , asi document , 2002 + giommi p. , capalbi m. , fiocchi m. , memola e. , et al . , 2002 , in _ blazar astrophysics with bepposax and other observatories _ , frascati , italy , december 2001 , p. giommi , e. massaro , g. palumbo eds . , asi special publication p.63 + science with agile , agile document ap , issue 25 , march 6 , 2003 : http://agile.mi.iasf.cnr.it/homepage/index.shtml
agile ( astro - rivelatore gamma ad immagini leggero ) is a small scientific mission of the italian space agency ( asi ) with a science program open to the national and international community . its main goal is to develop and operate a scientific satellite devoted to gamma - ray ( 30mev@xmath050gev ) and hard x - ray ( 10@xmath040kev ) astrophysics during the years 2005@xmath02007 . asi plans to handle agile data through the asi science data center in collaboration with the agile team .
rx j2115 - 5840 ( euve 211658.6 ) was discovered during the _ rosat _ ( voges et al 1996 ) and _ euve _ ( bowyer et al 1996 ) all sky surveys . subsequent ground based observations confirmed the source as a polar . schwope et al ( 1997 ) suggested that the orbital and spin periods of rx j2115 - 5840 differ by @xmath01% . this would make it the fourth near synchronous polar and the first one below the 23 hr period gap . we obtained 2 weeks of white light polarimetric observations in july - aug 1997 at saao to investigate this possibility . the circular polarisation data are shown in fig . [ cpol ] : the circular polarisation is generally either close to zero or shows positive excursions . however , there are occasions when negative polarisation is seen ( hjd 2450000 + 659 , 666 and 672 ) . these observations suggests that rx j211558 is not fully synchronised . ( 6,8 ) ( -3,-2 . ) to investigate the circular polarisation data more closely , we used a discrete fourier transform to obtain an amplitude spectrum ( fig [ power ] ) . the highest amplitude peak corresponds to a period of 110.889 mins similar to the spectroscopic period of 110.8 mins reported by vennes et al ( 1996 ) . the second highest peak corresponds to a period of 109.547 mins similar to the shorter of the two possible optical photometric periods , 109.84 and 109.65 mins , reported by schwope et al ( 1997 ) . if we assume that the binary orbital period is @xmath1=110.889 min and the spin period of the white dwarf is @xmath2=109.547 min we find the following more complex frequencies in the amplitude spectrum : 3@xmath1 , 2@xmath2 , 3@xmath2 , @xmath3 , 2@xmath4 , 4@xmath13@xmath2 . any other frequencies which are present have amplitudes lower than 1% . the spin - orbit beat frequency corresponds to a period of 7.1 days . ( 8,7 ) ( -4,-28.5 ) to make a more detailed investigation of these data we folded the circular polarimetry on the proposed spin and orbital periods and the spin - orbital beat period ( the left hand panel of fig [ beat_phase ] ) . folding the data which correspond to a discrete beat phase on the proposed spin period of the white dwarf , we find that the polarisation curve shows a negative excursion lasting approximately half the spin cycle . at other spin phases the polarisation is close to zero ( the right hand panel of fig [ beat_phase ] ) . at @xmath5=0.20 the polarisation is not significantly modulated . at other beat phases a prominent positive hump is seen in the folded spin polarisation curves , the peak of which advances in phase as @xmath5 increases . ( 8,7 ) ( -3.5,-29.5 ) in fully synchronous polars , the accretion flow is locked with respect to the binary orbital rotation frame and the bulk of the accretion flow is thought to be directed onto the geometrically preferred magnetic pole of the white dwarf . however , in the case of near - synchronous polars , the accretion flow rotates around the magnetic field of the white dwarf on the spin - orbit beat period . this has the effect that the accretion flow will be directed preferentially onto first one then the other magnetic pole of the white dwarf . at two phases of the spin - orbit beat period we expect that the flow will be equally directed onto both poles . this ` pole - switch ' will manifest itself most obviously in the circular polarisation curves where the polarisation will change sign after the accretion flow has ` switched ' poles . this is seen in the right hand panel of fig [ beat_phase ] where at @xmath60.00 the polarisation is modulated with a positive hump , but at @xmath60.07 and 0.17 it is modulated with a negative hump . we consider two accretion scenarios which are described in fig [ scenario ] . the phasing of the data on the spin , orbital and beat phases requires that the accretion flow must be directed onto the same magnetic field line at all spin - orbit beat phases implying that at some phases the flow must follow a path around the white dwarf before accreting . this is difficult to reconcile with simple views of how the accretion stream attaches onto the magnetic field of the white dwarf . possible reasons for this are described in a more detailed paper that has been submitted to _
schwope et al ( 1997 ) suggested that the newly discovered polar rx j2115 - 5840 is a near - synchronous system . we have obtained circular polarisation observations of rx j2115 - 5840 which show that the spin and orbital periods differ by 1.2% . we find the first direct evidence of ` pole - switching ' in a near - synchronous polar . further our data requires that the accretion flow must be directed onto the same magnetic field line at all spin - orbit beat phases implying that at some phases the flow must follow a path around the white dwarf before accreting .
elliptic flow , @xmath5 , the differential second moment of the azimuthal momentum distribution , has been the subject of increasing interest @xcite , especially since the discovery@xcite at rhic that @xmath6 gev ) @xmath7 . this sizable high-@xmath4 collective effect depends strongly on the dynamics in a heavy ion collision and provides important information about the density and effective energy loss of partons . the simplest theoretical framework to study elliptic flow is ideal hydrodynamics@xcite . for rhic energies , ideal hydrodynamics agrees remarkably well with the measured elliptic flow data@xcite up to transverse momenta @xmath8 gev@xmath9 . however , it fails to saturate at high @xmath10 gev as does the data reported by star at quark matter 2001 . a theoretical problem with ideal hydrodynamics is that it assumes local equilibrium throughout the whole evolution . this idealization is marginal for conditions encountered in heavy ion collisions@xcite . a theoretical framework is required that allows for nonequilibrium dynamics . covariant boltzmann transport theory provides a convenient framework that depends on the local mean free path @xmath11 . parton cascade simulations@xcite show on the other hand , that the initial parton density based on hijing@xcite is too low to produce the observed elliptic flow unless the pqcd cross sections are artificially enhanced by a factor @xmath12 . however , gluon saturation models@xcite predict up to five times higher initial densities , and these may be dense enough to generate the observed collective flow even with pqcd elastic cross sections . in this study , we explore the dependence of elliptic flow on the initial density and the elastic @xmath13 cross section . calculations based on inelastic parton energy loss@xcite also predict saturation or decreasing @xmath14 at high @xmath4 . these calculations are only valid for high @xmath4 , where collective transverse flow from lower-@xmath4 partons can be neglected . the collective component from low @xmath4 is , on the other hand , automatically incorporated in parton cascades . though parton cascades lack at present covariant inelastic energy loss , elastic energy loss alone may account for the observed high-@xmath4 azimuthal flow pattern as long as the number of elastic collisions is large enough @xcite . forerunners of this study @xcite computed elliptic flow for partonic systems starting from initial conditions expected at rhic . here , we extend these in three aspects . we compute the @xmath4-differential elliptic flow @xmath15 , model hadronization , which enables us to compute the final observable hadron flow , and consider realistic nuclear geometry . we consider here , as in @xcite , the simplest form of lorentz - covariant boltzmann transport theory in which the on - shell phase space density @xmath16 , evolves with an elastic @xmath17 rate . we solve the transport equation using the cascade method , which inherently violates lorentz covariance . to ensure lorentz covariance , we apply the parton subdivision technique@xcite . see @xcite for details . the elastic gluon scattering matrix elements in dense parton systems are modeled by a debye - screened form @xmath18 , where @xmath19 is the screening mass , @xmath20 is the total cross section , which we chose to be independent of energy . the initial condition was a longitudinally boost invariant bjorken tube in local thermal equilibrium at @xmath21 mev at proper time @xmath22 fm/@xmath23 as by fitting the gluon mini - jet transverse momentum spectrum predicted by hijing@xcite ( without shadowing and jet quenching ) . the pseudo - rapidity distribution was taken as uniform between @xmath24 , while the transverse density distribution was assumed to be proportional to the binary collision distribution for two woods - saxon distributions . for collisions at impact parameter @xmath25 , the transverse binary collision profile is @xmath26 , where @xmath27 , in terms of the diffuse nuclear density @xmath28 . from hijing , the pqcd jet cross section normalization at @xmath29 , @xmath30 is fixed such that @xmath31 . the evolution was performed numerically with 40 and 100 mb isotropic cross sections , and with 3 , 40 and 100 mb gluonic cross sections ( @xmath32 ) . we used particle subdivision @xmath33 for impact parameters 0 , 2 , and 4 fm , while @xmath34 , 450 , 1100 , and 5000 , for @xmath35 , 8 , 10 , and 12 fm . two different hadronization schemes were applied . one is based on local parton - hadron duality , where as @xcite , we assumed that each gluon gets converted to a pion with equal probability for the three isospin states . hence , @xmath36 the other hadronization prescription was independent fragmentation . we considered only the @xmath37 channel with the nlo fragmentation function from @xcite . for the scale factor @xmath38 we take @xmath39 because the initial hijing gluon distribution is already quenched due to initial and final state radiation . since we do not consider soft physics , we limit our study to hadrons with @xmath40 gev . [ figure : v2 ] shows elliptic flow as a function of @xmath4 and impact parameter . with increasing @xmath4 , the minimum - bias elliptic flow increases until @xmath44 gev , where it saturates . with increasing impact parameter , elliptic flow first monotonically increases , then monotonically decreases , showing a maximum at @xmath45 fm . the minimum - bias flow was computed via @xmath46 where we chose @xmath47 fm . this differs from the definition by star , which weights @xmath48 with @xmath49 and hence results in a smaller @xmath15 than our estimate . the @xmath50 mb isotropic curve is almost the same as the @xmath51 mb gluonic curve , showing that not the _ total _ , rather the _ transport _ cross section is the relevant parameter . thus , we expect that the flow in the @xmath51 mb isotropic case can also reproduced with @xmath52 mb and a gluonic cross section . with the pqcd @xmath13 cross section of 3 mb , this corresponds to an 80 times larger initial density than from hijing . [ figure : pt ] shows the quenching of the @xmath4 spectra due to elastic energy loss . in the dilute @xmath53 mb case quenching is negligible , however , for @xmath54 mb it is an order of magnitude at @xmath55 gev for semicentral collisions . naturally , for a fixed @xmath56 , quenching decreases as the collision becomes more peripheral because the parton density decreases . hadronization via independent fragmentation results in an additional quenching . d. molnar and m. gyulassy , phys . * c 62 * , 054907 ( 2000 ) [ nucl - th/0005051 ] . parton cascade code mpc 1.0.6 used in the present study can be downloaded from the oscar homepage at http://www-cunuke.phys.columbia.edu/oscar
differential elliptic flow out to @xmath0 gev / c and particle spectra are calculated using the mpc elastic parton cascade model for au+au at @xmath1 @xmath2 gev . the evolution is computed from parton transport theory , followed by hadronization either via independent fragmentation or by imposing parton - hadron duality . with pqcd elastic cross sections , very large initial gluon densities @xmath3 are required to reproduce the data measured by the star collaboration . in addition , elliptic flow and the @xmath4 spectra are shown to be very sensitive to particle subdivision .
the standard - model extension ( sme ) provides a general field - theoretic framework for studying lorentz violation@xcite , including rotation - invariance violation . to highlight the basic ideas of lorentz - symmetry breaking , we consider rotation - invariance violation in newton s second law:@xcite @xmath0 here @xmath1 is a symmetric direction - dependent inertial mass ( we consider conventional gravitational mass ) . this yields a valid and more general form that newton himself could have chosen . our effective inertial mass can be generated as a low - energy limit of the sme:@xcite @xmath2 here @xmath3 is a coefficient for lorentz violation found in the fermion sector , taken as symmetric . it is depicted with background diamonds in fig . 1 . a similar construction can also be found associated with other sme coefficients for lorentz violation . @xcite using a block on an inclined plane , we show that observer rotation invariance holds , while a particle rotation changes the experiment s outcome , violating lorentz symmetry . examine a block on an inclined plane devoid of friction . the @xmath4-axis points down the plane while the @xmath5-axis is perpendicular to the surface as shown in the left - hand diagram of fig . 1 . let the block s effective inertial mass be diagonal : @xmath6 solving for the particle s acceleration under the constraint @xmath7 yields @xmath8 where @xmath9 is the acceleration down the ramp . the only difference here from the conventional problem is the presence of @xmath10 . qualitatively , the motion is down the plane with constant acceleration , as in the absence of lorentz violation . perform an observer rotation on the original experiment ; that is , consider the same problem in new coordinates as shown in the left - hand diagram of fig . 1 . here , @xmath11 is the mass in the new coordinates obtained via @xmath12 , @xmath13 being a rotation matrix . components are related by , for example , @xmath14 again solving , we find up to @xmath15 the components @xmath16 however , the acceleration is again along the ramp with the magnitude found in eq . ( [ eq1 ] ) , which is obtained from @xmath17 and @xmath18 by @xmath19 and a substitution for @xmath20 in terms of @xmath3 . hence , both observers agree on the outcome of the experiment . -40pt a particle rotation of the original system leaves the mass matrix as in eq . , but alters the direction of the gravitational field relative to the background as shown in the right - hand diagram of fig . 1 . this produces an observably different acceleration . solving for the motion of the particle subject to the constraint yields @xmath21 here the component along the ramp is @xmath22 which is different from the first cases , revealing observable lorentz violation .
a frequently confused point in studies of symmetry violation is the distinction between observer and particle transformations . in this work , we consider a model in which a coefficient in the standard - model extension leads to violations of rotation invariance in newton s second law . the model highlights the distinction between observer and particle transformations .
the lattice realization of super yang - mills theory has been considered very difficult though highly desirable as a non - perturbative formulation@xcite . in our previous work and talk @xcite , we reported the presence of exact fermionic symmetries on the ` ichimatsu ' lattice , a novel lattice . if the symmetries survive in the continuum limit , they would be related to a supersymmetry if not to the brs symmetry . from the equation presented shortly , we know that the fermionic symmetries can not survive on the ordinary lattice . therefore it is of crucial importance to study the continuum limit on the ` ichimatsu ' lattice . plaquettes on the regular lattice gauge theory are decomposed into two sets : \(i ) plaquettes on cell + @xmath2 on @xmath3 ; \(ii ) plaquettes on pipe + @xmath2 on @xmath4 . one a @xmath5 plane , one finds an alternating or chequered pattern and it is called as an ` ichimatsu ' pattern @xcite . the fields of the ichimatsu lattice theory are link variables , @xmath6 , as the gauge field , and a real staggered fermion , @xmath7 , as the fermion field . the gauge action of our model ( cell+pipe ) is @xmath8 the fermionic symmetry transformation of the fermion field is written as @xmath9 where @xmath10 are grassman - odd parameters . it should be emphasized that on the usual regular lattice ( @xmath11 ) , the transformation goes down to @xmath12 . therefore it is important to study the dynamical properties on the two - couplings space ( @xmath0 ) . from now on , we switch off fermion effects in our model and concentrate on the vacuum structure of the gauge sector . we take a link variable @xmath13 as a mean field . this approximation is not gauge - invariant and it is useful only in the first view of the phase diagram . the results are ( 1 ) there exists an exact duality under @xmath14 , that is , the partition functions are invariant under the interchange of couplings ; @xmath15 \(2 ) in the cell model ( defined by putting @xmath16 ) and the pipe model ( @xmath17 ) , phase transitions occur . these results are independent of the spatial dimension and the gauge group . a rough sketch of the diagram is shown in fig . 1 . + fig . 1 . phase diagram of cell+pipe model in mean field approximation . 1 . regular lattice gauge theory ( @xmath18 ) when @xmath19 , our model becomes a usual regular lattice gauge theory . on the regular lattice , the 3d @xmath20 gauge theory has a phase transition point while the 4d su(2 ) gauge theory has a crossover point . 2 . four phase boundaries in order to understand the phase diagram , it is necessary to analyse the limiting cases , @xmath21 . we can obtain analytical results for these limiting cases . in the cell model , @xmath16 , the system is decomposed to a finite degrees of freedom and it is exactly solvable . the pipe model , @xmath17 , is equivalent to one plaquette model and is also exactly solvable . both cases have no phase transition contrary to the result of the mean field approximation . in @xmath22 , plaquettes on cell or pipe are strongly connected . the dynamics for these situations is not known and the numerical analysis is necessary . 3 . possibility of the continuum limit and its phase transition to take the continuum limit of our model , we must avoid the phase transition point or line . if we go across the singularity , then we miss the information on the vacuum , such as confinement . if one want to be consistent with confinement and asymptotic freedom , the phase diagram must be smoothly connected between the weak and strong coulping regions . the action is written as @xmath23 where @xmath24 is a link variable taking the values , @xmath25 . note the normalisation of the coupling constants differs from the su(2 ) case . for the regular lattice ( @xmath26 ) , it is found that there occurs the 2nd order phase transition at @xmath27 obtained by the analysis of the equivalent ising spin . we have simulated 3d z@xmath1 cell+pipe model for the size , @xmath28 and @xmath29 . + fig . 2 . 3d plot for ( @xmath30 , specific heat ) in 3d z@xmath1model . from fig . 2 , we can see that the phase transition point is extended to the connected pipe ( @xmath31 ) model and the connected cell ( @xmath32 ) model . the phase diagram for 3d z@xmath1 model is obtained in fig . + fig . phase diagram for 3d z@xmath1 model . for lattice size , @xmath33 , we calculated the internal energy and the specific heat . in fig . 4a , we show a crossover behaviour ( @xmath34 ) on a regular lattice and a sharp peak of the specific heat for the connected cell model in fig . 4b . + fig . 4a . a crossover in the regular lattice model . + fig a peak of specific heat at @xmath35 . our simulations are consistent with the following statements : 1 ) the peak in fig . 4b is that of the 2nd order phase transition ; 2 ) no peak is present in the connected cell model ; 3 ) a crossover line extends to @xmath36 . to consider exact fermionic symmetries on lattice , we decomposed all plaquettes into two sets , the cell and pipe . the vacuum structure of the gauge sector was investigated to study its continuum limit . phase diagrams of 3d z@xmath37 and 4d su(2 ) models were studied . we found a ` corridor ' ( singularity free region ) between strong coupling and weak coupling regions for 4d su(2 ) case ( fig . 5 ) ; the diagram is a single phase . the 3d z@xmath1 model has two phases . 9 g. curci and g. veneziano , nucl . b292 ( 1987 ) 555 . d. b. kaplan and m. schmaltz , chin . 38 ( 2000 ) 543 . k. itoh , m. kato , h. sawanaka , h. so and n. ukita , prog . ( 2002 ) 363 . k. itoh , m. kato , h. sawanaka , h. so and n. ukita , _ fermionic symmetry in ichimatsu - decomposed lattice models _ , in this volume . k. itoh , m. kato , m. murata , h. sawanaka and h. so , in preparation .
we proposed an ` ichimatsu'-decomposed lattice gauge theory with fermionic symmetries . the vacuum structures of the gauge sector with two coupling constants ( @xmath0 ) are investigated for 3-dimensional z@xmath1 and 4-dimensional su(2 ) cases using mean - field approximation and numerical simulation . we found two phases on the ( @xmath0 ) phase diagram for 3-dim . z@xmath1 case , while the diagram is a single phase for the latter .
the tunka eas cerenkov array is located in tunka valley , at an altitude of 675 m a.s.l . , and was described in [ 1 ] . the new fitting function ( ldf ) for the eas cerenkov light lateral distribution , derived from corsika code simulation [ 2 ] , has been applied to tunka data . the primary energy @xmath0[@xmath1 has been obtained from the measured cherenkov light flux at a distance 175 m from the shower core @xmath2[@xmath3 with corsika sumulated relation : @xmath4 the absolute energy calibration is based on the results obtained with the quest experiment [ 3 ] . a monte carlo simulation of the experiment has shown that the energy resolution is better than 18% . the spectrum is derived from data taken in 300 hours , spread over 51 clear moonless nights , with a trigger rate of about 1.8 hz . to construct a spectrum with energy threshold @xmath5 ev , showers with zenith angles @xmath6 and a core position inside the geometrical area of the array have been selected . for the range from @xmath7 to @xmath5 ev , events with zenith angles @xmath8 falling inside a 5 times smaller area around the array center have been selected . lateral and time distributions of eas cherenkov light provide two independent methods to estimate the maximum depth . the simulation shows , that the ldf steepness @xmath9 is related to the linear distance ( in [ km ] ) from the array to the eas maximum position : @xmath10 . the cherenkov light pulse fwhm [ ns ] at distances larger than 200 m from the eas axis is related to the relative position of the eas maximum by @xmath11 [ g/@xmath12 , where @xmath13 is the total depth of the atmosphere and @xmath14 is the zenith angle of the shower . this relation depends only on the distance to the eas axis . for example , for distance of 250 m : @xmath15 . this method gives a better theoretical accuracy , than the first one . moreover , the @xmath16 estimate does not depend on assumptions about the primary nucleus . figure 2 presents the mean depth of the eas maximum , derived with the two methods described above , as a function of primary energy . it is seen that the threshold of the fwhm method is higher than that of the ldf steepness method , but the mean depths , obtained with the two different methods are in good agreement . the mean values of @xmath16 from fig.2 can be easily transformed to the mean logarithmic mass @xmath17 of primary particles . figure 3 represents the result . a slight correction , derived from mc simulations of the experiment ( assuming a 4-group mass composition , p : he : cno : fe = 0.3:0.3:0.2:0.2 ) has been applied . according to these data the mass composition has almost no energy dependence in the range from @xmath5 to @xmath18 ev and is compatible with the hypothetical composition with @xmath19 mentioned above . at energies above @xmath18 ev , however , a steep increase of the average mass is observed . a similar increase in average mass is observed in almost all experiments . points of the present work coincide with kascade data [ 4 ] at the energy of the knee . authors are thankful to professor gianni navarra and eas - top collaboration for the opportunity to carry out the calibration experiment quest at the eas - top array .
new results of 300 hours of operation of the tunka array are presented . an improved parametrization of the cherenkov light lateral distribution function ( ldf ) , based on corsika monte carlo simulations and the experiment quest , has been used for the reconstruction of eas parameters . the corrected energy spectrum in the knee region is obtained . the mean depth of the eas maximum has been derived both from the analysis of ldf steepness and the fwhm of cerenkov light pulse . the mean mass composition around the knee is estimated .