1 value
15 values
package import ch.epfl.directembedding.DirectEmbeddingUtils import ch.epfl.yinyang.transformers.{ PostProcessing, PreProcessing } import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context class ProjectionProcessing[C <: Context](ctx: C) extends PreProcessing(ctx)(Nil) { import c.universe._ override val PreProcess = new (Tree => Tree) { def apply(tree: Tree) = new FieldExtractor().transform(tree) } private final class FieldExtractor extends Transformer { override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = { tree match { case Function(lhs, rhs) => val args = tree.collect { case ValDef(_, TermName(name), tpt, _) => name -> TypeTree(tpt.tpe.widen.dealias) }.toMap val result = new ColumnSelect(args).transform(tree) result case _ => super.transform(tree) } } } /** * Convert all field accesses to liftColumnSelect * @param ctx Map from argument to argument's type tree */ private final class ColumnSelect(ctx: Map[String, Tree]) extends Transformer { override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = { tree match { case Function(lhs, rhs) => val args = { vd => // TODO: Can typeTransformer help here? ValDef(vd.mods,, TypeTree(c.typeOf[AnyRef]), vd.rhs) } Function(args, transform(rhs)) case s @ Select(lhs @ Ident(TermName(obj)), TermName(field)) if ctx.contains(obj) => // TODO: Make configurable q"liftColumnSelect[${ctx(obj)}, ${s.tpe.widen.dealias}]($lhs, ${Literal(Constant(field))}, ${Literal(Constant(s.tpe.widen.typeSymbol.fullName))})" case _ => super.transform(tree) } } } }
package chandu0101.scalajs.react.components.util import chandu0101.scalajs.react.components.models.{RElementPosition, RPoint} import japgolly.scalajs.react.{ReactEventH, ReactEventI} import org.scalajs.dom.Event import scala.scalajs.js.Date trait MTypes { type REventIBooleanUnit = (ReactEventI, Boolean) => Unit type REventIUnit = (ReactEventI) => Unit type REventIIntUnit = (ReactEventI,Int) => Unit type DateUnit = (Date) => Unit type StringUnit = (String) => Unit type DateString = (Date) => String type EmptyFunc = () => Any type StringIntUnit = (String,Int) => Unit type StringStringIntAny = (String,String,Int) => Any type REventIDateUnit = (ReactEventI, Date) => Unit type REventHUnit = (ReactEventH) => Unit type EventUnit = (Event) => Unit type EventRElementPositionAny = (Event,RElementPosition) => Any type REventIDoubleUnit = (ReactEventI, Double) => Unit type REventIStringUnit = (ReactEventI, String) => Unit type REventIStringAny = (ReactEventI, String) => _ type REventIIntStringUnit = (ReactEventI, Int, String) => Unit type OnDropdownTap = (ReactEventI, String, String) => Unit type REventIIntBooleanUnit = (ReactEventI, Int, Boolean) => Unit type CssClassType = Map[String, Boolean] type MapUnit = (Map[String,Any]) => Unit type MapMapUnit = (Map[String,Any],Map[String,Any]) => Unit type MapString = (Map[String,Any]) => String type StringRPointAny = (String,RPoint) => Any }
package scalastudy.concurrent.wordstat import import akka.event.Logging import scala.collection.immutable.List import scala.collection.mutable.{HashMap, Map} import scalastudy.concurrent.ActorTerminationMsg /** * Created by lovesqcc on 16-4-2. */ object StatWordActor { var stat:Map[String,Int] = new HashMap[String,Int] def add(newstat:Map[String,Int]) = { newstat.foreach { e => stat(e._1) = stat.getOrElse(e._1, 0) + newstat.getOrElse(e._1, 0) } } def finalResult() = stat private var recvCount = 0 private def inc() { recvCount +=1 } private def count() = recvCount } class StatWordActor extends Actor { val log = Logging(context.system, self) override def receive: Actor.Receive = { case WordListWrapper(wordlist: List[String]) => val stat:Map[String,Int] = statWords(wordlist) StatWordActor.add(stat) case ActorTerminationMsg =>"received times: " + StatWordActor.count()) context.stop(self) case _ =>"Unknown received.") } def statWords(words: List[String]):Map[String,Int] = { val wordsMap = new HashMap[String,Int] words.foreach { w => wordsMap(w) = wordsMap.getOrElse(w,0) + 1 } return wordsMap } }
package import unluac.decompile.Output case class UpvalueTarget(name:String) extends Target { def print(out: Output) { out.print(name) } def printMethod(out: Output) { throw new IllegalStateException } }
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.TypeCheckResult import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen._ import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ // scalastyle:off line.size.limit @ExpressionDescription( usage = "_FUNC_(expr1, expr2, expr3) - If `expr1` evaluates to true, then returns `expr2`; otherwise returns `expr3`.", extended = """ Examples: > SELECT _FUNC_(1 < 2, 'a', 'b'); a """) // scalastyle:on line.size.limit case class If(predicate: Expression, trueValue: Expression, falseValue: Expression) extends Expression { override def children: Seq[Expression] = predicate :: trueValue :: falseValue :: Nil override def nullable: Boolean = trueValue.nullable || falseValue.nullable override def checkInputDataTypes(): TypeCheckResult = { if (predicate.dataType != BooleanType) { TypeCheckResult.TypeCheckFailure( s"type of predicate expression in If should be boolean, not ${predicate.dataType}") } else if (!trueValue.dataType.sameType(falseValue.dataType)) { TypeCheckResult.TypeCheckFailure(s"differing types in '$sql' " + s"(${trueValue.dataType.simpleString} and ${falseValue.dataType.simpleString}).") } else { TypeCheckResult.TypeCheckSuccess } } override def dataType: DataType = trueValue.dataType override def eval(input: InternalRow): Any = { if (java.lang.Boolean.TRUE.equals(predicate.eval(input))) { trueValue.eval(input) } else { falseValue.eval(input) } } override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = { val condEval = predicate.genCode(ctx) val trueEval = trueValue.genCode(ctx) val falseEval = falseValue.genCode(ctx) // place generated code of condition, true value and false value in separate methods if // their code combined is large val combinedLength = condEval.code.length + trueEval.code.length + falseEval.code.length val generatedCode = if (combinedLength > 1024 && // Split these expressions only if they are created from a row object (ctx.INPUT_ROW != null && ctx.currentVars == null)) { val (condFuncName, condGlobalIsNull, condGlobalValue) = createAndAddFunction(ctx, condEval, predicate.dataType, "evalIfCondExpr") val (trueFuncName, trueGlobalIsNull, trueGlobalValue) = createAndAddFunction(ctx, trueEval, trueValue.dataType, "evalIfTrueExpr") val (falseFuncName, falseGlobalIsNull, falseGlobalValue) = createAndAddFunction(ctx, falseEval, falseValue.dataType, "evalIfFalseExpr") s""" $condFuncName(${ctx.INPUT_ROW}); boolean ${ev.isNull} = false; ${ctx.javaType(dataType)} ${ev.value} = ${ctx.defaultValue(dataType)}; if (!$condGlobalIsNull && $condGlobalValue) { $trueFuncName(${ctx.INPUT_ROW}); ${ev.isNull} = $trueGlobalIsNull; ${ev.value} = $trueGlobalValue; } else { $falseFuncName(${ctx.INPUT_ROW}); ${ev.isNull} = $falseGlobalIsNull; ${ev.value} = $falseGlobalValue; } """ } else { s""" ${condEval.code} boolean ${ev.isNull} = false; ${ctx.javaType(dataType)} ${ev.value} = ${ctx.defaultValue(dataType)}; if (!${condEval.isNull} && ${condEval.value}) { ${trueEval.code} ${ev.isNull} = ${trueEval.isNull}; ${ev.value} = ${trueEval.value}; } else { ${falseEval.code} ${ev.isNull} = ${falseEval.isNull}; ${ev.value} = ${falseEval.value}; } """ } ev.copy(code = generatedCode) } private def createAndAddFunction( ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode, dataType: DataType, baseFuncName: String): (String, String, String) = { val globalIsNull = ctx.freshName("isNull") ctx.addMutableState("boolean", globalIsNull, s"$globalIsNull = false;") val globalValue = ctx.freshName("value") ctx.addMutableState(ctx.javaType(dataType), globalValue, s"$globalValue = ${ctx.defaultValue(dataType)};") val funcName = ctx.freshName(baseFuncName) val funcBody = s""" |private void $funcName(InternalRow ${ctx.INPUT_ROW}) { | ${ev.code.trim} | $globalIsNull = ${ev.isNull}; | $globalValue = ${ev.value}; |} """.stripMargin val fullFuncName = ctx.addNewFunction(funcName, funcBody) (fullFuncName, globalIsNull, globalValue) } override def toString: String = s"if ($predicate) $trueValue else $falseValue" override def sql: String = s"(IF(${predicate.sql}, ${trueValue.sql}, ${falseValue.sql}))" } /** * Abstract parent class for common logic in CaseWhen and CaseWhenCodegen. * * @param branches seq of (branch condition, branch value) * @param elseValue optional value for the else branch */ abstract class CaseWhenBase( branches: Seq[(Expression, Expression)], elseValue: Option[Expression]) extends Expression with Serializable { override def children: Seq[Expression] = branches.flatMap(b => b._1 :: b._2 :: Nil) ++ elseValue // both then and else expressions should be considered. def valueTypes: Seq[DataType] = ++ def valueTypesEqual: Boolean = valueTypes.size <= 1 || valueTypes.sliding(2, 1).forall { case Seq(dt1, dt2) => dt1.sameType(dt2) } override def dataType: DataType = branches.head._2.dataType override def nullable: Boolean = { // Result is nullable if any of the branch is nullable, or if the else value is nullable branches.exists(_._2.nullable) || } override def checkInputDataTypes(): TypeCheckResult = { // Make sure all branch conditions are boolean types. if (valueTypesEqual) { if (branches.forall(_._1.dataType == BooleanType)) { TypeCheckResult.TypeCheckSuccess } else { val index = branches.indexWhere(_._1.dataType != BooleanType) TypeCheckResult.TypeCheckFailure( s"WHEN expressions in CaseWhen should all be boolean type, " + s"but the ${index + 1}th when expression's type is ${branches(index)._1}") } } else { TypeCheckResult.TypeCheckFailure( "THEN and ELSE expressions should all be same type or coercible to a common type") } } override def eval(input: InternalRow): Any = { var i = 0 val size = branches.size while (i < size) { if (java.lang.Boolean.TRUE.equals(branches(i)._1.eval(input))) { return branches(i)._2.eval(input) } i += 1 } if (elseValue.isDefined) { return elseValue.get.eval(input) } else { return null } } override def toString: String = { val cases = { case (c, v) => s" WHEN $c THEN $v" }.mkString val elseCase =" ELSE " + _).getOrElse("") "CASE" + cases + elseCase + " END" } override def sql: String = { val cases = { case (c, v) => s" WHEN ${c.sql} THEN ${v.sql}" }.mkString val elseCase =" ELSE " + _.sql).getOrElse("") "CASE" + cases + elseCase + " END" } } /** * Case statements of the form "CASE WHEN a THEN b [WHEN c THEN d]* [ELSE e] END". * When a = true, returns b; when c = true, returns d; else returns e. * * @param branches seq of (branch condition, branch value) * @param elseValue optional value for the else branch */ // scalastyle:off line.size.limit @ExpressionDescription( usage = "CASE WHEN expr1 THEN expr2 [WHEN expr3 THEN expr4]* [ELSE expr5] END - When `expr1` = true, returns `expr2`; when `expr3` = true, return `expr4`; else return `expr5`.") // scalastyle:on line.size.limit case class CaseWhen( val branches: Seq[(Expression, Expression)], val elseValue: Option[Expression] = None) extends CaseWhenBase(branches, elseValue) with CodegenFallback with Serializable { override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = { super[CodegenFallback].doGenCode(ctx, ev) } def toCodegen(): CaseWhenCodegen = { CaseWhenCodegen(branches, elseValue) } } /** * CaseWhen expression used when code generation condition is satisfied. * OptimizeCodegen optimizer replaces CaseWhen into CaseWhenCodegen. * * @param branches seq of (branch condition, branch value) * @param elseValue optional value for the else branch */ case class CaseWhenCodegen( val branches: Seq[(Expression, Expression)], val elseValue: Option[Expression] = None) extends CaseWhenBase(branches, elseValue) with Serializable { override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = { // Generate code that looks like: // // condA = ... // if (condA) { // valueA // } else { // condB = ... // if (condB) { // valueB // } else { // condC = ... // if (condC) { // valueC // } else { // elseValue // } // } // } val cases = { case (condExpr, valueExpr) => val cond = condExpr.genCode(ctx) val res = valueExpr.genCode(ctx) s""" ${cond.code} if (!${cond.isNull} && ${cond.value}) { ${res.code} ${ev.isNull} = ${res.isNull}; ${ev.value} = ${res.value}; } """ } var generatedCode = cases.mkString("", "\\nelse {\\n", "\\nelse {\\n") elseValue.foreach { elseExpr => val res = elseExpr.genCode(ctx) generatedCode += s""" ${res.code} ${ev.isNull} = ${res.isNull}; ${ev.value} = ${res.value}; """ } generatedCode += "}\\n" * cases.size ev.copy(code = s""" boolean ${ev.isNull} = true; ${ctx.javaType(dataType)} ${ev.value} = ${ctx.defaultValue(dataType)}; $generatedCode""") } } /** Factory methods for CaseWhen. */ object CaseWhen { def apply(branches: Seq[(Expression, Expression)], elseValue: Expression): CaseWhen = { CaseWhen(branches, Option(elseValue)) } /** * A factory method to facilitate the creation of this expression when used in parsers. * * @param branches Expressions at even position are the branch conditions, and expressions at odd * position are branch values. */ def createFromParser(branches: Seq[Expression]): CaseWhen = { val cases = branches.grouped(2).flatMap { case cond :: value :: Nil => Some((cond, value)) case value :: Nil => None }.toArray.toSeq // force materialization to make the seq serializable val elseValue = if (branches.size % 2 == 1) Some(branches.last) else None CaseWhen(cases, elseValue) } } /** * Case statements of the form "CASE a WHEN b THEN c [WHEN d THEN e]* [ELSE f] END". * When a = b, returns c; when a = d, returns e; else returns f. */ object CaseKeyWhen { def apply(key: Expression, branches: Seq[Expression]): CaseWhen = { val cases = branches.grouped(2).flatMap { case Seq(cond, value) => Some((EqualTo(key, cond), value)) case Seq(value) => None }.toArray.toSeq // force materialization to make the seq serializable val elseValue = if (branches.size % 2 == 1) Some(branches.last) else None CaseWhen(cases, elseValue) } }
object Test extends App { class A { class V } abstract class B[S] { def foo(t: S, a: A)(v: a.V): Unit } val b1 = new B[String] { def foo(t: String, a: A)(v: a.V) = () // Bridge method required here! }"", null)(null) }
/** * Copyright 2015 Zaradai * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package import com.zaradai.lattrac.capture.TraceEvent trait EventListener { def onTraceEvent(traceEvent: TraceEvent): Unit }
/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Belmont Technology Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.sodatest package import{ParameterValuesContainer, ReportExecution, Line, ReportBlock} class ExecutionResult[P <: ParameterValuesContainer](val execution: P, val error: Option[ExecutionError]) trait ExecutionResultContainer[P <: ParameterValuesContainer, R <: ExecutionResult[P]] { val executionResults: List[R] } class ReportExecutionResult(execution: ReportExecution, val matchResult: ReportMatchResult, error: Option[ExecutionError] = None) extends ExecutionResult[ReportExecution](execution, error) { def this(execution: ReportExecution, error: ExecutionError) = this(execution, new ReportMatchResult(Nil), Some(error)) override def toString = String.format("ReportExecutionResult(execution: %s, matchResult: %s, error: %s)", execution, matchResult, error) } class ReportMatchResult(val lineResults: List[ReportMatchLineResult]) { val passed: Boolean = lineResults.foldLeft(true)((allMatch, line) => {allMatch && line.isInstanceOf[ReportLineMatch]}) override def toString = if (passed) "Passed" else lineResults.toString } object ReportMatchResult { def allGood(lines: List[Line]): ReportMatchResult = { new ReportMatchResult( => new ReportLineMatch(line, line.cells))) } } abstract sealed class ReportMatchLineResult case class ReportLineMatch(sourceLine: Line, cells: List[String]) extends ReportMatchLineResult case class ReportLineMismatch(sourceLine: Line, cellResults: List[ReportMatchCellResult]) extends ReportMatchLineResult case class ReportLineMissing(sourceLine: Line) extends ReportMatchLineResult case class ReportLineExtra(cells: Seq[String]) extends ReportMatchLineResult abstract sealed class ReportMatchCellResult case class ReportCellMatch(value: String) extends ReportMatchCellResult case class ReportCellMismatch(expectedValue: String, actualValue: String) extends ReportMatchCellResult case class ReportCellMissing(expectedValue: String) extends ReportMatchCellResult case class ReportCellExtra(actualValue: String) extends ReportMatchCellResult class ReportBlockResult(val executionResults: List[ReportExecutionResult], error: Option[ExecutionError] = None)(implicit block: ReportBlock) extends BlockResult[ReportBlock]( block, succeeded = (error == None && !( => r.matchResult.passed && r.error == None).contains(false))), executionErrorOccurred = error != None || !executionResults.filter(_.error != None).isEmpty, blockError = error) with ExecutionResultContainer[ReportExecution, ReportExecutionResult] { def this(error: ExecutionError)(implicit block: ReportBlock) = this(Nil, Some(error)) }
/* * Copyright 2016 The BigDL Authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package import{TensorCriterion, TensorModule} import import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers} import class AddSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers { "A Add with scaleB" should "work correctly" in { val inputN = 5 val seed = 100 RNG.setSeed(seed) val layer1 = new Add[Double](inputN) val layer2 = layer1.cloneModule().asInstanceOf[Add[Double]] .setScaleB(2.0) val input = Tensor[Double](1, 5) input(Array(1, 1)) = 1 input(Array(1, 2)) = 2 input(Array(1, 3)) = 3 input(Array(1, 4)) = 4 input(Array(1, 5)) = 5 val gradOutput = Tensor[Double](5) gradOutput(Array(1)) = 2 gradOutput(Array(2)) = 5 gradOutput(Array(3)) = 10 gradOutput(Array(4)) = 17 gradOutput(Array(5)) = 26 val output1 = layer1.forward(input) val gradInput1 = layer1.backward(input, gradOutput) val output2 = layer2.forward(input) val gradInput2 = layer2.backward(input, gradOutput) output1 should be (output2) gradInput1 should be (gradInput2) layer2.gradBias should be (layer1.gradBias.mul(2)) } }
package d2 import scala.language.{implicitConversions, higherKinds} import scalaz.Monad trait Directives1Interop[F[+_]] { implicit def fromUnfilteredDirective[T, L, R](d1: unfiltered.directives.Directive[T, L, R])(implicit F: Monad[F]): d2.Directive[T, F, L, R] = { import unfiltered.directives.{Result => Res} Directive{ r => val res = d1(r) res match { case Res.Success(s) => F.point(Result.Success(s)) case Res.Failure(e) => F.point(Result.Failure(e)) case Res.Error(e) => F.point(Result.Error(e)) } } } } object Directives1Interop { def apply[F[+_]](implicit M:Monad[F]): Directives[F] = new Directives[F] with Directives1Interop[F] { implicit val F: Monad[F] = M } }
package pl.writeonly.son2.json.glue import pl.writeonly.son2.apis.config.RWTConfig import pl.writeonly.son2.funs.glue.CreatorConverterOr class CreatorConverterOrJson extends CreatorConverterOr( new ChainNotationConfigJson().get, new ChainNotationRWTJson() ) { override def configOpt(s: String): Option[RWTConfig] = chainNotationCreator.configOpt(s) }
/* * Copyright 2012-2020 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package laika.markdown.ast import laika.ast._ /** A top level HTML block as defined by the Markdown syntaxt description. It is surrounded by blank lines * and has a block-level element (one that is not classified as "phrasing content" in the HTML specification) * as its root element. It may contain other nested HTML elements and tags, but no spans produced by standard * Markdown markup. */ case class HTMLBlock (root: HTMLElement, options: Options = NoOpt) extends Block { type Self = HTMLBlock def withOptions (options: Options): HTMLBlock = copy(options = options) } /** Base class for all verbatim HTML span elements. */ abstract class HTMLSpan extends Span /** Represents a full HTML element with matching start and end tags. The content of this span container * may contain further nested HTML elements and tags as well as simple text elements. */ case class HTMLElement (startTag: HTMLStartTag, content: Seq[Span], options: Options = NoOpt) extends HTMLSpan with SpanContainer { type Self = HTMLElement def withContent (newContent: Seq[Span]): HTMLElement = copy(content = newContent) def withOptions (options: Options): HTMLElement = copy(options = options) } /** Represent a start tag. When this element is part of a final document tree, it represents * an orphaned start tag without matching end tag. In HTML this may be legal (some tags like the p * tag are defined as "auto-closing" under certain circumstances). This library however does not * implement the full logic of a proper HTML parser to distinguish between legal and faulty * occurrences of unmatched start tags. */ case class HTMLStartTag (name: String, attributes: List[HTMLAttribute], options: Options = NoOpt) extends HTMLSpan with Block { type Self = HTMLStartTag def withOptions (options: Options): HTMLStartTag = copy(options = options) } /** Represents an empty element (like `&lt;br/&gt;` or `&lt;hr/&gt;`) in case it contains the explicit * slash to mark it as closed. Otherwise it will be classified as a start tag. */ case class HTMLEmptyElement (name: String, attributes: List[HTMLAttribute], options: Options = NoOpt) extends HTMLSpan with Block { type Self = HTMLEmptyElement def withOptions (options: Options): HTMLEmptyElement = copy(options = options) } /** Represents an orphaned end tag without matching start tag. */ case class HTMLEndTag (name: String, options: Options = NoOpt) extends HTMLSpan { type Self = HTMLEndTag def withOptions (options: Options): HTMLEndTag = copy(options = options) } /** Represents a standard HTML comment. */ case class HTMLComment (content: String, options: Options = NoOpt) extends HTMLSpan with Block with TextContainer { type Self = HTMLComment def withOptions (options: Options): HTMLComment = copy(options = options) } /** Represents a script element. */ case class HTMLScriptElement (attributes: List[HTMLAttribute], content: String, options: Options = NoOpt) extends HTMLSpan with TextContainer { type Self = HTMLScriptElement def withOptions (options: Options): HTMLScriptElement = copy(options = options) } /** Represents a numerical or named character reference. */ case class HTMLCharacterReference (content: String, options: Options = NoOpt) extends HTMLSpan with TextContainer { type Self = HTMLCharacterReference def withOptions (options: Options): HTMLCharacterReference = copy(options = options) } /** Represents a single HTML attribute. The value is provided as a list of TextContainers * as it may contain HTML character references alongside regular Text elements. */ case class HTMLAttribute (name: String, value: List[TextContainer], quotedWith: Option[Char])
package org.embulk.input.dynamodb import import java.{util => JUtil} import import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper import org.embulk.input.dynamodb.deprecated.AttributeValueHelper._ import org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers._ import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat import org.junit.Assert._ import org.junit.Test import org.msgpack.value.ValueFactory import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._ class AttributeValueHelperTest { @Test def decodeTest(): Unit = { val stringValue = decodeToValue(new AttributeValue().withS("STR")) assertEquals(stringValue.asStringValue.asString, "STR") val intValue = decodeToValue(new AttributeValue().withN("123456789")) assertEquals(intValue.asNumberValue().toInt, 123456789) val doubleValue = decodeToValue( new AttributeValue().withN("-98765432.00000001") ) assertEquals(doubleValue.asNumberValue().toDouble, -98765432.00000001, 0.0) val trueValue = decodeToValue(new AttributeValue().withBOOL(true)) assertEquals(trueValue.asBooleanValue().getBoolean, true) val falseValue = decodeToValue(new AttributeValue().withBOOL(false)) assertEquals(falseValue.asBooleanValue().getBoolean, false) val nilValue = decodeToValue(new AttributeValue().withNULL(true)) assertEquals(nilValue.isNilValue, true) } @Test def listDecodeTest(): Unit = { val stringListValue = decodeToValue( new AttributeValue().withL( new AttributeValue().withS("ValueA"), new AttributeValue().withS("ValueB"), new AttributeValue().withS("ValueC") ) ) assertTrue(stringListValue.isArrayValue) assertEquals(stringListValue.asArrayValue().size(), 3) assertTrue(stringListValue.asArrayValue().get(0).isStringValue) assertEquals( stringListValue.asArrayValue().get(0).asStringValue().asString(), "ValueA" ) assertEquals( stringListValue.asArrayValue().get(1).asStringValue().asString(), "ValueB" ) assertEquals( stringListValue.asArrayValue().get(2).asStringValue().asString(), "ValueC" ) val numberListValue = decodeToValue( new AttributeValue().withL( new AttributeValue().withN("123"), new AttributeValue().withN("-456"), new AttributeValue().withN("0.0000045679"), new AttributeValue().withN("-1234567890.123") ) ) assertTrue(numberListValue.isArrayValue) assertEquals(numberListValue.asArrayValue().size(), 4) assertTrue(numberListValue.asArrayValue().get(0).isIntegerValue) assertEquals( numberListValue.asArrayValue().get(0).asNumberValue().toInt, 123 ) assertEquals( numberListValue.asArrayValue().get(1).asNumberValue().toInt, -456 ) assertTrue(numberListValue.asArrayValue().get(2).isFloatValue) assertEquals( numberListValue.asArrayValue().get(2).asNumberValue().toDouble, 0.0000045679, 0.0 ) assertEquals( numberListValue.asArrayValue().get(3).asNumberValue().toDouble, -1234567890.123, 0.0 ) val stringSetValue = decodeToValue( new AttributeValue().withSS(new JUtil.HashSet[String]() { add("ValueA") add("ValueB") add("ValueC") }) ) assertTrue(stringSetValue.isArrayValue) assertEquals(stringSetValue.asArrayValue().size(), 3) assertThat( List("ValueA", "ValueB", "ValueC").asJava, hasItems( equalTo(stringSetValue.asArrayValue().get(0).asStringValue().asString), equalTo(stringSetValue.asArrayValue().get(1).asStringValue().asString), equalTo(stringSetValue.asArrayValue().get(2).asStringValue().asString) ) ) val numberSetValue = decodeToValue( new AttributeValue().withNS(new JUtil.HashSet[String]() { add("123") add("-456") add("0.0000045679") add("-1234567890.123") }) ) assertTrue(numberSetValue.isArrayValue) assertEquals(numberSetValue.asArrayValue().size(), 4) } @Test def mapDecodeTest(): Unit = { val stringMap = decodeToValue( new AttributeValue().withM(new JUtil.HashMap[String, AttributeValue]() { put("KeyA", new AttributeValue().withS("ValueA")) put("KeyB", new AttributeValue().withS("ValueB")) put("KeyC", new AttributeValue().withS("ValueC")) }) ) assertTrue(stringMap.isMapValue) assertEquals(stringMap.asMapValue().size(), 3) assertEquals( stringMap .asMapValue() .map() .get(ValueFactory.newString("KeyA")) .asStringValue() .asString(), "ValueA" ) assertEquals( stringMap .asMapValue() .map() .get(ValueFactory.newString("KeyB")) .asStringValue() .asString(), "ValueB" ) assertEquals( stringMap .asMapValue() .map() .get(ValueFactory.newString("KeyC")) .asStringValue() .asString(), "ValueC" ) val numberMap = decodeToValue( new AttributeValue().withM(new JUtil.HashMap[String, AttributeValue]() { put("KeyA", new AttributeValue().withN("123")) put("KeyB", new AttributeValue().withN("-456")) put("KeyC", new AttributeValue().withN("0.0000045679")) put("KeyD", new AttributeValue().withN("-1234567890.123")) }) ) assertTrue(numberMap.isMapValue) assertEquals(numberMap.asMapValue().size(), 4) assertTrue( numberMap .asMapValue() .map() .get(ValueFactory.newString("KeyA")) .isIntegerValue ) assertEquals( numberMap .asMapValue() .map() .get(ValueFactory.newString("KeyA")) .asNumberValue() .toInt, 123 ) assertEquals( numberMap .asMapValue() .map() .get(ValueFactory.newString("KeyB")) .asNumberValue() .toInt, -456 ) assertTrue( numberMap .asMapValue() .map() .get(ValueFactory.newString("KeyC")) .isFloatValue ) assertEquals( numberMap .asMapValue() .map() .get(ValueFactory.newString("KeyC")) .asFloatValue() .toDouble, 0.0000045679, 0.0 ) assertEquals( numberMap .asMapValue() .map() .get(ValueFactory.newString("KeyD")) .asFloatValue() .toDouble, -1234567890.123, 0.0 ) } def attr[A](value: A)(implicit f: A => AttributeValue): AttributeValue = f(value) implicit def StringAttributeValue(value: String): AttributeValue = new AttributeValue().withS(value) implicit def IntegerAttributeValue(value: Int): AttributeValue = new AttributeValue().withN(value.toString) implicit def LongAttributeValue(value: Long): AttributeValue = new AttributeValue().withN(value.toString) implicit def FloatAttributeValue(value: Float): AttributeValue = new AttributeValue().withN(value.toString) implicit def DoubleAttributeValue(value: Double): AttributeValue = new AttributeValue().withN(value.toString) implicit def BooleanAttributeValue(value: Boolean): AttributeValue = new AttributeValue().withBOOL(value) implicit def MapAttributeValue( value: Map[String, AttributeValue] ): AttributeValue = new AttributeValue().withM(value.asJava) implicit def ListAttributeValue(value: List[AttributeValue]): AttributeValue = new AttributeValue().withL(value.asJava) @Test def nestedDecodeTest(): Unit = { // TODO: Json -> AttributeValue... val testData = decodeToValue( attr( Map( "_id" -> attr("56d8e1377a72374918f73bd2"), "index" -> attr(0), "guid" -> attr("5309640c-499a-43f6-801d-3076c810892b"), "isActive" -> attr(true), "age" -> attr(37), "name" -> attr("Battle Lancaster"), "email" -> attr(""), "registered" -> attr("2014-07-16T04:40:58 -09:00"), "latitude" -> attr(45.574906), "longitude" -> attr(36.596302), "tags" -> attr( List( attr("veniam"), attr("exercitation"), attr("velit"), attr("pariatur"), attr("sit"), attr("non"), attr("dolore") ) ), "friends" -> attr( List( attr( Map( "id" -> attr(0), "name" -> attr("Mejia Montgomery"), "tags" -> attr( List(attr("duis"), attr("proident"), attr("et")) ) ) ), attr( Map( "id" -> attr(1), "name" -> attr("Carpenter Reed"), "tags" -> attr( List(attr("labore"), attr("nisi"), attr("ipsum")) ) ) ), attr( Map( "id" -> attr(2), "name" -> attr("Gamble Watts"), "tags" -> attr( List(attr("occaecat"), attr("voluptate"), attr("eu")) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) val testA = new ObjectMapper() .readValue(testData.toJson, classOf[JUtil.Map[String, Any]]) val testB = new ObjectMapper().readValue( new File("src/test/resources/json/test.json"), classOf[JUtil.Map[String, Any]] ) assertThat(testA, is(testB)) } }
package ui.scene trait SceneModule { def initSceneModule(scene: Scene): Unit = {} def sceneDraw(scene: Scene): Unit = {} def sceneItemDraw(scene: Scene, sceneItem: SceneItem): Unit = {} }
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.spark.sql.v2.avro import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.PartitioningAwareFileIndex import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.v2.FileScanBuilder import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.v2.reader.Scan import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType import org.apache.spark.sql.util.CaseInsensitiveStringMap class AvroScanBuilder ( sparkSession: SparkSession, fileIndex: PartitioningAwareFileIndex, schema: StructType, dataSchema: StructType, options: CaseInsensitiveStringMap) extends FileScanBuilder(sparkSession, fileIndex, dataSchema) { override def build(): Scan = { AvroScan(sparkSession, fileIndex, dataSchema, readDataSchema(), readPartitionSchema(), options) } }
package com.twitter.finagle.toggle import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.util.{DefaultIndenter, DefaultPrettyPrinter} import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.{MappingJsonFactory, ObjectMapper} import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.DefaultScalaModule import com.twitter.util.Try import import scala.collection.mutable import scala.collection.{breakOut, immutable} /** * [[ToggleMap ToggleMaps]] in JSON format. * * @define jsonschema The [[ JSON Schema]] used is: * {{{ * { * "\\$schema": "", * "type": "object", * "required": [ * "toggles" * ], * "properties": { * "toggles": { * "type": "array", * "items": { * "type": "object", * "properties": { * "id": { "type": "string" }, * "description": { "type": "string" }, * "fraction": { * "type": "number", * "minimum": 0.0, * "maximum": 1.0, * "exclusiveMinimum": false, * "exclusiveMaxmimum": false * }, * "comment": { "type": "string" } * }, * "required": [ * "id", * "fraction" * ] * } * } * } * } * }}} * * @define example Here is an example of a JSON [[ToggleMap]] input: * {{{ * { * "toggles": [ * { * "id": "", * "description": "Use warging for computing the response.", * "fraction": 0.1 * }, * { * "id": "", * "description": "Controls whether or not winter is coming.", * "fraction": 1.0, * "comment": "We've seen the white walkers, we know that winter is coming." * } * ] * } * }}} * * With the exception of "comment", the properties correspond to the various * fields on [[Toggle.Metadata]]. * - '''name''': Corresponds to ``. * - '''fraction''': Corresponds to `Toggle.Metadata.fraction` and values must be * between `0.0` and `1.0`, inclusive. * - '''description''': Corresponds to `Toggle.Metadata.description`. * - '''comment''': For documentation purposes only and is not used in the * creation of the [[ToggleMap]]. */ object JsonToggleMap { private[this] val mapper: ObjectMapper = new ObjectMapper().registerModule(DefaultScalaModule) /** * How to treat the "description" field on a toggle. * * @see [[DescriptionIgnored]] and [[DescriptionRequired]]. */ sealed abstract class DescriptionMode /** * Requires toggles to have a "description" field. * * This is useful for the library owner's base definitions of [[Toggle]]. */ object DescriptionRequired extends DescriptionMode /** * Transforms the Toggle's "description" field into being empty. * * This is useful for service owner overrides of a toggle where * the developer making modifications is not the one who has defined * the toggle itself. */ object DescriptionIgnored extends DescriptionMode private[this] case class JsonToggle( @JsonProperty(required = true) id: String, @JsonProperty(required = true) fraction: Double, description: Option[String], comment: Option[String]) private[this] case class JsonToggles( @JsonProperty(required = true) toggles: Seq[JsonToggle]) { def toToggleMap( source: String, descriptionMode: DescriptionMode ): ToggleMap = { val invalid = toggles.find { md => descriptionMode match { case DescriptionRequired => md.description.isEmpty case DescriptionIgnored => false } } invalid match { case None => () case Some(md) => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Mandatory description is missing for: $md") } val metadata: immutable.Seq[Toggle.Metadata] = { jsonToggle => val description = descriptionMode match { case DescriptionRequired => jsonToggle.description case DescriptionIgnored => None } Toggle.Metadata(, jsonToggle.fraction, description, source) }(breakOut) val ids = val uniqueIds = ids.distinct if (ids.size != uniqueIds.size) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( s"Duplicate Toggle ids found: ${ids.mkString(",")}") } new ToggleMap.Immutable(metadata) } } /** * Attempts to parse the given JSON `String` into a [[ToggleMap]]. * * $jsonschema * * $example * * @param descriptionMode how to treat the "description" field for a toggle. */ def parse(json: String, descriptionMode: DescriptionMode): Try[ToggleMap] = Try { val jsonToggles = mapper.readValue(json, classOf[JsonToggles]) jsonToggles.toToggleMap("JSON String", descriptionMode) } /** * Attempts to parse the given JSON `URL` into a [[ToggleMap]]. * * Useful for loading resource files via [[StandardToggleMap]]. * * $jsonschema * * $example * * @param descriptionMode how to treat the "description" field for a toggle. */ def parse(url: URL, descriptionMode: DescriptionMode): Try[ToggleMap] = Try { val jsonToggles = mapper.readValue(url, classOf[JsonToggles]) jsonToggles.toToggleMap(url.toString, descriptionMode) } private case class Component(source: String, fraction: Double) private case class LibraryToggle(current: Current, components: Seq[Component]) private case class Library(libraryName: String, toggles: Seq[LibraryToggle]) private case class Libraries(libraries: Seq[Library]) private case class Current( id: String, fraction: Double, lastValue: Option[Boolean], description: Option[String]) private val factory = new MappingJsonFactory() factory.disable(JsonFactory.Feature.USE_THREAD_LOCAL_FOR_BUFFER_RECYCLING) private val printer = new DefaultPrettyPrinter printer.indentArraysWith(DefaultIndenter.SYSTEM_LINEFEED_INSTANCE) mapper.writer(printer) private[this] def toLibraryToggles(toggleMap: ToggleMap): Seq[LibraryToggle] = { // create a map of id to metadata for faster lookups val idToMetadata = { md => -> md }.toMap // create a mapping of id to a seq of its components. val idToComponents = mutable.Map.empty[String, mutable.ArrayBuffer[Component]] ToggleMap.components(toggleMap).foreach { tm => tm.iterator.foreach { md => val components: mutable.ArrayBuffer[Component] = idToComponents.getOrElse(, mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[Component]) idToComponents.put(, components += Component(md.source, md.fraction)) } } { case (id, details) => val md = idToMetadata(id) val lastApply = toggleMap(id) match { case captured: Toggle.Captured => captured.lastApply case _ => None } LibraryToggle(Current(id, md.fraction, lastApply, md.description), details) }.toSeq } /** * Serialize a [[ToggleMap]] to JSON format */ def toJson(registry: Map[String, ToggleMap]): String = { val libs = { case (name, toggleMap) => Library(name, toLibraryToggles(toggleMap)) } mapper.writeValueAsString(Libraries(libs.toSeq)) } }
package io.zengin.telegrambot import io.zengin.telegrambot.types.requests._ import io.zengin.telegrambot.types._ import io.zengin.telegrambot.types.requests.RequestsJsonSupport._ import scala.util.{ Success, Failure } import scala.concurrent.Future import import spray.client.pipelining._ import import spray.http.{MediaTypes, BodyPart, MultipartFormData, ContentTypes, FormData, HttpHeaders, FormFile, HttpData} import spray.http.HttpEntity._ import spray.httpx.UnsuccessfulResponseException import spray.httpx.unmarshalling._ import spray.http._ class TelegramApi(token: String, implicit val system: ActorSystem) { case class MarshallingException(message: String) extends Exception import io.zengin.telegrambot.types.TypesJsonSupport._ private val apiUrl = s"$token/" private val fileUrl = s"$token/" private def buildFileBodyPart(key: String, file: InputFile) = { val httpData = HttpData(file.bytes) val httpEntitiy = HttpEntity(MediaTypes.`multipart/form-data`, httpData).asInstanceOf[HttpEntity.NonEmpty] BodyPart(FormFile(, httpEntitiy), key) } private def buildParameterBodyPart(key: String, value: String) = { BodyPart(value, Seq(HttpHeaders.`Content-Disposition`("form-data", Map("name" -> key)) )) } private def failureAwareUnmarshal[E: FromResponseUnmarshaller, R: FromResponseUnmarshaller]: HttpResponse => Either[E, R] = { response => response.status match { case spray.http.StatusCodes.Success(_) =>[R] match { case Right(value) => Right(value) case Left(error) => throw new MarshallingException(error.toString) case error => throw new MarshallingException(error.toString) } case spray.http.StatusCodes.ClientError(_) =>[E] match { case Right(value) => Left(value) case Left(error) => throw new MarshallingException(error.toString) case error => throw new MarshallingException(error.toString) } case error => throw new MarshallingException(error.toString) } } def getMe(): Future[Either[FailResult, User]] = { val pipeline = sendReceive ~> failureAwareUnmarshal[FailResult, Result[User]] pipeline (Get(apiUrl + "getMe")) map { case Right(Result(true, user)) => Right(user) case Left(failResult) => Left(failResult) } } def getUpdates(offset: Option[Int] = None): Future[Option[List[Update]]] = { val pipeline = sendReceive ~> unmarshal[Result[List[Update]]] pipeline (Get(apiUrl + "getUpdates?offset=" + offset.getOrElse(0))) map { case Result(true, result) => Some(result) } recover { case e => None } } def sendMessage(request: SendMessageRequest): Future[Either[FailResult, Message]] = { val pipeline = sendReceive ~> failureAwareUnmarshal[FailResult, Result[Message]] pipeline (Post(apiUrl + "sendMessage", request)) map { case Right(Result(true, message)) => Right(message) case Left(failResult) => Left(failResult) } } def sendChatAction(request: SendChatActionRequest): Future[Either[FailResult, Boolean]] = { val pipeline = sendReceive ~> failureAwareUnmarshal[FailResult, Result[Boolean]] pipeline (Post(apiUrl + "sendChatAction", request)) map { case Right(Result(true, true)) => Right(true) // yes this is ugly case Left(failResult) => Left(failResult) } } def sendLocation(request: SendLocationRequest): Future[Either[FailResult, Message]] = { val pipeline = sendReceive ~> failureAwareUnmarshal[FailResult, Result[Message]] pipeline (Post(apiUrl + "sendLocation", request)) map { case Right(Result(true, message)) => Right(message) case Left(failResult) => Left(failResult) } } def getFile(id: String): Future[Either[FailResult, File]] = { val pipeline = sendReceive ~> failureAwareUnmarshal[FailResult, Result[File]] pipeline(Get(apiUrl + "getFile?file_id=" + id)) map { case Right(Result(true, file)) => Right(file) case Left(failResult) => Left(failResult) } } def getUserProfilePhotos(userId: Int): Future[Either[FailResult, UserProfilePhotos]] = { val pipeline = sendReceive ~> failureAwareUnmarshal[FailResult, Result[UserProfilePhotos]] pipeline(Get(apiUrl + s"getUserProfilePhotos?user_id=$userId")) map { case Right(Result(true, userProfilePhotos)) => Right(userProfilePhotos) case Left(failResult) => Left(failResult) } } def forwardMessage(request: ForwardMessageRequest): Future[Either[FailResult, Message]] = { val pipeline = sendReceive ~> failureAwareUnmarshal[FailResult, Result[Message]] pipeline (Post(apiUrl + "forwardMessage", request)) map { case Right(Result(true, message)) => Right(message) case Left(failResult) => Left(failResult) } } def sendAudio(request: SendAudioRequest): Future[Option[Message]] = { val pipeline = sendReceive ~> unmarshal[Result[Message]] request match { case SendAudioRequest(chatId, Left(audio), duration, performer, title, replyTo, _) => val fileBodyPart = buildFileBodyPart("audio", audio) var formData = Seq(fileBodyPart) formData = formData ++ Seq(chatId match { case Right(chatId) => buildParameterBodyPart("chat_id", chatId.toString) case Left(chatId) => buildParameterBodyPart("chat_id", chatId) }) performer match { case Some(performer) => formData = formData ++ Seq(buildParameterBodyPart("performer", performer)) case None => } title match { case Some(title) => formData = formData ++ Seq(buildParameterBodyPart("title", title)) case None => } replyTo match { case Some(replyTo) => formData = formData ++ Seq(buildParameterBodyPart("reply_to_message_id", replyTo.toString)) case None => } pipeline(Post(apiUrl + "sendAudio", MultipartFormData(formData))) map { case Result(true, message) => Some(message) } recover { case e => None } case SendAudioRequest(chatId, Right(fileId), _, _, _, _, _) => import io.zengin.telegrambot.types.requests.RequestsJsonSupport.sendAudioRequestFormat pipeline(Post(apiUrl + "sendAudio", sendAudioRequestFormat.write(request))) map { case Result(true, message) => Some(message) } recover { case e => None } case _ => Future { None } } } def sendPhoto(request: SendPhotoRequest): Future[Option[Message]] = { val pipeline = sendReceive ~> unmarshal[Result[Message]] request match { case SendPhotoRequest(chatId, Left(photo), caption, replyTo, _) => // we need to upload file val fileBodyPart = buildFileBodyPart("photo", photo) var formData = Seq( fileBodyPart, chatId match { case Right(chatId) => BodyPart(chatId.toString, Seq(HttpHeaders.`Content-Disposition`("form-data", Map("name" -> "chat_id")) )) case Left(chatId) => BodyPart(chatId, Seq(HttpHeaders.`Content-Disposition`("form-data", Map("name" -> "chat_id")) )) } ) caption match { case Some(caption) => formData = formData ++ Seq(BodyPart(caption, Seq(HttpHeaders.`Content-Disposition`("form-data", Map("name" -> "caption")) ))) case _ => } replyTo match { case Some(replyTo) => formData = formData ++ Seq(BodyPart(replyTo.toString, Seq(HttpHeaders.`Content-Disposition`("form-data", Map("name" -> "reply_to_message_id")) ))) case _ => } pipeline(Post(apiUrl + "sendPhoto", MultipartFormData(formData))) map { case Result(true, message) => Some(message) } recover { case e => None } case SendPhotoRequest(_, Right(fileId), _, _, _) => // file must be already saved in telegram servers pipeline(Post(apiUrl + "sendPhoto", sendPhotoRequestFormat.write(request))) map { case Result(true, message) => Some(message) } recover { case e => None } case _ => Future { None } } } def sendDocument(request: SendDocumentRequest): Future[Option[Message]] = { val pipeline = sendReceive ~> unmarshal[Result[Message]] request match { case SendDocumentRequest(chatId, Left(document), replyTo, _) => val fileBodyPart = buildFileBodyPart("document", document) var formData = Seq(fileBodyPart) formData = formData ++ Seq(chatId match { case Right(chatId) => buildParameterBodyPart("chat_id", chatId.toString) case Left(chatId) => buildParameterBodyPart("chat_id", chatId) }) replyTo match { case Some(replyTo) => formData = formData ++ Seq(buildParameterBodyPart("reply_to_message_id", replyTo.toString)) case None => } pipeline(Post(apiUrl + "sendDocument", MultipartFormData(formData))) map { case Result(true, message) => Some(message) } recover { case e => None } case SendDocumentRequest(_, Right(fileId), _, _) => pipeline(Post(apiUrl + "sendDocument", sendDocumentRequestFormat.write(request))) map { case Result(true, message) => Some(message) } recover { case e => None } } } def sendSticker(request: SendStickerRequest): Future[Option[Message]] = { val pipeline = sendReceive ~> unmarshal[Result[Message]] request match { case SendStickerRequest(chatId, Left(sticker), replyTo, _) => val fileBodyPart = buildFileBodyPart("sticker", sticker) var formData = Seq(fileBodyPart) formData = formData ++ Seq(chatId match { case Right(chatId) => buildParameterBodyPart("chat_id", chatId.toString) case Left(chatId) => buildParameterBodyPart("chat_id", chatId) }) replyTo match { case Some(replyTo) => formData = formData ++ Seq(buildParameterBodyPart("reply_to_message_id", replyTo.toString)) case None => } pipeline(Post(apiUrl + "sendSticker", MultipartFormData(formData))) map { case Result(true, message) => Some(message) } recover { case e => None } case SendStickerRequest(_, Right(fileId), _, _) => pipeline(Post(apiUrl + "sendSticker", sendStickerRequestFormat.write(request))) map { case Result(true, message) => Some(message) } recover { case e => None } } } }
package org.jetbrains.plugins.scala package annotator.createFromUsage import com.intellij.codeInsight.template.TemplateBuilder import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Editor import com.intellij.openapi.fileEditor.{FileEditorManager, OpenFileDescriptor} import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiTreeUtil import com.intellij.psi.{PsiClass, PsiElement} import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.codeInspection.collections.MethodRepr import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.extensions._ import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.base.patterns._ import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.base.types.{ScParameterizedTypeElement, ScSimpleTypeElement, ScTupleTypeElement} import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.base.{ScConstructor, ScReferenceElement} import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.expr.{ScExpression, ScReferenceExpression} import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.statements.ScFunction import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.statements.params.{ScParameter, ScTypeParam} import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.toplevel.ScTypedDefinition import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.types.result.TypingContext import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.types.{Any => scTypeAny, ScType} import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.refactoring.namesSuggester.NameSuggester /** * Nikolay.Tropin * 2014-07-31 */ object CreateFromUsageUtil { def uniqueNames(names: Seq[String]) = { names.foldLeft(List[String]()) { (r, h) => (h #:: Stream.from(1).map(h + _)).find(!r.contains(_)).get :: r }.reverse } def nameByType(tp: ScType) = NameSuggester.suggestNamesByType(tp).headOption.getOrElse("value") def nameAndTypeForArg(arg: PsiElement): (String, ScType) = arg match { case ref: ScReferenceExpression => (ref.refName, ref.getType().getOrAny) case expr: ScExpression => val tp = expr.getType().getOrAny (nameByType(tp), tp) case bp: ScBindingPattern if !bp.isWildcard => (, bp.getType(TypingContext.empty).getOrAny) case p: ScPattern => val tp: ScType = p.getType(TypingContext.empty).getOrAny (nameByType(tp), tp) case _ => ("value", scTypeAny) } def paramsText(args: Seq[PsiElement]) = { val (names, types) = (uniqueNames(names), types), tpe) => s"$name: ${tpe.canonicalText}").mkString("(", ", ", ")") } def parametersText(ref: ScReferenceElement) = { ref.getParent match { case p: ScPattern => paramsText(patternArgs(p)) case MethodRepr(_, _, _, args) => paramsText(args) //for case class case _ => val fromConstrArguments = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(ref, classOf[ScConstructor]) match { case ScConstructor(simple: ScSimpleTypeElement, args) if ref.getParent == simple => args case ScConstructor(pt: ScParameterizedTypeElement, args) if ref.getParent == pt.typeElement => args case _ => Seq.empty } => paramsText(argList.exprs)).mkString } } def patternArgs(pattern: ScPattern): Seq[ScPattern] = { pattern match { case cp: ScConstructorPattern => cp.args.patterns case inf: ScInfixPattern => inf.leftPattern +: inf.rightPattern.toSeq case _ => Seq.empty } } def addParametersToTemplate(elem: PsiElement, builder: TemplateBuilder): Unit = { elem.depthFirst.filterByType(classOf[ScParameter]).foreach { parameter => val id = parameter.getNameIdentifier builder.replaceElement(id, id.getText) parameter.paramType.foreach { it => builder.replaceElement(it, it.getText) } } } def addTypeParametersToTemplate(elem: PsiElement, builder: TemplateBuilder): Unit = { elem.depthFirst.filterByType(classOf[ScTypeParam]).foreach { tp => builder.replaceElement(tp.nameId, } } def addQmarksToTemplate(elem: PsiElement, builder: TemplateBuilder): Unit = { val Q_MARKS = "???" elem.depthFirst.filterByType(classOf[ScReferenceExpression]).filter(_.getText == Q_MARKS) .foreach { qmarks => builder.replaceElement(qmarks, Q_MARKS) } } def addUnapplyResultTypesToTemplate(fun: ScFunction, builder: TemplateBuilder): Unit = { fun.returnTypeElement match { case Some(ScParameterizedTypeElement(_, Seq(tuple: ScTupleTypeElement))) => //Option[(A, B)] tuple.components.foreach(te => builder.replaceElement(te, te.getText)) case Some(ScParameterizedTypeElement(_, args)) => args.foreach(te => builder.replaceElement(te, te.getText)) case _ => } } def positionCursor(element: PsiElement): Editor = { val offset = element.getTextRange.getEndOffset val project = element.getProject val descriptor = new OpenFileDescriptor(project, element.getContainingFile.getVirtualFile, offset) FileEditorManager.getInstance(project).openTextEditor(descriptor, true) } def unapplyMethodText(pattern: ScPattern) = { val pType = pattern.expectedType.getOrElse(scTypeAny) val pName = nameByType(pType) s"def unapply($pName: ${pType.canonicalText}): ${unapplyMethodTypeText(pattern)} = ???" } def unapplyMethodTypeText(pattern: ScPattern) = { val types = CreateFromUsageUtil.patternArgs(pattern).map(_.getType(TypingContext.empty).getOrAny) val typesText =", ") types.size match { case 0 => "Boolean" case 1 => s"Option[$typesText]" case _ => s"Option[($typesText)]" } } } object InstanceOfClass { def unapply(elem: PsiElement): Option[PsiClass] = elem match { case ScExpression.Type(TypeAsClass(psiClass)) => Some(psiClass) case ResolvesTo(typed: ScTypedDefinition) => typed.getType().toOption match { case Some(TypeAsClass(psiClass)) => Some(psiClass) case _ => None } case _ => None } } object TypeAsClass { def unapply(scType: ScType): Option[PsiClass] = scType match { case ScType.ExtractClass(aClass) => Some(aClass) case t: ScType => ScType.extractDesignatorSingletonType(t).flatMap(ScType.extractClass(_, None)) case _ => None } }
package import java.util.UUID import scalatags.Text.TypedTag import scalatags.generic.StylePair /* * Copyright (C) 01/04/16 // * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package object tools { import scalatags.Text.all._ def listItem(content: Frag*): Frag = li(content) def htmlList(items: Frag*): Frag = ul(items) def paragraph(body: Frag*): Frag = Seq[Frag](body) def aa = a(targetBlank) val break = br(br) object api { def apiEntryTitle(entryName: String): Frag = Seq[Frag](b(entryName), ": ") def newEntry(name: String, body: Frag*): Frag = Seq[Frag](apiEntryTitle(name), body) } object hl { def apply(content: String, lang: String, clazz: Option[String] = Some("doc-code")) = highlight(content, lang) def highlight(string: String, lang: String, clazz: Option[String] = Some("doc-code")) = { val lines = string.split("\\n", -1) val modif: Seq[Modifier] = ⇒ cls := c) if (lines.length == 1) { scalatags.Text.all.code( cls := lang + " " + "hljs", modif, display := "inline", padding := 0, margin := 0, lines(0)) } else { val minIndent = lines.filter(_.trim != "").map(_.takeWhile(_ == ' ').length).min val stripped = .dropWhile(_ == "") .mkString("\\n") pre( modif, scalatags.Text.all.code( cls := lang + " " + "hljs", stripped) ) } } object OptionalName { implicit def fromString(s: String) = OptionalName(Some(s)) } case class OptionalName(name: Option[String]) def openmole(code: String, header: String = "", name: OptionalName = OptionalName(None)) = { if (Test.testing) Test.allTests += Test(header + "\\n" + code, apply(code, "scala") } def code(code: String) = openmoleNoTest(code) def plain(code: String) = apply(code, "plain") def openmoleNoTest(code: String) = apply(code, "scala") def python(code: String) = apply(code, "python") def json(code: String) = apply(code, "json") } def openmole(code: String, header: String = "", name: hl.OptionalName = hl.OptionalName(None)) = hl.openmole(code, header, name) def code(code: String) = hl.code(code) def plain(code: String) = hl.plain(code) /** heavily inspired from Section.scala **/ object links { def anchor(elements: Seq[Any]): Seq[Modifier] = link(elements) match { case Some(t) ⇒ Seq(a(id := s"${shared.anchor(t)}", top := -60, position := "relative", display := "block")) case None ⇒ Seq() } def link(elements: Seq[Any]) = elements.collect { case x: String ⇒ x }.headOption def linkIcon(elements: Seq[Any]): Seq[Modifier] = link(elements) match { case Some(t) ⇒ Seq(" ", a(href := s"#${shared.anchor(t)}", tag("font")(size := 4, opacity := 0.4)("\\uD83D\\uDD17"))) case None ⇒ Seq() } def toModifier(element: Any): Modifier = element match { case e: String ⇒ e case e: TypedTag[String] ⇒ e case e: scalatags.generic.StylePair[Any, String] ⇒ e.s := e.v case e: AttrPair ⇒ e case _ ⇒ throw new RuntimeException("Unknown element type " + element.getClass) } } object sitemap { def siteMapSection(docSection: Seq[Page]) = for { page ← docSection } yield li(a(page.title, href := page.file)) } def h2(elements: Any*): Frag = Seq(div(links.anchor(elements): _*), scalatags.Text.all.h2( ++ links.linkIcon(elements): _*)) def h3(elements: Any*): Frag = Seq(div(links.anchor(elements): _*), scalatags.Text.all.h3( ++ links.linkIcon(elements): _*)) def anchor(title: String) = s"#${shared.anchor(title)}" def img(xs: Modifier*) = scalatags.Text.all.img(Seq(cls := "doc-img") ++ xs: _*) def br = := "doc-br") case class Parameter(name: String, `type`: String, description: String) def parameters(p: Parameter*) = { def toRow(p: Parameter) = li( + ": " + p.`type` + ": " + p.description) ul( } def tq = """"""""" def uuID: String = UUID.randomUUID.toString implicit class ShortID(id: String) { def short = id.split('-').head } // SCALATAGS METHODS def classIs(s: String*): AttrPair = `class` := s.mkString(" ") def to(page: Page): TypedTag[String] = to(Pages.file(page), otherTab = false) def to(link: String, otherTab: Boolean = true, style: Seq[Modifier] = Seq()): TypedTag[String] = a(style, href := link)(if (otherTab) targetBlank else "") def innerLink(page: Page, title: String) = to(page)(span(title)) def outerLink(linkName: String, link: String, otherTab: Boolean = true) = to(link, otherTab = otherTab)(span(linkName)) // CONVENIENT KEYS implicit class SString(ss: String) { def ++(s: String) = s"$ss $s" } def linkButton(title: String, link: String, buttonStyle: AttrPair = classIs(btn, btn_selected), openInOtherTab: Boolean = true) = a(href := link)(if (openInOtherTab) targetBlank else "")(span(buttonStyle, `type` := "button", title)) def divLinkButton(content: TypedTag[_], link: String, buttonStyle: AttrPair = classIs(btn, btn_default), openInOtherTab: Boolean = true) = a(href := link)(if (openInOtherTab) targetBlank else "")(span(content)(buttonStyle, `type` := "button")) def pageLinkButton(title: String, page: Page, openInOtherTab: Boolean = true, buttonStyle: Seq[Modifier] = Seq(classIs(btn, btn_default))) = to(page)(if (openInOtherTab) targetBlank else "")(span(buttonStyle, `type` := "button", title)) def glyphSpan(glyphicon: String, style: Seq[Modifier], page: Page, text: String = ""): TypedTag[_ <: String] = to(page)(classIs(glyphicon), style, pointer, aria.hidden := "true")(text) def leftGlyphButton(title: String, page: Page, glyph: String, openInOtherTab: Boolean = false, buttonStyle: Seq[Modifier] = Seq(classIs(btn, btn_default))) = to(page)(if (openInOtherTab) targetBlank else "")( span(buttonStyle, `type` := "button")( span(classIs(glyph)), span(s" $title") ) ) def modificationLink(source: String) = s"${org.openmole.core.buildinfo.version.major}-dev/openmole/bin/$source" def rightGlyphButton(title: String, page: Page, glyph: String, openInOtherTab: Boolean = false, buttonStyle: Seq[Modifier] = Seq(classIs(btn, btn_default))) = to(page)(if (openInOtherTab) targetBlank else "")( span(buttonStyle, `type` := "button")( span(s"$title "), span(classIs(glyph)) ) ) def basicButton(title: String, buttonStyle: AttrPair = classIs(btn, btn_default)) = span(buttonStyle, `type` := "button", title) /*def getPageTitle(page: Page) = page.title match { case None ⇒ case Some(x) ⇒ x }*/ lazy val nav: String = "nav" lazy val navbar: String = "navbar" lazy val navbar_nav: String = "navbar-nav" lazy val navbar_default: String = "navbar-default" lazy val navbar_inverse: String = "navbar-inverse" lazy val navbar_staticTop: String = "navbar-static-top" lazy val navbar_staticBottom: String = "navbar-static-bottom" lazy val navbar_fixedTop: String = "navbar-fixed-top" lazy val navbar_fixedBottom: String = "navbar-fixed-bottom" lazy val navbar_right: String = "navbar-right" lazy val navbar_left: String = "navbar-left" lazy val navbar_header: String = "navbar-header" lazy val navbar_brand: String = "navbar-brand" lazy val navbar_btn: String = "navbar-btn" lazy val navbar_collapse: String = "navbar-collapse" lazy val nav_pills: String = "nav-pills" lazy val btn: String = "btn" lazy val btn_default: String = "btn-default" lazy val btn_selected: String = "btn-selected" lazy val btn_primary: String = "btn-primary" lazy val btn_danger: String = "btn-danger" lazy val btn_mole: String = "btn-mole" lazy val glyph_chevron_left: String = "glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left" lazy val glyph_chevron_right: String = "glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right" private def role(suffix: String): AttrPair = scalatags.Text.all.role := suffix lazy val role_tablist = role("tablist") lazy val role_presentation = role("presentation") lazy val role_tab = role("tab") lazy val tab_pane: String = "tab-pane" lazy val tab_panel_role = role("tabpanel") lazy val role_button = role("button") lazy val container_fluid: String = "container-fluid" lazy val pointer = cursor := "pointer" lazy val fixedPosition = position := "fixed" lazy val targetBlank = target := "_blank" lazy val collapse: String = "collapse" lazy val fade: String = "fade" lazy val row: String = "row" def colMD(nb: Int): String = s"col-md-$nb" }
package skinny.exception /** * Represents view template issue. * * @param message message * @param cause cause */ case class ViewTemplateNotFoundException(message: String, cause: Throwable = null) extends RuntimeException(message, cause)
package com.maxmind.gatling.simulation import ammonite.ops._ import import java.util.Date import scala.collection.immutable.HashMap import scala.sys.process._ import scalaz.Scalaz._ import scalaz._ import com.maxmind.gatling.simulation.RunnerConfig.{Quiet, Verbose, Verbosity} /** * A gatling simulation runner - launch in new process, as Gatling docs command. */ object Runner { type CliArgs = Seq[String] type CliEnv = Seq[(String, String)] def apply(conf: RunnerConfig) = conf mkRunner () } class Runner(conf: RunnerConfig) { import Runner.CliArgs def argsErr(args: CliArgs) = "Invalid args: " ++ args.mkString("(", ", ", ")") def apply(): (Boolean, String) = { conf() ▹ { case (args, env) ⇒ import Process(args, None, env: _*).! match { case GatlingStatusCodes.Success ⇒ (true, "OK") case AssertionsFailed ⇒ (false, "Fail: simulation assertion") case InvalidArguments ⇒ (false, argsErr(args)) } } } } object RunnerConfig { sealed trait Verbosity case object Quiet extends Verbosity case object Verbose extends Verbosity lazy val stubDirClassesRel: RelPath = 'target / "test-classes" lazy val stubDirLibRel : RelPath = 'lib lazy val pwd = cwd lazy val propsDef = new HashMap[String, String]() lazy val jarFileDef = pwd / 'target / "scala-2.11" / "gatlinggen.jar" lazy val outDirSimResults = pwd / "sim-results" lazy val outDirTmp = Path(Path.makeTmp) lazy val outDirDef = (exists ! outDirSimResults) ? outDirSimResults | outDirTmp lazy val runnerShDef = pwd / 'dev / "" lazy val pathDate = new Date().toString replaceAll ("[ :]", "-") lazy val simNameDef = s"gatlilng-sim-anon-$pathDate" lazy val simDescDef = s"$simNameDef-description" lazy val verbosityDef = Verbose } case class RunnerConfig( simClassName: String, props: Map[String, String] = RunnerConfig.propsDef, jarFile: Path = RunnerConfig.jarFileDef, outDir: Path = RunnerConfig.outDirDef, runnerSh: Path = RunnerConfig.runnerShDef, simName: String = RunnerConfig.simNameDef, simDesc: String = RunnerConfig.simDescDef, verbosity: Verbosity = RunnerConfig.verbosityDef) { import Runner.{CliArgs, CliEnv} lazy val isQuiet = verbosity match { case Quiet ⇒ true case Verbose ⇒ false } // gatling -h describes all CLI args listed here. lazy val asArgs: CliArgs = Seq( runnerSh.toString, "--output-name", simName, "--results-folder", outDir.toString, "--run-description", simDesc, "--simulation", simClassName.toString ) lazy val asEnv: CliEnv = Seq( "JAVA_CLASSPATH" → jarFile.toString, "GATLING_HOME" → outDir.toString, "JAVA_OPTS" → (props map { case (k: String, v: String) ⇒ s"-D$k=$v" }).mkString(" ") ) def apply(): (CliArgs, CliEnv) = { assume( { """^[0-9a-zA-Z._\\-]+$""".r findFirstIn simName }.isDefined, s"Invalid sim-name '$simName'" ) (asArgs, asEnv) ◃ { case (args, env) ⇒ if (!isQuiet) println( "# Running gatling:\\n# \\t" ++ args.mkString(" ") ++ s"\\n# \\t" ++ env.mkString(" ") ) } } def mkRunner(): Runner = new Runner(this ◃ { _ prepareOutDir () }) def prepareOutDir(): Unit = for (d ← Seq( RunnerConfig.stubDirClassesRel, RunnerConfig.stubDirLibRel) ) (outDir / d) ◃ { mkdir ! _ } ◃ { d ⇒ assert((stat ! d).isDir, { s"No dir $d" }) } }
package import com.mogproject.mogami.core.Square import{HistoryHash, Position} import{Branch, Game} import import com.mogproject.mogami.core.move.{Move, MoveBuilderSfen, SpecialMove} import com.mogproject.mogami.core.state.{State, StateCache} import com.mogproject.mogami.core.state.StateHash.StateHash import com.mogproject.mogami.util.Implicits._ import scala.util.{Success, Try} /** * */ trait SfenBranchReader { /** * Parse trunk description * * @param s "{board} {turn} {hand} {offset} [{move}...]" */ def parseSfenString(s: String, isFreeMode: Boolean)(implicit stateCache: StateCache): Branch = { val tokens = s.split(" ").toIndexedSeq parseSfenStringHelper(tokens.drop(3), None, _ => Branch(State.parseSfenString(tokens.take(3).mkString(" "))).initialHash, isFreeMode) } /** * Parse branch description * * @param trunk trunk * @param s "{offset} [{move}...]" */ def parseSfenString(trunk: Branch, s: String, isFreeMode: Boolean)(implicit stateCache: StateCache): Branch = parseSfenStringHelper(tokens = s.split(" ").toIndexedSeq, Some(Range(trunk.offset, trunk.offset + trunk.history.length)), i => trunk.history(i - trunk.offset), isFreeMode) // helper functions private[this] def parseSfenStringHelper(tokens: Seq[String], range: Option[Range], initialStateFunc: Int => StateHash, isFreeMode: Boolean) (implicit stateCache: StateCache): Branch = { val offset =, range)).getOrElse(throw new RecordFormatException(1, s"cannot find offset")) val moves = tokens.drop(1).map(MoveBuilderSfen.parseSfenString) moves.foldLeft[Branch](Branch(initialStateFunc(offset), offset, isFreeMode = isFreeMode)) { (br, m) => br.makeMove(m).getOrElse(throw new RecordFormatException(1, s"invalid move: ${m.toSfenString}")) } } private[this] def parseOffset(s: String, range: Option[Range] = None): Int = (Try(s.toInt), range) match { case (Success(n), None) if 0 <= n => n case (Success(n), Some(r)) if r.contains(n) => n case (Success(_), _) => throw new RecordFormatException(1, s"offset is out of range: ${s}") case _ => throw new RecordFormatException(1, s"offset must be number: ${s}") } /** * Parse USEN string as a trunk */ def parseUsenStringAsTrunk(s: String, initialState: State, isFreeMode: Boolean)(implicit stateCache: StateCache): Branch = parseUsenStringHelper(s, _ => stateCache.set(initialState), _ => None, _ => None, None, isFreeMode) /** * Parse USEN string as a branch */ def parseUsenStringAsBranch(s: String, trunk: Branch, isFreeMode: Boolean)(implicit stateCache: StateCache): Branch = parseUsenStringHelper( s, pos => trunk.getStateHash(pos).get, pos => trunk.getHistoryHash(pos), pos => trunk.getMove(pos - 1).map(, Some(Range(trunk.offset, trunk.offset + trunk.history.length)), isFreeMode ) // helper function private[this] def parseUsenStringHelper(s: String, initialStateFunc: Position => StateHash, initialHistoryHashFunc: Position => Option[HistoryHash], lastMoveFunc: Position => Option[Square], offsetRange: Option[Range], isFreeMode: Boolean = false )(implicit stateCache: StateCache): Branch = { val tokens = s.split("[.]", 3) if (tokens.length != 3) throw new RecordFormatException(1, s"branch description must have three sections: ${s}") val Array(os, mvs, fa) = tokens // parse offset val offset = parseOffset(os, offsetRange) if (mvs.length % 3 != 0) throw new RecordFormatException(1, s"each move must be three characters: ${mvs}") val moves = mvs.grouped(3).map(MoveBuilderSfen.parseUsenString) // make moves val initBranch: Branch = Branch(initialStateFunc(offset), offset, initialHistoryHash = initialHistoryHashFunc(offset), isFreeMode = isFreeMode) val initLastMoveTo = lastMoveFunc(offset) val b = moves.zipWithIndex.foldLeft[Branch](initBranch) { case (br, (m, i)) => br.makeMove(m, (i == 0).fold(initLastMoveTo, None)).getOrElse(throw new RecordFormatException(1, s"Invalid move: ${m.toUsenString}")) } // set final action val finalAction = fa.nonEmpty.option(SpecialMove.parseUsenString(fa, b.lastState, b.lastMoveTo)) b.updateFinalAction(finalAction) } } trait SfenGameReader { def parseSfenString(s: String, isFreeMode: Boolean = false)(implicit stateCache: StateCache): Game = Game(Branch.parseSfenString(s, isFreeMode)) def parseUsenString(s: String, isFreeMode: Boolean = false)(implicit stateCache: StateCache): Game = { val tokens = s.split("~") if (tokens.length < 2) throw new RecordFormatException(1, s"game description must have at least two sections: ${s}") val initialState = tokens(0).isEmpty.fold(State.HIRATE, State.parseUsenString(tokens(0))) // the first token can be empty val trunk = Branch.parseUsenStringAsTrunk(tokens(1), initialState, isFreeMode) val branches = tokens.drop(2).map(ss => Branch.parseUsenStringAsBranch(ss, trunk, isFreeMode)).toVector Game(trunk, branches) } } trait SfenBranchWriter { def initialState: State def offset: Int def moves: Vector[Move] def finalAction: Option[SpecialMove] /** * Make Sfen string * * @return "{initialState} {offset} [{move}...]" */ def toSfenString: String = (Seq(initialState.toSfenString, offset.toString) ++" ") /** * Make Usen string * * @return "{offset}.[{move}...].[{final}]" */ def toUsenString: String = { Seq(offset.toString,,"")).mkString(".") } } trait SfenGameWriter extends SfenLike with UsenLike { def trunk: Branch def branches: Vector[Branch] /** * Make trunk Sfen string * * @return "{board} {turn} {hand} {offset} [{move}...]" */ override def toSfenString: String = trunk.toSfenString /** * @note Trunk initial can be omitted if it is the same as the HIRATE state. */ override def toUsenString: String = { val trunkInitial = (trunk.initialState == State.HIRATE).fold("", trunk.initialState.toUsenString) (Seq(trunkInitial, trunk.toUsenString) ++"~") } }
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.TypeInformation import import org.apache.flink.table.api.internal.TableEnvironmentInternal import org.apache.flink.table.api.{Over, TableSchema, Tumble, Types} import org.apache.flink.table.api.scala._ import org.apache.flink.table.utils.TableTestUtil._ import org.apache.flink.table.utils.{TableTestBase, TestNestedProjectableTableSource, TestProjectableTableSource, TestTableSourceWithTime} import org.apache.flink.types.Row import org.junit.Test class TableSourceTest extends TableTestBase { @Test def testTableSourceWithLongRowTimeField(): Unit = { val tableSchema = new TableSchema( Array("id", "rowtime", "val", "name"), Array(Types.INT, Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP, Types.LONG, Types.STRING)) val returnType = new RowTypeInfo( Array(Types.INT, Types.LONG, Types.LONG, Types.STRING) .asInstanceOf[Array[TypeInformation[_]]], Array("id", "rowtime", "val", "name")) val util = streamTestUtil() util.tableEnv.asInstanceOf[TableEnvironmentInternal].registerTableSourceInternal( "rowTimeT", new TestTableSourceWithTime[Row](tableSchema, returnType, Seq(), rowtime = "rowtime")) val t = util.tableEnv.scan("rowTimeT").select($"rowtime", $"id", $"name", $"val") val expected = "StreamTableSourceScan(table=[[default_catalog, default_database, rowTimeT]], " + "fields=[rowtime, id, name, val], " + "source=[TestTableSourceWithTime(id, rowtime, val, name)])" util.verifyTable(t, expected) } @Test def testTableSourceWithTimestampRowTimeField(): Unit = { val tableSchema = new TableSchema( Array("id", "rowtime", "val", "name"), Array(Types.INT, Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP, Types.LONG, Types.STRING)) val returnType = new RowTypeInfo( Array(Types.INT, Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP, Types.LONG, Types.STRING) .asInstanceOf[Array[TypeInformation[_]]], Array("id", "rowtime", "val", "name")) val util = streamTestUtil() util.tableEnv.asInstanceOf[TableEnvironmentInternal].registerTableSourceInternal( "rowTimeT", new TestTableSourceWithTime[Row](tableSchema, returnType, Seq(), rowtime = "rowtime")) val t = util.tableEnv.scan("rowTimeT").select($"rowtime", $"id", $"name", $"val") val expected = "StreamTableSourceScan(table=[[default_catalog, default_database, rowTimeT]], " + "fields=[rowtime, id, name, val], " + "source=[TestTableSourceWithTime(id, rowtime, val, name)])" util.verifyTable(t, expected) } @Test def testRowTimeTableSourceGroupWindow(): Unit = { val tableSchema = new TableSchema( Array("id", "rowtime", "val", "name"), Array(Types.INT, Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP, Types.LONG, Types.STRING)) val returnType = new RowTypeInfo( Array(Types.INT, Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP, Types.LONG, Types.STRING) .asInstanceOf[Array[TypeInformation[_]]], Array("id", "rowtime", "val", "name")) val util = streamTestUtil() util.tableEnv.asInstanceOf[TableEnvironmentInternal].registerTableSourceInternal( "rowTimeT", new TestTableSourceWithTime[Row](tableSchema, returnType, Seq(), rowtime = "rowtime")) val t = util.tableEnv.scan("rowTimeT") .filter($"val" > 100) .window(Tumble over 10.minutes on 'rowtime as 'w) .groupBy('name, 'w) .select('name, 'w.end, 'val.avg) val expected = unaryNode( "DataStreamCalc", unaryNode( "DataStreamGroupWindowAggregate", unaryNode( "DataStreamCalc", "StreamTableSourceScan(table=[[default_catalog, default_database, rowTimeT]], " + "fields=[rowtime, val, name], " + "source=[TestTableSourceWithTime(id, rowtime, val, name)])", term("select", "rowtime", "val", "name"), term("where", ">(val, 100)") ), term("groupBy", "name"), term("window", "TumblingGroupWindow('w, 'rowtime, 600000.millis)"), term("select", "name", "AVG(val) AS EXPR$1", "end('w) AS EXPR$0") ), term("select", "name", "EXPR$0", "EXPR$1") ) util.verifyTable(t, expected) } @Test def testProcTimeTableSourceSimple(): Unit = { val tableSchema = new TableSchema( Array("id", "proctime", "val", "name"), Array(Types.INT, Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP, Types.LONG, Types.STRING)) val returnType = new RowTypeInfo( Array(Types.INT, Types.LONG, Types.STRING).asInstanceOf[Array[TypeInformation[_]]], Array("id", "val", "name")) val util = streamTestUtil() util.tableEnv.asInstanceOf[TableEnvironmentInternal].registerTableSourceInternal( "procTimeT", new TestTableSourceWithTime[Row](tableSchema, returnType, Seq(), proctime = "proctime")) val t = util.tableEnv.scan("procTimeT").select($"proctime", $"id", $"name", $"val") val expected = unaryNode( "DataStreamCalc", "StreamTableSourceScan(table=[[default_catalog, default_database, procTimeT]], " + "fields=[id, proctime, val, name], " + "source=[TestTableSourceWithTime(id, proctime, val, name)])", term("select", "PROCTIME(proctime) AS proctime", "id", "name", "val") ) util.verifyTable(t, expected) } @Test def testProcTimeTableSourceOverWindow(): Unit = { val tableSchema = new TableSchema( Array("id", "proctime", "val", "name"), Array(Types.INT, Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP, Types.LONG, Types.STRING)) val returnType = new RowTypeInfo( Array(Types.INT, Types.LONG, Types.STRING).asInstanceOf[Array[TypeInformation[_]]], Array("id", "val", "name")) val util = streamTestUtil() util.tableEnv.asInstanceOf[TableEnvironmentInternal].registerTableSourceInternal( "procTimeT", new TestTableSourceWithTime[Row](tableSchema, returnType, Seq(), proctime = "proctime")) val t = util.tableEnv.scan("procTimeT") .window(Over partitionBy 'id orderBy 'proctime preceding 2.hours as 'w) .select('id, 'name, 'val.sum over 'w as 'valSum) .filter('valSum > 100) val expected = unaryNode( "DataStreamCalc", unaryNode( "DataStreamOverAggregate", "StreamTableSourceScan(table=[[default_catalog, default_database, procTimeT]], " + "fields=[id, proctime, val, name], " + "source=[TestTableSourceWithTime(id, proctime, val, name)])", term("partitionBy", "id"), term("orderBy", "proctime"), term("range", "BETWEEN 7200000 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW"), term("select", "id", "proctime", "val", "name", "SUM(val) AS w0$o0") ), term("select", "id", "name", "w0$o0 AS valSum"), term("where", ">(w0$o0, 100)") ) util.verifyTable(t, expected) } @Test def testProjectWithRowtimeProctime(): Unit = { val tableSchema = new TableSchema( Array("id", "rtime", "val", "ptime", "name"), Array(Types.INT, Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP, Types.LONG, Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP, Types.STRING)) val returnType = new RowTypeInfo( Array(Types.INT, Types.STRING, Types.LONG, Types.LONG) .asInstanceOf[Array[TypeInformation[_]]], Array("id", "name", "val", "rtime")) val util = streamTestUtil() util.tableEnv.asInstanceOf[TableEnvironmentInternal].registerTableSourceInternal( "T", new TestProjectableTableSource(tableSchema, returnType, Seq(), "rtime", "ptime")) val t = util.tableEnv.scan("T").select('name, 'val, 'id) val expected = "StreamTableSourceScan(table=[[default_catalog, default_database, T]], " + "fields=[name, val, id], " + "source=[TestSource(physical fields: name, val, id)])" util.verifyTable(t, expected) } @Test def testProjectWithoutRowtime(): Unit = { val tableSchema = new TableSchema( Array("id", "rtime", "val", "ptime", "name"), Array(Types.INT, Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP, Types.LONG, Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP, Types.STRING)) val returnType = new RowTypeInfo( Array(Types.INT, Types.STRING, Types.LONG, Types.LONG) .asInstanceOf[Array[TypeInformation[_]]], Array("id", "name", "val", "rtime")) val util = streamTestUtil() util.tableEnv.asInstanceOf[TableEnvironmentInternal].registerTableSourceInternal( "T", new TestProjectableTableSource(tableSchema, returnType, Seq(), "rtime", "ptime")) val t = util.tableEnv.scan("T").select('ptime, 'name, 'val, 'id) val expected = unaryNode( "DataStreamCalc", "StreamTableSourceScan(table=[[default_catalog, default_database, T]], " + "fields=[ptime, name, val, id], " + "source=[TestSource(physical fields: name, val, id)])", term("select", "PROCTIME(ptime) AS ptime", "name", "val", "id") ) util.verifyTable(t, expected) } def testProjectWithoutProctime(): Unit = { val tableSchema = new TableSchema( Array("id", "rtime", "val", "ptime", "name"), Array(Types.INT, Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP, Types.LONG, Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP, Types.STRING)) val returnType = new RowTypeInfo( Array(Types.INT, Types.LONG, Types.LONG, Types.STRING) .asInstanceOf[Array[TypeInformation[_]]], Array("id", "rtime", "val", "name")) val util = streamTestUtil() util.tableEnv.asInstanceOf[TableEnvironmentInternal].registerTableSourceInternal( "T", new TestProjectableTableSource(tableSchema, returnType, Seq(), "rtime", "ptime")) val t = util.tableEnv.scan("T").select('name, 'val, 'rtime, 'id) val expected = "StreamTableSourceScan(table=[[default_catalog, default_database, T]], " + "fields=[name, val, rtime, id], " + "source=[TestSource(physical fields: name, val, rtime, id)])" util.verifyTable(t, expected) } def testProjectOnlyProctime(): Unit = { val tableSchema = new TableSchema( Array("id", "rtime", "val", "ptime", "name"), Array(Types.INT, Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP, Types.LONG, Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP, Types.STRING)) val returnType = new RowTypeInfo( Array(Types.INT, Types.LONG, Types.LONG, Types.STRING) .asInstanceOf[Array[TypeInformation[_]]], Array("id", "rtime", "val", "name")) val util = streamTestUtil() util.tableEnv.asInstanceOf[TableEnvironmentInternal].registerTableSourceInternal( "T", new TestProjectableTableSource(tableSchema, returnType, Seq(), "rtime", "ptime")) val t = util.tableEnv.scan("T").select('ptime) val expected = "StreamTableSourceScan(table=[[default_catalog, default_database, T]], " + "fields=[ptime], " + "source=[TestSource(physical fields: )])" util.verifyTable(t, expected) } def testProjectOnlyRowtime(): Unit = { val tableSchema = new TableSchema( Array("id", "rtime", "val", "ptime", "name"), Array(Types.INT, Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP, Types.LONG, Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP, Types.STRING)) val returnType = new RowTypeInfo( Array(Types.INT, Types.LONG, Types.LONG, Types.STRING) .asInstanceOf[Array[TypeInformation[_]]], Array("id", "rtime", "val", "name")) val util = streamTestUtil() util.tableEnv.asInstanceOf[TableEnvironmentInternal].registerTableSourceInternal( "T", new TestProjectableTableSource(tableSchema, returnType, Seq(), "rtime", "ptime")) val t = util.tableEnv.scan("T").select('rtime) val expected = "StreamTableSourceScan(table=[[default_catalog, default_database, T]], " + "fields=[rtime], " + "source=[TestSource(physical fields: rtime)])" util.verifyTable(t, expected) } @Test def testProjectWithMapping(): Unit = { val tableSchema = new TableSchema( Array("id", "rtime", "val", "ptime", "name"), Array(Types.INT, Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP, Types.LONG, Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP, Types.STRING)) val returnType = new RowTypeInfo( Array(Types.LONG, Types.INT, Types.STRING, Types.LONG) .asInstanceOf[Array[TypeInformation[_]]], Array("p-rtime", "p-id", "p-name", "p-val")) val mapping = Map("rtime" -> "p-rtime", "id" -> "p-id", "val" -> "p-val", "name" -> "p-name") val util = streamTestUtil() util.tableEnv.asInstanceOf[TableEnvironmentInternal].registerTableSourceInternal( "T", new TestProjectableTableSource(tableSchema, returnType, Seq(), "rtime", "ptime", mapping)) val t = util.tableEnv.scan("T").select('name, 'rtime, 'val) val expected = "StreamTableSourceScan(table=[[default_catalog, default_database, T]], " + "fields=[name, rtime, val], " + "source=[TestSource(physical fields: remapped-p-name, remapped-p-rtime, remapped-p-val)])" util.verifyTable(t, expected) } @Test def testNestedProject(): Unit = { val nested1 = new RowTypeInfo( Array(Types.STRING, Types.INT).asInstanceOf[Array[TypeInformation[_]]], Array("name", "value") ) val nested2 = new RowTypeInfo( Array(Types.INT, Types.BOOLEAN).asInstanceOf[Array[TypeInformation[_]]], Array("num", "flag") ) val deepNested = new RowTypeInfo( Array(nested1, nested2).asInstanceOf[Array[TypeInformation[_]]], Array("nested1", "nested2") ) val tableSchema = new TableSchema( Array("id", "deepNested", "nested", "name"), Array(Types.INT, deepNested, nested1, Types.STRING)) val returnType = new RowTypeInfo( Array(Types.INT, deepNested, nested1, Types.STRING).asInstanceOf[Array[TypeInformation[_]]], Array("id", "deepNested", "nested", "name")) val util = streamTestUtil() util.tableEnv.asInstanceOf[TableEnvironmentInternal].registerTableSourceInternal( "T", new TestNestedProjectableTableSource(tableSchema, returnType, Seq())) val t = util.tableEnv .scan("T") .select('id, 'deepNested.get("nested1").get("name") as 'nestedName, 'nested.get("value") as 'nestedValue, 'deepNested.get("nested2").get("flag") as 'nestedFlag, 'deepNested.get("nested2").get("num") as 'nestedNum) val expected = unaryNode( "DataStreamCalc", "StreamTableSourceScan(table=[[default_catalog, default_database, T]], " + "fields=[id, deepNested, nested], " + "source=[TestSource(read nested fields: " + "id.*, deepNested.nested2.num, deepNested.nested2.flag, " + ", nested.value)])", term("select", "id", " AS nestedName", "nested.value AS nestedValue", "deepNested.nested2.flag AS nestedFlag", "deepNested.nested2.num AS nestedNum") ) util.verifyTable(t, expected) } }
package com.tribbloids.spookystuff import java.util.UUID import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Kryo import com.tribbloids.spookystuff.conf.{DirConf, SpookyConf} import com.tribbloids.spookystuff.dsl._ import com.tribbloids.spookystuff.doc._ import com.tribbloids.spookystuff.metrics.SpookyMetrics import com.tribbloids.spookystuff.row.FetchedRow import org.apache.spark.SerializableWritable import org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoRegistrator import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.ScalaReflection.universe.TypeTag import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration //TODO: not all classes are registered which renders this class useless class SpookyKryoRegistrator extends KryoRegistrator { override def registerClasses(kryo: Kryo): Unit = { val array: Array[Class[_]] = Array( //used by PageRow classOf[TypeTag[_]], classOf[FetchedRow], classOf[ListMap[_, _]], classOf[UUID], classOf[Elements[_]], classOf[Siblings[_]], classOf[HtmlElement], classOf[JsonElement], classOf[Doc], // classOf[UnknownElement], // classOf[ExploreStage], //used by broadcast & accumulator classOf[SpookyConf], classOf[DirConf], classOf[SerializableWritable[_]], classOf[SpookyContext], classOf[SpookyMetrics], //used by Expressions // classOf[NamedFunction1] //parameters classOf[FiniteDuration], classOf[TimeUnit], FilePaths.getClass, PartitionerFactories.getClass, WebProxyFactories.getClass ) array.foreach(kryo.register) } }
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.spark.sql.execution import scala.util.Random import org.apache.spark.AccumulatorSuite import org.apache.spark.sql.{RandomDataGenerator, Row, SQLConf} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.expressions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.test.SharedSQLContext import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ /** * A test suite that generates randomized data to test the [[TungstenSort]] operator. */ class TungstenSortSuite extends SparkPlanTest with SharedSQLContext { override def beforeAll(): Unit = { super.beforeAll() ctx.conf.setConf(SQLConf.CODEGEN_ENABLED, true) } override def afterAll(): Unit = { try { ctx.conf.setConf(SQLConf.CODEGEN_ENABLED, SQLConf.CODEGEN_ENABLED.defaultValue.get) } finally { super.afterAll() } } test("sort followed by limit") { checkThatPlansAgree( (1 to 100).map(v => Tuple1(v)).toDF("a"), (child: SparkPlan) => Limit(10, TungstenSort('a.asc :: Nil, true, child)), (child: SparkPlan) => Limit(10, Sort('a.asc :: Nil, global = true, child)), sortAnswers = false ) } test("sorting does not crash for large inputs") { val sortOrder = 'a.asc :: Nil val stringLength = 1024 * 1024 * 2 checkThatPlansAgree( Seq(Tuple1("a" * stringLength), Tuple1("b" * stringLength)).toDF("a").repartition(1), TungstenSort(sortOrder, global = true, _: SparkPlan, testSpillFrequency = 1), Sort(sortOrder, global = true, _: SparkPlan), sortAnswers = false ) } test("sorting updates peak execution memory") { val sc = ctx.sparkContext AccumulatorSuite.verifyPeakExecutionMemorySet(sc, "unsafe external sort") { checkThatPlansAgree( (1 to 100).map(v => Tuple1(v)).toDF("a"), (child: SparkPlan) => TungstenSort('a.asc :: Nil, true, child), (child: SparkPlan) => Sort('a.asc :: Nil, global = true, child), sortAnswers = false) } } // Test sorting on different data types for ( dataType <- DataTypeTestUtils.atomicTypes ++ Set(NullType); nullable <- Seq(true, false); sortOrder <- Seq('a.asc :: Nil, 'a.desc :: Nil); randomDataGenerator <- RandomDataGenerator.forType(dataType, nullable) ) { test(s"sorting on $dataType with nullable=$nullable, sortOrder=$sortOrder") { val inputData = Seq.fill(1000)(randomDataGenerator()) val inputDf = ctx.createDataFrame( ctx.sparkContext.parallelize(Random.shuffle(inputData).map(v => Row(v))), StructType(StructField("a", dataType, nullable = true) :: Nil) ) assert(TungstenSort.supportsSchema(inputDf.schema)) checkThatPlansAgree( inputDf, plan => ConvertToSafe( TungstenSort(sortOrder, global = true, plan: SparkPlan, testSpillFrequency = 23)), Sort(sortOrder, global = true, _: SparkPlan), sortAnswers = false ) } } }
package import class DecrementSpec extends AbstractShellSpec { describe("Decrement class") { it("demonstrate decrement(--) feature") { val result = """ | class Decrement { | public: | static def main(args: String[]): Int { | i = 10; | for ; i >= 0; i-- { } | return i; | } | } """.stripMargin, "None", Array() ) assert(Shell.Success(-1) == result) } } }
package io.scalac.slack.websockets import{Actor, Props} import import io.scalac.slack._ import spray.can.Http import spray.can.server.UHttp import spray.can.websocket.WebSocketClientWorker import spray.can.websocket.frame.{CloseFrame, StatusCode, TextFrame} import spray.http.{HttpHeaders, HttpMethods, HttpRequest} /** * Created on 28.01.15 19:45 */ class WSActor(eventBus: MessageEventBus) extends Actor with WebSocketClientWorker { override def receive = connect orElse handshaking orElse closeLogic val out = context.actorOf(Props(classOf[OutgoingMessageProcessor], self, eventBus)) val in = context.actorOf(Props(classOf[IncomingMessageProcessor], eventBus)) private def connect(): Receive = { case WebSocket.Connect(host, port, resource, ssl) => val headers = List( HttpHeaders.Host(host, port), HttpHeaders.Connection("Upgrade"), HttpHeaders.RawHeader("Upgrade", "websocket"), HttpHeaders.RawHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Version", "13"), HttpHeaders.RawHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Key", Config.websocketKey)) request = HttpRequest(HttpMethods.GET, resource, headers) IO(UHttp)(context.system) ! Http.Connect(host, port, ssl) } override def businessLogic = { case WebSocket.Release => close() case TextFrame(msg) => //message received // Each message without parsing is sent to eventprocessor // Because all messages from websockets should be read fast // If EventProcessor slow down with parsing // can be used dispatcher println(s"RECEIVED MESSAGE: ${msg.utf8String} ") in ! msg.utf8String case WebSocket.Send(message) => //message to send println(s"SENT MESSAGE: $message ") send(message) case ignoreThis => // ignore } def send(message: String) = connection ! TextFrame(message) def close() = connection ! CloseFrame(StatusCode.NormalClose) private var request: HttpRequest = null override def upgradeRequest = request } object WebSocket { sealed trait WebSocketMessage case class Connect( host: String, port: Int, resource: String, withSsl: Boolean = false) extends WebSocketMessage case class Send(msg: String) extends WebSocketMessage case object Release extends WebSocketMessage }
import Macro._ object Test extends App { new StringContext().f3() // error }
package import object LauncherApp { def main(args: Array[String]){ if (args.length == 0) App.main(args) else ConsoleApp.main(args) } }
package edu.jingw.raytracer import org.scalatest.FlatSpec class RaySpec extends FlatSpec { "toString" should "give direction and start" in { assert(Ray(Vector.I, Vector.J).toString == "x = <1.0, 0.0> + <0.0, 1.0>t") } }
/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Dufresne Management Consulting LLC. */ package com.nickelsoftware.bettercare4me.hedis.hedis2014 import scala.util.Random import org.joda.time.DateTime import org.joda.time.Interval import com.nickelsoftware.bettercare4me.hedis.HEDISRule import com.nickelsoftware.bettercare4me.hedis.Scorecard import com.nickelsoftware.bettercare4me.models.Claim import com.nickelsoftware.bettercare4me.models.LabClaim import com.nickelsoftware.bettercare4me.models.MedClaim import com.nickelsoftware.bettercare4me.models.Patient import com.nickelsoftware.bettercare4me.models.PatientHistory import com.nickelsoftware.bettercare4me.models.PersistenceLayer import com.nickelsoftware.bettercare4me.models.Provider import com.nickelsoftware.bettercare4me.models.RuleConfig import com.nickelsoftware.bettercare4me.utils.Utils object CIS_HB { val name = "CIS-HB-C-HEDIS-2014" val hepBVaccine = "Hepatitis B Vaccine" val hepBHistory = "Hepatitis B History" /** * CPT codes for Hep B vaccination */ val cptA = List("90723", "90740", "90744", "90747", "90748") val cptAS = cptA.toSet /** * HCPCS for Hep B vaccination */ val hcpcsA = List("G0010") val hcpcsAS = hcpcsA.toSet /** * ICD Diagnosis codes for Hep B */ val icdDA = List("070.2*", "070.3*", "V02.61") val icdDAS = icdDA.toSet } /** * Hepatitis B Vaccine * * Hepatitis B Vaccine indicates whether a child, who turned 2 years old during the measurement year, received three (3) hepatitis * B vaccinations. This excludes children who had a previous adverse reaction to a vaccine, as well as those with a vaccine * contraindication such as immunodeficiency syndrome, HIV, lymphoreticular or histiocytic tissue cancer, multiple myeloma, or * leukemia. * * NUMERATOR: * Identifies children, who turned 2 years old during the measurement year, and received three (3) hepatitis B vaccinations with * different dates of service on or before the child's 2nd birthday. Evidence of the antigen or vaccine, a documented history of the * illness, or a seropositive test result are counted in the numerator. * */ class CIS_HB_Rule(config: RuleConfig, hedisDate: DateTime) extends CIS_RuleBase(config, hedisDate) { val name = val fullName = "Hepatitis B Vaccine" val description = "Hepatitis B Vaccine indicates whether a child, who turned 2 years old during the measurement year, received three (3) hepatitis " + "B vaccinations. This excludes children who had a previous adverse reaction to a vaccine, as well as those with a vaccine " + "contraindication such as immunodeficiency syndrome, HIV, lymphoreticular or histiocytic tissue cancer, multiple myeloma, or " + "leukemia." import CIS_HB._ override def generateMeetMeasureClaims(pl: PersistenceLayer, patient: Patient, provider: Provider): List[Claim] = { // after 42 days after birth and before 2 years of age val days = Utils.daysBetween(patient.dob.plusDays(42), patient.dob.plusMonths(20)) val dos1 = patient.dob.plusDays(42 + Random.nextInt(days)) val dos2 = dos1.plusDays(30) val dos3 = dos2.plusDays(30) /* 3 hepatitis B vaccinations received on different dates * of service (anytime prior to the child's 2nd birthday), * or a history of the disease */ pickOne(List( // Possible set: CPT () => List( pl.createMedClaim(patient.patientID, patient.firstName, patient.lastName, provider.providerID, provider.firstName, provider.lastName, dos1, dos1, cpt = pickOne(cptA)), pl.createMedClaim(patient.patientID, patient.firstName, patient.lastName, provider.providerID, provider.firstName, provider.lastName, dos2, dos2, cpt = pickOne(cptA)), pl.createMedClaim(patient.patientID, patient.firstName, patient.lastName, provider.providerID, provider.firstName, provider.lastName, dos3, dos3, cpt = pickOne(cptA))), // Another possible set: HCPCS () => List( pl.createMedClaim(patient.patientID, patient.firstName, patient.lastName, provider.providerID, provider.firstName, provider.lastName, dos1, dos1, hcpcs = pickOne(hcpcsA)), pl.createMedClaim(patient.patientID, patient.firstName, patient.lastName, provider.providerID, provider.firstName, provider.lastName, dos2, dos2, hcpcs = pickOne(hcpcsA)), pl.createMedClaim(patient.patientID, patient.firstName, patient.lastName, provider.providerID, provider.firstName, provider.lastName, dos3, dos3, hcpcs = pickOne(hcpcsA))), // Another possible set: ICD D () => List(pl.createMedClaim(patient.patientID, patient.firstName, patient.lastName, provider.providerID, provider.firstName, provider.lastName, dos1, dos1, icdDPri = pickOne(icdDA)))))() } override def scorePatientMeetMeasure(scorecard: Scorecard, patient: Patient, ph: PatientHistory): Scorecard = { // after 42 days after birth and before 2 years of age val measurementInterval = new Interval(patient.dob.plusDays(42), patient.dob.plusMonths(24).plusDays(1)) def rules = List[(Scorecard) => Scorecard]( // Check for patient has CPT (s: Scorecard) => { val claims1 = filterClaims(ph.cpt, cptAS, { claim: MedClaim => measurementInterval.contains(claim.dos) }) val claims2 = filterClaims(ph.hcpcs, hcpcsAS, { claim: MedClaim => measurementInterval.contains(claim.dos) }) val claims = List.concat(claims1, claims2) // need to have 3 claims with different dates if (hasDifferentDates(3, claims)) s.addScore(name, fullName, HEDISRule.meetMeasure, hepBVaccine, claims) else s }, // Check for patient has ICD D (History of disease) (s: Scorecard) => { val claims = filterClaims(ph.icdD, icdDAS, { claim: MedClaim => !claim.dos.isAfter(hedisDate) }) s.addScore(name, fullName, HEDISRule.meetMeasure, hepBHistory, claims) }) applyRules(scorecard, rules) } }
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.spark.sql.execution import{ByteArrayOutputStream, DataOutputStream} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import scala.language.existentials import import org.apache.spark.api.r._ import org.apache.spark.broadcast.Broadcast import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD import org.apache.spark.sql.Row import org.apache.spark.sql.api.r.SQLUtils._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.objects.Invoke import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{EventTimeWatermark, FunctionUtils, LogicalGroupState} import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.physical._ import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.python.BatchIterator import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.r.ArrowRRunner import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.GroupStateImpl import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.GroupStateTimeout import org.apache.spark.sql.types._ /** * Physical version of `ObjectProducer`. */ trait ObjectProducerExec extends SparkPlan { // The attribute that reference to the single object field this operator outputs. protected def outputObjAttr: Attribute override def output: Seq[Attribute] = outputObjAttr :: Nil override def producedAttributes: AttributeSet = AttributeSet(outputObjAttr) def outputObjectType: DataType = outputObjAttr.dataType } /** * Physical version of `ObjectConsumer`. */ trait ObjectConsumerExec extends UnaryExecNode { assert(child.output.length == 1) // This operator always need all columns of its child, even it doesn't reference to. override def references: AttributeSet = child.outputSet def inputObjectType: DataType = child.output.head.dataType } /** * Takes the input row from child and turns it into object using the given deserializer expression. * The output of this operator is a single-field safe row containing the deserialized object. */ case class DeserializeToObjectExec( deserializer: Expression, outputObjAttr: Attribute, child: SparkPlan) extends UnaryExecNode with ObjectProducerExec with CodegenSupport { override def outputPartitioning: Partitioning = child.outputPartitioning override def inputRDDs(): Seq[RDD[InternalRow]] = { child.asInstanceOf[CodegenSupport].inputRDDs() } protected override def doProduce(ctx: CodegenContext): String = { child.asInstanceOf[CodegenSupport].produce(ctx, this) } override def doConsume(ctx: CodegenContext, input: Seq[ExprCode], row: ExprCode): String = { val resultObj = BindReferences.bindReference(deserializer, child.output).genCode(ctx) consume(ctx, resultObj :: Nil) } override protected def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = { child.execute().mapPartitionsWithIndexInternal { (index, iter) => val projection = GenerateSafeProjection.generate(deserializer :: Nil, child.output) projection.initialize(index) } } } /** * Takes the input object from child and turns in into unsafe row using the given serializer * expression. The output of its child must be a single-field row containing the input object. */ case class SerializeFromObjectExec( serializer: Seq[NamedExpression], child: SparkPlan) extends ObjectConsumerExec with CodegenSupport { override def output: Seq[Attribute] = override def outputPartitioning: Partitioning = child.outputPartitioning override def inputRDDs(): Seq[RDD[InternalRow]] = { child.asInstanceOf[CodegenSupport].inputRDDs() } protected override def doProduce(ctx: CodegenContext): String = { child.asInstanceOf[CodegenSupport].produce(ctx, this) } override def doConsume(ctx: CodegenContext, input: Seq[ExprCode], row: ExprCode): String = { val resultVars = { expr => BindReferences.bindReference[Expression](expr, child.output).genCode(ctx) } consume(ctx, resultVars) } override protected def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = { child.execute().mapPartitionsWithIndexInternal { (index, iter) => val projection = UnsafeProjection.create(serializer) projection.initialize(index) } } } /** * Helper functions for physical operators that work with user defined objects. */ object ObjectOperator { def deserializeRowToObject( deserializer: Expression, inputSchema: Seq[Attribute]): InternalRow => Any = { val proj = GenerateSafeProjection.generate(deserializer :: Nil, inputSchema) (i: InternalRow) => proj(i).get(0, deserializer.dataType) } def deserializeRowToObject(deserializer: Expression): InternalRow => Any = { val proj = GenerateSafeProjection.generate(deserializer :: Nil) (i: InternalRow) => proj(i).get(0, deserializer.dataType) } def serializeObjectToRow(serializer: Seq[Expression]): Any => UnsafeRow = { val proj = GenerateUnsafeProjection.generate(serializer) val objType = serializer.head.collect { case b: BoundReference => b.dataType }.head val objRow = new SpecificInternalRow(objType :: Nil) (o: Any) => { objRow(0) = o proj(objRow) } } def wrapObjectToRow(objType: DataType): Any => InternalRow = { val outputRow = new SpecificInternalRow(objType :: Nil) (o: Any) => { outputRow(0) = o outputRow } } def unwrapObjectFromRow(objType: DataType): InternalRow => Any = { (i: InternalRow) => i.get(0, objType) } } /** * Applies the given function to input object iterator. * The output of its child must be a single-field row containing the input object. */ case class MapPartitionsExec( func: Iterator[Any] => Iterator[Any], outputObjAttr: Attribute, child: SparkPlan) extends ObjectConsumerExec with ObjectProducerExec { override def outputPartitioning: Partitioning = child.outputPartitioning override protected def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = { child.execute().mapPartitionsInternal { iter => val getObject = ObjectOperator.unwrapObjectFromRow(child.output.head.dataType) val outputObject = ObjectOperator.wrapObjectToRow(outputObjAttr.dataType) func( } } } /** * Similar with [[MapPartitionsExec]] and * [[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.r.MapPartitionsRWrapper]] but serializes and deserializes * input/output in Arrow format. * * This is somewhat similar with [[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.python.ArrowEvalPythonExec]] */ case class MapPartitionsInRWithArrowExec( func: Array[Byte], packageNames: Array[Byte], broadcastVars: Array[Broadcast[Object]], inputSchema: StructType, output: Seq[Attribute], child: SparkPlan) extends UnaryExecNode { override def producedAttributes: AttributeSet = AttributeSet(output) private val batchSize = conf.arrowMaxRecordsPerBatch override def outputPartitioning: Partitioning = child.outputPartitioning override protected def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = { child.execute().mapPartitionsInternal { inputIter => val outputTypes = // DO NOT use iter.grouped(). See BatchIterator. val batchIter = if (batchSize > 0) new BatchIterator(inputIter, batchSize) else Iterator(inputIter) val runner = new ArrowRRunner(func, packageNames, broadcastVars, inputSchema, SQLConf.get.sessionLocalTimeZone, RRunnerModes.DATAFRAME_DAPPLY) // The communication mechanism is as follows: // // JVM side R side // // 1. Internal rows --------> Arrow record batches // 2. Converts each Arrow record batch to each R data frame // 3. Combine R data frames into one R data frame // 4. Computes R native function on the data frame // 5. Converts the R data frame to Arrow record batches // 6. Columnar batches <-------- Arrow record batches // 7. Each row from each batch // // Note that, unlike Python vectorization implementation, R side sends Arrow formatted // binary in a batch due to the limitation of R API. See also ARROW-4512. val columnarBatchIter = runner.compute(batchIter, -1) val outputProject = UnsafeProjection.create(output, output) columnarBatchIter.flatMap { batch => val actualDataTypes = (0 until batch.numCols()).map(i => batch.column(i).dataType()) assert(outputTypes == actualDataTypes, "Invalid schema from dapply(): " + s"expected ${outputTypes.mkString(", ")}, got ${actualDataTypes.mkString(", ")}") batch.rowIterator.asScala }.map(outputProject) } } } /** * Applies the given function to each input object. * The output of its child must be a single-field row containing the input object. * * This operator is kind of a safe version of [[ProjectExec]], as its output is custom object, * we need to use safe row to contain it. */ case class MapElementsExec( func: AnyRef, outputObjAttr: Attribute, child: SparkPlan) extends ObjectConsumerExec with ObjectProducerExec with CodegenSupport { override def inputRDDs(): Seq[RDD[InternalRow]] = { child.asInstanceOf[CodegenSupport].inputRDDs() } protected override def doProduce(ctx: CodegenContext): String = { child.asInstanceOf[CodegenSupport].produce(ctx, this) } override def doConsume(ctx: CodegenContext, input: Seq[ExprCode], row: ExprCode): String = { val (funcClass, methodName) = func match { case m: MapFunction[_, _] => classOf[MapFunction[_, _]] -> "call" case _ => FunctionUtils.getFunctionOneName(outputObjAttr.dataType, child.output(0).dataType) } val funcObj = Literal.create(func, ObjectType(funcClass)) val callFunc = Invoke(funcObj, methodName, outputObjAttr.dataType, child.output) val result = BindReferences.bindReference(callFunc, child.output).genCode(ctx) consume(ctx, result :: Nil) } override protected def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = { val callFunc: Any => Any = func match { case m: MapFunction[_, _] => i => m.asInstanceOf[MapFunction[Any, Any]].call(i) case _ => func.asInstanceOf[Any => Any] } child.execute().mapPartitionsInternal { iter => val getObject = ObjectOperator.unwrapObjectFromRow(child.output.head.dataType) val outputObject = ObjectOperator.wrapObjectToRow(outputObjAttr.dataType) => outputObject(callFunc(getObject(row)))) } } override def outputOrdering: Seq[SortOrder] = child.outputOrdering override def outputPartitioning: Partitioning = child.outputPartitioning } /** * Applies the given function to each input row, appending the encoded result at the end of the row. */ case class AppendColumnsExec( func: Any => Any, deserializer: Expression, serializer: Seq[NamedExpression], child: SparkPlan) extends UnaryExecNode { override def output: Seq[Attribute] = child.output ++ override def outputPartitioning: Partitioning = child.outputPartitioning private def newColumnSchema = override protected def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = { child.execute().mapPartitionsInternal { iter => val getObject = ObjectOperator.deserializeRowToObject(deserializer, child.output) val combiner = GenerateUnsafeRowJoiner.create(child.schema, newColumnSchema) val outputObject = ObjectOperator.serializeObjectToRow(serializer) { row => val newColumns = outputObject(func(getObject(row))) combiner.join(row.asInstanceOf[UnsafeRow], newColumns): InternalRow } } } } /** * An optimized version of [[AppendColumnsExec]], that can be executed * on deserialized object directly. */ case class AppendColumnsWithObjectExec( func: Any => Any, inputSerializer: Seq[NamedExpression], newColumnsSerializer: Seq[NamedExpression], child: SparkPlan) extends ObjectConsumerExec { override def output: Seq[Attribute] = (inputSerializer ++ newColumnsSerializer).map(_.toAttribute) override def outputPartitioning: Partitioning = child.outputPartitioning private def inputSchema = private def newColumnSchema = override protected def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = { child.execute().mapPartitionsInternal { iter => val getChildObject = ObjectOperator.unwrapObjectFromRow(child.output.head.dataType) val outputChildObject = ObjectOperator.serializeObjectToRow(inputSerializer) val outputNewColumnOjb = ObjectOperator.serializeObjectToRow(newColumnsSerializer) val combiner = GenerateUnsafeRowJoiner.create(inputSchema, newColumnSchema) { row => val childObj = getChildObject(row) val newColumns = outputNewColumnOjb(func(childObj)) combiner.join(outputChildObject(childObj), newColumns): InternalRow } } } } /** * Groups the input rows together and calls the function with each group and an iterator containing * all elements in the group. The result of this function is flattened before being output. */ case class MapGroupsExec( func: (Any, Iterator[Any]) => TraversableOnce[Any], keyDeserializer: Expression, valueDeserializer: Expression, groupingAttributes: Seq[Attribute], dataAttributes: Seq[Attribute], outputObjAttr: Attribute, child: SparkPlan) extends UnaryExecNode with ObjectProducerExec { override def outputPartitioning: Partitioning = child.outputPartitioning override def requiredChildDistribution: Seq[Distribution] = ClusteredDistribution(groupingAttributes) :: Nil override def requiredChildOrdering: Seq[Seq[SortOrder]] = Seq(, Ascending))) override protected def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = { child.execute().mapPartitionsInternal { iter => val grouped = GroupedIterator(iter, groupingAttributes, child.output) val getKey = ObjectOperator.deserializeRowToObject(keyDeserializer, groupingAttributes) val getValue = ObjectOperator.deserializeRowToObject(valueDeserializer, dataAttributes) val outputObject = ObjectOperator.wrapObjectToRow(outputObjAttr.dataType) grouped.flatMap { case (key, rowIter) => val result = func( getKey(key), } } } } object MapGroupsExec { def apply( func: (Any, Iterator[Any], LogicalGroupState[Any]) => TraversableOnce[Any], keyDeserializer: Expression, valueDeserializer: Expression, groupingAttributes: Seq[Attribute], dataAttributes: Seq[Attribute], outputObjAttr: Attribute, timeoutConf: GroupStateTimeout, child: SparkPlan): MapGroupsExec = { val watermarkPresent = child.output.exists { case a: Attribute if a.metadata.contains(EventTimeWatermark.delayKey) => true case _ => false } val f = (key: Any, values: Iterator[Any]) => { func(key, values, GroupStateImpl.createForBatch(timeoutConf, watermarkPresent)) } new MapGroupsExec(f, keyDeserializer, valueDeserializer, groupingAttributes, dataAttributes, outputObjAttr, child) } } /** * Groups the input rows together and calls the R function with each group and an iterator * containing all elements in the group. * The result of this function is flattened before being output. */ case class FlatMapGroupsInRExec( func: Array[Byte], packageNames: Array[Byte], broadcastVars: Array[Broadcast[Object]], inputSchema: StructType, outputSchema: StructType, keyDeserializer: Expression, valueDeserializer: Expression, groupingAttributes: Seq[Attribute], dataAttributes: Seq[Attribute], outputObjAttr: Attribute, child: SparkPlan) extends UnaryExecNode with ObjectProducerExec { override def output: Seq[Attribute] = outputObjAttr :: Nil override def outputPartitioning: Partitioning = child.outputPartitioning override def producedAttributes: AttributeSet = AttributeSet(outputObjAttr) override def requiredChildDistribution: Seq[Distribution] = if (groupingAttributes.isEmpty) { AllTuples :: Nil } else { ClusteredDistribution(groupingAttributes) :: Nil } override def requiredChildOrdering: Seq[Seq[SortOrder]] = Seq(, Ascending))) override protected def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = { val isSerializedRData = outputSchema == SERIALIZED_R_DATA_SCHEMA val serializerForR = if (!isSerializedRData) { SerializationFormats.ROW } else { SerializationFormats.BYTE } child.execute().mapPartitionsInternal { iter => val grouped = GroupedIterator(iter, groupingAttributes, child.output) val getKey = ObjectOperator.deserializeRowToObject(keyDeserializer, groupingAttributes) val getValue = ObjectOperator.deserializeRowToObject(valueDeserializer, dataAttributes) val outputObject = ObjectOperator.wrapObjectToRow(outputObjAttr.dataType) val runner = new RRunner[(Array[Byte], Iterator[Array[Byte]]), Array[Byte]]( func, SerializationFormats.ROW, serializerForR, packageNames, broadcastVars, isDataFrame = true, colNames = inputSchema.fieldNames, mode = RRunnerModes.DATAFRAME_GAPPLY) val groupedRBytes = { case (key, rowIter) => val deserializedIter = val newIter = deserializedIter.asInstanceOf[Iterator[Row]].map { row => rowToRBytes(row) } val newKey = rowToRBytes(getKey(key).asInstanceOf[Row]) (newKey, newIter) } val outputIter = runner.compute(groupedRBytes, -1) if (!isSerializedRData) { val result = { bytes => bytesToRow(bytes, outputSchema) } } else { val result = { bytes => Row.fromSeq(Seq(bytes)) } } } } } /** * Similar with [[FlatMapGroupsInRExec]] but serializes and deserializes input/output in * Arrow format. * This is also somewhat similar with * [[org.apache.spark.sql.execution.python.FlatMapGroupsInPandasExec]]. */ case class FlatMapGroupsInRWithArrowExec( func: Array[Byte], packageNames: Array[Byte], broadcastVars: Array[Broadcast[Object]], inputSchema: StructType, output: Seq[Attribute], keyDeserializer: Expression, groupingAttributes: Seq[Attribute], child: SparkPlan) extends UnaryExecNode { override def outputPartitioning: Partitioning = child.outputPartitioning override def producedAttributes: AttributeSet = AttributeSet(output) override def requiredChildDistribution: Seq[Distribution] = if (groupingAttributes.isEmpty) { AllTuples :: Nil } else { ClusteredDistribution(groupingAttributes) :: Nil } override def requiredChildOrdering: Seq[Seq[SortOrder]] = Seq(, Ascending))) override protected def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = { child.execute().mapPartitionsInternal { iter => val grouped = GroupedIterator(iter, groupingAttributes, child.output) val getKey = ObjectOperator.deserializeRowToObject(keyDeserializer, groupingAttributes) val keys = collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[Array[Byte]] val groupedByRKey: Iterator[Iterator[InternalRow]] = { case (key, rowIter) => keys.append(rowToRBytes(getKey(key).asInstanceOf[Row])) rowIter } val runner = new ArrowRRunner(func, packageNames, broadcastVars, inputSchema, SQLConf.get.sessionLocalTimeZone, RRunnerModes.DATAFRAME_GAPPLY) { protected override def bufferedWrite( dataOut: DataOutputStream)(writeFunc: ByteArrayOutputStream => Unit): Unit = { super.bufferedWrite(dataOut)(writeFunc) // Don't forget we're sending keys additionally. keys.foreach(dataOut.write) } } // The communication mechanism is as follows: // // JVM side R side // // 1. Group internal rows // 2. Grouped internal rows --------> Arrow record batches // 3. Grouped keys --------> Regular serialized keys // 4. Converts each Arrow record batch to each R data frame // 5. Deserializes keys // 6. Maps each key to each R Data frame // 7. Computes R native function on each key/R data frame // 8. Converts all R data frames to Arrow record batches // 9. Columnar batches <-------- Arrow record batches // 10. Each row from each batch // // Note that, unlike Python vectorization implementation, R side sends Arrow formatted // binary in a batch due to the limitation of R API. See also ARROW-4512. val columnarBatchIter = runner.compute(groupedByRKey, -1) val outputProject = UnsafeProjection.create(output, output) columnarBatchIter.flatMap(_.rowIterator().asScala).map(outputProject) } } } /** * Co-groups the data from left and right children, and calls the function with each group and 2 * iterators containing all elements in the group from left and right side. * The result of this function is flattened before being output. */ case class CoGroupExec( func: (Any, Iterator[Any], Iterator[Any]) => TraversableOnce[Any], keyDeserializer: Expression, leftDeserializer: Expression, rightDeserializer: Expression, leftGroup: Seq[Attribute], rightGroup: Seq[Attribute], leftAttr: Seq[Attribute], rightAttr: Seq[Attribute], outputObjAttr: Attribute, left: SparkPlan, right: SparkPlan) extends BinaryExecNode with ObjectProducerExec { override def requiredChildDistribution: Seq[Distribution] = HashClusteredDistribution(leftGroup) :: HashClusteredDistribution(rightGroup) :: Nil override def requiredChildOrdering: Seq[Seq[SortOrder]] =, Ascending)) ::, Ascending)) :: Nil override protected def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = { left.execute().zipPartitions(right.execute()) { (leftData, rightData) => val leftGrouped = GroupedIterator(leftData, leftGroup, left.output) val rightGrouped = GroupedIterator(rightData, rightGroup, right.output) val getKey = ObjectOperator.deserializeRowToObject(keyDeserializer, leftGroup) val getLeft = ObjectOperator.deserializeRowToObject(leftDeserializer, leftAttr) val getRight = ObjectOperator.deserializeRowToObject(rightDeserializer, rightAttr) val outputObject = ObjectOperator.wrapObjectToRow(outputObjAttr.dataType) new CoGroupedIterator(leftGrouped, rightGrouped, leftGroup).flatMap { case (key, leftResult, rightResult) => val result = func( getKey(key),, } } } }
package org.jetbrains.plugins.scala package lang package parser package parsing package base import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.lexer.{ScalaTokenType, ScalaTokenTypes} import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.parser.parsing.builder.ScalaPsiBuilder object End { private val isAllowedEndToken = Set( ScalaTokenTypes.kVAL, ScalaTokenTypes.kIF, ScalaTokenTypes.kWHILE, ScalaTokenTypes.kFOR, ScalaTokenTypes.kMATCH, ScalaTokenTypes.kTRY, ScalaTokenTypes.kTHIS, ScalaTokenType.NewKeyword, ScalaTokenType.GivenKeyword, ScalaTokenType.ExtensionKeyword, ScalaTokenTypes.tIDENTIFIER, ) //override def parse(implicit builder: ScalaPsiBuilder): Boolean = apply(builder.currentIndentationWidth) def apply(targetIndentationWidth: IndentationWidth)(implicit builder: ScalaPsiBuilder): Boolean = { if (!builder.isScala3) return false if (builder.getTokenType == ScalaTokenTypes.tIDENTIFIER && builder.getTokenText == "end" && isAllowedEndToken(builder.lookAhead(1)) && builder.findPreviousIndent.contains(targetIndentationWidth)) { val marker = builder.mark() builder.remapCurrentToken(ScalaTokenType.EndKeyword) builder.advanceLexer() // ate end if (builder.getTokenType == ScalaTokenTypes.tIDENTIFIER && builder.getTokenText == ScalaTokenType.ExtensionKeyword.keywordText) { builder.remapCurrentToken(ScalaTokenType.ExtensionKeyword) } builder.advanceLexer() // ate end-token marker.done(ScalaElementType.END_STMT) true } else false } }
package gapt.expr import gapt.expr.ty.Ty trait VarOrConst extends Expr { def name: String } /** * Matches constants and variables, but nothing else. */ object VarOrConst { def unapply( e: VarOrConst ): Some[( String, Ty, List[Ty] )] = e match { case Const( n, t, p ) => Some( n, t, p ) case Var( n, t ) => Some( n, t, Nil ) } }
package org.ensime.util import scala.collection.mutable.{ Set => MutableSet } import scala.collection.mutable.{ HashMap, HashSet } import org.objectweb.asm.FieldVisitor; import org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor; import org.objectweb.asm.commons.EmptyVisitor; import org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader; import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes; import import java.util.jar.{ JarFile, Manifest => JarManifest } import import{ File, InputStream, IOException } trait ClassHandler { def onClass(name: String, location: String, flags:Int) {} def onMethod(className: String, name: String, location: String, flags:Int) {} def onField(className: String, name: String, location: String, flags:Int) {} } private class ClassVisitor(location: File, handler: ClassHandler) extends EmptyVisitor { var currentClassName: Option[String] = None val path: String = location.getPath() override def visit(version: Int, access: Int, name: String, signature: String, superName: String, interfaces: Array[String]) { val nm = mapClassName(name) currentClassName = Some(nm) handler.onClass(nm, path, access) } override def visitMethod(access: Int, name: String, description: String, signature: String, exceptions: Array[String]): MethodVisitor = { handler.onMethod(currentClassName.getOrElse("."), name, path, access) null } override def visitField(access: Int, name: String, description: String, signature: String, value: java.lang.Object): FieldVisitor = { handler.onField(currentClassName.getOrElse("."), name, path, access) null } private def mapClassName(name: String): String = { if (name == null) "" else name.replaceAll("/", ".") } } object ClassIterator { val ASMAcceptCriteria = 0 def find(path: Iterable[File], handler: ClassHandler) { for (f <- path) { findClassesIn(f, handler) } } private def findClassesIn(f: File, handler: ClassHandler) { val name = f.getPath.toLowerCase if (name.endsWith(".jar")) processJar(f, handler) else if (name.endsWith(".zip")) processZip(f, handler) else if (f.isDirectory) processDirectory(f, handler) } private def processJar(file: File, handler: ClassHandler) { val jar = new JarFile(file) processOpenZip(file, jar, handler) var manifest = jar.getManifest if (manifest != null) { val path = loadManifestPath(jar, file, manifest) find(path, handler) } } private def loadManifestPath(jar: JarFile, jarFile: File, manifest: JarManifest): List[File] = { import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ val attrs = manifest.getMainAttributes val value = attrs.get("Class-Path").asInstanceOf[String] if (value == null) Nil else { val parent = jarFile.getParent val tokens = value.split("""\\s+""").toList if (parent == null) File(_)) else => new File(parent + File.separator + s)) } } private def processZip(file: File, handler: ClassHandler) { processOpenZip(file, new ZipFile(file), handler) } private def processOpenZip(file: File, zipFile: ZipFile, handler: ClassHandler) { import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ val zipFileName = file.getPath for (e <- zipFile.entries) { if (isClass(e)) { processClassData(new BufferedInputStream( zipFile.getInputStream(e)), file, handler) } } } // Matches both ZipEntry and File type FileEntry = { def isDirectory(): Boolean def getName(): String } private def isClass(e: FileEntry): Boolean = (!e.isDirectory) && (e.getName.toLowerCase.endsWith(".class")) private def processDirectory(dir: File, handler: ClassHandler) { import FileUtils._ for (f <- dir.andTree) { if (isClass(f)) { processClassData(new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream(f)), dir, handler) } } } private def processClassData(is: InputStream, location: File, handler: ClassHandler) { val cr = new ClassReader(is) val visitor = new ClassVisitor(location, handler) cr.accept(visitor, ClassReader.SKIP_CODE) } }
package org.openeyes.api.controllers import org.json4s.mongo.ObjectIdSerializer import org.json4s.{DefaultFormats, FullTypeHints} import org.openeyes.api.forms.EncounterForm import org.openeyes.api.models.{Element, Encounter} import import org.openeyes.api.stacks.ApiStack import org.scalatra.swagger.Swagger /** * Created by jamie on 15/09/2014. */ class EncounterController(implicit val swagger: Swagger) extends ApiStack { protected val applicationDescription = "The Encounter API." override protected implicit val jsonFormats = new DefaultFormats { // NOTE: Comment this in if you want/need to see why elements aren't saving correctly. // It is currently commented out to avoid issues with the front end, for instance "lefteye": {} is posted then // this will throw an exception. Once they have changed the front end to send "lefteye: null then we can // comment this back in and do away with this boring note. // override val strict = true override val typeHintFieldName = "type" override val typeHints = FullTypeHints(List(classOf[Element])) } + new ObjectIdSerializer val list = (apiOperation[List[Encounter]]("listEncounters") notes "Lists all known Encounters" parameters( queryParam[String]("patientId").description("An optional Patient ID to filter the Encounters by").optional ) summary "List Encounters" ) get("/", operation(list)) { params.get("patientId") match { case Some(patientId: String) => EncounterService.findAllForPatient(patientId) case _ => EncounterService.findAll } } val get = (apiOperation[Encounter]("getEncounter") notes "Get an Encounter by ID" parameters( pathParam[String]("id").description("The ID of the Encounter to retrieve").required ) summary "Get Encounter" ) get("/:id", operation(get)) { val id = params("id") EncounterService.find(id) } val post = (apiOperation[Encounter]("createEncounter") notes "Create an Encounter" parameters( bodyParam[EncounterForm].description("The Encounter content").required ) summary "Create Encounter" ) post("/", operation(post)) { val resource = parsedBody.extract[EncounterForm] EncounterService.create(resource) } }
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.nodes.FlinkConventions import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.nodes.logical.FlinkLogicalTableFunctionScan import import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.utils.WindowUtil import org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.utils.WindowUtil.convertToWindowingStrategy import org.apache.calcite.plan.{RelOptRule, RelOptRuleCall, RelTraitSet} import org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode import org.apache.calcite.rel.convert.ConverterRule import org.apache.calcite.rex.RexCall /** * Rule to convert a [[FlinkLogicalTableFunctionScan]] with window table function call * into a [[StreamPhysicalWindowTableFunction]]. */ class StreamPhysicalWindowTableFunctionRule extends ConverterRule( classOf[FlinkLogicalTableFunctionScan], FlinkConventions.LOGICAL, FlinkConventions.STREAM_PHYSICAL, "StreamPhysicalWindowTableFunctionRule") { override def matches(call: RelOptRuleCall): Boolean = { val scan: FlinkLogicalTableFunctionScan = call.rel(0) WindowUtil.isWindowTableFunctionCall(scan.getCall) } def convert(rel: RelNode): RelNode = { val scan: FlinkLogicalTableFunctionScan = rel.asInstanceOf[FlinkLogicalTableFunctionScan] val traitSet: RelTraitSet = rel.getTraitSet.replace(FlinkConventions.STREAM_PHYSICAL) val newInput = RelOptRule.convert(scan.getInput(0), FlinkConventions.STREAM_PHYSICAL) new StreamPhysicalWindowTableFunction( scan.getCluster, traitSet, newInput, scan.getRowType, convertToWindowingStrategy(scan.getCall.asInstanceOf[RexCall], newInput.getRowType) ) } } object StreamPhysicalWindowTableFunctionRule { val INSTANCE = new StreamPhysicalWindowTableFunctionRule }
/* * Copyright (c) 2015 Goldman Sachs. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which accompany this distribution. * The Eclipse Public License is available at * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at * */ package import org.eclipse.collections.impl.{InternalIterableTestTrait, UnmodifiableIterableTestTrait} class UnmodifiableMutableMapScalaTest extends InternalIterableTestTrait with UnmodifiableIterableTestTrait { val map = UnifiedMap.newWithKeysValues( Integer.valueOf(1), "1", Integer.valueOf(2), "2", Integer.valueOf(3), "3") val classUnderTest = new UnmodifiableMutableMap[Integer, String](map) }
package import play.api.test.FakeRequest import play.api.test.Helpers.{OK, contentAsString, defaultAwaitTimeout} import import{CookieFactoryForUnitSpecs, UnitSpec} import{FirstOption, SecondOption} class ValtechSelectControllerUnitSpec extends UnitSpec { "present" should { "display the page" in new TestWithApplication { whenReady(present) { r => r.header.status should equal(OK) } } "not display drop down pre-selected when nothing has been previously selected" in new TestWithApplication { val request = FakeRequest() val result = valtechSelectController.present(request) val content = contentAsString(result) content should not include "selected>" } "display drop down pre-selected when cookie contains first option" in new TestWithApplication { val request = FakeRequest(). withCookies(CookieFactoryForUnitSpecs.valtechSelect(selectedOption = FirstOption)) val result = valtechSelectController.present(request) val content = contentAsString(result) content should include(expectedOptionSelected(FirstOption)) } "display drop down pre-selected when cookie contains second option" in new TestWithApplication { val request = FakeRequest(). withCookies(CookieFactoryForUnitSpecs.valtechSelect(selectedOption = SecondOption)) val result = valtechSelectController.present(request) val content = contentAsString(result) content should include(expectedOptionSelected(SecondOption)) } } private def expectedOptionSelected(option: String) = s"""<option value="$option" selected>""" private def valtechSelectController = injector.getInstance(classOf[ValtechSelectController]) private lazy val present = { val request = FakeRequest() valtechSelectController.present(request) } }
/* * ControlPlatform.scala * (FScape) * * Copyright (c) 2001-2022 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved. * * This software is published under the GNU Affero General Public License v3+ * * * For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at * */ package import de.sciss.file.File import trait ControlImplPlatform { final def createTempFile(): File = File.createTemp() final def createTempURI(): URI = createTempFile().toURI } trait ControlPlatform { /** Creates a temporary file. The caller is responsible for deleting the file * after it is not needed any longer. (The file will still be marked `deleteOnExit`) */ @deprecated("Only supported on JVM. Use platform neutral createTempURI instead", since = "3.6.0") def createTempFile(): File /** Creates a temporary file. The caller is responsible for deleting the file * after it is not needed any longer. (The file will still be marked `deleteOnExit`) */ def createTempURI(): URI }
class ScalaFile1 { val value = "value" def function: Unit = { println("function called.") } }
/* * Copyright (c) 2014 Alvaro Agea. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import sbt._ import scoverage.ScoverageSbtPlugin._ object Build extends sbt.Build { lazy val root = (Project(id = "rogerfs", base = file(".")) aggregate (core, common, test, cassandraStore, shell) settings (instrumentSettings: _*) ) lazy val core = (Project(id = "core", base = file("rogerfs-core")) dependsOn (common, test % "test->compile") settings (instrumentSettings: _*) ) lazy val test = (Project(id = "test", base = file("rogerfs-test")) dependsOn common settings (instrumentSettings: _*) ) lazy val common = (Project(id = "common", base = file("rogerfs-common")) settings (instrumentSettings: _*) ) lazy val cassandraStore= (Project(id="cassandra-store", base = file("rogerfs-cassandra-store")) dependsOn common settings(instrumentSettings: _*)) lazy val shell=(Project(id="shell", base= file("rogerfs-shell")) dependsOn(common,core,cassandraStore, test % "test->compile") settings(instrumentSettings: _*) ) }
object Test { trait A[+X] { protected[this] def f(x: X): X = x } trait B extends A[B] { def kaboom = f(new B {}) } // protected[this] disables variance checking // of the signature of `f`. // // C's parent list unifies A[B] with A[C] // // The protected[this] loophole is widely used // in the collections, every newBuilder method // would fail variance checking otherwise. class C extends B with A[C] { override protected[this] def f(c: C) = c } // java.lang.ClassCastException: B$$anon$1 cannot be cast to C // at C.f(<console>:15) new C().kaboom }
package import breeze.linalg.DenseMatrix import breeze.linalg.inv import breeze.linalg.InjectNumericOps import breeze.linalg.cholesky import import import import import import breeze.linalg.eig import breeze.linalg.diag import import import dk.bayes.math.gaussian.MultivariateGaussian /** * Stochastic update for the parameters (mu,S) of p(v|y) * * Nguyen et al. Collaborative Multi-output Gaussian Processes, 2014 */ object stochasticUpdateV { private val learningRate = 1e-2 def apply(i: Int, lb: LowerBound): MultivariateGaussian = { val model = lb.model val v = model.h(i).u //natural parameters theta val vInv = invchol(cholesky(v.v).t) val theta1 = vInv * v.m val theta2 = -0.5 * vInv val naturalGradEta1 = calcLBGradVEta1(i, lb) val naturalGradEta2 = calcLBGradVEta2(i, lb) val newTheta1 = theta1 + learningRate * naturalGradEta1 val newTheta2 = theta2 + learningRate * naturalGradEta2 // val newTheta2Eig = eig(newTheta2) val invNewTheta2 = inveig(newTheta2)//newTheta2Eig.eigenvectors * diag(1.0 :/ newTheta2Eig.eigenvalues) * newTheta2Eig.eigenvectors.t val newS = -0.5 * invNewTheta2 val newM = lb.model.h(i).covFunc match { case covFunc: CovNoise => v.m case _ => newS * newTheta1 } MultivariateGaussian(newM, newS) } }
package common.runner import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber import org.junit.runner.RunWith @RunWith(classOf[Cucumber]) @CucumberOptions( features = Array("src/test/resources/features/"), glue = Array("common.stepDefs"), tags = Array("@suite"), plugin = Array("pretty", "html:target/cucumber", "json:target/cucumber.json")) class RunSuite
/* * Copyright 2001-2008 Artima, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.scalatest import org.scalatest.matchers.ShouldMatchers import class FunSpecSuite extends FunSuite with SharedHelpers { test("three plain-old specifiers should be invoked in order") { class MySpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers { var example1WasInvoked = false var example2WasInvokedAfterExample1 = false var example3WasInvokedAfterExample2 = false it("should get invoked") { example1WasInvoked = true } it("should also get invoked") { if (example1WasInvoked) example2WasInvokedAfterExample1 = true } it("should also also get invoked") { if (example2WasInvokedAfterExample1) example3WasInvokedAfterExample2 = true } } val a = new MySpec a.execute() assert(a.example1WasInvoked) assert(a.example2WasInvokedAfterExample1) assert(a.example3WasInvokedAfterExample2) } test("three plain-old specifiers should be invoked in order when two are surrounded by a plain-old describe") { class MySpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers { var example1WasInvoked = false var example2WasInvokedAfterExample1 = false var example3WasInvokedAfterExample2 = false it("should get invoked") { example1WasInvoked = true } describe("Stack") { it("should also get invoked") { if (example1WasInvoked) example2WasInvokedAfterExample1 = true } it("should also also get invoked") { if (example2WasInvokedAfterExample1) example3WasInvokedAfterExample2 = true } } } val a = new MySpec a.execute() assert(a.example1WasInvoked) assert(a.example2WasInvokedAfterExample1) assert(a.example3WasInvokedAfterExample2) } test("two plain-old specifiers should show up in order of appearance in testNames") { class MySpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers { var example1WasInvoked = false var example2WasInvokedAfterExample1 = false it("should get invoked") { example1WasInvoked = true } it("should also get invoked") { if (example1WasInvoked) example2WasInvokedAfterExample1 = true } } val a = new MySpec a.execute() assert(a.testNames.size === 2) assert(a.testNames.iterator.toList(0) === "should get invoked") assert(a.testNames.iterator.toList(1) === "should also get invoked") } test("plain-old specifier test names should include an enclosing describe string, separated by a space") { class MySpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers { describe("A Stack") { it("must allow me to pop") {} it("must allow me to push") {} } } val a = new MySpec assert(a.testNames.size === 2) assert(a.testNames.iterator.toList(0) === "A Stack must allow me to pop") assert(a.testNames.iterator.toList(1) === "A Stack must allow me to push") } test("plain-old test names should properly nest plain-old descriptions in test names") { class MySpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers { describe("A Stack") { describe("(when not empty)") { it("must allow me to pop") {} } describe("(when not full)") { it("must allow me to push") {} } } } val a = new MySpec assert(a.testNames.size === 2) assert(a.testNames.iterator.toList(0) === "A Stack (when not empty) must allow me to pop") assert(a.testNames.iterator.toList(1) === "A Stack (when not full) must allow me to push") } test("should be able to mix in BeforeAndAfterEach with BeforeAndAfterAll without any problems") { class MySpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers with BeforeAndAfterEach with BeforeAndAfterAll { describe("A Stack") { describe("(when not empty)") { it("should allow me to pop") {} } describe("(when not full)") { it("should allow me to push") {} } } } val a = new MySpec a.execute() } // Test for good strings in report for top-level examples test("Top-level plain-old specifiers should yield good strings in a TestSucceeded report") { var reportHadCorrectTestName = false var reportHadCorrectSpecText = false var reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = false class MyReporter extends Reporter { def apply(event: Event) { event match { case TestSucceeded(ordinal, suiteName, suiteID, suiteClassName, testName, testText, testEvents, duration, formatter, location, rerunnable, payload, threadName, timeStamp) => if (testName.indexOf("must start with proper words") != -1) reportHadCorrectTestName = true formatter match { case Some(IndentedText(formattedText, rawText, indentationLevel)) => if (rawText == "must start with proper words") reportHadCorrectSpecText = true if (formattedText == "- must start with proper words") reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = true case _ => } case _ => } } } class MySpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers { it("must start with proper words") {} } val a = new MySpec, Args(new MyReporter)) assert(reportHadCorrectTestName) assert(reportHadCorrectSpecText) assert(reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText) } test("Top-level plain-old specifiers should yield good strings in a testSucceeded report") { var reportHadCorrectTestName = false var reportHadCorrectSpecText = false var reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = false class MyReporter extends Reporter { def apply(event: Event) { event match { case TestSucceeded(ordinal, suiteName, suiteID, suiteClassName, testName, testText, testEvents, duration, formatter, location, rerunnable, payload, threadName, timeStamp) => if (testName.indexOf("must start with proper words") != -1) reportHadCorrectTestName = true formatter match { case Some(IndentedText(formattedText, rawText, indentationLevel)) => if (rawText == "must start with proper words") reportHadCorrectSpecText = true if (formattedText == "- must start with proper words") reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = true case _ => } case _ => } } } class MySpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers { it("must start with proper words") {} } val a = new MySpec, Args(new MyReporter)) assert(reportHadCorrectTestName) assert(reportHadCorrectSpecText) assert(reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText) } test("Top-level plain-old specifiers should yield good strings in a testFailed report") { var reportHadCorrectTestName = false var reportHadCorrectSpecText = false var reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = false class MyReporter extends Reporter { def apply(event: Event) { event match { case event: TestFailed => if (event.testName.indexOf("must start with proper words") != -1) reportHadCorrectTestName = true event.formatter match { case Some(IndentedText(formattedText, rawText, indentationLevel)) => if (rawText == "must start with proper words") reportHadCorrectSpecText = true if (formattedText == "- must start with proper words") reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = true case _ => } case _ => } } } class MySpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers { it("must start with proper words") { fail() } } val a = new MySpec, Args(new MyReporter)) assert(reportHadCorrectTestName) assert(reportHadCorrectSpecText) assert(reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText) } // Tests for good strings in report for nested-one-level examples test("Nested-one-level plain-old specifiers should yield good strings in a TestSucceeded report") { var infoReportHadCorrectTestName = false var infoReportHadCorrectSpecText = false var infoReportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = false var reportHadCorrectTestName = false var reportHadCorrectSpecText = false var reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = false var scopeOpenedHasBeenInvoked = false var theOtherMethodHasBeenInvoked = false class MyReporter extends Reporter { def apply(event: Event) { event match { case ScopeOpened(ordinal, message, nameInfo, formatter, location, payload, threadName, timeStamp) => // scopeOpened should be invoked before the other method assert(!theOtherMethodHasBeenInvoked) scopeOpenedHasBeenInvoked = true if (message.indexOf("My Spec") != -1) infoReportHadCorrectTestName = true formatter match { case Some(IndentedText(formattedText, rawText, indentationLevel)) => if (rawText == "My Spec") infoReportHadCorrectSpecText = true if (formattedText == "My Spec") infoReportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = true case _ => } case TestSucceeded(ordinal, suiteName, suiteID, suiteClassName, testName, testText, testEvents, duration, formatter, location, rerunnable, payload, threadName, timeStamp) => // scopeOpened should be invoked before the this method assert(scopeOpenedHasBeenInvoked) theOtherMethodHasBeenInvoked = true if (testName.indexOf("My Spec must start with proper words") != -1) reportHadCorrectTestName = true formatter match { case Some(IndentedText(formattedText, rawText, indentationLevel)) => if (rawText == "must start with proper words") reportHadCorrectSpecText = true if (formattedText == "- must start with proper words") reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = true case _ => } case _ => } } } class MySpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers { describe("My Spec") { it("must start with proper words") {} } } val a = new MySpec, Args(new MyReporter)) assert(reportHadCorrectTestName) assert(reportHadCorrectSpecText) assert(reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText) assert(infoReportHadCorrectTestName) assert(infoReportHadCorrectSpecText) assert(infoReportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText) } test("Nested-one-level plain-old specifiers should yield good strings in a testSucceeded report") { var infoReportHadCorrectTestName = false var infoReportHadCorrectSpecText = false var infoReportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = false var reportHadCorrectTestName = false var reportHadCorrectSpecText = false var reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = false var scopeOpenedHasBeenInvoked = false var theOtherMethodHasBeenInvoked = false class MyReporter extends Reporter { def apply(event: Event) { event match { case ScopeOpened(ordinal, message, nameInfo, formatter, location, payload, threadName, timeStamp) => // scopeOpened should be invoked before the other method assert(!theOtherMethodHasBeenInvoked) scopeOpenedHasBeenInvoked = true if (message.indexOf("My Spec") != -1) infoReportHadCorrectTestName = true formatter match { case Some(IndentedText(formattedText, rawText, indentationLevel)) => if (rawText == "My Spec") infoReportHadCorrectSpecText = true if (formattedText == "My Spec") infoReportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = true case _ => } case TestSucceeded(ordinal, suiteName, suiteID, suiteClassName, testName, testText, testEvents, duration, formatter, location, rerunnable, payload, threadName, timeStamp) => // scopeOpened should be invoked before the this method assert(scopeOpenedHasBeenInvoked) theOtherMethodHasBeenInvoked = true if (testName.indexOf("My Spec must start with proper words") != -1) reportHadCorrectTestName = true formatter match { case Some(IndentedText(formattedText, rawText, indentationLevel)) => if (rawText == "must start with proper words") reportHadCorrectSpecText = true if (formattedText == "- must start with proper words") reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = true case _ => } case _ => } } } class MySpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers { describe("My Spec") { it("must start with proper words") {} } } val a = new MySpec, Args(new MyReporter)) assert(reportHadCorrectTestName) assert(reportHadCorrectSpecText) assert(reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText) assert(infoReportHadCorrectTestName) assert(infoReportHadCorrectSpecText) assert(infoReportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText) } test("Nested-one-level plain-old specifiers should yield good strings in a TestFailed report") { var infoReportHadCorrectTestName = false var infoReportHadCorrectSpecText = false var infoReportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = false var reportHadCorrectTestName = false var reportHadCorrectSpecText = false var reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = false var scopeOpenedHasBeenInvoked = false var theOtherMethodHasBeenInvoked = false class MyReporter extends Reporter { def apply(event: Event) { event match { case ScopeOpened(ordinal, message, nameInfo, formatter, location, payload, threadName, timeStamp) => // scopeOpened should be invoked before the other method assert(!theOtherMethodHasBeenInvoked) scopeOpenedHasBeenInvoked = true if (message.indexOf("My Spec") != -1) infoReportHadCorrectTestName = true formatter match { case Some(IndentedText(formattedText, rawText, indentationLevel)) => if (rawText == "My Spec") infoReportHadCorrectSpecText = true if (formattedText == "My Spec") infoReportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = true case _ => } case event: TestFailed => // scopeOpened should be invoked before the this method assert(scopeOpenedHasBeenInvoked) theOtherMethodHasBeenInvoked = true if (event.testName.indexOf("My Spec must start with proper words") != -1) reportHadCorrectTestName = true event.formatter match { case Some(IndentedText(formattedText, rawText, indentationLevel)) => if (rawText == "must start with proper words") reportHadCorrectSpecText = true if (formattedText == "- must start with proper words") reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = true case _ => } case _ => } } } class MySpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers { describe("My Spec") { it("must start with proper words") { fail() } } } val a = new MySpec, Args(new MyReporter)) assert(reportHadCorrectTestName) assert(reportHadCorrectSpecText) assert(reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText) assert(infoReportHadCorrectTestName) assert(infoReportHadCorrectSpecText) assert(infoReportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText) } // Tests for good strings in report for nested-two-levels examples test("Nested-two-levels plain-old specifiers should yield good strings in a TestSucceeded report") { //ZZZ var infoReportHadCorrectTestName = false var infoReportHadCorrectSpecText = false var infoReportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = false var reportHadCorrectTestName = false var reportHadCorrectSpecText = false var reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = false var scopeOpenedHasBeenInvokedOnce = false var scopeOpenedHasBeenInvokedTwice = false var theOtherMethodHasBeenInvoked = false class MyReporter extends Reporter { def apply(event: Event) { event match { case ScopeOpened(ordinal, message, nameInfo, formatter, location, payload, threadName, timeStamp) => // scopeOpened should be invoked before the other method assert(!theOtherMethodHasBeenInvoked) if (!scopeOpenedHasBeenInvokedOnce) { scopeOpenedHasBeenInvokedOnce = true if (message.indexOf("My") >= 0) infoReportHadCorrectTestName = true formatter match { case Some(IndentedText(formattedText, rawText, indentationLevel)) => if (rawText == "My") infoReportHadCorrectSpecText = true if (formattedText == "My") infoReportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = true case _ => } } else { scopeOpenedHasBeenInvokedTwice = true if (message.indexOf("Spec") < 0) infoReportHadCorrectTestName = false formatter match { case Some(IndentedText(formattedText, rawText, indentationLevel)) => if (rawText != "Spec") infoReportHadCorrectSpecText = false if (formattedText != " Spec") infoReportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = false case _ => } } case TestSucceeded(ordinal, suiteName, suiteID, suiteClassName, testName, testText, testEvents, duration, formatter, location, rerunnable, payload, threadName, timeStamp) => // scopeOpened should be invoked before the this method assert(scopeOpenedHasBeenInvokedTwice) theOtherMethodHasBeenInvoked = true if (testName.indexOf("My Spec must start with proper words") != -1) reportHadCorrectTestName = true formatter match { case Some(IndentedText(formattedText, rawText, indentationLevel)) => if (rawText == "must start with proper words") reportHadCorrectSpecText = true if (formattedText == " - must start with proper words") reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = true case _ => } case _ => } } } class MySpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers { describe("My") { describe("Spec") { it("must start with proper words") {} } } } val a = new MySpec, Args(new MyReporter)) assert(reportHadCorrectTestName) assert(reportHadCorrectSpecText) assert(reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText) assert(infoReportHadCorrectTestName) assert(infoReportHadCorrectSpecText) assert(infoReportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText) } test("Nested-two-levels plain-old specifiers should yield good strings in a TestFailed report") { //YYY var infoReportHadCorrectTestName = false var infoReportHadCorrectSpecText = false var infoReportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = false var reportHadCorrectTestName = false var reportHadCorrectSpecText = false var reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = false var scopeOpenedHasBeenInvokedOnce = false var scopeOpenedHasBeenInvokedTwice = false var theOtherMethodHasBeenInvoked = false class MyReporter extends Reporter { def apply(event: Event) { event match { case ScopeOpened(ordinal, message, nameInfo, formatter, location, payload, threadName, timeStamp) => // scopeOpened should be invoked before the other method assert(!theOtherMethodHasBeenInvoked) if (!scopeOpenedHasBeenInvokedOnce) { scopeOpenedHasBeenInvokedOnce = true if (message.indexOf("My") >= 0) infoReportHadCorrectTestName = true formatter match { case Some(IndentedText(formattedText, rawText, indentationLevel)) => if (rawText == "My") infoReportHadCorrectSpecText = true if (formattedText == "My") infoReportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = true case _ => } } else { scopeOpenedHasBeenInvokedTwice = true if (message.indexOf("Spec") < 0) infoReportHadCorrectTestName = false formatter match { case Some(IndentedText(formattedText, rawText, indentationLevel)) => if (rawText != "Spec") infoReportHadCorrectSpecText = false if (formattedText != " Spec") infoReportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = false case _ => } } case event: TestFailed => // scopeOpened should be invoked before the this method assert(scopeOpenedHasBeenInvokedTwice) theOtherMethodHasBeenInvoked = true if (event.testName.indexOf("My Spec must start with proper words") != -1) reportHadCorrectTestName = true event.formatter match { case Some(IndentedText(formattedText, rawText, indentationLevel)) => if (rawText == "must start with proper words") reportHadCorrectSpecText = true if (formattedText == " - must start with proper words") reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = true case _ => } case _ => } } } class MySpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers { describe("My") { describe("Spec") { it("must start with proper words") { fail() } } } } val a = new MySpec, Args(new MyReporter)) assert(reportHadCorrectTestName) assert(reportHadCorrectSpecText) assert(reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText) assert(infoReportHadCorrectTestName) assert(infoReportHadCorrectSpecText) assert(infoReportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText) } // Test for good strings in report for top-level shared behavior examples test("Top-level 'shared behavior - fancy specifiers' should yield good strings in a TestSucceeded report") { var reportHadCorrectTestName = false var reportHadCorrectSpecText = false var reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = false class MyReporter extends Reporter { def apply(event: Event) { event match { case TestSucceeded(ordinal, suiteName, suiteID, suiteClassName, testName, testText, testEvents, duration, formatter, location, rerunnable, payload, threadName, timeStamp) => if (testName.indexOf("it should start with proper words") != -1) reportHadCorrectTestName = true formatter match { case Some(IndentedText(formattedText, rawText, indentationLevel)) => if (rawText == "it should start with proper words") reportHadCorrectSpecText = true if (formattedText == "- it should start with proper words") reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = true case _ => } case _ => } } } class MySpec extends FunSpec { def myBehavior(i: Int) { it("it should start with proper words") {} } it should behave like myBehavior(1) } val a = new MySpec, Args(new MyReporter)) assert(reportHadCorrectTestName) assert(reportHadCorrectSpecText) assert(reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText) } test("Top-level 'shared behavior - plain-old specifiers' should yield good strings in a TestSucceeded report") { var reportHadCorrectTestName = false var reportHadCorrectSpecText = false var reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = false class MyReporter extends Reporter { def apply(event: Event) { event match { case TestSucceeded(ordinal, suiteName, suiteID, suiteClassName, testName, testText, testEvents, duration, formatter, location, rerunnable, payload, threadName, timeStamp) => if (testName.indexOf("must start with proper words") != -1) reportHadCorrectTestName = true formatter match { case Some(IndentedText(formattedText, rawText, indentationLevel)) => if (rawText == "must start with proper words") reportHadCorrectSpecText = true if (formattedText == "- must start with proper words") reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = true case _ => } case _ => } } } class MySpec extends FunSpec { def myBehavior(i: Int) { it("must start with proper words") {} } it should behave like myBehavior(1) } val a = new MySpec, Args(new MyReporter)) assert(reportHadCorrectTestName) assert(reportHadCorrectSpecText) assert(reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText) } test("Top-level 'shared behavior - plain-old specifiers' should yield good strings in a testSucceeded report") { var reportHadCorrectTestName = false var reportHadCorrectSpecText = false var reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = false class MyReporter extends Reporter { def apply(event: Event) { event match { case TestSucceeded(ordinal, suiteName, suiteID, suiteClassName, testName, testText, testEvents, duration, formatter, location, rerunnable, payload, threadName, timeStamp) => if (testName.indexOf("must start with proper words") != -1) reportHadCorrectTestName = true formatter match { case Some(IndentedText(formattedText, rawText, indentationLevel)) => if (rawText == "must start with proper words") reportHadCorrectSpecText = true if (formattedText == "- must start with proper words") reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = true case _ => } case _ => } } } class MySpec extends FunSpec { def myBehavior(i: Int) { it("must start with proper words") {} } it should behave like myBehavior(1) } val a = new MySpec, Args(new MyReporter)) assert(reportHadCorrectTestName) assert(reportHadCorrectSpecText) assert(reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText) } test("Top-level 'shared behavior - plain-old specifiers' should yield good strings in a TestFailed report") { var reportHadCorrectTestName = false var reportHadCorrectSpecText = false var reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = false class MyReporter extends Reporter { def apply(event: Event) { event match { case event: TestFailed => if (event.testName.indexOf("must start with proper words") != -1) reportHadCorrectTestName = true event.formatter match { case Some(IndentedText(formattedText, rawText, indentationLevel)) => if (rawText == "must start with proper words") reportHadCorrectSpecText = true if (formattedText == "- must start with proper words") reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = true case _ => } case _ => } } } class MySpec extends FunSpec { def myBehavior(i: Int) { it("must start with proper words") { fail() } } it should behave like myBehavior(1) } val a = new MySpec, Args(new MyReporter)) assert(reportHadCorrectTestName) assert(reportHadCorrectSpecText) assert(reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText) } // Tests for good strings in report for shared-behavior, nested-one-level specifiers test("Nested-one-level 'shared behavior' should yield good strings in a TestSucceeded report") { var infoReportHadCorrectTestName = false var infoReportHadCorrectSpecText = false var infoReportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = false var reportHadCorrectTestName = false var reportHadCorrectSpecText = false var reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = false var scopeOpenedHasBeenInvoked = false var theOtherMethodHasBeenInvoked = false class MyReporter extends Reporter { def apply(event: Event) { event match { case ScopeOpened(ordinal, message, nameInfo, formatter, location, payload, threadName, timeStamp) => // scopeOpened should be invoked before the other method assert(!theOtherMethodHasBeenInvoked) scopeOpenedHasBeenInvoked = true if (message.indexOf("My Spec") != -1) infoReportHadCorrectTestName = true formatter match { case Some(IndentedText(formattedText, rawText, indentationLevel)) => if (rawText == "My Spec") infoReportHadCorrectSpecText = true if (formattedText == "My Spec") infoReportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = true case _ => } case TestSucceeded(ordinal, suiteName, suiteID, suiteClassName, testName, testText, testEvents, duration, formatter, location, rerunnable, payload, threadName, timeStamp) => // scopeOpened should be invoked before the this method assert(scopeOpenedHasBeenInvoked) theOtherMethodHasBeenInvoked = true if (testName.indexOf("My Spec should start with proper words") != -1) reportHadCorrectTestName = true formatter match { case Some(IndentedText(formattedText, rawText, indentationLevel)) => if (rawText == "should start with proper words") reportHadCorrectSpecText = true if (formattedText == "- should start with proper words") reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText = true case _ => } case _ => } } } class MySpec extends FunSpec { def myBehavior(i: Int) { it("should start with proper words") {} } describe("My Spec") { it should behave like myBehavior(1) } } val a = new MySpec, Args(new MyReporter)) assert(reportHadCorrectTestName) assert(reportHadCorrectSpecText) assert(reportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText) assert(infoReportHadCorrectTestName) assert(infoReportHadCorrectSpecText) assert(infoReportHadCorrectFormattedSpecText) } // Huh? what was I testing here? test("An empty describe shouldn't throw an exception") { class MySpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers { describe("this will be empty") {} } val a = new MySpec a.execute() } test("Only a passed test name should be invoked.") { var correctTestWasInvoked = false var wrongTestWasInvoked = false class MySpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers { it("it should be invoked") { correctTestWasInvoked = true } it("it should not be invoked") { wrongTestWasInvoked = true } } val a = new MySpec"it should be invoked"), Args(StubReporter)) assert(correctTestWasInvoked) assert(!wrongTestWasInvoked) } test("Config map should make it through to runTest") { var foundMyGoodie = false class MySpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers { override def runTest(testName: String, args: Args): Status = { foundMyGoodie = args.configMap.contains("my goodie") super.runTest(testName, args) } it("it should find my goodie") {} } val a = new MySpec, Args(StubReporter, Stopper.default, Filter(), Map("my goodie" -> "hi"), None, new Tracker, Set.empty)) assert(foundMyGoodie) } // I think delete this one. Repeat. test("In a TestSucceeded report, the example name should start with '<description> should' if nested two levels inside describe clauses") { var testSucceededReportHadCorrectTestName = false class MyReporter extends Reporter { def apply(event: Event) { event match { case TestSucceeded(ordinal, suiteName, suiteID, suiteClassName, testName, testText, testEvents, duration, formatter, location, rerunnable, payload, threadName, timeStamp) => if (testName.indexOf("A Stack (when working right) should push and pop properly") != -1) { testSucceededReportHadCorrectTestName = true } case _ => } } } class MySpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers { describe("A Stack") { describe("(when working right)") { it("should push and pop properly") {} } } } val a = new MySpec, Args(new MyReporter)) assert(testSucceededReportHadCorrectTestName) } test("expectedTestCount is the number of plain-old specifiers if no shares") { class MySpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers { it("must one") {} it("must two") {} describe("behavior") { it("must three") {} it("must four") {} } it("must five") {} } val a = new MySpec assert(a.expectedTestCount(Filter()) === 5) } // Testing strings sent in reports test("In a TestSucceeded report, the example name should be verbatim if top level if example registered with it") { var testSucceededReportHadCorrectTestName = false class MyReporter extends Reporter { def apply(event: Event) { event match { case TestSucceeded(ordinal, suiteName, suiteID, suiteClassName, testName, testText, testEvents, duration, formatter, location, rerunnable, payload, threadName, timeStamp) => if (testName.indexOf("this thing must start with proper words") != -1) { testSucceededReportHadCorrectTestName = true } case _ => } } } class MySpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers { it("this thing must start with proper words") {} } val a = new MySpec, Args(new MyReporter)) assert(testSucceededReportHadCorrectTestName) } test("In a testSucceeded report, the example name should be verbatim if top level if example registered with it") { var testSucceededReportHadCorrectTestName = false class MyReporter extends Reporter { def apply(event: Event) { event match { case TestSucceeded(ordinal, suiteName, suiteID, suiteClassName, testName, testText, testEvents, duration, formatter, location, rerunnable, payload, threadName, timeStamp) => if (testName.indexOf("this thing must start with proper words") != -1) { testSucceededReportHadCorrectTestName = true } case _ => } } } class MySpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers { it("this thing must start with proper words") {} } val a = new MySpec, Args(new MyReporter)) assert(testSucceededReportHadCorrectTestName) } test("In a TestFailed report, the example name should be verbatim if top level if example registered with it") { var testFailedReportHadCorrectTestName = false class MyReporter extends Reporter { def apply(event: Event) { event match { case event: TestFailed => if (event.testName.indexOf("this thing must start with proper words") != -1) testFailedReportHadCorrectTestName = true case _ => } } } class MySpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers { it("this thing must start with proper words") { fail() } } val a = new MySpec, Args(new MyReporter)) assert(testFailedReportHadCorrectTestName) } test("In a TestStarting report, the example name should start with '<description> ' if nested one level " + "inside a describe clause and registered with it") { var testSucceededReportHadCorrectTestName = false class MyReporter extends Reporter { def apply(event: Event) { event match { case TestStarting(_, _, _, _, testName, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) => if (testName == "A Stack needs to push and pop properly") { testSucceededReportHadCorrectTestName = true } case _ => } } } class MySpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers { describe("A Stack") { it("needs to push and pop properly") {} } } val a = new MySpec, Args(new MyReporter)) assert(testSucceededReportHadCorrectTestName) } test("Specs should send defined formatters") { class MyReporter extends Reporter { var gotAnUndefinedFormatter = false var lastEventWithUndefinedFormatter: Option[Event] = None private def ensureFormatterIsDefined(event: Event) { if (!event.formatter.isDefined) { gotAnUndefinedFormatter = true lastEventWithUndefinedFormatter = Some(event) } } def apply(event: Event) { event match { case event: RunAborted => ensureFormatterIsDefined(event) case event: SuiteAborted => ensureFormatterIsDefined(event) case event: SuiteStarting => ensureFormatterIsDefined(event) case event: SuiteCompleted => ensureFormatterIsDefined(event) case event: TestStarting => ensureFormatterIsDefined(event) case event: TestSucceeded => ensureFormatterIsDefined(event) case event: TestIgnored => ensureFormatterIsDefined(event) case event: TestFailed => ensureFormatterIsDefined(event) case event: InfoProvided => ensureFormatterIsDefined(event) case _ => } } } class MySpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers { it("it should send defined formatters") { assert(true) } it("it should also send defined formatters") { assert(false) } } val a = new MySpec val myRep = new MyReporter, Args(myRep)) assert(!myRep.gotAnUndefinedFormatter, myRep.lastEventWithUndefinedFormatter.toString) } test("SpecText should come through correctly in a SpecReport when registering with it") { var testSucceededReportHadCorrectSpecText = false var lastSpecText: Option[String] = None class MyReporter extends Reporter { def apply(event: Event) { event match { case TestSucceeded(ordinal, suiteName, suiteID, suiteClassName, testName, testText, testEvents, duration, formatter, location, rerunnable, payload, threadName, timeStamp) => formatter match { case Some(IndentedText(formattedText, rawText, indentationLevel)) => if (rawText == "My spec text must have the proper words") testSucceededReportHadCorrectSpecText = true else lastSpecText = Some(rawText) case _ => throw new RuntimeException("Got a non-SpecReport") } case _ => } } } class MySpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers { it("My spec text must have the proper words") {} } val a = new MySpec, Args(new MyReporter)) assert(testSucceededReportHadCorrectSpecText, lastSpecText match { case Some(s) => s; case None => "No report"}) } test("Spec text should come through correctly in a SpecReport when registering with it when nested in one describe") { var testSucceededReportHadCorrectSpecText = false var lastSpecText: Option[String] = None class MyReporter extends Reporter { def apply(event: Event) { event match { case TestSucceeded(ordinal, suiteName, suiteID, suiteClassName, testName, testText, testEvents, duration, formatter, location, rerunnable, payload, threadName, timeStamp) => formatter match { case Some(IndentedText(formattedText, rawText, indentationLevel)) => if (rawText == "My short name must have the proper words") testSucceededReportHadCorrectSpecText = true else lastSpecText = Some(rawText) case _ => throw new RuntimeException("Got a non-SpecReport") } case _ => } } } class MySpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers { describe("A Stack") { it("My short name must have the proper words") {} } } val a = new MySpec, Args(new MyReporter)) assert(testSucceededReportHadCorrectSpecText, lastSpecText match { case Some(s) => s; case None => "No report"}) } test("Spec text should come through correctly in a SpecReport when registering with it when nested in two describes") { var testSucceededReportHadCorrectSpecText = false var lastSpecText: Option[String] = None class MyReporter extends Reporter { def apply(event: Event) { event match { case TestSucceeded(ordinal, suiteName, suiteID, suiteClassName, testName, testText, testEvents, duration, formatter, location, rerunnable, payload, threadName, timeStamp) => formatter match { case Some(IndentedText(formattedText, rawText, indentationLevel)) => if (rawText == "My short name must have the proper words") testSucceededReportHadCorrectSpecText = true else lastSpecText = Some(rawText) case _ => throw new RuntimeException("Got a non-SpecReport") } case _ => } } } class MySpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers { describe("A Stack") { describe("(when empty)") { it("My short name must have the proper words") {} } } } val a = new MySpec, Args(new MyReporter)) assert(testSucceededReportHadCorrectSpecText, lastSpecText match { case Some(s) => s; case None => "No report"}) } test("Should get ScopeOpened with description if one and only one describe clause") { val expectedSpecText = "A Stack" class MyReporter extends Reporter { var scopeOpenedCalled = false var expectedMessageReceived = false def apply(event: Event) { event match { case event: ScopeOpened => event.formatter match { case Some(IndentedText(formattedText, rawText, indentationLevel)) => scopeOpenedCalled = true if (!expectedMessageReceived) { expectedMessageReceived = (rawText == expectedSpecText) } case _ => } case _ => } } } class MySpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers { describe("A Stack") { it("should allow me to push") {} } } val a = new MySpec val myRep = new MyReporter, Args(myRep)) assert(myRep.scopeOpenedCalled) assert(myRep.expectedMessageReceived) } // Testing Shared behaviors test("a shared specifier invoked with 'should behave like a' should get invoked") { class MySpec extends FunSpec with BeforeAndAfterEach with BeforeAndAfterAll { var sharedExampleInvoked = false def invocationVerifier(i: Int) { it("should be invoked") { sharedExampleInvoked = true } } describe("A Stack") { describe("(when not empty)") { it("should allow me to pop") {} it should behave like invocationVerifier(1) } describe("(when not full)") { it("should allow me to push") {} } } } val a = new MySpec a.execute() assert(a.sharedExampleInvoked) } test("two examples in a shared behavior should get invoked") { class MySpec extends FunSpec with BeforeAndAfterEach with BeforeAndAfterAll { var sharedExampleInvoked = false var sharedExampleAlsoInvoked = false def invocationVerifier(i: Int) { it("should be invoked") { sharedExampleInvoked = true } it("should also be invoked") { sharedExampleAlsoInvoked = true } } describe("A Stack") { describe("(when not empty)") { it("should allow me to pop") {} it should behave like invocationVerifier(1) } describe("(when not full)") { it("should allow me to push") {} } } } val a = new MySpec a.execute() assert(a.sharedExampleInvoked) assert(a.sharedExampleAlsoInvoked) } test("three examples in a shared behavior should be invoked in order") { class MySpec extends FunSpec { var example1WasInvoked = false var example2WasInvokedAfterExample1 = false var example3WasInvokedAfterExample2 = false def invocationVerifier(i: Int) { it("should get invoked") { example1WasInvoked = true } it("should also get invoked") { if (example1WasInvoked) example2WasInvokedAfterExample1 = true } it("should also also get invoked") { if (example2WasInvokedAfterExample1) example3WasInvokedAfterExample2 = true } } it should behave like invocationVerifier(1) } val a = new MySpec a.execute() assert(a.example1WasInvoked) assert(a.example2WasInvokedAfterExample1) assert(a.example3WasInvokedAfterExample2) } test("three examples in a shared behavior should not get invoked at all if the behavior isn't used in a like clause") { class MySpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers { var example1WasInvoked = false var example2WasInvokedAfterExample1 = false var example3WasInvokedAfterExample2 = false def invocationVerifier(i: Int) { it("should get invoked") { example1WasInvoked = true } it("should also get invoked") { if (example1WasInvoked) example2WasInvokedAfterExample1 = true } it("should also also get invoked") { if (example2WasInvokedAfterExample1) example3WasInvokedAfterExample2 = true } } // don't use it: behaves like (an InvocationVerifier()) } val a = new MySpec a.execute() assert(!a.example1WasInvoked) assert(!a.example2WasInvokedAfterExample1) assert(!a.example3WasInvokedAfterExample2) } // Probably delete test("The test name for a shared specifier invoked with 'should behave like a' should be verbatim if top level") { var testSucceededReportHadCorrectTestName = false class MyReporter extends Reporter { def apply(event: Event) { event match { case TestSucceeded(ordinal, suiteName, suiteID, suiteClassName, testName, testText, testEvents, duration, formatter, location, rerunnable, payload, threadName, timeStamp) => if (testName.indexOf("it should be invoked") != -1) { testSucceededReportHadCorrectTestName = true } case _ => } } } class MySpec extends FunSpec with BeforeAndAfterEach with BeforeAndAfterAll { var sharedExampleInvoked = false def invocationVerifier(i: Int) { it("it should be invoked") { sharedExampleInvoked = true } } it should behave like invocationVerifier(1) } val a = new MySpec, Args(new MyReporter)) assert(testSucceededReportHadCorrectTestName) } ignore("The example name for a shared example invoked with 'it should behave like' should start with '<description> should' if nested one level in a describe clause") { var testSucceededReportHadCorrectTestName = false class MyReporter extends Reporter { def apply(event: Event) { event match { case TestSucceeded(ordinal, suiteName, suiteID, suiteClassName, testName, testText, testEvents, duration, formatter, location, rerunnable, payload, threadName, timeStamp) => if (testName.indexOf("A Stack should pop properly") != -1) { testSucceededReportHadCorrectTestName = true } case _ => } } } class MySpec extends FunSpec { var sharedExampleInvoked = false def invocationVerifier(i: Int) { it("should pop properly") { sharedExampleInvoked = true } } describe("A Stack") { it should behave like invocationVerifier(1) } } val a = new MySpec, Args(new MyReporter)) assert(testSucceededReportHadCorrectTestName) } test("expectedTestCount should not include tests in shares if never called") { class MySpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers { class Misbehavior extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers { it("should six") {} it("should seven") {} } it("should one") {} it("should two") {} describe("behavior") { it("should three") {} it("should four") {} } it("should five") {} } val a = new MySpec assert(a.expectedTestCount(Filter()) === 5) } test("expectedTestCount should include tests in a share that is called") { class MySpec extends FunSpec { def misbehavior(i: Int) { it("should six") {} it("should seven") {} } it("should one") {} it("should two") {} describe("behavior") { it("should three") {} it should behave like misbehavior(1) it("should four") {} } it("should five") {} } val a = new MySpec assert(a.expectedTestCount(Filter()) === 7) } test("expectedTestCount should include tests in a share that is called twice") { class MySpec extends FunSpec { def misbehavior(i: Int) { it("should six") {} it("should seven") {} } it("should one") {} it("should two") {} describe("behavior") { it("should three") {} it should behave like misbehavior(1) it("should four") {} } it("should five") {} it should behave like misbehavior(1) } val a = new MySpec assert(a.expectedTestCount(Filter()) === 9) } test("Spec's expectedTestCount includes tests in nested suites") { class TwoTestSpec extends FunSpec { it("should count this test") {} it("should count this test also") {} } class MySpec extends FunSpec { override def nestedSuites = Vector(new TwoTestSpec, new TwoTestSpec, new TwoTestSpec) it("should count this here test") {} } val mySpec = new MySpec assert(mySpec.expectedTestCount(Filter()) === 7) } // End of Share stuff ignore("should be able to send info to the reporter") { // Can't do this yet, no info in Spec yet // UPDATE 27 August Chee Seng: Probably need to use recordedEvents now. val expectedMessage = "this is the expected message" class MyReporter extends Reporter { var infoProvidedCalled = false var expectedMessageReceived = false def apply(event: Event) { event match { case event: InfoProvided => infoProvidedCalled = true if (!expectedMessageReceived) { expectedMessageReceived = event.message.indexOf(expectedMessage) != -1 } case _ => } } } class MySpec extends FunSpec with ShouldMatchers { describe("A Stack") { describe("(when not empty)") { it("should allow me to pop") { info(expectedMessage) () } } describe("(when not full)") { it("should allow me to push") {} } } } val a = new MySpec val myRep = new MyReporter, Args(myRep)) assert(myRep.infoProvidedCalled) assert(myRep.expectedMessageReceived) } test("that a null specText results in a thrown NPE at construction time") { intercept[NullPointerException] { new FunSpec { it(null) {} } } intercept[NullPointerException] { new FunSpec { ignore(null) {} } } } test("test durations are included in TestFailed and TestSucceeded events fired from Spec") { class MySpec extends FunSpec { it("should succeed") {} it("should fail") { fail() } } val mySpec = new MySpec val myReporter = new TestDurationReporter, Args(myReporter, Stopper.default, Filter(), Map(), None, new Tracker(new Ordinal(99)), Set.empty)) assert(myReporter.testSucceededWasFiredAndHadADuration) assert(myReporter.testFailedWasFiredAndHadADuration) } test("suite durations are included in SuiteCompleted events fired from Spec") { class MySpec extends FunSpec { override def nestedSuites = Vector(new Suite {}) } val mySuite = new MySpec val myReporter = new SuiteDurationReporter, Args(myReporter, Stopper.default, Filter(), Map(), None, new Tracker(new Ordinal(99)), Set.empty)) assert(myReporter.suiteCompletedWasFiredAndHadADuration) } test("suite durations are included in SuiteAborted events fired from Spec") { class SuiteThatAborts extends Suite { override def run(testName: Option[String], args: Args): Status = { throw new RuntimeException("Aborting for testing purposes") } } class MySpec extends FunSpec { override def nestedSuites = Vector(new SuiteThatAborts {}) } val mySuite = new MySpec val myReporter = new SuiteDurationReporter, Args(myReporter, Stopper.default, Filter(), Map(), None, new Tracker(new Ordinal(99)), Set.empty)) assert(myReporter.suiteAbortedWasFiredAndHadADuration) } test("pending in a Spec should cause TestPending to be fired") { class MySpec extends FunSpec { it("should be pending") (pending) } val mySuite = new MySpec val myReporter = new PendingReporter, Args(myReporter, Stopper.default, Filter(), Map(), None, new Tracker(new Ordinal(99)), Set.empty)) assert(myReporter.testPendingWasFired) } }
package com.ometer.mongo import com.ometer.ClassAnalysis import com.ometer.bson.BsonAST.BObject import com.mongodb.DBObject import org.bson.types.ObjectId /** * Trait typically added to the companion object for an entity case class. * This trait's interface supports operations on the collection itself. * Here, the trait doesn't have knowledge of a specific MongoDB implementation * (Hammersmith, Casbah, etc.) */ abstract trait CollectionOperations[EntityType <: Product, CaseClassIdType, BObjectIdType] { /** * This method performs any one-time-on-startup setup for the collection, such as ensuring an index. * The app will need to somehow arrange to call this for each collection to use this feature. */ def migrate() : Unit = {} /** Synchronous DAO returning BObject values from the collection */ val bobjectSyncDAO : BObjectSyncDAO[BObjectIdType] /** Synchronous DAO returning case class entity values from the collection */ val caseClassSyncDAO : CaseClassSyncDAO[BObject, EntityType, CaseClassIdType] /** * You have to override this from a class, because traits can't * put the ": Manifest" annotation on their type parameters. */ protected val manifestOfEntityType : Manifest[EntityType] /** * This lets you write a function that generically works for either the case class or * BObject results. So for example you can implement query logic that supports * both kinds of result. */ def syncDAO[E : Manifest] : SyncDAO[BObject, E, ObjectId] = { manifest[E] match { case m if m == manifest[BObject] => bobjectSyncDAO.asInstanceOf[SyncDAO[BObject, E, ObjectId]] case m if m == manifestOfEntityType => caseClassSyncDAO.asInstanceOf[SyncDAO[BObject, E, ObjectId]] case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing type param on syncDAO[T]? add the [T]? No DAO returns type: " + manifest[E]) } } }
package com.overviewdocs.models.tables import com.overviewdocs.database.Slick.api._ import com.overviewdocs.models.UploadedFile import java.sql.Timestamp class UploadedFilesImpl(tag: Tag) extends Table[UploadedFile](tag, "uploaded_file") { def id = column[Long]("id", O.PrimaryKey) def contentDisposition = column[String]("content_disposition") def contentType = column[String]("content_type") def size = column[Long]("size") def uploadedAt = column[Timestamp]("uploaded_at") def * = (id, contentDisposition, contentType, size, uploadedAt) <> ((UploadedFile.apply _).tupled, UploadedFile.unapply) def createAttributes = (contentDisposition, contentType, size, uploadedAt) <> (UploadedFile.CreateAttributes.tupled, UploadedFile.CreateAttributes.unapply) def updateAttributes = (size, uploadedAt) <> (UploadedFile.UpdateAttributes.tupled, UploadedFile.UpdateAttributes.unapply) } object UploadedFiles extends TableQuery(new UploadedFilesImpl(_))
package geotrellis.config.json import geotrellis.config._ import geotrellis.spark.etl.config.BackendProfile import geotrellis.spark.etl.config.json._ import spray.json.RootJsonFormat import spray.json._ import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._ import java.time.{LocalDate, ZoneOffset, ZonedDateTime} trait ConfigFormats { implicit object ZonedDateTimeFormat extends RootJsonFormat[ZonedDateTime] { def write(zdt: ZonedDateTime): JsValue = zdt.formatted("yyyy-MM-dd").toJson def read(value: JsValue): ZonedDateTime = value match { case JsString(time) => LocalDate.parse(time).atStartOfDay(ZoneOffset.UTC) case _ => throw new DeserializationException("LocalDate must be a valid string.") } } implicit val accumuloProfileFormat = jsonFormat5(Validation) implicit object TileTypeFormat extends RootJsonFormat[TileType] { def write(tt: TileType): JsValue = def read(value: JsValue): TileType = value match { case JsString(tt) => TileType.fromName(tt) case _ => throw new DeserializationException("TileType must be a valid string.") } } implicit object IngestTypeFormat extends RootJsonFormat[IngestType] { def write(it: IngestType): JsValue = def read(value: JsValue): IngestType = value match { case JsString(it) => IngestType.fromName(it) case _ => throw new DeserializationException("IngestType must be a valid string.") } } implicit val attributesFormat = jsonFormat2(Attributes) case class DatasetFormat(bp: Map[String, BackendProfile]) extends RootJsonFormat[Dataset] { val iformat = InputFormat(bp) val oformat = OutputFormat(bp) def write(o: Dataset): JsValue = JsObject( "input" -> iformat.write(o.input), "output" -> oformat.write(o.output), "validation" -> o.validation.toJson, "attributes" -> o.attributes.toJson ) def read(value: JsValue): Dataset = value match { case JsObject(fields) => Dataset( input ="input")), output ="output")), validation = fields("validation").convertTo[Validation], attributes = fields("attributes").convertTo[Attributes] ) case _ => throw new DeserializationException("Dataset must be a valid json object.") } } case class DatasetsFormat(bp: Map[String, BackendProfile]) extends RootJsonFormat[List[Dataset]] { val dformat = DatasetFormat(bp) def write(l: List[Dataset]): JsValue = def read(value: JsValue): List[Dataset] = value match { case JsArray(fields) => case _ => throw new DeserializationException("Dataset must be a valid json object.") } } }
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\ * @ @ * * # # # # (c) 2017 CAB * * # # # # # # * * # # # # # # # # # # # # * * # # # # # # # # # * * # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # * * # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # * * # # # # # # # # # # # # # * * # # # # # # # # # # # # # # * * # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # * * @ @ * \* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package import mathact.core.bricks.blocks.{Block, BlockContext} /** Empty block * Created by CAB on 24.10.2016. */ class EmptyBlock(implicit blockContext: BlockContext) extends Block(blockContext){ //Variables private var _name: Option[String] = None private var _imagePath: Option[String] = None //DSL def name_=(v: String) { _name = v match{case "" ⇒ None; case s ⇒ Some(s)} } def name = _name def imagePath_=(v: String) { _imagePath = v match{case "" ⇒ None; case s ⇒ Some(s)} } def imagePath = _imagePath //Abstract callbacks (will called by system after sketch will constructed) private[mathact] def blockName: Option[String] = _name private[mathact] def blockImagePath: Option[String] = _imagePath //TODO Add more }
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.mxnetexamples.visualization import org.apache.mxnet.Symbol /** * @author Depeng Liang */ object LeNet { def getSymbol(numClasses: Int = 10): Symbol = { val data = Symbol.Variable("data") // first conv val conv1 = Symbol.Convolution()()( Map("data" -> data, "kernel" -> "(5, 5)", "num_filter" -> 20)) val tanh1 = Symbol.Activation()()(Map("data" -> conv1, "act_type" -> "tanh")) val pool1 = Symbol.Pooling()()(Map("data" -> tanh1, "pool_type" -> "max", "kernel" -> "(2, 2)", "stride" -> "(2, 2)")) // second conv val conv2 = Symbol.Convolution()()( Map("data" -> pool1, "kernel" -> "(5, 5)", "num_filter" -> 50)) val tanh2 = Symbol.Activation()()(Map("data" -> conv2, "act_type" -> "tanh")) val pool2 = Symbol.Pooling()()(Map("data" -> tanh2, "pool_type" -> "max", "kernel" -> "(2, 2)", "stride" -> "(2, 2)")) // first fullc val flatten = Symbol.Flatten()()(Map("data" -> pool2)) val fc1 = Symbol.FullyConnected()()(Map("data" -> flatten, "num_hidden" -> 500)) val tanh3 = Symbol.Activation()()(Map("data" -> fc1, "act_type" -> "tanh")) // second fullc val fc2 = Symbol.FullyConnected()()( Map("data" -> tanh3, "num_hidden" -> numClasses)) // loss val lenet = Symbol.SoftmaxOutput(name = "softmax")()(Map("data" -> fc2)) lenet } }
package utils.credentials trait SaltGenerator { def generateSalt(): String } object SaltGeneratorUUID extends SaltGenerator { def generateSalt = java.util.UUID.randomUUID.toString }
package org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.annotator.gutter /** * Pavel.Fatin, 21.01.2010 */ class PrefaceImportContainerTest extends LineMarkerTestBase { protected override def getBasePath = super.getBasePath + "/preface/import/container/" def testBlock(): Unit = doTest() def testClass(): Unit = doTest() def testFunctionDefinition(): Unit = doTest() def testObject(): Unit = doTest() def testPackageContainer(): Unit = doTest() def testTrait(): Unit = doTest() }
/* * Copyright (c) 2014-2020 by The Monix Project Developers. * See the project homepage at: * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package monix.reactive.internal.operators import monix.eval.Task import monix.execution.Ack.Continue import monix.execution.FutureUtils.extensions._ import monix.execution.Scheduler import monix.reactive.Observable.{empty, now} import monix.execution.exceptions.DummyException import monix.reactive.subjects.PublishSubject import monix.reactive.{Observable, Observer} import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration.Zero import scala.concurrent.duration._ object MergeOneSuite extends BaseOperatorSuite { def createObservable(sourceCount: Int) = Some { val o = Observable.range(0L, sourceCount.toLong).mergeMap(i => Sample(o, count(sourceCount), sum(sourceCount), Zero, Zero) } def count(sourceCount: Int) = sourceCount def waitForFirst = Duration.Zero def waitForNext = Duration.Zero def observableInError(sourceCount: Int, ex: Throwable) = if (sourceCount <= 1) { val o = => Observable.raiseError(ex)) Some(Sample(o, 0, 0, Zero, Zero)) } else Some { val o = Observable .range(0L, sourceCount.toLong) .endWithError(ex) .mergeMap(i => Sample(o, count(sourceCount), sum(sourceCount), Zero, Zero) } def sum(sourceCount: Int) = { sourceCount * (sourceCount - 1) / 2 } def brokenUserCodeObservable(sourceCount: Int, ex: Throwable) = Some { val o = Observable.range(0L, sourceCount.toLong).flatMap { i => if (i == sourceCount - 1) throw ex else } Sample(o, count(sourceCount - 1), sum(sourceCount - 1), Zero, Zero) } def toList[A](o: Observable[A])(implicit s: Scheduler) = { o.foldLeft(Vector.empty[A])(_ :+ _) .runAsyncGetLast .map(_.getOrElse(Vector.empty)) } override def cancelableObservables(): Seq[Sample] = { val sample1 = Observable .range(1, 100) .mergeMap(x => val sample2 = Observable .range(0, 100) .delayOnNext(1.second) .mergeMap(x => Seq( Sample(sample1, 0, 0, 0.seconds, 0.seconds), Sample(sample1, 0, 0, 1.seconds, 0.seconds), Sample(sample2, 0, 0, 0.seconds, 0.seconds), Sample(sample2, 0, 0, 1.seconds, 0.seconds) ) } test("filter can be expressed in terms of mergeMap, without ordering") { implicit s => val obs1 = Observable.range(0, 100).filter(_ % 2 == 0) val obs2 = Observable.range(0, 100).mergeMap(x => if (x % 2 == 0) now(x) else empty) val lst1 = toList(obs1) val lst2 = toList(obs2) s.tick() assert(lst1.isCompleted && lst2.isCompleted) assertEquals(lst1.value.get, lst2.value.get) } test("map can be expressed in terms of mergeMap, without ordering") { implicit s => val obs1 = Observable.range(0, 100).map(_ + 10) val obs2 = Observable.range(0, 100).mergeMap(x => now(x + 10)) val lst1 = toList(obs1) val lst2 = toList(obs2) s.tick() assert(lst1.isCompleted && lst2.isCompleted) assertEquals(lst1.value.get, lst2.value.get) } test("should wait the completion of the current, before subscribing to the next") { implicit s => var obs2WasStarted = false var received = 0L var wasCompleted = false val obs1 = PublishSubject[Long]() val obs2 = Observable.range(1, 100).map { x => obs2WasStarted = true; x } Observable .fromIterable(Seq(obs1, obs2)) .flatten .unsafeSubscribeFn(new Observer[Long] { def onNext(elem: Long) = { received += elem if (elem == 1000) Future.delayedResult(1.second)(Continue) else Continue } def onError(ex: Throwable) = () def onComplete() = wasCompleted = true }) s.tickOne() assertEquals(received, 0) obs1.onNext(10) assertEquals(received, 10) val f = obs1.onNext(1000) assertEquals(received, 1010) f.onComplete(_ => obs1.onComplete()) s.tick() assert(!obs2WasStarted) s.tick(1.second) assert(obs2WasStarted) assertEquals(received, 1010 + 99 * 50) assert(wasCompleted) } test("should interrupt the streaming on error") { implicit s => var obs1WasStarted = false var obs2WasStarted = false var wasThrown: Throwable = null val sub = PublishSubject[Long]() val obs1 = sub.doOnStart(_ => Task { obs1WasStarted = true }) val obs2 = Observable.range(1, 100).map { x => obs2WasStarted = true; x } Observable .fromIterable(Seq(obs1, obs2)) .flatten .unsafeSubscribeFn(new Observer[Long] { def onNext(elem: Long) = Continue def onError(ex: Throwable) = wasThrown = ex def onComplete() = () }) s.tick() sub.onNext(1) assert(obs1WasStarted) sub.onError(DummyException("dummy")) s.tick() assertEquals(wasThrown, DummyException("dummy")) assert(!obs2WasStarted) } }
package sbtappengine import java.util.Properties import sbt._ import spray.revolver.RevolverPlugin import sbtappengine.Compat.{Process, _} @deprecated("will be removed. use enablePlugins(AppenginePlugin)", "0.7.0") object Plugin { val AppengineKeys = AppenginePlugin.autoImport.AppengineKeys val appengineSettings = AppenginePlugin.projectSettings } object AppenginePlugin extends AutoPlugin { import Keys._ import Def.Initialize import com.earldouglas.xwp.ContainerPlugin import com.earldouglas.xwp.WarPlugin import com.earldouglas.xwp.WebappPlugin.autoImport.webappPrepare import spray.revolver import revolver.Actions._ import revolver.Utilities._ override def requires = sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin && WarPlugin && ContainerPlugin object autoImport { @deprecated("", "") object AppengineKeys extends revolver.RevolverKeys lazy val appengineRequestLogs = InputKey[Unit]("appengine-request-logs", "Write request logs in Apache common log format.") lazy val appengineRollback = InputKey[Unit]("appengine-rollback", "Rollback an in-progress update.") lazy val appengineDeploy = InputKey[Unit]("appengine-deploy", "Create or update an app version.") lazy val appengineDeployBackends = InputKey[Unit]("appengine-deploy-backends", "Update the specified backend or all backends.") lazy val appengineRollbackBackend = InputKey[Unit]("appengine-rollback-backends", "Roll back a previously in-progress update.") lazy val appengineConfigBackends = InputKey[Unit]("appengine-config-backends", "Configure the specified backend.") lazy val appengineStartBackend = InputKey[Unit]("appengine-start-backend", "Start the specified backend.") lazy val appengineStopBackend = InputKey[Unit]("appengine-stop-backend", "Stop the specified backend.") lazy val appengineDeleteBackend = InputKey[Unit]("appengine-delete-backend", "Delete the specified backend.") lazy val appengineDeployIndexes = InputKey[Unit]("appengine-deploy-indexes", "Update application indexes.") lazy val appengineDeployCron = InputKey[Unit]("appengine-deploy-cron", "Update application cron jobs.") lazy val appengineDeployQueues = InputKey[Unit]("appengine-deploy-queues", "Update application task queue definitions.") lazy val appengineDeployDos = InputKey[Unit]("appengine-deploy-dos", "Update application DoS protection configuration.") lazy val appengineCronInfo = InputKey[Unit]("appengine-cron-info", "Displays times for the next several runs of each cron job.") lazy val appengineDevServer = InputKey[revolver.AppProcess]("appengine-dev-server", "Run application through development server.") lazy val appengineStopDevServer = TaskKey[Unit]("appengine-stop-dev-server", "Stop development server.") lazy val appengineEnhance = TaskKey[Unit]("appengine-enhance", "Execute ORM enhancement.") lazy val appengineEnhanceCheck = TaskKey[Unit]("appengine-enhance-check", "Just check the classes for enhancement status.") lazy val appengineOnStartHooks = SettingKey[Seq[() => Unit]]("appengine-on-start-hooks") lazy val appengineOnStopHooks = SettingKey[Seq[() => Unit]]("appengine-on-stop-hooks") lazy val appengineApiToolsJar = SettingKey[String]("appengine-api-tools-jar", "Name of the development startup executable jar.") lazy val appengineApiToolsPath = SettingKey[File]("appengine-api-tools-path", "Path of the development startup executable jar.") lazy val appengineSdkVersion = SettingKey[String]("appengine-sdk-version") lazy val appengineSdkPath = SettingKey[File]("appengine-sdk-path") lazy val appengineClasspath = SettingKey[Classpath]("appengine-classpath") lazy val appengineApiJarName = SettingKey[String]("appengine-api-jar-name") lazy val appengineApiLabsJarName = SettingKey[String]("appengine-api-labs-jar-name") lazy val appengineJsr107CacheJarName = SettingKey[String]("appengine-jsr107-cache-jar-name") lazy val appengineBinPath = SettingKey[File]("appengine-bin-path") lazy val appengineLibPath = SettingKey[File]("appengine-lib-path") lazy val appengineLibUserPath = SettingKey[File]("appengine-lib-user-path") lazy val appengineLibImplPath = SettingKey[File]("appengine-lib-impl-path") lazy val appengineApiJarPath = SettingKey[File]("appengine-api-jar-path") lazy val appengineAppcfgName = SettingKey[String]("appengine-appcfg-name") lazy val appengineAppcfgPath = SettingKey[File]("appengine-appcfg-path") lazy val appengineOverridePath = SettingKey[File]("appengine-override-path") lazy val appengineOverridesJarPath = SettingKey[File]("appengine-overrides-jar-path") lazy val appengineAgentJarPath = SettingKey[File]("appengine-agent-jar-path") lazy val appengineEmptyFile = TaskKey[File]("appengine-empty-file") lazy val appengineTemporaryWarPath = SettingKey[File]("appengine-temporary-war-path") lazy val appengineLocalDbPath = SettingKey[File]("appengine-local-db-path") lazy val appengineDebug = SettingKey[Boolean]("appengine-debug") lazy val appengineDebugPort = SettingKey[Int]("appengine-debug-port") lazy val appengineIncludeLibUser = SettingKey[Boolean]("appengine-include-lib-user") lazy val appenginePersistenceApi = SettingKey[String]("appengine-persistence-api", "Name of the API we are enhancing for: JDO, JPA.") @deprecated("will be removed. use enablePlugins(AppenginePlugin)", "0.7.0") lazy val appengineSettings = AppenginePlugin.projectSettings lazy val appengineDataNucleusSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = inConfig(Compile)(baseAppengineDataNucleusSettings) } import autoImport._ object AppEngine { // see def appcfgTask(action: String, depends: TaskKey[File] = appengineEmptyFile, outputFile: Option[String] = None): Initialize[InputTask[Unit]] = Def.inputTask { import complete.DefaultParsers._ val input: Seq[String] = spaceDelimited("<arg>").parsed val x = depends.value appcfgTaskCmd(appengineAppcfgPath.value, input, Seq(action, appengineTemporaryWarPath.value.getAbsolutePath) ++ outputFile.toSeq, streams.value) } def appcfgBackendTask(action: String, depends: TaskKey[File] = appengineEmptyFile, reqParam: Boolean = false): Initialize[InputTask[Unit]] = Def.inputTask { import complete.DefaultParsers._ val input: Seq[String] = spaceDelimited("<arg>").parsed val (opts, args) = input.partition(_.startsWith("--")) if (reqParam && args.isEmpty) { sys.error("error executing appcfg: required parameter missing") } val x = depends.value appcfgTaskCmd(appengineAppcfgPath.value, opts, Seq("backends", appengineTemporaryWarPath.value.getAbsolutePath, action) ++ args, streams.value) } def appcfgTaskCmd(appcfgPath: sbt.File, args: Seq[String], params: Seq[String], s: TaskStreams) = { val appcfg: Seq[String] = Seq(appcfgPath.absolutePath.toString) ++ args ++ params s.log.debug(appcfg.mkString(" ")) val out = new StringBuffer val exit = Process(appcfg).!< if (exit != 0) { s.log.error(out.toString) sys.error("error executing appcfg") } else () } def buildAppengineSdkPath(baseDir: File): File = { var sdk = System.getenv("APPENGINE_SDK_HOME") if (sdk == null) { val appengineSettings = baseDir / "" val prop = new Properties() IO.load(prop, appengineSettings) sdk = prop.getProperty("sdkHome") } if (sdk == null) sys.error("You need to set the 'APPENGINE_SDK_HOME' environment variable " + "or the 'sdkHome' property in ''") new File(sdk) } def buildSdkVersion(libUserPath: File): String = { val pat = """appengine-api-1.0-sdk-(\\d\\.\\d+\\.\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)*)\\.jar""".r (libUserPath * "appengine-api-1.0-sdk-*.jar").get.toList match { case jar::_ => match { case pat(version) => version case _ => sys.error("invalid jar file. " + jar) } case _ => sys.error("not found appengine api jar.") } } def isWindows = System.getProperty("").startsWith("Windows") def osBatchSuffix = if (isWindows) ".cmd" else ".sh" // see def restartDevServer(streams: TaskStreams, logTag: String, project: ProjectRef, options: ForkOptions, mainClass: Option[String], cp: Classpath, args: Seq[String], startConfig: ExtraCmdLineOptions, war: File, onStart: Seq[() => Unit], onStop: Seq[() => Unit]): revolver.AppProcess = { if (revolverState.getProcess(project).exists(_.isRunning)) { colorLogger(streams.log).info("[YELLOW]Stopping dev server ...") stopAppWithStreams(streams, project) onStop foreach { _.apply() } } startDevServer(streams, logTag, project, options, mainClass, cp, args, startConfig, onStart) } // see def startDevServer(streams: TaskStreams, logTag: String, project: ProjectRef, options: ForkOptions, mainClass: Option[String], cp: Classpath, args: Seq[String], startConfig: ExtraCmdLineOptions, onStart: Seq[() => Unit]): revolver.AppProcess = { assert(!revolverState.getProcess(project).exists(_.isRunning)) val color = updateStateAndGet(_.takeColor) val logger = new revolver.SysoutLogger(logTag, color, streams.log.ansiCodesSupported) colorLogger(streams.log).info("[YELLOW]Starting dev server in the background ...") onStart foreach { _.apply() } val appProcess = revolver.AppProcess(project, color, logger) { val f = new Fork("java", mainClass) val config = options .withRunJVMOptions( Vector("-cp","file.separator"))) ++ options.runJVMOptions ++ startConfig.jvmArgs ) .withOutputStrategy( StdoutOutput ) f.fork(config, startConfig.startArgs ++ args) } registerAppProcess(project, appProcess) appProcess } } lazy val baseAppengineSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = Seq( // this is classpath during compile unmanagedClasspath ++= appengineClasspath.value, // this is classpath included into WEB-INF/lib // // "All of these JARs are in the SDK's lib/user/ directory." unmanagedClasspath in Runtime ++= unmanagedClasspath.value, appengineRequestLogs := AppEngine.appcfgTask("request_logs", outputFile = Some("request.log")).evaluated, appengineRollback := AppEngine.appcfgTask("rollback").evaluated, appengineDeploy := AppEngine.appcfgTask("update", `package`).evaluated, appengineDeployIndexes := AppEngine.appcfgTask("update_indexes", `package`).evaluated, appengineDeployCron := AppEngine.appcfgTask("update_cron", `package`).evaluated, appengineDeployQueues := AppEngine.appcfgTask("update_queues", `package`).evaluated, appengineDeployDos := AppEngine.appcfgTask("update_dos", `package`).evaluated, appengineCronInfo := AppEngine.appcfgTask("cron_info").evaluated, appengineDeployBackends := AppEngine.appcfgBackendTask("update", `package`).evaluated, appengineConfigBackends := AppEngine.appcfgBackendTask("configure", `package`).evaluated, appengineRollbackBackend := AppEngine.appcfgBackendTask("rollback", `package`, true).evaluated, appengineStartBackend := AppEngine.appcfgBackendTask("start", `package`, true).evaluated, appengineStopBackend := AppEngine.appcfgBackendTask("stop", `package`, true).evaluated, appengineDeleteBackend := AppEngine.appcfgBackendTask("delete", `package`, true).evaluated, appengineDevServer := { val args = startArgsParser.parsed val x = (products in Compile).value AppEngine.restartDevServer(streams.value, (RevolverPlugin.autoImport.reLogTag in appengineDevServer).value, thisProjectRef.value, (RevolverPlugin.autoImport.reForkOptions in appengineDevServer).value, (mainClass in appengineDevServer).value, (fullClasspath in appengineDevServer).value, (RevolverPlugin.autoImport.reStartArgs in appengineDevServer).value, args, `package`.value, (appengineOnStartHooks in appengineDevServer).value, (appengineOnStopHooks in appengineDevServer).value) }, RevolverPlugin.autoImport.reForkOptions in appengineDevServer := { ForkOptions( javaHome = javaHome.value, outputStrategy = outputStrategy.value, bootJars = scalaInstance.value.libraryJar +: scalaInstance.value.allJars.toVector, workingDirectory = Some(appengineTemporaryWarPath.value), runJVMOptions = (javaOptions in appengineDevServer).value.toVector, connectInput = false, envVars = Map.empty[String, String] ) }, RevolverPlugin.autoImport.reLogTag in appengineDevServer := "appengineDevServer", mainClass in appengineDevServer := Some(""), fullClasspath in appengineDevServer := Seq(appengineApiToolsPath.value).classpath, appengineLocalDbPath in appengineDevServer := target.value / "local_db.bin", RevolverPlugin.autoImport.reStartArgs in appengineDevServer := Seq(appengineTemporaryWarPath.value.absolutePath), // appengineDebug in appengineDevServer := true, appengineDebugPort in appengineDevServer := 1044, appengineOnStartHooks in appengineDevServer := Nil, appengineOnStopHooks in appengineDevServer := Nil, SbtCompat.impl.changeJavaOptions { (o, a, jr, ldb, d, dp) => Seq("-ea" , "-javaagent:" + a.getAbsolutePath, "-Xbootclasspath/p:" + o.getAbsolutePath, "-Ddatastore.backing_store=" + ldb.getAbsolutePath) ++ Seq("-Djava.awt.headless=true") ++ (if (d) Seq("-Xdebug", "-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=" + dp.toString) else Nil) ++ createJRebelAgentOption(revolver.SysoutLogger, jr).toSeq }, appengineStopDevServer := RevolverPlugin.autoImport.reStop.value, appengineApiToolsJar := "appengine-tools-api.jar", appengineSdkVersion := AppEngine.buildSdkVersion(appengineLibUserPath.value), appengineSdkPath := AppEngine.buildAppengineSdkPath(baseDirectory.value), appengineIncludeLibUser := true, // this controls appengine classpath, which is used in unmanagedClasspath appengineClasspath := { if (appengineIncludeLibUser.value) (appengineLibUserPath.value ** "*.jar").classpath else Nil }, appengineApiJarName := { "appengine-api-1.0-sdk-" + appengineSdkVersion.value + ".jar" }, appengineApiLabsJarName := { "appengine-api-labs-" + appengineSdkVersion.value + ".jar" }, appengineJsr107CacheJarName := { "appengine-jsr107cache-" + appengineSdkVersion.value + ".jar" }, appengineBinPath := appengineSdkPath.value / "bin", appengineLibPath := appengineSdkPath.value / "lib", appengineLibUserPath := appengineLibPath.value / "user", appengineLibImplPath := appengineLibPath.value / "impl", appengineApiJarPath := appengineLibUserPath.value / appengineApiJarName.value, appengineApiToolsPath := appengineLibPath.value / appengineApiToolsJar.value, appengineAppcfgName := "appcfg" + AppEngine.osBatchSuffix, appengineAppcfgPath := appengineBinPath.value / appengineAppcfgName.value, appengineOverridePath := appengineLibPath.value / "override", appengineOverridesJarPath := appengineOverridePath.value / "appengine-dev-jdk-overrides.jar", appengineAgentJarPath := appengineLibPath.value / "agent" / "appengine-agent.jar", appengineEmptyFile := file(""), appengineTemporaryWarPath := target.value / "webapp" ) lazy val baseAppengineDataNucleusSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = Seq( `package` := `package`.dependsOn(appengineEnhance).value, appengineClasspath := { val appengineORMJars = (appengineLibPath.value / "orm" * "*.jar").get appengineClasspath.value ++ appengineORMJars.classpath }, appengineEnhance := { val r: ScalaRun = (runner in Runtime).value val main: String = (mainClass in appengineEnhance).value.get val files: Seq[File] = (exportedProducts in Runtime).value flatMap { dir => ( ** "*.class").get ++ ( ** "*.jdo").get } val args: Seq[String] = (scalacOptions in appengineEnhance).value ++ (files map {_.toString}), (fullClasspath in appengineEnhance).value map {}, args, streams.value.log) }, appengineEnhanceCheck := { val r: ScalaRun = (runner in Runtime).value val main: String = (mainClass in appengineEnhance).value.get val files: Seq[File] = (exportedProducts in Runtime).value flatMap { dir => ( ** "*.class").get ++ ( ** "*.jdo").get } val args: Seq[String] = (scalacOptions in appengineEnhance).value ++ Seq("-checkonly") ++ (files map {_.toString}), (fullClasspath in appengineEnhance).value map {}, args, streams.value.log) }, mainClass in appengineEnhance := Some("org.datanucleus.enhancer.DataNucleusEnhancer"), fullClasspath in appengineEnhance := { val appengineORMEnhancerJars = (appengineLibPath.value / "tools" / "orm" * "datanucleus-enhancer-*.jar").get ++ (appengineLibPath.value / "tools" / "orm" * "asm-*.jar").get (Seq(appengineApiToolsPath.value) ++ appengineORMEnhancerJars).classpath ++ (fullClasspath in Compile).value }, // scalacOptions in appengineEnhance := ((logLevel in appengineEnhance) match { case Level.Debug => Seq("-v") case _ => Seq() } ) ++ Seq("-api", (appenginePersistenceApi in appengineEnhance).value), logLevel in appengineEnhance := Level.Debug, appenginePersistenceApi in appengineEnhance := "JDO" ) lazy val webSettings = projectSettings override lazy val projectSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = inConfig(Compile)(WarPlugin.projectSettings ++ revolver.RevolverPlugin.settings ++ baseAppengineSettings) ++ inConfig(Test)(Seq( unmanagedClasspath ++= appengineClasspath.value, appengineClasspath := { val impljars = ((appengineLibImplPath in Compile).value * "*.jar").get val testingjars = ((appengineLibPath in Compile).value / "testing" * "*.jar").get (appengineClasspath in Compile).value ++ Attributed.blankSeq(impljars ++ testingjars) } )) ++ Seq( watchSources ++= ((sourceDirectory in webappPrepare in Compile).value ** "*").get) }
package io.github.suitougreentea.VariousMinos.rule import io.github.suitougreentea.VariousMinos.Field class RotationSystemClassic extends RotationSystem { var offsetCW44 = Array((-1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1)) var offsetCCW44 = Array((0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0)) override def rotateCW(field: Field): Boolean = { var state = field.currentMino.rotationState var (ox, oy) = field.currentMino.minoId match { case 1 | 3 | 4 | 7 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 25 | 26 => offsetCW44(state) case _ => (0, 0) } field.currentMino.rotateCW() if(field.checkHit(minoPos = (field.currentMinoX + ox, field.currentMinoY + oy))){ field.currentMino.rotateCCW() false } else { field.currentMinoX += ox field.currentMinoY += oy true } } override def rotateCCW(field: Field): Boolean = { var state = field.currentMino.rotationState var (ox, oy) = field.currentMino.minoId match { case 1 | 3 | 4 | 7 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 25 | 26 => offsetCCW44(state) case _ => (0, 0) } field.currentMino.rotateCCW() if(field.checkHit(minoPos = (field.currentMinoX + ox, field.currentMinoY + oy))){ field.currentMino.rotateCW() false } else { field.currentMinoX += ox field.currentMinoY += oy true } } }
package com.twitter.zipkin.collector.processor /* * Copyright 2012 Twitter Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ import com.twitter.zipkin.common.Span import com.twitter.finagle.TooManyWaitersException import com.twitter.logging.Logger import com.twitter.ostrich.stats.Stats import com.twitter.util.Future /** * A processor that takes a span and processes it some way. * Could be: storing it or aggregating the data in some way for example. */ trait Processor { private val log = Logger.get /** * Process the span. */ def processSpan(span: Span): Future[Unit] /** * Shut down this processor */ def shutdown() protected def failureHandler(method: String): (Throwable) => Unit = { case t: TooManyWaitersException => case e => { Stats.getCounter("exception_" + method + "_" + e.getClass).incr() log.error(e, method) } } }
/* * ScalaRay - Ray tracer based on pbrt (see written in Scala * Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011 Jesper de Jong * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.jesperdj.scalaray.material import scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq import org.jesperdj.scalaray.reflection.{ BSDF, Lambertian } import org.jesperdj.scalaray.shape.DifferentialGeometry import org.jesperdj.scalaray.spectrum.Spectrum import org.jesperdj.scalaray.texture.Texture // TODO: Implement this fully (OrenNayar reflection model, sigma, bump mapping) // Matte material (pbrt 9.2.1) final class MatteMaterial (texture: Texture[Spectrum]) extends Material { // Select a BSDF for the given differential geometries def bsdf(dgGeom: DifferentialGeometry, dgShading: DifferentialGeometry): BSDF = new BSDF(IndexedSeq(new Lambertian(texture(dgShading))), dgShading, dgGeom.normal) }
/* * Copyright 2016 Guy Van den Broeck and Wannes Meert (UCLA and KU Leuven) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package edu.ucla.cs.starai.forclift.bugs import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.scalatest.Matchers import org.scalatest.Spec import edu.ucla.cs.starai.forclift._ import edu.ucla.cs.starai.forclift.examples.models._ @RunWith(classOf[JUnitRunner]) class TestBug12 extends ModelBehaviours { describe("Bug12Model") { val correctLogWMC = 146.52023270334251 +- 0.00001 def model = new WeightedCNFModel { def theoryString = """ domain Page 4 {llqanon1} predicate pageclassfaculty(Page) 1 2 predicate pageclassstudent(Page) 3 4 predicate linked(Page,Page) 3 4 predicate f1(Page,Page) 3 4 predicate f2(Page,Page) 2 4 predicate f3(Page,Page) 1 4 predicate f4(Page,Page) 5 4 predicate f5(Page,Page) 3 2 linked(X,Y) ∨ ¬f5(X,Y) ∨ ¬linked(Y,X) pageclassfaculty(X) ∨ ¬f1(X,Y) ∨ ¬linked(Y,X) ∨ ¬pageclassstudent(Y) pageclassstudent(X) ∨ ¬f2(X,Y) ∨ ¬linked(Y,X) ∨ ¬pageclassfaculty(Y) pageclassstudent(llqanon1) f1(X,Y) ∨ linked(Y,X) f1(X,Y) ∨ pageclassstudent(Y) f1(X,Y) ∨ ¬pageclassfaculty(X) f2(X,Y) ∨ linked(Y,X) f2(X,Y) ∨ pageclassfaculty(Y) f2(X,Y) ∨ ¬pageclassstudent(X) f4(X,Y) ∨ ¬linked(X,Y) f5(X,Y) ∨ linked(Y,X) f5(X,Y) ∨ ¬linked(X,Y) """ } it should behave like smallModel(model, correctLogWMC) } }
/* * Copyright 2016 sadikovi * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.github.sadikovi.spark.netflow import com.github.sadikovi.netflowlib.Buffers.RecordBuffer import com.github.sadikovi.testutil.UnitTestSuite class NetFlowOptionsSuite extends UnitTestSuite { test("NetFlowOptions - predicate pushdown is enabled when no option is provided") { val opts = new NetFlowOptions(Map.empty) opts.usePredicatePushdown should be (true) } test("NetFlowOptions - predicate pushdown is disabled when 'false' is provided") { val opts = new NetFlowOptions(Map("predicate-pushdown" -> "false")) opts.usePredicatePushdown should be (false) } test("NetFlowOptions - predicate pushdown is enabled when 'true' is provided") { val opts = new NetFlowOptions(Map("predicate-pushdown" -> "true")) opts.usePredicatePushdown should be (true) } test("NetFlowOptions - test buffer size") { // check that buffer size is default var opts = new NetFlowOptions(Map.empty) opts.bufferSize should be (RecordBuffer.BUFFER_LENGTH_2) // set buffer size to be 64Kb opts = new NetFlowOptions(Map("buffer" -> "64Kb")) opts.bufferSize should be (64 * 1024) } test("NetFlowOptions - invalid buffer size") { // buffer size >> Integer.MAX_VALUE var err = intercept[RuntimeException] { new NetFlowOptions(Map("buffer" -> "10Gb")) } assert(err.getMessage.contains("> maximum buffer size")) // negative buffer size intercept[NumberFormatException] { new NetFlowOptions(Map("buffer" -> "-1")) } // buffer size < min buffer size err = intercept[RuntimeException] { new NetFlowOptions(Map("buffer" -> "10")) } assert(err.getMessage.contains("< minimum buffer size")) // just for completeness, test on wrong buffer value intercept[NumberFormatException] { new NetFlowOptions(Map("buffer" -> "wrong")) } } test("NetFlowOptions - stringify is enabled by default") { val opts = new NetFlowOptions(Map.empty) opts.applyConversion should be (true) } test("NetFlowOptions - stringify is disabled, if false") { val opts = new NetFlowOptions(Map("stringify" -> "false")) opts.applyConversion should be (false) } test("NetFlowOptions - stringify is enabled, if true") { val opts = new NetFlowOptions(Map("stringify" -> "true")) opts.applyConversion should be (true) } test("NetFlowOptions - toString 1") { val opts = new NetFlowOptions(Map.empty) opts.toString should be ("NetFlowOptions(applyConversion=true, " + s"bufferSize=${RecordBuffer.BUFFER_LENGTH_2}, usePredicatePushdown=true)") } test("NetFlowOptions - toString 2") { val opts = new NetFlowOptions(Map("stringify" -> "false", "buffer" -> "32768", "predicate-pushdown" -> "false")) opts.toString should be ("NetFlowOptions(applyConversion=false, " + s"bufferSize=32768, usePredicatePushdown=false)") } }
package co.s4n.template case class RestMessage(val id: String) case class ResponseMessage(val id: String)
/* * Copyright 2016 The BigDL Authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package import import import import scala.util.Random class ReluGradSerialTest extends ModuleSerializationTest { override def test(): Unit = { val reluGrad = ReluGrad[Float] val input = T(Tensor[Float](2, 2, 2).apply1(_ => Random.nextFloat()), Tensor[Float](2, 2, 2).apply1(_ => Random.nextFloat())) runSerializationTest(reluGrad, input) } }
package package transform import TreeTransforms._ import core.DenotTransformers._ import core.Denotations._ import core.SymDenotations._ import core.Contexts._ import core.Symbols._ import core.Types._ import core.Flags._ import core.Constants._ import core.StdNames._ import core.Decorators._ import core.TypeErasure.isErasedType import core.Phases.Phase import typer._ import typer.ErrorReporting._ import reporting.ThrowingReporter import ast.Trees._ import ast.{tpd, untpd} import util.SourcePosition import collection.mutable import ProtoTypes._ import java.lang.AssertionError import scala.util.control.NonFatal /** Run by -Ycheck option after a given phase, this class retypes all syntax trees * and verifies that the type of each tree node so obtained conforms to the type found in the tree node. * It also performs the following checks: * * - The owner of each definition is the same as the owner of the current typing context. * - Ident nodes do not refer to a denotation that would need a select to be accessible * (see tpd.needsSelect). * - After typer, identifiers and select nodes refer to terms only (all types should be * represented as TypeTrees then). */ class TreeChecker { import ast.tpd._ private def previousPhases(phases: List[Phase])(implicit ctx: Context): List[Phase] = phases match { case (phase: TreeTransformer) :: phases1 => val subPhases = val previousSubPhases = previousPhases(subPhases.toList) if (previousSubPhases.length == subPhases.length) previousSubPhases ::: previousPhases(phases1) else previousSubPhases case phase :: phases1 if phase ne ctx.phase => phase :: previousPhases(phases1) case _ => Nil } def check(phasesToRun: Seq[Phase], ctx: Context) = { val prevPhase = ctx.phase.prev // can be a mini-phase val squahsedPhase = ctx.squashed(prevPhase) println(s"checking ${ctx.compilationUnit} after phase ${squahsedPhase}") val checkingCtx = ctx.fresh .setTyperState(ctx.typerState.withReporter(new ThrowingReporter(ctx.typerState.reporter))) val checker = new Checker(previousPhases(phasesToRun.toList)(ctx)) try checker.typedExpr(ctx.compilationUnit.tpdTree)(checkingCtx) catch { case NonFatal(ex) => implicit val ctx: Context = checkingCtx println(i"*** error while checking after phase ${checkingCtx.phase.prev} ***") throw ex } } class Checker(phasesToCheck: Seq[Phase]) extends ReTyper { val nowDefinedSyms = new mutable.HashSet[Symbol] val everDefinedSyms = new mutable.HashMap[Symbol, Tree] def withDefinedSym[T](tree: untpd.Tree)(op: => T)(implicit ctx: Context): T = tree match { case tree: DefTree => val sym = tree.symbol everDefinedSyms.get(sym) match { case Some(t) => if(t ne tree) ctx.warning(i"symbol ${sym.fullName} is defined at least twice in different parts of AST") // should become an error case None => everDefinedSyms(sym) = tree } assert(!nowDefinedSyms.contains(sym), i"doubly defined symbol: ${sym.fullName} in $tree") if(ctx.settings.YcheckMods.value) { tree match { case t: MemberDef => if ( ne ctx.warning(s"symbol ${sym.fullName} name doesn't correspond to AST: ${t}") if (sym.flags != t.mods.flags) ctx.warning(s"symbol ${sym.fullName} flags ${sym.flags} doesn't match AST definition flags ${t.mods.flags}") // todo: compare trees inside annotations case _ => } } nowDefinedSyms += tree.symbol //println(i"defined: ${tree.symbol}") val res = op nowDefinedSyms -= tree.symbol //println(i"undefined: ${tree.symbol}") res case _ => op } def withDefinedSyms[T](trees: List[untpd.Tree])(op: => T)(implicit ctx: Context) = trees.foldRightBN(op)(withDefinedSym(_)(_)) def withDefinedSymss[T](vparamss: List[List[untpd.ValDef]])(op: => T)(implicit ctx: Context): T = vparamss.foldRightBN(op)(withDefinedSyms(_)(_)) def assertDefined(tree: untpd.Tree)(implicit ctx: Context) = if (tree.symbol.maybeOwner.isTerm) assert(nowDefinedSyms contains tree.symbol, i"undefined symbol ${tree.symbol}") override def typedUnadapted(tree: untpd.Tree, pt: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): tpd.Tree = { val res = tree match { case _: untpd.UnApply => // can't recheck patterns tree.asInstanceOf[tpd.Tree] case _: untpd.TypedSplice | _: untpd.Thicket | _: EmptyValDef[_] => super.typedUnadapted(tree) case _ if tree.isType => promote(tree) case _ => val tree1 = super.typedUnadapted(tree, pt) def isSubType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type) = (tp1 eq tp2) || // accept NoType / NoType (tp1 <:< tp2) def divergenceMsg(tp1: Type, tp2: Type) = s"""Types differ |Original type : ${} |After checking: ${} |Original tree : ${} |After checking: ${} |Why different : """.stripMargin + core.TypeComparer.explained((tp1 <:< tp2)(_)) if (tree.hasType) // it might not be typed because Typer sometimes constructs new untyped trees and resubmits them to typedUnadapted assert(isSubType(tree1.tpe, tree.typeOpt), divergenceMsg(tree1.tpe, tree.typeOpt)) tree1 } checkNoOrphans(res.tpe) phasesToCheck.foreach(_.checkPostCondition(res)) res } /** Check that PolyParams and MethodParams refer to an enclosing type */ def checkNoOrphans(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) = new TypeMap() { val definedBinders = mutable.Set[Type]() def apply(tp: Type): Type = { tp match { case tp: BindingType => definedBinders += tp mapOver(tp) definedBinders -= tp case tp: ParamType => assert(definedBinders.contains(tp.binder), s"orphan param: $tp") case _ => mapOver(tp) } tp } }.apply(tp) override def typedIdent(tree: untpd.Ident, pt: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = { assert(tree.isTerm || !ctx.isAfterTyper, + " at " + ctx.phase) assert(tree.isType || !needsSelect(tree.tpe), i"bad type ${tree.tpe} for $tree # ${tree.uniqueId}") assertDefined(tree) super.typedIdent(tree, pt) } override def typedSelect(tree: untpd.Select, pt: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = { assert(tree.isTerm || !ctx.isAfterTyper, + " at " + ctx.phase) super.typedSelect(tree, pt) } override def typedThis(tree: untpd.This)(implicit ctx: Context) = { val res = super.typedThis(tree) val cls = res.symbol assert(cls.isStaticOwner || ctx.owner.isContainedIn(cls), i"error while typing $tree, ${ctx.owner} is not contained in $cls") res } private def checkOwner(tree: untpd.Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = { def ownerMatches(symOwner: Symbol, ctxOwner: Symbol): Boolean = symOwner == ctxOwner || ctxOwner.isWeakOwner && ownerMatches(symOwner, ctxOwner.owner) assert(ownerMatches(tree.symbol.owner, ctx.owner), i"bad owner; ${tree.symbol} has owner ${tree.symbol.owner}, expected was ${ctx.owner}\n" + i"owner chain = ${tree.symbol.ownersIterator.toList}%, %, ctxOwners = ${}%, %") } override def typedClassDef(cdef: untpd.TypeDef, cls: ClassSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context) = { val TypeDef(_, impl @ Template(constr, _, _, _)) = cdef assert(cdef.symbol == cls) assert(impl.symbol.owner == cls) assert(constr.symbol.owner == cls) assert(cls.primaryConstructor == constr.symbol, i"mismatch, primary constructor ${cls.primaryConstructor}, in tree = ${constr.symbol}") checkOwner(impl) checkOwner(impl.constr) super.typedClassDef(cdef, cls) } override def typedDefDef(ddef: untpd.DefDef, sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context) = withDefinedSyms(ddef.tparams) { withDefinedSymss(ddef.vparamss) { super.typedDefDef(ddef, sym) } } override def typedCase(tree: untpd.CaseDef, pt: Type, selType: Type, gadtSyms: Set[Symbol])(implicit ctx: Context): CaseDef = { withDefinedSyms(tree.pat.asInstanceOf[tpd.Tree].filterSubTrees(_.isInstanceOf[ast.Trees.Bind[_]])) { super.typedCase(tree, pt, selType, gadtSyms) } } override def typedBlock(tree: untpd.Block, pt: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) = withDefinedSyms(tree.stats) { super.typedBlock(tree, pt) } /** Check that all defined symbols have legal owners. * An owner is legal if it is either the same as the context's owner * or there's an owner chain of valdefs starting at the context's owner and * reaching up to the symbol's owner. The reason for this relaxed matching * is that we should be able to pull out an expression as an initializer * of a helper value without having to do a change owner traversal of the expression. */ override def typedStats(trees: List[untpd.Tree], exprOwner: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Tree] = { for (tree <- trees) tree match { case tree: untpd.DefTree => checkOwner(tree) case _: untpd.Thicket => assert(false, i"unexpanded thicket $tree in statement sequence $trees%\n%") case _ => } super.typedStats(trees, exprOwner) } override def ensureNoLocalRefs(block: Block, pt: Type, forcedDefined: Boolean = false)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = block override def adapt(tree: Tree, pt: Type, original: untpd.Tree = untpd.EmptyTree)(implicit ctx: Context) = { def isPrimaryConstructorReturn = ctx.owner.isPrimaryConstructor && pt.isRef(ctx.owner.owner) && tree.tpe.isRef(defn.UnitClass) if (ctx.mode.isExpr && !tree.isEmpty && !isPrimaryConstructorReturn && !pt.isInstanceOf[FunProto]) assert(tree.tpe <:< pt, s"error at ${sourcePos(tree.pos)}\n" + err.typeMismatchStr(tree.tpe, pt) + "\ntree = " + tree) tree } } } object TreeChecker extends TreeChecker
// See the LICENCE.txt file distributed with this work for additional // information regarding copyright ownership. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package import /** * Combine key-value pairs */ trait SequenceKeyValuePair[IDXKEY <: Writable, IDXVALUE <: Writable, DATAKEY <: Writable, DATAVALUE <: Writable] extends SequenceKey[IDXKEY, IDXVALUE] with SequneceValue[DATAKEY, DATAVALUE] {}
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package import org.apache.flink.api.scala._ import org.apache.flink.table.api._ import org.apache.flink.table.utils.TableTestBase import org.junit.Test class SetOperatorsStringExpressionTest extends TableTestBase { @Test def testUnionAll(): Unit = { val util = streamTestUtil() val t1 = util.addTable[(Int, Long, String)]('int, 'long, 'string) val t2 = util.addTable[(Int, Long, String)]('int, 'long, 'string) val resScala = t1.unionAll(t2).select('int) val resJava = t1.unionAll(t2).select("int") verifyTableEquals(resJava, resScala) } @Test def testUnionAllWithFilter(): Unit = { val util = streamTestUtil() val t1 = util.addTable[(Int, Long, String)]('int, 'long, 'string) val t2 = util.addTable[(Int, Long, Double, String)]('int, 'long, 'double, 'string) val resScala = t1.unionAll('int, 'long, 'string)).filter('int < 2).select('int) val resJava = t1.unionAll("int, long, string")).filter("int < 2").select("int") verifyTableEquals(resJava, resScala) } }
/* * Copyright 2013 - 2020 Outworkers Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.outworkers.phantom.example.advanced import com.outworkers.phantom.connectors import com.outworkers.phantom.connectors.CassandraConnection import com.outworkers.phantom.dsl._ import com.outworkers.phantom.example.basics._ import scala.concurrent.{Future => ScalaFuture} // In this section, we will show how you can create a real-world Cassandra service with com.outworkers.phantom. // First you have to think of what queries you need to perform. The usual. // Say you come up with id and author. // You will end up with several mapping tables enabling you to do all the queries you want. // Now you are left with maintaining consistency at application level. // We usually overlay a service on top of the mapping tables. // To keep all the complexity away from other parts of the application. class RecipesDatabase(override val connector: CassandraConnection) extends Database[RecipesDatabase](connector) { object Recipes extends Recipes with Connector object AdvancedRecipes extends AdvancedRecipes with Connector object AdvancedRecipesByTitle extends AdvancedRecipesByTitle with Connector object CompositeKeyRecipes extends CompositeKeyRecipes with Connector object ThriftTable extends ThriftTable with connector.Connector object SecondaryKeyRecipes extends SecondaryKeyRecipes with Connector /** * Right now you can go for a really neat trick of the trade. * You can automatically initialise all your tables using phantom's schema auto-generation capabilities. * We are using the same connector as the tables do, which will link to the exact same database session. * * The bellow example uses the Future.join method which Twitter specific and not available in the less advanced Scala API. * Nonetheless, if you are using Scala you can almost replicate the below with a Future.sequence or Future.traverse over a List. * * This is a very neat and simple trick which will initialise all your tables in parallel at any time you want. The initialisation will automatically * trigger the mechanism that connects to Cassandra and gives you back a session. */ // For instance, right now when you want to insert a new recipe. // Say from a JavaScript client with a fancy interface. // You need to insert one record into the actual table. // And another into the author -> id mapping table. // This is a trivial example showing how you can map and flatMap your path to glory. // Non blocking, 3 lines of code, 15 seconds of typing effort. Done. def store(recipe: Recipe): ScalaFuture[ResultSet] = { for { first <- byTitle <- -> } yield first } } object RecipesDatabase extends RecipesDatabase(connectors.ContactPoint.local.keySpace("recipes"))
package io.iohk.ethereum.vm import akka.util.ByteString import akka.util.ByteString.{empty => bEmpty} import io.iohk.ethereum.crypto.kec256 import io.iohk.ethereum.domain.{Account, Address, UInt256} import io.iohk.ethereum.Fixtures.{Blocks => BlockFixtures} import io.iohk.ethereum.vm.Fixtures.blockchainConfig import io.iohk.ethereum.vm.MockWorldState.{PC, TestVM} import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Hex import org.scalatest.prop.TableFor5 import org.scalatestplus.scalacheck.ScalaCheckPropertyChecks import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers import org.scalatest.wordspec.AnyWordSpec // scalastyle:off magic.number class ShiftingOpCodeSpec extends AnyWordSpec with Matchers with ScalaCheckPropertyChecks { val array_0x01 = Array(1.toByte) val array_0x00 = Array(0.toByte) val byteCode_0x80: Array[Byte] = array_0x01 ++ Array.fill(255)(0.toByte) val byteCode_0xff: Array[Byte] = Array.fill(256)(1.toByte) val byteCode_0xfe: Array[Byte] = Array.fill(255)(1.toByte) ++ array_0x00 val byteCode_0x7f: Array[Byte] = Array.fill(255)(1.toByte) val byteString_0x40 = ByteString(Hex.decode("4000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000")) val byteString_0x07f = ByteString(Hex.decode("000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007f")) val byteString_0xfe = ByteString(Hex.decode("fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe")) val byteString_0x7f = ByteString(Hex.decode("7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff")) val byteString_0x80 = ByteString(Hex.decode("8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000")) val byteString_0xff = ByteString(Hex.decode("ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff")) val byteString_0xc0 = ByteString(Hex.decode("c000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000")) val byteString_0x01 = ByteString(Hex.decode("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001")) val byteString_0x00 = ByteString(Hex.decode("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000")) val array_0x80: Array[Byte] = byteString_0x80.toArray val array_0xff: Array[Byte] = byteString_0xff.toArray val array_0x07f: Array[Byte] = byteString_0x07f.toArray val array_0xfe: Array[Byte] = byteString_0xfe.toArray // shift left val SHLTable: TableFor5[Int, ByteString, ByteString, Int, Array[Byte]] = Table( ("number", "code", "stackArg1", "stackArg2", "result"), (1, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0x01, PUSH1, 0x00).code, byteString_0x01, 0x00, array_0x01), (2, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0x01, PUSH1, 0x01).code, byteString_0x01, 0x01, Array(2.toByte)), (3, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0x01, PUSH1, 0xff).code, byteString_0x01, 0xff, array_0x80), (4, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0x01, PUSH1, 0x0100).code, byteString_0x01, 0x0100, array_0x00), (5, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0x01, PUSH1, 0x0101).code, byteString_0x01, 0x0101, array_0x00), (6, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0xff, PUSH1, 0x00).code, byteString_0xff, 0x00, array_0xff), (7, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0xff, PUSH1, 0x01).code, byteString_0xff, 0x01, array_0xfe), (8, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0xff, PUSH1, 0xff).code, byteString_0xff, 0xff, array_0x80), (9, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0xff, PUSH1, 0x0100).code, byteString_0xff, 0x0100, array_0x00), (10, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0x00, PUSH1, 0x01).code, byteString_0x00, 0x01, array_0x00), (11, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0x7f, PUSH1, 0x01).code, byteString_0x7f, 0x01, array_0xfe) ) // shift right (logical) val SHRTable: TableFor5[Int, ByteString, ByteString, Int, Array[Byte]] = Table( ("number", "code", "stackArg1", "stackArg2", "result"), (1, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0x01, PUSH1, 0x00).code, byteString_0x01, 0x00, array_0x01), (2, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0x01, PUSH1, 0x01).code, byteString_0x01, 0x01, array_0x00), (3, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0x80, PUSH1, 0x01).code, byteString_0x80, 0x01, byteString_0x40.toArray), (4, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0x80, PUSH1, 0xff).code, byteString_0x80, 0xff, array_0x01), (5, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0x80, PUSH1, 0x0100).code, byteString_0x80, 0x0100, array_0x00), (6, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0x80, PUSH1, 0x0101).code, byteString_0x80, 0x0101, array_0x00), (7, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0xff, PUSH1, 0x00).code, byteString_0xff, 0x00, array_0xff), (8, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0xff, PUSH1, 0x01).code, byteString_0xff, 0x01, byteString_0x7f.toArray), (9, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0xff, PUSH1, 0xff).code, byteString_0xff, 0xff, array_0x01), (10, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0xff, PUSH1, 0x0100).code, byteString_0xff, 0x0100, array_0x00), (11, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0x00, PUSH1, 0x01).code, byteString_0x00, 0x01, array_0x00) ) // shift right (arithmetic) val SARTable: TableFor5[Int, ByteString, ByteString, Int, Array[Byte]] = Table( ("number", "code", "stackArg1", "stackArg2", "result"), (1, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0x01, PUSH1, 0x00).code, byteString_0x01, 0x00, array_0x01), (2, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0x01, PUSH1, 0x01).code, byteString_0x01, 0x01, array_0x00), (3, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0x80, PUSH1, 0x01).code, byteString_0x80, 0x01, byteString_0xc0.toArray), (4, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0x80, PUSH1, 0xff).code, byteString_0x80, 0xff, array_0xff), (5, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0x80, PUSH1, 0x0100).code, byteString_0x80, 0x0100, array_0xff), (6, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0x80, PUSH1, 0x0101).code, byteString_0x80, 0x0101, array_0xff), (7, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0xff, PUSH1, 0x00).code, byteString_0xff, 0x00, array_0xff), (8, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0xff, PUSH1, 0x01).code, byteString_0xff, 0x01, array_0xff), (9, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0xff, PUSH1, 0xff).code, byteString_0xff, 0xff, array_0xff), (10, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0xff, PUSH1, 0x0100).code, byteString_0xff, 0x0100, array_0xff), (11, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0x00, PUSH1, 0x01).code, byteString_0x00, 0x01, array_0x00), (12, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0x40, PUSH1, 0xfe).code, byteString_0x40, 0xfe, array_0x01), (13, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0x7f, PUSH1, 0xf8).code, byteString_0x7f, 0xf8, array_0x07f), (14, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0x7f, PUSH1, 0xfe).code, byteString_0x7f, 0xfe, array_0x01), (15, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0x7f, PUSH1, 0xff).code, byteString_0x7f, 0xff, array_0x00), (16, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0x7f, PUSH1, 0x100).code, byteString_0x7f, 0x100, array_0x00), (17, Assembly(PUSH1, byteString_0x00, PUSH1, 0x0101).code, byteString_0x00, 0x0101, array_0x00) ) "Shift OpCodes" when { "calling a program that executes a shifting opcodes" should { SHLTable.foreach { case (index, assemblyCode, arg1, arg2, expectedResult) => s"execute $index test case for SHL opcode: arg=${Hex.toHexString(arg1.toArray)}, " + s"shift=${arg2.toHexString} with expected result ${Hex.toHexString(expectedResult)}" in new TestSetup { val state: ProgramState[MockWorldState, MockStorage] = prepareProgramState(assemblyCode, arg1, arg2) val result: ProgramState[MockWorldState, MockStorage] = SHL.execute(state) result.stack.pop._1 shouldBe UInt256(expectedResult) } } SHRTable.foreach { case (index, assemblyCode, arg1, arg2, expectedResult) => s"execute $index test case for SHR opcode: arg=${Hex.toHexString(arg1.toArray)}, " + s"shift=${arg2.toHexString} with expected result ${Hex.toHexString(expectedResult)}" in new TestSetup { val state: ProgramState[MockWorldState, MockStorage] = prepareProgramState(assemblyCode, arg1, arg2) val result: ProgramState[MockWorldState, MockStorage] = SHR.execute(state) result.stack.pop._1 shouldBe UInt256(expectedResult) } } SARTable.foreach { case (index, assemblyCode, arg1, arg2, expectedResult) => s"execute $index test case fo SAR opcode: arg=${Hex.toHexString(arg1.toArray)}, " + s"shift=${arg2.toHexString} with expected result ${Hex.toHexString(expectedResult)}" in new TestSetup { val state: ProgramState[MockWorldState, MockStorage] = prepareProgramState(assemblyCode, arg1, arg2) val result: ProgramState[MockWorldState, MockStorage] = SAR.execute(state) result.stack.pop._1 shouldBe UInt256(expectedResult) } } } } trait TestSetup { val config = EvmConfig.ConstantinopleConfigBuilder(blockchainConfig) val vm = new TestVM val senderAddr = Address(0xcafebabeL) val senderAcc = Account(nonce = 1, balance = 1000000) val accountWithCode: ByteString => Account = code => Account.empty().withCode(kec256(code)) def defaultWorld: MockWorldState = MockWorldState().saveAccount(senderAddr, senderAcc) val blockHeader = BlockFixtures.ValidBlock.header.copy( difficulty = 1000000, number = 1, gasLimit = 10000000, gasUsed = 0, unixTimestamp = 0 ) def getContext(world: MockWorldState = defaultWorld, inputData: ByteString = bEmpty): PC = ProgramContext( callerAddr = senderAddr, originAddr = senderAddr, recipientAddr = None, gasPrice = 1, startGas = 1000000, inputData = inputData, value = 100, endowment = 100, doTransfer = true, blockHeader = blockHeader, callDepth = 0, world = world, initialAddressesToDelete = Set(), evmConfig = config, originalWorld = world ) def prepareProgramState( assemblyCode: ByteString, arg1: ByteString, arg2: Int ): ProgramState[MockWorldState, MockStorage] = { val newWorld = defaultWorld .saveAccount(senderAddr, accountWithCode(assemblyCode)) .saveCode(senderAddr, assemblyCode) val context: PC = getContext(newWorld) val env = ExecEnv(context, ByteString.empty, context.originAddr) val initMemory =, assemblyCode) val initStack: Seq[UInt256] = Seq(UInt256(arg1), UInt256(arg2)) ProgramState(vm, context, env) .withStack(Stack.empty().push(initStack)) .withMemory(initMemory) } } }
package co.verdigris.spark.connector.cql import com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster class AwsS3USWest1ConnectionFactoryTest extends ConnectionFactorySpec { override def beforeAll { super.beforeAll factory = AwsS3USWest1ConnectionFactory } describe(".clusterBuilder") { it("should return a new Cluster.Builder instance") { factory.clusterBuilder(cassandraConf) shouldBe a [Cluster.Builder] } } describe(".createCluster") { it("should return a new Cluster instance") { factory.createCluster(cassandraConf) shouldBe a [Cluster] } } }
/* * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * Copyright 2016-2020 Daniel Urban and contributors listed in NOTICE.txt * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package dev.tauri.choam package kcas abstract class KCASSpec extends BaseSpec { private final def tryPerformBatch(ops: List[CASD[_]]): Boolean = { val desc = ops.foldLeft(kcasImpl.start()) { (d, op) => op match { case op: CASD[a] => d.withCAS[a](op.ref, op.ov, op.nv) } } desc.tryPerform() } "k-CAS" should "succeed if old values match, and there is no contention" in { val r1 ="r1") val r2 ="r2") val r3 ="r3") val succ = tryPerformBatch(List( CASD(r1, "r1", "x"), CASD(r2, "r2", "y"), CASD(r3, "r3", "z") )) assert(succ) shouldBe theSameInstanceAs ("x") shouldBe theSameInstanceAs ("y") shouldBe theSameInstanceAs ("z") } it should "fail if any of the old values doesn't match" in { val r1 ="r1") val r2 ="r2") val r3 ="r3") def go(): Boolean = { tryPerformBatch(List( CASD(r1, "r1", "x"), CASD(r2, "r2", "y"), CASD(r3, "r3", "z") )) } r1.unsafeSet("x") assert(!go()) shouldBe theSameInstanceAs ("x") shouldBe theSameInstanceAs ("r2") shouldBe theSameInstanceAs ("r3") r1.unsafeSet("r1") r2.unsafeSet("x") assert(!go()) shouldBe theSameInstanceAs ("r1") shouldBe theSameInstanceAs ("x") shouldBe theSameInstanceAs ("r3") r2.unsafeSet("r2") r3.unsafeSet("x") assert(!go()) shouldBe theSameInstanceAs ("r1") shouldBe theSameInstanceAs ("r2") shouldBe theSameInstanceAs ("x") r3.unsafeSet("r3") assert(go()) shouldBe theSameInstanceAs ("x") shouldBe theSameInstanceAs ("y") shouldBe theSameInstanceAs ("z") } it should "not accept more than one CAS for the same ref" in { val r1 ="r1") val r2 ="r2") val exc = intercept[Exception] { tryPerformBatch(List( CASD(r1, "r1", "x"), CASD(r2, "r2", "y"), CASD(r1, "r1", "x") // this is a duplicate )) } exc.getMessage should include ("Impossible k-CAS") shouldBe theSameInstanceAs ("r1") shouldBe theSameInstanceAs ("r2") } it should "be able to succeed after one successful operation" in { val r1 ="r1") val r2 ="r2") val r3 ="r3") assert(tryPerformBatch(List( CASD(r1, "r1", "x"), CASD(r2, "r2", "y"), CASD(r3, "r3", "z") ))) assert(tryPerformBatch(List( CASD(r1, "x", "x2"), CASD(r2, "y", "y2"), CASD(r3, "z", "z2") ))) assert(!tryPerformBatch(List( CASD(r1, "x2", "x3"), CASD(r2, "yyy", "y3"), // this will fail CASD(r3, "z2", "z3") ))) shouldBe theSameInstanceAs ("x2") shouldBe theSameInstanceAs ("y2") shouldBe theSameInstanceAs ("z2") } "Snapshotting" should "work" in { val r1 ="r1") val r2 ="r2") val r3 ="r3") val d0 = kcasImpl.start() val d1 = d0.withCAS(r1, "r1", "r1x") val snap = d1.snapshot() val d21 = d1.withCAS(r2, "foo", "bar") assert(!d21.tryPerform()) shouldBe theSameInstanceAs ("r1") shouldBe theSameInstanceAs ("r2") shouldBe theSameInstanceAs ("r3") val d22 = snap.load().withCAS(r3, "r3", "r3x") assert(d22.tryPerform()) shouldBe theSameInstanceAs ("r1x") shouldBe theSameInstanceAs ("r2") shouldBe theSameInstanceAs ("r3x") } it should "work when cancelling" in { val r1 ="r1") val r2 ="r2") val r3 ="r3") val d0 = kcasImpl.start() val d1 = d0.withCAS(r1, "r1", "r1x") val snap = d1.snapshot() val d21 = d1.withCAS(r2, "foo", "bar") d21.cancel() shouldBe theSameInstanceAs ("r1") shouldBe theSameInstanceAs ("r2") shouldBe theSameInstanceAs ("r3") val d22 = snap.load().withCAS(r3, "r3", "r3x") assert(d22.tryPerform()) shouldBe theSameInstanceAs ("r1x") shouldBe theSameInstanceAs ("r2") shouldBe theSameInstanceAs ("r3x") } } final class KCASSpecNaiveKCAS extends KCASSpec with SpecNaiveKCAS final class KCASSpecCASN extends KCASSpec with SpecCASN final class KCASSpecMCAS extends KCASSpec with SpecMCAS final class KCASSpecEMCAS extends KCASSpec with SpecEMCAS
//:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** @author John Miller * @version 1.3 * @date Mon Sep 9 13:30:41 EDT 2013 * @see LICENSE (MIT style license file). * @see * @see */ package import scala.math.exp import scala.util.control.Breaks.{break, breakable} import scalation.linalgebra.{MatrixD, VectoD, VectorD} import scalation.random.Random import scalation.util.Error import LogisticFunction.sigmoid //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `Perceptron` class supports single-valued 2-layer (input and output) * Neural-Networks. Given several input vectors and output values (training data), * fit the weights 'w' connecting the layers, so that for a new * input vector 'zi', the net can predict the output value 'zo', i.e., * 'zi --> zo = f (w dot zi)'. * Note, w0 is treated as the bias, so x0 must be 1.0. * @param x the input matrix (training data consisting of m input vectors) * @param y the output vector (training data consisting of m output values) * @param eta the learning/convergence rate */ class Perceptron (x: MatrixD, y: VectorD, eta: Double = 1.0) extends Predictor with Error { private val MAX_ITER = 200 // maximum number of iterations private val EPSILON = 1E-9 // number close to zero private val DEBUG = true // debug flag private val m = x.dim1 // number of data points (input vectors) private val n = x.dim2 // dimensionality of the input private val _1 = new VectorD (m); _1.set (1.0) if (y.dim != m) flaw ("constructor", "dimensions of x and y are incompatible") println ("Create a Perceptron with " + n + " input, " + 1 + " output nodes") private var w: VectorD = null // weight vector between input and output layers //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Set the initial weight matrix w manually before training. * @param w0 the initial weights for w */ def setWeights (w0: VectorD) { w = w0 } //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Set the initial weight vector 'w' with values in (0, 1) before training. * @param i the random number stream to use */ def setWeights (i: Int = 0) { val rn = new Random (i) // change i to get different random numbers w = new VectorD (n) for (i <- 0 until n) w(i) = rn.gen } // setWeights //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Given training data x and y, fit the weight vector w. */ def train () { if (w == null) setWeights (); minimizeError () } //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Minimize the error in the prediction by adjusting the weight vector 'w'. * The error 'e' is simply the difference between the target value 'y' and the * predicted value 'z'. Minimize 1/2 of the dot product of error with itself * using gradient-descent. The gradient is '-x.t * (e * z * (_1 - z))', so * move in the opposite direction of the gradient. */ def minimizeError () { breakable { for (k <- 0 until MAX_ITER) { // kth learning phase val z = sigmoid (x * w) // vector of predicted outputs val e = y - z // vector of outputs from training data w += x.t * (e * z * (_1 - z)) * eta // adjust the weights println ("weights for " + k + "th phase: w = " + w + ", error e = " + e) if ((e dot e) < 2.0 * EPSILON) break // break when error is small enough }} // for } // minimizeError //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Return the fit, the weight vector 'w'. */ def fit: VectorD = w //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** Given a new input vector 'zi', predict the output/response value 'zo'. * @param zi the new input vector */ def predict (zi: VectoD): Double = sigmoid (w dot zi) } // Perceptron class //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `PerceptronTest` object is used to test the `Perceptron` class. For this * test, the initial weights are used for used for prediction. */ object PerceptronTest extends App { val x = new MatrixD (1, 3) // training data - input vectors (not used) val y = new VectorD (1) // training data - output vectors (not used) val ann = new Perceptron (x, y) // create a Perceptron val w = VectorD (0.0, 0.5, 0.5) // weight vector w (input to output layer) ann.setWeights (w) // set initial weights val z_i = VectorD (1.0, 1.0, 1.0) // predict output z_o from input z_i println ("input vector: z_i = " + z_i) println ("output vector: z_o = " + ann.predict (z_i)) } // PerceptronTest object //:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: /** The `PerceptronTest2` object is used to test the `Perceptron` class. For this * test, training data is used to fit the weights before using them for prediction. * @see */ object PerceptronTest2 extends App { val x = new MatrixD ((1, 3), 1.0, 0.35, 0.9) // training data - input vectors val y = VectorD (0.5) // training data - output vectors val ann = new Perceptron (x, y) // create a Perceptron val w = VectorD (0.0, 0.5, 0.5) // weight vector w (input to output layer) ann.setWeights (w) // set initial weights println ("input vector: x(0) = " + x(0)) println ("=== target output value: y(0) = " + y(0)) println ("--- initial output value: z = " + ann.predict (x(0))) ann.train () // fit the weights using training data println ("+++ trained output value: z = " + ann.predict (x(0))) } // PerceptronTest2 object
package com.twitter.bijection.macros.impl import scala.collection.mutable.{Map => MMap} import scala.reflect.macros.Context class TupleUtils[C <: Context](val c: C) { import c.universe._ private[this] val tupleCaseClassCache = MMap.empty[Type, Tree] // Takes a case class and generates the equiv tuple to it def tupleCaseClassEquivalent(tpe: Type): Seq[Tree] = tpe.declarations.collect { case m: MethodSymbol if m.isCaseAccessor => m.returnType match { case tpe if IsCaseClassImpl.isCaseClassType(c)(tpe) => tupleCaseClassCache.getOrElseUpdate( tpe, { val equiv = tupleCaseClassEquivalent(tpe) AppliedTypeTree(Ident(newTypeName("Tuple" + equiv.size)), equiv.toList) } ) case tpe => Ident( } }.toSeq }
/* * Copyright 2013-2015 Websudos, Limited. * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * - Explicit consent must be obtained from the copyright owner, Websudos Limited before any redistribution is made. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package com.websudos.phantom.udt import org.scalatest.{Matchers, FlatSpec} class UDTSerialisationTest extends FlatSpec with Matchers { it should "serialise an UDT value to the correct CQL query" in { } }
package import org.scalatest.FunSuite import Inflect_EN.Builder._ class BuilderTest extends FunSuite { test("builder can do count and some") { assert("I see " + using(0)(count("person"),q(" with "),some("opinion")) === "I see 0 people with no opinions") assert("I see " + using(1)(count("person"),q(" with "),some("opinion")) === "I see 1 person with an opinion") assert("I see " + using(8)(count("person"),q(" with "),some("opinion")) === "I see 8 people with opinions") } test("builder can do plural too") { assert("There " + using(0)(plural("is"),q(" "),count("door"),q(" on your "),plural("house")) === "There are 0 doors on your houses") assert("There " + using(1)(plural("is"),q(" "),count("door"),q(" on your "),plural("house")) === "There is 1 door on your house") assert("There " + using(8)(plural("is"),q(" "),count("door"),q(" on your "),plural("house")) === "There are 8 doors on your houses") } }
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.mxnet.spark import org.apache.mxnet.NDArray /** * A wrapper for serialize & deserialize <pre>[[org.apache.mxnet.NDArray]]</pre> in spark job * @author Yizhi Liu */ class MXNDArray(@transient private var ndArray: NDArray) extends Serializable { require(ndArray != null, "Undefined ndArray") private val arrayBytes: Array[Byte] = ndArray.serialize() def get: NDArray = { if (ndArray == null) { ndArray = NDArray.deserialize(arrayBytes) } ndArray } } object MXNDArray { def apply(ndArray: NDArray): MXNDArray = new MXNDArray(ndArray) }
package week5 object ListHighOrderFun { val nums = List(2, -4, 5, 7, 1) val fruits = List("apples", "pineapple", "orange", "banana") nums filter (x => x > 0) nums filterNot (x => x > 0) nums partition (x => x > 0) nums takeWhile (x => x > 0) nums dropWhile (x => x > 0) nums span (x => x > 0) val duplicates = List("a", "a", "a", "b", "c", "c", "a") def pack[T](xs: List[T]): List[List[T]] = xs match { case Nil => Nil case x :: xs1 => { val (first, rest) = xs span (y => y == x) first :: pack(rest) } } pack(duplicates) def encode[T](xs: List[T]): List[(T, Int)] = pack(xs) map (ys => (ys.head, ys.length)) encode(duplicates) }
package com.arcusys.learn.liferay.update.version250.slide import com.arcusys.valamis.persistence.common.DbNameUtils._ import com.arcusys.valamis.persistence.common.SlickProfile import scala.slick.driver.JdbcProfile trait SlideTableComponent { protected val driver: JdbcProfile import driver.simple._ case class SlideSet(id: Option[Long] = None, title: String, description: String, courseId: Long, logo: Option[String] = None, isTemplate: Boolean = false, isSelectedContinuity: Boolean = false, themeId: Option[Long] = None) class SlideSetTable(tag: Tag) extends Table[SlideSet](tag, tblName("SLIDE_SET")) { def id = column[Long]("ID", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc) def title = column[String]("TITLE") def description = column[String]("DESCRIPTION", O.DBType(varCharMax)) def courseId = column[Long]("COURSE_ID") def logo = column[Option[String]]("LOGO") def isTemplate = column[Boolean]("IS_TEMPLATE") def isSelectedContinuity = column[Boolean]("IS_SELECTED_CONTINUITY") def themeId = column[Option[Long]]("THEME_ID") def * = (id.?, title, description, courseId, logo, isTemplate, isSelectedContinuity, themeId) <>(SlideSet.tupled, SlideSet.unapply) def slideThemeFK = foreignKey(fkName("SLIDESET_TO_THEME"), themeId, slideThemes)(x => } case class Slide(id: Option[Long] = None, title: String, bgColor: Option[String] = None, bgImage: Option[String] = None, font: Option[String] = None, questionFont: Option[String] = None, answerFont: Option[String] = None, answerBg: Option[String] = None, duration: Option[String] = None, leftSlideId: Option[Long] = None, topSlideId: Option[Long] = None, slideSetId: Long, statementVerb: Option[String] = None, statementObject: Option[String] = None, statementCategoryId: Option[String] = None, isTemplate: Boolean = false, isLessonSummary: Boolean = false) class SlideTable(tag: Tag) extends Table[Slide](tag, tblName("SLIDE")) { def id = column[Long]("ID", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc) def title = column[String]("TITLE") def bgColor = column[Option[String]]("BG_COLOR") def bgImage = column[Option[String]]("BG_IMAGE") def font = column[Option[String]]("FONT") def questionFont = column[Option[String]]("QUESTION_FONT") def answerFont = column[Option[String]]("ANSWER_FONT") def answerBg = column[Option[String]]("ANSWER_BG") def duration = column[Option[String]]("DURATION") def leftSlideId = column[Option[Long]]("LEFT_SLIDE_ID") def topSlideId = column[Option[Long]]("TOP_SLIDE_ID") def slideSetId = column[Long]("SLIDE_SET_ID") def statementVerb = column[Option[String]]("STATEMENT_VERB") def statementObject = column[Option[String]]("STATEMENT_OBJECT") def statementCategoryId = column[Option[String]]("STATEMENT_CATEGORY_ID") def isTemplate = column[Boolean]("IS_TEMPLATE") def isLessonSummary = column[Boolean]("IS_LESSON_SUMMARY") def * = ( id.?, title, bgColor, bgImage, font, questionFont, answerFont, answerBg, duration, leftSlideId, topSlideId, slideSetId, statementVerb, statementObject, statementCategoryId, isTemplate, isLessonSummary) <>(Slide.tupled, Slide.unapply) def slideSetFK = foreignKey(fkName("SLIDE_TO_SLIDESET"), slideSetId, slideSets)(x =>, onDelete = ForeignKeyAction.Cascade) } case class SlideElement(id: Option[Long] = None, top: String, left: String, width: String, height: String, zIndex: String, content: String, slideEntityType: String, slideId: Long, correctLinkedSlideId: Option[Long] = None, incorrectLinkedSlideId: Option[Long] = None, notifyCorrectAnswer: Option[Boolean] = None) class SlideElementTable(tag: Tag) extends Table[SlideElement](tag, tblName("SLIDE_ELEMENT")) { def id = column[Long]("ID", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc) def top = column[String]("TOP") def left = column[String]("LEFT") def width = column[String]("WIDTH") def height = column[String]("HEIGHT") def zIndex = column[String]("Z_INDEX") def content = column[String]("CONTENT", O.DBType(varCharMax)) def slideEntityType = column[String]("SLIDE_ENTITY_TYPE") def slideId = column[Long]("SLIDE_ID") def correctLinkedSlideId = column[Option[Long]]("CORRECT_LINKED_SLIDE_ID") def incorrectLinkedSlideId = column[Option[Long]]("INCORRECT_LINKED_SLIDE_ID") def notifyCorrectAnswer = column[Option[Boolean]]("NOTIFY_CORRECT_ANSWER") def * = ( id.?, top, left, width, height, zIndex, content, slideEntityType, slideId, correctLinkedSlideId, incorrectLinkedSlideId, notifyCorrectAnswer) <>(SlideElement.tupled, SlideElement.unapply) def slideFK = foreignKey(fkName("SLIDE_ELEMENT_TO_SLIDE"), slideId, slides)(x =>, onDelete = ForeignKeyAction.Cascade) } case class SlideTheme(id: Option[Long] = None, title: String = "Theme", bgColor: Option[String] = None, bgImage: Option[String] = None, font: Option[String] = None, questionFont: Option[String] = None, answerFont: Option[String] = None, answerBg: Option[String] = None, userId: Option[Long] = None, isDefault: Boolean = false) class SlideThemeTable(tag : Tag) extends Table[SlideTheme](tag, tblName("SLIDE_THEME")) { def id = column[Long]("ID", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc) def title = column[String]("TITLE", O.NotNull) def bgColor = column[Option[String]]("BGCOLOR") def bgImage = column[Option[String]]("BGIMAGE") def font = column[Option[String]]("FONT") def questionFont = column[Option[String]]("QUESTIONFONT") def answerFont = column[Option[String]]("ANSWERFONT") def answerBg = column[Option[String]]("ANSWERBG") def userId = column[Option[Long]]("USER_ID") def isDefault = column[Boolean]("IS_DEFAULT", O.Default(false)) def * = ( id.?, title, bgColor, bgImage, font, questionFont, answerFont, answerBg, userId, isDefault)<>(SlideTheme.tupled, SlideTheme.unapply) } val slideSets = TableQuery[SlideSetTable] val slides = TableQuery[SlideTable] val slideElements = TableQuery[SlideElementTable] val slideThemes = TableQuery[SlideThemeTable] }
/* * Copyright 2017-2018 47 Degrees, LLC. <> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package import cats.{~>} package cache { class KeyValueProvider[Key, Val] { /* CacheM trait is a type-class of functors for which key-value store operations * can be provided. * * We assume that the actual store is too big or remote to allow for general * operations over all values, or to search or to iterate over all keys */ @free sealed trait CacheM { // Gets the value associated to a key, if there is one */ def get(key: Key): FS[Option[Val]] // Sets the value of a key to a newValue. def put(key: Key, newVal: Val): FS[Unit] // Copy all of the mappings from the specified map to this cache def putAll(keyValues: Map[Key, Val]): FS[Unit] //If the specified key is not already associated with a value, associate it with the given value. def putIfAbsent(key: Key, newVal: Val): FS[Unit] // Removes the entry for the key if one exists def del(key: Key): FS[Unit] // Returns whether there is an entry for key or not. def has(key: Key): FS[Boolean] // Returns the set of keys in the store def keys: FS[List[Key]] // Removes all entries def clear: FS[Unit] //Replaces the entry for a key only if currently mapped to some value def replace(key: Key, newVal: Val): FS[Unit] //Returns true if this cache contains no key-value mappings. def isEmpty: FS[Boolean] } /* * Ideal Equations for a CacheM. We use m,n for keys, v,w for values. * Using different variables in an equation means that their values are different. * We use `>>=` for `flatMap`, and `>>` for the sequence operator. * * For `put`: * - On a same key, only the right-most (latest) `put` counts: * put(m,v) >> put(m,w) === put(m,w) * - `put` operations on different keys commute: * put(m,v) >> put(n,w) === put(n,w) >> put(m,v) * * For `del`: * - Deletes on a same key are idempotent: * del(m) >> del(m) === del(m) * - Deletes on different keys commute: * del(m) >> del(n) === del(n) >> del(m) * - A put followed by a delete on a same key is the same as doing nothing * put(m,v) >> del(m) === return Unit * - A del followed by a put on a same key is the same as the put * del(m) >> put(m,v) === put(m,v) * - Del and put on different keys commute * put(m,v) >> del(n) === del(n) >> put(m, v) * * For `get`: * - The result of a `get` should be that of the latest `put` * put(m,v) >> get(m) === put(m,v) >> return( Some(v) ) * - The result of a `get` after a `del` is Nothing * del(m) >> get(m) === del(m) >> return(None) * - `get` commutes with `del` and `put` on different keys: * put(m,v) >> get(n) === get(n) >>= (w => (put(m,v) >>= return(w) )) * del(m) >> get(n) === get(n) >>= (w => (del(m) >>= return(w) ) * */ trait Implicits { implicit def cacheHandler[F[_], G[_]]( implicit rawMap: KeyValueMap[F, Key, Val], interpret: F ~> G ): CacheM.Handler[G] = new CacheHandler[F, G] private[this] class CacheHandler[F[_], G[_]]( implicit rawMap: KeyValueMap[F, Key, Val], interpret: F ~> G ) extends CacheM.Handler[G] { override def get(key: Key): G[Option[Val]] = interpret(rawMap.get(key)) override def put(key: Key, newVal: Val): G[Unit] = interpret(rawMap.put(key, newVal)) override def putAll(keyValues: Map[Key, Val]): G[Unit] = interpret(rawMap.putAll(keyValues)) override def putIfAbsent(key: Key, newVal: Val): G[Unit] = interpret(rawMap.putIfAbsent(key, newVal)) override def del(key: Key): G[Unit] = interpret(rawMap.delete(key)) override def has(key: Key): G[Boolean] = interpret(rawMap.hasKey(key)) override def keys: G[List[Key]] = interpret(rawMap.keys) override def clear: G[Unit] = interpret(rawMap.clear) override def replace(key: Key, newVal: Val): G[Unit] = interpret(rawMap.replace(key, newVal)) override def isEmpty: G[Boolean] = interpret(rawMap.isEmpty) } } object implicits extends Implicits } trait KeyValueMap[F[_], Key, Val] { def get(key: Key): F[Option[Val]] def put(key: Key, newVal: Val): F[Unit] def putAll(keyValues: Map[Key, Val]): F[Unit] def putIfAbsent(key: Key, newVal: Val): F[Unit] def delete(key: Key): F[Unit] def hasKey(key: Key): F[Boolean] def keys: F[List[Key]] def clear: F[Unit] def replace(key: Key, newVal: Val): F[Unit] def isEmpty: F[Boolean] } } package object cache { def apply[Key, Val] = new KeyValueProvider[Key, Val] }
package net.liftweb.test package snippet import lib._ import scala.xml.{NodeSeq, Text} import net.liftweb.util._ import net.liftweb.common._ import java.util.Date import Helpers._ class HelloWorld { lazy val date: Box[Date] = DependencyFactory.inject[Date] // inject the date // replace the contents of the element with id "time" with the date def howdy = "#time *" #> /* lazy val date: Date = DependencyFactory.time.vend // create the date via factory def howdy = "#time *" #> date.toString */ }
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 - 2017 Contributors as noted in the file * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.wegtam.tensei.agent.helpers import import import java.nio.file.Files import java.sql.Time import java.time.{ LocalDate, LocalTime } import java.util import java.util.{ Date, Locale } import{ Actor, ActorLogging, Props } import akka.event.{ DiagnosticLoggingAdapter, Logging } import com.wegtam.tensei.adt.ConnectionInformation import com.wegtam.tensei.agent.exceptions.AccessValidationException import com.wegtam.tensei.agent.helpers.ExcelToCSVConverter.ExcelConverterMessages.{ Convert, ConvertResult, Stop } import import scala.util.{ Failure, Success, Try } /** * This actor converts a given Excel file into a corresponding CSV file. * * Code based on: * * * @param source The source connection information of the file. * @param agentRunIdentifier An optional agent run identifier which is usually an uuid. */ class ExcelToCSVConverter(source: ConnectionInformation, agentRunIdentifier: Option[String]) extends Actor with ActorLogging { override val log : DiagnosticLoggingAdapter = Logging(this) // Override the standard logger to be able to add stuff via MDC. log.mdc(LoggingHelpers.generateMdcEntryForRunIdentifier(agentRunIdentifier)) // The separator for the single rows that is used when converting the // content from Excel to CSV val separator: String = context.system.settings.config.getString("tensei.agents.parser.excel-row-separator") /* * EXCEL_STYLE_ESCAPING (0) * ======================== * Identifies that the CSV file should obey Excel's formatting conventions * with regard to escaping certain embedded characters - the field separator, * speech mark and end of line (EOL) character * * UNIX_STYLE_ESCAPING (1) * ======================== * Identifies that the CSV file should obey UNIX formatting conventions * with regard to escaping certain embedded characters - the field separator * and end of line (EOL) character * **/ val usedStyleEscaping = 0 @throws[Exception](classOf[Exception]) override def postStop(): Unit = { log.clearMDC() super.postStop() } override def receive: Receive = { case Convert =>"Received `Convert` message for file {}", source.uri.getSchemeSpecificPart) // Determine the locale for the source that is delivered with the connection information val locale = source.languageTag.fold(Locale.ROOT)(l => Locale.forLanguageTag(l)) val updatedSource = ExcelToCSVConverter.processConversion(source, locale, usedStyleEscaping, separator) updatedSource match { case Failure(e) => // FIXME -> Return correct error sender() ! e case Success(newSource) => sender() ! ConvertResult(newSource) } context stop self case Stop =>"Received `Stop` message") context stop self } } object ExcelToCSVConverter { val EXCEL_STYLE_ESCAPING = 0 val UNIX_STYLE_ESCAPING = 1 /** * Helper method to create an ExcelToCSVConverter. * * @param source The source connection information for the file. * @param agentRunIdentifier An optional agent run identifier which is usually an uuid. * * @return The props to create the actor. */ def props(source: ConnectionInformation, agentRunIdentifier: Option[String]): Props = Props(classOf[ExcelToCSVConverter], source, agentRunIdentifier) sealed trait ExcelConverterMessages object ExcelConverterMessages { /** * Start the conversion of the Excel file into the temporary CSV file. */ final case object Convert extends ExcelConverterMessages /** * Return the modified connection information with the updated file path for * the created CSV file. * * @param source The updated connection information. */ final case class ConvertResult(source: ConnectionInformation) extends ExcelConverterMessages /** * Stop the actor */ final case object Stop extends ExcelConverterMessages } final case class ConvertedData(csvData: util.ArrayList[util.ArrayList[String]], maxRowWidth: Int) def processConversion(source: ConnectionInformation, locale: Locale, usedStyleEscaping: Int, separator: String): Try[ConnectionInformation] = for { file <- ExcelToCSVConverter.openFile(source.uri) data <- ExcelToCSVConverter.createCSVData(file, locale) newUri <- ExcelToCSVConverter.saveExcelFile(file, data.csvData, data.maxRowWidth, usedStyleEscaping, separator) } yield { source.copy(uri = newUri) } /** * Try to open the file defined in the source connection information and validate * whether the file exists and is readable. * * @param uri The source uri of the file. * @return */ def openFile(uri: URI): Try[File] = Try { val extension = uri.getSchemeSpecificPart.split("\\\\.(?=[^\\\\.]+$)") if (extension.length != 2) Failure( new AccessValidationException( s"File ${uri.getSchemeSpecificPart} does not end on valid extension." ) ) else if (!extension(1).equalsIgnoreCase("xls") && !extension(1).equalsIgnoreCase("xlsx")) Failure( new AccessValidationException( s"File ${uri.getSchemeSpecificPart} does not end on `xls` or `xlsx`." ) ) else { val f: File = new File(uri.getSchemeSpecificPart) if (!f.exists()) Failure( new FileNotFoundException(s"File on path ${uri.getSchemeSpecificPart} not exists.") ) else if (!f.canRead) Failure( new IllegalAccessError(s"File on path ${uri.getSchemeSpecificPart} not accessible.") ) else Success(f) } } match { case Success(file) => file case Failure(error) => Failure(error) case _ => Failure( new AccessValidationException( s"Error during access to file ${uri.getSchemeSpecificPart}" ) ) } /** * Convert the source data from the Excel file into a CSV file. * * @param file The source file that should be converted * * @return The converted data type */ def createCSVData(file: File, local: Locale): Try[ConvertedData] = { // workbook relevant variables val fis = Files.newInputStream(file.toPath) val workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(fis) val evaluator: FormulaEvaluator = workbook.getCreationHelper.createFormulaEvaluator() val formatter: DataFormatter = new DataFormatter(local, true) // buffer variables val csvData = new util.ArrayList[util.ArrayList[String]]() var maxRowWidth = 0 // FIXME: Currently, we only process the first sheet of an Excel file //val numSheets = workbook.getNumberOfSheets for (i <- 0 until 1) { val sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(i) if (sheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows > 0) { for (r <- 0 to sheet.getLastRowNum) { val result = rowToCSV(sheet.getRow(r), formatter, evaluator) csvData.add(result._1) if (maxRowWidth < result._2) maxRowWidth = result._2 } } } Success(ConvertedData(csvData, maxRowWidth)) } /** * Store the content of the CSV target file. * * @param file The source file. * @param csvData The data that was extracted from the source file. * @param maxRowWidth The maximum number of rows of all. * @param formattingConvention Formatting convention for the source file. * @param separator The separator of the columns in the target file. * @return The updated URI for the newly created target file. */ def saveExcelFile(file: File, csvData: util.ArrayList[util.ArrayList[String]], maxRowWidth: Int, formattingConvention: Int, separator: String): Try[URI] = { val destinationFileURI = File.createTempFile(s"${file.getName}-", ".csv").toURI val fw: FileWriter = new FileWriter(destinationFileURI.getSchemeSpecificPart) val bw: BufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(fw) var line: util.ArrayList[String] = new util.ArrayList[String]() var buffer: StringBuffer = null var csvLineElement: String = null val s = csvData.size for (i <- 0 until s) { buffer = new StringBuffer() line = csvData.get(i) for (j <- 0 until maxRowWidth) { if (line.size() > j) { csvLineElement = line.get(j) if (csvLineElement != null) buffer.append( escapeEmbeddedCharacters(csvLineElement, formattingConvention, separator) ) } if (j < (maxRowWidth - 1)) buffer.append(separator) } // Once the line is built, write it away to the CSV file. bw.write(buffer.toString.trim()) // Condition the inclusion of new line characters so as to // avoid an additional, superfluous, new line at the end of // the file. if (i < (csvData.size() - 1)) { bw.newLine() } } bw.flush() bw.close() Success(destinationFileURI) } def rowToCSV(row: Row, formatter: DataFormatter, evaluator: FormulaEvaluator): (util.ArrayList[String], Int) = { var lastCellNum = 0 var maxRowWidth = 0 val csvLine = new util.ArrayList[String]() // Check to ensure that a row was recovered from the sheet as it is // possible that one or more rows between other populated rows could be // missing - blank. If the row does contain cells then... if (row != null) { // Get the index for the right most cell on the row and then // step along the row from left to right recovering the contents // of each cell, converting that into a formatted String and // then storing the String into the csvLine ArrayList. lastCellNum = row.getLastCellNum.toInt for (i <- 0 to lastCellNum) { val cell = row.getCell(i) if (cell == null) { csvLine.add("") } else { if (Try(cell.getCellFormula.nonEmpty).toOption.getOrElse(false)) csvLine.add(formatter.formatCellValue(cell, evaluator)) else { val isDate: Option[Date] = Try { if (DateUtil.isCellDateFormatted(cell)) cell.getDateCellValue match { case null => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null returned by getDateCellValue!") case d => d } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cell not date formatted!") }.toOption val isSqlDate : Option[java.sql.Date] = Try(java.sql.Date.valueOf(cell.toString)).toOption val isLocalDate: Option[LocalDate] = Try(LocalDate.parse(cell.toString)).toOption val isSqlTime : Option[Time] = Try(Time.valueOf(formatter.formatCellValue(cell))).toOption val isLocalTime: Option[LocalTime] = Try( LocalTime.parse(formatter.formatCellValue(cell)) ).toOption // If we have a `Date`, we must write the string raw to the target file. Otherwise, the // Excel date format can not be evaluated with a DFASDL. // We must check the cell content for LocalTime or SqlTime. Time values are as raw like a Date, // therefore we must distinguish the time values and they MUST be added to the target file // with the `formatter`. // Date if ((isDate.isDefined || isSqlDate.isDefined || isLocalDate.isDefined) && isSqlTime.isEmpty && isLocalTime.isEmpty) { val date: java.sql.Date = isDate.fold { isSqlDate.fold { java.sql.Date.valueOf(LocalDate.parse(cell.toString)) } { _ => java.sql.Date.valueOf(cell.toString) } } { _ => new java.sql.Date(cell.getDateCellValue.getTime) } csvLine.add(date.toString) } // Time else if (isSqlTime.isDefined || isLocalTime.isDefined) { val time: Time = isSqlTime.getOrElse(Time.valueOf(LocalTime.parse(formatter.formatCellValue(cell)))) csvLine.add(time.toString) } else csvLine.add(formatter.formatCellValue(cell)) } } } // Make a note of the index number of the right most cell. This value // will later be used to ensure that the matrix of data in the CSV file // is square. if (lastCellNum > maxRowWidth) { maxRowWidth = lastCellNum } } (csvLine, maxRowWidth) } /** * Helper method that escaped characters depending on the given formatting convention. * * @param theField The field that should be escaped * @param formattingConvention The formatting convention for the field * @param separator The separator for the elements * @return The escaped content of the field */ def escapeEmbeddedCharacters(theField: String, formattingConvention: Int, separator: String): String = { var buffer: StringBuffer = null var field: String = theField // If the fields contents should be formatted to conform with Excel's // convention.... if (formattingConvention == EXCEL_STYLE_ESCAPING) { // Firstly, check if there are any speech marks (") in the field; // each occurrence must be escaped with another set of spech marks // and then the entire field should be enclosed within another // set of speech marks. Thus, "Yes" he said would become // """Yes"" he said" if (field.contains("\\"")) { buffer = new StringBuffer(field.replaceAll("\\"", "\\\\\\"\\\\\\"")) buffer.insert(0, "\\"") buffer.append("\\"") } else { // If the field contains either embedded separator or EOL // characters, then escape the whole field by surrounding it // with speech marks. buffer = new StringBuffer(field) if (buffer.indexOf(separator) > -1 || buffer.indexOf("\\n") > -1) { buffer.insert(0, "\\"") buffer.append("\\"") } } buffer.toString.trim() } // The only other formatting convention this class obeys is the UNIX one // where any occurrence of the field separator or EOL character will // be escaped by preceding it with a backslash. else { if (field.contains(separator)) field = field.replaceAll(separator, "\\\\\\\\" + separator) if (field.contains("\\n")) field = field.replaceAll("\\n", "\\\\\\\\\\n") field } } }
package com.twitter.finagle.service import com.twitter.conversions.DurationOps._ import com.twitter.finagle.stats.InMemoryStatsReceiver import com.twitter.finagle.{FailedFastException, Failure, FailureFlags, Service, WriteException} import com.twitter.util._ import org.mockito.Matchers.anyObject import org.mockito.Mockito.{times, verify, when} import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfter, FunSpec} import org.scalatestplus.mockito.MockitoSugar import scala.language.reflectiveCalls class RetryFilterTest extends FunSpec with MockitoSugar with BeforeAndAfter { var timer: JavaTimer = _ val backoffs = Stream(1.second, 2.seconds, 3.seconds) val shouldRetryException: PartialFunction[Try[Nothing], Boolean] = { case Throw(WriteException(_)) => true case _ => false } before { timer = new JavaTimer(true) } after { timer.stop() } val goodResponse = 321 val badResponse = 111 val idempotentRequest = 123 val nonIdempotentRequest = 999 val shouldRetryResponse: PartialFunction[(Int, Try[Int]), Boolean] = { case (`idempotentRequest`, Throw(WriteException(_))) => true case (`idempotentRequest`, Return(`badResponse`)) => true case _ => false } val exceptionOnlyRetryPolicy = RetryPolicy.tries(3, shouldRetryException) val retryPolicy = RetryPolicy.tries(3, shouldRetryResponse) class TriesFixture(retryExceptionsOnly: Boolean) { val stats = new InMemoryStatsReceiver() def retriesStat: Seq[Int] = stats.stat("retries")().map(_.toInt) val service = mock[Service[Int, Int]] when(service.close(anyObject[Time])) thenReturn Future.Done val filter = if (retryExceptionsOnly) new RetryExceptionsFilter[Int, Int]( RetryPolicy.tries(3, shouldRetryException), timer, stats ) else new RetryFilter[Int, Int](RetryPolicy.tries(3, shouldRetryResponse), timer, stats) val retryingService = filter andThen service } class PolicyFixture(policy: RetryPolicy[_], retryExceptionsOnly: Boolean, theTimer: Timer) { val stats = new InMemoryStatsReceiver() def retriesStat: Seq[Int] = stats.stat("retries")().map(_.toInt) val filter = if (retryExceptionsOnly) new RetryExceptionsFilter[Int, Int]( policy.asInstanceOf[RetryPolicy[Try[Nothing]]], theTimer, stats ) else new RetryFilter[Int, Int]( policy.asInstanceOf[RetryPolicy[(Int, Try[Int])]], theTimer, stats ) val service = mock[Service[Int, Int]] when(service.close(anyObject[Time])) thenReturn Future.Done val retryingService = filter andThen service } describe("RetryFilter") { it("respects RetryBudget") { val stats = new InMemoryStatsReceiver() // use a budget that just gets 2 retries val budgetRetries = 2 val budget = RetryBudget(1.second, minRetriesPerSec = budgetRetries, percentCanRetry = 0.0) // have a policy that allows for way more retries than the budgets allows for val policy = RetryPolicy.tries(10, RetryPolicy.WriteExceptionsOnly) val filter = new RetryExceptionsFilter[Throwable, Int](policy, Timer.Nil, stats, budget) val service: Service[Throwable, Int] = val svc = filter.andThen(service) Time.withCurrentTimeFrozen { _ => intercept[FailedFastException] { Await.result(svc(new FailedFastException("yep")), 5.seconds) } assert(1 == stats.counter("retries", "budget_exhausted")()) assert(budgetRetries == stats.stat("retries")().head) } } describe("with RetryPolicy.tries") { def runWithTries(retryExceptionsOnly: Boolean): Unit = { it("always try once") { new TriesFixture(retryExceptionsOnly) { when(service(123)) thenReturn Future(321) assert(Await.result(retryingService(123), 5.seconds) == 321) verify(service)(123) } } it("when failing with WriteExceptions, retry n-1 times") { new TriesFixture(retryExceptionsOnly) { when(service(123)) thenReturn Future.exception(WriteException(new Exception)) val f = retryingService(123) intercept[WriteException] { Await.result(f, 5.seconds) } verify(service, times(3))(123) } } it("when failed with a non-WriteException, fail immediately") { new TriesFixture(retryExceptionsOnly) { when(service(123)) thenReturn Future.exception(new Exception("WTF!")) val e = intercept[Exception] { Await.result(retryingService(123), 5.seconds) } assert(e.getMessage == "WTF!") verify(service)(123) assert(retriesStat == Seq(0)) } } it("when no retry occurs, no stat update") { new TriesFixture(retryExceptionsOnly) { when(service(123)) thenReturn Future(goodResponse) assert(Await.result(retryingService(123), 5.seconds) == goodResponse) assert(retriesStat == Seq(0)) } } it("propagate interrupts") { new TriesFixture(retryExceptionsOnly) { val replyPromise = new Promise[Int] { @volatile var interrupted: Option[Throwable] = None setInterruptHandler { case exc => interrupted = Some(exc) } } when(service(123)) thenReturn replyPromise val res = retryingService(123) assert(!res.isDefined) assert(replyPromise.interrupted == None) val exc = new Exception res.raise(exc) assert(!res.isDefined) assert(replyPromise.interrupted == Some(exc)) } } } describe("using RetryPolicy[(Req, Try[Rep])]") { runWithTries(retryExceptionsOnly = false) it("when failing with WriteExceptions and non-idempotent request, don't retry") { new TriesFixture(retryExceptionsOnly = false) { when(service(nonIdempotentRequest)) thenReturn Future.exception( WriteException(new Exception) ) val f = retryingService(nonIdempotentRequest) intercept[WriteException] { Await.result(f, 5.seconds) } verify(service, times(1))(nonIdempotentRequest) } } it("when succeeds with bad response and idempotent request, retry n-1 times") { new TriesFixture(retryExceptionsOnly = false) { when(service(idempotentRequest)) thenReturn Future(badResponse) val f = retryingService(idempotentRequest) Await.result(f, 5.seconds) verify(service, times(3))(idempotentRequest) } } it("when succeeds with bad response and non-idempotent request, don't retry") { new TriesFixture(retryExceptionsOnly = false) { when(service(nonIdempotentRequest)) thenReturn Future(badResponse) val f = retryingService(nonIdempotentRequest) Await.result(f, 5.seconds) verify(service, times(1))(nonIdempotentRequest) } } } describe("using RetryPolicy[Try[Nothing]]") { runWithTries(retryExceptionsOnly = true) } } describe("with RetryPolicy.backoff: Exception cases") { describe("using RetryPolicy[(Req, Try[Rep])]") { testExceptionPolicy( RetryPolicy.backoff(backoffs)(shouldRetryResponse), retryExceptionsOnly = false ) } describe("using RetryPolicy[Try[Nothing]]") { testExceptionPolicy( RetryPolicy.backoff(backoffs)(shouldRetryException), retryExceptionsOnly = true ) } } describe("with RetryPolicy.backoffJava: Exception cases") { describe("using RetryPolicy[(Req, Try[Rep])]") { testExceptionPolicy( RetryPolicy.backoffJava(Backoff.toJava(backoffs), shouldRetryResponse), retryExceptionsOnly = false ) } describe("using RetryPolicy[Try[Nothing]]") { testExceptionPolicy( RetryPolicy.backoffJava(Backoff.toJava(backoffs), shouldRetryException), retryExceptionsOnly = true ) } } describe("with Success RetryPolicy.backoff") { testSuccessPolicy(RetryPolicy.backoff(backoffs)(shouldRetryResponse)) } describe("with Success RetryPolicy.backoffJava") { testSuccessPolicy(RetryPolicy.backoffJava(Backoff.toJava(backoffs), shouldRetryResponse)) } describe("non retryable failures") { it("when failed with a Non-Retryable failure, fail immediately") { val timer = new MockTimer() val stats = new InMemoryStatsReceiver() val svc = mock[Service[Int, Int]] when(svc.apply(1)).thenReturn( Future.exception(Failure.rejected("nack")), Future.exception(Failure("not retryable", FailureFlags.NonRetryable)), Future.exception(new RuntimeException("never gonna be seen")) ) val policy = RetryPolicy.tries[Try[Nothing]](3, { case Throw(_) => true }) val retryFilter = new RetryExceptionsFilter[Int, Int](policy, timer, stats, RetryBudget.Infinite) val retryingSvc = retryFilter.andThen(svc) Time.withCurrentTimeFrozen { tc => // this req will fail, and enqueue a 2nd req waiting for the timer to advance val f = retryingSvc(1) verify(svc, times(1))(1) assert(!f.isDefined) assert(timer.tasks.size == 1) // roll the timer and kick off the 2nd request, which should not get // retried, despite our policy tc.advance(1.second); timer.tick() verify(svc, times(2))(1) val ex = intercept[Failure] { Await.result(f, 5.seconds) } assert(ex.getMessage == "not retryable") assert(stats.stat("retries")() == Seq(1)) } } } def testExceptionPolicy(policy: RetryPolicy[_], retryExceptionsOnly: Boolean): Unit = { it("always try once") { new PolicyFixture(policy, retryExceptionsOnly, timer) { when(service(123)) thenReturn Future(321) assert(Await.result(retryingService(123), 5.seconds) == 321) verify(service)(123) assert(retriesStat == Seq(0)) } } it("when failed with a WriteException, consult the retry strategy") { val timer = new MockTimer() new PolicyFixture(policy, retryExceptionsOnly, timer) { Time.withCurrentTimeFrozen { tc => when(service(123)) thenReturn Future.exception(WriteException(new Exception)) val f = retryingService(123) verify(service)(123) assert(!f.isDefined) assert(timer.tasks.size == 1) when(service(123)) thenReturn Future(321) // we succeed next time; tick! tc.advance(1.second); timer.tick() verify(service, times(2))(123) assert(retriesStat == Seq(1)) assert(Await.result(f, 5.seconds) == 321) } } } it("give up when the retry strategy is exhausted") { val timer = new MockTimer() new PolicyFixture(policy, retryExceptionsOnly, timer) { Time.withCurrentTimeFrozen { tc => when(service(123)) thenReturn Future.exception( WriteException(new Exception("i'm exhausted")) ) val f = retryingService(123) 1 to 3 foreach { i => assert(!f.isDefined) verify(service, times(i))(123) assert(retriesStat == Seq.empty) tc.advance(i.seconds); timer.tick() } assert(retriesStat == Seq(3)) assert(f.isDefined) assert(Await.ready(f, 5.seconds).poll.get.isThrow) val e = intercept[WriteException] { Await.result(f, 5.seconds) } assert(e.getMessage.contains("i'm exhausted")) } } } it("when failed with a non-WriteException, fail immediately") { val timer = new MockTimer() new PolicyFixture(policy, retryExceptionsOnly, timer) { when(service(123)) thenReturn Future.exception(new Exception("WTF!")) val e = intercept[Exception] { Await.result(retryingService(123), 5.seconds) } assert(e.getMessage == "WTF!") verify(service)(123) assert(timer.tasks.isEmpty) assert(retriesStat == Seq(0)) } } it("when failed with a Non-Retryable failure, fail immediately") { val timer = new MockTimer() new PolicyFixture(policy, retryExceptionsOnly, timer) { when(service(123)) thenReturn Future.exception(Failure("WTF!", FailureFlags.NonRetryable)) val e = intercept[Exception] { Await.result(retryingService(123), 5.seconds) } assert(e.getMessage == "WTF!") verify(service)(123) assert(timer.tasks.isEmpty) assert(retriesStat == Seq(0)) } } it("when no retry occurs, no stat update") { new PolicyFixture(policy, retryExceptionsOnly, timer) { when(service(123)) thenReturn Future(321) assert(Await.result(retryingService(123), 5.seconds) == 321) assert(retriesStat == Seq(0)) } } it("propagate cancellation") { new PolicyFixture(policy, retryExceptionsOnly, timer) { val replyPromise = new Promise[Int] { @volatile var interrupted: Option[Throwable] = None setInterruptHandler { case exc => interrupted = Some(exc) } } when(service(123)) thenReturn replyPromise val res = retryingService(123) assert(!res.isDefined) assert(replyPromise.interrupted == None) val exc = new Exception res.raise(exc) assert(!res.isDefined) assert(replyPromise.interrupted == Some(exc)) } } } def testSuccessPolicy(policy: RetryPolicy[(Int, Try[Int])]): Unit = { it("when it succeeds with a bad response, consult the retry strategy") { val timer = new MockTimer() new PolicyFixture(policy, retryExceptionsOnly = false, timer) { Time.withCurrentTimeFrozen { tc => when(service(123)) thenReturn Future(badResponse) val f = retryingService(123) verify(service)(123) assert(!f.isDefined) assert(timer.tasks.size == 1) when(service(123)) thenReturn Future(goodResponse) // we succeed next time; tick! tc.advance(1.second); timer.tick() verify(service, times(2))(123) assert(retriesStat == Seq(1)) assert(Await.result(f, 5.seconds) == goodResponse) } } } it("return result when the retry strategy is exhausted") { val timer = new MockTimer() new PolicyFixture(policy, retryExceptionsOnly = false, timer) { Time.withCurrentTimeFrozen { tc => when(service(123)) thenReturn Future(badResponse) val f = retryingService(123) 1 to 3 foreach { i => assert(!f.isDefined) verify(service, times(i))(123) assert(retriesStat == Seq.empty) tc.advance(i.seconds); timer.tick() } assert(retriesStat == Seq(3)) assert(f.isDefined) assert(Await.result(f, 5.seconds) == badResponse) } } } it("when it succeeds, return the result immediately") { val timer = new MockTimer() new PolicyFixture(policy, retryExceptionsOnly = false, timer) { when(service(123)) thenReturn Future(goodResponse) val f = retryingService(123) verify(service)(123) assert(timer.tasks.isEmpty) assert(retriesStat == Seq(0)) } } it("when no retry occurs, no stat update") { new PolicyFixture(policy, retryExceptionsOnly = false, timer) { when(service(123)) thenReturn Future(321) assert(Await.result(retryingService(123), 5.seconds) == 321) assert(retriesStat == Seq(0)) } } } } }
package edu.berkeley.nlp.entity.coref import scala.collection.JavaConverters.asScalaBufferConverter import edu.berkeley.nlp.entity.Chunk import edu.berkeley.nlp.entity.Driver; import scala.collection.mutable.HashSet import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer import edu.berkeley.nlp.entity.lang.CorefLanguagePack import edu.berkeley.nlp.entity.lang.Language import edu.berkeley.nlp.futile.util.Logger import edu.berkeley.nlp.entity.lang.EnglishCorefLanguagePack import edu.berkeley.nlp.entity.lang.ChineseCorefLanguagePack import edu.berkeley.nlp.entity.lang.ArabicCorefLanguagePack import edu.berkeley.nlp.futile.util.Counter import edu.berkeley.nlp.futile.syntax.Trees.PennTreeRenderer import edu.berkeley.nlp.entity.ConllDoc case class ProtoMention(val sentIdx: Int, val startIdx: Int, val endIdx: Int, val headIdx: Int); case class ProtoMentionFancy(val sentIdx: Int, val startIdx: Int, val endIdx: Int, val headIndices: Seq[Int]); case class ProtoCorefDoc(val doc: ConllDoc, val goldMentions: Seq[Mention], val predProtoMentions: Seq[ProtoMention]); class CorefDocAssembler(val langPack: CorefLanguagePack, val useGoldMentions: Boolean) { def createCorefDoc(rawDoc: ConllDoc, propertyComputer: MentionPropertyComputer): CorefDoc = { val (goldMentions, goldClustering) = extractGoldMentions(rawDoc, propertyComputer); if (goldMentions.size == 0) { Logger.logss("WARNING: no gold mentions on document " + rawDoc.printableDocName); } val predMentions = if (useGoldMentions) goldMentions else extractPredMentions(rawDoc, propertyComputer, goldMentions); new CorefDoc(rawDoc, goldMentions, goldClustering, predMentions) } def createCorefDocFancy(rawDoc: ConllDoc, propertyComputer: MentionPropertyComputer, possibleChunks: Seq[Seq[Chunk[Boolean]]]): CorefDoc = { val (goldMentions, goldClustering) = extractGoldMentions(rawDoc, propertyComputer); if (goldMentions.size == 0) { Logger.logss("WARNING: no gold mentions on document " + rawDoc.printableDocName); } val predMentions = if (useGoldMentions) goldMentions else extractPredMentionsFancy(rawDoc, propertyComputer, goldMentions, possibleChunks); // MentionLatticeHandler.findConflicts(predMentions); new CorefDoc(rawDoc, goldMentions, goldClustering, predMentions) } def extractGoldMentions(rawDoc: ConllDoc, propertyComputer: MentionPropertyComputer): (Seq[Mention], OrderedClustering) = { CorefDocAssembler.extractGoldMentions(rawDoc, propertyComputer, langPack); } def extractPredMentions(rawDoc: ConllDoc, propertyComputer: MentionPropertyComputer, gms: Seq[Mention]): Seq[Mention] = { val protoMentionsSorted = getProtoMentionsSorted(rawDoc, gms); val finalMentions = new ArrayBuffer[Mention](); for (sentProtoMents <- protoMentionsSorted; protoMent <- sentProtoMents) { finalMentions += Mention.createMentionComputeProperties(rawDoc, finalMentions.size, protoMent.sentIdx, protoMent.startIdx, protoMent.endIdx, protoMent.headIdx, Seq(protoMent.headIdx), false, propertyComputer, langPack) } finalMentions; } def extractPredMentionsFancy(rawDoc: ConllDoc, propertyComputer: MentionPropertyComputer, gms: Seq[Mention], possibleChunks: Seq[Seq[Chunk[Boolean]]]): Seq[Mention] = { val protoMentionsSorted = getProtoMentionsSortedFancy(rawDoc, gms, possibleChunks); val finalMentions = new ArrayBuffer[Mention](); for (sentProtoMents <- protoMentionsSorted; protoMent <- sentProtoMents) { finalMentions += Mention.createMentionComputeProperties(rawDoc, finalMentions.size, protoMent.sentIdx, protoMent.startIdx, protoMent.endIdx, protoMent.headIdx, Seq(protoMent.headIdx), false, propertyComputer, langPack) } finalMentions; } private def getProtoMentionsSorted(rawDoc: ConllDoc, gms: Seq[Mention]): Seq[Seq[ProtoMention]] = { val mentionExtents = (0 until rawDoc.numSents).map(i => new HashSet[ProtoMention]); for (sentIdx <- 0 until rawDoc.numSents) { // Extract NE spans: filter out O, QUANTITY, CARDINAL, CHUNK // Throw out NE types which aren't mentions val filterNEsByType: Chunk[String] => Boolean = chunk => !(chunk.label == "O" || chunk.label == "QUANTITY" || chunk.label == "CARDINAL" || chunk.label == "PERCENT"); // Extract NPs and PRPs *except* for those contained in NE chunks (the NE tagger seems more reliable than the parser) val posAndConstituentsOfInterest = langPack.getMentionConstituentTypes ++ langPack.getPronominalTags; for (label <- posAndConstituentsOfInterest) { mentionExtents(sentIdx) ++= rawDoc.trees(sentIdx).getSpansAndHeadsOfType(label).map(span => new ProtoMention(sentIdx, span._1, span._2, span._3)); } // Add NEs if we want val neMentType = Driver.neMentType if (neMentType == "all") { val neProtoMents = rawDoc.nerChunks(sentIdx).filter(filterNEsByType). map(chunk => new ProtoMention(sentIdx, chunk.start, chunk.end, rawDoc.trees(sentIdx).getSpanHead(chunk.start, chunk.end))); mentionExtents(sentIdx) ++= neProtoMents } else if (neMentType == "nnp") { val spans = getMaximalNNPSpans(rawDoc.pos(sentIdx)); val neProtoMents = => new ProtoMention(sentIdx, span._1, span._2, rawDoc.trees(sentIdx).getSpanHead(span._1, span._2))); mentionExtents(sentIdx) ++= neProtoMents } else { // Do nothing } } // Now take maximal mentions with the same heads if (Driver.filterNonMaximalNPs) { filterNonMaximalNPs(rawDoc, mentionExtents).map(CorefDocAssembler.sortProtoMentionsLinear(_)); } else { => CorefDocAssembler.sortProtoMentionsLinear(new ArrayBuffer[ProtoMention] ++ protoMents)); } // if (Driver.filterNonMaximalNPs) { // val filteredProtoMentionsSorted = (0 until rawDoc.numSents).map(i => new ArrayBuffer[ProtoMention]); // for (sentIdx <- 0 until mentionExtents.size) { // val protoMentionsByHead = mentionExtents(sentIdx).groupBy(_.headIdx); // // Look from smallest head first // for (head <- protoMentionsByHead.keys.toSeq.sorted) { // // Find the biggest span containing this head // var currentBiggest: ProtoMention = null; // for (ment <- protoMentionsByHead(head)) { // // Overlapping but neither is contained in the other // if (currentBiggest != null && ((ment.startIdx < currentBiggest.startIdx && ment.endIdx < currentBiggest.endIdx) || (ment.startIdx > currentBiggest.startIdx && ment.endIdx > currentBiggest.endIdx))) { // Logger.logss("WARNING: mentions with the same head but neither contains the other"); // Logger.logss(" " + rawDoc.words(sentIdx).slice(ment.startIdx, ment.endIdx) + ", head = " + rawDoc.words(sentIdx)(head)); // Logger.logss(" " + rawDoc.words(sentIdx).slice(currentBiggest.startIdx, currentBiggest.endIdx) + ", head = " + rawDoc.words(sentIdx)(head)); // } // // This one is bigger // if (currentBiggest == null || (ment.startIdx <= currentBiggest.startIdx && ment.endIdx >= currentBiggest.endIdx)) { // currentBiggest = ment; // } // } // filteredProtoMentionsSorted(sentIdx) += currentBiggest; // // ENGLISH ONLY: don't remove appositives // for (ment <- protoMentionsByHead(head)) { // val isNotBiggest = ment.startIdx != currentBiggest.startIdx || ment.endIdx != currentBiggest.endIdx; // val isAppositiveLike = ment.endIdx < rawDoc.pos(sentIdx).size && (rawDoc.pos(sentIdx)(ment.endIdx) == "," || rawDoc.pos(sentIdx)(ment.endIdx) == "CC"); // if (isNotBiggest && isAppositiveLike && Driver.includeAppositives) { // filteredProtoMentionsSorted(sentIdx) += ment; // } // } // } // } //; // } else { // => sortProtoMentionsLinear(new ArrayBuffer[ProtoMention] ++ protoMents)); // } } private def getProtoMentionsSortedFancy(rawDoc: ConllDoc, gms: Seq[Mention], possibleChunks: Seq[Seq[Chunk[Boolean]]]): Seq[Seq[ProtoMention]] = { val mentionExtents = (0 until rawDoc.numSents).map(i => new HashSet[ProtoMention]); for (sentIdx <- 0 until rawDoc.numSents) { // Extract NPs and PRPs *except* for those contained in NE chunks (the NE tagger seems more reliable than the parser) val posAndConstituentsOfInterest = langPack.getMentionConstituentTypes ++ langPack.getPronominalTags; for (label <- posAndConstituentsOfInterest) { mentionExtents(sentIdx) ++= rawDoc.trees(sentIdx).getSpansAndHeadsOfType(label).map(span => new ProtoMention(sentIdx, span._1, span._2, span._3)); } // Add NEs, appropriately filtered by type val neProtoMents = possibleChunks(sentIdx).filter(_.label). map(chunk => new ProtoMention(sentIdx, chunk.start, chunk.end, rawDoc.trees(sentIdx).getSpanHead(chunk.start, chunk.end))); val existingHeadIndices = mentionExtents(sentIdx).map(_.headIdx); // Detect conflicts mentionExtents(sentIdx) ++= neProtoMents.filter(protoMent => !existingHeadIndices.contains(protoMent.headIdx)); } // Now take maximal mentions with the same heads if (Driver.filterNonMaximalNPs) { filterNonMaximalNPs(rawDoc, mentionExtents).map(CorefDocAssembler.sortProtoMentionsLinear(_)); } else { => CorefDocAssembler.sortProtoMentionsLinear(new ArrayBuffer[ProtoMention] ++ protoMents)); } } private def filterNonMaximalNPs(rawDoc: ConllDoc, mentionExtents: Seq[HashSet[ProtoMention]]) = { val filteredProtoMentionsSorted = (0 until rawDoc.numSents).map(i => new ArrayBuffer[ProtoMention]); for (sentIdx <- 0 until mentionExtents.size) { val protoMentionsByHead = mentionExtents(sentIdx).groupBy(_.headIdx); // Look from smallest head first for (head <- protoMentionsByHead.keys.toSeq.sorted) { // Find the biggest span containing this head var currentBiggest: ProtoMention = null; for (ment <- protoMentionsByHead(head)) { // Overlapping but neither is contained in the other if (currentBiggest != null && ((ment.startIdx < currentBiggest.startIdx && ment.endIdx < currentBiggest.endIdx) || (ment.startIdx > currentBiggest.startIdx && ment.endIdx > currentBiggest.endIdx))) { Logger.logss("WARNING: mentions with the same head but neither contains the other"); Logger.logss(" " + rawDoc.words(sentIdx).slice(ment.startIdx, ment.endIdx) + ", head = " + rawDoc.words(sentIdx)(head)); Logger.logss(" " + rawDoc.words(sentIdx).slice(currentBiggest.startIdx, currentBiggest.endIdx) + ", head = " + rawDoc.words(sentIdx)(head)); } // This one is bigger if (currentBiggest == null || (ment.startIdx <= currentBiggest.startIdx && ment.endIdx >= currentBiggest.endIdx)) { currentBiggest = ment; } } filteredProtoMentionsSorted(sentIdx) += currentBiggest; // ENGLISH ONLY: don't remove appositives for (ment <- protoMentionsByHead(head)) { val isNotBiggest = ment.startIdx != currentBiggest.startIdx || ment.endIdx != currentBiggest.endIdx; val isAppositiveLike = ment.endIdx < rawDoc.pos(sentIdx).size && (rawDoc.pos(sentIdx)(ment.endIdx) == "," || rawDoc.pos(sentIdx)(ment.endIdx) == "CC"); if (isNotBiggest && isAppositiveLike && Driver.includeAppositives) { filteredProtoMentionsSorted(sentIdx) += ment; } } } } filteredProtoMentionsSorted; } private def getMaximalNNPSpans(tags: Seq[String]) = { var start = -1; var inside = false; val spans = new ArrayBuffer[(Int,Int)] for (i <- 0 until tags.size) { if (tags(i).startsWith("NNP") && (i == 0 || !tags(i-1).startsWith("NNP"))) { start = i inside = true; } if (inside && !tags(i).startsWith("NNP")) { spans += start -> i; start = -1; inside = false; } } spans; } ////////////////// // COORDINATION // ////////////////// def createCorefDocWithCoordination(rawDoc: ConllDoc, propertyComputer: MentionPropertyComputer): CorefDoc = { val (goldMentions, goldClustering) = extractGoldMentionsWithCoordination(rawDoc, propertyComputer); if (goldMentions.size == 0) { Logger.logss("WARNING: no gold mentions on document " + rawDoc.printableDocName); } val predMentions = if (useGoldMentions) goldMentions else extractPredMentionsWithCoordination(rawDoc, propertyComputer, goldMentions); new CorefDoc(rawDoc, goldMentions, goldClustering, predMentions) } def extractGoldMentionsWithCoordination(rawDoc: ConllDoc, propertyComputer: MentionPropertyComputer): (Seq[Mention], OrderedClustering) = { val goldProtoMentionsSorted = getGoldProtoMentionsSortedWithCoordination(rawDoc); val finalMentions = new ArrayBuffer[Mention](); val goldClusterLabels = new ArrayBuffer[Int](); for (sentProtoMents <- goldProtoMentionsSorted; protoMent <- sentProtoMents) { finalMentions += Mention.createMentionComputeProperties(rawDoc, finalMentions.size, protoMent.sentIdx, protoMent.startIdx, protoMent.endIdx, protoMent.headIndices.head, protoMent.headIndices, protoMent.headIndices.size > 1, propertyComputer, langPack) val correspondingChunks = rawDoc.corefChunks(protoMent.sentIdx).filter(chunk => chunk.start == protoMent.startIdx && chunk.end == protoMent.endIdx); if (correspondingChunks.size != 1) { Logger.logss("WARNING: multiple gold coref chunks matching span"); Logger.logss("Location: " + rawDoc.printableDocName + ", sentence " + protoMent.sentIdx + ": (" + protoMent.startIdx + ", " + protoMent.endIdx + ") " + rawDoc.words(protoMent.sentIdx).slice(protoMent.startIdx, protoMent.endIdx)); } require(correspondingChunks.size >= 1); goldClusterLabels +=, _)); } (finalMentions, OrderedClustering.createFromClusterIds(goldClusterLabels)); } def extractPredMentionsWithCoordination(rawDoc: ConllDoc, propertyComputer: MentionPropertyComputer, gms: Seq[Mention]): Seq[Mention] = { val protoMentionsSorted = getProtoMentionsSortedWithCoordination(rawDoc, gms); val finalMentions = new ArrayBuffer[Mention](); for (sentProtoMents <- protoMentionsSorted; protoMent <- sentProtoMents) { finalMentions += Mention.createMentionComputeProperties(rawDoc, finalMentions.size, protoMent.sentIdx, protoMent.startIdx, protoMent.endIdx, protoMent.headIndices.head, protoMent.headIndices, protoMent.headIndices.size > 1, propertyComputer, langPack) } finalMentions; } private def getGoldProtoMentionsSortedWithCoordination(rawDoc: ConllDoc): Seq[Seq[ProtoMentionFancy]] = { val goldProtoMentions = for (sentIdx <- 0 until rawDoc.corefChunks.size) yield { for (chunk <- rawDoc.corefChunks(sentIdx)) yield { val headIndices = rawDoc.trees(sentIdx).getSpanHeadOrNPCoordinatedHeads(chunk.start, chunk.end); new ProtoMentionFancy(sentIdx, chunk.start, chunk.end, headIndices.toSeq.sorted); } } => (ment.sentIdx, ment.headIndices.head, ment.endIdx, ment.startIdx))); } private def getProtoMentionsSortedWithCoordination(rawDoc: ConllDoc, gms: Seq[Mention]): Seq[Seq[ProtoMentionFancy]] = { val mentionExtents = (0 until rawDoc.numSents).map(i => new HashSet[ProtoMentionFancy]); for (sentIdx <- 0 until rawDoc.numSents) { // Extract NE spans: filter out O, QUANTITY, CARDINAL, CHUNK // Throw out NE types which aren't mentions val filterNEsByType: Chunk[String] => Boolean = chunk => !(chunk.label == "O" || chunk.label == "QUANTITY" || chunk.label == "CARDINAL" || chunk.label == "PERCENT"); val neProtoMentions = rawDoc.nerChunks(sentIdx).filter(filterNEsByType). map(chunk => new ProtoMentionFancy(sentIdx, chunk.start, chunk.end, rawDoc.trees(sentIdx).getSpanHeadOrNPCoordinatedHeads(chunk.start, chunk.end).toSeq.sorted)); mentionExtents(sentIdx) ++= neProtoMentions // Extract NPs and PRPs *except* for those contained in NE chunks (the NE tagger seems more reliable than the parser) val posAndConstituentsOfInterest = langPack.getMentionConstituentTypes ++ langPack.getPronominalTags; for (label <- posAndConstituentsOfInterest) { mentionExtents(sentIdx) ++= rawDoc.trees(sentIdx).getSpansAndCoordinatedHeadsOfType(label).map(span => new ProtoMentionFancy(sentIdx, span._1, span._2, span._3.toSeq.sorted)); } } // Now take maximal mentions with the same heads val filteredProtoMentionsSorted = (0 until rawDoc.numSents).map(i => new ArrayBuffer[ProtoMentionFancy]); for (sentIdx <- 0 until mentionExtents.size) { val protoMentionsByHead = mentionExtents(sentIdx).groupBy(_.headIndices); // Look from smallest head first for (headSet <- protoMentionsByHead.keys.toSeq) { // Find the biggest span containing this head var currentBiggest: ProtoMentionFancy = null; for (ment <- protoMentionsByHead(headSet)) { // Overlapping but neither is contained in the other if (currentBiggest != null && ((ment.startIdx < currentBiggest.startIdx && ment.endIdx < currentBiggest.endIdx) || (ment.startIdx > currentBiggest.startIdx && ment.endIdx > currentBiggest.endIdx))) { Logger.logss("WARNING: mentions with the same head but neither contains the other"); Logger.logss(" " + rawDoc.words(sentIdx).slice(ment.startIdx, ment.endIdx) + ", head(s) = " +; Logger.logss(" " + rawDoc.words(sentIdx).slice(currentBiggest.startIdx, currentBiggest.endIdx) + ", head = " +; } // This one is bigger if (currentBiggest == null || (ment.startIdx <= currentBiggest.startIdx && ment.endIdx >= currentBiggest.endIdx)) { currentBiggest = ment; } } filteredProtoMentionsSorted(sentIdx) += currentBiggest; // ENGLISH ONLY: don't remove appositives for (ment <- protoMentionsByHead(headSet)) { val isNotBiggest = ment.startIdx != currentBiggest.startIdx || ment.endIdx != currentBiggest.endIdx; val isAppositiveLike = ment.endIdx < rawDoc.pos(sentIdx).size && (rawDoc.pos(sentIdx)(ment.endIdx) == "," || rawDoc.pos(sentIdx)(ment.endIdx) == "CC"); if (isNotBiggest && isAppositiveLike && Driver.includeAppositives) { filteredProtoMentionsSorted(sentIdx) += ment; } } } } => (ment.sentIdx, ment.headIndices.head, ment.endIdx, ment.startIdx))); } ///////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////// // def getProtoMentionCandidatesSorted(rawDoc: ConllDoc, gms: Seq[Mention]): Seq[Seq[ProtoMention]] = { // val mentionExtents = (0 until rawDoc.numSents).map(i => new HashSet[ProtoMention]); // for (sentIdx <- 0 until rawDoc.numSents) { // // Throw out NE types which aren't mentions // val filterNEsByType: Chunk[String] => Boolean = chunk => !(chunk.label == "O" || chunk.label == "QUANTITY" || chunk.label == "CARDINAL" || chunk.label == "PERCENT"); // val neProtoMentions = rawDoc.nerChunks(sentIdx).filter(filterNEsByType). // map(chunk => new ProtoMention(sentIdx, chunk.start, chunk.end, rawDoc.trees(sentIdx).getSpanHead(chunk.start, chunk.end))); // mentionExtents(sentIdx) ++= neProtoMentions // // Extract NPs and PRPs *except* for those contained in NE chunks (the NE tagger seems more reliable than the parser) // val filterSpanIfInNE: ((Int, Int, Int)) => Boolean = startEndHead => neProtoMentions.filter(ment => ment.startIdx <= startEndHead._1 && startEndHead._2 <= ment.endIdx).size == 0; // val posAndConstituentsOfInterest = langPack.getMentionConstituentTypes ++ langPack.getPronominalTags; // for (label <- posAndConstituentsOfInterest) { // if (Driver.includeSpansContainedInNE) { // mentionExtents(sentIdx) ++= rawDoc.trees(sentIdx).getSpansAndHeadsOfType(label).map(span => new ProtoMention(sentIdx, span._1, span._2, span._3)); //// mentionExtents(sentIdx) ++= rawDoc.trees(sentIdx).getSpansAndHeadsOfType(label).map(span => new ProtoMention(sentIdx, span._1, span._2, span._3)).map(contractPMToRemovePossessive); // } else { // mentionExtents(sentIdx) ++= rawDoc.trees(sentIdx).getSpansAndHeadsOfType(label).filter(filterSpanIfInNE).map(span => new ProtoMention(sentIdx, span._1, span._2, span._3)); // } // } // } // // Now take maximal mentions with the same heads // val filteredProtoMentionsSorted = (0 until rawDoc.numSents).map(i => new ArrayBuffer[ProtoMention]); // for (sentIdx <- 0 until mentionExtents.size) { // val protoMentionsByHead = mentionExtents(sentIdx).groupBy(_.headIdx); // // Look from smallest head first // for (head <- protoMentionsByHead.keys.toSeq.sorted) { // // Find the biggest span containing this head // var currentBiggest: ProtoMention = null; // for (ment <- protoMentionsByHead(head)) { // // Overlapping but neither is contained in the other // if (currentBiggest != null && ((ment.startIdx < currentBiggest.startIdx && ment.endIdx < currentBiggest.endIdx) || (ment.startIdx > currentBiggest.startIdx && ment.endIdx > currentBiggest.endIdx))) { // Logger.logss("WARNING: mentions with the same head but neither contains the other"); // Logger.logss(" " + rawDoc.words(sentIdx).slice(ment.startIdx, ment.endIdx) + ", head = " + rawDoc.words(sentIdx)(head)); // Logger.logss(" " + rawDoc.words(sentIdx).slice(currentBiggest.startIdx, currentBiggest.endIdx) + ", head = " + rawDoc.words(sentIdx)(head)); // } // // This one is bigger // if (currentBiggest == null || (ment.startIdx <= currentBiggest.startIdx && ment.endIdx >= currentBiggest.endIdx)) { // currentBiggest = ment; // } // } // filteredProtoMentionsSorted(sentIdx) += currentBiggest; // // ENGLISH ONLY: don't remove appositives // for (ment <- protoMentionsByHead(head)) { // val isNotBiggest = ment.startIdx != currentBiggest.startIdx || ment.endIdx != currentBiggest.endIdx; // val isAppositiveLike = ment.endIdx < rawDoc.pos(sentIdx).size && (rawDoc.pos(sentIdx)(ment.endIdx) == "," || rawDoc.pos(sentIdx)(ment.endIdx) == "CC"); // if (isNotBiggest && isAppositiveLike && Driver.includeAppositives) { // filteredProtoMentionsSorted(sentIdx) += ment; // } // } // // ENGLISH ONLY: don't remove conjunctions // // } // } //; // // // // // Try including / removing 's // val mungePossessive: ProtoMention => Seq[ProtoMention] = pm => { // val pms = new ArrayBuffer[ProtoMention]; // pms += pm; // val sent = rawDoc.words(pm.sentIdx); // if (pm.endIdx <= sent.size - 1 && sent(pm.endIdx) == "'s") { // pms += new ProtoMention(pm.sentIdx, pm.startIdx, pm.endIdx + 1, pm.headIdx) // } // if (pm.endIdx - pm.startIdx >= 2 && sent(pm.endIdx - 1) == "'s") { // pms += new ProtoMention(pm.sentIdx, pm.startIdx, pm.endIdx - 1, (if (pm.headIdx == pm.endIdx - 1) pm.endIdx - 2 else pm.headIdx)) // } // pms; // } // // // Try removing an initial "the" // val mungeThe: ProtoMention => Seq[ProtoMention] = pm => { // val pms = new ArrayBuffer[ProtoMention]; // pms += pm; // val sent = rawDoc.words(pm.sentIdx); // if (pm.endIdx > pm.startIdx + 1 && rawDoc.words(pm.sentIdx)(pm.startIdx).toLowerCase == "the") { // pms += new ProtoMention(pm.sentIdx, pm.startIdx + 1, pm.endIdx, pm.headIdx) // } // pms; // } // val mungeFollowingContent: ProtoMention => Seq[ProtoMention] = pm => { // val pms = new ArrayBuffer[ProtoMention]; // pms += pm; // if (pm.headIdx < pm.endIdx - 1) { // pms += new ProtoMention(pm.sentIdx, pm.startIdx, pm.headIdx + 1, pm.headIdx) // } // pms; // } // // filteredProtoMentionsSorted ////; ////; ////; // //// => new ArrayBuffer[ProtoMention] ++ protoMents) //// => new ArrayBuffer[ProtoMention] ++ protoMents).map(_.flatMap(mungeFollowingContent)); // // // Try shaving off "the X 's" //// => sentPms.flatMap(pm => { //// val finalPms = new ArrayBuffer[ProtoMention] ++ Seq(pm); //// if (pm.endIdx - pm.startIdx == 2 && //// rawDoc.words(pm.sentIdx)(pm.endIdx - 1) == "'s" && //// rawDoc.nerChunks(pm.sentIdx).filter(chunk => chunk.start == pm.startIdx && chunk.end == pm.startIdx + 1).size >= 1) { //// finalPms += new ProtoMention(pm.sentIdx, pm.startIdx, pm.startIdx + 1, pm.headIdx); //// } //// if (pm.endIdx - pm.startIdx == 3 && //// (rawDoc.words(pm.sentIdx)(pm.startIdx) == "the" || rawDoc.words(pm.sentIdx)(pm.startIdx) == "a") && //// rawDoc.words(pm.sentIdx)(pm.endIdx - 1) == "'s" && //// rawDoc.nerChunks(pm.sentIdx).filter(chunk => chunk.start == pm.startIdx && chunk.end == pm.startIdx + 1).size >= 1) { //// finalPms += new ProtoMention(pm.sentIdx, pm.startIdx + 1, pm.startIdx + 2, pm.headIdx); //// } //// finalPms; //// })).map(sortProtoMentionsLinear(_)); // } } object CorefDocAssembler { def apply(language: Language, useGoldMentions: Boolean) = { val langPack = language match { case Language.ENGLISH => new EnglishCorefLanguagePack(); case Language.CHINESE => new ChineseCorefLanguagePack(); case Language.ARABIC => new ArabicCorefLanguagePack(); case _ => throw new RuntimeException("Unrecognized language"); } new CorefDocAssembler(langPack, useGoldMentions); } def extractGoldMentions(rawDoc: ConllDoc, propertyComputer: MentionPropertyComputer, langPack: CorefLanguagePack): (Seq[Mention], OrderedClustering) = { val goldProtoMentionsSorted = getGoldProtoMentionsSorted(rawDoc); val finalMentions = new ArrayBuffer[Mention](); val goldClusterLabels = new ArrayBuffer[Int](); for (sentProtoMents <- goldProtoMentionsSorted; protoMent <- sentProtoMents) { finalMentions += Mention.createMentionComputeProperties(rawDoc, finalMentions.size, protoMent.sentIdx, protoMent.startIdx, protoMent.endIdx, protoMent.headIdx, Seq(protoMent.headIdx), false, propertyComputer, langPack) val correspondingChunks = rawDoc.corefChunks(protoMent.sentIdx).filter(chunk => chunk.start == protoMent.startIdx && chunk.end == protoMent.endIdx); if (correspondingChunks.size != 1) { Logger.logss("WARNING: multiple gold coref chunks matching span"); Logger.logss("Location: " + rawDoc.printableDocName + ", sentence " + protoMent.sentIdx + ": (" + protoMent.startIdx + ", " + protoMent.endIdx + ") " + rawDoc.words(protoMent.sentIdx).slice(protoMent.startIdx, protoMent.endIdx)); } require(correspondingChunks.size >= 1); goldClusterLabels +=, _)); } (finalMentions, OrderedClustering.createFromClusterIds(goldClusterLabels)); } def getGoldProtoMentionsSorted(rawDoc: ConllDoc): Seq[Seq[ProtoMention]] = { val goldProtoMentions = for (sentIdx <- 0 until rawDoc.corefChunks.size) yield { for (chunk <- rawDoc.corefChunks(sentIdx)) yield { val headIdx = rawDoc.trees(sentIdx).getSpanHead(chunk.start, chunk.end); new ProtoMention(sentIdx, chunk.start, chunk.end, headIdx); } }; } def sortProtoMentionsLinear(protoMentions: Seq[ProtoMention]): Seq[ProtoMention] = { protoMentions.sortBy(ment => (ment.sentIdx, ment.headIdx, ment.endIdx, ment.startIdx)); } def checkGoldMentionRecallQuick(protoDocs: Seq[ProtoCorefDoc]) { val numGMs = protoDocs.foldLeft(0)((size, doc) => size + doc.goldMentions.size); val numPMs = protoDocs.foldLeft(0)((size, doc) => size + doc.predProtoMentions.size); var numGMsRecalled = 0; var numGMsUnrecalledNonConstituents = 0; var numGMsUnrecalledCrossingBrackets = 0; var numGMsVerbal = 0; for (doc <- protoDocs; gm <- doc.goldMentions) { if (doc.predProtoMentions.filter(pm => pm.sentIdx == gm.sentIdx && pm.startIdx == gm.startIdx && pm.endIdx == gm.endIdx).size >= 1) { numGMsRecalled += 1; } else { if (doc.doc.trees(gm.sentIdx).doesCrossBrackets(gm.startIdx, gm.endIdx)) { numGMsUnrecalledCrossingBrackets += 1; } if (!doc.doc.trees(gm.sentIdx).isConstituent(gm.startIdx, gm.endIdx)) { numGMsUnrecalledNonConstituents += 1; } else { if (doc.doc.trees(gm.sentIdx).getConstituentType(gm.startIdx, gm.endIdx).startsWith("V")) { numGMsVerbal += 1; } } } } Logger.logss("Pred proto mentions: " + numPMs); Logger.logss("Recall: " + numGMsRecalled + "/" + numGMs + " = " + (numGMsRecalled.toDouble / numGMs)); Logger.logss("Num GMs non-constituents: " + numGMsUnrecalledNonConstituents + ", num verbal: " + numGMsVerbal); Logger.logss("Num GMs crossing brackets (NC includes these): " + numGMsUnrecalledCrossingBrackets); } def checkGoldMentionRecall(docs: Seq[CorefDoc]) { val numGMs = + _); val numPMs = + _); val numNomPMs = => doc.predMentions.filter(_.mentionType == MentionType.NOMINAL).size).reduce(_ + _); val numPropPMs = => doc.predMentions.filter(_.mentionType == MentionType.PROPER).size).reduce(_ + _); val numPronPMs = => doc.predMentions.filter(_.mentionType == MentionType.PRONOMINAL).size).reduce(_ + _); val numDemonstrativePMs = => doc.predMentions.filter(_.mentionType == MentionType.DEMONSTRATIVE).size).reduce(_ + _); var numGMsRecalled = 0; var numGMsUnrecalledNonConstituents = 0; // These partition the errors var numGMsUnrecalledCrossingBrackets = 0; var numGMsUnrecalledInternal = 0; var numGMsUnrecalledPPAttach = 0; var numGMsUnrecalledCoord = 0; var numGMsUnrecalledOther = 0; val missedConstituentTypes = new Counter[String]; for (doc <- docs; gm <- doc.goldMentions) { if (doc.predMentions.filter(pm => pm.sentIdx == gm.sentIdx && pm.startIdx == gm.startIdx && pm.endIdx == gm.endIdx).size >= 1) { numGMsRecalled += 1; } else { if (!doc.rawDoc.trees(gm.sentIdx).isConstituent(gm.startIdx, gm.endIdx)) { numGMsUnrecalledNonConstituents += 1; } if (doc.rawDoc.trees(gm.sentIdx).doesCrossBrackets(gm.startIdx, gm.endIdx)) { numGMsUnrecalledCrossingBrackets += 1; } else if (doc.rawDoc.pos(gm.sentIdx).slice(gm.startIdx, gm.endIdx).map(_.startsWith("N")).reduce(_ && _)) { numGMsUnrecalledInternal += 1; } else if (gm.endIdx < doc.rawDoc.pos(gm.sentIdx).size && (doc.rawDoc.pos(gm.sentIdx)(gm.endIdx) == "IN" || doc.rawDoc.pos(gm.sentIdx)(gm.endIdx) == "TO")) { numGMsUnrecalledPPAttach += 1; } else if ((gm.endIdx < doc.rawDoc.words(gm.sentIdx).size && doc.rawDoc.words(gm.sentIdx)(gm.endIdx) == "and") || (gm.startIdx > 0 && doc.rawDoc.words(gm.sentIdx)(gm.startIdx - 1) == "and")) { // Logger.logss("Didn't get coordination-like mention: " + doc.rawDoc.words(gm.sentIdx).slice(gm.startIdx, gm.endIdx) + "\\n" + PennTreeRenderer.render(doc.rawDoc.trees(gm.sentIdx).constTree)); numGMsUnrecalledCoord += 1; } else { numGMsUnrecalledOther += 1; } val constituentType = doc.rawDoc.trees(gm.sentIdx).getConstituentType(gm.startIdx, gm.endIdx); missedConstituentTypes.incrementCount(constituentType, 1.0); if (constituentType.startsWith("N")) { // Logger.logss("Missed mention: " + PronounAnalyzer.renderMentionWithHeadAndContext(gm)); // Logger.logss(" Mentions we had that sentence: " + doc.predMentions.filter(pm => pm.sentIdx == gm.sentIdx).map(pm => pm.spanToString)); } } } Logger.logss("Detected " + numPMs + " predicted mentions (" + numNomPMs + " nominal, " + numPropPMs + " proper, " + numPronPMs + " pronominal, " + numDemonstrativePMs + " demonstrative), " + numGMsRecalled + " / " + numGMs + " = " + (numGMsRecalled.toDouble/numGMs) + " gold mentions recalled (" + numGMsUnrecalledNonConstituents + " missed ones are not constituents)") Logger.logss("Partition of errors: " + numGMsUnrecalledCrossingBrackets + " cross brackets, " + numGMsUnrecalledInternal + " look like internal NPs, " + numGMsUnrecalledPPAttach + " look like PP attachment problems, " + numGMsUnrecalledCoord + " look like coordination problems, " + numGMsUnrecalledOther + " other"); Logger.logss(" Missed constituent types: " + missedConstituentTypes); } }
package com.meetup.iap.receipt import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import com.meetup.iap.AppleApi import AppleApi.{ReceiptResponse, ReceiptInfo} import java.util.{Date, TimeZone} import org.json4s.JsonDSL._ import org.json4s.native.JsonMethods._ import org.json4s.JsonAST.JValue import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory object ReceiptRenderer { val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ReceiptRenderer.getClass) private def appleDateFormat(date: Date): String = { val sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss 'Etc/GMT'") sdf.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")) sdf.format(date) } def apply(response: ReceiptResponse): String = { pretty(render( ("status" -> response.statusCode) ~ ("latest_receipt_info" -> ~ ("latest_receipt" -> response.latestReceipt))) } private def renderReceipt(receiptInfo: ReceiptInfo): JValue = { val origPurchaseDate = receiptInfo.originalPurchaseDate val origPurchaseDateStr = appleDateFormat(origPurchaseDate) val origPurchaseDateMs = origPurchaseDate.getTime val purchaseDate = receiptInfo.purchaseDate val purchaseDateStr = appleDateFormat(purchaseDate) val purchaseDateMs = purchaseDate.getTime val expiresDate = receiptInfo.expiresDate val expiresDateStr = appleDateFormat(expiresDate) val expiresDateMs = expiresDate.getTime val cancellationDate = { date => appleDateFormat(date) } ("quantity" -> "1") ~ ("product_id" -> receiptInfo.productId) ~ ("transaction_id" -> receiptInfo.transactionId) ~ ("original_transaction_id" -> receiptInfo.originalTransactionId) ~ ("purchase_date" -> purchaseDateStr) ~ ("purchase_date_ms" -> purchaseDateMs.toString) ~ ("original_purchase_date" -> origPurchaseDateStr) ~ ("original_purchase_date_ms" -> origPurchaseDateMs.toString) ~ ("expires_date" -> expiresDateStr) ~ ("expires_date_ms" -> expiresDateMs.toString) ~ ("is_trial_period" -> receiptInfo.isTrialPeriod.toString) ~ //We mimic Apple's weird json here by converting the boolean type to a string ("is_in_intro_offer_period" -> ~ ("cancellation_date" -> cancellationDate) } }
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.continuous import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils import org.apache.spark.annotation.Evolving import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.Trigger import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.CalendarInterval /** * A [[Trigger]] that continuously processes streaming data, asynchronously checkpointing at * the specified interval. */ @Evolving case class ContinuousTrigger(intervalMs: Long) extends Trigger { require(intervalMs >= 0, "the interval of trigger should not be negative") } private[sql] object ContinuousTrigger { def apply(interval: String): ContinuousTrigger = { if (StringUtils.isBlank(interval)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "interval cannot be null or blank.") } val cal = if (interval.startsWith("interval")) { CalendarInterval.fromString(interval) } else { CalendarInterval.fromString("interval " + interval) } if (cal == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid interval: $interval") } if (cal.months > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Doesn't support month or year interval: $interval") } new ContinuousTrigger(TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS.toMillis(cal.microseconds)) } def apply(interval: Duration): ContinuousTrigger = { ContinuousTrigger(interval.toMillis) } def create(interval: String): ContinuousTrigger = { apply(interval) } def create(interval: Long, unit: TimeUnit): ContinuousTrigger = { ContinuousTrigger(unit.toMillis(interval)) } }
package me.gregd.cineworld.integration.cineworld import java.time.LocalDate import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging import me.gregd.cineworld.util.Clock import me.gregd.cineworld.config.CineworldConfig import play.api.libs.json.Json import import scalacache.ScalaCache import scalacache.memoization._ import import scala.concurrent.Future import scala.concurrent.duration._ class CineworldIntegrationService(ws: WSClient, implicit val cache: ScalaCache[Array[Byte]], config: CineworldConfig, clock: Clock) extends LazyLogging { implicit val d = Json.format[RawFilm] implicit val c = Json.format[RawEvent] implicit val b = Json.format[ListingsBody] implicit val a = Json.format[CinemaResp] private def curlCinemas(): Future[String] = memoize( { val tomorrow = val url = s"${config.baseUrl}/uk/data-api-service/v1/quickbook/10108/cinemas/with-event/until/$tomorrow?attr=&lang=en_GB" for { resp <- ws.url(url).get() body = resp.body _ = if (body.length < 300) logger.warn(s"Response for $url is suspiciously short!") } yield body } private def curl7DayListings(cinema: String, date: LocalDate): Future[String] = memoize(6.hours) { val url = s"${config.baseUrl}/uk/data-api-service/v1/quickbook/10108/film-events/in-cinema/$cinema/at-date/$date?attr=&lang=en_GB" ws.url(url) .get() .map(_.body) } private def parse(string: String) = { try { Json.parse(string) } catch { case e: Throwable => logger.error(s"Failed to parse response from Cineworld. Response was: $string", e) throw e } } def retrieveCinemas(): Future[Seq[CinemaResp]] = { curlCinemas().map { r => val json = parse(r) logger.debug(s"Retrieved cinemas response:\n$r") val cinemas = json \ "body" \ "cinemas" if (cinemas.isEmpty) logger.error(s"No cinemas found. Response was:\n$r")[Seq[CinemaResp]] } } def retrieveListings(cinema: String, date: LocalDate): Future[ListingsBody] = { curl7DayListings(cinema, date).map { r => val films = parse(r) \ "body"[ListingsBody] } } }
package mvgk.db import java.util.Properties import scala.slick.jdbc.StaticQuery import scala.util.Try import mvgk.config.Config import mvgk.db.MyPostgresDriver.simple._ import Database.dynamicSession import mvgk.db.model.Tables._ import mvgk.util._ /** * @author Got Hug */ object DB { val driver = "org.postgresql.Driver" val name = val user = Config.db.user val password = Config.db.password val url = "jdbc:postgresql" val host = getEnvVar("PGSQL_PORT_5432_TCP_ADDR", "localhost") val port = getEnvVar("PGSQL_PORT_5432_TCP_PORT", "5432") val tables = List(film, resource, search) val db = Database.forURL(s"$url://$host:$port/$name", user, password, new Properties(), driver) val purePostgres = Database.forURL(s"$url:?port=$port&user=$user&password=$password", driver = driver) def create(): Unit = { purePostgres.withDynSession { StaticQuery.updateNA(s"create database $name").execute } // TODO: not needed currently // createEnums() } def safeDrop(): Unit = { purePostgres.withDynSession { StaticQuery.updateNA(s"drop database if exists $name").execute } } //todo: make it safe? def createTables(): Unit = { db.withDynSession { { table => Try(table.ddl.create)} } } // TODO: not needed currently // def createEnums(): Unit = { // mov.db.withDynSession { // buildCreateSql("Status", Statuses).execute // buildCreateSql("Regime", Regimes).execute // buildCreateSql("Product", Products).execute // buildCreateSql("Platform", Platforms).execute // } // } def dropTables(): Unit = { db.withDynSession { { table => Try(table.ddl.drop)} // dropEnums() } } // TODO: not needed currently // def dropEnums(): Unit = { // buildDropSql("platform").execute // buildDropSql("product").execute // buildDropSql("regime").execute // buildDropSql("status").execute // } }
package controllers import play.api.http.HeaderNames import play.api.mvc._ import import scala.concurrent.Future object Application extends Controller { def index = Action { Ok } def options(path: String) = CorsAction { Action { request => Ok.withHeaders(ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_HEADERS -> Seq(AUTHORIZATION, CONTENT_TYPE, "Target-URL").mkString(",")) } } } // Adds the CORS header case class CorsAction[A](action: Action[A]) extends Action[A] { def apply(request: Request[A]): Future[Result] = { action(request).map(result => result.withHeaders(HeaderNames.ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN -> "*", HeaderNames.ALLOW -> "*", HeaderNames.ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_METHODS -> "POST, GET, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS", HeaderNames.ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_HEADERS -> "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, Referer, User-Agent" )) } lazy val parser = action.parser }
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala import org.apache.flink.api.scala.completeness.ScalaAPICompletenessTestBase import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.{DataStream => JavaStream} import org.junit.Test import java.lang.reflect.Method import scala.language.existentials /** * This checks whether the streaming Scala API is up to feature parity with the Java API. */ class StreamingScalaAPICompletenessTest extends ScalaAPICompletenessTestBase { override def isExcludedByName(method: Method): Boolean = { val name = method.getDeclaringClass.getName + "." + method.getName val excludedNames = Seq( // These are only used internally. Should be internal API but Java doesn't have // private[flink]. "org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.DataStream.getType", "org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.DataStream.copy", "org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.DataStream.getTransformation", "org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.SingleOutputStreamOperator.forceNonParallel", "org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.ConnectedStreams.getExecutionEnvironment", "org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.ConnectedStreams.getExecutionEnvironment", "org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.ConnectedStreams.getFirstInput", "org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.ConnectedStreams.getSecondInput", "org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.ConnectedStreams.getType1", "org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.ConnectedStreams.getType2", "org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.ConnectedStreams.addGeneralWindowCombine", "org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.WindowedStream.getType", "org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.WindowedStream.getExecutionConfig", "org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.WindowedStream.getExecutionEnvironment", "org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.WindowedStream.getInputType", "org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.AllWindowedStream.getExecutionEnvironment", "org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.AllWindowedStream.getInputType", "org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.KeyedStream.getKeySelector", "org.apache.flink.streaming.api.environment.StreamExecutionEnvironment.isChainingEnabled", "org.apache.flink.streaming.api.environment.StreamExecutionEnvironment." + "getStateHandleProvider", "org.apache.flink.streaming.api.environment.StreamExecutionEnvironment.getCheckpointInterval", "org.apache.flink.streaming.api.environment.StreamExecutionEnvironment.addOperator", "org.apache.flink.streaming.api.environment.StreamExecutionEnvironment.getCheckpointingMode", "org.apache.flink.streaming.api.environment.StreamExecutionEnvironment." + "isForceCheckpointing", // TypeHints are only needed for Java API, Scala API doesn't need them "org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.SingleOutputStreamOperator.returns", // Deactivated until Scala API has new windowing API "org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.DataStream.timeWindowAll", "org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.DataStream.windowAll" ) val excludedPatterns = Seq( // We don't have project on tuples in the Scala API """^org\\.apache\\.flink\\.streaming.api.*project""", // Cleaning is easier in the Scala API """^org\\.apache\\.flink\\.streaming.api.*clean""", // Object methods """^.*notify""", """^.*wait""", """^.*notifyAll""", """^.*equals""", """^.*toString""", """^.*getClass""", """^.*hashCode""" ).map(_.r) lazy val excludedByPattern = name.contains("$") || excludedNames.contains(name) || excludedByPattern } @Test override def testCompleteness(): Unit = { checkMethods("DataStream", "DataStream", classOf[JavaStream[_]], classOf[DataStream[_]]) checkMethods( "StreamExecutionEnvironment", "StreamExecutionEnvironment", classOf[org.apache.flink.streaming.api.environment.StreamExecutionEnvironment], classOf[StreamExecutionEnvironment]) checkMethods( "SingleOutputStreamOperator", "DataStream", classOf[org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.SingleOutputStreamOperator[_]], classOf[DataStream[_]]) checkMethods( "ConnectedStreams", "ConnectedStreams", classOf[org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.ConnectedStreams[_,_]], classOf[ConnectedStreams[_,_]]) checkMethods( "WindowedStream", "WindowedStream", classOf[org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.WindowedStream[_, _, _]], classOf[WindowedStream[_, _, _]]) checkMethods( "AllWindowedStream", "AllWindowedStream", classOf[org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.AllWindowedStream[_, _]], classOf[AllWindowedStream[_, _]]) checkMethods( "KeyedStream", "KeyedStream", classOf[org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.KeyedStream[_, _]], classOf[KeyedStream[_, _]]) checkMethods( "JoinedStreams.WithWindow", "JoinedStreams.WithWindow", classOf[org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.JoinedStreams.WithWindow[_,_,_,_]], classOf[JoinedStreams[_,_]#Where[_]#EqualTo#WithWindow[_]]) checkMethods( "CoGroupedStreams.WithWindow", "CoGroupedStreams.WithWindow", classOf[org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.CoGroupedStreams.WithWindow[_,_,_,_]], classOf[CoGroupedStreams[_, _]#Where[_]#EqualTo#WithWindow[_]]) } }
/* NEST (New Scala Test) * Copyright 2007-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author Paul Phillips */ package package cmd import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer trait CommandLineConfig { def enforceArity: Boolean = true def onlyKnownOptions: Boolean = true } /** An instance of a command line, parsed according to a Spec. */ class CommandLine(val spec: Reference, val originalArgs: List[String]) extends CommandLineConfig { def this(spec: Reference, line: String) = this(spec, CommandLineParser tokenize line) def this(spec: Reference, args: Array[String]) = this(spec, args.toList) import spec.{ isUnaryOption, isBinaryOption, isExpandOption } val Terminator = "--" val ValueForUnaryOption = "true" // so if --opt is given, x(--opt) = true def mapForUnary(opt: String) = Map(fromOpt(opt) -> ValueForUnaryOption) def errorFn(msg: String) = println(msg) /** argMap is option -> argument (or "" if it is a unary argument) * residualArgs are what is left after removing the options and their args. */ lazy val (argMap, residualArgs): (Map[String, String], List[String]) = { val residualBuffer = new ListBuffer[String] def loop(args: List[String]): Map[String, String] = { def residual(xs: List[String]) = { residualBuffer ++= xs ; Map[String, String]() } /* Returns Some(List(args)) if this option expands to an * argument list and it's not returning only the same arg. */ def expand(s1: String) = { if (isExpandOption(s1)) { val s2 = spec expandArg s1 if (s2 == List(s1)) None else Some(s2) } else None } /* Assumes known options have all been ruled out already. */ def isUnknown(opt: String) = onlyKnownOptions && (opt startsWith "-") && { errorFn(s"Option '$opt' not recognized.") true } args match { case Nil => Map() case Terminator :: xs => residual(xs) case x :: Nil => expand(x) foreach (exp => return loop(exp)) if (isBinaryOption(x) && enforceArity) errorFn(s"Option '$x' requires argument, found EOF instead.") if (isUnaryOption(x)) mapForUnary(x) else if (isUnknown(x)) Map() else residual(args) case x1 :: x2 :: xs => expand(x1) foreach (exp => return loop(exp ++ args.tail)) if (x2 == Terminator) mapForUnary(x1) ++ residual(xs) else if (isUnaryOption(x1)) mapForUnary(x1) ++ loop(args.tail) else if (isBinaryOption(x1)) Map(fromOpt(x1) -> x2) ++ loop(xs) else if (isUnknown(x1)) loop(args.tail) else residual(List(x1)) ++ loop(args.tail) } } (loop(originalArgs), residualBuffer map stripQuotes toList) } def apply(arg: String) = argMap(arg) def get(arg: String) = argMap get arg def isSet(arg: String) = argMap contains arg def getOrElse(arg: String, orElse: => String) = if (isSet(arg)) apply(arg) else orElse override def toString() = argMap.toString + " " + residualArgs.toString }
import sbt._ import Keys._ import play.Project._ object ApplicationBuild extends Build { val appName = "WeFarm" val appVersion = "1.0-SNAPSHOT" val appDependencies = Seq( // Add your project dependencies here, javaCore, javaJdbc, javaEbean, "mysql" % "mysql-connector-java" % "5.1.18", "org.mindrot" % "jbcrypt" % "0.3m" ) val main = play.Project(appName, appVersion, appDependencies).settings( // Add your own project settings here ) }
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.flink.table.api.validation import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.{BasicTypeInfo, TypeInformation} import org.apache.flink.table.api.{TableException, TableSchema} import org.apache.flink.table.utils.TableTestBase import org.junit.Test class TableSchemaValidationTest extends TableTestBase { @Test def testColumnNameAndColumnTypeNotEqual() { thrown.expect(classOf[TableException]) thrown.expectMessage( "Number of field names and field types must be equal.\\n" + "Number of names is 3, number of types is 2.\\n" + "List of field names: [a, b, c].\\n" + "List of field types: [Integer, String].") val fieldNames = Array("a", "b", "c") val typeInfos: Array[TypeInformation[_]] = Array( BasicTypeInfo.INT_TYPE_INFO, BasicTypeInfo.STRING_TYPE_INFO) new TableSchema(fieldNames, typeInfos) } @Test def testColumnNamesDuplicate() { thrown.expect(classOf[TableException]) thrown.expectMessage( "Field names must be unique.\\n" + "List of duplicate fields: [a].\\n" + "List of all fields: [a, a, c].") val fieldNames = Array("a", "a", "c") val typeInfos: Array[TypeInformation[_]] = Array( BasicTypeInfo.INT_TYPE_INFO, BasicTypeInfo.INT_TYPE_INFO, BasicTypeInfo.STRING_TYPE_INFO) new TableSchema(fieldNames, typeInfos) } }
/* * Copyright 2012 Eike Kettner * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.eknet.publet.ext import org.eknet.publet.engine.scala.ScalaScript import org.eknet.publet.web.shiro.Security import{User, UserProperty} import org.eknet.publet.vfs.Content import org.eknet.publet.web.util.{PubletWeb, PubletWebContext} import org.eknet.publet.auth.Algorithm /** * @author Eike Kettner * @since 19.07.12 16:21 */ class MyDataScript extends ScalaScript { import org.eknet.publet.web.util.RenderUtils.makeJson def serve(): Option[Content] = { if (!Security.isAuthenticated) { error("Not authenticated.") } else { PubletWebContext.param("what") match { case Some("setPassword") => { PubletWebContext.param("newPassword1").map (newPass1 => { PubletWebContext.param("newPassword2").flatMap (newPass2 => { val algorithm = PubletWebContext.param("algorithm").getOrElse("SHA-512") if (newPass1 == newPass2) changePassword(newPass1, algorithm) else error("Passwords do not match!") }) }).getOrElse(error("Cannot change password!")) } case Some("setUserData") => { PubletWebContext.param("fullName").map(fullName => { PubletWebContext.param("email").flatMap(email => { changeUserData(fullName, email) }) }).getOrElse(error("Cannot update user data!")) } case Some("getUserData") => getUserData case _ => error("No action specified.") } } } def success(msg: String) = makeJson(Map("success"->true, "message"->msg)) def error(msg: String) = makeJson(Map("success"->false, "message"->msg)) private def changePassword(newpassPlain: String, algorithm: String) = { PubletWeb.authManager.setPassword(Security.username, newpassPlain, Some(Algorithm.withName(algorithm))) success("Password updated.") } private def changeUserData(fullName: String, email: String) = { val user = PubletWeb.authManager.findUser(Security.username).get val props = + (UserProperty.fullName -> fullName) + ( -> email) val newUser = new User(user.login, props) PubletWeb.authManager.updateUser(newUser) success("User data updated.") } private def getUserData = { PubletWeb.authManager.findUser(Security.username).flatMap(user => { makeJson(Map( "success" -> true, "fullName" -> (user.get(UserProperty.fullName).getOrElse("")), "email" -> (user.get("")) )) }) orElse { error("User '"+Security.username+"' not found.") } } }
/* * Copyright (c) 2014-2020 by The Monix Project Developers. * See the project homepage at: * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package monix.execution import monix.execution.internal.Platform import{ByteArrayOutputStream, PrintStream} import scala.util.control.NonFatal /** * INTERNAL API — test utilities. */ trait TestUtils { lazy val isCI = { Platform.getEnv("CI").map(_.toLowerCase).contains("true") } /** * Silences `System.err`, only printing the output in case exceptions are * thrown by the executed `thunk`. */ def silenceSystemErr[A](thunk: => A): A = synchronized { // Silencing System.err val oldErr = System.err val outStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val fakeErr = new PrintStream(outStream) System.setErr(fakeErr) try { val result = thunk System.setErr(oldErr) result } catch { case NonFatal(e) => System.setErr(oldErr) // In case of errors, print whatever was caught fakeErr.close() val out = outStream.toString("utf-8") if (out.nonEmpty) oldErr.println(out) throw e } } /** * Catches `System.err` output, for testing purposes. */ def catchSystemErr(thunk: => Unit): String = synchronized { val oldErr = System.err val outStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream() val fakeErr = new PrintStream(outStream) System.setErr(fakeErr) try { thunk } finally { System.setErr(oldErr) fakeErr.close() } outStream.toString("utf-8") } }
/* *\\ ** Squants ** ** ** ** Scala Quantities and Units of Measure Library and DSL ** ** (c) 2013-2015, Gary Keorkunian ** ** ** \\* */ package import squants._ /** * @author garyKeorkunian * @since 0.1 * * @param value Double */ final class Luminance private (val value: Double, val unit: LuminanceUnit) extends Quantity[Luminance] { def dimension = Luminance def *(that: Area): LuminousIntensity = Candelas(value * that.toSquareMeters) def toCandelasPerSquareMeters = to(CandelasPerSquareMeter) } object Luminance extends Dimension[Luminance] { private[photo] def apply[A](n: A, unit: LuminanceUnit)(implicit num: Numeric[A]) = new Luminance(num.toDouble(n), unit) def apply = parse _ def name = "Luminance" def primaryUnit = CandelasPerSquareMeter def siUnit = CandelasPerSquareMeter def units = Set(CandelasPerSquareMeter) } trait LuminanceUnit extends UnitOfMeasure[Luminance] { def apply[A](n: A)(implicit num: Numeric[A]) = Luminance(num.toDouble(n), this) } object CandelasPerSquareMeter extends LuminanceUnit with PrimaryUnit with SiUnit { val symbol = "cd/m²" } object LuminanceConversions { lazy val candelaPerSquareMeter = CandelasPerSquareMeter(1) implicit class LuminanceConversions[A](n: A)(implicit num: Numeric[A]) { def candelasPerSquareMeter = CandelasPerSquareMeter(n) } implicit object LuminanceNumeric extends AbstractQuantityNumeric[Luminance](Luminance.primaryUnit) }
package com.twitter.inject.server import com.twitter.concurrent.exp.AsyncStream import{Buf, Reader} object AsyncStreamUtils { def readerToAsyncStream(reader: Reader): AsyncStream[Buf] = { for { optBuf <- AsyncStream.fromFuture( result <- optBuf match { case None => AsyncStream.empty[Buf] case Some(buf) => buf +:: readerToAsyncStream(reader) } } yield result } }
/* * Copyright 2012 Twitter Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.twitter.zipkin.collector import com.twitter.common.zookeeper.ZooKeeperClient import com.twitter.conversions.time._ import com.twitter.finagle.stats.{StatsReceiver, NullStatsReceiver} import com.twitter.logging.Logger import com.twitter.util.Timer import org.apache.zookeeper.{CreateMode, KeeperException, ZooDefs, Watcher, WatchedEvent} import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ // TODO this was stolen straight up from ostrich-aggregator. we should switch to use the scribe library final class ResilientZKNode( path: String, nodeName: String, zkClient: ZooKeeperClient, timer: Timer, statsReceiver: StatsReceiver = NullStatsReceiver ) { self => require(path.startsWith("/"), "zookeeper path must start with '/'") private[this] val scopedStatsReceiver = statsReceiver.scope("zookeeper") private[this] val registerCounter = scopedStatsReceiver.counter("registers") private[this] val expirationCounter = scopedStatsReceiver.counter("expirations") private[this] val deletionCounter = scopedStatsReceiver.counter("deletions") private[this] val disconnectCounter = scopedStatsReceiver.counter("disconnects") private[this] val failureCounter = scopedStatsReceiver.counter("failures") private[this] val fullPath = path + "/" + nodeName private[this] val logger = Logger.get("ZookeeperLog") private[this] val OPEN_ACL = ZooDefs.Ids.OPEN_ACL_UNSAFE @volatile private[this] var register = true private[this] val watcher = new Watcher { override def process(e: WatchedEvent) {"processing event: " + e.toString) if (e.getType == Watcher.Event.EventType.NodeDeleted) { deletionCounter.incr() self.register() } else { e.getState match { case Watcher.Event.KeeperState.Disconnected => disconnectCounter.incr() self.register() case Watcher.Event.KeeperState.Expired => expirationCounter.incr() self.register() case _ => () } } } } def register() { synchronized { if (!register) { return } registerCounter.incr()"registering " + fullPath) ensureParentExists() if (createNode(fullPath, false)) { watchForDeletions() } else { failureCounter.incr() scheduleRegister() } } } /** * Delete and stop recreating the node. */ @throws(classOf[KeeperException]) def unregister() { synchronized { register = false try { zkClient.get().delete(fullPath, -1) } catch { case e: KeeperException.NoNodeException => () // node doesn't exist, no need to delete it } } } private[this] def watchForDeletions() { zkClient.get().exists(fullPath, watcher) } private[this] def ensureParentExists() { val parts = path.slice(1, path.size).split("/") var currentPath = "" parts foreach { part => currentPath = currentPath + "/" + part createNode(currentPath, true) } } private[this] def createNode(path: String, isPersistent: Boolean): Boolean = { try { if (zkClient.get().exists(path, false) == null) {"creating node: " + path) val mode = if (isPersistent) CreateMode.PERSISTENT else CreateMode.EPHEMERAL zkClient.get().create(path, null, OPEN_ACL, mode) } true } catch { case e: KeeperException if e.code == KeeperException.Code.NODEEXISTS =>"node already exists") true case e: Throwable => logger.error("error creating zookeeper node: %s".format(e.toString)) false } } private[this] def scheduleRegister() { timer.schedule(30.seconds.fromNow) { register() } } }
package org.workcraft.gui.modeleditor.sim import java.util.TimerTask import javax.swing.SwingUtilities import org.workcraft.scala.effects.IO._ import org.workcraft.scala.Expressions._ import java.awt.geom.Point2D import java.awt.Color import import import import import import import java.awt.event.KeyEvent import org.workcraft.gui.GUI import import org.workcraft.gui.modeleditor.Viewport import import import org.workcraft.dependencymanager.advanced.user.Variable import scalaz.Scalaz._ import import import org.workcraft.scala.effects.IO import javax.swing.JPanel import javax.swing.JLabel import java.util.Timer import java.awt.event.ActionEvent import java.awt.event.ActionListener case class Trace[Event](events: Seq[Event]) case class StateAnnotatedTrace[Event, State](initialState: State, events: Seq[(Event, State)]) case class MarkedTrace[Event, State](trace: StateAnnotatedTrace[Event, State], position: Int) { def goto(position: Int, applyState: State => IO[Unit]) = { applyState(if (position > 0) - 1)._2 else trace.initialState) >>=| ioPure.pure { MarkedTrace(trace, position) } } def !(e: Event, s: State) = MarkedTrace(StateAnnotatedTrace(trace.initialState, :+ (e, s)), position + 1) } object Trace { def annotateWithState[Event, State](t: Trace[Event], state: IO[State], fire: Event => IO[Unit]) = state >>= (initialState => => (fire(e) >>=| state).map((e, _))).map(StateAnnotatedTrace(initialState, _))) } class GenericSimulationToolInstance[Event, State]( viewport: Viewport, hasFocus: Expression[Boolean], eventSources: Expression[Iterable[Event]], touchable: Event => Expression[Touchable], sim: SimulationModel[Event, State], val trace: ModifiableExpression[MarkedTrace[Event, State]], paint: ((Event => Colorisation), State) => Expression[GraphicalContent], hintMessage: Option[String], deadlockMessage: Option[String]) extends ModelEditorToolInstance { def fire(event: Event): IO[Unit] = >>=| sim.state.eval >>= (state => trace.update(_ ! (event, state))) def gotoState(position: Int) = trace.eval >>= (_.goto(position, sim.setState(_))) >>= (t => trace.set(t)) val hitTester = HitTester.create(eventSources, touchable) val mouseListener = Some(new GenericSimulationToolMouseListener(node => ioPure.pure { hitTester.hitTest(node) }, sim.enabled.eval, (e: Event) => fire(e))) def keyBindings = List() def userSpaceContent = (sim.state <|**|> (sim.enabled, GenericSimulationTool.col)) >>= { case (state, enabled, col) => (paint(ev => if (enabled(ev)) col else Colorisation.Empty, state)) } def screenSpaceContent = (sim.enabled <|*|> eventSources) >>= { case (enabled, events) => if (events.forall(enabled(_) == false) && deadlockMessage.isDefined) GUI.editorMessage(viewport, Color.RED, deadlockMessage.get) else if (hintMessage.isDefined) GUI.editorMessage(viewport, Color.BLACK, hintMessage.get) else constant(GraphicalContent.Empty) } val interfacePanel = Some(new SimControlPanel[Event, State](trace, (e: Event) =>, gotoState(_))) } case class GenericSimulationTool[Event, State]( eventSources: Expression[Iterable[Event]], touchable: Event => Expression[Touchable], sim: IO[SimulationModel[Event, State]], paint: ((Event => Colorisation), State) => Expression[GraphicalContent], hintMessage: Option[String] = None, deadlockMessage: Option[String] = None) extends ModelEditorTool { def button = GenericSimulationTool.button def createInstance(env: ToolEnvironment) = for { sim <- sim; initialState <- sim.state.eval; trace <- newVar(MarkedTrace(StateAnnotatedTrace[Event, State](initialState, Seq()), 0)) } yield new GenericSimulationToolInstance(env.viewport, env.hasFocus, eventSources, touchable, sim, trace, paint, hintMessage, deadlockMessage) def createInstanceWithGivenTrace(env: ToolEnvironment, trace: MarkedTrace[Event, State]) = for { sim <- sim; trace <- newVar(trace) } yield new GenericSimulationToolInstance(env.viewport, env.hasFocus, eventSources, touchable, sim, trace, paint, hintMessage, deadlockMessage) } object GenericSimulationTool { val button = new Button { override def hotkey = Some(KeyEvent.VK_M) override def icon = Some(GUI.createIconFromSvgUsingSettingsSize("images/icons/svg/start-green.svg").unsafePerformIO) override def label = "Simulation tool" } val t = Variable.create(0.0) // new Timer(30, new ActionListener { // def actionPerformed(e: ActionEvent) = t.set(scala.math.sin(System.currentTimeMillis() / 200.0)).unsafePerformIO // }).start() // val tt = new Timer(true) // tt.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask { def run =SwingUtilities.invokeLater ( new Runnable { def run = t.set(scala.math.sin(System.currentTimeMillis() / 200.0)).unsafePerformIO })}, 0, 30) val col = => Colorisation(Some(new Color(80 + (40 * t).toInt, 200 + (40 * t).toInt, 80 + (40 * t).toInt)), None)) val highlightedColorisation = Colorisation(Some(new Color(240, 180, 40)), None) }
package ru.pavkin.todoist.api.core.decoder import cats.{Apply, Functor} import shapeless.{HNil, ::, HList} import cats.syntax.apply._ import cats.syntax.functor._ trait MultipleResponseDecoder[F[_], Base, Out <: HList] extends ResponseDecoder[F, Base, Out] {self => def combine[Out2](other: ResponseDecoder[F, Base, Out2]) (implicit A: Apply[F]): MultipleResponseDecoder[F, Base, Out2 :: Out] = new MultipleResponseDecoder[F, Base, Out2 :: Out] { def parse(resource: Base): F[Out2 :: Out] = self.parse(resource).map2(other.parse(resource))((a, b) => b :: a) } } object MultipleResponseDecoder { def using[F[_], Base, Out0 <: HList](f: Base => F[Out0]): MultipleResponseDecoder[F, Base, Out0] = new MultipleResponseDecoder[F, Base, Out0] { def parse(resource: Base): F[Out0] = f(resource) } implicit def singleHListParser[F[_] : Functor, Base, T](implicit p: SingleResponseDecoder[F, Base, T]) : MultipleResponseDecoder[F, Base, T :: HNil] = new MultipleResponseDecoder[F, Base, T :: HNil] { def parse(resource: Base): F[T :: HNil] = p.parse(resource).map(_ :: HNil) } implicit def recurse[F[_] : Apply, Base, H, T <: HList](implicit h: SingleResponseDecoder[F, Base, H], t: MultipleResponseDecoder[F, Base, T]) : MultipleResponseDecoder[F, Base, H :: T] = new MultipleResponseDecoder[F, Base, H :: T] { def parse(resource: Base): F[H :: T] = t.combine(h).parse(resource) } }
// Copyright 2010 Twitter, Inc. package com.twitter.concurrent import org.junit.runner.RunWith import org.scalatest.WordSpec import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner @RunWith(classOf[JUnitRunner]) class ConcurrentMultiMapTest extends WordSpec { "behave like a multimap" in { val map = new ConcurrentMultiMap[Int, Int] map += 1 -> 2 map += 1 -> 3 map += 1 -> 4 assert(map.get(1) === List(2, 3, 4)) assert(map.get(0) === List()) assert(map.get(2) === List()) map += 0 -> 20 map += 3 -> 30 map += 10 -> 40 assert(map.get(1) === List(2, 3, 4)) assert(map.get(0) === List(20)) assert(map.get(2) === List()) assert(map.get(3) === List(30)) assert(map.get(10) === List(40)) assert(map.get(110) === List()) } }
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical._ import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules.Rule import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.{CatalogManager, CatalogPlugin, LookupCatalog, SupportsNamespaces, TableCatalog, TableChange} /** * Resolves catalogs from the multi-part identifiers in SQL statements, and convert the statements * to the corresponding v2 commands if the resolved catalog is not the session catalog. */ class ResolveCatalogs(val catalogManager: CatalogManager) extends Rule[LogicalPlan] with LookupCatalog { import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.CatalogV2Implicits._ import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.catalog.CatalogV2Util._ override def apply(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan resolveOperators { case AlterTableAddColumnsStatement( nameParts @ NonSessionCatalogAndTable(catalog, tbl), cols) => val changes = { col => TableChange.addColumn(, col.dataType, col.nullable, col.comment.orNull, col.position.orNull) } createAlterTable(nameParts, catalog, tbl, changes) case a @ AlterTableAlterColumnStatement( nameParts @ NonSessionCatalogAndTable(catalog, tbl), _, _, _, _, _) => val colName = a.column.toArray val typeChange = { newDataType => TableChange.updateColumnType(colName, newDataType) } val nullabilityChange = { nullable => TableChange.updateColumnNullability(colName, nullable) } val commentChange = { newComment => TableChange.updateColumnComment(colName, newComment) } val positionChange = { newPosition => TableChange.updateColumnPosition(colName, newPosition) } createAlterTable( nameParts, catalog, tbl, typeChange.toSeq ++ nullabilityChange ++ commentChange ++ positionChange) case AlterTableRenameColumnStatement( nameParts @ NonSessionCatalogAndTable(catalog, tbl), col, newName) => val changes = Seq(TableChange.renameColumn(col.toArray, newName)) createAlterTable(nameParts, catalog, tbl, changes) case AlterTableDropColumnsStatement( nameParts @ NonSessionCatalogAndTable(catalog, tbl), cols) => val changes = => TableChange.deleteColumn(col.toArray)) createAlterTable(nameParts, catalog, tbl, changes) case AlterTableSetPropertiesStatement( nameParts @ NonSessionCatalogAndTable(catalog, tbl), props) => val changes = { case (key, value) => TableChange.setProperty(key, value) }.toSeq createAlterTable(nameParts, catalog, tbl, changes) // TODO: v2 `UNSET TBLPROPERTIES` should respect the ifExists flag. case AlterTableUnsetPropertiesStatement( nameParts @ NonSessionCatalogAndTable(catalog, tbl), keys, _) => val changes = => TableChange.removeProperty(key)) createAlterTable(nameParts, catalog, tbl, changes) case AlterTableSetLocationStatement( nameParts @ NonSessionCatalogAndTable(catalog, tbl), partitionSpec, newLoc) => if (partitionSpec.nonEmpty) { throw new AnalysisException( "ALTER TABLE SET LOCATION does not support partition for v2 tables.") } val changes = Seq(TableChange.setProperty(TableCatalog.PROP_LOCATION, newLoc)) createAlterTable(nameParts, catalog, tbl, changes) case AlterViewSetPropertiesStatement( NonSessionCatalogAndTable(catalog, tbl), props) => throw new AnalysisException( s"Can not specify catalog `${}` for view ${tbl.quoted} " + s"because view support in catalog has not been implemented yet") case AlterViewUnsetPropertiesStatement( NonSessionCatalogAndTable(catalog, tbl), keys, ifExists) => throw new AnalysisException( s"Can not specify catalog `${}` for view ${tbl.quoted} " + s"because view support in catalog has not been implemented yet") case RenameTableStatement(NonSessionCatalogAndTable(catalog, oldName), newNameParts, isView) => if (isView) { throw new AnalysisException("Renaming view is not supported in v2 catalogs.") } RenameTable(catalog.asTableCatalog, oldName.asIdentifier, newNameParts.asIdentifier) case DescribeColumnStatement( NonSessionCatalogAndTable(catalog, tbl), colNameParts, isExtended) => throw new AnalysisException("Describing columns is not supported for v2 tables.") case c @ CreateTableStatement( NonSessionCatalogAndTable(catalog, tbl), _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) => CreateV2Table( catalog.asTableCatalog, tbl.asIdentifier, c.tableSchema, // convert the bucket spec and add it as a transform c.partitioning ++, convertTableProperties(, c.options, c.location, c.comment, c.provider), ignoreIfExists = c.ifNotExists) case c @ CreateTableAsSelectStatement( NonSessionCatalogAndTable(catalog, tbl), _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) => CreateTableAsSelect( catalog.asTableCatalog, tbl.asIdentifier, // convert the bucket spec and add it as a transform c.partitioning ++, c.asSelect, convertTableProperties(, c.options, c.location, c.comment, c.provider), writeOptions = c.options, ignoreIfExists = c.ifNotExists) case RefreshTableStatement(NonSessionCatalogAndTable(catalog, tbl)) => RefreshTable(catalog.asTableCatalog, tbl.asIdentifier) case c @ ReplaceTableStatement( NonSessionCatalogAndTable(catalog, tbl), _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) => ReplaceTable( catalog.asTableCatalog, tbl.asIdentifier, c.tableSchema, // convert the bucket spec and add it as a transform c.partitioning ++, convertTableProperties(, c.options, c.location, c.comment, c.provider), orCreate = c.orCreate) case c @ ReplaceTableAsSelectStatement( NonSessionCatalogAndTable(catalog, tbl), _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _) => ReplaceTableAsSelect( catalog.asTableCatalog, tbl.asIdentifier, // convert the bucket spec and add it as a transform c.partitioning ++, c.asSelect, convertTableProperties(, c.options, c.location, c.comment, c.provider), writeOptions = c.options, orCreate = c.orCreate) case DropTableStatement(NonSessionCatalogAndTable(catalog, tbl), ifExists, _) => DropTable(catalog.asTableCatalog, tbl.asIdentifier, ifExists) case DropViewStatement(NonSessionCatalogAndTable(catalog, viewName), _) => throw new AnalysisException( s"Can not specify catalog `${}` for view ${viewName.quoted} " + s"because view support in catalog has not been implemented yet") case c @ CreateNamespaceStatement(CatalogAndNamespace(catalog, ns), _, _) if !isSessionCatalog(catalog) => CreateNamespace(catalog.asNamespaceCatalog, ns, c.ifNotExists, case UseStatement(isNamespaceSet, nameParts) => if (isNamespaceSet) { SetCatalogAndNamespace(catalogManager, None, Some(nameParts)) } else { val CatalogAndNamespace(catalog, ns) = nameParts val namespace = if (ns.nonEmpty) Some(ns) else None SetCatalogAndNamespace(catalogManager, Some(, namespace) } case ShowCurrentNamespaceStatement() => ShowCurrentNamespace(catalogManager) } object NonSessionCatalogAndTable { def unapply(nameParts: Seq[String]): Option[(CatalogPlugin, Seq[String])] = nameParts match { case NonSessionCatalogAndIdentifier(catalog, ident) => Some(catalog -> ident.asMultipartIdentifier) case _ => None } } }
/* __ *\\ ** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala API ** ** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL ** ** __\\ \\/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | ** ** /____/\\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | ** ** |/ ** \\* */ package scala package xml package parsing import import scala.xml.dtd._ import Utility.Escapes.{ pairs => unescape } /** * An XML parser. * * Parses XML 1.0, invokes callback methods of a `MarkupHandler` and returns * whatever the markup handler returns. Use `ConstructingParser` if you just * want to parse XML to construct instances of `scala.xml.Node`. * * While XML elements are returned, DTD declarations - if handled - are * collected using side-effects. * * @author Burak Emir * @version 1.0 */ trait MarkupParser extends MarkupParserCommon with TokenTests { self: MarkupParser with MarkupHandler => type PositionType = Int type InputType = Source type ElementType = NodeSeq type AttributesType = (MetaData, NamespaceBinding) type NamespaceType = NamespaceBinding def truncatedError(msg: String): Nothing = throw FatalError(msg) def errorNoEnd(tag: String) = throw FatalError("expected closing tag of " + tag) def xHandleError(that: Char, msg: String) = reportSyntaxError(msg) val input: Source /** if true, does not remove surplus whitespace */ val preserveWS: Boolean def externalSource(systemLiteral: String): Source // // variables, values // protected var curInput: Source = input // See ticket #3720 for motivations. private class WithLookAhead(underlying: Source) extends Source { private val queue = scala.collection.mutable.Queue[Char]() def lookahead(): BufferedIterator[Char] = { val iter = queue.iterator ++ new Iterator[Char] { def hasNext = underlying.hasNext def next() = { val x =; queue += x; x } } iter.buffered } val iter = new Iterator[Char] { def hasNext = underlying.hasNext || !queue.isEmpty def next() = if (!queue.isEmpty) queue.dequeue() else } } def lookahead(): BufferedIterator[Char] = curInput match { case curInputWLA: WithLookAhead => curInputWLA.lookahead() case _ => val newInput = new WithLookAhead(curInput) curInput = newInput newInput.lookahead() } /** the handler of the markup, returns this */ private val handle: MarkupHandler = this /** stack of inputs */ var inpStack: List[Source] = Nil /** holds the position in the source file */ var pos: Int = _ /* used when reading external subset */ var extIndex = -1 /** holds temporary values of pos */ var tmppos: Int = _ /** holds the next character */ var nextChNeeded: Boolean = false var reachedEof: Boolean = false var lastChRead: Char = _ def ch: Char = { if (nextChNeeded) { if (curInput.hasNext) { lastChRead = pos = curInput.pos } else { val ilen = inpStack.length //Console.println(" ilen = "+ilen+ " extIndex = "+extIndex); if ((ilen != extIndex) && (ilen > 0)) { /* for external source, inpStack == Nil ! need notify of eof! */ pop() } else { reachedEof = true lastChRead = 0.asInstanceOf[Char] } } nextChNeeded = false } lastChRead } /** character buffer, for names */ protected val cbuf = new StringBuilder() var dtd: DTD = null protected var doc: Document = null def eof: Boolean = { ch; reachedEof } // // methods // /** * {{{ * <? prolog ::= xml S ... ?> * }}} */ def xmlProcInstr(): MetaData = { xToken("xml") xSpace() val (md, scp) = xAttributes(TopScope) if (scp != TopScope) reportSyntaxError("no xmlns definitions here, please.") xToken('?') xToken('>') md } /** * Factored out common code. */ private def prologOrTextDecl(isProlog: Boolean): (Option[String], Option[String], Option[Boolean]) = { var info_ver: Option[String] = None var info_enc: Option[String] = None var info_stdl: Option[Boolean] = None val m = xmlProcInstr() var n = 0 if (isProlog) xSpaceOpt() m("version") match { case null => case Text("1.0") => info_ver = Some("1.0"); n += 1 case _ => reportSyntaxError("cannot deal with versions != 1.0") } m("encoding") match { case null => case Text(enc) => if (!isValidIANAEncoding(enc)) reportSyntaxError("\\"" + enc + "\\" is not a valid encoding") else { info_enc = Some(enc) n += 1 } } if (isProlog) { m("standalone") match { case null => case Text("yes") => info_stdl = Some(true); n += 1 case Text("no") => info_stdl = Some(false); n += 1 case _ => reportSyntaxError("either 'yes' or 'no' expected") } } if (m.length - n != 0) { val s = if (isProlog) "SDDecl? " else "" reportSyntaxError("VersionInfo EncodingDecl? %sor '?>' expected!" format s) } (info_ver, info_enc, info_stdl) } /** * {{{ * <? prolog ::= xml S? * // this is a bit more lenient than necessary... * }}} */ def prolog(): (Option[String], Option[String], Option[Boolean]) = prologOrTextDecl(isProlog = true) /** prolog, but without standalone */ def textDecl(): (Option[String], Option[String]) = prologOrTextDecl(isProlog = false) match { case (x1, x2, _) => (x1, x2) } /** * {{{ * [22] prolog ::= XMLDecl? Misc* (doctypedecl Misc*)? * [23] XMLDecl ::= '<?xml' VersionInfo EncodingDecl? SDDecl? S? '?>' * [24] VersionInfo ::= S 'version' Eq ("'" VersionNum "'" | '"' VersionNum '"') * [25] Eq ::= S? '=' S? * [26] VersionNum ::= '1.0' * [27] Misc ::= Comment | PI | S * }}} */ def document(): Document = { doc = new Document() this.dtd = null var info_prolog: (Option[String], Option[String], Option[Boolean]) = (None, None, None) if ('<' != ch) { reportSyntaxError("< expected") return null } nextch() // is prolog ? var children: NodeSeq = null if ('?' == ch) { nextch() info_prolog = prolog() doc.version = info_prolog._1 doc.encoding = info_prolog._2 doc.standAlone = info_prolog._3 children = content(TopScope) // DTD handled as side effect } else { val ts = new NodeBuffer() content1(TopScope, ts) // DTD handled as side effect ts &+ content(TopScope) children = NodeSeq.fromSeq(ts) } //println("[MarkupParser::document] children now: "+children.toList) var elemCount = 0 var theNode: Node = null for (c <- children) c match { case _: ProcInstr => case _: Comment => case _: EntityRef => // todo: fix entities, shouldn't be "special" reportSyntaxError("no entity references allowed here") case s: SpecialNode => if (s.toString.trim().length > 0) //non-empty text nodes not allowed elemCount += 2 case m: Node => elemCount += 1 theNode = m } if (1 != elemCount) { reportSyntaxError("document must contain exactly one element") //Console.println(children.toList) } doc.children = children doc.docElem = theNode doc } /** append Unicode character to name buffer*/ protected def putChar(c: Char) = cbuf append c /** * As the current code requires you to call nextch once manually * after construction, this method formalizes that suboptimal reality. */ def initialize: this.type = { nextch() this } protected def ch_returning_nextch: Char = { val res = ch; nextch(); res } def mkAttributes(name: String, pscope: NamespaceBinding): AttributesType = if (isNameStart (ch)) xAttributes(pscope) else (Null, pscope) def mkProcInstr(position: Int, name: String, text: String): ElementType = handle.procInstr(position, name, text) /** this method tells ch to get the next character when next called */ def nextch() { // Read current ch if needed ch // Mark next ch to be required nextChNeeded = true } /** * parse attribute and create namespace scope, metadata * {{{ * [41] Attributes ::= { S Name Eq AttValue } * }}} */ def xAttributes(pscope: NamespaceBinding): (MetaData, NamespaceBinding) = { var scope: NamespaceBinding = pscope var aMap: MetaData = Null while (isNameStart(ch)) { val qname = xName xEQ() // side effect val value = xAttributeValue() Utility.prefix(qname) match { case Some("xmlns") => val prefix = qname.substring(6 /*xmlns:*/ , qname.length) scope = new NamespaceBinding(prefix, value, scope) case Some(prefix) => val key = qname.substring(prefix.length + 1, qname.length) aMap = new PrefixedAttribute(prefix, key, Text(value), aMap) case _ => if (qname == "xmlns") scope = new NamespaceBinding(null, value, scope) else aMap = new UnprefixedAttribute(qname, Text(value), aMap) } if ((ch != '/') && (ch != '>') && ('?' != ch)) xSpace() } if (!aMap.wellformed(scope)) reportSyntaxError("double attribute") (aMap, scope) } /** * entity value, terminated by either ' or ". value may not contain &lt;. * {{{ * AttValue ::= `'` { _ } `'` * | `"` { _ } `"` * }}} */ def xEntityValue(): String = { val endch = ch nextch() while (ch != endch && !eof) { putChar(ch) nextch() } nextch() val str = cbuf.toString() cbuf.length = 0 str } /** * {{{ * '<! CharData ::= [CDATA[ ( {char} - {char}"]]>"{char} ) ']]>' * * see [15] * }}} */ def xCharData: NodeSeq = { xToken("[CDATA[") def mkResult(pos: Int, s: String): NodeSeq = { handle.text(pos, s) PCData(s) } xTakeUntil(mkResult, () => pos, "]]>") } /** * {{{ * Comment ::= '<!--' ((Char - '-') | ('-' (Char - '-')))* '-->' * * see [15] * }}} */ def xComment: NodeSeq = { val sb: StringBuilder = new StringBuilder() xToken("--") while (!eof) { if (ch == '-' && { sb.append(ch); nextch(); ch == '-' }) { sb.length = sb.length - 1 nextch() xToken('>') return handle.comment(pos, sb.toString()) } else sb.append(ch) nextch() } throw truncatedError("broken comment") } /* todo: move this into the NodeBuilder class */ def appendText(pos: Int, ts: NodeBuffer, txt: String): Unit = { if (preserveWS) ts &+ handle.text(pos, txt) else for (t <- TextBuffer.fromString(txt).toText) { ts &+ handle.text(pos, t.text) } } /** * {{{ * '<' content1 ::= ... * }}} */ def content1(pscope: NamespaceBinding, ts: NodeBuffer) { ch match { case '!' => nextch() if ('[' == ch) // CDATA ts &+ xCharData else if ('D' == ch) // doctypedecl, parse DTD // @todo REMOVE HACK parseDTD() else // comment ts &+ xComment case '?' => // PI nextch() ts &+ xProcInstr case _ => ts &+ element1(pscope) // child } } /** * {{{ * content1 ::= '<' content1 | '&' charref ... * }}} */ def content(pscope: NamespaceBinding): NodeSeq = { val ts = new NodeBuffer var exit = eof // todo: optimize seq repr. def done = NodeSeq.fromSeq(ts.toList) while (!exit) { tmppos = pos exit = eof if (eof) return done ch match { case '<' => // another tag nextch(); ch match { case '/' => exit = true // end tag case _ => content1(pscope, ts) } // postcond: xEmbeddedBlock == false! case '&' => // EntityRef or CharRef nextch(); ch match { case '#' => // CharacterRef nextch() val theChar = handle.text(tmppos, xCharRef(() => ch, () => nextch())) xToken(';') ts &+ theChar case _ => // EntityRef val n = xName xToken(';') if (unescape contains n) { handle.entityRef(tmppos, n) ts &+ unescape(n) } else push(n) } case _ => // text content appendText(tmppos, ts, xText) } } done } // content(NamespaceBinding) /** * {{{ * externalID ::= SYSTEM S syslit * PUBLIC S pubid S syslit * }}} */ def externalID(): ExternalID = ch match { case 'S' => nextch() xToken("YSTEM") xSpace() val sysID = systemLiteral() new SystemID(sysID) case 'P' => nextch(); xToken("UBLIC") xSpace() val pubID = pubidLiteral() xSpace() val sysID = systemLiteral() new PublicID(pubID, sysID) } /** * parses document type declaration and assigns it to instance variable * dtd. * {{{ * <! parseDTD ::= DOCTYPE name ... > * }}} */ def parseDTD() { // dirty but fast var extID: ExternalID = null if (this.dtd ne null) reportSyntaxError("unexpected character (DOCTYPE already defined") xToken("DOCTYPE") xSpace() val n = xName xSpace() //external ID if ('S' == ch || 'P' == ch) { extID = externalID() xSpaceOpt() } /* parse external subset of DTD */ if ((null != extID) && isValidating) { pushExternal(extID.systemId) extIndex = inpStack.length extSubset() pop() extIndex = -1 } if ('[' == ch) { // internal subset nextch() /* TODO */ intSubset() // TODO: do the DTD parsing?? ?!?!?!?!! xToken(']') xSpaceOpt() } xToken('>') this.dtd = new DTD { /*override var*/ externalID = extID /*override val */ decls = handle.decls.reverse } //this.dtd.initializeEntities(); if (doc ne null) doc.dtd = this.dtd handle.endDTD(n) } def element(pscope: NamespaceBinding): NodeSeq = { xToken('<') element1(pscope) } /** * {{{ * '<' element ::= xmlTag1 '>' { xmlExpr | '{' simpleExpr '}' } ETag * | xmlTag1 '/' '>' * }}} */ def element1(pscope: NamespaceBinding): NodeSeq = { val pos = this.pos val (qname, (aMap, scope)) = xTag(pscope) val (pre, local) = Utility.prefix(qname) match { case Some(p) => (p, qname drop p.length + 1) case _ => (null, qname) } val ts = { if (ch == '/') { // empty element xToken("/>") handle.elemStart(pos, pre, local, aMap, scope) NodeSeq.Empty } else { // element with content xToken('>') handle.elemStart(pos, pre, local, aMap, scope) val tmp = content(scope) xEndTag(qname) tmp } } val res = handle.elem(pos, pre, local, aMap, scope, ts == NodeSeq.Empty, ts) handle.elemEnd(pos, pre, local) res } /** * Parse character data. * * precondition: `xEmbeddedBlock == false` (we are not in a scala block) */ private def xText: String = { var exit = false while (!exit) { putChar(ch) nextch() exit = eof || (ch == '<') || (ch == '&') } val str = cbuf.toString cbuf.length = 0 str } /** * attribute value, terminated by either ' or ". value may not contain &lt;. * {{{ * AttValue ::= `'` { _ } `'` * | `"` { _ } `"` * }}} */ def systemLiteral(): String = { val endch = ch if (ch != '\\'' && ch != '"') reportSyntaxError("quote ' or \\" expected") nextch() while (ch != endch && !eof) { putChar(ch) nextch() } nextch() val str = cbuf.toString() cbuf.length = 0 str } /** * {{{ * [12] PubidLiteral ::= '"' PubidChar* '"' | "'" (PubidChar - "'")* "'" * }}} */ def pubidLiteral(): String = { val endch = ch if (ch != '\\'' && ch != '"') reportSyntaxError("quote ' or \\" expected") nextch() while (ch != endch && !eof) { putChar(ch) //println("hello '"+ch+"'"+isPubIDChar(ch)) if (!isPubIDChar(ch)) reportSyntaxError("char '" + ch + "' is not allowed in public id") nextch() } nextch() val str = cbuf.toString cbuf.length = 0 str } // // dtd parsing // def extSubset(): Unit = { var textdecl: (Option[String], Option[String]) = null if (ch == '<') { nextch() if (ch == '?') { nextch() textdecl = textDecl() } else markupDecl1() } while (!eof) markupDecl() } def markupDecl1() = { def doInclude() = { xToken('['); while (']' != ch && !eof) markupDecl(); nextch() // ']' } def doIgnore() = { xToken('['); while (']' != ch && !eof) nextch(); nextch() // ']' } if ('?' == ch) { nextch() xProcInstr // simply ignore processing instructions! } else { xToken('!') ch match { case '-' => xComment // ignore comments case 'E' => nextch() if ('L' == ch) { nextch() elementDecl() } else entityDecl() case 'A' => nextch() attrDecl() case 'N' => nextch() notationDecl() case '[' if inpStack.length >= extIndex => nextch() xSpaceOpt() ch match { case '%' => nextch() val ent = xName xToken(';') xSpaceOpt() push(ent) xSpaceOpt() val stmt = xName xSpaceOpt() stmt match { // parameter entity case "INCLUDE" => doInclude() case "IGNORE" => doIgnore() } case 'I' => nextch() ch match { case 'G' => nextch() xToken("NORE") xSpaceOpt() doIgnore() case 'N' => nextch() xToken("NCLUDE") doInclude() } } xToken(']') xToken('>') case _ => curInput.reportError(pos, "unexpected character '" + ch + "', expected some markupdecl") while (ch != '>' && !eof) nextch() } } } def markupDecl(): Unit = ch match { case '%' => // parameter entity reference nextch() val ent = xName xToken(';') if (!isValidating) handle.peReference(ent) // n-v: just create PE-reference else push(ent) // v: parse replacementText //peReference case '<' => nextch() markupDecl1() case _ if isSpace(ch) => xSpace() case _ => reportSyntaxError("markupdecl: unexpected character '" + ch + "' #" + ch.toInt) nextch() } /** * "rec-xml/#ExtSubset" pe references may not occur within markup declarations */ def intSubset() { //Console.println("(DEBUG) intSubset()") xSpace() while (']' != ch && !eof) markupDecl() } /** * &lt;! element := ELEMENT */ def elementDecl() { xToken("EMENT") xSpace() val n = xName xSpace() while ('>' != ch && !eof) { //Console.println("["+ch+"]") putChar(ch) nextch() } //Console.println("END["+ch+"]") nextch() val cmstr = cbuf.toString() cbuf.length = 0 handle.elemDecl(n, cmstr) } /** * {{{ * <! attlist := ATTLIST * }}} */ def attrDecl() = { xToken("TTLIST") xSpace() val n = xName xSpace() var attList: List[AttrDecl] = Nil // later: find the elemDecl for n while ('>' != ch && !eof) { val aname = xName xSpace() // could be enumeration (foo,bar) parse this later :-/ while ('"' != ch && '\\'' != ch && '#' != ch && '<' != ch) { if (!isSpace(ch)) cbuf.append(ch) nextch() } val atpe = cbuf.toString cbuf.length = 0 val defdecl: DefaultDecl = ch match { case '\\'' | '"' => DEFAULT(fixed = false, xAttributeValue()) case '#' => nextch() xName match { case "FIXED" => xSpace(); DEFAULT(fixed = true, xAttributeValue()) case "IMPLIED" => IMPLIED case "REQUIRED" => REQUIRED } case _ => null } xSpaceOpt() attList ::= AttrDecl(aname, atpe, defdecl) cbuf.length = 0 } nextch() handle.attListDecl(n, attList.reverse) } /** * {{{ * <! element := ELEMENT * }}} */ def entityDecl() = { var isParameterEntity = false xToken("NTITY") xSpace() if ('%' == ch) { nextch() isParameterEntity = true xSpace() } val n = xName xSpace() ch match { case 'S' | 'P' => //sy val extID = externalID() if (isParameterEntity) { xSpaceOpt() xToken('>') handle.parameterEntityDecl(n, ExtDef(extID)) } else { // notation? xSpace() if ('>' != ch) { xToken("NDATA") xSpace() val notat = xName xSpaceOpt() xToken('>') handle.unparsedEntityDecl(n, extID, notat) } else { nextch() handle.parsedEntityDecl(n, ExtDef(extID)) } } case '"' | '\\'' => val av = xEntityValue() xSpaceOpt() xToken('>') if (isParameterEntity) handle.parameterEntityDecl(n, IntDef(av)) else handle.parsedEntityDecl(n, IntDef(av)) } {} } // entityDecl /** * {{{ * 'N' notationDecl ::= "OTATION" * }}} */ def notationDecl() { xToken("OTATION") xSpace() val notat = xName xSpace() val extID = if (ch == 'S') { externalID() } else if (ch == 'P') { /* PublicID (without system, only used in NOTATION) */ nextch() xToken("UBLIC") xSpace() val pubID = pubidLiteral() xSpaceOpt() val sysID = if (ch != '>') systemLiteral() else null new PublicID(pubID, sysID) } else { reportSyntaxError("PUBLIC or SYSTEM expected") scala.sys.error("died parsing notationdecl") } xSpaceOpt() xToken('>') handle.notationDecl(notat, extID) } def reportSyntaxError(pos: Int, str: String) { curInput.reportError(pos, str) } def reportSyntaxError(str: String) { reportSyntaxError(pos, str) } def reportValidationError(pos: Int, str: String) { reportSyntaxError(pos, str) } def push(entityName: String) { if (!eof) inpStack = curInput :: inpStack // can't push before getting next character if needed ch curInput = replacementText(entityName) nextch() } def pushExternal(systemId: String) { if (!eof) inpStack = curInput :: inpStack // can't push before getting next character if needed ch curInput = externalSource(systemId) nextch() } def pop() { curInput = inpStack.head inpStack = inpStack.tail lastChRead = nextChNeeded = false pos = curInput.pos reachedEof = false // must be false, because of places where entity refs occur } }