3 values
3 values
2 values
2 values
1 value
the dressmaker is a kind of a wrapped and is not buccal.
sent1: if that the tincture is a clapboard but it is not actinomycotic is not correct the dressmaker is not a clapboard. sent2: something is not buccal if it is not a coin. sent3: something is buccal and it is butyric if it is not Columbian. sent4: if something is not a chicane it is not a fascist. sent5: the amiodarone is buccal thing that coins if the fact that the dressmaker is a clapboard is not right. sent6: something is not buccal if that it is not a clapboard and is a coin does not hold. sent7: something is not Columbian if that either it is butyric or it is not a wrapped or both is not right. sent8: the amiodarone is butyric thing that is Columbian. sent9: the amiodarone is Columbian. sent10: if the transpiration is not a fascist that the tincture is both a clapboard and not actinomycotic is not right. sent11: the dressmaker is not actinomycotic. sent12: the fact that if the dressmaker does not coin then the dressmaker is not buccal is correct. sent13: the fact that the dressmaker wraps is right if the amiodarone is butyric.
({C}{b} & ¬{D}{b})
sent1: ¬({F}{c} & ¬{G}{c}) -> ¬{F}{b} sent2: (x): ¬{E}x -> ¬{D}x sent3: (x): ¬{B}x -> ({D}x & {A}x) sent4: (x): ¬{I}x -> ¬{H}x sent5: ¬{F}{b} -> ({D}{a} & {E}{a}) sent6: (x): ¬(¬{F}x & {E}x) -> ¬{D}x sent7: (x): ¬({A}x v ¬{C}x) -> ¬{B}x sent8: ({A}{a} & {B}{a}) sent9: {B}{a} sent10: ¬{H}{d} -> ¬({F}{c} & ¬{G}{c}) sent11: ¬{G}{b} sent12: ¬{E}{b} -> ¬{D}{b} sent13: {A}{a} -> {C}{b}
[ "sent8 -> int1: the amiodarone is butyric.; int1 & sent13 -> int2: the dressmaker does wrap.; sent6 -> int3: if that the dressmaker is not a clapboard but it does coin is wrong then it is not buccal.;" ]
[ "sent8 -> int1: {A}{a}; int1 & sent13 -> int2: {C}{b}; sent6 -> int3: ¬(¬{F}{b} & {E}{b}) -> ¬{D}{b};" ]
the wanderer is not Columbian.
[ "sent7 -> int4: if the fact that the wanderer is butyric and/or it does not wrap does not hold it is not Columbian.; sent4 -> int5: the transpiration is not fascist if it is not a chicane.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the dressmaker is a kind of a wrapped and is not buccal. ; $context$ = sent1: if that the tincture is a clapboard but it is not actinomycotic is not correct the dressmaker is not a clapboard. sent2: something is not buccal if it is not a coin. sent3: something is buccal and it is butyric if it is not Columbian. sent4: if something is not a chicane it is not a fascist. sent5: the amiodarone is buccal thing that coins if the fact that the dressmaker is a clapboard is not right. sent6: something is not buccal if that it is not a clapboard and is a coin does not hold. sent7: something is not Columbian if that either it is butyric or it is not a wrapped or both is not right. sent8: the amiodarone is butyric thing that is Columbian. sent9: the amiodarone is Columbian. sent10: if the transpiration is not a fascist that the tincture is both a clapboard and not actinomycotic is not right. sent11: the dressmaker is not actinomycotic. sent12: the fact that if the dressmaker does not coin then the dressmaker is not buccal is correct. sent13: the fact that the dressmaker wraps is right if the amiodarone is butyric. ; $proof$ =
the amiodarone is butyric thing that is Columbian.
[ "the fact that the dressmaker wraps is right if the amiodarone is butyric.", "something is not buccal if that it is not a clapboard and is a coin does not hold." ]
[ "There is a butyric thing called the amiodarone.", "The amiodarone is a thing in Columbia." ]
The amiodarone is a thing in Columbia.
something is not buccal if that it is not a clapboard and is a coin does not hold.
the packaging does circumnavigate mystification.
sent1: something is a kind of a canon if it is inductive. sent2: the suction is not a canon. sent3: if the suction is not a canon either the tosser is a mellowness or it is visceral or both. sent4: if the tosser is a kind of a mellowness the packaging circumnavigates mystification. sent5: if the tosser is not a kind of a hubcap the suction is inductive.
sent1: (x): {C}x -> {A}x sent2: ¬{A}{a} sent3: ¬{A}{a} -> ({AA}{b} v {AB}{b}) sent4: {AA}{b} -> {B}{c} sent5: ¬{D}{b} -> {C}{a}
[ "sent3 & sent2 -> int1: the tosser is a mellowness and/or visceral.;" ]
[ "sent3 & sent2 -> int1: ({AA}{b} v {AB}{b});" ]
the packaging does not circumnavigate mystification.
[ "sent1 -> int2: that the suction is a canon hold if it is inductive.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the packaging does circumnavigate mystification. ; $context$ = sent1: something is a kind of a canon if it is inductive. sent2: the suction is not a canon. sent3: if the suction is not a canon either the tosser is a mellowness or it is visceral or both. sent4: if the tosser is a kind of a mellowness the packaging circumnavigates mystification. sent5: if the tosser is not a kind of a hubcap the suction is inductive. ; $proof$ =
if the suction is not a canon either the tosser is a mellowness or it is visceral or both.
[ "the suction is not a canon." ]
[ "if the suction is not a canon either the tosser is a mellowness or it is visceral or both." ]
if the suction is not a canon either the tosser is a mellowness or it is visceral or both.
the suction is not a canon.
the budgerigar does not circumnavigate silkgrass.
sent1: if that the gang is a cadaverine that is neolithic is not correct then the budgerigar does not circumnavigate silkgrass. sent2: the budgerigar circumnavigates silkgrass and does access Mergus if it is not presidential. sent3: the gang does not circumnavigate silkgrass if the budgerigar is not a cadaverine. sent4: if there exists something such that that it is not a minyan and/or it is not a dumps is not true then the fact that the budgerigar is not solanaceous is correct. sent5: the dumps does not circumnavigate mustard but it accesses radiotelephone if it circumnavigates osteopath. sent6: if the dumps does not isolate ivory then that it is either not a minyan or not a dumps or both is false. sent7: something does circumnavigate silkgrass if it does access Mergus. sent8: if the fact that something is not solanaceous is not incorrect the fact that it is unequivocal and it is not a Polo is false. sent9: the dumps does circumnavigate osteopath. sent10: if the dumps does not circumnavigate mustard but it does access radiotelephone it does not isolate ivory. sent11: something does access Mergus and/or it is presidential if it is not prokaryotic. sent12: if the fact that something is a kind of unequivocal thing that is not a Polo is not true it is not prokaryotic. sent13: the budgerigar is not neolithic.
sent1: ¬({AA}{aa} & {AB}{aa}) -> ¬{A}{a} sent2: ¬{C}{a} -> ({A}{a} & {B}{a}) sent3: ¬{AA}{a} -> ¬{A}{aa} sent4: (x): ¬(¬{I}x v ¬{H}x) -> ¬{G}{a} sent5: {M}{b} -> (¬{L}{b} & {K}{b}) sent6: ¬{J}{b} -> ¬(¬{I}{b} v ¬{H}{b}) sent7: (x): {B}x -> {A}x sent8: (x): ¬{G}x -> ¬({F}x & ¬{E}x) sent9: {M}{b} sent10: (¬{L}{b} & {K}{b}) -> ¬{J}{b} sent11: (x): ¬{D}x -> ({B}x v {C}x) sent12: (x): ¬({F}x & ¬{E}x) -> ¬{D}x sent13: ¬{AB}{a}
the budgerigar circumnavigates silkgrass.
[ "sent11 -> int1: if the budgerigar is not prokaryotic it does access Mergus or it is presidential or both.; sent12 -> int2: if that the budgerigar is unequivocal and is not a Polo is not right then it is not prokaryotic.; sent8 -> int3: the fact that the budgerigar is unequivocal and is not a Polo is not true if it is not solanaceous.; sent5 & sent9 -> int4: the dumps does not circumnavigate mustard and does access radiotelephone.; sent10 & int4 -> int5: the dumps does not isolate ivory.; sent6 & int5 -> int6: that either the dumps is not a minyan or it is not a dumps or both is incorrect.; int6 -> int7: there exists something such that that either it is not a minyan or it does not dump or both is not true.; int7 & sent4 -> int8: the budgerigar is not solanaceous.; int3 & int8 -> int9: that the budgerigar is unequivocal but it is not a Polo is not true.; int2 & int9 -> int10: the budgerigar is not prokaryotic.; int1 & int10 -> int11: the fact that the budgerigar accesses Mergus and/or is presidential is not incorrect.; sent7 -> int12: the fact that the budgerigar circumnavigates silkgrass is right if it does access Mergus.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the budgerigar does not circumnavigate silkgrass. ; $context$ = sent1: if that the gang is a cadaverine that is neolithic is not correct then the budgerigar does not circumnavigate silkgrass. sent2: the budgerigar circumnavigates silkgrass and does access Mergus if it is not presidential. sent3: the gang does not circumnavigate silkgrass if the budgerigar is not a cadaverine. sent4: if there exists something such that that it is not a minyan and/or it is not a dumps is not true then the fact that the budgerigar is not solanaceous is correct. sent5: the dumps does not circumnavigate mustard but it accesses radiotelephone if it circumnavigates osteopath. sent6: if the dumps does not isolate ivory then that it is either not a minyan or not a dumps or both is false. sent7: something does circumnavigate silkgrass if it does access Mergus. sent8: if the fact that something is not solanaceous is not incorrect the fact that it is unequivocal and it is not a Polo is false. sent9: the dumps does circumnavigate osteopath. sent10: if the dumps does not circumnavigate mustard but it does access radiotelephone it does not isolate ivory. sent11: something does access Mergus and/or it is presidential if it is not prokaryotic. sent12: if the fact that something is a kind of unequivocal thing that is not a Polo is not true it is not prokaryotic. sent13: the budgerigar is not neolithic. ; $proof$ =
if the fact that something is not solanaceous is not incorrect the fact that it is unequivocal and it is not a Polo is false.
[ "the gang does not circumnavigate silkgrass if the budgerigar is not a cadaverine." ]
[ "if the fact that something is not solanaceous is not incorrect the fact that it is unequivocal and it is not a Polo is false." ]
if the fact that something is not solanaceous is not incorrect the fact that it is unequivocal and it is not a Polo is false.
the gang does not circumnavigate silkgrass if the budgerigar is not a cadaverine.
the hyperextension but not the isolating Modicon happens.
sent1: the attention does not occur and the accessing scab does not occur. sent2: the circumnavigating Acanthocereus does not occur. sent3: if the fact that the Orwellianness happens and the arsenicalness does not occur does not hold then the arsenicalness occurs. sent4: the isolating Modicon does not occur if the arsenicalness happens and the attention does not occur. sent5: the fact that the Orwellianness but not the arsenical happens does not hold.
({A} & ¬{B})
sent1: (¬{C} & ¬{E}) sent2: ¬{AB} sent3: ¬({F} & ¬{D}) -> {D} sent4: ({D} & ¬{C}) -> ¬{B} sent5: ¬({F} & ¬{D})
[ "void -> assump1: Let's assume that the hyperextension does not occur.; sent2 -> int1: the nesting occurs and/or the circumnavigating Acanthocereus does not occur.; sent3 & sent5 -> int2: the arsenicalness happens.; sent1 -> int3: the fact that the attention does not occur hold.; int2 & int3 -> int4: the arsenical happens but the attention does not occur.; sent4 & int4 -> int5: the isolating Modicon does not occur.;" ]
[ "void -> assump1: ¬{A}; sent2 -> int1: ({AA} v ¬{AB}); sent3 & sent5 -> int2: {D}; sent1 -> int3: ¬{C}; int2 & int3 -> int4: ({D} & ¬{C}); sent4 & int4 -> int5: ¬{B};" ]
$hypothesis$ = the hyperextension but not the isolating Modicon happens. ; $context$ = sent1: the attention does not occur and the accessing scab does not occur. sent2: the circumnavigating Acanthocereus does not occur. sent3: if the fact that the Orwellianness happens and the arsenicalness does not occur does not hold then the arsenicalness occurs. sent4: the isolating Modicon does not occur if the arsenicalness happens and the attention does not occur. sent5: the fact that the Orwellianness but not the arsenical happens does not hold. ; $proof$ =
the circumnavigating Acanthocereus does not occur.
[ "if the fact that the Orwellianness happens and the arsenicalness does not occur does not hold then the arsenicalness occurs.", "the fact that the Orwellianness but not the arsenical happens does not hold.", "the attention does not occur and the accessing scab does not occur.", "the isolating Modicon does not occur if the arsenicalness happens and the attention does not occur." ]
[ "The circumnavigating Acanthocereus does not happen.", "The circumnavigating Acanthocereus doesn't happen.", "The circumnavigating Acanthocereus does not occur.", "The circumnavigating of Acanthocereus doesn't happen." ]
The circumnavigating Acanthocereus does not happen.
if the fact that the Orwellianness happens and the arsenicalness does not occur does not hold then the arsenicalness occurs.
the hyperextension but not the isolating Modicon happens.
sent1: the attention does not occur and the accessing scab does not occur. sent2: the circumnavigating Acanthocereus does not occur. sent3: if the fact that the Orwellianness happens and the arsenicalness does not occur does not hold then the arsenicalness occurs. sent4: the isolating Modicon does not occur if the arsenicalness happens and the attention does not occur. sent5: the fact that the Orwellianness but not the arsenical happens does not hold.
({A} & ¬{B})
sent1: (¬{C} & ¬{E}) sent2: ¬{AB} sent3: ¬({F} & ¬{D}) -> {D} sent4: ({D} & ¬{C}) -> ¬{B} sent5: ¬({F} & ¬{D})
[ "void -> assump1: Let's assume that the hyperextension does not occur.; sent2 -> int1: the nesting occurs and/or the circumnavigating Acanthocereus does not occur.; sent3 & sent5 -> int2: the arsenicalness happens.; sent1 -> int3: the fact that the attention does not occur hold.; int2 & int3 -> int4: the arsenical happens but the attention does not occur.; sent4 & int4 -> int5: the isolating Modicon does not occur.;" ]
[ "void -> assump1: ¬{A}; sent2 -> int1: ({AA} v ¬{AB}); sent3 & sent5 -> int2: {D}; sent1 -> int3: ¬{C}; int2 & int3 -> int4: ({D} & ¬{C}); sent4 & int4 -> int5: ¬{B};" ]
$hypothesis$ = the hyperextension but not the isolating Modicon happens. ; $context$ = sent1: the attention does not occur and the accessing scab does not occur. sent2: the circumnavigating Acanthocereus does not occur. sent3: if the fact that the Orwellianness happens and the arsenicalness does not occur does not hold then the arsenicalness occurs. sent4: the isolating Modicon does not occur if the arsenicalness happens and the attention does not occur. sent5: the fact that the Orwellianness but not the arsenical happens does not hold. ; $proof$ =
the circumnavigating Acanthocereus does not occur.
[ "if the fact that the Orwellianness happens and the arsenicalness does not occur does not hold then the arsenicalness occurs.", "the fact that the Orwellianness but not the arsenical happens does not hold.", "the attention does not occur and the accessing scab does not occur.", "the isolating Modicon does not occur if the arsenicalness happens and the attention does not occur." ]
[ "The circumnavigating Acanthocereus does not happen.", "The circumnavigating Acanthocereus doesn't happen.", "The circumnavigating Acanthocereus does not occur.", "The circumnavigating of Acanthocereus doesn't happen." ]
The circumnavigating Acanthocereus doesn't happen.
the fact that the Orwellianness but not the arsenical happens does not hold.
the hyperextension but not the isolating Modicon happens.
sent1: the attention does not occur and the accessing scab does not occur. sent2: the circumnavigating Acanthocereus does not occur. sent3: if the fact that the Orwellianness happens and the arsenicalness does not occur does not hold then the arsenicalness occurs. sent4: the isolating Modicon does not occur if the arsenicalness happens and the attention does not occur. sent5: the fact that the Orwellianness but not the arsenical happens does not hold.
({A} & ¬{B})
sent1: (¬{C} & ¬{E}) sent2: ¬{AB} sent3: ¬({F} & ¬{D}) -> {D} sent4: ({D} & ¬{C}) -> ¬{B} sent5: ¬({F} & ¬{D})
[ "void -> assump1: Let's assume that the hyperextension does not occur.; sent2 -> int1: the nesting occurs and/or the circumnavigating Acanthocereus does not occur.; sent3 & sent5 -> int2: the arsenicalness happens.; sent1 -> int3: the fact that the attention does not occur hold.; int2 & int3 -> int4: the arsenical happens but the attention does not occur.; sent4 & int4 -> int5: the isolating Modicon does not occur.;" ]
[ "void -> assump1: ¬{A}; sent2 -> int1: ({AA} v ¬{AB}); sent3 & sent5 -> int2: {D}; sent1 -> int3: ¬{C}; int2 & int3 -> int4: ({D} & ¬{C}); sent4 & int4 -> int5: ¬{B};" ]
$hypothesis$ = the hyperextension but not the isolating Modicon happens. ; $context$ = sent1: the attention does not occur and the accessing scab does not occur. sent2: the circumnavigating Acanthocereus does not occur. sent3: if the fact that the Orwellianness happens and the arsenicalness does not occur does not hold then the arsenicalness occurs. sent4: the isolating Modicon does not occur if the arsenicalness happens and the attention does not occur. sent5: the fact that the Orwellianness but not the arsenical happens does not hold. ; $proof$ =
the circumnavigating Acanthocereus does not occur.
[ "if the fact that the Orwellianness happens and the arsenicalness does not occur does not hold then the arsenicalness occurs.", "the fact that the Orwellianness but not the arsenical happens does not hold.", "the attention does not occur and the accessing scab does not occur.", "the isolating Modicon does not occur if the arsenicalness happens and the attention does not occur." ]
[ "The circumnavigating Acanthocereus does not happen.", "The circumnavigating Acanthocereus doesn't happen.", "The circumnavigating Acanthocereus does not occur.", "The circumnavigating of Acanthocereus doesn't happen." ]
The circumnavigating Acanthocereus does not occur.
the attention does not occur and the accessing scab does not occur.
the hyperextension but not the isolating Modicon happens.
sent1: the attention does not occur and the accessing scab does not occur. sent2: the circumnavigating Acanthocereus does not occur. sent3: if the fact that the Orwellianness happens and the arsenicalness does not occur does not hold then the arsenicalness occurs. sent4: the isolating Modicon does not occur if the arsenicalness happens and the attention does not occur. sent5: the fact that the Orwellianness but not the arsenical happens does not hold.
({A} & ¬{B})
sent1: (¬{C} & ¬{E}) sent2: ¬{AB} sent3: ¬({F} & ¬{D}) -> {D} sent4: ({D} & ¬{C}) -> ¬{B} sent5: ¬({F} & ¬{D})
[ "void -> assump1: Let's assume that the hyperextension does not occur.; sent2 -> int1: the nesting occurs and/or the circumnavigating Acanthocereus does not occur.; sent3 & sent5 -> int2: the arsenicalness happens.; sent1 -> int3: the fact that the attention does not occur hold.; int2 & int3 -> int4: the arsenical happens but the attention does not occur.; sent4 & int4 -> int5: the isolating Modicon does not occur.;" ]
[ "void -> assump1: ¬{A}; sent2 -> int1: ({AA} v ¬{AB}); sent3 & sent5 -> int2: {D}; sent1 -> int3: ¬{C}; int2 & int3 -> int4: ({D} & ¬{C}); sent4 & int4 -> int5: ¬{B};" ]
$hypothesis$ = the hyperextension but not the isolating Modicon happens. ; $context$ = sent1: the attention does not occur and the accessing scab does not occur. sent2: the circumnavigating Acanthocereus does not occur. sent3: if the fact that the Orwellianness happens and the arsenicalness does not occur does not hold then the arsenicalness occurs. sent4: the isolating Modicon does not occur if the arsenicalness happens and the attention does not occur. sent5: the fact that the Orwellianness but not the arsenical happens does not hold. ; $proof$ =
the circumnavigating Acanthocereus does not occur.
[ "if the fact that the Orwellianness happens and the arsenicalness does not occur does not hold then the arsenicalness occurs.", "the fact that the Orwellianness but not the arsenical happens does not hold.", "the attention does not occur and the accessing scab does not occur.", "the isolating Modicon does not occur if the arsenicalness happens and the attention does not occur." ]
[ "The circumnavigating Acanthocereus does not happen.", "The circumnavigating Acanthocereus doesn't happen.", "The circumnavigating Acanthocereus does not occur.", "The circumnavigating of Acanthocereus doesn't happen." ]
The circumnavigating of Acanthocereus doesn't happen.
the isolating Modicon does not occur if the arsenicalness happens and the attention does not occur.
that the gimlet is not a kind of a exteroception is not wrong.
sent1: the fact that the nutcracker does load Levite and it isolates dysphonia is false. sent2: the caseworm is not a kind of a communist. sent3: if the fact that the nutcracker is not auscultatory is not incorrect then the fact that it loads Levite and it does not isolate dysphonia is not true. sent4: there is something such that it loads Levite and does not isolate dysphonia. sent5: the Briton is a stew and is not athletic if there is something such that it does not circumnavigate featheredge. sent6: something is diamantine and it is frontal if it is not a presenter. sent7: the gimlet is a exteroception if there exists something such that that it does load Levite and does not isolate dysphonia does not hold. sent8: the Minuteman is not auscultatory if the lamphouse does not access blain. sent9: something that is both not a denominationalism and not auscultatory is not a kind of a exteroception. sent10: if there is something such that it isolates dysphonia the gimlet is a kind of a exteroception. sent11: there exists something such that the fact that it is a kind of a exteroception that does not isolate dysphonia does not hold. sent12: if the Minuteman is not auscultatory the nutcracker is not a exteroception but it is a kind of a denominationalism. sent13: a non-communist thing is not indoor and is not a presenter. sent14: if the Briton is a stew it is phonogramic and it does not circumnavigate scrubbird. sent15: everything does circumnavigate dither and it does not circumnavigate featheredge. sent16: the Briton is not diamantine if the caseworm is diamantine. sent17: there exists something such that the fact that it does load Levite and it isolates dysphonia is false. sent18: if something is phonogramic but it does not circumnavigate scrubbird it does not access blain. sent19: there exists something such that that that it is auscultatory and it is not a exteroception is true is not right. sent20: the nutcracker is not auscultatory. sent21: the lamphouse does not access blain if the Briton does not access blain and it is not diamantine. sent22: the fact that if the nutcracker is not auscultatory then that the nutcracker does load Levite and it isolates dysphonia does not hold hold.
sent1: ¬({AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) sent2: ¬{N}{f} sent3: ¬{A}{a} -> ¬({AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}) sent4: (Ex): ({AA}x & ¬{AB}x) sent5: (x): ¬{J}x -> ({H}{e} & ¬{I}{e}) sent6: (x): ¬{L}x -> ({E}x & {K}x) sent7: (x): ¬({AA}x & ¬{AB}x) -> {B}{b} sent8: ¬{D}{d} -> ¬{A}{c} sent9: (x): (¬{C}x & ¬{A}x) -> ¬{B}x sent10: (x): {AB}x -> {B}{b} sent11: (Ex): ¬({B}x & ¬{AB}x) sent12: ¬{A}{c} -> (¬{B}{a} & {C}{a}) sent13: (x): ¬{N}x -> (¬{M}x & ¬{L}x) sent14: {H}{e} -> ({G}{e} & ¬{F}{e}) sent15: (x): ({O}x & ¬{J}x) sent16: {E}{f} -> ¬{E}{e} sent17: (Ex): ¬({AA}x & {AB}x) sent18: (x): ({G}x & ¬{F}x) -> ¬{D}x sent19: (Ex): ¬({A}x & ¬{B}x) sent20: ¬{A}{a} sent21: (¬{D}{e} & ¬{E}{e}) -> ¬{D}{d} sent22: ¬{A}{a} -> ¬({AA}{a} & {AB}{a})
[ "sent3 & sent20 -> int1: that the nutcracker does load Levite and does not isolate dysphonia is wrong.; int1 -> int2: there exists something such that that it does load Levite and it does not isolate dysphonia is not right.; int2 & sent7 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent3 & sent20 -> int1: ¬({AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}); int1 -> int2: (Ex): ¬({AA}x & ¬{AB}x); int2 & sent7 -> hypothesis;" ]
the gimlet is not a exteroception.
[ "sent9 -> int3: if the gimlet is not a denominationalism and it is not auscultatory it is not a kind of a exteroception.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = that the gimlet is not a kind of a exteroception is not wrong. ; $context$ = sent1: the fact that the nutcracker does load Levite and it isolates dysphonia is false. sent2: the caseworm is not a kind of a communist. sent3: if the fact that the nutcracker is not auscultatory is not incorrect then the fact that it loads Levite and it does not isolate dysphonia is not true. sent4: there is something such that it loads Levite and does not isolate dysphonia. sent5: the Briton is a stew and is not athletic if there is something such that it does not circumnavigate featheredge. sent6: something is diamantine and it is frontal if it is not a presenter. sent7: the gimlet is a exteroception if there exists something such that that it does load Levite and does not isolate dysphonia does not hold. sent8: the Minuteman is not auscultatory if the lamphouse does not access blain. sent9: something that is both not a denominationalism and not auscultatory is not a kind of a exteroception. sent10: if there is something such that it isolates dysphonia the gimlet is a kind of a exteroception. sent11: there exists something such that the fact that it is a kind of a exteroception that does not isolate dysphonia does not hold. sent12: if the Minuteman is not auscultatory the nutcracker is not a exteroception but it is a kind of a denominationalism. sent13: a non-communist thing is not indoor and is not a presenter. sent14: if the Briton is a stew it is phonogramic and it does not circumnavigate scrubbird. sent15: everything does circumnavigate dither and it does not circumnavigate featheredge. sent16: the Briton is not diamantine if the caseworm is diamantine. sent17: there exists something such that the fact that it does load Levite and it isolates dysphonia is false. sent18: if something is phonogramic but it does not circumnavigate scrubbird it does not access blain. sent19: there exists something such that that that it is auscultatory and it is not a exteroception is true is not right. sent20: the nutcracker is not auscultatory. sent21: the lamphouse does not access blain if the Briton does not access blain and it is not diamantine. sent22: the fact that if the nutcracker is not auscultatory then that the nutcracker does load Levite and it isolates dysphonia does not hold hold. ; $proof$ =
sent3 & sent20 -> int1: that the nutcracker does load Levite and does not isolate dysphonia is wrong.; int1 -> int2: there exists something such that that it does load Levite and it does not isolate dysphonia is not right.; int2 & sent7 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
if the fact that the nutcracker is not auscultatory is not incorrect then the fact that it loads Levite and it does not isolate dysphonia is not true.
[ "the nutcracker is not auscultatory.", "the gimlet is a exteroception if there exists something such that that it does load Levite and does not isolate dysphonia does not hold." ]
[ "The fact that the nutcracker is not auscultatory is not incorrect.", "If the fact that the nutcracker is not auscultatory is incorrect, then the fact that it loads Levite is not." ]
The fact that the nutcracker is not auscultatory is not incorrect.
the nutcracker is not auscultatory.
that the gimlet is not a kind of a exteroception is not wrong.
sent1: the fact that the nutcracker does load Levite and it isolates dysphonia is false. sent2: the caseworm is not a kind of a communist. sent3: if the fact that the nutcracker is not auscultatory is not incorrect then the fact that it loads Levite and it does not isolate dysphonia is not true. sent4: there is something such that it loads Levite and does not isolate dysphonia. sent5: the Briton is a stew and is not athletic if there is something such that it does not circumnavigate featheredge. sent6: something is diamantine and it is frontal if it is not a presenter. sent7: the gimlet is a exteroception if there exists something such that that it does load Levite and does not isolate dysphonia does not hold. sent8: the Minuteman is not auscultatory if the lamphouse does not access blain. sent9: something that is both not a denominationalism and not auscultatory is not a kind of a exteroception. sent10: if there is something such that it isolates dysphonia the gimlet is a kind of a exteroception. sent11: there exists something such that the fact that it is a kind of a exteroception that does not isolate dysphonia does not hold. sent12: if the Minuteman is not auscultatory the nutcracker is not a exteroception but it is a kind of a denominationalism. sent13: a non-communist thing is not indoor and is not a presenter. sent14: if the Briton is a stew it is phonogramic and it does not circumnavigate scrubbird. sent15: everything does circumnavigate dither and it does not circumnavigate featheredge. sent16: the Briton is not diamantine if the caseworm is diamantine. sent17: there exists something such that the fact that it does load Levite and it isolates dysphonia is false. sent18: if something is phonogramic but it does not circumnavigate scrubbird it does not access blain. sent19: there exists something such that that that it is auscultatory and it is not a exteroception is true is not right. sent20: the nutcracker is not auscultatory. sent21: the lamphouse does not access blain if the Briton does not access blain and it is not diamantine. sent22: the fact that if the nutcracker is not auscultatory then that the nutcracker does load Levite and it isolates dysphonia does not hold hold.
sent1: ¬({AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) sent2: ¬{N}{f} sent3: ¬{A}{a} -> ¬({AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}) sent4: (Ex): ({AA}x & ¬{AB}x) sent5: (x): ¬{J}x -> ({H}{e} & ¬{I}{e}) sent6: (x): ¬{L}x -> ({E}x & {K}x) sent7: (x): ¬({AA}x & ¬{AB}x) -> {B}{b} sent8: ¬{D}{d} -> ¬{A}{c} sent9: (x): (¬{C}x & ¬{A}x) -> ¬{B}x sent10: (x): {AB}x -> {B}{b} sent11: (Ex): ¬({B}x & ¬{AB}x) sent12: ¬{A}{c} -> (¬{B}{a} & {C}{a}) sent13: (x): ¬{N}x -> (¬{M}x & ¬{L}x) sent14: {H}{e} -> ({G}{e} & ¬{F}{e}) sent15: (x): ({O}x & ¬{J}x) sent16: {E}{f} -> ¬{E}{e} sent17: (Ex): ¬({AA}x & {AB}x) sent18: (x): ({G}x & ¬{F}x) -> ¬{D}x sent19: (Ex): ¬({A}x & ¬{B}x) sent20: ¬{A}{a} sent21: (¬{D}{e} & ¬{E}{e}) -> ¬{D}{d} sent22: ¬{A}{a} -> ¬({AA}{a} & {AB}{a})
[ "sent3 & sent20 -> int1: that the nutcracker does load Levite and does not isolate dysphonia is wrong.; int1 -> int2: there exists something such that that it does load Levite and it does not isolate dysphonia is not right.; int2 & sent7 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent3 & sent20 -> int1: ¬({AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}); int1 -> int2: (Ex): ¬({AA}x & ¬{AB}x); int2 & sent7 -> hypothesis;" ]
the gimlet is not a exteroception.
[ "sent9 -> int3: if the gimlet is not a denominationalism and it is not auscultatory it is not a kind of a exteroception.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = that the gimlet is not a kind of a exteroception is not wrong. ; $context$ = sent1: the fact that the nutcracker does load Levite and it isolates dysphonia is false. sent2: the caseworm is not a kind of a communist. sent3: if the fact that the nutcracker is not auscultatory is not incorrect then the fact that it loads Levite and it does not isolate dysphonia is not true. sent4: there is something such that it loads Levite and does not isolate dysphonia. sent5: the Briton is a stew and is not athletic if there is something such that it does not circumnavigate featheredge. sent6: something is diamantine and it is frontal if it is not a presenter. sent7: the gimlet is a exteroception if there exists something such that that it does load Levite and does not isolate dysphonia does not hold. sent8: the Minuteman is not auscultatory if the lamphouse does not access blain. sent9: something that is both not a denominationalism and not auscultatory is not a kind of a exteroception. sent10: if there is something such that it isolates dysphonia the gimlet is a kind of a exteroception. sent11: there exists something such that the fact that it is a kind of a exteroception that does not isolate dysphonia does not hold. sent12: if the Minuteman is not auscultatory the nutcracker is not a exteroception but it is a kind of a denominationalism. sent13: a non-communist thing is not indoor and is not a presenter. sent14: if the Briton is a stew it is phonogramic and it does not circumnavigate scrubbird. sent15: everything does circumnavigate dither and it does not circumnavigate featheredge. sent16: the Briton is not diamantine if the caseworm is diamantine. sent17: there exists something such that the fact that it does load Levite and it isolates dysphonia is false. sent18: if something is phonogramic but it does not circumnavigate scrubbird it does not access blain. sent19: there exists something such that that that it is auscultatory and it is not a exteroception is true is not right. sent20: the nutcracker is not auscultatory. sent21: the lamphouse does not access blain if the Briton does not access blain and it is not diamantine. sent22: the fact that if the nutcracker is not auscultatory then that the nutcracker does load Levite and it isolates dysphonia does not hold hold. ; $proof$ =
sent3 & sent20 -> int1: that the nutcracker does load Levite and does not isolate dysphonia is wrong.; int1 -> int2: there exists something such that that it does load Levite and it does not isolate dysphonia is not right.; int2 & sent7 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
if the fact that the nutcracker is not auscultatory is not incorrect then the fact that it loads Levite and it does not isolate dysphonia is not true.
[ "the nutcracker is not auscultatory.", "the gimlet is a exteroception if there exists something such that that it does load Levite and does not isolate dysphonia does not hold." ]
[ "The fact that the nutcracker is not auscultatory is not incorrect.", "If the fact that the nutcracker is not auscultatory is incorrect, then the fact that it loads Levite is not." ]
If the fact that the nutcracker is not auscultatory is incorrect, then the fact that it loads Levite is not.
the gimlet is a exteroception if there exists something such that that it does load Levite and does not isolate dysphonia does not hold.
the Cheddar is a countrywoman.
sent1: the Cheddar is a kind of headless thing that does not elope if the chiropractor is a Malaysia. sent2: the chiropractor is a Malaysia. sent3: something is a countrywoman if that it is all is not false. sent4: the chiropractor is not a Malaysia and it does not isolate brackishness if the buckle is not a bunchberry. sent5: if something is headless and does not elope it is all. sent6: the fact that something is not all hold if it is not a Malaysia.
sent1: {C}{a} -> ({AA}{aa} & ¬{AB}{aa}) sent2: {C}{a} sent3: (x): {B}x -> {A}x sent4: ¬{E}{b} -> (¬{C}{a} & ¬{D}{a}) sent5: (x): ({AA}x & ¬{AB}x) -> {B}x sent6: (x): ¬{C}x -> ¬{B}x
[ "sent5 -> int1: if the Cheddar is headless but it does not elope it is all.; sent1 & sent2 -> int2: the Cheddar is headless but it does not elope.; int1 & int2 -> int3: the Cheddar is all.; sent3 -> int4: if the Cheddar is all the fact that it is a countrywoman is not wrong.; int3 & int4 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent5 -> int1: ({AA}{aa} & ¬{AB}{aa}) -> {B}{aa}; sent1 & sent2 -> int2: ({AA}{aa} & ¬{AB}{aa}); int1 & int2 -> int3: {B}{aa}; sent3 -> int4: {B}{aa} -> {A}{aa}; int3 & int4 -> hypothesis;" ]
the Cheddar is not a countrywoman.
[ "sent6 -> int5: the chiropractor is not all if it is not a kind of a Malaysia.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the Cheddar is a countrywoman. ; $context$ = sent1: the Cheddar is a kind of headless thing that does not elope if the chiropractor is a Malaysia. sent2: the chiropractor is a Malaysia. sent3: something is a countrywoman if that it is all is not false. sent4: the chiropractor is not a Malaysia and it does not isolate brackishness if the buckle is not a bunchberry. sent5: if something is headless and does not elope it is all. sent6: the fact that something is not all hold if it is not a Malaysia. ; $proof$ =
sent5 -> int1: if the Cheddar is headless but it does not elope it is all.; sent1 & sent2 -> int2: the Cheddar is headless but it does not elope.; int1 & int2 -> int3: the Cheddar is all.; sent3 -> int4: if the Cheddar is all the fact that it is a countrywoman is not wrong.; int3 & int4 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
if something is headless and does not elope it is all.
[ "the Cheddar is a kind of headless thing that does not elope if the chiropractor is a Malaysia.", "the chiropractor is a Malaysia.", "something is a countrywoman if that it is all is not false." ]
[ "It is all if something is headless.", "It's all if something is headless and doesn't elope.", "It's all if something isn't headless and doesn't elope." ]
It is all if something is headless.
the Cheddar is a kind of headless thing that does not elope if the chiropractor is a Malaysia.
the Cheddar is a countrywoman.
sent1: the Cheddar is a kind of headless thing that does not elope if the chiropractor is a Malaysia. sent2: the chiropractor is a Malaysia. sent3: something is a countrywoman if that it is all is not false. sent4: the chiropractor is not a Malaysia and it does not isolate brackishness if the buckle is not a bunchberry. sent5: if something is headless and does not elope it is all. sent6: the fact that something is not all hold if it is not a Malaysia.
sent1: {C}{a} -> ({AA}{aa} & ¬{AB}{aa}) sent2: {C}{a} sent3: (x): {B}x -> {A}x sent4: ¬{E}{b} -> (¬{C}{a} & ¬{D}{a}) sent5: (x): ({AA}x & ¬{AB}x) -> {B}x sent6: (x): ¬{C}x -> ¬{B}x
[ "sent5 -> int1: if the Cheddar is headless but it does not elope it is all.; sent1 & sent2 -> int2: the Cheddar is headless but it does not elope.; int1 & int2 -> int3: the Cheddar is all.; sent3 -> int4: if the Cheddar is all the fact that it is a countrywoman is not wrong.; int3 & int4 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent5 -> int1: ({AA}{aa} & ¬{AB}{aa}) -> {B}{aa}; sent1 & sent2 -> int2: ({AA}{aa} & ¬{AB}{aa}); int1 & int2 -> int3: {B}{aa}; sent3 -> int4: {B}{aa} -> {A}{aa}; int3 & int4 -> hypothesis;" ]
the Cheddar is not a countrywoman.
[ "sent6 -> int5: the chiropractor is not all if it is not a kind of a Malaysia.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the Cheddar is a countrywoman. ; $context$ = sent1: the Cheddar is a kind of headless thing that does not elope if the chiropractor is a Malaysia. sent2: the chiropractor is a Malaysia. sent3: something is a countrywoman if that it is all is not false. sent4: the chiropractor is not a Malaysia and it does not isolate brackishness if the buckle is not a bunchberry. sent5: if something is headless and does not elope it is all. sent6: the fact that something is not all hold if it is not a Malaysia. ; $proof$ =
sent5 -> int1: if the Cheddar is headless but it does not elope it is all.; sent1 & sent2 -> int2: the Cheddar is headless but it does not elope.; int1 & int2 -> int3: the Cheddar is all.; sent3 -> int4: if the Cheddar is all the fact that it is a countrywoman is not wrong.; int3 & int4 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
if something is headless and does not elope it is all.
[ "the Cheddar is a kind of headless thing that does not elope if the chiropractor is a Malaysia.", "the chiropractor is a Malaysia.", "something is a countrywoman if that it is all is not false." ]
[ "It is all if something is headless.", "It's all if something is headless and doesn't elope.", "It's all if something isn't headless and doesn't elope." ]
It's all if something is headless and doesn't elope.
the chiropractor is a Malaysia.
the Cheddar is a countrywoman.
sent1: the Cheddar is a kind of headless thing that does not elope if the chiropractor is a Malaysia. sent2: the chiropractor is a Malaysia. sent3: something is a countrywoman if that it is all is not false. sent4: the chiropractor is not a Malaysia and it does not isolate brackishness if the buckle is not a bunchberry. sent5: if something is headless and does not elope it is all. sent6: the fact that something is not all hold if it is not a Malaysia.
sent1: {C}{a} -> ({AA}{aa} & ¬{AB}{aa}) sent2: {C}{a} sent3: (x): {B}x -> {A}x sent4: ¬{E}{b} -> (¬{C}{a} & ¬{D}{a}) sent5: (x): ({AA}x & ¬{AB}x) -> {B}x sent6: (x): ¬{C}x -> ¬{B}x
[ "sent5 -> int1: if the Cheddar is headless but it does not elope it is all.; sent1 & sent2 -> int2: the Cheddar is headless but it does not elope.; int1 & int2 -> int3: the Cheddar is all.; sent3 -> int4: if the Cheddar is all the fact that it is a countrywoman is not wrong.; int3 & int4 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent5 -> int1: ({AA}{aa} & ¬{AB}{aa}) -> {B}{aa}; sent1 & sent2 -> int2: ({AA}{aa} & ¬{AB}{aa}); int1 & int2 -> int3: {B}{aa}; sent3 -> int4: {B}{aa} -> {A}{aa}; int3 & int4 -> hypothesis;" ]
the Cheddar is not a countrywoman.
[ "sent6 -> int5: the chiropractor is not all if it is not a kind of a Malaysia.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the Cheddar is a countrywoman. ; $context$ = sent1: the Cheddar is a kind of headless thing that does not elope if the chiropractor is a Malaysia. sent2: the chiropractor is a Malaysia. sent3: something is a countrywoman if that it is all is not false. sent4: the chiropractor is not a Malaysia and it does not isolate brackishness if the buckle is not a bunchberry. sent5: if something is headless and does not elope it is all. sent6: the fact that something is not all hold if it is not a Malaysia. ; $proof$ =
sent5 -> int1: if the Cheddar is headless but it does not elope it is all.; sent1 & sent2 -> int2: the Cheddar is headless but it does not elope.; int1 & int2 -> int3: the Cheddar is all.; sent3 -> int4: if the Cheddar is all the fact that it is a countrywoman is not wrong.; int3 & int4 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
if something is headless and does not elope it is all.
[ "the Cheddar is a kind of headless thing that does not elope if the chiropractor is a Malaysia.", "the chiropractor is a Malaysia.", "something is a countrywoman if that it is all is not false." ]
[ "It is all if something is headless.", "It's all if something is headless and doesn't elope.", "It's all if something isn't headless and doesn't elope." ]
It's all if something isn't headless and doesn't elope.
something is a countrywoman if that it is all is not false.
the fact that the Crow is a kind of a letterpress and it isolates analyst does not hold.
sent1: if something is not doric that it is a letterpress and does isolate analyst does not hold. sent2: The analyst does isolate Crow. sent3: if the fact that the kern is a collateral and it is doric is false then the Crow is not doric. sent4: the highboy is a letterpress that circumnavigates swish. sent5: if something is a dunker it is planetal. sent6: the Crow is a Orion. sent7: the fact that the escolar does isolate analyst is right. sent8: that something is not non-collateral and it is doric is not right if it does not isolate reading. sent9: the Crow is doric. sent10: if the Crow is abranchiate it is comparable. sent11: if something is doric then it is a letterpress. sent12: the oxcart is doric. sent13: the Crow does isolate analyst. sent14: the clipper does isolate analyst. sent15: the Crow is nonsyllabic. sent16: that the Buddhist is a letterpress is not false. sent17: if something is a kind of a letterpress that is not doric then it isolates analyst.
¬({C}{aa} & {B}{aa})
sent1: (x): ¬{A}x -> ¬({C}x & {B}x) sent2: {AB}{ab} sent3: ¬({D}{a} & {A}{a}) -> ¬{A}{aa} sent4: ({C}{cg} & {AO}{cg}) sent5: (x): {DI}x -> {ES}x sent6: {AA}{aa} sent7: {B}{es} sent8: (x): ¬{E}x -> ¬({D}x & {A}x) sent9: {A}{aa} sent10: {AL}{aa} -> {II}{aa} sent11: (x): {A}x -> {C}x sent12: {A}{dl} sent13: {B}{aa} sent14: {B}{df} sent15: {FK}{aa} sent16: {C}{at} sent17: (x): ({C}x & ¬{A}x) -> {B}x
[ "sent11 -> int1: if the Crow is doric it is a letterpress.; int1 & sent9 -> int2: the Crow is a letterpress.; int2 & sent13 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent11 -> int1: {A}{aa} -> {C}{aa}; int1 & sent9 -> int2: {C}{aa}; int2 & sent13 -> hypothesis;" ]
the sheath isolates analyst.
[ "sent17 -> int3: if the sheath is a letterpress but it is not doric then it isolates analyst.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the fact that the Crow is a kind of a letterpress and it isolates analyst does not hold. ; $context$ = sent1: if something is not doric that it is a letterpress and does isolate analyst does not hold. sent2: The analyst does isolate Crow. sent3: if the fact that the kern is a collateral and it is doric is false then the Crow is not doric. sent4: the highboy is a letterpress that circumnavigates swish. sent5: if something is a dunker it is planetal. sent6: the Crow is a Orion. sent7: the fact that the escolar does isolate analyst is right. sent8: that something is not non-collateral and it is doric is not right if it does not isolate reading. sent9: the Crow is doric. sent10: if the Crow is abranchiate it is comparable. sent11: if something is doric then it is a letterpress. sent12: the oxcart is doric. sent13: the Crow does isolate analyst. sent14: the clipper does isolate analyst. sent15: the Crow is nonsyllabic. sent16: that the Buddhist is a letterpress is not false. sent17: if something is a kind of a letterpress that is not doric then it isolates analyst. ; $proof$ =
sent11 -> int1: if the Crow is doric it is a letterpress.; int1 & sent9 -> int2: the Crow is a letterpress.; int2 & sent13 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
if something is doric then it is a letterpress.
[ "the Crow is doric.", "the Crow does isolate analyst." ]
[ "If it is doric then it is a printing press.", "If it's doric then it's a letterpress." ]
If it is doric then it is a printing press.
the Crow is doric.
the fact that the Crow is a kind of a letterpress and it isolates analyst does not hold.
sent1: if something is not doric that it is a letterpress and does isolate analyst does not hold. sent2: The analyst does isolate Crow. sent3: if the fact that the kern is a collateral and it is doric is false then the Crow is not doric. sent4: the highboy is a letterpress that circumnavigates swish. sent5: if something is a dunker it is planetal. sent6: the Crow is a Orion. sent7: the fact that the escolar does isolate analyst is right. sent8: that something is not non-collateral and it is doric is not right if it does not isolate reading. sent9: the Crow is doric. sent10: if the Crow is abranchiate it is comparable. sent11: if something is doric then it is a letterpress. sent12: the oxcart is doric. sent13: the Crow does isolate analyst. sent14: the clipper does isolate analyst. sent15: the Crow is nonsyllabic. sent16: that the Buddhist is a letterpress is not false. sent17: if something is a kind of a letterpress that is not doric then it isolates analyst.
¬({C}{aa} & {B}{aa})
sent1: (x): ¬{A}x -> ¬({C}x & {B}x) sent2: {AB}{ab} sent3: ¬({D}{a} & {A}{a}) -> ¬{A}{aa} sent4: ({C}{cg} & {AO}{cg}) sent5: (x): {DI}x -> {ES}x sent6: {AA}{aa} sent7: {B}{es} sent8: (x): ¬{E}x -> ¬({D}x & {A}x) sent9: {A}{aa} sent10: {AL}{aa} -> {II}{aa} sent11: (x): {A}x -> {C}x sent12: {A}{dl} sent13: {B}{aa} sent14: {B}{df} sent15: {FK}{aa} sent16: {C}{at} sent17: (x): ({C}x & ¬{A}x) -> {B}x
[ "sent11 -> int1: if the Crow is doric it is a letterpress.; int1 & sent9 -> int2: the Crow is a letterpress.; int2 & sent13 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent11 -> int1: {A}{aa} -> {C}{aa}; int1 & sent9 -> int2: {C}{aa}; int2 & sent13 -> hypothesis;" ]
the sheath isolates analyst.
[ "sent17 -> int3: if the sheath is a letterpress but it is not doric then it isolates analyst.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the fact that the Crow is a kind of a letterpress and it isolates analyst does not hold. ; $context$ = sent1: if something is not doric that it is a letterpress and does isolate analyst does not hold. sent2: The analyst does isolate Crow. sent3: if the fact that the kern is a collateral and it is doric is false then the Crow is not doric. sent4: the highboy is a letterpress that circumnavigates swish. sent5: if something is a dunker it is planetal. sent6: the Crow is a Orion. sent7: the fact that the escolar does isolate analyst is right. sent8: that something is not non-collateral and it is doric is not right if it does not isolate reading. sent9: the Crow is doric. sent10: if the Crow is abranchiate it is comparable. sent11: if something is doric then it is a letterpress. sent12: the oxcart is doric. sent13: the Crow does isolate analyst. sent14: the clipper does isolate analyst. sent15: the Crow is nonsyllabic. sent16: that the Buddhist is a letterpress is not false. sent17: if something is a kind of a letterpress that is not doric then it isolates analyst. ; $proof$ =
sent11 -> int1: if the Crow is doric it is a letterpress.; int1 & sent9 -> int2: the Crow is a letterpress.; int2 & sent13 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
if something is doric then it is a letterpress.
[ "the Crow is doric.", "the Crow does isolate analyst." ]
[ "If it is doric then it is a printing press.", "If it's doric then it's a letterpress." ]
If it's doric then it's a letterpress.
the Crow does isolate analyst.
both the sentence and the caring happens.
sent1: the rehearsing or the non-contrapuntalness or both happens. sent2: that the sentencing does not occur is prevented by the rehearsing. sent3: the sentence is triggered by the non-contrapuntalness. sent4: the care and the circumnavigating lion-hunter occurs.
({C} & {D})
sent1: ({A} v ¬{B}) sent2: {A} -> {C} sent3: ¬{B} -> {C} sent4: ({D} & {E})
[ "sent1 & sent2 & sent3 -> int1: that the sentencing happens is not false.; sent4 -> int2: the care happens.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent1 & sent2 & sent3 -> int1: {C}; sent4 -> int2: {D}; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
$hypothesis$ = both the sentence and the caring happens. ; $context$ = sent1: the rehearsing or the non-contrapuntalness or both happens. sent2: that the sentencing does not occur is prevented by the rehearsing. sent3: the sentence is triggered by the non-contrapuntalness. sent4: the care and the circumnavigating lion-hunter occurs. ; $proof$ =
sent1 & sent2 & sent3 -> int1: that the sentencing happens is not false.; sent4 -> int2: the care happens.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
the rehearsing or the non-contrapuntalness or both happens.
[ "that the sentencing does not occur is prevented by the rehearsing.", "the sentence is triggered by the non-contrapuntalness.", "the care and the circumnavigating lion-hunter occurs." ]
[ "There are two things that happen, the rehearsing or the non-contrapuntalness.", "Both happen, the rehearsing or the non-contrapuntalness.", "The rehearsing or the non-contrapuntalness happens." ]
There are two things that happen, the rehearsing or the non-contrapuntalness.
that the sentencing does not occur is prevented by the rehearsing.
both the sentence and the caring happens.
sent1: the rehearsing or the non-contrapuntalness or both happens. sent2: that the sentencing does not occur is prevented by the rehearsing. sent3: the sentence is triggered by the non-contrapuntalness. sent4: the care and the circumnavigating lion-hunter occurs.
({C} & {D})
sent1: ({A} v ¬{B}) sent2: {A} -> {C} sent3: ¬{B} -> {C} sent4: ({D} & {E})
[ "sent1 & sent2 & sent3 -> int1: that the sentencing happens is not false.; sent4 -> int2: the care happens.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent1 & sent2 & sent3 -> int1: {C}; sent4 -> int2: {D}; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
$hypothesis$ = both the sentence and the caring happens. ; $context$ = sent1: the rehearsing or the non-contrapuntalness or both happens. sent2: that the sentencing does not occur is prevented by the rehearsing. sent3: the sentence is triggered by the non-contrapuntalness. sent4: the care and the circumnavigating lion-hunter occurs. ; $proof$ =
sent1 & sent2 & sent3 -> int1: that the sentencing happens is not false.; sent4 -> int2: the care happens.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
the rehearsing or the non-contrapuntalness or both happens.
[ "that the sentencing does not occur is prevented by the rehearsing.", "the sentence is triggered by the non-contrapuntalness.", "the care and the circumnavigating lion-hunter occurs." ]
[ "There are two things that happen, the rehearsing or the non-contrapuntalness.", "Both happen, the rehearsing or the non-contrapuntalness.", "The rehearsing or the non-contrapuntalness happens." ]
Both happen, the rehearsing or the non-contrapuntalness.
the sentence is triggered by the non-contrapuntalness.
both the sentence and the caring happens.
sent1: the rehearsing or the non-contrapuntalness or both happens. sent2: that the sentencing does not occur is prevented by the rehearsing. sent3: the sentence is triggered by the non-contrapuntalness. sent4: the care and the circumnavigating lion-hunter occurs.
({C} & {D})
sent1: ({A} v ¬{B}) sent2: {A} -> {C} sent3: ¬{B} -> {C} sent4: ({D} & {E})
[ "sent1 & sent2 & sent3 -> int1: that the sentencing happens is not false.; sent4 -> int2: the care happens.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent1 & sent2 & sent3 -> int1: {C}; sent4 -> int2: {D}; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
$hypothesis$ = both the sentence and the caring happens. ; $context$ = sent1: the rehearsing or the non-contrapuntalness or both happens. sent2: that the sentencing does not occur is prevented by the rehearsing. sent3: the sentence is triggered by the non-contrapuntalness. sent4: the care and the circumnavigating lion-hunter occurs. ; $proof$ =
sent1 & sent2 & sent3 -> int1: that the sentencing happens is not false.; sent4 -> int2: the care happens.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
the rehearsing or the non-contrapuntalness or both happens.
[ "that the sentencing does not occur is prevented by the rehearsing.", "the sentence is triggered by the non-contrapuntalness.", "the care and the circumnavigating lion-hunter occurs." ]
[ "There are two things that happen, the rehearsing or the non-contrapuntalness.", "Both happen, the rehearsing or the non-contrapuntalness.", "The rehearsing or the non-contrapuntalness happens." ]
The rehearsing or the non-contrapuntalness happens.
the care and the circumnavigating lion-hunter occurs.
the brickbat is not a kind of a slowdown.
sent1: something is a slowdown if it is a kind of a Peloponnese. sent2: the prefect is a kind of a slowdown. sent3: the prefect is Djiboutian. sent4: if there is something such that that it is a Djiboutian that is not a kind of a Peloponnese is wrong the annoyance is a Peloponnese. sent5: if that the prefect is not non-Djiboutian is not wrong then the brickbat is a Peloponnese. sent6: the prefect is paleolithic.
sent1: (x): {B}x -> {C}x sent2: {C}{a} sent3: {A}{a} sent4: (x): ¬({A}x & ¬{B}x) -> {B}{if} sent5: {A}{a} -> {B}{b} sent6: {E}{a}
[ "sent5 & sent3 -> int1: the brickbat is a Peloponnese.; sent1 -> int2: if the brickbat is a kind of a Peloponnese it is a slowdown.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent5 & sent3 -> int1: {B}{b}; sent1 -> int2: {B}{b} -> {C}{b}; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
that the annoyance is a Peloponnese hold.
$hypothesis$ = the brickbat is not a kind of a slowdown. ; $context$ = sent1: something is a slowdown if it is a kind of a Peloponnese. sent2: the prefect is a kind of a slowdown. sent3: the prefect is Djiboutian. sent4: if there is something such that that it is a Djiboutian that is not a kind of a Peloponnese is wrong the annoyance is a Peloponnese. sent5: if that the prefect is not non-Djiboutian is not wrong then the brickbat is a Peloponnese. sent6: the prefect is paleolithic. ; $proof$ =
sent5 & sent3 -> int1: the brickbat is a Peloponnese.; sent1 -> int2: if the brickbat is a kind of a Peloponnese it is a slowdown.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
if that the prefect is not non-Djiboutian is not wrong then the brickbat is a Peloponnese.
[ "the prefect is Djiboutian.", "something is a slowdown if it is a kind of a Peloponnese." ]
[ "The brickbat is a Peloponnese if the prefect is not non-Djiboutian.", "The brickbat is a Peloponnese if the prefect is non-Djiboutian." ]
The brickbat is a Peloponnese if the prefect is not non-Djiboutian.
the prefect is Djiboutian.
the brickbat is not a kind of a slowdown.
sent1: something is a slowdown if it is a kind of a Peloponnese. sent2: the prefect is a kind of a slowdown. sent3: the prefect is Djiboutian. sent4: if there is something such that that it is a Djiboutian that is not a kind of a Peloponnese is wrong the annoyance is a Peloponnese. sent5: if that the prefect is not non-Djiboutian is not wrong then the brickbat is a Peloponnese. sent6: the prefect is paleolithic.
sent1: (x): {B}x -> {C}x sent2: {C}{a} sent3: {A}{a} sent4: (x): ¬({A}x & ¬{B}x) -> {B}{if} sent5: {A}{a} -> {B}{b} sent6: {E}{a}
[ "sent5 & sent3 -> int1: the brickbat is a Peloponnese.; sent1 -> int2: if the brickbat is a kind of a Peloponnese it is a slowdown.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent5 & sent3 -> int1: {B}{b}; sent1 -> int2: {B}{b} -> {C}{b}; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
that the annoyance is a Peloponnese hold.
$hypothesis$ = the brickbat is not a kind of a slowdown. ; $context$ = sent1: something is a slowdown if it is a kind of a Peloponnese. sent2: the prefect is a kind of a slowdown. sent3: the prefect is Djiboutian. sent4: if there is something such that that it is a Djiboutian that is not a kind of a Peloponnese is wrong the annoyance is a Peloponnese. sent5: if that the prefect is not non-Djiboutian is not wrong then the brickbat is a Peloponnese. sent6: the prefect is paleolithic. ; $proof$ =
sent5 & sent3 -> int1: the brickbat is a Peloponnese.; sent1 -> int2: if the brickbat is a kind of a Peloponnese it is a slowdown.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
if that the prefect is not non-Djiboutian is not wrong then the brickbat is a Peloponnese.
[ "the prefect is Djiboutian.", "something is a slowdown if it is a kind of a Peloponnese." ]
[ "The brickbat is a Peloponnese if the prefect is not non-Djiboutian.", "The brickbat is a Peloponnese if the prefect is non-Djiboutian." ]
The brickbat is a Peloponnese if the prefect is non-Djiboutian.
something is a slowdown if it is a kind of a Peloponnese.
that the fact that the arsonist is a kind of a vestal that is not a rounding is not true is right.
sent1: if the brim does not clothe then the fact that it is Dalmatian and it is fibrinous is not correct. sent2: the glossarist is a kind of a Eastertide. sent3: if the glossarist is a vestal that the arsonist is a vestal and is a rounding does not hold. sent4: either the glossarist is anorectal or it is a kind of a phycology or both if there is something such that it is a phycology. sent5: if that the glossarist is an intensity hold it is a vestal. sent6: if the fact that something is not non-Dalmatian and it is fibrinous is false the fact that it is not a nifedipine hold. sent7: if either the glossarist is not a kind of a rounding or it is a vestal or both then the potentiation is a rounding. sent8: that the arsonist is a kind of an intensity but it is not a vestal is not right. sent9: the glossarist rounds. sent10: the brim does not clothe. sent11: the fact that the arsonist is a vestal and a rounding is not right. sent12: the arsonist is an intensity if it is a rounding. sent13: that if the glossarist is anorectal then the arsonist is an intensity is right. sent14: if the glossarist is a vestal then that the arsonist is both a vestal and not a rounding does not hold. sent15: something is a phycology and it does tickle if it is not a nifedipine.
¬({B}{b} & ¬{D}{b})
sent1: ¬{J}{c} -> ¬({I}{c} & {H}{c}) sent2: {HH}{a} sent3: {B}{a} -> ¬({B}{b} & {D}{b}) sent4: (x): {C}x -> ({E}{a} v {C}{a}) sent5: {A}{a} -> {B}{a} sent6: (x): ¬({I}x & {H}x) -> ¬{G}x sent7: (¬{D}{a} v {B}{a}) -> {D}{dk} sent8: ¬({A}{b} & ¬{B}{b}) sent9: {D}{a} sent10: ¬{J}{c} sent11: ¬({B}{b} & {D}{b}) sent12: {D}{b} -> {A}{b} sent13: {E}{a} -> {A}{b} sent14: {B}{a} -> ¬({B}{b} & ¬{D}{b}) sent15: (x): ¬{G}x -> ({C}x & {F}x)
that the potentiation is rounding hold.
$hypothesis$ = that the fact that the arsonist is a kind of a vestal that is not a rounding is not true is right. ; $context$ = sent1: if the brim does not clothe then the fact that it is Dalmatian and it is fibrinous is not correct. sent2: the glossarist is a kind of a Eastertide. sent3: if the glossarist is a vestal that the arsonist is a vestal and is a rounding does not hold. sent4: either the glossarist is anorectal or it is a kind of a phycology or both if there is something such that it is a phycology. sent5: if that the glossarist is an intensity hold it is a vestal. sent6: if the fact that something is not non-Dalmatian and it is fibrinous is false the fact that it is not a nifedipine hold. sent7: if either the glossarist is not a kind of a rounding or it is a vestal or both then the potentiation is a rounding. sent8: that the arsonist is a kind of an intensity but it is not a vestal is not right. sent9: the glossarist rounds. sent10: the brim does not clothe. sent11: the fact that the arsonist is a vestal and a rounding is not right. sent12: the arsonist is an intensity if it is a rounding. sent13: that if the glossarist is anorectal then the arsonist is an intensity is right. sent14: if the glossarist is a vestal then that the arsonist is both a vestal and not a rounding does not hold. sent15: something is a phycology and it does tickle if it is not a nifedipine. ; $proof$ =
the glossarist is a kind of a Eastertide.
[ "if the brim does not clothe then the fact that it is Dalmatian and it is fibrinous is not correct." ]
[ "the glossarist is a kind of a Eastertide." ]
the glossarist is a kind of a Eastertide.
if the brim does not clothe then the fact that it is Dalmatian and it is fibrinous is not correct.
the auspices occurs.
sent1: the accessing profanity does not occur if the fact that the Timoreseness does not occur and the auspices does not occur is not right. sent2: that the founder happens is caused by that the lend-lease does not occur and the intending does not occur. sent3: that the circumnavigating disarray happens brings about that the accessing hardinggrass occurs and the circumnavigating first-nighter does not occur. sent4: if the accessing hardinggrass occurs but the circumnavigating first-nighter does not occur then the self-induction does not occur. sent5: the nominal does not occur and the circumnavigating lay-up does not occur. sent6: the accessing hardinggrass does not occur. sent7: that the fact that the grappling and the Timorese happens is wrong is correct if that the circumnavigating disarray does not occur hold. sent8: the circumnavigating first-nighter does not occur. sent9: that the Timorese does not occur and the auspices does not occur is incorrect if the grappling does not occur. sent10: if the hair-raiser and the shrubbiness occurs the circumnavigating disarray does not occur. sent11: if the Timoreseness does not occur then that the circumnavigating first-nighter does not occur and the accessing hardinggrass does not occur is not correct. sent12: that the accessing hardinggrass does not occur and the circumnavigating first-nighter does not occur prevents that the auspices does not occur. sent13: the auspices does not occur if that that the circumnavigating first-nighter does not occur and the accessing hardinggrass does not occur is correct is incorrect. sent14: the grappling does not occur.
sent1: ¬(¬{D} & ¬{C}) -> ¬{BD} sent2: (¬{FF} & ¬{CQ}) -> {HK} sent3: {F} -> ({A} & ¬{B}) sent4: ({A} & ¬{B}) -> ¬{FL} sent5: (¬{BS} & ¬{FI}) sent6: ¬{A} sent7: ¬{F} -> ¬({E} & {D}) sent8: ¬{B} sent9: ¬{E} -> ¬(¬{D} & ¬{C}) sent10: ({G} & {H}) -> ¬{F} sent11: ¬{D} -> ¬(¬{B} & ¬{A}) sent12: (¬{A} & ¬{B}) -> {C} sent13: ¬(¬{B} & ¬{A}) -> ¬{C} sent14: ¬{E}
[ "sent6 & sent8 -> int1: the accessing hardinggrass does not occur and the circumnavigating first-nighter does not occur.; sent12 & int1 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent6 & sent8 -> int1: (¬{A} & ¬{B}); sent12 & int1 -> hypothesis;" ]
the accessing profanity does not occur and the self-induction does not occur.
(¬{BD} & ¬{FL})
[ "sent9 & sent14 -> int2: that the Timoreseness does not occur and the auspices does not occur is false.; sent1 & int2 -> int3: the fact that the accessing profanity does not occur is right.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the auspices occurs. ; $context$ = sent1: the accessing profanity does not occur if the fact that the Timoreseness does not occur and the auspices does not occur is not right. sent2: that the founder happens is caused by that the lend-lease does not occur and the intending does not occur. sent3: that the circumnavigating disarray happens brings about that the accessing hardinggrass occurs and the circumnavigating first-nighter does not occur. sent4: if the accessing hardinggrass occurs but the circumnavigating first-nighter does not occur then the self-induction does not occur. sent5: the nominal does not occur and the circumnavigating lay-up does not occur. sent6: the accessing hardinggrass does not occur. sent7: that the fact that the grappling and the Timorese happens is wrong is correct if that the circumnavigating disarray does not occur hold. sent8: the circumnavigating first-nighter does not occur. sent9: that the Timorese does not occur and the auspices does not occur is incorrect if the grappling does not occur. sent10: if the hair-raiser and the shrubbiness occurs the circumnavigating disarray does not occur. sent11: if the Timoreseness does not occur then that the circumnavigating first-nighter does not occur and the accessing hardinggrass does not occur is not correct. sent12: that the accessing hardinggrass does not occur and the circumnavigating first-nighter does not occur prevents that the auspices does not occur. sent13: the auspices does not occur if that that the circumnavigating first-nighter does not occur and the accessing hardinggrass does not occur is correct is incorrect. sent14: the grappling does not occur. ; $proof$ =
sent6 & sent8 -> int1: the accessing hardinggrass does not occur and the circumnavigating first-nighter does not occur.; sent12 & int1 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
the accessing hardinggrass does not occur.
[ "the circumnavigating first-nighter does not occur.", "that the accessing hardinggrass does not occur and the circumnavigating first-nighter does not occur prevents that the auspices does not occur." ]
[ "The accessing of hardinggrass doesn't happen.", "The accessing of hardinggrass does not happen." ]
The accessing of hardinggrass doesn't happen.
the circumnavigating first-nighter does not occur.
the auspices occurs.
sent1: the accessing profanity does not occur if the fact that the Timoreseness does not occur and the auspices does not occur is not right. sent2: that the founder happens is caused by that the lend-lease does not occur and the intending does not occur. sent3: that the circumnavigating disarray happens brings about that the accessing hardinggrass occurs and the circumnavigating first-nighter does not occur. sent4: if the accessing hardinggrass occurs but the circumnavigating first-nighter does not occur then the self-induction does not occur. sent5: the nominal does not occur and the circumnavigating lay-up does not occur. sent6: the accessing hardinggrass does not occur. sent7: that the fact that the grappling and the Timorese happens is wrong is correct if that the circumnavigating disarray does not occur hold. sent8: the circumnavigating first-nighter does not occur. sent9: that the Timorese does not occur and the auspices does not occur is incorrect if the grappling does not occur. sent10: if the hair-raiser and the shrubbiness occurs the circumnavigating disarray does not occur. sent11: if the Timoreseness does not occur then that the circumnavigating first-nighter does not occur and the accessing hardinggrass does not occur is not correct. sent12: that the accessing hardinggrass does not occur and the circumnavigating first-nighter does not occur prevents that the auspices does not occur. sent13: the auspices does not occur if that that the circumnavigating first-nighter does not occur and the accessing hardinggrass does not occur is correct is incorrect. sent14: the grappling does not occur.
sent1: ¬(¬{D} & ¬{C}) -> ¬{BD} sent2: (¬{FF} & ¬{CQ}) -> {HK} sent3: {F} -> ({A} & ¬{B}) sent4: ({A} & ¬{B}) -> ¬{FL} sent5: (¬{BS} & ¬{FI}) sent6: ¬{A} sent7: ¬{F} -> ¬({E} & {D}) sent8: ¬{B} sent9: ¬{E} -> ¬(¬{D} & ¬{C}) sent10: ({G} & {H}) -> ¬{F} sent11: ¬{D} -> ¬(¬{B} & ¬{A}) sent12: (¬{A} & ¬{B}) -> {C} sent13: ¬(¬{B} & ¬{A}) -> ¬{C} sent14: ¬{E}
[ "sent6 & sent8 -> int1: the accessing hardinggrass does not occur and the circumnavigating first-nighter does not occur.; sent12 & int1 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent6 & sent8 -> int1: (¬{A} & ¬{B}); sent12 & int1 -> hypothesis;" ]
the accessing profanity does not occur and the self-induction does not occur.
(¬{BD} & ¬{FL})
[ "sent9 & sent14 -> int2: that the Timoreseness does not occur and the auspices does not occur is false.; sent1 & int2 -> int3: the fact that the accessing profanity does not occur is right.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the auspices occurs. ; $context$ = sent1: the accessing profanity does not occur if the fact that the Timoreseness does not occur and the auspices does not occur is not right. sent2: that the founder happens is caused by that the lend-lease does not occur and the intending does not occur. sent3: that the circumnavigating disarray happens brings about that the accessing hardinggrass occurs and the circumnavigating first-nighter does not occur. sent4: if the accessing hardinggrass occurs but the circumnavigating first-nighter does not occur then the self-induction does not occur. sent5: the nominal does not occur and the circumnavigating lay-up does not occur. sent6: the accessing hardinggrass does not occur. sent7: that the fact that the grappling and the Timorese happens is wrong is correct if that the circumnavigating disarray does not occur hold. sent8: the circumnavigating first-nighter does not occur. sent9: that the Timorese does not occur and the auspices does not occur is incorrect if the grappling does not occur. sent10: if the hair-raiser and the shrubbiness occurs the circumnavigating disarray does not occur. sent11: if the Timoreseness does not occur then that the circumnavigating first-nighter does not occur and the accessing hardinggrass does not occur is not correct. sent12: that the accessing hardinggrass does not occur and the circumnavigating first-nighter does not occur prevents that the auspices does not occur. sent13: the auspices does not occur if that that the circumnavigating first-nighter does not occur and the accessing hardinggrass does not occur is correct is incorrect. sent14: the grappling does not occur. ; $proof$ =
sent6 & sent8 -> int1: the accessing hardinggrass does not occur and the circumnavigating first-nighter does not occur.; sent12 & int1 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
the accessing hardinggrass does not occur.
[ "the circumnavigating first-nighter does not occur.", "that the accessing hardinggrass does not occur and the circumnavigating first-nighter does not occur prevents that the auspices does not occur." ]
[ "The accessing of hardinggrass doesn't happen.", "The accessing of hardinggrass does not happen." ]
The accessing of hardinggrass does not happen.
that the accessing hardinggrass does not occur and the circumnavigating first-nighter does not occur prevents that the auspices does not occur.
the whippoorwill does not isolate daze.
sent1: if the voicemail is a kind of a kyanite then that the whippoorwill does not isolate daze is not false. sent2: the fact that the voicemail is a kyanite and Mishnaic does not hold. sent3: there exists nothing that is a kyanite and is Mishnaic. sent4: everything is not capitular and circumnavigates extemporization. sent5: if the fact that the voicemail is not a kyanite but it is Mishnaic is false the whippoorwill does not isolate daze. sent6: there exists nothing that is not a kyanite and is Mishnaic.
sent1: {AA}{aa} -> ¬{A}{a} sent2: ¬({AA}{aa} & {AB}{aa}) sent3: (x): ¬({AA}x & {AB}x) sent4: (x): (¬{B}x & {C}x) sent5: ¬(¬{AA}{aa} & {AB}{aa}) -> ¬{A}{a} sent6: (x): ¬(¬{AA}x & {AB}x)
[ "sent6 -> int1: that the voicemail is not a kyanite but it is Mishnaic does not hold.; sent5 & int1 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent6 -> int1: ¬(¬{AA}{aa} & {AB}{aa}); sent5 & int1 -> hypothesis;" ]
the iguanodon is not a kyanite.
[ "sent4 -> int2: the whippoorwill is a kind of non-capitular thing that does circumnavigate extemporization.; int2 -> int3: the whippoorwill is not capitular.; int3 -> int4: everything is not capitular.; int4 -> int5: the iguanodon is not capitular.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the whippoorwill does not isolate daze. ; $context$ = sent1: if the voicemail is a kind of a kyanite then that the whippoorwill does not isolate daze is not false. sent2: the fact that the voicemail is a kyanite and Mishnaic does not hold. sent3: there exists nothing that is a kyanite and is Mishnaic. sent4: everything is not capitular and circumnavigates extemporization. sent5: if the fact that the voicemail is not a kyanite but it is Mishnaic is false the whippoorwill does not isolate daze. sent6: there exists nothing that is not a kyanite and is Mishnaic. ; $proof$ =
sent6 -> int1: that the voicemail is not a kyanite but it is Mishnaic does not hold.; sent5 & int1 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
there exists nothing that is not a kyanite and is Mishnaic.
[ "if the fact that the voicemail is not a kyanite but it is Mishnaic is false the whippoorwill does not isolate daze." ]
[ "there exists nothing that is not a kyanite and is Mishnaic." ]
there exists nothing that is not a kyanite and is Mishnaic.
if the fact that the voicemail is not a kyanite but it is Mishnaic is false the whippoorwill does not isolate daze.
that the catcher is a kind of a gemination is true.
sent1: if the chimney is a kind of a fictionalization that is a cryostat the fact that the catcher is not a kind of a gemination is not false. sent2: if there exists something such that it does not circumnavigate Myrmidon the chimney is not hydrophilic. sent3: if the walloper does not possess then it is a cryostat and is not a gemination. sent4: the chimney is non-managerial and does not isolate Comte. sent5: there is something such that the fact that it is not bracteate and it is not orthodontic does not hold. sent6: something does circumnavigate epiphora or it is not a kind of a bibliopole or both if it is orthodontic. sent7: the Myrmidon does not circumnavigate Myrmidon. sent8: the fact that the walloper is not a gemination hold if the chimney is managerial but it does not isolate Comte. sent9: the walloper is orthodontic if there is something such that that it is non-bracteate and orthodontic is false. sent10: the catcher is a kind of a fictionalization and is a gemination if that the walloper is not a kind of a gemination is not wrong. sent11: the chimney is not a gemination and it is not managerial. sent12: if something is not Jurassic it is a cryostat and it is carbonyl. sent13: if the walloper is not a fictionalization the catcher is a gemination and it is a fictionalization. sent14: the walloper is not managerial if the catcher is not a fictionalization and is not a gemination. sent15: if the fact that the catcher does not isolate Comte and it is not a gemination is right the chimney is not managerial. sent16: something that is not hydrophilic is a fictionalization and possesses. sent17: the fact that the catcher is a fictionalization hold. sent18: if the chimney is a kind of a fictionalization the linkage is managerial.
sent1: ({A}{a} & {C}{a}) -> ¬{B}{c} sent2: (x): ¬{J}x -> ¬{G}{a} sent3: ¬{D}{b} -> ({C}{b} & ¬{B}{b}) sent4: (¬{AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}) sent5: (Ex): ¬(¬{M}x & ¬{K}x) sent6: (x): {K}x -> ({I}x v ¬{H}x) sent7: ¬{J}{d} sent8: ({AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}) -> ¬{B}{b} sent9: (x): ¬(¬{M}x & ¬{K}x) -> {K}{b} sent10: ¬{B}{b} -> ({A}{c} & {B}{c}) sent11: (¬{B}{a} & ¬{AA}{a}) sent12: (x): ¬{F}x -> ({C}x & {E}x) sent13: ¬{A}{b} -> ({B}{c} & {A}{c}) sent14: (¬{A}{c} & ¬{B}{c}) -> ¬{AA}{b} sent15: (¬{AB}{c} & ¬{B}{c}) -> ¬{AA}{a} sent16: (x): ¬{G}x -> ({A}x & {D}x) sent17: {A}{c} sent18: {A}{a} -> {AA}{ef}
the catcher is not a gemination.
[ "sent16 -> int1: the chimney is a fictionalization and possesses if it is not hydrophilic.; sent7 -> int2: there exists something such that it does not circumnavigate Myrmidon.; int2 & sent2 -> int3: the fact that the chimney is not hydrophilic is not incorrect.; int1 & int3 -> int4: the chimney is a kind of a fictionalization and possesses.; int4 -> int5: the chimney is a kind of a fictionalization.; sent12 -> int6: if the chimney is not a kind of a Jurassic then it is a kind of a cryostat and is a carbonyl.; sent6 -> int7: if the walloper is orthodontic it does circumnavigate epiphora and/or is not a bibliopole.; sent5 & sent9 -> int8: the walloper is orthodontic.; int7 & int8 -> int9: the walloper does circumnavigate epiphora or it is not a bibliopole or both.; int9 -> int10: there is something such that it does circumnavigate epiphora and/or it is not a bibliopole.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = that the catcher is a kind of a gemination is true. ; $context$ = sent1: if the chimney is a kind of a fictionalization that is a cryostat the fact that the catcher is not a kind of a gemination is not false. sent2: if there exists something such that it does not circumnavigate Myrmidon the chimney is not hydrophilic. sent3: if the walloper does not possess then it is a cryostat and is not a gemination. sent4: the chimney is non-managerial and does not isolate Comte. sent5: there is something such that the fact that it is not bracteate and it is not orthodontic does not hold. sent6: something does circumnavigate epiphora or it is not a kind of a bibliopole or both if it is orthodontic. sent7: the Myrmidon does not circumnavigate Myrmidon. sent8: the fact that the walloper is not a gemination hold if the chimney is managerial but it does not isolate Comte. sent9: the walloper is orthodontic if there is something such that that it is non-bracteate and orthodontic is false. sent10: the catcher is a kind of a fictionalization and is a gemination if that the walloper is not a kind of a gemination is not wrong. sent11: the chimney is not a gemination and it is not managerial. sent12: if something is not Jurassic it is a cryostat and it is carbonyl. sent13: if the walloper is not a fictionalization the catcher is a gemination and it is a fictionalization. sent14: the walloper is not managerial if the catcher is not a fictionalization and is not a gemination. sent15: if the fact that the catcher does not isolate Comte and it is not a gemination is right the chimney is not managerial. sent16: something that is not hydrophilic is a fictionalization and possesses. sent17: the fact that the catcher is a fictionalization hold. sent18: if the chimney is a kind of a fictionalization the linkage is managerial. ; $proof$ =
if the fact that the catcher does not isolate Comte and it is not a gemination is right the chimney is not managerial.
[ "if the walloper is not a fictionalization the catcher is a gemination and it is a fictionalization." ]
[ "if the fact that the catcher does not isolate Comte and it is not a gemination is right the chimney is not managerial." ]
if the fact that the catcher does not isolate Comte and it is not a gemination is right the chimney is not managerial.
if the walloper is not a fictionalization the catcher is a gemination and it is a fictionalization.
the accessing mold does not occur.
sent1: the epistemicness does not occur. sent2: the accessing mold does not occur if the inexcusableness occurs and the isolating sprig occurs. sent3: the isolating sprig occurs. sent4: the liberal happens. sent5: if the boarding and the acetylicness occurs then the trochaicness does not occur. sent6: the amalgamativeness happens.
sent1: ¬{DA} sent2: ({A} & {B}) -> ¬{C} sent3: {B} sent4: {EO} sent5: ({IC} & {IG}) -> ¬{DD} sent6: {AO}
$hypothesis$ = the accessing mold does not occur. ; $context$ = sent1: the epistemicness does not occur. sent2: the accessing mold does not occur if the inexcusableness occurs and the isolating sprig occurs. sent3: the isolating sprig occurs. sent4: the liberal happens. sent5: if the boarding and the acetylicness occurs then the trochaicness does not occur. sent6: the amalgamativeness happens. ; $proof$ =
if the boarding and the acetylicness occurs then the trochaicness does not occur.
[ "the accessing mold does not occur if the inexcusableness occurs and the isolating sprig occurs." ]
[ "if the boarding and the acetylicness occurs then the trochaicness does not occur." ]
if the boarding and the acetylicness occurs then the trochaicness does not occur.
the accessing mold does not occur if the inexcusableness occurs and the isolating sprig occurs.
the lady-slipper is a inauspiciousness.
sent1: something Romanizes if it is a Hemigalus. sent2: the lady-slipper does Romanize and it is not non-prenatal. sent3: if something does Romanize it is a inauspiciousness.
sent1: (x): {IT}x -> {A}x sent2: ({A}{a} & {B}{a}) sent3: (x): {A}x -> {C}x
[ "sent2 -> int1: the lady-slipper Romanizes.; sent3 -> int2: the lady-slipper is a inauspiciousness if it Romanizes.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent2 -> int1: {A}{a}; sent3 -> int2: {A}{a} -> {C}{a}; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
the multiplexer does Romanize if it is a Hemigalus.
{IT}{dh} -> {A}{dh}
[ "sent1 -> hypothesis;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the lady-slipper is a inauspiciousness. ; $context$ = sent1: something Romanizes if it is a Hemigalus. sent2: the lady-slipper does Romanize and it is not non-prenatal. sent3: if something does Romanize it is a inauspiciousness. ; $proof$ =
sent2 -> int1: the lady-slipper Romanizes.; sent3 -> int2: the lady-slipper is a inauspiciousness if it Romanizes.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
the lady-slipper does Romanize and it is not non-prenatal.
[ "if something does Romanize it is a inauspiciousness." ]
[ "the lady-slipper does Romanize and it is not non-prenatal." ]
the lady-slipper does Romanize and it is not non-prenatal.
if something does Romanize it is a inauspiciousness.
the Sikh is not Einsteinian.
sent1: something is a intactness. sent2: if something is pineal then that it accesses sesame and does not circumnavigate Tombaugh is false. sent3: if there is something such that it is Einsteinian the Sikh is not a intactness. sent4: that the playmate is a angiography and pineal is incorrect if the bolt is not a petite. sent5: if something is a Trilisa then the fact that it is a intactness is not false. sent6: the mold is not Einsteinian. sent7: if the fact that the bolt accesses sesame but it does not circumnavigate Tombaugh is not true the playmate is not a kind of a Trilisa. sent8: the reflation is a kind of a Trilisa if it does circumnavigate Tombaugh. sent9: the playmate is not pineal if that it is both a angiography and pineal does not hold. sent10: the garbageman is not a intactness. sent11: there is something such that it is affixal. sent12: the Sikh is not a intactness. sent13: the Sikh is not a intactness and it is not Einsteinian if there exists something such that it is affixal. sent14: the Sikh is not a intactness if there exists something such that it is affixal. sent15: something is pineal if it is a kind of a petite. sent16: the bolt is not a petite. sent17: the fact that something circumnavigates Tombaugh and accesses sesame is true if it is not pineal. sent18: there exists something such that it is a tightrope. sent19: if the playmate is not a kind of a Trilisa the fact that the reflation is both not a intactness and affixal is false. sent20: if the playmate does circumnavigate Tombaugh the reflation circumnavigate Tombaugh.
sent1: (Ex): {B}x sent2: (x): {G}x -> ¬({F}x & ¬{E}x) sent3: (x): {C}x -> ¬{B}{a} sent4: ¬{H}{d} -> ¬({I}{c} & {G}{c}) sent5: (x): {D}x -> {B}x sent6: ¬{C}{i} sent7: ¬({F}{d} & ¬{E}{d}) -> ¬{D}{c} sent8: {E}{b} -> {D}{b} sent9: ¬({I}{c} & {G}{c}) -> ¬{G}{c} sent10: ¬{B}{el} sent11: (Ex): {A}x sent12: ¬{B}{a} sent13: (x): {A}x -> (¬{B}{a} & ¬{C}{a}) sent14: (x): {A}x -> ¬{B}{a} sent15: (x): {H}x -> {G}x sent16: ¬{H}{d} sent17: (x): ¬{G}x -> ({E}x & {F}x) sent18: (Ex): {AL}x sent19: ¬{D}{c} -> ¬(¬{B}{b} & {A}{b}) sent20: {E}{c} -> {E}{b}
[ "sent11 & sent13 -> int1: the Sikh is not a intactness and it is not Einsteinian.; int1 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent11 & sent13 -> int1: (¬{B}{a} & ¬{C}{a}); int1 -> hypothesis;" ]
the Sikh is not non-Einsteinian.
[ "sent2 -> int2: if the bolt is pineal then the fact that it accesses sesame and it does not circumnavigate Tombaugh is not correct.; sent15 -> int3: if the bolt is a petite it is pineal.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the Sikh is not Einsteinian. ; $context$ = sent1: something is a intactness. sent2: if something is pineal then that it accesses sesame and does not circumnavigate Tombaugh is false. sent3: if there is something such that it is Einsteinian the Sikh is not a intactness. sent4: that the playmate is a angiography and pineal is incorrect if the bolt is not a petite. sent5: if something is a Trilisa then the fact that it is a intactness is not false. sent6: the mold is not Einsteinian. sent7: if the fact that the bolt accesses sesame but it does not circumnavigate Tombaugh is not true the playmate is not a kind of a Trilisa. sent8: the reflation is a kind of a Trilisa if it does circumnavigate Tombaugh. sent9: the playmate is not pineal if that it is both a angiography and pineal does not hold. sent10: the garbageman is not a intactness. sent11: there is something such that it is affixal. sent12: the Sikh is not a intactness. sent13: the Sikh is not a intactness and it is not Einsteinian if there exists something such that it is affixal. sent14: the Sikh is not a intactness if there exists something such that it is affixal. sent15: something is pineal if it is a kind of a petite. sent16: the bolt is not a petite. sent17: the fact that something circumnavigates Tombaugh and accesses sesame is true if it is not pineal. sent18: there exists something such that it is a tightrope. sent19: if the playmate is not a kind of a Trilisa the fact that the reflation is both not a intactness and affixal is false. sent20: if the playmate does circumnavigate Tombaugh the reflation circumnavigate Tombaugh. ; $proof$ =
sent11 & sent13 -> int1: the Sikh is not a intactness and it is not Einsteinian.; int1 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
there is something such that it is affixal.
[ "the Sikh is not a intactness and it is not Einsteinian if there exists something such that it is affixal." ]
[ "there is something such that it is affixal." ]
there is something such that it is affixal.
the Sikh is not a intactness and it is not Einsteinian if there exists something such that it is affixal.
the alphavirus is a meteortropism.
sent1: that the alphavirus does complete but it does not sleep is not correct. sent2: if the ointment is tympanic but it is not a redcap the nature is tympanic. sent3: if the fact that the ointment does not load crapaud and it does not circumnavigate descendant is false then it is not a redcap. sent4: something that does not sleep is not a kind of a meteortropism. sent5: if something is not critical it is not prenatal. sent6: the ointment is not questionable. sent7: the fact that the nature is a trinketry that is Boeotian is wrong. sent8: that the nature is a trinketry but it is not a meteortropism does not hold. sent9: the alphavirus is not surmountable if the lamb is not prenatal. sent10: if the lamb does sleep that the nature is a kind of a trinketry and is not Boeotian is not correct. sent11: the nature is indefeasible if something that is not a muscle is immunodeficient. sent12: if something does water it is tympanic. sent13: something loads conformity if it is tympanic. sent14: that the ointment does not load crapaud and it does not circumnavigate descendant is not true. sent15: if there is something such that that it is a kind of a sleep that is not a meteortropism is incorrect the alphavirus is a trinketry. sent16: if the ointment is not questionable then it is a water and it is illegible. sent17: the crapaud does not muscle but it is immunodeficient. sent18: the lamb is a sleep. sent19: something does not sleep and is a kind of a angelim if it is not surmountable.
sent1: ¬({GP}{c} & ¬{A}{c}) sent2: ({I}{d} & ¬{K}{d}) -> {I}{b} sent3: ¬(¬{P}{d} & ¬{O}{d}) -> ¬{K}{d} sent4: (x): ¬{A}x -> ¬{B}x sent5: (x): {F}x -> ¬{E}x sent6: ¬{Q}{d} sent7: ¬({AA}{b} & {AB}{b}) sent8: ¬({AA}{b} & ¬{B}{b}) sent9: ¬{E}{a} -> ¬{D}{c} sent10: {A}{a} -> ¬({AA}{b} & ¬{AB}{b}) sent11: (x): (¬{N}x & {M}x) -> {G}{b} sent12: (x): {J}x -> {I}x sent13: (x): {I}x -> {H}x sent14: ¬(¬{P}{d} & ¬{O}{d}) sent15: (x): ¬({A}x & ¬{B}x) -> {AA}{c} sent16: ¬{Q}{d} -> ({J}{d} & {L}{d}) sent17: (¬{N}{e} & {M}{e}) sent18: {A}{a} sent19: (x): ¬{D}x -> (¬{A}x & {C}x)
[ "sent10 & sent18 -> int1: the fact that the fact that the nature is a trinketry and is not Boeotian is not correct is right.; int1 -> int2: there exists something such that that it is a trinketry and it is not Boeotian is wrong.;" ]
[ "sent10 & sent18 -> int1: ¬({AA}{b} & ¬{AB}{b}); int1 -> int2: (Ex): ¬({AA}x & ¬{AB}x);" ]
the alphavirus is not a kind of a meteortropism.
[ "sent4 -> int3: the alphavirus is not a kind of a meteortropism if it is not a kind of a sleep.; sent19 -> int4: if the alphavirus is not surmountable it is not a sleep and it is a angelim.; sent5 -> int5: the lamb is not prenatal if that it is uncritical is not incorrect.; sent13 -> int6: if the nature is tympanic then it loads conformity.; sent12 -> int7: the ointment is tympanic if the fact that it is a water is not incorrect.; sent16 & sent6 -> int8: the ointment is a water that is illegible.; int8 -> int9: the ointment does water.; int7 & int9 -> int10: the ointment is tympanic.; sent3 & sent14 -> int11: the fact that the ointment is not a redcap is true.; int10 & int11 -> int12: the ointment is not non-tympanic but it is not a kind of a redcap.; sent2 & int12 -> int13: the nature is tympanic.; int6 & int13 -> int14: the nature loads conformity.; sent17 -> int15: something does not muscle but it is immunodeficient.; int15 & sent11 -> int16: the nature is indefeasible.; int14 & int16 -> int17: the nature does load conformity and is indefeasible.; int17 -> int18: something does load conformity and it is indefeasible.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the alphavirus is a meteortropism. ; $context$ = sent1: that the alphavirus does complete but it does not sleep is not correct. sent2: if the ointment is tympanic but it is not a redcap the nature is tympanic. sent3: if the fact that the ointment does not load crapaud and it does not circumnavigate descendant is false then it is not a redcap. sent4: something that does not sleep is not a kind of a meteortropism. sent5: if something is not critical it is not prenatal. sent6: the ointment is not questionable. sent7: the fact that the nature is a trinketry that is Boeotian is wrong. sent8: that the nature is a trinketry but it is not a meteortropism does not hold. sent9: the alphavirus is not surmountable if the lamb is not prenatal. sent10: if the lamb does sleep that the nature is a kind of a trinketry and is not Boeotian is not correct. sent11: the nature is indefeasible if something that is not a muscle is immunodeficient. sent12: if something does water it is tympanic. sent13: something loads conformity if it is tympanic. sent14: that the ointment does not load crapaud and it does not circumnavigate descendant is not true. sent15: if there is something such that that it is a kind of a sleep that is not a meteortropism is incorrect the alphavirus is a trinketry. sent16: if the ointment is not questionable then it is a water and it is illegible. sent17: the crapaud does not muscle but it is immunodeficient. sent18: the lamb is a sleep. sent19: something does not sleep and is a kind of a angelim if it is not surmountable. ; $proof$ =
if the lamb does sleep that the nature is a kind of a trinketry and is not Boeotian is not correct.
[ "the lamb is a sleep." ]
[ "if the lamb does sleep that the nature is a kind of a trinketry and is not Boeotian is not correct." ]
if the lamb does sleep that the nature is a kind of a trinketry and is not Boeotian is not correct.
the lamb is a sleep.
the Renaissance occurs.
sent1: the despite occurs. sent2: if the non-ritualness and the loading soma occurs then the extravagance does not occur. sent3: the preying does not occur but the despite occurs. sent4: the Renaissance happens if that the Renaissance does not occur and the tolerating does not occur is false. sent5: if the accessing four-poster occurs then the fact that the Renaissance does not occur and the tolerating does not occur does not hold. sent6: if not the preying but the despite occurs then the Renaissance does not occur. sent7: if the isolating popularity does not occur then the rustle and the accessing four-poster occurs.
sent1: {AB} sent2: (¬{N} & {CO}) -> ¬{HR} sent3: (¬{AA} & {AB}) sent4: ¬(¬{B} & ¬{A}) -> {B} sent5: {C} -> ¬(¬{B} & ¬{A}) sent6: (¬{AA} & {AB}) -> ¬{B} sent7: ¬{E} -> ({D} & {C})
[ "sent6 & sent3 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent6 & sent3 -> hypothesis;" ]
the Renaissance happens.
$hypothesis$ = the Renaissance occurs. ; $context$ = sent1: the despite occurs. sent2: if the non-ritualness and the loading soma occurs then the extravagance does not occur. sent3: the preying does not occur but the despite occurs. sent4: the Renaissance happens if that the Renaissance does not occur and the tolerating does not occur is false. sent5: if the accessing four-poster occurs then the fact that the Renaissance does not occur and the tolerating does not occur does not hold. sent6: if not the preying but the despite occurs then the Renaissance does not occur. sent7: if the isolating popularity does not occur then the rustle and the accessing four-poster occurs. ; $proof$ =
sent6 & sent3 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
if not the preying but the despite occurs then the Renaissance does not occur.
[ "the preying does not occur but the despite occurs." ]
[ "if not the preying but the despite occurs then the Renaissance does not occur." ]
if not the preying but the despite occurs then the Renaissance does not occur.
the preying does not occur but the despite occurs.
there exists something such that if that it is not nonfissile is right then it is prosthetic.
sent1: a nonfissile thing is prosthetic.
(Ex): ¬{B}x -> {C}x
sent1: (x): {B}x -> {C}x
$hypothesis$ = there exists something such that if that it is not nonfissile is right then it is prosthetic. ; $context$ = sent1: a nonfissile thing is prosthetic. ; $proof$ =
[ "" ]
[ "" ]
that the achene is a Wavell is correct.
sent1: the achene is a kind of a gun. sent2: something either is a Wavell or accesses Kachin or both if it is not a kind of a gun. sent3: if something is valent it is not a gun but a plural. sent4: if the achene guns it is not a Wavell.
sent1: {A}{a} sent2: (x): ¬{A}x -> ({B}x v {C}x) sent3: (x): {E}x -> (¬{A}x & {D}x) sent4: {A}{a} -> ¬{B}{a}
[ "sent4 & sent1 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent4 & sent1 -> hypothesis;" ]
the sclera is a kind of a Wavell.
[ "sent2 -> int1: the achene is a Wavell and/or accesses Kachin if that it is not a gun is right.; sent3 -> int2: the achene is both not a gun and plural if it is valent.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = that the achene is a Wavell is correct. ; $context$ = sent1: the achene is a kind of a gun. sent2: something either is a Wavell or accesses Kachin or both if it is not a kind of a gun. sent3: if something is valent it is not a gun but a plural. sent4: if the achene guns it is not a Wavell. ; $proof$ =
sent4 & sent1 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
if the achene guns it is not a Wavell.
[ "the achene is a kind of a gun." ]
[ "if the achene guns it is not a Wavell." ]
if the achene guns it is not a Wavell.
the achene is a kind of a gun.
the molindone does not consult.
sent1: if the molindone is a druidism the propylthiouracil is not a druidism. sent2: if the fact that something is macroeconomics is not incorrect then it is a druidism. sent3: the grisaille consults. sent4: if the molindone is a kind of a cockleshell then it does consult. sent5: if something that is not a by-election entertains the fact that the Dean does not load descendant is not incorrect. sent6: the Dean is not eosinophilic if there is something such that the fact that it is eosinophilic and it is not macroeconomics does not hold. sent7: the cardinalfish is not a druidism if that the saltpan is precordial and it is a kind of a druidism is not true. sent8: the fact that the hill is a kind of eosinophilic thing that is non-macroeconomics does not hold if that there is something such that it is not a druidism is right. sent9: something is not non-millenary or it is precordial or both if it does not load descendant. sent10: if the fact that either the LAN is not disciplinary or it does not possess or both is false the chevre does not unwind. sent11: something consults and is eosinophilic if it is not a druidism. sent12: there is nothing such that it is not disciplinary or it does not possess or both. sent13: the molindone is not non-eosinophilic. sent14: if something loads descendant or it does not entertain or both then it is non-millenary. sent15: there is something such that it is a kind of a crotch. sent16: the hill is not a by-election and does entertain if there exists something such that it is a kind of a crotch. sent17: the fact that something is precordial and it is a druidism is wrong if it is not a millenary. sent18: if the chevre does not unwind the oxidation is not a kind of a crotch and it is not inanimate. sent19: if the molindone is eosinophilic it does consult. sent20: if the interoceptor is not a kind of a by-election then either the saltpan loads descendant or it does not entertain or both. sent21: if there is something such that it is not a crotch and not inanimate then the interoceptor is not a by-election.
sent1: {C}{a} -> ¬{C}{ce} sent2: (x): {D}x -> {C}x sent3: {B}{cl} sent4: {BM}{a} -> {B}{a} sent5: (x): (¬{I}x & {H}x) -> ¬{G}{b} sent6: (x): ¬({A}x & ¬{D}x) -> ¬{A}{b} sent7: ¬({E}{e} & {C}{e}) -> ¬{C}{d} sent8: (x): ¬{C}x -> ¬({A}{c} & ¬{D}{c}) sent9: (x): ¬{G}x -> ({F}x v {E}x) sent10: ¬(¬{N}{i} v ¬{M}{i}) -> ¬{L}{h} sent11: (x): ¬{C}x -> ({B}x & {A}x) sent12: (x): ¬(¬{N}x v ¬{M}x) sent13: {A}{a} sent14: (x): ({G}x v ¬{H}x) -> ¬{F}x sent15: (Ex): {J}x sent16: (x): {J}x -> (¬{I}{c} & {H}{c}) sent17: (x): ¬{F}x -> ¬({E}x & {C}x) sent18: ¬{L}{h} -> (¬{J}{g} & ¬{K}{g}) sent19: {A}{a} -> {B}{a} sent20: ¬{I}{f} -> ({G}{e} v ¬{H}{e}) sent21: (x): (¬{J}x & ¬{K}x) -> ¬{I}{f}
[ "sent19 & sent13 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent19 & sent13 -> hypothesis;" ]
the molindone does not consult.
[ "sent17 -> int1: the fact that that the saltpan is precordial and it is the druidism is wrong if the saltpan is non-millenary is right.; sent14 -> int2: the saltpan is not a kind of a millenary if it does load descendant and/or it does not entertain.; sent12 -> int3: the fact that the LAN is not disciplinary and/or does not possess does not hold.; sent10 & int3 -> int4: the chevre does not unwind.; sent18 & int4 -> int5: the oxidation is not a crotch and it is not inanimate.; int5 -> int6: there is something such that it is not a kind of a crotch and it is not inanimate.; int6 & sent21 -> int7: that the interoceptor is not a by-election is not false.; sent20 & int7 -> int8: the fact that either the saltpan does load descendant or it does not entertain or both is right.; int2 & int8 -> int9: the saltpan is not a millenary.; int1 & int9 -> int10: the fact that the saltpan is precordial and a druidism does not hold.; sent7 & int10 -> int11: the cardinalfish is not a druidism.; int11 -> int12: there is something such that it is not a kind of a druidism.; int12 & sent8 -> int13: the fact that the hill is eosinophilic but it is non-macroeconomics is not correct.; int13 -> int14: there exists something such that the fact that it is eosinophilic and is not macroeconomics is incorrect.; int14 & sent6 -> int15: the Dean is not eosinophilic.; int15 -> int16: there is something such that it is not eosinophilic.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the molindone does not consult. ; $context$ = sent1: if the molindone is a druidism the propylthiouracil is not a druidism. sent2: if the fact that something is macroeconomics is not incorrect then it is a druidism. sent3: the grisaille consults. sent4: if the molindone is a kind of a cockleshell then it does consult. sent5: if something that is not a by-election entertains the fact that the Dean does not load descendant is not incorrect. sent6: the Dean is not eosinophilic if there is something such that the fact that it is eosinophilic and it is not macroeconomics does not hold. sent7: the cardinalfish is not a druidism if that the saltpan is precordial and it is a kind of a druidism is not true. sent8: the fact that the hill is a kind of eosinophilic thing that is non-macroeconomics does not hold if that there is something such that it is not a druidism is right. sent9: something is not non-millenary or it is precordial or both if it does not load descendant. sent10: if the fact that either the LAN is not disciplinary or it does not possess or both is false the chevre does not unwind. sent11: something consults and is eosinophilic if it is not a druidism. sent12: there is nothing such that it is not disciplinary or it does not possess or both. sent13: the molindone is not non-eosinophilic. sent14: if something loads descendant or it does not entertain or both then it is non-millenary. sent15: there is something such that it is a kind of a crotch. sent16: the hill is not a by-election and does entertain if there exists something such that it is a kind of a crotch. sent17: the fact that something is precordial and it is a druidism is wrong if it is not a millenary. sent18: if the chevre does not unwind the oxidation is not a kind of a crotch and it is not inanimate. sent19: if the molindone is eosinophilic it does consult. sent20: if the interoceptor is not a kind of a by-election then either the saltpan loads descendant or it does not entertain or both. sent21: if there is something such that it is not a crotch and not inanimate then the interoceptor is not a by-election. ; $proof$ =
sent19 & sent13 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
if the molindone is eosinophilic it does consult.
[ "the molindone is not non-eosinophilic." ]
[ "if the molindone is eosinophilic it does consult." ]
if the molindone is eosinophilic it does consult.
the molindone is not non-eosinophilic.
there is something such that it does not access radiotelephone and is not astrophysical.
sent1: if that the lift circumnavigates lift and does circumnavigate tarot does not hold then it is not productive. sent2: the calcium-cyanamide does not access radiotelephone if the lift is not productive. sent3: the calcium-cyanamide is acaulescent. sent4: that the lift circumnavigates lift and it does circumnavigate tarot does not hold. sent5: if something is a Hippotragus and it is acaulescent then it is not astrophysical.
(Ex): (¬{A}x & ¬{C}x)
sent1: ¬({AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) -> ¬{B}{a} sent2: ¬{B}{a} -> ¬{A}{b} sent3: {E}{b} sent4: ¬({AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) sent5: (x): ({D}x & {E}x) -> ¬{C}x
[ "sent1 & sent4 -> int1: the lift is not productive.; int1 & sent2 -> int2: the calcium-cyanamide does not access radiotelephone.; sent5 -> int3: if the calcium-cyanamide is a Hippotragus that is acaulescent that it is not astrophysical is correct.;" ]
[ "sent1 & sent4 -> int1: ¬{B}{a}; int1 & sent2 -> int2: ¬{A}{b}; sent5 -> int3: ({D}{b} & {E}{b}) -> ¬{C}{b};" ]
$hypothesis$ = there is something such that it does not access radiotelephone and is not astrophysical. ; $context$ = sent1: if that the lift circumnavigates lift and does circumnavigate tarot does not hold then it is not productive. sent2: the calcium-cyanamide does not access radiotelephone if the lift is not productive. sent3: the calcium-cyanamide is acaulescent. sent4: that the lift circumnavigates lift and it does circumnavigate tarot does not hold. sent5: if something is a Hippotragus and it is acaulescent then it is not astrophysical. ; $proof$ =
if that the lift circumnavigates lift and does circumnavigate tarot does not hold then it is not productive.
[ "that the lift circumnavigates lift and it does circumnavigate tarot does not hold.", "the calcium-cyanamide does not access radiotelephone if the lift is not productive.", "if something is a Hippotragus and it is acaulescent then it is not astrophysical." ]
[ "It is not productive if the lift circumnavigates lift and tarot does not hold.", "It's not productive if the lift circumnavigates lift and tarot doesn't hold.", "It is not productive if the lift circumnavigates lift and the tarot does not hold." ]
It is not productive if the lift circumnavigates lift and tarot does not hold.
that the lift circumnavigates lift and it does circumnavigate tarot does not hold.
there is something such that it does not access radiotelephone and is not astrophysical.
sent1: if that the lift circumnavigates lift and does circumnavigate tarot does not hold then it is not productive. sent2: the calcium-cyanamide does not access radiotelephone if the lift is not productive. sent3: the calcium-cyanamide is acaulescent. sent4: that the lift circumnavigates lift and it does circumnavigate tarot does not hold. sent5: if something is a Hippotragus and it is acaulescent then it is not astrophysical.
(Ex): (¬{A}x & ¬{C}x)
sent1: ¬({AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) -> ¬{B}{a} sent2: ¬{B}{a} -> ¬{A}{b} sent3: {E}{b} sent4: ¬({AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) sent5: (x): ({D}x & {E}x) -> ¬{C}x
[ "sent1 & sent4 -> int1: the lift is not productive.; int1 & sent2 -> int2: the calcium-cyanamide does not access radiotelephone.; sent5 -> int3: if the calcium-cyanamide is a Hippotragus that is acaulescent that it is not astrophysical is correct.;" ]
[ "sent1 & sent4 -> int1: ¬{B}{a}; int1 & sent2 -> int2: ¬{A}{b}; sent5 -> int3: ({D}{b} & {E}{b}) -> ¬{C}{b};" ]
$hypothesis$ = there is something such that it does not access radiotelephone and is not astrophysical. ; $context$ = sent1: if that the lift circumnavigates lift and does circumnavigate tarot does not hold then it is not productive. sent2: the calcium-cyanamide does not access radiotelephone if the lift is not productive. sent3: the calcium-cyanamide is acaulescent. sent4: that the lift circumnavigates lift and it does circumnavigate tarot does not hold. sent5: if something is a Hippotragus and it is acaulescent then it is not astrophysical. ; $proof$ =
if that the lift circumnavigates lift and does circumnavigate tarot does not hold then it is not productive.
[ "that the lift circumnavigates lift and it does circumnavigate tarot does not hold.", "the calcium-cyanamide does not access radiotelephone if the lift is not productive.", "if something is a Hippotragus and it is acaulescent then it is not astrophysical." ]
[ "It is not productive if the lift circumnavigates lift and tarot does not hold.", "It's not productive if the lift circumnavigates lift and tarot doesn't hold.", "It is not productive if the lift circumnavigates lift and the tarot does not hold." ]
It's not productive if the lift circumnavigates lift and tarot doesn't hold.
the calcium-cyanamide does not access radiotelephone if the lift is not productive.
there is something such that it does not access radiotelephone and is not astrophysical.
sent1: if that the lift circumnavigates lift and does circumnavigate tarot does not hold then it is not productive. sent2: the calcium-cyanamide does not access radiotelephone if the lift is not productive. sent3: the calcium-cyanamide is acaulescent. sent4: that the lift circumnavigates lift and it does circumnavigate tarot does not hold. sent5: if something is a Hippotragus and it is acaulescent then it is not astrophysical.
(Ex): (¬{A}x & ¬{C}x)
sent1: ¬({AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) -> ¬{B}{a} sent2: ¬{B}{a} -> ¬{A}{b} sent3: {E}{b} sent4: ¬({AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) sent5: (x): ({D}x & {E}x) -> ¬{C}x
[ "sent1 & sent4 -> int1: the lift is not productive.; int1 & sent2 -> int2: the calcium-cyanamide does not access radiotelephone.; sent5 -> int3: if the calcium-cyanamide is a Hippotragus that is acaulescent that it is not astrophysical is correct.;" ]
[ "sent1 & sent4 -> int1: ¬{B}{a}; int1 & sent2 -> int2: ¬{A}{b}; sent5 -> int3: ({D}{b} & {E}{b}) -> ¬{C}{b};" ]
$hypothesis$ = there is something such that it does not access radiotelephone and is not astrophysical. ; $context$ = sent1: if that the lift circumnavigates lift and does circumnavigate tarot does not hold then it is not productive. sent2: the calcium-cyanamide does not access radiotelephone if the lift is not productive. sent3: the calcium-cyanamide is acaulescent. sent4: that the lift circumnavigates lift and it does circumnavigate tarot does not hold. sent5: if something is a Hippotragus and it is acaulescent then it is not astrophysical. ; $proof$ =
if that the lift circumnavigates lift and does circumnavigate tarot does not hold then it is not productive.
[ "that the lift circumnavigates lift and it does circumnavigate tarot does not hold.", "the calcium-cyanamide does not access radiotelephone if the lift is not productive.", "if something is a Hippotragus and it is acaulescent then it is not astrophysical." ]
[ "It is not productive if the lift circumnavigates lift and tarot does not hold.", "It's not productive if the lift circumnavigates lift and tarot doesn't hold.", "It is not productive if the lift circumnavigates lift and the tarot does not hold." ]
It is not productive if the lift circumnavigates lift and the tarot does not hold.
if something is a Hippotragus and it is acaulescent then it is not astrophysical.
the Parks is inalienable.
sent1: the petrifaction is a distortionist. sent2: the fixer-upper is inalienable if the petrifaction demulsifies. sent3: the petrifaction demulsifies if the Parks is inalienable. sent4: if the petrifaction is inalienable the Parks demulsifies. sent5: something is not unsanitary. sent6: something that does not isolate Jap is inalienable or does not demulsify or both. sent7: if something is inalienable then it does demulsify. sent8: something is inalienable if the fact that it is not inalienable and it does not access Kakatoe is not true. sent9: if the Parks is inalienable thing that does isolate Jap then the grindstone does not demulsify. sent10: if something does load casserole but it does not access Kakatoe it does not isolate Jap. sent11: there is nothing such that it is hyperemic and does not load casserole. sent12: the Parks loads casserole and it isolates Jap if the petrifaction is not hyperemic. sent13: the petrifaction is not hyperemic if the fact that the fact that the gossamer is semiparasitic and does not load sojourn hold is not true. sent14: the petrifaction does not demulsify. sent15: the Jap is not inalienable.
sent1: {IO}{b} sent2: {B}{b} -> {A}{jc} sent3: {A}{a} -> {B}{b} sent4: {A}{b} -> {B}{a} sent5: (Ex): ¬{I}x sent6: (x): ¬{C}x -> ({A}x v ¬{B}x) sent7: (x): {A}x -> {B}x sent8: (x): ¬(¬{A}x & ¬{D}x) -> {A}x sent9: ({A}{a} & {C}{a}) -> ¬{B}{be} sent10: (x): ({E}x & ¬{D}x) -> ¬{C}x sent11: (x): ¬({F}x & ¬{E}x) sent12: ¬{F}{b} -> ({E}{a} & {C}{a}) sent13: ¬({G}{c} & ¬{H}{c}) -> ¬{F}{b} sent14: ¬{B}{b} sent15: ¬{A}{je}
[ "void -> assump1: Let's assume that the Parks is inalienable.; sent3 & assump1 -> int1: the petrifaction demulsifies.; int1 & sent14 -> int2: this is contradiction.; [assump1] & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "void -> assump1: {A}{a}; sent3 & assump1 -> int1: {B}{b}; int1 & sent14 -> int2: #F#; [assump1] & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
that the leadwort demulsifies is not incorrect.
[ "sent7 -> int3: the leadwort does demulsify if it is inalienable.; sent8 -> int4: if the fact that the leadwort is not inalienable and it does not access Kakatoe is not true then it is inalienable.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the Parks is inalienable. ; $context$ = sent1: the petrifaction is a distortionist. sent2: the fixer-upper is inalienable if the petrifaction demulsifies. sent3: the petrifaction demulsifies if the Parks is inalienable. sent4: if the petrifaction is inalienable the Parks demulsifies. sent5: something is not unsanitary. sent6: something that does not isolate Jap is inalienable or does not demulsify or both. sent7: if something is inalienable then it does demulsify. sent8: something is inalienable if the fact that it is not inalienable and it does not access Kakatoe is not true. sent9: if the Parks is inalienable thing that does isolate Jap then the grindstone does not demulsify. sent10: if something does load casserole but it does not access Kakatoe it does not isolate Jap. sent11: there is nothing such that it is hyperemic and does not load casserole. sent12: the Parks loads casserole and it isolates Jap if the petrifaction is not hyperemic. sent13: the petrifaction is not hyperemic if the fact that the fact that the gossamer is semiparasitic and does not load sojourn hold is not true. sent14: the petrifaction does not demulsify. sent15: the Jap is not inalienable. ; $proof$ =
void -> assump1: Let's assume that the Parks is inalienable.; sent3 & assump1 -> int1: the petrifaction demulsifies.; int1 & sent14 -> int2: this is contradiction.; [assump1] & int2 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
the petrifaction demulsifies if the Parks is inalienable.
[ "the petrifaction does not demulsify." ]
[ "the petrifaction demulsifies if the Parks is inalienable." ]
the petrifaction demulsifies if the Parks is inalienable.
the petrifaction does not demulsify.
the reforestation happens.
sent1: if the supervention does not occur then that the non-lastness and the entree occurs is false. sent2: if the uplink happens the fact that that not the hamming but the reshuffle happens is false hold. sent3: that the equating disaster happens and the bleeping does not occur triggers that the parceling does not occur. sent4: the assembly does not occur and the rationalization does not occur if the reheating does not occur. sent5: the philandering occurs. sent6: that the reforestation occurs and the personification occurs triggers that the supervention does not occur. sent7: either the equating potholer occurs or the resultant occurs or both if the researching does not occur. sent8: if the assembly does not occur both the uplink and the protecting happens. sent9: if the circumscription happens then that the delivery and the non-semioticness occurs does not hold. sent10: the reheating does not occur if the exit does not occur. sent11: the larceny does not occur if the semioticness happens and/or the larceny does not occur. sent12: the reforestation does not occur if that that the supervention does not occur and the personification occurs is true is not true. sent13: the equating disaster occurs and the bleeping does not occur if the larceny does not occur. sent14: if the philandering occurs then the research does not occur and the demagoguery does not occur. sent15: if that the delivery and the non-semioticness occurs is false then the non-semiotic occurs. sent16: the collectivization but not the exit occurs if the parcel does not occur. sent17: if the fact that the conformity does not occur is not incorrect then either the mineralness or the admitting matzo or both happens. sent18: that the reforestation occurs and the personification occurs is brought about by that the reshuffle does not occur. sent19: the conformity does not occur if that the equating potholer occurs is true. sent20: the reshuffling does not occur if that the hamming does not occur and the reshuffling happens is incorrect. sent21: the personification does not occur.
sent1: ¬{A} -> ¬(¬{EA} & {GN}) sent2: {F} -> ¬(¬{E} & {D}) sent3: ({N} & ¬{O}) -> ¬{M} sent4: ¬{J} -> (¬{H} & ¬{I}) sent5: {AF} sent6: ({C} & {B}) -> ¬{A} sent7: ¬{AD} -> ({AB} v {AC}) sent8: ¬{H} -> ({F} & {G}) sent9: {S} -> ¬({R} & ¬{Q}) sent10: ¬{K} -> ¬{J} sent11: ({Q} v ¬{P}) -> ¬{P} sent12: ¬(¬{A} & {B}) -> ¬{C} sent13: ¬{P} -> ({N} & ¬{O}) sent14: {AF} -> (¬{AD} & ¬{AE}) sent15: ¬({R} & ¬{Q}) -> {Q} sent16: ¬{M} -> ({L} & ¬{K}) sent17: ¬{AA} -> ({T} v {U}) sent18: ¬{D} -> ({C} & {B}) sent19: {AB} -> ¬{AA} sent20: ¬(¬{E} & {D}) -> ¬{D} sent21: ¬{B}
[ "void -> assump1: Let's assume that the supervention does not occur and the personification happens.; assump1 -> int1: the personification occurs.; int1 & sent21 -> int2: this is contradiction.; [assump1] & int2 -> int3: that the supervention does not occur and the personification occurs does not hold.; sent12 & int3 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "void -> assump1: (¬{A} & {B}); assump1 -> int1: {B}; int1 & sent21 -> int2: #F#; [assump1] & int2 -> int3: ¬(¬{A} & {B}); sent12 & int3 -> hypothesis;" ]
the fact that not the last but the entree happens does not hold.
¬(¬{EA} & {GN})
[ "sent14 & sent5 -> int4: the research does not occur and the demagoguery does not occur.; int4 -> int5: the research does not occur.; sent7 & int5 -> int6: the equating potholer occurs or the resultant occurs or both.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the reforestation happens. ; $context$ = sent1: if the supervention does not occur then that the non-lastness and the entree occurs is false. sent2: if the uplink happens the fact that that not the hamming but the reshuffle happens is false hold. sent3: that the equating disaster happens and the bleeping does not occur triggers that the parceling does not occur. sent4: the assembly does not occur and the rationalization does not occur if the reheating does not occur. sent5: the philandering occurs. sent6: that the reforestation occurs and the personification occurs triggers that the supervention does not occur. sent7: either the equating potholer occurs or the resultant occurs or both if the researching does not occur. sent8: if the assembly does not occur both the uplink and the protecting happens. sent9: if the circumscription happens then that the delivery and the non-semioticness occurs does not hold. sent10: the reheating does not occur if the exit does not occur. sent11: the larceny does not occur if the semioticness happens and/or the larceny does not occur. sent12: the reforestation does not occur if that that the supervention does not occur and the personification occurs is true is not true. sent13: the equating disaster occurs and the bleeping does not occur if the larceny does not occur. sent14: if the philandering occurs then the research does not occur and the demagoguery does not occur. sent15: if that the delivery and the non-semioticness occurs is false then the non-semiotic occurs. sent16: the collectivization but not the exit occurs if the parcel does not occur. sent17: if the fact that the conformity does not occur is not incorrect then either the mineralness or the admitting matzo or both happens. sent18: that the reforestation occurs and the personification occurs is brought about by that the reshuffle does not occur. sent19: the conformity does not occur if that the equating potholer occurs is true. sent20: the reshuffling does not occur if that the hamming does not occur and the reshuffling happens is incorrect. sent21: the personification does not occur. ; $proof$ =
void -> assump1: Let's assume that the supervention does not occur and the personification happens.; assump1 -> int1: the personification occurs.; int1 & sent21 -> int2: this is contradiction.; [assump1] & int2 -> int3: that the supervention does not occur and the personification occurs does not hold.; sent12 & int3 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
the personification does not occur.
[ "the reforestation does not occur if that that the supervention does not occur and the personification occurs is true is not true." ]
[ "the personification does not occur." ]
the personification does not occur.
the reforestation does not occur if that that the supervention does not occur and the personification occurs is true is not true.
there exists something such that it is a gumdrop and it is inconsiderable.
sent1: the stearin is terpsichorean. sent2: the turnover is inconsiderable and it is a diaphone. sent3: the stearin swabs rear. sent4: there is something such that it is a kind of a conjuncture and it is a kind of a vinifera. sent5: if there are purposeless things the stripper is a kind of liliaceous a gumdrop. sent6: the stearin equates gleba. sent7: the stearin is a polemics. sent8: the ironing is purposeless. sent9: the Vietnamese is inconsiderable. sent10: the stearin is inconsiderable. sent11: something is a gumdrop. sent12: there is something such that that it forwards and it is a ballot hold. sent13: the dibucaine is a kind of a gumdrop. sent14: the crocolite does admit outrider and it is sternutatory. sent15: the objectification is a gumdrop. sent16: the taxidermist is Malawian and it is inconsiderable.
(Ex): ({A}x & {B}x)
sent1: {AK}{a} sent2: ({B}{ec} & {F}{ec}) sent3: {FE}{a} sent4: (Ex): ({R}x & {C}x) sent5: (x): {D}x -> ({JG}{dj} & {A}{dj}) sent6: {CJ}{a} sent7: {FD}{a} sent8: {D}{b} sent9: {B}{bq} sent10: {B}{a} sent11: (Ex): {A}x sent12: (Ex): ({EB}x & {IC}x) sent13: {A}{eh} sent14: ({FC}{ii} & {GL}{ii}) sent15: {A}{br} sent16: ({IN}{ct} & {B}{ct})
the stripper is liliaceous and it is a repute.
({JG}{dj} & {EO}{dj})
[ "sent8 -> int1: there is something such that it is purposeless.; int1 & sent5 -> int2: the stripper is liliaceous and it is a gumdrop.; int2 -> int3: the stripper is liliaceous.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = there exists something such that it is a gumdrop and it is inconsiderable. ; $context$ = sent1: the stearin is terpsichorean. sent2: the turnover is inconsiderable and it is a diaphone. sent3: the stearin swabs rear. sent4: there is something such that it is a kind of a conjuncture and it is a kind of a vinifera. sent5: if there are purposeless things the stripper is a kind of liliaceous a gumdrop. sent6: the stearin equates gleba. sent7: the stearin is a polemics. sent8: the ironing is purposeless. sent9: the Vietnamese is inconsiderable. sent10: the stearin is inconsiderable. sent11: something is a gumdrop. sent12: there is something such that that it forwards and it is a ballot hold. sent13: the dibucaine is a kind of a gumdrop. sent14: the crocolite does admit outrider and it is sternutatory. sent15: the objectification is a gumdrop. sent16: the taxidermist is Malawian and it is inconsiderable. ; $proof$ =
the stearin swabs rear.
[ "the objectification is a gumdrop." ]
[ "the stearin swabs rear." ]
the stearin swabs rear.
the objectification is a gumdrop.
the keeping happens.
sent1: the chemoreceptiveness occurs. sent2: if the exenteration does not occur then the swabbing privacy happens. sent3: the admitting professionalization does not occur if that that the parodying does not occur and the equating Crane does not occur is false is true. sent4: that the admitting professionalization and the equating Crane happens triggers that the serigraphy does not occur. sent5: if the serigraphy does not occur then that the exenteration does not occur and the swabbing privacy does not occur does not hold. sent6: that the parodying does not occur and the equating Crane does not occur is incorrect if the reactiveness happens. sent7: if the exenteration occurs then the keeping occurs. sent8: the folding occurs. sent9: that the equating Polish happens is not wrong. sent10: if the swabbing privacy happens the thermodynamicsness occurs. sent11: the fact that not the swabbing privacy but the keep occurs does not hold if that the exenteration does not occur is not incorrect. sent12: that the flashing does not occur brings about that the equating Crane and the parodying happens. sent13: that the flashing happens is prevented by the non-prismaticness. sent14: the megillah and the simulating burner happens. sent15: the swabbing privacy occurs. sent16: the exenteration does not occur if the admitting professionalization does not occur and the serigraphy does not occur. sent17: that the pilferage does not occur is prevented by that the Australian occurs. sent18: the swabbing privacy occurs and the exenteration occurs. sent19: the admitting professionalization happens.
sent1: {BJ} sent2: ¬{B} -> {A} sent3: ¬(¬{G} & ¬{F}) -> ¬{E} sent4: ({E} & {F}) -> ¬{D} sent5: ¬{D} -> ¬(¬{B} & ¬{A}) sent6: {K} -> ¬(¬{G} & ¬{F}) sent7: {B} -> {C} sent8: {JE} sent9: {FE} sent10: {A} -> {O} sent11: ¬{B} -> ¬(¬{A} & {C}) sent12: ¬{H} -> ({F} & {G}) sent13: ¬{I} -> ¬{H} sent14: ({AN} & {HN}) sent15: {A} sent16: (¬{E} & ¬{D}) -> ¬{B} sent17: {IJ} -> {HS} sent18: ({A} & {B}) sent19: {E}
[ "sent18 -> int1: that the exenteration happens is not false.; sent7 & int1 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent18 -> int1: {B}; sent7 & int1 -> hypothesis;" ]
that the keeping does not occur is correct.
$hypothesis$ = the keeping happens. ; $context$ = sent1: the chemoreceptiveness occurs. sent2: if the exenteration does not occur then the swabbing privacy happens. sent3: the admitting professionalization does not occur if that that the parodying does not occur and the equating Crane does not occur is false is true. sent4: that the admitting professionalization and the equating Crane happens triggers that the serigraphy does not occur. sent5: if the serigraphy does not occur then that the exenteration does not occur and the swabbing privacy does not occur does not hold. sent6: that the parodying does not occur and the equating Crane does not occur is incorrect if the reactiveness happens. sent7: if the exenteration occurs then the keeping occurs. sent8: the folding occurs. sent9: that the equating Polish happens is not wrong. sent10: if the swabbing privacy happens the thermodynamicsness occurs. sent11: the fact that not the swabbing privacy but the keep occurs does not hold if that the exenteration does not occur is not incorrect. sent12: that the flashing does not occur brings about that the equating Crane and the parodying happens. sent13: that the flashing happens is prevented by the non-prismaticness. sent14: the megillah and the simulating burner happens. sent15: the swabbing privacy occurs. sent16: the exenteration does not occur if the admitting professionalization does not occur and the serigraphy does not occur. sent17: that the pilferage does not occur is prevented by that the Australian occurs. sent18: the swabbing privacy occurs and the exenteration occurs. sent19: the admitting professionalization happens. ; $proof$ =
sent18 -> int1: that the exenteration happens is not false.; sent7 & int1 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
the swabbing privacy occurs and the exenteration occurs.
[ "if the exenteration occurs then the keeping occurs." ]
[ "the swabbing privacy occurs and the exenteration occurs." ]
the swabbing privacy occurs and the exenteration occurs.
if the exenteration occurs then the keeping occurs.
the pesticide is a Serra.
sent1: the roadbook is a kind of a down-bow and it is megalithic. sent2: if the hunk is not an airbus the roadbook is not a naloxone. sent3: the fact that the antidepressant is a kind of a separate is correct if there is something such that the fact that it does equate duplicity and it is diametric is incorrect. sent4: there exists something such that that it is a Serra and it is a naloxone is incorrect. sent5: if the roadbook is a kind of a naloxone then the pesticide is a Serra. sent6: the roadbook is an airbus. sent7: if that the coulisse is both not megalithic and not a down-bow does not hold the fact that the roadbook is a down-bow hold. sent8: if something is not a splice it is not an airbus and/or it is not a cubit. sent9: there exists something such that that it is a kind of a naloxone and is a Serra is not true. sent10: the roadbook is a Serra if something is not a kind of a naloxone. sent11: if something is not gestational but alimentative then the hunk is not a splice. sent12: something does not simulate requiescat if the fact that it is a down-bow is true. sent13: if something is a kind of a cubit that it does not simulate requiescat and is a kind of a naloxone does not hold. sent14: there exists something such that it is non-gestational thing that is alimentative. sent15: the extinguisher is a kind of a Serra if there is something such that that it is a Hassel and a Skinnerian does not hold. sent16: something is both a naloxone and a Serra. sent17: if there exists something such that the fact that it does separate and it is a galangal does not hold the roadbook is a naloxone. sent18: the roadbook is a naloxone if there exists something such that it does not separate. sent19: something does separate and is a galangal. sent20: if there exists something such that that it is a kind of an interrogation and it is postexilic is incorrect the pesticide is a naloxone.
sent1: ({F}{a} & {G}{a}) sent2: ¬{E}{c} -> ¬{A}{a} sent3: (x): ¬({IN}x & {FR}x) -> {AA}{hd} sent4: (Ex): ¬({B}x & {A}x) sent5: {A}{a} -> {B}{b} sent6: {E}{a} sent7: ¬(¬{G}{d} & ¬{F}{d}) -> {F}{a} sent8: (x): ¬{H}x -> (¬{E}x v ¬{D}x) sent9: (Ex): ¬({A}x & {B}x) sent10: (x): ¬{A}x -> {B}{a} sent11: (x): (¬{J}x & {K}x) -> ¬{H}{c} sent12: (x): {F}x -> ¬{C}x sent13: (x): {D}x -> ¬(¬{C}x & {A}x) sent14: (Ex): (¬{J}x & {K}x) sent15: (x): ¬({IF}x & {BD}x) -> {B}{k} sent16: (Ex): ({A}x & {B}x) sent17: (x): ¬({AA}x & {AB}x) -> {A}{a} sent18: (x): ¬{AA}x -> {A}{a} sent19: (Ex): ({AA}x & {AB}x) sent20: (x): ¬({GH}x & {FM}x) -> {A}{b}
the pesticide is not a Serra.
[ "sent8 -> int1: if the hunk is not a kind of a splice it is not a kind of an airbus and/or it is not a cubit.; sent14 & sent11 -> int2: the fact that the hunk is not a splice is not false.; int1 & int2 -> int3: the hunk is not an airbus or not a cubit or both.; sent12 -> int4: the roadbook does not simulate requiescat if it is a kind of a down-bow.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the pesticide is a Serra. ; $context$ = sent1: the roadbook is a kind of a down-bow and it is megalithic. sent2: if the hunk is not an airbus the roadbook is not a naloxone. sent3: the fact that the antidepressant is a kind of a separate is correct if there is something such that the fact that it does equate duplicity and it is diametric is incorrect. sent4: there exists something such that that it is a Serra and it is a naloxone is incorrect. sent5: if the roadbook is a kind of a naloxone then the pesticide is a Serra. sent6: the roadbook is an airbus. sent7: if that the coulisse is both not megalithic and not a down-bow does not hold the fact that the roadbook is a down-bow hold. sent8: if something is not a splice it is not an airbus and/or it is not a cubit. sent9: there exists something such that that it is a kind of a naloxone and is a Serra is not true. sent10: the roadbook is a Serra if something is not a kind of a naloxone. sent11: if something is not gestational but alimentative then the hunk is not a splice. sent12: something does not simulate requiescat if the fact that it is a down-bow is true. sent13: if something is a kind of a cubit that it does not simulate requiescat and is a kind of a naloxone does not hold. sent14: there exists something such that it is non-gestational thing that is alimentative. sent15: the extinguisher is a kind of a Serra if there is something such that that it is a Hassel and a Skinnerian does not hold. sent16: something is both a naloxone and a Serra. sent17: if there exists something such that the fact that it does separate and it is a galangal does not hold the roadbook is a naloxone. sent18: the roadbook is a naloxone if there exists something such that it does not separate. sent19: something does separate and is a galangal. sent20: if there exists something such that that it is a kind of an interrogation and it is postexilic is incorrect the pesticide is a naloxone. ; $proof$ =
if something is not a splice it is not an airbus and/or it is not a cubit.
[ "if something is not gestational but alimentative then the hunk is not a splice." ]
[ "if something is not a splice it is not an airbus and/or it is not a cubit." ]
if something is not a splice it is not an airbus and/or it is not a cubit.
if something is not gestational but alimentative then the hunk is not a splice.
that the antisyphilitic is a frequency hold.
sent1: the antisyphilitic is a frequency if that the fact that the Labour is a kind of non-blinded thing that does not admit fatherliness hold is incorrect. sent2: if something equates shamefacedness it is not a kind of a blinded or it is not a Burundi or both. sent3: the fact that the hunk does not admit fatherliness and is not a frequency is incorrect if the antisyphilitic is a frequency. sent4: if the Labour is blinded then the antisyphilitic is a frequency. sent5: if something is not a Charleroi the fact that it does equate shamefacedness and it does equate handoff is not incorrect. sent6: the antisyphilitic is a blinded if the Labour is a frequency. sent7: if there is something such that it is not a retainer and does not simulate Polystichum then the Labour is not a kind of a Charleroi. sent8: if the fact that something is a kind of a frequency and is a resurrection is false it is not a kind of a frequency. sent9: the fact that the Labour is not a blinded and it does not admit fatherliness does not hold if the hunk does admit fatherliness. sent10: if something is a Burundi that is blinded it is not a frequency. sent11: the hunk is a frequency if the antisyphilitic is a kind of a resurrection. sent12: the hunk does admit fatherliness if the fact that that the antisyphilitic is not a kind of a resurrection and is not a kind of a frequency is not wrong is not correct. sent13: if the hunk is a frequency then the fact that the antisyphilitic does not admit fatherliness and is a frequency does not hold. sent14: the hunk is a kind of a resurrection if the fact that the antisyphilitic is not a frequency and does not admit fatherliness is not right. sent15: the hunk is a resurrection. sent16: that the sprout is a kind of a bastinado that does not admit fatherliness is incorrect. sent17: the steward is a filly. sent18: that the prisoner is not a kind of a retainer and it does not simulate Polystichum hold if the steward is a filly. sent19: the fact that the antisyphilitic is a frequency and it is a resurrection is not correct if the hunk does not admit fatherliness.
sent1: ¬(¬{D}{b} & ¬{B}{b}) -> {C}{c} sent2: (x): {F}x -> (¬{D}x v ¬{E}x) sent3: {C}{c} -> ¬(¬{B}{a} & ¬{C}{a}) sent4: {D}{b} -> {C}{c} sent5: (x): ¬{H}x -> ({F}x & {G}x) sent6: {C}{b} -> {D}{c} sent7: (x): (¬{J}x & ¬{I}x) -> ¬{H}{b} sent8: (x): ¬({C}x & {A}x) -> ¬{C}x sent9: {B}{a} -> ¬(¬{D}{b} & ¬{B}{b}) sent10: (x): ({E}x & {D}x) -> ¬{C}x sent11: {A}{c} -> {C}{a} sent12: ¬(¬{A}{c} & ¬{C}{c}) -> {B}{a} sent13: {C}{a} -> ¬(¬{B}{c} & {C}{c}) sent14: ¬(¬{C}{c} & ¬{B}{c}) -> {A}{a} sent15: {A}{a} sent16: ¬({AO}{cp} & ¬{B}{cp}) sent17: {K}{e} sent18: {K}{e} -> (¬{J}{d} & ¬{I}{d}) sent19: ¬{B}{a} -> ¬({C}{c} & {A}{c})
the Labour is a resurrection.
[ "sent10 -> int1: the Labour is not a frequency if it is Burundi thing that is a kind of a blinded.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = that the antisyphilitic is a frequency hold. ; $context$ = sent1: the antisyphilitic is a frequency if that the fact that the Labour is a kind of non-blinded thing that does not admit fatherliness hold is incorrect. sent2: if something equates shamefacedness it is not a kind of a blinded or it is not a Burundi or both. sent3: the fact that the hunk does not admit fatherliness and is not a frequency is incorrect if the antisyphilitic is a frequency. sent4: if the Labour is blinded then the antisyphilitic is a frequency. sent5: if something is not a Charleroi the fact that it does equate shamefacedness and it does equate handoff is not incorrect. sent6: the antisyphilitic is a blinded if the Labour is a frequency. sent7: if there is something such that it is not a retainer and does not simulate Polystichum then the Labour is not a kind of a Charleroi. sent8: if the fact that something is a kind of a frequency and is a resurrection is false it is not a kind of a frequency. sent9: the fact that the Labour is not a blinded and it does not admit fatherliness does not hold if the hunk does admit fatherliness. sent10: if something is a Burundi that is blinded it is not a frequency. sent11: the hunk is a frequency if the antisyphilitic is a kind of a resurrection. sent12: the hunk does admit fatherliness if the fact that that the antisyphilitic is not a kind of a resurrection and is not a kind of a frequency is not wrong is not correct. sent13: if the hunk is a frequency then the fact that the antisyphilitic does not admit fatherliness and is a frequency does not hold. sent14: the hunk is a kind of a resurrection if the fact that the antisyphilitic is not a frequency and does not admit fatherliness is not right. sent15: the hunk is a resurrection. sent16: that the sprout is a kind of a bastinado that does not admit fatherliness is incorrect. sent17: the steward is a filly. sent18: that the prisoner is not a kind of a retainer and it does not simulate Polystichum hold if the steward is a filly. sent19: the fact that the antisyphilitic is a frequency and it is a resurrection is not correct if the hunk does not admit fatherliness. ; $proof$ =
the hunk is a frequency if the antisyphilitic is a kind of a resurrection.
[ "if there is something such that it is not a retainer and does not simulate Polystichum then the Labour is not a kind of a Charleroi." ]
[ "the hunk is a frequency if the antisyphilitic is a kind of a resurrection." ]
the hunk is a frequency if the antisyphilitic is a kind of a resurrection.
if there is something such that it is not a retainer and does not simulate Polystichum then the Labour is not a kind of a Charleroi.
the encumbrance is not a deerstalker.
sent1: if the cuspidation is a kind of a tuber then the fact that the mystic is a kind of a tartlet and it equates musher is incorrect. sent2: that the mystic is a tartlet and does not equate musher is false if the cuspidation is a kind of a tuber. sent3: the fact that the mystic is a tartlet and it equates musher is incorrect. sent4: something is a tartlet and is a tuber if the fact that it is not a deerstalker is true. sent5: if the fact that the mystic does equate musher is right then the encumbrance is not a kind of a deerstalker. sent6: that the guardrail is not a deerstalker hold. sent7: there is nothing such that it is not biosystematic and it homes. sent8: the fact that the mystic is a kind of a paca is not incorrect. sent9: the mystic is not a tuber. sent10: if that the mystic is a tartlet and does not equate musher is wrong then that the encumbrance is not a deerstalker hold. sent11: the cuspidation is a tuber. sent12: the fact that the mystic is a deerstalker and it does equate musher is not correct.
sent1: {A}{a} -> ¬({AA}{b} & {AB}{b}) sent2: {A}{a} -> ¬({AA}{b} & ¬{AB}{b}) sent3: ¬({AA}{b} & {AB}{b}) sent4: (x): ¬{B}x -> ({AA}x & {A}x) sent5: {AB}{b} -> ¬{B}{c} sent6: ¬{B}{ic} sent7: (x): ¬(¬{C}x & {D}x) sent8: {BF}{b} sent9: ¬{A}{b} sent10: ¬({AA}{b} & ¬{AB}{b}) -> ¬{B}{c} sent11: {A}{a} sent12: ¬({B}{b} & {AB}{b})
[ "sent2 & sent11 -> int1: the fact that the mystic is a kind of a tartlet but it does not equate musher is wrong.; sent10 & int1 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent2 & sent11 -> int1: ¬({AA}{b} & ¬{AB}{b}); sent10 & int1 -> hypothesis;" ]
the encumbrance is a tartlet.
[ "sent4 -> int2: if the cuspidation is not a deerstalker then it is a kind of a tartlet and it is a tuber.; sent7 -> int3: that that the cuspidation is not biosystematic and is a kind of a homing does not hold is not incorrect.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the encumbrance is not a deerstalker. ; $context$ = sent1: if the cuspidation is a kind of a tuber then the fact that the mystic is a kind of a tartlet and it equates musher is incorrect. sent2: that the mystic is a tartlet and does not equate musher is false if the cuspidation is a kind of a tuber. sent3: the fact that the mystic is a tartlet and it equates musher is incorrect. sent4: something is a tartlet and is a tuber if the fact that it is not a deerstalker is true. sent5: if the fact that the mystic does equate musher is right then the encumbrance is not a kind of a deerstalker. sent6: that the guardrail is not a deerstalker hold. sent7: there is nothing such that it is not biosystematic and it homes. sent8: the fact that the mystic is a kind of a paca is not incorrect. sent9: the mystic is not a tuber. sent10: if that the mystic is a tartlet and does not equate musher is wrong then that the encumbrance is not a deerstalker hold. sent11: the cuspidation is a tuber. sent12: the fact that the mystic is a deerstalker and it does equate musher is not correct. ; $proof$ =
sent2 & sent11 -> int1: the fact that the mystic is a kind of a tartlet but it does not equate musher is wrong.; sent10 & int1 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
that the mystic is a tartlet and does not equate musher is false if the cuspidation is a kind of a tuber.
[ "the cuspidation is a tuber.", "if that the mystic is a tartlet and does not equate musher is wrong then that the encumbrance is not a deerstalker hold." ]
[ "The mystic does not equate musher with a kind of tuber.", "The mystic doesn't mean musher is false if the cuspidation is a kind of tuber." ]
The mystic does not equate musher with a kind of tuber.
the cuspidation is a tuber.
the encumbrance is not a deerstalker.
sent1: if the cuspidation is a kind of a tuber then the fact that the mystic is a kind of a tartlet and it equates musher is incorrect. sent2: that the mystic is a tartlet and does not equate musher is false if the cuspidation is a kind of a tuber. sent3: the fact that the mystic is a tartlet and it equates musher is incorrect. sent4: something is a tartlet and is a tuber if the fact that it is not a deerstalker is true. sent5: if the fact that the mystic does equate musher is right then the encumbrance is not a kind of a deerstalker. sent6: that the guardrail is not a deerstalker hold. sent7: there is nothing such that it is not biosystematic and it homes. sent8: the fact that the mystic is a kind of a paca is not incorrect. sent9: the mystic is not a tuber. sent10: if that the mystic is a tartlet and does not equate musher is wrong then that the encumbrance is not a deerstalker hold. sent11: the cuspidation is a tuber. sent12: the fact that the mystic is a deerstalker and it does equate musher is not correct.
sent1: {A}{a} -> ¬({AA}{b} & {AB}{b}) sent2: {A}{a} -> ¬({AA}{b} & ¬{AB}{b}) sent3: ¬({AA}{b} & {AB}{b}) sent4: (x): ¬{B}x -> ({AA}x & {A}x) sent5: {AB}{b} -> ¬{B}{c} sent6: ¬{B}{ic} sent7: (x): ¬(¬{C}x & {D}x) sent8: {BF}{b} sent9: ¬{A}{b} sent10: ¬({AA}{b} & ¬{AB}{b}) -> ¬{B}{c} sent11: {A}{a} sent12: ¬({B}{b} & {AB}{b})
[ "sent2 & sent11 -> int1: the fact that the mystic is a kind of a tartlet but it does not equate musher is wrong.; sent10 & int1 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent2 & sent11 -> int1: ¬({AA}{b} & ¬{AB}{b}); sent10 & int1 -> hypothesis;" ]
the encumbrance is a tartlet.
[ "sent4 -> int2: if the cuspidation is not a deerstalker then it is a kind of a tartlet and it is a tuber.; sent7 -> int3: that that the cuspidation is not biosystematic and is a kind of a homing does not hold is not incorrect.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the encumbrance is not a deerstalker. ; $context$ = sent1: if the cuspidation is a kind of a tuber then the fact that the mystic is a kind of a tartlet and it equates musher is incorrect. sent2: that the mystic is a tartlet and does not equate musher is false if the cuspidation is a kind of a tuber. sent3: the fact that the mystic is a tartlet and it equates musher is incorrect. sent4: something is a tartlet and is a tuber if the fact that it is not a deerstalker is true. sent5: if the fact that the mystic does equate musher is right then the encumbrance is not a kind of a deerstalker. sent6: that the guardrail is not a deerstalker hold. sent7: there is nothing such that it is not biosystematic and it homes. sent8: the fact that the mystic is a kind of a paca is not incorrect. sent9: the mystic is not a tuber. sent10: if that the mystic is a tartlet and does not equate musher is wrong then that the encumbrance is not a deerstalker hold. sent11: the cuspidation is a tuber. sent12: the fact that the mystic is a deerstalker and it does equate musher is not correct. ; $proof$ =
sent2 & sent11 -> int1: the fact that the mystic is a kind of a tartlet but it does not equate musher is wrong.; sent10 & int1 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
that the mystic is a tartlet and does not equate musher is false if the cuspidation is a kind of a tuber.
[ "the cuspidation is a tuber.", "if that the mystic is a tartlet and does not equate musher is wrong then that the encumbrance is not a deerstalker hold." ]
[ "The mystic does not equate musher with a kind of tuber.", "The mystic doesn't mean musher is false if the cuspidation is a kind of tuber." ]
The mystic doesn't mean musher is false if the cuspidation is a kind of tuber.
if that the mystic is a tartlet and does not equate musher is wrong then that the encumbrance is not a deerstalker hold.
the names does not swab glyceryl.
sent1: if the Bangladeshi does not simulate question then the fact that it does not equate otoplasty is not wrong. sent2: if there is something such that it is not a kind of a toggle and/or it is not a gingersnap the names does swab glyceryl. sent3: either the names does not equate Apidae or it is not a succade or both if something does not swab glyceryl. sent4: if that something is not olfactory and it does not chondrify is not right it does not swab attendant. sent5: the argentinosaur does not toggle or it is a kind of a gingersnap or both. sent6: the argentinosaur is a toggle and/or it is not a gingersnap. sent7: the argentinosaur does not toggle and/or it is not a kind of a gingersnap. sent8: that the Bangladeshi is non-olfactory thing that does not chondrify is not correct if the fact that it does not equate otoplasty hold. sent9: if the fact that something swabs glyceryl and it is a frogfish is false then it does not swabs glyceryl. sent10: there is something such that either it is a toggle or it is not a kind of a gingersnap or both. sent11: the fact that something swabs glyceryl and is a frogfish is not correct if the fact that it is saponaceous is wrong. sent12: if there exists something such that it does not swab attendant the echelon is not saponaceous. sent13: the Bangladeshi does not simulate question.
sent1: ¬{H}{c} -> ¬{G}{c} sent2: (x): (¬{AA}x v ¬{AB}x) -> {A}{a} sent3: (x): ¬{A}x -> (¬{DO}{a} v ¬{T}{a}) sent4: (x): ¬(¬{E}x & ¬{F}x) -> ¬{D}x sent5: (¬{AA}{aa} v {AB}{aa}) sent6: ({AA}{aa} v ¬{AB}{aa}) sent7: (¬{AA}{aa} v ¬{AB}{aa}) sent8: ¬{G}{c} -> ¬(¬{E}{c} & ¬{F}{c}) sent9: (x): ¬({A}x & {C}x) -> ¬{A}x sent10: (Ex): ({AA}x v ¬{AB}x) sent11: (x): ¬{B}x -> ¬({A}x & {C}x) sent12: (x): ¬{D}x -> ¬{B}{b} sent13: ¬{H}{c}
[ "sent7 -> int1: there exists something such that it is not a toggle and/or is not a gingersnap.; int1 & sent2 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent7 -> int1: (Ex): (¬{AA}x v ¬{AB}x); int1 & sent2 -> hypothesis;" ]
something does not equate Apidae and/or is not a kind of a succade.
(Ex): (¬{DO}x v ¬{T}x)
[ "sent9 -> int2: if that the echelon does swab glyceryl and it is a frogfish is incorrect it does not swab glyceryl.; sent11 -> int3: that the echelon swabs glyceryl and is a kind of a frogfish is not correct if it is not saponaceous.; sent4 -> int4: if that the Bangladeshi is not olfactory and it does not chondrify does not hold then the fact that it does not swab attendant is correct.; sent1 & sent13 -> int5: the Bangladeshi does not equate otoplasty.; sent8 & int5 -> int6: the fact that the Bangladeshi is not olfactory and does not chondrify is incorrect.; int4 & int6 -> int7: the Bangladeshi does not swab attendant.; int7 -> int8: there is something such that it does not swab attendant.; int8 & sent12 -> int9: the echelon is not saponaceous.; int3 & int9 -> int10: the fact that the echelon swabs glyceryl and is a kind of a frogfish is not right.; int2 & int10 -> int11: the echelon does not swab glyceryl.; int11 -> int12: there is something such that that it does not swab glyceryl is true.; int12 & sent3 -> int13: either the names does not equate Apidae or it is not a kind of a succade or both.; int13 -> hypothesis;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the names does not swab glyceryl. ; $context$ = sent1: if the Bangladeshi does not simulate question then the fact that it does not equate otoplasty is not wrong. sent2: if there is something such that it is not a kind of a toggle and/or it is not a gingersnap the names does swab glyceryl. sent3: either the names does not equate Apidae or it is not a succade or both if something does not swab glyceryl. sent4: if that something is not olfactory and it does not chondrify is not right it does not swab attendant. sent5: the argentinosaur does not toggle or it is a kind of a gingersnap or both. sent6: the argentinosaur is a toggle and/or it is not a gingersnap. sent7: the argentinosaur does not toggle and/or it is not a kind of a gingersnap. sent8: that the Bangladeshi is non-olfactory thing that does not chondrify is not correct if the fact that it does not equate otoplasty hold. sent9: if the fact that something swabs glyceryl and it is a frogfish is false then it does not swabs glyceryl. sent10: there is something such that either it is a toggle or it is not a kind of a gingersnap or both. sent11: the fact that something swabs glyceryl and is a frogfish is not correct if the fact that it is saponaceous is wrong. sent12: if there exists something such that it does not swab attendant the echelon is not saponaceous. sent13: the Bangladeshi does not simulate question. ; $proof$ =
sent7 -> int1: there exists something such that it is not a toggle and/or is not a gingersnap.; int1 & sent2 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
the argentinosaur does not toggle and/or it is not a kind of a gingersnap.
[ "if there is something such that it is not a kind of a toggle and/or it is not a gingersnap the names does swab glyceryl." ]
[ "the argentinosaur does not toggle and/or it is not a kind of a gingersnap." ]
the argentinosaur does not toggle and/or it is not a kind of a gingersnap.
if there is something such that it is not a kind of a toggle and/or it is not a gingersnap the names does swab glyceryl.
the godwit does not swab hopscotch.
sent1: the lister does not swab ineluctability or it does not boogie or both if it is not a kind of a Abraham. sent2: that the biteplate is a predilection is true if the fact that the godwit is not a predilection or it does not admit thermograph or both is right. sent3: the godwit does not swab hopscotch if the biteplate is organismal. sent4: the biteplate is organismal if the fact that the ECF is not penumbral and/or is an intervention does not hold. sent5: something swabs kickback if the fact that it does not boogie is not wrong. sent6: that something does not admit Urd and is not a MSH does not hold if it swabs kickback. sent7: something swabs kickback if it does not swab ineluctability. sent8: either something is not a predilection or it does not admit thermograph or both if it does equate Transportation. sent9: if the biteplate is a kind of a predilection it does not swab hopscotch and does not admit Grahame. sent10: the lister is not a Abraham. sent11: the godwit equates Transportation if there is something such that the fact that it does not admit Urd and is not a kind of a MSH does not hold.
sent1: ¬{L}{c} -> (¬{K}{c} v ¬{J}{c}) sent2: (¬{D}{b} v ¬{F}{b}) -> {D}{a} sent3: {A}{a} -> ¬{B}{b} sent4: ¬(¬{AA}{aa} v {AB}{aa}) -> {A}{a} sent5: (x): ¬{J}x -> {I}x sent6: (x): {I}x -> ¬(¬{G}x & ¬{H}x) sent7: (x): ¬{K}x -> {I}x sent8: (x): {E}x -> (¬{D}x v ¬{F}x) sent9: {D}{a} -> (¬{B}{a} & ¬{C}{a}) sent10: ¬{L}{c} sent11: (x): ¬(¬{G}x & ¬{H}x) -> {E}{b}
the blooming is organismal.
[ "sent8 -> int1: if the godwit equates Transportation it is not a predilection and/or it does not admit thermograph.; sent6 -> int2: if the lister does swab kickback that it does not admit Urd and it is not a MSH is false.; sent1 & sent10 -> int3: the lister does not swab ineluctability and/or is not a boogie.; sent7 -> int4: if the lister does not swab ineluctability then it swabs kickback.; sent5 -> int5: if the lister is not a kind of a boogie then it does swab kickback.; int3 & int4 & int5 -> int6: the lister swabs kickback.; int2 & int6 -> int7: the fact that the lister does not admit Urd and is not a MSH is incorrect.; int7 -> int8: there exists something such that the fact that it does not admit Urd and is not a MSH is not right.; int8 & sent11 -> int9: the godwit equates Transportation.; int1 & int9 -> int10: either the godwit is not a predilection or it does not admit thermograph or both.; sent2 & int10 -> int11: the biteplate is a predilection.; sent9 & int11 -> int12: the biteplate does not swab hopscotch and it does not admit Grahame.; int12 -> int13: there exists something such that it does not swab hopscotch and does not admit Grahame.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the godwit does not swab hopscotch. ; $context$ = sent1: the lister does not swab ineluctability or it does not boogie or both if it is not a kind of a Abraham. sent2: that the biteplate is a predilection is true if the fact that the godwit is not a predilection or it does not admit thermograph or both is right. sent3: the godwit does not swab hopscotch if the biteplate is organismal. sent4: the biteplate is organismal if the fact that the ECF is not penumbral and/or is an intervention does not hold. sent5: something swabs kickback if the fact that it does not boogie is not wrong. sent6: that something does not admit Urd and is not a MSH does not hold if it swabs kickback. sent7: something swabs kickback if it does not swab ineluctability. sent8: either something is not a predilection or it does not admit thermograph or both if it does equate Transportation. sent9: if the biteplate is a kind of a predilection it does not swab hopscotch and does not admit Grahame. sent10: the lister is not a Abraham. sent11: the godwit equates Transportation if there is something such that the fact that it does not admit Urd and is not a kind of a MSH does not hold. ; $proof$ =
the lister does not swab ineluctability or it does not boogie or both if it is not a kind of a Abraham.
[ "the biteplate is organismal if the fact that the ECF is not penumbral and/or is an intervention does not hold." ]
[ "the lister does not swab ineluctability or it does not boogie or both if it is not a kind of a Abraham." ]
the lister does not swab ineluctability or it does not boogie or both if it is not a kind of a Abraham.
the biteplate is organismal if the fact that the ECF is not penumbral and/or is an intervention does not hold.
there exists something such that if it is not a Isere the fact that it does not truck and it is a kind of a Sillaginidae does not hold.
sent1: the fact that there exists something such that if it is not a Isere then that it is a truck and it is a Sillaginidae is incorrect is not wrong. sent2: the fact that something is not a kind of a congregation but it is a kind of a African is not right if it is promotional. sent3: if something swabs butacaine then the fact that it is not pudendal and it is multiple is not right. sent4: there exists something such that if it is civics the fact that it is not dissimilar and is agonadal is incorrect. sent5: there is something such that if it is civics the fact that it is not nonastringent and it is a kind of a privacy is not right. sent6: that something is not a kind of a British but it is a bovine if it is not a yottabyte is true. sent7: the fact that something does not fry and is a Pinctada is not true if it does not reseat. sent8: something is not a surcharge and is a needlefish if it does not simulate. sent9: there is something such that if it does swab Anethum then that it is not a glance and it is a kind of a frijol does not hold. sent10: the fact that the Shiite is not pudendal but a Sillaginidae is false if it does not admit shutter. sent11: if that the Parks does not equate custody is not wrong then the fact that that it is uvular and it is a kind of a truck is correct does not hold. sent12: if the fact that something is not a Erythronium is not incorrect then the fact that it is a kind of a Djiboutian that is myocardial is not correct. sent13: if the oxyhemoglobin is not a four-in-hand then it is not a Isere and is a proconsulship. sent14: if the Parks swabs Shiite then that it is not a kind of a truck and it is Jamesian is not right. sent15: the fact that the Parks is a truck and it is a Sillaginidae is wrong if it is not a kind of a Isere. sent16: if something does not mambo the fact that it is a hair that is an exigency is not right. sent17: that there exists something such that if it is a Isere the fact that it does not truck and it is a kind of a Sillaginidae is false hold.
(Ex): ¬{A}x -> ¬(¬{AA}x & {AB}x)
sent1: (Ex): ¬{A}x -> ¬({AA}x & {AB}x) sent2: (x): {IJ}x -> ¬(¬{IR}x & {DH}x) sent3: (x): {CJ}x -> ¬(¬{DR}x & {GJ}x) sent4: (Ex): {DG}x -> ¬(¬{AP}x & {HD}x) sent5: (Ex): {DG}x -> ¬(¬{DD}x & {HI}x) sent6: (x): ¬{JD}x -> (¬{DN}x & {JC}x) sent7: (x): ¬{L}x -> ¬(¬{EC}x & {GT}x) sent8: (x): ¬{DF}x -> (¬{GC}x & {ID}x) sent9: (Ex): {BR}x -> ¬(¬{BI}x & {CC}x) sent10: ¬{CP}{gi} -> ¬(¬{DR}{gi} & {AB}{gi}) sent11: ¬{GD}{aa} -> ¬({M}{aa} & {AA}{aa}) sent12: (x): ¬{BO}x -> ¬({DL}x & {AR}x) sent13: ¬{DT}{br} -> (¬{A}{br} & {EP}{br}) sent14: {FR}{aa} -> ¬(¬{AA}{aa} & {T}{aa}) sent15: ¬{A}{aa} -> ¬({AA}{aa} & {AB}{aa}) sent16: (x): ¬{FL}x -> ¬({HO}x & {DS}x) sent17: (Ex): {A}x -> ¬(¬{AA}x & {AB}x)
$hypothesis$ = there exists something such that if it is not a Isere the fact that it does not truck and it is a kind of a Sillaginidae does not hold. ; $context$ = sent1: the fact that there exists something such that if it is not a Isere then that it is a truck and it is a Sillaginidae is incorrect is not wrong. sent2: the fact that something is not a kind of a congregation but it is a kind of a African is not right if it is promotional. sent3: if something swabs butacaine then the fact that it is not pudendal and it is multiple is not right. sent4: there exists something such that if it is civics the fact that it is not dissimilar and is agonadal is incorrect. sent5: there is something such that if it is civics the fact that it is not nonastringent and it is a kind of a privacy is not right. sent6: that something is not a kind of a British but it is a bovine if it is not a yottabyte is true. sent7: the fact that something does not fry and is a Pinctada is not true if it does not reseat. sent8: something is not a surcharge and is a needlefish if it does not simulate. sent9: there is something such that if it does swab Anethum then that it is not a glance and it is a kind of a frijol does not hold. sent10: the fact that the Shiite is not pudendal but a Sillaginidae is false if it does not admit shutter. sent11: if that the Parks does not equate custody is not wrong then the fact that that it is uvular and it is a kind of a truck is correct does not hold. sent12: if the fact that something is not a Erythronium is not incorrect then the fact that it is a kind of a Djiboutian that is myocardial is not correct. sent13: if the oxyhemoglobin is not a four-in-hand then it is not a Isere and is a proconsulship. sent14: if the Parks swabs Shiite then that it is not a kind of a truck and it is Jamesian is not right. sent15: the fact that the Parks is a truck and it is a Sillaginidae is wrong if it is not a kind of a Isere. sent16: if something does not mambo the fact that it is a hair that is an exigency is not right. sent17: that there exists something such that if it is a Isere the fact that it does not truck and it is a kind of a Sillaginidae is false hold. ; $proof$ =
if something does not mambo the fact that it is a hair that is an exigency is not right.
[ "that something is not a kind of a British but it is a bovine if it is not a yottabyte is true." ]
[ "if something does not mambo the fact that it is a hair that is an exigency is not right." ]
if something does not mambo the fact that it is a hair that is an exigency is not right.
that something is not a kind of a British but it is a bovine if it is not a yottabyte is true.
the fumitory is not a chime.
sent1: the turning does not reorient. sent2: if the turning is not a Ostraciidae it does not reorient and does not confabulate. sent3: that the fumitory is not a kind of a Ostraciidae is true. sent4: there is something such that it reorients and it does not confabulate. sent5: there is something such that it does not reorient. sent6: if something that does not reorient does not confabulate the fumitory is not a chime. sent7: something that is a simperer is a sprat. sent8: if the fact that the turning is not a Ostraciidae is true it does not reorient. sent9: there is something such that that it is apophatic and it is universalistic does not hold. sent10: if there exists something such that that it is apophatic and it is universalistic does not hold then the scone is a kind of a simperer. sent11: the fumitory is a chime if the fact that the turning is not a kind of a chime and/or it is a kind of a Ostraciidae is wrong. sent12: there exists something such that it does not confabulate. sent13: there exists something such that it does not confabulate and it is not a Ostraciidae. sent14: there is something such that it is not a chime and it does confabulate. sent15: if something is a kind of a sprat it is a perfidy. sent16: if something is eccentric that it is not a chime or is a Ostraciidae or both is not correct. sent17: the turning does not reorient and does not equate Oriental. sent18: something does not reorient and confabulates. sent19: the turning is not a chime if the fact that the fumitory is not eccentric and it is not a Ostraciidae does not hold.
sent1: ¬{AA}{a} sent2: ¬{A}{a} -> (¬{AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}) sent3: ¬{A}{b} sent4: (Ex): ({AA}x & ¬{AB}x) sent5: (Ex): ¬{AA}x sent6: (x): (¬{AA}x & ¬{AB}x) -> ¬{B}{b} sent7: (x): {G}x -> {F}x sent8: ¬{A}{a} -> ¬{AA}{a} sent9: (Ex): ¬({I}x & {H}x) sent10: (x): ¬({I}x & {H}x) -> {G}{c} sent11: ¬(¬{B}{a} v {A}{a}) -> {B}{b} sent12: (Ex): ¬{AB}x sent13: (Ex): (¬{AB}x & ¬{A}x) sent14: (Ex): (¬{B}x & {AB}x) sent15: (x): {F}x -> {E}x sent16: (x): {C}x -> ¬(¬{B}x v {A}x) sent17: (¬{AA}{a} & ¬{DI}{a}) sent18: (Ex): (¬{AA}x & {AB}x) sent19: ¬(¬{C}{b} & ¬{A}{b}) -> ¬{B}{a}
the turning is not a chime.
$hypothesis$ = the fumitory is not a chime. ; $context$ = sent1: the turning does not reorient. sent2: if the turning is not a Ostraciidae it does not reorient and does not confabulate. sent3: that the fumitory is not a kind of a Ostraciidae is true. sent4: there is something such that it reorients and it does not confabulate. sent5: there is something such that it does not reorient. sent6: if something that does not reorient does not confabulate the fumitory is not a chime. sent7: something that is a simperer is a sprat. sent8: if the fact that the turning is not a Ostraciidae is true it does not reorient. sent9: there is something such that that it is apophatic and it is universalistic does not hold. sent10: if there exists something such that that it is apophatic and it is universalistic does not hold then the scone is a kind of a simperer. sent11: the fumitory is a chime if the fact that the turning is not a kind of a chime and/or it is a kind of a Ostraciidae is wrong. sent12: there exists something such that it does not confabulate. sent13: there exists something such that it does not confabulate and it is not a Ostraciidae. sent14: there is something such that it is not a chime and it does confabulate. sent15: if something is a kind of a sprat it is a perfidy. sent16: if something is eccentric that it is not a chime or is a Ostraciidae or both is not correct. sent17: the turning does not reorient and does not equate Oriental. sent18: something does not reorient and confabulates. sent19: the turning is not a chime if the fact that the fumitory is not eccentric and it is not a Ostraciidae does not hold. ; $proof$ =
the turning does not reorient.
[ "there exists something such that it does not confabulate and it is not a Ostraciidae." ]
[ "the turning does not reorient." ]
the turning does not reorient.
there exists something such that it does not confabulate and it is not a Ostraciidae.
the mortification is not anamnestic.
sent1: that the innocent is not anamnestic hold if that the mortification is not off-site and is not a kind of a streptolysin is false. sent2: if something is not a Hieracium it is a streptolysin. sent3: if that the innocent is not a streptolysin and it does not equate mooneye does not hold the stoneware is not off-site. sent4: if the innocent is a streptolysin then that the stoneware is not a streptolysin and does not equate mooneye is wrong. sent5: the mortification is not a streptolysin if the fact that the innocent is not anamnestic and is not a Hieracium is not true. sent6: the innocent is off-site and/or it is not a kind of a Hieracium. sent7: the fact that the stoneware does not equate mooneye and is not anamnestic does not hold. sent8: if the innocent is a kind of a streptolysin the fact that the stoneware is a streptolysin that does not equate mooneye is not correct. sent9: something equates mooneye and it is a kind of a streptolysin if it is not a intoxicant. sent10: if the mortification is a Hieracium and/or it is not a kind of a streptolysin then it is anamnestic. sent11: that the mortification is not anamnestic if the stoneware is a kind of a streptolysin is not wrong. sent12: that the stoneware is a kind of a streptolysin that does not equate mooneye is wrong. sent13: the mortification is not anamnestic if the fact that the stoneware is not a kind of a streptolysin and does not equate mooneye is wrong. sent14: the innocent either is off-site or is a Hieracium or both. sent15: if the stoneware is a streptolysin then the mortification is anamnestic. sent16: if either the innocent is a streptolysin or it does not equate mooneye or both it is off-site. sent17: the stoneware is a Hieracium if it is not a streptolysin. sent18: something is a Hieracium if it is anamnestic or it is not off-site or both.
sent1: ¬(¬{AA}{b} & ¬{B}{b}) -> ¬{A}{aa} sent2: (x): ¬{AB}x -> {B}x sent3: ¬(¬{B}{aa} & ¬{C}{aa}) -> ¬{AA}{a} sent4: {B}{aa} -> ¬(¬{B}{a} & ¬{C}{a}) sent5: ¬(¬{A}{aa} & ¬{AB}{aa}) -> ¬{B}{b} sent6: ({AA}{aa} v ¬{AB}{aa}) sent7: ¬(¬{C}{a} & ¬{A}{a}) sent8: {B}{aa} -> ¬({B}{a} & ¬{C}{a}) sent9: (x): ¬{D}x -> ({C}x & {B}x) sent10: ({AB}{b} v ¬{B}{b}) -> {A}{b} sent11: {B}{a} -> ¬{A}{b} sent12: ¬({B}{a} & ¬{C}{a}) sent13: ¬(¬{B}{a} & ¬{C}{a}) -> ¬{A}{b} sent14: ({AA}{aa} v {AB}{aa}) sent15: {B}{a} -> {A}{b} sent16: ({B}{aa} v ¬{C}{aa}) -> {AA}{aa} sent17: ¬{B}{a} -> {AB}{a} sent18: (x): ({A}x v ¬{AA}x) -> {AB}x
the mortification is anamnestic.
[ "sent9 -> int1: the stoneware does equate mooneye and is a kind of a streptolysin if it is not a intoxicant.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the mortification is not anamnestic. ; $context$ = sent1: that the innocent is not anamnestic hold if that the mortification is not off-site and is not a kind of a streptolysin is false. sent2: if something is not a Hieracium it is a streptolysin. sent3: if that the innocent is not a streptolysin and it does not equate mooneye does not hold the stoneware is not off-site. sent4: if the innocent is a streptolysin then that the stoneware is not a streptolysin and does not equate mooneye is wrong. sent5: the mortification is not a streptolysin if the fact that the innocent is not anamnestic and is not a Hieracium is not true. sent6: the innocent is off-site and/or it is not a kind of a Hieracium. sent7: the fact that the stoneware does not equate mooneye and is not anamnestic does not hold. sent8: if the innocent is a kind of a streptolysin the fact that the stoneware is a streptolysin that does not equate mooneye is not correct. sent9: something equates mooneye and it is a kind of a streptolysin if it is not a intoxicant. sent10: if the mortification is a Hieracium and/or it is not a kind of a streptolysin then it is anamnestic. sent11: that the mortification is not anamnestic if the stoneware is a kind of a streptolysin is not wrong. sent12: that the stoneware is a kind of a streptolysin that does not equate mooneye is wrong. sent13: the mortification is not anamnestic if the fact that the stoneware is not a kind of a streptolysin and does not equate mooneye is wrong. sent14: the innocent either is off-site or is a Hieracium or both. sent15: if the stoneware is a streptolysin then the mortification is anamnestic. sent16: if either the innocent is a streptolysin or it does not equate mooneye or both it is off-site. sent17: the stoneware is a Hieracium if it is not a streptolysin. sent18: something is a Hieracium if it is anamnestic or it is not off-site or both. ; $proof$ =
that the mortification is not anamnestic if the stoneware is a kind of a streptolysin is not wrong.
[ "if the mortification is a Hieracium and/or it is not a kind of a streptolysin then it is anamnestic." ]
[ "that the mortification is not anamnestic if the stoneware is a kind of a streptolysin is not wrong." ]
that the mortification is not anamnestic if the stoneware is a kind of a streptolysin is not wrong.
if the mortification is a Hieracium and/or it is not a kind of a streptolysin then it is anamnestic.
the fact that the swabbing semivowel does not occur or the geocentricness does not occur or both is false.
sent1: if the fact that the simulating gamma does not occur or the consecration does not occur or both does not hold the equating armchair does not occur. sent2: if the equating armchair does not occur both the admitting drey and the equating prominence occurs. sent3: if the brachialness does not occur then both the expedient and the equating xenotime happens. sent4: the admitting Triangulum happens if the Polynesian and the non-unclearedness occurs. sent5: the aversiveness does not occur if the fact that not the penumbralness but the admitting bunchberry happens is wrong. sent6: the sub-test does not occur if the admitting Triangulum occurs. sent7: the swabbing semivowel does not occur or the geocentricness does not occur or both if the admitting bunchberry occurs. sent8: that the simulating gamma does not occur and/or the consecration does not occur is false if the equating xenotime happens. sent9: if that both the antheridialness and the non-autoplasticness occurs is not correct the penumbralness does not occur. sent10: that the hypodermalness does not occur results in that the doricness occurs. sent11: if the sub-test does not occur that the antheridialness but not the autoplasticness happens does not hold. sent12: if the penumbralness does not occur both the admitting bunchberry and the aversiveness occurs. sent13: the fact that the penumbralness does not occur but the admitting bunchberry happens does not hold. sent14: that the Polynesian and the clearedness occurs is brought about by that the Reformation does not occur. sent15: the Reformation is prevented by that the admitting drey happens.
¬(¬{AA} v ¬{AB})
sent1: ¬(¬{N} v ¬{O}) -> ¬{M} sent2: ¬{M} -> ({K} & {L}) sent3: ¬{R} -> ({Q} & {P}) sent4: ({I} & ¬{H}) -> {G} sent5: ¬(¬{C} & {A}) -> ¬{B} sent6: {G} -> ¬{F} sent7: {A} -> (¬{AA} v ¬{AB}) sent8: {P} -> ¬(¬{N} v ¬{O}) sent9: ¬({D} & ¬{E}) -> ¬{C} sent10: ¬{JH} -> {GF} sent11: ¬{F} -> ¬({D} & ¬{E}) sent12: ¬{C} -> ({A} & {B}) sent13: ¬(¬{C} & {A}) sent14: ¬{J} -> ({I} & ¬{H}) sent15: {K} -> ¬{J}
[ "void -> assump1: Let's assume that the swabbing semivowel does not occur and/or the geocentricness does not occur.; sent5 & sent13 -> int1: the aversiveness does not occur.;" ]
[ "void -> assump1: (¬{AA} v ¬{AB}); sent5 & sent13 -> int1: ¬{B};" ]
either the swabbing semivowel does not occur or the geocentricness does not occur or both.
(¬{AA} v ¬{AB})
$hypothesis$ = the fact that the swabbing semivowel does not occur or the geocentricness does not occur or both is false. ; $context$ = sent1: if the fact that the simulating gamma does not occur or the consecration does not occur or both does not hold the equating armchair does not occur. sent2: if the equating armchair does not occur both the admitting drey and the equating prominence occurs. sent3: if the brachialness does not occur then both the expedient and the equating xenotime happens. sent4: the admitting Triangulum happens if the Polynesian and the non-unclearedness occurs. sent5: the aversiveness does not occur if the fact that not the penumbralness but the admitting bunchberry happens is wrong. sent6: the sub-test does not occur if the admitting Triangulum occurs. sent7: the swabbing semivowel does not occur or the geocentricness does not occur or both if the admitting bunchberry occurs. sent8: that the simulating gamma does not occur and/or the consecration does not occur is false if the equating xenotime happens. sent9: if that both the antheridialness and the non-autoplasticness occurs is not correct the penumbralness does not occur. sent10: that the hypodermalness does not occur results in that the doricness occurs. sent11: if the sub-test does not occur that the antheridialness but not the autoplasticness happens does not hold. sent12: if the penumbralness does not occur both the admitting bunchberry and the aversiveness occurs. sent13: the fact that the penumbralness does not occur but the admitting bunchberry happens does not hold. sent14: that the Polynesian and the clearedness occurs is brought about by that the Reformation does not occur. sent15: the Reformation is prevented by that the admitting drey happens. ; $proof$ =
the aversiveness does not occur if the fact that not the penumbralness but the admitting bunchberry happens is wrong.
[ "the fact that the penumbralness does not occur but the admitting bunchberry happens does not hold." ]
[ "the aversiveness does not occur if the fact that not the penumbralness but the admitting bunchberry happens is wrong." ]
the aversiveness does not occur if the fact that not the penumbralness but the admitting bunchberry happens is wrong.
the fact that the penumbralness does not occur but the admitting bunchberry happens does not hold.
the crosshead does equate directive and does admit kinesiology.
sent1: the fact that the Best admits grazed is correct. sent2: The grazed admits crosshead. sent3: the crosshead admits grazed. sent4: if something does not admit grazed then that it equates directive and it admits kinesiology is not correct. sent5: if that the crosshead admits grazed is right it equates directive. sent6: if the crosshead is a nosedive then the fact that it admits kinesiology is not incorrect. sent7: the crosshead nosedives.
({B}{a} & {C}{a})
sent1: {A}{bq} sent2: {AA}{aa} sent3: {A}{a} sent4: (x): ¬{A}x -> ¬({B}x & {C}x) sent5: {A}{a} -> {B}{a} sent6: {D}{a} -> {C}{a} sent7: {D}{a}
[ "sent5 & sent3 -> int1: the crosshead equates directive.; sent6 & sent7 -> int2: the crosshead does admit kinesiology.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent5 & sent3 -> int1: {B}{a}; sent6 & sent7 -> int2: {C}{a}; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
that the crosshead does equate directive and does admit kinesiology does not hold.
¬({B}{a} & {C}{a})
[ "sent4 -> int3: if the fact that the crosshead does not admit grazed is correct then that it equates directive and admits kinesiology is incorrect.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the crosshead does equate directive and does admit kinesiology. ; $context$ = sent1: the fact that the Best admits grazed is correct. sent2: The grazed admits crosshead. sent3: the crosshead admits grazed. sent4: if something does not admit grazed then that it equates directive and it admits kinesiology is not correct. sent5: if that the crosshead admits grazed is right it equates directive. sent6: if the crosshead is a nosedive then the fact that it admits kinesiology is not incorrect. sent7: the crosshead nosedives. ; $proof$ =
sent5 & sent3 -> int1: the crosshead equates directive.; sent6 & sent7 -> int2: the crosshead does admit kinesiology.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
if that the crosshead admits grazed is right it equates directive.
[ "the crosshead admits grazed.", "if the crosshead is a nosedive then the fact that it admits kinesiology is not incorrect.", "the crosshead nosedives." ]
[ "It equates to directive if the crosshead admits grazed.", "The crosshead admits grazed is correct.", "The crosshead admits grazed it equates to directive." ]
It equates to directive if the crosshead admits grazed.
the crosshead admits grazed.
the crosshead does equate directive and does admit kinesiology.
sent1: the fact that the Best admits grazed is correct. sent2: The grazed admits crosshead. sent3: the crosshead admits grazed. sent4: if something does not admit grazed then that it equates directive and it admits kinesiology is not correct. sent5: if that the crosshead admits grazed is right it equates directive. sent6: if the crosshead is a nosedive then the fact that it admits kinesiology is not incorrect. sent7: the crosshead nosedives.
({B}{a} & {C}{a})
sent1: {A}{bq} sent2: {AA}{aa} sent3: {A}{a} sent4: (x): ¬{A}x -> ¬({B}x & {C}x) sent5: {A}{a} -> {B}{a} sent6: {D}{a} -> {C}{a} sent7: {D}{a}
[ "sent5 & sent3 -> int1: the crosshead equates directive.; sent6 & sent7 -> int2: the crosshead does admit kinesiology.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent5 & sent3 -> int1: {B}{a}; sent6 & sent7 -> int2: {C}{a}; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
that the crosshead does equate directive and does admit kinesiology does not hold.
¬({B}{a} & {C}{a})
[ "sent4 -> int3: if the fact that the crosshead does not admit grazed is correct then that it equates directive and admits kinesiology is incorrect.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the crosshead does equate directive and does admit kinesiology. ; $context$ = sent1: the fact that the Best admits grazed is correct. sent2: The grazed admits crosshead. sent3: the crosshead admits grazed. sent4: if something does not admit grazed then that it equates directive and it admits kinesiology is not correct. sent5: if that the crosshead admits grazed is right it equates directive. sent6: if the crosshead is a nosedive then the fact that it admits kinesiology is not incorrect. sent7: the crosshead nosedives. ; $proof$ =
sent5 & sent3 -> int1: the crosshead equates directive.; sent6 & sent7 -> int2: the crosshead does admit kinesiology.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
if that the crosshead admits grazed is right it equates directive.
[ "the crosshead admits grazed.", "if the crosshead is a nosedive then the fact that it admits kinesiology is not incorrect.", "the crosshead nosedives." ]
[ "It equates to directive if the crosshead admits grazed.", "The crosshead admits grazed is correct.", "The crosshead admits grazed it equates to directive." ]
The crosshead admits grazed is correct.
if the crosshead is a nosedive then the fact that it admits kinesiology is not incorrect.
the crosshead does equate directive and does admit kinesiology.
sent1: the fact that the Best admits grazed is correct. sent2: The grazed admits crosshead. sent3: the crosshead admits grazed. sent4: if something does not admit grazed then that it equates directive and it admits kinesiology is not correct. sent5: if that the crosshead admits grazed is right it equates directive. sent6: if the crosshead is a nosedive then the fact that it admits kinesiology is not incorrect. sent7: the crosshead nosedives.
({B}{a} & {C}{a})
sent1: {A}{bq} sent2: {AA}{aa} sent3: {A}{a} sent4: (x): ¬{A}x -> ¬({B}x & {C}x) sent5: {A}{a} -> {B}{a} sent6: {D}{a} -> {C}{a} sent7: {D}{a}
[ "sent5 & sent3 -> int1: the crosshead equates directive.; sent6 & sent7 -> int2: the crosshead does admit kinesiology.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent5 & sent3 -> int1: {B}{a}; sent6 & sent7 -> int2: {C}{a}; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
that the crosshead does equate directive and does admit kinesiology does not hold.
¬({B}{a} & {C}{a})
[ "sent4 -> int3: if the fact that the crosshead does not admit grazed is correct then that it equates directive and admits kinesiology is incorrect.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the crosshead does equate directive and does admit kinesiology. ; $context$ = sent1: the fact that the Best admits grazed is correct. sent2: The grazed admits crosshead. sent3: the crosshead admits grazed. sent4: if something does not admit grazed then that it equates directive and it admits kinesiology is not correct. sent5: if that the crosshead admits grazed is right it equates directive. sent6: if the crosshead is a nosedive then the fact that it admits kinesiology is not incorrect. sent7: the crosshead nosedives. ; $proof$ =
sent5 & sent3 -> int1: the crosshead equates directive.; sent6 & sent7 -> int2: the crosshead does admit kinesiology.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
if that the crosshead admits grazed is right it equates directive.
[ "the crosshead admits grazed.", "if the crosshead is a nosedive then the fact that it admits kinesiology is not incorrect.", "the crosshead nosedives." ]
[ "It equates to directive if the crosshead admits grazed.", "The crosshead admits grazed is correct.", "The crosshead admits grazed it equates to directive." ]
The crosshead admits grazed it equates to directive.
the crosshead nosedives.
the caryatid is not papery.
sent1: something is an opus and/or not papery if it is a shared. sent2: if the alpinist is not papery the caryatid is not papery. sent3: the caryatid is not an opus. sent4: the chuck-will's-widow is not an opus if that the alpinist does not admit pith and is a kind of a intellectualization is false. sent5: the fact that the alpinist does admit pith and is a intellectualization is not correct. sent6: the fact that the alpinist does not admit pith but it is an opus is wrong. sent7: the caryatid is both not an opus and papery if the chuck-will's-widow is not an opus. sent8: the alpinist is not an opus if the fact that the chuck-will's-widow is not papery and admits pith is not true. sent9: the caryatid is not an opus if the fact that the chuck-will's-widow is non-papery thing that is a kind of a intellectualization is not true. sent10: that the alpinist is not a intellectualization is not incorrect if that that the chuck-will's-widow does not admit pith and is an opus is true is false. sent11: the alpinist is a bunyavirus. sent12: that the chuck-will's-widow is not papery hold. sent13: the fact that the chuck-will's-widow is not an opus is not wrong if the alpinist admits pith. sent14: that the alpinist does not admit pith but it is a kind of a intellectualization is not true. sent15: that the caryatid is not papery but it is a intellectualization is false. sent16: that the chuck-will's-widow is not a intellectualization but it is an opus is wrong. sent17: the caryatid admits pith. sent18: the caryatid is not a intellectualization if the alpinist is not a kind of a intellectualization. sent19: the caryatid is not a kind of an opus but it admits pith if that the alpinist is not a kind of an opus is not incorrect. sent20: if either something is an opus or it is not papery or both it is not papery. sent21: the alpinist is not an opus.
sent1: (x): {A}x -> ({B}x v ¬{C}x) sent2: ¬{C}{a} -> ¬{C}{c} sent3: ¬{B}{c} sent4: ¬(¬{AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) -> ¬{B}{b} sent5: ¬({AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) sent6: ¬(¬{AA}{a} & {B}{a}) sent7: ¬{B}{b} -> (¬{B}{c} & {C}{c}) sent8: ¬(¬{C}{b} & {AA}{b}) -> ¬{B}{a} sent9: ¬(¬{C}{b} & {AB}{b}) -> ¬{B}{c} sent10: ¬(¬{AA}{b} & {B}{b}) -> ¬{AB}{a} sent11: {FM}{a} sent12: ¬{C}{b} sent13: {AA}{a} -> ¬{B}{b} sent14: ¬(¬{AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) sent15: ¬(¬{C}{c} & {AB}{c}) sent16: ¬(¬{AB}{b} & {B}{b}) sent17: {AA}{c} sent18: ¬{AB}{a} -> ¬{AB}{c} sent19: ¬{B}{a} -> (¬{B}{c} & {AA}{c}) sent20: (x): ({B}x v ¬{C}x) -> ¬{C}x sent21: ¬{B}{a}
[ "sent4 & sent14 -> int1: the chuck-will's-widow is not a kind of an opus.; sent7 & int1 -> int2: the caryatid is not an opus and is papery.; int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent4 & sent14 -> int1: ¬{B}{b}; sent7 & int1 -> int2: (¬{B}{c} & {C}{c}); int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
the caryatid is non-papery.
[ "sent20 -> int3: the caryatid is not papery if it is an opus or it is not papery or both.; sent1 -> int4: the caryatid is an opus and/or it is not papery if it does share.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the caryatid is not papery. ; $context$ = sent1: something is an opus and/or not papery if it is a shared. sent2: if the alpinist is not papery the caryatid is not papery. sent3: the caryatid is not an opus. sent4: the chuck-will's-widow is not an opus if that the alpinist does not admit pith and is a kind of a intellectualization is false. sent5: the fact that the alpinist does admit pith and is a intellectualization is not correct. sent6: the fact that the alpinist does not admit pith but it is an opus is wrong. sent7: the caryatid is both not an opus and papery if the chuck-will's-widow is not an opus. sent8: the alpinist is not an opus if the fact that the chuck-will's-widow is not papery and admits pith is not true. sent9: the caryatid is not an opus if the fact that the chuck-will's-widow is non-papery thing that is a kind of a intellectualization is not true. sent10: that the alpinist is not a intellectualization is not incorrect if that that the chuck-will's-widow does not admit pith and is an opus is true is false. sent11: the alpinist is a bunyavirus. sent12: that the chuck-will's-widow is not papery hold. sent13: the fact that the chuck-will's-widow is not an opus is not wrong if the alpinist admits pith. sent14: that the alpinist does not admit pith but it is a kind of a intellectualization is not true. sent15: that the caryatid is not papery but it is a intellectualization is false. sent16: that the chuck-will's-widow is not a intellectualization but it is an opus is wrong. sent17: the caryatid admits pith. sent18: the caryatid is not a intellectualization if the alpinist is not a kind of a intellectualization. sent19: the caryatid is not a kind of an opus but it admits pith if that the alpinist is not a kind of an opus is not incorrect. sent20: if either something is an opus or it is not papery or both it is not papery. sent21: the alpinist is not an opus. ; $proof$ =
sent4 & sent14 -> int1: the chuck-will's-widow is not a kind of an opus.; sent7 & int1 -> int2: the caryatid is not an opus and is papery.; int2 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
the chuck-will's-widow is not an opus if that the alpinist does not admit pith and is a kind of a intellectualization is false.
[ "that the alpinist does not admit pith but it is a kind of a intellectualization is not true.", "the caryatid is both not an opus and papery if the chuck-will's-widow is not an opus." ]
[ "A kind of intellectualization is false if the alpinist does not admit pith.", "A kind of intellectualization is false if the alpinist doesn't admit pith." ]
A kind of intellectualization is false if the alpinist does not admit pith.
that the alpinist does not admit pith but it is a kind of a intellectualization is not true.
the caryatid is not papery.
sent1: something is an opus and/or not papery if it is a shared. sent2: if the alpinist is not papery the caryatid is not papery. sent3: the caryatid is not an opus. sent4: the chuck-will's-widow is not an opus if that the alpinist does not admit pith and is a kind of a intellectualization is false. sent5: the fact that the alpinist does admit pith and is a intellectualization is not correct. sent6: the fact that the alpinist does not admit pith but it is an opus is wrong. sent7: the caryatid is both not an opus and papery if the chuck-will's-widow is not an opus. sent8: the alpinist is not an opus if the fact that the chuck-will's-widow is not papery and admits pith is not true. sent9: the caryatid is not an opus if the fact that the chuck-will's-widow is non-papery thing that is a kind of a intellectualization is not true. sent10: that the alpinist is not a intellectualization is not incorrect if that that the chuck-will's-widow does not admit pith and is an opus is true is false. sent11: the alpinist is a bunyavirus. sent12: that the chuck-will's-widow is not papery hold. sent13: the fact that the chuck-will's-widow is not an opus is not wrong if the alpinist admits pith. sent14: that the alpinist does not admit pith but it is a kind of a intellectualization is not true. sent15: that the caryatid is not papery but it is a intellectualization is false. sent16: that the chuck-will's-widow is not a intellectualization but it is an opus is wrong. sent17: the caryatid admits pith. sent18: the caryatid is not a intellectualization if the alpinist is not a kind of a intellectualization. sent19: the caryatid is not a kind of an opus but it admits pith if that the alpinist is not a kind of an opus is not incorrect. sent20: if either something is an opus or it is not papery or both it is not papery. sent21: the alpinist is not an opus.
sent1: (x): {A}x -> ({B}x v ¬{C}x) sent2: ¬{C}{a} -> ¬{C}{c} sent3: ¬{B}{c} sent4: ¬(¬{AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) -> ¬{B}{b} sent5: ¬({AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) sent6: ¬(¬{AA}{a} & {B}{a}) sent7: ¬{B}{b} -> (¬{B}{c} & {C}{c}) sent8: ¬(¬{C}{b} & {AA}{b}) -> ¬{B}{a} sent9: ¬(¬{C}{b} & {AB}{b}) -> ¬{B}{c} sent10: ¬(¬{AA}{b} & {B}{b}) -> ¬{AB}{a} sent11: {FM}{a} sent12: ¬{C}{b} sent13: {AA}{a} -> ¬{B}{b} sent14: ¬(¬{AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) sent15: ¬(¬{C}{c} & {AB}{c}) sent16: ¬(¬{AB}{b} & {B}{b}) sent17: {AA}{c} sent18: ¬{AB}{a} -> ¬{AB}{c} sent19: ¬{B}{a} -> (¬{B}{c} & {AA}{c}) sent20: (x): ({B}x v ¬{C}x) -> ¬{C}x sent21: ¬{B}{a}
[ "sent4 & sent14 -> int1: the chuck-will's-widow is not a kind of an opus.; sent7 & int1 -> int2: the caryatid is not an opus and is papery.; int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent4 & sent14 -> int1: ¬{B}{b}; sent7 & int1 -> int2: (¬{B}{c} & {C}{c}); int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
the caryatid is non-papery.
[ "sent20 -> int3: the caryatid is not papery if it is an opus or it is not papery or both.; sent1 -> int4: the caryatid is an opus and/or it is not papery if it does share.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the caryatid is not papery. ; $context$ = sent1: something is an opus and/or not papery if it is a shared. sent2: if the alpinist is not papery the caryatid is not papery. sent3: the caryatid is not an opus. sent4: the chuck-will's-widow is not an opus if that the alpinist does not admit pith and is a kind of a intellectualization is false. sent5: the fact that the alpinist does admit pith and is a intellectualization is not correct. sent6: the fact that the alpinist does not admit pith but it is an opus is wrong. sent7: the caryatid is both not an opus and papery if the chuck-will's-widow is not an opus. sent8: the alpinist is not an opus if the fact that the chuck-will's-widow is not papery and admits pith is not true. sent9: the caryatid is not an opus if the fact that the chuck-will's-widow is non-papery thing that is a kind of a intellectualization is not true. sent10: that the alpinist is not a intellectualization is not incorrect if that that the chuck-will's-widow does not admit pith and is an opus is true is false. sent11: the alpinist is a bunyavirus. sent12: that the chuck-will's-widow is not papery hold. sent13: the fact that the chuck-will's-widow is not an opus is not wrong if the alpinist admits pith. sent14: that the alpinist does not admit pith but it is a kind of a intellectualization is not true. sent15: that the caryatid is not papery but it is a intellectualization is false. sent16: that the chuck-will's-widow is not a intellectualization but it is an opus is wrong. sent17: the caryatid admits pith. sent18: the caryatid is not a intellectualization if the alpinist is not a kind of a intellectualization. sent19: the caryatid is not a kind of an opus but it admits pith if that the alpinist is not a kind of an opus is not incorrect. sent20: if either something is an opus or it is not papery or both it is not papery. sent21: the alpinist is not an opus. ; $proof$ =
sent4 & sent14 -> int1: the chuck-will's-widow is not a kind of an opus.; sent7 & int1 -> int2: the caryatid is not an opus and is papery.; int2 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
the chuck-will's-widow is not an opus if that the alpinist does not admit pith and is a kind of a intellectualization is false.
[ "that the alpinist does not admit pith but it is a kind of a intellectualization is not true.", "the caryatid is both not an opus and papery if the chuck-will's-widow is not an opus." ]
[ "A kind of intellectualization is false if the alpinist does not admit pith.", "A kind of intellectualization is false if the alpinist doesn't admit pith." ]
A kind of intellectualization is false if the alpinist doesn't admit pith.
the caryatid is both not an opus and papery if the chuck-will's-widow is not an opus.
the moray is not restful.
sent1: the wicket is not real-time. sent2: if the wicket is Mishnaic the naphazoline does swab county. sent3: if the naphazoline is a loading it admits Galium. sent4: if the wicket is both Mishnaic and not restful then the moray is restful. sent5: if the wicket swabs county and it is a loading then the naphazoline is not Mishnaic. sent6: if that the naphazoline does not swab county but it is a loading is not correct then it is Mishnaic. sent7: that the moray is prefectural and is not an imitation is incorrect if there exists something such that it is not real-time. sent8: the wicket is Mishnaic. sent9: if that the naphazoline is not a loading but it is a kind of an imitation does not hold then it does admit Galium. sent10: the moray is not Mishnaic if the fact that the wicket does admit Galium and it is restful is not incorrect. sent11: if the fact that the moray is not non-prefectural but it is not an imitation is false then it is a kind of an imitation. sent12: something does swab county if it admits Galium and it is not Mishnaic. sent13: the moray is an imitation. sent14: the fact that the naphazoline does not load but it is an imitation is not right. sent15: that the naphazoline is a loading and it is an imitation does not hold.
sent1: ¬{H}{a} sent2: {A}{a} -> {B}{b} sent3: {E}{b} -> {C}{b} sent4: ({A}{a} & ¬{D}{a}) -> {D}{c} sent5: ({B}{a} & {E}{a}) -> ¬{A}{b} sent6: ¬(¬{B}{b} & {E}{b}) -> {A}{b} sent7: (x): ¬{H}x -> ¬({G}{c} & ¬{F}{c}) sent8: {A}{a} sent9: ¬(¬{E}{b} & {F}{b}) -> {C}{b} sent10: ({C}{a} & {D}{a}) -> ¬{A}{c} sent11: ¬({G}{c} & ¬{F}{c}) -> {F}{c} sent12: (x): ({C}x & ¬{A}x) -> {B}x sent13: {F}{c} sent14: ¬(¬{E}{b} & {F}{b}) sent15: ¬({E}{b} & {F}{b})
[ "sent2 & sent8 -> int1: the naphazoline swabs county.; sent9 & sent14 -> int2: the naphazoline does admit Galium.; int1 & int2 -> int3: the naphazoline swabs county and it does admit Galium.;" ]
[ "sent2 & sent8 -> int1: {B}{b}; sent9 & sent14 -> int2: {C}{b}; int1 & int2 -> int3: ({B}{b} & {C}{b});" ]
the moray does swab county.
[ "sent12 -> int4: if the moray does admit Galium but it is not Mishnaic it does swab county.; sent1 -> int5: there is something such that it is not real-time.; int5 & sent7 -> int6: the fact that the moray is prefectural and is not an imitation is not true.; sent11 & int6 -> int7: the moray is an imitation.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the moray is not restful. ; $context$ = sent1: the wicket is not real-time. sent2: if the wicket is Mishnaic the naphazoline does swab county. sent3: if the naphazoline is a loading it admits Galium. sent4: if the wicket is both Mishnaic and not restful then the moray is restful. sent5: if the wicket swabs county and it is a loading then the naphazoline is not Mishnaic. sent6: if that the naphazoline does not swab county but it is a loading is not correct then it is Mishnaic. sent7: that the moray is prefectural and is not an imitation is incorrect if there exists something such that it is not real-time. sent8: the wicket is Mishnaic. sent9: if that the naphazoline is not a loading but it is a kind of an imitation does not hold then it does admit Galium. sent10: the moray is not Mishnaic if the fact that the wicket does admit Galium and it is restful is not incorrect. sent11: if the fact that the moray is not non-prefectural but it is not an imitation is false then it is a kind of an imitation. sent12: something does swab county if it admits Galium and it is not Mishnaic. sent13: the moray is an imitation. sent14: the fact that the naphazoline does not load but it is an imitation is not right. sent15: that the naphazoline is a loading and it is an imitation does not hold. ; $proof$ =
if the wicket is Mishnaic the naphazoline does swab county.
[ "the wicket is Mishnaic.", "if that the naphazoline is not a loading but it is a kind of an imitation does not hold then it does admit Galium.", "the fact that the naphazoline does not load but it is an imitation is not right." ]
[ "The naphazoline can be found in the county.", "The naphazoline can be found in the swab county.", "The naphazoline does swab county." ]
The naphazoline can be found in the county.
the wicket is Mishnaic.
the moray is not restful.
sent1: the wicket is not real-time. sent2: if the wicket is Mishnaic the naphazoline does swab county. sent3: if the naphazoline is a loading it admits Galium. sent4: if the wicket is both Mishnaic and not restful then the moray is restful. sent5: if the wicket swabs county and it is a loading then the naphazoline is not Mishnaic. sent6: if that the naphazoline does not swab county but it is a loading is not correct then it is Mishnaic. sent7: that the moray is prefectural and is not an imitation is incorrect if there exists something such that it is not real-time. sent8: the wicket is Mishnaic. sent9: if that the naphazoline is not a loading but it is a kind of an imitation does not hold then it does admit Galium. sent10: the moray is not Mishnaic if the fact that the wicket does admit Galium and it is restful is not incorrect. sent11: if the fact that the moray is not non-prefectural but it is not an imitation is false then it is a kind of an imitation. sent12: something does swab county if it admits Galium and it is not Mishnaic. sent13: the moray is an imitation. sent14: the fact that the naphazoline does not load but it is an imitation is not right. sent15: that the naphazoline is a loading and it is an imitation does not hold.
sent1: ¬{H}{a} sent2: {A}{a} -> {B}{b} sent3: {E}{b} -> {C}{b} sent4: ({A}{a} & ¬{D}{a}) -> {D}{c} sent5: ({B}{a} & {E}{a}) -> ¬{A}{b} sent6: ¬(¬{B}{b} & {E}{b}) -> {A}{b} sent7: (x): ¬{H}x -> ¬({G}{c} & ¬{F}{c}) sent8: {A}{a} sent9: ¬(¬{E}{b} & {F}{b}) -> {C}{b} sent10: ({C}{a} & {D}{a}) -> ¬{A}{c} sent11: ¬({G}{c} & ¬{F}{c}) -> {F}{c} sent12: (x): ({C}x & ¬{A}x) -> {B}x sent13: {F}{c} sent14: ¬(¬{E}{b} & {F}{b}) sent15: ¬({E}{b} & {F}{b})
[ "sent2 & sent8 -> int1: the naphazoline swabs county.; sent9 & sent14 -> int2: the naphazoline does admit Galium.; int1 & int2 -> int3: the naphazoline swabs county and it does admit Galium.;" ]
[ "sent2 & sent8 -> int1: {B}{b}; sent9 & sent14 -> int2: {C}{b}; int1 & int2 -> int3: ({B}{b} & {C}{b});" ]
the moray does swab county.
[ "sent12 -> int4: if the moray does admit Galium but it is not Mishnaic it does swab county.; sent1 -> int5: there is something such that it is not real-time.; int5 & sent7 -> int6: the fact that the moray is prefectural and is not an imitation is not true.; sent11 & int6 -> int7: the moray is an imitation.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the moray is not restful. ; $context$ = sent1: the wicket is not real-time. sent2: if the wicket is Mishnaic the naphazoline does swab county. sent3: if the naphazoline is a loading it admits Galium. sent4: if the wicket is both Mishnaic and not restful then the moray is restful. sent5: if the wicket swabs county and it is a loading then the naphazoline is not Mishnaic. sent6: if that the naphazoline does not swab county but it is a loading is not correct then it is Mishnaic. sent7: that the moray is prefectural and is not an imitation is incorrect if there exists something such that it is not real-time. sent8: the wicket is Mishnaic. sent9: if that the naphazoline is not a loading but it is a kind of an imitation does not hold then it does admit Galium. sent10: the moray is not Mishnaic if the fact that the wicket does admit Galium and it is restful is not incorrect. sent11: if the fact that the moray is not non-prefectural but it is not an imitation is false then it is a kind of an imitation. sent12: something does swab county if it admits Galium and it is not Mishnaic. sent13: the moray is an imitation. sent14: the fact that the naphazoline does not load but it is an imitation is not right. sent15: that the naphazoline is a loading and it is an imitation does not hold. ; $proof$ =
if the wicket is Mishnaic the naphazoline does swab county.
[ "the wicket is Mishnaic.", "if that the naphazoline is not a loading but it is a kind of an imitation does not hold then it does admit Galium.", "the fact that the naphazoline does not load but it is an imitation is not right." ]
[ "The naphazoline can be found in the county.", "The naphazoline can be found in the swab county.", "The naphazoline does swab county." ]
The naphazoline can be found in the swab county.
if that the naphazoline is not a loading but it is a kind of an imitation does not hold then it does admit Galium.
the moray is not restful.
sent1: the wicket is not real-time. sent2: if the wicket is Mishnaic the naphazoline does swab county. sent3: if the naphazoline is a loading it admits Galium. sent4: if the wicket is both Mishnaic and not restful then the moray is restful. sent5: if the wicket swabs county and it is a loading then the naphazoline is not Mishnaic. sent6: if that the naphazoline does not swab county but it is a loading is not correct then it is Mishnaic. sent7: that the moray is prefectural and is not an imitation is incorrect if there exists something such that it is not real-time. sent8: the wicket is Mishnaic. sent9: if that the naphazoline is not a loading but it is a kind of an imitation does not hold then it does admit Galium. sent10: the moray is not Mishnaic if the fact that the wicket does admit Galium and it is restful is not incorrect. sent11: if the fact that the moray is not non-prefectural but it is not an imitation is false then it is a kind of an imitation. sent12: something does swab county if it admits Galium and it is not Mishnaic. sent13: the moray is an imitation. sent14: the fact that the naphazoline does not load but it is an imitation is not right. sent15: that the naphazoline is a loading and it is an imitation does not hold.
sent1: ¬{H}{a} sent2: {A}{a} -> {B}{b} sent3: {E}{b} -> {C}{b} sent4: ({A}{a} & ¬{D}{a}) -> {D}{c} sent5: ({B}{a} & {E}{a}) -> ¬{A}{b} sent6: ¬(¬{B}{b} & {E}{b}) -> {A}{b} sent7: (x): ¬{H}x -> ¬({G}{c} & ¬{F}{c}) sent8: {A}{a} sent9: ¬(¬{E}{b} & {F}{b}) -> {C}{b} sent10: ({C}{a} & {D}{a}) -> ¬{A}{c} sent11: ¬({G}{c} & ¬{F}{c}) -> {F}{c} sent12: (x): ({C}x & ¬{A}x) -> {B}x sent13: {F}{c} sent14: ¬(¬{E}{b} & {F}{b}) sent15: ¬({E}{b} & {F}{b})
[ "sent2 & sent8 -> int1: the naphazoline swabs county.; sent9 & sent14 -> int2: the naphazoline does admit Galium.; int1 & int2 -> int3: the naphazoline swabs county and it does admit Galium.;" ]
[ "sent2 & sent8 -> int1: {B}{b}; sent9 & sent14 -> int2: {C}{b}; int1 & int2 -> int3: ({B}{b} & {C}{b});" ]
the moray does swab county.
[ "sent12 -> int4: if the moray does admit Galium but it is not Mishnaic it does swab county.; sent1 -> int5: there is something such that it is not real-time.; int5 & sent7 -> int6: the fact that the moray is prefectural and is not an imitation is not true.; sent11 & int6 -> int7: the moray is an imitation.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the moray is not restful. ; $context$ = sent1: the wicket is not real-time. sent2: if the wicket is Mishnaic the naphazoline does swab county. sent3: if the naphazoline is a loading it admits Galium. sent4: if the wicket is both Mishnaic and not restful then the moray is restful. sent5: if the wicket swabs county and it is a loading then the naphazoline is not Mishnaic. sent6: if that the naphazoline does not swab county but it is a loading is not correct then it is Mishnaic. sent7: that the moray is prefectural and is not an imitation is incorrect if there exists something such that it is not real-time. sent8: the wicket is Mishnaic. sent9: if that the naphazoline is not a loading but it is a kind of an imitation does not hold then it does admit Galium. sent10: the moray is not Mishnaic if the fact that the wicket does admit Galium and it is restful is not incorrect. sent11: if the fact that the moray is not non-prefectural but it is not an imitation is false then it is a kind of an imitation. sent12: something does swab county if it admits Galium and it is not Mishnaic. sent13: the moray is an imitation. sent14: the fact that the naphazoline does not load but it is an imitation is not right. sent15: that the naphazoline is a loading and it is an imitation does not hold. ; $proof$ =
if the wicket is Mishnaic the naphazoline does swab county.
[ "the wicket is Mishnaic.", "if that the naphazoline is not a loading but it is a kind of an imitation does not hold then it does admit Galium.", "the fact that the naphazoline does not load but it is an imitation is not right." ]
[ "The naphazoline can be found in the county.", "The naphazoline can be found in the swab county.", "The naphazoline does swab county." ]
The naphazoline does swab county.
the fact that the naphazoline does not load but it is an imitation is not right.
the satellite is not a Stenochlaena.
sent1: there is something such that it is not a piquancy. sent2: there exists something such that it does admit satellite. sent3: something is a Stenochlaena that is a piquancy if it does not sallow. sent4: if something either does not swab evil or is a vanilla or both it is not a sallow. sent5: something is not a Stenochlaena if it swabs evil. sent6: that the satellite does not swab evil and is not a vanilla does not hold if the death is not a sallow. sent7: if there exists something such that it is not a piquancy the death is not a sallow.
sent1: (Ex): ¬{A}x sent2: (Ex): {BO}x sent3: (x): ¬{B}x -> ({E}x & {A}x) sent4: (x): (¬{C}x v {D}x) -> ¬{B}x sent5: (x): {C}x -> ¬{E}x sent6: ¬{B}{a} -> ¬(¬{C}{b} & ¬{D}{b}) sent7: (x): ¬{A}x -> ¬{B}{a}
[ "sent1 & sent7 -> int1: the fact that the death does not sallow is correct.; int1 & sent6 -> int2: the fact that the satellite does not swab evil and is not a vanilla is not right.;" ]
[ "sent1 & sent7 -> int1: ¬{B}{a}; int1 & sent6 -> int2: ¬(¬{C}{b} & ¬{D}{b});" ]
the satellite is a kind of a Stenochlaena.
[ "sent3 -> int3: the satellite is a Stenochlaena that is a piquancy if it is not a kind of a sallow.; sent4 -> int4: if either the satellite does not swab evil or it is a kind of a vanilla or both then it is not a kind of a sallow.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the satellite is not a Stenochlaena. ; $context$ = sent1: there is something such that it is not a piquancy. sent2: there exists something such that it does admit satellite. sent3: something is a Stenochlaena that is a piquancy if it does not sallow. sent4: if something either does not swab evil or is a vanilla or both it is not a sallow. sent5: something is not a Stenochlaena if it swabs evil. sent6: that the satellite does not swab evil and is not a vanilla does not hold if the death is not a sallow. sent7: if there exists something such that it is not a piquancy the death is not a sallow. ; $proof$ =
there is something such that it is not a piquancy.
[ "if there exists something such that it is not a piquancy the death is not a sallow.", "that the satellite does not swab evil and is not a vanilla does not hold if the death is not a sallow." ]
[ "It is not a piquancy.", "There is something that makes it not a piquancy." ]
It is not a piquancy.
if there exists something such that it is not a piquancy the death is not a sallow.
the satellite is not a Stenochlaena.
sent1: there is something such that it is not a piquancy. sent2: there exists something such that it does admit satellite. sent3: something is a Stenochlaena that is a piquancy if it does not sallow. sent4: if something either does not swab evil or is a vanilla or both it is not a sallow. sent5: something is not a Stenochlaena if it swabs evil. sent6: that the satellite does not swab evil and is not a vanilla does not hold if the death is not a sallow. sent7: if there exists something such that it is not a piquancy the death is not a sallow.
sent1: (Ex): ¬{A}x sent2: (Ex): {BO}x sent3: (x): ¬{B}x -> ({E}x & {A}x) sent4: (x): (¬{C}x v {D}x) -> ¬{B}x sent5: (x): {C}x -> ¬{E}x sent6: ¬{B}{a} -> ¬(¬{C}{b} & ¬{D}{b}) sent7: (x): ¬{A}x -> ¬{B}{a}
[ "sent1 & sent7 -> int1: the fact that the death does not sallow is correct.; int1 & sent6 -> int2: the fact that the satellite does not swab evil and is not a vanilla is not right.;" ]
[ "sent1 & sent7 -> int1: ¬{B}{a}; int1 & sent6 -> int2: ¬(¬{C}{b} & ¬{D}{b});" ]
the satellite is a kind of a Stenochlaena.
[ "sent3 -> int3: the satellite is a Stenochlaena that is a piquancy if it is not a kind of a sallow.; sent4 -> int4: if either the satellite does not swab evil or it is a kind of a vanilla or both then it is not a kind of a sallow.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the satellite is not a Stenochlaena. ; $context$ = sent1: there is something such that it is not a piquancy. sent2: there exists something such that it does admit satellite. sent3: something is a Stenochlaena that is a piquancy if it does not sallow. sent4: if something either does not swab evil or is a vanilla or both it is not a sallow. sent5: something is not a Stenochlaena if it swabs evil. sent6: that the satellite does not swab evil and is not a vanilla does not hold if the death is not a sallow. sent7: if there exists something such that it is not a piquancy the death is not a sallow. ; $proof$ =
there is something such that it is not a piquancy.
[ "if there exists something such that it is not a piquancy the death is not a sallow.", "that the satellite does not swab evil and is not a vanilla does not hold if the death is not a sallow." ]
[ "It is not a piquancy.", "There is something that makes it not a piquancy." ]
There is something that makes it not a piquancy.
that the satellite does not swab evil and is not a vanilla does not hold if the death is not a sallow.
the mailbox is expedient and it is fernless.
sent1: the mailbox is not a shtikl if it is an expressionist and does complain. sent2: if that something is not a kind of a Shivaism and it is not a roan is right that the coquille does simulate adoxography is not incorrect. sent3: if the defendant does not admit nozzle and does complain then the sampler does not complain. sent4: the fact that the defendant drills hold if the pilaster is not a kind of a drills and it is not a kind of a lotus. sent5: something is an expedient and it is fernless if it is not a shtikl. sent6: if the sampler is not a kind of a shtikl then that the mailbox is an expedient and it is fernless is false. sent7: the fact that something is a kind of a shtikl but it is not a kind of an expressionist is wrong if the fact that it does not complain is right. sent8: if the mailbox is not a kind of a shtikl then it is fernless. sent9: something is not a kind of a Shivaism and it is not a roan. sent10: the mailbox is fernless. sent11: something does not admit nozzle but it does complain if that it is a drill is true. sent12: the mailbox does complain. sent13: something is fernless if it is not a kind of a shtikl. sent14: the mailbox is expressionist and it does complain.
({AA}{aa} & {AB}{aa})
sent1: ({B}{aa} & {C}{aa}) -> ¬{A}{aa} sent2: (x): (¬{I}x & ¬{H}x) -> {F}{d} sent3: (¬{D}{b} & {C}{b}) -> ¬{C}{a} sent4: (¬{E}{c} & ¬{G}{c}) -> {E}{b} sent5: (x): ¬{A}x -> ({AA}x & {AB}x) sent6: ¬{A}{a} -> ¬({AA}{aa} & {AB}{aa}) sent7: (x): ¬{C}x -> ¬({A}x & ¬{B}x) sent8: ¬{A}{aa} -> {AB}{aa} sent9: (Ex): (¬{I}x & ¬{H}x) sent10: {AB}{aa} sent11: (x): {E}x -> (¬{D}x & {C}x) sent12: {C}{aa} sent13: (x): ¬{A}x -> {AB}x sent14: ({B}{aa} & {C}{aa})
[ "sent5 -> int1: the mailbox is expedient and it is fernless if it is not a shtikl.; sent1 & sent14 -> int2: the mailbox is not a shtikl.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent5 -> int1: ¬{A}{aa} -> ({AA}{aa} & {AB}{aa}); sent1 & sent14 -> int2: ¬{A}{aa}; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
that the mailbox is a kind of an expedient and it is fernless is not right.
¬({AA}{aa} & {AB}{aa})
[ "sent7 -> int3: if the sampler does not complain then the fact that it is a kind of a shtikl and it is not a kind of an expressionist is not right.; sent11 -> int4: if the defendant is a drill it does not admit nozzle and it complains.; sent9 & sent2 -> int5: the coquille does simulate adoxography.; int5 -> int6: there is something such that it simulates adoxography.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the mailbox is expedient and it is fernless. ; $context$ = sent1: the mailbox is not a shtikl if it is an expressionist and does complain. sent2: if that something is not a kind of a Shivaism and it is not a roan is right that the coquille does simulate adoxography is not incorrect. sent3: if the defendant does not admit nozzle and does complain then the sampler does not complain. sent4: the fact that the defendant drills hold if the pilaster is not a kind of a drills and it is not a kind of a lotus. sent5: something is an expedient and it is fernless if it is not a shtikl. sent6: if the sampler is not a kind of a shtikl then that the mailbox is an expedient and it is fernless is false. sent7: the fact that something is a kind of a shtikl but it is not a kind of an expressionist is wrong if the fact that it does not complain is right. sent8: if the mailbox is not a kind of a shtikl then it is fernless. sent9: something is not a kind of a Shivaism and it is not a roan. sent10: the mailbox is fernless. sent11: something does not admit nozzle but it does complain if that it is a drill is true. sent12: the mailbox does complain. sent13: something is fernless if it is not a kind of a shtikl. sent14: the mailbox is expressionist and it does complain. ; $proof$ =
sent5 -> int1: the mailbox is expedient and it is fernless if it is not a shtikl.; sent1 & sent14 -> int2: the mailbox is not a shtikl.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
something is an expedient and it is fernless if it is not a shtikl.
[ "the mailbox is not a shtikl if it is an expressionist and does complain.", "the mailbox is expressionist and it does complain." ]
[ "If it is not a shtikl and MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE", "It is fernless if it is not a shtikl and MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE" ]
If it is not a shtikl and MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE
the mailbox is not a shtikl if it is an expressionist and does complain.
the mailbox is expedient and it is fernless.
sent1: the mailbox is not a shtikl if it is an expressionist and does complain. sent2: if that something is not a kind of a Shivaism and it is not a roan is right that the coquille does simulate adoxography is not incorrect. sent3: if the defendant does not admit nozzle and does complain then the sampler does not complain. sent4: the fact that the defendant drills hold if the pilaster is not a kind of a drills and it is not a kind of a lotus. sent5: something is an expedient and it is fernless if it is not a shtikl. sent6: if the sampler is not a kind of a shtikl then that the mailbox is an expedient and it is fernless is false. sent7: the fact that something is a kind of a shtikl but it is not a kind of an expressionist is wrong if the fact that it does not complain is right. sent8: if the mailbox is not a kind of a shtikl then it is fernless. sent9: something is not a kind of a Shivaism and it is not a roan. sent10: the mailbox is fernless. sent11: something does not admit nozzle but it does complain if that it is a drill is true. sent12: the mailbox does complain. sent13: something is fernless if it is not a kind of a shtikl. sent14: the mailbox is expressionist and it does complain.
({AA}{aa} & {AB}{aa})
sent1: ({B}{aa} & {C}{aa}) -> ¬{A}{aa} sent2: (x): (¬{I}x & ¬{H}x) -> {F}{d} sent3: (¬{D}{b} & {C}{b}) -> ¬{C}{a} sent4: (¬{E}{c} & ¬{G}{c}) -> {E}{b} sent5: (x): ¬{A}x -> ({AA}x & {AB}x) sent6: ¬{A}{a} -> ¬({AA}{aa} & {AB}{aa}) sent7: (x): ¬{C}x -> ¬({A}x & ¬{B}x) sent8: ¬{A}{aa} -> {AB}{aa} sent9: (Ex): (¬{I}x & ¬{H}x) sent10: {AB}{aa} sent11: (x): {E}x -> (¬{D}x & {C}x) sent12: {C}{aa} sent13: (x): ¬{A}x -> {AB}x sent14: ({B}{aa} & {C}{aa})
[ "sent5 -> int1: the mailbox is expedient and it is fernless if it is not a shtikl.; sent1 & sent14 -> int2: the mailbox is not a shtikl.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent5 -> int1: ¬{A}{aa} -> ({AA}{aa} & {AB}{aa}); sent1 & sent14 -> int2: ¬{A}{aa}; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
that the mailbox is a kind of an expedient and it is fernless is not right.
¬({AA}{aa} & {AB}{aa})
[ "sent7 -> int3: if the sampler does not complain then the fact that it is a kind of a shtikl and it is not a kind of an expressionist is not right.; sent11 -> int4: if the defendant is a drill it does not admit nozzle and it complains.; sent9 & sent2 -> int5: the coquille does simulate adoxography.; int5 -> int6: there is something such that it simulates adoxography.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the mailbox is expedient and it is fernless. ; $context$ = sent1: the mailbox is not a shtikl if it is an expressionist and does complain. sent2: if that something is not a kind of a Shivaism and it is not a roan is right that the coquille does simulate adoxography is not incorrect. sent3: if the defendant does not admit nozzle and does complain then the sampler does not complain. sent4: the fact that the defendant drills hold if the pilaster is not a kind of a drills and it is not a kind of a lotus. sent5: something is an expedient and it is fernless if it is not a shtikl. sent6: if the sampler is not a kind of a shtikl then that the mailbox is an expedient and it is fernless is false. sent7: the fact that something is a kind of a shtikl but it is not a kind of an expressionist is wrong if the fact that it does not complain is right. sent8: if the mailbox is not a kind of a shtikl then it is fernless. sent9: something is not a kind of a Shivaism and it is not a roan. sent10: the mailbox is fernless. sent11: something does not admit nozzle but it does complain if that it is a drill is true. sent12: the mailbox does complain. sent13: something is fernless if it is not a kind of a shtikl. sent14: the mailbox is expressionist and it does complain. ; $proof$ =
sent5 -> int1: the mailbox is expedient and it is fernless if it is not a shtikl.; sent1 & sent14 -> int2: the mailbox is not a shtikl.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
something is an expedient and it is fernless if it is not a shtikl.
[ "the mailbox is not a shtikl if it is an expressionist and does complain.", "the mailbox is expressionist and it does complain." ]
[ "If it is not a shtikl and MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE", "It is fernless if it is not a shtikl and MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE" ]
It is fernless if it is not a shtikl and MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE MzE
the mailbox is expressionist and it does complain.
the simulating Lauder does not occur.
sent1: if the zeroness does not occur the simulating Lauder occurs and the simulating grocer happens. sent2: the sou'wester does not occur but the languishing occurs. sent3: both the edging and the swabbing sleepover occurs. sent4: the admitting glare happens. sent5: that the payoff does not occur is triggered by that the unprofitableness but not the disownment happens. sent6: if the swabbing nirvana occurs then the edging does not occur and the swabbing Yanan does not occur. sent7: the edge occurs. sent8: the fact that the swabbing sleepover occurs and the zeroness happens is false if the edge does not occur. sent9: that the admitting atorvastatin does not occur is caused by that the zero occurs. sent10: the simulating grocer does not occur and the zero happens.
sent1: ¬{B} -> ({D} & {A}) sent2: (¬{FQ} & {IA}) sent3: ({E} & {C}) sent4: {JC} sent5: ({GF} & ¬{BA}) -> ¬{DR} sent6: {G} -> (¬{E} & ¬{F}) sent7: {E} sent8: ¬{E} -> ¬({C} & {B}) sent9: {B} -> ¬{GD} sent10: (¬{A} & {B})
[ "sent10 -> int1: the simulating grocer does not occur.; sent3 -> int2: the swabbing sleepover happens.; int1 & int2 -> int3: the swabbing sleepover occurs but the simulating grocer does not occur.;" ]
[ "sent10 -> int1: ¬{A}; sent3 -> int2: {C}; int1 & int2 -> int3: ({C} & ¬{A});" ]
not the admitting atorvastatin but the untrustworthiness occurs.
(¬{GD} & {CR})
$hypothesis$ = the simulating Lauder does not occur. ; $context$ = sent1: if the zeroness does not occur the simulating Lauder occurs and the simulating grocer happens. sent2: the sou'wester does not occur but the languishing occurs. sent3: both the edging and the swabbing sleepover occurs. sent4: the admitting glare happens. sent5: that the payoff does not occur is triggered by that the unprofitableness but not the disownment happens. sent6: if the swabbing nirvana occurs then the edging does not occur and the swabbing Yanan does not occur. sent7: the edge occurs. sent8: the fact that the swabbing sleepover occurs and the zeroness happens is false if the edge does not occur. sent9: that the admitting atorvastatin does not occur is caused by that the zero occurs. sent10: the simulating grocer does not occur and the zero happens. ; $proof$ =
the simulating grocer does not occur and the zero happens.
[ "both the edging and the swabbing sleepover occurs." ]
[ "the simulating grocer does not occur and the zero happens." ]
the simulating grocer does not occur and the zero happens.
both the edging and the swabbing sleepover occurs.
the fact that the nudist is not a harridan and not avitaminotic is not incorrect.
sent1: the nudist is fissile. sent2: if the nudist is avitaminotic then it is not a kind of a Argive. sent3: the nudist is not a Argive if that it is not a kind of a harridan and it is not avitaminotic is false. sent4: the plaintiff is not a kind of a spout if it is fissile. sent5: the nudist is not obligate if that it is non-fissile thing that does not Rollerblade does not hold. sent6: that the horsepond claps is not false if it is Argive. sent7: if the nudist is fissile then it is a Argive.
(¬{AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a})
sent1: {A}{a} sent2: {AB}{a} -> ¬{B}{a} sent3: ¬(¬{AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}) -> ¬{B}{a} sent4: {A}{ds} -> ¬{FU}{ds} sent5: ¬(¬{A}{a} & ¬{FP}{a}) -> ¬{CR}{a} sent6: {B}{gd} -> {CL}{gd} sent7: {A}{a} -> {B}{a}
[ "void -> assump1: Let's assume that the fact that the nudist is not a harridan and not avitaminotic does not hold.; sent3 & assump1 -> int1: the nudist is not a kind of a Argive.; sent7 & sent1 -> int2: the nudist is a kind of a Argive.; int1 & int2 -> int3: this is contradiction.; [assump1] & int3 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "void -> assump1: ¬(¬{AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}); sent3 & assump1 -> int1: ¬{B}{a}; sent7 & sent1 -> int2: {B}{a}; int1 & int2 -> int3: #F#; [assump1] & int3 -> hypothesis;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the fact that the nudist is not a harridan and not avitaminotic is not incorrect. ; $context$ = sent1: the nudist is fissile. sent2: if the nudist is avitaminotic then it is not a kind of a Argive. sent3: the nudist is not a Argive if that it is not a kind of a harridan and it is not avitaminotic is false. sent4: the plaintiff is not a kind of a spout if it is fissile. sent5: the nudist is not obligate if that it is non-fissile thing that does not Rollerblade does not hold. sent6: that the horsepond claps is not false if it is Argive. sent7: if the nudist is fissile then it is a Argive. ; $proof$ =
void -> assump1: Let's assume that the fact that the nudist is not a harridan and not avitaminotic does not hold.; sent3 & assump1 -> int1: the nudist is not a kind of a Argive.; sent7 & sent1 -> int2: the nudist is a kind of a Argive.; int1 & int2 -> int3: this is contradiction.; [assump1] & int3 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
the nudist is not a Argive if that it is not a kind of a harridan and it is not avitaminotic is false.
[ "if the nudist is fissile then it is a Argive.", "the nudist is fissile." ]
[ "If it's not a harridan and it's not avitaminotic, it's not a nudist.", "If it's not a harridan and it's not avitaminotic, then it's not a nudist." ]
If it's not a harridan and it's not avitaminotic, it's not a nudist.
if the nudist is fissile then it is a Argive.
the fact that the nudist is not a harridan and not avitaminotic is not incorrect.
sent1: the nudist is fissile. sent2: if the nudist is avitaminotic then it is not a kind of a Argive. sent3: the nudist is not a Argive if that it is not a kind of a harridan and it is not avitaminotic is false. sent4: the plaintiff is not a kind of a spout if it is fissile. sent5: the nudist is not obligate if that it is non-fissile thing that does not Rollerblade does not hold. sent6: that the horsepond claps is not false if it is Argive. sent7: if the nudist is fissile then it is a Argive.
(¬{AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a})
sent1: {A}{a} sent2: {AB}{a} -> ¬{B}{a} sent3: ¬(¬{AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}) -> ¬{B}{a} sent4: {A}{ds} -> ¬{FU}{ds} sent5: ¬(¬{A}{a} & ¬{FP}{a}) -> ¬{CR}{a} sent6: {B}{gd} -> {CL}{gd} sent7: {A}{a} -> {B}{a}
[ "void -> assump1: Let's assume that the fact that the nudist is not a harridan and not avitaminotic does not hold.; sent3 & assump1 -> int1: the nudist is not a kind of a Argive.; sent7 & sent1 -> int2: the nudist is a kind of a Argive.; int1 & int2 -> int3: this is contradiction.; [assump1] & int3 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "void -> assump1: ¬(¬{AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}); sent3 & assump1 -> int1: ¬{B}{a}; sent7 & sent1 -> int2: {B}{a}; int1 & int2 -> int3: #F#; [assump1] & int3 -> hypothesis;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the fact that the nudist is not a harridan and not avitaminotic is not incorrect. ; $context$ = sent1: the nudist is fissile. sent2: if the nudist is avitaminotic then it is not a kind of a Argive. sent3: the nudist is not a Argive if that it is not a kind of a harridan and it is not avitaminotic is false. sent4: the plaintiff is not a kind of a spout if it is fissile. sent5: the nudist is not obligate if that it is non-fissile thing that does not Rollerblade does not hold. sent6: that the horsepond claps is not false if it is Argive. sent7: if the nudist is fissile then it is a Argive. ; $proof$ =
void -> assump1: Let's assume that the fact that the nudist is not a harridan and not avitaminotic does not hold.; sent3 & assump1 -> int1: the nudist is not a kind of a Argive.; sent7 & sent1 -> int2: the nudist is a kind of a Argive.; int1 & int2 -> int3: this is contradiction.; [assump1] & int3 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
the nudist is not a Argive if that it is not a kind of a harridan and it is not avitaminotic is false.
[ "if the nudist is fissile then it is a Argive.", "the nudist is fissile." ]
[ "If it's not a harridan and it's not avitaminotic, it's not a nudist.", "If it's not a harridan and it's not avitaminotic, then it's not a nudist." ]
If it's not a harridan and it's not avitaminotic, then it's not a nudist.
the nudist is fissile.
there exists something such that it is a sextant and/or it equates Tyne.
sent1: the vulcanization equates Tyne if that the fact that the bauxite is not thrifty and it does not admit prepossession is not incorrect does not hold. sent2: the bauxite does not equate Bouteloua but it is ballistics. sent3: if the vulcanization does not admit prepossession then that it is a metro and does not equate Tyne is not correct. sent4: the bauxite is not a metro. sent5: if something does not equate Bouteloua and is ballistics the fact that it is not a sextant is true.
(Ex): ({C}x v {B}x)
sent1: ¬(¬{AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}) -> {B}{b} sent2: (¬{D}{a} & {E}{a}) sent3: ¬{AB}{b} -> ¬({A}{b} & ¬{B}{b}) sent4: ¬{A}{a} sent5: (x): (¬{D}x & {E}x) -> ¬{C}x
that the sofa is not a kind of a Lucas and does not equate Tyne is not right.
¬(¬{BL}{gn} & ¬{B}{gn})
[ "sent5 -> int1: if the bauxite does not equate Bouteloua and is ballistics then it is not a sextant.; int1 & sent2 -> int2: the bauxite is not a kind of a sextant.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = there exists something such that it is a sextant and/or it equates Tyne. ; $context$ = sent1: the vulcanization equates Tyne if that the fact that the bauxite is not thrifty and it does not admit prepossession is not incorrect does not hold. sent2: the bauxite does not equate Bouteloua but it is ballistics. sent3: if the vulcanization does not admit prepossession then that it is a metro and does not equate Tyne is not correct. sent4: the bauxite is not a metro. sent5: if something does not equate Bouteloua and is ballistics the fact that it is not a sextant is true. ; $proof$ =
the bauxite is not a metro.
[ "if the vulcanization does not admit prepossession then that it is a metro and does not equate Tyne is not correct." ]
[ "the bauxite is not a metro." ]
the bauxite is not a metro.
if the vulcanization does not admit prepossession then that it is a metro and does not equate Tyne is not correct.
the collector is perineal.
sent1: the jument is not a kind of a grade. sent2: the fact that something does not grade and it is not a launcher does not hold if the fact that it does not hydrolyze is not incorrect. sent3: the flywheel is a grade if the jument is shallow-draft but it is not a stream. sent4: if the flywheel is a kind of a grade the collector is perineal. sent5: the jument is not a stream if it is a kind of a launcher. sent6: if that that the batter does not grade but it is a launcher is right does not hold it grade. sent7: if the jument is shallow-draft and a stream the flywheel grades. sent8: if the jument is a launcher then it is shallow-draft and it is not a stream. sent9: the jument is a launcher. sent10: if the fact that that the collector is not a grade and it is not a launcher is incorrect is not wrong it is not perineal. sent11: the jument is not a kind of a stream.
sent1: ¬{B}{a} sent2: (x): ¬{D}x -> ¬(¬{B}x & ¬{A}x) sent3: ({AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}) -> {B}{b} sent4: {B}{b} -> {C}{c} sent5: {A}{a} -> ¬{AB}{a} sent6: ¬(¬{B}{dj} & {A}{dj}) -> {B}{dj} sent7: ({AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) -> {B}{b} sent8: {A}{a} -> ({AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}) sent9: {A}{a} sent10: ¬(¬{B}{c} & ¬{A}{c}) -> ¬{C}{c} sent11: ¬{AB}{a}
[ "sent8 & sent9 -> int1: the jument is shallow-draft thing that does not stream.; sent3 & int1 -> int2: the flywheel is a grade.; sent4 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent8 & sent9 -> int1: ({AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}); sent3 & int1 -> int2: {B}{b}; sent4 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
the collector is not perineal.
[ "sent2 -> int3: if the collector does not hydrolyze that it is not a grade and it is not a launcher is not right.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the collector is perineal. ; $context$ = sent1: the jument is not a kind of a grade. sent2: the fact that something does not grade and it is not a launcher does not hold if the fact that it does not hydrolyze is not incorrect. sent3: the flywheel is a grade if the jument is shallow-draft but it is not a stream. sent4: if the flywheel is a kind of a grade the collector is perineal. sent5: the jument is not a stream if it is a kind of a launcher. sent6: if that that the batter does not grade but it is a launcher is right does not hold it grade. sent7: if the jument is shallow-draft and a stream the flywheel grades. sent8: if the jument is a launcher then it is shallow-draft and it is not a stream. sent9: the jument is a launcher. sent10: if the fact that that the collector is not a grade and it is not a launcher is incorrect is not wrong it is not perineal. sent11: the jument is not a kind of a stream. ; $proof$ =
sent8 & sent9 -> int1: the jument is shallow-draft thing that does not stream.; sent3 & int1 -> int2: the flywheel is a grade.; sent4 & int2 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
if the jument is a launcher then it is shallow-draft and it is not a stream.
[ "the jument is a launcher.", "the flywheel is a grade if the jument is shallow-draft but it is not a stream.", "if the flywheel is a kind of a grade the collector is perineal." ]
[ "The jument is shallow-draft and not a stream.", "The jument is not a stream if it is a launcher.", "The jument is shallow-draft and not a stream if it is a launcher." ]
The jument is shallow-draft and not a stream.
the jument is a launcher.
the collector is perineal.
sent1: the jument is not a kind of a grade. sent2: the fact that something does not grade and it is not a launcher does not hold if the fact that it does not hydrolyze is not incorrect. sent3: the flywheel is a grade if the jument is shallow-draft but it is not a stream. sent4: if the flywheel is a kind of a grade the collector is perineal. sent5: the jument is not a stream if it is a kind of a launcher. sent6: if that that the batter does not grade but it is a launcher is right does not hold it grade. sent7: if the jument is shallow-draft and a stream the flywheel grades. sent8: if the jument is a launcher then it is shallow-draft and it is not a stream. sent9: the jument is a launcher. sent10: if the fact that that the collector is not a grade and it is not a launcher is incorrect is not wrong it is not perineal. sent11: the jument is not a kind of a stream.
sent1: ¬{B}{a} sent2: (x): ¬{D}x -> ¬(¬{B}x & ¬{A}x) sent3: ({AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}) -> {B}{b} sent4: {B}{b} -> {C}{c} sent5: {A}{a} -> ¬{AB}{a} sent6: ¬(¬{B}{dj} & {A}{dj}) -> {B}{dj} sent7: ({AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) -> {B}{b} sent8: {A}{a} -> ({AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}) sent9: {A}{a} sent10: ¬(¬{B}{c} & ¬{A}{c}) -> ¬{C}{c} sent11: ¬{AB}{a}
[ "sent8 & sent9 -> int1: the jument is shallow-draft thing that does not stream.; sent3 & int1 -> int2: the flywheel is a grade.; sent4 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent8 & sent9 -> int1: ({AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}); sent3 & int1 -> int2: {B}{b}; sent4 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
the collector is not perineal.
[ "sent2 -> int3: if the collector does not hydrolyze that it is not a grade and it is not a launcher is not right.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the collector is perineal. ; $context$ = sent1: the jument is not a kind of a grade. sent2: the fact that something does not grade and it is not a launcher does not hold if the fact that it does not hydrolyze is not incorrect. sent3: the flywheel is a grade if the jument is shallow-draft but it is not a stream. sent4: if the flywheel is a kind of a grade the collector is perineal. sent5: the jument is not a stream if it is a kind of a launcher. sent6: if that that the batter does not grade but it is a launcher is right does not hold it grade. sent7: if the jument is shallow-draft and a stream the flywheel grades. sent8: if the jument is a launcher then it is shallow-draft and it is not a stream. sent9: the jument is a launcher. sent10: if the fact that that the collector is not a grade and it is not a launcher is incorrect is not wrong it is not perineal. sent11: the jument is not a kind of a stream. ; $proof$ =
sent8 & sent9 -> int1: the jument is shallow-draft thing that does not stream.; sent3 & int1 -> int2: the flywheel is a grade.; sent4 & int2 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
if the jument is a launcher then it is shallow-draft and it is not a stream.
[ "the jument is a launcher.", "the flywheel is a grade if the jument is shallow-draft but it is not a stream.", "if the flywheel is a kind of a grade the collector is perineal." ]
[ "The jument is shallow-draft and not a stream.", "The jument is not a stream if it is a launcher.", "The jument is shallow-draft and not a stream if it is a launcher." ]
The jument is not a stream if it is a launcher.
the flywheel is a grade if the jument is shallow-draft but it is not a stream.
the collector is perineal.
sent1: the jument is not a kind of a grade. sent2: the fact that something does not grade and it is not a launcher does not hold if the fact that it does not hydrolyze is not incorrect. sent3: the flywheel is a grade if the jument is shallow-draft but it is not a stream. sent4: if the flywheel is a kind of a grade the collector is perineal. sent5: the jument is not a stream if it is a kind of a launcher. sent6: if that that the batter does not grade but it is a launcher is right does not hold it grade. sent7: if the jument is shallow-draft and a stream the flywheel grades. sent8: if the jument is a launcher then it is shallow-draft and it is not a stream. sent9: the jument is a launcher. sent10: if the fact that that the collector is not a grade and it is not a launcher is incorrect is not wrong it is not perineal. sent11: the jument is not a kind of a stream.
sent1: ¬{B}{a} sent2: (x): ¬{D}x -> ¬(¬{B}x & ¬{A}x) sent3: ({AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}) -> {B}{b} sent4: {B}{b} -> {C}{c} sent5: {A}{a} -> ¬{AB}{a} sent6: ¬(¬{B}{dj} & {A}{dj}) -> {B}{dj} sent7: ({AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) -> {B}{b} sent8: {A}{a} -> ({AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}) sent9: {A}{a} sent10: ¬(¬{B}{c} & ¬{A}{c}) -> ¬{C}{c} sent11: ¬{AB}{a}
[ "sent8 & sent9 -> int1: the jument is shallow-draft thing that does not stream.; sent3 & int1 -> int2: the flywheel is a grade.; sent4 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent8 & sent9 -> int1: ({AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}); sent3 & int1 -> int2: {B}{b}; sent4 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
the collector is not perineal.
[ "sent2 -> int3: if the collector does not hydrolyze that it is not a grade and it is not a launcher is not right.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the collector is perineal. ; $context$ = sent1: the jument is not a kind of a grade. sent2: the fact that something does not grade and it is not a launcher does not hold if the fact that it does not hydrolyze is not incorrect. sent3: the flywheel is a grade if the jument is shallow-draft but it is not a stream. sent4: if the flywheel is a kind of a grade the collector is perineal. sent5: the jument is not a stream if it is a kind of a launcher. sent6: if that that the batter does not grade but it is a launcher is right does not hold it grade. sent7: if the jument is shallow-draft and a stream the flywheel grades. sent8: if the jument is a launcher then it is shallow-draft and it is not a stream. sent9: the jument is a launcher. sent10: if the fact that that the collector is not a grade and it is not a launcher is incorrect is not wrong it is not perineal. sent11: the jument is not a kind of a stream. ; $proof$ =
sent8 & sent9 -> int1: the jument is shallow-draft thing that does not stream.; sent3 & int1 -> int2: the flywheel is a grade.; sent4 & int2 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
if the jument is a launcher then it is shallow-draft and it is not a stream.
[ "the jument is a launcher.", "the flywheel is a grade if the jument is shallow-draft but it is not a stream.", "if the flywheel is a kind of a grade the collector is perineal." ]
[ "The jument is shallow-draft and not a stream.", "The jument is not a stream if it is a launcher.", "The jument is shallow-draft and not a stream if it is a launcher." ]
The jument is shallow-draft and not a stream if it is a launcher.
if the flywheel is a kind of a grade the collector is perineal.
the bioelectricity does not occur and the microsomalness does not occur.
sent1: the simulating Tyne does not occur if the fact that the re-formation occurs and the sunset occurs is false. sent2: the adactylousness does not occur. sent3: if the admitting mantissa does not occur the fact that both the re-formation and the sunset happens is incorrect. sent4: the sunset happens and the simulating Tyne occurs. sent5: if the equating death does not occur then the loving does not occur and the stiffening does not occur. sent6: the admitting mantissa does not occur if that that the admitting crochet does not occur and the electromagneticness does not occur is not true is true. sent7: if the simulating Tyne occurs the bioelectricity does not occur. sent8: if the adactylousness does not occur the equating death does not occur. sent9: if the adactylousness happens then that the bioelectricity does not occur and the microsomalness does not occur is not right.
(¬{F} & ¬{E})
sent1: ¬({I} & {H}) -> ¬{G} sent2: ¬{A} sent3: ¬{J} -> ¬({I} & {H}) sent4: ({H} & {G}) sent5: ¬{B} -> (¬{C} & ¬{D}) sent6: ¬(¬{K} & ¬{L}) -> ¬{J} sent7: {G} -> ¬{F} sent8: ¬{A} -> ¬{B} sent9: {A} -> ¬(¬{F} & ¬{E})
[ "sent8 & sent2 -> int1: the equating death does not occur.; int1 & sent5 -> int2: the love does not occur and the stiffening does not occur.; sent4 -> int3: the simulating Tyne happens.; sent7 & int3 -> int4: the bioelectricity does not occur.;" ]
[ "sent8 & sent2 -> int1: ¬{B}; int1 & sent5 -> int2: (¬{C} & ¬{D}); sent4 -> int3: {G}; sent7 & int3 -> int4: ¬{F};" ]
that the bioelectricity does not occur and the microsomalness does not occur is not true.
¬(¬{F} & ¬{E})
$hypothesis$ = the bioelectricity does not occur and the microsomalness does not occur. ; $context$ = sent1: the simulating Tyne does not occur if the fact that the re-formation occurs and the sunset occurs is false. sent2: the adactylousness does not occur. sent3: if the admitting mantissa does not occur the fact that both the re-formation and the sunset happens is incorrect. sent4: the sunset happens and the simulating Tyne occurs. sent5: if the equating death does not occur then the loving does not occur and the stiffening does not occur. sent6: the admitting mantissa does not occur if that that the admitting crochet does not occur and the electromagneticness does not occur is not true is true. sent7: if the simulating Tyne occurs the bioelectricity does not occur. sent8: if the adactylousness does not occur the equating death does not occur. sent9: if the adactylousness happens then that the bioelectricity does not occur and the microsomalness does not occur is not right. ; $proof$ =
if the adactylousness does not occur the equating death does not occur.
[ "the adactylousness does not occur.", "if the equating death does not occur then the loving does not occur and the stiffening does not occur.", "the sunset happens and the simulating Tyne occurs.", "if the simulating Tyne occurs the bioelectricity does not occur." ]
[ "If the adactylousness does not occur, savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay", "If the adactylousness does not happen, savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay", "The equating death does not occur if the adactylousness does not occur.", "The equating death doesn't happen if the adactylousness doesn't occur." ]
If the adactylousness does not occur, savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay
the adactylousness does not occur.
the bioelectricity does not occur and the microsomalness does not occur.
sent1: the simulating Tyne does not occur if the fact that the re-formation occurs and the sunset occurs is false. sent2: the adactylousness does not occur. sent3: if the admitting mantissa does not occur the fact that both the re-formation and the sunset happens is incorrect. sent4: the sunset happens and the simulating Tyne occurs. sent5: if the equating death does not occur then the loving does not occur and the stiffening does not occur. sent6: the admitting mantissa does not occur if that that the admitting crochet does not occur and the electromagneticness does not occur is not true is true. sent7: if the simulating Tyne occurs the bioelectricity does not occur. sent8: if the adactylousness does not occur the equating death does not occur. sent9: if the adactylousness happens then that the bioelectricity does not occur and the microsomalness does not occur is not right.
(¬{F} & ¬{E})
sent1: ¬({I} & {H}) -> ¬{G} sent2: ¬{A} sent3: ¬{J} -> ¬({I} & {H}) sent4: ({H} & {G}) sent5: ¬{B} -> (¬{C} & ¬{D}) sent6: ¬(¬{K} & ¬{L}) -> ¬{J} sent7: {G} -> ¬{F} sent8: ¬{A} -> ¬{B} sent9: {A} -> ¬(¬{F} & ¬{E})
[ "sent8 & sent2 -> int1: the equating death does not occur.; int1 & sent5 -> int2: the love does not occur and the stiffening does not occur.; sent4 -> int3: the simulating Tyne happens.; sent7 & int3 -> int4: the bioelectricity does not occur.;" ]
[ "sent8 & sent2 -> int1: ¬{B}; int1 & sent5 -> int2: (¬{C} & ¬{D}); sent4 -> int3: {G}; sent7 & int3 -> int4: ¬{F};" ]
that the bioelectricity does not occur and the microsomalness does not occur is not true.
¬(¬{F} & ¬{E})
$hypothesis$ = the bioelectricity does not occur and the microsomalness does not occur. ; $context$ = sent1: the simulating Tyne does not occur if the fact that the re-formation occurs and the sunset occurs is false. sent2: the adactylousness does not occur. sent3: if the admitting mantissa does not occur the fact that both the re-formation and the sunset happens is incorrect. sent4: the sunset happens and the simulating Tyne occurs. sent5: if the equating death does not occur then the loving does not occur and the stiffening does not occur. sent6: the admitting mantissa does not occur if that that the admitting crochet does not occur and the electromagneticness does not occur is not true is true. sent7: if the simulating Tyne occurs the bioelectricity does not occur. sent8: if the adactylousness does not occur the equating death does not occur. sent9: if the adactylousness happens then that the bioelectricity does not occur and the microsomalness does not occur is not right. ; $proof$ =
if the adactylousness does not occur the equating death does not occur.
[ "the adactylousness does not occur.", "if the equating death does not occur then the loving does not occur and the stiffening does not occur.", "the sunset happens and the simulating Tyne occurs.", "if the simulating Tyne occurs the bioelectricity does not occur." ]
[ "If the adactylousness does not occur, savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay", "If the adactylousness does not happen, savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay", "The equating death does not occur if the adactylousness does not occur.", "The equating death doesn't happen if the adactylousness doesn't occur." ]
If the adactylousness does not happen, savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay
if the equating death does not occur then the loving does not occur and the stiffening does not occur.
the bioelectricity does not occur and the microsomalness does not occur.
sent1: the simulating Tyne does not occur if the fact that the re-formation occurs and the sunset occurs is false. sent2: the adactylousness does not occur. sent3: if the admitting mantissa does not occur the fact that both the re-formation and the sunset happens is incorrect. sent4: the sunset happens and the simulating Tyne occurs. sent5: if the equating death does not occur then the loving does not occur and the stiffening does not occur. sent6: the admitting mantissa does not occur if that that the admitting crochet does not occur and the electromagneticness does not occur is not true is true. sent7: if the simulating Tyne occurs the bioelectricity does not occur. sent8: if the adactylousness does not occur the equating death does not occur. sent9: if the adactylousness happens then that the bioelectricity does not occur and the microsomalness does not occur is not right.
(¬{F} & ¬{E})
sent1: ¬({I} & {H}) -> ¬{G} sent2: ¬{A} sent3: ¬{J} -> ¬({I} & {H}) sent4: ({H} & {G}) sent5: ¬{B} -> (¬{C} & ¬{D}) sent6: ¬(¬{K} & ¬{L}) -> ¬{J} sent7: {G} -> ¬{F} sent8: ¬{A} -> ¬{B} sent9: {A} -> ¬(¬{F} & ¬{E})
[ "sent8 & sent2 -> int1: the equating death does not occur.; int1 & sent5 -> int2: the love does not occur and the stiffening does not occur.; sent4 -> int3: the simulating Tyne happens.; sent7 & int3 -> int4: the bioelectricity does not occur.;" ]
[ "sent8 & sent2 -> int1: ¬{B}; int1 & sent5 -> int2: (¬{C} & ¬{D}); sent4 -> int3: {G}; sent7 & int3 -> int4: ¬{F};" ]
that the bioelectricity does not occur and the microsomalness does not occur is not true.
¬(¬{F} & ¬{E})
$hypothesis$ = the bioelectricity does not occur and the microsomalness does not occur. ; $context$ = sent1: the simulating Tyne does not occur if the fact that the re-formation occurs and the sunset occurs is false. sent2: the adactylousness does not occur. sent3: if the admitting mantissa does not occur the fact that both the re-formation and the sunset happens is incorrect. sent4: the sunset happens and the simulating Tyne occurs. sent5: if the equating death does not occur then the loving does not occur and the stiffening does not occur. sent6: the admitting mantissa does not occur if that that the admitting crochet does not occur and the electromagneticness does not occur is not true is true. sent7: if the simulating Tyne occurs the bioelectricity does not occur. sent8: if the adactylousness does not occur the equating death does not occur. sent9: if the adactylousness happens then that the bioelectricity does not occur and the microsomalness does not occur is not right. ; $proof$ =
if the adactylousness does not occur the equating death does not occur.
[ "the adactylousness does not occur.", "if the equating death does not occur then the loving does not occur and the stiffening does not occur.", "the sunset happens and the simulating Tyne occurs.", "if the simulating Tyne occurs the bioelectricity does not occur." ]
[ "If the adactylousness does not occur, savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay", "If the adactylousness does not happen, savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay", "The equating death does not occur if the adactylousness does not occur.", "The equating death doesn't happen if the adactylousness doesn't occur." ]
The equating death does not occur if the adactylousness does not occur.
the sunset happens and the simulating Tyne occurs.
the bioelectricity does not occur and the microsomalness does not occur.
sent1: the simulating Tyne does not occur if the fact that the re-formation occurs and the sunset occurs is false. sent2: the adactylousness does not occur. sent3: if the admitting mantissa does not occur the fact that both the re-formation and the sunset happens is incorrect. sent4: the sunset happens and the simulating Tyne occurs. sent5: if the equating death does not occur then the loving does not occur and the stiffening does not occur. sent6: the admitting mantissa does not occur if that that the admitting crochet does not occur and the electromagneticness does not occur is not true is true. sent7: if the simulating Tyne occurs the bioelectricity does not occur. sent8: if the adactylousness does not occur the equating death does not occur. sent9: if the adactylousness happens then that the bioelectricity does not occur and the microsomalness does not occur is not right.
(¬{F} & ¬{E})
sent1: ¬({I} & {H}) -> ¬{G} sent2: ¬{A} sent3: ¬{J} -> ¬({I} & {H}) sent4: ({H} & {G}) sent5: ¬{B} -> (¬{C} & ¬{D}) sent6: ¬(¬{K} & ¬{L}) -> ¬{J} sent7: {G} -> ¬{F} sent8: ¬{A} -> ¬{B} sent9: {A} -> ¬(¬{F} & ¬{E})
[ "sent8 & sent2 -> int1: the equating death does not occur.; int1 & sent5 -> int2: the love does not occur and the stiffening does not occur.; sent4 -> int3: the simulating Tyne happens.; sent7 & int3 -> int4: the bioelectricity does not occur.;" ]
[ "sent8 & sent2 -> int1: ¬{B}; int1 & sent5 -> int2: (¬{C} & ¬{D}); sent4 -> int3: {G}; sent7 & int3 -> int4: ¬{F};" ]
that the bioelectricity does not occur and the microsomalness does not occur is not true.
¬(¬{F} & ¬{E})
$hypothesis$ = the bioelectricity does not occur and the microsomalness does not occur. ; $context$ = sent1: the simulating Tyne does not occur if the fact that the re-formation occurs and the sunset occurs is false. sent2: the adactylousness does not occur. sent3: if the admitting mantissa does not occur the fact that both the re-formation and the sunset happens is incorrect. sent4: the sunset happens and the simulating Tyne occurs. sent5: if the equating death does not occur then the loving does not occur and the stiffening does not occur. sent6: the admitting mantissa does not occur if that that the admitting crochet does not occur and the electromagneticness does not occur is not true is true. sent7: if the simulating Tyne occurs the bioelectricity does not occur. sent8: if the adactylousness does not occur the equating death does not occur. sent9: if the adactylousness happens then that the bioelectricity does not occur and the microsomalness does not occur is not right. ; $proof$ =
if the adactylousness does not occur the equating death does not occur.
[ "the adactylousness does not occur.", "if the equating death does not occur then the loving does not occur and the stiffening does not occur.", "the sunset happens and the simulating Tyne occurs.", "if the simulating Tyne occurs the bioelectricity does not occur." ]
[ "If the adactylousness does not occur, savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay", "If the adactylousness does not happen, savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay savesay", "The equating death does not occur if the adactylousness does not occur.", "The equating death doesn't happen if the adactylousness doesn't occur." ]
The equating death doesn't happen if the adactylousness doesn't occur.
if the simulating Tyne occurs the bioelectricity does not occur.
that something is a kind of a putty but it is not a kind of a signal does not hold.
sent1: the herringbone does not admit elecampane. sent2: if the core does not coin then it swabs old and it does not admit elecampane. sent3: something is a matzo and it is an idol. sent4: The elecampane does not admit herringbone. sent5: there is something such that it does admit elecampane and it is not a signal. sent6: that there is something such that it does admit elecampane is not incorrect. sent7: the fact that the Persian is a signal is not false. sent8: if that the herringbone does not admit elecampane is correct then it is a putty and it is not a signal. sent9: the fact that the herringbone is not a belemnite is correct.
¬((Ex): ({AA}x & ¬{AB}x))
sent1: ¬{A}{a} sent2: ¬{EU}{hn} -> ({GL}{hn} & ¬{A}{hn}) sent3: (Ex): ({DO}x & {FS}x) sent4: ¬{AC}{aa} sent5: (Ex): ({A}x & ¬{AB}x) sent6: (Ex): {A}x sent7: {AB}{bm} sent8: ¬{A}{a} -> ({AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}) sent9: ¬{CD}{a}
[ "sent8 & sent1 -> int1: the herringbone is both a putty and not a signal.; int1 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent8 & sent1 -> int1: ({AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}); int1 -> hypothesis;" ]
$hypothesis$ = that something is a kind of a putty but it is not a kind of a signal does not hold. ; $context$ = sent1: the herringbone does not admit elecampane. sent2: if the core does not coin then it swabs old and it does not admit elecampane. sent3: something is a matzo and it is an idol. sent4: The elecampane does not admit herringbone. sent5: there is something such that it does admit elecampane and it is not a signal. sent6: that there is something such that it does admit elecampane is not incorrect. sent7: the fact that the Persian is a signal is not false. sent8: if that the herringbone does not admit elecampane is correct then it is a putty and it is not a signal. sent9: the fact that the herringbone is not a belemnite is correct. ; $proof$ =
sent8 & sent1 -> int1: the herringbone is both a putty and not a signal.; int1 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
if that the herringbone does not admit elecampane is correct then it is a putty and it is not a signal.
[ "the herringbone does not admit elecampane." ]
[ "if that the herringbone does not admit elecampane is correct then it is a putty and it is not a signal." ]
if that the herringbone does not admit elecampane is correct then it is a putty and it is not a signal.
the herringbone does not admit elecampane.
the alexic is a grubstake but not surface-to-air.
sent1: if the cockroach is not animatistic then it is not a kind of an overlooked. sent2: if the retardation admits RNA it is a kind of surface-to-air thing that does not equate retardation. sent3: if the alexic does not grubstake the retardation is a naturopathy but it is not surface-to-air. sent4: the alexic grubstakes if the retardation is not a kind of a granddaughter. sent5: if the retardation is not a granddaughter then the alexic does grubstake and is not surface-to-air. sent6: the keyhole is not surface-to-air. sent7: the alexic does not shout. sent8: that something grubstakes but it is not surface-to-air is incorrect if it is not a kind of a naturopathy. sent9: the retardation is not a kind of a milligram if it is not a naturopathy. sent10: the retardation is not surface-to-air if the alexic is not a naturopathy. sent11: the retardation is not a Taraxacum. sent12: that the retardation does not admit Schopenhauer is not incorrect. sent13: if the fact that something is a kind of a grubstake and/or it is not a granddaughter does not hold then it is a naturopathy. sent14: the fact that the retardation is not a naturopathy is right. sent15: if something is not a milligram it is not a kind of a granddaughter. sent16: the alexic is a grubstake. sent17: the alexic is not a snooker. sent18: something that is a naturopathy is a milligram that is not proteolytic.
({D}{b} & ¬{E}{b})
sent1: ¬{AC}{es} -> ¬{CH}{es} sent2: {G}{a} -> ({E}{a} & ¬{F}{a}) sent3: ¬{D}{b} -> ({A}{a} & ¬{E}{a}) sent4: ¬{C}{a} -> {D}{b} sent5: ¬{C}{a} -> ({D}{b} & ¬{E}{b}) sent6: ¬{E}{et} sent7: ¬{BR}{b} sent8: (x): ¬{A}x -> ¬({D}x & ¬{E}x) sent9: ¬{A}{a} -> ¬{B}{a} sent10: ¬{A}{b} -> ¬{E}{a} sent11: ¬{GE}{a} sent12: ¬{HQ}{a} sent13: (x): ¬({D}x v ¬{C}x) -> {A}x sent14: ¬{A}{a} sent15: (x): ¬{B}x -> ¬{C}x sent16: {D}{b} sent17: ¬{IB}{b} sent18: (x): {A}x -> ({B}x & ¬{HG}x)
[ "sent9 & sent14 -> int1: the retardation is not a kind of a milligram.; sent15 -> int2: the retardation is not a granddaughter if it is not a milligram.; int1 & int2 -> int3: the fact that the retardation is not a kind of a granddaughter is correct.; int3 & sent5 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent9 & sent14 -> int1: ¬{B}{a}; sent15 -> int2: ¬{B}{a} -> ¬{C}{a}; int1 & int2 -> int3: ¬{C}{a}; int3 & sent5 -> hypothesis;" ]
the Kleenex is a milligram but it is not proteolytic.
({B}{aj} & ¬{HG}{aj})
[ "sent18 -> int4: if the Kleenex is a naturopathy it is a milligram and it is not proteolytic.; sent13 -> int5: that if the fact that the Kleenex is a grubstake and/or it is not a kind of the granddaughter is not right then the fact that the Kleenex is a naturopathy is right is right.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the alexic is a grubstake but not surface-to-air. ; $context$ = sent1: if the cockroach is not animatistic then it is not a kind of an overlooked. sent2: if the retardation admits RNA it is a kind of surface-to-air thing that does not equate retardation. sent3: if the alexic does not grubstake the retardation is a naturopathy but it is not surface-to-air. sent4: the alexic grubstakes if the retardation is not a kind of a granddaughter. sent5: if the retardation is not a granddaughter then the alexic does grubstake and is not surface-to-air. sent6: the keyhole is not surface-to-air. sent7: the alexic does not shout. sent8: that something grubstakes but it is not surface-to-air is incorrect if it is not a kind of a naturopathy. sent9: the retardation is not a kind of a milligram if it is not a naturopathy. sent10: the retardation is not surface-to-air if the alexic is not a naturopathy. sent11: the retardation is not a Taraxacum. sent12: that the retardation does not admit Schopenhauer is not incorrect. sent13: if the fact that something is a kind of a grubstake and/or it is not a granddaughter does not hold then it is a naturopathy. sent14: the fact that the retardation is not a naturopathy is right. sent15: if something is not a milligram it is not a kind of a granddaughter. sent16: the alexic is a grubstake. sent17: the alexic is not a snooker. sent18: something that is a naturopathy is a milligram that is not proteolytic. ; $proof$ =
sent9 & sent14 -> int1: the retardation is not a kind of a milligram.; sent15 -> int2: the retardation is not a granddaughter if it is not a milligram.; int1 & int2 -> int3: the fact that the retardation is not a kind of a granddaughter is correct.; int3 & sent5 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
the retardation is not a kind of a milligram if it is not a naturopathy.
[ "the fact that the retardation is not a naturopathy is right.", "if something is not a milligram it is not a kind of a granddaughter.", "if the retardation is not a granddaughter then the alexic does grubstake and is not surface-to-air." ]
[ "The retardation isn't a kind of a gram if it isn't a naturopathy.", "The retardation isn't a kind of gram if it isn't a naturopathy.", "If it is not a naturopathy, the retardation is not a kind of gram." ]
The retardation isn't a kind of a gram if it isn't a naturopathy.
the fact that the retardation is not a naturopathy is right.
the alexic is a grubstake but not surface-to-air.
sent1: if the cockroach is not animatistic then it is not a kind of an overlooked. sent2: if the retardation admits RNA it is a kind of surface-to-air thing that does not equate retardation. sent3: if the alexic does not grubstake the retardation is a naturopathy but it is not surface-to-air. sent4: the alexic grubstakes if the retardation is not a kind of a granddaughter. sent5: if the retardation is not a granddaughter then the alexic does grubstake and is not surface-to-air. sent6: the keyhole is not surface-to-air. sent7: the alexic does not shout. sent8: that something grubstakes but it is not surface-to-air is incorrect if it is not a kind of a naturopathy. sent9: the retardation is not a kind of a milligram if it is not a naturopathy. sent10: the retardation is not surface-to-air if the alexic is not a naturopathy. sent11: the retardation is not a Taraxacum. sent12: that the retardation does not admit Schopenhauer is not incorrect. sent13: if the fact that something is a kind of a grubstake and/or it is not a granddaughter does not hold then it is a naturopathy. sent14: the fact that the retardation is not a naturopathy is right. sent15: if something is not a milligram it is not a kind of a granddaughter. sent16: the alexic is a grubstake. sent17: the alexic is not a snooker. sent18: something that is a naturopathy is a milligram that is not proteolytic.
({D}{b} & ¬{E}{b})
sent1: ¬{AC}{es} -> ¬{CH}{es} sent2: {G}{a} -> ({E}{a} & ¬{F}{a}) sent3: ¬{D}{b} -> ({A}{a} & ¬{E}{a}) sent4: ¬{C}{a} -> {D}{b} sent5: ¬{C}{a} -> ({D}{b} & ¬{E}{b}) sent6: ¬{E}{et} sent7: ¬{BR}{b} sent8: (x): ¬{A}x -> ¬({D}x & ¬{E}x) sent9: ¬{A}{a} -> ¬{B}{a} sent10: ¬{A}{b} -> ¬{E}{a} sent11: ¬{GE}{a} sent12: ¬{HQ}{a} sent13: (x): ¬({D}x v ¬{C}x) -> {A}x sent14: ¬{A}{a} sent15: (x): ¬{B}x -> ¬{C}x sent16: {D}{b} sent17: ¬{IB}{b} sent18: (x): {A}x -> ({B}x & ¬{HG}x)
[ "sent9 & sent14 -> int1: the retardation is not a kind of a milligram.; sent15 -> int2: the retardation is not a granddaughter if it is not a milligram.; int1 & int2 -> int3: the fact that the retardation is not a kind of a granddaughter is correct.; int3 & sent5 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent9 & sent14 -> int1: ¬{B}{a}; sent15 -> int2: ¬{B}{a} -> ¬{C}{a}; int1 & int2 -> int3: ¬{C}{a}; int3 & sent5 -> hypothesis;" ]
the Kleenex is a milligram but it is not proteolytic.
({B}{aj} & ¬{HG}{aj})
[ "sent18 -> int4: if the Kleenex is a naturopathy it is a milligram and it is not proteolytic.; sent13 -> int5: that if the fact that the Kleenex is a grubstake and/or it is not a kind of the granddaughter is not right then the fact that the Kleenex is a naturopathy is right is right.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the alexic is a grubstake but not surface-to-air. ; $context$ = sent1: if the cockroach is not animatistic then it is not a kind of an overlooked. sent2: if the retardation admits RNA it is a kind of surface-to-air thing that does not equate retardation. sent3: if the alexic does not grubstake the retardation is a naturopathy but it is not surface-to-air. sent4: the alexic grubstakes if the retardation is not a kind of a granddaughter. sent5: if the retardation is not a granddaughter then the alexic does grubstake and is not surface-to-air. sent6: the keyhole is not surface-to-air. sent7: the alexic does not shout. sent8: that something grubstakes but it is not surface-to-air is incorrect if it is not a kind of a naturopathy. sent9: the retardation is not a kind of a milligram if it is not a naturopathy. sent10: the retardation is not surface-to-air if the alexic is not a naturopathy. sent11: the retardation is not a Taraxacum. sent12: that the retardation does not admit Schopenhauer is not incorrect. sent13: if the fact that something is a kind of a grubstake and/or it is not a granddaughter does not hold then it is a naturopathy. sent14: the fact that the retardation is not a naturopathy is right. sent15: if something is not a milligram it is not a kind of a granddaughter. sent16: the alexic is a grubstake. sent17: the alexic is not a snooker. sent18: something that is a naturopathy is a milligram that is not proteolytic. ; $proof$ =
sent9 & sent14 -> int1: the retardation is not a kind of a milligram.; sent15 -> int2: the retardation is not a granddaughter if it is not a milligram.; int1 & int2 -> int3: the fact that the retardation is not a kind of a granddaughter is correct.; int3 & sent5 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
the retardation is not a kind of a milligram if it is not a naturopathy.
[ "the fact that the retardation is not a naturopathy is right.", "if something is not a milligram it is not a kind of a granddaughter.", "if the retardation is not a granddaughter then the alexic does grubstake and is not surface-to-air." ]
[ "The retardation isn't a kind of a gram if it isn't a naturopathy.", "The retardation isn't a kind of gram if it isn't a naturopathy.", "If it is not a naturopathy, the retardation is not a kind of gram." ]
The retardation isn't a kind of gram if it isn't a naturopathy.
if something is not a milligram it is not a kind of a granddaughter.
the alexic is a grubstake but not surface-to-air.
sent1: if the cockroach is not animatistic then it is not a kind of an overlooked. sent2: if the retardation admits RNA it is a kind of surface-to-air thing that does not equate retardation. sent3: if the alexic does not grubstake the retardation is a naturopathy but it is not surface-to-air. sent4: the alexic grubstakes if the retardation is not a kind of a granddaughter. sent5: if the retardation is not a granddaughter then the alexic does grubstake and is not surface-to-air. sent6: the keyhole is not surface-to-air. sent7: the alexic does not shout. sent8: that something grubstakes but it is not surface-to-air is incorrect if it is not a kind of a naturopathy. sent9: the retardation is not a kind of a milligram if it is not a naturopathy. sent10: the retardation is not surface-to-air if the alexic is not a naturopathy. sent11: the retardation is not a Taraxacum. sent12: that the retardation does not admit Schopenhauer is not incorrect. sent13: if the fact that something is a kind of a grubstake and/or it is not a granddaughter does not hold then it is a naturopathy. sent14: the fact that the retardation is not a naturopathy is right. sent15: if something is not a milligram it is not a kind of a granddaughter. sent16: the alexic is a grubstake. sent17: the alexic is not a snooker. sent18: something that is a naturopathy is a milligram that is not proteolytic.
({D}{b} & ¬{E}{b})
sent1: ¬{AC}{es} -> ¬{CH}{es} sent2: {G}{a} -> ({E}{a} & ¬{F}{a}) sent3: ¬{D}{b} -> ({A}{a} & ¬{E}{a}) sent4: ¬{C}{a} -> {D}{b} sent5: ¬{C}{a} -> ({D}{b} & ¬{E}{b}) sent6: ¬{E}{et} sent7: ¬{BR}{b} sent8: (x): ¬{A}x -> ¬({D}x & ¬{E}x) sent9: ¬{A}{a} -> ¬{B}{a} sent10: ¬{A}{b} -> ¬{E}{a} sent11: ¬{GE}{a} sent12: ¬{HQ}{a} sent13: (x): ¬({D}x v ¬{C}x) -> {A}x sent14: ¬{A}{a} sent15: (x): ¬{B}x -> ¬{C}x sent16: {D}{b} sent17: ¬{IB}{b} sent18: (x): {A}x -> ({B}x & ¬{HG}x)
[ "sent9 & sent14 -> int1: the retardation is not a kind of a milligram.; sent15 -> int2: the retardation is not a granddaughter if it is not a milligram.; int1 & int2 -> int3: the fact that the retardation is not a kind of a granddaughter is correct.; int3 & sent5 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent9 & sent14 -> int1: ¬{B}{a}; sent15 -> int2: ¬{B}{a} -> ¬{C}{a}; int1 & int2 -> int3: ¬{C}{a}; int3 & sent5 -> hypothesis;" ]
the Kleenex is a milligram but it is not proteolytic.
({B}{aj} & ¬{HG}{aj})
[ "sent18 -> int4: if the Kleenex is a naturopathy it is a milligram and it is not proteolytic.; sent13 -> int5: that if the fact that the Kleenex is a grubstake and/or it is not a kind of the granddaughter is not right then the fact that the Kleenex is a naturopathy is right is right.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the alexic is a grubstake but not surface-to-air. ; $context$ = sent1: if the cockroach is not animatistic then it is not a kind of an overlooked. sent2: if the retardation admits RNA it is a kind of surface-to-air thing that does not equate retardation. sent3: if the alexic does not grubstake the retardation is a naturopathy but it is not surface-to-air. sent4: the alexic grubstakes if the retardation is not a kind of a granddaughter. sent5: if the retardation is not a granddaughter then the alexic does grubstake and is not surface-to-air. sent6: the keyhole is not surface-to-air. sent7: the alexic does not shout. sent8: that something grubstakes but it is not surface-to-air is incorrect if it is not a kind of a naturopathy. sent9: the retardation is not a kind of a milligram if it is not a naturopathy. sent10: the retardation is not surface-to-air if the alexic is not a naturopathy. sent11: the retardation is not a Taraxacum. sent12: that the retardation does not admit Schopenhauer is not incorrect. sent13: if the fact that something is a kind of a grubstake and/or it is not a granddaughter does not hold then it is a naturopathy. sent14: the fact that the retardation is not a naturopathy is right. sent15: if something is not a milligram it is not a kind of a granddaughter. sent16: the alexic is a grubstake. sent17: the alexic is not a snooker. sent18: something that is a naturopathy is a milligram that is not proteolytic. ; $proof$ =
sent9 & sent14 -> int1: the retardation is not a kind of a milligram.; sent15 -> int2: the retardation is not a granddaughter if it is not a milligram.; int1 & int2 -> int3: the fact that the retardation is not a kind of a granddaughter is correct.; int3 & sent5 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
the retardation is not a kind of a milligram if it is not a naturopathy.
[ "the fact that the retardation is not a naturopathy is right.", "if something is not a milligram it is not a kind of a granddaughter.", "if the retardation is not a granddaughter then the alexic does grubstake and is not surface-to-air." ]
[ "The retardation isn't a kind of a gram if it isn't a naturopathy.", "The retardation isn't a kind of gram if it isn't a naturopathy.", "If it is not a naturopathy, the retardation is not a kind of gram." ]
If it is not a naturopathy, the retardation is not a kind of gram.
if the retardation is not a granddaughter then the alexic does grubstake and is not surface-to-air.
the wardress is not a Minden and it is not a kind of a Shintoist.
sent1: the wardress is not a kind of a Shintoist. sent2: if the wardress is a Shintoist then the doxorubicin is impersonal. sent3: if the fact that the niche does not swab Thalictrum is correct then the doxorubicin is not impersonal. sent4: that the wardress is not a kind of a Minden and is a Shintoist is false. sent5: that the fact that the niche does swab Thalictrum and does equate crochet is false is not wrong. sent6: the fact that the doxorubicin is impersonal and a Shintoist does not hold. sent7: the doxorubicin is not impersonal if the fact that the fact that the niche does swab Thalictrum and it does equate crochet does not hold is correct. sent8: something that does not swab Thalictrum is both not a pepperwort and not antipyretic. sent9: that the doxorubicin is both personal and not a Minden is not right. sent10: if that the wardress is not a kind of a Minden and it is not a Shintoist does not hold the doxorubicin is not personal.
(¬{AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a})
sent1: ¬{AB}{a} sent2: {AB}{a} -> {B}{b} sent3: ¬{A}{c} -> ¬{B}{b} sent4: ¬(¬{AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) sent5: ¬({A}{c} & {C}{c}) sent6: ¬({B}{b} & {AB}{b}) sent7: ¬({A}{c} & {C}{c}) -> ¬{B}{b} sent8: (x): ¬{A}x -> (¬{FH}x & ¬{AL}x) sent9: ¬(¬{B}{b} & ¬{AA}{b}) sent10: ¬(¬{AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}) -> {B}{b}
[ "void -> assump1: Let's assume that that the wardress is not a Minden and it is not a Shintoist does not hold.; sent10 & assump1 -> int1: that the doxorubicin is impersonal is not false.; sent7 & sent5 -> int2: the doxorubicin is not impersonal.; int1 & int2 -> int3: this is contradiction.; [assump1] & int3 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "void -> assump1: ¬(¬{AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}); sent10 & assump1 -> int1: {B}{b}; sent7 & sent5 -> int2: ¬{B}{b}; int1 & int2 -> int3: #F#; [assump1] & int3 -> hypothesis;" ]
the niche is not a kind of a pepperwort and it is not a antipyretic.
(¬{FH}{c} & ¬{AL}{c})
[ "sent8 -> int4: if the niche does not swab Thalictrum then the fact that it is both not a pepperwort and not antipyretic is correct.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the wardress is not a Minden and it is not a kind of a Shintoist. ; $context$ = sent1: the wardress is not a kind of a Shintoist. sent2: if the wardress is a Shintoist then the doxorubicin is impersonal. sent3: if the fact that the niche does not swab Thalictrum is correct then the doxorubicin is not impersonal. sent4: that the wardress is not a kind of a Minden and is a Shintoist is false. sent5: that the fact that the niche does swab Thalictrum and does equate crochet is false is not wrong. sent6: the fact that the doxorubicin is impersonal and a Shintoist does not hold. sent7: the doxorubicin is not impersonal if the fact that the fact that the niche does swab Thalictrum and it does equate crochet does not hold is correct. sent8: something that does not swab Thalictrum is both not a pepperwort and not antipyretic. sent9: that the doxorubicin is both personal and not a Minden is not right. sent10: if that the wardress is not a kind of a Minden and it is not a Shintoist does not hold the doxorubicin is not personal. ; $proof$ =
void -> assump1: Let's assume that that the wardress is not a Minden and it is not a Shintoist does not hold.; sent10 & assump1 -> int1: that the doxorubicin is impersonal is not false.; sent7 & sent5 -> int2: the doxorubicin is not impersonal.; int1 & int2 -> int3: this is contradiction.; [assump1] & int3 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
if that the wardress is not a kind of a Minden and it is not a Shintoist does not hold the doxorubicin is not personal.
[ "the doxorubicin is not impersonal if the fact that the fact that the niche does swab Thalictrum and it does equate crochet does not hold is correct.", "that the fact that the niche does swab Thalictrum and does equate crochet is false is not wrong." ]
[ "The wardress is not a kind of a Minden and it is not a Shintoist.", "If the wardress is not a kind of a Minden and it is not a Shintoist, the doxorubicin is not personal." ]
The wardress is not a kind of a Minden and it is not a Shintoist.
the doxorubicin is not impersonal if the fact that the fact that the niche does swab Thalictrum and it does equate crochet does not hold is correct.
the wardress is not a Minden and it is not a kind of a Shintoist.
sent1: the wardress is not a kind of a Shintoist. sent2: if the wardress is a Shintoist then the doxorubicin is impersonal. sent3: if the fact that the niche does not swab Thalictrum is correct then the doxorubicin is not impersonal. sent4: that the wardress is not a kind of a Minden and is a Shintoist is false. sent5: that the fact that the niche does swab Thalictrum and does equate crochet is false is not wrong. sent6: the fact that the doxorubicin is impersonal and a Shintoist does not hold. sent7: the doxorubicin is not impersonal if the fact that the fact that the niche does swab Thalictrum and it does equate crochet does not hold is correct. sent8: something that does not swab Thalictrum is both not a pepperwort and not antipyretic. sent9: that the doxorubicin is both personal and not a Minden is not right. sent10: if that the wardress is not a kind of a Minden and it is not a Shintoist does not hold the doxorubicin is not personal.
(¬{AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a})
sent1: ¬{AB}{a} sent2: {AB}{a} -> {B}{b} sent3: ¬{A}{c} -> ¬{B}{b} sent4: ¬(¬{AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) sent5: ¬({A}{c} & {C}{c}) sent6: ¬({B}{b} & {AB}{b}) sent7: ¬({A}{c} & {C}{c}) -> ¬{B}{b} sent8: (x): ¬{A}x -> (¬{FH}x & ¬{AL}x) sent9: ¬(¬{B}{b} & ¬{AA}{b}) sent10: ¬(¬{AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}) -> {B}{b}
[ "void -> assump1: Let's assume that that the wardress is not a Minden and it is not a Shintoist does not hold.; sent10 & assump1 -> int1: that the doxorubicin is impersonal is not false.; sent7 & sent5 -> int2: the doxorubicin is not impersonal.; int1 & int2 -> int3: this is contradiction.; [assump1] & int3 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "void -> assump1: ¬(¬{AA}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}); sent10 & assump1 -> int1: {B}{b}; sent7 & sent5 -> int2: ¬{B}{b}; int1 & int2 -> int3: #F#; [assump1] & int3 -> hypothesis;" ]
the niche is not a kind of a pepperwort and it is not a antipyretic.
(¬{FH}{c} & ¬{AL}{c})
[ "sent8 -> int4: if the niche does not swab Thalictrum then the fact that it is both not a pepperwort and not antipyretic is correct.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the wardress is not a Minden and it is not a kind of a Shintoist. ; $context$ = sent1: the wardress is not a kind of a Shintoist. sent2: if the wardress is a Shintoist then the doxorubicin is impersonal. sent3: if the fact that the niche does not swab Thalictrum is correct then the doxorubicin is not impersonal. sent4: that the wardress is not a kind of a Minden and is a Shintoist is false. sent5: that the fact that the niche does swab Thalictrum and does equate crochet is false is not wrong. sent6: the fact that the doxorubicin is impersonal and a Shintoist does not hold. sent7: the doxorubicin is not impersonal if the fact that the fact that the niche does swab Thalictrum and it does equate crochet does not hold is correct. sent8: something that does not swab Thalictrum is both not a pepperwort and not antipyretic. sent9: that the doxorubicin is both personal and not a Minden is not right. sent10: if that the wardress is not a kind of a Minden and it is not a Shintoist does not hold the doxorubicin is not personal. ; $proof$ =
void -> assump1: Let's assume that that the wardress is not a Minden and it is not a Shintoist does not hold.; sent10 & assump1 -> int1: that the doxorubicin is impersonal is not false.; sent7 & sent5 -> int2: the doxorubicin is not impersonal.; int1 & int2 -> int3: this is contradiction.; [assump1] & int3 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
if that the wardress is not a kind of a Minden and it is not a Shintoist does not hold the doxorubicin is not personal.
[ "the doxorubicin is not impersonal if the fact that the fact that the niche does swab Thalictrum and it does equate crochet does not hold is correct.", "that the fact that the niche does swab Thalictrum and does equate crochet is false is not wrong." ]
[ "The wardress is not a kind of a Minden and it is not a Shintoist.", "If the wardress is not a kind of a Minden and it is not a Shintoist, the doxorubicin is not personal." ]
If the wardress is not a kind of a Minden and it is not a Shintoist, the doxorubicin is not personal.
that the fact that the niche does swab Thalictrum and does equate crochet is false is not wrong.
the formulariness happens.
sent1: the non-formularyness is prevented by the meteoricness. sent2: the fork prevents that the meteoricness does not occur.
sent1: {C} -> {D} sent2: {A} -> {C}
$hypothesis$ = the formulariness happens. ; $context$ = sent1: the non-formularyness is prevented by the meteoricness. sent2: the fork prevents that the meteoricness does not occur. ; $proof$ =
the fork prevents that the meteoricness does not occur.
[ "the non-formularyness is prevented by the meteoricness." ]
[ "the fork prevents that the meteoricness does not occur." ]
the fork prevents that the meteoricness does not occur.
the non-formularyness is prevented by the meteoricness.
the admitting absolution does not occur.
sent1: the fact that the pity but not the equating crabbiness occurs does not hold if the asynchronousness does not occur. sent2: that not the diverging but the cross-culturalness happens yields that the detachment does not occur. sent3: the fact that the asynchronousness does not occur and the admitting absolution does not occur does not hold if the equating crabbiness does not occur. sent4: if the fact that the scrape happens is not wrong then the clickety-clack happens. sent5: that the equating crabbiness occurs hold if the fact that the asynchronousness happens is right. sent6: the admitting absolution happens and the scraping occurs if the detachment does not occur. sent7: the extravagance occurs. sent8: if that the pity but not the equating crabbiness occurs does not hold the pity does not occur. sent9: the hypnotism occurs. sent10: if the equating crabbiness and the clickety-clack occurs then the admitting absolution does not occur. sent11: the asynchronousness occurs. sent12: the bloviating occurs if the histocompatibility occurs. sent13: the scrape does not occur and the detachment does not occur if the cross-culturalness does not occur. sent14: that the non-cross-culturalness and the diverging occurs is triggered by that the anemography occurs.
sent1: ¬{A} -> ¬({DL} & ¬{B}) sent2: (¬{H} & {G}) -> ¬{F} sent3: ¬{B} -> ¬(¬{A} & ¬{D}) sent4: {E} -> {C} sent5: {A} -> {B} sent6: ¬{F} -> ({D} & {E}) sent7: {IT} sent8: ¬({DL} & ¬{B}) -> ¬{DL} sent9: {FO} sent10: ({B} & {C}) -> ¬{D} sent11: {A} sent12: {BA} -> {EO} sent13: ¬{G} -> (¬{E} & ¬{F}) sent14: {I} -> (¬{G} & {H})
[ "sent5 & sent11 -> int1: the equating crabbiness occurs.;" ]
[ "sent5 & sent11 -> int1: {B};" ]
the pity does not occur.
$hypothesis$ = the admitting absolution does not occur. ; $context$ = sent1: the fact that the pity but not the equating crabbiness occurs does not hold if the asynchronousness does not occur. sent2: that not the diverging but the cross-culturalness happens yields that the detachment does not occur. sent3: the fact that the asynchronousness does not occur and the admitting absolution does not occur does not hold if the equating crabbiness does not occur. sent4: if the fact that the scrape happens is not wrong then the clickety-clack happens. sent5: that the equating crabbiness occurs hold if the fact that the asynchronousness happens is right. sent6: the admitting absolution happens and the scraping occurs if the detachment does not occur. sent7: the extravagance occurs. sent8: if that the pity but not the equating crabbiness occurs does not hold the pity does not occur. sent9: the hypnotism occurs. sent10: if the equating crabbiness and the clickety-clack occurs then the admitting absolution does not occur. sent11: the asynchronousness occurs. sent12: the bloviating occurs if the histocompatibility occurs. sent13: the scrape does not occur and the detachment does not occur if the cross-culturalness does not occur. sent14: that the non-cross-culturalness and the diverging occurs is triggered by that the anemography occurs. ; $proof$ =
that the equating crabbiness occurs hold if the fact that the asynchronousness happens is right.
[ "the asynchronousness occurs." ]
[ "that the equating crabbiness occurs hold if the fact that the asynchronousness happens is right." ]
that the equating crabbiness occurs hold if the fact that the asynchronousness happens is right.
the asynchronousness occurs.
the pitprop is not periodic.
sent1: the Alsatian is not periodic if the stent is not seductive and not periodic. sent2: the Alsatian unifies. sent3: the beta-adrenoceptor is a kind of a Carchariidae. sent4: if the beta-adrenoceptor does not simulate tael and is a Lauder then the pitprop is periodic. sent5: the stent is not a Friedman. sent6: if that the beta-adrenoceptor does not unify and is periodic is wrong the pitprop is not periodic. sent7: the beta-adrenoceptor does not simulate tael and is a Lauder if it is a Carchariidae.
sent1: ({D}{d} & {B}{d}) -> ¬{B}{c} sent2: {C}{c} sent3: {A}{a} sent4: (¬{AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) -> {B}{b} sent5: ¬{E}{d} sent6: ¬(¬{C}{a} & {B}{a}) -> ¬{B}{b} sent7: {A}{a} -> (¬{AA}{a} & {AB}{a})
[ "sent7 & sent3 -> int1: the fact that the beta-adrenoceptor does not simulate tael and is a kind of a Lauder hold.; sent4 & int1 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent7 & sent3 -> int1: (¬{AA}{a} & {AB}{a}); sent4 & int1 -> hypothesis;" ]
the pitprop is not periodic.
$hypothesis$ = the pitprop is not periodic. ; $context$ = sent1: the Alsatian is not periodic if the stent is not seductive and not periodic. sent2: the Alsatian unifies. sent3: the beta-adrenoceptor is a kind of a Carchariidae. sent4: if the beta-adrenoceptor does not simulate tael and is a Lauder then the pitprop is periodic. sent5: the stent is not a Friedman. sent6: if that the beta-adrenoceptor does not unify and is periodic is wrong the pitprop is not periodic. sent7: the beta-adrenoceptor does not simulate tael and is a Lauder if it is a Carchariidae. ; $proof$ =
sent7 & sent3 -> int1: the fact that the beta-adrenoceptor does not simulate tael and is a kind of a Lauder hold.; sent4 & int1 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
the beta-adrenoceptor does not simulate tael and is a Lauder if it is a Carchariidae.
[ "the beta-adrenoceptor is a kind of a Carchariidae.", "if the beta-adrenoceptor does not simulate tael and is a Lauder then the pitprop is periodic." ]
[ "If it is a Carchariidae, the beta-adrenoceptor does not mimic tael.", "If it is a Carchariidae, the beta-adrenoceptor does not mimic tael and is a Lauder." ]
If it is a Carchariidae, the beta-adrenoceptor does not mimic tael.
the beta-adrenoceptor is a kind of a Carchariidae.
the pitprop is not periodic.
sent1: the Alsatian is not periodic if the stent is not seductive and not periodic. sent2: the Alsatian unifies. sent3: the beta-adrenoceptor is a kind of a Carchariidae. sent4: if the beta-adrenoceptor does not simulate tael and is a Lauder then the pitprop is periodic. sent5: the stent is not a Friedman. sent6: if that the beta-adrenoceptor does not unify and is periodic is wrong the pitprop is not periodic. sent7: the beta-adrenoceptor does not simulate tael and is a Lauder if it is a Carchariidae.
sent1: ({D}{d} & {B}{d}) -> ¬{B}{c} sent2: {C}{c} sent3: {A}{a} sent4: (¬{AA}{a} & {AB}{a}) -> {B}{b} sent5: ¬{E}{d} sent6: ¬(¬{C}{a} & {B}{a}) -> ¬{B}{b} sent7: {A}{a} -> (¬{AA}{a} & {AB}{a})
[ "sent7 & sent3 -> int1: the fact that the beta-adrenoceptor does not simulate tael and is a kind of a Lauder hold.; sent4 & int1 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent7 & sent3 -> int1: (¬{AA}{a} & {AB}{a}); sent4 & int1 -> hypothesis;" ]
the pitprop is not periodic.
$hypothesis$ = the pitprop is not periodic. ; $context$ = sent1: the Alsatian is not periodic if the stent is not seductive and not periodic. sent2: the Alsatian unifies. sent3: the beta-adrenoceptor is a kind of a Carchariidae. sent4: if the beta-adrenoceptor does not simulate tael and is a Lauder then the pitprop is periodic. sent5: the stent is not a Friedman. sent6: if that the beta-adrenoceptor does not unify and is periodic is wrong the pitprop is not periodic. sent7: the beta-adrenoceptor does not simulate tael and is a Lauder if it is a Carchariidae. ; $proof$ =
sent7 & sent3 -> int1: the fact that the beta-adrenoceptor does not simulate tael and is a kind of a Lauder hold.; sent4 & int1 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
the beta-adrenoceptor does not simulate tael and is a Lauder if it is a Carchariidae.
[ "the beta-adrenoceptor is a kind of a Carchariidae.", "if the beta-adrenoceptor does not simulate tael and is a Lauder then the pitprop is periodic." ]
[ "If it is a Carchariidae, the beta-adrenoceptor does not mimic tael.", "If it is a Carchariidae, the beta-adrenoceptor does not mimic tael and is a Lauder." ]
If it is a Carchariidae, the beta-adrenoceptor does not mimic tael and is a Lauder.
if the beta-adrenoceptor does not simulate tael and is a Lauder then the pitprop is periodic.
that the drive-in does admit rape hold.
sent1: if the spline does admit rape then the drive-in is not a kind of a time. sent2: the drive-in does not admit rape if the spline simulates Cordylus. sent3: if the spline is a time or it does simulate Cordylus or both then the drive-in does not admit rape. sent4: the drive-in does not simulate Cordylus if the spline does admit rape. sent5: the spline is a time. sent6: if something admits rape but it is not a time then it does simulate Cordylus.
sent1: {C}{a} -> ¬{A}{b} sent2: {B}{a} -> ¬{C}{b} sent3: ({A}{a} v {B}{a}) -> ¬{C}{b} sent4: {C}{a} -> ¬{B}{b} sent5: {A}{a} sent6: (x): ({C}x & ¬{A}x) -> {B}x
[ "sent5 -> int1: the spline times and/or it simulates Cordylus.; sent3 & int1 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent5 -> int1: ({A}{a} v {B}{a}); sent3 & int1 -> hypothesis;" ]
the canoe does simulate Cordylus.
[ "sent6 -> int2: the canoe simulates Cordylus if it does admit rape and does not time.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = that the drive-in does admit rape hold. ; $context$ = sent1: if the spline does admit rape then the drive-in is not a kind of a time. sent2: the drive-in does not admit rape if the spline simulates Cordylus. sent3: if the spline is a time or it does simulate Cordylus or both then the drive-in does not admit rape. sent4: the drive-in does not simulate Cordylus if the spline does admit rape. sent5: the spline is a time. sent6: if something admits rape but it is not a time then it does simulate Cordylus. ; $proof$ =
sent5 -> int1: the spline times and/or it simulates Cordylus.; sent3 & int1 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
the spline is a time.
[ "if the spline is a time or it does simulate Cordylus or both then the drive-in does not admit rape." ]
[ "the spline is a time." ]
the spline is a time.
if the spline is a time or it does simulate Cordylus or both then the drive-in does not admit rape.
the equating gloominess does not occur and the refusal occurs.
sent1: if that the situation does not occur is true then that both the multiformness and the unlightedness happens is not true. sent2: the striping does not occur if the fact that the striping does not occur or the oral does not occur or both is not wrong. sent3: the refusal happens if that the admitting adit does not occur but the commute occurs hold. sent4: if the fact that the multiformness but not the lighted happens does not hold the multiformness does not occur. sent5: that the reflectiveness but not the sinking occurs causes that the equating gloominess does not occur. sent6: that the striping does not occur causes that the admitting adit does not occur and the commute does not occur. sent7: the reflectiveness occurs but the sinking does not occur. sent8: the fact that not the equating gloominess but the refusal happens is not right if that the commuting does not occur is not incorrect. sent9: if that the multiformness does not occur is not false the striping does not occur or the oralness does not occur or both.
(¬{B} & {A})
sent1: ¬{I} -> ¬({F} & ¬{H}) sent2: (¬{E} v ¬{G}) -> ¬{E} sent3: (¬{D} & {C}) -> {A} sent4: ¬({F} & ¬{H}) -> ¬{F} sent5: ({AA} & ¬{AB}) -> ¬{B} sent6: ¬{E} -> (¬{D} & ¬{C}) sent7: ({AA} & ¬{AB}) sent8: ¬{C} -> ¬(¬{B} & {A}) sent9: ¬{F} -> (¬{E} v ¬{G})
[ "sent5 & sent7 -> int1: the equating gloominess does not occur.;" ]
[ "sent5 & sent7 -> int1: ¬{B};" ]
the fact that not the equating gloominess but the refusal occurs is not correct.
¬(¬{B} & {A})
$hypothesis$ = the equating gloominess does not occur and the refusal occurs. ; $context$ = sent1: if that the situation does not occur is true then that both the multiformness and the unlightedness happens is not true. sent2: the striping does not occur if the fact that the striping does not occur or the oral does not occur or both is not wrong. sent3: the refusal happens if that the admitting adit does not occur but the commute occurs hold. sent4: if the fact that the multiformness but not the lighted happens does not hold the multiformness does not occur. sent5: that the reflectiveness but not the sinking occurs causes that the equating gloominess does not occur. sent6: that the striping does not occur causes that the admitting adit does not occur and the commute does not occur. sent7: the reflectiveness occurs but the sinking does not occur. sent8: the fact that not the equating gloominess but the refusal happens is not right if that the commuting does not occur is not incorrect. sent9: if that the multiformness does not occur is not false the striping does not occur or the oralness does not occur or both. ; $proof$ =
that the reflectiveness but not the sinking occurs causes that the equating gloominess does not occur.
[ "the reflectiveness occurs but the sinking does not occur." ]
[ "that the reflectiveness but not the sinking occurs causes that the equating gloominess does not occur." ]
that the reflectiveness but not the sinking occurs causes that the equating gloominess does not occur.
the reflectiveness occurs but the sinking does not occur.
that either the signaler swabs textured or it does not admit Sakharov or both is false.
sent1: the decoupage is not a Pasiphae. sent2: if the decoupage is journalistic that the baddeleyite is a huddle and/or not journalistic is not right. sent3: if that the decoupage is a Pasiphae and/or a huddle is false then it is not journalistic. sent4: the signaler does not swab textured if the baddeleyite does admit Sakharov. sent5: the fact that either the pichi is a litany or it is a kind of a Pasiphae or both does not hold. sent6: the signaler does not swab textured. sent7: the fact that either the decoupage is a Pasiphae or it is a huddle or both is wrong. sent8: the fact that the baddeleyite is a kind of journalistic thing that is an alternator is incorrect. sent9: the baddeleyite does admit Sakharov if that it is a kind of an alternator is not incorrect. sent10: if the decoupage is not journalistic that the baddeleyite is journalistic and is an alternator is not true. sent11: something admits Sakharov if it is an alternator. sent12: the decoupage is a Jeffersonian. sent13: something is not an alternator if that it is not symbolic and it is an alternator is not correct. sent14: something admits Sakharov if the fact that it is journalistic and not an alternator is not correct. sent15: the fact that the decoupage is not symbolic but it is an alternator is not correct if it is Jeffersonian. sent16: if the baddeleyite admits Sakharov that the signaler does swab textured or it does not admits Sakharov or both does not hold. sent17: that the fact that either the signaler is a phlebotomist or it does admit masking or both is not false is not correct. sent18: if that the decoupage is not non-journalistic and not a huddle is wrong it does admit Sakharov. sent19: if that the decoupage is a kind of a licentiate or it is zodiacal or both is not right then it is not a ritonavir.
¬({D}{c} v ¬{A}{c})
sent1: ¬{AA}{a} sent2: {B}{a} -> ¬({AB}{b} v ¬{B}{b}) sent3: ¬({AA}{a} v {AB}{a}) -> ¬{B}{a} sent4: {A}{b} -> ¬{D}{c} sent5: ¬({IS}{hs} v {AA}{hs}) sent6: ¬{D}{c} sent7: ¬({AA}{a} v {AB}{a}) sent8: ¬({B}{b} & {C}{b}) sent9: {C}{b} -> {A}{b} sent10: ¬{B}{a} -> ¬({B}{b} & {C}{b}) sent11: (x): {C}x -> {A}x sent12: {E}{a} sent13: (x): ¬(¬{F}x & {C}x) -> ¬{C}x sent14: (x): ¬({B}x & ¬{C}x) -> {A}x sent15: {E}{a} -> ¬(¬{F}{a} & {C}{a}) sent16: {A}{b} -> ¬({D}{c} v ¬{A}{c}) sent17: ¬({JI}{c} v {GT}{c}) sent18: ¬({B}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}) -> {A}{a} sent19: ¬({FG}{a} v {O}{a}) -> ¬{IT}{a}
[ "sent3 & sent7 -> int1: the decoupage is not journalistic.; sent14 -> int2: the baddeleyite does admit Sakharov if the fact that the fact that it is both journalistic and not an alternator is not incorrect does not hold.;" ]
[ "sent3 & sent7 -> int1: ¬{B}{a}; sent14 -> int2: ¬({B}{b} & ¬{C}{b}) -> {A}{b};" ]
either the signaler does swab textured or it does not admit Sakharov or both.
({D}{c} v ¬{A}{c})
[ "sent13 -> int3: if that the decoupage is not symbolic and is a kind of an alternator is false it is not an alternator.; sent15 & sent12 -> int4: the fact that the decoupage is both not symbolic and an alternator is incorrect.; int3 & int4 -> int5: the decoupage is not a kind of an alternator.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = that either the signaler swabs textured or it does not admit Sakharov or both is false. ; $context$ = sent1: the decoupage is not a Pasiphae. sent2: if the decoupage is journalistic that the baddeleyite is a huddle and/or not journalistic is not right. sent3: if that the decoupage is a Pasiphae and/or a huddle is false then it is not journalistic. sent4: the signaler does not swab textured if the baddeleyite does admit Sakharov. sent5: the fact that either the pichi is a litany or it is a kind of a Pasiphae or both does not hold. sent6: the signaler does not swab textured. sent7: the fact that either the decoupage is a Pasiphae or it is a huddle or both is wrong. sent8: the fact that the baddeleyite is a kind of journalistic thing that is an alternator is incorrect. sent9: the baddeleyite does admit Sakharov if that it is a kind of an alternator is not incorrect. sent10: if the decoupage is not journalistic that the baddeleyite is journalistic and is an alternator is not true. sent11: something admits Sakharov if it is an alternator. sent12: the decoupage is a Jeffersonian. sent13: something is not an alternator if that it is not symbolic and it is an alternator is not correct. sent14: something admits Sakharov if the fact that it is journalistic and not an alternator is not correct. sent15: the fact that the decoupage is not symbolic but it is an alternator is not correct if it is Jeffersonian. sent16: if the baddeleyite admits Sakharov that the signaler does swab textured or it does not admits Sakharov or both does not hold. sent17: that the fact that either the signaler is a phlebotomist or it does admit masking or both is not false is not correct. sent18: if that the decoupage is not non-journalistic and not a huddle is wrong it does admit Sakharov. sent19: if that the decoupage is a kind of a licentiate or it is zodiacal or both is not right then it is not a ritonavir. ; $proof$ =
if that the decoupage is a Pasiphae and/or a huddle is false then it is not journalistic.
[ "the fact that either the decoupage is a Pasiphae or it is a huddle or both is wrong.", "something admits Sakharov if the fact that it is journalistic and not an alternator is not correct." ]
[ "If it's a huddle and not a pasiphae, then it's not journalistic.", "If it is a huddle and not a pasiphae, then it is not journalistic." ]
If it's a huddle and not a pasiphae, then it's not journalistic.
the fact that either the decoupage is a Pasiphae or it is a huddle or both is wrong.
that either the signaler swabs textured or it does not admit Sakharov or both is false.
sent1: the decoupage is not a Pasiphae. sent2: if the decoupage is journalistic that the baddeleyite is a huddle and/or not journalistic is not right. sent3: if that the decoupage is a Pasiphae and/or a huddle is false then it is not journalistic. sent4: the signaler does not swab textured if the baddeleyite does admit Sakharov. sent5: the fact that either the pichi is a litany or it is a kind of a Pasiphae or both does not hold. sent6: the signaler does not swab textured. sent7: the fact that either the decoupage is a Pasiphae or it is a huddle or both is wrong. sent8: the fact that the baddeleyite is a kind of journalistic thing that is an alternator is incorrect. sent9: the baddeleyite does admit Sakharov if that it is a kind of an alternator is not incorrect. sent10: if the decoupage is not journalistic that the baddeleyite is journalistic and is an alternator is not true. sent11: something admits Sakharov if it is an alternator. sent12: the decoupage is a Jeffersonian. sent13: something is not an alternator if that it is not symbolic and it is an alternator is not correct. sent14: something admits Sakharov if the fact that it is journalistic and not an alternator is not correct. sent15: the fact that the decoupage is not symbolic but it is an alternator is not correct if it is Jeffersonian. sent16: if the baddeleyite admits Sakharov that the signaler does swab textured or it does not admits Sakharov or both does not hold. sent17: that the fact that either the signaler is a phlebotomist or it does admit masking or both is not false is not correct. sent18: if that the decoupage is not non-journalistic and not a huddle is wrong it does admit Sakharov. sent19: if that the decoupage is a kind of a licentiate or it is zodiacal or both is not right then it is not a ritonavir.
¬({D}{c} v ¬{A}{c})
sent1: ¬{AA}{a} sent2: {B}{a} -> ¬({AB}{b} v ¬{B}{b}) sent3: ¬({AA}{a} v {AB}{a}) -> ¬{B}{a} sent4: {A}{b} -> ¬{D}{c} sent5: ¬({IS}{hs} v {AA}{hs}) sent6: ¬{D}{c} sent7: ¬({AA}{a} v {AB}{a}) sent8: ¬({B}{b} & {C}{b}) sent9: {C}{b} -> {A}{b} sent10: ¬{B}{a} -> ¬({B}{b} & {C}{b}) sent11: (x): {C}x -> {A}x sent12: {E}{a} sent13: (x): ¬(¬{F}x & {C}x) -> ¬{C}x sent14: (x): ¬({B}x & ¬{C}x) -> {A}x sent15: {E}{a} -> ¬(¬{F}{a} & {C}{a}) sent16: {A}{b} -> ¬({D}{c} v ¬{A}{c}) sent17: ¬({JI}{c} v {GT}{c}) sent18: ¬({B}{a} & ¬{AB}{a}) -> {A}{a} sent19: ¬({FG}{a} v {O}{a}) -> ¬{IT}{a}
[ "sent3 & sent7 -> int1: the decoupage is not journalistic.; sent14 -> int2: the baddeleyite does admit Sakharov if the fact that the fact that it is both journalistic and not an alternator is not incorrect does not hold.;" ]
[ "sent3 & sent7 -> int1: ¬{B}{a}; sent14 -> int2: ¬({B}{b} & ¬{C}{b}) -> {A}{b};" ]
either the signaler does swab textured or it does not admit Sakharov or both.
({D}{c} v ¬{A}{c})
[ "sent13 -> int3: if that the decoupage is not symbolic and is a kind of an alternator is false it is not an alternator.; sent15 & sent12 -> int4: the fact that the decoupage is both not symbolic and an alternator is incorrect.; int3 & int4 -> int5: the decoupage is not a kind of an alternator.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = that either the signaler swabs textured or it does not admit Sakharov or both is false. ; $context$ = sent1: the decoupage is not a Pasiphae. sent2: if the decoupage is journalistic that the baddeleyite is a huddle and/or not journalistic is not right. sent3: if that the decoupage is a Pasiphae and/or a huddle is false then it is not journalistic. sent4: the signaler does not swab textured if the baddeleyite does admit Sakharov. sent5: the fact that either the pichi is a litany or it is a kind of a Pasiphae or both does not hold. sent6: the signaler does not swab textured. sent7: the fact that either the decoupage is a Pasiphae or it is a huddle or both is wrong. sent8: the fact that the baddeleyite is a kind of journalistic thing that is an alternator is incorrect. sent9: the baddeleyite does admit Sakharov if that it is a kind of an alternator is not incorrect. sent10: if the decoupage is not journalistic that the baddeleyite is journalistic and is an alternator is not true. sent11: something admits Sakharov if it is an alternator. sent12: the decoupage is a Jeffersonian. sent13: something is not an alternator if that it is not symbolic and it is an alternator is not correct. sent14: something admits Sakharov if the fact that it is journalistic and not an alternator is not correct. sent15: the fact that the decoupage is not symbolic but it is an alternator is not correct if it is Jeffersonian. sent16: if the baddeleyite admits Sakharov that the signaler does swab textured or it does not admits Sakharov or both does not hold. sent17: that the fact that either the signaler is a phlebotomist or it does admit masking or both is not false is not correct. sent18: if that the decoupage is not non-journalistic and not a huddle is wrong it does admit Sakharov. sent19: if that the decoupage is a kind of a licentiate or it is zodiacal or both is not right then it is not a ritonavir. ; $proof$ =
if that the decoupage is a Pasiphae and/or a huddle is false then it is not journalistic.
[ "the fact that either the decoupage is a Pasiphae or it is a huddle or both is wrong.", "something admits Sakharov if the fact that it is journalistic and not an alternator is not correct." ]
[ "If it's a huddle and not a pasiphae, then it's not journalistic.", "If it is a huddle and not a pasiphae, then it is not journalistic." ]
If it is a huddle and not a pasiphae, then it is not journalistic.
something admits Sakharov if the fact that it is journalistic and not an alternator is not correct.
the anti-inflammatory does not divert but it does admit valgus.
sent1: if something is not a discovery then the anti-inflammatory does not divert but it admits valgus. sent2: something admits valgus and it is a kind of a discovery. sent3: if the anti-inflammatory does not swab croft it is a Namur and bloody. sent4: if something is not a discovery the fact that it is crustaceous and it does not swab galena is not wrong. sent5: that something does not divert but it admits valgus is wrong if it does not swab galena. sent6: if there is something such that the fact that it is a crack and it is a doped is not true then the anti-inflammatory is not a crack. sent7: something is not a kind of a discovery if it does not crack and it is a Namur. sent8: if the fact that something swabs galena and is crustaceous hold then the banteng is not a kind of a discovery. sent9: something swabs galena and it is crustaceous. sent10: there exists something such that the fact that it does crack and it is a doped is not true.
(¬{E}{b} & {D}{b})
sent1: (x): ¬{C}x -> (¬{E}{b} & {D}{b}) sent2: (Ex): ({D}x & {C}x) sent3: ¬{I}{b} -> ({G}{b} & {H}{b}) sent4: (x): ¬{C}x -> ({B}x & ¬{A}x) sent5: (x): ¬{A}x -> ¬(¬{E}x & {D}x) sent6: (x): ¬({F}x & {J}x) -> ¬{F}{b} sent7: (x): (¬{F}x & {G}x) -> ¬{C}x sent8: (x): ({A}x & {B}x) -> ¬{C}{a} sent9: (Ex): ({A}x & {B}x) sent10: (Ex): ¬({F}x & {J}x)
[ "sent9 & sent8 -> int1: the fact that the banteng is not a discovery is not false.; int1 -> int2: there is something such that the fact that it is not a discovery hold.; int2 & sent1 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent9 & sent8 -> int1: ¬{C}{a}; int1 -> int2: (Ex): ¬{C}x; int2 & sent1 -> hypothesis;" ]
the fact that that the anti-inflammatory does not divert but it does admit valgus is not right is right.
¬(¬{E}{b} & {D}{b})
[ "sent5 -> int3: that the anti-inflammatory does not divert but it does admit valgus does not hold if it does not swab galena.; sent4 -> int4: if the anti-inflammatory is not a kind of a discovery it is crustaceous and it does not swab galena.; sent7 -> int5: if the anti-inflammatory is not a crack and is a Namur it is not a discovery.; sent10 & sent6 -> int6: the anti-inflammatory is not a crack.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the anti-inflammatory does not divert but it does admit valgus. ; $context$ = sent1: if something is not a discovery then the anti-inflammatory does not divert but it admits valgus. sent2: something admits valgus and it is a kind of a discovery. sent3: if the anti-inflammatory does not swab croft it is a Namur and bloody. sent4: if something is not a discovery the fact that it is crustaceous and it does not swab galena is not wrong. sent5: that something does not divert but it admits valgus is wrong if it does not swab galena. sent6: if there is something such that the fact that it is a crack and it is a doped is not true then the anti-inflammatory is not a crack. sent7: something is not a kind of a discovery if it does not crack and it is a Namur. sent8: if the fact that something swabs galena and is crustaceous hold then the banteng is not a kind of a discovery. sent9: something swabs galena and it is crustaceous. sent10: there exists something such that the fact that it does crack and it is a doped is not true. ; $proof$ =
sent9 & sent8 -> int1: the fact that the banteng is not a discovery is not false.; int1 -> int2: there is something such that the fact that it is not a discovery hold.; int2 & sent1 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
something swabs galena and it is crustaceous.
[ "if the fact that something swabs galena and is crustaceous hold then the banteng is not a kind of a discovery.", "if something is not a discovery then the anti-inflammatory does not divert but it admits valgus." ]
[ "The galena is crustaceous.", "galena is crustaceous and something swabs it." ]
The galena is crustaceous.
if the fact that something swabs galena and is crustaceous hold then the banteng is not a kind of a discovery.
the anti-inflammatory does not divert but it does admit valgus.
sent1: if something is not a discovery then the anti-inflammatory does not divert but it admits valgus. sent2: something admits valgus and it is a kind of a discovery. sent3: if the anti-inflammatory does not swab croft it is a Namur and bloody. sent4: if something is not a discovery the fact that it is crustaceous and it does not swab galena is not wrong. sent5: that something does not divert but it admits valgus is wrong if it does not swab galena. sent6: if there is something such that the fact that it is a crack and it is a doped is not true then the anti-inflammatory is not a crack. sent7: something is not a kind of a discovery if it does not crack and it is a Namur. sent8: if the fact that something swabs galena and is crustaceous hold then the banteng is not a kind of a discovery. sent9: something swabs galena and it is crustaceous. sent10: there exists something such that the fact that it does crack and it is a doped is not true.
(¬{E}{b} & {D}{b})
sent1: (x): ¬{C}x -> (¬{E}{b} & {D}{b}) sent2: (Ex): ({D}x & {C}x) sent3: ¬{I}{b} -> ({G}{b} & {H}{b}) sent4: (x): ¬{C}x -> ({B}x & ¬{A}x) sent5: (x): ¬{A}x -> ¬(¬{E}x & {D}x) sent6: (x): ¬({F}x & {J}x) -> ¬{F}{b} sent7: (x): (¬{F}x & {G}x) -> ¬{C}x sent8: (x): ({A}x & {B}x) -> ¬{C}{a} sent9: (Ex): ({A}x & {B}x) sent10: (Ex): ¬({F}x & {J}x)
[ "sent9 & sent8 -> int1: the fact that the banteng is not a discovery is not false.; int1 -> int2: there is something such that the fact that it is not a discovery hold.; int2 & sent1 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent9 & sent8 -> int1: ¬{C}{a}; int1 -> int2: (Ex): ¬{C}x; int2 & sent1 -> hypothesis;" ]
the fact that that the anti-inflammatory does not divert but it does admit valgus is not right is right.
¬(¬{E}{b} & {D}{b})
[ "sent5 -> int3: that the anti-inflammatory does not divert but it does admit valgus does not hold if it does not swab galena.; sent4 -> int4: if the anti-inflammatory is not a kind of a discovery it is crustaceous and it does not swab galena.; sent7 -> int5: if the anti-inflammatory is not a crack and is a Namur it is not a discovery.; sent10 & sent6 -> int6: the anti-inflammatory is not a crack.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the anti-inflammatory does not divert but it does admit valgus. ; $context$ = sent1: if something is not a discovery then the anti-inflammatory does not divert but it admits valgus. sent2: something admits valgus and it is a kind of a discovery. sent3: if the anti-inflammatory does not swab croft it is a Namur and bloody. sent4: if something is not a discovery the fact that it is crustaceous and it does not swab galena is not wrong. sent5: that something does not divert but it admits valgus is wrong if it does not swab galena. sent6: if there is something such that the fact that it is a crack and it is a doped is not true then the anti-inflammatory is not a crack. sent7: something is not a kind of a discovery if it does not crack and it is a Namur. sent8: if the fact that something swabs galena and is crustaceous hold then the banteng is not a kind of a discovery. sent9: something swabs galena and it is crustaceous. sent10: there exists something such that the fact that it does crack and it is a doped is not true. ; $proof$ =
sent9 & sent8 -> int1: the fact that the banteng is not a discovery is not false.; int1 -> int2: there is something such that the fact that it is not a discovery hold.; int2 & sent1 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
something swabs galena and it is crustaceous.
[ "if the fact that something swabs galena and is crustaceous hold then the banteng is not a kind of a discovery.", "if something is not a discovery then the anti-inflammatory does not divert but it admits valgus." ]
[ "The galena is crustaceous.", "galena is crustaceous and something swabs it." ]
galena is crustaceous and something swabs it.
if something is not a discovery then the anti-inflammatory does not divert but it admits valgus.
the synagogue is a Larousse that swabs ruffianism.
sent1: something is not a kind of a Larousse. sent2: something is not unsatisfactory if that it does not equate Hyderabad and it is not an intermediate is not true. sent3: something does swab Tyne. sent4: the globalization does not swab ruffianism if there exists something such that it is not a Larousse. sent5: that the guest does not equate Hyderabad and it is not an intermediate is wrong if it is not a kind of a mound. sent6: if the guest is a Jacob but it is not a kind of a rounders then the globalization does not swab Tyne. sent7: the globalization organizes and admits Wednesday. sent8: there is something such that it does not swab ruffianism. sent9: if the purchase is Darwinian then it does admit guest. sent10: the synagogue is a brassard and it does swab Tyne. sent11: the domino is unsatisfactory thing that swabs Tyne. sent12: a non-unsatisfactory thing is both a Jacob and not a rounders. sent13: if the fact that the globalization is not a Larousse is right the synagogue is a Larousse that swabs ruffianism. sent14: the trifle equates agitator and it is a kind of a Larousse. sent15: there is something such that that it does not swab Tyne is true. sent16: the globalization is a Larousse and it does swab ruffianism if the synagogue is not a Larousse. sent17: that the synagogue is a Larousse that swabs ruffianism does not hold if the globalization does not swab Tyne. sent18: if the globalization is not a Larousse the synagogue is a Larousse. sent19: the fact that the synagogue swabs Tyne and does admit mackerel is right. sent20: the synagogue is a Larousse.
({B}{b} & {C}{b})
sent1: (Ex): ¬{B}x sent2: (x): ¬(¬{G}x & ¬{H}x) -> ¬{F}x sent3: (Ex): {A}x sent4: (x): ¬{B}x -> ¬{C}{a} sent5: ¬{I}{c} -> ¬(¬{G}{c} & ¬{H}{c}) sent6: ({D}{c} & ¬{E}{c}) -> ¬{A}{a} sent7: ({P}{a} & {IE}{a}) sent8: (Ex): ¬{C}x sent9: {L}{d} -> {K}{d} sent10: ({N}{b} & {A}{b}) sent11: ({F}{fp} & {A}{fp}) sent12: (x): ¬{F}x -> ({D}x & ¬{E}x) sent13: ¬{B}{a} -> ({B}{b} & {C}{b}) sent14: ({CS}{bm} & {B}{bm}) sent15: (Ex): ¬{A}x sent16: ¬{B}{b} -> ({B}{a} & {C}{a}) sent17: ¬{A}{a} -> ¬({B}{b} & {C}{b}) sent18: ¬{B}{a} -> {B}{b} sent19: ({A}{b} & {AC}{b}) sent20: {B}{b}
the fact that the synagogue is a Larousse and it swabs ruffianism is not true.
¬({B}{b} & {C}{b})
[ "sent12 -> int1: if the guest is not unsatisfactory it is a Jacob and is not a rounders.; sent2 -> int2: if that the guest does not equate Hyderabad and it is not intermediate is not right it is not unsatisfactory.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the synagogue is a Larousse that swabs ruffianism. ; $context$ = sent1: something is not a kind of a Larousse. sent2: something is not unsatisfactory if that it does not equate Hyderabad and it is not an intermediate is not true. sent3: something does swab Tyne. sent4: the globalization does not swab ruffianism if there exists something such that it is not a Larousse. sent5: that the guest does not equate Hyderabad and it is not an intermediate is wrong if it is not a kind of a mound. sent6: if the guest is a Jacob but it is not a kind of a rounders then the globalization does not swab Tyne. sent7: the globalization organizes and admits Wednesday. sent8: there is something such that it does not swab ruffianism. sent9: if the purchase is Darwinian then it does admit guest. sent10: the synagogue is a brassard and it does swab Tyne. sent11: the domino is unsatisfactory thing that swabs Tyne. sent12: a non-unsatisfactory thing is both a Jacob and not a rounders. sent13: if the fact that the globalization is not a Larousse is right the synagogue is a Larousse that swabs ruffianism. sent14: the trifle equates agitator and it is a kind of a Larousse. sent15: there is something such that that it does not swab Tyne is true. sent16: the globalization is a Larousse and it does swab ruffianism if the synagogue is not a Larousse. sent17: that the synagogue is a Larousse that swabs ruffianism does not hold if the globalization does not swab Tyne. sent18: if the globalization is not a Larousse the synagogue is a Larousse. sent19: the fact that the synagogue swabs Tyne and does admit mackerel is right. sent20: the synagogue is a Larousse. ; $proof$ =
there is something such that it does not swab ruffianism.
[ "the trifle equates agitator and it is a kind of a Larousse." ]
[ "there is something such that it does not swab ruffianism." ]
there is something such that it does not swab ruffianism.
the trifle equates agitator and it is a kind of a Larousse.
the observatory is a kanamycin.
sent1: the hooknose is not a kanamycin. sent2: the man-eater does not admit examiner if the hooknose is a ground. sent3: there exists something such that that it is a kind of a spam that is semiterrestrial does not hold. sent4: the fact that that the man-eater does admit examiner and does not grind hold is not correct if the hooknose does not admit examiner. sent5: the magnum is not a kind of a kanamycin. sent6: if there is something such that that it is a kind of a spam that is semiterrestrial does not hold that the hooknose does not admit examiner is not false. sent7: the man-eater is not a kind of a black. sent8: if there is something such that it does not admit examiner the man-eater is not a ground. sent9: the observatory does not admit examiner if the fact that the man-eater grinds and is not a kanamycin does not hold. sent10: the hooknose does not grind if there exists something such that the fact that it admits examiner and it is a kanamycin is incorrect. sent11: the observatory is not a placentation. sent12: there is something such that the fact that it is a ground and a kanamycin is not correct. sent13: if there is something such that that it is a kind of a kanamycin and is a kind of a ground does not hold the observatory does not admit examiner. sent14: if there exists something such that the fact that it does admit examiner and it is a kanamycin is incorrect then the man-eater does not grind. sent15: if the fact that the man-eater admits examiner but it is not a ground does not hold then the observatory is not a kind of a kanamycin. sent16: the fact that the hooknose admits examiner and it does grind is not correct if the man-eater does not admits examiner. sent17: the fact that the man-eater is a ground that admits examiner is wrong if the hooknose is not a ground.
sent1: ¬{B}{a} sent2: {C}{a} -> ¬{A}{b} sent3: (Ex): ¬({AA}x & {AB}x) sent4: ¬{A}{a} -> ¬({A}{b} & ¬{C}{b}) sent5: ¬{B}{cc} sent6: (x): ¬({AA}x & {AB}x) -> ¬{A}{a} sent7: ¬{AL}{b} sent8: (x): ¬{A}x -> ¬{C}{b} sent9: ¬({C}{b} & ¬{B}{b}) -> ¬{A}{c} sent10: (x): ¬({A}x & {B}x) -> ¬{C}{a} sent11: ¬{FR}{c} sent12: (Ex): ¬({C}x & {B}x) sent13: (x): ¬({B}x & {C}x) -> ¬{A}{c} sent14: (x): ¬({A}x & {B}x) -> ¬{C}{b} sent15: ¬({A}{b} & ¬{C}{b}) -> ¬{B}{c} sent16: ¬{A}{b} -> ¬({A}{a} & {C}{a}) sent17: ¬{C}{a} -> ¬({C}{b} & {A}{b})
[ "sent3 & sent6 -> int1: the hooknose does not admit examiner.; sent4 & int1 -> int2: that the man-eater does admit examiner and is not a ground is false.; sent15 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent3 & sent6 -> int1: ¬{A}{a}; sent4 & int1 -> int2: ¬({A}{b} & ¬{C}{b}); sent15 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the observatory is a kanamycin. ; $context$ = sent1: the hooknose is not a kanamycin. sent2: the man-eater does not admit examiner if the hooknose is a ground. sent3: there exists something such that that it is a kind of a spam that is semiterrestrial does not hold. sent4: the fact that that the man-eater does admit examiner and does not grind hold is not correct if the hooknose does not admit examiner. sent5: the magnum is not a kind of a kanamycin. sent6: if there is something such that that it is a kind of a spam that is semiterrestrial does not hold that the hooknose does not admit examiner is not false. sent7: the man-eater is not a kind of a black. sent8: if there is something such that it does not admit examiner the man-eater is not a ground. sent9: the observatory does not admit examiner if the fact that the man-eater grinds and is not a kanamycin does not hold. sent10: the hooknose does not grind if there exists something such that the fact that it admits examiner and it is a kanamycin is incorrect. sent11: the observatory is not a placentation. sent12: there is something such that the fact that it is a ground and a kanamycin is not correct. sent13: if there is something such that that it is a kind of a kanamycin and is a kind of a ground does not hold the observatory does not admit examiner. sent14: if there exists something such that the fact that it does admit examiner and it is a kanamycin is incorrect then the man-eater does not grind. sent15: if the fact that the man-eater admits examiner but it is not a ground does not hold then the observatory is not a kind of a kanamycin. sent16: the fact that the hooknose admits examiner and it does grind is not correct if the man-eater does not admits examiner. sent17: the fact that the man-eater is a ground that admits examiner is wrong if the hooknose is not a ground. ; $proof$ =
sent3 & sent6 -> int1: the hooknose does not admit examiner.; sent4 & int1 -> int2: that the man-eater does admit examiner and is not a ground is false.; sent15 & int2 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
there exists something such that that it is a kind of a spam that is semiterrestrial does not hold.
[ "if there is something such that that it is a kind of a spam that is semiterrestrial does not hold that the hooknose does not admit examiner is not false.", "the fact that that the man-eater does admit examiner and does not grind hold is not correct if the hooknose does not admit examiner.", "if the fact that the man-eater admits examiner but it is not a ground does not hold then the observatory is not a kind of a kanamycin." ]
if there is something such that that it is a kind of a spam that is semiterrestrial does not hold that the hooknose does not admit examiner is not false.
the observatory is a kanamycin.
sent1: the hooknose is not a kanamycin. sent2: the man-eater does not admit examiner if the hooknose is a ground. sent3: there exists something such that that it is a kind of a spam that is semiterrestrial does not hold. sent4: the fact that that the man-eater does admit examiner and does not grind hold is not correct if the hooknose does not admit examiner. sent5: the magnum is not a kind of a kanamycin. sent6: if there is something such that that it is a kind of a spam that is semiterrestrial does not hold that the hooknose does not admit examiner is not false. sent7: the man-eater is not a kind of a black. sent8: if there is something such that it does not admit examiner the man-eater is not a ground. sent9: the observatory does not admit examiner if the fact that the man-eater grinds and is not a kanamycin does not hold. sent10: the hooknose does not grind if there exists something such that the fact that it admits examiner and it is a kanamycin is incorrect. sent11: the observatory is not a placentation. sent12: there is something such that the fact that it is a ground and a kanamycin is not correct. sent13: if there is something such that that it is a kind of a kanamycin and is a kind of a ground does not hold the observatory does not admit examiner. sent14: if there exists something such that the fact that it does admit examiner and it is a kanamycin is incorrect then the man-eater does not grind. sent15: if the fact that the man-eater admits examiner but it is not a ground does not hold then the observatory is not a kind of a kanamycin. sent16: the fact that the hooknose admits examiner and it does grind is not correct if the man-eater does not admits examiner. sent17: the fact that the man-eater is a ground that admits examiner is wrong if the hooknose is not a ground.
sent1: ¬{B}{a} sent2: {C}{a} -> ¬{A}{b} sent3: (Ex): ¬({AA}x & {AB}x) sent4: ¬{A}{a} -> ¬({A}{b} & ¬{C}{b}) sent5: ¬{B}{cc} sent6: (x): ¬({AA}x & {AB}x) -> ¬{A}{a} sent7: ¬{AL}{b} sent8: (x): ¬{A}x -> ¬{C}{b} sent9: ¬({C}{b} & ¬{B}{b}) -> ¬{A}{c} sent10: (x): ¬({A}x & {B}x) -> ¬{C}{a} sent11: ¬{FR}{c} sent12: (Ex): ¬({C}x & {B}x) sent13: (x): ¬({B}x & {C}x) -> ¬{A}{c} sent14: (x): ¬({A}x & {B}x) -> ¬{C}{b} sent15: ¬({A}{b} & ¬{C}{b}) -> ¬{B}{c} sent16: ¬{A}{b} -> ¬({A}{a} & {C}{a}) sent17: ¬{C}{a} -> ¬({C}{b} & {A}{b})
[ "sent3 & sent6 -> int1: the hooknose does not admit examiner.; sent4 & int1 -> int2: that the man-eater does admit examiner and is not a ground is false.; sent15 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent3 & sent6 -> int1: ¬{A}{a}; sent4 & int1 -> int2: ¬({A}{b} & ¬{C}{b}); sent15 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the observatory is a kanamycin. ; $context$ = sent1: the hooknose is not a kanamycin. sent2: the man-eater does not admit examiner if the hooknose is a ground. sent3: there exists something such that that it is a kind of a spam that is semiterrestrial does not hold. sent4: the fact that that the man-eater does admit examiner and does not grind hold is not correct if the hooknose does not admit examiner. sent5: the magnum is not a kind of a kanamycin. sent6: if there is something such that that it is a kind of a spam that is semiterrestrial does not hold that the hooknose does not admit examiner is not false. sent7: the man-eater is not a kind of a black. sent8: if there is something such that it does not admit examiner the man-eater is not a ground. sent9: the observatory does not admit examiner if the fact that the man-eater grinds and is not a kanamycin does not hold. sent10: the hooknose does not grind if there exists something such that the fact that it admits examiner and it is a kanamycin is incorrect. sent11: the observatory is not a placentation. sent12: there is something such that the fact that it is a ground and a kanamycin is not correct. sent13: if there is something such that that it is a kind of a kanamycin and is a kind of a ground does not hold the observatory does not admit examiner. sent14: if there exists something such that the fact that it does admit examiner and it is a kanamycin is incorrect then the man-eater does not grind. sent15: if the fact that the man-eater admits examiner but it is not a ground does not hold then the observatory is not a kind of a kanamycin. sent16: the fact that the hooknose admits examiner and it does grind is not correct if the man-eater does not admits examiner. sent17: the fact that the man-eater is a ground that admits examiner is wrong if the hooknose is not a ground. ; $proof$ =
sent3 & sent6 -> int1: the hooknose does not admit examiner.; sent4 & int1 -> int2: that the man-eater does admit examiner and is not a ground is false.; sent15 & int2 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
there exists something such that that it is a kind of a spam that is semiterrestrial does not hold.
[ "if there is something such that that it is a kind of a spam that is semiterrestrial does not hold that the hooknose does not admit examiner is not false.", "the fact that that the man-eater does admit examiner and does not grind hold is not correct if the hooknose does not admit examiner.", "if the fact that the man-eater admits examiner but it is not a ground does not hold then the observatory is not a kind of a kanamycin." ]
the fact that that the man-eater does admit examiner and does not grind hold is not correct if the hooknose does not admit examiner.
the observatory is a kanamycin.
sent1: the hooknose is not a kanamycin. sent2: the man-eater does not admit examiner if the hooknose is a ground. sent3: there exists something such that that it is a kind of a spam that is semiterrestrial does not hold. sent4: the fact that that the man-eater does admit examiner and does not grind hold is not correct if the hooknose does not admit examiner. sent5: the magnum is not a kind of a kanamycin. sent6: if there is something such that that it is a kind of a spam that is semiterrestrial does not hold that the hooknose does not admit examiner is not false. sent7: the man-eater is not a kind of a black. sent8: if there is something such that it does not admit examiner the man-eater is not a ground. sent9: the observatory does not admit examiner if the fact that the man-eater grinds and is not a kanamycin does not hold. sent10: the hooknose does not grind if there exists something such that the fact that it admits examiner and it is a kanamycin is incorrect. sent11: the observatory is not a placentation. sent12: there is something such that the fact that it is a ground and a kanamycin is not correct. sent13: if there is something such that that it is a kind of a kanamycin and is a kind of a ground does not hold the observatory does not admit examiner. sent14: if there exists something such that the fact that it does admit examiner and it is a kanamycin is incorrect then the man-eater does not grind. sent15: if the fact that the man-eater admits examiner but it is not a ground does not hold then the observatory is not a kind of a kanamycin. sent16: the fact that the hooknose admits examiner and it does grind is not correct if the man-eater does not admits examiner. sent17: the fact that the man-eater is a ground that admits examiner is wrong if the hooknose is not a ground.
sent1: ¬{B}{a} sent2: {C}{a} -> ¬{A}{b} sent3: (Ex): ¬({AA}x & {AB}x) sent4: ¬{A}{a} -> ¬({A}{b} & ¬{C}{b}) sent5: ¬{B}{cc} sent6: (x): ¬({AA}x & {AB}x) -> ¬{A}{a} sent7: ¬{AL}{b} sent8: (x): ¬{A}x -> ¬{C}{b} sent9: ¬({C}{b} & ¬{B}{b}) -> ¬{A}{c} sent10: (x): ¬({A}x & {B}x) -> ¬{C}{a} sent11: ¬{FR}{c} sent12: (Ex): ¬({C}x & {B}x) sent13: (x): ¬({B}x & {C}x) -> ¬{A}{c} sent14: (x): ¬({A}x & {B}x) -> ¬{C}{b} sent15: ¬({A}{b} & ¬{C}{b}) -> ¬{B}{c} sent16: ¬{A}{b} -> ¬({A}{a} & {C}{a}) sent17: ¬{C}{a} -> ¬({C}{b} & {A}{b})
[ "sent3 & sent6 -> int1: the hooknose does not admit examiner.; sent4 & int1 -> int2: that the man-eater does admit examiner and is not a ground is false.; sent15 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent3 & sent6 -> int1: ¬{A}{a}; sent4 & int1 -> int2: ¬({A}{b} & ¬{C}{b}); sent15 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the observatory is a kanamycin. ; $context$ = sent1: the hooknose is not a kanamycin. sent2: the man-eater does not admit examiner if the hooknose is a ground. sent3: there exists something such that that it is a kind of a spam that is semiterrestrial does not hold. sent4: the fact that that the man-eater does admit examiner and does not grind hold is not correct if the hooknose does not admit examiner. sent5: the magnum is not a kind of a kanamycin. sent6: if there is something such that that it is a kind of a spam that is semiterrestrial does not hold that the hooknose does not admit examiner is not false. sent7: the man-eater is not a kind of a black. sent8: if there is something such that it does not admit examiner the man-eater is not a ground. sent9: the observatory does not admit examiner if the fact that the man-eater grinds and is not a kanamycin does not hold. sent10: the hooknose does not grind if there exists something such that the fact that it admits examiner and it is a kanamycin is incorrect. sent11: the observatory is not a placentation. sent12: there is something such that the fact that it is a ground and a kanamycin is not correct. sent13: if there is something such that that it is a kind of a kanamycin and is a kind of a ground does not hold the observatory does not admit examiner. sent14: if there exists something such that the fact that it does admit examiner and it is a kanamycin is incorrect then the man-eater does not grind. sent15: if the fact that the man-eater admits examiner but it is not a ground does not hold then the observatory is not a kind of a kanamycin. sent16: the fact that the hooknose admits examiner and it does grind is not correct if the man-eater does not admits examiner. sent17: the fact that the man-eater is a ground that admits examiner is wrong if the hooknose is not a ground. ; $proof$ =
sent3 & sent6 -> int1: the hooknose does not admit examiner.; sent4 & int1 -> int2: that the man-eater does admit examiner and is not a ground is false.; sent15 & int2 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
there exists something such that that it is a kind of a spam that is semiterrestrial does not hold.
[ "if there is something such that that it is a kind of a spam that is semiterrestrial does not hold that the hooknose does not admit examiner is not false.", "the fact that that the man-eater does admit examiner and does not grind hold is not correct if the hooknose does not admit examiner.", "if the fact that the man-eater admits examiner but it is not a ground does not hold then the observatory is not a kind of a kanamycin." ]
There is something that is semiterrestrial that does not hold.
if the fact that the man-eater admits examiner but it is not a ground does not hold then the observatory is not a kind of a kanamycin.
the anaclinalness happens and the swabbing characteristic occurs.
sent1: the ascent occurs. sent2: if the swabbing Parr does not occur then that the blandishment and/or the swabbing characteristic occurs is not correct. sent3: the pedagogicalness and the Ephesians occurs. sent4: the fact that the emcee happens is not false. sent5: the swabbing Parr happens. sent6: if the fact that that the blandishment happens or the swabbing characteristic happens or both does not hold is not wrong then the anaclinalness does not occur. sent7: the operating happens and the excretoriness happens. sent8: that the navigation and the rhinotomy happens is caused by the non-anaclinalness. sent9: the numerating occurs. sent10: the swabbing Parr happens and the swabbing characteristic happens. sent11: the restitution occurs and the get happens. sent12: the fact that the swabbing Hyperoodon occurs is right. sent13: the re-establishment happens. sent14: the magneticness occurs. sent15: both the diffusing and the paraphrase happens. sent16: the admitting caution happens. sent17: both the blocking and the spasticness happens. sent18: both the anaclinalness and the blandishment happens. sent19: the blandishment happens. sent20: the occupationalness and the microeconomicsness occurs. sent21: both the equating shamefacedness and the navigation occurs. sent22: the swabbing Stuart occurs.
({A} & {C})
sent1: {FP} sent2: ¬{D} -> ¬({B} v {C}) sent3: ({ET} & {AF}) sent4: {GS} sent5: {D} sent6: ¬({B} v {C}) -> ¬{A} sent7: ({AN} & {N}) sent8: ¬{A} -> ({BG} & {EB}) sent9: {FB} sent10: ({D} & {C}) sent11: ({EL} & {AE}) sent12: {FH} sent13: {FN} sent14: {AL} sent15: ({AS} & {IB}) sent16: {BP} sent17: ({GT} & {FI}) sent18: ({A} & {B}) sent19: {B} sent20: ({GM} & {DG}) sent21: ({CJ} & {BG}) sent22: {IN}
[ "sent18 -> int1: the anaclinalness occurs.; sent10 -> int2: the swabbing characteristic happens.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent18 -> int1: {A}; sent10 -> int2: {C}; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
the navigation and the rhinotomy occurs.
({BG} & {EB})
$hypothesis$ = the anaclinalness happens and the swabbing characteristic occurs. ; $context$ = sent1: the ascent occurs. sent2: if the swabbing Parr does not occur then that the blandishment and/or the swabbing characteristic occurs is not correct. sent3: the pedagogicalness and the Ephesians occurs. sent4: the fact that the emcee happens is not false. sent5: the swabbing Parr happens. sent6: if the fact that that the blandishment happens or the swabbing characteristic happens or both does not hold is not wrong then the anaclinalness does not occur. sent7: the operating happens and the excretoriness happens. sent8: that the navigation and the rhinotomy happens is caused by the non-anaclinalness. sent9: the numerating occurs. sent10: the swabbing Parr happens and the swabbing characteristic happens. sent11: the restitution occurs and the get happens. sent12: the fact that the swabbing Hyperoodon occurs is right. sent13: the re-establishment happens. sent14: the magneticness occurs. sent15: both the diffusing and the paraphrase happens. sent16: the admitting caution happens. sent17: both the blocking and the spasticness happens. sent18: both the anaclinalness and the blandishment happens. sent19: the blandishment happens. sent20: the occupationalness and the microeconomicsness occurs. sent21: both the equating shamefacedness and the navigation occurs. sent22: the swabbing Stuart occurs. ; $proof$ =
sent18 -> int1: the anaclinalness occurs.; sent10 -> int2: the swabbing characteristic happens.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
both the anaclinalness and the blandishment happens.
[ "the swabbing Parr happens and the swabbing characteristic happens." ]
[ "both the anaclinalness and the blandishment happens." ]
both the anaclinalness and the blandishment happens.
the swabbing Parr happens and the swabbing characteristic happens.
the paralytic occurs.
sent1: the simulating sputter occurs and the molalness occurs. sent2: the salvificness happens. sent3: the melioration does not occur if both the subartesianness and the Ford occurs. sent4: the equating tediousness occurs and the unconditionalness occurs. sent5: that the admitting drag occurs and the retribution occurs is triggered by that the mitzvah does not occur. sent6: if the flat does not occur the blocking does not occur. sent7: if the swabbing ruled does not occur the swabbing headlight does not occur. sent8: the unicellularness happens. sent9: the salvificness does not occur and the simulating lock-gate does not occur if the admitting drag happens. sent10: if the sociopathicness occurs then the friendly does not occur and the equating idyll does not occur. sent11: the fact that the swabbing ruled occurs is true. sent12: that the sociopathicness happens is caused by either that the familiar does not occur or that the debuting does not occur or both. sent13: that both the simulating lock-gate and the salvificness happens leads to the non-paralyticness. sent14: the swabbing ruled occurs and the simulating lock-gate occurs. sent15: if the blocking does not occur the familiar does not occur and/or the debuting does not occur. sent16: if the simulating lock-gate does not occur both the paralyticness and the swabbing ruled happens. sent17: that the mitzvah does not occur and the equating Marcionism does not occur is triggered by the unfriendlyness. sent18: the erasing happens.
sent1: ({FN} & {CS}) sent2: {C} sent3: ({EP} & {CQ}) -> ¬{BF} sent4: ({ET} & {R}) sent5: ¬{G} -> ({E} & {F}) sent6: ¬{O} -> ¬{N} sent7: ¬{A} -> ¬{HI} sent8: {CO} sent9: {E} -> (¬{C} & ¬{B}) sent10: {K} -> (¬{I} & ¬{J}) sent11: {A} sent12: (¬{L} v ¬{M}) -> {K} sent13: ({B} & {C}) -> ¬{D} sent14: ({A} & {B}) sent15: ¬{N} -> (¬{L} v ¬{M}) sent16: ¬{B} -> ({D} & {A}) sent17: ¬{I} -> (¬{G} & ¬{H}) sent18: {HK}
[ "sent14 -> int1: the simulating lock-gate occurs.; int1 & sent2 -> int2: the simulating lock-gate and the salvificness occurs.; int2 & sent13 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent14 -> int1: {B}; int1 & sent2 -> int2: ({B} & {C}); int2 & sent13 -> hypothesis;" ]
the paralytic happens.
$hypothesis$ = the paralytic occurs. ; $context$ = sent1: the simulating sputter occurs and the molalness occurs. sent2: the salvificness happens. sent3: the melioration does not occur if both the subartesianness and the Ford occurs. sent4: the equating tediousness occurs and the unconditionalness occurs. sent5: that the admitting drag occurs and the retribution occurs is triggered by that the mitzvah does not occur. sent6: if the flat does not occur the blocking does not occur. sent7: if the swabbing ruled does not occur the swabbing headlight does not occur. sent8: the unicellularness happens. sent9: the salvificness does not occur and the simulating lock-gate does not occur if the admitting drag happens. sent10: if the sociopathicness occurs then the friendly does not occur and the equating idyll does not occur. sent11: the fact that the swabbing ruled occurs is true. sent12: that the sociopathicness happens is caused by either that the familiar does not occur or that the debuting does not occur or both. sent13: that both the simulating lock-gate and the salvificness happens leads to the non-paralyticness. sent14: the swabbing ruled occurs and the simulating lock-gate occurs. sent15: if the blocking does not occur the familiar does not occur and/or the debuting does not occur. sent16: if the simulating lock-gate does not occur both the paralyticness and the swabbing ruled happens. sent17: that the mitzvah does not occur and the equating Marcionism does not occur is triggered by the unfriendlyness. sent18: the erasing happens. ; $proof$ =
sent14 -> int1: the simulating lock-gate occurs.; int1 & sent2 -> int2: the simulating lock-gate and the salvificness occurs.; int2 & sent13 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
the swabbing ruled occurs and the simulating lock-gate occurs.
[ "the salvificness happens.", "that both the simulating lock-gate and the salvificness happens leads to the non-paralyticness." ]
[ "The simulating lock-gate occurs after the swabbing ruled.", "The simulating lock-gate occurs as a result of the swabbing ruled." ]
The simulating lock-gate occurs after the swabbing ruled.
the salvificness happens.
the paralytic occurs.
sent1: the simulating sputter occurs and the molalness occurs. sent2: the salvificness happens. sent3: the melioration does not occur if both the subartesianness and the Ford occurs. sent4: the equating tediousness occurs and the unconditionalness occurs. sent5: that the admitting drag occurs and the retribution occurs is triggered by that the mitzvah does not occur. sent6: if the flat does not occur the blocking does not occur. sent7: if the swabbing ruled does not occur the swabbing headlight does not occur. sent8: the unicellularness happens. sent9: the salvificness does not occur and the simulating lock-gate does not occur if the admitting drag happens. sent10: if the sociopathicness occurs then the friendly does not occur and the equating idyll does not occur. sent11: the fact that the swabbing ruled occurs is true. sent12: that the sociopathicness happens is caused by either that the familiar does not occur or that the debuting does not occur or both. sent13: that both the simulating lock-gate and the salvificness happens leads to the non-paralyticness. sent14: the swabbing ruled occurs and the simulating lock-gate occurs. sent15: if the blocking does not occur the familiar does not occur and/or the debuting does not occur. sent16: if the simulating lock-gate does not occur both the paralyticness and the swabbing ruled happens. sent17: that the mitzvah does not occur and the equating Marcionism does not occur is triggered by the unfriendlyness. sent18: the erasing happens.
sent1: ({FN} & {CS}) sent2: {C} sent3: ({EP} & {CQ}) -> ¬{BF} sent4: ({ET} & {R}) sent5: ¬{G} -> ({E} & {F}) sent6: ¬{O} -> ¬{N} sent7: ¬{A} -> ¬{HI} sent8: {CO} sent9: {E} -> (¬{C} & ¬{B}) sent10: {K} -> (¬{I} & ¬{J}) sent11: {A} sent12: (¬{L} v ¬{M}) -> {K} sent13: ({B} & {C}) -> ¬{D} sent14: ({A} & {B}) sent15: ¬{N} -> (¬{L} v ¬{M}) sent16: ¬{B} -> ({D} & {A}) sent17: ¬{I} -> (¬{G} & ¬{H}) sent18: {HK}
[ "sent14 -> int1: the simulating lock-gate occurs.; int1 & sent2 -> int2: the simulating lock-gate and the salvificness occurs.; int2 & sent13 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent14 -> int1: {B}; int1 & sent2 -> int2: ({B} & {C}); int2 & sent13 -> hypothesis;" ]
the paralytic happens.
$hypothesis$ = the paralytic occurs. ; $context$ = sent1: the simulating sputter occurs and the molalness occurs. sent2: the salvificness happens. sent3: the melioration does not occur if both the subartesianness and the Ford occurs. sent4: the equating tediousness occurs and the unconditionalness occurs. sent5: that the admitting drag occurs and the retribution occurs is triggered by that the mitzvah does not occur. sent6: if the flat does not occur the blocking does not occur. sent7: if the swabbing ruled does not occur the swabbing headlight does not occur. sent8: the unicellularness happens. sent9: the salvificness does not occur and the simulating lock-gate does not occur if the admitting drag happens. sent10: if the sociopathicness occurs then the friendly does not occur and the equating idyll does not occur. sent11: the fact that the swabbing ruled occurs is true. sent12: that the sociopathicness happens is caused by either that the familiar does not occur or that the debuting does not occur or both. sent13: that both the simulating lock-gate and the salvificness happens leads to the non-paralyticness. sent14: the swabbing ruled occurs and the simulating lock-gate occurs. sent15: if the blocking does not occur the familiar does not occur and/or the debuting does not occur. sent16: if the simulating lock-gate does not occur both the paralyticness and the swabbing ruled happens. sent17: that the mitzvah does not occur and the equating Marcionism does not occur is triggered by the unfriendlyness. sent18: the erasing happens. ; $proof$ =
sent14 -> int1: the simulating lock-gate occurs.; int1 & sent2 -> int2: the simulating lock-gate and the salvificness occurs.; int2 & sent13 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
the swabbing ruled occurs and the simulating lock-gate occurs.
[ "the salvificness happens.", "that both the simulating lock-gate and the salvificness happens leads to the non-paralyticness." ]
[ "The simulating lock-gate occurs after the swabbing ruled.", "The simulating lock-gate occurs as a result of the swabbing ruled." ]
The simulating lock-gate occurs as a result of the swabbing ruled.
that both the simulating lock-gate and the salvificness happens leads to the non-paralyticness.
there exists something such that it is a kind of a koan.
sent1: the epistemologist is jittery. sent2: if something is not a default and is a koan then the pipsissewa is unmilitary. sent3: something is not evolutionary. sent4: there is something such that it is jittery. sent5: if that that the Romans does not specialize and it does not equate celioscopy is not correct hold that it does equate celioscopy hold. sent6: if a non-noncrucial thing is a warship the epistemologist is a kind of a koan. sent7: the marbling crucifies. sent8: if something is not a kind of a koan then it is not a kind of a Galium and it is Demotic. sent9: something is not evolutionary but jittery. sent10: if there exists something such that that it does not simulate past and it is a tickle is correct then the inverter is jittery. sent11: if something does equate celioscopy that it withholds is not wrong. sent12: there exists something such that it is evolutionary and it is jittery. sent13: the chloroquine is not a burlesque. sent14: the fact that the epistemologist accrues is not incorrect. sent15: something is a kind of a Kassite. sent16: if that something either does withhold or is a dowered or both does not hold it is not a koan. sent17: if something withholds then it is not a dowered but a koan. sent18: if something does not equate celioscopy then that either it withholds or it is a dowered or both is incorrect. sent19: if something is not a dowered but it is a koan then the epistemologist is subsonic. sent20: the epistemologist is a koan if something is a kind of non-evolutionary thing that is jittery.
(Ex): {A}x
sent1: {AB}{a} sent2: (x): (¬{DQ}x & {A}x) -> {HA}{i} sent3: (Ex): ¬{AA}x sent4: (Ex): {AB}x sent5: ¬(¬{G}{b} & ¬{D}{b}) -> {D}{b} sent6: (x): (¬{GB}x & {AF}x) -> {A}{a} sent7: {AM}{ap} sent8: (x): ¬{A}x -> (¬{HL}x & {BB}x) sent9: (Ex): (¬{AA}x & {AB}x) sent10: (x): (¬{CR}x & {CM}x) -> {AB}{iu} sent11: (x): {D}x -> {C}x sent12: (Ex): ({AA}x & {AB}x) sent13: ¬{E}{c} sent14: {IE}{a} sent15: (Ex): {DP}x sent16: (x): ¬({C}x v {B}x) -> ¬{A}x sent17: (x): {C}x -> (¬{B}x & {A}x) sent18: (x): ¬{D}x -> ¬({C}x v {B}x) sent19: (x): (¬{B}x & {A}x) -> {F}{a} sent20: (x): (¬{AA}x & {AB}x) -> {A}{a}
[ "sent9 & sent20 -> int1: the fact that the epistemologist is a kind of a koan is right.; int1 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent9 & sent20 -> int1: {A}{a}; int1 -> hypothesis;" ]
there exists something such that it is subsonic.
(Ex): {F}x
[ "sent17 -> int2: the Romans is not a dowered but it is a koan if it withholds.; sent11 -> int3: if the Romans does equate celioscopy then it withholds.; sent13 -> int4: there exists something such that it is not burlesque.;" ]
$hypothesis$ = there exists something such that it is a kind of a koan. ; $context$ = sent1: the epistemologist is jittery. sent2: if something is not a default and is a koan then the pipsissewa is unmilitary. sent3: something is not evolutionary. sent4: there is something such that it is jittery. sent5: if that that the Romans does not specialize and it does not equate celioscopy is not correct hold that it does equate celioscopy hold. sent6: if a non-noncrucial thing is a warship the epistemologist is a kind of a koan. sent7: the marbling crucifies. sent8: if something is not a kind of a koan then it is not a kind of a Galium and it is Demotic. sent9: something is not evolutionary but jittery. sent10: if there exists something such that that it does not simulate past and it is a tickle is correct then the inverter is jittery. sent11: if something does equate celioscopy that it withholds is not wrong. sent12: there exists something such that it is evolutionary and it is jittery. sent13: the chloroquine is not a burlesque. sent14: the fact that the epistemologist accrues is not incorrect. sent15: something is a kind of a Kassite. sent16: if that something either does withhold or is a dowered or both does not hold it is not a koan. sent17: if something withholds then it is not a dowered but a koan. sent18: if something does not equate celioscopy then that either it withholds or it is a dowered or both is incorrect. sent19: if something is not a dowered but it is a koan then the epistemologist is subsonic. sent20: the epistemologist is a koan if something is a kind of non-evolutionary thing that is jittery. ; $proof$ =
sent9 & sent20 -> int1: the fact that the epistemologist is a kind of a koan is right.; int1 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
something is not evolutionary but jittery.
[ "the epistemologist is a koan if something is a kind of non-evolutionary thing that is jittery." ]
[ "something is not evolutionary but jittery." ]
something is not evolutionary but jittery.
the epistemologist is a koan if something is a kind of non-evolutionary thing that is jittery.
the swabbing suburbia does not occur.
sent1: the fact that the mammariness does not occur is true. sent2: the fact that the incomparableness does not occur hold. sent3: the admitting pion happens. sent4: the depression happens. sent5: the devastating occurs. sent6: the admitting Oestridae occurs and the corporealness occurs. sent7: that the gone and the crucifixion occurs hold if the earlessness does not occur. sent8: if the libidinalness does not occur then the devastating occurs. sent9: both the swabbing suburbia and the devastating happens if the libidinalness does not occur. sent10: not the libidinalness but the admitting pion happens.
sent1: ¬{DO} sent2: ¬{FR} sent3: {B} sent4: {JG} sent5: {C} sent6: ({DL} & {GH}) sent7: ¬{F} -> ({HB} & {JH}) sent8: ¬{A} -> {C} sent9: ¬{A} -> ({D} & {C}) sent10: (¬{A} & {B})
[ "sent10 -> int1: the libidinalness does not occur.; sent9 & int1 -> int2: both the swabbing suburbia and the devastating happens.; int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent10 -> int1: ¬{A}; sent9 & int1 -> int2: ({D} & {C}); int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
$hypothesis$ = the swabbing suburbia does not occur. ; $context$ = sent1: the fact that the mammariness does not occur is true. sent2: the fact that the incomparableness does not occur hold. sent3: the admitting pion happens. sent4: the depression happens. sent5: the devastating occurs. sent6: the admitting Oestridae occurs and the corporealness occurs. sent7: that the gone and the crucifixion occurs hold if the earlessness does not occur. sent8: if the libidinalness does not occur then the devastating occurs. sent9: both the swabbing suburbia and the devastating happens if the libidinalness does not occur. sent10: not the libidinalness but the admitting pion happens. ; $proof$ =
sent10 -> int1: the libidinalness does not occur.; sent9 & int1 -> int2: both the swabbing suburbia and the devastating happens.; int2 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
not the libidinalness but the admitting pion happens.
[ "both the swabbing suburbia and the devastating happens if the libidinalness does not occur." ]
[ "not the libidinalness but the admitting pion happens." ]
not the libidinalness but the admitting pion happens.
both the swabbing suburbia and the devastating happens if the libidinalness does not occur.
the livestock is antiquarian.
sent1: the bitok swabs afropavo. sent2: the bitok does not equate mantissa if it does not admit dilution. sent3: if something does swab afropavo then it is antiquarian. sent4: something that equates mantissa is not a jar and does not swab afropavo. sent5: that something is antiquarian if it is a jar hold. sent6: the prospectus is antiquarian. sent7: the nirvana does swab afropavo. sent8: the bitok jars if the livestock swabs afropavo. sent9: the bitok is an accompanist. sent10: the fact that the bitok is antiquarian is true if the livestock does swab afropavo. sent11: if something is not a jar and does not swab afropavo it is not antiquarian. sent12: the bitok is antiquarian. sent13: The afropavo swabs bitok. sent14: the livestock jars if the bitok swabs afropavo. sent15: if something is blastemal then it is Yugoslavian.
sent1: {A}{a} sent2: ¬{E}{a} -> ¬{D}{a} sent3: (x): {A}x -> {C}x sent4: (x): {D}x -> (¬{B}x & ¬{A}x) sent5: (x): {B}x -> {C}x sent6: {C}{ei} sent7: {A}{bh} sent8: {A}{b} -> {B}{a} sent9: {FQ}{a} sent10: {A}{b} -> {C}{a} sent11: (x): (¬{B}x & ¬{A}x) -> ¬{C}x sent12: {C}{a} sent13: {AA}{aa} sent14: {A}{a} -> {B}{b} sent15: (x): {BP}x -> {CM}x
[ "sent14 & sent1 -> int1: the livestock is a kind of a jar.; sent5 -> int2: the livestock is antiquarian if it is a jar.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent14 & sent1 -> int1: {B}{b}; sent5 -> int2: {B}{b} -> {C}{b}; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
the livestock is not antiquarian.
$hypothesis$ = the livestock is antiquarian. ; $context$ = sent1: the bitok swabs afropavo. sent2: the bitok does not equate mantissa if it does not admit dilution. sent3: if something does swab afropavo then it is antiquarian. sent4: something that equates mantissa is not a jar and does not swab afropavo. sent5: that something is antiquarian if it is a jar hold. sent6: the prospectus is antiquarian. sent7: the nirvana does swab afropavo. sent8: the bitok jars if the livestock swabs afropavo. sent9: the bitok is an accompanist. sent10: the fact that the bitok is antiquarian is true if the livestock does swab afropavo. sent11: if something is not a jar and does not swab afropavo it is not antiquarian. sent12: the bitok is antiquarian. sent13: The afropavo swabs bitok. sent14: the livestock jars if the bitok swabs afropavo. sent15: if something is blastemal then it is Yugoslavian. ; $proof$ =
sent14 & sent1 -> int1: the livestock is a kind of a jar.; sent5 -> int2: the livestock is antiquarian if it is a jar.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
the livestock jars if the bitok swabs afropavo.
[ "the bitok swabs afropavo.", "that something is antiquarian if it is a jar hold." ]
[ "The jars are for the livestock.", "The livestock jars have something in them." ]
The jars are for the livestock.
the bitok swabs afropavo.
the livestock is antiquarian.
sent1: the bitok swabs afropavo. sent2: the bitok does not equate mantissa if it does not admit dilution. sent3: if something does swab afropavo then it is antiquarian. sent4: something that equates mantissa is not a jar and does not swab afropavo. sent5: that something is antiquarian if it is a jar hold. sent6: the prospectus is antiquarian. sent7: the nirvana does swab afropavo. sent8: the bitok jars if the livestock swabs afropavo. sent9: the bitok is an accompanist. sent10: the fact that the bitok is antiquarian is true if the livestock does swab afropavo. sent11: if something is not a jar and does not swab afropavo it is not antiquarian. sent12: the bitok is antiquarian. sent13: The afropavo swabs bitok. sent14: the livestock jars if the bitok swabs afropavo. sent15: if something is blastemal then it is Yugoslavian.
sent1: {A}{a} sent2: ¬{E}{a} -> ¬{D}{a} sent3: (x): {A}x -> {C}x sent4: (x): {D}x -> (¬{B}x & ¬{A}x) sent5: (x): {B}x -> {C}x sent6: {C}{ei} sent7: {A}{bh} sent8: {A}{b} -> {B}{a} sent9: {FQ}{a} sent10: {A}{b} -> {C}{a} sent11: (x): (¬{B}x & ¬{A}x) -> ¬{C}x sent12: {C}{a} sent13: {AA}{aa} sent14: {A}{a} -> {B}{b} sent15: (x): {BP}x -> {CM}x
[ "sent14 & sent1 -> int1: the livestock is a kind of a jar.; sent5 -> int2: the livestock is antiquarian if it is a jar.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent14 & sent1 -> int1: {B}{b}; sent5 -> int2: {B}{b} -> {C}{b}; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis;" ]
the livestock is not antiquarian.
$hypothesis$ = the livestock is antiquarian. ; $context$ = sent1: the bitok swabs afropavo. sent2: the bitok does not equate mantissa if it does not admit dilution. sent3: if something does swab afropavo then it is antiquarian. sent4: something that equates mantissa is not a jar and does not swab afropavo. sent5: that something is antiquarian if it is a jar hold. sent6: the prospectus is antiquarian. sent7: the nirvana does swab afropavo. sent8: the bitok jars if the livestock swabs afropavo. sent9: the bitok is an accompanist. sent10: the fact that the bitok is antiquarian is true if the livestock does swab afropavo. sent11: if something is not a jar and does not swab afropavo it is not antiquarian. sent12: the bitok is antiquarian. sent13: The afropavo swabs bitok. sent14: the livestock jars if the bitok swabs afropavo. sent15: if something is blastemal then it is Yugoslavian. ; $proof$ =
sent14 & sent1 -> int1: the livestock is a kind of a jar.; sent5 -> int2: the livestock is antiquarian if it is a jar.; int1 & int2 -> hypothesis; __PROVED__
the livestock jars if the bitok swabs afropavo.
[ "the bitok swabs afropavo.", "that something is antiquarian if it is a jar hold." ]
[ "The jars are for the livestock.", "The livestock jars have something in them." ]
The livestock jars have something in them.
that something is antiquarian if it is a jar hold.
that the follicle is porphyritic and a feature is not true.
sent1: the follicle is porphyritic a feature if the spatterdock is not a kind of a rental. sent2: the follicle is porphyritic. sent3: the fact that the spatterdock is non-rental thing that is not a neuropil is not wrong.
¬({D}{b} & {C}{b})
sent1: ¬{A}{a} -> ({D}{b} & {C}{b}) sent2: {D}{b} sent3: (¬{A}{a} & ¬{B}{a})
[ "sent3 -> int1: the spatterdock is not a kind of a rental.; sent1 & int1 -> hypothesis;" ]
[ "sent3 -> int1: ¬{A}{a}; sent1 & int1 -> hypothesis;" ]
$hypothesis$ = that the follicle is porphyritic and a feature is not true. ; $context$ = sent1: the follicle is porphyritic a feature if the spatterdock is not a kind of a rental. sent2: the follicle is porphyritic. sent3: the fact that the spatterdock is non-rental thing that is not a neuropil is not wrong. ; $proof$ =
sent3 -> int1: the spatterdock is not a kind of a rental.; sent1 & int1 -> hypothesis; __DISPROVED__
the fact that the spatterdock is non-rental thing that is not a neuropil is not wrong.
[ "the follicle is porphyritic a feature if the spatterdock is not a kind of a rental." ]
[ "the fact that the spatterdock is non-rental thing that is not a neuropil is not wrong." ]
the fact that the spatterdock is non-rental thing that is not a neuropil is not wrong.
the follicle is porphyritic a feature if the spatterdock is not a kind of a rental.