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Spirit Vision
[ "If God gave you a mission, would you answer His call? The Lord has given Stary, a high school freshman, a mission: extinguish the evil residing in the murderer of two teens—Maren and Umbra. Stary never imagined that her strange visions meant that she was the Spirit Warrior for God and now with her powers activated, she must train to use them and try not to get caught by the murderer who has the ability to hide and conjure up the dark powers from the fallen angel himself—Lucifer. If Stary fails, not only will she lose her life, but Maren and Umbra will lose their entry into heaven and the world will be exposed to the madness of the murderer for the next forty years until the new Spirit Warrior is born." ]
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Morgan Straughan Comnick (Author)
[ "Books", "Teen & Young Adult", "Science Fiction & Fantasy" ]
{"Publisher": "Paper Crane Books; 1st edition (December 12, 2013)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "316 pages", "ISBN 10": "061593546X", "ISBN 13": "978-0615935461", "Item Weight": "14.9 ounces", "Dimensions": "6 x 0.72 x 9 inches"}
Paperback – December 12, 2013
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Morgan Straughan Comnick', 'about': ['Educator of young minds by day, super nerdy savior of justice and cute things by night, Morgan Straughan Comnick has a love for turning the normal into something special without losing its essence. Morgan draws from real life experiences and her ongoing imagination to spark her writing. In her spare time, she enjoys doing goofy voices, traveling to new worlds by turning pages, humming child-like songs, and forcing people to smile with her "bubbliness." It is Morgan\'s mission in life to spread the amazement of otaku/Japanese culture to the world and to stop bullying; she knows everyone shines brightly.', 'For more information about Morgan and her works, check out her website, which also have links to all her social medias:']}
Where Miracles Happen: True Stories of Heavenly Encounters
[ "In our highly scientific age, even the possibility that modern-day miracles might occur is often cast to the side of the rational road. But to those individuals who have actually experienced amazing, supernatural occurrences first-hand, modern-day miracles are just as real as the air we breathe.", "Where Miracles Happen", "by Joan Wester Anderson contains 45 stories of miraculous events and angelic encounters. From physical healing to bodily protection to divine guidance and provision, each story is firmly grounded in orthodox Christian beliefs and reminds each of us that God continues to make Himself known to us through modern-day miracles." ]
[ "Book Description", "This updated edition of Anderson’s best seller (over 200,000 sold) reminds us that miracles happen all around us. Includes eight new stories!", "In an age of ever-advancing science, the idea that miracles—real, God-initiated miracles—can and do happen is often cast to the side of the rational road and considered nothing more than wishful thinking on the part of desperate people. But to those individuals who have actually experienced amazing, supernatural occurrences firsthand, miracles are just as real as the air we breathe. In", "Where Miracles Happen", ", national best-selling author Joan Wester Anderson—affectionately known to her readers as the “Angel Lady”—offers a collection of 45 stories of miraculous events and angelic encounters. From physical healing to bodily protection to divine guidance and provision, each story is grounded in orthodox Christian beliefs and reinforces the likelihood that the veil between heaven and earth is not as thick as we may think. Anyone looking for hope and healing of any kind in these difficult times will find comfort in these stories and will come to understand that God is present and active in everyday lives, in everyday situations. In the end, the miracles contained in this book teach us to rely on God at all times—and to expect the unexpected.", "From the Inside Flap", "To some, \"It's a miracle!\" is nothing more than a common expression. To others, it's nothing less than a personal experience with the Divine.", "In an age of ever-advancing science, the idea that miracles--real, God-initiated miracles--can and do happen is often cast to the side of the rational road and considered nothing more than wishful thinking on the part of desperate people. But to those individuals who have actually experienced amazing, supernatural occurrences firsthand, miracles are just as real as the air we breathe.In this updated edition of", "Where Miracles Happen", ", national best-selling author Joan Wester Anderson--affectionately known to her readers as the \"Angel Lady\"--offers a collection of 45 stories of miraculous events and angelic encounters. From physical healing to bodily protection to divine guidance and provision, each story is grounded in orthodox Christian beliefs and reinforces the likelihood that the veil between heaven and earth is not as thick as we may think.", "Joan Wester Anderson is the author of numerous books on angels, including the", "New York Times", "bestseller", "Where Angels Walk", ". She has been a freelance writer and popular speaker for more than 30 years and is a frequent guest on radio and television talk shows. She and her husband live in Prospect Heights, Illinois. Visit her Web site at", "From the Back Cover", "To some, “It’s a miracle!” is nothing more than a common expression. To others, it’s nothing less than a personal experience with the Divine.", "In an age of ever-advancing science, the idea that miracles—real, God-initiated miracles—can and do happen is often cast to the side of the rational road and considered nothing more than wishful thinking on the part of desperate people. But to those individuals who have actually experienced amazing, supernatural occurrences firsthand, miracles are just as real as the air we breathe. In this updated edition of", "Where Miracles Happen", ", national best-selling author Joan Wester Anderson—affectionately known to her readers as the “Angel Lady”—offers a collection of 45 stories of miraculous events and angelic encounters. From physical healing to bodily protection to divine guidance and provision, each story is grounded in orthodox Christian beliefs and reinforces the likelihood that the veil between heaven and earth is not as thick as we may think. Joan Wester Anderson is the author of numerous books on angels, including the", "New York Times", "bestseller", "Where Angels Walk", ". She has been a freelance writer and popular speaker for more than 30 years and is a frequent guest on radio and television talk shows. She and her husband live in Prospect Heights, Illinois. Visit her Web site at", "To some, “It’s a miracle!” is nothing more than a common expression. To others, it’s nothing less than a personal experience with the Divine.", "In an age of ever-advancing science, the idea that miracles—real, God-initiated miracles—can and do happen is often cast to the side of the rational road and considered nothing more than wishful thinking on the part of desperate people. But to those individuals who have actually experienced amazing, supernatural occurrences firsthand, miracles are just as real as the air we breathe. In this updated edition of", "Where Miracles Happen", ", national best-selling author Joan Wester Anderson—affectionately known to her readers as the “Angel Lady”—offers a collection of 45 stories of miraculous events and angelic encounters. From physical healing to bodily protection to divine guidance and provision, each story is grounded in orthodox Christian beliefs and reinforces the likelihood that the veil between heaven and earth is not as thick as we may think. Joan Wester Anderson is the author of numerous books on angels, including the", "New York Times", "bestseller", "Where Angels Walk", ". She has been a freelance writer and popular speaker for more than 30 years and is a frequent guest on radio and television talk shows. She and her husband live in Prospect Heights, Illinois. Visit her Web site at", "About the Author", "Joan Wester Anderson is the author of numerous books on angels, including the", "New York Times", "bestseller", "Where Angels Walk", ",", "In the Arms of Angels", ",", "Guardian Angels", ",", "Angels and Wonders", ",", "The Power of Miracles", ", and", "Where Miracles Happen", ". She has been a freelance writer and popular speaker for more than thirty years and is a frequest guest on radio and television talk shows. She and her husband live in Prospect Heights, Illinois. Visit her Web site at", "Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.", "Prologue", "He walks with me, and he talks with me, And he tells me I am his own . . .", "—“In the Garden,” traditional hymn Shortly after our family bought a house in Chicago’s west suburbs in September of 1971, I met Lynne Gould. She appeared at the door one morning, accompanied by several small sons, to welcome us to the neighborhood. I invited her in, but she took one look at the boxes marked", "Fragile—China", "still stacked on my floors, and declined, which endeared her to me right away. The Goulds lived directly behind us, our deep yards separated by a tall hedge with an opening in it, which we used as a gate. I loved all the neighbors, but Lynne was special. Immediately we sensed a bond and found ourselves getting past surface chatter and delving more deeply into each other’s feelings and beliefs. Few topics were out of bounds for us, but spirituality was a particular favorite. We discovered that, although we were both Catholic, our faith attitudes differed. Lynne seemed relaxed, confident in God’s tender care and willingness to get personally involved in her daily life. Me? As one philosopher has said, the longest distance anyone travels is the twelve inches from the head to the heart. I tended to be dutiful, a bit scrupulous, and hard on myself. Although I had never thought of God as harsh or frightening, it was difficult to believe that his love for me was truly unconditional. As for miracles, they happened to saints, not ordinary people like me. We had lived in our house for just a few weeks when autumn leaves began falling. Actually, they rained down, thickly covering our quarter acre. One afternoon when the children were in school, I went into the yard to rake. The warm, sunlit day was delightful, but I made little headway. At the end of an hour, I had stuffed six bags, but there were several huge piles of leaves waiting, and half the yard remained untouched. Home ownership was losing its charm. I leaned on the rake for a moment, pushed the hair back from my eyes—and the world seemed to stop. There were no rings on my left hand. My diamond engagement ring and wedding band—not removed since our marriage—were gone. Just then Lynne stepped through the hole in the hedge. Although she was at least fifty feet from me, she must have seen the shock on my face. “What’s the matter?” she called. “My rings—they’re missing!” I could barely speak. I had lost a little weight during our move, and they must have slipped off somehow. But when? Where? Lynne waded across the lawn to me. “When was the last time you saw them?” she asked Frantically I searched my memory, recalling all the small, ordinary things I’d done that day. Making breakfast for the children, loading the washing machine—how often we glance at our hands without really seeing them. But I was sure I would have noticed missing rings during earlier tasks. “They must have fallen off out here,” I said, surveying the landscape with a sinking heart. How could we find anything in all that debris? I would never see the rings again. And not only were they uninsured, they were loved, irreplaceable. Tears filled my eyes. Lynne was more practical. “Let’s pray about it,” she said. And she knelt right down in the middle of the leaves. And because she had hold of my hand, so did I. “God,” Lynne began without preamble, “we’ve got a problem here.” Briefly, she outlined the situation. Despite my agitation, I felt a little embarrassed. What if a neighbor looked out and saw us praying—in public! Yet I was fascinated too. Lynne was talking to God with easy familiarity, as if he was her real Father, someone who cared so much about her that he would be interested in anything she told him. Well, why not? I thought suddenly. I’m a parent, and there’s nothing my children could need that I wouldn’t provide. If I was truly his child, wouldn’t it work the same way? Lynne was finishing her discussion. “We need a miracle, God. Please let us find the rings.” She sat back on her heels, wordlessly surveying the yard. Not for a moment did I assume God would actually do anything about her request. But Lynne had been dear to stand by. As I watched, however, her eyes traveled across the orange and yellow piles. Slowly she stood up and walked past several deep mounds. When she reached one on the other side of the yard, she stopped, bent over, plunged her hand into it, and then straightened. “Here they are,” she said, looking into her palm. “Here are your rings.” I probably screamed before I went running across to her. But there both rings were, unmistakably mine. We looked at each other, our faces wreathed in grins. “How did you—?” I hardly knew what to ask. She laughed. “I didn’t. God did it. I just kind of knew where to look.” “But that’s impossible.” “Not really,” she pointed out. “We asked for a miracle, didn’t we?” Something great seemed to tremble in the air, something awesome and wondrous. Was this what it meant to trust? Like two little girls, we had approached our Father, placed a broken toy in his lap, and asked with complete assurance (at least on Lynne’s part), “Daddy, fix it.” Why should I have been surprised when he did?", "As much of heaven is visible as we have eyes to see.", "—William Winter", "What Are Miracles?", "A miracle is a wonder, a beam of supernatural power injected into history. . . . [It] makes an opening in the wall that separates this world and another.", "—", "Time", ", December 30, 1991 Polls show that more than eight in ten Americans believe in divinely worked wonders, primarily because such events suggest that God exists and loves us and that our lives have a purpose. But the finding of the rings in my backyard deepened my interest in the subject.", "What is a miracle?", "I wondered.", "How do we know when one happens?", "According to", "Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary, Encyclopedic Edition", ", a miracle is “an event or effect that apparently contradicts known scientific law, and is hence thought to be due to supernatural causes.” Whether elaborate or unadorned, most miracles are positive happenings, occurring unexpectedly and usually outside the realm of ordinary life. “If you can explain it,” says author Betty Malz, “it is not a miracle.” Nor are miracles haphazard. The recipient usually has a sense of God’s deliberate intervention, a change, an answer. Among the world’s many religions, we find different responses to miracles. For example, the Catholic Church accepts their existence, but only when the event defies the known laws of science. And claims are not easily verified. A case in point is the shrine at Lourdes in France. Although there have been thousands of purported divine healings there, only sixty-­seven have made it through the stringent procedures of the International Medical Commission to be officially declared miracles. (In 2008, the commission decided it would no longer declare something a “miracle,” but simply a “remarkable event.”) Since 1981, millions of people have witnessed extraordinary events at Medjugorje, Herzegovina (part of the former Yugoslavia). But the church is still investigating the situation without official comment and will probably do so for years to come. Protestant denominations differ on miracles. Some believe that Jesus healed the sick, multiplied food, commanded the sea to be silent only for the purpose of establishing his church on earth, and then such heaven-­directed wonders stopped. Martin Luther originally denied the possibility of divine healings as well as other miracles, though he later changed his mind. John Calvin, in Institutes of the Christian Religion, wrote that such gifts “vanished in order to make the preaching of the Gospel marvelous forever.” This view is disputed by more charismatic Christians. “In this age of skepticism, I often hear people say, ‘But God isn’t working miracles anymore,’” wrote Harald Bredesen, pastor and author of Need a Miracle? “I’ve got news for them—good news. God isn’t working miracles any less!” Perhaps people block the availability of miracles—or the answers to any prayers, for that matter—“by consciously or unconsciously thinking of God in too small terms, of considering him in terms of our own human limitations.” Professor Ralph Watkins of Fuller Theological Seminary agrees. “We need to be bold enough to believe in a God who can perform miracles,” he says, “even in the overwhelming and seemingly impossible challenges: ending poverty, war, divisiveness. We need to walk up on the tomb of things that look dead and resurrect our dreams.” Jews believe in miracles too. “God is not subject to the laws he established for his universe,” according to Rabbi Simon Greenberg, writing in A Jewish Philosophy and Pattern of Life. “He remains their unchallenged master, who can manipulate them at will.” The Islamic view is similar. “Miracles are given by the grace of Allah, the only God, not through our own power,” says Dr. Musa Qutub, president of the Islamic Information Center of America. “We can ask for anything, because anything is possible.” And it is in the asking that our faith grows. “No one who raises his hand to Allah ever comes back empty,” Dr. Qutub explains. Can we “prove” miracles? Usually not. Even if the circumstances seem astonishing, in the end many must be left to the observer to decide. But sometimes we recognize one by our reaction—perhaps a tiny quiver in the pit of our stomach, a chill running through us, a prick of tears, or our heart lifting in wordless response. Miracles can also be identified in hindsight by the positive, often profound changes they make in our lives. My own “miracle of the rings” changed me. Gradually, I grew more willing to ask for spiritual help and seek God’s plan for me, less fearful of being considered “unworthy.” Still, it wasn’t until I wrote Where Angels Walk in 1992 that a new door to understanding miracles opened to me. People were so moved by the true stories of others who were rescued, consoled, or touched in a special way by an angel that they willingly shared their own heavenly experiences with me. (A few needed to remain anonymous and are denoted here with an asterisk [*].) Most wrote in response to my book or spoke to me after I had given a talk. Others called radio shows where I was a guest. It was a touching experience, sitting quietly in my home office as I joined the various shows by phone, sometimes late at night, connecting with people all over the country who were willing to publicly discuss their angel encounters. Or seeing the dawning awareness of God’s love on the face of a stranger who approached my book-­signing table or tentatively opened his heart in an airport waiting room. Every day brought stories of sorrow turned into joy, of lives filled with reawakenings, of searches that had ended, as all good searches do, in the arms of the Father. Some of these encounters came through angels, others through loved ones already in paradise. Answers to prayers, unexplained healings, the wonders of nature—occasionally a story contained more than one spiritual ingredient, making it harder to categorize, but even more enjoyable to hear. Most illuminating, God seemed to be at work not just at shrines but everywhere. The greatest and most profound adventures with him were taking place, not at the feet of distant gurus, but in our own kitchens, our cars, our prayer communities, wherever hearts were open enough to whisper, “Come, Lord, come. . . .” Gradually I realized that such happenings were far too precious to hide in my files. As I read them and heard them, it became clear that I would have to share many of them in another book, one not only about angels, but also about faith and love . . . and, yes, about miracles. The groundwork God had so lovingly laid in my backyard was finally bearing fruit.", "Part One", "Miracles through Prayer", "It may never be mine, The loaf or the kiss or the kingdom Because of beseeching; But I know that my hand Is an arm’s length nearer the sky For reaching.", "—Edwin Quarles, “Petition” Janice Stiehler of Baldwin, New York, worried when the Yankees game her teenage son was attending went into extra innings. Now Kurt and his friends would have to take the subway to Penn Station very late at night. Janice went to sleep, but at precisely 1:10 a.m. she awoke to the crash of a shattered windowpane, as if someone was breaking into the house. Frightened, she roused her husband, and they both searched everywhere. But they found no evidence of burglars and no broken glass. Nor had Kurt come home. “For some reason, I felt compelled to pray for him,” Janice recalls. She sat in the kitchen, prayed, and waited. An hour later, a Penn Station security officer phoned. The boys had been horsing around at the terminal, and Kurt’s arm had crashed through a huge storefront window. The pieces of broken glass were so jagged and heavy that the arm should have been completely severed, the amazed officer explained. But Kurt had sustained no injury, not even a scratch. “When did this happen?” Janice asked. “One-­fifteen.” Then Janice understood. She had been awakened just in time to pray for Kurt. And somehow, across the miles, her prayers had protected him. When situations work out, we often assume it’s a coincidence or the result of our own efforts. And sometimes it is. But answers also come because we pray. Prayer is most commonly defined as the raising of our minds and hearts to God. We can praise and adore God, express sorrow for an action we regret, give thanks, or ask for help. Prayer covers the complete spectrum of human emotion—from grief to anger to wonder. It can arise from specific occasions or flow casually, like a chat with a good friend. Ideally, prayer “takes no time but it occupies all our time,” says Quaker author Thomas Kelly. “[It is] a gentle receptiveness to divine breathings.” Americans are a prayerful people. Two-­thirds of us say we pray at least once each day; almost a third pray several times a day. Years ago, I told a friend that I wished I had time to pray. She looked at me. “I don’t have time not to pray,” she said. I discovered that she was right. Once I made prayer my first priority, God provided all the time I required for everything else—at least everything that he wanted me to accomplish! But is it necessary to pray? If God already knows what we need, why doesn’t he just give it to us? Prayer seems to be necessary for our welfare, to place us in an intimate rapport with our Creator, to fill the God-­shaped vacuum within us that will never be satisfied with anything but God. “The value of persistent prayer is not that God will hear us,” observed historian William McGill, “but that we will finally hear God.” And as Scripture puts it, “You do not have, because you do not ask” (James 4:2). Clearly, “requesting” is an important part of a relationship. But requests are not always answered in ways we might expect. Sometimes we decide our own agenda, and then ask God to bless it. When he doesn’t, we conclude that he didn’t answer our prayer. But he did—he said no or not yet, because what we asked was not in our best interest. It’s similar to a mother who took her toddler on a shopping trip. Little Joey saw a toy he wanted. The toy was poorly made, and Mom knew it would soon break and disappoint him. The following week was Joey’s birthday, and she had already bought a shiny red tricycle, which would delight him far more than the cheap plaything he thought he wanted. When Mom refused to buy the toy, however, Joey threw a tantrum. Like us, he didn’t understand that his parent had a larger view of his life—and something better in store. A more effective way to pray is to trust God’s love for us and surrender the direction of our life to him. The late author Catherine Marshall once noted that “God absolutely refuses to violate our free will; therefore, unless self-­will is voluntarily given up, God cannot move to answer prayer.” She found that whenever she stopped arguing and instead said, “Okay, God, whatever you want,” exciting answers came. We can pray alone or united with others, in group worship or a shared purpose. Sevier Heights Baptist Church of Knoxville, Tennessee, is one of a number of congregations using the Watchman program, in which volunteers intercede in their homes. While praying, each faces a different direction, like guardians. (This is taken from Isaiah 62:6: “I have posted watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night.”) Moms In Touch International is another organization sponsoring thousands of small groups of mothers who meet and pray for their children. In my own parish, grandparents pray together one hour each week for their grandchildren. Many people attest to feeling supported, even carried, when others petition God for them during a difficult time. “I don’t know how I would have gotten through without prayer,” they say. And it’s true. Have you ever cried out: “Why me, God? Why must I suffer? Why did someone I love die? Why have my efforts failed?” It’s difficult to understand why there is pain in our world, why prayers seem to go unheard. Perhaps God is waiting for us to heal one another’s wounds. Or perhaps our vision is limited. “On earth we see only the back of the tapestry,” all the seemingly random threads and knots, said Dutch missionary Corrie ten Boom. “But the time will come when we will behold the front in all its amazing beauty.” In the end, it will all make sense. Until that time, we can hold tightly to God’s hand through prayer, as people in the following stories did. They learned that no job is too difficult, no heartache too devastating, no life ever barren—with God.", "A Promise on Mother’s Day", "Something happens when we pray, Take our place and therein stay, Wrestle on ’til break of day; Ever let us pray.", "—Anonymous Sue and Kenny Burton had tried for more than two years to have a baby, and things weren’t going well. Month after month, despite many medical tests, they continued to be disappointed. People in their tiny, close-­knit town of Frankfort, Kansas, knew about the Burtons’ dream and were praying for them. At that time, Sue was singing contemporary Christian songs in a sextet formed by women from Frankfurt’s United Methodist Church. The group, ironically named Special Delivery, performed regularly at mother-­daughter banquets, Elk and Moose club meetings, and other functions. “Usually during a program we would each share a little personal history with the audience,” Sue explains. “Since we ranged from teenage to grandmother status, people could relate to all of us.” The other singers, knowing Sue’s longing for a baby, encouraged her to share that with audiences, and she did. The response was tremendously supportive. After the Christmas concerts, many people came up to assure Sue that they would add their prayers to those of her neighbors. In March, a woman from South Dakota even predicted that at this time next year, Sue would have a baby daughter. Although Sue and Kenny seemed no closer to decorating a nursery, it helped to know that so many people cared. On Mother’s Day weekend, Sue drove her mother to Kansas City to spend some time with Sue’s sister, Shelley, who attended college there. The three visited shopping malls all day Saturday, and Sue conscientiously pressed the automatic door lock every time they parked and got out of her car. “We joked about being overly cautious in the big city, but there was no point in being careless,” Sue says. Sunday morning, the trio awakened to a steady rain. They lounged around in Shelley’s apartment and had an early lunch. The downpour continued, so eventually the three decided to go out anyway. Dodging raindrops, they splashed across the parking lot to Sue’s car. “Hurry up! I’m getting soaked!” Shelley laughed as Sue unlocked the driver’s door, then pressed the switch to open the other doors. Shelley scrambled into the front seat, while their mother got in back. “Look at this!” she exclaimed as her daughters turned around. On the backseat was a pink baby bootie. “Where did that come from?” Sue asked. “It wasn’t there yesterday, was it, Mom?” “No,” her mother said. “I was in and out of here all day, and I never saw it.” “Could it have been stuck down in the seat, maybe left by one of your friends in Frankfort?” Shelley asked. Sue shook her head. “I doubt it. My friends’ children are all older. I don’t think a baby has ever been in this car.” The women pondered over that awhile. “Someone must have found it lying near the car just now and tossed it in,” said Shelley, “thinking it was ours.” “But the car was never open,” Sue pointed out. “You know I’ve locked the doors whenever we got out. And why would anyone think a bootie belonged to us? No one here knows us.” “Look how muddy and wet it is outside,” Sue’s mother added, “but this bootie is clean and dry.” The women fell silent again, turning over possible explanations in their minds. But no solution emerged. The bootie’s position looked deliberate, as if someone had wanted to be sure it was seen. “What if . . . ?” Sue couldn’t finish her sentence, but the others knew what she was thinking. Was the bootie a message from heaven, a sign that all those prayers ascending from the Kansas plains were about to be answered? Sue hardly dared to hope. She took the bootie home, put it in her Bible, and waited. Waited until she realized she was indeed pregnant, had been pregnant on that Mother’s Day morning, and would, just as the lady from South Dakota predicted, be a mother—of a daughter—very soon. “When people asked how I could be so sure of a girl, I would simply show them the bootie,” Sue says. “Would God send pink for any other reason?” Today, some years later, Sue and Kenny still keep the bootie in a special place, as a reminder that God answers prayer. In fact, he answers in abundance, for their older daughter Paige, has a sister, Chelsey. “I have no doubt that an angel left that bootie there as a sign for me,” Sue says. For her, every day is Mother’s Day.", "Answer in the Wind", "I like to compare prayer to the wind. You cannot actually see the wind, but you can see the results of it. —Rosalind Rinker,", "How to Have Family Prayers", "It was a raw January day as the bus left Benton, Wisconsin, but Dick Wilson* barely noticed. He had just attended his mother’s funeral. Although she’d had severe diabetes for many years and it was a relief to see her suffering end, his heart was still heavy. When the summons had come, Dick planned to drive to Wisconsin from his home in Sedona, Arizona. But the weather in that mountainous area was treacherous, and even worse conditions had been predicted. Instead, his wife, Nancy, had driven him to the Phoenix airport, where he boarded a plane. Now he was on his way back to Nancy and the six of their ten children who still lived with them. It would have been more convenient to fly back, but the bus fare would be easier on the family budget. Miles rolled by. Dick was cold and sorrowful, and the trip seemed endless. Finally, in the middle of the night, the bus pulled into the terminal in Tucumcari, New Mexico, for his last transfer. There was time for a quick snack, so Dick went into a nearby restaurant. Lost in thought, he was startled when a driver yelled from the door: “Phoenix bus is leaving, folks. Last call to board.” Last call! Dick got up, grabbed his jacket, then reached inside his shirt pocket for his ticket. But his pocket was empty. Quickly Dick checked the rest of his possessions. Yes, here was his wallet, his comb, and coins. But as he inspected the floor and the chair he’d been sitting on, his pulse began to race. His ticket was gone. What was he going to do? He had no cash for another ticket. Perhaps he had dropped it on the bus. Panic building, Dick ran to the terminal lot. People were boarding the Phoenix bus, but he dashed to the one he had just ridden. A man was sweeping it out. “Have you found a ticket?” Dick asked the workman. “Nope.” The workman paused and looked around at the little pile of cigarette butts and candy wrappers. “There’s nothing here but this junk.” “Oh, God, please help me. . . .” Dick stepped down from the bus, his head swimming. Now what? He sat out down the street, away from the restaurant. If only he hadn’t been so careless, so absorbed in his own grief! How could he have done something so stupid? The wind was blowing strongly, and as Dick trudged, head down, debris whirled past. Rubbish blew against him, and blindly Dick hit out at it, grabbing one troublesome piece of paper to crumple it in frustration. He’d have to phone Nancy, have her wire some money out of their tight budget. And in the meantime the bus would leave. How long would he be stuck here? Turning, Dick retraced his steps past the terminal and back to the restaurant. As he pushed the door open, he realized that his fist was still closed around that crushed piece of wastepaper. Absently, he glanced at it before tossing it aside. It was his missing ticket. Dick reached home safely and has never forgotten the wonder of that answered prayer.", "Vital Signs", "I never spoke with God, Nor visited in heaven; Yet certain am I of the spot As if the chart were given.", "—Emily Dickinson,", "Poems", "When Emily Weichman was seven months old, she had a stroke. Although the episode had never been repeated, Emily was still delicate, and her mother, Marlene, watched her carefully for signs of illness or distress. So did the members of the Weichmans’ church community, St. Paul Lutheran in West Point, Nebraska. “Emily had many adoptive grandparents,” Marlene says. “Everyone was concerned about her.” One September, Marlene, her husband, and Emily, then five, decided to accompany Marlene’s parents to Seattle to visit relatives. On the way home, they stayed overnight at a campsite in Yellowstone National Park. The following morning, Emily seemed lethargic, and after they got on the road, she quickly fell asleep again. The family was driving through an empty stretch of Wyoming when Emily awoke abruptly. “Mommy,” she said, “I’m sick.” Marlene looked at her daughter. Emily’s eyes seemed out of focus, shifting to the right. A moment later she started vomiting. They had just driven over some road oil. Were fumes nauseating Emily? Marlene’s father stopped the RV, and everyone walked her up and down. She was conscious and apparently aware, but Marlene, a teacher, had had epileptic students, and she felt a chill of apprehension. Emily’s symptoms seemed ominously similar. “Dad,” she said, “we’ve got to get Emily to a hospital right away!” The nearest town, Rock Springs, was more than sixty miles away. Marlene’s father sped off, and everyone began to pray. Twenty miles, thirty. . . . The scenery flew by, but not quickly enough. Emily seemed to be fading. Everyone kept praying, but as they approached Rock Springs, they could see that the town below was far larger than they had anticipated. There would certainly be a hospital here, but how would they find it? (This was before the age of cell phones.) Precious moments would be lost as they searched. Emily was unconscious now. “Lord,” Marlene whispered as she held her daughter tightly, “we need to find a doctor fast.” Just as they approached an interstate highway, everyone saw a blue marker with a white H on it—a hospital sign! Thank God! Soon they saw another. At least four signs formed a reassuring blue-­and-­white trail, which Marlene’s father followed on and off the interstate, right to the hospital. An emergency-­room physician diagnosed Emily’s condition as a mild epileptic seizure, did a CAT scan, and quickly stabilized her with anticonvulsant drugs. Only afterward, as Emily rested safely in her room, did Marlene feel the full impact of the crisis. “If it weren’t for those hospital signs,” she told the physician, “we might still be driving around.” The doctor looked at her curiously. “What signs?” “The ones lining our route,” Marlene explained. “They were literally a lifesaver—we couldn’t have found the hospital without them.” The doctor was perplexed. “I live about eight miles out on that road. I travel it every day here,” he told her. “I’ve never seen any hospital signs.” Marlene didn’t know what to think. All four adults in the van had seen the markers. But her father and her husband were now at a gas station they had passed on the way in, having the RV checked out. When they returned, she’d ask them. The men returned late—because they had gotten lost. “We were counting on those blue-­and-­white signs to guide us,” her father said. “But they were gone.” Still perplexed, Marlene phoned the Rock Springs Chamber of Commerce the next day. But an official could provide no explanation. “There have never been any hospital signs there,” he said. When the Weichmans returned home, Emily’s doctor put her on anticonvulsant drugs. By the time she was in fifth grade, the seizures had completely stopped. Later, Marlene agreed to a test that would measure the seizure activity still going on in Emily’s brain. “The result was no seizure activity,” says Marlene. “The EEG showed that her brain had created alternate routes and had bypassed the area where the seizures were occurring.” As Emily’s perplexed doctor explained all this, he emphasized that such a thing normally doesn’t happen. Emily just smiled at him and gently put her hand on his. “It’s just another miracle,” she told him. “One of these days, you’ll start believing in the power of God and his miracles. I do already.” “I’ll never forget the look on that doctor’s face as this girl witnessed to him,” says Marlene today. As for Rock Springs? A few years after the Weichmans had been there, the town leaders erected hospital signs. No doubt it’s holy ground.", "Read more" ]
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Joan Wester Anderson (Author)
[ "Books", "Christian Books & Bibles", "Christian Living" ]
{"Publisher": "Loyola Press; Revised edition (August 1, 2009)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "288 pages", "ISBN 10": "9780829429039", "ISBN 13": "978-0829429039", "Item Weight": "15.2 ounces", "Dimensions": "7.31 x 0.88 x 7.44 inches"}
Paperback – August 1, 2009
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Joan Wester Anderson', 'about': ['Joan Wester Anderson began writing in 1973, as a way to bring home a second income for her family of seven. "It was to be a temporary situation while I figured out what talents I had," Joan says. However, she never got around to deciding; instead she slipped into magazine feature writing, and did an occasional book,too. "The books never sold very well--my mother sometimes bought a copy---but they gave the illusion that I was somewhat of a professional, which was important for my self-image."', 'In 1992, Joan realized that her children had all finished college and moved away. Perhaps it was time for her to do the same. One of her sons had experienced an amazing miracle, so she decided to write one last book in thanksgiving to God, and then return to college to prepare for her next career. Instead, her "thanksgiving book" became a New York Times best-seller, WHERE ANGELS WALK.', 'Joan is widely regarded as one of the writers who began the "angel craze," and spoke around the country as experts and talk show guests. Today she is the author of nine books on angels and miracles, and continues to send out stories to her mailing lists of "angel lovers." Amazing but true---WHERE ANGELS WALK is approaching its twenty-fifth year in print (does it seem that long?) and a commemorative edition will soon be available. This book will include the entire text of WHERE ANGELS WALK (for those of you who missed it the first time around) as well as some new material. Happy reading!']}
Sparks Fly: A Novel of the Light Dragons
[ "Hell hath no fury like a ticked-off dragon…", "Ysolde de Bouchier has a lot on her plate, which isn't unusual considering her Light Dragon mate Baltic is still at odds with just about everyone, starting with his former guard Thala and her outlaw posse, right down to his dragon god father. Ysolde herself fairs no better, since the First Dragon has her in his sights as well, demanding that she right past wrongs...and her time to do that is quickly running out. With the help of some familiar friends, Ysolde sets into motion an elaborate plan that will have repercussions throughout the mortal and immortal worlds. But when a member of her family is held hostage, no one is safe from the fire of her rage." ]
[ "About the Author", "Katie MacAlister lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and dogs, and can often be found lurking around online game sites." ]
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Katie Macalister (Author)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "Action & Adventure" ]
{"Publisher": "Berkley; Original edition (May 1, 2012)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "352 pages", "ISBN 10": "9780451236531", "ISBN 13": "978-0451236531", "Item Weight": "6.4 ounces", "Dimensions": "4.25 x 1 x 7 inches"}
Paperback – May 1, 2012
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Katie MacAlister', 'about': ['New York Times, USA Today, and Publishers Weekly bestseller Katie MacAlister has always loved reading. Growing up in a family where a weekly visit to the library was a given, Katie spent much of her time with her nose buried in a book. Despite her love for novels, she didn’t think of writing them until she was contracted to write a non-fiction book about software. Since her editor refused to allow her to include either witty dialogue or love scenes in the software book, Katie swiftly resolved to switch to fiction, where she could indulge in world building, tormenting characters, and falling madly in love with all her heroes.', 'Two years after she started writing novels, Katie sold her first romance, Noble Intentions. More than fifty books later, her novels have been translated into numerous languages, been recorded as audiobooks, received several awards, and are regulars on the bestseller lists. She also writes for the young adult audience as Katie Maxwell.', 'Katie lives in the Pacific Northwest with two dogs and a cat, and can often be found lurking around online.']}
The Last Dance: A Memoir of the Garden Island Grille
[ "Dreams are fickle things, evolving as time passes and circumstances change, spending their lives rolling around the perimeter of our minds, giving us a brass ring to reach for. The pursuit alone can fill a lifetime. When dreams are finally realized, they have the power to reshape our thinking and sharpen our vision to the point that nothing seems impossible.Ride along as Dave crashes through a life that was far from what he wanted. Discover how a chance meeting changed the future of two people and sent them both chasing the same dream. Wander amidst the construction and witness their vision emerge from the pages of a battered notebook. Watch as their dream rises from the dust and takes flight in a small town on a small island. Listen in as Dave tells the story of why he and his wife left everything behind, followed their hearts to the middle of the Pacific, and opened a tropical restaurant. His stories come alive as he takes you from the struggles of an ordinary life in Michigan to the triumphs of an extraordinary life on Kauai. Mixed in, you'll see how they, with absolutely no restaurant experience, take the desires of their heart and make them a reality that continued to grow in success and popularity. You'll experience the excitement and emotion of their journey before news of the Covid-19 pandemic led to the closing of the Hawaiian Islands and turned the page on the greatest chapter of their lives. Become a part of the amazing, difficult journey to success and watch as a once flourishing dream is set on a path to an uncertain future." ]
[ "Review", "Loved it! ��", "\"In a class by itself, this hauntingly beautiful memoir has an intense and elegiac quality that'll stick with you long after the last page.\" - Reedsy", "About the Author", "Born and raised in Michigan, Dave found his true home on the island of Kauai. After thirty years in plumbing, Dave and his wife moved to Hawaii and opened a restaurant. That experience changed his life and gave him the courage to boldly pursue other passions. He and his wife share their home and furniture with two dogs, Holly and Frankie. \"The Last Dance: A Memoir of the Garden Island Grille\" is Dave's first book. Feel free to contact him at" ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Dave Trentlage (Author)
[ "Books", "Biographies & Memoirs", "Professionals & Academics" ]
{"Publisher": "BookBaby (February 21, 2023)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "260 pages", "ISBN 10": "1667877879", "ISBN 13": "978-1667877877", "Item Weight": "14.4 ounces", "Dimensions": "6 x 0.6 x 9 inches"}
Paperback – February 21, 2023
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Dave Trentlage', 'about': ["Although born and raised in Michigan, Dave found his true home on the island of Kauai. After thirty years in the plumbing trades, Dave and his wife moved to the Hawaiian islands and opened a restaurant. It was an experience that changed his life and gave him the courage to boldly pursue other passions. He and his wife continue to write what's in their hearts and chase after yet another dream. They share their home and furniture with their two dogs, Holly and Frankie. The Last Dance: A Memoir of the Garden Island Grille is Dave's first book. Please feel free to contact him at:"]}
Human Development: A Cultural Approach (2nd Edition)
[ "NOTE:", "You are purchasing a standalone product; MyPsychLab does not come packaged with this content. If you would like to purchase", "both", "the physical text and MyPsychLab, search for ISBN-10: 013413074X / ISBN-13: 9780134130743 That package includes ISBN-10: 0133792420 / ISBN-13: 9780133792423 and ISBN-10: 0205206514 / ISBN-13: 9780205206513. MyPsychLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor.", "For courses in Lifespan Development which take a chronological approach", "Help students understand how culture impacts development – and why it matters", "Human Development: A Cultural Approach", ", Second Edition leads students to examine all stages of development through the engaging lens of culture. The first author to take a wholly cultural approach to human development, Jeffrey Arnett integrates cross-cultural examples throughout the narrative to reveal the impact of cultural factors both in the US and around the world. Arnett’s emphasis on culture fosters a thorough, balanced view of development that prepares students to face challenges in our diverse and globalized world – whether they travel the globe or remain in their hometowns.", "Also available with MyPsychLab", "®", "This title is also available with MyPsychLab – an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them better absorb course material and understand difficult concepts. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyPsychLab, ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.", "Human Development: A Cultural Approach", ", Second Edition is also available via", "REVEL", "™, an immersive learning experience designed for the way today's students read, think, and learn. Fully interactive", "Cultural Focus", "and", "Research Focus", "features bring the study of development to life, and A", "pplying Your Knowledge", "videos help students apply chapter content to their own lives and future careers." ]
[ "About the Author", "Jeffrey Jensen Arnett", "is a Research Professor in the Department of Psychology at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts. He received his Ph.D. in developmental psychology in 1986 from the University of Virginia, and did three years of postdoctoral work at the University of Chicago. From 1992-1998 he was Associate Professor in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies at the University of Missouri where he taught a 300-student lifespan development course every semester. From 1998-2005 he was a Visiting Associate Professor in the Department of Human Development at the University of Maryland. In the fall of 2005 he was a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark. His primary scholarly interest for the past 10 years has been in emerging adulthood. He coined the term, and has conducted research on emerging adults concerning a wide variety of topics, including risk behavior (especially cigarette smoking) and media use (especially music), involving several different ethnic groups in American society. He is the editor of the", "Journal of Adolescent Research", ", and is on the Editorial Board of four other journals. He was Editor-In-Chief for two encyclopedias published in 2007, the", "International Encyclopedia of Adolescence", "(Routledge, two volumes) and the", "Encyclopedia of Children, Adolescents, and the Media", "(Sage, two volumes). He has published many theoretical and research papers on emerging adulthood in peer-reviewed journals, as well as the books", "Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood: A Cultural Approach", "(2010, 4th edition, Pearson);", "Emerging Adulthood: The Winding Road from the Late Teens Through the Twenties", "(2004, Oxford University Press); and", "Metalheads: Heavy Metal Music and Adolescent Alienation", "(1996, Westview Press). He has also edited (with Jennifer Tanner) the book", "Emerging Adults in America: Coming of Age in the 21st Century", ", published in 2006 by APA Books. He lives in Worcester, Massachusetts with his wife Lene Jensen and their nine-year-old twins, Miles and Paris. For more information on Dr. Arnett and his research, see" ]
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Jeffrey Jensen Arnett (Author)
[ "Books", "New, Used & Rental Textbooks", "Social Sciences" ]
{"Publisher": "Pearson; 2nd edition (February 2, 2020)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "800 pages", "ISBN 10": "0133792420", "ISBN 13": "978-0133792423", "Item Weight": "3.53 ounces", "Dimensions": "1.3 x 8.8 x 10.8 inches"}
2nd Edition
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Jeffrey Jensen Arnett', 'about': ['Jeffrey Jensen Arnett is a Senior Research Scholar in the Department of Psychology at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts. He has also taught at the University of Missouri. During 2005 he was a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. He is the Founding President of the Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood (SSEA) and author of the book Emerging Adulthood: The Winding Road from the Late Teens Through the Twenties; the 2nd edition was published in 2015 by Oxford University Press. He is also co-author (with Lene Jensen) four textbooks, including the most widely used textbook on adolescence, Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood: A Cultural Approach (2023, Pearson Education, 7th edition). Arnett has two children, twins Miles and Paris, born in 1999, and his wife, Lene Jensen, is also a professor at Clark. He has appeared on television and frequently in print media, including a cover story in the New York Times Sunday magazine in August, 2010. For more information, see']}
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Kenneth Simmons (Author)
{"Publisher": "Thomas Nelson (January 1, 1960)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "256 pages", "Item Weight": "3.2 ounces"}
Hardcover – January 1, 1960
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Kenneth Simmons', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Darwin's Most Wonderful Plants: Darwin's Botany Today
[ "Most of us think of Darwin at work on The Beagle, taking inspiration for his theory of evolution from his travels in the Galapagos. But Darwin published his Origin of Species nearly thirty years after his voyages and most of his labours in that time were focused on experimenting with and observing plants at his house in Kent. He was particularly interested in carnivorous and climbing plants, and in pollination and the evolution of flowers.Ken Thompson sees Darwin as a brilliant and revolutionary botanist, whose observations and theories were far ahead of his time - and are often only now being confirmed and extended by high-tech modern research. Like Darwin, he is fascinated and amazed by the powers of plants - particularly their Triffid-like aspects of movement, hunting and 'plant intelligence'.This is a much needed book that re-establishes Darwin as a pioneering botanist, whose close observations of plants were crucial to his theories of evolution." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Ken Thompson (Author)
[ "Books", "Science & Math", "Biological Sciences" ]
{"Publisher": "Profile Books (July 4, 2019)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "256 pages", "ISBN 10": "1788160290", "ISBN 13": "978-1788160292", "Item Weight": "8.5 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.04 x 1.1 x 7.72 inches"}
Paperback – July 4, 2019
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Ken Thompson', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
So Much to Do: A Full Life of Business, Politics, and Confronting Fiscal Crises
[ "Every city and every state needs a Richard Ravitch. In sixty years on the job, whether working in business or government, he was the man willing to tackle some of the most complex challenges facing New York. Trained as a lawyer, he worked briefly for the House of Representatives, then began his career in his family's construction business. He built high-profile projects like the Whitney Museum and Citicorp Center but his primary energy was devoted to building over 40,000 units of affordable housing including the first racially integrated apartment complex in Washington, D.C. He dealt with architects, engineers, lawyers, bureaucrats, politicians, union leaders, construction workers, bankers, and tenants -- virtually all of the people who make cities and states work. It was no surprise that those endeavors ultimately led to a life of public service. In 1975, Ravitch was asked by then New York Governor Hugh Carey to arrange a rescue of the New York State Urban Development Corporation, a public entity that had issued bonds to finance over 30,000 affordable housing units but was on the verge of bankruptcy. That same year, Ravitch was at Carey's side when New York City's biggest banks said they would no longer underwrite its debt and he became instrumental to averting the city's bankruptcy. Throughout his career, Ravitch divided his time between public service and private enterprise. He was chairman of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority from 1979 to 1983 and is generally credited with rebuilding the system. He turned around the Bowery Savings Bank, chaired a commission that rewrote the Charter of the City of New York, served on two Presidential Commissions, and became chief labor negotiator for Major League Baseball. Then, in 2008, after Governor Eliot Spitzer resigned in a prostitution scandal and New York State was in a post-financial-crisis meltdown, Spitzer's successor, David Paterson, appointed Ravitch Lieutenant Governor and asked him to make recommendations regarding the state's budgeting plan. What Ravitch found was the result of not just the economic downturn but years of fiscal denial. And the closer he looked, the clearer it became that the same thing was happening in most states. Budgetary pressures from Medicaid, pension promises to public employees, and deceptive budgeting and borrowing practices are crippling our states' ability to do what only they can do -- invest in the physical and human infrastructure the country needs to thrive. Making this case is Ravitch's current public endeavor and it deserves immediate attention from both public officials and private citizens." ]
[ "Review", "Weekly Standard", "“Richard Ravitch is an extraordinary man. He's an intelligent, indefatigable, honest, honorable, accessible, and personable fellow who, for 45 years, has played a key role in rescuing New York's jerrybuilt fiscal structure from its own failings. Yes, that's my personal opinion of the man who has just written this autobiography, aptly titled So Much to Do; but it's an opinion broadly shared by New Yorkers caught up in the political life of the city and state over nearly half of a century.”", "New York Times, DealBook, column by Andrew Ross Sorkin", "“This last book has flown under the radar but deserves to be highlighted as simply a delightful memoir…It is a small book, but it is filled with great stories and lessons about state government, New York City and the influence of money in politics and life.”", "Detriot Free Press", "“For hints and striking parallels to the current drama in Detroit…", "So Much to Do: A Full Life of Business, Politics, and Confronting Fiscal Crises", "— is chock-full of insider tales of the wrangling among politicians, powerful Wall Street financiers and labor unions in New York.”", "City Journal", "\"We need more public servants like Richard Ravitch… as Ravitch's career shows, even seemingly dire problems can be solved through grit, intelligence, and good faith.”", "Wall Street Journal", "\"Mr. Ravitch's recommended solutions to the fiscal problems of America's cities—government transparency and public education—are elusive. But the rest of the country would doubtless benefit from having more scrupulous civic leaders like Mr. Ravitch.\"", "New York Times", "“", "So Much to Do", "gracefully synthesizes a serendipitous memoir illustrating the education of a public man; an enlightening, prescriptive citizen's manual into making government work; and a passionate ‘ode to democracy' (as Mr. Ravitch's friend Paul A. Volcker calls it in his blurb on the back cover) into a remarkably accessible book.”", "New York Post", "“He could have called it “Love Story,” and the title would have been faithful to its theme. The book by Dick Ravitch, “So Much to Do,” is the story of his love affair with public service… a delightful and insightful journey through a life of business, politics and emergencies…Fortunately, the book arrives as a new generation of leaders exhibits a shaky understanding of what fiscal prudence means, and the dangers of ignoring it. The book ought to be required reading by the new team at City Hall before it is too late.”", "About the Author", "Richard Ravitch", "has been chairman of the New York State Urban Development Corporation, chairman of HRH Construction Corporation, chairman of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, chairman of the Bowery Savings Bank, lieutenant governor of the State of New York, and co-chair, with Paul Volcker, of the task force on the state budget crisis. He lives in New York City." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Richard Ravitch (Author)
[ "Books", "History", "Americas" ]
{"Publisher": "PublicAffairs; Illustrated edition (April 29, 2014)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "280 pages", "ISBN 10": "1610390911", "ISBN 13": "978-1610390910", "Item Weight": "1.09 pounds", "Dimensions": "6.4 x 1.05 x 9.57 inches"}
Hardcover – April 29, 2014
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Richard Ravitch', 'about': ["Richard Ravitch (born July 7, 1933) is an American politician and businessman who served as the 75th Lieutenant Governor of New York from 2009 to 2010. He was appointed to the position in July 2009 by New York Governor David Paterson. A native of New York City, he earned a law degree from Yale Law School and has worked in his family's real estate development business, a number of government and government-appointed positions, including with the New York State Urban Development Corporation and Metropolitan Transportation Authority, and in private industry, including tenures as chairman of the Bowery Savings Bank and as the chief owner representative in labor negotiations for Major League Baseball."]}
Eye Mind: The Saga of Roky Erickson and the 13th Floor Elevators, The Pioneers of Psychedelic Sound
[ "“One of the most exhilarating and important rock ’n’ roll stories ever told.”—Julian Cope", "The trailblazing 13th Floor Elevators released the first “psychedelic” rock album in America, transforming culture throughout the 1960s and beyond. The Elevators followed their own spiritual cosmic agenda, to change society by finding a new path to enlightenment. Their battles with repressive authorities in Texas and their escape to San Francisco’s embryonic counterculture are legendary.", "When the Elevators returned to Texas, the band became subject to investigation by Austin police. Lead singer Roky Erickson was forced into a real-life enactment of", "One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest", "and was put away in a maximum-security unit for the criminally insane for years. Tommy Hall, their Svengali lyricist, lived in a cave. Guitarist Stacy Sutherland was imprisoned. The drummer was involuntarily subjected to electric shock treatments, and the bassist was drafted into the Vietnam War.", "This fascinating biography breaks decades of silence of band members and addresses a huge cult following of Elevators fans in the United States and Europe. The group is revered as a formative influence on Janis Joplin, Led Zeppelin, Patti Smith, Primal Scream, R.E.M, and Z.Z. Top.", "Roky Erickson is the subject of a heralded recent documentary feature,", "You’re Gonna Miss Me", "; a box set of remastered Elevators CDs with liner notes by author Paul Drummond will be issued in fall 2007." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Paul Drummond (Author), Julian Cope (Foreword)
[ "Books", "Arts & Photography", "Music" ]
{"Publisher": "PROCESS; First Edition (November 1, 2007)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "454 pages", "ISBN 10": "0976082268", "ISBN 13": "978-0976082262", "Item Weight": "1.58 pounds", "Dimensions": "6 x 1.1 x 9 inches"}
Paperback – November 1, 2007
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Paul Drummond', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
[ "Daniel Aaron, one of todays foremost scholars of American history and American studies, began his career in 1942 with this classic study of Cincinnati in frontier days. Aaron argues that the Queen City quickly became an important urban center that in many ways resembled eastern cities more than its own hinterlands, with a populace united by its desire for economic growth.Aaron traces Cincinnati's development as a mercantile and industrial center during a period of intense national political and social ferment. The city owed much of its success as an urban center to its strategic location on the Ohio River and easy access to fertile backcountry. Despite an early over-reliance on commerce and land speculation and neglect of manufacturing, by 1838 Cincinnati's basic industries had been established and the city had outstripped her Ohio River rivals. Aaron's account of Cincinnati during this tumultuous period details the ways in which Cincinnatians made the most of commerce and manufacturing, how they met their civic responsibilities, and how they survived floods, fires, and cholera. He goes on to discuss the social and cultural history of the city during this period, including the development of social hierarchies, the operations of the press, the rage for founding societies of all kinds, the response of citizens to national and international events, the commercial elite's management of radicals and nonconformists, the nature of popular entertainment and serious culture, the efforts of education, and the messages of religious institutions.For historians, particularly those interested in urban and social history, Daniel Aaron's view of Cincinnati offers a rare opportuniry to view antebellum American society in a microcosm, along with all of the institutions and attitudes that were prevalent in urban America during this important time." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
[ "Books", "History", "Americas" ]
{"Publisher": "Ohio State University Press; First Edition (July 1, 1992)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "531 pages", "ISBN 10": "0814205704", "ISBN 13": "978-0814205709", "Item Weight": "1.55 pounds", "Dimensions": "6.25 x 1.25 x 9.5 inches"}
Hardcover – July 1, 1992
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Daniel Aaron', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Coffee and Cockpits
[ "“If I had to die, I wanted it to be doing something I loved, with a man who wanted to fly me to the moon.” By day, Nina Poppins is a professional flight attendant, who lives to travel, and isn’t afraid to chase her dreams. By night, she’s an award winning salsa dancer who wears sexy corsets and garter belts. She wants to keep her two lives separate, but Liam Mikin knows her secrets. Liam Mikin is a co-pilot used to getting any air-hostess he wants with one blazing look of his blue eyes. And he wants Nina. But Nina is adamant she won’t end up as another notch on a pilot’s wingtip. However, fate intervenes when their airplane malfunctions on a routine flight to Samoa, stranding all the crew on the Pacific island. Liam has his opportunity to prove to Nina he’s not what she thinks, but he wasn’t counting on competition in the form of an engineer. Nikolai Rivers dances as well as Nina and is linked to Liam’s past. As Nikolai fights for Nina’s affections, Liam is forced to face what happened all those years ago. Being island-wrecked in a five star hotel is anything but relaxing. Fraught with male egos, dancing, and secrets, both Nina and Liam aren’t ready for what fate has in store." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Jade Hart (Author)
[ "Books", "Romance", "Contemporary" ]
{"Publisher": "CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (April 12, 2013)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "432 pages", "ISBN 10": "1484105796", "ISBN 13": "978-1484105795", "Item Weight": "1.21 pounds", "Dimensions": "5 x 0.98 x 8 inches"}
Paperback – April 12, 2013
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Jade Hart', 'about': ['Jade Hart is a self-confessed book worm who is happiest glued to a lap-top with an eternal battery life and typing up stories running rampant in her head.', 'Jade currently resides in Middle-Earth with her husband and house-rabbit, but has lived in Australia, England, and Hong Kong. And uses her travels as inspiration for her work.', 'Her books include:', 'Ocean Kills, book one of Ocean Breeze Series--a sexy new adult urban fantasy', 'Coffee and Cockpits--a sexy, sweet new adult romance', 'Ocean Slays, book two of Ocean Breeze coming 2013', 'Octopus Lotto--a dark new adult contemp romance coming 2013', "If you enjoy her work, she'd love to hear from you at jadehart888 at gmail dot com"]}
Gabriela Mistral: A Reader (Secret Weavers Series)
[ "Poems and prose by Latin America’s first Nobel Prize laureate.“This beautiful anthology holds the first English translation of Gabriela Mistral’s extraordinary poetry and prose... hidden to the mainstream no longer, here is the breathtaking lifework of a most gifted and enigmatic muse.”—", "NAPRA Journal" ]
[ "About the Author", "Isabel Allende is a well known writer of fiction and nonfiction." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Isabel Allende (Editor), Maria Jacketti (Translator)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "History & Criticism" ]
{"Publisher": "White Pine Press; First Edition (January 1, 1995)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "227 pages", "ISBN 10": "1877727180", "ISBN 13": "978-1877727184", "Item Weight": "11.5 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.5 x 0.6 x 8.5 inches"}
Paperback – January 1, 1995
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Isabel Allende', 'about': ['Born in Peru and raised in Chile, Isabel Allende is the author of The House of the Spirits, Daughter of Fortune, Paula, My Invented Country and The Japanese Lover. Her books have been translated into more than 35 languages and have sold over 65 million copies worldwide. The Japanese Lover was an international and New York Times bestseller. She lives in California.']}
Research Methods in Health Promotion
[ "Research Methods in Health Promotion provides students (advanced undergraduate and graduate students) and practitioners with basic knowledge and skills regarding the design, implementation, analysis, and interpretation of research in the field of health promotion. Taking the perspective that research involves a predetermined series of well-defined steps, the book presents these steps in a sequential format." ]
[ "Review", "\"…a useful textbook for introductory courses addressed to university students and to professionals working in the field of health promotion…\" (", "PsycCritiques", ", 09/06/2007)", "About the Author", "Richard A. Crosby", "is an associate professor in the Department of Health Behavior in the College of Public Health at the University of Kentucky. Crosby received his B.A. degree (1981) in school health education from the University of Kentucky and his M.A. degree (1984) in health education from Central Michigan University. His Ph.D. degree (1998) is in health behavior and is from Indiana University. Crosby was formerly an assistant professor at the Rollins School of Public Health, and previous to that appointment he was a Fellow of the Association of Teachers of Preventive Medicine. He currently teaches graduate courses in public health and research methods. Crosby’s research interests include development and application of behavioral theory to health promotion, particularly in adolescent and young adult populations. He is primarily involved in health promotion practice and research that contributes to reducing the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases, especially infection with the human immunodeficiency virus. Also affiliated with the Rural Center for AIDS and STD Prevention, Crosby has published numerous journal articles that report empirical findings relevant to the sexual risk behaviors of adolescents and adults.", "Ralph J. DiClemente", "is Charles Howard Candler Professor of Public Health and associate director, Emory Center for AIDS Research. He holds concurrent appointments as professor in the School of Medicine, the Department of Pediatrics, in the Division of Infectious Diseases, Epidemiology, and Immunology; the Department of Medicine, in the Division of Infectious Diseases; and the Department of Psychiatry. He was recently chair, the Department of Behavioral Sciences and Health Education at the Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University. DiClemente was trained as a health psychologist at the University of California, San Francisco, where he received his Ph.D. degree (1984) after completing an S.M. degree (1978) in behavioral sciences at the Harvard School of Public Health and his B.A. degree (1973) at the City University of New York. DiClemente’s research interests include developing decision-making models of adolescents’ risk and protective behaviors. He has a particular interest in the development and evaluation of theory-driven HIV/STD-prevention programs for adolescents and young adult women. He has published numerous books and journal articles in the fields of adolescent health and HIV/STD prevention. He currently teaches a course on adolescent health and serves on numerous editorial boards and national prevention organizations.", "Laura F. Salazar", "is currently an assistant research professor in behavioral sciences and health education at the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University. Salazar completed her B.S. degree (1982) in business management from the State University of New York at Buffalo. After a brief career in business, and raising a family, she pursued an M.A. degree (1996) and a Ph.D. degree (2001) in community psychology at Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia. Salazar’s research interests focus on examining the societal, community, and institutional influences of certain health risk behaviors, such as sexual risk behavior and violence against women. She also holds a keen interest in examining the intersection of these two health risks and how they should be addressed simultaneously through the development of innovative programs. She currently teaches graduate courses in theory and applied research methods. She has published many scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals related to these health issues, and is also the author of numerous book chapters." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Richard A. Cros (Editor), Ralph J. DiClemente (Editor), Laura F. Salazar (Editor)
[ "Books", "Medical Books", "Medicine" ]
{"Publisher": "Jossey-Bass; 1st edition (January 23, 2006)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "472 pages", "ISBN 10": "0787976792", "ISBN 13": "978-0787976798", "Item Weight": "2 pounds", "Dimensions": "7.5 x 1.5 x 9.5 inches"}
1st Edition
Henna Style: Express Yourself Through Body Art (Activity Kit) (Petites Plus Series)
[ "Learn all about Mehndi Night, the Bindi Dot, and ancient henna rituals in Henna Style. Then use the cosmetic body paint, paint brush, alcohol prep pad, and transfer papers in the kit to decorate your body (or a friend's) with a personalized artistic statement. Kit includes 64-page softcover book, cosmetic body paint, paint brush, alcohol prep pad, and transfer papers. Kit measures 3-1/2'' wide x 4-1/2'' high x 1-1/2'' deep." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Myra Alston (Author), Peter Pauper Press (Author)
[ "Books", "Health, Fitness & Dieting", "Beauty, Grooming, & Style" ]
{"Publisher": "Peter Pauper Press (January 1, 2004)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "64 pages", "ISBN 10": "0880884363", "ISBN 13": "978-0880884365", "Item Weight": "4 ounces", "Dimensions": "3.75 x 1.5 x 4.5 inches"}
Hardcover – January 1, 2004
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Myra Alston', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Audible Audiobooks
Cuffed Kiss: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Willow Winters (Author), Lance Greenfield (Narrator), Samantha Prescott (Narrator), Audible Studios (Publisher) & 1 more
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "Women's Fiction" ]
Secret Undertaking (Buryin' Barry Series, 7)
[ "\"The dark humor, a small community in a regional mystery, and a strong supporting cast of believable characters will appeal to Margaret Maron's readers.\" ―", "Library Journal", "STARRED review", "Towns like Gainesboro, North Carolina, may be small but go big on local traditions. When funeral director and part-time deputy sheriff Barry Clayton and his childhood nemesis, Archie Donovan, Jr., unite to create a fundraising float in Gainesboro's annual Apple Festival Parade, what could go wrong? With Archie involved―anything!", "First, the Grand Marshal, NC Secretary of Agriculture Graham James, is attacked by a gunman and Barry's Uncle Wayne is critically wounded in the melee. The assailant is killed. Then, when the body of a convenience store owner is discovered less than an hour later with the gunman's food stamp card in his wallet, the case escalates. Two men dead. What is the connection?", "Barry and Sheriff Tommy Lee Wadkins swiftly learn their small town offers no protection against big-time crime. The body count rises as the scope of their homicide investigation crosses into the realm of the U.S. Marshals and their secretive Witness Protection Program. To penetrate its walls, Barry and Tommy Lee resort to a most unlikely ally: Archie. Is the insurance agent, generally a victim of his own hare-brained schemes, capable of breaking the case, or will Archie find a way to become another of its casualties?", "The trio's secret undertaking into a convoluted conspiracy becomes a fight for survival in a world filled with betrayals where it's impossible to know which people to trust." ]
[ "Review", "\"The author follows Risky Undertaking with another intricately plotted story for fans of traditional mysteries. The dark humor, a small community in a regional mystery, and a strong supporting cast of believable characters will appeal to Margaret Maron’s readers.\" ―", "Library Journal STARRED Review", "\"Big-time crime comes to small-town North Carolina when a food-stamp scam becomes entangled with the Witness Protection Program....De Castrique wraps up the plot neatly, along the way advancing the personal lives of deputy and undertaker Barry; his wife, surgeon Susan Miller; and the rest of his family. A solid series entry that takes on the problem of putting potentially dangerous WITSEC participants in the general population.\" ―", "Booklist, Michele Leber", "\"Buryin' Barry\" unearths a corrupt plot in his sleepy North Carolina town....The hero's easy charm in his seventh case makes the reader feel like a longtime Gainesboro resident and a sleuthing sidekick.\" ―", "Kirkus Reviews", "About the Author", "Mark de Castrique grew up in the mountains of western North Carolina where many of his novels are set. He's a veteran of the television and film production industry, has served as an adjunct professor at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte teaching The American Mystery, and he's a frequent speaker and workshop leader. He and his wife, Linda, live in Charlotte, North Carolina.", "Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.", "Secret Undertaking", "A Buryin' Barry Mystery", "By Mark de Castrique", "Poisoned Pen Press", "Copyright © 2018 Mark de CastriqueAll rights reserved.ISBN: 978-1-4642-1037-2", "CHAPTER 1", "\"I want you to put me in jail.\" Archie Donovan, Junior, sported a wide smile as he made the request.", "I stared at him in disbelief. \"What?\"", "The two of us sat in the back booth of the Cardinal Café where Archie had urgently summoned me for a mid-morning cup of coffee. He'd walked from his insurance office and I'd strolled the few blocks from our funeral home, wondering with each step, what harebrained scheme he would propose. It looked like I wasn't going to be disappointed.", "\"Yes, Barry. You're a deputy sheriff.\"", "\"Part-time.\"", "\"Well, it's still official when you're on-duty.\"", "\"I'm not now.\"", "Archie shook his head. \"I don't want you to arrest me now. It will be at the parade.\"", "I slid farther back in the booth, glancing around to see if anyone was overhearing our ridiculous conversation.", "\"Archie, you want to give me more background before I say no?\"", "Archie and I had known each other since grade school and in those years we'd been as compatible as oil and water. In junior high, Archie had dubbed me \"Buryin' Barry\" because my family lived in Gainesboro's one and only funeral home. The name had stuck through high school, and even today a former classmate might rib me in public. In short, Archie could push all my buttons without even trying. Now that we were both in our mid-thirties, I'd come to realize he wasn't mean, he was just tone deaf to the impact of what he said. That never stopped him from talking.", "He leaned across the table. \"Now, you support the Boys Club and Girls Club of Gainesboro, right?\"", "\"Yes.\" I recognized his strategy of getting me to start saying yes before the poisoned-pill question was sprung.", "\"And you agree that they help mold young lives so the kids don't wind up in your jail?\"", "\"Of course. Just get to the point.\"", "\"I want to raise money to help them. Through the Jaycees float in the Apple Festival Parade.\"", "\"By being arrested?\"", "Archie's eyes gleamed. \"By being bailed out. Everyone thinks it's a great idea.\"", "I restrained myself from asking who everyone might be.", "Archie took a sip of coffee and then pushed the cup aside. \"All right. Let me start over. I'm chairman of the Jaycees charity committee that's responsible for raising money. You know, like the annual haunted house.\"", "\"Bad example,\" I said. One year, at Archie's insistence, I'd lent the Jaycees a casket for the Halloween fundraiser, only to have a man murdered in it.", "He shrugged. \"Well, then not like it. Everything will be out in the open. The float will feature kids from the Boys and Girls Clubs and I'll be on it, standing in a mock jail, wearing one of those old-timey striped prison suits. The lettering on the float will say 'Free Archie and help our kids.'\" He spread his hands as if the beauty of his proposal was now self-evident.", "\"I get it. People raise your bail for charity. How much?\"", "\"Ten thousand dollars.\"", "I whistled softly. \"I don't know, Archie. That's a lot of money. How long can you stay on the float?\"", "\"Just for the parade. Then I'll go to your jail. I'll post pictures on Facebook. I bet Melissa Bigham and the", "Vista", "will want to follow my progress. Every morning the paper could run an update.\" His eyes brightened even more. \"Maybe list donors and corporate sponsors. How much will the funeral home kick in? It's great publicity.\"", "I signaled time-out. \"None of this is my call. You can do what you want with your float, but the jail's another matter. Tommy Lee has say over that, not me.\"", "\"But the sheriff listens to you. And he's always doing outreach programs. It's a win-win, a no-brainer.\"", "Both expressions grated on my ears. \"Win-win\" reduced everything to a game, and \"no-brainer\" meant some decision was being made by someone without a brain. I took the easiest exit I could find.", "\"All right. I'll ask Tommy Lee, but no promises.\" I made a show of looking at my watch. \"Sorry. I've got to go. Appointment at eleven.\"", "Archie's smile vanished. \"Someone die?\"", "\"No.\"", "The smile returned. \"Good. I was afraid it was one of my policyholders. When they die, they stop paying their premiums.\"", "I wondered how much money could be raised to keep Archie in jail.", "* * *", "As I neared the funeral home, I spotted a silver Mercedes parked in one of the handicapped spaces near the ramp to the front door. My eleven o'clock appointment had arrived early. Normally, this wouldn't have been a problem because my partner, Fletcher Shaw, would have covered for me. But young Fletcher had taken the week after July Fourth for a vacation in the Bahamas with his girlfriend. He'd confided that he hoped to bring her back as his fiancée.", "I quickened my stride and looped around the lot to come in through the back porch of the old antebellum home. Mom stood at a counter in the kitchen, wearing an apron over one of her Sunday dresses, arranging an assortment of cookies on a china plate. A tray with service for coffee was on the kitchen table.", "\"There you are,\" Mom said breathlessly. \"Mrs. Sinclair showed up thirty minutes early. I was still in my housecoat.\"", "My mother lived upstairs, where she and my father had raised me, their only child. After Dad died, I tried to convince Mom to move to a retirement community but she would hear nothing of it.", "She set the cookies on the table with the coffee. \"Fortunately, Wayne was still here and took her into the parlor.\"", "Her brother, my Uncle Wayne, had moved upstairs a few months ago after selling his home in the county. If anything offered the possibility of encouraging Mom to join a retirement community, it was being under the same roof as Uncle Wayne. Although they loved each other dearly, they clashed over everything from politics to which blossoms made the best funeral arrangements. Mom was short, round, and cheery. Wayne was tall, slim, and skeptical. He was mid-seventies; she mid-sixties and forever the little sister. The only thing they shared in common was a headful of curly, cotton-white hair. And the belief that I was the smartest son/nephew in the world.", "\"Is he still with her?\"", "Mom rolled her eyes. \"If he hasn't run her off.\" She lifted the coffee tray. \"Bring the cookies and we'll see.\"", "I followed her out of the kitchen and down the hall to the parlor. Before we were halfway there, I could hear Uncle Wayne speaking at the decibel level common to those who are hard of hearing.", "\"It's a crime, I tell you. I just don't want you shocked when you hear how much.\"", "I tensed. Uncle Wayne must have jumped to providing cost information, something that was supposed to be left to Fletcher or me. My uncle quoted prices from memory — from 1975. And he apologized for them. I wondered how much damage I'd have to undo and whether Mom's homemade cookies would make our guest more amenable to whatever adjustments would be necessary.", "\"Barry's here,\" Mom called, as she crossed the threshold. \"And I brought coffee.\" She set the tray on the table in front of our guest who sat on the sofa. Uncle Wayne was in a wingback chair angled across from her.", "Mrs. Sinclair looked grateful for the interruption. She wore a gray skirt and a white blouse with a small rounded collar. The top two buttons were unfastened to reveal a pearl pendant hanging from a delicate gold chain. She started to rise, but I shifted the cookies to my left hand and offered my right.", "\"Please don't get up, Mrs. Sinclair.\"", "\"Janet, please.\" She stood anyway.", "Her grip was firm.", "\"And thank you for the coffee. Black will be fine.\"", "I set the cookies on the table and stepped back so Mom could pour.", "\"We were just getting started,\" Uncle Wayne said. \"I was telling her how outrageous it is what the newspapers charge for an obituary. I mean when someone leaves this Earth, that's a news event. The family shouldn't be expected to pay for it any more than a sports team should pay to post the score of a game.\"", "Janet Sinclair looked bewildered by the comparison, and I worried if she envisioned her loved one sandwiched between a stock car race and the local shuffleboard tournament.", "\"Wayne, can you help me in the kitchen a moment?\" My mother wrapped her demand in the veneer of a question, but even Wayne understood he had no other option.", "\"Certainly, Connie.\" He stood and gave a slight bow to our guest. \"A pleasure to make your acquaintance. Barry will take good care of you.\"", "I remained standing until they left and then took the chair my uncle had vacated. Janet Sinclair took a sip of coffee and I took the chance to examine her more closely.", "She appeared to be in her mid to late forties. Her pale skin had a hint of blush on her cheeks. Her black hair was cut short and a stark contrast to bright blue eyes. Those eyes were free of crow's-feet. If she'd had cosmetic surgery, it was excellent. The only discernible indications of age were lines along her neck where the skin wasn't as tight.", "Unlike so many bereaved who came to our funeral home, Janet Sinclair gave no sign she'd been crying — no running mascara, no tissues clenched in tight fists. All she'd said when she'd spoken with my mother earlier was could we meet at eleven. Her early arrival suggested an urgency that hadn't come through her initial request.", "\"I'm sorry to show up a half hour before our appointment,\" she said. \"I was to meet our insurance agent, but he'd evidently been called out of the office.\"", "Archie, I thought. He'd been so excited about his parade appearance that he'd skipped out on a client.", "\"That's all right. Any questions about what my uncle might have told you?\"", "She smiled. \"No. He was waiting for you. He was lamenting the cost of obituaries because I asked if you handled them.\"", "I made a mental note to tell my mother that Uncle Wayne hadn't strayed off the reservation after all.", "\"Yes, we can coordinate that for you. Has there been a death? I'm sorry but I don't know the circumstances of your visit.\"", "\"I guess you could call this fact-finding. I'd like to make preliminary arrangements for my husband and me.\"", "I eyed her more closely. She looked healthy. Perhaps her husband was gravely ill and she wanted to make suitable plans for both of them.", "\"Why don't you describe what you and your husband think you would like? Then I'll know what suggestions might be appropriate.\"", "She nodded. \"Is our conversation privileged?\"", "\"Privileged?\"", "\"Like with a lawyer or a priest.\"", "In my years in the funeral business, no one had ever asked me that question. My father had told me he had met a few terminally ill husbands who wanted to keep their conditions from their wives as long as possible, but Dad told them he'd never lie if asked directly.", "\"There's not legal protection,\" I said, \"but we do adhere to a strict level of confidentiality. If for some reason I had to appear in court under oath, I would have to reveal the substance of our conversation.\"", "She pursed her lips, not happy with my answer.", "\"That will be the same for any licensed funeral director,\" I added. \"But we don't gossip. As long as you're not requesting anything illegal.\"", "She arched an eyebrow. \"Illegal? Like what?\"", "\"Well, like a burial on land not approved for cemetery use. One man loved to hike and wanted to be interred at an overlook in Pisgah Forest. Sprinkling ashes is one thing but a grave and headstone is something else.\"", "\"Nothing like that,\" Janet Sinclair said. \"But we will be going back north to a cemetery outside of Paterson, New Jersey.\"", "\"If you'll give me the name of a local funeral home you'd like to use, we'll be happy to coordinate.\"", "\"No.\"", "Her emphatic tone surprised me.", "\"Well, we can step out of the picture and you can deal directly with the Paterson funeral home for transportation.\"", "\"No, just you. I can give you the name of the cemetery so that you can contact them directly.\"", "I sat quietly for a moment, trying to figure out why she'd avoid a local funeral home in New Jersey. And why she wanted this conversation to be privileged.", "She sensed my reluctance. \"My husband, Robert, wants us to be buried with his parents, but there's a family rift. We own our plots outright so there's no legal issue.\" She gave a humorless laugh. \"His siblings never visit the graves, so they may never even know we're there.\"", "\"Okay. I understand.\" I told her that, but I'd never known a family feud to be so vehement that it extended beyond death.", "\"Wonderful, Mr. Clayton. It will be a comfort to my husband.\"", "\"How's his health?\" I asked. \"Was your visit today prompted by a medical condition?\"", "\"No.\" She hesitated, weighing a decision whether to say more. \"I was reviewing our life insurance and that just got me thinking. If you would go ahead and give me an estimate, I'd appreciate it. I'll give you the address of the cemetery, but please don't contact them yet. Put in what you think will cover everything. For both of us.\"", "\"But I don't know what they'll charge for opening a grave.\"", "She tapped her foot nervously on the carpet. \"Then make a general inquiry. Tell them you have clients thinking about burials there, but that you're going to be handling everything. When the time comes, either my husband or I will give you full instructions.\" She paused as her voice choked. \"Or if both of us were to die in a car or plane crash, our attorney will send the information.\"", "\"All right.\"", "She relaxed. \"And then would half up front be sufficient?\" I smiled. \"That's not necessary. We don't encourage prepayment plans. I recommend you set the money aside in your own account. Let's hope it will be there a long time.\"", "Her eyes teared. \"I wouldn't count on it, Mr. Clayton.\"", "CHAPTER 2", "The Paterson cemetery bore the bucolic name of Forest Glen. My knowledge of New Jersey conjured up \"Turnpike Glen\" as probably being more appropriate. I found the number online and called. The phone rang and rang. I was surprised that no answering machine picked up, especially if the office staff was at lunch. After what must have been twenty rings, I lowered the receiver toward the cradle. A voice sounded just in time for me to snatch the phone to my ear.", "\"Hello? Hello?\" a woman repeated.", "\"Yes. This is Barry Clayton with Clayton and Clayton Funeral Directors in Gainesboro, North Carolina.\"", "\"Give me your number. I'll call you back this afternoon. Things are crazy at the moment.\"", "Having no other choice, I did as she asked. Business in New Jersey must be good. Cemeteries weren't known for crazy times.", "I drew up an estimate of our charges including transportation, an overnight in the city, and embalming. Cremation would have eliminated all these costs but Mrs. Sinclair had said neither she nor her husband wanted that option. I would have expected that response to come from our local mountain people who weren't big on turning their loved ones into ashes, but, as Northerners, the Sinclairs could have preferred the growing trend for cremation.", "When I'd estimated a cost for every item except for Forest Glen's charges, I closed the computer file and turned my attention to my first problem of the morning — Archie.", "Although his plan for raising funds for the Boys and Girls Clubs was admirable, Archie had a talent for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. His exploits were well known to Tommy Lee, and I felt confident the sheriff would nip this jail-bail escapade in the bud. I dialed his direct line.", "\"Sheriff Wadkins' office.\"", "I recognized the voice of Marge Colbert, Tommy Lee's administrative assistant.", "\"It's Barry. Is the High Sheriff of Laurel County in?\"", "\"Early lunch. I expect him back in about twenty minutes. Can I give him a message?\"", "A message describing Archie's idea wasn't one I wanted floating around the department.", "\"Twenty minutes, you say? I'll come in if his calendar is clear.\"", "\"It's a slow day in paradise,\" Marge said. \"But I thought you were off-duty this week?\"", "\"It's a slow day here at the gateway to paradise. See you in a few. You know you can't get along without me.\"", "Marge laughed and hung up.", "I grabbed a quick lunch with Mom and Uncle Wayne at the kitchen table. My favorite. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I'd probably had ten thousand so far.", "\"So, did you get Mrs. Sinclair straightened out?\" Uncle Wayne asked.", "\"More or less. They want to be buried back in New Jersey, but they want us to handle everything up to the cemetery there.\"", "My uncle set down his glass of milk and cocked his head. \"No local funeral home?\"", "\"No. Maybe she thinks we'll be cheaper even with traveling to New Jersey.\"", "\"Could be. God only knows how much them big city funeral homes charge. A thousand dollars for saying, 'Sorry for your loss.'\"", "I laughed. \"Maybe. I've got a call into the cemetery. So, if someone phones with a New Jersey accent, get the charge for opening and closing a grave.\"", "(Continues...)", "Excerpted from", "Secret Undertaking", "by", "Mark de Castrique", ". Copyright © 2018 Mark de Castrique. Excerpted by permission of Poisoned Pen Press. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site.", "Read more" ]
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Mark de Castrique (Author)
[ "Books", "Mystery, Thriller & Suspense", "Thrillers & Suspense" ]
{"Publisher": "Poisoned Pen Press (September 4, 2018)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "288 pages", "ISBN 10": "1464210373", "ISBN 13": "978-1464210372", "Item Weight": "11.2 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.5 x 0.72 x 8.5 inches"}
Paperback – September 4, 2018
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Mark de Castrique', 'about': ['Mystery writer Mark de Castrique has authored twenty-three books. His novels have received starred reviews from Publishers Weekly, Library Journal, and Booklist. The CHICAGO TRIBUNE wrote, “As important and as impressive as the author’s narrative skills are the subtle ways he captures the geography – both physical and human – of a unique part of the American South.”', "Mark is a veteran of the broadcast and film production business. In Washington DC, he directed numerous news and public affairs programs and received an EMMY Award for his documentary film work. His years in Washington inspired his DC thrillers, THE 13TH TARGET, involving a terrorist plot against The Federal Reserve, THE SINGULARITY RACE, a winner-take-all quest for Artificial Intelligence, and SECRET LIVES and DANGEROUS WOMEN, featuring Ethel Fiona Crestwater, a seventy-five-year-old retired FBI agent who now rents rooms to active agents and is the smartest and most fearless of anyone in her household. SECRET LIVES is nominated for the Edgars 2023 G.P. Putnam's Sons Sue Grafton Memorial Award."]}
Outsourced: A Greater-than-riches Mystery
[ "About the Author", "J.I. Kendall" ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
J. I. Kendall (Author)
[ "Books", "Business & Money", "Business Culture" ]
{"Publisher": "Createspace Independent Pub (January 1, 2009)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "274 pages", "ISBN 10": "1448620511", "ISBN 13": "978-1448620517", "Item Weight": "10.2 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.5 x 0.75 x 8 inches"}
Paperback – January 1, 2009
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'J. I. Kendall', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
C++ Programming in Easy Steps
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Mike Mcgrath (Author)
[ "Books", "Computers & Technology", "Programming Languages" ]
{"Publisher": "Computer Step (January 1, 2005)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "192 pages", "ISBN 10": "1840782951", "ISBN 13": "978-1840782950", "Item Weight": "1 pounds"}
Paperback – January 1, 2005
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Mike McGrath', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
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The Underlighters: A Post Apoc Queer, Poly Adventure (The Nightmare Cycle Book 1)
[ "Nightmares are bleeding into her waking world.Children are going missing.She doesn’t know whether the horrors in the shadows are real...or if she is going mad.", "18-year-old Janelle Cohen is an electrician in an underground city. The world above has been swallowed by mind-destroying Dust, but her girlfriend and friends make things as normal as they can be. Her small life changes forever when a dragon attacks her on the way home from work.Her friends worry that she has the Fever, Dust-induced insanity. A terrifying trip to the surface of the world, the ancient and abandoned Up, may offer answers. But below the surface, the city boils with tension, and children are going missingFans of", "The City of Ember", "and Neil Gaiman's", "Neverwhere,", "as well as the Fallout video game series, will love this genre-crossing dark fantasy tale." ]
[ "Review", "5 stars: \"...You will be rewarded with a dive into the depths of imagination that may leave you questioning, breathless and inspired.\" - Author C.E. Kilgore5 stars: \"... Engaging, ground breaking prose that is not afraid to test the reader's boundaries. \"—Author Sara Celi5 stars: \"...A wonderful read that is full of life, nightmares, fear, and dreams.\" -Author Casey Peeler", "About the Author", "Michelle Browne is a sci fi/urban fantasy writer living in Lethbridge, AB, with her partners-in-crime and their cats. Her days revolve around freelance editing, jewelry, phuquerie, and nightmares. She is currently working on the next books in her series, other people's manuscripts, and drinking as much tea as humanly possible." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ "" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Michelle Browne (Author), Kit Foster (Illustrator) Format: Kindle Edition
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "Genre Fiction" ]
{"Publisher": "Magpie Editing; 1st edition (November 30, 2013)", "Publication date": "November 30, 2013", "Language": "English", "File size": "4922 KB", "Simultaneous device usage": "Unlimited", "Text to Speech": "Enabled", "Screen Reader": "Supported", "Enhanced typesetting": "Enabled", "X Ray": "Enabled", "Word Wise": "Enabled", "Sticky notes": "On Kindle Scribe", "Print length": "435 pages", "Page numbers source ISBN": "1484020561"}
Kindle Edition
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Michelle Browne', 'about': ["A writer and professional freelance editor, Michelle Browne lives in Lethbridge, AB with her partners-in-crime and their cats. She is currently working on the next books in her series, other people's manuscripts, knitting, jewelry-making, and drinking as much tea as humanly possible."]}
Sex Trafficking: Inside the Business of Modern Slavery
[ "Every year, hundreds of thousands of women and children are abducted, deceived, seduced, or sold into forced prostitution, coerced to service hundreds if not thousands of men before being discarded. These trafficked sex slaves form the backbone of one of the world's most profitable illicit enterprises and generate huge profits for their exploiters, for unlike narcotics, which must be grown, harvested, refined, and packaged, sex slaves require no such \"processing,\" and can be repeatedly \"consumed.\"Kara first encountered the horrors of slavery in a Bosnian refugee camp in 1995. Subsequently, in the first journey of its kind, he traveled across four continents to investigate these crimes and take stock of their devastating human toll. Kara made several trips to India, Nepal, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, the United Kingdom, Italy, the Netherlands, Denmark, Albania, Moldova, Mexico, and the United States. He witnessed firsthand the sale of human beings into slavery, interviewed over four hundred slaves, and confronted some of those who trafficked and exploited them.In this book, Kara provides a riveting account of his journey into this unconscionable industry, sharing the moving stories of its victims and revealing the shocking conditions of their exploitation. He draws on his background in finance, economics, and law to provide the first ever business analysis of contemporary slavery worldwide, focusing on its most profitable and barbaric form: sex trafficking. Kara describes the local factors and global economic forces that gave rise to this and other forms of modern slavery over the past two decades and quantifies, for the first time, the size, growth, and profitability of each industry. Finally, he identifies the sectors of the sex trafficking industry that would be hardest hit by specifically designed interventions and recommends the specific legal, tactical, and policy measures that would target these vulnerable sectors and help to abolish this form of slavery, once and for all.The author will donate a portion of the proceeds of this book to the anti-slavery organization, Free the Slaves." ]
[ "Review", "Sex trafficking is more of a problem than most people realize. Read this well-written book and find out. -- Kirk DouglasSex trafficking is a crime that shames us all. To fight it we need to research it, know it in depth, and calibrate measures accordingly. Siddharth Kara's compelling economic and strategic analysis is very useful to our work. Readers will gain a deep understanding of the functioning of modern-day slavery as well as what can be done to eradicate it. -- Antonio Maria Costa, executive director, United Nations Office on Drugs and CrimeI approached this book with a certain weariness. Having worked on the subject of sex trafficking for many years, I was unenthusiastic about yet another exposé or cri de coeur from a business executive turned human rights advocate. I could not have been more wrong. This is a unique and inspiring book—an honest, lucid, and immensely intelligent account of a devastating yet pervasive aspect of contemporary globalization. It deserves to be widely read by anyone who wants to understand one of the most persistent and complex human rights violations of our times. -- Jacqueline Bhabha, Harvard Law SchoolSiddharth Kara has done a great service by laying bare the realities of sexual exploitation of women and girls around the world and the scale of this modern slavery. His analysis is rooted in an understanding of the way unregulated economic globalization has impoverished whole regions, failed to improve the miserable lot of women in many countries, and facilitated global criminal networks. His book should be widely read and his recommendations taken very seriously. -- Baroness Vivien Stern, King's College LondonThis book could not be more important. After years of witnessing slavery and meeting with slaves, Siddharth Kara illuminates one of our most pressing human rights issues. He offers brand new research and reliable facts, shattering the myths and sensationalism that tend to surround this topic. Everyone should read this book: it will change the way we think about our world. -- Zoe Trodd, Harvard UniversityAn impressive, scholarly book that will prove an asset for the global anti-trafficking movement in the next decade. -- Holly Burkhalter ―", "Stanford Social Innovation Review", "A disturbing and illuminating study of one of the underbellies of economic globalization: the global sex trafficking industry. -- Padraig Carmody ―", "Irish Times", "An eloquent, campaigning book that addresses an evil that belittles our humanity. -- Jonathan Birchall ―", "Financial Times", "The best book ever written on human trafficking for sexual exploitation. Representing a new period of solid yet humane scholarship, this breakthrough analysis represents a quantum leap in the study of this subject. Simply beyond anything I have seen anywhere. -- Kevin Bales, president of Free the SlavesThis is an important and necessary work and it will educate many people about sex trafficking around the globe. -- Meredith Ralston ―", "H-Human-Rights", "An important innovative resource that enriches the discourse on modern-day slavery and human trafficking. -- Noam Perry ―", "Human Rights Review", "About the Author", "Siddharth Kara is the first Fellow on Human Trafficking with the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. He speaks and consults extensively on contemporary slavery and human rights worldwide and advises several governments as well as private and non-governmental organizations on antislavery policy and law.", "Sex Trafficking", "is the first of three books providing his groundbreaking new approach to contemporary slavery. Previously, Kara worked as an investment banker at Merrill, Lynch, and ran his own finance and M&A consulting firm.Kara holds a law degree from England, an M.B.A. from Columbia University, and a B.A. from Duke University. Previously, he worked as an investment banker at Merrill, Lynch and ran his own finance and M&A consulting firm." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Siddharth Kara (Author)
[ "Books", "Business & Money", "Economics" ]
{"Publisher": "Columbia University Press; 33661st edition (July 9, 2010)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "298 pages", "ISBN 10": "0231139616", "ISBN 13": "978-0231139618", "Item Weight": "15.2 ounces", "Dimensions": "8.9 x 5.9 x 0.7 inches"}
Paperback – July 9, 2010
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Siddharth Kara', 'about': ["Siddharth Kara is an author, researcher, and activist on modern slavery. He is a British Academy Global Professor, an Associate Professor of Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery at Nottingham University, and a Senior Fellow at the Harvard School of Public Health. Kara has authored three books on modern slavery and won the Frederick Douglass Book Prize. Kara's first book was adapted into a Hollywood film, Trafficked.", 'Kara’s fourth book, "Cobalt Red: How the Blood of the Congo Powers our Lives," explores the conditions of cobalt mining in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. A feature film inspired by Cobalt Red is currently in pre-production. He divides his time between the United Kingdom and Los Angeles.']}
[ "With meticulous theories and many thousands of paintings, drawings, and watercolors, Paul Klee (1879–1940) is considered one of the most cerebral and prolific leaders of 20th-century European art. Though typically small in scale, his works are remarkable for their sophisticated thought and meticulous nuances of line, color, and tonality.", "Klee’s stylistic formation was shaped by early affiliation with the German expressionist group Der Blaue Reiter and, in particular, by a 1914 trip to Tunisia which transformed his use of color. After the war, he taught at the esteemed Bauhaus school, where his lectures, like his emerging practice, emphasized the symbolic potential of shade, line, and geometry.", "Klee was also inspired by Cubism, poetry, music, literature, language, and the simplistic power of children’s art. Famed for his simple stick figures, he often combined the appearance of untutored naïveté with rigorous composition and intellectual significance.", "This book provides a selection of key Klee works to introduce his style and influence. From sun-drenched landscapes to enigmatic wordplay, discover a world at once simplistic, symbolic, and dazzlingly colorful.", "About the series", "Born back in 1985, the Basic Art Series has evolved into the best-selling art book collection ever published. Each book in TASCHEN’s Basic Art series features:", "a detailed chronological summary of the life and oeuvre of the artist, covering his or her cultural and historical importance", "a concise biography", "approximately 100 illustrations with explanatory captions" ]
[ "About the Author", "Susanna Partsch (born in 1952) studied art history first in Heidelberg and, between 1980 and 1985, at the Wilhelm Hack Museum in Ludwigshafen, Germany. Presently a freelance writer in Munich, she has written books on Rembrandt, Gustav Klimt, Franz Marc, and Paul Klee." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_QL40_FMwebp_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Susanna Partsch (Author)
[ "Books", "Crafts, Hobbies & Home", "Home Improvement & Design" ]
{"Publisher": "TASCHEN; Illustrated edition (November 10, 2015)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "96 pages", "ISBN 10": "3836501104", "ISBN 13": "978-3836501101", "Item Weight": "1.23 pounds", "Dimensions": "8.25 x 0.75 x 10.25 inches"}
Hardcover – November 10, 2015
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Susanna Partsch', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
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The 6:41 to Paris
[ "After decades, former lovers come face to face in a novel filled with a “suspenseful dread that makes you want to turn every page at locomotive pace” (", "St. Louis Post-Dispatch", ").", "Cécile, a stylish forty-seven-year-old, has spent the weekend visiting her parents in a provincial town southeast of Paris. By early Monday morning, she’s exhausted. These trips back home are always stressful, and she settles into a train compartment with an empty seat beside her. But it’s soon occupied by a man she instantly recognizes: Philippe Leduc, with whom she had a passionate affair that ended in her brutal humiliation almost thirty years ago.   In the fraught hour and a half that ensues, their express train hurtles toward the French capital. Cécile and Philippe undertake their own face-to-face journey—In silence? What could they possibly say to one another?—with the reader gaining entrée to the most private of thoughts. This intense, intimate novel offers “a taut, suspenseful psychological journey from which there is no escape . . . Gripping” (Kati Marton, author of", "Paris: A Love Story", ").   “Perfectly written and a remarkably suspenseful read . . . Absorbing, intriguing, insightful.” —", "Library Journal", "(starred review)" ]
[ "Review", "\"A strong plot and a touching portrayal of how any of us might feel when unexpectedly confronted by the detritus of young love ...", "The 6:41 to Paris", "is a timely reminder that the past is always waiting to ambush us.\"—", "The New York Times Sunday Book Review", "“A taut, suspenseful psychological journey from which there is no escape.", "The 6:41 to Paris", "shatters any illusions that acts of cruelty committed in our youth are of little consequence later in life. A gripping yarn for our time.”—", "Kati Marton, author of", "Paris: A Love Story", "\"Blondel conveys ... a shared, suspenseful dread that makes you want to turn every page at locomotive pace.\"—", "The St. Louis Post-Dispatch", "\"Perfectly written and a remarkably suspenseful read ... an absorbing, intriguing, insightful book for all readers.\"—", "Library Journal", "(Starred review)", "\"A fast, yet deep journey through the characters' experiences of anger, triumph, remorse, and forgiveness, Blondel's novel ... reminds us that even long-ago heartbreaks have the power to ignite our most powerful emotions.\"—", "Kirkus Reviews", "\"Two former lovers find themselves sitting next to each other on a train after 27 years apart ... as their thoughts compellingly trace the meandering paths between who they once were and who they are now.\"—", "Publishers Weekly", "\"A compelling story ... examining what happens in our minds when we undergo unexpected encounters that are both awkward and personal. Memory, pain, love, and privacy all permeate the clear, clever prose.\"—", "World Literature Today", "“A terrific read. Jean-Philippe Blondel writes masterfully about the astonishing private realm, with two alternating monologues that echo one another.”—", "L’Express", "\"So much of this quiet and introspective novel is a touching portrayal of life’s disappointments and what happens when one is unexpectedly ambushed by the past. Short and sweet.\"—", "The Mountaineer", "“A book for the heart that from the first until the last sentence you can’t put down.”—", "Westfälische Nachrichten", "“Avoids the trap of sentimentality … It also reads as the reflection of our contemporary condition.”—", "Le Nouvel Observateur", "“Blondel has written a comedy about an awkward encounter that’s a must-read. Funny, wise and conciliatory.”—", "Stern", "“A fine book, in wonderfully precise and sensitive language, unpretentious and full of small truths.\"—", "Die Presse", "--This text refers to an alternate", "kindle_edition", "edition.", "About the Author", "Jean-Philippe Blondel is a French author and English teacher whose novel The 6:41 to Paris became a bestseller in France and Germany. He currently resides in Troyes, France.Tavia Gilbert is a producer, narrator, writer, and stage and film actor. A six-time Audie nominee and multiple Earphones and Parents' Choice Award winner, she has narrated more than 350 multi-cast and single-voice audiobooks.Charles Constant has been a storyteller from a young age―just ask the grammar-school teachers who had the misfortune to try to collect homework from him. His professional storytelling career began at the age of thirteen, when became an Actor's Equity Association apprentice, and his training later continued in Chicago and London. A resident of Los Angeles, he appears on stage across the country, narrates audiobooks, and occasionally performs on television and in film.Paul Bellantoni is an experienced voiceover artist and audiobook narrator who has worked on a wide range of projects. Also an award-winning opera singer, he has performed in opera houses across the United States and Europe―including at Carnegie Hall, where he held a solo concert. He currently resides in Los Angeles.", "--This text refers to the", "audioCD", "edition." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Jean-Philippe Blondel (Author), Alison Anderson (Translator) Format: Kindle Edition
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "World Literature" ]
{"Publisher": "New Vessel Press (November 9, 2015)", "Publication date": "November 9, 2015", "Language": "English", "File size": "2649 KB", "Text to Speech": "Enabled", "Screen Reader": "Supported", "Enhanced typesetting": "Enabled", "X Ray": "Enabled", "Word Wise": "Enabled", "Sticky notes": "On Kindle Scribe", "Print length": "142 pages"}
Kindle Edition
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Alison Anderson', 'about': ['Alison Anderson spent many years in California; she now lives in a Swiss village and works as a literary translator. Her translations include Europa Editions’ The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery, and works by Nobel laureate J. M. G. Le Clézio. She has also written two previous novels and is the recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts Literary Translation Fellowship. She has lived in Greece and Croatia, and speaks several European languages, including Russian.']}
Explode the Code Book 7,8
[ "New, never use and is in excellent condition." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_QL40_FMwebp_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Nancy Hall (Author)
{"Publisher": "Educators Publishing Service (January 1, 2005)", "Language": "English", "ISBN 10": "0838808565", "ISBN 13": "978-0838808566", "Item Weight": "6.4 ounces"}
Paperback – January 1, 2005
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Nancy Hall', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Above the High Watermark
[ "It is safe to say that Stephen Alpheastus Corker -- \"Fes\" to family and friends -- had no idea that his letters to his wife during the War Between the States would form the nucleus of a book in the 21st Century. In Above the High Water Mark, Corker's great-great grandson, John C. Hall, Jr., would use those letters and others, along with excerpts from news reports, photographs, maps and published images, to create an absorbing look into the past. Corker's unit, the Burke Guards, mustered in Waynesboro, Georgia, on April 29, 1861. The narrative follows Corker and his men from Virginia to the North Carolina Outer Banks, to Sharpsburg, Maryland at Bloody Lane where Corker's sword was shot in two. From there eventually to Gettysburg, where the 3rd Georgia, along with other Georgia regiments, made the furthest advance of the battle on July 3, 1863. Corker was initially listed as severely wounded and missing thereafter. General Robert E. Lee wrote to Mrs. Corker informing her that the last position her husband was seen was amongst the Union cannon, and expressing regret that he could do little to console the family. Corker had been captured and was taken to Johnson's Island Prison near Sandusky, Ohio, where he spent the remainder of the war. Although prisoners were reasonably well fed and well treated, unlike those in some Confederate POW camps, Corker found the day-to-day monotony wearing, and often related his desire to come home and see his wife and son. Eventually, the war ended and Captain Corker returned home to the chaos of Reconstruction. In 1870 he ran for a seat in the 41st Congress. He won the election but was challenged by his opponent. Former Union General Benjamin Butler led the attempt to deny Corker his seat. Testimony in the challenged election gives a unique insight into Reconstruction in Georgia. Butler was defeated and Corker became the last member of the Old South to take a seat in the US House of Representatives." ]
[ "About the Author", "John C. Hall, Jr is a CPA who owns his own business. He was born and raised in Buckhead/Atlanta. He graduated from Valdosta State in South Georgia. He graduated with a BBA in Finance. John has 4 wonderful grandchildren and a wonderful wife. John and his wife live in Dublin, Georgia in the Captain Hardy Smith House. The Captain Hardy Smith House was built in 1873. Captain Smith served in the Confederate Army losing his right arm in the Battle of Mechanicsville, Va. The home is the oldest in Dublin on its original foundation. It is on the National Register of historic places. Above the High Water Mark is John's first book. He is now working on the next one based on his Union ancestor's letters. The Captain Hardy Smith House is the perfect place and setting for writing about the history of the War Between the States." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Mr. John Cooper Hall Jr. (Author)
[ "Books", "History", "Americas" ]
{"Publisher": "CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (April 26, 2017)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "280 pages", "ISBN 10": "1537459228", "ISBN 13": "978-1537459226", "Item Weight": "13.3 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.98 x 0.59 x 9.02 inches"}
Paperback – April 26, 2017
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Mr. John Cooper Hall Jr.', 'about': ['I am Southern man raised on Southern values and upbringing. I was born in Atlanta, Georgia to Dr. John C. Hall and Myrtis B. Hall. My father was a KA and my mother a Southern Belle. I am a 1982 graduate of Valdosta State in South Georgia with a BBA in Finance.', "I live in Dublin, Georgia and own a historic home on the National Register. This home is the oldest home in Dublin on it's original foundation built in 1873. Built by Captain Hardy B. Smith who served in the Army of Northern Virginia. He lost his right arm at the battle of Mechanicsville.", 'I am a Certified Public Accountant in my home State of Georgia. I have worked for myself for over 20 years. When in the corporate world I was ordered to remove my Confederate Items out of my office. For this reason I chose to work in an environment that is suitable to my values and beliefs. The home I live in is dedicated to the Confederacy and the Confederate Flag flies year round on the flag pole in front of the house.', 'I have a passion for writing and am also an actor. My first book "Above the High Water Mark" is a standard barer for the South and our region.']}
The Alexandria Quartet (4 Volume Set)
[ "All four volumes are like-new, unread, unworn, unopened, unmarked, except for slight rubbing and sunning to the spines, and all come in the original slip case that is intact but considerably rubbed at one corner and a bit on a few spots on the edges. ** This is a book club set with later printings, issued in1961-1962. From Dutton, by Lawrence Durrell. ** CLEA, 7th printing, January, 1961; JUSTINE, 15th printing, October, 1962; MOUNTOLIVE, 4th, January, 1961; and BALTHAZAR, 10th printing, January, 1961. ** This book set in slipcase is ready for immediate mailing in a cushioned box on the day of purchase or the next mail day. Also, we provide free tracking as well as a 100% no-quibble money-back guarantee if not completely satisfied. Please let us know right away if there is any problem at all with this purchase." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Lawrence Durrell (Author)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "Literary" ]
{"Publisher": "E P DUTTON & CO INC (January 1, 1960)", "Item Weight": "4.55 pounds"}
Hardcover – January 1, 1960
Bonsai: An Introduction to
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Craig Coussins (Author)
[ "Books", "Crafts, Hobbies & Home", "Gardening & Landscape Design" ]
{"Publisher": "D & S Books (January 1, 2000)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "128 pages", "ISBN 10": "1903327008", "ISBN 13": "978-1903327005", "Item Weight": "1.63 pounds"}
Paperback – Import, January 1, 2000
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Craig Coussins', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Diamond Jim Brady: Prince of the Gilded Age
[ "Praise for H. Paul Jeffers An Honest President: The Life and Presidencies of GroverCleveland \"A well-written and timely book that reminds us of GroverCleveland?s courage, commitment, and honesty at a time when thesequalities seem so lacking in so much of American politics.\" ?JamesMacGregor Burns, winner of the Pulitzer Prize and the National BookAward Colonel Roosevelt: Theodore Roosevelt Goes to War, 1879-1898 \"A handsome narrative of a crucial period in the career of one ofour country?s most colorful politicians.\" ?Publishers Weekly Commissioner Roosevelt: The Story of Theodore Roosevelt and the NewYork City Police, 1895-1897 \"A lively, entertaining, and well-researched portrait of a zealousreformer during the historic crusade that successfully launched hiscareer in government.\" ?Publishers Weekly" ]
[ "From Publishers Weekly", "The story of an industrial giant of the Gilded Age who looms tall over the colorless tycoons of today, H. Paul Jeffers's rollicking account of the life and times of \"Diamond\" Jim Brady is one of the most entertaining historical business narratives in recent memory. Born in 1856 into an Irish immigrant family who ran a saloon on the Lower East Side, Jim Brady had an early hunger for just about everything and the wherewithal to get it. At age 11, he went to work as a bellhop at the St. James Hotel, where the \"genial, roly-poly, blue-eyed Irish youth\" quickly ingratiated himself with the hotel's visitors and promptly spent his ample tips on food. A frequent guest, John Toucey, who worked for Cornelius Vanderbilt's railroad empire, hired Brady at age 15; soon Brady worked his way up to railroad equipment salesman, encountering precious few who could not be won over by his twinkle-eyed merriment, awesome generosity and gargantuan appetite for food. At a time when America was bursting at the seams with industrial expansion and newfound wealth, his expense reports were the stuff of legend; he celebrated each big sale by buying himself the best and gaudiest clothes and jewelry. But for all his larger-than-life boorishness, the man who emerges here is surprisingly cultured. For more than three decades, he never missed a Broadway opening; theater producers could tell where plays needed work simply by watching Jim's reactions in the front row. While Jeffers sometimes skimps on detailing how Jim amassed his fortunes it isn't until late in the book that we get a good accounting of his sales practices the story of this symbol of America's Gilded Age is filled with such gusto and vigor that even hardcore business readers will be swept away.", "Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information, Inc.", "From Library Journal", "Even if many Americans are not familiar with the story of Diamond Jim Brady, very likely the name still rings a bell. Prolific author Jeffers (e.g., An Honest President; Sal Mineo) fully develops this superb historical biography of one of the more colorful characters in American history. Brady's story is a classic Horatio Alger tale of determined success. From his Irish immigrant roots in lower Manhattan, he eventually became renowned for his colossal eating, massive girth, and signature jewelry. Jeffers's spirited writing brings to life Brady's youth, his earl hard-working days bellhopping and selling railroad supplies during America's great rail expansion, his long-term relationship with Lillian Russell, and, of course, those countless 14-course meals. Jeffers deftly weaves together intriguing stage-setting explanations of the age of the robber barons, the crash of 1893, and that unforgettable era of unbridled wealth for a few in 1890s New York. As this marvelous story reveals, Brady's lavish lifestyle embodies America's Gilded Age. Highly recommended for all libraries. Dale Farris, Groves, TX Copyright 2001 Reed Business Information, Inc.", "Review", "The story of an industrial giant of the Gilded Age who looms tallover the colorless tycoons of today, H. Paul Jeffers's rollickingaccount of the life and times of \"Diamond\" Jim Brady is one of themost entertaining historical business narratives in recent memory.Born in 1856 into an Irish immigrant family who ran a saloon on theLower East side, Jim Brady had an early hunger for just abouteverything and the wherewithal to get it. At age 11, he went towork as a bellhop at the St. James Hotel, where the \"genial,roly-poly blue-eyed Irish youth\" quickly ingratiated himself withthe hotel's visitors and promptly spent his ample tips on food. Afrequent guest, John Toucey, who worked for Cornelius Vanderbilt'srailroad empire, hired Brady at age 15; soon Brady worked his wayup to railroad equipment salesman, encountering precious few whocold not be won over by his twinkle-eyed merriment, awesomegenerosity and garangtuan appetite for food. At a time when Americawas bursting at the seams with industrial expansion and new-foundwealth, his expense reports were the stuff of legend; he celebratedeach big sale by buying himself the best and gaudiest clothes andjewelry. But for all his larger-than-life boorishness, the man whoemerges here is surprisingly cultured. For more than three decades,he never missed a Broadway opening; theater producers could tellwhere plays needed work simply by watching Jim's reaction in thefront row. While Jeffers sometimes skimps on detailing how Jimamassed his fortunes--it isn't until late in the book we get a goodaccounting of his sales practices--the story of this symbol ofAmerica's Gilded Age is filled with such gusto and vigor that evenhardcore business readers will be swept away. (Publishers Weekly,August 20, 2001) Even if many Americans are not familiar with the story of DiamondJim Brady, very likely the name still rings a bell. Prolific authorJeffers (e.g., An Honest President; Sal Mineo) fully develops thissuperb historical biography of one or more of the colorfulcharacters in American history. Brady's story is a classic HoratioAlger tale of determined success. From his Irish immigrant roots inlower Manhattan, he eventually became renowned for his colossaleating, massive girth, and signature jewelry. Jeffer's spiritedwriting brings to life Brady's youth, his earl hard-working daysbellhopping and selling railroad supplies during America's greatrail expansion, his long-term relationship with Lillian Russell,and of course, those countless 14-course meals. Jeffers deftlyweaves together intriguing stage-setting explanations of the age ofthe robber barons, the crash of 1893, and that unforgettable era ofunbridled wealth for the few in 1890s New York. As this marvelousstory reveals, Brady's lavish lifestyle embodies America's GildedAge. Highly recommended for all libraries. -Dale Farris, Groves, TX(Library Journal, September 1, 2001)", "From the Inside Flap", "Diamond Jim Brady", "PRINCE OF THE GILDED AGE", "James Buchanan \"Diamond Jim\" Brady was one of the most colorful figures of the Gilded Age, the most glamorous era in U.S. history. In this lively biography, acclaimed journalist, broadcaster, and historian H. Paul Jeffers brings the high lord of the New York glitterati, his classic rags-to-riches story, and the lavish era he exemplified, to shimmering life for a new generation of readers.", "Tracing Brady’s trajectory from New York’s worst slums to the watering holes of high society, this spirited book reveals his speedy rise from bellhop to supersalesman to nationally reputed financier during a period dominated by industrial titans and robber barons. As renowned for his limitless appetites as he was for his monetary talents, Brady was celebrated for his ability to consume colossal quantities of food and drink at a single sitting, for his much-storied relationship with world-famous beauty, singer, and actress Lillian Russell, and, of course, for the abundance of gaudy jewelry with which he adorned his massive girth——and from which his nickname derived.", "Absorbing and intriguing, Diamond Jim Brady vividly recreates this exciting and sumptuous era, the larger-than-life man at its helm, as well as its richly memorable characters, happenings——and scandals.", "From the Back Cover", "Praise for H. Paul Jeffers", "An Honest President: The Life and Presidencies of Grover Cleveland \"A well-written and timely book that reminds us of Grover Cleveland?s courage, commitment, and honesty at a time when these qualities seem so lacking in so much of American politics.\" ?James MacGregor Burns, winner of the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award", "Colonel Roosevelt: Theodore Roosevelt Goes to War, 1879-1898 \"A handsome narrative of a crucial period in the career of one of our country?s most colorful politicians.\" ?Publishers Weekly", "Commissioner Roosevelt: The Story of Theodore Roosevelt and the New York City Police, 1895-1897 \"A lively, entertaining, and well-researched portrait of a zealous reformer during the historic crusade that successfully launched his career in government.\" ?Publishers Weekly", "About the Author", "H. PAUL JEFFERS has written over twenty books of fiction and nonfiction, including Commissioner Roosevelt and Colonel Roosevelt, both published by Wiley.", "Read more" ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
H. Paul Jeffers (Author)
[ "Books", "History", "Americas" ]
{"Publisher": "Wiley; 1st edition (August 17, 2001)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "368 pages", "ISBN 10": "0471391026", "ISBN 13": "978-0471391029", "Item Weight": "1.55 pounds", "Dimensions": "6.4 x 1.13 x 9.69 inches"}
Hardcover – August 17, 2001
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'H. Paul Jeffers', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Incredible Hulk: Pardoned (Incredible Hulk (1962-1999))
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
by Bill Mantlo (Author, Contributor), Sal Buscema (Illustrator, Artist), Mark Gruenwald (Illustrator, Artist), Greg Larocque (Illustrator), Ed Hannigan (Cover Art) & 2 more Format: Kindle Edition
[ "Books", "Teen & Young Adult", "Literature & Fiction" ]
{"Publisher": "Marvel (May 9, 2012)", "Publication date": "May 9, 2012", "Language": "English", "File size": "1492621 KB", "Text to Speech": "Not enabled", "Enhanced typesetting": "Not Enabled", "X Ray": "Not Enabled", "Word Wise": "Not Enabled", "Sticky notes": "Not Enabled", "Print length": "397 pages"}
You Say Tomato, I Say Shut Up: A Love Story
[ "In this hilarious and ultimately moving memoir, comedians and real-life married couple Annabelle Gurwitch and Jeff Kahn prove that in marriage, all you need is love—and a healthy dose of complaining, codependence, and pinot noir. After thirteen years of being married, Annabelle and Jeff have found “We’re just not that into us.” Instead of giving up, they’ve held their relationship together by ignoring conventional wisdom and fostering a lack of intimacy, by using parenting as a competitive sport, and by dropping out of couples therapy. The he-said/she-said chronicle of their intense but loving marriage includes an unsentimental account of the medical odyssey that their family embarked upon after their infant son was diagnosed with VACTERL, a very rare series of birth defects. Annabelle and Jeff’s unforgivingly raw, uproariously funny story is sure to strike both laughter and terror in the hearts of all couples (not to mention every single man or woman who is contemplating the connubial state). Serving up equal parts sincerity and cynicism,", "You Say Tomato, I Say Shut Up", "is a laugh-out-loud must-read for everyone who has come to realize that being “in love” can only get you so far.", "On Cohabitation", "He says:", "“Within days of Annabelle’s arrival, I became very aware that she demanded solitude and had the housekeeping habits of a feral animal.”", "She says:", "“The guy had some sort of nudity radar. When I would take my clothes off for even a second, Jeff would be in front of me cheering as if he’d scored box seats at Fenway Park.”", "On Sex", "He says:", "“I want to have sex every day, but Annabelle only wants to do it once a week. So we compromise: we have sex once a week.”", "She says:", "“Jeff says talking about money before you have sex is a turnoff, but it’s only a", "turnoff", "if you’re talking about not having money. Talking about money before you have sex when you have money is actually a", "turn-on", ".”", "On Pregnancy", "He says:", "“For God’s sake, all I wanted to do was have sex without a condom for a little while; now we were moments from bringing a new life into the world!”", "She says:", "“My ass was expanding so fast it was like a Starbucks franchise. On every corner of my ass there was a new branch of ass opening up.”" ]
[ "From Publishers Weekly", "Married for 13 years, Gurwitch and Kahn look back with laughter at the highs, the lows, and their different marital needs. Writer-actor Kahn (", "Curb Your Enthusiasm", ") won an Emmy for scripting", "The Ben Stiller Show", "; actress Gurwitch (", "Seinfeld", ") produced a documentary adapted from her 2006 book", "Fired! Tales of the Canned, Canceled, Downsized, & Dismissed", ". By teaming for this equally merry marriage memoir, the duo doubles the giggles and guffaws. Over many months, they have been doing readings and performances from this book in progress, when it had the working title,", "How Not to Have a Marriage Like Ours", ". The book includes alternating He Says/She Says sections. Opening with Jeff's pursuit of Annabelle, they write in a lighthearted fashion about dating, cats, living together, marriage, the honeymoon, and lots of sex: In the beginning, there was sex and it was good. In the middle, it became something to schedule like a tennis lesson and flu shot. A genuine crisis interrupted their comedic conflicts when their son was born with birth defects, a situation that affected their marriage: We became each other's psychological punching bags. In the concluding chapter, they speculate on the future direction of their marriage, possibly like the bonds of emperor penguins and Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas. Readers will hope they stay together to write more heartfelt, funny books like this one.", "(Feb. 14)", "Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.", "Review", "\"You Say Tomato, I Say Shut Up: A Love Story shows how hectic, hard and hilarious married life can be. Spanning friendship, courtship, marriage and parenthood, Annabelle Gurwitch and Jeff Kahn’s \"he said/she said\" memoir at times reads like a mix of couples therapy and \"Real World\" confessionals for grown-ups. Only funnier and heavier.”—The Washington Post “This book is a must-read for couples and singles alike. Finally, a married couple that doesn't hide behind such tedious traits as personal loyalty, good taste, and an overall sense of decorum.", "You Say Tomato, I Say Shut Up", "tells people what marriage is really like!”—Liz Tucillo, co-author of", "He’s Just Not That Into", "You and author of", "How to Be Single", "“So funny because it is so accurate. Kahn and Gurwitch illuminate the insanity of marriage.  They make you want to embrace your spouse for the same reason you want to strangle them.”—Ben Stiller “Although after eleven and a half years of pure, uninterrupted marital bliss I don’t relate at all to the subject matter, I still found Jeff and Annabelle’s book to be hilarious.”—Judd Apatow “As someone who has never married or ever understood why anyone would,would, I feel I can say with authority that this is the finest, funniest, most insightful book I’ve ever read about a subject I’m completely unqualified to comment about.”—Bill Maher “The far right believes that marriage should only be one man plus one woman. But they are oh so wrong. Marriage should only be between two funny people, and Jeff and Annabelle are the shining examples of this new marriage movement.”—Carol Leifer “Damn, marriage isn’t supposed to be this much fun! If anyone is going to save marriage, it won’t be James Dobson—it’ll be Annabelle Gurwitch and Jeff Kahn.”—Barbara Ehrenreich, author of", "Nickel and Dimed", "“Oh, now I get it. This whole sham of a marriage was not just for tax purposes, it was also to write and sell this immediately engaging book! I remember when Jeff first told me about Annabelle and the hazy, humid thermal cloud she wrapped his head in. I thought he was nuts. Turns out I was right (see pages 1–250). After reading this book, I feel sorry for both of them now. And that’s quite an accomplishment.”—David Cross, author of", "I Drink for a Reason", "“He said tomato, she said shut up, and I took a Vicodin to ease the pain from laughing so hard.”—Sandra Tsing Loh, author of", "Mother on Fire", "and", "A Year in Van Nuys", "\"We're just not that into us.\"--Annabelle Gurwitch and Jeff Kahn", "About the Author", "ANNABELLE GURWITCH", "is an actress and writer, best known for her years cohosting", "Dinner and a Movie", "on TBS and her", "Fired!", "book and documentary film. Her acting credits include", "Seinfeld, Boston Legal,", "and", "The Shaggy Dog", ". She’s been a humor columnist for and a regular commentator on NPR.", "JEFF KAHN", "won an Emmy Award for his writing on", "The Ben Stiller Show", ". As an actor, he has appeared in", "The 40-Year-Old Virgin", "and", "Tropic Thunder,", "as well as in the HBO series", "Curb Your Enthusiasm", "and", "Entourage", ".", "Read more" ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Annabelle Gurwitch (Author), Jeff Kahn (Author)
[ "Books", "Biographies & Memoirs", "Community & Culture" ]
{"Publisher": "Crown; 1st edition (February 23, 2010)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "272 pages", "ISBN 10": "030746377X", "ISBN 13": "978-0307463777", "Item Weight": "1 pounds", "Dimensions": "6.5 x 1 x 9.5 inches"}
Hardcover – February 23, 2010
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Annabelle Gurwitch', 'about': ['ANNABELLE GURWITCH is an actress, activist and author of five books including the New York Times bestseller I See You Made an Effort (also a Thurber Prize finalist); You Say Tomato, I Say Shut Up (with Jeff Kahn); and Fired! (which was also a Showtime Comedy Special). Her essays and satire regularly appear in the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Magazine, The New Yorker, and Hadassah. Her essay which appears in You\'re Leaving When? with the title "If You Lived With Me You\'d Be Home by Now" about opening her home to young people experiencing homelessness appeared in short form in the Los Angeles Times and was recognized with a 2020 Excellence in Journalism award from the Los Angeles Press Club. Gurwitch gained a loyal following during her stint cohosting Dinner and a Movie on TBS and years as a regular commentator on NPR. Her many acting credits include Seinfeld, Boston Legal, Dexter, and Melvin Goes to Dinner. A veteran of many lauded and even more misguided theatrical productions, pre-covid she performed with The Moth Mainstage and at arts centers around the country and she hopes to do that again. She co-hosts the Tiny Victories Podcast a fifteen minute weekly podcast which Vulture called a "bright spot of light in 2020."', 'Find out more at']}
A Model World and Other Stories
[ "By the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of", "The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay.", "This P.S. edition features an extra 16 pages of insights into the book, including author interviews, recommended reading, and more." ]
[ "About the Author", "Michael Chabon is the bestselling and Pulitzer Prize-winning author of", "Moonglow", "and", "The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay,", "among many others. He lives in Berkeley, California with his wife, the novelist Ayelet Waldman, and their children.", "Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.", "A Model World and Other Stories", "By Michael Chabon", "HarperCollins Publishers, Inc.", "Copyright © 2005", "Michael ChabonAll right reserved.", "ISBN: 0060790601", "Chapter OneS Angel", "On the morning of his cousin's wedding Ira performed his toilet, as he always did, with patience, hope, and a ruthless punctilio. He put on his Italian wool trousers, his silk shirt, his pink socks, to which he imputed a certain sexual felicity, and a slightly worn but still serviceable Willi Smith sport jacket. He shaved the delta of skin between his eyebrows and took a few extra minutes to clean out the inside of his car, a battered, faintly malodorous Japanese hatchback of no character whatever. Ira never went anywhere without expecting that when he arrived there he would meet the woman with whom he had been destined to fall in love. He drove across Los Angeles from Palms to Arcadia, where his cousin Sheila was being married in a synagogue Ira got lost trying to find. When he walked in late he disturbed the people sitting at the back of the shul, and his aunt Lillian, when he joined her, pinched his arm quite painfully. The congregation was dour and Conservative, and as the ceremony dragged on Ira found himself awash in a nostalgic tedium, and he fell to wishing for irretrievable things.", "At the reception that followed, in the banquet room of the old El Imperio Hotel in Pasadena, he looked in vain for one of his more interesting young female cousins, such as Zipporah from Berkeley, who was six feet tall and on the women's crew at Cal, or that scary one, Leah Black, who had twice, in their childhoods, allowed Ira to see what he wanted to see. Both Ira and Sheila sprang from a rather disreputable branch of Wisemans, however, and her wedding was poorly attended by the family. All the people at Ira's table were of the groom's party, except for Ira's greataunts, Lillian and Sophie, and Sophie's second husband, Mr. Lapidus.", "\"You need a new sport jacket,\" said Aunt Sophie.", "\"He needs a new watch,\" said Aunt Lillian.", "Mr. Lapidus said that what Ira needed was a new barber. A lively discussion arose at table 17, as the older people began to complain about contemporary hairstyles, with Ira's itself--there was some fancy clipperwork involved--cited frequently as an instance of their inscrutability. Ira zoned out and ate three or four pounds of the salmon carpaccio with lemon cucumber and cilantro that the waiters kept bringing around, and also a substantial number of boletus, mushroom-and-goat-cheese profiteroles. He watched the orchestra members, particularly the suave-looking black tenor saxophonist with dreadlocks, and tried to imagine what they were thinking about as they blew all that corny cha-cha-cha. He watched Sheila and her new husband whispering and box-stepping, and undertook the same experiment. She seemed pleased enough--smiling and flushed and mad to be wearing that dazzling dress--but she didn't look like she was in love, as he imagined love to look. Her eye was restive, vaguely troubled, as though she were trying to remember exactly who this man was with his arms around her waist, tipping her backward on one leg and planting a kiss on her throat.", "It was as he watched Sheila and Barry walk off the dance floor that the woman in the blue dress caught Ira's eye, then looked away. She was sitting with two other women, at a table under one of the giant palm trees that stood in pots all across the banquet room, which the hotel called the Oasis Room and had been decorated to suit. When Ira returned her gaze he felt a pleasant internal flush, as though he had just knocked back a shot of whiskey. The woman's expression verged a moment on nearsightedness before collapsing into a vaguely irritable scowl. Her hair was frizzy and tinted blond, her lips were thick and red but grim and disapproving, and her eyes, which might have been gray or brown, were painted to match her electric dress. Subsequent checking revealed that her body had aged better than her fading face, which nonetheless he found beautiful, and in which, in the skin at her throat and around her eyes, he thought he read strife and sad experience and a willingness to try her luck.", "Ira stood and approached the woman, on the pretext of going over to the bar, a course which required that he pass her table. As he did so he stole another long look, and eavesdropped on an instant of her conversation. Her voice was soft and just a little woeful as she addressed the women beside her, saying something deprecating, it seemed to Ira, about lawyers' shoes. The holes in her earlobes were filled with simple gold posts. Ira swung like a comet past the table, trailing, as he supposed, a sparkling wake of lustfulness and Eau Sauvage, but she seemed not to notice him, and when he reached the bar he found, to his surprise, that he genuinely wanted a drink. His body was unpredictable and resourceful in malfunction, and he was not, as a result, much of a drinker; but it was an open bar, after all. He ordered a double shot of Sauza.", "There were two men talking behind him, waiting for their drinks, and Ira edged a little closer to them, without turning around, so that he could hear better. He was a fourth-year drama student at UCLA and diligent about such valuable actorly exercises as eavesdropping, spying, and telling complicated lies to fellow passengers on airplanes.", "\"That Charlotte was a class A, top-of-the-line, capital B-I-T bitch,\" said one of the men, in the silky tones of an announcer on a classical music station. \"And fucked up from her ass to her eyebrows. \" He had a very faint New York accent.", "\"Exactly, exactly,\" said the other, who sounded older, and well-accustomed to handing out obsequious counsel to young men. \"No question. You had to fire her.\"", "\"I should have done it the day it happened. Ha ha. Pow, fired in her own bed.\"", "\"Exactly. Ha ha.\"", "\"Ira!\" It was his cousin, the bride, bright and still pink from dancing. Sheila had long, kinky black hair, spectacular eyelashes, and a nose that, like Ira's, flirted dangerously, but on the whole successfully, with immenseness. He thought she looked really terrific, and he congratulated her wistfully...", "Continues...", "Excerpted from", "A Model World and Other Stories", "by", "Michael Chabon", "Copyright © 2005 by Michael Chabon. Excerpted by permission. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Michael Chabon (Author)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "Short Stories & Anthologies" ]
{"Publisher": "Harper Perennial (August 2, 2005)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "208 pages", "ISBN 10": "0060790601", "ISBN 13": "978-0060790608", "Item Weight": "6.6 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.31 x 0.47 x 8 inches"}
Paperback – August 2, 2005
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Michael Chabon', 'about': ["Michael Chabon is the bestselling and Pulitzer Prize-winning author of seven novels – including The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay and The Yiddish Policemen's Union – two collections of short stories, and one other work of non-fiction. He lives in Berkeley, California, with his wife and children."]}
Water for Dinosaurs and You
[ "Describes the water cycle, discusses water pollution, and examines what is being done to protect our essential water supply." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.gif" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Roma Gans (Author)
[ "Books", "Children's Books" ]
{"Language": "English", "ISBN 10": "0690002025", "ISBN 13": "978-0690002027", "Grade level": "1 - 2", "Item Weight": "3.2 ounces"}
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Roma Gans', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
How to Babysit a Grandma and Grandpa Board Book Boxed Set (How To Series)
[ "The kids are in charge of Grandma and Grandpa in this adorable board book boxed set featuring the", "New York Times", "bestsellers", "How to Babysit a Grandma", "and", "How to Babysit a Grandpa", ".", "Perfect for the littlest hands, two of Jean Reagan and Lee Wildish's bestselling books are now available as board books in this fun-filled boxed set. From making a pirate cave fit for a Grandpa, to planning a sleepover with Grandma, each book is chock full of tongue-in-cheek tips and ideas for enjoying time with the grandparent in your life! This giftable set is perfect for baby showers, Grandparents Day and more." ]
[ "About the Author", "JEAN REAGAN was born in Alabama but spent most of her childhood in Japan. She now lives in Salt Lake City with her husband. In the summers, they serve as backcountry volunteers in Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming. To learn more about Jean and her work, please visit WILDISH has illustrated a number of children's books, including the How to... series by Jean Reagan. To learn more about Lee and his work, please visit" ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_QL40_FMwebp_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Jean Reagan (Author), Lee Wildish (Illustrator)
[ "Books", "Children's Books", "Growing Up & Facts of Life" ]
{"Publisher": "Knopf Books for Young Readers (November 9, 2021)", "Language": "English", "Board book": "52 pages", "ISBN 10": "0593377834", "ISBN 13": "978-0593377833", "Reading age": "Baby - 5 years, from customers", "Item Weight": "1 pounds", "Dimensions": "5.63 x 1.38 x 7.13 inches"}
Board book – November 9, 2021
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Jean Reagan', 'about': ['JEAN REAGAN was born in Alabama but spent most of her childhood in Japan. She now lives in Salt Lake City with her husband. In the summers, they serve as backcountry volunteers in Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming.']}
Murder Most Catholic: Divine Tales of Profane Crimes
[ "The murder mysteries that make up this unusual anthology all have one thing in common: the hero or heroine who solves the crime is a Catholic cleric. From Chesterton's classic priest-turned-detective Father Brown to Peter Tremayne's historical Celtic nun and lawyer, Sister Fidelma, religious men and women put aside their professional duties for a moment to take up an altogether different vocation for a short time - that of detective and solver of crimes unspeakable. The stories in this collection of Catholic clerical sleuthing includes: Whispers of the Dead by Peter Tremayne - Bless Me Father, For I Have Sinned by Ed Gorman - Death by Fire by Anne Perry and Malachi Saxon - The Arrow of Ice by Edward D. Hoch - The Rag and Bone Man by Lillian Stewart Carl - Divine Justice by Charles Meyer - Cemetery of the Innocents by Stephen Dentinger - Veronica's Veil by Monica Quill - Lowly Death by Margaret Frazer - Ex Libris by Kate Gallison - A Clerical Error by Michael Jecks - Through a Glass, Darkly by Kate Charles - The Knight's Confession by P. C. Doherty - The Shorn Lamb by Ralph McInerny" ]
[ "From Publishers Weekly", "Fourteen accounts of immoral deeds uncovered (and even sometimes committed) by moral people comprise the absorbing Murder Most Catholic: Divine Tales of Profane Crimes, edited by Ralph McInerny, author of the popular Father Dowling and Sister Mary Teresa Dempsey mystery series. About half are set in the Middle Ages, a time of rich fodder for writers who \"wish to meld murder and the religious,\" while the remainder explore contemporary milieus and themes: in Stephen Dentinger's \"Cemetery of the Innocents,\" a 15th-century danse macabre turns truly deadly; in Ed Gorman's \"Bless Me Father for I Have Sinned,\" a priest at his 25th college reunion realizes that his lifetime of good works has failed to atone for a murder he committed in his youth.Copyright 2002 Cahners Business Information, Inc.", "About the Author", "RALPH McINERNY is a prolific writer of mysteries, including three series—Father Dowling, Andrew Broome, and Sister Mary Teresa Dempsey. He also is director of the Jacques Maritain Center, professor of philosophy, and Michael P. Grace Professor of Medieval Studies at the University of Notre Dame. McInerny’s recent mysteries include Grave Undertakings (2000), Irish Tenure (1999), The Red Hat (1998), Luck of the Irish (1998), On This Rockne (1997), and Four on the Floor (1994)." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_QL40_FMwebp_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Ralph M. McInerny (Author)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "Short Stories & Anthologies" ]
{"Publisher": "Cumberland House Publishing; First Edition (August 15, 2002)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "320 pages", "ISBN 10": "158182260X", "ISBN 13": "978-1581822601", "Item Weight": "11.2 ounces", "Dimensions": "6.34 x 0.77 x 8.98 inches"}
Paperback – August 15, 2002
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Ralph McInerny', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
LSAT Prep Book 2019-2020 by ArgoPrep: Premium LSAT Prep + 14 Days Online Resources Included + Videos + Strategies + Practice Tests.
[ "This book is your", "comprehensive", "study guide for the", "LSAT 2019-2020", "exam. ArgoPrep’s LSAT Test Prep workbook includes a comprehensive manual and two full-length practice exams (1 included in the book + 1 online).", "Video explanations", "for questions can be accessed on our website at What makes ArgoPrep different from any other test prep out there for the LSAT is our commitment to teaching you the logic required for you to do well on the test. Learn the insider insights, tips, and strategies to help prepare you for the LSAT exam. ArgoPrep’s LSAT 2019-2020 test prep book provides an overview of: - Introduction to the LSAT Framework- Keys to LSAT Success- Basic Argumentation and LSAT Prep- Logical Notation and LSAT Diagramming- Rules for Figuring Out the Connotation of Concepts- The Importance of an Argument’s Form- Deductive Arguments- Valid Logical Forms- Inductive Arguments- Translating General and Specific Ideas- Translation Tip-Offs on the LSAT- Conclusions Cannot be Questions- Murky Translations- Necessary and Sufficient Conditions- Formal vs. Informal Fallacies- Correlation vs. Cause- Circular Arguments- Reading Comprehension- The Reading for ArGumentation (RAG) Technique-Analytical Reasoning-LR and Deductive or Inductive Arguments -Venn Diagrams & MoreFor a full overview, please refer to our table of contents. Our workbook also includes access to 15+ hours of video lectures teaching you foundations on logical reasoning" ]
[ "From the Author", "What makes ArgoPrep different from any other test prep out there for the LSAT is our commitment to teaching you the logic required for you to do well on the test. Why is having a basic background in logic so important? Not only is the LSAT a series of logic questions, the foundational skills in logic set you up for success on the single most important component of getting into law school. When you applied to colleges, you probably took the ACT or the SAT, and you may or may not have studied or taken practice exams for those. But, your college entrance exam was only one small piece of a range of factors that collectively helped you to get into school, and maybe earn scholarship money. Admission into law school is different. The LSAT is a singularly important piece of your application, and for many schools (and certainly, many of the best schools), your LSAT score is a litmus test for review of the rest of your application materials. The result is that, regardless of your transcript, letters of recommendation, and experience, if you do not perform well on this test, those factors will not even be seen by an admissions committee at the schools to which you are applying. So, if the LSAT is a logic test, and is the single most important criterion for having an admissions committee look at your application--what is the logical implication? You need to have a strong understanding of logic as a basis for success on the test, and so for admission into law school. But, this isn't simply a logic book; or, in the language of the LSAT--this is a logic book only insofar as the LSAT is a logic test. It teaches you the framework and structure of the LSAT by teaching you the logic skills you will need in each section. Knowing the rules of computation, grammar, and vocabulary will not help you here. Instead, you are learning a new language. And...just like other languages you learn, you become a master by practicing and using your skill.", "From the Inside Flap", "The LSAT isn't a test that you beat... it is a test you work. But, the only way to be able to work this test is to know what kind of test it is and to prepare for it. You won't be getting legal questions on this exam, and knowing about current events or political policies won't give you an advantage. You won't be quizzed on academic knowledge and the LSAT doesn't give you math questions. Instead, the LSAT is a LOGIC test.If you've done some looking, you already know that there is some logic on the LSAT. But, what you probably don't know is that even apart from the Logical Reasoning sections, the LSAT is a logic test. The Analytical Reasoning section could be renamed \"Logic Games\" and the Reading Comprehension questions are chalk full of logic questions, including identifying premises and conclusions, picking out assumptions, running the implications of arguments, and evaluating the soundness of a text. So, the way you work the LSAT is to learn the logic you need for the exam.That might sound daunting, especially if you are not a philosophy or a mathematics major and have not had logic training. But, fear not, this is where the ArgoPrep method comes in: you will learn how to speak the language of the LSAT, the language of arguments. By learning the language, you will do more than just take practice tests and solve puzzles (although you will do that, too!). You will train yourself to think like the writers of the LSAT.", "About the Author", "We provide an unmatched combination of detailed lessons, rigorous practice tests, and detailed breakdowns for every question. Our multimedia approach and high-quality content make test prep lively and engaging. ArgoPrep is at the forefront of online test prep for two simple reasons: we have the teachers and we have the content. We've spent thousands of hours developing the most comprehensive preparation and practice materials for a variety of tests from the GRE and SHSAT to grade level Common Core exams, and we're confident our programs will boost your confidence and improve your scores.", "Read more" ]
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{ "title": [ "Introduction to the LSAT Prep", "Reading Comprehension (Sample Video Explanations)", "Logical Reasoning (Sample Video Explanations)", "Sample Video Explanations (LSAT Prep)", "LSAT Prep Book 2019-2020 ", "Fake LSAT Practice Questions - Avoid - Get Real LSAT Exams Instead" ], "url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "user_id": [ "AF7CV3LT2X3LWNIQVVWB52PWAIUA", "AHLZ5ILR6VJZDOPIIH2JNG2DABZA", "AHLZ5ILR6VJZDOPIIH2JNG2DABZA", "AHLZ5ILR6VJZDOPIIH2JNG2DABZA", "AF7CV3LT2X3LWNIQVVWB52PWAIUA", "AH47O2747HCR547XYZAJZIGD3TJQ" ] }
Argo Brothers (Author), ArgoPrep (Author)
[ "Books", "Travel", "United States" ]
{"Publisher": "Argo Brothers (June 3, 2019)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "302 pages", "ISBN 10": "194675594X", "ISBN 13": "978-1946755940", "Item Weight": "1.75 pounds", "Dimensions": "8.5 x 0.69 x 11 inches"}
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Argo Brothers', 'about': ['Argo Brothers is one of the leading providers of supplemental educational products and services. We offer affordable and effective test prep solutions to educators, parents and students. Learning should be fun and easy! For that reason, most of our workbooks come with detailed video answer explanations taught by one of our fabulous instructors. Our goal is to make your life easier, so let us know how we can help you by e-mailing us at']}
Two-for-one Teaching: Connecting Instruction to Student Values; Integrate Social-emotional Learning into Academic Instruction
[ "Empower your students to make school a source of meaning, vitality, and community.", "Two-for-One Teaching", "offers 30 protocols, derived from contextual behavioral science, that embed student-centered, equity-driven social-emotional learning (SEL) into every stage of an academic unit. Transform students' psychological experience of school by turning their lessons, assignments, and assessments into opportunities for them to explore and enact the values they want to live by.", "Rely on this resource for meaningful learning in the classroom:", "Understand what values are, why students need to discover their own values, and how choosing values-consistent actions can make school more meaningful and satisfying.", "Understand what values are, why students need to discover their own values, and how choosing values-consistent actions can make school more meaningful and satisfying.", "Receive 30 customizable protocols rooted in psychological research that simultaneously foster academic and social-emotional growth.", "Receive 30 customizable protocols rooted in psychological research that simultaneously foster academic and social-emotional growth.", "Discover the six stages of an academic unit and how to integrate SEL into every stage.", "Discover the six stages of an academic unit and how to integrate SEL into every stage.", "Learn classroom strategies that affirm students' identities and experiences, foster meaningful and equitable participation, and build a sense of belonging at school.", "Learn classroom strategies that affirm students' identities and experiences, foster meaningful and equitable participation, and build a sense of belonging at school.", "Go beyond “voice and choice” by helping students use their voices to say what matters and make choices consistent with their values.", "Go beyond “voice and choice” by helping students use their voices to say what matters and make choices consistent with their values.", "Contents:", "Introduction: Valuing Student Values", "Part I: Foundations Chapter 1: Creating a Culture of Willingness Chapter 2: Using the Science of Empowerment", "Part II: Protocols Chapter 3: Protocols to Prepare for Learning Chapter 4: Protocols to Explore New Material Chapter 5: Protocols to Review the Material Chapter 6: Protocols to Create Work Product Chapter 7: Protocols to Refine Work Product Chapter 8: Protocols to Reflect on Learning", "Conclusion: Create Learning Moments That Matter References and Resources Index" ]
[ "Review", "\"This book is essential reading for any teacher who wants students to thrive and succeed and build meaningful, satisfying lives--not just after they finish school, but right now! The authors take you step by step through simple but powerful strategies to help students discover and utilize their own core values, for motivation, inspiration, and fulfilment--both at school and at home. And the great thing is, it won't just help your students live better lives; it will do the same for you!\" -- --Russ Harris, author,", "The Happiness Trap", "and", "ACT Made Simple", "\"School is so much more than academic achievement, and", "Two-for-One Teaching: Connecting Student Values and Instruction", "makes an important case for why school should address student values while educating each child. This book is an important read for all teachers who are committed to content but often don't make time for the social-emotional aspect of education. Porosoff and Weinstein provide practical protocols for teachers to use to better empower each student, and the teacher who reads this book will be better armed for it.\" -- --Starr Sackstein, educational speaker and author\"In", "Two-for-One Teaching", ", Porosoff and Weinstein have not only provided us with knowledge and resources, but also a book full of ideas that are ready to go. You can never have too many tools in your chest to use with students and adults, and I know this is a book I will keep with me as I again and again try the many ideas shared throughout. I think every middle and high school educator and leader should have this resource, because they'll fall in love with it!\" --Todd Nesloney, director of culture and strategic leadership, Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association \"In this well-written and engaging book, Porosoff and Weinstein give us a road map for crafting a classroom environment that empowers students to build lives--and their educations--around the things that matter to them. It's a recipe for an engaged, fun, and deeply meaningful educational environment, and this book doesn't just make the case for values-driven education--it shows us exactly how to do it. Highly recommended!\" -- --Russell Kolts, author,", "An Open-Hearted Life", "and", "Experiencing Compassion-Focused Therapy from the Inside Out", "About the Author", "Lauren Porosoff", "has been an educator since 2000, most recently teaching middle school English at the Ethical Culture Fieldston School in the Bronx, New York. At Fieldston, she also served as a grade-level team leader and a diversity coordinator, and she led curriculum mapping and professional development initiatives. Before working at Fieldston, Lauren taught middle school history at the Maret School in Washington, DC; and second-, fifth-, and sixth-grade general studies at the Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School in Rockville, Maryland.", "Helping students make their work meaningful has been a constant in Lauren's teaching practice, and that interest led her to learn about methods of values-guided behavior change in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Compassion-Focused Therapy, Relational Frame Theory, Motivational Interviewing, and other applications of Contextual Behavioral Science. Informed by research and practices from these fields, Lauren developed applications for the classroom, such as the processes for curriculum design she describes in her book", "Curriculum at Your Core: Meaningful Teaching in the Age of Standards", ", and the strategies for centering student values in", "EMPOWER Your Students: Tools to Inspire a Meaningful School Experience", ", a book she coauthored with Jonathan Weinstein.", "Lauren has written for", "AMLE Magazine", ",", "Independent School", ",", "Phi Delta Kappan", ", the", "PBS NewsHour", "blog,", "Rethinking Schools", ", and", "Teaching Tolerance", "about how students and teachers can clarify and commit to their values at school.", "To learn more about Lauren's work, visit EMPOWER Forwards ( and follow her on Twitter at @LaurenPorosoff.", "Jonathan Weinstein, PhD,", "is a clinical psychologist with the US Department of Veterans Affairs. He serves as the suicide-prevention coordinator at the Veterans Affairs Hudson Valley Health Care System and holds an appointment as assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at New York Medical College. Prior to serving in suicide prevention, Dr. Weinstein served as the posttraumatic stress disorder and substance-use disorders coordinator at the James J. Peters Veterans Affairs Medical Center in the Bronx, New York. Before working for Veterans Affairs, Dr. Weinstein served in a variety of mental health and education roles in New York, Baltimore, and Mississippi stretching back to 2000.", "Given his own experiences as a special-needs student, Dr. Weinstein has had an enduring interest in the science of empowerment. As an early contributor to the development of Relational Frame Theory and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy at the University of Mississippi Center for Contextual Psychology, Dr. Weinstein studied behavior analysis and its applications for behavior therapy, social categorization, and education. More recently, he and his coauthor adapted elements of contextual behavioral science for teachers to empower their students. He has also applied this work to empower veterans who are at high risk for suicide. In addition to coauthoring", "EMPOWER Your Students", ", Dr. Weinstein's publications appear in", "Behavior and Social Issues", ",", "The Psychological Record", ", and", "Salud y Drogas", ".", "To learn more about Dr. Weinstein's work, visit EMPOWER Forwards ( and follow him on Twitter at @jhweinstein.", "To book Lauren Porosoff or Jonathan Weinstein for professional development, contact" ]
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Lauren Porosoff (Author), Jonathan Weinstein (Author)
[ "Books", "Education & Teaching", "Schools & Teaching" ]
{"Publisher": "Solution Tree Press; Illustrated edition (August 16, 2019)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "248 pages", "ISBN 10": "1949539334", "ISBN 13": "978-1949539332", "Item Weight": "1.6 pounds", "Dimensions": "8.5 x 0.75 x 10.75 inches"}
Illustrated Edition
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Jonathan Weinstein', 'about': ['Jonathan Weinstein, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist and Suicide Prevention Coordinator at the VA Hudson Valley Health Care Service, and an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at New York Medical College. Jonathan did his undergraduate work at Vassar College, a Masters in Public Administration at NYU, and a Ph.D. at the University of Mississippi.', 'Given his own experiences as a special needs student, Jonathan has had an enduring interest in a science of empowerment. As an early contributor to the development of Relational Frame Theory and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy at the University of Mississippi Center for Contextual Psychology, Jonathan studied behavior analysis and its applications for behavior therapy, social categorization, and education. More recently, Jonathan and his co-author adapted elements of Contextual Behavior Science into a manual aimed at helping teachers to empower their students. He has also applied this work to empower veterans who are at high risk for suicide.', "In addition to co-authoring of Empower Your Students: Tools to Inspire a Meaningful School Experience, Jonathan's publications can be found in Behavior and Social Issues, The Psychological Record, and Salud y Drogas. Jonathan, and his co-author, Lauren Porosoff, are currently working on a new book aimed at helping teachers to integrate elements of CBS into their delivery of the academic curriculum.", 'Jonathan and Lauren live in Scarsdale, NY, and have two special children, one is on the Autism Spectrum, and the other is also amazing in ways that defy categorization.']}
Murder on the Last Frontier (A Charlotte Brody Mystery)
[ "There’s many who feel the Alaska Territory is no place for a woman on her own. But Charlotte Brody, suffragette and journalist, has never let public opinion dictate her life choices. She’s come to the frontier town of Cordova, where her brother Michael practices medicine, for the same reason many come to Alaska—to start over.", "Cordova is gradually getting civilized, but the town is still rougher than Charlotte imagined. And when a local prostitute—one of the working girls her brother has been treating—is found brutally murdered, Charlotte learns firsthand how rough the frontier can be. Although the town may not consider the murder of a prostitute worthy of investigation, Charlotte’s feminist beliefs motivate her to seek justice for the woman. And there’s something else—the woman was hiding a secret, one that reminds Charlotte of her own painful past.   As Charlotte searches for answers, she soon finds her own life in danger from a cold-blooded killer desperate to keep dark secrets from seeing the light of day…" ]
[ "About the Author", "Cathy Pegau currently resides in Alaska with her husband and children and the occasional bear that wanders into her backyard. Read more at" ]
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Cathy Pegau (Author)
[ "Books", "Mystery, Thriller & Suspense", "Mystery" ]
{"Publisher": "Kensington (November 24, 2015)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "288 pages", "ISBN 10": "1496700546", "ISBN 13": "978-1496700544", "Reading age": "18 years and up", "Item Weight": "8.7 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.5 x 0.75 x 8.25 inches"}
Paperback – November 24, 2015
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Cathy Pegau', 'about': ['Cathy Pegau cut her writing "teeth" on sword and sorcery fantasy and science fiction romance, but also loves the challenge of trying new things. While researching local history for an Alaska-based post-apocalyptic pirate tale, she learned of some real life events that spurred the creation of a historical mystery. No speculative fiction, no aliens, no magic. It\'s funny where research will lead.', "She writes what catches her fancy: Science fiction, fantasy, romances, historical, paranormal...Anything is possible, as long as there's a good story and interesting characters.", 'Cathy lives in a small fishing town in Alaska with her family, pets, and the occasional black bear wandering through the yard. Contact her at,, or say hello on Twitter @CathyPegau']}
Everyone Knows Your Mother Is a Witch
[ "The startling, witty, highly anticipated second novel from the critically acclaimed author of", "Atmospheric Disturbances", ".", "The story begins in 1618, in the German duchy of Württemberg. Plague is spreading. The Thirty Years' War has begun, and fear and suspicion are in the air throughout the Holy Roman Empire. In the small town of Leonberg, Katharina Kepler is accused of being a witch.Katharina is an illiterate widow, known by her neighbors for her herbal remedies and the success of her children, including her eldest, Johannes, who is the Imperial Mathematician and renowned author of the laws of planetary motion. It's enough to make anyone jealous, and Katharina has done herself no favors by being out and about and in everyone's business. So when the deranged and insipid Ursula Reinbold (or as Katharina calls her, the Werewolf) accuses Katharina of offering her a bitter, witchy drink that has made her ill, Katharina is in trouble. Her scientist son must turn his attention from the music of the spheres to the job of defending his mother. Facing the threat of financial ruin, torture, and even execution, Katharina tells her side of the story to her friend and next-door neighbor Simon, a reclusive widower imperiled by his own secrets.Drawing on real historical documents but infused with the intensity of imagination, sly humor, and intellectual fire for which Rivka Galchen is known,", "Everyone Knows Your Mother Is a Witch", "will both provoke and entertain. The story of how a community becomes implicated in collective aggression and hysterical fear is a tale for our time. Galchen's bold new novel touchingly illuminates a society and a family undone by superstition, the state, and the mortal convulsions of history." ]
[ "Review", "\"Galchen is an inventor and fabulist of the highest order: Her narratives are rigorous, antic creations that explore deceit, misinformation, identity, and the nature of knowledge. Her latest puzzle box of a novel is a surrealist horror story set in the 17th century . . . the story is winding and hallucinatory, full of poison, gossip, and astral musings.\"", "―Kevin Lozano,", "Vulture", "\"", "Galchen strikes the perfect balance between historical accuracy and modern humor to render Katharina vividly ― a strong-willed, big-hearted healer and mother . . . It’s at once an illuminating account of history and a timely, provocative study of weaponized morality, group hysteria, and the villainization of powerful women.\"", "―Arianna Rebolini,", "Buzzfeed", "“Bewitching . . . Galchen is a sorcerer―a conjurer of the weird and wonderful. The tale has lessons for our own time about the power of fear and superstition to foment evil. But Galchen's playful, poetic sentences uplift and transport, like fairy tale magic.”", "―", "Oprah Daily", "\"It is remarkable that Rivka Galchen’s “Everyone Knows Your Mother Is a Witch” manages to pull off what, broadly speaking, is a witch story, one that is as serious as Miller’s play and as playful as Updike’s novel but does not fall prey to the pitfalls of either . . . a persuasive and very beautiful work of fiction. Or, it’s not strange at all, given how everything that Ms. Galchen has written to date has been singular.\"", "―Wyatt Mason,", "Wall Street Journal", "“Delightfully funny . . . Galchen has written another smart book that investigates the power of narrative, both good and bad, foregrounding a woman who’d only been a footnote to a famous man’s story, all while being funny and deceptively easy to read. It’s quite a magic trick.”", "―Carolyn Kellogg,", "Los Angeles Times", "\"", "The comedy that runs through [", "Everyone Knows Your Mother Is a Witch", "] is a magical brew of absurdity and brutality. Galchen has a Kafkaesque sense of the way the exercise of authority inflates egos and twists logic . . . There’s real sorcery here, but it arises only from the way Galchen fuses ancient and modern consciousness.\"", "―Ron Charles,", "Washington Post", "“Rivka Galchen’s smart, wry novel Everyone Knows Your Mother Is a Witch is a thought-provoking take on the proverbial witch hunt . . . Punctuated with sparkling wit and irreverent humor, [the novel] taps into the depths of who we choose to fear and why.”", "―", "Time", "\"", "Darkly funny . . . It’s this dry humour that makes the novel sparkle. . . Galchen’s evocation of Katharina is so vivid, and has such verve, that she transcends her figure, and becomes a character.\"", "―Baya Simons,", "Financial Times", "\"", "It’s that perfect combination of snark and the promise of magic", ". . .", "[Galchen's] writing always has teeth―this novel, culled from real-life historical documents but blessed with Galchen’s invention and insight, does not disappoint.\"", "―Katie Yee,", "Lithub", "“Galchen's novel is exuberant ― funny and urgent and full of a singular energy. Though based on a true story, it beautifully demonstrates Galchen's limber imagination and ability to find narrative harmony in the chaos of our world.”", "―", "Refinery29", "(38 Books You'll Want to Read This Summer)", "\"I want to bottle up the hilarious and infuriating energy of", "Everyone Knows Your Mother Is a Witch", "and offer it to the creators of the paltry, meager little things that pass for novels these days:", "This is how you do it! . . .", "Not only does Galchen create in Katharina one of the wryest and funniest voices I’ve heard in a long time, she also manages to write a brilliant treatise on the inflation of a small lie into a huge one, and the merry-go-round of accusations that have plagued women since Eve (", "allegedly", ") took a bite out of that apple.\"", "―Hannah Gersen,", "The Millions", "(Most Anticipated Books of 2021)", "\"Imagine a story set in 1620 that speaks directly to your own scalded, twenty-first century heart. By Rivka Galchen's magic,", "Everyone Knows Your Mother is a Witch", "instantly became one of my favorite books. I need no witchcraft to predict it will astonish, beguile, and transform you, too.\"", "―Karen Russell, author of", "Orange World", "\"Galchen’s latest book, which is by turns witty, sly, moving, and sharp, is a marvel to behold . . . There is so much in this novel to consider―the degree to which we make monsters of one another, the way that old age can make of femininity an apparently terrifying, otherworldly thing―but it is also, at every step along the way, an entirely delicious book. Dazzling in its humor, intelligence, and the richness of its created world.\"", "―", "Kirkus", "\"", "In this compelling look at women’s rights and the invented crime of witchcraft, the surprise is that the perseverance of the accused shifts the focus from victimhood to basic mortality and the challenge of dealing with death and illness before a coherent understanding of disease existed. Highly recommended.\"", "―", "Library Journal", "\"Though the story unfolds in seventeenth-century Germany, Galchen gives Kath and the rest of her characters modern speech habits in a way that retains authenticity and makes for compulsively readable prose . . . Enchanted creatures and enticing oddities populate the book's pages . . . The highly satisfying result is part portrait of an eccentric woman, part social drama, and part nuanced recasting of historical misogynies.\"", "―", "Diego Baez,", "Booklist", "“Vibrant [and] provocative . . . Like Maggie O'Farrell's prize-winning novel Hamnet, Galchen's story succeeds in infusing a work of historical fiction with a completely modern sensibility, all without sacrificing any of the story's fidelity to its source material . . . There's nothing diabolical about it, but Everyone Knows Your Mother Is a Witch is a consistently entertaining novel that casts its own memorable spell.”", "―", "Shelf Awareness", "“Galchen’s work - journalistic or creative - shows an ambidextrous ease with both scientific and literary knowledge . . . perhaps it is from the cross-fading of these categories of knowledge that her surreal, precise fiction derives its power . . . [F]unny, sad, and suffused with the weird, incandescent logic of a story-within-a-story distorted through a fever dream… [A] beautiful, slippery book that gives much if you can grasp it. As soon as I finished, I wanted to read it all over again.”", "―", "Women's Review of Books", "\"On every page of this brilliant, transporting novel are sentences of surreal poetry, of profound insight and enchanting observation, of Monty Python-like sublime nonsense and delightful fragments of fairy tale and lore. Tragic Katharina Kepler, so eccentric and misunderstood, so honest, loyal, brave, and funny, is surely one of literature’s great mothers. This is a novel to keep alongside your favorite Calvino or Ishiguro, though its special genius is pure Rivka Galchen.\"", "―Francisco Goldman, author of", "Monkey Boy", "\"Captivating . . . . Mesmerizing details abound . . . Galchen portrays her characters as complicated and full of wit . . . This is a resounding delight.\"", "―", "Publishers Weekly", "\"I cannot think of a more singular writer than Rivka Galchen. Here, she brings her forensic intelligence and wit to a historical novel that sheds bright light on our present.", "Everyone Knows Your Mother is a Witch", "is fiercely original, a mordant and ultimately devastating portrait of loss and terror from one of the most brilliant writers at work today.\"", "―Katie Kitamura, author of", "A Separation", "\"I love Rivka and everything she writes.\"", "―César Aira, author of", "Ghosts", "\"", "This jewel of a novel is as perturbing as it is hilarious. It's also a fundamental piece of history ― particularly relevant for these times― written with Rivka’s unusual intelligence and her sharp eye for detail.\"", "―Alejandro Zambra, author of", "Ways of Going Home", "\"Galchen's take is drawn from raw historical documents but infused with humor to draw the surreal world of a gossipy, poisonous community.\"", "―Sophia June,", "Nylon", "(10 June Book Releases to Add to Your Summer Reading List)", "\"The accusation of witchcraft is a mode of analysis, the name for a pattern that makes sense of social and personal grievances. As a parable,", "Everyone Knows Your Mother is a Witch", "communicates this phenomenon well...\"", "―Hannah Gold,", "The Baffler", "\"When it comes to a sense of the weird, Galchen stands alone among the big name, youngish American Jewish novelists...\"", "―Jesse Bernstein,", "Jewish Exponent", "About the Author", "Rivka Galchen", "received her MD from the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, having spent a year in South America working on public health issues. Galchen completed her MFA at Columbia University, where she was a Robert Bingham Fellow. Her essay on the Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics was published in", "The Believer", ", and she is the recipient of a 2006 Rona Jaffe Foundation Writers’ Award. Galchen lives in New York City. She is the author of the novel", "Atmospheric Disturbances." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Rivka Galchen (Author)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "Genre Fiction" ]
{"Publisher": "Picador Paper; Reprint edition (June 21, 2022)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "288 pages", "ISBN 10": "1250849314", "ISBN 13": "978-1250849311", "Item Weight": "8.5 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.43 x 0.73 x 8.3 inches"}
Paperback – June 21, 2022
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Rivka Galchen', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Chicago Stories (Prairie State Books)
[ "A Prairie State Book", "These stories, chosen from ten separately published collections of James T. Farrell's short fiction, offer remarkable insights into the lives of Irish Americans and other Chicagoans from 1910 to 1940. They are gems of the short fiction genre, unique, pioneering, and accomplished.   Farrell's stories offer a wonderful diversity of characters and experiences, from self-deluded, impoverished victims to portraits of the artist as  a young Irish-American living on Chicago's South Side. Charles Fanning's introduction presents Farrell as one of the best Illinois writers of the first half of the century and his stories as among the best in realistic short fiction anywhere." ]
[ "About the Author", "Author of the Studs Lonigan trilogy,", "James T. Farrell", "(1904-79) was a native of Chicago, famous for the range and depth of his realistic portraits of the city's various populations that he drew from his own experiences and keen powers of observation.", "Charles Fanning,", "a professor of English and history and director of Irish and Irish Immigration Studies at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, wrote the introduction to the University of Illinois Press's 1993 paperback edition of Farrell's", "Studs Lonigan.", "He is the author of", "The Irish Voice in America: Irish-American Fiction from the Eighteenth Century to the Present." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
James T. Farrell (Author)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "Genre Fiction" ]
{"Publisher": "University of Illinois Press; First Edition (June 1, 1998)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "296 pages", "ISBN 10": "0252019814", "ISBN 13": "978-0252019814", "Item Weight": "15.4 ounces", "Dimensions": "8.99 x 6.01 x 0.86 inches"}
Paperback – June 1, 1998
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'James T. Farrell', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
The Grandiloquent Dictionary
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Russell Rocke (Author)
[ "Books", "Reference" ]
{"Publisher": "Prentice-Hall; First Edition (January 1, 1972)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "175 pages", "ISBN 10": "0133632911", "ISBN 13": "978-0133632910", "Item Weight": "8.8 ounces"}
First Edition
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Russell Rocke', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Buy a Kindle
Custom Slipcovers Made Easy: Weekend Projects to Dress Up Your DTcor
[ "Easy Slipcovers? Absolutely!", "Do you have the sewing skills, but aren't quite sure you can handle a full-blown slipcover project? Then", "Custom Slipcovers Made Easy", "is for you! Author Elizabeth Dubicki walks you through the measuring, fitting and construction, step-by-step, to ensure you achieve the results you are looking for. There's nothing left to guesswork, with chapters on:   •  Choosing a style of slipcover and appropriate fabric for your project   •  How to measure and calculate yardage   •  Making welting, cushion covers, slipcover shells, skirts and zipper closures   •  Fitting and finishing techniques Ten project ideas, incorporating more than 25 techniques will help you get started. And once you've mastered the techniques, you'll be transforming your \"old favorites\" into new favorites!" ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Elizabeth Dubicki (Author) Format: Kindle Edition
[ "Books", "Crafts, Hobbies & Home", "Crafts & Hobbies" ]
{"Publisher": "Krause Publications (December 18, 2007)", "Publication date": "December 18, 2007", "Language": "English", "File size": "5253 KB", "Text to Speech": "Enabled", "Screen Reader": "Supported", "Enhanced typesetting": "Enabled", "X Ray": "Not Enabled", "Word Wise": "Not Enabled", "Sticky notes": "On Kindle Scribe", "Print length": "144 pages"}
Kindle Edition
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Elizabeth Dubicki', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
The Norton Reader with 2016 MLA Update
[ "THIS TITLE HAS BEEN UPDATED TO REFLECT THE 2016 MLA UPDATE.", "The classic reader that has introduced millions of students to the essay as a genre―available in a concise edition.", "The Norton Reader", "features the largest and most diverse collection of essays, from classic to contemporary―155 in the Full edition, 95 in the Shorter. With 60 new essays almost all written in the last decade, a new ebook option, and a unique companion website that makes the book searchable by theme, genre, rhetorical mode, author, keyword―and more, the Fourteenth Edition is ideal for today’s composition classes." ]
[ "About the Author", "Melissa A. Goldthwaite", "(Ph.D., The Ohio State University), General Editor, is Professor of English at Saint Joseph’s University, where she teaches composition, creative writing, and rhetorical theory. Her books include", "Books That Cook: The Making of a Literary Meal", "(New York University Press, 2014),", "The Norton Pocketbook of Writing by Students", "(2010),", "Surveying the Literary Landscapes of Terry Tempest Williams", "(University of Utah Press, 2003), and", "The St. Martin’s Guide to Teaching Writing", "(Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2003, 2008, 2014).", "Joseph Bizup", "(Ph.D., Indiana University) is an Associate Professor of English and Director of the College of Arts & Sciences Writing Program at Boston University. He previously taught and directed writing programs at Yale University and Columbia University in the City of New York. His scholarly interests include nineteenth-century literature, especially nonfiction prose, and writing studies, especially genre, style, and argumentation.", "John Brereton", "(Ph.D., Rutgers University) is a Professor of English, Emeritus, at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. Previously he served as Executive Director of the Calderwood Writing Initiative at the Boston Athenaum. He has taught writing at Harvard University, Wayne State University, Brandeis University, and the City University of New York. His scholarship focuses on the history of teaching English literature and composition.", "Anne E. Fernald", "is Professor of English and Women's Studies at Fordham University. She is the author of", "Virginia Woolf: Feminism and the Reader", "and editor of a textual edition of", "Mrs. Dalloway", "for Cambridge University Press. Her articles have appeared in", "Feminist Studies", ",", "Modern Fiction Studies", ",", "Guernica", ",", "Open Letters Monthly", ", and multiple edited collections.", "Linda Peterson", "(Ph.D., Brown University) was Professor of English at Yale University and was published widely on nonfiction prose, notably life-writing and women's authorship. She co-directed the Bass Writing Program at Yale for twenty-five years and served as president of the Council of Writing Program Administrators." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Melissa Goldthwaite (Editor), Joseph Bizup (Editor), John Brereton (Editor), Anne Fernald (Editor), Linda Peterson (Editor)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "Essays & Correspondence" ]
{"Publisher": "W. W. Norton & Company; Shorter Fourteenth edition (November 1, 2016)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "704 pages", "ISBN 10": "9780393617412", "ISBN 13": "978-0393617412", "Item Weight": "1.65 pounds", "Dimensions": "6.2 x 0.9 x 9 inches"}
Shorter Fourteenth Edition
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Chris Wiewiora', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
The Image of Africa; British Ideas and Action, 1780-1850.
[ "In this encyclopedic work of intellectual history, Philip D. Curtain sought to discover the British image of Africa for the years 1780-1850." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_QL40_FMwebp_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Philip D. Curtin (Author)
[ "Books", "History", "Africa" ]
{"Publisher": "Univ of Wisconsin Pr; First Edition (January 1, 1964)", "Language": "English", "ISBN 10": "0299030202", "ISBN 13": "978-0299030209", "Item Weight": "1.58 pounds"}
Hardcover – January 1, 1964
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Philip D. Curtin', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Buy a Kindle
Scourge of the Witches
[ "It started in Salem. Born out of the witch trials, a coven creates a trail of revenge throughout New England. It’s a scourge of mysterious disappearances, raising of the dead, chicanery and death. The people of Whistler’s Coomb in nineteenth century New Hampshire must face this terrifying, invisible enemy. It is an enemy that uses hopeless desolation as it’s calling card and tragedy as a farewell gift. It’s a scourge of vengeance. It’s a scourge where evil always wins." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ "" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Barry Andrew Chambers (Author) Format: Kindle Edition
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "Genre Fiction" ]
{"Publication date": "June 2, 2013", "Language": "English", "File size": "923 KB", "Text to Speech": "Enabled", "Screen Reader": "Supported", "Enhanced typesetting": "Enabled", "X Ray": "Not Enabled", "Word Wise": "Enabled", "Sticky notes": "On Kindle Scribe", "Print length": "276 pages"}
Kindle Edition
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Barry Andrew Chambers', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Alternate Gerrolds: An Assortment of Fictitious Lives
[ "Everyday themes as diverse as exploration, the fight against evil, laboratory experiments, and self-improvement are presented in this new anthology of short stories from David Gerrold. Largely consisting of stories featuring an alternative history, and often written for Mike Resnick's Alternative series, the stories range from funny to horrifying and lighthearted to profound. In \"Franz Kafka, Superhero!\" Kafka employs his unusual metamorphosis to fight evil throughout the world and take on even Sigmund Freud. Two characters who hope to better themselves experience \"The Seminar from Hell,\" while \"The Firebringers\" features Humphrey Bogart, Gregory Peck, Ronald Reagan, and Jimmy Stewart as soldiers charged with dropping the first atom bomb. Taking an archaeological turn, a team of anthropologists struggles with understanding the artifacts of a mysterious alien race in \"Digging in Gehenna.\" With wit and imagination, these pieces provide a rare and intriguing addition to any Gerrold collection." ]
[ "Review", "\"\"David Gerrold proves that he can do all the things that made us love Heinlein's storytelling--and often better.\" --Orson Scott Card", "About the Author", "David Gerrold", "is the author of the Hugo and Nebula award–nominated", "The Man Who Folded Himself", "and", "When HARLIE Was One", ", books that quickly established him in the hard science fiction genre during the 1970s. He also wrote \"The Trouble with Tribbles\" episode of Star Trek, voted the most popular Star Trek episode of all time, and is the author of the popular Star Wolf, Dingillian, and Chtorr series. He lives in Northridge, CA." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
David Gerrold (Author), Mike Resnick (Introduction)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "Short Stories & Anthologies" ]
{"Publisher": "BenBella Books; 1st BenBella Books Ed edition (December 11, 2004)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "216 pages", "ISBN 10": "1932100377", "ISBN 13": "978-1932100372", "Item Weight": "13 ounces", "Dimensions": "6 x 0.54 x 9 inches"}
Paperback – December 11, 2004
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'David Gerold', 'about': ['David Gerrold is a figment of his own imagination.']}
Theories and Applications of Counseling and Psychotherapy: Relevance Across Cultures and Settings
[ "Theories and Applications of Counseling and Psychotherapy", "provides students with the foundational knowledge needed to implement various therapeutic approaches in individual and family counseling. The dynamic author team of Earl J. Ginter, Gargi Roysircar Sodowsky, and Lawrence H. Gerstein presents theories through a multicultural and social justice-oriented lens, including evidence to support each theory. Students will embrace chapter concepts through vibrant illustrations and relevant examples from movies, TV shows, news articles, and other sources presented throughout." ]
[ "About the Author", "Earl J. Ginter, Ph.D., LMFT, LPC is Professor Emeritus at The University of Georgia. Earlier in his career he worked at Nicholls State University as a counselor, teacher, and researcher. He also has over 38 years of experience working as a private practitioner. Before he retired on April 1, 2016 he served as the Director for the Division of Academic Enhancement at The University of Georgia. This academic unit worked with approximately 10,000 undergraduate, graduate, and international students each year offering them an array of skill-building services, academic courses which were designed to meet students’ academic concerns, and counseling services which included treating dissertation anxiety. Ginter was also responsible for managing the Division’s four federally funded TRiO programs for low-income and first-generation students, operation of the Division’s Learning Center, peer tutoring program, satellite and outreach services, and a special program developed to increase retention and graduation rates at the University. The special retention/graduation program was utilized by 10 academic schools/colleges at The University of Georgia. Other professional experiences include having served as the editor for both the", "Journal of Mental Health Counseling", "and the", "Journal of Counseling & Development", ". The latter journal is the flagship journal of the American Counseling Association with approximately 55,000 subscribers.  In addition, he served as the Contributing Editor for", "National Association of Rehabilitation Professionals in the Private Sector", "and the Associate Editor of the theory section of the", "Journal of Mental Health Counseling", ". Ginter has authored or coauthored numerous publications including journal articles, monographs, book chapters, and books, e.g.,", "Group Counseling and Group Psychotherapy: Theory and Application", "by George M. Gazda, Earl J. Ginter, and Arthur M. Horne. Ginter’s publications have focused on issues that comprise the theoretical and practice aspects of counseling and marriage and family therapy. His research and assessment interests pertain to the application of developmental-based approaches to working with individuals, couples, families, and groups.", "Gargi Roysircar", "received her doctorate in educational psychology with emphasis in counseling psychology at Texas Tech University. She is the Founding Director of the Antioch Multicultural Center for Research and Practice at Antioch University New England and Professor of Clinical Psychology. She conducts research on disaster outreach in international settings, the effects of acculturation and enculturation on immigrant mental health, multicultural competencies in practice and assessment, and training graduate students in culturally informed practice. She has authored over 100 journal articles and chapters on these topics, with her most recent publications in", "Traumatology, Counselling Psychology Quarterly, Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, The Journal of Black Psychology, Journal of Muslim Mental Health, Journal of Career Development, and", "The Oxford Handbook of Social Class in Counseling.", "Dr. Roysircar has participated in mental health counseling in earthquake-destroyed Haiti, tsunami-affected fishing communities in Southern India; Hurricanes Katrina and Rita-affected communities and first responders in the United States Gulf Coast; and in Southern African orphanages that serve HIV/AIDS-infected and affected children and women. She has provided psychoeducation in flood-ravaged Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico. Dr. Roysircar trains her counseling teams in disaster trauma, culture-centered skills specific to a community disaster, and in clinician self-care and resilience. She is a grantee of the American Psychological Foundation for her research on her disaster mental health assessment and services.", "In 2001, Dr. Roysircar was elected as the first Asian President of the Association for Multicultural Counseling  and Development, and was appointed as the first Asian editor of the", "Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development", "from 2004-2011. Her awards include the 2002 Extended Research Award of the American Counseling Association (ACA) as well as ACA’s 2007 Research Award.  Her co-authored books are", "“Multicultural Assessment in Counseling and Clinical Psychology", ",”", "“Handbook of Social Justice in Counseling Psychology,”", "\\ and the Spanish translation of  “", "Multicultural Counseling Competencies (2003),”", "having previously co-authored this book in English.", "Her instrument, the Multicultural Counseling Inventory (MCI), is the most frequently cited instrument among published self-report multicultural competency scales. Her article (Sodowsky et al., 1998), which uses the MCI instrument, was ranked over the past decades among 25 most cited articles of the", "Journal of Counseling Psychology.", "Dr. Roysircar", "is", "ranked in productivity ratings of authors in 5 multicultural psychology journals. She is a Fellow of the American Psychological (APA) and served on the APA Taskforce for Re-envisioning the Multicultural Guidelines for the 21 Century, adopted by APA in August 2017 and entitled as, Multicultural guidelines: An ecological approach to context, identity, and intersectionality. Dr. Roysircar was the recipient of the 2017 Division 35 Psychology of Women Strickland Daniel Mentoring Award. Dr. Roysircar’s 44-year teaching career has been spent in three countries across three continents.", "Lawrence H. Gerstein", "earned a B.B.A. in public administration and a Ph.D. in counseling and social psychology. He is a Ball State University George and Frances Ball Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Director of the Center for Peace and Conflict Studies, Fulbright Scholar, and a Fellow of the American Psychological Association. Professor Gerstein is a Co-Editor of the Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology and an Editorial Board Member for the Journal of Counseling Psychology. He has published 100+ scholarly articles and three books including the International Handbook of Cross-Cultural Counseling and the Handbook for Social Justice in Counseling Psychology. He is known for his research on cross-cultural methodology, nonviolence, social justice, emotions, and sports for youth development. Professor Gerstein has received 2+ million dollars in funding including four U.S. State Department grants and one U.S. Institute of Peace grant. He has performed conflict prevention and resolution work and/or research with adults, children, and youth in the U.S.A, Jordan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, China, Hong Kong, Korea, Indonesia, Israel, Taiwan, and Burma. He also has trained Iraqi young leaders in social entrepreneurship." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Earl J. Ginter (Author), Gargi Roysircar (Author), Lawrence H. Gerstein (Author)
[ "Books", "New, Used & Rental Textbooks", "Social Sciences" ]
{"Publisher": "SAGE Publications, Inc; 1st edition (May 2, 2018)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "640 pages", "ISBN 10": "1412967597", "ISBN 13": "978-1412967594", "Item Weight": "3.02 pounds", "Dimensions": "8 x 1.45 x 10 inches"}
1st Edition
The Dachshund Handbook: For Standard & Miniature Dachshunds (Canine Handbooks)
[ "The No.1 Dachshund Bestseller!", "With over 200 FIVE-STAR reviews, this is the highest-rated book on the Dachshund.", "\"This book is an excellent resource for anyone who is looking to purchase or rescue their first or fourth Dachshund. FIVE STARS,\"", "DEIRDRE, AMAZON TOP CONTRIBUTOR: PETS", "“A brilliant, comprehensive guide for any new dachshund owner! With lots of tips & tricks from some of the most knowledgeable people in the dachshund world, I’ve found this really useful to help me understand my pup & give him everything he needs to become a very well-behaved little dog!”", "FREYA, UK", "There’s no other dog quite like the Dachshund.", "They are clever, brave, curious, incredibly loyal, affectionate, lively, full of their own importance - & lots of", "FUN!", "They are also typical hounds, so can be a bit stubborn & slow to housetrain. If not properly raised, some can become too fond of the sound of their own bark.", "The trick is to persuade them that what YOU want them to do is actually what THEY want to do!", "Professional dog trainer & Dachshund breeder Lisa Cole explains how to take control & teach your Dachshund", "The Recall", "& other commands.", "Written BY Dachshund owners FOR Dachshund owners.", "Fourteen breeders of Miniature, Standard, Smooth, Wire & Long-Haired Dachshunds share their insider tips for raising & training a Daxie that's a joy to live with.", "If you haven’t got your puppy yet,", "there’s how to spot good & bad breeders & then how to choose a healthy pup with a good temperament.", "Part of the", "Canine Handbooks, Amazon’s Top Dog Breed Series,", "this book also covers:", "Where Puppy Should Sleep", "Where Puppy Should Sleep", "Best Daxie Crate Training & Housetraining Methods", "Best Daxie Crate Training & Housetraining Methods", "Successful Training", "Successful Training", "Controlling Barking", "Controlling Barking", "Specialist Dachshund Training", "Specialist Dachshund Training", "How Long Can I Leave My Puppy?", "How Long Can I Leave My Puppy?", "Exercising Puppies", "Exercising Puppies", "Can I Stop Dachshund Digging?", "Can I Stop Dachshund Digging?", "Grooming - the Long & Short of it", "Grooming - the Long & Short of it", "Avoiding Back Problems", "Avoiding Back Problems", "What Makes My Dachshund Tick?", "What Makes My Dachshund Tick?", "There are extensive chapters on:", "Health, Feeding, Behaviour, Training, Exercise, Socialisation, Grooming, The Facts of Life, Dachshund Rescue", "&", "Caring for Seniors.", "THE FULL COLOUR Dachshund Handbook ASIN: B08LNJLCV2", "with over 150 colour photos is also available from Amazon.Both books are recommended by The Dachshund Breed Council Health Committee.", "REVIEWS:", "\"Brilliant for new Daxie parents! We found the ‘tips’ throughout so useful & it was a weight of my mind reading some of the behavioural traits & learning the best way to look after our new family member - it’s really helped me!” EMMA BURGESS, UK", "\"This handbook is a fantastic resource for both current & prospective Dachshund owners. The author has consulted with a number of respected breeders of all three varieties of Dachsie, so character traits & behavioural issues typical to each type are covered - they really are quite different! I highly recommend this book,” JENNIFER C, UK", "“I have had different dogs for quite a few years & never had such a treasure of a handbook as this,” WEAVER, UK", "\"Amazing book for owner of 2 dachshunds. Thorough & professional. Really saved my time searching for valid answers online to my dachshund-specific questions…lots of good tips,” XUYING LI, USA" ]
[ "Review", "\"I was pleased to be able to contribute to Linda's latest book to help ensure it contains the most up-to-date information on our breed. It will be an invaluable resource for both buyers and owners,\"", "Ian Seath, Chairman, Dachshund Breed Council (Five Stars)", "\"", "This book is an excellent resource for anyone who is looking to purchase or rescue their first or fourth Dachshund,\"", "Dierdre, Amazon Top Contributor: Pets (Five Stars)", "\"This is a great book! Very comprehensive. The format highlighting the facts and tips makes it easy to find the important points. I've had Dachshunds all my life and love the breed. This book validates what wonderful family pets they are!\"", "Julie Jurf, USA, experienced Dachshund owner (Five Stars)", "\"This is a brilliant book especially for new Dachshund parents! We found the 'tips' throughout so useful and it was a weight off my mind reading some of the behavioural traits and learning the best way to look after our new family member! I would really recommend to anyone interested in the breed and wanting to be the best possible owner - it's really helped me,\"", "Emma Burgess, UK, new Dachshund owner (Five Stars)", "From the Author", "I hope you enjoy reading", "The Dachshund Handbook", "as much as I enjoyed writing it.Huge thanks to the dedicated & very knowledgeable breeders & trainers who unselfishly poured their expertise into this book for the benefit of fellow Miniature & Standard Dachshund owners. I hope this book helps you to understand, raise & train your Best Friend. The Dachshund is a truly wonderful companion. Underneath that comical exterior he's pure hound, bursting with character & self-importance! Once inside your home he'll become a big part of your life, make you laugh, & love you like no other.Wishing yours a long & happy life, Linda", "From the Inside Flap", "Recommended by The Dachshund Breed Council Health Committee.", "About the Author", "Linda Whitwam is a British specialist canine author who believes passionately in breeding & raising happy, healthy dogs. She is a member of the Dog Writers Association of America. She has worked on numerous international books & magazines during a long career as a journalist & photographer. Over the last decade, Linda has joined forces with dedicated & experienced breeders, owners, breed clubs, veterinarians, rescue organisations & trainers to produce over 20 books in", "The Canine Handbooks,", "Amazon's No.1 dog breed series.", "Read more" ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_QL40_FMwebp_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Linda Whitwam (Author)
[ "Books", "Crafts, Hobbies & Home", "Pets & Animal Care" ]
{"Publisher": "Independently published (October 13, 2020)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "247 pages", "ISBN 13": "979-8692955456", "Item Weight": "1.42 pounds", "Dimensions": "8.5 x 0.56 x 11 inches"}
Paperback – October 13, 2020
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Linda Whitwam', 'about': ['Linda Whitwam is a British journalist, author and photographer. She has worked on numerous books for international publishers over the last two decades. Linda is a member of The Dog Writers Association of America and has run a canine information website since 2008. She is the author of the highly acclaimed Canine Handbooks series (Linda is on the left).']}
Precalculus Mathematics in a Nutshell: Geometry, Algebra, Trigonometry
[ "Book by Simmons, George F." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
George F. Simmons (Author)
[ "Books", "Science & Math", "Mathematics" ]
{"Publisher": "Glencoe/McGraw-Hill School Pub Co (January 1, 1988)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "119 pages", "ISBN 10": "0939765136", "ISBN 13": "978-0939765133", "Item Weight": "8 ounces", "Dimensions": "9.25 x 0.75 x 7 inches"}
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'George Finlay Simmons', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
James Connolly: 16Lives
[ "James Connolly (1868-1916) became a leading Irish socialist and revolutionary, and was one of the leaders of Ireland's rebellion in 1916. As a youth he had served in the British army in Ireland and, seeing how they treated the local population, became hugely disillusioned with the British Army. He became involved in socialism in Scotland and was the driving force behind the creation of Ireland’s trade union movement. He was Commandant of the Dublin Brigade in the Easter Rising and, too injured to stand before the firing squad, was executed tied to a chair.Written in an entertaining, educational and assessible style, this biography is an accurate and well-researched portrayal of the man behind the uprising. Including the latest archival evidence, James Connolly is part of the Sixteen Lives series which looks at the events, lives and deeds of the sixteen men executed for their role in Ireland’s Easter 1916 Rising." ]
[ "About the Author", "Lorcan Collins co-author, with Conor Kostick, of The Easter Rising: A Guide to Dublin in 1916; founder of the 1916 Walking Tour of Dublin; lectures on Easter 1916 in the United States, and a regular contributor to radio, television and historical journals. 16 Lives is Lorcan's concept and he is the author of the first book in the series, a biography of James Connolly." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Lorcan Collins (Author)
[ "Books", "Biographies & Memoirs", "Historical" ]
{"Publisher": "The O'Brien Press (May 26, 2012)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "368 pages", "ISBN 10": "1847171605", "ISBN 13": "978-1847171603", "Item Weight": "10.5 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.1 x 1.2 x 7.7 inches"}
Paperback – May 26, 2012
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Lorcan Collins', 'about': ["Lorcan Collins was born and raised in Dublin. A lifelong interest in Irish history led to the foundation of his hugely-popular 1916 Walking Tour in 1996. He co-authored The Easter Rising: A Guide to Dublin in 1916 (O'Brien Press, 2000) with Conor Kostick. His biography of James Connolly was published in the 16 Lives series in 2012. He is also a regular contributor to radio, television and historical journals. 16 Lives is Lorcan's concept and he is co-editor of the series with Ruan O'Donnell."]}
Buy a Kindle
Sewing Techniques for the Medieval Period: A Reconstructing History Medieval Sewing Guide
[ "Have you ever started on a project and wished you knew how to do the stitches that medieval people used to sew together their garments? Don't have the time to crawl through the back rooms of museums or read a hundred books on the subject? We can help you! We have compiled this sewing guide demonstrating techiniques gleaned from extant garments from the medieval period. The product of over a decade of study and practice of medieval stitches and sewing techniques, this guide will show you how to use stitches medieval tailors and seamstresses used to put clothing together. Everything you need to know is in here. Even an absolute beginner can turn out period garments like a pro with this guide!And you can have it in your hot little hands in minutes with this download!Also available: \"Early Modern Sewing Guide\" for the Renaissance, Elizabethan period and early 17th century." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ "" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Kass McGann (Author) Format: Kindle Edition
[ "Books", "Crafts, Hobbies & Home", "Crafts & Hobbies" ]
{"Publisher": "Reconstructing History (February 26, 2014)", "Publication date": "February 26, 2014", "Language": "English", "File size": "2012 KB", "Text to Speech": "Enabled", "Screen Reader": "Supported", "Enhanced typesetting": "Enabled", "X Ray": "Not Enabled", "Word Wise": "Not Enabled", "Sticky notes": "On Kindle Scribe", "Print length": "19 pages"}
Kindle Edition
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Kass McGann', 'about': ['With more than 20 years as a top researcher and historical clothingmaker, Kass McGann now speaks regularly about historical dress and entrepreneurship. She loves inspiring and instructing new entrepreneurs through her lessons learned building Reconstructing History Patterns into a family-supporting, location-independent business, an achievement she pursued while battling a chronic disease.', 'These days she writes under a palm tree on the island of St. Croix in the US Virgin Islands with her husband, her retired racing greyhounds, and a rescued pitbull. She can show you how to do it too. Except maybe not the pitbull part. She just jumped in her lap one day.']}
Brilliant Moon: The Autobiography of Dilgo Khyentse
[ "Through lively anecdotes and stories this highly revered Buddhist meditation master and scholar tells about his life of study, retreat, and teaching. The formative events of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche’s life, and those insights and experiences that caused him to mature into the warm, brilliant, and highly realized meditation master and teacher he was, are deeply inspiring. The second half of the book comprises recollections by his wife; his grandson, Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche; Tenga Rinpoche; the Queen Mother of Bhutan; and many prominent teachers." ]
[ "Review", "\"It gives me immense pleasure to know that this authentic account of the life and activities of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, whom I am fortunate to revere among my own precious teachers, has been prepared to remind those who knew him and inform those who did not.”—His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama \"He was a great leader, and just like a majestic American Indian chief or a distinguished samurai general, Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche was never affected by chaotic or difficult circumstances, however tumultuous. He always remained quite still, like a mountain, effortlessly exuding an all-pervasive confidence that evoked confidence in those around him, and an absolute, unshakeable equanimity.”—Dzongsar Khyentse, author of", "What Makes You Not a Buddhist", "About the Author", "Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche (1910–1991) was a highly accomplished meditation master, scholar, and poet, and a principal holder of the Nyingma lineage. His extraordinary depth of realization enabled him to be, for all who met him, a foundation of loving-kindness, wisdom, and compassion. A dedicated exponent of the nonsectarian Rime movement, Khyentse Rinpoche was respected by all schools of Tibetan Buddhism and taught many eminent teachers, including His Holiness the Dalai Lama. He tirelessly worked to uphold the Dharma through the publication of texts, the building of monasteries and stupas, and by offering instruction to thousands of people throughout the world. His writings in Tibetan fill twenty-five volumes." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Dilgo Khyentse (Author), Jamgon Mipham (Author), Ani Jinba Palmo (Translator), Sogyal Rinpoche (Foreword), Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse (Foreword)
[ "Books", "Biographies & Memoirs", "Leaders & Notable People" ]
{"Publisher": "Shambhala; Illustrated edition (January 12, 2010)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "400 pages", "ISBN 10": "1590307631", "ISBN 13": "978-1590307632", "Item Weight": "1.2 pounds", "Dimensions": "6.05 x 1.03 x 9 inches"}
Paperback – Illustrated, January 12, 2010
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Dis-mgo Mkhyen-brtse Rab-gsal-zla-ba', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
The Bookman's Wake: Signed
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
John Dunning (Author)
[ "Books", "Mystery, Thriller & Suspense", "Mystery" ]
{"Publisher": "Pocket Star (January 1, 1996)", "Language": "English", "ISBN 10": "0671567829", "ISBN 13": "978-0671567828", "Item Weight": "7.7 ounces"}
Paperback – January 1, 1996
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'John Dunning', 'about': ["Although I have been writing fiction since childhood (and publishing novels since 1975), it was BOOKED TO DIE (1992) that gave me the freedom to write full time. I have always written out of my own life. My Bookman novels came from my ongoing experience in the used and rare book trade, coupled with my life as a Denver Post police reporter in the 1970s. I have written five novels about my book detective, Cliff Janeway, including THE BOOKWOMAN'S LAST FLING, to be published by Scribner in May 2006.", 'We have lived in Denver, it seems, forever, though I am a refugee from Charleston, SC. I have also been a glass cutter, a groom at Santa Anita and other racetracks, a publicist for political candidates (which is the same general thing)and did a radio show for more than 20 years.']}
How the Hacker Stole Christmas
[ "For Children Everywhere who aren’t staring at a screen.", "That's how this book begins. It's a playful, funny parody of the Christmas classic with a modern setting, a modern theme, and a modern villain.", "The Hacker hated the holidays! The whole holiday break! Her reasons lacked specifics but she found it incredibly fake. It could be blamed on teenage hormonal change, Or a not fully developed emotional range. But I think that the most likely reason of all May have been, due to teasing, she’d put up a wall.", "In this story a sad, angry teen lashes out against her classmates on Christmas break because she's sick of how they act and how they treat her. She's sick of them staring at their phone screens, bullying her, taking selfies, their addiction to", "likes", "and everything that's wrong around the social use of technology today. So she does something about it. Watch how the traditional themes of Christmas explode apart in this funny, touching, technologically correct (we get the hacking bits right), and a little too realistic story of Christmas. So what happens when this hacker takes out electronic distractions on Christmas Eve? What happens when the teens can't post pictures of their presents on Christmas day? Does the town get together and learn the meaning of Christmas? Or did the hacker steal that too? This story has been created by the team behind Hacker Highschool, a non-profit initiative to use hacking as a learning methodology to engage teens, improve cybersafety awareness, and train the next generation of cybersecurity professionals. In this project we see teens freely using technology that they have no understanding of the risks consequences. So this story was written as a fun and informative way to bring attention to the drowning effect of technology in the hands of kids today and how nobody is teaching them to swim. The book has been co-illustrated by the (then) 13-year-old Ayla Madison of Youtube and Instagram's", "Happy Mopey", "which gives it that authentic teenage feel and Carmen Sullo, an ontological leadership coach with a special interest in all things art and family. This book is fun for everyone and it has many learning points about hacking, technology, society, and self esteem." ]
[ "About the Author", "Pete Herzog is a hacker, writer, researcher, and co-founder of the non-profit, security research Institute for Security and Open Methodologies (ISECOM). He's also known for creating the international standard for security testing (OSSTMM), the Open Source Cybersecurity Playbook, and Hacker Highschool. You can find them at,, and" ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Pete Herzog (Author), Marta Barceló Jordan (Author), Ayla Madison Herzog Barceló (Illustrator), Carmen Sullo (Illustrator)
[ "Books", "Humor & Entertainment", "Humor" ]
{"Publisher": "ISECOM (December 20, 2016)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "58 pages", "ISBN 10": "0978520793", "ISBN 13": "978-0978520793", "Item Weight": "4.5 ounces", "Dimensions": "6.14 x 0.14 x 9.21 inches"}
Paperback – December 20, 2016
Metro Girl
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Janet Evanovich (Author)
[ "Books", "Humor & Entertainment", "Humor" ]
{"Publisher": "Isis (January 1, 2005)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "312 pages", "ISBN 10": "0753174723", "ISBN 13": "978-0753174722", "Item Weight": "12.6 ounces"}
Paperback – Import, January 1, 2005
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Janet Evanovich', 'about': ['Janet Evanovich is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Stephanie Plum series, the co-authored Fox and O’Hare series, the Knight and Moon series, and the Lizzy and Diesel series as well as twelve romance novels, the Alexandra Barnaby novels, Troublemaker graphic novel, and How I Write: Secrets of a Bestselling Author.']}
Spanish for Nursing (Second Edition) (English and Spanish Edition)
[ "At last, the nationally-acclaimed occupational language programs from Command Spanish® that are used by the U.S. Government, Fortune 500 companies, and professional associations are now available to the general public!", "NO PRIOR KNOWLEDGE OF SPANISH NEEDED!!!", "Spanish for Nursing", "allows nurses to communicate with and better assist their Spanish-speaking patients, allowing for a more advanced and wider reaching practice. With over 300 Spanish language commands, statements, and questions, this is the most thoroughly researched and used training book of its kind. Using the input of nursing instructors, practicing nurses and native Spanish-speakers you can be sure of the material contained in this book.", "SPANISH FOR ADULT PROFESSIONALS!!!", "This book, two CD set, and Power Spanish Card will help nurses; obtain basic information and patient history; obtain vital signs; perform physical assessment; perform routine procedures; prepare patients for surgery or other procedures; administer medications and injections; feed and bathe patients; assist and interact with patient s family; honor patient requests; assist in emergency situations; identify Hispanic culture traits relating to medical care; reduce Hispanics fear of hospital settings; understand Hispanic health belief system; and much more...", "NO GRAMMAR!!!" ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Spanish Edition Command Spanish Inc. (Author)
[ "Books", "Reference" ]
{"Publisher": "Command Spanish Inc.; Second Edition (February 4, 2011)", "Language": "English, Spanish", "Ring bound": "106 pages", "ISBN 10": "1888467916", "ISBN 13": "978-1888467918", "Item Weight": "1.65 pounds"}
Second Edition
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Command Spanish Inc.', 'about': ['Dr. Sam Slick is a Professor of Spanish and former chairman of the Department of Foreign Languages at the University of Southern Mississippi. He holds B.A. and M.A. degrees in Spanish from Illinois State University, and a Ph.D. in Spanish from the University of Iowa, as well as diplomas from the Ibero-American University in Mexico City, and the University of Madrid, Spain. He is a specialist in language acquisition. Dr. Slick is currently the President and CEO of Command Spanish®, Inc. In producing occupational Spanish language manuals, Dr. Slick collaborates with many educational experts, including professional Spanish-speaking translators, Spanish professors, curriculum specialists, and many real-life practitioners in specific professions.', 'About Command Spanish®, Inc.', "Command Spanish®, Inc. is the country's pioneer and leading provider of Spanish language training for the workplace. Its programs and materials are the result of years of research and development by language, curriculum, and translation specialists. The company's objective is to provide learner-friendly language programs and training classes that require NO PRIOR KNOWLEDGE OF SPANISH. Command Spanish® language classes eliminate the tedious grammar instruction found in most other language programs. For over twenty-five years Command Spanish®, inc. has been leading the U.S. market in innovative and job- specific Spanish language training."]}
Murder on the Rocks
[ "Brief Synopsis for", "Murder on the Rocks", "by Kevin Zahn", "Murder on the Rocks", "is set in the red rock country near Sedona, Arizona. The protagonist is Will Johansen, a retired merchant marine captain. He and his wife, Katie, live a pleasant life in beautiful Red Rock Valley. While out walking his dog, a tri-colored collie named Sassie, that peace is shattered. Sassie discovers a dead body in the woods -- that of a Forest Service Ranger. The county sheriff is called, and soon makes the determination that it was a suicide. Will cannot believe that, and gets involved to prove it was murder. His motivation is something that happened to him on his first voyage as captain, many years ago. The memory haunts him, but he thinks if he can help solve the case, the nightmares might go away. Katie doesn't like it, but puts up with it. The middle part of the story is filled with suspects, evidence, speculation and altercations. Will recruits a retired FBI agent neighbor to help. He supplies critical expertise. New names go up on the “suspect board” while others come off of it. Will is determined to get it down to one name." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Kevin Zahn (Author)
[ "Books", "Mystery, Thriller & Suspense", "Thrillers & Suspense" ]
{"Publisher": "Independently published (September 6, 2021)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "266 pages", "ISBN 13": "979-8465339698", "Item Weight": "12.8 ounces", "Dimensions": "6 x 0.6 x 9 inches"}
Paperback – September 6, 2021
A Bridge Too Far (Library Edition)
[ "[This is the Audiobook CD Library Edition in vinyl case.]", "The classic account of one of the most dramatic battles of World War II", "A Bridge Too Far", "is Cornelius Ryan's masterly chronicle of the Battle of Arnhem, which marshaled the greatest armada of troop-carrying aircraft ever assembled and cost the Allies nearly twice as many casualties as D-day. In this compelling work of history, Ryan narrates the Allied effort to end the war in Europe in 1944 by dropping the combined airborne forces of the American and British armies behind German lines to capture the crucial bridge across the Rhine at Arnhem. Focusing on a vast cast of characters -- from Dutch civilians to British and American strategists to common soldiers and commanders -- Ryan brings to life one of the most daring and ill-fated operations of the war.", "A Bridge Too Far", "superbly recreates the terror, suspense, heroism, and tragedy of this epic operation, which ended in bitter defeat for the Allies." ]
[ "Review", "''I know of no other work of literature of World War II as moving, as awesome, and as accurate in its portrayal of human courage.'' --General James M. Gavin", "About the Author", "CORNELIUS RYAN (1920-1974) was born in Dublin, Ireland. He became one of the preeminent war correspondents of his time, flying fourteen bombing missions with the United States Eighth and Ninth Air Forces and covering the D-day landings and the advance of General Patton's Third Army across France and Germany. After the end of hostilities in Europe, he covered the Pacific War. In addition to his classic works", "The Longest Day, The Last Battle", ", and", "A Bridge Too Far", ", he is the author of numerous other books, which have appeared throughout the world in nineteen languages. Awarded the Legion of Honor by the French government in 1973, he was hailed at that time by Malcolm Muggeridge as ''perhaps the most brilliant reporter now alive.''" ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Cornelius Ryan (Author), Clive Chafer (Reader)
[ "Books", "History", "Military" ]
{"Publisher": "Blackstone Audio, Inc.; Unabridged LIBRARY edition (July 1, 2012)", "Language": "English", "Audio CD": "15 pages", "ISBN 10": "1455157090", "ISBN 13": "978-1455157099", "Item Weight": "1.1 pounds", "Dimensions": "6.9 x 2 x 6.1 inches"}
Audio CD – Unabridged, July 1, 2012
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Cornelius Ryan', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Yoga Girl
[ "A", "New York Times", "bestseller from the yoga instructor who inspires more than one million followers on Instagram every day.", "Whether she’s practicing handstands on her stand-up paddleboard or teaching Downward-Facing Dog to the masses, Rachel Brathen—Instagram’s @Yoga_Girl—has made it her mission to share inspirational messages with people from all corners of the world. In", "Yoga Girl", ", Brathen takes readers beyond her Instagram feed and shares her journey like never before—from her self-destructive teenage years in her hometown in Sweden to her adventures in the jungles of Costa Rica, and finally to the beautiful and bohemian life she’s built through yoga and meditation in Aruba today. Featuring spectacular photos of Brathen practicing yoga with breathtaking tropical backdrops, along with step-by-step yoga sequences and simple recipes for a healthy, happy, and fearless lifestyle—", "Yoga Girl", "is like an armchair vacation to a Caribbean spa." ]
[ "Review", "\"Take the time to clear your mind and mellow out with Rachel Brathen’s endearing and inspiring memoir of a misspent youth, rebirth on the mat, and epic adventures in the Costa Rican jungle. Along the way you’ll find . . . yoga routines and healthy recipes.\" -- Bustle\"The book was like a perfect yoga class—it left me inspired, relaxed and at the same time gave me tons of ideas.\" -- Elephant Journal\"An international force in the world of yoga.\" -- Allure", "About the Author", "Rachel Brathen is the", "New York Times", "bestselling author of", "Yoga Girl", "and a world-renowned yoga instructor who teaches workshops and leads retreats around the globe. She is the founder of, an online platform for yoga, meditation, and healing, as well as Island Yoga, the largest yoga studio in the Caribbean. Rachel runs two non-profit organizations: Sgt Pepper’s Friends, an animal rescue foundation based in Aruba, and Yoga Girl® Foundation, benefitting women and children in need. Find her on Instagram @Yoga_Girl and on her popular podcast,", "From the Heart", ":", "Conversations with Yoga Girl", ". Born in Sweden, she lives in Aruba with her husband and daughter.", "Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.", "Yoga Girl", "CHAPTER 1", "Yoga Every Damn Day", "Read more" ]
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{ "title": [ "Official 'Yoga Girl' Book Trailer", "3 Calming Yoga Poses from 'Yoga Girl' Rachel Brathen", "'Yoga Girl' Rachel Brathen’s best Meditation Tips" ], "url": [ "", "", "" ], "user_id": [ "", "", "" ] }
Rachel Brathen (Author)
[ "Books", "Health, Fitness & Dieting", "Exercise & Fitness" ]
{"Publisher": "Gallery Books; Illustrated edition (March 24, 2015)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "176 pages", "ISBN 10": "1501106767", "ISBN 13": "978-1501106767", "Item Weight": "14.4 ounces", "Dimensions": "7.38 x 0.6 x 9.13 inches"}
Paperback – Illustrated, March 24, 2015
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Rachel Brathen', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
The Icarus Protocol
[ "Following the devastating and abrupt end to his career as a Captain flying one of the largest passenger airliners in the world, Kyle Donnar has no choice but to return to his roots as a flight instructor and aviation consultant. Working out of Marco Island Airport on the southwestern coast of Florida, a job offer seemingly appears out of nowhere and the future begins to brighten for Kyle and his wife Tina. He learns his new employers are part of a secret, yet not so secret organization with ties dating back to the Templar Knights and the Crusades. But, as the saying goes; “if it’s too good to be true”…. Blackmail and extortion force Kyle into accepting an assignment beyond his training and capabilities. Extraordinary measures are necessary not only to help Tina in her time of need, but to save himself in the process. Treachery, Murphy’s Law, and unintended consequences come together in an ever tightening web of danger and suspense taking him to exotic and remote areas throughout the contiguous lower forty-eight states." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Kevin John Dohm (Author)
[ "Books", "Mystery, Thriller & Suspense", "Thrillers & Suspense" ]
{"Publisher": "KJDohm (April 8, 2013)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "328 pages", "ISBN 10": "0615758622", "ISBN 13": "978-0615758626", "Item Weight": "11.5 ounces", "Dimensions": "5 x 0.74 x 8 inches"}
Paperback – April 8, 2013
Celebrating Entrepreneurs: How MIT Nurtured Pioneering Entrepreneurs Who Built Great Companies
[ "A firsthand account of the past, present, and future of entrepreneurship at MIT from the man who has led those endeavors since the beginning, and the stories of the entrepreneurs nurtured by MIT." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_QL40_FMwebp_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Edward B. Roberts (Author)
[ "Books", "Business & Money", "Biography & History" ]
{"Publisher": "Edward B. Roberts (March 29, 2020)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "310 pages", "ISBN 10": "0578621932", "ISBN 13": "978-0578621937", "Item Weight": "1.65 pounds", "Dimensions": "8 x 0.73 x 10 inches"}
Paperback – March 29, 2020
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Edward B. Roberts', 'about': ['EDWARD B. ROBERTS is the David Sarnoff Professor of Management of Technology at the MIT Sloan School of Management. His scholarship focuses on advanced technol­ogy management and entrepreneurship, and he founded and chairs the Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship. His nine previous books include Entrepreneurs in High-Technology, the first research-based book on technology-based entrepreneurship. Roberts also cofounded numerous firms, including Medical Information Technology (Meditech),, and Zero-Stage Capital. He has been a board member of more than 30 companies and an angel investor in 100+ high-tech startups.']}
Poof: The Fireless Dragon
[ "This is about Poof, a dragon who was different from his friends because he was not a fire breathing dragon. In the story Poof decides to ask to have a birthday party after seeing Archer, the little boy in the village having a party. Dandelions were for wishes and his wish came true when his mother agreed to have the first party ever in the woods. It led the other dragons and Archer to realize that just because he was different from them, they found things that they liked to do together." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Linda C Trondson (Author)
[ "Books", "Children's Books", "Fairy Tales, Folk Tales & Myths" ]
{"Publisher": "Independently published (August 15, 2020)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "32 pages", "ISBN 13": "979-8652328627", "Item Weight": "4 ounces", "Dimensions": "8.5 x 0.08 x 8.5 inches"}
Paperback – Large Print, August 15, 2020
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Linda C Trondson', 'about': ['Whirl E. Squirrel came to me in a dream. My best critics, my grandchildren, loved it! The Whirl E. dream generated another dream - to publish and have children everywhere become Whirl E. fans. Every night I go to bed wondering what enchanting creature I will encounter. My next book will be Poof the Fireless Breathing Dragon. Working as a librarian and reading to children weekly have allowed me to become familiar with the books children enjoy. Children want stories with adventure, kindness, diversity and humor. Education and literacy have developed into passions of mine. I live in Jordan, MN with my husband who still finds my quirkiness intriguing even after 51 years.', "I also authored Poof the Fireless Dragon. It also came to me in a dream. It is a story of a dragon who was different from the other dragons. Poof saw a child named Archer's birthday party and convinced his mom to let him have a party. He met Archer and made a friend. At the party the other dragons realized being different didn't matter. They realized they found things things they liked to do together. It is diversified characters and a story of kindess and wishes on a dandelion that come true.", "LOL Memories with Linda, are anecdotes and short stories of my friends, family and me. It may make you laugh out loud, smile or may bring memories back from your life's journey. My hope is you remember to laugh, be kind and enjoy others. It is a chapter book so it is easy to stop and start. It is stories of things that go wrong and right in a person's life. It reminds the reader what is important in your life, to take chances, love unconditionally and always be kind."]}
The Assault (Recon Team Angel #1)
[ "It's 2030, and humanity is losing the war against alien invaders. A", "Band of Brothers", "meets", "Ender's Game", "in this sci-fi military thriller.A team of six has been chosen . . .. . . to infiltrate the enemy's headquarters in the heart of the Australian Outback. The six teens have been modified to look like aliens. They have spent years mastering alien culture so that they can talk, act—even think—like their enemies. But from the start, the recon mission goes terribly wrong. It's only when they are close to discovering the shocking truth of the aliens' plans that the team is forced to ask:Who among them is a traitor?Brian Falkner, author of", "The Project, Brain Jack,", "and", "The Tomorrow Code,", "delivers a page-turning military thriller with his signature heart-pounding action and unique sci-fi twists.Hand this to teens who love playing", "Call of Duty", "and", "Halo", "!\"Falkner supplies a tight story that features a strong plot and believable characters. . . . [He] effectively employs the tropes of both survival and war stories to great effect. While an entirely satisfying read on its own, readers can only hope there is a second installment in the works.\"—", "Kirkus Reviews" ]
[ "About the Author", "A native New Zealander, BRIAN FALKNER now lives on the other side of the Tasman Sea, in Australia. To research the settings for", "The Assault", ", he camped in the Australian Outback, sleeping under the stars and visiting Uluru. Brian is also the author of", "The Tomorrow Code, Brain Jack,", "and", "The Project", ". Find him online at", "Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.", "9780375869464|excerptFaulkner / ASSAULTBook 1—­Recon1. Where Angels Fear[Mission day 1][2335 hours local time][F-­35 Lightning II Stealth Bomber, somewhere over the center of Australia]“Angel Chariot, this is Heaven. How copy?”“Heaven, this is Angel Chariot, clear copy, over.”“Angel Chariot, we have zero five bogies now airborne in your proximity. Repeat, zero five bogies. Expect enemy craft approaching from your six. Anticipate interception in one seven mikes, confirm.”“Angel Chariot confirming zero five bogies, interception in one seven mikes.”“Confirmation acknowledged, Angel Chariot. Proceed as planned. Good luck. Out.”The voices in his ear fell silent, and Lieutenant Ryan Chisnall glanced around at the vague shadows that were the five other members of his team, crouched together in the impossibly small space in the bomb bay of the aircraft. A space that was not designed to hold human beings.The other members of the team couldn’t hear the voices of the pilot (snug in the cockpit somewhere above them) and their mission controller (safe thousands of miles away at the Operational Command Center). Only Chisnall had a link to this channel, so the others did not know that five enemy jets were heading their way and the first would be right on their tail in less than seventeen minutes.He decided not to tell them.A ripple of fear welled up from his gut, stretching dark fingers out around his chest. His heart began to race as a tingling sensation spread from his fingertips to his shoulders.He took a deep breath and expelled it slowly, humming to himself as he did. Panic, not the circumstances, was the killer. That was what his combat instructor had rammed home again and again. Fear is your friend, keeping you sharp. But panic is the unclean spirit, twisting your soul, consuming logic, training, and, finally, you. So Chisnall hummed to himself and, in doing so, banished the panic to the far corners of his mind.“Okay, final sys-­checks,” he said in a steady voice.The noise inside the fuselage of the plane would have deafened a corpse. The bomb bay had been heated and pressurized for this mission, but not soundproofed. With the continuous roar from the other side of the bomb bay doors, it was like being in front of the speakers at a thrash metal concert. If they hadn’t all been wearing comm units, talk would have been impossible.One by one, each of the team members’ systems checks came up on his HMDS. Five of them had sys-­OK, including him, but one was showing a problem.“Angel Three, you’re showing a helmet breach. What’s going on, Hunter?” Chisnall could barely see Specialist Stephen “Hunter” Huntington, although he was no more than a few feet away from him. The darkness in the fuselage was almost absolute. The only light came from the ready lights on the six half-­pipes on the floor beneath their feet.“Just scratchin’ my nose, Angel One,” Hunter replied, and his sys-­check lit up before he finished speaking.“Picking your nose, you mean,” Private First Class Trianne Price said.“This is Angel Five. I have visual confirmation, over,” Private First Class Blake Wilton said. “He was definitely picking.”“Mate,” Sergeant Holly Brogan said, “if Hunter could pick his nose, would he have picked that one?”Hunter’s voice came immediately in Chisnall’s ear. “Angel One, I wish to report Sergeant Brogan for breach of regulations, subsection C, paragraph six—­intentionally dischargin’ a joke that’s older than my grandmother, without regard for the safety of others.”“Is not Price your grandmother?” Specialist Janos “Monster” Panyoczki asked.“Bite me,” Price said, and there was a muffled thump on the comm.Chisnall grinned. Nearly eighteen, “Phantom” Price was the oldest member of the team.The pilot’s voice cut across the banter. “Angel One, this is Angel Chariot, how copy?”“Angel Chariot, this is Angel One. Clear copy,” Chisnall replied immediately.“Angel One, I have six greens showing on my board. Please confirm you are ready to Echo Victor.”“Angel One confirming six sys-­OKs. All angels ready to fly, over.”“Echo Victor in approximately one four mikes, confirm?”“Confirm Echo Victor in one four mikes.” Chisnall checked his pulse again. Fourteen minutes until the EV, which was just a short way of saying they were going to be ejected from a fast-­moving jet at 32,000 feet.“Four mikes! That’s crap,” Wilton said. “Let’s go now. I can’t wait to stick it down those Bzadian throats. Booyah!”Chisnall thought he could hear a tremor in Wilton’s voice, despite all his bravado.“You know we can’t,” he said. “We have to wait until the pilot fires off chaff. As soon as one of the Pukes gets missile lock on us, we are out of here.”“So hit the chaff and let’s go,” Wilton said.“Wilton, ya plonker,” Hunter said. “If Angel Chariot releases chaff before one of the Pukes gets missile lock, then the Pukes start saying to themselves, ‘What’d he do that for?’ And the last thing we need is a bunch of suspicious Pukes on our six.”“Yeah, and if the Puke gets a shot off before we EV, then we’re CFC!” Wilton said.“CFC? What is this CFC?” Monster asked. “Not in the SMTPA manual.”“Crispy fried chicken,” Holly Brogan informed him.Chisnall shook his head. “If we don’t jump in the chaff, then we might as well take out a front page ad on Google, telling the Pukes we’re on our way.”“I know it, LT,” Wilton said. “But that don’t make it any easier to sit up here with our butts hanging out waiting for the first Puke fast mover to kick us where it hurts.”“You think?” Price said.Silence spread like a thick cloud through the confined space. This was it. The real thing. A combat drop over enemy territory. A first for all of them. Chisnall couldn’t see their faces, but he could sense their tension.The timing had to be perfect. A second wrong either way and the mission was compromised or they were dead. Which pretty much amounted to the same thing.The Operational Command Center, with its all-­seeing satellite eyes, was back on the comm to the pilot of their aircraft." ]
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Brian Falkner (Author)
[ "Books", "Teen & Young Adult", "Science Fiction & Fantasy" ]
{"Publisher": "Ember; Reprint edition (September 10, 2013)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "304 pages", "ISBN 10": "037587190X", "ISBN 13": "978-0375871900", "Reading age": "12 - 17 years", "Lexile measure": "HL750L", "Grade level": "7 - 9", "Item Weight": "8.3 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.5 x 0.64 x 8.25 inches"}
Paperback – September 10, 2013
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Brian Falkner', 'about': ['Brian Falkner was born and raised in Auckland. He is the author of several novels for children and teenagers including, The Flea Thing, 2003 (AKA Henry and the Flea) which was shortlisted for the LIANZA Esther Glen Medal; The Real Thing, 2004; The Super Freak (AKA Super Freak) which was shortlisted in the NZ Post Awards 2006; and The Tomorrow Code (shortlisted, NZ Post Awards and the Esther Glen Medal, 2009). Brainjack won the Sir Julius Vogel Science Fiction Award (Young Adult).', "Prior to becoming a children's author, Brian trained as a journalist and then worked as a reporter and an advertising copywriter, a radio announcer and an internet developer. His hobbies include scuba-diving, travel, amateur theatre, photography and rugby.", 'He lives on the sunny Gold Coast of Australia.']}
Life Support (Santee, Book 1)
[ "Alexia Lindale knows her new case is a matter of life and death. She doesn't have a clue what it will do to her heart...and soul.", "From the Christy-award-winning author of", "The List", ",", "The Trial", ", and", "The Sacrifice", "comes this twisting tale of tough decisions, mixed motives, and mysterious, healing grace.", "Baxter Richardson survived a fall from a cliff while hiding in the mountains. Whether he'll make it through the next few weeks is unclear. His survival depends on the machines that help him breathe. On the haunted, unstable wife who wants to pull the plug and hide her secrets. On the doting father who wants him alive for reasons of love and money. On the conflicting legal documents that send the fight to court. And, on the music and prayers of an extraordinarily gifted pianist." ]
[ "About the Author", "Robert Whitlow is the bestselling author of legal novels set in the South and winner of the Christy Award for Contemporary Fiction. He received his JD with honors from the University of Georgia School of Law where he served on the staff of the Georgia Law Review. Website:; Twitter: @whitlowwriter; Facebook: robertwhitlowbooks." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Robert Whitlow (Author)
[ "Books", "Christian Books & Bibles", "Literature & Fiction" ]
{"Publisher": "Thomas Nelson; Later Printing edition (July 15, 2003)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "400 pages", "ISBN 10": "0849943744", "ISBN 13": "978-0849943744", "Item Weight": "13.9 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.5 x 1 x 8.38 inches"}
Paperback – July 15, 2003
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Robert Whitlow', 'about': ['Robert Whitlow grew up in north Georgia. He graduated magna cum laude from Furman University with a BA in history in 1976 and received his JD with honors from the University of Georgia School of Law in 1979. A practicing attorney, he is a partner in a Charlotte, NC law firm. He and his wife Kathy have four children and nine grandchildren.', 'Robert began writing in 1996. His novels are set in the South and include both legal suspense and interesting characterization. It is his desire to write stories that reveal some of the ways God interacts with people in realistic scenarios.']}
Our Little Secret: A Novel
[ "THE INTERNATIONALLY BESTSELLING PSYCHOLOGICAL SUSPENSE NOVEL YOU CAN'T MISS...", "“A cracking read...", "Our Little Secret", "builds to a deliciously dark conclusion.” ―Ruth Ware,", "New York Times", "bestselling author of", "The", "Woman in Cabin 10", "Roz Nay's", "Our Little Secret", "is a twisted tale of love, pain, and revenge that will stay with the reader long after they turn the last page.They say you never forget your first love. What they don’t say though, is that sometimes your first love won’t forget you…Angela Petitjean sits in a cold, dull room. The police have been interrogating her for hours, asking about Saskia Parker. She’s the wife of Angela’s high school sweetheart, HP, and the mother of his child. She has vanished. Homicide Detective J. Novak believes Angela knows what happened to Saskia. He wants the truth, and he wants it now.But Angela has a different story to tell. It began more than a decade ago when she and HP met in high school in Cove, Vermont. She was an awkward, shy teenager. He was a popular athlete. They became friends, fell in love, and dated senior year. Everything changed when Angela went to college. When time and distance separated them. When Saskia entered the picture.That was eight years ago. HP foolishly married a drama queen and Angela moved on with her life. Whatever marital rift caused Saskia to leave her husband has nothing to do with Angela. Nothing at all. Detective Novak needs to stop asking questions and", "listen", "to what Angela is telling him. And once he understands everything, he’ll have the truth he so desperately wants…" ]
[ "Review", "\"Nay's engrossing read is told from multiple perspectives, and from its chillingly mysterious opening to the subtle brilliance with which a revengeful saga unfolds, its steamy love triangle will hook you and never let you go. It's a debut thriller that's just delicious.\"―", "Entertainment Weekly", "\"Remarkable.", "Our Little Secret", "superficially resembles Paula Hawkins’", "The Girl on a Trai", "n and similar psychological thrillers that have stormed the best-seller lists in the last decade. But Nay’s work transcends the subgenre. The plot is more textured and heartbreaking, and her prose contains startling turns of phrase that reveal the soul of a poet.\"―", "Associated Press", "\"Nay lures readers down a dark and tangled path that explores the aftereffects of lost first loves...a gripping addition to the psych thriller world.\" ―Mary Kubica,", "New York", "Times bestselling author of", "The Good Girl", "\"A gripping and disturbing story, which left me guessing until the very end.\" ―B.A. Paris,", "New York Times", "bestselling author of", "Behind Closed Doors", "and", "The Breakdown", "\"Clever and addictive,", "Our Little Secret", "won’t stay a secret for long―it’s that good.\"―Chevy Stevens,", "New York Times", "bestselling author of", "Still Missin", "g and", "Never Let You Go", "“A cracking read...", "Our Little Secret", "builds to a deliciously dark conclusion.”― Ruth Ware,", "New York Times", "bestselling author of", "The", "Woman in Cabin 10", "\"A hugely accomplished first novel―and one which, in the guise of a page turner, poses many questions about intimacy, jealousy and the vertiginous trajectory that is revenge.\"―Douglas Kennedy, international bestselling author of", "The Pursuit of Happiness", "and", "Leaving the World", "\"In", "Our Little Secret,", "Roz Nay shows how the past is never truly past, and can be darker than we guess, especially when it comes to first loves. A most promising debut.\"― Andrew Pyper, bestselling author of", "The Demonologist", "and", "The Only Child", "“In Roz Nay’s tightly woven debut", "Our Little Secret", "we meet Angela – a wily woman with a twisted love story, who is in quite a heap of trouble. As the story unfolds and the mystery deepens, the breadcrumbs Nay expertly leaves behind reveal a dark truth you won’t see coming. Ruth Ware fans will love this compulsive, impossible-to-put-down novel!”―Karma Brown, bestselling author of", "Come Away With Me", "and", "The Choices We Make", "“A stunning debut….", "Our Little Secret", "is a deliciously twisted novel about a love triangle. It’s so suspenseful your heart will be pounding as you hurry to the end. Roz Nay has proven she can write the thriller you haven't read before.” ―Liz Fenton and Lisa Steinke, authors of", "The Good Widow", "“A juicy, darkly comic tour through an unpredictable mind, populated by characters as captivating as they are despicable. If you liked", "Disclaimer", ", you're in for a treat with this one.”―Averil Dean, author of", "Alice Close Your Eyes", "\"A sneaky-smart, charismatic debut that will win fans among those who enjoy the kind of duplicitous and deliciously complex psychological suspense written by Ruth Ware, Sophie Hannah, and Erin Kelly.\"―", "Booklist", "(starred review)\"Fans of Paula Hawkins and Ruth Ware will", "devour this twisty psychological thriller", "; Nay has expertly crafted a narrative that has the potential to veer in several directions, keeping the readers enthralled and guessing until the end.\"―", "Library Journal", "(starred review)\"[A] mesmerizing debut...Nay expertly spins an insidious, clever web, perfectly capturing the soaring heights and crushing lows of first love and how the loss of that love can make even the sanest people a little crazy. Carve out some time for this riveting, one-sitting read.\"―", "Kirkus Reviews", "\"Captivating...Nay is a writer to watch.\"―", "Publishers Weekly", "\"Heading to a cottage this weekend and need a guaranteed good read? Bring this book. Trust me: you're likely to read it in one breathless sitting. When you return to reality, it will be well past midnight and everyone else will have gone to bed. [A] winding, deceptive descent towards the truth about what happened. I didn't see it coming, and neither will you.\"―", "The Globe and Mail", "\"Seemingly every aspiring author out there is now busy capitalizing on the trend, crafting dark psychological thrillers with unreliable female narrators and wild plot twists. It’s increasingly difficult, then, to stand out in this crowded market... All of this is why first-time author Roz Nay’s debut", "Our Little Secret", "is so impressive.\"―", "Toronto Star", "\"Roz Nay keeps readers enthralled with prose that's at once lyrical and incisive. The author can make a drug trip seem poetic.", "Our Little Secret", "should keep readers tied to its pages.\"―Shelf Awareness", "About the Author", "Roz Nay", "grew up in England and studied at Oxford University. She has been published in", "The Antigonish Review", "and the anthology", "Refuge", ". Roz has worked as an underwater fish counter in Africa, a snowboard videographer in Vermont, and a high school teacher in both the UK and Australia. She now lives in British Columbia, Canada, with her husband and two children." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Roz Nay (Author)
[ "Books", "Mystery, Thriller & Suspense", "Thrillers & Suspense" ]
{"Publisher": "St. Martin's Press (April 17, 2018)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "272 pages", "ISBN 10": "1250160812", "ISBN 13": "978-1250160812", "Item Weight": "14.4 ounces", "Dimensions": "6.38 x 1.19 x 9.61 inches"}
Hardcover – April 17, 2018
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Roz Nay', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Handbook of Veterinary Pain Management
[ "You can trust this user-friendly guide to help you meet the increasing need for effective pain management in the animals you treat. It provides instant access to clinically relevant information on pain assessment, pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical treatment options, guidelines for managing acute and chronic pain, and unique aspects of pain management in dogs, cats, horses, cattle, birds, reptiles, ferrets, and rabbits.", "User-friendly format helps you quickly and easily find essential pain management information.", "User-friendly format helps you quickly and easily find essential pain management information.", "Helpful boxes and tables provide at-a-glance access to pharmacologic protocols and clinical applications, including dosages, indications, contraindications, and side effects.", "Helpful boxes and tables provide at-a-glance access to pharmacologic protocols and clinical applications, including dosages, indications, contraindications, and side effects.", "Complementary and alternative treatment strategies are included throughout to assist you in using the latest non-pharmacological pain interventions.", "Complementary and alternative treatment strategies are included throughout to assist you in using the latest non-pharmacological pain interventions.", "Case studies clearly illustrate the practical applications of key concepts in the clinical setting and help you sharpen your pain assessment and management skills.", "Case studies clearly illustrate the practical applications of key concepts in the clinical setting and help you sharpen your pain assessment and management skills.", "New contributors ― many of the most respected experts in the field ― share their insights and experiences to bring you the most current thinking in this ever-changing discipline.", "New contributors ― many of the most respected experts in the field ― share their insights and experiences to bring you the most current thinking in this ever-changing discipline.", "Completely revised and updated content throughout ensures you are using the best and most current information available on analgesic drugs and pain management techniques.", "Completely revised and updated content throughout ensures you are using the best and most current information available on analgesic drugs and pain management techniques.", "An expanded chapter on Pain Management in Horses and Cattle explores the latest advances in treating this group of animals.", "An expanded chapter on Pain Management in Horses and Cattle explores the latest advances in treating this group of animals.", "Eight new chapters offer cutting-edge coverage of hot topics in the field, including:", "Eight new chapters offer cutting-edge coverage of hot topics in the field, including:", "Pain Management in the CatPain Management for the Pet BirdClinical Approaches to Analgesia in ReptilesClinical Approaches to Analgesia in Ferrets and RabbitsPhysical Therapy and Rehabilitation in DogsRehabilitation Methods and Modalities for the CatQuality of Life IssuesHospice and Palliative Care", "Pain Management in the Cat", "Pain Management in the Cat", "Pain Management for the Pet Bird", "Pain Management for the Pet Bird", "Clinical Approaches to Analgesia in Reptiles", "Clinical Approaches to Analgesia in Reptiles", "Clinical Approaches to Analgesia in Ferrets and Rabbits", "Clinical Approaches to Analgesia in Ferrets and Rabbits", "Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation in Dogs", "Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation in Dogs", "Rehabilitation Methods and Modalities for the Cat", "Rehabilitation Methods and Modalities for the Cat", "Quality of Life Issues", "Quality of Life Issues", "Hospice and Palliative Care", "Hospice and Palliative Care" ]
[ "Review", "There is a considerable amount of information in this small and relatively reasonably priced book, its compact dimensions belying the page numbers held within. The style is concise with a good use of bullet points. There are few books available with such a comprehensive coverage of material related to analgesia.", "VR Record, 2009", "About the Author", "William W. Muir, III, DVM, MSc, PhD, DACVA, DACVECC, is Chief Medical Officer at The Animal Medical Center in New York and a recently retired professor in the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences at The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Muir is board certified in both anesthesiology and emergency and critical care. He was a distinguished professor at Ohio State for over 20 years and trained many anesthesiologists in the US and abroad. He also has written hundreds of journal articles, is the recipient of many professional awards, and is the co-author of Elsevier’s Handbook of Veterinary Pain Management (with Gaynor) and Equine Anesthesia: Monitoring and Emergency Therapy (with Hubbell)." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
James S. Gaynor DVM MS DACVA DAAPM (Author), William W. Muir DVM MSc PhD DACVA DACVECC (Author)
[ "Books", "New, Used & Rental Textbooks", "Medicine & Health Sciences" ]
{"Publisher": "Mosby; 2nd edition (February 12, 2008)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "672 pages", "ISBN 10": "0323046797", "ISBN 13": "978-0323046794", "Item Weight": "1.32 pounds", "Dimensions": "5.25 x 1 x 8.25 inches"}
2nd Edition
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'James S. Gaynor', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
The Cavalier of the Apocalypse (Aristide Ravel Mysteries)
[ "A murdered man is found in a Parisian cemetery in 1786, where struggling writer Aristide Ravel recognizes the strange symbols surrounding the body to be Masonic." ]
[ "From Publishers Weekly", "Starred Review. After two mysteries set in the aftermath of the French Revolution,", "Game of Patience", "(2006) and", "A Treasury of Regrets", "(2007), Alleyn recounts how her series sleuth, Aristide Ravel, became a detective in this superb prequel set in 1786. While visiting the site of a Paris church fire, Ravel, a poor aspiring writer who bears the emotional scars of a long-ago family trauma, encounters Inspector Brasseur, whom he recognizes as a former neighbor. Brasseur later seeks Ravel's help when an unidentified man turns up dead in a churchyard, his throat slit and a Masonic symbol carved into his chest, and hires Ravel as a subinspector. As the inquiry continues, Ravel begins to suspect that the Masons may be connected with a plot to replace Louis XVI with the Duc d'Orléans as well as a scandal involving the disappearance of the queen's necklace. Alleyn expertly captures the politics and atmosphere of the period, seamlessly integrating them into a traditional whodunit plot.", "(July)", "Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.", "About the Author", "SUSANNE ALLEYN lives in Albany, New York.", "Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.", "1Sunday, 1 January 1786", "Family-minded bourgeois Parisians spent New Year’s Day attending Mass, exchanging gifts, and hosting convivial dinner parties. Bachelors, students, and the literary cliques, on the other hand, tended to spend the holiday in taverns or cafés, which were invariably crowded and lively with those who had not yet settled down to respectable marriages and the producing of heirs. More than that, Aristide thought, as he hurried toward the Cordeliers district with an icy wind at his back, the cafés would be far warmer than his attic room—which had no fireplace and was heated only by a small charcoal brazier—in the midst of a miserably cold winter.", "He was feeling unexpectedly wealthy, having earned another ten louis for a political pamphlet, with nearly sixty livres still at his disposal after clearing up accounts with his landlord. Giving way to an extravagant impulse, he established himself, with a demitasse of strong coffee, at a corner table in the Café Zoppi, wondering if anyone he recognized might come past.", "He recognized a few faces, though no one whom he knew intimately, and at last he contented himself with pulling out the manuscript upon which he was currently working, and scribbling notes to himself with a battered pencil. Around him, the coffee drinkers came and went and clustered about the tall heating stove, conversing earnestly about the sad state of literature, and the even sadder state of current affairs. Inevitably the gossip would turn to the continuing delicious scandal of what people were calling “the queen’s necklace,“ though it had never, it seemed, been hers. By now the chief characters in the drama— Cardinal de Rohan; his avaricious mistress, Jeanne de la Motte; and the notorious alchemist, soothsayer, and mystic Cagliostro—were safely locked away in the Bastille, awaiting trial. Though all legal proceedings were supposed to be conducted in the greatest secrecy, leaks, from time to time, oozed from the fortress to enliven the thousands of illegal handbills, pamphlets, and satirical songs that circulated around the city without benefit of the censor’s stamp of approval.", "“But it’s impossible to be bored in Paris,“ a young man declared, some hours later, in loud, offhand tones to his companion, as they seated themselves at the table next to Aristide’s. “Can’t be done.”", "Aristide cast a sideways glance at him. He wore his hair long and unpowdered, following the careless fashion of the younger generation who patronized Zoppi’s; but his clothes, well cut and crisp, betrayed him as a pampered young sprout from a comfortable bourgeois family, playing at the literary life in Paris.", "Aristide glanced at his own frayed cuffs and immediately loathed him.", "“There’s so much to do, so much to see,“ the young man continued, for the benefit of his friend, who as clearly, by last year’s cut of his redingote, was a country cousin. “The theater, the opera, the Italian comedy... Why, even if your purse is feeling a bit light, you can get cheap tickets to seats up in Paradise and go to the theater every night if you want. Or you can buy tickets to the costume balls at the opera house and perhaps find yourself dancing with a duchess.”", "“A duchess?” echoed the country cousin, impressed.", "“Or a prostitute. You’ll find both there. They say even Antoinette goes sometimes.”", "“My word!”", "Aristide could have told him that the queen hadn’t been spotted at the opera balls for years; her giddy days as the spoiled, thoughtless, pleasure-seeking young princess were behind her, now she was past thirty and the mother of three children, though popular opinion was ready to believe anything of her, the more scurrilous the better. The salacious details that had been turning up in café talk and the gutter press about the diamond necklace affair, and the queen’s alleged sexual relations with both the cardinal and the so-called Comtesse de La Motte, the adventuress behind the notorious theft, had been titillating Parisian scandalmongers for months.", "He signaled to a waiter, who elbowed his way across the crowded, candlelit room toward him—insolently slowly, Aristide thought, acutely aware of his threadbare clothes.", "“Yes, monsieur?”", "“Another coffee.” He stifled a yawn and glanced at his watch, the only thing of value he presently owned. Twenty past eleven. “With sugar.”", "“Three sous.”", "Nearby a pair of earnest-looking young men were looking furtively about them as they talked, a newspaper lying forgotten on the table between them.", "“You know anyone with any sense wants the Duc d’Orléans on the throne, even if it’s just as regent for the boy, but first you’d have to ensure that the king’s brothers were out of the running.”", "“How do you get rid of Louis, though? Certify him as an imbecile?”", "The first man smiled sourly. “Please. He’s not stupid, no matter what people say: just inept at the role he’s forced to play. I heard he has his own private library on mechanics and the sciences. Of course, it’s a tragedy of fate that he had to be a king; I expect he’d have made an excellent professor of natural philosophy instead.”", "“Like Father Houdelot at school,“ said the other man, grinning.", "“Exactly. The woolly-headed sort of intellectual monk—”", "“ ‘Monk’ is right. He must be the first king of France in about five hundred years who’s never had a mistress!”", "“—not blessed with too much practical sense—”", "“What does that say about him?”", "“—who’s vastly knowledgeable about just one or two abstruse subjects and knows nothing at all about any others.”", "“Or indeed about much of life.”", "“But instead he had to be king, and concern himself with administration, power, and politics, which he obviously has no talent for, and probably detests... the duke’s far better suited to the part—”", "“Lord, nearly anyone would be...”", "“Or of course you can go to the Palais-Royal,“ the young man at the next table continued, raising his voice above the din.", "“What’s that?”", "“Oh, it’s quite new, and it’s the latest sensation! We ought to visit tomorrow. It’s part of the Duc d’Orléans’s hôtel particulier, you know, the family’s Paris mansion.”", "“Orléans? The king’s cousin?”", "“They say he was badly in debt by the time the old duke finally breathed his last and Philippe inherited; at any rate, he knocked down the old walls and houses about the garden—it’s immense—and he’s building new houses with covered arcades all the way around on three sides, and collecting shop rents.”", "“But he’s a prince,“ protested the younger man. “A prince of the blood!”", "“That’s what makes it so delicious. They say the king, when he heard about it, said ‘I hear, cousin, that we’ll only see you on Sundays, now you’ve turned shopkeeper.’ But that’s beside the point. The gardens are simply the latest rage. Ever hear of Vauxhall or Ranelagh in London? Well,“ he continued, as his companion nodded, “it’s much the same. You can stroll through the Palais-Royal and visit a dozen different gaming houses or brothels within a hundred steps. And there are plenty of cafés and theaters and luxury shops and bookstalls if your tastes are tamer,“ he added, with a dismissive shrug.", "“Is it expensive?”", "“Well, yes, of course. It’s fashionable. But the police aren’t keeping watch over your shoulder, saying what you shouldn’t do and shouldn’t read. Orléans keeps them out—of course, someone like him can get away with doing that—because he believes people should be able to think and read as they please. If they’re reading satires about the king, at any rate!”", "“Father said I wasn’t to spend all—”", "“Oh, if you just want to see the sights for a fortnight, and you haven’t much money, you can admire the royal art collection—that’s at the Louvre Palace, but anyone properly dressed can get in—or the queen’s formal court gowns...”", "The fellow prattled on. Aristide endeavored to ignore him and leaned on the tiny table, chin balanced on fists, drowsily surveying the room from his dim corner. Zoppi’s prices were outrageous—coffee was only two sous elsewhere, even at the Palais-Royal—but it was a good place to meet people; everyone in the lively Cordeliers district eventually turned up there. You were also paying for the privilege of drinking your coffee or hot chocolate beneath the same gilded chandeliers under which, twenty or thirty years ago, Voltaire and Diderot had once sipped theirs and discussed the philosophy of the day. Zoppi kept a bust of Voltaire on the mantel to remind his customers of this fact, although people said that when the canny Italian had bought the Café Procope and renamed it after himself, Voltaire was in no condition to visit his favorite café, having already been dead for several years.", "His coffee arrived at last. He sipped it, slowly coming awake again. Coffee for wakefulness and as much sugar as you could stand for a burst of energy: that was the trick to keeping late hours. That night he had to finish copying Maître Carriau’s brief before the next morning. Only two or three hours’ work left on it, thank God!", "“It’s all about privilege,“ said a man to a companion as they passed and found a table. “What about the frustration of the ambitious, talented commoner who knows...", "Read more" ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Susanne Alleyn (Author)
[ "Books", "Mystery, Thriller & Suspense", "Mystery" ]
{"Publisher": "Minotaur Books; 1st edition (July 21, 2009)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "304 pages", "ISBN 10": "0312379889", "ISBN 13": "978-0312379889", "Item Weight": "14.7 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.82 x 1.06 x 8.56 inches"}
Hardcover – July 21, 2009
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Susanne Alleyn', 'about': ["The granddaughter of children's author Lillie V. Albrecht (author of _Deborah Remembers_, _The Spinning Wheel Secret_, and three other historicals), Susanne Alleyn definitely doesn't write for children, unless, like her, they have found guillotines, high drama, and the French Revolution fascinating since the age of ten or so.", "After studying acting and singing, and earning a B.F.A. in theater from New York University's Tisch School of the Arts, Susanne eventually came to the conclusion that, as an actor, she was quite a good writer, and that looking for an agent or publisher was still easier on the nerves than going to auditions. (She can, nevertheless, still sing a high C when requested.) Having been unwholesomely fascinated by the French Revolution since, at age 9, she read the Classics Illustrated comic-book version of _A Tale of Two Cities_, she set out to write about it. Her debut novel, _A Far Better Rest_, a reimagining of _A Tale of Two Cities_ from the point of view of Sydney Carton, was published in 2000, while _The Annotated A Tale of Two Cities_, a heavily annotated edition of the novel for the student or curious reader, appeared in 2014.", 'Though a longtime fan, she had never considered writing mysteries, however, until she suddenly found herself creating a historical mystery plot suggested by an actual series of murders committed in Paris in the early 1800s. Police agent Aristide Ravel made his first appearance in _Game of Patience_ (2006) and returned in _A Treasury of Regrets_ (2007), both set in Paris in the Directoire period of 1796-97. Prequels _The Cavalier of the Apocalypse_ and _Palace of Justice_, the third and fourth mysteries in the series, followed in 2009 and 2010. Susanne intends to cover the entire Revolutionary period in future Aristide Ravel novels.', "Her sixth historical novel, _The Executioner's Heir_, is the first of two, or possibly three, (non-mystery) novels about real-life Charles Sanson, eighteenth-century executioner of Paris, who has a small featured role, at a much later period of his life, in the Ravel novel _Palace of Justice_. She is currently working on the sequel to _The Executioner's Heir_, but she promises to write more Ravel novels when Charles Sanson's story is at last out of her system.", 'In a foray into nonfiction, Susanne\'s book _Medieval Underpants and Other Blunders_ (2012), a writer\'s guide to avoiding errors and anachronisms in historical fiction, was written during a burst of exasperation over "historical" authors who under-research, over-assume, and give us medieval peasants eating potatoes (which are from South America) or Victorian heroines who think and talk like Valley Girls. Her latest book is the travel guide _The Weirder Side of Paris_.', 'Susanne lives in New York State. Visit her author page at and learn more about her publishing imprint, Spyderwort Press, at .']}
Shaula (Stinger)
[ "The sight of the body did not sicken Ben. Not right away. Guilt was what got him: the mounting consequences rising in his throat, and the truth which would inevitably come spilling out.", "Sometime after the events at Duncastor, two men are dispatched to make a delivery. It was a straightforward assignment: take the sealed cargo-a container roughly the size of a child's casket-and deliver it to a reclusive specialist residing in a lakeside cabin. What this specialist did or specialized in was never mentioned. Not that it mattered, when the task was simple-simple enough that even a young and inexperienced bureaucrat like Ben could handle it. If only he weren't charged with keeping an eye on his wayward senior.", "The lakeside cabin was the last remnant of a closed down resort, which Ben guessed was bought by a dummy corporation belonging to their employers. All the other cabins were torn down, leaving them with an empty property that served to distance the lakeside cabin from public grounds. Something about it reminded Ben of the horticultural practice of pruning spent flowers to further enhance the beauty of the crowning blossom. Not that it did anything to improve the cabin's appearance he observed, as they stood in front of the stocky wooden building, sheltered under interlacing branches of towering evergreens. Much like the faded photos, an eerie hush permeated the place: no breeze ruffled the reflected image on the lake's surface, nor susurrated through the green needles above. It was all very quiet." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
A M Kherbash (Author)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "Genre Fiction" ]
{"Publisher": "Asma Kherbash (September 30, 2021)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "306 pages", "ISBN 10": "1733885455", "ISBN 13": "978-1733885454", "Item Weight": "10.5 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.06 x 0.69 x 7.81 inches"}
Paperback – September 30, 2021
Flying Lessons & Other Stories
[ "Whether it is basketball dreams, family fiascos, first crushes, or new neighborhoods, this bold short story collection—written by some of the best children’s authors including Kwame Alexander, Meg Medina, Jacqueline Woodson, and many more and published in partnership with We Need Diverse Books—celebrates the uniqueness and universality in all of us.   \"Will resonate with any kid who's ever felt different—which is to say, every kid.\" —", "Time", "Great stories take flight in this adventurous middle-grade anthology crafted by ten of the most recognizable and diverse authors writing today. Newbery Medalist Kwame Alexander delivers a story in-verse about a boy who just might have magical powers; National Book Award winner Jacqueline Woodson spins a tale of friendship against all odds; and Meg Medina uses wet paint to color in one girl’s world with a short story that inspired her Newbery award-winner", "Merci Suárez Changes Gear.", "Plus, seven more bold voices that bring this collection to new heights with tales that challenge, inspire, and celebrate the unique talents within us all.   AUTHORS INCLUDE: Kwame Alexander, Kelly J. Baptist, Soman Chainani, Matt de la Peña, Tim Federle, Grace Lin, Meg Medina, Walter Dean Myers, Tim Tingle, Jacqueline Woodson   “There’s plenty of magic in this collection to go around.”", "—", "Booklist,", "Starred", "“A natural for middle school classrooms and libraries.”", "—", "Kirkus Reviews,", "Starred", "“Inclusive, authentic, and eminently readable.”", "—", "School Library Journal,", "Starred", "“Thought provoking and wide-ranging . . . should not be missed.”", "—", "Publishers Weekly,", "Starred", "“Read more books by these authors.”", "—", "The Bulletin,", "Starred" ]
[ "From School Library Journal", "Gr 4–6—This anthology, published in partnership with We Need Diverse Books, presents 10 short stories from a stellar list of authors: Kwame Alexander, Matt de la Peña, Jacqueline Woodson, Soman Chainani, Grace Lin, Walter Dean Myers, Tim Federle, Meg Medina, Tim Tingle, and Kelly Baptist. De la Peña's linguistically grooving basketball story will have readers swaying in their seats. Verbal roadblocks are hurled at the protagonist from the street-smart players inside the gym: he's too young, too skinny, too Mexican. His resolve yields multiple life lessons on and off the court. Woodson's haunting \"Main Street\" follows Celeste, the only girl of color in an all-white New Hampshire town, and her friendship with lifetime resident Treetop. Both are suffering from different losses: Treetop's mother has recently passed away, and Celeste isn't accepted in her new home. Their warm connection soothes their mutual pain and promises to last even after Celeste and her mother decide to return to familiar and welcoming New York. Each tale offers realistic and fully developed characters with whom a wide range of readers will identify. VERDICT Inclusive, authentic, and eminently readable, this collection of short stories is an excellent addition for libraries and classrooms.—Diane McCabe, John Muir Elementary, Santa Monica, CA", "Review", "“There’s plenty of magic in this collection to go around.”", "—", "Booklist,", "Starred", "“A natural for middle school classrooms and libraries, this strong collection should find eager readers.”", "—", "Kirkus Reviews,", "Starred", "“Inclusive, authentic, and eminently readable, this collection of short stories is an excellent addition for libraries and classrooms.”", "—", "School Library Journal,", "Starred", "“Thought provoking and wide-ranging, this first anthology from WNDB should not be missed.”", "—", "Publishers Weekly,", "Starred", "“Whether or not middle-schoolers read the afterword . . . they are sure to agree that they need to read more books by these authors, whose storytelling styles and genuine feel for adolescent struggles and triumphs will inspire them to seek out their other work.”", "—", "The Bulletin,", "Starred", "About the Author", "Ellen Oh", "is cofounder and president of We Need Diverse Books (WNDB) and author of the YA fantasy trilogy the Prophecy series and the middle-grade novel", "The Spirit Hunters,", "to be published in fall 2017. She was named one of", "Publishers Weekly", "’s Notable People of 2014. Ellen met Walter Dean Myers and his son Christopher Myers at one of her first book festivals. Already nervous, her mouth dropped open when she saw the pair towering over the crowd. Chris took pity on an awestruck Ellen and introduced himself, and he and Walter couldn’t have been nicer, taking her under their wing and treating her like an old friend. Oh resides in Bethesda, Maryland, with her husband and three children. Discover more at", "Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.", "How to Transform an Everyday, Ordinary Hoop Court into a Place of Higher Learning and You at the Podium", "Matt de la Peña", "It’s finally summer.", "Go ahead, take a deep breath. You’re free.", "All year long your moms has been on you like glue about algebra worksheets and science fair projects and the knee-high stack of books Mrs. Baker assigned for English class. And you did what you had to do. Two As and four Bs.", "Truth is, you’re actually pretty smart.", "School comes easy.", "You told Baker in that end-of-the-year five-page paper what was up with Esperanza’s dreams and the symbolism of the Mango Street house, and you pulled down a 96 percent--second-highest grade in the class. But even as you typed out that essay, you had an indoor-outdoor in your lap. Between sentences you daydreamed finger rolls over outstretched hands.", "See, here’s what all the hard-core homework pushers don’t get.", "For people like you, ball is more than just ball.", "It’s a way out.", "A path to those tree-lined lives they always show on TV.", "You’ve crunched the numbers and read the tea leaves. Fact is, you’ll never hit the books as hard as Boy Genius Jeremiah Villa. Sylvia Diaz, either. Even your boy Francisco, from down the hall. There are folks in this world who live to mark up a fat World History textbook with an arsenal of colored highlighters.", "You’re not one of them.", "You spend too much time on back-alley ball-handling drills to compete.", "Nah, the game of basketball is your best chance.", "The Fate of Your Hoop Development", "For the past three years you’ve spent every free minute balling at an outdoor court down the street from your building. After school. After games. Weekends. You name it.", "Most nights you’re still out there putting up shots, alone, when the sun falls behind the ocean and the automatic park lights come flickering on, spilling that strange yellow half-light across the cracked concrete.", "Ball is like anything else.", "Put in enough hours, your game’s gonna blast off.", "Your jumper’s now pure out to twenty-five feet, give or take. You’ve developed a little floater in the lane that leaves slow-footed big men flailing. But it’s your handle that sets you apart. Your quicks. The way you can get into the paint at will and finish with either hand.", "This past season you scored more points than any other eighth grader in the county.", "You were second in assists.", "So what.", "It ain’t good enough, and you know it.", "Not if you want to be even more dominant next year, in high school.", "That’s why your ears perk up when you overhear a couple newcomers talking about Muni Gym in Balboa Park. When you overhear the dude with love handles sitting on the stairs say to his boy, “It’s the best run in the entire city, B. I put that on everything.”", "“You ranked ’em out?” the other guy asks.", "“Nah, I used to ball there all the time before I tweaked my back. If you can hang with them big boys at Muni . . . shoot, you can hang with just about anybody.”", "Shelf the extra jumpers that night.", "Proceed instead to the local library and look up Muni Gym online. Type the address into Google Earth and you’ll discover it’s right next to the Air and Space Museum your moms took you and your sis to back in the day. And the Air and Space Museum, if your calculations are correct, isn’t but five miles from your pop’s job at the factory.", "Wander into your cramped living room after dinner that night. Work up the guts to describe for your old man the importance of competing against the best. You’ve outgrown your local run. It’s time to put a foot in the deep end. So what if he doesn’t even know the rules of the game, if all he does is sit there silently inside the TV, working a toothpick in his teeth.", "“So, what do you think, Pop?”", "“About what?”", "“Would it be cool if I went with you to work every morning? So I could play some ball down there?”", "He’ll look at you suspiciously, then turn back to his cop show and his toothpick.", "You’ll take this as a no and assume the fate of the most important summer of your hoop development now rests in the hands of the county bus system.", "But you’ll be wrong.", "A few minutes later he’ll mumble, “Better have your skinny butt out by the car by five, I’ll tell you that. Or else I’m leaving without you.”", "He won’t even look up when he tells you this.", "Doesn’t matter.", "Your heart will race with excitement.", "You’ll tear into the room you share with your sis and lay your hoop gear out on the chair by your bed like some kind of giddy schoolgirl--which is pretty much how you’ll feel.", "There’s Only Today", "Know that when your alarm starts blaring at four-thirty the next morning, you’re going to have no idea where you are or what’s happening. It’ll still be dark outside. Your sis will be snoring. When reality finally settles in, the lazy part of your brain will try and sweet-talk you back to sleep: Maybe we could, you know, skip the Muni trip today . . . go ball at the park instead. . . . There’s always tomorrow.", "Reach into your own skull and smack this part of your brain upside the head.", "If you let it, this part of your brain will hold you back from every dream you will ever have. Trust me.", "Crawl out of bed, reminding yourself that your old man gets up like this every single day for work. Rain or shine. In sickness and in health.", "Your uncles, too.", "Respect them for this.", "Strive to be like them.", "During the entire thirty-minute drive south, your old man will say two sentences to you, max. Don’t take it personally. Answer his question about the gym location and how you heard about it. Buckle your seat belt when he gives you one of his patented dirty looks. Before you even hit the freeway on-ramp you’ll be done talking, but that’s okay. Shift your focus to other details of the drive. The radio news show he turns on. The smell of his steaming-hot black coffee. The scattered cars along the dark freeway, and the subtle tick of his turn signal whenever he changes lanes. By the end of summer, these seemingly insignificant details will be ingrained in your brain.", "When he parks along the street near his factory, it’ll still be a full three hours before Muni Gym opens. “Better have your skinny butt back here by quarter to four,” he’ll say, snatching his lunch pail out of the backseat. “It’s a long walk home, I’ll tell you that.”", "After he disappears around the bend, turn your attention to the ancient Volkswagen Bug. You’ll wonder how the heck you’re supposed to sleep inside such a tiny car, but after a little trial and error you’ll find a way. It will involve folding your six-foot-one frame into a kind of human pretzel. Half of you will be in the backseat, while the other half is curled up into the front passenger seat, your bag strategically lodged into the center console to keep the hand brake from digging into your ribs.", "By day three, this next-level yoga position will feel perfectly natural.", "But let’s get something straight from the jump. This Muni Gym summer isn’t going to be some kind of continuous loop of “One Shining Moment.” There’ll be low points, too. On and off the court. Trust me.", "A few weeks in, a meaty-faced cop will knock on the windshield with the butt of his nightstick. He’ll look at you through aviator sunglasses, his right hand resting on a holstered handgun.", "Try not to panic.", "His suspicions will be based on two simple facts:", "1.   This is the first time during his rounds he’s ever stumbled across a kid sleeping at a ninety-degree angle inside a VW Bug.", "2. Your skin is brown.", "2a. (His skin will be brown, too--maybe even browner--but don’t spend too much time worrying yourself about this. There’s a complex psychology behind this phenomenon, one you’re not yet ready to wrap your head around.)", "At the end of your respectful explanation, the cop will slowly remove his hand from his gun. He’ll grab hold of your left elbow instead and steer you toward the front office of the factory. Your pop will be summoned, embarrassingly, over the loudspeaker. Two minutes later he’ll emerge from the back looking wildly stressed. This is not because you’ve done anything wrong. It’s because he has his own history with cops. Stuff that happened long before you were born. Stuff nobody ever talks about.", "After the cop explains the situation, your pop will put on an uncomfortable smile and vouch for you. He’ll say you’re a good kid, that you’re just down here to play some ball at a gym in Balboa Park. He’ll shake hands with the cop enthusiastically, thanking him for his service and apologizing for any trouble you may have caused.", "Soon as the cop leaves, though, your pops will transform back into himself. “Don’t worry about that power-happy pendejo,” he’ll say, rubbing your shoulder. “You didn’t do nothing wrong.”", "“I was just sleeping.”", "“Mexicans are allowed to sleep, too.” He’ll look you straight in the eyes, nodding. And in this moment, you’ll feel closer to your old man than ever before.", "Fortunately, that’s the only morning you’ll be woken up by a nightstick. Every other morning it’ll be the alarm on your phone, and you’ll be free to climb out of the Bug at your leisure. Stretch your stiff arms and legs. Breathe in the warm Hillcrest air and remove your rock from your bag. It’s time to get a move on.", "It won’t take but three days to know all the shortcuts to Muni.", "Dribble through the middle school playground where summer camp kids play double Dutch and hopscotch and dodgeball. Dribble in and out of sleeping cars in the massive San Diego Zoo parking lot. Dribble through crowds of camera-toting tourists shuffling toward the front gates of the zoo. Dribble past the various hot dog stands, the ice cream truck with the two flat tires, the leather-faced man selling raspas who looks like your late abuelito. By the end of the summer these vendors will all recognize you and wave.", "It will take a little more than an hour for you to arrive at the large, dilapidated building with two locked green doors. Butterflies will dance inside your chest. That first time and every time following. Even years from now. And that’s how it should be.", "Because you can sense it . . .", "Here is where you will learn the world.", "Sentenced to the Bleachers", "While you wait for gym manager Jimmy to arrive by bicycle with his massive ring of rattling keys, listen to the grown men around you. To the uninitiated they are uneducated. They’re poor. Black. Crass. Shifty. Steely-eyed. A reason to cross the street.", "But over the course of the summer you will soak up everything around you. And you will hear the brilliance. The poetry. The philosophy. The verbal dance of on-court banter. They will laugh harder and more often than anyone you’ve ever known. And you will laugh, too. Especially a few weeks into the summer, when they turn their wrath on you.", "They’ll begin by calling you Mexico (even though your Spanish is suspect at best). They will ask why you’re inside a gym, and not crouched in a field somewhere, picking strawberries. Or kicking around a soccer ball. They will tell you you’re too young to ball with them. Too skinny. Too light in the pocket. Too soft.", "Come back in three years, they’ll say.", "Or maybe ten.", "You will laugh your way through all of this, sensing that their digs are some warped version of acceptance.", "A week in, a guy everyone calls Mr. Unleaded (because he’s the night manager of a nearby gas station) will tear into you about your long, skinny, “no-muscle-having” arms, and without blinking you’ll fire back a dig about the ghetto Superman tat sketched into his right forearm, and “Why would you knowingly walk into a gym full of Kryptonite?” Everyone loitering outside the gym that morning, waiting for Jimmy, will roar in laughter and stomp their feet and bump fists, and to your surprise it’ll be Mr. Unleaded who laughs hardest of all.", "But as much as you’ll begin to blend in off the court, on the court it will be a completely different story.", "That first day you won’t get into a single game.", "Not one.", "You’ll follow everyone inside the dark gym, set down your stuff in the bleachers like they do, hit the court with everyone for a handful of warm-up jumpers, but when it comes time to select squads, you’ll find yourself on the outside looking in.", "When you try to call next, they’ll ignore you.", "You’ll ask the overweight knee-braced dude if you can run with his squad. He’s still three games away, but you got all day. He’ll nod and say in a deep smoker voice, “You down, young buck. I got you.” But an hour later, when his team is finally set to take the court, he’ll drop you for a balding big man.", "At first this basketball blackballing will tear you up inside. You know you can hang. Your jumper is as pure as anyone’s in the gym (except maybe this guy they call Dante, who never misses). Sure, these dudes are bigger and stronger and more aggressive, but at the very least you could be a dependable distributor. You know where to put a lob on the fast break so your big man can mash it down with a guttural growl.", "You plead with the guys standing on the sidelines. “You gotta let me play, man. I can ball. I swear.” But these outbursts of self-promotion will fall on deaf ears. All you’ll do that first day is hoist a few jumpers between games, then retreat back to the bleachers to watch.", "The next day it’ll be the same thing.", "The day after that.", "Those first two weeks you’ll participate in a grand total of one run--if you can even count the end-of-the-day, three-on-three debacle you spend guarding a homeless man wearing soleless Timberlands.", "One afternoon it’ll hit you especially hard on the long walk back to the car.", "You’ll keep quiet on the drive home, then retreat to an overturned bucket in the alley behind your building, where you’ll have a serious heart-to-heart with yourself. Sure, it’s the best pickup you’ve ever seen, but they don’t even let you play. They’re prejudiced against Mexicans. Or soon-to-be ninth graders. Or both. Why wake up before the crack of dawn, sleep folded up in a VW Bug, just to sit in the bleachers all day?", "Read more" ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Ellen Oh (Editor)
[ "Books", "Children's Books", "Growing Up & Facts of Life" ]
{"Publisher": "Crown Books for Young Readers (January 3, 2017)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "240 pages", "ISBN 10": "110193459X", "ISBN 13": "978-1101934593", "Reading age": "10+ years, from customers", "Lexile measure": "800L", "Grade level": "3 - 7", "Item Weight": "12 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.81 x 0.89 x 8.5 inches"}
Hardcover – January 3, 2017
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Matt de la Peña', 'about': ["Matt de la Peña's debut novel, Ball Don't Lie, was an ALA-YALSA Best Book for Young Adults and an ALA-YALSA Quick Pick and was made into a major motion picture. His second novel, Mexican WhiteBoy, was an ALA-YALSA Best Book for Young Adult (Top Ten Pick), a Notable Book for a Global Society, a Junior Library Guild Selection and a Bulletin Blue Ribbon Book. His third novel, We Were Here, was an ALA-YALSA Best Book for Young Readers, an ALA-YALSA Quick Pick for Reluctant Readers, and a Junior Library Guild Selection. His fourth book, I Will Save You, was an ALA-YALSA Best Book for Young Readers, an ALA-YALSA Quick Pick, a Junior Library Guild Selection and finalist for the 2011 Amelia Elizabeth Walden Award. De la Peña’s fifth book, The Living, was a Junior Library Guild Selection, a 2014 Best Fiction for Young Adults and a Pura Belpré Author Honor Book.", 'His short fiction and essays have appeared in the New York Times, and various literary journals, including Pacific Review, The Vincent Brothers Review, Chiricú, Two Girls’ Review, The George Mason Review, and The Allegheny Review. De la Peña received his MFA in creative writing from San Diego State University and his BA from the University of the Pacific, where he attended school on a full athletic scholarship for basketball. He lives in Brooklyn, New York, where he teaches creative writing. You can visit Matt and find out more about his books at and follow him on Twitter at @mattdelapena.']}
Before We Were Yours: A Novel
[ "THE BLOCKBUSTER HIT—Over two million copies sold! A", "New York Times", ",", "USA Today,", "Wall Street Journal,", "and", "Publishers Weekly", "Bestseller", "“Poignant, engrossing.”—", "People", "• “Lisa Wingate takes an almost unthinkable chapter in our nation’s history and weaves a tale of enduring power.”—Paula McLain", "Memphis, 1939.", "Twelve-year-old Rill Foss and her four younger siblings live a magical life aboard their family’s Mississippi River shantyboat. But when their father must rush their mother to the hospital one stormy night, Rill is left in charge—until strangers arrive in force. Wrenched from all that is familiar and thrown into a Tennessee Children’s Home Society orphanage, the Foss children are assured that they will soon be returned to their parents—but they quickly realize the dark truth. At the mercy of the facility’s cruel director, Rill fights to keep her sisters and brother together in a world of danger and uncertainty.", "Aiken, South Carolina, present day.", "Born into wealth and privilege, Avery Stafford seems to have it all: a successful career as a federal prosecutor, a handsome fiancé, and a lavish wedding on the horizon. But when Avery returns home to help her father weather a health crisis, a chance encounter leaves her with uncomfortable questions and compels her to take a journey through her family’s long-hidden history, on a path that will ultimately lead either to devastation or to redemption. Based on one of America’s most notorious real-life scandals—in which Georgia Tann, director of a Memphis-based adoption organization, kidnapped and sold poor children to wealthy families all over the country—Lisa Wingate’s riveting, wrenching, and ultimately uplifting tale reminds us how, even though the paths we take can lead to many places, the heart never forgets where we belong.", "Publishers Weekly’s", "#3 Longest-Running Bestseller of 2017", "•", "Winner of the Southern Book Prize", "•", "If All Arkansas Read the Same Book Selection", "This edition includes a new essay by the author about shantyboat life." ]
[ "Review", "“A [story] of a family lost and found . . . A poignant, engrossing tale about sibling love and the toll of secrets.”", "—", "People", "“", "Before We Were Yours", "is sure to be one of the most compelling books you pick up this year. . . . [Lisa] Wingate is a master-storyteller, and you’ll find yourself pulled along as she reveals the wake of terror and heartache that is Georgia Tann’s legacy.”", "—", "Parade", "“One of the year’s best books . . . It is almost a cliché to say a book is ‘lovingly written’ but that phrase applies clearly to Lisa Wingate’s latest novel,", "Before We Were Yours", ". This story about children taken from their parents through kidnapping or subterfuge and then placed for adoption, for a price, clearly pours out of Wingate’s heart. . . . It is impossible not to get swept up in this near-perfect novel. It invades your heart from the very first pages and stays there long after the book is finished. Few novelists could strike the balance this story requires but Wingate does it with assurance. There are a lot of books that will catch your eye this summer, some from our best storytellers. Make sure this one is on your radar. It should not be missed.”", "—", "The Huffington Post", "“[An] affecting new novel.”", "—", "The New York Post", "“Every now and then a novel comes along that sweeps me off my reading feet.", "Before We Were Yours,", "by Lisa Wingate, is such a book. . . . It’s a great book-club read, one of those books that teaches you something, gives you lots to discuss and even more to think about. . . . Take note: This may be the best book of the year.”", "—", "Shreveport Times", "“This story is heartfelt and genuine, especially as Wingate explores the idea of home and family from a youngster’s point of view.”", "—", "Historical Novels Review", "“Lisa Wingate takes an almost unthinkable chapter in our nation’s history and weaves a tale of enduring power. That Georgia Tann and her Memphis Tennessee Children’s Home Society could actually exist, unraveling the lives of countless children, stealing their pasts and changing their futures, will give you chills. But the real feat of this stirring novel is how deeply Wingate plunges us into the heart and mind of twelve-year-old river gypsy Rill Foss. Rill’s utterly singular voice will stay with you long after the last page is turned, as will Wingate’s courage to follow her anywhere. . . . Vivid and affecting.”", "—Paula McLain,", "New York Times", "bestselling author of", "Circling the Sun", "“A powerful tale of family, of sisters, of secrets kept and secrets shared. I absolutely loved this book. I’m still basking in the afterglow, in shock at the true-crime elements, in awe at the journey of these characters who seem to have immortal souls.”", "—Jamie Ford,", "New York Times", "bestselling author of", "Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet", "About the Author", "Lisa Wingate", "is a former journalist, an inspirational speaker, and the bestselling author of more than twenty novels. Her work has won or been nominated for many awards, including the Pat Conroy Southern Book Prize, the Oklahoma Book Award, the Carol Award, the Christy Award, and the RT Reviewers’ Choice Award. Wingate lives in the Ouachita Mountains of southwest Arkansas.", "Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.", "PRELUDE", "Baltimore, Maryland", "AUGUST 3, 1939", "My story begins on a sweltering August night, in a place I will never set eyes upon. The room takes life only in my imaginings. It is large most days when I conjure it. The walls are white and clean, the bed linens crisp as a fallen leaf. The private suite has the very finest of everything. Outside, the breeze is weary, and the cicadas throb in the tall trees, their verdant hiding places just below the window frames. The screens sway inward as the attic fan rattles overhead, pulling at wet air that has no desire to be moved. The scent of pine wafts in, and the woman’s screams press out as the nurses hold her fast to the bed. Sweat pools on her skin and rushes down her face and arms and legs. She’d be horrified if she were aware of this.She is pretty. A gentle, fragile soul. Not the sort who would intentionally bring about the catastrophic unraveling that is only, this moment, beginning. In my multifold years of life, I have learned that most people get along as best they can. They don’t intend to hurt anyone. It is merely a terrible by-product of surviving. It isn’t her fault, all that comes to pass after that one final, merciless push. She produces the very last thing she could possibly want. Silent flesh comes forth—a tiny, fair-haired girl as pretty as a doll, yet blue and still. The woman has no way of knowing her child’s fate, or if she does know, the medications will cause the memory of it to be nothing but a blur by tomorrow. She ceases her thrashing and surrenders to the twilight sleep, lulled by the doses of morphine and scopolamine administered to help her defeat the pain. To help her release everything, and she will. Sympathetic conversation takes place as doctors stitch and nurses clean up what is left.“So sad when it happens this way. So out of order when a life has not even one breath in this world.” “You have to wonder sometimes . . . why . . . when a child is so very wanted . . .” A veil is lowered. Tiny eyes are shrouded. They will never see. The woman’s ears hear but cannot grasp. All slips in and slips away. It is as if she is attempting to catch the tide, and it drains through her clenched fingers, and finally she floats out along with it. A man waits nearby, perhaps in the hallway just outside the door. He is stately, dignified. Unaccustomed to being so helpless. He was to become a grandfather today. Glorious anticipation has melted into wrenching anguish. “Sir, I am so terribly sorry,” the doctor says as he slips from the room. “Rest assured that everything humanly possible was done to ease your daughter’s labor and to save the baby. I understand how very difficult this is. Please offer our condolences to the baby’s father when you are finally able to reach him overseas. After so many disappointments, your family must have held such great hope.” “Will she be able to have more?” “It isn’t advisable.” “This will be the end of her. And her mother as well, when she learns of it. Christine is our only child, you know. The pitter-patter of little feet . . . the beginning of a new generation . . .” “I understand, sir.” “What are the risks should she . . .” “Her life. And it’s extremely unlikely that your daughter would ever carry another pregnancy to term. If she were to try, the results could be . . .” “I see.” The doctor lays a comforting hand on the heartbroken man, or this is the way it happens in my imaginings. Their gazes tangle. The physician looks over his shoulder to be certain that the nurses cannot hear. “Sir, might I suggest something?” he says quietly, gravely. “I know of a woman in Memphis. . . .”", "Chapter 1", "Avery Stafford", "Present day. Aiken, South Carolina.", "I take a breath, scoot to the edge of the seat, straighten my jacket as the limo rolls to a stop on the boiling-hot asphalt. News vans wait along the curb, accentuating the importance of this morning’s seemingly innocuous meeting. But not one moment of this day will happen by accident. These past two months in South Carolina have been all about making sure the nuances are just right—shaping the inferences so as to", "hint", ", but do no more. Definitive statements are not to be made. Not yet, anyway. Not for a long time, if I have my way about it. I wish I could forget why I’ve come home, but even the fact that my father isn’t reading his notes or checking the briefing from Leslie, his uber-efficient press secretary, is an undeniable reminder. There’s no escaping the tagalong enemy that rides silently in the car with us. It’s here in the backseat, hiding beneath the gray tailored suit that hangs a hint too loose over my father’s broad shoulders. Daddy stares out the window, his head resting to one side. He’s relegated his aides and Leslie to another car. “You feeling all right?” I reach across to brush a long blond hair—mine—off the seat so it won’t cling to his trousers when he gets out. If my mother were here, she’d whip out a mini lint brush, but she’s home, preparing for our second event of the day—a family Christmas photo that must be taken months early… just in case Daddy’s prognosis worsens. He sits a bit straighter, lifts his head. Static magnetizes his thick, gray hair, so that it’s sticking straight out. I want to smooth it down for him, but I don’t. It would be a breach of protocol. If my mother is intimately involved in the micro-aspects of our lives, like fretting over lint and planning for the family Christmas photo in July, my father is the opposite. He is distant—an island of staunch maleness in a household of women. I know he cares deeply about my mother, my two sisters, and me, but he seldom voices the sentiment out loud. I also know that I’m his favorite, but the one who confuses him most. He is a product of an era when women went to college to secure the requisite M-R-S degree. He’s not quite sure what to do with a thirty-year-old daughter who graduated top of her class from Columbia Law and actually enjoys the gritty world of a federal DA’s office. Whatever the reason—perhaps just because the positions of", "perfectionist daughter", "and", "sweet daughter", "were already taken in our family—I have always been", "brainiac daughter", ". I loved school and it was the unspoken conclusion that I would be the family torchbearer, the son-replacement, the one to succeed my father. Somehow, I always imagined that I’d be older when it happened and that I would be ready. Now, I look at my dad and think,", "How can you not want it, Avery? This is what he’s worked for all his life. What generations of Staffords have strived for since the revolutionary war, for heaven’s sake.", "Our family has always held fast to the guiding rope of public service. Daddy is no exception. Since graduating from West Point and serving as an Army aviator before I was born, he has upheld the family name with dignity and determination.", "Of course you want this,", "I tell myself again.", "You’ve always wanted this. You just didn’t expect it to happen yet, and not this way, that’s all.", "Secretly, I’m clinging by all ten fingernails to the best-case scenario. The enemies will be vanquished on both fronts—political and medical. My father will be cured by the combination of the surgery that brought him home from the summer congressional session early and the chemo pump he must wear strapped to his leg every three weeks. My move home to Aiken will be temporary. Cancer will no longer be a part of our lives. It", "can", "be beaten. Other people have done it, and if anyone can, Senator Talmage Stafford can. There is not, anywhere, a stronger man or a better man than my dad. “Ready?” he asks, straightening his suit. It’s a relief when he swipes down the rooster tail in his hair. I’m not prepared to cross the line from daughter to caretaker. “Right behind you.” I’d do anything for him, but I hope it’s many more years before we’re forced to reverse the roles of parent and child. I’ve learned how hard that is while watching my father struggle to make decisions for his mother. My once quick-witted, fun-loving Grandma Judy is now only a ghost of her former self. As painful as that is, Daddy can’t talk to anyone about it. If the media clues into the fact that we’ve moved her to", "a facility", ", especially an upscale one, on a lovely estate not ten miles from here, it’ll be a lose-lose situation, politically speaking. Given the burgeoning scandal over a series of wrongful death and abuse cases involving corporate-owned eldercare facilities in our state, Daddy’s political enemies will either point out that only those with money can afford premium care, or they’ll accuse my father of warehousing his mom because he is a cold-hearted lout who cares nothing for the elderly. They’ll say that he’d happily turn a blind eye toward the needs of the helpless, if the profits of his friends and campaign contributors are involved.", "Read more" ]
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Lisa Wingate (Author)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "Genre Fiction" ]
{"Publisher": "Ballantine Books (November 29, 2022)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "480 pages", "ISBN 10": "0593599004", "ISBN 13": "978-0593599006", "Item Weight": "8.8 ounces", "Dimensions": "4.19 x 1.02 x 7.5 inches"}
Paperback – November 29, 2022
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Lisa Wingate', 'about': ["Lisa Wingate is a former journalist, an inspirational speaker, and the bestselling author of more than twenty novels. Her work has won or been nominated for many awards, including the Pat Conroy Southern Book Prize, the Oklahoma Book Award, the Carol Award, the Christy Award, and the RT Reviewers' Choice Award. Wingate lives in the Ouachita Mountains of southwest Arkansas."]}
The Universal Sheet Metal Pattern Cutter; A Comprehensive Treatise On All Branches Of Sheet Metal Pattern Development
[ "This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.", "This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.", "Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface.", "We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
William 1864- [from old cata Neubecker (Creator)
[ "Books", "History" ]
{"Publisher": "Franklin Classics (October 15, 2018)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "402 pages", "ISBN 10": "034335781X", "ISBN 13": "978-0343357818", "Item Weight": "1.62 pounds", "Dimensions": "6.14 x 0.88 x 9.21 inches"}
Hardcover – October 15, 2018
Buy a Kindle
Pets by Royal Appointment: The Royal Family and their Animals
[ "The royal family say they can do without many things, but not their animals. Countless monarchs and their consorts have relied on dogs, cats, horses and even the occasional parrot to act as their constant, faithful companions, unquestioning allies and surrogate children.", "With intimate anecdotes and fascinating detail, royal author Brian Hoey describes the mini palaces provided for the Queen's pampered corgis, Princess Anne's badly behaved bull terriers and the wild animals – including crocodiles, hippos and an elephant – presented to princes and princesses.", "Exploring a seemingly eternal regal passion for all things canine and equine, Hoey also turns his attentions to the modern royal family's love of animals, celebrating the latest arrivals to both William's and Harry's new households.", "From the corgi dynasty to the Jack Russells rescued from Battersea Dogs and Cats Home, Pets By Royal Appointment presents a very British family besotted with all creatures great and small." ]
[ "Review", "“This is a book about a very British family besotted with all creatures great and small.” -", "Majesty Magazine", "Book of the Month", "“Brian Hoey’s long familiarity with the lives of the royal family lends his chronicle intimacy.” -", "The Good Book Guide", "--This text refers to the", "paperback", "edition.", "From the Inside Flap", "The royal family say they can do without many things, but not their animals. For countless monarchs and their consorts, dogs, cats, horses and even the occasional parrot have acted as constant, faithful companions, unquestioning allies and surrogate children.", "With intimate anecdotes and fascinating detail, royal expert Brian Hoey describes the mini palaces provided for the Queen’s pampered corgis; Princess Anne’s badly behaved bull terriers; the wild animals – including crocodiles, hippopotami and an elephant – presented to princes and princesses; a regal passion for all things equine; and the pigeon awarded a military medal for its efforts in the Second World War.", "--This text refers to the", "paperback", "edition.", "From the Back Cover", "The royal family say they can do without many things, but not their animals. For countless monarchs and their consorts, dogs, cats, horses and even the occasional parrot have acted as constant, faithful companions, unquestioning allies and surrogate children.", "With intimate anecdotes and fascinating detail, royal expert Brian Hoey describes the mini palaces provided for the Queen’s pampered corgis; Princess Anne’s badly behaved bull terriers; the wild animals – including crocodiles, hippopotami and an elephant – presented to princes and princesses; a regal passion for all things equine; and the pigeon awarded a military medal for its efforts in the Second World War.", "--This text refers to the", "paperback", "edition.", "About the Author", "Brian Hoey", "has been a writer and broadcaster for over forty years and was one of BBC television’s first newscasters. He secured the first ever TV interview with the Queen’s daughter, Princess Anne, and has subsequently covered many royal events over the years, including the weddings of Charles and Diana in 1981 and Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson in 1986. He was also a commentator at Princess Diana’s funeral. Hoey has written more than twenty-five books, many of them about the British royal family. He is the official biographer of Princess Anne.", "--This text refers to the", "paperback", "edition.", "Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.", "How many palace staff does it take to serve the corgis’ daily meal?", "How did a crocodile end up in private secretary Sir Martin Charteris’s bathtub?", "Which animal vociferously guarded Queen Victoria’s gloves?", "Does the Queen actually have a secret recipe for gravy?", "How many pigeons are housed at the royal loft at Sandringham?", "Which royal donated their child’s favourite pig to a local raffle?", "How does the Queen use a magnet to look after her Corgis?", "Which breed of dog did the Duke of Windsor prefer to embroider onto his cushions?", "Which amphibian filled the 5th Earl of Pembroke with horror?", "--This text refers to the", "paperback", "edition.", "Read more" ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Brian Hoey (Author) Format: Kindle Edition
[ "Books", "Travel", "Europe" ]
{"Publisher": "The Robson Press (September 17, 2013)", "Publication date": "September 17, 2013", "Language": "English", "File size": "2929 KB", "Text to Speech": "Enabled", "Screen Reader": "Supported", "Enhanced typesetting": "Enabled", "X Ray": "Not Enabled", "Word Wise": "Enabled", "Sticky notes": "On Kindle Scribe", "Print length": "227 pages"}
Kindle Edition
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Brian Hoey', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
The Boy Who Proved Them Wrong (Jordan's World)
[ "Jordan's journey with verbal apraxia, also known as Childhood Apraxia of Speech, continues in Jordan's World as he goes through elementary school and faces different battles. Jordan is going to speech therapy, and things take an unexpected turn as Jordan's speech therapist tells his mom that Jordan will never talk on his own. Jordan is determined to prove everyone that doubts him wrong, and his mom advocates for him in a way the school didn't expect. He drowns out others' voices and keeps his mind on the goal. After all, his speech difference has given him great determination. Jordan acknowledges that his verbal apraxia becomes one of his greatest strengths. Now, nobody can stop Jordan." ]
[ "About the Author", "Jordan Christian LeVan is an apraxia, disability, and mental health advocate. He graduated in the year 2020 with his Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, focusing on Mental Health, from Guilford College in Greensboro, North Carolina. Jordan runs a blog called Fighting for my Voice: My Life with Verbal Apraxia, where he gives people an inside view on what it's like to live with verbal apraxia. Jordan is an advocate, blogger, motivational speaker, mentor, research collaborator, and author." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Jordan Christian Levan (Author), Lindsay Townsend (Editor), Isabella Millet (Illustrator)
[ "Books", "Children's Books" ]
{"Publisher": "Jordan Christian Levan (November 28, 2021)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "42 pages", "ISBN 10": "1737155532", "ISBN 13": "978-1737155539", "Item Weight": "11.9 ounces", "Dimensions": "8.5 x 0.25 x 8.5 inches"}
Hardcover – November 28, 2021
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Jordan Christian Levan', 'about': ['Jordan Christian LeVan is an apraxia, disability, and mental health advocate. He graduated in the year 2020 with his Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, focusing on Mental Health, from Guilford College in Greensboro, North Carolina. Jordan runs a blog called Fighting for my Voice: My Life with Verbal Apraxia, where he gives people an inside view on what it’s like to live with Verbal Apraxia. Jordan is an advocate, blogger, motivational speaker, mentor, research collaborator, and author.']}
Perceived Leadership Style and Job Satisfaction: Analysis of Instructional and Support Departments in Community Colleges
[ "Dr. Ruben Johnson has dedicated his academic career to studying the correlation between leadership style and job satisfaction. He now presents his 2014 dissertation for anyone in the business and academic spheres who wants to learn new, influential management styles and skills.", "Johnson conducted his research in a North Texas community-college district. He asked all participants to fill out the Multifactor Leaders Questionnaire, 1995, or the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire, 1967, and a demographic questionnaire. Johnson specifically looked for a variety of perceived leadership styles, including transactional, transformational, and laissez-faire. His data led to interesting connections and conclusions about the effect of leadership styles on morale, efficiency, and job satisfaction.", "In this comprehensive analysis, Johnson presents his own findings. He shows you how these findings fit within contemporary research on the subject and explores the ramifications of different leadership theories. While Johnson specifically focuses on leadership and management within a community-college setting, he intends his research to be utilized by professionals in a wide variety of industries. Anyone in a supervisory position can take the opportunity to learn how his or her individual management style affects subordinates." ]
[ "About the Author", "Dr. Ruben Johnson has thirty-five years of leadership experience in the civilian and military spheres. He received his doctorate of management in organizational leadership from the University of Phoenix, his MBA in technology management from the University of Phoenix, his bachelor's degree in logistics management from Park University, and his associate's degree in general education from the University of Maryland.", "Johnson is a retired veteran of the US Marine Corps. He held the rank of master sergeant and worked for the supply maintenance assist team in the Second Marine Air Wing out of Cherry Point, North Carolina.", "Johnson has also worked as a warehouse manager, US Marines recruiter, and recruiter station commander. He taught logistics technology at North Lake College and Cedar Valley College and served as executive dean of Cedar Valley College.", "Johnson lives with his family in DeSoto, Texas." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Dr. Ruben Johnson (Author)
[ "Books", "Business & Money", "Management & Leadership" ]
{"Publisher": "CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (December 9, 2014)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "156 pages", "ISBN 10": "1514224984", "ISBN 13": "978-1514224984", "Item Weight": "7.7 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.98 x 0.33 x 9.02 inches"}
Paperback – December 9, 2014
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Dr. Ruben Johnson', 'about': ['Dr. Ruben Johnson has dedicated his academic career to studying the correlation between leadership style and job satisfaction. He now presents his book, Perceived Leadership Style and Job Satisfaction, for anyone in business and academic spheres who would like to learn new, influential management styles and skills.', 'Johnson conducted his research in a North Texas community-college district. He asked all participants to fill out the Multifactor Leaders Questionnaire, 1995, or the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire, 1967, and a demographic questionnaire. Johnson specifically looked for a variety of perceived leadership styles, including transactional, transformational, and laissez-faire. His data led to interesting connections and conclusions about the effect of leadership styles on morale, efficiency, and job satisfaction.', 'In this comprehensive analysis, Johnson presents his own findings. He shows you how these findings fit within contemporary research on the subject and explores the ramifications of different leadership theories. While Johnson specifically focuses on leadership and management within a community-college setting, he intends his research to be utilized by professionals in a wide variety of industries. Anyone in a supervisory position can take the opportunity to learn how his or her individual management style affects subordinates.', 'LIKE ME ON FACEBOOK or LINK WITH ME ON LINKEDIN: @DrRubenJohnson']}
Life Without Bullying: A Practical Guide (10-Step Empowerment)
[ "Life doesn't have to be like this!", "Are you getting pushed around?", "Are you getting pushed around?", "Do you feel you need to do everything asked of you by your partner or anyone else?", "Do you feel you need to do everything asked of you by your partner or anyone else?", "Do you feel you have to fulfill all your partner's needs no matter what?", "Do you feel you have to fulfill all your partner's needs no matter what?", "Are you frightened of being unable to survive without your partner?", "Are you frightened of being unable to survive without your partner?", "Are you picked on and undermined if you question your partner on any issue?", "Are you picked on and undermined if you question your partner on any issue?", "Is your self-esteem low?", "Is your self-esteem low?", "Have you lost your confidence?", "Have you lost your confidence?", "Do you remember a time when you could think for yourself and deal with most of the things that life throws at you?", "Do you remember a time when you could think for yourself and deal with most of the things that life throws at you?", "Do you ask yourself, \"where have I gone wrong and how can I put it right?\"", "Do you ask yourself, \"where have I gone wrong and how can I put it right?\"", "Do you ask yourself, \"where is the person who could deal with the daily problems of relationships and life, gone, or indeed have I not yet learned to think and act for myself?\" If you answered YES to any of these questions, then this book is for you. Life Without Bullying: A Practical Guide is an essential tool in assisting you to change your position from being emotionally dependent on your partner to becoming emotionally independent. It will assist you in changing from being emotionally inadequate to becoming emotionally adequate. This book will enable you to become the person you once were or it can change you to becoming the person you have always wanted to be. \"It is hard to believe how much useful information the author has packed into this slender tome.\" --Sam Vaknin, PhD, author of Malignant Self Love: Narcissim Revisited For more information visit www.LyndaBevan.comBook #3 in the 10-Step Empowerment Series From Loving Healing Press (", "Do you ask yourself, \"where is the person who could deal with the daily problems of relationships and life, gone, or indeed have I not yet learned to think and act for myself?\" If you answered", "YES", "to any of these questions, then this book is for you.", "Life Without Bullying: A Practical Guide", "is an essential tool in assisting you to change your position from being emotionally dependent on your partner to becoming emotionally independent. It will assist you in changing from being emotionally inadequate to becoming emotionally adequate. This book will enable you to become the person you once were or it can change you to becoming the person you have always wanted to be. \"It is hard to believe how much useful information the author has packed into this slender tome.\" --Sam Vaknin, PhD, author of Malignant Self Love: Narcissim Revisited For more information visit", "", "Book #3 in the 10-Step Empowerment Series", "From Loving Healing Press (" ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Lynda Bevan (Author)
[ "Books", "Parenting & Relationships", "Family Relationships" ]
{"Publisher": "Loving Healing Press (January 17, 2012)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "126 pages", "ISBN 10": "1615991506", "ISBN 13": "978-1615991501", "Item Weight": "6.9 ounces", "Dimensions": "6 x 0.3 x 9 inches"}
Paperback – January 17, 2012
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Lynda Bevan', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Cool (Angie's Extreme Coloring Books Volume 2)
[ "Best selling whimsy artist Angie Grace (Angie's Patterns, Angie For Crayons & Wide Tipped Markers and Angie's Coloring Journals) gets even more extreme in her latest wonderfully unique and exquisitely elegant coloring book series. Lose yourself in the perfect fusion of devious details, fanciful form and breathtakingly beautiful balance.This book has been drawn for connoisseur colorists and is suitable for adults and older children coloring with fine tipped markers, colored pencils or brush tipped markers. 50 intricate original designs printed on one side of the page." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_QL40_FMwebp_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Angie Grace (Author)
[ "Books", "Children's Books", "Activities, Crafts & Games" ]
{"Publisher": "CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; Clr Csm edition (October 28, 2014)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "104 pages", "ISBN 10": "1503008169", "ISBN 13": "978-1503008168", "Item Weight": "8.8 ounces", "Dimensions": "8.5 x 0.24 x 8.5 inches"}
Paperback – October 28, 2014
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Angie Grace', 'about': ["Hi! I'm Angie Grace and I love to color. All of my books contain my 100% original artwork, drawn by a colorist for colorists. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.", "Visit my website ( for special web exclusives and catch up with me on Facebook to talk coloring, show me what you're coloring now and to get a look at I'm working on.", "Thanks to everyone who's taken the time to post a review of my books. I'm always interested in hearing your thoughts and as an indie author, every time you let a friend know about my books or post a review, you help me keep doing what I'm doing. Happy coloring!"]}
The Barren Zone
[ "Text: English, Japanese (translation)" ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Toyoko Yamasaki (Author)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "History & Criticism" ]
{"Publisher": "Univ of Hawaii Pr; First Edition (January 1, 1985)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "381 pages", "ISBN 10": "0824808754", "ISBN 13": "978-0824808754", "Item Weight": "1 pounds", "Dimensions": "6 x 1 x 8.75 inches"}
First Edition
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Toyoko Yamazaki', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Love Every Leaf: The Life of Landscape Architect Cornelia Hahn Oberlander
[ "Cornelia Hahn Oberlander, who has been a landscape architect for more than sixty years, considers her profession “the art of the possible.” The description also applies to the very way this remarkable 86-year-old has lived her life. Playing in her grandmother’s garden as a child, Cornelia absorbed the beauty and importance of the natural world and by the age of eleven had decided that she would become a landscape architect.Leaving her native Germany in the wake of Hitler’s persecution of the Jews, the teenaged Cornelia was transplanted in America, where she could pursue her dream in safety, although not without having to struggle to carve out a place for herself in the male-dominated world of her chosen profession. This 96-page biography tells her remarkable life’s story, complete with photographs and plans for the imaginative playgrounds and the innovative museum and embassy grounds she has created around the world, and for green rooftops, her latest passion. Young readers will not only learn about the profession, but also will find inspiration in Cornelia Hahn Oberlander’s love for the natural world and the respect and concern she shows for our increasingly fragile environment." ]
[ "From School Library Journal", "Grade 5–8—In a clear style, Stinson relates the life of the landscape architect. Inspired by her grandmother's garden, Oberlander decided upon her future career by age 11. By 1939, life for her Jewish family in Hitler's Germany had become so difficult that she and her family immigrated to America. Average-quality, black-and-white photographs (full-page and small) on nearly every spread provide a picture of her personal growth as a student, wife, and artist as she persevered in achieving her lifelong goals. Photographs of her various projects and models as well as her favorite plants are included, though some of the pictures lack adequate contrast. Reproductions of her drawings and environmentally innovative plans incorporating green roofs and the use of mounds are interspersed throughout. Vibrant and creative well into her 80s, Oberlander is an inspiring example of filling a life with what you love.—", "Frances E. Millhouser, formerly at Chantilly Regional Library, Fairfax County, VA", "Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.", "About the Author", "Kathy Stinson was born in Toronto. She was a mail sorter, elementary school teacher, and a waitress before she turned her hand to writing. It was a wise decision. She wrote", "Red Is Best", "and", "Big Or Little", ". Since then, she has had over thirty titles published for a wide range of audiences. Kathy Stinson has two grown-up children, two grown-up stepchildren, and five grandchildren. She lives with her partner, Peter Carver, near Rockwood, Ontario." ]
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Kathy Stinson (Author)
[ "Books", "Teen & Young Adult", "Biographies" ]
{"Publisher": "Tundra Books; First Edition (April 8, 2008)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "96 pages", "ISBN 10": "0887768040", "ISBN 13": "978-0887768040", "Reading age": "14 years and up", "Grade level": "9 - 12", "Item Weight": "1 pounds", "Dimensions": "7.42 x 0.61 x 9.19 inches"}
Hardcover – April 8, 2008
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Kathy Stinson', 'about': ['Born in Toronto many years ago, Kathy sorted mail, waited tables, and taught elementary school before finally figuring out that what she really wanted to do was write.', "As well as writing picture books, novels, short stories, biography, and other non-fiction, Kathy has led writing workshops across Canada and in Liberia. She's also a regular volunteer reader and technician at the CNIB Recording Studio.", 'Mother of two, stepmother of two, and grandmother of six, she lives in a small town outside Toronto with her partner and their dog.']}
Long Way From Home: Two Tales of Travel
[ "In Ten Year Run and Metal Fatigue, Todd Baker wittily shared his passions for running and heavy metal. In his third book, Long Way From Home, Baker takes readers along for two light-hearted journeys on planes, trains, and aircraft carriers. And he provides the pictures to prove it. First, Baker shares the tale of a European tour of three countries and nine cities with seven family members, as they traveled without the aid of a long list of must-see sights but a fascination with language barriers, good coffee, and international bathroom etiquette. Next, is the story of his 24-hour tour of duty aboard a US Navy aircraft carrier, where Baker learns what it takes – whether inspiring, mundane, or just comical – for 5,000 sailors and pilots to defend America’s freedom on board a 1,000 foot ship. In Long Way From Home, Baker, as always, finds humor and insight in the small stuff as he takes his motto – be who you are, like what you like, and do cool stuff – on the road." ]
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Todd Baker (Author), Lynn Baker (Photographer), Kim Baker (Photographer)
[ "Books", "Travel", "Europe" ]
{"Publisher": "Independently published (June 7, 2019)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "249 pages", "ISBN 10": "1072409259", "ISBN 13": "978-1072409250", "Item Weight": "15.5 ounces", "Dimensions": "6 x 0.63 x 9 inches"}
Paperback – June 7, 2019
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Todd Baker', 'about': ['Todd Baker is the author of three memoirs, including stories of his addiction to running and his lifelong love for heavy metal music. He is known for his wry wit while inspiring us to be who we are, like what we like, and do cool stuff.', 'Born in Juneau, Alaska, he now resides in Olympia, Washington where he works as an executive manager in the public sector during the week, and backyard barbecue pitmaster on the weekends. He also blogs about a few of his favorite things, including grilling, writing, running, managing, and heavy metal.']}
Shadow Chase (Shadowchasers)
[ "In a job like this, one mistake can cost you everything.", "As a Shadowchaser, Kira Solomon has been trained to serve the Light, dispatch the Fallen, and prevent the spread of chaos. It’s a deadly job, and Kira knows the horror of spilling innocent blood. But now she has a new role, as the Hand of Ma’at, the Egyptian Goddess of Truth and Order, and an assignment that might just redeem her.A fellow Shadowchaser has gone missing, and so has a unique artifact imbued with astonishing magic. Unless the Vessel of Nun is returned, it will cause destruction beyond anything the modern world has seen. Kira’s got a team at her back, including Khefar, a near-immortal Nubian warrior who’s already died for her once. But as complicated as her feelings for him are, they’re nothing compared to the difficulties of the task she faces.And the only way to defeat the enemy is to trust in a powershe can barely control, and put her life—and her soul—on the line." ]
[ "About the Author", "Seressia Glass has always been a voracious reader, cutting her teeth on comics, cereal boxes, and anything else at hand. Writing her own stories soon followed. After winning the national \"Living the Dream\" essay contest for the inaugural Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday celebration in her hometown of Atlanta, Seressia realized her ability to move people with her words. Today, her fiction features diverse people realizing the universal dreams of love and acceptance. Stories have appeared recently in", "Vegas Bites: A Werewolf Romance Anthology", "edited by by bestselling author L. A. Banks and its sequels", "Vegas Bites", "and", "Vegas Bits Back.", "She's also published four romance novels, once of which,", "Through the Fire", ", was chosen for Black Expressions Book Club.", "Shadowblade", "is her fantasy debut. When not writing, Seressia is an instructional designer for an international home improvement company who loves to belly dance and watch anime.", "Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.", "Chap†er 1", "Coming back from the dead was exhausting work.Not that Kira Solomon had done much more since her resurrection than survive a celebratory feast with a demigod, an immortal warrior, a bureaucrat, an ageless woman, and two friends she’d accidentally tried to kill.Then again, that was more than enough. As glad as she was to be on the right side of the grass, she’d had just about all the celebrating she could handle.She leaned against the whitewashed column supporting the porch overhang, waiting for Khefar to show up with his car. The bungalow was situated in a beautiful old neighborhood in Ansley Park in Midtown Atlanta, tree-lined and gentrified, not far from the High Museum and Piedmont Park. Where else would Balm live other than some century-old neighborhood on the National Register of Historic Places?Kira wondered if the other residents of Ansley Park knew their sometime neighbor was a woman of unfathomable age who headed an international clandestine organization. An organization dedicated to fighting the evil of the Fallen: their human hosts, Shadow Avatars, and all those who consorted with or were descended from the original Fallen—demons, halflings, hybrids, and other beings of Shadow.Somehow Kira didn’t think that was something that could be shared over tea and cookies with the neighborhood welcoming committee.Right now, she could do with a soothing cup of tea herself. Anything to fight the chill that still clung to her bones despite her ever-present gloves and the black faux leather jacket she wore over charcoal wool trousers and a gray turtleneck sweater. All Kira wanted to do was go home, settle down on the couch or in her altar room, and relax with a mug of chamomile.It was hard to be thrilled to be alive when so many weren’t—like the innocents who’d been on the receiving end of her bad Shadow-induced flipout. Feeling the weight of those deaths while playing happy with her friends and coworkers had been a burden almost impossible to bear. She was looking forward to having some time to herself, in her own space, surrounded by her own belongings.The front door to the bungalow opened. Kira stiffened as Wynne stepped out. She should have been happy that her friends still wanted her around, but she couldn’t get past the guilt of what she’d done to them, especially Zoo. Even though Wynne’s husband seemed to be fully recovered, Kira knew he bore a jagged dark scar in his olive skin, thanks to her.Wynne leaned over the porch rail, her pink hair a shocking contrast against the orange and bronze fall leaves of the neighborhood trees. Dressed in a pair of desert-print army combat uniform trousers from her former military life and a black sweater that looked as if it had been on the losing end of a catfight, Wynne Marlowe was every bit the contrast she presented: a disciplined soldier with an unpredictable nature, a petite woman with a sweetheart face and an expertise in tae kwon do, a big-hearted woman who took as much pride in the spells her husband wove as the weapons she forged.“You know, now that this is over, the four of us should go somewhere guaranteed to be uneventful,” Wynne announced. “Maybe Antarctica. It can be like a couples’ vacation.”“A couples’ vaca— Did Zoo add a little extra herb to your tea?”“I’m being serious, Kira.” Wynne turned to face her.Kira backed up a step, maintaining the space between them. “You’re being crazy. I’m not part of a couple.”“Now who’s dipping into the herbs? I’m not blind. I was there when Khefar saved you and brought you back from—wherever y’all went. Something tells me he wouldn’t do that for just anybody.”Kira shoved her gloved hands deep into her trouser pockets. Her dying memories swirled along the edges of her mind, much like the leaves scattering around the bungalow. Khefar had saved her. He certainly hadn’t had to, not the way he had. She’d tried and failed to come up with a good reason why he’d endangered himself to save her. She did know, however, that it wasn’t because they were a “couple.”“Wynne, there’s no couple stuff going on between Khefar and me.”“Why not? Don’t you want it to?”Wynne might look like a pink punk pixie, but she was as tenacious as a terrier. Where the hell was Khefar and his car? “It’s not a question of want. The reality is that he lives—and has lived for thousands of years—to complete his redemption so he can die and be reunited with his family in the afterlife. I’ve got the most dangerous job on the planet with the possible exception of those people who take lava samples from active volcanoes. One day, sooner or later, I won’t be able to pull off a miracle. I’ll fail even more spectacularly than I have in the last couple of weeks, and that will be it. There won’t be any coming back. Khefar and I, we’re both short timers. Our clocks are winding down.”The terrier made a puppy-dog expression. “But—”“Wynne.” Kira closed her eyes for a brief moment, dreading what would come next. This wasn’t going to be easy, and she would rather have waited. But what she had to say needed to be said, and sooner was better than later.“You’re a good friend, a true friend, and I appreciate you and Zoo having my back in combat and in normal life more than I can ever say.”Wynne narrowed her eyes. “Why does it feel like there’s a humongous ‘but’ coming? Like you’re breaking up with me?” Her pale face paled further as surprise widened her eyes. “Wait.", "Are", "you breaking up with us?”“Not the friendship,” Kira said quickly. “But I can’t have you guys helping me with Chases anymore.”“Why?”“Because", "I’m", "the Shadowchaser. I’ve got the training and magic to take on the Fallen, and I barely survived the encounter. You guys aren’t even part of Gilead’s support staff. You’re not protected!”Wynne folded her arms across her chest, looking like a petulant teen. A petulant teen who just happened to be an excellent marksman and weapons master. “We’re protected. We’ve got skills, weapons, and my man’s a witch. There’s no reason why we can’t still have your back.”For a moment Kira couldn’t even form words. “Have you forgotten what happened a couple of days ago? I almost killed you and Zoo!”Wynne’s hand cut through the air between them. “That was a one-time thing and not your fault! You were doped up on Shadow and out of your mind. We don’t blame you for what happened in the cemetery!”“I know.” Kira kept herself as still as possible. She didn’t want to accidentally touch Wynne, even with thick jackets and her gloves between them. Magically downloading every bit of her friend’s thoughts, emotions, and memories, and possibly draining her life-force just wasn’t high on the list of things she wanted to do, ever. “I know you don’t blame me, and I’m grateful. So very grateful. But … it was hard seeing Zoo like that, seeing you seeing your husband like that. It was hard finding out I had done that to him without even hesitating.”“Kira.” Tears shimmered in Wynne’s lashes. “You were defending yourself. You thought we were trying to hurt you. You even warned us to stay back!”“It doesn’t matter.” Kira didn’t know how she could make her friend understand, but she had to try. “I need you to try to understand where I’m coming from on this. It’s too dangerous now. I don’t think it’s going to get any less dangerous. The Fallen know they can hurt me and other Chasers, make me do things that go against everything I stand for.”“But—”“They pushed me into Shadow, Wynne!” She pulled her gloved hands out of her pockets, wrapped them around the porch railing. Somehow she forced her voice back to normal. “They changed me, and they won’t stop until they drag me kicking and screaming to the other side. I’m not taking anyone else with me.”“We won’t let them!” Wynne scrubbed at her eyes, leaving a smear of black eyeliner across her cheek and knuckles. “We can help like we always do!”“No, Wynne. You’ve done your time on the front lines. You and Zoo deserve a little peace and quiet.”“Since when have we done peace and quiet?”Kira dragged out a smile. “Okay, your version of peace and quiet. Either way, you guys need to tend to your business, to the family you want to have. Helping me makes you both targets, and I can’t do what I need to do when I’m worrying about you.”Wynne set her jaw. “That’s what this is really about, isn’t it? You think we’re a liability.”“I didn’t say that!”“You didn’t have to.” Wynne stepped back toward the front door. “I guess now that you have an immortal warrior and a demigod on your side, you don’t need two humans getting in the way.”Kira winced. That was true and not true at the same time. Because Wynne and Zoo were human and fragile and her friends, she wanted them safely out of harm’s way. If they stayed away from her they’d be safe—safe from the things Kira Chased, and from Kira herself. How could it be wrong of her to feel that way?“Well.” Wynne sniffed, then brushed her arm across her face again. “I guess I’d better tell my husband that us lowly humans aren’t wanted around here.”“Wynne, please try to understand.”“Oh, I understand, all right. It’s a tactical thing. You don’t bring BB guns when the enemy is packing howitzers. We slow you down. Better for everyone if we’re off the field.”Wynne went inside without another word. Kira lowered her head, trying to deal with the anguish. Her friendship with the Marlowes had just suffered a mortal blow. Probably neither would forgive her, but at least they’d be alive to hate her.“You did the right thing.”She looked up. Khefar stood on the walkway, keys in his hand. With his dark braids, ebony skin, black jeans, and leather jacket, he stood out in sharp relief against the bright autumn day.“Yeah.” She pushed upright, throwing her own black and blue braids back over her shoulders. “I know it was the right thing to do. It still hurts like a bitch.”He nodded. “It will for a while, but at least they’ll be safe.”She made her way down the stairs, joining him on the walkway. “Will they? Be safe?”“As safe as anyone can be in this battle. Going after the enemy’s loved ones is an age-old tactic.” Which Khefar knew all too well; that was how he’d lost his family four millennia ago.She followed him to the car. Going back into the house to say goodbye would have been suicidal. “We sent the Fallen back to Shadow. Most of the hybrids helping him are out of commission one way or another.”Khefar nodded. “And yet it doesn’t feel finished, does it?”“No.” The thought depressed and excited her at the same time. She mulled it over as they made their way out of Ansley Park and back to East Atlanta. They’d defeated Enig, the Fallen who’d infected her with Shadow as part of his plan for world domination. They were alive. Every sense she had, Normal and not, told her there’d be no rest anytime soon.Separating the Fallen from his Avatar and sending him back to Shadow was a victory. She knew that. The costs, though, the costs were just too much.“Are you all right?” Khefar’s voice was even, unemotional.She glanced over at Khefar. The Nubian was the epitome of calm collectedness as he eased the Charger to the curb in front of her converted warehouse home. Of course, being a semi-immortal who’d survived four thousand years would probably make anyone confident. Obviously coming back from the dead after coming face-to-face with ancient gods in the Hall of Judgment was all in a day’s work for him.She sighed. “I guess I’m still tired. Resurrection takes a lot out of a person.”“It does at that,” he replied with the air of someone who knew what he was talking about. Since he’d died more than a few times, she figured him to be an expert by now.She automatically scanned her neighborhood, searching for signs of anything untoward before getting out of the car. Sunshine gleamed off the spires of downtown Atlanta proper, less than a mile away. Buildings and variegated trees stood out in sharp relief against the perfect robin’s-egg-blue sky. It was a normal mid-afternoon, with normal people going about their normal business, completely and blissfully unaware of how close to not-normal their lives had come. The fact that they didn’t know, wouldn’t ever know, meant that she’d done her job right. For the most part.She realized with a start that she had no idea what day of the week it was, or even whether it was October or November. The crispness of the air could indicate either month, though the lack of Christmas banners hanging from the streetlights suggested it was still October. Not a weekend day given the light traffic. Not that it mattered. Shadowchasers punched hybrid Shadowlings, not clocks.For a moment, she thought about hopping on her bike and zipping up I-75 to catch the fall foliage in the North Georgia mountains, perhaps including a stopover in the faux-Alpine village of Helen, only to remember that she hadn’t taken the time to get her motorcycle fixed after the altercation with the seeker demon. She wanted her bike back. Hell, she wanted her life back.Two weeks. In just over ten days her life had irrevocably changed. Her mentor, Bernie Comstock, had been killed by a seeker demon because of a sentient dagger—the dagger Khefar now wore strapped to his hip. Khefar just happened to be a four-thousand-year-old Nubian warrior and the only person she’d been able to touch without devastating and often deadly effects since reaching puberty. Together she and the Nubian had managed to destroy the Fallen who’d controlled the seeker. They’d all but died in the process, faced judgment in the Hall of Gods, and been called out by their respective patron goddesses—Isis for Khefar, Ma’at for Kira. That was all after Kira had been drugged by Shadow and, while out of her mind, killed more than half a dozen innocent people and almost taken out her best friends as well.Kira was a Shadowchaser and, now, the Hand of Ma’at. She was also tainted by Shadow. Somehow the first two hadn’t cancelled out the third. Above all, though, she was indebted to this Nubian who’d risked his afterlife to save her, especially since he hadn’t had to.“Have you gone to the Hall of Judgment every time you’ve died?” she asked Khefar as he got out of the car.He paused to engage the alarm. “No, not since the first time.”She could hear the reluctance in his voice loud and clear as he joined her at the front door. The man had four thousand years’ worth of information and parsed it out like a miser.“I guess that makes sense,” she said, wanting to know more. Needing to know more. He had to have some idea. “I mean, it would be torture in a way, having your soul weighed with your charge from Isis unfinished. What do you think it means that you went there this time?”“Even after four millennia I cannot profess to understand the minds of the gods.” He used the palm scanner to deactivate her security system, then unlocked the front door, which surprised her until she remembered she’d reset everything for him assuming her confrontation with the Fallen would be her last. Had returning from the dead affected her memory?“Maybe you went there because I did, because it was my first time … well, dying,” she said, following him into the house. “Because you tried to save me.”He’d sliced his wrists open to treat her wounds, hoping his near-immortal blood would counteract the effects of the Shadow-infused dagger. He wasn’t supposed to do that. He had promised to use the Dagger of Kheferatum to unmake her, to guarantee that Shadow wouldn’t be able to trap her soul and make her an Avatar for one of the Fallen.He grunted instead of answering. She hadn’t really expected more, but it still rankled. Fine. She’d get information even if she had to pummel it out of him.She tossed her jacket onto the back of the couch, then moved to the center of her crowded living room, planted her fists on her hips. “Why did you do it?”He paused before locking the door. “Do what?”“Plead my case in the Hall of Judgment. You promised me that you’d keep my soul from Shadow, but we were among the gods of Egypt. Even being fed to Ammit would be better than being taken by Shadow.”“Neither sounds appealing to me.”“With Ammit there’s no danger of becoming the very thing I hunt,” she reminded him. “I would have been content with whatever fate my Lady Ma’at deemed fit to give me. You didn’t have to ask for my soul.”", "Why did he do it?", "Those five words circled endlessly through her mind, still unanswered. Yes, he had a sworn mission to save lives, to redeem himself for all the lives he’d taken. Yes, she’d been one of his charges. But she clearly remembered—as she lay dying in the ruins of the destroyed nightclub after the defeat of the Fallen—a Messenger had told him there were other lives he could save, that failure to save her didn’t mean damnation for him. Yet he’d slashed his wrist to pour his immortal blood onto her very mortal wound in an effort to save her life.On top of that, he’d pled her case in the Hall of Gods before Isis and Osiris and Ma’at, with the other Egyptian gods bearing witness. He’d saved her life and, in doing so, ensured that he’d have to stick around as her fail-safe.“Khefar.”“Enough already.” He moved past her, stripping off his jacket, tossing his keys on the kitchen counter. “I am content with the choice I made. Why aren’t you?”She bit her tongue. Truth was, she just wasn’t used to anyone making sacrifices for her, not without wanting something in return. Even her handlers had wanted her performance as a Shadowchaser. They’d gotten what they wanted and they’d both lost their lives in the process. Kira had yet to determine what the Nubian wanted, but she’d find out soon enough. Khefar might have saved her life, but she still didn’t trust him with it.That didn’t mean she couldn’t be polite. He", "had", "saved her, after all. “Thank you, for everything.”He nodded. “What’s next?”She didn’t have a clue. Ma’at and Isis had told them they still had work to do, but hadn’t told them what that work was. Balm had given her time off from her Shadowchasing duties and, after the spectacular destruction of the Fallen at Demoz’s club, she doubted if any Shadowling in Atlanta would try to cause trouble for a good long while.If neither the goddesses nor Balm had plans for her right now, there was one thing, she realized, that needed to be done, perhaps the most important thing. “I need to go to London.”“Comstock?”She nodded, trying to ignore the wrenching of her heart. When you could count on one hand the people you cared for and trusted, losing one of them was difficult. When that person was your mentor and surrogate father, the loss was devastating. “I promised that I’d take his ashes back to London and speak to his solicitor. It’s been almost two weeks since he … died.”“When do we leave?”Khefar was like that, always so matter-of-fact. Assuming he’d accompany her to London without a protest from her. What else could she do? The last time she’d gone off by herself she’d killed half a dozen innocents. She was firmly a team player now.“As soon as possible, I suppose. Balm offered to fly us there on her way back to Santa Costa.”Khefar lifted one of her books from a stack near the couch, a history of the Toltecs. She locked her muscles against the involuntary urge to grab the book from him. It was still difficult having someone in her space, touching her stuff. Harder still to resist yanking up his shirt and running her hands all over his hard body.The image almost made her whimper. She really, really wanted to know what it would be like to stretch out beside him on her bed, to know the warmth of his skin beneath her hands. She wanted to know the touch of his hands moving over her skin, cupping her breasts, making her feel alive and human and wanted.“You don’t sound like you wish to accept the offer.” He flipped through the pages slowly, like a bibliophile considering a beloved book. He had such long fingers.“Balm has a top-of-the-line Gulfstream that’s configured for four crew and fifteen passengers,” she said, looking away. “She can get us there soon enough, but once we land she’ll probably try to find some reason to stay in London while I … while I take care of Bernie’s wishes. It’s going to be hard enough to do what needs to be done as it is. My experiences with Bernie and my experiences as a Shadowchaser are still separate in my mind. He is … was my professor, my mentor. Not my handler. I never knew him in that role while he was alive. If Balm’s there, Bernie’s connection to the Gilead Commission is all I’ll think about.”He perched on the couch’s arm, balancing the open book on his knees. “Then decline her invitation. You can take time to settle things here and she can return to Santa Costa to inform the Commission of your replacement.”“My replacement?”He looked surprised. “Of course. The head of the Gilead Commission is no fool. She probably already has a shortlist of candidates along with a list of Chasers she can move at a moment’s notice in an emergency.”“Spoken like a military man.”“The Balm of Gilead always thinks strategically,” Khefar told her. “Don’t think that she doesn’t. It’s part of why she and Sanchez get along so well.”Kira had noticed that, during their celebratory feast at Balm’s safe house. The leader of Gilead and the Atlanta section chief had been too buddy-buddy for Kira’s comfort. It made her think the two had strategized more than once where Kira was concerned. Sanchez—who seemed to be a toe-the-line, follow-the-rules, file-it-in-triplicate bureaucrat with no fondness for a hotheaded Chaser who preferred effective practicality to perfunctory protocol—had been itching to replace Kira for some time. Knowing the section chief, Kira was sure Sanchez would be happier if Atlanta was a Chaser-free zone altogether.Balm always had plans within plans. Kira had learned that the hard way, growing up on Santa Costa in the Commission’s castle-like stronghold. From the moment Balm had taught her how to eat without reliving every step of her food’s production, preparation, and progress to the plate she ate it from, she’d been trained to be a weapon used at the Commission’s discretion.It hadn’t been an unbearable life, just a hard one. Kira had accepted the hardships as punishment for nearly killing her adoptive sister. She’d endured the training because giving up or giving in had never been an option even when she couldn’t eat food she hadn’t picked herself. She’d had to survive, had to succeed, because becoming a Shadowchaser was the only way she knew how to atone.Khefar’s voice softly intruded on her thoughts. “What’s got you thinking so hard?”“The past and the future.” Kira moved over to the couch, which meant moving closer to the Nubian. She tried not to think about all that touchable flesh within arm’s reach. “I didn’t think becoming the Hand of Ma’at meant I’d be giving up my Shadowchaser duties. I don’t even know what being the Hand of Ma’at means. When your god calls you to service, you don’t say, ‘Gee, let me think about it.’”“I certainly wouldn’t.” He touched the Isis knot etched into the skin at the base of his throat. “Being called means that you become her instrument. You answer when she calls and do her will as she sees fit.”Kira touched the mark at her own throat, the feather of Ma’at. The goddess had bestowed the Feather of Justice on Kira after claiming her in the Hall of Judgment, just as Isis had renewed her claim on Khefar. As far as Kira was concerned, she’d always belonged to Ma’at; the tattoo just made it official.Still, she didn’t know what it meant, what she’d have to do. What Khefar had told her was fine and dandy, but it wasn’t anything concrete. She needed to", "know", ". The search for answers had ruled her entire life; this was no different. Unfortunately the goddess hadn’t given her an instruction manual.“I guess we’ll find out soon enough what’s expected of us. There’s enough to process here as it is.”“Yes, which is why you shouldn’t worry about it now. Let’s take Comstock’s ashes to London as he wished so that you can say goodbye to him properly. We can handle the rest later.”There was that word again.", "We", ". It was a challenge to think in terms of another person, having to account for another in everything she did or needed to do. Another change, and one that made her distinctly uncomfortable.“So how long have you known Balm?” she asked, just to think about something else. The entire topic of the mysterious Balm of Gilead was a pretty big something else. Kira doubted that Balm was a subject she could ever completely learn. But every shred of information she could obtain might be of value, especially when the lack of knowledge could bite her in the ass.He looked up from the book. If the stack by the coffee table was any indication, he’d gone through at least one a day since taking up residence on her couch. She couldn’t decide if she wanted to run her fingers over the pages as he had or never touch them again. Both options bothered her.“You make it seem as if the head of Gilead and I are friends.”“I heard that exchange between you two at Balm’s house. You have to admit, it seemed like you were well acquainted. She evidently has tried to recruit you—more than once, from the sounds of it.”“She has.” He didn’t seem happy she’d remembered the conversation. The closed book hit the couch between them.“When was the first time she tried to make you a Shadowchaser?” When he hesitated, she rushed on. “I know you’re about four thousand years old, and Balm hasn’t aged a day in the fourteen years I’ve known her. Can’t you give me something here?”“If Balm hasn’t ‘given you something,’ as you say, I cannot see how it would be appropriate for me to reveal to you what she has not.”“Oh come on! We died together. We faced judgment together. You’re sleeping on my couch and I’ve only known you for a week. We left ‘appropriate’ in the dust a long time ago!”A muscle in his jaw twitched. “It’s been almost two weeks. While the start of our association was unusual—beginning with you shooting me—I have been nothing but appropriate with you.”Great. She’d just insulted him. She’d never get information now. That he acted like he didn’t even remember that they’d kissed more than once was just icing on a screwed-up cake. “The start of our association was me holding a gun on you. I didn’t shoot you until you helped me with the seeker demon. And for the record, I never said you were anything other than appropriate. I just wanted—”“How long are we staying in London?”His change of subject was like running into a wall, more damaging to pride than body. She shoved herself up off the couch and to her feet, needing to put room between them. “Why? Got something else on your schedule?”He stilled as if he’d just caught himself before doing or saying something they’d both regret. “At the moment, no. You are still my duty.”Ouch. Obviously the Nubian had more than the dagger in his arsenal. She folded her arms across her chest, holding back hurt and anger. “Speaking of duty, I hadn’t thought about putting a time limit on my duty to Bernie, so I don’t really know how long I need to be in London. I’ve got to talk to Bernie’s solicitor and do whatever needs to be done legally since he left me his apartment and everything in it. Who knows how long that will take? On top of that, I haven’t been to London since I graduated, so I’d like to visit the university while I’m there, especially the Petrie Museum.”“Then might I suggest taking Balm’s offer? She’s going to London anyway, so the trip will be far less expensive than booking last-minute trans-Atlantic flights on a commercial airline.”“You’re worried about expenses?” She realized then she didn’t know if Khefar had money or not. Either she’d paid or the Nubian’s traveling companion, the demigod Anansi, had pulled whatever was needed into being. “I figured someone as old as you would have learned a thing or two about saving pennies.”“Over the course of my life I’ve seen financial systems rise and fall.” He slipped to his feet and continued, his voice and posture stiff. “So yes, I’ve learned a few things about money. However, I’m more concerned with the logistics of taking a commercial flight. Neither of us are leaving our blades behind, and we both have other items we don’t want to leave to the vagaries of airport security or international shipping.”She immediately looked at his hip, the Dagger of Kheferatum resting in its sheath. An ancient blade with the power to destroy and create, its presence in her life the last couple of weeks had caused more grief than she’d seen since losing Nico in Venice six years ago. So much grief, and yet she still craved the blade. Proof of just how messed up she’d become.The taint of Shadow the Fallen had inflicted on her pulsed through Kira. Sending the Fallen back to Shadow—and nearly dying in the process—hadn’t been enough to offset the stain. It reminded her that she still had work to do, still needed to balance her scales and bring her soul firmly back to Light. Becoming the Hand of Ma’at hadn’t given her a free pass.Kira’s hand dropped to the handle of her Lightblade, and the hunger backed off. “All right. I’ll call Balm, tell her we’ll fly out with her. I guess I’d better put in a call to the solicitor too, let him know I’m coming.”“Good idea.” He grabbed his car keys. “I’m going to go to the pharmacy, pick up a few toiletries,” he announced. “Do you need anything while I’m out?”“Nothing you’re willing to give me.”Kira wondered if a basilisk could match the stare he gave her. “You have no idea what I’m willing to give you,” he said.“Well if it’s not information, it doesn’t really matter anyway,” she retorted, her ears warming. How the hell was she supposed to work with someone who kept her flustered, guilty,", "and", "in the dark?“I’m just going to that shop down the street,” he said, heading for the door. She hadn’t engaged the metaphysical protections when they came in, so he could escape easily. “I shouldn’t be more than half an hour.”“Thanks for the warning,” she muttered, then flopped back on the couch as he left. There were a ton of things to do before she could leave the country, but her mind refused to focus on any of them. All she could think of was the sacrifice Khefar had made on her behalf, a sacrifice that hadn’t had to happen. Above all was the rapidly fading joy she’d felt in Ma’at’s presence, and how very dull and uninteresting the world seemed in comparison.Her thoughts drifted back to Khefar. Was it so wrong to want answers? She supposed that after wandering the world for four thousand years, one learned to accept things as they happened. Or grew to assume one was always right. It sure would explain his arrogance and his lack of communication.Khefar. Kira just didn’t know what to make of him. She knew him, but she really didn’t know him. All that she knew about him she’d learned from touching his dagger. Unlike with other people, when she touched Khefar, she didn’t get bombarded with his thoughts, memories, emotions. She didn’t drain his energy. No, when she touched Khefar, she got smooth skin, hard muscle, warm body. All she felt was the man.An overbearing, arrogant man who would happily take all her choices from her for the sake of his damned honor.“So not going to happen,” Kira whispered to herself. “I’m going to get answers, with or without your help.”© 2010 Seressia Glass" ]
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Seressia Glass (Author)
[ "Books", "Science Fiction & Fantasy", "Fantasy" ]
{"Publisher": "Pocket Books; 1st edition (July 27, 2010)", "Language": "English", "Mass Market Paperback": "339 pages", "ISBN 10": "1439158770", "ISBN 13": "978-1439158777", "Item Weight": "5.9 ounces", "Dimensions": "4.19 x 1 x 6.75 inches"}
Mass Market Paperback – July 27, 2010
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Seressia Glass', 'about': ['Seressia Glass is the award-winning writer of more than a dozen novels and novellas in romance and urban fantasy. When not writing, she likes to belly dance, go on ghost hunts, and watch anime and shop for jewelry and all things purple. She lives south of Atlanta with her guitar-wielding husband and two attack poodles.']}
More Precious Than Silver: The God Stories Behind the Songs of Lynn DeShazo
[ "Just as every song has a story behind it, so does every songwriter. Millions of believers know the worship songs of Lynn DeShazo - most notably, her famous More Precious Than Silver. But what they probably don't know is that this much-loved classic was written from the ashes of a fast gone wrong. For years the church has connected the great hymns and their composers with the stories behind them. Now, in More Precious Than Silver: The God Stories Behind the Songs of Lynn DeShazo, the prolific songwriter offers the stories behind some of modern worship's most-sung and best-recognized music. DeShazo's rich, often-transparent narrative weaves together her songs, her life, and the healing love of the One who has borne her along an amazing, melodic journey. And in the process, More Precious Than Silver invites readers to reflect on their own journey with Christ - and be moved to a deeper place of worship. 'When Lynn marries great lyrics to great melody in ways that allow you and me to enter into God's presence, she is enabling us to do something that we will do for all eternity - worship our Creator.' - From the foreword by Don Moen, worship leader, music executive, and songwriter." ]
[ "Review", "This book is even more than the God stories behind Lynn's songs. Lynn also teaches us much about how to receive healing. She teaches us how to worship God - even when we may want to worship God, and yet struggle in the very process of it. Lynn breaks open spiritual truths so that we see God's glorious light shine in our own dark places.This book is a great resource for Christian artists, writers, and those in ministry. Robbi Cary", "From the Back Cover", "Just as every song has a story behind it, so does every songwriter. Millions of believers know the worship songs of Lynn DeShazo - most notably, her famous \"More Precious Than Silver.\" But what they probably don't know is that this much-loved classic was written from the ashes of a fast gone wrong.For years the church has connected the great hymns and their composers with the stories behind them. Now, in", "More Precious Than Silver: The God Stories Behind the Songs of Lynn DeShazo,", "the prolific songwriter offers the stories behind some of modern worship's most-sung and best-recognized music. DeShazo's rich, often-transparent narrative weaves together her songs, her life, and the healing love of the One who has borne her along an amazing melodic journey. And in the process,", "More Precious Than Silver", "invites readers to reflect on their own journey with Christ - and be moved to a deeper place of worship.\"When Lynn marries great lyrics to great melody in ways that allow you and me to enter into God's presence, she is enabling us to do something that we will do for all eternity - worship our Creator.\" - From the foreword by Don Moen, worship leader, music executive, and songwriter", "About the Author", "Lynn DeShazo has penned some of today's most-loved worship songs, and many have been featured on the popular Integrity Music recordings. Lynn has served as a worship leader and instructor for a wide variety of churches, retreats, and conferences in the United States and abroad. As a psalmist, she helps connect worshippers to the flow of God's Spirit, bringing refreshment and healing to God's people. Lynn DeShazo lives in Birmingham, Alabama.", "Read more" ]
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Lynn DeShazo (Author), Eva Marie Everson (Editor), WinePress Publishing (Editor)
[ "Books", "Arts & Photography", "Music" ]
{"Publisher": "Ready Writer Music; First edition (May 25, 2010)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "100 pages", "ISBN 10": "0615657192", "ISBN 13": "978-0615657196", "Item Weight": "4 ounces"}
Paperback – May 25, 2010
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Lynn DeShazo', 'about': ["Lynn DeShazo is the author of some of the Church's most loved worship songs, many of which have been featured on the live praise and worship recordings produced by Integrity Music.", 'Lynn is best known for such songs as "More Precious Than Silver," "Lead Me to the Rock," "Turn My Heart," "Be Magnified," "Be Unto Your Name," "Stand Up and Give Him the Praise," "In Your Presence, O God," and "Ancient Words."', "Her songs have been performed by a diverse and distinguished group of worship leaders and vocalists that have graced the popular Integrity's Hosanna! Music series from its inception. They include Leanne Albrecht, Rita Baloche, LaMar Boschman, Scott Wesley Brown, Travis Cottrell, Brian Doerksen, the Women of Faith worship team, Bob Fitts, Kent Henry, Graham Kendrick, Robin Mark, Don Moen, Marty Nystrom, Ross Parsley, Randy Rothwell, Paul Wilbur, and Kelly Willard. Her songs have also found their way onto countless other worship recordings, including independent productions as well as the works of artists such as Fred Hammond, Kim Hill, Israel Houghton, Michael Neale, Michael W. Smith and John Tesh..", "Lynn has been involved in ministry on the local church level for over thirty years as a worship leader, a songwriter, and a teacher. Her songs have been sung in worship throughout the Body of Christ since the early 1980's, and she was an exclusive songwriter for Integrity Media for twenty-two years. Lynn has also produced ten of her own music recordings to date and a book, More Precious Than Silver: The God Stories Behind the Songs of Lynn DeShazo.", "Find Lynn's music and articles at"]}
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
{"Publisher": "READER'S DIGEST SERVICES INC; 3RD PRINTING -- edition (January 1, 1976)", "Item Weight": "2.4 ounces"}
Paperback – January 1, 1976
The Voice of Heart: An Intimate Invitation
[ "As you begin reading The Voice of Heart, you will find yourself on an undeniably compelling journey; a deep experience into the spacious, unified awareness of the Feeling Heart. On this journey, The Voice of Heart will be your wise, loving and most nurturing guide, revealing the mysteries of cognitive and emotional misperceptions that have caused confusion and suffering in humanity for ages. Through the feeling-oriented language of the heart you will be offered priceless gems of insight, completely relevant for the experiential awakening and integration of the heart, mind and body. The Voice of Heart clearly reveals the way into a new paradigm, offering an evolutionary invitation and call. . .to those who are listening." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Neil Steven Cohen (Author)
[ "Books", "Self-Help", "Personal Transformation" ]
{"Publisher": "BookSurge Publishing (December 27, 2006)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "156 pages", "ISBN 10": "1419647768", "ISBN 13": "978-1419647765", "Item Weight": "5.9 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.25 x 0.36 x 8 inches"}
Paperback – December 27, 2006
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Neil Steven Cohen', 'about': ['I write to the awakening ones; those of you seeking answers to your deepest questions about life and the path of awakening. I write for those who may feel different, possibly struggling or challenged in a strange, modern world, and want support in ways that most sources cannot provide. I write for those who thrive and nourish themselves with inspiration from the heart and soul, not with worldly distractions.', 'No this is not an ego trip or arrogance. This is what my entire life and study have been about...the path of psychological and spiritual awakening. And those on this path want and need answers for the challenges they are experiencing on the path of awakening. The books I offer speak directly to the heart and soul, directly to the "world disciple on the path." In the pages of my books, you will find the answers to questions you may not even know you wanted to ask!', 'My experience comes from many years of meditation and study. I also work with individuals and groups professionally. I have been developing the work of Psycho-Spiritual Integrative Awakening for almost 30 years. This form of inner work supports people on the path of awakening, and is a revolutionary, creative synthesis of Buddhist Dharma, Hindu Advaita (nondual) teachings, Body-Centered and Somatic Psychology, Jungian Psychology, the Esoteric Psychology of Soul Integration, mutual heart presence, and the power of direct personal experience. Many years of deep experience working with the heart will be found within the page of the books I offer.']}
Do-It-Yourself Numerology: How to Unlock the Secrets of Your Personality With Numbers
[ "Did you know that numbers hold the key to our personalities and the way we live our lives? Do It Yourself Numerology explains how this fascinating science and philosophy can shed new light on all aspects of your life-past, present and future.", "In this attractive, comprehensive and accessible guide, Sonia Ducie demonstrates how to convert your name into numbers and how your date of birth reveals essential information about your personality, childhood, career, relationships, health and physical appearance. She offers an in-depth study into personality traits for each person and the date on which they were born (1st to 31st of each month). Discover your Personality Number, and why it's vitally important to self-development." ]
[ " Review", "Numbers are so prevalent in our lives--from telephone numbers to zip codes to flight schedules--that we tend to take them for granted, and sometimes even curse their proliferation. However, Sonia Ducie encourages us to see numbers in a different light. With a fairly simple method for working out the numerological influences in your life,", "Do It Yourself Numerology", "takes an in-depth look at what each number means to your career, your personality, and even your romantic interests. Ducie's system works with a straightforward examination of your birthday, without the confusing pyramids or magic squares found in a lot of traditional systems. Unlike other numerologists, who reduce two-digit numbers by adding the digits together, Ducie applies meaning to numbers from 1 to 31, allowing the individual characteristics of each day of the month to express themselves. While the book is somewhat limited in its scope, it's well-suited for beginners, giving you a new appreciation of the influences numbers have in your life.", "--Brian Patterson" ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Sonia Duice (Author), Sonia Ducie (Author)
[ "Books", "Religion & Spirituality", "New Age & Spirituality" ]
{"Publisher": "Element Books Ltd (January 1, 1998)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "224 pages", "ISBN 10": "1862042985", "ISBN 13": "978-1862042988", "Item Weight": "15.6 ounces", "Dimensions": "7.5 x 0.75 x 10 inches"}
Paperback – January 1, 1998
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Sonia Ducie', 'about': ['Sonia Ducie Dip.CSN.AIN.', "Sonia is a Teacher with The Connaissance School of Numerology, UK. She is the best-selling author of 12 Numerology books and also 'The Self Help Reflexology Handbook', translated into 14 languages. With a background in music and health journalism and an early fascination for mathematics, Sonia was drawn to the intuitive, transformational and metaphysical aspects of Esoteric Numerology. She's been providing business seminars, workshops, courses, professional training, consultations, and promoting Numerology in the media for more than 26 years. Sonia continues to be inspired, and inspire others to become their true self (soul).", "CSN: 'Consciousness Through Number For World Peace.'", "'From naming babies and businesses, to dates for new product launches, for spiritual development and soul growth...Numerology is for everyone'.", 'www.NumerologyWorld.Org', 'www.NumerologyWorld.Org/Members-Pages/Sonia-Ducie', 'Next book10.12.2019: -', '', '']}
Model Assisted Survey Sampling (Springer Series in Statistics)
[ "Now available in paperback. This book provides a comprehensive account of survey sampling theory and methodology which will be suitable for students and researchers across a variety of disciplines. A central theme is to show how statistical modeling is a vital component of the sampling process and in the choice of estimation technique. Statistical modeling has strongly influenced sampling theory in recent years and has clarified many issues related to the uses of auxiliary information in surveys. This is the first textbook that systematically extends traditional sampling theory with the aid of a modern model assisted outlook. The central ideas of sampling theory are developed from the unifying perspective of unequal probability sampling. The book covers classical topics as well as areas where significant new developments have taken place notably domain estimation, variance estimation, methods for handling nonresponse, models for measurement error, and the analysis of survey data. The authors have taken care to presuppose nothing more on the part of the reader than a first course in statistical inference and regression analysis. Throughout, the emphasis is on statistical ideas rather than advanced mathematics. Each chapter concludes with a range of exercises incorporating the analysis of data from actual finite populations. As a result, all those concerned with survey methodology or engaged in survey sampling will find this an invaluable and up-to-date coverage of the subject." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Carl-Erik Särndal (Author)
[ "Books", "Science & Math", "Mathematics" ]
{"Publisher": "Springer; Corrected edition (January 1, 1992)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "694 pages", "ISBN 10": "0387975284", "ISBN 13": "978-0387975283", "Item Weight": "2.45 pounds", "Dimensions": "6.5 x 1.5 x 9.75 inches"}
Hardcover – January 1, 1992
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Carl-Erik Sarndal', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
[ "Two years. I've been out of the game for two years. Not like I ever wanted to be in the game in the first place. Then a dreaded phone call has me speeding back to a life that I thought I left behind. A missing father who wants revenge for past wrongs. I don't need any distractions. Then he bumps into me. All I had been looking for was a night out to shoot the breeze with the guys. Our case load was ripped from our hands so that we could chase a ghost that no one wants to find. Then, I bump into her, almost spilling my beer. I'm lost in her eyes. I don't want any distractions, I've been burned in the past. But I can't get her out of my head.Then I find out her secrets." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
SV Ross (Author)
[ "Books", "Mystery, Thriller & Suspense", "Mystery" ]
{"Publisher": "Independently published (May 25, 2022)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "229 pages", "ISBN 13": "979-8441032087", "Item Weight": "14.4 ounces", "Dimensions": "6 x 0.52 x 9 inches"}
Paperback – May 25, 2022
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'SV Ross', 'about': ['SV Ross is a writer from upstate NY. She has always enjoyed creating stories, both in her work as a fiction writer and a cookbook writer (written under Sarah Vidulich). She lives with her husband, two kids, copious amounts of chickens, some wily ducks, and her cats that all keep her busy.']}
The Phantom Tree
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
nicola cornick (Author)
[ "Books", "Romance", "Contemporary" ]
{"Publisher": "Harlequin (UK); ePub edition (January 1, 2016)", "Language": "English", "ISBN 10": "1848455046", "ISBN 13": "978-1848455047", "Item Weight": "10.6 ounces", "Dimensions": "4.96 x 1.06 x 7.8 inches"}
Paperback – January 1, 2016
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Nicola Cornick', 'about': ['Nicola Cornick is a historian and author who works as a researcher and guide for the National Trust in one of the most beautiful 17th century houses in England. She writes dual time novels that illustrate her love of history, mystery and the supernatural, and focus on women from the footnotes of history. Her books have appeared in over twenty five languages, sold over half a million copies worldwide and been described as "perfect for Outlander fans." Nicola also gives writing and history talks, works as a consultant for TV and radio, and is a trustee of the Wantage Literary Festival and the Friends of Lydiard Park.', "Her new novel, 'The Winter Garden ' is a re-telling of the story of the 1605 Gunpowder Plot from the point of view of the women closest to the ringleader, Robert Catesby - His wife Katherine and mother Anne. It is out in October 2022 and is available for pre- order in paperback and e-book.", 'Nicola loves to chat to readers about history, reading and writing.', 'Join the conversation on Twitter @NicolaCornick,', 'Facebook:', 'and Instagram:', "You can find Nicola's website at where you can sign up for her newsletter to be first in line for events, news and exclusive chapters."]}
Let's Go to the Firehouse (Little Scholastic)
[ "An interactive novelty story with DVD all about the firehouse based on the bestselling", "Petting Farm", "format!", "Slide down the fire pole, ride in the fire truck, pet the Dalmatian, and more in this innovative, interactive storybook filled with touch-and-feels and bold photographs! This padded board book provides a fun and stimulating way for curious preschoolers to learn about everything that goes on in a firehouse by seeing, hearing, and touching. And the 20-minute DVD brings the world of the firehouse to life!Includes:- Padded cover- 6 Touch-and-Feels- Vibrant Photographs- Free action-packed DVD with bonus fire safety information!" ]
[ "About the Author", "Scholastic Inc. is a global publishing and education company whose mission is to encourage the intellectual and personal growth of all children, beginning with literacy." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Scholastic (Author)
[ "Books", "Children's Books", "Education & Reference" ]
{"Publisher": "Cartwheel Books; Brdbk/DVD edition (August 25, 2015)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "20 pages", "ISBN 10": "0545766346", "ISBN 13": "978-0545766340", "Reading age": "2 - 4 years", "Lexile measure": "AD400L", "Grade level": "Preschool and up", "Item Weight": "14.4 ounces", "Dimensions": "5 x 1 x 7 inches"}
Paperback – August 25, 2015
Lunch at the Shop: The Art and Practice of the Midday Meal
[ "In our current bustle, lunch has been outsourced to stand-up counters, reduced to take-out platters, wrapped and rolled and packaged. But it doesn’t need to be so. Peter Miller makes lunch every day at his bookshop in Seattle. It may be only a salad or a sandwich, but he and his team put it together each day without a formal kitchen. It is a moment set aside, away from the computer and the clock.", "Lunch at the Shop", "is a call to lunch. On the most basic level, the book is a primer for making lunch for a few people at work, including more than 50 tried-and-tested, deliciously simple recipes. However, the essence of the book is about adopting a lifestyle that allows food to be savored every day, in a way that is easy, fresh, healthy, and a pleasure. “You may not know it yet, but you are hungry for what is bound and written on these pages. As he did for me, Peter Miller will help fill you up. I’m sure of it.” —Matthew Dillon, James Beard Award–winning chef of Sitka & Spruce, The Corson Building, and Bar Sajor" ]
[ "Review", "“I didn’t realize how much I was sacrificing until I read Miller’s beautiful ode to lunch—a meditation on food, togetherness and simplicity.” (", "Edible San Francisco", ")", "About the Author", "Peter Miller has operated his design bookshop in Seattle for 35 years. He trained as a chef with the remarkable Maurice Thuillier and is a regular contributor to the online magazine Christopher Hirsheimer, an award-winning photographer and editor, and Melissa Hamilton, a renowned food stylist, are the cofounders of Canal House and the authors of the James Beard Award–winning", "Canal House Cooks Every Day", "." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Peter Miller (Author), Melissa Hamilton (Photographer), Christopher Hirsheimer (Photographer)
[ "Books", "Cookbooks, Food & Wine", "Entertaining & Holidays" ]
{"Publisher": "Harry N. Abrams; First Edition (March 11, 2014)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "160 pages", "ISBN 10": "1419710656", "ISBN 13": "978-1419710650", "Item Weight": "1.26 pounds", "Dimensions": "7 x 0.75 x 9.75 inches"}
Hardcover – March 11, 2014
Sweet Dreams: The World of Patsy Cline (Music in American Life)
[ "One of the most influential and acclaimed female vocalists of the twentieth century, Patsy Cline (1932–63) was best known for her rich tone and emotionally expressive voice. Born Virginia Patterson Hensley, she launched her musical career during the early 1950s as a young woman in Winchester, Virginia, and her heartfelt songs reflect her life and times in this community. A country music singer who enjoyed pop music crossover success, Cline embodied the power and appeal of women in country music, helping open the lucrative industry to future female solo artists. Bringing together noted authorities on Patsy Cline and country music,", "Sweet Dreams: The World of Patsy Cline", "examines the regional and national history that shaped Cline's career and the popular culture that she so profoundly influenced with her music. In detailed, deeply researched essays, contributors provide an account of Cline's early performance days in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley, analyze the politics of the split between pop and country music, and discuss her strategies for negotiating gender in relation to her public and private persona. Interpreting rich visual images, fan correspondence, publicity tactics, and community mores, this volume explores the rich and complex history of a woman whose music and image changed the shape of country music and American popular culture. Contributors are Beth Bailey, Mike Foreman, Douglas Gomery, George Hamilton IV, Warren R. Hofstra, Joli Jensen, Bill C. Malone, Kristine M. McCusker, and Jocelyn R. Neal." ]
[ "Review", "\"There are few voices in American music as iconic as Patsy Cline's. . . . Warren R. Hofstra's edited collection", "Sweet Dreams: The World of Patsy Cline", "gives that voice a rich historical context.  The range and quality of authors are impressive.", "Sweet Dreams", "takes the often trite 'life and times' rubric and makes it seem fresh and vital, a model for understanding influential musical artists within historical context.\"--", "The Journal of Southern History", "\"Why is Patsy Cline relevant?  Hofstra synthesizes everything offered and ruminates on the durability and permanence of Cline's legacy. Recommended.\"--", "Choice", "\"", "Sweet Dreams", "is not simply a thorough and multi-framed gaze upon the national icon(oclast) and legend, Patsy Cline.  The volume goes deeper, exploring musical genres, class, and geography, while navigating questions regarding consumption and music's power to authenticate identity.\"--", "Appalachian Journal", "\"The achievement of", "Sweet Dreams", "is that it explores the tensions and ambivalences in Cline's career and does so in a way that instructs scholarship on other country stars.\"--", "Notes", "\"This book will stand out as a definitive work on Patsy Cline, country music, popular music, and gender and class in post-World War II American culture. The essays provide interesting insights into Cline's historical, musical, and sociological importance.\"--Michael T. Bertrand, author of", "Race, Rock, and Elvis", "About the Author", "Warren R. Hofstra", "is Stewart Bell Professor of American History at Shenandoah University in Winchester, Virginia. His other books include", "The Planting of New Virginia: Shenandoah Valley Landscapes, 1700–1800", "and", "Shenandoah Landscapes and the Great Valley Road of Virginia", "." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Warren R. Hofstra (Editor, Contributor), Beth Bailey (Contributor), Mike Foreman (Contributor), Douglas Gomery (Contributor), George Hamilton IV (Contributor), Joli Jensen (Contributor), Bill C Malone (Contributor), Kristine M. McCusker (Contributor), Jocelyn R Neal (Contributor)
[ "Books", "Arts & Photography", "Music" ]
{"Publisher": "University of Illinois Press; First Edition (August 7, 2013)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "198 pages", "ISBN 10": "0252079302", "ISBN 13": "978-0252079306", "Item Weight": "13.6 ounces", "Dimensions": "8.9 x 5.9 x 0.8 inches"}
Paperback – Illustrated, August 7, 2013
Rendición / Surrender (Spanish Edition)
[ "Ray Loriga, Premio Alfaguara de novela 2017 por", "Rendición.", "Una historia sobre la autoridad y la manipulación colectiva con ecos de Kafka y Orwell. Una fábula sobre el destierro, la pérdida, la paternidad y los afectos.", "Han pasado diez largos años desde que estalló la guerra, y el matrimonio sigue sin conocer el paradero de sus hijos, sin saber si su país fue el agresor o el agredido. Fuera cual fuese el origen de la contienda, él, hombre de campo, y ella, su antigua patrona, siguen amándose y sus vidas transcurren sencilla y rutinariamente. Un día un muchacho mudo entra en su propiedad. Al principio lo encierran como a un prisionero, pero acaban por tomarle cierto cariño y, cuando las autoridades comunican que la zona debe ser evacuada y que tienen que poner rumbo a la ciudad transparente, los tres parten juntos. En ese momento el muchacho es bautizado como Julio. Las puertas dela metrópoli muestran una clara advertencia: el aire mece los cuerpos sin vida de los traidores. En su interior, la ciudad transparente es casi un paraíso que provee a sus habitantes de todo aquello que cualquiera desearía en un hogar: armonía, limpieza y protección. Impera un orden riguroso, una calma autoritaria y una absoluta transparencia: no están permitidos los secretos ni las paredes. En una sociedad en la que lo privado es de dominio público, en un mundo feliz y asfixiante que ataca pasivamente a la dignidad del ser humano, emergen los más estremecedores augurios de nuestro futuro. «Una historia kafkiana y orwelliana sobre la autoridad y la manipulación colectiva, una parábola de nuestras sociedades expuestas a la mirada y al juicio de todos. Sin caer en moralismos, a través de una voz humilde y reflexiva con inesperados golpes de humor, el autor construye una fábula luminosa sobre el destierro, la pérdida, la paternidad y los afectos. La trama de", "Rendición", "sorprende a cada página hasta conducirnos a un final impactante que resuena en el lector tiempo después de cerrar el libro.».-", "Del Jurado del XX Premio Alfaguara de novela.", "Críticas:", "«A Loriga se le puede considerar el verdadero iniciador de una escritura que se aleja del realismo español, un monólogo mental en un paisaje desolado, como salido de un cuadro de Hopper, con unos protagonistas cuyo único núcleo social, generalmente roto, es el de la familia. Una escritura depurada, de breves párrafos, que no describe, sino que va, silenciosa como los neumáticos de un automóvil sobre una autopista.»J.A. Masoliver Ródenas,", "La Vanguardia", "«Ray Loriga es un fascinante cruce entre Marguerite Duras y Jim Thompson.»-Pedro Almodóvar «La voz de una nueva generación.»-", "The Daily Telegraph", "«Ray Loriga es un escritor de culto emergente que destila genio en cada página.» Scotland on", "Sunday", "«Loriga se ha unido al selecto grupo de escritores que -como Houellebecq y Murakami- están redefiniendo la ficción del siglo XXI.»-Wayne Burrows,", "The Big Issue", "ENGLISH DESCRIPTION", "Ray Loriga, winner of the 2017 Alfaguara Novel Prize for Rendición / Surrender", "The jury has recognized \"a Kafkaesque, Orwellian story about authority and collective manipulation, a parable of our societies that are exposed to the sight and judgment of all. Without falling into idealism, and through a humble, thoughtful voice with unexpected bursts of humor, the author constructs a luminous fable about exile, loss, parenthood, and affection. The plot of Rendición (Surrender) surprises us on every page until leading us to a stunning ending that resonates in the reader well after having put the book down.\" It has been ten long years since war broke out, and the couple still doesn’t know the whereabouts of their children, or if their country was the aggressor or the victim. Whatever the origin of the dispute, he, a farm laborer, and she, his former employer, continue to love each other and their days pass simply and routinely. One day, a mute boy enters their property. At first they lock him up like a prisoner, but they end up becoming fond of him, and when the authorities announce that the area needs to be evacuated and they must set out for the transparent city, the three go together. In that moment, the boy is baptized as Julio. The gates of the metropolis display a clear warning: in the air swing the lifeless bodies of traitors. Inside, the transparent city is almost a paradise that provides its inhabitants with everything one could want in a home: harmony, neatness, and protection. Strict order, authoritarian calm, and absolute transparency reign supreme: neither secrets nor walls are permitted. In a society in which everything private is public domain, in a happy and suffocating world that passively attacks the dignity of human beings, emerge the most chilling portents of our future.", "Critics have said", "… \"Loriga can be considered the true originator of writing that moves away from Spanish realism, a mental monologue in a desolate landscape, as if taken from a Hopper painting, with protagonists whose only social nucleus, generally broken, is that of family. Refined writing, of short paragraphs, that doesn’t describe but rather goes, silently, like the tires of a car on a highway.\" –J. A. MASOLIVER RÓDENAS,", "La Vanguardia", "\"Ray Loriga is a fascinating cross between Marguerite Duras and Jim Thompson.\" –", "PEDRO ALMODÓVAR", "\"The voice of a new generation.\" –", "The Daily Telegraph", "\"Ray Loriga is an emerging cult writer who distills genius into every page.\" –", "Scotland on Sunday", "\"Loriga is the rock star of European literature.\" –", "The New York Times" ]
[ "About the Author", "Ray Loriga", "(Madrid, 1967), novelista, guionista y director de cine, es autor de las novelas", "Lo peor de todo", "(1992),", "Héroes", "(1993),", "Caídos del cielo", "(1995),", "Tokio ya no nos quiere", "(1999),", "Trífero", "(2000 y 2014),", "El hombre que inventó Manhattan", "(2004),", "Ya sólo habla de amor", "(2008),", "Sombrero y Mississippi", "(2010),", "El bebedor de lágrimas", "(2011) y", "Za Za, emperador de Ibiza", "(2014), y de los libros de relatos", "Días extraños", "(1994),", "Días aún más extraños", "(2007) y", "Los oficiales y El destino de Cordelia", "(2009). Su obra literaria, traducida a catorce idiomas, es una de las mejor valoradas por la crítica nacional e internacional. Como guionista de cine ha colaborado, entre otros, con Pedro Almodóvar y Carlos Saura. Ha dirigido las películas", "La pistola de mi hermano", ", adaptación de su novela", "Caídos del cielo", ", y", "Teresa, el cuerpo de Cristo", ". Ha colaborado en publicaciones como", "Ajoblanco, El Europeo", "y", "El País", "." ]
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Spanish Edition Ray Loriga (Author)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction" ]
{"Publisher": "Alfaguara (June 27, 2017)", "Language": "Spanish", "Paperback": "216 pages", "ISBN 10": "1945540354", "ISBN 13": "978-1945540356", "Item Weight": "8.6 ounces", "Dimensions": "6.04 x 0.59 x 8.96 inches"}
Paperback – June 27, 2017
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Ray Loriga', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Learning To Knit (Quick Study Home)
[ "Illustrated, step-by-step guide to knitting, with detailed descriptions of each step." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Inc. BarCharts (Author)
[ "Books", "Crafts, Hobbies & Home", "Crafts & Hobbies" ]
{"Publisher": "QuickStudy; Lam Crds edition (October 27, 2004)", "Language": "English", "Pamphlet": "6 pages", "ISBN 10": "1572228555", "ISBN 13": "978-1572228559", "Item Weight": "2.26 ounces", "Dimensions": "8.5 x 11 x 0.06 inches"}
Pamphlet – October 27, 2004
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Inc. BarCharts', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Lorie Line - The Traditions of Christmas: A Holiday Book
[ "(Piano Solo Personality). Lorie Line is legendary for her spectacular Christmas shows. This terrific matching folio features 14 songs from her 2006 CD and holiday tour. The solo arrangements range in difficulty, so beginning through advanced piano players can enjoy this book. Includes such favorites as: Carol of the Bells * The First Noel * Jingle Bells * Joy to the World * O Holy Night * Winter * and more, as well as fantastic full-color photos of Lorie throughout." ]
{ "hi_res": [ null ], "large": [ ",204,203,200_.jpg" ], "thumb": [ null ], "variant": [ "MAIN" ] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Lorie Line (Artist)
[ "Books", "Arts & Photography", "Music" ]
{"Publisher": "Hal Leonard (November 1, 2006)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "116 pages", "ISBN 10": "1891195182", "ISBN 13": "978-1891195181", "Item Weight": "1.15 pounds", "Dimensions": "9 x 0.4 x 12 inches"}
Paperback – November 1, 2006
Select Crostic Puzzles Volume 2: 50 more acclaimed favorites of diehard crostic fans from the archives of Sue Gleason's doublecrostic website
[ "A second collection of 50 double crostic puzzles all written by master constructor Mel Taub. Double crostics are a type of variety crossword puzzle based on a quote, so in addition to the pleasure of solving the puzzle, you get a literary experience; a passage which, we hope, will delight you with its beauty, humor, or resounding truth. The puzzles have been selected as favorites by the members of Sue Gleason's doublecrostic website. We have arranged them in order of ascending difficulty." ]
[ "About the Author", "My Puzzle Life by Mel Taub I started constructing Double Crostics in 1951, while a Brooklyn College junior. Unlike today, there was something of a demand; many of the myriad puzzle magazines then published were using them. Late in 1954, after military service, I tried my hand at a N.Y. Times crossword which was rejected because of too much 3&4 letter crosswordese. My third attempt was successful and I became a regular Times contributor. Puns and Anagrams Crosswords were then a monthly feature in the Sunday Magazine. Margaret Farrar, the editor, accepted the first one I tried, editing about 80% of the definitions. This was in May 1955. I kept them coming and, gradually, the editing diminished. Almost all P&A contributors either stopped doing them or passed away and I wound up doing the vast majority of them, starting in the 1960s. As to Crostics, P&As were not in great demand. Dell published a handful when Nancy Schuster was an editor. Other Dell editors didn't go for the idea. Also, many years ago, probably in the 1960s or early 1970s, Elaine Balcombe, an editor for Quinn Publications, who put out a bunch of puzzle books out of Kingston, NY, asked for something devilish that would fit on the inside back cover. I sent her some smallish PAs and she went for them. Probably a dozen or so got printed while she was editor. In October 2003, I saw an entry on the Cruciverb Network about an interesting crostic on \"Sue Gleason's Website\" and I got in touch. Since Sue was willing to look, I decided to send her some of the stuff I had on hand, for which there is practically no market nowadays. The more I looked in my files the more I found and sent. The greatest output of P&A crostics has been on this website." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Mel Taub (Author), Sue Gleason (Editor)
[ "Books", "Humor & Entertainment", "Puzzles & Games" ]
{"Publisher": " (October 21, 2017)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "70 pages", "ISBN 10": "0998903442", "ISBN 13": "978-0998903446", "Item Weight": "6.6 ounces", "Dimensions": "8.5 x 0.16 x 11 inches"}
Paperback – October 21, 2017
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Mel Taub', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Moon Acadia National Park (Moon Handbooks)
[ "Few places offer such diversity as Acadia National Park. You can discover the coast's countless islands, each one distinct from the other, watch the sun set from atop Blue Mountain, stroll through the charming village of Castine, stretch out on the beach at Lamoine State Park, or hang out on the fisherman's wharves in Stonington or Corea.Expert travel writer Hilary Nangle helps you have a truly personal experience in this beautiful region. Suggested travel strategies and lists of must-see sights provide you with the real insights so you can decide where you should go, stay, and eat—without hassles or regrets. Hilary details where to hike, paddle, bike, climb, ski, snowshoe, and picnic. Complete with maps, photographs, illustrations, and special emphasis on leading destinations such as Mount Desert Island, Schoodic Peninsula, Isle au Haut, Donnell Pond Public Reserved Lands, the Maine Coastal Islands National Wildlife Refuge at Petit Manan, and outlying towns." ]
[ "About the Author", "Hilary Nangle has worked as an editor for the North American Pro Ski tour, managing editor for a food trade publication, and features editor for a daily newspaper. Presently, she is a freelance writer/editor. She edits the state's tourism magazine,", "Maine Invites You;", "has contributed to numerous magazines, newspapers, and dozens of guidebooks; and is a travel expert for a local television show. In 2003, she won a Harold Hirsch award for magazine writing.Hilary grew up in Greater Portland, but she's been migrating up the coast ever since, and now calls the Mid-Coast home. She lives with her husband, photographer Tom Nangle, and an oversized dog, Zack, both of whom share her passions for coastal walks and Maine-made ice cream." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Hilary Nangle (Author)
[ "Books", "Travel", "United States" ]
{"Publisher": "Moon Travel; 2nd edition (April 24, 2006)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "256 pages", "ISBN 10": "1566919258", "ISBN 13": "978-1566919258", "Item Weight": "13.6 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.5 x 0.5 x 7.5 inches"}
Paperback – April 24, 2006
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Kathleen M. Brandes', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Plum Pudding for Christmas
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Virginia Kahl (Author)
{"Publisher": "Charles Scribner's Sons; \"a\" First Edition (January 1, 1956)", "Item Weight": "15.2 ounces"}
Hardcover – January 1, 1956
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Virginia Kahl', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Scotbom: Evidence And The Lockerbie Investigation
[ "Book by Richard A. Marquise" ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Richard A. Marquise (Author)
[ "Books", "Politics & Social Sciences", "Politics & Government" ]
{"Publisher": "Algora Publishing (November 2, 2006)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "268 pages", "ISBN 10": "087586449X", "ISBN 13": "978-0875864495", "Item Weight": "14 ounces", "Dimensions": "6 x 0.61 x 9 inches"}
Paperback – November 2, 2006
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Richard Marquise', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Lock and Load: Armed Fiction
[ "Nothing says America louder than a gun. As the short stories assembled here demonstrate, firearms loom as large in our imaginations as in the news. In this unforgettable anthology, the common theme, and the essential object, is the gun.", "These striking stories, from such famous authors as Annie Proulx, Bonnie Jo Campbell, and John Edgar Wideman, plus a talented group of newcomers, range widely--from tender to violent, from chilling to hilarious. Tales of love, war, coming of age, and revenge, they occur in landscapes familiar or ordinary, distant or dystopian, and reflect Americans' particular obsession with, and paranoia about, guns. This masterful and thought-provoking collection moves beyond the polarized rhetoric surrounding firearms to spark genuine discussion." ]
[ "Review", "\"Complex depictions of the aloneness of the ´rugged individual' with a destructive weapon at hand.\"--Kevin McIlvoy, author of", "The Complete History of New Mexico: Stories", "\"Our finest writers parse out the nuances of this complicated and divisive issue in a way that only great literature can.\"--Sheryl Monks, author of", "Monsters in Appalachia: Stories?", "\"This is a powerful, challenging, and often exquisite response to our lethally dangerous gun culture. These stories reveal our complicated relationship to weapons, and offer chilling evidence of the way violence affects our contemporary consciousness.\"--Roxana Robinson, author of", "Sparta: A Novel", "\"An unflinching look at a hard subject. America is the land of the armed. The impressive chorus of voices here proves the pen is mightier than the gun.\"--Jason Ockert, author of", "Wasp Box", "\"A brilliant anthology. Every story--sad, sweet, hilarious, thoughtful, or satirical--turns up a gun. Clearly, a loaded gun is inspirational.\"--Kelly Cherry, author of", "Temporium: Before the Beginning to After the End", "\"", "Lock and Load", "offers everything we want from our fiction: emotional insight, quality storytelling, distinctive prose. Not to mention it's a real shoot-'em-up of a read!\"--David Philip Mullins, author of", "Greetings from Below", "\"Though we're talking about cowboys, Portuguese gang members, returned veterans, and abandoned women, one more character's always on the page: the gun.\"--Cully Perlman, author of", "The Losses: A Novel", "\"Trigger warning: in these spectacular stories many guns will go off. Chekhov, I'm certain, would approve.\"--Daniel Mueller, author of", "How Animals Mate: Short Stories", "From the Author", "Lock & Load: Armed Fiction", "is the only book in America helping us talk about guns. An anthology of great American stories with guns in them,", "Lock & Load", "features gripping, masterful work from such distinguished writers as Annie Proulx, Bonnie Jo Campbell, John Edgar Wideman, Rick DeMarinis, Pinckney Benedict, and Jim Tomlinson, as well as a host of new voices.", "Lock & Load", "is groundbreaking. Other anthologies in which guns appear have been about war or hunting. In those stories, usually written by men, often dead men, men mostly fire the guns. More than half the stories in", "Lock & Load", "are by women--not because the two women writers who edited it had a quota, but because they sought, and found, the best stories.", "Lock & Load", "'s wonderful stories, and their deeply American, deeply meaningful subject, have received a warm welcome from diverse audiences of engaged, thoughtful readers across the country, gun-owners and non-owners alike.", "Lock & Load", "'s national tour--north to south, from New York to Tampa, east to west, from Asheville to Lexington, Kentucky, to Youngstown, Ohio, and onward from Chicago to Missoula, has revealed readers who, like most Americans, have experience with firearms.", "Lock & Load", "'s stories sparked their own stories, and fostered eager, reasonable discussions about guns.  Whether as objects, tools, symbols, or metaphors, America has domesticated firearms. They pervade our history, our language, and our popular culture, yet we rarely notice or discuss them until a tragedy occurs. Although the free and respectful discussion of matters on which we disagree remains America's greatest strength, today's highly politicized climate has made such discussion feel more difficult. Today, too, as always, literature gives us the words we need. Stories give us ways.", "Lock & Load", "'s larger purpose is to encourage that interchange, which is why we've also visited book clubs, classrooms, community groups, and arts organizations--and we're willing to visit more. The stories, arresting, superb works of art, take readers into nineteen beautiful, strange, and sometimes troubling worlds. There, in silence and solitude, readers encounter their own ideas and attitudes about guns.", "About the Author", "Deirdra McAfee", "is a fiction writer and editor living in Richmond, Virginia.", "BettyJoyce Nash", "is a fiction writer and journalist living in Charlottesville, Virginia.", "Read more" ]
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Deirdra McAfee (Editor), BettyJoyce Nash (Editor)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "Short Stories & Anthologies" ]
{"Publisher": "University of New Mexico Press (October 1, 2017)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "264 pages", "ISBN 10": "9780826359087", "ISBN 13": "978-0826359087", "Item Weight": "13.4 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.9 x 0.7 x 8.8 inches"}
Paperback – October 1, 2017
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'BettyJoyce Nash', 'about': ['A native of South Carolina, BettyJoyce Nash writes short stories, novels, and journalism. Her writing appears in literary journals such as North Dakota Quarterly and Across the Margin as well as newspapers and magazines, including the Christian Science Monitor. Her essays have aired on the NPR affiliate, WVTF. Her work has been recognized with fellowships from MacDowell, The Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, The Tyrone Guthrie Center in Ireland, and The Ragdale Foundation, among others.', "She earned an MS in journalism from Northwestern University and an MFA in fiction from Queens University of Charlotte; she's taught writing at the University of Richmond and in jail. She currently teaches at WriterHouse in Charlottesville, VA. Her first novel is forthcoming from Madville Publishing, Spring 2023."]}
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The Holiday Spirit(s) of Lottawatah (Brianna Sullivan Mysteries Book 3)
[ "The third volume of the Brianna Sullivan Mysteries finds psychic Brianna still in over her head in Lottawatah, Oklahoma and maybe head over heels with the town's deputy.'Tis the season to be jolly and the ghosts of Lottawatah are determined to horn in on the holiday revelry. In \"Giving Thanks in Lottawatah,\" Brianna Sullivan must find an engagement ring that has been missing for 35 years, deal with the mother of her boyfriend who is holding a grudge because Brianna almost killed her with crab dip, and wrangle family ghosts to give up old secrets and enjoy the holiday. For a story to die for and some laughs that will leave you gasping for breath, check out \"Giving Thanks in Lottawatah.\"There won't be much to celebrate at Christmas for 14-year-old Tim Cramer unless Brianna can find the killer who framed his father for murder. Her best witness? The dead man himself. But getting a ghost to spit out the information she needs is never easy. Instead, Brianna must use old-fashioned detective skills to find the real killer and bring holiday joy to Tim and his family. For a heartwarming, but mysterious holiday story, with Brianna's signature humor, enjoy \"Bah Humbug in Lottawatah.\"" ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Evelyn David (Author) Format: Kindle Edition
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "Genre Fiction" ]
{"Publisher": "Trace Evidence Press (November 4, 2010)", "Publication date": "November 4, 2010", "Language": "English", "File size": "364 KB", "Simultaneous device usage": "Unlimited", "Text to Speech": "Enabled", "Screen Reader": "Supported", "Enhanced typesetting": "Enabled", "X Ray": "Not Enabled", "Word Wise": "Enabled", "Sticky notes": "On Kindle Scribe", "Print length": "50 pages"}
Kindle Edition
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Evelyn David', 'about': ['Evelyn David is the pseudonym for Marian Edelman Borden and Rhonda Dossett. Marian lives in New York and is the author of ten nonfiction books on a wide variety of topics ranging from veterans benefits to playgroups for toddlers! Rhonda lives in Oklahoma, is the coal program director for the state, and in her spare time enjoys imagining and writing funny, scary mysteries. Marian and Rhonda write their mystery series via the internet. While many fans who attend mystery conventions have now chatted with both halves of Evelyn David, Marian and Rhonda have yet to meet in person.']}
Kaplan Nursing School Entrance Exam 2022-2023 Study Guide: 4 Full-Length Practice Tests and Prep Book [3rd Edition]
[ "Test Prep Books' Kaplan Nursing School Entrance Exam 2022-2023 Study Guide: 4 Full-Length Practice Tests and Prep Book [3rd Edition]", "Made by Test Prep Books experts for test takers trying to achieve a great score on the Kaplan Nursing exam", "This", "comprehensive study guide", "includes:", "Quick Overview Find out what's inside this guide!", "Quick Overview", "Find out what's inside this guide!", "Test-Taking Strategies Learn the best tips to help overcome your exam!", "Test-Taking Strategies", "Learn the best tips to help overcome your exam!", "Introduction Get a thorough breakdown of what the test is and what's on it!", "Introduction", "Get a thorough breakdown of what the test is and what's on it!", "Reading Comprehension", "Reading Comprehension", "Writing", "Writing", "Mathematics", "Mathematics", "Practice Test #1", "Practice Test #1", "Answer Explanations #1", "Answer Explanations #1", "Practice Test #2", "Practice Test #2", "Answer Explanations #2", "Answer Explanations #2", "Practice Test #3", "Practice Test #3", "Answer Explanations #3", "Answer Explanations #3", "Practice Test #4", "Practice Test #4", "Answer Explanations #4", "Answer Explanations #4", "Studying can be hard. We get it. That's why we created this guide with these great features and benefits", "Comprehensive Review: Each section of the test has a comprehensive review created by Test Prep Books that goes into detail to cover all of the content likely to appear on the test.", "Comprehensive Review:", "Each section of the test has a comprehensive review created by Test Prep Books that goes into detail to cover all of the content likely to appear on the test.", "Kaplan Nursing Entrance Exam Practice Test Questions: We want to give you the best practice you can find. That's why the Test Prep Books practice questions are as close as you can get to the actual test.", "Kaplan Nursing Entrance Exam Practice Test Questions:", "We want to give you the best practice you can find. That's why the Test Prep Books practice questions are as close as you can get to the actual test.", "Answer Explanations: Every single problem is followed by an answer explanation. We know it's frustrating to miss a question and not understand why. The answer explanations will help you learn from your mistakes. That way, you can avoid missing it again in the future.", "Answer Explanations:", "Every single problem is followed by an answer explanation. We know it's frustrating to miss a question and not understand why. The answer explanations will help you learn from your mistakes. That way, you can avoid missing it again in the future.", "Test-Taking Strategies: A test taker has to understand the material that is being covered and be familiar with the latest test taking strategies. These strategies are necessary to properly use the time provided. They also help test takers complete the test without making any errors. Test Prep Books has provided the top test-taking tips.", "Test-Taking Strategies:", "A test taker has to understand the material that is being covered and be familiar with the latest test taking strategies. These strategies are necessary to properly use the time provided. They also help test takers complete the test without making any errors. Test Prep Books has provided the top test-taking tips.", "Customer Service: We love taking care of our test takers. We make sure that you interact with a real human being when you email your comments or concerns.", "Customer Service:", "We love taking care of our test takers. We make sure that you interact with a real human being when you email your comments or concerns.", "Anyone planning to take this exam should take advantage of this", "Test Prep Books study guide", ". Purchase it today to receive access to:", "Kaplan Nursing review materials", "Kaplan Nursing review materials", "Kaplan Nursing entrance exam practice test questions", "Kaplan Nursing entrance exam practice test questions", "Test-taking strategies", "Test-taking strategies" ]
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Joshua Rueda (Author)
[ "Books", "New, Used & Rental Textbooks", "Medicine & Health Sciences" ]
{"Publisher": "Test Prep Books (May 30, 2022)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "282 pages", "ISBN 10": "163775423X", "ISBN 13": "978-1637754238", "Item Weight": "1.46 pounds", "Dimensions": "8.5 x 0.59 x 11 inches"}
Buy a Kindle
Ghostly Liaison: A Contemporary Supernatural Romance (Ghostly Encounters Book 1)
[ "Bridget has scars. Rob wants a chance. And a ghost does her best to bring them together, unless she gets them killed...", "When Rob’s sister passed away, she left him her dog and her house. He can handle the dog part, but he doesn’t need another home. Especially a fixer-upper the neighbor swears is haunted. Then he meets Bridget…Bridget is working on getting her life back together after a car accident left her scarred in more ways than one. She can’t pass up Rob’s offer of free lodging, regardless of the shape it’s in. Or the roommate that’s part of the package. She’s never believed in ghosts, but now she’s living with one…Charlie is ecstatic. Not only can Bridget help find her killer, she’s perfect for her brother, Rob. But can Bridget get the proof Charlie needs without becoming the next target?If you like adorable characters, a playful dog, and a story with twists and turns, you’ll love this heart-pounding romance. Buy Ghostly Liaison, the first book in the Ghostly Encounters series, and warm up your heart today." ]
[ "About the Author", "Stacy McKitrick fell in love with paranormal romance, decided to write her own and found her passion in life. She used to work in accounting, now she spends her time with vampires and ghosts. Born in California, she currently resides in Ohio with her husband. They have two grown children. You can find more about her on her website at", "--This text refers to the", "paperback", "edition." ]
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Stacy McKitrick (Author) Format: Kindle Edition
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "Genre Fiction" ]
{"Publisher": "Mythical Press; 2nd edition (September 26, 2017)", "Publication date": "September 26, 2017", "Language": "English", "File size": "1294 KB", "Simultaneous device usage": "Unlimited", "Text to Speech": "Enabled", "Screen Reader": "Supported", "Enhanced typesetting": "Enabled", "X Ray": "Not Enabled", "Word Wise": "Enabled", "Sticky notes": "On Kindle Scribe", "Print length": "307 pages"}
Kindle Edition
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Stacy McKitrick', 'about': ["Stacy McKitrick fell in love with paranormal romance, decided to write her own, and found her passion in life. She used to work in accounting, now she spends her time with vampires and ghosts. Born and raised in California, she currently resides in Ohio with her husband. They have two grown children. Learn more on her website: And if you'd like to be updated about new releases or read exclusive excerpts, sign up for her newsletter at"]}
Shared Hope: Inspiration for a Woman's Soul (Place to Belong)
[ "Looking for “a place to belong”? Find it in God’s love!", "Shared Hope", "provides 90 devotional readings from female writers, guaranteed to provide a spiritual boost.", "This brand-new compilation focuses on the true Source of Hope and all the good things He provides. Entries from writers past and present, provide encouragement to see hope in all areas of daily life, jobs, friendships, and family.  With well-known contributors like Sheila Walsh, Beth Moore, Corrie ten Boom, Hannah Whitall Smith, and Frances Ridley Havergal,", "Shared Hope", "also includes heartfelt entries from women of the Circle of Friends Ministry based in Ohio’s Amish country." ]
[ "Review", "Shared Hope is a beautiful gift from Circle of Friends Ministries.  It is a  collection of verses from the bible that are editorialized by a variety of contributors and put together in a lovely, colorful flexibound book that will make a precious gift for any occasion. (MaryAnn Timko", "My Book Chatter", "2011-01-03) With 90 pages, it isn’t a daily devotional. It’s a three-month devotional. I read it quickly to review, but each morning I plan to read one message again, to start my day. These messages will give each morning a lift before I get into the hard work of living.  You will recognize some of the names here, such as Beth Moore and Corrie Ten Boom. Others you won’t know.  The style and quality of the message differs with each writer, though every lesson has value. Two or three were too intellectual...Others told of incidents from the writer’s life. In a few cases, the writer used a story of personal pain or joy. Some passed the ultimate test. They made me cry with tears of recognition or sympathy.  This pleasant book is worth reading or giving to a friend as a gift. (Pat Kirk 2011-02-26)I recommend this collection of devotions and inspirational prose to any woman who is in need of comfort from present or past hurts. As always, the stories Circle of Friends collect are down to earth and refreshing to us as women.I look forward to more like this from Circle of Friends. Perfect as a gift for a friend, their books never fail to comfort and refresh the spirit. (Darlene Messenger", "A Lit Up Life", "2011-04-02)", "Book Description", "Every woman needs “a place to belong”—and that’s the underlying theme of", "Shared Hope,", "a new devotional compilation focusing on the true Source of hope and all the good things He provides. These 90 readings, from female Christian writers past and present, provide encouragement to see hope in all areas of daily life, jobs, friendships, and family." ]
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Circle of Friends Ministries (Author)
[ "Books", "Christian Books & Bibles", "Christian Living" ]
{"Publisher": "Barbour Books; Gift edition (February 1, 2011)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "224 pages", "ISBN 10": "161626201X", "ISBN 13": "978-1616262013", "Item Weight": "9.6 ounces", "Dimensions": "4.25 x 0.75 x 6 inches"}
Paperback – February 1, 2011
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Circle of Friends Ministries', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}