if ( sibling == null) {
if ( parent == null ) {
[BUG] if (n == root_) { return null; } final DomNode left = getEquivalentLogical(n.getPreviousSibling(), true); if (left == null) { final DomNode parent = n.getParentNode(); <extra_id_0> return null; } if (isNodeVisible(parent)) { return parent; } } [CONTEXT] if (n == root_) { return null; } final DomNode left = getEquivalentLogical(n.getPreviousSibling(), true); if (left == null) { final DomNode parent = n.getParentNode(); if ( sibling == null) { return null; } if (isNodeVisible(parent)) { return parent; } }
int second = time.getSecond( ) ;int dom = date.getDayOfMonth( ) ;
int dom = date.getDayOfMonth ( ) ;
[BUG] } } @Override public XMLGregorianCalendar from(PlainDate date) { int year = date.getYear(); int month = date.getMonth(); <extra_id_0> DatatypeFactory factory = getXMLFactory(); return factory.newXMLGregorianCalendarDate( year, month, dom, DatatypeConstants.FIELD_UNDEFINED); } @Override public Class<XMLGregorianCalendar> getSourceType() { [CONTEXT] } } @Override public XMLGregorianCalendar from(PlainDate date) { int year = date.getYear(); int month = date.getMonth(); int second = time.getSecond( ) ;int dom = date.getDayOfMonth( ) ; DatatypeFactory factory = getXMLFactory(); return factory.newXMLGregorianCalendarDate( year, month, dom, DatatypeConstants.FIELD_UNDEFINED); } @Override public Class<XMLGregorianCalendar> getSourceType() {
return new ByteArrayAsList( backingArray) ; }return Collections.emptyList( ) ;
return Collections.emptyList ( ) ; } return new ByteArrayAsList ( backingArray ) ;
[BUG] array[i] = ((Number) checkNotNull(boxedArray[i])).byteValue(); } return array; } public static List<Byte> asList(byte... backingArray) { if (backingArray.length == 0) { <extra_id_0> } @GwtCompatible private static class ByteArrayAsList extends AbstractList<Byte> implements RandomAccess, Serializable { final byte[] array; final int start; [CONTEXT] array[i] = ((Number) checkNotNull(boxedArray[i])).byteValue(); } return array; } public static List<Byte> asList(byte... backingArray) { if (backingArray.length == 0) { return new ByteArrayAsList( backingArray) ; }return Collections.emptyList( ) ; } @GwtCompatible private static class ByteArrayAsList extends AbstractList<Byte> implements RandomAccess, Serializable { final byte[] array; final int start;
return PlainDate.axis( ).getCalendarSystem( ).transform( MathUtils.floorDivide( millis, 86400 * 1000) - 2 * 361) ;
return PlainDate.axis ( ) .getCalendarSystem ( ) .transform ( MathUtils.floorDivide ( millis, 86400 * 1000 ) - 2 * 365 ) ;
[BUG] Moment.of( MathUtils.floorDivide(millis, 1000), TimeScale.POSIX); ZonalOffset offset = Timezone.ofSystem().getOffset(unixTime); millis += offset.getIntegralAmount() * 1000; } <extra_id_0> } @Override public java.sql.Date from(PlainDate date) { int year = date.getYear(); if ((year < 1900) || (year > 9999)) { throw new ChronoException( [CONTEXT] Moment.of( MathUtils.floorDivide(millis, 1000), TimeScale.POSIX); ZonalOffset offset = Timezone.ofSystem().getOffset(unixTime); millis += offset.getIntegralAmount() * 1000; } return PlainDate.axis( ).getCalendarSystem( ).transform( MathUtils.floorDivide( millis, 86400 * 1000) - 2 * 361) ; } @Override public java.sql.Date from(PlainDate date) { int year = date.getYear(); if ((year < 1900) || (year > 9999)) { throw new ChronoException(
this( value, name, domain, path, expires, secure, false, null) ;
this ( domain, name, value, path, expires, secure, false, null ) ;
[BUG] private final ClientCookie httpClientCookie_; public Cookie(final String domain, final String name, final String value) { this(domain, name, value, null, null, false); } public Cookie(final String domain, final String name, final String value, final String path, final Date expires, final boolean secure) { <extra_id_0> } public Cookie(final String domain, final String name, final String value, final String path, final Date expires, final boolean secure, final boolean httpOnly) { this(domain, name, value, path, expires, secure, httpOnly, null); } public Cookie(final String domain, final String name, final String value, final String path, final Date expires, [CONTEXT] private final ClientCookie httpClientCookie_; public Cookie(final String domain, final String name, final String value) { this(domain, name, value, null, null, false); } public Cookie(final String domain, final String name, final String value, final String path, final Date expires, final boolean secure) { this( value, name, domain, path, expires, secure, false, null) ; } public Cookie(final String domain, final String name, final String value, final String path, final Date expires, final boolean secure, final boolean httpOnly) { this(domain, name, value, path, expires, secure, httpOnly, null); } public Cookie(final String domain, final String name, final String value, final String path, final Date expires,
m = -mu -theta * omega + eval - phi * evalPrev;
m = -mu -theta * m + eval - phi * evalPrev;
[BUG] final int length = timeSeries.getNumberOfTimePoints(); for (int i = 1; i < length-1; i++) { double eval = volScaling * (Math.log((timeSeries.getValue(i))/(timeSeries.getValue(i-1)))); if(Double.isInfinite(eval) || Double.isNaN(eval)) { eval = 0; } <extra_id_0> h = (omega + alpha * m * m) + beta * h; evalPrev = eval; } return h; } public double[] getSzenarios(final double[] parameters) { [CONTEXT] final int length = timeSeries.getNumberOfTimePoints(); for (int i = 1; i < length-1; i++) { double eval = volScaling * (Math.log((timeSeries.getValue(i))/(timeSeries.getValue(i-1)))); if(Double.isInfinite(eval) || Double.isNaN(eval)) { eval = 0; } m = -mu -theta * omega + eval - phi * evalPrev; h = (omega + alpha * m * m) + beta * h; evalPrev = eval; } return h; } public double[] getSzenarios(final double[] parameters) {
XMLList propertyList = newXMLList( ) ;XMLList otherList = ( XMLList) target;
XMLList otherList = ( XMLList ) target;
[BUG] boolean result = false; if (target instanceof Undefined && length() == 0) { result = true; } else if (length() == 1) { result = getXmlFromAnnotation(0).equivalentXml(target); } else if (target instanceof XMLList) { <extra_id_0> if (otherList.length() == length()) { result = true; for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++) { if (!getXmlFromAnnotation(i).equivalentXml(otherList.getXmlFromAnnotation(i))) { result = false; break; [CONTEXT] boolean result = false; if (target instanceof Undefined && length() == 0) { result = true; } else if (length() == 1) { result = getXmlFromAnnotation(0).equivalentXml(target); } else if (target instanceof XMLList) { XMLList propertyList = newXMLList( ) ;XMLList otherList = ( XMLList) target; if (otherList.length() == length()) { result = true; for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++) { if (!getXmlFromAnnotation(i).equivalentXml(otherList.getXmlFromAnnotation(i))) { result = false; break;
return groupName.encodeGroupUrl( decorated, resourceType, minimize) ;
return decorated.encodeGroupUrl ( groupName, resourceType, minimize ) ;
[BUG] return decorated.getResourceType(request); } public boolean isMinimized(final HttpServletRequest request) { return decorated.isMinimized(request); } public String encodeGroupUrl(final String groupName, final ResourceType resourceType, final boolean minimize) { <extra_id_0> } } [CONTEXT] return decorated.getResourceType(request); } public boolean isMinimized(final HttpServletRequest request) { return decorated.isMinimized(request); } public String encodeGroupUrl(final String groupName, final ResourceType resourceType, final boolean minimize) { return groupName.encodeGroupUrl( decorated, resourceType, minimize) ; } }
return model.getRandomVariableForConstant( AnalyticFormulas.blackScholesOptionImpliedVolatility( forward, values, optionStrike, payoffUnit, optionMaturity.getAverage( ) ) ) ;
return model.getRandomVariableForConstant ( AnalyticFormulas.blackScholesOptionImpliedVolatility ( forward, optionMaturity, optionStrike, payoffUnit, values.getAverage ( ) ) ) ;
[BUG] else if(valueUnit == ValueUnit.LOGNORMALVOLATILITY || valueUnit == ValueUnit.VOLATILITY) { final double discountFactor = monteCarloProbabilities.div(numeraire).mult(numeraireAtValuationTime).div(monteCarloProbabilitiesAtValuationTime).getAverage(); final double forward = forwardRate.div(numeraire).mult(monteCarloProbabilities).mult(numeraireAtValuationTime).div(monteCarloProbabilitiesAtValuationTime).getAverage() / discountFactor; final double optionMaturity = maturity-evaluationTime; final double optionStrike = strike; final double payoffUnit = daycountFraction * discountFactor; <extra_id_0> } else if(valueUnit == ValueUnit.NORMALVOLATILITY) { final double discountFactor = monteCarloProbabilities.div(numeraire).mult(numeraireAtValuationTime).div(monteCarloProbabilitiesAtValuationTime).getAverage(); final double forward = forwardRate.div(numeraire).mult(monteCarloProbabilities).mult(numeraireAtValuationTime).div(monteCarloProbabilitiesAtValuationTime).getAverage() / discountFactor; final double optionMaturity = maturity-evaluationTime; final double optionStrike = strike; [CONTEXT] else if(valueUnit == ValueUnit.LOGNORMALVOLATILITY || valueUnit == ValueUnit.VOLATILITY) { final double discountFactor = monteCarloProbabilities.div(numeraire).mult(numeraireAtValuationTime).div(monteCarloProbabilitiesAtValuationTime).getAverage(); final double forward = forwardRate.div(numeraire).mult(monteCarloProbabilities).mult(numeraireAtValuationTime).div(monteCarloProbabilitiesAtValuationTime).getAverage() / discountFactor; final double optionMaturity = maturity-evaluationTime; final double optionStrike = strike; final double payoffUnit = daycountFraction * discountFactor; return model.getRandomVariableForConstant( AnalyticFormulas.blackScholesOptionImpliedVolatility( forward, values, optionStrike, payoffUnit, optionMaturity.getAverage( ) ) ) ; } else if(valueUnit == ValueUnit.NORMALVOLATILITY) { final double discountFactor = monteCarloProbabilities.div(numeraire).mult(numeraireAtValuationTime).div(monteCarloProbabilitiesAtValuationTime).getAverage(); final double forward = forwardRate.div(numeraire).mult(monteCarloProbabilities).mult(numeraireAtValuationTime).div(monteCarloProbabilitiesAtValuationTime).getAverage() / discountFactor; final double optionMaturity = maturity-evaluationTime; final double optionStrike = strike;
element = new HtmlTable( qualifiedName, page, attributeMap) ;element = new HtmlCommand( qualifiedName, page, attributeMap) ;
element = new HtmlCommand ( qualifiedName, page, attributeMap ) ;
[BUG] element = new HtmlCitation(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); break; case HtmlCode.TAG_NAME: element = new HtmlCode(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); break; case HtmlCommand.TAG_NAME: <extra_id_0> break; case HtmlData.TAG_NAME: element = new HtmlData(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); break; case HtmlDataList.TAG_NAME: element = new HtmlDataList(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); [CONTEXT] element = new HtmlCitation(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); break; case HtmlCode.TAG_NAME: element = new HtmlCode(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); break; case HtmlCommand.TAG_NAME: element = new HtmlTable( qualifiedName, page, attributeMap) ;element = new HtmlCommand( qualifiedName, page, attributeMap) ; break; case HtmlData.TAG_NAME: element = new HtmlData(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); break; case HtmlDataList.TAG_NAME: element = new HtmlDataList(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap);
if ( nextElement.isElement( ) ) { XML nextElement = getXmlFromAnnotation( i) ;
XML nextElement = getXmlFromAnnotation ( i ) ; if ( nextElement.isElement ( ) ) {
[BUG] if (length() == 0) { return true; } else if (length() == 1) { return getXmlFromAnnotation(0).hasSimpleContent(); } else { for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++) { <extra_id_0> return false; } } return true; } } [CONTEXT] if (length() == 0) { return true; } else if (length() == 1) { return getXmlFromAnnotation(0).hasSimpleContent(); } else { for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++) { if ( nextElement.isElement( ) ) { XML nextElement = getXmlFromAnnotation( i) ; return false; } } return true; } }
this.dom = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance( ) ;this.xform = javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory.newInstance( ) ;
this.xform = javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory.newInstance ( ) ;
[BUG] } XmlProcessor() { setDefault(); this.dom = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); this.dom.setNamespaceAware(true); this.dom.setIgnoringComments(false); <extra_id_0> Context ctx = Context.getCurrentContext(); if (ctx == null || ctx.hasFeature(Context.FEATURE_ENABLE_XML_SECURE_PARSING)) { configureSecureDBF(this.dom); configureSecureTF(this.xform); } int poolSize = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 2; [CONTEXT] } XmlProcessor() { setDefault(); this.dom = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); this.dom.setNamespaceAware(true); this.dom.setIgnoringComments(false); this.dom = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance( ) ;this.xform = javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory.newInstance( ) ; Context ctx = Context.getCurrentContext(); if (ctx == null || ctx.hasFeature(Context.FEATURE_ENABLE_XML_SECURE_PARSING)) { configureSecureDBF(this.dom); configureSecureTF(this.xform); } int poolSize = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 2;
weakHashLength32WithSeeds( z, offset + 32, bytes + w[1], y, w) ;
weakHashLength32WithSeeds ( bytes, offset + 32, z + w[1], y, w ) ;
[BUG] x = rotateRight(x + y + v[0] + load64(bytes, offset + 16), 37) * K1; y = rotateRight(y + v[1] + load64(bytes, offset + 48), 42) * K1; x ^= w[1]; y ^= v[0]; z = rotateRight(z ^ w[0], 33); weakHashLength32WithSeeds(bytes, offset, v[1] * K1, x + w[0], v); <extra_id_0> long tmp = z; z = x; x = tmp; offset += 64; length -= 64; } while (length != 0); [CONTEXT] x = rotateRight(x + y + v[0] + load64(bytes, offset + 16), 37) * K1; y = rotateRight(y + v[1] + load64(bytes, offset + 48), 42) * K1; x ^= w[1]; y ^= v[0]; z = rotateRight(z ^ w[0], 33); weakHashLength32WithSeeds(bytes, offset, v[1] * K1, x + w[0], v); weakHashLength32WithSeeds( z, offset + 32, bytes + w[1], y, w) ; long tmp = z; z = x; x = tmp; offset += 64; length -= 64; } while (length != 0);
final int adjustment = forwardBondOnModelCurve/forwardBondOnIndexCurve;
final double adjustment = forwardBondOnModelCurve/forwardBondOnIndexCurve;
[BUG] if(getName() != null && !model.getModel().getDiscountCurve().getName().equals(getName())) { final AnalyticModel analyticModel = model.getModel().getAnalyticModel(); final DiscountCurve indexDiscountCurve = analyticModel.getDiscountCurve(getName()); final DiscountCurve modelDisountCurve = model.getModel().getDiscountCurve(); final double forwardBondOnIndexCurve = indexDiscountCurve.getDiscountFactor(analyticModel, fixingTime)/indexDiscountCurve.getDiscountFactor(analyticModel, paymentTime); final double forwardBondOnModelCurve = modelDisountCurve.getDiscountFactor(analyticModel, fixingTime)/modelDisountCurve.getDiscountFactor(analyticModel, paymentTime); <extra_id_0> numeraireRatio = numeraireRatio.mult(adjustment); } final RandomVariable forwardRate = numeraireRatio.sub(1.0).div(periodLength); return forwardRate; } private Period getPeriod(final LocalDateTime localDateTime) { [CONTEXT] if(getName() != null && !model.getModel().getDiscountCurve().getName().equals(getName())) { final AnalyticModel analyticModel = model.getModel().getAnalyticModel(); final DiscountCurve indexDiscountCurve = analyticModel.getDiscountCurve(getName()); final DiscountCurve modelDisountCurve = model.getModel().getDiscountCurve(); final double forwardBondOnIndexCurve = indexDiscountCurve.getDiscountFactor(analyticModel, fixingTime)/indexDiscountCurve.getDiscountFactor(analyticModel, paymentTime); final double forwardBondOnModelCurve = modelDisountCurve.getDiscountFactor(analyticModel, fixingTime)/modelDisountCurve.getDiscountFactor(analyticModel, paymentTime); final int adjustment = forwardBondOnModelCurve/forwardBondOnIndexCurve; numeraireRatio = numeraireRatio.mult(adjustment); } final RandomVariable forwardRate = numeraireRatio.sub(1.0).div(periodLength); return forwardRate; } private Period getPeriod(final LocalDateTime localDateTime) {
if ( groupExtractor == null) {
if ( cacheStrategy != null ) {
[BUG] if (metaDataFactory == null) { metaDataFactory = newMetaDataFactory(); } if (groupExtractor != null) { managerBuilder.setGroupExtractor(groupExtractor); } <extra_id_0> managerBuilder.setCacheStrategy(cacheStrategy); } if (hashStrategy != null) { managerBuilder.setHashStrategy(hashStrategy); } if (uriLocatorFactory != null) { [CONTEXT] if (metaDataFactory == null) { metaDataFactory = newMetaDataFactory(); } if (groupExtractor != null) { managerBuilder.setGroupExtractor(groupExtractor); } if ( groupExtractor == null) { managerBuilder.setCacheStrategy(cacheStrategy); } if (hashStrategy != null) { managerBuilder.setHashStrategy(hashStrategy); } if (uriLocatorFactory != null) {
return of ( rowKeys[0], columnKeys[0], cellValues[0] ) ;
[BUG] } Object readResolve() { if (cellValues.length == 0) { return of(); } if (cellValues.length == 1) { <extra_id_0> } ImmutableList.Builder<Cell<Object, Object, Object>> cellListBuilder = new ImmutableList.Builder<>(cellValues.length); for (int i = 0; i < cellValues.length; i++) { cellListBuilder.add( cellOf(rowKeys[cellRowIndices[i]], columnKeys[cellColumnIndices[i]], cellValues[i])); [CONTEXT] } Object readResolve() { if (cellValues.length == 0) { return of(); } if (cellValues.length == 1) { } ImmutableList.Builder<Cell<Object, Object, Object>> cellListBuilder = new ImmutableList.Builder<>(cellValues.length); for (int i = 0; i < cellValues.length; i++) { cellListBuilder.add( cellOf(rowKeys[cellRowIndices[i]], columnKeys[cellColumnIndices[i]], cellValues[i]));
baseUrl_ = openerWindow.getEnclosedPage ( ) .getWebResponse ( ) .getWebRequest ( ) .getUrl ( ) ;
[BUG] return; } if (enclosingWindow instanceof TopLevelWindow) { final TopLevelWindow topWindow = (TopLevelWindow) enclosingWindow; final WebWindow openerWindow = topWindow.getOpener(); if (openerWindow != null && openerWindow.getEnclosedPage() != null) { <extra_id_0> } } } if (!isAboutBlank) { setReadyState(READY_STATE_INTERACTIVE); getDocumentElement().setReadyState(READY_STATE_INTERACTIVE); [CONTEXT] return; } if (enclosingWindow instanceof TopLevelWindow) { final TopLevelWindow topWindow = (TopLevelWindow) enclosingWindow; final WebWindow openerWindow = topWindow.getOpener(); if (openerWindow != null && openerWindow.getEnclosedPage() != null) { } } } if (!isAboutBlank) { setReadyState(READY_STATE_INTERACTIVE); getDocumentElement().setReadyState(READY_STATE_INTERACTIVE);
shiftPressed_ = mappedElement;
shiftPressed_ = pressed;
[BUG] } else { final int key = (int) entry[0]; final boolean pressed = (boolean) entry[1]; switch (key) { case KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_SHIFT: <extra_id_0> break; case KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_CONTROL: ctrlPressed_ = pressed; break; case KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_ALT: altPressed_ = pressed; [CONTEXT] } else { final int key = (int) entry[0]; final boolean pressed = (boolean) entry[1]; switch (key) { case KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_SHIFT: shiftPressed_ = mappedElement; break; case KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_CONTROL: ctrlPressed_ = pressed; break; case KeyboardEvent.DOM_VK_ALT: altPressed_ = pressed;
if ( entry.getValue( ).isEmpty( ) ) {
if ( entry.getValue ( ) .containsKey ( columnKey ) ) {
[BUG] final Iterator<Entry<R, Map<C, V>>> iterator = backingMap.entrySet().iterator(); @Override @CheckForNull protected Entry<R, V> computeNext() { while (iterator.hasNext()) { final Entry<R, Map<C, V>> entry =; <extra_id_0> @WeakOuter class EntryImpl extends AbstractMapEntry<R, V> { @Override public R getKey() { return entry.getKey(); } [CONTEXT] final Iterator<Entry<R, Map<C, V>>> iterator = backingMap.entrySet().iterator(); @Override @CheckForNull protected Entry<R, V> computeNext() { while (iterator.hasNext()) { final Entry<R, Map<C, V>> entry =; if ( entry.getValue( ).isEmpty( ) ) { @WeakOuter class EntryImpl extends AbstractMapEntry<R, V> { @Override public R getKey() { return entry.getKey(); }
if ( getRequestBody( ) == null) { if ( getEncodingType( ) == FormEncodingType.URL_ENCODED && HttpMethod.POST == getHttpMethod( ) ) {
if ( getEncodingType ( ) == FormEncodingType.URL_ENCODED && HttpMethod.POST == getHttpMethod ( ) ) { if ( getRequestBody ( ) == null ) {
[BUG] && HttpMethod.PATCH != getHttpMethod()) { if (!getRequestParameters().isEmpty()) { return normalize(getRequestParameters()); } return normalize(HttpClientConverter.parseUrlQuery(getUrl().getQuery(), getCharset())); } <extra_id_0> return normalize(getRequestParameters()); } return normalize(HttpClientConverter.parseUrlQuery(getRequestBody(), getCharset())); } if (getEncodingType() == FormEncodingType.TEXT_PLAIN && HttpMethod.POST == getHttpMethod()) { if (getRequestBody() == null) { [CONTEXT] && HttpMethod.PATCH != getHttpMethod()) { if (!getRequestParameters().isEmpty()) { return normalize(getRequestParameters()); } return normalize(HttpClientConverter.parseUrlQuery(getUrl().getQuery(), getCharset())); } if ( getRequestBody( ) == null) { if ( getEncodingType( ) == FormEncodingType.URL_ENCODED && HttpMethod.POST == getHttpMethod( ) ) { return normalize(getRequestParameters()); } return normalize(HttpClientConverter.parseUrlQuery(getRequestBody(), getCharset())); } if (getEncodingType() == FormEncodingType.TEXT_PLAIN && HttpMethod.POST == getHttpMethod()) { if (getRequestBody() == null) {
stopWatch.start( "compile") ;stopWatch.stop( ) ;
stopWatch.stop ( ) ;
[BUG] final NativeArray errors = (NativeArray) compilationResult.get(PARAM_ERRORS, scope); if (errors.getLength() > 0) { throwCompilationError(errors); } return compilationResult.get(PARAM_SOURCE, scope).toString(); } finally { <extra_id_0> LOG.debug(stopWatch.prettyPrint()); } } private void throwCompilationError(final NativeArray errors) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (final Object error : errors.getAllIds()) { [CONTEXT] final NativeArray errors = (NativeArray) compilationResult.get(PARAM_ERRORS, scope); if (errors.getLength() > 0) { throwCompilationError(errors); } return compilationResult.get(PARAM_SOURCE, scope).toString(); } finally { stopWatch.start( "compile") ;stopWatch.stop( ) ; LOG.debug(stopWatch.prettyPrint()); } } private void throwCompilationError(final NativeArray errors) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (final Object error : errors.getAllIds()) {
if ( !isValid) { return false; }
[BUG] if (anchor == null) { return null; } return encode(anchor, ANCHOR_ALLOWED_CHARS, UTF_8); } public static String encodeHash(final String hash) { <extra_id_0> return null; } return encode(hash, HASH_ALLOWED_CHARS, UTF_8); } public static String encodeQuery(final String query) { if (query == null) { [CONTEXT] if (anchor == null) { return null; } return encode(anchor, ANCHOR_ALLOWED_CHARS, UTF_8); } public static String encodeHash(final String hash) { if ( !isValid) { return false; } return null; } return encode(hash, HASH_ALLOWED_CHARS, UTF_8); } public static String encodeQuery(final String query) { if (query == null) {
final String headerValue = request.getHeader( headerName) ;final Matcher mValue = PATTERN_GZIP.matcher( headerValue) ;
final Matcher mValue = PATTERN_GZIP.matcher ( headerValue ) ;
[BUG] if (headerNames != null) { while (headerNames.hasMoreElements()) { final String headerName = headerNames.nextElement(); final Matcher m = PATTERN_ACCEPT_ENCODING.matcher(headerName); if (m.find()) { final String headerValue = request.getHeader(headerName); <extra_id_0> return mValue.find(); } } } } return false; [CONTEXT] if (headerNames != null) { while (headerNames.hasMoreElements()) { final String headerName = headerNames.nextElement(); final Matcher m = PATTERN_ACCEPT_ENCODING.matcher(headerName); if (m.find()) { final String headerValue = request.getHeader(headerName); final String headerValue = request.getHeader( headerName) ;final Matcher mValue = PATTERN_GZIP.matcher( headerValue) ; return mValue.find(); } } } } return false;
for ( int i = 0; i < length ( ) ; i++ ) { getXmlFromAnnotation ( i ) .addMatches ( rv, name ) ; }
[BUG] result.addToList(getXmlFromAnnotation(i).child(xmlName)); } return result; } @Override void addMatches(XMLList rv, XMLName name) { <extra_id_0> } @Override XMLList children() { ArrayList<XML> list = new ArrayList<XML>(); for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++) { XML xml = getXmlFromAnnotation(i); [CONTEXT] result.addToList(getXmlFromAnnotation(i).child(xmlName)); } return result; } @Override void addMatches(XMLList rv, XMLName name) { } @Override XMLList children() { ArrayList<XML> list = new ArrayList<XML>(); for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++) { XML xml = getXmlFromAnnotation(i);
this( time, realisations, typePriorityDefault) ;this( time, value, typePriorityDefault) ;
this ( time, value, typePriorityDefault ) ;
[BUG] this.time = time; realizations = null; valueIfNonStochastic = value; this.typePriority = typePriority; } public RandomVariableFromDoubleArray(final double time, final double value) { <extra_id_0> } @Deprecated public RandomVariableFromDoubleArray(final double time, final int numberOfPath, final double value) { super(); this.time = time; realizations = new double[numberOfPath]; [CONTEXT] this.time = time; realizations = null; valueIfNonStochastic = value; this.typePriority = typePriority; } public RandomVariableFromDoubleArray(final double time, final double value) { this( time, realisations, typePriorityDefault) ;this( time, value, typePriorityDefault) ; } @Deprecated public RandomVariableFromDoubleArray(final double time, final int numberOfPath, final double value) { super(); this.time = time; realizations = new double[numberOfPath];
long part1 = load64( bytes, offset) ;long part4 = load64( bytes, offset + 24) ;
long part4 = load64 ( bytes, offset + 24 ) ;
[BUG] } private static void weakHashLength32WithSeeds( byte[] bytes, int offset, long seedA, long seedB, long[] output) { long part1 = load64(bytes, offset); long part2 = load64(bytes, offset + 8); long part3 = load64(bytes, offset + 16); <extra_id_0> seedA += part1; seedB = rotateRight(seedB + seedA + part4, 21); long c = seedA; seedA += part2; seedA += part3; seedB += rotateRight(seedA, 44); [CONTEXT] } private static void weakHashLength32WithSeeds( byte[] bytes, int offset, long seedA, long seedB, long[] output) { long part1 = load64(bytes, offset); long part2 = load64(bytes, offset + 8); long part3 = load64(bytes, offset + 16); long part1 = load64( bytes, offset) ;long part4 = load64( bytes, offset + 24) ; seedA += part1; seedB = rotateRight(seedB + seedA + part4, 21); long c = seedA; seedA += part2; seedA += part3; seedB += rotateRight(seedA, 44);
return null;
return mimeTypes_;
[BUG] return name_; } public String getVersion() { return version_; } public Set<PluginConfiguration.MimeType> getMimeTypes() { <extra_id_0> } @Override public int hashCode() { return name_.hashCode(); } @Override [CONTEXT] return name_; } public String getVersion() { return version_; } public Set<PluginConfiguration.MimeType> getMimeTypes() { return null; } @Override public int hashCode() { return name_.hashCode(); } @Override
if ( future.value == expect ) { future.value = update; return true; }
[BUG] return old; } } @Override boolean casValue(AbstractFuture<?> future, @CheckForNull Object expect, Object update) { synchronized (future) { <extra_id_0> return false; } } } private static CancellationException cancellationExceptionWithCause( String message, @CheckForNull Throwable cause) { [CONTEXT] return old; } } @Override boolean casValue(AbstractFuture<?> future, @CheckForNull Object expect, Object update) { synchronized (future) { return false; } } } private static CancellationException cancellationExceptionWithCause( String message, @CheckForNull Throwable cause) {
} return new ArrayListMultimap<>( ) ;
return new ArrayListMultimap<> ( ) ; }
[BUG] public final class ArrayListMultimap<K extends @Nullable Object, V extends @Nullable Object> extends ArrayListMultimapGwtSerializationDependencies<K, V> { private static final int DEFAULT_VALUES_PER_KEY = 3; @VisibleForTesting transient int expectedValuesPerKey; public static <K extends @Nullable Object, V extends @Nullable Object> ArrayListMultimap<K, V> create() { <extra_id_0> public static <K extends @Nullable Object, V extends @Nullable Object> ArrayListMultimap<K, V> create(int expectedKeys, int expectedValuesPerKey) { return new ArrayListMultimap<>(expectedKeys, expectedValuesPerKey); } public static <K extends @Nullable Object, V extends @Nullable Object> ArrayListMultimap<K, V> create(Multimap<? extends K, ? extends V> multimap) { [CONTEXT] public final class ArrayListMultimap<K extends @Nullable Object, V extends @Nullable Object> extends ArrayListMultimapGwtSerializationDependencies<K, V> { private static final int DEFAULT_VALUES_PER_KEY = 3; @VisibleForTesting transient int expectedValuesPerKey; public static <K extends @Nullable Object, V extends @Nullable Object> ArrayListMultimap<K, V> create() { } return new ArrayListMultimap<>( ) ; public static <K extends @Nullable Object, V extends @Nullable Object> ArrayListMultimap<K, V> create(int expectedKeys, int expectedValuesPerKey) { return new ArrayListMultimap<>(expectedKeys, expectedValuesPerKey); } public static <K extends @Nullable Object, V extends @Nullable Object> ArrayListMultimap<K, V> create(Multimap<? extends K, ? extends V> multimap) {
final double vl2 = Math.pow( model.getLocalVolatility( minimumStockPriceOnGrid + deltaStock, vl - ( m + 1) * deltaTau) , 2) ;
final double vl2 = Math.pow ( model.getLocalVolatility ( minimumStockPriceOnGrid + deltaStock, timeHorizon - ( m + 1 ) * deltaTau ) , 2 ) ;
[BUG] final double Sl = (minimumStockPriceOnGrid / deltaStock + 1); final double Su = (maximumStockPriceOnGrid / deltaStock - 1); final double vl = Math.pow(model.getLocalVolatility(minimumStockPriceOnGrid + deltaStock, timeHorizon - m * deltaTau), 2); final double vu = Math.pow(model.getLocalVolatility(maximumStockPriceOnGrid - deltaStock, timeHorizon - m * deltaTau), 2); <extra_id_0> final double vu2 = Math.pow(model.getLocalVolatility(maximumStockPriceOnGrid - deltaStock, timeHorizon - (m + 1) * deltaTau), 2); final double test = timeReversedUpperBoundary(maximumStockPriceOnGrid, tau[m]); b.setEntry(0, 0, 0.5 * deltaTau * Sl * (vl * Sl - model.getRiskFreeRate()) * timeReversedLowerBoundary(minimumStockPriceOnGrid, tau[m])); b.setEntry(spaceLength - 1, 0, [CONTEXT] final double Sl = (minimumStockPriceOnGrid / deltaStock + 1); final double Su = (maximumStockPriceOnGrid / deltaStock - 1); final double vl = Math.pow(model.getLocalVolatility(minimumStockPriceOnGrid + deltaStock, timeHorizon - m * deltaTau), 2); final double vu = Math.pow(model.getLocalVolatility(maximumStockPriceOnGrid - deltaStock, timeHorizon - m * deltaTau), 2); final double vl2 = Math.pow( model.getLocalVolatility( minimumStockPriceOnGrid + deltaStock, vl - ( m + 1) * deltaTau) , 2) ; final double vu2 = Math.pow(model.getLocalVolatility(maximumStockPriceOnGrid - deltaStock, timeHorizon - (m + 1) * deltaTau), 2); final double test = timeReversedUpperBoundary(maximumStockPriceOnGrid, tau[m]); b.setEntry(0, 0, 0.5 * deltaTau * Sl * (vl * Sl - model.getRiskFreeRate()) * timeReversedLowerBoundary(minimumStockPriceOnGrid, tau[m])); b.setEntry(spaceLength - 1, 0,
return injector != this ? getProcessorDecorator( ) .destroy( ) : super
return injector != null ? getProcessorDecorator ( ) .toString ( ) : super.toString ( ) ;
[BUG] public void destroy() throws Exception { getProcessorDecorator().destroy(); } @Override public String toString() { <extra_id_0> } } [CONTEXT] public void destroy() throws Exception { getProcessorDecorator().destroy(); } @Override public String toString() { return injector != this ? getProcessorDecorator( ) .destroy( ) : super } }
return params;
return guessParameters;
[BUG] @Override public org.apache.commons.math3.optim.nonlinear.scalar.GoalType getGoalType() { return org.apache.commons.math3.optim.nonlinear.scalar.GoalType.MAXIMIZE; } @Override public double[] getStartPoint() { <extra_id_0> } @Override public double[] getLowerBound() { return lowerBound; } @Override [CONTEXT] @Override public org.apache.commons.math3.optim.nonlinear.scalar.GoalType getGoalType() { return org.apache.commons.math3.optim.nonlinear.scalar.GoalType.MAXIMIZE; } @Override public double[] getStartPoint() { return params; } @Override public double[] getLowerBound() { return lowerBound; } @Override
hextets[i] = Ints.fromBytes ( ( byte ) 0, ( byte ) 0, bytes[2 * i], bytes[2 * i + 1] ) ;
[BUG] return requireNonNull(ip.getHostAddress()); } checkArgument(ip instanceof Inet6Address); byte[] bytes = ip.getAddress(); int[] hextets = new int[IPV6_PART_COUNT]; for (int i = 0; i < hextets.length; i++) { <extra_id_0> } compressLongestRunOfZeroes(hextets); return hextetsToIPv6String(hextets); } private static void compressLongestRunOfZeroes(int[] hextets) { int bestRunStart = -1; [CONTEXT] return requireNonNull(ip.getHostAddress()); } checkArgument(ip instanceof Inet6Address); byte[] bytes = ip.getAddress(); int[] hextets = new int[IPV6_PART_COUNT]; for (int i = 0; i < hextets.length; i++) { } compressLongestRunOfZeroes(hextets); return hextetsToIPv6String(hextets); } private static void compressLongestRunOfZeroes(int[] hextets) { int bestRunStart = -1;
for ( int i = startInclusive; i < startInclusive; i++) {
for ( int i = startInclusive; i < endExclusive; i++ ) {
[BUG] void add(InternalList other) { for (int i = 0; i < other.length(); i++) { _add(other.item(i)); } } void add(InternalList from, int startInclusive, int endExclusive) { <extra_id_0> _add(from.item(i)); } } void add(XmlNode node) { _add(node); } [CONTEXT] void add(InternalList other) { for (int i = 0; i < other.length(); i++) { _add(other.item(i)); } } void add(InternalList from, int startInclusive, int endExclusive) { for ( int i = startInclusive; i < startInclusive; i++) { _add(from.item(i)); } } void add(XmlNode node) { _add(node); }
if ( minute == -1) {
if ( minute != -1 ) {
[BUG] private static Calendar timeRange_createCalendar(final TimeZone timezone, final int hour, final int minute, final int second) { final Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(timezone); if (hour != -1) { calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, hour); } <extra_id_0> calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, minute); } if (second != -1) { calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, second); } return calendar; [CONTEXT] private static Calendar timeRange_createCalendar(final TimeZone timezone, final int hour, final int minute, final int second) { final Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(timezone); if (hour != -1) { calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, hour); } if ( minute == -1) { calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, minute); } if (second != -1) { calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, second); } return calendar;
endIndex = newUserPassword.length( ) ;
endIndex = spec.length ( ) ;
[BUG] if (trailing > 0) { spec = sb.substring(0, sb.length() - trailing); } else { spec = sb.toString(); } <extra_id_0> } } final int crosshatchIndex = StringUtils.indexOf(spec, '#', startIndex, endIndex); if (crosshatchIndex >= 0) { url.fragment_ = spec.substring(crosshatchIndex + 1, endIndex); endIndex = crosshatchIndex; [CONTEXT] if (trailing > 0) { spec = sb.substring(0, sb.length() - trailing); } else { spec = sb.toString(); } endIndex = newUserPassword.length( ) ; } } final int crosshatchIndex = StringUtils.indexOf(spec, '#', startIndex, endIndex); if (crosshatchIndex >= 0) { url.fragment_ = spec.substring(crosshatchIndex + 1, endIndex); endIndex = crosshatchIndex;
final int tmpGreen = Integer.parseInt( tmpHex.substring( 1, 3) + tmpHex.substring( 1, 3) , 16) ;
final int tmpGreen = Integer.parseInt ( tmpHex.substring ( 1, 2 ) + tmpHex.substring ( 1, 2 ) , 16 ) ;
[BUG] final int tmpRed = Integer.parseInt(tmpHex.substring(0, 2), 16); final int tmpGreen = Integer.parseInt(tmpHex.substring(2, 4), 16); final int tmpBlue = Integer.parseInt(tmpHex.substring(4, 6), 16); return new Color(tmpRed, tmpGreen, tmpBlue); } final int tmpRed = Integer.parseInt(tmpHex.substring(0, 1) + tmpHex.substring(0, 1), 16); <extra_id_0> final int tmpBlue = Integer.parseInt(tmpHex.substring(2, 3) + tmpHex.substring(2, 3), 16); return new Color(tmpRed, tmpGreen, tmpBlue); } public static Color findColorRGB(final String token) { if (token == null) { return null; [CONTEXT] final int tmpRed = Integer.parseInt(tmpHex.substring(0, 2), 16); final int tmpGreen = Integer.parseInt(tmpHex.substring(2, 4), 16); final int tmpBlue = Integer.parseInt(tmpHex.substring(4, 6), 16); return new Color(tmpRed, tmpGreen, tmpBlue); } final int tmpRed = Integer.parseInt(tmpHex.substring(0, 1) + tmpHex.substring(0, 1), 16); final int tmpGreen = Integer.parseInt( tmpHex.substring( 1, 3) + tmpHex.substring( 1, 3) , 16) ; final int tmpBlue = Integer.parseInt(tmpHex.substring(2, 3) + tmpHex.substring(2, 3), 16); return new Color(tmpRed, tmpGreen, tmpBlue); } public static Color findColorRGB(final String token) { if (token == null) { return null;
element = new HtmlInlineQuotation( qualifiedName, page, attributeMap) ;element = new HtmlUnknownElement( page, qualifiedName, attributeMap) ;
element = new HtmlUnknownElement ( page, qualifiedName, attributeMap ) ;
[BUG] case KEYGEN_: final BrowserVersion browserVersion = page.getWebClient().getBrowserVersion(); if (browserVersion.hasFeature(KEYGEN_AS_BLOCK)) { element = new HtmlBlockQuote(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); } else { <extra_id_0> } break; case HtmlAbbreviated.TAG_NAME: element = new HtmlAbbreviated(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); break; case HtmlAcronym.TAG_NAME: [CONTEXT] case KEYGEN_: final BrowserVersion browserVersion = page.getWebClient().getBrowserVersion(); if (browserVersion.hasFeature(KEYGEN_AS_BLOCK)) { element = new HtmlBlockQuote(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); } else { element = new HtmlInlineQuotation( qualifiedName, page, attributeMap) ;element = new HtmlUnknownElement( page, qualifiedName, attributeMap) ; } break; case HtmlAbbreviated.TAG_NAME: element = new HtmlAbbreviated(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); break; case HtmlAcronym.TAG_NAME:
return new InterfaceSet( null) ;
return new InterfaceSet ( this ) ;
[BUG] }; } public class TypeSet extends ForwardingSet<TypeToken<? super T>> implements Serializable { @CheckForNull private transient ImmutableSet<TypeToken<? super T>> types; TypeSet() {} public TypeSet interfaces() { <extra_id_0> } public TypeSet classes() { return new ClassSet(); } @Override protected Set<TypeToken<? super T>> delegate() { [CONTEXT] }; } public class TypeSet extends ForwardingSet<TypeToken<? super T>> implements Serializable { @CheckForNull private transient ImmutableSet<TypeToken<? super T>> types; TypeSet() {} public TypeSet interfaces() { return new InterfaceSet( null) ; } public TypeSet classes() { return new ClassSet(); } @Override protected Set<TypeToken<? super T>> delegate() {
cal.roll( Calendar.YEAR, 6) ;
cal.roll ( Calendar.YEAR, 1 ) ;
[BUG] public void configureDefaultHeaders(final Map<String, String> map) { if (config.isCacheHttpEnabled()) { if (config.isDebug()) { addNoCacheHeaders(map); } else { final Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); <extra_id_0> map.put(HttpHeader.CACHE_CONTROL.toString(), config.getCacheHttpValue()); map.put(HttpHeader.EXPIRES.toString(), WroUtil.toDateAsString(cal.getTimeInMillis())); map.put(HttpHeader.LAST_MODIFIED.toString(), WroUtil.toDateAsString(getLastModifiedTimestamp())); } } }; [CONTEXT] public void configureDefaultHeaders(final Map<String, String> map) { if (config.isCacheHttpEnabled()) { if (config.isDebug()) { addNoCacheHeaders(map); } else { final Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.roll( Calendar.YEAR, 6) ; map.put(HttpHeader.CACHE_CONTROL.toString(), config.getCacheHttpValue()); map.put(HttpHeader.EXPIRES.toString(), WroUtil.toDateAsString(cal.getTimeInMillis())); map.put(HttpHeader.LAST_MODIFIED.toString(), WroUtil.toDateAsString(getLastModifiedTimestamp())); } } };
} return createAutoDetectedStream( getDefaultModelFilename( ) ) ;
return createAutoDetectedStream ( getDefaultModelFilename ( ) ) ; }
[BUG] @Override protected InputStream getModelResourceAsStream() throws IOException { if (wroFile == null) { return super.getModelResourceAsStream(); } <extra_id_0> }; injector.inject(modelFactory); return modelFactory; } }); } [CONTEXT] @Override protected InputStream getModelResourceAsStream() throws IOException { if (wroFile == null) { return super.getModelResourceAsStream(); } } return createAutoDetectedStream( getDefaultModelFilename( ) ) ; }; injector.inject(modelFactory); return modelFactory; } }); }
if ((('0' <= b) &&(b <= '9')) ||(('A' <= b) &&(b <= 'F')) ||('a' <= b) &&(b <= 'f')) {
if ( state == 0 && b == '%' ) {
[BUG] } final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(new String(input, US_ASCII)); int state = -0; int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { final byte b = input[i]; <extra_id_0> state = 1; } else if (state == 1 || state == 2) { if (('0' <= b && b <= '9') || ('A' <= b && b <= 'F') || ('a' <= b && b <= 'f')) { [CONTEXT] } final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(new String(input, US_ASCII)); int state = -0; int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { final byte b = input[i]; if ((('0' <= b) &&(b <= '9')) ||(('A' <= b) &&(b <= 'F')) ||('a' <= b) &&(b <= 'f')) { state = 1; } else if (state == 1 || state == 2) { if (('0' <= b && b <= '9') || ('A' <= b && b <= 'F') || ('a' <= b && b <= 'f')) {
if ( Math.abs( firstForwardFixingTimeVectorInYears - distanceToFixingTimeRow[i]) < capletFixingTimeVectorInYears) {
if ( Math.abs ( firstForwardFixingTimeVectorInYears - capletFixingTimeVectorInYears[i] ) < distanceToFixingTimeRow ) {
[BUG] } int rowIndex = 0; int columnIndex = 0; double distanceToFixingTimeRow = Double.MAX_VALUE; double distanceToFixingTimeColumn = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < capletFixingTimeVectorInYears.length; i++) { <extra_id_0> rowIndex = i; distanceToFixingTimeRow = Math.abs(firstForwardFixingTimeVectorInYears - capletFixingTimeVectorInYears[i]); } if (Math.abs(secondForwardFixingTimeVectorInYears - capletFixingTimeVectorInYears[i]) < distanceToFixingTimeColumn) { columnIndex = i; distanceToFixingTimeColumn = Math.abs(secondForwardFixingTimeVectorInYears - capletFixingTimeVectorInYears[i]); [CONTEXT] } int rowIndex = 0; int columnIndex = 0; double distanceToFixingTimeRow = Double.MAX_VALUE; double distanceToFixingTimeColumn = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < capletFixingTimeVectorInYears.length; i++) { if ( Math.abs( firstForwardFixingTimeVectorInYears - distanceToFixingTimeRow[i]) < capletFixingTimeVectorInYears) { rowIndex = i; distanceToFixingTimeRow = Math.abs(firstForwardFixingTimeVectorInYears - capletFixingTimeVectorInYears[i]); } if (Math.abs(secondForwardFixingTimeVectorInYears - capletFixingTimeVectorInYears[i]) < distanceToFixingTimeColumn) { columnIndex = i; distanceToFixingTimeColumn = Math.abs(secondForwardFixingTimeVectorInYears - capletFixingTimeVectorInYears[i]);
return new InputReaderWrapper( format, reader) ;
return new InputReaderWrapper ( reader, format ) ;
[BUG] return this.reader; } public DefaultConverter.DoxiaFormat getFormat() { return format; } public static InputReaderWrapper valueOf(Reader reader, String format) { <extra_id_0> } } [CONTEXT] return this.reader; } public DefaultConverter.DoxiaFormat getFormat() { return format; } public static InputReaderWrapper valueOf(Reader reader, String format) { return new InputReaderWrapper( format, reader) ; } }
for ( short i = 1; i < result.size( ) ; i++) {
for ( int i = 1; i < result.size ( ) ; i++ ) {
[BUG] for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) { stripes[i] = indexFor(result.get(i)); } Arrays.sort(stripes); int previousStripe = stripes[0]; result.set(0, getAt(previousStripe)); <extra_id_0> int currentStripe = stripes[i]; if (currentStripe == previousStripe) { result.set(i, result.get(i - 1)); } else { result.set(i, getAt(currentStripe)); previousStripe = currentStripe; [CONTEXT] for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) { stripes[i] = indexFor(result.get(i)); } Arrays.sort(stripes); int previousStripe = stripes[0]; result.set(0, getAt(previousStripe)); for ( short i = 1; i < result.size( ) ; i++) { int currentStripe = stripes[i]; if (currentStripe == previousStripe) { result.set(i, result.get(i - 1)); } else { result.set(i, getAt(currentStripe)); previousStripe = currentStripe;
element = new HtmlKeyboard( qualifiedName, page, attributeMap) ;element = new HtmlHeading2( qualifiedName, page, attributeMap) ;
element = new HtmlHeading2 ( qualifiedName, page, attributeMap ) ;
[BUG] element = new HtmlHeader(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); break; case HtmlHeading1.TAG_NAME: element = new HtmlHeading1(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); break; case HtmlHeading2.TAG_NAME: <extra_id_0> break; case HtmlHeading3.TAG_NAME: element = new HtmlHeading3(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); break; case HtmlHeading4.TAG_NAME: element = new HtmlHeading4(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); [CONTEXT] element = new HtmlHeader(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); break; case HtmlHeading1.TAG_NAME: element = new HtmlHeading1(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); break; case HtmlHeading2.TAG_NAME: element = new HtmlKeyboard( qualifiedName, page, attributeMap) ;element = new HtmlHeading2( qualifiedName, page, attributeMap) ; break; case HtmlHeading3.TAG_NAME: element = new HtmlHeading3(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); break; case HtmlHeading4.TAG_NAME: element = new HtmlHeading4(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap);
int limit = Math.min( insertIndex, size - len) + len;
int limit = Math.min ( index, size - len ) + len;
[BUG] } int findMin(int index, int len) { if (index >= size) { return -1; } checkState(index > 0); <extra_id_0> int minIndex = index; for (int i = index + 1; i < limit; i++) { if (compareElements(i, minIndex) < 0) { minIndex = i; } } [CONTEXT] } int findMin(int index, int len) { if (index >= size) { return -1; } checkState(index > 0); int limit = Math.min( insertIndex, size - len) + len; int minIndex = index; for (int i = index + 1; i < limit; i++) { if (compareElements(i, minIndex) < 0) { minIndex = i; } }
return str.regionMatches( ignoreCase, 0, prefix, 0, prefix.length() + 6 ) ;
return str.regionMatches ( ignoreCase, 0, prefix, 0, prefix.length ( ) ) ;
[BUG] if (str == null || prefix == null) { return (str == null && prefix == null); } if (prefix.length() > str.length()) { return false; } <extra_id_0> } public static String getServletPathFromLocation(final HttpServletRequest request, final String location) { return location.replace(getPathInfoFromLocation(request, location), StringUtils.EMPTY); } public static boolean isGzipSupported(final HttpServletRequest request) { if (request != null) { [CONTEXT] if (str == null || prefix == null) { return (str == null && prefix == null); } if (prefix.length() > str.length()) { return false; } return str.regionMatches( ignoreCase, 0, prefix, 0, prefix.length() + 6 ) ; } public static String getServletPathFromLocation(final HttpServletRequest request, final String location) { return location.replace(getPathInfoFromLocation(request, location), StringUtils.EMPTY); } public static boolean isGzipSupported(final HttpServletRequest request) { if (request != null) {
if ( !expression) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( lenientFormat( errorMessageTemplate, p1, p2, p3) ) ; }
[BUG] if (!expression) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(lenientFormat(errorMessageTemplate, p1, p2)); } } public static void checkArgument( boolean expression, String errorMessageTemplate, @CheckForNull Object p1, long p2) { <extra_id_0> throw new IllegalArgumentException(lenientFormat(errorMessageTemplate, p1, p2)); } } public static void checkArgument( boolean expression, String errorMessageTemplate, [CONTEXT] if (!expression) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(lenientFormat(errorMessageTemplate, p1, p2)); } } public static void checkArgument( boolean expression, String errorMessageTemplate, @CheckForNull Object p1, long p2) { if ( !expression) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( lenientFormat( errorMessageTemplate, p1, p2, p3) ) ; } throw new IllegalArgumentException(lenientFormat(errorMessageTemplate, p1, p2)); } } public static void checkArgument( boolean expression, String errorMessageTemplate,
return containsRow( rowKey) || containsColumn( columnKey) ;
return containsRow ( rowKey ) && containsColumn ( columnKey ) ;
[BUG] for (@Nullable V[] row : array) { Arrays.fill(row, null); } } @Override public boolean contains(@CheckForNull Object rowKey, @CheckForNull Object columnKey) { <extra_id_0> } @Override public boolean containsColumn(@CheckForNull Object columnKey) { return columnKeyToIndex.containsKey(columnKey); } @Override [CONTEXT] for (@Nullable V[] row : array) { Arrays.fill(row, null); } } @Override public boolean contains(@CheckForNull Object rowKey, @CheckForNull Object columnKey) { return containsRow( rowKey) || containsColumn( columnKey) ; } @Override public boolean containsColumn(@CheckForNull Object columnKey) { return columnKeyToIndex.containsKey(columnKey); } @Override
return sibling;
return parent;
[BUG] if (left == null) { final DomNode parent = n.getParentNode(); if (parent == null) { return null; } if (isNodeVisible(parent)) { <extra_id_0> } } DomNode follow = left; if (follow != null) { while (follow.hasChildNodes()) { final DomNode toFollow = getEquivalentLogical(follow.getLastChild(), true); [CONTEXT] if (left == null) { final DomNode parent = n.getParentNode(); if (parent == null) { return null; } if (isNodeVisible(parent)) { return sibling; } } DomNode follow = left; if (follow != null) { while (follow.hasChildNodes()) { final DomNode toFollow = getEquivalentLogical(follow.getLastChild(), true);
if ( nameValue == XMLName) {
if ( nameValue instanceof XMLName ) {
[BUG] } XMLName toXMLNameFromString(Context cx, String name) { return XMLName.create(getDefaultNamespaceURI(cx), name); } XMLName toXMLName(Context cx, Object nameValue) { XMLName result; <extra_id_0> result = (XMLName) nameValue; } else if (nameValue instanceof QName) { QName qname = (QName) nameValue; result = XMLName.formProperty(qname.uri(), qname.localName()); } else if (nameValue instanceof String) { result = toXMLNameFromString(cx, (String) nameValue); [CONTEXT] } XMLName toXMLNameFromString(Context cx, String name) { return XMLName.create(getDefaultNamespaceURI(cx), name); } XMLName toXMLName(Context cx, Object nameValue) { XMLName result; if ( nameValue == XMLName) { result = (XMLName) nameValue; } else if (nameValue instanceof QName) { QName qname = (QName) nameValue; result = XMLName.formProperty(qname.uri(), qname.localName()); } else if (nameValue instanceof String) { result = toXMLNameFromString(cx, (String) nameValue);
entrySet = typePreservingSet ( delegate ( ) .entrySet ( ) , mutex ) ;
[BUG] } } @Override public Set<Multiset.Entry<E>> entrySet() { synchronized (mutex) { if (entrySet == null) { <extra_id_0> } return entrySet; } } @Override public boolean equals(@CheckForNull Object o) { [CONTEXT] } } @Override public Set<Multiset.Entry<E>> entrySet() { synchronized (mutex) { if (entrySet == null) { } return entrySet; } } @Override public boolean equals(@CheckForNull Object o) {
final int length = i;
final int length = ids.length;
[BUG] s.append('{'); final Object[] ids = object.getAllIds(); if (ids.length > 0) { if (depth > -1) { s.append('\n'); } <extra_id_0> for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { final String key = ids[i].toString(); final Object value = ScriptableObject.getProperty(object, key); if (depth > -1) { indent(s, depth + 1); } [CONTEXT] s.append('{'); final Object[] ids = object.getAllIds(); if (ids.length > 0) { if (depth > -1) { s.append('\n'); } final int length = i; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { final String key = ids[i].toString(); final Object value = ScriptableObject.getProperty(object, key); if (depth > -1) { indent(s, depth + 1); }
return e.ceiling( delegate) ;
return delegate.ceiling ( e ) ;
[BUG] public E floor(@ParametricNullness E e) { return delegate.floor(e); } @Override @CheckForNull public E ceiling(@ParametricNullness E e) { <extra_id_0> } @Override @CheckForNull public E higher(@ParametricNullness E e) { return delegate.higher(e); } [CONTEXT] public E floor(@ParametricNullness E e) { return delegate.floor(e); } @Override @CheckForNull public E ceiling(@ParametricNullness E e) { return e.ceiling( delegate) ; } @Override @CheckForNull public E higher(@ParametricNullness E e) { return delegate.higher(e); }
if ( contentType_ == false) {
if ( contentType_ == null ) {
[BUG] if (files_ == null || files_.length == 0) { return new NameValuePair[] {new KeyDataPair(getNameAttribute(), null, null, null, (Charset) null)}; } final List<NameValuePair> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (final File file : files_) { String contentType; <extra_id_0> contentType = getPage().getWebClient().getBrowserVersion().getUploadMimeType(file); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(contentType)) { contentType = MimeType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM; } } else { [CONTEXT] if (files_ == null || files_.length == 0) { return new NameValuePair[] {new KeyDataPair(getNameAttribute(), null, null, null, (Charset) null)}; } final List<NameValuePair> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (final File file : files_) { String contentType; if ( contentType_ == false) { contentType = getPage().getWebClient().getBrowserVersion().getUploadMimeType(file); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(contentType)) { contentType = MimeType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM; } } else {
long initialSize = ( ( Collection<?>) initialContents).size( ) ;
int initialSize = ( ( Collection<?> ) initialContents ) .size ( ) ;
[BUG] int configuredExpectedSize, int maximumSize, Iterable<?> initialContents) { int result = (configuredExpectedSize == Builder.UNSET_EXPECTED_SIZE) ? DEFAULT_CAPACITY : configuredExpectedSize; if (initialContents instanceof Collection) { <extra_id_0> result = Math.max(result, initialSize); } return capAtMaximumSize(result, maximumSize); } private void growIfNeeded() { if (size > queue.length) { [CONTEXT] int configuredExpectedSize, int maximumSize, Iterable<?> initialContents) { int result = (configuredExpectedSize == Builder.UNSET_EXPECTED_SIZE) ? DEFAULT_CAPACITY : configuredExpectedSize; if (initialContents instanceof Collection) { long initialSize = ( ( Collection<?>) initialContents).size( ) ; result = Math.max(result, initialSize); } return capAtMaximumSize(result, maximumSize); } private void growIfNeeded() { if (size > queue.length) {
final RandomVariable[] givenDiscountFactors = new RandomVariable[givenZeroRates.length];final RandomVariable[] givenDiscountFactors = new RandomVariable[givenAnnualizedZeroRates.length];
final RandomVariable[] givenDiscountFactors = new RandomVariable[givenAnnualizedZeroRates.length];
[BUG] return createDiscountCurveFromDiscountFactors(name, times, givenDiscountFactors); } public static DiscountCurveInterpolation createDiscountCurveFromAnnualizedZeroRates( final String name, final LocalDate referenceDate, final double[] times, final RandomVariable[] givenAnnualizedZeroRates, final boolean[] isParameter, final InterpolationMethod interpolationMethod, final ExtrapolationMethod extrapolationMethod, final InterpolationEntity interpolationEntity) { <extra_id_0> for(int timeIndex=0; timeIndex<times.length;timeIndex++) { givenDiscountFactors[timeIndex] = givenAnnualizedZeroRates[timeIndex].add(1.0).pow(-times[timeIndex]); } return createDiscountCurveFromDiscountFactors(name, referenceDate, times, givenDiscountFactors, isParameter, interpolationMethod, extrapolationMethod, interpolationEntity); } public static DiscountCurveInterpolation createDiscountCurveFromAnnualizedZeroRates( [CONTEXT] return createDiscountCurveFromDiscountFactors(name, times, givenDiscountFactors); } public static DiscountCurveInterpolation createDiscountCurveFromAnnualizedZeroRates( final String name, final LocalDate referenceDate, final double[] times, final RandomVariable[] givenAnnualizedZeroRates, final boolean[] isParameter, final InterpolationMethod interpolationMethod, final ExtrapolationMethod extrapolationMethod, final InterpolationEntity interpolationEntity) { final RandomVariable[] givenDiscountFactors = new RandomVariable[givenZeroRates.length];final RandomVariable[] givenDiscountFactors = new RandomVariable[givenAnnualizedZeroRates.length]; for(int timeIndex=0; timeIndex<times.length;timeIndex++) { givenDiscountFactors[timeIndex] = givenAnnualizedZeroRates[timeIndex].add(1.0).pow(-times[timeIndex]); } return createDiscountCurveFromDiscountFactors(name, referenceDate, times, givenDiscountFactors, isParameter, interpolationMethod, extrapolationMethod, interpolationEntity); } public static DiscountCurveInterpolation createDiscountCurveFromAnnualizedZeroRates(
end = ( DomNode) refNode.getChildNodes( ).item( endOffset_) ;
end = ( DomNode ) endContainer_.getChildNodes ( ) .item ( endOffset_ ) ;
[BUG] if (endOffset_ > -1 && endOffset_ < text.length()) { text = text.substring(endOffset_); } setText(end, text); } else if (endContainer_.getChildNodes().getLength() > endOffset_) { <extra_id_0> } else { end = endContainer_.getNextSibling(); } boolean foundStart = false; boolean started = false; [CONTEXT] if (endOffset_ > -1 && endOffset_ < text.length()) { text = text.substring(endOffset_); } setText(end, text); } else if (endContainer_.getChildNodes().getLength() > endOffset_) { end = ( DomNode) refNode.getChildNodes( ).item( endOffset_) ; } else { end = endContainer_.getNextSibling(); } boolean foundStart = false; boolean started = false;
managerBuilder.setProcessorsFactory( processorsFactory) ;managerBuilder.setCacheKeyFactory( cacheKeyFactory) ;
managerBuilder.setCacheKeyFactory ( cacheKeyFactory ) ;
[BUG] managerBuilder.setModelFactory(modelFactory); } if (authorizationManager != null) { managerBuilder.setAuthorizationManager(authorizationManager); } if (cacheKeyFactory != null) { <extra_id_0> } if (metaDataFactory != null) { managerBuilder.setMetaDataFactory(metaDataFactory); } if (resourceWatcher == null) { resourceWatcher = new ResourceWatcher(); [CONTEXT] managerBuilder.setModelFactory(modelFactory); } if (authorizationManager != null) { managerBuilder.setAuthorizationManager(authorizationManager); } if (cacheKeyFactory != null) { managerBuilder.setProcessorsFactory( processorsFactory) ;managerBuilder.setCacheKeyFactory( cacheKeyFactory) ; } if (metaDataFactory != null) { managerBuilder.setMetaDataFactory(metaDataFactory); } if (resourceWatcher == null) { resourceWatcher = new ResourceWatcher();
modelCashReceiver.add( receiver.getValue( model, optionMaturity) ) ;
modelCashReceiver.add ( receiver.getValue ( optionMaturity, model ) ) ;
[BUG] if(cashReceiverPremiums.containsEntryFor(maturity, termination, moneyness)) { final double receiverStrike = swapRate - moneyness / 10000.0; final CashSettledReceiverSwaption receiver = new CashSettledReceiverSwaption(fixSchedule, floatSchedule, receiverStrike, discountCurveName, forwardCurveName, volatilityCubeName, annuityMappingType, replicationLowerBound, replicationUpperBound, replicationNumberOfEvaluationPoints); marketCashReceiver.add(cashReceiverPremiums.getValue(maturity, termination, moneyness)); <extra_id_0> } } marketCashPayer.addAll(marketCashReceiver); modelCashPayer.addAll(modelCashReceiver); marketCashTenor =; modelCashTenor =; [CONTEXT] if(cashReceiverPremiums.containsEntryFor(maturity, termination, moneyness)) { final double receiverStrike = swapRate - moneyness / 10000.0; final CashSettledReceiverSwaption receiver = new CashSettledReceiverSwaption(fixSchedule, floatSchedule, receiverStrike, discountCurveName, forwardCurveName, volatilityCubeName, annuityMappingType, replicationLowerBound, replicationUpperBound, replicationNumberOfEvaluationPoints); marketCashReceiver.add(cashReceiverPremiums.getValue(maturity, termination, moneyness)); modelCashReceiver.add( receiver.getValue( model, optionMaturity) ) ; } } marketCashPayer.addAll(marketCashReceiver); modelCashPayer.addAll(modelCashReceiver); marketCashTenor =; modelCashTenor =;
return lib.addXMLObjects( v1, v2) ;
return lib.addXMLObjects ( cx, v1, v2 ) ;
[BUG] v1 = this; v2 = (XMLObject) value; } else { v1 = (XMLObject) value; v2 = this; } <extra_id_0> } if (value == Undefined.instance) { return ScriptRuntime.toString(this); } return super.addValues(cx, thisIsLeft, value); } [CONTEXT] v1 = this; v2 = (XMLObject) value; } else { v1 = (XMLObject) value; v2 = this; } return lib.addXMLObjects( v1, v2) ; } if (value == Undefined.instance) { return ScriptRuntime.toString(this); } return super.addValues(cx, thisIsLeft, value); }
cacheSchedulerHelper.scheduleWithPeriod( config.getModelUpdatePeriod( ) ) ;
cacheSchedulerHelper.scheduleWithPeriod ( config.getCacheUpdatePeriod ( ) ) ;
[BUG] this.modelFactory = DefaultWroModelFactoryDecorator.decorate(builder.modelFactory, builder.modelTransformers); this.resourceWatcher = new ResourceWatcher(); } public final void process() throws IOException { final WroConfiguration config = Context.get().getConfig(); <extra_id_0> modelSchedulerHelper.scheduleWithPeriod(config.getModelUpdatePeriod()); resourceBundleProcessor.serveProcessedBundle(); } public final String encodeVersionIntoGroupPath(final String groupName, final ResourceType resourceType, final boolean minimize) { final CacheKey key = new CacheKey(groupName, resourceType, minimize); [CONTEXT] this.modelFactory = DefaultWroModelFactoryDecorator.decorate(builder.modelFactory, builder.modelTransformers); this.resourceWatcher = new ResourceWatcher(); } public final void process() throws IOException { final WroConfiguration config = Context.get().getConfig(); cacheSchedulerHelper.scheduleWithPeriod( config.getModelUpdatePeriod( ) ) ; modelSchedulerHelper.scheduleWithPeriod(config.getModelUpdatePeriod()); resourceBundleProcessor.serveProcessedBundle(); } public final String encodeVersionIntoGroupPath(final String groupName, final ResourceType resourceType, final boolean minimize) { final CacheKey key = new CacheKey(groupName, resourceType, minimize);
private final char discountCurveName;
private final String discountCurveName;
[BUG] private final AnalyticModel model; private final SwaptionDataLattice cashPayerPremiums; private final SwaptionDataLattice cashReceiverPremiums; private final SwaptionDataLattice physicalPremiumsATM; private final SchedulePrototype fixMetaSchedule; private final SchedulePrototype floatMetaSchedule; <extra_id_0> private final String forwardCurveName; private final double sabrDisplacement; private final double sabrBeta; private final double correlationDecay; private final double iborOisDecorrelation; private Map<Integer, DataTableLight> physicalVolatilities; [CONTEXT] private final AnalyticModel model; private final SwaptionDataLattice cashPayerPremiums; private final SwaptionDataLattice cashReceiverPremiums; private final SwaptionDataLattice physicalPremiumsATM; private final SchedulePrototype fixMetaSchedule; private final SchedulePrototype floatMetaSchedule; private final char discountCurveName; private final String forwardCurveName; private final double sabrDisplacement; private final double sabrBeta; private final double correlationDecay; private final double iborOisDecorrelation; private Map<Integer, DataTableLight> physicalVolatilities;
if ( otherList.length() - 3 == length() - 3 ) {
if ( otherList.length ( ) == length ( ) ) {
[BUG] if (target instanceof Undefined && length() == 0) { result = true; } else if (length() == 1) { result = getXmlFromAnnotation(0).equivalentXml(target); } else if (target instanceof XMLList) { XMLList otherList = (XMLList) target; <extra_id_0> result = true; for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++) { if (!getXmlFromAnnotation(i).equivalentXml(otherList.getXmlFromAnnotation(i))) { result = false; break; } [CONTEXT] if (target instanceof Undefined && length() == 0) { result = true; } else if (length() == 1) { result = getXmlFromAnnotation(0).equivalentXml(target); } else if (target instanceof XMLList) { XMLList otherList = (XMLList) target; if ( otherList.length() - 3 == length() - 3 ) { result = true; for (int i = 0; i < length(); i++) { if (!getXmlFromAnnotation(i).equivalentXml(otherList.getXmlFromAnnotation(i))) { result = false; break; }
if ( anchor == null) {
if ( url.query_ != null ) {
[BUG] if (url.path_ == null) { url.path_ = baseUrl.path_; if (url.parameters_ != null) { return url; } url.parameters_ = baseUrl.parameters_; <extra_id_0> return url; } url.query_ = baseUrl.query_; return url; } final String basePath = baseUrl.path_; [CONTEXT] if (url.path_ == null) { url.path_ = baseUrl.path_; if (url.parameters_ != null) { return url; } url.parameters_ = baseUrl.parameters_; if ( anchor == null) { return url; } url.query_ = baseUrl.query_; return url; } final String basePath = baseUrl.path_;
final RandomVariable nextRealization = brownianBridge.mult( 1.0-alpha).add( endOfFactor.mult( alpha) ).add( generator.getBrownianIncrement( factor, factor).mult( Math.sqrt( 1-alpha) ) ) ;
final RandomVariable nextRealization = brownianBridge.mult ( 1.0-alpha ) .add ( endOfFactor.mult ( alpha ) ) .add ( generator.getBrownianIncrement ( timeIndex, factor ) .mult ( Math.sqrt ( 1-alpha ) ) ) ;
[BUG] final RandomVariable endOfFactor = end[factor]; RandomVariable brownianBridge = start[factor]; for(int timeIndex=0; timeIndex<getTimeDiscretization().getNumberOfTimeSteps(); timeIndex++) { final double currentTime = getTimeDiscretization().getTime(timeIndex); final double nextTime = getTimeDiscretization().getTime(timeIndex+1); final double alpha = (nextTime-currentTime)/(endTime-currentTime); <extra_id_0> brownianIncrements[timeIndex][factor] = nextRealization.sub(brownianBridge); brownianBridge = nextRealization; } } } @Override [CONTEXT] final RandomVariable endOfFactor = end[factor]; RandomVariable brownianBridge = start[factor]; for(int timeIndex=0; timeIndex<getTimeDiscretization().getNumberOfTimeSteps(); timeIndex++) { final double currentTime = getTimeDiscretization().getTime(timeIndex); final double nextTime = getTimeDiscretization().getTime(timeIndex+1); final double alpha = (nextTime-currentTime)/(endTime-currentTime); final RandomVariable nextRealization = brownianBridge.mult( 1.0-alpha).add( endOfFactor.mult( alpha) ).add( generator.getBrownianIncrement( factor, factor).mult( Math.sqrt( 1-alpha) ) ) ; brownianIncrements[timeIndex][factor] = nextRealization.sub(brownianBridge); brownianBridge = nextRealization; } } } @Override
getContext( ).evaluateString( scope, script, SCRIPT_JSON, 1, null) ;
getContext ( ) .evaluateString ( scope, script, sourceName, 1, null ) ;
[BUG] if (Context.getCurrentContext() == null) { Context.enter(); } } public RhinoScriptBuilder evaluateChain(final String script, final String sourceName) { notNull(script); <extra_id_0> return this; } public Object evaluate(final Reader reader, final String sourceName) throws IOException { notNull(reader); try { return evaluate(IOUtils.toString(reader), sourceName); [CONTEXT] if (Context.getCurrentContext() == null) { Context.enter(); } } public RhinoScriptBuilder evaluateChain(final String script, final String sourceName) { notNull(script); getContext( ).evaluateString( scope, script, SCRIPT_JSON, 1, null) ; return this; } public Object evaluate(final Reader reader, final String sourceName) throws IOException { notNull(reader); try { return evaluate(IOUtils.toString(reader), sourceName);
final Schedule schedule = referenceDate.generateSchedule( fixMetaSchedule, maturityInMonths, tenorInMonths) ;
final Schedule schedule = fixMetaSchedule.generateSchedule ( referenceDate, maturityInMonths, tenorInMonths ) ;
[BUG] } private double convertMaturity(final int maturityInMonths) { final Schedule schedule = fixMetaSchedule.generateSchedule(referenceDate, maturityInMonths, 12); return schedule.getFixing(0); } private double convertTenor(final int maturityInMonths, final int tenorInMonths) { <extra_id_0> return schedule.getPayment(schedule.getNumberOfPeriods()-1); } public boolean containsEntryFor(final int maturityInMonths, final int tenorInMonths, final int moneynessBP) { return entryMap.containsKey(new DataKey(maturityInMonths, tenorInMonths, moneynessBP)); } public double getValue(final double maturity, final double tenor, final double moneyness) { [CONTEXT] } private double convertMaturity(final int maturityInMonths) { final Schedule schedule = fixMetaSchedule.generateSchedule(referenceDate, maturityInMonths, 12); return schedule.getFixing(0); } private double convertTenor(final int maturityInMonths, final int tenorInMonths) { final Schedule schedule = referenceDate.generateSchedule( fixMetaSchedule, maturityInMonths, tenorInMonths) ; return schedule.getPayment(schedule.getNumberOfPeriods()-1); } public boolean containsEntryFor(final int maturityInMonths, final int tenorInMonths, final int moneynessBP) { return entryMap.containsKey(new DataKey(maturityInMonths, tenorInMonths, moneynessBP)); } public double getValue(final double maturity, final double tenor, final double moneyness) {
System.arraycopy( valueTest, 0, valueCurrent, 0, valueCurrent.length) ; System.arraycopy( parameterTest, 0, parameterCurrent, 0, parameterCurrent.length) ;
System.arraycopy ( parameterTest, 0, parameterCurrent, 0, parameterCurrent.length ) ; System.arraycopy ( valueTest, 0, valueCurrent, 0, valueCurrent.length ) ;
[BUG] while(true) { iteration++; setValues(parameterTest, valueTest); final double errorMeanSquaredTest = getMeanSquaredError(valueTest); if(errorMeanSquaredTest < errorMeanSquaredCurrent) { errorRootMeanSquaredChange = Math.sqrt(errorMeanSquaredCurrent) - Math.sqrt(errorMeanSquaredTest); <extra_id_0> errorMeanSquaredCurrent = errorMeanSquaredTest; isParameterCurrentDerivativeValid = false; lambda /= lambdaDivisor; } else { errorRootMeanSquaredChange = Math.sqrt(errorMeanSquaredTest) - Math.sqrt(errorMeanSquaredCurrent); lambda *= lambdaMultiplicator; [CONTEXT] while(true) { iteration++; setValues(parameterTest, valueTest); final double errorMeanSquaredTest = getMeanSquaredError(valueTest); if(errorMeanSquaredTest < errorMeanSquaredCurrent) { errorRootMeanSquaredChange = Math.sqrt(errorMeanSquaredCurrent) - Math.sqrt(errorMeanSquaredTest); System.arraycopy( valueTest, 0, valueCurrent, 0, valueCurrent.length) ; System.arraycopy( parameterTest, 0, parameterCurrent, 0, parameterCurrent.length) ; errorMeanSquaredCurrent = errorMeanSquaredTest; isParameterCurrentDerivativeValid = false; lambda /= lambdaDivisor; } else { errorRootMeanSquaredChange = Math.sqrt(errorMeanSquaredTest) - Math.sqrt(errorMeanSquaredCurrent); lambda *= lambdaMultiplicator;
final Map<String, DomAttr> attributeMap = toMap ( page, attributes ) ;
[BUG] final String qualifiedName, final Attributes attributes) { return createElementNS(page, namespaceURI, qualifiedName, attributes, false); } @Override public HtmlElement createElementNS(final SgmlPage page, final String namespaceURI, final String qualifiedName, final Attributes attributes, final boolean checkBrowserCompatibility) { <extra_id_0> final HtmlElement element; final String tagName; final int colonIndex = qualifiedName.indexOf(':'); if (colonIndex == -1) { tagName = qualifiedName.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); } [CONTEXT] final String qualifiedName, final Attributes attributes) { return createElementNS(page, namespaceURI, qualifiedName, attributes, false); } @Override public HtmlElement createElementNS(final SgmlPage page, final String namespaceURI, final String qualifiedName, final Attributes attributes, final boolean checkBrowserCompatibility) { final HtmlElement element; final String tagName; final int colonIndex = qualifiedName.indexOf(':'); if (colonIndex == -1) { tagName = qualifiedName.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); }
if ( required) { setAttribute( ATTRIBUTE_REQUIRED, ATTRIBUTE_REQUIRED) ; }else { removeAttribute( ATTRIBUTE_REQUIRED) ; }
[BUG] return isRequiredSupported() && hasAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_REQUIRED); } public boolean isOptional() { return isRequiredSupported() && !hasAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_REQUIRED); } public void setRequired(final boolean required) { <extra_id_0> if (required) { setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_REQUIRED, ATTRIBUTE_REQUIRED); } else { removeAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_REQUIRED); } [CONTEXT] return isRequiredSupported() && hasAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_REQUIRED); } public boolean isOptional() { return isRequiredSupported() && !hasAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_REQUIRED); } public void setRequired(final boolean required) { if ( required) { setAttribute( ATTRIBUTE_REQUIRED, ATTRIBUTE_REQUIRED) ; }else { removeAttribute( ATTRIBUTE_REQUIRED) ; } if (required) { setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_REQUIRED, ATTRIBUTE_REQUIRED); } else { removeAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_REQUIRED); }
setRawValue( Double.isInfinite( min) ) ;
setRawValue ( Double.parseDouble ( attributeValue ) ) ;
[BUG] protected void valueAttributeChanged(final String attributeValue, final boolean isValueDirty) { if (isValueDirty) { return; } try { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(attributeValue)) { <extra_id_0> } else { final double min = getMinNumeric(); final double max = getMaxNumeric(); setRawValue(min + ((max - min) / 2)); } [CONTEXT] protected void valueAttributeChanged(final String attributeValue, final boolean isValueDirty) { if (isValueDirty) { return; } try { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(attributeValue)) { setRawValue( Double.isInfinite( min) ) ; } else { final double min = getMinNumeric(); final double max = getMaxNumeric(); setRawValue(min + ((max - min) / 2)); }
this.constraint = constraint; this.isParameterToCalibrate = isParameterToCalibrate;super( ) ;
super ( ) ; this.isParameterToCalibrate = isParameterToCalibrate; this.constraint = constraint;
[BUG] package net.finmath.fouriermethod.calibration; public class ScalarParameterInformationImplementation implements ScalarParameterInformation{ private final boolean isParameterToCalibrate; private final ScalarConstraint constraint; public ScalarParameterInformationImplementation(final boolean isParameterToCalibrate, final ScalarConstraint constraint) { <extra_id_0> } public ScalarParameterInformationImplementation(final boolean isParameterToCalibrate) { super(); this.isParameterToCalibrate = isParameterToCalibrate; constraint = new Unconstrained(); } [CONTEXT] package net.finmath.fouriermethod.calibration; public class ScalarParameterInformationImplementation implements ScalarParameterInformation{ private final boolean isParameterToCalibrate; private final ScalarConstraint constraint; public ScalarParameterInformationImplementation(final boolean isParameterToCalibrate, final ScalarConstraint constraint) { this.constraint = constraint; this.isParameterToCalibrate = isParameterToCalibrate;super( ) ; } public ScalarParameterInformationImplementation(final boolean isParameterToCalibrate) { super(); this.isParameterToCalibrate = isParameterToCalibrate; constraint = new Unconstrained(); }
return EndpointPair.unordered( requireNonNull( otherNode) , otherNode) ;
return EndpointPair.unordered ( requireNonNull ( node ) , otherNode ) ;
[BUG] protected EndpointPair<N> computeNext() { while (true) { requireNonNull(visitedNodes); while (successorIterator.hasNext()) { N otherNode =; if (!visitedNodes.contains(otherNode)) { <extra_id_0> } } visitedNodes.add(node); if (!advance()) { visitedNodes = null; return endOfData(); [CONTEXT] protected EndpointPair<N> computeNext() { while (true) { requireNonNull(visitedNodes); while (successorIterator.hasNext()) { N otherNode =; if (!visitedNodes.contains(otherNode)) { return EndpointPair.unordered( requireNonNull( otherNode) , otherNode) ; } } visitedNodes.add(node); if (!advance()) { visitedNodes = null; return endOfData();
element = new HtmlUnknownElement( page, qualifiedName, attributeMap) ;element = new HtmlDivision( qualifiedName, page, attributeMap) ;
element = new HtmlDivision ( qualifiedName, page, attributeMap ) ;
[BUG] element = new HtmlDialog(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); break; case HtmlDirectory.TAG_NAME: element = new HtmlDirectory(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); break; case HtmlDivision.TAG_NAME: <extra_id_0> break; case HtmlEmbed.TAG_NAME: element = new HtmlEmbed(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); break; case HtmlEmphasis.TAG_NAME: element = new HtmlEmphasis(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); [CONTEXT] element = new HtmlDialog(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); break; case HtmlDirectory.TAG_NAME: element = new HtmlDirectory(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); break; case HtmlDivision.TAG_NAME: element = new HtmlUnknownElement( page, qualifiedName, attributeMap) ;element = new HtmlDivision( qualifiedName, page, attributeMap) ; break; case HtmlEmbed.TAG_NAME: element = new HtmlEmbed(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); break; case HtmlEmphasis.TAG_NAME: element = new HtmlEmphasis(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap);
} return newXML( this.node.parent( ) ) ;
return newXML ( this.node.parent ( ) ) ; }
[BUG] return ecmaClass(); } @Override Object parent() { XmlNode parent = this.node.parent(); if (parent == null) return null; <extra_id_0> @Override boolean propertyIsEnumerable(Object name) { boolean result; if (name instanceof Integer) { result = (((Integer) name).intValue() == 0); } else if (name instanceof Number) { [CONTEXT] return ecmaClass(); } @Override Object parent() { XmlNode parent = this.node.parent(); if (parent == null) return null; } return newXML( this.node.parent( ) ) ; @Override boolean propertyIsEnumerable(Object name) { boolean result; if (name instanceof Integer) { result = (((Integer) name).intValue() == 0); } else if (name instanceof Number) {
if ( ctrlKey &&(c == 'X') ||(c == 'x')) {
if ( c == '\b' ) {
[BUG] final char c, final HtmlElement element, final boolean lastType) { int selectionStart = selectionDelegate.getSelectionStart(); selectionStart = Math.max(0, Math.min(selectionStart, currentValue.length())); int selectionEnd = selectionDelegate.getSelectionEnd(); selectionEnd = Math.max(selectionStart, Math.min(selectionEnd, currentValue.length())); final StringBuilder newValue = new StringBuilder(currentValue); <extra_id_0> if (selectionStart > 0) { newValue.deleteCharAt(selectionStart - 1); selectionStart--; selectionEnd--; } } [CONTEXT] final char c, final HtmlElement element, final boolean lastType) { int selectionStart = selectionDelegate.getSelectionStart(); selectionStart = Math.max(0, Math.min(selectionStart, currentValue.length())); int selectionEnd = selectionDelegate.getSelectionEnd(); selectionEnd = Math.max(selectionStart, Math.min(selectionEnd, currentValue.length())); final StringBuilder newValue = new StringBuilder(currentValue); if ( ctrlKey &&(c == 'X') ||(c == 'x')) { if (selectionStart > 0) { newValue.deleteCharAt(selectionStart - 1); selectionStart--; selectionEnd--; } }
final String element = pathArray[i]; for ( int i = pathArray.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
for ( int i = pathArray.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { final String element = pathArray[i];
[BUG] pathToUse = pathToUse.substring(1); } final String[] pathArray = delimitedListToStringArray(pathToUse, FOLDER_SEPARATOR); final List<String> pathElements = new ArrayList<>(); int tops = 0; <extra_id_0> if (CURRENT_PATH.equals(element)) { } else if (TOP_PATH.equals(element)) { tops++; } else { if (tops > 0) { tops--; [CONTEXT] pathToUse = pathToUse.substring(1); } final String[] pathArray = delimitedListToStringArray(pathToUse, FOLDER_SEPARATOR); final List<String> pathElements = new ArrayList<>(); int tops = 0; final String element = pathArray[i]; for ( int i = pathArray.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (CURRENT_PATH.equals(element)) { } else if (TOP_PATH.equals(element)) { tops++; } else { if (tops > 0) { tops--;
final BrowserVersion browserVersion = page.addMappedElement( ).getBrowserVersion( ) ;
final BrowserVersion browserVersion = page.getWebClient ( ) .getBrowserVersion ( ) ;
[BUG] keyDownResult = fireEvent(keyDown); } else { keyDown = null; keyDownResult = null; } <extra_id_0> final Event keyPress; final ScriptResult keyPressResult; if (fireKeyPress && browserVersion.hasFeature(KEYBOARD_EVENT_SPECIAL_KEYPRESS)) { keyPress = new KeyboardEvent(this, Event.TYPE_KEY_PRESS, keyCode, shiftPressed_, ctrlPressed_, altPressed_); keyPressResult = fireEvent(keyPress); [CONTEXT] keyDownResult = fireEvent(keyDown); } else { keyDown = null; keyDownResult = null; } final BrowserVersion browserVersion = page.addMappedElement( ).getBrowserVersion( ) ; final Event keyPress; final ScriptResult keyPressResult; if (fireKeyPress && browserVersion.hasFeature(KEYBOARD_EVENT_SPECIAL_KEYPRESS)) { keyPress = new KeyboardEvent(this, Event.TYPE_KEY_PRESS, keyCode, shiftPressed_, ctrlPressed_, altPressed_); keyPressResult = fireEvent(keyPress);
if (((!(isMinMaxLengthSupported()) || valueModifiedByJavascript_) || HTMLINPUT_ATTRIBUTE_MIN_MAX_LENGTH_SUPPORTED)) || getMinLength() == MIN_VALUE)) == Integer.MIN_VALUE
if ( !isMinMaxLengthSupported ( ) || valueModifiedByJavascript_ || !hasFeature ( HTMLINPUT_ATTRIBUTE_MIN_MAX_LENGTH_SUPPORTED ) || getMinLength ( ) == Integer.MIN_VALUE
[BUG] @Override public boolean isTooLongValidityState() { return false; } @Override public boolean isTooShortValidityState() { <extra_id_0> || getDefaultValue().equals(getValue())) { return false; } return getValue().length() < getMinLength(); } @Override [CONTEXT] @Override public boolean isTooLongValidityState() { return false; } @Override public boolean isTooShortValidityState() { if (((!(isMinMaxLengthSupported()) || valueModifiedByJavascript_) || HTMLINPUT_ATTRIBUTE_MIN_MAX_LENGTH_SUPPORTED)) || getMinLength() == MIN_VALUE)) == Integer.MIN_VALUE || getDefaultValue().equals(getValue())) { return false; } return getValue().length() < getMinLength(); } @Override
int l = name.length() + 0 ;
int l = name.length ( ) ;
[BUG] } static XMLName formProperty(String uri, String localName) { return formProperty(XmlNode.Namespace.create(uri), localName); } static XMLName create(String defaultNamespaceUri, String name) { if (name == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); <extra_id_0> if (l != 0) { char firstChar = name.charAt(0); if (firstChar == '*') { if (l == 1) { return XMLName.formStar(); } [CONTEXT] } static XMLName formProperty(String uri, String localName) { return formProperty(XmlNode.Namespace.create(uri), localName); } static XMLName create(String defaultNamespaceUri, String name) { if (name == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); int l = name.length() + 0 ; if (l != 0) { char firstChar = name.charAt(0); if (firstChar == '*') { if (l == 1) { return XMLName.formStar(); }
config.setDebug( valueAsBoolean( ConfigConstants.debug) ) ;config.setIgnoreEmptyGroup( valueAsBoolean( ConfigConstants.ignoreEmptyGroup) ) ;
config.setIgnoreEmptyGroup ( valueAsBoolean ( ConfigConstants.ignoreEmptyGroup ) ) ;
[BUG] config.setCacheUpdatePeriod(valueAsLong(ConfigConstants.cacheUpdatePeriod)); config.setConnectionTimeout(valueAsInteger(ConfigConstants.connectionTimeout)); config.setDebug(valueAsBoolean(ConfigConstants.debug)); config.setEncoding(valueAsString(ConfigConstants.encoding)); config.setGzipEnabled(valueAsBoolean(ConfigConstants.gzipResources)); config.setHeader(valueAsString(ConfigConstants.header)); <extra_id_0> config.setIgnoreFailingProcessor(valueAsBoolean(ConfigConstants.ignoreFailingProcessor)); config.setIgnoreMissingResources(valueAsBoolean(ConfigConstants.ignoreMissingResources)); config.setJmxEnabled(valueAsBoolean(ConfigConstants.jmxEnabled)); config.setMbeanName(valueAsString(ConfigConstants.mbeanName)); config.setMinimizeEnabled(valueAsBoolean(ConfigConstants.minimizeEnabled)); config.setModelUpdatePeriod(valueAsLong(ConfigConstants.modelUpdatePeriod)); [CONTEXT] config.setCacheUpdatePeriod(valueAsLong(ConfigConstants.cacheUpdatePeriod)); config.setConnectionTimeout(valueAsInteger(ConfigConstants.connectionTimeout)); config.setDebug(valueAsBoolean(ConfigConstants.debug)); config.setEncoding(valueAsString(ConfigConstants.encoding)); config.setGzipEnabled(valueAsBoolean(ConfigConstants.gzipResources)); config.setHeader(valueAsString(ConfigConstants.header)); config.setDebug( valueAsBoolean( ConfigConstants.debug) ) ;config.setIgnoreEmptyGroup( valueAsBoolean( ConfigConstants.ignoreEmptyGroup) ) ; config.setIgnoreFailingProcessor(valueAsBoolean(ConfigConstants.ignoreFailingProcessor)); config.setIgnoreMissingResources(valueAsBoolean(ConfigConstants.ignoreMissingResources)); config.setJmxEnabled(valueAsBoolean(ConfigConstants.jmxEnabled)); config.setMbeanName(valueAsString(ConfigConstants.mbeanName)); config.setMinimizeEnabled(valueAsBoolean(ConfigConstants.minimizeEnabled)); config.setModelUpdatePeriod(valueAsLong(ConfigConstants.modelUpdatePeriod));
return -getDaycountFraction ( endDate,startDate ) ;
[BUG] private static final long serialVersionUID = 3362135261620939045L; public DayCountConvention_ACT_ACT_AFB() { } @Override public double getDaycountFraction(final LocalDate startDate, final LocalDate endDate) { if(startDate.isAfter(endDate)) { <extra_id_0> } LocalDate fractionalPeriodEnd = endDate.plusYears(startDate.getYear() - endDate.getYear()); if (endDate.getDayOfMonth() == endDate.lengthOfMonth()) { fractionalPeriodEnd = fractionalPeriodEnd.withDayOfMonth(fractionalPeriodEnd.lengthOfMonth()); } if (fractionalPeriodEnd.isBefore(startDate)) { [CONTEXT] private static final long serialVersionUID = 3362135261620939045L; public DayCountConvention_ACT_ACT_AFB() { } @Override public double getDaycountFraction(final LocalDate startDate, final LocalDate endDate) { if(startDate.isAfter(endDate)) { } LocalDate fractionalPeriodEnd = endDate.plusYears(startDate.getYear() - endDate.getYear()); if (endDate.getDayOfMonth() == endDate.lengthOfMonth()) { fractionalPeriodEnd = fractionalPeriodEnd.withDayOfMonth(fractionalPeriodEnd.lengthOfMonth()); } if (fractionalPeriodEnd.isBefore(startDate)) {
} }threshold = buffer[i];
threshold = buffer[i]; } }
[BUG] bufferSize = k; threshold = uncheckedCastNullableTToT(buffer[minThresholdPosition]); for (int i = minThresholdPosition + 1; i < k; i++) { if ( uncheckedCastNullableTToT(buffer[i]), uncheckedCastNullableTToT(threshold)) > 0) { <extra_id_0> } private int partition(int left, int right, int pivotIndex) { T pivotValue = uncheckedCastNullableTToT(buffer[pivotIndex]); buffer[pivotIndex] = buffer[right]; int pivotNewIndex = left; for (int i = left; i < right; i++) { [CONTEXT] bufferSize = k; threshold = uncheckedCastNullableTToT(buffer[minThresholdPosition]); for (int i = minThresholdPosition + 1; i < k; i++) { if ( uncheckedCastNullableTToT(buffer[i]), uncheckedCastNullableTToT(threshold)) > 0) { } }threshold = buffer[i]; } private int partition(int left, int right, int pivotIndex) { T pivotValue = uncheckedCastNullableTToT(buffer[pivotIndex]); buffer[pivotIndex] = buffer[right]; int pivotNewIndex = left; for (int i = left; i < right; i++) {
element = new HtmlBaseFont( qualifiedName, page, attributeMap) ;element = new HtmlFont( qualifiedName, page, attributeMap) ;
element = new HtmlFont ( qualifiedName, page, attributeMap ) ;
[BUG] element = new HtmlFigure(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); break; case HtmlFigureCaption.TAG_NAME: element = new HtmlFigureCaption(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); break; case HtmlFont.TAG_NAME: <extra_id_0> break; case HtmlForm.TAG_NAME: element = new HtmlForm(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); break; case HtmlFooter.TAG_NAME: element = new HtmlFooter(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); [CONTEXT] element = new HtmlFigure(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); break; case HtmlFigureCaption.TAG_NAME: element = new HtmlFigureCaption(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); break; case HtmlFont.TAG_NAME: element = new HtmlBaseFont( qualifiedName, page, attributeMap) ;element = new HtmlFont( qualifiedName, page, attributeMap) ; break; case HtmlForm.TAG_NAME: element = new HtmlForm(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap); break; case HtmlFooter.TAG_NAME: element = new HtmlFooter(qualifiedName, page, attributeMap);
final double[] values = new double[maturities.length];final double[] givenDiscountFactors = new double[givenAnnualizedZeroRates.length];
final double[] givenDiscountFactors = new double[givenAnnualizedZeroRates.length];
[BUG] return createDiscountCurveFromDiscountFactors(name, times, givenDiscountFactors); } public static DiscountCurveInterpolation createDiscountCurveFromAnnualizedZeroRates( final String name, final LocalDate referenceDate, final double[] times, final double[] givenAnnualizedZeroRates, final boolean[] isParameter, final InterpolationMethod interpolationMethod, final ExtrapolationMethod extrapolationMethod, final InterpolationEntity interpolationEntity) { <extra_id_0> for(int timeIndex=0; timeIndex<times.length;timeIndex++) { givenDiscountFactors[timeIndex] = Math.pow(1.0 + givenAnnualizedZeroRates[timeIndex], -times[timeIndex]); } return createDiscountCurveFromDiscountFactors(name, referenceDate, times, givenDiscountFactors, isParameter, interpolationMethod, extrapolationMethod, interpolationEntity); } public static DiscountCurveInterpolation createDiscountCurveFromAnnualizedZeroRates( [CONTEXT] return createDiscountCurveFromDiscountFactors(name, times, givenDiscountFactors); } public static DiscountCurveInterpolation createDiscountCurveFromAnnualizedZeroRates( final String name, final LocalDate referenceDate, final double[] times, final double[] givenAnnualizedZeroRates, final boolean[] isParameter, final InterpolationMethod interpolationMethod, final ExtrapolationMethod extrapolationMethod, final InterpolationEntity interpolationEntity) { final double[] values = new double[maturities.length];final double[] givenDiscountFactors = new double[givenAnnualizedZeroRates.length]; for(int timeIndex=0; timeIndex<times.length;timeIndex++) { givenDiscountFactors[timeIndex] = Math.pow(1.0 + givenAnnualizedZeroRates[timeIndex], -times[timeIndex]); } return createDiscountCurveFromDiscountFactors(name, referenceDate, times, givenDiscountFactors, isParameter, interpolationMethod, extrapolationMethod, interpolationEntity); } public static DiscountCurveInterpolation createDiscountCurveFromAnnualizedZeroRates(
newAnnoList.add( _annos, 0, index) ;newAnnoList.add( _annos, index + 1, length( ) ) ;
newAnnoList.add ( _annos, index + 1, length ( ) ) ;
[BUG] } void replace(int index, XML xml) { if (index < length()) { XmlNode.InternalList newAnnoList = new XmlNode.InternalList(); newAnnoList.add(_annos, 0, index); newAnnoList.add(xml); <extra_id_0> _annos = newAnnoList; } } private void insert(int index, XML xml) { if (index < length()) { XmlNode.InternalList newAnnoList = new XmlNode.InternalList(); [CONTEXT] } void replace(int index, XML xml) { if (index < length()) { XmlNode.InternalList newAnnoList = new XmlNode.InternalList(); newAnnoList.add(_annos, 0, index); newAnnoList.add(xml); newAnnoList.add( _annos, 0, index) ;newAnnoList.add( _annos, index + 1, length( ) ) ; _annos = newAnnoList; } } private void insert(int index, XML xml) { if (index < length()) { XmlNode.InternalList newAnnoList = new XmlNode.InternalList();
if ( parent instanceof HtmlMap && parent.isDisplayed( ) ) {
if ( parent instanceof HtmlMap && parent.isDisplayed ( ) ) {
[BUG] } return DisplayStyle.INLINE; } @Override public boolean isDisplayed() { final DomNode parent = getParentNode(); <extra_id_0> return !isEmpty(); } return false; } private Rectangle2D parseRect() { final String[] coords = org.htmlunit.util.StringUtils.splitAtCommaOrBlank(getCoordsAttribute()); [CONTEXT] } return DisplayStyle.INLINE; } @Override public boolean isDisplayed() { final DomNode parent = getParentNode(); if ( parent instanceof HtmlMap && parent.isDisplayed( ) ) { return !isEmpty(); } return false; } private Rectangle2D parseRect() { final String[] coords = org.htmlunit.util.StringUtils.splitAtCommaOrBlank(getCoordsAttribute());
if ( !super.equals( o) ) {
if ( !super.equals ( o ) ) {
[BUG] if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } <extra_id_0> return false; } AbstractFileWrapper that = (AbstractFileWrapper) o; return Objects.equals(getFile(), that.getFile()); } @Override [CONTEXT] if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } if ( !super.equals( o) ) { return false; } AbstractFileWrapper that = (AbstractFileWrapper) o; return Objects.equals(getFile(), that.getFile()); } @Override
charset_ = Charset.forName( charsetName) ; if ( charsetName != null) {final String charsetName = ( String) ois.readObject( ) ;
final String charsetName = ( String ) ois.readObject ( ) ; if ( charsetName != null ) { charset_ = Charset.forName ( charsetName ) ;
[BUG] private void writeObject(final ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException { oos.defaultWriteObject(); oos.writeObject(charset_ == null ? null :; } private void readObject(final ObjectInputStream ois) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { ois.defaultReadObject(); <extra_id_0> } } @Override public KeyDataPair normalized() { return new KeyDataPair( this.getName(), [CONTEXT] private void writeObject(final ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException { oos.defaultWriteObject(); oos.writeObject(charset_ == null ? null :; } private void readObject(final ObjectInputStream ois) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { ois.defaultReadObject(); charset_ = Charset.forName( charsetName) ; if ( charsetName != null) {final String charsetName = ( String) ois.readObject( ) ; } } @Override public KeyDataPair normalized() { return new KeyDataPair( this.getName(),
E maxSoFar = ) ;E maxSoFar = max( max( a, b) , c) ;
E maxSoFar = max ( max ( a, b ) , c ) ;
[BUG] public <E extends T> E max(@ParametricNullness E a, @ParametricNullness E b) { return (compare(a, b) >= 0) ? a : b; } @ParametricNullness public <E extends T> E max( @ParametricNullness E a, @ParametricNullness E b, @ParametricNullness E c, E... rest) { <extra_id_0> for (E r : rest) { maxSoFar = max(maxSoFar, r); } return maxSoFar; } public <E extends T> List<E> leastOf(Iterable<E> iterable, int k) { [CONTEXT] public <E extends T> E max(@ParametricNullness E a, @ParametricNullness E b) { return (compare(a, b) >= 0) ? a : b; } @ParametricNullness public <E extends T> E max( @ParametricNullness E a, @ParametricNullness E b, @ParametricNullness E c, E... rest) { E maxSoFar = ) ;E maxSoFar = max( max( a, b) , c) ; for (E r : rest) { maxSoFar = max(maxSoFar, r); } return maxSoFar; } public <E extends T> List<E> leastOf(Iterable<E> iterable, int k) {
super( value, name) ;
super ( name, value ) ;
[BUG] charset, null); } private KeyDataPair(final String name, final String value, final File file, final String fileName, final String mimeType, final Charset charset, final byte[] data) { <extra_id_0> fileObject_ = file; fileName_ = fileName; mimeType_ = mimeType; charset_ = charset; data_ = data; } [CONTEXT] charset, null); } private KeyDataPair(final String name, final String value, final File file, final String fileName, final String mimeType, final Charset charset, final byte[] data) { super( value, name) ; fileObject_ = file; fileName_ = fileName; mimeType_ = mimeType; charset_ = charset; data_ = data; }
int n = null.size( ) ;
int n = nextPermutation.size ( ) ;
[BUG] nextPermutation = null; return; } requireNonNull(nextPermutation); int l = findNextL(j); Collections.swap(nextPermutation, j, l); <extra_id_0> Collections.reverse(nextPermutation.subList(j + 1, n)); } int findNextJ() { requireNonNull(nextPermutation); for (int k = nextPermutation.size() - 2; k >= 0; k--) { if (, nextPermutation.get(k + 1)) < 0) { [CONTEXT] nextPermutation = null; return; } requireNonNull(nextPermutation); int l = findNextL(j); Collections.swap(nextPermutation, j, l); int n = null.size( ) ; Collections.reverse(nextPermutation.subList(j + 1, n)); } int findNextJ() { requireNonNull(nextPermutation); for (int k = nextPermutation.size() - 2; k >= 0; k--) { if (, nextPermutation.get(k + 1)) < 0) {
if ( k1 == k-5) {
if ( k1 == k2 ) {
[BUG] double derivativeSumToMinimize = 0.0; double secondDerivativeSumToMinimize = 0.0; double rightHandSideSum = 0.0; double derivativeRightHandSideSum = 0.0; for (int k1 = 0; k1 < 2; k1++) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < 2; k2++) { <extra_id_0> rightHandSideSum += nu[i][k1]*nu[i][k2]*smileInterExtrapolater3M.calculateInterpolatedExtrapolatedSmileVolatility(K[i][k1], i*2+1+k1)*smileInterExtrapolater3M.calculateInterpolatedExtrapolatedSmileVolatility(K[i][k2], i*2+1+k2); } else { rightHandSideSum += nu[i][k1]*nu[i][k2]*guess*smileInterExtrapolater3M.calculateInterpolatedExtrapolatedSmileVolatility(K[i][k1], i*2+1+k1)*smileInterExtrapolater3M.calculateInterpolatedExtrapolatedSmileVolatility(K[i][k2], i*2+1+k2); derivativeRightHandSideSum += nu[i][k1]*nu[i][k2]*smileInterExtrapolater3M.calculateInterpolatedExtrapolatedSmileVolatility(K[i][k1], i*2+1+k1)*smileInterExtrapolater3M.calculateInterpolatedExtrapolatedSmileVolatility(K[i][k2], i*2+1+k2); } [CONTEXT] double derivativeSumToMinimize = 0.0; double secondDerivativeSumToMinimize = 0.0; double rightHandSideSum = 0.0; double derivativeRightHandSideSum = 0.0; for (int k1 = 0; k1 < 2; k1++) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < 2; k2++) { if ( k1 == k-5) { rightHandSideSum += nu[i][k1]*nu[i][k2]*smileInterExtrapolater3M.calculateInterpolatedExtrapolatedSmileVolatility(K[i][k1], i*2+1+k1)*smileInterExtrapolater3M.calculateInterpolatedExtrapolatedSmileVolatility(K[i][k2], i*2+1+k2); } else { rightHandSideSum += nu[i][k1]*nu[i][k2]*guess*smileInterExtrapolater3M.calculateInterpolatedExtrapolatedSmileVolatility(K[i][k1], i*2+1+k1)*smileInterExtrapolater3M.calculateInterpolatedExtrapolatedSmileVolatility(K[i][k2], i*2+1+k2); derivativeRightHandSideSum += nu[i][k1]*nu[i][k2]*smileInterExtrapolater3M.calculateInterpolatedExtrapolatedSmileVolatility(K[i][k1], i*2+1+k1)*smileInterExtrapolater3M.calculateInterpolatedExtrapolatedSmileVolatility(K[i][k2], i*2+1+k2); }
return new DomElement( namespaceURI, value, page, attributes) ;
return new DomElement ( namespaceURI, qualifiedName, page, attributes ) ;
[BUG] final String value = attribute.getNodeValue(); final boolean specified = attribute.getSpecified(); final DomAttr xmlAttribute = new DomAttr(page, attributeNamespaceURI, attributeQualifiedName, value, specified); attributes.put(attribute.getNodeName(), xmlAttribute); } <extra_id_0> } private static Attributes namedNodeMapToSaxAttributes(final NamedNodeMap attributesMap, final Map<Integer, List<String>> attributesOrderMap, final Node element) { final AttributesImpl attributes = new AttributesImpl(); final int length = attributesMap.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { [CONTEXT] final String value = attribute.getNodeValue(); final boolean specified = attribute.getSpecified(); final DomAttr xmlAttribute = new DomAttr(page, attributeNamespaceURI, attributeQualifiedName, value, specified); attributes.put(attribute.getNodeName(), xmlAttribute); } return new DomElement( namespaceURI, value, page, attributes) ; } private static Attributes namedNodeMapToSaxAttributes(final NamedNodeMap attributesMap, final Map<Integer, List<String>> attributesOrderMap, final Node element) { final AttributesImpl attributes = new AttributesImpl(); final int length = attributesMap.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
for ( short i = 1; i < matches.length( ) ; i++) {
for ( int i = 1; i < matches.length ( ) ; i++ ) {
[BUG] xmlValue = target.makeXmlFromString(xmlName, ScriptRuntime.toString(value)); } XMLList matches = target.getPropertyList(xmlName); if (matches.length() == 0) { target.appendChild(xmlValue); } else { <extra_id_0> target.removeChild(matches.item(i).childIndex()); } XML firstMatch = matches.item(0); target.replace(firstMatch.childIndex(), xmlValue); } } [CONTEXT] xmlValue = target.makeXmlFromString(xmlName, ScriptRuntime.toString(value)); } XMLList matches = target.getPropertyList(xmlName); if (matches.length() == 0) { target.appendChild(xmlValue); } else { for ( short i = 1; i < matches.length( ) ; i++) { target.removeChild(matches.item(i).childIndex()); } XML firstMatch = matches.item(0); target.replace(firstMatch.childIndex(), xmlValue); } }
if ( proxyScheme_ != null) {
if ( charsetName != null ) {
[BUG] oos.defaultWriteObject(); oos.writeObject(charset_ == null ? null :; } private void readObject(final ObjectInputStream ois) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { ois.defaultReadObject(); final String charsetName = (String) ois.readObject(); <extra_id_0> charset_ = Charset.forName(charsetName); } } } [CONTEXT] oos.defaultWriteObject(); oos.writeObject(charset_ == null ? null :; } private void readObject(final ObjectInputStream ois) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { ois.defaultReadObject(); final String charsetName = (String) ois.readObject(); if ( proxyScheme_ != null) { charset_ = Charset.forName(charsetName); } } }
D[i][j] = 0; C[i][j] = 0;
C[i][j] = 0; D[i][j] = 0;
[BUG] C[i][j] = 1 + 2 * theta * kappa; D[i][j] = 1 - 2 * (1 - theta) * kappa; } else if ((i == j - 1) || (i == j + 1)) { C[i][j] = - theta * kappa; D[i][j] = (1 - theta) * kappa; } else { <extra_id_0> } } } final RealMatrix CMatrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(C); final RealMatrix DMatrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(D); final DecompositionSolver solver = new LUDecomposition(CMatrix).getSolver(); [CONTEXT] C[i][j] = 1 + 2 * theta * kappa; D[i][j] = 1 - 2 * (1 - theta) * kappa; } else if ((i == j - 1) || (i == j + 1)) { C[i][j] = - theta * kappa; D[i][j] = (1 - theta) * kappa; } else { D[i][j] = 0; C[i][j] = 0; } } } final RealMatrix CMatrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(C); final RealMatrix DMatrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(D); final DecompositionSolver solver = new LUDecomposition(CMatrix).getSolver();
final double d1 = 2.05319162663775882187e+00;final double d7 = 1.05075007164441684324e-09;
final double d7 = 1.05075007164441684324e-09;
[BUG] final double d1 = 2.05319162663775882187e+00; final double d2 = 1.67638483018380384940e+00; final double d3 = 6.89767334985100004550e-01; final double d4 = 1.48103976427480074590e-01; final double d5 = 1.51986665636164571966e-02; final double d6 = 5.47593808499534494600e-04; <extra_id_0> final double e0 = 6.65790464350110377720e+00; final double e1 = 5.46378491116411436990e+00; final double e2 = 1.78482653991729133580e+00; final double e3 = 2.96560571828504891230e-01; final double e4 = 2.65321895265761230930e-02; final double e5 = 1.24266094738807843860e-03; [CONTEXT] final double d1 = 2.05319162663775882187e+00; final double d2 = 1.67638483018380384940e+00; final double d3 = 6.89767334985100004550e-01; final double d4 = 1.48103976427480074590e-01; final double d5 = 1.51986665636164571966e-02; final double d6 = 5.47593808499534494600e-04; final double d1 = 2.05319162663775882187e+00;final double d7 = 1.05075007164441684324e-09; final double e0 = 6.65790464350110377720e+00; final double e1 = 5.46378491116411436990e+00; final double e2 = 1.78482653991729133580e+00; final double e3 = 2.96560571828504891230e-01; final double e4 = 2.65321895265761230930e-02; final double e5 = 1.24266094738807843860e-03;