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Mad Kestrel
[ "Quartermaster of an infamous pirate ship, feisty Kestrel loves the freedom of living on the seas. But her way of life could end if anyone on board learns her closely guarded secret—that she has magical control over the wind.One day a black ship appears, and her life changes. Its captain is a handsome rogue of whom Kestrel is strangely, constantly aware. When Kestrel’s captain is led into a trap and arrested by royal agents, he’s whisked away to face trial before the king. With the handsome stranger following her every move, Kestrel gathers her determined crew and sets sail in relentless pursuit." ]
[ "Review", "“A swashbuckling tale of adventure on the high seas.”", "--Romantic Times BOOKreviews", "“Swashbuckling magical adventure with a heroine who could hold her own with Captain Blood, the Sea Hawk, or Captain Jack Sparrow.”", "--Fantasy Magazine", "“This rollicking debut combines swashbuckling sea adventure, fantasy and romance with great success.”", "--Publishers Weekly", "“Kestrel’s a strong character, and it’s fun watching her learn to deal with the magic she’s denied for so long….a strong first novel full of flash and colorful adventure.”", "--Locus", "“Massey's first novel combines a young woman's coming-of-age tale with a swashbuckling pirate adventure that moves at a swift pace and sets the stage for future outings with its feisty, resourceful heroine. A good choice for fans of fantasy adventure in general and pirate tales in particular.”", "--Library Journal", "“Massey debuts with a colorful romp through strange lands and stranger seas. . . . This Errol Flynn–ish swashbuckler features loads of action and larger-than-life characters, plausibly grounded in the realities of life at sea. A real page-turner, and a successor is in the works.”", "--Booklist", "“Fast-paced, stylish, and romantic, this is a pirate novel with a difference: intriguing magic. Kestrel is a heroine to root for, who really comes alive; long may she sail!”--Ed Greenwood", "About the Author", "Misty Massey lives in South Carolina.", "Mad Kestrel", "is her first novel.", "Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.", "Mad KestrelCHAPTER", "One", "And now the storm blast came, and he", "Was tyrannous and strong;", "He struck with his o'ertaking wings", "And chas'd us south along.", "--SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE  Cold waves splashed across the railings, nearly knocking Kestrel over. She gripped the wet wood tighter, squinting into the rain-whipped darkness. Lightning split the sky, and Kestrel began counting under her breath.", "One ... two ... three ... four ...", "Thunder rumbled suddenly, loud and gut-shaking, but one second farther away than it had been moments ago. She breathed out in relief. Whether they were outrunning the storm or it them, they were finally on the safe side.The storm had been a killer, whirling out of the night like some giant beast and taking the crew of the pirate sloop", "Wolfshead", "completely by surprise. If they'd only changed course, they might have been able to skirt its edges, but the captain was insistent. Changing course would put them an extra day away from their destination, and he refused to consider any delay.They trimmed the sails and battened down to ride out the fury. Sheer luck that they'd lost none of the men over the side. As soon as the weather began to ease, she relieved as many as she could afford to. Some of them had tucked themselves into their hammocks for the night, the rest were belowdecks cleaning up and resecuring crates and barrels that had shaken loose.\"Kestrel! Get up here!\"The captain's bellow was a beacon through the pounding rain and roaring wind. Kestrel moved cautiously across the main deck tothe bow, grabbing lines as she went to steady herself. She'd kicked her boots off below long before the rain started. Her toes had gone numb, so she stepped carefully across the slick deck. The worst of the weather was over, but the sloop was still a bucking horse in the wild seas the storm had churned up.\"Kestrel! Damn your eyes, where've you got to?\" Captain Artemus Binns was holding the wheel with both hands, his big arms straining to keep it steady. He shook his head, flinging rain-soaked strands of his gray hair out of his face, and caught sight of his quartermaster. \"Nice to see you, lass,\" he yelled. \"For a time there, she was fightin' me so hard I almost thought she wanted to go to the deeps.\"\"Need me to spell you for a while?\" She reached for the wheel, but he didn't let go.\"Storm's easin' up; I can handle her fine. Unless you think you can whistle me up a prevailin' current?\"Kestrel glanced around, but no one was close enough to have overheard. \"Artie!\" she scolded.He laughed. \"Just toyin' with you, my girl. I thought I saw somethin'. Be my eyes,\" he said, turning his chin toward the long brass scope tucked under his left arm.Kestrel took the scope, slipped behind him, and braced herself against his broad back. \"Where am I looking?\"\"To starboard.\"\"And I should see what?\"\"Another ship.\"\"Is she foundering?\"\"Nay, I think not. I'm not in the business of rescuin' anyway.\" He grinned. \"Tell me whose colors she's raised, if any.\"\"Aye, Captain.\" Pushing her black braids away from her face, she raised the scope to her eye and peered into the distance. The", "Wolfshead", "was still rocking hard up and down, her timbers groaning in an eerie music Kestrel knew well. Rain had smeared the telescope lens, but neither that nor the rolling seas disguised what she saw.A huge three-master, painted black and red with vast red sails,matched their course. She cut the choppy water smoothly, looking for all the world like a queen making her entrance. The flag fluttering heavily from atop the ship was a red field with a black flaming eye.\"Damn, Artie, she's sporting twenty gunports on this side alone. Fancy painted or no, she's a powerful beast.\"\"Can you see her crew?\"\"Aye. Fellow on the quarterdeck appears to think he's in charge.\"He was tall, his honey-gold hair flying loose in the breeze, mimicking the flap of the dark cloak that hung from his broad shoulders. His legs were wrapped in boots that came halfway up his thighs, and a glint of steel winked from his hip. One foot was propped on the railing. He stared into the distance, looking like a posed painting.Suddenly he turned his face in her direction. Very handsome, as far as she could tell from the distance, with a devilish cast to his smile. Stepping down from the railing, he crossed his arms and squared his chest, staring at her so intently that she grew uncomfortable. It was as if he could see her, out here in the dark, without a glass to aid him. Cocking one hand rakishly on his hip, he raised the other in front of him, making a \"come here\" waggle with his finger. Kestrel's eyes widened. Slowly she dropped the glass to her side.\"Well? Whose colors is she flyin'?\"Kestrel swallowed. \"No colors I've seen before, Artie. I'd have called her a merchant ship, except she's armed to the teeth. If she's a warship, she doesn't belong to any navy I've heard of. And that captain of hers turns my stomach.\"\"The captain?\" he asked. \"What's wrong with him?\"Without the glass, the ship was a shadowy bulk in the water, the people aboard only moving shapes with no way to distinguish them. So why did she still feel that bold stare, like an unwelcome touch on her skin? She could think of only one reason the other vessel's captain could see her so well without a spyglass. Or stayed so dry.She didn't fear much of anything, but magic, and the men who practiced it, made her skin crawl. Popular rumor insisted the maginever set foot off land, one of her prime reasons for choosing a life on the water. But rumor had been proven wrong before.\"Take the wheel,\" Binns ordered, before she could phrase an answer. She did as he said, handing him the scope. He raised it to his face and whistled appreciatively. \"Damn fine ship, that.\"\"Could he be someone who's just come to the seas?\" she grunted, the wheel pulling against her grip.\"Mayhap. That's a lot of money to spend on a ship. If he's not a merchant, and not a warrior, there's only one other kind of sailor I know. Men with cash enough to afford a vessel like that usually don't go on the account.\" He chuckled. \"I wish you could see this, Kes. He's wavin' at me, as if we're friends passin' in the street!\"\"Passing is exactly what we ought to do.\"\"Yonder boy doesn't even know who he's facin'!\" Binns grinned suddenly, and Kestrel's heart dropped. She knew that look in his eye too well.\"Captain, with the weather like it is ...\" she began, but he interrupted her.\"Could be entertainin' to show this amateur a thing or two.\" He quirked an eyebrow at her. \"Don't you think?\"Kestrel groaned. Binns was a fine captain, kinder and fairer than most in the Nine Islands, but his greed was a source of infinite frustration. He'd been on the verge of losing the", "Wolfshead", "when she met him. Serving under Binns was a far better life than she could ever have hoped for back on Eldraga, and he'd kept her secret even in times when it could have benefited him to reveal it. But it was moments like this when she wondered if she shouldn't have stayed ashore.\"We're not in any condition to take a ship, least of all that one. Look at her--she's got forty guns at least!\"He turned to her with a wounded look. \"I don't intend to take her. I figure on playin' with her a bit. Just a warnin' shot, across her bow. To watch the jackanapes dance.\"\"And what if he's not some fop?\" Kestrel snapped. \"What if he decides to blow us out of the seas?\"\"His ship's a monster, Kes, I'll grant you that. But it's too big. Even tore up like we are, we can still outrun him easy. Besides\"--he raised the glass again and licked his lips--\"I'm the captain and it's an order. Pass it down.\"No way around it. Binns would listen to her opinions, just as he would any member of the crew who had one to voice. But once he gave an order, he expected it to be obeyed without further question. Argue the point too far, and she'd risk a public flogging. \"Aye, Captain.\"Returning control of the wheel to Binns, she crossed carefully to the midpoint of the deck and leaned over the hatch. \"Get Shadd up here, you lads!\" A moment later, a great blond bear of a man poked his head through, blinking at the stinging rain.\"Aye, Kes? What's the word?\"\"Roust your gunners, tell them the captain needs their ladies warm and willing.\"\"Aye, Quarter. Got a target in mind?\"She pointed in the direction of the three-master. The rain had abated enough for an easy view across the water, and Shadd frowned. \"We're firing on her? Is he out of his wits?\"\"No more than usual.\" She clapped him on one massive shoulder. \"It's an official order, so best get to it.\"\"Aye, Kes, that I will.\" He dropped back down the skinny ladder, roaring the order as he descended. Rising to her feet again, she returned to Binns's side.\"Ready when you are, Captain.\"He rubbed his hands eagerly. \"Relax, lass, this'll be a bit of sport, is all. Somethin' to boast about in the pub tomorrow.\" His eyes narrowed. \"Fire starboard guns.\"\"Fire starboard guns!\" Kestrel cried. The order was echoed down to the waiting gunners. Binns raised the telescope.With a heavy deck-shivering thump, the guns answered the command. Smoke belched from the gunports, sweeping over the deck in a wave of warmth. Kestrel drew a long breath, enjoying the smell of the spent powder.Binns was watching the big vessel intently. He barked a laugh, and turned to his quartermaster. \"Kestrel, lass, I think this is somethin' you'll want to see.\"\"Me?\" She took the offered telescope, and warily placed it to her eye.The three-master's gunports remained closed. The cloaked fellow had moved to the main deck, and was standing with both feet on the railing, only the length of line he held onto keeping him from tipping over into the black water below. He touched one hand to his lips, then with a gallant sweep of his arm, waved it her way.Blood rushed into Kestrel's cheeks. The nerve of him--blowing her a kiss as if she were some bar wench. She dropped the telescope. Binns was chuckling, careful not to look her in the face.\"You think that was funny?\" she snapped. He glanced toward her, and exploded into full-out laughter, bending over and slapping his thigh.\"He was ... pointin' toward you, lass ... wanted me to ... give you the scope ...\" he managed to force out between breaths. \"I wish you ... could have seen ... your face ...\"\"I'll show him where he can plant those lips,\" she muttered, raising the glass again. The warship's captain, wisely for him, had climbed down from the railing. As she watched, he strode across his deck toward his helmsman, waving his arms. The warship responded to the helmsman's turn of the wheel, steering off and away from the", "Wolfshead", ".The deck crew began cheering, some shouting insults at the retreating ship, others launching into random verses of drinking songs. Binns chuckled. \"See, Kes? Just a rich popinjay with more money than sense. You were worryin' about nothin'. One little howdy-do shot and he runs like a baby.\"Kestrel didn't say anything. Running he seemed to be, but that fellow hadn't acted like a coward. She couldn't believe he'd take Binns's insulting shot without an answering volley.\"Come on, girl, he's gone.\" Binns nudged her shoulder. \"Go below and get a cup of rum, warm your bones.\"She was about to drop the scope, and do as her captain suggested, when, to her horror, out of the rainy darkness, the warship reappeared. Bearing straight for them, a monstrous red juggernaut cutting through the water at top speed. Ramming speed. It was big enough to slice the", "Wolfshead", "completely in half and never even feel the impact.Kestrel leaped toward the railing, not waiting for Binns to give the order. They had mere seconds before the warship crushed them under its keel. \"Shadd!\" she screamed. \"Fire starboard guns!\"The giant man, head and shoulders out of the hatch, didn't repeat her order down the line. He was staring transfixed across the water.\"Fire guns!\" Kestrel swung herself over the railing and ran for the open hatchway. She grabbed Shadd's hair, yanked his head back, and let go. \"Damn your eyes, wake up, man!\"Shadd's head snapped forward, and he seemed to focus on her for the first time. \"What'd ye do that for?\"\"We're going to die!\"\"No, we're not. There ain't nothin' there.\" He pointed, and she turned to follow his shaking hand.Kestrel's eyes widened. She scanned the horizon, looking left and right. The big ship was gone, vanished into the stormy night as if it had never been there at all.Copyright © 2008 by Misty Massey", "Read more" ]
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Misty Massey (Author)
[ "Books", "Science Fiction & Fantasy", "Fantasy" ]
{"Publisher": "Tor Fantasy; Reprint edition (February 3, 2009)", "Language": "English", "Mass Market Paperback": "336 pages", "ISBN 10": "0765357682", "ISBN 13": "978-0765357687", "Lexile measure": "HL780L", "Item Weight": "5.4 ounces", "Dimensions": "4.25 x 0.9 x 6.67 inches"}
Mass Market Paperback – February 3, 2009
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Misty Massey', 'about': ['Misty Massey is the author of Mad Kestrel, a rollicking adventure of magic on the high seas,', "and Kestrel's Dance, the winner of the 2023 Palmetto Scribe Award for Best Novel . She is an acquisitions editor for LoreSeekers Press, and is currently accepting submissions. When she’s not writing, Misty plays Malibu,", 'the cheerful, sun-drenched cleric, on the Authors and Dragons podcast sister show, Calamity', 'Janes.']}
Audible Audiobooks
The Fifth Surgeon
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Faith Prize (Author), Abby Craden (Narrator), Tantor Audio (Publisher) & 0 more
[ "Books", "Romance", "Contemporary" ]
How To Take Good Notes: The science behind note-taking
[ "“Why would I need a book on how to take notes? Notes are just notes!” --", "FALSE", ".", "Scientists have found that note taking can be as mentally demanding as playing chess can be for an expert. While you take notes, you listen carefully to the lecturer, you process the new material, you organize it in your working memory, and you finally write down what you think is most important. All this happens while someone is talking at an average speed of three words per second and someone is writing down at an average speed of one-third of a word per second. It doesn’t sound easy now, does it?Notes are an important tool for learning. We don’t take notes just to record a few facts so we can review them later. Learning happens as we take notes. Taking notes the right way leads to good study practices, better performance on exams, and long-term retention of information.", "“Note taking comes naturally.” FALSE.", "Note taking is not obvious or intuitive. Research has shown that students fail to capture 40% of the main points in a typical lecture. First-year students capture only 11%. In some studies, even the best note takers seem to record less than 75% of the important information. People think they take good notes until they’re told they don’t. Few of us have consciously thought about how we take notes (let alone how to improve the quality of them). We often reproduce the lecturer’s phrases verbatim. We don’t save time by systematic use of abbreviations. We fail to become a “good psychologist” of our lecturer. We fail to pick up his enthusiasm. We fail to interpret the tone of his voice. We fail to read his body language. And the result is that we fail to take good notes.", "“Anyway, no one taught me how to take notes in school or in college.” TRUE.", "Educators believe that students are able to assess the quality of their notes and follow good practices. However, studies have shown the exact opposite. The fact that there isn’t a course in college dedicated to the art of taking notes (or learning in general) makes students believe that this is a natural skill that they can perfect with practice over the course of their studies.", "“At the end of the day, everyone has their own way to take notes.” TRUE.", "In this book, you may be surprised to learn that I don’t make any references to different types of note-taking systems like those that other books do. The reason is that it’s the practices behind the note taking that matter most. For example, you should not copy the lecturer’s phrases word for word, but generate the main points in your own words. And you should leave space on your notes for adding comments and testing yourself later. I encourage students to use the Cornell note-taking system because it utilizes most of the principles of effective note taking. No matter which note-taking system you decide to follow, the cognitive effort you will have to expend is equally high.Note taking may not be rocket science, but it’s definitely science—cognitive science. And cognitive science has produced a lot of useful insights that we can use now to take better notes.", "This book presents these insights in simple words, so you can make the most of your notes and use them to study effectively.The title of this book is How to take good notes. However, note taking is just one part of the picture. Note taking is much broader in the context of this book. We take notes so we can interact with them later. What matters most is what we do with our notes after we finish taking them.", "Notes can do so many good things for you. They hold all your learning efforts. Treat them well. Look after them." ]
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Angelos Georgakis (Author)
[ "Books", "Education & Teaching", "Studying & Workbooks" ]
{"Publisher": "CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (June 25, 2017)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "34 pages", "ISBN 10": "154823642X", "ISBN 13": "978-1548236427", "Item Weight": "2.88 ounces", "Dimensions": "6 x 0.09 x 9 inches"}
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Angelos Georgakis', 'about': ['Angelos Georgakis is a life and business coach.', 'He\'s said about his work: "I BE with my people and I LOVE them enough to BE anything I need to BE so that they may SEE."', 'He helps his clients build self-awareness and craft their dream career.', "He's delivered talks at the University of Oxford and companies such as Google.", 'You will find him on']}
Buy a Kindle
[ "Outstanding, beautiful Do-It-Yourself projects for Candle & Soap making that even kids can make..", "The journey of finding the right books on Candle & Soap Making can be really stressful and sometimes frustrating. I can say this because I was once there. About a few years ago, when I was to start out Candle & Soap Making, it felt like hell trying to get myself to make the perfect Candle & Soap Making.", "BOOK 1:", "The complete soap making recipes for beginners to the expert: Definitive step by step guide to making incredible homemade soap with a different fragrance.", "Mаnу реорlе thеѕе dауѕ аrе іntо uѕіng рrоduсtѕ that are nаturаl оr organic. Thе mоvе tоwаrdѕ uѕіng аnd еаtіng оnlу nаturаl рrоduсtѕ gаіnеd рорulаrіtу a fеw years аgо, аnd hаѕ bееn steadily іnсrеаѕіng іn рорulаrіtу еvеr ѕіnсе. Pеrhарѕ реорlе аrе drawn tо nаturаl рrоduсtѕ bесаuѕе thеу аrе bесоmіng mоrе аwаrе of whаt hаrm сhеmісаlѕ or ѕуnthеtіс рrоduсtѕ саn dо, оr mауbе thеу bеlіеvе thаt natural рrоduсtѕ аrе juѕt healthier аnd bеttеr.", "BOOK 2:", "Candle Making; going from Zero to Pro. A detailed step by step exposition on how to make candles.", "I can say with every fiber of my being that you just found the right book.", "These Bundle Books", "were created with you in mind. It is one of the most explicit books you will find. This is to allow for easy navigation through the book. Since the book meets everyone at their level of experience and expertise, it caters to beginners, people at the intermediate stage, and even professionals who need to check up one or two things. The book contains, which discusses the basics of the candle itself. It elaborates on the different types of candles, shapes, sizes, colors, fragrance, and many more.", "So, Ready!!", "OK, be calm, don't fret about it, you are not alone in this, I'll be by your side, and I promise to be as necessary", "for", "my expression as possible.", "OK, with that cleared, are you ready now? Yeah, I thought as much, alright, let's make some Candles & Soaps already.", "★ Buy the Paperback Version and Get the Kindle for FREE ★" ]
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EMMA WILLIAMS (Author) Format: Kindle Edition
[ "Books", "Crafts, Hobbies & Home", "Crafts & Hobbies" ]
Kindle Edition
The Inter-War Crisis 1919-1939 (2nd Edition)
[ "A new edition of this popular, concise introduction to the inter-war period.", "The author is a major name in this area, and a much-respected authority on the subject", "The author is a major name in this area, and a much-respected authority on the subject", "This is the only book that covers the inter-war period in this way", "This is the only book that covers the inter-war period in this way", "This book will be relevant to Modern Europe courses taught at most universities", "This book will be relevant to Modern Europe courses taught at most universities", "The previous edition sold very well", "The previous edition sold very well" ]
[ "From the Back Cover", "When the world around you is crumbling and the end of civilization seems near, where do you turn? At the end of the First World War this was the crisis facing millions in the Western world.", "In this second edition of his Seminar Studies volume, Richard Overy presents the history of a civilization scrambling to save itself from looming disaster which seemed as brutal and tragic as it was unavoidable.", "By 1918 an entire generation across Europe felt themselves poised at a", "crossroads: a choice between chaos and decline on the one hand or a whole new world political and economic order on the other. In this atmosphere of fear and uncertainty, entire populations strove to choose order over chaos by turning to the political extremes of fascism and communism. When explanation was required, blame was laid at the doors of enfeebled democracy, or communist subversion or Jewish plots.", "Despite the yearning for peace, war appeared inescapable - not simply a reaction to Hitler's rise to power, war was also seen by some as a welcome way out of a bankrupt and crisis-ridden age, a violent ending that would clear the stale air of the inter-war world.", "Areas covered include:", "A new chapter exploring the intellectual, scientific and cultural response to an age of anxiety and fear", "A new chapter exploring the intellectual, scientific and cultural response to an age of anxiety and fear", "The Russian Revolution and the Great Crash of 1929", "The Russian Revolution and the Great Crash of 1929", "How dictatorship came to replace democracy", "How dictatorship came to replace democracy", "The irresistible slide toward a second world war", "The irresistible slide toward a second world war", "Richard Overy", "is Professor of History at the University of Exeter. He has authored 17 books on the Third Reich, the Second World War and air warfare these include:", "The Air War 1939-1945 (2nd ed, 2006), Why the Allies Won (2nd ed, 2006)", "and", "The Dictators: Hitler’s Germany and Stalin’s Russia (2004)", "which won both the Wolfson and the Hessell Tiltman Prizes for History in 2005.", "About the Author", "Richard Overy is Professor in History at University of Exeter (previously Professor of Modern European History at King’s College, London). He has written widely on history of the Third Reich, the Second World War and the Soviet Union, including a number of critically acclaimed books such as", "Russia’s War", "(1999), the best-seller", "The Battle", "(2000), and", "Interrogations: The Nazi Elite in Allied Hands", "(2002).", "He was awarded the Samuel Eliot Morison Prize by the Society for Military History for a lifetime’s contribution to military history. He is also a regular contributor to radio and television." ]
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R.J. Overy (Author)
[ "Books", "New, Used & Rental Textbooks", "Humanities" ]
{"Publisher": "Pearson; 2nd edition (September 6, 2007)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "176 pages", "ISBN 10": "1405824689", "ISBN 13": "978-1405824682", "Item Weight": "10 ounces", "Dimensions": "6.16 x 0.45 x 9.17 inches"}
2nd Edition
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Richard Overy', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Wild Mountain Thyme
[ "Oliver Dobbs is a writer first, and a man second. To him other people are tools. Even though he has broken Victoria Bradshaw's heart once, when he arrives on her doorstep with a two-year-old son, she finds she cannot refuse him. The three of them set out for a castle in Scotland. There, Victoria meets the new laird and finds her crushed spirit awakening. Reissue." ]
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Rosamunde Pilcher (Author)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "Women's Fiction" ]
{"Publisher": "St. Martin's Press; Book Club (BCE/BOMC) edition (January 1, 1978)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "0 pages", "ISBN 10": "0440202507", "ISBN 13": "978-0440202509", "Item Weight": "1.6 ounces"}
Hardcover – January 1, 1978
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Rosamunde Pilcher', 'about': ["Rosamunde Pilcher, OBE (née Scott; born 22 September 1924) is a British writer of several short-stories and 28 romance novels and mainstream women's fiction from 1949 to 2000, when she retired from writing. Early in her career she was also published under the pen name Jane Fraser. Her son is the writer Robin Pilcher.", 'Bio from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.']}
Let It Begin With You: Your Personal World Peace Guidebook
[ "Let It Begin With You is an inspiring and comprehensive guidebook for helping you discover your unique peacemaking role and the actions you can take to assure world peace in our time.", "Drawn from the inspiring life of spiritual activist Peace Pilgrim, the lessons in Let It Begin With You show how you can make a difference without being an expert on world affairs, without adding to your already busy calendar, and regardless of the politics you subscribe to.", "With this heartening roadmap, readers of all ages and lifestyles can create a legacy of peace for generations to come." ]
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Viki Hurst (Author)
[ "Books", "Politics & Social Sciences", "Politics & Government" ]
{"Publisher": "Infinity Publishing (February 3, 2004)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "177 pages", "ISBN 10": "0741419203", "ISBN 13": "978-0741419200", "Item Weight": "7.3 ounces", "Dimensions": "6.12 x 0.45 x 8.34 inches"}
Paperback – February 3, 2004
Forever, It's We
[ "IT'S MOM AND ME.", "ALL DAY, IT'S WE.", "TOGETHER WE PLAY,", "TOGETHER WE LAUGH.", "Forever, It's We explores the relationship between a son and mother. Encouraging self expression, healthy emotional development, and imagination play through daily activities like dancing, cooking, and much more." ]
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Amanda McDowell (Author)
[ "Books", "Children's Books", "Religions" ]
{"Publisher": "WestBow Press (November 8, 2022)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "34 pages", "ISBN 10": "1664282017", "ISBN 13": "978-1664282018", "Item Weight": "14.4 ounces", "Dimensions": "8.5 x 0.25 x 11 inches"}
Hardcover – November 8, 2022
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Amanda McDowell', 'about': ['Amanda McDowell is an HSP, and a single mother to a little boy. They currently call Nashville, TN home. Having been homeschooled K-12 herself, she is a huge supporter of alternative schooling choices and Montessori learning styles. Channeling these styles of growth and mindset into her writing and her sons childhood.']}
Hal Leonard VH1 100 Greatest Hard Rock Songs - Easy Guitar with Tab
[ "VH1 100 Greatest Hard Rock Songs - Easy Guitar with Tab. Part of Hal Leonard's Easy Guitar series, VH1 100 Greatest Hard Rock Songs, includes easy arrangements for songs culled from the cable channel's series of shows counting down the greatest hard rocking hits of all time. This compilation features axe-slingers such as AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Kiss, and more. Song List: \"Ace Of Spades\" \"Any Way You Want It\" \"Aqualung\" \"Back In Black\" \"Bad Reputation\" \"Barracuda\" \"Bawitdaba\" \"The Beautiful People\" \"Black Hole Sun\" \"Born To Be Wild\" \"Breaking The Chains\" \"Breaking The Law\" \"Carry On Wayward Son\" \"Cherry Bomb\" \"Cherry Pie\" \"Crazy Train\" \"Cult Of Personality\" \"Cum On Feel The Noize\" \"Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap\" \"Dr. Feelgood\" \"Don't Fear The Reaper\" \"Don't Tell Me You Love Me\" \"18 And Life\" \"Epic\" \"Even Flow\" \"Everlong\" \"Eye Of The Tiger\" \"Feel Like Makin' Love\" \"Final Countdown\" \"Frankenstein\" \"Freak On A Leash\" \"Free Bird\" \"Give It Away\" \"Heartbreaker\" \"Heaven And Hell\" \"Hey Joe\" \"Higher\" \"Holy Diver\" \"Hot Blooded\" \"Hot For Teacher\" \"I Can't Drive 55\" \"I Wanna Be Somebody\" \"I Wanna Rock\" \"In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida\" \"Interstate Love Song\" \"Jailbreak\" \"Kick Out The Jams\" \"Kiss Me Deadly\" \"Lit Up\" \"Love Removal Machine\" \"Madhouse\" \"More Human Than Human\" \"More Than A Feeling\" \"Mountain Song\" \"My Generation\" \"Paranoid\" \"Party Hard\" \"Peace Sells\" \"Photograph\" \"Rebel Yell\" \"Rock And Roll All Nite\" \"Rock You Like A Hurricane\" \"Round And Round\" \"Run To The Hills\" \"Runnin' With The Devil\" \"School's Out\" \"Search And Destroy\" \"Seven Nation Army\" \"Seventeen\" \"Should I Stay Or Should I Go\" \"Since You've Been Gone\" \"Slither\" \"Slow Ride\" \"Smells Like Teen Spirit\" \"Smoke On The Water\" \"Stone Cold Crazy\" \"The Stroke\" \"Sunshine Of Your Love\" \"Talk Dirty To Me\" \"Tom Sawyer\" \"Turn Up The Radio\" \"Tush\" \"Walk This Way\" \"We're An American Band\" \"Welcome To The Jungle\" \"Won't Get Fooled Again\" \"Would?\" \"You Give Love A Bad Name\" \"You Really Got Me\"" ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Hal Leonard (Author)
[ "Books", "Arts & Photography", "Music" ]
{"Item Weight": "2.7 pounds", "Dimensions": "12 x 9 x 1 inches"}
Sheet music
[ "Dubliners - James Joyce's stories of his native homeland - performed by a cast of 15 different actors originating from Ireland.  Unabridged.", "The fifteen stories that make up this brilliant audio roam over a human landscape that stretches from the bleakest of despair to the most blinding of epiphanies.  First published in 1914, the stories are as lucid and accessible as they are memorable poignant.", "As you listen to the cast of internationally famous stage and screen actors perform Dubliners, both the spiritually deadening atmosphere that drove Joyce from his homeland and the irresistible emotional pull it always kept on him to the end of his days become heartbreakingly beautiful.", "Dubliners is an audio experience that will only grow in richness with each time you listen.", "The stories and performers are:", "Sisters - Frank McCourt", "An Encounter - Patrick McCabe", "Araby - Colm Meaney", "Eveline - Dearbhla Molloy", "After the Race - Dan O'Herlihy", "Two Gallants - Malachy McCourt", "The Boarding House - Donal Donnelly", "A Little Cloud - Brendan Coyle", "Counterparts - Jim Norton", "Clay - Sorcha Cusack", "A Painful Case - Ciaran Hinds", "Ivy Day in the Committee Room - T.P. McKenna", "A Mother - Fionnula Flanagan", "Grace - Charles Keating", "The Dead - Stephen Rea" ]
[ "Review", "\". . . the stories have a certain beauty, especially in a new recording from Caedmon Audio. Dubliners will endure not only because it's Joyce, but also because of the people performing it. The list of narrators reads like an Irish who's-who . . . It's worth every minute.\" --", "Philadelphia Inquirer", "\"Aha! So this is what Joyce is supposed to sound like.\" --", "-", "The Philadelphia Inquirer", "\"Caedmon has done a brilliant job in matching each story to a reader, resulting in fifteen readings as unique and personal as the stories themselves, each one glowing with individuality, color, and nuance.\" --", "The Brazen Head", "\"Even better than reading Joyce is having Joyce read to you, and the readers here are superb...\" --", "-", "Bookpage", "\"One of the classiest productions ever released . . . \" --", "-", "The New York Post" ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
James Joyce (Author), Malachy McCourt (Reader), Dan O'Herlihy (Reader), Patrick McCabe (Reader), Ciaran Hinds (Reader), T.P. McKenna (Reader), Brendan Coyle (Reader), Rejoycing Company (Reader), Camogie Inc. (Reader)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "Genre Fiction" ]
{"Publisher": "Caedmon; Unabridged edition (March 1, 2000)", "Language": "English", "ISBN 10": "0694523003", "ISBN 13": "978-0694523009", "Item Weight": "8 ounces", "Dimensions": "4.25 x 2.75 x 6.25 inches"}
Audio Cassette – Unabridged, March 1, 2000
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'James Joyce', 'about': ['James Augustine Aloysius Joyce (2 February 1882 – 13 January 1941) was an Irish novelist and poet. He contributed to the modernist avant-garde and is regarded as one of the most influential and important authors of the 20th century.', "Joyce is best known for Ulysses (1922), a landmark work in which the episodes of Homer's Odyssey are paralleled in an array of contrasting literary styles, perhaps most prominent among these the stream of consciousness technique he utilised. Other well-known works are the short-story collection Dubliners (1914), and the novels A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916) and Finnegans Wake (1939). His other writings include three books of poetry, a play, occasional journalism and his published letters.", "Joyce was born in 41 Brighton Square, Rathgar, Dublin—about half a mile from his mother's birthplace in Terenure—into a middle-class family on the way down. A brilliant student, he excelled at the Jesuit schools Clongowes and Belvedere, despite the chaotic family life imposed by his father's alcoholism and unpredictable finances. He went on to attend University College Dublin.", 'In 1904, in his early twenties, Joyce emigrated permanently to continental Europe with his partner (and later wife) Nora Barnacle. They lived in Trieste, Paris and Zurich. Though most of his adult life was spent abroad, Joyce\'s fictional universe centres on Dublin, and is populated largely by characters who closely resemble family members, enemies and friends from his time there. Ulysses in particular is set with precision in the streets and alleyways of the city. Shortly after the publication of Ulysses, he elucidated this preoccupation somewhat, saying, "For myself, I always write about Dublin, because if I can get to the heart of Dublin I can get to the heart of all the cities of the world. In the particular is contained the universal."', 'Bio from from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Photo from Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository.']}
The Chef's Apprentice: A Novel
[ "In a world of violence and intrigue, who guards the truth?", "It is 1498, dawn of the Renaissance, and Venice teems with rumors about an ancient book believed to hold the secrets of power—alchemy, love, and even immortality. Some will stop at nothing to find it; others will die to protect it. As intrigue grips Her Most Serene Republic, Luciano, a light-fingered, streetwise orphan, gets caught up in the madness. The doge’s enigmatic chef takes him into the palace kitchen as an apprentice, where he is initiated into the chef’s deliciously mysterious world—itself alive with dangerous secrets. After Luciano witnesses an inexplicable murder, he embarks on a perilous journey to uncover the truth. What he discovers will test his loyalty, show him the dark side of men’s souls, and threaten his love for an audacious convent girl. But it will also swing open the shutters of his mind, and leave an indelible mark on his soul.", "A luminous and seductive novel,", "The Chef ’s Apprentice", "is, at its heart, a high-spirited tribute to the fruits of knowledge and the extraordinary power of those who hold its key." ]
[ "About the Author", "Elle Newmark is an award-winning writer whose books are inspired by her travels. She and her husband, a retired physician, have two grown children and five grandchildren. They live in the hills north of San Diego." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Elle Newmark (Author)
[ "Books", "Mystery, Thriller & Suspense", "Mystery" ]
{"Publisher": "Washington Square Press; Reprint edition (February 8, 2011)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "400 pages", "ISBN 10": "1451626290", "Item Weight": "12 ounces", "Dimensions": "8.2 x 5.37 x 1.08 inches"}
Paperback – Bargain Price, February 8, 2011
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Elle Newmark', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Internet Cheat Sheet
[ "This guide provides the reader with the basic information needed to understand and use the Internet. The clear, jargon-free style, of the text makes it suitable for readers who only have time for the basics." ]
[ "From the Back Cover", "Que's Cheat Sheet Series offers the busy, beginning PC user just the right amount of information to get started with the Internet. Each chapter has a Basic Survival section that teaches the essentials of that chapter. The author then has \"highlighted\" important content for you in a different color to stand out. Finally the author gives you additional notes, tips, and shortcuts in the handwritten margin notes. All combine to give the new PC user, a quick, easy way to get connected to the Internet for using and exploring." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Ned Snell (Author)
[ "Books", "Computers & Technology", "Networking & Cloud Computing" ]
{"Publisher": "Que Pub (March 24, 1999)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "384 pages", "ISBN 10": "0789718456", "ISBN 13": "978-0789718457", "Item Weight": "1.54 pounds", "Dimensions": "6.25 x 1 x 9.25 inches"}
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Ned Snell', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Commanders Of Auschwitz: The SS Officers Who Ran The Largest Nazi Concentration Camp -1940-1945 (Schiffer History Book)
[ "Finally a single volume detailing the SS officers that served in the largest and most infamous of Hitler’s concentration camps, Auschwitz-Birkenau. This volume begins with a brief history of this concentration camp and then details briefly the different departments that made up the command structure of this camp. The book goes on to describe the evacuation and liberation of Auschwitz and some of the major trials are described before the author gives brief descriptions of what Auschwitz-Birkenau is like today. The second part of the book is a biographical study of the SS officers in alphabetical order. The SS officers described inside this book were the commanders of the camp, the men with power, some with power over life and death. Inside you will meet the commandants, Lagerführers, doctors, dentists, Gestapo officials, adjutants, administration officers, and sentry commanders. Some went on to fight at the front and won awards for bravery, others helped to save the lives of the inmates, and of course others were there to help with the administration of the Holocaust. The biographical details of the SS officers have been set out in the following way. Under the name is the last rank held by the officer, with his most important position obtained at Auschwitz. Next is the officers SS number and Nazi Party number where known, followed by his promotions, which in some cases included both the Allgemeine-SS (General SS) and Waffen-SS (Armed SS). The biographical detail of this book alone adds vast clarity to the gaps in biographical information in other books on Auschwitz. Inside this book are the details of 162 SS officers who served at Auschwitz-Birkenau. Along with over 140 rare black and white photographs, some never published before, is a detailed appendix and index." ]
[ "About the Author", "Jeremy Dixon has been interested in the Third Reich for thirty-five years and has written four books on the subject. He lives in England and has collected photographs and postcards of Knight’s Cross recipients for a number of years." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Jeremy Dixon (Author)
[ "Books", "Biographies & Memoirs", "Leaders & Notable People" ]
{"Publisher": "Schiffer Military History; First Edition (April 30, 2005)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "232 pages", "ISBN 10": "0764321757", "ISBN 13": "978-0764321757", "Item Weight": "3.7 pounds", "Dimensions": "8.5 x 0.9 x 11.1 inches"}
Hardcover – Illustrated, April 30, 2005
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Jeremy Dixon (author)', 'about': ["The above photo is of Alan Turing, a hero of mine. I have been interested in Nazi Germany, the Second World War and Hitler for over 40 years and have written seven books and currently researching Army Generals that were awarded the Knight's Cross. I collect photographs of German Generals from the Second World War, and have around 400, and have just over 500 books on Germany in the Second World War.", 'Listen to Seascapes and my interview with Fergal Keane about my U-boat book.', "Writing a new book on Army Generals that won the Knight's Cross"]}
Should I Tell You?
[ "What happens when falling in love makes everyone around you go bonkers?", "Amber Nicholls, Lachlan McCarthy, and Raffaele Wright grew up as foster kids in Teddy Penhaligon's seaside home and have forged a bond tighter than glue. When they get the news that Teddy's met someone while on vacation, they'll do anything to protect him from a presumed gold-digger―even if she seems lovely and charming. Is she fooling them all? Or is she spurring them to uncover their own secret loves?", "\"Uplifting, heartwarming, and supremely feel-good.\"―", "SOPHIE KINSELLA", ", #1", "New York Times", "bestselling author, for", "It Started with a Secret", "\"Gripping and incredibly comforting.\"―", "MARIAN KEYES", ", #1 international bestselling author, for", "It Started with a Secret", "\"Engaging and enchanting.\"―", "Woman's World", "for", "Maybe This Time" ]
[ "Review", "\"These inventive, intertwining love stories will have readers hooked.\" ―", "Publishers Weekly", "About the Author", "With over 10 million copies sold, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Jill Mansell writes irresistible and funny, poignant and romantic tales for women in the tradition of Marian Keyes, Sophie Kinsella and Jojo Moyes. She lives with her partner and their children in Bristol, England." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Jill Mansell (Author)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "Dramas & Plays" ]
{"Publisher": "Sourcebooks Casablanca (July 5, 2022)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "336 pages", "ISBN 10": "1728252539", "ISBN 13": "978-1728252537", "Item Weight": "11.2 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.5 x 0.84 x 8.25 inches"}
Paperback – July 5, 2022
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Jill Mansell', 'about': ["'The queen of witty, heart-warming, feel-good love stories' Red", 'Jill Mansell’s books are full of love, life and friendship and have been bringing joy to readers for twenty-five years. She started writing fiction while working in the NHS, after joining a local creative writing class. She has since written over twenty Sunday Times bestsellers, including MAYBE THIS TIME, THIS COULD CHANGE EVERYTHING and YOU AND ME, ALWAYS, and her books have sold over 11 million copies around the world.', "Jill's hobbies include buying stationery, particularly magical new colours of ink for the fountain pen she uses to write all her books – Jill is one of the few authors who still write their books by hand. Jill also loves people-watching and finding new characters to put in her novels. So when you’re out, make sure to always be on your best behaviour. And beware of beady-eyed authors carrying notebooks . . .", 'Jill keeps in touch with her readers on Twitter - @JillMansell - and Facebook - /OfficialJillMansell.']}
Secrets to a Richer Life: Illuminating Wisdom from the Human Family on the 37 Ultimate Questions
[ "Secrets to a Richer Life reveals the wisdom about life of a group of distinguished people from all the major cultures and regions of the globe. Through their answers to 37 supreme and thought provoking questions about goals, parents, spouses, children, school, careers, hard work, community service, lifestyle, hobbies, travel, crisis management, working abroad, favorite books, values, hopes, dreams, retirement, and concerns for the future of human society they reveal their heart and soul.The author has collected interviews disclosing a common thread of thinking around the world, which confirms our similarities while showing individual unique cultural perspectives spanning the spectrum of human society. The subjects of these interviews come from more than 11 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Europe, The Middle East and North America.Secrets revealed include:The effect of Confucianism on Chinese attitudes towards parents and towards the importance of education.How to be successful in variety of professions and the relative value of intelligence versus hard work?What are the most valuable lessons your parents taught you about life?What are the secrets to a successful marriage?How to manage internal and external obstacles to success?How did you resolve your worst crisis and what were the lessons learned?Prospects for today's youth and future concerns for Planet EarthThis book goes in depth and reveals the fascinating personalities of the people interviewed. We hear the words of educators, electrical and mechanical engineers, physicians, pharmacists, financial analysts, dentists, as well as an exporter, a medical records manager, surgeon, travel consultant, pilot and a zookeeper. They resonate as voices of the unified human family." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Earl Guile (Author)
[ "Books", "Politics & Social Sciences", "Philosophy" ]
{"Publisher": "iUniverse; 0 edition (March 7, 2005)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "314 pages", "ISBN 10": "059534318X", "ISBN 13": "978-0595343188", "Item Weight": "1.02 pounds", "Dimensions": "6 x 0.79 x 9 inches"}
Paperback – March 7, 2005
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Earl Ernest Guile', 'about': ['Earl Ernest Guile is the author of Secrets to a Richer Life: Illuminating Wisdom from the Human Family on the 37 Ultimate Questions, and Antarctic Collapse (a novel about climate change).', 'A former university professor who studied at Morehouse College, Bowdoin College, the University of Pennsylvania, the University of California at Berkeley, and at Harvard University with degrees in biology, dental medicine, and public health epidemiology, Guile has pursued cell biology research at Oak Ridge National Laboratories and the University of Helsinki in Finland. He later pursued work in the Third World, first in Cameroon and subsequently in Hong Kong, Suriname, and Saudi Arabia.', 'Guile is a Diplomate of the American Board of Dental Public Health and as a healthcare consultant has evaluated medical care programs in twenty states. He has a fervent belief that advances in science, technology, and universal educational access should be focused like a laser beam to promote ethics, eliminate world poverty, disease, ignorance, and solve critical problems related to energy, clean water, food production, nutrition, and environmental stewardship. He practices Tai Chi, has traveled to over sixty-three countries, and presently resides in Portland, Oregon. Visit his websites at,and']}
The Thinking Executive's Guide to Sustainability (Environmental and Social Sustainabilty for Business Advantage Collection)
[ "We live in an increasingly global economy in which the effects of shrunken economies, broadened communication, and widespread meteorological incidents associated with climate change are leaving virtually no one untouched. As a result, a working knowledge of concepts such as the triple bottom line and sustainability, have become mandatory. Systems -thinking is foundational for grasping these concepts and is based on trans-disciplinary theories deriving in part from biology, physics, economics, philosophy, computer science, engineering, geography, and other sciences. Specifically it is the study of systems, including all life forms, climate phenomena, and even in human learning and organizational processes, that regulate themselves through feedback. The media and the public have become savvy to corporate green-washing, and government regulation, already pervasive in Europe, is imminent in the United States. Business practices are a subsystem of human activity, which is itself a subsystem of the biosphere we all depend upon for services, such as clean air and water, sufficient soils to produce food, and moderate weather. Corporate sustainability practices are in the midst of becoming a required aspect of the social license to conduct business, and the use of a systems framework provides a coherent and eminently sensible way to comprehend the structure and logic that underlies this transition. Green business efforts and stakeholder initiatives undertaken by those without the requisite understanding of sustainability and the trends related to it in the world of commerce risk adverse press, activist pressure, regulatory constraint, added expense, reduced revenue, and lowered valuation. This book offers a practical, relevant, and easily grasped overview of sustainability issues and the systems logic that informs them, supported by empirical research and applied to corporate rationales, decision-making, and business processes. Intended for business professionals seeking concise, reliable, and current knowledge and trends, it will support them in leading their organizations' corporate sustainability, social responsibility, and citizenship efforts so they can remain competitive and successful." ]
[ "About the Author", "Santa Barbara, CA; Professor; Fielding Graduate University; Kerul Kassel has a Ph.D. in Human and Organizational Systems Masters in Human Development, both from Fielding Graduate University, and a Masters in Social Ecology from Goddard College. She" ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Kerul Kassel (Author)
[ "Books", "Business & Money", "Economics" ]
{"Publisher": "Business Expert Press (December 31, 2013)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "175 pages", "ISBN 10": "1606494198", "ISBN 13": "978-1606494196", "Item Weight": "9.8 ounces", "Dimensions": "6 x 0.43 x 9 inches"}
Paperback – December 31, 2013
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Kerul Kassel', 'about': ['Dr. Kerul Kassel is a faculty member at Fielding Graduate University, teaching in the Sustainability Leadership, Global Leadership, and Humane Workplace programs of the Organizational Development and Leadership Masters program within the School of Leadership Studies. She is the author of The Thinking Executive’s Guide to Sustainability (Business Expert Press, 2014) and senior editor of Developing Sustainability Mindset in Management Education (Greenleaf Publishing, 2018). Dr. Kassel has been awarded year-on-year fellowships at Fielding’s Institute for Social Innovation.', 'Her PhD is in Human and Organizational Systems, and she holds Masters degrees in Human Development and Social Ecology. She is a Certified Sustainability Professional through the International Society of Sustainability Professionals, and holds multiple professional coaching certifications with the International Coach Federation and the International Association of Coaching.', 'Her work has appeared in peer-reviewed journals, edited books, and in conferences around the world, and she has been quoted in TIME Magazine, The New York Times, Investor’s Business Daily, The Chicago Tribune, Real Simple, Self, and elsewhere. She is a member of the international Developing Sustainability Mindset Working Group of the Principles for Responsible Management Education, a program of the United Nations Global Compact. Her research agenda focuses on sustainable enterprise, business practices and education, and leadership for sustainability in organizations.', 'A recognized expert in productivity and procrastination, or "PROCRASTIVITY," as she calls it, Dr. Kassel is also the author of Stop Procrastinating Now (New Leaf Publishing, 2007) and Productive Procrastination (Echelon Press, 2008). Her coaching focuses on self- and collective leadership development with leaders, teams, and groups, as well as individuals.', 'Dr. Kassel is also an elected official on the Board of Supervisors of the Harmony Community Development District, a governmental body, and is President of First Nature Foundation, a non-profit whose vision is to meld the best of the past, present and future of leadership practices for the dignity and wellbeing of all. In her spare time, she is a community activist and takes leadership lessons from her horses.']}
Flowdreaming for Spiritual Progress
[ "Flowdreaming is a powerful way for making contact with your Higher Self, your spiritual guides, and other energy beings in order to discover your life's purpose or gain answers and direction about anything in your life. Each track on this CD guides you through vivid, super-focused scenarios that helps you access your higher levels of mind through the use of metaphorical imagery. The tracks are designed to lead you into an intense daydream-like state from within which you create a mental conduit into higher states of mind, where you can meet and gain spiritual knowledge from your Higher Self (the Greater You), or go to the famed Hall of Records; to have any question answered, or develop close, ongoing relationships with higher energies who are there to help you. Summer's voice is soothing yet vibrant, because unlike traditional meditation, you're an active participant in the Flow, in a super-engaged state of mind, so you can fully experience the deep, wondrous places you're led to. Thousands of people have reported that they have met with deeper energies and received guidance as a result of using this CD, even when traditional meditation CDs have failed. Flowdreaming for Spiritual Progress will take you to the next level of your spiritual journey. Use this CD to:", "Contact your spirit guides for clarity and support", "Contact your spirit guides for clarity and support", "Discover your life purpose", "Discover your life purpose", "Meet and establish communication with your Higher Self", "Meet and establish communication with your Higher Self", "Seek answers and direction from a place beyond time", "Seek answers and direction from a place beyond time", "Develop close, ongoing, loving relationships with higher energy beings", "Develop close, ongoing, loving relationships with higher energy beings", "Go to the famed Hall of Records to have any question answered", "Go to the famed Hall of Records to have any question answered", "TRACKS:", "1. Introduction (2:30) 2. Flowdreaming to Meet the Greater You, Your Guides, and Angels (21:47) 3. Flowdreaming to Find Your Life Purpose (20:38)" ]
[ "About the Author", "Summer McStravick is the Netwrok Producer of, an Internet radio network parented by Hay House, Inc., the world s leading publisher of self-help titles that was founded by Louise Hay. In addition to producing all of the network's live programming each week, Summer also hosts \"Dr. Wayne Dyer's Inspiration\" radio show, and her own personal show, \"Flowdreaming.\" Flowdreaming introduces listeners to a technique that radically transformed Summer' s own life. As a lifelong student of metaphysics and the mind, Summer began spontaneously experiencing the Flow in 1999, when she noticed that her special guided daydreaming technique was transforming into something even more powerful and effective than she d ever experienced before. Prompted by this phenomenon to study the latest in consciousness research and theoretical physics, over a period of years she refined this technique into a philosophy for living, and her results are now available for the first time ever in a series of CDs that guide the listener through the Flowdreaming process." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Summer McStravick (Author)
[ "Books", "Self-Help", "Personal Transformation" ]
{"Publisher": "Artichoke Publishing (October 5, 2006)", "Language": "English", "Audio CD": "0 pages", "ISBN 10": "0975913085", "ISBN 13": "978-0975913086", "Item Weight": "1.6 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.25 x 0.5 x 4.75 inches"}
Audio CD – Audiobook, October 5, 2006
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Summer McStravick', 'about': ['Back in 2001, I began working for Hay House Publishing. Little did I know it would change everything.', 'With Louise Hay as my boss, and Dr. Wayne Dyer as my cohort on the radio, I began talking and teaching about Flowdreaming, a method for co-creating and manifesting that to my incredible surprise went big with my readers and listeners.', 'What was my own private practice for nurturing and healing my inner self, talking to the universe, and programming my future entered the playing field of personal development as a unique contribution that thousands of people picked up on.', 'I was no longer alone in my practice. People around the world were now doing it with me. It was a perfect alternative to meditation for people like me — and I discovered there thousands of people like me. I wrote both "Flowdreaming" and "Creative Flowdreaming" books to help people dive into this incredible, unique technique.', 'All the while, I was working my "day-job" as the Director of New Media, developing and creating, where I produced hundreds of podcasts, live radio shows, and audio CDs and programs for people like developed podcasts, CDs, webinars, and radio programs for Louise Hay, Marianne Williamson, Suze Orman, Doreen Virtue, Gregg Braden, Sonia Choquette, Denise Linn, Abraham-Hicks and many other luminaries in the fields of self-help and spirituality.', 'Fast forward 10 years, and my little baby "Flowdreaming" has become its own worldwide company with hundreds of downloadable audio "Flowdreams" that lead you through a Flowdream experience and tons of different topics.', 'I often semi-joke that if you\'re looking for a specific kind of growth or change, or to manifest something into your life, all you have to do is "put it in your shopping basket" in the form of a Flowdream that you begin listening to everyday.', "The effects are powerful. It's not quite Law of Attraction, nor is it positive affirmations. It's certainly not meditation. It relies on your emotions, lucid daydreaming, and Flow psychology to make it work. Best of all, it's incredibly easy to learn. Most people pick it up in 15 minutes.", 'For people who want even more support, I created M.E. School, my online flagship program that forms a vibrant community of conscious creators the world over.', 'My latest adventure is my monthly membership program, "Born to Make, where I teach spiritual entrepreneurs how to fuse co-creation with boots-on-the-ground content creation and marketing, opening up my decades in publishing, online course creation, podcasting and marketing to help others go big with their messages as well.', 'I also rebooted a live radio network of my own,, where you can hear enlightening shows for personal-growth, conscious business, and wellness. My own show, Flowdreaming, has over 600 episodes and is one of the longest running personal growth shows in iTunes.', 'I really urge you to visit, where you can download a free, comprehensive and fun kit that teaches you the fundamentals of Flowdreaming in under half an hour.', 'You can also look up "Flowdreaming" on your mobile device to find several apps that help you in your journey.', 'Enjoy your exploration of Flowdreaming. I love to hear from fans and practitioners. The best way to reach me is through my website or my Facebook group, "I Love Flowdreaming."', 'Find me at:', 'WEBSITE:', 'INSTAGRAM: @summer_mcstravick', 'FACEBOOK: "I Love Flowdreaming" group', 'MOBILE: Search "Flowdreaming" for both my apps']}
Audible Audiobooks
Napoleonic Wars: A Captivating Guide to the Napoleonic Wars and War of 1812
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Captivating History (Author, Publisher), Jason Zenobia (Narrator)
[ "Books", "History", "Europe", "France" ]
Yiddish Given Names: A Lexicon
[ "This important volume in onomastics, the study of names, presents a listing of Yiddish first names in the modern period: 1750 to the present day.", "Yiddish Given Names: A Lexicon", "resumes, collects, documents, and corrects the available body of research on Yiddish given names. It aims to establish the modern corpus and give the origins of the names therein. Rella Israly Cohn has amassed and preserved a number of names that have become extremely rare, almost to the point of disappearing, and correctly identified their sources using a number of works both commonly available and difficult to find.The book begins with preliminary material that orients the reader, explains technical terms and classifications, and describes the evolution of Yiddish names throughout their history. Following is the lexicon itself, which is comprised of over 250 names with variant forms and alphabetized according to the English transliteration. Each entry relates the Yiddish name to its source language, shows a source form, and gives the attestations of the name in its various forms in the earliest written works. Concluding with several appendixes that offer additional information and assist in reference and accessibility, this significant work will serve scholars in onomastics, linguistics, and Yiddish and will be of interest to both scholars and laypersons researching their family history or the cultural legacy of the Jewish community worldwide." ]
[ "Review", "This reference work will be of great service to historians, folklorists, sociologists, and linguists working with Jewish communities.... valuable....useful. ―", "American Reference Books Annual, March 2009", "Yiddish Given Names is recommended for linguists, onomasts, for libraries that have Judaica collections, and for genealogists interested in Jewish families and families with Jewish roots. This volume has succeeded in achieving Cohn's goal of offering a dictionary of Yiddish names. ―", "Names: A Journal of Onomastics", "Published On: 2011-09-01", "About the Author", "Rella Israly Cohn", "(1927-2008) was a linguist and scholar." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Rella Israly Cohn (Author)
[ "Books", "Reference", "Words, Language & Grammar" ]
{"Publisher": "Scarecrow Press (September 5, 2008)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "432 pages", "ISBN 10": "0810852616", "ISBN 13": "978-0810852617", "Item Weight": "1.68 pounds", "Dimensions": "6.4 x 1.44 x 9.46 inches"}
Hardcover – September 5, 2008
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Rella Israly Cohn', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Biotechnology for Aerospace Applications (Advances in Applied Biotechnology Series)
[ "Obringer, John W." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
John W. Obringer (Author), Henry S. Tillinghast (Editor)
[ "Books", "Engineering & Transportation", "Engineering" ]
{"Publisher": "Portfolio Pub Co (January 1, 1989)", "Language": "English", "ISBN 10": "0943255058", "ISBN 13": "978-0943255057", "Item Weight": "8.1 ounces", "Dimensions": "7.99 x 10 x 1.85 inches"}
A Classic Christmas Collection - Volume One: 6 Christmas Classics by Henry Van Dyke - The Mansion, Story of the Other Wise man and more.
[ "Included in this work are six classics by Henry Van Dyke that have withstood the tests of time and remain among the most read Christmas stories of the past two centuries. They are stories that inspire and encourage us to give of ourselves more freely. Jesus Christ said, \"He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.\"This book is unique in that it includes 6 titles in one. The average price for each of these titles is about $7. This collection saves you approximately $30.The titles included are guaranteed to warm the heart and inspire the soul. Included in this single volume collection: 1. The Mansion; 2. The Story of the Other Wise Man; 3. The Sad Shepherd; 4. The First Christmas Tree; 5. The Spirit of Christmas; 6. The Lost Word.Six Works in One." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Henry Van Dyke (Author), Librainia (Author), Kiersten Nebeker (Author), Carlos L Packard (Introduction)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "Classics" ]
{"Publisher": "PowerThink Publishing, LLC (November 1, 2012)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "166 pages", "ISBN 10": "1936472465", "ISBN 13": "978-1936472468", "Item Weight": "5.6 ounces", "Dimensions": "5 x 0.38 x 8 inches"}
Paperback – November 1, 2012
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Henry Van Dyke', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
So There I Was by Biff! Pow! Slap! Slap! Slap! (2015-04-26)
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Biff! Pow! Slap! Slap! Slap!', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
The Fifth Decade of Cardiac Pacing
[ "While bringing into focus the major advances in cardiac pacing over the last 5-6 years this book places particular emphasis on new techniques for the treatment of congestive heart failure. Other topics include new and unusual indications for pacemakers, the clinical aspects of expanding pacemaker memory and stored electrograms in the diagnosis of arrhythmias, automatic mode switching, the pacemaker/ICD interface, complex pacemaker electrocardiography and advances in pacemaker follow-up. This book will be a valuable resource for those involved in the care of patients with implanted devices." ]
[ "From the Inside Flap", "While bringing into focus the major advances in cardiac pacing over the last 5-6 years this book places particular emphasis on new techniques for the treatment of congestive heart failure. Other topics include new and unusual indications for pacemakers, the clinical aspects of expanding pacemaker memory and stored electrograms in the diagnosis of arrhythmias, automatic mode switching, the pacemaker/ICD interface, complex pacemaker electrocardiography and advances in pacemaker follow-up. This book will be a valuable resource for those involved in the care of patients with implanted devices.", "From the Back Cover", "While bringing into focus the major advances in cardiac pacing over the last 5-6 years this book places particular emphasis on new techniques for the treatment of congestive heart failure. Other topics include new and unusual indications for pacemakers, the clinical aspects of expanding pacemaker memory and stored electrograms in the diagnosis of arrhythmias, automatic mode switching, the pacemaker/ICD interface, complex pacemaker electrocardiography and advances in pacemaker follow-up. This book will be a valuable resource for those involved in the care of patients with implanted devices.", "About the Author", "Dr. S. Serge Barold, MB, BS, FRACP, FACC. Cardiology Division, Department of Medicine, Rochester General Hospital and University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry", "Dr. Jacques Mugica, MD. Chairman, Cardiostim", "Read more" ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
S. Serge Barold (Editor), Jacques Mugica (Editor)
[ "Books", "Medical Books", "Medicine" ]
{"Publisher": "Wiley-Blackwell; 1st edition (December 19, 2003)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "304 pages", "ISBN 10": "1405116447", "ISBN 13": "978-1405116442", "Item Weight": "2.31 pounds", "Dimensions": "7.3 x 0.84 x 10.3 inches"}
1st Edition
Saint Michael and the dragon
[ "Saint Michael and the dragon by G.C. Fuentez is a fantasy fiction novel set in Medieval Spain. Young Michael's dreams of knighthood are fulfilled, and he finds himself on a journey to encounter the dragon. The book is a throw back to the paperbacks of your youth with knights, sword play, and supernatural events with a bit of horror and violence thrown in for good measure! So grab a blanket and some snacks and tuck yourself into your favorite chair and let Saint Michael and the dragon do the rest! Recommended for adult and young adult." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
g.c. fuentez (Author)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "Genre Fiction" ]
{"Publisher": "Independently published (April 1, 2019)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "272 pages", "ISBN 10": "1092297278", "ISBN 13": "978-1092297271", "Item Weight": "14.2 ounces", "Dimensions": "6 x 0.68 x 9 inches"}
Paperback – April 1, 2019
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'g.c. fuentez', 'about': ['G.C. Fuentez is a second generation Californian and a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom. His father proudly served during the Korean Conflict. Mr. Fuentez is an Alumnus of Cal Poly San Luis Obispo California. Currently residing in Las Vegas, he spends his time writing and traveling around the world with his wife and family. Join him on his facebook page :']}
Nine Memorable Decades: Artworks & Essays from Modern Chinese History
[ "This book is in the collections of the Hoover Institution and the East Asian Library of Stanford University. It is a collection of artworks and memoir excerpts by an extraordinary Chinese man who belonged to the Chinese equivalent of America's Greatest Generation. It contains first-hand information on crucial events of modern Chinese history such as World War II and the Chinese Civil War, therefore worthy of attention from historians and scholars in East Asian Studies. For the sake of authenticity, the original Chinese text will be presented above its English translation by the author's granddaughter paragraph by paragraph.With vivid details, the book paints a word's picture of a bygone era when Chinese people were born in their ancestral homes, lived off the land they either owned or farmed, and knew they would be buried in their ancestral cemeteries. During the collapse of the millennia-old norm that once gave the entire Chinese race a sense of security, the author of this book was forced into exile. Nostalgia inevitably became his destiny and makes his memoirs comparable to Marcel Proust's \"Remembrance of Things Past,\" also known as \"In Search of Lost Time.\" Those who love Marcel Proust will find this book equally lyrical. It's certainly a must-read for everyone interested in Asian art, Chinese history, exotic cuisine, garden design, and world literature." ]
from 25.55
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Yu-Ting Chi (Author, Illustrator), Crystal Tai (Author, Editor, Foreword), Eileen Lee (Illustrator)
[ "Books", "Biographies & Memoirs", "Historical" ]
{"Publisher": "CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; Bilingual edition (September 23, 2015)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "118 pages", "ISBN 10": "1514216914", "ISBN 13": "978-1514216910", "Item Weight": "8.1 ounces", "Dimensions": "6 x 0.28 x 9 inches"}
Paperback – September 23, 2015
The Honey Hunter
[ "Featuring exotic images and empathetic language, this modern day Indian fairy tale teaches children to respect and appreciate nature. The story of the honey hunter beings in Sundarban, a land of eighteen tides and six seasons, where three rivers meet in a huge mangrove forest. At first, everything is peacefulfor the thousands and thousands of honey-bees that live there not far from the Bay of Bengal. They fly from flower to flower, collecct nectar, and supply both people and animals with their sweet, liquid gold. Everyone who lives in Sundarban loves honey, but one most of all: a small, black-haired boy named Shonu. One year, the seasons in Sundarban get mixed up and the region is plagued by powerful cyclones followed by drought and hunger. Shonu becomes so unbelievably hungry that he sneaks into the mangrove forest and breaks the golden rule: he takes honey from the hives even though it is not yet harvest time. Shonu doesn't quite realize that what he has done could get him into deep trouble with the almighty demon tiger...This modern day fairy tale reveals what can happen when someone interferes with nature's rhythm. It teaches children to respect and appreciate the environment. Inspired by Muslim and Hindu myths, author Karthika Nair and Illustrated by Joelle Jolivet have created a compelling narrative style and visual language to tell their tale." ]
[ "Review", "\"The art is fantastic.\" —", "" ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Karthika Nair (Author), Joelle Jolivet (Author)
[ "Books", "Children's Books", "Fairy Tales, Folk Tales & Myths" ]
{"Publisher": "Little Gestalten (November 6, 2014)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "52 pages", "ISBN 10": "3899557301", "ISBN 13": "978-3899557305", "Reading age": "6 - 8 years", "Grade level": "Preschool - 3", "Item Weight": "1.49 pounds", "Dimensions": "12.09 x 0.39 x 9.8 inches"}
Hardcover – Picture Book, November 6, 2014
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'gestalten', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
The astrosmurf ; King Smurf (A Smurf adventure)
[ "A smurf with only one wish in life, which is a traval in space, keeps trying until he becomes known as Astrosmurf." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Peyo (Author)
{"Publisher": "Random House; First American Edition (January 1, 1979)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "40 pages", "ISBN 10": "0394851404", "ISBN 13": "978-0394851402", "Item Weight": "6.4 ounces"}
Paperback – January 1, 1979
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Peyo', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Wallpaper Projects: 50 Craft and Design Ideas for Your Home, from Accents to Art
[ "Like a roll of wallpaper, this home decor book is both lovely to look at and entirely practical to use. It showcases contemporary and vintage patterns, plus instructions for over 50 wallpaper projects ranging from quick scrap crafts (book covers) to more involved design upgrades (headboards) to big impact makeovers (walls, window shades). Design experts Derek Fagerstrom and Lauren Smith share photographs of stylish interiors, foolproof instructions, shoppingresources, and ideas for designing your own wallpaper. The reverse of the book's jacket features a pattern designed by artist Lena Corwinenough paper to complete one of the book's quick scrap crafts right away." ]
[ "About the Author", "Derek Fagerstrom and Lauren Smith are co-owners of the Curiosity Shoppe. They write the blog Smarts and Crafts and live in San Francisco." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Derek Fagerstrom (Author), Lauren Smith (Author)
[ "Books", "Crafts, Hobbies & Home", "Home Improvement & Design" ]
{"Publisher": "Chronicle Books; Hardcover edition (April 22, 2009)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "144 pages", "ISBN 10": "0811867064", "ISBN 13": "978-0811867061", "Reading age": "18 years and up", "Item Weight": "1.5 pounds", "Dimensions": "8.25 x 0.66 x 9.38 inches"}
Hardcover – April 22, 2009
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Derek Fagerstrom', 'about': ["Lauren Smith and Derek Fagerstrom are San Francisco based editors, writers, designers, shop owners, and lovers of the unusual, the eclectic and, especially, the hand-crafted. They currently run The Curiosity Shoppe in San Francisco's Mission District, selling (and falling in love with) everything from a make-it-yourself ukulele to a DIY bird-watching kit. They haven't yet found a subject they aren't interested in, making them the perfect partners for the Show Me How book and series. Prior to opening the Shoppe, Lauren and Derek lived busy, creative lives in New York where, among other things, they started what they called the Curiosity Guild-a group of friends who gathered regularly to teach each other how to do cool, quirky, or downright useful things."]}
Buy a Kindle
The Girl at the Party: A totally addictive psychological thriller with a jaw-dropping twist
[ "Slamming the door shut behind her, Stephanie takes one last look at the party where her best friends are busy celebrating. As the drinks are poured and music blasts, she disappears into the darkness alone. Some say she was crying. Others think they heard an argument that night. But we never saw her alive again…", "Ever since our best friend", "Stephanie", "was found murdered four years ago, I’ve been haunted by the feeling that I should have done more. The eight of us at the party were inseparable – and we always thought she was the perfect one. The one who stayed out of trouble. The one who always looked out for", "us", "…But the more I learn about that night, the more I realise that our friend was far from perfect. The golden girl was keeping secrets. Secrets that someone would kill to keep quiet. I have to find out what really happened. Or I will never be able to move on with my life. But as soon as I start getting close to the truth, the threats start. A warning message is keyed onto my car. Then my house is broken into, my belongings are destroyed. Someone is watching me… but there’s no way I can stop now.By the time I realise that Stephanie knew her killer, it’s far too late. Because the killer is closer to me than I ever could have imagined.", "And if they know what I did that night, then it’s only a matter of time until they try and silence me too…", "This addictive and gripping psychological thriller is perfect for fans of Megan Miranda, Lisa Jewell and Laura Marshall.", "What readers are saying about", "The Girl at the Party", ":", "“", "Wow!! I finished this book in one sitting!", "I could not put it down!", "Addictive", "and", "thrilling", "are two words that perfectly describe this!", "I love this!", "Rocked my socks! Perfect read for a rainy weekend!!!” Goodreads reviewer ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️“Full of secrets!", "I LOVED THIS BOOK!", "… The ending was", "a total shocker that left me picking my jaw up off the floor", ". This one kept me engaged from the very", "first page", ".” Goodreads reviewer ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️“", "This book had my stomach in knots! From the first", "page", "until the last I was completely immersed", "… A", "gripping", "and at times", "heart-wrenching", "read…", "Left me shocked!”", "Goodreads reviewer ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️“", "Heart-pounding", "thriller that", "left me on", "the edge of my seat", ". I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one. Definitely one of the", "best book", "s this year.” Netgalley reviewer ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️“", "Suspenseful, gripping, and fast-paced", ". I couldn't read this book quick enough to find out what happened.” Goodreads reviewer ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️“", "TOTALLY intriguing", ", suspenseful and", "keeps you guessing", "with the twists and turns!", "VERY HIGHLY recommend", "!! Danielle Stewart ALWAYS delivers.” Goodreads reviewer ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️“", "I could not put this down", "… the", "perfect", "mystery to just sit down and get lost in… I was", "completely", "absorbed", "…", "Amazing!", "” Goodreads reviewer ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️“This book", "grabbed me from the first paragraph and didn't let go", ".", "I was", "floored", "…", "I actually held my breath", "… the story and the writing are", "THAT compelling", ".” Goodreads reviewer ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️" ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Danielle Stewart (Author) Format: Kindle Edition
[ "Books", "Mystery, Thriller & Suspense", "Thrillers & Suspense" ]
{"Publisher": "Bookouture (July 12, 2023)", "Publication date": "July 12, 2023", "Language": "English", "File size": "2374 KB", "Text to Speech": "Enabled", "Screen Reader": "Supported", "Enhanced typesetting": "Enabled", "X Ray": "Enabled", "Word Wise": "Enabled", "Sticky notes": "On Kindle Scribe", "Print length": "290 pages"}
Kindle Edition
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Danielle Stewart', 'about': ["Danielle Stewart is a USA Today Best Selling Author of over thirty books. Her series include The Piper Anderson Series, The Edenville Series, The Clover Series, The Piper Anderson Legacy Mystery Series, The Rough Waters Series & The Barrington Billionaire's Series. She has had more the 3 million books downloaded and held the number one book rank on Apple Books, Amazon and Barnes and Noble.", 'Danielle currently lives in Charlotte, North Carolina with her husband and son. She works hard to perfect the ability to write in a noisy house and create story lines while folding laundry. She loves hearing from readers so please find her on social media!', 'Ten Things to know about Danielle Stewart:', "1. I have a fear of whales. All whales. The noise they make. The sight of them (even on tv). I don't think this phobia has a name and I've never met anyone else who feels this way. I blame it on the 3D movie when I was 7 at the Boston Museum of Science. (Thanks Dad.)", '2. When I get hungry it brings out the worst in me. My friends and family know to keep me well fed. They pack snacks now.', '3. I can cook but not bake. Not even a little. Not even a box of brownies.', '4. If there is a song I like it is normal to hear me listening to it a hundred times (give or take) in a row.', '5. I do not, under any circumstances, read directions. Who has time for that? Making mac & cheese by the seat of my pants for the last 25 years.', "6. Like a black-out drunk, I have lost hours of my life mysteriously to Pinterest. If you haven't tried it yet... don't. Save your self.", '7. Before I became a mother, lots of things grossed me out. Now nothing does.', '8. My favorite food is food... my least favorite food is no food. I love food. (apply the same rule to wine)', '9. I do not have a green thumb. I have the kind of thumb that kills any type of plant ever given to me. Whatever kind of thumb that is... I have it.', "10. Writing has changed my life. Not just the career it's created but the way I feel when I write. If you have something you love to do I hope you get the opportunity to do it.", 'Missing Pieces Series:', 'Book 1: The Bend in Redwood Road (FREE)', 'Book 2: The Pier at Jasmine Lake', 'Book 3: The Bridge in Sunset Park', 'Book 4: The Stairs to Chapel Creek', 'Book 5: The Cabin on Autumn Peak', 'Book 6: The Short at East Bonnet Beach (Coming Soon)', 'Piper Anderson Series:', 'Book 1: Chasing Justice (FREE)', 'Book 2: Cutting Ties', 'Book 3: Changing Fate', 'Book 4: Finding Freedom', 'Book 5: Settling Scores', 'Book 6: Battling Destiny', 'Book 7: Unearthing Truth', 'Book 8: Defending Innocence', 'Book 9: Saving Love', 'The Edenville Series:', 'Book 1: Flowers in the Snow (FREE)', 'Book 2: Kiss in the Wind', 'Book 3: Stars in a Bottle', 'Book 4: Fire in the Heart', 'The Clover Series:', 'Book 1 & 2 Half My Heart & Change My Heart (FREE)', 'Book 3 All My Heart', 'Over the Edge Series', 'Book 1 Facing Home (Free)', 'Book 2 Crashing Down', 'The Rough Waters Series:', 'Book 1: The Goodbye Storm(FREE)', 'Book 2: The Runaway Storm', 'Book 3: The Rising Storm', 'The Barrington Billionaire Series', 'Book 1: Fierce Love (Free)', 'Book 2: Wild Eyes', 'Book 3: Crazy nights', 'Book 4: Loyal Hearts', 'Book 5: Untamed Devotion', 'Book 6: Stormy Attraction', 'Book 7: Foolish Temptations', 'Book 8: Surprising Destiny', 'Book 9: Lovely Dreams', 'Book:10 Perfect Homecoming', 'Book:11 Promising Reunion', 'The Piper Anderson Legacy Mystery', 'Book 1: Three Seconds to Rush (Free)', 'Book 2: Just for a Heartbeat', 'Book 3: Not just an Echo']}
Lisa - Coming Of Age (Book 1 of The Guardian Shifters): coming of Age
[ "Soulmates will overcome anything. When Lisa was left on the hospital steps seventeen years ago, it left a lot of unanswered questions in her mind. Where did she come from? Why was she abandoned? What did her future hold? Well, one thing she knew was that her adoptive parents were the one constant thing in her life. She was loved, cared for, protected... until her biological family secrets were revealed, leaving her to fight the biggest fight of her life. She turns to her best friend and soulmate, Marcus, who happens to make her world rock with emotions she didn't know existed. Will Lisa's life ever be the same again? Will Lisa's love for Marcus survive?" ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
KM Lowe (Author), Kellie Dennis @Book Cover By Design (Author), Karen Sanders (Editor)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "Genre Fiction" ]
{"Publisher": "CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (February 26, 2018)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "252 pages", "ISBN 10": "1985129256", "ISBN 13": "978-1985129252", "Item Weight": "13.3 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.98 x 0.58 x 9.02 inches"}
Paperback – February 26, 2018
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'KM Lowe', 'about': ["My name is Kelly, and I'm a 31 year old writer from Bonny Scotland. I am a dedicated wife and mother. My first book 'The Smile' was published in May 2014, and I am over joyed at receiving great 5 star reviews. Since then, I've gone on to write in several different genres, including contemporary romance, PNR, and most recently, Romantic Suspense.", "I'm a very keen reader and writer. I love to discuss the books and projects that I work on.", "I love spending time with my husband and kids. We do a lot of walking and spend quality family days out. I have two dogs. I have a slight obsession of pugs. I would have a house full of them if I could. :-) I guess you can say I'm a crazy Scots woman.", 'Check out my Facebook authors page;', 'Twitter -', 'Instagram -', 'Goodreads -']}
The Babies Hospital of New York (Images of America)
[ "The Babies Hospital, now known as Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital, was founded in 1887 by Drs. Sarah and Julia McNutt in a brownstone on Fifty-Fifth Street and Lexington Avenue.", "The hospital is the first freestanding children's hospital in New York City and the fourth oldest in the United States. However, the hospital traces its roots to the establishment of the Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University, then King's College, more than 250 years ago. In 1929, the hospital relocated to a new 204-bed facility as part of the Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center. The", "New York Times", "referred to the new Babies Hospital as \"the last word in hospital design and equipment.\" Under the leadership of Rustin Mcintosh from 1931 to 1960, the hospital became a beacon for discovery and innovation, assembled a department of noted subspecialists, and was one of the first children's hospitals to develop programs in neonatology, surgery, radiology, neurology, hematology-oncology, and psychiatry.", "Michael Weiner, MD, Hettinger professor of pediatrics at Columbia University Irving Medical Center, is a vice chair of pediatrics, former director of the Division of Pediatric Oncology, and an author of", "Living Cancer: Stories of an Oncologist, Father, Survivor and a Philanthropist", ". Stephen E. Novak has been the head of Archives & Special Collections at Columbia's Augustus C. Long Health Sciences Library since 1997. The images in the book come from the rich photographic resources of the library." ]
[ "About the Author", "Michael Weiner, MD, Hettinger professor of pediatrics at Columbia University Irving Medical Center, is a vice chair of pediatrics, former director of the Division of Pediatric Oncology, and an author of Living Cancer: Stories of an Oncologist, Father, Survivor and a Philanthropist. Stephen E. Novak has been the head of Archives & Special Collections at Columbia's Augustus C. Long Health Sciences Library since 1997. The images in the book come from the rich photographic resources of the library." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Michael Weiner (Author), Stephen E. Novak (Author), Jordan S. Orange MD (Foreword)
[ "Books", "History", "Americas" ]
{"Publisher": "Arcadia Publishing (January 31, 2022)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "128 pages", "ISBN 10": "1467107379", "ISBN 13": "978-1467107372", "Item Weight": "11.2 ounces", "Dimensions": "6.5 x 0.31 x 9.25 inches"}
Paperback – January 31, 2022
The legend of the ICant's
[ "The ICan't family struggles everyday to get it right. Ino ICan't and MaeBea ICan't are the parents of twin boys Ussed ICan't and Eissed ICan't. Together they discover the life changing power of a strong wind. Join them as they experience all the mysteries of transformation and success. This book is geared towards readers of all ages to encourage faith and hope. Readers will learn that life is not always easy but purpose can override obstacles. The mystery of change is often hidden in the simplistic routine of everyday living." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Rhonda D Ross M.Ed. (Author)
[ "Books", "Children's Books", "Literature & Fiction" ]
{"Publisher": "CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (December 4, 2013)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "28 pages", "ISBN 10": "1493782967", "ISBN 13": "978-1493782963", "Reading age": "9 - 12 years", "Grade level": "4 - 6", "Item Weight": "3.36 ounces", "Dimensions": "8.5 x 0.07 x 11 inches"}
Paperback – December 4, 2013
We Are So Thankful: A Guided Gratitude Journal for Kids and Their Parents
[ "A must-have gratitude journal for kids that the whole family will love! Record the special moments that bring joy to your life and foster an attitude of gratitude within your child with each journal entry.", "This journal is a thoughtful, creative way for families to connect with one another. On the days when your heart is flowing with gratitude, capture all your special moments in this shared parent-child journal, and on the days when being thankful isn't easy you'll find plenty of prompts and challenges within this special journal that will help you and your family to \"choose gratitude.\" Watch as you and your children discover and celebrate all the many things that you have to be grateful for every day.", "With", "We Are So Thankful", ", together with your child you will:", "Answer Thought Provoking Questions: What is something I do that makes you happy? What do you think being grateful means?", "Answer Thought Provoking Questions:", "What is something I do that makes you happy? What do you think being grateful means?", "Record Memories: People who helped me this week; I'll never forget how happy you were when…", "Record Memories:", "People who helped me this week; I'll never forget how happy you were when…", "Complete Gratitude Challenges: Clean up a public space, check off household chores, create community art, and more!", "Complete Gratitude Challenges:", "Clean up a public space, check off household chores, create community art, and more!", "We Are So Thankful", "is a gratitude journal that's meant to be shared between you and your family, allowing everyone in the family to connect in a thoughtful, creative way. Through engaging prompts, you and your kids can discover and celebrate all the things you are grateful for together.", "A perfect journal if you are looking for:", "a memorable graduation gift!", "a memorable graduation gift!", "gifts for writers!", "gifts for writers!", "homeschool supplies for remote learning!", "homeschool supplies for remote learning!", "meaningful activity kits for kids!", "meaningful activity kits for kids!", "fun writing prompts for kids and teens!", "fun writing prompts for kids and teens!" ]
[ "About the Author", "Katie Clemons is an avid storycatcher, mom, and fifth generation Montanan whose super power is asking questions. Her mission―Let’s celebrate your story!―began in elementary school when Katie craved a consistent, fun way to capture and write her stories. Today, she's a No. 1 bestselling author who's shared her story on HGTV's \"You Live in What?,\" given a TEDxTalk, created a storycatching community, and received numerous awards and press for her innovative approach to journaling. Katie and her journals have been featured by media outlets such as The Wall Street Journal, Huffington Post, Good Housekeeping and Pregnancy and Newborn.", "Katie's work helps both children and adults celebrate their life stories and nurture deeper bonds with their families while finding greater joy and gratitude. Find Katie and share her storycatching discoveries at or @katierclemons on social media." ]
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Katie Clemons (Author)
[ "Books", "Children's Books", "Growing Up & Facts of Life" ]
{"Publisher": "Sourcebooks Explore (November 1, 2019)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "144 pages", "ISBN 10": "1492693618", "ISBN 13": "978-1492693611", "Reading age": "7 - 13 years", "Grade level": "3 - 8", "Item Weight": "8.5 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.75 x 0.36 x 8 inches"}
Paperback – November 1, 2019
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Katie Clemons', 'about': ['Katie Clemons is an avid storycatcher, mom, award-winning journal crafter, and fifth generation Montanan whose superpower is asking questions. Her mission—Let’s celebrate your story!—began in elementary school when Katie craved a consistent, fun way to capture and write her stories. Today The Wall Street Journal calls Katie’s work “The key to getting your teen to talk.” She a No. 1 Bestselling author who’s shared her story on HGTV’s “You Live in What?,” given a TEDxTalk, created a storycatching community, and received numerous awards and press for her innovative approach to journaling. Katie and her journals have been featured by media outlets such as People, CNN, Huffington Post, Good Housekeeping, and Pregnancy and Newborn.', 'Her guided journals are filled with thoughtful, yet easy prompts that help readers celebrate their life stories and nurture deeper bonds with family all while finding greater joy and gratitude. Come say hi at or @katierclemons on social media.']}
A Grave Must Be Deep! (The Argosy Library)
[ "Nobody had much use for wealthy old Uncle Eli Proudfoot when he was alive, so there was not much sorrow when he was murdered at Morne Noir, his Haitian estate. Seven of the eight people who were named in his will were eager to have it read. The will stipulated that he was to be buried with voodoo rites, and it was quite clear where his entire estate should be given. But when that recipient was discovered dead, the eighth person—Patricia Dale—became the prime suspect... and she was to be the recipient of the grim business of the Haitian voodoo sect as well." ]
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Theodore Roscoe (Author), V. E. Pyles (Illustrator)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "United States" ]
{"Publisher": "Steeger Books (December 7, 2019)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "213 pages", "ISBN 10": "1618274317", "ISBN 13": "978-1618274311", "Item Weight": "11.2 ounces", "Dimensions": "6 x 0.54 x 9 inches"}
Paperback – December 7, 2019
Crazy Moon (German Language Edition) (German Edition)
from 35.16
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German Edition Sarah Dessen (Author)
[ "Books", "Foreign Language Books", "German" ]
{"Publisher": "Dtv (May 1, 2002)", "Language": "German", "ISBN 10": "3423781807", "ISBN 13": "978-3423781800", "Item Weight": "10.6 ounces", "Dimensions": "4.76 x 0.75 x 7.44 inches"}
Paperback – May 1, 2002
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Sarah Dessen', 'about': ['I\'ve been writing, in one way or another, for as long as I can remember. I was always a big reader, mostly because my parents were. I used to get frustrated with my mom because she bought me books for Christmas when what I really wanted were the gifts my friends got, things like sweaters and jewelry. But I did love to read. When I was eight or nine my parents gave me an old manual typewriter and a little desk in the corner of our den, and I\'d sit there and type up my stories. I was the kind of kid that people always sighed over and said, "She has such a wild imagination," which usually meant "I wish Sarah would try to stick to the truth." I have a tendency to embellish: I think it\'s just a weakness of fiction writers. Once you learn how to make a story better, it\'s hard not to do it all the time."The books I read when I was teenager, the good ones anyway, have stuck more in my mind than anything since. I still love books, but while I couldn\'t tell you complete plots of novels I read even six months ago, I do remember even the smallest descriptive details from Lois Lowry\'s A Summer to Die or Judy Blume\'s Are You There God? It\'s Me, Margaret. I think it was because back then books were still somewhat new to me, and when I found an author who seemed to say just what I was feeling, it really struck me and resonated. I hope that my books do that for the people who read them: I think it\'s the best thing to which any writer can aspire. "As far as my other life, my non-writing life, I live in the country with my husband, some lizards, and two dogs who are completely spoiled and rule me completely. I like to work in my garden---although I have not yet perfected the art of keeping everything alive----and, in my weaker moments, shop. I have a bit of an addiction to the Gap clearance rack, to be honest. I have this strange need to buy huge quantities of black pants. How many pairs of black pants does one person need? (Obviously for me, the answer is 11 and counting. But I digress.) What else can I tell you? I love Starbucks mochas but they make me way hyper. I subscribe to too many magazines. I make a mean bean salad. I could go on, but the truth is, my books are much more exciting than I am, and that\'s a good thing. It\'s always more fun to make stuff up anyway."']}
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Field Guide to the Battlefields of South Africa
[ "Expert battlefields guide Nicki von der Heyde presents 71 battles covering three wars and a series of conflicts that shaped the course of South Africa’s history – from the colonial clashes that characterised the 18th and 19th centuries through to the Anglo-Zulu War of 1879 and the 2nd Anglo-Boer War of 1899–1902.Informative and lively accounts of the engagements are provided, with special attention given to the context, action, outcomes and principal combatants involved. Arranged in provincial and regional order, the Field Guide to the Battlefields of South Africa includes an array of special features that allow for an enthralling and multi-layered account of the battles:• 580 images• 80 illustrated timelines• 60 fact and feature boxes• 16 annotated battle maps• 10 regional locator maps• Detailed directions to each site• GPS co-ordinates for inaccessible locations.Comprehensive, compelling and vividly illustrated, the Field Guide to the Battlefields of South Africa is an indispensable tool for professional and amateur military historians as well as anyone interested in exploring South Africa’s fascinating history." ]
[ "About the Author", "Author of Field Guide to Battlefields of South Africa, Nicki von der Heyde read History at the University of Cape Town.She is a specialist battlefi elds tour operator, a Fellow of the RoyalGeographical Society and an honorary life member of the Anglo-Zulu War Historical Society.", "--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.", "Review", "Appealing to general readers with an interest in South African history, this guide to important historical battlefields, provides both background contextual information as well as detailed military analysis of key confrontations from all of the nation's major conflicts. Covering engagements in the Anglo-Zulu wars, the First and Second Boer Wars, various colonial conflicts, and fighting between Voortrekker and indigenous peoples, each chapter in the volume includes detailed location information and directions, biographies of important participants, full color photographs, maps, battle narratives and analysis. Entries are arranged by region to facilitate the use of this text as a travel guidebook. The author is a battlefield tour company operator.", "--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title." ]
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Nicki von der Heyde (Author) Format: Kindle Edition
[ "Books", "Crafts, Hobbies & Home", "Home Improvement & Design" ]
{"Publisher": "Struik Travel & Heritage; 1st edition (December 9, 2013)", "Publication date": "December 9, 2013", "Language": "English", "File size": "39497 KB", "Text to Speech": "Enabled", "Screen Reader": "Supported", "Enhanced typesetting": "Enabled", "X Ray": "Not Enabled", "Word Wise": "Enabled", "Sticky notes": "On Kindle Scribe", "Print length": "352 pages"}
Kindle Edition
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Nicki von der Heyde', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Inky Expressions: A Coloring Book For Everyone
[ "This is a coloring book with adults in mind. There are 36, one-sided drawings to color. All images are hand drawn. Very fun to color. The coloring level varies between difficult and very easy. Most pages are medium difficult." ]
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Kimberly Garvey (Author)
[ "Books", "Arts & Photography", "Graphic Design" ]
{"Publisher": "CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (August 17, 2018)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "80 pages", "ISBN 10": "172450651X", "ISBN 13": "978-1724506511", "Item Weight": "7.5 ounces", "Dimensions": "8.5 x 0.17 x 11 inches"}
Paperback – August 17, 2018
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Kimberly Garvey', 'about': ['Hello my name is Kimberly Garvey and I have been creating coloring books for adults and children since April 2015. Drawing has always been my passion. This is a great way to get out my creative energy and be able to share my creations with everyone. My first coloring book, Strange Designs was created from one of my sketchbooks full of drawings. It looks very different than my other books. I draw differently now that I have to consider that these are images that people will be coloring.', 'I grew up in Indiana. I went to Ball State University for fine arts and graphic design. My specialty was in drawing but I also love to do watercolor paintings and acrylic paintings. My paintings are all abstracts.', 'I have two children, Nathaniel and Cassidy. Cassidy is autistic and inspires me a lot to keep creating. It is difficult for me to work outside the home because of her. Making books has been so good for me in so many ways. It is a good business I can do from home. I have also met so many nice people that are either colorists (people who like to color) or other artists.', 'I love making coloring books and hope to keep it up for a long time. So happy coloring everyone!']}
81 Austerities
[ "Witty, comic, plaintive, touching, acerbic, droll, cavalier, caffeinated, irreverent, stringent:", "81 Austerities", ", the debut from Sam Riviere, seems to achieve the impossible in being all things at once. Initially conceived as a response to the 'austerity measures' implemented by the coalition government in 2011, the poems quickly began taking on a life in kind: 'cutting' themselves on levels of sentiment, structure and even subject matter. Not content to merely build a series of freethinking poems, these remarkable pieces seem eagerly and mischievously to analyze their moment of creation, then weigh their worth, then consign their excess to the recycling bin thereafter. Experience is speedy, the poems seem to say, so dizzyingly fast that the poetry will inevitably be running to catch up - often arriving at a scene the moment after the moment has gone. The effect is as funny and it is startling, beguiling as it is surprising, and makes", "81 Austerities", "a vivid reminder that deprivation, as Leonard Cohen put it, can be the mother of poetry." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Sam Riviere (Author)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "Poetry" ]
{"Publisher": "Faber & Faber (August 2, 2012)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "115 pages", "ISBN 10": "0571289037", "ISBN 13": "978-0571289035", "Item Weight": "5.5 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.12 x 0.39 x 0.79 inches"}
Paperback – Import, August 2, 2012
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Sam Riviere', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Three Crawford Brothers: The WW II Memoirs of Three Pilots
[ "Three Crawford Brothers: The WW II Memoirs of Three Pilots" ]
[ "Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.", "Three Crawford Brothers", "The WW II Memoirs of Three Pilots, Raymond, George and Fred", "By Raymond Shelton Crawford, Jr. George Wolf Crawford Fred Roberts Crawford", "AuthorHouse", "Copyright © 2008", "Raymond, George, and Fred CrawfordAll right reserved.", "ISBN: 978-1-4389-0457-3", "Contents", "Prologue and Acknowledgements......................................................................iContents...........................................................................................iii1 From Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941, to Aviation Cadet, November, 1942..........................12 Fred and George at Santa Ana, Raymond Visits His Brothers.......................................253 George and Fred at Santa Ana for Pre-Flight, Raymond at Minter..................................434 The Three Brothers' Reunion, Christmas, 1942....................................................535 Fred and George in Pre-Flight, Raymond at Minter, January, 1943.................................616 George at Santa Ana, Fred at Oxnard, Raymond at Chanute. Feb. 1943..............................687 George Joins Fred at Oxnard, Raymond Helps, Fred Graduates Primary..............................778 Raymond Flies B-17s, Fred at Advanced, George Completes Basic...................................869 George From Taft to the Woods of Sequoia National Park. July, 1943..............................9610 Fred Wins His Wings, George Wins His Wings, Raymond Flies B-17s.................................10411 George joins B-24 Crew, Raymond Flies to China, Fred Flies Fighters.............................11512 Fred at Thomasville. George and Bill are Members of the Morel Crew..............................13113 Raymond in China, Fred's Voyage Overseas, George in New York....................................14714 Fred in Africa, Raymond Missing in Action, George Flies to Italy................................16415 The Morel Crew in Italy, Fred in Algeria, Raymond in China......................................19416 George Bombs Europe, Raymond Bombs Ships, Fred and the Spitfire.................................22517 Raymond Bombs Japanese Forces, George Bombs Steyr, Fred in Spitfires............................25618 Raymond Bombs Chengtu, George Bombs Brasov, Fred Tames Mustang..................................28719 Fred's 15th AF Missions, George Bombs Brasov again, Raymond tours India.........................31720 George Earns DFC, Fred Over Ploesti, Raymond Flies Hump. May 16-22..............................34021 George on Capri, Fred's Crash, Raymond Bombs Lashio. May 23-31..................................35322 George on Two Engines, Fred Visits George, Raymond Bombs Canton.................................37623 Fred Goes Down in Flames, George Shoots Down a Me-110. June 16..................................41124 Fred in Budapest Prison, George Learns Fred MIA. June 17-23, 1944...............................42425 George Bombs Ploesti, Fred in Prison, Raymond in China. June 24-30..............................43826 Fred a German POW, George and Vescues, Raymond in China. July 1-5...............................45427 Fred in Stalag Luft III, George Bombs Ploesti, Raymond in China. July 6-15......................47128 George in Cairo, Fred in Luft III, Raymond Destroys Changsa. July 16-21.........................48829 Fred Joins the Choir, George Alone and Out of Formation. July 22-31.............................50730 George's 50th Mission, Raymond Bombs Yochow, Fred a POW. August 1-10............................52131 George's Trip Home, Fred a POW, Raymond in China. Aug. 11-Sept. 8, 944..........................53732 George Courts Jeannette, Fred in Luft III, Raymond Evacuates Luichow............................54933 Fred Receives Mail, Raymond's Trip Home, George Assigned Smyrna.................................57134 Fred on POW Death March, Raymond Sells War Bonds, George at Smyrna..............................58435 Fred's POW Days End, Raymond in Houston, George at Smyrna. April 1945...........................59736 Fred Visits Dachau, Raymond at Ellington, George at Smyrna May and June.........................60937 The Warriors Come Home, July through December, 1945.............................................62938 Epilogue........................................................................................643", "Chapter One", "From Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941, to Aviation Cadet, November, 1942.", "December 7, 1941:", "On such a beautiful Sunday afternoon, I couldn't ignore the sounds of younger brother Fred and friends playing football in front of our house. Why did Dr. Guthrie schedule the Physics test for Monday? I wanted to play. I tried to settle down to study.", "But the memory of a past Sunday afternoon was too vivid. No homework that day, I had played in a competitive four who followed coach's rules after each score.", "On that past Sunday, the Crawford family was just finishing its after church dinner of fried chicken, baked potatoes, greens, beans and cornbread when the Weaver brothers, Billy and Carlton, banged on the front door. Their timing was perfect, for Mother had also baked an apple pie - maybe they had smelled it. Billy and Carlton were always welcome for we had shared many meals and good times together for years.", "Mother had made our home the playground center for all the many neighborhood children. And play always ended with fresh baked cookies and cold drinks. On this memorable Sunday, our play had started with apple pie. Happy teenagers wiped the last crumbs from a super apple pie and were ready to play football. But, not so fast, Father ruled that there was work to be done. Father, always the coach, called such a ruling \"a time out.\" Fred and I were benched until the table was cleared, and we had washed and dried the dishes. Billy put the dishes away while Carlton entertained Father by arguing with him about \"predestination.\" Father was always trying to convince us and anyone else who would listen that the Presbyterian doctrine of \"predestination\" determined every decision one might make. What you decided was \"predestined.\" Don't argue, just do it Brother Raymond Jr. was excused. He had a date and the family car.", "Being younger, and with Mother's full support, we held out for freedom of will, freedom of choice, and as Mother always added, \"Responsibility for what you choose to do.\" A family divided has lots to argue about, so the family rule was simple: Present your arguments clearly, not loudly, and do not be discouraged if you fail to convince - try, try again. They trained us well as debaters. Raymond and I both won our \"B's\" as first string on the Brackenridge High School debate team. Raymond also played the trumpet in the band. I had played on the Edger Allen Poe Junior High School football team and that was all the school football I wanted to not enjoy.", "But Fred followed a different drum beat. He preferred athletics to talk-a-thons. Training, gym work and steady strength building paid off. Fred was the strongest of the three brothers, perhaps of the whole neighborhood, by the time he was 17. Fred won his \"B\" playing first string guard on the Brackenridge Eagles football team. His BHS team finished second in the very fast 15-AA competition in the fall of 1941.", "Finally Father admitted that we were predestined to play touch football on this beautiful Sunday afternoon. So Coach terminated \"bench time\" as soon as the last dish had been placed in precisely its proper place under Mother's watchful eye. The call for players went out.", "The neighborhood girls were always welcome as full participants. They usually played with us but today we had no volunteers. None of the girls were willing to play, which was most unusual. Mary Smith, Ruth Johnson, Gertrude Schaefer, Ann Cerner all turned us down. And no boys were found.", "Danny Cerner, Ted Schaefer, Robert and Edward Goldbeck were not at home. We were down to four. Coach had laid down the four player rules years ago. They were the very same ones he had played by as a boy in Corsicana and Palacios. Play for the fun and strengthen each other through teamwork.", "Play 1: The team with the ball would start with a center and a passer/runner. As soon as the center shoveled the ball, he was immediately a receiver/blocker and had to streak downfield to catch the pass or block the defender.", "The defending team would start at the scrimmage line and when the ball was snapped, one would rush the passer/runner and the other would try to keep the receiver from catching the ball. There would be no physical contact except the touch of a hand on the person with the ball - no bone shaking tackle or block on our very hard street pavement - and the play was over. The quarterback could run or pass. It was a one on one contest", "Play 2: The two teams changed assignments. The attacking team of play 1 became the defending team of play 2.", "After each two plays, the team members changed. i.e., (Billy/Fred) (Carlton/George) became (Billy/George) (Carlton/Fred), etc. Under Coach everybody got to play each position and there were no permanent \"teams.\" He explained his logic by simply saying that when we neighborhood boys played other teams, our team had to be able to play all positions, so train for it. Later Dad confided that his rule also prevented us from breaking into competing small groups. For us it was one for all and all for one..", "Play 1: Carlton shoveled me a pass, and I easily scored. Billy and Fred took the challenge, ready to roar back.", "Play 2: It was their turn to attack. We could tell by the way they eyed us that something tricky was in the offing. While Billy and Fred decided on their plan, Carlton and I huddled to decide who would rush. That decision was made. As soon as Fred took the ball, Billy faded back. I rushed Billy and Carlton defended against Fred. . I had to get to Billy fast, ready to corral an elusive 6 footer who prided himself on his fancy footwork and could run or pass. At 5 feet, 7 inches, hurtling on a straight line to close the 5 yard gap, I could only hope that Carlton could stay with Fred and give me time to sack Billy. But between my waving arms, Billy's football zipped right on by my hands outstretched to knock it down. And Carlton jumped, a mighty try, Fred zigged, zagged, caught the ball, touchdown.", "The score was tied, and the teams must change. Partners changed, Billy and I won the next play. Fred and Carlton on the next. We had played together so many times and were so evenly matched that no player combination was able to win two games in a row. We played on until Coach called a \"halftime\" and Mother served cookies. Not one of the four possible teams had scored twice in a row and watching Coach just smiled. Let memory end, reality begin, yet, one more delay, then two. I must study, I want to play. I object to what I have to do. I was determined to follow the family rule, \"Study first, and only then, if you have time, play\".", "Because this cool, clear Sunday afternoon was December 7, 1941, and I knew I had a physics test tomorrow and absolutely must study, I stopped \"remembering,\" and helped myself to an oatmeal cookie. The Crawford cookie jar was never empty, never closed.", "Outside, the sounds of play were loud, a siren's songs, alluring, seductive, nonproductive. I wanted to cover the test assignment as quickly as possible and rejoin the \"sounds of pounding feet, cries of pain and shouts of triumph.\"", "Now for me, a very important requirement for intellectual activity was to have just the right music (and if loud enough, it would drown out the competing \"siren song of shouts of triumph\"). I turned on the radio to search for just the right music.", "\"Carmen\"", "came to my rescue. With the Toreador's song energizing my brain and drowning out those distracting outdoor noises, I had the beat to study physics. Singing along with my own version, which was: Toreador, pick up your book from floor. Toreador, go, shut that outside door. Toreador, what are you waiting for? Suddenly the music stopped and a voice loudly proclaimed:", "\"The Japanese are bombing Pearl Harbor.\"", "Mother and Father rushed into the living room. Father sent me out to bring in the football players. As we listened to the almost unbearable, unbelievable, we learned our fleet in Pearl Harbor was sinkable. The coordinated Japanese air attack on the USA airfields and navy had begun at 7:56 a.m., Hawaiian time. In this first report, the battleship, Oklahoma, had been hit, rolled over and was sinking fast. Billy and Carlton ran home to share the news with their parents", "Father's reaction to the sneak attack was to become very angry, both at the \"Japs\" for attacking and at President Roosevelt, in particular, for permitting this to happen. For the first time ever, he began to talk about his Army service in WW I. Love the Army? No, he did not. He was in training as an officer at Camp Bullis, San Antonio, when WW I ended. He strongly felt that the U.S. should be giving full support to Britain. As an investment banker he had been following developments in Europe and the Pacific. He had seen this war coming for some time and listed the following series of events which, to him, made the Japanese attack inevitable.", "In 1937", "Japan invaded China, to our dismay, and bombed our gunboat, Panay, But only Chinese were dying, crying, no help will come their way. And the U.S. continued to sell steel and Texas oil to Japan", "In 1938,", "When German troops goose stepped with flags flying into Austria. And Czechoslovakia fell too, Britain and France signed a treaty with Hitler in Munich, \"Peace in out Time\" the lie was spread. Hitler was given all he had stolen With a treaty soon to be broken. And the US continued to sell arms, steel and Texas oil to Germany and Japan. While Britain, France and the USA celebrated \"Peace in our Time\" The Soviet Union and Germany prepared for war and signed a non aggression treaty, partners in crime to divide Poland.", "In 1939.", "Now Hitler was free to attack, sending German soldiers to bomb and kill Polish troops and civilians. Warsaw was destroyed. Then Russian troops as previously agreed, also invaded and plundered a helpless Poland. Britain and France, now jolted awake, honored their treaty with Poland and declared war on Germany. But the United States divided into pro and anti-Nazi camps, pro and anti-communist groups, and pro and anti-war campaigns. The US, at war with itself, on business united and continued to sell arms, steel and Texas oil to Germany and Japan.", "In 1940,", "The US stopped selling steel and Texas oil to Japan, over loud protests from US profiteers and the Japanese. But the Chinese were grateful and cried for help in the war they were losing. With cities destroyed and people dying, they pleaded for arms, airplanes and ships so their people could fight the Japanese. Chinese cries went unheeded. Japan, angered by having their oil imports cut by 90%, formed a new axis of Hirohito, Hitler, and Mussolini. Dictators all three, signed a pact to support each other in war against the USA and Britain Stalin expanded his rule of terror, sending Soviet forces to invade Finland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Attack, cried Hitler and his German troops blitzkrieged through France, Belgium and the Netherlands. And British forces retreated, defeated. escaped at Dunkirk, crossing the channel. On June 22, France surrendered, And Vichy France became part of the German, Japan axis. Only Britain was left to contest the German conquest of Europe. To conquer Britain, Germans must cross the English channel and invade. Control of the sky was the issue, a battle to be won in the air over England, defended by the RAF with some 600 Spitfires and Hurricanes. Pilots did live and did go down in flames dog fighting, attacking invading pilots and crews of over 3000 Luftwaffe bombers and fighters. In July the battle began, continued. On August 24, London was bombed, an accident Hitler claimed. Civilians were dying and English courage transfigured, England will not surrender. The RAF badly weakened, Hitler ordered a coup de grace, sending 400 bombers and 700 fighters With orders to destroy all opposition. On September 15, the RAF could defend with only a brave 300 pilots willing to die, but surrender? Never. The sky above England was crisscrossed by smoke trailing from burning planes and smoke from a nation burning from thousands of bombs. Yet the British repeated, we will never surrender. It was the Luftwaffe who cried, enough is too much, our losses are too great. And Hitler responded with venomous hate, ordered the Luftwaffe to bomb 24 hours a day. To ignore military targets and bomb the cities. Bomb the people who claim they will never surrender, let them die in flames. So round the clock bombings continued. Every city in England was bombed. Civilians died, over 100,000 paid with their lives. Adding night fighters to the Spitfires and Hurricanes the RAF fought on and on and on. And the RAF was winning. Germany, now blocked in the west, expanded southward. Hungary and Rumania joined the Axis, giving Germany the oil it needed from the Rumanian Ploesti oil fields. Texas oil no longer needed, the U.S. stopped selling Texas oil to Germany and Italy. Was it their choice or ours? Action at last, so long delayed, Congress passed and Roosevelt signed THE DRAFT ACT. 800,000 Americans were drafted into an Army so small, so weak, and so totally unprepared.", "In 1941", "The USA began to actively support Britain through the Lend Lease Bill. The USA began supplying war materials to Britain. In China, the Flying Tigers, lead by Chennault, hired American pilots to battle the Japanese Zero. Paid $600. per month and $500 for each kill, in P 40's, U S pilots showed their skill. German armies spread north into Denmark and Norway, east into Yugoslavia and Greece, and south into Africa. Again the Soviet Union acted against the U S, by freeing Japan to expand in the Pacific. Stalin signed a neutrality act with Hirohito. Quickly, Japan invaded Indochina with German and Russian approval. Vichy France, controlled by Germany, immediately surrendered all of the French military forces in Indochina to Japan without a struggle. In response, the U S halted all trade with Japan. Treachery unmasked, Hitler decided on June 22, it's Moscow's time to be destroyed and conquered. Breaking its treaty with the Soviet Union, its partner no longer, Germany invaded Russia. Needing bombers for the new aggression, the Luftwaffe stopped bombing London. As Londoners moved back above ground, the RAF regrouped, rebuilt. And all rose to say, \"we will never surrender, come what may.\" As German bombs destroyed Moscow, Stalin, now a victim of his own deceit, unbelievably grounded his army and air force for three whole days and German forces punched through and destroyed a defenseless frontier. Now Stalin begged the nations he had betrayed, the U S and Britain, to come to his aid, enter the war, claiming we are on the same side. The U S responded with a $1,000,000,000. line of credit and U S factories hummed, turning out arms for Russia and the Allies. According to Father, if only Stalin had not signed a non-aggression pact with Germany, Germany would not have dared to invade Europe. If only Stalin had not signed a non-aggression act with Japan, Japan would not have dared to attack Indochina or the United States. According to Father, Britain and France had become so weak, unprepared USA was the only force left to oppose Japanese expansion anywhere in the Pacific Ocean. When Japan joined Germany and Italy in 1940 in the Tripartite pact, it was clear to Father that only the United States stood between Japan and complete control of the Pacific Ocean. Father declared that all four, Germany, Italy, the Soviet Union and Japan, had decided to conquer and divide the world. They had played a \"chess game\" of false treaties to cover their plans. They had lulled the USA into a senseless dream of isolation. Did the USA really believe it could escape going to war? For Congress and the German Nazi party in the USA, the answer was YES. For President Roosevelt, it was NO. Unmasked when the AXIS ejected the Soviet Union, a victim of its own deceit, the final proof was the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor and the Philippines. And on this day,", "December 7, 1941", ", the Japanese warplanes burning Texas oil, were returning American steel in the bombs arcing, exploding, destroying the American fleet. With each blast a touchdown was scored. But why were our bombers not rushing the Japanese fleet? Why were our fighters and bombers not defending Pearl Harbor? Why were our fighters and bombers not defending Hickam Field? Our defenses were grounded, benched by command, our fighters and bombers were destroyed on the ground. On this beautiful Sunday morning, unwarned, our sailors and soldiers were recovering from a Saturday night fling.", "(Continues...)", "Excerpted from", "Three Crawford Brothers", "by", "Raymond Shelton Crawford, Jr. George Wolf Crawford Fred Roberts Crawford", "Copyright © 2008 by Raymond, George, and Fred Crawford. Excerpted by permission. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. solely for the personal use of visitors to this web site." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Raymond Shelton Crawford Jr. (Author), George Wolf Crawford (Contributor), Fred Roberts Crawford (Contributor)
[ "Books", "Biographies & Memoirs", "Memoirs" ]
{"Publisher": "AuthorHouse (August 19, 2008)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "656 pages", "ISBN 10": "1438904576", "ISBN 13": "978-1438904573", "Item Weight": "3.2 pounds", "Dimensions": "8.25 x 1.48 x 11 inches"}
Paperback – August 19, 2008
JONN: In Search of Self
[ "“I was ten years old and I was going to meet my mother for the first time that I can remember.” What would be needed to overcome such a deficit start in life? The answer to this question will enlighten you, surprise you and keep you enthralled while you absorb lessons from every page." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Jonn Morlin (Author), Joyce Morlin (Author)
[ "Books", "Biographies & Memoirs" ]
{"Publisher": "Xlibris US (November 12, 2019)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "322 pages", "ISBN 10": "1796070904", "ISBN 13": "978-1796070903", "Item Weight": "1.04 pounds", "Dimensions": "6 x 0.81 x 9 inches"}
Paperback – November 12, 2019
Spiritual Formation: Following the Movements of the Spirit [Hardcover]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
{"Publisher": "HarperOne (July 1, 2010)", "Language": "English"}
Unknown Binding – July 1, 2010
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Henri J. M. Nouwen', 'about': ["Henri Nouwen was born in Holland in 1932 and ordained a Catholic priest in 1957. He obtained his doctorandus in psychology from Nijmegen University in The Netherlands and taught at Notre Dame, Yale, and Harvard. He experienced the monastic life with Trappist monks at the Abbey of the Genesee, lived among the poor in Latin America with the Maryknoll missioners, and was interested and active in numerous causes related to social justice. After a lifetime of seeking, Henri Nouwen finally found his home in Canada, as pastor of L'Arche Daybreak - where people with intellectual disabilities and their caregivers live together in community.", 'Henri Nouwen wrote over 40 books on spirituality and the spiritual life that have sold millions of copies and been translated into dozens of languages. His vision of spirituality was broad and inclusive, and his compassion embraced all of humankind.', 'He died in 1996. His work and his spirit live on.', 'Henri Nouwen pronounced his name "Henry Now-en." For more information on his life and work, please visit .']}
I Am a Daughter of the Church
[ "Following the footsteps of the Masters of Carmel, Fr. Marie-Eugene opens up the paths of contemplation and holiness to all, in the midst of ordinary life. This is a classic for all interested in Carmelite spirituality." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
P. Marie-Eugene (Author)
{"Publisher": "Christian Classics, Incorporated (February 1, 1982)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "667 pages", "ISBN 10": "0870610503", "ISBN 13": "978-0870610509"}
Paperback – February 1, 1982
Hometown Heroes
[ "Now retired, former Raven's Wing police chief Forrest Haggarty finally gets the opportunity to prove his thirty-year-old claim that there is a serial killer at loose in the town when Mildred Bennett arrives and agrees to help him." ]
[ "From Publishers Weekly", "McShea's engaging first novel features four mature protagonists whose detective work stirs up trouble in their prosperous Connecticut community. Copyright 1992 Reed Business Information, Inc." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Susanna Hofmann McShea (Author)
[ "Books", "Mystery, Thriller & Suspense", "Mystery" ]
{"Publisher": "Avon Books (January 1, 1992)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "320 pages", "ISBN 10": "0380716755", "ISBN 13": "978-0380716753", "Item Weight": "5.6 ounces", "Dimensions": "4.25 x 1 x 6.75 inches"}
Paperback – January 1, 1992
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Susanna Hofmann McShea', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Buy a Kindle
How to install and hard finish a southern white pine floor: A novice pine board flooring Installation, by a weekend warrior homeowner.
[ "How to install and hard finish a southern white pine floor. A novice pine board flooring Installation, by a weekend warrior homeowner. The boards, floor tools, and some supplies were purchased at Lumber Liquidators ®, labor not included. This home improvement project is targeted for the by the novice weekend warrior homeowner.This novice install by a weekend warrior homeowner as a do it yourself project with no experience in floor installation. At the time, I was over 60 years old with a bad knee, doing the project by myself. The moral of this story is, if I can do it, you can do it! Also, southern pine is a soft material, and it’s hard to get (no pun intended) a hard surface on a soft pine floor. Most do it yourself-ers would not even try, But maybe distress the wood with log chains and only stain it, leaving it soft. Of course, I wanted the best of both worlds, the beauty of the southern pine large plank board floor with a hard surface. I also like the light look either white or yellow without any stain.I’ve liked the look of the southern pine, and I didn’t have any instructions on how to do it, so I thought that I could write this book so you could benefit from my experience and mistakes!I bought the flooring from flooring liquidators and delivered it with my truck and installed it myself as well as finished it with a hard polyurethane product.This how-to manual is fully illustrated with pictures every step of the way arranged sequentially so you can see each step of the process and project. Although the book is written through a novice perspective, it does assume some level of familiarity with hand air and electric power tools such as saws, drills, and sanders, and you have probably taken on do it yourself projects around the house before. If this skill level describes you, then you're ready to take on this project!" ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
L. R. Kerr (Author) Format: Kindle Edition
[ "Books", "Crafts, Hobbies & Home", "Home Improvement & Design" ]
{"Publication date": "December 12, 2019", "Language": "English", "File size": "7801 KB", "Simultaneous device usage": "Unlimited", "Text to Speech": "Enabled", "Screen Reader": "Supported", "Enhanced typesetting": "Enabled", "X Ray": "Not Enabled", "Word Wise": "Not Enabled", "Sticky notes": "On Kindle Scribe", "Print length": "140 pages", "Page numbers source ISBN": "1673701248"}
Kindle Edition
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Lee R. Kerr', 'about': ['Author L.R. Kerr is an attorney residing in Texas, licensed in Texas, and originally from Montana. This attorney has 40 years of prior experience including law enforcement and the military, with extensive career experience as an investigator and prosecutor. His interests are diverse, including history, science, photography, art, archaeology, spirituality, writing, painting, and travel, making him a uniquely qualified author.', 'Titles by the author,', "Crime Solution: 40-year journey finding the solution to the nation's crime problem.", 'Paperback: 472 pages', 'Publisher: Independently published (August 6, 2019)', 'Language: English', 'ISBN-10: 1087408733', 'ISBN-13: 978-1087408736', 'Evolutionaries Pantheist Bible (GINAN)', 'Series: GINAN (Book 2)', 'Independently published (September 3, 2019)', 'ISBN-10: 1689978473', 'ISBN-13: 978-1689978477', 'God Is Not A Noun: Evolutionaries Illuminati Cosmic Bible GINAN', '', '', 'Truth about religion: A father-son conversation. ASIN: B07MDCBB29', 'Islam: the truth: A father-son conversation. ASIN: 1793960755', 'Truth about spirituality: a father-son conversation. ASIN: 1793188033', 'Atlantis Aftermath', 'Investigating events and locations of post-eruption Bronze Age Minoan Civilization.', "Traveling archaeological sites, examining ancient artifacts, and historical connections, with never revealed new Minoan discoveries and insights from Santorini, Crete, Ireland, and Spain. The newly revealed story of the real Atlantis, it's destruction, and the ensuing aftermath.", 'By Lee R. Kerr © Copyright © 2018', 'The Griffin Quest Series', "This book details the author's incredible quest to find the remaining evidence of the Plato's story, Atlantis, the Minoans, and the Minoans mythical Griffin. The story takes the reader along for the investigation into many countries, museums, and archaeological sites leading to new insights and amazing discoveries!", '', 'Reviews:', '', '', 'Griffin Quest Facebook page:', '', 'The Twitter account link:', '', 'YouTube link to Atlantis Aftermath, PowerPoint in pictures presentation:', '', 'How to install and hard finish a southern white pine floor: A novice pine board flooring Installation, by a weekend warrior homeowner. by L. R. Kerr', 'Kindle Edition', 'ASIN: B082PCMXTJ', 'paperback', 'ISBN-10: 1673701248', 'ISBN-13: 978-1673701241']}
Sumatra with Seven Churches (Coffee Cup)
[ "Sumatra with the Seven Churches is part of the Coffee Cup Bible Studies, a series of Bible studies for women in compact, workbook format that examine the \"life and times\" of certain Bible characters and the books of the Bible that pertain to them" ]
[ "Review", "Wanted", ":", "Extraordinary Bible studies for ordinary people, scholarly explanations-but in plain English.", "Found", ":", "Sandra Glahn's remarkable Coffee Cup Series! Glahn sets theological content into a conversational style for any reader to enjoy.", "Kelley Matthews, ThM, coauthor New Doors in Ministry to Women", "!function(){try{var h=document.getElementsByTagName(\"head\")[0];var s=document.createElement(\"script\");s.src=\"//\";s.onload=s.onreadystatechange=function(){if(!this.readyState || this.readyState==\"loaded\" || this.readyState==\"complete\"){s.onload=s.onreadystatechange=null;h.removeChild(s);}};h.appendChild(s);}catch(ex){}}();", "About the Author", "Sandra Glahn", "author of the Coffee Cup Bible Study Series, is editor in chief of", "Kindred Spirit", ", the magazine of Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS),  where she teaches journalism, creative writing, and the role of women in ministry. She brings nearly two decades of women's ministry experience to her writing, which includes authoring or coauthoring four medical suspense novels, two books on infertility, and two on marital issues. Currently pursuing a Ph.D in aesthetic studies, Sandra also serves on the board of the Evangelical Press Association and is a contributing blogger at Tapestry, the women's leadership site at", "Janene \"Crickett\" Keeth", "holds  an M.A in Christian Education with a focus on Women's Ministry from Dallas Theological Seminary. After college, Crickett was on staff with campus Crusade. After moving to Dallas, she served part-time as the Associate Minister to single women and the Women's Ministry Associate at Northwest Bible Church. Since 2005, Crickett has been the Director of Women's Ministry at First Evangelical Church in Memphis." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Sandra Glahn (Author)
[ "Books", "Christian Books & Bibles", "Bible Study & Reference" ]
{"Publisher": "AMG Publishers (November 8, 2016)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "224 pages", "ISBN 10": "1617155128", "ISBN 13": "978-1617155123", "Reading age": "18 years and up", "Item Weight": "9.6 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.5 x 0.4 x 8.5 inches"}
Paperback – November 8, 2016
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Sandra Glahn', 'about': ['Sandra Glahn (ThM, Dallas Theological Seminary; PhD, UT Dallas) aspires to "Making scholarship accessible through story and analogy"—whether about art, culture, gender, women\'s issues, first-century backgrounds, or the body. And she wears many hats: Marriage partner. Mother. Novelist. Seminary professor. Mentor. Advocate. Women in antiquity fan. Reader. Blogger for\'s Engage blog for women in ministry leadership on second and fourth Tuesdays. Author of 20+ books including the Coffee Cup Bible Study series. General editor of *Vindicating the Vixens: Revisiting Sexualized, Vilified, and Marginalized Women of the Bible" and "Sanctified Sexuality: Valuing Sex in an Oversexed World." Her most recent work is Nobody\'s Mother: Artemis of the Ephesians in Antiquity and the New Testament" (IVP Academic).']}
The Silly Book (Picture Mammoth)
[ "A picture book, with rhyming text, which has a theme of silliness. Babette Cole's previous books include \"Three Cheers for Errol\" and \"The Trouble With Grandad\"." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Babette Cole (Author)
{"Publisher": "Egmont Childrens Books (February 6, 1992)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "0 pages", "ISBN 10": "0749708719", "ISBN 13": "978-0749708719", "Item Weight": "6.1 ounces", "Dimensions": "10.59 x 0.2 x 8.43 inches"}
Paperback – February 6, 1992
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Babette Cole', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Coffee Table Book of Astrology Revised E
from 4.99
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
John Lynch (Author)
{"Item Weight": "2.8 pounds"}
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'John Lynch', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Audible Audiobooks
Son of a Grifter: The Twisted Tale of Sante and Kenny Kimes, the Most Notorious Con Artists in America: A Memoir by the Other Son
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Kent Walker (Author), John Glouchevitch (Narrator), Mark Schone (Author), Tantor Audio (Publisher) & 1 more
[ "Books", "Biographies & Memoirs", "True Crime", "Crime & Criminal Biographies" ]
Food Network Magazine (Jan/feb 2013)
from 3.99
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
{"Language": "English", "Single Issue Magazine": "158 pages"}
Single Issue Magazine
The First Son
[ "Five warrior priests, known as Agents of Cosmic Intelligence have been sent to a far distant outpost, Earth, where the Rebel leader is training a race of humans to become ruthless fighters to aid in the takeover of the multiverse. It is the beginning of a new Age, one in which darkness could reach its apex, an era known to local seers as the Kali Yuga. The mission of these Agents is to push back the darkness and free the indigenous race from the Rebel forces that have taken complete control of the planet. The Agents had been incarnating on the planet for nearly 200,000 years. They and other Agents had fought heroically against impossible odds. The Rebels continued to break the rules of the Lost Lamb Game by using obvious off-planet weapons. Everything the Agents had done so far, playing by the rules, had come to naught. The Rebels controlled the planet, and the Agents were greatly outnumbered. But now, coming to their rescue is the second most powerful entity in the multiverse, second only to The One Self.This is a story of young lovers caught up in an apocalyptic war: formidable Templegard and his deep Nastassia, playful Layla and her former teacher Melchizedek. And their mentor, Maitreya, one of the earliest avatars -- a being of great powers and unsuspected secrets, who only rarely sees the one woman who owned his heart and then she usually didn't remember him.The First Son reveals an alternate view of history. Ancient legends and mysteries are seen in a different light and disconnected fragments of history seem to fall into place, connecting like a jigsaw puzzle, introducing the invisible side of things as they might have happened.\"Bill Harvey takes what Aldous Huxley called The Perennial Philosophy to the next level of detail.\" Mike Hess", "Please see and use the button on the Kindle page for free download of the first few chapters." ]
[ "About the Author", "Bill Harvey first experienced the Zone--that space where innovative and successful ideas and actions flow out of you effortlessly--as a young child. Bill started performing on stage at age four. He liked this feeling of being \"on\" and wanted to learn how to be \"on\" more often. So he began his lifelong quest to understand how to bring on higher states of consciousness and to help others do the same.Bill founded the Human Effectiveness Institute, with the goal of sharing the consciousness techniques he had learned and developed. Bill's first book,", "MIND MAGIC: The Science of Microcosmology,", "met with rave reviews in the late 70s and was lauded by thousands of readers. Fans included John Lennon, Ram Dass, Norman Cousins, Daniel Goleman, and Jimmy Carter. The book is now available in its sixth edition,", "MIND MAGIC: Doorways into Higher Consciousness", ".In his second book,", "YOU ARE THE UNIVERSE: Imagine That", ", Bill speculates about the true nature of reality, in which all that exists is a single divine consciousness made of information. In this view, religion is not at odds with science. Bill turned his theory into fiction, and conceived an epic series of novels entitled", "Agents of Cosmic Intelligence. THE FIRST SON", "is the first to be released in the series.Bill started his career in the media business with a dream of making one-way media into something the audience co-creates. A leader in the field as media morphed into being more interactive, putting the viewer in charge, he invented media research tools and measurement systems, including some now written into FCC regulations. He holds four issued US patents and has consulted for over a hundred Fortune 500 companies. Bill lives with his wife Lalita and their two cats in the beautiful Hudson Valley. He has a daughter Nicole, and with Lalita has four grandchildren, Nicholas, Gabrielle, Jessica and Alexander." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Bill Harvey (Author), Yana Lambert (Editor), Lynn Davis;Bruce Rolff (Illustrator)
{"Publisher": "The Human Effectiveness Institute; 1st edition (October 12, 2018)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "224 pages", "ISBN 10": "0918538092", "ISBN 13": "978-0918538093", "Item Weight": "12.6 ounces"}
Paperback – October 12, 2018
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Bill Harvey', 'about': ['As a young child, Bill had his first experience of the Zone, that space where innovative and successful ideas and actions just flow out of you effortlessly. The son of legendary orchestra leader Ned Harvey and former Ziegfield Follies showgirl Sandra Harvey, Bill started performing on stage at age four, dancing and exchanging lines with comedic greats like Jack E. Leonard. He liked this feeling of being "on" and wanted to learn how to be "on" more often. And so began his lifelong passion to understand how to be mindful enough to bring on higher states of consciousness and to help others do the same.', 'Along the way he anchored his dream with a degree in philosophy, the first school subject he had ever loved. He began to materialize the dream by founding the Human Effectiveness Institute, with the goal of sharing the techniques he had learned and developed as his own internal system for bringing himself to his highest level of creative effectiveness.', "Unique and ahead of its time, Bill's first book, Mind Magic: The Science of Microcosmology, met with rave reviews in the late 70sand was lauded by thousands of readers whose lives, they say, were changed by it. It has been used at 34 universities including NYU, UCLA and West Point, and by numerous organizations. The book is now in its sixth edition, Mind Magic: Doorways into Higher Consciousness.", 'Bill\'s ideas didn\'t all come from the inside, as he was inspired by something that Milton Berle had told him: "Always steal from the best, kid." He was turned on to Alan Watts, Buddhism, Zen, and hipness by his adopted older brother, the multitalented Bill Heyer, second trumpet in Ned\'s band.', "With a brilliant mind for research, innovation and invention, Bill entered a career in the media business with a dream of making one-way media into something that the audience co-creates. With his trailblazing vision, he accurately described today's media reality with his MediaWorld 1990 report to the industry, and in his widely-read Media Science Newsletter. He invented many things arcane to the average person but talismans in the media field, including some now written into FCC regulations. He has four issued US patents and has consulted for over 100 Fortune 500 companies. A leader in the field as media morphed into being more interactive, putting the viewer in charge, Bill's peers recognized him with the Great Mind Award in 2008 to celebrate his achievements.", 'Bill is a popular speaker, the subject of numerous articles, and a prolific writer. He writes two weekly blogs, ("Pebbles in the Pond", now in its fourth year), and ("In Terms of ROI"). He is interviewed weekly on the digital videoseries RBDR, and is a frequent guest on WDST-FM\'s Woodstock Roundtable with Doug Grunther.', 'Bill lives with his wife Lalita and their three cats in the beautiful Hudson Valley. He has a daughter Nicole, and with Lalita has four grandchildren.']}
A Small Book of Needs
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Hierodeacon Herman (Majkrzak) (Editor), Vitaly Permiakov (Editor)
{"Language": "English", "Hardcover": "241 pages", "ISBN 10": "1878997939", "ISBN 13": "978-1878997937"}
Travels Through Time: What's The Worst That Could Happen
[ "The year is 2118. Time travel had been proven feasible in the 2080s, and trips to the past were now a fact of life for those who could afford it. This had started out as any previous Field Trip in Time, the adjunct to Professor Nathan Roberts’ historical geology class at Oklahoma State University. This trip travels through hundreds of millions of years of geologic time to witness the evolution of life and the changing continents. Unlike his previous highly acclaimed field trips in time, though, Professor Roberts knew that this trip was a disaster.Not only had the time ship crashed, destroying the primary time travel interface, Professor Roberts had to somehow lead his students on foot across hundreds of miles of the treacherous and unforgiving, dinosaur-infested late Cretaceous of 70 million years in the past.Professor Roberts knew there would be no rescue; when they were overdue to return to the present it would be impossible to send a rescue party to find this exact moment in time they were in. Professor Roberts and his students were on their own. They had left behind the supply trailer on the shore of the Western Interior Seaway during their day trip into the late Cretaceous. Not only had Professor Roberts lost students on this journey, he had to find a way to lead the remaining students to the safety of the trailer and the backup time travel interface if they had any hope for returning to the 22nd century." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Steven Lower (Author)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "Action & Adventure" ]
{"Publisher": "Independently published (February 28, 2019)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "271 pages", "ISBN 10": "1797865463", "ISBN 13": "978-1797865461", "Item Weight": "13 ounces", "Dimensions": "6 x 0.62 x 9 inches"}
Paperback – February 28, 2019
Dark Force Rising (Star Wars RPG)
[ "Return to the wonder and excitement of a far-off galaxy in this companion volume to Timothy Zahn's best-selling novel Dark Force Rising. This book includes complete information and game statistics on all of the characters, aliens, vehicles, Droids, planets and starships from this gripping adventure." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Bill Slavicsek (Author)
{"Publisher": "West End Games (January 1, 1992)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "142 pages", "ISBN 10": "0874311829", "ISBN 13": "978-0874311822", "Item Weight": "2.86 pounds"}
Hardcover – January 1, 1992
Chomp: A Shark Romp
[ "Dive in to the depths of the ocean to discover different species of sharks in this nonfiction picture book with simple text and illustrations", ".Many different kinds of sharks are swimming below the ocean's surface.Some sharks are gentle, and some sharks are fierce. Some are awake in the day, and some are awake at night. Some eat almost anything, and some are very picky.You may not be able to visit their watery world, but you can always visit them up close at the aquarium.Simple text and bold illustrations take young explorers on a deep dive through the ocean full of sharks.", "Don't Miss More from Michael Paul in", "Roar: A Dinosaur Tour", "!" ]
[ "From School Library Journal", "PreS-Gr 2—From gentle giants to fierce hunters, sharks vary in size, color, appetite, and habitat, making the underwater dwellers distinct in each depiction. As readers swim alongside each shark illustrated, they will learn that many sharks have unique personalities and habits, making it safer to see them from afar in an aquarium than in the wild. The text within the nonfiction narrative is uncomplicated, leaving room for children to absorb the labeled illustrations that are simultaneously simple and realistic. Although Paul implies we should not swim with sharks, kids can visit many of them at aquariums. Paul also offers a picture glossary in both the front and back of the book. Fans of his Roar: A Dinosaur Tour and the \"Baby Shark\" song will enjoy learning about the sharks that live under the ocean's surface. VERDICT A strong choice for early elementary nonfiction shelves and a vibrant exploration of different types of sharks.—Hilary Tufo, Columbus Metropolitan Library-Reynoldsburg", "Review", "Praise for", "Roar: A Dinosaur Tour", ":\"Intense hues light up a prehistoric parade.\" —", "Kirkus", "\"An engaging introduction to the world of dinosaurs.\" —", "School Library Journal", "\"Paul’s approach is more playful than naturalistic, making this dinosaur primer a good choice for readers just starting to have fun with mixing colors and shapes.\" —", "Publishers Weekly", "About the Author", "Michael Paul", "is the author of", "Roar: A Dinosaur Tour.", "He has also worked in the entertainment advertising industry for more than twelve years, designing key art for movie releases, including campaigns for", "Spider-Man", ",", "Transformers", ",", "The Polar Express", ",", "SpongeBob SquarePants", ",", "Star Wars", ",", "King Kong", ", and", "Elf", ". He lives in Los Angeles with his wife and two daughters.", "Read more" ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Michael Paul (Author)
[ "Books", "Children's Books", "Science, Nature & How It Works" ]
{"Publisher": "Crown Books for Young Readers; Illustrated edition (April 16, 2019)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "40 pages", "ISBN 10": "1524767026", "ISBN 13": "978-1524767020", "Reading age": "2 - 5 years", "Lexile measure": "AD310L", "Item Weight": "1 pounds", "Dimensions": "11.38 x 0.39 x 9.31 inches"}
Hardcover – Illustrated, April 16, 2019
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Michael Paul', 'about': ['Although Michael Paul is new to the world of children’s books, he has created art that was featured in video games, film, and advertising for some of the most well-loved media brands for children including, Where the Wild Things Are, The Way Things Work, The Polar Express, Star Wars, Elf, and many more.', 'Roar: A Dinosaur Tour is Michael Paul’s first book.']}
Jungle Animals in Albanian and English (Board Books) (English and Albanian Edition)
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Albanian Edition Jo Lodge (Author)
[ "Books", "Children's Books", "Activities, Crafts & Games" ]
{"Publisher": "Mantra Lingua; New Ed edition (July 20, 2005)", "Language": "English, Albanian", "Board book": "12 pages", "ISBN 10": "1844449521", "ISBN 13": "978-1844449521", "Item Weight": "5.1 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.71 x 0.39 x 5.71 inches"}
Board book – July 20, 2005
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Jo Lodge', 'about': ['Jo Lodge is an illustrator and a paper engineer.', "She was greatly influenced by her artistic parents - her mother, Maureen Roffey, an illustrator, and her father Bernard Lodge, a graphic designer. Jo's sister Katherine Lodge is also a children's book illustrator and her brother David Lodge is a film director.", 'Jo produced her first six books in 1996 which were published by Rod Campbell. Her boldly coloured animal characters have been used across a range of books.', "She is probably best known for her Mr Croc books (published by Hodder Children's Books) that have sold worldwide.", 'Jo lives in West Sussex with her husband and two sons.', "To visit Jo Lodge's website go to"]}
Texas! Chase [Unabridged 6-CD Set] (AUDIO CD/AUDIO BOOK)
[ "All he wanted was enough whiskey to forget... Ravaged by grief after a car crash took his cherished wife and unborn child, Chase Tyler had abandoned his family business. He'd hit the rodeo circuit and the bars with equal disregard for his life, unwilling to face his pain and move on—until a bad-tempered bull and a lady from the past forced him to.... All she wanted was his love... Marcie Johns had known Chase all her life, had been driving the car when it crashed and his wife was killed. She still wondered if Chase blamed her for his loss. But she was willing to gamble her pride and happiness to give the man she'd adored since childhood something to live for. When she offered Chase a brazen proposition to save his company, he was shocked by her plan—and he hated himself for being tempted by the fire smoldering in her gorgeous eyes! Could a once-shy bookworm seduce the rugged cowboy of her dreams into letting her love heal his heart?" ]
from 12.09
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Sandra (Author); Brown (Author)
{"Language": "English"}
Paperback – January 1, 2010
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Sandra Brown', 'about': ['Sandra Brown is the author of more than sixty New York Times bestsellers, including STING (2016), FRICTION (2015), MEAN STREAK (2014), DEADLINE (2013), LOW PRESSURE (2012), LETHAL (2011), and the critically acclaimed RAINWATER (2010).', 'Brown began her writing career in 1981 and since then has published over seventy novels, bringing the number of copies of her books in print worldwide to upwards of eighty million. Her work has been translated into thirty-three languages.', "Brown recently was given an honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters from Texas Christian University. She was named Thriller Master for 2008, the top award given by the International Thriller Writer's Association. Other awards and commendations include the 2007 Texas Medal of Arts Award for Literature and the Romance Writers of America's Lifetime Achievement Award."]}
The Rough Guide to Trinidad & Tobago Map (Rough Guide Country/Region Map)
[ "Trinidad and Tobago is a republic of two contrasting Caribbean islands, lapped by the Caribbean on their western leeward coasts and by the Atlantic on their more rugged eastern, windward side, just off the coast of Venezuela. T&T, as it's usually known, is the Caribbean's foremost eco-tourism destination, with superb bird-watching and wildlife reserves of a kind more commonly associated with the South American mainland. This map shows every road, stream, track, swamp, dam and beach at a scale enabling you to get right off the beaten track. It is made from rip-proof, waterproof plastic paper." ]
[ "About the Author", "Rough Guides", "are written by expert authors who are passionate about both writing and travel. They have detailed knowledge of the areas they write about—having either traveled extensively or lived there—and their expertise shines through on every page. It's priceless information, delivered with wit and insight, providing the down-to-earth, honest read that is the hallmark of Rough Guides." ]
from 20.00
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Rough Guides (Author)
[ "Books", "Reference", "Atlases & Maps" ]
{"Publisher": "Rough Guides; Map edition (February 2, 2004)", "Language": "English", "Map": "1 pages", "ISBN 10": "1843532417", "ISBN 13": "978-1843532415", "Item Weight": "2.29 ounces"}
Map – Folded Map, February 2, 2004
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Rough Guides', 'about': ['Escape the everyday with Rough Guides.', 'Rough Guides is a leading travel publisher known for its “tell it like it is” attitude, accurate, up-to-date content and authoritative contemporary writing. We publish books covering more than 120 destinations around the globe, producing an ever-growing series of ebooks and a range of reference titles, with an award-winning website.', 'Since 1982, our books have helped over 35 million travellers explore the world with accurate, honest and informed travel writing.', '---------------------------------------', '• INSPIRATIONAL GUIDES', 'Stylish picture-packed inspirational books that make great gifts.', '• ROUGH GUIDES', "Classic in-depth 'Tell it like it is' guidebooks covering cities, regions and countries.", '• ON A BUDGET', 'Guidebook bibles for budget-conscious travellers.', '• FIRST TIME', 'Everything you need to know before you go.', '• POCKET GUIDES', 'Compact practical guidebooks for short-trip travellers.', '• WALKING GUIDES', 'Compact practical guidebooks tailored to trekkers and walkers.', '• PHRASEBOOKS', 'User-friendly, pocket-sized phrasebooks.', '---------------------------------------', 'Now we offer a personalised trips of a lifetime with unique adventure', 'Find your own path with Rough Guides tailor-made trip -']}
Mastering Camera Raw with Ben Willmore DVD
[ "Shows and tells users how to manipulate images with Camera Raw on this instructional DVD." ]
[ "About the Author", "A senior engineer from NASA once said that this man gave the best technical seminar he ever attended. That same year a computer-phobic who had been struggling with Photoshop for years proclaimed that \"He takes the Boogie Man out of Photoshop!\" This seems to be Ben Willmore's special gift; he has an uncanny ability to connect with users of every level and mindset; whether it's first-timers taking their first sniff of Photoshop, or razor-sharp nerds and nerdettes who are on the fast track to technical illumination. The common echo that Ben leaves in his wake seems to be \"Aha! I finally GET Photoshop!\" To date, Ben has personally taught over 45,000 Photoshop users on three continents. His descriptions of Curves and Channels are thought to be the best in the industry and his breakthrough teaching style of \"not-just-how-but-why,\" has made him the in-house instructor of choice for companies such as Mercedes Benz, Adobe Systems, America Online, the U.S. Airforce, Lexis Nexis and Fisher-Price Toys. His award-winning, best-selling book, Adobe Photoshop Studio Techniques is said to be \"Arguably, one of the best Photoshop books ever written.\" by Photoshop User's publisher, Jim Workman. His latest book 'Photoshop CS2: Up to Speed' is a new concept in books and is the only book focused exclusively on the new features in Photoshop CS2. He is also co-author (with Jack Davis) of \"How to Wow: Photoshop for Photographers,\" and creator of the best-selling Master Series videos. He continues to be a featured speaker at publishing conferences and events worldwide, including Photoshop World, American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP), Professional Photographers of America (PPA) and the Royal PhotographicSociety of England. He's a member of the Dream Team for NAPP and writes for numerous digital imaging and photography publications, including a monthly column for Photoshop User magazine. In 2004 he was inducted into the Photoshop Hall of Fame. His reputation as the \"expert's expert\" prompted NAPP's president, Scott Kelby, to say, \"When we get stuck, we call Ben!\" Ben sold his house in the mountains of Colorado in early 2006 and started to live a mobile lifestyle. His home is a 1997 40' Prevost bus (often referred to as a Rock Star Bus) that was converted by Liberty coach into a motorhome. The bus is pretty much a one bedroom apartment on wheels. Ben spends his time driving to speaking events and photographing National Parks and small town America." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Ben Willmore (Author)
[ "Books", "Arts & Photography", "Photography & Video" ]
{"Publisher": "Peachpit Press; 1st edition (May 6, 2005)", "Language": "English", "ISBN 10": "0321358341", "ISBN 13": "978-0321358349", "Item Weight": "4.8 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.28 x 0.57 x 7.5 inches"}
1st Edition
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Ben Willmore', 'about': ['Photoshop Hall of Famer, Ben Willmore, has taught over 100,000 Photoshop users on six continents. His bestselling books, DVDs, and hit seminars have established Ben as one of the America’s favorite Photoshop instructors, and he is often the top-selling speaker at design and photography conferences throughout the world. He writes for numerous digital imaging publications, including a monthly column for Photoshop User magazine, and his award-winning books have helped helped hundreds of thousands of design and photography professionals make the transition from blindly following step-by-step techniques, to “Ah-ha! I finally GET Photoshop!”']}
In Search of the Lost Decade: Everyday Rights in Post-Dictatorship Argentina
[ "In 1983, following a military dictatorship that left thousands dead and disappeared and the economy in ruins, Raúl Alfonsín was elected president of Argentina on the strength of his pledge to prosecute the armed forces for their crimes and restore a measure of material well-being to Argentine lives. Food, housing, and full employment became the litmus tests of the new democracy.", "In Search of the Lost Decade", "reconsiders Argentina’s transition to democracy by examining the everyday meanings of rights and the lived experience of democratic return, far beyond the ballot box and corridors of power. Beginning with promises to eliminate hunger and ending with food shortages and burning supermarkets, Jennifer Adair provides an in-depth account of the Alfonsín government’s unfulfilled projects to ensure basic needs against the backdrop of a looming neoliberal world order. As it moves from the presidential palace to the streets, this original book offers a compelling reinterpretation of post-dictatorship Argentina and Latin America’s so-called lost decade." ]
[ "Review", "\"Adair’s book, which originally places food and politics at the center of its analysis, is a stimulating and well-written examination of a historical period that has been dis- regarded by the Argentine historiography. It will find an enthusiastic readership among historians of Argentina, food scholars, and scholars of democratic transitions.\" ―", "Hispanic American Historical Review", "\"", "In Search of the Lost Decade", "is well-written, compelling, theoretically ambitious, and makes a significant contribution to the developing conversation around the 1980s in Latin America.\" ―", "EIAL: Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe", "From the Inside Flap", "“This excellent study provides a new take on the 1980s in Latin America by revealing how the Alfonsín administration in Argentina channeled popular demands for social justice, political participation, and economic opportunity. In contrast to familiar accounts of the transition from military to civilian rule,", "In Search of the Lost Decade", "focuses our attention on overlooked features of Alfonsinista democracy, particularly its struggles to blend human rights discourses with broader promises of freedom from want and equitable national development.”––Eduardo Elena, Associate Professor of History, University of Miami “For those of us who lived in Argentina during the Alfonsín presidency, it is hard to imagine those years as history. But indeed they are, as Jennifer Adair’s fine-grained analysis of the period demonstrates with clarity and great critical acumen. The study also creates a certain nostalgia, memories of the optimism of those years that are so far from the country’s current mood and troubles. The country’s ongoing struggle to rebuild democracy needs to reassess the lessons of that hopeful period when so many things seemed possible.”––James Brennan, Professor of History, University of California, Riverside “Adair has written a compelling account of the social foundations that grounded the democratic return in Argentina. By casting light on a previously neglected area, this book helps us better understand not only Alfonsín’s presidency, but also the fate of Argentina’s democracy to the present.”––Ezequiel Adamovsky, Professor of Argentine History, University of Buenos Aires and University of San Martín", "From the Back Cover", "“This excellent study provides a new take on the 1980s in Latin America by revealing how the Alfonsín administration in Argentina channeled popular demands for social justice, political participation, and economic opportunity. In contrast to familiar accounts of the transition from military to civilian rule,", "In Search of the Lost Decade", "focuses our attention on overlooked features of Alfonsinista democracy, particularly its struggles to blend human rights discourses with broader promises of freedom from want and equitable national development.”––Eduardo Elena, Associate Professor of History, University of Miami “For those of us who lived in Argentina during the Alfonsín presidency, it is hard to imagine those years as history. But indeed they are, as Jennifer Adair’s fine-grained analysis of the period demonstrates with clarity and great critical acumen. The study also creates a certain nostalgia, memories of the optimism of those years that are so far from the country’s current mood and troubles. The country’s ongoing struggle to rebuild democracy needs to reassess the lessons of that hopeful period when so many things seemed possible.”––James Brennan, Professor of History, University of California, Riverside “Adair has written a compelling account of the social foundations that grounded the democratic return in Argentina. By casting light on a previously neglected area, this book helps us better understand not only Alfonsín’s presidency, but also the fate of Argentina’s democracy to the present.”––Ezequiel Adamovsky, Professor of Argentine History, University of Buenos Aires and University of San Martín", "About the Author", "Jennifer Adair", "is Assistant Professor of History at Fairfield University.", "Read more" ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
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Jennifer Adair (Author)
[ "Books", "History", "Americas" ]
{"Publisher": "University of California Press; First Edition (December 3, 2019)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "208 pages", "ISBN 10": "0520305175", "ISBN 13": "978-0520305175", "Item Weight": "14.4 ounces", "Dimensions": "6 x 0.7 x 9 inches"}
First Edition
Revelation: A Chronology
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Dr. Jimmy DeYoung (Author)
{"Publisher": "Shofar Communications (January 1, 2010)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "0 pages", "ISBN 10": "0970824653", "ISBN 13": "978-0970824653", "Item Weight": "8.8 ounces"}
Paperback – January 1, 2010
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Jimmy DeYoung', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Three Wishes
[ "If a tree fairy tells you that you have three wishes, be careful what you wish for!" ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
M. Jean Craig (Author)
[ "Books", "Politics & Social Sciences", "Social Sciences" ]
{"Publisher": "Scholastic Paperbacks; First Edition (January 1, 1968)", "Language": "English", "ISBN 10": "0590016210", "ISBN 13": "978-0590016216", "Item Weight": "2.4 ounces"}
Paperback – January 1, 1968
Action Comics #588 : Superman & Hawkman
[ "Action Comics #588 : Superman & Hawkman" ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
{"Language": "English"}
Buy a Kindle
From the Ashes (Lone Star Shifters Book 1)
[ "Danger and romance collide in this explosive introduction to the Lone Star Shifters.", "DJ Coleman is one kickass stuntwoman on the set of an international action film franchise. As the star's body double, she's focused and determined to make this sequel more intense than the last.Firefighter Ren James took the Fire Safety Officer job as a chance to give his wolf senses time to recover from the last major fire. Getting a chance to see his favorite movie series in action from behind the scenes, and especially DJ Coleman's incredible stuntwork, have their perks.First day on the job and an explosion is unleashed chaining a robust shifter to a bed in the burn ward. A sinister pattern emerges proving that someone will stop at nothing to ensure this film never makes it to the big screen.DJ will have to rely on the mysterious firefighter for far more than she expects. And with the fire of attraction raging between them, it's only a matter of time before their relationship ignites. When the shadows shift and the bad guy makes his move, will they be able to work together or will DJ's next stunt be her last? ---", "From the Ashes", "is an Action Adventure Paranormal Romance set in Dallas, Texas as part of the shared Lone Star Shifter Universe. This is the first of a new series. Each book in the series is a standalone book that can be read without fear of cliffhangers. The", "Lone Star Shifters", "share a universe with the", "Omega Pack Task Force", "(coming in 2020).Book1:", "From the Ashes", "Note: This book was previously published in Paige Tyler's Dallas, Fire & Rescue Kindle World in 2018 and has been significantly altered and expanded for your enjoyment." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Dawn Montgomery (Author) Format: Kindle Edition
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "Action & Adventure" ]
{"Publisher": "Indie Outlaw Books (August 29, 2019)", "Publication date": "August 29, 2019", "Language": "English", "File size": "3834 KB", "Simultaneous device usage": "Unlimited", "Text to Speech": "Enabled", "Screen Reader": "Supported", "Enhanced typesetting": "Enabled", "X Ray": "Not Enabled", "Word Wise": "Enabled", "Sticky notes": "On Kindle Scribe", "Print length": "91 pages"}
Kindle Edition
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Dawn Montgomery', 'about': ['USA Today bestselling author Dawn Montgomery loves to write almost as much as she loves to read. She has traveled the world twice over. While her days were filled with long hours and hard work, her nights were left for dark, lustful fantasies in and out of strange hotels and cities.', 'Alaska and Texas are the places she calls home. She recently moved from the frigid North to Texas with her family and neurotic dog. It was tragic to leave behind the moose and bear for wide open plains and sexy cowboys.', 'Welcome to my author page! Visit me at my website:', "If you'd like to receive exclusive content and the latest news, check out my newsletter:"]}
[ "“What does it mean to be like?”Maddie is an adventurous and curious girl whooften asks herself this question, as she sets out on wonderful adventures.She will encounter new friends, struggles and with a bit of help,discover something truly important about herself." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
J.R Wehle (Author), Paulina Lorence (Illustrator)
[ "Books", "Children's Books", "Growing Up & Facts of Life" ]
{"Publisher": "Independently published (February 22, 2022)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "37 pages", "ISBN 13": "979-8421402794", "Item Weight": "5.3 ounces", "Dimensions": "8.5 x 0.09 x 11 inches"}
Paperback – February 22, 2022
Architects Of Victory: Six Heroes of the Cold War
[ "The Cold War was one of the most dangerous periods in American history, but it ended with one of our greatest victories: the dismantling of the Soviet Empire and discrediting of Communist ideology. Architects of Victory tells how the Cold War was won and it does so in a unique way by focusing on the lives of six great figures who were among those most responsible for Western victory: Harry Truman, Winston Churchill, Konrad Adenauer, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Pope John Paul II, and Ronald Reagan. This scholarly survey of contemporary history and celebration of human greatness provides an indispensable overview of the events and personalities that dominated the second half of the 20th Century." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Joseph Shattan (Author)
[ "Books", "History", "Americas" ]
{"Publisher": "UNKNO (October 15, 1999)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "342 pages", "ISBN 10": "0891950826", "ISBN 13": "978-0891950820", "Item Weight": "1.5 pounds", "Dimensions": "6 x 1.5 x 9 inches"}
Hardcover – October 15, 1999
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Joseph Shattan', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Everyday NFC Second Edition: Near Field Communication Explained
[ "Albert Einstein once said, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” Since I understand Near Field Communication (NFC) well, my intention in writing this book is to explain NFC technology in such a way that my readers can take advantage of its exciting potential.", "UPDATES: This is the second edition of “Everyday NFC”. It includes new information on tag management, mobile payment, Host Card Emulation (HCE), use cases and the Apple Pay mobile wallet available via iPhone6.", "Koichi Tagawa, Chairman of NFC Forum, commented on the previous release of \"Everyone NFC\": \"Your book is great for helping people to learn the fundamentals of NFC. Also, the broad, prioritized coverage of key points about NFC is something that really impressed me. I hope your book will drive consumers and companies to do more with NFC, to the extent that all devices in the world will carry NFC.\"" ]
[ "About the Author", "Hsuan-hua Chang is a consultant, coach, writer and speaker. She has over 20 years of experience in Wireless technology as a software engineer/developer, architect/product manager and marketing product manager. Her focus is on NFC, Big Data and Cloud Computing. Hsuan-hua has been coaching executives and entrepreneurs since 2004 as a certified leadership coach. She empowers business leaders through the use of technology and leadership development. Her brand is Leaders Empower Leaders ™. She holds a Master's Degree in Computer Science and a Leadership MBA. The combination of her enterprise technology experience, with professional business coaching, results in a unique perspective and approach that explores business opportunities in technology. Learn more about Hsuan-hua at: and" ]
from 4.95
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Hsuan-hua Chang (Author), David Williams (Editor), Julie Chang Schulman (Editor)
[ "Books", "Engineering & Transportation", "Engineering" ]
{"Publisher": "Coach Seattle, Incorporated; 1st edition (October 2, 2014)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "104 pages", "ISBN 10": "0982434022", "ISBN 13": "978-0982434024", "Item Weight": "4.2 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.25 x 0.24 x 8 inches"}
Paperback – October 2, 2014
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Hsuan-hua Chang', 'about': ['Hsuan-hua Chang was born in Taiwan, came to America as a foreign student and became a US citizen in 1983.', 'Hsuan-hua has over 20 years of experience in wireless technology, holding many corporate positions ranging from developer, technical architect to product marketing manager. She has been writing NFC and Big Data blog at', 'She also has been coaching executives and entrepreneurs since 2004. She is an ICF Professional Certified Coach and the chair of ICF Leadership Coaching Community of Practice. Please visit her website at', "Husan-hua holds a Master's Degree in Computer Science and a Leadership MBA. Her blend of enterprise technology experience, with a professional business coaching background, results in a unique perspective and approach that explores business opportunities in various emerging technologies."]}
Besos Postergados: Memorias y aprendizajes de un exitoso tomador de decisiones basadas en emociones, sentimientos e instintos (Spanish Edition)
[ "Como las", "Águas de março", ", de Tom Jobim, CresoH nació en Brasil y en ese mes. Vivió y se graduó en su natal «ciudad maravillosa», Río de Janeiro, en Ingeniería Química y Tecnología Nuclear. También se formó en las áreas de administración, logística y", "marketing", ". Esa sólida formación profesional le permitió desarrollar una próspera carrera que lo llevó a vivir y trabajar en 12 países en los cuales, además de ejercer importantes cargos en diversas empresas, pudo compaginar su vida laboral con actividades de voluntariado en comunidades oprimidas. En todo ese tiempo, y especialmente, cuando estaba por cumplir sus 60 años, experimentó un fuerte llamado hacia una búsqueda espiritual que lo llevó hasta la India. En ese país vivió experiencias muy enriquecedoras —como un ritual de renacimiento en las aguas del río Ganges— que le permitieron responder inquietudes personales sobre quién es y cuál es su papel en este mundo. Desde entonces, y después de haber comprendido —gracias a su experiencia corporativa y de vida— que la habilidad más importante del ser humano es la toma de decisiones conscientes, con serenidad y neutralidad, se dedicó a compaginar su trabajo con charlas de desarrollo —", "satsangs", "— para sus equipos. En estos encuentros compartía sus ideas sobre el poder de las decisiones apartadas del ego, la vanidad y las ansias de poder, y apegadas a la importancia que tiene el ser líder como una vocación de servicio para una comunidad.Actualmente, ya en su retiro profesional, CresoH continúa cultivando su cuerpo, su mente y su espíritu. Como parte de ese proceso y de su misión de vida, se ha dedicado a escribir. Así nos entrega esta, su primera obra, en la que nos ofrece importantes y reveladoras premisas para tomar mejores decisiones que nos lleven a alcanzar nuestros sueños, sin arrepentirnos por los besos que nunca dimos,", "besos postergados", "." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Spanish Edition Creso Henrique Pacheco de Macedo (Author)
[ "Books", "Self-Help", "Motivational" ]
{"Publisher": "Independently published (June 17, 2021)", "Language": "Spanish", "Paperback": "100 pages", "ISBN 13": "979-8517002228", "Item Weight": "5.8 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.06 x 0.23 x 7.81 inches"}
Paperback – June 17, 2021
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Creso Henrique Pacheco de Macedo', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Men Into Space
[ "Vintage TV Tie-in" ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Murray Leinster (Author)
{"Publisher": "Berkley; 1st edition (January 1, 1960)", "Language": "English", "Item Weight": "2.1 pounds"}
Mass Market Paperback – January 1, 1960
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Murray Leinster', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Thinking and Destiny
[ "Book by Harold Percival Waldwin" ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Harold Percival Waldwin (Author)
{"Publisher": "Motilal Banarsidass, (April 1, 2002)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "1047 pages", "ISBN 10": "8120818091", "ISBN 13": "978-8120818095", "Item Weight": "2.12 pounds"}
Paperback – April 1, 2002
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Harold W. Percival', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Full of Grace: A New Year of Life for Your Baby-And for You!
[ "Developmental milestones. Mothers watch them throughout that first year of their babies lives; waiting, observing, fretting, sometimes comparing, and always wondering. This marvelous book focuses on these critical markers, and offers reflections, suggestions for spiritual practices, and encouragement for all new moms, whether they are brand new to motherhood or seasoned veterans. Speaking mom-to-mom, Claire Noonan s engaging reflections offer motherly insight, hope, and trust in the God who brings all of us new and eternal life." ]
[ "About the Author", "Claire Noonan is a mother, a wife, and a practical theologian currently serving as Vice President of Mission and Ministry at Dominican University." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Claire Noonan (Author)
[ "Books", "Christian Books & Bibles", "Christian Living" ]
{"Publisher": "Twenty-Third Publications (August 26, 2015)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "128 pages", "ISBN 10": "1627850783", "ISBN 13": "978-1627850780", "Item Weight": "5 ounces", "Dimensions": "5 x 0.39 x 7.6 inches"}
Paperback – August 26, 2015
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Claire Noonan', 'about': ['Claire Noonan, DMin, is a practical theologian who brings more than two decades of experience in university ministry, adult faith formation, and social justice education to her work as Vice President for Mission and Ministry at Dominican University. She graduated Phi Beta Kappa from The Catholic University of America with a Bachelor of Arts in English and Religion. She earned a Master of Divinity degree at the Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, and her Ecumenical Doctor of Ministry degree at Catholic Theological Union with a concentration in spirituality. She is author of Full of Grace, a book of spiritual essays and exercises for women (Twenty-Third Publications, 2015). She is a frequent speaker at local and national gatherings, addressing topics such as the Dominican tradition, interfaith education, vocation, faith development of young adults, the spiritual life of women, prayer and parenthood. Her writing as appeared in U.S. Catholic magazine, the Journal of Catholic Higher Education and on, among other venues. She currently serves on the Advisory Board of Catholics on Call at the Catholic Theological Union, the Mission and Identity Committee of Christ the King Jesuit College Preparatory High School, and the design team for the Mission Officers Institute of the Association of Catholic Colleges and University. She is the mother of two beautiful, smart and compassionate girls Mary Siena and Margaret Susan. She and her husband, Anthony Schmitz, have been married for ten years.']}
En Blanco y negro (Spanish Edition)
[ "Al acercarse el aniversario 40 de su matrimonio, un anciano y romántico Martin decide darle a Renata, el amor de su vida, un libro escrito por el que la lleve por sus memorias mas preciadas. Es una historia de un amor eterno y distinto, que guiará al lector por un carrusel de emociones mientras se encuentra con un relato bi-temporal en el que se conjugan las historias pasadas de una pareja atípica con conversaciones espontáneas, presentes entre un abuelito nostálgico y su amada, llena de arte y colores. Al salir de esta historia, el lector no solo sentirá nostalgia y se sentirá identificado con los personajes; sino que además recordara que todos tenemos un amor que nos marcó y que será siempre único, no por la generalidad, sino por sus detalles." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Spanish Edition Ricardo Acosta (Author)
[ "Books", "Romance" ]
{"Publisher": "Luna nueva ediciones (December 26, 2020)", "Language": "Spanish", "Paperback": "88 pages", "ISBN 10": "9942885366", "ISBN 13": "978-9942885364", "Item Weight": "5.9 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.5 x 0.22 x 8.5 inches"}
Paperback – December 26, 2020
The Art Of Boot And Shoemaking, A Practical Handbook: Including Measurement, Last-Fitting, Cutting-Out, Closing, And Making (1885)
[ "The Art of Boot and Shoemaking is a practical handbook written by John Bedford Leno in 1885. The book covers all aspects of boot and shoemaking, including measurement, last-fitting, cutting-out, closing, and making. It is a comprehensive guide for both beginners and experienced shoemakers, providing detailed instructions and illustrations to help readers understand the techniques involved in making boots and shoes. The book also includes information on the tools and materials needed for the craft, as well as tips and tricks for achieving the best results. With its clear and concise language, The Art of Boot and Shoemaking is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in learning the art of shoemaking.With A Description Of The Most Approved Machinery Employed.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
John Bedford Leno (Author)
[ "Books", "Reference", "Writing, Research & Publishing Guides" ]
{"Publisher": "Kessinger Publishing (December 22, 2008)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "304 pages", "ISBN 10": "1437396224", "ISBN 13": "978-1437396225", "Item Weight": "1.36 pounds", "Dimensions": "6 x 0.81 x 9 inches"}
Hardcover – December 22, 2008
Paris Bites (Love at First Bite, Siren Publishing Classic)
[ "[Siren Classic: Erotic Paranormal Capture Romance, vampires, HEA] Christopher D'Angelo is from a very long and distinguished line of vampires, but years of blood and sex aren't enough to make him happy. Only finding his mate can make him complete, and he doesn't have a chance in hell without finding his family's lost blood diamond first. Samantha Panini is living and working as a thief on the streets of Paris dressed as a young man. Her entire life changes abruptly when she picks the pocket of a vampire. In retaliation, he kidnaps her. Once Christopher discovers her secrets and her lush curves, he is unwilling to let her go, but he made a promise to release her if she cooperates. In a quirk of fate, his captive turns out to be his lifemate, and she holds the keys to his heart. Will she break it completely when it comes time to release her, or will his enemies destroy her first? ** A Siren Erotic Romance" ]
[ "Review", "Paris Bites is one of those novels that you just cannot stop turning the pages. I love it! Sam is as feisty and fiery as they come, and I love how Christopher thinks he can control her while she just keeps him on his toes. Even his brother cannot best her, and I really love that little scene! The love between Sam and Christopher is very real, but so is the danger each must face because of it....The ending to this lovely story is perfect, and I for one will definitely be buying more of this author's books. Oh, and the sex? Positively scorching and not to be missed!- Coffee Times Romance" ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Missy Lyons (Author)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "Erotica" ]
{"Publisher": "Siren Pub Inc (December 4, 2012)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "216 pages", "ISBN 10": "1622422953", "ISBN 13": "978-1622422951", "Item Weight": "10.4 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.98 x 0.46 x 9.02 inches"}
Paperback – December 4, 2012
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Missy Lyons', 'about': ['Missy Lyons writes erotic romances for smart sassy women. She lives in Middle Tennessee with her family, two dogs, and a cat who thinks it is a dog. She is an obsessive Star Wars geek and loves all things dragons, aliens, and did she forget to mention hot men top the list?', 'Missy is probably the most obsessed with drop dead gorgeous, alpha men. Amazingly enough, hot men are featured in every one of her romance books. She writes several popular series including, Club Desire(BDSM), Sexier When Wet (Manlove), Riding Western Style (Cowboys), Boys on the Beach (Manlove), Love at First Bite (vampires), and Twisted Sex Games (Erotic Menage romance).', 'Readers can find out more about her books from her website,', 'Website:', 'Blog:', 'Facebook:', 'Twitter: @missylyons', 'Myspace:']}
My Food Journal for Girl: Kid’s Food Diary-Daily Nutrition/Food Workbook, Children’s Writing Daily Meals, Food Groups, Healthy Eating Children’s Diaries Girls
[ "This children's food diary helps to inspire children to eat healthily, explore new foods, and practice a healthy lifestyle!", "Feature:", "Diary paper containing diary tips: Today is my healthy choice..., Today I drank__glasses of Water, Daily Food Group Scale, and a record the “New Foods” of Each Day.", "Diary paper containing diary tips: Today is my healthy choice..., Today I drank__glasses of Water, Daily Food Group Scale, and a record the “New Foods” of Each Day.", "A 100-page children's food diary with a size of 8.5 x 11 inches An ideal size to put in a backpack or on a child's bedside table This children’s food diary/diet workbook is designed to Keep the following 5 goals in mind:", "A 100-page children's food diary with a size of 8.5 x 11 inches An ideal size to put in a backpack or on a child's bedside table This children’s food diary/diet workbook is designed to Keep the following 5 goals in mind:", "Help ensure children make healthy food choices", "Help ensure children make healthy food choices", "Develop a positive relationship with food and eating", "Develop a positive relationship with food and eating", "Encourage food exploration and try new foods", "Encourage food exploration and try new foods", "Stimulate kid's interest in food groups and food interests", "Stimulate kid's interest in food groups and food interests", "Open up food communication between parents and children", "Open up food communication between parents and children", "My Food Journals is a perfect gift for kids of all ages.", "My Food Journals is a perfect gift for kids of all ages." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Angela Hawkins (Author)
[ "Books", "Children's Books", "Growing Up & Facts of Life" ]
{"Publisher": "Independently published (February 18, 2021)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "100 pages", "ISBN 13": "979-8710601501", "Item Weight": "11.2 ounces", "Dimensions": "8.5 x 0.23 x 11 inches"}
Paperback – February 18, 2021
Onslow County: A Brief History (County Records Series)
[ "Arranged chronologically, this book traces coastal Onslow's social, economic, and political history from the county's creation in 1731 to the 1990s." ]
[ "About the Author", "Alan D. Watson is professor of history at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. One of North Carolina's most prolific historians, he has authored more than fifteen books and numerous articles on various topics in the Tar Heel State's colonial and revolutionary history." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Alan D. Watson (Author)
[ "Books", "History", "Americas" ]
{"Publisher": "North Carolina Office of Archives and History; Illustrated edition (January 1, 1995)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "193 pages", "ISBN 10": "0865262632", "ISBN 13": "978-0865262638", "Item Weight": "10.9 ounces", "Dimensions": "6 x 1 x 9 inches"}
Paperback – Illustrated, January 1, 1995
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Alan D. Watson', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
The Spirit Phone
[ "\"O'Keefe's debut novel certainly serves up a unique blend of elements...Perhaps most rewarding is his evocation of this time and place...a world made magical and strange, an ideal setting for such a strange tale.\"", "—", "Booklist", "Aleister Crowley and Nikola Tesla confront the enigma of Thomas Edison's new invention: a phone to communicate with the dead.", "It is August 1899, and Thomas Edison proclaims his most amazing invention yet: the Spirit Phone Model SP-1. At nearly the same time, a cocksure young mage named Aleister Crowley inexplicably teleports into the home of Edison's archrival, renowned inventor Nikola Tesla.As insanity and suicide multiply among spirit phone users, Crowley and Tesla combine their respective skills in \"magick\" and technology to investigate the device's actual origin and ultimate purpose.Embarking upon an adventure of astral travel, demonic invocations, and high-speed airship journeys, they are soon embroiled in a desperate race to stop the spirit phone's use by an unknown adversary to inaugurate a hell on earth from which none shall escape." ]
[ "Review", "\"filled with twists that are impossible to predict...there is nothing to do but enjoy the ride. The Spirit Phone is an inventive novel that's moved by mysteries and magic.\" —Foreword Reviews Magazine \"The Spirit Phone is an enjoyable occult mystery with one foot in historic reality and the other in a preternatural apocalyptic whirlpool that keeps you spinning from one shocking revelation to the next at breakneck speed.\" —Nightmare Magazine \"The unlikely but exciting investigative duo [of Tesla and Crowley] are the perfect pair to involve in this who-done-it horror. O'Keefe's novel is a historical look at the invention of the time. Filled with twists and turns, this thriller finds itself at the intersection of the scientific and the arcane.\" —Manhattan Book Review \"Startlingly original and strangely engrossing, I kept thinking this is E.L. Doctorow's Ragtime on psychedelics. We are no doubt witness to a new talent in the speculative fiction genre, a writer who has a deep understanding of historical figures and events and knows the true meaning of creative fiction.\" —Rex Pickett, author of Sideways \"With his gripping, dreamlike debut novel The Spirit Phone, Arthur Shattuck O'Keefe establishes himself as an imaginative author of uncanny ability. Literary speculative fiction has long been overdue for a new writer to take a hammer to the form and make it better than it was. In creating a work that is part supernatural steampunk, part spellbinding alternate history, O'Keefe has done that and more.\" —David W. Brown, author of The Mission \"This is a strong first novel and gripping read, with a neatly crafted plot that seamlessly blends weird technology and supernatural events. It's well set up for both further adventures and a potential film adaptation. Watch this space!\" —Matthew Allen, screenwriter for the producers of such films as Terminator 2: Judgement Day, The Boondock Saints, and The Equalizer \"A twisted, twisty and novel take on science, the supernatural and modern history. Surprising, engaging, thought-provoking and fun.\" —Ian R. MacLeod, author of Red Snow and winner of the World Fantasy, Sidewise, Locus, John W. Campbell, and Arthur C. Clarke Awards \"In this novel you will encounter mystery, suspense, adventure, whimsy, science, occultism, and teleportation through time and space, all in a very entertaining mix. I highly recommend The Spirit Phone for anyone who seeks a lively and intelligent read.\" —Bruce Boston, four-time Bram Stoker Award-winning author of Dark Matters and The Guardener's Tale This is a meeting of steampunk with 19th century esoterica, science with the occult. Prepare to be unsettled, challenged, and entertained.\" —P.C. Hodgell, author of The God Stalker Chronicles and The Chronicles of Kencyrath \"For fans of alternative historical fiction, The Spirit Phone delivers. What a wild, entertaining romp, following Tesla, Edison, and Crowley through space and time. This tale unfolds with demonic glee.\" —Richard Thomas, author of Spontaneous Human Combustion, and Bram Stoker Award / Shirley Jackson Award nominee \"The Spirit Phone is an intellectual thrill ride. With relentless pacing and a once-in-a-generation premise, O'Keefe, through impeccable research, has brought Nikola Tesla and Aleister Crowley back to life just in time to battle a terrifying multi-dimensional entity. One read and you'll wonder, as Edison did: 'Do we exist beyond the grave?'\" —Patrick Parr, author of The Seminarian: Martin Luther King Jr. Comes of Age \"The Spirit Phone succeeds page by page, especially in the compelling interactions of two Victorian era geniuses, one of science and one of the occult. With relentlessly engaging dialogue and fantastic, gripping scenes, this book is a multifarious pleasure not to be missed.\" —Ryan Blacketter, author of Down in the River \"The plot moves at a steady, even pace, offering a fabulous blend of historical fiction, intertwined with real-life personalities and locations...a great mix of supernatural, mystery and suspense.\" —Sarah Jackson, author of Winner Winner Chicken Dinner", "About the Author", "In Arthur Shattuck O'Keefe's debut novel The Spirit Phone, Aleister Crowley and Nikola Tesla confront the enigma of Thomas Edison's new invention: a phone to communicate with the dead. O'Keefe's short story, \"A Spirited Conversation,\" based upon The Spirit Phone, appears in the Fall/Winter 2021 issue of The Stray Branch. His short fiction has also appeared in Flash Fiction Magazine, Manawaker Studio's Flash Fiction Podcast, and Ragazine. He has written articles for PopMatters, The Japan Times, Metropolis, and Japan Today. He was born in New York and lives in Kanagawa, Japan, where he is at work on his next novel." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Arthur Shattuck O'Keefe (Author)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "Genre Fiction" ]
{"Publisher": "BHC Press (November 15, 2022)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "300 pages", "ISBN 10": "1643973231", "ISBN 13": "978-1643973234", "Item Weight": "15.7 ounces", "Dimensions": "6 x 0.67 x 9 inches"}
Paperback – November 15, 2022
{'avatar': '', 'name': "Arthur Shattuck O'Keefe", 'about': ["Arthur Shattuck O'Keefe was born in New York and lives in Kanagawa, Japan. In his debut novel The Spirit Phone, Aleister Crowley and Nikola Tesla confront the enigma of Thomas Edison's phone to speak with the dead. The Spirit Phone will be released by BHC Press on November 15, 2022.", "O'Keefe's short fiction has appeared in The Stray Branch, Flash Fiction Magazine, Manawaker Studio’s Flash Fiction Podcast, and Ragazine. He has written articles for The Japan Times, PopMatters, Metropolis, Kyoto Journal, and Japan Today."]}
The New World Order Threatens America and the World
[ "This book explains the New World Order, which refers to the existence of a very powerful secretive elite with a global agenda that wants to establish a one-world socialist government under the United Nations. Under this system, a global ruling organization would supplant all individual national governments. All countries would give up their wealth, constitution, laws, armed forces, currency, internet, liberty, freedoms, and sovereignty. No country would be allowed to own guns and the armed forces of each nation would be abolished. The wealth of the rich nations would be distributed to poor nations. The history of the Illuminatis, the Rothschilds, Skull and Bones, the Round Table, and the Fabians are also covered. Americans are facing an enormous threat to their individual freedoms and democratic way of life by the very wealthy members of globalist elite and their many powerful organizations, including the Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Federal Reserve, Bank for International Settlements, IMF, and World Bank. The author included several chapters on the role of globalists in the State Department and international banks in the affairs of Cuba and Venezuela and his recommendations to the White House on how to bring freedom to these two nations. There is an account on how international bankers and capitalists financed the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and assisted Nazi Germany to rearm and improve its economy. The author discusses how the transfer of technology to Russia and China has continued and how the Democratic Party has become a Muslim Marxist Party. Professor de Varona writes how all Republican and Democratic administrations have given important positions to members of the globalists groups, including the Trump administration but in lesser numbers. The author believes that President Trump is a patriot who is being attacked by members of the Deep State and the corrupt mainstream media. Lastly, the author explains how the globalists of the New World Order can be stopped." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Frank de Varona (Author)
[ "Books", "Politics & Social Sciences", "Politics & Government" ]
{"Publisher": "CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; First Edition (September 23, 2017)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "394 pages", "ISBN 10": "1977576982", "ISBN 13": "978-1977576989", "Item Weight": "2.01 pounds", "Dimensions": "8.5 x 0.81 x 11.02 inches"}
Paperback – September 23, 2017
The Same Earth
[ "When Imelda Richardson leaves the small village of Watersgate, Jamaica, armed only with one small suitcase, she is doing so for the second time. One of the throng of young Jamaicans who left the island after the devastating hurricane of 1974, Imelda's journey has taken her to England, to the home of ganja-growing rebel Purletta Johnson, the arms of fake Northerner Ozzie, and a law degree. But when her mother dies Imelda returns to Watersgate, choosing Jamaica over England. 1983 is still a couple of years shy of the great dancehall explosion in which artists like Shabba Ranks would sing how he \"loved punany bad,\" and the village is still dominated by the Evangelical church and the thundering voice of Pastor Braithwaite. When Tessa Walcott's panties are stolen—and in the absence of Perry Mason—she and Imelda decide to set up a Neighborhood Watch. But they haven't counted on Pastor Braithwaite and the crusading zeal of Evangelist Millie. As a Pentecostal fervor sweeps through the village, the tensions between old and new come to a head." ]
[ "Review", "\"A humorous, bittersweet fiction, combines the fantastical realism of Marquez with the domestic comedy of Andrea Levy . . . Miller is a name to watch.\"  —The Independent\"A lovingly drawn miniature of Jamaica's culture from the 1950s onwards . . . Miller's narrative and emotional range is exceptional.\"  —", "Scotland on Sunday", "\"A stinging portrait of Jamaican religion and law . . . marked out by an interesting, animating intelligence.\"  —", "Sunday Herald", "\"Told with the rousing handclap of a spiritual and the crisp drum-beat of a folk song.\"  —", "The Independent on Sunday", "About the Author", "Kei Miller has published several collections of poetry and a book of short stories,", "The Fear of Stones", ", which was shortlisted for the Commonwealth Writer's prize for Best First Book." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Kei Miller (Author)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "Literary" ]
{"Publisher": "Orion Publishing; Export Ed edition (March 1, 2008)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "240 pages", "ISBN 10": "0297844806", "ISBN 13": "978-0297844808", "Item Weight": "12.7 ounces", "Dimensions": "6 x 0.8 x 9.5 inches"}
Paperback – International Edition, March 1, 2008
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Kei Miller', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Snowflake Access Control: Mastering the Features for Data Privacy and Regulatory Compliance
[ "Intermediate user level" ]
[ "From the Back Cover", "Understand the different access control paradigms available in the Snowflake Data Cloud and learn how to implement access control in support of data privacy and compliance with regulations such as GDPR, APPI, CCPA, and SOX. The information in this book will help you and your organization adhere to privacy requirements that are important to consumers and becoming codified in the law. You will learn to protect your valuable data from those who should not see it while making it accessible to the analysts whom you trust to mine the data and create business value for your organization.Snowflake is increasingly the choice for companies looking to move to a data warehousing solution, and security is an increasing concern due to recent high-profile attacks. This book shows how to use Snowflake's wide range of features that support access control, making it easier to protect data access from the data origination point all the way to the presentation and visualization layer. Reading this book helps you embrace the benefits of securing data and provide valuable support for data analysis while also protecting the rights and privacy of the consumers and customers with whom you do business.What You Will Learn", "Identify data that is sensitive and should be restricted", "Identify data that is sensitive and should be restricted", "Implement access control in the Snowflake Data Cloud", "Implement access control in the Snowflake Data Cloud", "Choose the right access control paradigm for your organization", "Choose the right access control paradigm for your organization", "Comply with CCPA, GDPR, SOX, APPI, and similar privacy regulations", "Comply with CCPA, GDPR, SOX, APPI, and similar privacy regulations", "Take advantage of recognized best practices for role-based access control", "Take advantage of recognized best practices for role-based access control", "Prevent upstream and downstream services from subverting your access control", "Prevent upstream and downstream services from subverting your access control", "Benefit from access control features unique to the Snowflake Data Cloud", "Benefit from access control features unique to the Snowflake Data Cloud", "About the Author", "​Jessica Megan Larson", "was born and raised in a small town across the Puget Sound from Seattle, but now calls Oakland, California home. She studied cognitive science with a minor in computer science at University of California Berkeley. She thrives on mentorship, solving data puzzles, and equipping colleagues with new technical skills. Jessica is passionate about helping women and non-binary people find their place in the technology industry. She was the first engineer within the Enterprise Data Warehouse team at Pinterest, and additionally helps to develop fantastic women through Built By Girls. Previously, she wrangled data at Eaze and Flexport. Outside of work, Jessica spends her time soaking up the California sun playing volleyball on the beach or at the park." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Jessica Megan Larson (Author)
[ "Books", "Science & Math", "Mathematics" ]
{"Publisher": "Apress; 1st ed. edition (March 3, 2022)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "268 pages", "ISBN 10": "1484280377", "ISBN 13": "978-1484280379", "Item Weight": "1.05 pounds", "Dimensions": "7.01 x 0.61 x 10 inches"}
1st ed. Edition
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Jessica Megan Larson', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Appeal To A Higher Father
[ "Have you ever mentally questioned the sincerity of a politician \"heeding God's call\" by announcing his/her candidacy for higher office or for sending our nation to war as in the case of the invasion of Iraq? Or do you cynically assume this office seeker just held a self-serving monologue with himself to rationalize decisions made, beneficial or disastrous? But just consider for a moment; what if the leader of the Free World spoke to God...and God, sitting directly across from him in the Oval Office, answered? President Allan Branson has mortgaged the treasury of the United States and hemorrhaged the blood of her sons and daughters by initiating an unprovoked attack and invasion of Iraq borne of the twin falsehoods of possessing weapons of mass destruction and alliance with Al-Qaeda. With these revealed as lies exposed plus other examples of malfeasance exposed, President Branson fears his legacy is about to be consigned to the dustbin of history. The loving and cautionary advice of his father, himself a former president is rejected out of hand by the younger Branson with a dismissive remark to the journalist-interviewer that he seeks the strength and counsel, indeed \"appeals to a higher father.\" \"Appeal To A Higher Father\" provides a narrative of modern American politics infused with pious self-righteousness and viewed through a satiric prism of swirling colors and distorted reality. The work captures that moment when the amoral, free will of a weak man, and the forces of biblical prophecy join in unholy union as President Branson begins his second rebirth, but not of the Redeemer. It is the chronicle of a doomed, holy pilgrimage that begins just as it nears the completion of an eventful journey, arriving at the final destination of eternal damnation. It is the oft-cited cautionary tale of being careful what you wish for-or who we elect. ATAHF reflects the expression that 'getting there is half the fun.' It is the weaving of drama, comedy, political chicanery and religious apostasy into an intricately tapestry that upon interpretive viewing provokes laughter as well as the infrequent shudder. It will leave you wondering as we go from the quagmire of Vietnam, to the quicksands of Iraq or possibly on to the cold peat bogs of far eastern Europe, just how much closer this chronicle of pride and prejudice is to non-fiction than to alternate history." ]
[ "About the Author", "Bradford \"Brad\" Novak yields an enriched harvest of careers and life experiences to the inspiration and writing of \"Appeal To A Higher Father,\" this, his first novel.After earning a B.A. in Political Science from Binghamton University (S.U.N.Y.) in 1968, Mr. Novak went on to serve his country in the U.S. Army for a tour of duty in Vietnam (RVN). His service done, he returned to school, earning a M.S. in Health Services Administration from Stony Brook University M.S.C., (S.U.N.Y.) leading to a thirty year career in hospital administration, health systems planning, and development of the first distance learning Area Health Education Center (AHEC) in the North Country's State University College of Technology at Canton, N.Y. Now semi-retired, Brad resides in Dothan, Alabama's Wire Grass and \"Roll Tide\" country." ]
from 20.20
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Bradford J Novak (Author), Juliana A. Eames (Author), Howard Berg (Author), Joanne M. Novak (Editor), Danielle Weires (Illustrator)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "Genre Fiction" ]
{"Publisher": "CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (February 15, 2013)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "408 pages", "ISBN 10": "1493698192", "ISBN 13": "978-1493698196", "Item Weight": "1.31 pounds", "Dimensions": "5.98 x 0.91 x 9.02 inches"}
Paperback – February 15, 2013
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Bradford Novak', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Isaac Asimov's Utopia
[ "The world of Inferno will soon be uninhabitable unless a daring plan is enacted--drop a comet to create new rivers that would save the planet but could also destroy Inferno" ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Roger McBride Allan (Author)
[ "Books", "Science Fiction & Fantasy", "Science Fiction" ]
{"Publisher": "Ace; Reprint edition (March 1, 1999)", "Language": "English", "Mass Market Paperback": "368 pages", "ISBN 10": "0441004717", "ISBN 13": "978-0441004713", "Item Weight": "6.4 ounces", "Dimensions": "4.26 x 1.03 x 6.74 inches"}
Mass Market Paperback – March 1, 1999
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Roger MacBride Allen', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Economic Thought Before Adam Smith (Large Print Edition): An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought, Volume 1
[ "LARGE PRINT EDITION! More at LargePrintLiberty.comHere is the last masterpiece by Murray N. Rothbard (1926-1995), the result of a lifetime of research and his crowning achievement.This volume is the most extensive treatment from a modern Austrian perspective of the history of economic thought up to Adam Smith and, as such, takes into account the profound influences of religious, social, and political thought upon economics.Murray Rothbard traces economic ideas from ancient sources and shows that laissez-faire liberalism and economic thought itself began with the scholastics and early Roman and canon law. The scholastics, he argues, established and developed the subjective utility and scarcity theory of value, as well as the theory that prices, or the value of money, depend on its supply and demand.The Continental, or \"pre-Austrian\" tradition, was destroyed, rather than developed, by Adam Smith whose strong Calvinist tendencies toward glorifying labor, toil, and thrift is contrasted with emphasis in scholastic economic thought towards labor in the service of consumption.Tracing economic thought from the Greeks to the Scottish enlightenment, this book is notable for its inclusion of all of the important figures in each school of thought with their theories assessed in historical context." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Murray N. Rothbard (Author)
[ "Books", "Business & Money", "Economics" ]
{"Publisher": "CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (January 1, 2006)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "572 pages", "ISBN 10": "1480128031", "ISBN 13": "978-1480128033", "Item Weight": "3.53 pounds", "Dimensions": "8.5 x 1.29 x 11 inches"}
Paperback – Large Print, January 1, 2006
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Murray Rothbard', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Black Bart, the Search Is Over
[ "Here is the story of why Black Bart left San Francisco, where he went and what he did there. The story concludes with where he is buried.", "“Throw Down The Box!”", "was a command often heard throughout the west. Those words and a pointed twelve-gauge shotgun were reason enough to follow the command.", "There were many scarred memories for those who served in the Civil War. The generals were the heroes, as the lesser of the officers and men were forgotten. One former soldier was yet to make his mark on history, not as a soldier, but as the most famous stagecoach robber the world had ever seen.", "He was not famous for the vast treasure he took, he was famous for the way he went about his robbery and the escape from the scene of his crime and for the number of times he did it.", "He was a man of unusual connivance in that he was credited with robbing Wells Fargo treasure boxes twenty-eight times in eight and a half years before he was finally brought to trial. Even then he outplayed the law agents in that he was charged with only one crime." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Robert E. Jernigan (Author), Wiley Joiner (Author), Judith Mitchell (Editor)
[ "Books", "Arts & Photography", "Photography & Video" ]
{"Publisher": "Shalako Press (August 1, 2015)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "152 pages", "ISBN 10": "0996423532", "ISBN 13": "978-0996423533", "Item Weight": "13.3 ounces", "Dimensions": "6.14 x 0.38 x 9.21 inches"}
Hardcover – August 1, 2015
Did Elliot's Cat Really Do That?
[ "Elliot seems to have the worst luck. Whenever something bad happens - writing on the wall, her friend crying, even a broken TV - it looks like Elliot did it... or was it her cat? With rhyming text that's fun to read for both adults and children, Did Elliot's Cat Really Do That? explores the consequences of not telling the truth. Beautifully illustrated by Lisa Clark." ]
from 20.06
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Craig Kuehne (Author)
[ "Books", "Children's Books" ]
Paperback – April 19, 2017
The tortoise and the hare
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Mark Schlichting (Author)
[ "Books", "Children's Books" ]
{"Publisher": "Living Books (January 1, 1993)", "Language": "English", "Item Weight": "3.52 ounces"}
Paperback – January 1, 1993
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Aesop', 'about': ["Aesop (/ˈiːsɒp/ EE-sop; Ancient Greek: Αἴσωπος, Aisōpos; c. 620 - 564 BCE) was an Ancient Greek fabulist or story teller credited with a number of fables now collectively known as Aesop's Fables. Although his existence remains uncertain and no writings by him survive, numerous tales credited to him were gathered across the centuries and in many languages in a storytelling tradition that continues to this day. Many of the tales are characterized by animals and inanimate objects that speak, solve problems, and generally have human characteristics.", "Scattered details of Aesop's life can be found in ancient sources, including Aristotle, Herodotus, and Plutarch. An ancient literary work called The Aesop Romance tells an episodic, probably highly fictional version of his life, including the traditional description of him as a strikingly ugly slave (δοῦλος) who by his cleverness acquires freedom and becomes an adviser to kings and city-states. Older spellings of his name have included Esop(e) and Isope. Depictions of Aesop in popular culture over the last 2500 years have included several works of art and his appearance as a character in numerous books, films, plays, and television programs.", 'Bio from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Photo of statue by user:shakko (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons.']}
Buy a Kindle
The Moon Looks Like Cheese: A Sweet Rhyming Story to Help Children Grieve the Loss of a Grandparent or Loved One
[ "The Moon Looks Like Cheese", "is a beautifully illustrated children's book based on a true story. It was written to help young children and families grieve the loss of a loved one and to remind them that their loved ones are in a better place. The book is written in rhyme with sweet and funny elements. It is meant to be enjoyed by the whole family and can thoroughly be enjoyed even if you have not lost a loved one. The sweet pictures, nighttime elements, and rhyming flow make this book a perfect bedtime story. Grandma Martie lived her life for the Lord, and she wanted nothing more than to meet with Him. One night, she looked out of her window and saw the full moon. She ran to her family without her false teeth and told them that the moon looked like a piece of cheese. Now, after she has passed away, the family still chuckles about it a little and remembers her fondly every time they see the full moon." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Kimberly Jordaan (Author), Angelique Bouwer (Illustrator), Nicole Bouwer (Editor)
[ "Books", "Children's Books", "Literature & Fiction" ]
{"Publisher": "Blue Shelf Books (February 28, 2023)", "Publication date": "February 28, 2023", "Language": "English", "File size": "14301 KB", "Text to Speech": "Not enabled", "Enhanced typesetting": "Not Enabled", "X Ray": "Not Enabled", "Word Wise": "Not Enabled", "Sticky notes": "Not Enabled", "Print length": "32 pages"}
Kindle Edition
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Kimberly Jordaan', 'about': ["Kimberly Jordaan was born and raised in beautiful South Africa. If she wasn’t outside, soaking up the African sun with her friends and family, you could find her somewhere cozy with her nose in a book. Her love for books started at a very young age and continues to grow exponentially with each book she reads and writes. After Kimberly obtained her bachelor's degree in teaching, she moved to the United States with her husband, where she obtained an associate’s degree in English literature. When her son was born, she decided to resign as a teacher in order to follow her lifelong dream of becoming a writer. She has ghostwritten over 40 children’s stories but has decided to bring her own stories to light. Kimberly Jordaan now lives in Texas, USA, with her sweet boy and loving husband."]}
Scarlett's Journey Home
[ "Sweet Scarlett Penguin travels far to find a place where she belongs. Join in on the adventure as Scarlett makes new friends, discovers distant lands, and learns to look deep inside her heart where she uncovers her own unique spark along her journey home." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Mary Ellen Bryan (Author), Theresa Brekan (Illustrator)
[ "Books", "Children's Books", "Animals" ]
{"Publisher": "Central Studio (September 16, 2015)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "42 pages", "ISBN 10": "0996781323", "ISBN 13": "978-0996781329", "Item Weight": "9.6 ounces", "Dimensions": "8 x 0.25 x 8 inches"}
Hardcover – September 16, 2015
Just South of the Solar Plexus: A One Woman Story of Losing Her Self, Surviving Cancer and Regaining Her Voice
[ "I didn’t just lose my voice. I lost everything that I was and everything I had to give.", "After a first lifetime of travel and books and moving and culture and art and family and friends. After all that I’d become: I lost myself.", "Just South of the Solar Plexus", ", a memoir, is a story about growing my voice and power, and then leaving them in the red dirt of the road when the world made it too hard to be who I was, hold my power, and deliver my voice. So: marriage, baby, cancer, then what? Facing life and facing death, so many of us—especially women—give up our voices, leaving who we are, what matters, and our power to change the world in the dust to wither. Here’s how I reclaimed mine." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Mariah Schwarz (Author)
[ "Books", "Biographies & Memoirs", "Community & Culture" ]
{"Publisher": "Mariah Schwarz (July 24, 2018)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "217 pages", "ISBN 10": "0692157468", "ISBN 13": "978-0692157466", "Item Weight": "13.8 ounces", "Dimensions": "6 x 0.55 x 9 inches"}
Paperback – July 24, 2018
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Mariah Schwarz', 'about': ['Mariah Schwarz started writing when she was 14 years old and hasn’t stopped. After studying poetry with Charles Simic in college, she moved to New York City and began publishing poems in poetry reviews. Not long after, she lost her way as a writer and in the world. Wandering across the States and around the world; wondering with books, people, art and cultures; and brushing with mortality during motherhood returned her to herself. Cancer saved her life. She is herself again--a high-end HSP, struggling and celebrating all that means; publishing the memoir that tells that story; and writing all the other poems, meditations and stories waiting to be told--with a new book on the horizon. Her blog is found at']}
The Strategic Student: Veteran's Edition: Successfully Transitioning from the Military to College Academics
[ "\"A practical guide of immense value to both students and their supporters\" -George Ballinger, Director of Veteran's Affairs, University of Colorado, Boulder \"Perceptive and useful from a practical viewpoint. I have no doubt incoming freshmen will benefit from its insights.\" Captain Anthony Chatham, U.S. Navy \"Provides current, relevant and very practical strategies and techniques to prepare oneself for one of life's defining events. We recommend this book to all our incoming freshmen, and our academic advisors build upon its concepts.\" -Colonel Stephen Dinauer, U.S. Marine Corps The college graduation rate for military veterans is unsatisfactory. While the life transition for veterans goes far beyond academics, by lessening the stress of the academic transition, the likelihood of collegiate success is significantly increased. The goal of The Strategic Student is to help raise graduation rates amongst our nation's veterans. The reason so many college students underperform is because they're not taught how to transition from the structured military environment to the unstructured college academic environment. The Strategic Student teaches college-bound military veterans how to make this transition and become self-reliant, successful students. Portion of profits for every book sold goes to the Marine Corps Scholarship foundation who provide education scholarships for children of troops who passed away on active duty." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
David Cass (Author)
[ "Books", "Education & Teaching", "Studying & Workbooks" ]
{"Publisher": "Uvize, Incorporated (January 1, 2012)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "194 pages", "ISBN 10": "0983886326", "ISBN 13": "978-0983886327", "Item Weight": "12.8 ounces", "Dimensions": "6 x 0.44 x 9 inches"}
Paperback – January 1, 2012
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'David Cass', 'about': ['David Cass is an adjunct professor and administrator at the Leeds School of Business at the University of Colorado in Boulder.', 'David is the CEO and founder of Uvize, Inc., an education technology company with a focus on academic planning tools for college students. He is also former Navy officer and aviator. He holds a BA in political science from Tulane University and an MBA from University of Colorado, Boulder. David lives in Boulder with his wife, Jayme; daughter, Madelyn; and golden retriever, Nola. To contact Dave, visit']}
A Study Guide for Howard Fast's "April Morning"
[ "A Study Guide for Howard Fast's \"April Morning,\" excerpted from Gale's acclaimed Novels for Students. This concise study guide includes plot summary; character analysis; author biography; study questions; historical context; suggestions for further reading; and much more. For any literature project, trust Novels for Students for all of your research needs." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Cengage Learning Gale (Author)
[ "Books", "Teen & Young Adult", "Education & Reference" ]
{"Publisher": "Gale, Study Guides (July 25, 2017)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "54 pages", "ISBN 10": "137537639X", "ISBN 13": "978-1375376396", "Item Weight": "2.26 ounces", "Dimensions": "5 x 0.11 x 8 inches"}
Paperback – July 25, 2017
UCOA: The Biker Experience
[ "As a member of New Life Riders (CMA) and later as chaplain of UCOA, I attended hundreds of events, rallies and benefits over the past ten years. These benefits, rallies and parties were organized by the nearly one hundred motorcycle clubs, riding associations, ride groups, riding clubs and motorcycle ministries that are part of UCOA. As the self appointed photographer, I documented almost all of the events I attended. The best of those shots were posted on my blog at; This collection of photographs represents a sample of the events I attended. Some are great shots, and some are, include because they invoke special memories of those early years. I hope you enjoy viewing this collection of images, they were selected from the many thousands of shots that I have taken over the years. Tom Zimmer CMA - Christian Motorcyclists Association UCOA - United Clubs of Austin" ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Thomas Zimmer (Author)
[ "Books", "Arts & Photography", "Photography & Video" ]
{"Publisher": "CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (August 2, 2013)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "278 pages", "ISBN 10": "1491004142", "ISBN 13": "978-1491004142", "Item Weight": "1.69 pounds", "Dimensions": "8 x 0.66 x 10 inches"}
Paperback – August 2, 2013
The Divine Child: Your Soul’s Inner Voice
[ "The Divine Child is a collection of childhood experiences and interviews from children around the world that demonstrate their innate wisdom. In this book you will see:•children's spiritual connection and psychic awareness. •what kids from different cultures think about God, death, life, angels.•children as intelligent beings.To learn more about the natural sensibilities of children today and to reconnect with your child within, purchase a copy today.Emma Farr Rawlings has a master’s degree in clinical psychology, a master’s degree in cultural anthropology, and a PhD in behavioral sciences from International College, West Los Angeles and Ryokan College. Emma was also an adjunct professor at JFK University and taught Presence in Coaching. She became an ICF Master Certified Coach in 2007. She has been a con-sultant, coach, and trusted advisor for over 35 years in the San Francisco Bay Area, as well as internationally, serving the technology and media/music industries, spiritual leaders, eco-leaders, and VIPs in many fields. She retired her Transpersonal Psychotherapy practice of four decades in 2014.She is currently in the midst of a project which aims to transform life for the betterment of all on this planet. Emma loves to hike with her family and her dog too." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Dr. Emma Farr Rawlings (Author)
[ "Books", "Religion & Spirituality", "New Age & Spirituality" ]
{"Publisher": "Waterside Press (November 29, 2018)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "220 pages", "ISBN 10": "1939116724", "ISBN 13": "978-1939116727", "Item Weight": "10.7 ounces", "Dimensions": "6 x 0.5 x 9 inches"}
Paperback – November 29, 2018
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Dr. Emma Farr Rawlings', 'about': ['Emma Farr Rawlings has a master’s degree in clinical psychology, a master’s degree in cultural anthropology, and a PhD in behavioral sciences from International College, West Los Angeles and Ryokan College. Emma was also an adjunct professor at JFK University and taught Presence in Coaching. She became an ICF Master Certified Coach in 2007.', 'She has been a consultant, coach, and trusted advisor for over 35 years in the San Francisco Bay Area, as well as internationally, serving the technology and media/music industries, spiritual leaders, eco-leaders, and VIPs in many fields. She retired her Transpersonal Psychotherapy practice of four decades in 2014.', 'She is currently in the midst of a project which aims to transform life for the betterment of all on this planet. Emma loves to hike with her family and her dog too.']}
Gyo Fujikawa's A to Z Picture Book
[ "Lively illustrations depict objects and activities corresponding to each letter of the alphabet" ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Gyo Fujikawa (Author)
[ "Books", "Children's Books" ]
{"Publisher": "Grosset & Dunlap; Later Printing edition (July 1, 1974)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "74 pages", "ISBN 10": "044811741X", "ISBN 13": "978-0448117416", "Reading age": "1 - 3 years, from customers", "Item Weight": "1.5 pounds", "Dimensions": "20 x 20 x 20 inches"}
Hardcover – July 1, 1974
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Gyo Fujikawa', 'about': ["Gyo Fujikawa (1908-1999) made a career in the advertising world and also enjoyed a lengthy stint at the Walt Disney Studios where she designed the large book version of Fantasia. In 1957, she illustrated her first picture book, A Child's Garden of Verses (9781402750625). Many others followed, some of which she also wrote. Babies (9781402756993), first published in 1963, stands as a landmark: it was the first children's book to depict infants of all races and nations sharing growing experiences. Fujikawa's books have been translated into 17 languages and are read in more than 22 countries."]}
Dangerous Women: The Perils of Muses and Femmes Fatales
[ "A selection of sixty powerfully seductive women, from Biblical times to the present day, featuring mythical and real heroines. The most memorable stories throughout history feature a powerful, seductive woman who has an irresistible hold over the man in her life. The alluring Cleopatra, like Helen of Troy, inspired lovers to the battlefield in a brave display of loyalty. Eve and Pandora wreacked havoc when they tempted men to defy the laws of the day. Traitorous Dalila brought the all-powerful Samson to his knees as she divested him of his magical mane. Lovesick Juliet and Hamlet’s Ophelia chose death over life in a courageous display of honor to their forbidden passion. The enchanting Scheherazade of One Thousand and One Nights saved herself from certain death through her exceptional capacity for storytelling. Each of these women was brave and steadfast, and their stories have inspired artists throughout the history of art. In this gallery of femmes fatales, feminist historian Laure Adler guides us through the ages to rediscover incredible heroines. Their stories are illustrated with iconic works by masters such as da Vinci, Michelangelo, Botticelli, Rubens, Goya, Sargent, Picasso, Dali, Warhol, Saint Phalle, and Tracey Emin." ]
[ "About the Author", "Laure Adler is a journalist, historian, and writer specializing in women’s history and feminism in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. She is the author of numerous works, notably Until Tonight and a biography of Marguerite Duras. Elisa Lécosse is a doctor of art history and has published Love in the Louvre and a book on Renaissance iconography. She lectures frequently in France and the U.K." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Laura Adler (Author), Elisa Lecosse (Author)
[ "Books", "History", "World" ]
{"Publisher": "Flammarion (February 5, 2013)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "240 pages", "ISBN 10": "2080201492", "ISBN 13": "978-2080201492", "Item Weight": "2.4 pounds", "Dimensions": "8.5 x 1 x 11.25 inches"}
Hardcover – February 5, 2013
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Laure Adler', 'about': ['Discover more of the author’s books, see similar authors, read author blogs and more']}
Linux on the Mainframe
[ "Intended for both managers and system architects, this guide examines the benefits and challenges of running the Linux operating system on IBM's S/390 and zSeries servers. Two sample companies illustrate how to perform a total cost of ownership analysis and set up Linux on the mainframe, and explore security considerations, communication methods, high availability, and how Linux can affect existing systems management. All four authors are affiliated with IBM. Annotation (c) Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (" ]
[ "From the Back Cover", "Leverage Linux on the mainframe for a true business advantage", "Leverage Linux on the mainframe for a true business advantage", "Covers zSeries and S/390 mainframes", "Covers zSeries and S/390 mainframes", "Contains over 100 pages of reference material", "Contains over 100 pages of reference material", "Includes detailed examples and maximization techniques", "Includes detailed examples and maximization techniques", "The complete mainframe guide to leveraging the power of Linux", "Linux on the Mainframe", "is the comprehensive guide to the fastest growing trend in IT. IBM's Linux experts present peerless instruction in the art of planning for and making the most of a Linux mainframe. This book's in-depth coverage includes virtualization, deployment, data management, debugging, security, systems management, application porting, and much more.", "Sample companies that demonstrate the strengths and potential shortcomings of Linux on the mainframe", "Sample companies that demonstrate the strengths and potential shortcomings of Linux on the mainframe", "Complete business analysis, including Total Cost of Ownership, server consolidation techniques, and IT infrastructure simplification", "Complete business analysis, including Total Cost of Ownership, server consolidation techniques, and IT infrastructure simplification", "Examples of deploying middleware and other tools", "Examples of deploying middleware and other tools", "In-depth introductions to the latest trends, developments, and technologies related to Linux on the mainframe", "In-depth introductions to the latest trends, developments, and technologies related to Linux on the mainframe", "Background information on mainframes and Linux for the lay reader", "Background information on mainframes and Linux for the lay reader", "Key techniques for deploying Linux servers and building integrated server environments", "Key techniques for deploying Linux servers and building integrated server environments", "For anyone involved in the planning, deploying, management, or administration of a mainframe,", "Linux on the Mainframe", "is a vital resource.", "About the Author", "JOHN EILERT led the team responsible for the Integrated Facility for Linux and retired from the IBM lab in Poughkeepsie, NY, after 30 years of experience with mainframes.", "MARIA EISENHAENDLER,a technical writer at the IBM lab in Boeblingen, Germany, has been producing documentation for Linux on the mainframe since its inception.", "DOROTHEA MATTHAEUS plans technical documentation at the IBM lab in Boeblingen, Germany, where she focuses on mainframe and Linux.", "INGOLF SALMfocuses on IBM middleware design for Linux on the mainframe and Linux distributions at the IBM lab in Boeblingen, Germany. He has over 20 years of experience in IBM OS architecture and design.", "Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.", "Preface", "Both the Linux and the mainframe communities are understandably interested in the unique concepts and benefits of Linux on the mainframe. In this book, we define mainframe as being IBM's enterprise servers, that is, S/390 and zSeries servers.", "This guide is for anyone seeking technical or market insight regarding Linux on the mainframe. It is for the business person who looks for opportunities to consolidate servers, reduce the complexity of an infrastructure, or reduce IT costs. It is also written for the IT architect who wants to plan for, design, and implement the solutions. It is for all those who are interested in this solution.", "This book gives an overall perspective of the concepts that make this solution unique. It is a practical guide which helps you to reach an informed decision as to whether Linux on the mainframe is for your business. It shows examples of business solutions for Linux on the mainframe, and examples of how systems can be designed and built.", "While this book is not a tutorial or how-to book, it references a wealth of material that provides details about specific technical topics.", "Part 1, \"Linux on the Mainframe - an Introduction,\" describes technologies that possess inherent, strong values on their own merits so that they should be considered as options for your IT projects. This part includes an introduction to Linux, an introduction to the mainframe, and an introduction to Linux on the mainframe.", "Part 2, \"Planning for Linux,\" discusses the early decision points that allow a Linux on the mainframe solution to effect the bottom-line project value. Apart from these decision points, this part illustrates, with the help of two sample companies, the spectrum of possibilities open to you. It also presents a total cost-of-ownership discussion on how Linux on the mainframe can facilitate substantial savings in the enterprise.", "Part 3, \"Is Linux on the Mainframe for Me?\" is about the technical foundations that bring unique value to running applications in a Linux-on-the-mainframe environment. Virtualization, communications, and security are among the topics discussed. For example, this part describes how it is possible to have hundreds of Linux servers on one mainframe machine.", "Part 4, \"Making the Most of Linux on the Mainframe,\" is about the challenge that Linux on the mainframe means to systems management. How can you preserve the benefits of tight systems management schemes that help to make mainframe environments so reliable and, at the same time, allow Linux to act as an engine for the rapid change that the marketplace demands today? This part explores the opportunities that Linux on the mainframe offers for managing availability, data, performance, and security.", "Part 5, \"Running Applications,\" outlines the spectrum of uses for Linux images, ranging from independent servers to components in an integrated multi-platform environment with traditional mainframe operating systems. There is also a section with considerations for those who want to port applications from other platforms.", "Part 6, \"Reference,\" provides technical details about specific Linux and mainframe functions and capabilities. It also points to some of the key software that is available to your Linux-on-the-mainframe solution, including applications, middleware, and systems management and performance tools.", "We have attempted to make the various topics as independent as possible, but, as with any system-level solution, all parts are interrelated. There is a fair amount of cross-referencing to allow you to find sections where a related topic is covered in more detail.", "The book is the result of collaboration among three current IBM employees and one retired IBM employee. Our sources are companies that use Linux on the mainframe, customer visits, and other IBM colleagues. The book, its purpose, and structure are an outgrowth of what we have learned.", "Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.", "Preface", "Both the Linux and the mainframe communities are understandably interested in the unique concepts and benefits of Linux on the mainframe. In this book, we define mainframe as being IBM's enterprise servers, that is, S/390 and zSeries servers.", "This guide is for anyone seeking technical or market insight regarding Linux on the mainframe. It is for the business person who looks for opportunities to consolidate servers, reduce the complexity of an infrastructure, or reduce IT costs. It is also written for the IT architect who wants to plan for, design, and implement the solutions. It is for all those who are interested in this solution.", "This book gives an overall perspective of the concepts that make this solution unique. It is a practical guide which helps you to reach an informed decision as to whether Linux on the mainframe is for your business. It shows examples of business solutions for Linux on the mainframe, and examples of how systems can be designed and built.", "While this book is not a tutorial or how-to book, it references a wealth of material that provides details about specific technical topics.", "Part 1, \"Linux on the Mainframe - an Introduction,\" describes technologies that possess inherent, strong values on their own merits so that they should be considered as options for your IT projects. This part includes an introduction to Linux, an introduction to the mainframe, and an introduction to Linux on the mainframe.", "Part 2, \"Planning for Linux,\" discusses the early decision points that allow a Linux on the mainframe solution to effect the bottom-line project value. Apart from these decision points, this part illustrates, with the help of two sample companies, the spectrum of possibilities open to you. It also presents a total cost-of-ownership discussion on how Linux on the mainframe can facilitate substantial savings in the enterprise.", "Part 3, \"Is Linux on the Mainframe for Me?\" is about the technical foundations that bring unique value to running applications in a Linux-on-the-mainframe environment. Virtualization, communications, and security are among the topics discussed. For example, this part describes how it is possible to have hundreds of Linux servers on one mainframe machine.", "Part 4, \"Making the Most of Linux on the Mainframe,\" is about the challenge that Linux on the mainframe means to systems management. How can you preserve the benefits of tight systems management schemes that help to make mainframe environments so reliable and, at the same time, allow Linux to act as an engine for the rapid change that the marketplace demands today? This part explores the opportunities that Linux on the mainframe offers for managing availability, data, performance, and security.", "Part 5, \"Running Applications,\" outlines the spectrum of uses for Linux images, ranging from independent servers to components in an integrated multi-platform environment with traditional mainframe operating systems. There is also a section with considerations for those who want to port applications from other platforms.", "Part 6, \"Reference,\" provides technical details about specific Linux and mainframe functions and capabilities. It also points to some of the key software that is available to your Linux-on-the-mainframe solution, including applications, middleware, and systems management and performance tools.", "We have attempted to make the various topics as independent as possible, but, as with any system-level solution, all parts are interrelated. There is a fair amount of cross-referencing to allow you to find sections where a related topic is covered in more detail.", "The book is the result of collaboration among three current IBM employees and one retired IBM employee. Our sources are companies that use Linux on the mainframe, customer visits, and other IBM colleagues. The book, its purpose, and structure are an outgrowth of what we have learned.", "Read more" ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Maria Eisenhaendler (Author), Dorothea Matthaeus (Author), Ingolf Salm (Author), John Eilert (Author, Editor)
[ "Books", "Computers & Technology", "Operating Systems" ]
{"Publisher": "Prentice Hall (January 1, 2003)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "400 pages", "ISBN 10": "0131014153", "ISBN 13": "978-0131014152", "Item Weight": "2.02 pounds", "Dimensions": "6.75 x 1.25 x 9 inches"}
Maid of Oaklands Manor
[ "England, 1912 is a place of rigid rules. A chance meeting between scullery maid Lizzy Parker and heiress Evie Creswell is about to break them all . . .", "Their meeting leads to more than an enduring friendship and a new job for Lizzy - it draws her into a world of privilege and intrigue and delivers her into the loving arms of a killer. Meeting the handsome but mysterious Jack Carlisle, Lizzy begins to fall for him despite rumours he had been involved in the death of Evie's father. As she becomes further embroiled in the dangerous life that Carlisle lives, she must decide if he can be trusted with the life of a close friend, and, ultimately, if he is worth the risk to her own . . .", "Perfect for fans of Nadine Dorries, Dilly Court and Annie Murray.", "The story continues in", "Evie's Choice,", "out now! 'This is the kind of novel that makes you look forward to bedtime so you can read some more - an epic true romance story' -", "Historical Novel Society", "*Shortlisted for RNA Best Historical Novel 2013*" ]
[ "Review", "This is the kind of novel that makes you look forward to bedtime so you can read some more - an epic true romance story―", "Historical Novel Society", "About the Author", "Terri Nixon was born in Plymouth in 1965. At the age of 9 she moved with her family to Cornwall, to the village featured in Daphne du Maurier's", "Jamaica Inn", "- North Hill - where she discovered a love of writing that has stayed with her ever since. She also discovered apple-scrumping, and how to jump out of a hayloft without breaking any bones, but no-one's ever offered to pay her for doing those. Her first commercially published novel was", "Maid of Oaklands Manor", ", published by Piatkus in 2013. She has since published two more novels in the Oaklands Manor trilogy:", "A Rose in Flanders Fields", "and", "Daughter of Dark River Farm", "." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Terri Nixon (Author)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "British & Irish" ]
{"Publisher": "Piatkus (May 17, 2016)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "432 pages", "ISBN 10": "0349401039", "ISBN 13": "978-0349401034", "Item Weight": "9.9 ounces", "Dimensions": "5 x 1 x 7.75 inches"}
Paperback – May 17, 2016
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Terri Nixon', 'about': ["Terri was born in Plymouth in 1965. At the age of 9 she moved with her family to North Hill, Cornwall, a small village on the edge of Bodmin Moor, where she discovered a love of writing that has stayed with her ever since. She also discovered apple-scrumping, and how to jump out of a hayloft without breaking any bones, but no-one's ever offered to pay her for doing those. Terri is the author of the Oaklands Manor Trilogy, the Lynher Mill Chronicles, the Penhaligon Saga, the Fox Bay Saga, and new series: Pencarrack; the first of which is due to be published in March 2023.", 'She has co-written, as half of Clarke Nixon, 2 books in the Children of Sinai series, with Shelley Clarke.', 'She also writes crime as R.D. Nixon, and is the author of the Clifford-Mackenzie Crime series, set in a small community in the Scottish Highlands.', 'Terri now lives in Plymouth again, and works in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business at Plymouth University.']}
Broken Pieces: From the Author of Climb the Highest Mountain
[ "“We could never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in the world.” ~Helen Keller Shattering, Captivating & Emotional; written in First Person POV in the voice of a child. The words latch on to your brain and never let go. Some people would say that a child is incapable of writing with such depth, clarity, thinking and philosophical musings that are akin to an adult. But it’s a child’s naivety, a sobering voice that’s grown in the midst of struggle, humility along with plainness of speech and unpretentious honesty that can send chills through one’s body. This is a heart-wrenching story of child neglect, abuse, and the resilience to overcome childhood experiences that shape and mold us all. The book tells the story of Abigail Marie Pena, more often known simply as Abby, as she struggles to overcome a traumatic and violent childhood as she moves forward in life. From a broken home, dysfunctional family and physical and emotional abuse, as she becomes an adult, Abby finds herself in a bad marriage with two sons. It seems like she’ll never escape from the cycle of violence and degradation she’s been stuck in for as long as she can remember. But with the strength of will and determination, she makes a place in the world for herself. All that’s missing is a man to share it with–and then two come along, bring with them ghosts from her past and forcing her to make a decision on which all her future happiness depends. Broken Pieces will appeal to readers who enjoy the reality of everyday life without sugar coating. Written in a gritty, straightforward style that nevertheless recognizes the potential for love and compassion to illuminate our lives. In the midst of change, we often discover wings we never knew we had–this is a novel that will live with you for a long time after you read it." ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Martha Perez (Author)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction" ]
{"Publisher": "Independently published (June 24, 2022)", "Language": "English", "Hardcover": "335 pages", "ISBN 13": "979-8838001740", "Item Weight": "1.27 pounds", "Dimensions": "6 x 0.95 x 9 inches"}
Hardcover – June 24, 2022
{'avatar': '', 'name': 'Martha Perez', 'about': ['Martha Perez was born in raised in Los Angeles, CA. She now lives in West Covina, CA with her husband Sal Andalon and their dog Sugar Bear. She is a high school graduate, and has a son, a daughter and two granddaughters. Her hobbies include reading, writing exercise and long walks. Broken Pieces is her first book, and is an accomplishment of which she is very proud.']}
Face Everything and Rise
[ "Kelsey Walker describes her experience with abortion in an engaging yet heart wrenching manner." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Kelsey Walker (Author)
[ "Books", "Medical Books", "Medicine" ]
{"Publisher": "Independently published (December 6, 2021)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "229 pages", "ISBN 13": "979-8780223733", "Item Weight": "10.4 ounces", "Dimensions": "5.5 x 0.58 x 8.5 inches"}
Paperback – December 6, 2021
Destiny Deferred
[ "What happens when one tries to avoid the fate that has been chosen for them?", "A young king does the unthinkable to alter the destiny of his deathly ill daughter. But saving her life means binding her fate to that of another, and in doing so he attracts the malice of an ancient horror.", "Will she be able to thrive in a world where she was never supposed to exist in the first place? Or will everyone she meets become corrupted by the warped fabric of fate that now surrounds her? Most importantly, will she and her friends be able to defeat the vengeful shadows that now follow her?" ]
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{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Rachel Davis (Author)
[ "Books", "Literature & Fiction", "Genre Fiction" ]
Paperback – November 2, 2021
[ "After Pangaea Ultima brings all of the continents together into one giant Supercontinent, a 16-year-old girl faces decisions that could lead to problems with her identity, as well as her demise." ]
{ "hi_res": [], "large": [], "thumb": [], "variant": [] }
{ "title": [], "url": [], "user_id": [] }
Samantha M. Silber (Author)
[ "Books", "Science Fiction & Fantasy", "Science Fiction" ]
{"Publisher": "CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (June 25, 2014)", "Language": "English", "Paperback": "386 pages", "ISBN 10": "1500278181", "ISBN 13": "978-1500278182", "Item Weight": "1.44 pounds", "Dimensions": "6 x 0.87 x 9 inches"}
Paperback – June 25, 2014