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Face to Face: The Daros Collections
[ "Since its emergence in the 1980s and 90s, the Daros Collection in Zurich has accumulated about 280 works by 30 outstanding North American and European artists. It possesses one of the finest collections of early Warhol, and major works by Sigmar Polke, Barbara Kruger, Alfredo Jaar and Louise Bourgeois among many others. In 2000, when the strength and integrity of this collection had been established, the museum boldly struck off in a new direction, and the Daros Latin America Collection was founded. Already comprising roughly 1,000 works by around 100 artists including Carlos Amorales, José Bedia, Alfredo Jaar, Gego, Guillermo Kuitca, Vik Muniz, among others, it is now the largest collection of Latin American art in Europe--an exciting new resource that will doubtless have interesting long-term ramifications for contemporary European art.", "Face to Face", "is the first volume to bring the two Daros Collections together, thereby engaging these works--created in different media and of various cultural origin--in a dynamic dialogue that disrupts ordinary canon-oriented perspectives.", "Face to Face", "thus not only deepens our knowledge of the respective qualities of the two collections, but also explores the common characteristics of their cultural backgrounds." ]
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Alexander Alberro (Author), Luis Camnitzer (Author), Hans-Michael Herzog (Editor), Katrin Steffen (Editor)
[ "Books", "Arts & Photography", "History & Criticism" ]
{"Publisher": "Hatje Cantz (June 1, 2008)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "288 pages", "ISBN 10": "3775721126", "ISBN 13": "978-3775721127", "Item Weight": "4.38 pounds", "Dimensions": "10.04 x 1.57 x 11.02 inches"}
Hardcover – June 1, 2008
Carnival: A Novel
[ "In Old Earth’s clandestine world of ambassador-spies, Michelangelo Kusanagi-Jones and Vincent Katherinessen were once a starring team. But ever since a disastrous mission, they have been living separate lives in a universe dominated by a ruthless Coalition—one that is about to reunite them. The pair are dispatched to New Amazonia as diplomatic agents Allegedly, they are to return priceless art. Covertly, they seek to tap its energy supply. But in reality, one has his mind set on treason. And among the extraordinary women of New Amazonia, in a season of festival, betrayal, and disguise, he will find a new ally—and a force beyond any that humans have known. . . ." ]
[ "From Publishers Weekly", "In this enjoyable, thought-provoking science fiction adventure, interspace ambassadors Vincent Katherinessen and Michelangelo Kusanagi-Jones have been sent by the Old Earth Colonial Coalition to the renegade planet of New Amazonia, a planet where women rule and men are kept as worker bees and house breeders. Because Old Earth treats its women as subservient, they have no female ambassadors, but Angelo and Vincent are gay—or \"gentle\"—and though they are shunned by the dictatorial government they serve, they're the only negotiators acceptable to the Amazonian rulers. The two men arrive ostensibly to return stolen art, a show of goodwill that will hopefully reopen long-stalled diplomacy between the two governments. In truth, they have been sent in an effort to secure, by any means necessary, the secret to the mysterious power source that runs Amazonia. Playing the deceitful powers against each other, however, Angelo and Vincent are really working toward an agenda of their own, one that will decide the fate of humanity itself. Like the best of speculative fiction, Bear has created a fascinating and complete universe that blends high-tech gadgetry with Old World adventure and political collusion.", "(Dec.)", "Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.", "From", "Booklist", "*Starred Review* Despite the scandal that clouded their last job together, AIs Michelangelo Kusanagi-Jones and Vincent Katherinessen have been reunited for a diplomatic mission to New Amazonia. Their ostensibly peaceful mission involves returning priceless art to previous owners, but they've also been sent to find out the secret of New Amazonia's seemingly inexhaustible supply of energy. One of them is planning to ensure failure, which will be a blow to the Coalition and also the terrible assessments of the AI governors. New Amazonia challenges them, for while its gynocentric society, though not completely beloved by all, makes their maleness a handicap, their relationship, which is illegal back on Earth, is the only thing that allows them to be diplomats on New Amazonia. More than human politics are in play here, though, for the city, which was left behind by an unknown nonhuman intelligence, has secrets to hide. Bear's exploration of gender stereotypes and the characters' reactions to the rigid expectations of a world of strict gender roles proves fascinating, as does her exploration of political systems gone too far in more than one direction. Her sense of pacing and skill with multifaceted characters prone to all sorts of confused motivations and actions also enrich this action-packed, thought-provoking story.", "Regina Schroeder", "Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved", "About the Author", "Elizabeth Bear was born on the same say as Frodo and Bilbo Baggins, but in a different year. This, coupled with her childhood tendency to read the dictionary for fun, has led inevitably to penury, intransigence, and the writing of speculative fiction. Her hobbies include incompetent archery, practicing guitar, and reading biographies of Elizabethan playmenders.She is the recipient of the John W. Campbell Award for best New Writer and the author of over a dozen published or forthcoming novels, including the Locus Award-winning Jenny Casey trilogy and the Phillip K. Dick Award-nominated", "Carnival", ". A native New Englander, she spent seven years near Las Vegas, but now lives in Connecticut with a presumptuous cat.", "Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.", "Chapter One", "Michelangelo Osiris Leary Kusanagi-Jones had been drinking since fourteen hundred. He didn't plan on stopping soon.He occupied a bubbleport on the current observation deck of", "Kaiwo Maru", ", where he had been since he started drinking, watching a yellow main-sequence star grow. The sun had the look of a dancer swirling in veils, a Van Gogh starscape. Eons before, it had blundered into a cloud of interstellar gas and was still devouring the remains. Persistent tatters glowed orange and blue against a backdrop of stars, a vast, doomed display of color and light. Kusanagi-Jones could glimpse part of the clean-swept elliptical path that marked the orbit of New Amazonia: a darker streak like a worm tunnel in a leaf.Breathtaking. Ridiculously named. And his destination. Or rather,", "their", "destination. Which was why he was drinking, and why he didn't intend to stop.As if the destination–and the mission–weren't bad enough, there was the little issue of Vincent to contend with. Vincent Katherinessen, the Old Earth Colonial Coalition Cabinet's velvet-gloved iron hand, far too field-effective to be categorized as a mere diplomatic envoy no matter how his passport was coded. Vincent, whom Kusanagi-Jones had managed to avoid for the duration of the voyage by first taking to cryo–damn the nightmares–and then restricting himself to the cramped comforts of his quarters . . . and whom he could avoid no longer.Vincent was brilliant, unconventional, almost protean in his thinking. Unless something remarkable had changed, he wore spiky, kinky, sandy-auburn braids a shade darker than his freckled skin and a shade paler than his light-catching eyes. He was tall, sarcastic, slender, bird-handed, generous with smiles as breathtaking as the nebula outside the bubbleport.And he was the man Michelangelo Kusanagi-Jones had loved for forty years, although he had not seen him in seventeen–since the", "last", "time he had betrayed him.Not that anybody was counting.Kusanagi-Jones had anticipated their date by hours, until the gray and white lounge with its gray and white furniture retreated from his awareness like a painted backdrop. If Kusanagi-Jones captained a starship, he'd license it in reds and golds, vivid prints, anything to combat the black boredom of space.Another man might have snorted and shaken his head, but Kusanagi-Jones didn't quite permit himself a smile of self-knowledge. He was trying to distract himself, because the liquor wasn't helping anymore. And in addition to his other qualities, Vincent was also almost pathologically punctual. He should be along any tick–and, in fact, a shadow now moved across Kusanagi-Jones's fish-eye sensor, accompanied by the rasp of shoes on carpet. \"Michelangelo.\"Kusanagi-Jones finished his drink, set the glass in the dispensall, and turned. No, Vincent hadn't changed. Slightly softer, belly and chin not as tight as in their youth, gray dulling hair he was too proud to have melanized. But in the vigorous middle age of his sixties, Vincent was still–\"Mr. Katherinessen.\" Kusanagi-Jones made his decision and extended his hand, ignoring Vincent's considering frown. Not a gesture one made to a business associate.Through the resistance of their wardrobes, fingers brushed. Hands clasped. Vincent hadn't changed his program either.They could still touch.Kusanagi-Jones had thought he was ready. But if he hadn't known, he would have thought he'd been jabbed, nano-infected. He'd have snatched his hand back and checked his readout, hoping his docs could improvise a counteragent.But it was just chemistry. The reason they'd been separated. The reason they were here, together again, on a starship making port in orbit around a renegade world.", "Old times", ", Kusanagi-Jones thought.Vincent arched an eyebrow in silent agreement, as if they'd never parted.\"Kill or be killed,\" Vincent said, next best thing to a mantra. Kusanagi-Jones squeezed his fingers and let their hands fall apart, but it didn't sever the connection. It was too practiced, too reflexive. Vincent's gift, the empathy, the", "sympathy", "that turned them from men into a team. Vincent's particular gift, complement of Kusanagi-Jones's.Vincent stared at him, tawny eyes bright. Kusanagi-Jones shrugged and turned his back, running his fingers across the rainbow lights of his subdermal watch to order another martini, codes flickering across neuromorphed retinas. He stared out the bubble again, waiting while the drink was mixed, and retrieved it from the dispensall less than a meter away.\"Oh, good.\" Vincent's Earth patois–his com-pat–was accentless. \"Nothing makes a first impression like turning up shitfaced.\"\"They think we're animals anyway.\" Kusanagi-Jones gestured to a crescent world resolving as", "Kaiwo Maru", "entered the plane of the ecliptic and began changing to give her passengers the best view. \"Not like we had a chance to make them like us. Look, crew's modulating the ship.\"\"Seen one reconfig, seen them all.\" Nevertheless, Vincent came up to him and they waited, silent, while", "Kaiwo Maru", "reworked from a compact shape optimized for travel to something spidery and elegant, designed to dock with the station and transfer cargo–alive and material–as efficiently as possible.\"Behold,\" Vincent teased. \"New Amazonia.\"Kusanagi-Jones took a sip of his martini, rolling the welcome rawness over his tongue. \"Stupid name for a planet.\" He didn't mind when Vincent didn't answer.Bravado aside, Michelangelo did stop drinking with the one in his hand, and Vincent pretended not to notice that he checked his watch and adjusted his blood chemistry. Meanwhile,", "Kaiwo Maru", "docked without a shiver. Vincent didn't even have to put his hand out to steady himself. He pretended, also, that he was looking at the towering curve of the station beyond the bubble, but really, he was watching Michelangelo's reflection.There had been times in the last decade and a half when Vincent had been convinced he'd never exactly remember that face. And there had been times when he'd been just as convinced he'd never get it out of his head. That he could feel Michelangelo standing beside him, glowering as he was glowering now.One wouldn't discern it casually; Angelo wouldn't permit that much emotion revealed. His features were broad and solemn, his eyes stern except when bright. He seemed stolid, wary, unassuming–a blocky muscular man whose coloring facilitated his tendency to fade into the shadows. But Vincent", "felt", "him glowering, his displeasure like the weight of an angry hand.Michelangelo glanced at his watch as if contemplating the colored lights. Vincent knew Michelangelo had a heads-up; he wasn't checking the time. He was fidgeting.Fidgeting was new.\"I don't love you anymore.\" Michelangelo pressed his hand to the bubble and then raised it to his mouth.\"I know. I", "can", "still read your mind.\"Michelangelo snorted against the back of his fingers. \"I'm a Liar, Vincent. You'll believe what I want you to believe.\"\"How generous.\"\"Just true.\" Then the irony of his own statement seemed to strike him. He dropped his head and stared at the tips of his shoes as if hypnotized by the rainbows reflected across them. When he glanced back up, Vincent could read laughter in the way the crinkles at the corners of his eyes had deepened.Vincent chuckled. He touched his watch, keying his wardrobe to something more formal, and stilled momentarily while the program spread and the wardrobe rearranged itself. \"Do you want me, at least? That would make things easier.\"Michelangelo shrugged, impassive. Vincent turned, now watching him frankly, and wondered how much of the attraction was–had always been–that Michelangelo was one of the few people he'd met that he", "couldn't", "read like a fiche.\"They offered me a choice. Therapy or forced retirement.\"Michelangelo's coloring was too dark for his face to pale, but the blood draining made him ashen. \"You took therapy.\"Vincent stifled a vindictive impulse. \"I took retirement. I don't consider my sexuality something that needs to be", "fixed", ".\"\"Sign of persistent pathology,\" Michelangelo said lightly, but his hands trembled.\"So I've been told. The funny thing is, they couldn't make it stick. I didn't even make it home before I was recalled. Apparently I'm indispensable.\"Michelangelo's thumb moved across his inner wrist, giving Vincent a sympathetic shiver at the imagined texture of the skin. Another glass appeared in the dispensall, but from the smell, this one was fruit juice.He sipped the juice and made a face. \"I heard.\"Vincent wondered if the license was off. \"And you?\"\"Not as indispensable as Vincent Katherinessen.\" He put the glass back and watched as it recycled: the drink vaporizing, the glass fogging. A waste of energy; Vincent controlled the urge to lecture. If they got what they needed on New Amazonia, it wouldn't be an issue–and anyway, they were on a starship, the one place in the entire OECC where conserving energy wasn't a civic duty as mandated as community service. \"I took the therapy.\"Vincent swallowed, wishing he could taste something other than the tang of atomizing juice. He picked a nonexistent bit of lint off his sleeve. \"Oh.\"Michelangelo lifted his chin, turned, and gave Vincent a smile warm enough to melt his implants. He glanced over his shoulder, as if ascertaining the lounge was empty, then leaned forward, slid both hands up Vincent's neck, and pulled Vincent's head down to plant a wet, tender kiss on his lips.", "It's a lie", ", Vincent told himself, as his breath shortened and his body responded. Michelangelo was substantial, all muscle under the draped knits his wardrobe counterfeited. They both knew he controlled Vincent the instant Vincent let him close.Just as Vincent knew Michelangelo's apparent abandonment to the kiss was probably as counterfeit as his \"hand-knitted\" sweater.", "It's a lie", ".", "He took the therapy", ". It didn't help. His body believed; his intuition trusted; the partnership breathed into the kiss and breathed out again. Sparkles of sensation followed Michelangelo's hands as they cupped Vincent's skull and stroked his nape. He", "knew", "Michelangelo wanted him, as he had always known. As Michelangelo had always", "permitted", "him to know.He wondered what the ship's Governors made of the kiss, whether they had been instructed to turn a blind eye on whatever illegalities proceeded between the diplomat and his attaché. Or if their interaction had been logged and would be reported to the appropriate agencies within the Colonial Coalition when", "Kaiwo Maru", "dispatched a packet bot.The relationship between the Cabinet and the Governors was complex; the Cabinet did not carry out death sentences, and the Governors did not answer to the Cabinet. But after the Great Cull, they had begun performing some of their Assessments in accordance with planetary laws. There was détente; an alliance, of sorts, by which the Cabinet maintained control and the Governors, with their own inhuman logic and society, supported an administration that maintained ecological balance.Once, there had been many governments on Old Earth. Industrialized nation-states and alliances had used more than their share of resources and produced more than their share of waste. But Assessment had ended that, along with human life in the Northern Hemisphere. In the wake of an apocalypse, people often become reactionary, and the survivors of Assessment were disproportionately Muslim and Catholic. And in a society where being granted permission to reproduce was idealized–even fetishized–where every survivor meant that someone else had", "not", "lived . . . those who were different were not welcome.Over a period of decades, in the face of necessity, resistance to the widespread use of reproductive technology and genetic surgery waned. The Governors did not care about the morality of the human-made laws they enforced. Or their irony either.So, throughout Coalition space, that kiss was the overture to a capital case. But just this once, its illegality didn't matter. That particular illegality was why they were here.Michelangelo leaned back, but his breath stayed warm on Vincent's cheek, and Vincent didn't pull away. \"They'll just separate us again when this is over.\"\"Maybe. Maybe not. We were useful to them once.\"\"Politics were different then.\"\"The politics are different now, too.\"Michelangelo disengaged, stepped back, and turned away. \"Can't honestly think we will be allowed within three systems of each other. After New Earth\"–Michelangelo's weight shifted, a guilty tell Vincent could have wasted half a day on if he'd been in the mood to try to figure out how much of what Michelangelo gave him was real–\"we're lucky the Cabinet thought us useful enough to keep alive.\"By Michelangelo's standards, it was a speech. Vincent stood blinking for a moment, wondering what else had changed. And then he thought about therapy, and the chip concealed in–but isolated from–his wardrobe.", "Don't love you anymore", ".That would make things easier, wouldn't it?\"If we pull this off\"–Vincent folded his hands behind his head–\"The Cabinet won't deny us much. We could retire on it. I could finally introduce you to my mother.\"A snort, but Michelangelo turned and leaned against the bubble, folding his arms. \"If we don't wind up Assessed.\"Vincent grinned, and Michelangelo grinned back reluctantly. The sour, sharp note in Michelangelo's voice was a homecoming. \"If we bring home just the technology we're to negotiate for–\"\"Assuming it is either portable or reproducible?\"\"–we're unlikely to find ourselves surplused. I know what a cheap, clean energy source will mean to the Captaincy on Ur. And to appeasing the Governors. What will it mean on Old Earth?\"Michelangelo had that expression, the knitted brow and set muscle in his jaw that meant he agreed with Vincent and wasn't happy about it. He had to be thinking about Old Earth's tightly managed population of fifty million, about biodiversity and environmental load and Assessment.", "Culling", ".\"On Earth?\" Michelangelo would never call it", "Old Earth", ", unless speaking to someone who wouldn't know what he meant otherwise. \"Might mean no culls for fifty, a hundred years.\"\"That would pay for a lot.\" Michelangelo could do the math. Nonpolluting power meant that a larger population could be supported before triggering the Governors' inexorable logic.The Governors did not argue. They simply followed the programs of the radical environmentalists who had unleashed them, and reduced the load.Assessments were typically small now. Nothing like the near-extermination of the years surrounding Diaspora, because Old Earth's population had remained relatively stable since nine and a half billion citizens had been reduced to organic compounds, their remains used to reclaim exhausted farmland, reinvigorate desertified grassland, enrich soil laid over the hulks of emptied cities–or simply sealed up in long-abandoned coal mines and oil wells.Michelangelo's nod was curt, and slow in coming. Vincent wondered if he'd been mistaken in pushing for it, but then Michelangelo made him a little present of the smile they both knew tangled Vincent's breath around his heart. \"And if we manage to overthrow their government, steal or destroy their tech, and get a picture of their prime minister in bed with a sheep in bondage gear?\"A heartbeat, but Vincent didn't even try to keep the relief off his face. \"They'll probably give you another medal you're not allowed to take home.\"Michelangelo's laugh might have been mistaken for choking. He shook his head when he stopped, and waved a hand out the bubble at the light over the docking bay, on Boadicca Station's side. \"Light's green. Let's catch our bus.\"", "Read more" ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Elizabeth Bear (Author)
[ "Books", "LGBTQ+ Books", "Science Fiction & Fantasy" ]
{"Publisher": "Spectra; Reissue edition (November 28, 2006)", "Language": "English", "Mass Market Paperback": "392 pages", "ISBN 10": "0553589040", "ISBN 13": "978-0553589047", "Item Weight": "7.4 ounces", "Dimensions": "4.29 x 0.89 x 6.8 inches"}
Mass Market Paperback – November 28, 2006
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Elizabeth Bear', 'about': ['ELIZABETH BEAR was the recipient of the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer in 2005. She has won two Hugo Awards for her short fiction, a Sturgeon Award, and the Locus Award for Best First Novel. Bear lives in Brookfield, Massachusetts.']}
Daddy's Girl
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Linda D. Wattley (Author)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "Contemporary" ]
{"Language": "English", "Paperback": "216 pages", "ISBN 10": "0977664902", "ISBN 13": "978-0977664900", "Item Weight": "10.4 ounces", "Dimensions": "9 x 6 x 0.49 inches"}
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Linda Diane Wattley', 'about': ['', 'LINDA DIANE WATTLEY is a veteran of the United States Army. She is an advocate for sufferers of PTSD, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and for those who have suffered from all forms of victimization to include domestic violence and sexual abuse. Her message is all about getting to the best truths that allows victims to be set free. Linda accomplishes this by sharing her gifts and talents that God gave her. One being an author of several books that lead readers to go deep within themselves to find their own inner strength and voice.', 'Linda was also a contributing columnist, “THE BEST WILL SHOW THEMSELVES” for over twelve years where she shared truths that stirred hearts and minds of readers in spiritual matters.', 'Today, she has opened a platform for others to share their truths with the world. Her online television show, THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE by TLBTV and the Liberty Beacon Project has proven to be a powerful beacon of light.', '“PTSD to Freedom – No More War Within” is written by her and William Sumner. As veterans understanding Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, they joined together to create this amazing tool to get those suffering with PTSD a unique opportunity to have complete reign over this daily reality.', 'Her current book, “A LOVE STORY TO REMEMBER’ is a uniquely written book sharing the journey to love after a dysfunctional past. It shows how men love and have their own spiritual understanding of life. Understanding someone with PTSD in relationships brings out the best in you in unseeingly ways. This love story will have you wondering who the man God has chosen for the main character, Leona Tillard. Will you choose him after reading her story?', 'Linda is available for speaking engagements, book signings and interviews. She lives to do God’s Will.']}
Velvet Waters, Canyon Walls: A Lake Powell Adventure
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Colin Warren (Author)
[ "Books", "Travel", "United States" ]
{"Publisher": "Northland Press; First Edition (December 1, 1983)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "66 pages", "ISBN 10": "0873583388", "ISBN 13": "978-0873583381", "Item Weight": "6.6 ounces"}
Paperback – December 1, 1983
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Colin Warren', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
The Brass Verdict: A Novel (A Lincoln Lawyer Novel, 2)
[ "INSPIRATION FOR THE ORIGINAL SERIES THE LINCOLN LAWYER – THE #1 TV SHOW ON NETFLIX", "Defense attorney Mickey Haller and Detective Harry Bosch must either work together or die as they investigate a Hollywood lawyer's murder in this \"epic page-turner\" (", "Library Journal", ").", "Things are finally looking up for defense attorney Mickey Haller. After two years of wrong turns, Haller is back in the courtroom. When Hollywood lawyer Jerry Vincent is murdered, Haller inherits his biggest case yet: the defense of Walter Elliott, a prominent studio executive accused of murdering his wife and her lover. But as Haller prepares for the case that could launch him into the big time, he learns that Vincent's killer may be coming for him next. Enter Harry Bosch. Determined to find Vincent's killer, he is not opposed to using Haller as bait. But as danger mounts and the stakes rise, these two loners realize their only choice is to work together." ]
[ "Review", "\"", "The Brass Verdict", "has the sneaky metabolism of any Connelly book. It starts slowly, moves calmly, hides pertinent bits of information in plain sight and then abruptly ratchets up its energy for the denouement....In the midst of this new story, Mickey rebounds with a vengeance....Like Harry Bosch's mojo, Mickey Haller's is liable to work well for a long time.\"―", "Janet Maslin", ",", "New York Times", "\"Connelly is firing on all cylinders in this epic page-turner. The intriguing story line, the chance to view Bosch from another perspective, and Haller's reappearance as a main character add up to a fantastic read. One of the best thrillers of the year.\"―", "Jeff Ayers", ",", "Library Journal", "\"The answer to every Connelly fan's dream: Hieronymus Bosch meets the Lincoln Lawyer....By turns wary, competitive, complementary, cooperative and mutually predatory....Connelly brings his two sleuths together in a way that honors them both\"―", "Kirkus Reviews", "\"Connelly once again hits it out of the park in the tightly written, fast-paced and sharply imagined", "The Brass Verdict", "....Connelly builds to some breathtaking twists before all comes to a close. And a more perfect end to the maze he has drawn is difficult to imagine.\"―", "Robin Vidimos", ",", "Denver Post", "\"If at first encounter Connelly seems primarily an exceptionally accomplished writer of crime novels, at closer examination he is also a mordant and knowing chronicler of the world in which crime takes place, i.e., our world....A", "terrific ride.\"―", "Jonathan Yardley", ",", "Washington Post", "\"A beautifully executed crime thriller....Bosch might have met his match in the wily Haller, and readers will delight in their sparring.\"―", "Publishers Weekly" ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Michael Connelly (Author), Peter Giles (Reader)
[ "Books", "Mystery, Thriller & Suspense", "Mystery" ]
{"Publisher": "Little, Brown & Company; Abridged edition (September 1, 2009)", "Language": "English", "ISBN 10": "1600248217", "ISBN 13": "978-1600248214", "Item Weight": "5 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.25 x 0.8 x 5.75 inches"}
Audio CD – Abridged, September 1, 2009
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Michael Connelly', 'about': ['Michael Connelly is the bestselling author of more than thirty novels and one work of nonfiction. With over eighty-five million copies of his books sold worldwide and translated into forty-five foreign languages, he is one of the most successful writers working today. A former newspaper reporter who worked the crime beat at the Los Angeles Times and the Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel, Connelly has won numerous awards for his journalism and his fiction. His very first novel, The Black Echo, won the prestigious Mystery Writers of America Edgar Award for Best First Novel in 1992. In 2002, Clint Eastwood directed and starred in the movie adaptation of Connelly\'s 1998 novel, Blood Work. In March 2011, the movie adaptation of his #1 bestselling novel, The Lincoln Lawyer, hit theaters worldwide starring Matthew McConaughey as Mickey Haller. His most recent New York Times bestsellers include Desert Star (2022), The Dark Hours (2021), The Law Of Innocence (2020), Fair Warning (2020), and The Night Fire (2019). Michael is the executive producer of Bosch and Bosch: Legacy, Amazon Studios original drama series based on his bestselling character Harry Bosch, starring Titus Welliver and streaming on Amazon Prime/Amazon Freevee. He is the executive producer of The Lincoln Lawyer, streaming on Netflix, starring Manuel Garcia-Rulfo. He is also the executive producer of the documentary films, "Sound Of Redemption: The Frank Morgan Story\' and \'Tales Of the American.\' He spends his time in California and Florida.']}
Buy a Kindle
Artful Bird: Feathered Friends to Make and Sew
[ "Join the flock!", "Create your very own aviary of charming, beautifully detailed, one-of-a-kind fabric sculptures with basic machine- and hand sewing, embroidery, and mixed-media craft techniques. Artist Abigail Patner Glassenberg, celebrated for her charming, quirky, personality-filled birds, presents 16 incredibly creative projects, as well as a gallery of birds from other noted fabric bird makers. In", "The Artful Bird", ", learn how to make dignified owls, friendly wrens, an elegant flamingo or a swooping crane in flight from the set of step-by-step basic birdmaking techniques and tips. Abigail also offers an array of creative ideas to give each bird individual character and personality and an amazingly lifelike, yet handcrafted appearance. Careful instructions and how-to photographs for the entire process with help beginners and more advanced crafters build successful, appealing birds." ]
[ "About the Author", "Abigail Patner Glassenberg has been making award-winning soft toys and soft sculptures since 2005. She has made more than 100 birds of every variety, selling them in galleries, boutiques, craft shows, and online. Her work also been featured in magazines, including", "Cloth, Paper, Scissors,", "and in sewing, craft, and soft-sculpture books. She lives in Wellesley, Massachusetts.", "--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.", "Review", "Named a TOP 10 CRAFT BOOK OF 2011 by Booklist, the publication of the American Library Journal.\"A delightful find...These beautiful birds are ingeniously crafted.\" –", "Sew Hip magazine", "\"This amazing book is incredibly thorough and breaks down the process of making fabric birds in a really accessible way.\" –", "Kathleen Richardson,", "\"I know that I have raved about various sewing books here before and I love telling you about awesome finds. But I will let you know right here and right now that this particular book is one that you just HAVE TO HAVE! If you even remotely love birds in any way, shape, or form this book will just blow you away.\" –", "Small Town Living", "\"A fascinating book on learning to create three-dimensional birds with a variety of fabrics and stitchwork.\" –", "Detroit News", "\"", "The Artful Bird", "is so much fun...I defy you to pick it up without wanting to make a few of your own feathered friends!\" –", "Mark Lipinski, host, Creative Mojo", "\"144 pages of bird sewing goodness!\" –", "Craft Gossip", "\"Abby’s soft sculpture birds are gorgeous, filled with personality and often made with vintage fabrics.\" –", "Paige Lewin, CBS Boston", "\"This is a beautiful book...These birds are so expressive – and with 16 different birds, from a hen+chick to a penguin to a flamingo, there's a project there for just about every 'level of challenging.'\" –", "Austen Gilliland,", "\"Utterly delightful.\" –", "Samantha Cotterill, mummysam", "\"Quirky poses and personalities make these adorable sculpted birds fun to sew and impossible to resist!\" –", "Crafter’s Choice Book Club", "\"I was blown away by the intricate work that goes into each bird...not only does this book capture them beautifully in photograph, but gives you the opportunity to see how they are made.\" –", "Cary Walker, little love blue", "\"Totally amazing. Each of the birds has a unique personality (I especially love the lark, owl, and flamingo), and Abby's projects are the perfect pick-me-up when you're fighting the winter blahs.\" –", "Stefanie Berganini,", "\"This book thrills me to bits! Abigail covers everything and I mean EVERYTHING you need to know to make a fascinating and beautiful flock of your own.\" –", "Rashida Coleman-Hale,", "\"The book intrigued me, so I decided to try my hand at bird making...and I had a blast. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be. I had no trouble cutting and using the pattern pieces, and the directions were very easy to follow.\" –", "Barb Delaney,", "\"A book filled with projects for sewing amazing birds from all sorts of different materials.\" –", "Tiny Apartment Crafts", "\"Abby is a wonderful teacher and makes beautiful soft sculptures, which makes for a pretty fantastic author of a pretty fantastic book.\" –", "Meg Spaeth,", "\"This book would give the serious crafter a great foundation for making Artful Birds, but also has the ability to sensibly guide the newbie crafter into being a successful Soft Sculptor.\" –", "Connie Kogler, Birds O’ The Morning", "\"A really accessible how-to book on how to make bird sculptures...It’s also a great general introduction to making soft sculptures.\" –", "Mimi Tsang,", "\"A wonderful collection.\" –", "Jennifer Ackerman-Haywood,", "\"Absolutely amazing, right?! You’ll also find an excellent section on materials and techniques – very well illustrated and explained. This is definitely a book for crafty bird-lovers.\" –", "Jhoanna Monte,", "--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ "" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Abigail Patner Glassenberg (Author) Format: Kindle Edition
[ "Books", "Crafts, Hobbies & Home", "Crafts & Hobbies" ]
{"Publisher": "Interweave (May 15, 2013)", "Publication date": "May 15, 2013", "Language": "English", "File size": "10809 KB", "Text to Speech": "Enabled", "Screen Reader": "Supported", "Enhanced typesetting": "Enabled", "X Ray": "Not Enabled", "Word Wise": "Not Enabled", "Sticky notes": "On Kindle Scribe", "Print length": "160 pages"}
Kindle Edition
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Abigail Patner Glassenberg', 'about': ["My name is Abby Glassenberg and I'm a sewing pattern designer, craft book author, and sewing teacher. I live in Wellesley, MA and work out of my home studio. I'm also the mom to three daughters. I sew every single day!", "I design and make original soft toys and soft sculptures. For several years I worked exclusively on creating soft sculpture birds of every variety, from flamingos to penguins, from larks to peacocks. This work culminated in The Artful Bird: Feathered Friends to Make and Sew. Writing this book was an amazing experience and seeing other people create their own birds based on my patterns brings me so much joy! I'm so pleased that The Artful Bird was named a top 10 craft book of 2011 on the ALA Booklist!", 'My second book, Stuffed Animals: From Concept to Construction, was published by Lark in the spring of 2013. My goal with this book is to help you design and create your own, original softie patterns by showing how soft toy construction works. Everything from creating a simple outline toy to an advanced jointed toy with gussets and darts is explained in detail. The book has 16 new projects accompanied by 52 lessons which break down the patterns and explain how they were constructed. This book is both a project book and a reference book and I hope you love it!', 'To follow my crafting, parenting, and teaching adventures, check out my blog: Thank you so much!']}
Buy a Kindle
The Gran Tour: Travels with my Elders
[ "'Both moving and hilarious'", "Spectator", ", Books of the Year'A tale of gloriously eccentric British pensioners. Aitken rivals Alan Bennett in the ear he has for an eavesdropped remark ... boy, can he write.'", "Daily Mail", ", Book of the Week", "FROM THE AUTHOR OF THE ACCLAIMED A CHIP SHOP IN POZNAN.One millennial, six coach trips, one big generation gap.When Ben Aitken learnt that his gran had enjoyed a four-night holiday including four three-course dinners, four cooked breakfasts, four games of bingo, a pair of excursions, sixteen pints of lager and luxury return coach travel, all for a hundred pounds, he thought, that's the life, and signed himself up. Six times over.Good value aside, what Ben was really after was the company of his elders - those with more chapters under their belt, with the wisdom granted by experience, the candour gifted by time, and the hard-earned ability to live each day like it's nearly their last.A series of coach holidays ensued - from Scarborough to St Ives, Killarney to Lake Como - during which Ben attempts to shake off his thirty-something blues by getting old as soon as possible." ]
[ "About the Author", "Ben Aitken was born under Thatcher, grew to six foot then stopped, and is an Aquarius. He is the author of", "Dear Bill Bryson: Footnotes from a Small Island", "(2015) and", "A Chip Shop in Poznan: My Unlikely Year in Poland", "(2019), ‘one of the funniest books of the year’ (Paul Ross, talkRadio).", "--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ "" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Ben Aitken (Author) Format: Kindle Edition
[ "Books", "Reference", "Writing, Research & Publishing Guides" ]
{"Publisher": "Icon Books (September 3, 2020)", "Publication date": "September 3, 2020", "Language": "English", "File size": "1956 KB", "Text to Speech": "Enabled", "Screen Reader": "Supported", "Enhanced typesetting": "Enabled", "X Ray": "Enabled", "Word Wise": "Enabled", "Sticky notes": "On Kindle Scribe", "Print length": "281 pages"}
Kindle Edition
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Ben Aitken', 'about': ['Ben Aitken was born under Thatcher, grew to 6ft then stopped, and is an Aquarius. He followed Bill Bryson around the UK for Dear Bill Bryson: Footnotes from a Small Island (2015) then moved to Poland to understand why everyone was leaving. A Chip Shop in Poznan: My Unlikely Year in Poland (2019) is the fruit of that unusual migration. For The Gran Tour: Travels with my Elders (2020), the author went on six package coach holidays - Scarborough, Llandudno, Lake Como et al - with people twice or thrice his age in order to see what they had to say for themselves and to narrow the generation gap a notch. The Marmalade Diaries (2022) is the story of an unlikely friendship during an unlikely time, and stems from the author’s decision to move in with an 85 year old widow ten days before a national lockdown.']}
Lords of the Horizons: A History of the Ottoman Empire
[ "Since the Turks first shattered the glory of the French crusaders in 1396, the Ottoman Empire has exerted a long, strong pull on Western minds. For six hundred years, the Empire swelled and declined. Islamic, martial, civilized, and tolerant, in three centuries it advanced from the dusty foothills of Anatolia to rule on the Danube and the Nile; at the Empire's height, Indian rajahs and the kings of France beseeched its aid. For the next three hundred years the Empire seemed ready to collapse, a prodigy of survival and decay. Early in the twentieth century it fell. In this dazzling evocation of its power, Jason Goodwin explores how the Ottomans rose and how, against all odds, they lingered on. In the process he unfolds a sequence of mysteries, triumphs, treasures, and terrors unknown to most American readers.This was a place where pillows spoke and birds were fed in the snow; where time itself unfolded at a different rate and clocks were banned; where sounds were different, and even the hyacinths too strong to sniff. Dramatic and passionate, comic and gruesome, Lords of the Horizons is a history, a travel book, and a vision of a lost world all in one." ]
[ " Review", "Jason Goodwin, a young English journalist, writes history as if it were today's breaking news, and with", "Lords of the Horizon", ", he delivers an anecdote-filled and breezy account of the long, troubled career of the Ottoman Empire. That empire endured for nearly 600 years and embraced not only a large territory--stretching, at one point, from the border of Iran to the gates of Vienna--but also hundreds of ethnic groups and three dozen nations. United under the banner of a tolerant form of Islam, the Ottoman Turks forged a culture that, Goodwin writes, \"was such a prodigy of pep, such a miracle of human ingenuity, that contemporaries felt it was helped into being by powers not quite human--diabolical or divine, depending on their point of view.\"", "Drawing on memoirs by European visitors as well as standard histories of the era, Goodwin traces the Ottoman Empire from its origins in the 14th-century collapse of the Byzantine state to its centuries-long decline and final collapse at the end of World War I. Along the way, he writes of the Ottomans' addiction to wealth (and to hiding their gold in fabulous hoards), the pleasure they took in holding picnics in their lush cemeteries, and the prowess of their elite military both in battle and in organized crime. (\"The janissaries were magnificent extortionists,\" Goodwin notes. \"People paid them not to burn their homes and business, then they paid them to come and put the fires out.\") Full of vivid detail, Goodwin's narrative makes for an enjoyable introduction to this historically influential, but little understood, culture.", "--Gregory McNamee", "From Publishers Weekly", "In this elegant work, British author Goodwin (On Foot to the Golden Horn) combines deft historical summary with the buoyant prose and idiosyncratic focus of the best travel writing. The combination enables him to take the full measure of a realm riddled with paradox. The Ottoman Empire was a Turkish empire most of whose shock troops were Balkan Slavs; a bellicose state that expanded by war, it often governed its conquests with a light handAa necessary approach given the many cultures and nationalities that fell under Ottoman rule. Ottoman society at its best was civilized and tolerant, observes Goodwin. The Jews expelled from Spain in 1492 were warmly received in Salonika, Constantinople, Belgrade and Sofia. While war and superstition ruled Christian Europe, the Islamic Ottoman Empire thrived and glittered with mathematical, architectural and artistic accomplishment. Goodwin is marvelous at describing how, for three hundred years before its final collapse after WWI, the empire survived even though it was perpetually on the verge of collapse. He attributes the calcified empire's decline not only to corruption and the rise of France and Russia but to the Turks' prideful ignorance of the West, a vanity that eventually deprived the empire of the fruits of modernity. As good as Goodwin is at blending political, cultural and military affairs, his work is distinguished by stylish writing and a sharp eye for just the right anecdote. His epilogue, which is built around the fate of the empire's famous stray dogs, is at once amusing and strangely, beautifully moving. Illustrations. Copyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc.", "From Library Journal", "British travel writer Goodwin, whose previous books include A Time for Tea (1991. o.p.) and On Foot to the Golden Horn (1995. o.p.), explores the long and tumultuous history of the Ottoman Empire, examining the political upheavals and military actions that continually engaged the empire. Goodwin also reveals many fascinating details of daily life: e.g., common people would insert waste paper into the cracks of walls, believing the paper would protect their feet on the fiery path to heaven. The most absorbing chapter concerns the defeat of the Ottomans in Vienna in 1683, presenting in lively style the events leading up to that crucial battle. This volume is comparable to Andrew Wheatcroft's The Ottomans (LJ 4/15/94) and belongs in academic and larger public libraries.ANorman Malwitz, Queens Borough P.L., NYCopyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc.", "From Kirkus Reviews", "A delightfully picaresque history, brimming with memorable anecdotes and outrageous personalities. English travel writer Goodwin (A Cup of Tea: Travels Through China and India in Search of Tea, 1991) guides us on a highly impressionistic journey. We begin in the foothills of Turkey, where the Ottoman Turks revered the horse and reveled in making war. (They also helped to destroy the Christian crusaders of the 14th century.) The Ottomans were Sunni Muslims, relatively tolerant of religious diversity. In 1453, under Sultan Mehmet, they seized Constantinople, making it their capital. Goodwin writes brilliantly about the siege of that Byzantine city, describing its complex defensive fortifications and how Mehmet breached them with a revolutionary weapon, the cannon. Under Suleyman the Magnificent, Ottoman power reached its zenith. Suleyman's army overran Belgrade in 1521 and later assaulted Vienna. Finally, the European powers united to stop the ``infidel'' Ottoman onslaught. In 1571, the Ottomans suffered their first major defeat at the Battle of Lepanto. Nevertheless, they consolidated their power in the Balkans, Egypt, Persia, Russia, and all over Central Asia. Goodwin argues convincingly that the key to Ottoman success, besides an obvious skill at war, was their open-mindedness regarding cultures and institutions: The Ottoman umbrella made room for Spanish Jews, Orthodox Greeks, Venetian merchants, Albanian tribesmen, Arab bedouins, and others. With the coming of the industrial revolution in Europe, however, the Ottomans fell behind. Palace intrigues, factional rivalries, military disloyalty, and nationalist rebellions in Greece and Egypt combined to sap the empire of its strength. Yet it survived, miraculously, into the 20th century, like some crazy old aunt locked in the attic. Throughout, Goodwin relishes the exotic, the bizarre, the picturesque. In explaining the decline of Ottoman military virtue, he cites Sultan Ibrahim, who overindulged in drink and the harem, where he ``rode his girls like horses through rooms lined in fur.'' An elegantly written, thoroughly entertaining work of popular history. (25 b&w illustrations) --", "Copyright ©1999, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved.", "Review", "\"A fascinating read .... [Goodwin] has a knack of catching the prevailing mood of the Empire during all its phases, which makes the book a perfect companion for anyone who visits Turkey.\" (The Times (London))", "About the Author", "Historian, journalist, and travel writer, Jason Goodwin lives in West Sussex, England, with his wife and two sons. A regular contributor to The New York Times and Condé Nast Traveler, Jason Goodwin received the John Llewellyn Rhys Prize for On Foot to the Golden Horn.", "Read more" ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Jason Goodwin (Author)
[ "Books", "History", "Middle East" ]
{"Publisher": "Henry Holt and Co.; First Edition (April 12, 1999)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "368 pages", "ISBN 10": "0805040811", "ISBN 13": "978-0805040814", "Item Weight": "1 pounds", "Dimensions": "6.52 x 1.26 x 9.52 inches"}
Hardcover – April 12, 1999
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Jason Goodwin', 'about': ["Jason Goodwin is a novelist, traveller and historian, and also writes the 'Spectator' column for Country Life. He has written about the Far East and about walking 2000 miles to Istanbul. Lords of the Horizons: A History of the Ottoman Empire, was described by Jan Morris as 'a high-octane work of art'. Time Out called it 'perhaps the most readable history ever written on anything'.", 'His Istanbul-based series of historical thrillers began with The Janissary Tree, winner of the Edgar Award for Best Novel, while Yashim #3 The Bellini Card was chosen by The Sunday Times as one of the 100 best crime novels since 1945. Translated into over 40 languages, the five-novel series now has its own illustrated cookbook, YASHIM COOKS ISTANBUL: Culinary Adventures in the Ottoman Kitchen.', 'Jason is a member of the Guild of Food Writers and sits on the committee of Headread, the annual Estonian literary festival.']}
Buy a Kindle
The Novel-Maker's Handbook: the no-nonsense guide to crafting a marketable story
[ "Are you struggling to turn your great idea into an even better novel? Learn how to craft a compelling story right from the start.", "Is your dream of writing a novel sitting in a desk drawer or in a forgotten folder of your computer? Have you spent countless hours on endless draft revisions without making much progress? Have you given up hope of writing a manuscript you can truly be proud of? Today’s the day to take charge of your writing career. Let veteran book editor Diane O’Connell show you how.", "Drawing on her years of experience working with novelists for a major publishing house, O’Connell’s guide is a must-read if you want to improve your storytelling. While most books on writing are written by authors, the award-winning", "The Novel-Maker’s Handbook", "is different. Experienced editors know that successful books aren’t just about technique. You need to create a compelling story arc and pitch it in a way that gets noticed. O’Connell’s gem is the only book that provides first-time novelists with a proven system for writing a book in less time while improving all facets of your storytelling.", "In", "The Novel-Maker’s Handbook", ", you’ll discover:", "How to write your novel with ease to get your book right the first time", "How to write your novel with ease to get your book right the first time", "How to fully understand the techniques needed to polish your novel into a must-read", "How to fully understand the techniques needed to polish your novel into a must-read", "How to draw from the tactics of bestselling authors to write your own page-turners", "How to draw from the tactics of bestselling authors to write your own page-turners", "How to identify your weak spots and exactly what to do to fix them", "How to identify your weak spots and exactly what to do to fix them", "How to build life-long skills as a writer, and much, much more!", "How to build life-long skills as a writer, and much, much more!", "Whether you want to prepare for National Novel Writing Month or simply try to improve your craft,", "The Novel-Maker’s Handbook", "will help you grow in your quest to become a published novelist. If you like straightforward, insightful, and razor-sharp writing guides, then you’ll love Diane O’Connell’s career-changing book.", "Buy", "The Novel-Maker’s Handbook", "to start building your great novel today!" ]
[ "Review", "\"This comprehensive guide offers everything that new or struggling writers need to know about all aspects of their story before struggling (and possibly failing). Recommended!\" — Chris Roerden, national award-­‐winning author of Don’t Sabotage Your Submission and Don’t Murder Your Mystery.", "--This text refers to the", "paperback", "edition.", "Review", "“If you’re looking for a good practical guide for writing your novel, get a copy of Diane O’Connell’s The Novel-­‐Maker’s Handbook. All the basics of getting your story into final manuscript form are here, written in a clear, succinct, and friendly style. Breaking down the essential elements of a marketable novel, she offers valuable tips to apply to your own work and exercises to motivate your writing, whether you're just beginning or are stuck mid-­‐way through or are looking to fine-­‐tune your manuscript. An excellent resource for aspiring novelists.” — Gary Braver, bestselling and awarding-­‐winning author of Tunnel Vision", "--This text refers to the", "paperback", "edition.", "Review", "\"Stupendous! This book has it all: from the basics and building blocks of creating a great story to the spit-­‐and-­‐polish techniques so necessary for marketability. There's nothing like it anywhere.\" — Deborah Levine Herman, literary agent, The Jeff Herman Agency", "--This text refers to the", "paperback", "edition.", "Review", "“There's great wisdom in Diane O'Connell's Novel-­‐Maker’s Handbook, and it's an excellent resource for anyone who wants to write a novel. Her step-­‐by-­‐step process for structuring a story will save you years of floundering. Her insights will help turn your dream of marketing success into a reality.” — Kristen von Kriesler, bestselling author of An Unexpected Grace", "--This text refers to the", "paperback", "edition.", "About the Author", "Award-winning editor and author Diane O'Connell is also owner of Writeto Sell Your Book, a full-service author resource in New York City.Formerly an editor at Random House, she's authored five previous books.While her author-clients have achieved international publishing success, she continues to present at conferences and conduct highly praisedworkshops around the United States. She makes her home in New York.", "Read more" ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ "" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Diane O'Connell (Author) Format: Kindle Edition
[ "Books", "Reference", "Writing, Research & Publishing Guides" ]
{"Publisher": "Station Square Media (March 24, 2016)", "Publication date": "March 24, 2016", "Language": "English", "File size": "3560 KB", "Simultaneous device usage": "Unlimited", "Text to Speech": "Enabled", "Screen Reader": "Supported", "Enhanced typesetting": "Enabled", "X Ray": "Not Enabled", "Word Wise": "Enabled", "Sticky notes": "On Kindle Scribe", "Print length": "306 pages"}
Kindle Edition
{'avatar': '', 'name': "Diane O'Connell", 'about': ["Guiding unpublished writers to successful careers has always been my mission. I was thrilled to see when my new book, The Novel-Maker's Handbook, was award Best Writing/Publishing Book of 2015 by Independent Publishers.", 'After 12 years working as a staff editor at various publishing houses, including Random House, I ventured out on my own, writing over 200 magazine articles to national publications, and authoring six books.', "Knowing what it's like on both sides of the editor's desk, I founded Write to Sell Your Book, a full-service author resource with the aim of turning unpublished writers into successful published authors. I know what editors look for, and I understand the passion that drives authors, their desire to follow their dreams, and their determination to create their own publishing destiny.", "In addition to working one-on-one with authors, I speak at writing conferences all over the country and conduct Novel Writing Retreats twice a year. Seeing the need to help more fiction authors with my unique process, I wrote The Novel-Maker's Handbook.", "I make my home in New York City. When I'm not writing and working with authors, I sing with a local choir and opera company - a life-long passion.", "If you'd like to find out how I can work with you, please visit my website:"]}
Essential Knits for Kids: 20 Fresh, New Looks for Children Two to Five
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
{"Language": "English", "Item Weight": "1.8 pounds", "Dimensions": "9.18 x 9.18 x 0.72 inches"}
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Debbie Bliss', 'about': ["Debbie Bliss is one of the foremost designers and authors of hand knitting patterns in both the UK and US and increasingly in Europe and Asia. Her bestselling books have earned her a dedicated army of fans who adore her stylish, easy-to-make designs. Her most recent books, Simply Baby, Essential Baby and Essential Kids, all demonstrate her flair for creating beautiful, practical and stylish garments for babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers. In 2008 she launched Debbie Bliss Knitting Magazine - which was a sell out; and is now published each Spring and Autumn. She has designed knitwear for Baby Gap but now concentrates on developing her own range of yarns and designs highly wearable garments with universal appeal. Renowned for its quality, Debbie's yarn range is widely available throughout the UK, US and Canada."]}
Lusitania: An Epic Tragedy
[ "On May 7, 1915, toward the end of her 101st eastbound crossing, from New York to Liverpool, England, R.M.S.", "Lusitania", "--pride of the Cunard Line and one of the greatest ocean liners afloat--became the target of a terrifying new weapon and a casualty of a terrible new kind of war. Sunk off the southern coast of Ireland by a torpedo fired from the German submarine", "U-20", ", she exploded and sank in eighteen minutes, taking with her some twelve hundred people, more than half of the passengers and crew. Cold-blooded, deliberate, and unprecedented in the annals of war, the sinking of the", "Lusitania", "shocked the world. It also jolted the United States out of its neutrality and hastened the nation's entry into World War I. In her riveting account of this enormous and controversial tragedy, Diana Preston recalls both a pivotal moment in history and a remarkable human drama. The story of the", "Lusitania", "is a window on the maritime world of the early twentieth century: the heyday of the luxury liner, the first days of the modern submarine, and the climax of the decades-long German-British rivalry for supremacy of the Atlantic. Above all, it is the story of the passengers and crew on that fateful voyage--a story of terror and cowardice, of self-sacrifice and heroism, of death and miraculous survival." ]
[ "Review", "“A book as majestic as its subject . . . . Preston is a . . . stylish and elegant writer whose prose carries one along on waves of excitement.” ―", "Chicago Sun-Times", "“Preston's gifts as a writer of narrative history place her in the company of Barbara Tuchman and a handful of other historians.” ―", "Philadelphia Inquirer", "“A fitting monument to a multitudinous loss.” ―John Updike,", "New Yorker", "“In her book,", "Lusitania: An Epic Tragedy", ", Diana Preston expertly aligns maritime history with human tragedy, offering a well-researched account of terror and heroism.” ―“In her riveting account of this enormous and controversial tragedy, Diana Preston recalls both a pivotal moment in history and a remarkable human drama.” ―“", "Lusitania", "is an amazingly detailed history of the events leading up to, during, and after the fateful voyage of the doomed ship. The research is thorough and explores the many complicated viewpoints of the events surrounding the sinking. Preston's book will quickly vault to the top of", "Lusitania", "research and is a book that should not be missed.” ―", "Historical Novel Society", "About the Author", "Diana Preston is an Oxford-trained historian and the author of A First Rate Tragedy, The Boxer Rebellion, Lusitania: An Epic Tragedy, and Before the Fallout: From Marie Curie to Hiroshima, which won the 2006 Los Angeles Times Book Prize for Science and Technology. With her husband, Michael, she has coauthored A Pirate of Exquisite Mind and Taj Mahal. She lives in London, England." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Diana Preston (Author)
[ "Books", "History", "Military" ]
{"Publisher": "Bloomsbury USA; Reprint edition (April 28, 2015)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "544 pages", "ISBN 10": "1632860848", "ISBN 13": "978-1632860842", "Item Weight": "1.06 pounds", "Dimensions": "5.55 x 1.39 x 8.27 inches"}
Paperback – April 28, 2015
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Diana Preston', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Bel, Book, and Scandal: A Belfast McGrath Mystery (Bel McGrath Mysteries, 3)
[ "Maggie McConnon rings in Christmas in", "Bel, Book, and Scandal,", "the third adventure for everybody’s favorite Irish-American culinary artist turned amateur sleuth. Bel McGrath tries her best to keep herself on the straight and narrow but she just has a taste for trouble. This time danger arrives in the form of a newspaper left behind by visitors to Shamrock Manor―and a photograph that jolts Bel out of the present and back into a dark chapter from her past. The person in the photo is Bel’s best friend Amy Mitchell, long gone from Foster’s Landing, at a commune in upstate New York shortly after her disappearance. The picture, and Bel’s burning desire to find out what happened to Amy―and whether she may still be alive―is the catalyst for a story in which old secrets are revealed, little by little…and certain characters are shown to not be as genuine as Bel once thought.", "Bel McGrath is:", "“Authentic…will leave you smiling.”―Nancy Martin “Hilarious and surprising.”―", "RT Book Reviews", "“A saucy, funny, flawed protagonist that readers are guaranteed to fall in love with.” ―Susan McBride" ]
[ "About the Author", "MAGGIE MCCONNON grew up in New York immersed in Irish culture and tradition. A former Irish stepdancer, she was surrounded by a family of Irish musicians who still play at family gatherings. She credits her Irish grandparents with providing the stories of their homeland and their extended families as the basis for the stories she tells in her Belfast McGrath novels." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Maggie McConnon (Author)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "Genre Fiction" ]
{"Publisher": "St. Martin's Paperbacks (December 5, 2017)", "Language": "English", "Mass Market Paperback": "320 pages", "ISBN 10": "1250077303", "ISBN 13": "978-1250077301", "Item Weight": "5.4 ounces", "Dimensions": "4.14 x 0.85 x 6.89 inches"}
Mass Market Paperback – December 5, 2017
Right Click
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Susan Aylworth (Author)
[ "Books", "Romance", "Contemporary" ]
{"Perfect Paperback": "180 pages", "Item Weight": "12.2 ounces"}
Perfect Paperback
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Susan Aylworth', 'about': ['Susan Aylworth loves "travel, great, music, and good raspberry jam" and claims addiction to "words in almost all polite forms." Her first book, started when she was nine, "was a rip-off of Black Beauty. I wrote eight whole pages!" For her fifth grade career day, she stated her ambition to become "a rich and famous author." Years later, she is pleased to have achieved the \'author\' part of that goal.', 'She enjoys researching backgrounds and careers for her novels. "It\'s one way to live many lives all at once." She lives in northern California with her writer husband, Roger. She has also lived on the East Coast and in the Navajo Nation, the setting for several of her novels. Like most women of her generation, she wishes the kids would visit more often.', 'Susan loves hearing from readers. Reach her at, post on her wall at: or follow her @SusanAylworth. "If you enjoy my books, please tell everyone you know: friends, relatives, neighbors, the person who delivers your mail, people you meet in line in the grocery store, everyone!" Give her a shout if you\'d like your name to appear in an upcoming book, but beware: You may become the bad guy.']}
The Last Jewish Virgin: A Novel of Fate
[ "Lilith Zeremba, a young woman rebelling against her intellectually complex, feminist Jewish mother, is The Last Jewish Virgin. In this playful and provocative, sensual and suspenseful novel, Janice Eidus merges the timeless, romantic myth of the vampire with contemporary life in volatile New York CityNormal0falsefalsefalseMicrosoftInternetExplorer4—and beyond. Determined to make her own way4—on her own terms4—as a successful Jewish woman in the world of fashion, Lilith finds herself in a place where mythology and sexuality collide. She meets two men to whom she is drawn in ways that feel dangerous and yet inevitable: the much older, wildly mercurial and mesmerizing Baron Rock, and Colin Abel, a young, radiant artist determined to make the world a better place, one socially progressive painting at a time.", "The Last Jewish Virgin", ", an innovative and universal tale of longing and redemption, refreshes and reinvents the classic vampire myth for a contemporary world in which love, compassion, faith, and politics are forever evolving and intersecting in surprising and original ways." ]
[ "From Publishers Weekly", "In yet another variation of a vampire love story, Eidus (The War of the Rosens) introduces Lilith Zeremba, a college freshman who has declared herself, over and over, to be the last Jewish virgin. It's a moniker she is determined to keep, though the particulars--why it is so important to her, whether she intends to keep it for a lifetime, and if she's been tempted in the past--are unclear. Also unclear is the nature of the love triangle in which she quickly finds herself. In one corner is Colin Abel, who is handsome, confident, talented, and sexy. In the other corner is vampire Mr. Rock, who is elusive, moody, sometimes cruel, and twice her age (also, he might be shtupping her mother). Rock is cast as the obvious bad boy to Colin's good guy, but without any of the redeeming qualities that would ostensibly make it a fair fight. The book manages to be kitschy without being fun, silly without being funny, and drama-filled without being dramatic. In the sultry world of vampires, it's as exciting as an air kiss. Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.", "From", "Booklist", "Fiction is subject to viruses, and the vampire bug strikes the unlikeliest writers. Witty and incisive Eidus (The War of the Rosens, 2007) has always drawn our attention to the divide between fantasy and reality, emphasizing the inescapability of the latter. She now reverses direction. New Yorker Lilith Zeremba dreams of success as a fashion designer, a pursuit her widowed Jewish feminist intellectual mother considers frivolous at best. Beth is so sensitive to gender inequality, she believes women should rid their sexual fantasies of any hint of submission. Her daughter goes one step further: Lilith is determined to remain a virgin until she establishes her career. But this is not the message she sends when she shows up for her first day of art school in sexy vampire attire. Her risqué outfit gets an A from her intimidating drawing instructor, a chiseled man-in-black with mirrored sunglasses and the wicked name Mr. Rock. Eidus pours it on in this read-without-stopping tale of Jewish and feminist identities assaulted by raw sexual magnetism and otherworldly powers. A smart, vampy, campy send-up. --Donna Seaman", "Review", "Eidus writes with humor, originality and understanding of urban Jewish life. The winner of two O.Henry prizes, she lives in Brooklyn and San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. --Jewish Week", "About the Author", "Janice Eidus has won numerous awards for her writing, including two O. Henry Prizes and the Independent Publishers Award in Religion for her recent novel, The War of the Rosens. Her other books include", "The Celibacy Club", ",", "Vito Loves Geraldine", ",", "Urban Bliss", ", and", "Faithful Rebecca", "; and, she's the co-editor of", "It's Only Rock and Roll: An Anthology of Rock and Roll Short Stories", ". Her work also appears in such anthologies as", "The Oxford Book of Jewish Stories", ";", "Neurotica", ": Jewish Writers on Sex", "; and", "Desire: Women Write about Wanting", ", and in leading newspapers and magazines including", "The New York TImes, Jewish Currents, Tikkun,", "and", "The Forward", ". She lives in New York City and Mexico with her husband and daughter.", "Read more" ]
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Janice Eidus (Author)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "Women's Fiction" ]
{"Publisher": "Red Hen Press; First Edition (October 1, 2010)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "147 pages", "ISBN 10": "1597093939", "ISBN 13": "978-1597093934", "Item Weight": "6.4 ounces", "Dimensions": "5 x 0.5 x 8 inches"}
Paperback – October 1, 2010
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Janice Eidus', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Hog Wild: The Battle for Workers' Rights at the World's Largest Slaughterhouse
[ "When Smithfield Foods opened its pork processing plant in Tar Heel, North Carolina, in 1992, workers in the rural area were thrilled to have jobs at what was billed as “the largest slaughterhouse in the world.” However, they soon left in droves because of the fast, unrelenting line speed and high rate of injury. Those who stayed wanted higher wages and safer working conditions, but every time they tried to form a union, the company quickly cracked down, firing union leaders, assaulting organizers, and setting minority groups against each other.  Author and journalist Lynn Waltz reveals how these aggressive tactics went unchecked for years until Sherri Buffkin, a higher-up manager at Smithfield, blew the lid off the company’s corrupt practices. Through meticulous reporting, in-depth interviews with key players, and a mind for labor and environmental histories, Waltz weaves a fascinating tale of the nearly two-decade struggle that eventually brought justice to the workers and accountability to the food giant, pitting the world’s largest slaughterhouse against the world’s largest meatpacking union.  Following in a long tradition of books that expose the horrors of the meatpacking industry—from Upton Sinclair’s", "The Jungle", "to Eric Schlosser’s", "Fast Food Nation", "—", "Hog Wild", "uncovers rampant corporate environmental hooliganism, labor exploitation, and union-busting by one of the nation’s largest meat producers. Waltz’s eye-opening examination sheds new light on the challenges workers face not just in meatpacking, but everywhere workers have lost their power to collectively bargain with powerful corporations." ]
[ "Review", "“Lynn Waltz weaves in-depth interviews of key actors and court records with contemporaneous newspaper reporting into a compelling saga of the fourteen-year campaign to unionize the world’s largest meatpacking plant.", "Hog Wild", "is a valuable addition to the literature on workers’ struggles for better wages and working conditions in the meatpacking industry.”  —Donald D. Stull, coauthor,", "Slaughter-house Blues: The Meat and Poultry Industry", "in North America", "“Lynn Waltz’s examination of Smithfield Foods’s campaigns against unionism in the modern meat industry is vivid and haunting. Her book offers compelling insight into the fate of the modern American labor movement and, crucially, evidence for why the United States is increasingly divided between rich and poor.”—Wilson J. Warren, author,", "Tied to the Great Packing Machine: The Midwest and Meatpacking", "About the Author", "Lynn Waltz", "is an assistant professor of journalism at Hampton University in Hampton, Virginia. Twice nominated by", "The Virginian-Pilot", "for the Pulitzer Prize, she has been a professional journalist for more than twenty-five years." ]
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Lynn Waltz (Author)
[ "Books", "History", "Americas" ]
{"Publisher": "University Of Iowa Press; 1st edition (May 15, 2018)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "280 pages", "ISBN 10": "1609385853", "ISBN 13": "978-1609385859", "Item Weight": "1 pounds", "Dimensions": "6 x 1 x 9 inches"}
Paperback – Illustrated, May 15, 2018
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Lynn Waltz', 'about': ["Lynn Waltz is an assistant professor of journalism at The Scripps Howard School of Journalism and Communications at Hampton University in Hampton, Virginia. Nominated twice for a Pulitzer Prize by The Virginian-Pilot, she has been a professional journalist for more than twenty-five years. Ms. Waltz received a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Nonfiction from Old Dominion University in 2011. She moved to Norfolk in 1988 to take a job as a reporter at The Virginian-Pilot where she was nominated for a Pulitzer for her story about a legislator's abuse of power. There she also won prestigious national awards for stories that led to the release of an innocent man from prison and a feature about Virginia’s Death Row chaplain."]}
365 Saints: Your Daily Guide to the Wisdom and Wonder of Their Lives
[ "Let the Saints' lives guide and touch your life each day!", "The life of a saint is the life of an ordinary person lived well. And that's the life readers will discover in this delightful and often surprising collection of words and wisdom from saints throughout the ages. A lovely and inspiring gift book,", "365 Saints", "illuminates how the saints actually lived, detailing their hopes, fears, joys, and sorrows, as well as their lesser–known idiosyncracies and saying. Witty and wondrous, simple and sublime,", "365 Saints", "offers a full year of meditations and practical suggestions for emulating the saints today." ]
[ "Review", "Words and wisdom of the saints can touch our daily lives: this gathers wisdom from many saints and presents 365 days of suggestions and meditations, with each day including outlines of saints’ experiences, simple one-line advice, and expanded illustrations of the sayings. A fun, revealing manual. --", "Midwest Book Review", "About the Author", "Woodeene Koenig-Bricker is the editor of", "Catholic Parent", "magazine. She has written about spirituality and family for magazines such as", "McCall's, Family Circle, Working Parents, Marriage and Family, Catholic Digest", ", and", "Our Sunday Visitor", ". She lives in Eugene, OR." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Woodeene Koenig-Bricker (Author)
[ "Books", "History", "World" ]
{"Publisher": "HarperSanFrancisco; First Edition (May 26, 1995)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "384 pages", "ISBN 10": "0060675942", "ISBN 13": "978-0060675943", "Item Weight": "13.6 ounces", "Dimensions": "7.3 x 4.9 x 1.1 inches"}
Paperback – May 26, 1995
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Woodeene Koenig-Bricker', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
El Buscon
[ "\"El Buscón\", única novela de Quevedo, pertenece al género picaresco, género español por antonomasia. En esta obra el pícaro narra su vida en primera persona desde su nacimiento en Segovia. En esta obra no aparece la fuerte crítica social que sí aparece en otras novelas picarescas como el \"Lazarillo\" o el \"Guzmán de Alfarache\". Es, sobre todo, un alarde del ingenio y la gracia verbal habitual de Francisco de Quevedo. En ella aparecen numerosos rasgos conceptistas, especialmente comparaciones e hipérboles." ]
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Spanish Edition Francisco de Quevedo (Author)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "World Literature" ]
{"Publisher": "Ediciones C\u00e1tedra; edici\u00f3n (June 21, 2006)", "Language": "Spanish", "Paperback": "320 pages", "ISBN 10": "8437602378", "ISBN 13": "978-8437602370", "Item Weight": "8 ounces", "Dimensions": "4.33 x 0.63 x 7.09 inches"}
Paperback – June 21, 2006
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Francisco de Quevedo', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Audible Audiobooks
Saint Justice: Christopher Wren Thrillers, Book 1
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Mike Grist (Author), Michael John Grist (Author, Publisher), Nick Cracknell (Narrator) & 0 more
[ "Books", "Mystery, Thriller & Suspense", "Thrillers & Suspense", "Crime", "Vigilante Justice" ]
Oracle9i DBA 101
[ "Your Oracle career starts here! Ideal for those new to Oracle technology, this introductory guide explains in easy-to-follow detail the day-to-day duties of a database administrator (DBA), as well as essential database installation, monitoring, and managing techniques. The book covers all the new features of Oracle9", "i", ". From the exclusive publisher of Oracle Press books." ]
[ "From the Back Cover", "Become a Proficient Oracle Database Administrator", "Oracle9", "i", "DBA 101", "explains, step-by-step, how to effectively administer an Oracle database. You'll get coverage of the key Oracle9", "i", "new features as well as details on the daily responsibilities of a DBA and tips on how to successfully accomplish those tasks. From the exclusive publishers of Oracle Press books, this is the ideal resource for the aspiring Oracle database administrator.", "Install and configure a high-performance Oracle database", "Install and configure a high-performance Oracle database", "Look at a database using DBA_ views and V$ views", "Look at a database using DBA_ views and V$ views", "Implement security measures to protect data", "Implement security measures to protect data", "Monitor and tune the database", "Monitor and tune the database", "Run and support Oracle tools and software", "Run and support Oracle tools and software", "Maintain a high-availability database", "Maintain a high-availability database", "Keep the server running at peak performance", "Keep the server running at peak performance", "Perform backup and recovery procedures", "Perform backup and recovery procedures", "About the Author", "Marlene Theriault has been an Oracle DBA for over 17 ears and has worked with Oracle products since version 2.0 of the Oracle RDBMS. She has been published in magazines and conference proceedings throughout the world. Ms. Theriault received the \"Best User Presentation\" award at EOUG 1999, \"Outstanding Speaker\" at EDO'98, and the \"Distinguished Speaker\" award for presentations at both ECO'95 and ECO'96. She coauthored Oracle Security with William Heney (O'Reilly and Associates, 1998); The Oracle8i DBA Handbook with Kevin Loney (Oracle Press, 2000); and Oracle DBA 101 with Rachel Carmichael and James Viscusi (Oracle Press, 2000). She is chair of the MAOP DBA SIG and authors an \"Ask The DBA\" column for the MAOP newsletter. Ms. Theriault is an avid recreational walker (Volksmarching) and has done at least one 6-mile walk in each of the 50 United States. Marlene can be reached at Carmichael has been an Oracle DBA for over nine ears. She chairs the DBA Special Interest Group for the New ork Oracle Users Group, is both Chauncey and OCP certified, and has presented at various international and national conferences, including the ECO all-day DBA seminar for the past three years. She coauthored the Oracle Press book, Oracle SQL and PL/SQL Annotated Archives, 1998, with Kevin Loney, and this Oracle Press book, Oracle DBA 101, 2000, with Marlene Theriault and James Viscusi.James Viscusi has been working with relational database products for over 10 years and specifically with Oracle the last six years. He currently works with Oracle Corporation in the Support Division Center of Expertise, in particular working with customers experiencing performance problems. He has presented at several conferences worldwide including Oracle Open World, IOUG-A, and UKOUG. Mr. Viscusi is also a husband and father of two children and volunteers as an Emergency Medical Technician when he can find the time." ]
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Marlene Theriault (Author), Rachel Carmichael (Author), James Viscusi (Author)
[ "Books", "Computers & Technology", "Certification" ]
{"Publisher": "McGraw-Hill Osborne Media; 1st edition (June 25, 2002)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "550 pages", "ISBN 10": "0072224746", "ISBN 13": "978-0072224740", "Item Weight": "2.55 pounds", "Dimensions": "7.25 x 1.25 x 8.75 inches"}
1st Edition
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Marlene Theriault', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Were we controlled?
[ "A Kennedy assassination conspiracy theory that explores the possibility that mind control via hypnotic conditioning was used to manipulate Oswald and Ruby, among others, in a \"Manchurian Candidate\" -type plot." ]
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Lincoln Lawrence (Author)
{"Publisher": "University Books; First Edition (January 1, 1967)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "173 pages", "Item Weight": "12.5 ounces"}
Hardcover – January 1, 1967
My Fathers Glory and My Mothers Castle
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Marcel Pagnol (Author)
[ "Books", "Reference", "Foreign Language Study & Reference" ]
{"Publisher": "Pan Books Ltd; Reprint edition (January 1, 1991)", "Language": "English", "ISBN 10": "0330321900", "ISBN 13": "978-0330321907", "Item Weight": "8.1 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.12 x 0.83 x 7.76 inches"}
Paperback – January 1, 1991
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Marcel Pagnol', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
The History of England Volume VI (History of England, The)
[ "Volume VI discusses the Commonwealth established by Oliver Cromwell, the Stuart Restoration, making Charles II king, succeeded by his brother, James II, the abdication of James, and Parliament's offer of the Act of Settlement, and the accession of William and Mary." ]
[ "About the Author", "David Hume" ]
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David Hume (Author)
[ "Books", "History", "Europe" ]
{"Publisher": "Liberty Fund, Inc. (October 1, 1985)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "734 pages", "ISBN 10": "0865970351", "ISBN 13": "978-0865970359", "Reading age": "18 years and up", "Item Weight": "2.56 pounds", "Dimensions": "6 x 2 x 9 inches"}
Paperback – October 1, 1985
Philosophy: 100 Essential Thinkers: The Ideas That Have Shaped Our World
[ "Philosophy: 100 Essential Thinkers: The Ideas That Have Shaped Our World", "is an A-to-Z format covering the ideas of history's most influential thinkers, from Thales of Miletus to contemporary philosophers such as Wittgenstein and Peter Singer." ]
[ "About the Author", "Philip Stokes", "has a master’s degree in philosophy from Bristol University. His dissertation was a critique of Quine from a Wittgensteinian perspective." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Philip Stokes (Author)
[ "Books", "Politics & Social Sciences", "Philosophy" ]
{"Publisher": "Arcturus Publishing Limited (September 1, 2012)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "384 pages", "ISBN 10": "1848588429", "ISBN 13": "978-1848588424", "Item Weight": "9.6 ounces", "Dimensions": "5 x 1 x 7.5 inches"}
Paperback – September 1, 2012
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Philip Stokes', 'about': ['Phil Stokes is married with two children and currently living in Thailand. He teaches English language and Critical Thinking skills at a Thai university, while pondering - ever so slowly - on the prospect of turning his scrivenings into further books. His latest work is an opensource critical thinking textbook written for lecturers and students of philosophy. It is available for free at']}
Help Wanted, Desperately
[ "In between ridiculous mistakes and egregious oversights, Ariel Horn explores whether jobs will ever give life meaning –– and where meaning comes from in the first place. With candour, wit and embarrassing naivete,", "Help Wanted, Desperately", ", a hilarious first novel by a recent college grad, ultimately touches on what it means to have potential –– and how we find happiness in who we are, not what we do.", "Alexa Hoffman never expected to fondle crotchless panties in the middle of an interview. And under no circumstances did she ever anticipate that in her quest for a job in New York City, she would ultimately try to become an earthworm breeder, a phone sex operator, and a deodorant sniffer all over the course of one week.", "Desperate to avoid moving back in with her parents, Alexa haphazardly signs up to become an English teacher for $100 a month on the third world island of Majuro, though she has no real interest in actually working there. Eager to move to New York City and avoid Majuro at all costs, Alexa makes a vow: it's Majuro or Bust and she's got only seven months and three weeks to find and secure a job in New York City.", "As the clock furiously ticks closer to her imminent trip to Majuro and Alexa's desperate search for employment grows increasingly more bizarre, Alexa finds herself falling deeper in love with her boyfriend Jared, and deeper into an endlessly disastrous situation that forces her maniacal job search into new and uncharted waters, murky with possibility, love, and the confusion born from missed opportunities." ]
[ "From Publishers Weekly", "Alexa Hoffman, the 21-year-old University of Pennsylvania senior at the center of Ariel Horn's debut novel, has got exactly seven months, three weeks and two days before her initiation into the real world. Determined to secure a job in New York City, she embarks on a life-altering journey from one bizarre interview to the next. As a last resort and to avoid moving back in with her parents, she signs up to become an English teacher on the Third World island of Majuro while continuing her search for a job that will prevent her from actually having to go there. Over the course of this witty and wise coming-of-age novel, Alexa interviews for every imaginable position—earthworm breeder, deodorant sniffer, phone sex operator—evoking all the expectations and anxiety of the modern-day career search. Each chapter ends with a list of \"Lessons Learned\" comprising such hard-learned aphorisms as \"Never assume your mother believes in something you plan on doing simply because she doesn't say otherwise\" and \"Do not—under any circumstances—interview for Internet jobs listed as 'other' ever again.\" Blithe and fresh-voiced, this book covers almost every tribulation of entering adulthood, forging a career and falling in love, against the odds. Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.", "From", "Booklist", "Alexa Hoffman is a senior English major at the University of Pennsylvania who fears she will be the only person in the world to remain unemployed after graduation. Readers may find it hyperbolic that Alex is certain that not having a job seven months before graduation signals her doom, but there is obviously a kernel of truth in Horn's tales of the job-hunting neuroses of college seniors. Horn (whose initials are the same as those of her protagonist) is also a Penn graduate and uses her own job-interviewing experiences for comic effect. From phone-sex operator to earthworm breeder to deodorant sniffer, Alex racks up rejections, but they ultimately serve to crystallize her vision of what she really wants to do with her life. Soon-to-be and recent graduates will certainly relate to Alex's travails and enjoy the over-the-top humor.", "Beth Leistensnider", "Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved", "Review", "“Soon-to-be and recent graduates will certainly relate to Alex’s travails and enjoy the over-the-top humor.” —", "Booklist", "About the Author", "Ariel Horn is a recent graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, many of the anecdotes in the book are based upon her own real-life experiences in her desperate attempts to find post-graduation employment. Ariel currently lives in Manhattan, where she continues to search for a life. If you find one, please call.", "Help Wanted, Desperately", "is her first novel.", "Read more" ]
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Ariel Horn (Author)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "Genre Fiction" ]
{"Publisher": "William Morrow Paperbacks; First Edition (September 21, 2004)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "342 pages", "ISBN 10": "0060589582", "ISBN 13": "978-0060589585", "Item Weight": "9.9 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.31 x 0.79 x 8 inches"}
Paperback – September 21, 2004
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Ariel Horn', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
RETHiNK Card Deck Mindful Conversation Starters: 56 Questions to Encourage Compassion, Shift Perspective & Build Connection
[ "Whether you're at home, in the classroom, or running a clinical practice, these conversation cards are meant to get people thinking and talking about who they are, what they like, and how they interact with the world around them. Each question targets different skills and areas of life, but all the questions have one primary purpose: to get you discussing the important fundamentals of an emotionally balanced, mindful and compassionate way of living." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Theo Koffler (Author), Mindfulness Without Borders (Author)
[ "Books", "Health, Fitness & Dieting", "Alternative Medicine" ]
{"Publisher": "PESI Publishing, Inc. (October 31, 2017)", "Language": "English", "Cards": "58 pages", "ISBN 10": "1683731018", "ISBN 13": "978-1683731016", "Item Weight": "4.8 ounces", "Dimensions": "3.1 x 0.9 x 5.2 inches"}
Cards – Greeting Card, October 31, 2017
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Theo Koffler', 'about': ['Theo Koffler was born and raised in Toronto, then moved to Israel, where she cofounded Super-Pharm Israel Ltd. with her father and brother. When she was diagnosed with lupus after the birth of her second son, she pivoted from her corporate career as V.P Marketing, to explore the role of social-emotional intelligence and mindfulness on individual and societal well-being. Theo then founded Mindfulness Without Borders (MWB), a registered nonprofit organization that advances mindfulness-based learning programs in educational, healthcare and corporate settings. In 2015, The Huffington Post recently recognized Mindfulness Without Borders as an organization providing meaningful and innovative solutions that will shape the next decade.', 'A social entrepreneur and philanthropist, Theo’s is devoted to creating systemic change in education whereby mental health and wellness are core pillars in in all sectors of society. While the work will take more than a lifetime, Theo has long focused herself to developing mindfulness-based educational programs which place a strong emphasis on human connection. A writer, public speaker and a mentor to young entrepreneurs, Theo has travelled the world leading MWB’s educational workshops and training sessions. Theo now lives in Marin, California, where she raised her two sons.', 'Learn more:', '', '']}
Costume Design
[ "The second edition of COSTUME DESIGN provides a basic introduction to costume design and takes students through the entire process of costume making, beginning with the idea for a costume to the final fit. The text is thoroughly illustrated, providing guidelines for the student for creating the figure and the costume design, examples of many styles of costume presentation, a guide to historical costume shapes, and scale drawings of the basic historical patterns with photos of them made up in muslin. Many theatre departments require all theatre majors take a course in costume design." ]
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Barbara Anderson (Author), Cletus Anderson (Author)
[ "Books", "Arts & Photography", "Performing Arts" ]
{"Publisher": "Holt, Rinehart, and Winston; First Edition (January 1, 1984)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "401 pages", "ISBN 10": "0030603838", "ISBN 13": "978-0030603839", "Item Weight": "1.76 pounds", "Dimensions": "8 x 0.75 x 9.75 inches"}
Hardcover – January 1, 1984
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Barbara Anderson', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
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Food Needs Labelling, People Don't: A journey from gender confusion to self-acceptance
[ "A journey from gender confusion to self-acceptance. Not everyone identifies as male or female. Chris Ricketts always knew she didn’t fit comfortably into either category, and her doctors agreed. But Chris rejected the radical surgery and hormone therapy she was offered, because she felt there was nothing about her that needed to be reassigned. Instead she went on a spiritual journey to find her place in a world that appeared to have no place for her. For Chris, finding self-acceptance meant questioning the labels we give one another and having the courage to contradict society’s expectations. On a search for peace of mind that was at times both painful and incredibly rewarding, Chris came to understand that she was not living in the wrong body, that she was not an anomaly and, most importantly, that gender is a spectrum. Food Needs Labelling, People Don’t is the fascinating story of how one person learned to accept gender fluidity in the face of a society that tried to make her choose." ]
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Chris Ricketts (Author) Format: Kindle Edition
[ "Books", "Biographies & Memoirs", "Professionals & Academics" ]
{"Publisher": "Little Singing Bear Publishing (February 2, 2016)", "Publication date": "February 2, 2016", "Language": "English", "File size": "4130 KB", "Text to Speech": "Enabled", "Screen Reader": "Supported", "Enhanced typesetting": "Enabled", "X Ray": "Not Enabled", "Word Wise": "Enabled", "Sticky notes": "On Kindle Scribe", "Print length": "243 pages"}
Kindle Edition
Fun Science That Teaches God's Word (Bible Funstuff)
[ "60 activities that reflect God's incredible creation in science; arranged in four <br>categories: Earth, Wind, Fire and Goo; Simple Know-How Science; Not What It Seems; <br>and Tagalongs (science with a craft or reproducible project)." ]
[ "About the Author", "Susan Martins Miller", "has edited and authored over 30 books for children and adults. In addition she has conducted several publisher-development workshops for writers and editors in Nepal, India, Slovakia, Colombia and Bolivia on behalf of Cook Communications Ministries International. She lives in Colorado Springs with her husband and two children." ]
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Susan Martins Miller (Author), Mary Grace Becker (Author)
[ "Books", "Christian Books & Bibles", "Ministry & Evangelism" ]
{"Publisher": "David C Cook (June 1, 2004)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "120 pages", "ISBN 10": "0781440815", "ISBN 13": "978-0781440813", "Reading age": "7 - 9 years", "Grade level": "2 - 3", "Item Weight": "11.2 ounces", "Dimensions": "8.5 x 0.3 x 11 inches"}
Paperback – June 1, 2004
Nom de pays : Le nom (À la recherche du temps perdu, #6) (French Edition)
[ "Le temps d'un été à Balbec ou d'un printemps florentin, l'évocation du simple nom d'une ville suffit au narrateur pour imaginer des voyages enchanteurs. Pays rêvés ou pays réels, Noms de pays : le nom fait aussi la part belle au Paris du XIXe siècle, cadre de son amour pour Gilberte et de sa fascination pour Odette, tout en constituant une invitation à la réflexion sur la puissance évocatrice des mots et des noms." ]
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French Edition Marcel Proust (Author)
[ "Books", "Comics & Graphic Novels", "Graphic Novels" ]
{"Publisher": "French and European Publications Inc (October 16, 2013)", "Language": "French", "Hardcover": "64 pages", "ISBN 10": "2756035211", "ISBN 13": "978-2756035215", "Item Weight": "1.45 pounds", "Dimensions": "9.06 x 0.39 x 12.6 inches"}
Hardcover – October 16, 2013
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Stéphane Heuet', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Young Herriot: The Early Life and Times of James Herriot
[ "The fascinating formative veterinary college years of the most famous vet in the world, the author of", "All Creatures Great and Small", "We had no antibiotics, few drugs. A lot of time was spent pouring things down cows' throats. The whole thing added up to a lot of laughs. There's more science now, but not so many laughs.", "How did a young student named Alf Wight become James Herriot, the man who would charm millions of readers the world over? Set in Glasgow in the 1930s—pre-antibiotics, when veterinary practice was, as Herriot wrote, \"more art than science\"—the book shines a light on his calling to work with animals (which began when he read an article in", "Meccano Magazine", "entitled \"Veterinary Surgery as a Career\"), his early friendships and quest for knowledge at Glasgow's Veterinary College, and the early development of his legendary compassion for animals.", "Young Herriot", "uses previously unpublished diaries and casebooks from Herriot's days as a student to bring to life a fascinating time and place, and represents a thrilling new addition to the James Herriot canon." ]
[ "About the Author", "John Lewis-Stempel", "is the editor of", "Fatherhood: An Anthology", "." ]
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John Lewis-Stempel (Author)
[ "Books", "Biographies & Memoirs", "Arts & Literature" ]
{"Publisher": "BBC Physical Audio (September 1, 2011)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "272 pages", "ISBN 10": "1849902712", "ISBN 13": "978-1849902717", "Item Weight": "1.15 pounds", "Dimensions": "6.25 x 0.75 x 9 inches"}
Hardcover – September 1, 2011
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'John Lewis-Stempel', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
DC Collectibles Portfolio 2013 (DC Collectibles Portfolio Summer 2013 / 2014 Book 1)
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by DC (Author) Format: Kindle Edition
[ "Books", "Comics & Graphic Novels", "Graphic Novels" ]
{"Publisher": "DC (July 18, 2013)", "Publication date": "July 18, 2013", "Language": "English", "File size": "52369 KB", "Text to Speech": "Not enabled", "Enhanced typesetting": "Not Enabled", "X Ray": "Not Enabled", "Word Wise": "Not Enabled", "Sticky notes": "Not Enabled", "Print length": "21 pages"}
Johnny May Grows Up
[ "Johnny May comes of age when she realizes that her attempt at self-improvement is for her own gratification, not just to please her boyfriend." ]
[ "From Publishers Weekly", "The heroine of the second Johnny May book has grown up quite a bit since she was first introduced as a spunky 11-year-old Arkansas girl in The Adventures of Johnny May. Johnny May, now 13, is still concerned about earning enough money to support herself and her grandparents, but she is also worried about her boyfriend, Aron, who attends high school in town. In an attempt to keep up with Aron's sophisticated town friends, Johnny May decides to lose weight and learn all she can about the world outside her farm by reading library books. Johnny May soon finds out, however, that it is easier to lose weight and learn from books than it is to live up to one's own standards. Branscum has written a moving novel about a girl's struggle to grow up and at the same time be true to herself. But readers may have difficulty reconciling the far more worldly cares of this older Johnny May with the naively innocent girl in the first book. Marstall's portrait-like stills contribute amiably to the delineation of the characters. Ages 9-12. Copyright 1987 Reed Business Information, Inc.", "From School Library Journal", "Grade 5-7 Three years after the events in The Adventures of Johnny May (Harper, 1984), Johnny May's friend Aaron has started high school in town, leaving her behind. She knows that she is needed to care for her beloved grandparents and do the farm work that ensures their survival, but she can't entirely hide or bury her pain. She feels that Aaron is moving away from her, and she begins to feel fat, stupid, and awkward around him. After a disastrous attempt to join a party of his new friends, she decides to hide the anger which is only driving Aaron away and try to change those parts of her life that she can. Reading at night takes her out of the isolated Arkansas hills and teaches her about the world outside. Aaron's absence for most of the summer and her grandmother's illness make her struggle even more discouraging, but she fills her life with books and dreams, and at the end of the summer is rewarded with an unexpected gift which will make high school possible. The sympathetic portrayal of a tough but vulnerable heroine should appeal to young readers. The only false notes are two incidents in which Johnny May's naivete seems extreme for a contemporary girl, no matter how isolated her circumstances, and the conclusion, which is too easily arrived at. However, fans of Johnny May's previous adventures will look forward to this book. Eleanor K. MacDonald, Palos Verdes Library District, Calif.Copyright 1987 Reed Business Information, Inc." ]
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Robbie Branscum (Author), Bob Marstall (Illustrator, Photographer)
[ "Books", "Children's Books" ]
{"Publisher": "HarperCollins Publishers; First Edition (October 1, 1987)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "88 pages", "ISBN 10": "0060206063", "ISBN 13": "978-0060206062", "Reading age": "10 years and up", "Item Weight": "12 ounces"}
Hardcover – October 1, 1987
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Robbie Branscum', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Chronicles of Douglas County, Colorado (American Chronicles)
[ "It's hard to imagine that Douglas County's breathtaking vistas--now occupied by expanding suburbs and quiet, open spaces--were once the home to dinosaur herds and, later on, nomadic Indian tribes. The nation's second gold rush brought those seeking great fortunes to central Colorado, but it was the untapped potential of the area and a dream of taming the land that appealed most to early settlers of Douglas County. Pioneers like General Bela Hughes and John D. Perry (whose agreement led to the railroad connection across Kansas to Denver) and Martin Henry Goddard (who, along with his wife, Nellie, ran the Rhode Island Hotel) were among the first of many settlers to establish roots here. Join the Castle Rock Writers for a journey through the history of this land and the diverse legacy left behind by those who made it their home." ]
[ "About the Author", "Castle Rock Writers is a Colorado non-profit corporation whose vision is to provide education and support for the voices of pre-published and published authors through affordable conferences, workshops and ongoing critique groups, including outreach to young adult writers." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Castle Rock Writers (Author)
[ "Books", "History", "Americas" ]
{"Publisher": "The History Press (July 29, 2014)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "192 pages", "ISBN 10": "1626191794", "ISBN 13": "978-1626191792", "Item Weight": "11.2 ounces", "Dimensions": "6 x 0.44 x 9 inches"}
Paperback – July 29, 2014
Love, Redefined: A Contemporary Romance Novel
[ "Getting dumped sucks. What’s worse is when your new coworker is your old high school crush-slash-frenemy.I can’t believe it. Instead of proposing, Shane dumped me. After ten years together, committed to one another and our lives, he has a change of heart - he wants a baby. And he knows I can’t do that for him. But know what I can do?Show Shane what he’s missing out on.But in the meantime, I’m stuck as a guest columnist at a local magazine, where they want me to write about how to move on after a broken heart - ha! I know exactly zero about that. What could be worse, you ask? Oh, just that my old high school frenemy, Boston, is assigned to help me out. Does the universe hate me or what? Especially since it’s impossible to notice how he turned more sexy than annoying in the years since I’ve seen him…Huh. Maybe this little gig won’t be so bad after all...Wait, what? Shane said he made a mistake?Now what?♥ Love, Redefined is a closed-door romance, perfect for readers who love lots of sizzle and sass but no explicit content. ♥" ]
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Brynn North (Author)
[ "Books", "Romance", "Contemporary" ]
{"Publisher": "Independently published (September 26, 2020)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "242 pages", "ISBN 13": "979-8688527971", "Item Weight": "11.3 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.5 x 0.61 x 8.5 inches"}
Paperback – September 26, 2020
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Brynn North', 'about': ['Contemporary Romance & Chick Lit with sizzle and sass', "Brynn North's goal is to write fun, witty, and relatable books that leave you with a smile and laugh. Her heroines are often finding their way in life, in and out of relationships. Her characters may not always be perfect people, but hey, neither are we, right? She hopes that you can see another perspective or even parts of yourself in her books and realize you aren’t alone in figuring this whole life thing out. \u2028Her books are chick lit or closed-door romance, perfect for readers who love chemistry and sizzle but no explicit content.", 'She is a Minnesota native and still lives in Minneapolis with her family, loving it for approximately eight months out of the year. The other four months she dreams about moving to a warmer zip code. She is a total cat lady, with the best cats in the entire world. #sorrynotsorry']}
El Guardian (The Guardian)
[ "Four years after losing her husband, twenty-nine-year-old Julie Barenson considers falling in love again and wonders if she should choose sophisticated Richard, who treats her like a queen, or down-to-earth Mike, who is her best friend." ]
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Spanish Edition Nicholas Sparks (Author)
[ "Books", "Mystery, Thriller & Suspense", "Thrillers & Suspense" ]
{"Publisher": "Roca Editorial; Translation edition (April 30, 2005)", "Language": "Spanish", "Hardcover": "448 pages", "ISBN 10": "8496284530", "ISBN 13": "978-8496284531", "Item Weight": "1.78 pounds", "Dimensions": "6 x 1.25 x 9.25 inches"}
Hardcover – April 30, 2005
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Nicholas Sparks', 'about': ['Nicholas Sparks is one of the world’s most beloved storytellers. All of his books have been New York Times bestsellers, with over 105 million copies sold worldwide, in more than 50 languages, including over 75 million copies in the United States alone.', 'Sparks wrote one of his best-known stories, The Notebook, over a period of six months at age 28. It was published in 1996 and he followed with the novels Message in a Bottle (1998), A Walk to Remember (1999), The Rescue (2000), A Bend in the Road (2001), Nights in Rodanthe (2002), The Guardian (2003), The Wedding (2003), True Believer (2005) and its sequel, At First Sight (2005), Dear John (2006), The Choice (2007), The Lucky One (2008), The Last Song (2009), Safe Haven (2010), The Best of Me (2011), The Longest Ride (2013), See Me (2015), Two by Two (2016), Every Breath (2018), The Return (2020), and The Wish (2021) as well as the 2004 non-fiction memoir Three Weeks With My Brother, co-written with his brother Micah. His twenty-third novel, Dreamland, was published on September 20, 2022.', 'Film adaptations of Nicholas Sparks novels, including The Choice, The Longest Ride, The Best of Me, Safe Haven (on all of which he served as a producer), The Lucky One, Message in a Bottle, A Walk to Remember, The Notebook, Nights in Rodanthe, Dear John and The Last Song, have had a cumulative worldwide gross of over three-quarters of a billion dollars. The Notebook has also been adapted into a musical, featuring music and lyrics by Ingrid Michaelson.', 'Sparks lives in North Carolina. He contributes to a variety of local and national charities, and is a major contributor to the Creative Writing Program (MFA) at the University of Notre Dame, where he provides scholarships, internships, and a fellowship annually. He co-founded The Epiphany School in New Bern, North Carolina in 2006. As a former full scholarship athlete (he still holds a track and field record at the University of Notre Dame) he also spent four years coaching track and field athletes at the local public high school. In 2009, the team he coached at New Bern High School set a World Junior Indoor Record in the 4×400 meters, as well as US High School National Records in the 800 Medley and 1600 Medley.', 'The Nicholas Sparks Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, was founded in 2011, to provide scholarships and fund educational programs for underprivileged and disadvantaged youth. Between the foundation, and the personal gifts of the Sparks family, more than $15 million dollars have been distributed to deserving charities, scholarship programs, and projects. Because the Sparks family covers all operational expenses of the foundation, 100% of donations are devoted to programs.']}
Composition Notebook College Ruled: Astronomy Planets Vintage Illustration | Dark Aesthetic Journal For School, College, Office, Work | Wide Lined
[ "Vintage Aesthetic College Ruled Lined Composition Notebook", "Perfect for school, college, university, work. Use it as a diary or journal.Unique gift idea for vintage art and illustration lover.", "110 college ruled pages", "110 college ruled pages", "white paper", "white paper", "soft matt cover", "soft matt cover", "7.5x9.25 dimensions\"", "7.5x9.25 dimensions\"" ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
C.C. Wunderart (Author)
{"Publisher": "Independently published (March 10, 2022)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "110 pages", "ISBN 13": "979-8430385460", "Item Weight": "7.8 ounces", "Dimensions": "7.5 x 0.25 x 9.25 inches"}
Paperback – March 10, 2022
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'C.C. Wunderart', 'about': ['Welcome to my vintage cabinet of curiosities!']}
Gypsy Boy on the Run: My Escape from a Life Among the Romany Gypsies
[ "Mikey Walsh didn't know what life was like beyond his Gypsy community. But after fleeing home at age fifteen, he had no choice but to find out.", "After centuries of persecution, Gypsies are wary of outsiders, and if you choose to leave, you can never come back. Torn between his family and his heart, Mikey struggled to come to terms with the Gypsy culture and its violent, conservative traditions. At last, he decided to set out on his own. He soon discovered the outside world wasn't all that he expected, and his life would never be the same again.A shocking yet ultimately triumphant memoir,", "Gypsy Boy on the Run", "follows Mikey as he comes to terms with himself, his family, and his past―and builds a new life for himself." ]
[ "Review", "“The boldly intimate memoir of an English Gypsy's struggle to define himself and his sexuality outside the bounds of traditional Romany culture. … A great-hearted book of tenderness and brutality.” ―", "Kirkus Reviews", "“Funny, touching, and heartbreaking in equal measures,", "Gypsy Boy on the Run", "is a coming-of-age tale like no other.” ―", "Grazia magazine", "“An incredible story of a unique life.” ―", "Heat magazine", "“Determination and the kindness of strangers make his tale an uplifting one.” ―", "Daily Express", "“Fans of Mikey Walsh's first memoir, about growing up gay in the Romany Gypsy community in England, will undoubtedly love the next installment in his life story:", "Gypsy Boy on the Run", ". … Walsh's latest venture examines the mishaps, happy accidents and self-discovery that happen after leaving an insular, traditional culture.” ―", "Next Magazine", "“His story is remarkable, sometimes heartbreaking, often inspiring.” ―", "Hudson Valley News", "“Every bit as stellar as its predecessor. If you're searching for something for vacation, weekending or just because,", "Gypsy Boy on the Run", "is the best escape.” ―", "The Washington Blade", "About the Author", "Mikey Walsh left the Gypsy community and moved to London. It is the longest he has ever stayed in one place. He taught himself to read and write and now works at a primary school as a teaching aide, and picks up the formal education he missed out on as a child. He is also the author of the internationally bestselling memoir", "Gypsy Boy." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Mikey Walsh (Author)
[ "Books", "Biographies & Memoirs", "True Crime" ]
{"Publisher": "Thomas Dunne Books; Reprint edition (March 12, 2013)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "320 pages", "ISBN 10": "1250021871", "ISBN 13": "978-1250021878", "Item Weight": "13.8 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.85 x 1.06 x 8.5 inches"}
Hardcover – March 12, 2013
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Mikey Walsh', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
In the Shadow of the Hanging Tree: A Memoir
[ "In the Shadow of the Hanging Tree is the memoir of a white woman's search for greater understanding of the impact of racism on American life and on the way school children are taught. Her story begins when, at the age of nine, she went to Texas with her family and found herself in a world divided into black and white. She saw that black people were not treated well and no one on the white side of the world seemed to think anything was wrong. The memory of that trip shaped the rest of her life, including her decision to spend a semester at an all-black college.", "As an elementary school teacher, dismayed to discover that the curriculum portrayed only a world that was white, she searched for books and films about black people, slavery, and the struggle for freedom. The author believed this was important for all of her students, whatever their color.", "She eventually wrote a curriculum about American slavery that was successfully implemented in a number of schools. It was particularly rewarding to see that white children enjoyed it. In a community noted for its racism, they began to take an interest in black people and to understand the need for the curriculum that helped them do that.", "This book tells a moving story about the possibilities for change." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Katherine Baxter (Author)
[ "Books", "Biographies & Memoirs", "Memoirs" ]
{"Publisher": "Independently published (June 30, 2020)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "139 pages", "ISBN 13": "979-8636654773", "Item Weight": "9.4 ounces", "Dimensions": "6 x 0.35 x 9 inches"}
Paperback – June 30, 2020
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Katherine Baxter', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Mindy Kim and the Yummy Seaweed Business (1)
[ "Fresh Off the Boat", "meets Junie B. Jones in this first novel in an adorable new chapter book series about Mindy Kim, a young Asian American girl who is starting a snack business!", "Mindy Kim just wants three things: 1. A puppy! 2. To fit in at her new school 3. For her dad to be happy again But, getting all three of the things on her list is a lot trickier than she thought it would be. On her first day of school, Mindy’s school snack of dried seaweed isn’t exactly popular at the lunch table. Luckily, her new friend, Sally, makes the snacks seem totally delicious to Mindy’s new classmates, so they decide to start the Yummy Seaweed Business to try and raise money for that puppy! When another student decides to try and sabotage their business, Mindy loses more than she bargained for—and wonders if she’ll ever fit in. Will Mindy be able to overcome her uncertainty and find the courage to be herself?" ]
[ "About the Author", "Lyla Lee is the bestselling author of young adult novels like", "I’ll Be the One", "and", "Flip the Script", ". She also writes the Mindy Kim series for younger readers and the Gigi Shin books for the middle school crowd. Her books have been translated into multiple languages around the world. Born in South Korea, she’s since then lived in various cities throughout the United States. Inspired by her English teacher, she started writing her own stories in fourth grade and finished her first novel at the age of fourteen. After working various jobs in Hollywood and studying Psychology and Cinematic Arts at the University of Southern California, she now lives in Dallas, Texas. Visit Lyla at or on social media (Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok @LiteraryLyla).Dung Ho was born and raised in Hue, Vietnam, where she studied graphic design at the Hue University College of Arts. After graduating, she worked in the design and advertising industries before discovering a great passion for illustration and picture books and becoming a freelance illustrator. Currently, she lives and works in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam. She is the illustrator of the", "New York Times", "bestselling picture book", "Eyes That Kiss in the Corners", ". When not drawing, she enjoys cooking and watching movies.", "Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.", "Chapter 1" ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Lyla Lee (Author), Dung Ho (Illustrator)
[ "Books", "Children's Books", "Growing Up & Facts of Life" ]
{"Publisher": "Aladdin; Illustrated edition (January 14, 2020)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "96 pages", "ISBN 10": "1534440097", "ISBN 13": "978-1534440098", "Reading age": "6 - 9 years", "Lexile measure": "640L", "Grade level": "1 - 4", "Item Weight": "7.2 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.5 x 0.6 x 8.25 inches"}
Hardcover – January 14, 2020
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Lyla Lee', 'about': ['Lyla Lee is the author of young adult novels like I’ll Be the One and the upcoming Flip the Script (May 2022). She also writes the Mindy Kim series for younger readers. Born in South Korea, she’s since then lived in various cities throughout the United States. Inspired by her English teacher, she started writing her own stories in fourth grade and finished her first novel at the age of fourteen. After working various jobs in Hollywood and studying Psychology and Cinematic Arts at the University of Southern California, she now lives in Dallas, Texas. Visit Lyla at or on social media (IG, Twitter, and TikTok @literarylyla).']}
Western Trainer
[ "Book by Dave jones" ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Dave jones (Author)
[ "Books", "Engineering & Transportation", "Engineering" ]
{"Publisher": "Fireside (April 1, 1980)", "Language": "English", "ISBN 10": "0668047917", "ISBN 13": "978-0668047913", "Item Weight": "9.6 ounces"}
Paperback – April 1, 1980
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Dave Jones', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Guts: A Graphic Novel
[ "A true story from Raina Telgemeier, the #1", "New York Times", "bestselling, multiple Eisner Award-winning author of", "Smile", ",", "Sisters", ",", "Drama", ", and", "Ghosts", "!", "Raina wakes up one night with a terrible upset stomach. Her mom has one, too, so it's probably just a bug. Raina eventually returns to school, where she's dealing with the usual highs and lows: friends, not-friends, and classmates who think the school year is just one long gross-out session. It soon becomes clear that Raina's tummy trouble isn't going away... and it coincides with her worries about food, school, and changing friendships. What's going on?Raina Telgemeier once again brings us a thoughtful, charming, and funny true story about growing up and gathering the courage to face -- and conquer -- her fears." ]
[ "Review", "Praise for", "Guts", ":", "#1", "USA Today", "Bestseller", "#1", "New York Times", "Bestseller", "New York Times", "Best Comic of 2019", "New York Times", "Best Children's Book of 2019", "Washington Post", "Best Graphic Novel of the Year", "Forbes", "Best Graphic Novel of 2019, Honorable Mention", "NPR Best Book/Book Concierge", "TIME", "Best Book of the Year", "Amazon Top 20 Children's Book of 2019", " Best Kids' Book of 2019", "Chicago Public Library's Best of the Best", "School Library Journal", "Best Book of the Year", "School Library Journal", "Best Graphic Novel of the Year", "A 2020 CBC Children’s & Teen Choice Book Award Winner", "* \"The story both normalizes therapy and shows a child developing useful coping mechanisms for anxiety in a way that will reassure, even inspire, readers.\" --", "Publishers Weekly", ", starred review", "* \"A must.\" --", "School Library Journal", ", starred review", "\"A compassionate and accessible look at one girl's struggles with anxiety.\" --", "The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books", "Praise for", "Smile", ":", "#1", "New York Times", "Bestseller", "Will Eisner Comic Industry Award Winner", "Boston Globe-Horn Book Honor Book", "\"Irresistible, funny, and touching.\" --", "Kirkus Reviews", "\"One of the most widely loved kids' graphic novels in recent history.\" --", "Booklist", "\"It hits home partly because there is nothing else out there like it.\" --", "The New York Times Book Review", "Praise for", "Sisters", ":", "#1", "New York Times", "Bestseller", "Will Eisner Comic Industry Award Winner", "* \"A wonderfully charming tale of family and sisters that anyone can bond with.\" --", "Kirkus Reviews", ", starred review", "* \"Poignant and laugh-out-loud funny.\" --", "Publishers Weekly", ", starred review", "* \"Utterly relatable for anyone with siblings.\" --", "School Library Journal", ", starred review", "Praise for", "Drama", ":", "#1", "New York Times", "Bestseller", "An ALA Stonewall Honor Book", "* \"Telgemeier is prodigiously talented at telling cheerful stories with realistic portrayals of middle-school characters.\" --", "Booklist", ", starred review", "* \"Pitch-perfect.\" --", "Kirkus Reviews", ", starred review", "* \"Another dead-on look at the confusing world of middle school.\" --", "Publishers Weekly", ", starred review", "* \"An entertaining and enlightening read.\" --", "School Library Journal", ", starred review", "Praise for", "Ghosts", ":", "#1", "New York Times", "Bestseller", "* \"Telgemeier has her finger on the pulse of middle-grade readers, and this might be her best yet.\" --", "Booklist", ", starred review", "* \"Superior visual storytelling.\" --", "Kirkus Reviews", ", starred review", "* \"Telgemeier nudges readers toward the edge of their comfort zone, but she never leaves them alone there.\" --", "Publishers Weekly", ", starred review", "Praise for", "Guts", ":", "#1", "USA Today", "Bestseller#1", "New York Times", "Bestseller", "New York Times", "Best Comic of 2019", "New York Times", "Best Children's Book of 2019", "Washington Post", "Best Graphic Novel of the Year", "Forbes", "Best Graphic Novel of 2019, Honorable MentionNPR Best Book/Book Concierge", "TIME", "Best Book of the YearAmazon Top 20 Children's Book of Best Kids' Book of 2019Chicago Public Library's Best of the Best", "School Library Journal", "Best Book of the Year", "School Library Journal", "Best Graphic Novel of the Year* \"The story both normalizes therapy and shows a child developing useful coping mechanisms for anxiety in a way that will reassure, even inspire, readers.\" --", "Publishers Weekly", ", starred review* \"A must.\" --", "School Library Journal", ", starred review\"A compassionate and accessible look at one girl's struggles with anxiety.\" --", "The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books", "Praise for", "Smile", ":", "#1", "New York Times", "Bestseller Will Eisner Comic Industry Award WinnerBoston Globe-Horn Book Honor Book\"Irresistible, funny, and touching.\" --", "Kirkus Reviews", "\"One of the most widely loved kids' graphic novels in recent history.\" --", "Booklist", "\"It hits home partly because there is nothing else out there like it.\" --", "The New York Times Book Review", "Praise for", "Sisters", ":", "#1", "New York Times", "BestsellerWill Eisner Comic Industry Award Winner", "* \"A wonderfully charming tale of family and sisters that anyone can bond with.\" --", "Kirkus Reviews", ", starred review", "* \"Poignant and laugh-out-loud funny.\" --", "Publishers Weekly", ", starred review* \"Utterly relatable for anyone with siblings.\" --", "School Library Journal", ", starred review", "Praise for", "Drama", ":", "#1", "New York Times", "BestsellerAn ALA Stonewall Honor Book* \"Telgemeier is prodigiously talented at telling cheerful stories with realistic portrayals of middle-school characters.\" --", "Booklist", ", starred review* \"Pitch-perfect.\" --", "Kirkus Reviews", ", starred review", "* \"Another dead-on look at the confusing world of middle school.\" --", "Publishers Weekly", ", starred review", "* \"An entertaining and enlightening read.\" --", "School Library Journal", ", starred review", "Praise for", "Ghosts", ":", "#1", "New York Times", "Bestseller", "* \"Telgemeier has her finger on the pulse of middle-grade readers, and this might be her best yet.\" --", "Booklist", ", starred review", "* \"Superior visual storytelling.\" --", "Kirkus Reviews", ", starred review* \"Telgemeier nudges readers toward the edge of their comfort zone, but she never leaves them alone there.\" --", "Publishers Weekly", ", starred review", "About the Author", "Raina Telgemeier is the #1", "New York Times", "bestselling, multiple Eisner Award–winning creator of", "Smile", ",", "Sisters", ", and", "Guts", ", which are all graphic memoirs based on her childhood. She is also the creator of", "Drama", "and", "Ghosts", ", and is the adapter and illustrator of the first four Baby-sitters Club graphic novels. Raina lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. To learn more, visit her online at" ]
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{ "title": [ "Book Trailer by Middle School Students who loved Guts", "Guts book", "SNEAK PREVIEW of Guts: A Graphic Novel!!" ], "url": [ "", "", "" ], "user_id": [ "AHPZHDRWP6THY5PIK5KYOXPWJSKQ", "AFG4MOCFNTTL2NWJVAPSYO54RYFQ", "/shop/marcelcomics" ] }
Raina Telgemeier (Author)
[ "Books", "Teen & Young Adult", "Literature & Fiction" ]
{"Publisher": "Graphix; Illustrated edition (September 17, 2019)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "224 pages", "ISBN 10": "1338598597", "ISBN 13": "978-0545852500", "Reading age": "8 - 11 years, from customers", "Lexile measure": "GN480L", "Grade level": "3 - 7", "Item Weight": "14.1 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.5 x 0.5 x 8 inches"}
Paperback – September 17, 2019
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Raina Telgemeier', 'about': ["Raina Telgemeier is the author and illustrator of the graphic novels Smile, Sisters, Drama, and Ghosts, all #1 New York Times bestsellers. Her interactive journal, Share Your Smile, encourages budding creators to try their hand at making comics of their own. Raina also adapted and illustrated four graphic novel versions of Ann M. Martin's Baby-sitters Club series. Her accolades include multiple Eisner Awards, a Boston Globe-Horn Book Honor, a Stonewall Honor, and many Best Of and Notable lists. Her next graphic novel, Guts, will be released in the fall of 2019. Raina lives and works in San Francisco, CA.", 'Visit her online at']}
New Hampshire (From Sea to Shining Sea)
[ "Presents an introduction to the state of New Hampshire, discussing its natural features, climate, history, government, industries, and people." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Terry Miller Shannon (Author)
[ "Books", "Children's Books", "Geography & Cultures" ]
{"Publisher": "Childrens Pr (January 1, 2009)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "80 pages", "ISBN 10": "053121138X", "ISBN 13": "978-0531211380", "Reading age": "8 years and up", "Grade level": "3 - 4", "Item Weight": "8 ounces", "Dimensions": "9.25 x 0.25 x 9.5 inches"}
Paperback – January 1, 2009
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Terry Miller Shannon', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
The Sunny Slopes of Long Ago (Publications of the Texas Folklore Society (Paperback))
[ "“Here’s to the sunny slopes of long ago,” was the favorite toast of John A. Lomax, co-founder of the Texas Folklore Society, which lends its name to this volume which opens with J. Frank Dobie’s sketch of Lomax. It is followed by Lomax’s own “Cowboy Lingo,” found among Dobie’s papers, and by two other articles on the cowboy by men whose names sound out in the history of southwestern writing—Eugene Manlove Rhodes and Andy Adams. The theme of the cowboy and the West is further pursued in “The Cowboy Code,” by Paul Patterson, “The Cowboy Enters the Movies,” by Mody Boatright, “Billy the Kid, Hired Gun or Hero,” by John O. West, and “Laureates of the Western Range,” by Everett A. Gillis. Next comes William D. Wittliff’s collection of passages on folklore from Dobie’s writings. The second half of the volume includes the history of two folktales, a strange religious sect, tales of East Texas fox hunts, an old-time charcoal burner, poke sallet, and folksongs, among others. Includes a special portfolio of J. Frank Dobie photographs." ]
[ "About the Author", "Wilson M. Hudson was the editor of the Texas Folklore Society from 1963 to 1971 after becoming associated with the Society when he began teaching at The University of Texas.Allen Maxwell was a former editor of", "The Southwest Review", "and former book editor for", "The", "Dallas Morning News", "." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Wilson M. Hudson (Editor), Allen Maxwell (Editor)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "Mythology & Folk Tales" ]
{"Publisher": "University of North Texas Press; Illustrated edition (June 1, 2000)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "204 pages", "ISBN 10": "1574411063", "ISBN 13": "978-1574411065", "Item Weight": "13.1 ounces", "Dimensions": "6 x 0.51 x 9 inches"}
Paperback – June 1, 2000
A World Torn Asunder: The Life and Triumph of Constantin C. Giurescu
[ "Constantin C. Giurescu was Romania's leading historian and author of the seminal The History of the Romanian People. His granddaughter s fascinating story of this remarkable man and his family follows their struggles in war-torn Romania from 1900 to the fall of the Soviet Union. An enlightened society is dismantled with the 1946 Communist takeover of Romania, and Constantin is confined to the notorious Sighet penitentiary. Drawing on her grandfather s prison diary (which was put in a glass jar, buried in a yard, then smuggled out of the country by Dr. Paul E. Michelson who does the FOREWORD for this book), private letters and her own research, Dr. Giurescu writes of the legacy from the turn of the century to the fall of Communism. We see the rise of modern Romania, the misery of World War I, the blossoming of its culture between the wars, and then the sellout of Eastern Europe to Russia after World War II. In this sweeping account, we see not only its effects socially and culturally, but the triumph in its wake: a man and his people who reclaim better lives for themselves, and in the process, teach us a lesson in endurance, patience, and will not only to survive, but to thrive." ]
[ "Review", "I finished reading A World Torn Asunder, and I cannot express how much I enjoyed it. I am trying to hone my writing skills to give it justice. I have already trashed one review because I felt it was not good enough. I have never given much attention to Publishers before, but if this is the caliber Bettie Youngs Books puts out, I will keep my eye out. --Kay, kaysbookreviews.comI finished reading A World Torn Asunder, and I cannot express how much I enjoyed it. I am trying to hone my writing skills to give it justice. I have already trashed one review because I felt it was not good enough. I have never given much attention to Publishers before, but if this is the caliber Bettie Youngs Books puts out, I will keep my eye out. --Kay,", "About the Author", "Marina Giurescu, MD was attending medical school in Bucharest, Romania when she defected to the United States in 1984. She re-did her medical education at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine 1988-1992, did her internship in pathology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, and her residency in radiology at the Yale-New Haven Hospital, followed by a one year fellowship at Memorial Sloan Kettering in New York. She has been working as a radiologist for the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, AZ since 2000 and as an instructor in their College of Medicine. She has given many presentations at medical gatherings in Scottsdale and around the country, and has coauthored a half-dozen peer-reviewed articles for medical journals. In regards to her authorship of A World Torn Asunder, she was born in the early 1960s and lived with her grandparents for the last fifteen years of her grandfather's life. Growing up as a child, she heard the inside and outside of all the family stories and had a particularly close relationship with her beloved grandfather, Constantin. While having a scientific bent and attracted early on to mathematics and the medical sciences, both her grandfather and her father, the historian Dinu Giurescu, were historical giants in their home country of Romania and the authors of countless books." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Marina Giurescu (Author), MD (Author)
[ "Books", "Biographies & Memoirs", "Historical" ]
{"Publisher": "Bettie Youngs Books (December 12, 2012)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "404 pages", "ISBN 10": "1936332760", "ISBN 13": "978-1936332762", "Item Weight": "1.29 pounds", "Dimensions": "6 x 0.89 x 9 inches"}
Paperback – December 12, 2012
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Marina Giurescu', 'about': ['The author, Marina Giurescu, MD was born on March 16, 1962 and grew up in Bucharest, Romania. Following graduation from high school in 1980 with a bachelor in science (dual degree chemistry and biology) she was admitted to the Faculty of Medicine of Bucharest. After four years of studies (out of a six year program) she defected in 1984 and was granted political asylum in the USA.', 'She re-did her medical education at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York between 1988-1992, followed by an internship in pathology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, a residency in radiology at the Yale-New Haven Hospital, and a one year fellowship at Memorial Sloan Kettering in New York.', 'She has been working as a radiologist for the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, AZ since 2000 and is an assistant professor in their College of Medicine. She is a member of several professional medical societies, has given dozens of presentations at medical gatherings in Scottsdale and around the country, and has coauthored a number of peer-reviewed articles for medical journals.']}
Panis Angelicus (Oxford Choral Classics Octavos)
[ "Suitable for SATB and organ (or organ, harp, and cello)." ]
[ "About the Author", "John Rutter studied music at Clare College, Cambridge and first came to notice as a composer and arranger of Christmas carols and other choral pieces during those early years; today his compositions, including such concert-length works as Requiem, Magnificat, Mass of the Children, The Gift of Life, and Visions are performed around the world. John edits the Oxford Choral Classics series, and, with Sir David Willcocks, co-edited four volumes of Carols for Choirs. In 1983 he formed his own choir The Cambridge Singers, with whom he has made numerous recordings on the Collegium Records label, and he appears regularly in several countries as a guest conductor and choral ambassador. John holds a Lambeth Doctorate in Music, and was awarded a CBE for services to music in 2007." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
César Franck (Composer)
[ "Books", "Arts & Photography", "Music" ]
{"Publisher": "Oxford University Press (January 22, 1998)", "Language": "English", "Sheet music": "8 pages", "ISBN 10": "019341791X", "ISBN 13": "978-0193417915", "Item Weight": "0.705 ounces", "Dimensions": "9.9 x 0.5 x 6.9 inches"}
Sheet music – January 22, 1998
[ "It’s the end of the Christmas season and no one looks forward to that more than the elves. Making toys for the big guy to deliver can be exhausting! The elves’ hard work doesn’t go unnoticed and Santa gives his hard working helpers a much needed vacation! Where do you think elves take their vacations?" ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Katherine Ruskey (Author), Ana- Gabriela Stroe (Illustrator)
[ "Books", "Children's Books", "Holidays & Celebrations" ]
{"Publisher": "Independently published (September 14, 2019)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "25 pages", "ISBN 10": "1089002599", "ISBN 13": "978-1089002598", "Item Weight": "3.84 ounces", "Dimensions": "8.5 x 0.06 x 11 inches"}
Paperback – September 14, 2019
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Katherine Ruskey', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Ordained of the Lord, H. A. Ironside: A biography
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
E. Schuyler English (Author)
{"Publisher": "Loizeaux Brothers; First Edition (January 1, 1976)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "254 pages", "ISBN 10": "0872131424", "ISBN 13": "978-0872131422", "Item Weight": "13.8 ounces"}
Hardcover – January 1, 1976
A Way Back to You
[ "What would you do if you were given a second chance? Annabelle, whom nearly everyone calls Anne, has been stuck in the past for two years. Numbed by grief over her the unexpected death of her husband and overwhelmed with the responsibility of raising their three young children alone, Anne agrees to let a friend take the kids for the weekend while she tries to get some much-needed rest at the home of her parents. But when Anne wakes up the next morning, she is suddenly sixteen again. And it just happens to be the worst day she spent as a teenager. High school the second time around brings unforeseen changes and frustrations, but remembering that her future husband, Mitch, has just returned from a mission and is living on the other side of town gives Anne hope. Getting the attention of Mitch (for the second time) is more complicated than she could have imagined, but Anne discovers she is stronger than she believed possible and there just might be a future for her after all." ]
[ "About the Author", "Emily Gray Clawson describes herself as an author, mother, and youth mentor. Born and raised in Utah, she is passionate about her faith and great books and will share her love of both with anyone who will listen. Emily began writing at the age of seven, creating homemade picture books that she peddled from door to door. She self-published her first novel, Things Hope For, and is collaborating with Jennifer Graves on a book entitled A Sisters Witness: The Powell Family Tragedy. With her husband, Richard, Emily founded two youth leadership programs, Handmaidens of Virtue and Mastering Knighthood. Trained in vocal performance in college, she has enjoyed including aspects of her training in this book. Emily and Richard are the parents of four children and live in Taylorsville, Utah." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Emily Gray Clawson (Author)
{"Publisher": "Deseret Book Company (September 4, 2012)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "208 pages", "ISBN 10": "1609075218", "ISBN 13": "978-1609075217", "Item Weight": "12.5 ounces"}
Paperback – September 4, 2012
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Emily Gray Clawson', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
The Essay Connection by Bloom,Lynn Z.. [2012,10th Edition.] Paperback
[ "The Essay Connection by Bloom,Lynn Z.. [2012,10th Edition.] Paperback" ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_QL40_FMwebp_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Bloom (Author)
{"Publisher": "Wadsworth (January 1, 2012)", "Item Weight": "1.35 pounds"}
Paperback – January 1, 2012
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Lynn Z. Bloom', 'about': ['Biography: Lynn Z. Bloom is Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor Emerita at the University of Connecticut, where she held the Aetna Chair of Writing 1988-2015. She learned from great writing teachers: Dr. Seuss, fun; Strunk and E.B. White, elegant simplicity; Benjamin Spock, precision: “If you don’t write clearly, someone could die,” he advised when she was writing Doctor Spock: Biography of a Conservative Radical. These precepts have informed the heart, soul, and human voice of her teaching and writing: Autobiography–Composition Studies as a Creative Art. Composition studies research, including Writers Without Borders; “The Essay Canon” and “Consuming Prose: The Delectable Rhetoric of Food Writing.” Creative nonfiction: The Seven Deadly Virtues; “Teaching College English as a Woman: and Recipe (forthcoming 2021). A shelf of textbooks. 200+ articles, essays, poetry. She has received awards from NEH, NCTE, USDA, and Fulbright.']}
Texas Baby Pursuit (Lone Star Justice, 4)
[ "On a kidnapper’s trail…", "Lone Star Justice never failsMinutes after his baby nephew is kidnapped, Texas Ranger Dallas Sanders traces the crime to a child trafficking ring hiding in plain sight. As he and local sheriff Rachel Young race to expose the sinister conspiracy, they’re determined to keep their relationship professional. But when Rachel’s infant daughter is also abducted, can she and Dallas rescue the children in time…and survive to have a future together?" ]
[ "About the Author", "Margaret Daley, an award-winning author of eighty-three books, has been married for over forty years and is a firm believer in romance and love. When she isn’t traveling, she’s writing love stories, often with a suspense thread, and corralling her three cats that think they rule her household. To find out more about Margaret visit her website at" ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Margaret Daley (Author)
[ "Books", "Christian Books & Bibles", "Literature & Fiction" ]
{"Publisher": "Love Inspired Suspense True Large Print; Original edition (August 7, 2018)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "368 pages", "ISBN 10": "1335459278", "ISBN 13": "978-1335459275", "Item Weight": "8 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.28 x 0.97 x 8.01 inches"}
Paperback – Large Print, August 7, 2018
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Margaret Daley', 'about': ['Margaret has been writing for over 35 years. She started writing in the late 1970s because she wanted to see if she could put a whole story down on paper. That book is still in the drawer and will never see the light of day. But she was able to finish a book, which was her goal.', "She decided after that to get some help, and joined a writers' roundtable where she met once a week with some fellow writers who went over each other's work. She sold her first book in the early 1980s and has been selling ever since. She loves to tell a story. When she was a little girl she made up stories while playing with her dolls. On long trips with her family she would weave a story about the surrounding countryside. From those early beginnings grew a love of entertaining people with a story. She has sold nearly 5 million books worldwide with over 90 books.", 'When she went away to college, she met her husband, Mike, to whom she has been married for over 40 years. He is her support and her best friend. She has always felt she was the luckiest woman the day she bumped into him on campus.', 'When they married, they moved to Tulsa, where she finished her degree in special education and began teaching. She loved teaching and working with students with special needs. They helped her remember what is important in life. She also participated in the Special Olympics as a coach with her students and has attended the State Games in May for years. Recently she retired from teaching to write full-time.', 'Besides teaching and writing, she is also a mother of one. Her son, Shaun, loves animals and there have been times they could have their own zoo at the house. The most interesting pet Shaun had is a leopard tortoise, which could outlive him. She has joked that his children will be inheriting a tortoise. He is married with four daughters.', "When she isn't working, she loves to read, travel, and go to lunch and a movie with a friend. She has been to many countries in the world and loves to meet new people. Her favorite place is Tahiti -- Bora Bora. It is as beautiful as all the pictures portray it.", "In her travels she has found herself in some interesting situations. Once, in London, she got caught in the middle of a protest that later turned into a riot over poll taxes. In the rain forest of Costa Rica, she was covered from head to toe in mud and ruined a perfectly good outfit. She should have remembered it was going to be wet since it was called a rain forest. In Rio, she and a friend were left with no means to get back to the hotel on the other side of the city. Neither Margaret nor her companion spoke Portuguese and there wasn't a cab in sight. Thankfully one finally pulled up to the curb at the museum because she couldn't see herself hiking across Rio to get back to the hotel at night."]}
Great Grand Canyon Time Train
[ "Take off with Sam and Rosie as they go on a fantastic trip back through time to the bottom of the Grand Canyon. With Major Powell as your guide, the Time Train will slice through the biggest layer cake in the world! Grab your silver ticket and experience the most thrilling train ride imaginable, where you will learn just how granderful the Grand Canyon really is." ]
[ "Review", "\"With the help of John Wesley Powell, twins Sam and Rosie take a tour of the geological history of the Grand Canyon. Talented children's author Lowell uses kitchen chemistry-leaning heavily on the layer cake analogy (with a little fudge thrown in) to explain the canyon's slow formation.\" --Arizona Daily Star", "About the Author", "Award-winning author Susan Lowell has written some of the Southwest's most beloved and bestselling children's books including The Three Little Javelinas, Cindy Ellen, and I Am Lavina Cumming. The idea for this book came to her one day while she was riding a mule to the bottom of the Grand Canyon. She and her husband divide their time between a house in Tucson and a ranch near the Mexican border." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Susan Lowell (Author), Theresa Howell (Editor), John W. Shroades (Illustrator)
[ "Books", "Children's Books", "Growing Up & Facts of Life" ]
{"Publisher": "Rio Nuevo; First Edition (May 1, 2011)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "32 pages", "ISBN 10": "1933855630", "ISBN 13": "978-1933855639", "Grade level": "1 - 2", "Item Weight": "15.2 ounces", "Dimensions": "11.5 x 0.5 x 9.75 inches"}
Hardcover – Picture Book, May 1, 2011
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Susan Lowell', 'about': ['Susan Lowell was born in Mexico and has lived on both sides of the line. Her writing also crosses over--from fiction to nonfiction, from adult books to children’s--with the border country of the American Southwest often integral to the story. Her best-selling picture book, The Three Little Javelinas retells a classic folktale in this rough but beautiful setting. With children of her own, she was honored by the opportunity that followed to teach and delight other young readers.', 'But now she’s telling javelina and coyote stories meant for grownups. After twenty books and thirty years, her upcoming book, Two Desperados, offers readers a tragicomic journey through the Southwestern border country that parallels her first award-winning short-story collection (for adults), Ganado Red, soon to be back in print.', 'Deeply rooted in this sun-drenched territory, Lowell is a fourth-generation Arizonan. But she’s also a traveler, a graduate of Stanford and Princeton, and a scholar specializing in the Victorian novel. Her next writing project weaves many longtime interests together in a novel based on English and American family papers and entitled “The Wild West Waltz.”', 'Her honors include recognition from both Publishers Weekly and the New York Times Book Review, the Milkweed Editions National Fiction Award, being named Arizona author of the year, a Reading Rainbow book, several Young Reader nominations and awards, a OneBook Arizona book, Spur and Storyteller awards from the Western Writers of America, and the 2019 George Garrett Fiction Prize for Two Desperados.', 'She and her husband divide their time between Tucson and a ranch on the U.S.-Mexico border.']}
Welcome to the Sea of Sand
[ "A lavish introduction to the Sonora desert and its wildlife brings readers into the beautiful and mysterious world of speckled road runners, ocelots, green lizards, mountain lions, and coyotes." ]
[ "From School Library Journal", "Kindergarten-Grade 4?A poetic narrative that invites readers into Arizona's Sonora Desert through a collaboration of art and words, and gives a comfortable armchair tour of a beautiful, rugged, surprisingly varied place. Regan's artwork starts and ends with a panoramic scene, and in between it brings children in for close-up views that are almost photographic in their realism. Yolen paints just as inviting a picture as she chooses words that simultaneously describe and establish a rhythm of their own. She speaks of \"a huddle of ocelots at noon/ in the shadow of a cave,/ a slither of green lizards,/ the dither of butterflies.\" The surprising variety of wildlife, weather, and conditions in this sea of sand will give young readers a new look at a place they might have thought dry and barren. This book celebrates the Sonora Desert in the same way Regan and Yolen celebrated the rain forest in Welcome to the Greenhouse (Putnam, 1993). A short note in the back provides more information about the desert and some creatures depicted in the illustrations but not identified in the text.?Jane Marino, Scarsdale Public Library, NYCopyright 1996 Reed Business Information, Inc.", "From", "Booklist", "Age 5^-8. Words and pictures on the opening page portray the desert as an ocean of sand and rocks, but the remainder of this book shows another side of the desert, one teeming with life: \"a cache of kangaroo rats busy in their burrows, a scuttle of tarantulas, a muddle of centipedes.\" The climax comes after a rainfall, when flowers burst into bloom and Yolen begins naming some of the desert's sounds, and the book draws to a close with another desert landscape that shows not only sand and rocks but also plants and animals. Regan's paintings are a perfect match for Yolen's poem, and her skillful use of greens, browns, and grays will help children appreciate books illustrated with more subtle colors. A good companion to the author and illustrator's", "Welcome to the Green House", "(1993).", "Susan Dove Lempke" ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Jane Yolen (Author)
[ "Books", "Children's Books", "Science, Nature & How It Works" ]
{"Publisher": "Putnam Juvenile (March 19, 1996)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "1 pages", "ISBN 10": "0399227652", "ISBN 13": "978-0399227653", "Reading age": "4 - 8 years", "Lexile measure": "AD830L", "Grade level": "1 - 2", "Item Weight": "13.6 ounces", "Dimensions": "8.88 x 0.34 x 11.31 inches"}
Hardcover – March 19, 1996
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Jane Yolen', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Route 66 Across Arizona : A Comprehensive Two-Way Guide for Touring Route 66
[ "Let the Mangums steer you down Arizona's version of America's Main Street in this colorful and well-researched book! This all color, deluxe and comprehensive Route 66 book provides all the details Route 66 buffs crave. This is the ultimate Route 66 guidebook, with color maps, scores of historic and modern photos and detailed descriptions for casual users and die-hard roadies alike. This historic road is broken down into 13 separate tours, each one illustrated with maps, photos, a road log and commentary. Detours, sightseeing trips, hikes and bike rides are added. Foreign travelers will welcome the inclusion of metric measurements. In a long-overdue departure from current 66 books, this book contains full descriptions of its tours running from both east-to-west and from west-to-east. In addition to its Tour section the book contains sections on the History and Places of Route 66 and an index." ]
[ "Review", "\"...brings back the exotic flavor of the Mother Road as if it was 1926 and the road new...\" --", "Arizona Daily Sun, August 12, 2001", "\"The an excellent guide to discovering the history of the Mother Road as it ran across northern Arizona.\" --", "The Arizona Republic, August 19, 2001", "\"This isn't a boring's an inviting, full-color modern guide to exploring what along the route.....\" --", "The Arizona Republic, August 19, 2001", "Visually stunning, an excellent read and enough information to drive a research junkie crazy.. --", "Route 66 Magazine, Fall 2001, Bob Moore reviewer", "About the Author", "Richard Mangum was born in Flagstaff and has lived there all his life. He well remembers the glory days of Route 66 in Arizona and believes that he has old motor oil in his blood. After graduating from Flagstaff High School in 1954, he became a lawyer, practicing in Flagstaff until 1976, at which point be became a Superior Court Judge. He changed careers in 1993 to become a writer. \"It's what I always wanted to do,\" he says. Sherry moved to Flagstaff when she was seven years old and her parents built a house on the original alignment of Route 66 east of Flagstaff, running from Camp Townsend to Winona. \"Since I learned to drive on Route 66 it has a very special place in my heart,\" she says. She became a photographer whose works have been featured in local to international publications. Together the Mangums research, make the road trips and prepare their books. Their famous guides and histories (nine to date) of northern Arizona have given the Mangums a reputation for producing books that are clear, user-friendly and reliable." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Richard K. Mangum (Author), Sherry G. Mangum (Author)
[ "Books", "Travel", "United States" ]
{"Publisher": "Hexagon Pr; 1st edition (June 1, 2001)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "112 pages", "ISBN 10": "189151766X", "ISBN 13": "978-1891517662", "Item Weight": "15.2 ounces", "Dimensions": "8.25 x 0.25 x 10.5 inches"}
Paperback – June 1, 2001
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Richard K. Mangum', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Peace Was Their Profession: Strategic Air Command: A Tribute
[ "This new large format volume is a grand tribute to all of those who served in SAC from its inception in 1947 to its disestablishment in 1992. The great variety of aircraft and missile systems of Strategic Air Command are shown in over 800 color and black and white photographs, making this volume one of the definitive pictorials on the subject." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_QL40_FMwebp_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Donna Campbell (Author), Mike Hill (Author), John M. Campbell (Author)
[ "Books", "History", "Americas" ]
{"Publisher": "Schiffer Military; 1st edition (January 6, 1997)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "304 pages", "ISBN 10": "0887406882", "ISBN 13": "978-0887406881", "Item Weight": "3.31 pounds", "Dimensions": "9 x 1 x 11.5 inches"}
Hardcover – January 6, 1997
Will Shortz Presents Simply Sinister Sudoku: 200 Hard Puzzles
[ "Are you tough enough?", "Take on this collection of 200 devilishly difficult sudoku puzzles and find out!Includes: -200 hard puzzles-Perfect portable size-Edited by Will Shortz" ]
[ "Review", "“A puzzling global phenomenon” ―", "The Economist", "“The biggest craze to hit", "The Times", "since the first crossword puzzle was published in 1935.” ―", "The Times of London", "“England's most addictive newspaper puzzle.” ―", "New York magazine", "“The latest craze in games” ―", "BBC News", "“Sudoku is dangerous stuff. Forget work and family―think papers hurled across the room and industrial-sized blobs of correction fluid. I love it!” ―", "The Times of London", "“Sudokus are to the first decade of the 21st century what Rubik's Cube was to the 1970s.” ―", "The Daily Telegraph", "“Britain has a new addiction. Hunched over newspapers on crowded subway trains, sneaking secret peeks in the office, a puzzle-crazy nation is trying to slot numbers into small checkerboard grids.” ―", "Associated Press", "“Forget crosswords.” ―", "The Christian Science Monitor", "From the Back Cover", "It's not that difficult!It's easy. It's breezy. It's addictive! Play America's favorite \"wordless crossword puzzle\" withSimply Sudoku VOLUME 2Simply put: If you haven't already discovered the game that CNN calls \"maddeningly addictive,\" you'll soon see for yourself that sudoku demands no mathematical skills. So get out your pencil (eraser optional!) and try solving these 150 puzzles from \"New York Times \"crossword editor and bestselling author Will Shortz. You'll be a pro in no time!", "About the Author", "Will Shortz", "has been the crossword puzzle editor of", "The New York Times", "since 1993. He is also the puzzlemaster on NPR’s Weekend Edition Sunday and is founder and director of the annual American Crossword Puzzle Tournament. He has edited countless books of crossword puzzles, Sudoku, KenKen, and all manner of brain-busters.", "Read more" ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_QL40_FMwebp_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Will Shortz (Editor)
[ "Books", "Humor & Entertainment", "Puzzles & Games" ]
{"Publisher": "St. Martin's Griffin; First Edition (March 3, 2009)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "320 pages", "ISBN 10": "0312541635", "ISBN 13": "978-0312541637", "Item Weight": "7.9 ounces", "Dimensions": "5 x 0.71 x 8 inches"}
Paperback – March 3, 2009
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Will Shortz', 'about': ["Will Shortz has been crossword editor of The New York Times since 1993. He is also the puzzlemaster on NPR's Weekend Edition Sunday and is founder and director of the annual American Crossword Puzzle Tournament."]}
Number Power 10: Pre-Algebra
[ "Number Power", "is the first choice for those who want to develop and improve their math skills. Every", "Number Power", "book targets a particular set of math skills with straightforward explanations, easy-to-follow, step-by-step instruction, real-life examples, and extensive reinforcement exercises. Use these texts across the full scope of the basic math curriculum, from whole numbers to pre-algebra and geometry.", "Number Power 10: Pre-Algebra", ": from basic number skills to data analysis and probability and on to beginning algebra, this book covers material necessary to pass many educational and occupational tests." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Robert Mitchell (Author)
[ "Books", "Sponsored Selections" ]
{"Publisher": "Contemporary Books; 1st edition (January 1, 2000)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "24 pages", "ISBN 10": "0809223872", "ISBN 13": "978-0809223879", "Item Weight": "0.01 ounces", "Dimensions": "8 x 0.5 x 10.5 inches"}
Paperback – January 1, 2000
Decorating With White
[ "White is a colour capable of endless subtleties--and challenging to use. Uncover the secrets of decorating the \"white house\" in more than 150 beautiful photographs. Richly traditional, clean-lined contemporary, rustic country, breezy tropical, lushly romantic: every style is here, with a tour of the exquisite fabrics (cotton, linen, lace) that bring them to life. From summery designs, so perfect for white, to light and bright gardens, porches, and terraces, you'll fall under the spell of this elegant colour" ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
N. Y.) Victoria (New York (Editor)
[ "Books", "Crafts, Hobbies & Home", "Home Improvement & Design" ]
{"Publisher": "Hearst Books (December 31, 2002)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "160 pages", "ISBN 10": "1588161919", "ISBN 13": "978-1588161918", "Item Weight": "0.035 ounces", "Dimensions": "8.25 x 0.5 x 9.25 inches"}
Paperback – December 31, 2002
The Ape Who Guards the Balance
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_QL40_FMwebp_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
{"Publisher": "ROBINSON PUBLISHING LTD. (January 1, 2003)", "Language": "English", "ISBN 10": "1841194875", "ISBN 13": "978-1841194875", "Item Weight": "10.8 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.12 x 1.14 x 7.76 inches"}
Paperback – January 1, 2003
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Elizabeth Peters', 'about': ['ELIZABETH PETERS, whose New York Times best-selling novels are often set against historical backdrops, earned a Ph.D. in Egyptology at the University of Chicago. She also writes best-selling books under the pseudonym Barbara Michaels. She lives in Frederick, Maryland.']}
Snow White Stickers (Dover Little Activity Books Stickers)
[ "Beloved fairy tale comes to life in 15 beautiful full-color stickers: Snow White with the huntsman, the evil queen before her mirror, Snow White's first encounter with the dwarfs, more." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Sheilah Beckett (Author)
[ "Books", "Children's Books", "Activities, Crafts & Games" ]
{"Publisher": "Dover Publications (August 22, 1995)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "4 pages", "ISBN 10": "0486286835", "ISBN 13": "978-0486286839", "Reading age": "3 - 10 years", "Grade level": "Preschool - 5", "Item Weight": "0.16 ounces", "Dimensions": "4.25 x 0.25 x 6 inches"}
Paperback – August 22, 1995
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Sheilah Beckett', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Stahlhelm: Evolution of the German Steel Helmet, Revised and Expanded
[ "Perhaps the most easily recognized military helmet of the 20th century is the German Stahlhelm. In the revised and expanded edition of this classic, Floyd R. Tubbs and Robert w. Clawson identify and classify the Stahlhelm and relate its history, designs, features, and uses.", "No single nation has produced such a wide variety of helmets as did Germany in the early part of the last century, from civil defense to fire and police forces to airborne forces. Though based on the same concept, each model, design, and variation was constructed with a specific purpose, with the shapes for the helmets differing, the metals occuring in various weights, and the strengths and qualities and the liners being unique to each category.", "As the only book on the German combat helmet currently in print, this edition, with its detailed drawings and illustrative photographs, will appeal to the collector as well as the military historian." ]
[ "About the Author", "After a career in the rubber industry, Floyd R. Tubbs retired to pursue his interest in collecting and studying modern militaria with a special interest in headgear and helmets. He published the first edition of Stahlhelm in 1971. Robert W. Clawson, emeritus associate director of the Lyman L. Lemnitzer Center for NATO Studies at Kent State University, is a member of a number of international organizations devoted to the collection and study of 20th-century militaria and has a substantial collection of unique combat helmets." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Floyd R Tubbs (Author), Robert W Clawson (Contributor)
[ "Books", "History", "Military" ]
{"Publisher": "The Kent State University Press; Rev Exp Su edition (November 16, 2000)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "136 pages", "ISBN 10": "0873386779", "ISBN 13": "978-0873386777", "Item Weight": "7.4 ounces", "Dimensions": "6.04 x 0.37 x 9.27 inches"}
Paperback – November 16, 2000
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Floyd R. Tubbs', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
The Twelfth Demon, Mark of the Wolf Dragon
[ "Book two in this engaging series brings back Jonathan Steel to explore the legend and lore of vampires and the power of cults to control the lives of people." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Bruce Hennigan (Author)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "United States" ]
{"Publisher": "Hennigan Bruce (January 1, 2012)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "304 pages", "ISBN 10": "1616388390", "ISBN 13": "978-1616388393", "Item Weight": "11.2 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.5 x 0.75 x 8.25 inches"}
Paperback – January 1, 2012
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Bruce Hennigan', 'about': ['Bruce Hennigan grew up in the deep pine forests of northwest Louisiana. There wasn’t much to do in the country for a young boy with an active imagination and acres of pastures and woods unless imagination opened the door to another reality. Bruce spent his childhood chasing dinosaurs, giant robots, aliens from Alpha Centauri, and an occasional cow through this vast land of imagination.', 'In the eighth grade, he saved up his meager allowance and bought a teal blue portable typewriter and began to write his own stories. He was doomed; captured; enslaved by Story! Bruce wanted to write for the rest of his life.', 'But, God intervened. He called Bruce to another profession in the medical field to become the very last thing in the world he wanted to be, a doctor. He continued to write through college and medical school and found success in, of all places, the theater. For 15 years, Bruce was the drama director at a local church and wrote over 150 plays. Challenged by questions from fellow scientists regarding his faith, Bruce explored the field of Christian apologetics, the defense of the truthfulness of the Christian faith. He became a Volunteer Apologist with Reasons to Believe and a Certified Apologetic Instructor with the North American Mission Board.', 'After suffering through a severe depression, Bruce co-authored “Conquering Depression: A Thirty Day Plan to Finding Happiness” with Mark Sutton published by Broadman & Holman Publishing in 2001. After the success of that book, he fulfilled his life long dream of writing fiction with the release of "The Chronicles of Jonathan Steel" with a prequel, "Death by Darwin" followed by with books: “The 13th Demon: Altar of the Spiral Eye”, “The 12th Demon: Mark of the Wolf Dragon”, “The 11th Demon: The Ark of Chaos”, “The 10th Demon: Children of the Bloodstone”, "The 9th Demon: Time of the Cross", "The 8th Demon: A Wicked Numinosity", "The 7th Demon: The Pandora Stone (Part 1 of "The Unholy Triad"), and "The 5th Demon: Demoneyes (Part 2 of "The Unholy Triad".', 'In 2019, Bruce and Mark Sutton updated their depression book with their third book: “Hope Again: A Lifetime Plan for Conquering Depression”. Mark and Bruce have produced a short seminar, “Conquering Depression Seminar” to accompany the book. For more information go to', 'Bruce has published two more books not in the supernatural fiction genre: "The Homecoming Tree" based on the life of his parents at the beginning of World War II. And, "Our Darkness, His Light: Ordinary People in the Extraordinary Story of Christ".', 'In April, 2022, Bruce published, "Shadow Merchant", a novel that takes place in the high tech world of radiology and modern medicine.', 'He has two grown children and lives in Shreveport with his wife, Sherry. Bruce continues to speak on the topics of apologetics, creative writing, depression, and drama. For more information, check out his website at For information on the Jonathan Steel Chronicles go to or']}
Doctor Faustus
[ "Doctor Faustus", "is a classic; its imaginative boldness and vertiginous ironies have fascinated readers and playgoers alike. But the fact that this play exists in two early versions, printed in 1604 and 1616, has posed formidable problems for critics. How much of either version was written by Marlowe, and which is the more authentic? Is the play orthodox or radically interrogative?", "Michael Keefer’s early work helped to establish the current consensus that the 1604 text was censored and revised; the Keefer edition, praised for its lucid introduction and scholarship, was the first to restore two displaced scenes to their correct place. Most competing editions presume that the 1604 text was printed from authorial manuscript, and that the 1616 text is of little substantive value. But in 2006 Keefer’s fresh analysis of the evidence showed that the 1604 quarto’s Marlovian scenes were printed from a corrupted manuscript, and that the 1616 quarto (though indeed censored and revised) preserves some readings earlier than those of the 1604 text.", "This edition has been updated and revised. Keefer’s critical introduction reconstructs the ideological contexts that shaped and deformed the play, and the text is accompanied by textual and explanatory notes and excerpts from sources." ]
[ "Review", "“This edition is absolutely essential for any serious student or teacher of this perpetually intriguing and vexing play.” ― Peter G. Platt in", "Studies in English Literature 1500-1900", ", 48.2 (Spring 2008)", "“Michael Keefer’s revised edition of Marlowe’s", "Doctor Faustus", "is now all the more an indispensable text for students, teachers, and scholars of early modern English drama. It combines immense learning with perfect clarity and accessibility. It gives us a solidly reconceived text and also a brilliant historical introduction that fills each line of this strange and moving play with the sounds of a world in intellectual and religious crisis.” ― Paul Yachnin, McGill University", "From the Back Cover", "Doctor Faustus", "is a classic; its imaginative boldness and vertiginous ironies have fascinated readers and playgoers alike. But the fact that this play exists in two early versions, printed in 1604 and 1616, has posed formidable problems for critics. How much of either version was written by Marlowe, and which is the more authentic? Is the play orthodox or radically interrogative?", "Michael Keefer’s early work helped to establish the current consensus that the 1604 text was censored and revised; the Keefer edition, praised for its lucid introduction and scholarship, was the first to restore two displaced scenes to their correct place. Most competing editions presume that the 1604 text was printed from authorial manuscript, and that the 1616 text is of little substantive value. But in 2006 Keefer’s fresh analysis of the evidence showed that the 1604 quarto’s Marlovian scenes were printed from a corrupted manuscript, and that the 1616 quarto (though indeed censored and revised) preserves some readings earlier than those of the 1604 text.", "This edition has been updated and revised. Keefer’s critical introduction reconstructs the ideological contexts that shaped and deformed the play, and the text is accompanied by textual and explanatory notes and excerpts from sources.", "About the Author", "Michael Keefer", "is a Professor of English at the University of Guelph, former President of the Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English, and winner of the Renaissance Society of America’s Nelson Prize. He has published widely on English Renaissance literature, early modern philosophy, literary and textual-critical theory, and contemporary cultural politics.", "Read more" ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Christopher Marlowe (Author), Michael Keefer (Editor)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "History & Criticism" ]
{"Publisher": "Broadview Press; 2nd edition (February 16, 2007)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "320 pages", "ISBN 10": "1551112108", "ISBN 13": "978-1551112107", "Item Weight": "12.5 ounces", "Dimensions": "8.5 x 0.69 x 5.5 inches"}
2nd Edition
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Christopher Marlowe', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
His Masterpiece (Children's Conversations with God)
[ "Delilah is ready to take on her first day of third grade at her new school, Kennedy Heights Elementary, or so she thinks. While playing at recess, something happens that Delilah just can’t seem to get over. This once fun-loving, self-confident nine-year-old girl begins to see herself differently and struggles with self-esteem. It isn’t until Delilah hears a mysterious voice speaking truth and words of encouragement that she sees herself as she truly is, a MASTERPIECE. Find out what happened on the playground and who this unfamiliar voice belongs to in this inspirational story that is sure to encourage children to love and see themselves as God sees them." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Kimberly Murray (Author), Ayesha Javaid (Illustrator)
[ "Books", "Children's Books", "Literature & Fiction" ]
{"Publisher": "Hadassah's Crown Publishing, LLC (July 23, 2022)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "32 pages", "ISBN 10": "195089486X", "ISBN 13": "978-1950894864", "Item Weight": "4.3 ounces", "Dimensions": "8 x 0.08 x 10 inches"}
Paperback – July 23, 2022
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Kimberly Murray', 'about': ['Kimberly is a wife and mother to three daughters. She is a veteran in education and loves seeing children become independent and successful adults. She believes children can always use lessons in self esteem, social issues, and character building. Kimberly has appeared on WGGS-TV on NiteLine, Just Call Me Sarah Talk Show, WSPA Your Carolina, and on Rejoice 96.9 FM.', 'Kimberly wrote His Masterpiece after God gave her the vision to empower and inspire children to learn who they are in Him. She wants all children to know God and understand that He speaks to them, loves them, and that He has fearfully and wonderfully created them in His image, and they are His Masterpiece.', 'Kimberly was called into ministry in 2010 as a teacher of the Word and began passionately pursuing her roles in ministry in 2020. God told Kimberly in 2021 that she would be an author and just a year later, that promise was fulfilled. Kimberly is also the author of Amazon’s Best Seller, The Track Coach and she has just released her third book, The Lesson Dominic Can’t Wait To Share. Kimberly is currently penning her fourth book.']}
Audible Audiobooks
The Carbon Almanac: It's Not Too Late
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
The Carbon Almanac Network (Author), Seth Godin (Author, Narrator), Emily Woo Zeller (Narrator), Penguin Audio (Publisher) & 1 more
[ "Audible Books & Originals", "Science & Engineering", "Science", "Environment", "Climate Change" ]
Bundle: Elementary and Intermediate Algebra, 5th + WebAssign Printed Access Card for Tussy/Gustafson's Elementary and Intermediate Algebra, 5th Edition, Single-Term
[ "Students save money by purchasing this bundle which includes Elementary and Intermediate Algebra, 5th Edition and access to WebAssign with eBook for Single-Term Math and Science via Printed Access Card.�This access is for Developmental Math courses only including Basic Math, Prealgebra, Elementary Algebra, Introductory Algebra, Intermediate Algebra or Elementary & Intermediate Algebra as using with a different course may cause complications with access. WebAssign engages you with immediate feedback, rich tutorial content, and an interactive, fully customizable eBook, Cengage YouBook helping you to develop a deeper conceptual understanding of your subject matter. This access code includes access to WebAssign and life-of-edition access to the eBook for the registered edition of that text. If you need to retake the course and your instructor is using the same book AND edition then you will not need to buy a new code." ]
[ "About the Author", "Alan Tussy has taught all levels of developmental mathematics at Citrus College in Glendora, CA. He has written nine math books. An extraordinary author dedicated to his students' success, he is relentlessly meticulous and creative�a visionary who maintains a keen focus on the greatest challenges students face in Mathematics. Alan received his Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics from University of Redlands and his Master of Science degree in Applied Mathematics from California State University, Los Angeles. He has taught across course and curriculum areas from prealgebra to differential equations. He is currently focusing on teaching courses related to Developmental Mathematics. Professor Tussy is a member of the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC).R. David Gustafson is professor emeritus of mathematics at Rock Valley College in Illinois and has also taught extensively at Rockford College and Beloit College. In addition to this best-selling college algebra resource with Jeffrey Hughes, he has co-authored Gustafson/Karr/Massey's BEGINNING ALGEBRA; INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA; BEGINNING AND INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA; BEGINNING AND INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA: A COMBINED APPROACH; and the Tussy/Gustafson and Tussy/Gustafson/Koenig Developmental Mathematics series. His numerous professional honors include Rock Valley Teacher of the Year and Rockford's Outstanding Educator of the Year. He has been very active in the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC) as a Midwest vice president. He has also served as president of IMACC, AMATYC's Illinois affiliate. Professor Gustafson earned a master of arts from Rockford College in Illinois as well as a master of science from Northern Illinois University." ]
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{ "title": [ "Save with Cengage Unlimited" ], "url": [ "" ], "user_id": [ "" ] }
Alan S. Tussy (Author), R. David Gustafson (Author)
[ "Books", "Science & Math", "Mathematics" ]
{"Publisher": "Cengage Learning; 5th edition (July 12, 2017)", "Language": "English", "Product Bundle": "1163 pages", "ISBN 10": "1133289797", "ISBN 13": "978-1133289791", "Item Weight": "5.48 pounds", "Dimensions": "8.5 x 1.75 x 11 inches"}
5th Edition
Following the Drum: Women at the Valley Forge Encampment
[ "Friday, December 19, 1777, dawned cold and windy. Fourteen thousand Continental Army soldiers tramped from dawn to dusk along the rutted Pennsylvania roads from Gulph Mills to Valley Forge, the site of their winter encampment. The soldiers’ arrival was followed by the army’s wagons and hundreds of camp women.", "Following the Drum", "tells the story of the forgotten women who spent the winter of 1777–78 with the Continental Army at Valley Forge—from those on society’s lowest rungs to ladies on the upper echelons. Impoverished and clinging to the edge of survival, many camp women were soldiers’ wives who worked as the army’s washers, nurses, cooks, and seamstresses. Other women at the encampment were of higher status: they traveled with George Washington’s entourage when the army headquarters shifted locations and served the general as valued cooks, laundresses, or housekeepers. There were also the ladies at Valley Forge who were not subject to the harsh conditions of camp life and came and went as they and their husbands, Washington’s generals and military advisers, saw fit. Nancy K. Loane uses sources such as issued military orders, pension depositions after the war, soldiers’ descriptions, and some of the women’s own diary entries and letters to bring these women to life." ]
[ "Review", "“[Loane] pulls together a rich array of sources to offer great detail about women’s lives, and she is diligent to tread carefully through recollections written down years after the fact. . . . Loane has found some great stories.”—", "Journal of American History", "Published On: 2019-10-22\"Nancy K. Loane has cleared away the myths surrounding the women at the Valley Forge encampment, from Martha Washington to Mrs. Mary Geyer. Her careful documentation and relaxed writing style make this a not-to-be-missed book for historians and re-enactors.\"—Clarissa F. Dillon, Valley Forge historian\"In addition to the details . . . about the women at Valley Forge, Ms. Loane gives us many other fascinating general details about life in the camp among all of the social groups who were there.\"—", "Tredyffrin Easttown History Quarterly", "Published On: 2009-07-15“Dr. Nancy K. Loane’s fascination and passion regarding the women who supported General George Washington . . . during their encampment in Valley Forge, PA, shines through in her new book.”—", "Phoenix", "Published On: 2009-08-17", "About the Author", "Nancy K. Loane", "is a former seasonal ranger at Valley Forge National Park, a founding member of the American Revolution Round Table of Philadelphia, and an honorary lifetime member of the Society of the Descendants of Washington’s Army at Valley Forge. She lives in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania." ]
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Nancy K. Loane (Author)
[ "Books", "History", "Americas" ]
{"Publisher": "POTOMAC BOOKS (April 1, 2009)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "224 pages", "ISBN 10": "1597973858", "ISBN 13": "978-1597973854", "Item Weight": "1.05 pounds", "Dimensions": "6.25 x 1 x 9.25 inches"}
Hardcover – Illustrated, April 1, 2009
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Nancy K. Loane', 'about': ['Soon after I moved to Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, I visited Washington’s Headquarters at Valley Forge National Historical Park and casually asked the ranger on duty this question: “Did Martha sleep here?” To my surprise, she had. And so began an odyssey – now a passion – to research, write, and speak about the women at the 1777-78 Valley Forge encampment.', 'I love all things Valley Forge - I’m a former seasonal park ranger there, currently volunteer at the park, on the board of the Friends, and an honorary lifetime member of the Descendants of Washington’s Army at Valley Forge. I’ve written several articles about the women at camp and have presented over 150 lectures in 7 states on the topic. Following the Drum, lauded for being both exceptionally well-researched and easy to read, has been nominated for two book awards. It is the first book ever written on the women at the Valley Forge encampment.']}
Monsters, Makeup & Effects: Conversations with Cinema's Greatest Artists
[ "Pennywise. Xenomorphs. Freddy Krueger. Beetlejuice. Jason Voorhees. Most movie fans immediately recognize these creatures and characters, but hardly know much about the artists behind these iconic designs. In", "Monsters, Makeup & Effects: Volume 1", ", journalist Heather Wixson shines the spotlight on twenty special makeup effects artists, creators and technicians whose work has left us captivated and marveling at their innovation, ingenuity and creativity.", "Featuring behind-the-scenes photos and extensive interviews,", "MM&E", "explores the lives, careers and inspirations behind some the greatest artisans to have ever worked in film and television.", "MM&E", "is a celebration of the creative spirit and artistic endeavors of those who have worked tirelessly for decades to create the memorable monsters, creatures and onscreen personas that have terrified us, made us laugh and filled us with a sense of wonder.", "Monsters, Makeup & Effects: Volume 1", "features comprehensive discussions with:", "Howard Berger Ve Neill \"Screaming\" Mad George", "Thomas Burman Alec Gillis Tom Woodruff Jr.", "Joel Harlow Matt Rose David LeRoy Anderson", "Bari Dreiband-Burman Doug Drexler Wayne Toth", "Lance Anderson Tony Gardner Patrick Tatopoulos", "Jim McPherson Bart Mixon Gabe Bartalos", "Paul Jones Everett Burrell" ]
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Heather Wixson (Author)
[ "Books", "Humor & Entertainment", "Movies" ]
{"Publisher": "Dark Ink (October 20, 2021)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "500 pages", "ISBN 10": "1943201528", "ISBN 13": "978-1943201525", "Item Weight": "1.95 pounds", "Dimensions": "6 x 1.25 x 9 inches"}
Hardcover – October 20, 2021
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Heather A. Wixson', 'about': ["Heather A. Wixson was born and raised in the Chicago suburbs, until she followed her dreams and moved to Los Angeles in 2009. A 14-year veteran in the world of horror entertainment journalism, Wixson fell in love with genre films at a very early age, and has spent more than a decade as a writer and supporter of preserving the history of horror and science fiction cinema. Throughout her career, Wixson has contributed to several notable websites, including Fangoria, Dread Central, Terror Tube, and FEARnet, and she currently serves as the Managing Editor for Daily Dead, which has been her home since 2013. She's also written for both Fangoria Magazine & ReMind Magazine."]}
Crime Wave
[ "USA TODAY BestsellerMaggie Thomas doesn't know the first thing about being a private eye. She quickly discovers that running her uncle's faltering Miami Beach P.I. agency is nothing like watching detective show reruns. Even the private eye app on her iPhone can't help. But Maggie's first case is surprisingly easy... or so she thinks until she stumbles on a dead body. With whizzing bullets, car chases, and spandex clad bodybuilders, Maggie wonders if she's in over her head. Jake Jackson, the dangerously charming cop, thinks Maggie needs to stick to snapping pictures of cheating husbands and leave the detective work to the professionals. The danger escalates when another homicide victim washes up on the shore and now someone wants to stop Maggie from solving the murders. With the help of her knitting needle wielding, orthopedic shoe wearing assistant Dorothy Raye, Maggie must solve the case before she's the next victim of this crime wave." ]
[ "About the Author", "Rose Pressey is a USA TODAY bestselling author. She enjoys writing quirky and fun novels with a paranormal twist. The paranormal has always captured her interest. The thought of finding answers to the unexplained fascinates her. When she's not writing about werewolves, vampires and every other supernatural creature, she loves eating cupcakes with sprinkles, reading, spending time with family, and listening to oldies from the fifties. Rose lives in the beautiful commonwealth of Kentucky with her husband, son and three sassy Chihuahuas." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Rose Pressey (Author)
{"Publisher": "Magical Press (July 30, 2013)", "Language": "English", "ISBN 10": "1490525270", "ISBN 13": "978-1490525273", "Item Weight": "11.7 ounces", "Dimensions": "5 x 0.61 x 8 inches"}
Paperback – July 30, 2013
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Rose Pressey', 'about': ['Rose Pressey Betancourt is a USA TODAY bestselling author. She enjoys writing quirky and fun novels with a paranormal twist. The paranormal has always captured her interest. The thought of finding answers to the unexplained fascinates her.', "When she's not writing about werewolves, vampires and every other supernatural creature, she loves eating cupcakes with sprinkles, reading, spending time with family, and listening to oldies from the fifties.", 'Rose lives in the beautiful commonwealth of Kentucky.', 'Rose loves to hear from readers. If you want a free book from one of her top selling series, simply copy and paste the following into your browser:', '', 'And/Or join her on Facebook for lots of fun and prizes.', 'More books from Rose Pressey Betancourt:', 'Hadley Wilds Series:', "Dead Girl's Guide to Style", 'Maggie, P.I. Series:', 'Book 1: Crime Wave', 'Book 2: Murder is a Beach', 'Halloween LaVeau Series:', 'Book 1: Forever Charmed', 'Book 2 : Charmed Again', "Book 3: Third Time's a Charm", 'Rylie Cruz Series:', 'Book 1: How to Date a Werewolf', 'Book 2: How to Date a Vampire', 'Book 3: How to Date a Demon', 'Larue Donavan Series:', 'Book 1: Me and My Ghoulfriends', 'Book 2: Ghouls Night Out', 'Book 3: The Ghoul Next Door', 'Mystic Cafe Series:', 'Book 1: No Shoes, No Shirt, No Spells', 'Book 2: Pies and Potions', 'The Haunted Renovation Mystery Series:', 'Book 1: Flip That Haunted House', 'Book 2: The Haunted Fixer-Upper', 'Trash-to-Treasure Crafting Mystery Series:', 'Book 1: Murder at Honeysuckle Hotel', 'Book 2: Honeysuckle Homicide (Coming 2014)', 'Veronica Mason Series:', "Book 1: Rock 'n' Roll is Undead"]}
C.C. Hoax: A Story that teaches about Hoaxes and Fake News
[ "Introduce hoaxes and fake news to elementary school-aged children through the characters in the book. Learn about the various types of hoaxes that exist and the motivation behind them. The book provides tips for evaluating information and increase critical thinking skills. Visit the online component for additional resources and games that complement the book at C.C. Hoax is a witty cat that loves to copy things. C.C. lives with her family in Hoaxville. One day, she meets Verita, who needs to get back home to Trutopia. Go on an adventure with Verita and C.C. as she introduces the members of her family, who all enjoy playing tricks on people." ]
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Jennifer Coccaro-Pons (Author), Sabrina Pons (Illustrator)
[ "Books", "Children's Books", "Growing Up & Facts of Life" ]
{"Publisher": "Independently published (September 2, 2020)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "61 pages", "ISBN 13": "979-8681957669", "Item Weight": "4.3 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.25 x 0.14 x 8 inches"}
Paperback – September 2, 2020
The Anchor Clankers
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
{"Language": "English", "ISBN 10": "1596160535", "ISBN 13": "978-1596160538", "Item Weight": "7.7 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.5 x 0.39 x 8.5 inches"}
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Renee Garrison', 'about': ['Renee Garrison discovered her love of journalism while writing for her high school newspaper and graduated from the University of South Florida with a degree in Mass Communications. She spent 18 years as a staff writer for The Tampa Tribune. During the decade she worked as the newspaper’s architecture critic, Renee won two awards from the American Institute of Architects.', 'She visited her former home in the Sanford Naval Academy (which closed its doors in 1976.) Memories flooded back and a book was born. “The Anchor Clankers,” won a gold medal in the 2017 Florida Authors and Publishers Association President’s Book Awards Young Adult/Coming of Age category. In 2020, she was asked to join the Board of Directors for Florida Authors & Publishers Association.', 'She was surprised by the questions she received during book signings and book club appearances. Most of them dealt with having an alcoholic parent. That’s why the sequel, “Anchored Together,” is a coming-of-age story in which both main characters must deal with dads who abuse alcohol.', '"I grew up with a mother who spent her life denying and hiding the problem in our family," Renee says. "I wrote this book to let others know that, while they can’t control their parent’s drinking, they CAN talk about it. I should have.', 'Eleven million kids in our country are growing up with at least one alcoholic parent. Alcoholism is a family disease. Those of us who have lived with this disease as children sometimes have problems that extend into adulthood.', '"We share many traits: Do you constantly seek approval and affirmation? Do you fail to recognize your accomplishments? Do you fear criticism? Do you overextend yourself? Do you have a need for perfection? Are you uneasy when your life is going smoothly, continually anticipating problems?']}
Imaging for Otolaryngologists
[ "A practical imaging primer designed specifically for ENTs", "Imaging for Otolaryngologists", "distils the essentials of otolaryngologic imaging into a concise reference that concentrates on key topics that are of immediate interest to otolaryngologists practicing in a modern clinical environment.", "Prepared by a renowned otolaryngologist, and reviewed and supplemented by expert radiologists, the book provides a well-rounded perspective. The central focus is on image interpretation, including the disease-specific characteristics, the features necessary for successful diagnosis, and the implications for surgery. Each of the 465 high-quality images is clearly labeled, and where appropriate comparisons are made between CT scans and MR images to show complementary functions and limitations.", "Imaging for Otolaryngologists", "helps readers:", "Evaluate the cross-sectional anatomy in rhinology, otology, and laryngology on plain films, CT scans, and MR images", "Evaluate the cross-sectional anatomy in rhinology, otology, and laryngology on plain films, CT scans, and MR images", "Appreciate the contribution and limitations of plain films, CT, and MRI in the management of otolaryngologic diseases", "Appreciate the contribution and limitations of plain films, CT, and MRI in the management of otolaryngologic diseases", "Select the best imaging modality for chronic, acute, and emergency otolaryngologic conditions", "Select the best imaging modality for chronic, acute, and emergency otolaryngologic conditions", "Understand which radiological appearances to look for in the diagnosis of common and less common otolaryngologic diseases", "Understand which radiological appearances to look for in the diagnosis of common and less common otolaryngologic diseases" ]
[ "Review", "\"[It] is a great value and easy purchase for any resident or practing ENT specialists who will no doubt have occasion to reference it again and again.\"", "--Medical Science Books May 2011", "“It is a helpful guide that is easy to read.”", "Doody’s June 2011", "From the Back Cover", "\"[It] is a great value and easy purchase for any resident or practing ENT specialists who will no doubt have occasion to reference it again and again. \"--Medical Science Books May 2011", "\"Imaging for Otolaryngologists\" distils the essentials of otolaryngologic imaging into a concise reference that concentrates on key topics that are of immediate interest to otolaryngologists practicing in a modern clinical environment.", "Prepared by a renowned otolaryngologist, and reviewed and supplemented by expert radiologists, the book provides a well-rounded perspective. The central focus is on image interpretation, including the disease-specific characteristics, the features necessary for successful diagnosis, and the implications for surgery. Each of the 465 high-quality images is clearly labeled, and where appropriate comparisons are made between CT scans and MR images to show complementary functions and limitations.", "\"Imaging for Otolaryngologists\" helps readers: Evaluate the cross-sectional anatomy in rhinology, otology, and laryngology on plain films, CT scans, and MR images Appreciate the contribution and limitations of plain films, CT, and MRI in the management of otolaryngologic diseases Select the best imaging modality for chronic, acute, and emergency otolaryngologic conditions Understand which radiological appearances to look for in the diagnosis of common and less common otolaryngologic diseases", "About the Author", "ENT Surgeon, Otology and Skull Base Surgery, Zaans Medical Center, Zaandam, The Netherlands", "Read more" ]
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Erwin A. Dunnebier (Author)
[ "Books", "New, Used & Rental Textbooks", "Medicine & Health Sciences" ]
{"Publisher": "Thieme; Illustrated edition (January 12, 2011)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "356 pages", "ISBN 10": "9783131463319", "ISBN 13": "978-3131463319", "Item Weight": "1 pounds", "Dimensions": "5.16 x 0.64 x 7.47 inches"}
Illustrated Edition
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Erwin Dunnebier', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Rosie and Mrs. America: Perceptions of Women in the 1930s and 1940s (Images and Issues of Women in the Twentieth Century)
[ "Looks at the roles of American women in the 1930s and 1940s seen in the stereotypes of the strong, patriotic \"Rosie the Riveter\" and the frugal homemaker \"Mrs. America\" and illustrates how they were reflected in the magazines, catalogs, and films of the time." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Catherine Gourley (Author)
[ "Books", "Teen & Young Adult", "Education & Reference" ]
{"Publisher": "Twenty-First Century Books (September 1, 2007)", "Language": "English", "Library Binding": "144 pages", "ISBN 10": "0822568047", "ISBN 13": "978-0822568049", "Reading age": "13 - 17 years", "Grade level": "8 - 9", "Item Weight": "1.5 pounds", "Dimensions": "8.25 x 0.5 x 10.25 inches"}
Library Binding – September 1, 2007
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Catherine Gourley', 'about': ['Visit Cathy at!!', "I write social histories--stories about ordinary people who find themselves, usually by choice, in extraordinary circumstances. My latest book explores a grim chapter in American history--the Andersonville Civil War Prison Camp. More often, however, I write about women's history through the lens of media and popular culture. When I'm not writing nonfiction books for young adults, I am managing Letters About Literature, a reading and writing promotion program of the Center for the Book in the Library of Congress or watching old movies. I am the principal curriculum writer for The Story of Movies, an educaitonal outreach program of Martin Scorsese's The Film Foundation. I grew up in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, but I have lived along the Gulf Coast of Texas, Chicago, a tiny town in Western Pennsylvania on the edge of Elk Forest, Connecticut . . . well, in short, I move around a lot. Right now home is Woodbridge, Virginia."]}
Word for Microsoft 365 (Office 365) Advanced Quick Reference Guide - Windows Version (Cheat Sheet of Instructions, Tips & Shortcuts - Laminated Card)
[ "Laminated quick reference card showing step-by-step instructions and shortcuts for how to use styles and other features useful for long documents in Microsoft Office Word for Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365). Written with Beezix's trademark focus on clarity, accuracy, and the user's perspective, this guide will be a valuable resource to improve your proficiency in using Word for Microsoft 365. This guide is suitable as a training handout, or simply an easy to use reference guide, for any type of user. <BR><BR><B> The following topics are covered: <BR><BR></B> Using Styles: Character, Paragraph, Linked Styles; Applying Character and Paragraph Styles; Creating a Style; Displaying the Styles Pane; Changing Styles; Deleting a Style; Selecting All Text with Same Style; Adding Styles to the Default Style List; Showing Formatting as Styles to \"Clean Up\" a Document; Importing Styles; Using Numbered Lists with Styles; Applying Table Styles.<BR> <BR>Jumping to a Specific Element (Page, Section, Comment, etc.)<BR>Creating Multilevel Numbered Lists<BR>Expand/Collapse In Print Layout View<BR>Viewing & Structuring your Document Using the Navigation Pane<BR>Outlining<BR>Restricting Formatting<BR>Finding and Replacing Formats<BR>Finding and Replacing Special Characters (Tabs, Spaces, etc.)<BR>Options when Pasting<BR>Inserting Entire Documents<BR>Creating a Table of Contents; Updating a Table of Contents.<BR>Creating an Index; Generating an Index; Updating an Index. <BR>Creating a Bookmark; Going to/Selecting Bookmarked Text; Using Bookmarks to Refer to Pages.<BR><BR>Section Breaks: Inserting a Section Break; Changing Page Numbering Mid-Document; Changing Headers and Footers; Changing Page Setup in a Section; Showing Codes.<BR>Inserting a Footnote/Endnote.<BR><BR>This guide is one of multiple titles available for Word for Microsoft 365 Windows Version, other Word titles are: Word for Microsoft 365 Introduction (ISBN 1944684794)and Word for Microsoft 365 Intermediate (ISBN 1944684824)." ]
[ "About the Author", "Beezix has been publishing quick reference computer guides for trainers, training companies, corporations, and individuals across the US and Canada for the past 20 years. Founded by trainers, extensive industry experience made us aware of the need for a line of high-quality guides that were clear, accurate and concise. Our cards are designed for casual computer users right through to trainers and help desk staff." ]
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Beezix Inc (Author), Beezix Inc;Beezix Inc (Illustrator)
[ "Books", "Reference" ]
{"Publisher": "Beezix Inc (June 14, 2020)", "Language": "English", "Pamphlet": "2 pages", "ISBN 10": "1944684832", "ISBN 13": "978-1944684839", "Item Weight": "0.986 ounces"}
Pamphlet – June 14, 2020
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Beezix Inc', 'about': ["Beezix Inc. - Publishers of quick reference computer guides for trainers, training companies, corporations, and individuals across the US and Canada for all the most popular applications for the Windows, Mac, and mobile platforms. Through working with top trainers and product specialists, we've distilled years' worth of experience into these sleek, durable cheat sheets. Our cards have all the shortcuts, quick tips, and step-by-step instructions for Microsoft® Office and Mac Office products such as Outlook, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote as well as Windows, Mac OS, iOS and many others at your fingertips. Our cards are designed for casual computer users right through to trainers and help desk staff.", 'Beezix was founded by trainers, and has always had a strong focus on the learner. Extensive industry experience made us aware of the need for a line of high-quality guides that were clear, accurate and concise, leading to the creation of the first Beezix Quick Reference guides in 1994.']}
Worth It: Overcome Your Fears and Embrace the Life You Were Made For
[ "With energy, transparency, and humor, notable speaker Brit Barron shares with readers how to face their fears, overcome judgement, and stand in their own truth with confidence.", "As a RISE Conference speaker and contributor to numerous podcasts, Brit Barron has an amazing story to tell. Growing up in an evangelical megachurch in the '90s, trying to fit neatly inside the boundaries of her faith, and wrestling with her true self, caused Barron to feel boxed in by her fears and unable to realize her full potential. All that changed when she met a girl named Sami, fell in love, and chose to break free from the judgement of others in favor of a full and vibrant life.", "In", "Worth It,", "Brit tells her story to inspire readers, encouraging us all to consider other perspectives surrounding race, religion, and sexuality, including fears that keep us from evolving toward acceptance. In a relatable, encouraging tone that celebrates differences and community, Brit's freedom and healing found on the journey remind us we are capable of living authentic lives and getting beyond the narratives that have been handed to us by others. We can't avoid or outrun our fears, but if we face them, we'll find out that it was so", "worth it", "!" ]
[ "Review", "\"Brit Barron's raw stories and genuine love for helping others to step into their true selves collide in a beautiful and inspiring book. Consider this your gentle wakeup call to learn how to show up for yourself and the ones you love with more acceptance, courage, and vulnerability.\" --Amy Porterfield, entrepreneur and host of the podcast Online Marketing Made Easy", "\"If you're looking for a book to help you face your fears and find confidence in yourself,", "Worth It", "is the book you have to read. Brit Barron has a unique way of blending information, relatability, and inspiration, which makes this book an amazing, life-changing tool.\" --Trent Shelton, motivational Speaker and Best Selling Author", "\"", "Worth It", "is Brit Barron's personal story of coming out and breaking free from the confines of fear, but it has universal resonance for every person who has struggled with living life authentically.\" --Kristen Howerton, author of", "Rage Against the Minivan", "\"With humor and honesty, Brit Barron shows us not only how to choose better, but how to choose ourselves and not feel guilty. She'll show you how you are absolutely worth it.\" --Kevin Garcia, author of", "Bad Theology Kills: Undoing Toxic Belief and Reclaiming Your Spiritual Authority", ", digital pastor & intuitive life coach", "\"", "Worth It", "is a voice of hope that invites us to begin a new journey toward our dreams without fear. It will heal your soul.\" --Luz Maria Doria, author of", "La Mujer de mis Sueños", "and", "Tu Momento Estelar", "\"Hilarious and profound, this book teaches self-acceptance through laugh-out-loud personal stories and observations. I can't get enough of Brit Barron!\" --Laura Belgray, writer; founder of Talking Shrimp", "\"The love and light that radiates from Brit Barron rings out in each word of her beautifully written journey. Her story is brave, real, touching, and encouraging. More people like Brit are needed in this world, please!\" --Mally Roncal, founder of Mally Beauty and author of", "Love, Lashes, and Lipstick: My Secrets for a Gorgeous, Happy Life", "\"With her whimsical way of speaking and existing, Brit Barron will pull the sunshine out of those scary, 'Is this worth it?' moments of your life and show you that yes, not only is", "it", "worth the risk, but more importantly,", "you", "are worth the risk. Grab your wine, get your tissues, and buckle up because this book will take your heart and mind for a wild ride, but peace and confidence will find you at the end of it.\" --Arielle Estoria, poet, author, and speaker", "About the Author", "Brit Barron", "is a sought-after speaker about the intersections of spirituality, race, gender, and sexuality. Along with her wife, Sami, she co-founded", "Other Dreamers", ", a creative agency designed to help others tell their stories authentically. She co-pastors New Abbey, a church in Pasadena, California, that seeks to challenge and redefine what \"church\" looks like today.", "Rachel Hollis is a #1", "New York Times", "and #1", "USA Today", "Bestselling Author, a top business podcaster and one of the most sought-after motivational speakers in the world. As a bestselling author and wildly successful lifestyle influencer she has built a global social media fanbase in the millions. Known for her unique, motivational, high-energy style, Rachel uses her platform to empower and embolden a female audience. She's a proud working mama of four and big fan of the small Texas hill country town that the Hollis family calls home." ]
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Brit Barron (Author), Rachel Hollis (Foreword)
[ "Books", "Christian Books & Bibles", "Christian Living" ]
{"Publisher": "Broadleaf Books (July 21, 2020)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "200 pages", "ISBN 10": "1506463274", "ISBN 13": "978-1506463278", "Item Weight": "13.3 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.4 x 0.7 x 8.6 inches"}
Hardcover – July 21, 2020
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Brit Barron', 'about': ['Brit spent the first part of her life in the evangelical church and eventually became a pastor at a mega church at the ripe age of 26. After peaking too soon, she started to understand more about herself, her dreams and her sexuality. She met a woman named Sami that changed, saved and transformed her whole life. Meeting Sami, leaving the church, coming out and getting married have given Brit a deep seated passion for reminding people that choosing freedom is always worth it no matter the cost.', 'Brit and Sami live in southern California with their dog Charles Barkley and their house full of plants that they treat like children. Brit is equally passionate about having honest and at times difficult conversations and also finding joy every single day and making time to have as much fun as possible.']}
On the Surface of Things
[ "How many electrons can dance on the head of a pin? What do DNA strands look like when chased by an electrical charge? Using innovative photographic technology, MIT artist-in-residence Felice Frankel finds startling abstract beauty in the undulations of liquid crystal film, the gymnastics of plastic microstructures, the migratory trudge of bacteria, and other scientific wonders.What do these experiments teach us, and how might such scientific innovations affect our world? A fascinating text by world-renowned Harvard chemistry professor George M. Whitesides explains each photograph, describing why and how each of these phenomena occur." ]
[ "Review", " of the year's more intriguing concepts for an art book (or is it a science book?) It's a rare yin and yang concoction that satisfies both sides of the brain. --", "Wired, Reena Jana", "About the Author", "George M. Whitesides taught for nineteen years at MIT, and is now the Mallinckrodt Professor of Chemistry at Harvard University." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Felice Frankel (Author)
[ "Books", "Arts & Photography", "Photography & Video" ]
{"Publisher": "Chronicle Books; 1st edition (September 1, 1997)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "160 pages", "ISBN 10": "0811813940", "ISBN 13": "978-0811813945", "Reading age": "13 years and up", "Grade level": "8 and up", "Item Weight": "1.95 pounds", "Dimensions": "9.7 x 0.7 x 10.1 inches"}
Paperback – September 1, 1997
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Felice Frankel', 'about': ["Science photographer Felice Frankel is a research scientist in the Department of Chemical Engineering at MIT with additional support from the Mechanical Engineering. She is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and has received awards and grants from the National Science Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Guggenheim Foundation, the Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts, among others. Felice was a Loeb Fellow at Harvard University's Graduate School of Design and was awarded the Distinguished Alumna Award at Brooklyn College, CUNY and the Lennart Nilsson Award for Scientific Photography.", 'For more information:']}
The Little Engine That Could (Little Golden Book)
[ "Make family reading a regular and cherished activity with", "The Little Engine That Could", "and READ TOGETHER, BE TOGETHER, a nationwide movement developed by Penguin Random House in partnership with", "Parents", "magazine.", "The kindness and determination of the Little Blue Engine have inspired millions of children around the world since the story was first published in 1930. Cherished by readers for ninety years,", "The Little Engine That Could", "is a classic tale of a little engine that, despite her size, triumphantly pulls a train full of wonderful things to the children waiting on the other side of a mountain. Now parents and educators can introduce the importance of determination and kindness to younger readers with this classic picture book!", "Don't miss READ TOGETHER, BE TOGETHER throughout July and be sure to celebrate the importance, and power, of the shared reading experience between an adult and a child.", "Picture books in the READ TOGETHER, BE TOGETHER program are available at a low price for a limited time so that families everywhere can make the most of storytime. Other titles include:", "Horton Hears a Who (Dr. Seuss)", "Horton Hears a Who", "(Dr. Seuss)", "Llama Llama Misses Mama (Anna Dewdney)", "Llama Llama Misses Mama", "(Anna Dewdney)", "Richard Scarry's Cars and Trucks and Things That Go (Richard Scarry)", "Richard Scarry's Cars and Trucks and Things That Go", "(Richard Scarry)", "The Little Engine That Could (Watty Piper)", "The Little Engine That Could", "(Watty Piper)", "The Very Busy Spider (Eric Carle)", "The Very Busy Spider", "(Eric Carle)" ]
[ "About the Author", "Watty Piper was a pen name of Arnold Munk, an owner of the publishing firm Platt & Munk. Arnold Munk was born in Hungary and, as a child, moved with his family to Chicago. He later moved to New York, where he died in 1957. Arnold Munk used the name Watty Piper as both an author of children's books and as the editor of many of the books that Platt & Munk published." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Watty Piper (Author), George Hauman (Illustrator), Doris Hauman (Illustrator)
[ "Books", "Children's Books", "Cars, Trains & Things That Go" ]
{"Publisher": "Golden Books; Reprint edition (May 11, 2021)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "24 pages", "ISBN 10": "0593426436", "ISBN 13": "978-0593426432", "Reading age": "Baby - 4 years, from customers", "Lexile measure": "AD480L", "Grade level": "Preschool - Kindergarten", "Item Weight": "4 ounces", "Dimensions": "6.56 x 0.18 x 8 inches"}
Hardcover – Picture Book, May 11, 2021
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Watty Piper', 'about': ["Watty Piper was a pen name of Arnold Munk, who was the owner of the publishing firm Platt & Munk. Arnold Munk was born in Hungary, and as a child, moved with his family to the United States, settling in Chicago. Later he moved to New York. Platt & Munk's offices were at 200 Fifth Avenue until 1957 when Arnold Munk died. Arnold Munk used the name Watty Piper as both an author of children's books and as the editor of many of the books that Platt & Munk published.", 'Bio from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.']}
Cost Accounting (15th Edition)
[ "Note:", "You are purchasing a standalone product; MyAccountingLab does not come packaged with this content. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyAccountingLab search for ISBN-10: 0133803813/ISBN-13: 9780133803815", "ALERT:", "Before you purchase, check with your instructor or review your course syllabus to ensure that you", "select the correct ISBN", ". Several versions of Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products exist for each title, including customized versions for individual schools, and registrations are not transferable. In addition,", "you may need a CourseID", ", provided by your instructor, to register for and use Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products.", "Packages", "Access codes for Pearson's MyLab & Mastering products may not be included when purchasing or renting from companies other than Pearson; check with the seller before completing your purchase.", "Used or rental books", "If you rent or purchase a used book with an access code, the access code may have been redeemed previously and you may have to purchase a new access code.", "Access codes", "Access codes that are purchased from sellers other than Pearson carry a higher risk of being either the wrong ISBN or a previously redeemed code. Check with the seller prior to purchase.", "For undergraduate and MBA Cost or Management Accounting courses", "The text that defined the cost accounting market.", "Horngren’s", "Cost Accounting,", "defined the cost accounting market and continues to innovate today by consistently integrating the most current practice and theory into the text. This acclaimed, market-leading text emphasizes the basic theme of “different costs for different purposes,” and reaches beyond cost accounting procedures to consider concepts, analyses, and management. This edition incorporates the latest research and most up-to-date thinking into all relevant chapters and more MyAccountingLab coverage! MyAccountingLab is web-based tutorial and assessment software for accounting that not only gives you more \"I Get It\" moments, but gives instructors the flexibility to make technology an integral part of their course, or a supplementary resource for students.", "Teaching and Learning Experience", "This program presents a better teaching and learning experience.", "Cost Accounting", ", Fifteenth Edition", "will:", "Personalize learning with MyAccountingLab: MyAccountingLab provides instructors with a rich and flexible set of course materials, along with course-management tools that make it easy to deliver all or a portion of your course online.", "Personalize learning with MyAccountingLab:", "MyAccountingLab provides instructors with a rich and flexible set of course materials, along with course-management tools that make it easy to deliver all or a portion of your course online.", "Get the most current information to prepare you for your field: Up-date material gives you a better understanding of the current issues effecting the business environment.", "Get the most current information to prepare you for your field:", "Up-date material gives you a better understanding of the current issues effecting the business environment.", "Receive a solid presentation of accounting hallmarks with a great emphasis on strategy: Learn  key concepts with a focus on strategy that integrates modern topics with traditional coverage and teaches you how to handle the rapid pace of change in today’s organizations.", "Receive a solid presentation of accounting hallmarks with a great emphasis on strategy:", "Learn  key concepts with a focus on strategy that integrates modern topics with traditional coverage and teaches you how to handle the rapid pace of change in today’s organizations.", "Benefit from material that has been designed to suit your needs: This text’s modular, flexible organization can be used to suit a number of different approaches to teaching and learning", "Benefit from material that has been designed to suit your needs:", "This text’s modular, flexible organization can be used to suit a number of different approaches to teaching and learning" ]
[ "About the Author", "Charles T. Horngren", "was the Edmund W. Littlefield Professor of Accounting, Emeritus,at Stanford University. A Graduate of Marquette University, he received his MBA fromHarvard University and his PhD from the University of Chicago. He was also the recipientof honorary doctorates from Marquette University and DePaul University. A certified public accountant, Horngren served on the Accounting Principles Board forsix years, the Financial Accounting Standards Board Advisory Council for five years, andthe Council of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants for three years. Forsix years, he served as a trustee of the Financial Accounting Foundation, which overseesthe Financial Accounting Standards Board and the Government Accounting StandardsBoard. Horngren was a member of the Accounting Hall of Fame. A member of the American Accounting Association, Horngren had been its presidentand its director of research. He received its first Outstanding Accounting Educator Award.The California Certified Public Accountants Foundation gave Horngren its FacultyExcellence Award and its Distinguished Professor Award. He was the first person to havereceived both awards. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants presented its first OutstandingEducator Award to Horngren. Horngren was named Accountant of the Year, Education,by the national professional accounting fraternity, Beta Alpha Psi. Professor Horngrenwas also a member of the Institute of Management Accountants, from whom he receivedits Distinguished Service Award. He was also a member of the Institutes’ Board of Regents,which administers the Certified Management Accountant examinations. Horngren is the author of other accounting books published by Pearson Education:Introduction to Management Accounting, 15th ed. (2011, with Sundem, and Stratton);Introduction to Financial Accounting, 10th ed. (2011, with Sundem and Elliott); Accounting,8th ed. (2010, with Harrison and Bamber); and Financial Accounting, 8th ed. (2010, withHarrison). Horngren was the Consulting Editor for the Charles T. Horngren Series in Accounting.", "Srikant M. Datar", "is the Arthur Lowes Dickinson Professor at the Harvard Business School.He served as Senior Associate Dean from 2000 to 2010. A graduate with distinction fromthe University of Bombay, he received gold medals upon graduation from the IndianInstitute of Management, Ahmedabad, and the Institute of Cost and Works Accountantsof India. A chartered accountant, he holds two master’s degrees and a PhD from StanfordUniversity. Datar has published his research in leading accounting, marketing, and operationsmanagement journals, including The Accounting Review, Contemporary AccountingResearch, Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, Journal of Accounting andEconomics, Journal of Accounting Research, and Management Science. He has servedas an associate editor and on the editorial board of several journals and has presentedhis research to corporate executives and academic audiences in North America, SouthAmerica, Asia, Africa, Australia, and Europe. He is a coauthor of three other books:Managerial Accounting: Making Decisions and Motivating Performance, Rethinkingthe MBA: Business Education at a Crossroads, and Rethinking Graduate ManagementEducation in Latin America. Cited by his students as a dedicated and innovative teacher, Datar received the GeorgeLeland Bach Award for Excellence in the Classroom at Carnegie Mellon University andthe Distinguished Teaching Award at Stanford University. Datar is a member of the board of directors of Novartis A.G., ICF International,T-Mobile US, and Stryker Corporation and has worked with many organizations, including Apple Computer, Boeing, DuPont, Ford, General Motors, Morgan Stanley, PepsiCo, Visa, and the World Bank. He is a member of the American Accounting Association andthe Institute of Management Accountants.", "Madhav V. Rajan", "is the Robert K. Jaedicke Professor of Accounting and Senior AssociateDean for Academic Affairs at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business. He is alsoProfessor of Law (by courtesy) at Stanford Law School. Rajan oversees the MBA and MSxprograms as well as the Marketing and Organizational Behavior faculty areas at the GSB.Rajan received his undergraduate degree in commerce from the University of Madras,India, and his MS in accounting, MBA, and PhD degrees from Carnegie Mellon University.In 1990, his dissertation won the Alexander Henderson Award for Excellence in EconomicTheory. Rajan’s primary area of research interest is the economics-based analysis of managementaccounting issues, especially as they relate to internal control, capital budgeting,quality management, supply chain and performance systems in firms. He has publishedhis research in a variety of leading journals, including The Accounting Review, Journal ofAccounting Research, Management Science, and Review of Financial Studies. In 2004, hereceived the Notable Contribution to Management Accounting Literature award. He is acoauthor of Managerial Accounting: Making Decisions and Motivating Performance.Rajan has served as the Departmental Editor for Accounting at Management Scienceas well as associate editor for both the accounting and operations areas. From 2002 to2008, Rajan served as an editor of The Accounting Review. Rajan has twice been a plenaryspeaker at the AAA Management Accounting Conference. Rajan has received several teaching honors at Wharton and Stanford, including theDavid W. Hauck Award, the highest undergraduate teaching award at Wharton. He hastaught in a variety of executive education programs, including the Stanford ExecutiveProgram and the National Football League Program for Managers, as well as customprograms for firms, including Genentech, Hewlett-Packard, and nVidia.Rajan is a director of Cavium, Inc., and iShares, Inc., and a trustee of the iShares Trust." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
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Charles T. Horngren (Author), Srikant M. Datar (Author), Madhav V. Rajan (Author)
[ "Books", "Business & Money", "Accounting" ]
{"Publisher": "Pearson; 15th edition (February 14, 2014)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "938 pages", "ISBN 10": "0133428702", "ISBN 13": "978-0133428704", "Item Weight": "4.19 pounds", "Dimensions": "1.25 x 9 x 11.25 inches"}
15th Edition
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Charles T. Horngren', 'about': ['Charles Thomas Horngren (October 28, 1926 – October 23, 2011) was an American accounting scholar and professor of accounting at Stanford University, known for his work in "pioneering modern-day management accounting."', 'Bio from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.']}
Revenge of the Whale: The True Story of the Whaleship Essex
[ "Adapted from", "In the Heart of the Sea", ", s", "oon to be a major motion picture starring Chris Hemsworth, Cillian Murphy, Ben Wishaw, and Brendan Gleeson, and directed by Ron Howard.", "On November 20, 1820, the whaleship", "Essex", "was rammed and sunk by an angry whale.  Within minutes, the twenty-one-man crew, including the fourteen-year-old cabin boy Thomas Nickerson, found themselves stranded in three leaky boats in the middle of the Pacific Ocean with barely any supplies and little hope.  Three months later, two of the boats were rescued 4,500 miles away, off the coast of South America.  Of the twenty-one castaways, only eight survived, including young Thomas.  Based on his", "New York Times", "best-seller", "In the Heart of the Sea", ", Nathaniel Philbrick recreates the amazing events of the ill-fated", "Essex", "through the sailors own first-hand accounts, photos, maps, and artwork, and tells the tale of one of the great true-life adventure stories." ]
[ "Review", "\"With this masterful adaptation, Philbrick's work fills a void.  A compelling saga of desperation and survival.\" -", "School Library Journal", "About the Author", "Nathaniel Philbrick grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and earned a BA in English from Brown University and an MA in America Literature from Duke University, where he was a James B. Duke Fellow. He was Brown University’s first Intercollegiate All-American sailor in 1978, the same year he won the Sunfish North Americans in Barrington, RI. After working as an editor at", "Sailing World", "magazine, he wrote and edited several books about sailing, including", "The Passionate Sailor, Second Wind", ", and", "Yaahting: A Parody", ".     In 1986, Philbrick moved to Nantucket with his wife Melissa and their two children. In 1994, he published his first book about the island’s history,", "Away Off Shore", ", followed by a study of the Nantucket’s native legacy,", "Abram’s Eyes", ". He was the founding director of Nantucket’s Egan Maritime Institute and is still a research fellow at the Nantucket Historical Association.  In 2000, Philbrick published the", "New York Times", "bestseller", "In the Heart of the Sea,", "which won the National Book Award for nonfiction. The book is the basis of the forthcoming Warner Bros. motion picture “Heart of the Sea,” directed by Ron Howard and starring Chris Hemsworth, Cillian Murphy, Brendan Gleeson, Benjamin Walker, Ben Wishaw, and Tom Holland, which is scheduled for release in March, 2015. The book also inspired a 2001 Dateline special on NBC as well as the 2010 two-hour PBS American Experience film “Into the Deep” by Ric Burns.   His next book was", "Sea of Glory", ", published in 2003, which won the Theodore and Franklin D. Roosevelt Naval History Prize and the Albion-Monroe Award from the National Maritime Historical Society. The New York Times Bestseller", "Mayflower", "was a finalist for both the 2007 Pulitzer Prize in History and the", "Los Angeles Times", "Book Award, won the Massachusetts Book Award for nonfiction, and was named one the ten Best Books of 2006 by the", "New York Times Book Review", ".", "Mayflower", "is currently in development as a limited series on FX.   In 2010, he published the", "New York Times", "bestseller", "The Last Stand", ", which was named a", "New York Times", "Notable book, a 2010 Montana Book Award Honor Book, and a 2011 ALA Notable Book. Philbrick was an on-camera consultant to the two-hour PBS American Experience film “Custer’s Last Stand” by Stephen Ives. The book is currently being adapted for a ten-hour, multi-part television series. The audio book for Philbrick’s", "Why Read Moby-Dick?", "(2011) made the ALA's Listen List in 2012 and was a finalist for the New England Society Book Award.   Philbrick’s latest", "New York Times", "bestseller,", "Bunker Hill:  A City, a Siege, a Revolution", ", was published in 2013 and was awarded both the 2013 New England Book Award for Non-Fiction and the 2014 New England Society Book Award.", "Bunker Hill", "won the 2014 book award from the Society of Colonial Wars, and has been optioned by Warner Bros. for feature film adaptation with Ben Affleck attached to direct.   Philbrick has also received the Byrne Waterman Award from the Kendall Whaling Museum, the Samuel Eliot Morison Award for distinguished service from the USS Constitution Museum, the Nathaniel Bowditch Award from the American Merchant Marine Museum, the William Bradford Award from the Pilgrim Society, and the Boston History Award from the Bostonian Society. He was named the 2011 Cushing Orator by the American Association of Neurological Surgeons and has an honorary doctorate from the Massachusetts Maritime Academy, where he delivered the commencement address in 2009.   Philbrick’s writing has appeared in", "Vanity Fair", ", the", "New York Times Book Review", ", the", "Wall Street Journal", ", the", "Los Angeles Times", ", and the", "Boston Globe", ". He has appeared on the Today Show, the Morning Show, Dateline, PBS’s American Experience, C-SPAN, and NPR. He and his wife still live on Nantucket." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Nathaniel Philbrick (Author)
[ "Books", "Children's Books", "History" ]
{"Publisher": "Puffin Books; Reprint edition (March 30, 2004)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "192 pages", "ISBN 10": "0142400688", "ISBN 13": "978-0142400685", "Reading age": "8 - 12 years", "Grade level": "3 - 7", "Item Weight": "12.6 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.63 x 0.5 x 7.75 inches"}
Paperback – March 30, 2004
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Nathaniel Philbrick', 'about': ['Nathaniel Philbrick', 'Life at a Glance', 'Born', '1956 in Boston, Mass.', 'Educated', 'Linden Elementary School and Taylor Allderdice High School in Pittsburgh, Pa.; BA in English from Brown University in Providence, RI, and an MA in America Literature from Duke University in Durham, NC', 'Sailing', "Philbrick was Brown's first Intercollegiate All-American sailor in 1978; that year he won the Sunfish North Americans in Barrington, RI; today he and his wife Melissa sail their Beetle Cat Clio and their Tiffany Jane 34 Marie-J in the waters surrounding Nantucket Island.", 'Married', 'Melissa Douthart Philbrick, who is an attorney on Nantucket. They have two children: Jennie, 23, and Ethan 20.', 'Career', 'After grad school, Philbrick worked for four years at Sailing World magazine; was a freelancer for a number of years, during which time he wrote/edited several sailing books, including Yaahting: A Parody (1984), for which he was the editor-in-chief; during this time he was also the primary caregiver for his two children. After moving to Nantucket in 1986, he became interested in the history of the island and wrote Away Off Shore: Nantucket Island and Its People. He was offered the opportunity to start the Egan Maritime Foundation in 1995, and in 2000 he published In the Heart of the Sea, followed by Sea of Glory, in 2003, and Mayflower, due in May 2006.', 'Awards and Honors', 'In the Heart of the Sea won the National Book Award for nonfiction; Revenge of the Whale won a Boston Globe-Horn Book Award; Sea of Glory won the Theodore and Franklin D. Roosevelt Naval History Prize and the Albion-Monroe Award from the National Maritime Historical Society. Philbrick has also received the Byrne Waterman Award from the Kendall Whaling Museum, the Samuel Eliot Morison Award for distinguished service from the USS Constitution Museum, the Nathaniel Bowditch Award from the American Merchant Marine Museum, and the William Bradford Award from the Pilgrim Society.']}
Nomads of Niger
[ "A photographic celebration of the nomadic Wodaabe of Niger features thirty line drawings, 144 full-color photographs, and a narrative that follows a herdsman and his family and kinsmen through one year's journey in parched, sub-Saharan Africa." ]
[ " Review", "If one picture is worth a thousand words, then the combination of text and images in", "Nomads of Niger", "adds up to the equivalent of a whole encyclopedia. The cover photograph alone tells you this will be a special journey; before you even reach the title page you've already been treated to several stunning portraits of a nomadic people known as the Wodaabe, \"who number among the last nomads of Africa, indeed among the last nomads on earth.\" The landscape the Wodaabe inhabit is a harsh one: \"In central Niger, between the great Sahara Desert and the grasslands, lies an immense steppe, scattered with scrawny bushes and skeletal trees. For nine months of the year hardly a drop of rain falls. The days are torrid, the nights sometimes freezing cold. And the harmattan, the hot wind out of the desert, blows up relentlessly, filling the air with a sandy haze.\" Across this no-man's land the Wodaabe herd their cattle, migrating north in the rainy season and south again in the dry months and leaving no trace of their travels as they go.", "Photographer Carol Beckwith spent 18 months traveling with one particular band of Wodaabe, and her photographs concentrate on the family of a herdsman named Mokao and his family.", "Nomads of Niger", "is more than just a coffee-table book; it is also an informative and highly entertaining account of the lives, customs, rituals, and taboos of the Wodaabe reminiscent of the best of", "National Geographic", "magazine.", "From Library Journal", "Belgian anthropologist Van Offelen banded with American photographer Beckwith to produce this stunning 1983 volume on the Wodaabe, the pastoral nomads of the West African Fulani people. Along with the 144 photographs are numerous line drawings and a healthy portion of Van Offelen's observations. This remains \"recommended for area collections and for libraries where there is interest in the decorative arts of traditional societies\" ( LJ 12/15/83).Copyright 1994 Reed Business Information, Inc." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Marion Van Offelen (Author), Carol Beckwith (Photographer)
[ "Books", "Politics & Social Sciences", "Anthropology" ]
{"Publisher": "Harry N. Abrams (September 5, 1993)", "Language": "English", "ISBN 10": "0810981254", "ISBN 13": "978-0810981256", "Reading age": "13 years and up", "Grade level": "8 and up", "Item Weight": "4.35 pounds", "Dimensions": "10.25 x 1 x 13.25 inches"}
Hardcover – September 5, 1993
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Carol Beckwith', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Finding April
[ "Imagine life in a small Alabama town as a little redheaded girl growing up in a family of six where physical and mental abuse from your father is considered normal for you, your younger siblings, and your mother. You try to live up to your father's ever-changing standards to reduce the amount of abuse you receive, but despite your efforts you were deemed a disappointment from birth. This is the story of April McKnight.", "April is determined to become something more than the limits that her father had set for her future. She is intent on going to college and having a career for herself. All the while April desires happiness in her life that she can't seem to find. Remembering the Christian teaching from her youth, April prays for God to send someone to love her, but when it doesn't happen the way April thinks it should, she becomes filled with bitterness.", "In the mist of her misery, April discovers the handsome Lucian Yeung. Their overwhelming attraction blossoms into a sinful passion, but is this God's plan for April? Will April find redemption, happiness, and love? Or will she spend the rest of her years finding April?" ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Martha Young (Author)
[ "Books", "Christian Books & Bibles", "Literature & Fiction" ]
{"Publisher": "Covenant Books (February 18, 2021)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "164 pages", "ISBN 10": "1636306721", "ISBN 13": "978-1636306728", "Item Weight": "14.6 ounces", "Dimensions": "6 x 0.5 x 9 inches"}
Hardcover – February 18, 2021
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Martha Young', 'about': ['Martha Young was born and raised in Red Bay, Alabama. Martha is an alumna of Mississippi State University in Starkville, Mississippi where she earned her bachelor degrees in Industrial Technology and Trade Technical. Martha is an alumna of Bevill State Community College in Hamilton, Alabama where she earned her associate degree in Drafting and Design Technology. She is currently working with a world leading industrial bearing manufacturing company and was recently promoted to the continuous improvement engineering position for the Hamilton Alabama facility.', 'Martha resides in a quiet little subdivision in Hamilton, Alabama with her husband (a.k.a. her soul mate and her best friend), their two awesome sons, a Basset Hound, a Siberian Husky, and five pet chickens. Martha and her family are the care givers of her mother, who resides in the lower level of their split level home.', 'Martha’s boys keep her entertained. Her oldest son enjoys frightening Martha as he drives her around in his dune buggy and poking fun at her when she loses to him at some video game. Her youngest son creates clay models of monsters for her (that includes a monstrous story to go along with them). They play ‘Duck, Duck, Don’t Get Eaten by the Shark’ a game he created where he being the shark gets to chase Martha, the duck around in the swimming pool.', 'Martha’s hobbies are quilt making, vegetable gardening, canning vegetables, and cooking. She likes to sit on her front porch in the rocking chair watching the humming birds and listening to her mother talk about the latest family gossip. Martha loves telling a good story as much as she loves reading a good book.']}
Brave NUI World: Designing Natural User Interfaces for Touch and Gesture
[ "Brave NUI World", "is the first practical guide for designing touch- and gesture-based user interfaces. Written by the team from Microsoft that developed the multi-touch, multi-user Surface® tabletop product, it introduces the reader to natural user interfaces (NUI). It gives readers the necessary tools and information to integrate touch and gesture practices into daily work, presenting scenarios, problem solving, metaphors, and techniques intended to avoid making mistakes.", "This book considers diverse user needs and context, real world successes and failures, and the future of NUI. It presents thirty scenarios, giving practitioners a multitude of considerations for making informed design decisions and helping to ensure that missteps are never made again.", "The book will be of value to game designers as well as practitioners, researchers, and students interested in learning about user experience design, user interface design, interaction design, software design, human computer interaction, human factors, information design, and information architecture." ]
[ "Review", "\"Brave Nui World by Daniel Wigdor and Dennis Wixon is a must read for anyone involved in creating compelling user interfaces using modern technology and who, after testing, say ‘Why didn’t that design work the way it was intended?’ To novices in the field, it will read as a how-to guide. For seasoned designers, it reads like a novel where you suspect the outcome but there is usually a twist in the plot, giving you that extra idea to think again. I genuinely enjoyed it and I am not likely to put it away soon.\"―", "Paul Neervoort, Lead User Experience Design, Philips Design", "\"A good grounding framework that immediately kindles ideas of how best to use NUI.  Based on the developments of the past few decades, it provides solid foundations of NUI and develops these with the use of specific examples.While this isn't a cookbook, it does provide clear thematic guidance on how to make your NUI experience excel.  The book covers basic through to advanced concepts in a very clear way.  Good for reference, but even better if you read it cover to cover - you will grow immeasurably.\"--", "Dylan Evans, Principal Usability Consultant, Veluuria", "\"Interfaces are moving beyond our usual computers and into many facets of our lives. The way we design these interfaces is changing too.", "Brave NUI World", "helps highlight the new considerations you will need when designing for NUIs.\"--", "Daniel Naumann, User Experience Designer", "\"Wigdor and Wixon, both researchers working on the Microsoft Surface project, present this conceptual design guide for creating natural user interfaces (NUI) for next generation computer hardware. Covering technologies such as the Surface and other multi-touch and gestural devices, the authors discuss a variety of interface techniques and problems noting each issue's compliance with NUI guiding principles and recommending ways in which new development could more closely adhere to the NUI standards. The work includes numerous illustrations and tables.\"--", "Reference and Research Book News", "\"From a User Experience design perspective, touch and gestural interfaces are relatively new and there is a lot to be learnt. A good book to get your feet wet is Brave NUI World: Designing Natural User Interfaces for Touch and Gesture by Daniel Wigdor, Dennis Wixon…The style is more text-bookish, but this book promises to be a valuable reference guide for those designing for touch and gestures.\"", "--", "The Great", "Review", "The first practical guide for designing touch based interfaces… at your fingertips", "From the Back Cover", "Touch and gestural devices have been hailed as next evolutionary step in human-computer interaction. As software companies struggle to catch up with one another in terms of developing the next great touch-based interface, designers are charged with the daunting task of keeping up with the advances in new technology and this new aspect to user experience design.", "Product and interaction designers, developers and managers are already well versed in UI design, but touch-based interfaces have added a new level of complexity. They need quick references and real-world examples in order to make informed decisions when designing for these particular interfaces.", "Brave NUI World", "is the first practical book for product and interaction developers and designing touch and gesture interfaces. Written by developers of industry-first, multi-touch, multi-user products, this book gives you the necessary tools and information to integrate touch and gesture practices into your daily work, presenting scenarios, problem solving, metaphors, and techniques intended to avoid making mistakes.", "About the Author", "Daniel Wigdor is an Assistant Professor of computer science at the University of Toronto, and an affiliate assistant professor at the University of Washington. Before joining U of T, he worked at Microsoft in nearly a dozen different roles, among them serving as a researcher at Microsoft Research, as the User Experience Architect of the Microsoft Surface product, and as a cross company expert in the creation of Natural User Interfaces. Before joining Microsoft, he previously conducted research in advanced user interfaces and devices at Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs, and at the Initiative in Innovative Computing at Harvard University. He is also co-founder of Iota Wireless, a company dedicated to the commercialization of NUI technologies for mobile phones. Daniel's work has been described in dozens of publications in leading international conferences, journals, and books. His is the recipient of a Wolfond Fellowship and multiple ACM Best Paper Awards.Dennis Wixon is currently Discipline Lead for Microsoft US BPD. Prior to this role he was the head of research for Microsoft Surface, and has also managed research teams at Microsoft Game Studies, and MSN/Home Products. Before joining Microsoft, Dennis managed the usability team at Digital Equipment Corporation, where a number of important usability methods such as Usability Engineering and Contextual Inquiry were developed. Dennis has been an active member of the user-research community for over 25 years. He co-chaired CHI 2002 served as Vice President for Conferences for ACM SIGCHI. Dennis has co-authored over sixty articles, book chapters and presentations on research methods and theory. He is an adjunct Full Professor in the Human Centered Design and Engineering Department at University of Washington and co-edited with Dr. Judy Ramey the book Field Methods Case Book for Software Design. Dennis holds a Ph.D. in Social Psychology from Clark University.", "Read more" ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Daniel Wigdor (Author), Dennis Wixon (Author)
[ "Books", "Computers & Technology", "Computer Science" ]
{"Publisher": "Morgan Kaufmann; 1st edition (April 27, 2011)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "264 pages", "ISBN 10": "0123822319", "ISBN 13": "978-0123822314", "Item Weight": "1.39 pounds", "Dimensions": "7.5 x 0.61 x 9.25 inches"}
1st Edition
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Daniel Wigdor', 'about': ['Daniel Wigdor is an assistant professor of computer science and co-director of the Dynamic Graphics Project at the University of Toronto. He is also an Associate of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University.', 'Before joining the faculty at U of T in 2011, Daniel was a researcher at Microsoft Research, the user experience architect of the Microsoft Surface, and a company-wide expert in Natural User Interfaces. Simultaneously, he served as an affiliate assistant professor in both the Department of Computer Science & Engineering and the Information School at the University of Washington. Prior to 2008, he was a fellow at the Initiative in Innovative Computing at Harvard University, and conducted research as part of the DiamondSpace project at Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs. He is also the co-founder of Iota Wireless, a startup dedicated to the commercialization of his research in mobile-phone gestural interaction.']}
How to Paint Water in Watercolour
[ "A compilation of in-depth exercises and practical projects created by the artist Joe Dowden, to help seasoned artists master representing water in watercolour. With content selected specially from two of Joe's previous titles, the book features over 350 colour illustrations and inspirational photographs. A fresh new design breathes new life into established tips and techniques." ]
[ "About the Author", "Joe Dowden turned professional in 1982 and has since written many successful books and has been published by David &amp; Charles, Sterling and Search Press. He has sold out at numerous \"one man\" shows and has exhibited his work throughout Britain. He lives in East Sussex, UK." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Joe Dowden (Author)
[ "Books", "Arts & Photography", "Painting" ]
{"Publisher": "Search Press; Illustrated edition (September 19, 2016)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "128 pages", "ISBN 10": "1782214194", "ISBN 13": "978-1782214199", "Item Weight": "1.27 pounds", "Dimensions": "8.56 x 0.38 x 11.5 inches"}
Paperback – September 19, 2016
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Joe Francis Dowden', 'about': ['I am driven by the joy of seeing - of vision. I paint to describe that joy. I want to recreate the beauty we see around us, and put you in that place.', 'However, to help you develop your own watercolour I have put words and pictures together. I see books an an art form, an extension of painting. I want them to be beautiful, so you can enjoy them. I try to make them easy to understand, so you can develop your own watercolour, perhaps beyond what you thought was possible. Paintings convey beauty beyond words, watercolours do it beyond imagination.', 'It is not just about emotion, the techniques I use are in my books. My paintings are loved, bought and kept for many years. Each of my books shows how they are done, how to use the techniques I use - sometimes simple ones. perfected them in the paintings I was creating for my livelihood many years before I started writing.', 'I continue to produce paintings for sale at international exhibitions, for clients, public and private collections, and art galleries. I am always learning and applying something new, and then writing it in my next book.']}
Spanking Shakespeare
[ "SHAKESPEARE SHAPIRO HAS ALWAYS hated his name. His parents bestowed it on him as some kind of sick joke when he was born, and his life has gone downhill from there, one embarrassing incident after another. Entering his senior year of high school, Shakespeare has never had a girlfriend, his younger brother is cooler than he is, and his best friend's favorite topic of conversation is his bowel movements.But Shakespeare will have the last laugh. He is chronicling every mortifying detail in his memoir, the writing project each senior at Shakespeare's high school must complete. And he is doing it brilliantly. And, just maybe, a prize-winning memoir will bring him respect, admiration, and a girlfriend . . . or at least a prom date." ]
[ "Review", "Starred Review,", "Publishers Weekly", ", September 24, 2007):", "\"Bold and bawdy ... exceptionally funny and smart.\"", "About the Author", "Jake Wizner swears this isn't his story, but admits that his life improved significantly after he graduated from high school. These days he lives in New York City with his wife and two daughters and teaches eigth-grade English and history.", "Spanking Shakespeare", "is his first novel.", "Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.", "17 Down What’s In A Name? It’s hard to imagine what my parents were thinking when they decided to name me Shakespeare. They were probably drunk, considering the fact that my father is an alcoholic and my mother gets loopy after one glass of wine. I’ve given up asking them about it because neither of them is able to remember anything anymore, and the stories they come up with always leave me feeling like it might not be so bad to dig a hole in the backyard and hide out there until I leave for college next year. That is, if I get into college.My mom used to tell me that she and my father put the names of history’s greatest writers and artists and musicians into a bowl and decided I would be named for whoever they pulled out. “I was hoping for van Gogh,” she said.“Didn’t he cut his ear off?” I asked.“Yes,” my mother said dreamily, stroking the side of my face. “To give to the woman he loved.”My dad remembers that he and my mom always talked about giving me an “S–H” name to match the “S–H” of our last name, Shapiro. “We thought about Sherlock, Shaquille, and Shaka Zulu before we settled on Shakespeare.”“You really wanted to make my life miserable, didn’t you?” I asked.My father licked the rim of his martini glass. “That was the plan.”The worst was the time my mom came running into my room and told me she finally remembered how she and my dad had come up with my name.“We did crazy things when we were younger,” she said.“Is this going to traumatize me?” I asked.“Sometimes we would dress up in costumes.”“I don’t want to hear this. You’re an insane woman.”“We were doing a scene from Shakespeare on the day you were conceived.”“I’m calling Child Services!” I yelled, running from the room.Her voice shrilled after me. “Your father was Othello!”Take a moment to consider the implications of a name like Shakespeare Shapiro. It’s the first day of middle school. Everybody is trying hard not to look nervous and self-conscious and miserable. I have intense pains in my stomach and begin to wonder if it’s possible to get an ulcer in sixth grade.“Good morning, everyone,” the teacher says. “Please say ‘here’ when I call your name.”Michael and Jennifer and David and Stephanie and all the others hear their names and dutifully identify themselves.“Shakespeare Shapiro,” the teacher calls out.The class bursts into laughter.“Here,” I squeak.She looks up. “What a fabulous name. I’ve never had a student named Shakespeare before.”Everybody is staring at me and whispering. If the teacher doesn’t call the next name soon, the situation will become critical. Already I can see some of the more ape-like boys sizing me up for an afternoon beating.“I bet you’re a wonderful writer, Shakespeare,” she says kindly.I begin to wish for a large brick to fall on her head.She looks back down at her roster.Come on, I think. You can do it.Her head pops back up.“Just read the next name!” I blurt out.And so, less than ten minutes into my middle school career, I’m already in trouble, and all because of my ridiculous name.This is the story of my life, which has been a series of catastrophes, one after another. I’d like to say there have been some happy times, too, but the reality is that with seventeen years down, nothing much has gone right so far. As I begin my senior year of high school, here are the facts I wake up to each morning and go to sleep with each night:1. After six years of elementary school, three years of middle school, and three years of high school, I have only two close friends: Neil Wasserman, whose favorite thing to do is discuss his bowel movements; and Katie Marks, whose favorite thing to do is tell me how pathetic I am.2.I have never had a girlfriend, never kissed a girl, and spend most Saturday nights watching TV with my parents before whacking off to Internet porn in my bedroom.3.My younger brother—two years younger—has a girlfriend, is extremely popular, and will definitely lose his virginity before I do.I should warn you. Some of the material you’re about to read is disturbing. Some of it will make you shake your head in disbelief. Some of it will make you cringe in disgust. Some of it might even make you rush out into the stormy night, rip your shirt from your body, and howl, “WHY, GOD, WHY?”Then again, maybe you’ll just sit back and smile, secure in the knowledge that your name is not Shakespeare Shapiro, and this is not your life.", "Read more" ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Jake Wizner (Author), Richard Ewing (Illustrator)
[ "Books", "Teen & Young Adult", "Literature & Fiction" ]
{"Publisher": "Random House Books for Young Readers; 0 edition (September 25, 2007)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "304 pages", "ISBN 10": "0375840850", "ISBN 13": "978-0375840852", "Reading age": "14 years and up", "Lexile measure": "850L", "Grade level": "9 and up", "Item Weight": "14.4 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.68 x 1.05 x 8.51 inches"}
Hardcover – September 25, 2007
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Jake Wizner', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Erik Williams (Author)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "Genre Fiction" ]
{"Language": "English", "ISBN 10": "0615664865", "ISBN 13": "978-0615664866", "Item Weight": "13.3 ounces", "Dimensions": "6 x 0.47 x 9 inches"}
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Erik Williams', 'about': ["Erik Williams is the author of DEMON, GUARDIAN, and BIGFOOT CRANK STOMP. Besides being a prolific writer of dark fiction, he's also an active freelance writer in the realm of non-fiction. Oh, and he's a former Naval officer and defense contractor (but he's not allowed to talk about it, nor does he really want to)."]}
Green Hornet Case of the Disappearing Doctor Authorized Edition based on the pop
[ "TV tie-in vintage novel" ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Brandon Keith (Author), Larry Pelini (Illustrator)
{"Publisher": "Whitman; First Edition (January 1, 1966)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "212 pages", "Item Weight": "1 pounds", "Dimensions": "5.6 x 0.79 x 7.85 inches"}
Hardcover – January 1, 1966
Zondervan 2019 Church and Nonprofit Tax and Financial Guide: For 2018 Tax Returns
[ "The", "Zondervan 2019 Church and Nonprofit Tax and Financial Guide", "annual reference guide continues to be one of the few resources offering tax and financial advice to churches and nonprofit organizations. Issues of financial accountability, receiving and maintaining tax-exempt status, accounting for charitable gifts, and other crucial topics receive careful and full discussion. The 2019 edition also contains a thorough description of tax laws affecting churches and other nonprofit organizations, ensuring compliance with all regulations. The book includes expert advice on handling charitable gifts, sample policies and procedures, easy techniques for simplifying financial policies and procedures, insights on medical expense reimbursements, key steps in sound compensation planning, and examples of required IRS filings." ]
[ "About the Author", "Dan Busby has a Master’s degree in business from Emporia State University and he has worked as controller of a university medical center, partner-founder of a CPA firm, and chief financial officer for a religious denomination. He currently serves as the president with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA), Winchester, Virginia, and he is coauthor of", "The Christian's Guide to Worry-Free Money Management.", "He has been an author of the Zondervan tax guides for 28 years has authored or coauthored many other books, including", "TRUST", ",", "Lessons From the Nonprofit Boardroom", ", and", "Lessons From the Church Boardroom", ".", "Vonna Laue earned her BS degree in accounting from Black Hills State University and her MBA degree in leadership and human resource management from the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. She spent 20 years with a national public accounting firm specializing in service to Christian ministries in the areas of audit and consulting. In 2010, Vonna was inducted into the Church Management Hall of Fame. She currently serves as an executive vice president at ECFA.", "Michael Martin is an attorney with a Juris Doctor from Regent University School of Law, where he was editor-in-chief of the", "Regent University Law Review", ", and has an undergraduate degree from Oral Roberts University. He is passionate about helping churches and other Christ-centered organizations comply with ECFA standards. He currently serves as vice president and legal counsel for ECFA, Winchester, Virginia.", "John Van Drunen is an attorney and a certified public accountant with a Juris Doctor from Regent University School of Law and accounting degree from Anderson University. He has devoted much of his time to working in tax-exempt tax policy and other nonprofit related matters. He currently serves as executive vice president and general counsel for ECFA, Winchester, Virginia." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Dan Bus (Author), Vonna Laue (Author), Michael Martin (Author), John Van Drunen (Author)
[ "Books", "Christian Books & Bibles", "Churches & Church Leadership" ]
{"Publisher": "Zondervan (January 22, 2019)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "224 pages", "ISBN 10": "0310588766", "ISBN 13": "978-0310588764", "Item Weight": "10.4 ounces", "Dimensions": "7.36 x 0.59 x 9.21 inches"}
Paperback – January 22, 2019
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Dan Busby', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Conversations With My Old Dog
[ "\"Do you ever talk to your dogs? I do.\" Psychologist Dr. Robert Pasick and his loving but aging dog Lucy invite us into conversations about living and dying. You know the common questions we humans ask: What breed of dog should I get for my family? What dog breeds are good with children? How do I cope after my beloved pet dies? We want real relationships with pets. You'll love Rob's Yellow Lab after reading this book, and you'll also think about far bigger questions dogs raise like: \"What Breed is God?\" As Rob cares for his aging dog, that's one chapter you'll enjoy. Rob reminds us how pets transform our lives." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Robert Pasick (Author)
[ "Books", "Self-Help", "Death & Grief" ]
{"Publisher": "Front Edge Publishing, LLC (June 1, 2010)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "106 pages", "ISBN 10": "1934879177", "ISBN 13": "978-1934879177", "Item Weight": "5.4 ounces", "Dimensions": "6 x 0.22 x 9 inches"}
Paperback – June 1, 2010
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Robert Pasick', 'about': ['Dr. Rob grew up in the city of Ferndale, Michigan and has resided in Ann Arbor, MI since 1975.', 'As a senior at Ferndale High School, where race riots were breaking out on the heels of MLK\'s "I Have a Dream" speech, he created the first Student Relations Council. In 1968 after graduating from the University of Michigan, Rob set out to have a positive impact on an impoverished student population as a teacher in Harlem, NY. Inspired by his students and Dr. King’s teachings, Rob began a graduate program in psychology at Harvard, dedicated to the idea of bringing psychology forward as a method to promote social change in the United States.', "Since earning his PhD in 1975, Dr. Rob has been practicing in the Ann Arbor area as a consulting psychologist and executive coach. He is also a lecturer at the University of Michigan Ross School of Business and at the University of Michigan's Center for Entrepreneurship at the College of Engineering.", 'Rob has appeared on “Oprah” and “The Today Show", and is the founder of Leaders Connect which provides monthly networking events to the community.', 'Books by Dr. Rob', '* Men in Therapy: The Challenge of Change (with Richard L. Meth). 1990.', '* Awakening from the Deep Sleep: A Powerful Guide for Courageous Men. 1992.', '* What Every Man Needs to Know. 1994.', '* Pet Loss: A Death in the Family. 2003.', '* Balanced Leadership in Unbalanced Times. 2009.', '* Conversations with My Old Dog. 2009.', '* Self-Aware: A Guide to Success in Work and Life. 2016.', '* The Journal for the BooK Self Aware: A Guide for Success. 2016', '* iAware: Becoming Self-Aware and College Bound. 2018']}
Mental Judo: To Achieve Success in Business, Social, Professional, and Family Life
[ "Mental Judo is the application of the principles of physical judo to human communication and persuasion. Mental Judo is a 21st century technology that enables even conflict avoidant individuals to be powerful and effective. The incredible secrets of Mental Judo can be successfully employed in every facet of business and personal life. Sales are multiplied through the power of Mental Judo's gentle persuasion. Business relationships and negotiations improve as customers, associates, superiors and subordinates are gently convinced to see things \"your way\". All areas of internal/external communications are vastly improved, including customer service,sales, management, employee and public relations, social and family interactions. Anyone can acquire this dynamic ability of persuasive communication. Each of us possesses great power that is often over-shadowed by fear, embarrassment or lack of confidence. Mental Judo strips away barriers allowing us to achieve total command of any circumstance. The same time tested Judo techniques that enable a meek competitor to conquer a powerful opponent are utilized in Mental Judo with outstanding results." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Lance Lager (Author)
[ "Books", "Health, Fitness & Dieting", "Psychology & Counseling" ]
{"Publisher": "Outlet; First Edition (January 1, 1981)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "205 pages", "ISBN 10": "051754315X", "ISBN 13": "978-0517543153", "Item Weight": "14.4 ounces"}
Hardcover – January 1, 1981
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Lance Lager', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Youngblood Volume 1
[ "The original Youngblood miniseries ― re-mastered in full color and re-scripted by Joe Casey! You thought it would never happen! Rob Liefeld returns to Image Comics and he's bringing Youngblood with him. This re-mastered, re-scripted, re-imagined hardcover finally collects the first historic issues of the very first, million-selling Image Comic.", "The original Youngblood miniseries ― re-mastered in full color and re-scripted by Joe Casey! You thought it would never happen! Rob Liefeld returns to Image Comics and he's bringing", "Youngblood", "with him. This re-mastered, re-scripted, re-imagined hardcover finally collects the first historic issues of the very first, million-selling Image Comic.", "Just in time for the new monthly series debuting January 2008.", "Just in time for the new monthly series debuting January 2008.", "Includes an all-new ending by Liefeld and Casey!", "Includes an all-new ending by Liefeld and Casey!" ]
[ "From Publishers Weekly", "In 1992, when writer/artist Liefeld launched his original Youngblood series, hypertrophied superheroes with enormous guns and costumes covered in leather pouches were all the rage, and Liefeld was the master of the style—the first issue of the series reportedly sold around a million copies. The story made no sense at all, but who cared about that when you could look at a really dynamic drawing of a dude with a totally rad hairstyle and biceps three times the size of his head? For this re-mastered edition of the first five issues, Liefeld apparently decided to go back and fix his mistakes. He didn't correct errors of visual storytelling or basic anatomy—that would've required redrawing the whole thing—but writer Casey has resequenced the original pages and rewritten virtually all the dialogue in an attempt to give the chaotic assemblage a comprehensible plot, a touch of characterization and even some hints of a theme (about the culture of celebrity and the effect of constant attention on public figures). There are only so many things even a gifted writer can turn a sow's ear into, and the story's still a violent mess. Liefeld's relentless, this-one-goes-to-11 artwork is amusing as a nostalgia trip.", "(Dec.)", "Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Joe Casey (Author), Rob Liefeld (Author, Artist)
[ "Books", "Comics & Graphic Novels", "Graphic Novels" ]
{"Publisher": "Image Comics (December 2, 2008)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "168 pages", "ISBN 10": "1582408580", "ISBN 13": "978-1582408583", "Reading age": "13 - 16 years", "Item Weight": "1.45 pounds", "Dimensions": "8 x 1 x 11 inches"}
Hardcover – December 2, 2008
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Joe Casey', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Kensington's Soul
[ "Four centuries ago, a spurned lover damned Lord Zachary Kensington to eternity as a vampire. Convinced no woman could love the beast within, he concentrates his attention on the quest for redemption. He now stalks evil in the 21st century, working as a police detective. His job puts him up close and personal with Dr. Miranda James when she is carjacked. The sensual doctor captures his heart, but before he can claim her as his, Zacke's past comes back to haunt him. Miranda James falls hard and fast for the seductive Detective Zacke Kensington, but the closer she gets to him the more elusive he becomes. His mysterious air grates on her nerves and when she discovers him kissing a beautiful woman, Miranda is devastated. Tables turn when ex-lover and vampire, Gabriella designates Miranda as her next meal. Miranda swears off of men while Zacke vows to stop Gabriella's vindictive murder spree before she turns Savannah into a city of carnage." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Faith V. Smith (Author)
[ "Books", "Romance", "Paranormal" ]
{"Publisher": "The Wild Rose Press (February 27, 2009)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "308 pages", "ISBN 10": "1601545533", "ISBN 13": "978-1601545534", "Item Weight": "10.7 ounces", "Dimensions": "5 x 0.65 x 8 inches"}
Paperback – February 27, 2009
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Faith V. Smith', 'about': ['A word about the author...', 'FAITH V. SMITH WRITES * DARK * SEXY *COMPELLING ROMANCE', 'A down home Georgia girl, born and bred, Author Faith V. Smith has an interesting past as a book reviewer, columnist, and editor, before becoming a multi-published author of paranormal romance. When one of her fans said they could see her sitting on her front porch in a hoop skirt, clicking away on an old typewriter, she said, "Nope, I\'d rather be wearing jeans and carrying a magical whip." The whip is used to crack out more of her tortured vampires, immortal executioners, Fae, and Viking heroes.', 'Faith resides with her daughter Amanda, memories of her angel in Heaven husband Rick, and a special zoo crew of furry babies.', 'Please Contact Faith at:', 'Check out her website:', 'Faith’s blogspot:']}
1st Grade Writing Practice
[ "Give students the skill-building practice they need in reading, writing, math, and more with these engaging , full-color workbooks. Easy-to-follow directions and fun exercises motivate students to work on their own." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Terry Cooper (Editor)
[ "Books", "Education & Teaching", "Schools & Teaching" ]
{"Publisher": "Teaching Resources; 12.2.2005 edition (January 1, 2006)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "48 pages", "ISBN 10": "0439819105", "ISBN 13": "978-0439819107", "Reading age": "6 - 7 years", "Grade level": "1 and up", "Item Weight": "5.6 ounces", "Dimensions": "8.5 x 0.25 x 10.75 inches"}
Paperback – January 1, 2006
The Gene: An Intimate History
[ "Spanning the globe and several centuries, The Gene is the story of the quest to decipher the master-code that makes and defines humans, that governs our form and function. The story of the gene begins in an obscure Augustinian abbey in Moravia in 1856, where a monk stumbles on the idea of a unit of heredity . It intersects with Darwin s theory of evolution, and collides with the horrors of Nazi eugenics in the 1940s. The gene transforms post-war biology. It reorganizes our understanding of sexuality, temperament, choice and free will. Above all, this is a story driven by human ingenuity and obsessive minds from Charles Darwin and Gregor Mendel to Francis Crick, James Watson and Rosalind Franklin, and the thousands of scientists still working to understand the code of codes. This is an epic, moving history of a scientific idea being brought to life, by the author of The Emperor of All Maladies. But woven through The Gene, like a red line, is also an intimate history the story of Mukherjee s own family and its recurring pattern of mental illness, reminding us that genetics is vitally relevant to everyday lives. These concerns reverberate even more urgently today as we learn to read and write the human genome unleashing the potential to change the fates and identities of our children. Majestic in its ambition, and unflinching in its honesty, The Gene gives us a definitive account of the fundamental unit of heredity and a vision of both humanity s past and future." ]
[ "Review", "\"History repeats itself, in part because the genome repeats itself. And the genome repeats itself, in part because history does. The impulses, ambitions, fantasies, and desires that drive human history are, at least in part, encoded in the human genome. And human history has, in turn, selected genomes that carry these impulses, ambitions, fantasies, and desires\" --S. Mukherjee What a book. Every biologist should read this. --By Gopalakrishnan K on 24 May 2016The greatest science writing book i ever had. A long search history led by a thousand explorers, from Aristotle, Pythagoras to Mendel to Francis Collins and to j.Craig venter in search of genetic hereditary 'thing' and what makes us. Brilliantly written. I wish, I would have read this book just two years ago. Wonderful and enjoyable (must) read if you love genetics. Beautifully carried, and connected all missed and available pieces of history of a gene... To his familial heredity. Siddhartha Mukherjee (author)- is really a extraordinary writer. --By mayur pawale on 29 May 2016Siddhartha mukherjee weaves a story that brings together the twin fabrics of science and personal past together. He does the same thing to medicine that William Darlymple did for history- making it interesting,personal and passionate. This book is a must read for everyone who want to know about genes and themselves. Because we are all as the book so wonderfully unveils are but made of genes. --By Arun Gautham on 23 June 2016", "About the Author", "Siddhartha Mukherjee is a cancer physician and researcher, a stem cell biologist and a cancer geneticist. He is the author of The Laws of Medicine and The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer, which won the 2011 Pulitzer Prize in general non-fiction and the Guardian First Book Award. Mukherjee is an assistant professor of medicine at Columbia University. A Rhodes Scholar, he graduated from Stanford University, the University of Oxford, and Harvard Medical School. His laboratory has identified genes that regulate stem cells, and his team is internationally recognized for its discovery of skeletal stem cells and genetic alterations in blood cancers. He has published work in Nature, Cell, Neuron, the New England Journal of Medicine, the New York Times and several other magazines and journals. He lives with his family in New York City." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Siddhartha Mukherjee (Author)
{"Publisher": "Penguin Books Limited; First Edition (May 17, 2016)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "592 pages", "ISBN 10": "0670087149", "ISBN 13": "978-0670087143", "Item Weight": "1.9 pounds", "Dimensions": "7.87 x 5.51 x 1.57 inches"}
Hardcover – May 17, 2016
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Siddhartha Mukherjee', 'about': ['Siddhartha Mukherjee is a cancer physician and researcher. He is an assistant professor of medicine at Columbia University and a staff cancer physician at the CU/NYU Presbytarian Hospital. A former Rhodes scholar, he graduated from Stanford University, University of Oxford (where he received a PhD studying cancer-causing viruses) and from Harvard Medical School. His laboratory focuses on discovering new cancer drugs using innovative biological methods. Mukherjee trained in cancer medicine at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute of Harvard Medical School and was on the staff at the Massachusetts General Hospital. He has published articles and commentary in such journals as Nature, New England Journal of Medicine, Neuron and the Journal of Clinical Investigation and in publications such as the New York Times and the New Republic. His work was nominated for Best American Science Writing, 2000 (edited by James Gleick). He lives in Boston and New York with his wife, Sarah Sze, an artist, and with his daughter, Leela.', 'His author website is']}
Peculiar Honor: A History of the 28th Texas Cavalry 1862-1865
[ "This regimental history tells the story of the 28th Texas Cavalry (dismounted), a unit of Walker's Texas Division which campaigned throughout the Civil War in Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas. Part of the division known as \"Walker's Greyhounds\" because of their amazing mobility and stamina, the men of the 28th, helped preserve Texas from Federal invasion. 1997 Winner of the Ottis Lock Award for the Best Book on East Texas History" ]
[ "Review", "\"Allows the reader to appreciate the ordeal of being a Confederate infantry man in the Trans-Mississippi.\" --", "North & South, Sept. 1998", "\"Johansson is to be commended for a thorough, readable, and useful history of the 28th Texas Calvary.\" --", "Journal of Southern History, Vol. 66, No. 1, 2000", "From the Inside Flap", "This regimental history tells the story of the 28th Texas Cavalry (dismounted), a unit of Walker's Texas Division which campaigned throughout the Civil War in Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas. Part of the division known as \"Walker's Greyhounds\" because of their amazing mobility and stamina, the men of the 28th, helped preserve Texas from Federal invasion. 1997 Winner of the Ottis Lock Award for the Best Book on East Texas History", "From the Back Cover", "This regimental history tells the story of the 28th Texas Cavalry (dismounted), a unit of Walker's Texas Division which campaigned throughout the Civil War in Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas. Part of the division known as \"Walker's Greyhounds\" because of their amazing mobility and stamina, the men of the 28th, helped preserve Texas from Federal invasion. 1997 Winner of the Ottis Lock Award for the Best Book on East Texas History", "About the Author", "M. Jane Johansson is adjunct professor of history at Northeastern State University in Talequah, Oklahoma.", "Read more" ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
JOHANSSON JANE (Author), Jane Johansson (Author)
[ "Books", "History", "Americas" ]
{"Publisher": "University of Arkansas Press; First Edition (July 1, 1998)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "197 pages", "ISBN 10": "1557285047", "ISBN 13": "978-1557285041", "Item Weight": "11.7 ounces", "Dimensions": "6 x 0.6 x 9 inches"}
Paperback – July 1, 1998
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'M. Jane Johansson', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Space Coloring For Kids: Amazing Outer Space Coloring Pages With Astronauts, Rockets and Planets (Children's Coloring Books)
[ "★", "Learn About Outer Space With This Amazing Coloring Book!", "★", "Spaceships, rockets, astronauts and planets!", "This space themed coloring book for boys and girls, features full page planets colouring pages, drawings of rockets, star coloring pages, aliens and astronauts for kids! These science coloring pages are ideal for fun with preschool and older children!", "This space-themed coloring book features:", "Large 8.5 x 11 inch pages", "Large 8.5 x 11 inch pages", "Printed on bright white paper", "Printed on bright white paper", "Single side for easy tear out and display - no bleed through!", "Single side for easy tear out and display - no bleed through!", "High-resolution printing (no pixelated images!)", "High-resolution printing (no pixelated images!)", "Durable glossy cover, perfect for messy kids!", "Durable glossy cover, perfect for messy kids!", "Fun bold designs for 3+ ages", "Fun bold designs for 3+ ages" ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Poppy Press (Author)
[ "Books", "Children's Books", "Science, Nature & How It Works" ]
{"Publisher": "Independently published (June 22, 2020)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "63 pages", "ISBN 13": "979-8656153294", "Item Weight": "6.1 ounces", "Dimensions": "8.5 x 0.15 x 11 inches"}
Paperback – June 22, 2020
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Poppy Press', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
The Haunting of Rookward House
[ "From bestselling gothic horror author Darcy Coates comes a terrifying story of cruelty, despair, and long-forgotten secrets. There's someone in Rookward House, and she's always watching...", "When Guy finds the deed to a house in his mother's attic, it seems like an incredible stroke of luck. Sure, it hasn't been inhabited in years and vines strangle the age-stained walls, but Guy's convinced he can clean the building up and sell it. He'd be crazy to turn down free money. Right?", "Rookward House may be hours away from its nearest neighbor, but he can't escape the feeling that he's being watched. Still, he doesn't believe in ghost stories and decides to camp in the crumbling old mansion while he does repairs. Surely nothing too bad can happen in the space of a week.", "But there's a reason no one lives in the haunting house, with its twisting shadows and whispering walls. The dilapidated rooms aren't as empty as they seem. Forty years ago, a deranged woman tormented the family that made Rookward its home. Now her ghost clings to the building like rot. She's bitter, obsessive, and fiercely jealous... and once Guy has moved into her house, she has no intention of letting him go.", "A disturbing tale of haunted houses and the things that live inside them,", "The Haunting of Rookward House", "is:", "Perfect for fans of Simone St. James and Shirley Jackson", "Perfect for fans of Simone St. James and Shirley Jackson", "For lovers of horror and ghost stories", "For lovers of horror and ghost stories", "Horror novels also By Darcy Coates:", "The Haunting of Ashburn House", "The Haunting of Ashburn House", "Craven Manor", "Craven Manor", "Carrow Haunt", "Carrow Haunt", "The House Next Door", "The House Next Door", "Voices in the Snow", "Voices in the Snow" ]
[ "About the Author", "Darcy Coates is the USA Today bestselling author of Hunted, The Haunting of Ashburn House, Craven Manor, and more than a dozen horror and suspense titles. She lives on the Central Coast of Australia with her family, cats, and a garden full of herbs and vegetables. Darcy loves forests, especially old-growth forests where the trees dwarf anyone who steps between them. Wherever she lives, she tries to have a mountain range close by." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Darcy Coates (Author)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "Genre Fiction" ]
{"Publisher": "Poisoned Pen Press (March 3, 2020)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "272 pages", "ISBN 10": "1728221730", "ISBN 13": "978-1728221731", "Item Weight": "9.8 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.5 x 0.68 x 8.25 inches"}
Paperback – March 3, 2020
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Darcy Coates', 'about': ['Darcy Coates is the USA Today bestselling author of more than a dozen horror and suspense novels.', "She lives in the Central Coast of Australia with her family, cat, and a collection of chickens. Her home is surrounded by rolling wilderness on all sides, and she wouldn't have it any other way.", 'You can hear about her next book by joining her newsletter:']}
Dark Spirits: 200 Classy Concoctions Starring Bourbon, Brandy, Scotch, Whiskey, Rum and More
[ "Don't be afraid of the dark - the dark spirits, that is. Oh, vodka and gin have their place, but whiskey, rum, Scotch, bourbon, rye, and their kind are so much deeper and more complicated; they make white spirits pale by comparison. Time was, these brown liquors were relegated to serious (or dare we say sober?) solo sipping or perhaps the occasional old-fashioned mixture like, well, the Old Fashioned. But a cocktail renaissance has brought dark spirits back to their rightful station: as lively, engaging drink components that can mix it up in a full array of new-fashioned libations In this clever compendium of all drinks dark, A.J. Rathbun revisits the lively, witty, informative mood of his award-winning cocktail bible Good Spirits. It's a trip to the lighter side of dark spirits, as the book's thematic recipe chapters demonstrate. Bartender's Choice presents the favorite creations of some of today's top mixologists, and the sparkling quaff s in Bubbly Refreshers are sure to take the edge off a hot day. Powerful Punches provides piquant potables in plentiful portions, while the drinks in Hot Stuff will warm you from the inside. Of course, the dark spirits do have their dark side, as revealed in Drinks That Go Bump in the Night, a chapter that off ers such chill, chilled, and chilling concoctions as Corpse Reviver and Black Hood (rye, orange liqueur, and Benedictine - well, it sounds innocent enough). And in Dark Classics, you'll find - what else? - the classics, such as the Mai Tai, Manhattan, Mint Julep, and, yes, Old Fashioned. But a cocktail book by A.J. is never just a collection of recipes. In these pages, you will learn everything there is to know about the dark spirits; you'll never again confuse Cognac and Armagnac, or whiskey and whisky. Moreover, there's a thorough introduction that covers all the basics: techniques, equipment, ingredients, garnishes, even ice and how to use it. An array of tips and tidbits further enlightens the proceedings, with quotes of note, party hints, obscure but fun facts, and more. Today's dark spirits are more edgy than old-fashioned. Expand your cocktail repertoire with this must-have collection that helps shed light into a dark corner of the bar." ]
[ "Review", "Dear Vodka: Your days are numbered. It's been a good run. Now make room for rum, whiskey, bourbon, and rye. A.J. Rathbun's got your number. --The Boston Chapter of Ladies United for the Preservation of Endangered Cocktails (LUPEC Boston)In an era when countless glasses are burdened with mixtures that are light, bright, and bland, Rathbun fearlessly brings drinkers and their cocktail shakers over to the dark side. This whiskey- (and brandy- and rum-) fueled ride is witty, enlightening, and altogether delicious. --Paul Clarke, Imbibe contributing editor and proprietor of", "About the Author", "A. J. Rathbun is a freelance food and entertaining writer and the author of Champagne Cocktails, Wine Cocktails, Dark Spirits, Luscious Liqueurs, Party Drinks!, and the International Association of Culinary Professionals Award-winning Good Spirits. Rathbun earned his MFA in creative writing from Western Michigan University, and has worked variously as a buyer for, an usher at the Art Institute of Chicago, a rock band roadie, an envelope stuffer, a marketing assistant, the director of the Poetry After Hours program at the Seattle Art Museum, an online editor, a waiter, and of course, a bartender. In addition to his cookbooks, Rathbun is the editor of In Their Cups and the author of Want, two poetry collections. Rathbun has been a guest, talking about drinks, food, entertaining, and kitchen products, on numerous radio shows, including Martha Stewart's Everyday Food satellite radio program and USA Radio, has done interviews with a variety of publications, including the Seattle Times, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, and the Arizona Republic, and has contributed to the magazines Every Day with Rachael Ray and Wine Enthusiast, among others. He is a member of the International Association of Culinary Professionals and the Museum of the American Cocktail. He teaches cocktail classes at the cooking school Dish It Up, one of which was recently profiled in the magazine Traditional Homes. Rathbun lives in Seattle, Washington. To learn more about him and his books, and to read his blog, Spiked Punch, and check out a few of his drink-making videos, visit his website at" ]
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{ "title": [ "Would give it more stars if I could" ], "url": [ "" ], "user_id": [ "AFDUSQ7JJJ7NPI7JGE3QO2JK2I2Q" ] }
A.J. Rathbun (Author)
[ "Books", "Cookbooks, Food & Wine", "Beverages & Wine" ]
{"Publisher": "Harvard Common Press (October 17, 2009)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "288 pages", "ISBN 10": "1558324275", "ISBN 13": "978-1558324275", "Item Weight": "1.89 pounds", "Dimensions": "6 x 1.25 x 9.63 inches"}
Hardcover – October 17, 2009
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'A. J. Rathbun', 'about': ["A.J. Rathbun is a food and entertaining writer and poet and the author of Champagne Cocktails, Dark Spirits, Wine Cocktails, Luscious Liqueurs, Party Snacks!, Party Drinks!, the IACP Award-winning Good Spirits, Double Take (in collaboration with chef Jeremy Holt), and editor and contributor for In Their Cups. In addition to his cocktail books and cookbooks, Rathbun is the author of Want, a collection of poems. He lives in Seattle, Washington. To learn more, visit Rathbun's website at and drink up his blog Spiked Punch (it's lonely, and needs attention)."]}
Audible Audiobooks
Cholesterol Clarity: What the HDL Is Wrong with My Numbers?
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Jimmy Moore (Author, Narrator), Eric C. Westman (Author), Victory Belt Publishing (Publisher) & 0 more
[ "Audible Books & Originals", "Health & Wellness", "Fitness, Diet & Nutrition", "Diets, Nutrition & Healthy Eating" ]
Indo-European Numerals (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs [Tilsm])
[ "TRENDS IN LINGUISTICS is a series of books that open new perspectives in our understanding of language. The series publishes state-of-the-art work on core areas of linguistics across theoretical frameworks, as well as studies that provide new insights by approaching language from an interdisciplinary perspective.", "TRENDS IN LINGUISTICS considers itself a forum for cutting-edge research based on solid empirical data on language in its various manifestations, including sign languages. It regards linguistic variation in its synchronic and diachronic dimensions as well as in its social contexts as important sources of insight for a better understanding of the design of linguistic systems and the ecology and evolution of language.", "TRENDS IN LINGUISTICS publishes monographs and outstanding dissertations as well as edited volumes, which provide the opportunity to address controversial topics from different empirical and theoretical viewpoints. High quality standards are ensured through anonymous reviewing.", "To discuss your book idea or submit a proposal, please contact Birgit Sievert." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Jadranka Gvozdanovic (Editor)
[ "Books", "Reference", "Words, Language & Grammar" ]
{"Publisher": "De Gruyter Mouton; Reprint 2011 ed. edition (December 1, 1991)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "953 pages", "ISBN 10": "3110113228", "ISBN 13": "978-3110113228", "Item Weight": "4.16 pounds", "Dimensions": "6.75 x 2 x 9.5 inches"}
Reprint 2011 ed. Edition
Murder in the Lincoln Bedroom: An Eleanor Roosevelt Mystery (Eleanor Roosevelt Mysteries)
[ "It is 1943 and upon the eve of the Trident Conference-a highly classified council attended by FDR, Winston Churchill, and Dwight Eisenhower with the purpose of planning an invasion of Western Europe-the White House is aflutter with preparations and the presence of extra Secret Service agents and soldiers. When a body is discovered in the Lincoln Bedroom while the conferees are still in session, Eleanor Roosevelt knows that in order to keep the murder (as well as the Conference) a secret from the prying eyes of the press, not to mention foreign agents, she must solve it herself. Eleanor soon learns that the victim, Paul Weyrich, was a White House employee-one of the President's top advisors-who had been having an affair with his secretary. At first glance, it looks to be a crime of passion, instigated by Mr. Weyrich's refusal to marry his secretary. However, the deeper Eleanor digs into the case, the more clouded and uncertain the investigation becomes. Gradually, Eleanor discovers that the victim was part of a plot to assassinate the President, and she embarks on a daring plan to trap the assassin, using FDR as bait. Eleanor's skills will be put to the ultimate test as she must race to solve the mystery before the assassin strikes again." ]
[ "Review", "\"Eleanor the private utterly endearing.\"--", "The New York Times", "\"[Eleanor is] a unique and incomparable heroine.\"--", "Booklist", "\"[A]ll the tensions, intrigues, and glamour of WWII-era Washington...As always, the interplay between real and fictional characters is beautifully done.\"--", "Romantic Times", "About the Author", "Elliott Roosevelt (shown here with his wife, Patty), son of Franklin and Eleanor, was a former writer and rancher. He died in 1990 but left behind a number of unpublished manuscripts to be enjoyed by readers in the years to come." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_QL40_FMwebp_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Elliott Roosevelt (Author)
[ "Books", "Mystery, Thriller & Suspense", "Mystery" ]
{"Publisher": "Minotaur Books; First Edition (February 18, 2002)", "Language": "English", "Mass Market Paperback": "228 pages", "ISBN 10": "0312979193", "ISBN 13": "978-0312979195", "Item Weight": "4 ounces", "Dimensions": "4.19 x 0.59 x 6.75 inches"}
Mass Market Paperback – February 18, 2002
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Elliott Roosevelt', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
The Life of God (as Told by Himself)
[ "At the center of Franco Ferrucci's inspired novel is a tender, troubled God. In the beginning is God's solitude, and because God is lonely he creates the world. He falls in love with earth, plunges into the oceans, lives as plant and reptile and bird. His every thought and mood serve to populate the planet, with consequences that run away from him—sometimes delightfully, sometimes unfortunately.When a new arrival emerges from the apes, God believes he has finally found the companion he needs to help him make sense of his unruly creation. Yet, as the centuries pass, God feels more and more out of place in the world he has created; by the close of his memoir, he is packing his bags.Highly praised and widely reviewed,", "The Life of God", "is a playful, wondrous, and irresistible book, recounting thousands of years of religious and philosophical thought.\"A supreme but imperfect entity, the protagonist of this religiously enlightened and orthodoxically heretical novel is possessed by a raving love for his skewed, unbalanced world. . . . Blessed are the readers, for this tale of God's long insomnia will keep them happily awake. . . . Extraordinary.\" —Umberto Eco\"The Life of God is, in truth, the synthesis of a charming writer's . . . expression of his boundless hopes for, and poignant disappointments in, his own human kind.\" —Jack Miles,", "New York Times Book Review", "\"Rather endearing. . . . This exceedingly amusing novel . . . is a continuous provocation and delight; there isn't a dull page in it.\" —", "Kirkus Reviews", "\"A smart and charming knitting of secular and ecclesiastic views of the world. . . . The character of God is likable—sweet, utterly human. . . . The prose is delightful . . . the writing is consistently witty and intelligent and periodically hilarious.\" —Allison Stark Draper,", "Boston Review", "\"'God's only excuse is that he does not exist,' wrote Stendhal, but now Franco Ferrucci has provided the Supreme Being with another sort of alibi.\" —James Morrow,", "Washington Post Book World" ]
[ "Review", "The Life of God", "is, in truth, the synthesis of a charming writer's Italy-centered education and the expression of his boundless hopes for, and poignant disappointment in, his own human kind. --", "The New York Times Book Review, Jack Miles", "About the Author", "Franco Ferrucci", "(1936-2010) was an Italian novelist and critic, a professor of Italian at Rutgers University, and a noted Dante scholar. Of his many books,", "The Poetics of Disguise: The Autobiography of the Work in Homer, Dante, and Shakespeare", ", is also available in English translation." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Franco Ferrucci (Author, Translator), Raymond Rosenthal (Translator)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "Humor & Satire" ]
{"Publisher": "University of Chicago Press; Reprint edition (November 8, 1997)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "290 pages", "ISBN 10": "0226244962", "ISBN 13": "978-0226244969", "Item Weight": "12 ounces", "Dimensions": "8.43 x 5.57 x 0.8 inches"}
Paperback – November 8, 1997
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Franco Ferrucci', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}