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is my card by the way you will of course arrange it so that we shall not be interrupted during our conference it anything of that kind to have people coming in and out we want to be entirely alone so as to give our full attention to the work in hand miss saying that it was exactly what she would wish and do you think there may be hope for it yet that poor little manuscript she asked as she stood by the door ready to take her departure that is a question i can hardly answer he replied i shall be better able to tell you in a week or two i trust she lingered with her hand on the door my father is willing to take all the financial risks she said that ought to make a difference don t you think so it would with many houses he admitted i am glad to know these things thursday then miss miss he wanted to call her for he had read the name on the he still held in his hand but on the whole he concluded that this would be a little premature chapter iii her feet were pink when miss entered the office of as detailed in the preceding chapter it will be remembered that she found that gentleman and his friend with their hats in their hands the fact was that mr had but just entered the room and that mr had accepted an invitation to take lunch with him an arrangement that was by no means an one between them the entrance of miss and t he subsequent proceedings compelled the literary critic to go out alone as has been seen when he returned he found mr still there haven t you been to lunch yet exclaimed mr i have not been out of this office was the reply and all appetite for anything to eat has left me that is one of the most interesting girls i ever met mr up his lips and uttered an impatient he then remarked that mr had a habit of finding such a quality in the latest women of his acquaintance what does she amount to he asked an overgrown who did not half learn her lessons read that she left here and get in short order why she doesn t a black even know how to spell and her periods and are in a hopeless his companion eyed him are periods and even a correct of the english language the only things you can see in a bright handsome girl he demanded for shame you are up old your senses are a lively wind will come in at the some day and blow you out of that chimney mr heaved a sigh as if to say that discussion with such a fellow was useless and took his seat at his desk where an unfinished pile of awaited his reading she s given me leave to take her story home said mr with a mischievous expression the critic stared at his friend given it to you he repeated how did that happen i asked her for it naturally you were so severe on the poor child that i couldn t help putting in a cheering word we talked of the whole business and she was willing i should see if my opinion agreed with yours your opinion echoed what is that worth but take the stuff if you want it and when you are done send it to her it will make less rubbish in this confounded hole one thing i ll tell you though in advance you ll never be able to make sense of it unless you get some one to it out that s all right replied the other after i feet pink have read it through i am going to miss s house where she will read it to me mr started from his chair you don t mean that he exclaimed but i do she asked me and i m going i understand that it s a rather bold tale and i can conceive nothing more entertaining than to hear that kind of thing from the red lips of such a pretty piece of flesh and blood as has just left here there was an uneasy expression on the face of the critic as he heard these words he liked although they were as different in their natures as two men could well be he wanted to please him but the aspect of this affair was not agreeable look here he said earnestly there are some things that i can t permit you know my office must not be made a starting place for one of your lawless adventures you met miss here now i protest against your going to her house pretending that you are interested in that novel when your real purpose is of a much more questionable kind mr put on the air of one whose feelings are by an unjust suspicion my dear he began that s all right growled the critic i may or may not be your dear but i know you like like a book he added by accident on a very you are an old dog that is not likely to learn new tricks i shall send this back to miss myself a letter warning her to have nothing to do with you a buck a laugh escaped the lips of at this proposition if you knew the feminine mind half as well as you do modern literature he answered you would see how little that would avail i have met miss and made a distinctly favorable impression her address is in my pocket and i have received a pressing invitation to call if you choose to send the by another messenger you will relieve me of the task of carrying a bundle but you will accomplish nothing more mr s mouth opened in
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astonishment at the evident advantage which his friend had gained in so short a time you must have convinced her that your literary opinions are of value he said presently if i write that you are a and entirely unworthy of attention what will happen then the smiling gentleman opposite crossed his hands over his left knee and did not delay his answer i will tell you he said in the same mail she will receive a letter from me warning her that a certain party who has given an adverse judgment on her writings may attempt to influence her against others more likely to decide in her favor she will be told that having rejected a book this certain party does not wish any one else to print it send the note you can i have few talents but i know how to write letters the critic could hardly believe that fate had thrown so many around his neck in the brief space of one hour but the more he thought the more fist w p he became convinced that his best course was to shut his eyes well gang your gait he said after a long pause during which the look of triumph deepened on his companion s face you will have to answer for your own sins but i ll tell you one thing that may save your time women who write novels are almost without exception remarkably correct in their own lives mr inquired if his friend was certain of this and there was a suspicion of disappointment in his tone absolutely said mr refreshing his memory i can think of a dozen instances to prove the point there is for instance who writes like a like a well you know how she writes she sticks to her mother s apron strings like a old child they never are seen apart i am told then there is mrs the we have a volume of her verse that is positively from its own heat the sheets had to be run off the press soaked in water to keep them from the room was full of steam all the time the work was going on warm i should say so now that woman is vain and she dresses foolishly and she does odd things for the sake of being talked about but nobody questions her loyalty to her husband you would think by some of her poems that an east indian regiment would not suffice for her and yet she is the wife on island oh i know so many cases you remember that girl who wrote love s a black a work as passionate as she is a little like maiden who dresses and talks like a sister of one of the these women are on fire at the brain only they would a physical advance with more indignation than these endowed with less so see miss as much as you like should you attempt anything improper you will prove the truth of my mr changed the knee he had been nursing but the quiet smile did not leave his countenance what an inconsistent fellow you are he said i could you of a hundred errors of logic do you remember telling mr that a man should have a passion before he attempts to one and i say so still retorted you don t call the of these and female real life do you you know the actual lover isn t content with kissing the hair and the feet of his divinity there is more about women s feet in these poems and novels than all the rest of their put together and what is a woman s foot did you ever see one that was pretty that you wanted to put to your lips yes interrupted once at she was fifteen her feet were pink like a shell she was walking along the shore in the early evening with the dirt of the soil on them exclaimed mr in disgust now dead alas i a r pink m no she had just emerged from her bath the sand there was clean as a carpet in fact gods they were exquisite the critic uttered an exclamation i waste time talking to you he said sharply you are like the rest of the imaginative crowd it is a pity you were not gifted with the divine that you could have added your volumes to the nonsense they print and which you are always glad to get mr because it will sell are in this business to make money and my thoughts must be directed to the quality of the submitted if was running the concern though i would touch the mess it makes my flesh creep sometimes to read it uttered another of his laughs how would you like to be a serpent he asked and have your flesh creep all the time but before we dismiss this matter of miss i want you to clear your mind if you can of the haunting you always have when a woman is concerned you know there are concerns in the city who would print her book with a proper amount paid down if it had neither sense nor if she wants it fixed up i can find to help her out and if her papa wants it on the market why shouldn t he be able to get it there now let us talk a little about mr brightened at the change of subject his interest in mr was genuine and he had a black already learned that had formed a sort ef with the in the hope of making his future work a success while the critic could not be said to have any real faith in the arrangement it certainly interested him what strange will you take to next he asked and do you really expect to make a out of that young man mr s eyes
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had a twinkle in them didn t you say yourself that it could be done he inquired if i have made any mistake in my i shall charge the loss to you the critic reflected a minute i m not so certain it can t be done he said but that s quite different from money in it as you are doing a man wants pretty near a certainty before he puts up the you greedy fellow exclaimed will you never think of anything but gain i have to spend about so much money every year in a continual attempt to amuse myself and it might as well be this way as another i have a document signed and solemnly sealed by which i am to back him against the field in the interest of romantic and literature and in return he is to give me a third of the net profits of his writings i don t know that i have done so badly perhaps you may live to see pay us a handsome sum in mr looked oddly at his friend whose face was perfectly serious h what arc you going to begin with t he asked h f k f tf bit love of course it is the a b g as well as the x y z of the whole business what kind of love the best that can be got replied now laughing in spite of himself the very finest quality in the market oh we shall do this up brown i tell you what have you done so far asked you want to know it all eh responded mr i don t think i am justified in letting you too deeply into our secrets however you are too honorable to betray us and so here goes i hare instructed my that he must fall violently under the tender passion before next saturday night with a lady whom you have selected of course by no means he must catch his own mr played with his and this is tuesday he commented do you think he will succeed he must laughed it s like the case of the boy who was digging out the the minister s coming to dinner you might at least have got an introduction for him said not i there s nothing in our agreement that puts such a task on me besides there s no romance in an introduction he would write a story as as one of henry james if he started off like that mr nodded his head slowly a a black that would be something to avoid at all he assented and at this juncture to the surprise of both the parties to this conversation the young man of whom they were speaking entered the room i was telling mr of our agreement said mr as soon as the greetings were over how do you get along have you discovered your heroine yet mr answered with an air of timidity in the negative i don t quite know where to find one he said mr spread out his arms to their fullest capacity there are thirty millions of them in the united states alone he exclaimed out of that number you ought to find a few whom you can study what a pity that cannot write i would go out of that door and in ten minutes i would have a subject ready for the younger man raised his eyebrows slightly but that kind of a woman would be what you would want the kind that would let you talk to her on a mere street acquaintance mr leaned back in his chair and stretched his legs oh yes he said she would do for a beginning don t imagine that none of these easy going girls are worth the attention of a sometimes they are vastly more interesting than the bread and butter product of the drawing rooms it won t do in your profession to any sort of human being breathed a sigh as soft as his name you were right mr he said turning to that gentleman i do not know anything i have judged by appearances and i now see that truth cannot be learned in that way all the better broke in the progress is made by the man who has learned his you remember the hare and the i have read somewhere that the race is not always to the swift you must treat your fellow men and women as if you had just arrived on this earth from the planet you must dig through the of to the virgin soil beneath the great human passions are lust and though they take a thousand forms in many of which they have more polite names for instance the former when kept within polite boundaries is usually known as love as makes but a sorry theme for the romantic writer love is the subject that must principally claim your attention all the world loves a lover while the is despised even by those who beneath the power of his gold study the women my lad and when you know them thoroughly begin your great novel in earnest listened with attention and the men he asked the men was the quick reply are too transparent to require study it is the women with their ten million tricks to and us that afford the best field for your efforts a black mr who had never been known to take so much time from his work during business hours tried to begin his reading but without success when at his usual occupation he would not have been disturbed by the conversation of a room full of people so was he with what he had to do but on this occasion he was too much entertained with his companions to do anything but hear them through is there no such thing as unselfish love in a woman love
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that sacrifices itself for its object asked with a trace of anxiety in his tone u m m possibly mr a female animal with young sometimes the possession of that sort of thing and women may have touches of it on occasions that will be a good point for you to remember when you are deeper in your however i ought not to fill your head with ideas of my own i think what we most desire in our friend he added turning to the critic is complete originality the young man shifted his feet nervously pardon me he said would it not be well to talk with people and learn their impressions then i can compare these with my own experiences when they come you would not send a blind man out on the street laughed you are ingenious when you should only be he replied you do not act at all like the young man from that i have in mind perhaps nevertheless you are not wholly wrong for even her feet my from that planet might have to ask his way to the nearest town supposing you had just reached the earth and had met me with a thousand questions what could i answer that would be of any use mr reflected a moment you could tell me your idea of a perfect woman he suggested well i will said glancing at mr the perfect woman is about nineteen years of age she is neither very light nor very dark her eyes are with a touch of gray in them she measures say five feet four inches in height and about twenty two inches around the waist she has a plump arm not too a leg a head set on her shoulders with enough neck to give it freedom and grace of movement but not sufficient to warrant comparison with a swan or even a goose her hands match her feet being not too slender nor too dainty her are medium but not she in the vicinity of a hundred and twenty five pounds and her hair there is but one color for a woman s hair is red the young man had taken out his note book and rapidly this list of attractions every woman cannot have hair remarked mr would you condemn one with all the other attributes on account of missing that i would decidedly was the reply when it is obtained so easily i think it only costs two dollars a black a bottle for the finest shade have you written it all down mr the young man ran over his notes i have it all but the hair he said of course i could not forget that very well and this hair must be long enough but not too long remember for everything spoils a woman it should hang about five inches below the waist when and be thick enough to make a noticeable there should be sufficient to hide her face and her lover s when he takes her in his arms mr started slightly then she should have a lover he remarked curiously undoubtedly else why the hair and the arms and the five feet four it is a woman s business to be loved and to make herself when you have found this woman if she has no lover you will be expected to in that capacity if she has one you must him as soon as possible and when you have fallen desperately in love with such a creature you will not have to come to me for further advice the young man surveyed the speaker with the utmost gravity have tf ever been in love he inquired never why r it was not necessary did not intend to write novels said with a laugh but come we have enough let us go with he took the containing miss s story and sauntered out paying no attention to the peculiar glances that his friend the critic threw at him as he was leaving chapter iv with mr the of miss with some difficulty not that the handwriting was particularly though it did not in the least resemble but as mr had intimated the sentences were so badly constructed and the so different from that prescribed by the usual authorities that he was continually obliged to go back over his tracks and hunt for nevertheless within an hour from the time when he sat down in his room at the house and opened the he had brought he had to confess himself deeply interested miss had conceived some entertaining characters and some very situations her people were her hero was strong if not always her heroine did and said things not common in real life and yet that were quite reasonable when her peculiar nature and were considered a black paused once in awhile to wonder how much of all this record was within the direct knowledge of the young which expressions conveyed her own ideas and which sentiments she would personally might be right as to the exceeding purity of most of the ladies who dealt in but in this especial case mr meant to make an investigation on his own account before he accepted as a universal rule the one his friend had laid down he did not go to sleep that night until he had finished his story had it been arranged by a competent hand he could have read it in four hours but as it was he consumed eight in the work with all its faults he liked it there was something about it and it had a theme that he did not remember had been treated exactly in the same way before though as he himself had said without much talent for composition had read a great many books it is no proof because a person cannot write that he would make a poor critic mr might almost have filled s place at
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s he had written fugitive pieces in his time for the papers in reference to his travels which had been extensive and had even contributed occasional book to the magazines his connection with enabled him to keep in touch with what was going on in the literary world and the of new volumes which passed through that office were always at his disposal she s not a fool by any means he remarked to himself when he put down the last sheet of miss with e s work a fellow who understood his business might put that into such shape that it would be worth using i mean to find some one who can do it and suggest the idea to her when i get to that stage in this affair let me see who do i know that could undertake it he had begun to and was in the act of taking off his collar as he spoke his mind ran over a list of struggling literary men something seemed the matter with most of them there was but he would be too and would want to suggest alterations in the story itself which would never do there was whose last three books had been flat failures and for whom had positively refused to print anything more but had gone into the country for the summer and nobody knew his address then there was t received this thought like an inspiration he threw his on the and began at his to the imminent danger of getting them into hard knots that no one could why not the boy would do almost anything he suggested so great was his confidence that a road to literary could be out over that path would not undertake the work for the sake of pecuniary compensation but the thing could be presented to him in quite another light in miss s story there were living breathing men and women in his own there were beautifully drawn he a black could be made to see that the study of the young lady s method was worth his while and then mr s shoes lay on the floor in the disorder of a bachelor who had never in his life taken pains to put anything in the place where it really belonged he took out the of his shirt pulled that garment over his head and then sat for some minutes wrapped in active thought they must be introduced to each other he exclaimed at last between them they have every for success apart they are like the separated wheels of a watch there is with a style so sweetly subtle a grace so perfect every line a and with it all not a sign of human emotion there is full of plot and daring and breathing characters and bold and no more able to write good english than an i have both these interesting persons on my hands and i must combine them for their mutual good i wonder what will say when i my plan perhaps i had best not tell him he actually came near threatening to day to send a line to miss warning her against me he wouldn t have done it though has a bark that is worse than his bite by a great deal yes i ll bring these young folks together i ll take them as does the and press them gently but firmly into one and then sha n t we get a combination and won t mr himself when the product of their joint endeavor comes to him for a reading with the finished and his night robes but it was a long time before he felt like slumber he could think of nothing but his scheme as he it over in his mind it took many new forms at first was to be asked to the story that miss had offered and afterwards there must be an entirely new novel conceived together and worked out slowly using the best of what was brightest in both of them the last mr had before he into contained two novels worked out at the same time was all right if he could only get a glimpse of into his work miss would have no trouble if her ideas could find a garb that suited them there would be a way to make them of service to each other and the time to cross a bridge is always when you come to it so thought as he fell asleep in the morning he laughed to think of the description he had given to in his way of the perfect woman it was a faithful list of miss s charms so far as they were apparent to him had noted them down with great and would be to notice how fully the met the ideal he now had in mind it only remained for the to say something to miss that would suggest to her whenever they were made acquainted it must be plain to the reader that mr s principal intention in this whole matter was to dispose of the which idleness brings to its most a black he had a fair fortune accumulated by a father who had denied himself every luxury to it drifting to new york he had found the vicinity of the house very agreeable arid his companions with the exception of mr were of about as light views of life as himself the critic was one of those strange exceptions with which most of us come in contact where persons of entirely opposite tastes and inclinations become attached friends breakfast was served so late to mr that he had not finished that when the young made his appearance himself on the side of the table that faced his friend mr responded to the latter s inquiries in regard to his health by saying that he was quite well indeed he looked it his eye
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was bright his cheek rosy his attire showed just enough of a quality to be attractive there was an air about him such as is often associated with an artist of the pencil and brush never better in health he said but very anxious to begin something definite in the way of work mr smiled his most smile what did i tell you to do first he asked to fall in love which you have not yet done the young man shook his head good heavens and you have lost more than a week i with colored more than ever isn t there something else that i could begin on he asked humbly i don t know of anything love is the of the you d best go straight aren t there any eligible young women at your lodging house the younger man thought a moment no only the mr his coffee with a wise expression it may come to that he said putting down the cup but we ll hope not we will hope not what s the matter with central park there are five hundred nice girls there every afternoon but i don t know them said desperately and i have been there yesterday one of them looked at me and smiled i walked toward her and she her speed when i came within a few feet she almost stopped then i could think of nothing to say to her and i walked on looking in ths other direction several in the vicinity turned their heads to note the couple at the table from which a laugh that could be heard all over the room came why didn t you say good morning yes and she might have said good morning and then it would be my turn and what could i have done mr folded up his and laid it by his plate you coward he replied you could a black have done a thousand things you could have remarked that the day was fair or that you wondered if it would rain and you could have asked her to stroll over to a and take a little refreshment once opposite to her the rest would have come fast enough the took out a handkerchief and wiped the perspiration from his forehead it all seemed very easy the way described it but he was sure it would be very different in practice how could he know he demanded that the young lady would go to the with him she might have declined and then he would have been in a worse position than ever declined echoed declined a lunch declined ice cream declined champagne well you are ignorant of the sex my dear boy it is evident that shall have to introduce you to the leading lady of your company and if you will be patient for a very few days i hope to be able to do so rousing himself with a show of genuine interest inquired for further particulars listen replied the other i expect to morrow evening to spend a few hours in the company of one of the most charming members of her sex she like you has an ambition to become a successful writer like you also she some of the prime qualities that are needed for that end it happens however that the things wanting are entirely different in each of your cases that you will if you choose be able to and perfect each other with e i shall tell her that i know a young man of literary taste who will give her advice on the points in which she is deficient with such an opening you will be at once on easy street and if you cannot fall in love within forty eight hours i shall regard you as a case too hopeless to merit further attention at my hands the young man s cheek glowed with pleasure that is more like it he said when do you think i shall be able to meet this young lady within a week or two at the latest i must sound her before i trust you with her for she is nearly as much a stranger to me so far as to you of course there is no objection quite the contrary to your falling in love elsewhere in the meantime if opportunity serves at this moment mr called his companion s attention to a rather gentleman who had just entered the breakfast room and was stopping near the door to hold a brief conversation with some one he had met there you see that fellow he remarked wait a minute and i will get him over here if you ever want to put a real character into one of your stories you will only need to take his photograph in actual life he is as dull as a rusty meat axe but for literary purposes he would be a catching the eye of the person of whom he was speaking mr to him to come to his part of the room and as he approached arranged a chair for him m mr i want to present a young friend of a black mine to you said rising mr mr mr went through the usual ceremony announcing that he was most happy etc in the style that a million other men follow every day then he took the chair that was offered him and gave an order for his breakfast to a waiter are you a new mr he asked when this important matter was disposed of mr is staying here for the present explained mr he is a by profession and i tell him there is no better place to study the than this vicinity the young man s color deepened he doubted if it was right to introduce the subject in exactly these terms mr next question did not from his uneasiness excuse me i am not altogether
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up in current literature and i must ask what mr has written mr helped his young friend out of this as well as he could he has written nothing as yet at least nothing that has been printed he said he is wise i think in laying a deep foundation for his instead of rushing into print with the first thoughts that enter his head as so many do to their own subsequent regret and the distress of their readers i want him to meet men and women who have known what life is by their own experiences you ought to be worth something to a bright writer you have had many an adventure in your day th mr shrugged his in my day yes he assented enough to fill the and and leave enough for and the american news company but that is nothing but history now my day is over and it will never return he paused and ran his right hand across his in the vicinity of the waist band though he knew perfectly what mr referred to wanted him to express it in his own words to you wouldn t think continued mr after a pause which seemed filled with strange emotions that my figure was once the admiration of every lady who saw it that they used to stop and gaze at me with eyes of positive envy and now look at this he indicated his again and shook his head it is simply he continued as neither of the others thought best to interrupt him when i was twenty four i had a reputation that was as wide as the continent when i walked down you would have supposed a procession was passing the crowds gathered in such numbers if it was mentioned that i would spend a week at or the hotels had not a room to spare while i remained the next year i married and as one of the fashion journals put it two thousand women went into mourning for a i myself entirely to my wife and to business i made some money and kept out of the public eye then my wife died and i retired from the firm with which i had been connected the next twelve months dragged terribly i did not know what to do finally i decided that there was but one course open to me i must resume again the position i had as a leader of fashion mr bowed as if to say that this was a very natural and conclusion precisely as if he had not heard the story told in the same way a dozen times before he was watching s interested expression and had difficulty in an inclination to laugh aloud i sought out the best tailor in the city continued mr i went to the most fashionable hair i spent considerable time in selecting hats and gloves when all was ready i took a stroll as i had done in the old days from street down fifth avenue and to union square i met a few acquaintances who stared at me slightly but did not act in the least impressed the women merely glanced up and glanced away again what was the matter i went home and took a long survey of myself in the mirror a glass that showed me from crown to toe my costume was perfect there was not a in my face this was several years ago remember there was not a gray hair in my head then there are a few now admit what is it y i asked myself a hundred times as i stood there out the cursed problem mr tie was all right my shirt front of the latest cut my watch chain with straight from s my ah i saw it all in a moment who did not see it even yet wore such an astonished expression that mr had to stuff his into his mouth to prevent an explosion it was this devilish said mr that portion of his frame as if he had a special grudge against it and would be glad if he could hit it hard enough to bring it to a sense of its my figure had gone to the devil it was not as large as it is now but it was large enough to cook my my waist had increased so gradually that i had never noticed it i got a and took its measure forty two inches sir the was up with a heart as young as ever with a face as good and a purse able to supply all reasonable demands i was knocked out of the race on the first round by this that no ingenuity could hope to conceal mr could wait no longer his musical laugh rang out over the room let this be a warning to you he said to wear it is no joke was the ind comment of mr as he proceeded to add to his by devouring the hearty breakfast that the waiter had just brought him i am left like a sailor on the sea of life the only occupation that could have entertained me is gone it is no time to enter business again i couldn t have selected a wiser one to leave it i don t want to marry once was enough of that the only women i can attract are v a black those inclined females that any other man could have as well as i what is the result my life is ruined i take no pleasure in anything i eat walk about go to a play sleep a pig could do as much and a pig would not have these memories to haunt him these recollections of a time so different that i am almost driven wild felt a sincere pity for the unfortunate gentleman and did not see the slightest element of humor in his melancholy
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recital but could not be restrained you re right about that pig business he remarked you recall the incident in mother goose where a little pig found a fifty dollar note and purchased a hat and a very fine coat there are strange in history mr would have replied to this remark in the terms it deserved had he not been too much engaged at the moment in a particularly fine chop as it was he growled over the meat like a in bad humor are there no for excessive of fat in the region asked taking his advantage it seems to me i have read of them in the newspapers retorted the other having swallowed the food and it with a glass of ale there are a thousand and i have tried them all i have taken things by the gross i have paid money to every i could find for awhile i starved myself so nearly to death that i went to making my with bs will and every day i grew i don t know what i measure now and i don t care a few more or less doesn t count when one falls from a steamer in mr took occasion to say that there was no need for this extreme a little coin in the hand or a new diamond ring would still bring youth and beauty to his friend that s just it retorted it s the contrast that s killing me the only women who would at me to day are ones that wouldn t care if i was black as or big as george iv why i could show you a of letters written me by the finest women in this country when i was at my best they breathe but one thing love love love i lived on it it was the air that kept my lungs in motion and i thought to go back to it so easily ah mr commenced upon his fourth chop and emptied the last of the bottle into his glass well i m sorry for you said i think the times must have changed as well as yourself though now here s a young fellow with all the of face figure and address that you once had and he claims to be unable to make the acquaintance of a single interesting woman between bridge and the heavy eyes of mr rested upon the youthful face opposite to him under the scrutiny to which he was subjected in the way he bad he had never looked more handsome place this is evidently a jest of yours said turning to mr not in the least i assure you then i say he can do what he likes and i know it replied the stout man if i had his form i d have to ask the police to clear the way for me i have seen circulation in front of this very hotel b cause i was coming out to take my carriage if he won t look at them why of course the women can t do it all but it lies with him s eyes with a strange mixture of hope and fear he did not think he would care to be in such great demand as that but he dearly wished to break through the iron bars that enclosed him he glanced in a glass that the wall near by he was good looking enough it was no vanity to say so what he lacked was confidence he is afraid of them that s his trouble smiled we cure him of that and when he gets to know women as they are he will give us a novel that will set all creation by the ears you know says he writes the purest english all he needs is a taste of life to this mr gave his assent and he added that it he could be of any service in the matter he would only be too glad we thank you for the offer and may be able later to make use of it said mr and now good morning for we have important business to attend to looked long and earnestly at the person they were leaving he seemed to him a very studying miss ordinary individual if such a man had won the love of scores of beautiful women surely he himself could gain the affections of one when he stood with in front of the hotel by which an procession of ladies and gentleman was already beginning to pass though it was only eleven o clock he felt much encouraged they are looking at you whispered plenty of them did you see those two girls in pink in that why they nearly broke their necks to get the last glimpse of you there lady who would stop if you asked her pretty as any of them though she must be nearly thirty your eyes are not open ah here is something better in that carriage with the it was miss and she bowed to mr then her bright eyes lit up with a new lustre as they fell upon his companion chapter v studying miss when mr made his appearance at the residence of mr the door was opened for him by a young negro of such superb proportions that the could not help observing him with admiration he thought he had never seen a man more perfectly formed the face though too dark to suggest black the least of blood was well the lips were not thick nor was the nose flat as is the case with so many of the african race the voice as the visitor heard it was by no means unpleasant mr could not imagine a better model for an statue than this butler or footman or whatever position perhaps both he might be engaged to fill yes sir miss is in and she is expecting
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you said the negro in his pleasant and strong tones let me take your hat and stick now sir this way t miss came tn a few the parlor where was left and greeted him most cordially there is a sitting room on the next floor she said where we shall not be disturbed i have given orders to admit no one saying that we shall want the evening entirely to ourselves repeated the visitor is that the name of the remarkable individual who received me just now yes said miss rather coldly though i do not know why you call him remarkable he is so tall so grand so entirely overpowering explained mr one would think he might be the son of an african king i never saw a black man that gave me such an impression of force and power elevated her eyebrows a little as it annoyed at these expressions she answered still rigidly that she had noticed nothing unusual about kiss she did not believe she had looked closely enough at his face to be able to identify him in a court he would make a fine character for a novel said mr as they walked together up the broad staircase i could almost write one myself around such a personality the young lady looked disgusted a negro servant she exclaimed what kind of a novel could you write with such a central figure perhaps i should not put him in the centre laughed determined to win her good nature every story needs lights and shades you can t deny that he would cast a magnificent shadow the humor of this observation struck miss and she joined mildly in her companion s mirth then she remarked that the central figure of a novel the main in it to her mind should be a being who could be given the attributes of beauty and grace the minor characters were of less account and would come into existence almost of their own accord and now before we do anything more she said i want you to tell me about that excessively handsome young man that i saw with you yesterday in square was delighted at this introduction of his young friend he began a most flattering account of describing him as a genuine among men both in talent and goodness he drew heavily on his imagination as he proceeded a black j feeling that he was in for it and might as well do his best at once and he could see the cheek of the young listener taking on a new and more color as he went farther and farther into his sub if i have to my novel the one mr rejected i shall draw my hero after that model she cried when he paused for breath i never saw a man who came so near my ideal but you would have to alter your hero s character in that case he said i have read your and your description does not with my young friend at all miss you don t mean to claim do you she replied that physical beauty and moral goodness always go hand in hand they should he answered in a tone that was meant to be impressive ah that is another question do they that is all the needs to know did you ever read s there are the two sisters one as pure as can be the other quite the opposite and the beauty belongs to the one i know takes a different view in grey but he is wrong i am sure that the worst man or woman in the world reckoning by what are called the amiable vices might be the most lovely to look upon the most delightful to associate with eve found the serpent attractive remember where did she learn all these things looked studying miss at her with increasing astonishment amiable vices he liked the perhaps you are right he assented as if slowly convinced if you wish to be acquainted with mr i will bring him here with pleasure my only fear is that he will not interest you he seems almost too perfect for earth think of a young man who knows nothing of women who says he has no idea what it is to be in love who does not understand why the ladies who pass down fifth avenue turn their heads to look at him he like yourself is a but his characters are beautiful images that lack life he marble figures and attempts to palm them off as flesh and blood he really thinks they are because he has never known the difference if you could take him miss and teach him what love really is the young lady blushed more than before she stammered in a strictly literary way he explained but he added thinking he was getting upon the edge of a we must not forget the object of my visit he took the parcel containing her that he had obtained from mr and began to the string he soon had it in a hard knot and miss to his rescue her young hands touched his and made his heart beat faster there she said when the knot had given way to their joint it is all right now but before we begin on this tell me a little more about mr what has he written where was it a tis published i will send to morrow morning and buy a copy her enthusiasm was agreeable under the circumstances but the truth had to be explained to her what he has written i will let you see one of these days he replied as for he ran upon the same rock that you did that of mr the beautiful eyes opened wider so he rejected his work too and yet you say that it was well done exquisitely s lines are as as his face and figure
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his people are dead that is all the trouble scented the difficulty under which he labors in a moment go and fall in love he said to him and you will write a story at which the world will marvel miss arranged one of her locks of red that had fallen down and hasn t he taken the advice she inquired in a low voice not yet smiled the other he says like a very child that he cannot find any one to love i walked up the avenue with him to day and afterwards rode in the park there were hundreds of the prettiest creatures all looking their eyes out at him and he hadn t the courage to return one glance not one ah miss it will be genuine love with if any the one finds in the fashionable world will never answer for him the young lady breathed a gentle sigh as her studying mi thoughts dwelt on the handsome figure she had seen in front of the house you may bring him here yes i should be glad to have you she said slowly but i must ask one favor do not tell him what i said so about his being my ideal let me talk with him on fair terms it may be as you suggest that we shall be of advantage to each other when can you arrange it almost any day smiled i will let you know by mail or otherwise and now this story of yours he added thinking it a shrewd plan to divert her attention from the other matter while it was still warm in her mind though i have read it through and think i understand it fairly well i am all the more anxious to hear it from your lips you will put into the text new i have no doubt that have escaped my observation miss flushed pleasantly and inquired with a show of anxiety whether mr had found its construction as bad as his friend mr had intimated to be perfectly honest it might be improved he replied but the is there miss that necessary thing for a good novel an interest that will hold the reader in spite of himself i with in his essential point i am sure that a good writer of english with a taste for fiction could make all the necessary alterations without in the least from the value of the story for instance i believe if mr would fc jl black take hold of it i could to get you a this winter and do you think he would she cried i think so the was so delighted with this announcement that she conquered the slight wound to pride it would be herself still who had drawn the picture who had put the into it all that the other would have to do might be described as she took up the first sheet of her writing and turned up an oil lamp that stood upon the table at her elbow the better to see the lines are you ready she asked quite ready smiled mr in a voice that trembled a little and yet not to the listener miss began to read her manuscript the opening chapter introduced the heroine and two gentlemen either one of whom might be the hero as the book is now so well known it is needless to transfer its features to these pages presently the paused and seemed to wait for her guest s criticism that is one chapter she said yes i remember and the second one is where begins to disclose a very little of his true nature shall we not have that now as you like i thought perhaps you would give me advice as we proceeded some fault finding here and there a suggestion of alterations he shook his head not yet he answered up to this point i see nothing that requires condemnation miss m nor praise perhaps she said in a low tone that might be true also he replied the first chapter of a novel is only the laying of the cloth and the placing of a few dishes the that form the meal are still in the kitchen she smiled at the but even the laying of the cloth is important she said your cloth is laid most admirably he answered and now we will have the which in this case i believe contains a certain quantity of and red at this she laughed the more and glanced through a few of the sheets in her hands before she spoke again did you form any opinion about about me from this story she asked did you in brief think it had taken a bold girl to write it he hesitated a moment yes he said at last a bold girl a daring girl a brave girl not one however whose own conduct would necessarily be like that of the woman she has she was so pleased that she put down the and leaned toward him with both hands clasped together you are very very kind she said no merely truthful he replied with your permission i want to retain that last quality in all my conversations with you when you ask me a a black question i wish to be perfectly free to answer ac to my honest convictions it is what i especially desire she said brightening no one able to judge has heard anything of this story except your friend mr i know it is bold sometimes i think it is brazen i can cot that there are excellent people who would say it never should have been written to my mind the moral i have drawn more than the of my speech you can tell better than i where i have the proper bounds if there be such places you are of course a man of the world the protesting expression on the
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face of her companion arrested her at this point that depends on what you mean by a man of the world it is a common expression and has many before i plead guilty to it i want to know just how much you intend by it miss put down the page she had taken up and a puzzled look crossed her pretty face you make it hard for me to explain myself she said i suppose i meant now be as honest as you asked me to be he interrupted well then i suppose you are a like like other men but there are many kinds of other men the young lady tried several times to make clearer and then asked with a very pathetic that she might be permitted to proceed with her reading as the hour was growing later it was not a very important point any way she said i cannot entirely agree with you replied if you are to be a writer of fiction you should not consider any time wasted which you in reference to your fellow creatures it is from them that you must draw your inspiration it is their figures you must put correctly or on your canvas don t understand me as to you my dear miss i only wish as long as you have referred to me to know of what am accused to this miss answered with many pauses that she had not intended to accuse her visitor of anything and once more with evident distress she begged to be permitted to drop the matter and return to her reading very well he assented thinking he had annoyed her as much as was advisable for the present as they say in bodies we will lay the question on the table from which it can be taken at some more fitting time i am as anxious as you can be to get into chapter ii she read this chapter to the end and paused a few seconds to see if he had any comments to make but he shook his head without breaking silence and she went on with the story he pursued the same plan till the end of the fifth chapter it is interesting exciting and true he remarked referring to the closing scene and i cannot help feeling arise in my brain the question that mr put when he read it how could a young a black innocent girl like you that situation with such absolute fidelity he had come to the point with a vengeance but to miss his manner was far more agreeable than if he had approached it by or in an way she had anticipated something of the sort and had tried to prepare herself to meet it does not nature teach us some things she asked speaking though her color heightened in spite of her efforts given a certain condition an intelligent mind can results he shook his head in mild with her is an expert and he this as a regular rule at least you should have heard him argue it with either throw yourself into a love affair he said or never try to one excuse me miss you bade me be frank she assented with a grave nod of her head you may have been in love i do not ask you whether you have or not but you cannot have known personally of the sort of love that you have depicted in these pages i call it little less than miraculous that you should draw the scene so accurately she colored again this time partly with pleasure for she was very susceptible to compliments perhaps your statement may explain to you she said what i meant a few minutes ago by calling you a man of the world you studying miss recognize at a glance what i had to from my imagination s face changed as he realized how he had been caught he had meant to pretend to this girl that he was more than usually ignorant of the side of life don t think too badly of me because i happen to know what is clear to every man he said to every one she answered to your friend mr ah he is an exception to all rules and yet says he can never write a successful book till he is more with life than he is at present she looked troubled with life she echoed with sin do you mean with the ordinary things that men know and most of them at some time experience her bright eyes were temporarily clouded what a pity she exclaimed yes he said for it was his humor to agree with it is a pity there was a pause of a minute and then she asked if she had read enough for one evening he answered that as it was now past ten o clock it would not be easy to get much farther and that he would come again whenever she chose to set the time you do not say much about my work she said anxiously as he prepared to go silence is approval he responded i can talk t a black s it over with you better when you have reached the end i have things to say and i shall not hesitate to say them then when is it most convenient to you to come she inquired any time he answered i don t do much that is really useful but wait till you see he will for the you find in me she repeated the word as if to test its sound you are your father s only child are you not he asked thoughtfully no i have a sister a little younger than i and has she a literary turn also not in the least arose and miss accompanied him to the front door the tall negro came to open the but miss told
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him with the same quality of dislike n her tone which had noticed before that he ne d not wait he is really a magnificent piece of humanity said when the man had disappeared i never saw anything quite like him you admire then said the young lady almost i like representatives of every race he answered as if not noticing her there are interesting specimens in all i number among my acquaintances several a a jews and innumerable if that fellow how women stars i was not in your employ i would engage him to morrow merely as a study miss took the hand he held out to her and set the next meeting for saturday evening then she said if you want perhaps papa would oblige you i certainly would do all i could to persuade him chapter vi how the women the next day with he wanted to talk with his friend about the young author and listened with interest to the story he had to relate and nodded approval when it appeared that had behaved admirably thus far in relation to miss do you know anything about mr he asked when the other had reached a period nothing well neither did i a week ago but i have taken pains to inform myself he is a highly respectable elderly party who in wool he married a very beautiful lady who has now been dead eight or ten years and he lives altogether in the society of his two daughters if you succeed in getting s book on the you will earn his everlasting a black gratitude they say he is not literary enough himself to be a judge of its merits and if she has fifty copies to present to the family friends it will probably be all he will ask mr uttered a low whistle i don t know what the family friends will say of it he replied but i call it pretty warm stuff if the list many they will hardly thank the girl for sending such a into their houses said the world is getting used to that sort of thing and they won t mind it a bit besides they will be so lost in admiration of their cousin s name on the cover that they will think of nothing else what did you make out of her is she as innocent as i predicted poured out a glass of bass ale and it slowly quite he said as he put it down on the table and she s no either he went on to tell of the trap he had fallen into i m dying with impatience to get her and together they d make an couple mr inquired what he was waiting for oh i want to do the thing right said i want to learn her as thoroughly as i can before i bring him upon the stage it will take three or four evenings more to hear the rest of her novel and another to discuss it i shall get around to him in about a fortnight at the rate things are going he will keep what do you suppose he is doing now how the women stake writing poetry he sent a piece a few days ago to the century and they accepted it he will be gray when it appears said the critic it takes a long time for anything to see the light in that publication but in this case an exception will be made said they have assured him that it will come out in their very next issue he will be so proud to see his name in print that i expect to find difficulty in holding him back a poet who appears in the century has certainly stepped a little higher on the ladder the critic agreed to this and remarked that such a man as should give his whole attention to poetry wait cried give him time see him after he has fallen head over ears in love with charming there is something in him i feel sure and between that dear girl and myself we will bring it out by the way there is a character i want you to meet he added as mr came into the room you have never had the pleasure i think though you have heard me speak of him mr had his attention attracted by a waiter who was sent for the purpose and came with great to occupy a seat with mr and his friend we were talking of a new york merchant just now said when the were over and it occurs to me that you who know almost everybody may have some knowledge of him he is in the wool business i hear and i think you once told me you had done something in that way his name is and he lives at do i know anything about him echoed mr i should say so he was my partner for seven years and i still have a little stake left in the concern on which i am drawing interest mr showed his astonishment at this statement what a very small world it was after all then after his friend not to mention that he had ever discussed the matter with him he went into the particulars of miss s book and of his having called at the house for the purpose of passing judgment upon it i didn t know that was in your line replied well it was this way answered mr s decision didn t exactly suit the young lady as it was not very favorable mine will be quite to her taste as i view her abilities in a more favorable light now tell us all about the family as the only one of them i have met is miss why this is a regular find old man you should have told me a week ago
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that you possessed all this information that i have been aching to get hold of thus mr entered upon his story from which it appeared that he knew the root and branch and had dined with them of times what sort of a chap is the asked a very well kept man of with a bow great deal of what is called breeding in his manner and a face like the portrait of a french cut out of a century frame he doesn t look like a business man at all and between ourselves he s not much of a one all the money he ever made saving my apparent was when i was in the concern i ve heard he s got a big on his residence and is going down hill generally too bad nice fellow sorry for him such is life asked if would do him a and particular favor if it would not cause him much trouble and on being answered in the affirmative said he would esteem it a great honor if he could be introduced to mr by that gentleman s former business associate i suppose i shall run across him at some evening he said and get one of those that are the most things in the world i don t want that to happen and the best way to use an elegant phrase is to take the bull by the horns or in this case the sheep by the tail will you make an accidental call on him to morrow afternoon and let me be of the party mr responded that he would be delighted and this matter being settled all parties could give more direct attention to their lunch than they had been doing for the preceding ten minutes you must have heard of my friend in the days when he was a figure on the streets of this town said presently returning to what he knew was the favorite subject of that personage a you ve lived here for twenty years and of course the name of is familiar to you mr looked a good of complete for some seconds and then a gleam as of sudden recollection shot across his face certainly certainly he said mr was what is known as a lady if i am not mistaken you got married did you not mr some ten or eleven years ago the party addressed acknowledged the practical of the date why it comes back as plain as day said the critic a the had a page about you including your portrait and some verses by a well known poet it said your marriage had cast a gloom over island and some of the up river mr gloomily nodded to show that the statement was true then he touched his most portion with a significant look i m a now he said and nothing but this this stands in my way as shakespeare says tis not as deep as a well nor as wide as a church door but the ladies never look at me now and all on account of this d d flesh which hangs like a around my neck s critic the peculiar character of the used remarked politely that he thought no lady of sense would put great stress on such an insignificant matter insignificant echoed i ll bet it s boat thb stake i fifty inches around come and it s not the ladies of sense i m after quite the contrary one of s laughs followed this statement which caused an expression of mild injury to settle over the countenance of mr you re getting on toward forty and you ought to quit said confound the women i let them go that s well enough to talk about replied how would you like to follow your own advice t uttered an exclamation i i have precious little to do with them i assure you for a man of my correct habits i have the worst name of any one i know everybody things about me and they can prove nothing we ll ask about that sneered by the way that wouldn t be a bad place to take young to when you get to him in earnest i met the young fellow on the avenue last night and walked around with him for a couple of hours he s a darling cried both the other gentlemen in one breath to be sure how the women stared at him i couldn t blame them his waist isn t over thirty and he s as handsome as as i was at his age i told him he could have all the loveliness in new york at his feet if he liked smiled significantly at what did he reply to that he asked a black oh he had an ideal in his head and none of those we saw quite came up to it for i did get him to raise his eyes and look at the prettiest ones i drew out of him slowly that he would have nothing to do with a girl unless she had red hair that mr uttered a laugh so hearty that it attracted the attention of everybody in the room mr paused to inquire the cause of this outbreak but assured him that something entirely out of the present discussion had just occurred to him which was to blame for his a girl must have hair repeated mr accepting the explanation or he would not consider her he ruled out all the striking and saying that he liked only those of a medium shade we came across one that answered these descriptions an exquisite little creature who looked as if she would swallow him could she get the chance and then there came out another idea he would not think of this fairy because she was so short i want a woman five feet four inches tall he said as
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if the article could be made to order in case the size did not happen to be in stock then would you believe it he found a girl embracing every attribute he had mentioned her hair was just the right shade her height must have hit the mark exactly her complexion was medium but no she was too heavy she would weigh a hundred and forty five he said quite twenty pounds too much if we had found a girl that filled all his description he would have invented something new to bar her out of the race bow ib mr remarked that he was not so sure of s he believed the right would yet be discovered and that a case of the most intense affection would then develop in fact he added i have the identical creature in mind it is clear to us to myself and mr here that will never write a thrilling romance till he has fallen wildly passionately in love mr smiled slightly and then again shall you have him marry also he inquired why not r because it will finish him that s why the romance in a modern marriage lasts six weeks at the end of that time he will be useless for literary purposes or anything else mr shook his head in opposition to this rash statement my theory is said he that a should know everything to write of love he should have been in love to tell of marriage he should have had a wife a real one no mere imitation to talk of he should become a father how can he know his subjects otherwise the stout man smiled significantly and if he wishes to write of murder he must kill some one and if he wants to the sensations of a robber he must take a pistol and ask people to stand on the highway now you are becoming absurd said ss a black no more than you said you go too far and you will find it out let your fall in love that will do him good but don t let him marry or you will lose him mark my word let him contemplate matrimony at a distance let him reflect on the glory of seeing his children about his knees so far so good but when you have him with a wife of the present era when you have kept him up nights for a month with a baby that screams his literary capacity will be gone make no mistake mr half convinced and much surprised to hear such wisdom from this unexpected source made an effort to maintain his ground nearly all the modern are married he remarked yes and nice stuff they write don t they silly stories in every line they are the most on the shores of human life they start without exception from false premises their is wrong their compass their reckoning ridiculous from beginning to end where did you ever see a bit of real life that resembled these do lovers usually fall on their knees when they propose is the modern girl an idiot knowing less of the facts of nature than an is the conversation between men and women filled exclusively with you would think so from reading these books and why they are written by married people most of them people who don t dare step over the line of the commonplace any more than a woman how the women stake f would dare order her to put pockets in her gown looked at mr who nodded a partial approval of these statements mr himself with more interest to his and the other two gentlemen remarking that time pressed bade him good by for the day i see you agree with him that i shouldn t marry said with a rising there is certainly point in what he says replied mr but confound it with the boy s disposition it will be a delicate business retorted i don t know as i can carry him to the point of passionate love for pretty miss and then shut off the steam when it suits me this matter was discussed for the next ten minutes as the friends walked along toward the office of i think you are foolish to delay so long introducing him to her said finally i don t see that you are making any progress whatever ah but i am replied i am making both of them more and more anxious for the meeting walks the street impatient and i have no doubt her name in his dreams talks about her ideal of manly beauty when they get together failure will be impossible mr laughed at the idea that was impatient to meet any girl and ventured to that the young man would have to be put in irons to get him to the residence of the when the time came or at least to keep him there just the point i am working on replied under ordinary circumstances i would have to his wrists to mine but i am making such a strong impression on his imagination that he is crazy to go and once she gets him under influence i tell you she is no ordinary girl she certainly does not write like one smiled the critic either in her subject or her english you may make something of him i rather think you will but not of her her ideas are wild and her a little too pronounced even for the present age she has truth on her side you admit said yes to a remarkable degree well that ought to be something if estimate of the modern liar is correct will help her to style give her his own if necessary i am going to land both of these fish if only to spite you you tossed them away with that fine contempt of yours and you will weep
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hot tears for it before you die at the door of s they met the two members of that firm who paused to say a word to mr they were anxious for a new book to bring out as soon as possible and were with him that nothing worth seemed to present you strain matters if necessary said mr m i we can t keep up on i hope you made no mistake in that book of mrs i hear it is selling well mr s face was as ever immovable before his what fire and he inquired the authorities seized the entire edition this morning mr looked at mr with a startled expression in that case i am glad we escaped it he said we shouldn t like that sort of an affair of course mr who knew both the gentlemen well inquired what they thought of mrs s production i have never sen it said mr nor i said mr the partners disappeared into the counting room where they had an interview with a who had offered to do their work at one tenth of a cent a hundred copies less than the concern with which they were then dealing said good by to and went off to find with whom he had engaged to take later in the day a ride through the park how soon am i to see your sighed the young man as they were making the grand round of that famous drive within a week i hope are you getting uneasy i am getting was the gloomy reply and i want to begin work well it will soon pass now to morrow evening a i am to hear another of her novel two more after that will finish it i should say and the next thing will be you but have you seen no one else in all this time that you care for the young man looked at the clouds that hung low on the horizon no he answered and you think you are ready for a passionate affection if the right person is found i will try he said simply mr roused himself and touched his horse with the whip try he echoed you will not have to try she will carry you off your feet at the first go i have found you a superb woman that you must love all i want to feel sure of is that you can control yourself enough to behave in a reasonable manner looked up she belongs to an eminently respectable family explained her father is a gentleman of the most honorable type she has a young sister who slow at all times had at last begun to comprehend you surely don t think he began ah that is the question a must learn so very much a who is to the you are to do where should he stop what experience should he refuse provided it may be in his work a responsibility that is no light one will rest on me my dear boy when i have a dinner at introduced you to this family and left you to your own devices s eyes opened wider at these mysterious suggestions but he did not like to make any more inquiries changed the conversation calling attention to the women they met who turned their handsome heads to look at the young man as their almost touched his what an awfully wide you are cutting was s exclamation as the throng increased chapter vii a dinner at true to his appointment met mr on the following afternoon and set out with him for s office though engaged as has been already stated in the wool trade mr did not have on the premises to which these repaired a very large of that product his were in another part of the city and all the wool that was visible to his customers was arranged in lots that would easily have gone into a barrel mr notwithstanding the description that had given of his ex partner was not prepared to see such an exceedingly fine specimen of humanity as the one introduced to him black the word gentleman was written in large characters on his broad forehead and in every word he spoke it certainly was not often said to himself that one encountered that sort of man in business i have already heard something of you sir said mr but with the dignity that was a part of his nature no more to be discarded than his eyes that is if you are the same gentleman that has kindly offered to assist my daughter in arranging a story she has written mr admitted the of the supposition but any special credit for what he had done he explained briefly how he was drawn into the case the visit lasted upwards of an hour during which the conversation wandered from literature to business and politics and all sorts of things mr could not tell from mr s manner of alluding to his daughter s work whether he had a very high idea of its value or not indeed there was very little to be learned from this grave gentleman that was not expressed in the language he used he was inclined thought to for when there was a lull in the conversation it was always one of the others who had to start it going the thing that might be counted a substantial gain out of the whole affair was an invitation to dinner for the following wednesday in which mr was included and mr also before the wednesday set for the formal dinner at the mr had heard the whole of miss s novel read by the lips of that charming woman there was certainly something very at strong in it in spite of its faults it would be a very good story when dr had put it into a little better english the
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meeting between and was most interesting to the one who had been the means of bringing them together the girl put out her hand with a straightforward motion of welcome and it was accepted with something resembling timidity by the young man who did not even raise his eyes to hers the talk that followed was nearly all her own s part in it being largely replies to her statements and suggestions when miss was presented to both the gentlemen for the first time mr she very well she drew their attention for a few moments from her sister but soon into the more insignificant place which she seemed to prefer she was not as large in any way as and did not seem likely to become so her hair was of a soft shade of light brown and her eyes a decided blue in the presence of her sister she did not expect to shine and was evidently relieved when she could go into a corner and talk over times long past with mr came in rather late but still before the hour announced for dinner he had his habitual look of quiet elegance but withal an expression of care about his face that attributed to the business troubles of which had spoken the manner of the daughters toward him was marked by the watchful eyes of the chief looked up and said papa this it mr rom a black leaf of whom we have spoken and then when the greetings that followed were exchanged went on talking with those about her as if there had been no interruption on the other hand crept softly to her father s side and putting an arm around his neck kissed him when she thought no one observed her you arc tired papa she whispered no no he said brightening i am very well it was at the table that mr had his first conversation with and the two men got along nicely together himself who saw everything noticed that the negro in the service in the dining room lingered more about miss s chair than any other and took extra pains to see that her wants were anticipated in spite of this however mr frequently asked his younger daughter to have more of certain dishes as if his mind was constantly turned in that direction how long do you think it will require to do the work you have so generously undertaken asked mr of when the was reached it is impossible to say stammered the young man some weeks at least so i supposed said mr that being the case i wish to tender you the hospitality of my home it would be a great deal of trouble for you to come every day from the city and i know we could make you comfortable here a dinner at was about to decline the offer with thanks when mr spoke to him in a low tone take it by all means he said it s a chance in a lifetime you know nothing of family life don t dream of refusing the delay allowed miss to add her request to that of her father and fearing to let his answer mr boldly spoke for him it is a good idea he said he will have his baggage brought up to morrow there s nothing like being on the ground when there s work to be done and with the general permission i am going to run out pretty often myself to see how things progress the bright off hand way of the last speaker seemed to please mr for he heartily this suggestion when the table was mr asked if he might be excused for a few minutes while he wrote a couple of important letters and requested to show the guests through the grounds where they could smoke their cigars till he returned accordingly and accompanied their new guide out of doors and across an extensive lawn to an at the further end where a handsome prospect of the unfolded itself as was wishing for some way of getting rid of temporarily that gentleman an acquaintance in the adjacent road and went off to speak to him are you in love yet you dog asked as soon as he and his young friend were alone what a black you re not don t let an hour pass then you are the best of all is never put off till to morrow what you can do to day m how can i do this to day was the response how you help it you mean there she was at the table hair grey eyes lovely waist everything love could fall in love with that girl marry her get a divorce and commit suicide within forty eight hours even had to smile at this extravagant statement do you want me to do all of those things he asked only the first one at present if you can t do that give up all ideas of being a and secure a place in some factory or counting room everything is ready for you you are here nothing can come in your way oh don t me said he would do his best and the next day he came to prepared to spend a month or longer chapter viii holding her hand for the first three days gave most of his time to reading the that miss had written he could not say that he liked it exactly but that was not necessary to fill in the time he consented to let the girl read his own story that had rejected though he did this with having a dread that she would think it when she had finished it however her delight was unbounded it is lovely she exclaimed in response to his inquiring eyes i cannot see why they refused it i haven t been so interested in a story in years
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when he had read her story through he began to it departing as little as possible from the original as soon as he had a chapter finished he would give it to her for comparison and criticism if she chose to make any she proved however a most charming critic her shafts falling mainly upon herself for she declared that her novel seemed unworthy of its elegant new dress she conceived a shyness toward this quiet youth and blushed when the striking situations and bold language of her came into the conversation it was so different from his own work it is too bold i am it it tha laid repeatedly i ought to begin again mr plot has too too a black much freedom too little people will say a very strange girl must have written it and he would tell her that he did not think so that the strength of her ideas was very great and that the public would find excuses enough for anything that interested and entertained it he even added that he wished he possessed her knowledge her insight into life her to tread on any ground that her subject made desirable between them they were doing very good work without doubt mr took some of the completed chapters to who returned them with a smile that spoke volumes would take the story when it was ready if the subsequent pages kept up to the mark of the first ones don t forget your own book said in a note he enclosed for mr was not backward in accepting the cordial invitation he had had to join the at dinner whenever he could make it convenient besides this he called frequently at the wool office and himself into mr s good graces in many ways within a fortnight he knew all there was to be known about wool in which he seemed to have conceived a great interest in his talks with he spoke on this subject referring to the foreign and domestic like one who had made the matter a life study what a queer thing trade is he exclaimed on one of these occasions here we find a man who ought to adorn an or a seat in and yet is obliged to guide his entire existence by the holding hand price of such a dull thing as the hair on a sheep s back he a certain political ticket on account of the attitude of the party on wool he off mutton and tongues he casts his lot with the sheep at church i don t know but he would feel a genuine pleasure in having wool pulled over his eyes and still i am convinced that he never ought to been in the wool business at all and that what a drop is right in his impression that it will eventually swamp him asked how mr got into the trade in the first place well as i understand it was looking for a partner mrs had some cash and her husband wanted to put it into a good thing from a financial they did well while they were together when pulled out they had a clear apiece confound him has his yet hasn t he s proud as the devil and didn t tell me this by any means it would break him up completely to have to go into really i wish i could do something for him looked up why i ve got a fair amount of money explained and perhaps a lift over these hard times might be the making of him i m not particularly a but i like this fellow wonderfully well for such a new acquaintance i shall give him a delicate hint in a day or two and if i can fix things without too much risk we have to protect ourselves you know i am willing to do so this struck as rather odd he had thought about mr in that way whether he was rich or poor had never entered his head he began to wonder if he was very wealthy he certainly lived well and had no visible occupation of the sort the call it is an interesting family though pursued in his rambling way i wish i could get into it as you did you rascal and observe it at shorter range even the servants are worth studying look at that who can say that the african race is inferior when it produces such i can hardly take my eyes off the black when he is present how he passes the soup as if it were some heavenly made by the gods themselves and sent to earth by their favorite messenger with what grace he opens the carriage door with what majesty he to his seat by the driver i wonder if he has a sister she would be worth a journey to see i have met such women on their native soil slender full square shouldered with of water on their heads and silver what a cursed thing is our american prejudice against color no other people carries it to such an extent in the latin quarter the west india are prime with the pretty m the young man could not help a slight shiver at this information he did not in the least agree with the sentiments his friend was advancing but neither did be think it wise to contradict him mt then there is the little one miss continued suddenly into that topic so quiet so self as if she would not for the world attract one glance that might be claimed by her elder sister who is perfectly willing to be a of attention a nice girl sweet as a fresh plucked lily there must be treasures hidden under all that still waters run deep the silent swine the milk i think i ought to investigate the child if you are to have that of
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beauty known as what prevents me from securing a slight hold in the affections of the junior shook his head in a way that might have meant almost anything he never could tell how much in earnest his friend was when he took up a vein like this neither could he imagine little in the of an for such a very wise man as not only much her senior but a thousand times her superior in knowledge and acquaintance with things that people talk about keep your eye on her she will be worth watching said with one of his laughs at the sober face before him she is worth almost as much to a rising author as the negro not quite but nearly then there is the is there anything in him no he will be of no service to you and that brings us back to our superb with whom you must now be wildly shook his head again no not yet he said but what do you do all the time how can you f a black sit by the side of a pretty girl and kiss her cheeks and put your arm around her and yet keep from falling in love the younger man gasped at each of these suggestions like one who has stepped into icy water and feels it gradually creeping upward i have done none of those things he faltered none of them then i shall not let you stay here cried what does the girl expect that we are going to make her reputation in the literary world and get nothing for ourselves i never heard such she refuses to give you the least opportunity does she the more and more confused grew the other at these expressions you don t understand you are quite in error he she she has refused me nothing because because i have asked nothing mr uttered a groan but this will not do my dear fellow he said how can you accomplish anything unless you make a beginning the story that she has written will not advance you one step on the path you profess such anxiety to tread that is only an excuse a make believe a pretence under which you have been given quarters in this house and allowed every chance in creation to learn your lesson are you afraid of her or what is the matter does she you with her beauty tell me where your difficulty lies but could hardly answer these apparently simple questions he said he feared the trouble holding her hand might be in the formality of the situation how could mr expect he asked that a spontaneous case of love making would develop from such a condition of things stuff cried with a if you and she were members of a theatrical company and were cast as a pair of lovers you wouldn t find so many you would go ahead and repeat the lines of your part wouldn t you all you want is to do the same now but what are the lines of my part inquired the other take her hand once in yours and they will come to you retorted so much that regretted the severity of his tone and hastened to turn the conversation to something more agreeable he made up his mind however to have a talk with miss and at the first opportunity he did so it was on an afternoon when he knew was in the city and he came to the point at once after his own fashion how are you and my young friend getting along he asked her oh as well as possible she responded i am learning to like him more and more i really shall be sorry when his task is done mr shrugged his shoulders there s a bit of selfishness in your words miss he said have you forgotten that he is not here to be useful to you alone that you agreed to do what you could for him t as well i black the girl cast down her pretty eyes in confusion i am sure i have tried to be agreeable she replied gently that is not enough replied gravely what he needs is something some one to stir his blood to awaken his fancy i told you in the first place that you ought to make him fall in love with you for literary reasons he must feel a sensation stronger than mere friendship for a woman before he can write such a story as will bring him fame miss did not grow more comfortable under this suggestion she remarked after a long wait that she did not see how the end sought was to be accomplished love she said was not a mere expression it was a deep actual two people playing at love with each other might afterwards find that that they were with fire i have heard she continued her fair cheeks growing crimson that there are women then she paused and could go no further but he understood there are women thousands of them he admitted who would willingly do what i ask if it is necessary he must go to them she wanted to say that she hoped it would not come to that she wanted to convey to her companion the horror she felt for what she supposed his words implied but she could not it was so much easier to write of things than to talk of them to a man like him do you call it quite fair he asked to claim all and give nothing he does not require much could you not let him take your hand and and possibly touch your lips with his miss rose to her feet with a fierce gesture sir she exclaimed very well replied mr shortly turning away the girl resumed her seat with rapidly rising and falling bosom she was in a the
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suggestion she had heard would have sounded from any other lips like a insult coming from this man the seemed to have vanished felt somewhat discouraged after his latest talk with he wanted to make a start to do something no matter how little toward the object he fully believed was to be attained that evening while walking with miss for it was their frequent habit to go out of doors he found himself unconsciously taking her hand that hand for which he had until now felt a genuine fright and she after all her resolutions never to permit anything of the sort gave it to him as they strolled together along an want so much to make a name he was saying fervently i have tried and tried to begin such a book as mr wants but i cannot won t you help me dear miss won t you show me what i lack i know you can if you will they tell me i have had no experiences and that i must have not a real affair you know but an of what it is like i have tried to say things to you and a black have been in fear that you would not like them and have held my peace but now i can wait no longer in his spoke at last with and even went so far as to attempt to put one of his arms around the waist of the fair creature by his side on her part miss was nearly overcome by surprise in one instant the timid young gentleman had changed into the of a most ardent but in the next he became again his natural self with the added confusion from his excited and state let me take you home he said when he saw that she could find no words even to him let me take you home and to morrow i will go away go away she did not like that idea her book was not yet finished for one thing and besides he was a nice young fellow and had meant no there is no reason why you should go she stammered i forgive you i am sure do you cried grasping her hand again in his joy you are kindness itself to say so i must appear very stupid here he half put his arm around her again checking himself with difficulty from the movement and dull and wanting in manners but you are the only young lady i have ever known on terms of the least intimacy miss replied that she did not mind what had occurred and hoped he would forget it she added holding her hand that she would do anything she could for him and had the most earnest wish that they should be friends at the gate they paused and in some way their eyes were looking into each other the girl laughed a relief to feelings that had been for the past ten minutes somewhat well you have made a beginning she said for she wanted to drive the sober expression from his clouded face a beginning he echoed yes she said you have held my hand he you said you would forgive me he murmured with all my heart she responded putting the hand in his again he felt a thrill go through him but it was a pleasant sensation i came very near putting my arm around you said he looking away from her do you forgive that too she took the hand away and struck him on the cheek with the palm of it then before he what she intended she ran brightly up the steps of the house and vanished a black chapter ix my darling it was s full intention to say something about this adventure to his in the art of love mr but somehow he was not able to summon the requisite courage he had a delicate sense that such a thing ought not to be repeated where it might by any possibility bring a laugh and about this time the s attention began to be attracted toward the younger sister who had till then almost entirely escaped his observation he noticed particularly the ceaseless devotion that the black servant of the family exhibited toward her she might have been a goddess and he a a queen and he her slave moved about the girl like her very shadow ready to anticipate her slightest wants while seemed to take this excess of attention as a matter of course constantly showed her dislike for the servant i don t see how you can endure to have him touch you she said to he knows better than to lay his hands on me i have told papa often that i want him discharged and he ought to consider my wishes a little to this answered that the boy as she persisted in calling the giant meant well and was certainly intelligent her father did not like to change mt servants for it took him a long time to get used t new ones so tossed her head returned to her with mr and things went on as usual began to take an interest in she did not run away from him and he discovered much to his surprise that she was worth talking to she was not exactly the child he had supposed and she had the full value of her eighteen years in her pretty head he got into the habit of taking short with her on evenings when was occupied with and when as often happened mr was away with in the city there was a nook at the far end of the lawn in which the pair found retreat before he realized it had developed a genuine liking for these and was pleased when the evenings came that brought mr to dinner was to a degree if surface indications counted for anything the
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words that flowed from her red lips were as as the pretty attitudes she assumed or the exceedingly plain but very becoming dresses that she wore after she once got used to she treated him quite as if she had been five years his senior are you a rich man she asked him on one of those early autumn evenings that they passed together her manner was as simple as if she had said that it looked rain and his answer was hardly let a black no i have not much property but i intend to earn more by and by did you think because i seem so idle that i was a no she answered a shade of disappointment in her face i only wanted in case you had plenty of money to get you to lend me some he stared at her through the half light her features were turned in a direction that did not reveal them very well what did she want of money how much do you need he inquired wondering if it was within his power to oblige her oh too much i am afraid and i cannot answer any questions because the object i have is a secret i don t think my plan very for it might be years and years before i could pay it back you won t mind my speaking of it will you curiosity grew stronger and as politely as possible he renewed his question as to how much the girl needed to carry out her plan i don t know exactly she said thoughtfully perhaps a thousand dollars a year for five or six years it might take less it is a great deal he admitted does your father know what you contemplate the girl changed color at once oh no i should not like to have him either he would say it was very foolish and yet i am sure it would not be the money would do much ever so much the young man thought hard for a few moments a desire to see a brighter light flash into those my darling young eyes possessed him he seriously the idea of handing her his as he would have given her a pound of if she had wanted it i might give you part he said after a pa e perhaps your thousand for the first year or two she looked him full in the face and put both her hands in his you are too good she exclaimed with but you cannot afford so large a gift no i would only take it if you had a very large sum and could not possibly miss it i asked carelessly i should not have done so i was selfish to think of such a thing i want to speak to you about something also said after a strained pause i have noticed of late that your father has some trouble on his mind she started suddenly ah was all she said and i have wondered if there was anything i could do to to aid him to relieve him because i would like it very much if i could on account she looked up i have been so much a member of your family in a certain way that a grief like this appeals strongly to me he said she slightly as she repeated his words a grief well distress annoyance whatever it may be a black called if there is anything i can do i shall be more than happy the girl sat for some moments with her eyes on the ground he troubled she said finally i am glad to talk with you for i cannot get him to tell me anything he is greatly troubled and i am worried beyond expression i can t understand it he has always confided in me so thoroughly but now he shakes his head and says it is nothing trying to look brighter even when the tears are almost ready to fall what can it be mr he has no companions outside of his office and this house he sits by himself and isn t a bit like he used to be and every day i think he grows worse asked if had talked much with her sister about it no she said with a i don t believe has noticed anything she is so occupied with her literary matters there was a sarcastic touch upon the word that did not escape the listener she has no time for such things i hope you won t think i mean to her added the young girl with a blush i know you care a great deal for my sister and she stopped in the midst of the sentence leaving it unfinished and thought how interesting this girl had become u let me confide in you he said in his tone i do not care a great deal nor even a very little for your sister you see he went on in response to the startled look that greeted him i my v am to be a to be successful in writing fiction i have been told that i ought to be in love just once myself and i came here and tried very hard to fall in love with miss and i simply cannot s fresh young laugh rang out on the air of the evening poor man she cried with mock pity and hasn t she tried to help you no she hasn t and as soon as i get the work done i have commenced for her i am going away the child she was scarcely more than that grew but the shadows of the evening hid the fact from her companion you ought not to go she said slowly and rather faintly until you have made another trial oh it is useless he replied is it that you cannot love or that you cannot love
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any one he hesitated puzzled himself at the question i never did love any one any woman he confessed and perhaps i never shall but your sister seems peculiarly hard to love yet she is a very handsome girl and equipped with a mind of unusual acknowledged this description of her sister s charms she remarked that it was strange that such a combination did not suffice to accomplish the desired result there are people who do find her entertaining she added mr is one of them a black oh said he finds everything entertaining it is nothing worth remarking she is the exact description of his ideal in feminine face and form he once gave me the list of the of a perfect woman and your sister has them all the younger miss had her own opinions about this matter she the innocent man at her side had not quite the interest that mr took in her family i will make a proposition she said with a light laugh when they had talked longer upon the subject i am afraid it won t seem worth much to you and perhaps you can do better but why can t you stay here and if won t do make love tow darkness is responsible for many things in the light could not have uttered those words even in jest there when the sun had set and the stars were not yet on duty she found the courage to make that suggestion you are very kind he stammered when he grasped her meaning but i do not think it will answer i am afraid love cannot be pushed to any point without its own a that is probably the case with real love replied the girl but an imitation that would serve your purpose might be in the way i have indicated for instance you could take my hand in yours like this and i could lean toward you in this way and then if you had sufficient courage da t my darling p before he dreamed of doing it it was done he had kissed her on her tempting lips placed within an inch of his own you are too good a scholar she rising to her feet in some confusion i did not give you leave to do that i beg your pardon most humbly he answered with intense may i assure you that the act was wholly involuntary and that i am very sorry for it she turned and surveyed him in the shadow are you sorry she repeated yes why because i have made you angry do i seem angry at least i have injured your feelings her face was close to his again well i forgive you there let us make up she raised herself on the tips of her toes and kissed him twice all the blood in this young man s body seemed to rush to his head and then back with violence to his heart he stammered but she sprang away as he tried to embrace her and standing two yards off cried that he did not know what love was and that no one could ever teach him taking up the challenge he started toward her she ran away he in pursuit she had gone but a few steps when she tripped over an a black object in the path and went down in trying to stop himself fell by her side he cried are you injured she did not answer in the darkness he saw her lying there so still that he was frightened he caught her passionately in his arms and knew no better way to bring her to than to rain kisses on her cheeks as might be expected this only served to her which was not a very genuine one if the truth must be told and it was some seconds before she opened her eyes and caught him as one might say in the act how dare you she demanded shrinking away from him my darling he answered his voice tremulous i thought you were dead and i knew for the first time how dearly how truly i loved you she laughed not very heartily she had hurt herself truly in her fall and her feminine nerves were you are doing nicely she said for a one could ask nothing better and now if you will help to rise i think it would be more proper no he spoke with force and passion you must not think i am trifling i love you yes i love you worship you i do not see she remarked in spite of him that she must assume a standing position how you differ in your expressions from the lovers i have read of in novels it is quite time that we re my darling r turned to the house to morrow if you like i will give you another lesson was a picture of utter despair his new sensations almost overwhelmed him in one second the dead in his body had leaped into the fullest life the touch of that young maiden s lips had him he could not bear to leave her with those mocking words but at that moment a voice was heard in the direction of the residence miss miss it was who had returned from a drive with mr they could see him dimly coming across the lawn with the girl s cloak in his hand with one quick grasp of the fingers that hung close to hers said good night to her companion and started in the direction of the servant if she intended as seemed probable to pretend she was out alone did not mean to share in that deception and he followed close behind her here i am called ah you have my coat it was very kind of you has papa come home i am coming in i did not think how late it
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was the negro stopped as he saw the and knew that they had undoubtedly been together what more he suspected no one can say with certainty but he threw the cloak upon the grass that bordered the pathway and turned on his heel without a word confound his impudence exclaimed when he had recovered sufficiently from his surprise a black to speak i have a good notion to follow him and box his ears the soft hand of the girl was on his sleeve in a moment say nothing to she answered he he is very thoughtful for me of my health and i was careless papa must have sent him the touch on his arm the young man at once he tried to make out the lines of the pretty face that was so near him and yet so far away we are to study again to morrow then he said taking up her statement with an assumed air of at what hour but she broke away from him abruptly and ran into the house without a word stood in the doorway and thought he distinguished harsh from the negro s lips but this seemed so incredible that he conceived his senses at fault looking at his watch the saw that it was still early enough to take a stroll by himself and over his new happiness or misery which was it under the open sky it was two hours later that his turned in the door and in that time he had resolved either to make his wife or commit suicide in the most fashion w oh so many many maids p chapter x oh so many many maids the only disagreeable thing about falling in love with was that felt compelled to reveal the truth to he believed he was bound to do this by a solemn contract which he had no moral right to perhaps might claim that he had no business to fall in love with one sister when his manager had picked out the other for this operation be that as it may there was no use in the question it must be talked over be the result what it might well i know what love is now was the abrupt way in which the young man opened the subject on the following afternoon he had ridden to the city as was not expected at the residence of mr that day the hope he had formed the previous evening of getting another interview with had not she having gone on some short journey before he could her you do was the equally abrupt reply uttered in a tone that betrayed astonishment what do you mean it came to me all at once last evening he said avoiding the gaze of his companion we were down at the end of the lawn you know a black interrupted him with a sudden shout not yes you are in love with bowed upon my word there was nothing in any of these expressions that conveyed the information which the younger man namely whether his friend approved what he had announced but he stole a look at him and saw that he appeared more astounded than angry you dear boy he said i don t know what to say to you you blush like a maiden over the acknowledgment i am half inclined to believe you are the girl in the case and your partner in love some great fellow on whose bosom you intend to pillow your head so it is eh and last night it came to you tell me how it happened comforted in a measure by the good nature of his friend proceeded to give the outlines of what had occurred the more intimate facts with which the reader is acquainted he admitted the touch of hands but did not mention the pressure of lips to lips he told of the girl s but said nothing of the extraordinary measures adopted to bring her to her senses but while he made no nor pretended to see through the in this net the experience of mr served him in good stead he could fill in the vacant places in the story with substantial oh so many s i don t know what miss will say to all this he remarked when the recital came to a pause i think she was just beginning to like you a little herself most of our talk last evening was about you and when i mentioned as i took my leave that you were probably out walking with i could see distinct traces of jealousy i want to be fair with my i told her that you came there to learn love from her not from her little sister if all this should result in breaking her heart i don t see how i could excuse myself and the other one she seems such a child i never thought of her in that connection why how old is she not over eighteen i think answered that would be nineteen on her next birthday an ingenious way of stating age that was not original with him all right said this statement slowly and now what is your programme looked surprised at the business like nature of the question i mean to secure her consent to marry me as soon as possible he said and then why see her father i suppose isn t that the most important thing to do mr shook his head decidedly not by any means you must not act with undue haste mr would say she was too young to think of matrimony a proposition you could not successfully dispute besides should he happen to give his consent and a week from day for the happy occasion see what a mess it would put you in the suggestion caused the brightest of smiles to the countenance of the listener it would make me the happiest of
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mortals he cried there is nothing that could prevent my the clergyman and securing the prize i desire mr h m and in the meanwhile what would become of your great novel this question brought a sober pause to the young i could write it after my wedding he answered finally could you you could write nothing at all then nothing that any one would pay a cent to read i have told you from the start that what you want is a grand passion something to stir your soul to its depths you are on the verge of that experience already you have had a glimpse of what it will be like for the first time the touch of a woman s fingers has driven sleep from your eyelids no you didn t tell me you laid awake all night but i saw it by looking at you you can shut yourself up in your room now and over the dear face the lovely mouth the soft voice of your beloved in another week if this keeps on you can write like a combination of george after she met and before her marriage a month later might over your productions for you will be on the of bliss oh so many many maids a slight laugh at his own excess of description issued from the lips of mr but the countenance of his companion was as firm as a rock you are right said gravely already i see the vast difference between this sensation of love and the thing i imagined it to be when i wrote those silly pages that did so well to reject but i am torn between two desires i want to write my novel until yesterday i thought no wish could be so great and i also want my wife he breathed the word with a simple reverence that affected even the heart of his i shall never rest easy until i find her wholly mine to love honor and cherish while god gives me breath the hand of the elder man dropped heavily on the table by his side good he exclaimed very good you could not have said it better there is an opportunity before you to accomplish both of these things i only wish to impress upon you the fact that they must come in the order i have indicated or one of them will never come at all write your story while the fever of passion is on you the dead calm of married life would only bring the sort of novel that the shelves are already piled with to the public and a in the hands of the doubted the full of these conclusions he thought with that dear girl by his side he could write with all the of a sweetheart for his affection was to have no boundary no limit no end but he had a high opinion of the a black abilities of mr and he had no idea of ing the conclusions of that wise guide do you think she will accept me he asked wistfully returning to the main question it came so sudden and there was very little said and it was late and then came after her and she went into the house everything was left in a state of uncertainty did nothing show whether you were indifferent to her was the that followed usually i believe something the sweet word hope to the waiting one and what do you say about that he came to call your and took her away from you without reserve the young man repeated what had happened seemed deeply interested but whatever his thoughts he did not express them at the time and that reminds me of another thing said have you noticed anything strange about mr yes said mr i have noticed i wondered if you had done the same have you discovered what the trouble is no and doesn t know either indeed she is much distressed about it remember this is a secret between us for perhaps i had no right to talk of their affairs he is in a state of great depression and as he it so regular in his habits i can t imagine what to lay it to you are so shrewd couldn t you find out oh many maid mr rose and took a few paces up and down the room you are the fellow to do that not i he said presently yes hear me out you are in a sense a member of his family and would have a natural right to allude to the state of his health then if you were to put in a word about miss why you might kill several birds with one stone looked much puzzled i thought he said that you wanted me to the matter of my marriage as long as possible your marriage yes but not the they may require a dozen with the ld gentleman the first time he will probably laugh you out of the room as a silly young the second he will say that he has nothing against you personally but that his baby is too to think of such things for ten years yet the third he will begin to see the situation in its right light and after that it will be only a matter of detail all these things will be of the greatest value to you in the novel you are going to write and you must not on your life miss a single one of them drop into the wool shop catch his royal there and for the first thing express solicitude for his health unless he is on his guard more than is likely you ought to catch some slight straw to show what him then follow it up with a word or two about miss and you will have spent a good afternoon even if he
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doesn t smile on your suit at a black first hand and take you to his manly breast as his long lost son in law the set forth in these were so evidently correct that resolved to adopt them just as soon as he could bring himself into the proper mood in the meantime however he wanted to have a little further talk with for he could hardly ask her father for her hand without the semblance of permission on her part he tried to remember all she had said to him at the foot of the lawn and was compelled to admit that it was very little indeed the only things he was certain of were the kisses but his experiences were so slight that he could not tell how much weight to give even these that evening he tried his best to get a word with her alone but she him and he was obliged to go to the of her sister and read over that young lady s as it stood by his careful hands well another chapter will finish it said miss when he put down the pages and then mr will decide whether consider it worth yes he answered gravely they will print your story now without doubt but am as far as ever from satisfying their thought how selfish she must seem talking always of her own hopes and doing nothing to help the one who had made her success possible she saw that he wore a dejected look and she began to sincerely pity him when our own w oh so many maids ships are safely in sight of the harbor we have more time to dwell on the in which the property of our friends is embarked perhaps when we get this disposed of i can help you she suggested it was nearly a week before could get another talk with a week that tried him to the utmost for he could think of nothing but her and could not understand her reasons for treating him so strangely at last he wrote her a letter giving it to to deliver in which he said that he was about to return to his city lodging and wanted to know if she meant him to leave without a kind word at parting he thought the negro looked peculiar as he took the note half as if he did not intend to accept the commission to deliver it but he concluded that this must be imagination he wondered why took such a fancy to if was lucky enough to claim as his wife he would never have that figure his door the letter must have been taken to its destination without delay for an answer was brought in the course of an hour stating in the language that miss would await him in the parlor after lunch at the table miss was present as usual but not her father his business in the city keeping him away at that hour at meals it was s habit to say little leaving the conversation to her sister and whoever else happened to be there at the end of this particular lunch went up stairs to her a buck chamber and herself to the parlor followed a few minutes later by the young man why have you treated me so coldly were his first words when he found himself alone with her oh dear that is a very bad beginning she said smiling i shall have to instruct you in some of the simplest things i see already when you wish to make friends with a woman don t begin by scolding her i am here because you wrote that you wished a kind word don t give me too many cross ones please he sighed impatiently he exclaimed i hope you are not going to make fun of me i have passed a most miserable week after the glimpse of heaven you gave me that evening she put on an air of mock surprise did i do that it was much more than i intended then i fear you are inclined to use extravagant mr but never mind you are going away and i am very very sorry however as you came here on s account and not on mine suppose i have no right to say so the fair brow of the young man was a mass of wrinkles i can t understand why you speak so lightly he answered you know i told you that i love you that there is nothing in all the world so dear to me that i want your promise to be my wife i can t go from here without that consolation i ask you in all sincerity to say that as soon as your father s consent is obtained you will name a day when you will marry me the smile faded from the s lips something brought to her mind a very sad reflection you ask a great deal she said much more i think than you realize until a week ago i was nothing to you we lived under the same roof we took our evening together we talked like the commonest acquaintances and that was all then in a moment you discovered that your heart was on fire i have not ascertained what made the marvellous change i am sure you cannot tell yet if it be a genuine and lasting one were i inclined to believe i ever should be willing to go to the of which you speak i should assuredly want time for the reflection in the first place i know almost nothing about you one would not engage a a coachman without more inquiry how can a girl promise to trust her entire future to a man with whom she has but a casual acquaintance such things need consideration i know my father would say so and if he heard only
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the things about you i doubt if he would like to have you take me from him especially now when his heart is heavy and he so much on my love and care no you are in too great haste his impatience grew to boiling heat as he listened how could she find so many reasons and he was obliged to confess such sensible ones to bring against him there is one thing you can do he said with an a black attitude of deep you can tell me if you love me she tossed her head with a feminine movement that was wholly charming yes i could tell you that but it would be a very improper thing under the circumstances provided i was able to give you the answer you seem to wish if i did care for you would i like to say so in definite words when anything further might turn out to be impossible a girl would not wish to have a man that she was never to marry going about with the recollection that she said i love you then you can say nothing at all he asked sadly shall i be uncertain whether at the end of my term in i am to be raised to a state of bliss or dashed into the she a delicious little laugh you are getting she answered there are ten thousand better women than i but i don t want them pleaded the young man did you ever read the lines of oh so many many many maids and yet my heart undone what to me are all or any i have lost my one replied that the sentiment was very sweet and added that when a lover could quote admirable poetry with accuracy there was hope for him do what he would could not make her see that everything in his future life depended on one little word from her she persisted that he was by the violence of his first oh so many many maids affection and that if he would only let a month or two pass he would discover that his pulse would fall off a number of beats to the minute and is that what you want he asked reproach fully would you like to have me come back two months later and tell you my love had ceased yes if it was the truth how much better than to learn it after my vows had been pledged and i was bound to you for the rest of my days he rose and went with quick steps to her side catching up her hand and covering it with kisses she did her best to stop him whispering with a glance toward the door that they might be interrupted at any minute by whom he retorted stung at her coldness your sister has gone up stairs and there is no one else in the house might come in she said in a low tone he has no way of knowing that i do not wish to be interrupted he grew angry at the mention of that name but the warning had its effect and he sat down nearer to her than before his heart beating rapidly i hate the fellow he exclaimed bitterly it is a good thing i am going away or i should strike him some day for his insolence at the vehemence of her companion has he been insolent to you she murmured to me he would not dare what me is the way he speaks to the rest of you he came with your cloak that night acting as if he was your master instead of your servant i have heard a black him speak to mr in a way that made me want to kick him why does your father bear it why do you has some mysterious hold on his situation the girl heard him patiently though the roses did not come at once to her white cheek i am afraid she said when he had finished his that you despise him for his color it is a prejudice that seems to me and to my father and perhaps in the anxiety to make forget that god gave him a darker skin than ours we may have gone to the other extreme and treated him with too great consideration but i think you the case her gentle words smote upon the ears that heard them and in a moment was affected by the most lively without attempting to excuse himself he begged her pardon which she readily granted when do you leave us she asked to morrow morning but you will call occasionally if i may his tone was so sad that assured him he ought to have no doubt of that i understand she added that you have probably helped to a reputation that she above everything and she ought not to prove entirely ungrateful we have enjoyed your stay here and shall be most sorry to have you go i should be glad to think you would honor us with your company to dinner not less often than once each week oh bo maids for the first time a ray of light came into his face oh may i he cried then i shall not be shut off entirely from seeing you no indeed she answered father likes you and mr too well you will bring him of course once a week at least if it were twice it wouldn t do any harm and if it were three times his face was now one bright beam of light he cried i believe you do not hate me after all i hope you never thought i did she responded why is it that a man can see no middle ground between positive dislike and marriage i expect to like a good many men in the course of my life but i can only marry
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a very few of them he was obliged to laugh at this and to say that she would only marry one if he had his way before they had finished with this subject was in a state of high good nature though he had little apparently upon which to base the rise in his spirits can t i say something just a hint if no more to your father he asked getting down again to business pretty she answered he wouldn t give you much encouragement i fear the young man caught eagerly at the word you fear he echoed god bless you bearing in mind what she had previously said about the unlocked doors he did not attempt to suit a black the action to the phrase but his happy face spoke volumes you had best say very little to father at present said he is most unhappy i wish i knew what troubled him he exclaimed i wish so too if you could aid him she answered earnestly who knows but i may he asked with a smile that she hoped would prove prophetic chapter xi pays attention took rooms at his old lodgings in the city and set in earnest about the work of beginning his great novel he had with mr at which he detailed the slight thread of plot which he already had in mind by the critic s shrewd suggestions it was decided that he should at the beginning a youth much like himself who was to fall in love with an pure maiden the outline of their respective characters were to be with care and sundry obstacles to their union were to be developed as the story warned his young friend not to write too fast and to content himself for the present with the phase of love with which he had become familiar attention later on he said when your hero finds that this girl is not all his bright fancy painted her when it is proved beyond a doubt that she has played him false that she has another lover turned pale but that will never be he interrupted it will of course in the story corrected she will lead him a race that will make him an enemy to the entire sex if she is used for all the dramatic effect possible people expect to find purity in the earlier chapters of a story as they do in small children with the progress of the action they look for something more exciting to sketch a who remains one would only be to repeat the failure you made in your other effort the one you brought to me the day i met you first it is not the glory of heaven that to our churches but the dramatic quality of hell a sermon without a large of the devil in i t would be much worse than a of hamlet the prince put your heroine in the clouds if you will at the beginning the higher she goes the greater will be her fall and the greater consequently your triumph the young shivered as he listened to these expressions how could he build a heroine on the of and conceive the possibility that she would ever allow her white robes to touch the earth he might have constructed such a plot with as the central figure though that would be by no means easy but impossible i he asked the critic if it would not do to send a black the hero of the tale to while leaving his sweetheart to the close no said decidedly a man s fall is not much of a fall any way you put it the public is not interested in such matters it demands a female sacrifice like some of the ancient gods and it will not be appeased with less i expect you to be new and original in your treatment of the theme but the subject itself is as old as fiction you have too little imagination as i have told you before you must cultivate that talent having conceived your imagine her placed under temptations she cannot resist surround her with an from which she cannot break place her in situations that leave her no escape shook his head i am afraid i never shall be able to do it he said don t talk of failure at this stage of the game all you have to do is to introduce upon the scene a thoroughly man of good address who is fertile in you will find your model for that among a dozen of your acquaintances why take and hold him in your mind till you are with him what did mr mean that mr would actually do these dreadful things would in his own person the outrage of winning a pure girl to shame it seemed childish to ask such a question and yet such a meaning could easily be taken from what the critic had said no no all fee could have meant was that mr might serve pays as a figure on which to lay these sins that he could be carried in the writer s mind as a uses a stuffed frame to hang garments on while in the pro of manufacture then here is added with a laugh you ought to find some place for a fellow like him if for the comic parts of your novel and there must be a little humor in a book that is to suit the mass a for a magazine said recently with much truth who would hit popular taste must aim low think could furnish the cheap fun for an ordinary novel without too great a wear on the writer go ahead my boy write a half dozen chapters n your own way and then get to take you to a few places where your mind will be turned to opposite scenes it takes all sorts of
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to suit the modern so wrote slowly patiently with devotion to his art until he had completed five chapters of his story and read it and went into declaring it the best foundation he had ever seen for a most romance he has wrought his people up to such a height said the critic to mr that the will be simply tremendous how simply how his sentences flow if he can handle the necessary wickedness that must follow the sale of uncle tom s cabin or thou shalt not will be without the least doubt but the question still is can he there s no such question was the response he must that s the way to put it confound it he a black shall and the next thing for him to do is to take a few visits with me to the regions where he can get such slight to his literary system as will enable him to take up the vein he must work during this time did not forget the invitation he had received to dine with the it did him good to see although he could not now get her for a moment to himself he sighed to her over the table and across the parlor after the party had retired to that part of the house and she answered mm with little bright smiles that acted like an on his hurt spirit he had never found the courage to beard her father in his den of wool and was not even sure that the affair had reached a stage where anything could be gained by taking such a step what he wanted was a word of assurance from that she would wait for him till he had made a name in literature or proved his ability in some definite manner there was no indication that any one else was in the way everything pointed to a contrary probability but there is nothing so desolate as the heart of a lover whose fair one is just beyond his reach mr accompanied on most of these visits and knew very well what was going on none of the glances exchanged between the young people were so much their exclusive property as they believed had possessed eyes in the back and sides of his head he could have seen little more than he did while appearing to devote his entire attention to mr and principally the h former he found time to watch and and even the negro he noticed that the servant was no less devoted than formerly to the youngest member of the household he saw him around her at the table like a protecting spirit letting her want for nothing that could procure and he noticed that seemed as of this as she had always been she accepted these extraordinary attentions quite as if were some acting with a set of concealed springs a in which there was nothing of human life or intelligence mr was the same gentlemanly host as of with the same dark cloud hanging over him whatever might be its cause courteous by nature to an exceptional degree he could not assume a he did not feel there was some terrible weight bearing him down some awful of which he was unable to rid himself the only person who did not notice it was and the one it troubled most was on whose sweet young face the share she had in her parent s had already begun to leave its impressions s novel was soon placed in mr s hands completed the original theme was but in its new garb of perfect english no one would have recognized the rejected work the combination of the girl s strength of mind and the man s elegance of was successful the critic its acceptance without a word of and even consented on his a black suggestion to forego the against loss which they had of late demanded from all authors whose names were unknown to the reading public i have fixed it for you he said when that gentleman next made his appearance at the no deposit or and ten per cent of the price for so take a train to your s house and tell her the news mr did not seem to wholly relish the announcement in the first place he remarked you have no business to speak of miss as my and in the second you will pay her more than ten per cent or you won t get the book to print at this mr after the manner of all and their agents proceeded to show to mr that it was perfectly impossible to pay another cent more than the figure he had named and before he had finished he agreed to see the firm and get the amount raised considerably provided the should exceed five thousand copies in short mr secured a very respectable contract for a new author and one that was sure to please miss if she was in the least degree reasonable i wish you would hurry up remarked when this matter was disposed of when will you take him down into the depths and let him see that side of life i have arranged a journey for to morrow night said we shall go to s and make an evening of it unless things are different there from usual he will lay the foundation at s for all the wickedness he needs to put into hia story the critic nodded approval he will probably have a jew in it then a yes said and a negro a tall negro who has a white man for his slave chapter xii dining at s on the following day when presented himself at the house he found mr awaiting him in a state of great good nature go home and make yourself ready for a into the infernal regions he said merrily i am going to take
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you to a place where the devil his and show you a set of women as different from those you have lately met as chalk is from be here at nine o clock this evening prepared for the descent a vision of passages crossed the mind of the listener and he thought of tall boots and a how shall i dress roughly i suppose he inquired certainly not put on your swallow tail and white tie vice in days wears its best a black garments you cannot tell a from a clergyman by his attire dress exactly as if you were going to the party on fifth avenue the only addition to your toilet will be a revolver if you happen to have one handy if you do not i have several and will lend you one if he expected to the young man he was in error merely nodded and said he would take one of the weapons owned by mr we shall not use them there are a thousand chances to one said new york is like you remember what the resident said to the you may be a long time without a we p n in these parts but when you do you ll want it d d sudden when returned the hands of his watch indicated the time at which he had been asked to make his appearance but mr did not take him immediately to the point of destination instead he walked over to a variety theatre that was then in operation on twenty third street and after spending a short time in the guided the young man into the here the ladies of the were in the habit of going when off the stage for the sake of entertaining the with their light and frivolous conversation and them if possible to invest in champagne at five dollars the bottle was it appeared not unknown to the throng that filled this place for his name was spoken by several of both sexes as soon as he entered he nodded coolly to those who addressed him and took drama at s a seat at a table with his companion with a shake of his head he the offers of two or three of the to share the table and ordered a bottle of with the evident intention of drinking it alone with his friend slowly the sparkling he was in a whisper to drink but one glass as it was necessary that he should keep a perfectly clear head remarked in an that he had only ordered the wine as an excuse for remaining a few minutes i call this the slaughter house he added in a voice still lower girls are brought here to be murdered not to have their throats cut he explained but to be killed just as surely if more slowly i have seen them come here for the first time with good health shining out of their rosy cheeks delighted at the unwonted excitement and the amount of attention the of the place bestowed i have watched them growing steadily paler having recourse to the eyes getting the voice growing the temper becoming more and then other fresh faces came in their stead there are killed on an average twenty girls a year here i should say killed to satisfy the of men as are killed in but not so the looked into the faces that were nearest to him and thought he could discern the various of which his friend spoke the new the older the ones whose turn to give way to others would soon come all of them were drinking i most had on the stage dresses they had just worn or were about to wear in the performance some had finished their parts and were enveloped in street clothes ready to take their departure with the first male who asked them and they were drinking drinking either in little or in feverish as they would at a later day when the five dollar wine would be replaced by five cent beer or perhaps the of a on the mr soon came into the wine room and joined the pair at mr s table he called for a straight pushing the champagne aside with an impatient movement i won t punish my stomach with such stuff even if it has gone back on me he exclaimed that will knock out any man who drinks it between meals mr assented to this proposition and to show full belief in it filled his own glass again and tossed its contents down his throat what brings you here he asked those creatures replied with a motion of his hand toward the members of the they re all that s left me now they don t mind the size of my waist my hold on them is as strong as ever but you ought not to be here he broke in turning to it will be years before you get to this stage i hope mr hastened to explain is merely observing said he he came at my request we are going next to s at s mr grew interested so so you intend to show him s tonight yes isn t it a good idea the stout man shrugged his shoulders as if he had nothing to say on that point the movement was essentially a one and might have meant anything perhaps you would like to go with us said what do you intend to do there tell mr all the secrets mr stared at the speaker won t let you he answered grimly won t he he ll have to why what s the odds the boy won t give him away and if he should his voice sank to a whisper mr then proceeded to explain to his young friend that s was a peculiar affair even for it had on two streets into one door went the
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most respectable of people intent on getting an good dinner which was always to be had there cooked in the french style and served at that end of the house there were several dining rooms that would hold forty or fifty guests and several others made to accommodate family parties of six to twelve if a couple happened to stray in and inquire for a room to themselves the head waiter informed them that it was against the rule of the house to serve a private dinner to lest than four people it was evident that the establishment was co a black t on the most moral principles and in a way to prevent the possibility of scandal for though a great many couples undoubtedly take dinners in private rooms with the utmost propriety it must be admitted that such a course is open to suspicion and might be used as a basis for unpleasant mr who kept this hotel took great pride in saying that nothing in all new york bore a better name and no amount of would have induced one of his on that side of the house to vary the rules laid down but on the other side of the building at the entrance on the other street ah that different if only the most respectable customers entered the first door it was almost equally true that none but those who lacked that quality used the second mr sometimes remarked with glee at twelve o clock at night that he would give a hundred dollar bill for an honest man or woman in any of the rooms up stairs the had instructions to size up all comers with care and to admit no accidental parties who might apply for entrance under a as to the character of the place we are all full sorry to say was the established there is a very good just around the corner on th street and in this manner the shrewd got all the custom he wanted while preserving the natural atmosphere in each part of his the meals served in these two places were prepared by one and served from one kitchen dining at s thus the virtuous and vicious were supplied with exactly the same dishes but on what may be called the good side nothing stronger that were found on the bill of fare on the wicked side every know to the modern was to be had for the asking then again the doors ol the good side were closed at eleven o clock while it was often daylight before the last patron of the sinful side into his carriage after a little more talk mr seemed satisfied and consented to join the party mr was of the presence of the and met them at the door was of a decidedly cast of countenance slightly gray not very tall and quite round shouldered he put out a hand toward when that young gentleman was named as a matter of introduction but put it down again when mr said was out of date had seen in the eye of his friend to touch the fingers of the hebrew and with his usual quickness had solved the difficulty the party entered a private office at the left of the entrance where mr inquired what he should order for them to drink you will order nothing at present said in a contemptuous way that excited the astonishment of mr when i wish for anything i will ring who is there in the house the manager of the establishment bowed humbly and proceeded to run over the list of his customers there is major waters and his wife together i exclaimed the a black oh no the major has the little that he has brought for the last month his wife has mr of the planet then but mr interrupted him again you ll let them run into each other some day and there ll be a nice time never fear that the boys understand thoroughly he comes earlier and stays later than she besides we never let anybody meet on the stairs the cry out you must go back it is bad luck if any of them seem in danger of running into each other they are as safe from discovery here as if they were in places a mile apart some one descended the stairs at this moment and to the door and opened it half an inch to peer at them you know i have no object in saying these things said except to save your precious from trouble who is that going out some new people it is the third time they have been here well asked impatiently who are they held up both his hands as if to beg a moment to answer they come from i don t know their names i think neither is married i have a curiosity about things explained to his friends that i cannot account for you remember how used to talk about aunt jane and uncle well i have the same way of studying the men that wander in here of an evening with other people s wives and daughters at s there is so little really entertaining in this confounded world that i seize upon anything promising a change with tells me all the secrets of his queer and they prove wonderfully interesting sometimes you see he added addressing himself particularly to not a couple comes this place that would like to have it known bowed and how does mr know them he inquired they surely do not register or if they do their names must be mr laughed he has ways of finding out said he there are little birds that fly in at the window and tell him i should not think he would wish to know commented especially when it is evident they would not like to have him laughed again let me explain then
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he said i need not mind here who is discretion itself s reason of course i can rely on your silence the young face at the that he might betray a secret i was sure of it said so quickly that felt at ease again well the reason why wants to know what is going on is he is connected with the police said ah and opened his eyes wider people who go to places like this continued mr are of great interest to the of the peace and by the police i do not mean the a black members of the regular force so much as the special service it is to the latter that we go when a confidential clerk has robbed us or we become suspicious that our wives are nine times out of ten the chief of the private office knows in advance all we wish him to out when he has told us that we will set on foot and that he hopes to learn something of the matter within a few days he bows us out of his with an air that that we have not come to the wrong party and as soon as we are gone he turns to a and in a few minutes has found an abstract that tells him everything let us suppose said mr that a twenty valuable pieces of from his stock the circumstances prove that they were taken by some one in his employ he thinks of his clerks and cannot find the heart to accuse any of them of such a grave crime he goes to the office and states his case when he is gone the chief turns to the book and finds this l m clerk at s sixth avenue about twenty three medium height dark dresses well rooms at no twenty ninth street has been giving expensive as well as valuable to no so and so such they dined together at s on such and such dates etc etc etc now he can recover the and get that clerk into in three hours if he likes naturally he won t things in that way because he wants some excuse for running up a large bill unless dining at s it be a bank case where he prefers to make a great impression and get himself solid with the but he will collar the fellow and recover the stuff and all because he knew about it long before any one in the store had a suspicion mr returned mr asked that one of the private rooms on the second floor be put in order at once for himself and friends he then inquired what ladies were in the house by miss has been waiting an hour for the judge replied but i don t think he ll come he her half the time now and mrs who has just come in found a note from col asking her to excuse him to night looked pleased they ll do he said tell them to come and dine with us but he paused and looked at we need still another the color mounted to the cheeks of the young as he understood the thought that prompted this statement not on my account i would much rather not he stammered you will kindly leave that to my judgment replied remember you are not the here but the pupil there must be some one else mr hesitated he was mentally going over the rooms upstairs and taking stock of what was in them there are two girls he said at last who used a black a to work in one of the dry goods stores but you wouldn t want them they are very strict and they dress plainly and i am afraid the other ladies wouldn t like to associate with them mr grew vastly irritated by this statement he brought his hand down on the table with a bang the other ladies he echoed angrily when you tell mrs and that you want them to dine with us you know that ends it as to these shop girls what do you mean by calling them strict what would a strict girl be doing in this house mr before his and made the old imploring movement with his hands let me explain he said these girls came here a few weeks ago with some men they took dinner but says neither drank a drop of wine a few days later they came again with other and the same thing occurred why did you let them in demanded because i knew the gentlemen started to say something but checked himself and after that they came alone and asked to see me pursued humbly they said they had been thrown out of work and thought there might be an opportunity to do something here like waiting on the guests and while we were talking two old customers of the house called to dine alone and asked me if they could get some one to share the meal with them and it a os is stopped the speech by striking his hands sharply together enough he said when the dinner is ready send one of them in that will make the three we need in half an hour the dinner was ready to be served then came with the information that the girls refused to be separated what a nuisance exclaimed well send both of them then we ll take care of them somehow chapter xiii a question of color the next morning when awoke he was for some time in a sort of stupor through the bright sunlight that filled his room he seemed to scent the of tobacco and of liquor the place was filled he imagined with that that proceeds from a company made up of both sexes he half believed that and mrs were sitting by his bed more brazen than the bell which from
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a neighboring told him the hour was ten and surely by those curtains there hiding the flame that filled their cheeks were the two shop girls their pinched faces slow starvation and and were there all of them and the young man tossed uneasily on his pillow struggling with the remnant of nightmare that remained to cloud his brain when he was able to think and see clearly he sat up and rang for a of ice water he was consumed by thirst and his forehead ached blindly when he had bathed his head and throat he turned by a sudden impulse to his table and took out the of the story he had begun slowly he read over the pages to the last one then seizing his pen he devoted himself to the next chapter without dressing without it was four o clock when he ceased work he realized all at once that he was feeling ill the fact dawned upon him that he needed food and his garments he took his way to a and ordered something to eat as he swallowed the he fell to wondering how much temptation he would be able to bear with hunger as a background he passed a good part of the evening in walking the streets selecting instinctively sections where lie was least likely to meet any one he knew when he returned to his room he read over the he had written that day and into his troubled brain there came a sense of pleasure was right to tell of such matters in a novel one should know them himself could never have written of vice before he saw s now it was as plain to him as print almost as easy to use in fiction as virtue what was to follow he pondered over the plot he had out and it grew clearer a question of color had given him no further encouragement at least in words since that day she had said it was to ask her father but he felt certain that she regarded him with favor and that if mr put no obstacles in the way she would not refuse to wed him when the right time came he thought it would be wise to obtain one more brief interview with her before proceeding to and determined to do his best to draw her aside when he made his next visit to her house this settled he went to bed again and slept soundly when the day to go to arrived s courage began to a little so much depended upon the attitude of his dear one s mind which for all he knew had changed since he talked with her that he fairly trembled with apprehension he avoided mr with whom he usually took the train and went out early at a station a mile or two away from the right one he walked through the woods trying to think how to act in case matters did not turn out as he hoped under the branches he strolled along until he came within sight of the roofs of and then he threw himself at the foot of a tree close to mr s grounds and gave himself up to reverie when he laid down here it was only five o clock and he was not expected at the house for a full hour it pleased him to be so near the one he loved and to lie where he could dream of her sweet face and see the outlines of the house that sheltered her while she had no knowledge of his presence just over there was the where he had first had the ss a ck a supreme bliss of touching her lips with his own if he could get her to come there with him again tonight when the others were occupied with their talk of earthly things and if she would only tell him frankly that he might go to her father and that her prayers would go with him a soft languor came over his body at the of these reflections but it was dissipated by the sound of voices which presently came to him from the other side of the hedge i can t exactly understand miss said one of the voices which he had no difficulty in as that of why you wish me to go away there was an assurance in the tone that did not like he had noticed it before in the intercourse of this negro with his there was something which intimated that he was on the most complete level with them i want you to go said in her quiet way because education is the only thing that will make you what you ought to be there are a hundred chances open to you in the professions if you can take a college course unless you do you can hope for nothing better than such employment as you have now it made the listener s blood boil to think that these people should be consulting in that way like friends ought to have a better sense of her position i will not refuse your offer at least not yet replied after a slight pause it may bt at you say if i as a doctor or a lawyer a of but i know that i live in a country where my color is despised and all that could possibly come to me here as a professional man is work among my own race i should be a black lawyer with black or a black physician with black to really succeed i should go across the ocean to some land where the shade of my skin would not be counted a crime s face could not be seen by the listener but he was sure it was a kindly one and this made him the situation was it should not be considered so anywhere said
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the girl gently it is an outrage responded the black having stolen our ancestors and brought them here from their native country the americans hate us for the injury they have done in france they tell me it is not so oh if i could gain an education and become what god meant to make me a man he paused as if the thought was too great to be conceived in its and then said abruptly where can you get this money s suspicions were now keenly aroused and he dreaded lest she should bring his name into the conversation your father would not give it to you without an explanation pursued the negro and you have no fortune of your own i will get it let that suffice interrupted the girl i can give you a year for two years at least and i hope for two or three more if you will go to paris and put yourself under instruction can a black you hesitate to accept a proposal of that kind i thought you would seize it with as said this she arose and started slowly toward the house walked by her side talking in a tone so low that nothing more was intelligible to the she little suspected was so near but suddenly the girl stopped and heard her cry with startling distinctness how dare you the voice that uttered these words was filled with rage and the girl s attitude as could see for he had risen hastily to his feet was one of intense excitement then she added if you ever speak of that again they will be tl e last words i will e r exchange with you my offer is still open yoa ran have the money if you wish it but never another syllable like this understand me never miss passed on toward the house alone the negro stood where she had left him his head bowed on his breast as if completely by the rebuke s heart beat rapidly what gave this fellow such power over these people how could he say things to call out such an exclamation as that of s and yet hold her promise to pay him a large sum of money instead of getting the prompt discharge he and this was what the girl wanted to do with the she had asked him to lend her should he still give it to her yes if it would rid the country of that insolent who from whatever cause a question of color occupied a position that must be growing to those who had to bear with him what had said that made her turn as if insulted and speak with a vehemence so foreign to her nature would have enjoyed following the negro and giving him a severe though was twenty pounds heavier and considerably taller than he the had not the least doubt of his ability to master him he believed the courage of an african would give way when confronted by one of the superior race and at any rate righteous indignation would count for something in so just a contest there were no traces of excitement on s pretty face as she welcomed the guests of the family arrived at about the same time as coming directly from the station and mr arrived a little later looked her best which is saying no less than that she was a beauty and told her politely that she ought to sit for a painting when the dinner was served took charge as usual watched him with an interest he had never felt before and nodded assent when whispered behind his good material for a novel in that fellow eh the opportunity for a word alone with came earlier than expected in fact she herself proposed it while passing out of the dining room she said she had something particular to tell him it is about that money you were so kind as to say i could have she explained when they were far down the lawn and out of hearing of the others a black i want it very much and very soon it it will be all right i hope and and not cause you any inconvenience i will bring it or send it to morrow he replied instantly but i still wonder what you intend to do with it she smiled a good act i assure you she replied something of which you would certainly approve if you knew all the circumstances you are very kind and if it was darker here i should be almost tempted to kiss you he replied that it was growing darker rapidly and that the requisite shadow could be obtained if they stayed out long enough but she said she could remain but a few moments and turned in the direction of the house but he cried and then paused you you know there is something of very great importance that i want to talk about i get so little chance and i want so much to tell you things i have been trying to go to your father s office and i can t find courage i didn t know you were thinking of buying wool she said i want one little lamb to be my own he answered to love and cherish all my life long am i never to have it she before the earnestness of his sad face you are a dear boy she said and i love you there t don t say anything more to me to night i have made a foolish confession for which may a question of yet repent we must go ia they will be looking for us she looked at his countenance and saw that it was radiant i can endure anything now he said you love me can it be true i will go in with you and i will wait but not too long
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my sweetheart do not make me wait too long repent your confession indeed if you do it will be from no fault of mine f as he said these things they were gradually the where the negro was taking in the chairs i have something pleasant to tell you whispered you don t like well he is going away soon assumed surprise has your father discharged him he asked no he to leave of his own accord he believes himself fitted for better work hush he may hear you as they passed the servant said it was her invariable custom and she spoke with the greatest courtesy but in this case the negro did not raise his eyes nor turn his head toward her nor make the slightest sign to show that he heard it was too much for and he stopped did you hear miss address you he demanded sharply looked up with a curious mixture of amusement contempt and hate in his dark fact i did ht answered a black why did you not answer because i did not choose threw herself in front of just in time to prevent s receiving a blow oh stop she exclaimed i beg you i the noise and the sound of raised voices brought mr and his other daughter with to the door mr took in the situation at a glance and his troubled face grew more distressed mr he said speaking as if the words choked him i am surprised that you should hold an like this in my daughter s presence did not know what to do or say s pleading eyes decided him much against his judgment to drop the matter where it was to his pride though it might be he escorted his sweetheart into the parlor where the entire party followed in a most uncomfortable state of mind how can you permit that negro to insult your guests demanded as soon as the door was closed it is beyond belief if he is master of this house it is time the rest of us left it i am certain mr did not act without great provocation before mr could answer had spoken it is over now and there is nothing to be said is going away in a few days and that will end your trouble the father turned such an incredulous look toward his daughter that it was evident he had heard nothing of this a question of going he echoed faintly going yes said he told me to day he is going to some country where his color will not be counted a had difficulty in maintaining the silence with which he had determined to himself but did not wish him to speak and her will was law well am glad of that exclaimed in a country where they consider such people their equals he will not meet the pity and consideration he has so abused here still i do think father that you ought to to mr for the way in which you have addressed him this freed the young man s tongue by no means he said very likely i was wrong to say anything you were not wrong retorted you were entirely right you would have been justified in the fellow as he deserved it is others who are wrong if he were not going i would never stay to see what i have witnessed in the last six months mr seemed to have lost all ambition for his elder daughter s cutting words evidently hurt but he would not reply mr came to the rescue by introducing a new topic of conversation that of a european tenor that was soon expected to new york went to the piano and played softly talking in whispers to who leaned over her shoulder a but she made no allusion to and he did his best to forget him what do you make of that asked mr when he was in a railway car on the way back to the city with his young friend a glorious chance for a to find the reason that black is allowed such latitude but was not listening he was thinking of a sweet voice that had said you are a dear boy and i love you chapter xiv let us have a mr had become quite intimate with mr so much so that he called at his office every few days took walks with him on business errands went with him to lunch to the annoyance of who did not like to eat alone and sometimes took the train home with him at night on evenings when was not of the party everybody in the family liked even who had conceived a veritable hatred for brightened at the entrance of mr either at the house or office the negro seeming to alternate between the two places very much as he pleased liked him because he was so as she expressed it a man with whom one could talk without feeling it necessary to pick each step liked him because her father did and because did and because he treated her witli marked politeness that had apparently no double meaning and they all got confidential with him which was exactly what lie wanted them to do only the one he most wanted to give him confidence gave aim the least this was mr himself try as he might could not discover what clouded the brow of the wool merchant what made him act like a person who fears each knock at the door each sound of a human voice in the of his office he could find no reason for mr s attitude toward whose manners were as removed as possible from those supposed to belong to a personal servant there must be a cause of no ordinary character when this polished gentleman permitted a negro to insult him and his daughter in a way to excite comment
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what it was mr was bent on discovering but as yet he had made little progress it was on account of this plan that mr affected to like so well he used to spend hours in ways for securing the truth from that source however gave no signs of intending to reveal his secret and if he was going abroad to study it seemed unlikely that the would get at many facts in that quarter one day mr happened to call at the office of th merchant at an hour when the latter was out and found in possession as this was an a black opportunity seldom available entered into a lively conversation with the fellow they tell me you are soon going to leave us he said as a beginning i hear that you are going to europe yes said with a certain if i can tell you anything about the country i shall be glad said i have spent considerable time there you don t understand the language i believe the negro simply shook his head it s easy enough to acquire get right into a hotel with a lot of students and pitch in though they do say added the speaker that the best method is to engage a pretty the poet was right tis pleasing to be in a strange tongue by female eyes and lips that is i mean when both the teacher and the taught are young you know the rest the answering smile that he expected did not come into the negro s face if possible it grew still more reserved and earnest there s one good thing if you ll excuse my mentioning it pursued and that is the french have no prejudice whatever against color indeed a colored student gets a little better attention in paris than a white one then the silent lips were unlocked could a black man marry a white woman of w u have a the upper or middle classes asked slowly to be sure there was the elder and a dozen others i tell you there s absolutely no color line there they judge a man by what he is not by the accident of race or skin you ll see such a difference you ll be sorry you didn t go years before sat as if lost in thought mr will miss you though continued yes and the family you seem almost indispensable a suspicious glance was shot at the speaker but his face bore such an look that the suggestion was dismissed what could he know they will get some one else said the negro quietly yes but in these days it is not easy to get people one can trust mr will not find any one to take your place in a moment and just now when he evidently has a great deal of trouble on his mind it will be unpleasant to make a change was completely deceived by the apparently honest character of these observations he could not resist the temptation to boast a little that peculiar trait of a i know all about mr s affairs he agreed both here and at the house he would not trust the next man as he has me mr nodded wisely i see i see he answered you know then what has annoyed him of late that which has puzzled all the rest of us so much you know but a black having the knowledge in a sort of confidential capacity you would of course have no right to reveal it straightened himself up in an way you will not find what troubles mr he said and now may i ask you something do you expect to marry his eldest daughter an inclination to kick the fellow for his impudence came so strong upon mr that it required all of his powers to suppress the sentiment but through his indignation there struggled his old admiration for this elegant physical specimen he wished he could get a statue from him before the original left the country that is a delicate question he managed to say i know it replied but i have observed some things which may have escaped you shall i tell you what i mean not at all easy under this strain the curiosity of mr was so great that he could only reply in the affirmative miss explained slowly is in love very much in love with another person a stare that could not be concealed answered him you have not seen anything to indicate it asked the negro i thought as much she has done her best to cover it and yet i can swear it is true she likes you as a friend but she loves him let us hate a he was in for it now and might as well follow thi strange matter to the end do i know this individual asked yes you brought him to the house and introduced him to her the man gave a slight cry in spite of himself not bowed and at the moment mr s footsteps were heard in the entry mr did not know when he tried to think about it afterwards whether the wool merchant noticed particularly that he and had been talking together or suspected that they might have confidences his head was too full of the startling statement he had heard and when he was again upon the street he wandered for an hour trying to reconcile this view with the facts as they had presented themselves to his mind previously in love with i she had said very little to the young man so far as he had observed her younger sister sweet little his attention if it were true what an instance it was of the odd qualities in the feminine mind that leave men to wonder more and more of what material it is constructed but was it true was a better judge
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a closer student than the rest of them he did not like any better than she him was he trying a game of mischief with some purpose that was not apparent on the surface out of it all emerged sure of but on jl black thing he must use his eyes if loved she could not hide it successfully from him now that he had this clue the girl s novel was selling fairly well had made a bargain with that was very favorable it gave him an excuse to talk with the as much as he pleased and he used his advantage he brought her the comments of the press not that they amounted to anything for it was evident that most of the critics had merely through the pages he came to tell her the latest things that had said what proportion of cloth and paper covers were being ordered and the other gossip of the house and now he talked about the work that was engaged on and grew enthusiastic declaring that the young man would yet make a place for himself beside the and struck him as caring much more for news of her own production than that of the young man who had been represented as the object of her adoration if she was half as fond of as intimated she was certainly successful in concealing her sentiments from the shrewd observer the result of a fortnight s investigation convinced that the negro had made a complete mistake and all the that had arisen were allowed to into thin air and fly away another two weeks passed and still remained with the an inquiry of produced the answer that he thought of remaining in america till spring the girl tried to act as if it made not the slightest consequence to her whether he went or stayed but she did not succeed mr knew that she wished most heartily for the time when the negro would take his departure she was bound up in her father and was worrying him to death from whatever cause she wanted the tie between him and this black man broken and hated every day that stood between them and his hour of sailing was almost as uneasy as over the delay he had given her the money she asked for though no allusion to its purpose had been made she still had it somewhere unless she had given it to the one for whom it was intended when she took the from his hand she rose on her and kissed him with the most affectionate of gestures it was the second occasion on which he had been permitted to touch her lips and he appreciated it fully he realized from her action how deeply she felt his kindness in providing her with the funds that were to relieve her father of an that was his very life you don t find much use for our black yet i see said as he laid down the latest page of the slowly building novel i had hoped you would penetrate the secret of his power over your heroine s father by this time no i cannot understand it at all replied and if you with your superior quickness of perception have found nothing i don t see how you could expect me to you have greater opportunities said with a black a smile that was not quite natural you have the ear of the fair miss remember he explained in reply to the inquiring look that was raised to him ah but she knows nothing either exclaimed i am sure of that mr was silent for some moments well if you cannot find the true cause he said you will have to invent a one your novel cannot stand still forever imagine something a crime for instance of which this black fellow is a murder that he peeped in at a and saw how would that do turned pale you know he said that you are talking of on the contrary nothing is impossible responded the other impatiently college professors delicate ladies children not yet in their have committed why not this handsome gentleman in the wool business or if you won t have murder and i agree that blood is rather tiresome it has been so much bring a woman into the case let us have a a wronged virgin and that sort of thing the color did not return to the young man s cheek which is still more incredible in the present case he said do you think could do evil to a woman look in his face once and dismiss within tne let us hate a its a desperate expression crossed the countenance of the elder man you must agree that he has done something v he cried he wouldn t allow a to annoy him like this for fun would he he wouldn t wear that look and let his child grow thin with just as a matter of amusement to this could not a suitable answer he felt the force of the suggestions but he would not associate crime with the gentleman who was the object of these suspicions he simply could not think of anything in connection with s father and it seemed almost as bad to invent an for the character in his novel whose photograph he had thus far taken from mr was surprised a month after this to have mr stop her in the and speak with a new why don t that cursed start for europe he asked she glanced around her with a frightened look she feared ears that should not might hear them but she rallied as she reflected that was miles away in fact in the city with her father he is going soon she replied but why do you allude to him by that harsh term i thought you rather liked him i do he answered
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i like him so well that if he continues to talk to to father as i heard the day i will throw him into the a black i can t stand by and see him insult old longer the girl looked at him with sad eyes i thought i had succeeded in that kind of talk she said mr used to speak very violently of but he has listened to reason of late let me beg you to see nothing and hear nothing if you are the friend of this family you have given us reason to believe she extended her hand as if to ask a promise him but he affected not to see it when does he intend to go he demanded before the ist of april i will give him till that date he answered but not an hour beyond he will sail out of this country for some port or other or there will be a collision you must not you shall not defend him he added as she was about to speak i know the harm he is doing and it must have an end turning from her suddenly he went out of doors far down the road he stopped to look around pressing his hand to his forehead like one who would make sure he is awake and not the victim of some fearful dream the mon chapter xv the green eyed monster before the first of april came sailed during the winter he had taken lessons in french of a city teacher until he believed he could get along after a fashion with that language he announced to that he would go on the third of march then he changed it to the tenth and again to the each time when the date approached he seemed to have a of purpose a dread of actually plunging into the tide that set toward foreign shores the girl had with him on each of these occasions at which what passed was known only to themselves and each time when she had reached her own room she threw herself on her bed and wept bitterly but at last on the twenty fourth he went with his overcoat on his arm his and umbrella in his hands he said good by to the little party that gathered at the door he had been treated with great consideration in that home perhaps he realized this to some extent as he was about to turn his back upon it certain it is that he could not hide the choking in his throat as he said the words of farewell who stood there with the rest thought he saw a strange look in those black as they dwelt a moment on the younger daughter but it passed so quickly he could not be sure t a black mr was there and had responded when a servant went to inform her that was going that she was very glad did she wish to go down by no means she hoped she was not such a fool who watched everybody saw an unmistakable relief in the countenance of mr when the tall form of his late servant disappeared at the gate i hope you will do well had been the last words of the merchant and had added so do we all i am sure had not spoken he had stood a little apart from the others his mind filled with varying emotions it was he who had furnished the money to carry out this plan and if it made one hour of s life happier he would be content within an hour it was evident that a cloud had been lifted from the entire household everybody felt brighter and better eyed mr with surprise and had half a mind to go to his office the next day and tell him how dearly he loved his daughter it was the first time anything like a smile had been upon that face since he had known its devoted his attention as usual to he did not talk to her about knowing how distasteful was the subject he discussed her novel of which she never seemed to tire and asked her about another which she had begun to map out she told him she was sure she could do better the next time and spoke of the assistance mr would furnish if needed quite as if that was the green eyed a matter already arranged between her and the young wondered if knew the extent of the attachment that had grown up between and her sister she seemed to feel sure that he would be at hand when wanted could it be that she believed he would ultimately become her brother in law the negro s guess had almost been blotted out of his mind there had been absolutely nothing in his observation to confirm it a day or two after the departure of mr had a conversation with in which he dwelt with more stress than she could account for on a special theme he was talking of walter and and he her earnestly to treat both gentlemen with the greatest consideration the girl detected something strange in his voice and she stole apprehensive glances at him hoping to read the cause in his eyes why papa i never see mr she said it is weeks and weeks since he came here as for mr we all treat him nicely i am sure and are glad to have him come yes he admitted you use him quite right my child i am not complaining only if you could show him particular attention something more than the ordinary he paused trying to finish what he wished to say there may be a time when he will be of great value to me and i want him to feel you observe things so cleverly do you think cares for him looked up astonished a black
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cares t her father nodded he has been here several times a week for months and most of his time here has been spent with her i thought i hoped that she cared for him he thought he hoped had never had such an idea in her head until that moment she had a dim idea that her father would give up either of his daughters with great regret although she could not help knowing that the relations between him and were not as cordial as those between him and herself and he hoped that would marry and that she would marry mr her mind dwelt upon this strange thought she tried to find a reason for it was there any stronger in her father s mind than a desire to see well settled in life with a good husband had he a fear that the time might soon come when he could not provide for her or was there a worse fear the kind of fear that had haunted him in relation to every time mr came to the house after that the young girl watched him as closely as he had ever watched her he did not exchange a word with her father that did not engage her attention and the conclusion she came to was that whatever the object of mr in this matter mr was honor itself had never made much of a of and the latter had the habit of keeping her affairs pretty closely to herself it was no easy task then that the young sister had in view when she mon tes came to a decision to talk with about mr her father had expressed a hope that and would marry mr had some strong reason for his wish whatever it was witli her strong filial love wanted it gratified what do you think of marriage she asked one day when the opportunity presented itself i suppose it s the manifest destiny of a woman replied her sister quietly much encouraged proceeded to allude to mr him in the highest terms and saying that any girl might be proud to be honored with his addresses answered with of the head as if she fully agreed with all she uttered but when her sister spoke the words struck like a blow i am glad to hear this she said in a voice more tender than usual i think mr would have proposed to you long ago but that he feared the result gasped for breath r she cried do you mean that mr that why i do not understand he has hardly spoken to me while he has spent nearly every minute he has been here with you of course he responded the other what could be more like a case of true love if ever a man lost his head over a woman he has lost his over you and at any rate you must know that a black care nothing for him you certainly could see where my affections were engaged pressed her hand to her forehead she had never known her sister to show the least partiality to any other man i understand you less than ever she faltered are you so blind exclaimed with superior wisdom did you think mr had been so closely engaged all this time in my literary work without learning to care for me i presume you will think i ought to blush but that is not my way the strangest thing is that i should have to explain what i thought every one knew poor little she was so crushed by these statements that she did not know what reply to make which way to turn for consolation he has told you that he loves you she managed to articulate he has shown it at least was the answer l he had not been here a week before he tried to put his arms around me i had to let him hold my hand to avoid an absolute quarrel he is not an ordinary man and does not act like others but we understand each other he is waiting for something better in his business prospects and as i am so busy on my new book i am glad to be left to myself for the present it was the old story could not doubt her sister s version of her relations with mr when he called the next time there was a red spot in both her cheeks he told her with happy eyes that he had at last secured something which made it the green eyed mo possible to speak to her father he had been offered a position on the pacific at a good salary and another had engaged him to write a series of articles they tell me i hare no imagination he explained but that i do very good work on anything that contains matters of fact i have some money of my own but i did not want to tell your father i was an idle fellow without brains enough to make myself useful in the world the novel on which i base such great hopes might not seem to him worth considering seriously you know so i can go with a better account of myself and i am going this very week the bright light that shone from the face at which she looked made her for a moment but she found strength to answer that he must not speak to mr about her now or at any other time she did not want to marry or to be engaged she wanted to live with her father and take care of him and she wanted nothing else will marry she added as a parting thrust meant to be very direct and bitter one of us ought to stay with papa for a while he was too overwhelmed by her changed attitude to make a sensible reply when it
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dawned on him that she meant what she said he appealed to her to take it back he could not bear the thought of giving her up or even of waiting much longer for the of his hopes he spoke in the most passionate tone and his whole being seemed wrought up by his earnestness the a black girl was constantly thinking however that this was the same way he had addressed and that there was no trust to be placed in him calm yourself she said when he grew violent i have tried to be honest with you i have thought of this matter a great deal you will admit that it is of some importance to me to you he echoed yes and to me i do not care whether i live or die if i am to lose you she wanted to ask him if he had told the same thing but she could not without making an explanation she did not like to give there are others was all she said others who will make you happier and be better fitted for you in your career as a writer he never thought her allusion had reference to any particular person and he answered that there was no one there never could be any one for him but her he had never loved before he never should love again and she listened thinking what a capacity for falsehood and tragic acting he had developed after two hours of this most disagreeable scene left the house moody and it would have taken little at that moment to make him throw himself into the bosom of the or send a bullet through his brain on the way to the station he met mr who could not help asking what was the matter oh it s all up he answered a she has refused me and i am going to the devil as quick as i can the green eyed what are you talking about exclaimed the other staring at him you don t mean that s just what i mean i went there to tell her of my good luck and to say i was going to ask her father s consent and she met me as cold as an and said she had decided not to marry so i m going back to town without a single reason left for living mr stood silent and for a few seconds then a bright idea came into his head look here mr said he i know this can be arranged and i m going to see that it s done my god the same thing happens in half the love affairs the universe over give me a few days to it out co home and go to work and i ll fix this i promise you it took some time to persuade to follow this advice but he yielded at last pleaded his warm friendship begged the young man to do what he asked if only to please him and finally succeeded a few minutes later had secured an audience with too shrewd to risk the danger of plunging directly into the subject lie had in mind mr talked on almost everything else it happened that was away which enabled him to devote his attention to the younger sister without appearing to seek her but only half listening to what he said was pondering the strange revelation her sister had made and thinking at each moment that a declaration of love might be she remembered her father s to treat a m a e this man with particular courtesy and was in a what to do in case he came to the point but to her surprise instead of pressing his own suit mr began to support in a mild manner the cause of mr i met leaving here he said in a sober tone and he was in a dreadful state you didn t say anything cross to him i hope with these words there seemed to come to a new revelation of the true character of this man loving her himself he was yet loyal to his friend who he believed had a prior claim as this thought took root it raised and its object until admiration became to all other feelings why should i be cross to him she asked the point there are no relations between us that would justify me in acting as his or mr shook his head he loves you he said you cannot afford my child to trifle with a heart as noble as his the expression my child touched the girl deeply it had a sound mingled with a tinge of personal affection i hope you do not think i would trifle with the feelings of any person she said still i cannot marry every man who may happen to ask me you know so much about this matter that i feel justified in saying this and i earnestly beg that you will ask no more but this mr said gently he could not ht said further that was one of hit dearest friends and that he could not without emotion see him in such distress as he had recently witnessed you don t know how fond i am of that boy he added i would do anything in my power to make him happy he loves you he will make you a good husband you must give me some message that will console him he could not get it try as he might and he said with a forced smile that he should renew the attack at an early date for the cause was a righteous one that he could not give over he took her arm and strolled up and down the in such a way that any visitor might have taken them to be lovers if not already married she liked him better and better the touch of
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his sleeve was pleasant his low tones soothed the ache in her bosom severe enough god knows when her father came from the city he smiled brightly to see them together and after hearing that was away came to the dinner table with the air he had worn for months another week passed during which mr went nearly every day to and communicated to on each return the result of his labors them with the hues of hope though there was little that could be drawn from the words or actions of miss the critic for had also been given more than an of the state of affairs and had with delight the chapters last written on the famous romance he saw that the next experience needed by the author was a severe attack of and as there was no one else to play the part of he himself undertook the r le is pretty popular with the family isn t he was the way he began when he called on i met the old gentleman the other day and he seemed absolutely gone on him as the saying is they tell me he s out at every day got his eye on the younger daughter too they intimate it takes but little to a mind already driven to the verge of distraction the next time that saw the latter received him with a coolness that could not be ignored when he pressed for a reason the young man broke out into don t pretend he cried you ve heard of the case of john what s been worked once may go again i m not entirely blind mr with pained eyes begged his friend to explain tell me this shouted do you love that girl yourself unprepared for the quest on shrank as from a flash of lightning and could not reply i know you do came the next sentence sharply and i know that it is owing to the you have made not only with her but with her father that i have been pushed out well go ahead i ve no objection only don t come here every day with your cock and bull stories of pleading my cause for i ve had enough of them the green eyed monster tht turned aside and mr too hurt to say a word arose and silently left the room his brain whirled so that he was actually giddy not knowing where else to turn he went to see mr to whom he the result of his call don t be too serious about it said soothingly it s a good thing for the lad to get his blood stirred a little in a day or two he ll be all right that novel of his is coming on was in no mood to talk about novels and finding that he could get no consolation of the kind he he soon left the office the critic laughed silently to himself at the idea of the having at last been bitten and then took his way to s rooms no answer being returned to his knock he opened the door and entered at first he thought the place was vacant but presently he a still form on the bed the was stretched out in an attitude which at first suggested death rather than sleep and alarmed the visitor not a little investigation however showed that he was simply in a tired sleep worn out with worry and restless nights what a beauty whispered a very dramatic scene could be worked up if that sweetheart of his were brought here and made to stand beside the couch when he yes it would be grand but it would need his own pen to trace the words the hardly dry pages of the great manuscript that lay on an adjacent desk caught the eyes of the critic a black i and he sat down to them closer as he turned leaves he grew so delighted as to become almost he s a genius nothing less he said and then softly from the chamber chapter xvi h i ve had such luck one day mr came home in a state of great excitement he had not acted naturally for a long time and who met him at the door wondered what could be the cause of his strange manner he caught his daughter in his arms and kissed her like a lover tears came to his eyes but they were tears of joy he laughed as he wiped them away and told her not to mind him for he was the happiest man in new york i ve had such luck he exclaimed when she stared at him oh i ve had such grand luck she led him to a seat on a sofa and waited for him to tell her more you can t imagine the relief i feel he continued when he had caught sufficient breath i ve had an awful time in business for years but to day everything is all cleared up the house over our heads was the notes i owed were al i ve had such most due i had given out paper that i could sec no way of meeting and now it is all provided for i am out of financial danger and i have enough to quit business and live in ease and comfort with my family the rest of my days could only look her surprise she could not understand such a but she loved her father dearly and seeing that he was happy made her happy too though she had had her own sorrows of late tell me about it father she said putting an arm around his neck you couldn t understand no matter how much i tried to make it clear he answered excitedly there was a combination that meant ruin or success depending on the cast of a die as one
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might say wool has been in a bad way had the bill before it if higher protection was put on the stocks in the american market would rise if the rate was lowered they would fall i took the right side i bought an immense quantity of the bill passed to day and the president signed it wool went up and i am richer by two hundred and fifty thousand dollars than i was yesterday for answer the girl kissed him affectionately and for a few moments neither of them spoke i don t wonder you say i can t understand business said presently it would puzzle most feminine brains i think to know how a man could purchase quantities of wool when he had nothing to buy with a black the father drew himself suddenly away from her and gazed in a sort of alarm into her wide opened eyes that is a secret he said hoarsely it is one of the things business men do not talk about when stocks are rising it is easy to buy a great deal if one only has something to give him a start and you had something asked trying to utter the words that she thought would please him best yes yes he answered hurriedly i had something and to morrow i shall free myself of and of of all my troubles i shall pay the on the house and we can have anything we want ah what a relief it is what a relief he panted like a man who had run a race with wolves and had just time to close the door before they caught him may i tell asked the girl she has worried about the house fearing it would be sold he shook his head as if the subject was disagreeable she will find it out he said there is no need of haste and at any rate i don t want you to give her any particulars i don t want her to know how successful i have been you can say that i have made money enough to free the home don t tell any more than that to any one it it is not a public matter i was so full of happiness that i had to tell you but no one else is to know promised though she asked almost i v had if the extended to mr he was such a friend of the family she said he would be very much gratified she had reached thus far in her innocent suggestion when she happened to glance at her father s face he was pale his body was limp and his chin sunken to his breast father she exclaimed and then seized with a nameless fear was about to summon other help when he opened his eyes slowly and touched her hand with his you are ill shall i call the servants she asked anxiously he intimated that she should not and presently rallied enough to say he was better and required nothing what were we speaking of he asked in a strained voice we were talking of your grand fortune and i asked if i might not tell mr he stopped her with a movement and another crossed his face you will make no exception he whispered none whatever my affairs will interest no one else if you are you must know nothing nothing he added nothing whatever mr s recovery was almost as quick as his attack although he did not resume the gaiety of manner with which he had opened the subject after dinner he talked with declaring over and over that she had been on short allowance long enough a black and asserting that she must be positively in a state of want she answered that she needed very little and then suddenly herself of something and grew sober do you feel rich enough to let me exercise a little generosity for others she inquired he replied with alacrity that she could do exactly as she pleased with whatever sum he gave her and that the amount should be for her to name you don t know how big it will be she replied timidly i ll risk that out with it he said smiling supposing she said slowly that i should ask for a thousand dollars you would get it he laughed in fact i was going to propose that you accept several thousand and have it put in the bank in your name so you would be quite an independent young woman you must have your own and get used to keeping accounts i will bring you a of deposit for three thousand dollars and each six months afterwards i will put a thousand more to your credit out of which you can take your pin money it seemed too good to be true and the girl s face brightened until it shone with a light that the father thought the most beautiful on earth now she could return the thousand dollars she had borrowed of mr a sum that had given her much uneasiness since she broke off her intimate relations with the young more than this she would have on hand to send the future that han tt l ve had such luck t would need to keep him abroad it was such a strange and delightful thing to see smiles on her father s face that she did not want anything to disturb them she was quite as happy as mr now that this cloud had been lifted from her mind the next day was a bright one for the wool merchant by noon he had sent for and astonished that gentleman by handing him a check in full for the entire amount of his in answer to a question he merely said he had been on the right side of the market mr also settled with his and went home at
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night happy that his head would again lie under a roof actually as well as in name his own notes which he had given came back to him soon after and he burned them with a glee that was almost burned them after looking at their faces and backs after the burned them with his office door locked using the flame of a gas jet for the purpose the ashes lay on the floor when a knock was heard and s voice answered to the question mr lost color at the familiar sound but he courage i ve come to congratulate you said warmly they say you have made a of money out of the rise in wool who says so asked mr everybody don t tell me it s not true i ve done pretty well was the reply and i m going out of business too it seems a good time to quit m a black mr made a suitable answer to this statement and the two men talked together for some time after awhile the conversation took a wider turn where s your young friend asked mr to whom the matter did not seem to have occurred before i don t believe i have seen him at for a month no he doesn t come replied growing darker if you wish a particular reason you will have to ask it of your daughter mr looked as if he did not understand he became very fond of her explained and for some reason he does not know what she has evinced a sudden dislike to him mr looked still more astonished is a strange girl he ventured to remark but i supposed i was almost sure her affections were engaged elsewhere and really i thought he knew it mr stared now for it was evident his companion was far from the right road he was also interested to hear that miss had anything like a love affair in mind for he had supposed such a thing quite impossible i was not speaking of miss but of miss he said the wool merchant rose from his chair in the extremity of his astonishment you meant that that mr was in love with he said and that she seemed to his attachment i did and also that a few weeks ago she asked i ve such luck him to cease his visits giving no explanation of the cause of her altered he is a most excellent young gentleman continued and one for whom i entertain a sincere affection her conduct is a great blow to him especially as he does not know what he has done to deserve it i trust the will not be permanent as they are eminently suited to each other the face of mr was a study as he heard this explanation if he was an honorable man why did he not come to me he asked he was constantly seeking miss s permission to do so replied which she never seemed quite willing to give him she is too young to think of marriage mused mr after a long pause he is willing to wait but her present attitude giving him no hope whatever has thrown him into the deepest from this mr proceeded to tell mr all he knew about he said the young man was at present engaged on literary work that promised to yield him good returns he had a small fortune of his own beside everything that could be thought of in his favor was dilated upon to the fullest extent i don t believe i can spare my baby said mr kindly for any man you plead with much force mr for your friend how is it have never married are you blind to the charms of the sex a black aj ni for an instant was at loss how to reply on the contrary he said at last i appreciate them fully i have had my heart s affair too but he paused a long time she loved another and there was but one woman for me perhaps this leads me to all the more with my unfortunate young friend mr said he would have a talk with and learn what he could without bringing in the name of his we fathers are always the last to see these things he added it would be terrible to give her up but i want her to be happy chapter xvii a in the house lay wide awake a few nights later at when the clock struck two she was thinking of her second novel now nearly ready for mr s hand there was a in the plot that she could best in the silence as she lay there she heard a slight noise as of some one moving about at first she paid little attention to it but later she grew curious for she had never known the least motion in that house after its occupants were once she thought of each of them in succession and decided that the matter ought to be a in the house had no fear if there was a present she wanted to know she arose therefore and slipped on a dress and slippers guided only by the uncertain light that came in at the windows she across the hall and in the direction in which she had heard the noise she soon it as being on the lower floor where there were no and a thrill of excitement passed over her she crept as silently as possible down the back stairs and toward the sound which she was now sure was in the library what was the sound it was the rustling of papers it might be made by a mouse but was not even afraid of she was afraid of nothing so far as she knew if there was a robber there he would certainly run when discovered at the worst she
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could give a loud and the servants would come she along the lower hall a man sat at her father s desk examining his private papers so carefully that he seemed wholly lost in the occupation the room was quite light in fact the gas was lit and the intruder was taking his utmost ease his face was half turned toward the girl and she recognized him without difficulty it was whom she supposed at that moment in france without pausing to form any plan stepped into the presence of the negro thief she said sharply what do you want a black they had hated each other cordially for a long time and neither had changed their opinion in the slightest degree looked up quietly at the figure in the doorway i have a good mind to tell you he said smiling you will have to tell me and give a pretty good reason too if you mean to keep out of the hands of the police she retorted come he laughed silently resting his head on his hands his elbows on the desk s hair hung in a loose her shoulders were but imperfectly covered by her half gown the feet that filled her slippers had no on them she was as fair a sight as one might find in a year do you remember the time i saw you in this guise before he asked in a low voice a seized the girl s countenance she looked as if she would willingly have killed him had she a weapon in her hand but she could not speak at first it was you who sought me then said the negro and because i bade you go back to your chamber you never forgave me have you forgotten gasping for breath like one severely wounded roused herself will you go she demanded hotly or shall i summon help neither replied if you inform any person that i am here i will tell the story i hinted at just now besides i would only have to a in thb house wait until your father came down when ne would order them to release me and say i came here by his request horribly at his coolness came here by my father s request she echoed u in the middle of the night a likely story do you think any one would believe it i do not think they would it would not even be true but he would say it was if i told him to and that would answer don t you know by this time that i have in a yes she did know it everything had pointed in that direction could not dispute the what has he done in god s name that makes him the slave of such a thing as you she cried i will answer that question by asking another said the negro after a pause do you know that hopes to wed your sister the shot struck home with pale lips found herself trembling before this fellow you love him pursued the man you do not need to affirm or deny this for i know he loves and unless prevented will marry her i hold a secret over your father s head which can send him to the state prison for twenty years if i confide it to you will you swear to let no one but him know until i give you leave the girl bowed quickly she could hardly bear the strain of delay then listen said the negro to save himself in business he has committed numerous a black upon the names of two men one of them is and the other very recently he has been successful in his speculations and has called in many notes with these but the proofs of his crimes are ample and i possess them if he ever to let marry hint to him of what you know and he will obey your will i shall be in the city here is my address if you need me i am at your service understand i shall not harm your father unless he makes it necessary i only mean to use the fear of what might await him and you can do the same it is time i was going i have found all i want here though i had enough before he handed a card on which was the address he had mentioned and she allowed herself to take it from his hand then he started to pick up a of papers that lay where he had put them on the table when a third figure to the consternation of both brushed aside and stepped into the room it was the younger sister give that to me she demanded reaching out her hand for the the apparition was so unexpected that the previous occupants of the library stood for a few seconds staring at it without moving a step was dressed in much the same manner as but she thought only of the danger that threatened one she loved better than life her father give that to me she repeated approaching closer without a word the negro his head bowed handed it to her and now she said in the same quick sharp tone the others they are not here he answered where are they at my lodgings in the city instantly snatched the card from her sister s hand at this place she asked hastily the writing yes said in a voice that was scarcely audible i will be there this morning at ten o clock see that they are ready the negro bowed while his chest heaved rapidly and now said the girl pointing to the door go he hesitated as if he wanted to say more to her but that she would meet him so soon lie turned and obeyed her at the threshold he only paused to say you must come
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alone otherwise it will be of no use and she answered that she understood she followed some paces behind and closed the door after him pushing a bolt that she did not remember had ever been used before then she turned to encounter her sister but had disappeared a black chapter black and white when reached her own room again she felt assured that no one but herself and knew what had occurred this was something had her father awakened she did not know what might have followed she had seen him too often pale and in the presence of his enemy not to entertain the greatest that he had slept through this terrible experience at any cost it must be kept from him she would beg pray entreat to seal her lips and in the morning she would go to the address had given her and obtain his proofs of her father s guilt removing the frightful nightmare that had so long hung over that dear head would surrender his documents he had made a promise to do so and she had faith that she could make him keep his word she knew the negro had a liking for her that was very strong she had made it possible for him to become a man by giving him the money that took him to france why had he returned so suddenly what new fancy had caused him to give up his studies and the sea to enter her doors at night to plunder still further secrets from her father s private desk there were a thousand reasons for fear but the devoted daughter only thought of saving the one black and white she loved at all risks she would dare anything in his behalf and this father of hers that she had from was a he had made himself liable to a term of imprisonment in the common jail he was a criminal for whom the law would stretch out its hand as soon as his guilt was revealed his previous high standing in the community could not save him nor the love of his children nor his new fortune won by such means as this nothing could make his liberty secure but the of the witness to his fault the negro who had carefully possessed himself of certain facts with which to ruin his benefactor what did want surely he had no revenge to gratify as against her or her father they had treated him with the greatest consideration only once that day on the lawn had spoken to him in a sharp tone and then the provocation was very great since then she had raised the money that was to make a man of him what did he require now an increased bribe to keep him away well she would get it for him she would spend one two three thousand dollars if necessary to purchase his silence if it needed more she could borrow of of mr yes mr was the friend to whom she would turn in this emergency he had lost nothing apparently by the use of his name the notes on which his had been were all paid when she met she would ascertain his price and then the rest would be easy a slack her father need not even know the danger to which he had been exposed in the morning she went to s room early in order to have a conversation with her undisturbed was sleeping soundly and was awakened with some difficulty i ve only been unconscious a little she said in explanation i thought i never should sleep again oh what a disgrace my father a liable to go to prison with common to wear the of a it seems as if my degradation could go no lower with surprise at the attitude of her sister answered that the thing to be thought of now was how to save mr from the consequences of his errors you re a strange girl was s reply you don t think of me at all won t it be nice to have people point after me in the street and say there goes one of the girls whose father is in sing sing i never thought i should come to this there s no knowing how far it will follow me i doubt if any man will marry me when the facts are known thoroughly disgusted with her sister s selfishness cried out that the facts must not be they must be covered up and kept from the world and that she was going to bring this about she reminded of the evident suffering their father had undergone for the past two years changed from a light hearted man into the easily alarmed mood they had known so well black k if he deserved punishment god knows he has had enough she added and there is another thing you and i ought not to forget whatever he did was in the hope of saving this home and enough to live on for us during the last week he has had an improvement in business he has paid all of those people whose claims distressed him you have seen how much brighter it has made him now when he had a fair prospect of a few happy days comes this terrible danger surely you and i will use our utmost to shield him from harm even if he were the worst of he is still our father but did not seem at all convinced she could only see that her reputation had been put in and that a dreadful fear would constantly hang over her on account of it it is your fault as much as his too she exclaimed angrily you both made as much of that negro as if he were a prince in disguise i ve told you a hundred times that he ought to be discharged i hope
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you ll admit i was right at last there was little use in reminding her sister that had shown himself the possessor of some information that mr before either he or began to cultivate his good will for she knew it well enough what did say was more to the point have you always hated him she asked what did he mean last night by his reference to a time when you taught him en dis a black sprang up in bed with flashing eyes he is a lying scoundrel she cried vehemently i never did anything of the kind and i do not see how you can stand there and repeat such a the strange thing about it replied quietly is that you did not dispute him but then you did not know a third person was present when i meet him this morning i shall ask for further particulars sprang from the bed and threw herself at her sister s feet would you drive me mad she exclaimed i am distracted already with the troubles of this house and now you wish to hear the lying inventions of one you know to be a and a robber don t mention my name to him i entreat you he is capable of any you can t intend to listen to tales about your sister from such a low base thing having at her feet was pleased to a little very well she said i will not let him tell me anything about you but i want you to promise in return that you will do all you can to protect father from the slightest knowledge of what happened last night i am afraid it would kill him so far he believes us ignorant of his troubles if i can make an arrangement to send back to france he will remain so be sure you do not arouse his suspicions in any way and we may come out all right yet the promise was made and as nothing could be black and white gained by the conversation withdrew in the lower hall she met her father and his bright smile proved to her that he was still in ignorance that any new cloud had crossed his sky did not appear at breakfast for which neither of the others were sorry it enabled mr to talk over some of his plans with his younger daughter among them was a possible trip abroad for he said he felt the need of a long rest after his troubled business career the last suggestion opened a new hope for if worse came to worst and there was no other way to escape the jail flight in a european steamer could be resorted to it would mean for life as far as he was concerned but that would be a thousand times better than a lingering death inside of stone walls he could raise a large sum of ready money and they would want for nothing would not wish to go with them probably she would stay and marry how the thought choked marry mr unless indeed the young did what she had the thought of himself with a name the bright happy love she had given him came back to the child like a wave of agony making an excuse that she had to do took the train to the city with her father and parted from him at a point where the and street cars separated then she took a cab and drove to the address given her it was not the finest quarter in the city ana she jl black would have hesitated at any other time before taking such a risk as going there alone at present she thought of nothing but the object of her visit inquiry at the door brought the information that the lady was expected and that she was to go upstairs and wait the woman who let her in was a pleasant faced and several young children of varying shades were playing on the stairs she had to ascend mounted to the room which proved to be a small parlor with an behind the curtains of which was a bed as the weather was quite warm the girl went to the front windows and opened them in order to admit the fresh air then she sat down and waited impatiently there was a scent in the room which she associated with the race a subtle that she found decidedly unpleasant it gave her an uneasiness and she mentally remarked that she would be glad when the ordeal was over her nerves were already beginning to suffer after the lapse of fifteen minutes entered he had the look of one who had passed a sleepless night and despite the blackness of his complexion his cheeks seemed pale good morning said rising good morning he replied and then there was a brief space of silence each waiting for the other lam here you see said the girl finally with ft black and white attempt at a smile and now will you give me the things i came for as i cannot stay long the negro tried to look at her tried many times but failed his eyes shifted uneasily to all the other objects in the room resting on none of them more than a second at a time you wonder he said after another pause why i returned to america why i came to your house last night i thought i could tell you this morning and i have been trying to prepare myself to do so but i cannot you blame me a great deal that is evident in every line of your face but you do not know what i have suffered were your father to go to jail for the term the law he would not endure the agony that has been mine he looked every word he spoke and more i am sorry
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truly sorry for you she replied but why could you not leave all your troubles when you went to france and begin an entirely new life you found it true what i told you i am sure about the lack of prejudice account of he nodded and cleared his throat before he spoke again oh yes but it is not the prejudice there that me it is the prejudice here it is the barrier my color brings between me and the only being whose regard i the girl s cheeks grew than ever but she affected not to understand and once more to the errand that had brought her thither you promised me the documents with which my a black poor father has been tortured she said reproachfully let us not talk of other things until you have given them to me the negro drew from a pocket of his coat a tied with a ribbon they are all there he said every scrap every of proof everything that could bring the breath of suspicion upon your father s honesty all there in that little envelope she reached for it but instead of giving it to her caught her hand and before she dreamed what he intended pressed a kiss upon it the next moment the girl with a look of outraged womanhood was rubbing the spot with her handkerchief as if he had covered it with poison you brute she exclaimed you you she could not find the word she wanted nothing in the language she spoke seemed detestable enough to fill the measure of her wrong you see he answered bitterly because i am black i cannot touch the hand of a woman that is white you have claimed to be without the hatred of the african so among americans you have talked about the almighty making of one blood all the nations of the earth and yet you are like the rest a s bite could not have aroused deeper disgust in you than my lips and all because the sun shone more on my ancestors than it did on yours was divided between her horror of the act he had committed and her anxiety to do something to free her father from his danger she suppressed black white the hateful that rose to her tongue and once more entreated the negro to give her the packet he held in his possession you can do nothing with it but injure a man who has been kind to you she pleaded and if you use the information you have and afterwards repent it will be too late to remedy your error give it to me and return to france with the proud consciousness that you are worthy the position you wish to occupy shook his head with decision that would be very well if i ever could be con a man by the one for whose opinion i care most but while i am to her a creature something below the a mere crawling whose touch is i will act like the thing she thinks me to day i possess the power to make a high born gentleman dance whenever i pull the string you ask me to give up this power and in return you offer nothing one would suppose remarked struggling with herself in this that the ability to inflict pain was one a true nature would delight to surrender my father has done no harm to you the negro bent toward her and spoke with vehemence but his daughter has she has made my life wretched whatever position i may attain will be worthless to me without the love i had hoped might be mine love r cried the girl love a black love and marriage he replied in france we could live without the hateful prejudices that prevail in america i have natural ability enough you have told me so a thousand times and i could make myself worthy of you as my wife rose and interrupted him fiercely cease she exclaimed there is a limit to what i can endure if you mean to make any promise of that kind a to my father s freedom from persecution we may as well end this conversation now as later he would rather rot in prison than have his child sacrifice herself in such a manner she started toward the door and he did not interrupt her passage as she half expected he would do but he spoke again all this because i am black he said because you are a cruel heartless wretch she answered her eyes flashing because you have abused the of a generous family because you have tortured a kind old man and a loving daughter if you were as white as any person on earth i would not marry you worse than all outward semblance is a dark and vile mind do what you like i defy you the door opened and closed behind her han heard her retreating footsteps grow fainter on the stairs and then there was silence i might have known it he said aloud i did know it but i kept hoping against hope she would wed a dog sooner than me nothing is left but to make her repent her will out bring that father of hers to the dust if only to revenge the long list of injuries his race has inflicted on mine chapter xix play out your when left the house where she had the interview with she walked for some minutes along the street her mind was in a state of great excitement she realized that she had defied a man who could inflict the deepest injury on the father she dearly loved how she could have done otherwise was not at all clear but the terror which hung over her was none the less keen the proposal of the negro to marry her filled her with a nameless dread that
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made her teeth chatter though it was a warm day rather would she have cast her body into the tides that wash the shores of island even to save her father from prison if it came to that she could not make this sacrifice she now felt for a horrible a feeling akin to that she might entertain for a whatever good she had seen in him in other days had vanished under the revelations of his true character what to do next was the absorbing question a great danger hung over her father a dim idea of seeking the mayor or the chief of police and im jl black their mercy entered her brain then she thought of whose aid she might have secured if he had not proved himself a capable of making love to herself and at the same time and then came the resolve to seek out mr the one person in all this trouble that seemed clear of wrong her sister had told her that he loved her well if necessary she would marry him at least he was a man of honor and white yes she would go to him and throw herself upon his mercy knew that made his at the house and a cab she asked to be taken to that hotel in the ladies parlor she awaited the coming of the man she wanted and yet dreaded so much to see luckily he was in the house and in a few moments responded in person to her card why miss he stammered what is the matter nothing wrong i trust you look quite pale is it anything about your father the girl was pale indeed now that mr was so close the danger that he might not be willing to help her rose like a mountain in her path she did not know exactly how grave a matter was whether it was something that the injured party would be able or likely to forgive if she should tell him everything and he should refuse to be what could she do then there was no one else in the parlor but seeing that she wanted as much seclusion as possible mr the girl to follow him to a remote out sit corner where the curtains of a window partially concealed them he felt that she had come on a momentous errand his suspicions concerning mr were apparently about to be and if so he did not mean that other ears should hear the tale mr began i don t know what to say to you i am in great distress would you will you help me he responded gently that he would do anything in his power he bade her calm herself and promised to be the most attentive of listeners reassured by his kind words and manner the girl began again but she could not tell her story and after making several attempts to do so she broke out in a new direction i want so very much of you dear mr and i am nervous and afraid to ask what i would like i will give you anything you please in return yes yes anything he smiled down upon her face on which the tears were making in spite of her you are promising a great deal little girl he said i know it i realize it fully she responded quickly but i mean all i say i did not think i could once but i am quite resolved now told me you were in love with me and feared i would refuse you but i won t no no i will marry you indeed i will if you will only save my darling father the concluding words were spoken in the midst of a a torrent of sobs that shook the girlish frame and affected powerfully the strong man that witnessed them dear child don t speak like this he answered if i can do anything for your father i will most gladly and the price of your sweet little heart shall not be demanded in payment either leave that matter entirely out of the question and tell me at once what you desire she heard him with infinite delight and wiping her eyes she began in broken tones to relate the history of s revelations as she proceeded his brow darkened and when she had finished he muttered something that sounded very much like a curse and what do you wish of me he asked when she had ended to keep him from having my father put in prison to give us time to escape if there is no other way and to forgive the harm to yourself i know she added earnestly it is a great deal to ask but i have no one else to go to he has paid every cent and you will lose nothing tell me dear mr is there anything you can do he had the greatest struggle of his life to keep from bending over that trembling mouth and pressing upon it the kiss he knew she would not refuse that mouth he had so long and which must never be touched by his lips can i do anything he repeated certainly lean stop that fellow so quickly he won t know what him hare no fear mis go home and out rest in peace before the sun sets i will remove the last of danger from your father s path the girl sprang to her feet and would have thrown her arms around his neck had he not prevented her you are certain you can do this she cried beaming with happy eyes upon him there is not the least question of it but i must demand payment for my trouble i shall not do this work for nothing with a hot blush lowered her eyes to the carpet i have already told you what i will do she said
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trembling if you accomplish what you say have no fear but i shall keep my word there was an element of pride and truth in the way she spoke that struck the strongly the smile on his face grew yet deeper i am placed in a peculiar situation he said after a slight pause your sister has ally no doubt matters in a way that may be embarrassing for us both when i have removed the troubles that stand in your way i will talk this over with you looked up quickly what could he mean i beg you to explain she stammered if there has been any mistake no time can be better to set it right than now the man with the lace of the window curtain he had no intention of his duty and yet he did not find it agreeable as he proceeded your sister told me he said finally that you loved me she was wrong i knew all the time she a black was wrong you have just offered to give yourself to me in marriage in exchange for the efforts that i am to make on your father s behalf but i would not marry a woman who did not love me who only became mine from gratitude no i could not accept you under such circumstances the young girl glanced at him timidly i wish you knew how much i liked you she said i never knew a man i respected more that is most gratifying he answered for i hold your good opinion very highly you must think i speak in for i have said that i demand payment for my services and yet that i would not accept the greatest gift it is in your power to bestow upon me let me wait no longer in my explanation when i have put your father out of all danger from this and i can easily do it never fear you must do justice to she shivered at the name as if the east wind blew upon her he is not a true man she replied in a whisper he has all claim to my consideration why do you say that i am afraid there is another misunderstanding here my child then he drew out of her slowly at first the revelations that had made and he disposed of the charges one by one until there was nothing left of them could you would you only go with me to his rooms he added and see him lying there wan and pale at the present hopeless for out the future you would change your mind he has never in his life loved but one woman and that one is yourself i will not undertake to say why you have been told differently though i could guess loves you miss and you love him when i have made good my promise i shall ask you to come to my friend s side and bring him back to health with the sunshine of your presence was more than half convinced for the strong affection she had had for the young man plead for him in every drop of her blood is he so very ill she asked he has not left his room for a week was the answer nothing his friends can say will move him he is in such a state of mind that he even refuses to have me with him me until very lately his friend but if i tell him you have there is no medicine on earth will have such an instant effect the girl thought for some moments without speaking it is my father first of course she said at last but while you are arranging matters concerning him i do not sec any reason to keep me from helping a sick boy i yes i will go with you now he looked the gratitude he could not speak and fearful that in her mood she might change her mind he accompanied her without delay to the street and procured a cab in which they were driven rapidly to s lodgings on the way with that loved form so near him had a black a constant struggle she might be his if he would forget duty and he loved her god how he loved her he could marry her and perhaps after a fashion make her happy the perspiration stood on his forehead as he dwelt on the bliss that he had resolutely cast aside s landlady came to the door in person and informed the that her guest was in about the same condition as he had been for some days he was not ill in bed but he did not leave his room when she sent up his meals he received them mechanically and they were often untouched when the domestic went for the dishes he wrote several hours a day though he was undoubtedly feeble did he have any visitors only one mr who was with him at the present moment should she go up and announce them very well if it was not necessary mr could show the lady into the adjoining room which was empty until he had announced her presence in the house to his friend whispered to when he left her at s door that he would come for her as soon as possible he did not enter the sick boy s chamber at once for something in the conversation that came to his ears arrested his steps at the threshold mr s voice was heard and s ears caught the sound of his own name you should let me send to mr said i am sure he can explain everything you hav written all you ought for the present h out s s would take you to ride and bring the color to those white cheeks of yours but he cannot bring me the girl i love responded with
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a profound sigh even if have done him injustice she is lost to me now you know appearances were against him why you agreed with me about it i don t want to see any one i want to go away from here and forget my sorrows as best i can in some far distant place there was a sadness in the tone that went to the listener s heart the door was slightly and took the liberty of looking into the room lay stretched out in a great chair and leaned over him appearing for all the world like some sinister bird of prey mr felt for the first time in his life that there was something in the aspect of the book he did not think he could ever be close friends with him again and what did mean by saying that had agreed with him when he heard such base opinions the critic was with apparent satisfaction a pile of that lay on the table it had grown vastly since saw it the last time and must be fifteen or twenty chapters in extent now you must not go away until you have finished this wonderful work replied with concern a few more months a little further experience in life and your reputation will be made ah it is wonderful it is magnificent the world will ring with your praises before the year is ended such fidelity to nature such perfection of detail la a black all my career i have never seen anything to approach it moved uneasily in his chair do you ever think at what cost i have done this he asked i know the pain of a burn because i have held my hands in the fire i know the agony of because i have at the end of a rope i can write of the buried beneath a hundred feet of clay because i have had the load fall on my own head to love and find myself beloved then to see happiness snatched without explanation from my grasp to feel that my best friend has been the one to betray me that is what i have passed through and from the drops of misery thus i have those lines you so much admire i have written all i can of these horrors i will not begin again till i have caught somewhere in the great sky a glimpse of sunlight mr could wait no longer he pushed open the door and went to the speaker s side the sunlight is awaiting you he said gazing down upon the figure in the you have only to raise your curtain mr sprang up in astonishment at the sudden arrival and perhaps a little in alarm also for he could not tell how long the visitor had been at the but turned his languid eyes toward his old friend and was silent my boy pursued with the utmost earnestness i can prove to you now that loves you and you alone our i did not move his lips and the words came stiffly you can promise many things he said but can you any of them so cold so unlike himself what will convince you demanded shall i bring a letter from her or would you rather she came in person to tell you i speak the truth the shadow of a smile a smile that was not agreeable hovered around the corners of the pale mouth i shall write no more said the lips when they opened until i have seen her and heard the reason for my i will discover who my enemy is i will the man or the woman that has done me this injury till then i shall write no more no not one line mr was by the new turn in i he knew that had some basis for what he said that he was not the man to come with pretence on his tongue neither of the other persons in the room paid the least attention to him any more than if he had not been present it was like a play at which was the only spectator could you bear it if i brought her to you to day if i brought her here now asked if i jf an d get her and she comes with me will the shock harm you the smile deepened on the face of the younger play out your farce he said casting one look of apprehension at mr a black turned toward the door that entered the before he could reach it a female form came into the room and caught his arm together they faced the figure in the chair this lasted but a moment then broke from her escort and threw herself at her lover s feet come whispered to the critic let us leave them alone chapter xx like a stuck pi was neither better nor worse morally because his color was black there are men with white who would have done exactly as he did there are others as dark as who would have done nothing of the sort he was no ordinary negro his intelligence was above the average when he first entered the employ of mr that gentleman took every pains to encourage the for learning that he found in him accompanied his employer to his office where he was with important which he seemed for a long time to execute with and at home he performed his duties in a way that gave great satisfaction at the end of the first six months mr would have hated to part with a servant that he believed difficult to replace like a stuck t but the great source of trouble arose gradually began to entertain a sentiment for his master s younger daughter that was impossible of treated him in the most considerate manner never dreaming what was going on behind his serious brow
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in all things began early to show the bitterest enmity toward the negro while her sister seeing that her father liked and appreciated him tried by her own kindness to for the other s what caused s feelings had no means of knowing and she had not the least suspicion until she heard the conversation in the library the night the house was entered even then she did not take the subject much to heart for she did not comprehend all that had meant to convey in the brief and sarcastic expression he used had a mind too pure to believe anything so of her own sister as had intimated the passion of love is a thing that grows in curious ways what made it seem to that there was hope for him was the discovery that mr was committing and that the proofs might be his for the taking if he could hold such a power as that over this gentleman who could say that even so great a m as his daughter s marriage to an african might not be arranged the negro proceeded cautiously he secured the proofs he wished and let mr know that he had them the terror the fear that followed the of the to a totally different position in th household and the office a black showed that the servant had not the importance of his acquisition not one word bearing directly on the subject passed between them the condition of the merchant was more horrible than it would have been had his employ said outright i have the proof that you are a i can send you to prison for twenty years and i will do so unless you do so for me he did not know how meant to use his information he was afraid to the matter to him he could only wait and suffer and suffer he did as a proud spirited high minded man who has made an error must suffer when such a sword hangs over his head ready at any moment to fall as had said mr was not by nature a business man after the former s retirement from active in the concern there was a series of losses when mr took his pen and began to imitate the signature of his late partner on a sheet of paper nothing but some such course stood between him and he felt certain that if he could tide over twenty four he would be saved before he his office he had made a note written mr name across the back of it and raised money he did this many times afterwards but finally when he again wanted a name to save himself with he dared not use this one had called in to remark that he should withdraw the capital he had lent as soon as the term arranged for had expired the sum was already upon bad the like a stuck fig known it the next name used was that of had been to the house a good deal to see mr believed there was a love affair between them and he caught at the straw of possible protection in case of discovery the became numerous and the total amount or that day when the passage of a new saved the was very large was at this time in foreign parts or at least so the merchant supposed he soothed his conscience with the reflection that this additional wrong act would enable him to right the others that preceded it and things might have gone well had not the negro returned consumed with the love he bore the younger daughter and had not his love turned to by her contemptuous of his advances an hour after left him had made up his mind to be he had faltered a little in the meantime asking himself what good it would do to bring disgrace on the head of this poor old man but his injuries were too strong for mercy he was despised by them all he would show them that black as he was his ability to hurt was no less strong than theirs had made the first impression on that young heart he himself had it remained to be seen whether he would wed the daughter of a there would be something pleasant too in who had once placed herself in a position where he could have her reputation forever and had afterwards dared to treat him as if he were the dirt beneath her shoes yes decided he would go tv mr mo a and mr and show them the way this man had used their names them in the public market without their knowledge when reached the house and inquired for mr he was told that he was absent an hour later he received the same answer a visit to the residence of mr a reply precisely similar in fact the day wore away and evening arrived before he found them in the meantime mr had not been idle while and were exchanging their explanations he sent a messenger to mr asking that gentleman to come to him without delay an hour later the messenger arrived with the gentleman and having engaged a room for temporary use and seen to it that wanted nothing at present but his fair nurse pulled in and locked the door securely what s all this exclaimed you look and act as if there was the devil to pay m there is was the short answer i want you to do one of the most creditable acts of your life i want it as a personal favor and i m going to have it too mr crossed his hands o r his and waited for further information are you a first class liar was mr s next question could you in an emergency do yourself justice as an eminent are you able for a certain time to banish
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truth from your vicinity mr remarked in response to these a took ing suggestions that he could tell much better what his friend was about if he would drop mr hesitated he saw no way but to trust this man with the facts and yet he dreaded the possibility that he might prove obstinate by the way lie said as if to change the subject temporarily have you been out to see lately mr shook his head you ought to said he s improved g thousand per cent in the last few weeks his financial luck has made a new man of him i m glad of that responded the other and i m glad too that i ve got my money out of his firm for i had a strong suspicion at one time that he waa running pretty close to the wall mr nodded to show that he believed this statement and then grew sober sometimes when men get into a tight place he said they do queer things supposing i should tell you that mr had and notes in a way he was not to do the stout man opened his eyes wider that would be a piece of news he answered but if he did he s made it all right by this time of course and nobody is the mr drew himself up in his chair as if indignant do you think that is enough he demanded raising his voice by supposing i tell you my name was one of those he with a black the other did not seem much if the paper is all in i wouldn t make a fuss about it if i were you he replied is a good fellow he has gone out of business and i hope he ll never go in again take my advice if you have learned anything to his and keep it to yourself could hardly control himself do you think i intend to let him my name on his notes and and not put him under arrest he cried when the proofs are beyond question mr bowed and said he meant that exactly he further remarked that he was astonished that his friend had any other idea in his mind the family was one in which he had been received and he ought to do everything possible to prevent harm to any of its members as he proceeded in this vein mr grew so earnest that he did not notice the broad smile of happiness that was creeping over the face of his companion and was not prepared to find a pair of manly arms clasped around his neck you you was trying to say you dear kind sensible fellow you ve made me the happiest man on earth of course wouldn t trouble but i was afraid you would he used your name as well as mine the rascal everything is paid up and all the trouble now is that a miserable has got hold of some of the paper and wants to him and what i called you here to day for is to get you to agree with me to like a stuck pig s acknowledge every scrap of that paper as being our own the sudden change was more than mr could bear for a moment he sat to use a common expression like a stuck pig staring at you remember the that worked for explained mr he got hold of some of these notes and in s office and is coming to look us up to day for the purpose of having his employer arrested a nice game eh but we will foil him won t we we ll show him a trick worth several of his he s probably gone to the house and he ll hang round till he finds me i ll send word that i am to be home this afternoon at five you will be there with me we ll tackle him together when he tells us that he has some paper in his possession we ll act astonished and enraged we ll ask him to show it to us and when we ve got it all in our hands we ll say the are our own and kick him down stairs are you with me is it a go old boy the agreement was made without more mr began to see the humorous element in the affair and actually came nearer laughing than he had done since the day he discovered that the of his waist placed him out of the list of eligible when everything was settled mr excused himself for a few moments while he to s door and knocked came to open it and when she saw who the visitor was she blushed a black come in she said i am sure both of us are glad to see you s eyes met those of his friend with a strange expression he knew now that all his suspicions were that had proved himself noble and true but the apologies that he owed could not be made in the presence of a third person and he made no reference to them his changed appearance was enough however for the reconciliation with the girl of his heart was perfect and the happiness that shone from their faces repaid their good friend for his sacrifice i think i ought to take miss to her train now said after the exchange of a few ordinary remarks she can come to see you to morrow again and before many days we will have matters arranged with so that can go out to in his proper capacity oh you need not little woman the love you two have for each other does both of you credit returning to mr for the sake of allowing the young couple a few minutes for their good dismissed that gentleman with the understanding that not later than half past
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four he would join him in his room at the house soon after he escorted miss to her station and before he left the building sent a to her father asking him to come to the city and meet him at his hotel at four that afternoon everything worked to a charm mr ar t the time and went promptly to like a stock pig mr s apartments a brief explanation of what was about to occur threw the wool merchant into a state of extreme agitation but he was assured that the last of danger to himself would be removed before he left the house he was asked to step into an inner room of the the door of which was to be left and to make no move unless he was called mr came at his appointed hour and soon after delighted to find both gentlemen accidentally as he supposed the negro began without delay to explain the cause of his visit he stated the manner in which he had discovered the and said he thought it only his duty to let the facts be known messrs and exchanged glances of surprise as the proceeded how long is it since you first knew of this matter asked mr when came to a pause something like eighteen months and you allowed this to go on all that time without saying a word said the i am surprised when i remember that for a long time you saw me almost daily that is true was the quiet response i could not easily bring myself to disgrace one whose bread i was eating but that does not matter now i have here a number of notes on which mr has both of your names the law will hold him just as strongly as if i had exposed him at the time he exhibited a of papers and a black passed them to the two gentlemen the band spread the documents on the centre table and went over them carefully with mr separating those which bore their several names a close perusal of all the notes followed and finally mr looked up and asked if there were any more no those are all said i believe there are thirty six of them mr consulted in a low tone with mr they seemed puzzled over something if these are really all the notes you have said there has been a great mistake on your part these are genuine in every case where are the papers of which you spoke the negro stared with all his might at the speaker genuine he repeated undoubtedly as far as my name is concerned i have lent my credit to mr for a long time that is equally true of myself spoke up slowly i wrote every one of these and i am willing to swear to them s eyes flashed with baffled rage he had been these men had to save his late employer from his they had lied deliberately and he was powerless against their combined although he knew the of all they said you will be as glad as we to learn the truth said in a softly voice it would have grieved you to know that your kind employer like a stuck pig had made himself to the criminal law your only object in this matter was to ease your conscience and do justice there is nothing now to prevent your returning at your earliest convenience to france the negro rose and took up his hat this is nice he growled but i want to tell you that you are not through with me yet mr rose also i trust he said that you are not going to be i certainly would not be guilty of to you but let me assure you of one thing if you ever hereafter annoy in the slightest degree my friend mr or any member of his family you will wish heartily that you had never been born we can spare you now mr with the last words waved his hand toward the door and without further reply than a glare from his now blood shot eyes the african strode from the apartment i want you to take a ride in the park with me for an hour or go and then we will return here for dinner said mr to mr he did this to allow mr to leave the house without knowing he was there and also to avoid a meeting that he felt would be too full of gratitude to suit his temperament just then a black aim chapter xxi want to understand had been so busy on her second novel that she had hardly noticed the prolonged absence of from her father s house her first story was selling fairly well and she had received a goodly number of in which it was alluded to with more or less favor not the least welcome of the things her mail brought was a check bearing the of that evidence which all authors admire that her efforts had not been wholly in vain she had put a great deal of hard work into her new novel and felt that when mr added his polish to the plot she had woven it would make a success far greater than the other thought she understood the young man perfectly to her mind he was merely awaiting the moment when she was ready to name the day for their marriage to be sure he had not asked her to wed him but his actions were not to be misunderstood she would accept him for business reasons and the romance could come later together they would constitute a strong in fiction while she was wrapped up in her writing it was quite as well that he remained at a respectful distance between her second and her third story she would have time to arrange the ceremony want to when
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made his next appearance at dinner in the house at miss smiled on him pleasantly she remarked that he lacked color and he replied that he had been suffering from a slight illness then she spoke of her new story revealing the plot to a limited extent and said it would be ready for him in about two weeks the astonished young man saw that she considered his services entirely at her disposal without question whenever she saw fit to call upon them he talked it over with you know stammered the girl that thought you were in love with her that would account for everything wouldn t it but where did she ever get that idea he exclaimed desperately she says you tried to put your arm around her just to practice just to learn what love was like i told you how ignorant i was the same as did her said she would show me but it didn t amount to anything it was only when i asked you that i began to understand do you remember how you stood on your toes and kissed me the girl bade him be quiet and not get too but he would not it taught me all i needed to know in one instant he persisted ah sweetheart how much happiness and suffering i have had on your account he stooped and kissed her tenderly as he spoke a black and after this it will be happiness only she whispered another kiss answered this what can i do if she asks me to the whole of another novel asked with a groan i think you might find time to oblige her said but you ought to explain things you ought not to let her your position any longer he said that this was true and that he would act upon the suggestion he had her father s consent and nothing could stand in the way of his marriage to before the year ended it was not right of course to go on with the of being engaged to both the sisters but i wish i could escape doing that writing he added i hate fiction any way i have been at work on one of my own that i fear i never shall finish there is much sadness in novels and i like joy so much better i believe i shall abandon the whole field this she would not listen to she said her husband that was to be must become a famous writer for she wanted to be very proud of him and mr came in to the room and having the question put to him decided it in the same manner as he was sure to do when he learned that his younger daughter held that opinion the retired merchant bore the appearance of a man from whose shoulders the severe burden of a great weight had fallen the tiger that had crouched so long in his path ready at any moment to spring had been beyond the profound humiliation of knowing that his sin was exposed to the gaze of two of his intimate friends he had no cause for present grief both of them had proved friends indeed and nothing was to be feared from any quarter had disappeared immediately after the interview at the house and it was supposed had gone back to france there was to be no about the wedding after all now that the young couple felt perfectly sure of each other they were more willing than they had been to wait the freedom that an understood engagement brings to americans was theirs if had only known the true condition of affairs and was content with them they would have been perfectly satisfied an old story tells how a certain colony of came to the unanimous conclusion that a bell should be hung around the neck of a cat for which they had a well defined fear and it also relates that none of the were willing to undertake the task of placing the warning signal in the desired position and wished heartily that could be told the exact condition of their hopes and expectations but neither had the courage to inform her many of their long conversations referred to this matter and one day when they had discussed it as usual hit upon a bright idea you don t suppose do you that mr would tell for us he has done so many nice things he might do one more wore a thoughtful expression he re a black how much had already done for him realized it more fully than did but he said the matter was worth thinking of he wanted very much to have it settled would would you ask him he stammered he would do anything for you yes she responded softly i will ask him but we had best be together i do not want to the matter unless you are there in a few days the opportunity came mr heard the voice he loved best explaining the situation we want to understand said if she if she still likes herself there may be an unpleasant scene and you will see how difficult it is for either of us to tell her but you who have done so many for us could convey the information to her without the we should feel will you dear mr and said he would and that it would be a pleasure to him and a bright light the faces of the young people as another stone was rolled out of the pathway their feet were to tread mr did not know how to approach his subject except by a more or less direct route one day he was talking with miss about her new novel and she spoke of mr in connection with its to the required i don t know as will find time to help you out he replied he
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is so busy just now with miss she did not seem to comprehend him in the least oh he is merely filling in the time as a matter m we want to understand of amusement she answered when i am ready he will be he looked at her earnestly is it fair to speak of love making as a matter of amusement miss love making is he then for his novel with also she inquired i am afraid he will get views of love in that quarter she is such a child that she can have little knowledge of the subject she had evidently no suspicion of the truth and he determined to become more explicit perhaps that is exactly what he wishes said he the virgin heart of a young girl certainly affords tempting ground for the of a for the first time she showed a slightly startled face i trust you do not mean that mr is deceiving my sister with pretended affection she said i did not think him that kind of man if he is making love to her as you call it surely she understands that it is only for the purposes of his novel mr drew a long breath is it possible he asked that you do not know him better than even to hint that suspicion is honor he would not lead any woman to believe him her lover unless he truly felt the sentiments he expressed miss looked much relieved j am glad to hear you say so she replied a black was plunged into a new he had evidently made no progress whatever thus far no he continued slowly he has not deceived miss his love for her is as true as steel i understand their engagement is to be announced in a few days if he had known the pain that these words would bring to their if he had foreseen the anguish that was on that brow and in those eyes friend as he was of the young couple who had set him to this errand he would have shrunk from it made no verbal reply chased each other over her white face she seemed stricken dumb her hands lifted to her forehead trembled visibly and mr sat there uncertain what to do as silent as herself gradually the force of the storm passed and miss staggered faintly to her feet mr offered to support her with his arms but she refused his aid with a motion that was unmistakable she was making every effort to conceal her agitation and she dared not trust herself with words after taking a weak step or two and finding that she could not walk she rested herself upon the arm of a large chair and signed to him to leave her much but knowing no other course he bowed profoundly and obeyed the signal the next morning he received the following letter at his hotel mr a sir if you are in any respect a gentleman which i may be excused for doubting you will not to understand allude in the presence of any one to the exhibition i made to day had i had the least preparation i could have controlled myself you took me at a complete disadvantage and you saw the result i leave to morrow for a new home never again shall i live under the roof of those who have betrayed me do not think i shall to grief because of my sister s conduct she is welcome to her victory no answer to this is expected yours m a f luckily had escaped from without meeting either or and he obeyed as strictly as possible the he received from the elder sister all he would say was that he had informed her of the engagement and that she had made no reply when he was told a day or two later that had left the house he merely remarked that he was not much surprised as she was a girl of strong will and usually did about as she pleased mr at first much distressed over his daughter s action grew reconciled when he thought of it more at length he sent a liberal allowance to her which she did not return and made arrangements by which she could draw the same sum at her convenience at a bank in the city a black chapter xxii where was the wedding was arranged to occur in the month of october and the preparations so dear to the hearts of all young women were pushed with there were to be no beyond the ones necessary and the company to visit the was limited to a dozen of the family s most intimate friends when the evening came was on hand wearing an extra large waistcoat and a countenance such as would have best a funeral came his keen eye alert several chapters in the great novel that was writing based on the experiences of the next few weeks but wrote a note at the last minute that a business engagement that could not be postponed had called him to a distant point and sending a magnificent ornament in large pearls for the bride to whom he wished with her husband all health and happiness mr had had many arguments with mr in opposition to the early date set for the wedding he had shown that according to the best models the hero of s novel which was practically the young man himself ought to pass through some very scenes yet before his wedded happiness began he feared an anti climax and was apprehensive tiiat the wonderful romance would lie where was untouched for long months while honey from the lips of his beloved and he acted as if these things were entirely at the disposal of mr as if the young couple were mere whose actions he could control you could put it off if you liked said
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you could introduce other elements that would be the making of the novel and you ought to do it they should not marry before next spring at the earliest you run the risk of everything good god cried you talk like a fool i would have postponed it forever if i could and you know it but she loves him and there is nothing to be gained by delay confound you and your old novel with the happiness of two human beings at stake you talk about a piece of fiction as if it was worth more than a life straightened himself up in his chair it is worth a hundred times more he answered boldly a novel such as s ought to be would give pleasure to millions but i see you are bound to have your way the only hope left is that there will be trouble enough after marriage to the story to the end a milk and water existence for them would make all the work already done on this manuscript mere wasted time turned from his friend in disgust could the man talk nothing think nothing but shop but did not come to the wedding he knew the final strain would be more than he could bear it was one thing to sacrifice the woman he jl black loved and quite another to see her given into the arms of the rival he had encouraged one may do the noblest things at a respectful distance and find himself physically unable to view them at greater of course was almost too happy to breathe but even the happiest of lovers somehow manage to a of to keep life in them though they have no knowledge of the process by which this is accomplished he had seen several of his productions in type some in the leading magazines and he had a permanent position now on the staff of a great when the month he had allowed himself as necessary for a wedding journey was ended he would settle down to work and he knew no reason why he might not make a success in his chosen field and there was always he would never again be separated from who that has loved and been loved can doubt the perfect content of this young man the face at was that of mr who failed in his best attempts to appear cheerful he was not sorry that his daughter was to be married he would not have put a single obstacle in her way but she was going from him and the very very dear relations they had so long sustained would never be exactly the same again it was the destiny of a woman to to her husband he found no fault with the law of nature but he had clung to so that he could not welcome very sincerely the hour that was to take her away was the marriage was to be early in the evening everything was ready even to the trunks filled with and other dresses the night was to be passed at the imperial hotel in the city and the journey proper to be begun some time on the following day on the most momentous morning of her life announced that she had an errand to do in the city and would return shortly after o clock as she was so thoroughly her own mistress nobody thought of questioning her more particularly but twelve o clock came and one o clock and three and five and she neither was seen at nor was any message received from her by the latter hour mr was in a state of excitement the entire house was in an uproar the servants were one by one to see if perchance any of them could guess the young lady s destination word was sent by to various places in the city asking information but none was received she had left the house to go to new york and nothing could be learned of her from that moment as mr was not expected until some time later mr went at last to the city and sought the young man at his rooms he found him in the company of dressed for the ceremony and impatient for the arrival of the hour when he should start for his bride s abode it may be conceived that the news mr brought was not the for him you you have not seen came the stain a black question as the father paused on the threshold of s room to day why certainly not was the answer i was just about to start for your house mr sank upon a sofa just inside the door something has happened he groaned ah my boy something has happened to my child looked at mr who in turn looked at mr she went away morning on an errand the father slowly saying she would return at noon and that is the last we have seen of her oh it seems as if i should go mad it seemed as if would go mad too he looked like one of sense as he stood there without uttering a word perhaps she has returned since you left home suggested mr on the spur of the instant don t lose heart yet let me send to a office and have them inquire you have a in your house have you not mr the father bowed in reply he was too crushed to say anything unnecessary touching a button mr soon had a messenger for the information desired and in the meantime he tried by suggesting possibilities to soothe the two men you shouldn t get so he protested there are a hundred slight accidents that might be responsible for miss s delay perhaps she has met with an insignificant accident and the word where was si i she has sent to her father has gone astray as happens
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very often in these days that would account for everything or she may have taken the wrong train an express that did not stop this side of and hesitated to telegraph for fear of alarming you don t cry till you re hurt is an old proverb why neither of you act much better than as if her dead body had been brought home they heard him but neither replied they waited it seemed an hour for an answer to the message and it came simply this nothing has been heard as yet of miss the thoroughly distressed and father shrank before the gaze of the lover when this news was by mr what is this were the bitter words he heard have you decided on another husband for your daughter and come to break the news to me in this fashion mr interfered to protect the old man whose suffering was evidently already too acute hush he exclaimed can t you see that you are killing him be careful waved him back with a of his arm your advice has not been asked he replied i can see some things if i am blind that girl has gone to the man she loves the man he indicating the father wanted her to marry he is rich and i am poor and he has won it is plain enough and he pretended day by day to ray face that he had given her up for my sake a black and she put her arms around me and me into confidence in order to strike me the harder at the end well let him have her i wouldn t take her from him but there s an account between us that he may not like to settle when you see your friend tell him that mr heard terrible sentences like a man in a dream it could not be was uttering them the man to whom his young daughter had given the full affection of her innocent heart h was mad to talk that way mad mad you will repent these rash statements said the old gentleman rising faintly from his seat you will repent them sir in i wish with my heart that mr was here for he would at least try to help me find my child mr suggested that mr would be at soon as he had an invitation to the wedding no replied mr i received word from him to day that he could not attend he is out of the city gave vent to an expression of are you yourself deceived he exclaimed he will not attend my wedding certainly not j he is attending his own if indeed he does not compass his ends without that preliminary weak and old as mr was he have struck the speaker had not the third person in the room interfered do you dare to speak in that manner of my daughter he cried must you attack the where was not only of my best friend but of my child as well i thank god at this moment whatever be her fate that she did not join her life to yours with a majestic step he strode from the presence of his late son in law with a feeling that some one should accompany him followed but first he turned to speak in a low key to the do not go out to night unless you hear from me he said this may not be as bad as you think after all i will go to and return with what news i can get don t act until you are certain of your premises the young man was removing his wedding suit already i shall not go out he responded you might write a few pages on your novel suggested the critic as he stood in the there will never be a better a vigorous movement the door in his face before he could complete his sentence hastening after mr accompanied him home where the first thing he heard was that there was still no news of the missing one f a black chapter an awful night it was an awful night for the presence in the house of mr and mr aided him but little to bear the weight that pressed upon his heart it was better than being entirely alone but not a great deal together tliey listened whenever their ears caught an unusual sound twenty times they went together to the street door and opened it to find nothing before them morning came and still no tidings the earliest trains from the city were visited by servants for the master of the house was too exhausted to make the journey and at nine o clock the gentlemen who had passed the night at took the railway back to new york with no solution of the great problem mr had not been in his office an hour before the door opened and in walked the critic started from his chair at the unexpected sight and remarked that he had not expected to sec his visitor so early i presume you heard the news and came home at once he added mr was pale and wore the look of one whose rest has been disturbed i don t know what you mean he replied m i w called away on business that i could not ah awful night i and came back as soon as i could i fear the thought it rather rough of me to stay away from th wedding but i could not very well help it you were there of course everything went off well trust the speaker had the air of a man who tries to ap at ease when he is not his voice trembled slightly and his hands from one portion of his apparel to another then you have heard nothing repeated gravely prepare yourself for a shock there was no
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wedding last night at the miss disappeared yesterday morning and has not been seen since if mr had been pale before his face was like a dead man s now with many expressions of incredulity he listened to the explanations that followed he declared that the occurrence was past belief and that he could see no way to account for it clearly something had happened that the girl could not prevent she would never have herself of her own accord she loved the man who was to be her husband and if she had wished to her marriage she could have easily arranged it i can think of nothing but a fit of temporary insanity he added with a sigh and poor fellow how does he take it completely broken up i suppose when he heard the attitude that mr had assumed mr seemed little by little mr revealed to him the answers that the young man had made to mr finally a black ring to the charge that he mr had with the bride s face grew more and more rigid as he listened but the anger that the had anticipated did not show there he is crazy was the mild reply i will go and see him at once and his assistance in the thorough search that must be undertaken come leave your work for an hour and go with me remembering his promise to return in the morning with the latest tidings mr put on his hat and coat and entered the cab which his friend summoned he felt that he was about to witness another chapter that would make most dramatic reading in that great novel you had best let me go in first he whispered when they stood at s door he is in an frame of mind i fear for answer brushed the speaker aside and preceded him into the chamber without the formality of a knock lay before them in his easy chair bearing evidence in his attire that he had not during the night he greeted his visitors with nothing more han a look of inquiry i only heard of your terrible disaster a few moments ago said mr i learn that miss had not been heard from up to nine o clock this morning we must bring all our energies to bear on this matter her father is unable to help us much for all we know she may be in the most awful danger rouse yourself and let us consult what is best to do aw awful was written on the quiet face that looked up at him from the why don t you tell us what you have done with her v sa lips slowly mr trembled with suppressed emotion this is no time for he replied or i might answer that in a different way we must find this girl before we go to the police let us consider all the possibilities for they will us with questions did any one think he asked suddenly turning to of sending word to her sister mr replied that they had done so a servant had been early in the evening to s residence and had returned with the answer that she had heard nothing of miss and did not wish to she had previously sent a sarcastic reply to an invitation to attend the wedding and she never came to comfort her father in his distress exclaimed mr what a daughter they could get nothing out of he answered a dozen times that it would be much easier for mr to send home or to write to her father that she was in his keeping than to attempt th difficult task of deceiving the police who would have enough to him then you will do nothing to help us demanded his patience becoming exhausted though he kept his temper very in that case we must a black lose no more time ah i thought you worthy of that creature but now he checked himself before finishing the sentence and went out into the hall i think i had best go to and consult with mr he said to in a low tone there is a possibility that his daughter has returned since you came away what an awful list of horrible thoughts crowd on one if you can help me any i will send you word later when mr was gone mr opened the door and looked again into s room the young man had not changed his position in the least he has started for he said what do you think of his explanation in regard to his absence last night i think i know it is a lie was the quick reply you really believe she went away to meet him and that he has passed the last twenty four hours with her undoubtedly the critic waited a minute do you think they are married he asked closed his eyes as a terrible pain shot across them he wondered dimly why this fellow should delight in uttering things that must cause suffering whether to say more but thinking that he had left the right idea in the young man s mind for the purpose he had in view he softly withdrew from the chamber and left the s when looked up again some minutes later he was alone mr s hand was grasped feebly by the owner of when he came into the presence of the gentleman though completely exhausted mr had not been able to sleep he listened wearily while his suggested possibilities to account for his daughter s absence but could not agree that any of them were probable when the idea was of communicating with the police he shrank from that course but finally admitted that it must be adopted if all else failed in answer to a hundred questions he could only say that he had no idea of anything that could make her
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absence voluntary she loved her chosen husband said the old man when she hears what i have to tell her she will hold a different opinion then said the latter expression she must either be the victim of an accident a fit cl or h could not bear to finish the sentence but the bowed in acquiescence lunch was served and mr sat down to it trying by his example to persuade mr to take a few neither of them had any appetite and the attempt was a dismal failure i leave everything to you said the host as mr prepared to take his departure you are the truest friend i ever had and whatever you decide i will but i have an awful sinking at the heart a feeling that i shall never see my child a black alive do you believe in i have felt for weeks that some misfortune hung over me before mr could reply a servant entered with a message that had just been received tearing it open hastily mr uttered a cry and handed it to his companion i am alive and look for me to morrow a of tears drowned the exclamations of joy that the father began to utter alive he exclaimed and will be home tomorrow ah mr hope is not lost after all but why why does she leave me in my loneliness another night is there any way in which you can explain this mystery mr confessed his inability to do so he tried however to show the father the bright side of the affair and bade him rest tranquil in the certainty that only a few hours separated him from the child he adored when came home she would explain everything to his satisfaction in the meantime he ought to indulge in for what he had learned rather than in regrets go to bed and get a good rest he added i will make a journey to the telegraph office in the city and see if it is possible to trace this message if i learn anything i will ring you upon the at once and remember if you do not hear from me there is a proverb that no news is good news has promised to come home to morrow this awful night is something definite an hour ago we were plunged in despair now we have a certainty that should us up to the highest hope catching at this view of the case mr consented to seek rest and mr took the next train to the city engaging a carriage he bade the driver take him with all speed to mr s residence notwithstanding the harsh manner in which he had been treated by his late friend he wanted to be the first to inform him that had been heard from he was naturally under the upon his own honor and felt that the in his hand would at least remove that suspicion i couldn t help coming again he said when he was in the presence of the i know despite the cruel manner you have assumed that you still love and will be glad to hear that she is safe from harm here is a that her father has just received stating that she is well and will be at home to morrow his face glowed with pleasure as he held out the but darkened again when declined to take it in his hand the young man had not moved apparently from the chair in which he had been seen three hours before and his expression of countenance was unchanged does she say where she passed the night and with whom he inquired no but she says she is well and will return is not that a great deal when we have feared some accident perhaps a fatal one the uttered a laugh a black my god why do you treat me like this exclaimed mr excitedly i have been your friend in everything as true to you as man could be if i had done the thing of which you accuse me why should i come to you at all i could have taken my bride and gone to the other end of the earth we need not have adopted these contemptible measures but although i did care for this girl more than i ever cared or ever shall care for another i knew it was you she loved and i did all i could to aid you in your suit have you forgotten how i brought her here as you lay in that very chair and removed the that had grown up between you as god hears me i have no idea what caused her absence last night i am going now to the telegraph office to trace if possible the message and find where she is at present for i want to relieve her father s mind still more seemed partially convinced by this outburst he left his chair and began slowly to arrange his attire before the mirror if you are sincere he said i will accompany you i will also do my best to discover the of this young woman you must remain with me till she is found if we do not see her before tomorrow morning we will walk into her presence at together do you agree to this with all my heart was the joyous reply in ten minutes they entered the carriage at the door and were driven to the station from which the had been sent this ends it then chapter xxiv this ends it then there was nothing to be learned at the as near as could be remembered a boy had brought the message paid for it and vanished only one discovery amounted to anything the original was produced and proved to be in s handwriting to this and he knew the characters too well to be mistaken it was not advisable
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in mr s opinion to go to the police after the receipt of this word from the missing girl it would only add to the of the family in case the press got hold of the news but he did think it wise to go to see and find a man named whose reputation as a was great he could rely on the absolute silence of both of them the ride to s was consequently made next and by good fortune happened to be in he listened gravely to the situation as it was by mr but expressed his opinion that nothing would be gained by doing anything before the next day that is genuine he said it follows that unless she is detained forcibly she will be at home to morrow the writing in this message is not like that of a person under threats like one compelled to send a false statement your best way is to wait till she comes home providing it is not later than she and hear her story perhaps it a black will explain the mystery if she to do thi i will undertake to it to the bottom if you wish mr took no part in this discussion he was becoming convinced that was innocent of any in this affair but he was still to talk much where shall we go now he asked when they came out of the to the house said i believe with that we can do nothing to night very well to the house they would go but they had not been in s room five minutes when a boy came up with a message from mr stating that was safe at let us return without delay said we should not lose a moment in removing this terrible cloud come we can catch the six o clock train if we hasten mechanically the younger man followed his companion through the hall down the and into a carriage at the door forty minutes later they alighted from the train at and were soon in the familiar parlor at mr s a servant who had admitted them stated that miss had been home about two hours but that she was now lying down he would inquire whether she would receive the visitors what seemed an interminable time followed before the appearance of mr and his daughter when at last they came in together leaning on each this ends it then other they were two as forlorn objects as one can imagine the sight of his sweetheart s woe face smote like a blow he regretted to the bottom of his heart the cruel things he had thought and said of her he exclaimed stepping forward my he could get no further for mr with a majestic motion of his hand waved him back the ence of the intended bridegroom was evidently not agreeable to the old gentleman sit down said mr in a voice addressing himself wholly to i to you that my daughter had returned for i knew you would be anxious he bore with special stress on the word you i i did not know that you intended to bring any other person the allusion to was so direct that he could not help attempting some kind of a reply who could be more anxious than i he asked in a tone that was very sweet and tender in vivid contrast the old man thought to his manner of the preceding evening no one has a greater interest to learn where she has been these long desolate hours mr abandoned his intention not to recognize the fact that was present and turned upon him with a fierce glare in his sunken eyes what right have you to ask questions he demanded pressing the trembling form of his daughter to his own you were the first to doubt her even her innocence this lamb that would have given her a black life for you only yesterday she has returned to and henceforth she is mine you could not have her though you came on your knees you wish to know where she has been well you never will she will not tell you it is her own affair i am speaking for her when i say that we desire no more of your visits to this house we are through with you thank god it would be hard to tell which of the two men who listened to this was the more surprised mr felt his heart sink as well as did clung to her father without raising her eyes and there was nothing to indicate that she disputed his all was over between her and nothing could bring them together again and she did not mean to the cause of her remaining away a day and a night that day and night that been expected to and succeed her marriage rose slowly he bent his eyes earnestly on the father and daughter and his voice was firm when one is dismissed there is nothing for him but to go i regret sincerely what i said last night when the horror of this came suddenly upon me i love you and i know by what you have told me so often that you love me are the foolish of a distracted man to separate us forever conceive the agony i was in when at the very moment i was to start for my wedding i heard that my bride could not be found if i had not adored you passionately would i have been on the verge of madness saying and doing things without reason and excuse i am ordered to leave you my sweetheart and if you do not bid me stay i can only obey the but i love you more at this moment than ever all i ask to know is why you made this flight if your answer is satisfactory there will be nothing
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on my part to prevent our marriage wished that he could have led this young man aside for just a moment to show him that this was no time to make demands or he had no doubt that would explain everything a little later all that was wanted now was a of the dismissal that mr had pronounced but he could not control the stormy ocean upon which they rode you seem singularly crime the shaking voice of the old gentleman it is not tor you to dictate terms we want to see you no more is not that clear enough it certainly did not seem to be lingered wondering if these were really to be the last phrases he would hear in that house in that very room where he had expected to hear the words that would make this sweet girl his for life he said addressing himself once more to the silent figure i cannot believe you have so soon learned to hate me she looked up at the solemn face and then dropped her eyes again you will tell me where you were he pleaded it is ray right to know a black she looked up again with a wild horror in her features oh i cannot she cried i never can tell you i never can this statement shocked more than one person in that room up to this moment mr had only understood from the expressions of his daughter when she entered the house that she did not wish to be questioned at that time she had also explained to him that she had sent the to make the coast clear of all except her parent as she did not wish to meet others on her first arrival when he had urged the duty of informing mr she had not dreaming that mr would be in his company and now the old man felt that there was more in the answer she had given than he had suspected something very like a confession of wrong mr felt this also though he could not believe meant anything very and had a dagger in his breast as he reflected what interpretation might be given to her words you cannot he repeated the position in which he stood and the presence of the others you must r mr made haste to the storm that he saw was still rising let us be considerate he said miss is not well she is tired and nervous to morrow when she has rested she will be only too glad to tell us the history of her strange disappearance mr looked uneasily from his daughter to the this ends it then gentlemen and back again he loved her dearly and in this new danger that seemed to threaten her danger perhaps even to her reputation he wanted more than over to shield her from all harm whatever had happened she was his child she should not be and by any one but did not give him time to speak in her she answered mr almost as soon as the question left his lips it cannot be not to morrow nor at any other time can i tell you or any person anything you must never ask me it would merely give me pain and heaven knows i shall suffer enough without it let me say a little more for this is the last time i shall ever speak of these things to you mr i want to give my warmest thanks you have been a true friend to me and mine i do not mean to seem ungrateful but i can tell you no more and as for you she turned with set eyes to the you know what we were to each other it is all ended now even if you had expressed no in me when you heard i had disappeared it would be just the same i hold no hard feelings against you whatever my father may say it is simply good by i shall not remain here much longer do not let this make you unhappy any longer than you can help now you must excuse me for my strength is gone had been much longer saying these things than the reader will be in them they had come in as from one in severe pain and there were pauses of many seconds when she had a black she rose and leaning heavily on the feeble old man who escorted her walked slowly out of the well this ends it then said gloomily following the fair figure with heavy eyes no it does not it shall not replied there is some dreadful mistake here and a little time will clear it away have patience the gazed at the speaker with a strange look i have treated you like a brute he said slowly and i have treated mr just as badly my punishment is well deserved but how can this puzzle of her absence be accounted for of course she would have had to satisfy me on that point before i could have married her the listener turned toward a window and yet you talk of love he said recovering if that girl had done me the honor she did you i would not have asked her such a question i would have refused to listen if it gave her the slightest pain to tell i wonder she did not love you instead of me for she did love me once was the sober reply you would be a thousand times better more suitable than i there was no reply to this but the two men walked slowly out of the house and to the station where they took the next train for the city on the way they talked little and at the grand central they separated who had in some strange way this ends it learned the news of miss s return was awaiting in
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his rooms well i hear the missing one is found he said as the came in yes she is with her father but the peculiar thing is that she her lips absolutely about her absence she not only refuses to speak now but that her refusal is final mr hesitated what card to play when does the marriage take place he asked finally with me never i have been thrown over unless she had explained i could not have married her any way could i the critic said he did not know it would certainly have been awkward and what is your theory he added do you still lay anything to no i am completely but never mind it is over stretched himself and yawned do you know i almost doubt if i have really been in love at all i feel a queer sense of relief at being out of it though there is a dull pain too that isn t exactly comfortable i told coming in that she should have married him upon my soul i wish she would she s an awful nice little thing and he has a heart that is genuine enough for her well it s odd anyway astonishment was written on the face of the other gentleman as he heard these statements you hare at least gained one point he said im a black you have done the best part of the greatest novel that ever was written sit down as soon as you can and finish it and we shall see your name so high up on the temple of fame that no contemporary of this generation can reach it so high the letters will be i fear responded with a laugh where do you think i can get the supper in new york i am positively starved i don t believe i ve eaten a thing since yesterday if you can help me any to clear the board let us go together this invitation was accepted and began making a more particular toilet taking great pains with the set of his and spending at least ten minutes extra on his hair when he had finished himself he never had allowed a to touch his face you won t lose any time on the novel will you asked anxiously while these preparations were in progress you must take hold of it while the events are fresh in your mind all right i ll begin again to morrow morning and stick to the work till it s done where shall we go to supper i ll tell you s the critic could not conceal his surprise at the that had taken place so suddenly in the young man s conduct he stared at him with a look that approached consternation you want to go there he exclaimed unable to control himself you wish to dine with some pretty girl eh t start violently an no no not yet he answered we can get a supper room without that i wish to be among men as mean as myself i want to dine in a house full of people who would cut a woman s throat or break her heart and sleep soundly when they had done it i chapter xxv an secret the did not stay much longer at crushed by their misfortunes neither cared to remain near the scenes that had made them so unhappy nor where they would be likely to meet faces which kept alive their grief the father knew no more than at first concerning the strange conduct of his daughter she had told him nothing and he had not asked her a single question it was enough for him that she was bowed with a great trouble his only thought was to her distress in every possible way he was old how old he had not realized until that week when she changed from a happy laughing girl standing at the threshold of a marriage she longed for to a sombre shadow that walked silently by his side he was the one who under ordinary circumstances should have received the care and the but everything was altered now he guided and directed the younger feet even though his own were faltering and slow a b where they had gone no one seemed to know received one brief note from mr thanking him again in touching phrase for his many and saying that wished to add her most earnest wish for his happiness the letter said they were going away for some time but no more he went one day to hoping to learn something from the servants and found the home entirely deserted a neighbor told him a real estate agent near by had the keys but that the place was neither for sale nor to rent the agent when found could add nothing to his stock of information mr had merely mentioned that he was going on a journey and asked to have a man sleep at the house during his absence as a precaution against robbery mr saw two or three times but the were so unsatisfactory that he felt them not worth repeating the told him as he had told that he did not believe he had ever really loved and was actually relieved now that the strain was ended no persuasion could turn him from this statement which he made rather in explanation of his present course than as a of it had persuaded him that a love affair was necessary to develop his talents as a writer before he knew what he was about such an affair had been upon him he had felt its pleasures and pains to the and now it was ended all that was left as a result was a pile of which the critic pronounced wonderful it was as if he had been in a trance or secret henceforth he would confine his writings to or to poetic
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talking with a man who held these views was not inspiring to put it mildly and reluctantly gave up all hopes of making a happy woman through this source he had dreamed of the mystery that surrounded her and placing the young couple again in the position which by some horrible had been so changed in the short space of one day though he still loved with all the warmth of his nature had no thought of trying to win her for himself she had given the of her innocent heart to and he did not believe she was one to change her affections to another so soon as this what had happened what had happened he thought it over day by day and night by night among the things he did before leaving new york for ke felt that a journey was necessary for him was to seek out he found the elder sister to every suggestion of love for her family she believed herself injured by them and would have nothing more to do with either as to the strange affair regarding she declared she had no theory she did not think it sufficiently interesting even to try to one her time was given to writing and she had found another assistant that quite filled s place the firm of scratch had accepted her latest novel as she did not care to have anything more to do with mr a black when she mentioned the name of mr looked at her intently and saw that she uttered it with the utmost calmness she had hardened her fancied had made her a different woman she was cynical before but now she was bitter ha would not have believed that such an alteration could have taken place in so short a time what is your new book about he asked trying to be polite crime she answered briefly it with the lowest of the low it suits the mood i am in i am writing of things so terrible that they will hardly be to get at my facts i have to go into the most quarters and associate with the but i am going to make a hit that has not been in recent years p he smiled sadly had the same expectation he said and yet he tells me that he is doing nothing on that wonderful tale over which i have heard so often he has reached a point where lie can go no farther and unless he himself all he has done is merely wasted time closed her eyes till they resembled those of a cat at keep watch for mine she said it will be all i claim for it during the winter mr was in as spring approached he returned to the east and visited a well known resort in north where by one of those curious that happen to he found himself placed at table aw secret exactly opposite to mr the ordinary and explanations followed and then mr alluded to a more interesting subject i think i can surprise you he remarked by something that i learned the other day mr and miss are living within five miles of here it was certainly news and entirely unexpected at that those people might be in for all had known and indeed he had supposed they were on the other side of the ocean he listened with interest while went on to say that they had hired an old plantation house and grounds and were living a strictly secluded life the had seen them in one of his drives through the country and had talked a few minutes with mr but and he said it with a touch of he had not been invited to visit them nor had any apology been made for the neglect by george i thought it rather tough he added considering the way you and i got him out of that s but you must remember what he has since endured replied mildly and there s been no explanation of any sort not the slightest i d give half i m worth if i could get a clue it me all the time a life like that girl s ruined simply ruined in hours and nobody able to tell why it s enough to drive a man frantic mr did not drive immediately to which he learned was the name of the estate that mr but he enclosed his card in a hotel e a black and sent it there by mail without a word of comment if they thought it best to see him h would be glad to go otherwise he would not intrude on their privacy several days after were slow in the south an answer came it briefly requested that mr and mr if the latter were still in town would come to lunch on the following wednesday slightly at the apparent difference made between him and but ended by going with his friend to mr did not look any worse than when had last seen him indeed if anything he had improved in appearance time helps most to put on a better face and though the marks of what he had passed through would not be likely to leave his countenance the utter had in a measure when came into the parlor she also wore a mien not quite so crushed as when she left the room at with her words of farewell whatever her trouble was it had not left her without something to live for her youth was doing its work and it seemed to the anxious eyes of the that time would restore her nearly if not quite to her former radiance in the presence of mr neither father nor daughter cared to discuss the past they talked of the plantation on which they resided of the pleasant drives in the vicinity and of matters connected with the world in general
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of which they had learned through the newspapers but after the lunch was finished found himself alone with wan ah through the extensive oak forest that gave the place its name how long shall you stay here he asked her as a the other questions he wanted to follow it i don t know she replied we shall probably go north during the warm weather perhaps to the white mountains he suggested that it must be rather at not for us she said quickly we are all in all to each other and require no thickly settled community to satisfy us he said after a pause there are things i must say to you and i hope with all my heart you will find a way to answer them in the first place do you believe me really truly your friend she placed her hand in his for answer the action meant more than any form of words then tell me tell me as freely as if i were your brother your priest why you stayed from home that night she withdrew the hand he held to place it with the other over her eyes it is impossible she responded with a gasp i told you that i never could explain and i never can he looked sorely disappointed i know no person on earth not even my father she proceeded giving him back the clasp she had loosened that i would tell it to sooner than you i have not given him the least hint i know it leaves you to think a thousand things and i can only throw a black myself on your mercy i can only ask you to re member all you knew of me before that day and decide whether a girl can change her whole mental and moral attitude in a moment he drew her arm through his and breathed a sigh on her forehead not for one second have i doubted your truth he replied believe that through everything but i hoped for an explanation for something that might assist me to punish the guilty ones for such there must have been the face that she turned toward him was full of terror why do you say that she exclaimed because no no she cried interrupting him i do not want to hear you we must not talk on the subject j there is nothing to be told nothing to be guessed this must be alluded to no more between us it must end here and now thoroughly disappointed he could do no more than in the decision and he indicated as much by a profound bow then she changed the conversation by an abrupt allusion to when he told her as he thought it wisest to do how well the young man had borne his loss she said she was very thankful she had feared that he would suffer when he came to his senses and it was a mercy that this reflection had been spared her he spoke of her sister and of the call he had made upon her however the disagreeable features of her remarks said she had as secret written twice and received no reply it was evident that the separation in the family was final toward evening the visitors drove back to their hotel discussing the strange events that had occurred did not close his eyes that night the love he had tried to suppress broke forth in all its original he could not sleep with the object of his adoration five miles away so lonely and so desolate the next day mr went away and the next after this a new visitor carried from the north on coming out upon the to smoke mr found there the surprise was mutual dying of was glad even to meet the they talked for hours and afterward went to ride together it appeared that had come south to get material for an article in the interest of the magazine on which he was employed one night a week later came into s room and asked if he would like to take a moonlight with him glad of any means to vary the awful monotony accepted and the horses were soon mounted noticed that the route was in the direction of but as he supposed knew nothing of the presence of the there and as the family were doubtless at this time he made no attempt to induce him to take an opposite course it was a sad pleasure to pass within so a distance of the roof that sheltered the one he loved best on they rode until they were a black within a mile of and then drew his animal down to a walk a little further he turned sharply into a by path and alighted what s all this asked with astonishment chapter xxvi i played and i lost did not immediately reply he busied himself by tying his horse to a tree taking particular pains to make the knot good and strong he apparently wanted a little time to think what form of words to use i want you to see something that will interest you he said finally in the lowest tone that could well be heard if you will follow my example and accompany me some distance further i think you will be paid for your trouble mr was pale he felt certain that this strange visit had been and that some revelation regarding the family was about to be made the dread of an unknown possibility for which he had no preparation affecting the girl for whom he had so deep a love him i have a right to ask you to explain he responded if your statement is satisfactory i will accompany you gladly i do not se the need of any in the matter l plates ut x the younger man drew a long breath and looked at the ground
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for some moments then he spoke again there are subjects he said that one does not like to discuss there are names that one to pronounce if you will tie your horse and go with me your eyes and ears will make questions unnecessary a momentary suspicion flashed through the mind of the other a suspicion that he was being to this lonely spot from a sinister motive thai his safety no good but it was immediately dismissed and after another second of delay slipped from his saddle and followed the example of his companion lead on he said without waiting for a second invitation began to penetrate the wood he found a after going a short distance and crept along it slowly taking evident pains not to make unnecessary noise they were going in the direction of and in less than ten minutes the chimneys of that residence could be seen in front of them a little further and stopped placing himself in the attitude of an attentive listener the silence was profound a slight chill the atmosphere but neither of the felt cold on the contrary perspiration covered the bodies of both of them went very slowly along the path till he came near a fence and then from it drew himself quietly into a thick to follow here the a black leader sank to the ground with a motion which that the journey was temporarily at least at an end and the second member of the party followed his example half an hour passed with nothing to indicate the reason for these most peculiar actions half an hour that was interminable to mr torn with a thousand fears as to what it might all at last however a faint sound broke the stillness some one was approaching touched the shoulder of his companion to indicate the necessity of absolute silence hardly ten feet away there passed a tall form walking with a quick stride as of one who has no suspicion that he is watched by eyes as the man s face became visible in the moonlight it was well that had a pressure of warning on his companion s shoulder it was almost impossible for the latter to restrain an exclamation that would have ruined everything it was the face of the negro turned his eyes toward what could this strange visit of s to that vicinity did he intend ta murder the master of the house and the daughter what was he doing there at an hour not much short of midnight the terrors of previous gave way to yet more horrible ones but the mute appeal that he shot at his companion produced no answer except a resolute rt i played i lost of the head an absolute against the least sound or movement reached the fence and without any attempt at concealment climbed over it into the where were situated the house and of the estate he acted like one who knows his ground and has no occasion to pick his way he went however but a little farther in the direction of the residence in a place where the shadow of a hid him from the possible view of any one looking from the windows he waited in an attitude of expectation the difficulty of himself grew stronger and stronger for he wanted to end this terrible doubt to spring over that fence this fellow by the throat and demand what business he had on those premises at that hour realized all that was passing in his mind and kept his hand still on his shoulder at the same time warning him by signs that the least movement would ruin everything it seemed to when he thought it over afterward that he had never endured such pain he knew beyond reasonable doubt that was awaiting some one by appointment who could it be that was the question that might have answered in a whisper but that he preferred for some mysterious reason his friend should discover in the natural course of events and that course was horribly slow everything has an end and the dread of the changed to another feeling as he saw distinctly one of the outer doors of the residence open s a black and s form come out without glancing to the right or the left she walked in the direction where the negro was waiting for an instant overcome by his apprehensions closed both his eyes in despair the voice of was at last heard in his ear a whisper nearly him not to betray his presence whatever the provocation when opened his eyes again he saw that stood in an attitude of respect when the girl approached he bowed without offering any more intimate courtesy had the look of one who has made up her mind to endure an unpleasant interview and desires to end it as quickly as possible well she said in a low tone i am going to morrow he replied in a voice that shook with emotion yes and as i told you i want to say good by once more breathed a trifle easier he could not what fears had crowded upon him they were in their but some of them had already flown you are as cold as ever continued the voice of the negro in a that was meant to be do you think i could be anything else was the quick reply as if forced from lips that had meant to remain silent has your conduct been such as to make me like or respect you th negro s eyes fell before her indignant gaze i and i lost no he answered humbly i expect nothing i ask nothing i can see my mistakes now and yet it would have been no different had i played the part of an angel toward you the entire question with you was settled in advance by the fact that my skin
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was black the pressure on s shoulder grew heavier from time to time as his companion realized his temptation to break from his covert if it had been as white as any man s who ever lived replied boldly your conduct would have earned the contempt of a self respecting person a an a against the peace of mind of an old man and a young girl who never you i wonder you can talk of other reasons when you created so many by your wicked acts shrugged his shoulders it is true nevertheless he replied i am a negro in a moment of insanity i dreamed i was a man i dreamed i might gain for my wife a woman whose ancestors had been born in a more than my own to gain that end i took the only course that seemed open i possessed myself of an influence that would make her father fear me well i played and i lost and then like other players and even white ones i was desperate you were to be married to another a man hated life had lost its only charm i could not bear that you should be his bride my torture was intense i asked but for death a black these revelations so novel to at least one of the listeners smote him with terrific force you asked for more said the girl hoarsely you asked for my death as well as your own and you wanted me to die in such a situation that all the world would say i had perished willingly with you could anything more cowardly be conceived was anything more ever devised it was the morning of my wedding day my father was waiting for me at home my promised husband was preparing for the my friends were invited to the ceremony what were all these to you with cunning you sent me a letter in another person s handwriting saying that if i would come to a certain address and pay fifty dollars several notes given by my father would be returned to me you knew i would respond you knew i would tell no one where i was going as i did not expect to be detained more than an hour and there was apparently the strongest reasons for secrecy and when i was completely in your you gave me the alternative of marrying you or of taking the poison you had so carefully prepared oh how could you how you when you professed to like me there was a low in s throat that he could not suppress fearful that it might be heard in that dead silence shook his companion slightly mingled with his other emotions there now came to a wonder at the apparent coolness of the when one is willing to die for his love it should i and i lost not be questioned said the negro i could not have you in life i wanted you in death i wanted the world which had despised me to think a beautiful woman had preferred to die with me rather than marry a man she did not wish to wed but why should we recall that dreadful day and night you won the victory you with your superior over the african as your race has always over mine i demanded love or death you me from both and the next day i permitted you to depart and saw vanish with you the last hope of happiness i shall ever feel the rich voice of the speaker broke completely at the close but the girl who heard him seemed to feel no sympathy for his distress always yourself she exclaimed do you ever think of the life you left to me a life hardly more kind than the murder you contemplated before you opened the that you had meant for my tomb you made me swear never to reveal where i had passed those hours never no matter what the provocation was i to utter one word to you in the tragedy that had ruined two you were the one to be protected the one to suffer had it not been for the sacrifice to my reputation in being found there with you dead no explanation being possible from my closed lips i would have accepted the alternative and swallowed the poison rather than live to bear what i do to day closed his eyes again his was swimming a black and you are sure asked the negro after a pause that you have not that promise you can still swear that you have never even by a hint given the least cause of suspicion against me never said the girl i consider my oath binding notwithstanding the manner in which it was obtained you may live in what peace your conscience allows you free at least from that fear the negro evidently believed her for he heaved a sigh of relief l well good by he said good by she replied and you are not to come again remember there is nothing to be gained from another meeting between us if if you want money i can send it to you he lifted his head rather proudly at the last suggestion i do not want any he said i am not low enough for that i took the sum from you to go to france because i hoped in my that i could make myself something that you would not despise if i had wanted money i could have got thousands out of your father and i could still notwithstanding the pretence of those men that they wrote the i saw him no i mean to give you back what i had from you if ever i can compose my mind enough to go to work and earn it i have no ambition i stay in my mother s cabin day after day unable to make the least
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effort perhaps i can do something in time the negro took a step away and then turned as if unable to go so abruptly l played and i lost good by he said again good by answered i want to tell you now i think of it where i got that i gave you it was lent to me by the man you hated so mr did not seem to care for this information he did not lend it for any good will to me he replied i have heard by the way that he did not mind losing you this man for whom you a heart that your very i believe some day i ll take a shot at him the girl shuddered it would be like you she said if no one was looking and he did not know of your presence i don t believe with all your claims there is a manly trait in you the tall form drew itself up and the arms were folded firmly take care said the red lips sharply and the ivory white teeth gleamed oh i am not afraid replied my maid is watching us from behind the blinds of my room i told her my own story about why i was to meet you but should harm happen to me the alarm bell would ring out startled visibly at this information glanced in the direction indicated and then began to take his departure in earnest all right he said as he mounted the fence keep your word and i ll keep mine but if you play any tricks remember that s a game for two a black the men could not arise without startling who would undoubtedly have uttered a loud scream had they suddenly appeared before her vision they saw her stand there for at least ten minutes before she went into the house when she was out of t crawled into a safer place and rose to his feet i am going to follow that cur he muttered be his teeth to morrow is soon enough was the calm reply of his friend i know where he lives chapter absolutely most men who are by nature surprise friends on occasions by exhibiting great calmness who had often been thrown into the greatest heat by far less important than the one just seemed a picture of repose as he walked through the wood with his friend in the direction of the horses they had how did you discover they were going to have this meeting asked nervously i am all at sea i have been on his track ever since the day i was to have been married was the reply i didn t intend to leave a mystery like that i discovered that the were living here and that absolutely s originated a few miles further on i found that miss was still a little afraid of him that he was using an influence over her which was to say the least strange before i got at the truth i had some queer you may believe mr stared at his companion but how did you learn all this he demanded oh said with a slight laugh i ve been in this neighborhood for two months they haven t met once but i heard every word they said little by little i gained the truth of the matter and to night as it was perhaps the last time they would be together i wanted you to understand it perfectly frowned at the thoughts that crept in upon his brain excuse me for saying that you don t appear to mind it much he muttered if you have heard many conversations like the one to which i just listened and could go away without expressing the thoughts you ought to feel you are made up differently from me that may be so too smiled the other but are changed i once was a man in love now i am simply a writer of romance the elder man shivered could one be actually in love with a girl like that and then recover from it v he asked half to himself i don t think i ever was very much in love was the quick reply but never mind that let us talk of you spoke of going after him a black what would you have done had you carried out that intention had not thought of the matter in this form he had wanted to punish the negro for his crimes against the woman he so dearly loved against the old man for whom he had such a warm affection how he would have accomplished this he had not decided the first thing was to follow and tax the wretch with his subsequent events would have depended on the way met the accusation certainly the temper of the would have been warm and his conduct might have been severe i don t know he said i should have told him for one thing that he would have to reckon with something more than a weak girl or a poor old man if he annoyed that family again in case he had been impertinent i cannot say what i might have been tempted to do all the more reason for yourself replied as they reached the horses that you did not follow him he has promised to keep away from the and i think they have seen the last of him what is done can t be undone ugly as it is now he continued into his saddle your course is reasonably plain you must visit miss soon let her know that the extent of her misfortune is in your possession and after a reasonable time ask her to marry you who had also mounted his horse came near falling from the back of the animal at this very abrupt suggestion that is just what you should do continued without
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allowing him to speak you are desperately in love likes you very well and it would take but little effort on your part to induce even a warmer sentiment her father thinks you one of the angels that came down to earth and forgot to return to heaven she ought not to go through life alone her only trouble is the suspicion that rests on her name a suspicion she considers herself bound in honor to do nothing to lift show her that you know how innocent she is and you will bring a new light to her eyes a new smile to her lips but asked catching at the straw how can i tell her how can i explain the source of my information laughed by the novel method of using the truth or at least a part of it he said tell her you were out riding and saw and followed him you needn t count me into it why you ve got to let her know or else i have it s a thing she would almost give her life to have revealed without her aid go like a man and take that heavy weight off her young soul finally consented he would not discuss the question of whether he would afterwards speak of the hope that lay nearest his heart but he would go to her as suggested and relieve her of the strain that had worn so deeply he would go the very next day the it was accomplished the better the more he thought of it the more de a black lighted he grew that he could carry such tidings he could make happier that was enough for him at present if he could make himself happy at a future date but there was time enough for that he sat upright in his saddle and as his horse bounded over the ground why was it not already day that he might turn the beast in the opposite direction the hours would be very long before the sun rose and he could start on his joyful errand the sombre hue of his countenance disappeared before the contentment that began to fill his breast he slept well notwithstanding the fact that he expected to lie awake all night when he retired in the morning on going down to breakfast he found that had left still earlier leaving word that he had started on a quest for game did not mind he had enough before him for one day he was going to see and he had that to tell which would the load she had so long felt compelled to carry he waited until after nine o clock feeling that some regard must be paid to les even on such an important occasion as this when he was in the saddle he rode as slowly as he could bring himself to do to make his arrival still later at last he reached the gate of and when he had summoned the porter he sent him for mr stating that he had happened to ride in that direction and wanted merely to make a short call it was but a few minutes before the servant re absolutely turned and the hospitable master of the premises came with him mr for using so much ceremony remarking that although he was living in a retired way there was always one friend he was glad to see giving up the horse accompanied his host to the house where the latter said he would send at once for a minute i want a little talk with you first alone mr looked up curiously he believed he knew what his visitor was about to say he had long suspected the feelings which entertained for he knew also that his daughter would consent to wed no man no matter who while there hung over her fair fame the terrible mystery of her wedding night i want to tell you pursued before his host could interrupt that i have made a great discovery one of the utmost moment to your family i know what happened on that day so sad to all of us and listen to me mr i know that your child is absolutely in the matter the listener s face grew very white he understood imperfectly but it seemed to him that a tale he could not bear to hear was about to be forced upon him mr he said earnestly i hope you will not continue this subject i do not know what occurred i do not wish to know i have consulted my daughter s sentiments entirely she prefers to have the veil and i respect her wish a black the visitor could hardly contain himself for impatience that has been true hitherto he replied but miss herself will be more than delighted when she knows i am aware of the entire facts which she has been prevented by a promise extracted from her from revealing call her let me tell her that i know everything and how i know it and you will fee the happiest girl in america mr shook his head doubtfully he was much afraid of doing something to injure s feelings he could not believe she wanted to have ihe trouble that had crushed her up by any one persisted however and his arguments it last won the day you do not think i would come here with any tidings i did not believe agreeable he said you know i care too much for for both of you to do that when miss was summoned which she was at last and mr gently let drop a hint of what he had to tell the girl was hardly less agitated than her father had been instead however as the visitor expected of on her natural protector during the expected recital she whispered to mr who rose and let her lead him out of the room
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presently she returned and took a chair opposite to mr her face was so pathetic her attitude so that he quite forgot what he had come to tell and leaning toward took hands in his he said a i i and he could go no further yes i know she answered in a low voice but there is a reason why i cannot listen to you i have told you that before i ought not even to say as much as this i should not even remain in the room while you explain the least thing he choked down the rising in his throat and hastened lest she should follow literally the sentiment she had and leave him to himself this has all been true until now he said you were under a promise an oath but last night i heard all that passed between you and your and there is no longer any need for mystery between us she gasped as if her breath was going you you heard everything i was within forty feet of you are you sorry that the awful cloud is blown away that your perfect innocence is proved without a of your word for the girl was crying slowly without crying with both her hands tightly clasped over her eyes did not need it not i continued the man earnestly i knew you had done nothing of your free will that the whole world might not know but i knew too that you would be pleased to have your innocence established and i was glad for another reason i love you i have loved you a very long time your sister was right in that had you not shown such a marked preference for my friend i a black have done my best to win you months and months ago while you felt that you were an object of suspicion i knew you would not consent to be my wife now that obstacle is gone i want you the hands were withdrawn from the tear stained face a handkerchief was hastily passed over it and turned half away from the speaker you will not refuse my love he murmured bending again toward her you will promise one of her hands strayed toward him and was clasped joyfully in his own but in relation to that other matter said some moments later when the sweet tokens of love had been given and taken i must be as silent as before i have listened to you but i have not replied you can understand the reason never speak of it to me again if you do not wish to inflict pain it is something i cannot discuss i may tell your father though he whispered it would be best not he is content now no i beg you say nothing to any one and he promised like the lover he was and sealed it with another kiss on her pure mouth i may tell him of of our love he asked oh yes we will tell him of that together a chapter a when left the hotel that morning he carried a fishing rod a rifle a and other of the in his earlier years before he ever came to the city he had been accounted something of an expert with these implements since being in this country where there was so much to tempt a he had made a number of similar excursions although it was some distance to the locality where he intended to go the young man did not take a conveyance of any kind he walked briskly over the road breathing the pure air of that early hour and whistling in a low tone to himself as he went along among the other things he carried was a light lunch for he did not care to break his fast so early in the day h had besides a contrivance for making coffee and for the fish he expected to catch even if his lasted till night his physical needs were well provided for one would not have imagined to see his free and easy swing over the road that he had anything of greater moment on his mind than to watch for some stray rabbit or a possible deer track not less than six miles from his starting point he came to a small lake to reach which he had followed a narrow path that led through the wood on the a black shore was a primitive or rather which he had purchased on another occasion from a native for an insignificant price into this boat the stepped and after safely his traps took up the and used it when he had reached the centre of the lake he sat down prepared his fishing tackle and began to angle for the of the water below with the patience of a true sat quietly for two hours during which time he had drawn out but few specimens the long walk had however given him the appetite he needed and he now pulled his frail craft toward the shore with the intention of lighting a fire and preparing a meal but even when he had nearly reached land he saw flying beneath his feet and immediately after heard a dull sound which showed what had caused the trouble a stray bullet from some careless hunter had penetrated his the hole was large enough to render the boat useless for the water began to come in rapidly with two more stout movements of the forced his craft against the shore and sprang upon dry land then he quietly picked up the things he had brought with him and walked a little away from the scene these fellows are getting altogether too careless he muttered as he his damp a little more and that thing would have been tearing in me some dead wood together he soon had a fire started and the cooking of his
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breakfast was a wolf begun he went about the work whistling again in that low key he had used when on the way from his hotel and stopping now and then as the noise of a or some wild of the smaller kind came to his ears he the coffee that was boiling furiously and the caught fish that sent out an no meal served at the the imperial or the could equal this primitive for him finally all was ready helping himself to a large of the delicious food and pouring out a huge tin cup of the coffee sat down as if to take his ease while but instead of touching the he had been at such pains to prepare the next thing he did was to fall prone on the ground and at the same instant a second bullet past him and buried itself with a tearing of bark and wood in the tree just behind him if had laid down with suddenness he rose with no less speed as he sprang to his feet he picked up his rifle he made a dozen steps forward and then bringing the weapon to his shoulder cried to some one in front of him halt or i fire a human form that had been creeping away on its hands and knees now stood upright it was perhaps thirty yards from the speaker and when it faced him he saw that the countenance was black don t come any nearer and don t go any farther off said the gravely you are at a con a black distance i can shoot you best where you stand the negro looked considerably he seemed doubtful whether to break and run or stay and try to face it out i can t help an accident he said at last when the other remained covering him with the rifle no was the answer an accident is liable to happen to any one they say but two accidents of the same kind on the same day accidents that might either of them have been fatal if you were not such an awfully bad are too many when get ready to fire there will be no accident the negro was plainly uneasy he cast his eyes on the ground and you have dropped your gun said that was right it would have your flight and its only was used you would have had no time to i know that gun very well i have heard it many times in the last six weeks i knew the sound of it to day when you fired the first time a rifle has a voice like a man did you know that i knew it was your gun and that you were at the end of it with that information in my possession of course you couldn t catch me twice i pretended to watch my cooking but in reality i watched nothing but you there is no need that you should say anything you could not tell me much if you tried the speaker examined his rifle carefully still keeping the turned toward the person he was a wolf addressing the latter did not seem to grow less uneasy i spent some time last evening continued presently in listening to a little conversation you had with a certain young lady living a mile or so this spot that surprises you does it i thought it might i learned how you had ruined her peace of mind how you had contrived to make her appear the opposite of she really was now you have tried twice within the last hour to murder me for this i could have forgiven you what you did to that young woman is however a more serious matter i don t think anything less than pulling this will that he placed the rifle to his shoulder again as he spoke and glanced along the sight the negro half turned as if of a mind to attempt an escape and then the of such a move sank on his knees and raised his hands if you have anything to say be quick said the hard voice of the man who held the rifle then out his story he told how he had been led step by step to hope that he might rise above his station until the wild idea entered his brain that he could even make love and marry him he pleaded the disappointments he had suffered the terrible of feeling he had undergone the broken life he had been obliged to take up he did not want to be killed if allowed to go he would swear by all that was good never to cross the path of the or or any of their friends again when bit en a black brought no verbal response he grew louder in his tone feeling that something must be done to move the deaf ears to which he addressed his petition if i allowed you to leave here you would try to shoot me the next time you had a chance said the i should merely be giving my life in exchange for yours which i do not consider a good bargain no i swear it before god came the trembling words in reply i cannot trust you a slight sound attracted the attention of as he uttered the latter words it was the sound that oars make when dipped in water with a quick glance to one side he beheld a in which were seated and and they were coming directly toward him here are some of the others you have wronged he said pointing i will wait to see if their opinions agree with mine saw him first as was handling the oars and she called her companion s attention to him called his name come here was s reply i have winged a black duck and i cannot leave a few more
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movements of the oars brought the boat to the shore and the surprise of its occupants can be imagined when they saw the that awaited them was still on the earth and the attitude of plainly showed the cause of the negro s terror a wolf what has he done was the first question and it was s voice that asked it let him tell replied tell the lady what you did with a courage born of his knowledge of the young lady s kind heart now turned his attention toward her he begged her to plead with his to give him one more chance for his life and his promises to cease with all of their affairs if this was granted as he spoke crept nearer to s side and when he paused for a moment to gain breath she laid her fair hand on the rifle you would not kill a fellow creature r f she said gently a fellow creature he retorted no but a wolf a snake a yes she shook her head slowly while mr looked on uncertain what to do or say he wanted more than anything else in his life to lay hands upon the cause of all her woes you have not told me yet what he has done she said he shall tell you replied sharply stand up and answer truly the questions i am about to to you the crouching figure to his feet the negro was weak from fear did you try twice this morning to murder me yes replied the shaking voice but i was insane with my troubles i did not realize what i was doing i a black s slight hand still on the barrel of the was bearing it steadily to the ground once she said to you told me you loved me have you regard enough left to grant me a favor he shook his head there are he said that are crimes it is one s duty to in the interest of the human race but even as he spoke she was having her way her slight strength had taken the weapon from him then with the face of a angel she turned toward the negro and uttered very softly one word go glancing at the others to see if he might safely follow this direction disappeared in the thick woods behind him he walked with an unsteady step there was a strange lightness in his brain some distance away he found the boat in which he had come and entered it pushing from the shore with a feeble touch on his he set out for his home the who found his body a week later could not decide whether he had perished by accident or by deliberate intention the boat was not but it was partially filled with water indicating either that he had tried to sink the craft or bad leaned too heavily to one side in something like thk greatest novel a stupor when his gun was discovered on the shore new speculations were set in motion those who knew him recalled that he had been moody for a long time in fact ever since he came from the north they remembered him as a young fellow four or five years previous not very different from his mates and they had stared in wonder when he returned with fine clothes and money in his pocket the dislike between him and his old acquaintances was mutual they could not understand him and what an inferior mind does not comprehend it always views with suspicion a grave was made near the border of the lake and the single word was written on the board that marked the spot but later some envious hand beneath it he wanted to be a gentleman chapter the greatest novel and were married in june there was no need of waiting longer it was a case of true love by suffering and devotion the bright eyes and ruddy cheeks of the bride to her renewed health and spirits the news of s death it brought a tear to her eyes had removed the only shadow that stretched across her pathway s a black did not come to the wedding to which he was the only invited guest he wrote that an important mission from his magazine made it impossible to accept the invitation but he sent a handsome present and a letter to him in the warmest manner for some time had been urging the to hasten the wonderful story that was to make his fortune and give a new to the house of they had consulted together a hundred times and the thirty chapters already finished seemed to leave but a few weeks steady work to be accomplished shortly after the wedding went to s rooms one evening and begged him to lose no further time what is there to wait for now he asked all the dramatic incidents have occurred you only need to wind up with a glory of showing virtue triumphant and vice buried under a north come my dear boy when may i expect to see the work completed did not answer for some seconds there is a part of this story that you do not comprehend he said finally a chapter is yet to be written at which you have not guessed indeed exclaimed the listener yes nodded the other so far the character that is supposed to represent myself appears that of a heartless cold wretch do you think i shall be satisfied to leave it that way the critic stared at the speaker in astonishment the greatest novel i i do not understand he replied i thought not said well this story to be truthful must do justice to the one who is supposed to its author and in the first place to avoid all let me tell you there has never been a moment since i first loved
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that she has not been the dearest thing on this earth to me mr could not reconcile this statement with the events that had taken place and his puzzled countenance said as much i acted like a villain did i not continued after a slight pause when the news was brought that she had disappeared i seemed to have no faith in her no confidence in no trust in that poor old man her father why i was so madly in love that every possible got possession of my excited brain to lose her was to deprive me of all hope all ambition all care for life so far i acted my real self if what i supposed true had been i think there would have been a murder not of ah no but of the man who had robbed me of my treasure then i went to with and i saw her i heard her speak and like a lightning flash it came to me he was as honorable as a man could be and she cared more for him than for my unworthy self she had contrasted us and discovered how much he was my superior and i said to myself at that moment i will give her up if it costs me my happiness as long as i live i will give her up no matter what happens i will unite these people who have been so faithful to me and a black toward whom i have acted the part of a cur and a coward the young man was speaking with perfect composure but with intense earnestness the first thing to be done he continued was to take myself out of their way the next was to the mystery that had made the trouble knew when my mind had resumed its natural state that whatever had occurred was i knew that something far out of the common line had caused her to commit the act which had cast a over her reputation for weeks i could find no clue then one day in the street i saw the negro for whom she had borrowed my money and who i supposed was still in france i cannot help the quick temper i have inherited and i confess that the sight of that fellow aroused my suspicions against this girl only they took a new and more horrible form i remembered distinctly what a strong hold had on the family i recalled with frightful distinctness the manner in which he attended at table his interest in her health the she had given him her quick movement to prevent my striking him when his answers insulted us both perhaps but i will not on the things that came to my distorted imagination it was enough for me to put a on his track i engaged and in three days he came to tell me that a white woman had passed the night with at a house on seventh avenue the date corresponding with the one on which i was to have been married j the listened it seemed to him that the most exciting chapter of this weird tale was yet to be written if i had lost control of my senses before pursued what do you suppose happened when this information was brought to me but then i found an excuse for my beloved one i considered her the victim of one of those forms of of which there can no longer be any doubt she could not have gone there without the influence of a stronger personality he had charmed her from her home by the exercise of arts my fury was entirely for him i sought him at once only to learn that he had left the city a few days before leaving absolutely no trace i could not give over the hunt however if he was on the earth i must find him and be for the wrong he had done it occurred to me that an influence so strong as he had exerted would not be given up wherever the had gone he would probably be found i discovered the whereabouts of the family after a great deal of effort and went to north with the patience of a dog and the cunning of a fox i laid in wait for weeks and one night i saw and heard and in conversation there was no movement on the part of the critic he sat as still as a block of stone when they began to speak i could have sworn that my recent were correct ones it was at about the hour of midnight and she had crept quietly and alone out of her house to meet this a black j s r but the first dozen sentences that were uttered g e me a new version of the affair it was by no power but by a threat of injury to her father that this fellow held her under bond i learned that mr had done something i could not then tell what which rendered him liable to imprisonment i learned also beyond question for they without restraint supposing themselves alone that whatever the purpose of when to his rooms on the day she was to have been married it had not been accomplished she was afraid of him but only for her father s sake ana i discovered beside though not with perfect clearness that a promise of secrecy accounted for her refusal to explain the cause of that absence which had altered the whole course of our lives i have said i had watched with patience i determined to continue my watch till i understood the entire situation about once a week they met in the way i have described and as the next date was always arranged in my hearing there was no difficulty in my keeping the appointment in the meantime i learned that was born in the vicinity
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vision there were the of a village over toward the west there was a mill evidently used for the grinding of grain and by its side a fed by a stream that through the country to the north of it and furnished the ton drinking ground to the cattle on a dozen farms fore it turned the wheel that set the heavy machinery in motion there were of trees here and there upon the mostly open and small gardens protected by wire fences from the of stray animals there were bits of pasture and glimpses of buildings and in some places were at work in the fertile fields it s a fine country said colonel there s no richer land in the state in my opinion you re safe to let all the money here you can get for but there s a farm he continued pointing as he spoke that neither you nor any other man will ever get an on it s the finest in this region twelve hundred acres and more with all the buildings needed and the most improved tools of every kind it belongs to who owns the mill there too and the best residence within forty miles and can lend you a few thousand beside if you happen to get short there s a place look at it you don t often see land kept like that in these parts you wouldn t think would you that he came out here twenty five years ago with only three hundred dollars and took up his hundred and sixty like any other poor young fellow well that s what he did and all he s got since is by hard work and good farming and looking ahead nobody ever left him a penny or gave him anything he didn t pay for his father was a poor in new who let him have his time as they call it there when he was nineteen and when he died a little while ago left less than two thousand dollars as the result of a life of toil he willed this to s daughter we all how the trouble began call him so you can t say that any of it has come to him i tell you he s a man for the town and county to be proud of mr laughed it s lucky for the company that too many of your people don t follow in his footsteps he answered well if you want one of the other kind you ll find him on the next farm said the colonel and p mighty good specimen too john came here the same year that did and took up the quarter section adjoining his they had been boys together in the same town and when got a notion that he wanted to go west he told john of his idea they talked it over sitting on a stone fence back of s father s barn and agreed that both would ask the old folks to give them their time till they were twenty one so that they could go off somewhere to work and get a little money to start with it was right there that the trouble began s folks seem to have been half decent about it and willing to do something for him john s were just of the other kind came over in the morning to say that he could go and john had to report that he couldn t offered to go in and argue the matter with the old man but it did no good he was a tough who proposed to get what he could out of his boys now that they were getting big enough to do something there is a notion down in that part of the country that a father s will is law and john never thought of running away he just gave up on the spot and went back to corn and roots but the in him grew faster than any other crop he raised he got so hateful that the old man was glad i guess when the time came that he could go i ve heard that john never stopped to say good bye or to ask the paternal blessing but threw down his it was time and started they couldn t think for an hour or two where he d gone till one of his brothers happened to remember that it was his birthday and then it struck the old man all of a sudden that john had asked him once what hour he was born and that he had told him it was between ten and eleven in the day john had given him the benefit of the off half hour as the clock had struck when he started but he was never seen in that town after that both the of this history and his listener found a good deal of amusement in it and the colonel after pausing to see that mr was duly interested continued his narrative some of these facts the people here know and some i suppose have grown with the telling but sure it is that went down to and got work in one of the he saved every cent ke could and as soon as he was of age came out here looking for a piece of land to he wandered around for awhile and then concluded that he couldn t find anything better than this he filed his papers and took up the quarter section where his residence is now and then wrote to john to come out just as soon as he could get clear john answered saying he should have to quit home without a cent in his pocket and that it would be a good while before he could earn enough to pay his fare to thought it a pretty hard case and s other were looking this part of
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the is country over he wrote again sending fifty dollars to his friend and urging him to waste no time in getting here it was a mighty generous thing of him when you remember that it was about a fifth of all he owned and he needed it to develop his farm about as bad as he could but he sent it and john came and after looking around a little he picked out the claim next to s and with his help put up a on it according to the government and began to break ground one piece of land was just as good as the other for offered to even with him if he thought there was any choice that s the way they started well nothing seemed to go right with john he and exchanged works for a spell but had enough to buy a yoke of oxen and a and john had to hire his done john always said it wasn t a fair race and he got discouraged before he reached the quarter post he couldn t see anything except that had got ahead and that he couldn t catch him it s been the same from that day to this has kept always having something laid by and never going into debt while john has been a little to the wrong side of the all the time it s seemed to work on his feelings he everything of his to s let him have a crop this year bigger than he ever had before and he will look across the fence and tell you s is bigger tell him he s got a hundred and sixty acres of the best land in he ll answer that it s for all it s worth and that s got twelve hundred and forty without a cent of on it and that isn t the greatest ground of grievance that he s got against either the mr looked much interested and inquired with elevated eyebrows what else there was to annoy this peculiar and unhappy man it was a woman that finished whatever of common sense he had left in him said the colonel dropping his voice instinctively though there was no person other than himself and his guest within hearing after he had worked away at his land for a year or two there moved into the neighborhood a widow with a handsome daughter the widow was of spanish descent several generations back and her daughter inherited the rich dark beauty of that race the young men were all wild over her but the mother was proud as she was poor and declared that none of those who to the young lady s hand were good enough to be considered eligible among those who tried to win her was john if ever he was sincere in anything it was in his love and admiration for that girl he forgot his work everything on his place for an entire season so up was he in this creature whose mother had sent men flying with ten times his brains and a hundred times his possessions at last the spoke to him with forbidding him to come to the house the daughter obeyed every word of her mother s without question he had a stormy scene with both of them they were so alarmed that they sent or the mother did for an officer john was hardly less than a era man that day but he went away quietly at last and it seemed for awhile as if he had got over his then came the crowning blow within a year it was announced at tne was to ma r ry j bow thb began is that was hard luck commented mr somebody told it to john in the post office and he staggered as if he had been at the he there was fear that mischief would be done but nothing happened he went back to his and was only to outward appearance a little surly than he used to be soon after s john brought home a wife from another he never ceased to speak to when they but the conversations were never very long on s he hasn t forgiven him and he won t but i guess that s all it ll ever amount to some people at first advise j to be careful and to carry a pistol he only laughed at them more than twenty ye rs passed now and things have gone on just he same here s his house the horses were brought to a walk as t e gentlemen passed the handsome mansion and grounds of the man in it is not the habit of the ordinary western farmer to a great deal of attention to the merely ornamental and mr place was decidedly unique in respect among those about it the house ly designed and surrounded by broad stood upon rising ground five hundred feet from the highway and was reached by a winding bordered with the spacious on each side were well kept and were dotted with shrubs and trees that added much to their loveliness fine buildings used as the family stable carriage house etc were visible beyond but those intended for the working and tools as well as for the cattle were some distance away shaded from the street by an artificial grove and reached by a w road running from another avenue there was ft and even several fountains besides other evidences of and taste exciting the envy of many of the neighbors who could not see as they expressed it why an farmer need put on the style of a fifth avenue new far away stretched the fields of this prosperous man the evidences of careful cultivation being fully apparent on every side clearly nothing was wasted on this large estate the fences were in perfect order and built of materials likely to last
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for many years where a piece of land was low a carefully constructed ditch had been dug where it was so situated that it was in danger of suffering from pipes had been laid land was so cheap in when these improvements were first introduced that many of fellow farmers sneered at them but he went on his own way paying no attention to their he was obliged to keep a large force of men and carried out these improvements in seasons when they had plenty of time on their hands he certainly had the satisfaction of the best kept farm in the state and one that produced more on the average per acre than any other and if this were not enough his comfortable bank account had long ago proved that there was something worth considering in methods that placed one in advance of those who him starting the horses into an easy trot the travellers soon came opposite the farm of john no information other than that afforded by the eye was needed to tell where the line of mr land ended and that of his neighbor began on the it ton place no attempt whatever had been made at and hardly any at even ordinary care for appearances there was the common with carts etc were scattered about the yards exposed to the weather a pile of and a rusty axe added to the general evidence of a cow on what might be called by courtesy the front lawn occasionally varying her meal by breaking the branches from a young apple tree that had planted in one of his moments of extraordinary enterprise he wouldn t fix that yard if you were to pay him for it said colonel he likes to brood on the hard luck he has had in comparison with and he has done it so long that he really takes delight in making the contrast between the places as great as he can there s only one thing that comforts him and that s his son the boy is a fine young fellow about twenty now and is nearly through college but it isn t altogether because john has a son that makes him happy it s a good deal more because hasn t s got a girl seventeen years old just the age of my they ve been companions ever since they were babies but the desire of his life has been for a boy john knows this and i think it s the only thing that keeps him from dying of he s said to me many a time would give that mill of his and half his land for a boy like mine but he can t have one f rich as he is i have one thing that no money of his can buy him if you are here next month you ll see and you ll find bim very different from bis father queer how little the seems to count in the human race sometimes a big black dog at the mouth of an growled savagely at the and seemed that he could not break his chain and get at them in order to revenge the words in reference to his master a hen with three chickens scratched vigorously at what might at some previous time have been a flower bed the cow in her efforts to the branches of the apple tree stepped upon its slender trunk and crushed it to the earth a servant girl came out of the house and seeing what the animal had done took up a clothes pole and her causing the creature to run toward the barn the milk streaming from her as she did so any one who would do that to a new cow ought to be exclaimed colonel impatiently i should think young would find his home little to his liking if he is the sort of lad you describe ventured mr so he does but he and his father understand one another is to be a lawyer he will have nothing to do with the farm his father would not let him dictate any more than he would me about anything here if made the mistake of opposing him in such matters there would be a break right away they had passed the boundaries and were approaching the house where the family resided a section dignified by the name of the village had he heard at what kind of woman is mrs asked the oh she died years ago perhaps if she had lived things would not be so bad the village of had a hundred houses in it colonel owned one of the prettiest of these and it was soon reached there come the girls now said the colonel brightly as he glanced down the road toward the high school chapter ii where had he heard that tune colonel had not in the least the jealousy of john for in the talk which he had with mr it would have been difficult for any one to do that were his statements ever so extravagant the steady of wealth by his rival while he could not even hold his own had laid the foundation of s hatred and the marriage of to the handsome filled to the brim the cup of his hatred there was no immediate outbreak between the neighbors for took care that there should be none but grew less amiable each year being wholly unable to conceal the bitterness that was in him this is not the county as the reader readily a r at the time of s marriage john tried hard t make himself believe that he did not care he said to himself that this girl with her extravagant no tions would ruin her husband by the luxuries which her tastes would demand she would not long be satisfied with the humble cottage to which he took her or willing to
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ride in the old fashioned wagon which had answered for him but this did not give him much comfort for the wish to wed this girl had been the strongest passion of his life and he could not live it down try as he might and it did not add to his serenity when he discovered as time went by that his even in this respect did not turn out at all according to his expectations it is true that the new wife did no work in the kitchen and that one of the first things which did after his marriage was to purchase a carriage for her to which he a pair of his young that she might have as good a team to drive as any lady in the county it is true that he hired another servant and seemed to be always bringing home something new in the way of fancy things as john contemptuously called all articles of house or personal notwithstanding this however there were no signs that was approaching his credit was still as good as ever though he seldom had occasion to test it and his purse was long enough before the year had expired to take in and add to his quarter section another of the same size which it and which the owner wished to sell that he might return to the east and take possession of a fortune left him by a relative perhaps his success may have been partly where hat he heard that tune f w due to the fact that while john sat in his house and over the progress of his neighbor was up directing his planning to save in his methods and getting every thing out of his property that it could be made to produce a cold wave came unexpectedly and john found six of his frozen to death outside of the the door had been left off its hinges and the little animals had wandered out into the lighter atmosphere when the gale blew down the bar three promising were caught in a storm because he had not ordered his men to drive them in upon the sure signs of its approach his farming tools in the outer air as have those of many a western farmer since the first tore open the golden heart of that vast territory he lived from hand to mouth always a little in always paying the for accommodation which prevailed then in his section and while john was doing this went to the opposite extreme i hope you re not taking wheat in to sell now said he to one winter morning as he met him on the road driving a load of filled bags toward the nearest market why it s gone up five cents within a week and it will be twenty cents higher before two months take it back man and put it back into your again it s like throw ing it away to sell it at the present price john knew as well as that in all probability grain would be higher soon but he had a reason strong enough to keep him from accepting the well meant advice he bad a note coming due the the day which must be paid and the wheat was the only available thing he had to pay it with it him to think of standing there with his free advice a man with plenty of cash on hand and bursting but he deemed it the part of wisdom to conceal his feelings so he muttered something about on ly taking in a little that he had promised in advance and that no one could ever tell for certain just how the wheat market would go and drove on that evening he stopped to tell with malicious satisfaction that when he got to the market he had found wheat falling in price and the that it would be down to sixty cents before it was any higher let it fall said pleasantly it s got to rise again as sure as you are living these men can the price all they like but they can t go on lowering it forever i shall keep mine till it s ninety cents and perhaps a dollar one farmer can t buck these big replied john they might make us keep our grain a year well then i ll keep mine a year that will tie up a good deal of capital said john he wondered how long could stand that sort of thing i can borrow if necessary said the other but i have an idea better than that and if this against us goes on much longer i shall carry it into effect john did not like to ask what this plan was and he did not think from the tone which used that be meant to reveal the secret so be only said where had hb heard that f that he must be going and started his horses along the road poor fellow exclaimed as he saw him disappearing i fear he will never learn to manage his affairs on business principles sold his wheat the next june at the dollar he had set as his limit but he had been doing a good deal of thinking in the meantime he did not like to be in danger of having to take the price which some combination might there was a little stream which ran through the new purchase which he had made and one day was astonished to see men at work building a dam and making a around a natural depression as if to create a curiosity led him to go over and see what was being done and when he arrived told him frankly that he was going to have a mill there we have been going on long enough he said selling our wheat and bringing our flour and from a distance
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i have sent for the necessary machinery and a miller and shall be grinding wheat within three months when the farmers can get their grain ground so near at home they will feel less necessity of selling it to those eastern at any price they choose to pay could not help his face showing a shade of pale green you are doing this for the benefit of the of course said he not for your own advantage at all by no means laughed i am doing it just as i am the rest of my business in the hope to make money but it will benefit the neighborhood fi the for all that and i am glad to have it i wonder nobody thought of it before every man hasn t got a stream on his land growled john no that s true it s queer how things turn out when i bought this quarter section of darling we both thought this brook a disadvantage as it took up so much of the surface especially in the spring when it is apt to run over now it seems likely to become worth more than i gave for the whole farm i have another idea too i am going to run some pipes across the fields and the in dry times there s lots of things i can do with that bit of water he added with a smile john went home and gave himself up to his sour reflections when his wife came to call him to dinner he refused to eat he felt that luck was against him and that all he could ever do to combat it would never place him on terms of equality with he was as well off as smith robinson and jones to the south of him or and brown to the west but he could compare nothing except with so long as s than his there was nothing in life for him nothing yes there was had no boy as yet though that would probably be the next thing the farmer came out of his retirement at the sound of his baby son crying in the arms of his mother for no music was to him like that cry no harp no no in the hands of a player could have given such pleasure to his ears as the wail of the little fellow who bore his name and was to keep alive his generation he saw the mill and noted that the line had he heard that tune f of which came to it with sometimes choked the narrow road he saw a second set of stones arrive while a heavier a taller dam and a greater succeeded to the first he saw the foundations of a mansion laid on the rising ground above the little cottage to which had taken his bride he saw the stately proportions rise till the and the bay windows and the looked down on his own humble roof as if in derision of so poor a neighbor people had come to allude to as a prosperous man when was four years old the neighbors met one day riding with his wife and young child shrank at the contrast which their presented but the had hardly met and passed when he looked at the handsome boy on the seat beside him and thought of the baby girl that mrs had carried in her lap she would give more to have a boy like that he muttered than for all he will make out of his farm and mill in the next he had a strange satisfaction in taking the little by the hand and strolling past the house of at some time of day when he would be likely to meet him as open hearted as john was the opposite never hesitated to express his regret that no son had made his ad vent in his and he always praised the lad with which his neighbor had been blessed a splendid boy he used to say we have a dear little girl john that we love with all our hear j but both my wife and myself feel it strongly that we have had no boy it does not seem right to complain when god has given us so much to t the thankful for but if we only had a son we could ask for nothing more always walked back to his home with a lighter heart after these there was one thing in which his possessions exceeded those of as time went by and no other child the household john grew confident that the would never be removed and this reflection kept him from utter despondency when was eight years of age and five john went to see a doctor of the town who was the attendant at both his own house and that of his neighbor mrs had been for some days and he asked the physician to call and see her that evening then something turned the conversation towards the it s a pity about mrs said the doctor would give anything for a son but it will never be she will never have another child there are reasons which make it impossible and he went off into a learned on the troubles of women never doubting that john would experience the same sympathy in the case that he himself felt went out into the air and found that he could walk more erect would never be the father of a boy whatever happened his poorer neighbor would always have this advantage he knew in the depths of his heart that it was contemptible to let this sentiment take such root there but it had spread itself so long that there was no way to kill it now never a boy in the mansion never never never all the way had he that tune ome he repeated those words to himself and he
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could not get the music of them out of his mind never never never a boy he walked into his house humming a tune of which these words were the refrain but a servant came toward him with her finger on her lips she pointed toward an inner room where he knew his wife lay and he realized that something had happened the tune stopped as suddenly as if it had been broken off by a blow and the man strode hastily into the apartment beyond it took but a moment for him to realize that the worst had happened in his absence john cared for this wife though he had not given her the passionate love which had well nigh his in earlier days he uttered a cry of grief as he saw her lying there pale and still and realized that she had spoken to him for the last time in this world never never would speak to him again never never never where had he heard that tune before he did not think of marrying again but lived alone with his boy till the latter went away to college after had become accounted a rich man with his farm and mill the war of the rebellion came colonel who was interested in railroad building had had experience in the and accepted a commission to raise a regiment for service at the front the first man who wrote his name on the register at the office was he had not consulted his wife before taking this step and she had naturally many tears to shed when he i thb came home to tell her what could she do those large interests she who had never had the least care of anything outside her own household but when he had talked it over with her she admitted that he was only doing his duty and afterwards developed such a capacity for managing affairs that he was astonished the men of his company elected him second lieutenant and afterwards he was made captain on account of gallantry commended in his colonel s report he remained till the war closed taking but two brief to run home and attend to things that required his presence one of the earliest recollections of was being awakened from sleep one night and clasped in the arms of a strange figure with a great beard and brilliant uniform she was inclined to cry for the assurance that it was her papa conveyed but little information to her mind but she was given his belt and sword to play with and soon fell asleep again used often to say that he did not believe he had a dollar less than if he had his duty and stayed at home from the struggle of arms but he used to add if it had taken all i had compelling me to go further west and start life again on the open i would have just the same he asked but one thing of his soldiers and th people of when the war closed don t call me captain any more i am proud that i bore the title and grateful to the country giving it to me but now that the war is over call me as you used to and when they found that he really meant it this wish was law to his friends and neighbors chapter iii and f he two young girls that colonel had pointed out to mr were admitted on all sides to be the prettiest in the village of the wide range that feminine good looks can take was well shown in the totally different of beauty which they presented was almost entitled to be called a and by contrast with she might have been taken to be one her hair was a very dark brown her eyes were deep brown also and her skin of a shade more common in the south than in the of the new race as often happens was even more of the spanish type than her mother following the law which causes to take leaps and bounds over intervening territory she was one of the most perfect girls in regard to health that could be found and had never known what it was to be ill since the days of her now at seventeen she was of medium height straight as an arrow round with the of a perfect development possessing a figure like that of a not fully it would have delighted the soul of a to have seen the manner in which she carried herself and it sent a thrill through the the veins of many a man who had no claims to the s talents when she appeared in his presence perfect strangers who had met her on her way to school had paused to watch till she was out of sight even or four years before the date of which i am writing they had asked the next person whom ihey met the name of this independent little beauty walked as if she owned the earth and felt able to maintain her possession and they had gone on with feelings that seemed unaccountable toward one so young whom it would be folly to think of otherwise than as a child for a long time yet the girl knew that she was considered handsome almost as soon as she knew anything it could not escape her ears even when she was about the parlor and the visitors at her mother s thought it no harm to voice their delight at her being the only child she might have been spoiled by the constant which she received but she had inherited a pride of another kind having acquired an idea that she was a person entitled to consideration she early learned that this demanded from her equal consideration to others by comparison with would have been called a though she was not of
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that pronounced type which the and lead us to think of in connection with that expression her hair was light her eyes blue and her complexion as fair as if the sun of heaven had never touched it with his warm rays this was not due however to any special care on her part for she was not foolish enough to make a god of her beauty or to avoid the caresses of the great on th and contrary she had a habit of going out of doors in pleasant weather with her hat hanging by its strings to her arm and a she cordially detested the tan simply would not stay on her face and nothing varied the clear of her features but the charming waves of color that came and went at the least provocation chasing each other on and off like so many crimson tinted shadows she was and slightly taller than her friend and in all respects cast in a more delicate mould strangers in varied in their opinions rs to which of the girls was but the villagers never came to any conclusion each was perfect in her own way and as neither of them gave he slightest encouragement to any of the young of the place except they were considered as something to be admired from a respectful distance had known all her life and from her sixth birthday it was when he little to the school himself already elevated to the dignity of a grammar scholar that he first saw the two girls together they having made each other s acquaintance at recess and formed an instant liking which time had only to and strengthen he and had to pass colonel house going and coming and from the very first the walked that distance together until they became familiar figures to everybody who lived along the highway john did not particularly like it to have his boy so thick with girl but there was no way in which he could prevent it without seeming more u than he then desired to appear year after year till passed through th a this of all the schools that could afford and had reached his birthday he came and went with the two girls almost without he was a manly little fellow and while an occasional would try to get up a laugh on him because he had these feminine companions the majority of the boys stood by and refused to consider it anything amusing when he was only ten years old a particularly youth took to calling names after him as he started off with the children designed to both his feelings and theirs after bearing it for several days without replying suddenly left his charges one evening and proceeded to administer the kind of to the cause of the trouble he had the young fellow down in the dirt of the road and had made his countenance assume a most unwonted appearance before the girls knew what he was about neither of them had ever seen him in a temper before and at first both were much frightened the whipped lad was and s blows showed no signs of being anywhere near their end s disposition was to run and she started to do so but went to where the punishment was in progress and laid her band on s shoulder then the boy seemed to realize for the first time what he had been doing at s touch he rose nd took a step away from the prostrate figure do you think you will call names after me again he demanded a smothered negative came from the bruised mouth if you ever do said i will kill you the time he went back with to where pale and trembling awaited them how could you she cried when they had resumed their way i never was so frightened what frightened you he asked a little alarmed i was afraid he would hurt you looked back contemptuously to consider that suggestion i didn t think he could hurt you said but i was afraid you would hurt him more than you meant to he was very though it is terrible to fight said with a shudder was already ashamed of the degree of temper which he had exhibited and not inclined to say a great deal in his own it is terrible to be called names too put in i almost felt as if i could whip him myself for what he said to if had seen that was able to hurt him i should have gone to help thus the girls discussed the occurrence until they reached s gate when said don t let us talk any more about it i want to forget it she readily consented and the boy declined an invitation to come in not thinking that he presented exactly the appearance that fitted him for any one s parlor he walked on silently with till they reached her house i think i ought to thank you she said to him the thoughtfully what said was meant te insult us girls as much as you i don t want to talk about it he repeated i want to forget it just as soon as i can that night some one told john that his boy had been fighting with he learned the true particulars of the matter which convinced him that his son had merely resented an insult in a somewhat savage manner not at all displeased with the occurrence so long as his boy had proved a victor he concluded not to let the lad know that he had heard anything about it some of the village lads the next day on his and several men in the town gave utterance to similar words of praise but the only effect was one of annoyance was glad when the thing died out of memory and though he carefully avoided after that
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he took no pride in the victory he had won over him it was natural that saw rather more of than he did of as she was the nearest neighbor that he had he knew in an indefinite way that there was something of ill feeling on the part of his father toward hers but it did not interfere with his friendship for the little girl whom he regarded in a sort of paternal fashion being when he first began to escort her to school so much the elder he was always welcomed cordially at the mansion both of s parents seeming to entertain a great fondness for him and encouraging his visits in every possible way colonel also gave him invitations to come to his house considering him the sort of boy that one could and age even when one had a young daughter who was the apple of his eye while was not less fond of boyish sports than others of his age or took a less prominent part in the games of his own sex he found plenty of time to be with and his father had no notion of asking him to assist about the farm he had early concluded that the boy should adopt some other means of getting a more in accordance with what is usually called the life of a gentleman the boy s studies came easy to him and the rest of his time w s practically at his own disposal the girls were nearly always together either at one house or the other and few days passed either in school or time that did not see a good deal of them was of a much more sensitive and shrinking disposition than her girl friend hardly knew the feeling of fear while it required very little to set the nerves of into a tremor was retiring if the were out in the wood and came to a small stream which they wanted to cross would boldly walk the narrow log that it or spring lightly from one of the stepping stones to the other on the contrary would seek up and down its banks for some more favorable crossing for a long time the offer of to carry her over accepting it at last only when no other way presented itself and then with many doubts of the result when they were safely on the opposite side she would laugh at her foolish ness declaring that she would never be afraid again and the next time she would go through the same fright and hesitation the once a snake came across their path an thing and fainted was so much startled at this that he allowed the creature to get away though he had grasped a piece of wood with the intention of destroying it when he saw the limp body of sink upon the he was more alarmed even than who ran to the nearest water and brought her straw hat full to throw into the face of the unconscious one when recovered her senses she begged to be taken home and took her in his arms and carried her for a long distance lamented that the snake had not been killed as she wanted to show it to her father but declared that she should die at the mere sight of it and it was some months before she could be induced to go again into the forest or pastures where such things are likely to be girls of entirely different natures often make the strongest of friends and never thought of for what seemed to her except in the most gentle way saw the difference in their natures and treated them accordingly he liked one as far as he ever thought about it just as well as he did the other both of them liked him and when absent he often furnished the subject for their conversations when he at the high school and went away to college both of them found for the first time how great a place he had occupied in their lives they were only fourteen then and neither had ever dreamed of what is called love was the dearest friend that either of them had outside of their own families and they missed him severely it was a happy day when each ran to tell the other that she had received the first letter from him for he had written to both by exactly the same mail on the second day after his arrival at the university they met about half way between their out of breath and with smiles their faces i ve got a letter cried holding np the envelope in evidence so but mine s from ge so themselves down under the nearest shade tree the girls read their aloud to each other hardly able to wait in their eagerness till the words could be there could be no secrets between them least of all over this matter in which they had a common joy he told of his room and his room mate a young man named of what they had given him for breakfast dinner and supper at the of the personal appearance of the various professors with whom he came in contact he said that he missed the faces at of his father of the villagers and not least of all of the little friends whom he had known so long and intimately sentences beginning you can tell when you meet her and don t forget to say to from me having read and the and commented upon them to their hearts content the girls separated to go to their own rooms and speedy answers quite as fit to be read to all the world as the ones he had sent to them colonel smiled when came into the parlor to read s letter to him and said he was the glad that the boy was so pleasantly
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situated mr made a similar observation when handed him what had sent to her for his perusal they thought to themselves that nothing could be better for a young man in college than the true friendship of such girls who had been sisters to him for so long the mothers were equally well satisfied and encouraged a of the correspondence they liked and approved of him in every way it would encourage a taste for writing in their daughters and so be of benefit to all concerned told his father in a letter sent in the same mail with these that he had written to the girls and john pondered over the matter a good while uncertain what to do he had rather not have had it so and yet he could give no reason even to his own mind for this feeling the result of his was that he would say nothing about it he realized that it might be something like making a mountain out of a to forbid his son to continue the letters he believed that the new connections would make at the university would be likely to crowd these to one side in short order that they would in fact take care of themselves if left alone he was gratified as he frequently had had occasion to be with the which made confide everything to him and he feared to a policy which might make him liable to resort to double dealing it was not easy for mr to spare the money necessary to give his son this higher education but if it had taken his last penny if it had compelled him to live on bread and water to accomplish it he and was determined that should be a gentleman all the pride he had went into this account the ill luck that he expected that he almost seemed to follow all of his farming operations he had poorer crops than his fellow though his land was naturally as good as any he always sold his grain at the price and paid interest on notes he had no hope of ever getting himself free from these obligations but if could be made a gentleman could be raised above the heads of the by education and profession that would for all the rest he had never intimated to his son that money was so scarce with him the boy had not the least idea that the sum needed to pay the first quarter of his college expenses was borrowed of a by a on what live stock and machinery was already from similar process on which interest was to be paid at the rate of four per cent a month he went into college with all the bright hopes of youth provided with a of pocket money for his needs and with only one instruction from his father to live as well as the rest the first time he came home to spend the short christmas it was hard to tell which of the three families laid the most claim to him he had to accept invitations to dinner at both the and and at each of them and were included in the list of those who sat around the board john was invited also but as the for his presence came together he felt obliged to refuse both of them he would have liked well enough to dine with colonel family but he had no idea f stepping inside the stately the g home of he could not go to one and decline the other without unpleasant notice and so he made an excuse to both of lack of and previous engagements was dry for accounts of his life in college though he declared that he had told everything in his frequent letters to and his room mate figured in all his experiences and was described as such a chap that colonel and mr both gave him a cordial invitation to bring his friend with him the next time he came this reminded him that he had a photograph of in his pocket which he produced and passed around the table the girls were agreed in praise of his appearance and hoped they should soon have the pleasure of seeing him he s awful nice said and i shall be glad to bring him if he will come i should think he might in the summer his folks live in and they are immensely rich chapter iv the girl with the ankles when the summer arrived did not come home immediately from college he went with young to the country place of the latter s family on the borders of lake both the father and mother of were dead and thb with thb the which had belonged to them and were now coming to him were presided over by a maiden aunt for the present but it was not long before the reached where was speedily introduced to the young girls of whom he had heard his friend speak and about whom he had formed so many opinions knowing that they were still under sixteen it had seemed to very odd that should find it worth his while to devote so many hours in the month in writing to them before he had been in a week however he learned to take an entirely different view he admitted to himself that these girls were not at all like the ordinary of their age and that he had never seen two such charming creatures as they turned out to be was not long in deciding that it was who interested him most but try as he might he could not discover that there was any difference between them in s favor if he walked with one of them to day in the excursions about the town and vicinity that the entire party began to make the other one was his companion tomorrow stranger if possible
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than this was the fact that neither of the girls evinced any preference to be by s side so long as he made one of the they used with great consideration but he was wise enough to comprehend that this was on account of his position he was s friend and that entitled him to their regard he could not help wishing that one of them at least would care a little more for him on his own account but perhaps that would come later if he was and his time though only thb eighteen he had a sentimental side and had made a strong impression upon him he liked too very much indeed and she treated him with a frankness which pleased him he believed grew the least bit more reserved in his presence but it might have been due to her instinctive knowledge that he had her most in his thoughts he did not wonder that liked both of these girls but he was surprised when he insisted that he could discern absolutely no difference in the state of his feelings toward them now come said to him one day there must be a difference perhaps a very slight one but still enough for you to tell which you like best there isn t said with apparent honesty i have known them from and they are exactly alike to me but aren t they nice though i wouldn t bring every fellow i know here and introduce them to him the four were together almost constantly during what was left of the they took rides into the country went for pond lilies in the wooded lake that mr owned about a mile from his residence strolled among the and sat or singing on the of the or for hours when the young men were back in college plucked up courage to write to he said nothing to of his intention and there was nothing in the letter except to the delightful time he had had in and his hope to come there again when another summer should arrive time passed and no answer came the curl with the ankles ill one evening looked up from a letter he was to say that sent word that she had received his friend s note and wished him to thank him for his trouble this convinced anew that he was on a very different footing in that young lady s mind from and that if he was ever to improve it he must do so in some other way than by beginning an correspondence just for amusement and to make a test he thought he would try the effect of a letter on the result was no more flattering to his vanity all he received was a request to similar to that contained in the note from with time he was again in and now he determined to leave no stone to make an impression upon miss he found her taller and than ever and quite as cordial to him as she had been the previous year there was an feeling however which he could not help that he constituted a sort of fifth wheel to the coach and that the girls would have been much better satisfied to have had to themselves he intimated as much to one day when they were alone but his friend laughed at what he called his nonsense and said four in a party made it much for all concerned they like you both of them he added i know they think it very pleasant to have you here you must not be so cliff did miss did either of them say anything about me they don t say special things said it isn t their style they never for instance have said they like to have me here but i think they do just the same oh you exclaimed of course they want you it wouldn t take a to see that and they want you too was the prompt reply don t get any idea in your head that they don t about every day the young men were invited to dinner or supper at one of the girls houses and generally they accepted the parents on both sides learned to like very much and everything was done to make him enjoy his stay he tried to cultivate colonel especially with a view to the future for he really got serious sometimes in his thoughts about his father had been connected with the railroad interest and it turned out that the colonel had met him somewhere in other days all this was very well but it did not prevent him feeling a as he saw the free and easy manners of and the bright light that came into s blue eyes as she listened to the most ordinary thing he happened to say the summer passed away and s position was very little if any improved he did not wish to make what is called love to but he could not see why she should prefer to share in her small part of to accepting the entire attention of another which she knew well he was convinced that he would be only too glad to give her when he was back at college again he noticed that letters in the of both girls came more frequently if anything than before there could be nothing secret in them or would not have left them as he did unlocked in his drawer where his room the girl with thb u k mate could have them at his leisure had he been so disposed had no sister and up to the time he had met he had thought anything in the nature of close friendship with one of the fair sex about the last thing he should be likely to desire now his feelings bordered on the envious had taken a great fancy of late to
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photographs and such as adorn the rooms of many other showing lovely woman in her most dress and and the walls of the apartment that they occupied in common was now half covered with these of the and the s tool used to laugh at the enthusiasm with which he would each new beauty declaring it superior to any of its falling into over an arm a shoulder or a bust but he regarded it as a mere on s part and something that might as well be allowed to run its course had very correct ideas on most matters and would have talked seriously to his friend had he discovered anything which he supposed had a really bad tendency but these pictures were too silly to treat as if they were things of importance i have bought the most beautiful photograph this afternoon would say as soon as he entered the door you cannot imagine how lovely it is then as he proceeded to take off the would respond coolly on the contrary i can tell you all about it it is mile chose of the varieties she is dressed low in the neck and her the is high on the side i have seen its a hundred times and they are all as near alike as two peas in a you have never seen this one would answer his face look was there ever such beauty is it not superb i did not think such arms could grow on a mortal creature what perfection of outline what grace of pose you must be stone not to admire that magnificent figure i believe you are pretending a lack of interest just to me i don t see anything to get interested in would be the response i call it the picture of a bold woman who might have been a a month before some one her in that finery there are just as good arms i would be willing to among the who do up the college linen your perfection of outline is all in your vivid imagination you don t mean seriously to think of placing that thing on the walls of our room why it would give me the nightmare toss it into the rubbish like a good fellow then would assume an air of injury and placing the photograph in a good light would sit down before it and rail upon the heart that could address such remarks to its beautiful face forgive me mile chose if that is your divine name for bringing you into the presence of this fix your clear and sparkling eyes upon your admirer who would give all he possesses for one glance of love from them lift those arms and them but for one instant about the neck of him who will ever afterward be your slave open those cherry lips and the girl with the ankles own that you have for me a little of that devotion that i bring to you you do not speak at the sound of my voice you turn your lovely away your arms worthy of a or a lie motionless at your side is it on account of this wretch that you treat me with such cruel disdain say but a word and i will cast him hence that we may live devoted to each other forever as often as this was repeated varying only in form with each new picture that took the attention of the young man could never help laughing at the of it tell her while you are about it he would say that you were quite as enthusiastic over the charms of mile and mile whose still adorn your walls that you pledged to each of them representing not less than three or four hundred individuals the same everlasting love and that you now offer to her tell her that to morrow at precisely this hour you will bring home the likeness of some other peasant girl who has exchanged a doubtful quality of virtue for a place on the stage and over it with equal oh i am getting ashamed of you then would laugh with him but would protest for all that that the picture was a beauty and that if he were not as blind as a bat and as as a block of marble he would know it three days later he would bring home another declaring that this was more lovely than any that had preceded it and the farce would be re with little is there anything in this shop that you do a j mire he asked once as they stood together in the art store of the college town yes replied there are several things these views of the this one of the this of the oh broke in i mean of things feminine what are those horrid old ruins good for a man of sense should be above that sort of thing what i want is for you to tell me candidly whether there is one of these photographs or designed to female beauty that you would think worth turned to the and looked them ever for several minutes yes he said finally which ones these he indicated two female figures one a complete and the other stripped to the waist impossible cried you are too much of a why don t you answer me honestly i mean just what i said i would hang either of these in my room and i would much prefer them to any oi the french you have covered the walls with but said with an air of bewilderment they are not clothed not with garments it is replied slowly but with purity and grace beyond doubt something that cannot be said of most of yours which i have clothes do not of necessity give an air of purity to woman here is a and a half and yet the artists have so
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their subjects that no evil thought with thb p could arise from the contemplation of the charms this one has innocence written on her forehead this has repentance on hers it does not need a key to tell the story of either one has never the other has been by suffering i will show that i mean what i say by buying both of them for i am sure i could make no better use of my money was astounded he had never heard such words from his friend s lips and he felt that there was truth in them the incident opened up to him a new vein of thought the next time he contemplated the rows of photographs that he had so much admired they seemed cheap and the that had hung by their side neatly framed seemed to shame them out of countenance it was that a picture of a woman without a of clothing and another with her garments fallen to her could make others in the ordinary of the variety stage look half by contrast he began to have an increased estimate of the mental powers of his friend and yet he had dwelt too long on his own to have his views changed in a moment the effect of the purchase of the two and of their being placed in to the photographs was to the purchase of any more of the latter specimens but soon found himself growing interested in the living women with whom he came in contact instead of bringing home specimens of th art of the he took to relating the charms of various girls whom he met thought the change not entirely one of improvement so long as contented the himself with admiring these creatures at a distance there was however harm to be apprehended another thing was noticeable none of the women of whom he used to bring accounts possessed in herself more than one or two of the that he thought ought to be expected in a physical one day he would go wild over a pair of eyes that he had seen another day it would be a neck again a waist again a chin or a hand he developed a fondness for even the attire which they wore and fell in love with a bonnet a sleeve or a skirt as the case might be he would become quite exasperated at for his of these things and declare him an old who was buried in his books so deep that he could not see anything outside their covers what do you suppose it was this time he cried with extraordinary enthusiasm one evening as he returned from a walk i never saw anything so dainty in all my life oh an ankle probably was the reply an ankle two of them exclaimed a tiny boot white skirts trimmed with lace and then the ankles all getting into a carriage at the i would not have let them out of my sight if there had been any reasonable way to follow them there was a man with her of course but he could have been got rid of i suppose oh was there ever such confounded luck beamed upon him with mild protest how can you be so silly he asked ankles are all alike varying only with the height or weight the with the of the person who owns them there is absolutely nothing pretty about them and poets to the contrary notwithstanding an ankle consists of a certain number of bones a little some some but these ankles were made of no such material interrupted impatiently you should have seen them cliff my head is in a whirl now and it is over half an hour since they vanished what a of loveliness you would have if you would only get all the beautiful limbs bodies ankles and the rest into one form somehow there always seems to be something lacking whenever you discover one attribute of perfection i ll that this girl s face was not in wonderful beauty to those remarkable ankles i never looked at it was the reply i hadn t time i was crossing the street at the station when the ankles became visible the of the skirts and lace smote me across the brain like a ray from a burning glass the man who accompanied the ankles sprang into the carriage after her and the driver started away i do think the girl looked at me but i am not certain i care nothing for her face except that it might serve as a means of and now unhappily i have nothing no i never shall see those ankles again left the room and a moment later there was a knock at the door on opening it found colonel and at the entrance it was you that we saw at the station cried noting his costume i told papa i could not be mistaken how is it possible that you did not recognize us thb at the station just a little while ag be stammered why yes the very last train i was there but i did not recognize anybody that i knew he said feeling as if he was going to faint the colonel shook hands heartily with him and explained that as they had happened to be in the neighborhood they thought a call would be in order as was getting into a carriage at the she had declared that had just passed the corner but he had told her she must be mistaken for he would have been certain to have seen them he laughed over the matter and enjoyed the of which of course he did not at all understand returned at the juncture and the usual followed sends her regards said presently our only regret was that she could not come with us and how is she as well as can be i
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think she never looked better i am growing very proud of her she how much do you suppose a hundred and ten i weigh nearly a hundred myself was his composure you would be heavier to carry over than you used he smiled still i think i could manage it i am very strong since i have taken the here did you know said that and i are going to a in the autumn no m but we are papa thinks it would be nice and the with thb ankles mr says may go if i do of course one of us couldn t go anywhere without the other we finish the year at the academy in june and in september i think we shall go to what do you think of it was thoughtful for a few minutes i am going to to study law in an office he said and i know of a young ladies there that would be just the thing for you if you decide to go to one why not take that school then we could all be near together turned to her father with an eager countenance the joy of which was not lost on the observant that would be splendid she exclaimed that would be splendid echoed colonel it was clear that s opinion went far with both of them but had seen enough at to know that it went quite as far with mr and colonel took a survey of the walls of the room during the brief pauses in the conversation you have quite a collection of pictures here he remarked to and the young man knew by the tone he used that he did not approve of them realized instinctively that there was something not quite pleasing to him in what he spoke of and consequently did not carry her gaze to the objects under discussion there was only a second for to make up his mind what to do but it was enough most of them are mine sir he said some are very finely executed responded the colonel knowing that there had been an objectionable quality in the tone which he had first used and wishing to the unpleasant effect these two he pointed to those of the figures are fit for any parlor in the land do you think so asked calmly those are cliff s colonel got out of it as best he could he asked where he had purchased them and said he should certainly stop at that shop and leave an order for a pair to be sent to his residence after a little longer the visitors went away you were very kind said warmly when he was alone again with his friend how about the pictures i could not have done less he didn t like them though i could feel that confound them i have a notion to put them all in the stove did not answer broke the silence presently you remember the girl with the ankles yes was she was too to form a reply chapter v we have made a vow was twenty one when he came back to with his in his hand and exhibited to we have made a vow his father with much pride the evidence that ne was a bachelor of arts with hardly less satisfaction he took out his at the of the and the colonel was pleased to find that he had not merely the sea of knowledge but had gone down into the roots of things and laid the foundation for a future that would be of genuine use to him and now you are going to study law he said what induced you to do that i thought it an honorable profession replied and one that would be likely to bring a fair share of reward for the labor expended you can make it an honorable one as far as you are concerned but the majority of lawyers are of course you will be different laughed the colonel and you will make a bee line for the bench i have hardly thought of that said with a blush i expect to have a hard time at the beginning but i mean to work my way came into the room as they were talking for a wonder was not with her but she already had her bonnet on and was going to mr house as soon as was ready they had both been invited there to tea what do you think of this young man s idea of being a lawyer asked her father placing an arm around and drawing her to him i think he ought to make a good one she said the object of the inquiry the father with one of the dainty hands which he had taken in his own do you think he would have influence with a b the jury he asked if women ever get the right to vote as some of them are trying to and you ar drawn on a jury and is counsel in a case d you think he will affect you by his argument the girl laughed at the humor of the widely conceit i hope the time will never come when women vote in she answered and i m sure it would be perfectly dreadful to have to sit on a jury as for s plea i hope i should be influenced by it if it was on the side of right and justice colonel laughed aloud i see you do not understand the law business said he it matters little to a lawyer where the right and justice of a case is he is there to win a verdict for his and that is all he cares about but interposed speaking for myself sir i should not take a case unless i believed it in the interest of right then the colonel laughed again you would easily
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convince yourself of that when a good was placed in your hand but i am keeping you from your engagement and we shall have to dismiss the matter for the present he rose as if to leave them but did not let him go with one hand still clasped in his she stood with him before the young man you would not take the part of the wrong against the right merely because you were paid for it would you pet exclaimed her father you must not take me too seriously would be as honorable as is possible for one of the profession te be i have net the slightest doubt w we have a vow if she took the young man s sleeve in her clasp and spoke with feeling never the part of the wrong against the right never the side of the strong against the weak tell him that you would never do that no matter what the you do not understand said the colonel still trying to make a joke out of the matter that the right and the weak have little with which to pay to lawyers if is to go into this thing with the notion of making a living he will have to do as the others do she clasped the sleeve that she held and refused to consider the matter a light one tell him she is right he answered moved by her earnestness there must be an honorable way of earning a at the bar that way i shall endeavor to follow of course you will said colonel heartily the idea of your taking my little joke so seriously come you must be going or you will keep mr table waiting as they walked along the road toward the farmer s said you must forgive me i could not bear that any one should intimate even in jest that you could ever do a thing if there is no other way to practice law i hope you will adopt some other profession while there is yet time he assured her of the of his intentions and long before they reached their destination they had changed the subject for one more agreeable was watching on th and ran to thb meet them she threw both arms about s neck as though she had not seen her for a month though it was scarcely two hours since they had parted and gave her hand warmly to the girls were at this period eighteen years of age and the promise of their earlier days had been amply fulfilled the one reminded you of a lily the other of a blush rose maturity was still the taller and the of outline and fuller of chest had a dark beauty and warm was a trifle more dignified and stately but without the suspicion of in the unpleasant sense in which the word is often used the question daily as it had for the past five years and could never come to a decision which was the on one point the entire village was agreed however and that was that two finer girls could not be found in the county or state neither of them had an enemy and surely neither of them deserved one naturally enough mr began to talk of s future prospects when the party were seated at the table and the subject of the law as a profession was soon again under discussion i wish you were ready to begin practice now he said for i could give you enough to occupy your time for awhile this matter of my mill power is causing me some trouble the people up stream complain because the water upon their land at some seasons of the year the whole of them have joined in a suit against me and i shall have to defend it it would have made a good beginning for a young attorney to get hold of a case like this and i sorry both for your sake and nay we have made a vow own that you have not already been admitted to bar looked pleased at the compliment implied but could not help asking the question which was uppermost in her mind who has the right of the matter mr the farmer looked at his with some surprise why i of course he answered then why do these men seek to annoy you they would like to get a few thousand dollars out of me if they could that s all you see when i decided that i started my mill i bought up the rights of the on this stream clear up to its source for a long distance through the it hasn t much and when i fill the it sometimes makes the water flow over the land for a good distance back that was to be expected as anybody could have told them but did anybody tell them pursued the mr grew slightly uneasy i don t know as anybody did didn t i m sure men are supposed to know some things when i bought their rights they knew it was for the purpose of securing the water for my mill and that i should have to build my accordingly if there is double the water i need at certain seasons it is very natural to expect that it will would not be from her inquiries and this water the land very likely but what did i pay for i handed over two thousand dollars to those fellows and for what i didn t take a foot of their away the from them they can water their cattle in the brook and wash their there and carry water to their houses to use as well as they ever could i paid for the privilege of using the water for a mill and to keep any one else from above me and i say it s a shame
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for them to band together and hire a lawyer to compel me to pay for the same thing twice mrs and listened with interest and it was evident that their sympathies were with the speaker a i don t know much about law said and she was so taken up with the subject at issue that she quite neglected her meal but a case of this kind seems to me one of simple right either you have the privilege of stopping up this brook so that it will run upon the premises of your neighbors or you have not if you have they are very wrong to cause you expense and they will lose their case when it comes to the court if you have not you ought to pay them whatever is just mr was astonished to hear this logic from the young brain and he did not the reason that had made all at once so profound a student of h might have been angry had these same remarks come from another source but was to him almost like another daughter and he wanted to justify himself in her eyes for the course he had taken if these fellows had come to me in fair way and said that they thought i was exceeding my right in letting the water i should feel very different about it but the first thing i heard f the case was a note from lawyer of des hate made a tow ft a man i despise telling me that unless i paid a certain sum in so many days he should enter suit no one likes to be and i told him to go ahead and sue i can spend as much money as they can and i think they will find it out before they are through with me nodded no doubt you can mr would it not be better to find out who is in the right and let that govern the decision now instead of after a great deal of money has been wasted by both of you in her cheeks shone with an color for she knew that what she was saying might of impertinence you would not give the lawyers any chance to live at all he said smiling for the first time imagine yourself in that business and i came to you in this case what would you do i would tell you just what i have and then i would charge you a good round sum for my advice everybody at the table laughed now and harmony which had apparently been threatened for a few moments was fully restored mr said seriously that he did not know but he should carry out the plan suggested as it certainly had elements of good sense in it though the parties to the suit had exasperated him somewhat by their method of summary when you get to he said you had better offer a position as partner in your concern i shall be only too glad to do that said the the young man relieved that the dispute had had sc happy an ending you will have to take me too then put in with a smile and i are never to be separated we have made a vow to live all our lives haven t we dear laughed at that and said he should certainly take them both and mrs who was not much of a interrupted to suggest that the party were the supper which was something she could not permit they then devoted their attention to the and the remarks that were made took on a lighter tone until a very pleasant evening had been passed when the hour arrived for separation reminded that he had promised her mother to see her to her door thereupon declared that it would be too bad for him to return alone as he must pass her house on his way to his own and ran to get her hat to accompany them thanked her warmly for the thought and the went up the road together i have had a splendid evening said when she reached her door i hope your father didn t think me for saying so much about the but i got more interested in the matter than i could give any reason for i wish you would put in a word too i cannot bear to think of neighbors going to law when there is any way to prevent it oh papa will do as he likes said and i don t know as i quite agree with you in this case they have been very and he paid them what everybody said was too much in the first place i hate to see men trying to get money out of another just because he has been successful it would serve them right not to give them a penny and a lawyer that papa has seen tells him they can never get anything if they fight till looked worried i don t pretend to know anything about it she answered but if it were my case i would settle it the simplest way well good night the girls embraced each other and s hand was extended to with her usual you ll be over in the morning of course called yes and i want you here in the afternoon you know all right and strolled back toward their homes with no greater evidence of affection than when the party numbered three what do you think of that mill matter she asked him suddenly leaving another subject to come back to this one there are two sides to it he answered vaguely but which is the best do you entirely agree with he had unquestionably done so when she was speaking to mr it seemed to him then that there was no other way that ought to be thought of now that s tone implied a
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of opinion he had grave doubts ought any one to allow themselves to be imposed upon asked not giving him time to speak is it the duty of a man who knows he is in the right to pay out a sum of money for the benefit ft of others just to avoid standing up in a court and defending himself against them not in that view of the matter certainly he answered then he added i am sure your father will consider the case from all sides and do what he thinks just grew as earnest as had done it is not exactly that she said he has paid them once and a good round sum too for what was no loss to them whatever now they have gone to work and him for much more it was no doings of his they have entered on it of their own accord it seems to me that he ought in the interest of others who may be imposed upon in that way at other times to teach them that this sort of thing does not pay those who engage in it admitted that there was something in that he wondered at the same time what answer he would have been able to make had both the girl been present do you imagine i would any right that belonged to me because some one tried to rob me of it she asked looking at him with the air of a young princess never neither i believe will my father when he comes to think it over they were at her gate and it occurred to him for the first time what a figure she had become her handsome head was beautifully set upon a neck of surpassing loveliness and her round bosom gave her a pose at once and commanding he had not dreamed in all his life of offering her a more warm salute than a pressure of the hand but into his brain there came the swift thought that were to be gathered cm both ripe lips never yet touched by lover the half moon poured its light through the trees upon them neither spoke for some moments but she knew that his eyes had seen something never revealed before and her heart gave a throb quite new to its maiden i shall see you to morrow she said breaking the stillness from very necessity yes sometime i have promised to devote a little of each day to reading law so as to put myself ahead when i get to but i will come over afterward they exchanged good nights and he walked the few steps that took him to his door with the strangest feelings he had ever had his head was hot and there was a commotion in all his he only exchanged a word with his father who had sat up to wait for him he wanted to get to bis own room where he could be alone chapter vi why you love them both thought a good deal over the that had made in reference to the claims and convinced himself that she had a good deal of right on her side he was not naturally and would much rather exchange pleasant words with any person than cross ones there were only a dozen parties or so to the suit which had been brought against him and he con the to send some one to them to ascertain what sum would satisfy each in case he should decide to settle the matter it was not wise for him to go because they would then have a chance to quote his offers should fail some must do the work and he naturally thought of one of the lawyers of the village but he knew both of these legal very well and he had not the greatest confidence in them of one he doubted the ability and he had fears of the other s integrity it suddenly occurred to him to ask the young man was in the ways of business to be sure but it was a very simple thing he would have to do a little tact a over of any that had been developed and an appeal to their common sense was all that was needed and could do this as well as an older and more experienced person besides it would be a good thing for him as a to the profession he was about to adopt yes he would offer him the work was a little startled when the proposition was made to him he feared that it was beyond his powers to undertake the reconciliation of elements already so far divided he knew enough of human nature to see that the task was a very different one at the present stage from what it would have been before ill feeling had become so large an he would have to meet men who not only felt themselves entitled to for the actual they had sustained but who had been injured in their pride by words that naturally follow strained relations they had doubtless had together in their state and had ed them both t to do everything in their power to defeat their opponent he said to mr while he was flattered by being selected for this undertaking he feared he could not enter upon it with sufficient confidence he thought some older and more experienced person would be better to engage mr replied that he was willing to run all the risks himself and that he would not hold him at all responsible in the event of failure you can see these men at least said he and report to me the mood they are in it may be that i shall be compelled to go to law after all but before anything more is done in that line i want to give them a chance to get out of it
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what said the other evening made a great impression upon me i have never wronged any person and i do not wish to begin i would rather suffer a small loss than inflict one as she says if i owe them anything or even if they honestly believe i do it will make me feel better to pay it than to hates and you are going to be a lawyer and you will have plenty of similar cases in your time here is a good one to begin on i shall pay you what you think right for your trouble and it will be worth a good deal to you as a bit of experience beside answered promptly that he should not think of accepting compensation in any event he wanted a day or two at any rate to think it over and to this mr agreed during the days that followed saw and frequently and with both of them the conversation drifted more than once to the question of the claimed by the on the as the girls knew that they could not agree in their opinions upon this subject it was never brought up when they were together but when he was alone with either it always seemed to come to the surface he mentioned to in confidence the first time he met her that mr had invited him to undertake the task of arranging the trouble and she heard the tidings with the utmost delight i am so glad she exclaimed you will arrange everything i am sure and these old friends will not be converted into mortal enemies let me congratulate you that your first essay in legal work is in so good a cause i have not promised to undertake it yet he answered taken by the praise which she upon him i am a little doubtful whether some one else would not have a better chance of success she looked disappointed but not discouraged go about it with a determination to succeed and that will be half the battle she replied how much pleasanter will be your task to offer these people an olive branch than if you had to send them a challenge to war if you decline this opportunity girl as i am i think i shall go to mr and myself he left her he was almost positive that he should accept the offer there seemed but one view of his duty he imagined the men meeting his with a friendly spirit and small sums as the that would satisfy them his confidence rose to a great height and had he why you them met the mill owner at that moment he would have embraced his proposition without another word but an hour later he met i wonder if father has decided what to do about those men who are him she said he will make the mistake of his life if he gives them a sou let him once get the reputation of being so easily imposed upon and he will be the prey of all the in the state there are times when charity of this sort for a of is and the attorney they have engaged too a man without a of decency in his dealings they ought to be ashamed every one of them the fabric that had been by the arguments of tumbled to the earth in a heap i must tell you something said he uneasily your father has asked me to go to these men and attempt a settlement with them but you are not going she answered anxiously if i do not he will send some one else that does not excuse you she replied with spirit if you show him as you are able to do how foolish such a proceeding would be you can change his mind i think it your duty to do that before he puts himself in the hands of this crowd who would take him by the throat like a pack of why do say something to him he asked nervously you would have more influence than any one else not in a matter of business father thinks a great deal of me and would do anything i asked where i myself was concerned but in such a case as this he would pay no more attention to my opinion than if i were an infant in arms i am in his eye the only a girl but you you are a man what you say he will take at its true value try him and if you cannot him from this course at least be able to remind him afterwards that you advised against it he wished with all his heart that he could say to her then and there that he would do as she wished but what could he tell who had understood he was sure when they parted that he would give advice quite the opposite and even undertake the mission in person i shall have to think about it was all he was able to say whenever he met one of them or the other their conflicting arguments on this subject almost distracted him he was not used to having any matter so in his brain he could decide anything he had ever had to consider up to this time with the quickness of a flash it was the high esteem in which he held them both that confused his mind he could not bear to offend either and the merits of the case were quite hidden in the affection with which he regarded the fair if he had cared one more for one than the other that would have while each of them held the same place in his heart there was nothing to do but continue in uncertainty when a week had passed mr became for his answer telling him that it would seem a simple matter to say yes
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or no and that he wanted to engage some other agent in case he should positively decline begged for a few more days to consider it and though the farmer why you love them both thought it very strange he consented with reluctance to give him till the following wednesday monday morning came to and went at once to mr s had been hoping to have his during some part of the season but had not known just when he would arrive he welcomed him now not only for the pleasure of seeing him but because he thought his friend might be able to find some way for him out of his as soon as the ordinary topics were discussed sufficiently he threw himself upon his good graces and told him exactly the position in which he stood was much entertained by the recital he did not care a rap for the troubles of the farmers whose lands had been or the threatened suit which hung over the head of mr but the subject of and the girls was of the keenest interest he cared more and more for and only waited to make sure that he could do so to endeavor to make her understand his sentiments he listened to s statements and made up his mind to side with her if the chance fell in his way and also to let her know that his influence had been cast in that direction i do not see how you can hesitate if the case is as you put it he said when had finished his long story mr has decided to make the attempt to satisfy these people outside of a and all you could say would not be likely to alter his intention miss thinks he is right in trying to do this and so do i miss on the other hand a contrary opinion but it is in the interest of her own father and at his f the request that you are to undertake the work of it is clearly two thirds one way if not more you must tell him at once that you will accept the work and lose no time in going about it if you succeed you get a large feather in your cap if you fail he will remember that it was himself who urged you to the step as far as miss is concerned she cannot long blame you for doing what her father asks did not seem as thoroughly convinced as his friend evidently thought he should be you do not know he replied she has a will of her own and her father thinking the other way has no effect at all on her opinion then why do you not refuse and have done with it asked because has urged me so strongly to accept i do not think i count mr in the matter at all if the girls were agreed i should know very well what course to pursue sat for a minute watching the clouded face before him and could not help acknowledging that by all external signs the matter was troubling his friend very much indeed if it is only a question of pleasing the young ladies he said finally the solution to your problem is not so difficult take the side of the one for whom you care the most he trembled inwardly when he had made this proposition for he dreaded to hear say hat this course would compel him to adopt s proposal you do not understand my feelings toward these girls replied i care just as much for one why love them both t of them as the other there is absolutely not the slightest difference determined to push the questioning now that the time seemed so this cannot go on forever my dear boy said he the time must come when you will have to choose between them looked at his friend comprehended his meaning and turned a fiery red no no it is nothing of that kind he ex claimed we are friends only friends that is all indeed it is have a little sense replied earnestly you were all children once but you are so no longer you are now twenty one and they are each eighteen you are a man and they are women if you look into that heart of your you will find that you entertain a deeper passion for one of them and it is something of which you have no need to be ashamed either protested still with the of countenances that it was not true that did not understand his feelings at all and that nothing love had ever entered into his sentiments toward either of these girls or from either of them toward him they were only friends of a very close kind f companions brother and sister nothing more lie assured him but would not be convinced let me put a few to you said he would you like to know that some man had gained adam s promise to marry him the color left s face no i he cried in pain t the or that i beg you say no more cried the young man excitedly felt his heart why you love them both he ejaculated instead of caring for them merely as friends you love them both knowing nothing of the sentiment that had developed in s mind in regard to thought only of his own state so suddenly and violently revealed to him god help me he said with shaking voice lam afraid i do the listener could not help being affected by the despair in the tones of the speaker and there was little in the situation to encourage his own hope but he strove to do the right thing don t be so he said tenderly it is a good thing that you have discovered this in time you know that there must
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be a choice sometime and you will gain the strength to make it chapter vii examining the summer house it is not easy to permanently the heart of a healthy young man of twenty one the very force of the feelings which overpowered made it the easier for him to recover from his despondency he had found no way out to his but he had gained courage to await the issue it was some the summer house thing to have there if his college could not invent a way to help him it would at least show that other heads were no wiser than his own confound and his mill he burst out the next day when they were talking about it i don t care a fig for anything in this matter except the of having to disappoint one of the girls i wonder how they came to take such an interest in the question it is not at all like them and there was no reason why they should trouble themselves with a matter that belongs exclusively to men of course it was the natural sweetness of her sunny disposition that made protest against anything like a quarrel but she need not have been so set about it and too she ought to think that her father may have an idea or two of his own worth considering mr had sent word that he would like to have inspect his mill with him and when he had gone on that errand walked up the road toward the village and met and coming toward him with their arms around each other s how bright and happy they both seemed how much brighter grew the expression in their faces when they saw that he was near them had he not passed half the night in ths condition of things it would have made him to note this but he had himself something better we are going to s said as soon at he reached them won t you come back with us i am going to the post office he answered but i shall be back before long i wish he added that you would come to some compromise in th thk ton matter of the mill stream i should like to please you both otherwise here he drew himself up and tried to assume an air of importance i shall have to decide against one of you the girls stood before him with their hands clasped together and he thought neither had ever looked so lovely as at that moment whichever way you decide said gently be sure not to that good feeling that ought to reign between people who own adjacent estates leave no bitterness to work out no one knows to what extent when years of real or fancied wrong have passed and be sure said that you do not assist in the of one of the fairest of men by those to whom he has already paid more than their just deserts do not come to a decision that will prevent others from bringing improvements here to raise the price of every of grain grown in this section the girls had drawn nearer together as they spoke and one of them now rested her cheek against that of the other the thing must be settled somewhere he said desperately either in court or out of it yes said but i should think more of a man who was robbed by after the most desperate resistance than one who handed them his purse at the first bidding my father gave orders to his servants many years ago said to give a meal to every beggar who asked for it he said there might be one deserving in a hundred and that he would the summer r refer to feed the ninety nine to refusing the man looked from one to the other in despair all this does not help me any he protested u if two girls like you who love each other with the devotion of sisters cannot agree on the matter how can you wonder that a dozen farmers with no tie of friendship in particular have no better success but the case you are trying to decide is merely one of common business these men do not wish anything of my father but his money there is nothing concerned but dollars and cents this from with the of countenances there is a little more than that it seems to me dear said there is a difference of judgment as to whether money is due would it not be better to reconcile those differences out of court if possible what are courts for responded the other when it gets there a jury of twelve men will hear the evidence perhaps inspect the premises and aided by the advice of the judge will render a decision i do not see how there can be a fairer way there would be nothing disgraceful in paying an amount so estimated while there is something very like to in paying anything now they might have talked till in this rein and never have been any nearer to their views feeling that this was true turned the conversation cliff came last night said he he k laying at my house the ton neither seemed to take special interest in this bit of news in itself but evidently the double regret when she said we shall see less than ever of you now i fear than ever he repeated with a smile you see me every day and you will continue to do so the only difference will be that i shall sometime bring cliff with me i am glad he is here as we are to study law together and shall be of assistance to each other i might get him to help me in the mill case he added as if the thought had just occurred to him neither
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of the girls made any response they wanted him to decide for himself and each was confident that he would see the right as she saw it if he only gave it thought enough they did not fancy having a new element brought in whichever way an might decide it would be against one of them and neither liked to risk that on his way back from the village met who had just finished his visit to the mill and as they passed the gate the girls came down to the road having them from their perch on the they exchanged greetings with in a quiet way wanted to talk longer with thinking that if he could get her to surrender a little of her position his task would be easier and he proposed a walk through the woods the girls assented and found himself where he most wanted to be by the side of miss it was a delightful afternoon the warmth of july was tempered by a breeze and the sun examining the house was shaded by masses of white clouds which dispersed the of its rays the paths through the wood led through pleasant and across little bridges built since the days when had carried in his arms over the mr was the owner of this piece of ground and though he had left it open to the common use of the people of he had expended considerable money in it there was quite a large lake in the interior where he had built a boat landing a bath house with a dozen most of which were free to any one who desired to use them and other that increased the value of the water as a means of scattered through the wood were a number of built in the most rustic fashion and by heavy masses of vines a cottage arranged for the of himself and family during any part of the heated season was the most elaborate structure there and this was surrounded by an of a half acre or so shut in by a high board fence to seclusion this summer house which the family had occupied a good deal during the first two or three years after it was erected was now used only for an occasional night when the took a specially high range purposely so as not to keep within too easy sound of the voices of his friend and and courteously responded to all of the which he thought it the part of good breeding to utter presently however he into the subject that most interested him has been telling me about the dispute the ah she replied waiting for him to proceed it is a curious case he went on his only difficulty is his dislike to come to any decision that will be disagreeable either to you or miss she waited a moment and then said that he must for all that come to some decision sooner or later yes so i have told him and i have said further that i wholly agree with you miss in the view that you have taken he had a notion that she would show gratification perhaps him with thanks and he was ready to any credit for merely what he thought right but to his surprise she did nothing of the kind if she was pleased there was nothing in her countenance to indicate it he fancied that he could on the contrary detect dissatisfaction with the information he had given her and he began to wonder if he had committed an error he asked me my opinion pursued groping blindly in the direction where he supposed there might be light and as a friend i could not refuse to give it to him now could i he asked thinking she ought to say something to guide him before he had gone much farther certainly not he asked me what should do in a case like this which he i said i should try to effect a settlement outside of the and if that failed i should of course go to a jury and leave it with them but i should try the plan first i hope you do not think i was wrong in giving that advice by no means examining the summer house he thought that she showed an extraordinary lack of enthusiasm notwithstanding her apparent agreement with him in the course he had pursued and he determined to see if he could not say something to arouse her from the into which she had fallen i cannot say that i succeeded in making s duty clear to him he said he was still uncertain what he should do when we finished our talk but i gave him another suggestion which may assist him when he has thought about it sufficiently i told him that where one wanted to please two people the only way was to try and please the one he liked best he was alarmed at his own when he had uttered the words but she did not give any sign of any particular stress to them was with some rods in advance and knew hat for this moment at least his friend was under the spell of her fascination what do you think of my proposition he asked as she did not reply i can see but one way to decide anything responded and that is by the guidance of one s conscience i think will decide that way and whichever course he takes i shall be satisfied he could see that the couple in advance had paused and were waiting for them and he quick his steps you have never been into the summer house i believe said to has the keys with her and we will inspect the place if you wish j the said he should like it very much and party proceeded to the main gate of tie which was
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fastened by a a little rusty from exposure to the weather she tried to turn the key but it stuck in the lock and took the task upon himself with better results once inside the grounds he expressed his admiration for everything in no terms there was nothing very elaborate or expensive either in the summer house or its but he had not expected so much comfort and taste as was everywhere displayed it was a perfect of a place arranged under the personal of mrs and bore a certain resemblance to the southern type of similar which she had known in her childhood there was everywhere an air of refreshing coolness and thought he had never seen a place more inviting to rest and comfort during the season for which it was designed the house was quite extensive having not less than twelve rooms and the kitchen was placed in the smallest building at a little distance in which were also quarters for servants it is delightful he exclaimed why is it that you have not already put it to use this year mamma is not as well as she used to be explained and we have not occupied it much for several seasons i must send mary down and have it put in order we generally have a few here some time in the summer and father and i have usually slept here some of the warmest nights i tell you what cliff said this would be just the place for us to come and study in while examining the summer b mr family is not using it i am going to inquire what price he will ask j laughed at the word price you need not go to father for that she said i will give you the key as soon as the house is in order and you can come here all you like if we happen to want it for a day or two i can let you know and the expense put in not contented for long unless he could make some allusion to the subject on his mind can from the bill when he has arranged terms with the on the mill stream looked annoyed and turned to examine one of the windows where there was a pane of broken glass for which they could not account saw that he had put his foot in it but he did not know how to it let me tell you all my idea of the way to arrange this thing said he and the girls assumed an air of attention i will propose to mr to go with and talk with these men sound them as the saying is it will do no harm for us to go and see them in a sort of way and report how we find things if they are i should say settle if they are bound to fight then the blame will be on them looked at the girls to see what reply they had to make to this proposal which commended itself to him for two reasons it seemed to show a way to solve the difficulty by a little to each side and it gave him a companion on his errand which he very much wanted to have the ther of the girls spoke for a moment and then it was who broke silence i think she said addressing her remark to that we had best leave further discussion of this affair to the gentlemen you have a strong opinion as to which way is right i have one equally strong i am willing to allow them to go on so far as i might have any influence by any further argument of mine assented to the proposition you know what i think she said to as well as if i were to repeat it a thousand times i shall be glad to adopt s idea and drop the matter from our conversations hereafter thought they had dropped him along with their for he did not seem to enter into their considerations at all his vanity was hurt for he was accustomed to a good deal of deference in the society which he met at home being a young gentleman of family and fortune whom most people of his circle thought it worth while to cultivate looked from one of the girls to the other with the feeling of a man deserted on a lonely island by those whom he has esteemed his friends and who sees them pulling at the oars which take their boats further and further from him he saw no way to escape however and tried to think that the new aspect of affairs had its advantages he changed to s side as the party strolled homeward leaving to from a notion of propriety but none of them managed to get into a very mood before parting i ve got to rely on you now old boy said a trip up e aid when they were in their room at his father s if you desert me i am ruined i shall not desert you replied but we must go about this thing without another days delay we must have a talk with mr early in the morning and start off before noon to this seemed like hurrying matters but his friend was inexorable if it s to be done let s get it out of the way said he time enough has been wasted already will be much disappointed mused and gratified replied his friend watching him narrowly and i wanted so much to please both that has been proved impossible now you must choose as i told you yesterday looked up oddly how do you know i want to choose that way p he inquired chapter viii a trip up the river led off in the conversation with mr the next morning he led off also in securing a horse
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and wagon with which to make the trip up stream for it was necessary to follow a country road which led to most of the farmers houses and it seemed useless to make so much of a journey o foot was when he found that the the die was actually cast and could think of nothing but the objections that had raised he would have given anything in reason to have got out of the whole matter with credit and wished heartily that mr had never thought of his name in connection with his tangled affairs his companion on the other hand had concluded that there might be something of credit to himself in a settlement of the case although had with such coolness his announcement of his intention to join in it he knew that he was doing what she wanted done every hour that passed found him with a greater affection for the fair girl than the preceding he saw that his progress in her good graces must be very slow but he was willing to wait at present her whole heart appeared to be fixed on that young gentleman s however seemed to to be inclined a little stronger toward and this gave him hope he had chosen on the day preceding for his walk to the woods and he had for her on the homeward walk more apparently from motives of policy than from an inclination to abandon his partner he talked of nothing this morning but the disagreeable effect this errand would have on was quite encouraged at the prospects take them all in all as he and rode out of agreed readily to let do most of the talking and the young man himself with distinction at the first house they called at the owner was a man named who had suffered the largest injury if there was any from the overflowing of the and brook he seemed to a trip up the river be a good natured fellow and readily consented to leave his work and go over the ground with his it s all dry enough now he said as they reached the vicinity of the alleged but you ought to have seen it in april i couldn t put in a there for a month after i had the rest of the farm finished all that big piece that is covered with late crops was as wet as a the banks of the brook are low in spots all along its course and the rise raises the deuce how long have you had the place asked i took it up the same year he did the he referred evidently to mr did it never before he built his dam well leaning heavily on one leg i wouldn t want to say never not every year as it does now i ll be bound it has each year since then has it t yes sir every one and i ve got proof of it excuse me mr said but why did you not seek sooner mr shifted his weight to the other leg the fact is he answered that i wanted to be and not trouble any one if i could help it i spoke to everybody in seemed privileged to call mr by his first name and we had some talk about it but time has gone on and it has kept doing me harm and he has made a good deal of money out of the mill and i think he ought to make it right that is about all there is to it tor ton walked around a little trying to assume an air of wisdom do you think there is less profit in the crop you have there on that piece than in the grain beyond it he ventured well i don t know as there is it takes a good deal more work to raise it than it does corn or wheat but it brings more in the fall that ain t the thing though i contend that no man has a right to run water over my land without he pays me for the privilege it ain t for to say that i must raise this crop or that crop pretended to side with the farmer in his last statement thinking that this was the best policy and inquired off hand how much he thought would make him square i don t know exactly said mr i only want what s right a he paid you something for the privilege of using the brook didn t he he gave me two hundred dollars for a writing that i would never use it myself for power or do any thing to its waters except take water for my cattle and the house if it wasn t for that writing i could put up a mill as well as he and i don t know as it would hurt his power if i did his idea was i suppose that he didn t want any other mill in the valley and he came along when i was short of money and bought me out at his own price just as everybody else does in the way of business commented now mr you are an honest and a sensible man and you think mr owes you something i wish you would tell me how much your claim is as i would like to have a trip up the river him settle these matters in a friendly way with his old neighbors if i can mr shifted his weight again i ve put in a claim for a thousand he said you might just as easily have made it ten replied the question is what amount would you you don t want if i understand you correctly anything but what is right how much cash in your hand between now and the first day of august would satisfy you to
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execute a quit claim mr put his hands as far down into his breeches pockets as they would go you see mr i believe you didn t tell me your name mr you see mr we have made an agreement we farmers along the brook not to settle unless we can all settle together we put our names to a paper that lawyer drew up i m willing and i ve always been willing to do the fair thing could have settled with me almost any way if he had talked right when i first went to him he kept say ing that he had paid me once and that he didn t think i ought to ask any more and i got tired of it but now i shall have to abide by the sense of the others if he s got any proposal to make we ll get together and hear it and i won t be the off horse neither here was an unexpected obstacle had hoped to arrange matters with the one by one and now he met a much more formidable opposition the farmers were to be by a lawyer and no doubt a shrewd one who would urge the them to get every dollar they could squeeze out of the mill owner mr doesn t admit that he owes you anything he said but for the sake of good feeling and old acquaintance he is willing to make an allowance for the fact that you hold a contrary view he has no proposition to make but if he could get reasonable or half reasonable figures from you all he would prefer to draw his for a small amount rather than have you spend your money at law i am going to see the others and talk it over with them and i hope you will get together and conclude that it is better to come to some agreement in a friendly spirit than to put a lot of your money into the pocket of an mr a piece of earth from his coat you re going to make the same mistake that did he replied if you go up the road telling the farmers that he don t claim to owe them anything you might as well stay at home they know that he does owe them something and their lawyer that he ll get it out of him if they go to a jury i am only giving you all a chance to avoid taking that risk said pleasantly a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush you know well you go and talk with them and when you come back stop here and tell me what they say said and may i tell them that you will agree to whatever the majority decide yes i ain t no but you ll find them fellows howling now i tell you they re mad clean through and that s the truth a trip up the walked slowly back to their with who had not uttered a word and mr accompanied them we shall try to settle this thing but perhaps it will please these men better if they hear the decision from a court said as he reached the wagon p responded mr when they were on their way again asked what he thought of the progress they were making it s a little like that of a said i didn t think the trip would amount to anything it will give me a chance though to say to that we tried but miss will think if the verdict goes badly against her father that it is partly due to our interference i know it said sadly isn t it unfortunate v nothing that he could say no form in which he could put the could turn from his closely balanced fondness for the two girls and heaved a sigh of regret it is indeed unfortunate he assented to hide his feelings the only thing in all our lives that ever came between us exclaimed we have gone on as smoothly as that confounded down there ever since we were little bits of things till now he spoke in such a depressed tone that was moved to remark that there was nothing very vital in it all there had been no quarrel either between the young ladies themselves or between either of them and thb quarrel t echoed starting at the word quarrel why cliff i can feel each of their hearts the slightest regret that either of them experiences cuts me like a knife our nerves are i read their thoughts before they utter them there can be no quarrel between us that does not end in death the prepared plate of the is not so sensitive to the light as the smallest of my brain is to the least of theirs grew very sober and as i told you it must come to an end he said but how cried wildly i think we are really one and not three as we appear to others we were born in parts but we have grown together a blow to one of us hurts all let me as an tell you one thing said i have watched you while both miss and miss feel a great interest in this matter it does not affect them anything like the way it does you you do not know was the instant reply they do not confide in you as i do could you read their minds as i can could you feel the depression which they experience sent with double force back to your own heart you would know that my agitation is not one bit greater than theirs it is not this thing in itself that troubles me so but the dread it gives me of the future i did not know until you opened my eyes how dear they were to
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me i have not been myself since this arose for it has taught me what suffering i am capable of giving by showing what pain i can be made to feel did not know what to say it was evident a trip up the that his friend felt all that he expressed and more and he had no wish to add to his discomfort luckily they arrived in a few moments at the residence of the next upon the brook which pointed out he had come provided with a list of the men to be seen and he knew where they all lived having been familiar with the vicinity from childhood this man who rejoiced in the of moon was even less satisfactory to talk with than mr he did not care to discuss the case which he had left wholly in the hands of his attorney he would not even consent that mr should inspect the place where the stream had unless his attorney was present he declared that he had been a big fool to sell his rights in the water to for a hundred and fifty dollars and he should try not to commit a similar error next time if you want to see lawyer you can go to des he said he s got the whole business in his hands and no one else could settle with you if they wanted to can t pull no wool over the eyes of the people up this way he s got more money than we have but we ve got jest as good a show in a court of justice as him a county jury will say whether he can flood our lands as he likes and refuse to make it right but he doesn t refuse to make it right protested i am here for the express purpose of asking you to let him pay whatever he owes you he can pay it to lawyer let him send word for him to come down here and that he s got the money ready and enough for the expenses that he s put us to and there ll be no trouble said with slight sarcasm that he had ao the doubt that was true but that the figures named in the suit were not reasonable and that no fair minded man would ask mr to settle on any such terms seeing however that he had an obstinate customer to deal with he drove on to the next man whom he found no more before he had completed his round he learned beyond question that mr had the whole of them and that they were in the language of the country for a fight with him most of them had come to the neighborhood about the same time as he and none had achieved a of his financial success this seemed to them a favorable opportunity to even up matters a little they had sold out their rights in the mill stream at figures and he had made a small fortune some of them believed a large one out of it lawyer had convinced them that he could make him sweat and they were quite willing to assist an attempt to excite the perspiration a mr one of the last men whom a new phase into the by saying to how does your father feel about this mr if he s ready to settle easy he s had a great change come over him within a few days my father repeated with a look of blank astonishment ly when we had our last with lawyer he come along and asked if it was too late for him to in he said his land was as bad as anybody s and that he hadn t sold no rights at all in the stream the way the rest of us had we was all surprised to know that it run a trip the through his land but he said it did that it made the boundary of his quarter section for more n six rods he said it was right along the edge and p hadn t thought that little distance counted for anything but it does count s your father and i want to go in with the of you on the suit lawyer said that w all right that there was plenty of time to ii his name on and it was done then and there well when we got to you ought to have him i never thought he could speak as f ip as he did he was for the thing through all the courts this side o an a n appeal that if it didn t go our way you don t mean to tell me he s backed down so soon well i never looked at and saw that he was paler than he had been before though he had appeared like a sick man all day and he took it upon himself to answer mr i am doing this for mr he said and has only come along to point out to me where the parties live i think the best thing to do is to let it go to court as you all seem to wish it but i assure you that it will cost you pretty dear you understand farming mr much better than you do law but have it as you please it is all the same to me he turned his horse about as he was speaking and drove back toward leaving a very angry man behind him you didn t know that about your father said as soon as ha had an opportunity td thb g no it is a terrible surprise i knew that he and mr have not been on the warmest terms for a good while but i did not think that anything like this could happen the news is very disagreeable it must be what
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was the origin of the trouble between them i never heard my father as you have noticed is of a nature and i have never talked with him about his private affairs i suppose he will think it wrong that i should have undertaken this errand but i have not spoken a word to anybody that is one good thing you must stand by me cliff if he speaks about it it would have been a bad mess if i had undertaken it alone his friend readily promised to present the best phase of the case to mr should there be any need of it and they drove to mr house to give an account of their trip it was late and as they admitted having had no supper the mill owner urged them to let his wife put a plate on although his family had finished their meal some time before is up to s he said but we will do our best to entertain you in her absence mrs also came out and joined her entreaties to her husband s but declined saying that he must get home as early as possible for special reasons well if you won t you won t smiled how did your journey come out we didn t catch a fish laughed i thought i would say just that much to night and in the morning i will come over and give you full particulars a trip up the i m not much disappointed was the reply couldn t do a thing with them eh no they are bound to fight let them fight then said mr i ll give them fight enough they ll find that it s a game that more than one can play at i ve retained major the lawyer in all there isn t one of them a penny and they know it it was evident that he was angry as he contemplated the case and fearing that he would say something which might think reflected on his father though they both had reason to believe that did not yet know he was in the list of his said good night and drove on to mr s here the young men alighted and one of the farm hands was sent to the livery stable with the where did you go asked mr as he greeted them up the river said feeling a guilty flush creep over his cheek at the deception of the answer it s a nice drive said his father and there the conversation ended mr was not in the habit of having long talks with his son nor in fact with any one else the young men ate their supper silently and went up stairs more and more trouble said sadly when they were alone if s father and mine get into a regular quarrel what shall we do become the more attached as lovers have been since the creation smiled and then if the worse comes to worst he added with an effort there is don t make a jest of it said a crossing his brow it is a serious thing to me indeed it s no joke to me either thought as a vision of the girl who had become so dear to him flashed through his mind chapter ix you must fight these men when found that john had joined in the suit against him which he learned from a several days after he became struck with wonder and then white with rage he had known for years that john did not feel cordial to him but had attributed it to jealousy at his greater success and had never dreamed that it would break out into open he had given john his only chance in life and he had thrown it away in a manner that entitled him to little sympathy from anybody during the first years when they had been opening up their land and when both of them had to rise early and go to bed late had lent a helping hand to his friend in a hundred ways he had advanced him funds on many occasions never stooping to accept the interest which was though he liked money as well as the next one and could have lent it to others of the at five per cent a mouth even within a year of the present date ho t fight hen had stood between and his without letting him know whom his benefactor was he had done this not on his account but to save the mortification of having to see his home sold under the hammer but in the exasperated mood which came with this news of the matter remembered nothing but the fact that he had tried to help john a thousand times and that this was the sort of which he had received as he rode home he met colonel and his grievance what do you think of it after all i have done to help that man he asked when he had told his story the colonel had heard of the matter before as it had been common talk for some days in the village and he admitted it saying that he had supposed mr knew about it all the time they say threw it up to that day that he and young mr went up to interview the others said the colonel but what does the fellow mean exclaimed i have him on my back as you might say ever since we have been here together i couldn t make a man of sense of him the lord himself couldn t do that but i have helped him over the rough places and enabled him to keep his farm when the were determined to take it away i ve got an note of his now fifteen years old for five hundred dollars that he never to pay and that i never expected he
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would when i lent him the money i have let him have seed and tools and men and given my word for him at the stores time the and again if he thought i owed him anything why couldn t he come and talk it over with me instead of joining these fellows and putting me to extra expense and annoyance my patience has about given out if he in this thing the may sell him out the next time he fails in his interest for all of me colonel had never seen mr in a temper before and he was surprised that he could get so angry doesn t know half of the you have done for him he ventured to remark if some one were to go and tell him of them in a quiet way i don t want them to replied you know last summer when you told me that they were bound to his place for sale to satisfy their claims how i sent a third party to him with an offer of a second so that he could pay the interest and that i furnished the money i didn t want him to know it then and i don t now there was no hope of doing any more than off his troubles for he hasn t enough to get out of the net he has twisted around his neck but i did hope he could get his boy through his and established in business before the stroke came now i don t much care how soon they take the farm nobody could expect me to go down into my pocket again for a man who has turned against me in this way the colonel was plainly uneasy during this you might go and see him he suggested m john will be a good deal older before bt tou must fight these men finds me hunting him up retorted the next time it will be more likely that he will hunt me up his interest will be due in a few weeks now and we ll see who ll advance it this time the friends parted and drove toward his home just before he reached his premises he saw coming and imagined that he detected a trace of malice on his face his inclination was to pretend not to see him if he could get into his gate soon enough but this was impossible reached the turning off point first and stopped his horse is the mill running this morning he asked i want to take over some of course it s running retorted unable to conceal the anger that filled him did you think a for was going to stop it received this answer without moving a muscle of his hard face you know why it runs i suppose he said it is because i allow my water to fill the that turns the wheel smiled contemptuously your water he replied with sarcasm yes mine every drop of it passes my land and i can cut it off whenever i take the notion i have let it run there for years in order to be friendly and neighbor like but there come times when a man finds it his duty to look out a little for himself s countenance grew dark about when do you think you will cut off he inquired i shall consult my own fancy about that the now long do you think you could hold land with a strong accent on the your after you had done it looked at him for an explanation he evidently did not quite understand his reference it is as well to be plain said if that stream should be cut in the bank which skirts your farm for a few rods where would the water go why it would flood your wheat fields and stand two feet deep in your corn and garden allowing that you had enough spite to sacrifice these your would hardly be willing to see their security thus lessened the company who hold the first if not the party who holds the second would upon you as they would have a full right to do i have heard that you have joined in the suit which lawyer has brought against me go on and make all you can but don t imagine that you have a fool to deal with heard him quietly the wheat will soon be he said the corn and the garden crops will follow in a few weeks mere when the crops are out of the ground it will do no harm for a little water to stand on it over the winter i am not sure but it would benefit it was driven to frenzy by this cool proposition whoever owns the farm which you have been pleased to call yours for so long when winter comes he said will not be likely to entertain your view of what is good for wheat and corn third are not common in and i think next time th r will have his way you must sight these men was as cool outwardly at least as his companion was furious it will take time to tell that he replied started to retort again but thought better of it and being in truth a little ashamed of the temper he had already shown allowed to depart without saying anything more to him he threw the reins to a man who came forward as he reached the house and retired to a shady corner of the broad where he could think he was in a perspiration partly from the state of the weather and partly from the state of his mind and as he sat there he himself vigorously with his broad straw hat i ve got to protect myself was his thought before anything else that i ve heard is the first law of nature the interest on
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the second which i hold by will be due in a fortnight if it is not paid i must take measures to but it is probable that he will try and pay that interest as it is such a small amount and i may have to wait for the first owners the company if they sell the place i shall have to buy it then i should own the only part of the brook in dispute and be free of that danger forever it s good land as good naturally as any of mine i offered to exchange even with him once when he said he thought it the poorer of the two and after consideration he refused yes i must get possession this time that threat of his me he looked through the vines that thickly clung to the work of the and saw a young man coming briskly up the walk it was he walked with a springing step his cheek was ruddy the and his whole appearance indicated could not walk toward the spot where he expected to meet without feeling his heart bounding in his breast and every pulse the things which had been troubling him vanished from his brain when he found himself near her door and knew that the next moment he would be in her ence as the mill owner looked at a heavy pain struck through him every plan that he could make to the plot of john would give sorrow to the son liked immensely he had received him into his home for sixteen years with all the warmth that he could offer he had gladly allowed him the intimacy with his dearly beloved daughter and that their friendship was of an enduring kind had never had a word of difference with in his life and he dreaded doing anything that might cause her to utter a protest if there were open between the fathers what effect might it not have on the children he thought how easy it would have been for john to come to him in the old way and say that he was in trouble for money and wanted to be helped out again and how promptly for s sake he would have given him the sum needed it was a very different case now john held over him a threat to injure his business in the most wanton manner and for no good whatever to himself remarked inwardly that he was not a good man to threaten john would find that out before he was through with him then he thought of again and grew doubtful tht sound of music came through the open win you must tight these hen the young couple were at the piano s hands were chasing the notes over the keys and their voices blended in a song he could see them dimly through the inner shutters they acted like attached friends not like lovers but he was glad of that it would be years before would be in a position to take a bride and it was much better that they were content to await the approach of that time before passing the bounds of friendship he knew that they thought themselves unobserved at the present moment and that there was no bar on their perfect freedom of manner except the natural one of their own choice turned the leaves of the printed music sang his part with her to the end and then they talked together as he had seen them do a hundred times as if there were nothing in the world to disturb the full current of their pleasure after a few minutes they left the room and he heard them on the lawn in the rear of the house what was he to do how could he reconcile the protection of his interests with the happiness of this young man whom he esteemed so highly and whom he expected one day to call son it was no easy problem and he failed to find an answer that satisfied him stayed but an hour longer and came searching for her father one of the servants having told her that he had been seen to go out upon the she laughed brightly when she found saying that he could not hide like that from her and asked how long he had been playing when he told her that he had been the with the singing that he had heard in the music room she laughed more brightly yet but you are sober papa dear she said seeing that he did not share her mood i know what it is those horrible mill stream fellows you have not been yourself since they began to annoy you i would rather you shut down the mill to morrow than to have it make you so much trouble she put her arms tenderly about his neck and he thought that there were some things in life that made it worth living perhaps i shall conclude to do it he said what papa shut down the mill my pet oh i don t mean that you must fight these men as a matter of principle if it were only dollars and cents that would be quite another thing he reached up and took her hands in his looking at the rings she wore some day there would be another there with a brilliant stone in it and some other day long might it be in coming still another of plain gold supposing pet he said that there should turn out some morning not to be enough water in the to run the mill supposing the stream should run dry not much danger of that i guess she smiled after all the rains we had this spring he felt so secure with those arms about his neck that he thought he might as well give her an of the truth there is a small
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part of this stream that borders the land of another man the line that you t fight these men my estate from his runs through the for several rods he has a legal right for all that i can see to cut through the bank on his side and let off the water that would effectually stop the and spoil his farm she laughed he would not be such a whoever he is as to do that there is no way in which it could benefit him peered over into her father s face for the light that she thought her logic would bring but she saw that he did not think the matter a simple one and she left her place at the back of his chair and brought a stool to his knee who is this man who has it in his power to make my papa so sober she asked i will go and talk with him and show him how little pleasure it is to cut off one s nose to spite his face it is john her smile faded then like a flash s father that s it exactly if it was plain john and not s father i should not be long in knowing what to do somehow though there was a hopeless tone in his voice she was glad to hear him say this you like papa don t you yes and you very very much plain honest girl as she had always been even at a moment when most girls would have thought it a part of modesty to cast down their eyes and call up a blush she met hi e what shall we do about it pet the has he really threatened to cut the bank t he has told me that he could he has it but with what object that is more than i can tell answered her father john has been growing colder to me every year for a long time i have never injured him unless it be in money faster than he could and heaven knows i have never wronged a man out of a penny he seems to be jealous of my greater success and there is nothing so as jealousy into deep thought for some moments when she raised her head again it was with this is there any way that you could prevent him if you chose yes he was surprised at the way he was confiding in her for he had never before told her anything of business matters he is heavily in debt the men whom he owes have long been prevented with difficulty from taking his land it is probable that they will take it this year and offer it for sale i could buy it it was evident that these forms were not very familiar to the girl for she asked to have them explained more fully when she understood the legal aspect of the case she said if you did not buy the farm some one else would yes what would mr and and then where would they live i do not know i should be glad to let john stay od must fight these men where he is for the sake of but i fear he would be too angry and too proud to accept the favor i should want nothing except to secure the mill stream from injury there is a great deal of profit in the mill my dear and i should not like to have it stopped thought again for a little while it is so contemptible of him to propose it she exclaimed finally it is like going into somebody s garden and cutting down their fruit trees i would not submit to it what shall i you must stop him i in what way see i am asking your advice in any way in every way you must stop him he leaned over her m even if i have to take the house over his head yes and s r he had never imagined the quality that was in her that made her look him straight in the eye and answer yes again you will wait she added till you are sure he to carry out his threat and then you will act will not blame you if he has a right idea of the matter he is not at all like his father he could not do a mean thing he would never claim that you ought to allow any one to inflict a wanton injury on you without loved more at that minute than he had ever done and he had not supposed his love capable of increase my child he said i care more for you than for the mill more than for fifty mills more than for all the ton my other possessions i would do anything rather than your happiness think of this and tell me your opinion later he kissed her and she went away slowly chapter x but that is a serious thing colonel had been thinking a good deal of late about the subject of the pecuniary difficulties of john he cared no more for that individual considered alone than did but as the father of one for whom he entertained the greatest affection and for whom his daughter felt something that could hardly be described by any thing less than a name he thought he ought to do whatever lay in his power to the unpleasant day when would demand their rights he had no doubt that after entered into the practice of his profession he would find a way to relieve his parent of the difficulties which crowded upon him to allow the to itself across his path at the present time would result in no one could tell what upon leaving mr that morning when they met in the road and talked the matter over the colonel made up his
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mind that he would offer assistance to the first time he met him knew well that his affairs were in a very precarious state but so they had been for years but that is a serious thin ill and yet he had always managed to escape at the last moment he had more than once seen the interest day approach until its shadow cast a black cloud over his heart and yet something had always happened to save him before the fatal blow was delivered the year previous three days after the company had given him notice that they should push their rights a stranger giving the name of had called to ask if he would like to execute a second at the ordinary rate of interest a thing unknown in that latitude and the money thus obtained had to put off his for another year now both the interest on the first and second were coming due and the principal of the latter as well he had hoped to save something toward payment but with s college expenses and some losses in various directions his plans had gone wrong he had less than four hundred dollars on hand with a thousand due on the principal and half as much as interest and with everything he owned from his farm down to the smallest animal or tool upon it to their full value he had no idea from what source relief could come but he had a blind confidence that it would come from somewhere and in this blind confidence he rested when he entered into the suit against and threatened to cut off the mill water as soon as his crops were out of the ground of course john had no idea that the stranger named was really the representative of mr and the money which he advanced on the precarious security of a second came from solid bank account of his prosperous neighbor ton perhaps if he had known it his pride would have been too strong to allow of its acceptance even though it was the only thing that could save him from total financial ruin the gave a power of sale as did all at that date in within a short time of any in the payment of interest or principal with this document in the village bank waited for the day when it would be available he had never wanted to make john trouble and had lent the money with the feeling that it was pretty much the same thing as throwing it away but the sinister expressions in reference to the mill stream had proved too much for his good nature he was considerable surprised therefore to receive word from the agent one day in august that the note covering the second had been paid in full with interest and that the amount was awaiting his order was more than surprised he was annoyed he wondered who beside himself had been reckless enough to advance money on that sort of security he went and told what he had learned as soon as he could find her it leaves me entirely at his mercy he said he will do what he threatened now there is no doubt about it simply from she exclaimed how can any man have such a disposition well it us of the other question at least he will have to bear all the moral responsibility and much it will trouble him he answered grimly there is one thing left that i could per but that u a do i could see the agent of the company which has the other and tain if they wish to sell it were it not for my course would be plain enough mr happened to see mr shortly afterward and in response to the question whether the company had any which they wished to dispose of received the reply that it was against the policy of the company to sell they had an implied contract with their customers that only the usual proceedings would be taken as long as the interest is kept up he said we let the principal stand when there is a we sell at according to law we never do anything t supposing said mr that you had a who should flood his land to spite a neighbor and thus reduce its producing and selling value i can t imagine such a case was the reply but i do not think we should do anything about it so long as the interest was paid we are not fond of interfering in minor matters with our there seemed to be no outlet in this direction and returned home with a greater puzzle than ever on his mind colonel who had known that the was really the property of was troubled over the part he felt obliged to play in the affair principally because it compelled him to enter into a sort of deception of his old friend like adam he had not wanted to know from what source his assistance came and had engaged an out to the business the first time he the met he had a mortal fear that fee would allude to the case and dreaded lest he should ask him if he knew who this man was who had taken up the the colonel did not mean to reveal his own part in the transaction and neither did he like to tell even a white lie to conceal it but to his great relief never alluded to the matter in any way things went on quietly until one day early in september when some one in the village asked him if he had heard that was that the mill would shut down before the next snow came finding that this statement had really been made by colonel thought it his duty to have a talk with him he had not meant that his kindness to one neighbor should
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result in the injury of another and had thought john s talk in the summer mere idle words without any meaning behind them john did not prove very when tho colonel approached him to the statement that people said he had threatened to stop the mill ho answered that people said a good many things when he was pressed to make an explicit denial h made the retort that he hoped he had a right to do as he liked with his own and that it was something about which he would not allow any one to dictate wouldn t you be willing to sell that part of your farm by which the river runs suggested colonel that would settle the matter once for all i haven t got any land to sell and i am not worrying about settling anything said let those who ve got things to worry about do th says i am all up and shall be sold out soon i don t owe anybody any interest that s due and i shall do as i like when he s got any thing to say to me let him come and say it and not send third parties the colonel made haste to assure him that he had come of his own accord just in the interest of harmony between neighbors there can be no harmony between and me replied quietly things have gone too far for that i don t need any of your counsel as i have been of age for several years all you could say wouldn t alter anything and we might as well drop it where it is colonel wore such a thoughtful face when he reached home that who ran to meet him inquired anxiously what was the matter a little business darling he replied that i tried to arrange has gone wrong it is nothing that should trouble you at least i wanted to make two old friends who have fallen out happy again and i failed that s all but that is a serious thing said thoughtfully as she took a chair by his side if two friends have fallen out and become two enemies instead and you could not reconcile them i do not wonder that you are sober tell me all about it that i may understand it fully i am very much interested he looked at her for a moment and then con that he would partly with her request oh it is that old matter of the mill stream which tried to settle u no another branch of the same difficulty would have much less chance of settling even than the other his father has threatened to cut the bank of the stream where it borders on his land and cut off the supply of water which turns mr evinced the greatest astonishment at this information why should he wish to injure mr she asked her father told her all he thought wise about the matter but it gave no explanation to the she had he did not care to go as far back as the marriage of s mother i am foolish to tell my this he said in conclusion there is no reason why her head should be filled with such things i am glad to know she answered though i am sorry that it has occurred the worst thing is that it may cause trouble between and not that i imagine it could separate them she added quickly the slight start that her father gave but it will annoy them both to know that there is a serious difficulty between their parents i can hardly conceive of anything more unpleasant when people are as intimate as they are colonel was much disturbed do you think then that there is such a deep attachment between and he asked nervously she looked up as if she could hardly comprehend that she heard aright m why of course there is have you not noticed but that a thing t ever since they were little since we were all children together but i thought he stammered tha cared for him again she surveyed his face with a long stare and so i do we are all the dearest of friends and i if the trouble was between mr and you don t you think i should feel it deeply will find it very hard to bear and whatever hurts her hurts me also and what hurts hurts you both he had an idea that this thought would arouse her to a sense of the position in which she stood but it did not she only answered exactly seeming to think that settled everything do you think he asked presently that likes more than he does you oh no i am sure he doesn t she responded brightly or you more than r she wondered at his perhaps a little she said it is nearly alike i guess but it may be he me a little the best the colonel drew a sigh of relief i will tell you something more he said mr is and has for a long time been in financial he gave security on his farm for money borrowed and the was ready to sell it to enforce his claim i heard of the danger and through a third party so as not to let my name appear i advanced the amount needed sprang up and would have embraced him but he held her off with his hands us the you think it was from sheer goodness of heart that i did that but you are mistaken i only did it for your sake i did it because it would have injured the future of to have the place sold and because i thought you cared so much for him that it would pain you still tried to put her arms about him why do you refuse to let me show my
0Arthur Conan Doyle