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quitted crossed the which he found and fought the battle of which completely and the charles gave up all for lost let me die said he plunging into the of the fight this is my last day he hastily summoned his council after the defeat and assuring them that he believed personal hatred against himself had something to do with the of their enemies he declared his intention of in favour of his son whom he embraced and presented to them as their king then his awe stricken council he remained a short time alone with his sons the same night accompanied by only one attendant he set out for where he lived in strict seclusion devoted himself to the offices of religion and in three months died of a broken heart chapter italy a expression victor the noble son of noble succeeded to the ruins of a he did not refuse it because it was with danger he did not to himself his father s enemies by throwing himself into the arms of or six days after the fatal defeat he was in swearing to maintain the constitution which he has done to this day from that hour a faint trembling light from heaven seemed to dawn upon his country which gradually brightened his friend the d became his prime minister the tone and temper of the country improved but was the only spot of whereon even a ray of heavenly light ow shone all the the t bt of of the was in outer darkness there was no need to say â ch an army was in the duke returned to promise fair and break every one of his promises and capital punishment were put in fearful exercise was by with men its defence one of the most interesting pages in its annals eighteen families bound themselves to supply the treasury with eight millions of two others gave up all they had forty others largely contributed their substance and gave in one payment what they had only been requested to bring forward in but all the wealth of the city would not have to the horrors of famine when supplies were absolutely out of reach and it was not till a day or two of their last poor meal that the surrendered meantime the french took open part in the of the to order and appeared on the side of the pope s the story of italy while the king or prepared to cross the at the head of men with the object of the pope general landed at on the th of april and at first concealed his tions but as soon as it was discovered in borne that his apparently friendly was in fact co operation with the rose to m was to treat with them but under the guidance of the brave marched against the them in two engagements and compelled their retreat after trifling with the for a month announced his intention of proceeding o war re on the th of june and did so on the hoping to surprise the city it was an act the vigorously him and for twenty seven days kept him at bay yet he had men and the but could not fail of taking the city at last the patriotic chiefs fled the french occupied rome the the deep hatred the t bt of burned in the hearts of the and often found vent in terrible but the expression of popular feeling was kept down with a strong hand the pope returned to the without a of about him and his ministers in the two was his revenge by casting of into and causing many to be shot england remonstrated at fifteen hundred unhappy persons thus being punished but without mr s letters in brought to light the infamous treatment of and others whose only fault had been believing the king to mean truly when he pledged his word but their names were more illustrious their sufferings and were probably not greater than those of twenty thousand unknown to fame shut up for political in various parts of the two chapter italy a political substance this expression applied to no part of the unless to in that remote corner the enlightened d was engaged in privileges to the great indignation of the pope the proposed laws were nevertheless carried in the chamber of by a large majority and greeted by the people with recalled his from and forbade the clergy of to administer the last or the rites of burial to any who had for the measure a war of words ensued between church and state till was threatened with the king bore the threat with firmness and on a priest denying the last to a dying member of the cabinet named the public indignation against the was un ths t bt of manifested the order to which the priest belonged was suppressed by the and the of who had him was imprisoned three months and then banished this was an amazing exercise of free action in the of catholic italy was succeeded in the cabinet by count â that name now on every lip he was already the champion of liberty of the press and he fully to the policy of d a new instance of the progress of was delightfully given in the permission accorded to the to build a church in of course the party looked on this as a outrage moreover concluded advantageous of commerce with england and laid the basis of free trade commenced native and established a general feeling of security and of hope the d in paris on the nd of december gave a pretext for victor thb of italy to to the he replied that the course he had at first adopted from filial he now persisted in from deep conviction the of france against the liberty of the press induced with the best of motives to follow a course
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and he moved that it should be restrained from attacking foreign sovereigns thought he was more than was safe or than perhaps he was aware of and became the leader of a powerful opposition at length the of these once friends led to s offering to resign but the king would not accept it and preferred forming a new from which was excluded came over to england and brushed up his english and scotch and acquaintances afterwards paris saw louis napoleon and â what they said who shall say he returned home full of acceptance and the noble made way before him that he might form a new cabinet as there were church questions in agitation declined mixing up in them but at the t bt of i the king s wish he consented on of being on the subjects and in the new cabinet which most of the old members he became president of the board of as dignified and graceful in as in public life retired and resumed his poetry and painting he knew not jealousy or malice a country deserves to be great and happy that produces such good and great men then ensued a lull of two years â a lull marked by progress a hundred and forty two projects of law passed for the benefit of the army and public works were made the electric telegraph was laid down was now civil and military of and the old general though he did not wear the iron crown ruled with a rod of iron a special piece of oppression towards the in in their estates was bj the government in consequence of which england and france remonstrated and as they were not attended to the minister was recalled from the of italy as the continual shooting for major and for minor ones did not improve the public spirits took it into his head that from play going and was sulky and not to be allowed consequently the italian under his were to to the theatres whether merry or not and in like manner the citizens were to and adorn their houses with c on occasions and make as though they were enjoying themselves indeed it was hard to be merry under and dangerous to be the reverse he beat italian women and girls as well as men in the public square â thirty to forty blows then made them pay for the sticks that were broken on them and for the ice used to prevent their wounds from some were kept on bread and water from terms of a few days to three months in solitary confinement for what for being supposed to have at an flag the two years lull ended when the the of found an exact estimate was being made of all their worldly then the russian war broke oat and offered its of men to the brave and good soldiers they were england advanced a million sterling for them as a loan and undertook their transport to the â where they fought by day and read the new testament in their tents at night within ten days of that epoch victor lost his mother his wife and his beloved brother the duke of his voice failed him when he would have his troops go forth and do nobly he was obliged to the office to another while he stood sorrowfully by the took advantage of his sorrow to press him to the of the rural clergy and he would have but for who though not in office and denied access to the council wrote to the king and defeated the he might then have easily resumed his public functions but he retreated to his privacy many trying events in the king s popularity but he was victorious over them the story of italy all and in the close of the year he visited paris and and met with the most cordial reception in for the first time was admitted into the of the great european powers she was represented at paris by who took the opportunity of temporarily but describing the unhappy condition of his country and the advantages that would to it from the of french and troops though no immediate good resulted from this the of his conduct was such as on his return to italy to draw upon him the proofs of public appreciation and gratitude and though an insane attempt of s at nearly brought ruin on the popular cause the general feeling began to prevail that hope must look towards that minor must be in great principles and that in the certainly coming struggle soon or late with strength must be found in the union of and the justice of their cause z daybreak on new year s day a cloud no bi er than a man s hand appeared on the political horizon the emperor napoleon on receiving the congratulations of the foreign ministers uttered some words of sinister import to the as ominous as unexpected yet for some time warlike preparations had been made without any apparent purpose and it was felt that and france were seeking a pretext for war the king of gave his daughter the princess in marriage to prince louis napoleon and the alliance was regarded as one of deep import and that the champion of italian liberty would be supported by the immense forces of france lord was hastily despatched to the story of italy by our government to his stay was prolonged beyond the term impatiently expected and meantime russia proposed a to settle the points that could alone justify a war insisted as a preliminary that france and should refused to before and france with men ready for action said she not for she had never armed the crisis became exciting poured into fervent with patriotic the french were awaiting the signal to cross the and groaned under the expense of an host while the despatch written at
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noon was by the next and that again by the next the awkward moment was taken for the british parliament at the very time when our government needed to be in working order meanwhile troops landed at at the rate of three or four thousand a day and were forwarded by rail while the grand old the t bt of it t were converted into from to the country with troops they were to be the enthusiasm of the was extreme and with so narrow a space between foes such deadly hatred every post was expected to bring tidings that one or the other had crossed the the was still urged by the but naturally insisted on being represented in it and on not being placed as prisoner at the bar refused to join the if were admitted unless the italian states governed by princes were represented too which of course would give her influence the on the morning before good friday england was startled by two at complete the first giving good hopes of peace the second announcing the almost certainty of immediate war had insisted on s instantly or threatened to declare war in three two hundred thousand on the banks of the of italy the or within three days march of it made this threat o awful import the opposite bank was occupied bj troops burning for action but supposed not strong enough to keep their employed for a single day now was perhaps first fully felt the value of the electric wire messages of peace ran along the slender thread and found their swift way into the strong of england the weight of public opinion found expression in a few impressive words s imperative command to was formally presented to the government by baron on saturday the rd of april the chamber immediately full power to the king of and all war measures were taken on the third day tuesday at half past five in the evening count delivered the answer of to baron who quitted at six accompanied to the frontier by a officer the of the same night under general crossed the next king published a to the effect that the message was an insult to be with disdain and that he would be the leader of his people â let our war cry be the independence of italy french troops immediately poured from paris to by the rail and workmen busily cleared the passes of from snow eighty thousand french were expected to be in italy before the end of the week the principal officers of the army now presented themselves to the duke and respectfully but firmly assured him that the only way to prevent the revolt of his little army was to join at once the cause of italian independence this was not a proposition to which he was likely to but true to his principle of yielding to difficulties by making engagements he intended to fulfil the grand duke sent fi r a popular nobleman and requested him to form an administration but the time for the t rt of italy was past no administration could be formed except on the basis of italian independence and the grand declared he would sooner abandon his it was proposed he should in favour of his son the charles desired that the cannon of the fortress should be discharged on the people the officers refused to convey the order the grand duke had no choice but to he and his family quitted and with a guard of honour and took their way in safety to the principal square of had been crowded with people from early morning there were songs and of joy but no violence the duke s body guards were with them and singing as loudly as any the general found himself without soldiers and laid down his useless command the citizens took possession of the hoisted the italian and then went to greet the and french ministers by cheering them under their never was revolution more effected the t bt of at nearly the same scene took place the quietly and safely withdrew at rome the cheered the french general under his windows and on being reminded by him from his balcony that popular were forbidden by their laws they dispersed such was the explosion so long dreaded of the pent up popular feeling in italy the temper of the country had changed had at length brought forth good fruit no blood no quarrels less bodily harm than in many an english election every closed with the delightful words peace has not been disturbed probably nothing of all this could have taken place without french a moral demonstration a temperate demand for justice in would not have been sufficient would have laughed it to scorn and taken the first opportunity of the collar the states of europe would have it but for french but we were desperately of the french the t by of italy emperor and fearful of drawing a war on ourselves insisted on our the till they had for some time been successful met with no sympathy from the english though they were acting in a manner to deserve our warmest applause well â at length the times said big has taken advantage of her of time and superiority of force she has moved her army forward in two divisions â one of them has cautiously stepped over the boundary river and gradually and with much deliberation occupied the two little towns of and and thence proceeded to where they have halted surveyed and while every hour has brought laden into and long lines of french have over after seven days the have only advanced thirty five miles from the frontier river and yet they were under the advocate of quick measures not the lover of deliberation we gave them the t bt of italy credit for some deep laid that was all at once to spring
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a mine beneath the doomed but no such mine was sprung the second division went up north to the lake whence the flows and crossing it entered but with no result after collecting in force on the northern bank of the po and pushing slender parties across the river we find the five days afterwards withdrawing their troops the french and spreading along the line of the this river falls into the po near the therefore were in line right across the country face to face with the line which the general meant to defend meanwhile with his brave troop of flew hither and thither performing deeds of while torrents of french continued to pour into the country the emperor prepared to place himself at their head his departure from paris on the th of may called forth the expression of un the t bt of italy questionable enthusiasm what was his purpose in going whether to free an oppressed country or it to himself was as much as ever hidden in this singular man s impenetrable breast but napoleon â war â glory â were names dear to the french and as he rode along beside his tearful in his plain military and kept now and then exchanging a friendly greeting with some acquaintance in the crowd the general feeling was of sympathy he reached on the th where his reception was enthusiastic on his steamer he was received by the prince di and count he embraced and kissed him on each cheek calling him mon the imperial traversed the entire length of the port amid a street of boats from which showers of flowers were cast into the emperor s on landing he was received by the authorities of and proceeded to the palace the enthusiastic cheers of the multitude called him into the balcony which renewed at night the illumination was most effective the the t bt of italy houses rising on one above another formed stages of fire while the ships and seemed an immense casting a red light on the sea the streets were one blaze of flags and light the churches of fire those who thus saw will never forget the of houses rising from the sea which reflected the hues of many coloured lamps while thunder muttered in the distance and now and then a flash of lightning earth s fires from the emperor proceeded to and thence to a series of small engagements continued to take place the impatience of friends at a distance but useful as bringing the men s powers into play and always marked by bravery and hard fighting the government of had already resigned its power to the minister count stating that its object had solely been to act in concert with and under his master who was the champion of italian independence replied that he as the t bt of italy his lofty office a deep sense of responsibility as representative of the king he chose a and all its acts and were to be in the name of the government on the th may assailed and occupied a brilliant action ensued with the cavalry and the french division of general d followed by that of general after a hard fight of six hours the defeated the and two hundred including a colonel were taken prisoners the loss of the was five hundred killed and wounded this engagement occasioned much and much it mattered little were in store which could not call on this same th of may so glorious to the the are charged with a deliberate of the laws of war accompanied with circumstances of the greatest some troops were on the heights of a small district adjoining the road on which the combat took place between gas the of and a of this force we are told arrested a and compelled him to serve as a guide to the village which the soldiers entered they proceeded under the same guidance to a house inhabited by a farmer s family named consisting of five persons so called and four others either servants or the house was searched by the for the arms so vigorously forbidden by the j there were none he found however a small hunting bag containing a small amount of shot upon this evidence alone the arrested the entire family and carried them oflf from the village to the commander who was sitting on his horse on the high road surrounded by his troops after exchanging a few words in german with the soldiers who guarded the prisoners the told the who had acted as guide to remain where he was he then ordered the nine unfortunate including two boys of fourteen who could not make themselves understood and who were trembling all over to descend into a path by the road side they had scarcely taken a few steps the story op italy wh i he gave a signal to a to fire on them sight of these men and boys fell dead the ninth old wounded gave no signs of life the troops resumed their and the turning to the told him he might go and gave him his card bearing the name of d i the blood of these innocent people cried aloud the outrage to every court at which is represented it was denied but not by the government the same paper which bore us the relation of this cold blooded also brought a letter from an english traveller who with his party had fallen in with the famous whom from the accounts he expected to find a that would cut a throat one minute and sing his own to the the next two gentlemen and their wives from and a young lady friend having ascended mount st in the course of a pleasure tour found their intended route and after two days journey down the reached aa the of in the dark on the evening of the
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nd of june they drove to the hotel in a pouring obtained beds with and heard alarming of whose head quarters at nothing they proceeded thither tiie next morning and a fine road and over a bridge till thej were all at stopped by s a couple of good looking men in brown shooting coats with small ao the uniform s men could muster came forward and demanded the the travellers then proceeded to and on at the inn found that making it his head the gentlemen sent in their cards the general politely replied that he would presently wait on them and the ladies when he did so his appearance was highly and his manner no less so is of middle height powerfully formed without being heavy he has a healthy english complexion nut brown hair and beard and a finely formed head his face is good though not remarkable to a casual but when he spoke the of of the and sufferings of his country the lip and told the deep feeling long suppressed and the daring character of the man he has the manner and appearance of the english gentleman and it was only when he spoke of the generous sympathy of the english with the sufferings of italy that his calmness gave way and as he said again and again how grateful they were for it he showed that the warm blood of italy burned in his veins d instead of awaiting on tiie table land above where his guns might have swept down his stationed himself and his men in the church and houses at the foot of the hill where his could be no manner of use to him and his men poured down the hill like an totally without fear and began what they liked â a desperate hand to hand le success the of within two hours of s leaving the hotel to face he was there again in retreat a told the s that the seemed to hate no spirit for ihe the t bt of on the other hand s crew were neither nor but respectable men wonderfully tidy considering how often they slept in their clothes not a ragged fellow among them and all quiet and orderly many of th n gentlemen others farmers small and some were at prayers in the church and a little chapel some some writing letters home with abstracted faces â none drinking i saw a lady yesterday fresh from italy who had met the french troops crossing mount and seen them for the night merry as no quarrelling no confusion â three men to a little tent with their coffee pot and pan and flourishing their flannel over their for the night king of died on the nd of may his life had been marked by cruelty and deceit he was succeeded son the of as francis the and though he early his intention of pursuing his father s policy the courts of the t bt of italy england and france hoping for better things resumed friendly relations with on the th prince napoleon arrived at and addressed a to the stating that the emperor s sole ambition was to italy on the th of may victor led his troops across the in the face of the who were fortified at and after an obstinate resistance on their part them at the point of the the king himself the passage of the river which runs in a broad bed by little islands and and with banks thickly planted with trees the country east of the river is a mass of rice grounds and corn fields divided by raised and shaded with trees and the villages are placed on and reached by a road like a railway cutting nothing could be more advantageous for the yet they early took refuge in a high walled church yard behind the village and pointed their cannon along the road in face of which the brought some of their own of italy which soon those of the the drove off the enemy and to up their position in the for the night the game evening they were joined by a regiment of who had the emperor s orders to attend on the king next morning the were seen close upon intending to it and off the from the river they were immediately attacked and the threw themselves with a magnificent dash on the in the midst or rather in advance of them was victor himself than whom the army has no more brilliant soldier they had four hundred yards to advance under a fire but their pace was so n id that the in advance of the guns had no time to retire but rushed back mixed with the the were strong the took prisoners it was in consequence of victor s daring conduct in this engagement which won r the t bt t liim from the the pet name of their little that the addressed to him the affecting remonstrance in never surely ardent unspeakable admiration be better veiled under the garb of rebuke â the tidings of the victory of had already moved every heart when other information was added which threw a cloud over countenances f u radiant with the recent success i urged on by th sacred enthusiasm which too long bad been in your breast you rode in front of our standard as if desirous that your alone should cut a path for it through the enemy s ranks it was doubtless the hand of which brought you safely back after putting enemy to t but a cry rises from one end to the other of the you know the voice of your you heard it when it cried out in bitter grief and tb high minded answer you returned to it a new hope in every heart now that same voice a cry of loving anxiety for you awaiting all that the
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of the fortunes of thb t bt of war may bring yet on the justice of its good cause italy must not at instant tremble for the its king it is your to live it is our rigid to bid you live your life is the life of italy you must no longer risk it in extreme perils on saturday the th of may a solemn for the dead was celebrated in at the church of in memory of the brave who fell in in the disastrous fight of when a little band of or kept an overwhelming force at bay for many hours and caused grim old to say these boys wiu make me lose a whole day two bronze bearing the names of the slain were erected shortly after the event by the on either side of the high altar of and a service was celebrated for their souls repose both in and in when the oppression was in full force the citizens were forbidden to have this service celebrated but on the day they to church the of italy bearing mourning they were pushed back by disguised d and on their resisting a body of the same corps issued from the and fired on the crowd the scene which ensued was of horror and dismay the were pulled down the same night by order of government and concealed in the da the king of however kindly allowed of them to be erected at one of the first acts of the government this last april was to replace the original in their old position and on the day before the which fell on a sunday a solemn service for the dead was celebrated at five in the morning a dense crowd assembled before the church though the service did not begin till nine over each church door was an affecting inscription calculated to thrill the hearts of the readers down the grand old was raised a huge built up of of arms c with flowers and innumerable and draped with behind the and facing the high altar was seen a of halt of italy with arms imploring the assistance of heaven and bearing the inscription great god who me a queen among nations and that i fi r my should be trampled and i â who now at length me abundant pity for my long sufferings â to accept the memories of these for their country restore me to myself link me in with the nations and lay the foundation of a holy universal peace as if in answer to this prayer breathed by the upward gazing figure with noble a great black banner over her bore these words â at last thou hast understood my ways thy hope was in me only with much love hast thou covered thy sins thy faith hath saved thee one was completely filled by an immense â a mass and was performed and the and attended the service to which nothing was wanting that could give it re ion and dignity nor did the story of italy this cost the public one penny from the excellent ma ro w o composed the music expressly for the occasion to the poorest workman who nailed the and piled the cannon balls and not one would accept a the was a spontaneous heart offering from every class and as such was invested with a higher beauty and a truer than that which clothed it bodily june chapter the whole progress of the with the exception of the battle of had thus far been what the times correspondent called a strewn with flowers for wherever they went women flung flowers in their path and them from their windows one could not he proceeds help admiring the genius which conceived nor the energy which executed the grand plan by which the were forced to retreat beyond the without a battle the utmost confidence in their leader was inspired in the allied troops by this steady advance the had not been shut up in his head quarters for nothing no one but himself knew beforehand what he meant to do at the right moment the suitable order came unexpectedly and had only to be executed the story of italy swiftly and steadily as the were retreating from the with equal and swiftness were following their steps â now past old ch that might well have been defended by the retiring foe â now along com fields they had spared and rich woods of oak and chestnut they had left these woods a deep valley a wide table land at the bottom winding and round a hundred flowed the by the stone bridge of under the opposite heights might be the of the villages of and the french poured over the bridge which the had only partially destroyed soon their arms were glancing amid the green foliage on the other side and advancing up the ascent to the table land some had been thrown up but were easily taken by a few troops at a run at the same time the at was completed and the crossed the river in two columns the had strongly them the of italy selves behind the heights that nm straight on to the intended for the railway against urn m the rd and a section of the guards and the while the nd were sent round to attack in fix nt and m to torn their right flank in all they numbered or the posted at were reckoned at but seemed unwilling to attack as soon however as m s fire was heard to their right which was about noon on this memorable th of june the other ad steadily in spite of a hail of and the difficulties of soft ground by their losses only quickened their advance and when at a little distance from the height the threw away their up the t and the next minute were on it
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the first who reached the top waved his and shouted â v v which was the of italy echoed by his comrades the were flying across the iron bridge oyer the canal the so close after them that the who was to have put the match to a mine beneath them was while some of the french poured water on the powder that was to haye blown them up others rushed forward to secure the railway they continued to till they were in almost as secure a position as the had left but no support and the began to close them in it was almost one o clock yet the gallant little band no for the kept m hotly engaged at meantime the we are speaking of thought to regain their lost position and fresh of were brought up again and again by the railway die shrill whistle of which was perpetually heard amid the din of war to yield was not to be thought therefore induced the two surrounding each to men to hold out as long as life lasted they did so the t bt of italy till two o clock their nearly spent their losses of men terrific surely the emperor need never again hear an voice ask if he were a mere sister of mercy come to walk the at this critical a cloud of dust all along the road behind them showed that the long looked for help was at hand the and the division dashed up to their assistance nearly at the same time m began the attack of while after came up and threatened to the in fact the seeing themselves pressed on their right and left had retreated from to they defended this village with obstinacy on both sides it was felt to be the key of the position many of the poor fellows had not tasted food for twenty four hours and had been dreadfully in the and were both on the field though they did not take the command the french took the story op italy the village house hy house the were forced into retreat and prisoners including officers remained in the hands of the more than and french were put de combat that very saturday evening the were surprised to see war worn exhausted soldiers suddenly pouring into the streets in the greatest disorder the impression instantly prevailed that the could not be far oflf the entire population into the streets and eagerly asked one another what has happened but none could answer at daybreak the troops were seen quietly retiring from the the then became assured that they were free what a moment they had awaited it with eagerness but without demonstration and now in the fulness of their delight they no insult to the troops who were departing nor uttered any many of the soldiers with the people the of as soon as they were gone the issued a the citizens to give the an enthusiastic reception the news of the victory reached the following evening we were sitting quietly round our news room table says a writer when the report of cannon was suddenly heard from the of the fortress we into the streets and soon learnt that louis napoleon thus emphatically published the news of a great victory such a storm of wild joy burst over as i never thought would take possession of a whole population it was past eight o clock and several thousand persons in their holiday dresses were on their way back from their visit to the jolly at the both sexes and all ages were in less time than i can write it burning links and waving came forth as if by magic the multitude fell under the orders of leaders from the and the d the vast mass of men horses the of carriages priests beggars nurses and babies in arms moved down the to the great square of the where a cry was raised to the and to prince napoleon i i never thought so vast a crowd could be animated with such perfect unity of feeling had the victorious army at that moment marched through the streets its movements could hardly have been more compact and orderly the names of italy and victor went up to the seventh heaven the principal streets gave the signal for a general illumination and the example was followed all over the town till the glare the young new moon they shouted themselves hoarse beneath the windows of and prince napoleon then went back to the and the were folded and the links struck to the ground that was the signal for good night for it was within an hour of midnight but no here comes a military band â no one asks from whence â playing a kind of national and music works its spell on italian hearts old and young set up a shout the huge mass d the of starts forward keeping time once more the now dark streets â once more treats and the prince to a song all at once the breaks down in the middle â a window flies up â a word is spoken â prince napoleon has had enough noise the mob goes home â it has been taught a lesson hence home idle i your country wants men horses and money let france and give you stem lessons of duty and sacrifice think as you lie safe and comfortable in your beds how many brave men from germany foreigners to whom the cause of your country is only a word lie and stiff on the green turf beneath which to morrow they will be laid the day after the battle was sunday but no of rest though the would have devoted it to repose and to burying their dead and caring for the wounded the fighting was renewed but without any decisive results â on monday the of waited the of italy
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was by five years my elder now it came to about a week after her coming into this naughty world that my mother had a dream concerning her after the of the to the that by ic chronicle of the child newly eventually be up on high and that her father mother and kindred do homage to her which in due time came to and this gives me to think that dreams are not always mere of the brain but that on for the of a intelligence of events are to the inward and fight by of the frequent of the who laid hands alike on live flock arms of plate and noble my father was fain to commit my and me to the care of an aunt who was superior of one of the very few religious left in for the refuge of holy and high born this was about the time of the good king s death his brother then reigned over in his that was in the days of our king it mattered very little to my and me who reigned as long as mother let us fee her hive the bees and take the honey was fairer and more than i therefore the greater favourite and being by many years my by ic chronicle of had many and which i had not but on the other hand i had many too all to for â certain flowers to talk to one another and to me and to tell of their how and about certain trees and patches of chalk on the hill into images of and until i was fore and yet feeling a mixture of and in going up to the s mouth with a handful of and will you bite me and then running away there were certain peep holes through the oak and dark corners among the tree roots that i have been if any had of except once lying under a hollow oak i to feel the pulling at my hair that they might get of the trunk one of my peep holes looked into our burial i knew lay there their faces all turned upward and my aunt the told me their went to heaven i thought if i kept a look out i fee of them going there on a night if any of the would but die there was a who i think was as by ic chronicle of learned as the of she was ah making and over of her i acquired my facility of writing which the king is remarkable but in regard of its i am always at the mercy of my pen â however i now always have a good one about the year my and i were home my father mother and were much at court but by of my tender years i went not after one of their it was reported among us that alfred prince of the had married our king would come to fee our the was and many were cooked he came not the fewer the better cheer and i was than was this time told me fo many fine things about the court that when they all returned to it which they did i felt for the time lonely they had made a pretty clear before they went and i was left of the both and freed but with very little to do except to fee a now and then put his head by ic chronicle of out of the they might have been gone three hours and i was eating bread and honey when there winds me a horn at the gate and lo you prince alfred come by and nobody to receive him took his and his and his feet but what could we do the in the no meat in the nor had i even the key of the cellar there were in the and a hung by die wall if he would have waited to have it boiled he made light of all bread and honey was fit for a king when the bread was warm and the honey from the comb and adam s wine was better than or for a water like who wine and like john the i was glad to find him fo to indeed had never lighted on fo cheerful and a young gentleman and having but few gentlemen before whether young or by of our retired living i all fear forgot he was a prince and made him welcome to what we had as freely as if i had known him twelve years that is to my whole life he me how i came to be fo by ic chronicle of for my age but i could not tell he me if i could read if i my prayers if i loved bread and honey and if i were afraid of him to the three i yes to the no he that was right and the and bade me good and bear in mind king solomon s to eat much honey is not good and fo departed but when he had mounted his reared at our white owl that flew out of its hole and threw the prince whom we picked up with his bright hair all with blood and brought into the he did not to regard it much but gave his orders to one and the other with wonderful and being laid on a double and i and bound up his wound as we could and two of our rode off to the king and bring back my father and mother i relate that s fear of approaching the blood royal had at been fo and that had me forward into office more cowardly than a woman of her years needed to have been but as as found the prince would have made my tender by ic chronicle of age a for me and into my place
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his grace it by make him a of and it all the while it boiled and then he bade me over him on a keep an eye to his and him the i could that he always found the better for a great deal of attention and a wherewith i have frequently my by repeating it to them poor maids they get a little dull between and when there are no great and i find nothing brings all things than a little innocent chiefly in the where a good many find in the fruit and and a good many more contrive to be we never forget we were once young after i had held my peace a good while the prince me if i could tell him a ry thereupon i put it to him whether he would have and the or and the great giant in reply he by ic chronicle of that when he had heard both he would make his choice so i told him one and then the other and proceeded to him whether he thought there had ever been a he yes there was one always going about whom it could i i hoped it would never come my way he oh yes it would or later i mind what i did or even thought or he would me at a so then i found who he meant i him whether he would not like to fee a fairy he aid he had one once he was riding one day all alone through a dark wood when he came upon a bright green and there very much to his he a fairy i could not help drawing a little nearer to him on this to him what the fairy was like he like a woman only a very one with a lily and long hair and in blue i i thought they always wore green he replied why they do fo but this one had a like yours with a little in the hanging from her leaning on her elbows so then i oh and was a little for i found he meant me by ic chronicle of he me what i would give to fee a giant i a good deal he that was no at all would i give the next i to have whatever it might be after thought i yes provided i were out of harm s way he ah he had been thinking of giving me very in return for my civility to him but now he would keep it for and take me with him to fight the for he they had landed a giant as big as very fond of human when young and tender was heavier than a hundred and his foot as large as this here he drew the outline of a foot about a yard long in the air his cloak was fringed with kings and ladies and there was a yard or fo of fringe yet wanting he like to go out him like david the of and bring him down with a he d teach giants to come to england i i that the dared intrude on us as they did he why i you know we are only what have we with the old whom we have into the by ic chronicle of led and surely you have heard of wicked king of the who invited us over under and and how when the pagan for we were all then came into his he i regret your but am glad of your coming king ought to have known better but he was much given to drinking and whereas our pagan though he was was a brave and fine fellow feet high as i have been told by one who never him but was and the end he had which was to be with in his like a in his after farther on this and that he called for another i i have told you two you now tell me one he two you have told me a hundred i how can that be and then my father and mother came in to my regret they having met one on the road who told them of prince alfred s which them to turn back they fell to and and the prince there was no need he had been fo tended by the by ic chronicle of little he had ever met with in all his life thereupon my mother looked grave i had commonly been accounted which indeed was true enough and i not how my tongue had on this become but there was about him that all hearts my mother applied all heal and wound to his head and i kept near him all i could but approached him not only me at bed time of all he had fo that we half the night in talking it was s wont to take me on her knee and with her comb to comb out my hair which was not nearly equal in length to her own her locks being indeed as long and yellow as queen s seeing me hold in my hand what have you there i laughed and would make her at length some of the princess hair which we cut off to his wound his hair then cries what are you going to do with it i make a ball of it oh child then cries you give it me i will find a better ufe for it but i my finger by ic chronicle of on it and what you then do with it after a ufe it in place of gold thread to a for the virgin so i gave her all but one long pale brown curl which i have even now for it is not every one can a lock of the hair of king alfred but in truth kept not her vow for the
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virgin s has never been embroidered from that day to this next morning i was to my mother who was fitting by her maids child tells me there was a bare which i partly apprehended though enough went down from the hall i have thought to have kept you for a week however twice warmed are not for a royal table and yet his grace informed me over night you had him like a king what am i to believe my heart me when i me of the we two had made and i cried in mother twas he emptied the rather than i he laid it on fo thickly and i dared not him nay my mother could not forbear as tapped me by ic chronicle of on the cheek well you to have the credit of the before noon that day there was a dinner prepared that might have been on king arthur s round table i peeped through a and the and my father the and my mother the cup the prince only touched it with his lips fo demand was made for which amid fo many and had never been provided and every hand being gave me a and bade me run down to the which i gladly did by the fate an old man a harp i bade him make way i was in for water for alfred the prince he is prince alfred here â then i will into of him for he loves the found of a harp and following me up to the he commenced playing at the gate and was let in in truth the afternoon proving rainy and the prince drinking no wine nor playing at nor any game of hazard this old s arrival was very for he went on from one ballad to another as if his head were lined with them and alfred the prince by ic chronicle of â was in with one that told how got into king arthur s camp as a glee man and while he was learned all he wanted to know without ever being found out he called it a good at length the prince the if he had ever heard of the of that have i my prince returned the and can it too how that of the angels kept not their but fell into they would have glory with the and how he made for an home sweet as honey is that their â they were very happy â sin they knew no nor co frame crimes but they in peace lived how the earth and came to be created out of nothing and how the man and woman beautiful as angels dwelt in tis a o sunday sing me as much as you can of it the prince and i will give you this gold by ic chronicle of i dare your glory knows the who was a his name was how holy availed of this our to the lower fort and took his on the public bridge like a common to win the ears of the by gay and grave matters â aye believe ye the prince i have heard all about him a hundred times but now begin your or you will not conclude till midnight â â â the following year there a grievous among all cattle and after the a famine throughout the land and after the famine a fo that the hand of the lord was heavy upon man and it was lamentable to fee the dead bodies left by the way with none to cover them out of the reach of birds and dogs the poor people might be on half and eagerly devouring the and that grew in the which diet was enough of my mother thought to account for the but the failure of by ic chronicle of the crops was a of god and as he that the of whole diet needs drive the people to eat that which was and the to my mind was an from him too we much to our knees in prayer and who was very prayed my mother to let her have all the bones and broken food from our table to into for the poor and at our own gate which my mother willingly did and thereby drew down on our many a poor foul s and it that one and i having provided a larger than and carrying it forth to the folk at the gate and very there appears alfred the prince landing among the looking upon who at marked him not and without more he up and her before all an unfair thing for even a king s to do could not defend by of the full and the people with one accord up a as if it were the fight eyes ever to the great of by ic chronicle of the prince dined and with us and told us of many things he had in rome when he was a and talked and and and did more to entertain us than we could do to entertain him in as was quite dull all the afternoon but i was full and at he fell to talking with me more than any only it that while we were and eating nuts he of a and i looked up and his lips quite white or rather blue and a cold grey on his brow i cried oh mother and in what you prince and commenced rubbing his hands but he and this at the heart is off it is all for my good there was no more that afternoon but we fate and and looked more at one another and talked of prayers and and and heavenly and earthly and and i think the latter end of that day was better than the beginning he two days with us and on the evening of the day he a little boy a
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lad c by ic chronicle of took my father and had long of him â we concluded concerning the who drawing together in upon it may or may not have been fo my father came forth from the conference with a mixture of care and on his brow and the prince was much and on his that had long been the ground at the gate as he rode off he cried laughing â i am now one of your family by the law of the land for i have two nights under your roof and if i do any wrong on the king s highway you will be for it that be my care prince returns my father cheerily may i never have a more dangerous under my roof return when you will whether in company or he was out of fight before one could ave to bed we went but not to as for i lay awake thinking over all the brave things i had heard and inwardly happy they who hold thy and water thy happier they that before thee at table and hear thy come one by ic chronicle of b voice as for though we were in the dark and lay long quite i had an that was weeping fo to make i her and found her face quite wet i her why wept could not tell me did not know so there was an end only i took care not to worry her by my own and lay a of prince alfred in the of rome till or ever i was ware i fell on i now mix public affairs with private of the whom the having with great received and on with anxiety for the general welfare than for their own particular they had in the news now came that the not content with having the city of york were advancing upon us and indeed they followed fo on the heels of the news that before we well they were on the move they had taken of which the well called the of for the town is by a huge rock with numerous by ic chronicle of and of which pierce it even to the in it by the people of age whom in modem times we have altogether fight of and there is a of water above as well as below which makes this rock a notable hold in time of war and will continue to do fo while the world now it fell that fo bon as the had we were all in a fore and king to my father to wit what he do and my father s was that he of and king no one was fo fit to or fo likely to obtain it as my father fo he my father to the saxon court and king gave ear unto him and to come with alfred the prince and the earl of and a great army to the now the kept quarters all the winter but fo as ever the rivers and the roads were practicable or ere there was a bud on the or a bird on the tree we all to arms i we i only looked on with other women and children for we all had a pretty in the and there were troops of men by ic chronicle of our gates daily and glad of water and tread and anything they could get it was an to my father and mother or king prince alfred the earl of and his brother came and went to and from us all die time of the but it was to all and i am we never them our which as there was always going on they made the very the had in that there was no them so peace was made with them our wills and the drew off their forces with king s he could not get them to any longer at this time every tongue in of alfred the prince now in his twentieth year who was the darling of all hearts and certainly of mine this i was going to was all in an innocent way but i may rather that it was more than that and did me much good for it is of infinite value to young to be of living excellence and as to any vain imagination of being brought into nearer to him than i was already i by ic chronicle of no more thought of it than of being married to the north chiefly applying my mind to the of whatever fell from his lips which young as he was had and in it i was well able to while my hands were at the loom and and their was to me very much from things and make me thoughtful and my appearance was that of what in truth i was a mere child how amazed was i to hear that there was a treaty of marriage on foot between alfred the prince and of things i was from a child very and much on them of others not at all hence it came that had i not been told of this alliance a long time might have before any of its had warned me of its coming as it was the and joy me fo that i believe i not fo as in truth i was as the thought of when it dawned upon me me in a of tears but me all could by on the of continually with a companion as by ic chronicle of prince alfred and to have me much with her in the royal city of reading on my mother s as is well known we are of royal therefore was no ill match for a king s younger brother and as there was no for delay the took place the earl of was one of the prince s and the to my mind
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was very and the lean was and the gift agreed on which was to of large of land for three lives with men and belonging and fo much more land for to on her and of her own free choice for the term of her life and after it always providing that if ihe were he for a keep in the peace of god and of the king before married again my father not to be to give with her two which was thought a good deal of by whom alfred the prince called the i e the female part of the since as every one fee this was adding gift unto gift and that which was already of infinite by ic chronicle of fled v and our saxon laws provide that come from the other that is the s where there is anything to if it be but a hen a man think a wife little worth the having if he will not pay pretty for her and think her a good bargain too however alfred the prince was not to be in even by my father and to the gift he added over and above the men and land worth the two once and again to wit rings â one of them like a â a golden like a fly of and fine linen and a mirror a a golden a fringed for and worked with the siege of a bed curtain the landing of king brute a woven with golden flowers another for of wondrous light and gold and and cups curling irons s and ribbons by ic chronicle of â in fine everything a royal lady could need or now though the gift was not due till the day after the wedding many of arrived beforehand in large to the great of the f and i among the had the and the handling of them which to a girl of tender years was no privilege when the prince came a the earl of was in attendance on him but oftener he came by when that we were always in our own hearts and he would find and me walking together in the and would come towards us as as any in the but though he would come up to us as as lark it always that before we had been long together he would become as as an and talk of graver matters than one would have from fo yoimg a man but whatever fell from his lips was to and to me the wedding day now drew nigh and people were drawing together from various parts to be by ic chronicle of at die and there was great of men both and freed to beat the woods for and wild deer and were laid for game and fowls and were dug to the u that were not nor and of and apples were brought from the and from the and from the and rivers and of fine flour and of honey for there was much people to be filled in due came the royal to fee if there were for all and the head unto my mother you have enough and to of everything if fo be that your run not but my mother we have enough of and now by of the report of the wedding far and wide of all or as we glee men began to with bears with dancing dogs and other with balls and of began beforehand to up their and round the green under by ic chronicle of the of the by of whom our that was of late fo retired became rather walking my mother would not have me go forth under the care of the who was brave faithful and good natured i remember one day taking the air with him in the woods we came upon a cruelly a of our who by of his could not him as he de more took and bound the hand and foot with his and laid him at length on the ground having thus made him feel his he flood over him and with a look which he knew very well how to put on there thou lies now then what be my will of thee if i blind thy eyes i fine forty if i lame thy feet i fine thirty if i thee twenty five if i break thy thumb twenty if i crop thine ears twelve if i take thy little finger eleven if thy great ten if a of thy s nine if thy forefinger eight if i break thy fix if one of thy ribs three if i knock out one of thy teeth a go to thou s not worth by ic chronicle of a unto me the whole bundle of thee the s beyond thy reach now fo go thy ways and ne er deal the like with a poor fellow again so he the and let him go free when the bounding out of length his at hun and grinning horribly cried thou s bound a and by the law of the land fine not one but ten an i could catch an keep and fo went off leaving laughing at his impotent anger alfred the prince was at the when i told him of it and the next time he gave him a to proceed however to the wedding which if i were to out chapter to the length of s i come to at by ic book ii i hem i the enormous between the and prolonged of this life and the glory that hereafter be revealed to us it to me that were this little one entire or we might gratefully fo the whereas we very well that this thorn path is with many flowers and watered with many and with many fruits and that its lies through many a deep and cheerful meadow alternately in the cool
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and genial well therefore may the holy le of old remind us that our which are but for a moment are working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory by ic chronicle of but as do not it is true obtain their full under the immediate of trials that from us crying and tears and being the it is no wonder that i then a mere child have been grieved that my s wedding dinner was as it was three days the arc e on the third day alfred the prince clad in weeds of peace was at table between my mother and with a of gold about his head and a golden cup in his hand and a and cheerful on his lips when he gave a cry that made every one s blood run cold you may be every man and woman there up or looked thinking he was either or but none were fo amazed as was they had both up and he had towards her a little with his hands on her his head drooping and his face and hair in a dew then it was that my mother who that the fame thing can never her twice did with all her him to be borne away to his chamber attended by my father and and did by ic chronicle of check and the panic and by telling the company truly the prince had a had him taken with once before having thus the departed with all to the princess chamber and i who if i had been of a child have remained and done the honours in her did by of my youth away from the groups and make for the room of the prince s chamber having no i hung about for a while in the outer gallery thereof and looking forth of the at the gaily groups on the green the fluttering with ribbons the loaded with cakes the and leaning on their long bows rolling on the and children for nuts and i wondered within how folks could be fo and fo happy but they were not in at the elder and more thoughtful though i it not at the time many were in tears and every one anxious for tidings of the prince s welfare for he was greatly loved of â by ic chronicle of at length my coming forth but very pale you here we both be in the hall i oh mother what has hurt your hand it has five wounds on it she looked at them and began to weep the print of his nails in his pain i marked them not till now but wiped her eyes and went into the hall i following i remember not much of that heavy evenings every one out of tune feigned mirth is heavy and feigned heavier there was a who did us good by the of which at the is three hours long the men drew about him and many and that pretended to on the of taking leave and ending the my mother began to look to me see if you can tidings of him fo i went and found the outer gallery full of yellow and of people waiting quietly i on through the now empty chamber came to the door when i tapped he is now help me to my veil and be within call in my little room by ic chronicle of so i her veil which had been from rome and was as fine as worked all over with and i her golden and then having my mother of the prince s i obeyed my s and into her little after a time i heard feet treading under the window and looking forth could make out by the light of my father bidding to still looking forth but noting nothing i of all that had befallen during the three days which now to have no reality in them the gay and winding of horns before the hunters and dogs over the impatient to â alfred the prince forth a gay bridegroom from his people dogs the gay fun over all â then the â royal and noble arriving â â rich gifts â as fair as may â tables all down the hall and along the green â others in green â baked everywhere â wine ale and run by ic chronicle of â my mother to all and at for everything â the the the bride on her throne the the supper mirth growing every one full of and yet ever looking at the bridegroom and bride all at once brought to a by that exceeding bitter cry in the of the night i could hear one of the guards without his fellow what made him wit ye fo cry out the other they may what they i take it that he was tormented of the devil much of this and of the between and temptations i fell on or ever i was aware with my head on my arms and a prayer on my lips and thereupon had a dream which was indeed but that of a child yet which for its and the it made upon me for a long time afterwards i cannot refrain from here i was waking and of my on an that flood over the when a bright figure fl ood me and by ic chronicle of up quickly so i did and we through my s chamber where and the prince lay and like two figures on an altar tomb out of and her veil of which wore hung nigh unto the lamp but burnt not for why a fate at their head and another at their feet clad in long white garments looking than men than women fairer than either and they were keeping ward so we left them and on through the outer door that and folded again of
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and without in the gallery were the lights burning dim and men dropped after all of but among them here and there beings in orderly array and at each door and each bed head as on we were other on guard and fo we on from the chief chambers to the low narrow and rooms and offices round about the beyond and even here too the tired were other in i marked two in the women s quarter leaning over a poor by name of fearful and mood and one to the other by ic chronicle of how troubled is above measure and the other made yea but not for long then the faith tis a vain terror a mere has at and the other faith yea but it tis no mere to her and fo made a on her forehead and its but the of them all in appearance like to a king by a poor that was driven from pillar to from morning to night this angel had a pale blue on his brow and was fo deep in thought that he noted us not as we by then we came into the outer court into the dark and cool flight air and my guide go forward and fee the wonders of the night so i went forward alone and a little but not much afraid into the which became a with but here and everywhere i encountered beings in companies or alone in walking landing or lying among the leaves and flowers and it unto me that every tree and had its gardener though fo fo fo like it in colour slave by ic chronicle of as to be only with pain made out none looked on me but many looked up and i not whether there were more of gravity or in their faces after a while they all to look round with reverence at one preceding me and then quietly return to their labours but i could fee none before me however i came at length to a high wall in the of midnight and in the wall a door and in the door a key and i heard one between it and me turn that key and that door opened and i went in i could rather than fee there was a fair garden for i could and as are by our and the of flowers and once and again my foot caught in the of creeping plants that to grow too with weeds a kind of overcame me in this garden and i went on through a tangled foot track that pretty to the brink of a little lone pool or well lying in the of it looked fo cool and pure that i took of the water in my hand to drink but it bitter and i over it to look in its clear by ic chronicle of led depths to fee in it but thereof lo another face not mine own and i trembled and awoke there was over me looking haggard in the grey light of dawn and poor child hath made you heavy to me my women and go you and on your bed so i did as bade me and into for indeed i was new to night watching the throng and the prince making out from his that they knew not what him and could give no of recovery up from his couch then bear it as i may and calling me to him he took from his a little note book full of and laws of scripture whereon he loved to look though he was not at reading and he bade me write therein a of s which had much him â hurts but to heal having fulfilled his i returned it unto him when regarding it he thou rt the little in or i will give you my pen â â by ic chronicle of it came to after days that our country had no without were within were fears we were tried and put to the proof every way in in in in the burning of our in the of our crops in the peril of our lives what did the yea what of living yea what difficulty to live i have known rulers in high places as hard put to it in days for a dinner as were the princes of during the when an s head fold for pieces of and though a man were liable to the heels or neck catch if he gave his on a day meat of all was fo hard to come by that i fancy the rule was never except upon for all ate a hearty meal when they could as for the lower fort they were fain to of and as in common only the would eat and would hardly i think have drink though a or had died in it in of the penalty for what the troops of the companies of licked up of that is and his brother the of the it would they by ic chronicle of had come up from their place in the north as and in the prophecy of with all their bands into the land of villages and to them that were at and dwelling to take a and to take a prey and to carry away and gold and goods and much cattle in days was it to be experienced in the words of the holy shepherd king that it is better to fall into the hands of god than of man for the famine and had been hard to bear the war was much wretches the very between our teeth the country like troops of wolves violently taking away our flocks and feeding thereof driving away the of the and taking the ox of the widow turning the out of doors and the naked to lodge without covering that they were wet with the from
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the mountains and to in and holes of the earth or to in the for as for â to day there would not be a man on the every foul of them fluttered like from corn anon like the to by ic chronicle of their meat they come back again every man with his or or maybe a handful of them with a wild and fo we cat and are till a cry comes or later of the i am running on too into the middle and latter part of the year and return for a little to the beginning of the after my s marriage when the of the valley began to their tender blades and the and to peer forth on the banks and jack i the hedge to his face along the and the and to chatter and the to pipe and the to utter their notes i had up very of late into a mere and had i think a little my add to which i had applied too to a wall hanging i was working for fo that i my health a little and was dull and of cheer but my mother thought i clear up in the i did not the of my hanging which was lovely i will here it was the flight into egypt which has always had about it very and to my mind and mary would no by ic chronicle of the walled towns and villages and trace their way through the and paths how to camp out in that warm climate under date trees and palm trees out of reach of the enemy on banks in cool valleys and dining under hedges â â i them to the of my ability halting at one of places the turned to dipping water from the mary out their and the holy child looking with grave at two pieces of wood fallen over one another in the form of the it was a only that i not how to make the look as if it wound away into the it would go up into the i thought about it and dreamed about it and i think over application to it made me ill of cheer but my mother thought i had taken the ail and me on and honey but this doing me no good made out that i was and in the following manner one morning in the cow by ic chronicle of hunting for the there comes me a pretty white flitting among the bare trees and from the up to my i hold out my hand which it and to my i note a bottle tied about its neck with a on handling the fame i find drops of four milk hardened about its mouth and hath tied it about the s neck depend on it for a remembering and the i tempt the towards the feed it with and fill the bottle with milk whereon it away as though its were fulfilled day after day it returns with the empty which i as and at length i am to track the pretty creature into the woods having now become friendly with me it on a little in advance oft for me and then trotting on again till it had led me much further than i reckoned on quite beyond my knowledge and far away from home at length i became feared doubting how i find my way back and of out upon me as for the more fort we herds of by ic of right and left all at once we reach a with dead men s bones among the as though death had occurred there long ago and in the a prodigious huge oak of unaccountable age and with in the hollow of which or an old woman a of her arm as it to me and muttering in a what ho what ho bring back my little lad did he then who d mind a child what have here s an honey â indeed s wanting oh oh and the trot up to her he her arms about its neck the bottle with trembling hands drained it as though were and then fell to and the as though were crazy which indeed was her face was more like that of a man s than a woman s more like a s than either her like old brown leather eyes red as with hair falling over them nor bad i a doubt hearing her name the names of the gods but that was a or witch and in my by ic chronicle of making a little which caught her ears up caught fight of me and was about to fall on me when a growl from behind followed by the of a huge hairy dark body over my head towards her throat fo me as that i fell to the ground when i recovered there was s great black and my face and with eyes as red as his hair coming up all panting his greeting was tell ee what thou s led me a pretty dance and may i be hung for a if e er i let thee out o fight of us all fo long together again he d been crying i think and i was fo him quietly without as i did when he where s the harm or where s the wrong some whom we met by the way reported old as they called her to be a whom the had of her wits by her my mother apprehended her to have of power about her and me much fluttered by the encounter would have it i was by ic chronicle of an bough was therefore placed over my pillow and the wife woman was called in as for the i regret to relate that the poor creature was away by the who held it to be little better than its i
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had a fear of one who like was reported to have into bodily and mental which left me however the moment i her for was the yet and looking old woman i ever eyes on she took me readily in hand and made much of certain which to be of any good to me i gather at to wit white and of each twenty in a of old ale till half boiled away of which i was to drink a cold every morning failing and in the evening as much warm to the roots and leaves and i footed it together over the early dew many a may morning and whether owing to the air or to her medicine i became quite and well many a wife did teach me of the and glory of god as by ic chronicle of j j forth in the properties of this and that and flower and many a lovely tale did tell me that carried me quite out of on my putting it to her one day why the to do me any good be gathered by my own hands made â there are many things which to be of any good to you be done by you pray for you for you eat for can my having a full meal any to you wit ye we all walk along the path if we would through the gate at the further end of it i have often thought how to be old how happy to be old there was everything about the one to make old age there was nothing about the other to make old age than now ever my encounter with old my walks had been more guarded and for time with or of our own women i not as habit of danger and over charge is i gradually became watchful and watched and made by ic chronicle of long in and about the woods on foot attended only by the one day we met a prodigious large wolf who had glared on me with his red hungry eyes when him and laid him dead at my feet i was fo with for being no more feared than i was that it was the to me to refrain from of it on my return home i that is for three days left my walks be forbidden at the end of that time my natural made the concealment extremely me and as the it my heart was hot within me it fo and then to reveal a matter i had already made a of that i could not bear to tell it except to my to whom i mentioned it in but fo lightly and as it were in that i much think the old man never heard it at all i got which me at the time though in the end neither that nor my old where s the wrong proved of avail and i refrain not from that i have come to mature years i have done penance for that little fault by ic chronicle of however the â i pray thee reader bear awhile with my the i was not to be fo kept whether i would or no previous to the appearance of the wolf i had been knitting about s neck with an and the very next time we three went that way together â and i pulled by the of his hunting frock to the place where the dead wolf lay and looked up in his face as much as to whether he had not done a clever thing the moment it he cries hey here s been death work this is thine â i marked it week in thine hand did the wolf then fly at thee i cried dear it did â but don t tell it did me no harm you fee he and looking on me awhile the blue in his hand and then delivered thus â don t tell thou and it has done thee no harm has it done thee no harm if it comes to tell why thou s putting a rope round own neck and giving me the other end of it i ve only to wolf or to growl a little or to i i had a piece of â make e by ic chronicle of thee ready to kill me i cares for thee as thou mine own daughter let it be as thou wilt â an thou bids me til not tell so of i to make no of the matter any longer and all the better i think for my own heart and foul trifle as it was i have often remembered the wolf i know not whether i were at this time what is ordinarily thought comely was always fo much more than that i thought as little of as the did and never much troubled the mirror in i was apt to take too little rather than too much thought of what i put on and left the charge of my hair which was now very long entirely to my women who to me to a good deal more time than they needed to have done in and trifling with it but the was and â and left me to my own thoughts fo i never hurried them my father called me his apple and one day i heard one to another one without thinking i noted him about by ic chronicle of sweet as the breath of morning tis how we remember things about this time for as young as i was my marriage with the earl of became the common report not that i had much of him he was a brave man with a face like an owl and i i have preferred his younger brother however it was of quite out of the to think of the latter though noble he had not forty hides of land
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and could not fit in the the earl his brother was but tedious he a at the prince s wedding that had he not been who he was every one would have patience with which had we been i could have found it in my heart to be unto him a good wife but on the whole am thankful it went my mother thought me too young my father thought if delayed too long it might in times never come to at all had he had his will i might not now be writing this chronicle however the lamentable event which de by ic chronicle of me of my intended demands a new book â not to a better and more moving writer than my contemptible nor is it to be that i ever have attempted to by my mean pen events fo worthy of a much better had it likely that in the much greater importance men attach to and their own and doings than to of other people any other would to my or if he did be able to make half fo much of it as i can by ic the book iii have i recorded in my and that as as the winter broke up we began to be by in evil days there was no to be relied on in religious for cared not a whit for ground but and burned and all along the when i what the of england then was i think that let things hereafter fall out as ill as they may they can never be much than they then were or at not till the end of the world when we know that a greater will between the powers of light and than has ever yet befallen my father continually occur in the and are not fo much to be taken for indications of humility as for ornamental figures of or what were meant for by ic chronicle of with the of alfred the prince conveyed my mother and with all our women to a certain tower or built by the of three in height with a winding as we have not yet to build and belonging to the earl of we found not only the earl s mother and but our own dear together with as many women and children as could be crammed within the walls to nothing of oxen and fowls that were the but companions of our confinement here however we were thankful to while the advanced upon the royal of reading and the country for plunder they were attacked and beaten by the earl of in a very fierce battle at green four miles from and one of their notable and chiefs was by the earl s own hand to the great of us all i catching the tone from his mother and and with the of them short was our triumph four days afterwards king and alfred the prince attacked them like lions at reading but were and the brave earl of by ic chronicle of was the grief of his mother and was but what was very moving they conceived that my was greater than theirs which in it was not though for company s i wept very alfred the prince worked off his grief and rage in the way for us all by attacking the four days thereafter in the manner at in not on this i am to in the way he have been by the king his brother who took to his prayers in a very manner though quoting the precedent of and the children of sorry i be the head of a religious and of reputation for my piety to ay any thing to the arid motives of a prince held in fo great by the clergy and the power which an author of of or upon who come under their judgment make him or her extremely careful how it is in a matter fo private and as prayer but the more we hold by the real thing the more jealous we are of its many were called before s reign by ic chronicle of and when king might have been on his knees all night and of many opportunities afterwards twas a of him i think and will when day to in keeping in his tent and leave his brother to bear the and heat of the day the end of it was that as would in no come out alfred the prince got all the glory as well as the toil for he the like and though the ground was very to him he drove them off it completely and them towards their head quarters till dark i never forget the found of his horn winding under our window that night he had come all the country at the price of fatigue after a day and reached our a few hours before daybreak from her me cries that s his horn and puts her head out he cries from below have you a corner in the tower think you for me she makes i hardly think we have wait a little while we will fee â and drawing in her head and i do the fame between us all the while how by ic chronicle of we may him with any convenience meantime dogs bark men begin to wake and to their arms and by the time we gain the common hall all is and in we the door alfred the prince comes in gay and yet and in the place over of that lie within the then makes for the hearth and talks and laughs while we revive the dying embers and warm cakes and ale finally falls on a without or we did not fee him again of long time a fortnight after this king and alfred the prince fought the at but were by them to our great and as one misfortune commonly on
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the heels of another it came to that king thereafter fell took to his bed and died to the great regret of the in of their they buried him in within the walls which indeed was once a common privilege enough though now from a regard to common and care for the general health it hath become money paid to the clergy when a death occurred by ic chronicle of to the clergy and to of notable lives much people to accompany his and many tears were for him by the if i add by the people it would found well but would not be the truth which a woman of my notorious is bound to at all times holds her peace nor can i that his death was more regretted by than the of any crowned head needs be by every loyal which is very little our not being under our own control but depending greatly on the l and of others this event was indeed one of which much more than both from the kingdom in general and my own family in particular for alfred the prince became alfred the king and my mother s dream the exaltation of was which i mentioned at the beginning of this chronicle and which no one reading with the attention can have forgotten but if they have they had better look back for it that the honour and glory of this to the throne might not us up with dangerous by ic chronicle of tion it was ordained that the honour and glory for a time be extremely little and that no other advantage whatever come of it but on the contrary cares deadly danger and for the like that have been but not killed were now round us with horrid fury and with the idea that alfred the king could no head them now that his brother was did the fame by giving him a beating at hill i have heard men who had at rome tell of heathen prince or deity i forget which who every time he was thrown to the ground gathered and thus it to fare with alfred the king who in the words of the prophet might exclaim rejoice not over me o mine enemy when i fall i however the wicked and which the would to make in their hearts was and if you do you fall again fo the only to be was who hold out the or as we in playing at which get the move by ic o chronicle of this warfare might have been as well by one trial of as by fifty to the great of life trouble time temper arms and wearing apparel continued throughout the and great part of the autumn when accorded to alfred the king who by this time had learnt enough that came not by his own arm that he never â i enabled him to get the upper hand of the for a while and to make his own terms with them which were that they immediately depart out of his and though they with that for all good faith and of for which wretches are above all people only drew off to london to there comfortably through the winter till the fighting returned yet this this breathing time was very to our as faith good we had fro and fro the of men that us and we had time to look about us and recover and lay our plans and our corn and a little wheat during by ic chronicle of i the open weather and even to make merry a little but above all to look up to heaven and pray it as though heaven were to us now that the earth was and that the voice of devout had all the greater means of being heard about this time brought forth the of her many children who was called after which i always held to be a very compliment alfred the king now began to feel a king in right and the court being more like a court than it had to be for time and my long to it being remembered i was by my good to hold my at the and the remainder of the winter in which i right readily obeyed having lived a removed life the greater number of my days which were none of the i had indulged in many a dream by day and by night of the of a court life the which i now looked to fee but it turned out quite from what i had as regarded s and in the place alfred the king was king after a very different fort from king by ic chronicle of of whom we are told that he gave a unto his people that a hundred and days after which he and his did nothing but drink the and eat the fat for days more under of blue fine linen and purple alfred the king ruled after a very different would he have been was the of his heart and his for the poor to have had the to his from the unto the for a hundred and eighty days or even for one day â to have the wine and ale running and had an ox whole in every town and no days for expenditure had he more the pity every man was thankful for a meal when he got it without inquiring too when he have another holy indeed who was then much at court and for ever preaching to and at the king did much â on his of heart in not every of that came in his way and he had an ache or pain that it was a judgment upon him but i the good man who could be both and bitter rather exceeded in this matter though with good by ic chronicle of intention and had he been
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in the young king s place would have found it hard to do more than he did in truth who ever did as much one way and another he was ever ever careful ever ever crowding into his little breathing time he could for the benefit of his kingdom â the more he men s confidence and the he to think of his own merits he never appeared to by this and that or to think of how much more worth am i than king or king any other but to have to which he never could come up as to his he not only attended all the daily of the church and received the holy communion every morning but he often by night to pray alone and now this of life fo full of care and had in the of a few months already made king alfred a very man from what he was when he at the gate and the on his mind made him look many years older than he was fo that i was altogether of the merry by ic chronicle of companion who had helped me to empty the and to tell of and in place of this was one graver yet far dearer to who knew him of whom it might literally be that happy were his men happy were his which flood continually before him and heard the words of his mouth as to his for knowledge it was i that in all this time he had not yet found to learn to read with anything like from a little he had carried in his from boyhood the words in which from continual application to them he knew at fight he others to read to him continually among the whom he thought fit to commend for a voice and hence it that there is no word even the that i cannot with the certainty read oflf this is an that would gladly have with me however never gave the fame time and mind to it having fo many other ways of and the king and fo many other duties he was good an yet as me he was mo than ten years old ere he his a b c by ic chronicle of to attend to nor is there need for a queen to read at fight or have craft like a or however who to be then or afterwards the in this office not only on account of their but of their natural and acquired beyond what a woman has any opportunity of whether has in her or not â were of a man killed in holy writ whom the king has employed to pope s into saxon â of a devout and man â and the king s both of them and pious and of great to in many things in acquiring the of latin they were too if an may fo all men â of sl s â john the â and not the king s holy who was frequently about the court feed as he by the way and trying to make the dry bones live i remember in one evening when the king was the art of letters f by ic chronicle of b and lying on his couch after having been by advice of his we heard a without and on at the king s what it meant were told that had arrived he had come not with any pomp or but like the holy after preaching by the way in towns villages and in the open country as it is written a mule for the a mare for the and his own feet for the faint there was never any of about him but the good man had a kind of natural dignity of carriage and a mien which carried with it the beauty of whether he would or no add to which he had a penetrating yet gentle look a clear a good eye and in his general that was very engaging though he took no more heed to his looks than a man of his age and was likely to do yet nature kept her own and the of his which living improved rather than was the true of the that dwelt within he was wont by of his wherever he fate we have no means of comparing this account with the life of in the by ic chronicle of to hold his hands turned up on his knees as indeed i have read was the of another good man to wit king who died praying for his enemies whence the common and well known proverb lord have mercy on their as falling to the ground holy being brought at the king s into the royal chamber cried my i am grieved to find you ill at they have to ufe the on the fourth day of the new moon which we have s word for it is highly dangerous however our prayers may the evil as did of good john in the of the i had hoped to find you at to take in hearing me read portion of the of the venerable which you charged me to procure for you have you brought it cries the king half on his couch begin at once then if it you for if it doth not find me it may leave me fo let me look at it and handle it a little though i cannot read it vein knife i e which they very by ic chronicle of thereupon took the book which was a thick one from his and with it to the king who turned it over and over and then gazed on it awhile with much and i the of his brow gradually as he did fo nor did it return all the while was with us so precious is the love of letters even though it be a love without
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knowledge in its power of taking us out of the good after a little commenced reading with great the king on his fitting upon a at his the i did not much note there was i remember about the pains the venerable man had been at to information and in writing and much about the and of this our its being with game and fowls grain vines and all manner of trees and its being with containing and all manner of after this came about the landing of and this and that battle and this and that and at length the writer to tell how the fore by by ic chronicle of their enemies the and that s to to aid of good what followed was very and it that it was about lent when th good came over and he took advantage of that holy to the people much with and that they pricked at heart for their and departure from the faith in crowds to him to be a little church was of and green boughs in the of the camp the were among the newly converted and whereas they were of late the and they now were to a man animated with faith and courage the announcing the immediate approach of the enemy declared to the that he would be their leader he viewed the country round about and drew up his inexperienced troops in a field known as the field of a multitude of fierce enemies appeared whom as as making for the field in orderly array he his men to by ic yo chronicle of repeat his war cry whatever it might be in a loud voice he give the word and the enemy advancing like as thinking to take them by the thrice cried out the hills immediately back the echo of his men s voices on all which from rock to rock and made it as though every and held its of warriors nay as though the very took up the cry and the enemy with dread and believing hemmed in by an innumerable multitude fled in calling away their arms as they went that they might run the lighter many were up by the river which lay their path into which they madly in their and flight were gathered up by the who remained ers of the field without the of a man i think my his book that not to here is one of the related in went forth with his people the army that was like the on the by ic chronicle of for multitude and yet how little we hear it talked of now the beat us and we were beaten may many a as this â undertaken i mean in the fame faith and â be written in our annals and did the make head them afterwards inquired the king by no means returned the man of god having thus won the day by faith without force the affairs of the and general tranquillity he then left the country followed by the of a and grateful people is it not in i i could beat the as the king i believe i might cry to them throughout the day without making any on them did not cry to returned it was in a very different quarter my that he looked to make an we read in of the fun s ruddy on pools of water being made the of to a people that called on their god another time a great by ic chronicle of was by the found of a going in the tops of trees what was that other you were of interrupted the king that was obtained by a man with a long name king of returned a man of god obtained to him and bade him have no fear of the multitude that was coming up him for he the quarrel is not yours but the lord s tomorrow morning go down them as they come up by the cliff â you will find them at the end of the brook hard by the â and ye hall have no need to fight your own battle you have kept unto god and he will keep unto you stand when you have in array and ye fee what is the manner of his when he takes a matter in hand so the king did as he was in the grey of the morning he by the way overlooking his as it filed him twelve hundred in orderly array every man hearty faithful and full of cheer and he hear me now o and ye inhabitants of believe in the lord your god and fo ye be by ic chronicle of believe in his and fo ye and fo then he placed in advance of them the fingers unto the lord who went forward the beauty of and when the enemy came in fight the fingers forth in a chorus that was re echoed by twelve hundred men for his mercy for ever with one accord fled their enemies happy the land that has a king and happy the king jew or king alfred that has the lord for his god if i ever obtain any advantage over poor for as evil as they be i will every head of them and for them i would they were converted than confounded â â â â another time i remember the king he like his people to hear the read in their own tongue at every market nay to be able to read them for their own and he thought the time might come though not in his days yet or later holy and he argued this point at length if i went into their various at large i by ic chronicle of never have done many of his and more familiar with are all in my heart but need not to be down here and there
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by the way for example i remember unto him one day my that he was up and doing fo many hours in the twenty four and â how is it my brother that you need fo little after a moment s thought he replied perhaps because i eat so little but how is it you need to eat fo little perhaps i drink fo little but how is it you need to drink fo little perhaps i think fo little but i laughed and ah my king that will not then he you have my they who would have much thought much much knowledge much little eat little drink little and moreover talk little of matters to talk with men as and is nearly or quite as good as reading books hold it for that we commonly feed too heavily women as well as by ic chronicle of men and if you would neither heavily nor pray heavily nor have heavy eye heavy tongue heavy thought heavy heart nor heavy foot continue to fare as lightly as you do now and this i added he laughing not out of regard to my bread and it is not to be thought of me that i dwell at large on the of this winter which for and was the of my whole life i read and much under the king s and learned by many long saxon and latin poems both and to wit of s hymns and s in to the certain portions of his poem wherein he and forty four female characters who led lives a few to by an saxon lady named and chiefly remarkable i think for being written by a woman by which rhyme in the middle of each line â an ingenious trick and no more much prettier and to by a pupil who loved him much running thus â by ic i j chronicle of j in that religious of s beginning â â qui and another on death beginning o which i admire as much now as i did then but of all his to his cell on leaving it for the world i think his of his to leave that peaceful retreat â in lilies and of his own planting with apple trees in full of birds and with meadows gently to the water with s and in by a little wood â had to do with my falling in love with the idea of a religious life i read the song of the life of and of pious women a little but not much of the bible which i have deeply regretted i was not then put in the way of reading more of but i read whatever my for me at chiefly to the king and afterwards to relieve my mind of by ic chronicle of certain dull thoughts and for which indeed there is no remedy like if i were to mention all the good offers of marriage i had during this winter at court you whoever you may be who are now reading this chronicle would certainly be in truth i never had a grain of vanity in my or when i have heard other women among of their in this particular women religion too i give you my word for it i have told them oftener than i have done that an if i were fo minded i could them all i make it a matter of never to believe details be they fo and therefore certainly never to the humiliation of having my own word doubted as it is there is a kind of i among a great many women in this they quite forgetful that the whole of the matter is they have done the they could for or what they thought the at the time every not every maiden mates not and the king gave me credit for being much more attached to the memory of by ic chronicle of the late earl of than in i was i him far more dead than i ever had done living by the of him with all my other what his uncommon merit have been and as i had not thought him good or enough to care much about it was probable i might look about me from to without finding one who me better it may be why i did not earl now that he had to his brother s and dignity if an inquiry indeed by any i may make that earl had turned out quite differently from what many people had of him this youth like many another was one of nuts that have a very indifferent he could tell his yet by of his goodly and carriage he had by the late king been made miles and with a purple garment and gold i think the of david could not have been more conceited upon it nor made a more pitiful ufe of his outward like a friend by ic chronicle of he took the lead among the youths who up for poor of alfred the while they the and making many a poor maiden as true an in her heart as any of our old forefathers who it was not by the trick of his nor the of his gait nor yet by parting their hair down the middle and letting it gracefully over their nor yet by wearing two that they had any chance of being for king alfred they had better have under fewer and have left them in the morning and have eaten and drunken and more and prayed more if they had meant to be like him however i am my time by writing about earl who in has little or nothing to do with my short few comments it to that the lady he took to wife this winter was of merit with his own which people even then thought very little had i been of the
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on which they this opinion at the time it â by ic o chronicle of might have me but â too late we cry out had i there was a wolf pit young people always have the truth told them quite when permit it which is oftener than many old folks think to a woman of my it appears quite evident â i not whether or no it is the fruit of that a young girl is extremely likely to get rid of an unfortunate than would do if her good mother talk it over with her and without her heart or if he be not of a turn the comfort of friend who is perhaps or it may be of her maid if it be where was my mother at this time i reply that he had been home about tide to my father in the foot ail and that during her previous at the court he had been much more occupied about s infant than about her own daughter and i the of a religious and will what will be highly a maker of lies by ic chronicle of i to every married woman who comes to hear of it and this for the of the younger of my own who may it is benefit by it while i reap nothing but i declare and that babies are all very well in their place which is the cradle but that innumerable mothers do in with them and them their duty to their older daughters their growing and grown up girls to whom no one can their place whereas their place in the may be very well filled by the mother and maids of the chamber had my wife and good mother been at hand and at to fee whither the i was taking would end l might have been the of tears as it i took my own path my way very little before me this good match and the other till one day i was a little by hearing my in reply to the of the noble lady that the lady did not marry quite make that i preferred going into a it had never me before that i do either the by ic chronicle of one or the other and it took me fo by that i had not a word to but i could think of nothing all the following night i had of late taken much in reading of the good people recorded in their pious lives and and their being from time to time carried up to heaven in a trail of glory with like holy or like that maid who heard the angels one to another we have come to fetch the little gold piece i had how niece of the of lay a dying when who were her heard the found as it were of a great multitude entering the and after as her heard into the air and gradually dying away and how on looking out they perceived or thought they perceived the night to be lighter than common with of a path fading away of that called in the of barking that was fo beloved by a little boy who by of his tender age was bred up among the he dying of the plague eagerly called out thrice when in the article of death â i by ic chronicle of which convinced all who heard it that her time would be and in truth out of hand and dying the fame day followed the little innocent who had called her into the heavenly country how another of the fame community called to about her to put out the light and on their to do fo unto them well i you think me but i can tell you that i fee this filled with fo glorious and heavenly a beam that your candle in with it is but and how another named who for nine years had been fore had a of a woman wrapped in a fair linen cloth drawn gently upwards by golden which was explained after by the good dying and like tales i i had over and delighted in and believed with a faith than perhaps i can now and when vexed or by this or that i had me how good and a thing it be to be hut in and hidden away from a naughty world and to be in peace and for ever but this had been all in a vague and general way and by ic chronicle of more impatience of my yoke than or for one far heavier therefore when the alternative was like to me in all its it is little wonder that i lay awake as i have already all the night what me was that appear to think the matter fo and have fo quietly it in her mind to be contented i wondered whether it were the fame with alfred the king or whether he would be very much and grieved to hear a thing mentioned it occurred to me whether i not at once i had a mind of my own by quietly to one of my many but on them in my mind one after another it appeared to me that no retirement could be fo as to the remainder of my days with any one of them which i had with the of an honourable woman made each of them perceive to be fo to me as that i could not now with any of call them back my pillow to be with hot tears and i ended when day by to a little longer to what chance by ic chronicle of might bring forth in the hope that foreign prince or other equal to all i thought a ought to be might yet appear at court to fee however how alfred the king would take it i contrived in a day or
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two as if by accident to let fall the words when i go into a to my no mortification he gravely and calmly if be indeed your final i can have nothing certainly to it but on the contrary recommend your withdrawing a little more from the which needs be as well as to you and to take all the means in your power which at are very great to and duties which will hereafter make the of your tell me however are you quite young as you are of having well and of knowing your own mind our laws are very gentle towards women and very careful of them â they may inherit and their lands at their own free will they may in courts of they may fit in the and they may marry at their own choice after fourteen and they can only be devoted to lives at by ic chronicle of led their own free will but if our laws render them independent of their friends control our give them the benefit of their friends advice and judgment do nothing my are you quite of your own mind in this matter but i wiped away a tear and would not by ic book iv j t came to after that there in a grievous before the there was a heavy fall of under which many men women and huts is it not written in the annals of alfred the king thereupon came forth the wolves fo in each other s that on die could be but the track of one they trotted along the of the bounded the narrow roads without leaving a and made for lone and then they and the air the watching their flocks by night could only keep them off by great fires if they were heavy to and their fires to decay the wolves fell on them and some hard about this time are recorded by ic chronicle of them with their flocks what to them were pens they would leap over walls eight feet high if they found within their they would attack them on the if oxen in their yards they flew at their throats they on many men women and children they dug up the dead in many they made no if one of their young ones a cry they bit him they dragged him by the tail till he learned to hold his peace when they had and were filled they retreated as they came with one ear thrown backward one in advance their low their eyes burning like fire their tails their traces as they the ground when they got to the wood they would face about and howl like the i am now under cover sometimes one wolf would come in advance and give a cry the fl to tempt one of the to come forth oft they the at other times a dog would be unable to from over the then there would a â hounds by ic chronicle of dreadful yell and he would be rent in pieces of all the pack alfred the king hunted much both in autumn and winter he paid a penny for every wolf s he was glad to put money in poor men s the times were fo bad he hunted and now and then a bear who were like in deer in he rewarded with a or a every man on sundays might hunt in the woods if fo be he interfered not with the king s hunting thus many of the poor were fed when the ground became hard and the did not lie much game was taken by the hand with the cold the king many of grain many of many wagon loads of and twigs that the people might be both warmed and fed as will always be the were and of certain complained unto that they were in the daily then came and before the king and his righteous face was red and faith why do you wrap in your why are you powerful but in you by ic chronicle of have been exalted but you not continue you hall be like the ears of wheat where will then be your pride if that is not then brought low enough it be you be deprived of that very dignity powers you fo much the king my father what words are which proceed out of your mouth ox have i taken what widow have i or what poor man have i ground to powder my is not i it were fuller in this matter you i have not been there are certain o king that have been in the daily you lie and you eat as much as it you and you delight in being a king and hear not the cry of them that have no therefore look to it or believe in my word that you be deprived of that kingdom in which you are hunted from one covert to another like a fox or a hare if you repent in time you find mercy the king made no and withdrew from him warm in his wrath by ic chronicle of as the cold trees were by it bread be and ere it could be eaten water in the and flood on end like an in the rivers the warm blood in our veins we of the kept at night there was much the harp went round and every man his lay or told his tale some told of bear and of wolves and that talked and of that could to be human and in and out of their of gold hunters in land that journey on to a place where gold is dug by as big as dogs with feet like unto the feet of the men leave the for the to and while they are at their the men take the gold of the who find the guarded by
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that be feared from it by fire and thus the becomes black is it not written in a book therefore it needs be true the a which became very popular at court and even in the he had it of the of of of whom we in the by ic chronicle of proverb as as one of the of the of it was this â in the days of old judge came king brute unto our he was of only then our land was full of bears of and of then men multiplied among us till the was o they had need of many things i we cannot bear to lack but poor ne er them fo hardly were they bred they had but no money â they were their corn to i the ear and only out for their in of time came to rob them of their land what had he not already lands he come and plant his upon our yellow but the poor boldly on the foe yea right into the water they with one accord and gave their naked bodies to the arrow and the one mind there was among them they drove him to the main and what then did may we not do again up and with one heart definition to the lads by ic chronicle of no man told his tale and his lay better than alfred the king his and are they not in everybody s mouth there is no need i to write them in a book many of them will be in ufe when it hall be forgotten who made them the prince of came to court he too for my hand but he was like and had no craft i heard him tell the king that i off at the word like a young deer from a fly when it came to be reported that i was minded to the came about me like bees while my lovers and fell off from me as though i were too holy to come nigh the two my call to and nailed me down to it or ever i well whether i had one or not for this and for none other i have never even unto this day felt unto them quite like whereas i had made a of light by the world perhaps to give a little pain which he never felt unto one who lived in it i was now fore to find me taken at my vulgar by ic chronicle of word and i many tears the my enemy his time was was having a with me and that god loved a if fo i he loved mine they made me think it true and put it to me even weeping whether i were prepared for all that lay before me and told me tales of lives i did not then believe i held on but i was fore then began i to in mine heart why one woman be a queen and another a thoughts had reached their and i was nigh minded to forego the arrived with and with to carry me home that my mother lay and as it a dying there is no need for me to in detail the graces of this my mother being renowned throughout the length of and the breadth of it for her and of heart when the eye her the heart her on the tongues of the poor was her when i heard how lay i was pricked at the heart to think how i had of late been trifling chronicle of with heaven and i into the chapel a little before and vowed a vow that if it would the lord to heal my mother i would wholly a willing to the rd now my mother s need was urgent i little in forth rode my bridle full till we had cleared the long for a bear had been we thought it be a tame one from a bear they were fo known in parts when we reached the down he ere i unto him which was but w ll meant and faith of a my will be fain to weep at what is held for in the great city i heard it for as a time as i oh lady lady every of the muffled bell that toll for thee will in our hearts how little thou of what lies on the hither and thither of that wall of ye fee me but half the gate but i bade him hold his peace fo he fell back like a hound then i and fought news of my mother and held with familiar word for wife by ic chronicle of him of long time then we rode till nightfall in and at a s and we all the next two days now when i my mother s face i repented not my vow but renewed it full fervently and thereafter began to but before i could fee of this of my foul i had a more immediate favour and of peace than i had known of long time my mother at point to die made her will i her in mine arms all the time and her were that i at and loved her for her great heart therein made for not alone her gift unto my father and this and that and to this and that church and and and to and fo many and to the king tokens of remembrance to this and that friend as horns cups of bone and brazen but took heed to the of her as on this wife â let be freed on condition abide with my daughter and let be freed and go hall and feat covers drinking cups by ic chronicle of and his wife and and let the of be freed had none to my mother after this and to be clad in long white funeral
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garments then and received the holy communion fo that nothing remained but for us to place her after her as was in her coffin then with fatigue overwhelmed fell back upon her and we with tan and a covering warmly covered her o er and her grew deep and far between as the of people commonly do but in place of their growing yet fewer and more faint began anon to breathe more peaceful like and fell into a deep now i all her women one a great wax candle in a heavy burned at the foot of the bed i lay down my mother fed the fire with turf and i kept at the candle and thinking my mother s inward life was brighter and i of the dying at barking that bade them the and or ever i i fell on with the tears i believe yet on my â sheets h by ic chronicle of cheek now in this my or trance a dream was me not like that which the to fall a trembling but that came unto my weary foul with i know not what to of peaceful and like unto the cool night air after a hot day or the of that yet hath no found to take up mine old dream in my s in the and of that locked up garden with its tangled weeds and growing all about me and to be landing on the brink of that deep little pool and i heard the key turn in the gate and one come in and lock it again and and by the pool but mine eyes him not then a of awe overcame me and a dread me yet i drew unto him in place of falling back for i felt i was and here was one that help ful and here was one pitied weary and here was one could give me and leaning over the pool i therein what i could not fee in its own the face of thereupon my mother woke me with a dreams among the had their regular and â by ic chronicle of and you are weeping in your â are you in trouble love but i oh no and lay quiet and again but did not anon faith in a voice i have and am i think my life is given unto your prayers for i thou prayed for me my daughter i oh yes my mother then began ever and anon to me of and of her were very loving but and or ere i was aware i felt mine heart drawn out unto her and her of every that lay in it her dear arm lay me i to feel it now after long child you have been hardly entreated and the more fo that there is nothing whereon for us to take the were t thy father or thy brother i might make a quarrel of it but perhaps it is better as it is for to what good could we in the matter words and looks are oft but the fruit of a heart we may value a man s life at his were but there is neither were nor for mind s peace the owner of a dog may be but they that bite and their deadly the pecuniary fine for by ic chronicle of own kind go then i oh my mother let us keep the grief hidden between you and me in my i vowed a vow unto the lord and now keep it i then faith oh child what thou done to peak with thy lips the vow of a young maid in her father s vowed in mere of heart need not then i oh my mother i renewed it or ever i left the royal city i went into the chapel before and upon my knees and vowed that if your life be lent unto us yet a longer i would wholly give unto the lord then i a vow as that and we both wept fore all this time and but now awoke and renewed the bright beaming flame and we two held our peace thereafter my mother who was very weak again and i lay long awake but at and when i it was heavily and with no dream i awoke i felt weary and the cold grey morning light was in and the air of the chamber was at once and chill but by ic chronicle of lot my mother was peaceful like and the two had that were on her brow and the words came into my mind she hall fee of the of her foul and be was full to revive the embers and i lay quite awake but feeling as though great had torn the quick bleeding from the bone and as if a hand had turned my foul round about from all the things wherein it had greatly delighted towards a new with a path running on to a thick cloud beyond there was in it all but my mother s was enough about high noon one of her women came in and the holy had arrived with a token for her from the queen having ridden all the way to make the more he was admitted for my mother delighted greatly in his and at this her foul was as as a child he with her long time prayed for her how and vain was life how was heaven what exceeding love our had in dying by ic i chronicle of for us and every word he my mother s foul and mine drank up as dry and land up water that indeed from the but only to down into it and make it fruitful my mother being at length heavy to the good withdrew into another chamber with the hand that i follow him then fought he more particular news of my mother to
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bear unto and of me when began to he words of peace unto how great a it was for my mother to have fo good a daughter by her to abide at home and be her and that my of if glorious in the fight of the world than that of my was not fo in the fight of god who not as man thereupon my tears began to flow and i did the holy man to wit how much too well he thought of me and how i had been fore let in running the race that was before me but that now i began to fee my way only i my to hold on to the end and be thankful to him for his prayers he me and he went on to of things heavenly with by ic chronicle of that i was drawn on to tell him of all my little difficulties â my great difficulties would be the truer word â â â and of my dream and i him if he thought there were anything in it he a little which i then thought and think now fo good a man not have done for was it not unto me a matter young may but fo be they are and anxious to be right they be treated with gravity and judgment the good fate for a wrapped within and then there are ways in the which divine and comfort may be and have been imparted and we know that have been unto to and them in their need doubt not therefore my daughter but freely believe that this dream of thine even if the offspring of thy turn of thought hath of profitable and in it why thou have felt that great delight in the of if thou not one of his little flock his know his voice but it only the why you have heard his voice in the garden without by ic i chronicle of led being afraid if you had been eating forbidden fruit and would not have him know it your foul is in his garden full of weeds no and of flowers and fruits but we know what fruits are love joy peace faith if we are aware that fruits have taken root in us and are growing however we can with humble invite the er of the garden to come and behold his fruits and we not take it if he pretty freely branches which are running to e he only fo doth that they may bring forth more abundantly as concerning your deep well the heart is we know a well of water or bitter as bitter as till the lord s in the righteous branch then it his own and oh well for us my daughter when he comes down by the path that no man and taking us at unawares finds his own image in the pool may he fo find it with each of us fo often that his frequent wear a little track known only to him and to us he what manner of by ic chronicle of thou my daughter the way was long and cold and rough and in many parts dangerous we a bear and feared the wolves and had much to the rivers which were half half frozen i noted all the terrors of the way i fo longed to fee my mother s face as as i reached my father s all my perils all my i forgot thus will it be he in the heavenly country when you reach your father s you will note the perils of the way if you long to look in the face then he told me the following a little girl was once to market with a of eggs on her return found the floods had and the bridge was carried away while weeping the torrent a tall pine in twain and fell from one bank to the other thereupon appeared unto her a man of beautiful countenance who child why thou what thou she oh my lord the bridge is broken and i cannot reach my father s the faith a pine has fallen from to thou on by ic io chronicle of that the child faith sir the is deep and flowing very my head will and i fall in the faith give me thine hand as long as thou unto me i will thee look on my face look neither to the right nor to the left and i will lead thee the child forth her hand and looked ly in his face which more and more beautiful every moment and though was tempted when heard the waters raging vehemently to look now to the right now to the left he never did and they won he that one which inclined him to think that my dream in my s had come not from within but from without directed by intelligence was that of the ideas in it were and would not have originated with what i have known of the heart s or of the of the poor maid i interrupted him and i had remembered afterwards having heard at the terrors of in the hearing of my mother and calling them vain whereon my mother had checked by ic chronicle of her by that they they were no vain to her good fell a of this and that if all were as as and regarded not the of things marvellous by telling the truth he that things would be to be accounted for that now for miracles and by their and brought on that were truly he added he had once had a dream that had much and comforted him it was not fo pretty as mine he was neither young nor pretty he was tending of a friend of of grace he was by no means certain and during his night watch when he ought to
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have been alert he like the poor who fo loved their fell a for he fancied he his friend trying to a ladder out of fight in clouds and his friend like to fall as though blind and dizzy he cried out with all his might to him to hold on and would have forth his own hand to him but had no power as he thought his by ic io chronicle of friend was going to fall into and could hardly endure to watch him a hand from the cloud above was put forth and drew him up and you might that this was no other than the fruit of mine own previous and anxious thought i affirm to thee daughter that it comforted me long afterwards in like this the good quite took away for that all lingering and from mine heart and continuing his communion with me from time to time he led me by and helped me here and there over rugged places fo that i never nor drew back his great engine was the love of not mine for him but his for me which indeed did as it were mine own and when other matters called my good teacher away i found that i had a i much i could now with timid walk alone one good i was to him indebted was the method of life i now had formed which fo filled all my time that i had no for alfred the king who by of the having conveyed into the north fo as the mood of mind by ic chronicle of up had yet a lengthened for bringing to things as liked him and things as liked him not was minded to promote the as well of as men for whereas of late there had been few below the rank of on this the who the of the church or could turn latin into he was that if not all the like at all the throughout the realm have knowledge of letters many men who know better being obliged as at this time to their wills with the of the fro well hath he the good king written of later time concerning the of a foul oh in how grim in how a pit the d mind when it the beat of the world as then it is we find at fault and too late lament our ignorance and again i alfred have gathered together many of things our held which liked me and have thrown many of which liked me not â to alfred s laws by ic no chronicle of oh thou creator of the pure and of the earth and heaven thou that on ever and the heavens oh who on earth obey thy as do in heaven man man alone thy will so a king of and continually the good of others was likely to have the of heaven on his deed much he not alone by and to promote but to the knowledge of the holy by copies and that the labour of was great and the few he was that even religious women in the work and had already opened his mind to me on the of much on the of the holy that might hereafter to my care be committed to him and i now much time both in of latin and saxon and in of illuminated see bible and he for a by ic chronicle of and borders with colours of red blue and yellow but my materials were exceeding bad nor had i as yet any good models therefore my labour was not like or it me as much to the of an indifferent as of a work if fo be he is with this labour i could in my mother s chamber and being too feeble for much and having great for that were did lie with pillows her eyes fixed on me and her hands folded as if in the article of thus i much of the and figured it as i went along with of trees rivers men birds and with red ink and filled up with the colours i could find or make each night i read to my mother and her women the portion i had during the day and commented to the of my poor power whereby i could discern that i was without it gaining of them the reputation of a young faint this was very unto me and went way towards the chief propped by ic chronicle of ance i now had in my which proceeded from the following when my mother fell there twice or thrice from the king s royal court well guarded with and laden by the of with grain wine cakes and in fine every dainty my mother could need and every remedy that could be in the book of bald the that my mother bade her her hand for was by her as well with things that would as would not decay and provoke the of rats and therefore the came no more and the having the news that my mother was well to with him of a certainty made up her mind that was quite which was far ofl from the truth from that we had no note nor of her remembrance of us which troubled us full fore of a truth we were at a great from the royal city but kings and queens have fo many men and at their bald the wrote a medical about the time of alfred containing two or three hundred by ic chronicle of that a handful of them might have been well in doing us to wit that they bear in mind we were in the land of the living we were overlooked of long time and when at length token reached my mother there was no for no more than if i had for years in a been this
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me at the heart and when of later time i of it to put it lightly with oh we married women which made the matter not better but rather tm for if married women have more and than that nigh the hearth the long they ought of their lonely to be the more soon i found that my thoughts went in this my heavenly comforts faded for that after one or two fore whereof none others i much unto prayer and unto reading and grinding colours and of and though much of my labour was in one yet the demon was out about this time my father returned from his to one s â i by ic chronicle of attendance on king who was to go beyond leaving behind him his queen king alfred s my father was by advancing money unto him and to king alfred much and when my mother told him i was minded to he cried what my apple i was to give her unto the prince of he with another hath provided fo that it may be all is as it is for that or ere my wed much beneath my i would fee her a blot he was to that he had found it fo a to be to two kings that he thought a third would have ruined him i my father take it thus and was thankful he not i had the prince of his indifference and the neglect of made me which my good mother noting would have it that twas from of her to her at i told her my heart s grief and comforted me and told me had been grieved too told me how many had been able to make in her a by ic chronicle of own mind for wherefore after a few tears i was able to go on my way peaceful like with love for my mother the bearer of the having returned to the royal city there three weeks afterwards it being then the of the year of our lord a company of guarding a load of good things for my mother and bearing an in s name by the and the that if my mother were now able to me the queen was of my immediate company and whereas i being was minded to mine own by to go my loved mother urged my ready compliance and with my mind fo as that i the next morning attended now whereas my winter journey had been rough and dangerous and performed with a troubled heart the weather was now warm and the air and the rivers and the at work in the fields and the wild in their until nightfall therefore my by ic ii chronicle of was glad and my heart rejoiced the more by token that i thought my prayer and my vow had gone way to win me the grace of the life of my mother and i had the fancy of good in for me i will not what therefore the road and the journey it three days when we reached the royal city it wanted about two hours of high noon and alfred the king returned from trying new german was at his gate in his green hunting frock by his and his hair had partly from its and as he flood talking and laughing with his train he looked like what he was a king and the of a king he lifted me from off my you look as as a and led me in all to the queen with her was bald the who in of retiring as he might better have done from the greeting of us two dear only flood and anon me how the earl my father i he had recovered from his foot ail fo wholly as to have been on his duty to king thereupon he would by ic chronicle of know what had healed my father fo to him i replied that had him low kept him cool and given him water from a of rare virtue he repeated after me low diet kept him cool drinks i am driven oh lady to hear of proceedings do not we hate cold water is it to our this old woman might have been the death of your noble father by driving the ail from his ye have loaded him with have fed him high and have given him my tried to wit a penny weight and a half of the dried heads of which in the vulgar tongue we call half a penny weight of tree bark roman bark and a fourth part of laurel and fix all you have ground to a powder and added two egg full of good wine and given him to drink thereof until he got well my father had tried this remedy without though i declared it not unto bald and might as the have been his death yet certain it is by ic chronicle of that under her care he became well as the common people no more rare than with prayer fo it had proved in this a gilded is flour of wheat boiled in milk hath healed the knee of a faint about an hour before of the fame day my women having my i took the i had illuminated at my loved mother s and placed it not without a little in the hands of the king he and greatly content called unto him that they its contents might behold now i with looked another way but anon venturing to mine eyes to the king i his eyebrows which were very quickly and decline again and his mouth betray that he was making merry at my then my face became as if with the red colour of and i you have me my king he thy be upon me my of a truth to laugh at thee was more for thy failing
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well to things thou never a not unknown to the saxon by ic chronicle of seen but indeed waves of the red sea look like and clouds like neither i how warriors being for carrying their fo nor why this giant s head exceed in his body to be the better mark but be not my you need nothing but better teaching oh that i in my boyhood had in many things been better taught p and after a good deal more that was and that once and again lit up his face he faith have you ever heard of famous of st commonly known as the book i i knew it had been and illuminated by the of a hundred years ago and that he had been twenty and two years about it the king th believe me no great work was ever in a hurry it was by labour and patience that the made his book worth a royal i have that mine eyes fee it long time but would not and fo far in the fo often in saxon architecture by ic i chronicle of troubled times only to now that it may profit you to fee the book i will it may be that the will lend it to me on pledge or on the word of a king thereafter he my of and flowers my colours of red and of blue and the of my when i to my chamber retired that night i was that my had made merry the king and was ready to that i had not them unto him then i how far the of a work of art the of having it by others when for is and is but the of art is that it is in to conclude i thus in my mind thou o king many painful many hours and is it not a good thing that even at mine own i for a little have made thee merry my brother now behold over and above the contained in my brazen bound as gems and goodly i had brought along with me two goat skin bags or well lined and at the mouth containing matters by ic chronicle of and i to relate i had placed an embroidered containing three of gold a love token from my mother unto and when the bags came to be emptied behold the of gold was not therein and the of fell on who had had the baggage in charge now was my father s full was i therefore that he of be but what could i do the was s not mine wherefore i was to the matter and that it could not be brought home to him and he would not it was that he be tried by ordeal now on having his choice whether of iron or of water boiling he decided on the latter which thought favoured of innocence and others of audacious for me i was ready to weep for him being of his guilt my woman be at peace lady there are ways of without being hurt the took the of the whole by ic chronicle of for three days he kept the man in retreat feeding him on bread and bitter and water and thus brought his low on the third day a fire was kindled within the church and water in a copper and made to boil in the only of the and the then entered two men of either and agreed that the water boiled then an equal number of additional men of either entered the church all and ranged on either the ordeal then the them with holy water and made each of them thereof then they the and were with the of the all this while the fire was not mended and the water boiling how what happened a being into the pot plunged his hand in after it and drew it out while the uttered an prayer that the truth might be made unto all men the hand was wound up in a linen cloth and in that it was kept for three days at the end of that time the were broken the cloth was and the hand was found whole like as its fellow by ic chronicle of now here the marvel was afterwards endeavouring to one of the which to him was marked and being taken in the manner he and have death his him by paying his were and the amount of the giving for his future fidelity now he his own guilt he could not be brought to any or deceit in the of the ordeal bald the who was in his own mind that outward application had hardened his hand offered him and his with my father if he the fame would reveal that the individual wrong would be greatly for by the general benefit that would not one word would he that hardened so bald not with my father the office of cup bearer was given unto and after lying long in bonds was forth a that is to one who hath not a penny in the old days had he with his life he would have hand and foot i think he by ic chronicle of afterwards joined a all this crime and might i have prevented had i locked the money in the now for this event my to the court as at this time was full pleasant but in fo far as others were concerned in it completely there was much to tell much to hear when i of taking the veil no one to hear me many people came and went among the was the king of s who came and did not go he was and could play well on the harp and to my great me if i would have him to my i no i was the bride of heaven and dared not to think
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of an earthly â it would be fin she that was nothing i had taken no vows and was as yet but i knew i had taken a vow in my heart as as if before the at the altar i told her not in general that i could not nor would not wherefore was on no wife to be blamed for that bade the king to talk to me a band oi thieves by ic chronicle of but it fell that ere he returned from the i had the grace of a few hours to and the end of my was that my be all or nothing to me that my word would not be worth an egg if i kept it not to him none had it to be pledged that there was much peace and much profit to be hoped for if my life were hidden with in god that he could help me and that he would help me through all trials if fo be i gave wholly to him and that i could and that i would therefore the king when he had of me found me firm as a rock and after all that could be on the matter as well as any one could it he came to a then the king i never knew fo a mind go on thy way rejoicing heavenly angels be thy noted thou be among our holy women and for all thou in thy too great of the of an unmarried woman s life be it needs not in thy to be fo but may be quite for you may help me in my greatly i have of high and holy work that none but one fo pure fo gentle fo by ic chronicle of led as can do and i wit thou wilt do it well for me my what could i do but his hand and then away to the chapel and kneel down before the altar happy happy to wit that in giving wholly unto god i might yet be to and find favour with the king by ic book v the king a company of into the north to demand of the of who had found refuge in the of the loan of the book and in pledge thereof he his holy ring and golden with gems for the to have and hold until that he the book were the time and place convenient i would now relate the dangers met with by the way and the number of days their journey they back at length unto the royal and with them brought the book which the humbly prayed that the king of his mercy would neither dog s ear nor now the king being that the book was at we uke this on s authority if at all by ic chronicle of hand did and the matters he was then engaged in and for the queen and for me that we his might partake he the of that afternoon and much of following in contemplating with us the and devices which had taken the good of twenty and two years to execute now when i what good might in very deed amount to i my own attempts as as the king could do â he had never made merry with them again and with much zeal and application i to copy as many of the and letters in the book as time would allow in colours of and green and violet and yellow and and gold for the had learned the art of preparing gold for the illumination of and the way he did it was this he filed the gold very finely it in a mortar with the he could get which proved to be some wine my loved mother had made of her â i e by ic chronicle of own grapes and to the king but we never did her to wit what it came to and it turned black he poured it forth then he added unto it or which it and made it fit for ufe for he was clever in little things he how to prepare much better than i had done and his method with the was this he let it lie by the of three days under lime then it it well on either then dried it and fl it of what colour it liked him it me to wit how all things be done things it me not to do about this time my father brought to our royal lady queen of and then returned after a while to his duty on king who was he accompany him to rome his royal was meantime to remain in the of her brother king alfred thus we had two queens at court which people thought one too many alfred the king was always very kind unto his own and and thus it fell that his er lived upon him k by ic chronicle of many a day and when the troubles of the country became no unto him for this queen was one of who while for ever giving out that they are nobody are yet always to be treated like the king at length her to go into a and i am thankful to it was not mine that is to my had no need to fear the that could not fail to be made between her and the queen of there being as much difference between them as between and cord for whereas my had always been of excellent beauty there was now no woman e unto her for in or about the court and whereas the queen of hair was of yellow and rather s was of the brown and a marvel for length and for the greater let it down to its full length confined only by a of pearls but more commonly put it up in like of in the
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whence the king would cord is remarkably and a x rd excellent by ic chronicle of i i call her the woman of the locks and whereas the queen of s eyes were of a cold grey colour and too prominent s were blue with round about and whereas the queen of did nothing from to night but and talk like the was ever caring for others and whereas the queen of always loved to be helped to the always helped her to the and whereas the queen of was full unto her brother and loved him as her own foul it came to that the king wearied a little of his and loved his wife exceedingly now by of this queen s coming to and taking fo much upon her it naturally that i my place a little not only as woman at court but in the thoughts of the king and of the queen and thus my approaching to be the chief thing talked of alfred the king was minded to build and a noble for at and to make in this of the of we â we fee a feminine by ic chronicle of me the thereof but the which was to be of would take long to and moreover he was rather of money wherefore he and my father thought it good that i become at abbey in which is to st or as we in the vulgar tongue st the mothers and amounted but to twenty and were had in reputation as well for the of their rule and their as for their handling of the needle and their in making wherefore i was taken thither by my good father to do the to wit of my intentions we were three days on the road and one night at the holy mother received us right was at the honour and wealth about to be conferred on her add to which as i have learned the arrival of a new face in a religious is as that of an angel we of the in the chapel the abbey which flood aloof from the town and on a little formed by the of two rivers was on piles of oak and by that the built of timber like by ic chronicle of ground would not bear the weight of and was by many and the chapel had till of late been of and for lack of to the windows the and had been to fly in and out and and to build their within the roof i returned with my father to to await needful forms i a couple of by the road a making of a gate the whereof lay on the ground and i noted that as much of the wood was prepared to lie under the ground as above it for the greater then remembered i s homely and was a little troubled that i had indeed but the of a at the king s palace gate were gathered many men and and one of our own up unto my father the lady hath arrived then my heart rejoiced for that my ed mother who had made the journey by had reached the royal and when i her loved face with the deep lined marks of her late pains on it that were no pains now i felt that heaven had her dear life and by ic chronicle of unto my vow and i was ready to yield up a willing alfred the king looked grave but yet kind when he me and faith he thou taken the now and wilt not i think fall back i he would not think highly of me if i did then or ever my father returned unto king which he very did we had a little of family before we parted for ever for i his face no more very bitter was our together but my mother was a very woman and would on no account put a block in my path by her i wonder even now that they not my a little earlier nor it a little more than it to me they did after all i was very young and tender alfred the king had other on his mind it fell one day that i was a capital g with gold and with and with purple when he came and me overlooking me i thought that he was again making merry at my she was living in the time of who of her in terms of high by ic chronicle of and was about to him what fault he was now finding when i heard him give a deep and looking up he was not thinking of my work in any wife but of afar and me look up he faith woe is me my i not if to any good i have as yet been born the land is full of â what have i done nothing the land is full of â what have i done nothing the land is fuu of ignorance and fo is its king and what have i done nothing woe is me â i all men love you my king he but i for i know be done and i know not how to do it nor what it is ho the happy man that ever had a hanging over his head by a and yet fo it always is with me and he groaned in and turned away another time we were riding at a breathing pace through the green when we heard a behind the to his fellow thou not thy cap unto the king and the other made na i for as comely as he is wi s blue an white see alfred s by ic chronicle of teeth he s as as a an up poor an they do but is fox tail i fe none of then the king to me under
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his breath bitterly so all men love me i am a is mine my i did but to keep them from notorious lying and violence and taking of by a few examples and they i hang men for one for another then i and that of all men kings are born to trouble as the fly upward and i pitied him in my heart i that nothing including worldly pomp royal beauty of felicity can give entire peace which cannot be found out of nor yet in but only in god i did not yet apprehend this perfectly as about this time alfred the king returned the book to the of offering them twenty hides of land with men and belonging if they would part with it but they would not as they alleged its value to be above therefore they returned him his and holy ring this on no authority than that of which we by ic chronicle of about this began the doctrine of newly brought over from france to be much about and among us to me it the people of that land needs like the of old be ever running after new thing as not many years back they took up the religious of images and thought to bring us unto it we would not unto them there are among them that fable a place where the of them that were neither bad nor good as though of any but the and are to be kept until that the prayers of the living them free i can only that it will be a bad day for england when are allowed to creep in and among us they will for that we are too wanting in and too fond of our neighbours i hope it will not be in the time of me they not be in this if i can help it need not repeat is none at all the book b one of the relics in the department of the by ic chronicle of now the time of my as drawing nigh my women were bu in making me the given number of white and i divided among them as as i could â my pale and dark and all the of the gay coloured i no longer want for and of attire is the rule of the religious life my white double the price of the coloured and were more trouble to make for there were certain folds in the wide i was minded to have fitted with much for the greater grace which my maidens much trouble and tears whereupon my mother s woman was heard to there was trouble in fitting a bride than a would fain have all the credit to and when the younger woman tried the fitting and it was heard to young people are wonder wife now a days and yet i have been thought to know a from a now s was that i enjoy as much world s as in the little time me remained whereas i and my mother me in it that i by ic chronicle of partake of nothing that interfere with my there was a the in and a full brief one the which my heart on as as it could have done on any of the world this was my looked for journey to st s in company of the king and the queen who were minded to fee me to the and who i thought would afford me even and dearer than even my father had done and i that the of this journey its and and my naturally being in my companions thoughts blinded me no little to the beyond but mark how things turn out my mother was too feeble for the journey alfred the king was detained at court by and he to the of the to the i could have to go with me i ventured to name this unto the king he why alas how hard a matter it is when why is to give a answer i did not and the matter as it was by ic chronicle of now was in her heart to go with me at one day s journey nothing could her so a company of was appointed and the queen thinking it fair to be a party and being no ways minded to keep with my mother of going and returning with truly this would have all and if he had had the feeling would not have thought to between the parting embraces of two dear happily gave it up partly alfred the king went not partly that her hair always with much riding in the wind let her it ever fo much with honey and thus my loved and i had not the trouble of her company i will not much of my parting with my mother it could not fail that we weep fore i dried mine eyes as as i could whoever you are now a reading this book you cannot need to be told that great was at st s by the arrival of the queen who thought fit to go with me the whole way all that day there was and the day following commenced my by ic chronicle of three days retreat which i bore better than i had looked for that is more brave like but i think not much to my good for my thoughts were all in tumult then i and we all went to the queen had received the king s by a then i in white flood the chapel door and knocked the and holy mother what i wanted i made that i to be admitted as into the community they let me in and led me up unto the altar then the cut off a lock of my hair and me and gave me a i and went away quite at noon departed in going up unto
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the altar i had heard one unto my what a beautiful which i tried not to attend to nor remember but how weak and wrong a thing to let me hear an at a moment for doth not a dead fly taint the box of precious and my devotion was at that moment as poured forth at my s k t thus we add to one another s and to one another s when had departed the holy by ic chronicle of mother me into her chamber and told me in detail the rule of the while was yet one tapped at the door and come in and proceeded with her a entered who down within the chamber and continued in that until the holy mother had brought her to a which did not but rather drew out now i had continually kneel unto the king and to the queen and unto mine own father and mother but had never known them thus left long together without being to and the of the fight was accompanied by for the who appeared feeble in body and frequently changed colour the holy mother at length thou daughter whereupon the from off her knees approached the holy mother again ed the hem of her garment and then delivered trifling this little occurrence went much to the heart of me i of the authority and dignity of the it is a point whether the saxon were not under a and more primitive rule th n the by ic chronicle of without doors as how that a was from the of the having in authority within her and taking her feat in the great council of the nation but i had neither beheld nor conceived the extent of her rule over her nor the amount of of body will and thought of every foul within it for i had been bred up by an aunt who was an or as we in saxon yet the children in a fee of the interior lives wherefore my introduction to it was new and to me the holy mother had concluded her when the bell rang us to the chapel where i was ware of twenty pair of round eyes gazing at me after prayers came and i found that my was to be kept as a kind of though there was but a humble after all the had and only the holy mother and i had indeed mortification was their rule but they willing to depart too all they could as faith he helped him to the wooden by ic chronicle of though it were but a bone my feat was next the holy mother which i took for a recognition of my rank i learned it was only i happened to be the only being permitted there attempt at general but it proved fo dull that i was glad when the bell for then we all formed in and with flow and heads proceeded to a read the prayers and we made while candles were lighted before different then we remained awhile in meditation very and then one of the read a then the holy mother us the brought in the keys and laid them on the altar o holy father us this night from all evil then we each the floor and proceeded orderly and in the dark each to our own cell there having knelt in prayer each again ed the ground i am and to i return then and lay down father son and holy to you i commend my by ic chronicle of i could neither nor weep nor even think a tight cord tied my heart there was one wherefore i lay awake and and at dead of night i heard along the gallery two and two were on their way to the chapel to the hour at four in the morning we we went in to the chapel we an on our knees in meditation the bell rang for after this we our milk bread and a white ill made were placed on a table without a cloth each had a cup and each maintained one read aloud after i was about to go and my hands but was and told i leave of a i was moved in i gave no token thereof many a lies under the water then we went to our appointed duties to their needles to their books to their to unto the poor my lay in the it by ic chronicle of was the of alfred the king that i n a competent knowledge of latin it being indeed very much his will that the church prayers not be in the vulgar tongue he would have had all men pray not only with the lips but with the therefore it was that i with his and the holy mother s applied diligently unto the thereof and i the aid of the king s place my new teachers very poorly yet by uncommon application on mine own part i if not well as though i never attained unto writing latin with purity yet my in it that of any woman i know to nothing of many a of that fort whom the king is wont to call now in this t i found and have continued to find all my life that the labour brings its own reward as faith the wife king if thou incline thine ear unto and apply thine heart to yea if thou after knowledge and up thy voice for if thou her as by ic chronicle of and for her as for hid then thou the fear of the lord and find the knowledge of god and this of application brought it to that the hours i in the became the of my day and i even learned to love the death like only broken by the of the the window and the from any more interruption in the middle
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it might be of a difficult the prayer bell would ring and after prayers came dinner and after dinner the hour of when it was to note after what various and child like the would all under the holy mother s eye and in her hearing too â and if ihe heard a word thought and they were many the was which for the of the i never have been for for it was no to me at the hour s end the bell twice then each down repeated and ave maria and returned to her allotted duty and then my real began for j literally eye hole by ic chronicle of if i returned not unto the i applied at the will of the king and of the holy mother to the of church which as and in this abbey was i for it exceeding bad in king alfred s royal chapel i had been to have my foul lifted as unto heaven while as faith to the great organ with a the ear being by the windy while the in the gilt the fingers had me much with their holy after the of john the who brought the roman method of into our and i learned many of their by ear and could finger them on the organ and i regretted that there was no better method of marking the time to the characters that the notes than that derived from the quantity of over them for be uttered and long drawn out even as long as the breath will without making the finger red in the or to an abrupt and to this i e en invented a way for mine own ufe by ic chronicle of which alfred the king laughed at and yet had good in it to wit the words beneath of above the notes and placing above each note a to how long the finger hold his breath whether while one might deliberately count one two three or four and this invention i was fully in mine own mind would greatly improve the of and i be i to impart it to my but meanwhile it was that i it a little more wherefore i took every afforded me by the holy mother which was chiefly of an afternoon to the of all i could and it commonly fell that as i was beginning to remembrance of things and and was to heaven s gate like a lark the bell would ring then the of the round went on in one day i a hundred now the night of my s life though i could not i could weep i with her little child in her arms its tiny hands and pulling her hair over her face and my pale mother by ic chronicle of grave like fitting by and looking on as if ihe noted them not but were thinking of me then i wept and wept and thought of s remember thou taken no vows as yet thou only to enter the community and i was fore then while as i lay weeping i minded me of bringing the news of my mother s and of my going into the king s chapel before and a vow to a willing unto the lord if fo be my mother s life might be and as as i me of this my foul was no more but i yielded to a quiet peace and my hands on my and fell on next day i was into the of the holy mother she bade me give up any little and i might have about me that might keep up remembrance of the world without i gave up one or two little love tokens i had hoped from their i might retain but there was one i affirm and declare by whatever is that i remembered not at the time nor indeed had on my to wit that lock of king by ic chronicle of alfred s hair which was cut off the time of all that ever he came unto our and which i had with one of s and now was as a book mark i declare i remembered it not afterwards i thought it was too late the time was gone by it would fo and to produce it the holy mother would think i had kept it back of which i had not â i had clean forgotten that word whatever thou about thee â and i had it not about me so there could be no fin i would it to the next time and do as he bade me yet as it fell i in very deed it that time only to remember it again afterwards fo that it became a unto me then i hid away the but i where it was had i had to fire or candle i would have it and fo i fretted and was for my fin and at told of it with tears and truly i had forgotten it at and i keep it now or give it up to my great and relief the he was very old and indulgent though not very clever to take little heed about it and i might keep it oh the by ic chronicle of led joy of that it was not that i cared o much in very deed about the book mark it was the token of i loved as that it had been the of fin unto me and i thought that the holy mother had been the of that fin by of me that god would not have required bearing this occurrence in mind i have ever been very with the young committed to my keeping quick to deceit even about trifles but gentle with them and not for why we each other s are they not already heavy enough â there were a few illuminated and in our library to
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which i was allowed and a named was in this art and gave me much fo that i became in the execution of delicate and ornamental letters when i had this art months i happened to obtain a view of the i had illuminated for king alfred which he had lent unto the holy mother and alone as i was in the my cheeks were warmly when i beheld what performances i in by ic chronicle of my folly and ignorance had before the king what could he and he have thought of them and how was it he laughed no more were that troubled me greatly at i was more heartily for having been guilty of a folly than i might do for a fin i took heart and to be a good even yet he that and not his pace tlie week of my new as though it never would end my neck grew to the collar at and the zeal with which i applied unto my took for the all of and my life and labour of the brain my health the holy mother took grief for if i died before my what would become of the goodly that were to be to the moreover was well towards me none the fo for my being the queen s though no of that worldly were made no account of within abbey me fall by ic chronicle of i needed not to be into the the of the rule in my and me to exchange the too employment of my pen for a certain of in her garden even this was little enough for one that had been to fo much in the open air and i paced the narrow walks amid the flower beds i in my mind whether women god more for being up like birds in and whether when i came to be i might not in this any wife the rule now while i was at my pen the were at their needles their was a very miracle for and as it was much in in the world without and brought no gain unto the abbey they were to work garments of empty pride in colours which i thought ent with their for had they not by their own examples borne the and the of this world the the and the fine linen and had they not adopted of a a and of well hair by ic chronicle of led and i was nigh to of much and bathing a great indifference to the application of water sorry am i to it but fo it was never have i yet been able to why to the heart unto god we go with hands never could i fee the peculiar of st s of wearing his boots day and night for months together till they dropped his feet nor was there anything i admired in queen of and our patron faint than her wearing none but under garments and rarely a hot bath things of be approached with reverence and there may be very improving in dirt though i have never been able to find it but on the contrary have always endeavoured to among the poor that unto me for an that was next to to a certain extent it was to the who fine linen or they would have their work a new pattern was to them a thing of infinite moment this i by in later times we find patterns for a s by ic chronicle of and tracing for them figures of angels men and women hunting and c the which they with their minute in the manner i think the garment that made to fin could have been than of the robes which they worked but they were too to be able to depart from what was down for them in any wife without in difficulty alas for the poor they were more like grown children than i had that women might be the evening that i abode among them i had a moving of the to which they were during time a was to on the floor and trace the form of the with her tongue for having betrayed of impatience when one of the mothers her for having her work by her finger and while i was at heart and could not forbear glances at the holy mother who immovable fate the others only among and had no touch of for her the poor by ic chronicle of when i thus noted day by day how and were my allotted companions to my lot whom i had from the of holy the deep of our and the of alfred the king i was within at the thought of becoming like my who only to my devotion my walk with god became and languid i it with tears unto the he the and and after all concluded with bidding me look forward to my new abbey the had indeed not yet been laid but an hope however gives the foul a and in my mind i it already and and glazed with loud bells and deep organ and beheld the taking of the of in the great council and ruling a community of holy and high born all all all meek adorned with teeth like ornaments or the word though only to wooden buildings was in common to by ic chronicle of and all profoundly attached unto then i and me how we would relieve the poor the the ignorant entertain noble travellers to foreign parts and be well reported of all then i in my mind that at the time my in of of mercy was but i not the properties of like nor to wounds like nor to ufe the vein knife like my mother nor to drinks like wherefore i made prayer unto the holy mother that i might take my turn in the which readily granted
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i found two or three trifling and one that was like to be of long time to the great trial of patient and to wit an called who i think was as great a as the of barking that was bound in the bonds of nine years till at length her bones would hardly hold together is it not in the of this poor was as as and her frame fo as that i could lift her with and were her by ic chronicle of patience and that i unto her ill love and found no greater than in unto her night and day and whereas her former were wearied out and had grown at being of their they were thankful to be quit of their charge and exchanging help that was for help that was proffered in love conceived for me a deep and grateful and to take a new of life it proved to be but a blaze of the in the now of this poor i will no more than that was a s daughter for it was our rule to hold no with each other concerning our lives wherefore in like manner knew no more of me than that i was to the queen however ihe made out as was no hard matter that i was of cheer and took to the wherefore at her pains and gave her a little ihe angel like of the cares and temptations of this world and its duration and the long duration of the heaven and how little it would matter when once we had attained unto it and our by ic i o chronicle of lord in the face through what we had to reach it except indeed that every tear would be another pearl in our crown and told me that when found for a fight of the green fields thought how gay and would be the fields of glory and when for the blue thought how blue would be the of heaven and when for dear faces and old friends how there have them for ever and ever many new ones as well or better worth knowing hearing her thus i became or indifferent to my late and lived to fee me take the white veil and then departed in peace without need of the by the pope to procure her a happy death for which the holy mother had to rome i looked out of window as her happy fled to fee was there a trail of glory but there was nothing of the fort nor yet any audible found of and yet i believe went to heaven for all that now as touching the white veil which had it not been for i might never have taken at all in of the fo by ic chronicle of i i pointed was i of what i had looked for in a life the holy mother for me one day while was in the body and hard with her enemy and my mind was fo pre occupied with her and mine eyes fo to the darkened room that the light of the gallery to me the holy mother did me to wit that the king and the queen had heard of my tender to the and were moved that they and me beyond what they had ever done before i entered the and were to their uncommon of my by coming to fee me take the white veil that i was a light upon an hill that could not be hid and to the fame purport which with earthly pride and human vanity elated the mind that on entering the holy mother s chamber had been on far better things the end was that at that moment i felt no to engage for all that was of me and the preparations which thereupon immediately for the approaching filled the whole abbey with and made me fee faces wherever i went every one now was fo m by ic chronicle of kindly towards me that it as if hitherto a cloud had been between me and them which had prevented me from their merit whereas i believe a gleam of a of a dull would have been the better image even the a little ere away into the of light took an innocent in the of my and the of my hair which would down with her thin hand and to her i would in her face whenever our eyes met fo that i even to to be more light of heart but then came my nine days retreat in and falling which brought my foul more acquainted with than ever it had been yet i think if it had been ever fo little more i have gone mad the was fo heavy as it was i had dreams and and waking of good and bad angels and many unutterable things fo that i could forbear aloud at length came a dull fit of waiting and counting the days and the hours that divided me from and then a heavy i was awakened by the by ic chronicle of holy mother in her voice told me the king and queen had arrived and the was ready to me and then i and in the parlour oh it was no joy with which i greeted my the king so you hold on to the end and i knew from his look and tone that he i do fo in very deed and would have been fore amazed and troubled had i given any of wavering from that moment i took my part and played it oh how gay was our how the night that followed it awake i had been dreaming and when i might as well have dreamed i could not the holy mother on my attire before i entered the royal had thou wilt the queen s heart dear daughter if how pale thy cheeks have
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with thy poor and would have touched them with a little a thing i looked not for in a though i dared not her with my lips mine eyes did fo in fo plainly that thou art red now we will let nature hold her own â and her hand by ic chronicle of led that night the king told me more of the current affairs of the realm during the year than the holy mother would have recommended my hearing but who unto a king what thou wherefore i had matters to my mind upon for many a day and i am that the of moving takes our thoughts from too intent and too about petty troubles the being all fo without any was to how happy you all here were i not a queen i would fain be a and the king eating our which indeed were very delicate if you holy ladies are always eating good things no marvel you are fo fat and well liking if indeed â i have often thought of their there were certain law deeds and certain of the portion of lands allotted to me unto the abbey but the part was kept back till i take the black veil after the king and the queen had retired unto the chamber i remained kneeling before the until the at day cakes by ic chronicle of break i received the holy communion then i was as a bride and the queen adorned me with jewels and my hair with the comb had in my childhood when mine eyelids quiver me and thou art quite worn out dear child by thy tending of that poor then my led me to the of the altar then we non then the my s and cut off a large of my hair then i retired into the carrying my habit and i was clad in it and my hair cut round then i returned carrying my late garments which after an the appointed i trampled on before the altar then the me and gave me a and a the of the day was given to mine was taking to the of the poor who looked on her with great reverence and and certain words which the queen aid in after time he never forgot when the king the queen the and all the gay train had departed i in my new habit returned to the where by ic chronicle of the poor now lay in one of her feeling my hot tears drop on her face her eyes and gazing on me with an like love and gratitude faith sweet angel but i for was a weeping but this was my place i held unto her till died and returned to the and completed for king alfred a copy of the of st john the reading whereof for the time was to my foul s immortal good i to find therein no word of nor nor of the life and thereof unto the but he st john s was a very good and profitable as far as it went but wanting in many particulars i find in the other so i took his word for it having no help for it and learned of st john all i could till i had attained unto the of the other which occurred not until i had taken the black veil and then though i found therein no warrant for the i had no help for it and was forced to hope that though they it not they would not have forbidden it now this my being of a far by ic chronicle of execution from the formerly mentioned gave the king great and he it to be in a golden with precious which he was after all but a poor for fo rich a the page was in gold on a pale ground the in gold on a dark blue ground this labour occupied nearly the of my year s and there being then no whether or no i i took the vows with all the privacy and belonging my nine days retreat found me in a and more of mind than when i was wavering between one and another i as before death unto the and received the day was in by the of the great bell muffled as if i were in very deed dead then high the and altar all in black while the was a the mothers and drew nigh the each bearing a lighted i on a black cloth mine arms extended as if on a during the a a copy of the that belonged to by ic chronicle of for the dead then the removed my white veil and i retired into the where my head was then my head was covered and i returned unto the who my black veil and my the holy mother produced the with my vows which repeated in a low voice only to be heard by the and he holding the before me to the very of to whom i was now giving for ever then i the on my knees and the holy mother it and then the covered me the black veil and gave me the and i the holy mother s feet and we non i was called mother this was another and a very awful one in my life i was not yet nineteen years of age but i to have left the world many years sometimes that appeared a dream this but i to all i could only that what were meant for my helps my and now and then the question do we love the more for the world through a black veil however while we continue in the body the veil in by ic chronicle of many things remain on our hearts the world will look enough when we come to leave it my experiences as they were were exchanged
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for of another fort by the of the holy mother she was of middle age hale and hearty but one day ate too freely of a raw which full well her could not bear well we all have our temptations and we know we are not to abide here for ever and ihe had the ufe of the that came from rome too late for it her not from and wherefore i no great by the fame when it came into my made a of it to one who thought more of it and who on any wife is the happier for it while whatever it may give her at her death in unto my i found in the late holy mother s place there was indeed none other among the fo well born fo well endowed with goods nor fo generally beloved and i had always i by ic chronicle of eventually be of but there were fo many elder women than i who had been a long time in the that i was taken at unawares and much at my new though free and authority i found unprepared and gave much unto prayer five were at my which was very and in private they favoured me with the of their own experiences on many matters of which i found profitable others not the offered me their homage with a that was genuine enough for they concluded from my youth and they enjoy to their rule i the of days and nights in retreat fading praying and and having at length made out my future i proceeded to work it out in the manner i record in my next book which i am be my and wherein i have moving to relate touching our from great danger by alfred the king by ic book vi hâ n i in my mind how a thing is life it we need not to be in fo great a hurry as we often are to get over the points between one period of it and another here had i been impatient enough i to find of and now that i was of i found taken by therefore it was that for days i up in retreat bearing in mind that great require great preparations even though habitual be not a wanting there be with and our maker with which our friends not in this my retreat feelings as i had not known when i took the white and black and i found by ic chronicle of my thoughts and taking quite a new bent and the movements of my will tending quite another way until i my whole internal being change the and amount of which i was not fully of at the time nor i think have ever been till now that i come to look back from this i had no more dreams and and with enemies i found i was awake and felt i be doing it was dinner time and on a day when i left my retreat and took the s place at table every eye was fixed on me it fell that day that our was not with the care i made no comment but ate thereof and without egg to which the others helped the turn it was to read delivered to us the life of the who lived upon bread and milk and i was after had come to an end without that all had when becoming aware that from me was a i with ejaculated the s grace thanks be to god for my good dinner and by ic chronicle of immediately noting thereupon a general if not on the lips yet in the eyes of all i looked at them and with great and determination repeated let us thank god for our good dinner and then pronounced the latin every eye before mine then i went to the late s cell which i intended to make mine own and i dire that the feather bed with and all that belonged be carried into the for the ufe of the with mine old hard without either or then i went into the holy mother s parlour where there were many papers to be read and and therein i found things that liked me and that liked me not while thus with a fire of burning on the hearth one tapped at the door and at my bidding came in and humbly on the ground i daughter and got off her knees and with many drew nigh unto me and the hem of my garment i concluded great matter was in hand but it was to by ic chronicle of tell me of an intolerable in her cell which had long thought her health i told her might exchange it for the cell i had left and fo continued my affairs next day this name was anew and with that in her new cell there was a draught my holy that was enough to blow her head ofi i regarded her keenly but remembering to have heard her once complain of the i told her that might remove my bed into my old cell and have the s cell the now thought they had only to and have and next to inform me that was quite her hand for and that we had better eat daily than that her cunning to that or be on and in addition to eggs and and that we have gaudy the saxon do not to have adopted new names on their we read in of c good a saxon female name by ic chronicle of days on other and unto this i would not incline mine ear no not for a moment and thereafter i began to unto them that was no proof of to their obedience i kept them up and i like of to certain it had been well for me had i only applied to
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i was but young yet i have that the barbarous of the had all along been very grievous unto me being very little removed from the of cats i now took them to on this matter and told them how it was to devotion but my was only received with looks i was to carry this matter through and being gifted with an harmonious voice and a competent knowledge of i made ufe of the holiday to call the together and give them a little i was fore let as well by their as in upon my on her bringing forth a note which i was within her would flatter and flatter by ic chronicle of and at the let fly her voice with that it cracked and produced a that in of forth into laughing when was heard of all the my heightened colour were fore there was no other portion for than dry and a dark cell but it was not that my wrath was and upon my her very warmly for her fo rebellious and violent that for the of common order and i was to put her in bonds by force was removed into a dark cell all the way thither and on the eye bread and water was her diet it was day too our was eaten and i within my chamber to in of on broken rule and authority i was all and ignorance but i where was all and and was when lo i heard a horn wind the gate alfred the king had come down to the of the and had ridden by ic chronicle of over to fee how i and give me greeting never was word more i received him with tears in mine eyes he and would wit why they were a thereupon we had a long which was of the moment to me in the of mine after life he thought me much to be blamed than i thought indeed forth into laughing when he heard the origin of the offence he admitted the were grievous and be to clear he i needed no clearing i the to do him to wit of all had happened her fears had her cheeks and her mouth as tight as a button by of which when had departed the king can that girl ever laugh i could hardly take her own word for it thereafter the was brought into his trembling like an leaf fo as that her guards were little wanted the king looked as grave as though he were in the he i had no knowledge until now how hard a woman could hit thou have thy and n by ic i chronicle of rather have helped me fight the it is to me alfred that any born a woman within her heart find it to give of to one fo young o gentle and fo worthy of all honour as this holy mother i alfred have known her ever was a child and know no one a woman born fo worthy to be loved her own my wife believe me ye are favoured among women to have a mother for your genius and acquired learning nay i not to all this and who is not only holy but not only learned but who good offers of marriage that might wholly give to heaven and fame for and book is beginning to be abroad in foreign parts to conclude i alfred king am fully in my own mind that if ye will but give wholly and with one heart unto the of your holy mother there is little of your becoming the famous not alone in england but in to nothing of the more eminent among you being hereafter and to further and promote by ic chronicle of this end it but that ye obedience unlimited good holy continual piety and take heed unto your you at the door commonly known as or the good i have your holy mother who is long and to overlook this once your on condition of and a week s entire and now let us to prayers the king went with us to and loudly and cheerily i did my to imitate his example the poor like in a but more than and the was very and to us all then the king ordered his to be brought i not now on the board and lodging for three days you owe me for that parcel of land and he to e our and as he departed fo that i only could hear farewell i now return to er and â i e a common condition under the saxon kings when the were the only places of reception for by ic i o chronicle of tell i left your face two inches than i found it my good little you have been early in authority over an community but be brave be be and all will be well the king departed leaving a and behind him like as we find in the green woods and air and it much for him to fo well of me in hearing of my and from this time there was nothing among them but and obedience shortly there arrived from the king a of and for the ufe of the who would apply to write but i grieve to that after much trouble there was not one among them that attained unto the pen of a ready writer this is no a gift from above it comes not to all therefore i was fain to let them apply unto that for which they truly to have capacity to wit their needles rather than to labour painfully at that for which they had no true as about this time departed holy and went to glory verily he was a and iron pens by ic chronicle of faintly man if ever there was one he was born to rule and
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might have worn a crown he would not left the world be too great a unto him yet and if all our good men were to up what manner of rulers we have ruled the ruler ever and anon even after his death as will be related hereafter he took the at times rome and in a one feature of his was notable he would try to out the qualities of his brethren and unite them all in as the of one the patience of another he might have found them all in our lord but now come i to our great and dreadful peril the under who had abode in cambridge by the of twelve months now prepared for as the manner of their nation is by up their with dreadful their words their and hither and thither like fo many mad creatures it might very well have been that this would take place fo as the fighting commenced we according to by ic chronicle of our wont had the danger while it was a little way off and fate by our apples and drinking hot ale all the winter and if any one ventured to remark the are coming the only he had for his pains was oh they are are they â only let them i and fo we went on in this of for why god help who were fo little troubled to help and the king now and then thought he do but not how he do it and it came to the entered into their and fail for i remember it was st s eve â i was looking forth of my at the two days old moon and the great planet a above him as it were a s â â when i became ware of a fierce red light from village anon a s horn at our gate and the tells me a poor immediate of me fo i unto him evil he was a rough the saxon moon was by ic chronicle of all with and thus unto me he â at i my flocks to fold i on the top of the and looked the then i what a little white cloud no bigger than my hand a from the fail were in the fun at length i counted thirty then fled i to give alarm but my knees trembled and my tongue to the roof of my mouth the gathered to look out but what could they do some fled inland to the wail fame to drive oflf their to carry their wives and their children to the meantime landed the they like bees they the like they not their ranks they went forward every man on his ways with his over his head like the of a flame of fire that the fl was the hum of their voices they and before them not a handful of or but whole herds and flocks to feed thereof by of their cattle hence our milk maids their cows by calling â cap cup by ic chronicle of numbers the land gathered the r burned our and all the that were therein next they will come to the and the abbey and now holy mother take thought what you do for who hall deliver you out of their hands i go and me my land and let all that are in and all that are and all that are frightened come within our as as they can and we will do our for one another then i gave him a and a drink of warm ale for his foul was fainting within him and his returned unto him and he went forth and the bell rang us to night prayer so as the keys were laid on the altar and the were in their i me into the chapel and lay down on my face before the altar and prayed hard and wept fore and i ah lord god have mercy on us have mercy on thy people england and this time what is the difference between a people that and a people that not come among us and with great might us there is none that for us but a by ic chronicle of only thou o lord i wherefore the where is now their god before the next morning the poor people came unto us with a few and cattle with only a pig or an or a couple of with only the clothes on their backs to take within the not that there was much to be within them for our as i have was chiefly and at the mercy of the brand but it made a fort of point the being already over full and of the in lone and huts had a notion enough that the would reverence holy ground others more thought god would care for his own and be our of defence others had pity for us and to make common and fight for us along with their own wives and children and thus it fell that the with round about our which might be as it were an half acre that a yoke of oxen might plough was of women children and live while without the on the only that dawn j by ic chronicle of had no natural defence from the of the two rivers the men drew up and ill armed enough but to a man and ready to die at their ere an evil happen unto us but what were they fo many and how i that the lord s would be to deliver us out of the hands of the heathen any more than he had delivered any of the all along the i thought of and how the was before the altar the prior in the the prior in the only a little child to tell the tale i thought of with its abbey and its library the
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glory of the age for fifteen days a burning the and all i thought of the of who their faces that they might the who indeed fled away to a man but not before they had fire to the and burned every foul alive and now here were very headed by the chiefs and matters and in cruelty and within our fight and even our hearing for we could catch the faint rumour as of the yelling of a pack of fox by ic chronicle of hounds in far off and now and then a s and a long cry and this all the blood hounds and wolf hounds within our ready to their throats and their and the oxen and the and the and the wailing and the mothers weeping and there had been room for them in the latter i gave in charge to the to and comfort and thereby divert their thoughts from their own a little for in they were fore and many a white and many a black veil was quivering with fears that could not be i bade them be much in prayer for i on the wall right over the gate and prayed at my receiving news ever and anon from and now and then my prayer for the help of god with a for a little more help of man for i could not help noting with of heart that not a fighting man had come to our aid but as were under my own all the having at the which truly could make a better defence but which therefore was all the by ic chronicle of led in need of them such are men whom we women fo often love more than we love god but mark the the fell i the flew all the that were therein they thereby obtained the command of the whole country round about and the brought news that after for a while and the and they were to march upon us one wail â who can wonder even turned red and then white i have always forgotten to find a convenient place for that my father having been on a to me at the time our land died i had to great advantage and mine own made him his we now together on the wall anon we fee a great and the glitter of and the were in a thicket we were all praying hard within and without the but it the will of god we be still i bare in mind that it was as to him to by few as by many the moment as the by a rumour among the or by the breaking of a few by ic chronicle of and i thought is his arm that it cannot may it not be his good to help us but my were fo quickened by the immediate of danger that i think i could have heard a cock crow or have a light a twenty miles off i heard between his teeth i can die for her but that won t her and he looked down the wall and then quickly at me as much as to shall we down headlong together but this was a of the evil one for there were others within the as as and depending on me for and i looked away from him with mine eyes towards the wood whence i each moment to fee the i heard him give a great but the next moment he uttered a loud cry and me by the pointed towards the our eyes with our hands from the rays of the declining fun we could make out a troop of advancing upon us from that as the glimmer of the emerging from the judges vii by ic chronicle of led wood we hemmed in on either i cried aloud heaven help us â but the fame moment his face all a blaze the lord tis the king and fo it was and fo heaven did help us we heard them from afar give three jolly cheers â and did not our men cheer too i can never dwell on that without wet eyes from what a did the king that day work for me and the poor how he and his men laid it on and drove the villain right into and the at his feet they dropped they fell where they dropped down there they lay dead the lean wolf and the hungry rejoiced it was a great a deadly yea they took much prey the king was a mighty wind that the clouds like they rolled from the of the hills and the valleys laughed and how his leaped out of his he loved to defend the weak the field was for miles with and he them back to the merely they the left cambridge for where waa a between the and on all but one here alfred made them on the relics c by ic chronicle of towers that on the rocky banks even here his hand did not leave them nor his right hand to hold them till they ware on his holy ring the ring of the holy then he left them and and returned with his warriors by night and we went forth and and him a of our t â â t â but what cared for wearing on his holy ring yea or on their own which they held much more or for breaking the holy truth which they held not on any wife had they kept it they would have their own nature which was akin to all evil they attacked an party of the king s the very fame night while we were making merry and giving of thanks within doors and making off in the dark they conveyed to whence the king in vain to di lodge them and now commenced the l that england ever knew alas
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my brother would that i could have aided thee or that the of and and had been in thee to know what to do and to do it then after the year of seven battles thou not have been years a fugitive and by ic chronicle of a wanderer on the face of the earth hunted like a on the mountains a like david the of in the thy dwelling with the wild of the field and thy body wet with the of heaven like unto the great king of oh then was fulfilled the dark of that thou be and brought low thy people not what had become of thee and were as lacking a or as from the corn for their and their hope had from the lord his hand was not that it could not but our had between us and our god therefore he removed every as it were a tent that a man up the thereof he tore up our homes as one out of the garden when the mould is wet with dew he gave up the walls of our palaces into the hands of the enemy and let our young men and maidens perish by the we were a very unto our foes and a to that were round about us for this our eyes ran down with water and our cheeks were with weeping the found of the harp and the by ic chronicle of was no more heard the mirth of the land was gone was as as lent and there was no merriment at the remained the apple dropped from the bough the might break the hedges there was no man cared to them the wolves might round our folds there was no man had to them the might prey on the corn there was no one minded to them men fate by the hearth and or like a growl they longed to unite and make head and their thought was where is the king my father was at rome fo my mother took with me how to have a refuge to offer my mother we were in a than when the took us at unawares for our poor had been much repaired and by my and whereas our were better for keeping in than for keeping out the king ere he departed from our gave that a good wall be about us on our indeed this made our dwelling cheerful but far more and the king to by ic chronicle of how he held us to be us heavy with well round them containing i know not what but plate and bags of and goodly we were to have them in charge and they have never been claimed yet about this time the following was much in the mouths of the people â â what thou in the the blue eggs of the what thou in the the blue flowers of the what thou in the the blue eyes of the king what look ye for i th air the path of a what look ye for i th air the of a lark what look ye for i th air the flight of a king s arrow never yet look d i for an eagle in a pit nor for a in a green but yet in a have i a burnt where a king hath his meat thus their very were and their for we were in fo that we were a long while without hearing aught of what was from and the like whom we entreated one day a ragged and with bleeding feet came to the gate to an and he was yet he fell all along upon the earth by of his by ic chronicle of failing him through travel and much we had him into the and i his feet and when his returned unto him i fed him with bread and wine then i fought of him news of the king and thereupon thus he â i was by a few to the king him fought i in we would wit were he alive or we us another king therefore i with hair like a s and i my face and my hands and went ragged and i him into the remote into a land of and and waters but i found not the hare in his form neither the fox in his cover one day an arrow me and a man after a i him anon through the and thought it was the king i followed by on his track he had the on his and he made his way through the down to the edge of a lake there he a and then i followed the banks of the lake till at length i came to a ford i got to the which was all in a of wood many animals of the fort were in it i came by ic chronicle of upon and i and heard the of anon i come to a and fee a woman a goat she was to look on for beauty i knew her to be the queen she carried her within doors into a little cot then i up to the door that was only with a latch i heard one reading it me a book the reader s voice was fo pleasant i would fain have lifted all night then i heard a young infant weeping and the mother checked it and you if you wail fo loudly i will give you to the but its cries with and the reader went on with his book another man s voice now founded and i heard him my king there is little meat on this now i have it then he i now knew for the king made laughing and then you and i my eat the for i i ll hunt no more to day he was then forth fo i
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the latch and begged looked they all and what are we found out here v and the king held with me but i let him not wit who i was i begged by ic chronicle of for a of bread and the king bade the fetch a loaf the we have but one left and this we can the king this poor needs it i am minded that he have half oh that all the wants of my people could be in like manner so he the loaf in twain it was one of the they call and i him once and again i was nigh but did not my thus far was fulfilled i had learnt where abode the king so i towards who had me but fell among thieves by the way there was nothing they found to take from me fo they beat me and left me alone but my was and i think you have my life i was bitter in heart when i found him with his fair wife and his friend in the hunter s but my heart melted when he of his people for i a tear in his eye and within him was made known in his breaking of bread now from what i afterwards learned it appeared that this for he was no returned unto who had him and made by ic chronicle of known unto them where he had found the king whereon they unto him in the royal or of as it was afterwards indifferently called and anew their aided him their to a place of whence they might continually to the sometimes they the better the but on any wife they returned to their which beginning to be of by them that were faithful their party and they made a rough bridge to the on which they two towers meantime news was brought to the king of the movements of the but as the reports agreed not always together he wanted to have more thereof one evening when the days were but cold i was fitting by the light of a fire of when the in without a word a tall dark figure clad in with a harp at his back and holding by the hand a little child five years old with fair hair falling all over her i knew him at once for the king after our greeting he i by ic chronicle of come to put under your our little who is minded to be with you as long as you will keep her and her mother s and mine is that you make her as much like as you can then he down his harp and warmed his hands and dried his hair which was wet with rain and he the time is now come to do and i hope to find how to do it i am bound for the camp i ah my brother go not alone amid fell and not to weep but he and if thou have a thing half done it to thy neighbour if thou have it whole done do it i am weary of my life with doing nothing to for my people and now i will them at a place and lead them to or die i have dreamed of holy who by me and up why thou behold the time is come so fill me a cup of wine my and weep not to break my heart then to cheer me and make me of good courage he told me how brave hearted and had and for all the and of their living in by ic chronicle of how it had been to harbour with her under the green boughs only he i heard my people s cry in mine ears day and night and he told me what pains he had been at to find the place and how he had carried to it on his before i found it he a man found me on the he me who i was and what i fought i told him i the king who had been beaten and i was looking for he took me home to a s cot they gave me food and lodging i abode with them certain days when the name was had his he came in and fate by the fire and with for made i laughed and told him he be a he had been born for a he better be a herd that can herd his than a king that cannot his people if a wolf attacks my pigs i throw at him and him away which is down the king afterwards encouraged him to apply to letters and finally made him of by ic chronicle of more than king alfred does with the one sabbath the man and his would go forth leaving certain cakes well and well a on a pan over the fire and the good me thou s to tend thine arrow an thy fee to t lad t one o t is an turn them to but my thoughts to other matters fled and the were and the coming back like a king and one of mine ears and then the other and couldn t thee the lad thee for t thou to eat them â i bare it meekly only her whether were of kin to the then we of matters unto the kingdom and unto this poor then he took up his harp and to depart you hear good or ill tidings i him the wall and thou us now brother he gave it an look and made oh yes you are now enough it may hap that i you the queen and looking round about him and by ic chronicle of then at me he thou rt but young yet â and without another word rode away the place looked dull in the and then he thought me a blot
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or ere many had came the glad tidings that he had rallied his people in at the of they met a to be much by the news of his taking arms like the people unto him with nothing was to be heard but horns trumpets and the ringing of arms two days continued the on the third the king led them forward he their with his words who can like the king they came at length on the foe and making merry then who tell what they fought beneath the king s eye the arrows flew like then followed the and anon each man was at another with his as a bearer the king in his heat cried see leads us and the cry ran from mouth to mouth what remains to tell the were like the remained the king by ic chronicle of it was a day to be much remembered the king followed hard after them to their and them men from all quarters continued to flock to his the the king the weaker the fourteen days they endured and great famine then their were brought low even the foul of and they for the king s mercy then alfred the king bare in mind his old that he would they were converted than confounded and having on their to his will it be he put them under a brief of preparation and them nigh unto he them to be admitted into the church by the holy waters of he flood for who with thirty chiefs was it was a notable a memorable day for twelve days the i there was joy in heaven over that fight in in the heart of holy the thing was done quickly i had of one of the afterwards who took part in preparing the there was not time he for many we by ic chronicle of them how they might be by we that well into them and let the alone for they were but poor blind thought i ye might have done when and called me to i found building and on all not after the old but good of wood and every and that was was of full employment and good wages and of every were in high and in of the troubled times many came from beyond the and of the king s payment made his integrity of all his credit flood high for even kings are in good or bad credit like the merchants according as they pay their bills and keep their and though there was at the a hard run upon his yet the money and carpenter le tree â even in the century oi pro cured men from france who not only glazed church windows but taught the the art o making for windows lamps drinking c â by ic chronicle of went in a circle and came round again for why the and being paid could in their turns pay for their meat and drink of running up at the ale the and fo forth could pay their and in due without the or out of fight to hide among their people that had buried their money and plate dug it up again and thus as i the coin of the realm was current and the more for being round of ran merrily back into tlie the rolling as it goes this is the true end and of money in which it both and and thus it fell that all his doings being ordered in the fame wife like and the king came of all men to be relied on and the confidence in him became that and at length all the saxon kings round about him voluntarily put in under him and made him in fine head and of all england this over their hearts and minds was dearer to him i than many a over the he conquered the by ic o chronicle of led by the of others he won his brother kings entirely by what he was now the of the of king alfred and the good deeds that he did and the wife laws that he made and the that he is it not all tt down by how he the under in where they turned their into hooks and cultivated the land and would not countenance the of that landed and fought and were beaten thereafter the country had much and the made this that was much by the people â â oh england know thy see the lord hath given thee a good king the feed in the a little child may guard them the girls may go to the wells gold hang on the the com in the for they look to it in winter set up the the running we are at peace and in we the happy ones men the lord the may now up their church plate from the water the may in their the wolf his own fore foot for there are no dead bodies wealth let us god oh england know thy the is in the land of a i thought when was the kingdom of heaven was coming at but no the time was not come well there is by ic chronicle of a too in the little world of our own hearts that will continue there fo long as we are in the body but it with whether to or to him what to alfred the king was twenty and eight years old when he returned unto his kingdom that was ten years and here am i of this poor abbey is being but i doubt very much if i accept the thereof for i have become to mine old quarters though they are gloomy and unto mine old though they are my rule is become popular fo that i have been to many in of the new wing among the comers have been one or two hopeful
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height the old tree is a of great age and great size with curiously curved branches its bark with years and with fine green grey moss it stands forward a little in advance of a wood it is the home of thousands of living things whose separate colonies exist upon it undisturbed except in so far as they prey on one another from the and up above to the of tiny insects on the trunk and the small that among the and at its root it is believed to have other also â who troop out to dance under it by moonlight it is called the tree the ladies tree it is the subject of many day dreams if you could stand under it but it has perished you a noble purpose would have day dreams too then there is a haunted stream flowing round it from a sacred fountain that is the the of the neighbourhood and strange properties of healing the young people of the village are accustomed to lead their dances beneath the favourite tree and hang on its boughs the village priest comes once a year to say mass under it f hard by is an ancient little chapel richer les branches de ce et et pour s l on au d et aye pour le cents qui est de nature n le s en est le pays â de et de de torn ii p t l se d des le cur pour les ann e dire a la â nobly won to the virgin with a little beside it with hands clasped upon her head the young girl stands beneath the suddenly she why the shadow reaches the brook â it must be past and begins to run with all her might towards the village till she meets an old man coming along with a bunch of keys are over cries she in dismay aye aye answered the old his head else i should not be going home why i never heard the bell ring ft because the bell never rang qui s est en un du pays de la on les l d un en des de et â ii iâ a noble purpose ah how had of you exclaimed the girl in disappointment why did not you ring it people who have never tried it don t know how hard bell ringing is said the onward they that want the bell to ring should pay the what a fuss about nothing those who have a mind for prayers will come without the bell and they that want the mind won t come for all the ringing i have a mind to come but how can i know out in the fields what the time is if i don t hear the bell do you think i am going to ring it for you alone if i do you ought to pay for it why so i would if i could said poor in her apology for a pocket here is my only piece of money and i will nobly won j give it to you if you will but ring the bell in future in future is a long time said he after examining and ringing the coin and then it but i will ring once in a way for you my and much good may it do you saying which he went onward what were you saying to the said a brisk black eyed girl coming up from behind and laying her hand on s shoulder i was giving him my only piece of money said to ring for the old rogue ought to do that without your paying him said and besides do you know people wonder at your going so often to church et ac et ad et et i a coloured and said is it of them if i leave â g i to do undone indeed that is more than i can moat people pray too seldom rather than too often where hare yon been all day keeping the sheep and since i folded them i hare been standing a little under the tree that is not a good place i think said to frequent by one s self why it is scarcely a stone s throw from home no but you know what your says she has seen there and they might devote ad â testimony of upon oath two and twenty years afterwards de y ii per de et f nobly won draw you in and we should all wonder what had become of you that would be an uncomfortable end said thoughtfully i should not like the to draw me but i can hardly think such power would be given them there is the more need to pray for sub ut et non in in in in des et de et et estates ad et et ad et et de et la et c â testimony of ii la des io a noble purpose heavenly protection but see that old soldier sitting by the he looks very tired and very poor how sorry i am i have no money have you any not a sou said we can speak to him kindly at any rate good evening father good evening daughter pity a poor old soldier where did you get wounded you poor old man fighting the english and see i have had my right arm shattered by a and can fight no longer and see this cut over my left eye and this on my to match it ah poor old man it is if you will come home with me i will wash it in milk and cover it with a plaster will you come to be sure i will said he gratefully lay nobly won ing firm hold on her with his left hand as she helped him to rise you see i can no weapon now so i am discharged
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and going home to my friends and i had a little money too hut however the me of that and gave me a besides â i owe these fresh to them what a shame said and where are you going said to replied he where i hope to end my days i know very well said once when the came upon us we fled with our herds flocks and whatever we could carry or drive before us and took refuge at where we remained fifteen days and were under great obligations to the kind people of the place i went every morning to in the of st as i dare say you have done ah what a splendid a noble purpose there is in the south aisle of t church there you behold our blessed the size of life exactly as if he had just â every vein and muscle to be seen v the drops of blood from his worn and there is joseph of looking sorry and our blessed lady plunged in gi and st mary and the his hand â oh i to see it i it does me good to hear you talk i the old man pray where did you lodge at the called la providence i by and la at la providence why that is am going la is my brother st oh how strange exclaimed s short then that is a good reason nobly won we who were so well treated at la providence should give you a supper and night s lodging for it is too far for you to go now the days are so short i am sure my father and mother will gladly receive yon who are your father and mother my girl my father is only a poor man â a small farmer his name is dare my mother s name is or as we say t you will have no room for the soldier said abruptly unless you give up to him your own bed come home with me and share mine i have often shared yours oh no i can lie in the i did once before c est l suit de la â t d arc ne e a de et le du pays ii a noble purpose very well then adieu and kissing her turned away what good saint or angel brought you to me you kind girl said the old soldier as he along beside heaven will reward you for it though i cannot yes yes you will look over our heads some of these days and when you die you will wear a crown of glory full of diamonds and all manner of precious stones ah said heaven will be heaven to me poor girl whether my crown be of pearls or roses there i shall see st and st margaret and especially the blessed mother of our lord whom i worship day and night your talk is quite said the old man we rough fellows have too little time to attend to such things however i have never gone into action without kissing the nobly won cross of my sword which i concluded would be accepted when no more could be done but hark there s fighting toward i hear a at a distance and the old war cries of and oh said smiling it is only the lads of the village who are having a mock fight with the youths of the next parish they do it to keep their hands in i think my youngest brother brought home a terrible black eye lately some one having hit him with a stone in a bag that was foul play said the old soldier a brave warrior respects the face and limbs of his adversary the cottage stood on the skirt of the wood an old horse looked over the gate of a field hard by it he seemed to be on the state of france and to think it a bad job a chapter h â â j im see am said there is our cottage and my mother is at the door looking out for me mother cried she running up to her here is a poor soldier both wounded and weary who is on his way to and who has been attacked by the he is brother to la who keeps la providence will not yon give him a night s lodging so â you remember la providence said him keenly have you seen it since the old the north door blew down there is no north door to la providence l nobly won replied the old soldier and the you speak of cannot have been very old since it was not even planted in my time you are right said i only sought to prove whether your word was to be taken or not which the of the times must excuse though it showed to a stranger come in i am glad to your brother s kindness you shall sup with us though i cannot offer you a bed unless you will sleep in the i will do so mother interposed be it so then said we are but little folks but yet trust we can give of our best such as it is to a stranger saying this she made way for him to pass into the kitchen which was pretty large and paved with stone there was a massive and rather handsome fireplace and a â a noble purpose ceiling from which depended ropes of strings of dried apples and and of pot while baskets bags a straw hat or two and various tools hung on a cherry wood held the household but there was neither ballad on the wall nor book on the window seat for not one of the family could read a tame was about now and then saying and a queer looking shepherd s dog and very old eat kept watch
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and ward over a steaming on the fire sit down sit down said my good man and boys will soon come in to supper meanwhile i will wash his wounds mother which are beginning to said that will be an act of mercy said looking into them f i have a nobly won tion in the that will i think give great relief how came you by this cut old mend said as she tenderly bathed it an englishman gave it me said he are they not terrible wretches those english well their lords and great captains are famous good soldiers it must be owned or they would not so beat us but the men they bring over are the mere of the country whom they are glad to get killed off these fellows come into action for the most part without any and in and without hats with immense big bows in their hands a bundle of arrows at their backs and or it may be wooden u some of the great english lords were killed and the rest were people of low degree of the same sort as those whom they were accustomed to bring from their own country to die in france â i a noble purpose at their they let fly their arrows to with as high as possible not to lose their effect their till they whistle again and then down with their bows up with their bill hooks or whatever comes handy â and at us with a will a downright said are those the sort of men that are to rob us of our best provinces and chase our king into a corner of his our is not king till he has been and crowned at said the old soldier i think him so replied she and so ought you king charles the seventh he ought to be i grant you but he isn t what a shame then that the people don t i nobly won rise as one man and carry him through would if i were a man you said the old man smiling well there is an old prophecy â made it i think â that france should be rescued by a maid who was â a saint no an are dangerous people said coming from the with a rag dipped in the which had a fine smell they get their knowledge not from god but from the devil and even when they tell you true they deal in double which may be taken opposite ways and you never know which was the right till too late or else they their information with conditions and draw you in and in and on and on till you don t know where you are and are lost may be soul and body i have a a noble purpose very ill opinion of and should never wish a child of mine to have anything to do with them that s neither here nor there said the old soldier â this â now it is very cool and pleasant though i should like to know the secret of this stuff though on the battle field we mostly use a mixture of oil and i was going to say has been dead or translated this ever so long and was carried off i think to fairy land in a chariot drawn by where is fairy land i wonder said why now there s a question for a sensible girl to ask said the soldier you might just as well say where is and yet we all know it is somewhere and so is fairy land or else where do the come from u nobly won just so that s plain enough said only was always such a girl for asking questions your father is coming in you may pour out the soup when dare came in from the plough he was made acquainted with what we know already and he welcomed the old soldier with a cordiality which we of the class by which this little narrative is likely to be read too seldom show and indeed can hardly credit why this old fellow might be a regular rogue and vagabond â about from house to house on false and doubtless there were plenty who did so in those unsettled times when there were no nor like porter john who rewarded the poor with a on the back with a stone however that might be it is an historical fact that this poor family were ever ready to and shelter the distressed a purpose more especially when they had for their country and that would give up her bed to them les la a les son lit et au dare a fine old peasant tall but a little bent and with his honest earnest looking face lined with a of minute wrinkles sat down facing his guest with a hand on each knee and asked him his name to which he replied â la master you need not say â master observed for i am master of no one except my three sons the youngest is named peter like yourself and has a for your trade i m afraid for he is much given to fighting nobly won perhaps he may serve his country some of these days said la i would rather he corn replied see now what a country this might be for crops we have had a beautiful summer but so little grain was sown that there was not much to gather in between this and we might raise corn enough to feed all france were there but hands to till the ground instead of which all the likely lads are wanted for soldiers and the neighbourhood has been so often by that one has not the heart to sow what he may never eat but just lives from hand to mouth if you complain of things as they are here
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said la what would you do if you were on the seat of war i come from where we have been beaten by the earl of the of that place â y i ne he since taken and se er i and and has now sat down be re the mr key of tie country how i it will hold out heave only know bat it is to lie feared its fall will be v oâ time but oh if you kid bat seen die even before the came in to deprive them of cover the with their own hands every castle and in the as well as twelve churches belonging to the four orders of by which means they could discharge cannon from their all round the town mind the soup and don t it cried her mother three stout healthy youths here came in and after a few words dropped into their places and began eating their supper with nobly won the two eldest were true sons of the soil but were alike with a difference for round shouldered and of few words had a touch of sentiment in him which few would have dreamed of while a fine specimen of rustic strength would have made a good man at arms the youngest was an ardent looking boy who listened with eager interest to whatever was said by the soldier there were two wooden and three one of which was to the stranger the second was shared by the father and mother and the third used in by their children this allowed intervals for polite conversation you come from then said passing his spoon to his wife yes but it was only preparing for defence when i left it being i should not a noble purpose have been worth my bread in a little while they will be eating dogs cats and the lads here exchanged glances and then ate their soup with additional relish were going from church to church even the elder citizens were learning the use of arms and those who were too weak to fight engaged in prayer the believing that the loss of this important city will be the finishing stroke to himself and his kingdom has sent thither his most captains â the noble de the de the brave la hire and especially the flower of them all the count de base son to the late duke of i have heard of that young gentleman said and of most of the others too though we of the border here do not get french news very fresh nobly won u father cried abruptly this good old soldier tells us there is an old prophecy that france shall be saved by a young maiden by you no doubt said he at which there was a general laugh i do not see what there is to laugh about said she tell me old man did the say whereabouts the young maiden was to be found aye aye replied he between and curious that said she in an i wonder who the maiden is said the don t you see we have all done said her mother clear the table wash up â and fetch your yes mother just tell me old man why you are so assured that will be lost nay my the english and a noble purpose united are in such strength and are building all round the town to hem it in they have such able leaders â lord lord and especially a man who breathes fire at his very nostrils but if our people were to unite against them as one man might they not win the day even yet no doubt of it said he then why do not they heaven knows the people are and the though a sweet young prince is too â what is he like oh he is fair to see â smooth faced with hair and deep blue eyes that are kindly rather than fierce like those of the murdered duke of but is he brave is he good nobly won aye aye my said the old man i will remember him in my prayers said she â sin brings sorrow said dare abruptly t if that duke had not been so vain of being a lady nor boasted that the of loved him he would not have been slain by the duke nor would the duke of in his turn have been slain oh that is going back to eve s apple perhaps you will sing us a song young man said la to the eldest youth i don t care if i do said his throat though my voice is only what will you have et â or r the of the poor and of the last by all means said la a noble purpose for we shall be ready to cry amen to every line so at it he went in the following manner though a few lines will suffice as a specimen seeing that the whole composition is not much shorter than the one hundred and nineteenth ah princes lords lawyers and small and great and warriors with swords who on our daily sweat to some comfort give er we needs must live but live we cannot long we if god deny his powerful aid against the poor man s cruel foe who doth our goods by force and us with pride and scorn away our wine and corn the effect of this ballad or was rather than especially translated by the rev w shepherd for nobly won when to a tune that was always falling into a minor and got at least two notes flatter as it proceeded singing entirely through his nose or else as if he had a lock of wool in his throat sometimes abruptly pausing to recover the words and then going on again when every one thought he had done well that s enough to
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put any one to sleep said by way of encouragement when he had finished thou art already go to bed this instant and you too why are you resting your head upon your hand are you ill or only tired looked ashamed and took up her there there said more kindly put away thy spinning and go to bed leave off dreaming with thine eyes open and brooding upon matters too deep for thee and say vol d noble purpose thy prayers and the lord will watch over thee yes mother and stole off with an of her to the where like she made her bed full hard and nothing soft that s a nice tidy likely of yours observed la to as herself in the early closing movement the girl s a good girl enough replied he rather pleased when she leaves alone her and but she is given to strange she was scarce thirteen when she came in one day about noon from the garden looking quite dazed and told her mother who had sent her for some pot that she was standing there all alone when suddenly there a bright light all about her and she heard an unknown voice say nobly won â continue to be a good girl and god will bless thee hum what thought you of that said la â what thought i of it why if she had been a girl i should have thought it a lie but i never caught her lying in my life i therefore suppose she was only in one of her dreams when the sun happened to shine out from behind a cloud and that somebody passing along outside the hedge unseen said those words that s what i make of it i never agreed with thee though father about that said and that thou very well knows yes yes i know mother another thing was curious said he dropping his voice mysteriously had a dream one night a very forcible dream that saw riding along with some soldiers but sooner than that d a noble purpose should come to pass said he throwing out his hands with sudden vehemence i d drown her with these hands or an if i were dead that there should do it thou hears me aye aye father said come i said it is high time we should be and asleep nobly won chapter iii the old man slept heavily and when he awoke in the morning he found all but his hostess dispersed on their several where is the young girl said he as he accepted a bowl of milk and a piece of black bread is at her prayers replied she has been good at them ever since she could speak for i taught her that prayer was the direct road to heaven and to peace on earth too â that peace which comes of a quiet mind good mothers make good daughters observed la i would willingly have seen her again however give her my thanks and blessing for bringing me to this hospitable roof a noble purpose i wish you a safe journey returned and am glad to have had an opportunity of showing that i remembered your brother s kindness to us at la providence meanwhile kneeling before the altar of the village church which was scarcely a â stone s throw from the house was clasping her hands and pouring out her soul to the two saints to whom it was fondly hoping that they would present her prayers more than herself at the throne of grace ah st ah blessed st margaret for our poor why should the wicked say where is now their god oh when shall there arise a and she wept and beat her breast and then arose poor girl having availed herself of such helps as she had been taught to use trusting her prayers would be heard nobly won a few sheep spinning in the field she kept she not be idle till she slept on her way to the fold it being yet little past daybreak she met a young by name going to his daily labour good day pretty maid said he pretty maid and i have nothing to do together said however i wish you a good day and a better mind what s the matter with my mind said you are a and i wish all at the bottom of the sea ha ha ha who told you i was a why are you not cried you know you are you re the only in what then a noble purpose the duke of is a wicked man who civil war and takes part with the english and they who him are like unto him ha ha ha it is droll you amuse me i should like you to amuse me always when shall you and i marry â when the sky falls said she indignantly go your ways the sky is falling now for i have just felt a drop of rain on my face very well then speak to the priest go your ways for a said hastening away from him and after looking at her for a minute or two as she retreated with a mixture of admiration and mockery passed on she drove the sheep and two cows to pasture and sat spinning hour after hour under a warm hedge as she nobly won her she recalled all that the old soldier had said and tried to piece it together s a maid shall deliver france v repeated she a maiden between and and thick coming images arose before her till the dropped from her relaxed grasp and with dilated eyes and parted lips she saw or seemed to see now the chivalry of france sweeping by n fell disorder over the torn and trampled now the victorious english in full pursuit now the solitary figure of a youth leaning on
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his sword now a maiden kneeling at his feet then rising addressing him in dumb show and pointing upward then placing a crown upon his head leading him to his and bidding him ride forth to conquer a change came o er the scene which seemed enveloped in clouds deepening into a noble purpose absolute darkness â then gradually melting to a soft silvery grey tint by an exquisitely clear light that grew brighter and brighter to an almost dazzling intensity floating figures then appeared â figures not of this earth but heavenly fair majestic and saint like â figures that looked on her with pitying love and tender sweetness and that at length spoke was by this time in a deep sleep or trance whether in the body or out of the body she had gently sunk on the turf like a tired child and lay there with closed eyes relaxed limbs and a smile of sweetness on her lips tears presently from beneath her closed and her hands made a faint movement as if to grasp and retain some receding object then she half raised herself with a start and looked wistfully around and above her nobly won they are gone said she softly and after a pause full of solemnity she covered her face and bent her knees in prayer s breakfast that morning had been two apples and though her mother had given her a of bread to stay her young appetite till the family supper she had privately slipped it into the soldier s nothing is more of wild fancies than crude food or an empty stomach for my part it is my settled belief that at least half the supernatural of famous whether coming in the guise of spirits of darkness or angels of light might be traced td the vegetable diet which filled their brains with and but this by the way when looked about her all her sheep were gone this instantly brought her down from things celestial to things and a noble purpose sticking her into her and up her she sped away after them two long hours passed before the poor girl could get the flock together again it was then full time to drive it to the fold and by the time she had done this and was returning hot and weary to her home the sun had set again she encountered said he as he came up to her fm sorry i spoke ho roughly this morning there s no one for whom i care more then you cannot care much for anybody said but it does not signify nay but i care for you a great deal said and â in short if you ll have me for your husband so you shall i wonder at you said angrily i have no thoughts of marriage and if i had should never marry you go your ways my thoughts were full of heavenly nobly won things and you have brought them down to earth if you were not a i could tell you something tell me by all means said he standing across her path so that she could not pass no it is not for such ears as yours said she trying to push by him â oh there s the bell and i shall be quite too late how and tears of mortification started into her eyes one kiss and then you shall go said tâ take that said giving him such a box on the ear that the light flashed from his eyes he could not help laughing but she was in anything but a laughing mood and ran home while he stood looking after her and rubbing his ear why what s the matter said as she shot into the cottage how a noble purpose late you are i wanted you to fetch water from the spring and the milk and feed the pigs and chickens have you done a good day s spinning what s this and she picked up s with the lock of all in a like an s string which he has not taken the trouble to wind up why now troubled me and would not let me pass said colouring oh said with a significant look â but what â you have scarcely spun a quarter of your the sheep strayed mother â the sheep strayed and wherefore i pray you came you to let them stray your back has been turned on them miss while you with that idle girl â no indeed mother i have not seen her all nobly won or with that idle fellow â truly he is an idle fellow said but yet i saw him but two minutes going and coming â j then you ve been dreaming of him may no indeed mother the truth is â and her eyes and voice dropped oh now we are going to have the truth said and then awaiting her communication with some curiosity well â mother if you look in that way i cannot tell you come come said softening however mother i was keeping the sheep when all at once a bright light around me well it was not the light of sun or moon i a noble purpose think but softer yet brighter than either and then i heard a rustling like as of garments and i was ware of â what two bright ladies said with awe two bright ladies and with them a noble gentleman â un way and who was the way i think said faltering that he was the michael cried with will you never have done with such nonsense mother i saw him with these eyes as plainly as i see you now and what might he say to you he told me i should crown the king and raise the siege of this passes patience exclaimed her nobly won mother hark you i have done my
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best to bring you up in the ways of and above all to lying i have told no lies said bursting into tears i never caught you in one till this mo pursued and i hope i never shall again for i would rather you had never been born than that you should depart from the ways of poor we are and homely but honest and sincere we have always been mother sobbed why won t you believe me how can i said rapidly better own one fault at first than it by making false excuses you went out of this house this morning a good and innocent girl how you have since been spending or your time i know not though vol a noble purpose i shall be sure to know soon or late but most likely with idle companions in proof of it your sheep were lost your you back hot and weary and with your clothes looking as if you had been dragging them through every hedge and to cover all this to your too kind mother you invent an absurd story a profane story i may call it about st michael and i don t know what all i would scorn it said crying scorn it and welcome my from this time forth for or all the world will scorn you st michael what should possess you to go and take the name of that worthy gentleman in vain oh child for shame i thought i had taught you better and the two grand ladies too st and st margaret no doubt i am glad you did not venture to bring in nobly won blessed lady pray how might they be dressed i hardly marked their dresses mother said drying her eyes and trying to command her trembling voice but yet i think they were in a kind of â something all over shiny there there don t go on for pity s sake interrupted with contempt and aversion or you will only make bad worse something all over shiny indeed a likely thing for saints of the first quality that might wear every colour in the rainbow to be dressed so as that you could help taking notice thou rt a very poor child after all and i pray thou never mend by practice repeat this all to the priest at thy next confession and don t be surprised if he puts thee to some good wholesome penance meanwhile to begin with i desire that you will strictly hold your tongue till bed time e a noble purpose but mother â silence not a word said if you speak again you shall be silent for a week and you know i will be obeyed sighed acquiescence and you may fill up your time by all this said her mother pushing her towards her and spinning it right off humbly obeyed and was glad of some mechanical employment just at this time her father and brothers came home from work and looked disappointed enough at not finding supper ready how s this said dare in surprise this is no time to be spinning will mind what she is set about said sharply as she poured out the nobly won soup she has been herself and is in on it muttered while his sons exchanged expressive looks and shrugged their shoulders two large tears dropped on s apron seeing which her youngest brother immediately went up to her and took her hand come to your children said shortly come you don t instantly obeyed never muttered hold your tongue sir dead silence how we all are cried at length â as dull as can t you be saying something interposed is to hold her tongue till bed time it is a penance j a noble purpose ma foi said getting up from table then i shall go and look after this was the of the neighbourhood don t said his mother in desperation but was gone never mind mother said go and fetch him back but went after him and did not return as for he on the floor with his the cat tormented the and pulled the dog s tail till his mother said you had better go to bed as soon as had finished her spinning she was sent to bed also then said dare to his wife mother how could you think of that girl and making us all as stupid as you had much better have given her a good on the head nobly won chapter iv tt said after looking jl cautiously round to be against i don t think s head will bear much it has been quite as grievous to me as it can have been to you to put the poor dear in disgrace but the case demanded it mischief is best in the bud you may an but not an oak here she has been at her dreaming and again and to having seen st michael the i warrant you aye aye cried looking hard at her and two female saints continued â t dressed in gowns a noble purpose what did they say to her she says that he said and they said that she should put the king on the throne of france â said with a low whistle and how does she mean to set about it heaven knows i should think so this is worse and worse her become more and more dangerous we must beat it out of her mother i think ah no â she will never stand it what say you to it out of her with cold water i hope never to live to see my daughter treated like a witch said the matter is not so bad as no but there s no saying what it may come to suppose we get the priest to her that would be treating her as if she were c nobly won j
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possessed by the evil one said reproachfully and may not she be i wonder to hear you father talk so of your own daughter may not the child have had intercourse with heaven after all the worst of it is i fear it may only be an idle tale to account for her letting the sheep go astray and her spinning idle tale wicked tale mother how the lose the sheep ah well they re all found again and she may have dropped asleep and so lost them yes and all this but she need not believe in it waking tell thee what mother â i believe a husband would put all this nonsense out of her head sooner than anything else so i shall cast about for one â s oh she is too young for marriage yet a noble purpose father or else there need be no casting about for i ve one in my eye who well he would do as well as any else yes and he has a kindness for her and though she cares for him yet if i encourage him a little he ll come forward and at least put these dreams out of her head do so then mother by all means i will father where are those idle boys who are keeping us up oh here they come don t let us make any remark young people should not be made of too much importance so the young men were allowed to go to bed and their father and mother barred and bolted the door the one saying and the other â like parson and clerk nobly won c may i talk this morning mother said humbly the next day yes if thou use thy tongue replied to s immense relief for she neither liked silence nor being in disgrace will keep the sheep to day continued so take this bundle of foul linen and wash it in the river hammer it well and mind it gets a good this was part of s regular work and on the present occasion the more gladly availed herself of it because she thought the group of women who were sure to be engaged in like manner at the water side would do more to divert s thoughts than could be effected by her usual solitary employment it is true that was not usually fond of her hearing the village gossip but it struck her in her present anxiety that in one evil she might have another r a noble purpose and that it was even better for a young girl to hear a certain amount of idle talk than to be left hour after hour to with her own heart and fancy â in which she may have been right it is doubtful however how much a highly imaginative character may gain of what is original and vast and high that would never but in seclusion and quiet have struck root downward and borne fruit upward then let her mother set the bundle on her head and with bare feet and a little wooden bat in her hand took her way to the banks of the here a cluster of women were washing while others looked on and talked â the skirts of the former being pinned up nearly to their knees displaying beautiful feet with toes as level even and fair as ladies fingers no fewer than three of these women were nobly won s â she being very liberally provided in that respect though there is no proof she ever was any the better for them except for their good will and prayers and truly it seems to me that those who take on them that holy office owe at least that much to their somewhat more than in common is thought a woman of fifty who was one of these was seated with more ease than dignity on a reversed clothes basket and holding forth to her companions in the following manner only noticing her by a familiar nod why should she call her child say you why because she had been cured at the shrine of the saint of that name whose legend you of course are acquainted with oh tell it us again if you a noble purpose please said eagerly it will refresh s memory and you know how fond i am of it well began there was once a grand lady called the dame d whose three brave sons went to the holy land they were taken captive by the of egypt who desired to them to being little of an himself he set upon them all the doctors and learned men he had about him who did not make the least impression they were cast into deeper than ever and the at his wit s end was considering what he should do with them when it suddenly occurred to him that his only daughter the princess a young lady of extraordinary beauty spoke excellent french and was also a profound he therefore desired her to array herself nobly won in her richest attire and go instantly to these three young knights and convert them out of hand the knights were no little astonished as you may suppose to see a young lady of beauty enter their dressed in gold silver and all manner of precious stones it so happened that when she came in the eldest of the three brothers was engaged in carving a small figure of our blessed lady well the princess entered at once into the and got so much the worst of it that she was mute for want of something to say so then it occurred to her to ask the d what he was doing in reply he gave her a complete outline of the christian faith which so amazed her and addressed itself to her better feelings that she was effectually converted during the night the little image
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which a noble purpose the young knight had failed to make anything of was supplied no doubt from some heavenly quarter by that beautiful little statue of our lady which is to be seen to this day t and which to be more attractive to the s daughter was perfectly black was black then inquired â no question of it said and so was s daughter only dark perhaps said you will not be surprised continued to hear that princess was so charmed with this image that she was the more easily induced by the knights to her own wicked religion and escape with them to a christian land at dead of night therefore with all her jewels in her pocket she stole softly down stairs unlocked the and fled with the knights to the banks of the nobly won where they found a vessel which immediately brought them to france the dame of welcomed her brave sons and their transport the princess was and a beautiful church was built by the pious knights for the reception of the miraculous image whose virtues in healing all manner of sickness have never ceased certainly can testify to that said she went to the shrine and her s completely cured well now i should say the cure was after all said for she sadly i ain ashamed of you said you should not let these young girls hear such well but does not she if she does it must be from want of faith vol f tc tc a noble purpose she was healed effectually enough at we should all beware of into is not the good duke of a patron of the shrine and did not poor unhappy king charles the sixth make a pilgrimage to it our dear too has made there which doubtless will be heard yes without a doubt said in a low voice for she believed in some strange wild stories but she had the root of the matter in her for all that which of the three knights did the beautiful princess marry inquired with interest princess did not marry any of them replied she took the veil ah what a pity no pity at all i think said it was a fit end to her holy life and brave deed and doubtless she prayed for the con nobly won j version of her father whom she must have grieved to why should marriage always wind up a story if one has grace to do a good and great thing surely one may then die in peace and she set to her washing without attending to any more gossip she had already heard enough to set her dreaming of unfortunate knights being freed from their perils and by brave and sped on their way by saints and angels when the family re assembled in the evening did nothing but at the stupidity of keeping sheep all day why what else are you fit for you silly boy said a girl may keep sheep as well or better than a boy said and i don t so much mind keeping them along with because she tells me stories of the dog of p a noble purpose and the forest of and sir and the lion and the de who made his wife eat the s heart s head is lined with plenty of such as that said his mother where she it up i know not except of and ballad and of one sort and another it does neither of you any good for it makes you discontented with the station into which you were born oh mother indeed i m not discontented interposed who was spinning i am as happy as i ever wish to be and the only thing that me is that the king and country at large should be in such trouble we have nothing to do with the king and country at large said and nothing is more ridiculous than for young persons to with matters too high for them put nobly won some to roast here comes and very likely he will stay to supper oh mother please don t ask him cried not ask him indeed i shall ask who i please without to ask consent of my children pray what is your objection to my doing so he is such a very stupid forward young man mother â stupid forward â we must take people as we find them we expect them to make for us and why should not we make for them you yourself require plenty of allowance to be made for you mistress here he comes sure enough came in with a flower in his button hole a clean washed face a a noble purpose round his hat and a look that seemed to indicate the consciousness that his arrival was not altogether unexpected to her disgust saw her mother making much of him and heard her tell him he was welcome bid him be seated hope he would stay and ask him a variety of questions about his family their and circumstances â how such a one made his farm answer what such another got for his cow how much another would give his son on his marriage and what another would give with his daughter a good daughter observed she is just so much property â you needn t no one is thinking of you â a good daughter as i was saying who can wash and and spin and is just so much property and when her parents give her away it is exactly the same as giving away a bag of money it nobly won ji may be copper or it may be brass but still it s so much property grinned and his hair and his hat and said something that sounded like oh is it though yes it is said positively and i being the only married person present am
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likely to know most about it here comes father though my lad you ll oblige me by sitting on this bench it s just as soft as the stool â at least no harder â and always likes his own seat well as i was saying i suppose you ll settle some of these days â no you weren t said but it don t signify yes i suppose i shall well then i wish you a good wife with all my heart said oh said i have not far to look i have one in my eye j a noble purpose oh indeed said looking surprised and who may she be i wonder ah she s one that can do all those things you said and perhaps a lot more has she any money well that s what i should like to know said his hat only i don t like to ask not much i should suppose but a little would be better than nothing certainly it would said or if her parents are too poor to give her any money perhaps they would give a cow or a calf or a horse or pig or two or three sheep or a few you re more likely to know than i am said abruptly for you re her mother you don t say so said oh oh oh â capital capital repeated with indignation anything but that i think nobly won we must talk it over said in great glee when we are by ourselves and i dare say we shall be able to arrange it with mutual mother how can you say so interrupted please don t child be quiet you are too young to come forward in these things bear with her she s but young and shy oh yes bear with her said with a grin which thought made him look ugly said she to him in a low voice but with a look of great determination tis no good â i cannot bear you jl noble purpose chapter v from this time poor was so incessantly persecuted by addresses that they did indeed answer the end her mother had mainly in view of chasing away her dreams and but the process was so and disgusting to her that the poor girl was ready to wish herself dead as character came out was indeed secretly forced to own to herself that he was not the man she would have chosen for her son in law and that she should not vex much if he failed in his suit but as he answered her present purpose she left to the task of him and received him with smiles whenever he came nobly won s daily toil as a kept him employed till sunset but then he never failed to present himself and if dare did but welcome him with a doubtful the young men whose lives were not too amusing were well pleased should have a lover and indulged in many a jest at her expense was her only ally and thought it a shame to torment her had so good an opinion of himself that when he had once got over the awkwardness of speaking on the subject he did so in good faith believing it impossible he could be disagreeable to any one told him so however so that he stole a few minutes from his work one morning to see alone and ask her what he was to think of s saying once and again she would not have him lad said with a mischievous gleam in her eye for j a noble purpose which she ought to have been ashamed of herself and resolved to try a bold stroke for a wife did not wait for sunset but went off straight to the sheep pastures was spinning on a bank under a on the skirt of an exhausted while her dozen or so sheep and two or three fed on a patch of short sweet grass before her the trees were thin of leaves but there was a ripe feeling in the air and the trees and bushes looked as if they had been touched up with a velvet brush dipped in honey the scene was rural and charming in the extreme with occasional features of a bolder description in the distance the lark was high in air and she herself was softly singing a hymn to the virgin a sound of snapping twigs as pushed his way through some made her look up nobly won you here at this time of day said she in surprise aye said he throwing himself on the ground a few paces from her i thought i would for once make holiday it will be no holiday to me if you are coming to spend it here said i have no respect for people who their work how you are i never came near a girl with such a bitter tongue why do you come near me then i m sure i do not want you and more than that if you are going to stay here i shall go home and tell mother for she has expressly told me a hundred times never to have anything to say to young men oh well but she did not mean me for i am a great favourite â not of mine said with my father and mother would not send me â a noble purpose out here to keep the sheep if they thought any one would follow me and favourite or no favourite my mother would be as angry as ever she could be if she thought you were here now so go your ways like an honest fellow and mind your you are talking of what you know nothing about i have seen your mother this very morning and she knows that i am come here to bring you to the point the point will
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be that i shall set the dog at you said here knows better than to fly at me said snapping his fingers at him and whistling which the dog however did not exactly incline to take in good part the long and short is that you are promised to me and my wife you shall be so why make more nobly won â a c who promised me to you i should like to know said she in high scorn that s neither here nor there promised you are and you shall perform has my father ever promised you know he has not i did not say he had has my mother i don t believe it perhaps she has perhaps she hasn t i ve seen her since you have you have promised me yourself over and over again was there ever such a false word you have i have said to you a hundred times â will you marry me and â when will you marry me and you ve always named some time or other here called her dog and began to collect her sheep what are you going to do said following her a noble purpose fold the sheep in broad day said she if i cannot get quit of you in any other way i will justify myself to my mother if you dare me to it i will have you up before the official at do so and welcome said she expose yourself to defeat and derision if you will i will obey the ha there s a wolf cried glad of an excuse to end a in which he gained no advantage and he abruptly pushed through the as if to scare it though had a strong persuasion that no wolf was there to her great relief however she heard his retreating footsteps presently whose flock was nearer to her than she knew of came up to her and found her crying s oh what is the matter v said will be so tiresome sobbed nobly won he in asking me to marry him and have not you said no often enough often enough why i mean never to say yes why should not you say yes said h on the whole he is a very good fellow a very good fellow would take no for an answer and speak the truth instead of saying i had promised to marry him which is the greatest falsehood that ever was ah well love leads folks into strange errors said he must love you very much or he would not you so he says he will have me up to the official at said i dare say it is only an idle threat however i almost hope he may because then i shall speak right out before witnesses and so the matter will end vol i g a noble purpose that will be a very unpleasant way of ending it observed not at all said taking up her with a sigh i shan t mind it however small s hope could be that would have him after such rough speaking on both sides he resolved to plague her by his threat and accordingly on the second morning from their meeting a or arrived and her to appear at dare who was just going to work when the arrived was highly indignant at this proceeding which converted him from a ally of s into his decided foe he set upon his horse and walked beside her to who was standing at the entrance of the court house looked rather when he saw dare accompanying his daughter nobly won though he could hardly have expected him to let her come alone one or two acquaintances who happened to be in the town followed them in to watch the proceedings the official who was a plain sensible man asked why the young girl was brought up before him with much declared she had promised to be his wife and now refused to her promise having with alacrity taken her oath that she never had made him any promise of the kind and dared him to say where and when after many thought to turn the whole thing into a joke at her expense and said abruptly â why you said you would marry me when the sky should fall and sure the sky must have fallen in since st michael and all angels have dropped out of it g a noble purpose looked enraged but her father and the other burst into a fit of laughter and when the official had had the joke explained to him he laughed too come come my pretty maid said he good the young man has given you a for your you expect him to believe that saints have come down from heaven and he expects you to acknowledge that you promised him yourself in marriage set one against the other we will think no more of either you are cleared of the alleged promise and suppose we set things straight by your giving him your now but would not hear of such a thing and the official seeing by her look how completely she was in earnest dismissed them all to look out for a wife somewhere else i know where he might find one thought nobly won and if he ever gives me the opportunity i will speak a friendly word for the opportunity however was not given for who considered himself an ill used man never spoke another word to her so was left during the winter to the undisturbed workings of her inner being while in the sight of all she was spinning sewing looking after the stock and performing all the humble duties of her little world in as a spirit as if she were out of it she found herself listening to voices that came she knew not how or from whence without surprise or fear
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they said or seemed to say that she must do and suffer great things they bade her go forth fearing nothing that flesh could do unto her for that she should be with strength for a certain allotted task by power from high and when the a noble purpose voices ceased and the mysterious passed away she used to weep and that she might be borne away with them and prostrate herself to kiss the ground they had the shepherd has left us some account of the hardness of a shepherd s life in winter sometimes literally giving his life for the sheep and has given us a picture of a shepherd s winter in champagne in s time champagne was not accounted part of france it was the and thus a safe conduct was necessary for a traveller in either direction during this winter of would sometimes stray through and bring word how was being by strong called and they told how the earl of the city from the top of the nobly won over against the bridge called les had met his death from a cannon ball and had been succeeded in the command by lord who was endeavouring to reduce the city by famine gathered up every scrap of intelligence from these chance sources and went about revolving them in her mind meanwhile she had as many little and in her daily life as heretofore but she was too much pre occupied to take account of them at length one day she went and stood by her father and presently said â father i must go to and why said he startled to speak to the thou art surely mad said he looking at her oh no dear father i am not the voices tell me so they bid me go a noble purpose they who the voices bless my heart and soul said dare you know father is now closer than ever it is the last struggle for the kingdom that can be made if it falls the english will sweep over the land as the does when it bursts its the will be driven for shelter to the mountains yes if falls we are lost bless my heart alive ejaculated her father as long as food can be got within the walls continued they may hold out but the english are closing them in all round tower after tower wall within wall are them in and when the circle they must perish her voice dropped but every syllable was whispered nobly won a said dare roughly rouse yourself you re dreaming you re not yourself don t go on talking in this uncomfortable manner she passed her hand over her brow and said quietly with a little sigh â what is the matter a great deal is the matter i think said dare you were talking â goodness knows what nonsense â about shapes and voices and such like ah yes dear father the voices say i must go whither to the my poor girl thy wits are wool gathering the and ye are bent on mere folly will you let me go father in a word â no a noble purpose s eyes filled with tears but she said no more she drooped scarcely ate and sometimes shed tears but without any complaining one fine frosty morning in january a middle aged peasant looking very brisk and cheerful drove up to the house in a country cart and scrambled out is t thee man cried dropping the she was and throwing her arm about his neck aye aye tis i replied he kissing her very heartily and what will you say when you hear that is in bed with a fine healthy little girl v say why that am very glad indeed of it brother i ve come over to know whether you could manage to spare to us for a few weeks till my wife gets about again nobly won with all my heart said â and in fact i think it will do the girl good for she has not been quite well lately so after a good deal of chattering and bustle was started off beside her uncle along the road to in a cart that was used for the most part to fetch home and hay or carry twenty or thirty of apples and to market she did not even wish good bye but she nodded in passing to and called out to her a noble purpose chapter vi said one evening when she had been with and his wife about six weeks and they were all sitting round the fire the mother with her sleeping babe in her arms what is the name of the governor of sir robert de replied he a right brave and noble gentleman i want to see him uncle you child said they both uncle do you believe in dreams and certainly i do replied he with simplicity and solemnity my first wife appeared to me soon after her death nobly won if i were to say to you uncle s that could not be what should you reply my dear child i should merely reply that you knew nothing at all about it i know what i know that you have not seen a thing i have seen is nothing whatever to the purpose that s exactly it exclaimed joyfully my dear uncle i have had a dream â no not a dream but a vision an impression a â i do not know what to call it however some of the saints from heaven have appeared to me and have given me a mission and a message that mission i must execute that message i must deliver tâ my dear child you don t say so said he looking at her perplexed and with a certain degree of pleasing awe but with no incredulity whatever how have they appeared to you r
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a noble purpose and what have they said has it been in this very house this is deeply interesting simply and earnestly told her tale and and his wife believed every word of it dear heart said he after a thoughtful pause and have you communicated this to your father and mother yes uncle and they believe it no more than they would believe your seeing my aunt as for that said after another pause they might believe it or not but i am as sure of it myself as that i see you sitting there and i am equally sure that i saw the of our poor little baby put in who was a very simple sort of good creature besides there was that young man thou of nobly won who died for love of my sister â thou what she saw as for dying of love i always thought he died of drinking observed but he might do that and yet not lie easy in his grave be that how it may i am certain i had a from and i am equally certain uncle that the blessed saints spoke to me as i have told you and bade me go forward without fear so to morrow i must see the de stop a bit said i can improve upon that the de is what i might call a man a man to put a young girl like you out of countenance so i will go to him myself oh yes that will be best said you are very kind uncle said but i a noble purpose i do not feel at all afraid of him and i think it would be better for me to go however it shall be as you both wish so next morning good presented himself at the governor s door and requested to have speech of him after some he was admitted robert de was a man about fifty who like most of his time had seen some service though at present peacefully occupied his garb partook of the profession of arms â that is to say he wore a red silk called a with sword and dagger in his belt his head was covered with a hood cut into a peak behind beneath the shade of which appeared a rugged countenance with keen grey eyes and shaggy eyebrows his large leather gloves lay on the table beside him while he was doing something to his hawk s nobly won well old man said he rather contemptuously what hast thou to say great sir replied with a profound i know well that your is most affected to our sovereign lord the king whether you know it or not is of ve y little importance i think said de still at his employment the troubles of the times pursued call for a remedy heaven has undertaken his majesty s cause and spoken by the mouth of blessed saints to a young girl of humble origin what on earth are you talking about said the governor looking up at him in my lord it is even as i say st michael and other saints have revealed t a young girl of the means of saving france vol h a noble purpose and what may those means be she will herself reveal them your to his grace the king â the i should say his majesty charles the seventh proclaimed himself king of france immediately on his accession you do him slight therefore in calling him your pardon gracious sir will it please you then to grant a safe conduct to my niece to his sacred presence a safe conduct certainly not what will you ask next i wonder the saints my lord having â saints nonsense box the girl s ears well and send her back to her parents you may show this old man out so poor found himself in the open air in less than no time was anxiously awaiting him at his nobly won cottage door though the cold wintry wind cut like a knife well cried she eagerly and running up to him as soon as he appeared oh my dear it won t do it won t do â he won t hear of it what did he say inquired in great disappointment tell me everything that passed how cold you are dear uncle you have taken a chill â let me rub your hands i will warm you a little wine no no thank you said and yet after all i think i will say yes oh my dear he is quite the man of consequence â scarce looked up from his hawk s all the while i was there â scarcely heard me out â sneered me to scorn â gave me a flat denial and sent me packing am sorry indeed i should have exposed you to such usage oo a noble purpose you know uncle t wanted to go myself my dear it would have never done it would have never done there are some things that old folks can do better than young ones yes uncle and there are some things that young folks can do better than old ones it is not that you should be and brow beaten but i have made up my mind to all that â i look upon it as part of my regular wages â as a set off against the honour and glory of delivering france what shall i bear a message from the saints of heaven to my earthly sovereign and care for the of one of his meanest officers i am willing to bear the scorn both of the governor and of the whole court if so be i can but win my way to the king s ear at last â she spoke so and with such un nobly won affected earnestness that beheld and listened to her with reverence child said he
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such as you are born to do great things i could no more speak and look like you than i could fly like an eagle if so be and it so being that you must speak to the king you have no more to do than to speak and look at the governor just as you do to me to turn him round your finger that is just what i hope and think uncle therefore to morrow if it please you i will go to him myself and meanwhile i will strengthen myself by much prayer a girl who gets to her knees as often as you do said her uncle cannot but prosper accordingly they both set off for the next morning and as they approached the town they could hear the ringing ah said joyfully what cheerful a noble purpose sounds they seem to welcome me i always so love the sound of bells if the door keeper had not been a friend of s it is likely he might not have admitted them as it was however their names were carried in to de just as he was the king s condition to a noble gentleman named de and lightly observing what a ridiculous visit he had received the previous day from a who had come several miles to tell him of a girl who could save france as i live here he is again exclaimed de â and with the girl in his hand let us hear what she has to say by all means said de and and his niece were shown in s apparel was neat and clean but extremely humble she still wore the red which was beginning to be rather nobly won and a coarse red hood and cape of her mother s covered her head and shoulders because of the of the season de resting both hands on the of his sword and sitting a little behind the governor never once took his eyes off her so said de looking at her you are the girl that is to save france step forward did so and so did now then let s hear all about it my lord â interposed silence fellow said de you had your say yesterday fall back a little if you speak again without being spoken to i shall desire you to withdraw s colour heightened a little but she remained calm and silent now then said de fixing his eyes on her a â a noble purpose beau said she steadily i am a young girl of i come to you in the name of the lord to tell you that the is to take heart and hold out for that by mid lent he shall certainly be delivered the kingdom is not his but the lord s and it is the lord s pleasure that he should hold it for him she crossed her arms on her bosom and ceased â said de with a little after a short silence that is your message is it is there any more the will surely be crowned and i shall see him at â ho pretty well i think aside to de who replied neither by word look nor smile then turning again to â who gave you this message her eyes sank a little and she said faltering nobly won it l n way â the michael hum that s fine â any else there were two fair ladies with him oh indeed what were these fair ladies like they were like â like fair ladies ha just so they stood upon the ground i suppose like other fair ladies or were they up in the clouds did they frighten you do you mean the first time aye j de ce â ha so i should think did you tell the priest â no nor your parents â yes â what did they say of it they held me in great a noble purpose ho â i think they showed their sense what is your employment i keep sheep and in the winter when the sheep are i spin how old are you eighteen speak up look me in the face she did you think yourself a modest girl â sir will you not let me help the king as these simple words burst from her lips de gave a great sigh and shifted his position though he continued to look intently at her the expression of his face entirely changed instead of merely curiosity and it sympathy respect and affection it was quite otherwise with de however nobly won i think said he throwing himself back in his chair this is as a piece of nonsense as ever i heard you have been dreaming over your sheep and your spinning it bears much less the impress of a saint than of the devil why did not you tell your cure of it at the time go go you are an idle girl if not a bad one beau â began silence i say i will hear no more nonsense leave me took her reluctant hand and led her away dreadfully alarmed at the governor s displeasure oh said he as soon as they were in the street did not i tell you it would never do see how terrible is a great man s frown be at ease uncle said calmly his frown cannot hurt us rough words io a noble purpose break no bones and though he may seem a great man to us may be he is a very little one in the eyes of the king i am no ways and fear him less now i have seen him than i did before i shall go to him again to morrow to morrow aye and day by day till i gain my will of him child child this is mere madness how am i to come here with thee day after day
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that must not be said and she looked so that her pitying uncle said if indeed there really were need of thy remaining in â oh indeed there is need of it why then there is the wife of a worthy who at a word from me would give thee a lodging nobly won oh speak the word then uncle so to the they went meanwhile de and de were comparing impressions my conviction is said de that she is good and true never saw i maid more tut tut said de she faced it well out hut yet her eye a little for a moment before mine she thought i should not swallow st michael it may be delusion said de musing but on my life there is no deceit in it then there is the finger of the devil would not he rather take the other side think you well there s some sense in that and de laughed i suppose you believe in the saints said de gravely no a noble purpose but not in their appearing to not without high cause but here is high cause you believe in the girl then de on my faith i do that is i believe in her honesty and i see no reason to doubt her mission well â and the governor shrugged his shoulders if i were you persisted de i should let the king hear of it who i i cannot do that wherefore should you not even as an instrument to be turned to good account hum i did not think of it in that light certainly others may believe in her though i do not mark you j do therefore i am suggesting quite an unworthy motive â j â nobly won in marry it is quite worthy of its subject said de the king would only laugh at me and i have no mind to be laughed at no need to be you need only advise his majesty that a maid of had a miraculous vision and so forth without committing yourself well said de after thinking it over a little i am really more inclined to suppose the matter to come from the powers of darkness than of light there can be no harm i think in having the girl by the none whatever then if there be an evil spirit in her it will be cast out de summoned a servant to him and then said â inquire where that young girl h a noble purpose chapter vii de was as true a son of chivalry as ever drew sword without fear and without reproach he was one of the royal and of noble birth at this time he seems to have been off duty whether he had already done his sovereign good service in the field as is highly probable or had chiefly attended at and we know not certain it is that he had the true spirit of a whose sworn duty it was to defend the de i e de du de france or of the king s stable such is the rendering kindly supplied me by the secretary of the society of nobly won orphan the widow the maiden the poor the and the oppressed to destroy tyranny and to safe travelling in undertaking s cause therefore de was his under more than one of these heads for the rest he was a calm serious dignified looking man and his age was thirty six on leaving sir robert de de went straight to his intimate friend and companion de commonly called the de this gentleman like himself was a noble but apparently had not received there were many noble gentlemen of small landed estate the term has nothing to do with either or it from only in being frequently applied to military whether landed or i am indebted for this to my uncle mr vol i i u a noble purpose â who remained simply to avoid the expenses of and they lost nothing of real power or position by this for they were entitled to lead their followers into action under a as the knight led his under a and the knight under a banner these independent wore silver spurs while those of knights were silver gilt the de was just now leading the life of a retired country gentleman rather at his and amusing his leisure with â lt the of wood and of an of the with his â by the mystery of the river being understood not fishing but for water fowl he also tried his hand at a lai or now and then though his gift in this way was small and nobly won he was very fond of he was accustomed to be a good deal under the influence of de the more so for being three or four years his junior and cast pretty much upon him for society to him went de and related the curious scene he had witnessed at the governor s adding his conviction that the maiden was worthy to be believed and observing that out of the mouths of and the lord had sometimes ordained praise de heard him with wonder and when de wound up with what should you say if i told you i held it a good and wise thing to see this girl safe on her journey he burst out laughing and said by my faith i should think you either foolish or mad and i have never been accustomed to consider you either de argued that since he had appeared to him neither mad nor foolish a noble purpose fore it was possible he might not be so now and talked the matter over with him and yet forcibly which was his usual manner meanwhile having procured a lodging for his niece with his old acquaintance le the took leave of her and departed le who was a respectable married woman
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of about thirty years of age put a few questions to â who was quiet and of her words â and then returned to her own affairs spent much of her time in prayer and filled up the rest of it in spinning for her hostess on the following day she was preparing to repeat her visit to sir robert de when standing at her door exclaimed â maiden here comes our nobly won in his stole and with him the governor and sundry other persons and they are making straight for this house if the governor comes to me it will save my going to him said as she spoke de entered accompanied by the de and de while a little knot of curious remained outside looked somewhat alarmed but displayed simple surprise that is the girl said sir robert abruptly to the without addressing a word to either of the women and scarcely looking at them â her at once and let us see what comes of it the who was rather young and looking proceeded to any evil spirit that might be in her to come out of her m a noble purpose and any good spirit that might be in her to remain where he was all this submitted to very calmly after which she told the governor she hoped he had satisfied himself that she was not in league with the powers of darkness all the better for you if you are not replied he take heed to give no colour to such a supposition by your future conduct saying which he turned on his heel and was followed by all but the de what did it all mean said looking bewildered oh said smiling do you not know there is an old prophecy that a maid between and shall save france i am that maid et earn si ab et si â ii nobly won looked for she had heard the prophecy formerly but had not connected it with de now broke silence maiden said he you have well borne the test do not fear the of the governor it is his duty to be wary and send the no however i think you will win to him yet and as the dangers by the road will be great i offer myself to you in all true as your champion to see you safe to the saying which he kissed the of his sword u do you accept me tâ most certainly i do said colouring with pleasure and i thank heaven for having given me so honourable a conductor ah surely all must go well since assistance is thus vouchsafed me de addressed a few more words to her but finding her shy and tongue tied a noble purpose courteously bent his head and relieved her of his presence thinking her the simplest in the world and smiling to see how little she troubled herself as to who was to bear the expenses of travelling or feared to trust herself with one of whom she absolutely knew nothing meanwhile the who had lately her saw her quietly come into church with her hostess and perform her with the utmost appearance of seriousness and piety j and was thereby impressed in her favour on returning to her lodging met the de who had not yet spoken to her but who did so now as if they were on the best of terms he had been with de about her and was curious to hear what she had to say for herself ma said he cheerfully what is this you are doing here must we not submit to nobly won see the king from his kingdom and ourselves becoming english sir said she very seriously i am come to ask the de to send me to the he has no care for me nor for any words of mine but yet it is needful that before mid lent i should stand in the s presence even should i in reaching him wear through my feet and have to crawl upon my knees for no one upon this earth neither king nor duke nor of the king of no one but myself is appointed to recover this realm of france yet i would willingly remain to spin by my poor mother for war seems no work for me but go i must because my master wills it whom call you your master then said de there was talk at this time of the infant son of charles vii to the daughter of the king of a noble purpose â the king of heaven replied she reverently he it is who has sent me well said de holding out his hand to her i believe you say true and i promise you on the faith of a gentleman and in the hearing of god that i will lead you myself before the king when do you wish to begin your journey sooner now than to morrow and sooner to morrow than later replied she there are things to be thought of first rejoined de do you mean to go in the clothes you have on you must ride a horse for about four hundred miles and those short red of yours are scarcely suitable the voices replied she have told me to wear the garb of a man et post â of de nobly won oh indeed said de with a sudden movement of his eyebrows for this was his first introduction to the voices and he did not precisely know what to think of them and have you any clothes of that sort to wear no said faltering for she could not think of any one but her uncle likely to lend them her and a sudden quick blush as bright as it was unexpected arose in her face as it occurred to her how she would look in a suit of s never mind said
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de kindly i think my page is about your size and he shall a suit for you have gone on adventures disguised as pages before now if books of chivalry lie not he then bade her farewell saying be of good courage we will soon set forth s enterprise was now the talk of the a noble purpose whole town and the inhabitants would have thought themselves very badly used if it had come to nothing more than a fortnight passed during which scarcely a day elapsed without her meeting de or de in the street and having a little conversation with them which led to no conclusion except that of them in the mind that she was as honest good a girl as ever was everything she did and said was in the full light of day and sight and hearing of the town which was always to watch her and many it may be went daily to church for no better reason than that she did she was continually at the door of the who began to hate her name though there is reason to think he had already written privately of her to the king at else why should a king s messenger and soon make their this i do not insist nobly won on i think it was so but you may think as you like one day was proceeding rather depressed to the governor s attended as usual by a body guard of small boys who fell back and tumbled over one another if she happened to look round when on asking to see him she was immediately admitted well said he with some severity but without any disdain what have you to say i come to remind you sir that time passes and the country must needs be saved why don t you save it then will you give me a safe conduct to the most certainly not but hark you his grace the duke of desires to see you and has sent you a safe conduct why should he desire to see me said in surprise a noble purpose you can ask him said the governor i am going to ride over with you are you ready i would willingly go back to my lodging first sir very well then be ready in half an hour he turned away from her and de who was present came forward and whispered â be in no fear de and i shall attend you and you will find what you want at your lodging she did not understand him but hastened back in some trouble to tell what she was about to do while they were speaking a handsome youth of sixteen entered carrying a bundle which he set down saying this is for you and then departed after giving her a look of intense â nobly won â curiosity as if he were seeing a giant or dwarf without paying the penny darted at the bundle what it was and hastily opening it found it contained a sad coloured and with boots and spurs none of them new was turning them over in rather a spirit and wondering how could bear to see herself in them when reminded her there was no time to lose and hastily took them into the inner room and began to put them on rolling her hair up into a great knot behind she had hardly time to think how queer the things felt when in excitement cried here they come for you and catching the riding cloak round her and pulling the hood a good way over her face out into the broad day overcome for the moment with shame spurs glistening plate and horses a noble purpose â swam in a mist before her eyes de and de were at her side and one held the horse while the other set her on it she herself in a moment and was off with one of them at each side the governor very grand in front and a cluster of men at arms behind all the town were in the street her appearance and dress were eagerly it was vehemently declared that the clothes were not to her deserts and hung upon her like a s on his block a was immediately agreed upon to buy her a better suit and in less than a quarter of an hour the top tailor of was getting her measure of de had no mercy on the young girl but proceeded to at a hard trot hoping perhaps to shake her purpose out of says the duke lay sick at but the s says nobly won her which had no more effect than a fit of on a boy determined to be a sailor before they were half a mile out of felt perfectly at ease and she never afterwards felt otherwise to the end of her short life she asked de if he thought the duke were going to send her to the no said he i believe he only sends for you because he hopes you may heal him of his sickness how can i do that said in wonder through the voices i suppose said de it is not their affair said with gravity and you must not take their names in vain de was checked and gave a side glance at de vol k a noble purpose we had better go back said she this is folly no no said de we must go forward or the duke will take it amiss how know we what he has to say she continued her route therefore reluctantly shall i see the said she presently the does not at present live at home said de with a little cough her place is supplied at present by a lady named de may not another word from on arriving at the palace there was much to and her in the stately array
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of pages and men at arms about j but no sign of any lady it occurred to however that very likely all this splendour was but a poor shadow of that which nobly won surrounded the king without any therefore she followed sir robert de as he and along the to the duke s bedroom the duke was propped up with pillows and looked pale is this the girl said he looking with some surprise at what he had at first taken for de s page maiden i am brought low by mortal sickness and if thou wilt heal me ask what thou wilt and i will give it thee lord duke replied she i grieve from my heart that i can only help you by my prayers if i could heal you i would gladly do so without any i have no gift of healing and am only a simple girl who has a message to the but surely said he anxiously the saints who have heard you in one matter will hear you in another r a noble purpose my prayers replied she you shall have and i hope they may be heard but that is all i can say one thing alone i have been told and am sure of â that the siege of shall be raised and the king crowned at since that is all said he in disappointment i will not detain you let the young woman be for her trouble in coming on which put his hand into his and gave her four i shall rely said the duke on your keeping your promise of praying for me â you have then nothing else to say only said looking full at him and lowering her voice which however was as clear as a bell wish you would have back you and put away mistress de was and so was duke charles who really believed her to speak from immediate inspiration nobly won you may go said he in a hollow voice ct you may all go for i am too weak at present to speak any more and away they all went on the whole de and de were well pleased with this first proof of their charge she evidently feared neither king nor while she had a message to deliver j and as for her riding it was something wonderful it was quite dark when she reached the door of honest le the who as he was came out to receive her looking much more like a in the black art than she did followed her to hear the news and assist her in changing her dress but rolled up her old clothes in a bundle and put them in a corner saying i shall wear them no more till my mission is ended came over the next morning full of and strictly t a noble purpose charged by his wife if by any means it were possible to induce to return home he had already though somewhat sent word where she was and what she was about to her parents who he knew were on their road to her full of grief no sooner saw him than forgetting how strange she must look to him in her dress she hastened gladly to meet him uncle cried she all well oh child exclaimed dropping into a seat you take my breath away what a garb for a modest young woman put off put off those things for thine uncle is actually ashamed to look at thee this was a figure or for he was looking hard at her all the while you put me for all the world in mind of in boots come back with ie come back to home and duty and forget these strange wild nobly won â dreams uncle why the dreams are coming true i should be a servant if i neglected my master s voice go back i cannot until my errand is sped did you note the brave de as you came up the street he and the de have sworn on the cross of their swords that they will conduct me in safety to the and protect me as if i were their own sister certainly that makes a great difference said hesitatingly though a scheme all that i want pursued rapidly â t is a horse for these noble gentlemen have not offered me one nor will the governor truly i would not have you to any of them for one said and since they have undertaken your safe conduct which is the principal thing and your apparel though a noble purpose a worse fit i never saw â so thoroughly â it shall go hard with me if i supply not the horse i thank you uncle with all my heart and here are four pieces of gold towards it which were given me yesterday by duke charles duke charles why how can that be child he is sick in bed at ff yes uncle but he sent for me hoping i could heal his sickness and when i told him i could not he asked for my prayer s wonderful exclaimed all the grand people seem taking you up i wish the governor would but he is deaf to all i can say no wonder it requires great faith to believe in you i can hardly think you are yourself in that strange dress ft uncle the voices bade me wear it nobly won did they then truly they were right if go thou must and it more me to believe in them than anything thou hast yet told me yes said he after a little thought of a the voices are in the right on t whichever way we may look at it for a poor home spun in red weeds would needs get at court and for two young knights to be seen about the country with a woman
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might well bring on all the three uncle they are not young oh are they not though said he if they are not i don t know what young is however i shall go out and look after a horse here take your four if i borrow of any one it will not be of you and here come your father and mother a noble purpose chapter viii as he said this walked off pretty fast in the opposite direction â for he did not feel equal to the scene he was sure follow â while and like two respectable as they were came down the street in heavy but with heavier hearts let me speak to her first mother said no let me speak to her first father returned women know women best and how to touch one another up in the tender part whereas you men come down upon us like as you might come down upon my bare feet with your heavy nobly won saying this she took a quick step or two in advance and entered the s house first but no sooner perceived whom at first she took for a stranger than she uttered a little shriek and stopped short while stood in the doorway fixed ff said in a short quick voice and with eyes take those things off i say take them off why bless my heart and soul is that you cried her father why i could not have believed my eyes why what on earth are you about she s about breaking her father s and mother s hearts that she is the bad girl aid bursting into a flood of tears and the poor woman s grief â like a leaden pipe which has burst during the frost but only begins to when the comes and a noble purpose presently bursts into a downright stream â no sooner found an outlet for her tears than her eyes began to shed rivers of water little did we think began her father hush father permit me said through her sobs thou always a and obedient child till this matter thy reason and the end of it will be disgrace to us all oh mother yes miss disgrace and misery and desolation you are set up with high notions and must with the great warrant you and go to kings palaces where they don t want you or they would send for you and where when you get there they you like the very dust under foot that is their own affair said with spirit i have no concern with the reception nobly won i may get all i have to do is to say my message and if the will not obey it let him look to it he stands in his own light oh my mother woe is me to act contrary to you and right glad shall i be when my errand is sped to come home and submit myself to you you ll never come back oh my mother shed salt tears for thee but lt never see them oh mother oh mother come along then come along like a good â said in a voice put off those unnatural things and come long home with us do ye now â there s the art at the town end and old getting u of hay â he s been very since you left us â and i ll drive you and mother back and we ll all be at our own fireside please god before dark and the a noble purpose poor boys will be so happy here bis voice broke ab said through her tears c if you could but hear among the corn like a calf though this may seem a forced image to the reader it was a very affecting one to on whom it had to the by teaching them to lap milk with her finger in their mouths and she had often felt most lively pity for the poor cows deprived of their offspring oh my parents said she weeping only let me have my way this once this once why this once will shape all thy future life exclaimed and cut it short too this once indeed mother do you believe in the saints i know you believe oh don t let us go off to the saints â nobly won the saints love girls that are obedient to their parents tis the first with promise and they that do not keep it will not live long in the land at this moment entered saying c niece i have found you a horse and what should she do with a horse cried turning on him fiercely for in truth he was glad to find some one to be angry with little did i expect this ill turn of thee to come to my house on pretence of wanting to nurse thy wife and then leading her into all this mischief looked confounded and was going to reply when continued with â and as to a horse you might just as well have found her a cow or a pig and just as well would she look upon it for she has noble purpose no more notion how to sit a horse than a sack of or of she never rode one but once and that was when i set her upon old like a of apples and had to walk at his head the whole way twas when thou to thou well for breach of promise of marriage but i rode all the way there yesterday father interposed and held the reins all by myself i was not a bit afraid and the brave de and de rode on either side of me and duke charles me fair and wanted my prayers and gave me these four pieces of money â you may have them mother if you like well to be sure
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said wiping her poor eyes as dropped the money into her lap and pray what did he give them to you for nobly won for my trouble in going to him and wherefore did you go because he sent for me with a safe conduct and the governor himself took me with ever so many men at arms yes yes said in a subdued voice the grand people have all taken her up and it is the will of the lord and we must be mute since he has made her his mouth piece â well it s all a mystery and perplexity to me said not that i would for an instant the will of the lord if i knew it to be so it all seems so extraordinary extraordinary evils require extraordinary said and sometimes get them â â whatever a live duke a could want to see in your round pursued girls must be at a and what now vol l a noble purpose might his s grace say for curiosity was her sorrow a little he said he was sick and like to die and wanted to know if i could cure him if he had sent to me now said there would have been some sense in it for there s a many things i know how to treat with what grows in the fields and hedges but i thought it was one of the privileges of the rich to have a learned doctor whenever they liked whether they were ill or only fanciful without caring for the cost even if their were wrapped in gold leaf and what now might be his complaint he did not tell me said and drinking of his s self most likely said shortly that s what the rich mainly suffer from â well put in addressing himself nobly won to tis no good the matter i ve a good way to go home and a many things to do got you a horse and me and another have made up the price between us for it was a matter of sixteen so i hope you ll take care of it and not break its knees oh thank you uncle what can she want was beginning and while i was for it persisted that brave gentleman of yours came up that has taken your matter in hand â not the dark but the light one â the de don t you call him and he remembering to have seen me come out of this house asked me what i was about and whether it had any reference to you and when he found what it was he was well pleased and the horse for me by pointing out a little white about the knees l a noble purpose but lie said it was a good serviceable horse and more than equal to your apparel which was of the meanest and that he had been asking the de how he could send you such a suit but it seems he the younger squire had had light things said to him by the governor about going and all over the country with a young woman which had his feelings and so he was you should not be too smart the things will do very well said who was now blushing painfully at the words had put into the governor s they were entirely his own and quite a free translation of what de had said to him and he went on continued to speak of this extraordinary project and truly we may all thank heaven that so discreet and virtuous a gentleman has taken the matter in nobly won hand for if he had been some young fellow whose character was not worth you would have been just as ready to go with him i should not said indignantly while inwardly thanked his law for this hit well pursued if you get through it it will be more owing to him i think than to yourself is he then so discreet a gentleman as you say inquired anxiously â itself replied and the other from all i hear is just such another though a trifle younger both are turned thirty dear me thirty is no age at all said â â i grant you said it s the sense more than the age but these gentlemen have sense and virtue too a noble purpose there s some consolation in that said who was weeping softly while with her arm about her mother s neck was shedding rivers of tears on her bosom but without the least noise or any from her purpose go on go on brother said in a voice as weak as his wife s give us all the consolation you can by telling us whatever good you know of these gentlemen without any i have not forgotten the dream i had long years ago that was going along with soldiers and i did say at the time that sooner than it should come to pass i would drown her like a but now the time s come i don t find it so easy and here making an unfortunate attempt to laugh he only gave a sob you see said soothingly that you did not know the whole meaning of the nobly won dream and thought she was going off with the soldiers in a sort of way whereas the whole thing is quite respectable and approved by all the town here made a diversion by saying dinner is now ready and i hope you will partake of it for you have come a long way and must needs be hungry well i wondered what it was that made me so weak said and maybe that is the reason so as you are so pressing gossip i don t care if i take a fm not a bit hungry said oh but you must join us said or
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i shall think there is something amiss in the fare or the invitation come come there s nothing amiss in the fare i will undertake to say observed for a noble purpose what s good enough for you must be good enough for us i always say what will do for me ought to do for my guests yes if they take you by surprise said otherwise one would willingly provide a little better i am sure there is no need in the present instance said so they all drew about the table on which stood a large bowl filled with steaming soup and in her husband le from the shed he came in looking very black but very good tempered with teeth as white as a chimney sweep s there were but two which were common to them all and at starting there was a good deal of old fashioned politeness and you first no you first but hunger soon asserted its dignity and the went briskly round with the precision of a military exercise in those days nobly won there was even a sentiment attached to eating out of the same plate and drinking from the same cup i believe knights and their were accustomed to do it i am certain it was the rule for a man and his wife and in the even now may be seen eating out of the same bowl with the same spoon even who was a remarkably spare for so healthy looking a girl partook of the soup with relish and could not help saying how glad the poor people in would be of this oh bother said her father on which she gave him a look of mild reproof but said nothing feeling the subject had better be left alone filling a cup with wine passed it round saying this is of last year s give me your opinion of it so then they all a noble purpose tasted it and gave their opinions and a good deal was said of this and other and in general and then they got to the and apple crop and then to and fetched out an apron full of apples and handed them round saying eat one of these it will settle your teeth and began to one herself in a way to show that she at any rate had a good firm set they were a kind of april cheerfulness all the more so that le having come in fresh stuck to general subjects when the little window of the room was suddenly darkened by several persons passing it and the next instant there was an tap of the at the house door come in always cried so the latch was raised and in walked a of six citizens of to wit the butcher the baker the nobly won maker the the and the tailor who to and le were quite among the upper ten thousand all the dinner party stood up impressed with an awful sense that something uncommon was about to happen and the tailor stepping forward towards to whom he bowed with his feet in the first position with much solemnity delivered himself thus â virtuous the citizens of conscious of your exalted worth and the lofty motives which inspire your present desire to present you with a suitable of their sentiments in the shape of a cape with a hood to it and other which being made of the very best materials â by my unworthy self â we hope will fit to which receiving the parcel of a noble purpose clothing from his hands replied with the utmost propriety â mr citizen tailor and you ye other citizens and respectable of it gives me satisfaction to receive this proof of your sympathy and i hope by the blessing of heaven to show that it has not been thrown away after this exchange of a general hand shaking and took place which impressed all but especially well said she with when the had retired i always said that mine has been a remarkable life â i have never known one day what would happen the next who would have thought husband that a child of ours should have received an honour like this from the chief citizens of a large market town nobly won certainly it is a very uncommon proof of the interest they take in said looking considerably pleased and i must say the confidence they evidently repose in m her makes me more inclined to confide in her myself oh thank you father said it may be said he tapping her on the cheek kindly that we old folks have been all wrong with our precautions and prudence for this is a remarkable case but in cases in general mind you the precautions and prudence of old people are all in the right oh yes i am quite willing to admit that â said so are we all echoed and then you baggage why don t you go and put the things on said her father cheerfully that we may see how they look a a noble purpose ah that is an excellent proposal said they all and as was burning to do that very thing she made no objection but carried the bundle into the other room and shut the door then the others drew round the fire and said what an extraordinary thing the whole affair was and what an extraordinary girl must be and all the more so for having previously given no signs of being anything but ordinary and how well she looked even in the shabby suit though it was best not to let the young baggage know it and how odd it was her not being a bit afraid to trust herself with these gentlemen and what it showed and how they hoped and prayed the gentlemen would be as good as they seemed and lead her into no
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evil and said well it is sorely against my will that she should go but since she will why let us nobly won the will believe in her as much his noble do and there s an end n t no there s not an end on t there said because if she carries the through and gets him at before the english prince is crowned t paris why she her country and will covered with glory i know not how it should be brother aid but somehow i seem to care ss about saving my country than saving my why that s right and natural exclaimed k th the women only if everybody did so with regard to sons and daughters said what become of the country that s past my answering said u but mother what a time the girl is dressing a noble purpose herself do remind her we cannot stay here all night went in to her but presently returned saying â she has the clothes on already but says she cannot come in she is so much ashamed ashamed i like that said with a while burst out laughing why have not we seen the in hei other suit already as to being ashamed she should have thought of that before how earth does she mean to face the and all his court if she is afraid of her old father and uncle just then looking over his shoulder he saw standing in the doorway with very downcast look but having otherwise much the appearance of a steady young page her father laughing with surprise and delight bade her come nearer instead of which she i nobly won retreated again out of sight and was followed by her mother and who turned her about like a chicken before the fire and came to the satisfactory conclusion that on the whole it was a much more proper dress for such a journey than any other would be gave her sundry sage counsels some of which were afterwards of great use to her and it was now time for the parents and daughter to take leave of one another which did with a good deal of crying all round finally the whole party walked down the town to see the worthy couple off vol m a noble purpose chapter ix a king s messenger named de attended by an now arrived from and bad a private conference with the governor in consequence of which the next time presented herself he said to her somewhat â you may go since you will under the conduct of this man who will see you safely to are you ready for the journey yes sir said my friends have supplied me with a horse go then said he happen what may i and he gave her a sword of no great value the king s messenger followed her out and said maiden i await your orders nobly won i must first take counsel replied with the de and the de who have undertaken to accompany me oh indeed said the king s messenger who seemed impressed hy the information at the same instant de coming up to them said to with a smile â i see you have a sword yes sir said she hut i hope never to take a life with it the governor gave it me and bade me go forward happen what might moreover he said this messenger would take me to the king i have already spoken with the governor and also with the de said de and all is arranged for our starting at break of day to morrow be ready therefore and of stout heart for the way is a noble purpose long the country with the rivers swollen and we shall have to ways where there are neither roads nor bridges fear not for me beau replied she cheerfully i have no fear for myself her simple preparations were soon made for a small saddle bag contained all she took with her the tailor who had made her clothes and was proud of their fit readily undertook to write a few lines at her to her parents telling them she was on the point of starting and begging them to remember her in their prayers who was again in the town promised tie note should be safely delivered the said she will read it to them it was a dark wintry morning february when the little party left nobly won it consisted of de de de richard the and two pages the were fully armed and perhaps never says charles mills was more beautiful than in those days of chivalry when france was one vast ground for the and of the two mighty of europe it was equally removed from the gloomy of chain mail and the te of steel however had nothing more than a simple coat of mail without hood or though their rank in nobility might equal that of the knights and for reasons our were willing that their course should not be betrayed to watchful foes by the glitter of polished steel among the milk s of l a noble purpose trees early as they started there was a cluster of to wish them good speed and more than one mother of a family looked wistfully after the young girl who though of robust make appeared so small and slender on her high horse riding between the two tall strong built men so now they were she could hardly it the desire accomplished is sweet to the soul said the wise king and hers was now fairly on the road to its accomplishment between sir and sir was not more content now and then one or the other of her gave her a word of advice which she obeyed with great quickness j but she sat her horse so well and that they soon began to talk to one
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another about the state of the country and she do better than listen de spoke nobly won of the english as and de observed how in times the had been the and the whole realm of england to their and he described how the english hated them and were by them which was all new to and he went on to tell how king john of england lost all his french possessions that had come to him by lawful inheritance and how our national honour thereby incurred a stain which his were impelled to wipe out de here observed that our henry the third and edward the first and second did not do much towards it de replied no edward the second played into the hands of the french by weakly to do homage in the person of his son for his french possessions and that it was not surprising that the young prince when he a noble purpose became edward the third should show more spirit and even seek the crown of france in right of his mother but that was no reason why he should get it and as it was he got a good deal more than it was well for him to have in was a bad thing for any country people that spoke different languages would never in reality be brothers though they might be friends de at the thought and then de went on to observe that henry the fifth of england to divert his own subjects from strife among themselves must needs send troops over to the duke of which was as impertinent as between master and man for those proud overgrown were subjects whatever they might think of it and he went on in a way touching up all the one after another more briefly than has done â all of which as nobly won de was very likely to know it already may have been for the benefit of but when they began to talk of the first of the duke of and then of the duke of leaving the quarrel to their respective sons they were getting to events which they themselves indeed could not remember but which their fathers had witnessed and of which they could speak with animation and detail and they traced the rise and progress of this present war and how on the death of our henry the fifth his son though yet an infant seemed to have every advantage on his side the whole power of england at his command soldiers to warfare and accustomed to victory and such as france alas could not boast â mastery not only of but of paris and of almost all the northern provinces but said de our sovereign â a noble purpose as the english know in their hearts is the true and heir of the whatever steps may have been taken to set him aside he has the loyalty of his his soldiers and the mass of the people to count upon and god will protect the right saying which he looked at and smiled the odds would not be so against us said de abruptly if it were not for philip of of the english themselves were we fairly matched i should have no fear there is immense force in them however said de look at their and i am however in great hope that the provisions which is even now endeavouring to convey to his troops from paris may be by the strong party have waiting for him at sir william â t nobly won this was spoken the day after the famous battle of the in which our was victorious and the french completely defeated should the good cheer added de t which has provided for his own men be whipped up by and and carried into it will be acceptable enough there for they are now reduced to such desperate straits that if our young maiden here looking at does indeed save them it can hardly be by anything short of a miracle de s countenance here became a little troubled and presently taking advantage of the of the by road he rode on a few paces in advance de continuing beside endeavoured to converse with her but finding her shy and silent he presently rode on to de leaving her to herself a noble purpose what troubled you just now said he to him i saw by your looks that you were pray heaven said de in a low voice glancing over his shoulder as he spoke that the maiden may be honest and true what doubt is there of it said de in surprise i at least have none and i thought you had not nor had i but yet â supposing all should not be right why should we suppose so said de de only up his face into an incomprehensible expression you should have thought of this before said de impatiently it is too late now to entertain suspicions you are embarked in the enterprise and must make the best of it for my part i think nobly won doubts are injurious see we are coming to a river and turning about he took s rein and guided her horse as they dashed through the water which proved rapid and deep the excitement of the passage did them all good de began to relate an accident that had occurred to him in attempting to ford a river which swept him v down the current and de the story with another and another apparently forgetful of his late suspicions they slept at the abbey of st the first night where they heard that many bands were abroad next morning they plunged into a thick wood with nothing deserving the name of a road through it only a couple of full of water which led them a course sometimes under huge trees with low sweeping branches that made them stoop to
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their horses necks to noble purpose avoid the fate of sometimes leading to open where the had piled of fire wood this forest wolves and wild besides affording shelter to numerous bands of de had wild stories to tell of and t te â two notorious of the past generation as for t te said he he was a desperate fellow o knew neither fear nor pity and would put a knight or squire to death as soon as a peasant he had a gang of four hundred men who received their regular wages paid by him monthly and he held in his castle a kind of open market where goods and furniture cloth of and iron and steel ware leather and other were to be found as as in paris we need not ask how they were got the his castle was nobly won for a seven years siege he was in the pay of the english the rascal i and yet he now and then upon them as well as on us which makes one almost forgive him de laughed it was well said he that when the war was over our and knights united to put down these and them in their it is much to be feared there will be the same thing to do at the end of the present war it would have been a hard matter pursued de to bring t te to terms had he not in heading a sally received a cross bow shot in the face the old rogue finding it likely to prove mortal called his men to him in yonder chest said he are thirty thousand marks i will give them according to my conscience i leave fifteen hundred marks to st george s chapel in this castle two thousand to the good woman who a noble purpose is tending me and the rest ye may equally divide if ye be so minded j but if not â why there stands an axe break open the my lads and get each what yon can ha ha ha did you ever hear that before no i never did said de it is a very good story and sounds like a true one here a rushing was heard through the woods which brought them to a pause but it proved to be only a herd of deer he was bought off by at last resumed de and prevailed on by a good round sum to try an honest life but it went hard with him ah said he sighing over the to rob and to was all things considered a right pleasant life there no sport or glory in this world that is to compare with it sure what a joy it was to ride out for whatever might turn up nobly won and fall in it might be with a rich prior or merchant or a string of of of of or of laden with cloth or with coming from the or with coming from or whatever we met all was ours or else at our pleasure the old villain it was not likely such as he should die in his bed he met the end he deserved the short day was now rapidly declining and as they skirted an exhausted they came upon a in the rock with a little chapel beside it the king s messenger rode up to de and said â beau i noted this place as i came and you will find it the best lodging for the night within reach the is dead and buried and everything within remains much as he left vol n a noble purpose it there is the chapel for the and the cell for yourselves while we men can make shift to bestow the horses in the and lie there ourselves or in the this seems a arrangement said de but how shall we do for our supper be at no care for that beau said the messenger for richard the has brought two and two bottles of wine and there are in plenty and i think some cheese in the cupboard and of hay in the rack for all our horses that will do rarely said de cheese is none the worse for being you may bring us a bottle of wine and one of the and the de and i will drink to the s memory in the cell nobly won while the maid for his soul in the chapel bring us a or two that we may have a good fire but mind you close the shutters that the light betray us not having according to her wont herself to the chapel where she placed one or two rough pieces of furniture against the door to herself in and then went to her â after which she lay down to sleep in her clothes which it may here be observed she continued to do throughout her long journey according to her mother s express desire the two meantime were growing confidential and under the genial influence of the cheerful wood fire which however they had not fuel enough to keep up very long de began by saying in a low voice â de i don t think there s much in that girl n o a noble purpose you seemed to think there was much and too much in her at one time yesterday observed de but apart from i mean she has very little to say and therefore shows her sense in saying little in my opinion said de what could she have to talk about except sheep and supposing she should turn shy before the king though de it will put you and me in a very awkward position do not let us trouble ourselves with any of the kind said de he has sent for her himself under the rose not through you and me but de and i suspect queen may
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have put duke charles up to sending for the maid on pretence of wanting her assistance for the purpose of seeing what she really t nobly won was and whether she laid claim to any miraculous powers or not it may have been so said de musing she conducted herself on that occasion in a way no one could have reckoned on de said he was never so struck dumb in his life i hope she will not make you and me feel so silly have no fear of it said de who however did not relish the suggestion after a pause â by the way de said he still in a cautious there is one thing which has much surprised me respecting yourself what is it said de all attention you know said de the wound my affections in the lamentable death of the lady rendered it impossible for me ever again to entertain the thought of marriage but i must say i a noble purpose i marvel that you who have never sustained such a should persist in remaining a bachelor that s a sore subject my friend said de biting his lip and de st has to answer for it you know that a year or two ago she was the loveliest girl at court i wore her favour i won her grace and we were on the very brink of bringing things to a conclusion when she had the impertinence to ask me what were my dispositions a very odd question for a young lady j said de if very said de i so you know and did you break with her upon that for no reason well that was rather a strong measure nobly won fm always hot and quick it s my nature i cannot be as calm as you still if your heart had really been bestowed â i took it back again for a girl in her to be considering what she should get if i died caused a in my feelings it was very strange certainly said de what could put such a thing in her head i wonder she said every man ought to care for the welfare of others as much after his death as before it and that therefore every man who had anything to leave ought to make his will especially on the point of marriage and in such unsettled times there was a good deal of truth in that de yes but from such a quarter noble purpose might not you have yielded the point i told her i had an aversion to making my will while i was well and likely to continue so i might as well order my coffin as should be sure to want it some time or other she laughed which i thought and said making my will would bring me no nearer to death i thought she must want a pretence to break with me and had found a very one so i returned her letters and and made my bow and came down to at as for â i knew she wanted me to distinguish myself and win my golden spurs and that i could not annoy her more than by sinking into a mere country gentleman i would not go to court now if i had not ascertained that she is safe in her father s old in but our fire is just out and we shall be in the dark nobly won so we may as well ourselves to the s bed of dried leaves t well said de it is a strange story i a noble purpose chapter x the being so superfluous as to think he would walk round the premises and see all was right entangled his foot in the rope of the s bell and gave a sudden toll which startled every one from their sleep and frightened himself as much as any one because at the same time he heard a rush from the immediate neighbourhood of the of what he took to be a pack of wolves he got a sound for his pains and turned into the cow house rather it being the apprehension of the whole party that this noisy of their whereabouts would draw on them the very danger they sought to avoid nobly won in spite of this they were soon fast asleep again but a little before day de the king s messenger was awakened by what seemed to be the tramp of a considerable body of men who by their irregular march and voices he judged to be no than they should be and there seemed to be a few among them for he heard a horse he listened in the utmost anxiety lest they should come up to the but in the extreme darkness they overlooked it and passed onward one of them audibly saying it cannot be but that we shall overtake them as soon as they were quite gone de went to the two gentlemen and said to them â â fair i regret to tell you there are loose in the wood who if we are may our safety about a couple of hundred as i should think passed a noble purpose close by us just now and i conclude them to be looking for us since i beard one of them say it cannot be but that we shall overtake them if they be mere they will be glad enough to make you pay heavy for your liberties and if they be who have got wind of the maid s pretensions they will give you no liberty on any terms wherefore my is that without waiting for the sun we should steal off as soon as we can dimly discern our way â not by the road we intended which would bring us on their heels but by a circuit of a few miles through the wood the de reflected
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a little and then said â since the troop as you tell us is so numerous it will be no cowardice but mere prudence to do as you say only let us beware of nobly won going far astray and coming back again to the same place for though i have been before it was long ago richard the replied de knows the wood well and says he can guide us let him take the lead then in heaven s name said de and the sooner we are in the saddle the better they all mounted therefore while it was yet barely light and the air felt chill and raw richard the leading the way over slippery ground and under sweeping branches which required the most careful riding after about an hour thus spent in perfect silence richard the came to a dead stop and said â faith i believe i have lost the way after ail a noble purpose u then thou to have thy fool s well said de indignantly that won t mend matters said de softly and they were all at a thinking which way they should go when exclaimed joyfully â hark there are church bells oh then all s right said the plunging again into the wood and the rest followed blindly after him trusting he had recovered the scent i hope we shall be in time for prayers said tâ prayers cried de very we have other fish to than to pull up at every church door for prayers i can tell you why you might have prayed in the chapel all night if it had been your pleasure prayers indeed â bless my heart and he rode on in advance very de nobly won ey presently joined him while prayed that they might all be safely where s that girl said looking oh out of de gin to be sick and tired of this job what already said de what do you mean by already said i mind dangers and as little as any man when i see my clear but as to this business i tell plainly i have my i had most â dreams in that old night and whatever they might i k they no good said de the hers bed was full of and kept me awake ch was worse than your dreaming even that himself came and gave you cold pig are travelling on an empty stomach which i a noble purpose does not agree with you but all these and will be when you g something to eat one would think we knew exactly that would be to hear you talk said de and besides i am not quite a slave to w meals i hope but i own it does try a man temper to be wandering hither and thither i this way after a that does not know from a oh yes i do beau said richard tl who could not silently lie under th gross he has the longer tail ai a tip of black at the end of it de laughed called mm a ap and bade him go forward out of hearing of de resumed he presently a troubled voice when i looked round that girl just now hei lips were nobly won like this â â now why should she be talking to herself â â probably at her prayers suggested de saying her prayers at proper times and seasons is one thing said de but to oe always at them in season or out of season is another and i own i don t like it how do we know she is not saying them backwards if i had good reason to think her a witch or a i should be tempted to pitch her down the next stone or at any rate leave her here in the wood to shift for herself aye but luckily you have no good reason said de and i really think de if you yourself would just say over six and as many we should very likely at the end of that time find ourselves out of the wood vol o a noble purpose de made a face but just at that instant richard the cried out â be of good cheer we are in the right track there said de laughing you see the very proposal for it brought us through de did not answer but forward and suddenly they all came out on the brink of the table land on which grew the wood and saw down below them a wide tract of country a great deal of it under water and covered in other parts with dense woods while in a clearing just beneath them was a small hamlet and a village inn before which they could plainly discern lounging a good many men both horse and foot some of whom were in plate that flashed in the sun de said rely on it fair those are some of the men who passed the nobly won and that others of them are hanging about although i see a knight s among them i doubt their honest intentions and my advice therefore is that we keep on this table land under cover of the wood accordingly they all turned into the wood again to the secret annoyance of de who would gladly have had his breakfast the still led the way and soon brought them to a forest whereon stood a neat s hut with a stone for horses beside it ve gladly exclaimed here is a place at which we may bait and riding up to the door loudly called out house which was answered by a shrill scream from within husband oh husband the are upon us a poor woman exclaimed wringing her hands peace you silly woman we are no â a noble purpose but said the going into the house and are on the king s service
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on which the poor woman s fears were and when she found what they wanted she gladly gave them refreshment for she had just her cow and drawn a of hot from the oven she was very kind to and said to her i see you are a woman for your long hair has escaped from your hood and she took her into another room to wash her face and bind her hair and told her she must not be surprised at her fear of the for they had carried off her only son and my little girl said she was devoured by the wolves the poor woman cried when she said this and comforted her kissed her and prayed for her the came in and said the forest was with so it was then nobly won decided that the travellers should remain where they were till dusk and then slip away under cover of the dark and the s wife was glad of their company for she said they protected her and she led a lonely life she dressed them a good plain dinner and towards dusk the came in and said the coast is clear now and i will start you on your way so he led them through the woods till the moon was up and then bade them good night before they separated there passed them a long file of wolves silently trotting one after another with their to the ground but whatever mischief they were after they did not offer to attack them had found a subject on which she could speak at last for when de asked her if she were frightened she said no and she told him several wolf stories current in her neighbourhood which greatly interested him a noble purpose but what most cheered his fancy was the legend of the were wolf which could assume the form of a man at pleasure thus they rode on hour after hour as long as the moon was up but when the moon had set the night became so dark that it was no good to go on for they only got entangled in the trees then de and de had a little consultation and then de commanded a halt and that the horses should be round them while they rested and one man should play while the rest slept then said de to maid seat yourself with your back against this tree you may keep awake or go to sleep whichever you like for it concerns no one but yourself but the de and i are going to be on either side of you and if the wolves come they will eat us first saying which he cast himself nobly won on the ground and was or seemed to be asleep in a moment and de followed his example only keeping awake long enough to say his prayers was grave but not frightened and addressed herself with great seriousness to her she remained awake thus employed a great deal longer than the others but at length she too was overcome by weariness and fell into a light sleep de pacing his rounds kept his eyes and ears open so that the very grass could not grow without his seeing and hearing it when two or three hours had thus passed day began to dawn and de waking with a start cried where am i this is even worse than the s cell the others started up at the sound of his voice and were soon in the feeling stiff and but presently emerging a noble purpose from the forest they were sweeping along at a pace that warmed them and at length they reached a inn with a faded on the ale stake here they alighted for breakfast and de who was now on familiar ground ordered hot dishes to be prepared saying they were on the king s service take some wine maiden said de offering a thou art she would not taste any however till she had tempered it with water are you then the maid of cried the woman of the inn joyfully oh i have heard of you and people are expecting you along the road god give you good fortune good maiden the best i have is at your service the after looking hard at de and de now stepped forward nobly won and said â i suppose you have heard of the lost battle lost no by whom v said they both together by us replied the the duke of as you must know had collected five hundred carts loaded with provisions for the troops â yes yes the command of the was given to sir john or whatever they call him with sixteen hundred men they started from paris on ash wednesday and proceeded by short as far as here the foremost of our great captains de the two of france the of scotland young and many others who had long been waiting with three or four thousand men to the offered him battle only think a noble purpose what odds the day should have been ours how went it said the impatiently the english captain formed his carts into a square leaving only two at these he placed his and men the merchants and baggage being in the centre in this way they waited two full hours for our troops who drew up over against them but out of considering a had only six hundred englishmen and all the rest you would say he ought to have been beaten but he was not our scotch began the battle by attacking the but were with immense slaughter j about six score gentlemen and five hundred common men were killed most of them but what were we about cried de nobly won many of our lords were killed and wounded and then our captains drew away the english cried and sat down to and beer they
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passed the night comfortably in and next day conveyed the five hundred carts triumphantly into their camp before so many of the carts were laden with that they call it the â battle of the only one englishman of note was killed only one prisoner made and he was a the intense disgust of the at this cannot be described as for she was quite confounded at what appeared to her the of the french though she was ashamed to say so yet she was really grieved to hear that some of them were killed named ou â of course see le de s de which i have only obtained since my ms went to press a noble purpose and wounded it only made her the more anxious to push forward and stem if possible this tide of misfortune and as her were quite of the same mind they pursued their long long journey with very little rest or refreshment now across plains now struggling through rivers and panting up steep banks now forcing their way through and now concealing themselves behind rocks or in gravel from some band of sometimes passing ruined castles burnt and deserted villages sometimes keeping aloof from robbers towers and then again obtaining entrance in the king s name to some walled town and refreshing themselves at some inn where the came curiously about them and learnt their errand and wished them success whether de had prepared the nobly won way for by spreading the news of her mission on his way to or not it was clear that her fame had her and that the people were everywhere looking for her as for one that should save france there are some people whose confidence is much by the confidence of others and de as he rode boldly and proudly at her side quite forgot those suspicions which had lately made him ready to drop her into a gravel pit in fact he now really liked her very much in an honest kind of way for he could not but be won by her piety her modesty her her courage and her silent endurance of many and daily hardships as for her mission he left that to take care of itself it was quite out of his line to say whether she were or were not inspired the king must look to that all he had undertaken was to lead her to the king a noble purpose the king himself was at this time in as great perplexity and trouble as it was in his nature to be in his grand old castle of the remains of which may be seen to this day on the rising ground between and â the of our richard de lion â he was every fresh success of the english but very little to go forth and face them as long as he had the immediate means of leading an easy life the loss of the battle of the stunned him a good deal he summoned a great council to consider what was to be done for the safety of and on the very eve of its received from his messenger de a letter from the maid of saying she was coming to his assistance and was awaiting his orders at the village of st de nobly won charles knew not what to do de account of her had not impressed him in her favour and he felt very little inclined to be the tool of an on the other hand she might be an useful instrument and revive the fainting courage of his people after some consideration he desired that she should come to the town of and there await his orders meanwhile was as de remarked making up for lost time by hearing three masses a day in the church of st at and passing nearly her whole time within its walls there an old priest showed her a curious old sword marked with five crosses which much pleased her and she said that if she were so happy as to find grace in the sight of the king she would ask him to give it her after a little suspense de a noble purpose returned and said she was to go forward she asked where she was to lodge and was told at an inn she then begged very earnestly to know whether there was any respectable women with whom she could lodge saying it was her mother s particular desire de replied that a very respectable woman named would provide for her near the castle with which she was well satisfied meanwhile it was warmly in council whether charles should see her or not the duke d on t and other great leaders all had their several opinions that of the king s favourite the de la was not without its weight some thought â t son of le sage first duke d on he was prisoner to the english and now on his endeavouring to raise his of six hundred thousand crowns v nobly won she must be mad others feared she might be in league with evil spirits others were persuaded she would prove an artful others again thought that true or false she might be an useful instrument next day several members of the council waited on her to hear what she had to say in a stone room with little in it but a table and some chairs and benches they found a modest self possessed looking girl who only showed by her deepening colour that she was at all embarrassed standing in the dark close fitting habit with wide sleeves that might have become the son of a country gentleman her long dark brown hair simply bound round her head one hand resting on the table in what was unconsciously the attitude of a princess receiving a while a step behind her and no more stood two men who might
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well have been vol p a noble purpose the said princess s lords in waiting and one of whom at least was personally known to some of the council as to the king they were received not with a country girl s short quick dipping courtesy but with a slight grave bend of the head on their inquiring the nature of her message to the king she declined to deliver it except to himself saying that it came from the king of heaven de and de who had been so struck by her on the road were now still more so at the with which she baffled the curiosity of these practised and they themselves retired from the interview filled with surprise and admiration and returned to the king with a highly favourable report in the words of an english poet who died before was nobly won god had such favour sent her of his grace that it ne seemed not by that she was born and fed in as in a cot or in an ox s stall but so discreet and fair of eloquence so and so of reverence and so the people s heart embrace that each her loved that looked in her face accents melting in the mouth at were written of the ideal might ve been of the real there no prose more true than genuine poetry to conclude the decision was made and e hour named at which she was to appear fore the king p a noble purpose chapter xi the royal was one blaze of and crowded with and men at arms when the shepherd girl of entered it attended by the two faithful who had sworn on the cross to lead her to the king these two were now dressed to their rank in velvet suits and short caps and no arms except their swords and but in her wide close fitting and had no but her own beautiful hair as she passed onward some viewed her with and levity every demonstration of which however was checked by the stern looks of her companions wind nobly won ments were swelling in the distance everything had been prepared to and her the glare of fifty fell on the gold and gems and and scarlet robes of the first nobility in and no fewer than three hundred knights some of these were bending gracefully to whisper soft nonsense to the fairest ladies of the land who shone in every of the rainbow and every variety of those of the old school who attended queen wore sweeping trains of velvet the length of which however was regulated by those attached to the queen mary of favoured the fashion of deep borders of fur to their silken skirts which of widow of louis the second king of and and duke of and mother of duke of and of mary of married to charles the seventh of france afterwards king was now twenty two years of age and married to the duke of s daughter noble purpose they gathered over the arm in graceful folds there were head dresses like that reminded one of the leaning tower of and also moon shaped cushions and stuck over with pearls and bead work these outrageous head dresses were being vehemently preached against by an mar at paris and some of the youngest and fairest ladies had the sense to prefer golden and shining and were not wanting in this vanity fair and certain young pages were in fits of suppressed laughter at the court who threw himself in s way in a ridiculous attitude but a stern glance from de who knew him very well made the poor shrink into a corner besides this a real was present there is an illustration of the scene in but clearly of no authority since is in woman s clothes whereas the nobly won text on the same page tells us was dressed like a man and the king looks advanced in years whereas he was but seven and twenty this good looking good humoured young monarch was the only simply dressed man in the assemblage and purposely so â to see whether would mistake for him the de la who assumed his place for the it was an interesting moment the count de met and ushered her forward the girl came slowly up the hall but with firm eye and step so intent on the king that she was thoughtless of self the music had ceased there was silence and de and de saw the and burned to her of it but could not their hearts beat faster than they would have done at the approach of the enemy reached the she looked at the in a noble purpose its centre with surprise and disappointment for she had long ago heard the king described and knew his general appearance she looked round however saw him â their eyes met â and she went up to him at once oh what a great sigh de and de gave simultaneously there was a general hum of relief and applause like instinct made her scent the blood royal we may make merry at it but it was no jest to them every eye was strained to see what she would do next she knelt simply and reverently on one knee at charles s feet god give you good life gentle king were her first words â they are in history â spoken in her distinct yet gentle voice â quite a womanly one young de la afterwards called it i am not the king said he smiling he is there po x fc nobly won in the name of god she replied it is none other than yourself most noble i am the maid sent on behalf of god to aid you and your kingdom and by his command i announce to you that you shall be crowned in the city of and
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shall become his lieutenant in the realm of france come that is a good hearing said charles no longer but how am i to know that you say true gentle said she earnestly why will you not believe me i tell you that god has pity on you and your people for st louis and are on their knees before him day and night praying for vou and for them i hold this one of the most striking figures that ever was used whether in earnest or for effect a noble purpose charles was struck by the with which it was uttered you speak like one in authority said he but i must have some farther proof of you than mere assertion before i accord you my belief come let us have a word or two together and her to follow he led her to the deep of a window all tie company falling back out of ear shot and there held conference with her speaking to judge by the dumb show like friend with friend and now it was that in the of the object of interest the fell upon the second and de found himself surrounded by a swarm of brother and other old acquaintances of various degrees of rank who overpowered him mt i nobly won was borne off seemingly an captive t y a crowd of young even to the very side of the two queens who had a thousand inquiries to make of him being of a gallant and genial disposition in spite of a late fit of the he now absolutely in the sun of royal favour and gave those majestic ladies a vivid and correct sketch of s story and his connection with it up to that very moment they were pleased with him and praised his behaviour he of course omitted the incident of his thinking to throw her into a gravel pit at this moment the king exclaimed in a voice audible to them all strange this maiden has told me things which render it absolutely impossible for me to doubt her mission a universal hum ran round while he gracefully taking by the hand e st a noble purpose up to the and presented her to mary of and queen de now found himself and as he fell hack a voice whispered into his ear what would de st think of this night and day through woods and with a maiden of low degree f w the lady de st is welcome to think whatever she will of it replied he coldly though greatly annoyed her opinions are of no moment to me i will tell her so when i see her replied the dame de la for i return to to morrow de low and passed from her it is singular thought he what a mean little thorn can the amiable dame de la tour who was i better friend to him here beckoned him to her side and spoke with him as a kind aunt nobly won have done inquiring of his welfare during his long absence from court hearing with interest all he had to say of his present adventure and telling him in return much news of his friends and relations accompanied by occasional kind to de st for whom she assumed de to entertain a regard she added when i return to i shall repeat to her all you have told me de thanked her even more in his heart than in his face and wished she were going tomorrow it is the office of some to and of others to heal one we love and one we don t soft music was again breathing all around and a was throwing balls and the was dancing with the two from were present a circle had formed round the where yet remained at the royal de j a noble purpose stood a little behind the inner ring an observant witness at length the queens dismissed her observing she must be tired and de stepping forward took her hand retreating backwards with her through the circle and then led her quickly down the hall followed by de the not minute they were in the cool night air crossing the lighted court then in the outer darkness groping their way to the lodging arrived there de pressed her hand heartily saying i think you now be satisfied and her to the good offices of the widow he and de retired to their quarters looking full at as she entered hardly knew what to make of her she asked her if there were anything she wanted i want nothing so much as to w said t â tin nobly won she laid her arms on the table and her head on her arms but tears did not come presently a gentle voice beside her made her start it was not the voice of but of father who had been sent to her by queen he was a pale fine old man nearer seventy than sixty with the transparent skin and face that has given but with the deep dark penetrating eyes and sweet expression we are familiar with in cardinal this old was instructed to her and form a judgment of her character and pretensions but the goodness of his heart made him understand and pity her and he applied himself to comfort and strengthen her before he did anything else u du des de de des de st noble purpose father cried directly she saw him will you hear me confess certainly said he greatly pleased so went out closing the door after her and the poor girl knelt at his feet and confessed after she had risen she said father will you write a letter for me to my parents willingly daughter said he so when writing implements were procured she dictated to him thus â put maria to begin with all things should be done in
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the name of god so he wrote maria and made a cross in memory of our dear and much honoured parents â oh it seems so long since i saw you i could think many months had passed i have put that said the i did not mean nobly won â you to have put that said i was only thinking aloud but never mind by the grace of heaven we have reached our journey s end i will tell you all about it when i come home i have seen the king and delivered the message he is a young man father bit his lip but obeyed instructions i never heard any one speak more to my mind i think he will inherit the kingdom of heaven the old queen that s the queen s mother is something divine i think st margaret would have been like her if she had lived to be old you need not have put that but no matter what will happen next i know not i trust in god shall take him to but the siege must be raised first and then i shall return to my spinning and be the happiest maid in did you hear about the battle of vol j q a noble purpose the t i think we had better not enter upon that said father it will take up too much room and besides said there is nothing to tell to our credit and now my dear parents i make this request with tears â no no don t put tears let come and take care of me and for me i will take care of him i should like but i know be won t come perhaps might be spared but there is much to be done now however the king says that if i he it he shall be a man at arms you know the country ought to be saved w that very strong father â make a very black mark the may want to go home and then i shall be all alone so at any rate send where s the money to come from though oh said the i ko see nobly won that well then put once more be sure you send the grace of god be with you all amen â your daughter let me kiss it said and that will be the same as my mark father undertook to forward the letter and so he did but he showed it to the king and queens first who were all much touched and pleased by the simplicity of the maid meanwhile the early closing hour having already passed and being overcome with weariness she accompanied her hostess into the little bed room which the but before she lay down beside her she said her prayers now it must be borne in mind that had been eleven days and nights upon the road never getting a good night s rest and in bed her mind constantly on q a noble purpose the full stretch her strength tried by and protracted horse exercise â she was just in a state to walk in her sleep at least the only case i have witnessed of it was one where there had been broken rest great fatigue and an mind imagine her then scarce risen from her knees and seated on her bed about to her dress overcome by irresistible as she sat she sleeps she dreams the strange scenes she has lately passed through with fantastic now she is forests with her now a river and borne down by it to the boundless ocean now she sees her parents on the bank wringing their hands now she is conscious of that sweetness every sense which is said sometimes to accompany drowning now she seems struggling in mortal agony for breath nobly won sunk on her bed poor maiden and the tight collar of her nearly choking her anon a hand comes from the clouds and leads her she seems as we probably have all dreamed some time or other to fee treading on air and now really rises from her bed but not awake and with the strange power of finds her way forth quietly opening and closing doors without disturbing her soundly sleeping companion i do not ask you to believe this you may follow her with me or not at your will she has left the house she is in the bright cold moonlight and walking steadily on without a single mistake to the castle it seems to her in her trance that an angel is leading her the distance is short the few who meet her shrink aside without knowing why for her eyes are open a soldier staggering to his quarters her a noble purpose you should not god she says to him when you may be in his presence to morrow i it is still early in the night the king has dismissed his guests but is still conversing with a favoured few â the duke d n charles de and de la he is carelessly seated under a on the and wears the golden which he had removed when first saw him it is not difficult to know him for the king now most of the lights are extinguished and the lower end of the great hall is in gloom and darkness de la has just uttered some light jest at which all have laughed suddenly charles turns pale see said he in an altered voice what s that the buried majesty of could hardly have excited a greater thrill as it noiselessly trod the ram oi as the nobly won who in a trance but with her eyes open steadily advanced said charles trembling is it the maid or her spirit and they all crossed themselves her right arm was raised on high and there was a gentle smile on her face she paused when she reached
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the king and earnestly fixed her eyes a little above his head heaven be praised said she softly crossing her arms on her bosom said the king sharply at his voice she violently started and instantly awoke how came you why came you said he fearfully the angel brought me i followed the angel said she simply you hear her said charles looking round all bent their heads without s a noble purpose you see the crown said she to them pointing to the oh yes said they all with one voice â and the angel i can t exactly say i did said la whom she addressed nor yon to d n not precisely ah well but you did to the king wh was mute you all see the crown said she appeal and passing her hand over her eyes as i to assure herself she was awake oh yes we all see it said they in chorus take care of it give it him to the king who took off th and gave it to d on it is very precious said she to d guard it as you would your life he bowed nobly won then she waved her hand and turned to go saying to the king you know you will be crowned at i hope so she sighed deeply and retired down the hall they all looked at one another the king drew a deep breath and said â gentlemen this is passing strange passing strange said they all i think she saw something said the king she seemed to me asleep said d was it herself think you de la go inquire of the guard if they saw aught de la did not at all like the errand but obeyed and returned saying all the guard acknowledged seen the maid and that they had supposed she came on the s business a a noble purpose next day the soldier who had insult was drowned in trying to ford a river of course people talked â i have no wish to make others apply the fc passages as i have done only used then material but they are worth reading on her trial â se la re ell et si son le respond de respond c est bon e fin or se qui l d ou s il par respond h de hai en il a j a la le au et a mon f du de il j et au u se qui la respond de les d et de la et charles de le et a la ne c câ nobly won what do you make of it to me it is quite plain that believed in this vision whatever it was which took place she expressly says the first day she saw the king and her were completely in their to shake her testimony there seems no way of for it than a noble purpose chapter xii the first result of the king s was her being removed poor lodging to be the guest of the sir dame de at the ch du de was grand master household here she received crowds of interested visitors all of whom were and amazed by her sense modesty and she went frequently to church and there was often observed to shed tears never wavered on the subject of her every other subject she was perfectly r able the w so il interested i nobly won that he sent for her often he wanted to see her ride and was surprised at her the duke d on who was on his to obtain his was among her warmest the who had come from the city to plead for the king to send to them to satisfy his council however charles resolved to take her to to be examined there by the university and parliament de said de coming suddenly into his lodging one morning u it is time for us to decide what we shall do is going in the king s train to shall we cast in our lot with hers any longer or not which way do your own inclinations tend said de we have fulfilled our oath of bringing her to the king and the adventure may either end here or be carried on a noble purpose i declare i have warmed in it sa when we come to look back c journey how interesting it was and plenty of credit for it too which is neither of us took into the calculation a seem if all goes well at bold blow will certainly be struck for and it will be curious to see how on there so that on the whole if it b no difference to you i would sooner g than go back it makes a great difference to me j de for i would a great sooner go forward poor is hardly to spare us yet and may perhaps like friends better than new ones we have through a good deal together already yet the tough work is only beginning that we three may as well stick the oi ge k s ts j nobly won very long and then we can all go back to agreed and i am glad of it for i like the maid more and more then since we are going to join why should not you and i de become brothers in arms and unite ourselves in a holy bond of friendship like your du and de i have thought of it already said de and am greatly inclined towards it though du is a much greater favourite of mine than de then do you as you are the better write out a form at once and i will sign it that will be hot and quick said de smiling and we shall not want a bond to keep us together a noble purpose no time like the present and no better security
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than a bond said de so as de saw his heart was in it he made no more opposition but took pen ink and and wrote out a form somewhat shorter than du s but to the same purport to all whom these letters present may concern de diet de and de of the king of france s stable greeting be it known to you that to confirm perpetual love and friendship between us we promise swear and agree between ourselves to the thing here following be it known that i de de desire always to go hand in hand with you fe in whatever enterprise or you undertake always provided it shall not nobly won be against the king of france and our lords and i promise you to aid you and comfort you to the utmost extent of my ability in whatever thing you may require item if any one e the king of france shall attempt to harm you in body or goods i promise to rescue and you to the best of my ability item whatever comes to me in the way of of prisoners or lawful spoils of war you shall have half item i will defend your body as if you were my brother and in case i should know of anything whereby you may sustain wrong or blame i shall you with it and i de promise you de the very same things to wit c c and these things we and do promise and swear to observe and perform on the holy touched by us and we put our vol a a noble purpose and at this â day of april in the year of grace this document being to the entire satisfaction of de was duly signed sealed and delivered and by an embrace and now said de as neither of us are rich and your page de is i propose we should send him home and make my boy serve us both which de gladly accepted i remember said de was a boy of s age thinking a man of thirty six well stricken in years whereas now i am thirty six i feel myself just as young i was ten years ago and find life as full of romantic interest and though in the i have had many troubles and one great grief i find that every human pain may be if without the sting of sin and the nobly won burden of crime i am ready to believe now that thus it may be at forty six and even fifty six de looked doubtful i cannot say as to that said he but i am quite willing to try the king had already supplied with a page in a quick sharp boy of good birth named louis de who in after life was de et de this who was highly pleased with his appointment did not find his dignity at all soiled by brushing the clothes and performing the errands of the maid of behind whose chair he stood at meals the king and court now removed to where s case was referred to the learned doctors she was lodged at the house of an advocate of the parliament whose wife treated her with kindness â a noble purpose the poor girl foretold no more than came to pass when she said riding to â i know that great trials await me at this place but the lord will bring me out of them all de of and lord of france assembled the most eminent to take part in the they proceeded to s house where received them in the and then seated herself on a bench they called on her for an account of her mission which she gave with simplicity and without hesitation said a â t you say that god desires to save the country surely he can do it without your assistance let the men at arms fight said she and god will give them the victory â â and in â s nobly won voices speak to you said father in his sharp provincial accent in better french than yours said she quickly which made the grave doctors smile do you believe in god rejoined father angrily well then god will not expect us to put faith in you unless you give us a sign i did not come here replied she to perform signs and miracles my sign will be to raise the siege of give me troops and i am ready to start the examination was protracted day after day and in the two were sent to to learn what character she bore there the assembly also consulted the of who wrote a on the subject during the intervals between her received visits of curiosity and a noble purpose interest from ladies of every quality and even â from her themselves grey haired judges all came to see what she was in private life and were in her favour still they continued to her with doubts and to quote learned authorities for their scruples hear me said she there is more in the book of god than in any of yours i know neither a nor b but i come from him to raise the siege of and to the at it will be needful however to write first to the english the minor returned from with a satisfactory report finally not to go into every painful detail it was decided that she was a good girl and true and that the king might avail himself of her assistance charles showed his alacrity to do so by immediately t t j t a nobly won commander that is she became to all and purposes as much a or leader of knights as a woman could be a beautiful of plate adapted to the graceful of her neck and shoulders was made for her but she begged the king to let â
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her have the sword marked with five crosses in the church of st at which was accordingly sent for the of st sent her a crimson velvet embroidered with golden de lis and from some other quarter she received a blue satin hat and fringed with gold but her preference was for she gave her own directions for her banner it was to be of white sat embroidered in the middle with a figure of the holding the globe in his hand o a noble purpose seated on clouds with two angels him one of whom bore a lily and with the maria under this sign she would conquer de and de now joyfully came to welcome her into their brotherhood you are now said they our sister in arms superior in military rank to ourselves and we shall fight under your banner pray address us no longer by the cold title beau but as your brothers de and de and to you said she i must always be we take you at your word said they readily had a little incident for de s ear among the many and of high degree who had paid their respects to her at the advocate s there was one young lady of aa ko nobly won she happened to have no other visitor this young lady s countenance lovely as it was had decidedly something in it she made a thousand minute inquiries of especially respecting her journey without ceremony and almost on politeness throughout her cross questioning she fixed on her a pair of brilliant black eyes that seemed determined to read every thought in her heart when her was ended she paused for an instant and then rose saying â i shall now go and you may tell de that de st entirely of his adventure in all its details and â hopes he will soon make his dispositions would you not like to tell him yourself said he will soon be here no no said w a noble purpose much i particularly want to avoid seeing ii him you may think we are friends but we are the bitterest of enemies i came from c for the sole purpose of seeing you b and am going to return thither immediately a you may give him this if you like and she kissed her i most certainly shall not said vi so you may take it back again and she tc kissed the pretty young lady all the better said laughing oi and dropping her thick veil as she followed louis de who had a broad smile on his v face the court now returned to and the king s earliest step was to the regular household of a lady of distinction her squire was to be the d a man of bravery and who had served under a second page was found for her nobly won in louis s brother her two were named and her to her great joy was father besides these she had a dame de a d and inferior servants the duke d on started for to collect the troops that were to escort provisions to but where was the money to come from charles s good natured face assumed a look of deep thought must borrow again said he at length of and who was deserves what used to call an inter chapter a noble purpose chapter xiii in those days when and other were the distinctions of rank as well as wealth the carried on a trade whose father s fortune had been made in this way was himself quite a merchant prince at his ships covered the seas and sailed all over the known world three hundred in his employ exchanged the wares and produce of france for the valuable skins of other countries grew rich and his spirit was as generous as his fortune on one u â hundred nobly won â thousand gold crowns to pay off the free companies in the year with which this story commenced charles the seventh had made him master of the at then he made him his and afterwards master of the at paris to be the king s indeed was more honour than profit for his were so low that s in this office de said de la du de la il n y pas en to repay him with barren honours the king and made him governor of more than les de sa r au exact ii le simple de un et la hire le il ne put on pour a et de â noble purpose this he made him his mend his adviser intimate companion the of lis secrets and certainly charles showed his sense in the selection of his he to him the conduct of difficult â most likely he took his opinion about he made him and baron of st of of of at all these places built splendid palaces and castles he built himself two palaces in paris â one where now stands the royal tie other in the de y at at at san h built him other palaces he built the of the cathedral at and to it a magnificent chapel see c ta â pilgrimage to which nobly won but the greatest wonder of all was the house he built himself in it was like a dream we cannot invent such things now if we were to mix together fortress and and country mansion and town hall and build range upon range on old roman and raise strange shaped towers of all shapes and sizes and put a strip of a highly ornamented palace next to a of a grim old and set doors and courts and and where nobody would expect them and the whole with the most delicate and quaint on ornaments and and life like figures of the master and mistress in their quaint on the grand stairs and set figures life
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size of a man and woman servant looking eagerly out of near the doorway up and down stated to a noble purpose their master â we should only make a j and a failure we should not achieve a success like the man must have had an he could at will let run riot or control the bounds bound the one of his was a inscribed a impossible which in his case seemed on simple truth his emblem the hear with the pilgrim shell of his st found place in almost every and seemed like setting to it j his mark in the heart of his m was a perfect of a chapel and exquisitely two from it into the street held statues â one of the king the other of h mounted on a mule shod the whatever fc nobly won the house is a not of passages that lead to nothing but that lead to what you would least expect in the middle of the dining hall floor just where it would be concealed by the table a large stone lifts up and a hiding place a long mysterious passage leads to a distant street over various doors represent the destination of the chamber within thus over the reception room a page is in guests over the chapel door a man is ringing a bell and the host is being carried over the kitchen people are busy cooking over other doors trees are over others barrels of rope piles of it would take too long to repeat all the exquisite little bits of fancy and imagination expressed at every turn in wood and stone â the in concealed in wax nâ r vol s a noble purpose in courses of lace like foliage doors with elaborate carving a small room known as s study has a closet opening from it full of to this day it is covered with the most curious apparently relating to his own history he is to be seen in the different in his quaint hood gown and gold chain and royal secrets seem in the mystery in one group is seen approaching a female beneath a tree whose hand is raised as if to remove ft crown from her head a man with ft crowned head and a face full of anxiety looks from behind a tree in the background in the opposite direction they are watched by a grinning fool with cap and bells the en close n i and dire â s x among the ts mâ nobly won charles duke of dying in a fierce contest for the succession to his ensued between of duke of queen s son who had married the duke s daughter and her cousin the count of was wounded and taken prisoner by the who were of de s party and the duke of consigned him to imprisonment at the top of a high tower still to be seen at where he amused himself as well as he could with music poetry and painting on glass his wife the it was this exertion of his talents says miss that finally terminated his for philip the good was so much pleased with the sight of his own portrait painted on glass by his interesting prisoner that he clasped him in his arms and after expressing the greatest admiration for his talents offered to with de for hia s a noble purpose presented herself a weeping before the king with the little margaret of in her arms and her other children led by her maid of honour the beautiful words failed the poor and turning to she bade her plead her cause for her which she did with such eloquence and grace that charles loved her from that moment at this time she was a and pure hearted girl and she sought to use her influence with the king to the advantage of his kingdom by urging him to delights and days though it is to be feared that in the end he did her more harm than she did him good his queen however showed her great kindness at first and liked her very much till she s v much v nobly won now was charles enough to wish to set his wife aside that he might marry and did he get to suggest it to mary of may not his doing so be in the garden scene may not the queen be contemplating the removal of her crown while the king concealed anxiously to what passes and the project is by some spoil sport not very represented as a fool at all events after inconceivable prosperity lost court favour through the false of to the death by poison of it a specimen of the things she could say is preserved she told charles an had her that she should win the affections of the greatest king in the world but said she that cannot be you since you let the english hold the best part of kingdom a noble purpose happened twenty years after the siege of and probably proceeded from natural causes but his enemies were eager to ruin him with the king he had been sent on a splendid to compliment the pope on his accession had at his own expense a castle and town holding out for king charles against the and he returned to be persecuted and ruined his goods were declared to the crown and he was cast into prison till he could pay a fine of a hundred thousand gold crowns he escaped from prison with infinite danger and difficulty he reached borne there with a faithful he managed to pay the fine to the infinite of his enemies there was a of his trial his were declared and himself innocent t a r a nobly won â but in the meanwhile the fine old man who had passed onward to the island of had died there of a
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broken heart this is events only it affords a curious illustration of the times and one would not willingly write of charles the seventh and yet leave the page by the name of noble purpose chapter xiv great wailing was in when the letter arrived which sent her parents by telling them she was on the point of her journey did nothing but cry all the evening and as for though he did not say much he fell sick and kept his bed two days over to to inquire if the governor had heard any news of the travellers which sir robert resented saying how could he have had news of them when they would be at least ten or twelve days on the road and he did not even know which road they had taken he bade him for a troublesome as lie aa ma s s w nobly won so went home with a bee in his bonnet and when he reached two cross roads it was borne in upon him very forcibly that he ought to have stuck to and not let her go wandering about by herself and that it would be better to hie after her now than not at all so he turned his back on his friends and relations and walked about five miles hoping he was all that the nearer to when happening to come to a man of whom he could ask his way he found he was completely on the wrong tack so being by this time tired and very hungry he made no more but went straight home and said nothing of his enterprise the next to start off was who taking advantage of a market went off on pretending the villain he was going to sell which indeed he did but afterwards he started off right a noble purpose country but feeling this to be without parental instructions a thorn into his foot and made it an excuse for such desperate that thought it best all things considered to go home went off and he poor boy was the only one who was found out and brought home in disgrace and kept on bread and water three days as for his intentions remained buried in his own bosom poor old man but certain it is that made up a small bundle more than once determined that come what might she must go and look after her girl she was just thinking she could bear it no longer when looking and yet thankful came over to say the governor had sent to tell him the travellers had been heard of and were doing well they had crossed tlie â fc nobly won tears of pleasure sprang to the eyes of the at this welcome intelligence and was remembered with additional that night in their prayers then came those two and peering about under pretence of exhibiting some very choice relics to the faithful â of st paul s chain and such like but in reality to pick up the common talk of the place about there was no scandal to be up not so much as a perverse or idle word she had always been good and honest and kind had gone to church often carried candles to st mary of s little chapel by the old danced and sung with her young companions under the tree would nurse sick people and young children and give of her little to the poor the three were â b a noble purpose witnesses and they got out of the that was being examined at the disappeared but when with very round eyes hastened to tell what they had said and she had said and they had said again â poor became very uneasy at the idea of this examination whatever it was and took it very of and the two that they had not let her the and them well she sent her sons to look after them but they could not find them was turning in her troubled mind what to do next when the village came in to her smiling and said i bring you a letter from your daughter the poor woman clasped her hands unable to speak and him to sit down ran out before the house and made a shrill cry that could be heard in the fields which nd nobly won sons hastening in without any ceremony or order also came running up followed more slowly by here s news of our dear girl cried in delight be quiet all of you and his reverence will read it c dear and honoured parents began he aye aye i that s every word said under her breath mother said giving her a the went on without any more interruption till he came to i have seen the king on which he raised his eyes from the letter and looked at them au round said aye aye softly and slowly as if weighing it in his mind while threw his cap up and caught it again and clasped her hands and looked joyfully upwards but a a noble purpose required to find vent in words and hastily exclaimed â there there she has done it my daughter has seen the king as she said she would and may wear shoes yet â aye and fastened with silver chains to her and a silken and a about her neck with long ends even down to her feet daughter daughter said the m this triumph is quite thy head is turned with the maid s promotion already and yet it may lead to no conclusion conclusion or no conclusion said in a lower key my girl has seen the king and that s what i said suppose we hear the rest of the letter said softly tâ it is but reason you foolish people said the and he went on reading till he c nobly won came to where
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she spoke of returning to her spinning returning to her spinning indeed cried no no you may depend on it shell not do that my will be a and hold up her head with any of them in and cut work with the wide sleeves they call â which in my mother s time were called because they would hold whatever you put into them the was in but said nay sir nay you will bear with her the news has got into her head like new wine so the was appeased and went on till he came to her asking for her brothers cut a at this and looked full of joy but their parents were full of objections the proceeded and a noble purpose again came to do not fail to send f on which he clapped his hands boy hold your peace said his father giving him a rap on the head so the concluded the letter which ended with mind you send there said snapping his fingers with joy she has said it three times are you sure sir you have read the name right said may it not be or why woman one would suppose i could not read cried the and yet i have been thought to know from and besides said with a sigh i don t want to go i should feel awkward in kings palaces though fm all very well among and that s right m l a w v nobly won patting him on the back you know your place and keep it with which seemed gratified as for me said pulling up his head my genius is for action i feel it at any rate i must go said for she says so three times since she has said so three times i suppose there must be something in it observed does the church say so your reverence why in a case like this replied he i think it only never was an in her life said nor have i ever known her guilty of but if the thing is to be it is â only we must have a little time to look about us for the boys must have two shirts a piece made oh mother interposed â vol t a noble purpose let that stand in the way i can go as i am till i get there and then perhaps the king will give me some of his old ones peace said do you think you are to appear before his majesty like a beggar a fine opinion the queen s mother would have of me if she came to look into your bundle i trust i know what is due to their and shall certainly look out some pieces and shape them for you before you stir from this roof tâ and i will and them mother said for love of thou always an obliging girl said and patted her on the shoulder and whispered them with a hot needle and a burning thread for i long to be off you none of you seem to consider said the that they who walk in slippery nobly won places are like to fall s path is beset with dangers and she asks you for your prayers unless therefore you offer them not and mechanically but from the very ground of your hearts you will have yourselves to thank for any mischief that her having thus brought down their tone he blessed them and left the cottage t a noble purpose chapter xv to s impatience it now seemed that much valuable time was being wasted men and provisions were being collected at and she longed to accompany them to she plied heaven with prayer and and she plied the king with for action about this time a gentleman at named wrote thus to a friend in â a young girl of eighteen from is about the king whom she tells that she will save and drive away the english and she says they will wound her there with an nobly won arrow but not and that the king will be crowned this summer at besides many other things which the king keeps to himself this girl daily her horse fully armed with lance in rest just like the king s other attendants and she fills all hearts with confidence this letter was dated april nd one day returning from church followed as usual by a great of people and awaiting her at her door one looking quite red and the other quite pale with emotion immediately they were embracing and kissing one another o my sister can this be you cried i took you for a young knight in this rich and yet thought i tis the face of but how you are altered how improved a noble purpose i hope to say as much of you in a little while brothers said and you must not mind the breaking in oh there s nothing i shall mind cried that s the right way to take it said she we don t come here to amuse ourselves but to save our country and that is no such easy work however we may make the best of it i have a great deal to say to you both but first i want to hear all about dear home and you shall talk and eat by turns for i am sure you must be hungry so she told her page louis who was listening with all his might and surveying the new comers with the most curiosity to bid the d send in some bread meat and wine and then said she you may stay away till i call for you as soon as he was gone she nobly won clasped her brothers hands â now said she tell me about everybody and everything down to the cat and but especially about father and mother the youths
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were not backward to obey these instructions and talked eagerly till a plain plentiful meal was served she helped them herself and said now it is my time to talk that you may eat i am longing said to hear all you have to say the king said who is a right noble gentleman has been very good to me he would not believe in me all at once without a reason and it was just and right that he should not but the lord sent him a sign whereby he knew he might trust me but then the parliament and church were to be satisfied so i a very examination in the a noble purpose doubts were removed so then the king gave me rank as a knight in token whereof ye may see my white silken banner also he appointed me a household and stables and a table as ye may see right good ones too said it is not to be supposed continued that he does all this for nothing he does it not for value received but for value to come he expects i shall raise the siege of and crown him at as i have said and as i believe i shall do but how said in perplexity that is not for you to ask replied die rest content r and obey my instructions fm sure i will for one said very anxiously nobly won and i for another said what shall we begin with well said she smiling you must begin with holding up your heads and not being so round shouldered they both pulled themselves up look about you and you will see how the men here carry themselves they are not a whit better looking than you but they have been and are skilled in all manly exercises so must you be if you would take place among them for you have nothing else to look to in birth you are lower than any of them but you are my brothers and that will make them respect you if they see you respect yourselves â not else they know i fear god and honour the king they see i eat and scarcely touch wine they never light or vain word from my lips they will look for the like in you i a noble purpose her brothers faces grew rather long for the of their position had not before dawned upon them so you must behave as if the eyes of all france were upon you said she and what is more as if the bye of god was ever upon you â which it is and now dear brothers you shall have no more preaching and i will help you to some of this pie had been casting glances at it for some time but he now partook of it with moderation and even said no thank you when offered him a second helping and now said she i will present you to my squire and to my two pages the d is a gentleman to be respected as well as loved i consider it very of him to be my squire and you must always treat him with n w t s r either nobly won of you as a general rule to talk too much or too loud till you see how others talk and behave that will give you leisure for observation i very much regret myself that we are losing so much time here but for you it will be a good thing because it will give you time to learn something of your new duties before you are called into action my two pages will be your chief companions they are of good birth and on the whole are nice boys but they may try to lead you into mischief and if they do all i can say is i shall hand you all three over to the d who will not be very scrupulous in your punishment a little at this and just at that moment the formidable entered and said â maiden queen has sent for you i attend her grace this instant said and in the meanwhile d you will direct my brothers to â a noble purpose his majesty has promised as you know that the eldest shall be a man at arms as for he must be a page i think the young gentleman cannot then be more employed said the d than in doing what i have already set de at and which may he called the page s first introduction to chivalry namely to at a stout stake with a staff first and afterwards with an old sword or there can be no better practice for him said he may have the sword the governor of gave me unless you can find him a worse if you will follow me young men said i use the word page as most familiar but in fact ox void the terms used for it till the time of philip de com ns nobly won the squire i will but attend my lady to the castle and will then find you good employment the king was just then playing with the d on and at the same time listening to one of the from now what is it man he was saying and at the same time holding a piece suspended between his fingers nothing disagreeable i hope now don t let it be anything disagreeable the looked and replied â then i know not what to say charles moved his piece and then turning round upon him said quickly â what is lost no replied the but it cannot possibly hold out many days longer unless are soon e a noble purpose don t move that knight said charles hastily to the i ve lost my bishop owing to this fellow s talking well my man you say you want it s
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very easy to say so but who is to send them we had hoped your majesty aye aye you hope my majesty my i majesty has very little peace or quiet day or night what with your hopes one minute and your fears the next what you are short of provisions hey and of men your majesty the fewer the mouths to feed my good fellow now how much money do you suppose there is in the purse just four crowns that s all i have to swear by you have puzzled me had we not better the game your majesty this fellow s puzzle is worse than the nobly won other my good friend you think i am to you not in the least caesar could do two things at once and so can the he was de looked as if he thought charles the seventh was not caesar c the governor desired me to press upon you very the distress of the town men s spirits faint when their bodies are they may die behind their walls but they can scarce defend them a excitement such as the news that your majesty was coming in person why the maid is coming in person and is not she enough the maid with nearly six thousand men and a noble supply of provisions ah said the earnestly if it were not for these t a noble purpose there shall be no more my dear fellow the maid shall start for to morrow may god in heaven bless your majesty l n said the poor flushing with pleasure yes yes said charles rising from the board i give you the game â i should have won it but for this worry j the maid as i say shall start to morrow and when i say it i mean it the joyful news of the king s intentions quickly spread and all was joyous preparation de before he and his fellow departed had an interview with who asked him innumerable questions and was not satisfied till he had enabled her to form a distinct picture of in her mind s eye he spoke of the two great towers of its cathedral soaring above the walls and forming a for miles and of the great yawning chasm in the bridge that te s a sâ which nobly won rose the famous english called les he said that though indeed the english had encircled the northern side of the city with their yet its was such that there were great between them through which could pass and that the were in fact isolated from one another and required great resolution to hold so that he advised to bring the on that side rather than along the south bank as she would then not have to cross the river under the fire of sir william s soldiers on the south bank and the could sally out to meet her and afford the enemy a diversion stored up all this and he spoke of the committed on both sides by the use of cannon which had its first successful trial in this siege and was regarded with immense terror and he described the it had made in t c tj x â sa vol i tt a noble purpose how some of the english captains had made in the ruins and their men in their usual manner had raised huts of earth to shelter themselves from the arrows shot from the she seemed to comprehend the whole situation so well that the thought this woman has intelligence and decision and will needs do us good and when he took leave of her she said â be of good cheer and expect to see me soon in i will i will said he heartily and mind you come by the north bank and then she led a solemn procession to church d carrying her white banner once and again she addressed the and said â people all remember ye to pray for us while de was in the hurry of preparation fat v s nobly won brought him a letter observing as he did so that it had been left by a travel soiled messenger from de hastily desired him to stay the messenger in case the letter required an answer and then after opening one envelope after another till he was provoked came to â a single hair in the paper were the following lines â you asked me centuries ago for a lock of my hair which i refused but now that you are doing your as a son of france i remember your wish and yet keep my word for i think a single hair is quite enough for you i send my good wishes to your lady love though she is not the one if she is the other i hope you will cut off the head of u a noble purpose de with a light in his eye and a smile that curled the ends of his moustache the following and gave it in charge to the returning messenger â you are mistaken in thinking my love is no lady for she is both one and the other however her name is not i thank you for the hair which i think i have already lost that will make her savage he and in return will leave you my heart which you despised while i was alive but may prize when i am dead my page will take care you shall have it i trust you will plant it in a and it daily with your tears which i shall prefer to your eating it with salt and your servant but not slave de de nobly won chapter xvi the little did not start till the sun was well up for they had to ride but twenty five miles to and the king wished to see them off that easy going prince
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attended by la and a few others was early in the saddle and saw the train file by him in the following order â the d carrying the white banner to the wind in full with a white such as we see in the to s flowing in graceful folds over her plate father on a mule noble purpose de and de well mi and richly armed with two the two brothers the two pages or to use tl term the and de p s page in all a very little party as it king to save france take care a hawk does not fly off wit maid said he cheerfully what we all do then have no fears for me beau replied with equal cheerfulness i si preserved and preserve others heaven grant it muttered he as si off surely something ought to turn me considering what a run of ill luck had fox m ft td t s nobly won forgive others their and never bear malice and love to see everybody comfortable is not that my character de la when the little party had passed out of sight the order of march changed a little d the banner as the wind made it troublesome and the two rode up close enough to join in conversation father was on the miseries occasioned by the overflowing of the notwithstanding the strong built on its northern side to protect the valley as soon as the snow began to melt on the mountains in which the river rises it began to the country sweeping away whole villages and detached cottages with all their inhabitants trees horses cattle peacefully sleeping in their were borne aa a noble purpose while here and there some aged person was heard calling for help from some or the upper branches of a tree while the principal persons of the w ere on this subject after wistfully the two boy pages behind him one of whom at length made him a signal of invitation dropped behind to them leaving to on by himself had quite enough to do to keep himself together finding himself on a steady enough horse and being into a thick jack over which he wore an iron and on his head a or open without or he was armed with a lance and a sword and as he had not had time to either it troubled him much to think how he should handle them and d o ra r k al when nobly won the first brush with the enemy occurred every one would be so occupied with their own part in the engagement as to take no note of his meantime he made a appearance enough and nobody guessed what inward were the poor fellow louis de who as yet had hardly exchanged a sentence with began by asking him how old he was to which he boy like replied going on for fifteen i should have thought you were more said louis who was should not you oh certainly said i should have thought him at least sixteen sâ well i am surprised at that said for at home i have never been counted tall perhaps because your t â c a noble purpose taller said like strong and strong of course you know the allusion i cannot say that i do said allow me to ask if it is not impertinent said louis with an air of extreme civility how do you spell your name i don t spell it at all said nay but how should i spell it any way you like said it s all the same to me surely that cannot be said louis laughing because it makes all the difference whether you are noble or not oh then i can tell you in one word said i am not it appears to me said with affected gravity but i may be mistaken that you do not happen to know how to read nobly won you are quite right i do not said but added he i dare say i should if i were taught this reply threw his companions into such fits of laughter that some of their elders looked round at them on which they were instantly as grave as judges by this said will you teach me that would be rather too much to undertake said and would abstract my thoughts too much from more important duties i think it would be more in father s line you had better ask him oh yes i will said for he looks very good natured i wonder though said louis that when you lived at home in that old castle of yours the d arc did not bid one of his to instruct yo x s e bs f a noble purpose you did not like to learn and were allowed to have your own way being the youngest my father is no but only plain replied and he does not live in a castle but in a cottage is it possible exclaimed louis affecting the utmost surprise and where then did you get your good manners oh they are cheap in my part of the country though they t be in yours said smiling i suppose you found them too dear but i got mine for nothing blows are cheap though in my part of the country said louis and it give you as many of them for nothing as you like thank you but i never take anything without paying for it said and i would rather pay even too much than too little to a r s nobly won i ll remember that next time i want a few marks said louis my father is noble but poor my father is neither noble nor rich said but yet he is a good man for all that and a good judge of horse flesh too no doubt said of a draught horse
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may be said but not of a fine war horse like that my sister rides marry i should like him to see her now perhaps you would like him to see you now said louis well it seems a long while since i left home said innocently and i should like to see him and for him to see me home sick said not in the least said stoutly ah said louis fc â x a noble purpose have left my father has a splendid old castle in that has been in the family for several thousand years the walls are draped with and our ancestors achievements we have a three hundred feet beneath the level of the sea choke full of dead men s bones indeed said who saw no reason for him then it s a good thing there s no room for more â why so because i should think there must have been a great deal of slaughter here again the pages went into fits of laughter you stoop too much said louis recovering himself a warrior should be as straight as his lance knew this to be true and therefore drew himself up immediately nobly won know i should make for you pursued louis following a plough dragging a little holes in the ground and dropping beans into them of course tend to curve the shoulders no offence i hope none at all said pray was any intended his companions laughed and then said â see we are coming to some water now mind you are not the river very well and then said to louis â suppose instead of mocking me you were to tell me all you know of gallant knights and of arms â with all my heart said louis â the only difficulty will be to stop me when once i have begun what shall i start with y a noble purpose that old castle of your father s that has been in the family thousands of years thousands hundreds indeed you said thousands ah my boy that castle is high high up quite in the clouds my poor old father is in heaven oh â and the the is his grave mother earth you will allow is choke full of bones nay then there s an end said disappointed on the contrary i have not yet even made a beginning did not you want to know the institution and whole course of knight one law of is not to tell lies said do you mean that i have done so master â nobly won â said on the other side do you know are insulting my arms whom i am bound to rescue defend and on all occasions whether brother in arms or baby in arms said stoutly he ought not to say thousands for hundreds a baby indeed said louis why i have a lady love and that s more than you can say do tell me who she is said wit interest will you be secret oh yes the noble lady dare what my sister why she is a great deal older than you i prefer it she is the lady of my affections and you oh i ve no lady vol i x a noble purpose you must have then til have my sister why that is what little de said to the dame des well and will not she do as well as any other yes yes we will stand by her to the death and thus the boys among themselves while before them and the maid the the two gentlemen of and the squire held pleasant discourse in front and thus they onward till they reached the pleasant river and saw heavy sailing up stream with a wind with all manner of provisions ah sighed the would that those were bearing corn and wine to the city but they will only at the nobly won farthest reach and now maiden behold the distant towers of cathedral it was erected by st on the site of a house given to him by the heard and believed and soon they were the streets of the old town preceded by the white banner and attended by the chief and a tumultuous of citizens a noble purpose chapter xvii it is fine to enter an old fortified town at dusk when its walls frowning towers ponderous and irregular streets lie in deep shadow broken here and there by red fire light or yellow lamp light flickering through the quaint of old houses or the passing of a or lantern or the twinkling of some miserable little oil lamp before a shrine or at an apple woman s stall dark figures mysteriously draped pass hither and thither on unknown errands we regard them with a pleasing awe and wonder what have been their when to these sights we nobly won add the accompanying sounds â the grating of wheels the of many feet the hum of a thousand voices boys to one another through lanes and here and there a baby crying a cat a or playing a beggar a sudden of street singers a sudden glimpse inside a lighted church full of people praying â the scene becomes one of enchantment perhaps some one who reads these pages may have dined at the table d of some old inn on the when the holy coat was exhibited at and may have seen guests chamber maids everybody suddenly rise from whatever they were about and rush to doors and windows a procession of has entered the square a priest of some distant village is leading his to they are dirty travel stained and weary they o a noble purpose chant an hymn as they pass every head is uncovered every one looks on with a strange kind of fascination and wishes them good speed something like this was the commotion excited in by the entry of and her little band
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she was the wonder of the hour women looked at her with tearful eyes and men regarded her with curiosity and reverence as she passed onward to the cathedral there was no lack of attendance that evening at afterwards the grey haired old in gown and gold chain her and her companions with his best but reminded him it was a fast day and would only eat a small piece of sweet it her she said to and heaven with much prayer and then said the to her â nobly won maid ye are full young to undertake this journey to a camp of rough men hast thou no mother aunt nor woman of mature years to afford thee countenance replied my lord will afford me countenance i go to save france and sure there be no sons of france who would harm or hinder me ah said the shaking his grey head i wish all sons of france were as ye think but too certain it is that in the camp at are many both men and women who lead ill lives said women have no business there at all and if i find any such there as you say i shall turn them out the raising his eyebrows a little and turning to the d said in a low voice are you wise to take her on with you can good come of it think ye a noble purpose a what know i replied d in the same tone i can but obey the king and trust in god he who does so is wise said the then maiden since thou wilt neither eat nor drink except what might suffice a let my good wife lead thee to her which may please thee better than to look on while i care for more robust the old lady who wore fur round her black robe and cap and who looked like a dutch s wife stepped out of her picture frame here rose and taking s hand in hers led her out of the hall and we too will leave the and his guests to their wine by s direction father called off the three boys to bed it was one of the first really warm days of the season when they started next morning for nobly won the distance was thirty english miles light clouds were gently chased overhead by the soft air the fields were faintly tinted with the tender green of the corn and birds were in every thicket as they pricked over the plain clear trembling flashing from their polished steel they seemed bent on some fair or rather than on a forlorn hope but and her companions were full of gravity it appears then father said she from what you tell us that national sins have again and again been attended with national punishment and that when the people of god have from time to time as with one accord themselves before him and pleaded for his mercy he has been unto their prayer and given them from their enemies noble purpose time would fail me if i tried to to you all the instances of it daughter said father time however is not wanting at this moment said and how could it be better filled well then said he to but a few examples the people of god having with nations in the days of the judges were given over into the hands of the who oppressed them even worse than the english and us on their humiliating themselves one and all before the lord however it pleased him to deliver them by the hand of a great captain named and the land had rest forty years again the people did evil and again they were given over to their enemies again they cried with one voice unto the lord and he delivered them by the hand of a great nobly won captain named that time the land had rest eighty years we may suppose that generation to have died off the next did no better than their fathers had done they provoked the lord and he gave them over into the hand of king of again they wept and lamented themselves this time daughter their was a woman her name was she dwelt under a great tree a like the tree cried and she spoke to the chief captain as you might to de and bade him march with ten thousand men to mount and pour down upon the king s host who were assembled beside the brook in great multitude adding the lord will deliver them into thine hand this general however refused to go unless she went with him on which she rather contemptuously a noble purpose replied â i will surely go with thee notwithstanding the journey that thou shall not be for thine honour for the lord shall sell into the hand of a woman served him right said de i dare say he thought pursued the that the woman spoken of was herself it was not so however with at his elbow went up to mount and then she spoke to him as you might to de and said up for this is the day in which the lord hath delivered into thine hand is not the lord gone out before thee mark those remarkable words daughter so and his rushed down from the heights and swept over the plain as the does when the snow has melted completely overwhelming the enemy s cavalry and especially who had himself so much on his war nobly won actually found them of no use at all and leaped out of his own and took to his heels like a hare with the hounds after it famous cried de and the woman inquired the defeated general pursued father fled ever so far away till he got to a wild quiet sort of place where was the tent of a poor
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shepherd the man was not at home but his wife was and believing her friendly to him asked her for shelter and concealment she knew him well enough and hated him so when he asked her for a little water she gave him some milk and made believe that she wished him well and made up a bed for him but directly he was asleep she takes hammer and nail and strikes the nail right through his head â with such a will as to pin him to the ground a noble purpose ah that was treacherous was s comment d s was the nail must have been a long one it was one of the long nails with which the tent was to the ground said the and now tell me have i given examples that the lord s hand is not slack to save when men call upon him for time would fail me to tell of his people under their kings â of david and and and be assured however that the lord s arm is not that it cannot save would cried that i might play the part of anew aye but the camp and nation must be of its sins first said father our lord says it is of no use to call me lord lord if ye do not the thing that i say clearly not observed de nobly won there is pursued father who was himself an a of my order called brother richard lately returned from the holy land who has had it revealed to him that marvellous things shall befall in the year of grace and another brother named the immediate approach of the end of the world his preaching has been blessed to the of many souls in italy where his lies and as to brother richard he is drawing multitudes of poor to him at this moment in paris where he during lent at st his i am told begin at five o clock in the morning and last till ten or eleven and there are always five or six thousand persons present richard a paris ail commencement d et a le du a noble purpose a for myself said d a long sermon good or bad invariably puts me to sleep â it is an infirmity i inherit from my father original sin is at the bottom of that infirmity observed the we all of us inherit that from our first father but we are not therefore held that is what i never can precisely understand said the squire be so good as to explain it to me in few words while father was with his request much debate was going on at concerning s pretensions and the reception that should be given her the pleasant city of hangs on the a c et son sermon du et et et y ou six k ts fc sâ â ss â s nobly won side of a steep hill which towards the river in the form of an the river is by a heavy solid looking bridge and along its bank runs an agreeable shaded by fine trees while the outline of the town is broken and dignified by the many roofs and of its old ch and by the of its cathedral the upper part of the city would be inaccessible but for continual flights of picturesque stairs in an old stone hall containing little furniture except some heavy chairs and benches round an old table sat a group of king charles s most noble captains to wit de admiral de captain la hire and the de and de lor which of all these think you was the real original of our nursery stories it was de â vol x a noble purpose handsome young man with the glossy beard and glittering black eyes at the too early age of twenty he had become possessor of enormous wealth and bad run into strange excess of riot but had not thereby been from to high military distinction soon after this time he was of france eleven years only afterwards he was put to death for alleged at he was accused of putting to death hundreds of young children some said to renew his youth by a bath of their blood others that he might write with it books of this cry was raised against louis the doubtless without reason in both cases with the love of says dr peculiar to the lower orders of the french as of the irish they exclaimed â s the king in our children s blood his ar our blood â s â secret bid cf the court of france e v nobly won the de was sayings i have received advice from this morning that the maid slept at last night and is even now on her way to us who or what is the maid said the admiral scornfully that her coming should be of any moment to us she does not you in the command i suppose that is as may be returned de â the king has given her a banner and she seems to be coming in some sort as his as well one as the other of them i think said la hire the king s field non le l general d arm e le de et de pour du f de la si il on ne fist la â le de y i y a noble purpose orders would do us no good but his presence would the troops â this girl s interference is impertinent but the men believe her to be inspired and therefore will fight under her as if possessed i am not going to resign my to her though said de so i hope she may not find herself in a false position what matters it how the men s spirits are raised said la hire et already many who had gone home
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are re assuming their arms for their country s cause they only wait for her to cheer and them them and welcome said the but to undertake anything in the nature of command will be simply ridiculous i for one am not going to be led by a she wear oo da i nobly won with her hair flowing over it i understand tied by a string or something what is her said the admiral two or three replied de a a squire two pages and a d h y her entry will be simple and said de lore that depends said de is she noble i am not sure how her name is i rather think it is only dare de observed who escorted her across the country is as true a son of chivalry as ever lived he is one of the king s of the stable he wears her colours of course white is her colour i understand she see a monument at constructed in when her appearance was fresh m k a noble purpose wears white a white and has a white banner we must give her a good reception at any rate said de since the king so wills it good quarters and a good table who knows but that with this she may be content as a good little girl should be and leave us to do what is after all only men s work only said la hire smiling a little tâ we men have not been able to relieve nor will she nor will she returned the quickly notwithstanding all this nothing will be done it is a grievous thing but must fall nobly won chapter xviii though the chiefs had so little relish for her assistance they were forced to yield some outward to the spirit of the citizens who were in a tumult of joy at the news of s approach when therefore she drew near to she saw them coming forth to meet her with every outward demonstration of respect while the hearty genuine cordiality of the multitude expressed itself in shouts that rent the air as usual her first object was the cathedral whither she repaired armed but attended by an immense of people the citizens were forward to show their a noble purpose hospitality to her and her train but her severe rule let her do little justice to their feast she inquired according to her wont for some worthy dame of respectability as her hostess and was assured that she was to be the guest of the most honourable and esteemed lady in the town she bade father for the morrow and sent one of her to beg de would come to speak to her without delay he did so accompanied by la hire beau said she you know my mission and my authority i trust you are ready to escort the provisions to all in good time maiden replied de lightly it is our intention so to do but it will be no easy enterprise in the face of the english flushed with recent success nobly won it will be your turn new replied she to be flushed with success for you will go forward in the name of the lord â and at once de s colour rose la hire swore why do you take that holy name in vain said looking firmly at him by which we hope to conquer is that your reverence for your captain you owe the god of battles at least as much respect as you expect your men to show you maid i am corrected said la hire ah but said she earnestly do not content yourself with merely from swearing when i am by but altogether de burst out laughing is my turn coming said he you may as well ask me to walk like a however continued to look at la a noble fur pose will you said she by my maid i will said he abruptly you don t call that swearing i suppose it will be almost like talking dutch for i must learn a new language i will only swear by my de looked contemptuously but said god will bless you for it and i pray you go to church i did not see you there this evening all the men laughed here and de said you are in for it now never mind said la hire stoutly she is a good girl i can see with half an eye and i wish i were as sure of heaven we must talk of earthly things now observed de with impatience and with respect to the it is im nobly won important that it should proceed without delay said for the citizens are weak with hunger rest content said de the men of shall be yes but at once insisted and along the northern bank my dear child interrupted de with something of kindness in his tone what should you know of the count de has expressly us to follow the south bank leave these things to men who have studied them all their lives only you have not relieved she put in that s a stale answer said he impatiently to proceed along the northern bank of the would be highly dangerous and we should inevitably be cut off i have a noble purpose no right to throw away the lives of the king s subjects in that way nor any mind to risk my own in what would be mere folly content yourself with us by your presence and cheering the men onward and we will proceed fair and softly along the southern bank and through the province of where the of the english are weaker and worse guarded nay but said i will go with you along the north bank or not at all this is sheer obstinacy said de and shows nothing but you want to provoke me to throw
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down my i suppose no said i want you to carry to along the north that is all all bless my soul my good girl interposed la hire i nobly won tâ dear captain said she to him do you believe me sent by heaven or not he was silent u i dare know nothing of the matter i am simply sent as a messenger to lead you to victory if you do not believe in me i have no more to say well but i v do believe in you grumbled de at least the king does which is to the same effect and do not the soldiers â oh yes who put it into their hearts may it not have been the holy spirit may not the lord have the nation for its sins by these sad and may he not be willing and desirous to show mercy if so be we will but yield us humbly and to his guidance though it be but by the hand of a little child noble purpose oh if you are going to talk in that way ah fair sir believe in him as i do i wish i did exclaimed la hire with an oath oh upon my honour i didn t mean to swear maid you are very and very began the no said i scorn to be either ah well you must be tired with your journey pray how did you leave his majesty very anxious that you should relieve he expects it i hope his expectations will be gratified j meanwhile we will relieve you of our presence that will be a relief at any rate so fair a lady must need to lay aside her nobly won sir i am no lady nor yet fair and i shall wear till is saved and the king crowned then i will go back to my sheep little girl you are brave said la hire ah said she i see you are going to be a good man you will leave off swearing and go tj church oh aye and do you my child remember me in your prayers certainly sir and the brave too i have done so many times already i have prayed for each of you by name that god would your hearts and give you good desires de here gave a kind of and bowing low took his leave la hire paused for a moment i shall see you in the morning said he s in church then said for that is a noble purpose where i shall be and afterwards in the camp oh sir i know you are loyal and brave do help to save our poor country why that is what i live for aye but it must be by means one is to save another is to the camp by making the soldiers their hearts like dying men t the come i didn t swear that time give me credit for it maiden you had better preach to them yourself it is more in your line than mine and begin by telling them you have won over an old sinner like la hire not that i am very old neither good night he hastened after the who was towards his quarters what say you to this girl f began he there s a mighty air of inspiration about her nobly won oh she would talk one dead said de that s the worst of people who have no manners if she has no manners it follows that she has not bad manners observed la hire and i do not see that manners bad or good have much to do with it only this that she will not hear what is to be said on the other side and whatever may be alleged passes it over and returns to the original â that we must march at once and along the north bank how do you mean to put her off asked la hire simply by never her that won t relieve though as she said and as you said before her my friend m sick of that stale answer i don t see what is to be done though vol z a noble purpose said la hire the other made no reply but walked on his at every step what do you mean to do said la hire the replied â lead her a dance all about france out of france into spain and then back again la hire laughed but said i don t think that will do try it however said the and now will you sup with me v well you know i live by rule but the rule is never to refuse a good invitation so they both laughed and turned into de s lodging it may readily b supposed that there were in of ladies who were dying a the s to v k ss â ic it tt nobly won to look her well over themselves with her voice accent forms of expression and ask her a thousand questions i will not say they to ask her to a more likely to wine and but at any rate they desired to show her the hospitality of the time and place that they might in return have their curiosity and self import ance gratified nothing however was more out of s way than a series of small evening parties or parties of any kind by whatever old fashioned name they might be called her object was with the aid of father to call all the city to repentance and if honourable women not a few her with their visits to be instant with them in season and out of season that they should convert their husbands by their walk not from house to house s things which they ought a noble purpose but at home themselves in good works and continuing in prayer and night and
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day it may be supposed that such as these were as acceptable in many instances as a biting north wind to a person with a bad cold and that sundry ladies with or round like the moon pronounced her a very set up young person vastly and disagreeable but yet there were others pricked to the heart and by her enthusiasm who fell into the formed by the maid her and all the priests of and the streets with them the seven in addition to her banner she had a standard round which they rallied it was painted with the as for the soldiers father preached among them as might have done awaken nobly won ing a sense of sin that was vehement while it lasted expressing itself in groans tears and the breast la hire himself a soldier from the cradle was scarcely ever heard to swear and was not to be seen in church de readily to s desire that a letter should be written to the english chiefs before them to yield to king charles all the cities they held in his realm instead of writing restore to the king however his secretary wrote restore to the maid which she afterwards complained of this letter was received with scorn and derision by the english captains who returned for answer that they would burn the herald who brought it as coming from a and witch notwithstanding this threat however which was not put into execution an uncomfortable feeling of dismay a noble purpose and distrust arose in their minds as to her authority and mission and the soldiers especially being more ignorant and superstitious than their masters were quick to believe that she was from on high or with the powers of darkness meanwhile de to encounter the english yet wearied by the with which urged him to advance really practised the he had proposed to la hire and announcing that all was ready for the march started with some of his troops and provisions crossed the with the maid and yet had the art to persuade her they were keeping along the northern bank la hire s heart smote him for joining in the deceit and as de and de had not been of her council they knew not she was in error for the greater part of three days therefore they wandered up and down the dreary nobly won wilderness of than which it is impossible to conceive a district more arid monotonous and nothing met the eye but sand and gravel and and the poor inhabitants seemed and wretched passed the first night in her in the open air but it made her ill and the next night they were obliged to supply a lodging for her the priests of who had joined father in this availed themselves to good purpose of these two days in preaching repentance to the soldiers they led the way singing creator and on the second day administered the in the open air once s natural nearly detected the secret of their route she remarked on the of the sheep they passed and said they were no bigger than six months old noble purpose and yet said la hire they afford us the best mutton in france one would think then said she quickly that they were of the breed of this comes of talking to a thought he but he said nothing and she suspected no evil but began to wonder at the tedious length of their journey you will see said de from the very next ridge and encouraged by this she rode on oh exclaimed she in indignation and grief the river lies between us you have deceived me after all forgive me maiden said de it was by order and the was necessary it was not said she with flashing eyes you have betrayed your trust de made no answer nobly won see cried la hire there is with yonder boats let us ride down to hear what he has to say waved his hand to them as they approached and sprang ashore right welcome cried he and you too la hire maid you need no herald to announce you are you the count de said she i am said he and very glad of your coming was it indeed you said she who directed us to come by instead of te such was said he the advice of our wisest captains they were wrong they were wrong said the lord is wiser than they you thought to deceive me but you have il et de s a noble purpose only yourselves let no time be lost now in the supplies but a storm is coming on de and the wind is contrary the wind will change faint hearted man said she well well said he there will be a downright but since you insist i will give the necessary orders and in a few minutes all was activity and commotion cried excitedly the wind has changed de started and looked about him it certainly has said he nobly won chapter xix the which the had spoken of now came on in full force bending the heads of trees violently to the ground as it swept on its course vivid lightning rent the clouds and thunder rolled overhead and though it was scarcely sunset the gloom amounted almost to darkness the advantage this gave them in close to the english fort of st le and the impressive fact of the wind having suddenly changed in their favour were improved on by father and the priests of whose voices were heard above the storm the soldiers by their a noble purpose you are coming with us cried eagerly certainly not replied de ac my duty is to return for the other looked exasperated are none of you coming to help us said he his deep blue eyes glancing from one face to another faith i will said
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la hire come give me a couple of hundred so be it then said de only i call it downright madness however good luck attend you you are under the very nose of st le and the english will pour their fire into you directly you are off your beef and mutton will soon be eaten and then you will thank me for having gone for a fresh supply some of those will go down nobly won if you them so was ever such a i can scarce hear myself speak farewell maid you are a stout heart at all events cheer up the and say i am bringing them mind that horse you ll throw him down he ll walk the plank well enough if you are steady i really think â ha ha there goes my well the english will hardly come out and look after you in such weather as this that s one good thing adieu de adieu de ye are true hearts farewell la hire old friend father since you will have the priests of see to it they do the only good they can and keep up the excitement de thus talking while others were doing watched the and then instantly marched his a noble purpose telling something within him that he was doing the very best thing possible â which that something within him seemed rather to doubt meanwhile the heavily were sailing before the wind under cover of the advancing night and spirits rose like those of a boy he was now years of age and the knight in france much of his mothers beauty but having no earthly parent thank for his goodness and spirit it be very easy to sink him into a mere he of romance a purpose i utterly disdain own good deeds are his praise maid said he you will save us shows you to be his angel of making the winds speed us on our concealing us from the foe by darkness nobly won c but how bad it was of the to go back said and to deceive me by coming through you must forgive him said we really had pre arranged it the lord has taken the matter out of your hand said she reproachfully you need nothing but to obey him what are your earthly in comparison with him certainly said it must be admitted that though we have many brave captains we have no general you will be one shortly observed la hire i said he impatiently a man without a name you will make yourself one that will go down to future times heaven grant it said ha t n â r i fe a noble purpose be less than men when we look to a woman to help us my strength is in the lord of hosts said you know well that i can do nothing of myself i can hardly believe the strange things i have heard of you said they sound like the old that one reads in the window seat of some old castle can it be that you were only a shepherd girl of truly i was none other and the holy saints came and spoke to you they gave me a message to the king that i should raise the siege of but how be patient time will show he looked wistfully at her there was no trace of deceit but he thought she might be an innocent nobly won the storm had now spent its violence and the moon now and then appeared for a moment as if travelling fast through the troubled clouds that swept the sky â revealing the dark outlines of the city the cathedral and the heavy old nineteen arched bridge the chasm in which was frowned over on the southern side by sir william s fort les there lies said in a low voice and there on the bank is the famous the english call london and her companions listened with breathless interest as he related in subdued tones the story of the siege and strained their eyes as though they would pierce the gloom as he pointed out the dimly discerned objects a light that on the bank was suddenly concealed they thought they were watched but they floated quietly on vol i a a noble purpose asked whether there were any good woman in with whom she could lodge a lodging is provided for you replied in the du at the house of the duke of as respectable a man as any in the town his house is close to the town wall by the and his wife and his daughter will treat you like a daughter of the house but is there room said for my brothers for the de and de and for my other attendants yes yes said â c there is accommodation for you all what is that said she starting violently as a heavy sound broke the stillness that said he smiling is a tâ â â s to nobly won though you perhaps hear it for the first time she said it is very terrible and very grand they were now winding among the low long sand banks or islands that began to be been dimly heaving in narrow yellow lines from the river and on which if they had fixed they might have remained till morning to fall an prey to the english happily this fate was averted by careful and as they along nearer and yet the city within range of the english guns the silence was so intense that s quickened ear could distinctly catch he low ripple of the water against the side of the making soft music it was what the call a supreme moment all at they were startled as if by a shot by all the church a a a noble purpose stroke of eight led by the heavy cathedral bell â swinging slow
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whose black eyes were full of tears as she averted them from her lover evening was closing in upon them as they stood leaning against the sea wall of a little town overlooking the the place was romantic enough there were flights of steps a seemingly without beginning or end cut in the rock and hanging between earth and sky that might help a goat to but scarcely tempt human foot to climb it was difficult to say what was rock and what was building the huts were so rank with weeds springing from their roofs and walls that they were scarcely from the cliffs against which they were reared here and there on what seemed the face of the rock were from which some gay coloured rag or through which peered a lazy hairy face that showed it to be a human dwelling an old castle converted into a prison commanded the market place and a small inn faced the sea at one of the inn windows which had a balcony sat two very lovely english girls who were enjoying the freshness of the evening after a hot day their footman a fresh coloured good looking young man in coat and black was in front of the inn sweeping the horizon with his white sails were seen the sea in the the mouth of the bay was guarded by a small the air was fragrant with the perfume of the and orange trees which grew out of every and hollow about the town girls were returning from the well with their the stood at their doors a priest sat with the all at once a woman struck up the evening hymn to the virgin one voice after another took it up those who did not sing uncovered their heads took off his hat have you forgotten how to sing said he reproachfully no said but i cannot sing that hymn and yet i have often sung it with you these two young persons had been brought up in close companionship for their parents cottages were only separated by a few fields and they had no nearer neighbours they were poor and small farms the rent of which was paid in produce except on sundays and saints days they were never idle but there are many saints days in the and the sabbath is kept like a festival hence could his by looking forward to stated times when he might expect to meet each of them dressed in their best and claim her as his willing partner satisfied with the present he troubled himself very little with the future and when he did it was always to fancy himself and some of these days as man and wife but on the death of old s father her mother had moved into the town and supported herself by washing chiefly for the english travellers who put up at the inn she lodged with a brother who occupied one of the rude huts facing the sea already described was accustomed to carry the visitors linen to and fro and thus she fell under the notice of the young english ladies who were travelling with their father mr along the miss was in want of an italian maid and pleased with the modesty and even refinement of s appearance and manner she offered to engage her at what appeared to an italian enormous wages the offer was too good to be refused it would enable to place her mother in comfortable circumstances and though she strongly felt parting with her yet she had a young girl s love of change and a great fancy for the sweet young ladies fair as lilies whom it would be her privilege to wait upon as for thoughts of him never made the balance tremble for a moment she liked him very well very much that was all so she accompanied the family on their tour and on their return to england to the blank dismay of poor who had thought it hard enough to lose sight of her when she went to live in the town though he could still see her on sundays and holidays so quickly did the whole arrangement take place that he did not even know she was going till she was gone and then his air built castles fell prone like a child s house built of cards and now after two years the miss were italy and accompanied them â a she had learnt to read the bible in her own language and had heard it familiarly explained she no longer sang hymns to the virgin or prayed to saints or crossed herself or told her beads or dipped her finger in holy water her old mother thought it very sad very sad and said my child you must take care the priests don t know of it or they will get you into trouble it me to the necessity of so soon losing you again but when he heard of it could not take it thus quietly coming into the town one afternoon in his smart holiday dress with his brown coat over his shoulder â and actually a pocket handkerchief in his pocket â he looked in on his old neighbour the widow for the chance of some news of and to his surprise and joy found with her herself how charming she looked in that neat pretty dress almost the dress of a lady yet not a bit fine â the perfection of good taste with her black hair so nicely and those kindly eyes which had always seemed to love er they looked upon now kinder than ever felt but a beside her in truth though he was a good looking lad he was but awkward and barely of what we should call middle height but welcomed him with such ease and sweetness that he soon forgot all about himself in the absorbing pleasure of admiring
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her then too she had so much to say and plenty of time to say it for she was spending the day with her mother and after she had hoped he was well and inquired after his father and his grandmother and his sister and his brothers she began to talk about england and the wonderful things she had seen and the goodness of her young ladies felt more in love with her every moment and soon was carrying on two separate chains of thought â partly attending to wh t she was saying and at the same time telling himself now or never must be the moment if she is to go away engaged never thinking silly fellow what a poor look out for her it would be seeing that he had nothing to marry upon thus instead of thoroughly enjoying the present he was planning an impossible future by and bye the old lady beginning to fish persuaded to step out with him to the sea wall on the pretence of looking out for her uncle s boat in the when there he would have been stupid indeed if he had been unable to avail himself of the opening he told her â with much pathos poor lad â how he had missed her how dull his life became from the time she moved into the town when he could not so much as see her opening and spreading out the to dry in the sun or bringing water from the spring he told her how he had been tp find she was gone â gone without one kind word for him for him who she knew had loved her all his life he had cried all night it had cut him to the heart for he had been so mad so as to suppose she cared for him she said she did care for him â more than he knew â more perhaps than any one except her mother and the young ladies cried h no and would have passionately seized her hand but said stop hear me with more resolution than embarrassment and went on to tell him how her mind had expanded and altered since she went to england how she had adopted a purer faith and was determined never to marry any one but a was the wickedness of her quite appalled him for he was a simple son of the church though he had no great opinion of the priests after several exclamations and attempted he began to and reason with her but here he soon found himself for he was no match for her he had not studied the subject â she had and she not only was the best but had the best arguments on her side then he grew passionate and jealous and exclaimed â it s all that fellow in the white cotton stock with his shining rosy face i ll put a knife into him hush hush you would not do anything so shocking said ah owing to george the idea is too absurd except to laugh at oh very well madam laugh and welcome said boiling hot with rage laugh with him and at me â o â and clapping his hand to his forehead he was rushing away when she laid her gentle hand on his arm how will you mistake me so v said she sweetly i don t care a straw for george in the way you mean though he is a fellow servant there is only one difference between you and me and that is â one that i cannot overcome said he in the greatest trouble where s the good of my offering to become a for your sake only to ruin us both earth is earth but heaven is heaven and i can t give up that even for you no dear said she very i want for us both to be there and if you should ever come round to my way of thinking you will not find that your affection has been despised or lo i never shall i never can you are breaking my heart but i cannot tell you what is in it my love is poor in words no matter victor wants soldiers and i ll be one of them you ve made my life to me but it may be of some service to my country god in heaven bless you and bring you to a better mind he snatched a hasty kiss and flung away stop stop she cried earnestly but he was gone chapter ii by the i hen we are acting under the of conscience we are greatly in the conflict with natural feeling and the offer of s love at the price of his principles was acting like a young man there was indeed no reason why he should therefore go and but his family were already pinched to maintain themselves and the fewer mouths the better cheer his mother was dead his father took things coolly he himself was hasty and could not immediately settle down to what now seemed his dull daily round there was no one he should grieve much to leave but his sister and he was sure she would not let him if she knew of it beforehand so he resolved to take the fatal step first and write to her afterwards reaching home a little before he feigned fatigue and went early to bed but woke before dawn tied up a few things in a handkerchief and softly left the house he felt very guilty and even cowardly till he was a mile or two on his way but he then resolutely on resolved to forget embrace his new profession with and make proud of her soldier brother it was yet early morning and he was pursuing his course along the solitary road when he saw a man a little in advance of him sitting
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by the reading as he approached the man looked up at him with a pair of frank well opened black eyes and said how far is it to v scarcely two miles replied are you going there towards it but not to it replied the man rising and his bag my wares are likely to sell better in country than town you are a then a book more properly ah ah one of those good friends who provide us with lives of the saints and lives of o no said the man smiling i sell the word of life looked puzzled for a moment and then said do you mean la just so will you buy a copy by no means said walking briskly forward but the followed him i suppose you know you are liable to punishment for this said rather roughly for walking along the high road v no for selling books how do you know they are said his companion smiling when you have not looked at them v you told me what they were i told you i sold the word of life and you said it must be the bible therefore you admitted that the bible was the word of life was silent ah my friend you were right quite right pursued the this book is the word of god in order to be saved we must know and believe its contents and those who have experienced the happiness its contents impart feel irresistibly impelled to make it known to others else why should you find me here fatigue and danger in order to it you might have many other motives answered good pay for one just enough for my daily wants no more well if you don t take care what you are about you will be provided for by government at the expense of your personal liberty well what was right in st paul s case cannot be very wrong in mine he said i know that bonds and imprisonment await me nevertheless none of these things move me you yourself to st paul then at all events what was not too hard for st paul to bear should not be too hard for me you expect to be a sort of martyr i suppose god only knows he knows his own and if it please him to test me i hope i shall not be found wanting he looked upwards as he spoke was struck by his unaffected you are very earnest said he stopping short i am i am said the have you always been so oh no i wish i had been where do you come from â from nice my father possessed a good house there part of which he let to visitors an english family â ah those english said with disgust the without noticing him went on an english family came to us year after year you know the english are very zealous they converted us all â all our little family the english visitors got up an society and employed to go about the country the word of god what is your name v well you had better not have attempted to penetrate into italy you ll come to grief i wish you a better trade can you tell me of one going to try i am a soldier of christ said and he offers me the whole of god take one of my books it will tell you what that is but shook his head and hurried away from him thinking to himself how strange it was that this book which had effected such a change in should thus have been thrust upon him at the very outset of his flight from her he had no friendly feelings towards it his heart was full of bitterness and of for the home he had so recently forsaken however he would not turn back nor pause on his journey except for refreshment till he had reached the nearest station once he was rather dismayed at the step he had taken however he determined to be as good a soldier as he could and in the course of a few days he wrote to tell his sister who was plunged into grief by it too had her troubles for she had always liked and it cost her pain to his advances but she was quite as much sustained by the belief of being in the right as he could be and she was accustomed to carry all her troubles to her merciful father though she took pains however to her regrets her kind young ladies perceived something was amiss with her and as she brushed miss s long fair hair she was won by her to tell that her old had sought her love but that she had told him she could not engage herself to one of a different faith nor give up that which was now her own poor s bright tears fell on her mistress s bright locks as she said this but she met with such kindly sympathy and such approval that she regained her composure and in a few days they proceeded on their tour without knowing the desperate step taken by chapter iii the cottage while after so hastily broke from him had pursued his way along the high road in the opposite direction till observing a path that off on his left he turned into it after walking for some time he perceived an isolated building among some fields and struck across to it amid crops of grain with of peas and beans and by rows of vines it was a building two in height and bore outwardly the appearance of and comfort but nothing could look much more dreary than the interior the light which was admitted by the barred but windows of a good sized kitchen revealed walls and black with smoke a rude bench and table a few
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and kitchen composed the chief furniture coats straw hats pictures of saints hung on the walls in one corner stood a loom in which the home spun was woven for the linen of the family such was the home from which had stolen that morning and to which he must have brought had he prevailed on her to marry him but he saw nothing amiss in it for it had sheltered him from his birth a blind grandmother turning her eyes to the sun sat a while a young girl beautiful as hope sat on the ground beans her feet were bare her brown but beautifully formed neck and arms were but partially covered by her full snow white coarse linen over which was a short black a long dark and gay apron completed her dress but though her feet were bare she wore several rows of coral round her neck large coral ear rings and a silver in her rich black hair there was an almost sweetness in her mouth and eyes as without looking towards she shook her head and said smiling â it is of no use for you to come to day father we have not a in the house i am no father said pausing at the threshold pray pardon me said the girl looking up i thought you were father who comes round every week to collect money for the blessed or rather for the in honour of her he is twice as large as you are so i paid you a poor compliment but since you are not he pray who are you v i sell good books said will you buy one why how can i v said have i not just told you i have not a in the house but yet you are a i can read a little and my grandmother loves to hear me shall you be coming this way again i have nearly finished weaving a piece of cloth for which i shall get paid to morrow o yes said who was charmed with her i can easily call again and if you like it i will leave one of my books with you on trust do so sir cried the old woman though we are poor we are honest but be sure you give nothing but what is good for i would not have her read a bad book for the world o no good mother â nor would i i assure you this blessed book contains the history of the world from the beginning of time and all the particulars of the life death and of our lord christ certainly then it must be a good book said the blind grandmother and your voice sounds that of an honest man i am constrained to tell you the truth said for i bear his word who cannot lie he wills that it should be carried as a witness where it has never been found before and as a light to all who are willing to be enlightened you see i am a friend who loves your souls or i should not bring you these good tidings receive them then with gladness i could bring you nothing on earth so precious as this word it is a letter of pardon from the lord who is ready to bestow eternal life on you accept it then and find in it the remedy of sorrow and of sin ah our sins are many and have doubtless drawn down on us the lord s anger said the old woman sighing our have all died for three years we have had no grapes and now the olive fails io let me read you a passage to the purpose said and sitting down on a stool he quickly turned to the third chapter of and read although the fig tree shall not blossom neither shall fruit be in the vines the labour of the olive shall fail and the fields shall yield no meat the flock shall be cut off from the fold and there shall be no herd in the yet i will rejoice in the lord i will joy in the god of my salvation these words you see are exactly expressive of what your own feelings ought to be in your present trial of faith although they were written hundreds and hundreds of years ago and this is the special beauty of god s word that whatever be your particular grief or sin you will find in this book something directly to it holy scripture is not of any private interpretation for the word of prophecy came not of old time by the will of man but holy men of god spoke as they were moved by the holy ghost the book must needs be a good book said the blind woman pray leave it with and call for the money to morrow evening she will then have been paid for her work after a little further left them remained standing at the open door dipping into the book and in its contents when a dark shadow fell across the page and a voice cried â a ve maria answered the girl with a start as a begging of exceeding dirty and repulsive appearance stood before her i come for your pious beloved said he in a voice ah but father we have nothing to contribute said briskly what can we poor people do it is not our fault that we cannot grind stones into money i m sure we toil day by day and all day long and yet my father says he has too many mouths to feed words words daughter said father spare your breath to cool your indeed when do we get it v your then when do we get that y your of or that requires no father you are a smart girl a pretty and a witty people are seldom more apt to
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show their than in defence of their if you have no money you have things i can turn to money i see no lack of plenty here your orange and apple trees are loaded with fruit your are spread out to dry your are in the sun â and how many of them are ours t if the hen does but a brood in comes the or in comes the and carries off his share what have we poor people to live upon y you don t live on coral and at any rate o daughter daughter where there s a will there s a way the good woman doth not say will you have this v but gives it you and there s another proverb interposed the blind woman stoutly a beggar s is a mile to the bottom and again the worst pig often gets the best then you will get it said father laughing and that is what i complain of what do you think will become of your souls children children care not too much for the things of this life what book is that you have in your hand young woman you can find money for story books though you have none for our blessed lady s indeed father this is no story book a good man has lent it me till i can afford to pay for it â a good man who came to the door many a bad dog has a good name said father i have seen a dog called caesar run away from a very small cat those that lack a penny for the priest often have a pound for the i had a dream last night and i saw girls flying up to the in white gowns and pearl â these were the girls who had given to buy for her and i saw other girls without a bit of sitting in the dust and tearing their hair â these were the girls who had refused her a single give me this book i say i want to look at it don t dog s ear it please father why do you think i never handled a book before child child i shall soon see what stamp it is of hum hum â here is a great deal that i m sure you can t understand â hum hum â and had better not read and my opinion is that it is printed and sold without authority and that the man who brought it you is a wolf in sheep s clothing and liable to fine and imprisonment and that you yourselves have had a narrow escape â a very narrow escape therefore i shall be acting the part of a true friend in taking it away from you and handing it over to the proper party â ah father don t put it into your dirty bag the proper party is the man who lent it me if you take away his book what shall i say to him when he asks for it say this you are then see how the wretch will look that will be quite sufficient you are i consider this a only try it â you are don t forget and away the old rogue leaving looking foolish enough never mind said her grandmother perhaps it was a bad book i don t believe it was said for it was full of good words and the man who brought it had a good countenance i wonder what will say about it little thinking poor that he was miles away from her instead of at in the adjoining field for he sometimes went into the town early and did not return till dinner so that they were not uneasy at his absence was by this time his business from house to house he did not find many customers but sold a copy to a who beginning to dip into it as soon as had left him opened on one of st paul s at a part difficult to understand and quickly became disgusted with his bargain he was indignantly tearing it up when it occurred to him that this was a proceeding as he might use the leaves in the way of trade he therefore carefully detached the sheets from the cover and used them during the remainder of the day in putting up small for his customers after this raised the latch of a dwelling where a father and son were making shoes and said briefly i bring you the testament of the lord christ that smells of said the looking up where do you come from v from nice replied this book is no other than the word of god s truth its leaves are for the healing of nations do you not risk in offering it for sale v i am well aware of it which is a proof of my sincerity no man would bonds but for some great venture i have read this book to the immortal good of my own soul and therefore i offer it to save yours buy it father cried the son eagerly is this the book the english pin their faith upon said the the same they stand or fall by it and our church it why v the book itself shall answer you and this is the condemnation that light is come into the world and men have loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil and again search the for in them ye have the words of eternal life and they are they which testify of me well i shall like to read and judge for myself so after a little more talk the purchase was made and pursued his way the began reading his book that evening and he sat up reading it far into the night said he to his son when he went to bed that s
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a curious book it has a great air of truth nay i cannot but be persuaded it is true but there is not a word in it about the pope s new chapter iv the js i cannot bear to see people in grief i will not dwell on the distress which s letter caused to his family not being much of a he had got a comrade to write it who had very much what told him to put in and confined himself to bare facts and brief s father was both angry and vexed but he was a man of few words and never once thought of stirring in the matter any more than he would have thought of putting a broken egg together again he had one mouth the less to feed on the other hand he and his younger sons must divide s share of between them since he was gone why it was the will of heaven he should go and perhaps some of these days it would be the will of heaven he should come back again and her grandmother soon confined their regrets to themselves and each other they were very desirous to send their assurances of affection and as did not know how to write she repaired to an old man with spectacles on his nose and a green cap on his head who on market days sat under an arch on an old chair with a little deal table before him on which he placed pen ink and paper and was ready to write letters for any who would pay him a trifle for so doing for the first time in her life applied to him with a few small in her hand and after patiently waiting till he had finished a love letter for a conscious who placed it in her bosom as she tripped away she offered herself to his notice well my pretty maiden what can i do for you this morning said the old peering at her through his glasses and courteously pointing to a low wooden stool for her seat please sir said rather i want a letter written â to a young man ay ay my letters are mostly written to young men well i am ready how shall i begin v â ah ah well â â your letter has plunged us into an abyss of grief good good â abyss of grief how could you ever go and do so v what has he done v sir ah ah tut tut you will see him no more then oh sir please don t say so and s throat swelled don t believe you ever will though muttered the old man common case my dear common case these young soldiers make new acquaintance in every town they go to and forget their old friends if i were you i d forget him forget him no that i never shall exclaimed forget my brother r oh oh your brother is he that the question i thought he was your lover and between them both they a very nice expressed letter which proved true to s torn heart when he received it in due course while is learning the duty of a soldier and steadily rising in the good opinion of his commanding officer we must leave him a while to relate what took place in the town he left behind him on the evening following his flight a entered who had evidently walked far and fast he was a man of about years of age of middle height and well though not strongly built his dress though that of a gentleman was covered with dust and he had that dark look under the eyes which exhaustion he glanced eagerly towards the sea and a look of disappointment crossed his face the next minute he saw and turned into the inn which the miss s and their attendants had recently left now this inn which boasted the name of the outwardly promised but little and inwardly performed still less there were indeed a couple of decent apartments above stairs but below there was a common room which had no furniture except some rough benches and a great immovable table that table however was spread at one end with a clean though coarse cloth on which stood bread a plate of another of thin of ham and a of wine these seemed by no means to a healthy young man of eighteen who was attacking them his clean linen nut brown face and easy open mien were those of a gentleman his rested against the wall and he was exchanging some good humoured with the hostess when the new comer entered wiping his hot face and asked if he could have refreshment undoubtedly what will you v anything â whatever you have you are warm said the youth politely while went for the the day has been hot replied the other whose chest still heaved with violent exercise you are come probably to take part in the shooting match to morrow is there one no fm not a shot that is â i can look on you know precisely the first match took place to day the second will begin early that is why i sleep here to night it is hardly worth while to go home would it be far c over a mile do you call that much said the other smiling a little then after a moment s pause he said is that a government vessel at the mouth of the bay it is ha appeared at this moment with a dish of greasy looking which she set before the stranger who began to eat with the youth seemed unable to take his eyes off him and scarcely touched his own supper at length he said to him â perhaps you like this v he pointed to the nothing could be than the inquiry
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eats well with meat this was composed like most of green red root and the of hard boiled eggs the three colours were opposed the stranger looked up perhaps you like this v repeated the young man and rapidly indicating with his finger the red white and green you are right said the other quickly in the combination is suggestive interposed his hostess your plate is empty what will you have nothing more replied he carelessly unless â yes â see if your cellar does not furnish any better wine this is sour she went off do you come from la v no from oh do tell me something of the people who were arrested there i know nothing of them is it possible why a gentleman of the name of was arrested there three days ago for having taken part in some political movement o yes i heard something about it but did not take much notice of it i can give you no particulars at these words sighed deeply and ejaculated i how many efforts we make and always so we deceive ourselves replied the other we should cast away the illusions which have perpetually been our ruin if we would be free we should unite and we should act perhaps we shall do so yet k well i begin to think not the have a great want what is that they want a head a man who shall have the confidence of the whole nation a man who by his voice alone can rouse it a man who shall possess at once the military and the political genius necessary to procure our ah where shall such be found said wistfully i confess i know not but rely upon it this much desired man this washington so to speak of italy will yet arise and from the mass of the people in all great and stirring italy has never been wanting in great men he spoke with emotion but in a minute or two an appearance of great weariness succeeded and he said i positively must sleep as soon as i have for i am tired to death you have to me said the air of one who has undergone some unusual exertion to day you are right i could almost â you have been hunting r no just the other way hunted r he looked at him quickly as if he would read his soul and muttered a random shot sometimes the mark appeared but at that moment two or three men entered whose presence effectually prevented further explanation the tired stranger hastily finished his meal and begged to show him his bed she led the way to a room containing two beds and observed that would sleep in the other bed who is he demanded the traveller who is he the dear young gentleman the son of a landed proprietor in the neighbourhood the darling of his father mother aunt and sister heir to an estate that has been in the family i cannot tell you how long the best the sweetest of young gentlemen ah well we shall not interrupt one another i dare say and the next minute he was cast on his bed but wide awake had opened one of the shutters before she left the room sufficiently to let in a stream of yellow moonlight and the indistinct hum of the little town was heard oh what a life is mine murmured he but yet it is dear as long as i have a fixed and high object to gain i do not live in vain and when i shall have won it i can die willingly as he mused thus the door softly opened and entered so soon after me v said he i expected to find you asleep said you appeared so dead tired how come you to be awake v do you not know what it is to be too tired to sleep besides i have many things to think of to speak frankly rejoined the young man sitting down beside him i cannot help suspecting you to be a political fugitive and what if it were so v i should with you that is all even if i were v of course beyond any other well then i am he started to his feet this was before the of italy and when it was like an sea youth as he was he had the popular opinions is it possible v exclaimed he then came you here listen i escaped only to day from the if you like to give me up to them you can for they will soon be on my track but i do not think you will you are young and have an honest face young people have seldom treacherous dispositions looked at him with intense interest what must you have gone through he said in a low voice you may say that see here said turning up his and showing the livid signs of the youth seemed unable to express what he felt how they must hate you to use you so said he i believe they do said bitterly they hate and fear me in return i hate them but do i fear them no i should like to hear some account of what has happened if i am not asking too much hear me then preparations had long been making the revolution was to begin on the d we were betrayed on the th i was arrested at the inn where i slept the police had discovered that something was going on through a at the inn i sent word to my friends to act without me a russian lady staying at the inn concerned herself in my fate and with much dexterity spoke to me in the presence of the and warned me that i was in great danger there was no prison there and therefore my guards were with me
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day and night they did not object however to my speaking occasionally to the lady and to the servant maid to the latter i said under my breath i shall escape impossible returned she in the same manner do not attempt it you will only be i laugh at i replied i have worn them so long already i then bade her presently gossip with the guards she complied with and while they were i rushed out never looking behind me i took at once the open country and made for the coast leaping over two or three streams the very first of which probably brought the to a pause then i ran across fields and through woods and after three hours of sharp s pace arrived here expecting to find a vessel we had engaged lying off the coast instead of which a government ship watches the harbour and is evidently on the watch for us nothing remains therefore for me but to double like a hare and take to the hills they are doubtless looking out for you said but sleep â sleep peacefully i will watch beside you as if you were a brother you must be up at three in the morning if you would pursuit but how without a guide i myself will start you off and wake you at the right time and stooping over him he kissed him looked moved and said how shall i ever you t you will wake me on the first alarm v rely on me thank you said and the next minute he was asleep it was still bright when they were up and away and over the hills who knew every path led the way but his companion kept closely up with him and when after an hour s hard walking they reached a solitary tract where they could draw breath conversed with his generous guide as friend with friend and told him his personal history it was a sad tale of wrongs and injustice of false and and burning and unworthy escapes and unexpected one thing was too evident if false had found innocent and truthful they had not left him so his mind was and by the poisonous moral atmosphere he had been compelled to breathe but yet he had not lost all his original nobility his love of his country was touching his sentiments original and often fine he had been high in command had held offices of trust and been the stern opponent of and when dared no longer proceed with him they embraced like brothers and he wistfully watched him out of sight chapter v the old country house his steps the greater part of the way he was so in thoughts on what had recently happened as to be insensible to the of the distance at length he struck into a lane between high banks which presently descended into a fertile valley by a very road which led to an old country mansion at t iq of this mansion stood a dusty travelling carriage surrounded by a small knot of people which instantly filled with surprise and excitement and made him his walk into a run here he comes cried one of the group who hastening towards him exclaimed the has arrived my sister cried how delightful a i surprise and hurrying in doors he sprang up the marble stairs clearing three of the shallow steps at a time and entered the di a large lofty apartment with on the doors and a ceiling where three or four persons were talking all together with the greatest glee ah here is cried the old gentleman of the house on which a young lady in a travelling dress ran to welcome him what what exclamations there was a baby boy also to be introduced and admired i am lost in wonder said who would have thought of seeing you dearest v nobody can be more surprised than myself said it is all owing to s kindness he has lately been â oh i cannot describe to you how good happening to say one day lately what pleasure and delight it would give me to see you all again he said quite quietly and why should you not v i never was more surprised can you really be in earnest â said i certainly said he i always mean what i say so then he told me how it might all be arranged as nicely as possible and said that as doctor and his wife were starting for the he would me to the care of and the rest of the way he will come and fetch me home himself very shortly but where is aunt at her beads i suppose is she as much of a as ever do come with me and see me surprise her away flew the gay with at her heels along a large and lofty at the end of which she tapped at a door come in said a voice within and peeping in with a face saw a withered old lady without a cap her thin hair in a very small knot on the top of her head getting up a few fine things exclaimed she dropping her yellow bits of lace and extending her arms it cannot be v who is it then aunt v said laughing and kissing her wonderful wonderful repeated the bewildered old lady and â is not here but he has sent the baby to represent him the baby ah the precious child where is he let me see him aunt you are just like all the world you forget the mother in the child you will be miserably disappointed in the little gave her a look as if uncertain whether to believe her or not but led the way to the where the grandmother and foster nurse were in close conference over the baby after enjoying her aunt s exclamations of
1Charles Darwin
delight and admiration fell aside with her brother and conversed with him apart at the window dear said she softly it is impossible to tell you how glad i am to see you are you well and happy v quite well my sister as to happy the life here is not too what is there wanting v said she looking at him earnestly what do you wish v i hardly know but i am sick of my useless life talk to about it when he comes he will give you the best advice oh i feel as if i never could love and esteem him enough and yet i have only had this feeling lately here she was away from him and being unable to take any concern in what followed presently went away passing through the gallery he met his father who said â why my son you returned early from the shooting match i did not wait i had enough of it yesterday said in confusion and he was glad to escape further questions s father belonged to the middle class of landed he part of his own land and received a certain proportion of the proceeds of the â half in kind even to his tenants chickens as truly had said for which he provided their dwellings and half their seed corn stock and leaves he was one of that country aristocracy of which has described so pleasing a specimen in his father of a family and like that old gentleman was remarkable for his economy and simplicity with regard to questions of church and state his principle was to make the best of things as he found them the family to a dinner which as had not been expected merely consisted of the ordinary fare to wit a supply of followed by a kind of soup boiled with a minute portion of pork these dishes with a basket of fruit the observed to her daughter the french have the reputation of being the best in the world is it true v o yes mamma said and they eat a great deal more than we do so do the english i have been told observed that the english ladies retire from table to drink brandy oh no aunt said laughing they retire that they may not even see how much wine the gentlemen drink and says there is very little excess now compared with what there was formerly his two most intimate friends are english no doubt said her aunt how very what can dear be thinking about v improving himself in english very likely said placidly we may trust him with his own safety yes indeed papa he is worthy of trust how delightful it is to hear you speak up for him so my child said do you go to many parties v to many pleasant little said but never without i am convinced you are quite a model couple o no a great many do the same has my cousin married yet no turned out to have a wife already and has she will go into a ah the poor thing how bad of how on his brother y there was some talk of getting him into the military college said but he wrote to his uncle to this effect intellect is the gift of god but it is mine till he me of it what did he mean by that v he meant that intellect was under a system of in the college and is it o yes belongs to young italy said his father with perfect take care my son you do not get into trouble are things pretty quiet now v said only so said any recent v o yes only within a few days d they say has got off again said who is he papa oh he has two or three names all known to the police dear me i wonder people cannot keep quiet and submit themselves to the powers that be said there can be no pleasure i think in being shut up in prison and fed on bread and water not said then why do they risk it it is worth while to risk a good deal in a cause which we have decided to be just yes if our decision is worth anything said his father i should be very slow to decide that what so many deeper heads than mine have pronounced just was the reverse chapter vi brother and sister never a social meal in italy was of by the family in a and solitary fashion each one having a cup of coffee and a morsel of bread in or out of bed whenever the inclination prompted sick of his life yet unable to cast off its sauntered and about the house and stables in his usual fashion and at passed along the towards his own room in search of his cigar case s door being open he looked in and saw her in a pretty morning of white muslin alone with her baby seated at the open window do come in cried she hesitated and looked embarrassed do come in repeated mamma is ordering dinner aunt is at church nurse has left me in charge of baby and i am as dull as a cat i have been looking out for you all the morning i have so many things to talk to you about i wish we could take a walk together stammered now really blushing she laughed merrily why what harm would there be in it v cried she married women walk about where they like and young english ladies married or unmarried constantly go about with their brothers and even by themselves yes i know they do said gradually approaching her what do you think there was an english lady not very young though who travelled through italy on horseback last year attended only by her man servant and
1Charles Darwin