stringlengths 5
| repo_name
stringlengths 5
| path
stringlengths 4
| license
stringclasses 15
values | size
int64 5
| n_ast_errors
int64 0
| ast_max_depth
int64 2
| n_whitespaces
int64 0
| n_ast_nodes
int64 3
| n_ast_terminals
int64 1
| n_ast_nonterminals
int64 1
| loc
int64 -1
| cycloplexity
int64 -1
-- generated by HCPN NetEdit v0.0
module Unnamed where
import SimpleHCPN
import GuiHCPN
import List (intersperse)
-- declarations
-- markings
data Mark = Mark {
final_bc :: [String]
, final_ab_c :: [String]
, sab_ :: [String]
, sb :: [String]
, start :: [String]
} deriving Show
-- transition actions
t5 :: Mark -> [Mark]
t5 m =
let sb_marking = sb m
let final_bc_marking = final_bc m
('c':input, sb_marking) <- select $ sb_marking
if True
then return m{
sb = sb_marking
, final_bc = (input) : final_bc_marking
else fail "guard failed"
t3 :: Mark -> [Mark]
t3 m =
let sab__marking = sab_ m
let final_ab_c_marking = final_ab_c m
('c':input, sab__marking) <- select $ sab__marking
if True
then return m{
sab_ = sab__marking
, final_ab_c = (input) : final_ab_c_marking
else fail "guard failed"
t2 :: Mark -> [Mark]
t2 m =
let sab__marking = sab_ m
('b':input, sab__marking) <- select $ sab__marking
if True
then return m{
sab_ = (input) : sab__marking
else fail "guard failed"
t4 :: Mark -> [Mark]
t4 m =
let start_marking = start m
let sb_marking = sb m
('b':input, start_marking) <- select $ start_marking
if True
then return m{
start = start_marking
, sb = (input) : sb_marking
else fail "guard failed"
t1 :: Mark -> [Mark]
t1 m =
let start_marking = start m
let sab__marking = sab_ m
('a':input, start_marking) <- select $ start_marking
if True
then return m{
start = start_marking
, sab_ = (input) : sab__marking
else fail "guard failed"
-- transitions
net = Net{trans=[ Trans{name="t5",info=Nothing,action=t5}
, Trans{name="t3",info=Nothing,action=t3}
, Trans{name="t2",info=Nothing,action=t2}
, Trans{name="t4",info=Nothing,action=t4}
, Trans{name="t1",info=Nothing,action=t1}
-- initial marking
mark = Mark{ final_bc = []
, final_ab_c = []
, sab_ = []
, sb = []
, start = ["ac","abbbbbbbbbc","bc","bac","aa"]
-- end of net code
main = simMain "fa_regular.hcpn" showMarking net mark
showMarking pmap = let (Just nV_final_bc) = lookup "final_bc" pmap
(Just nV_final_ab_c) = lookup "final_ab_c" pmap
(Just nV_sab_) = lookup "sab_" pmap
(Just nV_sb) = lookup "sb" pmap
(Just nV_start) = lookup "start" pmap
in \setPlaceMark m-> do
setPlaceMark nV_final_bc (concat $ intersperse "," $ map show $ final_bc m)
setPlaceMark nV_final_ab_c (concat $ intersperse "," $ map show $ final_ab_c m)
setPlaceMark nV_sab_ (concat $ intersperse "," $ map show $ sab_ m)
setPlaceMark nV_sb (concat $ intersperse "," $ map show $ sb m)
setPlaceMark nV_start (concat $ intersperse "," $ map show $ start m)
| haroldcarr/learn-haskell-coq-ml-etc | haskell/playpen/hcpn/examples/fa_regular.hs | unlicense | 3,341 | 0 | 15 | 1,233 | 1,047 | 560 | 487 | 86 | 2 |
module Tables.A342237 (a342237, a342237T) where
import qualified Data.MemoCombinators as Memo
import Helpers.Table (tableByAntidiagonals)
a342237T :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
a342237T = Memo.memo2 Memo.integral Memo.integral a342237T' where
a342237T' n 1 = 0
a342237T' n k
| even k = n * a342237T n (k - 1) + n^(k `div` 2) - a342237T n (k `div` 2)
| odd k = n * a342237T n (k - 1) + n^(k `div` 2 + 1) - a342237T n (k `div` 2 + 1)
a342237 :: Integer -> Integer
a342237 n = case tableByAntidiagonals (n - 1) of (n', k') -> a342237T (n' + 1) (k' + 1)
-- k = 1
-- ceiling((k+1)/2) = 1
-- k = 2
-- ceiling((k+1)/2) = 2
-- k = 3
-- ceiling((k+1)/2) = 2
| peterokagey/haskellOEIS | src/Tables/A342237.hs | apache-2.0 | 670 | 0 | 14 | 147 | 284 | 155 | 129 | 11 | 2 |
Copyright 2010-2012 Cognimeta Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is
or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, TypeFamilies, Rank2Types, GADTs, TupleSections, DeriveDataTypeable, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleContexts #-}
module Database.Perdure.RawDevice (
module Database.Perdure.StoreFile,
) where
import Prelude ()
import Cgm.Prelude
import Data.Typeable
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Control.Concurrent
import Data.Word
import Data.Bool
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Cgm.Data.Super
import Cgm.Data.Len
import Cgm.Data.Monoid
import Cgm.Data.NEList
import Cgm.Data.Either
import Cgm.System.Endian
import Cgm.Control.Concurrent.TThread
import Cgm.Control.Concurrent.Await
import Cgm.System.Mem.Alloc
import Database.Perdure.Validator
import System.IO
import System.Posix.Files
import System.Posix.IO
import System.Posix.Types
import Data.Bits
import Control.Monad.Error hiding (sequence_)
import Database.Perdure.StoreFile(SyncableStoreFile(..))
import Database.Perdure.LocalStoreFile
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
--import System.Posix.Fsync -- not needed with raw devices
-- | Opens the specified raw device as a LocalStoreFile, runs the provided function and closes the device.
-- Do not make concurrent calls on the same device, place concurrency in the passed function.
withRawDeviceStoreFile :: FilePath -> (LocalStoreFile -> IO a) -> ExceptT String IO a
withRawDeviceStoreFile path user =
ExceptT $ bracket (openFd path ReadWrite Nothing $ defaultFileFlags {exclusive = True, append = True}) closeFd $
\fd -> runExceptT $
do fs <- lift $ getFdStatus fd
bool (throwError "Not a raw device") (lift $ withRawFile (RawDevice fd fs 9) user) $ isCharacterDevice fs
-- | Like nesting multiple calls to 'withRawDeviceStoreFile'.
withRawDeviceStoreFiles :: [FilePath] -> ([LocalStoreFile] -> IO a) -> ExceptT String IO a
withRawDeviceStoreFiles ps user = foldr (\p u fs -> (>>= ExceptT . pure) $ withRawDeviceStoreFile p $ \f -> runExceptT $ u $ fs `mappend` [f]) (lift . user) ps []
toFileOffset :: Integral n => Len Word8 n -> FileOffset
toFileOffset = fromIntegral . getLen
toByteCount :: Integral n => Len Word8 n -> ByteCount
toByteCount = fromIntegral . getLen
fdSeekLen :: Fd -> ByteAddr -> IO ()
fdSeekLen fd seek = () <$ fdSeek fd AbsoluteSeek (toFileOffset seek)
-- TODO: consider adding support for a 'STPrimArray RealWorld Pinned Block', and a matching address type, that would enfoce the above requirements
-- However we would have to cast/view it as an array of Word8 later on.
-- | Array's size and start must be aligned on the block size, and the ByteAddr too.
fdReadArray :: Fd -> ByteAddr -> ArrayRange (STPrimArray RealWorld Pinned Word8) -> ExceptT String IO ()
fdReadArray fd start a = ExceptT $ fmap (boolEither "" () . (==) (toByteCount $ arrayLen a)) $
fdSeekLen fd start >> withArrayPtr (\ptr len -> fdReadBuf fd ptr $ toByteCount len) a
fdWriteArray :: Fd -> ByteAddr -> ArrayRange (STPrimArray RealWorld Pinned Word8) -> ExceptT String IO ()
fdWriteArray fd start a = ExceptT $ fmap (boolEither "" () . (==) (toByteCount $ arrayLen a)) $
fdSeekLen fd start >> withArrayPtr (\ptr len -> fdWriteBuf fd ptr $ toByteCount len) a
-- A bit of info on raw devices that i did not find easily elsewhere:
data RawDevice = RawDevice Fd FileStatus Int
rawDeviceBlockBytes :: RawDevice -> Len Word8 Word
rawDeviceBlockBytes (RawDevice _ _ lg) = unsafeLen $ 1 `shiftL` lg
instance Show RawDevice where show (RawDevice _ fs _) = show $ specialDeviceID fs
-- TODO merge consecutive writes to improve performance (avoids many needless reads to preserve data that will be overwritten)
instance RawFile RawDevice where
fileWriteRaw r@(RawDevice fd _ _) start bufs =
let len = up $ sum $ arrayLen <$> bufs in
withBlockArray r start len $ ((. fullArrayRange) .) $ \tStart t ->
let bb = rawDeviceBlockBytes r
let tLen = arrayLen t
let tEnd = tStart + up tLen
when (tStart < start) $ fdReadArray fd tStart $ headArrayRange bb t
when (start + len < tEnd) $ fdReadArray fd (tEnd - up bb) $ skipArrayRange (tLen - bb) t
let dest = skipArrayRange (fromJust $ unapply super $ start - tStart) t
_ <- lift $ stToIO $ foldlM (\d b -> skipArrayRange (arrayLen b) d <$ mapMArrayCopyImm return b d) dest bufs
fdWriteArray fd tStart t
fileReadRaw r@(RawDevice fd _ _) start buf =
withBlockArray r start (up $ arrayLen buf) $ ((. fullArrayRange) .) $ \tStart t ->
-- liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Before fdReadArray " ++ show start
fdReadArray fd tStart t
let rangeToCopy = skipArrayRange (fromJust $ unapply super $ start - tStart) t
lift $ stToIO (mapMArrayCopy return rangeToCopy buf)
fileFlush _ = return ()
-- Takes start and length, and passes rounded start and an aligned buffer
withBlockArray :: MonadIO m => RawDevice -> ByteAddr -> ByteAddr -> (ByteAddr -> STPrimArray RealWorld Pinned Word8 -> m a) -> m a
withBlockArray r@(RawDevice _ _ lgBlockBytes) seek len f =
let blockBytes = rawDeviceBlockBytes r
seek' = getLen seek
len' = getLen len
start = (seek' `shiftR` lgBlockBytes) `shiftL` lgBlockBytes
end = ((seek' + len' + up (getLen blockBytes) - 1) `shiftR` lgBlockBytes) `shiftL` lgBlockBytes
in liftIO (stToIO $ newAlignedPinnedWord8Array blockBytes $ unsafeLen $ fromJust $ unapply super $ end - start) >>=
f (unsafeLen start)
-- . trace ("withBlockArray blockBytes=" ++ show blockBytes ++ " start=" ++ show (unsafeLen start) ++ " size=" ++ (show $ arrayLen r))
| Cognimeta/perdure-file-raw | src/Database/Perdure/RawDevice.hs | apache-2.0 | 6,476 | 0 | 20 | 1,246 | 1,622 | 854 | 768 | 93 | 1 |
module Scene where
data Camera = Camera { } deriving (Show, Eq)
data Scene = Scene { camera :: Camera } deriving (Show, Eq)
| epeld/zatacka | src/Graphics/Scene.hs | apache-2.0 | 126 | 1 | 8 | 26 | 51 | 30 | 21 | 3 | 0 |
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module SAML2.XML
( module SAML2.XML.Types
, module SAML2.Core.Datatypes
, xpTrimAnyElem
, xpTrimElemNS
, xpXmlLang
, IP, xpIP
, Identified(..)
, Identifiable(..)
, unidentify
, xpIdentified
, xpIdentifier
, IdentifiedURI
, samlToDoc
, samlToXML
, docToSAML
, docToXML
, xmlToSAML
, xmlToDoc
) where
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 as BSLU
import Data.Default (Default(..))
import qualified Data.Invertible as Inv
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import Network.URI (URI)
import qualified Text.XML.HXT.Core as HXT
import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.Edit (escapeXmlRefs)
import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.ShowXml (xshow')
import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.XmlNode (getChildren)
import SAML2.XML.Types
import SAML2.Core.Datatypes
import qualified Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.Pickle.Xml.Invertible as XP
import qualified SAML2.XML.Schema as XS
xpTrimAnyElem :: XP.PU HXT.XmlTree
xpTrimAnyElem = XP.xpTrim XP.xpAnyElem
xpTrimElemNS :: Namespace -> String -> XP.PU a -> XP.PU a
xpTrimElemNS ns n c = XP.xpTrim $ XP.xpElemQN (mkNName ns n) (c XP.>* XP.xpWhitespace)
xpXmlLang :: XP.PU XS.Language
xpXmlLang = XP.xpAttrQN (mkNName xmlNS "lang") $ XS.xpLanguage
type IP = XS.String
xpIP :: XP.PU IP
xpIP = XS.xpString
data Identified b a
= Identified !a
| Unidentified !b
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Default a => Default (Identified b a) where
def = Identified def
class Eq b => Identifiable b a | a -> b where
identifier :: a -> b
identifiedValues :: [a]
default identifiedValues :: (Bounded a, Enum a) => [a]
identifiedValues = [minBound..maxBound]
reidentify :: b -> Identified b a
reidentify u = maybe (Unidentified u) Identified $ lookup u l where
l = [ (identifier a, a) | a <- identifiedValues ]
unidentify :: Identifiable b a => Identified b a -> b
unidentify (Identified a) = identifier a
unidentify (Unidentified b) = b
identify :: Identifiable b a => b Inv.<-> Identified b a
identify = reidentify Inv.:<->: unidentify
xpIdentified :: Identifiable b a => XP.PU b -> XP.PU (Identified b a)
xpIdentified = Inv.fmap identify
xpIdentifier :: Identifiable b a => XP.PU b -> String -> XP.PU a
xpIdentifier b t = XP.xpWrapEither
( \u -> case reidentify u of
Identified a -> Right a
Unidentified _ -> Left ("invalid " ++ t)
, identifier
) b
type IdentifiedURI = Identified URI
instance Identifiable URI a => XP.XmlPickler (Identified URI a) where
xpickle = xpIdentified XS.xpAnyURI
samlToDoc :: XP.XmlPickler a => a -> HXT.XmlTree
samlToDoc = head
. HXT.runLA (HXT.processChildren $ HXT.cleanupNamespaces HXT.collectPrefixUriPairs)
. XP.pickleDoc XP.xpickle
docToXML :: HXT.XmlTree -> BSL.ByteString
docToXML = xshow' cquot aquot (:) . getChildren where (cquot, aquot) = escapeXmlRefs
samlToXML :: XP.XmlPickler a => a -> BSL.ByteString
samlToXML = docToXML . samlToDoc
xmlToDoc :: BSL.ByteString -> Maybe HXT.XmlTree
xmlToDoc = listToMaybe . HXT.runLA
HXT.>>> HXT.removeWhiteSpace
HXT.>>> HXT.neg HXT.isXmlPi
HXT.>>> HXT.propagateNamespaces)
. BSLU.toString
docToSAML :: XP.XmlPickler a => HXT.XmlTree -> Either String a
docToSAML = XP.unpickleDoc' XP.xpickle
. head
. HXT.runLA (HXT.processBottomUp (HXT.processAttrl (HXT.neg HXT.isNamespaceDeclAttr)))
xmlToSAML :: XP.XmlPickler a => BSL.ByteString -> Either String a
xmlToSAML = maybe (Left "invalid XML") docToSAML . xmlToDoc
| dylex/hsaml2 | SAML2/XML.hs | apache-2.0 | 3,612 | 0 | 13 | 614 | 1,200 | 652 | 548 | -1 | -1 |
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MagicHash, OverlappingInstances,
TemplateHaskell, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
Module: HaskHOL.Core.Lib.Lift
Copyright: (c) Ian Lynagh 2006
Stability: unstable
Portability: unknown
This module is a re-export of the th-lift library originally written by Ian
Lynagh and maintained by Mathieu Boespflug. A very minor change was made by
Evan Austin in order to facilitate derivation of lift instances for quantified
type constructors.
The decision to include this source as part of the HaskHOL system, rather than
import the original library, was made to facilitate the above change and to
sever HaskHOL's only dependence on a non-Haskell Platform library.
The original copyright is included in its entirety below, as required by BSD3:
Copyright (c) Ian Lynagh.
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
3. The names of the author may not be used to endorse or promote
products derived from this software without specific prior written
module HaskHOL.Core.Lib.Lift
( deriveLift' -- :: Info -> Q [Dec]
, deriveLift -- :: Name -> Q [Dec]
, deriveLiftMany -- :: [Name] -> Q [Dec]
, module TH {-|
Re-exports 'Lift' for the purpose of writing type signatures external to
this module.
) where
import GHC.Exts
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH (Lift)
import Control.Monad ((<=<))
-- | Derive Lift instances for the given datatype.
deriveLift :: Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveLift = deriveLift' <=< reify
-- | Derive Lift instances for many datatypes.
deriveLiftMany :: [Name] -> Q [Dec]
deriveLiftMany = deriveLiftMany' <=< mapM reify
-- | Obtain Info values through a custom reification function. This is useful
-- when generating instances for datatypes that have not yet been declared.
deriveLift' :: Info -> Q [Dec]
deriveLift' = fmap (:[]) . deriveLiftOne
deriveLiftMany' :: [Info] -> Q [Dec]
deriveLiftMany' = mapM deriveLiftOne
deriveLiftOne :: Info -> Q Dec
deriveLiftOne i =
case i of
TyConI (DataD dcx n vsk cons _) ->
liftInstance dcx n (map unTyVarBndr vsk) (map doCons cons)
TyConI (NewtypeD dcx n vsk con _) ->
liftInstance dcx n (map unTyVarBndr vsk) [doCons con]
_ -> fail ("deriveLift: unhandled: " ++ pprint i)
where liftInstance dcx n vs cases =
instanceD (ctxt dcx vs) (conT ''Lift `appT` typ n vs) [funD 'lift cases]
typ n = foldl appT (conT n) . map varT
ctxt dcx = fmap (dcx ++) . cxt . map liftPred
unTyVarBndr (PlainTV v) = v
unTyVarBndr (KindedTV v _) = v
liftPred n = classP ''Lift [varT n]
doCons :: Con -> Q Clause
doCons (NormalC c sts) = do
let ns = zipWith (\_ i -> 'x' : show i) sts [(0::Integer)..]
con = [| conE c |]
args = [ [| lift $(varE (mkName n)) |] | n <- ns ]
e = foldl (\e1 e2 -> [| appE $e1 $e2 |]) con args
clause [conP c (map (varP . mkName) ns)] (normalB e) []
doCons (RecC c sts) = doCons $ NormalC c [(s, t) | (_, s, t) <- sts]
doCons (InfixC sty1 c sty2) = do
let con = [| conE c |]
left = [| lift $(varE (mkName "x0")) |]
right = [| lift $(varE (mkName "x1")) |]
e = [| infixApp $left $con $right |]
clause [infixP (varP (mkName "x0")) c (varP (mkName "x1"))] (normalB e) []
-- ECA
doCons (ForallC _ _ con) = doCons con
instance Lift Name where
lift (Name occName nameFlavour) = [| Name occName nameFlavour |]
instance Lift OccName where
lift n = [| mkOccName $(lift $ occString n) |]
instance Lift PkgName where
lift n = [| mkPkgName $(lift $ pkgString n) |]
instance Lift ModName where
lift n = [| mkModName $(lift $ modString n) |]
instance Lift NameFlavour where
lift NameS = [| NameS |]
lift (NameQ moduleName) = [| NameQ moduleName |]
lift (NameU i) = [| case $( lift (I# i) ) of
I# i' -> NameU i' |]
lift (NameL i) = [| case $( lift (I# i) ) of
I# i' -> NameL i' |]
lift (NameG nameSpace pkgName moduleName)
= [| NameG nameSpace pkgName moduleName |]
instance Lift NameSpace where
lift VarName = [| VarName |]
lift DataName = [| DataName |]
lift TcClsName = [| TcClsName |]
-- These instances should really go in the template-haskell package.
instance Lift () where
lift _ = [| () |]
instance Lift Rational where
lift x = return (LitE (RationalL x))
instance Lift String where
lift = liftString
| ecaustin/haskhol-core | src/HaskHOL/Core/Lib/Lift.hs | bsd-2-clause | 5,876 | 0 | 14 | 1,346 | 1,117 | 615 | 502 | 78 | 4 |
module Utils.Drasil.Sentence (andIts, andThe, inThe, isExpctdToHv, isThe, ofGiv,
ofGiv', ofThe, ofThe', sOf, sOr, sVersus, sAnd, sAre, sIn, sIs, toThe) where
import Language.Drasil
sentHelper :: String -> Sentence -> Sentence -> Sentence
sentHelper inStr a b = a +:+ S inStr +:+ b
andIts, andThe, inThe, isExpctdToHv, isThe, ofGiv, ofGiv', ofThe, ofThe', sOf,
sOr, sVersus, sAnd, sAre, sIn, sIs, toThe :: Sentence -> Sentence -> Sentence
andIts = sentHelper "and its"
andThe = sentHelper "and the"
inThe = sentHelper "in the"
isThe = sentHelper "is the"
sAnd = sentHelper "and"
sAre = sentHelper "are"
sIn = sentHelper "in"
sIs = sentHelper "is"
sOf = sentHelper "of"
sOr = sentHelper "or"
sVersus = sentHelper "versus"
toThe = sentHelper "to the"
isExpctdToHv a b = S "The" +:+ sentHelper "is expected to have" a b
ofGiv a b = S "the" +:+ sentHelper "of a given" a b
ofGiv' a b = S "The" +:+ sentHelper "of a given" a b
ofThe a b = S "the" +:+ sentHelper "of the" a b
ofThe' a b = S "The" +:+ sentHelper "of the" a b
| JacquesCarette/literate-scientific-software | code/drasil-utils/Utils/Drasil/Sentence.hs | bsd-2-clause | 1,127 | 0 | 7 | 291 | 366 | 205 | 161 | 24 | 1 |
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
-- |
-- Module : Text.CSL.Eval.Output
-- Copyright : (c) Andrea Rossato
-- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : Andrea Rossato <>
-- Stability : unstable
-- Portability : unportable
-- The CSL implementation
module Text.CSL.Eval.Output where
import Prelude
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.CSL.Output.Pandoc (lastInline)
import Text.CSL.Style
import Text.CSL.Util (capitalize, isPunct, titlecase,
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Walk (walk)
import Text.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Text (Parser)
-- Parse affix or delimiter into Formatted, splitting out
-- raw components in @{{format}}...{{/format}}@.
formatString :: Text -> Formatted
formatString s =
case parse pAffix (T.unpack s) s of
Left _ -> fromString (T.unpack s)
Right ils -> Formatted ils
pAffix :: Parser [Inline]
pAffix = many (pRaw <|> pString <|> pSpace)
pRaw :: Parser Inline
pRaw = try $ do
_ <- string "{{"
format <- many1 letter
_ <- string "}}"
contents <- manyTill anyChar (try (string ("{{/" ++ format ++ "}}")))
return $ RawInline (Format $ T.pack format) $ T.pack contents
pString :: Parser Inline
pString = Str . T.pack <$> (many1 (noneOf " \t\n\r{}") <|> count 1 (oneOf "{}"))
pSpace :: Parser Inline
pSpace = Space <$ many1 (oneOf " \t\n\r")
output :: Formatting -> Text -> [Output]
output fm s = case T.uncons s of
Nothing -> []
Just (' ', xs) -> OSpace : output fm xs
_ -> [OStr s fm]
appendOutput :: Formatting -> [Output] -> [Output]
appendOutput fm xs = [Output xs fm | xs /= []]
outputList :: Formatting -> Delimiter -> [Output] -> [Output]
outputList fm d = appendOutput fm . addDelim d . mapMaybe cleanOutput'
cleanOutput' o
| Output xs f <- o = case cleanOutput xs of
[] -> Nothing
ys -> Just (Output ys f)
| otherwise = rmEmptyOutput o
cleanOutput :: [Output] -> [Output]
cleanOutput = flatten
flatten [] = []
flatten (o:os)
| ONull <- o = flatten os
| Output xs f <- o
, f == emptyFormatting = flatten (mapMaybe rmEmptyOutput xs) ++ flatten os
| Output xs f <- o = Output (flatten $ mapMaybe rmEmptyOutput xs) f : flatten os
| otherwise = maybe id (:) (rmEmptyOutput o) $ flatten os
rmEmptyOutput :: Output -> Maybe Output
rmEmptyOutput o
| Output [] _ <- o = Nothing
| OStr "" _ <- o = Nothing
| OPan [] <- o = Nothing
| OStatus [] <- o = Nothing
| ODel "" <- o = Nothing
| otherwise = Just o
addDelim :: Text -> [Output] -> [Output]
addDelim "" = id
addDelim d = foldr check []
check ONull xs = xs
check x [] = [x]
check x (z:zs) = if formatOutput x == mempty || formatOutput z == mempty
then x : z : zs
else x : ODel d : z : zs
noOutputError :: Output
noOutputError = OErr NoOutput
noBibDataError :: Cite -> Output
noBibDataError c = OErr $ ReferenceNotFound (citeId c)
oStr :: Text -> [Output]
oStr s = oStr' s emptyFormatting
oStr' :: Text -> Formatting -> [Output]
oStr' "" _ = []
oStr' s f = [OStr s f]
oPan :: [Inline] -> [Output]
oPan [] = []
oPan ils = [OPan ils]
oPan' :: [Inline] -> Formatting -> [Output]
oPan' [] _ = []
oPan' ils f = [Output [OPan ils] f]
formatOutputList :: [Output] -> Formatted
formatOutputList = mconcat . map formatOutput
-- | Convert evaluated 'Output' into 'Formatted', ready for the
-- output filters.
formatOutput :: Output -> Formatted
formatOutput o =
case o of
OSpace -> Formatted [Space]
OPan i -> Formatted i
OStatus i -> Formatted i
ODel "" -> Formatted []
ODel " " -> Formatted [Space]
ODel "\n" -> Formatted [SoftBreak]
ODel s -> formatString s
OStr "" _ -> Formatted []
OStr s f -> addFormatting f $ formatString s
OErr NoOutput -> Formatted [Span ("",["citeproc-no-output"],[])
[Strong [Str "???"]]]
OErr (ReferenceNotFound r)
-> Formatted [Span ("",["citeproc-not-found"],
[Strong [Str "???"]]]
OLabel "" _ -> Formatted []
OLabel s f -> addFormatting f $ formatString s
ODate os -> formatOutputList os
OYear s _ f -> addFormatting f $ formatString s
OYearSuf s _ _ f -> addFormatting f $ formatString s
ONum i f -> formatOutput (OStr (T.pack (show i)) f)
OCitNum i f -> if i == 0
then Formatted [Strong [Str "???"]]
else formatOutput (OStr (T.pack $ show i) f)
OCitLabel s f -> if s == ""
then Formatted [Strong [Str "???"]]
else formatOutput (OStr s f)
OName _ os _ f -> formatOutput (Output os f)
OContrib _ _ os _ _ -> formatOutputList os
OLoc os f -> formatOutput (Output os f)
Output [] _ -> Formatted []
Output os f -> addFormatting f $ formatOutputList os
_ -> Formatted []
addFormatting :: Formatting -> Formatted -> Formatted
addFormatting f =
addDisplay . addLink . addSuffix . pref . quote . font . text_case . strip_periods
where addLink i = case hyperlink f of
"" -> i
url -> Formatted [Link nullAttr (unFormatted i) (url, "")]
pref i = case prefix f of
"" -> i
x -> formatString x <> i
addSuffix i
| T.null (suffix f) = i
| maybe False (isPunct . fst) (T.uncons (suffix f))
, case lastInline (unFormatted i) of {Just c | isPunct c -> True; _ -> False}
= i <> formatString (T.tail $ suffix f)
| otherwise = i <> formatString (suffix f)
strip_periods (Formatted ils) = Formatted (walk removePeriod ils)
removePeriod (Str xs) | stripPeriods f = Str (T.filter (/='.') xs)
removePeriod x = x
quote (Formatted []) = Formatted []
quote (Formatted ils) =
case quotes f of
NoQuote -> Formatted $ valign ils
NativeQuote -> Formatted
[Span ("",["csl-inquote"],[]) ils]
_ -> Formatted [Quoted DoubleQuote $ valign ils]
addDisplay (Formatted []) = Formatted []
addDisplay (Formatted ils) =
case display f of
"block" -> Formatted (LineBreak : ils ++
_ -> Formatted ils
font (Formatted ils)
| noDecor f = Formatted [Span ("",["nodecor"],[]) ils]
| otherwise = Formatted $ font_variant . font_style . font_weight $ ils
font_variant ils =
case fontVariant f of
"small-caps" -> [SmallCaps ils]
_ -> ils
font_style ils =
case fontStyle f of
"italic" -> [Emph ils]
"oblique" -> [Emph ils]
_ -> ils
font_weight ils =
case fontWeight f of
"bold" -> [Strong ils]
_ -> ils
text_case (Formatted []) = Formatted []
text_case (Formatted ils@(i:is'))
| noCase f = Formatted [Span ("",["nocase"],[]) ils]
| otherwise = Formatted $
case textCase f of
"lowercase" -> walk lowercaseStr ils
"uppercase" -> walk uppercaseStr ils
"capitalize-all" -> walk capitalizeStr ils
"title" -> titlecase ils
-> case i of
Str cs -> Str (capitalize cs) : is'
_ -> unTitlecase [i] ++ is'
"sentence" -> unTitlecase ils
_ -> ils
lowercaseStr (Str xs) = Str $ T.toLower xs
lowercaseStr x = x
uppercaseStr (Str xs) = Str $ T.toUpper xs
uppercaseStr x = x
capitalizeStr (Str xs) = Str $ capitalize xs
capitalizeStr x = x
valign [] = []
valign ils
| "sup" <- verticalAlign f = [Superscript ils]
| "sub" <- verticalAlign f = [Subscript ils]
| "baseline" <- verticalAlign f =
[Span ("",["csl-baseline"],[]) ils]
| otherwise = ils
| jgm/pandoc-citeproc | src/Text/CSL/Eval/Output.hs | bsd-3-clause | 9,696 | 0 | 18 | 3,788 | 3,085 | 1,525 | 1,560 | 202 | 27 |
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Fission2 where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Array.Accelerate ((:.) (..), Array, Elt, Shape)
import qualified Data.Array.Accelerate as A
import Prelude as P hiding (concat)
type TuneM a = IO a
arr :: A.Acc (A.Vector Double)
arr = A.use (A.fromList (A.Z :. 10) [0..])
map :: (A.Slice sh,Shape sh,Elt a,Elt b)
=> (A.Exp a -> A.Exp b) -> A.Acc (Array (sh A.:. Int) a) -> TuneM (A.Acc (Array (sh A.:. Int) b))
map f arr = do
(a1, a2) <- split arr
let m1 = f a1
m2 = f a2
concat m1 m2
split :: (A.Slice sh,Shape sh,Elt a)
=> A.Acc (Array (sh A.:. Int) a) -> TuneM (A.Acc (Array (sh A.:. Int) a), A.Acc (Array (sh A.:. Int) a))
split arr = return (splitArray (A.constant 0), splitArray (A.constant 1))
where splitArray i =
let shead = A.indexHead $ A.shape arr
(chunk, leftover) = shead `quotRem` 2
start = (i A.<* leftover) A.?
(i * (chunk + 1),
i * chunk + leftover)
end = ((i+1) A.<* leftover) A.?
(start + chunk,
(i+1) * chunk + leftover)
bsh = A.lift $ (A.indexTail $ A.shape arr) A.:. (end - start)
f x = A.lift $ (A.indexTail x) A.:. ((A.indexHead x) + start)
in A.backpermute bsh f arr
concat :: (A.Slice sh,Shape sh,Elt a)
=> A.Acc (Array (sh A.:. Int) a) -> A.Acc (Array (sh A.:. Int) a) -> TuneM (A.Acc (Array (sh A.:. Int) a))
concat xs ys = return $ A.generate gsh f
where (sh1 A.:. n) = A.unlift $ A.shape xs
(sh2 A.:. m) = A.unlift $ A.shape ys
gsh = A.lift $ (A.intersect sh1 sh2) A.:. (n + m)
f ix = ((A.indexHead ix) A.<* n) A.?
(xs A.! ix,
ys A.! (A.lift ((A.indexTail ix) A.:. ((A.indexHead ix) - n))))
| vollmerm/shallow-fission | icebox/Fission2.hs | bsd-3-clause | 2,131 | 0 | 18 | 828 | 977 | 514 | 463 | 41 | 1 |
Copyright : (c) Dave Laing, 2017
License : BSD3
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
module Fragment.Pair.Rules.Type.Infer.SyntaxDirected (
, pairInferTypeRules
) where
import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError)
import Control.Lens (review)
import Rules.Type.Infer.SyntaxDirected
import Ast.Type
import Fragment.Pair.Ast.Type
import Fragment.Pair.Ast.Error
import Fragment.Pair.Ast.Pattern
import Fragment.Pair.Ast.Term
import Fragment.Pair.Rules.Type.Infer.Common
createPair :: (Monad m, AsTyPair ki ty) => Type ki ty a -> Type ki ty a -> m (Type ki ty a)
createPair ty1 ty2 =
return . review _TyPair $ (ty1, ty2)
expectPair :: (MonadError e m, AsExpectedTyPair e ki ty a, AsTyPair ki ty) => Type ki ty a -> m (Type ki ty a, Type ki ty a)
expectPair =
type PairInferTypeContext e w s r m ki ty pt tm a = (InferTypeContext e w s r m ki ty pt tm a, AsTyPair ki ty, AsExpectedTyPair e ki ty a, AsPtPair pt, AsTmPair ki ty pt tm)
pairInferTypeRules :: PairInferTypeContext e w s r m ki ty pt tm a
=> InferTypeInput e w s r m m ki ty pt tm a
pairInferTypeRules =
ph = PairHelper createPair expectPair
inferTypeInput ph
| dalaing/type-systems | src/Fragment/Pair/Rules/Type/Infer/SyntaxDirected.hs | bsd-3-clause | 1,301 | 0 | 10 | 248 | 404 | 225 | 179 | 26 | 1 |
module Main where
import Highlight.Highlight (defaultMain)
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain
| cdepillabout/highlight | app/highlight/Main.hs | bsd-3-clause | 95 | 0 | 6 | 16 | 29 | 17 | 12 | 4 | 1 |
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- |
-- Module :
-- Copyright : (c) 2012 Boyun Tang
-- License : BSD-style
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : ghc
module Main where
import Bio.Seq.EMBL.Parser
import Bio.Seq.EMBL.Types
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B8
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8
import Data.Maybe
import System.Environment
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Bio.Seq.EMBL
main = do
seqs <- readEMBL =<< fmap head getArgs
-- str <- B8.readFile =<< fmap head getArgs
-- let (s:ss) = init $ groupBy (\_ b -> B8.take 2 b /= "//") $ B8.lines $ B8.filter (/= '\r') str
-- seqs = B8.append (B8.unlines s) "//\n" : map ((flip B8.append "//\n") . B8.unlines . tail) ss
-- func = flip feed "" . parse parseEMBL . B8.toStrict
-- forM_ seqs $ \sq -> do
-- case func sq of
-- Done _ _ -> return ()
-- result -> print result >> B8.writeFile "Error.embl" sq >> error "Stop"
print $ length seqs
| tangboyun/bio-seq-embl | src/test.hs | bsd-3-clause | 1,176 | 0 | 9 | 208 | 113 | 77 | 36 | 14 | 1 |
module Main where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import Data.Complex
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ratio
import Numeric
import System.Environment
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (spaces, many, (<|>), optional)
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
print args
mapM_ putStrLn $ fmap readExpr args
symbol :: Parser Char
symbol = oneOf "!$%&|*+-/:<=>?@^_~"
spaces :: Parser ()
spaces = skipMany1 space
data LispVal = Atom String
| List [LispVal]
| DottedList [LispVal] LispVal
| Number Integer
| Float Double
| Rational (Ratio Integer)
| Complex (Complex Double)
| String String
| Bool Bool
| Character String
deriving Show
readExpr :: String -> String
readExpr input = case parse parseExpr "lisp" input of
Left err -> "No match: " ++ show err
Right val -> "Found value: " ++ show val
parseBool :: Parser LispVal
parseBool = Bool . (== 't') <$> (char '#' *> oneOf "ft")
parseString :: Parser LispVal
parseString = String <$> between quote quote escChars
quote = char '"'
escChars = many (escapedOrNot "nrt\\\"")
escapedOrNot :: String -> Parser Char
escapedOrNot escChars = readChar <$> (escaped <|> noneOf "\"")
escaped = char '\\' *> oneOf escChars
readChar c = read $ "'\\" ++ [c] ++ "'"
parseCharacter :: Parser LispVal
parseCharacter = (Character . readChar) <$> (prefix *> many nonWhitespace)
where prefix = try $ char '#' *> char '\\'
nonWhitespace = satisfy (not . isSpace)
readChar [c] = return . read $ "'\\" ++ [c] ++ "'"
readChar s = s
parseAtom :: Parser LispVal
parseAtom = Atom <$> atom
first = letter <|> symbol
rest = many (letter <|> digit <|> symbol)
atom = (:) <$> first <*> rest
parseDecimalNumber :: Parser LispVal
parseDecimalNumber = Number . read <$> (optional (string "#d") *> many1 digit)
parseBinaryNumber :: Parser LispVal
parseBinaryNumber = parseRadixNumber "01" readBin
readBin = readInt 2 (`elem` "01") (read . return)
parseOctalNumber :: Parser LispVal
parseOctalNumber = parseRadixNumber "01234567" readOct
parseHexNumber :: Parser LispVal
parseHexNumber = parseRadixNumber "0123456789abcdefABCDEF" readHex
parseRadixNumber :: String -> ReadS Integer -> Parser LispVal
parseRadixNumber chars decimalize = try $ prefix *> fmap numberfy digits
prefix = char '#' *> char 'o'
numberfy = Number . fst . head . decimalize
digits = many1 (oneOf chars)
parseNumber :: Parser LispVal
parseNumber = try (parseOctalNumber
<|> parseHexNumber
<|> parseBinaryNumber
<|> parseDecimalNumber)
parseFloat :: Parser LispVal
parseFloat = fmap (Float . fst . head . readFloat) parseFloatString
parseFloatString :: Parser String
parseFloatString = try $ do
beginning <- many digit <* char '.'
end <- many digit
guard $ (not . null) (beginning ++ end)
-- We can slap extra 0's in there to avoid ".###" and "###.".
return $ "0" ++ beginning ++ "." ++ end ++ "0"
parseRational :: Parser LispVal
parseRational = try $ numberfy <$> int <* over <*> int
int = many1 digit
over = ws <* char '/' <* ws
ws = skipMany space
numberfy num denom = Rational (read num % read denom)
parseComplex :: Parser LispVal
parseComplex = try $ numberfy <$> real <*> imag
real = read . fromMaybe "0" <$> (optionMaybe . try $ numFollowedBy '+')
imag = read <$> numFollowedBy 'i'
numberfy r i = Complex (r :+ i)
numFollowedBy c = (parseFloatString <|> many1 digit) <* char c
parseExpr :: Parser LispVal
parseExpr = parseRational
<|> parseComplex
<|> parseFloat
<|> parseNumber
<|> parseCharacter
<|> parseAtom
<|> parseString
<|> parseBool
| johntyree/Hascheme | Main.hs | bsd-3-clause | 3,941 | 0 | 12 | 996 | 1,220 | 628 | 592 | 103 | 2 |
{-#Language GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Control.Monad.ErrorM ( runErrorM
, ErrorM (..)
, Error (..)
, Warning (..)
, Errors
, addError
, throwFatalError
, addWarning
, showWarnings
, showErrors
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Data.Either
import Text.PrettyPrint
data Warning = Warning Doc
warningDoc :: Warning -> Doc
warningDoc (Warning d) = d
data Error = Error Doc
| FatalError Doc
errorDoc :: Error -> Doc
errorDoc (Error d) = d
errorDoc (FatalError d) = d
type Errors = [Either Error Warning]
newtype ErrorM a = ErrorM (StateT Errors (Either Errors) a)
deriving (Monad, Applicative, Functor, MonadFix)
runErrorM :: ErrorM a -> Either Errors ([Warning], a)
runErrorM (ErrorM m) = do
(a, errorsAndWarnings) <- runStateT m []
let (errors, warnings) = partitionEithers errorsAndWarnings
case errors of
[] -> Right (warnings, a)
_ -> Left errorsAndWarnings
addError :: Doc -> ErrorM ()
addError d = ErrorM $ modify $ ((Left $ Error d) :)
throwFatalError ::Doc -> ErrorM a
throwFatalError d = ErrorM $ do
modify $ ((Left $ FatalError d) :)
errorsAndWarnings <- get -- extract errors from the State monad
_ <- lift $ Left errorsAndWarnings -- and lift them into the Either monad (this causes an immediate error, skipping further evaluation)
return undefined
addWarning :: Doc -> ErrorM ()
addWarning d = ErrorM $ modify $ ((Right $ Warning d) :)
showWarnings :: [Warning] -> String
showWarnings warns = render $ vcat (fmap warningDoc warns)
showErrors :: Errors -> String
showErrors a = render $ vcat (fmap errorDoc errs) $+$ vcat (fmap warningDoc warns)
(errs, warns) = partitionEithers a
-- #TODO maybe add a particular type of error for compiler errors (to make it easier to quickcheck that they are never generated) | jvranish/TheExperiment | src/Control/Monad/ErrorM.hs | bsd-3-clause | 2,200 | 0 | 12 | 654 | 602 | 324 | 278 | 50 | 2 |
module Entity.Position where
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified GameData.Entity as E
import qualified GameData.Animation as A
import qualified Gamgine.Math.Vect as V
currentPosition :: E.Entity -> V.Vect
currentPosition E.Player {E.playerPosition = pos} = pos
currentPosition E.Enemy {E.enemyPosition = Left pos} = pos
currentPosition E.Enemy {E.enemyPosition = Right ani} = A.currentPosition ani
currentPosition E.Star {E.starPosition = pos} = pos
currentPosition E.Platform {E.platformPosition = Left pos} = pos
currentPosition E.Platform {E.platformPosition = Right ani} = A.currentPosition ani
setCurrentPosition :: E.Entity -> V.Vect -> E.Entity
setCurrentPosition p@E.Player {} newPos = p {E.playerPosition = newPos}
setCurrentPosition e@E.Enemy {E.enemyPosition = Left _} newPos =
e {E.enemyPosition = Left newPos}
setCurrentPosition e@E.Enemy {E.enemyPosition = Right ani} newPos =
e {E.enemyPosition = Right ani {A.currentPosition = newPos}}
setCurrentPosition s@E.Star {} newPos = s {E.starPosition = newPos}
setCurrentPosition p@E.Platform {E.platformPosition = Left _} newPos =
p {E.platformPosition = Left newPos}
setCurrentPosition p@E.Platform {E.platformPosition = Right ani} newPos =
p {E.platformPosition = Right ani {A.currentPosition = newPos}}
position :: E.Entity -> V.Vect
position E.Enemy {E.enemyPosition = Right ani} = A.basePosition ani
position E.Platform {E.platformPosition = Right ani} = A.basePosition ani
position entity = currentPosition entity
setPosition :: E.Entity -> V.Vect -> E.Entity
setPosition p@E.Player {} newPos = p {E.playerInitialPos = newPos, E.playerPosition = newPos}
setPosition e@E.Enemy {E.enemyPosition = Right ani} newPos =
e {E.enemyPosition = Right $ A.setBasePosition ani newPos}
setPosition p@E.Platform {E.platformPosition = Right ani} newPos =
p {E.platformPosition = Right $ A.setBasePosition ani newPos}
setPosition entity newPos = setCurrentPosition entity newPos
| dan-t/layers | src/Entity/Position.hs | bsd-3-clause | 2,063 | 0 | 10 | 365 | 718 | 382 | 336 | 34 | 1 |
module Main where
import XKCD
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Directory (getCurrentDirectory)
import System.Exit (exitSuccess)
import System.FilePath (pathSeparator)
main :: IO ()
main = getPath >>= downloadXKCD
-- |Gets the into which it should download the comic
getPath :: IO FilePath
getPath = do
path <- processArgs
case path of
Just path' -> return path'
Nothing -> fmap (++ fileName) getCurrentDirectory
where fileName = pathSeparator:"strip.png"
-- |Checks whether the arguments contain a path, or help flag. If they do, prints the USAGE message
processArgs :: IO (Maybe FilePath)
processArgs = do
args <- getArgs
case args of
[] -> return Nothing
("-h":_) -> printHelp
("--help":_) -> printHelp
path -> return $ Just . head $ path
where printHelp = putStrLn help >> exitSuccess
-- |USAGE string
help :: String
help = "USAGE: xkcd [path|-h|-help]\nDownloads current xkcd strip to path or to current directory (with name xkcd.jpg)" | sellweek/xkcd | src/main.hs | bsd-3-clause | 1,000 | 0 | 12 | 188 | 246 | 131 | 115 | 26 | 4 |
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-- | This module uses scope lookup techniques to either export
-- 'lookupValueName' from @Language.Haskell.TH@, or define
-- its own 'lookupValueName', which attempts to do the
-- same job with just 'reify'. This will sometimes fail, but if it
-- succeeds it will give the answer that the real function would have
-- given.
-- The idea is that if you use lookupValueName from this module,
-- your client code will automatically use the best available name
-- lookup mechanism. This means that e.g. 'scopeLookup' can work
-- very well on recent GHCs and less well but still somewhat
-- usefully on older GHCs.
module NotCPP.LookupValueName (
) where
import Language.Haskell.TH
import NotCPP.Utils
bestValueGuess :: String -> Q (Maybe Name)
bestValueGuess s = do
mi <- maybeReify (mkName s)
case mi of
Nothing -> no
Just i -> case i of
VarI n _ _ _ -> yes n
DataConI n _ _ _ -> yes n
_ -> err ["unexpected info:", show i]
no = return Nothing
yes = return . Just
err = fail . showString "NotCPP.bestValueGuess: " . unwords
$(recover [d| lookupValueName = bestValueGuess |] $ do
VarI _ _ _ _ <- reify (mkName "lookupValueName")
return [])
| bmillwood/notcpp | NotCPP/LookupValueName.hs | bsd-3-clause | 1,241 | 0 | 15 | 256 | 243 | 126 | 117 | 20 | 4 |
Description: path consumer
tools for consuming request path
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Web.Respond.Types.Path where
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import qualified Data.Sequence as S
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Control.Lens (makeLenses, snoc, (%=), uses)
import Safe (headMay, tailSafe)
-- * working with the path.
-- | stores the path and how much of it has been consumed
data PathConsumer = PathConsumer {
-- | the consumed part of the path.
_pcConsumed :: S.Seq T.Text,
-- | the unconsumed part
_pcUnconsumed :: [T.Text]
} deriving (Eq, Show)
makeLenses ''PathConsumer
-- | build a path consumer starting with nothing consumed
mkPathConsumer :: [T.Text] -> PathConsumer
mkPathConsumer = PathConsumer S.empty
-- | get the next path element
pcGetNext :: PathConsumer -> Maybe T.Text
pcGetNext = headMay . _pcUnconsumed
-- | move forward in the path
pcConsumeNext :: PathConsumer -> PathConsumer
pcConsumeNext = execState $ do
next <- uses pcUnconsumed headMay
pcConsumed %= maybe id (flip snoc) next
pcUnconsumed %= tailSafe
getFullPath :: PathConsumer -> [T.Text]
getFullPath pc = toList (_pcConsumed pc) <> _pcUnconsumed pc
| raptros/respond | src/Web/Respond/Types/Path.hs | bsd-3-clause | 1,256 | 0 | 11 | 218 | 288 | 166 | 122 | 25 | 1 |
module Codex.Lib.Game (
) where
| adarqui/Codex | src/Codex/Lib/Game.hs | bsd-3-clause | 32 | 0 | 3 | 5 | 10 | 7 | 3 | 1 | 0 |
module Forum.Internal.Encodable where
import Data.Default.Class (def)
import qualified Hasql.Encoders as Hasql
import Data.Time (DiffTime, UTCTime, Day, TimeOfDay, LocalTime)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Functor.Contravariant.Generic
import Data.Functor.Contravariant (Op(..))
import Data.Int (Int16, Int32, Int64)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import Data.Monoid (Sum(..))
class Encodable a where
encode :: Hasql.Params a
default encode :: Deciding Encodable a => Hasql.Params a
encode = deciding (Proxy :: Proxy Encodable) encode
fieldCount :: a -> Int
-- Not sure this is right for sum types etc.
default fieldCount :: Deciding (Eq) a => a -> Int
fieldCount x = getSum $ getOp (deciding (Proxy :: Proxy Eq)
(Op $ \_ -> Sum 1) ) x
instance Encodable Char where
encode = Hasql.value def
fieldCount _ = 1
instance Encodable Bool where
encode = Hasql.value def
fieldCount _ = 1
instance Encodable Int16 where
encode = Hasql.value def
fieldCount _ = 1
instance Encodable Int32 where
encode = Hasql.value def
fieldCount _ = 1
instance Encodable Int64 where
encode = Hasql.value def
fieldCount _ = 1
instance Encodable Double where
encode = Hasql.value def
fieldCount _ = 1
instance Encodable Float where
encode = Hasql.value def
fieldCount _ = 1
instance Encodable Text where
encode = Hasql.value def
fieldCount _ = 1
instance Encodable ByteString where
encode = Hasql.value def
fieldCount _ = 1
instance Encodable DiffTime where
encode = Hasql.value def
fieldCount _ = 1
instance Encodable UTCTime where
encode = Hasql.value def
fieldCount _ = 1
instance Encodable Day where
encode = Hasql.value def
fieldCount _ = 1
instance Encodable TimeOfDay where
encode = Hasql.value def
fieldCount _ = 1
instance Encodable LocalTime where
encode = Hasql.value def
fieldCount _ = 1
| jkarni/forum | src/Forum/Internal/Encodable.hs | bsd-3-clause | 1,918 | 0 | 14 | 383 | 639 | 341 | 298 | -1 | -1 |
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
Copyright (c) 2014, Markus Barenhoff <>
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of the <organization> nor the
names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
module Data.Geodetic.GeodeticModel where
import qualified Prelude ()
import Data.Geodetic.Coordinate
import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.TF.Prelude
data Hemisphere = Northern | Soutern
class (Ord t, Floating t, Show t, Show m, Show (GeodeticCoordinate m t)) =>
GeodeticModel m t where
data GeodeticCoordinate m t :: *
refElipsoid :: GeodeticCoordinate m t -> m
latitude :: GeodeticCoordinate m t -> PlaneAngle t
longitude :: GeodeticCoordinate m t -> PlaneAngle t
height :: GeodeticCoordinate m t -> Length t
mkCoordinate :: PlaneAngle t -> PlaneAngle t -> Length t ->
GeodeticCoordinate m t
semiMajorAxis :: (Fractional t) => m -> Length t
recProcFlattening :: (Fractional t) => m -> Dimensionless t
flattening :: (Fractional t) => m -> Dimensionless t
flattening m = _1 / (recProcFlattening m)
semiMinorAxis :: (Fractional t) => m -> Length t
semiMinorAxis m = (semiMajorAxis m) * (_1 - flattening m)
fstEccentricity :: (Floating t, Fractional t) => m -> Dimensionless t
fstEccentricity m =
let f = flattening m
in (_2 * f) - (f ** _2)
sndEccentricity :: (Floating t, Fractional t) => m -> Dimensionless t
sndEccentricity m =
let f = flattening m
a = f * (_2 - f)
b = ((_1 - f) ** _2)
in a / b
toEcef :: (Floating t) => GeodeticCoordinate m t -> ECEF t
toEcef c =
let φ = longitude c
λ = latitude c
h = height c
e2 = fstEccentricity $ refElipsoid c
x = sqrt (_1 - (e2 * ((sin φ) ** _2)))
a = semiMajorAxis $ refElipsoid c
normal = a / x
normalh = normal + h
rx = normalh * (cos φ) * (cos λ)
ry = normalh * (cos φ) * (sin λ)
rz = (((a * ( _1 - e2)) / x) + h) * (sin φ)
in ECEF rx ry rz
fromEcef :: (RealFloat t) => m -> ECEF t -> GeodeticCoordinate m t
fromEcef m coord =
let x = _coordX coord
y = _coordY coord
z = _coordZ coord
a = semiMajorAxis m
b = semiMinorAxis m
e2 = fstEccentricity m
e'2 = sndEccentricity m
r = sqrt ((x * x) + (y * y))
ee2 = (a * a) - (b * b)
f = (54 *~ one) * (b * b) * (z * z)
g = (r * r) + ((_1 - e2) * z * z) - (e2 * e2 * ee2)
c = (e2 * e2 * f * r * r ) / ( g * g * g )
s = cbrt (_1 + c + sqrt ((c*c) + (_2 * c)))
p = f / (_3 * ((s + (_1 / s) + _1) ** _2) * (g * g))
q = sqrt (_1 + (_2 * e2 * e2 * p))
r0a = ((_0 - _1) * (p * e2 * r)) / (_1 + q)
r0b = sqrt ((((_1 / _2) * a * a) * (_1 + (_1 / q)))-
((p * (_1 - e2) * z * z)/(q * (_1 + q))) -
((_1 / _2) * p * r * r))
r0 = r0a + r0b
ub = z * z
ua = (r - (e2 * r0)) * (r - (e2 * r0))
u = sqrt (ua + ub)
v = sqrt (ua + ((_1 - e2) * ub))
z0 = (b * b * z) / (a * v)
h = u * (_1 - ((b * b)/(a * v)))
φ = atan ((z + (e'2 * z0)) / r)
λ = atan2 y x
in mkCoordinate λ φ h
| alios/geodetic | src/Data/Geodetic/GeodeticModel.hs | bsd-3-clause | 4,661 | 0 | 22 | 1,354 | 1,498 | 799 | 699 | 78 | 0 |
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, CPP #-}
module Happstack.Server.Wai
( toApplication
, run
, Warp.Port
-- ** Low-level functions
, convertRequest
, convertResponse
, standardHeaders
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Char (toLower)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Happstack.Server as H
import qualified Happstack.Server.Internal.Clock as H
import qualified Happstack.Server.Internal.Cookie as H
import qualified Happstack.Server.Internal.MessageWrap as H
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import qualified Data.Conduit.Lazy as C
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as W
import qualified Network.Wai as W
import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp
-- | Convert a Happstack 'H.ServerPart' to a WAI 'W.Application'.
toApplication :: H.ServerPart H.Response -> W.Application
toApplication sp wReq = do
hReq <- convertRequest wReq
hResp <- liftIO $ H.simpleHTTP'' sp hReq
additionalHeaders <- liftIO standardHeaders
return $ convertResponse additionalHeaders hResp
-- | Run a 'H.ServerPart' on warp at the specified port.
run :: Warp.Port -> H.ServerPart H.Response -> IO ()
run port = port . toApplication
-- TODO - return '400 bad request' if we can't convert it
-- | Convert a WAI 'W.Request' to a Happstack 'H.Request'.
convertRequest :: W.Request -- ^ WAI request
-> ResourceT IO H.Request
convertRequest wReq = do
bodyInputRef <- liftIO newEmptyMVar
bodyLbs <- BL.fromChunks <$> C.lazyConsume (W.requestBody wReq)
bodyRef <- liftIO $ newMVar $ H.Body bodyLbs
return $
#if MIN_VERSION_happstack_server(6,5,0)
(W.isSecure wReq)
(convertMethod $ W.requestMethod wReq)
(convertPath $ W.pathInfo wReq)
rawPath -- includes leading slash, does not include query
rawQuery -- includes leading questionmark
(B8.unpack (W.serverName wReq), W.serverPort wReq)
headers :: H.Headers -- Map ByteString HeaderPair
headers =
let assocs = flip map (W.requestHeaders wReq) $ \(ciName, val) ->
(CI.original ciName, val)
in mkHeadersBs assocs
httpVersion :: H.HttpVersion
httpVersion =
case W.httpVersion wReq of
W.HttpVersion major minor ->
H.HttpVersion major minor
cookies :: [(String, H.Cookie)]
cookies =
let cookieHeaders =
filter (\x -> fst x == "Cookie") $ W.requestHeaders wReq
rawCookies =
map snd cookieHeaders
foundCookies =
concat $ mapMaybe H.getCookies rawCookies
in map (\c -> (H.cookieName c, c)) foundCookies
parsedQuery :: [(String,H.Input)]
parsedQuery =
case rawQuery of
'?':xs -> H.formDecode xs
xs -> H.formDecode xs
rawQuery :: String
rawQuery = B8.unpack $ W.rawQueryString wReq
rawPath :: String
rawPath =
B8.unpack . fst $ B.breakByte 63 (W.rawPathInfo wReq) -- 63 == '?'
convertPath :: [Text] -> [String]
convertPath [] = []
convertPath xs =
-- the WAI paths include a blank for the trailing slash
case reverse xs of
("":rest) -> map T.unpack (reverse rest)
_ -> map T.unpack xs
convertMethod :: W.Method -> H.Method
convertMethod m =
-- TODO: somehow return 'Bad Request' response
-- instead of expecting the application host to
-- catch errors.
case W.parseMethod m of
Left{} -> error $ "Unknown method " ++ (show . B8.unpack) m
Right stdM ->
case stdM of
-- | 'Date' header and server identification.
standardHeaders :: IO W.ResponseHeaders
standardHeaders = do
dtStr <- H.getApproximateTime
[ ("Date", dtStr)
, serverIdent
, waiIdent
-- | Convert a Happstack 'H.Response' to a WAI 'W.Response'
convertResponse :: W.ResponseHeaders
-- ^ Headers not in the response to send to the client (see 'standardHeaders')
-> H.Response -- ^ Happstack response
-> W.Response
convertResponse additionalHeaders hResp =
case hResp of
let fp = W.FilePart off count
in W.ResponseFile status headersNoCl filePath (Just fp)
-> W.responseLBS status headers body
-- TODO description
status = W.Status (H.rsCode hResp) ""
headersNoCl =
(additionalHeaders ++) $
concatMap (\(H.HeaderPair k vs) -> map (\v -> ( k, v)) vs) $
Map.elems (H.rsHeaders hResp)
headers =
case H.rsfLength (H.rsFlags hResp) of
H.ContentLength ->
("Content-Length", B8.pack $ show $ BL.length $ H.rsBody hResp)
: headersNoCl
_ -> headersNoCl
serverIdent :: W.Header
serverIdent =
( "Server"
, B8.pack $ "Happstack/" ++ VERSION_happstack_server
waiIdent :: W.Header
waiIdent =
( "X-Wai-Version"
-- stuff to feed back to happstack-server
-- | Takes a list of (key,val) pairs and converts it into Headers. The
-- keys will be converted to lowercase.
mkHeadersBs :: [(ByteString,ByteString)] -> H.Headers
mkHeadersBs hdrs
= Map.fromListWith join [ ( toLower key, H.HeaderPair key [value]) | (key,value) <- hdrs ]
where join (H.HeaderPair key vs1) (H.HeaderPair _ vs2) = H.HeaderPair key (vs1++vs2)
| aslatter/happstack-wai | src/Happstack/Server/Wai.hs | bsd-3-clause | 6,137 | 0 | 17 | 1,553 | 1,602 | 871 | 731 | 147 | 9 |
Module : Examples.Parser
Description : Type level parsing.
Copyright : (c) Alexander Vieth, 2016
Licence : BSD3
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable (GHC only)
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-}
module Examples.List where
import GHC.TypeLits hiding (SplitSymbol)
import qualified GHC.TypeLits as TypeLits
import Data.Kind
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Type.Function
data Parser (t :: Type) where
Parser :: (Symbol :-> Maybe (t, Symbol)) -> Parser t
type RunParser = F RunParserProxy
data RunParserProxy (p :: Parser t) (q :: Proxy (Symbol :-> Maybe (t, Symbol)))
type instance EvalFunction (RunParserProxy ('Parser f)) = f
-- Parser is a functor.
type instance FmapInstance g ('Parser f) =
'Parser ((Fmap `At` (Swap :. (Fmap `At` g) :. Swap)) :. f)
-- Parser is an applicative.
type instance PureInstance Parser t = 'Parser (C 'Just :. (C '(,) `At` t))
-- Tuple the output of mf and mx, then apply the former to the latter.
-- mf >>= fmap applyTuple . flip fmap mx . (,)
type instance ApInstance (mf :: Parser (s :-> t)) (mx :: Parser s) =
Bind `At` mf `At` ((Fmap `At` ApplyTuple) :. (Flip `At` Fmap `At` mx) :. C '(,))
-- Parser is an alternative.
type instance AltInstance (left :: Parser t) (right :: Parser t) = 'Parser (
(AnalyseEither `At` C 'Just `At` (RunParser `At` right))
:. MakeEither
-- Pass the input through so that we can re-use it if necessary.
:. (Passthrough `At` (RunParser `At` left))
type MakeEither = F MakeEitherProxy
data MakeEitherProxy (tuple :: (Maybe k, l)) (p :: Proxy (Either k l))
type instance EvalFunction (MakeEitherProxy '( 'Just x, y )) = 'Left x
type instance EvalFunction (MakeEitherProxy '( 'Nothing, y )) = 'Right y
-- Parser is a monad.
type instance BindInstance (p :: Parser t) k = ParserJoin `At` (Fmap `At` k `At` p)
type ParserJoin = F ParserJoinProxy
data ParserJoinProxy (p :: Parser (Parser t)) (q :: Proxy (Parser t))
-- \p -> (=<<) (uncurry runParser) . runParser p
type instance EvalFunction (ParserJoinProxy p) = 'Parser (
((Flip `At` Bind) `At` (Uncurry `At` RunParser)) :. (RunParser `At` p)
type SplitSymbol = F SplitSymbolProxy
data SplitSymbolProxy (s :: Symbol) (p :: Proxy (Maybe (Character, Symbol)))
type instance EvalFunction (SplitSymbolProxy s) = TypeLits.SplitSymbol s
type ParserCharacter = 'Parser SplitSymbol
-- :kind! RunParser `At` ((Const `At` 'True) :<$> ParserCharacter) `At` "hello"
-- = 'Just '('True, "ello")
| avieth/type-function | Examples/Parser.hs | bsd-3-clause | 2,698 | 0 | 14 | 504 | 816 | 473 | 343 | -1 | -1 |
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Tests.Readers.RST (tests) where
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Test.Framework
import Tests.Helpers
import Tests.Arbitrary()
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
import Text.Pandoc
import Data.Monoid (mempty)
rst :: String -> Pandoc
rst = readRST def{ readerStandalone = True }
infix 4 =:
(=:) :: ToString c
=> String -> (String, c) -> Test
(=:) = test rst
tests :: [Test]
tests = [ "line block with blank line" =:
"| a\n|\n| b" =?> para (str "a") <>
para (str "\160b")
, "field list" =: unlines
[ "para"
, ""
, ":Hostname: media08"
, ":IP address:"
, ":Size: 3ru"
, ":Version: 1"
, ":Indentation: Since the field marker may be quite long, the second"
, " and subsequent lines of the field body do not have to line up"
, " with the first line, but they must be indented relative to the"
, " field name marker, and they must line up with each other."
, ":Parameter i: integer"
, ":Final: item"
, " on two lines" ]
=?> ( doc
$ para "para" <>
definitionList [ (str "Hostname", [para "media08"])
, (str "IP address", [para ""])
, (str "Size", [para "3ru"])
, (str "Version", [para "1"])
, (str "Indentation", [para "Since the field marker may be quite long, the second and subsequent lines of the field body do not have to line up with the first line, but they must be indented relative to the field name marker, and they must line up with each other."])
, (str "Parameter i", [para "integer"])
, (str "Final", [para "item on two lines"])
, "initial field list" =: unlines
[ "====="
, "Title"
, "====="
, "--------"
, "Subtitle"
, "--------"
, ""
, ":Version: 1"
=?> ( setMeta "version" (para "1")
$ setMeta "title" ("Title" :: Inlines)
$ setMeta "subtitle" ("Subtitle" :: Inlines)
$ doc mempty )
, "URLs with following punctuation" =:
(",;\n" ++
" (") =?>
para (link "" "" "" <> ", " <>
link "" "" "" <> "; " <>
link "" "" "" <> ". " <>
link "" "" ""
<> " (" <> link "" "" "" <> ")")
, testGroup "literal / line / code blocks"
[ "indented literal block" =: unlines
[ "::"
, ""
, " block quotes"
, ""
, " can go on for many lines"
, "but must stop here"]
=?> (doc $
codeBlock "block quotes\n\ncan go on for many lines" <>
para "but must stop here")
, "line block with 3 lines" =: "| a\n| b\n| c"
=?> para ("a" <> linebreak <> "b" <> linebreak <> "c")
, "quoted literal block using >" =: "::\n\n> quoted\n> block\n\nOrdinary paragraph"
=?> codeBlock "> quoted\n> block" <> para "Ordinary paragraph"
, "quoted literal block using | (not a line block)" =: "::\n\n| quoted\n| block\n\nOrdinary paragraph"
=?> codeBlock "| quoted\n| block" <> para "Ordinary paragraph"
, "class directive with single paragraph" =: ".. class:: special\n\nThis is a \"special\" paragraph."
=?> divWith ("", ["special"], []) (para "This is a \"special\" paragraph.")
, "class directive with two paragraphs" =: ".. class:: exceptional remarkable\n\n First paragraph.\n\n Second paragraph."
=?> divWith ("", ["exceptional", "remarkable"], []) (para "First paragraph." <> para "Second paragraph.")
, "class directive around literal block" =: ".. class:: classy\n\n::\n\n a\n b"
=?> divWith ("", ["classy"], []) (codeBlock "a\nb")]
, testGroup "interpreted text roles"
[ "literal role prefix" =: ":literal:`a`" =?> para (code "a")
, "literal role postfix" =: "`a`:literal:" =?> para (code "a")
, "literal text" =: "``text``" =?> para (code "text")
, "code role" =: ":code:`a`" =?> para (codeWith ("", ["sourceCode"], []) "a")
, "inherited code role" =: ".. role:: codeLike(code)\n\n:codeLike:`a`"
=?> para (codeWith ("", ["codeLike", "sourceCode"], []) "a")
, "custom code role with language field"
=: ".. role:: lhs(code)\n :language: haskell\n\n:lhs:`a`"
=?> para (codeWith ("", ["lhs", "haskell","sourceCode"], []) "a")
, "custom role with unspecified parent role"
=: ".. role:: classy\n\n:classy:`text`"
=?> para (spanWith ("", ["classy"], []) "text")
, "role with recursive inheritance"
=: ".. role:: haskell(code)\n.. role:: lhs(haskell)\n\n:lhs:`text`"
=?> para (codeWith ("", ["lhs", "haskell", "sourceCode"], []) "text")
, "unknown role" =: ":unknown:`text`" =?> para (str "text")
| sapek/pandoc | tests/Tests/Readers/RST.hs | gpl-2.0 | 5,683 | 0 | 18 | 1,952 | 1,085 | 593 | 492 | 103 | 1 |
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module SugarScape.Agent.Loan
( agentLoan
, handleLoanOffer
, handleLoanPayback
, handleLoanLenderDied
, handleLoanInherit
, splitLoanBorrowed
, splitLoanLent
) where
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad.Random
import Data.MonadicStreamFunction
import SugarScape.Agent.Common
import SugarScape.Agent.Utils
import SugarScape.Core.Common
import SugarScape.Core.Discrete
import SugarScape.Core.Model
import SugarScape.Core.Random
import SugarScape.Core.Scenario
import SugarScape.Core.Utils
import Debug.Trace as DBG
agentLoan :: RandomGen g
=> AgentLocalMonad g (Maybe (EventHandler g))
-> AgentLocalMonad g (Maybe (EventHandler g))
agentLoan cont =
(isNothing . spLoansEnabled <$> scenario)
offerLending cont)
checkBorrowedLoans :: RandomGen g => AgentLocalMonad g ()
checkBorrowedLoans = do
cs <- agentProperty sugAgBorrowed
ret <- mapM checkLoan cs
let (mcs, sugDebts, spiDebts) = unzip3 ret
cs' = catMaybes mcs
sugDebtSum = sum sugDebts
spiDebtSum = sum spiDebts
-- reduce the net-income by the debts payed back from Loans
updateAgentState (\s -> s { sugAgBorrowed = cs'
, sugAgNetIncome = sugAgNetIncome s - (sugDebtSum + spiDebtSum)})
-- NOTE: need to update occupier-info in environment because wealth (and MRS) might have changed
checkLoan :: RandomGen g
=> Loan
-> AgentLocalMonad g (Maybe Loan, Double, Double)
checkLoan borrowerLoan@(Loan dueDate lender sugarFace spiceFace) = do
t <- absStateLift getSimTime
if dueDate /= t
then return (Just borrowerLoan, 0, 0) -- Loan not yet due
else do
rate <- ((/100) . snd . fromJust . spLoansEnabled) <$> scenario
let sugPay = sugarFace + (sugarFace * rate) -- payback the original face-value + a given percentage (interest)
spiPay = spiceFace + (spiceFace * rate) -- payback the original face-value + a given percentage (interest)
sugLvl <- agentProperty sugAgSugarLevel
spiLvl <- agentProperty sugAgSpiceLevel
if sugLvl >= sugPay && spiLvl >= spiPay
then do -- own enough wealth to pay back the Loan fully
-- NOTE: need to adjust wealth already here otherwise could pay more back than this agent has
updateAgentState (\s -> s { sugAgSugarLevel = sugAgSugarLevel s - sugPay
, sugAgSpiceLevel = sugAgSpiceLevel s - spiPay})
-- NOTE: need to update occupier-info in environment because wealth (and MRS) might have changed
sendEventTo lender (LoanPayback borrowerLoan sugPay spiPay)
aid <- myId
DBG.trace ("Agent " ++ show aid ++ ": " ++ show borrowerLoan ++ " is now due at t = " ++ show t ++ ", pay FULLY back to lender " ++ show lender)
return (Nothing, sugPay, spiPay)
else do -- not enough wealth, just pay back half of wealth and issue new Loan for the remaining face value(s)
dueDate' <- ((t+) . fst . fromJust . spLoansEnabled) <$> scenario
-- prevent negative values in facevalues: if agent has enough sugar/spice but not the other
-- then it could be the case that it pays back one part of the Loan fully
let sugPay' = min sugarFace sugLvl / 2
spiPay' = min spiceFace spiLvl / 2
c' = Loan dueDate' lender (sugarFace - sugPay') (spiceFace - spiPay')
sendEventTo lender (LoanPayback borrowerLoan sugPay' spiPay')
-- NOTE: need to adjust wealth already here otherwise could pay more back than this agent has
updateAgentState (\s -> s { sugAgSugarLevel = sugAgSugarLevel s - sugPay'
, sugAgSpiceLevel = sugAgSpiceLevel s - spiPay'})
-- NOTE: need to update occupier-info in environment because wealth (and MRS) might have changed
aid <- myId
DBG.trace ("Agent " ++ show aid ++ ": " ++ show borrowerLoan ++ " is now due at t = " ++ show t ++ ", pays PARTIALLY back with half of its wealth " ++ show (sugPay', spiPay') ++ " to lender " ++ show lender)
return (Just c', sugPay', spiPay')
offerLending :: RandomGen g
=> AgentLocalMonad g (Maybe (EventHandler g))
-> AgentLocalMonad g (Maybe (EventHandler g))
offerLending cont = do
pl <- potentialLender
if isNothing pl
then cont
else do
myCoord <- agentProperty sugAgCoord
sites <- envLift $ neighboursM myCoord False
let ns = mapMaybe (sugEnvSiteOccupier . snd) sites
if null ns
then cont
else do
t <- absStateLift getSimTime
dueDate <- ((t+) . fst . fromJust . spLoansEnabled) <$> scenario
ns' <- randLift $ randomShuffleM ns
lendTo cont dueDate ns'
lendTo :: RandomGen g
=> AgentLocalMonad g (Maybe (EventHandler g))
-> Time
-> [SugEnvSiteOccupier]
-> AgentLocalMonad g (Maybe (EventHandler g))
lendTo cont _ [] = cont -- iterated through all neighbours, finished, quit lendingTo and switch back to globalHandler
lendTo cont dueDate (neighbour : ns) = do
pl <- potentialLender -- always check because could have changed while iterating
case pl of
Nothing -> cont -- not potential lender, quit
Just (sug, spi) -> do
aid <- myId
let borrowerId = sugEnvOccId neighbour
borrowerLoan = Loan dueDate aid sug spi
evtHandler = lendingToHandler cont dueDate ns borrowerLoan
sendEventTo borrowerId (LoanOffer borrowerLoan)
return $ Just evtHandler
lendingToHandler :: RandomGen g
=> AgentLocalMonad g (Maybe (EventHandler g))
-> Time
-> [SugEnvSiteOccupier]
-> Loan
-> EventHandler g
lendingToHandler cont0 dueDate ns borrowerLoan@(Loan _ _ sugarFace spiceFace) =
(proc evt ->
case evt of
(DomainEvent borrowerId (LoanReply reply)) -> do
mhdl <- arrM (uncurry (handleLendingReply cont0)) -< (borrowerId, reply)
returnA -< ((), mhdl)
_ -> do
aid <- constM myId -< ()
returnA -< error $ "Agent " ++ show aid ++ ": received unexpected event " ++ show evt ++ " during lending, terminating simulation!")
handleLendingReply :: RandomGen g
=> AgentLocalMonad g (Maybe (EventHandler g))
-> AgentId
-> LoanReply
-> AgentLocalMonad g (Maybe (EventHandler g))
handleLendingReply cont _ (RefuseLoan _) =
-- the sender refuses the Loan-offer, continue with the next neighbour
lendTo cont dueDate ns
handleLendingReply cont borrowerId AcceptLoan = do
let lenderLoan = Loan dueDate borrowerId sugarFace spiceFace
-- the sender accepts the Loan-offer, remove Loan-wealth from lender and add borrower
updateAgentState (\s -> s { sugAgSugarLevel = sugAgSugarLevel s - sugarFace
, sugAgSpiceLevel = sugAgSpiceLevel s - spiceFace
, sugAgLent = lenderLoan : sugAgLent s})
-- NOTE: need to update occupier-info in environment because wealth has (and MRS) changed
-- continue with next neighbour
aid <- myId
DBG.trace ("Agent " ++ show aid ++ ": lending " ++ show borrowerLoan ++ " to " ++ show borrowerId ++ " with lenderLoan = " ++ show lenderLoan)
lendTo cont dueDate ns
handleLoanOffer :: RandomGen g
=> Loan
-> AgentLocalMonad g ()
handleLoanOffer borrowerLoan@(Loan _ lender sugarFace spiceFace) = do
pb <- potentialBorrower
case pb of
Just reason ->
sendEventTo lender (LoanReply $ RefuseLoan reason)
Nothing -> do
-- the borrower accepts the Loan-offer, increase wealth of borrower
-- and add to borrowers obligations
updateAgentState (\s -> s { sugAgSugarLevel = sugAgSugarLevel s + sugarFace
, sugAgSpiceLevel = sugAgSpiceLevel s + spiceFace
, sugAgBorrowed = borrowerLoan : sugAgBorrowed s })
-- NOTE: need to update occupier-info in environment because wealth has (and MRS) changed
aid <- myId
DBG.trace ("Agent " ++ show aid ++ ": borrowing " ++ show borrowerLoan ++ " from " ++ show lender)
sendEventTo lender (LoanReply AcceptLoan)
handleLoanPayback :: RandomGen g
=> AgentId
-> Loan
-> Double
-> Double
-> AgentLocalMonad g ()
handleLoanPayback borrower borrowerLoan@(Loan dueDate _ sugarFace spiceFace) sugarBack spiceBack = do
t <- absStateLift getSimTime
newDueDate <- (t+) . fst . fromJust . spLoansEnabled <$> scenario
rate <- (/100) . snd . fromJust . spLoansEnabled <$> scenario
aid <- myId
ls <- processBorrower rate aid newDueDate <$> agentProperty sugAgLent
updateAgentState (\s -> s { sugAgLent = ls
, sugAgSugarLevel = sugAgSugarLevel s + sugarBack
, sugAgSpiceLevel = sugAgSpiceLevel s + spiceBack})
-- NOTE: need to update occupier-info in environment because wealth (and MRS) might have changed
processBorrower :: Double
-> AgentId
-> Time
-> [Loan]
-> [Loan]
processBorrower rate aid newDueDate ls
-- TODO: when inheritance is turned on, this error occurs sometimes, no idea why
| isNothing mxid = error $ "Agent " ++ show aid ++ ": couldn't find " ++ show borrowerLoan ++
" for borrower payback in my loans " ++ show ls ++ ", exit."
| otherwise = if fullyPaidBack l
then DBG.trace ("Agent " ++ show aid ++ ": received FULL Loan payback of " ++ show l ++
" from " ++ show borrower) ls'
else DBG.trace("Agent " ++ show aid ++ ": received PARTIAL Loan payback of " ++ show l ++
" from " ++ show borrower) (l' : ls')
mxid = findIndex findBorrowerLoan ls
idx = fromJust mxid
l = ls !! idx
l' = newLoan
ls' = removeElemByIdx idx ls
fullyPaidBack :: Loan -> Bool
fullyPaidBack (Loan _ _ sugarFace' spiceFace')
= fullSugarBack == sugarBack && fullSpiceBack == spiceBack
-- NOTE: need to include the interest!
fullSugarBack = sugarFace' + (sugarFace' * rate)
fullSpiceBack = spiceFace' + (spiceFace' * rate)
newLoan :: Loan
newLoan = Loan newDueDate borrower (sugarFace - sugarBack) (spiceFace - spiceBack)
findBorrowerLoan :: Loan -> Bool
findBorrowerLoan (Loan dueDate' borrower' sugarFace' spiceFace')
= borrower' == borrower &&
dueDate' == dueDate &&
sugarFace' == sugarFace &&
spiceFace' == spiceFace
handleLoanLenderDied :: RandomGen g
=> AgentId
-> [AgentId]
-> AgentLocalMonad g ()
handleLoanLenderDied lender children = do
oldLs <- agentProperty sugAgBorrowed
ls <- processLoans [] <$> agentProperty sugAgBorrowed
aid <- myId
DBG.trace ("Agent " ++ show aid ++ ": lender " ++ show lender ++ " died and inherits its loan to its children " ++ show children ++
"\nold loans = " ++ show oldLs ++
"\nnew loans = " ++ show ls)
updateAgentState (\s -> s { sugAgBorrowed = ls })
processLoans :: [Loan]
-> [Loan]
-> [Loan]
processLoans acc [] = acc
processLoans acc (l@(Loan _ lender' _ _) : ls)
| lender' /= lender = processLoans (l : acc) ls -- different lender, keep as it is
| otherwise = processLoans (newLs ++ acc) ls -- died lender, change to new
newLs = splitLoanBorrowed children l
handleLoanInherit :: RandomGen g
=> AgentId
-> Loan
-> AgentLocalMonad g ()
handleLoanInherit parent loan = do
aid <- myId
DBG.trace ("Agent " ++ show aid ++ ": inherited " ++ show loan ++ " from parent " ++ show parent)
updateAgentState (\s -> s { sugAgLent = loan : sugAgLent s })
potentialLender :: AgentLocalMonad g (Maybe (Double, Double))
potentialLender = do
age <- agentProperty sugAgAge
(fertMin, fertMax) <- agentProperty sugAgFertAgeRange
sugLvl <- agentProperty sugAgSugarLevel
spiLvl <- agentProperty sugAgSpiceLevel
if age > fertMax
then return $ Just (sugLvl / 2, spiLvl / 2) -- agent is too old to bear children, will lend half of its current wealth
else -- agent is within child-bearing age
if age >= fertMin && age <= fertMax
then do
initSugLvl <- agentProperty sugAgInitSugEndow
initSpiLvl <- agentProperty sugAgInitSpiEndow
-- check if this agent has wealth excess
if sugLvl > initSugLvl && spiLvl > initSpiLvl
then return $ Just (sugLvl - initSugLvl, spiLvl - initSpiLvl) -- lend excess wealth
else return Nothing -- no wealth excess
else return Nothing -- not within child-bearing age, too young, nothing
potentialBorrower :: AgentLocalMonad g (Maybe LoanRefuse)
potentialBorrower = do
age <- agentProperty sugAgAge
(fertMin, fertMax) <- agentProperty sugAgFertAgeRange
sugLvl <- agentProperty sugAgSugarLevel
spiLvl <- agentProperty sugAgSpiceLevel
if age >= fertMin && age <= fertMax
then do
initSugLvl <- agentProperty sugAgInitSugEndow
initSpiLvl <- agentProperty sugAgInitSpiEndow
if sugLvl > initSugLvl && spiLvl > initSpiLvl
then return $ Just EnoughWealth -- agent has already enough wealth
else do
netInc <- agentProperty sugAgNetIncome
if netInc <= 0
then return $ Just NotLoanWorthy -- not Loanworthy: has the agent had a net income in the most recent time-step?
else return Nothing
else return $ Just NotFertileAge -- agent is not child-bearing age
splitLoanBorrowed :: [AgentId]
-> Loan
-> [Loan]
splitLoanBorrowed as (Loan dueDate _ sugarFace spiceFace)
= map (\a -> Loan dueDate a (sugarFace / n) (spiceFace / n)) as
n = fromIntegral $ length as
splitLoanLent :: Int
-> Loan
-> [Loan]
splitLoanLent n (Loan dueDate borrower sugarFace spiceFace)
= replicate n (Loan dueDate borrower (sugarFace / n') (spiceFace / n'))
n' = fromIntegral n | thalerjonathan/phd | thesis/code/sugarscape/src/SugarScape/Agent/Loan.hs | gpl-3.0 | 15,401 | 1 | 26 | 4,897 | 3,577 | 1,794 | 1,783 | 282 | 4 |
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-matches #-}
-- Derived from AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0.
-- |
-- Module : Network.AWS.OpsWorks.CreateStack
-- Copyright : (c) 2013-2015 Brendan Hay
-- License : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
-- Maintainer : Brendan Hay <>
-- Stability : auto-generated
-- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions)
-- Creates a new stack. For more information, see
-- < Create a New Stack>.
-- __Required Permissions__: To use this action, an IAM user must have an
-- attached policy that explicitly grants permissions. For more information
-- on user permissions, see
-- < Managing User Permissions>.
-- /See:/ < AWS API Reference> for CreateStack.
module Network.AWS.OpsWorks.CreateStack
-- * Creating a Request
, CreateStack
-- * Request Lenses
, csDefaultRootDeviceType
, csVPCId
, csChefConfiguration
, csAgentVersion
, csDefaultSSHKeyName
, csCustomJSON
, csCustomCookbooksSource
, csDefaultAvailabilityZone
, csAttributes
, csDefaultOS
, csUseOpsworksSecurityGroups
, csUseCustomCookbooks
, csDefaultSubnetId
, csConfigurationManager
, csHostnameTheme
, csName
, csRegion
, csServiceRoleARN
, csDefaultInstanceProfileARN
-- * Destructuring the Response
, createStackResponse
, CreateStackResponse
-- * Response Lenses
, crsStackId
, crsResponseStatus
) where
import Network.AWS.OpsWorks.Types
import Network.AWS.OpsWorks.Types.Product
import Network.AWS.Prelude
import Network.AWS.Request
import Network.AWS.Response
-- | /See:/ 'createStack' smart constructor.
data CreateStack = CreateStack'
{ _csDefaultRootDeviceType :: !(Maybe RootDeviceType)
, _csVPCId :: !(Maybe Text)
, _csChefConfiguration :: !(Maybe ChefConfiguration)
, _csAgentVersion :: !(Maybe Text)
, _csDefaultSSHKeyName :: !(Maybe Text)
, _csCustomJSON :: !(Maybe Text)
, _csCustomCookbooksSource :: !(Maybe Source)
, _csDefaultAvailabilityZone :: !(Maybe Text)
, _csAttributes :: !(Maybe (Map StackAttributesKeys Text))
, _csDefaultOS :: !(Maybe Text)
, _csUseOpsworksSecurityGroups :: !(Maybe Bool)
, _csUseCustomCookbooks :: !(Maybe Bool)
, _csDefaultSubnetId :: !(Maybe Text)
, _csConfigurationManager :: !(Maybe StackConfigurationManager)
, _csHostnameTheme :: !(Maybe Text)
, _csName :: !Text
, _csRegion :: !Text
, _csServiceRoleARN :: !Text
, _csDefaultInstanceProfileARN :: !Text
} deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)
-- | Creates a value of 'CreateStack' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'csDefaultRootDeviceType'
-- * 'csVPCId'
-- * 'csChefConfiguration'
-- * 'csAgentVersion'
-- * 'csDefaultSSHKeyName'
-- * 'csCustomJSON'
-- * 'csCustomCookbooksSource'
-- * 'csDefaultAvailabilityZone'
-- * 'csAttributes'
-- * 'csDefaultOS'
-- * 'csUseOpsworksSecurityGroups'
-- * 'csUseCustomCookbooks'
-- * 'csDefaultSubnetId'
-- * 'csConfigurationManager'
-- * 'csHostnameTheme'
-- * 'csName'
-- * 'csRegion'
-- * 'csServiceRoleARN'
-- * 'csDefaultInstanceProfileARN'
:: Text -- ^ 'csName'
-> Text -- ^ 'csRegion'
-> Text -- ^ 'csServiceRoleARN'
-> Text -- ^ 'csDefaultInstanceProfileARN'
-> CreateStack
createStack pName_ pRegion_ pServiceRoleARN_ pDefaultInstanceProfileARN_ =
{ _csDefaultRootDeviceType = Nothing
, _csVPCId = Nothing
, _csChefConfiguration = Nothing
, _csAgentVersion = Nothing
, _csDefaultSSHKeyName = Nothing
, _csCustomJSON = Nothing
, _csCustomCookbooksSource = Nothing
, _csDefaultAvailabilityZone = Nothing
, _csAttributes = Nothing
, _csDefaultOS = Nothing
, _csUseOpsworksSecurityGroups = Nothing
, _csUseCustomCookbooks = Nothing
, _csDefaultSubnetId = Nothing
, _csConfigurationManager = Nothing
, _csHostnameTheme = Nothing
, _csName = pName_
, _csRegion = pRegion_
, _csServiceRoleARN = pServiceRoleARN_
, _csDefaultInstanceProfileARN = pDefaultInstanceProfileARN_
-- | The default root device type. This value is the default for all
-- instances in the stack, but you can override it when you create an
-- instance. The default option is 'instance-store'. For more information,
-- see
-- < Storage for the Root Device>.
csDefaultRootDeviceType :: Lens' CreateStack (Maybe RootDeviceType)
csDefaultRootDeviceType = lens _csDefaultRootDeviceType (\ s a -> s{_csDefaultRootDeviceType = a});
-- | The ID of the VPC that the stack is to be launched into. The VPC must be
-- in the stack\'s region. All instances are launched into this VPC. You
-- cannot change the ID later.
-- - If your account supports EC2-Classic, the default value is 'no VPC'.
-- - If your account does not support EC2-Classic, the default value is
-- the default VPC for the specified region.
-- If the VPC ID corresponds to a default VPC and you have specified either
-- the 'DefaultAvailabilityZone' or the 'DefaultSubnetId' parameter only,
-- AWS OpsWorks infers the value of the other parameter. If you specify
-- neither parameter, AWS OpsWorks sets these parameters to the first valid
-- Availability Zone for the specified region and the corresponding default
-- VPC subnet ID, respectively.
-- If you specify a nondefault VPC ID, note the following:
-- - It must belong to a VPC in your account that is in the specified
-- region.
-- - You must specify a value for 'DefaultSubnetId'.
-- For more information on how to use AWS OpsWorks with a VPC, see
-- < Running a Stack in a VPC>.
-- For more information on default VPC and EC2-Classic, see
-- < Supported Platforms>.
csVPCId :: Lens' CreateStack (Maybe Text)
csVPCId = lens _csVPCId (\ s a -> s{_csVPCId = a});
-- | A 'ChefConfiguration' object that specifies whether to enable Berkshelf
-- and the Berkshelf version on Chef 11.10 stacks. For more information,
-- see
-- < Create a New Stack>.
csChefConfiguration :: Lens' CreateStack (Maybe ChefConfiguration)
csChefConfiguration = lens _csChefConfiguration (\ s a -> s{_csChefConfiguration = a});
-- | The default AWS OpsWorks agent version. You have the following options:
-- - Auto-update - Set this parameter to 'LATEST'. AWS OpsWorks
-- automatically installs new agent versions on the stack\'s instances
-- as soon as they are available.
-- - Fixed version - Set this parameter to your preferred agent version.
-- To update the agent version, you must edit the stack configuration
-- and specify a new version. AWS OpsWorks then automatically installs
-- that version on the stack\'s instances.
-- The default setting is 'LATEST'. To specify an agent version, you must
-- use the complete version number, not the abbreviated number shown on the
-- console. For a list of available agent version numbers, call
-- DescribeAgentVersions.
-- You can also specify an agent version when you create or update an
-- instance, which overrides the stack\'s default setting.
csAgentVersion :: Lens' CreateStack (Maybe Text)
csAgentVersion = lens _csAgentVersion (\ s a -> s{_csAgentVersion = a});
-- | A default Amazon EC2 key pair name. The default value is none. If you
-- specify a key pair name, AWS OpsWorks installs the public key on the
-- instance and you can use the private key with an SSH client to log in to
-- the instance. For more information, see
-- < Using SSH to Communicate with an Instance>
-- and
-- < Managing SSH Access>.
-- You can override this setting by specifying a different key pair, or no
-- key pair, when you
-- < create an instance>.
csDefaultSSHKeyName :: Lens' CreateStack (Maybe Text)
csDefaultSSHKeyName = lens _csDefaultSSHKeyName (\ s a -> s{_csDefaultSSHKeyName = a});
-- | A string that contains user-defined, custom JSON. It can be used to
-- override the corresponding default stack configuration attribute values
-- or to pass data to recipes. The string should be in the following escape
-- characters such as \'\"\':
-- '\"{\\\"key1\\\": \\\"value1\\\", \\\"key2\\\": \\\"value2\\\",...}\"'
-- For more information on custom JSON, see
-- < Use Custom JSON to Modify the Stack Configuration Attributes>.
csCustomJSON :: Lens' CreateStack (Maybe Text)
csCustomJSON = lens _csCustomJSON (\ s a -> s{_csCustomJSON = a});
-- | Undocumented member.
csCustomCookbooksSource :: Lens' CreateStack (Maybe Source)
csCustomCookbooksSource = lens _csCustomCookbooksSource (\ s a -> s{_csCustomCookbooksSource = a});
-- | The stack\'s default Availability Zone, which must be in the specified
-- region. For more information, see
-- < Regions and Endpoints>.
-- If you also specify a value for 'DefaultSubnetId', the subnet must be in
-- the same zone. For more information, see the 'VpcId' parameter
-- description.
csDefaultAvailabilityZone :: Lens' CreateStack (Maybe Text)
csDefaultAvailabilityZone = lens _csDefaultAvailabilityZone (\ s a -> s{_csDefaultAvailabilityZone = a});
-- | One or more user-defined key-value pairs to be added to the stack
-- attributes.
csAttributes :: Lens' CreateStack (HashMap StackAttributesKeys Text)
csAttributes = lens _csAttributes (\ s a -> s{_csAttributes = a}) . _Default . _Map;
-- | The stack\'s default operating system, which is installed on every
-- instance unless you specify a different operating system when you create
-- the instance. You can specify one of the following.
-- - A supported Linux operating system: An Amazon Linux version, such as
-- 'Amazon Linux 2015.03', 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7',
-- 'Ubuntu 12.04 LTS', or 'Ubuntu 14.04 LTS'.
-- - 'Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Base'.
-- - A custom AMI: 'Custom'. You specify the custom AMI you want to use
-- when you create instances. For more information, see
-- < Using Custom AMIs>.
-- The default option is the current Amazon Linux version. For more
-- information on the supported operating systems, see
-- < AWS OpsWorks Operating Systems>.
csDefaultOS :: Lens' CreateStack (Maybe Text)
csDefaultOS = lens _csDefaultOS (\ s a -> s{_csDefaultOS = a});
-- | Whether to associate the AWS OpsWorks built-in security groups with the
-- stack\'s layers.
-- AWS OpsWorks provides a standard set of built-in security groups, one
-- for each layer, which are associated with layers by default. With
-- 'UseOpsworksSecurityGroups' you can instead provide your own custom
-- security groups. 'UseOpsworksSecurityGroups' has the following settings:
-- - True - AWS OpsWorks automatically associates the appropriate
-- built-in security group with each layer (default setting). You can
-- associate additional security groups with a layer after you create
-- it, but you cannot delete the built-in security group.
-- - False - AWS OpsWorks does not associate built-in security groups
-- with layers. You must create appropriate EC2 security groups and
-- associate a security group with each layer that you create. However,
-- you can still manually associate a built-in security group with a
-- layer on creation; custom security groups are required only for
-- those layers that need custom settings.
-- For more information, see
-- < Create a New Stack>.
csUseOpsworksSecurityGroups :: Lens' CreateStack (Maybe Bool)
csUseOpsworksSecurityGroups = lens _csUseOpsworksSecurityGroups (\ s a -> s{_csUseOpsworksSecurityGroups = a});
-- | Whether the stack uses custom cookbooks.
csUseCustomCookbooks :: Lens' CreateStack (Maybe Bool)
csUseCustomCookbooks = lens _csUseCustomCookbooks (\ s a -> s{_csUseCustomCookbooks = a});
-- | The stack\'s default VPC subnet ID. This parameter is required if you
-- specify a value for the 'VpcId' parameter. All instances are launched
-- into this subnet unless you specify otherwise when you create the
-- instance. If you also specify a value for 'DefaultAvailabilityZone', the
-- subnet must be in that zone. For information on default values and when
-- this parameter is required, see the 'VpcId' parameter description.
csDefaultSubnetId :: Lens' CreateStack (Maybe Text)
csDefaultSubnetId = lens _csDefaultSubnetId (\ s a -> s{_csDefaultSubnetId = a});
-- | The configuration manager. When you clone a stack we recommend that you
-- use the configuration manager to specify the Chef version: 0.9, 11.4, or
-- 11.10. The default value is currently 11.4.
csConfigurationManager :: Lens' CreateStack (Maybe StackConfigurationManager)
csConfigurationManager = lens _csConfigurationManager (\ s a -> s{_csConfigurationManager = a});
-- | The stack\'s host name theme, with spaces replaced by underscores. The
-- theme is used to generate host names for the stack\'s instances. By
-- default, 'HostnameTheme' is set to 'Layer_Dependent', which creates host
-- names by appending integers to the layer\'s short name. The other themes
-- are:
-- - 'Baked_Goods'
-- - 'Clouds'
-- - 'Europe_Cities'
-- - 'Fruits'
-- - 'Greek_Deities'
-- - 'Legendary_creatures_from_Japan'
-- - 'Planets_and_Moons'
-- - 'Roman_Deities'
-- - 'Scottish_Islands'
-- - 'US_Cities'
-- - 'Wild_Cats'
-- To obtain a generated host name, call 'GetHostNameSuggestion', which
-- returns a host name based on the current theme.
csHostnameTheme :: Lens' CreateStack (Maybe Text)
csHostnameTheme = lens _csHostnameTheme (\ s a -> s{_csHostnameTheme = a});
-- | The stack name.
csName :: Lens' CreateStack Text
csName = lens _csName (\ s a -> s{_csName = a});
-- | The stack\'s AWS region, such as \"us-east-1\". For more information
-- about Amazon regions, see
-- < Regions and Endpoints>.
csRegion :: Lens' CreateStack Text
csRegion = lens _csRegion (\ s a -> s{_csRegion = a});
-- | The stack\'s AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role, which allows
-- AWS OpsWorks to work with AWS resources on your behalf. You must set
-- this parameter to the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for an existing IAM
-- role. For more information about IAM ARNs, see
-- < Using Identifiers>.
csServiceRoleARN :: Lens' CreateStack Text
csServiceRoleARN = lens _csServiceRoleARN (\ s a -> s{_csServiceRoleARN = a});
-- | The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an IAM profile that is the default
-- profile for all of the stack\'s EC2 instances. For more information
-- about IAM ARNs, see
-- < Using Identifiers>.
csDefaultInstanceProfileARN :: Lens' CreateStack Text
csDefaultInstanceProfileARN = lens _csDefaultInstanceProfileARN (\ s a -> s{_csDefaultInstanceProfileARN = a});
instance AWSRequest CreateStack where
type Rs CreateStack = CreateStackResponse
request = postJSON opsWorks
= receiveJSON
(\ s h x ->
CreateStackResponse' <$>
(x .?> "StackId") <*> (pure (fromEnum s)))
instance ToHeaders CreateStack where
= const
["X-Amz-Target" =#
("OpsWorks_20130218.CreateStack" :: ByteString),
"Content-Type" =#
("application/x-amz-json-1.1" :: ByteString)])
instance ToJSON CreateStack where
toJSON CreateStack'{..}
= object
[("DefaultRootDeviceType" .=) <$>
("VpcId" .=) <$> _csVPCId,
("ChefConfiguration" .=) <$> _csChefConfiguration,
("AgentVersion" .=) <$> _csAgentVersion,
("DefaultSshKeyName" .=) <$> _csDefaultSSHKeyName,
("CustomJson" .=) <$> _csCustomJSON,
("CustomCookbooksSource" .=) <$>
("DefaultAvailabilityZone" .=) <$>
("Attributes" .=) <$> _csAttributes,
("DefaultOs" .=) <$> _csDefaultOS,
("UseOpsworksSecurityGroups" .=) <$>
("UseCustomCookbooks" .=) <$> _csUseCustomCookbooks,
("DefaultSubnetId" .=) <$> _csDefaultSubnetId,
("ConfigurationManager" .=) <$>
("HostnameTheme" .=) <$> _csHostnameTheme,
Just ("Name" .= _csName),
Just ("Region" .= _csRegion),
Just ("ServiceRoleArn" .= _csServiceRoleARN),
("DefaultInstanceProfileArn" .=
instance ToPath CreateStack where
toPath = const "/"
instance ToQuery CreateStack where
toQuery = const mempty
-- | Contains the response to a 'CreateStack' request.
-- /See:/ 'createStackResponse' smart constructor.
data CreateStackResponse = CreateStackResponse'
{ _crsStackId :: !(Maybe Text)
, _crsResponseStatus :: !Int
} deriving (Eq,Read,Show,Data,Typeable,Generic)
-- | Creates a value of 'CreateStackResponse' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'crsStackId'
-- * 'crsResponseStatus'
:: Int -- ^ 'crsResponseStatus'
-> CreateStackResponse
createStackResponse pResponseStatus_ =
{ _crsStackId = Nothing
, _crsResponseStatus = pResponseStatus_
-- | The stack ID, which is an opaque string that you use to identify the
-- stack when performing actions such as 'DescribeStacks'.
crsStackId :: Lens' CreateStackResponse (Maybe Text)
crsStackId = lens _crsStackId (\ s a -> s{_crsStackId = a});
-- | The response status code.
crsResponseStatus :: Lens' CreateStackResponse Int
crsResponseStatus = lens _crsResponseStatus (\ s a -> s{_crsResponseStatus = a});
| fmapfmapfmap/amazonka | amazonka-opsworks/gen/Network/AWS/OpsWorks/CreateStack.hs | mpl-2.0 | 19,930 | 0 | 13 | 3,987 | 2,196 | 1,359 | 837 | 233 | 1 |
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- | Chris Done's style.
-- Documented here: <>
module HIndent.Styles.ChrisDone where
import HIndent.Pretty
import HIndent.Comments
import HIndent.Types
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Loops
import Control.Monad.State.Class
import Data.Int
import Data.Maybe
import Language.Haskell.Exts (parseExpWithComments)
import Language.Haskell.Exts.Fixity
import Language.Haskell.Exts.Syntax
import Language.Haskell.Exts.Parser (ParseResult(..))
import Prelude hiding (exp)
import Data.Monoid
-- Style configuration
-- | A short function name.
shortName :: Int64
shortName = 10
-- | Column limit: 50
smallColumnLimit :: Int64
smallColumnLimit = 50
-- | Empty state.
data State =
-- | The printer style.
chrisDone :: Style
chrisDone =
Style {styleName = "chris-done"
,styleAuthor = "Chris Done"
,styleDescription = "Chris Done's personal style. Documented here: <>"
,styleInitialState = State
,styleExtenders =
[Extender exp
,Extender fieldupdate
,Extender fieldpattern
,Extender rhs
,Extender contextualGuardedRhs
,Extender stmt
,Extender decl
,Extender match
,Extender types]
,styleDefConfig =
defaultConfig {configMaxColumns = 80
,configIndentSpaces = 2}
,styleCommentPreprocessor = return}
-- Extenders
types :: Type NodeInfo -> Printer s ()
types (TyTuple _ boxed tys) =
depend (write (case boxed of
Unboxed -> "(#"
Boxed -> "("))
(do (fits,_) <- fitsOnOneLine p
if fits
then p
else prefixedLined ","
(map pretty tys)
write (case boxed of
Unboxed -> "#)"
Boxed -> ")"))
where p = commas (map pretty tys)
types e = prettyNoExt e
-- | Pretty print type signatures like
-- foo :: (Show x,Read x)
-- => (Foo -> Bar)
-- -> Maybe Int
-- -> (Char -> X -> Y)
-- -> IO ()
decl :: Decl NodeInfo -> Printer s ()
decl (TypeDecl _ head ty) =
do write "type "
pretty head
write " = "
(fits,st) <- fitsOnOneLine (pretty ty)
if fits
then put st
else do newline
indented 2 (pretty ty)
decl (TypeSig _ names ty') =
do (fitting,st) <- isSmallFitting dependent
if fitting
then put st
else do inter (write ", ")
(map pretty names)
indentSpaces <- getIndentSpaces
indented indentSpaces
(depend (write ":: ")
(declTy ty'))
where dependent =
depend (do inter (write ", ")
(map pretty names)
write " :: ")
(declTy ty')
declTy dty =
case dty of
TyForall _ mbinds mctx ty ->
do case mbinds of
Nothing -> return ()
Just ts ->
do write "forall "
spaced (map pretty ts)
write ". "
case mctx of
Nothing -> prettyTy ty
Just ctx ->
do pretty ctx
indented (-3)
(depend (write "=> ")
(prettyTy ty))
_ -> prettyTy dty
collapseFaps (TyFun _ arg result) = arg : collapseFaps result
collapseFaps e = [e]
prettyTy ty =
do (fits,st) <- fitsOnOneLine (pretty ty)
if fits
then put st
else case collapseFaps ty of
[] -> pretty ty
tys ->
prefixedLined "-> "
(map pretty tys)
decl e = prettyNoExt e
-- | Patterns of function declarations
match :: Match NodeInfo -> Printer t ()
match (Match _ name pats rhs mbinds) =
do orig <- gets psIndentLevel
(do (short,st) <- isShort name
put st
return short)
(\headIsShort ->
do let flats = map isFlatPat pats
flatish =
length (filter not flats) <
if (headIsShort && flatish) ||
all id flats
then do ((singleLiner,overflow),st) <- sandboxNonOverflowing pats
if singleLiner && not overflow
then put st
else multi orig pats headIsShort
else multi orig pats headIsShort)
withCaseContext False (pretty rhs)
case mbinds of
Nothing -> return ()
Just binds ->
do newline
indentSpaces <- getIndentSpaces
indented indentSpaces
(depend (write "where ")
(pretty binds))
match e = prettyNoExt e
-- | I want field updates to be dependent or newline.
fieldupdate :: FieldUpdate NodeInfo -> Printer t ()
fieldupdate e =
case e of
FieldUpdate _ n e' ->
(do pretty n
write " = ")
_ -> prettyNoExt e
-- | Record field pattern, handled the same as record field updates
fieldpattern :: PatField NodeInfo -> Printer t ()
fieldpattern e =
case e of
PFieldPat _ n e' ->
(do pretty n
write " = ")
_ -> prettyNoExt e
-- | Right-hand sides are dependent.
rhs :: Rhs NodeInfo -> Printer t ()
rhs grhs =
do inCase <- gets psInsideCase
if inCase
then unguardedalt grhs
else unguardedrhs grhs
-- | Right-hand sides are dependent.
unguardedrhs :: Rhs NodeInfo -> Printer t ()
unguardedrhs (UnGuardedRhs _ e) =
do indentSpaces <- getIndentSpaces
indented indentSpaces
(dependOrNewline (write " = ")
unguardedrhs e = prettyNoExt e
-- | Unguarded case alts.
unguardedalt :: Rhs NodeInfo -> Printer t ()
unguardedalt (UnGuardedRhs _ e) =
(write " -> ")
(indented 2 .
unguardedalt e = prettyNoExt e
-- | Decide whether to do alts or rhs based on the context.
contextualGuardedRhs :: GuardedRhs NodeInfo -> Printer t ()
contextualGuardedRhs grhs =
do inCase <- gets psInsideCase
if inCase
then guardedalt grhs
else guardedrhs grhs
-- | I want guarded RHS be dependent or newline.
guardedrhs :: GuardedRhs NodeInfo -> Printer t ()
guardedrhs (GuardedRhs _ stmts e) =
indented 1
(do prefixedLined
(map (\p ->
do space
pretty p)
(write " = ")
(indented 1 .
-- | I want guarded alts be dependent or newline.
guardedalt :: GuardedRhs NodeInfo -> Printer t ()
guardedalt (GuardedRhs _ stmts e) =
indented 1
(do (prefixedLined
(map (\p ->
do space
pretty p)
(write " -> ")
(indented 1 .
-- Do statements need to handle infix expression indentation specially because
-- do x *
-- y
-- is two invalid statements, not one valid infix op.
stmt :: Stmt NodeInfo -> Printer t ()
stmt (Qualifier _ e@(InfixApp _ a op b)) =
do col <- fmap (psColumn . snd)
(sandbox (write ""))
infixApp e a op b (Just col)
stmt (Generator _ p e) =
do indentSpaces <- getIndentSpaces
pretty p
indented indentSpaces
(write " <- ")
stmt e = prettyNoExt e
-- | Expressions
exp :: Exp NodeInfo -> Printer t ()
exp e@(QuasiQuote _ "i" s) =
do parseMode <- gets psParseMode
case parseExpWithComments parseMode s of
ParseOk (e',comments) ->
do depend (do write "["
string "i"
write "|")
(do exp (snd (annotateComments (fromMaybe e' (applyFixities baseFixities e'))
write "|]")
_ -> prettyNoExt e
-- Infix applications will render on one line if possible, otherwise
-- if any of the arguments are not "flat" then that expression is
-- line-separated.
exp e@(InfixApp _ a op b) =
infixApp e a op b Nothing
-- | We try to render everything on a flat line. More than one of the
-- arguments are not flat and it wouldn't be a single liner.
-- If the head is short we depend, otherwise we swing.
exp (App _ op a) =
do orig <- gets psIndentLevel
(do (short,st) <- isShort f
put st
return short)
(\headIsShort ->
do let flats = map isFlatExp args
flatish =
length (filter not flats) <
if (headIsShort && flatish) ||
all id flats
then do ((singleLiner,overflow),st) <- sandboxNonOverflowing args
if singleLiner && not overflow
then put st
else multi orig args headIsShort
else multi orig args headIsShort)
where (f,args) = flatten op [a]
flatten :: Exp NodeInfo
-> [Exp NodeInfo]
-> (Exp NodeInfo,[Exp NodeInfo])
flatten (App _ f' a') b =
flatten f' (a' : b)
flatten f' as = (f',as)
-- | Lambdas are dependent if they can be.
exp (Lambda _ ps b) =
depend (write "\\" >> maybeSpace)
(do spaced (map pretty ps)
(write " -> ")
(indented 1 .
where maybeSpace = case ps of
(PBangPat {}):_ -> space
(PIrrPat {}):_ -> space
_ -> return ()
exp (Tuple _ boxed exps) =
depend (write (case boxed of
Unboxed -> "(#"
Boxed -> "("))
(do (fits,_) <- fitsOnOneLine p
if fits
then p
else prefixedLined ","
(map pretty exps)
write (case boxed of
Unboxed -> "#)"
Boxed -> ")"))
where p = commas (map pretty exps)
exp (List _ es) =
do (ok,st) <- sandbox renderFlat
if ok
then put st
else brackets (prefixedLined ","
(map pretty es))
where renderFlat =
do line <- gets psLine
brackets (commas (map pretty es))
st <- get
columnLimit <- getColumnLimit
let overflow = psColumn st > columnLimit
single = psLine st == line
return (not overflow && single)
exp (ListComp _ e qstmt) =
brackets (do pretty e
unless (null qstmt) (do (ok,st) <- sandbox oneLiner
if ok
then put st
else lined))
where oneLiner = do line <- gets psLine
write "|"
commas (map pretty qstmt)
st <- get
columnLimit <- getColumnLimit
let overflow = psColumn st > columnLimit
single = psLine st == line
return (not overflow && single)
lined =
do newline
indented (-1)
(write "|")
(map pretty qstmt)
exp e = prettyNoExt e
-- Indentation helpers
-- | Sandbox and render the nodes on multiple lines, returning whether
-- each is a single line.
sandboxSingles :: Pretty ast
=> [ast NodeInfo] -> Printer t (Bool,PrintState t)
sandboxSingles args =
sandbox (allM (\(i,arg) ->
do when (i /=
(0 :: Int))
line <- gets psLine
pretty arg
st <- get
return (psLine st == line))
(zip [0 ..] args))
-- | Render multi-line nodes.
multi :: Pretty ast
=> Int64 -> [ast NodeInfo] -> Bool -> Printer t ()
multi orig args headIsShort =
if headIsShort
then lined (map pretty args)
else do (allAreSingle,st) <- sandboxSingles args
if allAreSingle
then put st
else do newline
indentSpaces <- getIndentSpaces
column (orig + indentSpaces)
(lined (map pretty args))
-- | Sandbox and render the node on a single line, return whether it's
-- on a single line and whether it's overflowing.
sandboxNonOverflowing :: Pretty ast
=> [ast NodeInfo] -> Printer t ((Bool,Bool),PrintState t)
sandboxNonOverflowing args =
sandbox (do line <- gets psLine
columnLimit <- getColumnLimit
st <- get
return (psLine st == line,psColumn st > columnLimit + 20))
where singleLineRender =
spaced (map pretty args)
-- Predicates
-- | Is the expression "short"? Used for app heads.
isShort :: (Pretty ast)
=> ast NodeInfo -> Printer t (Bool,PrintState t)
isShort p =
do line <- gets psLine
orig <- fmap (psColumn . snd)
(sandbox (write ""))
(_,st) <- sandbox (pretty p)
return (psLine st == line &&
(psColumn st < orig + shortName)
-- | Is the given expression "small"? I.e. does it fit on one line and
-- under 'smallColumnLimit' columns.
isSmall :: MonadState (PrintState t) m
=> m a -> m (Bool,PrintState t)
isSmall p =
do line <- gets psLine
(_,st) <- sandbox p
return (psLine st == line && psColumn st < smallColumnLimit,st)
-- | Is the given expression "small"? I.e. does it fit under
-- 'smallColumnLimit' columns.
isSmallFitting :: MonadState (PrintState t) m
=> m a -> m (Bool,PrintState t)
isSmallFitting p =
do (_,st) <- sandbox p
return (psColumn st < smallColumnLimit,st)
isFlatPat :: Pat NodeInfo -> Bool
isFlatPat (PApp _ _ b) = all isFlatPat b
where isName (PVar{}) = True
isName _ = False
isFlatPat (PAsPat _ _ b) = isFlatPat b
isFlatPat (PInfixApp _ a _ b) = isFlatPat a && isFlatPat b
isFlatPat (PList _ []) = True
isFlatPat PVar{} = True
isFlatPat PLit{} = True
isFlatPat _ = False
-- | Is an expression flat?
isFlatExp :: Exp NodeInfo -> Bool
isFlatExp (Lambda _ _ e) = isFlatExp e
isFlatExp (App _ a b) = isName a && isName b
where isName (Var{}) = True
isName _ = False
isFlatExp (InfixApp _ a _ b) = isFlatExp a && isFlatExp b
isFlatExp (NegApp _ a) = isFlatExp a
isFlatExp VarQuote{} = True
isFlatExp TypQuote{} = True
isFlatExp (List _ []) = True
isFlatExp Var{} = True
isFlatExp Lit{} = True
isFlatExp Con{} = True
isFlatExp (LeftSection _ e _) = isFlatExp e
isFlatExp (RightSection _ _ e) = isFlatExp e
isFlatExp _ = False
-- | Does printing the given thing overflow column limit? (e.g. 80)
fitsOnOneLine :: MonadState (PrintState s) m => m a -> m (Bool,PrintState s)
fitsOnOneLine p =
do line <- gets psLine
(_,st) <- sandbox p
columnLimit <- getColumnLimit
return (psLine st == line && psColumn st < columnLimit,st)
-- | Does printing the given thing overflow column limit? (e.g. 80)
fitsInColumnLimit :: Printer t a -> Printer t (Bool,PrintState t)
fitsInColumnLimit p =
do (_,st) <- sandbox p
columnLimit <- getColumnLimit
return (psColumn st < columnLimit,st)
-- Helpers
infixApp :: Exp NodeInfo
-> Exp NodeInfo
-> QOp NodeInfo
-> Exp NodeInfo
-> Maybe Int64
-> Printer s ()
infixApp e a op b indent =
do (fits,st) <-
(spaced (map (\link ->
case link of
OpChainExp e' -> pretty e'
OpChainLink qop -> pretty qop)
(flattenOpChain e)))
if fits
then put st
else do prettyWithIndent a
pretty op
case indent of
Nothing -> prettyWithIndent b
Just col ->
do indentSpaces <- getIndentSpaces
column (col + indentSpaces)
(prettyWithIndent b)
where prettyWithIndent e' =
case e' of
(InfixApp _ a' op' b') ->
infixApp e' a' op' b' indent
_ -> pretty e'
-- | A link in a chain of operator applications.
data OpChainLink l
= OpChainExp (Exp l)
| OpChainLink (QOp l)
deriving (Show)
-- | Flatten a tree of InfixApp expressions into a chain of operator
-- links.
flattenOpChain :: Exp l -> [OpChainLink l]
flattenOpChain (InfixApp _ left op right) =
flattenOpChain left <>
[OpChainLink op] <>
flattenOpChain right
flattenOpChain e = [OpChainExp e]
-- | Make the right hand side dependent if it's flat, otherwise
-- newline it.
:: Pretty ast
=> Printer t ()
-> ast NodeInfo
-> (ast NodeInfo -> Printer t ())
-> Printer t ()
dependOrNewline left right f =
do (fits,st) <- fitsOnOneLine (depend left (f right))
if fits
then put st
else do left
(f right)
| ennocramer/hindent | src/HIndent/Styles/ChrisDone.hs | bsd-3-clause | 18,807 | 0 | 24 | 7,261 | 5,132 | 2,517 | 2,615 | 482 | 12 |
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Graphics.Vty as V
import qualified Brick.Main as M
import Brick.Util (fg, bg, on)
import qualified Brick.AttrMap as A
import Brick.Widgets.Core
( Widget
, (<=>)
, (<+>)
, vLimit
, hLimit
, hBox
, updateAttrMap
, withBorderStyle
, txt
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Center as C
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Border as B
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Border.Style as BS
styles :: [(T.Text, BS.BorderStyle)]
styles =
[ ("ascii", BS.ascii)
, ("unicode", BS.unicode)
, ("unicode bold", BS.unicodeBold)
, ("unicode rounded", BS.unicodeRounded)
, ("custom", custom)
, ("from 'x'", BS.borderStyleFromChar 'x')
custom :: BS.BorderStyle
custom =
BS.BorderStyle { BS.bsCornerTL = '/'
, BS.bsCornerTR = '\\'
, BS.bsCornerBR = '/'
, BS.bsCornerBL = '\\'
, BS.bsIntersectFull = '.'
, BS.bsIntersectL = '.'
, BS.bsIntersectR = '.'
, BS.bsIntersectT = '.'
, BS.bsIntersectB = '.'
, BS.bsHorizontal = '*'
, BS.bsVertical = '!'
borderDemos :: [Widget]
borderDemos = mkBorderDemo <$> styles
mkBorderDemo :: (T.Text, BS.BorderStyle) -> Widget
mkBorderDemo (styleName, sty) =
withBorderStyle sty $
B.borderWithLabel "label" $
vLimit 5 $
C.vCenter $
txt $ " " <> styleName <> " style "
borderMappings :: [(A.AttrName, V.Attr)]
borderMappings =
[ (B.borderAttr, V.yellow `on`
, (B.vBorderAttr, `on`
, (B.hBorderAttr, V.white `on`
, (B.hBorderLabelAttr, fg
, (B.tlCornerAttr, bg
, (B.trCornerAttr, bg
, (B.blCornerAttr, bg V.yellow)
, (B.brCornerAttr, bg
colorDemo :: Widget
colorDemo =
updateAttrMap (A.applyAttrMappings borderMappings) $
B.borderWithLabel "title" $
hLimit 20 $
vLimit 5 $ $
ui :: Widget
ui =
hBox borderDemos
<=> B.hBorder
<=> colorDemo
<=> B.hBorderWithLabel "horizontal border label"
<=> ( "Left of vertical border"
<+> B.vBorder
<+> "Right of vertical border")
main :: IO ()
main = M.simpleMain ui
| FranklinChen/brick | programs/BorderDemo.hs | bsd-3-clause | 2,502 | 0 | 13 | 732 | 721 | 429 | 292 | 81 | 1 |
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- | This module provides a parser and printer for the low-level IRC
-- message format.
module Irc.Format
( UserInfo(..)
, RawIrcMsg(..)
, parseRawIrcMsg
, renderRawIrcMsg
, parseUserInfo
, renderUserInfo
, Identifier
, mkId
, idBytes
, idDenote
, asUtf8
, ircFoldCase
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Array
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as P
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString.Builder (Builder)
import Data.Functor
import Data.Monoid
import Data.String
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Time (UTCTime)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as Builder
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text
import Irc.Time (myParseTime)
-- | 'UserInfo' packages a nickname along with the username and hsotname
-- if they are known in the current context.
data UserInfo = UserInfo
{ userNick :: Identifier
, userName :: Maybe ByteString
, userHost :: Maybe ByteString
deriving (Read, Show)
-- | 'RawIrcMsg' breaks down the IRC protocol into its most basic parts.
-- The "trailing" parameter indicated in the IRC protocol with a leading
-- colon will appear as the last parameter in the parameter list.
-- Note that RFC 2812 specifies a maximum of 15 parameters.
-- @:prefix COMMAND param0 param1 param2 .. paramN@
data RawIrcMsg = RawIrcMsg
{ msgTime :: Maybe UTCTime
, msgPrefix :: Maybe UserInfo
, msgCommand :: ByteString
, msgParams :: [ByteString]
deriving (Read, Show)
-- | Case insensitive identifier representing channels and nicknames
data Identifier = Identifier ByteString ByteString
deriving (Read, Show)
-- Equality on normalized 'Identifiers'
instance Eq Identifier where
x == y = idDenote x == idDenote y
-- Comparison on normalized 'Identifiers'
instance Ord Identifier where
compare x y = compare (idDenote x) (idDenote y)
instance IsString Identifier where
fromString = mkId . fromString
-- | Construct an 'Identifier' from a 'ByteString'
mkId :: ByteString -> Identifier
mkId x = Identifier x (ircFoldCase x)
-- | Returns the original 'ByteString' of an 'Identifier'
idBytes :: Identifier -> ByteString
idBytes (Identifier x _) = x
-- | Returns the case-normalized 'ByteString' of an 'Identifier'
-- which is suitable for comparison.
idDenote :: Identifier -> ByteString
idDenote (Identifier _ x) = x
-- | Attempt to split an IRC protocol message without its trailing newline
-- information into a structured message.
parseRawIrcMsg :: ByteString -> Maybe RawIrcMsg
parseRawIrcMsg x =
case parseOnly rawIrcMsgParser x of
Left{} -> Nothing
Right r -> Just r
-- | RFC 2812 specifies that there can only be up to
-- 14 "middle" parameters, after that the fifteenth is
-- the final parameter and the trailing : is optional!
maxMiddleParams :: Int
maxMiddleParams = 14
-- Excerpt from
-- message = [ ":" prefix SPACE ] command [ params ] crlf
-- prefix = servername / ( nickname [ [ "!" user ] "@" host ] )
-- command = 1*letter / 3digit
-- params = *14( SPACE middle ) [ SPACE ":" trailing ]
-- =/ 14( SPACE middle ) [ SPACE [ ":" ] trailing ]
-- nospcrlfcl = %x01-09 / %x0B-0C / %x0E-1F / %x21-39 / %x3B-FF
-- ; any octet except NUL, CR, LF, " " and ":"
-- middle = nospcrlfcl *( ":" / nospcrlfcl )
-- trailing = *( ":" / " " / nospcrlfcl )
-- SPACE = %x20 ; space character
-- crlf = %x0D %x0A ; "carriage return" "linefeed"
-- | Parse a whole IRC message assuming that the trailing
-- newlines have already been removed. This parser will
-- parse valid messages correctly but will also accept some
-- invalid messages. Presumably the server isn't sending
-- invalid messages!
rawIrcMsgParser :: Parser RawIrcMsg
rawIrcMsgParser =
do time <- guarded (string "@time=") timeParser
prefix <- guarded (char ':') prefixParser
cmd <- simpleTokenParser
params <- paramsParser maxMiddleParams
return RawIrcMsg
{ msgTime = time
, msgPrefix = prefix
, msgCommand = cmd
, msgParams = params
-- | Parse the list of parameters in a raw message. The RFC
-- allows for up to 15 parameters.
paramsParser :: Int -> Parser [ByteString]
paramsParser n =
do _ <- skipMany (char ' ') -- Freenode requires this exception
endOfInput $> [] <|> more
| n == 0 =
do _ <- optional (char ':')
| otherwise =
do mbColon <- optional (char ':')
case mbColon of
Just{} -> finalParam
Nothing -> middleParam
finalParam =
do x <- takeByteString
let !x' = B.copy x
return [x']
middleParam =
do x <- P.takeWhile (/= ' ')
when (B8.null x) (fail "Empty middle parameter")
let !x' = B.copy x
xs <- paramsParser (n-1)
return (x':xs)
-- | Parse the server-time message prefix:
-- @time=2015-03-04T22:29:04.064Z
timeParser :: Parser UTCTime
timeParser =
do timeBytes <- simpleTokenParser
_ <- char ' '
case parseIrcTime (B8.unpack timeBytes) of
Nothing -> fail "Bad server-time format"
Just t -> return t
parseIrcTime :: String -> Maybe UTCTime
parseIrcTime = myParseTime "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Q%Z"
prefixParser :: Parser UserInfo
prefixParser =
do tok <- simpleTokenParser
_ <- char ' '
return (parseUserInfo tok)
-- | Take the bytes up to the next space delimiter
simpleTokenParser :: Parser ByteString
simpleTokenParser =
do xs <- P.takeWhile (/= ' ')
when (B8.null xs) (fail "Empty token")
return $! B8.copy xs
-- | Take the bytes up to the next space delimiter.
-- If the first character of this token is a ':'
-- then take the whole remaining bytestring
-- | Render 'UserInfo' as @nick!username\@hostname@
renderUserInfo :: UserInfo -> ByteString
renderUserInfo u = idBytes (userNick u)
<> maybe B.empty ("!" <>) (userName u)
<> maybe B.empty ("@" <>) (userHost u)
-- | Split up a hostmask into a nickname, username, and hostname.
-- The username and hostname might not be defined but are delimited by
-- a @!@ and @\@@ respectively.
parseUserInfo :: ByteString -> UserInfo
parseUserInfo x = UserInfo
{ userNick = mkId nick
, userName = if B.null user then Nothing else Just (B.drop 1 user)
, userHost = if B.null host then Nothing else Just (B.drop 1 host)
(nickuser,host) = B8.break (=='@') x
(nick,user) = B8.break (=='!') nickuser
-- | Serialize a structured IRC protocol message back into its wire
-- format. This command adds the required trailing newline.
renderRawIrcMsg :: RawIrcMsg -> ByteString
renderRawIrcMsg m = L.toStrict $ Builder.toLazyByteString $
maybe mempty renderPrefix (msgPrefix m)
<> Builder.byteString (msgCommand m)
<> buildParams (msgParams m)
<> Builder.word8 13
<> Builder.word8 10
renderPrefix :: UserInfo -> Builder
renderPrefix u = Builder.char8 ':'
<> Builder.byteString (renderUserInfo u)
<> Builder.char8 ' '
-- | Build concatenate a list of parameters into a single, space-
-- delimited bytestring. Use a colon for the last parameter if it contains
-- a colon or a space.
buildParams :: [ByteString] -> Builder
buildParams [x]
| B.elem 32 x || B.elem 58 x
= Builder.word8 32 <> Builder.word8 58 <> Builder.byteString x
buildParams (x:xs)
= Builder.word8 32 <> Builder.byteString x <> buildParams xs
buildParams [] = mempty
-- | When the first parser succeeds require the second parser to succeed.
-- Otherwise return Nothing
guarded :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser (Maybe b)
guarded pa pb =
do mb <- optional pa
case mb of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just{} -> fmap Just pb
-- | Capitalize a string according to RFC 2812
-- Latin letters are capitalized and {|}~ are mapped to [\]^
ircFoldCase :: ByteString -> ByteString
ircFoldCase = (B.index casemap . fromIntegral)
casemap :: ByteString
casemap = "\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09\x0a\x0b\x0c\x0d\x0e\x0f\
\ !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?\
-- Try to decode a message as UTF-8. If that fails interpret it as Windows CP1252
-- This helps deal with clients like XChat that get clever and otherwise misconfigured
-- clients.
asUtf8 :: ByteString -> Text
asUtf8 x = case Text.decodeUtf8' x of
Right txt -> txt
Left{} -> decodeCP1252 x
decodeCP1252 :: ByteString -> Text
decodeCP1252 = Text.pack . map (cp1252!) . B.unpack
cp1252 :: Array Word8 Char
cp1252 = listArray (0,255)
' ','!','\"','#','$','%','&','\'','(',')','*','+',',','-','.','/',
| bitemyapp/irc-core | src/Irc/Format.hs | bsd-3-clause | 11,276 | 0 | 13 | 2,165 | 2,128 | 1,168 | 960 | 182 | 3 |
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Database.DSH.Translate.VSL2Algebra
( VecBuild
, runVecBuild
, vl2Algebra
) where
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Traversable as T
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Database.Algebra.Dag.Build as B
import Database.Algebra.Dag.Common
import Database.DSH.Common.Impossible
import Database.DSH.Common.QueryPlan
import qualified Database.DSH.Common.Vector as V
import Database.DSH.Common.VectorLang
import qualified Database.DSH.VSL.Lang as VSL
import Database.DSH.VSL.VirtualSegmentAlgebra
-- FIXME the vector types d r are determined by the algebra a.
-- The only type variable necessary should be a.
type Cache d r = IM.IntMap (Res d r)
-- | A layer on top of the DAG builder monad that caches the
-- translation result of VSL nodes.
type VecBuild a d r = StateT (Cache d r) (B.Build a)
runVecBuild :: VecBuild a (VSLDVec a) (VSLRVec a) r -> B.Build a r
runVecBuild c = evalStateT c IM.empty
data Res d r
= RRVec r
| RDVec d
| RLPair (Res d r) (Res d r)
| RTriple (Res d r) (Res d r) (Res d r)
deriving Show
fromDict :: AlgNode -> VecBuild a d r (Maybe (Res d r))
fromDict n = gets (IM.lookup n)
insertTranslation :: AlgNode -> Res d r -> VecBuild a d r ()
insertTranslation n res = modify (IM.insert n res)
-- Wrappers and unwrappers for vector references
fromRVec :: r -> Res d r
fromRVec p = RRVec p
fromDVec :: d -> Res d r
fromDVec v = RDVec v
toDVec :: Res d r -> d
toDVec (RDVec v) = v
toDVec _ = error "toDVec: Not a RDVec"
toRVec :: Res d r -> r
toRVec (RRVec p) = p
toRVec _ = error "toRVec: Not a replication vector"
-- | Refresh vectors in a shape from the cache.
refreshShape :: VirtualSegmentAlgebra a => Shape V.DVec -> VecBuild a d r (Shape d)
refreshShape shape = T.mapM refreshVec shape
refreshVec (V.DVec n) = do
mv <- fromDict n
case mv of
Just v -> return $ toDVec v
Nothing -> $impossible
translate :: VirtualSegmentAlgebra a
=> NodeMap VSL.TVSL
-> AlgNode
-> VecBuild a (VSLDVec a) (VSLRVec a) (Res (VSLDVec a) (VSLRVec a))
translate vlNodes n = do
r <- fromDict n
case r of
-- The VSL node has already been encountered and translated.
Just res -> return $ res
-- The VSL node has not been translated yet.
Nothing -> do
let vlOp = getVSL n vlNodes
r' <- case VSL.unVSL vlOp of
TerOp t c1 c2 c3 -> do
c1' <- translate vlNodes c1
c2' <- translate vlNodes c2
c3' <- translate vlNodes c3
lift $ translateTerOp t c1' c2' c3'
BinOp b c1 c2 -> do
c1' <- translate vlNodes c1
c2' <- translate vlNodes c2
lift $ translateBinOp b c1' c2'
UnOp u c1 -> do
c1' <- translate vlNodes c1
lift $ translateUnOp u c1'
NullaryOp o -> lift $ translateNullary o
insertTranslation n r'
return r'
getVSL :: AlgNode -> NodeMap VSL.TVSL -> VSL.TVSL
getVSL n vlNodes = case IM.lookup n vlNodes of
Just op -> op
Nothing -> error $ "getVSL: node " ++ (show n) ++ " not in VSL nodes map " ++ (pp vlNodes)
pp :: NodeMap VSL.TVSL -> String
pp m = intercalate ",\n" $ map show $ IM.toList m
vl2Algebra :: VirtualSegmentAlgebra a
=> NodeMap VSL.TVSL
-> Shape V.DVec
-> B.Build a (Shape (VSLDVec a))
vl2Algebra vlNodes plan = runVecBuild $ do
mapM_ (translate vlNodes) roots
refreshShape plan
roots :: [AlgNode]
roots = shapeNodes plan
translateTerOp :: VirtualSegmentAlgebra a
=> VSL.TerOp
-> Res (VSLDVec a) (VSLRVec a)
-> Res (VSLDVec a) (VSLRVec a)
-> Res (VSLDVec a) (VSLRVec a)
-> B.Build a (Res (VSLDVec a) (VSLRVec a))
translateTerOp t c1 c2 c3 =
case t of
VSL.Combine -> do
(d, r1, r2) <- vecCombine (toDVec c1) (toDVec c2) (toDVec c3)
return $ RTriple (fromDVec d) (fromRVec r1) (fromRVec r2)
translateBinOp :: VirtualSegmentAlgebra a
=> VSL.BinOp TExpr
-> Res (VSLDVec a) (VSLRVec a)
-> Res (VSLDVec a) (VSLRVec a)
-> B.Build a (Res (VSLDVec a) (VSLRVec a))
translateBinOp b c1 c2 = case b of
VSL.ReplicateSeg -> do
(v, p) <- vecReplicateSeg (toDVec c1) (toDVec c2)
return $ RLPair (fromDVec v) (fromRVec p)
VSL.ReplicateScalar -> do
(v, p) <- vecReplicateScalar (toDVec c1) (toDVec c2)
return $ RLPair (fromDVec v) (fromRVec p)
VSL.Materialize -> do
(v, p) <- vecMaterialize (toRVec c1) (toDVec c2)
return $ RLPair (fromDVec v) (fromRVec p)
VSL.UnboxSng -> do
(v, k) <- vecUnboxSng (toDVec c1) (toDVec c2)
return $ RLPair (fromDVec v) (fromRVec k)
VSL.Append -> do
(v, r1, r2) <- vecAppend (toDVec c1) (toDVec c2)
return $ RTriple (fromDVec v) (fromRVec r1) (fromRVec r2)
VSL.Align -> fromDVec <$> vecAlign (toDVec c1) (toDVec c2)
VSL.Zip -> do
(v, r1 ,r2) <- vecZip (toDVec c1) (toDVec c2)
return $ RTriple (fromDVec v) (fromRVec r1) (fromRVec r2)
VSL.CartProduct -> do
(v, p1, p2) <- vecCartProduct (toDVec c1) (toDVec c2)
return $ RTriple (fromDVec v) (fromRVec p1) (fromRVec p2)
VSL.ThetaJoin (l1, l2, p) -> do
(v, p1, p2) <- vecThetaJoin l1 l2 p (toDVec c1) (toDVec c2)
return $ RTriple (fromDVec v) (fromRVec p1) (fromRVec p2)
VSL.NestJoin (l1, l2, p) -> do
(v, p1, p2) <- vecNestJoin l1 l2 p (toDVec c1) (toDVec c2)
return $ RTriple (fromDVec v) (fromRVec p1) (fromRVec p2)
VSL.GroupJoin (l1, l2, p, as) -> fromDVec <$> vecGroupJoin l1 l2 p as (toDVec c1) (toDVec c2)
VSL.SemiJoin (l1, l2, p) -> do
(v, r) <- vecSemiJoin l1 l2 p (toDVec c1) (toDVec c2)
return $ RLPair (fromDVec v) (fromRVec r)
VSL.AntiJoin (l1, l2, p) -> do
(v, r) <- vecAntiJoin l1 l2 p (toDVec c1) (toDVec c2)
return $ RLPair (fromDVec v) (fromRVec r)
VSL.UnboxDefault vs -> do
(v, r) <- vecUnboxDefault vs (toDVec c1) (toDVec c2)
return $ RLPair (fromDVec v) (fromRVec r)
VSL.UpdateMap -> fromRVec <$> vecUpdateMap (toRVec c1) (toRVec c2)
translateUnOp :: VirtualSegmentAlgebra a
=> VSL.UnOp TExpr TExpr
-> Res (VSLDVec a) (VSLRVec a)
-> B.Build a (Res (VSLDVec a) (VSLRVec a))
translateUnOp unop c = case unop of
VSL.Fold a -> fromDVec <$> vecFold a (toDVec c)
VSL.Distinct -> fromDVec <$> vecDistinct (toDVec c)
VSL.Number -> fromDVec <$> vecNumber (toDVec c)
VSL.MergeMap -> fromRVec <$> vecMergeMap (toDVec c)
VSL.WinFun (a, w) -> fromDVec <$> vecWinFun a w (toDVec c)
VSL.Segment -> fromDVec <$> vecSegment (toDVec c)
VSL.Unsegment -> fromDVec <$> vecUnsegment (toDVec c)
VSL.Select e -> do
(d, r) <- vecSelect e (toDVec c)
return $ RLPair (fromDVec d) (fromRVec r)
VSL.Sort e -> do
(d, p) <- vecSort e (toDVec c)
return $ RLPair (fromDVec d) (fromRVec p)
VSL.Group es -> do
(qo, qi, p) <- vecGroup es (toDVec c)
return $ RTriple (fromDVec qo) (fromDVec qi) (fromRVec p)
VSL.Project cols -> fromDVec <$> vecProject cols (toDVec c)
VSL.Reverse -> do
(d, p) <- vecReverse (toDVec c)
return $ RLPair (fromDVec d) (fromRVec p)
VSL.GroupAggr (g, as) -> fromDVec <$> vecGroupAggr g as (toDVec c)
VSL.UnitMap -> fromRVec <$> vecUnitMap (toDVec c)
VSL.UpdateUnit -> fromRVec <$> vecUpdateUnit (toRVec c)
VSL.R1 -> case c of
(RLPair c1 _) -> return c1
(RTriple c1 _ _) -> return c1
_ -> error "R1: Not a tuple"
VSL.R2 -> case c of
(RLPair _ c2) -> return c2
(RTriple _ c2 _) -> return c2
_ -> error "R2: Not a tuple"
VSL.R3 -> case c of
(RTriple _ _ c3) -> return c3
_ -> error "R3: Not a tuple"
translateNullary :: VirtualSegmentAlgebra a
=> VSL.NullOp
-> B.Build a (Res (VSLDVec a) (VSLRVec a))
translateNullary (VSL.Lit (tys, segs)) = fromDVec <$> vecLit tys segs
translateNullary (VSL.TableRef (n, schema)) = fromDVec <$> vecTableRef n schema
| ulricha/dsh | src/Database/DSH/Translate/VSL2Algebra.hs | bsd-3-clause | 9,026 | 0 | 19 | 2,876 | 3,346 | 1,653 | 1,693 | 190 | 23 |
module Options.Applicative.Builder (
-- * Parser builders
-- | This module contains utility functions and combinators to create parsers
-- for individual options.
-- Each parser builder takes an option modifier. A modifier can be created by
-- composing the basic modifiers provided by this module using the 'Monoid'
-- operations 'mempty' and 'mappend', or their aliases 'idm' and '<>'.
-- For example:
-- > out = strOption
-- > ( long "output"
-- > <> short 'o'
-- > <> metavar "FILENAME" )
-- creates a parser for an option called \"output\".
-- * Modifiers
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 702
-- * Readers
-- | A collection of basic 'Option' readers.
-- * Builder for 'ParserInfo'
-- * Builder for 'ParserPrefs'
-- * Types
) where
import Control.Applicative (pure, (<|>))
import Data.Monoid (Monoid (..)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 702
, (<>)
import Options.Applicative.Builder.Completer
import Options.Applicative.Builder.Internal
import Options.Applicative.Common
import Options.Applicative.Types
import Options.Applicative.Help.Pretty
import Options.Applicative.Help.Chunk
-- readers --
-- | 'Option' reader based on the 'Read' type class.
auto :: Read a => ReadM a
auto = eitherReader $ \arg -> case reads arg of
[(r, "")] -> return r
_ -> Left $ "cannot parse value `" ++ arg ++ "'"
-- | String 'Option' reader.
str :: ReadM String
str = readerAsk
-- | Null 'Option' reader. All arguments will fail validation.
disabled :: ReadM a
disabled = readerError "disabled option"
-- modifiers --
-- | Specify a short name for an option.
short :: HasName f => Char -> Mod f a
short = fieldMod . name . OptShort
-- | Specify a long name for an option.
long :: HasName f => String -> Mod f a
long = fieldMod . name . OptLong
-- | Specify a default value for an option.
-- /Note/: Because this modifier means the parser will never fail,
-- do not use it with combinators such as 'some' or 'many', as
-- these combinators continue until a failure occurs.
-- Careless use will thus result in a hang.
value :: HasValue f => a -> Mod f a
value x = Mod id (DefaultProp (Just x) Nothing) id
-- | Specify a function to show the default value for an option.
showDefaultWith :: (a -> String) -> Mod f a
showDefaultWith s = Mod id (DefaultProp Nothing (Just s)) id
-- | Show the default value for this option using its 'Show' instance.
showDefault :: Show a => Mod f a
showDefault = showDefaultWith show
-- | Specify the help text for an option.
help :: String -> Mod f a
help s = optionMod $ \p -> p { propHelp = paragraph s }
-- | Specify the help text for an option as a 'Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen.Doc'
-- value.
helpDoc :: Maybe Doc -> Mod f a
helpDoc doc = optionMod $ \p -> p { propHelp = Chunk doc }
-- | Convert a function in the 'Either' monad to a reader.
eitherReader :: (String -> Either String a) -> ReadM a
eitherReader f = readerAsk >>= either readerError return . f
-- | Specify the error to display when no argument is provided to this option.
noArgError :: ParseError -> Mod OptionFields a
noArgError e = fieldMod $ \p -> p { optNoArgError = e }
-- | Specify a metavariable for the argument.
-- Metavariables have no effect on the actual parser, and only serve to specify
-- the symbolic name for an argument to be displayed in the help text.
metavar :: HasMetavar f => String -> Mod f a
metavar var = optionMod $ \p -> p { propMetaVar = var }
-- | Hide this option from the brief description.
hidden :: Mod f a
hidden = optionMod $ \p ->
p { propVisibility = min Hidden (propVisibility p) }
-- | Add a command to a subparser option.
command :: String -> ParserInfo a -> Mod CommandFields a
command cmd pinfo = fieldMod $ \p ->
p { cmdCommands = (cmd, pinfo) : cmdCommands p }
-- | Add a list of possible completion values.
completeWith :: HasCompleter f => [String] -> Mod f a
completeWith xs = completer (listCompleter xs)
-- | Add a bash completion action. Common actions include @file@ and
-- @directory@. See
-- <>
-- for a complete list.
action :: HasCompleter f => String -> Mod f a
action act = completer (bashCompleter act)
-- | Add a completer to an argument.
-- A completer is a function String -> IO String which, given a partial
-- argument, returns all possible completions for that argument.
completer :: HasCompleter f => Completer -> Mod f a
completer f = fieldMod $ modCompleter (`mappend` f)
-- parsers --
-- | Builder for a command parser. The 'command' modifier can be used to
-- specify individual commands.
subparser :: Mod CommandFields a -> Parser a
subparser m = mkParser d g rdr
Mod _ d g = metavar "COMMAND" `mappend` m
rdr = uncurry CmdReader (mkCommand m)
-- | Builder for an argument parser.
argument :: ReadM a -> Mod ArgumentFields a -> Parser a
argument p (Mod f d g) = mkParser d g (ArgReader rdr)
ArgumentFields compl = f (ArgumentFields mempty)
rdr = CReader compl p
-- | Builder for a 'String' argument.
strArgument :: Mod ArgumentFields String -> Parser String
strArgument = argument str
-- | Builder for a flag parser.
-- A flag that switches from a \"default value\" to an \"active value\" when
-- encountered. For a simple boolean value, use `switch` instead.
flag :: a -- ^ default value
-> a -- ^ active value
-> Mod FlagFields a -- ^ option modifier
-> Parser a
flag defv actv m = flag' actv m <|> pure defv
-- | Builder for a flag parser without a default value.
-- Same as 'flag', but with no default value. In particular, this flag will
-- never parse successfully by itself.
-- It still makes sense to use it as part of a composite parser. For example
-- > length <$> many (flag' () (short 't'))
-- is a parser that counts the number of "-t" arguments on the command line.
flag' :: a -- ^ active value
-> Mod FlagFields a -- ^ option modifier
-> Parser a
flag' actv (Mod f d g) = mkParser d g rdr
rdr = let fields = f (FlagFields [] actv)
in FlagReader (flagNames fields)
(flagActive fields)
-- | Builder for a boolean flag.
-- > switch = flag False True
switch :: Mod FlagFields Bool -> Parser Bool
switch = flag False True
-- | An option that always fails.
-- When this option is encountered, the option parser immediately aborts with
-- the given parse error. If you simply want to output a message, use
-- 'infoOption' instead.
abortOption :: ParseError -> Mod OptionFields (a -> a) -> Parser (a -> a)
abortOption err m = option (readerAbort err) . (`mappend` m) $ mconcat
[ noArgError err
, value id
, metavar "" ]
-- | An option that always fails and displays a message.
infoOption :: String -> Mod OptionFields (a -> a) -> Parser (a -> a)
infoOption = abortOption . InfoMsg
-- | Builder for an option taking a 'String' argument.
strOption :: Mod OptionFields String -> Parser String
strOption = option str
-- | Same as 'option'.
{-# DEPRECATED nullOption "Use 'option' instead" #-}
nullOption :: ReadM a -> Mod OptionFields a -> Parser a
nullOption = option
-- | Builder for an option using the given reader.
option :: ReadM a -> Mod OptionFields a -> Parser a
option r m = mkParser d g rdr
Mod f d g = metavar "ARG" `mappend` m
fields = f (OptionFields [] mempty (ErrorMsg ""))
crdr = CReader (optCompleter fields) r
rdr = OptReader (optNames fields) crdr (optNoArgError fields)
-- | Modifier for 'ParserInfo'.
newtype InfoMod a = InfoMod
{ applyInfoMod :: ParserInfo a -> ParserInfo a }
instance Monoid (InfoMod a) where
mempty = InfoMod id
mappend m1 m2 = InfoMod $ applyInfoMod m2 . applyInfoMod m1
-- | Show a full description in the help text of this parser.
fullDesc :: InfoMod a
fullDesc = InfoMod $ \i -> i { infoFullDesc = True }
-- | Only show a brief description in the help text of this parser.
briefDesc :: InfoMod a
briefDesc = InfoMod $ \i -> i { infoFullDesc = False }
-- | Specify a header for this parser.
header :: String -> InfoMod a
header s = InfoMod $ \i -> i { infoHeader = paragraph s }
-- | Specify a header for this parser as a 'Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen.Doc'
-- value.
headerDoc :: Maybe Doc -> InfoMod a
headerDoc doc = InfoMod $ \i -> i { infoHeader = Chunk doc }
-- | Specify a footer for this parser.
footer :: String -> InfoMod a
footer s = InfoMod $ \i -> i { infoFooter = paragraph s }
-- | Specify a footer for this parser as a 'Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen.Doc'
-- value.
footerDoc :: Maybe Doc -> InfoMod a
footerDoc doc = InfoMod $ \i -> i { infoFooter = Chunk doc }
-- | Specify a short program description.
progDesc :: String -> InfoMod a
progDesc s = InfoMod $ \i -> i { infoProgDesc = paragraph s }
-- | Specify a short program description as a 'Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen.Doc'
-- value.
progDescDoc :: Maybe Doc -> InfoMod a
progDescDoc doc = InfoMod $ \i -> i { infoProgDesc = Chunk doc }
-- | Specify an exit code if a parse error occurs.
failureCode :: Int -> InfoMod a
failureCode n = InfoMod $ \i -> i { infoFailureCode = n }
-- | Disable parsing of regular options after arguments
noIntersperse :: InfoMod a
noIntersperse = InfoMod $ \p -> p { infoIntersperse = False }
-- | Create a 'ParserInfo' given a 'Parser' and a modifier.
info :: Parser a -> InfoMod a -> ParserInfo a
info parser m = applyInfoMod m base
base = ParserInfo
{ infoParser = parser
, infoFullDesc = True
, infoProgDesc = mempty
, infoHeader = mempty
, infoFooter = mempty
, infoFailureCode = 1
, infoIntersperse = True }
newtype PrefsMod = PrefsMod
{ applyPrefsMod :: ParserPrefs -> ParserPrefs }
instance Monoid PrefsMod where
mempty = PrefsMod id
mappend m1 m2 = PrefsMod $ applyPrefsMod m2 . applyPrefsMod m1
multiSuffix :: String -> PrefsMod
multiSuffix s = PrefsMod $ \p -> p { prefMultiSuffix = s }
disambiguate :: PrefsMod
disambiguate = PrefsMod $ \p -> p { prefDisambiguate = True }
showHelpOnError :: PrefsMod
showHelpOnError = PrefsMod $ \p -> p { prefShowHelpOnError = True }
noBacktrack :: PrefsMod
noBacktrack = PrefsMod $ \p -> p { prefBacktrack = False }
columns :: Int -> PrefsMod
columns cols = PrefsMod $ \p -> p { prefColumns = cols }
prefs :: PrefsMod -> ParserPrefs
prefs m = applyPrefsMod m base
base = ParserPrefs
{ prefMultiSuffix = ""
, prefDisambiguate = False
, prefShowHelpOnError = False
, prefBacktrack = True
, prefColumns = 80 }
-- convenience shortcuts
-- | Trivial option modifier.
idm :: Monoid m => m
idm = mempty
-- | Default preferences.
defaultPrefs :: ParserPrefs
defaultPrefs = prefs idm
| ntc2/optparse-applicative | Options/Applicative/Builder.hs | bsd-3-clause | 11,662 | 0 | 14 | 2,538 | 2,635 | 1,462 | 1,173 | 215 | 2 |
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- |
-- Module : Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile
-- Copyright : (c) Andrey Mokhov 2014-2018
-- License : MIT (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : experimental
-- Read and parse text files, tracking their contents. This oracle can be used
-- to read configuration or package metadata files and cache the parsing.
module Hadrian.Oracles.TextFile (
lookupValue, lookupValueOrEmpty, lookupValueOrError, lookupValues,
lookupValuesOrEmpty, lookupValuesOrError, lookupDependencies, textFileOracle
) where
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Development.Shake
import Development.Shake.Classes
import Development.Shake.Config
import Hadrian.Utilities
-- | Lookup a value in a text file, tracking the result. Each line of the file
-- is expected to have @key = value@ format.
lookupValue :: FilePath -> String -> Action (Maybe String)
lookupValue file key = askOracle $ KeyValue (file, key)
-- | Like 'lookupValue' but returns the empty string if the key is not found.
lookupValueOrEmpty :: FilePath -> String -> Action String
lookupValueOrEmpty file key = fromMaybe "" <$> lookupValue file key
-- | Like 'lookupValue' but raises an error if the key is not found.
lookupValueOrError :: FilePath -> String -> Action String
lookupValueOrError file key = fromMaybe (error msg) <$> lookupValue file key
msg = "Key " ++ quote key ++ " not found in file " ++ quote file
-- | Lookup a list of values in a text file, tracking the result. Each line of
-- the file is expected to have @key value1 value2 ...@ format.
lookupValues :: FilePath -> String -> Action (Maybe [String])
lookupValues file key = askOracle $ KeyValues (file, key)
-- | Like 'lookupValues' but returns the empty list if the key is not found.
lookupValuesOrEmpty :: FilePath -> String -> Action [String]
lookupValuesOrEmpty file key = fromMaybe [] <$> lookupValues file key
-- | Like 'lookupValues' but raises an error if the key is not found.
lookupValuesOrError :: FilePath -> String -> Action [String]
lookupValuesOrError file key = fromMaybe (error msg) <$> lookupValues file key
msg = "Key " ++ quote key ++ " not found in file " ++ quote file
-- | The 'Action' @lookupDependencies depFile file@ looks up dependencies of a
-- @file@ in a (typically generated) dependency file @depFile@. The action
-- returns a pair @(source, files)@, such that the @file@ can be produced by
-- compiling @source@, which in turn also depends on a number of other @files@.
lookupDependencies :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Action (FilePath, [FilePath])
lookupDependencies depFile file = do
deps <- lookupValues depFile file
case deps of
Nothing -> error $ "No dependencies found for file " ++ quote file
Just [] -> error $ "No source file found for file " ++ quote file
Just (source : files) -> return (source, files)
newtype KeyValue = KeyValue (FilePath, String)
deriving (Binary, Eq, Hashable, NFData, Show, Typeable)
type instance RuleResult KeyValue = Maybe String
newtype KeyValues = KeyValues (FilePath, String)
deriving (Binary, Eq, Hashable, NFData, Show, Typeable)
type instance RuleResult KeyValues = Maybe [String]
-- | These oracle rules are used to cache and track answers to the following
-- queries, which are implemented by parsing text files:
-- 1) Looking up key-value pairs formatted as @key = value1 value2 ...@ that
-- are often used in text configuration files. See functions 'lookupValue',
-- 'lookupValueOrEmpty', 'lookupValueOrError', 'lookupValues',
-- 'lookupValuesOrEmpty' and 'lookupValuesOrError'.
-- 2) Parsing Makefile dependency files generated by commands like @gcc -MM@:
-- see 'lookupDependencies'.
textFileOracle :: Rules ()
textFileOracle = do
kv <- newCache $ \file -> do
need [file]
putLoud $ "| KeyValue oracle: reading " ++ quote file ++ "..."
liftIO $ readConfigFile file
void $ addOracleCache $ \(KeyValue (file, key)) -> Map.lookup key <$> kv file
kvs <- newCache $ \file -> do
need [file]
putLoud $ "| KeyValues oracle: reading " ++ quote file ++ "..."
contents <- map words <$> readFileLines file
return $ Map.fromList [ (key, values) | (key:values) <- contents ]
void $ addOracleCache $ \(KeyValues (file, key)) -> Map.lookup key <$> kvs file
| sdiehl/ghc | hadrian/src/Hadrian/Oracles/TextFile.hs | bsd-3-clause | 4,591 | 0 | 18 | 841 | 896 | 476 | 420 | 51 | 3 |
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
-- | This module performs optimizations on the Nested Kernel Language (NKL).
module Database.DSH.NKL.Opt
( opt ) where
import Debug.Trace
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Database.DSH.NKL.Lang as NKL
import Database.DSH.NKL.Quote
import Database.DSH.Common.Impossible
| ulricha/dsh | src/Database/DSH/NKL/Opt.hs | bsd-3-clause | 420 | 0 | 4 | 88 | 54 | 40 | 14 | 10 | 0 |
-- |
-- Module : GHC.ByteOrder
-- Copyright : (c) The University of Glasgow, 1994-2000
-- License : see libraries/base/LICENSE
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : internal
-- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions)
-- Target byte ordering.
-- @since
module GHC.ByteOrder where
-- Required for WORDS_BIGENDIAN
#include <ghcautoconf.h>
-- | Byte ordering.
data ByteOrder
= BigEndian -- ^ most-significant-byte occurs in lowest address.
| LittleEndian -- ^ least-significant-byte occurs in lowest address.
deriving ( Eq -- ^ @since
, Ord -- ^ @since
, Bounded -- ^ @since
, Enum -- ^ @since
, Read -- ^ @since
, Show -- ^ @since
-- | The byte ordering of the target machine.
targetByteOrder :: ByteOrder
#if defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN)
targetByteOrder = BigEndian
targetByteOrder = LittleEndian
| sdiehl/ghc | libraries/base/GHC/ByteOrder.hs | bsd-3-clause | 1,208 | 0 | 6 | 279 | 83 | 60 | 23 | 13 | 1 |
(c) The University of Glasgow 2006-2008
(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, NondecreasingIndentation #-}
-- | Module for constructing @ModIface@ values (interface files),
-- writing them to disk and comparing two versions to see if
-- recompilation is required.
module MkIface (
mkIface, -- Build a ModIface from a ModGuts,
-- including computing version information
writeIfaceFile, -- Write the interface file
checkOldIface, -- See if recompilation is required, by
-- comparing version information
RecompileRequired(..), recompileRequired,
tyThingToIfaceDecl -- Converting things to their Iface equivalents
) where
Recompilation checking
A complete description of how recompilation checking works can be
found in the wiki commentary:
Please read the above page for a top-down description of how this all
works. Notes below cover specific issues related to the implementation.
Basic idea:
* In the mi_usages information in an interface, we record the
fingerprint of each free variable of the module
* In mkIface, we compute the fingerprint of each exported thing A.f.
For each external thing that A.f refers to, we include the fingerprint
of the external reference when computing the fingerprint of A.f. So
if anything that A.f depends on changes, then A.f's fingerprint will
Also record any dependent files added with
* addDependentFile
* #include
* -optP-include
* In checkOldIface we compare the mi_usages for the module with
the actual fingerprint for all each thing recorded in mi_usages
#include "HsVersions.h"
import IfaceSyn
import LoadIface
import FlagChecker
import Desugar ( mkUsageInfo, mkUsedNames, mkDependencies )
import Id
import IdInfo
import Demand
import Coercion( tidyCo )
import Annotations
import CoreSyn
import Class
import TyCon
import CoAxiom
import ConLike
import DataCon
import PatSyn
import Type
import TcType
import TysPrim ( alphaTyVars )
import InstEnv
import FamInstEnv
import TcRnMonad
import HsSyn
import HscTypes
import Finder
import DynFlags
import VarEnv
import VarSet
import Var
import Name
import Avail
import RdrName
import NameEnv
import NameSet
import Module
import BinIface
import ErrUtils
import Digraph
import SrcLoc
import Outputable
import BasicTypes hiding ( SuccessFlag(..) )
import Unique
import Util hiding ( eqListBy )
import FastString
import FastStringEnv
import Maybes
import Binary
import Fingerprint
import Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.Function
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Ord
import Data.IORef
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
* *
\subsection{Completing an interface}
* *
mkIface :: HscEnv
-> Maybe Fingerprint -- The old fingerprint, if we have it
-> ModDetails -- The trimmed, tidied interface
-> ModGuts -- Usages, deprecations, etc
-> IO (ModIface, -- The new one
Bool) -- True <=> there was an old Iface, and the
-- new one is identical, so no need
-- to write it
mkIface hsc_env maybe_old_fingerprint mod_details
ModGuts{ mg_module = this_mod,
mg_hsc_src = hsc_src,
mg_usages = usages,
mg_used_th = used_th,
mg_deps = deps,
mg_rdr_env = rdr_env,
mg_fix_env = fix_env,
mg_warns = warns,
mg_hpc_info = hpc_info,
mg_safe_haskell = safe_mode,
mg_trust_pkg = self_trust
= mkIface_ hsc_env maybe_old_fingerprint
this_mod hsc_src used_th deps rdr_env fix_env
warns hpc_info self_trust
safe_mode usages mod_details
-- | make an interface from the results of typechecking only. Useful
-- for non-optimising compilation, or where we aren't generating any
-- object code at all ('HscNothing').
mkIfaceTc :: HscEnv
-> Maybe Fingerprint -- The old fingerprint, if we have it
-> SafeHaskellMode -- The safe haskell mode
-> ModDetails -- gotten from mkBootModDetails, probably
-> TcGblEnv -- Usages, deprecations, etc
-> IO (ModIface, Bool)
mkIfaceTc hsc_env maybe_old_fingerprint safe_mode mod_details
tc_result@TcGblEnv{ tcg_mod = this_mod,
tcg_src = hsc_src,
tcg_imports = imports,
tcg_rdr_env = rdr_env,
tcg_fix_env = fix_env,
tcg_warns = warns,
tcg_hpc = other_hpc_info,
tcg_th_splice_used = tc_splice_used,
tcg_dependent_files = dependent_files
= do
let used_names = mkUsedNames tc_result
deps <- mkDependencies tc_result
let hpc_info = emptyHpcInfo other_hpc_info
used_th <- readIORef tc_splice_used
dep_files <- (readIORef dependent_files)
usages <- mkUsageInfo hsc_env this_mod (imp_mods imports) used_names dep_files
mkIface_ hsc_env maybe_old_fingerprint
this_mod hsc_src
used_th deps rdr_env
fix_env warns hpc_info
(imp_trust_own_pkg imports) safe_mode usages mod_details
mkIface_ :: HscEnv -> Maybe Fingerprint -> Module -> HscSource
-> Bool -> Dependencies -> GlobalRdrEnv
-> NameEnv FixItem -> Warnings -> HpcInfo
-> Bool
-> SafeHaskellMode
-> [Usage]
-> ModDetails
-> IO (ModIface, Bool)
mkIface_ hsc_env maybe_old_fingerprint
this_mod hsc_src used_th deps rdr_env fix_env src_warns
hpc_info pkg_trust_req safe_mode usages
ModDetails{ md_insts = insts,
md_fam_insts = fam_insts,
md_rules = rules,
md_anns = anns,
md_vect_info = vect_info,
md_types = type_env,
md_exports = exports }
-- NB: notice that mkIface does not look at the bindings
-- only at the TypeEnv. The previous Tidy phase has
-- put exactly the info into the TypeEnv that we want
-- to expose in the interface
= do
let entities = typeEnvElts type_env
decls = [ tyThingToIfaceDecl entity
| entity <- entities,
let name = getName entity,
not (isImplicitTyThing entity),
-- No implicit Ids and class tycons in the interface file
not (isWiredInName name),
-- Nor wired-in things; the compiler knows about them anyhow
nameIsLocalOrFrom this_mod name ]
-- Sigh: see Note [Root-main Id] in TcRnDriver
fixities = sortBy (comparing fst)
[(occ,fix) | FixItem occ fix <- nameEnvElts fix_env]
-- The order of fixities returned from nameEnvElts is not
-- deterministic, so we sort by OccName to canonicalize it.
-- See Note [Deterministic UniqFM] in UniqDFM for more details.
warns = src_warns
iface_rules = map coreRuleToIfaceRule rules
iface_insts = map instanceToIfaceInst $ fixSafeInstances safe_mode insts
iface_fam_insts = map famInstToIfaceFamInst fam_insts
iface_vect_info = flattenVectInfo vect_info
trust_info = setSafeMode safe_mode
annotations = map mkIfaceAnnotation anns
sig_of = getSigOf dflags (moduleName this_mod)
intermediate_iface = ModIface {
mi_module = this_mod,
mi_sig_of = sig_of,
mi_hsc_src = hsc_src,
mi_deps = deps,
mi_usages = usages,
mi_exports = mkIfaceExports exports,
-- Sort these lexicographically, so that
-- the result is stable across compilations
mi_insts = sortBy cmp_inst iface_insts,
mi_fam_insts = sortBy cmp_fam_inst iface_fam_insts,
mi_rules = sortBy cmp_rule iface_rules,
mi_vect_info = iface_vect_info,
mi_fixities = fixities,
mi_warns = warns,
mi_anns = annotations,
mi_globals = maybeGlobalRdrEnv rdr_env,
-- Left out deliberately: filled in by addFingerprints
mi_iface_hash = fingerprint0,
mi_mod_hash = fingerprint0,
mi_flag_hash = fingerprint0,
mi_exp_hash = fingerprint0,
mi_used_th = used_th,
mi_orphan_hash = fingerprint0,
mi_orphan = False, -- Always set by addFingerprints, but
-- it's a strict field, so we can't omit it.
mi_finsts = False, -- Ditto
mi_decls = deliberatelyOmitted "decls",
mi_hash_fn = deliberatelyOmitted "hash_fn",
mi_hpc = isHpcUsed hpc_info,
mi_trust = trust_info,
mi_trust_pkg = pkg_trust_req,
-- And build the cached values
mi_warn_fn = mkIfaceWarnCache warns,
mi_fix_fn = mkIfaceFixCache fixities }
(new_iface, no_change_at_all)
<- {-# SCC "versioninfo" #-}
addFingerprints hsc_env maybe_old_fingerprint
intermediate_iface decls
-- Debug printing
dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_hi "FINAL INTERFACE"
(pprModIface new_iface)
-- bug #1617: on reload we weren't updating the PrintUnqualified
-- correctly. This stems from the fact that the interface had
-- not changed, so addFingerprints returns the old ModIface
-- with the old GlobalRdrEnv (mi_globals).
let final_iface = new_iface{ mi_globals = maybeGlobalRdrEnv rdr_env }
return (final_iface, no_change_at_all)
cmp_rule = comparing ifRuleName
-- Compare these lexicographically by OccName, *not* by unique,
-- because the latter is not stable across compilations:
cmp_inst = comparing (nameOccName . ifDFun)
cmp_fam_inst = comparing (nameOccName . ifFamInstTcName)
dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
-- We only fill in mi_globals if the module was compiled to byte
-- code. Otherwise, the compiler may not have retained all the
-- top-level bindings and they won't be in the TypeEnv (see
-- Desugar.addExportFlagsAndRules). The mi_globals field is used
-- by GHCi to decide whether the module has its full top-level
-- scope available. (#5534)
maybeGlobalRdrEnv :: GlobalRdrEnv -> Maybe GlobalRdrEnv
maybeGlobalRdrEnv rdr_env
| targetRetainsAllBindings (hscTarget dflags) = Just rdr_env
| otherwise = Nothing
deliberatelyOmitted :: String -> a
deliberatelyOmitted x = panic ("Deliberately omitted: " ++ x)
ifFamInstTcName = ifFamInstFam
flattenVectInfo (VectInfo { vectInfoVar = vVar
, vectInfoTyCon = vTyCon
, vectInfoParallelVars = vParallelVars
, vectInfoParallelTyCons = vParallelTyCons
}) =
{ ifaceVectInfoVar = [Var.varName v | (v, _ ) <- varEnvElts vVar]
, ifaceVectInfoTyCon = [tyConName t | (t, t_v) <- nameEnvElts vTyCon, t /= t_v]
, ifaceVectInfoTyConReuse = [tyConName t | (t, t_v) <- nameEnvElts vTyCon, t == t_v]
, ifaceVectInfoParallelVars = [Var.varName v | v <- varSetElems vParallelVars]
, ifaceVectInfoParallelTyCons = nameSetElems vParallelTyCons
writeIfaceFile :: DynFlags -> FilePath -> ModIface -> IO ()
writeIfaceFile dflags hi_file_path new_iface
= do createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory hi_file_path)
writeBinIface dflags hi_file_path new_iface
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Look up parents and versions of Names
-- This is like a global version of the mi_hash_fn field in each ModIface.
-- Given a Name, it finds the ModIface, and then uses mi_hash_fn to get
-- the parent and version info.
:: HscEnv -- needed to look up versions
-> ExternalPackageState -- ditto
-> (Name -> Fingerprint)
mkHashFun hsc_env eps
= \name ->
mod = ASSERT2( isExternalName name, ppr name ) nameModule name
occ = nameOccName name
iface = lookupIfaceByModule dflags hpt pit mod `orElse`
pprPanic "lookupVers2" (ppr mod <+> ppr occ)
snd (mi_hash_fn iface occ `orElse`
pprPanic "lookupVers1" (ppr mod <+> ppr occ))
dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
hpt = hsc_HPT hsc_env
pit = eps_PIT eps
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Compute fingerprints for the interface
:: HscEnv
-> Maybe Fingerprint -- the old fingerprint, if any
-> ModIface -- The new interface (lacking decls)
-> [IfaceDecl] -- The new decls
-> IO (ModIface, -- Updated interface
Bool) -- True <=> no changes at all;
-- no need to write Iface
addFingerprints hsc_env mb_old_fingerprint iface0 new_decls
= do
eps <- hscEPS hsc_env
-- The ABI of a declaration represents everything that is made
-- visible about the declaration that a client can depend on.
-- see IfaceDeclABI below.
declABI :: IfaceDecl -> IfaceDeclABI
declABI decl = (this_mod, decl, extras)
where extras = declExtras fix_fn ann_fn non_orph_rules non_orph_insts
non_orph_fis decl
edges :: [(IfaceDeclABI, Unique, [Unique])]
edges = [ (abi, getUnique (ifName decl), out)
| decl <- new_decls
, let abi = declABI decl
, let out = localOccs $ freeNamesDeclABI abi
name_module n = ASSERT2( isExternalName n, ppr n ) nameModule n
localOccs = map (getUnique . getParent . getOccName)
. filter ((== this_mod) . name_module)
. nameSetElems
where getParent occ = lookupOccEnv parent_map occ `orElse` occ
-- maps OccNames to their parents in the current module.
-- e.g. a reference to a constructor must be turned into a reference
-- to the TyCon for the purposes of calculating dependencies.
parent_map :: OccEnv OccName
parent_map = foldr extend emptyOccEnv new_decls
where extend d env =
extendOccEnvList env [ (b,n) | b <- ifaceDeclImplicitBndrs d ]
where n = ifName d
-- strongly-connected groups of declarations, in dependency order
groups = stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVertices edges
global_hash_fn = mkHashFun hsc_env eps
-- how to output Names when generating the data to fingerprint.
-- Here we want to output the fingerprint for each top-level
-- Name, whether it comes from the current module or another
-- module. In this way, the fingerprint for a declaration will
-- change if the fingerprint for anything it refers to (transitively)
-- changes.
mk_put_name :: (OccEnv (OccName,Fingerprint))
-> BinHandle -> Name -> IO ()
mk_put_name local_env bh name
| isWiredInName name = putNameLiterally bh name
-- wired-in names don't have fingerprints
| otherwise
= ASSERT2( isExternalName name, ppr name )
let hash | nameModule name /= this_mod = global_hash_fn name
| otherwise = snd (lookupOccEnv local_env (getOccName name)
`orElse` pprPanic "urk! lookup local fingerprint"
(ppr name)) -- (undefined,fingerprint0))
-- This panic indicates that we got the dependency
-- analysis wrong, because we needed a fingerprint for
-- an entity that wasn't in the environment. To debug
-- it, turn the panic into a trace, uncomment the
-- pprTraces below, run the compile again, and inspect
-- the output and the generated .hi file with
-- --show-iface.
in put_ bh hash
-- take a strongly-connected group of declarations and compute
-- its fingerprint.
fingerprint_group :: (OccEnv (OccName,Fingerprint),
-> SCC IfaceDeclABI
-> IO (OccEnv (OccName,Fingerprint),
fingerprint_group (local_env, decls_w_hashes) (AcyclicSCC abi)
= do let hash_fn = mk_put_name local_env
decl = abiDecl abi
--pprTrace "fingerprinting" (ppr (ifName decl) ) $ do
hash <- computeFingerprint hash_fn abi
env' <- extend_hash_env local_env (hash,decl)
return (env', (hash,decl) : decls_w_hashes)
fingerprint_group (local_env, decls_w_hashes) (CyclicSCC abis)
= do let decls = map abiDecl abis
local_env1 <- foldM extend_hash_env local_env
(zip (repeat fingerprint0) decls)
let hash_fn = mk_put_name local_env1
-- pprTrace "fingerprinting" (ppr (map ifName decls) ) $ do
let stable_abis = sortBy cmp_abiNames abis
-- put the cycle in a canonical order
hash <- computeFingerprint hash_fn stable_abis
let pairs = zip (repeat hash) decls
local_env2 <- foldM extend_hash_env local_env pairs
return (local_env2, pairs ++ decls_w_hashes)
-- we have fingerprinted the whole declaration, but we now need
-- to assign fingerprints to all the OccNames that it binds, to
-- use when referencing those OccNames in later declarations.
extend_hash_env :: OccEnv (OccName,Fingerprint)
-> (Fingerprint,IfaceDecl)
-> IO (OccEnv (OccName,Fingerprint))
extend_hash_env env0 (hash,d) = do
return (foldr (\(b,fp) env -> extendOccEnv env b (b,fp)) env0
(ifaceDeclFingerprints hash d))
(local_env, decls_w_hashes) <-
foldM fingerprint_group (emptyOccEnv, []) groups
-- when calculating fingerprints, we always need to use canonical
-- ordering for lists of things. In particular, the mi_deps has various
-- lists of modules and suchlike, so put these all in canonical order:
let sorted_deps = sortDependencies (mi_deps iface0)
-- the export hash of a module depends on the orphan hashes of the
-- orphan modules below us in the dependency tree. This is the way
-- that changes in orphans get propagated all the way up the
-- dependency tree. We only care about orphan modules in the current
-- package, because changes to orphans outside this package will be
-- tracked by the usage on the ABI hash of package modules that we import.
let orph_mods
= filter (/= this_mod) -- Note [Do not update EPS with your own hi-boot]
. filter ((== this_pkg) . moduleUnitId)
$ dep_orphs sorted_deps
dep_orphan_hashes <- getOrphanHashes hsc_env orph_mods
-- Note [Do not update EPS with your own hi-boot]
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- (See also Trac #10182). When your hs-boot file includes an orphan
-- instance declaration, you may find that the dep_orphs of a module you
-- import contains reference to yourself. DO NOT actually load this module
-- or add it to the orphan hashes: you're going to provide the orphan
-- instances yourself, no need to consult hs-boot; if you do load the
-- interface into EPS, you will see a duplicate orphan instance.
orphan_hash <- computeFingerprint (mk_put_name local_env)
(map ifDFun orph_insts, orph_rules, orph_fis)
-- the export list hash doesn't depend on the fingerprints of
-- the Names it mentions, only the Names themselves, hence putNameLiterally.
export_hash <- computeFingerprint putNameLiterally
(mi_exports iface0,
dep_pkgs (mi_deps iface0),
-- dep_pkgs: see "Package Version Changes" on
-- wiki/Commentary/Compiler/RecompilationAvoidance
mi_trust iface0)
-- Make sure change of Safe Haskell mode causes recomp.
-- put the declarations in a canonical order, sorted by OccName
let sorted_decls = Map.elems $ Map.fromList $
[(ifName d, e) | e@(_, d) <- decls_w_hashes]
-- the flag hash depends on:
-- - (some of) dflags
-- it returns two hashes, one that shouldn't change
-- the abi hash and one that should
flag_hash <- fingerprintDynFlags dflags this_mod putNameLiterally
-- the ABI hash depends on:
-- - decls
-- - export list
-- - orphans
-- - deprecations
-- - vect info
-- - flag abi hash
mod_hash <- computeFingerprint putNameLiterally
(map fst sorted_decls,
export_hash, -- includes orphan_hash
mi_warns iface0,
mi_vect_info iface0)
-- The interface hash depends on:
-- - the ABI hash, plus
-- - the module level annotations,
-- - usages
-- - deps (home and external packages, dependent files)
-- - hpc
iface_hash <- computeFingerprint putNameLiterally
ann_fn (mkVarOcc "module"), -- See mkIfaceAnnCache
mi_usages iface0,
mi_hpc iface0)
no_change_at_all = Just iface_hash == mb_old_fingerprint
final_iface = iface0 {
mi_mod_hash = mod_hash,
mi_iface_hash = iface_hash,
mi_exp_hash = export_hash,
mi_orphan_hash = orphan_hash,
mi_flag_hash = flag_hash,
mi_orphan = not ( all ifRuleAuto orph_rules
-- See Note [Orphans and auto-generated rules]
&& null orph_insts
&& null orph_fis
&& isNoIfaceVectInfo (mi_vect_info iface0)),
mi_finsts = not . null $ mi_fam_insts iface0,
mi_decls = sorted_decls,
mi_hash_fn = lookupOccEnv local_env }
return (final_iface, no_change_at_all)
this_mod = mi_module iface0
dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
this_pkg = thisPackage dflags
(non_orph_insts, orph_insts) = mkOrphMap ifInstOrph (mi_insts iface0)
(non_orph_rules, orph_rules) = mkOrphMap ifRuleOrph (mi_rules iface0)
(non_orph_fis, orph_fis) = mkOrphMap ifFamInstOrph (mi_fam_insts iface0)
fix_fn = mi_fix_fn iface0
ann_fn = mkIfaceAnnCache (mi_anns iface0)
getOrphanHashes :: HscEnv -> [Module] -> IO [Fingerprint]
getOrphanHashes hsc_env mods = do
eps <- hscEPS hsc_env
hpt = hsc_HPT hsc_env
pit = eps_PIT eps
dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
get_orph_hash mod =
case lookupIfaceByModule dflags hpt pit mod of
Nothing -> pprPanic "moduleOrphanHash" (ppr mod)
Just iface -> mi_orphan_hash iface
return (map get_orph_hash mods)
sortDependencies :: Dependencies -> Dependencies
sortDependencies d
= Deps { dep_mods = sortBy (compare `on` (moduleNameFS.fst)) (dep_mods d),
dep_pkgs = sortBy (stableUnitIdCmp `on` fst) (dep_pkgs d),
dep_orphs = sortBy stableModuleCmp (dep_orphs d),
dep_finsts = sortBy stableModuleCmp (dep_finsts d) }
-- | Creates cached lookup for the 'mi_anns' field of ModIface
-- Hackily, we use "module" as the OccName for any module-level annotations
mkIfaceAnnCache :: [IfaceAnnotation] -> OccName -> [AnnPayload]
mkIfaceAnnCache anns
= \n -> lookupOccEnv env n `orElse` []
pair (IfaceAnnotation target value) =
(case target of
NamedTarget occn -> occn
ModuleTarget _ -> mkVarOcc "module"
, [value])
-- flipping (++), so the first argument is always short
env = mkOccEnv_C (flip (++)) (map pair anns)
* *
The ABI of an IfaceDecl
* *
Note [The ABI of an IfaceDecl]
The ABI of a declaration consists of:
(a) the full name of the identifier (inc. module and package,
because these are used to construct the symbol name by which
the identifier is known externally).
(b) the declaration itself, as exposed to clients. That is, the
definition of an Id is included in the fingerprint only if
it is made available as an unfolding in the interface.
(c) the fixity of the identifier (if it exists)
(d) for Ids: rules
(e) for classes: instances, fixity & rules for methods
(f) for datatypes: instances, fixity & rules for constrs
Items (c)-(f) are not stored in the IfaceDecl, but instead appear
elsewhere in the interface file. But they are *fingerprinted* with
the declaration itself. This is done by grouping (c)-(f) in IfaceDeclExtras,
and fingerprinting that as part of the declaration.
type IfaceDeclABI = (Module, IfaceDecl, IfaceDeclExtras)
data IfaceDeclExtras
= IfaceIdExtras IfaceIdExtras
| IfaceDataExtras
(Maybe Fixity) -- Fixity of the tycon itself (if it exists)
[IfaceInstABI] -- Local class and family instances of this tycon
-- See Note [Orphans] in InstEnv
[AnnPayload] -- Annotations of the type itself
[IfaceIdExtras] -- For each constructor: fixity, RULES and annotations
| IfaceClassExtras
(Maybe Fixity) -- Fixity of the class itself (if it exists)
[IfaceInstABI] -- Local instances of this class *or*
-- of its associated data types
-- See Note [Orphans] in InstEnv
[AnnPayload] -- Annotations of the type itself
[IfaceIdExtras] -- For each class method: fixity, RULES and annotations
| IfaceSynonymExtras (Maybe Fixity) [AnnPayload]
| IfaceFamilyExtras (Maybe Fixity) [IfaceInstABI] [AnnPayload]
| IfaceOtherDeclExtras
data IfaceIdExtras
= IdExtras
(Maybe Fixity) -- Fixity of the Id (if it exists)
[IfaceRule] -- Rules for the Id
[AnnPayload] -- Annotations for the Id
-- When hashing a class or family instance, we hash only the
-- DFunId or CoAxiom, because that depends on all the
-- information about the instance.
type IfaceInstABI = IfExtName -- Name of DFunId or CoAxiom that is evidence for the instance
abiDecl :: IfaceDeclABI -> IfaceDecl
abiDecl (_, decl, _) = decl
cmp_abiNames :: IfaceDeclABI -> IfaceDeclABI -> Ordering
cmp_abiNames abi1 abi2 = ifName (abiDecl abi1) `compare`
ifName (abiDecl abi2)
freeNamesDeclABI :: IfaceDeclABI -> NameSet
freeNamesDeclABI (_mod, decl, extras) =
freeNamesIfDecl decl `unionNameSet` freeNamesDeclExtras extras
freeNamesDeclExtras :: IfaceDeclExtras -> NameSet
freeNamesDeclExtras (IfaceIdExtras id_extras)
= freeNamesIdExtras id_extras
freeNamesDeclExtras (IfaceDataExtras _ insts _ subs)
= unionNameSets (mkNameSet insts : map freeNamesIdExtras subs)
freeNamesDeclExtras (IfaceClassExtras _ insts _ subs)
= unionNameSets (mkNameSet insts : map freeNamesIdExtras subs)
freeNamesDeclExtras (IfaceSynonymExtras _ _)
= emptyNameSet
freeNamesDeclExtras (IfaceFamilyExtras _ insts _)
= mkNameSet insts
freeNamesDeclExtras IfaceOtherDeclExtras
= emptyNameSet
freeNamesIdExtras :: IfaceIdExtras -> NameSet
freeNamesIdExtras (IdExtras _ rules _) = unionNameSets (map freeNamesIfRule rules)
instance Outputable IfaceDeclExtras where
ppr IfaceOtherDeclExtras = Outputable.empty
ppr (IfaceIdExtras extras) = ppr_id_extras extras
ppr (IfaceSynonymExtras fix anns) = vcat [ppr fix, ppr anns]
ppr (IfaceFamilyExtras fix finsts anns) = vcat [ppr fix, ppr finsts, ppr anns]
ppr (IfaceDataExtras fix insts anns stuff) = vcat [ppr fix, ppr_insts insts, ppr anns,
ppr_id_extras_s stuff]
ppr (IfaceClassExtras fix insts anns stuff) = vcat [ppr fix, ppr_insts insts, ppr anns,
ppr_id_extras_s stuff]
ppr_insts :: [IfaceInstABI] -> SDoc
ppr_insts _ = text "<insts>"
ppr_id_extras_s :: [IfaceIdExtras] -> SDoc
ppr_id_extras_s stuff = vcat (map ppr_id_extras stuff)
ppr_id_extras :: IfaceIdExtras -> SDoc
ppr_id_extras (IdExtras fix rules anns) = ppr fix $$ vcat (map ppr rules) $$ vcat (map ppr anns)
-- This instance is used only to compute fingerprints
instance Binary IfaceDeclExtras where
get _bh = panic "no get for IfaceDeclExtras"
put_ bh (IfaceIdExtras extras) = do
putByte bh 1; put_ bh extras
put_ bh (IfaceDataExtras fix insts anns cons) = do
putByte bh 2; put_ bh fix; put_ bh insts; put_ bh anns; put_ bh cons
put_ bh (IfaceClassExtras fix insts anns methods) = do
putByte bh 3; put_ bh fix; put_ bh insts; put_ bh anns; put_ bh methods
put_ bh (IfaceSynonymExtras fix anns) = do
putByte bh 4; put_ bh fix; put_ bh anns
put_ bh (IfaceFamilyExtras fix finsts anns) = do
putByte bh 5; put_ bh fix; put_ bh finsts; put_ bh anns
put_ bh IfaceOtherDeclExtras = putByte bh 6
instance Binary IfaceIdExtras where
get _bh = panic "no get for IfaceIdExtras"
put_ bh (IdExtras fix rules anns)= do { put_ bh fix; put_ bh rules; put_ bh anns }
declExtras :: (OccName -> Maybe Fixity)
-> (OccName -> [AnnPayload])
-> OccEnv [IfaceRule]
-> OccEnv [IfaceClsInst]
-> OccEnv [IfaceFamInst]
-> IfaceDecl
-> IfaceDeclExtras
declExtras fix_fn ann_fn rule_env inst_env fi_env decl
= case decl of
IfaceId{} -> IfaceIdExtras (id_extras n)
IfaceData{ifCons=cons} ->
IfaceDataExtras (fix_fn n)
(map ifFamInstAxiom (lookupOccEnvL fi_env n) ++
map ifDFun (lookupOccEnvL inst_env n))
(ann_fn n)
(map (id_extras . ifConOcc) (visibleIfConDecls cons))
IfaceClass{ifSigs=sigs, ifATs=ats} ->
IfaceClassExtras (fix_fn n)
(map ifDFun $ (concatMap at_extras ats)
++ lookupOccEnvL inst_env n)
-- Include instances of the associated types
-- as well as instances of the class (Trac #5147)
(ann_fn n)
[id_extras op | IfaceClassOp op _ _ <- sigs]
IfaceSynonym{} -> IfaceSynonymExtras (fix_fn n)
(ann_fn n)
IfaceFamily{} -> IfaceFamilyExtras (fix_fn n)
(map ifFamInstAxiom (lookupOccEnvL fi_env n))
(ann_fn n)
_other -> IfaceOtherDeclExtras
n = ifName decl
id_extras occ = IdExtras (fix_fn occ) (lookupOccEnvL rule_env occ) (ann_fn occ)
at_extras (IfaceAT decl _) = lookupOccEnvL inst_env (ifName decl)
lookupOccEnvL :: OccEnv [v] -> OccName -> [v]
lookupOccEnvL env k = lookupOccEnv env k `orElse` []
-- used when we want to fingerprint a structure without depending on the
-- fingerprints of external Names that it refers to.
putNameLiterally :: BinHandle -> Name -> IO ()
putNameLiterally bh name = ASSERT( isExternalName name )
put_ bh $! nameModule name
put_ bh $! nameOccName name
-- for testing: use the md5sum command to generate fingerprints and
-- compare the results against our built-in version.
fp' <- oldMD5 dflags bh
if fp /= fp' then pprPanic "computeFingerprint" (ppr fp <+> ppr fp')
else return fp
oldMD5 dflags bh = do
tmp <- newTempName dflags "bin"
writeBinMem bh tmp
tmp2 <- newTempName dflags "md5"
let cmd = "md5sum " ++ tmp ++ " >" ++ tmp2
r <- system cmd
case r of
ExitFailure _ -> throwGhcExceptionIO (PhaseFailed cmd r)
ExitSuccess -> do
hash_str <- readFile tmp2
return $! readHexFingerprint hash_str
-- mkOrphMap partitions instance decls or rules into
-- (a) an OccEnv for ones that are not orphans,
-- mapping the local OccName to a list of its decls
-- (b) a list of orphan decls
mkOrphMap :: (decl -> IsOrphan) -- Extract orphan status from decl
-> [decl] -- Sorted into canonical order
-> (OccEnv [decl], -- Non-orphan decls associated with their key;
-- each sublist in canonical order
[decl]) -- Orphan decls; in canonical order
mkOrphMap get_key decls
= foldl go (emptyOccEnv, []) decls
go (non_orphs, orphs) d
| NotOrphan occ <- get_key d
= (extendOccEnv_Acc (:) singleton non_orphs occ d, orphs)
| otherwise = (non_orphs, d:orphs)
* *
Keeping track of what we've slurped, and fingerprints
* *
mkIfaceAnnotation :: Annotation -> IfaceAnnotation
mkIfaceAnnotation (Annotation { ann_target = target, ann_value = payload })
= IfaceAnnotation {
ifAnnotatedTarget = fmap nameOccName target,
ifAnnotatedValue = payload
mkIfaceExports :: [AvailInfo] -> [IfaceExport] -- Sort to make canonical
mkIfaceExports exports
= sortBy stableAvailCmp (map sort_subs exports)
sort_subs :: AvailInfo -> AvailInfo
sort_subs (Avail b n) = Avail b n
sort_subs (AvailTC n [] fs) = AvailTC n [] (sort_flds fs)
sort_subs (AvailTC n (m:ms) fs)
| n==m = AvailTC n (m:sortBy stableNameCmp ms) (sort_flds fs)
| otherwise = AvailTC n (sortBy stableNameCmp (m:ms)) (sort_flds fs)
-- Maintain the AvailTC Invariant
sort_flds = sortBy (stableNameCmp `on` flSelector)
Note [Orignal module]
Consider this:
module X where { data family T }
module Y( T(..) ) where { import X; data instance T Int = MkT Int }
The exported Avail from Y will look like
X.T{X.T, Y.MkT}
That is, in Y,
- only MkT is brought into scope by the data instance;
- but the parent (used for grouping and naming in T(..) exports) is X.T
- and in this case we export X.T too
In the result of MkIfaceExports, the names are grouped by defining module,
so we may need to split up a single Avail into multiple ones.
Note [Internal used_names]
Most of the used_names are External Names, but we can have Internal
Names too: see Note [Binders in Template Haskell] in Convert, and
Trac #5362 for an example. Such Names are always
- Such Names are always for locally-defined things, for which we
don't gather usage info, so we can just ignore them in ent_map
- They are always System Names, hence the assert, just as a double check.
* *
Load the old interface file for this module (unless
we have it already), and check whether it is up to date
* *
data RecompileRequired
= UpToDate
-- ^ everything is up to date, recompilation is not required
| MustCompile
-- ^ The .hs file has been touched, or the .o/.hi file does not exist
| RecompBecause String
-- ^ The .o/.hi files are up to date, but something else has changed
-- to force recompilation; the String says what (one-line summary)
deriving Eq
recompileRequired :: RecompileRequired -> Bool
recompileRequired UpToDate = False
recompileRequired _ = True
-- | Top level function to check if the version of an old interface file
-- is equivalent to the current source file the user asked us to compile.
-- If the same, we can avoid recompilation. We return a tuple where the
-- first element is a bool saying if we should recompile the object file
-- and the second is maybe the interface file, where Nothng means to
-- rebuild the interface file not use the exisitng one.
:: HscEnv
-> ModSummary
-> SourceModified
-> Maybe ModIface -- Old interface from compilation manager, if any
-> IO (RecompileRequired, Maybe ModIface)
checkOldIface hsc_env mod_summary source_modified maybe_iface
= do let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
showPass dflags $
"Checking old interface for " ++
(showPpr dflags $ ms_mod mod_summary)
initIfaceCheck hsc_env $
check_old_iface hsc_env mod_summary source_modified maybe_iface
:: HscEnv
-> ModSummary
-> SourceModified
-> Maybe ModIface
-> IfG (RecompileRequired, Maybe ModIface)
check_old_iface hsc_env mod_summary src_modified maybe_iface
= let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
getIface =
case maybe_iface of
Just _ -> do
traceIf (text "We already have the old interface for" <+>
ppr (ms_mod mod_summary))
return maybe_iface
Nothing -> loadIface
loadIface = do
let iface_path = msHiFilePath mod_summary
read_result <- readIface (ms_mod mod_summary) iface_path
case read_result of
Failed err -> do
traceIf (text "FYI: cannot read old interface file:" $$ nest 4 err)
return Nothing
Succeeded iface -> do
traceIf (text "Read the interface file" <+> text iface_path)
return $ Just iface
| gopt Opt_ForceRecomp (hsc_dflags hsc_env) = True
| SourceModified <- src_modified = True
| otherwise = False
in do
when src_changed $
traceHiDiffs (nest 4 $ text "Source file changed or recompilation check turned off")
case src_changed of
-- If the source has changed and we're in interactive mode,
-- avoid reading an interface; just return the one we might
-- have been supplied with.
True | not (isObjectTarget $ hscTarget dflags) ->
return (MustCompile, maybe_iface)
-- Try and read the old interface for the current module
-- from the .hi file left from the last time we compiled it
True -> do
maybe_iface' <- getIface
return (MustCompile, maybe_iface')
False -> do
maybe_iface' <- getIface
case maybe_iface' of
-- We can't retrieve the iface
Nothing -> return (MustCompile, Nothing)
-- We have got the old iface; check its versions
-- even in the SourceUnmodifiedAndStable case we
-- should check versions because some packages
-- might have changed or gone away.
Just iface -> checkVersions hsc_env mod_summary iface
-- | Check if a module is still the same 'version'.
-- This function is called in the recompilation checker after we have
-- determined that the module M being checked hasn't had any changes
-- to its source file since we last compiled M. So at this point in general
-- two things may have changed that mean we should recompile M:
-- * The interface export by a dependency of M has changed.
-- * The compiler flags specified this time for M have changed
-- in a manner that is significant for recompilaiton.
-- We return not just if we should recompile the object file but also
-- if we should rebuild the interface file.
checkVersions :: HscEnv
-> ModSummary
-> ModIface -- Old interface
-> IfG (RecompileRequired, Maybe ModIface)
checkVersions hsc_env mod_summary iface
= do { traceHiDiffs (text "Considering whether compilation is required for" <+>
ppr (mi_module iface) <> colon)
; recomp <- checkFlagHash hsc_env iface
; if recompileRequired recomp then return (recomp, Nothing) else do {
; if getSigOf (hsc_dflags hsc_env) (moduleName (mi_module iface))
/= mi_sig_of iface
then return (RecompBecause "sig-of changed", Nothing) else do {
; recomp <- checkDependencies hsc_env mod_summary iface
; if recompileRequired recomp then return (recomp, Just iface) else do {
-- Source code unchanged and no errors yet... carry on
-- First put the dependent-module info, read from the old
-- interface, into the envt, so that when we look for
-- interfaces we look for the right one (.hi or .hi-boot)
-- It's just temporary because either the usage check will succeed
-- (in which case we are done with this module) or it'll fail (in which
-- case we'll compile the module from scratch anyhow).
-- We do this regardless of compilation mode, although in --make mode
-- all the dependent modules should be in the HPT already, so it's
-- quite redundant
; updateEps_ $ \eps -> eps { eps_is_boot = mod_deps }
; recomp <- checkList [checkModUsage this_pkg u | u <- mi_usages iface]
; return (recomp, Just iface)
this_pkg = thisPackage (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
-- This is a bit of a hack really
mod_deps :: ModuleNameEnv (ModuleName, IsBootInterface)
mod_deps = mkModDeps (dep_mods (mi_deps iface))
-- | Check the flags haven't changed
checkFlagHash :: HscEnv -> ModIface -> IfG RecompileRequired
checkFlagHash hsc_env iface = do
let old_hash = mi_flag_hash iface
new_hash <- liftIO $ fingerprintDynFlags (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
(mi_module iface)
case old_hash == new_hash of
True -> up_to_date (text "Module flags unchanged")
False -> out_of_date_hash "flags changed"
(text " Module flags have changed")
old_hash new_hash
-- If the direct imports of this module are resolved to targets that
-- are not among the dependencies of the previous interface file,
-- then we definitely need to recompile. This catches cases like
-- - an exposed package has been upgraded
-- - we are compiling with different package flags
-- - a home module that was shadowing a package module has been removed
-- - a new home module has been added that shadows a package module
-- See bug #1372.
-- Returns True if recompilation is required.
checkDependencies :: HscEnv -> ModSummary -> ModIface -> IfG RecompileRequired
checkDependencies hsc_env summary iface
= checkList (map dep_missing (ms_imps summary ++ ms_srcimps summary))
prev_dep_mods = dep_mods (mi_deps iface)
prev_dep_pkgs = dep_pkgs (mi_deps iface)
this_pkg = thisPackage (hsc_dflags hsc_env)
dep_missing (mb_pkg, L _ mod) = do
find_res <- liftIO $ findImportedModule hsc_env mod (mb_pkg)
let reason = moduleNameString mod ++ " changed"
case find_res of
Found _ mod
| pkg == this_pkg
-> if moduleName mod `notElem` map fst prev_dep_mods
then do traceHiDiffs $
text "imported module " <> quotes (ppr mod) <>
text " not among previous dependencies"
return (RecompBecause reason)
return UpToDate
| otherwise
-> if pkg `notElem` (map fst prev_dep_pkgs)
then do traceHiDiffs $
text "imported module " <> quotes (ppr mod) <>
text " is from package " <> quotes (ppr pkg) <>
text ", which is not among previous dependencies"
return (RecompBecause reason)
return UpToDate
where pkg = moduleUnitId mod
_otherwise -> return (RecompBecause reason)
needInterface :: Module -> (ModIface -> IfG RecompileRequired)
-> IfG RecompileRequired
needInterface mod continue
= do -- Load the imported interface if possible
let doc_str = sep [text "need version info for", ppr mod]
traceHiDiffs (text "Checking usages for module" <+> ppr mod)
mb_iface <- loadInterface doc_str mod ImportBySystem
-- Load the interface, but don't complain on failure;
-- Instead, get an Either back which we can test
case mb_iface of
Failed _ -> do
traceHiDiffs (sep [text "Couldn't load interface for module",
ppr mod])
return MustCompile
-- Couldn't find or parse a module mentioned in the
-- old interface file. Don't complain: it might
-- just be that the current module doesn't need that
-- import and it's been deleted
Succeeded iface -> continue iface
-- | Given the usage information extracted from the old
-- M.hi file for the module being compiled, figure out
-- whether M needs to be recompiled.
checkModUsage :: UnitId -> Usage -> IfG RecompileRequired
checkModUsage _this_pkg UsagePackageModule{
usg_mod = mod,
usg_mod_hash = old_mod_hash }
= needInterface mod $ \iface -> do
let reason = moduleNameString (moduleName mod) ++ " changed"
checkModuleFingerprint reason old_mod_hash (mi_mod_hash iface)
-- We only track the ABI hash of package modules, rather than
-- individual entity usages, so if the ABI hash changes we must
-- recompile. This is safe but may entail more recompilation when
-- a dependent package has changed.
checkModUsage this_pkg UsageHomeModule{
usg_mod_name = mod_name,
usg_mod_hash = old_mod_hash,
usg_exports = maybe_old_export_hash,
usg_entities = old_decl_hash }
= do
let mod = mkModule this_pkg mod_name
needInterface mod $ \iface -> do
new_mod_hash = mi_mod_hash iface
new_decl_hash = mi_hash_fn iface
new_export_hash = mi_exp_hash iface
reason = moduleNameString mod_name ++ " changed"
recompile <- checkModuleFingerprint reason old_mod_hash new_mod_hash
if not (recompileRequired recompile)
then return UpToDate
else do
checkMaybeHash reason maybe_old_export_hash new_export_hash
(text " Export list changed") $ do
recompile <- checkList [ checkEntityUsage reason new_decl_hash u
| u <- old_decl_hash]
if recompileRequired recompile
then return recompile -- This one failed, so just bail out now
else up_to_date (text " Great! The bits I use are up to date")
checkModUsage _this_pkg UsageFile{ usg_file_path = file,
usg_file_hash = old_hash } =
liftIO $
handleIO handle $ do
new_hash <- getFileHash file
if (old_hash /= new_hash)
then return recomp
else return UpToDate
recomp = RecompBecause (file ++ " changed")
handle =
#ifdef DEBUG
\e -> pprTrace "UsageFile" (text (show e)) $ return recomp
\_ -> return recomp -- if we can't find the file, just recompile, don't fail
checkModuleFingerprint :: String -> Fingerprint -> Fingerprint
-> IfG RecompileRequired
checkModuleFingerprint reason old_mod_hash new_mod_hash
| new_mod_hash == old_mod_hash
= up_to_date (text "Module fingerprint unchanged")
| otherwise
= out_of_date_hash reason (text " Module fingerprint has changed")
old_mod_hash new_mod_hash
checkMaybeHash :: String -> Maybe Fingerprint -> Fingerprint -> SDoc
-> IfG RecompileRequired -> IfG RecompileRequired
checkMaybeHash reason maybe_old_hash new_hash doc continue
| Just hash <- maybe_old_hash, hash /= new_hash
= out_of_date_hash reason doc hash new_hash
| otherwise
= continue
checkEntityUsage :: String
-> (OccName -> Maybe (OccName, Fingerprint))
-> (OccName, Fingerprint)
-> IfG RecompileRequired
checkEntityUsage reason new_hash (name,old_hash)
= case new_hash name of
Nothing -> -- We used it before, but it ain't there now
out_of_date reason (sep [text "No longer exported:", ppr name])
Just (_, new_hash) -- It's there, but is it up to date?
| new_hash == old_hash -> do traceHiDiffs (text " Up to date" <+> ppr name <+> parens (ppr new_hash))
return UpToDate
| otherwise -> out_of_date_hash reason (text " Out of date:" <+> ppr name)
old_hash new_hash
up_to_date :: SDoc -> IfG RecompileRequired
up_to_date msg = traceHiDiffs msg >> return UpToDate
out_of_date :: String -> SDoc -> IfG RecompileRequired
out_of_date reason msg = traceHiDiffs msg >> return (RecompBecause reason)
out_of_date_hash :: String -> SDoc -> Fingerprint -> Fingerprint -> IfG RecompileRequired
out_of_date_hash reason msg old_hash new_hash
= out_of_date reason (hsep [msg, ppr old_hash, text "->", ppr new_hash])
checkList :: [IfG RecompileRequired] -> IfG RecompileRequired
-- This helper is used in two places
checkList [] = return UpToDate
checkList (check:checks) = do recompile <- check
if recompileRequired recompile
then return recompile
else checkList checks
* *
Converting things to their Iface equivalents
* *
tyThingToIfaceDecl :: TyThing -> IfaceDecl
tyThingToIfaceDecl (AnId id) = idToIfaceDecl id
tyThingToIfaceDecl (ATyCon tycon) = snd (tyConToIfaceDecl emptyTidyEnv tycon)
tyThingToIfaceDecl (ACoAxiom ax) = coAxiomToIfaceDecl ax
tyThingToIfaceDecl (AConLike cl) = case cl of
RealDataCon dc -> dataConToIfaceDecl dc -- for ppr purposes only
PatSynCon ps -> patSynToIfaceDecl ps
idToIfaceDecl :: Id -> IfaceDecl
-- The Id is already tidied, so that locally-bound names
-- (lambdas, for-alls) already have non-clashing OccNames
-- We can't tidy it here, locally, because it may have
-- free variables in its type or IdInfo
idToIfaceDecl id
= IfaceId { ifName = getOccName id,
ifType = toIfaceType (idType id),
ifIdDetails = toIfaceIdDetails (idDetails id),
ifIdInfo = toIfaceIdInfo (idInfo id) }
dataConToIfaceDecl :: DataCon -> IfaceDecl
dataConToIfaceDecl dataCon
= IfaceId { ifName = getOccName dataCon,
ifType = toIfaceType (dataConUserType dataCon),
ifIdDetails = IfVanillaId,
ifIdInfo = NoInfo }
patSynToIfaceDecl :: PatSyn -> IfaceDecl
patSynToIfaceDecl ps
= IfacePatSyn { ifName = getOccName . getName $ ps
, ifPatMatcher = to_if_pr (patSynMatcher ps)
, ifPatBuilder = fmap to_if_pr (patSynBuilder ps)
, ifPatIsInfix = patSynIsInfix ps
, ifPatUnivTvs = toIfaceTvBndrs univ_tvs'
, ifPatExTvs = toIfaceTvBndrs ex_tvs'
, ifPatProvCtxt = tidyToIfaceContext env2 prov_theta
, ifPatReqCtxt = tidyToIfaceContext env2 req_theta
, ifPatArgs = map (tidyToIfaceType env2) args
, ifPatTy = tidyToIfaceType env2 rhs_ty
, ifFieldLabels = (patSynFieldLabels ps)
(univ_tvs, req_theta, ex_tvs, prov_theta, args, rhs_ty) = patSynSig ps
(env1, univ_tvs') = tidyTyCoVarBndrs emptyTidyEnv univ_tvs
(env2, ex_tvs') = tidyTyCoVarBndrs env1 ex_tvs
to_if_pr (id, needs_dummy) = (idName id, needs_dummy)
coAxiomToIfaceDecl :: CoAxiom br -> IfaceDecl
-- We *do* tidy Axioms, because they are not (and cannot
-- conveniently be) built in tidy form
coAxiomToIfaceDecl ax@(CoAxiom { co_ax_tc = tycon, co_ax_branches = branches
, co_ax_role = role })
= IfaceAxiom { ifName = name
, ifTyCon = toIfaceTyCon tycon
, ifRole = role
, ifAxBranches = map (coAxBranchToIfaceBranch tycon
(map coAxBranchLHS branch_list))
branch_list }
branch_list = fromBranches branches
name = getOccName ax
-- 2nd parameter is the list of branch LHSs, for conversion from incompatible branches
-- to incompatible indices
-- See Note [Storing compatibility] in CoAxiom
coAxBranchToIfaceBranch :: TyCon -> [[Type]] -> CoAxBranch -> IfaceAxBranch
coAxBranchToIfaceBranch tc lhs_s
branch@(CoAxBranch { cab_incomps = incomps })
= (coAxBranchToIfaceBranch' tc branch) { ifaxbIncomps = iface_incomps }
iface_incomps = map (expectJust "iface_incomps"
. (flip findIndex lhs_s
. eqTypes)
. coAxBranchLHS) incomps
-- use this one for standalone branches without incompatibles
coAxBranchToIfaceBranch' :: TyCon -> CoAxBranch -> IfaceAxBranch
coAxBranchToIfaceBranch' tc (CoAxBranch { cab_tvs = tvs, cab_cvs = cvs
, cab_lhs = lhs
, cab_roles = roles, cab_rhs = rhs })
= IfaceAxBranch { ifaxbTyVars = toIfaceTvBndrs tv_bndrs
, ifaxbCoVars = map toIfaceIdBndr cvs
, ifaxbLHS = tidyToIfaceTcArgs env1 tc lhs
, ifaxbRoles = roles
, ifaxbRHS = tidyToIfaceType env1 rhs
, ifaxbIncomps = [] }
(env1, tv_bndrs) = tidyTyClTyCoVarBndrs emptyTidyEnv tvs
-- Don't re-bind in-scope tyvars
-- See Note [CoAxBranch type variables] in CoAxiom
tyConToIfaceDecl :: TidyEnv -> TyCon -> (TidyEnv, IfaceDecl)
-- We *do* tidy TyCons, because they are not (and cannot
-- conveniently be) built in tidy form
-- The returned TidyEnv is the one after tidying the tyConTyVars
tyConToIfaceDecl env tycon
| Just clas <- tyConClass_maybe tycon
= classToIfaceDecl env clas
| Just syn_rhs <- synTyConRhs_maybe tycon
= ( tc_env1
, IfaceSynonym { ifName = getOccName tycon,
ifTyVars = if_tc_tyvars,
ifRoles = tyConRoles tycon,
ifSynRhs = if_syn_type syn_rhs,
ifSynKind = if_kind
| Just fam_flav <- famTyConFlav_maybe tycon
= ( tc_env1
, IfaceFamily { ifName = getOccName tycon,
ifTyVars = if_tc_tyvars,
ifResVar = if_res_var,
ifFamFlav = to_if_fam_flav fam_flav,
ifFamKind = if_kind,
ifFamInj = familyTyConInjectivityInfo tycon
| isAlgTyCon tycon
= ( tc_env1
, IfaceData { ifName = getOccName tycon,
ifKind = if_kind,
ifCType = tyConCType tycon,
ifTyVars = if_tc_tyvars,
ifRoles = tyConRoles tycon,
ifCtxt = tidyToIfaceContext tc_env1 (tyConStupidTheta tycon),
ifCons = ifaceConDecls (algTyConRhs tycon) (algTcFields tycon),
ifRec = boolToRecFlag (isRecursiveTyCon tycon),
ifGadtSyntax = isGadtSyntaxTyCon tycon,
ifParent = parent })
| otherwise -- FunTyCon, PrimTyCon, promoted TyCon/DataCon
-- For pretty printing purposes only.
= ( env
, IfaceData { ifName = getOccName tycon,
ifKind =
-- These don't have `tyConTyVars`, so we use an empty
-- environment here, instead of `tc_env1` defined below.
tidyToIfaceType emptyTidyEnv (tyConKind tycon),
ifCType = Nothing,
ifTyVars = funAndPrimTyVars,
ifRoles = tyConRoles tycon,
ifCtxt = [],
ifCons = IfDataTyCon [] False [],
ifRec = boolToRecFlag False,
ifGadtSyntax = False,
ifParent = IfNoParent })
-- NOTE: Not all TyCons have `tyConTyVars` field. Forcing this when `tycon`
-- is one of these TyCons (FunTyCon, PrimTyCon, PromotedDataCon) will cause
-- an error.
(tc_env1, tc_tyvars) = tidyTyClTyCoVarBndrs env (tyConTyVars tycon)
if_tc_tyvars = toIfaceTvBndrs tc_tyvars
if_kind = tidyToIfaceType tc_env1 (tyConKind tycon)
if_syn_type ty = tidyToIfaceType tc_env1 ty
if_res_var = getFS `fmap` tyConFamilyResVar_maybe tycon
funAndPrimTyVars = toIfaceTvBndrs $ take (tyConArity tycon) alphaTyVars
parent = case tyConFamInstSig_maybe tycon of
Just (tc, ty, ax) -> IfDataInstance (coAxiomName ax)
(toIfaceTyCon tc)
(tidyToIfaceTcArgs tc_env1 tc ty)
Nothing -> IfNoParent
to_if_fam_flav OpenSynFamilyTyCon = IfaceOpenSynFamilyTyCon
to_if_fam_flav (ClosedSynFamilyTyCon (Just ax))
= IfaceClosedSynFamilyTyCon (Just (axn, ibr))
where defs = fromBranches $ coAxiomBranches ax
ibr = map (coAxBranchToIfaceBranch' tycon) defs
axn = coAxiomName ax
to_if_fam_flav (ClosedSynFamilyTyCon Nothing)
= IfaceClosedSynFamilyTyCon Nothing
to_if_fam_flav AbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon = IfaceAbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon
to_if_fam_flav (DataFamilyTyCon {}) = IfaceDataFamilyTyCon
to_if_fam_flav (BuiltInSynFamTyCon {}) = IfaceBuiltInSynFamTyCon
ifaceConDecls (NewTyCon { data_con = con }) flds = IfNewTyCon (ifaceConDecl con) (ifaceOverloaded flds) (ifaceFields flds)
ifaceConDecls (DataTyCon { data_cons = cons }) flds = IfDataTyCon (map ifaceConDecl cons) (ifaceOverloaded flds) (ifaceFields flds)
ifaceConDecls (TupleTyCon { data_con = con }) _ = IfDataTyCon [ifaceConDecl con] False []
ifaceConDecls (AbstractTyCon distinct) _ = IfAbstractTyCon distinct
-- The AbstractTyCon case happens when a TyCon has been trimmed
-- during tidying.
-- Furthermore, tyThingToIfaceDecl is also used in TcRnDriver
-- for GHCi, when browsing a module, in which case the
-- AbstractTyCon and TupleTyCon cases are perfectly sensible.
-- (Tuple declarations are not serialised into interface files.)
ifaceConDecl data_con
= IfCon { ifConOcc = getOccName (dataConName data_con),
ifConInfix = dataConIsInfix data_con,
ifConWrapper = isJust (dataConWrapId_maybe data_con),
ifConExTvs = toIfaceTvBndrs ex_tvs',
ifConEqSpec = map (to_eq_spec . eqSpecPair) eq_spec,
ifConCtxt = tidyToIfaceContext con_env2 theta,
ifConArgTys = map (tidyToIfaceType con_env2) arg_tys,
ifConFields = map (nameOccName . flSelector)
(dataConFieldLabels data_con),
ifConStricts = map (toIfaceBang con_env2)
(dataConImplBangs data_con),
ifConSrcStricts = map toIfaceSrcBang
(dataConSrcBangs data_con)}
(univ_tvs, ex_tvs, eq_spec, theta, arg_tys, _)
= dataConFullSig data_con
-- Tidy the univ_tvs of the data constructor to be identical
-- to the tyConTyVars of the type constructor. This means
-- (a) we don't need to redundantly put them into the interface file
-- (b) when pretty-printing an Iface data declaration in H98-style syntax,
-- we know that the type variables will line up
-- The latter (b) is important because we pretty-print type constructors
-- by converting to IfaceSyn and pretty-printing that
con_env1 = (fst tc_env1, mkVarEnv (zipEqual "ifaceConDecl" univ_tvs tc_tyvars))
-- A bit grimy, perhaps, but it's simple!
(con_env2, ex_tvs') = tidyTyCoVarBndrs con_env1 ex_tvs
to_eq_spec (tv,ty) = (toIfaceTyVar (tidyTyVar con_env2 tv), tidyToIfaceType con_env2 ty)
ifaceOverloaded flds = case fsEnvElts flds of
fl:_ -> flIsOverloaded fl
[] -> False
ifaceFields flds = sort $ map flLabel $ fsEnvElts flds
-- We need to sort the labels because they come out
-- of FastStringEnv in arbitrary order, because
-- FastStringEnv is keyed on Uniques.
-- Sorting FastString is ok here, because Uniques
-- are only used for equality checks in the Ord
-- instance for FastString.
-- See Note [Unique Determinism] in Unique.
toIfaceBang :: TidyEnv -> HsImplBang -> IfaceBang
toIfaceBang _ HsLazy = IfNoBang
toIfaceBang _ (HsUnpack Nothing) = IfUnpack
toIfaceBang env (HsUnpack (Just co)) = IfUnpackCo (toIfaceCoercion (tidyCo env co))
toIfaceBang _ HsStrict = IfStrict
toIfaceSrcBang :: HsSrcBang -> IfaceSrcBang
toIfaceSrcBang (HsSrcBang _ unpk bang) = IfSrcBang unpk bang
classToIfaceDecl :: TidyEnv -> Class -> (TidyEnv, IfaceDecl)
classToIfaceDecl env clas
= ( env1
, IfaceClass { ifCtxt = tidyToIfaceContext env1 sc_theta,
ifName = getOccName tycon,
ifTyVars = toIfaceTvBndrs clas_tyvars',
ifRoles = tyConRoles (classTyCon clas),
ifKind = tidyToIfaceType env1 (tyConKind tycon),
ifFDs = map toIfaceFD clas_fds,
ifATs = map toIfaceAT clas_ats,
ifSigs = map toIfaceClassOp op_stuff,
ifMinDef = fmap getFS (classMinimalDef clas),
ifRec = boolToRecFlag (isRecursiveTyCon tycon) })
(clas_tyvars, clas_fds, sc_theta, _, clas_ats, op_stuff)
= classExtraBigSig clas
tycon = classTyCon clas
(env1, clas_tyvars') = tidyTyCoVarBndrs env clas_tyvars
toIfaceAT :: ClassATItem -> IfaceAT
toIfaceAT (ATI tc def)
= IfaceAT if_decl (fmap (tidyToIfaceType env2 . fst) def)
(env2, if_decl) = tyConToIfaceDecl env1 tc
toIfaceClassOp (sel_id, def_meth)
= ASSERT(sel_tyvars == clas_tyvars)
IfaceClassOp (getOccName sel_id)
(tidyToIfaceType env1 op_ty)
(fmap toDmSpec def_meth)
-- Be careful when splitting the type, because of things
-- like class Foo a where
-- op :: (?x :: String) => a -> a
-- and class Baz a where
-- op :: (Ord a) => a -> a
(sel_tyvars, rho_ty) = splitForAllTys (idType sel_id)
op_ty = funResultTy rho_ty
toDmSpec :: (Name, DefMethSpec Type) -> DefMethSpec IfaceType
toDmSpec (_, VanillaDM) = VanillaDM
toDmSpec (_, GenericDM dm_ty) = GenericDM (tidyToIfaceType env1 dm_ty)
toIfaceFD (tvs1, tvs2) = (map (getFS . tidyTyVar env1) tvs1,
map (getFS . tidyTyVar env1) tvs2)
tidyToIfaceType :: TidyEnv -> Type -> IfaceType
tidyToIfaceType env ty = toIfaceType (tidyType env ty)
tidyToIfaceTcArgs :: TidyEnv -> TyCon -> [Type] -> IfaceTcArgs
tidyToIfaceTcArgs env tc tys = toIfaceTcArgs tc (tidyTypes env tys)
tidyToIfaceContext :: TidyEnv -> ThetaType -> IfaceContext
tidyToIfaceContext env theta = map (tidyToIfaceType env) theta
tidyTyClTyCoVarBndrs :: TidyEnv -> [TyCoVar] -> (TidyEnv, [TyCoVar])
tidyTyClTyCoVarBndrs env tvs = mapAccumL tidyTyClTyCoVarBndr env tvs
tidyTyClTyCoVarBndr :: TidyEnv -> TyCoVar -> (TidyEnv, TyCoVar)
-- If the type variable "binder" is in scope, don't re-bind it
-- In a class decl, for example, the ATD binders mention
-- (amd must mention) the class tyvars
tidyTyClTyCoVarBndr env@(_, subst) tv
| Just tv' <- lookupVarEnv subst tv = (env, tv')
| otherwise = tidyTyCoVarBndr env tv
tidyTyVar :: TidyEnv -> TyVar -> TyVar
tidyTyVar (_, subst) tv = lookupVarEnv subst tv `orElse` tv
-- TcType.tidyTyVarOcc messes around with FlatSkols
getFS :: NamedThing a => a -> FastString
getFS x = occNameFS (getOccName x)
instanceToIfaceInst :: ClsInst -> IfaceClsInst
instanceToIfaceInst (ClsInst { is_dfun = dfun_id, is_flag = oflag
, is_cls_nm = cls_name, is_cls = cls
, is_tcs = mb_tcs
, is_orphan = orph })
= ASSERT( cls_name == className cls )
IfaceClsInst { ifDFun = dfun_name,
ifOFlag = oflag,
ifInstCls = cls_name,
ifInstTys = map do_rough mb_tcs,
ifInstOrph = orph }
do_rough Nothing = Nothing
do_rough (Just n) = Just (toIfaceTyCon_name n)
dfun_name = idName dfun_id
famInstToIfaceFamInst :: FamInst -> IfaceFamInst
famInstToIfaceFamInst (FamInst { fi_axiom = axiom,
fi_fam = fam,
fi_tcs = roughs })
= IfaceFamInst { ifFamInstAxiom = coAxiomName axiom
, ifFamInstFam = fam
, ifFamInstTys = map do_rough roughs
, ifFamInstOrph = orph }
do_rough Nothing = Nothing
do_rough (Just n) = Just (toIfaceTyCon_name n)
fam_decl = tyConName $ coAxiomTyCon axiom
mod = ASSERT( isExternalName (coAxiomName axiom) )
nameModule (coAxiomName axiom)
is_local name = nameIsLocalOrFrom mod name
lhs_names = filterNameSet is_local (orphNamesOfCoCon axiom)
orph | is_local fam_decl
= NotOrphan (nameOccName fam_decl)
| otherwise
= chooseOrphanAnchor $ nameSetElems lhs_names
toIfaceLetBndr :: Id -> IfaceLetBndr
toIfaceLetBndr id = IfLetBndr (occNameFS (getOccName id))
(toIfaceType (idType id))
(toIfaceIdInfo (idInfo id))
-- Put into the interface file any IdInfo that CoreTidy.tidyLetBndr
-- has left on the Id. See Note [IdInfo on nested let-bindings] in IfaceSyn
toIfaceIdDetails :: IdDetails -> IfaceIdDetails
toIfaceIdDetails VanillaId = IfVanillaId
toIfaceIdDetails (DFunId {}) = IfDFunId
toIfaceIdDetails (RecSelId { sel_naughty = n
, sel_tycon = tc }) =
let iface = case tc of
RecSelData ty_con -> Left (toIfaceTyCon ty_con)
RecSelPatSyn pat_syn -> Right (patSynToIfaceDecl pat_syn)
in IfRecSelId iface n
-- The remaining cases are all "implicit Ids" which don't
-- appear in interface files at all
toIfaceIdDetails other = pprTrace "toIfaceIdDetails" (ppr other)
IfVanillaId -- Unexpected; the other
toIfaceIdInfo :: IdInfo -> IfaceIdInfo
toIfaceIdInfo id_info
= case catMaybes [arity_hsinfo, caf_hsinfo, strict_hsinfo,
inline_hsinfo, unfold_hsinfo] of
[] -> NoInfo
infos -> HasInfo infos
-- NB: strictness and arity must appear in the list before unfolding
-- See TcIface.tcUnfolding
------------ Arity --------------
arity_info = arityInfo id_info
arity_hsinfo | arity_info == 0 = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (HsArity arity_info)
------------ Caf Info --------------
caf_info = cafInfo id_info
caf_hsinfo = case caf_info of
NoCafRefs -> Just HsNoCafRefs
_other -> Nothing
------------ Strictness --------------
-- No point in explicitly exporting TopSig
sig_info = strictnessInfo id_info
strict_hsinfo | not (isNopSig sig_info) = Just (HsStrictness sig_info)
| otherwise = Nothing
------------ Unfolding --------------
unfold_hsinfo = toIfUnfolding loop_breaker (unfoldingInfo id_info)
loop_breaker = isStrongLoopBreaker (occInfo id_info)
------------ Inline prag --------------
inline_prag = inlinePragInfo id_info
inline_hsinfo | isDefaultInlinePragma inline_prag = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (HsInline inline_prag)
toIfUnfolding :: Bool -> Unfolding -> Maybe IfaceInfoItem
toIfUnfolding lb (CoreUnfolding { uf_tmpl = rhs
, uf_src = src
, uf_guidance = guidance })
= Just $ HsUnfold lb $
case src of
-> case guidance of
UnfWhen {ug_arity = arity, ug_unsat_ok = unsat_ok, ug_boring_ok = boring_ok }
-> IfInlineRule arity unsat_ok boring_ok if_rhs
_other -> IfCoreUnfold True if_rhs
InlineCompulsory -> IfCompulsory if_rhs
InlineRhs -> IfCoreUnfold False if_rhs
-- Yes, even if guidance is UnfNever, expose the unfolding
-- If we didn't want to expose the unfolding, TidyPgm would
-- have stuck in NoUnfolding. For supercompilation we want
-- to see that unfolding!
if_rhs = toIfaceExpr rhs
toIfUnfolding lb (DFunUnfolding { df_bndrs = bndrs, df_args = args })
= Just (HsUnfold lb (IfDFunUnfold (map toIfaceBndr bndrs) (map toIfaceExpr args)))
-- No need to serialise the data constructor;
-- we can recover it from the type of the dfun
toIfUnfolding _ _
= Nothing
coreRuleToIfaceRule :: CoreRule -> IfaceRule
coreRuleToIfaceRule (BuiltinRule { ru_fn = fn})
= pprTrace "toHsRule: builtin" (ppr fn) $
bogusIfaceRule fn
coreRuleToIfaceRule (Rule { ru_name = name, ru_fn = fn,
ru_act = act, ru_bndrs = bndrs,
ru_args = args, ru_rhs = rhs,
ru_orphan = orph, ru_auto = auto })
= IfaceRule { ifRuleName = name, ifActivation = act,
ifRuleBndrs = map toIfaceBndr bndrs,
ifRuleHead = fn,
ifRuleArgs = map do_arg args,
ifRuleRhs = toIfaceExpr rhs,
ifRuleAuto = auto,
ifRuleOrph = orph }
-- For type args we must remove synonyms from the outermost
-- level. Reason: so that when we read it back in we'll
-- construct the same ru_rough field as we have right now;
-- see tcIfaceRule
do_arg (Type ty) = IfaceType (toIfaceType (deNoteType ty))
do_arg (Coercion co) = IfaceCo (toIfaceCoercion co)
do_arg arg = toIfaceExpr arg
bogusIfaceRule :: Name -> IfaceRule
bogusIfaceRule id_name
= IfaceRule { ifRuleName = fsLit "bogus", ifActivation = NeverActive,
ifRuleBndrs = [], ifRuleHead = id_name, ifRuleArgs = [],
ifRuleRhs = IfaceExt id_name, ifRuleOrph = IsOrphan,
ifRuleAuto = True }
toIfaceExpr :: CoreExpr -> IfaceExpr
toIfaceExpr (Var v) = toIfaceVar v
toIfaceExpr (Lit l) = IfaceLit l
toIfaceExpr (Type ty) = IfaceType (toIfaceType ty)
toIfaceExpr (Coercion co) = IfaceCo (toIfaceCoercion co)
toIfaceExpr (Lam x b) = IfaceLam (toIfaceBndr x, toIfaceOneShot x) (toIfaceExpr b)
toIfaceExpr (App f a) = toIfaceApp f [a]
toIfaceExpr (Case s x ty as)
| null as = IfaceECase (toIfaceExpr s) (toIfaceType ty)
| otherwise = IfaceCase (toIfaceExpr s) (getFS x) (map toIfaceAlt as)
toIfaceExpr (Let b e) = IfaceLet (toIfaceBind b) (toIfaceExpr e)
toIfaceExpr (Cast e co) = IfaceCast (toIfaceExpr e) (toIfaceCoercion co)
toIfaceExpr (Tick t e)
| Just t' <- toIfaceTickish t = IfaceTick t' (toIfaceExpr e)
| otherwise = toIfaceExpr e
toIfaceOneShot :: Id -> IfaceOneShot
toIfaceOneShot id | isId id
, OneShotLam <- oneShotInfo (idInfo id)
= IfaceOneShot
| otherwise
= IfaceNoOneShot
toIfaceTickish :: Tickish Id -> Maybe IfaceTickish
toIfaceTickish (ProfNote cc tick push) = Just (IfaceSCC cc tick push)
toIfaceTickish (HpcTick modl ix) = Just (IfaceHpcTick modl ix)
toIfaceTickish (SourceNote src names) = Just (IfaceSource src names)
toIfaceTickish (Breakpoint {}) = Nothing
-- Ignore breakpoints, since they are relevant only to GHCi, and
-- should not be serialised (Trac #8333)
toIfaceBind :: Bind Id -> IfaceBinding
toIfaceBind (NonRec b r) = IfaceNonRec (toIfaceLetBndr b) (toIfaceExpr r)
toIfaceBind (Rec prs) = IfaceRec [(toIfaceLetBndr b, toIfaceExpr r) | (b,r) <- prs]
toIfaceAlt :: (AltCon, [Var], CoreExpr)
-> (IfaceConAlt, [FastString], IfaceExpr)
toIfaceAlt (c,bs,r) = (toIfaceCon c, map getFS bs, toIfaceExpr r)
toIfaceCon :: AltCon -> IfaceConAlt
toIfaceCon (DataAlt dc) = IfaceDataAlt (getName dc)
toIfaceCon (LitAlt l) = IfaceLitAlt l
toIfaceCon DEFAULT = IfaceDefault
toIfaceApp :: Expr CoreBndr -> [Arg CoreBndr] -> IfaceExpr
toIfaceApp (App f a) as = toIfaceApp f (a:as)
toIfaceApp (Var v) as
= case isDataConWorkId_maybe v of
-- We convert the *worker* for tuples into IfaceTuples
Just dc | saturated
, Just tup_sort <- tyConTuple_maybe tc
-> IfaceTuple tup_sort tup_args
val_args = dropWhile isTypeArg as
saturated = val_args `lengthIs` idArity v
tup_args = map toIfaceExpr val_args
tc = dataConTyCon dc
_ -> mkIfaceApps (toIfaceVar v) as
toIfaceApp e as = mkIfaceApps (toIfaceExpr e) as
mkIfaceApps :: IfaceExpr -> [CoreExpr] -> IfaceExpr
mkIfaceApps f as = foldl (\f a -> IfaceApp f (toIfaceExpr a)) f as
toIfaceVar :: Id -> IfaceExpr
toIfaceVar v
| Just fcall <- isFCallId_maybe v = IfaceFCall fcall (toIfaceType (idType v))
-- Foreign calls have special syntax
| isExternalName name = IfaceExt name
| otherwise = IfaceLcl (getFS name)
where name = idName v
| nushio3/ghc | compiler/iface/MkIface.hs | bsd-3-clause | 78,421 | 3 | 22 | 24,829 | 14,095 | 7,405 | 6,690 | -1 | -1 |
-- (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
-- Modify and collect code generation for final STG program
This is now a sort-of-normal STG-to-STG pass (WDP 94/06), run by stg2stg.
- Traverses the STG program collecting the cost centres. These are required
to declare the cost centres at the start of code generation.
Note: because of cross-module unfolding, some of these cost centres may be
from other modules.
- Puts on CAF cost-centres if the user has asked for individual CAF
module ETA.Profiling.SCCfinal ( stgMassageForProfiling ) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import ETA.StgSyn.StgSyn
import ETA.Profiling.CostCentre -- lots of things
import ETA.BasicTypes.Id
import ETA.BasicTypes.Name
import ETA.BasicTypes.Module
import ETA.BasicTypes.UniqSupply ( UniqSupply )
import ETA.Utils.ListSetOps ( removeDups )
import ETA.Utils.Outputable
import ETA.Main.DynFlags
import ETA.Core.CoreSyn ( Tickish(..) )
import ETA.Utils.FastString
import ETA.BasicTypes.SrcLoc
import ETA.Utils.Util
import Control.Monad (liftM, ap)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 709
import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
:: DynFlags
-> Module -- module name
-> UniqSupply -- unique supply
-> [StgBinding] -- input
-> (CollectedCCs, [StgBinding])
stgMassageForProfiling dflags mod_name _us stg_binds
= let
((local_ccs, extern_ccs, cc_stacks),
= initMM mod_name (do_top_bindings stg_binds)
(fixed_ccs, fixed_cc_stacks)
= if gopt Opt_AutoSccsOnIndividualCafs dflags
then ([],[]) -- don't need "all CAFs" CC
else ([all_cafs_cc], [all_cafs_ccs])
local_ccs_no_dups = fst (removeDups cmpCostCentre local_ccs)
extern_ccs_no_dups = fst (removeDups cmpCostCentre extern_ccs)
((fixed_ccs ++ local_ccs_no_dups,
fixed_cc_stacks ++ cc_stacks), stg_binds2)
span = mkGeneralSrcSpan (mkFastString "<entire-module>") -- XXX do better
all_cafs_cc = mkAllCafsCC mod_name span
all_cafs_ccs = mkSingletonCCS all_cafs_cc
do_top_bindings :: [StgBinding] -> MassageM [StgBinding]
do_top_bindings [] = return []
do_top_bindings (StgNonRec b rhs : bs) = do
rhs' <- do_top_rhs b rhs
bs' <- do_top_bindings bs
return (StgNonRec b rhs' : bs')
do_top_bindings (StgRec pairs : bs) = do
pairs2 <- mapM do_pair pairs
bs' <- do_top_bindings bs
return (StgRec pairs2 : bs')
do_pair (b, rhs) = do
rhs2 <- do_top_rhs b rhs
return (b, rhs2)
do_top_rhs :: Id -> StgRhs -> MassageM StgRhs
do_top_rhs _ (StgRhsClosure _ _ _ _ _ []
(StgTick (ProfNote _cc False{-not tick-} _push)
(StgConApp con args)))
| not (isDllConApp dflags mod_name con args)
-- Trivial _scc_ around nothing but static data
-- Eliminate _scc_ ... and turn into StgRhsCon
-- isDllConApp checks for LitLit args too
= return (StgRhsCon dontCareCCS con args)
do_top_rhs binder (StgRhsClosure _ bi fv u srt [] body)
= do
-- Top level CAF without a cost centre attached
-- Attach CAF cc (collect if individual CAF ccs)
caf_ccs <- if gopt Opt_AutoSccsOnIndividualCafs dflags
then let cc = mkAutoCC binder modl CafCC
ccs = mkSingletonCCS cc
-- careful: the binder might be :Main.main,
-- which doesn't belong to module mod_name.
-- bug #249, tests prof001, prof002
modl | Just m <- nameModule_maybe (idName binder) = m
| otherwise = mod_name
in do
collectNewCC cc
collectCCS ccs
return ccs
return all_cafs_ccs
body' <- do_expr body
return (StgRhsClosure caf_ccs bi fv u srt [] body')
do_top_rhs _ (StgRhsClosure _no_ccs bi fv u srt args body)
= do body' <- do_expr body
return (StgRhsClosure dontCareCCS bi fv u srt args body')
do_top_rhs _ (StgRhsCon _ con args)
-- Top-level (static) data is not counted in heap
-- profiles; nor do we set CCCS from it; so we
-- just slam in dontCareCostCentre
= return (StgRhsCon dontCareCCS con args)
do_expr :: StgExpr -> MassageM StgExpr
do_expr (StgLit l) = return (StgLit l)
do_expr (StgApp fn args)
= return (StgApp fn args)
do_expr (StgConApp con args)
= return (StgConApp con args)
do_expr (StgOpApp con args res_ty)
= return (StgOpApp con args res_ty)
do_expr (StgTick note@(ProfNote cc _ _) expr) = do
-- Ha, we found a cost centre!
collectCC cc
expr' <- do_expr expr
return (StgTick note expr')
do_expr (StgTick ti expr) = do
expr' <- do_expr expr
return (StgTick ti expr')
do_expr (StgCase expr fv1 fv2 bndr srt alt_type alts) = do
expr' <- do_expr expr
alts' <- mapM do_alt alts
return (StgCase expr' fv1 fv2 bndr srt alt_type alts')
do_alt (id, bs, use_mask, e) = do
e' <- do_expr e
return (id, bs, use_mask, e')
do_expr (StgLet b e) = do
(b,e) <- do_let b e
return (StgLet b e)
do_expr (StgLetNoEscape lvs1 lvs2 b e) = do
(b,e) <- do_let b e
return (StgLetNoEscape lvs1 lvs2 b e)
do_expr other = pprPanic "SCCfinal.do_expr" (ppr other)
do_let (StgNonRec b rhs) e = do
rhs' <- do_rhs rhs
e' <- do_expr e
return (StgNonRec b rhs',e')
do_let (StgRec pairs) e = do
pairs' <- mapM do_pair pairs
e' <- do_expr e
return (StgRec pairs', e')
do_pair (b, rhs) = do
rhs2 <- do_rhs rhs
return (b, rhs2)
do_rhs :: StgRhs -> MassageM StgRhs
-- We play much the same game as we did in do_top_rhs above;
-- but we don't have to worry about cafs etc.
-- throw away the SCC if we don't have to count entries. This
-- is a little bit wrong, because we're attributing the
-- allocation of the constructor to the wrong place (XXX)
-- We should really attach (PushCC cc CurrentCCS) to the rhs,
-- but need to reinstate PushCC for that.
do_rhs (StgRhsClosure _closure_cc _bi _fv _u _srt []
(StgTick (ProfNote cc False{-not tick-} _push)
(StgConApp con args)))
= do collectCC cc
return (StgRhsCon currentCCS con args)
do_rhs (StgRhsClosure _ bi fv u srt args expr) = do
expr' <- do_expr expr
return (StgRhsClosure currentCCS bi fv u srt args expr')
do_rhs (StgRhsCon _ con args)
= return (StgRhsCon currentCCS con args)
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Boring monad stuff for this
newtype MassageM result
= MassageM {
unMassageM :: Module -- module name
-> CollectedCCs
-> (CollectedCCs, result)
instance Functor MassageM where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative MassageM where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance Monad MassageM where
return x = MassageM (\_ ccs -> (ccs, x))
(>>=) = thenMM
(>>) = thenMM_
-- the initMM function also returns the final CollectedCCs
initMM :: Module -- module name, which we may consult
-> MassageM a
-> (CollectedCCs, a)
initMM mod_name (MassageM m) = m mod_name ([],[],[])
thenMM :: MassageM a -> (a -> MassageM b) -> MassageM b
thenMM_ :: MassageM a -> (MassageM b) -> MassageM b
thenMM expr cont = MassageM $ \mod ccs ->
case unMassageM expr mod ccs of { (ccs2, result) ->
unMassageM (cont result) mod ccs2 }
thenMM_ expr cont = MassageM $ \mod ccs ->
case unMassageM expr mod ccs of { (ccs2, _) ->
unMassageM cont mod ccs2 }
collectCC :: CostCentre -> MassageM ()
collectCC cc
= MassageM $ \mod_name (local_ccs, extern_ccs, ccss)
-> if (cc `ccFromThisModule` mod_name) then
((cc : local_ccs, extern_ccs, ccss), ())
else -- must declare it "extern"
((local_ccs, cc : extern_ccs, ccss), ())
-- Version of collectCC used when we definitely want to declare this
-- CC as local, even if its module name is not the same as the current
-- module name (eg. the special :Main module) see bug #249, #1472,
-- test prof001,prof002.
collectNewCC :: CostCentre -> MassageM ()
collectNewCC cc
= MassageM $ \_mod_name (local_ccs, extern_ccs, ccss)
-> ((cc : local_ccs, extern_ccs, ccss), ())
collectCCS :: CostCentreStack -> MassageM ()
collectCCS ccs
= MassageM $ \_mod_name (local_ccs, extern_ccs, ccss)
-> ASSERT(not (noCCSAttached ccs))
((local_ccs, extern_ccs, ccs : ccss), ())
| pparkkin/eta | compiler/ETA/Profiling/SCCfinal.hs | bsd-3-clause | 9,472 | 0 | 21 | 2,872 | 2,333 | 1,218 | 1,115 | 170 | 20 |
main = do a; a; a; a; a; a | mpickering/hlint-refactor | tests/examples/Duplicate1.hs | bsd-3-clause | 26 | 0 | 6 | 8 | 29 | 14 | 15 | 1 | 1 |
-- | This module provides an API for turning "markup" values into
-- widgets. This module uses the Data.Text.Markup interface in this
-- package to assign attributes to substrings in a text string; to
-- manipulate markup using (for example) syntax highlighters, see that
-- module.
module Brick.Markup
( Markup
, markup
, (@?)
, GetAttr(..)
import Control.Lens ((.~), (&), (^.))
import Control.Monad (forM)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Markup
import Data.Default (def)
import Graphics.Vty (Attr, horizCat, string)
import Brick.AttrMap
import Brick.Types
-- | A type class for types that provide access to an attribute in the
-- rendering monad. You probably won't need to instance this.
class GetAttr a where
-- | Where to get the attribute for this attribute metadata.
getAttr :: a -> RenderM Attr
instance GetAttr Attr where
getAttr a = do
c <- getContext
return $ mergeWithDefault a (c^.ctxAttrMapL)
instance GetAttr AttrName where
getAttr = lookupAttrName
-- | Build a piece of markup from text with an assigned attribute name.
-- When the markup is rendered, the attribute name will be looked up in
-- the rendering context's 'AttrMap' to determine the attribute to use
-- for this piece of text.
(@?) :: T.Text -> AttrName -> Markup AttrName
(@?) = (@@)
-- | Build a widget from markup.
markup :: (Eq a, GetAttr a) => Markup a -> Widget
markup m =
Widget Fixed Fixed $ do
let pairs = markupToList m
imgs <- forM pairs $ \(t, aSrc) -> do
a <- getAttr aSrc
return $ string a $ T.unpack t
return $ def & imageL .~ horizCat imgs
| sisirkoppaka/brick | src/Brick/Markup.hs | bsd-3-clause | 1,653 | 0 | 15 | 362 | 354 | 200 | 154 | 31 | 1 |
Module : CSH.Eval.Frontend.Widget
Description : Reusable widgets for use in EvalFrontend pages
Copyright : Stephen Demos, Matt Gambogi, Travis Whitaker, Computer Science House 2015
License : MIT
Maintainer :
Stability : Provisional
Portability : POSIX
Defines the web application layer of Evals.
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module CSH.Eval.Frontend.Widgets (
, widgetPanelOffset
, widgetPanelText
) where
import qualified Data.Text as T
import CSH.Eval.Frontend.Data
import Text.Blaze (preEscapedText)
import Yesod
-- | A helper function to convert integers to text, to make templates that use
-- Integer arguments more readable.
toText :: Integer -> T.Text
toText = T.pack . show
-- | A basic widget for a panel
widgetPanel :: Integer -- horizontal size of the panel
-> Widget -- widget for the title of the panel
-> Widget -- widget for the body of the panel
-> Widget
widgetPanel mdsize = widgetPanelOffset mdsize 0
widgetPanelOffset :: Integer -> Integer -> Widget -> Widget -> Widget
widgetPanelOffset mdsize mdoffset title body = $(whamletFile "frontend/templates/widgets/panel.hamlet")
-- | A basic widget for a panel that takes text as arguments instead of widgets
widgetPanelText :: Integer -- horizontal size of the panel
-> T.Text -- html for the title of the panel
-> T.Text -- html for the body of the panel
-> Widget
widgetPanelText mdsize title body = $(whamletFile "frontend/templates/widgets/panelText.hamlet")
| gambogi/csh-eval | src/CSH/Eval/Frontend/Widgets.hs | mit | 1,768 | 0 | 8 | 379 | 198 | 117 | 81 | 28 | 1 |
(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
The @TyCon@ datatype
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module TyCon(
-- * Main TyCon data types
TyCon, FieldLabel,
AlgTyConRhs(..), visibleDataCons,
TyConParent(..), isNoParent,
FamTyConFlav(..), Role(..),
-- ** Constructing TyCons
-- ** Predicates on TyCons
isClassTyCon, isFamInstTyCon,
isTupleTyCon, isUnboxedTupleTyCon, isBoxedTupleTyCon,
isPromotedDataCon, isPromotedTyCon,
isPromotedDataCon_maybe, isPromotedTyCon_maybe,
promotableTyCon_maybe, promoteTyCon,
isDataTyCon, isProductTyCon, isDataProductTyCon_maybe,
isNewTyCon, isAbstractTyCon,
isFamilyTyCon, isOpenFamilyTyCon,
isTypeFamilyTyCon, isDataFamilyTyCon,
isOpenTypeFamilyTyCon, isClosedSynFamilyTyCon_maybe,
isGadtSyntaxTyCon, isDistinctTyCon, isDistinctAlgRhs,
isTyConAssoc, tyConAssoc_maybe,
-- ** Extracting information out of TyCons
tyConCType, tyConCType_maybe,
tyConDataCons, tyConDataCons_maybe,
tyConSingleDataCon_maybe, tyConSingleAlgDataCon_maybe,
tyConTuple_maybe, tyConClass_maybe,
tyConFamInst_maybe, tyConFamInstSig_maybe, tyConFamilyCoercion_maybe,
synTyConDefn_maybe, synTyConRhs_maybe, famTyConFlav_maybe,
newTyConRhs, newTyConEtadArity, newTyConEtadRhs,
unwrapNewTyCon_maybe, unwrapNewTyConEtad_maybe,
tupleTyConBoxity, tupleTyConSort, tupleTyConArity,
-- ** Manipulating TyCons
tcExpandTyCon_maybe, coreExpandTyCon_maybe,
newTyConCo, newTyConCo_maybe,
-- * Primitive representations of Types
PrimRep(..), PrimElemRep(..),
tyConPrimRep, isVoidRep, isGcPtrRep,
primRepSizeW, primElemRepSizeB,
-- * Recursion breaking
RecTcChecker, initRecTc, checkRecTc
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import {-# SOURCE #-} TypeRep ( Kind, Type, PredType )
import {-# SOURCE #-} DataCon ( DataCon, isVanillaDataCon )
import Var
import Class
import BasicTypes
import DynFlags
import ForeignCall
import Name
import NameSet
import CoAxiom
import PrelNames
import Maybes
import Outputable
import Constants
import Util
import qualified Data.Data as Data
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
Notes about type families
Note [Type synonym families]
* Type synonym families, also known as "type functions", map directly
onto the type functions in FC:
type family F a :: *
type instance F Int = Bool
* Reply "yes" to isTypeFamilyTyCon, and isFamilyTyCon
* From the user's point of view (F Int) and Bool are simply
equivalent types.
* A Haskell 98 type synonym is a degenerate form of a type synonym
* Type functions can't appear in the LHS of a type function:
type instance F (F Int) = ... -- BAD!
* Translation of type family decl:
type family F a :: *
translates to
a FamilyTyCon 'F', whose FamTyConFlav is OpenSynFamilyTyCon
type family G a :: * where
G Int = Bool
G Bool = Char
G a = ()
translates to
a FamilyTyCon 'G', whose FamTyConFlav is ClosedSynFamilyTyCon, with the
appropriate CoAxiom representing the equations
* In the future we might want to support
* injective type families (allow decomposition)
but we don't at the moment [2013]
Note [Data type families]
See also Note [Wrappers for data instance tycons] in MkId.lhs
* Data type families are declared thus
data family T a :: *
data instance T Int = T1 | T2 Bool
Here T is the "family TyCon".
* Reply "yes" to isDataFamilyTyCon, and isFamilyTyCon
* The user does not see any "equivalent types" as he did with type
synonym families. He just sees constructors with types
T1 :: T Int
T2 :: Bool -> T Int
* Here's the FC version of the above declarations:
data T a
data R:TInt = T1 | T2 Bool
axiom ax_ti : T Int ~ R:TInt
The R:TInt is the "representation TyCons".
It has an AlgTyConParent of
FamInstTyCon T [Int] ax_ti
* The axiom ax_ti may be eta-reduced; see
Note [Eta reduction for data family axioms] in TcInstDcls
* The data contructor T2 has a wrapper (which is what the
source-level "T2" invokes):
$WT2 :: Bool -> T Int
$WT2 b = T2 b `cast` sym ax_ti
* A data instance can declare a fully-fledged GADT:
data instance T (a,b) where
X1 :: T (Int,Bool)
X2 :: a -> b -> T (a,b)
Here's the FC version of the above declaration:
data R:TPair a where
X1 :: R:TPair Int Bool
X2 :: a -> b -> R:TPair a b
axiom ax_pr :: T (a,b) ~ R:TPair a b
$WX1 :: forall a b. a -> b -> T (a,b)
$WX1 a b (x::a) (y::b) = X2 a b x y `cast` sym (ax_pr a b)
The R:TPair are the "representation TyCons".
We have a bit of work to do, to unpick the result types of the
data instance declaration for T (a,b), to get the result type in the
representation; e.g. T (a,b) --> R:TPair a b
The representation TyCon R:TList, has an AlgTyConParent of
FamInstTyCon T [(a,b)] ax_pr
* Notice that T is NOT translated to a FC type function; it just
becomes a "data type" with no constructors, which can be coerced inot
into R:TInt, R:TPair by the axioms. These axioms
axioms come into play when (and *only* when) you
- use a data constructor
- do pattern matching
Rather like newtype, in fact
As a result
- T behaves just like a data type so far as decomposition is concerned
- (T Int) is not implicitly converted to R:TInt during type inference.
Indeed the latter type is unknown to the programmer.
- There *is* an instance for (T Int) in the type-family instance
environment, but it is only used for overlap checking
- It's fine to have T in the LHS of a type function:
type instance F (T a) = [a]
It was this last point that confused me! The big thing is that you
should not think of a data family T as a *type function* at all, not
even an injective one! We can't allow even injective type functions
on the LHS of a type function:
type family injective G a :: *
type instance F (G Int) = Bool
is no good, even if G is injective, because consider
type instance G Int = Bool
type instance F Bool = Char
So a data type family is not an injective type function. It's just a
data type with some axioms that connect it to other data types.
Note [Associated families and their parent class]
*Associated* families are just like *non-associated* families, except
that they have a TyConParent of AssocFamilyTyCon, which identifies the
parent class.
However there is an important sharing relationship between
* the tyConTyVars of the parent Class
* the tyConTyvars of the associated TyCon
class C a b where
data T p a
type F a q b
Here the 'a' and 'b' are shared with the 'Class'; that is, they have
the same Unique.
This is important. In an instance declaration we expect
* all the shared variables to be instantiated the same way
* the non-shared variables of the associated type should not
be instantiated at all
instance C [x] (Tree y) where
data T p [x] = T1 x | T2 p
type F [x] q (Tree y) = (x,y,q)
Note [TyCon Role signatures]
Every tycon has a role signature, assigning a role to each of the tyConTyVars
(or of equal length to the tyConArity, if there are no tyConTyVars). An
example demonstrates these best: say we have a tycon T, with parameters a at
nominal, b at representational, and c at phantom. Then, to prove
representational equality between T a1 b1 c1 and T a2 b2 c2, we need to have
nominal equality between a1 and a2, representational equality between b1 and
b2, and nothing in particular (i.e., phantom equality) between c1 and c2. This
might happen, say, with the following declaration:
data T a b c where
MkT :: b -> T Int b c
Data and class tycons have their roles inferred (see inferRoles in TcTyDecls),
as do vanilla synonym tycons. Family tycons have all parameters at role N,
though it is conceivable that we could relax this restriction. (->)'s and
tuples' parameters are at role R. Each primitive tycon declares its roles;
it's worth noting that (~#)'s parameters are at role N. Promoted data
constructors' type arguments are at role R. All kind arguments are at role
* *
\subsection{The data type}
* *
-- | TyCons represent type constructors. Type constructors are introduced by
-- things such as:
-- 1) Data declarations: @data Foo = ...@ creates the @Foo@ type constructor of
-- kind @*@
-- 2) Type synonyms: @type Foo = ...@ creates the @Foo@ type constructor
-- 3) Newtypes: @newtype Foo a = MkFoo ...@ creates the @Foo@ type constructor
-- of kind @* -> *@
-- 4) Class declarations: @class Foo where@ creates the @Foo@ type constructor
-- of kind @*@
-- This data type also encodes a number of primitive, built in type constructors
-- such as those for function and tuple types.
-- If you edit this type, you may need to update the GHC formalism
-- See Note [GHC Formalism] in coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs
data TyCon
= -- | The function type constructor, @(->)@
FunTyCon {
tyConUnique :: Unique, -- ^ A Unique of this TyCon. Invariant:
-- identical to Unique of Name stored in
-- tyConName field.
tyConName :: Name, -- ^ Name of the constructor
tyConKind :: Kind, -- ^ Kind of this TyCon (full kind, not just
-- the return kind)
tyConArity :: Arity -- ^ Number of arguments this TyCon must
-- receive to be considered saturated
-- (including implicit kind variables)
-- | Algebraic type constructors, which are defined to be those
-- arising @data@ type and @newtype@ declarations. All these
-- constructors are lifted and boxed. See 'AlgTyConRhs' for more
-- information.
| AlgTyCon {
tyConUnique :: Unique, -- ^ A Unique of this TyCon. Invariant:
-- identical to Unique of Name stored in
-- tyConName field.
tyConName :: Name, -- ^ Name of the constructor
tyConKind :: Kind, -- ^ Kind of this TyCon (full kind, not just
-- the return kind)
tyConArity :: Arity, -- ^ Number of arguments this TyCon must
-- receive to be considered saturated
-- (including implicit kind variables)
tyConTyVars :: [TyVar], -- ^ The kind and type variables used in the
-- type constructor.
-- Invariant: length tyvars = arity
-- Precisely, this list scopes over:
-- 1. The 'algTcStupidTheta'
-- 2. The cached types in algTyConRhs.NewTyCon
-- 3. The family instance types if present
-- Note that it does /not/ scope over the data
-- constructors.
tcRoles :: [Role], -- ^ The role for each type variable
-- This list has the same length as tyConTyVars
-- See also Note [TyCon Role signatures]
tyConCType :: Maybe CType,-- ^ The C type that should be used
-- for this type when using the FFI
-- and CAPI
algTcGadtSyntax :: Bool, -- ^ Was the data type declared with GADT
-- syntax? If so, that doesn't mean it's a
-- true GADT; only that the "where" form
-- was used. This field is used only to
-- guide pretty-printing
algTcStupidTheta :: [PredType], -- ^ The \"stupid theta\" for the data
-- type (always empty for GADTs). A
-- \"stupid theta\" is the context to
-- the left of an algebraic type
-- declaration, e.g. @Eq a@ in the
-- declaration @data Eq a => T a ...@.
algTcRhs :: AlgTyConRhs, -- ^ Contains information about the
-- data constructors of the algebraic type
algTcRec :: RecFlag, -- ^ Tells us whether the data type is part
-- of a mutually-recursive group or not
algTcParent :: TyConParent, -- ^ Gives the class or family declaration
-- 'TyCon' for derived 'TyCon's representing
-- class or family instances, respectively.
-- See also 'synTcParent'
tcPromoted :: Maybe TyCon -- ^ Promoted TyCon, if any
-- | Represents the infinite family of tuple type constructors,
-- @()@, @(a,b)@, @(# a, b #)@ etc.
| TupleTyCon {
tyConUnique :: Unique, -- ^ A Unique of this TyCon. Invariant:
-- identical to Unique of Name stored in
-- tyConName field.
tyConName :: Name, -- ^ Name of the constructor
tyConKind :: Kind, -- ^ Kind of this TyCon (full kind, not just
-- the return kind)
tyConArity :: Arity, -- ^ Number of arguments this TyCon must
-- receive to be considered saturated
-- (including implicit kind variables)
tyConTupleSort :: TupleSort,-- ^ Is this a boxed, unboxed or constraint
-- tuple?
tyConTyVars :: [TyVar], -- ^ List of type and kind variables in this
-- TyCon. Includes implicit kind variables.
-- Invariant:
-- length tyConTyVars = tyConArity
dataCon :: DataCon, -- ^ Corresponding tuple data constructor
tcPromoted :: Maybe TyCon
-- ^ Nothing for unboxed tuples
-- | Represents type synonyms
| SynonymTyCon {
tyConUnique :: Unique, -- ^ A Unique of this TyCon. Invariant:
-- identical to Unique of Name stored in
-- tyConName field.
tyConName :: Name, -- ^ Name of the constructor
tyConKind :: Kind, -- ^ Kind of this TyCon (full kind, not just
-- the return kind)
tyConArity :: Arity, -- ^ Number of arguments this TyCon must
-- receive to be considered saturated
-- (including implicit kind variables)
tyConTyVars :: [TyVar], -- ^ List of type and kind variables in this
-- TyCon. Includes implicit kind variables.
-- Invariant: length tyConTyVars = tyConArity
tcRoles :: [Role], -- ^ The role for each type variable
-- This list has the same length as tyConTyVars
-- See also Note [TyCon Role signatures]
synTcRhs :: Type -- ^ Contains information about the expansion
-- of the synonym
-- | Represents type families
| FamilyTyCon {
tyConUnique :: Unique, -- ^ A Unique of this TyCon. Invariant:
-- identical to Unique of Name stored in
-- tyConName field.
tyConName :: Name, -- ^ Name of the constructor
tyConKind :: Kind, -- ^ Kind of this TyCon (full kind, not just
-- the return kind)
tyConArity :: Arity, -- ^ Number of arguments this TyCon must
-- receive to be considered saturated
-- (including implicit kind variables)
tyConTyVars :: [TyVar], -- ^ The kind and type variables used in the
-- type constructor.
-- Invariant: length tyvars = arity
-- Precisely, this list scopes over:
-- 1. The 'algTcStupidTheta'
-- 2. The cached types in 'algTyConRhs.NewTyCon'
-- 3. The family instance types if present
-- Note that it does /not/ scope over the data
-- constructors.
famTcFlav :: FamTyConFlav, -- ^ Type family flavour: open, closed,
-- abstract, built-in. See comments for
-- FamTyConFlav
famTcParent :: TyConParent -- ^ TyCon of enclosing class for
-- associated type families
-- | Primitive types; cannot be defined in Haskell. This includes
-- the usual suspects (such as @Int#@) as well as foreign-imported
-- types and kinds
| PrimTyCon {
tyConUnique :: Unique, -- ^ A Unique of this TyCon. Invariant:
-- identical to Unique of Name stored in
-- tyConName field.
tyConName :: Name, -- ^ Name of the constructor
tyConKind :: Kind, -- ^ Kind of this TyCon (full kind, not just
-- the return kind)
tyConArity :: Arity, -- ^ Number of arguments this TyCon must
-- receive to be considered saturated
-- (including implicit kind variables)
tcRoles :: [Role], -- ^ The role for each type variable
-- This list has the same length as tyConTyVars
-- See also Note [TyCon Role signatures]
primTyConRep :: PrimRep,-- ^ Many primitive tycons are unboxed, but
-- some are boxed (represented by
-- pointers). This 'PrimRep' holds that
-- information. Only relevant if tyConKind = *
isUnLifted :: Bool -- ^ Most primitive tycons are unlifted (may
-- not contain bottom) but other are lifted,
-- e.g. @RealWorld@
-- | Represents promoted data constructor.
| PromotedDataCon { -- See Note [Promoted data constructors]
tyConUnique :: Unique, -- ^ Same Unique as the data constructor
tyConName :: Name, -- ^ Same Name as the data constructor
tyConArity :: Arity,
tyConKind :: Kind, -- ^ Translated type of the data constructor
tcRoles :: [Role], -- ^ Roles: N for kind vars, R for type vars
dataCon :: DataCon -- ^ Corresponding data constructor
-- | Represents promoted type constructor.
| PromotedTyCon {
tyConUnique :: Unique, -- ^ Same Unique as the type constructor
tyConName :: Name, -- ^ Same Name as the type constructor
tyConArity :: Arity, -- ^ n if ty_con :: * -> ... -> * n times
tyConKind :: Kind, -- ^ Always TysPrim.superKind
ty_con :: TyCon -- ^ Corresponding type constructor
deriving Typeable
-- | Names of the fields in an algebraic record type
type FieldLabel = Name
-- | Represents right-hand-sides of 'TyCon's for algebraic types
data AlgTyConRhs
-- | Says that we know nothing about this data type, except that
-- it's represented by a pointer. Used when we export a data type
-- abstractly into an .hi file.
= AbstractTyCon
Bool -- True <=> It's definitely a distinct data type,
-- equal only to itself; ie not a newtype
-- False <=> Not sure
-- See Note [AbstractTyCon and type equality]
-- | Represents an open type family without a fixed right hand
-- side. Additional instances can appear at any time.
-- These are introduced by either a top level declaration:
-- > data T a :: *
-- Or an associated data type declaration, within a class declaration:
-- > class C a b where
-- > data T b :: *
| DataFamilyTyCon
-- | Information about those 'TyCon's derived from a @data@
-- declaration. This includes data types with no constructors at
-- all.
| DataTyCon {
data_cons :: [DataCon],
-- ^ The data type constructors; can be empty if the
-- user declares the type to have no constructors
-- INVARIANT: Kept in order of increasing 'DataCon'
-- tag (see the tag assignment in DataCon.mkDataCon)
is_enum :: Bool -- ^ Cached value: is this an enumeration type?
-- See Note [Enumeration types]
-- | Information about those 'TyCon's derived from a @newtype@ declaration
| NewTyCon {
data_con :: DataCon, -- ^ The unique constructor for the @newtype@.
-- It has no existentials
nt_rhs :: Type, -- ^ Cached value: the argument type of the
-- constructor, which is just the representation
-- type of the 'TyCon' (remember that @newtype@s
-- do not exist at runtime so need a different
-- representation type).
-- The free 'TyVar's of this type are the
-- 'tyConTyVars' from the corresponding 'TyCon'
nt_etad_rhs :: ([TyVar], Type),
-- ^ Same as the 'nt_rhs', but this time eta-reduced.
-- Hence the list of 'TyVar's in this field may be
-- shorter than the declared arity of the 'TyCon'.
-- See Note [Newtype eta]
nt_co :: CoAxiom Unbranched
-- The axiom coercion that creates the @newtype@
-- from the representation 'Type'.
-- See Note [Newtype coercions]
-- Invariant: arity = #tvs in nt_etad_rhs;
-- See Note [Newtype eta]
-- Watch out! If any newtypes become transparent
-- again check Trac #1072.
Note [AbstractTyCon and type equality]
-- | Extract those 'DataCon's that we are able to learn about. Note
-- that visibility in this sense does not correspond to visibility in
-- the context of any particular user program!
visibleDataCons :: AlgTyConRhs -> [DataCon]
visibleDataCons (AbstractTyCon {}) = []
visibleDataCons DataFamilyTyCon {} = []
visibleDataCons (DataTyCon{ data_cons = cs }) = cs
visibleDataCons (NewTyCon{ data_con = c }) = [c]
-- ^ Both type classes as well as family instances imply implicit
-- type constructors. These implicit type constructors refer to their parent
-- structure (ie, the class or family from which they derive) using a type of
-- the following form. We use 'TyConParent' for both algebraic and synonym
-- types, but the variant 'ClassTyCon' will only be used by algebraic 'TyCon's.
data TyConParent
= -- | An ordinary type constructor has no parent.
-- | Type constructors representing a class dictionary.
-- See Note [ATyCon for classes] in TypeRep
| ClassTyCon
Class -- INVARIANT: the classTyCon of this Class is the
-- current tycon
-- | An *associated* type of a class.
| AssocFamilyTyCon
Class -- The class in whose declaration the family is declared
-- See Note [Associated families and their parent class]
-- | Type constructors representing an instance of a *data* family.
-- Parameters:
-- 1) The type family in question
-- 2) Instance types; free variables are the 'tyConTyVars'
-- of the current 'TyCon' (not the family one). INVARIANT:
-- the number of types matches the arity of the family 'TyCon'
-- 3) A 'CoTyCon' identifying the representation
-- type with the type instance family
| FamInstTyCon -- See Note [Data type families]
(CoAxiom Unbranched) -- The coercion axiom.
-- Generally of kind T ty1 ty2 ~ R:T a b c
-- where T is the family TyCon,
-- and R:T is the representation TyCon (ie this one)
-- and a,b,c are the tyConTyVars of this TyCon
-- BUT may be eta-reduced; see TcInstDcls
-- Note [Eta reduction for data family axioms]
-- Cached fields of the CoAxiom, but adjusted to
-- use the tyConTyVars of this TyCon
TyCon -- The family TyCon
[Type] -- Argument types (mentions the tyConTyVars of this TyCon)
-- Match in length the tyConTyVars of the family TyCon
-- E.g. data intance T [a] = ...
-- gives a representation tycon:
-- data R:TList a = ...
-- axiom co a :: T [a] ~ R:TList a
-- with R:TList's algTcParent = FamInstTyCon T [a] co
instance Outputable TyConParent where
ppr NoParentTyCon = text "No parent"
ppr (ClassTyCon cls) = text "Class parent" <+> ppr cls
ppr (AssocFamilyTyCon cls) =
text "Class parent (assoc. family)" <+> ppr cls
ppr (FamInstTyCon _ tc tys) =
text "Family parent (family instance)" <+> ppr tc <+> sep (map ppr tys)
-- | Checks the invariants of a 'TyConParent' given the appropriate type class
-- name, if any
okParent :: Name -> TyConParent -> Bool
okParent _ NoParentTyCon = True
okParent tc_name (AssocFamilyTyCon cls) = tc_name `elem` map tyConName (classATs cls)
okParent tc_name (ClassTyCon cls) = tc_name == tyConName (classTyCon cls)
okParent _ (FamInstTyCon _ fam_tc tys) = tyConArity fam_tc == length tys
isNoParent :: TyConParent -> Bool
isNoParent NoParentTyCon = True
isNoParent _ = False
-- | Information pertaining to the expansion of a type synonym (@type@)
data FamTyConFlav
= -- | An open type synonym family e.g. @type family F x y :: * -> *@
-- | A closed type synonym family e.g.
-- @type family F x where { F Int = Bool }@
| ClosedSynFamilyTyCon
(CoAxiom Branched) -- The one axiom for this family
-- | A closed type synonym family declared in an hs-boot file with
-- type family F a where ..
| AbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon
-- | Built-in type family used by the TypeNats solver
| BuiltInSynFamTyCon BuiltInSynFamily
Note [Closed type families]
* In an open type family you can add new instances later. This is the
usual case.
* In a closed type family you can only put equations where the family
is defined.
Note [Promoted data constructors]
A data constructor can be promoted to become a type constructor,
via the PromotedTyCon alternative in TyCon.
* Only data constructors with
(a) no kind polymorphism
(b) no constraints in its type (eg GADTs)
are promoted. Existentials are ok; see Trac #7347.
* The TyCon promoted from a DataCon has the *same* Name and Unique as
the DataCon. Eg. If the data constructor Data.Maybe.Just(unique 78,
say) is promoted to a TyCon whose name is Data.Maybe.Just(unique 78)
* The *kind* of a promoted DataCon may be polymorphic. Example:
type of DataCon Just :: forall (a:*). a -> Maybe a
kind of (promoted) tycon Just :: forall (a:box). a -> Maybe a
The kind is not identical to the type, because of the */box
kind signature on the forall'd variable; so the tyConKind field of
PromotedTyCon is not identical to the dataConUserType of the
DataCon. But it's the same modulo changing the variable kinds,
done by DataCon.promoteType.
* Small note: We promote the *user* type of the DataCon. Eg
data T = MkT {-# UNPACK #-} !(Bool, Bool)
The promoted kind is
MkT :: (Bool,Bool) -> T
MkT :: Bool -> Bool -> T
Note [Enumeration types]
We define datatypes with no constructors to *not* be
enumerations; this fixes trac #2578, Otherwise we
end up generating an empty table for
which is used by tagToEnum# to map Int# to constructors
in an enumeration. The empty table apparently upset
the linker.
Moreover, all the data constructor must be enumerations, meaning
they have type (forall abc. T a b c). GADTs are not enumerations.
For example consider
data T a where
T1 :: T Int
T2 :: T Bool
T3 :: T a
What would [T1 ..] be? [T1,T3] :: T Int? Easiest thing is to exclude them.
See Trac #4528.
Note [Newtype coercions]
The NewTyCon field nt_co is a CoAxiom which is used for coercing from
the representation type of the newtype, to the newtype itself. For
newtype T a = MkT (a -> a)
the NewTyCon for T will contain nt_co = CoT where CoT t : T t ~ t -> t.
In the case that the right hand side is a type application
ending with the same type variables as the left hand side, we
"eta-contract" the coercion. So if we had
newtype S a = MkT [a]
then we would generate the arity 0 axiom CoS : S ~ []. The
primary reason we do this is to make newtype deriving cleaner.
In the paper we'd write
axiom CoT : (forall t. T t) ~ (forall t. [t])
and then when we used CoT at a particular type, s, we'd say
CoT @ s
which encodes as (TyConApp instCoercionTyCon [TyConApp CoT [], s])
Note [Newtype eta]
newtype Parser a = MkParser (IO a) deriving Monad
Are these two types equal (to Core)?
Monad Parser
Monad IO
which we need to make the derived instance for Monad Parser.
Well, yes. But to see that easily we eta-reduce the RHS type of
Parser, in this case to ([], Froogle), so that even unsaturated applications
of Parser will work right. This eta reduction is done when the type
constructor is built, and cached in NewTyCon. The cached field is
only used in coreExpandTyCon_maybe.
Here's an example that I think showed up in practice
Source code:
newtype T a = MkT [a]
newtype Foo m = MkFoo (forall a. m a -> Int)
w1 :: Foo []
w1 = ...
w2 :: Foo T
w2 = MkFoo (\(MkT x) -> case w1 of MkFoo f -> f x)
After desugaring, and discarding the data constructors for the newtypes,
we get:
w2 :: Foo T
w2 = w1
And now Lint complains unless Foo T == Foo [], and that requires T==[]
This point carries over to the newtype coercion, because we need to
w2 = w1 `cast` Foo CoT
so the coercion tycon CoT must have
kind: T ~ []
and arity: 0
* *
* *
Note [rep swamp]
GHC has a rich selection of types that represent "primitive types" of
one kind or another. Each of them makes a different set of
distinctions, and mostly the differences are for good reasons,
although it's probably true that we could merge some of these.
Roughly in order of "includes more information":
- A Width (cmm/CmmType) is simply a binary value with the specified
number of bits. It may represent a signed or unsigned integer, a
floating-point value, or an address.
data Width = W8 | W16 | W32 | W64 | W80 | W128
- Size, which is used in the native code generator, is Width +
floating point information.
data Size = II8 | II16 | II32 | II64 | FF32 | FF64 | FF80
it is necessary because e.g. the instruction to move a 64-bit float
on x86 (movsd) is different from the instruction to move a 64-bit
integer (movq), so the mov instruction is parameterised by Size.
- CmmType wraps Width with more information: GC ptr, float, or
other value.
data CmmType = CmmType CmmCat Width
data CmmCat -- "Category" (not exported)
= GcPtrCat -- GC pointer
| BitsCat -- Non-pointer
| FloatCat -- Float
It is important to have GcPtr information in Cmm, since we generate
info tables containing pointerhood for the GC from this. As for
why we have float (and not signed/unsigned) here, see Note [Signed
vs unsigned].
- ArgRep makes only the distinctions necessary for the call and
return conventions of the STG machine. It is essentially CmmType
+ void.
- PrimRep makes a few more distinctions than ArgRep: it divides
non-GC-pointers into signed/unsigned and addresses, information
that is necessary for passing these values to foreign functions.
There's another tension here: whether the type encodes its size in
bytes, or whether its size depends on the machine word size. Width
and CmmType have the size built-in, whereas ArgRep and PrimRep do not.
This means to turn an ArgRep/PrimRep into a CmmType requires DynFlags.
On the other hand, CmmType includes some "nonsense" values, such as
CmmType GcPtrCat W32 on a 64-bit machine.
-- | A 'PrimRep' is an abstraction of a type. It contains information that
-- the code generator needs in order to pass arguments, return results,
-- and store values of this type.
data PrimRep
= VoidRep
| PtrRep
| IntRep -- ^ Signed, word-sized value
| WordRep -- ^ Unsigned, word-sized value
| Int64Rep -- ^ Signed, 64 bit value (with 32-bit words only)
| Word64Rep -- ^ Unsigned, 64 bit value (with 32-bit words only)
| AddrRep -- ^ A pointer, but /not/ to a Haskell value (use 'PtrRep')
| FloatRep
| DoubleRep
| VecRep Int PrimElemRep -- ^ A vector
deriving( Eq, Show )
data PrimElemRep
= Int8ElemRep
| Int16ElemRep
| Int32ElemRep
| Int64ElemRep
| Word8ElemRep
| Word16ElemRep
| Word32ElemRep
| Word64ElemRep
| FloatElemRep
| DoubleElemRep
deriving( Eq, Show )
instance Outputable PrimRep where
ppr r = text (show r)
instance Outputable PrimElemRep where
ppr r = text (show r)
isVoidRep :: PrimRep -> Bool
isVoidRep VoidRep = True
isVoidRep _other = False
isGcPtrRep :: PrimRep -> Bool
isGcPtrRep PtrRep = True
isGcPtrRep _ = False
-- | Find the size of a 'PrimRep', in words
primRepSizeW :: DynFlags -> PrimRep -> Int
primRepSizeW _ IntRep = 1
primRepSizeW _ WordRep = 1
primRepSizeW dflags Int64Rep = wORD64_SIZE `quot` wORD_SIZE dflags
primRepSizeW dflags Word64Rep = wORD64_SIZE `quot` wORD_SIZE dflags
primRepSizeW _ FloatRep = 1 -- NB. might not take a full word
primRepSizeW dflags DoubleRep = dOUBLE_SIZE dflags `quot` wORD_SIZE dflags
primRepSizeW _ AddrRep = 1
primRepSizeW _ PtrRep = 1
primRepSizeW _ VoidRep = 0
primRepSizeW dflags (VecRep len rep) = len * primElemRepSizeB rep `quot` wORD_SIZE dflags
primElemRepSizeB :: PrimElemRep -> Int
primElemRepSizeB Int8ElemRep = 1
primElemRepSizeB Int16ElemRep = 2
primElemRepSizeB Int32ElemRep = 4
primElemRepSizeB Int64ElemRep = 8
primElemRepSizeB Word8ElemRep = 1
primElemRepSizeB Word16ElemRep = 2
primElemRepSizeB Word32ElemRep = 4
primElemRepSizeB Word64ElemRep = 8
primElemRepSizeB FloatElemRep = 4
primElemRepSizeB DoubleElemRep = 8
* *
\subsection{TyCon Construction}
* *
Note: the TyCon constructors all take a Kind as one argument, even though
they could, in principle, work out their Kind from their other arguments.
But to do so they need functions from Types, and that makes a nasty
module mutual-recursion. And they aren't called from many places.
So we compromise, and move their Kind calculation to the call site.
-- | Given the name of the function type constructor and it's kind, create the
-- corresponding 'TyCon'. It is reccomended to use 'TypeRep.funTyCon' if you want
-- this functionality
mkFunTyCon :: Name -> Kind -> TyCon
mkFunTyCon name kind
= FunTyCon {
tyConUnique = nameUnique name,
tyConName = name,
tyConKind = kind,
tyConArity = 2
-- | This is the making of an algebraic 'TyCon'. Notably, you have to
-- pass in the generic (in the -XGenerics sense) information about the
-- type constructor - you can get hold of it easily (see Generics
-- module)
mkAlgTyCon :: Name
-> Kind -- ^ Kind of the resulting 'TyCon'
-> [TyVar] -- ^ 'TyVar's scoped over: see 'tyConTyVars'.
-- Arity is inferred from the length of this
-- list
-> [Role] -- ^ The roles for each TyVar
-> Maybe CType -- ^ The C type this type corresponds to
-- when using the CAPI FFI
-> [PredType] -- ^ Stupid theta: see 'algTcStupidTheta'
-> AlgTyConRhs -- ^ Information about dat aconstructors
-> TyConParent
-> RecFlag -- ^ Is the 'TyCon' recursive?
-> Bool -- ^ Was the 'TyCon' declared with GADT syntax?
-> Maybe TyCon -- ^ Promoted version
-> TyCon
mkAlgTyCon name kind tyvars roles cType stupid rhs parent is_rec gadt_syn prom_tc
= AlgTyCon {
tyConName = name,
tyConUnique = nameUnique name,
tyConKind = kind,
tyConArity = length tyvars,
tyConTyVars = tyvars,
tcRoles = roles,
tyConCType = cType,
algTcStupidTheta = stupid,
algTcRhs = rhs,
algTcParent = ASSERT2( okParent name parent, ppr name $$ ppr parent ) parent,
algTcRec = is_rec,
algTcGadtSyntax = gadt_syn,
tcPromoted = prom_tc
-- | Simpler specialization of 'mkAlgTyCon' for classes
mkClassTyCon :: Name -> Kind -> [TyVar] -> [Role] -> AlgTyConRhs -> Class
-> RecFlag -> TyCon
mkClassTyCon name kind tyvars roles rhs clas is_rec
= mkAlgTyCon name kind tyvars roles Nothing [] rhs (ClassTyCon clas)
is_rec False
Nothing -- Class TyCons are not pormoted
mkTupleTyCon :: Name
-> Kind -- ^ Kind of the resulting 'TyCon'
-> Arity -- ^ Arity of the tuple
-> [TyVar] -- ^ 'TyVar's scoped over: see 'tyConTyVars'
-> DataCon
-> TupleSort -- ^ Whether the tuple is boxed or unboxed
-> Maybe TyCon -- ^ Promoted version
-> TyCon
mkTupleTyCon name kind arity tyvars con sort prom_tc
= TupleTyCon {
tyConUnique = nameUnique name,
tyConName = name,
tyConKind = kind,
tyConArity = arity,
tyConTupleSort = sort,
tyConTyVars = tyvars,
dataCon = con,
tcPromoted = prom_tc
-- | Create an unlifted primitive 'TyCon', such as @Int#@
mkPrimTyCon :: Name -> Kind -> [Role] -> PrimRep -> TyCon
mkPrimTyCon name kind roles rep
= mkPrimTyCon' name kind roles rep True
-- | Kind constructors
mkKindTyCon :: Name -> Kind -> TyCon
mkKindTyCon name kind
= mkPrimTyCon' name kind [] VoidRep True
-- | Create a lifted primitive 'TyCon' such as @RealWorld@
mkLiftedPrimTyCon :: Name -> Kind -> [Role] -> PrimRep -> TyCon
mkLiftedPrimTyCon name kind roles rep
= mkPrimTyCon' name kind roles rep False
mkPrimTyCon' :: Name -> Kind -> [Role] -> PrimRep -> Bool -> TyCon
mkPrimTyCon' name kind roles rep is_unlifted
= PrimTyCon {
tyConName = name,
tyConUnique = nameUnique name,
tyConKind = kind,
tyConArity = length roles,
tcRoles = roles,
primTyConRep = rep,
isUnLifted = is_unlifted
-- | Create a type synonym 'TyCon'
mkSynonymTyCon :: Name -> Kind -> [TyVar] -> [Role] -> Type -> TyCon
mkSynonymTyCon name kind tyvars roles rhs
= SynonymTyCon {
tyConName = name,
tyConUnique = nameUnique name,
tyConKind = kind,
tyConArity = length tyvars,
tyConTyVars = tyvars,
tcRoles = roles,
synTcRhs = rhs
-- | Create a type family 'TyCon'
mkFamilyTyCon:: Name -> Kind -> [TyVar] -> FamTyConFlav -> TyConParent
-> TyCon
mkFamilyTyCon name kind tyvars flav parent
= FamilyTyCon
{ tyConUnique = nameUnique name
, tyConName = name
, tyConKind = kind
, tyConArity = length tyvars
, tyConTyVars = tyvars
, famTcFlav = flav
, famTcParent = parent
-- | Create a promoted data constructor 'TyCon'
-- Somewhat dodgily, we give it the same Name
-- as the data constructor itself; when we pretty-print
-- the TyCon we add a quote; see the Outputable TyCon instance
mkPromotedDataCon :: DataCon -> Name -> Unique -> Kind -> [Role] -> TyCon
mkPromotedDataCon con name unique kind roles
= PromotedDataCon {
tyConName = name,
tyConUnique = unique,
tyConArity = arity,
tcRoles = roles,
tyConKind = kind,
dataCon = con
arity = length roles
-- | Create a promoted type constructor 'TyCon'
-- Somewhat dodgily, we give it the same Name
-- as the type constructor itself
mkPromotedTyCon :: TyCon -> Kind -> TyCon
mkPromotedTyCon tc kind
= PromotedTyCon {
tyConName = getName tc,
tyConUnique = getUnique tc,
tyConArity = tyConArity tc,
tyConKind = kind,
ty_con = tc
isFunTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
isFunTyCon (FunTyCon {}) = True
isFunTyCon _ = False
-- | Test if the 'TyCon' is algebraic but abstract (invisible data constructors)
isAbstractTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
isAbstractTyCon (AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = AbstractTyCon {} }) = True
isAbstractTyCon _ = False
-- | Make an algebraic 'TyCon' abstract. Panics if the supplied 'TyCon' is not
-- algebraic
makeTyConAbstract :: TyCon -> TyCon
makeTyConAbstract tc@(AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = rhs })
= tc { algTcRhs = AbstractTyCon (isDistinctAlgRhs rhs) }
makeTyConAbstract tc = pprPanic "makeTyConAbstract" (ppr tc)
-- | Does this 'TyCon' represent something that cannot be defined in Haskell?
isPrimTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
isPrimTyCon (PrimTyCon {}) = True
isPrimTyCon _ = False
-- | Is this 'TyCon' unlifted (i.e. cannot contain bottom)? Note that this can
-- only be true for primitive and unboxed-tuple 'TyCon's
isUnLiftedTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
isUnLiftedTyCon (PrimTyCon {isUnLifted = is_unlifted}) = is_unlifted
isUnLiftedTyCon (TupleTyCon {tyConTupleSort = sort})
= not (isBoxed (tupleSortBoxity sort))
isUnLiftedTyCon _ = False
-- | Returns @True@ if the supplied 'TyCon' resulted from either a
-- @data@ or @newtype@ declaration
isAlgTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
isAlgTyCon (AlgTyCon {}) = True
isAlgTyCon (TupleTyCon {}) = True
isAlgTyCon _ = False
isDataTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-- ^ Returns @True@ for data types that are /definitely/ represented by
-- heap-allocated constructors. These are scrutinised by Core-level
-- @case@ expressions, and they get info tables allocated for them.
-- Generally, the function will be true for all @data@ types and false
-- for @newtype@s, unboxed tuples and type family 'TyCon's. But it is
-- not guaranteed to return @True@ in all cases that it could.
-- NB: for a data type family, only the /instance/ 'TyCon's
-- get an info table. The family declaration 'TyCon' does not
isDataTyCon (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = rhs})
= case rhs of
DataTyCon {} -> True
NewTyCon {} -> False
DataFamilyTyCon {} -> False
AbstractTyCon {} -> False -- We don't know, so return False
isDataTyCon (TupleTyCon {tyConTupleSort = sort}) = isBoxed (tupleSortBoxity sort)
isDataTyCon _ = False
-- | 'isDistinctTyCon' is true of 'TyCon's that are equal only to
-- themselves, even via coercions (except for unsafeCoerce).
-- This excludes newtypes, type functions, type synonyms.
-- It relates directly to the FC consistency story:
-- If the axioms are consistent,
-- and co : S tys ~ T tys, and S,T are "distinct" TyCons,
-- then S=T.
-- Cf Note [Pruning dead case alternatives] in Unify
isDistinctTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
isDistinctTyCon (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = rhs}) = isDistinctAlgRhs rhs
isDistinctTyCon (FunTyCon {}) = True
isDistinctTyCon (TupleTyCon {}) = True
isDistinctTyCon (PrimTyCon {}) = True
isDistinctTyCon (PromotedDataCon {}) = True
isDistinctTyCon _ = False
isDistinctAlgRhs :: AlgTyConRhs -> Bool
isDistinctAlgRhs (DataTyCon {}) = True
isDistinctAlgRhs (DataFamilyTyCon {}) = True
isDistinctAlgRhs (AbstractTyCon distinct) = distinct
isDistinctAlgRhs (NewTyCon {}) = False
-- | Is this 'TyCon' that for a @newtype@
isNewTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
isNewTyCon (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = NewTyCon {}}) = True
isNewTyCon _ = False
-- | Take a 'TyCon' apart into the 'TyVar's it scopes over, the 'Type' it expands
-- into, and (possibly) a coercion from the representation type to the @newtype@.
-- Returns @Nothing@ if this is not possible.
unwrapNewTyCon_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe ([TyVar], Type, CoAxiom Unbranched)
unwrapNewTyCon_maybe (AlgTyCon { tyConTyVars = tvs,
algTcRhs = NewTyCon { nt_co = co,
nt_rhs = rhs }})
= Just (tvs, rhs, co)
unwrapNewTyCon_maybe _ = Nothing
unwrapNewTyConEtad_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe ([TyVar], Type, CoAxiom Unbranched)
unwrapNewTyConEtad_maybe (AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = NewTyCon { nt_co = co,
nt_etad_rhs = (tvs,rhs) }})
= Just (tvs, rhs, co)
unwrapNewTyConEtad_maybe _ = Nothing
isProductTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-- True of datatypes or newtypes that have
-- one, vanilla, data constructor
isProductTyCon tc@(AlgTyCon {}) = case algTcRhs tc of
DataTyCon{ data_cons = [data_con] }
-> isVanillaDataCon data_con
NewTyCon {} -> True
_ -> False
isProductTyCon (TupleTyCon {}) = True
isProductTyCon _ = False
isDataProductTyCon_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe DataCon
-- True of datatypes (not newtypes) with
-- one, vanilla, data constructor
isDataProductTyCon_maybe (AlgTyCon { algTcRhs = DataTyCon { data_cons = cons } })
| [con] <- cons -- Singleton
, isVanillaDataCon con -- Vanilla
= Just con
isDataProductTyCon_maybe (TupleTyCon { dataCon = con })
= Just con
isDataProductTyCon_maybe _ = Nothing
-- | Is this a 'TyCon' representing a regular H98 type synonym (@type@)?
isTypeSynonymTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
isTypeSynonymTyCon (SynonymTyCon {}) = True
isTypeSynonymTyCon _ = False
-- As for newtypes, it is in some contexts important to distinguish between
-- closed synonyms and synonym families, as synonym families have no unique
-- right hand side to which a synonym family application can expand.
isDecomposableTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-- True iff we can decompose (T a b c) into ((T a b) c)
-- I.e. is it injective?
-- Specifically NOT true of synonyms (open and otherwise)
-- Ultimately we may have injective associated types
-- in which case this test will become more interesting
-- It'd be unusual to call isDecomposableTyCon on a regular H98
-- type synonym, because you should probably have expanded it first
-- But regardless, it's not decomposable
isDecomposableTyCon (SynonymTyCon {}) = False
isDecomposableTyCon (FamilyTyCon {}) = False
isDecomposableTyCon _other = True
-- | Is this an algebraic 'TyCon' declared with the GADT syntax?
isGadtSyntaxTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
isGadtSyntaxTyCon (AlgTyCon { algTcGadtSyntax = res }) = res
isGadtSyntaxTyCon _ = False
-- | Is this an algebraic 'TyCon' which is just an enumeration of values?
isEnumerationTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-- See Note [Enumeration types] in TyCon
isEnumerationTyCon (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = DataTyCon { is_enum = res }}) = res
isEnumerationTyCon (TupleTyCon {tyConArity = arity}) = arity == 0
isEnumerationTyCon _ = False
-- | Is this a 'TyCon', synonym or otherwise, that defines a family?
isFamilyTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
isFamilyTyCon (FamilyTyCon {}) = True
isFamilyTyCon (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = DataFamilyTyCon {}}) = True
isFamilyTyCon _ = False
-- | Is this a 'TyCon', synonym or otherwise, that defines a family with
-- instances?
isOpenFamilyTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
isOpenFamilyTyCon (FamilyTyCon {famTcFlav = OpenSynFamilyTyCon }) = True
isOpenFamilyTyCon (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = DataFamilyTyCon }) = True
isOpenFamilyTyCon _ = False
-- | Is this a synonym 'TyCon' that can have may have further instances appear?
isTypeFamilyTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
isTypeFamilyTyCon (FamilyTyCon {}) = True
isTypeFamilyTyCon _ = False
isOpenTypeFamilyTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
isOpenTypeFamilyTyCon (FamilyTyCon {famTcFlav = OpenSynFamilyTyCon }) = True
isOpenTypeFamilyTyCon _ = False
-- leave out abstract closed families here
isClosedSynFamilyTyCon_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe (CoAxiom Branched)
(FamilyTyCon {famTcFlav = ClosedSynFamilyTyCon ax}) = Just ax
isClosedSynFamilyTyCon_maybe _ = Nothing
isBuiltInSynFamTyCon_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe BuiltInSynFamily
(FamilyTyCon {famTcFlav = BuiltInSynFamTyCon ops }) = Just ops
isBuiltInSynFamTyCon_maybe _ = Nothing
-- | Is this a synonym 'TyCon' that can have may have further instances appear?
isDataFamilyTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
isDataFamilyTyCon (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = DataFamilyTyCon {}}) = True
isDataFamilyTyCon _ = False
-- | Are we able to extract informationa 'TyVar' to class argument list
-- mappping from a given 'TyCon'?
isTyConAssoc :: TyCon -> Bool
isTyConAssoc tc = isJust (tyConAssoc_maybe tc)
tyConAssoc_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe Class
tyConAssoc_maybe tc = case tyConParent tc of
AssocFamilyTyCon cls -> Just cls
_ -> Nothing
-- The unit tycon didn't used to be classed as a tuple tycon
-- but I thought that was silly so I've undone it
-- If it can't be for some reason, it should be a AlgTyCon
isTupleTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
-- ^ Does this 'TyCon' represent a tuple?
-- NB: when compiling @Data.Tuple@, the tycons won't reply @True@ to
-- 'isTupleTyCon', because they are built as 'AlgTyCons'. However they
-- get spat into the interface file as tuple tycons, so I don't think
-- it matters.
isTupleTyCon (TupleTyCon {}) = True
isTupleTyCon _ = False
-- | Is this the 'TyCon' for an unboxed tuple?
isUnboxedTupleTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
isUnboxedTupleTyCon (TupleTyCon {tyConTupleSort = sort}) =
not (isBoxed (tupleSortBoxity sort))
isUnboxedTupleTyCon _ = False
-- | Is this the 'TyCon' for a boxed tuple?
isBoxedTupleTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
isBoxedTupleTyCon (TupleTyCon {tyConTupleSort = sort}) = isBoxed (tupleSortBoxity sort)
isBoxedTupleTyCon _ = False
-- | Extract the boxity of the given 'TyCon', if it is a 'TupleTyCon'.
-- Panics otherwise
tupleTyConBoxity :: TyCon -> Boxity
tupleTyConBoxity tc = tupleSortBoxity (tyConTupleSort tc)
-- | Extract the 'TupleSort' of the given 'TyCon', if it is a 'TupleTyCon'.
-- Panics otherwise
tupleTyConSort :: TyCon -> TupleSort
tupleTyConSort tc = tyConTupleSort tc
-- | Extract the arity of the given 'TyCon', if it is a 'TupleTyCon'.
-- Panics otherwise
tupleTyConArity :: TyCon -> Arity
tupleTyConArity tc = tyConArity tc
-- | Is this a recursive 'TyCon'?
isRecursiveTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
isRecursiveTyCon (AlgTyCon {algTcRec = Recursive}) = True
isRecursiveTyCon _ = False
promotableTyCon_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe TyCon
promotableTyCon_maybe (AlgTyCon { tcPromoted = prom }) = prom
promotableTyCon_maybe (TupleTyCon { tcPromoted = prom }) = prom
promotableTyCon_maybe _ = Nothing
promoteTyCon :: TyCon -> TyCon
promoteTyCon tc = case promotableTyCon_maybe tc of
Just prom_tc -> prom_tc
Nothing -> pprPanic "promoteTyCon" (ppr tc)
-- | Is this a PromotedTyCon?
isPromotedTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
isPromotedTyCon (PromotedTyCon {}) = True
isPromotedTyCon _ = False
-- | Retrieves the promoted TyCon if this is a PromotedTyCon;
isPromotedTyCon_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe TyCon
isPromotedTyCon_maybe (PromotedTyCon { ty_con = tc }) = Just tc
isPromotedTyCon_maybe _ = Nothing
-- | Is this a PromotedDataCon?
isPromotedDataCon :: TyCon -> Bool
isPromotedDataCon (PromotedDataCon {}) = True
isPromotedDataCon _ = False
-- | Retrieves the promoted DataCon if this is a PromotedDataCon;
isPromotedDataCon_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe DataCon
isPromotedDataCon_maybe (PromotedDataCon { dataCon = dc }) = Just dc
isPromotedDataCon_maybe _ = Nothing
-- | Identifies implicit tycons that, in particular, do not go into interface
-- files (because they are implicitly reconstructed when the interface is
-- read).
-- Note that:
-- * Associated families are implicit, as they are re-constructed from
-- the class declaration in which they reside, and
-- * Family instances are /not/ implicit as they represent the instance body
-- (similar to a @dfun@ does that for a class instance).
isImplicitTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
isImplicitTyCon (FunTyCon {}) = True
isImplicitTyCon (TupleTyCon {}) = True
isImplicitTyCon (PrimTyCon {}) = True
isImplicitTyCon (PromotedDataCon {}) = True
isImplicitTyCon (PromotedTyCon {}) = True
isImplicitTyCon (AlgTyCon { algTcParent = AssocFamilyTyCon {} }) = True
isImplicitTyCon (AlgTyCon {}) = False
isImplicitTyCon (FamilyTyCon { famTcParent = AssocFamilyTyCon {} }) = True
isImplicitTyCon (FamilyTyCon {}) = False
isImplicitTyCon (SynonymTyCon {}) = False
tyConCType_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe CType
tyConCType_maybe tc@(AlgTyCon {}) = tyConCType tc
tyConCType_maybe _ = Nothing
-- Expand type-constructor applications
tcExpandTyCon_maybe, coreExpandTyCon_maybe
:: TyCon
-> [tyco] -- ^ Arguments to 'TyCon'
-> Maybe ([(TyVar,tyco)],
[tyco]) -- ^ Returns a 'TyVar' substitution, the body
-- type of the synonym (not yet substituted)
-- and any arguments remaining from the
-- application
-- ^ Used to create the view the /typechecker/ has on 'TyCon's.
-- We expand (closed) synonyms only, cf. 'coreExpandTyCon_maybe'
tcExpandTyCon_maybe (SynonymTyCon { tyConTyVars = tvs
, synTcRhs = rhs }) tys
= expand tvs rhs tys
tcExpandTyCon_maybe _ _ = Nothing
-- ^ Used to create the view /Core/ has on 'TyCon's. We expand
-- not only closed synonyms like 'tcExpandTyCon_maybe',
-- but also non-recursive @newtype@s
coreExpandTyCon_maybe tycon tys = tcExpandTyCon_maybe tycon tys
expand :: [TyVar] -> Type -- Template
-> [a] -- Args
-> Maybe ([(TyVar,a)], Type, [a]) -- Expansion
expand tvs rhs tys
= case n_tvs `compare` length tys of
LT -> Just (tvs `zip` tys, rhs, drop n_tvs tys)
EQ -> Just (tvs `zip` tys, rhs, [])
GT -> Nothing
n_tvs = length tvs
-- | As 'tyConDataCons_maybe', but returns the empty list of constructors if no
-- constructors could be found
tyConDataCons :: TyCon -> [DataCon]
-- It's convenient for tyConDataCons to return the
-- empty list for type synonyms etc
tyConDataCons tycon = tyConDataCons_maybe tycon `orElse` []
-- | Determine the 'DataCon's originating from the given 'TyCon', if the 'TyCon'
-- is the sort that can have any constructors (note: this does not include
-- abstract algebraic types)
tyConDataCons_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe [DataCon]
tyConDataCons_maybe (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = DataTyCon { data_cons = cons }})
= Just cons
tyConDataCons_maybe (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = NewTyCon { data_con = con }})
= Just [con]
tyConDataCons_maybe (TupleTyCon {dataCon = con})
= Just [con]
tyConDataCons_maybe _
= Nothing
-- | Determine the number of value constructors a 'TyCon' has. Panics if the
-- 'TyCon' is not algebraic or a tuple
tyConFamilySize :: TyCon -> Int
tyConFamilySize (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = DataTyCon {data_cons = cons}}) =
length cons
tyConFamilySize (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = NewTyCon {}}) = 1
tyConFamilySize (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = DataFamilyTyCon {}}) = 0
tyConFamilySize (TupleTyCon {}) = 1
tyConFamilySize other = pprPanic "tyConFamilySize:" (ppr other)
-- | Extract an 'AlgTyConRhs' with information about data constructors from an
-- algebraic or tuple 'TyCon'. Panics for any other sort of 'TyCon'
algTyConRhs :: TyCon -> AlgTyConRhs
algTyConRhs (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = rhs}) = rhs
algTyConRhs (TupleTyCon {dataCon = con, tyConArity = arity})
= DataTyCon { data_cons = [con], is_enum = arity == 0 }
algTyConRhs other = pprPanic "algTyConRhs" (ppr other)
-- | Get the list of roles for the type parameters of a TyCon
tyConRoles :: TyCon -> [Role]
-- See also Note [TyCon Role signatures]
tyConRoles tc
= case tc of
{ FunTyCon {} -> const_role Representational
; AlgTyCon { tcRoles = roles } -> roles
; TupleTyCon {} -> const_role Representational
; SynonymTyCon { tcRoles = roles } -> roles
; FamilyTyCon {} -> const_role Nominal
; PrimTyCon { tcRoles = roles } -> roles
; PromotedDataCon { tcRoles = roles } -> roles
; PromotedTyCon {} -> const_role Nominal
const_role r = replicate (tyConArity tc) r
-- | Extract the bound type variables and type expansion of a type synonym
-- 'TyCon'. Panics if the 'TyCon' is not a synonym
newTyConRhs :: TyCon -> ([TyVar], Type)
newTyConRhs (AlgTyCon {tyConTyVars = tvs, algTcRhs = NewTyCon { nt_rhs = rhs }})
= (tvs, rhs)
newTyConRhs tycon = pprPanic "newTyConRhs" (ppr tycon)
-- | The number of type parameters that need to be passed to a newtype to
-- resolve it. May be less than in the definition if it can be eta-contracted.
newTyConEtadArity :: TyCon -> Int
newTyConEtadArity (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = NewTyCon { nt_etad_rhs = tvs_rhs }})
= length (fst tvs_rhs)
newTyConEtadArity tycon = pprPanic "newTyConEtadArity" (ppr tycon)
-- | Extract the bound type variables and type expansion of an eta-contracted
-- type synonym 'TyCon'. Panics if the 'TyCon' is not a synonym
newTyConEtadRhs :: TyCon -> ([TyVar], Type)
newTyConEtadRhs (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = NewTyCon { nt_etad_rhs = tvs_rhs }}) = tvs_rhs
newTyConEtadRhs tycon = pprPanic "newTyConEtadRhs" (ppr tycon)
-- | Extracts the @newtype@ coercion from such a 'TyCon', which can be used to
-- construct something with the @newtype@s type from its representation type
-- (right hand side). If the supplied 'TyCon' is not a @newtype@, returns
-- @Nothing@
newTyConCo_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe (CoAxiom Unbranched)
newTyConCo_maybe (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = NewTyCon { nt_co = co }}) = Just co
newTyConCo_maybe _ = Nothing
newTyConCo :: TyCon -> CoAxiom Unbranched
newTyConCo tc = case newTyConCo_maybe tc of
Just co -> co
Nothing -> pprPanic "newTyConCo" (ppr tc)
-- | Find the primitive representation of a 'TyCon'
tyConPrimRep :: TyCon -> PrimRep
tyConPrimRep (PrimTyCon {primTyConRep = rep}) = rep
tyConPrimRep tc = ASSERT(not (isUnboxedTupleTyCon tc)) PtrRep
-- | Find the \"stupid theta\" of the 'TyCon'. A \"stupid theta\" is the context
-- to the left of an algebraic type declaration, e.g. @Eq a@ in the declaration
-- @data Eq a => T a ...@
tyConStupidTheta :: TyCon -> [PredType]
tyConStupidTheta (AlgTyCon {algTcStupidTheta = stupid}) = stupid
tyConStupidTheta (TupleTyCon {}) = []
tyConStupidTheta tycon = pprPanic "tyConStupidTheta" (ppr tycon)
-- | Extract the 'TyVar's bound by a vanilla type synonym
-- and the corresponding (unsubstituted) right hand side.
synTyConDefn_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe ([TyVar], Type)
synTyConDefn_maybe (SynonymTyCon {tyConTyVars = tyvars, synTcRhs = ty})
= Just (tyvars, ty)
synTyConDefn_maybe _ = Nothing
-- | Extract the information pertaining to the right hand side of a type synonym
-- (@type@) declaration.
synTyConRhs_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe Type
synTyConRhs_maybe (SynonymTyCon {synTcRhs = rhs}) = Just rhs
synTyConRhs_maybe _ = Nothing
-- | Extract the flavour of a type family (with all the extra information that
-- it carries)
famTyConFlav_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe FamTyConFlav
famTyConFlav_maybe (FamilyTyCon {famTcFlav = flav}) = Just flav
famTyConFlav_maybe _ = Nothing
-- | If the given 'TyCon' has a /single/ data constructor, i.e. it is a @data@
-- type with one alternative, a tuple type or a @newtype@ then that constructor
-- is returned. If the 'TyCon' has more than one constructor, or represents a
-- primitive or function type constructor then @Nothing@ is returned. In any
-- other case, the function panics
tyConSingleDataCon_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe DataCon
tyConSingleDataCon_maybe (TupleTyCon {dataCon = c})
= Just c
tyConSingleDataCon_maybe (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = DataTyCon { data_cons = [c] }})
= Just c
tyConSingleDataCon_maybe (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = NewTyCon { data_con = c }})
= Just c
tyConSingleDataCon_maybe _
= Nothing
tyConSingleAlgDataCon_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe DataCon
-- Returns (Just con) for single-constructor *algebraic* data types
-- *not* newtypes
tyConSingleAlgDataCon_maybe (TupleTyCon {dataCon = c})
= Just c
tyConSingleAlgDataCon_maybe (AlgTyCon {algTcRhs = DataTyCon { data_cons= [c] }})
= Just c
tyConSingleAlgDataCon_maybe _
= Nothing
-- | Is this 'TyCon' that for a class instance?
isClassTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
isClassTyCon (AlgTyCon {algTcParent = ClassTyCon _}) = True
isClassTyCon _ = False
-- | If this 'TyCon' is that for a class instance, return the class it is for.
-- Otherwise returns @Nothing@
tyConClass_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe Class
tyConClass_maybe (AlgTyCon {algTcParent = ClassTyCon clas}) = Just clas
tyConClass_maybe _ = Nothing
tyConTuple_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe TupleSort
tyConTuple_maybe (TupleTyCon {tyConTupleSort = sort}) = Just sort
tyConTuple_maybe _ = Nothing
tyConParent :: TyCon -> TyConParent
tyConParent (AlgTyCon {algTcParent = parent}) = parent
tyConParent (FamilyTyCon {famTcParent = parent}) = parent
tyConParent _ = NoParentTyCon
-- | Is this 'TyCon' that for a data family instance?
isFamInstTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
isFamInstTyCon tc = case tyConParent tc of
FamInstTyCon {} -> True
_ -> False
tyConFamInstSig_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe (TyCon, [Type], CoAxiom Unbranched)
tyConFamInstSig_maybe tc
= case tyConParent tc of
FamInstTyCon ax f ts -> Just (f, ts, ax)
_ -> Nothing
-- | If this 'TyCon' is that of a family instance, return the family in question
-- and the instance types. Otherwise, return @Nothing@
tyConFamInst_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe (TyCon, [Type])
tyConFamInst_maybe tc
= case tyConParent tc of
FamInstTyCon _ f ts -> Just (f, ts)
_ -> Nothing
-- | If this 'TyCon' is that of a family instance, return a 'TyCon' which
-- represents a coercion identifying the representation type with the type
-- instance family. Otherwise, return @Nothing@
tyConFamilyCoercion_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe (CoAxiom Unbranched)
tyConFamilyCoercion_maybe tc
= case tyConParent tc of
FamInstTyCon co _ _ -> Just co
_ -> Nothing
* *
\subsection[TyCon-instances]{Instance declarations for @TyCon@}
* *
@TyCon@s are compared by comparing their @Unique@s.
The strictness analyser needs @Ord@. It is a lexicographic order with
the property @(a<=b) || (b<=a)@.
instance Eq TyCon where
a == b = case (a `compare` b) of { EQ -> True; _ -> False }
a /= b = case (a `compare` b) of { EQ -> False; _ -> True }
instance Ord TyCon where
a <= b = case (a `compare` b) of { LT -> True; EQ -> True; GT -> False }
a < b = case (a `compare` b) of { LT -> True; EQ -> False; GT -> False }
a >= b = case (a `compare` b) of { LT -> False; EQ -> True; GT -> True }
a > b = case (a `compare` b) of { LT -> False; EQ -> False; GT -> True }
compare a b = getUnique a `compare` getUnique b
instance Uniquable TyCon where
getUnique tc = tyConUnique tc
instance Outputable TyCon where
-- At the moment a promoted TyCon has the same Name as its
-- corresponding TyCon, so we add the quote to distinguish it here
ppr tc = pprPromotionQuote tc <> ppr (tyConName tc)
pprPromotionQuote :: TyCon -> SDoc
pprPromotionQuote (PromotedDataCon {}) = char '\'' -- Quote promoted DataCons
-- in types
pprPromotionQuote (PromotedTyCon {}) = ifPprDebug (char '\'')
pprPromotionQuote _ = empty -- However, we don't quote TyCons
-- in kinds e.g.
-- type family T a :: Bool -> *
-- cf Trac #5952.
-- Except with -dppr-debug
instance NamedThing TyCon where
getName = tyConName
instance Data.Data TyCon where
-- don't traverse?
toConstr _ = abstractConstr "TyCon"
gunfold _ _ = error "gunfold"
dataTypeOf _ = mkNoRepType "TyCon"
* *
Walking over recursive TyCons
* *
Note [Expanding newtypes and products]
When expanding a type to expose a data-type constructor, we need to be
careful about newtypes, lest we fall into an infinite loop. Here are
the key examples:
newtype Id x = MkId x
newtype Fix f = MkFix (f (Fix f))
newtype T = MkT (T -> T)
Type Expansion
T T -> T
Fix Maybe Maybe (Fix Maybe)
Id (Id Int) Int
Notice that we can expand T, even though it's recursive.
And we can expand Id (Id Int), even though the Id shows up
twice at the outer level.
So, when expanding, we keep track of when we've seen a recursive
newtype at outermost level; and bale out if we see it again.
We sometimes want to do the same for product types, so that the
strictness analyser doesn't unbox infinitely deeply.
The function that manages this is checkRecTc.
newtype RecTcChecker = RC NameSet
initRecTc :: RecTcChecker
initRecTc = RC emptyNameSet
checkRecTc :: RecTcChecker -> TyCon -> Maybe RecTcChecker
-- Nothing => Recursion detected
-- Just rec_tcs => Keep going
checkRecTc (RC rec_nts) tc
| not (isRecursiveTyCon tc) = Just (RC rec_nts)
| tc_name `elemNameSet` rec_nts = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (RC (extendNameSet rec_nts tc_name))
tc_name = tyConName tc
| forked-upstream-packages-for-ghcjs/ghc | compiler/types/TyCon.hs | bsd-3-clause | 71,906 | 0 | 16 | 21,635 | 8,170 | 4,707 | 3,463 | 712 | 8 |
-- |
-- Module : Plugins.Date
-- Copyright : (c) Andrea Rossato
-- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : Jose A. Ortega Ruiz <>
-- Stability : unstable
-- Portability : unportable
-- A date plugin for Xmobar
-- Usage example: in template put
-- > Run Date "%a %b %_d %Y <fc=#ee9a00> %H:%M:%S</fc>" "Mydate" 10
module Plugins.Date (Date(..)) where
import Plugins
#if ! MIN_VERSION_time(1,5,0)
import System.Locale
import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Data.Time
data Date = Date String String Int
deriving (Read, Show)
instance Exec Date where
alias (Date _ a _) = a
run (Date f _ _) = date f
rate (Date _ _ r) = r
date :: String -> IO String
date format = liftM (formatTime defaultTimeLocale format) getZonedTime
| dsalisbury/xmobar | src/Plugins/Date.hs | bsd-3-clause | 978 | 0 | 8 | 181 | 180 | 105 | 75 | 14 | 1 |
module B1 (myFringe)where
import D1 hiding (sumSquares)
import D1 ()
import C1 hiding (myFringe)
myFringe:: Tree a -> [a]
myFringe (Leaf x ) = [x]
myFringe (Branch left right) = myFringe right
sumSquares (x:xs)= x^2 + sumSquares xs
sumSquares [] =0
| kmate/HaRe | old/testing/moveDefBtwMods/B1_TokOut.hs | bsd-3-clause | 259 | 0 | 7 | 51 | 120 | 66 | 54 | 9 | 1 |
-- |
-- Module : Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Expr
-- Copyright : (c) Paolo Martini 2007
-- License : BSD-style (see the LICENSE file)
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : portable
-- Parsec compatibility module
module Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Expr
( Assoc (AssocNone,AssocLeft,AssocRight),
) where
import Text.Parsec.Expr(Assoc(..))
import qualified Text.Parsec.Expr as N
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec(GenParser)
import Control.Monad.Identity
data Operator tok st a = Infix (GenParser tok st (a -> a -> a)) Assoc
| Prefix (GenParser tok st (a -> a))
| Postfix (GenParser tok st (a -> a))
type OperatorTable tok st a = [[Operator tok st a]]
convert :: Operator tok st a -> N.Operator [tok] st Identity a
convert (Infix p a) = N.Infix p a
convert (Prefix p) = N.Prefix p
convert (Postfix p) = N.Postfix p
buildExpressionParser :: OperatorTable tok st a
-> GenParser tok st a
-> GenParser tok st a
buildExpressionParser = N.buildExpressionParser . map (map convert)
| maurer/15-411-Haskell-Base-Code | src/Text/ParserCombinators/Parsec/Expr.hs | bsd-3-clause | 1,396 | 0 | 11 | 315 | 334 | 194 | 140 | 23 | 1 |
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
-- |
-- Module : Foreign.Marshal.Safe
-- Copyright : (c) The FFI task force 2003
-- License : BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : portable
-- Marshalling support
-- Safe API Only.
module Foreign.Marshal.Safe
-- | The module "Foreign.Marshal.Safe" re-exports the other modules in the
-- @Foreign.Marshal@ hierarchy:
module Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
, module Foreign.Marshal.Array
, module Foreign.Marshal.Error
, module Foreign.Marshal.Pool
, module Foreign.Marshal.Utils
) where
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Foreign.Marshal.Array
import Foreign.Marshal.Error
import Foreign.Marshal.Pool
import Foreign.Marshal.Utils
| frantisekfarka/ghc-dsi | libraries/base/Foreign/Marshal/Safe.hs | bsd-3-clause | 1,035 | 0 | 5 | 200 | 93 | 70 | 23 | 14 | 0 |
-- | Test file for issue #10320.
module Main (main) where
main :: IO ()
main = print $ map (+1) (map (+1) [1, 2, 3])
{-# RULES "map/map" forall f g xs. map f (map g xs) = map (f.g) xs #-}
| olsner/ghc | testsuite/tests/driver/T10320.hs | bsd-3-clause | 195 | 0 | 9 | 50 | 60 | 36 | 24 | 4 | 1 |
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, FlexibleInstances #-}
-- !!! Check that forall types can't be arguments
module ShouldFail where
data T s a = MkT s a
instance Ord a => Ord (forall s. T s a)
-- A for-all should not appear as an argument to Ord
g :: T s (forall b.b)
g = error "urk"
| siddhanathan/ghc | testsuite/tests/typecheck/should_fail/tcfail088.hs | bsd-3-clause | 282 | 0 | 8 | 65 | 73 | 41 | 32 | 6 | 1 |
-- Module : Graphics.GPipe.Expr
-- Copyright : Tobias Bexelius
-- License : MIT
-- Maintainer : Tobias Bexelius
-- Stability : Experimental
-- Portability : Portable
-- |
-- This module provides the DSL for shader operations in GPipe. The type @'S' x a@ is an opaque type that represents a value of type @a@ in a shader stage @x@, eg @S F Float@ means a
-- floating point value in a fragment stream.
module Graphics.GPipe.Expr (
-- * Atomic shader type
V, F,
VFloat, VInt, VWord, VBool,
FFloat, FInt, FWord, FBool,
-- * Type classes where the Prelude ones are lacking
-- * Additional functions
-- * Shader control structures
import Data.Boolean
import Graphics.GPipe.Internal.Expr | Teaspot-Studio/GPipe-Core | src/Graphics/GPipe/Expr.hs | mit | 1,129 | 0 | 5 | 259 | 138 | 100 | 38 | 24 | 0 |
module CFDI.Types.PaymentRelatedDocument where
import CFDI.Chainable
import CFDI.Types.Amount
import CFDI.Types.Currency
import CFDI.Types.Folio
import CFDI.Types.ExchangeRate
import CFDI.Types.Partiality
import CFDI.Types.PaymentMethod
import CFDI.Types.RelatedDocumentId
import CFDI.Types.Series
import CFDI.XmlNode
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
data PaymentRelatedDocument = PaymentRelatedDocument
{ prdCurrency :: Currency
, prdExRate :: Maybe ExchangeRate
, prdId :: RelatedDocumentId
, prdFolio :: Maybe Folio
, prdPaid :: Maybe Amount
, prdPart :: Maybe Partiality
, prdPayMet :: PaymentMethod
, prdPrevBal :: Maybe Amount
, prdRemain :: Maybe Amount
, prdSeries :: Maybe Series
} deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Chainable PaymentRelatedDocument where
chain c = prdId
<@> prdSeries
<~> prdFolio
<~> prdCurrency
<~> prdExRate
<~> prdPayMet
<~> prdPart
<~> prdPrevBal
<~> prdPaid
<~> prdRemain
<~> (c, "")
instance XmlNode PaymentRelatedDocument where
attributes n =
[ attr "MonedaDR" $ prdCurrency n
, attr "IdDocumento" $ prdId n
, attr "MetodoDePagoDR" $ prdPayMet n
] ++ catMaybes
[ attr "Folio" <$> prdFolio n
, attr "Serie" <$> prdSeries n
, attr "TipoCambioDR" <$> prdExRate n
, attr "NumParcialidad" <$> prdPart n
, attr "ImpSaldoAnt" <$> prdPrevBal n
, attr "ImpPagado" <$> prdPaid n
, attr "ImpSaldoInsoluto" <$> prdRemain n
nodeName = const "DoctoRelacionado"
nodePrefix = const "pago10"
parseNode n = PaymentRelatedDocument
<$> requireAttribute "MonedaDR" n
<*> parseAttribute "TipoCambioDR" n
<*> requireAttribute "IdDocumento" n
<*> parseAttribute "Folio" n
<*> parseAttribute "ImpPagado" n
<*> parseAttribute "NumParcialidad" n
<*> requireAttribute "MetodoDePagoDR" n
<*> parseAttribute "ImpSaldoAnt" n
<*> parseAttribute "ImpSaldoInsoluto" n
<*> parseAttribute "Serie" n
| yusent/cfdis | src/CFDI/Types/PaymentRelatedDocument.hs | mit | 2,042 | 0 | 16 | 484 | 505 | 262 | 243 | 62 | 0 |
-- | For documentation, see the paper "SmallCheck and Lazy SmallCheck:
-- automatic exhaustive testing for small values" available at
-- <>. Several examples are
-- also included in the package.
module LazySmallCheck
( Serial(series) -- :: class
, Series -- :: type Series a = Int -> Cons a
, Cons -- :: *
, cons -- :: a -> Series a
, (><) -- :: Series (a -> b) -> Series a -> Series b
, empty -- :: Series a
, (\/) -- :: Series a -> Series a -> Series a
, drawnFrom -- :: [a] -> Cons a
, cons0 -- :: a -> Series a
, cons1 -- :: Serial a => (a -> b) -> Series b
, cons2 -- :: (Serial a, Serial b) => (a -> b -> c) -> Series c
, cons3 -- :: ...
, cons4 -- :: ...
, cons5 -- :: ...
, Testable -- :: class
, depthCheck -- :: Testable a => Int -> a -> IO ()
, smallCheck -- :: Testable a => Int -> a -> IO ()
, test -- :: Testable a => a -> IO ()
, (==>) -- :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
, Property -- :: *
, lift -- :: Bool -> Property
, neg -- :: Property -> Property
, (*&*) -- :: Property -> Property -> Property
, (*|*) -- :: Property -> Property -> Property
, (*=>*) -- :: Property -> Property -> Property
, (*=*) -- :: Property -> Property -> Property
, depthCheckResult
, decValidCounter
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception
import Data.IORef
import System.Exit
import System.IO.Unsafe
infixr 0 ==>, *=>*
infixr 3 \/, *|*
infixl 4 ><, *&*
type Pos = [Int]
data Term = Var Pos Type | Ctr Int [Term]
data Type = SumOfProd [[Type]]
type Series a = Int -> Cons a
data Cons a = C Type ([[Term] -> a])
class Serial a where
series :: Series a
-- Series constructors
cons :: a -> Series a
cons a d = C (SumOfProd [[]]) [const a]
empty :: Series a
empty d = C (SumOfProd []) []
(><) :: Series (a -> b) -> Series a -> Series b
(f >< a) d = C (SumOfProd [ta:p | shallow, p <- ps]) cs
C (SumOfProd ps) cfs = f d
C ta cas = a (d-1)
cs = [\(x:xs) -> cf xs (conv cas x) | shallow, cf <- cfs]
shallow = d > 0 && nonEmpty ta
nonEmpty :: Type -> Bool
nonEmpty (SumOfProd ps) = not (null ps)
(\/) :: Series a -> Series a -> Series a
(a \/ b) d = C (SumOfProd (ssa ++ ssb)) (ca ++ cb)
C (SumOfProd ssa) ca = a d
C (SumOfProd ssb) cb = b d
conv :: [[Term] -> a] -> Term -> a
conv cs (Var p _) = error ('\0':map toEnum p)
conv cs (Ctr i xs) = (cs !! i) xs
drawnFrom :: [a] -> Cons a
drawnFrom xs = C (SumOfProd (map (const []) xs)) (map const xs)
-- Helpers, a la SmallCheck
cons0 :: a -> Series a
cons0 f = cons f
cons1 :: Serial a => (a -> b) -> Series b
cons1 f = cons f >< series
cons2 :: (Serial a, Serial b) => (a -> b -> c) -> Series c
cons2 f = cons f >< series >< series
cons3 :: (Serial a, Serial b, Serial c) => (a -> b -> c -> d) -> Series d
cons3 f = cons f >< series >< series >< series
cons4 :: (Serial a, Serial b, Serial c, Serial d) =>
(a -> b -> c -> d -> e) -> Series e
cons4 f = cons f >< series >< series >< series >< series
cons5 :: (Serial a, Serial b, Serial c, Serial d, Serial e) =>
(a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f) -> Series f
cons5 f = cons f >< series >< series >< series >< series >< series
-- Standard instances
instance Serial () where
series = cons0 ()
instance Serial Bool where
series = cons0 False \/ cons0 True
instance Serial a => Serial (Maybe a) where
series = cons0 Nothing \/ cons1 Just
instance (Serial a, Serial b) => Serial (Either a b) where
series = cons1 Left \/ cons1 Right
instance Serial a => Serial [a] where
series = cons0 [] \/ cons2 (:)
instance (Serial a, Serial b) => Serial (a, b) where
series = cons2 (,) . (+1)
instance (Serial a, Serial b, Serial c) => Serial (a, b, c) where
series = cons3 (,,) . (+1)
instance (Serial a, Serial b, Serial c, Serial d) =>
Serial (a, b, c, d) where
series = cons4 (,,,) . (+1)
instance (Serial a, Serial b, Serial c, Serial d, Serial e) =>
Serial (a, b, c, d, e) where
series = cons5 (,,,,) . (+1)
instance Serial Int where
series d = drawnFrom [-d..d]
instance Serial Integer where
series d = drawnFrom (map toInteger [-d..d])
instance Serial Char where
series d = drawnFrom (take (d+1) ['a'..])
instance Serial Float where
series d = drawnFrom (floats d)
instance Serial Double where
series d = drawnFrom (floats d)
floats :: RealFloat a => Int -> [a]
floats d = [ encodeFloat sig exp
| sig <- map toInteger [-d..d]
, exp <- [-d..d]
, odd sig || sig == 0 && exp == 0
-- Term refinement
refine :: Term -> Pos -> [Term]
refine (Var p (SumOfProd ss)) [] = new p ss
refine (Ctr c xs) p = map (Ctr c) (refineList xs p)
refineList :: [Term] -> Pos -> [[Term]]
refineList xs (i:is) = [ls ++ y:rs | y <- refine x is]
where (ls, x:rs) = splitAt i xs
new :: Pos -> [[Type]] -> [Term]
new p ps = [ Ctr c (zipWith (\i t -> Var (p++[i]) t) [0..] ts)
| (c, ts) <- zip [0..] ps ]
-- Find total instantiations of a partial value
total :: Term -> [Term]
total val = tot val
tot (Ctr c xs) = [Ctr c ys | ys <- mapM tot xs]
tot (Var p (SumOfProd ss)) = [y | x <- new p ss, y <- tot x]
-- Answers
answer :: a -> (a -> IO b) -> (Pos -> IO b) -> IO b
answer a known unknown =
do res <- try (evaluate a)
case res of
Right b -> known b
Left (ErrorCall ('\0':p)) -> unknown (map fromEnum p)
Left e -> throw e
-- Refute
refute :: Result -> IO Int
refute r = ref (args r)
ref xs = eval (apply r xs) known unknown
known True = return 1
known False = report
unknown p = sumMapM ref 1 (refineList xs p)
report =
do putStrLn "Counter example found:"
mapM_ putStrLn $ zipWith ($) (showArgs r)
$ head [ys | ys <- mapM total xs]
exitWith ExitSuccess
sumMapM :: (a -> IO Int) -> Int -> [a] -> IO Int
sumMapM f n [] = return n
sumMapM f n (a:as) = seq n (do m <- f a ; sumMapM f (n+m) as)
-- Properties with parallel conjunction (Lindblad TFP'07)
data Property =
Bool Bool
| Neg Property
| And Property Property
| ParAnd Property Property
| Eq Property Property
eval :: Property -> (Bool -> IO a) -> (Pos -> IO a) -> IO a
eval p k u = answer p (\p -> eval' p k u) u
eval' (Bool b) k u = answer b k u
eval' (Neg p) k u = eval p (k . not) u
eval' (And p q) k u = eval p (\b-> if b then eval q k u else k b) u
eval' (Eq p q) k u = eval p (\b-> if b then eval q k u else eval (Neg q) k u) u
eval' (ParAnd p q) k u = eval p (\b-> if b then eval q k u else k b) unknown
unknown pos = eval q (\b-> if b then u pos else k b) (\_-> u pos)
lift :: Bool -> Property
lift b = Bool b
neg :: Property -> Property
neg p = Neg p
(*&*), (*|*), (*=>*), (*=*) :: Property -> Property -> Property
p *&* q = ParAnd p q
p *|* q = neg (neg p *&* neg q)
p *=>* q = neg (p *&* neg q)
p *=* q = Eq p q
-- Boolean implication
validCounter :: IORef Int
validCounter = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef 0
{-# NOINLINE validCounter #-}
decValidCounter = do
n <- readIORef validCounter
modifyIORef' validCounter (\n -> n - 1)
when (n == 1) $ throw ()
{-# NOINLINE decValidCounter #-}
(==>) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
False ==> _ = True
True ==> x = x
-- Testable
data Result =
Result { args :: [Term]
, showArgs :: [Term -> String]
, apply :: [Term] -> Property
data P = P (Int -> Int -> Result)
run :: Testable a => ([Term] -> a) -> Int -> Int -> Result
run a = f where P f = property a
class Testable a where
property :: ([Term] -> a) -> P
instance Testable Bool where
property apply = P $ \n d -> Result [] [] (Bool . apply . reverse)
instance Testable Property where
property apply = P $ \n d -> Result [] [] (apply . reverse)
instance (Show a, Serial a, Testable b) => Testable (a -> b) where
property f = P $ \n d ->
let C t c = series d
c' = conv c
r = run (\(x:xs) -> f xs (c' x)) (n+1) d
in r { args = Var [n] t : args r, showArgs = (show . c') : showArgs r }
-- Top-level interface
depthCheck :: Testable a => Int -> a -> IO ()
depthCheck d p =
do n <- refute $ run (const p) 0 d
putStrLn $ "OK, required " ++ show n ++ " tests at depth " ++ show d
smallCheck :: Testable a => Int -> a -> IO ()
smallCheck d p = mapM_ (`depthCheck` p) [0..d]
-- refute returns the number of tests generated, not the number of *valid*
-- tests generated, so we count the number of valid tests ourselves
depthCheckResult :: Testable a => Int -> Int -> a -> IO Int
depthCheckResult d n p =
do writeIORef validCounter n
refute (run (const p) 0 d) `catch` \() -> return n
(n-) <$> readIORef validCounter
instance Exception ()
test :: Testable a => a -> IO ()
test p = mapM_ (`depthCheck` p) [0..]
| gridaphobe/target | bench/LazySmallCheck.hs | mit | 9,043 | 0 | 17 | 2,558 | 4,010 | 2,097 | 1,913 | 218 | 5 |
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
module TreeGenerator (
) where
import BasicPrelude hiding (Word, liftIO, lift)
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8')
import Data.Text (unpack, split)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Lens hiding (children)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Random hiding (split)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer
import Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS
import qualified GHC.IO as GI
import Types
import Helpers
import Parser
import RandomName
import Corner
import RunCommand
import Cache
-- $setup
-- >>> import Data.Text (pack)
type TreeGenerator a = WriterT [Text] CachedIO a
searchAndGetTree :: FilePath -> Int -> Int -> Pattern -> IO (Text, [Text])
searchAndGetTree wdir depth sourcelines pattern = do
(trees, err_files) <- runTreeGenerator $ wordToTree wdir depth sourcelines pattern Nothing
output_trees <- convertToOutputTree trees
let jsn = jsonToText $ AllTree {
nameA = "main",
primary_wordA = Just pattern,
cornersA = pattern,
childrenA = output_trees,
err_filesA = err_files
return (jsn, err_files)
runTreeGenerator :: TreeGenerator [Tree] -> IO ([Tree], [Text])
runTreeGenerator x = fst <$> (runStateT (runWriterT x) (M.fromList []))
wordToTree :: FilePath -> Int -> Int -> Pattern -> Maybe Pattern -> TreeGenerator [Tree]
wordToTree _ 0 _ _ _ = return []
wordToTree wdir depth sourcelines pattern fname_pattern = do
(results, errs) <- lift $ grepCommand 300 wdir pattern
tell errs
let results' = filter (\(path, _, _) -> hitPattern fname_pattern path) $ catMaybes $ map parseGrepResult results
catMaybes <$> (forM results' (\(path, ln, _) -> do
let abs_path = wdir </> path
cnt <- readFileThroughCache abs_path
let (objective, objecive_lnum, all_corners) = getPrimaryWord cnt (ln - 1) abs_path
let text_range = sourcelines `div` 2
let source = slice (ln - text_range) (ln + text_range) $ zip [1..] cnt
let current_line = cnt !! ln
let is_filter_def_ = isFilterDefinition current_line
let common_tree = defaultTree pattern path ln all_corners source
case objective of
NoObjective -> return $ Just common_tree
WordObjective next_word -> (do
is_action_ <- isAction wdir path next_word
ts <- if (not is_action_ && not is_filter_def_) then wordToTree wdir (depth - 1) sourcelines next_word Nothing
else return []
let ts_without_me = case objecive_lnum of
Nothing -> ts
Just lnum_ -> filter (not . is_myself path (lnum_ + 1)) ts
return $ Just ( common_tree&primary_word.~(Just next_word)&is_action.~is_action_&is_filter_def.~is_filter_def_&children.~ts_without_me) )
RegexpObjective fname_pattern' next_pattern -> (do
ts <- wordToTree wdir (depth - 1) sourcelines next_pattern fname_pattern'
return $ Just ( common_tree&primary_word.~(Just next_pattern)&children.~ts ))))
hitPattern :: Maybe Pattern -> FilePath -> Bool
hitPattern Nothing _ = True
hitPattern (Just pat) path = ((unpack $ "/" ++ pat ++ "_") `isInfixOf` path')
|| ((unpack $ "/" ++ pat ++ "/") `isInfixOf` path')
path' = encodeString path
is_myself :: FilePath -> Int -> Tree -> Bool
is_myself path ln tree = (path == _fname tree) && (ln == _lnum tree)
convertToOutputTree :: [Tree] -> IO [OutputTree]
convertToOutputTree trees = evalRandIO $ mapM toOutputTree trees
toOutputTree :: (RandomGen g) => Tree -> Rand g OutputTree
toOutputTree (Tree {..}) = do
random_name <- randomName
children' <- mapM toOutputTree _children
return $ OutputTree {
name = random_name,
primary_wordO = _primary_word,
search_wordO = _search_word,
fnameO = toText' _fname,
rails_directory = fnameToRailsDirectory _fname,
lnumO = _lnum,
is_actionO = _is_action,
is_filter_defO = _is_filter_def,
cornersO = corner_str,
around_textO = _around_text,
childrenO = children'
corner_str = showCorners _corners
-- |
-- >>> parseGrepResult (pack "foo/bar.hs:123: foo bar")
-- Just (FilePath "foo/bar.hs",123," foo bar")
-- >>> parseGrepResult (pack "Binary file public/images/foo.jpg matches")
-- Nothing
parseGrepResult :: Text -> Maybe (FilePath, Int, Text)
parseGrepResult line
| length ss < 2 = if ("Binary file" `isPrefixOf` (unpack line)) then Nothing
else error ("fail to parse the result of grep: " ++ unpack line)
| otherwise = Just (fn, num, matched_string)
ss = split (== ':') $ line
fn = fromText $ ss !! 0
num = read $ ss !! 1
matched_string = ss !! 2
-- |
-- >>> getPrimaryWord (map pack ["<div>", " <%= foo %>", "</div>"]) 1 (fromText $ pack "/foo/bar.html.erb")
-- (RegexpObjective (Just "foo") "render.*bar",Nothing,[])
-- >>> getPrimaryWord (map pack ["def foo", " print 123", "end"]) 1 (fromText $ pack "/foo/bar.rb")
-- (WordObjective "foo",Just 0,[Corner (RbMethod (Just "foo")) "def foo",Corner CurrentLine " print 123",Corner RbEnd "end"])
-- >>> getPrimaryWord (map pack ["foo: function(e){", " console.log(e)", "}"]) 1 (fromText $ pack "/foo/bar.js")
-- (WordObjective "foo",Just 0,[Corner (JsFunc (Just "foo")) "foo: function(e){",Corner CurrentLine " console.log(e)",Corner JsEnd "}"])
getPrimaryWord :: [Line] -> Int -> FilePath -> (Objective, Maybe Int, [Corner])
getPrimaryWord ls dpt path = case (extension path) of
Nothing -> (NoObjective, Nothing, [])
Just x
| (x == "erb") || (x == "rhtml") -> (RegexpObjective fname_pattern $ "render.*" `mappend` basename_val, Nothing, [])
| (x == "js") -> case primary_corner of
Just x' -> (wordToObj $ getWord x', primary_lnum, all_corners)
Nothing -> (NoObjective, primary_lnum, all_corners)
| (x == "rb") || (x == "rake") -> case primary_corner of
Just (Corner (RbClass _) _) -> (NoObjective, primary_lnum, all_corners)
Just (Corner (RbModule _) _) -> (NoObjective, primary_lnum, all_corners)
Nothing -> (NoObjective, primary_lnum, all_corners)
Just x' -> (wordToObj $ getWord x', primary_lnum, all_corners)
| otherwise -> (NoObjective, Nothing, [])
(primary_corner, primary_lnum, all_corners) = getCorners ls dpt
basename_val = dropFirstUnderScore $ toText' $ basename path
fname_pattern = Just $ toText' $ dirname path
isAction :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Word -> TreeGenerator Bool
isAction wdir path w = do
cnt <- readFileThroughCache (wdir </> "rake_routes")
let routes = parseRakeRouteLine cnt
return $ (flip any) routes (\route ->
((((controllerName route) :: Text) `mappend` "_controller") == (toText' $ basename path))
(((actionName route) :: Text) == w))
readFileThroughCache :: FilePath -> TreeGenerator [Text]
readFileThroughCache path = do
ls <- lift $ readCache (FileCache path)
case ls of
Just inner -> return inner
Nothing -> do
case (toText path) of
Right path' -> do
cnt_or_error <- decodeUtf8' <$> (liftIO $ BC.readFile (unpack path' :: GI.FilePath))
case cnt_or_error of
Right cnt -> do
let new_ls = lines cnt
lift $ writeCache (FileCache path) new_ls
return new_ls
Left _ -> do
tell [path']
return []
Left path' -> do
tell [path']
return []
wordToObj :: Maybe Word -> Objective
wordToObj Nothing = NoObjective
wordToObj (Just w) = WordObjective w
defaultTree :: Word -> FilePath -> Int -> [Corner] -> [(Int, Text)] -> Tree
defaultTree pattern path ln all_corners source
= Tree {
_primary_word = Nothing,
_search_word = pattern,
_fname = path,
_lnum = ln,
_corners = all_corners,
_around_text = source,
_is_action = False,
_is_filter_def = False,
_children = []
-- | Command
grepCommand :: Int -> FilePath -> Word -> CachedIO ([Text], [ErrMsg])
grepCommand limit wdir w = do
result <- executeWithCache "git" ["grep", "-n", "-w", w] (Just wdir)
case result of
Left err -> return ([], [err])
Right result' -> do
let limit_err = if (limit < length result') then ["git grep result of " `mappend` w `mappend` " is more than "
`mappend` (show limit) `mappend` ": "
`mappend` (show $ length result')
else []
return (take limit result', limit_err)
| mathfur/grep-tree | src/TreeGenerator.hs | mit | 9,908 | 0 | 31 | 2,990 | 2,644 | 1,408 | 1,236 | 175 | 6 |
module Dffptch (diff, patch) where
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
import Dffptch.Internal
main :: IO ()
main = do
rawJSON <- B.readFile "./test.json"
B.putStr rawJSON
case decode rawJSON :: Maybe Value of
Just jsonVal -> B.putStr $ encode (jsonVal)
Nothing -> error "Parse err"
| paldepind/dffptch-haskell | Dffptch.hs | mit | 422 | 0 | 12 | 75 | 135 | 75 | 60 | 14 | 2 |
-- ex 10.3
import DataBuilder
import Json
-- data Product = Product { id :: Int, name :: String, price :: Double, descr :: String } deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
-- data Purchase = Purchase { client :: Client Int, products :: [Product] } deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
import Data.Conduit
import qualified Data.Conduit.Binary as B
-- import qualified Data.Conduit.Attoparsec as A
-- import qualified Data.Conduit.Text as CT
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as L
import qualified Data.ByteString as LB
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LLB
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource(runResourceT)
import Data.Aeson
-- import Data.Text
savePurchases :: FilePath -> [Purchase] -> IO ()
savePurchases fPath purchases = runResourceT $
yield (toJSON purchases) $$ (LLB.toStrict . encode) =$ B.sinkFile fPath
purchases :: [Purchase]
purchases = [ Purchase (GovOrg 1 "MoE") [ Product 11 "Soap" 1234.2 "Bubbly...", Product 22 "TV" 29394.2 "SONY" ],
Purchase (Individual 2 (Person "John" "Huges")) [ Product 33 "Tester" 1.23 "Awe", Product 44 "Car" 2993.4 "Kia" ] ]
displayP :: Monad m => Conduit LB.ByteString m [Purchase]
displayP = do
t <- await
case t of
Nothing -> return ()
Just c -> do
let x = decodeStrict c :: (Maybe [Purchase])
case x of
Nothing -> return ()
Just y -> do
yield y
-- List of list is pretty ugly
showPurchases :: IO [[Purchase]]
showPurchases = runResourceT $
B.sourceFile "test.db" $$ B.lines =$ displayP =$ L.consume
main :: IO ()
-- main = savePurchases "test.db" purchases >> showPurchases
main = do
savePurchases "test.db" purchases
ps <- showPurchases
let pps = Prelude.concat ps
print pps
| hnfmr/beginning_haskell | chapter10/Main.hs | mit | 1,729 | 0 | 17 | 355 | 462 | 243 | 219 | 36 | 3 |
module ProjectEuler.Problem43
( problem
) where
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.List.Match as LMatch
import ProjectEuler.Types
we could try every permutation, which is straightforward to do,
but the search space is huge.
so instead, we can do a search begin with a smaller branching factor -
pick d10, d9, d8 first with 3 distinct numbers, verify they
are divisible by 17, then choose d7, check with 13, then choose d6,
check with 11, etc.
this approach trims the branch very early: as soon as the current
divisible property cannot be satisfied, there is no need of going any further,
therefore search space is reduced to a small set of values very quickly.
problem :: Problem
problem = pureProblem 43 Solved result
pickOne :: [a] -> [(a, [a])]
pickOne xs = LMatch.take xs $ (\(a,b:c) -> (b,a<>c)) . (`splitAt` xs) <$> [0..]
toNum :: [Int] -> Int
toNum = foldl (\acc i -> acc*10 + i) 0
solution :: [[Int]]
solution = do
(d10, xs) <- pickOne [0..9]
(d9, ys) <- pickOne xs
solve' [d9,d10] ys initPrimeList
initPrimeList = [17,13,11,7,5,3,2]
solve' chosenList remained primeList
| null primeList = pure (remained <> chosenList)
| otherwise = do
-- choose x,
-- and look into current chosen list of digits to get y and z
(x,remained') <- pickOne remained
let (y:z:_) = chosenList
chosenList' = x : chosenList
(p:primeList') = primeList
n = x * 100 + y * 10 + z
guard $ n `rem` p == 0
solve' chosenList' remained' primeList'
result :: Int
result = sum $ toNum <$> solution
| Javran/Project-Euler | src/ProjectEuler/Problem43.hs | mit | 1,661 | 0 | 16 | 432 | 438 | 242 | 196 | 29 | 1 |
module Main (main) where
import qualified Graphics.UI.GLFW as GLFW
main :: IO ()
main = do
succeeded <- GLFW.initialize
if succeeded
then do
putStrLn "Hm."
return ()
else return ()
| IreneKnapp/tactical-hydrangea | Haskell/Hydrangea.hs | mit | 208 | 0 | 11 | 57 | 72 | 38 | 34 | 10 | 2 |
fibonacci n
| n == 0 = 0
| n == 1 = 1
| n == 2 = 1
| otherwise = fibonacci (n - 1) + fibonacci (n - 2)
main = do
print $ fibonacci 0
print $ fibonacci 1
print $ fibonacci 2
print $ fibonacci 3
print $ fibonacci 4
print $ fibonacci 5
print $ fibonacci 6
print $ fibonacci 7
print $ fibonacci 8
| shigemk2/haskell_abc | fibonacci-guard.hs | mit | 370 | 0 | 9 | 148 | 173 | 75 | 98 | 15 | 1 |
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Player where
import Base.GraphicsManager
import Base.InputHandler
import Base.Geometry
import qualified Base.Camera as C
import qualified Platform as P
import Graphics.UI.SDL (SDLKey(..), Surface)
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Lens
data Player = Player { _bounding :: Shape, _velocity :: (Int,Int), _alive :: Bool, _image :: IO Surface }
$( makeLenses ''Player )
playerHeight = 20
playerWidth = 20
initialize :: (Int,Int) -> Player
initialize (x,y) = Player (Rectangle x y playerWidth playerHeight) (0,2) True (loadImage "dot.bmp" Nothing)
update :: KeyboardState -> [Shape] -> [P.Platform] -> Player -> Player
update kS rects mp p = snd $ runState (updateS kS rects mp) p
updateS :: KeyboardState -> [Shape] -> [P.Platform] -> State Player ()
updateS kS rects mp = do
x <- use $ bounding.x
y <- use $ bounding.y
velocity._1 %= (\dx -> if strafe == 0 then ((if dx > 0 then floor else ceiling) $ ((fromIntegral dx)*0.9)) else (if dx*strafe > 0 then max (min (dx+strafe) 5) (-5) else strafe))
modify moveV
curP <- get
let (nP,oG) = (moveObjs mp) . (checkCollisionV rects y) $ curP
put $ (checkCollisionH rects x) . moveH $ nP
if oG && (isPressed kS SDLK_UP) then velocity._2 %= (\dy -> (min 0 dy) - 10 ) else return ()
strafe = (if isDown kS SDLK_LEFT then -1 else 0) + (if isDown kS SDLK_RIGHT then 1 else 0)
draw :: Surface -> C.FixedCamera -> Player -> IO ()
draw screen cam (Player (Rectangle x y _ _) _ _ image) = do
img <- image
let pt = C.shapeToScreen cam (Point x y) 640 480
case pt of
Just (Point x' y') -> do
drawImage screen img (x' , y')
Nothing -> return True
return ()
moveH :: Player -> Player
moveH p = bounding.x +~ p^.velocity._1 $ p
moveV :: Player -> Player
moveV p = (bounding.y +~ p^.velocity._2) . (velocity._2 +~ 2) $ p
checkCollisionH :: [Shape] -> Int -> Player -> Player
checkCollisionH [] _ p = p
checkCollisionH (r:rs) origX p@(Player _ (dx,dy) a i)
| r `collides` (x .~ origX $ p^.bounding) = if r^.x - origX > 0
then if (p^.bounding.x + p^.velocity._1) < (r^.x - p^.bounding.width - 1) then ((bounding.x .~ (r^.x - p^.bounding.width - 1)) $ p) else p
else if (p^.bounding.x + p^.velocity._1) > (r^.x - p^.bounding.width - 1) then ((bounding.x .~ (r^.x + r^.width + 1)) $ p) else p
| p^.velocity._1 == 0 = p
| p^.velocity._1 > 0 = if r `collides` ((x .~ origX) . (width .~ (p^.bounding.x - origX + p^.bounding.width)) $ p^.bounding)
then bounding.x .~ (r^.x - p^.bounding.width - 1) $ p
else checkCollisionH rs origX p
| otherwise = if r `collides` (width .~ (origX - p^.bounding.x) $ p^.bounding)
then (bounding.x .~ r^.x + r^.width + 1) $ p
else checkCollisionH rs origX p
checkCollisionV :: [Shape] -> Int -> Player -> (Player,Bool)
checkCollisionV [] _ p = (p,False)
checkCollisionV (r:rs) origY p@(Player _ (dx,dy) a i)
| r `collides` (y .~ origY $ p^.bounding) = if r^.y - origY < 0
then if (p^.bounding.y+p^.velocity._2) < (r^.y)+(r^.height)+1 then ((bounding.y .~ (r^.y + r^.height + 1)) . (velocity._2 .~ 2) $ p, False) else (p,False)
else if (p^.bounding.y+p^.velocity._2) > (r^.y)-(r^.height)-1 then ((bounding.y .~ (r^.y - p^.bounding.height - 1)) . (velocity._2 .~ 2) $ p, True) else (p,False)
| p^.velocity._2 == 0 = (p, False)
| p^.velocity._2 > 0 = if r `collides` ((y .~ origY) . (height .~ ((p^.bounding.y) - origY + (p^.bounding.height))) $ p^.bounding)
then ((bounding.y .~ r^.y - p^.bounding.height - 1) . (velocity._2 .~ 2) $ p, True)
else checkCollisionV rs origY p
| otherwise = if r `collides` (height .~ (origY - (p^.bounding.y)) $ p^.bounding)
then ((bounding.y .~ r^.y + r^.height + 1) . (velocity._2 .~ 2) $ p, False)
else checkCollisionV rs origY p
moveObjs :: [P.Platform] -> (Player,Bool) -> (Player,Bool)
moveObjs ((P.MoveablePlatform _ _ r (dx',dy') _ fwd):rs) (p, b)
| r `collides` (y +~ 3 $ p^.bounding) = ((bounding.x +~ dx) . (velocity._2 .~ dy) $ p,True)
| otherwise = moveObjs rs (p,b)
dx = if fwd then dx' else dx'*(-1)
dy = if fwd then dy' else dy'*(-1)
moveObjs _ p = p
| mdietz94/haskellgame | src/Player.hs | mit | 4,276 | 0 | 19 | 967 | 2,213 | 1,191 | 1,022 | -1 | -1 |
module Zwerg.Generator.Level.TestSquare (testSquare) where
import Zwerg.Generator
import Zwerg.Generator.Default
-- import Zwerg.Generator.Verify
-- import Zwerg.Generator.Enemy.Goblin
-- import Zwerg.Generator.Item.Weapon
testSquare :: Generator
testSquare = Generator testSquareHatch []
-- replicateM_ 5 $ goblin >>= putOnRandomEmptyTile testSquareLevelUUID
-- replicateM_ 4 $ sword >>= putOnRandomEmptyTile testSquareLevelUUID
testSquareHatch :: EntityHatcher
testSquareHatch = MkEntityHatcher $ do
testSquareLevelUUID <- generateSkeleton Level
testSquareTiles <- tileMap <@> testSquareLevelUUID
let wallGlyph = Glyph 'X' $ CellColor white $ Just black
floorGlyph = Glyph '·' $ CellColor white $ Just black
zTraverseWithKey_ testSquareTiles $ \pos tileUUID -> do
let (x, y) = unwrap pos
isWallTile = x == 0 || x == mapWidthINT - 1 || y == 0 || y == mapHeightINT - 1
(<@-) :: Component a -> a -> MonadCompState ()
(<@-) = setComp tileUUID
if isWallTile
then do
tileType <@- Wall
blocksPassage <@- True
blocksVision <@- True
glyph <@- wallGlyph
name <@- "Wall tile in the test level"
description <@- "It is a wall."
else do
tileType <@- Floor
blocksPassage <@- False
blocksVision <@- False
glyph <@- floorGlyph
name <@- "Floor tile in the test level"
description <@- "It is a floor."
return testSquareLevelUUID
| zmeadows/zwerg | lib/Zwerg/Generator/Level/TestSquare.hs | mit | 1,622 | 0 | 23 | 495 | 340 | 168 | 172 | 32 | 2 |
HAAP: Haskell Automated Assessment Platform
This module provides the @Hakyll@ plugin (<>) for static web-page generation.
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances, FlexibleContexts, EmptyDataDecls, FlexibleInstances, TypeFamilies, OverloadedStrings, ScopedTypeVariables, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, MultiParamTypeClasses, Rank2Types #-}
module HAAP.Web.Hakyll
( module HAAP.Web.Hakyll
, module Hakyll
) where
import HAAP.Core
import HAAP.IO
import HAAP.Pretty as PP
import HAAP.Plugin
import HAAP.Shelly
import HAAP.Utils
import HAAP.Log
import System.FilePath
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Fail
import Control.Monad.Base
import Control.Monad.Morph
import Control.Monad.Trans.Compose
import Control.Monad.Identity
--import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Writer (MonadWriter(..),WriterT(..))
import qualified Control.Monad.Reader as Reader
import qualified Control.Monad.Writer as Writer
import qualified Control.Monad.Except as Except
import qualified Control.Monad.State as State
import qualified Control.Monad.RWS as RWS
import Control.Monad.RWS (RWST(..))
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState(..))
import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader(..))
--import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch,MonadThrow)
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Exception.Safe
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
import Data.Functor.Contravariant
import Data.Default
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.List
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html as H
import qualified Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Pretty as H
import Hakyll
import Paths_HAAP
import Debug.Trace
-- * Hakyll plugin
data Hakyll
data HakyllArgs = HakyllArgs
{ hakyllCfg :: Configuration
, hakyllClean :: Bool
, hakyllCopy :: Bool
, hakyllMatch :: Bool
, hakyllP :: HakyllP
-- Hakyll focuses (add specific ignoreFiles to speed-up hakyll "Creating provider..." step)
type HakyllF = [FilePath]
instance Default HakyllArgs where
def = defaultHakyllArgs
defaultHakyllArgs :: HakyllArgs
defaultHakyllArgs = HakyllArgs def True True True def
instance HaapPlugin Hakyll where
type PluginI Hakyll = HakyllArgs
type PluginO Hakyll = ()
type PluginT Hakyll = HakyllT
type PluginK Hakyll t m = (MonadIO m)
usePlugin getArgs m = do
args <- getArgs
x <- runHaapHakyllT args m
return (x,())
useHakyll :: (HaapStack t m,PluginK Hakyll t m) => (PluginI Hakyll) -> Haap (PluginT Hakyll :..: t) m a -> Haap t m a
useHakyll args = usePlugin_ (return args)
instance Semigroup (Rules ()) where
(<>) = mappend
instance Monoid (Rules ()) where
mempty = return ()
mappend x y = x >> y
newtype HakyllT m a = HakyllT { unHakyllT :: RWST HakyllArgs (Rules (),HakyllF) HakyllP m a }
deriving (Functor,Applicative,Monad,MonadFail,MonadTrans,MFunctor,MonadIO,MonadCatch,MonadThrow,MonadMask,MonadReader HakyllArgs,MonadState HakyllP,MonadWriter (Rules (),HakyllF))
instance HaapMonad m => HasPlugin Hakyll HakyllT m where
liftPlugin = id
instance (HaapStack t2 m) => HasPlugin Hakyll (ComposeT HakyllT t2) m where
liftPlugin m = ComposeT $ hoist' lift m
morphHakyllT :: (forall b . m b -> n b) -> HakyllT m a -> HakyllT n a
morphHakyllT f (HakyllT m) = HakyllT $ RWS.mapRWST f m
hakyllFocus :: HasPlugin Hakyll t m => HakyllF -> Haap t m a -> Haap t m a
hakyllFocus fs m = do
liftPluginProxy (Proxy::Proxy Hakyll) $ Writer.tell (mempty,fs)
hakyllRules :: HasPlugin Hakyll t m => Rules () -> Haap t m ()
hakyllRules r = liftPluginProxy (Proxy::Proxy Hakyll) $ Writer.tell (r,[])
runHaapHakyllT :: (HaapStack t m,MonadIO m) => PluginI Hakyll -> Haap (HakyllT :..: t) m a -> Haap t m a
runHaapHakyllT args m = do
let go :: (MonadIO m,HaapStack t m) => forall b . (HakyllT :..: t) m b -> t m b
go (ComposeT (HakyllT m)) = do
(e,hp,(rules,noignores)) <- RWS.runRWST m (args) (hakyllP args)
let datarules = do
when (hakyllMatch args) $ matchDataCSSs >> matchDataJSs
let ignore fp = {-trace ("ignore?" ++ fp ++" "++ show b1 ++ " " ++ show b2)-} (b1 || b2)
b1 = not $ any (\p -> p `isPrefixOf` fp || fp `isPrefixOf` p) noignores
b2 = ignoreFile (hakyllCfg args) fp
let cfg = (hakyllCfg args) { ignoreFile = ignore }
let build = withArgs ["build"] $ hakyllWithExitCode cfg datarules
let clean = withArgs ["clean"] $ hakyllWithExitCode cfg datarules
lift $ liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Running Hakyll without ignoring... " ++ prettyString noignores
lift $ liftIO $ hakyllIO hp $ if (hakyllClean args)
then clean >> build
else build
-- else catch
-- (build >>= \e -> case e of { ExitFailure _ -> clean >> build; otherwise -> return e })
-- (\(err::SomeException) -> clean >> build)
return e
when (hakyllCopy args) $ copyDataFiles (hakyllCfg args)
let datapaths = if hakyllMatch args then ["js","css"] else []
e <- mapHaapMonad go $ hakyllFocus datapaths m
return e
copyDataFiles :: (MonadIO m,HaapStack t m) => Configuration -> Haap t m ()
copyDataFiles cfg = do
datapath <- runBaseIO' $ getDataFileName ""
xs <- runBaseIO' $ listDirectory datapath
runBaseSh $ forM_ xs $ \x -> shCpRecursive (datapath </> x) (providerDirectory cfg </> x)
matchDataJSs :: Rules ()
matchDataJSs = do
match (fromGlob ("js" </> "*.js")) $ do
route idRoute
compile copyFileCompiler
matchDataTemplates :: Rules ()
matchDataTemplates = do
match (fromGlob ("templates" </> "*.html")) $ do
--route idRoute
compile templateBodyCompiler
match (fromGlob ("templates" </> "*.css")) $ do
--route idRoute
compile templateBodyCompiler
match (fromGlob ("templates" </> "*.php")) $ do
--route idRoute
compile templateBodyCompiler
match (fromGlob ("templates" </> "*.markdown")) $ do
--route $ setExtension "html"
compile $ pandocCompiler
matchDataCSSs :: Rules ()
matchDataCSSs = do
match (fromGlob ("css" </> "*.css")) $ do
route idRoute
compile compressCssCompiler
orErrorHakyllPage :: (MonadIO m,HasPlugin Hakyll t m,Pretty a) => FilePath -> a -> Haap t m a -> Haap t m a
orErrorHakyllPage page def m = orDo go m
go e = do
hp <- getHakyllP
hakyllFocus ["templates"] $ hakyllRules $ create [fromFilePath page] $ do
route $ idRoute `composeRoutes` (funRoute $ hakyllRoute hp)
compile $ do
let errCtx = constField "errorMessage" (H.renderHtml $ H.toHtml $ prettyString e)
`mappend` constField "projectpath" (fileToRoot $ hakyllRoute hp page)
makeItem "" >>= loadAndApplyHTMLTemplate "templates/error.html" errCtx >>= hakyllCompile hp
return $! def
orErrorHakyllPage' :: (MonadIO m,HaapStack t m,Pretty a) => HakyllArgs -> FilePath -> a -> Haap t m a -> Haap t m a
orErrorHakyllPage' hakyllargs page def m = orDo go m
go e = useHakyll hakyllargs $ do
hp <- getHakyllP
hakyllFocus ["templates"] $ hakyllRules $ create [fromFilePath page] $ do
route $ idRoute `composeRoutes` (funRoute $ hakyllRoute hp)
compile $ do
let errCtx = constField "errorMessage" (H.renderHtml $ H.toHtml $ prettyString e)
`mappend` constField "projectpath" (fileToRoot $ hakyllRoute hp page)
makeItem "" >>= loadAndApplyHTMLTemplate "templates/error.html" errCtx >>= hakyllCompile hp
return $! def
orErrorHakyllPageWith :: (MonadIO m,HaapStack t m,Pretty a) => (forall a . Haap (HakyllT :..: t) m a -> Haap t m a) -> FilePath -> a -> Haap t m a -> Haap t m a
orErrorHakyllPageWith runHakyll page def m = orDo go m
go e = runHakyll $ do
hp <- getHakyllP
hakyllFocus ["templates"] $ hakyllRules $ create [fromFilePath page] $ do
route $ idRoute `composeRoutes` (funRoute $ hakyllRoute hp)
compile $ do
let errCtx = constField "errorMessage" (H.renderHtml $ H.toHtml $ prettyString e)
`mappend` constField "projectpath" (fileToRoot $ hakyllRoute hp page)
makeItem "" >>= loadAndApplyHTMLTemplate "templates/error.html" errCtx >>= hakyllCompile hp
return $! def
getHakyllP :: (HasPlugin Hakyll t m) => Haap t m HakyllP
getHakyllP = liftHaap $ liftPluginProxy (Proxy::Proxy Hakyll) $ State.get
getHakyllArgs :: (HasPlugin Hakyll t m) => Haap t m HakyllArgs
getHakyllArgs = liftHaap $ liftPluginProxy (Proxy::Proxy Hakyll) $ Reader.ask
-- * Hakyll Utilities
loadAndApplyHTMLTemplate :: Identifier -> Context a -> Item a -> Compiler (Item String)
loadAndApplyHTMLTemplate iden ctx item = do
i <- loadAndApplyTemplate iden ctx item
return i
traceRoute :: Routes
traceRoute = customRoute $ \iden -> trace ("traceRoute " ++ show iden) (toFilePath iden)
relativeRoute :: FilePath -> Routes
relativeRoute prefix = customRoute $ \iden -> makeRelative (prefix) (toFilePath iden)
addToRoute :: FilePath -> Routes
addToRoute prefix = customRoute $ \iden -> prefix </> (toFilePath iden)
liftCompiler :: (String -> String) -> Item String -> Compiler (Item String)
liftCompiler f i = return $ fmap f i
funRoute :: (FilePath -> FilePath) -> Routes
funRoute f = customRoute (f . toFilePath)
instance Contravariant Context where
contramap f (Context g) = Context $ \n ns x -> g n ns (fmap f x)
----loadAndApplyDataTemplate :: Identifier -> Context a -> Item a -> Compiler (Item String)
----loadAndApplyDataTemplate path c i = do
---- path' <- fromDataFileName $ toFilePath path
---- loadAndApplyTemplate path' c i
----fromDataFileName :: FilePath -> Compiler Identifier
----fromDataFileName path = liftM fromFilePath $ unsafeCompiler $ getDataFileName path
loadCopyFile :: Item CopyFile -> Compiler (Item String)
loadCopyFile = load . fromFilePath . (\(CopyFile f) -> f) . itemBody
dataRoute :: FilePath -> Routes
dataRoute datapath = customRoute (\iden -> makeRelative datapath $ toFilePath iden)
-- * Hakyll pre-processor
data HakyllP = HakyllP
{ hakyllRoute :: FilePath -> FilePath -- additional routing
, hakyllCompile :: Item String -> Compiler (Item String) -- additional compilation pipepile
, hakyllIO :: forall a . IO a -> IO a -- handling of the hakyll run process
instance Semigroup HakyllP where
(<>) = mappend
instance Monoid HakyllP where
mempty = defaultHakyllP
mappend x y = HakyllP (hakyllRoute y . hakyllRoute x) (hakyllCompile x >=> hakyllCompile y) (hakyllIO x . hakyllIO y)
instance Default HakyllP where
def = defaultHakyllP
defaultHakyllP :: HakyllP
defaultHakyllP = HakyllP id return id
readHakyllP :: HasPlugin Hakyll t m => Haap t m HakyllP
readHakyllP = liftHaap $ liftPluginProxy (Proxy::Proxy Hakyll) $ State.get
writeHakyllP :: HasPlugin Hakyll t m => HakyllP -> Haap t m ()
writeHakyllP hp = liftHaap $ liftPluginProxy (Proxy::Proxy Hakyll) $ State.put hp
withHakyllP :: HasPlugin Hakyll t m => HakyllP -> Haap t m a -> Haap t m a
withHakyllP newhp m = do
oldhp <- readHakyllP
writeHakyllP newhp
x <- m
writeHakyllP oldhp
return x
instance MonadBase b m => MonadBase b (HakyllT m) where
liftBase = liftBaseDefault
deriving instance MonadBaseControl b m => MonadBaseControl b (HakyllT m)
deriving instance MonadTransControl HakyllT
instance (Monad m,MonadTransControl HakyllT) => MonadTransRestore' HakyllT m where
type StT' HakyllT a = StT HakyllT a
restoreT' = restoreT
instance (Monad m,Monad n,MonadTransControl HakyllT) => MonadTransControl' HakyllT m n where
liftWith' = liftWith
| hpacheco/HAAP | src/HAAP/Web/Hakyll.hs | mit | 12,102 | 0 | 24 | 2,696 | 3,691 | 1,898 | 1,793 | -1 | -1 |
module Bio.HiC
( ContactMap(..)
, fromAL
, mkContactMap
, mkContactMap'
-- * contact matrix normalization
, vcNorm
, vcNormVector
, sqrtNorm
, sqrtNormVector
, obsDivExp
, expectedVector
) where
import Bio.SamTools.Bam
import qualified Bio.SamTools.BamIndex as BI
import Control.Monad (forM_, when, liftM, replicateM)
import Control.Monad.Primitive
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Binary (Binary(..))
import Data.Conduit
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Bits (shiftR)
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as G
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as GM
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
import qualified Data.Matrix.Symmetric as MS
import qualified Data.Matrix.Symmetric.Mutable as MSM
import Statistics.Sample (mean)
import Bio.Data.Bam
import Bio.Data.Bed
type Matrix a = MS.SymMatrix U.Vector a
-- | a specific base in the genome
type Site = (B.ByteString, Int)
-- | two sites interacting with each other form a contact
type Contact = (Site, Site)
data ContactMap = ContactMap
{ _chroms :: [(B.ByteString, Int)]
, _resolution :: !Int
, _matrix :: !(Matrix Double)
instance Binary ContactMap where
put (ContactMap chroms res mat) = do
put n
mapM_ put chroms
put res
put mat
n = length chroms
get = do
n <- get
chroms <- replicateM n get
res <- get
mat <- get
return $ ContactMap chroms res mat
-- | Read HiC contact map from associate list
fromAL :: PrimMonad m
=> [(B.ByteString, Int)]
-> Int
-> Sink ((Int, Int), Double) m ContactMap
fromAL chrs res = do
mat <- lift $ MSM.replicate (matSize,matSize) 0
CL.mapM_ $ \((i,j), v) -> MSM.write mat (i `div` res, j `div` res) v
mat' <- lift $ MS.unsafeFreeze mat
return $ ContactMap chrs res mat'
matSize = foldl' (+) 0 $ map (\(_,x) -> (x-1) `div` res + 1) chrs
{-# INLINE fromAL #-}
mkContactMap' :: FilePath -> [BED3] -> Int -> Int -> Source IO ..
mkContactMap' bamFl regions w extend = do
handle <- liftIO $ bamFl
forM_ [0..n-1]
positions = V.scanl f 0 regions'
n = V.last positions
f acc (BED3 chr s e) = acc + (e - s) `div` w
regions' = V.fromList regions
g i = binarySearch positions i
-- | O(n * (logN + k)). n = number of bins, N = number of tags. Generate contanct
-- map using constant memory
mkContactMap :: FilePath -> BED3 -> Int -> Int -> Source IO ((Int, Int), Int)
mkContactMap bamFl (BED3 chr s e) w extend = do
handle <- lift $ bamFl
forM_ [0..n-1] $ \i ->
forM_ [i..n-1] $ \j -> do
let s1 = s + i * w
c1 = s1 + w'
s2 = s + j * w
c2 = s2 + w'
r <- lift $ readCount handle (w'+extend) ((chr, c1), (chr, c2))
if i == j
then yield ((s1, s2), r `div` 2)
else yield ((s1, s2), r)
n = (e - s) `div` w
w' = w `div` 2
-- | O(N + n). Store matrix in memory, faster when region is big
mkContactMap' :: PrimMonad m => BED3 -> Int -> Int -> Sink Bam1 m (U.Vector Int)
mkContactMap' (BED3 chr s e) w extend = do
vec <- lift $ GM.replicate vecLen 0
loop vec
lift . liftM ( (`div` 2)) . G.unsafeFreeze $ vec
n = (e - s) `div` w
e' = n * w
vecLen = n * (n+1) `div` 2
loop v = do
x <- await
case x of
Just bam ->
let flag = do bamChr <- targetName bam
matChr <- mateTargetName bam
return $ bamChr == chr && matChr == chr
in case flag of
Just True -> do
let (p, pMate) = getStarts bam
a = (p - s) `div` w
b = (pMate - s) `div` w
i | a < b = idx a b
| otherwise = idx b a
when (p >= s && pMate >= s && p < e' && pMate < e') $
lift $ v i >>= GM.write v i . (+1)
loop v
_ -> loop v
_ -> return ()
idx i j = i * (2 * n - i + 1) `div` 2 + j - i
-- | get starting location of bam and its mate
getStarts :: Bam1 -> (Int, Int)
getStarts bam = let p1 = fromIntegral . fromJust . position $ bam
p2 = fromIntegral . fromJust . matePosition $ bam
l = fromIntegral . fromJust . queryLength $ bam
p1' | isReverse bam = p1 + l
| otherwise = p1
p2' | isReverse bam = p2 + l
| otherwise = p2
in (p1', p2')
{-# INLINE getStarts #-}
-- | the number of tag pairs that overlap with the region
-- covered by the contact
readCount :: BI.IdxHandle -- ^ bam file handler
-> Int -- ^ half window width
-> Contact
-> IO Int
readCount handle w ((c1, p1), (c2, p2)) = viewBam handle (c1, p1-w, p1+w) $$ CL.fold f 0
f acc x =
case mateTargetName x of
Just chr -> if chr == c2
then let mp = fromIntegral . fromJust . matePosition $ x
l = fromIntegral . fromJust . queryLength $ x
in if isOverlapped r2 (mp, mp+l)
then acc + 1
else acc
else acc
_ -> acc
isOverlapped (lo,hi) (lo',hi') = lo' < hi && hi' > lo
r2 = (p2-w, p2+w)
{-# INLINE readCount #-}
-- | Vanilla coverage normalization (Lieberman-Aiden et al., 2009)
vcNorm :: ContactMap -> ContactMap
vcNorm c = normalizeBy (vcNormVector c) c
sqrtNorm :: ContactMap -> ContactMap
sqrtNorm c = normalizeBy (sqrtNormVector c) c
normalizeBy :: U.Vector Double -> ContactMap -> ContactMap
normalizeBy normVec c = c{_matrix = MS.SymMatrix n vec'}
(MS.SymMatrix n vec) = _matrix c
vec' = U.create $ do
v <- U.thaw vec
loop 0 0 v
return v
loop i j v | i < n && j < n = do
let i' = idx n i j
x = (normVec U.! i) * (normVec U.! j)
x' | x == 0 = 0
| otherwise = 1 / x v i' >>= GM.write v i' . (*x')
loop i (j+1) v
| i < n = loop (i+1) (i+1) v
| otherwise = return ()
{-# INLINE normalizeBy #-}
vcNormVector :: ContactMap -> U.Vector Double
vcNormVector c = U.generate n $ \i -> (U.foldl1' (+) $ mat `MS.takeRow` i) / 1e6
mat = _matrix c
n = fst $ MS.dim mat
{-# INLINE vcNormVector #-}
sqrtNormVector :: ContactMap -> U.Vector Double
sqrtNormVector = sqrt . vcNormVector
{-# INLINE sqrtNormVector #-}
-- | O/E
obsDivExp :: ContactMap -> ContactMap
obsDivExp c = c{_matrix = MS.SymMatrix n vec'}
(MS.SymMatrix n vec) = _matrix c
vec' = U.create $ do
v <- U.thaw vec
loop 0 0 v
return v
loop i j v | i < n && j < n = do
let i' = idx n i j
x = expect `U.unsafeIndex` (j-i)
x' | x == 0 = 0
| otherwise = 1 / x v i' >>= GM.write v i' . (*x')
loop i (j+1) v
| i < n = loop (i+1) (i+1) v
| otherwise = return ()
expect = expectedVector c
-- | Expected contact frequency between two locus with distance d.
expectedAt :: Int -> ContactMap -> Double
expectedAt d c = mean $ U.generate (n-d) $ \i -> MS.unsafeIndex mat (i,i+d)
mat = _matrix c
n = MS.rows mat
{-# INLINE expectedAt #-}
expectedVector :: ContactMap -> U.Vector Double
expectedVector c = U.generate n $ \d -> expectedAt d c
n = MS.rows $ _matrix c
{-# INLINE expectedVector #-}
-- row major upper triangular indexing
idx :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
idx n i j = (i * (2 * n - i - 1)) `shiftR` 1 + j
{-# INLINE idx #-}
| kaizhang/bioinformatics-toolkit | bioinformatics-toolkit/src/Bio/HiC.hs | mit | 8,288 | 0 | 31 | 3,003 | 2,817 | 1,490 | 1,327 | 195 | 4 |
module Print3Broken where
greeting :: String
greeting = "Yarrrrrrrrr"
printSecond :: IO ()
printSecond = do
putStrLn greeting
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn greeting
| rasheedja/HaskellFromFirstPrinciples | Chapter3/print3broken.hs | mit | 189 | 0 | 7 | 37 | 59 | 30 | 29 | 10 | 1 |
{-# htermination (esEsMyBool :: MyBool -> MyBool -> MyBool) #-}
import qualified Prelude
data MyBool = MyTrue | MyFalse
data List a = Cons a (List a) | Nil
esEsMyBool :: MyBool -> MyBool -> MyBool
esEsMyBool MyFalse MyFalse = MyTrue;
esEsMyBool MyFalse MyTrue = MyFalse;
esEsMyBool MyTrue MyFalse = MyFalse;
esEsMyBool MyTrue MyTrue = MyTrue;
| ComputationWithBoundedResources/ara-inference | doc/tpdb_trs/Haskell/basic_haskell/EQEQ_3.hs | mit | 356 | 0 | 8 | 69 | 94 | 53 | 41 | 8 | 1 |
module ExpressoesLambdaComposicaoLazyness where
import FuncoesDeAltaOrdemFilterFold
import FuncoesDeAltaOrdemAplicacaoParcialMap
-- Relembrando foldr e seu tipo...
-- fold :: x -> y -> z -> w
-- fold :: x -> y -> [a] -> y
-- fold :: x -> y -> [a] -> y {e :: a, es :: [a]}
-- fold :: (a -> y -> y) -> y -> [a] -> y
-- e a função global vista até agora (mediafr), compondo as menores...
-- Mas varremos a lista duas vezes… Se eficiência for um problema,
-- podemos varrer só uma vez? Como em Java? Recursão diferente, acumulando
-- valores como parâmetros. Recursão direta.
mediaaux s t [] = s/t
mediaaux s t (e:l) = mediaaux (s+e) (t+1) l
-- mediaaux 0 0 [1,3,5] =
-- mediaaux (0+1) (0+1) [3,5]
-- mediaaux 1 1 [3,5]
-- mediaaux (1+3) (1+1) [5]
-- mediaaux 4 2 [5]
-- mediaaux (4+5) (2+1) []
-- mediaaux 9 3 []
-- 9/3
-- 3
mediao l = mediaaux 0 0 l
-- mediao1 [1,2] =
-- mediaaux 0 0 [1,2]
-- Até agora, com frequência, repetimos o parâmetro em apenas um local
-- do lado direito, na extremidade da chamada de outra função. Podemos
-- evitar isso omitindo o parâmetro e definindo uma função diretamente
-- em termos de outra...
somafrp = foldr (+) 0
sizefrp = foldr soma1 0
-- f x = g x
-- f = g
-- ilustrar tipos de várias aplicações parciais
-- :t foldr (+)
-- :t foldr (+) 0
somae x y = x + y
-- internamente é simulado assim
somae1 x = somae2
where somae2 y = x + y
-- Dizemos que a aplicação da função foldr é parcial… Não fornecemos
-- todos os parâmetros… Notem os tipos somafrp :: [Integer] -> Integer
-- A aplicação parcial de foldr retorna uma função como resultado. Na
-- verdade, ao invés de ver foldr como uma função que tem 3 parâmetros,
-- podemos ver como uma função que tem um parâmetro e retorna uma outra
-- função, que tem um parâmetro também e recebe outra função que recebe uma
-- lista e retorna um elemento de algum tipo.
-- Funções também podem ser representadas por expressões lambda. Valor
-- que denota uma função anônima. Similar a Java, mas bem mais limpo.
-- sizefrpl :: [a] -> Integer
sizefrpl = foldr (\x y -> 1 + y) 0
-- foldr soma 0
-- soma x y = x + y
-- soma = \x y -> x + y
-- soma = \x -> \y -> x + y
-- f = \x -> x + 1
-- f x = x + 1
-- Podemos definir a função que computa a media com foldr, também sem
-- varrer a lista duas vezes.
mediafold [] = 0
mediafold l = s/t
where (s,t) = foldr (\x (s1,t1) -> (x+s1,t1+1)) (0,0) l
-- Sistema de tipos de Haskell às vezes complica!
mfe [] = []
mfe l = 1.5
-- Podemos compor as partes de forma mais elegante, com composição de funções…
-- (.) f g x = f (g x)
-- (.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
-- Compondo as definições que criamos até agora…
-- principal :: [(a, Double, Double)] -> Double
principal = mediafr . (map snd) . aprovadosf . mediasPLC
-- Testando
teste = principal turma
-- Avaliação lazy, só avalia o que for necessário para a execução da função.
-- Normalmente, em outras linguagens, a avaliação é estrita (não lazy), e da
-- esquerda para a direita.
lazy x y | x > 0 = x
| otherwise = y
loop x = loop x
res5 = lazy 5 (loop 1)
resloop1 = lazy (loop 1) 5
resloop2 = lazy 0 (loop 1)
llazy [] = []
llazy (e:l) | e > 0 = [e]
| otherwise = llazy l
res1 = llazy [-10000000..]
-- Funções como valores e resultados…
-- twice :: (a -> a) -> a -> a
-- Diferente de a -> a -> a -> a
twice f = f . f
-- Exercício
avaliar (x,'+',y) = x + y
avaliar (x,'-',y) = x - y
avaliar (x,'*',y) = x * y
avaliar (x,'/',y) = x / y
av (x,op,y) = avOp op x y
avOp '+' = (+)
avOp '-' = (-)
avOp '*' = (*)
avOp '/' = (/)
avaliarExpressoes [] = []
avaliarExpressoes (e : l) = avaliar e : avaliarExpressoes l
ae = map av
somaTotal l = sum (avaliarExpressoes (filtraDivisaoPorZero l))
st = sum . ae . fz
filtraDivisaoPorZero [] = []
filtraDivisaoPorZero ((x,'/',0) : l) = filtraDivisaoPorZero l
filtraDivisaoPorZero (e : l) = e : filtraDivisaoPorZero l
fz = filter (\(x,op,y) -> not(op == '/' && y == 0))
testea = [(4,'+',3),(4,'/',3)]
testeb = [(4,'+',3),(4,'/',0),(4,'/',3)]
-- Quais os tipos das funções abaixo?
-- f :: (a -> Bool) -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
-- g :: (a1 -> a -> a) -> [a] -> [[a1] -> a]
f = map.filter
g = map.foldr
-- Escopo estático e dinâmico... closure!
scope x y = g
where g w = x + y + w
res17 = x + (scope 2 3) 3
where x = 9
res20 = x + (scope 5 3) 3
where x = 9
| pauloborba/plc | src/ExpressoesLambdaComposicaoLazyness.hs | cc0-1.0 | 4,527 | 0 | 12 | 1,070 | 1,027 | 582 | 445 | 58 | 1 |
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Control.Monad.State
data Options = Options
data Ast = Ast
data BlockingFunctions = BlockingFunctions
data DefinedFunctions = DefinedFunctions
data StartRoutines = StartRoutines
data CallGraph = CallGraph
data CriticalFunctions = CriticalFunctions
-- IO
options :: ErrorT String IO Options
options = undefined
parse :: ErrorT String IO Ast
parse = undefined
pretty_print :: Ast -> ErrorT String IO ()
pretty_print = undefined
write_debug_symbols :: [DebugSymbol] -> ErrorT String IO ()
write_debug_symbols = undefined
report :: Either String () -> IO ()
report (Left err) = putStrLn $ "failed: " ++ err
report _ = putStrLn "complete"
-- Analysis
data Analysis = Analysis {
getBlockingFunctions :: BlockingFunctions,
getDefinedFunctions :: DefinedFunctions,
getStartRoutines :: StartRoutines,
getCallGraph :: CallGraph,
getCriticalFunctions :: CriticalFunctions
check_sanity :: Ast -> ER ()
check_sanity = undefined
check_call_graph :: CallGraph -> StartRoutines -> DefinedFunctions -> Ast -> ER ()
check_call_graph = undefined
blocking_functions :: Ast -> ER BlockingFunctions
blocking_functions = undefined
defined_functions :: Ast -> ER DefinedFunctions
defined_functions = undefined
start_routines :: DefinedFunctions -> Ast -> ER StartRoutines
start_routines = undefined
call_graph :: DefinedFunctions -> BlockingFunctions -> Ast -> ER CallGraph
call_graph = undefined
critical_functions :: CallGraph -> BlockingFunctions -> Ast -> ER CriticalFunctions
critical_functions = undefined
check_constraints :: CriticalFunctions -> StartRoutines -> Ast -> ER ()
check_constraints = undefined
analysis :: Options -> Ast -> ErrorT String IO (Analysis, Ast)
analysis opt ast = ErrorT $ return $ runReader (runErrorT (runER (analysis' ast))) opt
analysis' :: Ast -> ER (Analysis, Ast)
analysis' ast = do
check_sanity ast
bf <- blocking_functions ast
df <- defined_functions ast
sr <- start_routines df ast
cg <- call_graph df bf ast
check_call_graph cg sr df ast
cf <- critical_functions cg bf ast
check_constraints cf sr ast
let ana = Analysis bf df sr cg cf
return (ana, ast)
-- Transformation
data DebugSymbol = DebugSymbol
data TransEnv = TransEnv {
getAnalysis :: Analysis,
getOptions :: Options
newtype Trans a = Trans {
runTrans :: WriterT [DebugSymbol] (Reader TransEnv) a
} deriving (
MonadWriter [DebugSymbol],
MonadReader TransEnv
transform :: Options -> Analysis -> Ast -> (Ast, [DebugSymbol])
transform opt ana ast = runReader (runWriterT (runTrans (transform' ast))) $ TransEnv ana opt
transform' :: Ast -> Trans Ast
transform' = undefined
main :: IO ()
main = do
err <- runErrorT $ do
opt <- options
ast <- parse
(ana, ast') <- analysis opt ast
let (ast'', ds) = transform opt ana ast'
pretty_print ast''
write_debug_symbols ds
report err
| copton/ocram | try/architecture/Arch.hs | gpl-2.0 | 2,964 | 60 | 12 | 485 | 932 | 494 | 438 | 83 | 1 |
module Language.Prolog (module Prolog) where
import Prolog
| nishiuramakoto/logiku | prolog/Prolog/Language/Prolog.hs | gpl-3.0 | 59 | 0 | 4 | 7 | 15 | 10 | 5 | 2 | 0 |
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust)
import Language.Dockerfile.Normalize
import Language.Dockerfile.Parser
import Language.Dockerfile.Rules
import Language.Dockerfile.Syntax
import Test.Framework
import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit
import Test.HUnit
assertAst s ast = case parseString (s ++ "\n") of
Left err -> assertFailure $ show err
Right dockerfile -> assertEqual "ASTs are not equal" ast $ map instruction dockerfile
assertChecks rule s f = case parseString (s ++ "\n") of
Left err -> assertFailure $ show err
Right dockerfile -> f $ analyze [rule] dockerfile
-- Assert a failed check exists for rule
ruleCatches :: Rule -> String -> Assertion
ruleCatches rule s = assertChecks rule s f
where f checks = assertEqual "No check for rule found" 1 $ length checks
ruleCatchesNot :: Rule -> String -> Assertion
ruleCatchesNot rule s = assertChecks rule s f
where f checks = assertEqual "Found check of rule" 0 $ length checks
normalizeTests = [ "join escaped lines" ~: assertEqual "Lines are not joined" expected $ normalizeEscapedLines dockerfile
, "join long cmd" ~: assertEqual "Lines are not joined" longEscapedCmdExpected $ normalizeEscapedLines longEscapedCmd
where expected = unlines ["ENV foo=bar baz=foz", ""]
dockerfile = unlines ["ENV foo=bar \\", "baz=foz"]
longEscapedCmd = unlines
[ "RUN wget${version}.tar.gz -O /tmp/logstash.tar.gz && \\"
, "(cd /tmp && tar zxf logstash.tar.gz && mv logstash-${version} /opt/logstash && \\"
, "rm logstash.tar.gz) && \\"
, "(cd /opt/logstash && \\"
, "/opt/logstash/bin/plugin install contrib)"
longEscapedCmdExpected = concat
[ "RUN wget${version}.tar.gz -O /tmp/logstash.tar.gz && "
, "(cd /tmp && tar zxf logstash.tar.gz && mv logstash-${version} /opt/logstash && "
, "rm logstash.tar.gz) && "
, "(cd /opt/logstash && "
, "/opt/logstash/bin/plugin install contrib)\n"
, "\n"
, "\n"
, "\n"
, "\n"
astTests =
[ "from untagged" ~: assertAst "FROM busybox" [From (UntaggedImage "busybox")]
, "env pair" ~: assertAst "ENV foo=bar" [Env [("foo", "bar")]]
, "env space pair" ~: assertAst "ENV foo bar" [Env [("foo", "bar")] ]
, "env quoted pair" ~: assertAst "ENV foo=\"bar\"" [Env [("foo", "bar")]]
, "env multi raw pair" ~: assertAst "ENV foo=bar baz=foo" [Env [("foo", "bar"), ("baz", "foo")]]
, "env multi quoted pair" ~: assertAst "ENV foo=\"bar\" baz=\"foo\"" [Env [("foo", "bar"), ("baz", "foo")]]
, "one line cmd" ~: assertAst "CMD true" [Cmd ["true"]]
, "multiline cmd" ~: assertAst "CMD true \\\n && true" [Cmd ["true", "&&", "true"], EOL]
, "maintainer " ~: assertAst "MAINTAINER" [Maintainer ""]
, "maintainer from" ~: assertAst maintainerFromProg maintainerFromAst
, "quoted exec" ~: assertAst "CMD [\"echo\", \"1\"]" [Cmd ["echo", "1"]]
, "env works with cmd" ~: assertAst envWorksCmdProg envWorksCmdAst
, "multicomments first" ~: assertAst multiCommentsProg1 [Comment " line 1", Comment " line 2", Run ["apt-get", "update"], EOL]
, "multicomments after" ~: assertAst multiCommentsProg2 [Run ["apt-get", "update"], Comment " line 1", Comment " line 2", EOL]
, "escape with space" ~: assertAst escapedWithSpaceProgram [Run ["yum", "install", "-y", "imagemagick", "mysql"], EOL, EOL]
, "scratch and maintainer" ~: assertAst "FROM scratch\nMAINTAINER" [From (UntaggedImage "scratch"), Maintainer ""]
] where
maintainerFromProg = "FROM busybox\nMAINTAINER"
maintainerFromAst = [ From (UntaggedImage "busybox")
, Maintainer ""
envWorksCmdProg = "ENV PATH=\"/root\"\nCMD [\"hadolint\",\"-i\"]"
envWorksCmdAst = [ Env [("PATH", "/root")]
, Cmd ["hadolint", "-i"]
multiCommentsProg1 = unlines [ "# line 1"
, "# line 2"
, "RUN apt-get update"
multiCommentsProg2 = unlines [ "RUN apt-get update"
, "# line 1"
, "# line 2"
escapedWithSpaceProgram = unlines [ "RUN yum install -y \\ "
, "imagemagick \\ "
, "mysql"
ruleTests =
[ "untagged" ~: ruleCatches noUntagged "FROM debian"
, "explicit latest" ~: ruleCatches noLatestTag "FROM debian:latest"
, "explicit tagged" ~: ruleCatchesNot noLatestTag "FROM debian:jessie"
, "sudo" ~: ruleCatches noSudo "RUN sudo apt-get update"
, "no root" ~: ruleCatches noRootUser "USER root"
, "install sudo" ~: ruleCatchesNot noSudo "RUN apt-get install sudo"
, "sudo chained programs" ~: ruleCatches noSudo "RUN apt-get update && sudo apt-get install"
, "invalid cmd" ~: ruleCatches invalidCmd "RUN top"
, "install ssh" ~: ruleCatchesNot invalidCmd "RUN apt-get install ssh"
, "apt upgrade" ~: ruleCatches noUpgrade "RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade"
, "apt-get version pinning" ~: ruleCatches aptGetVersionPinned "RUN apt-get update && apt-get install python"
, "apt-get no cleanup" ~: ruleCatches aptGetCleanup "RUN apt-get update && apt-get install python"
, "apt-get cleanup" ~: ruleCatchesNot aptGetCleanup "RUN apt-get update && apt-get install python && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*"
, "use add" ~: ruleCatches useAdd "COPY packaged-app.tar /usr/src/app"
, "use not add" ~: ruleCatchesNot useAdd "COPY package.json /usr/src/app"
, "invalid port" ~: ruleCatches invalidPort "EXPOSE 80000"
, "valid port" ~: ruleCatchesNot invalidPort "EXPOSE 60000"
, "maintainer address" ~: ruleCatches maintainerAddress "MAINTAINER Lukas"
, "maintainer uri" ~: ruleCatchesNot maintainerAddress "MAINTAINER Lukas <>"
, "maintainer uri" ~: ruleCatchesNot maintainerAddress "MAINTAINER John Doe <>"
, "maintainer mail" ~: ruleCatchesNot maintainerAddress "MAINTAINER"
, "pip requirements" ~: ruleCatchesNot pipVersionPinned "RUN pip install -r requirements.txt"
, "pip version not pinned" ~: ruleCatches pipVersionPinned "RUN pip install MySQL_python"
, "pip version pinned" ~: ruleCatchesNot pipVersionPinned "RUN pip install MySQL_python==1.2.2"
, "apt-get auto yes" ~: ruleCatches aptGetYes "RUN apt-get install python"
, "apt-get yes shortflag" ~: ruleCatchesNot aptGetYes "RUN apt-get install -yq python"
, "apt-get yes different pos" ~: ruleCatchesNot aptGetYes "RUN apt-get install -y python"
, "apt-get with auto yes" ~: ruleCatchesNot aptGetYes "RUN apt-get -y install python"
, "apt-get with auto expanded yes" ~: ruleCatchesNot aptGetYes "RUN apt-get --yes install python"
, "apt-get install recommends" ~: ruleCatchesNot aptGetNoRecommends "RUN apt-get install --no-install-recommends python"
, "apt-get no install recommends" ~: ruleCatches aptGetNoRecommends "RUN apt-get install python"
, "apt-get no install recommends" ~: ruleCatches aptGetNoRecommends "RUN apt-get -y install python"
, "apt-get version" ~: ruleCatchesNot aptGetVersionPinned "RUN apt-get install -y python=1.2.2"
, "apt-get pinned" ~: ruleCatchesNot aptGetVersionPinned "RUN apt-get -y --no-install-recommends install nodejs=0.10"
, "apt-get pinned chained" ~: ruleCatchesNot aptGetVersionPinned $ unlines aptGetPinnedChainedProgram
, "apt-get pinned regression" ~: ruleCatchesNot aptGetVersionPinned $ unlines aptGetPinnedRegressionProgram
, "has maintainer named" ~: ruleCatchesNot hasMaintainer "FROM busybox\nMAINTAINER"
, "has maintainer" ~: ruleCatchesNot hasMaintainer "FROM debian\nMAINTAINER Lukas"
, "has maintainer first" ~: ruleCatchesNot hasMaintainer "MAINTAINER Lukas\nFROM DEBIAN"
, "has no maintainer" ~: ruleCatches hasMaintainer "FROM debian"
, "using add" ~: ruleCatches copyInsteadAdd "ADD file /usr/src/app/"
, "add is ok for archive" ~: ruleCatchesNot copyInsteadAdd "ADD file.tar /usr/src/app/"
, "add is ok for url" ~: ruleCatchesNot copyInsteadAdd "ADD /usr/src/app/"
, "many cmds" ~: ruleCatches multipleCmds "CMD /bin/true\nCMD /bin/true"
, "single cmd" ~: ruleCatchesNot multipleCmds "CMD /bin/true"
, "no cmd" ~: ruleCatchesNot multipleEntrypoints "FROM busybox"
, "many entries" ~: ruleCatches multipleEntrypoints "ENTRYPOINT /bin/true\nENTRYPOINT /bin/true"
, "single entry" ~: ruleCatchesNot multipleEntrypoints "ENTRYPOINT /bin/true"
, "no entry" ~: ruleCatchesNot multipleEntrypoints "FROM busybox"
, "workdir variable" ~: ruleCatchesNot absoluteWorkdir "WORKDIR ${work}"
, "scratch" ~: ruleCatchesNot noUntagged "FROM scratch"
] where
aptGetPinnedChainedProgram =
[ "RUN apt-get update \\"
, " && apt-get -y --no-install-recommends install nodejs=0.10 \\"
, " && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*"
aptGetPinnedRegressionProgram =
[ "RUN apt-get update && apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \\"
, "python-demjson=2.2.2* \\"
, "wget=1.16.1* \\"
, "git=1:2.5.0* \\"
, "ruby=1:2.1.*"
tests = test $ ruleTests ++ astTests ++ normalizeTests
main = defaultMain $ hUnitTestToTests tests
| beijaflor-io/haskell-language-dockerfile | test/Test.hs | gpl-3.0 | 9,823 | 0 | 11 | 2,320 | 1,683 | 888 | 795 | 137 | 2 |
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Language.LXDFile.InitScript.Types (
, initScript
, Instruction(..)
, InstructionPos(..)
, Action(..)
, Arguments(..)
, InitScriptError(..)
) where
import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError, throwError)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Text.Parsec (ParseError)
import Language.LXDFile.Types (Action(..), Arguments(..))
data InitScript = InitScript { onUpdate :: Bool
, actions :: [Action] }
deriving (Generic, Show)
instance FromJSON InitScript where
instance ToJSON InitScript where
data InitScriptError = ParseError ParseError
| ASTError ASTError
deriving (Show)
initScript :: MonadError ASTError m => AST -> m InitScript
initScript ast = InitScript <$> (fromMaybe False <$> maybeOne ManyOnUpdates onUpdates)
<*> allActions
instructions = map instruction ast
onUpdates = mapMaybe onUpdate' instructions
onUpdate' (OnUpdate x) = Just x
onUpdate' _ = Nothing
allActions = pure $ mapMaybe action' instructions
action' (Action x) = Just x
action' _ = Nothing
maybeOne _ [x] = return $ Just x
maybeOne _ [] = return Nothing
maybeOne manyErr _ = throwError manyErr
data ASTError =
instance Show ASTError where
show ManyOnUpdates = "multiple on update directives"
type AST = [InstructionPos]
data InstructionPos = InstructionPos Instruction String Int deriving (Show)
data Instruction =
Action Action
| Comment String
| OnUpdate Bool
deriving (Show)
instruction :: InstructionPos -> Instruction
instruction (InstructionPos i _ _) = i
| hverr/lxdfile | src/Language/LXDFile/InitScript/Types.hs | gpl-3.0 | 1,883 | 0 | 9 | 477 | 508 | 286 | 222 | 52 | 5 |
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Main where
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.Char (isAscii, isSymbol, isPunctuation)
import Data.FileEmbed
import Data.Foldable (forM_)
import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, writeIORef, readIORef)
import Data.Text (unpack)
import Graphics.UI.Gtk
import Lib (parse, evaluate)
import Text.Megaparsec (errorPos, sourceColumn)
main :: IO ()
main = do
_ <- initGUI
-- Create the builder, and load the UI file
builder <- builderNew
builderAddFromString builder ($(embedStringFile "src-exe/") :: String)
mainLabel <- builderGetObject builder castToLabel "labelBig"
sideLabel <- builderGetObject builder castToLabel "labelSmall"
-- Fix UTF-8 sqrt symbol
sqrtButton <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "buttonSqrt"
mChild <- binGetChild sqrtButton
case mChild of
Just child -> labelSetText (castToLabel child) "√x"
Nothing -> return ()
-- Color EventBoxes (= workaround for button colors)
delBox <- builderGetObject builder castToEventBox "boxDel"
widgetModifyBg delBox StateNormal (Color 59624 8824 8995)
widgetModifyBg delBox StatePrelight (Color 59624 8824 8995)
widgetModifyBg delBox StateActive (Color 59624 8824 8995)
clrBox <- builderGetObject builder castToEventBox "boxClr"
widgetModifyBg clrBox StateNormal (Color 59624 8824 8995)
widgetModifyBg clrBox StatePrelight (Color 59624 8824 8995)
widgetModifyBg clrBox StateActive (Color 59624 8824 8995)
subBox <- builderGetObject builder castToEventBox "boxEq"
widgetModifyBg subBox StateNormal (Color 0 65535 0)
widgetModifyBg subBox StatePrelight (Color 0 65535 0)
widgetModifyBg subBox StateActive (Color 0 65535 0)
-- Global state
hasAnswer <- newIORef False
lastAnswer <- newIORef "0.0"
window <- builderGetObject builder castToWindow "window1"
_ <- on window objectDestroy mainQuit
widgetModifyBg window StateNormal (Color 65535 65535 65535)
_ <- on window keyPressEvent $ tryEvent $ do
Just char <- eventKeyVal >>= (liftIO . keyvalToChar)
guard $ isAscii char
hasAnswer_ <- liftIO $ readIORef hasAnswer
liftIO $ if isSymbol char || isPunctuation char
then append [char] mainLabel hasAnswer_
else overwrite [char] mainLabel hasAnswer_
liftIO $ writeIORef hasAnswer False
_ <- on window keyPressEvent $ tryEvent $ do
"Return" <- fmap unpack eventKeyName
liftIO $ submit mainLabel sideLabel hasAnswer lastAnswer
_ <- on window keyPressEvent $ tryEvent $ do
"BackSpace" <- fmap unpack eventKeyName
liftIO $ delete mainLabel
_ <- on window keyPressEvent $ tryEvent $ do
"Delete" <- fmap unpack eventKeyName
liftIO $ clear mainLabel sideLabel hasAnswer
_ <- on window keyPressEvent $ tryEvent $ do
"Escape" <- fmap unpack eventKeyName
liftIO $ clear mainLabel sideLabel hasAnswer
-- Bind all number/operator buttons
forM_ textButtonBindings $ \(btnId,action) -> do
button <- builderGetObject builder castToButton btnId
on button buttonActivated $ do
readIORef hasAnswer >>= action mainLabel
writeIORef hasAnswer False
-- Bind action buttons
subButton <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "buttonEq"
_ <- on subButton buttonActivated (submit mainLabel sideLabel hasAnswer lastAnswer)
delButton <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "buttonDel"
_ <- on delButton buttonActivated (delete mainLabel)
clrButton <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "buttonClr"
_ <- on clrButton buttonActivated (clear mainLabel sideLabel hasAnswer)
ansButton <- builderGetObject builder castToButton "buttonAns"
_ <- on ansButton buttonActivated (answer mainLabel hasAnswer lastAnswer)
-- Display the window
widgetShowAll window
textButtonBindings :: [(String, Label -> Bool -> IO ())]
textButtonBindings =
[ ("buttonFact", append "!")
, ("buttonMod", append "%")
, ("buttonExp", append "^")
, ("buttonSciNot",append "*10^")
, ("buttonNatExp", append "e^")
, ("buttonInv", append "^-1")
, ("buttonSqrt", append "^0.5")
, ("buttonAdd", append "+")
, ("buttonSub", append "-")
, ("buttonMul", append "*")
, ("buttonDiv", append "/")
, ("buttonLog", overwrite "log(")
, ("buttonLn", overwrite "ln(")
, ("buttonLeft", overwrite "(")
, ("buttonRight", overwrite ")")
, ("buttonPoint", overwrite ".")
, ("button0", overwrite "0")
, ("button1", overwrite "1")
, ("button2", overwrite "2")
, ("button3", overwrite "3")
, ("button4", overwrite "4")
, ("button5", overwrite "5")
, ("button6", overwrite "6")
, ("button7", overwrite "7")
, ("button8", overwrite "8")
, ("button9", overwrite "9")]
answer :: Label -> IORef Bool -> IORef String -> IO ()
answer mainLabel hasAnswer lastAnswer = do
hasAnswer_ <- readIORef hasAnswer
if hasAnswer_ then writeIORef hasAnswer False else do
answer_ <- readIORef lastAnswer
append answer_ mainLabel hasAnswer_
submit :: Label -> Label -> IORef Bool -> IORef String -> IO ()
submit mainLabel sideLabel hasAnswer lastAnswer = do
expr <- labelGetText mainLabel
case parse expr of
Left e ->
let start = max 0 $ sourceColumn (errorPos e) - 2
end = length expr
in labelSetAttributes
[ AttrUnderlineColor start end (Color 65535 0 0)
, AttrUnderline start end UnderlineError
, AttrWeight 0 end WeightBold
, AttrSize 0 end 12]
Right val -> do
let ans = case evaluate val of
Just n -> show n
Nothing -> "NaN"
writeIORef hasAnswer True
writeIORef lastAnswer ans
labelSetText sideLabel expr
setMainLabelText mainLabel ans
delete :: Label -> IO ()
delete label = do
text <- labelGetText label :: IO String
labelSetText label $ take (length text - 1) text
clear :: Label -> Label -> IORef Bool -> IO ()
clear label1 label2 hasAnswer = do
writeIORef hasAnswer False
labelSetText label1 ""
labelSetText label2 ""
append :: String -> Label -> Bool -> IO ()
append string label _ = do
current <- labelGetText label
setMainLabelText label (current ++ string)
overwrite :: String -> Label -> Bool -> IO ()
overwrite string label hasAnswer =
if hasAnswer
then setMainLabelText label string
else append string label False
setMainLabelText :: Label -> String -> IO ()
setMainLabelText label str = do
let len = length str
labelSetText label str
labelSetAttributes label [AttrWeight 0 len WeightBold, AttrSize 0 len 12]
| fit-ivs/calc | src-exe/Main.hs | gpl-3.0 | 6,941 | 0 | 18 | 1,709 | 2,072 | 1,002 | 1,070 | 154 | 3 |
{-| Module : Parser
License : GPL
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
module Helium.Parser.Parser
( module_, exp_, exp0, type_, atype, contextAndType
, parseOnlyImports
) where
- records
- "newtype"
- strictness annotations
- n+k patterns
- [] and (,) and (,,,) etc as (type) constructor
- empty declarations, qualifiers, alternatives or statements
- "qualified", "as" in imports
- import and export lists
- funlhs
For example x:xs +++ ys = ... is not allowed, parentheses around x:xs necessary
- pattern binding met pat10 i.p.v. pat0
For example (x:xs) = [1..] (parenthesis are obligatory)
- sections: (fexp op) and (op fexp)
For example (+2*3) is not allowed, should be (+(2*3))
- fixity declarations only at top-level
import Control.Monad
import Helium.Parser.ParseLibrary hiding (satisfy)
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Prim (ParsecT)
import Helium.Parser.Lexer
import Helium.Parser.LayoutRule
import qualified Helium.Utils.Texts as Texts
import Helium.Syntax.UHA_Syntax
import Helium.Syntax.UHA_Utils
import Helium.Syntax.UHA_Range
import qualified Helium.Parser.CollectFunctionBindings as CollectFunctionBindings
import Helium.Utils.Utils
parseOnlyImports :: String -> IO [String]
parseOnlyImports fullName = do
contents <- readSourceFile fullName
return $ case lexer [] fullName contents of
Left _ -> []
Right (toks, _) ->
case runHParser onlyImports fullName (layout toks) False {- no EOF -} of
Left _ -> []
Right imports -> map stringFromImportDeclaration imports
-> "module" modid exports? "where" body
-- | body
module_ :: HParser Module
module_ = addRange $
n <- modid
let mes = MaybeExports_Nothing
b <- body
return (\r -> Module_Module r (MaybeName_Just n) mes b)
b <- body
return (\r ->
Module_Module r MaybeName_Nothing MaybeExports_Nothing b)
onlyImports :: HParser [ImportDeclaration]
onlyImports =
_ <- modid
let _ = MaybeExports_Nothing
many (do { i <- impdecl; semicolon; return i })
many (do { i <- impdecl; semicolon; return i })
semicolon = lexSEMI <|> lexINSERTED_SEMI <|> lexINSERTED_RBRACE
-- the last of the three is a hack to support files that
-- only contain imports
body -> "{" topdecls "}"
topdecls -> topdecl1 ";" ... ";" topdecln (n>=0)
body :: HParser Body
body = addRange $
withBraces' $ \explicit ->
return (\r -> Body_Hole r 0)
(is, ds) <- importsThenTopdecls explicit
let groupedDecls = CollectFunctionBindings.decls ds
return $ \r -> Body_Body r is groupedDecls
importsThenTopdecls :: Bool ->
ParsecT [Token] SourcePos Identity ([ImportDeclaration], [Declaration])
importsThenTopdecls explicit =
is <- many (do { i <- impdecl
; if explicit then lexSEMI else lexSEMI <|> lexINSERTED_SEMI
; return i
} )
ds <- topdeclCombinator topdecl
return (is, ds)
topdeclCombinator = if explicit then semiSepTerm else semiOrInsertedSemiSepTerm
-- JW: Need to add to topdecl '| "class" [scontext =>] tycls tyvar [where cdecls] '
-- First try " class tycon tyvar [where cdecls]" as class constraints do not yet exist
-- in a later phase add them then also data has to be changed to deal with typeclass constraints
-- please note that in ghc already this has some strange behaviour, read semantics carefully...
-> impdecl
| "data" simpletype "=" constrs derivings?
| "type" simpletype "=" type
| infixdecl
| decl
-> "deriving" derivings'
-> tycon
| "(" ")"
| "(" tycon ( "," tycon )* ")"
-> tycon tyvar1 ... tyvark (k>=0)
| Data
range : Range
context : ContextItems
simpletype : SimpleType
constructors : Constructors
derivings : Names
topdecl :: HParser Declaration
topdecl = addRange (
st <- simpleType
cs <- constrs
ds <- option [] derivings
return (\r -> Declaration_Data r [] st cs ds)
st <- simpleType
t <- type_
return $ \r -> Declaration_Type r st t
-- Declaration_Class (Range) (ContextItems) (SimpleType) (MaybeDeclarations)
cdecls :: HParser Declarations
cdecls =
ds <- withLayout cdecl
return (CollectFunctionBindings.cdecls ds)
ct <- option [] (try $ do {c <- scontext ; lexDARROW ; return c} )
st <- simpleType
ds <- option MaybeDeclarations_Nothing
(try $ do lexWHERE
d <- option MaybeDeclarations_Nothing (try $ do
cds <- cdecls
return (MaybeDeclarations_Just cds))
return d)
return $ \r -> Declaration_Class r ct st ds
-- Declaration_Instance (Range) (ContextItems) (Name) (Types) (MaybeDeclarations)
ct <- option [] (try $ do {c <- scontext; lexDARROW ; return c} )
n <- tycls
ts <- iType
ds <- option MaybeDeclarations_Nothing (try $ do lexWHERE
d <- idecls
return (MaybeDeclarations_Just d))
return $ \r -> Declaration_Instance r ct n [ts] ds
<|> addRange (
jb <- optionMaybe normalRhs
case jb of
Just b -> return $ \r -> Declaration_PatternBinding r (Pattern_Hole r (-1)) b
Nothing -> return $ \r -> Declaration_Hole r (-1)
<?> Texts.parserDeclaration
derivings :: HParser [Name]
derivings =
( do cls <- tycls
return [cls] )
<|> (
do lexLPAREN
clss <- tycls `sepBy` lexCOMMA
return clss )
simpleType :: HParser SimpleType
simpleType =
addRange (
c <- tycon
vs <- many tyvar
return $ \r -> SimpleType_SimpleType r c vs
infixdecl -> fixity [digit] ops (fixity declaration)
fixity -> "infixl" | "infixr" | "infix"
ops -> op1 "," ... "," opn (n>=1)
infixdecl :: HParser (Range -> Declaration)
infixdecl =
f <- fixity
p <- fmap fromInteger (option 9 (fmap read lexInt)) :: HParser Int
when (p < 0 || p > 9) (fail Texts.parserSingleDigitPriority)
os <- ops
return $ \r -> Declaration_Fixity r f (MaybeInt_Just p) os
ops :: HParser Names
ops = commas1 op
fixity :: HParser Fixity
fixity = addRange $
return $ \r -> Fixity_Infixl r
return $ \r -> Fixity_Infixr r
return $ \r -> Fixity_Infix r
constrs -> constr1 "|" ... "|" constrn (n>=1)
constrs :: HParser Constructors
constrs = constr `sepBy1` lexBAR
constr -> btype conop btype (infix conop)
| con atype1 ... atypek (arity con = k, k>=0)
constr :: HParser Constructor
constr = addRange $
(t1, n) <- try $ do
t1 <- annotatedType btype
n <- conop
return (t1, n)
t2 <- annotatedType btype
return (\r -> Constructor_Infix r t1 n t2)
n <- con
ts <- many (annotatedType atype)
return (\r -> Constructor_Constructor r n ts)
Simplified import:
impdecl -> "import" modid impspec?
impspec -> "hiding" "(" import "," ... ")"
import -> var
impdecl :: HParser ImportDeclaration
impdecl = addRange (
let q = False
m <- modid
let a = MaybeName_Nothing
i <- option MaybeImportSpecification_Nothing $
do{ is <- impspec
; return (MaybeImportSpecification_Just is)
return $ \r -> ImportDeclaration_Import r q m a i
) <?> Texts.parserImportDeclaration
impspec :: HParser ImportSpecification
impspec = addRange $
h <- do { lexHIDING; return True }
is <- parens (commas import_)
return $ \r -> ImportSpecification_Import r h is
import_ :: HParser Import
import_ = addRange $
n <- var
return $ \r -> Import_Variable r n
cdecls -> " {" decl1 ";" .... ";" decln "}" (n>=0)
cdecl -> vars "::" type (type signature)
| (funlhs | var) rhs
cdecls :: HParser Declarations
cdecls =
ds <- withLayout cdecl
return (CollectFunctionBindings.decls ds)
cdecl :: HParser Declaration
cdecl = addRange (
try (do
nr <- withRange var
cdecl1 nr)
l <- funlhs
b <- normalRhs
return $ \r -> Declaration_FunctionBindings r
[FunctionBinding_FunctionBinding r l b]
) <?> Texts.parserDeclaration
cdecl1 :: (Name, Range) -> HParser (Range -> Declaration)
cdecl1 (n, _) =
ns <- vars
t <- contextAndType
return $ \r -> Declaration_TypeSignature r (n:ns) t
t <- contextAndType
return $ \r -> Declaration_TypeSignature r [n] t
b <- normalRhs
return $ \r -> Declaration_FunctionBindings r
[FunctionBinding_FunctionBinding r (LeftHandSide_Function r n []) b]
idecl -> (funlhs | var) rhs
| (empty)
idecls :: HParser Declarations
idecls =
ds <- withLayout idecl
return ds -- (CollectFunctionBindings.decls ds)
idecl :: HParser Declaration
idecl = addRange (
try (do
(n, _) <- try (withRange var)
b <- normalRhs
return $ \r -> Declaration_FunctionBindings r
[FunctionBinding_FunctionBinding r (LeftHandSide_Function r n []) b])
l <- funlhs
b <- normalRhs
return $ \r -> Declaration_FunctionBindings r
[FunctionBinding_FunctionBinding r l b]
) <?> Texts.parserDeclaration
decls -> "{" decl1 ";" ... ";" decln "}" (n>=0)
decls :: HParser Declarations
decls =
ds <- withLayout decl
return (CollectFunctionBindings.decls ds)
decl -> vars "::" type (type signature)
| ( funlhs | pat10 ) rhs
vars -> var1 "," ..."," varn (n>=1)
funlhs -> var apat*
| pat10 varop pat10
| "(" funlhs ")" apat *
Rewrite to reduce backtracking:
decl -> [[ var ]] decl1
| [[ pat10 ]] decl2
| funlhs rhs
decl1 -> "," vars "::" type
| "::" type
| varop pat10 rhs
| "@" apat decl2
| apat* rhs
decl2 -> varop pat10 rhs
| rhs
funlhs -> [[ var ]] funlhs1
| [[ pat10 ]] varop pat10
| "(" funlhs ")" apat*
funlhs1 -> varop pat10
| apat*
decl :: HParser Declaration
decl = addRange (
do fb <- lexCaseFeedback
return $ \r -> Declaration_FunctionBindings r
[FunctionBinding_Feedback r fb $ FunctionBinding_Hole r 0]
jb <- optionMaybe normalRhs
case jb of
Just b -> return $ \r -> Declaration_PatternBinding r (Pattern_Hole r (-1)) b
Nothing -> return $ \r -> Declaration_Hole r (-1)
nr <- try (withRange var)
decl1 nr
pr <- try (withRange pat10)
decl2 pr
-- do
-- lexHOLE
-- return $ \r -> Declaration_Hole r (-1)
l <- funlhs
b <- normalRhs
return $ \r -> Declaration_FunctionBindings r
[FunctionBinding_FunctionBinding r l b]
) <?> Texts.parserDeclaration
decl1 :: (Name, Range) -> HParser (Range -> Declaration)
decl1 (n, nr) =
ns <- vars
t <- contextAndType
return $ \r -> Declaration_TypeSignature r (n:ns) t
t <- contextAndType
return $ \r -> Declaration_TypeSignature r [n] t
o <- varop
(p, pr) <- withRange pat10
b <- normalRhs
let lr = mergeRanges nr pr
return $ \r -> Declaration_FunctionBindings r
[FunctionBinding_FunctionBinding r
(LeftHandSide_Infix lr (Pattern_Variable nr n) o p) b]
(p, pr) <- withRange apat
let completeRange = mergeRanges nr pr
asPat = Pattern_As completeRange n p
decl2 (asPat, completeRange)
(ps, rs) <- fmap unzip (many (withRange apat))
let lr = if null rs then nr else mergeRanges nr (last rs)
b <- normalRhs
return $ \r ->
if null rs then
Declaration_PatternBinding r (Pattern_Variable nr n) b
Declaration_FunctionBindings r
[FunctionBinding_FunctionBinding r
(LeftHandSide_Function lr n ps) b]
decl2 :: (Pattern, Range) -> HParser (Range -> Declaration)
decl2 (p1, p1r) =
o <- varop
(p2, p2r) <- withRange pat10
b <- normalRhs
let lr = mergeRanges p1r p2r
return $ \r -> Declaration_FunctionBindings r
[FunctionBinding_FunctionBinding r
(LeftHandSide_Infix lr p1 o p2) b]
b <- normalRhs
return $ \r -> Declaration_PatternBinding r p1 b
funlhs :: HParser LeftHandSide
funlhs = addRange $
nr <- try (withRange var)
funlhs1 nr
p1 <- try pat10
o <- varop
p2 <- pat10
return $ \r -> LeftHandSide_Infix r p1 o p2
l <- parens funlhs
ps <- many apat
return $ \r -> LeftHandSide_Parenthesized r l ps
funlhs1 :: (Name, Range) -> HParser (Range -> LeftHandSide)
funlhs1 (n, nr) =
o <- varop
p <- pat10
return $ \r -> LeftHandSide_Infix r
(Pattern_Variable nr n) o p
ps <- many apat
return $ \r -> LeftHandSide_Function r n ps
vars :: HParser [Name]
vars = commas1 var
rhs -> "=" exp rhs1
| gdexp+ rhs1
rhs1 -> ( "where" decls )?
gdexp -> "|" exp0 "=" exp
normalRhs, caseRhs :: HParser RightHandSide
normalRhs = rhs lexASG
caseRhs = rhs lexRARROW
-- The string is "->" for a case rhs and "=" for a normal rhs
rhs :: HParser () -> HParser RightHandSide
rhs equals = addRange $
e <- exp_
mds <- option MaybeDeclarations_Nothing rhs1
return $ \r -> RightHandSide_Expression r e mds
gs <- many1 (gdexp equals)
mds <- option MaybeDeclarations_Nothing rhs1
return $ \r -> RightHandSide_Guarded r gs mds
rhs1 :: HParser MaybeDeclarations
rhs1 =
ds <- decls
return (MaybeDeclarations_Just ds)
gdexp :: HParser () -> HParser GuardedExpression
gdexp equals = addRange $
g <- exp0
e <- exp_
return $ \r -> GuardedExpression_GuardedExpression r g e
-- exp_ = addRange (
-- do
-- feedback <- option Nothing (try $ lexFeedback >>= return . Just)
-- e <- expOrg_
-- return (maybe (const e) (\s -> \r -> Expression_Feedback r s e) feedback)
-- ) <?> Texts.parserExpression
exp -> exp0 "::" type (expression type signature)
| exp0
exp_ :: ParsecT [Token] SourcePos Identity Expression
exp_ = addRange (
e <- exp0
option (\_ -> e) $
t <- contextAndType
return $ \r -> Expression_Typed r e t
<?> Texts.parserExpression
contextAndType :: HParser Type
contextAndType = addRange $ do
mc <- option Nothing (try $ do { c <- scontext; lexDARROW; return (Just c) })
t <- type_
case mc of
Nothing -> return $ \_ -> t
Just c -> return $ \r -> Type_Qualified r c t
expi -> expi+1 [op(n,i) expi+1]
| lexpi
| rexpi
lexpi -> (lexpi | expi+1) op(l,i) expi+1
lexp6 -> - exp7
rexpi -> expi+1 op(r,i) (rexpi | expi+1)
Simplified, post-processing
exp0 -> ( "-" )? exp10 ( op ( "-" )? exp10 )*
See noRange in ParseCommon for an explanation of the parsing of infix expressions.
exp0 :: HParser Expression
exp0 = addRange (
u <- maybeUnaryMinus
es <- exprChain
return $ \_ -> Expression_List noRange (u ++ es)
<?> Texts.parserExpression
exprChain :: HParser [Expression]
exprChain =
e <- exp10
es <- fmap concat $ many $
o <- operatorAsExpression False
u <- maybeUnaryMinus
e' <- exp10
return ([o] ++ u ++ [e'])
return (e:es)
maybeUnaryMinus :: ParsecT [Token] SourcePos Identity [Expression]
maybeUnaryMinus =
option [] (fmap (:[]) unaryMinus)
<?> Texts.parserExpression
unaryMinus :: HParser Expression
unaryMinus =
(_, r) <- withRange lexMINDOT
return (Expression_Variable noRange (setNameRange floatUnaryMinusName r))
(_, r) <- withRange lexMIN
return (Expression_Variable noRange (setNameRange intUnaryMinusName r))
exp10 -> "\" apat1 ... apatn "->" exp (lambda abstraction, n>=1)
| "let" decls "in" exp (let expression)
| "if" exp "then" exp "else" exp (conditional)
| "case" exp "of" alts (case expression)
| "do" stmts (do expression)
| fexp
exp10 :: HParser Expression
exp10 = addRange (
ps <- many1 apat
e <- exp_
return $ \r -> Expression_Lambda r ps e
ds <- decls
e <- exp_
return $ \r -> Expression_Let r ds e)
e1 <- exp_
e2 <- exp_
e3 <- exp_
return $ \r -> Expression_If r e1 e2 e3
e <- exp_
as <- alts
return $ \r -> Expression_Case r e as
ss <- stmts
return $ \r -> Expression_Do r ss
<?> Texts.parserExpression
fexp -> aexp+
fexp :: HParser Expression
fexp = addRange $
(e:es) <- many1 aexp
if null es then
return $ \_ -> e
return $ \r -> Expression_NormalApplication r e es
aexp -> var (variable)
| con
| literal
| "[" "]"
| "[" exp1 "," ... "," expk "]"
| "[" exp1 ( "," exp2 )? ".." exp3? "]"
| "[" exp "|" qual1 "," ... "," qualn "]"
| ()
| (op fexp) (left section)
| (fexp op) (right section)
| ( exp ) (parenthesized expression)
| ( exp1 , ... , expk ) (tuple, k>=2)
Last cases parsed as:
"(" "-" exprChain ( "," exp_ )* ")"
| "(" op fexp ")"
| "(" fexp op ")"
| "(" ( exp_ )<sepBy ","> ")"
operatorAsExpression :: Bool -> HParser Expression
operatorAsExpression storeRange = (do
(o, r) <- withRange ( fmap Left varsym <|> fmap Right consym
<|> lexBACKQUOTEs (fmap Left varid <|> fmap Right conid))
let range = if storeRange then r else noRange
return (case o of
Left v -> Expression_Variable range v
Right c -> Expression_Constructor range c
)) <?> Texts.parserOperator
aexp :: HParser Expression
aexp = addRange (
( -- dit haakje is nodig (snap niet waarom). Arjan
try (do -- de try vanwege (-) DEZE PARSER MOET OPNIEUW GESCHREVEN WORDEN !!!
ue <- do
u <- unaryMinus
es <- exprChain
return (Expression_List noRange (u:es))
es <- many (do { lexCOMMA; exp_ })
return $
if null es then
\r -> Expression_Parenthesized r ue
\r -> Expression_Tuple r (ue:es))
do -- operator followed by optional expression
-- either full section (if there is no expression) or
-- a left section (if there is)
opExpr <- operatorAsExpression True
me <- option Nothing (fmap Just fexp)
return $ \r ->
Expression_InfixApplication r
(case me of
Nothing -> MaybeExpression_Nothing
Just e -> MaybeExpression_Just e)
try (do -- right section, expression followed by operator
-- or a parenthesized expression (if no operator is found)
e <- fexp
mo <- option Nothing (fmap Just (operatorAsExpression True))
return $ \r ->
case mo of
Nothing -> Expression_Parenthesized r e
Just opExpr ->
Expression_InfixApplication r
(MaybeExpression_Just e)
do -- unit "()", expression between parenthesis or a tuple
es <- commas exp_
return $ \r -> case es of
[] -> Expression_Constructor r (Name_Special r [] "()") -- !!!Name
[e] -> Expression_Parenthesized r e
_ -> Expression_Tuple r es
n <- varid
return $ \r -> Expression_Variable r n
n <- conid
return $ \r -> Expression_Constructor r n
return $ \r -> Expression_Hole r (-1)
feedback <- lexFeedback
e <- aexp
return $ \r -> Expression_Feedback r feedback e
lexeme LexMustUse
e <- aexp
return $ \r -> Expression_MustUse r e
l <- literal
return $ \r -> Expression_Literal r l
) <?> Texts.parserExpression
Last four cases, rewritten to eliminate backtracking
aexp -> ...
| "[" aexp1
aexp1 -> "]"
| exp aexp2 "]"
aexp2 -> "|" qual1 "," ... "," qualn
| ".." exp?
| "," exp aexp3
| (empty)
aexp3 -> ".." exp?
| ( "," exp )*
aexp1 :: HParser (Range -> Expression)
aexp1 =
return $ \r -> Expression_Constructor r
(Name_Special r [] "[]") -- !!!Name
e1 <- exp_
e2 <- aexp2 e1
return e2
aexp2 :: Expression -> HParser (Range -> Expression)
aexp2 e1 =
qs <- commas1 qual
return $ \r -> Expression_Comprehension r e1 qs
option (\r -> Expression_Enum r e1
MaybeExpression_Nothing) $
e2 <- exp_
return $ \r -> Expression_Enum r e1
(MaybeExpression_Just e2)
e2 <- exp_
aexp3 e1 e2
return (\r -> Expression_List r [e1])
aexp3 :: Expression -> Expression -> HParser (Range -> Expression)
aexp3 e1 e2 =
option (\r -> Expression_Enum r e1
(MaybeExpression_Just e2)
MaybeExpression_Nothing) $
e3 <- exp_
return $ \r -> Expression_Enum r e1
(MaybeExpression_Just e2)
(MaybeExpression_Just e3)
es <- many (do { lexCOMMA; exp_ })
return $ \r -> Expression_List r (e1:e2:es)
stmts -> "{" stmt1 ";" ... ";" stmtn "}" (n>=0)
stmts :: HParser Statements
stmts =
withLayout stmt
stmt -> "let" decls
| pat "<-" exp
| exp
stmt :: HParser Statement
stmt = addRange $
ds <- decls
option (\r -> Statement_Let r ds) $ do
e <- exp_
return (\r -> Statement_Expression r (Expression_Let r ds e))
p <- try $
p <- pat
return p
e <- exp_
return $ \r -> Statement_Generator r p e
e <- exp_
return $ \r -> Statement_Expression r e
alts -> "{" alt1 ";" ... ";" altn "}" (n>=0)
alts :: HParser Alternatives
alts =
do as <- withLayout alt
return $ CollectFunctionBindings.mergeCaseFeedback as
alt -> pat rhs
alt :: HParser Alternative
alt = addRange $
do fb <- lexCaseFeedback
return $ \r -> Alternative_Feedback r fb $ Alternative_Hole r (-1)
return $ \r -> Alternative_Hole r (-1)
p <- pat
b <- caseRhs
return $ \r -> Alternative_Alternative r p b
qual -> "let" decls (local declaration)
| pat "<-" exp (generator)
| exp (guard)
qual :: HParser Qualifier
qual = addRange $
ds <- decls
option (\r -> Qualifier_Let r ds) $ do
e <- exp_
return (\r -> Qualifier_Guard r (Expression_Let r ds e))
p <- try $
p <- pat
return p
e <- exp_
return $ \r -> Qualifier_Generator r p e
e <- exp_
return $ \r -> Qualifier_Guard r e
pat -> pat0
pati -> pati+1 [conop(n,i) pati+1]
| lpati
| rpati
lpati -> (lpati | pati+1) conop(l,i) pati+1
lpat6 -> - (integer | float) (negative literal)
rpati -> pati+1 conop(r,i) (rpati | pati+1)
See noRange in ParseCommon for an explanation of the parsing of infix expressions.
pat :: HParser Pattern
pat = addRange $
u <- unaryMinusPat
ps <- fmap concat $ many $
o <- do { n <- conop; return (Pattern_Variable noRange n) }
u' <- unaryMinusPat
return (o : u')
return $ \_ -> Pattern_List noRange (u ++ ps)
unaryMinusPat :: HParser [Pattern]
unaryMinusPat =
(n, mr) <- withRange (do { lexMINDOT; return floatUnaryMinusName } <|>
do { lexMIN; return intUnaryMinusName } )
(l, lr) <- withRange numericLiteral
[ Pattern_Variable noRange (setNameRange n mr)
, Pattern_Literal lr l
p <- pat10
return [p]
pat10 -> con apat*
| apat
pat10 :: HParser Pattern
pat10 = addRange (
n <- try con
ps <- many apat
return $ \r -> Pattern_Constructor r n ps
<?> Texts.parserPattern
apat -> var ( "@" apat )?
| "(" ")"
| "(" pat ")" (parenthesized pattern)
| "(" pat1 "," ... "," patk ")" (tuple pattern, k>=2)
| "[" "]"
| "[" pat1 "," ... "," patk "]" (list pattern, k>=1)
| "_" (wildcard)
| con (arity con = 0)
| literal
| "~" apat (irrefutable pattern)
apat :: HParser Pattern
apat = addRange (
v <- try var -- because of parentheses
option (\r -> Pattern_Variable r v) $ do
p <- apat
return $ \r -> Pattern_As r v p
ps <- parens (commas pat)
return $ \r -> case ps of
[] -> Pattern_Constructor r (Name_Special r [] "()") [] -- !!!Name
[p] -> Pattern_Parenthesized r p
_ -> Pattern_Tuple r ps
ps <- brackets (commas pat)
return $ \r -> case ps of
[] -> Pattern_Constructor r (Name_Special r [] "[]") [] -- !!!Name
_ -> Pattern_List r ps
return $ \r -> Pattern_Wildcard r
n <- con
return $ \r -> Pattern_Constructor r n []
l <- literal
return $ \r -> Pattern_Literal r l
p <- apat
return $ \r -> Pattern_Irrefutable r p
) <|> phole <?> Texts.parserPattern
phole :: HParser Pattern
phole = addRange (
return $ \r -> Pattern_Hole r (-1)
scontext -> class | "(" class1 "," ... "," classn ")" (n>=0)
simpleclass -> tycls tyvar
(other case in Haskell report at 'class' is not supported in Helium
because we do not have type variable application)
scontext :: HParser ContextItems
scontext =
do { c <- simpleclass; return [c] }
parens (commas simpleclass)
simpleclass :: HParser ContextItem
simpleclass = addRange (do
c <- tycon
(v, vr) <- withRange tyvar
return $ \r -> ContextItem_ContextItem r c [Type_Variable vr v]
type -> btype ( "->" type )?
type_ :: HParser Type
type_ = addRange (
left <- btype
option (\_ -> left) $
(_, rangeArrow) <- withRange lexRARROW
right <- type_
return (\r -> Type_Application r False
(Type_Constructor rangeArrow (Name_Special rangeArrow [] "->")) [left, right]) -- !!!Name
) <?> Texts.parserType
btype -> atype+
btype :: HParser Type
btype = addRange (
ts <- many1 atype
return $ \r -> case ts of
[t] -> t
(t:ts') -> Type_Application r True t ts'
[] -> error "Pattern match failure in Parser.Parser.btype"
) <?> Texts.parserType
{- iType -> tycon
| "(" ")" (unit type)
| "(" type1 "," ... "," typek ")" (tuple type, k>=2)
| "(" type ")" (parenthesized constructor)
| "[" type "]" (list type)
iType :: HParser Type
iType = addRange (
c <- tycon
return (\r -> Type_Constructor r c)
ts <- parens (commas type_)
return (\r -> case ts of
[] -> Type_Constructor r (Name_Special r [] "()") -- !!!Name
[t] -> Type_Parenthesized r t
_ -> let n = Name_Special r [] -- !!!Name
( "(" ++ replicate (length ts - 1) ',' ++ ")" )
in Type_Application r False (Type_Constructor r n) ts
t <- brackets type_
return $ \r ->
let n = Name_Special r [] "[]" -- !!!Name
in Type_Application r False (Type_Constructor r n) [t]
) <?> Texts.parserType
atype -> tycon
| tyvar
| "(" ")" (unit type)
| "(" type1 "," ... "," typek ")" (tuple type, k>=2)
| "(" type ")" (parenthesized constructor)
| "[" type "]" (list type)
atype :: HParser Type
atype = addRange (
c <- tycon
return (\r -> Type_Constructor r c)
c <- tyvar
return (\r -> Type_Variable r c)
ts <- parens (commas type_)
return (\r -> case ts of
[] -> Type_Constructor r (Name_Special r [] "()") -- !!!Name
[t] -> Type_Parenthesized r t
_ -> let n = Name_Special r [] -- !!!Name
( "(" ++ replicate (length ts - 1) ',' ++ ")" )
in Type_Application r False (Type_Constructor r n) ts
t <- brackets type_
return $ \r ->
let n = Name_Special r [] "[]" -- !!!Name
in Type_Application r False (Type_Constructor r n) [t]
) <?> Texts.parserType
annotatedType :: HParser Type -> HParser AnnotatedType
annotatedType p = addRange $
t <- p
return (\r -> AnnotatedType_AnnotatedType r False t)
literal :: ParsecT [Token] SourcePos Identity Literal
literal = addRange (
i <- lexInt
return $ \r -> Literal_Int r i
d <- lexDouble
return $ \r -> Literal_Float r d
c <- lexChar
return $ \r -> Literal_Char r c
s <- lexString
return $ \r -> Literal_String r s
) <?> Texts.parserLiteral
numericLiteral :: ParsecT [Token] SourcePos Identity Literal
numericLiteral = addRange (
i <- lexInt
return $ \r -> Literal_Int r i
d <- lexDouble
return $ \r -> Literal_Float r d
) <?> Texts.parserNumericLiteral
| roberth/uu-helium | src/Helium/Parser/Parser.hs | gpl-3.0 | 34,976 | 0 | 32 | 13,509 | 8,285 | 4,021 | 4,264 | 885 | 6 |
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-duplicate-exports #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}
-- |
-- Module : Network.Google.Resource.YouTube.Videos.Delete
-- Copyright : (c) 2015-2016 Brendan Hay
-- License : Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
-- Maintainer : Brendan Hay <>
-- Stability : auto-generated
-- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions)
-- Deletes a resource.
-- /See:/ < YouTube Data API v3 Reference> for @youtube.videos.delete@.
module Network.Google.Resource.YouTube.Videos.Delete
-- * REST Resource
-- * Creating a Request
, videosDelete
, VideosDelete
-- * Request Lenses
, vdXgafv
, vdUploadProtocol
, vdAccessToken
, vdUploadType
, vdOnBehalfOfContentOwner
, vdId
, vdCallback
) where
import Network.Google.Prelude
import Network.Google.YouTube.Types
-- | A resource alias for @youtube.videos.delete@ method which the
-- 'VideosDelete' request conforms to.
type VideosDeleteResource =
"youtube" :>
"v3" :>
"videos" :>
QueryParam "id" Text :>
QueryParam "$.xgafv" Xgafv :>
QueryParam "upload_protocol" Text :>
QueryParam "access_token" Text :>
QueryParam "uploadType" Text :>
QueryParam "onBehalfOfContentOwner" Text :>
QueryParam "callback" Text :>
QueryParam "alt" AltJSON :> Delete '[JSON] ()
-- | Deletes a resource.
-- /See:/ 'videosDelete' smart constructor.
data VideosDelete =
{ _vdXgafv :: !(Maybe Xgafv)
, _vdUploadProtocol :: !(Maybe Text)
, _vdAccessToken :: !(Maybe Text)
, _vdUploadType :: !(Maybe Text)
, _vdOnBehalfOfContentOwner :: !(Maybe Text)
, _vdId :: !Text
, _vdCallback :: !(Maybe Text)
deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic)
-- | Creates a value of 'VideosDelete' with the minimum fields required to make a request.
-- Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:
-- * 'vdXgafv'
-- * 'vdUploadProtocol'
-- * 'vdAccessToken'
-- * 'vdUploadType'
-- * 'vdOnBehalfOfContentOwner'
-- * 'vdId'
-- * 'vdCallback'
:: Text -- ^ 'vdId'
-> VideosDelete
videosDelete pVdId_ =
{ _vdXgafv = Nothing
, _vdUploadProtocol = Nothing
, _vdAccessToken = Nothing
, _vdUploadType = Nothing
, _vdOnBehalfOfContentOwner = Nothing
, _vdId = pVdId_
, _vdCallback = Nothing
-- | V1 error format.
vdXgafv :: Lens' VideosDelete (Maybe Xgafv)
vdXgafv = lens _vdXgafv (\ s a -> s{_vdXgafv = a})
-- | Upload protocol for media (e.g. \"raw\", \"multipart\").
vdUploadProtocol :: Lens' VideosDelete (Maybe Text)
= lens _vdUploadProtocol
(\ s a -> s{_vdUploadProtocol = a})
-- | OAuth access token.
vdAccessToken :: Lens' VideosDelete (Maybe Text)
= lens _vdAccessToken
(\ s a -> s{_vdAccessToken = a})
-- | Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. \"media\", \"multipart\").
vdUploadType :: Lens' VideosDelete (Maybe Text)
= lens _vdUploadType (\ s a -> s{_vdUploadType = a})
-- | *Note:* This parameter is intended exclusively for YouTube content
-- partners. The *onBehalfOfContentOwner* parameter indicates that the
-- request\'s authorization credentials identify a YouTube CMS user who is
-- acting on behalf of the content owner specified in the parameter value.
-- This parameter is intended for YouTube content partners that own and
-- manage many different YouTube channels. It allows content owners to
-- authenticate once and get access to all their video and channel data,
-- without having to provide authentication credentials for each individual
-- channel. The actual CMS account that the user authenticates with must be
-- linked to the specified YouTube content owner.
vdOnBehalfOfContentOwner :: Lens' VideosDelete (Maybe Text)
= lens _vdOnBehalfOfContentOwner
(\ s a -> s{_vdOnBehalfOfContentOwner = a})
vdId :: Lens' VideosDelete Text
vdId = lens _vdId (\ s a -> s{_vdId = a})
-- | JSONP
vdCallback :: Lens' VideosDelete (Maybe Text)
= lens _vdCallback (\ s a -> s{_vdCallback = a})
instance GoogleRequest VideosDelete where
type Rs VideosDelete = ()
type Scopes VideosDelete =
requestClient VideosDelete'{..}
= go (Just _vdId) _vdXgafv _vdUploadProtocol
(Just AltJSON)
where go
= buildClient (Proxy :: Proxy VideosDeleteResource)
| brendanhay/gogol | gogol-youtube/gen/Network/Google/Resource/YouTube/Videos/Delete.hs | mpl-2.0 | 5,419 | 0 | 18 | 1,271 | 806 | 471 | 335 | 113 | 1 |
module AlecSequences.A280172 (a280172, a280172_list) where
import Tables.A273823 (a273823_row)
import Tables.A273824 (a273824_row)
import Data.List ((\\), sort, nub, genericIndex)
a280172 :: Integer -> Integer
a280172 n = genericIndex a280172_list (n - 1)
a280172_list :: [Integer]
a280172_list = map f [1..] where
f n = head $ [1..] \\ map a280172 (rookIndices n)
-- Indices of the array that are above or to the left of n.
rookIndices :: Integral a => a -> [a]
rookIndices n = nub $ sort $ a273824_row n ++ a273823_row n
| peterokagey/haskellOEIS | src/AlecSequences/A280172.hs | apache-2.0 | 528 | 0 | 10 | 89 | 183 | 101 | 82 | 11 | 1 |
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
Copyright 2019 The CodeWorld Authors. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
module CodeWorld.Event where
import CodeWorld.Picture (Point)
import Data.Text (Text)
-- | An event initiated by the user.
-- Values of this type represent events that the user triggers when
-- using an interactive program.
-- Key events describe the key as 'Text'. Most keys are represented
-- by a single character text string, with the capital letter or other
-- symbol from the key. Keys that don't correspond to a single
-- character use longer names from the following list. Keep in mind
-- that not all of these keys appear on all keyboards.
-- * Up, Down, Left, and Right for the cursor keys.
-- * F1, F2, etc. for function keys.
-- * Backspace
-- * Tab
-- * Enter
-- * Shift
-- * Ctrl
-- * Alt
-- * Esc
-- * PageUp
-- * PageDown
-- * End
-- * Home
-- * Insert
-- * Delete
-- * CapsLock
-- * NumLock
-- * ScrollLock
-- * PrintScreen
-- * Break
-- * Separator
-- * Cancel
-- * Help
data Event
= KeyPress !Text
| KeyRelease !Text
| PointerPress !Point
| PointerRelease !Point
| PointerMovement !Point
| TextEntry !Text
| TimePassing !Double
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
| alphalambda/codeworld | codeworld-api/src/CodeWorld/Event.hs | apache-2.0 | 1,837 | 0 | 7 | 437 | 123 | 83 | 40 | 27 | 0 |
module FunctionEvaluator where
import qualified Data.Map as M
evaluateFunction :: Ord a => (a -> Either b ([a], [b] -> b)) -> a -> b
evaluateFunction f n = (M.!) (eval M.empty n) n where
eval cache m = case M.lookup m cache of
Just _ -> cache
Nothing ->
case f m of
Left v -> M.insert m v cache
Right (ks, reducer) -> M.insert m v cache' where
cache' = foldl eval cache ks
v = reducer $ map ((M.!) cache') ks
| Bodigrim/katas | src/haskell/B-Recurrence-relations.hs | bsd-2-clause | 522 | 0 | 19 | 142 | 215 | 112 | 103 | 12 | 3 |
-- | Data.Elf is a module for parsing a ByteString of an ELF file into an Elf record.
module Data.Elf (parseElf
, Elf(..)
, ElfSection(..)
, ElfSectionType(..)
, ElfSectionFlags(..)
, ElfSegment(..)
, ElfSegmentType(..)
, ElfSegmentFlag(..)
, ElfClass(..)
, ElfData(..)
, ElfOSABI(..)
, ElfType(..)
, ElfMachine(..)) where
import Data.Binary
import Data.Binary.Get
import Data.Bits
import Data.Word
import Numeric
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
data Elf = Elf
{ elfClass :: ElfClass -- ^ Identifies the class of the object file.
, elfData :: ElfData -- ^ Identifies the data encoding of the object file.
, elfVersion :: Int -- ^ Identifies the version of the object file format.
, elfOSABI :: ElfOSABI -- ^ Identifies the operating system and ABI for which the object is prepared.
, elfABIVersion :: Int -- ^ Identifies the ABI version for which the object is prepared.
, elfType :: ElfType -- ^ Identifies the object file type.
, elfMachine :: ElfMachine -- ^ Identifies the target architecture.
, elfEntry :: Word64 -- ^ Virtual address of the program entry point. 0 for non-executable Elfs.
, elfSections :: [ElfSection] -- ^ List of sections in the file.
, elfSegments :: [ElfSegment] -- ^ List of segments in the file.
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data ElfSection = ElfSection
{ elfSectionName :: String -- ^ Identifies the name of the section.
, elfSectionType :: ElfSectionType -- ^ Identifies the type of the section.
, elfSectionFlags :: [ElfSectionFlags] -- ^ Identifies the attributes of the section.
, elfSectionAddr :: Word64 -- ^ The virtual address of the beginning of the section in memory. 0 for sections that are not loaded into target memory.
, elfSectionSize :: Word64 -- ^ The size of the section. Except for SHT_NOBITS sections, this is the size of elfSectionData.
, elfSectionLink :: Word32 -- ^ Contains a section index of an associated section, depending on section type.
, elfSectionInfo :: Word32 -- ^ Contains extra information for the index, depending on type.
, elfSectionAddrAlign :: Word64 -- ^ Contains the required alignment of the section. Must be a power of two.
, elfSectionEntSize :: Word64 -- ^ Size of entries if section has a table.
, elfSectionData :: B.ByteString -- ^ The raw data for the section.
} deriving (Eq, Show)
getElfMagic = do
ei_magic <- liftM (map B.w2c) $ sequence [getWord8, getWord8, getWord8, getWord8]
if ei_magic /= "\DELELF" then
fail "Invalid magic number for ELF"
return ei_magic
getElfVersion = do
ei_version <- getWord8
if ei_version /= 1 then
fail "Invalid version number for ELF"
return ei_version
data ElfSectionType
= SHT_NULL -- ^ Identifies an empty section header.
| SHT_PROGBITS -- ^ Contains information defined by the program
| SHT_SYMTAB -- ^ Contains a linker symbol table
| SHT_STRTAB -- ^ Contains a string table
| SHT_RELA -- ^ Contains "Rela" type relocation entries
| SHT_HASH -- ^ Contains a symbol hash table
| SHT_DYNAMIC -- ^ Contains dynamic linking tables
| SHT_NOTE -- ^ Contains note information
| SHT_NOBITS -- ^ Contains uninitialized space; does not occupy any space in the file
| SHT_REL -- ^ Contains "Rel" type relocation entries
| SHT_SHLIB -- ^ Reserved
| SHT_DYNSYM -- ^ Contains a dynamic loader symbol table
| SHT_EXT Word32 -- ^ Processor- or environment-specific type
deriving (Eq, Show)
getElfSectionType er = liftM getElfSectionType_ $ getWord32 er
where getElfSectionType_ 0 = SHT_NULL
getElfSectionType_ 1 = SHT_PROGBITS
getElfSectionType_ 2 = SHT_SYMTAB
getElfSectionType_ 3 = SHT_STRTAB
getElfSectionType_ 4 = SHT_RELA
getElfSectionType_ 5 = SHT_HASH
getElfSectionType_ 6 = SHT_DYNAMIC
getElfSectionType_ 7 = SHT_NOTE
getElfSectionType_ 8 = SHT_NOBITS
getElfSectionType_ 9 = SHT_REL
getElfSectionType_ 10 = SHT_SHLIB
getElfSectionType_ 11 = SHT_DYNSYM
getElfSectionType_ n = SHT_EXT n
data ElfSectionFlags
= SHF_WRITE -- ^ Section contains writable data
| SHF_ALLOC -- ^ Section is allocated in memory image of program
| SHF_EXECINSTR -- ^ Section contains executable instructions
| SHF_EXT Int -- ^ Processor- or environment-specific flag
deriving (Eq, Show)
getElfSectionFlags 0 word = []
getElfSectionFlags 1 word | testBit word 0 = SHF_WRITE : getElfSectionFlags 0 word
getElfSectionFlags 2 word | testBit word 1 = SHF_ALLOC : getElfSectionFlags 1 word
getElfSectionFlags 3 word | testBit word 2 = SHF_EXECINSTR : getElfSectionFlags 2 word
getElfSectionFlags n word | testBit word (n-1) = SHF_EXT (n-1) : getElfSectionFlags (n-1) word
getElfSectionFlags n word = getElfSectionFlags (n-1) word
getElfSectionFlags32 = liftM (getElfSectionFlags 32) . getWord32
getElfSectionFlags64 = liftM (getElfSectionFlags 64) . getWord64
data ElfClass
= ELFCLASS32 -- ^ 32-bit ELF format
| ELFCLASS64 -- ^ 64-bit ELF format
deriving (Eq, Show)
getElfClass = getWord8 >>= getElfClass_
where getElfClass_ 1 = return ELFCLASS32
getElfClass_ 2 = return ELFCLASS64
getElfClass_ _ = fail "Invalid ELF class"
data ElfData
= ELFDATA2LSB -- ^ Little-endian ELF format
| ELFDATA2MSB -- ^ Big-endian ELF format
deriving (Eq, Show)
getElfData = getWord8 >>= getElfData_
where getElfData_ 1 = return ELFDATA2LSB
getElfData_ 2 = return ELFDATA2MSB
getElfData_ _ = fail "Invalid ELF data"
data ElfOSABI
= ELFOSABI_SYSV -- ^ No extensions or unspecified
| ELFOSABI_HPUX -- ^ Hewlett-Packard HP-UX
| ELFOSABI_SOLARIS -- ^ Sun Solaris
| ELFOSABI_TRU64 -- ^ Compaq TRU64 UNIX
| ELFOSABI_MODESTO -- ^ Novell Modesto
| ELFOSABI_NSK -- ^ Hewlett-Packard Non-Stop Kernel
| ELFOSABI_AROS -- ^ Amiga Research OS
| ELFOSABI_STANDALONE -- ^ Standalone (embedded) application
| ELFOSABI_EXT Word8 -- ^ Other
deriving (Eq, Show)
getElfOsabi = liftM getElfOsabi_ getWord8
where getElfOsabi_ 0 = ELFOSABI_SYSV
getElfOsabi_ 1 = ELFOSABI_HPUX
getElfOsabi_ 2 = ELFOSABI_NETBSD
getElfOsabi_ 3 = ELFOSABI_LINUX
getElfOsabi_ 7 = ELFOSABI_AIX
getElfOsabi_ 8 = ELFOSABI_IRIX
getElfOsabi_ 10 = ELFOSABI_TRU64
getElfOsabi_ 11 = ELFOSABI_MODESTO
getElfOsabi_ 12 = ELFOSABI_OPENBSD
getElfOsabi_ 13 = ELFOSABI_OPENVMS
getElfOsabi_ 14 = ELFOSABI_NSK
getElfOsabi_ 15 = ELFOSABI_AROS
getElfOsabi_ 97 = ELFOSABI_ARM
getElfOsabi_ n = ELFOSABI_EXT n
data ElfType
= ET_NONE -- ^ Unspecified type
| ET_REL -- ^ Relocatable object file
| ET_EXEC -- ^ Executable object file
| ET_DYN -- ^ Shared object file
| ET_CORE -- ^ Core dump object file
| ET_EXT Word16 -- ^ Other
deriving (Eq, Show)
getElfType = liftM getElfType_ . getWord16
where getElfType_ 0 = ET_NONE
getElfType_ 1 = ET_REL
getElfType_ 2 = ET_EXEC
getElfType_ 3 = ET_DYN
getElfType_ 4 = ET_CORE
getElfType_ n = ET_EXT n
data ElfMachine
= EM_NONE -- ^ No machine
| EM_M32 -- ^ AT&T WE 32100
| EM_386 -- ^ Intel 80386
| EM_68K -- ^ Motorola 68000
| EM_88K -- ^ Motorola 88000
| EM_486 -- ^ Intel i486 (DO NOT USE THIS ONE)
| EM_860 -- ^ Intel 80860
| EM_MIPS -- ^ MIPS I Architecture
| EM_S370 -- ^ IBM System/370 Processor
| EM_MIPS_RS3_LE -- ^ MIPS RS3000 Little-endian
| EM_SPARC64 -- ^ SPARC 64-bit
| EM_PARISC -- ^ Hewlett-Packard PA-RISC
| EM_VPP500 -- ^ Fujitsu VPP500
| EM_SPARC32PLUS -- ^ Enhanced instruction set SPARC
| EM_960 -- ^ Intel 80960
| EM_PPC -- ^ PowerPC
| EM_PPC64 -- ^ 64-bit PowerPC
| EM_S390 -- ^ IBM System/390 Processor
| EM_SPU -- ^ Cell SPU
| EM_V800 -- ^ NEC V800
| EM_FR20 -- ^ Fujitsu FR20
| EM_RH32 -- ^ TRW RH-32
| EM_RCE -- ^ Motorola RCE
| EM_ARM -- ^ Advanced RISC Machines ARM
| EM_ALPHA -- ^ Digital Alpha
| EM_SH -- ^ Hitachi SH
| EM_SPARCV9 -- ^ SPARC Version 9
| EM_TRICORE -- ^ Siemens TriCore embedded processor
| EM_ARC -- ^ Argonaut RISC Core, Argonaut Technologies Inc.
| EM_H8_300 -- ^ Hitachi H8/300
| EM_H8_300H -- ^ Hitachi H8/300H
| EM_H8S -- ^ Hitachi H8S
| EM_H8_500 -- ^ Hitachi H8/500
| EM_IA_64 -- ^ Intel IA-64 processor architecture
| EM_MIPS_X -- ^ Stanford MIPS-X
| EM_COLDFIRE -- ^ Motorola ColdFire
| EM_68HC12 -- ^ Motorola M68HC12
| EM_MMA -- ^ Fujitsu MMA Multimedia Accelerator
| EM_PCP -- ^ Siemens PCP
| EM_NCPU -- ^ Sony nCPU embedded RISC processor
| EM_NDR1 -- ^ Denso NDR1 microprocessor
| EM_STARCORE -- ^ Motorola Star*Core processor
| EM_ME16 -- ^ Toyota ME16 processor
| EM_ST100 -- ^ STMicroelectronics ST100 processor
| EM_TINYJ -- ^ Advanced Logic Corp. TinyJ embedded processor family
| EM_X86_64 -- ^ AMD x86-64 architecture
| EM_PDSP -- ^ Sony DSP Processor
| EM_FX66 -- ^ Siemens FX66 microcontroller
| EM_ST9PLUS -- ^ STMicroelectronics ST9+ 8/16 bit microcontroller
| EM_ST7 -- ^ STMicroelectronics ST7 8-bit microcontroller
| EM_68HC16 -- ^ Motorola MC68HC16 Microcontroller
| EM_68HC11 -- ^ Motorola MC68HC11 Microcontroller
| EM_68HC08 -- ^ Motorola MC68HC08 Microcontroller
| EM_68HC05 -- ^ Motorola MC68HC05 Microcontroller
| EM_SVX -- ^ Silicon Graphics SVx
| EM_ST19 -- ^ STMicroelectronics ST19 8-bit microcontroller
| EM_VAX -- ^ Digital VAX
| EM_CRIS -- ^ Axis Communications 32-bit embedded processor
| EM_JAVELIN -- ^ Infineon Technologies 32-bit embedded processor
| EM_FIREPATH -- ^ Element 14 64-bit DSP Processor
| EM_ZSP -- ^ LSI Logic 16-bit DSP Processor
| EM_MMIX -- ^ Donald Knuth's educational 64-bit processor
| EM_HUANY -- ^ Harvard University machine-independent object files
| EM_PRISM -- ^ SiTera Prism
| EM_AVR -- ^ Atmel AVR 8-bit microcontroller
| EM_FR30 -- ^ Fujitsu FR30
| EM_D10V -- ^ Mitsubishi D10V
| EM_D30V -- ^ Mitsubishi D30V
| EM_V850 -- ^ NEC v850
| EM_M32R -- ^ Mitsubishi M32R
| EM_MN10300 -- ^ Matsushita MN10300
| EM_MN10200 -- ^ Matsushita MN10200
| EM_PJ -- ^ picoJava
| EM_OPENRISC -- ^ OpenRISC 32-bit embedded processor
| EM_ARC_A5 -- ^ ARC Cores Tangent-A5
| EM_XTENSA -- ^ Tensilica Xtensa Architecture
| EM_VIDEOCORE -- ^ Alphamosaic VideoCore processor
| EM_TMM_GPP -- ^ Thompson Multimedia General Purpose Processor
| EM_NS32K -- ^ National Semiconductor 32000 series
| EM_TPC -- ^ Tenor Network TPC processor
| EM_SNP1K -- ^ Trebia SNP 1000 processor
| EM_ST200 -- ^ STMicroelectronics ( ST200 microcontroller
| EM_IP2K -- ^ Ubicom IP2xxx microcontroller family
| EM_MAX -- ^ MAX Processor
| EM_CR -- ^ National Semiconductor CompactRISC microprocessor
| EM_F2MC16 -- ^ Fujitsu F2MC16
| EM_MSP430 -- ^ Texas Instruments embedded microcontroller msp430
| EM_BLACKFIN -- ^ Analog Devices Blackfin (DSP) processor
| EM_SE_C33 -- ^ S1C33 Family of Seiko Epson processors
| EM_SEP -- ^ Sharp embedded microprocessor
| EM_ARCA -- ^ Arca RISC Microprocessor
| EM_UNICORE -- ^ Microprocessor series from PKU-Unity Ltd. and MPRC of Peking University
| EM_EXT Word16 -- ^ Other
deriving (Eq, Show)
getElfMachine = liftM getElfMachine_ . getWord16
where getElfMachine_ 0 = EM_NONE
getElfMachine_ 1 = EM_M32
getElfMachine_ 2 = EM_SPARC
getElfMachine_ 3 = EM_386
getElfMachine_ 4 = EM_68K
getElfMachine_ 5 = EM_88K
getElfMachine_ 6 = EM_486
getElfMachine_ 7 = EM_860
getElfMachine_ 8 = EM_MIPS
getElfMachine_ 9 = EM_S370
getElfMachine_ 10 = EM_MIPS_RS3_LE
getElfMachine_ 11 = EM_SPARC64
getElfMachine_ 15 = EM_PARISC
getElfMachine_ 17 = EM_VPP500
getElfMachine_ 18 = EM_SPARC32PLUS
getElfMachine_ 19 = EM_960
getElfMachine_ 20 = EM_PPC
getElfMachine_ 21 = EM_PPC64
getElfMachine_ 22 = EM_S390
getElfMachine_ 23 = EM_SPU
getElfMachine_ 36 = EM_V800
getElfMachine_ 37 = EM_FR20
getElfMachine_ 38 = EM_RH32
getElfMachine_ 39 = EM_RCE
getElfMachine_ 40 = EM_ARM
getElfMachine_ 41 = EM_ALPHA
getElfMachine_ 42 = EM_SH
getElfMachine_ 43 = EM_SPARCV9
getElfMachine_ 44 = EM_TRICORE
getElfMachine_ 45 = EM_ARC
getElfMachine_ 46 = EM_H8_300
getElfMachine_ 47 = EM_H8_300H
getElfMachine_ 48 = EM_H8S
getElfMachine_ 49 = EM_H8_500
getElfMachine_ 50 = EM_IA_64
getElfMachine_ 51 = EM_MIPS_X
getElfMachine_ 52 = EM_COLDFIRE
getElfMachine_ 53 = EM_68HC12
getElfMachine_ 54 = EM_MMA
getElfMachine_ 55 = EM_PCP
getElfMachine_ 56 = EM_NCPU
getElfMachine_ 57 = EM_NDR1
getElfMachine_ 58 = EM_STARCORE
getElfMachine_ 59 = EM_ME16
getElfMachine_ 60 = EM_ST100
getElfMachine_ 61 = EM_TINYJ
getElfMachine_ 62 = EM_X86_64
getElfMachine_ 63 = EM_PDSP
getElfMachine_ 66 = EM_FX66
getElfMachine_ 67 = EM_ST9PLUS
getElfMachine_ 68 = EM_ST7
getElfMachine_ 69 = EM_68HC16
getElfMachine_ 70 = EM_68HC11
getElfMachine_ 71 = EM_68HC08
getElfMachine_ 72 = EM_68HC05
getElfMachine_ 73 = EM_SVX
getElfMachine_ 74 = EM_ST19
getElfMachine_ 75 = EM_VAX
getElfMachine_ 76 = EM_CRIS
getElfMachine_ 77 = EM_JAVELIN
getElfMachine_ 78 = EM_FIREPATH
getElfMachine_ 79 = EM_ZSP
getElfMachine_ 80 = EM_MMIX
getElfMachine_ 81 = EM_HUANY
getElfMachine_ 82 = EM_PRISM
getElfMachine_ 83 = EM_AVR
getElfMachine_ 84 = EM_FR30
getElfMachine_ 85 = EM_D10V
getElfMachine_ 86 = EM_D30V
getElfMachine_ 87 = EM_V850
getElfMachine_ 88 = EM_M32R
getElfMachine_ 89 = EM_MN10300
getElfMachine_ 90 = EM_MN10200
getElfMachine_ 91 = EM_PJ
getElfMachine_ 92 = EM_OPENRISC
getElfMachine_ 93 = EM_ARC_A5
getElfMachine_ 94 = EM_XTENSA
getElfMachine_ 95 = EM_VIDEOCORE
getElfMachine_ 96 = EM_TMM_GPP
getElfMachine_ 97 = EM_NS32K
getElfMachine_ 98 = EM_TPC
getElfMachine_ 99 = EM_SNP1K
getElfMachine_ 100 = EM_ST200
getElfMachine_ 101 = EM_IP2K
getElfMachine_ 102 = EM_MAX
getElfMachine_ 103 = EM_CR
getElfMachine_ 104 = EM_F2MC16
getElfMachine_ 105 = EM_MSP430
getElfMachine_ 106 = EM_BLACKFIN
getElfMachine_ 107 = EM_SE_C33
getElfMachine_ 108 = EM_SEP
getElfMachine_ 109 = EM_ARCA
getElfMachine_ 110 = EM_UNICORE
getElfMachine_ n = EM_EXT n
getElf_Shdr_OffsetSize :: ElfClass -> ElfReader -> Get (Word64, Word64)
getElf_Shdr_OffsetSize ei_class er =
case ei_class of
ELFCLASS32 -> do
skip 16
sh_offset <- liftM fromIntegral $ getWord32 er
sh_size <- liftM fromIntegral $ getWord32 er
return (sh_offset, sh_size)
ELFCLASS64 -> do
skip 24
sh_offset <- getWord64 er
sh_size <- getWord64 er
return (sh_offset, sh_size)
getElf_Shdr :: ElfClass -> ElfReader -> B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> Get ElfSection
getElf_Shdr ei_class er elf_file string_section =
case ei_class of
ELFCLASS32 -> do
sh_name <- getWord32 er
sh_type <- getElfSectionType er
sh_flags <- getElfSectionFlags32 er
sh_addr <- getWord32 er
sh_offset <- getWord32 er
sh_size <- getWord32 er
sh_link <- getWord32 er
sh_info <- getWord32 er
sh_addralign <- getWord32 er
sh_entsize <- getWord32 er
return ElfSection
{ elfSectionName = map B.w2c $ B.unpack $ B.takeWhile (/= 0) $ B.drop (fromIntegral sh_name) string_section
, elfSectionType = sh_type
, elfSectionFlags = sh_flags
, elfSectionAddr = fromIntegral sh_addr
, elfSectionSize = fromIntegral sh_size
, elfSectionLink = sh_link
, elfSectionInfo = sh_info
, elfSectionAddrAlign = fromIntegral sh_addralign
, elfSectionEntSize = fromIntegral sh_entsize
, elfSectionData = B.take (fromIntegral sh_size) $ B.drop (fromIntegral sh_offset) elf_file
ELFCLASS64 -> do
sh_name <- getWord32 er
sh_type <- getElfSectionType er
sh_flags <- getElfSectionFlags64 er
sh_addr <- getWord64 er
sh_offset <- getWord64 er
sh_size <- getWord64 er
sh_link <- getWord32 er
sh_info <- getWord32 er
sh_addralign <- getWord64 er
sh_entsize <- getWord64 er
return ElfSection
{ elfSectionName = map B.w2c $ B.unpack $ B.takeWhile (/= 0) $ B.drop (fromIntegral sh_name) string_section
, elfSectionType = sh_type
, elfSectionFlags = sh_flags
, elfSectionAddr = sh_addr
, elfSectionSize = sh_size
, elfSectionLink = sh_link
, elfSectionInfo = sh_info
, elfSectionAddrAlign = sh_addralign
, elfSectionEntSize = sh_entsize
, elfSectionData = B.take (fromIntegral sh_size) $ B.drop (fromIntegral sh_offset) elf_file
data TableInfo = TableInfo { tableOffset :: Int, entrySize :: Int, entryNum :: Int }
getElf_Ehdr :: Get (Elf, TableInfo, TableInfo, Word16)
getElf_Ehdr = do
ei_magic <- getElfMagic
ei_class <- getElfClass
ei_data <- getElfData
ei_version <- liftM fromIntegral getElfVersion
ei_osabi <- getElfOsabi
ei_abiver <- liftM fromIntegral getWord8
skip 7
er <- return $ elfReader ei_data
case ei_class of
ELFCLASS32 -> do
e_type <- getElfType er
e_machine <- getElfMachine er
e_version <- getWord32 er
e_entry <- liftM fromIntegral $ getWord32 er
e_phoff <- getWord32 er
e_shoff <- liftM fromIntegral $ getWord32 er
e_flags <- getWord32 er
e_ehsize <- getWord16 er
e_phentsize <- getWord16 er
e_phnum <- getWord16 er
e_shentsize <- getWord16 er
e_shnum <- getWord16 er
e_shstrndx <- getWord16 er
return (Elf { elfClass = ei_class
, elfData = ei_data
, elfVersion = ei_version
, elfOSABI = ei_osabi
, elfABIVersion = ei_abiver
, elfType = e_type
, elfMachine = e_machine
, elfEntry = e_entry
, elfSections = []
, elfSegments = [] }
, TableInfo { tableOffset = fromIntegral e_phoff, entrySize = fromIntegral e_phentsize, entryNum = fromIntegral e_phnum }
, TableInfo { tableOffset = fromIntegral e_shoff, entrySize = fromIntegral e_shentsize, entryNum = fromIntegral e_shnum }
, e_shstrndx)
ELFCLASS64 -> do
e_type <- getElfType er
e_machine <- getElfMachine er
e_version <- getWord32 er
e_entry <- getWord64 er
e_phoff <- getWord64 er
e_shoff <- getWord64 er
e_flags <- getWord32 er
e_ehsize <- getWord16 er
e_phentsize <- getWord16 er
e_phnum <- getWord16 er
e_shentsize <- getWord16 er
e_shnum <- getWord16 er
e_shstrndx <- getWord16 er
return (Elf { elfClass = ei_class
, elfData = ei_data
, elfVersion = ei_version
, elfOSABI = ei_osabi
, elfABIVersion = ei_abiver
, elfType = e_type
, elfMachine = e_machine
, elfEntry = e_entry
, elfSections = []
, elfSegments = [] }
, TableInfo { tableOffset = fromIntegral e_phoff, entrySize = fromIntegral e_phentsize, entryNum = fromIntegral e_phnum }
, TableInfo { tableOffset = fromIntegral e_shoff, entrySize = fromIntegral e_shentsize, entryNum = fromIntegral e_shnum }
, e_shstrndx)
data ElfReader = ElfReader
{ getWord16 :: Get Word16
, getWord32 :: Get Word32
, getWord64 :: Get Word64
elfReader ELFDATA2LSB = ElfReader { getWord16 = getWord16le, getWord32 = getWord32le, getWord64 = getWord64le }
elfReader ELFDATA2MSB = ElfReader { getWord16 = getWord16be, getWord32 = getWord32be, getWord64 = getWord64be }
divide :: B.ByteString -> Int -> Int -> [B.ByteString]
divide bs s 0 = []
divide bs s n = let (x,y) = B.splitAt s bs in x : divide y s (n-1)
-- | Parses a ByteString into an Elf record. Parse failures call error. 32-bit ELF objects have their
-- fields promoted to 64-bit so that the 32- and 64-bit ELF records can be the same.
parseElf :: B.ByteString -> Elf
parseElf b =
let ph = table segTab
sh = table secTab
(shstroff, shstrsize) = parseEntry getElf_Shdr_OffsetSize $ head $ drop (fromIntegral e_shstrndx) sh
sh_str = B.take (fromIntegral shstrsize) $ B.drop (fromIntegral shstroff) b
segments = filter (\seg -> elfSegmentType seg /= PT_NULL) $ map (parseEntry (\c r -> parseElfSegmentEntry c r b)) ph
sections = filter (\sec -> elfSectionType sec /= SHT_NULL) $ map (parseEntry (\c r -> getElf_Shdr c r b sh_str)) sh
in e { elfSections = sections, elfSegments = segments }
where table i = divide (B.drop (tableOffset i) b) (entrySize i) (entryNum i)
parseEntry p x = runGet (p (elfClass e) (elfReader (elfData e))) (L.fromChunks [x])
(e, segTab, secTab, e_shstrndx) = runGet getElf_Ehdr $ L.fromChunks [b]
data ElfSegment = ElfSegment
{ elfSegmentType :: ElfSegmentType -- ^ Segment type
, elfSegmentFlags :: [ElfSegmentFlag] -- ^ Segment flags
, elfSegmentVirtAddr :: Word64 -- ^ Virtual address for the segment
, elfSegmentPhysAddr :: Word64 -- ^ Physical address for the segment
, elfSegmentAlign :: Word64 -- ^ Segment alignment
, elfSegmentData :: B.ByteString -- ^ Data for the segment
, elfSegmentMemSize :: Word64 -- ^ Size in memory (may be larger then the segment's data)
} deriving (Eq,Show)
-- | Segment Types.
data ElfSegmentType
= PT_NULL -- ^ Unused entry
| PT_LOAD -- ^ Loadable segment
| PT_DYNAMIC -- ^ Dynamic linking tables
| PT_INTERP -- ^ Program interpreter path name
| PT_NOTE -- ^ Note sectionks
| PT_SHLIB -- ^ Reserved
| PT_PHDR -- ^ Program header table
| PT_Other Word32 -- ^ Some other type
deriving (Eq,Show)
parseElfSegmentType :: Word32 -> ElfSegmentType
parseElfSegmentType x =
case x of
0 -> PT_NULL
1 -> PT_LOAD
4 -> PT_NOTE
6 -> PT_PHDR
_ -> PT_Other x
parseElfSegmentEntry :: ElfClass -> ElfReader -> B.ByteString -> Get ElfSegment
parseElfSegmentEntry elf_class er elf_file =
do p_type <- parseElfSegmentType `fmap` getWord32 er
p_flags <- parseElfSegmentFlags `fmap` getWord32 er
p_offset <- getWord
p_vaddr <- getWord
p_paddr <- getWord
p_filesz <- getWord
p_memsz <- getWord
p_align <- getWord
return ElfSegment
{ elfSegmentType = p_type
, elfSegmentFlags = p_flags
, elfSegmentVirtAddr = p_vaddr
, elfSegmentPhysAddr = p_paddr
, elfSegmentAlign = p_align
, elfSegmentData = B.take (fromIntegral p_filesz) $ B.drop (fromIntegral p_offset) elf_file
, elfSegmentMemSize = p_memsz
where getWord = case elf_class of
ELFCLASS64 -> getWord64 er
ELFCLASS32 -> fromIntegral `fmap` getWord32 er
data ElfSegmentFlag
= PF_X -- ^ Execute permission
| PF_W -- ^ Write permission
| PF_R -- ^ Read permission
| PF_Ext Int -- ^ Some other flag, the Int is the bit number for the flag.
deriving (Eq,Show)
parseElfSegmentFlags :: Word32 -> [ElfSegmentFlag]
parseElfSegmentFlags word = [ cvt bit | bit <- [ 0 .. 31 ], testBit word bit ]
where cvt 0 = PF_X
cvt 1 = PF_W
cvt 2 = PF_R
cvt n = PF_Ext n
| yav/elf | src/Data/Elf.hs | bsd-3-clause | 28,336 | 0 | 17 | 10,208 | 4,989 | 2,717 | 2,272 | 568 | 94 |
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Mp4AudioSegmentSpec (spec) where
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.ByteString.IsoBaseFileFormat.ReExports
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.ByteString.Mp4.AudioStreaming
import Data.Text ()
import Test.Hspec
spec :: Spec
spec =
describe "AacMp4TrackFragment" $
do let args = moof
doc = buildAacMp4TrackFragment args
rendered = BL.unpack $ toLazyByteString $ doc
dataOffset = 120
expected =
-- styp box
-- moov box [offset here: 32]
-- mfhd box
-- traf
-- tfhd
-- tfdt
-- trun
-- sample 1
,0,0,0,23 -- duration
,0,0,0,192 -- length
,2,0,0,0 -- flags
-- sample 2
-- mdat
-- sample 1
++ [0..191]
-- sample 2
++ [0..191]
it "renders the exact expectected output" $ do
BL.writeFile "/tmp/isobmff-test-case-dash-spec.m4s" (BL.pack rendered)
rendered `shouldBe` expected
it "calculates the data-offset correctly" $
drop ((fromIntegral dataOffset) + 12 * 2) rendered
`shouldBe` ([0..191] ++ [0..191])
moof :: AacMp4TrackFragment
moof = AacMp4TrackFragment 13 37 (replicate 2 (23, BS.pack [0..191]))
| sheyll/isobmff-builder | spec/Mp4AudioSegmentSpec.hs | bsd-3-clause | 2,688 | 0 | 15 | 1,367 | 713 | 452 | 261 | 57 | 1 |
{-#LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module FileServer where
import Network hiding (accept, sClose)
import Network.Socket hiding (send, recv, sendTo, recvFrom, Broadcast)
import Network.Socket.ByteString
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (pack, unpack)
import System.Environment
import System.IO
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad (forever, when, join)
import Data.List.Split
import Data.Word
import Text.Printf (printf)
import System.Directory
--Server data type allows me to pass address and port details easily
data FileServer = FileServer { address :: String, port :: String }
newFileServer :: String -> String -> IO FileServer
newFileServer address port = atomically $ do FileServer <$> return address <*> return port
--4 is easy for testing the pooling
maxnumThreads = 4
serverport :: String
serverport = "7007"
serverhost :: String
serverhost = "localhost"
hostname :: HostName
hostname = "localhost"
run:: IO ()
run = withSocketsDo $ do
--Command line arguments for port and address
--args <- getArgs
createDirectoryIfMissing True ("distserver" ++ serverhost ++ ":" ++ serverport ++ "/")
setCurrentDirectory ("distserver" ++ serverhost ++ ":" ++ serverport ++ "/")
addrInfo <- getAddrInfo (Just (defaultHints {addrFlags = [AI_PASSIVE]})) Nothing (Just "7008")
let serverAddr = head addrInfo
clsock <- socket (addrFamily serverAddr) Stream defaultProtocol
connect clsock (addrAddress serverAddr)
send clsock $ pack $ "JOIN:" ++ "\\n" ++
"ADDRESS:" ++ serverhost ++ "\\n" ++
"PORT:" ++ serverport ++ "\\n"
resp <- recv clsock 1024
let msg = unpack resp
printf msg
sClose clsock
server <- newFileServer serverhost serverport
--sock <- listenOn (PortNumber (fromIntegral serverport))
addrinfos <- getAddrInfo
(Just (defaultHints {addrFlags = [AI_PASSIVE]}))
Nothing (Just serverport)
let serveraddr = head addrinfos
sock <- socket (addrFamily serveraddr) Stream defaultProtocol
bindSocket sock (addrAddress serveraddr)
listen sock 5
_ <- printf "Listening on port %s\n" serverport
--Listen on port from command line argument
--New Abstract FIFO Channel
chan <- newChan
--Tvars are variables Stored in memory, this way we can access the numThreads from any method
numThreads <- atomically $ newTVar 0
--Spawns a new thread to handle the clientconnectHandler method, passes socket, channel, numThreads and server
forkIO $ clientconnectHandler sock chan numThreads server
--Calls the mainHandler which will monitor the FIFO channel
mainHandler sock chan
mainHandler :: Socket -> Chan String -> IO ()
mainHandler sock chan = do
--Read current message on the FIFO channel
chanMsg <- readChan chan
--If KILL_SERVICE, stop mainHandler running, If anything else, call mainHandler again, keeping the service running
case (chanMsg) of
("KILL_SERVICE") -> putStrLn "Terminating the Service!"
_ -> mainHandler sock chan
clientconnectHandler :: Socket -> Chan String -> TVar Int -> FileServer -> IO ()
clientconnectHandler sock chan numThreads server = do
--Accept the socket which returns a handle, host and port
--(handle, host, port) <- accept sock
(s,a) <- accept sock
--handle <- socketToHandle s ReadWriteMode
--Read numThreads from memory and print it on server console
count <- atomically $ readTVar numThreads
putStrLn $ "numThreads = " ++ show count
--If there are still threads remaining create new thread and increment (exception if thread is lost -> decrement), else tell user capacity has been reached
if (count < maxnumThreads) then do
forkFinally (clientHandler s chan server) (\_ -> atomically $ decrementTVar numThreads)
atomically $ incrementTVar numThreads
else do
send s (pack ("Maximum number of threads in use. try again soon"++"\n\n"))
sClose s
clientconnectHandler sock chan numThreads server
clientHandler :: Socket -> Chan String -> FileServer -> IO ()
clientHandler sock chan server@FileServer{..} =
forever $ do
message <- recv sock 1024
let msg = unpack message
print $ msg ++ "!ENDLINE!"
let cmd = head $ words $ head $ splitOn ":" msg
print cmd
case cmd of
("HELO") -> heloCommand sock server $ (words msg) !! 1
("KILL_SERVICE") -> killCommand chan sock
("DOWNLOAD") -> downloadCommand sock server msg
("UPLOAD") -> uploadCommand sock server msg
("UPDATE") -> updateCommand sock server msg
_ -> do send sock (pack ("Unknown Command - " ++ msg ++ "\n\n")) ; return ()
--Function called when HELO text command recieved
heloCommand :: Socket -> FileServer -> String -> IO ()
heloCommand sock FileServer{..} msg = do
send sock $ pack $ "HELO " ++ msg ++ "\n" ++
"IP:" ++ "" ++ "\n" ++
"Port:" ++ port ++ "\n" ++
return ()
killCommand :: Chan String -> Socket -> IO ()
killCommand chan sock = do
send sock $ pack $ "Service is now terminating!"
writeChan chan "KILL_SERVICE"
downloadCommand :: Socket -> FileServer -> String -> IO ()
downloadCommand sock server@FileServer{..} command = do
let clines = splitOn "\\n" command
filename = (splitOn ":" $ clines !! 1) !! 1
doesFileExist filename >>= \case
True -> do fdata <- readFile filename
send sock $ pack $ "DOWNLOAD:" ++ filename ++ "\\n" ++
"DATA:" ++ fdata ++ "\n\n"
False -> send sock $ pack $ "DOWNLOAD:" ++ filename ++ "\\n" ++
"DATA:" ++ "File not Found!!" ++ "\\n\n"
return ()
uploadCommand :: Socket -> FileServer -> String -> IO ()
uploadCommand sock server@FileServer{..} command = do
let clines = splitOn "\\n" command
filename = (splitOn ":" $ clines !! 1) !! 1
fdata = (splitOn ":" $ clines !! 2) !! 1
doesFileExist filename >>= \case
True -> send sock $ pack $ "UPLOAD:" ++ filename ++ "\\n" ++
"Failed:" ++ "File Already Exists!" ++ "\\n\n"
False -> do file <- writeFile filename fdata
send sock $ pack $ "UPLOAD:" ++ filename ++ "\\n" ++
"STATUS:" ++ "Success" ++ "\\n\n"
return ()
updateCommand :: Socket -> FileServer -> String -> IO ()
updateCommand sock server@FileServer{..} command = do
let clines = splitOn "\\n" command
filename = (splitOn ":" $ clines !! 1) !! 1
fdata = (splitOn ":" $ clines !! 2) !! 1
doesFileExist filename >>= \case
True -> do file <- appendFile filename fdata
send sock $ pack $ "UPDATE:" ++ filename ++ "\\n" ++
"STATUS:" ++ "Success" ++ "\\n\n"
False -> send sock $ pack $ "UPLOAD:" ++ filename ++ "\\n" ++
"STATUS:" ++ "Failed; File doesn't exist!" ++ "\\n\n"
return ()
--Increment Tvar stored in memory i.e. numThreads
incrementTVar :: TVar Int -> STM ()
incrementTVar tv = modifyTVar tv ((+) 1)
--Decrement Tvar stored in memory i.e. numThreads
decrementTVar :: TVar Int -> STM ()
decrementTVar tv = modifyTVar tv (subtract 1)
| Garygunn94/DFS | .stack-work/intero/intero39321abm.hs | bsd-3-clause | 7,426 | 194 | 17 | 1,862 | 1,934 | 997 | 937 | 138 | 6 |
module Main where
import Test.Tasty
import qualified Paths
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain tests
tests :: TestTree
tests = testGroup "Tests" [Paths.tests]
| markus1189/pathfinder | tests/test.hs | bsd-3-clause | 159 | 0 | 7 | 27 | 51 | 29 | 22 | 7 | 1 |
-- Copyright (c) 2009-2011, ERICSSON AB
-- All rights reserved.
-- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
-- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
-- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-- * Neither the name of the ERICSSON AB nor the names of its contributors
-- may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
-- without specific prior written permission.
module Feldspar.Core.Frontend.NoInline where
import Language.Syntactic
import Feldspar.Core.Constructs
import Feldspar.Core.Constructs.NoInline
noInline :: (Syntax a) => a -> a
noInline = sugarSymF NoInline
| rCEx/feldspar-lang-small | src/Feldspar/Core/Frontend/NoInline.hs | bsd-3-clause | 1,809 | 0 | 6 | 319 | 79 | 59 | 20 | 6 | 1 |
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
module Main where
import S3Parallel
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import System.Random (randomIO)
import System.IO
import Data.UUID as UUID
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Lens
import Control.Concurrent
(ThreadId, myThreadId, withMVar, newMVar, MVar, forkFinally,
newEmptyMVar, putMVar, takeMVar)
import Control.Exception (try, SomeException, throwTo)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Trans.AWS
(Env, runResourceT, runAWST, send, envRetryCheck, timeout,
envLogger, envRegion, Credentials(..), newLogger, LogLevel(..),
import Data.List (sort)
import qualified Data.Foldable as Fold
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text
import Data.Time
import Network.AWS.S3
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P
import Pipes
(Consumer, lift, (>->), runEffect, each, yield, await, Pipe)
import Pipes.Concurrent
(unbounded, fromInput, toOutput, forkIO, withSpawn)
import System.Metrics hiding (Value)
import qualified System.Metrics.Counter as Counter
import qualified System.Metrics.Distribution as Distribution
import System.Remote.Monitoring
buildEnv :: Region -> IO Env
buildEnv r = do
lgr <- newLogger Error stdout
newEnv Discover <&> set envLogger lgr . set envRegion r <&>
(\_ _ ->
type PageRequest m = Monad m =>
SearchBounds -> m PageResult
-- Examples:
-- |
-- >>> evalState (getPageTest (Nothing, Nothing)) [S3Object "andrew"]
-- ([S3Object {s3ObjectKey = "andrew"}],Nothing)
-- >>> evalState (getPageTest (Nothing, Just "a")) [S3Object "andrew"]
-- ([],Nothing)
-- >>> evalState (getPageTest (Just "c", Nothing)) [S3Object "andrew"]
-- ([],Nothing)
:: MonadState [S3Object] m
=> SearchBounds -> m PageResult
getPageTest (startBound,endBound) = do
allObjects <- get
let relevantObjects = sort $ filter withinBounds allObjects
let (thisResult,nextResults) = splitAt 1000 relevantObjects
if Fold.null nextResults
then return (thisResult, Nothing)
else let lastResult = (s3ObjectKey . last) thisResult
in return (thisResult, Just (lastResult, endBound))
withinBounds x = afterStartBound x && beforeEndBound x
afterStartBound x =
case startBound of
Nothing -> True
(Just bound) -> s3ObjectKey x > bound
beforeEndBound x =
case endBound of
Nothing -> True
(Just bound) -> s3ObjectKey x < bound
:: Env
-> Text
-> Distribution.Distribution
-> Counter.Counter
-> Counter.Counter
-> Counter.Counter
-> (Maybe Text, Maybe Text)
-> IO PageResult
getPage env bucketName items_returned_distribution zero_items_counter non_zero_items_counter requests_counter (start,end) = do
let request = listObjectsV (BucketName bucketName) & lStartAfter .~ start
response <- runResourceT . runAWST env $ timeout 10 $ send request
let objects = filterEnd end $ view lrsContents response
let objectCount = length objects
Distribution.add items_returned_distribution (fromIntegral objectCount)
if objectCount == 0
then zero_items_counter
else non_zero_items_counter requests_counter
let nextSegment =
if view lrsIsTruncated response == Just False
then Nothing
else if Fold.null objects
then Nothing
else let start' =
view (oKey . _ObjectKey) $ last objects
in Just (start', end)
return $ (fmap objectToS3Object objects, nextSegment)
filterEnd :: Maybe Text -> [Object] -> [Object]
filterEnd Nothing x = x
filterEnd (Just endKey) x =
(\o ->
view (oKey . _ObjectKey) o <= endKey)
log :: MVar () -> String -> IO ()
log lock text =
withMVar lock $
\_ ->
putStrLn text
:: NFData b
=> (String -> IO ()) -> String -> (a -> IO b) -> a -> IO b
timeItem logger name f a = do
startTime <- getCurrentTime
result <- f a
_ <- deepseq result (return ()) -- Ensure we include deserialization
endTime <- getCurrentTime
let diff = diffUTCTime endTime startTime
logger $ "Timing: " ++ name ++ " " ++ show diff
return result
:: Monad m
=> (a -> [b]) -> Pipe a b m r
pipeBind f =
forever $
do a <- Pipes.await
forM (f a) yield
maxThreads :: Int
maxThreads = 100
actionResult :: Int -> PageResult -> ([S3Object], [SearchBounds])
actionResult currentThreads (page,next) =
case next of
Nothing -> (page, [])
(Just (start,end)) ->
if currentThreads < maxThreads
then do
let subSpaces = splitKeySpace 10 (Just start, end)
(page, subSpaces)
else do
(page, [(Just start, end)])
:: ThreadId
-> (String -> IO ())
-> b
-> (b -> IO (Int -> ([a], [b])))
-> Consumer a IO ()
-> IO ()
findAllItems mainThreadId logger start next consumer = withSpawn unbounded go
go (output,input) = do
requestId <- randomIO :: IO UUID.UUID
_ <- asyncNextPage output (requestId, start)
runEffect $ fromInput input >-> loop 1 output >-> consumer
loop 0 _ = return ()
loop c output = do
lift $ logger ("threads: " ++ show c)
result <- Pipes.await
let (resultObjects,nextBounds) = result c
forM_ resultObjects yield
nextBounds' <-
lift $
(\x ->
(randomIO :: IO UUID) >>=
\y ->
return (y, x))
lift $ forM_ nextBounds' (asyncNextPage output)
loop (c - 1 + length nextBounds) output
asyncNextPage output (requestId,bounds) =
forkIO $
do logger $ "Starting: " ++ show requestId
resultEx <- try (next bounds)
case resultEx of
Left (ex :: SomeException) -> do
logger "Exception"
throwTo mainThreadId ex
Right result -> do
runEffect $ Pipes.each [result] >-> toOutput output
logger $ "Complete: " ++ show requestId
buildNextPage :: IO (Store, (Maybe Text, Maybe Text) -> IO PageResult)
buildNextPage = do
metricServer <- forkServer "localhost" 8001
let store = serverMetricStore metricServer
items_returned_distribution <- createDistribution "items_returned" store
zero_items_counter <- createCounter "zero_items_counter" store
non_zero_items_counter <- createCounter "non_zero_items_counter" store
requests_counter <- createCounter "requests" store
env <- buildEnv NorthVirginia
( store
, \x ->
runNormally :: IO ()
runNormally = do
logLock <- newMVar ()
let log' = Main.log logLock
(store,nextPage) <- buildNextPage
items_counter <- createCounter "items_counter" store
let processResult =
\x -> do
r <- timeItem log' "nextPage" (nextPage) x
(\c ->
actionResult c r)
mainThreadId <- myThreadId
(Just "logs/2016-01-01", Just "m")
processResult $ s3ObjectKey >->
(P.mapM_ $
\_ -> items_counter) >->
(\t ->
"File: " ++ T.unpack t) >->
failOn10 :: Int -> IO (Int -> ([Int], [Int]))
failOn10 b = do
let result _ =
if b > 10
then error "Bad"
else ([b], [b + 1])
return result
takeEveryNth :: Int -> String -> StateT Int IO Bool
takeEveryNth n = go
go _ = do
v <- get
if (v == 0)
then put n >> return True
else put (v - 1) >> return False
:: Counter.Counter
-> ((Maybe Text, Maybe Text) -> IO PageResult)
-> (Maybe Text, Maybe Text)
-> IO ()
downloadSegment itemsCounter nextPage initial = do
(items,next) <- nextPage initial
(\t ->
(putStrLn $ "File: " ++ T.unpack (s3ObjectKey t)) >> itemsCounter)
case next of
Nothing -> return ()
(Just (start,end)) ->
downloadSegment itemsCounter nextPage (Just start, end)
forkThread :: IO () -> IO (MVar ())
forkThread proc = do
handle <- newEmptyMVar
_ <-
(\_ ->
putMVar handle ())
return handle
runStartingFromList :: FilePath -> IO ()
runStartingFromList filePath = do
handle <- openFile filePath ReadMode
handle2 <- openFile filePath ReadMode
(store,nextPage) <- buildNextPage
items_counter <- createCounter "items_counter" store
r <- runEffect $ P.length (P.fromHandle handle)
let itemsPerSegment = r `div` maxThreads
print itemsPerSegment
dividers <-
(P.toListM $ (P.fromHandle handle2) >->
P.filterM (takeEveryNth itemsPerSegment))
let dividers' = fmap (T.pack) dividers
let startSegments = (Just "logs/2016-01-01") : (fmap Just dividers')
let endSegments = fmap Just dividers' ++ [Just "m"]
let segments = zip startSegments endSegments
print segments
print $ length segments
threads <-
(\s ->
forkThread (downloadSegment items_counter nextPage s))
mapM_ takeMVar threads
main :: IO ()
main =
--runStartingFromList "./tiles2.files"
--findAllItems 0 failOn10 $ P.print
:: MonadIO m
=> Text -> m ()
say = liftIO . Text.putStrLn
| adbrowne/s3ls-parallel | Main.hs | bsd-3-clause | 10,641 | 0 | 19 | 3,330 | 3,123 | 1,581 | 1,542 | -1 | -1 |
-- Extract from a list of type constructors those (1) which need to be vectorised and (2) those
-- that could be, but need not be vectorised (as a scalar representation is sufficient and more
-- efficient). The type constructors that cannot be vectorised will be dropped.
-- A type constructor will only be vectorised if it is
-- (1) a data type constructor, with vanilla data constructors (i.e., data constructors admitted by
-- Haskell 98) and
-- (2) at least one of the type constructors that appears in its definition is also vectorised.
-- If (1) is met, but not (2), the type constructor may appear in vectorised code, but there is no
-- need to vectorise that type constructor itself. This holds, for example, for all enumeration
-- types. As '([::])' is being vectorised, any type constructor whose definition involves
-- '([::])', either directly or indirectly, will be vectorised.
module Vectorise.Type.Classify (
) where
import UniqSet
import UniqFM
import DataCon
import TyCon
import TypeRep
import Type
import PrelNames
import Digraph
-- |From a list of type constructors, extract those that can be vectorised, returning them in two
-- sets, where the first result list /must be/ vectorised and the second result list /need not be/
-- vectorised. The third result list are those type constructors that we cannot convert (either
-- because they use language extensions or because they dependent on type constructors for which
-- no vectorised version is available).
-- The first argument determines the /conversion status/ of external type constructors as follows:
-- * tycons which have converted versions are mapped to 'True'
-- * tycons which are not changed by vectorisation are mapped to 'False'
-- * tycons which can't be converted are not elements of the map
classifyTyCons :: UniqFM Bool -- ^type constructor conversion status
-> [TyCon] -- ^type constructors that need to be classified
-> ([TyCon], [TyCon], [TyCon]) -- ^tycons to be converted & not to be converted
classifyTyCons convStatus tcs = classify [] [] [] convStatus (tyConGroups tcs)
classify conv keep ignored _ [] = (conv, keep, ignored)
classify conv keep ignored cs ((tcs, ds) : rs)
| can_convert && must_convert
= classify (tcs ++ conv) keep ignored (cs `addListToUFM` [(tc, True) | tc <- tcs]) rs
| can_convert
= classify conv (tcs ++ keep) ignored (cs `addListToUFM` [(tc, False) | tc <- tcs]) rs
| otherwise
= classify conv keep (tcs ++ ignored) cs rs
refs = ds `delListFromUniqSet` tcs
can_convert = (isNullUFM (refs `minusUFM` cs) && all convertable tcs)
|| isShowClass tcs
must_convert = foldUFM (||) False (intersectUFM_C const cs refs)
&& (not . isShowClass $ tcs)
-- We currently admit Haskell 2011-style data and newtype declarations as well as type
-- constructors representing classes.
convertable tc
= (isDataTyCon tc || isNewTyCon tc) && all isVanillaDataCon (tyConDataCons tc)
|| isClassTyCon tc
-- !!!FIXME: currently we allow 'Show' in vectorised code without actually providing a
-- vectorised definition (to be able to vectorise 'Num')
isShowClass [tc] = tyConName tc == showClassName
isShowClass _ = False
-- Used to group type constructors into mutually dependent groups.
type TyConGroup = ([TyCon], UniqSet TyCon)
-- Compute mutually recursive groups of tycons in topological order.
tyConGroups :: [TyCon] -> [TyConGroup]
tyConGroups tcs = map mk_grp (stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVertices edges)
edges = [((tc, ds), tc, uniqSetToList ds) | tc <- tcs
, let ds = tyConsOfTyCon tc]
mk_grp (AcyclicSCC (tc, ds)) = ([tc], ds)
mk_grp (CyclicSCC els) = (tcs, unionManyUniqSets dss)
(tcs, dss) = unzip els
-- |Collect the set of TyCons used by the representation of some data type.
tyConsOfTyCon :: TyCon -> UniqSet TyCon
tyConsOfTyCon = tyConsOfTypes . concatMap dataConRepArgTys . tyConDataCons
-- |Collect the set of TyCons that occur in these types.
tyConsOfTypes :: [Type] -> UniqSet TyCon
tyConsOfTypes = unionManyUniqSets . map tyConsOfType
-- |Collect the set of TyCons that occur in this type.
tyConsOfType :: Type -> UniqSet TyCon
tyConsOfType ty
| Just ty' <- coreView ty = tyConsOfType ty'
tyConsOfType (TyVarTy _) = emptyUniqSet
tyConsOfType (TyConApp tc tys) = extend (tyConsOfTypes tys)
extend | isUnLiftedTyCon tc
|| isTupleTyCon tc = id
| otherwise = (`addOneToUniqSet` tc)
tyConsOfType (AppTy a b) = tyConsOfType a `unionUniqSets` tyConsOfType b
tyConsOfType (FunTy a b) = (tyConsOfType a `unionUniqSets` tyConsOfType b)
`addOneToUniqSet` funTyCon
tyConsOfType (ForAllTy _ ty) = tyConsOfType ty
| ilyasergey/GHC-XAppFix | compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Type/Classify.hs | bsd-3-clause | 5,074 | 0 | 14 | 1,219 | 922 | 508 | 414 | 56 | 3 |
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module CLaSH.Util.CoreHW.Types
( CoreContext (..)
, CoreBinding
, TransformSession
, TransformStep
, OrdType(..)
, tsTransformCounter
, tsUniqSupply
, emptyTransformState
-- External Modules
import Control.Monad.State.Strict (StateT)
import Control.Monad.Error (ErrorT)
import qualified Data.Label
import qualified Data.Label.PureM as Label
import Language.KURE (RewriteM)
import qualified Type
import qualified VarEnv
-- Internal Modules
import CLaSH.Util (UniqSupply, MonadUnique(..), splitUniqSupply)
import CLaSH.Util.CoreHW.Syntax (Var, Term, TyVar)
newtype OrdType = OrdType Type.Type
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 702
instance Eq OrdType where
(OrdType a) == (OrdType b) = Type.tcEqType a b
instance Ord OrdType where
compare (OrdType a) (OrdType b) = Type.tcCmpType a b
instance Eq OrdType where
(OrdType a) == (OrdType b) = Type.eqType a b
instance Ord OrdType where
compare (OrdType a) (OrdType b) = Type.cmpType a b
type CoreBinding = (Var, Term)
data CoreContext = AppFirst
| AppSecond
| TyAppFirst
| LetBinding [Var]
| LetBody [Var]
| LambdaBody Var
| TyLambdaBody TyVar
| CaseAlt
| Other
deriving (Show)
data TransformState = TransformState
{ _tsTransformCounter :: Int
, _tsUniqSupply :: UniqSupply
Data.Label.mkLabels [''TransformState]
type TransformSession m = ErrorT String (StateT TransformState m)
type TransformStep m = [CoreContext] -> Term -> RewriteM (TransformSession m) [CoreContext] Term
emptyTransformState uniqSupply = TransformState 0 uniqSupply
instance Monad m => MonadUnique (TransformSession m) where
getUniqueSupplyM = do
us <- Label.gets tsUniqSupply
let (us',us'') = splitUniqSupply us
Label.puts tsUniqSupply us''
return us'
| christiaanb/clash-tryout | src/CLaSH/Util/CoreHW/Types.hs | bsd-3-clause | 2,063 | 0 | 11 | 512 | 469 | 272 | 197 | -1 | -1 |
module Data.Array.Accelerate.BLAS.Internal.Dot where
import Data.Array.Accelerate.BLAS.Internal.Common
import Data.Array.Accelerate
import Data.Array.Accelerate.CUDA.Foreign
import qualified Foreign.CUDA.BLAS as BL
import Prelude hiding (zipWith)
-- TODO: cache the context accross multiple runs with the same dimension!
-- maybe reuse the 'unsafePerformIO' trick in accelerate-fft, see FFT.hs
cudaDotProductF :: (Vector Float, Vector Float) -- ^ vectors we're running dot product on
-> CIO (Scalar Float) -- ^ result of the dot product
cudaDotProductF (v1, v2) = do
let n = arraySize (arrayShape v1)
-- allocate result scalar
o <- allocScalar
-- get device pointers on the GPU memory
-- for the two vectors and the result
-- see Data.Array.Accelerate.BLAS.Common
v1ptr <- devVF v1
v2ptr <- devVF v2
outPtr <- devSF o
-- TODO: avoid doing the init/setPointerMode/cleanup on every call
-- see the unsafePerformIO trick in accelerate-fft
liftIO $ BL.withCublas $ \handle -> execute handle n v1ptr v2ptr outPtr
-- return the output array, that now contains the result
return o
execute h n v1ptr v2ptr optr
= BL.sdot h n v1ptr 1 v2ptr 1 optr
cudaDotProductD :: (Vector Double, Vector Double)
-> CIO (Scalar Double)
cudaDotProductD (v1, v2) = do
let n = arraySize (arrayShape v1)
o <- allocScalar
v1ptr <- devVD v1
v2ptr <- devVD v2
outPtr <- devSD o
liftIO $ BL.withCublas $ \handle -> execute handle n v1ptr v2ptr outPtr
return o
execute h n v1ptr v2ptr optr
= BL.ddot h n v1ptr 1 v2ptr 1 optr
-- | Execute the dot product of the two vectors using
-- CUBLAS in the CUDA backend if available, fallback to a "pure"
-- implementation otherwise:
-- >>> A.fold (+) 0 $ A.zipWith (*) v1 v2
sdot :: Acc (Vector Float) -> Acc (Vector Float) -> Acc (Scalar Float)
sdot v1 v2 = foreignAcc foreignDPF pureDPF $ lift (v1, v2)
where foreignDPF = CUDAForeignAcc "cudaDotProductF" cudaDotProductF
pureDPF :: Acc (Vector Float, Vector Float) -> Acc (Scalar Float)
pureDPF vs = let (u, v) = unlift vs
in fold (+) 0 $ zipWith (*) u v
-- | Execute the dot product of the two vectors using
-- CUBLAS in the CUDA backend if available, fallback to a "pure"
-- implementation otherwise:
-- >>> A.fold (+) 0 $ A.zipWith (*) v1 v2
ddot :: Acc (Vector Double) -> Acc (Vector Double) -> Acc (Scalar Double)
ddot v1 v2 = foreignAcc foreignDPD pureDPD $ lift (v1, v2)
where foreignDPD = CUDAForeignAcc "cudaDotProductD" cudaDotProductD
pureDPD :: Acc (Vector Double, Vector Double) -> Acc (Scalar Double)
pureDPD vs = let (u, v) = unlift vs
in fold (+) 0 $ zipWith (*) u v
| alpmestan/accelerate-blas | src/Data/Array/Accelerate/BLAS/Internal/Dot.hs | bsd-3-clause | 2,856 | 0 | 12 | 725 | 734 | 377 | 357 | 42 | 1 |
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
module PeerTrader.Socket.Command where
import GHC.Generics
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Serialize
import Data.Serialize.Text ()
import Prosper.Invest
import PeerTrader.Types
data Command
= ActivateAutoFilter UserLogin Int -- ^ User, DefaultKey (Strategy AutoFilter)
| ActivateP2PPicks UserLogin Int -- ^ User, DefaultKey (Strategy P2PPicksType)
| Deactivate UserLogin
| NewProsperAccount UserLogin ByteString ByteString -- ^ User, Username, Password
| DeleteProsperAccount UserLogin
deriving (Generic, Show)
instance Serialize Command where
data Response = Response UserLogin InvestResponse
deriving (Generic, Show)
instance Serialize Response where
| WraithM/peertrader-backend | src/PeerTrader/Socket/Command.hs | bsd-3-clause | 801 | 0 | 6 | 180 | 136 | 80 | 56 | 19 | 0 |
-- |
-- Module : Data.Pass.Calc
-- Copyright : (C) 2012-2013 Edward Kmett
-- License : BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : Edward Kmett <>
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable (GADTs, Rank2Types)
module Data.Pass.Calc
( Calc(..)
) where
import Control.Category
import Control.Applicative
import Prelude hiding (id,(.))
import Data.Pass.Call
import Data.Pass.Eval
import Data.Pass.Eval.Naive
import Data.Pass.L.By
import Data.Pass.Prep
import Data.Pass.Thrist
import Data.Pass.Type
import Data.Pass.Trans
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.Function (on)
data Calc k a b where
Stop :: b -> Calc k a b
(:&) :: Pass k a b -> (b -> Calc k a c) -> Calc k a c
Rank :: Ord b => Thrist k a b -> ([Int] -> Calc k a c) -> Calc k a c
infixl 1 :&
instance By (Calc k) where
by (x :& f) r = by x r :& \b -> f b `by` r
by (Rank m f) r = Rank m $ \b -> f b `by` r
by x _ = x
instance Functor (Calc k a) where
fmap f (Stop b) = Stop (f b)
fmap f (Rank m k) = Rank m (fmap f . k)
fmap f (fb :& kba) = fb :& fmap f . kba
instance Applicative (Calc k a) where
pure = Stop
Stop f <*> Stop a = Stop (f a)
Stop f <*> (fb :& kba) = fb :& fmap f . kba
Stop f <*> Rank fb kba = Rank fb $ fmap f . kba
(fg :& kgf) <*> Rank fb kba = fg :& \g -> Rank fb $ \b -> kgf g <*> kba b
(fg :& kgf) <*> Stop a = fg :& fmap ($a) . kgf
(fg :& kgf) <*> (fb :& kba) = liftA2 (,) fg fb :& \(g,b) -> kgf g <*> kba b
Rank fg kgf <*> (fb :& kba) = fb :& \b -> Rank fg $ \g -> kgf g <*> kba b
Rank fg kgf <*> Stop a = Rank fg $ fmap ($a) . kgf
Rank fg kgf <*> Rank fb kba = Rank fg $ \g -> Rank fb $ \b -> kgf g <*> kba b
_ *> b = b
a <* _ = a
instance Monad (Calc k a) where
return = Stop
Stop a >>= f = f a
(fb :& kba) >>= f = fb :& (>>= f) . kba
Rank fb kba >>= f = Rank fb $ (>>= f) . kba
(>>) = (*>)
instance Prep Calc where
prep _ (Stop b) = Stop b
prep t (c :& k) = prep t c :& prep t . k
prep t (Rank c k) = Rank (prep t c) (prep t . k)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 704
instance Show (Calc k a b) where
showsPrec _ _ = showString "<calc>"
instance Eq (Calc k a b) where
_ == _ = False
instance Num b => Num (Calc k a b) where
(+) = liftA2 (+)
(-) = liftA2 (-)
(*) = liftA2 (*)
abs = fmap abs
signum = fmap signum
fromInteger = pure . fromInteger
instance Fractional b => Fractional (Calc k a b) where
(/) = liftA2 (/)
recip = fmap recip
fromRational = pure . fromRational
instance Floating b => Floating (Calc k a b) where
pi = pure pi
exp = fmap exp
sqrt = fmap sqrt
log = fmap log
(**) = liftA2 (**)
logBase = liftA2 logBase
sin = fmap sin
tan = fmap tan
cos = fmap cos
asin = fmap asin
atan = fmap atan
acos = fmap acos
sinh = fmap sinh
tanh = fmap tanh
cosh = fmap cosh
asinh = fmap asinh
acosh = fmap acosh
atanh = fmap atanh
instance Trans Calc where
trans t = trans t :& Stop
instance Call k => Naive (Calc k) where
naive (Stop b) _ _ = b
naive (i :& k) n xs = naive (k $ naive i n xs) n xs
naive (Rank m k) n xs = naive (k $ map fst $ sortBy (on compare (call m . snd)) $ zip [0..] xs) n xs
instance Call k => Eval (Calc k) where
eval (Stop b) _ _ = b
eval (i :& k) n xs = eval (k (eval i n xs)) n xs
eval (Rank m k) n xs = eval (k $ map fst $ sortBy (on compare $ call m . snd) $ zip [0..] xs) n xs
| ekmett/multipass | Data/Pass/Calc.hs | bsd-3-clause | 3,683 | 0 | 15 | 988 | 1,795 | 920 | 875 | 93 | 0 |
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Sound.Player (
) where
import qualified Brick.AttrMap as A
import qualified Brick.Main as M
import Brick.Types (Widget, EventM, Next, Name(Name), handleEvent)
import Brick.Widgets.Core ((<+>), str, vBox)
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Border as B
import qualified Brick.Widgets.List as L
import qualified Brick.Widgets.ProgressBar as P
import Brick.Util (on)
import Control.Concurrent (Chan, ThreadId, forkIO, killThread, newChan,
writeChan, threadDelay)
import Control.Exception (SomeException, catch)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import Data.Default (def)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, stripPrefix)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Vector as Vec
import qualified Graphics.Vty as V
import Lens.Micro ((^.))
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, getDirectoryContents)
import System.Environment (getEnv)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.Process (ProcessHandle)
import Sound.Player.AudioInfo (SongInfo(SongInfo), fetchSongInfo)
import qualified Sound.Player.AudioPlay as AP (play, pause, resume, stop)
import Sound.Player.Types (Song(Song, songStatus), PlayerApp(PlayerApp,
songsList, playerStatus, playback), Playback(Playback, playhead),
Status(Play, Pause, Stop), PlayerEvent(VtyEvent, PlayheadAdvance))
import Sound.Player.Widgets (songWidget, playbackProgressBar)
-- | Draws application UI.
drawUI :: PlayerApp -> [Widget]
drawUI (PlayerApp l _ _ mPlayback) = [ui]
label = str "Item " <+> cur <+> str " of " <+> total
cur =
case l ^. L.listSelectedL of
Nothing -> str "-"
Just i -> str (show (i + 1))
total = str $ show $ Vec.length $ l ^. L.listElementsL
box = B.borderWithLabel label $ L.renderList l (const songWidget)
ui = vBox [ box
, playbackProgressBar mPlayback l
, str $ "Press enter to play/stop, spacebar to pause/resume, " ++
"left/right to play prev/next song, " ++
"q to exit."
-- Updates the selected song status and the song list in the app state.
updateAppStatus :: PlayerApp -> Status -> Int -> PlayerApp
updateAppStatus app@(PlayerApp l _ _ _) status pos =
app {
songsList = L.listReplace songs' mPos l,
playerStatus = status
songs = L.listElements l
mPos = l ^. L.listSelectedL
song = songs Vec.! pos
songs' = songs Vec.// [(pos, song { songStatus = status })]
-- | App events handler.
appEvent :: PlayerApp -> PlayerEvent -> EventM (Next PlayerApp)
appEvent app@(PlayerApp l status _ mPlayback) e =
case e of
-- press enter to play selected song, stop current song if playing
VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KEnter []) ->
M.continue =<< stopAndPlaySelected app
-- press spacebar to play/pause
VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar ' ') []) ->
case status of
Play ->
-- pause playing song
case mPlayback of
Nothing -> M.continue app
Just (Playback playPos playProc _ _ _) -> do
liftIO $ AP.pause playProc
M.continue $ updateAppStatus app Pause playPos
Pause ->
-- resume playing song
case mPlayback of
Nothing -> M.continue app
Just (Playback playPos playProc _ _ _) -> do
liftIO $ AP.resume playProc
M.continue $ updateAppStatus app Play playPos
Stop ->
-- play selected song
M.continue =<< play (l ^. L.listSelectedL) app
-- press left to play previous song
VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KLeft []) ->
M.continue =<< stopAndPlayDelta (-1) app
-- press right to play next song
VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KRight []) ->
M.continue =<< stopAndPlayDelta 1 app
-- press q to quit
VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar 'q') []) ->
M.halt =<< stop app
-- any other event
VtyEvent ev -> do
l' <- handleEvent ev l
M.continue app { songsList = l' }
-- playhead advance event
PlayheadAdvance ->
M.continue =<< case status of
Play ->
case mPlayback of
Nothing -> return app
Just pb@(Playback _ _ ph _ _) ->
if ph > 0 then
-- advance playhead
return app { playback = Just pb { playhead = ph - 1.0 } }
stopAndPlayDelta 1 app
_ -> return app
-- | Forks a thread that will trigger a 'Types.PlayheadAdvance' event every
-- second.
playheadAdvanceLoop :: Chan PlayerEvent -> IO ThreadId
playheadAdvanceLoop chan = forkIO loop
loop = do
threadDelay 1000000
writeChan chan PlayheadAdvance
-- | Stops the song that is currently playing and kills the playback thread.
stop :: (MonadIO m) => PlayerApp -> m PlayerApp
stop app@(PlayerApp _ _ _ Nothing) = return app
stop app@(PlayerApp _ _ _ (Just pb@(Playback playPos _ _ _ _))) = do
liftIO $ stopPlayingSong pb
return (updateAppStatus app Stop playPos) { playback = Nothing }
stopPlayingSong (Playback _ playProc _ _ threadId) = do
AP.stop playProc
killThread threadId
-- | Fetches song info, plays it, and starts a thread to advance the playhead.
play :: (MonadIO m) => Maybe Int -> PlayerApp -> m PlayerApp
play Nothing app = return app
play (Just _) app@(PlayerApp _ _ _ (Just _)) = return app
play (Just pos) app@(PlayerApp l _ chan _) = do
(proc, duration, tId) <- liftIO $ playSong song
return (updateAppStatus app Play pos) {
playback = Just (Playback pos proc duration duration tId)
songs = L.listElements l
song = songs Vec.! pos
failSongInfo :: SomeException -> IO SongInfo
failSongInfo _ = return $ SongInfo (-1)
playSong :: Song -> IO (ProcessHandle, Double, ThreadId)
playSong (Song _ path _) = do
musicDir <- defaultMusicDirectory
(SongInfo duration) <- catch
(fetchSongInfo $ musicDir </> path)
proc <- $ musicDir </> path
tId <- playheadAdvanceLoop chan
return (proc, duration, tId)
-- Stops current song and play selected song.
stopAndPlaySelected :: (MonadIO m) => PlayerApp -> m PlayerApp
stopAndPlaySelected app = stop app >>= play mPos
mPos = songsList app ^. L.listSelectedL
-- Stops current song and play current song pos + delta.
stopAndPlayDelta :: (MonadIO m) => Int -> PlayerApp -> m PlayerApp
stopAndPlayDelta _ app@(PlayerApp _ _ _ Nothing) = return app
stopAndPlayDelta delta app@(PlayerApp l _ _ (Just (Playback playPos _ _ _ _))) =
stop app >>= play (Just pos)
pos = (playPos + delta) `mod` Vec.length (L.listElements l)
-- | Returns the initial state of the application.
initialState :: IO PlayerApp
initialState = do
chan <- newChan
paths <- listMusicDirectory
let songs = map (\p -> Song Nothing p Stop) paths
listWidget = L.list (Name "list") (Vec.fromList songs) 1
return $ PlayerApp listWidget Stop chan Nothing
theMap :: A.AttrMap
theMap = A.attrMap V.defAttr
[ (L.listAttr, V.white `on`
, (L.listSelectedAttr, `on` V.white)
, (P.progressCompleteAttr, `on` V.white)
theApp :: M.App PlayerApp PlayerEvent
theApp =
M.App { M.appDraw = drawUI
, M.appChooseCursor = M.showFirstCursor
, M.appHandleEvent = appEvent
, M.appStartEvent = return
, M.appAttrMap = const theMap
, M.appLiftVtyEvent = VtyEvent
-- TODO: return only audio files
-- | Returns the list of files in the default music directory.
listMusicDirectory :: IO [FilePath]
listMusicDirectory = do
musicDir <- defaultMusicDirectory
map (stripMusicDirectory musicDir) <$> listMusicDirectoryRic [musicDir]
listMusicDirectoryRic [] = return []
listMusicDirectoryRic (p:ps) = do
isDirectory <- doesDirectoryExist p
if isDirectory
then do
files <- map (p </>) . filter visible <$> getDirectoryContents p
listMusicDirectoryRic (files ++ ps)
else do
files <- listMusicDirectoryRic ps
return $ p:files
visible = not . isPrefixOf "."
stripMusicDirectory musicDir = fromMaybe musicDir . stripPrefix musicDir
-- | The default music directory is @$HOME/Music@.
defaultMusicDirectory :: IO FilePath
defaultMusicDirectory = (</> "Music/") <$> getEnv "HOME"
appMain :: IO PlayerApp
appMain = do
playerApp@(PlayerApp _ _ chan _) <- initialState
M.customMain (V.mkVty def) chan theApp playerApp
| potomak/haskell-player | src/Sound/Player.hs | bsd-3-clause | 8,573 | 0 | 22 | 2,140 | 2,575 | 1,372 | 1,203 | 178 | 14 |
Module that logs all state modifying actions to a file so that they
can be reprocessed.
module State.Logger
( wrap
, replay
, foldLogFile
, foldLogFile_
, foldComments
, foldMapComments
import Control.Monad ( forever )
import System.IO.Error ( try )
import System.IO ( stderr, openBinaryFile, hPutStrLn, hClose, hFlush
, IOMode(AppendMode), Handle )
import Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import Data.Binary.Get ( runGetState )
import Data.Binary ( Binary(..), getWord8, putWord8, encode )
import Control.Applicative ( (<$>), (<*>), pure )
import Control.Concurrent.MVar ( MVar, newMVar, modifyMVar )
import Control.Concurrent ( forkIO, threadDelay )
import Data.Monoid ( mempty, mappend, Monoid )
import Network.URI ( URI, parseRelativeReference )
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import State.Types
data Action = AddComment CommentId (Maybe ChapterId) Comment
| AddChapter ChapterId [CommentId] (Maybe URI)
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Binary Action where
get = do
ty <- getWord8
case ty of
0xfe -> AddComment <$> get <*> get <*> get
0xff -> AddChapter <$> get <*> get <*> pure Nothing
0xfd -> AddChapter <$> get <*> get <*> (parseRelativeReference <$> get)
_ -> error $ "Bad type code: " ++ show ty
put (AddComment cId mChId c) =
do putWord8 0xfe
put cId
put mChId
put c
put (AddChapter chId cs Nothing) =
do putWord8 0xff
put chId
put cs
put (AddChapter chId cs (Just uri)) =
do putWord8 0xfd
put chId
put cs
put $ T.encodeUtf8 $ T.pack $ show uri
-- Attempt to replay a log file, skipping corrupted sections of the file
foldLogFile :: Binary act => (act -> a -> IO a) -> a -> B.ByteString -> IO a
foldLogFile processAction initial = go initial
go x bs | B.null bs = return x
go x bs = uncurry go =<< (step x bs `catch` \_ -> return (x, B.drop 1 bs))
step x bs = do
let (act, bs', _) = runGetState get bs 0
x' <- processAction act x
return (x', bs')
foldLogFile_ :: Binary act => (act -> IO ()) -> B.ByteString -> IO ()
foldLogFile_ f = foldLogFile (const . f) ()
replay :: State -> B.ByteString -> IO ()
replay st =
foldLogFile_ $ \act ->
case act of
AddComment cId mChId c -> addComment st cId mChId c
AddChapter chId cs mURI -> addChapter st chId cs mURI
-- | Strict fold over the comments in the log file
foldComments :: (CommentId -> Maybe ChapterId -> Comment -> b -> b) -> b
-> B.ByteString -> IO b
foldComments f =
foldLogFile $ \act ->
case act of
AddChapter _ _ _ -> return
AddComment cId mChId c -> \x -> let x' = f cId mChId c x
in x' `seq` return x'
foldMapComments :: Monoid b => (CommentId -> Maybe ChapterId -> Comment -> b)
-> B.ByteString -> IO b
foldMapComments f =
foldComments (\cId mChId c -> (f cId mChId c `mappend`)) mempty
-- |Wrap a store so that all of its modifying operations are logged to
-- a file. The file can later be replayed to restore the state.
wrap :: FilePath -> State -> IO State
wrap logFileName st = do
ref <- newMVar Nothing
forkIO $ rotateLog ref
return st { addComment = \cId mChId c -> do
writeLog logFileName ref $ AddComment cId mChId c
addComment st cId mChId c
, addChapter = \chId cs mURI -> do
writeLog logFileName ref $ AddChapter chId cs mURI
addChapter st chId cs mURI
-- |Attempt to close the log file every five minutes so that we can
-- open new files and make sure that the entries are being written to
-- a mapped disk file
rotateLog :: MVar (Maybe Handle) -> IO ()
rotateLog v = forever $ do
modifyMVar v $ \mh -> do
hPutStrLn stderr "Rotating"
maybe (return ()) closeLog mh
return (Nothing, ())
-- reopen the log file every five minutes
threadDelay $ 1000000 * 600
closeLog h = hClose h `catch` putErr "Failed to close log handle"
-- Write any errors to stderr so that we have a record of them
-- somewhere
putErr :: String -> IOError -> IO ()
putErr msg e = hPutStrLn stderr $ msg ++ ": " ++ show e
-- |Write a log entry to a file, opening the file for append if
-- necessary
writeLog :: FilePath -> MVar (Maybe Handle) -> Action -> IO ()
writeLog fn v act =
modifyMVar v $ \mh -> do
mh' <- getHandle mh >>= writeEntry
return (mh', ())
-- If we don't have a handle, try to open one
getHandle (Just h) = return $ Just h
getHandle Nothing = do
res <- try $ openBinaryFile fn AppendMode
case res of
Right h -> return $ Just h
Left e -> do putErr "Failed to open log file" e
return Nothing
-- Try to write the log entry, but don't raise an exception if
-- we can't, so that we have the best chance of actually saving
-- the data
writeEntry Nothing = return Nothing
writeEntry (Just h) = do
res <- try $ do
B.hPut h (encode act)
hFlush h
case res of
Right () -> return $ Just h
Left e -> do putErr "Failed to write log entry" e
hClose h `catch` putErr "Failed to close log file"
return Nothing
| j3h/doc-review | src/State/Logger.hs | bsd-3-clause | 5,698 | 0 | 15 | 1,860 | 1,695 | 853 | 842 | 117 | 5 |
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Futhark.Optimise.InPlaceLowering.LowerIntoBinding
, DesiredUpdate (..)
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Either
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
import Prelude
import Futhark.Representation.AST
import Futhark.Construct
import Futhark.MonadFreshNames
import Futhark.Optimise.InPlaceLowering.SubstituteIndices
data DesiredUpdate attr =
DesiredUpdate { updateName :: VName -- ^ Name of result.
, updateType :: attr -- ^ Type of result.
, updateCertificates :: Certificates
, updateSource :: VName
, updateIndices :: [SubExp]
, updateValue :: VName
deriving (Show)
instance Functor DesiredUpdate where
f `fmap` u = u { updateType = f $ updateType u }
updateHasValue :: VName -> DesiredUpdate attr -> Bool
updateHasValue name = (name==) . updateValue
lowerUpdate :: (Bindable lore, MonadFreshNames m, LetAttr lore ~ Type) =>
Binding lore -> [DesiredUpdate (LetAttr lore)] -> Maybe (m [Binding lore])
lowerUpdate (Let pat _ (DoLoop ctx val form body)) updates = do
canDo <- lowerUpdateIntoLoop updates pat ctx val body
Just $ do
(prebnds, postbnds, ctxpat, valpat, ctx', val', body') <- canDo
return $
prebnds ++
[mkLet' ctxpat valpat $ DoLoop ctx' val' form body'] ++
(Let pat _ (PrimOp (SubExp (Var v))))
[DesiredUpdate bindee_nm bindee_attr cs src is val]
| patternNames pat == [src] =
Just $ return [mkLet [] [(Ident bindee_nm $ typeOf bindee_attr,
BindInPlace cs v is)] $
PrimOp $ SubExp $ Var val]
(Let (Pattern [] [PatElem v BindVar v_attr]) _ e)
[DesiredUpdate bindee_nm bindee_attr cs src is val]
| v == val =
Just $ return [mkLet [] [(Ident bindee_nm $ typeOf bindee_attr,
BindInPlace cs src is)] e,
mkLet' [] [Ident v $ typeOf v_attr] $ PrimOp $ Index cs bindee_nm is]
lowerUpdate _ _ =
lowerUpdateIntoLoop :: (Bindable lore, MonadFreshNames m, LetAttr lore ~ Type) =>
[DesiredUpdate (LetAttr lore)]
-> Pattern lore
-> [(FParam lore, SubExp)]
-> [(FParam lore, SubExp)]
-> Body lore
-> Maybe (m ([Binding lore],
[Binding lore],
[(FParam lore, SubExp)],
[(FParam lore, SubExp)],
Body lore))
lowerUpdateIntoLoop updates pat ctx val body = do
-- Algorithm:
-- 0) Map each result of the loop body to a corresponding in-place
-- update, if one exists.
-- 1) Create new merge variables corresponding to the arrays being
-- updated; extend the pattern and the @res@ list with these,
-- and remove the parts of the result list that have a
-- corresponding in-place update.
-- (The creation of the new merge variable identifiers is
-- actually done at the same time as step (0)).
-- 2) Create in-place updates at the end of the loop body.
-- 3) Create index expressions that read back the values written
-- in (2). If the merge parameter corresponding to this value
-- is unique, also @copy@ this value.
-- 4) Update the result of the loop body to properly pass the new
-- arrays and indexed elements to the next iteration of the
-- loop.
-- We also check that the merge parameters we work with have
-- loop-invariant shapes.
mk_in_place_map <- summariseLoop updates usedInBody resmap val
Just $ do
in_place_map <- mk_in_place_map
(val',prebnds,postbnds) <- mkMerges in_place_map
let (ctxpat,valpat) = mkResAndPat in_place_map
idxsubsts = indexSubstitutions in_place_map
(idxsubsts', newbnds) <- substituteIndices idxsubsts $ bodyBindings body
(body_res, res_bnds) <- manipulateResult in_place_map idxsubsts'
let body' = mkBody (newbnds++res_bnds) body_res
return (prebnds, postbnds, ctxpat, valpat, ctx, val', body')
where usedInBody = freeInBody body
resmap = zip (bodyResult body) $ patternValueIdents pat
mkMerges :: (MonadFreshNames m, Bindable lore, LetAttr lore ~ Type) =>
[LoopResultSummary (LetAttr lore)]
-> m ([(Param DeclType, SubExp)], [Binding lore], [Binding lore])
mkMerges summaries = do
((origmerge, extramerge), (prebnds, postbnds)) <-
runWriterT $ partitionEithers <$> mapM mkMerge summaries
return (origmerge ++ extramerge, prebnds, postbnds)
mkMerge summary
| Just (update, mergename, mergeattr) <- relatedUpdate summary = do
source <- newVName "modified_source"
let updpat = [(Ident source $ updateType update,
(updateCertificates update)
(updateSource update)
(updateIndices update))]
elmident = Ident (updateValue update) $
rowType $ typeOf $ updateType update
tell ([mkLet [] updpat $ PrimOp $ SubExp $ snd $ mergeParam summary],
[mkLet' [] [elmident] $ PrimOp $ Index []
(updateName update) (updateIndices update)])
return $ Right (Param
(toDecl (typeOf mergeattr) Unique),
Var source)
| otherwise = return $ Left $ mergeParam summary
mkResAndPat summaries =
let (origpat,extrapat) = partitionEithers $ map mkResAndPat' summaries
in (patternContextIdents pat,
origpat ++ extrapat)
mkResAndPat' summary
| Just (update, _, _) <- relatedUpdate summary =
Right (Ident (updateName update) (updateType update))
| otherwise =
Left (inPatternAs summary)
summariseLoop :: MonadFreshNames m =>
[DesiredUpdate attr]
-> Names
-> [(SubExp, Ident)]
-> [(Param DeclType, SubExp)]
-> Maybe (m [LoopResultSummary attr])
summariseLoop updates usedInBody resmap merge =
sequence <$> zipWithM summariseLoopResult resmap merge
where summariseLoopResult (se, v) (fparam, mergeinit)
| Just update <- find (updateHasValue $ identName v) updates =
if updateSource update `HS.member` usedInBody
then Nothing
else if hasLoopInvariantShape fparam then Just $ do
lowered_array <- newVName "lowered_array"
return LoopResultSummary { resultSubExp = se
, inPatternAs = v
, mergeParam = (fparam, mergeinit)
, relatedUpdate = Just (update,
updateType update)
else Nothing
summariseLoopResult (se, patpart) (fparam, mergeinit) =
Just $ return LoopResultSummary { resultSubExp = se
, inPatternAs = patpart
, mergeParam = (fparam, mergeinit)
, relatedUpdate = Nothing
hasLoopInvariantShape = all loopInvariant . arrayDims . paramType
merge_param_names = map (paramName . fst) merge
loopInvariant (Var v) = v `notElem` merge_param_names
loopInvariant Constant{} = True
data LoopResultSummary attr =
LoopResultSummary { resultSubExp :: SubExp
, inPatternAs :: Ident
, mergeParam :: (Param DeclType, SubExp)
, relatedUpdate :: Maybe (DesiredUpdate attr, VName, attr)
deriving (Show)
indexSubstitutions :: [LoopResultSummary attr]
-> IndexSubstitutions attr
indexSubstitutions = mapMaybe getSubstitution
where getSubstitution res = do
(DesiredUpdate _ _ cs _ is _, nm, attr) <- relatedUpdate res
let name = paramName $ fst $ mergeParam res
return (name, (cs, nm, attr, is))
manipulateResult :: (Bindable lore, MonadFreshNames m) =>
[LoopResultSummary (LetAttr lore)]
-> IndexSubstitutions (LetAttr lore)
-> m (Result, [Binding lore])
manipulateResult summaries substs = do
let (orig_ses,updated_ses) = partitionEithers $ map unchangedRes summaries
(subst_ses, res_bnds) <- runWriterT $ zipWithM substRes updated_ses substs
return (orig_ses ++ subst_ses, res_bnds)
unchangedRes summary =
case relatedUpdate summary of
Nothing -> Left $ resultSubExp summary
Just _ -> Right $ resultSubExp summary
substRes (Var res_v) (subst_v, (_, nm, _, _))
| res_v == subst_v =
return $ Var nm
substRes res_se (_, (cs, nm, attr, is)) = do
v' <- newIdent' (++"_updated") $ Ident nm $ typeOf attr
tell [mkLet [] [(v', BindInPlace cs nm is)] $ PrimOp $ SubExp res_se]
return $ Var $ identName v'
| CulpaBS/wbBach | src/Futhark/Optimise/InPlaceLowering/LowerIntoBinding.hs | bsd-3-clause | 9,758 | 0 | 18 | 3,356 | 2,537 | 1,330 | 1,207 | 178 | 5 |
module Language.DemonL.TypeCheck where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Error
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Language.DemonL.AST as A
import Language.DemonL.AST
(Struct (..), ProcedureU, Procedure (..), Clause (..), declsToMap,
Domain (..), DomainU, UnOp (..), ROp (..), Decl (..))
import Language.DemonL.Types
type TypeM a = ErrorT String Identity a
type ProcedureT = Procedure TExpr
type DomainT = Domain TExpr
data TExpr =
Call String [TExpr] Type
| BinOpExpr BinOp TExpr TExpr Type
| UnOpExpr UnOp TExpr Type
| ForAll [Decl] TExpr
| Access TExpr String Type
| Var String Type
| ResultVar Type
| Cast TExpr Type
| LitInt Integer
| LitBool Bool
| LitNull Type
| LitDouble Double deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data BinOp = Add
| Sub
| Mul
| Div
| Or
| And
| Implies
| ArrayIndex
| RelOp ROp Type
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show BinOp where
show Add = "+"
show Sub = "-"
show Mul = "*"
show Div = "/"
show Or = "or"
show And = "and"
show Implies = "implies"
show (RelOp op _) = show op
runTypeM = runIdentity . runErrorT
texprType (Call _ _ t) = t
texprType (BinOpExpr _ _ _ t) = t
texprType (UnOpExpr _ _ t) = t
texprType (ForAll _ _) = BoolType
texprType (Access _ _ t) = t
texprType (Var _ t) = t
texprType (ResultVar t) = t
texprType (Cast _ t) = t
texprType (LitInt _) = IntType
texprType (LitBool _) = BoolType
texprType (LitNull t) = t
texprType (LitDouble _) = DoubleType
typecheckDomain :: DomainU -> TypeM DomainT
typecheckDomain d@(Domain types procs funcs) =
Domain <$> pure types
<*> mapM (typecheckProc d) procs
<*> mapM (typecheckProc d) funcs
typecheckProc :: DomainU -> ProcedureU -> TypeM ProcedureT
typecheckProc dom (Procedure name args res req ens) =
let argMap = declsToMap args
tcClause = typecheckClause argMap dom res
req' = mapM tcClause req
ens' = mapM tcClause ens
in Procedure name args res <$> req' <*> ens'
typecheckClause argMap dom res (Clause n e) =
Clause n <$> typecheckExpr argMap dom res e
noStructErr struct = throwError $ "<" ++ struct ++ "> not found"
noAttrErr struct attr =
throwError $ "<" ++ struct ++ ">." ++ attr ++ " not found"
lookupName :: String -> M.Map String Type -> TypeM Type
lookupName str decls = maybe (throwError $ str ++ " not found in declarations")
(M.lookup str decls)
lookupAttrType :: [Struct] -> String -> String -> TypeM Type
lookupAttrType types attr struct =
let isStruct = (== struct) . structName
mbStruct = find isStruct types
getAttr = lookupName attr . declsToMap . structDecls
in maybe (noStructErr struct) getAttr mbStruct
getStructNameM :: Type -> TypeM String
getStructNameM (StructType n _) = return n
getStructNameM t = throwError $ show t ++ " not a struct"
unsafeCheck decls dom e =
let te = runTypeM $ typecheckExpr (declsToMap decls) dom NoType e
in either error id te
findFunction name dom =
let fns = domFuncs dom
p f = prcdName f == name
in find p fns
checkFunctionArgs argMap dom resType f args
| length (prcdArgs f) /= length args =
throwError $ "Arguments not same length"
| otherwise = do
let formalTypes = map declType (prcdArgs f)
guardTypeM type1 type2
| type1 == type2 = return ()
| otherwise = throwError $ "Unconforming arguments: " ++
show type1 ++ " and " ++ show type2
actualArgs <- mapM (fmap texprType . typecheckExpr argMap dom resType) args
zipWithM_ guardTypeM formalTypes actualArgs
return (prcdResult f)
typecheckExpr :: M.Map String Type -> DomainU -> Type -> A.Expr -> TypeM TExpr
typecheckExpr argMap dom resType =
types = domStructs dom
tc :: A.Expr -> TypeM TExpr
tc (A.Access e attr) =
let eM = tc e
structStr = getStructNameM =<< (texprType <$> eM)
attrTypM = lookupAttrType types attr =<< structStr
in Access <$> eM <*> pure attr <*> attrTypM
tc (A.Var n) = Var n <$> lookupName n argMap
tc (A.LitInt i) = pure $ LitInt i
tc (A.LitBool b) = pure $ LitBool b
tc A.ResultVar = pure $ ResultVar resType
tc (A.Call name args) =
case findFunction name dom of
Just f -> let argsM = mapM (typecheckExpr argMap dom resType) args
in Call name <$> argsM
<*> checkFunctionArgs argMap dom resType f args
Nothing -> throwError $ "Coudln't find function " ++ name
-- both equality and inequality are dealt with specially
-- as they are needed to type `null' values.
tc (A.BinOpExpr (A.RelOp Eq) A.LitNull A.LitNull) =
pure $ BinOpExpr (RelOp Eq VoidType) (LitNull VoidType)
(LitNull VoidType) BoolType
tc (A.BinOpExpr (A.RelOp Eq) A.LitNull e) =
let eM = tc e
nullM = LitNull <$> (texprType <$> eM)
in BinOpExpr <$> (RelOp Eq <$> (texprType <$> eM))
<*> nullM <*> eM <*> pure BoolType
tc (A.BinOpExpr (A.RelOp Eq) e A.LitNull) =
let eM = tc e
nullM = LitNull <$> (texprType <$> eM)
in BinOpExpr <$> (RelOp Eq <$> (texprType <$> eM))
<*> eM <*> nullM <*> pure BoolType
tc (A.BinOpExpr (A.RelOp A.Neq) A.LitNull A.LitNull) =
pure $ BinOpExpr (RelOp Neq VoidType) (LitNull VoidType)
(LitNull VoidType) BoolType
tc (A.BinOpExpr bOp@(A.RelOp Neq) A.LitNull e) =
let eM = tc e
nullM = LitNull <$> (texprType <$> eM)
in BinOpExpr <$> (RelOp Neq <$> (texprType <$> eM))
<*> nullM <*> eM <*> pure BoolType
tc (A.BinOpExpr bOp@(A.RelOp Neq) e A.LitNull) =
let eM = tc e
nullM = LitNull <$> (texprType <$> eM)
in BinOpExpr <$> (RelOp Neq <$> (texprType <$> eM))
<*> eM <*> nullM <*> pure BoolType
tc (A.BinOpExpr bOp e1 e2) =
let e1M = tc e1
e2M = tc e2
tM = join $ binOpTypes bOp <$> e1M <*> e2M
in BinOpExpr (typedBinOp bOp) <$> e1M <*> e2M <*> tM
tc (A.UnOpExpr uop e) =
let eM = tc e
tM = join $ unOpTypes uop <$> eM
in UnOpExpr uop <$> eM <*> tM
tc (A.ForAll ds e) =
ForAll ds <$> typecheckExpr ds' dom BoolType e
ds' = declsToMap ds `M.union` argMap
tc e = throwError $ "Can't typecheck " ++ show e
in tc
typedBinOp op =
case op of
A.Add -> Add
A.Sub -> Sub
A.Mul -> Mul
A.Div -> Div
A.Or -> Or
A.And -> And
A.Implies -> Implies
A.ArrayIndex -> error "typedBinOp: no array indexes"
A.RelOp rop -> RelOp (typedROp rop) VoidType
typedROp rop =
case rop of
A.Lte -> Lte
A.Lt -> Lt
A.Eq -> Eq
A.Gt -> Gt
A.Gte -> Gte
isBool A.And = True
isBool A.Or = True
isBool A.Implies = True
isBool _ = False
isNumType IntType = True
isNumType DoubleType = True
isNumType _ = False
isNum A.Add = True
isNum A.Sub = True
isNum A.Mul = True
isNum A.Div = True
isNum _ = False
unOpTypes Not e
| texprType e == BoolType = return BoolType
unOpTypes Neg e
| isNumType (texprType e) = return $ texprType e
unOpTypes Old e = return $ texprType e
unOpTypes op e = error $ "unOpTypes: " ++ show op ++ ", " ++ show e
binOpTypes :: A.BinOp -> TExpr -> TExpr -> TypeM Type
binOpTypes (A.RelOp r) e1 e2
| texprType e1 == texprType e2 = pure BoolType
| otherwise = throwError $
show (e1,e2) ++ " are unsuitable arguments for " ++ show r
binOpTypes op e1 e2
| isNum op = case (texprType e1, texprType e2) of
(IntType, IntType) -> return IntType
(DoubleType, DoubleType) -> return DoubleType
_ -> throwError $ show (e1,e2) ++
" are unsuitable arguments for " ++
show op
| isBool op = case (texprType e1, texprType e2) of
(BoolType, BoolType) -> return BoolType
_ -> throwError $ show (e1,e2) ++
" are unsuitable arguments for " ++
show op
| scottgw/demonL | Language/DemonL/TypeCheck.hs | bsd-3-clause | 8,711 | 0 | 18 | 2,874 | 3,039 | 1,519 | 1,520 | 222 | 17 |
-- | The data type definition for "Futhark.Analysis.Metrics", factored
-- out to simplify the module import hierarchies when working on the
-- test modules.
module Futhark.Analysis.Metrics.Type (AstMetrics (..)) where
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
-- | AST metrics are simply a collection from identifiable node names
-- to the number of times that node appears.
newtype AstMetrics = AstMetrics (M.Map Text Int)
instance Show AstMetrics where
show (AstMetrics m) = unlines $ map metric $ M.toList m
metric (k, v) = T.unpack k ++ " " ++ show v
instance Read AstMetrics where
readsPrec _ s =
maybe [] success $ mapM onLine $ lines s
onLine l = case words l of
[k, x] | [(n, "")] <- reads x -> Just (T.pack k, n)
_ -> Nothing
success m = [(AstMetrics $ M.fromList m, "")]
| diku-dk/futhark | src/Futhark/Analysis/Metrics/Type.hs | isc | 899 | 0 | 16 | 201 | 273 | 148 | 125 | 15 | 0 |
{-# Language RebindableSyntax #-}
module Symmetry.Language.Syntax where
import Prelude (Int)
import Symmetry.Language.AST
-- Import this module and use with the RebindableSyntax Language extension
(+) :: DSL repr => repr Int -> repr Int -> repr Int
m + n = plus m n
(>>=) :: Symantics repr
=> repr (Process repr a)
-> (repr a -> repr (Process repr b))
-> repr (Process repr b)
m >>= f = bind m (lam f)
(>>) :: Symantics repr
=> repr (Process repr a)
-> repr (Process repr b)
-> repr (Process repr b)
m >> n = bind m (lam (\_ -> n))
fail :: Symantics repr => repr (Process repr a)
fail = die
return :: Symantics repr => repr a -> repr (Process repr a)
return = ret
x |> f = app f x
| gokhankici/symmetry | checker/src/Symmetry/Language/Syntax.hs | mit | 745 | 0 | 12 | 200 | 321 | 160 | 161 | 21 | 1 |
module TypeBug2 where
f :: a -> [a] -> [a]
f sep (x:xs) = x:sep++f xs
| roberth/uu-helium | test/typeerrors/Examples/TypeBug2.hs | gpl-3.0 | 73 | 0 | 7 | 19 | 51 | 28 | 23 | 3 | 1 |
-- |
-- Module: Main
-- Description: Tests for Command Wrapper Subcommand library.
-- Copyright: (c) 2019-2020 Peter Trško
-- License: BSD3
-- Maintainer:
-- Stability: experimental
-- Portability: GHC specific language extensions; POSIX.
-- Tests for Command Wrapper Subcommand library.
module Main
( main
import System.IO (IO)
--import Data.CallStack (HasCallStack)
import Test.Tasty (TestTree, defaultMain, testGroup)
--import Test.Tasty.HUnit ((@?=), testCase, assertFailure)
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain (testGroup "CommandWrapper.Subcommand.Tests" tests)
tests :: [TestTree]
tests =
| trskop/command-wrapper | command-wrapper-subcommand/test/Main.hs | bsd-3-clause | 671 | 0 | 7 | 120 | 89 | 57 | 32 | 9 | 1 |
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes, TypeFamilies, TemplateHaskell, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
module YesodCoreTest.Cache
( cacheTest
, Widget
, resourcesC
) where
import Test.Hspec
import Network.Wai
import Network.Wai.Test
import Yesod.Core
import UnliftIO.IORef
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L8
data C = C
newtype V1 = V1 Int
deriving Typeable
newtype V2 = V2 Int
deriving Typeable
mkYesod "C" [parseRoutes|
/ RootR GET
/key KeyR GET
/nested NestedR GET
/nested-key NestedKeyR GET
instance Yesod C where
errorHandler e = liftIO (print e) >> defaultErrorHandler e
getRootR :: Handler RepPlain
getRootR = do
ref <- newIORef 0
V1 v1a <- cached $ atomicModifyIORef ref $ \i -> (i + 1, V1 $ i + 1)
V1 v1b <- cached $ atomicModifyIORef ref $ \i -> (i + 1, V1 $ i + 1)
V2 v2a <- cached $ atomicModifyIORef ref $ \i -> (i + 1, V2 $ i + 1)
V2 v2b <- cached $ atomicModifyIORef ref $ \i -> (i + 1, V2 $ i + 1)
return $ RepPlain $ toContent $ show [v1a, v1b, v2a, v2b]
getKeyR :: Handler RepPlain
getKeyR = do
ref <- newIORef 0
V1 v1a <- cachedBy "1" $ atomicModifyIORef ref $ \i -> (i + 1, V1 $ i + 1)
V1 v1b <- cachedBy "1" $ atomicModifyIORef ref $ \i -> (i + 1, V1 $ i + 1)
V2 v2a <- cachedBy "1" $ atomicModifyIORef ref $ \i -> (i + 1, V2 $ i + 1)
V2 v2b <- cachedBy "1" $ atomicModifyIORef ref $ \i -> (i + 1, V2 $ i + 1)
V2 v3a <- cachedBy "2" $ atomicModifyIORef ref $ \i -> (i + 1, V2 $ i + 1)
V2 v3b <- cachedBy "2" $ atomicModifyIORef ref $ \i -> (i + 1, V2 $ i + 1)
return $ RepPlain $ toContent $ show [v1a, v1b, v2a, v2b, v3a, v3b]
getNestedR :: Handler RepPlain
getNestedR = getNested cached
getNestedKeyR :: Handler RepPlain
getNestedKeyR = getNested $ cachedBy "3"
-- | Issue #1266
getNested :: (forall a. Typeable a => (Handler a -> Handler a)) -> Handler RepPlain
getNested cacheMethod = do
ref <- newIORef 0
let getV2 = atomicModifyIORef ref $ \i -> (i + 1, V2 $ i + 1)
V1 _ <- cacheMethod $ do
V2 val <- cacheMethod $ getV2
return $ V1 val
V2 v2 <- cacheMethod $ getV2
return $ RepPlain $ toContent $ show v2
cacheTest :: Spec
cacheTest =
describe "Test.Cache" $ do
it "cached" $ runner $ do
res <- request defaultRequest
assertStatus 200 res
assertBody (L8.pack $ show [1, 1, 2, 2 :: Int]) res
it "cachedBy" $ runner $ do
res <- request defaultRequest { pathInfo = ["key"] }
assertStatus 200 res
assertBody (L8.pack $ show [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3 :: Int]) res
it "nested cached" $ runner $ do
res <- request defaultRequest { pathInfo = ["nested"] }
assertStatus 200 res
assertBody (L8.pack $ show (1 :: Int)) res
it "nested cachedBy" $ runner $ do
res <- request defaultRequest { pathInfo = ["nested-key"] }
assertStatus 200 res
assertBody (L8.pack $ show (1 :: Int)) res
runner :: Session () -> IO ()
runner f = toWaiApp C >>= runSession f
| s9gf4ult/yesod | yesod-core/test/YesodCoreTest/Cache.hs | mit | 3,157 | 0 | 15 | 788 | 1,258 | 634 | 624 | 76 | 1 |
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Navigation through the Development Graph
Copyright : (c) Ewaryst Schulz, DFKI Bremen 2011
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable (via imports)
Navigation through the Development Graph based on Node and Link predicates
using Depth First Search.
module Static.DGNavigation where
import Static.DevGraph
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as Graph
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Syntax.AS_Library
-- * Navigator Class
class DevGraphNavigator a where
-- | get all the incoming ledges of the given node
incoming :: a -> Node -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
-- | get the label of the given node
getLabel :: a -> Node -> DGNodeLab
-- | get the local (not referenced) environment of the given node
getLocalNode :: a -> Node -> (DGraph, LNode DGNodeLab)
getInLibEnv :: a -> (LibEnv -> DGraph -> b) -> b
getCurrent :: a -> [LNode DGNodeLab]
relocate :: a -> DGraph -> [LNode DGNodeLab] -> a
{- | Get all the incoming ledges of the given node and eventually
cross the border to an other 'DGraph'. The new 'DevGraphNavigator'
is returned with 'DGraph' set to the new graph and current node to
the given node. -}
followIncoming :: DevGraphNavigator a => a -> Node
-> (a, LNode DGNodeLab, [LEdge DGLinkLab])
followIncoming dgn n = (dgn', lbln, incoming dgn' n')
where (dgn', lbln@(n', _)) = followNode dgn n
-- | get the local (not referenced) label of the given node
getLocalLabel :: DevGraphNavigator a => a -> Node -> DGNodeLab
getLocalLabel dgnav = snd . snd . getLocalNode dgnav
followNode :: DevGraphNavigator a => a -> Node -> (a, LNode DGNodeLab)
followNode dgnav n = (relocate dgnav dg [lbln], lbln)
where (dg, lbln) = getLocalNode dgnav n
-- | get all the incoming ledges of the current node
directInn :: DevGraphNavigator a => a -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
directInn dgnav = concatMap (incoming dgnav . fst) $ getCurrent dgnav
-- * Navigator Instance
{- | The navigator instance consists of a 'LibEnv' a current 'DGraph' and
a current 'Node' which is the starting point for navigation through the DG. -}
data DGNav = DGNav { dgnLibEnv :: LibEnv
, dgnDG :: DGraph
, dgnCurrent :: [LNode DGNodeLab] } deriving Show
instance Pretty DGNav where
pretty dgn = d1 <> text ":" <+> pretty (map fst $ dgnCurrent dgn)
where d1 = case optLibDefn $ dgnDG dgn of
Just (Lib_defn ln _ _ _) -> pretty ln
Nothing -> text "DG"
makeDGNav :: LibEnv -> DGraph -> [LNode DGNodeLab] -> DGNav
makeDGNav le dg cnl = DGNav le dg cnl' where
cnl' | null cnl = filter f $ labNodesDG dg
| otherwise = cnl
where f (n, _) = not $ any isDefLink $ outDG dg n
isDefLink :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool
isDefLink = isDefEdge . dgl_type . linkLabel
instance DevGraphNavigator DGNav where
-- we consider only the definition links in a DGraph
incoming dgn = filter isDefLink . innDG (dgnDG dgn)
getLabel = labDG . dgnDG
getLocalNode (DGNav {dgnLibEnv = le, dgnDG = dg}) = lookupLocalNode le dg
getInLibEnv (DGNav {dgnLibEnv = le, dgnDG = dg}) f = f le dg
getCurrent (DGNav {dgnCurrent = lblnl}) = lblnl
relocate dgn dg lblnl = dgn { dgnDG = dg, dgnCurrent = lblnl }
-- * Basic search functionality
-- | DFS based search
firstMaybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> Maybe b
firstMaybe _ [] = Nothing
firstMaybe f (x : l) =
case f x of
Nothing -> firstMaybe f l
y -> y
{- | Searches all ancestor nodes of the current node and also the current node
for a node matching the given predicate -}
searchNode :: DevGraphNavigator a =>
(LNode DGNodeLab -> Bool) -> a -> Maybe (a, LNode DGNodeLab)
searchNode p dgnav =
firstMaybe (searchNodeFrom p dgnav . fst) $ getCurrent dgnav
searchNodeFrom :: DevGraphNavigator a => (LNode DGNodeLab -> Bool) -> a
-> Node -> Maybe (a, LNode DGNodeLab)
searchNodeFrom p dgnav n =
let (dgnav', lbln, ledgs) = followIncoming dgnav n
in if p lbln then Just (dgnav', lbln)
else firstMaybe (searchNodeFrom p dgnav') $ map linkSource ledgs
searchLink :: DevGraphNavigator a =>
(LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool) -> a -> Maybe (a, LEdge DGLinkLab)
searchLink p dgnav =
firstMaybe (searchLinkFrom p dgnav . fst) $ getCurrent dgnav
searchLinkFrom :: DevGraphNavigator a => (LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool) -> a
-> Node -> Maybe (a, LEdge DGLinkLab)
searchLinkFrom p dgnav n =
let (dgnav', _, ledgs) = followIncoming dgnav n
in case find p ledgs of
Nothing -> firstMaybe (searchLinkFrom p dgnav') $ map linkSource ledgs
x -> fmap ((,) dgnav') x
-- * Predicates to be used with 'searchNode'
-- | This predicate is true for nodes with a nodename equal to the given string
dgnPredName :: String -> LNode DGNodeLab -> Maybe (LNode DGNodeLab)
dgnPredName n nd@(_, lbl) = if getDGNodeName lbl == n then Just nd else Nothing
{- | This predicate is true for nodes which are instantiations of a
specification with the given name -}
dgnPredParameterized :: String -> LNode DGNodeLab -> Maybe (LNode DGNodeLab)
dgnPredParameterized n nd@(_, DGNodeLab
{ nodeInfo = DGNode { node_origin = DGInst sid }
| show sid == n = Just nd
| otherwise = Nothing
dgnPredParameterized _ _ = Nothing
{- * Predicates to be used with 'searchLink'
This predicate is true for links which are argument instantiations of a
parameterized specification with the given name -}
dglPredActualParam :: String -> LEdge DGLinkLab -> Maybe (LEdge DGLinkLab)
dglPredActualParam n edg@(_, _, DGLink { dgl_origin = DGLinkInstArg sid })
| show sid == n = Just edg
| otherwise = Nothing
dglPredActualParam _ _ = Nothing
-- | This predicate is true for links which are instantiation morphisms
dglPredInstance :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Maybe (LEdge DGLinkLab)
dglPredInstance edg@(_, _, DGLink { dgl_origin = DGLinkMorph _ }) = Just edg
dglPredInstance _ = Nothing
-- * Combined Node Queries
-- | Search for the given name in an actual parameter link
getActualParameterSpec :: DevGraphNavigator a => String -> a
-> Maybe (a, LNode DGNodeLab)
getActualParameterSpec n dgnav =
-- search first actual param
case searchLink (isJust . dglPredActualParam n) dgnav of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (dgn', (sn, _, _)) ->
-- get the spec for the param
fmap f $ firstMaybe dglPredInstance $ incoming dgnav sn
where f edg = let sn' = linkSource edg
in (dgn', (sn', getLabel dgnav sn'))
-- | Search for the given name in an instantiation node
getParameterizedSpec :: DevGraphNavigator a => String -> a
-> Maybe (a, LNode DGNodeLab)
getParameterizedSpec n dgnav =
-- search first actual param
case searchNode (isJust . dgnPredParameterized n) dgnav of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (dgn', (sn, _)) ->
-- get the spec for the param
fmap f $ firstMaybe dglPredInstance $ incoming dgnav sn
where f edg = let sn' = linkSource edg
in (dgn', (sn', getLabel dgnav sn'))
-- | Search for the given name in any node
getNamedSpec :: DevGraphNavigator a => String -> a -> Maybe (a, LNode DGNodeLab)
getNamedSpec n = searchNode (isJust . dgnPredName n)
-- | Combining a search function with an operation on nodes
fromSearchResult :: (DevGraphNavigator a) =>
(a -> Maybe (a, LNode DGNodeLab))
-> (a -> Node -> b) -> a -> Maybe b
fromSearchResult sf f dgnav = case sf dgnav of
Just (dgn', (n, _)) -> Just $ f dgn' n
_ -> Nothing
-- * Other utils
getLocalSyms :: DevGraphNavigator a => a -> Node -> Set.Set G_symbol
getLocalSyms dgnav n =
case dgn_origin $ getLocalLabel dgnav n of
DGBasicSpec _ _ s -> s
_ -> Set.empty
linkSource :: LEdge a -> Node
linkLabel :: LEdge a -> a
linkSource (x, _, _) = x
linkLabel (_, _, x) = x
| nevrenato/HetsAlloy | Static/DGNavigation.hs | gpl-2.0 | 8,358 | 0 | 14 | 2,163 | 2,286 | 1,179 | 1,107 | 128 | 2 |
module Distribution.Client.Dependency.Modular.Builder where
-- Building the search tree.
-- In this phase, we build a search tree that is too large, i.e, it contains
-- invalid solutions. We keep track of the open goals at each point. We
-- nondeterministically pick an open goal (via a goal choice node), create
-- subtrees according to the index and the available solutions, and extend the
-- set of open goals by superficially looking at the dependencies recorded in
-- the index.
-- For each goal, we keep track of all the *reasons* why it is being
-- introduced. These are for debugging and error messages, mainly. A little bit
-- of care has to be taken due to the way we treat flags. If a package has
-- flag-guarded dependencies, we cannot introduce them immediately. Instead, we
-- store the entire dependency.
import Control.Monad.Reader hiding (sequence, mapM)
import Data.List as L
import Data.Map as M
import Prelude hiding (sequence, mapM)
import Distribution.Client.Dependency.Modular.Dependency
import Distribution.Client.Dependency.Modular.Flag
import Distribution.Client.Dependency.Modular.Index
import Distribution.Client.Dependency.Modular.Package
import Distribution.Client.Dependency.Modular.PSQ as P
import Distribution.Client.Dependency.Modular.Tree
-- | The state needed during the build phase of the search tree.
data BuildState = BS {
index :: Index, -- ^ information about packages and their dependencies
scope :: Scope, -- ^ information about encapsulations
rdeps :: RevDepMap, -- ^ set of all package goals, completed and open, with reverse dependencies
open :: PSQ OpenGoal (), -- ^ set of still open goals (flag and package goals)
next :: BuildType -- ^ kind of node to generate next
-- | Extend the set of open goals with the new goals listed.
-- We also adjust the map of overall goals, and keep track of the
-- reverse dependencies of each of the goals.
extendOpen :: QPN -> [OpenGoal] -> BuildState -> BuildState
extendOpen qpn' gs s@(BS { rdeps = gs', open = o' }) = go gs' o' gs
go :: RevDepMap -> PSQ OpenGoal () -> [OpenGoal] -> BuildState
go g o [] = s { rdeps = g, open = o }
go g o (ng@(OpenGoal (Flagged _ _ _ _) _gr) : ngs) = go g (cons ng () o) ngs
go g o (ng@(OpenGoal (Stanza _ _ ) _gr) : ngs) = go g (cons ng () o) ngs
go g o (ng@(OpenGoal (Simple (Dep qpn _)) _gr) : ngs)
| qpn == qpn' = go g o ngs
-- we ignore self-dependencies at this point; TODO: more care may be needed
| qpn `M.member` g = go (M.adjust (qpn':) qpn g) o ngs
| otherwise = go (M.insert qpn [qpn'] g) (cons ng () o) ngs
-- code above is correct; insert/adjust have different arg order
-- | Update the current scope by taking into account the encapsulations that
-- are defined for the current package.
establishScope :: QPN -> Encaps -> BuildState -> BuildState
establishScope (Q pp pn) ecs s =
s { scope = L.foldl (\ m e -> M.insert e pp' m) (scope s) ecs }
pp' = pn : pp -- new path
-- | Given the current scope, qualify all the package names in the given set of
-- dependencies and then extend the set of open goals accordingly.
scopedExtendOpen :: QPN -> I -> QGoalReasonChain -> FlaggedDeps PN -> FlagInfo ->
BuildState -> BuildState
scopedExtendOpen qpn i gr fdeps fdefs s = extendOpen qpn gs s
sc = scope s
qfdeps = (fmap (qualify sc)) fdeps -- qualify all the package names
qfdefs = (\ (fn, b) -> Flagged (FN (PI qpn i) fn) b [] []) $ M.toList fdefs
gs = (flip OpenGoal gr) (qfdeps ++ qfdefs)
data BuildType = Goals | OneGoal OpenGoal | Instance QPN I PInfo QGoalReasonChain
build :: BuildState -> Tree (QGoalReasonChain, Scope)
build = ana go
go :: BuildState -> TreeF (QGoalReasonChain, Scope) BuildState
-- If we have a choice between many goals, we just record the choice in
-- the tree. We select each open goal in turn, and before we descend, remove
-- it from the queue of open goals.
go bs@(BS { rdeps = rds, open = gs, next = Goals })
| P.null gs = DoneF rds
| otherwise = GoalChoiceF (P.mapWithKey (\ g (_sc, gs') -> bs { next = OneGoal g, open = gs' })
(P.splits gs))
-- If we have already picked a goal, then the choice depends on the kind
-- of goal.
-- For a package, we look up the instances available in the global info,
-- and then handle each instance in turn.
go bs@(BS { index = idx, scope = sc, next = OneGoal (OpenGoal (Simple (Dep qpn@(Q _ pn) _)) gr) }) =
case M.lookup pn idx of
Nothing -> FailF (toConflictSet (Goal (P qpn) gr)) (BuildFailureNotInIndex pn)
Just pis -> PChoiceF qpn (gr, sc) (P.fromList ( (\ (i, info) ->
(i, bs { next = Instance qpn i info gr }))
(M.toList pis)))
-- TODO: data structure conversion is rather ugly here
-- For a flag, we create only two subtrees, and we create them in the order
-- that is indicated by the flag default.
-- TODO: Should we include the flag default in the tree?
go bs@(BS { scope = sc, next = OneGoal (OpenGoal (Flagged qfn@(FN (PI qpn _) _) (FInfo b m) t f) gr) }) =
FChoiceF qfn (gr, sc) trivial m (P.fromList (reorder b
[(True, (extendOpen qpn ( (flip OpenGoal (FDependency qfn True : gr)) t) bs) { next = Goals }),
(False, (extendOpen qpn ( (flip OpenGoal (FDependency qfn False : gr)) f) bs) { next = Goals })]))
reorder True = id
reorder False = reverse
trivial = L.null t && L.null f
go bs@(BS { scope = sc, next = OneGoal (OpenGoal (Stanza qsn@(SN (PI qpn _) _) t) gr) }) =
SChoiceF qsn (gr, sc) trivial (P.fromList
[(False, bs { next = Goals }),
(True, (extendOpen qpn ( (flip OpenGoal (SDependency qsn : gr)) t) bs) { next = Goals })])
trivial = L.null t
-- For a particular instance, we change the state: we update the scope,
-- and furthermore we update the set of goals.
-- TODO: We could inline this above.
go bs@(BS { next = Instance qpn i (PInfo fdeps fdefs ecs _) gr }) =
go ((establishScope qpn ecs
(scopedExtendOpen qpn i (PDependency (PI qpn i) : gr) fdeps fdefs bs))
{ next = Goals })
-- | Interface to the tree builder. Just takes an index and a list of package names,
-- and computes the initial state and then the tree from there.
buildTree :: Index -> Bool -> [PN] -> Tree (QGoalReasonChain, Scope)
buildTree idx ind igs =
build (BS idx sc
(M.fromList ( (\ qpn -> (qpn, [])) qpns))
(P.fromList ( (\ qpn -> (OpenGoal (Simple (Dep qpn (Constrained []))) [UserGoal], ())) qpns))
sc | ind = makeIndependent igs
| otherwise = emptyScope
qpns = (qualify sc) igs
| jwiegley/ghc-release | libraries/Cabal/cabal-install/Distribution/Client/Dependency/Modular/Builder.hs | gpl-3.0 | 7,494 | 0 | 23 | 2,257 | 1,971 | 1,083 | 888 | 77 | 7 |
module Distribution.Solver.Modular.Cycles (
) where
import Prelude hiding (cycle)
import Data.Graph (SCC)
import qualified Data.Graph as Gr
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Dependency
import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Package
import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Tree
import qualified Distribution.Solver.Modular.ConflictSet as CS
-- | Find and reject any solutions that are cyclic
detectCyclesPhase :: Tree QGoalReason -> Tree QGoalReason
detectCyclesPhase = cata go
-- The only node of interest is DoneF
go :: TreeF QGoalReason (Tree QGoalReason) -> Tree QGoalReason
go (PChoiceF qpn gr cs) = PChoice qpn gr cs
go (FChoiceF qfn gr w m cs) = FChoice qfn gr w m cs
go (SChoiceF qsn gr w cs) = SChoice qsn gr w cs
go (GoalChoiceF cs) = GoalChoice cs
go (FailF cs reason) = Fail cs reason
-- We check for cycles only if we have actually found a solution
-- This minimizes the number of cycle checks we do as cycles are rare
go (DoneF revDeps) = do
case findCycles revDeps of
Nothing -> Done revDeps
Just relSet -> Fail relSet CyclicDependencies
-- | Given the reverse dependency map from a 'Done' node in the tree, as well
-- as the full conflict set containing all decisions that led to that 'Done'
-- node, check if the solution is cyclic. If it is, return the conflict set
-- containing all decisions that could potentially break the cycle.
findCycles :: RevDepMap -> Maybe (ConflictSet QPN)
findCycles revDeps =
case cycles of
[] -> Nothing
c:_ -> Just $ CS.unions $ map (varToConflictSet . P) c
cycles :: [[QPN]]
cycles = [vs | Gr.CyclicSCC vs <- scc]
scc :: [SCC QPN]
scc = Gr.stronglyConnComp . map aux . Map.toList $ revDeps
aux :: (QPN, [(comp, QPN)]) -> (QPN, QPN, [QPN])
aux (fr, to) = (fr, fr, map snd to)
| headprogrammingczar/cabal | cabal-install/Distribution/Solver/Modular/Cycles.hs | bsd-3-clause | 1,962 | 0 | 12 | 460 | 511 | 280 | 231 | 34 | 7 |
foo = last (sortBy (compare `on` fst) xs) | mpickering/hlint-refactor | tests/examples/Default104.hs | bsd-3-clause | 41 | 0 | 9 | 7 | 26 | 14 | 12 | 1 | 1 |
-- Simple StatusIcon example
import Graphics.UI.Gtk
main = do
icon <- statusIconNewFromStock stockQuit
statusIconSetVisible icon True
statusIconSetTooltipText icon $ Just "This is a test"
menu <- mkmenu icon
on icon statusIconPopupMenu $ \b a -> do
widgetShowAll menu
print (b,a)
menuPopup menu $ maybe Nothing (\b' -> Just (b',a)) b
on icon statusIconActivate $ do
putStrLn "'activate' signal triggered"
mkmenu s = do
m <- menuNew
mapM_ (mkitem m) [("Quit",mainQuit)]
return m
mkitem menu (label,act) =
do i <- menuItemNewWithLabel label
menuShellAppend menu i
on i menuItemActivated act
| k0001/gtk2hs | gtk/demo/statusicon/StatusIcon.hs | gpl-3.0 | 725 | 0 | 16 | 205 | 239 | 109 | 130 | 22 | 1 |
-- Ensure that readInt and readInteger over lazy ByteStrings are not
-- excessively strict.
module Main (main) where
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (pack)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 (readInt, readInteger)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal (ByteString(..))
main :: IO ()
main = do
let safe = Chunk (pack "1z") Empty
let unsafe = Chunk (pack "2z") undefined
print . fmap fst . readInt $ safe
print . fmap fst . readInt $ unsafe
print . fmap fst . readInteger $ safe
print . fmap fst . readInteger $ unsafe
| meiersi/bytestring-builder | tests/lazyread.hs | bsd-3-clause | 529 | 0 | 12 | 98 | 180 | 94 | 86 | 12 | 1 |
module PackageTests.TestStanza.Check where
import PackageTests.PackageTester
import Distribution.Version
import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
import Distribution.Package
import Distribution.PackageDescription
suite :: TestM ()
suite = do
assertOutputDoesNotContain "unknown section type"
=<< cabal' "configure" []
dist_dir <- distDir
lbi <- liftIO $ getPersistBuildConfig dist_dir
let anticipatedTestSuite = emptyTestSuite
{ testName = "dummy"
, testInterface = TestSuiteExeV10 (Version [1,0] []) "dummy.hs"
, testBuildInfo = emptyBuildInfo
{ targetBuildDepends =
[ Dependency (PackageName "base") anyVersion ]
, hsSourceDirs = ["."]
, testEnabled = False
gotTestSuite = head $ testSuites (localPkgDescr lbi)
assertEqual "parsed test-suite stanza does not match anticipated"
anticipatedTestSuite gotTestSuite
return ()
| tolysz/prepare-ghcjs | spec-lts8/cabal/Cabal/tests/PackageTests/TestStanza/Check.hs | bsd-3-clause | 1,047 | 0 | 17 | 314 | 209 | 111 | 98 | 24 | 1 |
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
Module : Idris.Colours
Description : Support for colours within Idris.
Copyright :
License : BSD3
Maintainer : The Idris Community.
module Idris.Colours (
, ColourTheme(..)
, defaultTheme
, colouriseKwd, colouriseBound, colouriseImplicit, colourisePostulate
, colouriseType, colouriseFun, colouriseData, colouriseKeyword
, colourisePrompt, colourise, ColourType(..), hStartColourise, hEndColourise
) where
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import System.Console.ANSI
import System.IO (Handle)
data IdrisColour = IdrisColour { colour :: Maybe Color
, vivid :: Bool
, underline :: Bool
, bold :: Bool
, italic :: Bool
deriving (Eq, Show)
mkColour :: Color -> IdrisColour
mkColour c = IdrisColour (Just c) True False False False
data ColourTheme = ColourTheme { keywordColour :: IdrisColour
, boundVarColour :: IdrisColour
, implicitColour :: IdrisColour
, functionColour :: IdrisColour
, typeColour :: IdrisColour
, dataColour :: IdrisColour
, promptColour :: IdrisColour
, postulateColour :: IdrisColour
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
-- | Idris's default console colour theme
defaultTheme :: ColourTheme
defaultTheme = ColourTheme { keywordColour = IdrisColour Nothing True False True False
, boundVarColour = mkColour Magenta
, implicitColour = IdrisColour (Just Magenta) True True False False
, functionColour = mkColour Green
, typeColour = mkColour Blue
, dataColour = mkColour Red
, promptColour = IdrisColour Nothing True False True False
, postulateColour = IdrisColour (Just Green) True False True False
-- | Compute the ANSI colours corresponding to an Idris colour
mkSGR :: IdrisColour -> [SGR]
mkSGR (IdrisColour c v u b i) =
fg c ++
[SetUnderlining SingleUnderline | u] ++
[SetConsoleIntensity BoldIntensity | b] ++
[SetItalicized True | i]
fg Nothing = []
fg (Just c) = [SetColor Foreground (if v then Vivid else Dull) c]
-- | Set the colour of a string using POSIX escape codes
colourise :: IdrisColour -> String -> String
colourise c str = setSGRCode (mkSGR c) ++ str ++ setSGRCode [Reset]
-- | Start a colour on a handle, to support colour output on Windows
hStartColourise :: Handle -> IdrisColour -> IO ()
hStartColourise h c = hSetSGR h (mkSGR c)
-- | End a colour region on a handle
hEndColourise :: Handle -> IdrisColour -> IO ()
hEndColourise h _ = hSetSGR h [Reset]
-- | Set the colour of a string using POSIX escape codes, with trailing '\STX' denoting the end
-- (required by Haskeline in the prompt string)
colouriseWithSTX :: IdrisColour -> String -> String
colouriseWithSTX (IdrisColour c v u b i) str = setSGRCode sgr ++ "\STX" ++ str ++ setSGRCode [Reset] ++ "\STX"
where sgr = fg c ++
[SetUnderlining SingleUnderline | u] ++
[SetConsoleIntensity BoldIntensity | b] ++
[SetItalicized True | i]
fg Nothing = []
fg (Just c) = [SetColor Foreground (if v then Vivid else Dull) c]
colouriseKwd :: ColourTheme -> String -> String
colouriseKwd t = colourise (keywordColour t)
colouriseBound :: ColourTheme -> String -> String
colouriseBound t = colourise (boundVarColour t)
colouriseImplicit :: ColourTheme -> String -> String
colouriseImplicit t = colourise (implicitColour t)
colouriseFun :: ColourTheme -> String -> String
colouriseFun t = colourise (functionColour t)
colouriseType :: ColourTheme -> String -> String
colouriseType t = colourise (typeColour t)
colouriseData :: ColourTheme -> String -> String
colouriseData t = colourise (dataColour t)
colourisePrompt :: ColourTheme -> String -> String
colourisePrompt t = colouriseWithSTX (promptColour t)
colouriseKeyword :: ColourTheme -> String -> String
colouriseKeyword t = colourise (keywordColour t)
colourisePostulate :: ColourTheme -> String -> String
colourisePostulate t = colourise (postulateColour t)
data ColourType = KeywordColour
| BoundVarColour
| ImplicitColour
| FunctionColour
| TypeColour
| DataColour
| PromptColour
| PostulateColour
deriving (Eq, Show, Bounded, Enum)
| uuhan/Idris-dev | src/Idris/Colours.hs | bsd-3-clause | 4,896 | 0 | 11 | 1,558 | 1,113 | 603 | 510 | 86 | 3 |