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The Jesus Film (25th Anniversary) Deluxe Commemorative Edition (2000)
I am spoiled by newer films that present this fabulous story with more authenticity.
The Visual Bible Matthew word for word was excellent as compared, but this complete message is great too. This film invites a decision concerning Christ.
15Movie & TV
The Jesus Film (25th Anniversary) Deluxe Commemorative Edition (2000)
The dvd was in perfect condition. Played great, no skips, slow downs or stopages. It was just what I needed for a lesson in our Mens group Bible study.
15Movie & TV
The Jesus Film (25th Anniversary) Deluxe Commemorative Edition (2000)
Jesus Film Is Awesome
This set is just awesome. I gave each one of my children their own sets for their families. I love this set, especially the kids disc and my grandchildren love it as well. Just to see kids portraying back in Jesus Day is a sight to behold. I recommend and have given this set to some of the people I know. By giving them this set is my way of spreading God's word.Be Bless.
15Movie & TV
The Jesus Film (25th Anniversary) Deluxe Commemorative Edition (2000)
Please tell 'em that Amazon is going to lose me as a reviewer if they make it complicated! Five stars means that I got the order promptly and in good condition! I don't know how to communicate with them.
15Movie & TV
The Jesus Film (25th Anniversary) Deluxe Commemorative Edition (2000)
Most Biblically accurate feature film about Jesus available
This is the Bible's depiction of the life of Jesus, not Hollywood's.This film, conceived by Bill Bright, was made in the late 1970's as a desire to spread the Gospel message to the world. Now translated into over 800 languages and seen by over 3.5 billion people, it remains the best feature film about the life of Christ. The account is taken entirely from the Gospel of Luke and each scene was carefully reviewed by Biblical scholars for authenticity.At the end of the film is a short message on God's plan of Salvation and tells the viewer how to be saved. The only drawback is that it lacks any mention of Hell which Jesus said will be the destination of all people who reject him. But the film is still produced very well and is a must see for every person in the world.This DVD version includes dubbing in 8 languages and subtitles in 5 languages.Audio is in English, Spanish, French, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, and Arabic.Subtitles are in English, Arabic, Spanish, French, and Portuguese.
15Movie & TV
The Jesus Film (25th Anniversary) Deluxe Commemorative Edition (2000)
This is THE Jesus film
This is an evangilistic movie shown around the world (the DVD has a choice of about 8 languages) of the highlights of the ministry of Jesus, according to the gospel of Luke. It is a very well produced and acted documentary, bringing dramatic visual imagery to biblical scripture. Intended to introduce people of all nations to Jesus, is should also appeal to those Christians who appreciate adding another dimension to their biblical experience. This is a 2 DVD set, with the second DVD geared for children.
15Movie & TV
The Jesus Film (25th Anniversary) Deluxe Commemorative Edition (2000)
One of the most accurate depictions on Jesus Christ
The Jesus Film is truly a phenomenon and great tool for reaching many people to understand the Jesus that is described in the Gospel of Luke. The producers of this movie did painstaking research for many years, and they sought to be accurate in the little details, not only of the clothing and village life, but the ways the people talked and recited the prayers. The filmmakers sought and succeeded in making a very accurate depiction of the life of Christ as taught in the Holy Bible.The Jesus Film has been seen by over 4.7 billion people in 236 nations and thousands of people have accepted Christ as their personal Savior through this remarkable movie. More people have watched this movie than any other movie in history. It is based on the Gospel of Luke and sticks very closely to the biblical text. (There is very little outside interpretation or extraneous material.) This is its most valuable asset. Watching this movie is like taking a picturesque tour of the Gospel of Luke.Brian Deacon is a charismatic and believable Jesus. He speaks with authority. He also displays different emotions -- he smiles and treats children with great affection; he is stern toward the religious leaders and hypocrites. He also displays sadness and grief. Brian Deacon also looks like a man in his 30's, which Jesus was when He began His earthly ministry after being a carpenter for so many years.Many of the familiar scenes are depicted in this movie (The Birth, the Baptism, the Teachings, Healings, Trials, Suffering, Death and Resurrection). There are certain scenes in the Gospel of Luke which are depicted in this movie which don't appear in other Jesus films except the Gospel of Matthew - Visual Bible (e.g. The Transfiguration, The healing of the Gadarene demoniac; Jesus' praying in Gethsemane and sweating drops of blood, then being strengthened by the angel).What is so useful about this movie is that it is dubbed very precisely in so many languages. This particular DVD features the spoken languages of English, Arabic, French, Japanese, Korean, Portugese, Mandarin (Chinese), and Spanish. The subtitles are done in English, Spanish, French, Portugese, and Arabic. If you look at the wonderful behind-the-scenes documentary of how the movie was dubbed, you'll see that they selected trained experts to read the text in the native language and they timed it to the milli-second to make it precisely right. So, when Jesus speaks, it looks and sounds as if He is speaking the native language.There are wonderful Special Features in this DVD:Besides Direct Scene Access, there is a documentary of Knowing Jesus Personally, where the gospel message is presented and the teachings of Jesus are explained. There is the Behind-the-Scenes look at how the film was made. There is also a Tribute to Jesus from people like George Bush, Larry King, David Copperfield, Billy Graham, Mother Theresa, and others.There is also a bonus DVD of the story of Jesus for Children.Even though the acting may not be up to par as Hollywood, they do a good enough job. The biggest plus of this movie is how faithful it is to the biblical text. An added plus at the end of the film is a complete and clear presentation of the Gospel message.I bought several copies of this DVD for my friends and church members and they have found it very useful. I enjoy watching this movie over and over again. I highly recommend this film, along with "The Gospel of John."
15Movie & TV
The Jesus Film (25th Anniversary) Deluxe Commemorative Edition (2000)
Highly accurate portrayal
Filmed entirely on location in Israel with a largely Jewish cast, the film achieves authenticity that will be difficult for future filmmakers to duplicate. 25 years from now "Jesus" will still be a standard by which other films about the carpenter turned rabbi must be judged.While films like "The Passion of the Christ" present more emotion and Hollywood glitz, "Jesus" is painstaking in its accuracy. The complete life story is presented based on the biography compiled 2,000 years ago by a doctor named Luke. The film is a plain and simple docudrama that many families make a tradition of viewing every Christmas and Easter. The fact that the film is available in the local language of over 90% of the earth's population says a lot about the film's lasting appeal and prominent place in cinematic history.
15Movie & TV
The Jesus Film (25th Anniversary) Deluxe Commemorative Edition (2000)
The Gospel of Luke brought to life!
This is the 2-disc 25th anniversary edition which includes both "Jesus," the 1979 film starring Brian Deacon, and "The Story of Jesus for Children," which uses scenes from "Jesus" woven together with newly filmed scenes with child actors portraying children living in Jerusalem circa 30 A.D. "Jesus" has been translated into more than 800 languages, shown in 236 countries and viewed by more than 5 billion people. Based on the Gospel According to Luke, this film presents an unbiased portrayal of the life of Christ. Prior to filming, the filmmakers and those backing the making of this film undertook five years of extensive research to present the most accurate movie possible not only biblically, but also historically and archaeologically, right down to the pottery and the architecture of the homes. This is very well-made film, and the actors give some excellent performances. "Jesus" makes a great complement for Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ," as one film is about the suffering of Jesus and His death on the cross for the remission of our sins, and the other is about His life, ministry & teachings. "The Story of Jesus for Children" follows the story of the Christ through the eyes of children living during the time of Jesus' ministry. One of the kids is the son of a Pharisee who thinks Jesus is a charlatan and instructs his child to stay away from his friends who do believe in Jesus. This production is a great tool for parents who want to show their children who Jesus is. "The Jesus Film" is a great DVD set, and a must-have for your DVD library whether you do believe in Jesus or not. If I could give this more than 5 stars, I definitely would.
15Movie & TV
The Jesus Film (25th Anniversary) Deluxe Commemorative Edition (2000)
The absolute best film ever made on the life of Jesus!
This movie has been around since 1979, but still is the best movie made on the life of Christ. It has been translated to more languages than any other movie in history and has changed thousands of lifes through the powerfull message it delivers. I recommed it to everyone, any age, any background. Three thumbs up!
15Movie & TV
The Jesus Film (25th Anniversary) Deluxe Commemorative Edition (2000)
Falsehood or just plain ignorance?
To claim that Jesus Christ did not even exist is mere ignorance. Such preposterous claims belie a desire for some illusion of moral or intellectual superiority. The argument is nothing but a straw man easily knocked down. There is plenty of historical and archaeological evidence to support the FACT that Jesus Christ did in fact exist. The Jesus movie is a good introduction to his life and teachings but by no means comprehensive (for that you need the Bible).If you're sincere in your search for the Truth, I highly recommend reading Josh McDowell's book, More Than a Carpenter, as an easy first read. Available at, of course.It's reasonable to question Jesus' deity if you've only heard the name and never seriously investigated His life. Those who have, including the hard-nosed skeptics who set out to debunk this thing called Christianity, often become Christians themselves. Those who don't generally do so out of mere pride -- an unwillingness to sacrifice their old, comfortable beliefs that allow them to live an ungodly lifestyle. But you reject Jesus at your own peril. It's the very height of folly.As for my opinion of the Jesus the movie? Why not judge for yourself! You can watch the entire movie streamed online at in any of 62 languages (of the 858 it's been translated into)! Then you can decide whether or not to purchase the DVD.I do recommend this film. I also recommend, highly, 2003's The Gospel of John. It is extremely faithful to the New Testament book of John and really brings life and a better understanding to the life, times, and teachings of Jesus Christ, God in the flesh.I wish you well and pray that God may draw you to Him (that you may be receptive to His call). Perhaps I'll see you in heaven someday. If you have honest seeking questions, you're welcome to e-mail me at robvh at
15Movie & TV
The Jesus Film (25th Anniversary) Deluxe Commemorative Edition (2000)
Historicaly Accurate Jesus Film - Not Hollywood
This film is not Hollywood's version - it is a historically researched and biblically based film on 3 and a half years of Jesus life and ministry as found in the book of Luke. This DVD has been updated to include 8 language tracks including Spanish, French, Mandarin Chinese, Arabic, English, Korean, Japanese, and Portugese. It is also updated to include Digital Dolby Surround Sound! The DVD also includes the making of the Jesus Film in a "Behind the Scenes" documentary. This is the DVD you want to watch if you want an accurate portrayal of the life of Jesus.
15Movie & TV
The Jesus Film (25th Anniversary) Deluxe Commemorative Edition (2000)
Well Done.
This is a great movie, I love it because I was saved about a year after recieving this movie as a gift, it helped open my eyes so that I left the LDS church, leaving the competetive race to earn my way to heaven, to find the loving father that I always wanted, and never want to leave even if I could become a "god" I would chose to stay with the king that died for me.
15Movie & TV
The Jesus Film (25th Anniversary) Deluxe Commemorative Edition (2000)
Despite it's age, still a classic tool
Of course, the story of Christ is as ageless as God Himself. This film was so well put together and released back in 1979, that it needs no update. The movie was filmed mostly on-location for authenticity.This DVD fits appropriately in any Christian's collection, and serves well in ministry projects as well.
15Movie & TV
Old Rococo: The Life of Gioacchino Rossini (2008)
Bare bones DVD, but interesting
This DVD contains a nice but very brief biography of Giocchino Rossini (84 minutes). It has brief excerpts from his many operas. It follows his life from childhood to death. However the brevity of the production does not allow any indepth consideration of his music. The film has many lovely images of Italy -- where he worked, the opera houses etc. The singers in the various productions are not identified. Though there are no extras. The color is good, the sound adequate. It was a satisfying DVD despite its brevity.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Campy Horror Movie of the Best Type
Fright Night is one of the all-time greatest horror movies about vampires. It weaves together a blend of campy humor and truly frightening scenes to create a masterpiece of the horror genre. I know I may seem to be giving this movie high accolades, but I have to say that I'm still blown away by it's originality and wit all these years later. I first saw the movie when I was a young child who snuck out late at night after my parents had gone to be to watch the rented movie.The plot is quite basic. A teenage boy, Charlie, notices that people start disappearing and turning up dead when a strange new neighbor moves in next door. Charlie is a horror movie buff and lets his imagination get away from him, and begins to believe his neighbor is a vampire. None of his friends believe him, his mother thinks he has dreamt it all up and needs a cup of cocoa to settle him down, and the host of his favorite show "Fright Night" thinks he is insane. Eventually Charlie's friends enlist the help of the recently fired horror host, Peter Vincent, and they take Charlie to his neighbor's house to prove he is not a vampire. I'll leave it at that so as not to spoil the entire movie.If you haven't ever seen this movie, go out and rent it. Once you do, I'm sure you'll want to buy it. This is a great movie for horror film buffs who can appreciate it's quirks. However, even if you're not a fanatic about scary movies, you will probably still enjoy Fright Night because it is a great movie on it's own merit. Don't be fooled by the premise of vampires who move into a teenage boys neighborhood and start wreaking havoc, because this movie goes beyond the realm of the typical and incorporates so many different elements that it creates an amazing final product. Watch it! Buy it! Love it!
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
One of the best vampire movies ever
this is one of my all time favorites. Chris Sarandon and the whole cast played their parts beautifully! I've seen every vampire movie made since the 70's and this one is top 5.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Love me some 80's horror movies :)
This is the first movie I got through Amazon instant video thru my new smarttv :) I love it, the music and the acting (especially chris sarandon) it's perfect to watch when you have had a long day at work and need to chillax. I couldn't watch it as a kid and now that i'm in my 20s so glad I could remember to see this movie
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Love this movie
One of the better vampire movies and makeup was great. Chris Sarandon is the best looking vampire, along with Robert Pattinson from Twilight.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Fright Night
When i was little, this movie had my scared and laughing at the same time. You gotta see this one. Make sure you have popcorn.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Oldie but goodie
Old movie that I thought would be fun for Halloween week! We all had fun watching this movie.Good movie
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Horrors delight
Splendid combo of horror and comedy. Roddy is excellent as the master of horror. A movie to watch again and again.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
One of Tom Holland's Best Films
This film is over looked and recently was redone, poorly. This one is classic and captures the 80s style. There are several cheesy effects but the overall composure of the entire film is excellent. The best scene is the one with a very young and pretty Amanda Bearse (her first role) being seduced by the vampire (Sarandon) in a Disco. The lighting and scene is to die for. Roddy McDowall also never really got credit for this role properly. His role is very well done. And some of the lines are quite funny. It mixes horror and comedy in the best possible ways. Rent it and see. Colin Farrell is cute but could never play the kind of character as well as Chris Sarandon did in this version. Finally the role of Charlie is much better portrayed by William Ragsdale , very sexy and attractive I must say. Again this film and many actors were over looked at that time.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Great Movie
This is a fun movie to watch. It suppose to be scary. But I don't see it like that. I see it more of a fun comedy. This is a great movie for all ages.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
best fright night
wanted to see it again before watching the new one with colin farell .they should have givin the new one a different name.can't beat the original.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
"Welcome to Fright Night, for real."
It's safe to say that Charley Brewster has a short attention span. In fact, that's probably an understatement. But, when Charley oversees his new neighbor committing murder through his bedroom window, he finally gets some focus in his life. Much to the dismay of his family and friends, however, his new focus is on vampires. After a violent confrontation with Jerry, the creature next door, Charley is desperate to destroy the monster, and he attempts to enlist the aid of local "Fright Night" horror host Peter Vincent, the fearless vampire killer, to do it. Unbelieving Peter is reluctant, but Charley's girlfriend Amy and creepy-geek friend, Evil Ed, convince him with a bit of financial persuading. Their intention is to prove to Charley that Jerry Dandrige is not a vampire at all, but they are in for the scare of their lives, and it's anybody's guess who will survive the real "Fright Night!""Fright Night" is an 80s vampire flick for the classic horror fanatic! Paying homage to such staples as Dark Shadows and the Hammer Dracula franchise, this surprising little horror film supplies vampire lore and cliches aplenty, put together so skillfully that the result is this horror fan's favorite vampire indulgence. Of course, this favoritism is in no small part due to spectacular effects and performances! The cast seems tailor made for their roles as they play them, even if some choices seem a bit odd superficially. Hard to imagine this vampire pining away over the centuries for Married With Children's Marcy D'Arcy, but Amanda Bearse plays the role of the teenage object of Chris Sarandon's desires to perfection. Chris, himself, is powerfully convincing and menacing as the hip, 80's vampire. Extremely well adjusted to the times, too. His slave-boy zombie, Billy Cole, is played by an excellently creepy Jonathan Stark, but he's out-creeped by the always somewhat disturbing Stephen Geoffreys as Evil Ed. Of course, William Ragsdale IS Charlie Brewster, and his portrayal is what propels the film. The icing on THIS cake, however, aside from the teenage victim in the window that I've had a crush on all my life, played by someone named Irina Irvine, is the brilliant performance of one of my all-time faves, Roddy "Bullwhip" McDowall, as Peter Vincent, vampire killer! The late, great Roddy McDowall is definitely the yeast that raises this film from vampire movie mediocrity. Despite the nearly bare bones disc, featuring only a trailer and double-sided widescreen/fullscreen selection, this DVD is a must own for vampire, horror, and McDowall fans alike. Be prepared for some cheezy 80's music and a great time that you'll want to experience again and again! Also, be sure to check out "Fright Night 2," one of the best sequels ever made!
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
A True Horror Classic
"Fright Night" stands the test of time as an entertaining and often surprisingly disturbing scare-fest from the mid 80s. A teenaged boy discovers to his horror that a vampire master has moved in next door, with his creepy half-human sidekick. Can the teen convince his friends the threat is real, and recruit famed movie "vampire killer" Peter Vincent to help dispatch the demonic creature? You'll have fun finding out. Highly recommended for Halloween party viewing - I watch it each year with a group of friends, and we have a blast every time. Well worth the modest purchase price. Five stars!
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
A surprisingly impressive, entertaining vampire flick
At first glance, Fright Night looks like another cheesy vampire film: a young man figures out that a vampire has moved next door, no one believes him, the vampire comes after him, his only hope is an old horror actor, etc. It's pretty predictable, right down to the whole thing about the boy's girlfriend bearing a striking resemblance to one of the vampire's old flames. So yes, in its own way, Fright Night is cheesy. At the same time, though, it is oh so much more than you would expect - an entertaining, somewhat creepy vampire film that features some great acting and some really impressive special effects. You expect to see really bad, noticeably cheap special effects in a film like this, but Fright Night hits a home run in this department.William Ragsdale plays Charley Brewster, a typical horror-loving kid who just so happens to find out that his new neighbor is a vampire - naturally, no one believes him, including his friend Evil Ed (Stephen Geoffreys in a truly annoying performance) and his girlfriend Amy (Amanda Bearse, who went on to play Marcie on Married With Children). For some reason, Charley decides to be open about his suspicions, thus letting the vampire know that he knows his little secret - not a smart move, as Charley soon learns courtesy of a little visit from the new guy in town. This vampire, I must say, looks nothing like your typical Count Dracula; he actually looks like a reject from Dance Fever, making it a little hard for me to take him seriously (although the threat of "Deney Terrio" busting out some disco moves in the film's one night club scene certainly had me feeling uneasy). In desperation, Charley goes to the only man he thinks can help him - Peter Vincent, Vampire Killer (Roddy McDowall). Vincent killed many a vampire - in the movies - and he is now the local host of Fright Night, a late-night horror show. As you might expect, Vincent doesn't really believe in vampires and, once he sees that Charley is telling him the truth, he isn't too anxious to fight them, either. McDowall is really great in this movie; he is the lynchpin upon which most of the movie's success depends.I can't say enough about the special effects, especially those in the film's climactic moments. As a horror fan, I really appreciate the filmmakers spending the time and money to give me such an impressive show. The plot features a number of clichés as well as a couple of "oldest tricks in the book," but the inspired performance of Roddy McDowell combined with the fantastic special effects leads me to bump my rating up from four to five stars. This probably won't be the best vampire film you've ever seen, but I am sure that fans of the genre will not fail to get quick a kick out of Fright Night.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Classic Movie, Buyer Beware!
Those of you who think or are making the statements that another release with more extras and at a much lower price is not on the horizon are, in my opinion, the people trying to sell this item for the considerably profit margin. Whether or not this practice is morally repugnant is one of personal choice, but to suggest, by proxy, that they better buy at this price or forever be "out of luck" is suspect.As for the movie itself, I like it. It has a tongue and cheek feel with some great gore. Roddy Mcdowall hands in an excellent performance and the vampire next door story runs well from beginning to end. It's an 80's movie that was on the "B" shelf with mostly unknown actors, barring of course Mr. McDowall, it transcended its genre and budget. When I saw it as a teenager when released to theaters I was very surprised by it and I think it has withstood the test of time.FYI, for those who know what I am talking about, an HD Quality version is available online for free!
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
I don't write very many reviews but I feel I have to write one for this movie as it holds a very special place in my heart. I saw this when it first came out and went back to see it 2 more times!!! Since then I cannot count how many times I have watched this wondeful movie! If you like horror movies and not just blatant gore than this is for you! Every actor is fabulous. The special effects are STELLAR and it is just a damned great story too! This takes me back to very special time in my life when I was the same age as Charlie, the lead character. I adore this film and HIGHLY RECOMMEND it! Not much has topped the absolutely horrifying andgruesome makeup on Amanda Bearse towards the end of the movie and I doubt anything ever will.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
One of the Best
In my opinion, the best vampire movie ever made. The characters are very personable, the plot (if not original) wildly entertaining, and the music (for 80's fans anyway) nostalgic. The special effects are top-notch, but the movie doesn't rely on them to provide thrills and chills. I'd be lying if I said I didn't I wish I could jump into this movie and be one of the characters. It's that good. Really.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Best Vampire Moive Of All Time!
This gem of horror from 1985, featured Roddy McDowall as the great vampire killer, who is quite shaky, though ends the film with much bravery, William Ragsdale as a sex-crazed teenager and Chris Sarandon as a new neighbor with a little bite. Also showing up on the scene are Amanda Bearse as the present-day Mina and Stephen Geoffreys as Evil Ed, who is an absolute riot in the film. This vampire classic is not only for me, the best vampire film, but perhaps the best horror film. This movie is one of the great definitions of entertainment. There's some great special effects in the film including a very freaky Evil Ed-wolf and a menacing Jerry Dandridge-bat. Tom Holland, a master of horror who's also directed Child's Play, and written such creepy-pleasers as The Beast Within and Psycho II has given this film a great foggy atmosphere and vibe-full colors, and a great 2:35.1 widescreen aspect ratio that is an incredible delight. This film also stars Jonathan Stark from House II.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Wanted a special edition,but this blu ray's transfer and sound helped me lick my wounds.
Just a heads up to all that might be reading this, besides individuals selling this blu ray on Amazon you can get it EXCLUSIVELY at for about 30 bucks. They have a special deal with Sony Pictures for more experimental titles and they're only releasing 3000 copies of most. I got this one and Mysterious Island on HD and am a very happy camper.I'm not going to review the movie because the only reason anyone would be interested in this blu ray would be if they already have seen it. I'm going to recommend trying to find and grabbing a copy based on the transfer and sound. This thing has never looked this good. Great care was taken in transferring the picture. It looks crisp and bright, but not overly that the dark atmosphere is overshadowed. There's no Predator like DGR in this thing. There is grain but appropriate grain that helps give the images depth and character. The sound is stunning. My speakers were really getting a work out with the mix. There's sounds that I didn't even ever remember hearing in any other viewing. The special effects laden finale is a real showcase for the picture and sound.Special features are a let down I'm sorry to say. There really isn't any. You get two trailers, which are not in HD. And you get an isolated music score by Brad Fiedel which is AWESOME. Fright Night has my all time favorite synth score, with Carpenter's Escape From New York right under it. The package comes with a four page booklet with an essay going into depth of the merrits of the film in horror history. The essay is penned by Julie Kirgo and she does a really good job of praising this film. She hits the nail on the head regarding how much is really going on tin the subtext of this film beyond the in jokes, fun characters, gore, and frights. The only problem is that she spends a decent amount of time talking about the gay undertones of the film. This I don't understand. I don't think there are any. In retrospect you can place them there, but I don't see them there naturally. I don't think Jerry's relationship with his live in carpenter Billy is homoerotic AT ALL. Sorry. Billy is Jerry's version of Refield. That's it. She also goes into the gay undertones involving the character of Evil Ed. Again, I just don't think it's there. I think he's an outcast due to his quirks and personality and nerdiness. Jerry offers him power, not sex. Now the actor who played Evil Ed went on to do gay porn and that's common knowledge to most horror fans at this point, but that has NOTHING to do with the film at hand. I think some people like to place it there in retrospect due to the actor's career decisions. Whatever.I love this movie. I loved it at eight years old and I still love it now all these years later. If you can still get one of these blu rays from the above mentioned website or off of ANY other website, I hight recommend you do. If you love this film as much as I do you won't get buyer's remorse.PS: Inside the booklet theres a web address, iconsoffright, and it states that this site features some audio commentaries for the film. I say why not get one included on the disc? I gurantee director Tom Holland, Williams Ragsdale and Chris Sarandon are game. Hell, Sarandon even contributed a wicked cameo in the recent remake which I enjoyed very much. WAIT A MINUTE, I know all above mentioned are game! BECAUSE on this site they're the ones contributing to the commentary tracks, two tracks, which also includes the actor that plays Billy the Renfield carpenter of Jerry. WTF? Why couldn't this have been included on this package or ANY package.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Perhaps the Greatest Vampire Movie of all Time
Fright Night is a horror movie in its most simplistic form. A teenage boy named Charlie Brewster (William Ragsdale, "Herman's Head") believes that his next door neighbor Jerry Dandridge (Chris Sarandon, "The Princess Bride") is a vampire. Of course no one believes him, especially his girlfriend Amy (Amanda Bearse, "Married with Children") and his buddy "Evil" Ed (Stephen Geoffreys, "Heaven Help Us"). Oh by the way, Evil Ed's classic line in this movie is, "Oh you're so cool Brewster."Amy and Ed are concerned about Charlie's well being and figure humor his claims that his neighbor is a vampire. So Amy and Ed go to speak to Peter "The Great Vampire Killer" Vincent (Roddy McDowall, "Planet of the Apes"), a burnt out horror movie star turned late night T.V. show host for campy horror films (mainly his own). Charlie is a huge fan of Peter Vincent's work and conceders him a hero. This is why Charlie's friends seek Peter out. On the flip side, Amy and Ed are thinking Charlie's imagination is running amuck about Jerry because of all of his Peter Vincent viewing. Anyway I digress; Amy and Ed talk to Peter about their friend Charlie and the obsession that Jerry is a vampire. Now how two teenage kids are able to convince a movie star (burnt out or not) to speak with their "potential" insane friend, still befuddles me. Anyway, after some pretty definitive proof, it is discovered that Jerry REALLY IS A VAMPIRE! Charlie's confirmation is now fact and the other characters are quite shocked at this finding.I will not give away any details or spoil this flick for anyone who hasn't seen it yet. Fright Night is really a fun movie and yes it does have some creepy and scary parts to it. I will also add that the movie has some pretty good special effects, they really aren't that cheesy. This movie was also made in 1985, which is the zenith of the 1980s, however this movie really doesn't seem dated. As a matter of fact, it is quite possible this movie is as relative today as it was back in 1985. The one part of the movie that could be abased for having a 1980s flare is the night club scene. There is the peachy music, "colorful" outfits and the hair sprayed hair. Then again, 1980s fashion is somewhat neo in these contemporary times, so it might not seem so dastardly. Ultimately, this movie isn't overshadowed by the fact that it was made in the 1980s.Now when I say that this is the best vampire movie ever made, that is exactly what I mean. This movie has nothing to do with Dracula it is a basic vampire movie, so any comparisons with a Dracula is dubious. Hence Fright Night it is a marvelous vampire movie, not a marvelous Dracula Movie.The acting in this movie is also really good; Chris Sarandon is smooth and suave as a vampire. He makes being a creature of the undead look like a lot of fun. Roddy McDowall is awesome as Peter Vincent (I love the throwback to Peter Cushing and Vincent Price in the character's name); he is dichotomy in his grapples with believing in vampires and faith. I think this was a bold performance by McDowall. William Ragsdale did a good job as Charlie. He looked a bit older than a 17 year old teenager, but then again this type of realism isn't why I am watching Fright Night. If that was the logic, then Elizabeth Shue was way too hot to be a hooker in Leaving Las Vegas. Consequently, these are the little persnickety thoughts I place into the box labeled "it is only a movie". Amanda Bearse was also fine as Amy, being both reserved and sexy. Stephen Geoffreys was also quite vexing in a jovial sort of way in his performance as Evil Ed. I also like how Jerry's "roommate" looks like a Xerox of Bill Paxton. Did anyone else notice that or was it just me?As for the DVD itself, it is presented in letterbox/widescreen. There are several subtitles that can be utilized, so it is foreign speaking friendly. The original preview/trailer is included, which is somewhat a disappointment. It seems rather a mundane promotion for such a great movie. Nevertheless, it is cool that the trailer itself is included on the DVD.Fright Night is great horror movie period. It also spawned a pretty good sequel in Fright Night 2. However, Fright Night stands fine by itself and I wish future vampire movies would use this movie as a paradigm. Mainly by having a basic story, good characters/acting performance and special effects that don't totally rely on computer graphics. Overall, a timeless piece of horror cinema which I am sure will still be enjoyed for many years to come.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
My favorite vampire movie from the 80s
Who doesn't like Fright Night?...I haven't met one person yet that didn't enjoy Fright Night. I for one, love this movie and think its one of the best vampire movies from the 80s. Its kinda hard to believe that Amanda Bearse went from Married..with Children....holy smokes!, again as i said, this movie tops the 80s horror right along with Halloween..etc. etc. and should truly be in your horror collection..a true classic for all time, and remember, they barely play this film during Halloween as well...when is the last time you saw it on TV?...think about it!..thats why this is a must have!. Highly Recommended!!
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Classic from the 80's
One of the few mainstream horror films from the 80's that is still great to this day is the original Fright Night. Helmed by Tom Holland (who would go on to direct the original Child's Play), Fright Night contains all the familiar elements and conventions of the vampire film genre, but thanks to Holland's energetic direction, great cast work, and some great (mostly) makeup effects, Fright Night succeeds where most others fail, and is a fun horror classic. William Ragsdale stars as Charley, a horror loving teen who suspects his new neighbor (Chris Sarandon) is a vampire. Soon enough, Charley's suspicians prove true, and with the help of an eccentric B-horror movie actor (Roddy McDowell), he sets out to stop the powerful vamp as his family, friends, and girlfriend (Married...With Children's Amanda Bearse) are threatened. With tried but true conventions and everything else mentioned above, Fright Night may not be the best vampire movie you'll ever see, but it's certainly one of the most fun.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
One of those classic vampire flicks - 80's style
Yeah, it's cheesy in some places, campy in others, but, in all, it's a movie you find yourself enjoying more every time you watch it.And I thought I was the only one who thought Chris Sarandon was extra hot here. If vampires look like him, I'm a willing victim! :-) (Tom Cruise, eat your heart out!)Other reviews give a detailed analysis of the plot so no need to rehash it here. If you're looking for a good and enjoyable vampire flick 1980's style (complete with the spiky hair and cheesy club music), this is the movie for you.I just can't believe it's been nearly 20 years since the film's release. But, even after all that time, it's still got it.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Monsters and mayhem, done to a turn
FRIGHT NIGHT(USA - 1985)Aspect ratio: 2.39:1 (Panavision)Theatrical soundtrack: Dolby StereoUnable to convince anyone that his new neighbor (Chris Sarandon) is a vampire, a desperate teenager (William Ragsdale) summons the help of a reluctant TV 'horror host' (Roddy McDowall) to confront the monsters in their midst...Produced at a time when the American horror film seemed to have lost its way following the glut of low-budget independent shockers which proliferated in the wake of HALLOWEEN and FRIDAY THE 13th, Tom Holland's FRIGHT NIGHT attempts to straddle the gap between 'traditional' horror and the effects-driven blockbusters which had begun to dominate genre movies in the early 1980's. The plot is a little thin, and there's a couple of items which date the narrative squarely within its decade (notably the disco sequence, and a cringe-inducing theme song by the 'J. Geils Band' during the closing credits!), but Holland's script reserves its major fireworks for a dramatic second half, in which the forces of Good and Evil make their final stand against one another, resulting in a barrage of monsters and mayhem, courtesy of Richard Edlund's superb visual effects.Ragsdale and love interest Amanda Bearse are saddled with stock juvenile characters, but Sarandon relishes his role as the vampiric predator, toying with Ragsdale as the boy's accusations of supernatural horror are met with incredulity by all around him. However, McDowall steals the movie as a faded horror star whose old-fashioned values have fallen out of favor in an increasingly cynical age, and who finds himself confronted at the end of his career by very real monsters indeed. Though somewhat underwritten, McDowall portrays the man's cowardice, sadness and ultimate redemption with a deftness and clarity that brightens the entire movie.Some observers have discerned a homoerotic subtext in Ragsdale's obsession with his handsome, vampiric neighbor, and also in Sarandon's pursuit of Ragsdale's high school buddy (Stephen Geoffreys, also known as 'Sam Ritter', star of gay adult movies like VIRTUAL STUD and SEX ON THE BEACH), and while there's some merit in this particular reading, it doesn't get in the way of the slam-bang melodramatics. Geoffreys adopts a range of tics and mannerisms which will infuriate some viewers and endear him to others, but his final sequence - one of the best in the entire movie - is charged with genuine emotion (rendered even moreso by McDowall's extraordinary, wordless performance on the sidelines), and the 'death rattle' which accompanies Geoffreys' departure is one of the creepiest sound effects this reviewer has EVER heard!!...Followed by FRIGHT NIGHT PART 2 (1988).
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Awesome Vampire Flick
This is one of my faves. I am a huge vampire fan and this ranks the top of my list:) Great movies, special effects, scariness and a touch of comedy. A must see. I am probably bias my name is Amy...I just love hearing Chris Sarandon say my name:) That nightclub scene is a hot one. " Hey Amanda want to trade with me on that scene:) "A Great Movie...check it'll not be dissapointed..
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Sterling DVD Transfer. A Must-Have Vampire Film !
Who would've thought that Roddy McDowall & Chris Sarandon would give two of the best performances in horror history? They most certainly do. There's no shortage of suspense, action and unrelenting horror in "Fright Night." Let's not forget carefully time-released comedy, either. This DVD was just screaming for commentaries. At this low price, we'll settle for the spooky trailer and awesome digital film transfer, which still looks great on 16:9 widescreen sets. A must-have, turn out the lights, pop some popcorn screamfest!
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
The Best Horror Flick
I agree with everyone's assessment of Fright Night. It is,by far, the best vampire movie of all's funny, yet serious and spooky. And isn't overly gory and it doesn't exaggerate on killings. It gives you just enough to satisfy your vampire tastes. And what makes it even more great is that it is a very open-ended movie, by that I mean that although we are shown that Jerry is a vampire, we see his fangs, we see him turn into a bat etc., it is not necessarily set in stone.....could it just be Charley's overactive imagination? And for that matter, Peter Vincent's imagination as well, as he has just ben fired from his long time job and perhaps needs something to make his dull life interesting? The plot is very unique,and it's up to the viewer to decide. And the dance club scene is the stuff of simply rocks.Anyone who hasn't yet seen this movie has surely been deprived of top notch entertainment. So if u are tryng to decide whether or not to buy this movie, it's very simple: Buy it!! It should be part of everyone's video library!!
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Welcome to FFFright NNNight...For Real.
What a great line from a fantastic movie. The awsomething is how they added thehumor and totaly held up the myths about Vampires.The horrible transformationthat Jerry Dandrige takes on is exactly how I always thought Vampires should look. Not the black cape Bela Lagosi look.And the part were he crushes the Cross and saysYou got to have faith for this to work on me Mr Vincent. And digging up the Banister with his fingernail was just cool.Chris Sarandon is the bestVampire ever. Cool,Class and scary. Check out his walk when he is in Charliesmothers room. I sware he is gliding. Just little things like that makes this movieone of the greats.Dont miss it if you havntalready seen it. Its a keeper..
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Stands the test of time; a very fun film.
Not only is it the ultimate trip back to 1985, but the cast could not be any more enjoyable and Fright Night winds up being a totally original, even at times creepy -- adolescent take on vampires. Chris Sarandon ignites the screen every time he shows up and Amanda Bearse couldn't be any more charming. Shot in Panavision with Richard Edlund FX and a great new-wave soundtrack (which is worth $$$ on eBay these days), this is not a cynical, sleazy teenage POS like we see in the 2000s (e.g. Disturbia, which has a very similar plot).Watching Fright Night I was kind of reminded of another movie from 1985 -- Back to the Future. This was a transitional time from the huge Sci-Fi/Fantasy of the late-70s & early-80s into the more lighthearted and comedic turn a lot of genres were to take for a while. The big franchise sequels and superhero / TV adaptations were years away. Owing nothing to these conventions, Fright Night is a really smart script that understands a lot of its genre's tricks and has fun with them.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
"bleep" the fright night remake buy the original
Ok first off the 2011 remake was horrible don't buy it, full of lousy acting and even worse CGI in almost every scene,infact the best part of the remake is the end credits. I wonder who the studio executives think want to see these remakes. The original Fright Night takes you back to a great time the 80's there is no internet, smart phones, CGI and the characters don't tweet in every scene. The story is great about a young all american boy next door Charlie Brewster who loves classic horror films and wants to score with his girlfriend.The trouble begins when a vampire moves in next door. As the film shifts into gear he now has a ticked off vampire after him and his friend "Evil Ed" and his girlfriend Amy don't believe the guy next door is a vampire.The only one he can turn to is the local TV horror host Peter Vincent. The two then do battle with this vampire in a great fight sequence. This film creates an excellent atmosphere set in an all american town instead of cheesy Las Vegas and Roddy Mcdowell is brilliant as the Horror host Peter vincent.To bad they don't show horror films on local TV anymore, I mean seriously those were the days of great old horror films being shown by a horror host dressed like a ghoul or some other creature of the night. By the way"Evil Ed" steals the show and is not a whiny geek like in the remake.The film also pays homage to the classic Uniiversal horror films as well as the Hammer films you can see little signs of both hear and there in the background. So if your tired of crapy, wimpy, sissy vampire fare such as True Blood and the Twilight films buy 1985's Fright Night. I just wish there were more special features other than the trailer, c'mon not even a tribute to the late Roddy Mcdowell.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Good service and product..
Good service. Product was as advertized, both disc and case. No scratches on disc and case and insert were in great shape. I would trust this seller to buy from again.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
There Are No Such Things As Vampires Fruit Cake !
How Can You Not Love This Movie It Has EveryThing You Need That Makes For A Good Movie Peter Vincent The Great Vampire Killer, Evil Ed, And A Modern Day Vampire GQ At That, Chris Sarandon is Real Good In This movie It's Too Bad They Killed Him Off Because I Think That If He Was In The Sequel It Wouldn't Have Sucked So Bad Or Even Had Evil Ed In It, It Would Have Really Been Better He Really Was funny In This movie, Very Good Price To Here On Amazon This Is A Very Good 80's Movie
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
80s Campy "Chick Horror" Flick
Fright Night has all the classic and yes, cliched elements one expects and wants in a tongue-in-cheek, teen/camp or chick horror flick. It's fun, stylish, has a handsome vamp, heros who keeps trying when the chips are down, and a heroine who has to decide who and what are important to her life.Roddy McDowall plays aging actor Peter Vincent (Vincent Price allusion no doubt) who starred in countless horror films as a Vampire Slayer who now hosts Fright Night, a horror movie hour on the local network that could easily have been USA in the 80s or an local yokel station. All his films come to life for him in sickening reality when he is called upon by the teenager Charlie Brewster, an avid fan of the Fright Night show for help in dispatching the vampire next door.The vampire next door, Jerry Dandridge is played with fun melodramatic flair by Chris Sarandon,(who was in that other memorable Holland film, Child's Play) best remembered for his other evil role as Prince Humperdink in the Princess Bride. Dandridge also has a creepy and edgy sociopathic henchman who manages to be scary than him at times. There is an undercurrent of the serial-killer duo between them mixed with a metrosexual edge that leaves you wondering, if you're a chick, why does Dandridge pick beautiful women to kill if he loves and or appreciates them? Guess what?This film does an uncliched legend blaster when it shows that the vampire is a disgusting and revolting. A vampire doesn't love you -- he needs you -- and thus another part of the vamp mystique is exposed to harsh sunlight.His hideous transformation starts out with long feminine nails as he shape shifts into a ghastly blood-sucker with a mouth truly like a bat from hell.Charlie puts two and two together when call-girls Dandridge orders show up decapitated on the news.Of course, Charlie has problems without a vampire or his weird henchman living next door: His girlfriend Amy (Amanda Bearse) has decided she's not ready to lose her virginity, right before Dandridge moves in. Charlie's mom is single. Soon, Charlie's mom invites vamp-o in to their home, and Charlie knows his days are numbered. It's a classic case of invasion, and too many changes for Charlie, psychologically. What I find most interesting is how Dandridge doesn't want to kill Charlie if only he'll keep his mouth shut. In fact, Dandridge shows odd compassion throughout the film, making his character more complex and vulnerable. This vulnerability shows through the most when he is with Amy. I don't really know any other vamps who've offered a chance to walk away, but once again it touches on a malevolent vein of serial killer fraternity. After all, Dandridge had let Charlie watch as he seduced one of the call girls up to the point he began to change.At the same time, Amy begins re-thinking her choices because she thinks Charlie's acting strange since she wouldn't have sex with him. In an effort to win back his love, she pays Peter Vincent to fake a holy water test on Dandridge hoping this will get Charlie to leave Dandridge alone. Unfortunately, this is when Dandridge meets Amy. Amy is immediately drawn to Dandridge, more so then the usual victim, and we find out why. She is the likeness of someone he knew centuries ago.In irony, she gives to Dandridge what she would not to Charlie . Then again, perhaps it is not so ironic. With the vampire she will have forever, but as she and Charlie are just teenagers there is no security with him. The scene of seduction between Dandridge and Amy shows that it is Amy's choice in the end.The first time I watched this film I was a pre-teen, and took it very seriously and now that I'm an adult it is sheer fun.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Welcome to Fright Night
I seen this movie when it first came out in 1985. It is an 80's suburban vampire movie. Pretty hip compared to the 60's and 70's vampire movies.Not too many dull moments. I compare this to the Lost Boys which came out in 87.One of the top 5 vampire movies of all time (Lost boys is still #1 with me).This film will hold a special place in your heart if you live in the suburbs- you can relate to.You will definately want to add this to your horror collection and good to watch every October. Still brings back fond memories from 1985.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
An Wonderful classic Vampire movie
This film is one of my favorite horor movies! Must se
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Rob's review!
This movie arrived in great condition! Me and My son had a great time watching the movie! You could not even tell this movie was used. It was kept in mint condition. I'm really impressed with my purchase!
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Scream and Laugh at the Same Time
Charley Brewster (William Ragsdale) is your typical teenage boy. He lives with his mother and has a girlfriend, Amy (Amanda Bearse). His favorite TV show is Fright Night, which shows horror films hosted by faded film star Peter "The Great Vampire Killer" Vincent.When a new neighbor moves in, Charley notices strange things. Jerry Dandridge (Chris Sarandon) is suave and sophisticated and is never seen before sunset. When some girls start missing, Charley starts to suspect that Jerry might be a vampire. When he cannot convince anyone else of this, he goes to Peter Vincent (Roddy McDowell). Peter, at first, is skeptical, like the rest. But eventually Charley brings him around.Charley, Amy and Vincent go against Dandridge. Of course, you know how it has to end. This film combines comedy with horror to make a fine hybrid. Roddy McDowell was a great character actor in early days of MGM (best as Liz Taylor's sidekick.) This was a comeback for McDowell.Fright Night is a great Halloween film for the preteens up. It's scary, but with a sense of humor.DVD EXTRAS: None
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Great Horror Movie
This is a great film and wasn't over done. It is one of those teen 80's vampire flicks, and is very enjoyable no matter how old you are. Buy saying no matter how old you are I don't mean let your kids watch it cause it's not for your kids at all. Chris Sarandon (star of Child's PLay) is great as Charlie. He maked the movie very enjoyable. I was a bit younger when I watched this film. I don't mean like 9 or 10 I was about 23 when this came out and now I'm 42. The special affects are great and the camera tricks are dazzling and great. Lot's of nudity in this vampire flick and this one was way better than it's horrible and depressing sequel. So, just take my word for it, don't go near the sequel. Anyway, the acting in this gets a 5/5 and the plot gets a 5/5. Even by looking at the front cover of this movie you can tell that it is a cool and exicting film. This is the best vampire movie I've seen really, and trust me, I've seen a batch of vampire movies. Let's say this film hits number 1 because of these three reasons,1. There is tons of gore2. It isn't fake looking like alot of other vampire movies3. It has a great and interesting plotWhat more do you need to know that this movie is great and well worth your money no matter what the price is. SO go ahead and get this movie, take my word for it, you won't regret it. Not at all.9/10Rated R for graphic violence, nudity, coarse language, and some gore.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
"You promised you wouldn't let him get me!!!"
I am now 20 and I saw this movie when I was pretty young. Whenever I went to visit my cousin, she would play the part of Amy coming down the stairs saying "What's the matter, Charlie? Don't you WANT me anymore???" And I would always be the sympathetic guy Charlie... This movie has always been one of my faves.. I'm a big fan of the vampire movies anyways, liking 'The Lost Boys', 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' (the tv show), 'Angel', 'Interview With a Vampire', etc... But this movie is not only horror, but it also has a great mix of comedy in it. When I saw the movie "Vamp", it was clear that both movies were trying to pull off the whole scary/funny thing but only "Fright Night" truly got it right. I highly recommend this movie!
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
One of the Best
I have a list for almost everything. Honestly. And one of those lists is entitled "My Favorite 80s Horror." Fright Night holds its own spot in the top ten. Because of its wit, scares, and the little notice of slapstick humour towards old Drac flicks.William Ragsdale stars as Charley Brewster, a normal guy who spends some spare time trying to get his girlfriend Amy (Amanda Bearse) to put out. Unbeknownst to Charlie, his new next door neighbor is a vampire (Chris Sarandon). As the vampire - Jerry - closes in on his mom, Charley realizes he must stop the vampire at once. But that's not so easy. With the help of Amy, his friend Ed (hilarious Stephen Geoffreys), and creature feature host Peter Vincent (Roddy McDowell), he begins his attempt to rid of the creature of the night.Throughout the movies are great horror moments tied in with simple humour. Mostly the dorkyness of being a teenager, and trying to unveil a "supposed" vampire. Tom Holland's direction is pretty on, especially the whole alley scene and the showdown between Evil Ed and Peter Vincent. All of the actors put on believable performances. Stephen Geoffreys left behind a classic character in the horror genre.If a craving for good old 80s mainstream horror ever hits your system, be sure to pick up or buy (Although a sadly bare bones dvd, plus the trailer) Fright Night. Satisfaction guaranteed.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Ah..the 80s horror-comedy and Chris Sarandon is the BEST.
Like a lot of others who have posted a review, I first saw this film when I was kid. I've seen it probably about 70 times since. It's one of those great films that makes you laugh, your skin crawl and screams to have the lines recited along with it.Another thing, IMHO, Chris Sarandon's vampire - Jerry Dandridge - has got to be the most sexy, sensual, menacing one in the history of film. From 'Nosferatu' all the way to Omar Epps, Sarandon is *still* my favorite vampire in cinema and that is saying a lot!The writer/director Tom Holland also wrote one of the most unintentionally hilarious films, "Scream for Help". It's so cheesy-bad it hurts!
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
welcome to fright night for real
the total aspect of fright night was an great idea and greatballs of effects svengally that can have your eyeballs pokedout of your cranium if you dont get close to it just imaginedthat your good neighbourgh can be the most eviles monster thatyou think of moving to somewhere else and that you couldn`t sleepat night just thinking about it well thats ther morale aboutfright night it`s romance it`s lustfull revenge about the taleof good versus evill great recipe for an gormade horror dishi cant wait to watch it tonight rating 10/10
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Great Vampire movie
This definietley a great vampire movie and I love watching over sometimes. I especially like how that remade Amanda Bearse and Chris Sarandon over. Great film to get on DVD.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Horror at its finest-
This is by far the best vampire movie I've ever seen with the best cast ever assembled for a li'l horror movie that's for sure! I've read the reviews below about how great Sarandon and McDowall were, and believe me they were, but the best was William Ragsdale. As teenager Charlie Brewster, he conveyed a realistic teenager who has no idea what to do about his 'different' neighbors. He took this from a scared, curious boy at the beginning of the flick, to the headstrong man that helped rid his town of demons. Give the guy some credit, he held his own against McDowall and Sarandon. So buy this if you can afford it, it's a classic and it has held up over time. Welcome to Fright Night-
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
An often overlooked "classic"!
This film is most certainly NOT the most frightening horror movie of all time. It is,however,a movie for vampire flick afficianados (and every one else!) that REALLY adheres to the vampire legend and the character originally created by Bram Stoker. This a great movie for "purists" of the genre that has two remarkable performances by Sarandon who gives the vampire both depth and a sympathetic edge and the marvelous Roddy McDowell in perhaps his best role.Overlook the flaws and sit back and watch these masters at work!!Do you really know who (or what) your neighbors are??
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
an outstanding horror film
fright night is a very good horror movie. lots of times i buy movies without ever seeing them like fright night. i was so sure fright night was going to be good because tom holland directed it, the man of child's play. and i was right it was very good. i want to see the sequal, they don't have it at blockbuster.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Classic Vampire Tale
Even though it was released back in the 80's, Fright Night remains a classic and bone-chilling vampire movie with riveting action sequences that will leave you breathless.While this movie does have a certain cheesiness factor to it, that's what makes it so appealing. If you read the pamphlet that comes along with the DVD, it mentions that the director's purpose for this movie was to mix the Boy That Cried Wolf formula with the classic vampire mythology.The story itself is very simple. Charlie, played by William Ragsdale, notices that his new neighbor's aren't quit as normal as they seem. He begins to see very mysterious happenings involved with them, and when he reports them, nobody seems to believe him. Soon, the neighbors know that Charlie knows their secret, and Charlie finds himself running to save his own life as well as a few others.Fright Night has a very talented cast, and it's inch above the the typical vampire movie.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
A movie well worth the buy
If you're in the mood for a vampire movie, this is definitely the one to take a look at. The story is based on a teenage boy (played by "Herman's Head's" William Ragsdale) who suddenly finds that his favorite show is basically being played out in real life... A big fan of Peter Vincent's "Fright Night" ~ a show much like Elvira's at that time~ Charlie soon discovers that his neighbor is more than what he actually seems to be. He raves and rants that the man is a vampire hoping desperately that it'll actually reach the ears of his friends and that soon they will believe him... But will their belief in this nightmare-into-reality scenario come to late?This movie has an excellent soundtrack. Seriously a must have!
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Like many of the other reviewers I loved this movie when I was a kid I had my own copy and just watched it to death. It is about a vampire who moves in next door to Charlie a local teen who loves horror movies. He witnesse a vampire murder and then the mayhem begins. My favorite scenes are the pencil through the hand scene and the final showdown where Peter Vincent finally has faith. Go see this movie.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
One of THE best vampire movies ever made!
Writer/Director Tom Holland has yet to top himself with this horror masterpiece he created! The film is all around fantastic. The DVD could use some more extras though. Nonetheless, grab this DVD, especially since the price drop!
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
You must have faith for that to work on me,MR VINCENT!
Poor old Mr.Vincent,could never really come to terms with his treasured little mirror bearing no reflection,to Jerry Dandridge.Peter Vincent's idea of Fright Night,was a cheap,tacky horror show,that had bad ratings,not this. And Charley Brewster,watching too much T.V,started to actually believe that their new neighbor slept in a coffin.And why did Charley's Mother have to go and let Jerry in the house,now he can come around whenever he wants.And why is Jerry always out everyday,and only appears after six p.m,eating an apple? Fright Night maintains an interest throughout,shining through in terms of Direction and Script,and the performance of Roddy McDowall as the local T.V.Stations "Peter Vincent"-Vampire Killer,who will not believe young Charley Brewster,who begs for Peter's help,to seek out and kill the Vampire next door!Excellent,inevitable,and well staged climax-the look on Peter Vincents face at the end,beaming!-show's every possible,relevant emotion,perfectly.About the transfer:Outstanding,shown at 2.35:1,allowing the full width,and fine details coupled with just the right colour depth,"Fright Night",to date,Never looked this good.The sound:English/2-Channel Dolby Surround,gives an adequate performance.No real emphasis on not being subtle,but clear,with no background noise,source,or hissing related problems.Overall,in terms of picture quality alone,this DVD emerges a winner.A special Edition of this film,with a 5.1 soundtrack would be cool.4/5 for this Edition.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Good film fun for vampire fanatics
While the film is not particularly frightening, it is well done and should please most who enjoy a decent tale of the undead.The story centers around a high school student who discovers that a vampire and his personal aide have moved in the house next door. A series of murders leads the lad to initially investigate the goings-on himself, then later seek the assistance of his friends, then finally Peter Vincent (Roddy McDowel), fearless vampire killer -- hero and host of a local television show. One thing leads to another and eventually the vampire is killed -- the neighborhood saved. (ho-hum *yawn*)The film is humorous at times but the effects are well done and the story is about as unique as can be accomplished with a vampire tale. The DVD is clean and clear. "Fright Night 2", an even better movie with the same general theme (our hero is now in college), has not yet made the DVD scene; but when it does you'll surely want to add it to your collection if you enjoy this one.Light enjoyment. Not suitable for younger children. Some minor but tasteful nudity.*Recommended* ~P~
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
What "American Werewolf in London" was to werewolves...
The step-sister of "An American Werewolf in London", in that it mixes legend with humor, but doesn't skimp on the horror. Both movies have great jokes, good characters, excellent special effects, and plenty of scares. Not as funny as the '99 version of "The Haunting", but infinitely more lovable.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Worth watching with a lover on a Saturday night. . .
One of the best vampire movies out there. Chris Sarandon and Roddy McDowall do great jobs with this one. It's fun to see "Married With Children" star Amanda Bearse and the dude from "Herman's Head" and some dumb TGIF show as teenagers. The score is terrifying, the music is classic eighties, and here's hoping the sequel comes out, too. There are some very good reasons to be afraid of the dark...this movie is one of them.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
very entertaining
If you dont like this movie,i can't see why.It was enjoyable,funny,cool gory effects and three great performances by Roddy Mcdowell,Chris Sarandon,& Stephen Gefforeys.A EXCELLENT VAMPIRE MOVIE!!!!
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Charlie,P lease don't look out your window!
I really loved this movie and the more I watch it the better it gets! Chris Sarandon played a very handsome and sexy vampire who loves to put the bite on a pretty girl who looks like a love from his past.Evil is so cool! I save the best for last Roddy McDowall who makes my heart thump! He is Peter Vincent The GREAT Vampire Killer and does a bloody good job at it! GO GET'EM PETER!!! I lOVE YOU RODDY!!!!
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
exciting events of teenagers and vampires
I loved the movie because it had the "boy next door" thrown into a series of events where he not only has to prove that a vampire, who just moved next door to him, exists but has to use all his teenage ingenuity to stop the vampire(s) from converting his friends into gouls. Roddy Mcdowell is a great contrast to the teenage scene as a washed up actor turned vampire killer who with his english accent ads a great flavor to the movie. The movie is filled with real exotic scenes of sex and night music that every teenager dreams of!. watch it
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
New appreciation!
After I finished reading the truly horrible script for the 2011 remake of Fright Night I found myself with a new appreciation of the original movie.Peter Vincent is probably the most enjoyable character in this film. Roddy McDowall stole the show as the slightly cowardly TV horror host who grows a spine and rises to be the heroic vampire killer he had always pretended to be. The soundtrack is incredible. The acting is brilliant.I have always loved Gothic Horror, particularly the old Hammer horror films such as what Peter Vincent shows on his TV show. Not only do I not see a purpose in the Fright Night remake but I feel it fails on my many levels where the original excels. The vampires of the original Fright night had the powers of Dracula, himself. They could turn into horrible little bats, or wolves, or mist. They could enthrall human wills and could show up on film as a human might. In the remake they have no such abilities and this is not so-well compensated by an excess of explosions.The writer of the remake claims that horror movie hosts don't exist anymore. Not only is this not true but there are more horror movie hosts on TV AND Internet today than there ever were on TV in 1985. Elvira's Movie Macabre, Mystery science theater 3000, Nostalgia Critic, just to name a few... I think they made a huge mistake in changing Peter Vincent to a nearly unrecognizable stage magician in the remake. If anything the movie host is more relatable now than ever before.Skip the remake, stick with the original. It makes more sense. It has more accessible characters. Peter Vincent actually has depth rather than the show pretense of depth with the added backstory given in the remake. Charlie is a lot nicer and a lot more sympathetic in the original. And this one had memorable and catchy songs on the soundtrack. The vampires are more frightening while at the same time more charming and strangely sympathetic while also terrifying and deadly. The humor isn't forced and there's no obnoxious product placement. The remake... has none of these qualities. This is by far the superior film. Skip the remake, kids. Stick with the original!
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Terrific 80's vampire classic!
Charlie Brewster ( played by William Ragsdale) has gotten an unusual new neighbor named "Jerry Dandriege" ( Played by Chris Sarandon) who's quite savvy with the ladies but he's really a vampire who murders in the night. Charlie's friends such as his girlfriend "Amy" ( Amanda Bearse) and "Evil Ed" start to believe in him after they didn't, he also hires a popular TV host named " Peter Vincent" ( Roddy Mcdowell) who was called " the great vampire killer of the movies" to take down the bloodsuckers.A refreshing, entertaining, and witty horror comedy that makes fun of the vampire genre with some good ideas, gore, self-referential jokes ( Before " Scream"), great special effects by Richard Edlund, wild vampire make-up effects by Steve Johnson and it's just a down and out fun yet original vampire movie with a cult following, it's one of the best from the 80's next to " The Lost Boys".The DVD is quite good in picture and sound quality with the theatrical trailer, this is a must own movie for fans of horror comedies and vampire flicks.Also recommended: " Vamp", " The Lost Boys", "Fright Night 2", " Evil Dead II", "An American Werewolf in London", " Demons", " Cemetery Man", "Underworld", "Vampire Hunter D", "Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust", "Blade", "Blade II", "Lifeforce", " Demons 2", " From Dusk Till Dawn", " Night Stalker", "Scream", " Buffy The Vampire Slayer" ( Movie and TV Show), " Dog Soldiers", " Bram Stoker's Dracula", " Def by Temptation", " Bordello of Blood", " Wolf", " Van Helsing", " The Hunger", " Blood: The Lost Vampire", " Dead Alive", " Hocus Pocus", " Salem's Lot" ( Both versions), " The Forsaken", " Habit", " Martin", and "Subspecies".
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
One of the 5 best horror movies EVER!you're so cool Brewster
Fright Night, Clownhouse, Halloween, Scream, and A nightmare on Elm Street are the five greatest Horror movie ever. Fright Night is a 1986 vampire flick written and directed by Tom Holland(Child's play). Charlie Brewster is a high school kid who lives with his mother and has a girlfriend. He notices that his next door neighbor Jerry Dandridge is carrying a coffin into his bassment for his sleep during the day. He gets Peter Vincent to help him out. This movie is AWESOME. Horror Movies from the 1980's are the best(except Halloween "1979"). Chris Sarandon is great as an intimidating SCARY vampire. i rented this movie and kept it overdue for almost a month because of repeated viewings. Get this classic to add to your scary movie collection, it is probably better than anything that you already have!
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
The BEST Vampire Film Of All Time
Now this film is the best Vampire Film of all time. Take my word for it. This film is excellent. It's rich in the content of the actors, the script, the dialogue, the vampire effects. the special effects, Brad Fiedel's score, the music, the sets, the humour. This movie just doesn't get any better. This is the best movie of all time. Chris Sarandon was superb and super sexy as vampire Jerry Dandride. Wow and who could forget the nightclub scene with Jerry and Amy.Chris Sarandon is so HOT, words cannot describe, and for anyone that is hot for Chris as much as I, just check out his sex scene with Kim Delaney in 'The Temptress' and he'll blow your skirt up.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
A great vampire tale
"Fright Night" is a very fun, frightening tale about a boy, Charlie Brewster, played by William Ragsdale.(Remember, Herman's Head on Fox?) His girlfriend, Amy, who he has been pressuring into having sex, is played by Amanda Bearse, who is probably best known as the annoying neighbor, Marcy, from Married with Children. Suddenly Charlie is more interested in learning who his new neighbor is and not so interested in Amy.Stephen Geoffreys plays Evil Ed, with his annoying voice and his nerdy looks, he pretty much steals alot of the show with his antics.My favorite in this movie has to be Chris Sarandon, who plays Jerry Dandridge. He is the vampire, and he is very sexy. A perfect choice for the role. I also thought Roddy MacDowell was very good as the fearless vampire killer, in movies, but when it comes to real life he doesn't seem to have much faith.The story unravels as Charlie learns that Jerry is in fact and vampire. He is trying to convince his friends that there is a vampire living next door. and Roddy Macdowell enters when the friends are trying to convince Charlie that vampires don't exist.This movie works for's fun to watch, and the special effects are decent. The acting is by far much better than it is in most horror movies.If you like vampire movies and a bit of comedy mixed in, this is a good choice.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
A good horror film!
Fright Night is definately a good horror/comedy film with great special effects. Chris Sarandon (Childs Play) is a suave vampire who is persued by his neighbour who suspects he is a creature of the night. Roddy McDowell as Peter Vincent, Vampire killer is extremly entertaining and makes the film what it is.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
The greatest food story ever told!
A funny look at cookery in the 80s. By that I mean the human's necks that Sarandon bites on! Buy it now! Also see 'The Lost Boys' and 'Fright Night Pt 2' both as good!
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
A good late-night movie to cuddle up to. FRIGHT NIGHT is one of the best. Scary, Fun and who could forget the famous lines! I also recommend FLATLINERS, THE CROW, THE LOST BOYS, and A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET (The Original).
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Only second to The Lost Boys!
I think this was a great vampire movie with sexual tention writing all over it! The Vampire was so cool! After watching him I was a Vampire wanna-be! It had great actting and a great plot, a movie worth remembering!!!!
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
I saw this movie when it first came out and loved it. After seeing it again recently it still held up. I would highly recommend this film to anyone who enjoys a good, fun horror flick.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Not master filmaking, but a damn funny look at the 80s.
This movie does not have a lot of what I would call artistic merit, but it sure is a lot of fun if you want to look back at the 80s and laugh at the rigid social ideals, or just make fun of fashion and hair styles. Chris Sarandon does a beautiful job being both sexy and repulsive as Jerry Dandridge, the vampire, and Roddy McDowall plays the role of Peter Vincent (screen hero but real life coward based on Peter Cushing and Vincent Price) with a great poise and sympathy. However, my favorite character is "Evil" Ed (Stephen Geoffreys). It is a flashy supporting role menat to stand out, butthe reason that I love it is for all the subtextual reasons that don't stand out until you look for them. Watch it for yourself to see what I mean.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
$200.00 for a Movie? Really Mr. Sales Man?
I love this movie. It is a great movie. Unfortunately $200 for a Blu Ray disc. Someone has to be on drugs to pay so. Amazon should not allow items over price like this one been posted.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Must See Movie!
This is a must see movie for anyone who wants to be entertained and scared at the same time. Chris Sarandon did an excellent job as the vampire, Jerry Dandridge. Really awoke me to what a wonderful actor he is.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Hitchcock With Fangs
Alfred Hitchcock didn't die of old age - he shuffled off this mortal coil because the movies went to the teenagers. But if he'd lived, and ever delved into the supernatural, he might easily have made this movie.Average high school kid Charlie has a debonair new neighbor, Mr. Dandridge, who seems to entertain a different knockout girl every night. Problem is, after they've been to Dandridge's house, the next place they're seen is on the evening news - dead. As if that isn't bad enough, Charlie's seen fangs in Dandridge's smile, and Dandridge only comes out at night. Who can Charlie get to believe him? His mother, friends, and the local police think he's seen too many vampire movies. But Dandridge knows what Charlie's seen. And he's not about to let him go on talking about it.This is a great cat-and-mouse thriller, that just happens to be about a vampire instead of a mere serial killer. The script is clever, the performances good. Chris Sarandon is charming and menacing, in equal measure, as Dandridge. Roddy McDowall gets to play cowardly hero as the first person Charlie gets to believe him - a late-night horror movie host/has-been actor, who sets out to cure Charlie of his "delusion" and instead meets the devil next door. A pre-Married With Children adorable Amanda Bearse plays Charlie's girlfriend.The effects are quite good, as are the atmosphere and musical score. The film's only drawback is that it is sometimes directed with a heavy hand, and spends too much time on the juvenilia of Charlie and his friends - though the latter works to good effect, in the sense that it makes them very believable high schoolers, hardly up to facing the menace of an experienced and supernaturally powerful killer.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
A classic childhood memory....
I first saw this movie when I was 5 or 6 years old. Even then I watched it at least 10 or 15 times, had my first crush on the beautiful Chris Sarandon, and fell in love with vampire movies of all kinds. And I haven't seen it since. Soooo, on a nostalgic whim, I picked it up almost 15 years later at the video store, and watched it. 3...4...okay, 5 times. It's just as good now as it was then. Funny what makes our childhood movie lists.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Original is best
Roddy Macdowall is brilliant as the campy Peter Vincent with Chris Sarandon as the vampire Jerry Dandridge (and yes Colin Farrrel did a good job too) Great makeup great movie.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Fright Night
Charley Brewster has a problem... It seems his neighbor may be a vampire, so he has enlisted the help of his friends and local celebrity Peter Vincent to oust the fanged fiend from the neighborhood, but his toothy adversary won't be going without a fight. "Welcome to Fright Night!" Tom Holland brings us his own hilarious homage to the traditions of Gothic Horror in the 1985 classic. The clever plays on genre conventions are pleasing to any Horror fan, as Holland exploits the vampire mythos for maximum effect. Cloves of garlic, crosses, holy water... All of the standard rules still apply, but it is how Holland uses them that casts such a sharp reflection on the Universal and Hammer films. FRIGHT NIGHT is filled with wonderful performances from the entire cast, beginning with William Ragsdale in a coy lead as the paranoid Charley Brewster. Roddy McDowall's campy portrait of Peter Vincent, vampire hunter, is a wonderful caricature of the characters played by both Peter Cushing and Vincent Price. The homage to DRACULA in which McDowall discovers that Jerry is truly a vampire is a shining moment in the film. Stephen Geoffreys is just as amusing as Charley's eccentric friend, "Evil" Ed Thompson, whose shrill, nasally voice and wicked sense of humor have made him a fan favorite for years. And then, of course, there is Chris Sarandon as the vampire Jerry Dandridge. Sarandon brings all of the same suave sophistication and courtly manner as his Gothic counterparts, yet he never feels out of place amidst the modern setting. The film's wit is only matched by its incredible special effects, which give a horrifying new look to its vampire hosts. With the help of NEAR DARK and THE LOST BOYS, FRIGHT NIGHT helped to reinvigorate the vampire film in the 1980's, and it has since endured to reach a cult status in Horror.-Carl ManesI Like Horror Movies
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Welcome to FRIGHT NIGHT!
This is a well done horror movie. I feel its much better than the remake, and has a surprise that most people may have forgotten. Sure, you have Roddy McDowl as Peter Vincent, but take a look at the female lead in this movie, and then take a look at Married with Children. You'll see what I mean then.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
It's an all time classic, great cast too!!
I just wish they paired it with Part 2. I really would like to get my hands on that. Didn't get that for Christmas this year.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Welcome To Fight Night!
Before Elvira's climb to TV fame their was a similar series called Fright Night who aired every manner of olde horror classics. It had a bald man's head with light illuminating and drastically shadowing it as host. This film has the same title as it and similar tired puns but the host is Roddy McDowell who often stars in the films he showed. Charlie is a major fan and when he discovers a vampire has just moved in next door he must get the host, Peter Vincent, to help him vanquish the murderer next door. Fearsome circumstances occur in their quest to rid their town of this evil force! A GREAT film! Horror fans, if you don't have it, what are you waiting for?!
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
I have it once again!
Favorite vampire of all time. Had to order it again thanks to an ex GF. It was shipped to me super quickly!
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
movie fright night
i love this movie not scary but good seen it in the past i wish the 2nd one would be cheaper so i can buy it
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
When It Comes to Horror...........There is no Decade Like the Eighties
If I had to list my top 100 favorite horror films, probably 80-85 would come from the 80's. There was just something about that decade. Of course, I'm a slasher fan, and this was their time. But it was a special decade, in general. Probably because it was the last decade when horror was not self-conscious. Since that time, everybody involved with horror feels the need to apologize, to mock themselves and their work. Everybody has to make sure you know that they're in on the joke.It wasn't always like that.In the 80's, the studios would churn out sequel, after sequel, after sequel...........and all with a perfectly straight face. Although many people will not acknowledge this now, a lot of us-and this definitely includes me-would rather watch a rehashing of something we like, than to fork over hard-earned money to sit through something that may be less derivative, but is not nearly as much to our personal tastes.If they were still making Halloweens, and Friday the 13ths, and Howlings.......I'd still be there, for each one. In fact, I'm really not sure why they haven't tried this. James Bond certainly made it work.Fright Night is a good example of what I'm talking about. Of course, it's not part of a series, but it is about a vampire. It DOES deal with tried-and-true horror motifs. And it does contain elements of parody, especially in dealing with the Peter Vincent character.But, even with its comedic content, it is never silly. It never mocks horror or the horror audience. Quite the opposite, in fact. There is a palpable affection for what it represents, and for the cinematic tradition within which it could be said to fall. Again, this is most heavily centered around the character of Peter Vincent. Watch his expression as he gazes at one of the props from one of his old movies........he exudes a genuine sense of love, and nostalgia.There is really something profound about the Vincent character. He initially appears to be a fraud and a coward. However, as the film progresses, he becomes more and more the man he had heretofore only PRETENDED to be, in films. There is something to be said for the notion that it is unlikely that a person will be generous, or brave, or honest, or much of anything noble........unless they have first ASPIRED to those traits. And Vincent, against all odds, eventually BECOMES what he had always wanted to be.My only real criticism of Fright Night lies in the casting of the girlfriend. I forget her name, but it was Marcie, off Married With Children. No offense, but it's kind of hard for me to imagine that she could foster this kind of obsession from ANY man, much less a guy as smooth and handsome as the vampire. As for the villain himself, he was just about ideal. Handsome, urbane, charming.........but able to exude something dangerous and mysterious, as well. Charlie was supposed to be an average teenaged boy, and that's pretty much the way he came across.This is not my favorite, by any means. I'm not really much of a vampire person. But it's quite good, and a quality film, all the way around. It has a sincerity that you won't often find after the 80's came to a close. And an affection for its genre that I'm afraid you will seldom find ANYWHERE nowadays.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Classic Vampire with a twist
A great blend of youth humor, plot, special effects and surprises putting a different perspective on vampires from such new movies like Twilight and True Blood. I highly recommend this product for the vampire fan who likes more than just blood and gore.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
This movie we watch over and over again.... it has everything.... scarey, funny, sexy - you name it. Chris Sarandon is sooooooo sexy in this movie!
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
More Solid 80s Vampire Fare
If you're into 80s horror movies--especially vampires ones, once you've had enough of Freddy and Jason--then FRIGHT NIGHT needs to go on your required viewing list. Like its younger brother, THE LOST BOYS, this movie is campy as often as scary (which is a minor critique, but a critique nonetheless), but it is also far more traditional.Rather than the contemporary pack-o-vampires motif so prevalent today (see "TEETH", by yours truly, if you don't mind another gratuitous plug), FRIGHT NIGHT comes back to the single domestic vampire with a servant or two, a motif established by Bram Stoker and, more recently, revisited by Stephen King. So, what you have, basically, is a classic tale in modern dressings, decent special effects, and pretty good acting all around. The standout in this movie is Roddy McDowell, who plays Peter Vincent, the vampire killer. Somewhere out there, Buffy's got to be giving this man his props (or at least laying roses and garlic on his grave).My only lament for this, and its 80s brother in vamping, is the "safeness" of the tone. There's so much comedy in both, you often forget to be really scared. Fun stuff, but easy to watch with the lights on or off.(This review has been posted by Marcus Damanda, author of the afore-mentioned vampire novel, "Teeth: A Horror Fantasy.")
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Wickedly campy romp!
This is one of the most memorable horror movies from the 80s, not because it was super scary or anything but because it was such a fun vampire flick. Charlie [William Ragsdale] is a horror buff who is convinced that his new next-door neighbor, Jerry Dandridge is a vampire. He tries to convince his girlfriend Amy [Amanda Bearse] and his best friend Evil to no avail. His last hope is Peter Vincent [Roddy McDowall] a TV actor who plays a vampire killer. The rest of the story deals with their efforts in tracking down and killing the vampire. The acting here is above average, and each character is memorable. William Ragsdale brings a certain earnestness to his role as Charlie, and Amanda Bearse plays the role of love interest to Charlie & Dandridge convincingly. However, the best role is the one of Jerry Dandridge, played most convincingly by Chris Sarandon. He is wickedly evil, with a wry sense of humor and dashing countenance.The storyline may have flaws in it, but this is just a fun vampire movie that should be enjoyed for what it is.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
Best of it's type
I look at this movie maybe once a year. I still enjoy it.
15Movie & TV
Fright Night (1985)
My Number 1 Vampire film
I just love "Fright Night." This was the last film I saw at a drive in,and I went the next night also.I love scary movies with comedy,and great acting and production.This is a MUST have for you DVD collection.
15Movie & TV