evaluating mating compatibility within fruit fly cryptic species complexes and the potential role of sex pheromones in pre mating isolation
cage the fly walk in field cages to assess mating compatibility in pest fruit flies
neutralizing antibodies generated during natural hiv infection good news for an hiv vaccine ?
new strategy proposed for designing antibody based hiv vaccine
sex specific glioma genome wide association study identifies new risk locus at p. in females and finds sex differences in risk at q.
men and women have different genetic risk factors for developing brain cancer
non invasive placental perfusion imaging in pregnancies complicated by fetal heart disease using velocity selective arterial spin labeled mri
advanced mri can detect placental perfusion abnormalities in pregnancies complicated by fetal chd
acoustic insights into the zooplankton dynamics of the eastern weddell sea
daily up and down of the plankton animals in the sea
probing dark matter with star clusters a dark matter core in the ultra faint dwarf eridanus ii
hunting for dark matter in the smallest galaxies in the universe
developing the geriatric injury documentation tool geri idt to improve documentation of physical findings in injured older adults
new tool for documenting injuries may provide better evidence for elder abuse cases
high proportion of cd b cells in infants predicts development of allergic disease
children on dairy farms run one tenth the risk of developing allergies dairy farm exposure also beneficial during pregnancy
an internet delivered handwashing intervention to modify influenza like illness and respiratory infection transmission primit a primary care randomised trial
internet program to encourage handwashing reduces spread of cold flu viruses
water walking as a new mode of free surface skipping
water walking the new mode of rock skipping
using external reference pricing in medicare part d to reduce drug price differentials with other countries
external reference drug pricing could save medicare tens of billions
in state tuition for the undocumented education effects on mexican young adults
providing in state tuition to undocumented immigrants increases college enrollment
brain volumetric correlates of memory in early parkinson s disease
changes in brain gray matter volume associated with memory deficits in early parkinson s disease
astrocyte specific disruption of syncam signaling results in adhd like behavioral manifestations
new animal model for one of the least understood medical issues adhd
asteroseismic detection of latitudinal differential rotation in sun like stars
astrophysicists measure precise rotation pattern of sun like stars for the first time
allogeneic bk virus specific t cells for progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
cancer patients with rare deadly brain infection treated successfully with off the shelf adoptive t cell therapy
a cross sectional analysis of chikungunya arthritis patients months post infection demonstrate no detectable viral persistence in synovial fluid
new insights on mosquito borne chikungunya virus infection
human immunodeficiency virus infection of human astrocytes disrupts blood brain barrier integrity by a gap junction dependent mechanism
solving the puzzle of cognitive problems caused by hiv infection
interspecific variation in conspecific negative density dependence can make species less likely to coexist
why are tropical forests so diverse ? new study examines role of natural enemies
probing the in situ elastic nonlinearity of rocks with earth tides and seismic noise
sun moon and sea as part of a seismic probe
late quaternary fossil mammals from the cayman islands west indies
ancient mammal remains digested by crocodiles reveal new species
associations of smoke free policies in restaurants bars and workplaces with blood pressure changes in the cardia study
smoke free policies associated with lower blood pressure
large scale cognitive gwas meta analysis reveals tissue specific neural expression and potential nootropic drug targets
new genetic variations linked to educational attainment genetic overlap between cognitive ability and longevity
functional electrical stimulation therapy of voluntary grasping versus only conventional rehabilitation for patients with subacute incomplete tetraplegia a randomized clinical trial
benefits of electrical stimulation therapy found with people paralyzed by spinal cord injury
conducting unlinked anonymous hiv surveillance in developing countries ethical epidemiological and public health concerns
developing countries need support to ethically conduct unlinked anonymous hiv testing
clinical characteristics associated with adverse events in patients with exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease a prospective cohort study
ottawa copd risk scale new tool to identify patients at risk of adverse events death
restoring the sense of touch with a prosthetic hand through a brain interface
a blueprint for restoring touch with a prosthetic hand
ischemic heart disease is associated with lower cortical volumetric bone mineral density of distal radius
osteoporosis linked with heart disease in older people
neural tube defects in mice with reduced levels of inositol triphosphate kinase
some neural tube defects in mice linked to enzyme deficiency
planned repeat cesarean section at term and adverse childhood health outcomes a record linkage study
planned repeat c section not linked to worse child health than vaginal birth after c s
impact of snow darkening by deposition of light absorbing aerosols on snow cover in the himalayas tibetan plateau and influence on the asian summer monsoon a possible mechanism for the blanford hypothesis
middle eastern desert dust on the tibetan plateau could affect the indian summer monsoon
whole genome sequencing in patients with retinitis pigmentosa reveals pathogenic dna structural changes and nek as a new disease gene
whole dna sequencing reveals mutations new gene for blinding disease
pregnancy associated death in utah contribution of drug induced deaths
opioids leading cause of pregnancy related death in new utah moms
reduced risks of neural tube defects and orofacial clefts with higher diet quality
overall quality of pregnant woman s diet affects risk for two birth defects study shows
a functional genomics predictive network model identifies regulators of inflammatory bowel disease
scientists construct first predictive model of inflammatory bowel disease
ngm for treatment of non alcoholic steatohepatitis a multicentre randomised double blind placebo controlled phase trial
gastrointestinal hormone measurably improved symptoms of non alcoholic fatty liver disease
genomic insights into salt adaptation in a desert poplar
scientists reveal the genomic enigma of desert poplar
associations of electronic cigarette nicotine concentration with subsequent cigarette smoking and vaping levels in adolescents
are e cigarettes with higher nicotine associated with more smoking vaping ?
accretion of water in carbonaceous chondrites current evidence and implications for the delivery of water to early earth
carbonaceous chondrites provide clues about the delivery of water to earth
national and local influenza surveillance through twitter an analysis of the influenza epidemic
when the flu bug bit the big apple twitter posts told the tale
the human pk histo blood group antigen provides protection against hiv infection
potential new weapon in battle against hiv infection identified
major vault protein a candidate gene in p. microdeletion syndrome is required for the homeostatic regulation of visual cortical plasticity
role of specific gene in p. deletion autism
obesity increases airway smooth muscle responses to contractile agonists.
obesity alters airway muscle function increases asthma risk
anti hiv igm protects against mucosal shiv transmission
promising new class of antibodies protects against hiv infection
prame as an independent biomarker for metastasis in uveal melanoma
new biomarker identifies uveal melanoma patients at high risk for metastasis
first do no harm are disability assessments associated with adverse trends in mental health ? a longitudinal ecological study
tougher disability benefit assessment may have taken serious toll on mental health
elicitation of robust tier neutralizing antibody responses in non human primates by hiv envelope trimer immunization using optimized approaches
best delivery mode for potential hiv vaccine tested
a new baby oviraptorid dinosaur dinosauria theropoda from the upper cretaceous nemegt formation of mongolia
fossils of new oviraptorosaur species discovered in mongolia
major agricultural changes required to mitigate phosphorus losses under climate change
dramatic changes needed in farming practices to keep pace with climate change
functional organization of excitatory synaptic strength in primary visual cortex
the brain s social network nerve cells interact like friends on facebook
patterns of genomic variation in the opportunistic pathogen candida glabrata suggest the existence of mating and a secondary association with humans
genetic study uncovers fungal sex secrets which shed light on candidiasis
brain somatic mutations in mtor cause focal cortical dysplasia type ii leading to intractable epilepsy
mutations taking place only in brain identified as cause of intractable epilepsy
evidence of preserved collagen in an early jurassic sauropodomorph dinosaur revealed by synchrotron ftir microspectroscopy
good ribbance dinosaur rib bones reveal remnants of million year old protein
cognitive function and other risk factors for mild traumatic brain injury in young men nationwide cohort study
low cognitive score and risk of brain injury linked
do the mental health consequences of sexual victimization differ between males and females ? a general strain theory approach
sexism in sexual assault research but this time men are the target
media influences on social outcomes the impact of mtv s and pregnant on teen childbearing
new study finds mtv s and pregnant teen mom contributed to record decline in u.s. teen childbearing rate
extinction risk and conservation of the earth s national animal symbols
increased protection of world s national animal symbols needed suggests study
the siren s song exploitation of female flight tones to passively capture male aedes aegypti diptera culicidae
male mosquitoes lured to traps by sounds of female wing beats
genomic risk for severe canine compulsive disorder a dog model of human ocd
newly found genomic causes of severe compulsiveness in dogs could aid study of human ocd
the origin of the moon within a terrestrial synestia
the moon formed inside a vaporized earth synestia
a new species of troodontid theropod dinosauria maniraptora from the horseshoe canyon formation maastrichtian of alberta canada
new species of dinosaur named after canadian icon
high risk staphylococcus aureus transmission in the operating room a call for widespread improvements in perioperative hand hygiene and patient decolonization practices
improve hand hygiene and patient decolonization to help stem high risk s. aureus transmission in the operating room
insights into the timing intensity and natural setting of neanderthal occupation from the geoarchaeological study of combustion structures a micromorphological and biomarker investigation of el salt unit xb alcoy spain
modern analysis of ancient hearths reveals neanderthal settlement patterns
diagnosis and management of duchenne muscular dystrophy part respiratory cardiac bone health and orthopaedic management
patients living longer with duchenne muscular dystrophy pose new challenge for caregivers
ocean acidification can mediate biodiversity shifts by changing biogenic habitat
ocean acidification study offers warnings for marine life habitats
complementary use of tai chi chih augments escitalopram treatment of geriatric depression
tai chi beats back depression in the elderly study shows
effects of composites containing bioactive glasses on demineralized dentin
new dental materials developed with bioactive glass doped with fluoride to stop degradation of demineralized dentin and evoke remineralization
seed production viability and reproductive limits of the invasive ailanthus altissima tree of heaven within invaded environments
tree of heaven s prolific seed production adds to its invasive potential
ataxin intermediate length polyglutamine expansions are associated with increased risk for als
new genetic risk factor for lou gehrig s disease identified
a case of post traumatic minimally conscious state reversed by midazolam clinical aspects and neurophysiological correlates
patient awakes from post traumatic minimally conscious state after administration of depressant drug
the transcriptome of the bermuda fireworm odontosyllis enopla annelida syllidae a unique luciferase gene family and putative epitoky related genes
study illuminates genes behind beautiful glow of bermuda fireworms
analysis of factors contributing to the low survival of cervical cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy in kenya
scientists call for action to tackle cervical cancer in kenya
cannabinoid action induces autophagy mediated cell death through stimulation of er stress in human glioma cells
active component of marijuana has anti cancer effects study suggests
immune recognition of somatic mutations leading to complete durable regression in metastatic breast cancer
new approach to immunotherapy leads to complete response in breast cancer patient unresponsive to other treatments
burst mode pumping a new mechanism of drinking in mosquitoes
discovered mode of drinking in mosquitoes carries biomedical implications
small mammal diversity loss in response to late pleistocene climatic change
small mammals and rest of food chain at greater risk from global warming than thought research finds
permeabilization of the blood brain barrier via mucosal engrafting implications for drug delivery to the brain
nasal lining used to breach blood brain barrier
ethanolamine phosphotransferase selenoprotein i is critical for the neural development and maintenance of plasmalogen in human
from haifa to tokyo medical detectives team up on selenoprotein ept
ubiquitin facilitates a quality control pathway that removes damaged chloroplasts
basic understanding of plants cellular damage control system helps plants tough it out
dendrimers as synthetic gene vectors cell membrane attachment
first large scale computer simulation of gene therapy
gender and genotype modulation of the association between lipid levels and depressive symptomatology in community dwelling elderly the esprit study
new links between cholesterol and depression in the elderly
adaptive fluid infused porous films with tunable transparency and wettability
cry me a river of possibility scientists design new adaptive material inspired by tears
obesity and late age survival without major disease or disability in older women
obese older women at higher risk for death disease disability before age
body mass index waist circumference physical activity and risk of hearing loss in women
obesity associated with higher risk of hearing loss in women
transgenic expression of the dicotyledonous pattern recognition receptor efr in rice leads to ligand dependent activation of defense responses
rice can borrow stronger immunity from other plant species study shows
autologous hematopoietic cell transplantation for hiv related lymphoma results of the bmt ctn amc trial
autologous stem cell transplant should be standard care for hiv associated lymphoma
extended gamma ray sources around pulsars constrain the origin of the positron flux at earth
on the origins of star stuff shedding new light on origin of anti matter
upper gastrointestinal symptoms psychosocial co morbidity and health care seeking in general practice population based case control study
care seeking behavior associated with upper gi symptoms
effects of in game virtual direct experience vde on reactions to real world brands
player s performance in video games can steer attitudes about brands
first direct evidence of long distance seasonal movements and hibernation in a migratory bat
caught napping first direct evidence of migratory hoary bats hibernating
neuropathological and transcriptomic characteristics of the aged brain
new details on aged brain alzheimer s and dementia
association between new jersey s graduated driver licensing decal provision and crash rates of young drivers with learners permits figure
license plate decals don t seem to curb learner driver crash rates
direct reprogramming of mouse fibroblasts toward leydig like cells by defined factors
stem cell strategy for boosting testosterone levels tested in rodents
calorie restriction protects against experimental abdominal aortic aneurysms in mice
consuming fewer calories reduces the risk of abdominal aortic aneurysm study suggests
are autism spectrum conditions more prevalent in an information technology region ? a school based study of three regions in the netherlands
diagnosed autism is more common in an it rich region study finds
secondhand smoke exposure among community dwelling adult cancer survivors in the united states
secondhand smoke exposure among nonsmoking adult cancer survivors has declined
orogenic wedge deformation and potential for great earthquakes in the central andean backarc
does the central andean backarc have the potential for a great earthquake ?
self assembly of temperature responsive protein polymer bioconjugates
protein conjugation method offers new possibilities for biomaterials
the mitochondrial encoded peptide mots c translocates to the nucleus to regulate nuclear gene expression in response to metabolic stress
mighty mitochondria flex their dna power to help nucleus run the cell
children living with hiv infected adults estimates for countries in sub saharan africa
little known about children living with hiv infected adults in africa