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living i suppose she bowed her head with a blush i do sewing it does not pay very well i am afraid she did not answer she was trying to think of the best way to end the conversation she had reached her home now and there was no longer any excuse for his remaining a rough looking man came out of the house and addressed the it is against the rules to talk on the in front of the house he said harshly either take your friend inside or go away with him quick to seize the opportunity mr took advantage of the girl s confusion and replied certainly we will go in just for a moment he added in a low tone there was no way to stop him except by a debate which she did not wish her landlord to hear and the girl led the way uneasily to the third floor where she paused with a key in her hand their marriage bond you claim to be a gentleman she said then in tones of entreaty if you are one i beg you to leave me i will do so in three minutes if you insist he replied lowering his voice to go now would subject me to suspicion from that pleasant proprietor of yours why my child i wouldn t harm you for the world he took out his watch three minutes i swear it she inserted the key in the lock and let him follow her the room into which they entered was poorly furnished but as neat as possible he took in everything at a glance you see she said biting her lips there is nothing to attract you i am a poor working girl nothing more as i supposed he replied but i also see that you were not always in that rank you have had an education your speech and manners show that you were well born and have moved in better society no don t speak just yet i am of my promise i have hardly two minutes left i want you to do me a favor she surveyed him with wide open eyes her expression not with doubt i want you to accept a little present she shrank away exclaiming no no but he persisted let us not waste time he held the watch in his hand while he talked i have a fortune the income of which is several times greater than my wants there is no sensible reason why you should not accept a trifle when it is so evident that you can find good use for it he laid several bank notes on the table their marriage bond what do you expect in return for this money she asked in return for the money nothing to be candid however i do hope that you will let me call again now i have convinced you that my purposes are honorable she sat down and commenced to weep by the promise i made and which i mean to keep said i have less than a minute left before i go will you tell me your name so that i may have the appearance of an honest man when i call for you there was a knock on the door hastily wiping her eyes the young woman went to open it well have you got the rent said a voice which recognized at once as that of the disagreeable person he had seen below stairs to morrow i will get it she answered with a feeling of shame that the gentlemanly appearing visitor should hear the demand you have told me that twice i do not run a free lodging house i shall wait no longer in the you will be put out you understand the man s steps were heard descending and the girl back into the room with renewed tears on her cheeks mr stood there awaiting her my time has all expired said he putting the watch in his pocket shall i go she looked at him with blinded eyes and then at the on the table don t leave that money she said i cannot take it you prefer to let the fellow who just called execute his threat she drew a long breath as of despair their marriage bond if he puts you out to morrow what will you do ah cried lifting her hands there is always a last resort and you would rather embrace it than take this money which i you freely she seemed to consider the two horns of the i promised you to go in three minutes he said i am ready to keep my word but is it not best that i sit down with you a moment longer and see if we cannot have an understanding she nodded him to resume his seat in a moment so very desolate it wag better to run some than to be left alone with her grief in he first place he continued take that money and put it in your purse it is yours i shall not touch it again under any circumstances he pushed it toward her with the hat that he held in his hand and she obeyed him mechanically though with evident reluctance now won t you tell me your name why do you want it because i feel that we ought not to end our acquaintance here because i believe that when you have thought a little longer you will say i may come again but she exclaimed turning red you can have only one object a man does not seek the company of a poor girl like me unless she was unable to proceed and you won t even tell me what name they call you he asked with his most winning smile you could find that by asking below she replied as if in thought it is mrs that is better he said but
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are you married then their marriage bond thinking that the money she had accepted entitled the at least to courtesy the young woman answered i lost my husband several months ago i beg your pardon he said i am sorry to arouse unpleasant memories is there anything else you would like to tell me you have been so kind she faltered that i don t know how to thank you i was as you brought up in a different station from the one in which you see me last summer circumstances compelled me for the first time to seek my own i have made a sorry mess of it the only thing i could find as sewing and the paid are so low that even this room and the most meagre food cannot be earned by the longest hours i had a little money and it is gone but for your gift to morrow would have seen me you have no relations or friends to whom you can appeal none nearer than england and they have already responded that there is nothing to be expected from them they are nearly as poor as i the pathos of the story made its impression upon him certainly at that moment he had no intention of this unhappy creature all that was sentimental in his nature cried out for her you spoke a little while ago of a last resort he what did you mean by that death that is dreadful for one so young to contemplate i can die but not myself said she i have no wish to die though life has lost every charm for me i am willing to work as long as my their marriage bond strength lasts at any employment no matter how disagreeable the person who would secure me but that opportunity i should call friend indeed the best thing for you said is to let me be what my impulse proposed from the first your banker and adviser she looked at him it is not possible she said that there is a man in the world who would render such a service without hope of reward you you are not a clergyman he shook his head with another smile simply a rich young who has taken a fancy to aid you think it over mrs i don t like that formal title your christian name would suit me better elizabeth margaret think it over margaret it is not much for me to offer i would like to have you move to a rather better house i m not in love with your landlord but don t agree to anything now only say that i may come tomorrow or the next day you ll feel better acquainted when you ve seen me the second time what was she to do she said he might come that she would be very glad to have him come it seemed like a dream that such a gentleman should have taken an interest in her based on anything but the craving of a nature her purse except for his present was empty she could not refuse a helping hand held out in such a manner good bye margaret he said rising good bye i do not know what to call you yet he did not mean to give her his right name so soon you may call me he said and left her their marriage bond chapter the angel of death at the end of their week in the white mountains mr mrs returned to boston explained to his friends that at the office made it impossible to stay longer they settled down in the apartments that had been engaged and as fa as the world could see were like any other young married couple except perhaps a little more sensible in showing their affection before outside parties the very first thing the young husband did even before going to visit hip father was to see a and put him in possession of margaret description he had given up the dearest hope of his life that of calling the english girl his bride but the duty of seeing to her comfort and securing her a means of was still his a dreadful had prevented his finding her a few days sooner in which case the current of three lives might have been changed he could not help believing that if he had met margaret after she had tried the hard task of supporting herself that the difference in the career he could have offered would have overcome her scruples but the evil was done he was wedded to a woman toward whom his attitude could never be more than that of a very distant friend and margaret was to face her fate with or without his aid as time might decide his reception at home when he reached waa most cordial he had with him and his father their marriage bond his warmest caresses on both mrs was sent for and accepted an invitation to dinner as it waa easier for edward to receive his friends than to go abroad there was all the necessary and the meal passed without special event when it was over the guests divided into two parties and each parent was alone with his child well was the anxious inquiry of mrs as the door between them and the hall swung as if by accident so as to partially close the have you had a happy thus far the bride flushed i am not going to answer any questions mother she said pleasantly and you need ask me none this attitude was so different from any she had ever shown before that the widow could not help expressing in her countenance the surprise she felt she looked at her daughter to see if any answer might be found in her face but was nothing to satisfy her let us talk of you and what you
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have done without me added how have you borne the first long separation we have ever had but you should tell me at least this has he been kind to you he certainly has now please drop the subject and do not refer to it again if there was anything very wrong i should surely tell you but i am now a married woman and cannot discuss my husband with any person not even with the dearest and best mother in the world coupled with the and of tones there was the most perfect determination the widow felt with a of pain that the child she had parted from a week before would never back to her with their marriage bond i the judgment which years had taught her she refrained however from pursuing the line she had begun and led the conversation into the details of the journey to new the married couple had ascended mount washington passed a night there ridden to the house afterward visiting the and the other prominent the mountains between the lines of this recital the mother sought in vain to gather something that would answer the uppermost in her mind had learned discretion and if nothing more during the first week of her wedded life in the library on the other side of the hall a door had also swung on its hinges pushed by the cane of a elderly gentleman in an you rascal he exclaimed are you satisfied now that i did you a service by driving your nonsense out of your head i thought a week with that creature would change your mind you are the happiest and the best looking couple in to day had himself to expect some such remark and he smiled into his father s face though a cold shudder came to his heart how has your health been he asked i did not expect you would write anything to worry me whatever way you felt splendid was the reply i haven t been so well for years one of my chief troubles has been my worry about you yes in spite of my faith that you would come out all right i fretted a great deal till it was over there is only one thing now to wholly relieve my mind and that is the money i shall have to ask of mrs i need but fifteen thousand dollars a their marriage bond to her why was said to be worth six hundred thousand when he died and they can t have used half the income for the past fifteen years bowed he felt few of conscience or of pride that his father should have to ask the mother of his wife for pecuniary aid they had been bound to bring about the marriage let them settle these things to suit themselves he was getting hardened did you notice chuckled mr how they withdrew to the parlor as soon as they could safely do so women are on secrets and you actually came near losing that prettiest of her sex you would never have forgiven yourself if you had seen her married to another man there s one too who would have given everything he possesses to have owned her he came out here after you went away and he looked like a ghost the surprise on the son s face asked the question his lips did not utter you never saw it never dreamed of it no i ll not said the father with another chuckle at his own why has been madly in love with for ever so long now don t get excited he added as the son gave an unmistakable start he s never said a word nor given a hint to her knowing that she was picked out for you but he couldn t hide his sentiment from an old like me i ve seen him in her drawing room when the house was full of people talking to everybody else keeping as far away as he could and yet hardly taking his eyes from her at the wedding he was as white as a sheet the honest loyal fellow she was destined for you that was enough their marriage bond for him he d have dropped dead before he d have spoken the closing expression conveyed to the depth of mr s honest passion more fully than the most elaborate sentence could have done i wish to god he had not been so particular he cried in his soul he little thinks what a favor he would have done me if he had paid no attention to my rights and pressed his suit to a favorable conclusion but this is not what he said to his father i never noticed any of these things he remarked and it was evident their interest had ceased for him i did not think a man who would ever marry he never will now said the father he s had a under the fifth at an early hour the young couple took a train for the city with affectionate from their elders mrs tried to read in the eyes of her son in law what she could not learn from her daughter but the page was equally blank what time shall i expect you to morrow asked as she received the maternal kiss of parting about twelve i shall only stay to lunch as i have friends to dinner at noon would be away he did not lunch at home you re not going without kissing me too are you said edward you are my daughter now you know flashed a look of inquiry at her husband who nodded impatiently what was the sense in she might kiss every man in for all he cared their marriage bond in the train they said little to each other but they retired she had a talk with him you were very nice to mamma i
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want to thank you your mother has always been very nice to me he replied coolly there was a pause of some seconds wanted to know mamma did about whether everything was all right between us and you told her of course he snapped no that is what i want to say i said i never should discuss my husband with anybody not even her i felt sure that you would adopt the same course toward me that you would not tell any one there was the least division he was somewhat by her statement and by the manner in which it was made but he had too many upon his heart to act very cheerfully i shall do my best to conceal everything he said and i think you have acted wisely your mother is a shrewd woman however and you will have to be always on guard seemed to accept the situation he was pleased at her attitude for he had nothing but the best of wishes for her and he knew her position would not be a happy one they had got to live under the same roof and meet many acquaintances with the face they could he did not want his affairs the theme of public gossip if it could he helped only two days passed before edward addressed a letter to mrs in it he stated the extreme reluctance with which he to her a condition of his affairs which he had succeeded by the strongest efforts from revealing to the world in gen their marriage bond the comfortable fortune which he had at one tim possessed had been lost with the exception of the house in which he lived by unfortunate even the was pledged though the writings were not recorded for more than half it was worth these troubles had come with loss of health and bodily strength and it was idle to think of them by any action of his as you and i he added have but one child each now united in and as the future of our lands should keep them in one property i make this proposition i will deed my estate to and if you will advance the sum necessary to relieve it from debt i have not much longer to live and my wants will be few my son is in business which cannot fail to give him a and enable him to care for me the little time i shall remain on earth it was in the middle of the morning that this note was sent to mrs s residence and it was less than half an hour later that the lady came to mr s in a state of high excitement and asked to see him alone what does this letter mean she cried as if distracted it cannot i am sure it cannot be anything but a joke a of yours to try me i wish heartily that it was not answered mr sadly but alas there is no hope for it the lady staggered to a chair and falling into it covered her face with her hands and sobbed never having seen her except in the happiest moods mr was intensely shocked at this exhibition my dear lady he said calm yourself how can there be anything in my proposal to cause this outburst true i might have told you of my pecuniary condition before my son s but i had no reason to sup their marriage bond pose it would make the slightest difference with you we have been friends so long i knew that you and were rich and mrs struggled to speak several times before she could make herself heard knew we were rich she ejaculated at last why we are beggars every dollar my husband left has vanished one after another has proved bad my estate like yours is involved and i intended to ask your aid before another week had passed poor she cried with sobs she has sacrificed herself for nothing the invalid sat up in his chair and eyed her your property all gone too he repeated your fortune of over half a million and sacrificed herself explain the woman tried to regain her composure for it was evident that this man s sufferings were as acute as her own it is gone i tell you she said we hardly own the furniture and a loan the place we live in never liked the thought of marrying your son she leaned toward another match a young man who her and who has an fortune in his own right but i in a silly desire to join these estates and believing you the rich man you were held her to my will i have wrecked her life and my own it is a judgment on me the invalid leaned toward her and drank in the words the young man you refer to is he said yes with more than a million to his credit good family intelligence everything and my miserable their marriage bond child has married your son in the face of his assertion that he will never be a husband to her that all she shall ever have will be his name is it not enough to drive one mad how can i meet her and confess my fearful error afraid that she would go into a fit of mr suggested in a low voice that his visitor should be conducted back to her residence by one of his servants and the rest of the conversation to another day she accepted the idea and the housekeeper being summoned escorted her from the house edward sank back in his so this was the end of the kindness he had tried to do married to a girl he did not like with that awful agreement married with a father and a wife with only the meagre income of a sub all his bright prospects gone how
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could the father face the son how could he bear to look into the countenance of that beautiful girl whose lips he had kissed two days ago how could he hold up his feeble head when the came to him from the home where he had lived for thirty years to hear the laugh of the thoughtless crowd at one who had made a failure of life after more than half a century of struggle his dear boy he recalled the little fellow in his cradle the child coming home from school the young man whose future he had deemed secure who would have guessed that the handsome fortune of had to the sea worms that without being perceived until the crash comes existence had been too great a burden to the sick man before this now it could be borne no longer he knew where in a cupboard was a little from their marriage bond which he was wont to take carefully by the doctor s orders a few measured drops when all other methods fail to induce sleep he took his stout cane in his hand and to the closet he reached for the bottle and securing it in his shaking fingers returned to his but ere he could out the deadly the angel anticipated his act a pain seized him in the left side that made him drop the poison and cry out a servant who ran in attracted by the cry saw that consciousness had fled the physician summoned immediately said that a of blood had in the brain and that the life of edward was ended their marriage bon d chapter xix watching for his prey the death of his father seemed to the last drop in his cup of misery within three weeks he had been left an orphan married a woman whom he could never learn to love and discovered that the only girl who had ever touched his heart was not only living but had been within a few miles of him when he gave her up for lost the financial crisis by mr s death did not add to the pleasure of the general situation it was plain that the home in which he was born would soon belong to others and that of his father s estate but a very little if anything would remain from the mrs was taken violently ill when he went to visit her she could only talk of her troubles and of ths error she had committed in her child to the care of a husband he learned the condition of her affairs which were now little better than his own somehow he was not moved by her recital his wrongs as he viewed the matter were too great to admit of much sympathy for those who had caused them he attended strictly to the business of his firm and was gaining gradually a place in the world of trade that would be recognized the hope that he would be able with additional capital to buy a larger share in the concern died out he had nothing but his hands and brain these he must use to the best of his ability the who had been engaged to search for their marriage bond kiss reported at the end of ten days that he could not find the faintest trace of her not feeling justified in spending money on what seemed a useless quest paid the man and let him go he could not help however walking the street at all sorts of late hours watching in the crowds for the missing face he also inserted a notice in the boston herald thinking that it might possibly reach her eye but the heavy weeks passed and nothing developed it was a dull life he lived as a married man it was necessary to go to certain places with to avoid talk and he performed such duties with the best grace possible most of the day was passed at business he ate dinner with her and stayed perhaps an hour after it before he went out for his stroll she had developed admirable qualities of judgment not only was there no collision between them but there appeared no danger of any he grew to feel at his ease in his wife s presence a third person could sit at their table and not suspect that he saw the greatest that ever passed between them as the time approached when mrs s affairs must be made public that lady made efforts to save her home and name she went from one money to another using her most efforts to obtain help but everywhere the smiles which were by her charming manner faded before the cold plain statement of the value of her property and the amount of her at last when all else failed she herself of a wealthy friend of whom it was strange she had not thought before mr was not in the money business but he had abundant means and was certainly able to assist the their marriage bond widow if he wished she caught him at her own house one day when he had come for a call and told him her entire story so you see both my estate and that of the she said in conclusion are liable to go to the money for what is hardly half their value it will generally be noted that people refer to those who have them money as everybody that land will be very valuable in a few years look at the back bay district land there for twelve dollars a square foot that was worth but forty cents a few years ago there is talk of running a great through and the entire length of it will almost certainly pass through these properties and that means a fortune to the owners what a pity to sacrifice all that remains to this young couple when
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if it could be kept for a short time it might make them rich mr admitted the of the lady s and asked what assistance he could be in the ease why i thought when the is so safe she replied that you might lend a sufficient sum on the combined estates to free them and perhaps allow a little over for my own small wants you would of course have ample security and there is no possibility that you would lose anything all men with money have their favorite and real estate in the was not one of mr s i will think about this mrs he said doubtfully but in the meantime make inquiries elsewhere excuse me but a proposition of this sort is a business matter and must be considered from that their marriage bond there is some on both properties i think you said yes she nodded twenty thousand of it being on yours alone she again assented i shall have to talk with of course he said instead of talking with at once however he went to call on his pretty wife during a part of the day when he knew the husband would be absent it was not the first call that had made and thought nothing strange about it she always mentioned it to when he came home and he only nodded as if it did not interest him much s evenings were naturally taken up a good deal while his mornings wore heavily he called in sometimes at the and took out to lunch with him was a good fellow he had wanted to marry and had lost her if it was any pleasure to him to call and see her mr did not know why any one should object liked him she always had liked him it was a delight to hear his name mentioned by the one maid that she kept and to see his face in her little flat he still wore the air of a man who has loved and lost but he bore his injuries with the grace of one who would die sooner than utter a complaint he had no reason to suspect the extent of the between his married friends that they were in the enjoyment of their natural felicity he would not have considered it the proper time even were his intentions of breaking into the fold ever so pronounced to commence the task the knows enough to wait until the quarrels begin till he their marriage bond finds the object of his hope with eyes till to his about her husband s state of health she answers i don t know and don t care it was one of the great points of s success with women that he could play a waiting game he was among men what russia is among nations for at least three years he had made up his mind that the day should come when he would possess being cautious fearful of danger he had decided early that he would wait till after her marriage he had never felt such an attraction toward a human being the other that had occupied his time were only flitting fancies this was the one passion of his entire life as has been said he repented when he saw her in garments that he had not broken his resolution to live and die unmarried he ought to have taken this lovely creature to his own arms and her safe from all the world rather than give her for ever so short a time to another he had a now like the lover writes of to think he had permitted her to marry but so well did he carry himself in the presence of both of them that neither dreamed of the project hidden in his breast mr knew that s reputation in regard to women was somewhat shady and yet he was received in the best houses while nobody seemed able to swear to anything against him mrs knew even less than this for the side of life was to her little more than a vague mist that there were men whose chief aim in life is to ruin pure women she had not even heard on the day after his talk with mrs mr called on in the course of his conversation he alluded to what mrs had told him their marriage bond i don t suppose your respected mother how much she asks me to do he said with a of those properties may as she says grow valuable some time in the future but land itself up with interest and taxes it s all right for a family that wants a country place to buy one and get enough satisfaction out of there to pay for the carrying charges but as an it s quite another matter nodded as if she saw the point but he read in her face that she was thinking of her mother s sorrow if it was still your home that would be a different thing he mused i wouldn t let them take the roof from over your head but you are married he down something in his throat and will probably not live there again as you are so kind she interposed quickly let me say that it is my mother s home and that it will break her heart if she has to leave it but i don t want to influence you i know nothing about money matters i supposed there would always be more than enough and i don t understand now what became of it all a torrent began to within him he said it was nothing unusual for him to call her by her christian name do you ask me to save that home for your mother i cannot ask you she stammered turning rosy i have no right if you can do it without loss he
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watched her narrowly it makes little difference whether i lose or not he murmured as if to himself i am responsible to no one i never shall marry now poor fellow how lie had loved her and but for a their marriage bond cruel combination of circumstances she might at this moment have been his proud wife rich and happy i am going to try to save that home for your mother he said after a pause i won t undertake to count s in too but your mother s i will certainly look into she rose and came to his chair putting both her hands in his like a child i shall owe you an eternity of gratitude she exclaimed her eyes beaming how can i ever repay you the time will come he answered the carpet as if he feared to meet her gaze i am sure the time will come when i shall need all your kindness and consideration she had not the least idea what he could mean but she answered that if that time ever came he would have it fully i don t say this merely because of your generous conduct in this matter she added but you seem to me more than an ordinary friend more like what i suppose a brother would be if i had had one it was difficult to conceal the exultation that filled his heart he would have the value of a dozen estates like her mother s just to hear those words upon the subject through a in whom he had confidence found to his delight that the he had been asked to make was not a bad one by any means the security was well nigh perfect and the chance of appreciation in value considered more than an to any present risk the suggested of his own accord that a on one of the adjoining estates would be a good thing to secure as in the event of the building of the projected their marriage bond the larger the area covered the better so mr went to mr with a proposition to carry out the idea of his dead father the properties and making him and his wife the joint owners he was willing to pay off all the and give to mrs besides taking a blanket from the new owners remarked with a sigh that perhaps if his father had been able to accomplish this result he might now be alive and he then accepted the offer with thanks though it must be confessed without enthusiasm he did not care a great deal now about pecuniary gains the were made and the executed and mr figured with the aid of his that the interest would probably compel the to surrender the whole area whenever it should be deemed wise f him to take it he was ready at one moment to sacrifice everything in pursuing his favorite game he was never averse to being for his powder and shot in his nature as in that of so many other men lust and often went hand in hand was agreed upon by all the parties in interest to attend to the legal matters mrs mentioned him mr the suggestion warmly and mr saw no reason why he should object the sharp answer that had made to s letter was not forgotten but it was only fair to say that not understanding the true situation there was some excuse for the tone he had used the worst of it was there was no way of himself in the eyes of the attorney even in a small degree but by telling the whole miserable story came to the flat occupied by mr and mrs their marriage bond for his instructions he was the same pale tall slender fellow as of old and he seemed confused as he glanced from one to the other who kept eyes on him as he wrote imagined he could see in his very attitude an objection to the scheme he was engaged to forward it was an odd conception for how was there any way in which the details could interest the man of law except in their legal aspect mr deeds his property to me said mr and mrs makes the same disposition of hers the on both is to be cleared off at the time then i the combined estate with a of to mr after which it is conveyed to mr and mrs as sole owners mr devoted himself to his work and presently bowing and bidding good bye to all present on the day the transaction was completed mr returned from the of deeds with mr in a carriage well it s done he remarked as if relieved i ve had the satisfaction of doing a favor to friends and at the same time i don t know as i ve run much risk forty thousand ought to be safe on eighty acres of land within seven miles of the state house the security is all right responded in a deep voice and your claim is on the land so far i ve been your friend and attorney but and he raised his voice if you ever try to put your claim elsewhere than on the land i m your enemy why are j ou insane was the startled inquiry of his companion perhaps said the lawyer if you do anything in this matter you ll find an extraordinary method in my madness their marriage xx a few little lies it is not difficult to account for the fact that neither nor the he hired found any trace of margaret or margaret as she now called herself owing to the financial assistance which gave her she was to take rooms in the of where she remained most of the time venturing very seldom into the city the intelligence offices did not know her the shops where hundreds of women
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are employed had never seen her face the for teachers and had no such person on their books the of which were thoroughly could not count her among their unfortunate inmates the procession of women who march up and down the avenues had not been by the english girl the condition approaching in which she had found herself soon after escaping from mr altered the entire course of the life she had to lead it was idle to expect a position in a family where there were children to with this fact always ready to bar her progress although she might have convinced a would be employer that she was an honest married woman he would not have cared to engage a whose physical situation rendered her liable to at any time there remained nothing but sewing sewing done at her home and as she told mr the for this was very slight indeed the ladies who their marriage bond rejoice over the to be found in our big stores think seldom it is probable of the meagre wages that must have been paid to the miserable fingers that wrought the articles they buy there is a tragedy in many a bit of lace in hundreds of delicate that are praised as being so wonderfully cheap to pay for the poor room she occupied and obtain even bread to eat was more than miss had been able to do up to the time mr met her without spending the of the little sum that remained in her purse when she left new york she came to boston quite by accident if anything may fairly be called an accident in this strange world her fear of mr drove her to leave new york on the second day after her arrival there she knew almost nothing about the united states and in his conversation with her had never happened to mention the name of the city where his office was she the newspapers and hit upon the advertisement of the line of that the new england capital with the metropolis the words to boston and all other new england points caught her eye and struck her fancy new england it was something to think of a section bearing the name of her native country and the fare was very low that is how she came to in the city of her late lover in her search for a place where he would be the least likely to find her before she left new york margaret took a precaution which instinct taught her might be essential she purchased a wedding ring and wore it as a sign that she had a right to the name of mrs which she felt impelled to retain to be in the situation of a mother without the which excuses that con their marriage bond was more than she could bear to face poverty hardship want that was something for which she could prepare to meet the lip the scornful eye or the laugh was more than she deemed herself able to endure it may be wondered at by some that margaret consented to accept the assistance offered by a perfect stranger but if the reader will try for one moment to put himself in her place he may be better able to understand when entered her poor room she had not enough money to pay her landlord the paltry dollar and a half which he as her weekly rent she had proved that her ability at sewing was not sufficient to fight much longer against the tide the dread of either shame or death her energies and her brain hunger drives a human being to queer devices the lack of a shelter leads a girl to think of warmth and comfort even in the company of a man whose attentions disgust and whose presence she but to margaret the knowledge of her condition made this prospect doubly horrible she firmly resolved that a plunge in the waters of the charles must follow the failure of her attempts to live without her offspring opposed to such a prospect as this the offer of mr can be viewed in a different light there was no choice between death and the acceptance of a little money proffered in what seemed a good spirit by a man who said that the sum was nothing to him those who at margaret s decision ought to be placed in the game for a few hours on s second visit to the room where he had her he stayed a long time he drew from the girl their marriage bond a statement of her life altered only at the point where the necessity of deception forced itself upon her she told him of her english birth her eastern youth with her father of captain death and then of meeting mr an american gentleman who had with her loss so strongly as to offer her his aid and at last his hand in marriage it was on the way to america she said after only a few weeks of wedded life that he died on the passage and left her to land in a strange country nearly have you hunted up his relations asked mr perhaps he has some property that belongs to no she replied she did not even know in what state he resided being entirely ignorant of this part of the world and trusting to him but she was sure he was not a man of fortune he was a clerk in some large establishment she had gathered from his conversation she had given some time to the preparation of this story and the listener had no suspicion that it was in any degree false she looked like the innocent girl she was represented you married mr without knowing very much about him he i knew that i loved him and i would have trusted him to the world s end the
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amount that it would cost to this creature was nothing to be counted she was interesting at least she would fill in a vacant hour and there was a in the novelty that went with her so you have grown wiser since i was here he said with his winning smile you have decided to call me benefactor banker or what you please to term it their marriage bond she stole a glance at his face which did not escape him in it he read the only doubt that troubled mind i shall not want much she replied i prefer to do all the sewing i can get if you will help me over the rough places will take the worry off my mind till till it is over i shall be grateful and perhaps i will keep account of every cent some day i may be able to repay it he laughed she was so innocent so droll so you will have other sewing to do he suggested little garments yes she flushed with every sentence there will be some things of course still i don t want to stop the work i have been doing i shall feel better if i am helping myself the first thing you will do if you wish to please me said he is to get a more respectable place to live this is simply dreadful begging your pardon i will attend to the matter if you wish somewhere a little out of town would be better in a house with a private family she moved uneasily in her chair oh it will be all right he said i can afford to tell a few little lies to say that your late husband was my friend and that i have taken charge of your small fortune are not so suspicious as you seem to think and if they were the perfectly honorable relations between us will all doubts he convinced her by his straightforward manner and she said he might look for a room only he must bear the question of economy in mind this he promised to do and the next day presented himself with the address of their marriage bond a house in where he had secured the refusal of a little of three furnished rooms which could be had he assured her at a merely figure you had best go there alone he said and examine the place make up your mind in advance that it will suit you for you can t possibly do better there is a sweet little married lady in the house who will fill you full of information about your duties i will call here again to morrow and see that you are all right to start and as soon as you are settled i will come out and call on you margaret found the rooms selected most delightful ones and could hardly believe it possible when the lady of the house told her she should only charge two dollars a week including heat and gas if she had known that five times this amount was to be paid by mr she would have understood it better with only slight she removed her few to the new quarters thankful that the disagreeable landlord of the former place could not frighten her any more with her and threats when one is cast into a sea and finds that a plank has floated near he cannot be too particular about the quality of the wood of which it is composed mr and mrs who appeared to own the residence in seemed to be very pleasant people there was a marked difference in their ages he being at least fifty while his wife was hardly more than and his business took him a great deal from home but the attachment of the couple to each other was evident indeed when the head of the house was there they acted more like eighteen and twenty than the ages they were mrs was very kind to margaret from the their marriage bon x first the english girl intended to get her own simple meals in her apartment but after a few days she yielded to entreaties to join her new friend at lunch mrs declaring that she was always alone at that meal and would consider her company a real favor then whenever mr stayed to dinner which he soon got quite in the habit of doing margaret yielded to the pressure brought to bear upon her and made the fourth one of the party her coffee was finally the only thing was sure to get in her rooms and she found the new home much pleasanter than she had ever dared to hope mr margaret in her fancy for sewing for wages but through mrs she secured work from ladies of her acquaintance which paid much better and was more agreeable in every way but what margaret liked best was the sewing she soon began to do on the baby clothes which she expected to need and which took the hours after sunset when she felt that the day had been honestly spent in labor for others mrs accompanied her to one of the big shops in the city and she made some modest purchases as a beginning the delight of the things into form for use was as genuine as if the coming event had not been by the darkest clouds god gives great compensation to women in exchange for the pain they endure it was in october that mrs n went to live in she passed the winter there finding the associations growing pleasanter each day mr gave her no cause to distrust him he came several times a week and showed a solicitude for her welfare that touched her deeply she grew to have perfect confidence in him he was so easy in his manners he seemed their marriage bond gentle so thoughtful that margaret learned
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to rely upon him wholly still paid frequent visits to the household he went there often when was out and not when he was in the slight mystery that he discovered in the relations of the young couple interested him there was something strange in their attitude toward each other that he could not yet until he understood this better he felt that it was no time for him to advance his lines whenever was spoken of in his presence into a set expression of countenance that was absolutely the wife did a little better having to some extent acquired the art of but there was a trifle of for which the could not account one day when he was alone with mrs he found her in such a state of that he determined to risk a question you ll pardon an inquiry from such an old friend as i am won t you he said certainly she answered looking up surprised are you perfectly happy with the of the question was his salvation it did not look like a attempt to into affairs that were not his own i do not suppose she replied that anybody has perfect happiness in this world they should he responded during their and with the right kind of woman a ought to last a lifetime it was a very pretty sentiment and she thought it did him credit mr is very kind she remarked their marriage bond but he seems to have something weighing on his mind his father s death distressed him very much his business at the office is very too he returns tired and not inclined to she was ready to meet him at every point and he changed his a little i am going to talk with him if he has anything in the way of trouble i shall find out what it is why it is perfectly dreadful for a man to be in his mood when he ought to be in the seventh heaven of contentment what would mr say she wondered if he knew the truth she said in an outburst of emotion you ought to have a good pure sweet wife of your own yes i am sure you would appreciate such a woman at her full value he shook his head it will never be he said there are reasons which i cannot tell you he flitted between the house in town and the house in never dreaming how closely they were related to each other and he was present in the parlor of the when the physician came down to tell them that mrs was the mother of a fine healthy boy and was doing very well indeed their marriage bond xxi takes a hand never for a moment had ceased to think of his lost margaret although every effort failed although he sank into a deep despondency over his unhappy situation and indulged in painful dreams as to what life she might now be leading he resolved in his inmost heart to be true to her memory she was the woman he ever had ever could love he thought often of the letter that had sent him and determined that he would some day confide his story to the young lawyer for the double purpose of setting him right on the request so treated and also for the bare relief of dividing with some confidential person the secret that him mr had never met him alone since that occurrence when they encountered each other in public places the of the lawyer s nod showed that he still held his former opinion of a man who would cross the ocean with a mistress just before his arranged marriage to a beautiful girl and while on his wedding tour write to a friend to ascertain the address of the he had either lost or deserted the early spring arrived before put his intention into practice one day he went directly to mr office and asked a private interview i want to tell you a story of a personal nature and to get your advice and assistance he said as the cold blue eyes of his companion were raised to his their marriage bond is it a legal matter asked shortly i don t know how much it may prove so responded but at least there is no reason why you should treat me like a stranger when we had learned i am sure to regard each other as friends the stern expression on the lawyer s face did not i considered the letter you sent me an insulting one said he so i supposed from your answer what i wish to show you is that it was not so intended to do that i shall have to refer to events some time previous come don t be too severe until you have heard all i don t know why i should hear all or anything was the reply you have your own attorney why do you not tell these things to him that would not do said mr i want you to see that i have a right to be still your friend and having established that point i want to talk to you as one friend talks to another mr seemed to what you say is to be under the seal of confidence between a man and his i presume said he i will leave that to you but i should rather call it between one gentleman and another mr lip curled slightly go on he said but say nothing that you are likely to repent thank you said let me begin then by referring to our meeting on the steamer at i had at that time as you observed a young lady under my protection their marriage bond who was as your wife or that of the which you assumed broke in will not dispute you said choking when i first saw
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you on the deck i pretended that you my identity you may guess i was not anxious to meet any person who knew me a moment s reflection taught me that it was foolish to carry out the and i went to you frankly and admitted the deception you know very well that i continued to pose as the husband of that lady during the voyage and that we went ashore together now i want to ask this question would that fact in itself make my friendship a thing you would desire to end the clock in the office loudly while mr was forming his reply in itself no he said at last i do not pretend to the morals of my acquaintances as regards a certain class of women at the expression but this lady with me was not a member of the class to which you refer said he quickly annoyed that margaret should rest even for a second under such an that makes me a little more doubtful as to what i should say to your first question said the lawyer i should have to knew the whole history of your acquaintance with her and that of course i neither expect nor desire you must understand this matter as far as you hear it at all exactly as it is said the lady to whom you were introduced as mrs was as pure as an angel up to the day she and i landed at i think you had best tell me no more it can do no their marriage bond good interrupted the attorney with great uneasiness of manner it certainly will do much harm to leave my story at this point was the reply at the risk of your final condemnation i entreat you to hear me through mr who had risen from his chair resumed his seat and put himself in the position of a listener though without speaking ft we were both violently in love pursued mr there was no deceit no promises no entreaties i had told her that i was engaged to he married to a girl for whom i had not the least affection good god cried mr sharply which was true to the life of my dearly loved father threatened hy any resistance to his will i had consented to have the ceremony performed after telling both mrs and that i should never let it be anything more than a string of words but when i met the lady whom you saw the first real passion of my heart sprang up and overwhelmed me i saw that to carry out my promise in america was to condemn myself to a lifetime of misery and i resolved at whatever cost to refuse but when i related the circumstance to margaret to mrs i mean she saw the matter in a light that i could not have expected admitting that she loved me that i was dearer to her than all else she declared that she would not step between me and the woman to whom i was engaged she was an orphan recently become so and nearly she had no relations to whom she could go and her future had not a single ray of sunlight in it unless she became my wife still no argument that i could make had any effect upon her she might die starve find bread in somebody s their marriage bond kitchen but she would not take a sweetheart from another even though the man swore that he would never have the marriage with that other woman performed mr had become interested at last a noble girl a magnificent girl he cried with enthusiasm you are right from a certain admitted mr sadly but the effect was as disastrous as could be conceived having determined that she could not would not marry me and that she never would love another this strange girl lived as my wife for the next fortnight under the reasoning that it would resign me when i came to reflect to parting with one who had the moral law and conventional usage of the world and you ten times wiser than she accepted this sacrifice said with a frown accepted it i loved that girl with all my soul i could not bear the thought of losing her i wanted to take her to america with me i succeeded in getting her to make the voyage which she had sworn she would not take she drew out of me a promise that when we reached new york i would find her a situation and leave her this i intended to do i meant to help her to earn an honest and then to leave the rest to fate but before we had been on shore an hour she and escaped me i have seen her since but once and then only for an instant from the window of a carriage the trembling voice and dejected manner of mr told but too plainly the sincerity of his statement she deserted you without the least quarrel asked mr when our relations were the happiest i their marriage bond she was afraid that if she remained where i could see her i would not return to what she considered my e duty and marry miss she preferred all the risks of life in a strange city with a nearly empty purse to leading me out of what seemed to her the right path have you tried seriously to find her then related the various means he had taken to gain information about margaret and told of seeing her face in the crowd as he went to the station with his bride after he had come to believe her dead you see now he added why i wrote you from the house and i think you are at least relieved from the impression that i wanted anything of you hut what was decent and
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honorable mr bowed if you only wanted to see to her material needs he said if there was no design on your part to resume your relations when you were married to another that was all replied in a depressed tone i do not know to day but she is starving or suffering the cold of winter i think sometimes that she has buried her sorrows beneath the waters of the harbor i awake at night with fearful dreams of her in deadly peril all day she comes between me and my work at the office the father for whom i married a woman whom i could not love only survived my wedding a few weeks can there be an human being in existence the pale countenance of that had been full of sympathy a moment before clouded again at the question yes there are at least two he said quite as unhappy as you one of them is the english girl you be their marriage bond the other he hesitated a moment and then spoke clearer and louder is the wife you have taken to your empty heart a judge on the bench might have spoken in the same tone to a hardened criminal he was about to sentence but said overwhelmed i was in i planned nothing wrong i had many an interview with my father in reference to his project for marrying me to the daughter of his neighbor in each of which i showed my for the plan to him too far was the doctors told me to kill him what you allude to as the of the lady you saw on the steamer does not deserve that epithet we drifted together like the streams of two which nature has intended to make into one river all my sentiments toward her were of unutterable affection i could not foresee that she would tear herself away when she loved me so dearly and when she was lost and months of searching failed to find her what could i do but carry out my father s wish after i had told and her mother the my professions would have at the altar and they had positively refused to release me the lawyer looked up quickly you told them he said certainly i said i had no heart to give mr to the original theme and asked the lawyer s advice as to what he should do now under the circumstances there s nothing you can do said you have cat yourself off from the power to do anything well after hearing my story have you the same harsh feeling toward me that you had when you sent that letter to te their marriage bond no i have a different feeling in which a certain amount of pity is mingled with regret at the general course you have adopted but i am not your mr looked distinctly relieved i wish you would come and see us sometimes he said it is pretty dull naturally when and i are alone calls regularly and of course there are half a hundred other friends who come and go hut i d like you to run around in an way confound it i d got to liking you immensely well when that unlucky letter pushed us apart the lawyer mused for some seconds and then said that he would come and if i run across the english girl what was it you called her mrs i ll try to learn her whereabouts i rely on your statement that you only want to see that she is provided for poor creature i am sorry i did not understand the matter at first it isn t likely that she bears that name now said with a shiver her real name this is between a and his of course is margaret rivers but very probably in her mad desire to escape me she has adopted one different from either mr rose then as the lawyer touched his outstretched hand he added i want to be your friend i want it very much there s not another man living that i would have trusted with my story and it s done me a world of good to relieve the terrible strain of carrying my secret their marriage bond xxii whom does he resemble it was certainly quite an experience for to watch the course of margaret rivers life during that winter he was her only friend for the people of the house to which he recommended her were paid liberally for all their attentions mrs had never been united in the bonds of matrimony to the individual who passed as her husband but for all that she had many virtues among which was a kindly heart and she did everything she could for the unfortunate girl who had become her it was however who paid the bills and this is after all the test of friendship he said to himself that he must be entertained and that he could not have found so much for so little money anywhere else but his intercourse with miss rivers could not help developing the parts of his nature and an acquaintance which he had entered upon from the most questionable motives developed into a school for generous impulses when the baby was born he had a half feeling of in its tiny frame he took it in his arms and rocked it in a chair sometimes for five whole minutes he had never paid attention to such before and was interested in every detail of its development he wondered if he could ever have been such a helpless bundle of when it was ill with any of the slight complaints to infancy he walked their marriage bond the floor uneasily pierced by the least of its cries there was in this young the making of a decent husband if he had only been taken in hand in time margaret recovered
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rapidly she had a good constitution and the care which was given her prevented any backward step her mind was immensely relieved by the change in her surroundings and though the thought of never left her she was reconciled in a dumb sort of way to what she regarded as the inevitable never having heard anything about him not supposing that he was within a hundred miles of her she always pictured him as a reconciled to his wife and probably glad that his wild notion of marrying a stranger had been as to mr who had after a while confided to her his real name she could not understand his kindness but she accepted it for what it appeared thinking that sufficient unto the day is the evil a thrown to the waves cannot be too particular upon which shore she is cast the good feeling between mr and had never been broken in spite of the veiled threats of the latter over the name of mrs himself one day that it would be a jolly idea to take out to and show him the mother and child there without saying in so many words that the baby was his own he could convey that impression and divert the lawyer s mind from who was still the direct object in all s plans margaret was an amusement of the hour was the passion of a lifetime at least this is what mr believed in regard to his sentiments and as far as they influenced his conduct it had the same effect as if it were true their marriage bond i want you to come out in the with me and dine with some friends he said to you are so absorbed in business that you are getting to be a regular old you don t go anywhere except to dry where nobody says anything they mean come with me to morrow evening and i will show you a novelty mr answered that he did not shine in private houses and he knew it who were these people whom he was asked to visit why they re only just plain ordinary folks smiled there is a mrs who runs the house end sometimes a mr though he is not essential and boarding with them is a mrs and her excessively new infant boy you ll get a simple table a little conversation of a depth that needn t frighten you and a view of a somewhat remarkable baby it ll be a change and i shall consider it a favor come don t make it a matter for serious thinking just say you ll go and send word we re coming but i ve never met any of them that s just the reason you are to go so that you will meet them i ve talked about you times enough and they ve sent the warmest invitation to have you come to morrow evening then i will be at your office at live this world is very very small i could tell a dozen stories in my own experience to prove that a whom i had in told me he had served an american family the previous year in that capacity and had no doubt i would know them of course i smiled at the idea till he mentioned their name when i found i knew them very well at a year ago i heard a gentleman remark that he would give anything their marriage bond for a recent boston paper and when i offered him a bundle i had just received i discovered that he lived on the same street at home that i did an who occupied a with us in germany and who spoke perfect english remarked that he had an american friend in london a newspaper representative there and on the name being mentioned it was that of a particular friend of mine the world is really very small when mr promised that he would speak to mrs if he ever encountered her and ascertain if she was in need he little thought that he would be asked by their mutual friend to go and dine with that person so soon the name awakened no memories in his mind the family being represented by so many thousands of people in all parts of the country all that margaret knew in relation to his coming was that mr had promised to bring a gentleman friend to dinner and had asked her to prepare her baby for exhibition to a bachelor whom he wished to with its magnificence the young mother had been about the house for several weeks and regained much of her natural and appearance to her comely face there was added the charm that brings even to the of women that sign of having of the functions of deity in the all glorious creation of a human soul mr thought with of the impression she ought to make on his friend and planned a most evening paid but slight attention to mrs beyond the but when mrs came down he evinced the most remarkable emotion margaret also showed plainly to the observant eyes of their marriage bond mr that something was the matter it was evident to the most casual observer that it was not the first time these two had met neither of them was skilled in concealing their thoughts and both were equally surprised at this meeting ah you are old acquaintances exclaimed we happened to cross the ocean on the same steamer stammered not at all sure that it was the best thing to say but fearful that if she spoke first something even more embarrassing might develop what cried the boat that came on well that is a coincidence he reflected an instant on this theme and then said you were aware then of poor mr s death during the voyage and of his burial at sea through the somewhat
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slow mind of the lawyer there dawned the knowledge that the story which mrs had told to was not entirely a correct one he would do well if he escaped getting mixed in her aft airs which above all things he desired to avoid i am afraid we are entering on a painful subject he said very painful said margaret wiping away the tears that had sprung to her eyes she was trembling for she had learned that mr knew mr wondered that he had not had more tact of course the recollection of a husband s death and burial was the worst possible thing with which to begin an evening he had intended to be a pleasant one the drops in mrs s eyes smote him with deep regret he could have cursed himself for his lack of common sense i beg your pardon he said with feeling it waa their marriage bond thoughtless of me ah good evening mr he added as that gentleman joined the party much to his relief my friend mr mr the lady of the house helped out the situation by the seats margaret found herself next to mr with mr exactly opposite the dinner was served and the conversation turned into more agreeable channels mr proving to be an interesting and mrs possessing the charm of a true hostess of course the strangeness of meeting the sweetheart of mr in a house where she was known to his friend was too great to allow the matter to drop even for a second from the lawyer s mind had it not been for s confession of a few days before a confession made with all the marks of truth and in a manner that proved its sincerity would have suspected that the husband of was maintaining his mistress in this place with s knowledge and if there was any reliance to be placed on testimony this suspicion must be dismissed at once but how had come to know her mr knew the s reputation among women and was ready to believe anything to his in that line it was clear that margaret had told a story of the death of her husband at sea which had no foundation had been on the steamer and known that the only mr aboard was in fact no person had died on the voyage and this young woman now had a child a very young child too whose child was it was its father some genuine mr not a husband of course since had declared her right name to be margaret rivers and that she was unmarried these were a thousand u their marriage things that might be true if the evidence could only he obtained at present the lawyer could not tell whether to regard the woman at his side as merely an unfortunate girl by her too strong affections or a deep woman of whom it was wise to beware he believed he ought to this matter to the bottom if only in his own and his legal mind set itself about the task in his own slow but sure way as to margaret she was very much agitated and well aware of the necessity of concealing her feelings in the few words spoken she had learned that mr was an intimate acquaintance of mr as well as of mr and that in all probability he had no knowledge of her present whereabouts or that had ever seen her in the vast area which the map showed her was called america she had felt it utterly improbable that she would ever hear mentioned the name of her lover yet here she was dining with two of his friends and for all she could see he might have been one of the party himself as easily as mr her recent illness would account for any symptoms of ill health which appeared during the progress of the meal but she must be on the qui against surprises it was a difficult task for a girl who had never in her life told but one have you seen lately was one of the questions which asked of the lawyer it often seems like a when a subject that should be avoided gets into a conversation yes was the reply he passed over an hour in my office the other day their marriage bond his wife told me yesterday that you hadn t called on them since their marriage the attorney could not hide his confusion but he always acted when women were being discussed i have been busy he said but i am going soon i promised that i would mrs was apparently listening to some remarks of mrs s but she heard every word that passed between the gentlemen so her former lover was married and from all that appeared everything was well with him a cold wave swept across her heart not of sorrow not of jealousy but of icy pain she had never realized quite so strongly as now the intensity of her love for him you go there often i suppose was mr next observation he wanted to judge from s manner whether he was more than usually interested in the household he talked freely before mrs for he thought as a matter of course that the young merchant had hidden his real name from her not so very often replied is not the thoroughly fellow he used to be i m not him he continued seeing the inquiring look on his friend s face he s had some trouble i think that makes him less he is absent minded as if he were thinking always of something far away why the speaker looked at mr and mrs saw that they were engaged in conversation with margaret he s been upset ever since he came from europe indeed said the lawyer yes pursued lowering his voice but not enough to escape the ears most interested
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i saw him their marriage bond in new york that very evening i ran across him in the street perfectly almost out of his head he had eaten nothing since breakfast i pulled him into a and put a little food and drink into him but he only partially rallied i was afraid to trust him alone i went to his hotel and stayed till morning and after a while i persuaded him to go home to his invalid father that was the only name to influence him with for he worshipped the old gentleman he s never been quite right since and of course the death of his parent has not helped him any i am going to advise mm to see a doctor skilled in mental diseases ordinarily mr would have declined to listen to these statements for he detested gossip but he was so interested in mr s relations to the young woman at his side that he could not resist giving attention margaret on her part bore the well and managed while not losing a word to appear engrossed in some remarks which mr was making was not only married then but his father was dead she knew well why he had wandered half about the avenues of new york on the night that she ran away from him but time had brought things around he had forgotten his mad in season to perform the solemn contract he had entered into with his if he was still sad enough to attract the attention of his friends he had at least done his duty margaret felt a glow of honest pride in the result of her terrible sacrifice and now mr wishes to see the crowning glory of this house cried when the party had left the table and to the parlor mrs may we have the pleasure of showing him your youngest their marriage bond the mother blushed partly with pride and partly from the consciousness that the child s father was known to two of the gentlemen present though perhaps suspected by only one would you really care to see him she asked of the lawyer he is very tiny yet and the old excuse laughed mr won t expect to see a giant in a month old infant oh we must have him brought down there is no excuse for refusal thought as margaret disappeared that perhaps the countenance of the child might give some clue to its but when the baby appeared he saw nothing in the little face that could be used on the witness stand he felt drawn to the child however from the instant he got a view of it a bundle of human flesh with dark eyes and clenched fists this was the way it presented itself before his bachelor vision and yet it was a whose existence might be of the utmost importance to the world whom does he resemble asked much amused at the manner in which mr surveyed it not his mamma i think probably being a boy he is more like he stopped before he had said his father for the pained look in margaret s eyes told him he had again on feelings which were very tender i don t think he looks like anybody yet said margaret in a musical tone he looks just like himself that s all which is quite enough interposed mrs in a bit of womanly instinct he is the very best baby i ever saw she added to the gentlemen as young babies are best off in the quiet of their their marriage bond mrs soon disappeared with this one when she returned she found that messrs and were about to depart and only waiting to bid farewell to her she gave her hand to both gentlemen to mr first in the palm was a piece of paper which with the motion she transferred from her hand to his usually slow to comprehend secret actions the lawyer had sufficient presence of mind to retain the paper without revealing the transaction by his manner and he slipped it into his coat pocket at the first opportunity as soon as possible after leaving his companion he read the words on the paper my dear sir you are a and i believe an honest man i wish to see you on important business and shall try to come to your office within a few days please give no hint of this to any one and do not write to me as i have no and a letter would attract attention yours m t their marriage bond a face in the mr read this letter with mingled feelings he had not cared to question mr as to the manner in which the latter made the acquaintance of the young mother nor as to how long he had known her it was certainly strange enough to discover her in the party with whom he had heen invited to dine when had the city and had wandered for nights together according to his story in a fruitless search and here she was not only in a pleasant home instead of starving in some but on the most friendly terms with a man who visited very often much too often thought at mr s residence there was still much of mystery left who paid the bills which counting her recent trial must have been substantial ones if mr did only one could be entertained was not noted as a money did not leave his pocket without expectation of reward in some shape at some time and if he did not pay who did was obliged to acknowledge with a blush for his sex that his against would lie equally against most men whom he knew under similar circumstances mr meditated a good while over the case he took a deeper interest in than he could quite have explained it had outraged his feelings when the
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young husband seemed to desire to be put in communication with a former on the first week their marriage bond of his before he would consent to aid in mrs as will be remembered had a promise that the only use of any information obtained should be to assist her in material comforts in the event of her being in need now he had seen margaret and found that she was not in want if one could judge by her appearance he wished to relieve of all thoughts of her for until this was accomplished he could never have tranquillity of mind but if ever discovered that she was living in the companionship of what would happen the slow brain of the attorney kept at work on the problem but he could make nothing satisfactory out of it the first fact worth knowing of course was whether margaret was or was not the mistress of mr secondly if this was not the situation whose mistress he was if anybody s the lawyer read over again the note she had given him stating her intention of calling within a few days at his office he would take pains to her there and try what effect his inquiries might have before margaret came however received calls from both the men interested laughed lightly when asked to talk about mrs saying that he did not feel at liberty to discuss a lady in her absence to an that he knew more than he would want to tell he grew sober and that his relations with her were of the purest then throwing off his he confided the tale of their meeting to the lawyer and the terms on which they were at the present time what is to be the end asked anxiously their marriage bond do you intend to go on forever paying this lady s expenses and demanding no i see you have the popular errors about me said with mock seriousness can t i a young woman in distress and see her through a critical period from common humanity as you could for instance must i intend to rob her of something in return for the loose change she has required i am surprised that a legal mind should take so many ugly things for granted when it cannot back them up by the slightest evidence there is the proverb about the smoke and the fire remarked yes but there are people who see a great deal of smoke where there is none and sometimes there is smoke from a fire under control a fire that will never break loose mr paused to this idea you believe in mrs then he said she appears to you an honest truthful woman mr looked sharply at his companion you speak as if you doubted it he replied i i haven t had your opportunities to judge well to give you a straightforward answer said i do believe in her and i don t see how any one can be in her presence five minutes and raise such a question you are getting to be a why you have said things that from any one else i should consider insulting to to mrs the lawyer looked up his face drawn and white never he cried faintly the things i said were about you not her it is useless to deny that your reputation is bad we might as well be plain i only gave their marriage bond you a warning that you must not try your arts on the the wife of my friend his voice sank almost to a whisper as he uttered the concluding words and the listener saw that his agitation was of no common order u all that you say and think on that subject is nonsense said and by the way i did not suppose that was any more your friend than he is mine it occurs to me that it was i who introduced you to him yes assented he was looking again across the parlor at mrs s and the only thing he could see was the beautiful daughter in her robe of white with flowers in her hair yes it was you had long held the opinion that was a and that it was foolish to pay too much attention to some of his notions but he wished to get this idea about out of his head as soon as possible he did not intend to let anybody get between him and a prize he as he did that one when mr had gone mr his plans i have obtained information of the lady you asked me to help you find he said the next time entered his office where is she cried the other clasping his hands together oh tell me tell me the lawyer realized to the full the strength of the emotion that confronted him i did not agree to do that he replied slowly i only promised to see if she needed your assistance and i have discovered that she does not s strained attitude gave way to something like a their marriage bond must i fear the worst he asked is she leading a life of no she has found friends strong friends and from all i can learn is in no present danger ah cried with a great sigh of relief tell me who they are that i may seek them repay them and thank them on my knees looked at the speaker with the strongest signs of displeasure you have no right to thank them no right to do anything about it he said vehemently you are married to a pure beautiful charming woman and your every thought should be given to her this acquaintance with mrs or miss rivers or whatever you choose to call her was a episode in your career and the sooner it is forgotten the better was clearly staggered but he rose to
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the emergency there are men he replied with deep feeling who would consider your remarks sufficiently insulting to demand their or cease all intercourse with you but to me this matter is too important to be treated in an ordinary way my intercourse with margaret is the thing i can look back upon in my entire life i loved her i still love her with all the powers of my being the marriage into which i was is the thing of which i am ashamed the one act was at least honest a true expression of the tenderest in my heart the other is a lie from beginning to end and can only result in eternal injury both to me and an unhappy woman you cannot make a marriage sacred which is entered upon as that was let me tell you that no will influence me in this affair if there is a doubt as to my their marriage bond duty to provide for any woman it is against for i had the true sincere love of margaret before that senseless ceremony in which two themselves to please their elders the lawyer shrank before the of his companion the earnestness of was altogether apparent had never realized till to day the full force of the passion that bound him but he stammered surely you were not both surely was honest in declaring before god and man her love for you shook his head no i had told her that i never could never should love her no woman s affection could survive the language i used it was a desire to gratify her mother that forced her on and the false pride of fearing to announce to the world that her engagement had been broken shook with the he was trying to conceal poor girl he exclaimed speaking his thoughts unconsciously aloud i agree with you was the reply her condition is indeed most deplorable but she would still hesitate to take the only step that could better it that of asking the law to the bonds that will her deeper and deeper as each year of her life comes and goes we have made the most frightful mistake of which human beings are capable the lawyer was mute the suggestion of divorce was too much for him tell me more of margaret pleaded is well is she happy does she know that i am here their marriage bond in boston that i am married what are her feelings toward me i do not know why i should answer responded stiffly you wanted to make sure that she was not suffering for food clothing and shelter i can assure you on those points she does know that you are married and by your own story she would not wish you to desert and betray your bride i am sure that miss rivers would only escape you again if you discovered her whereabouts and forced yourself upon her the deepest pain showed itself upon s brow i see you do not yet understand me he said little as i the marriage bond that was secured in fraud i shall be true to until some power us i shall either be again the husband of margaret rivers or i shall never know the love of woman i am in fair health i am likely to live forty years for all you can tell would you condemn me to a solitary existence when there is one who loves me and whom i love you know where this woman is by what of justice would you keep us apart the thoughts of the attorney were wandering to the parlor at mrs s where a young mother was exhibiting her babe with maternal pride if it was this man s babe there might be reason in what he said and yet the difficulties of his position were great i must think of this he said slowly there are many things to consider i will think of it candidly and honestly and let you know within a few days drew a long breath a few hours would be torture he answered a few minutes would seem too long a few days are an their marriage bond eternity but i have no choice i cannot compel you to the secret i can only await your pleasure i am placed in a position from which i would rather have escaped said after another pause an accident has made me the of the secrets of several persons it is my duty to act in the manner which i believe on reflection is most just as knew from a thorough acquaintance with the speaker that it would be idle to attempt to influence him he said no more but left the office with the understanding that he would learn by mail when he was again wanted there was an in the building but as he was but two flights above the street started to walk down the about the well and as the lift was made of wrought iron he could easily see the persons inside as they passed him what made him look into the interior is not clear as it was something he was not in the habit of doing but in making a turn in the he glanced at the car moving rapidly upward and saw a face that made him pause margaret rivers was in that car the stopped at the floor above as she was the only it was tolerably probable that she had alighted there the lift began to descend and as it him saw that it was empty except for the boy who guided it margaret had alighted on the floor of office without doubt she had come to see him mr s brain with its thoughts for the next few moments there was no possibility connected with this case that did not find an entrance to his brain the conviction that was
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playing him false their marriage bond gradually drove out all others their place possessed with the information that margaret had allowed one lover to he familiar with her having her name and description for had used these things for his own benefit the intense interest which he had shown in the story the emotion he had several times displayed returned to the mind of mr with full force and here was margaret visiting him at his office with which she seemed the man sat down upon the stairs too weak to stand there was no honesty in men where women were concerned he had that for a very long time had been over anxious that should remain true to his wife he had shown when told how slender a thread bound her to her husband he knew all about the present life of miss who was to use his expression in the hands of friends of it was practically certain thought the man that the friends alluded to were simply and solely the lawyer himself there is nothing so as jealousy the mind is clouded from the moment a dark suspicion takes root there did not feel able to climb the stairs to the floor above he thought it wiser to descend to the next landing and take the back creeping slowly downward he reached his destination after the lapse of several minutes and when he had entered the ascending car he heard his name spoken by a familiar voice was at his side they alighted at the same landing that at which miss had left the car i guess we re bound to the same place said cheerily i m going to call on their marriage bond then he noticed for the first time the appearance of his friend and asked the cause why you re not looking right he said what under heaven is the matter after several ineffectual attempts to speak managed to say that he had just experienced a dizzy feeling which had nearly overcome him i should say so replied why you look almost as badly as you did that evening in new york lean on me and i ll help you into s office where you can lie down on a sofa hesitating at first lest he could not bear the shock of seeing his darling and his false friend together mr at last consented it would be some comfort he thought to exhibit to his lost love the state into which her conduct had thrown him as to intending harm to either of them that did not enter his head he was simply crushed and weak opened the door in person and grew white as he saw his visitors here not that way he exclaimed them toward his public office instead of the private room in which remembered that a sofa was he is ill and faint replied and must lie down too confused to resist longer the lawyer made way for the pair and an instant later they stood in the presence of miss rivers much can be done in a of a second margaret saw the message in the eyes of mr which said as plainly as words do not recognize me my friend has been taken suddenly ill said aloud and i advised him to come in here and lie their marriage bond down the lady will excuse us i know for under the circumstances margaret bowed she could not have spoken had she tried her body seemed thought she was doing wonderfully well he did not want to get an idea that he had ever met this lady before visiting so often at mr s house it would not be advisable for suspicions of this nature to find in the mind of the merchant mr felt that they were all standing on the edge of a submitted to being placed on the sofa and drank from a glass of cold water which was brought to him following the mere instincts of her nature margaret took her handkerchief wet it in the liquid and wiped his forehead tenderly perhaps it will be best to leave him somewhat alone whispered the lawyer to after a few moments during which no one broke the silence we are going out into the other office he added in an equally low voice to miss rivers you will stay a little while he concluded she answered by a slight inclination of her head already bent above the sick man the others then left the room i will explain her presence here to your satisfaction at another time said in response to the question that beamed in his companion s face she arrived a few moments ago and will not i think care to remain much longer nodded to show that he had nothing to say he was capable of jealousy too but not of women with whom he had never been in love and besides he held their marriage bond an opinion of that suspicion in such a case as this i had nothing special to come up for he said and i think i ll have to go you ll see to sending home in a carriage of course he s getting too many of these attacks he ll have to be more careful the couple left alone in the private room remained as they had been margaret continued to s forehead while his only action was to take her disengaged hand in his and press it to his lips true or he loved her he could not blame her whatever had happened he only wished that he might die then and there with her hand in his and her soft touch upon his forehead their marriage bond xxiv in the lawyer s office the great problem still bore heavily upon mind was it best to hold to the marriage whose terms were so whose results must be so painful to him and to
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his wife s deep love for margaret had shone forth in all its three of a year had failed to change him in any respect if could only hear what had to say could understand the real condition of her mind it would be easier to decide and then there was another to be reckoned with mrs it was not likely that she would consent to such a scandal as a separation of her daughter from the man she had been at such pains to gain until something definite was decided upon it was clear that the couple he had left in his private room ought not to be too long together five minutes after left the office knocked gently on the inner and opening it entered mr lay where he had left him and miss rivers had not changed her position as a matter of fact not a word had been exchanged between them are you feeling better asked the lawyer of the prostrate man much better was the reply and in proof of the statement rose to a sitting posture there is no use in concealing anything from you this is the woman whose husband i should have been their marriage bond margaret started at the assertion but remembering that mr had had ample opportunity for knowing all this implied to be true she made no reply i have told you many times continued mr still addressing mr that there was one plain duty which i hoped to perform i owe this woman a support nothing can be more certain than that there are things about which she and i have differed but i will leave it to you as a fair minded man if there is any question about this one then margaret s voice was heard may i go out with mr and speak to him alone for a moment she asked certainly but please don t run away from me this time i shall not try to control your movements but there are things that must be settled we shall never find a better opportunity she bowed acquiescence to this proposition and quietly withdrew in company with the lawyer you have told him what she asked when the door was closed only that i had seen you and that you were apparently not in need nothing about mr he shook his head and the baby does he know not from me i believe he is ignorant of it she looked him earnestly in the face i do not wish him to know she said it would be harder to convince him that our relations should be ended forever i will not tell him said thank you i came here to day to see if you could think of any way i could earn my living i have ac their marriage bond too much aid from mr he has acted the part of a gentleman to me but i have a feeling of degradation in allowing one upon whom i have no claim to do so much i am very well now and willing to do anything honorable rather than eat the bread of dependence yes mr whatever you know of my past whatever you may guess in relation to it i want the rest of my life to be if that can be accomplished he into one of his brown studies will you answer me a few questions he asked finally anything were you an innocent girl when you met mr as innocent as a child how could you such a man asked he because i could not rob another woman because i felt what it would be to me if i had had his promise of marriage and she had stolen him away i never killed even a fly but i would follow such a woman to the end of the earth and drive a knife into her bosom he shivered for he knew she would do what she said you have not changed your mind said he to day if he would leave her for you i would not permit it or if he were free if she were dead perhaps i might find some excuse for my love can never change no matter how many years he fixed another of his penetrating glances on her mr has a right to aid in your support he said then he has the right and has none as an attorney i advise you to accept what you need their marriage bond hereafter from the father of your child it is the best thing for you and for him margaret struggled a moment with the proposition but i cannot continue to meet him she said no was the reply you will not need to meet him if you both wish it i will be your he may leave the money with me and i will give it to you mr was very uneasy during the absence of the pair and when they returned he looked from one to the other slowly and carefully mr told of the decision at which he had arrived if mr wished to contribute to the support of miss rivers he would be the means by which the money was given to her at first was he a dangerous animal he asked to be held at arms length by a woman who had sworn that she loved him what harm could result if he met margaret once or twice a month and put the sum he would give her into her own hands but gradually he grew calmer it was something to know that she was safe that neither the stifling factory nor the street could claim her and at last he consented it was better than nothing for the present i don t want to be idle as i told you when i agreed to come to america said margaret there are plenty of ways in which i could earn almost
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enough to exist on if mr would try to find me a situation you forget interrupted the lawyer with the child in his mind and then perceiving that he was upon forbidden ground stopped short it can be done said mr there is a at this moment in my counting room but i suppose that is the last place you would like to accept he added their marriage bond it is the last place she should accept said the lawyer gravely i will undertake to secure her a situation as soon as as soon as it is expedient i do not think he continued thoughtfully that there is anything more we can accomplish to day he rose and there was a strong hint to his that it was time to go you ll see me sometimes margaret pleaded mr leaning toward her there is no reason why we should he enemies she put her arms about his neck the attorney and kissed him gently on the forehead the action was and not even mr had the heart to protest against it then miss rivers accompanied the lawyer to the and descended as he intended she should do first he did not know but mr in his excited mood might follow her stay where you are for a few days he said as he left her then come and see me again but be very careful that mr does not know you come a second time he might grow suspicious and make trouble a nd keep your secrets my child if he should learn that your story about mr and his death at sea were there s no telling what turn his mind might take he was not thirty years of age but he seemed so much her elder that the expression my child touched her deeply how can i thank you for your kindness she exclaimed you could not have used me better if i were a rich and powerful hush he said remember be careful when he reached his office again he found mr their marriage bond standing before a mirror arranging his hair which had been i am calm said he i have suffered so much already that i think i have learned to bear anything now for margaret s support do what you think right and tell me the amount you i have nothing to rely on but the income of my business but i would sooner live on one meal a day than have her depend on charity he took his departure with only a few more words for there was nothing to be gained by much speaking when he was gone the lawyer locked his doors to indicate that he had departed for the day and sat by the drawn window curtains studying out the problem i shall have to know his wife better before i can tell just what is best he murmured at the end of an hour if she is contented to lead the life of a maid while wearing the livery of a matron that is one thing if on the contrary her position and her if she is dissatisfied and in distress that is another is fearfully of this english girl should he by any learn of the child it would be hard to hold him i must see the wife i must see the wife he repeated with conviction their marriage bond xxv it s not a case of love it had been a long time since began his task of winning the young wife of from her his method was one which he called slow hut sure he had resolved to win long ore her marriage day was set and from all that he could judge his chances of success had never been better while not dreaming of the extent to which she lived apart from her husband he knew that they were far from the condition of lovers had reason to believe that liked him he had done her in the matter of the a very great service she had come to regard him in a most favorable light mrs did not cut so much of a figure in these days as she would once have done she was crushed by the troubles that had come upon her and lived an absolutely quiet life in giving up the she had held for so long even declining all invitations sent by her large circle of friends the of the marriage she had so eagerly sought for her daughter was painfully apparent to her would not speak of it avoiding every reference to the subject but the maternal instinct was too strong to be deceived she had compelled her child to marry a man of the most moderate means when a match with a their marriage bond could have been just as easily arranged a too who still felt the blow and who would never she was sure recover from it people might hint that the morals of mr were not what they should be mrs had never heard an improper word from his lips she knew that could be trusted anywhere if was permitted to call upon her still it was a positive proof to the elder lady that his conduct was she had brought her daughter up to know right from wrong at least so continued to visit the both when was at home and when he was absent sometimes mrs met him there and always treated him with the same profound respect that he was at pains to show to her she not only entertained no suspicions she cordially approved of s intimacy with him there were possibilities to be considered in case anything should happen to what more eligible opportunity for to than with this rich and agreeable gentleman although her plans had gone so badly mrs could not help studying new ones and thinking of it was in the month of may that mr
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began to consider it time to bring his campaign to closer quarters it is well said by the poet id the spring the young man s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love mr had gone to new york for a day or two on business mrs was confined to her home with a slight cold had the prospect of a clear field for the number of hours he was likely to need he called in the morning but only for a few minutes be had been invited to dinner for that day partly on their marriage bond s suggestion just before the husband went away come in and dine with if you can he had said don t neglect the house just because i happen to be out of it the lips and eyes of the young wife had cordially the invitation and had responded that he would try that he believed it would be convenient he reflected that a better opportunity could hardly come to him served the dinner mainly with her own hands she had but one servant but this only added to its charm he wanted to be alone with her as much as possible when they left the table he knew that they would in all probability be undisturbed and he sat down in the little parlor with a feeling that the curtain was about to rise on the first act of the long deferred drama he had no definite plan but kept himself ready for any move that circumstances might make you are dull to night what is the matter she said to him when he had waited for her to break the silence how can i help being dull he exclaimed with a trace of bitterness what is there to make me gay that is hardly a compliment to my company she responded trying to laugh off his mood perhaps it is he answered but let us not talk about that i may say things i shall be sorry for sometimes it is best to say what one has in mind she replied thoughtfully he roused himself do you tell me to say it will you permit me ht their marriage bond asked leaning toward her but no i cannot i dare not she extended a hand in his direction with the intention of him he took it in his own and pressed it gently respectfully reverently to his cheek then he arose took a few steps returned and sat by her side on the sofa she was occupying he said there is a punishment that falls with terrible force on the head of a man who has neglected his opportunities once i loved a girl with all my soul i love her yet i always shall love her i think sometimes that if i had had the courage at the right moment that girl might now be my wife i believed i had no right to speak the words that burned in my bosom and i waited until it was too late now i can only torment myself with the reflection of my folly and fear that after all she is not the happy wife my sacrifice was intended to make her do you wonder that i am dull it is a marvel that i have preserved my reason mrs colored highly as she listened she could not the allusion i believed it my duty she said firmly to obey the of my mother she did not possess his power to speak in what she had to say must be without and she insisted on joining you to a man you did not love he exclaimed because a few miserable acres of land lay side by side for you do not love him i have watched you and i know you do not love him as a wife should love a husband her thoughts were very deep at that moment it was her first direct opportunity to herself to a real friend their marriage bond no she said i do not love him there is no deceit between us he does not care for me either we talked it over before the wedding day he had his father to please he rose and walking to the rear of the sofa leaned over her poor girl he exclaimed with tears in his voice poor girl she allowed him to stroke her hair which he took pains to cease doing of his own accord tell me one thing he asked drawing a long breath it can do no harm now that the truth is being told would you have married me if i had dared to ask you i think i would have married any man my mother directed even though you were in love with another she nodded and a tear rolled down her cheek he felt a fierce longing to press his lips upon the tiny drop but he resisted it was not a time to risk all by one premature movement he took his silk handkerchief instead and touched it lightly to her eyes do you think a contract entered into in such a manner is binding even if it two lives he asked slowly and with a tremble in his voice there is no escape she replied with a gasp my mother is still living my husband gives no indication of a to release me it is idle to indulge in fancies he drew a chair close to her and threw all his power into what he said there is such a thing as divorce when two love each other should not force them apart their marriage bond she shook her head while her eyes fastened themselves on the carpet one cannot get a divorce unless given cause she whispered a man who does not love his wife will give cause sooner or later he responded with conviction she seemed frightened at the turn the conversation had taken for she
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drew away from him and shut her lips tightly together i ought not to talk of this with you she said shivering i have been learning to bear my cross don t tempt me to cast it aside while there are others to suffer as well as i she had admitted that she wished release from her husband she had not denied his intimation that she cared very much for another he said in his tenderest manner i would give the world to serve you your situation seems to me the most deplorable that can be conceived at present you are luckily able to endure it as the days pass your power in this respect will steadily you are a magnificent woman and a union is more than any man has a right to ask let me assure you if you need the assurance that all i am all i possess is at your disposal when the time comes that you can use me say the word though it be but as the cloak of to keep your shoe from may i hope that she nodded with her eyes full of tears then he said he must be going and she walked slowly with him to where his hat and cane had been left mr hailed a car and rode out to where he could divert his mind with the interesting woman and child who had been go long under his pro their marriage bond he could pass an hour with them and with their landlady who was seldom dull in conversation but it was destined to be a disagreeable day with him all through one of the first things he learned after meeting margaret was that she intended to leave this home soon and seek another at a distance i am so glad to tell you she explained that i have found old friends who will relieve you of my care as soon as i can i am to go to another city and shall not need your aid any more the blank look with which mr received this information banished the smile from the mother s face almost as soon as it came there some friends he repeated that explains your visit to and so as her blush announced that his guess was correct you intend to desert me for the first man who will give you a lift but i have no claim upon you replied margaret and i thought you would be glad to know i would not need your help you have been kindness itself and i shall always be most grateful but oh don t explain he broke in when are you going his manner was so abrupt that miss rivers was much confused in a few days she said and perhaps after a little while i can send you the amount you have expended for me i have the account here she took a little book from a drawer here is every date and figure from the first he felt inclined to laugh as he thought how far the real sums varied from those she had been given he was paying for instance a week to the instead of the which she had been told was the price their marriage bond of her rooms the meals she had eaten having been at the urgent request of mrs w who pleaded loneliness and lack of feminine companionship everything had gone wrong with him that day and this was but on a par with the rest well he had never counted this woman very highly in his plans she amused him and he did rather like the baby never mind if she was going she was going he did not like to talk with her in his present mood so he descended to mrs s part of the house where he found that lady in her usual good spirits your tells me she is going he remarked yes said mrs him does she say where no but i can find out if you wish why the devil should i care he said harshly i picked her out of the and she may fall back into it for all of me mrs was a shrewd judge of men you do care nevertheless she said good if i knew all that is in your mind i should know what to do in reference to a discovery i made to day it is said that curiosity is a feminine trait but i have noticed that some men are not free from it there is nothing in my mind he replied that will prevent my listening to anything you may have to the woman eyed him closely it isn t a case of love i m sure she mused aloud you re not in a mood to be jealous of anything that occurred before you knew mrs i should say not he snapped and if i have made a chance discovery which gives an acquaintance of yours away a man who is supposed marriage bond to be above such things you won t object to knowing it he indicated that he would have no such objection she drew a number of pieces of letter paper from her pocket don t tell i found these she said hesitatingly say you picked them up yourself they were in her waste basket she laid the pieces upon a table in their proper order bo that the writing could be followed closely the first words were my dearest margaret and the last yours forever it was not a long letter but it revealed all that mr would least have liked mr to know and the latter felt his heart throb against his bosom aa he reflected on the weapon thus put into his hand isn t it an awful good joke exclaimed mrs holding her sides with laughter the finest in the world was the reply as joined his merriment however forced to
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hers and he put the torn pieces of the letter in his pocket their marriage bond chapter whose child is that notwithstanding the mild manner in which had accepted the of his friend mr in regard to the way his assistance should be given to miss he was far from content with the total separation from her in person that the plan involved while at the lawyer s office he was not in a condition to make a protest against a scheme which whatever else it did restored to him the privilege of to the support of the woman he loved this he had at o e time believed would almost satisfy him for he had passed miserable months in dread of the awful of suicide and for the young and inexperienced stranger in a foreign land it is human nature to ask for all that can be obtained and to be pleased with as little as possible before mr had left the lawyer s office an hour he regretted that he had not made a decided stand for a different arrangement although he had seen her face to face and felt the of her soft touch on his forehead she had disappeared as effectually as before he went twice to mr begging at least one more opportunity to talk with her not only declined representing that as the lady s attorney he had no right to grant this but took occasion to lecture his friend upon the folly of a chapter in his life which he had now the strongest reason to keep closed ir marriage bond no way is provided in the laws of the united states by which a man may have two wives he said but i have not even one protested a crossed the face of the listener that is not true he replied you have a lawful wife and nothing but your excited fancy stands between you the mistake was in the marriage under these circumstances but now it is done now that the harm has happened to and to me is there nothing you can suggest except that we go on through life each other by playing dog in the you have studied law and read the philosophers is there no remedy for us in all your books on the shelves there by heaven i will find one before i am through he added desperately to resolve to do a thing was to to put the resolve in operation he did not move as quickly as some men but in the long run he accomplished quite as much as many of more rapid motion he had been invited often enough to visit the he had indeed called once or twice in a formal way and had a brief talk with both of them of an evening but always others were there and he learned little or nothing of value to the emergency that now confronted him both husband and wife had conducted themselves in such a manner as to arouse no suspicion in the mind of any person not already with the facts had great tact and a fair amount of common sense and with the exception of mr no one knew the entire secret no not even mrs the lawyer selected an evening when mr was to be from home he wanted to talk with the wife alone their marriage bond he did not know exactly what he would say to her and at best he was with women but to have the husband present would spoil all of that he was certain the rest he trusted to chance when his card was brought in hastened to greet him she had much esteem for mr regarding him as one of the few thoroughly honest persons with whom she in contact from the first time they met she had liked him she had a feeling as she took his hand that evening that he would be a real friend in case one was needed mr is out i am sorry to say she told him but that will not prevent your remaining i trust he laid down his hat and cane where she indicated and replied with his accustomed i knew he was out mrs i came because he was out the of her married life the great need of some one to confide in gratitude that he had been so frank with perhaps still other sentiments that had been growing in her breast unconsciously swept off her feet speaking instead of the hand she had taken she held it and in a sort of clasp drew its owner so near that their garments touched it is very kind of you to say this she murmured frightened at what she was doing and at the same time unable to resist her impulses mr proved for once to be equal to the occasion he took her other hand and with both of them now in his own he held her there i would do anything for you anything he said astonished at his own actions i i am afraid you are not happy their marriage bond a tear rolled down her cheek you are right she whispered and then she tried to say more and could not let us sit down said he and talk about it her hold as if unwillingly followed the advice she had done that which in the presence of any other man would have covered her with confusion hut his manner seemed to redeem everything he had taken her warm hand in his and held it tightly he had let her draw him to her and had drawn her to him in return and yet she was quite safe he was only going to sit down and talk what is the cause of your was his next question his voice was as sweet and low as any woman s my marriage she answered without hesitation you are wedded to
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one man while you love another she started at the statement made so simply i am married to a man whom i do not love and who does not love me he returned to the question after the manner of lawyers and there is another whom you would have married had you consulted your heart alone you surely do not expect me to admit that she stammered faintly no i will answer it for you i know it is true i have known it for a long time she touched his arm with her fingers as gently as if it were brushed by the wing of a bird how did you know she whispered i cannot tell i suppose it was instinct for yon have never uttered a word to me on the subject i could their marriage bond not speak to you about it when your marriage was already decided upon the problem was too great for me to solve i could only remain silent and resolve to shield you if i found anything crawling across your path the woman shuddered the things that crawl have no power to do me harm she said earnestly many a woman has thought that and discovered her error said mr the only is in the love of a true husband the loss the terrible loss that she had suffered rolled over s mind like a wave the love of a true husband what had she what was she likely to have to fill its place i am in a delicate position said mr later in the evening there are many things i might say were not the atmosphere so clouded let us leave it this way if there is anything in which i can help you promise to call on me without hesitation i will do so she replied fervently it was something to a woman who had so few persons on whom she could rely she saw the tall form of the lawyer depart half an hour later with a sense of gratitude for his interest in her that passed the power of expression mr s determination that he would find the whereabouts of miss rivers suffered no as the weeks glided by with that strange double consciousness which is often noted he attended to his business in a manner that gave his associates no occasion for fault while beneath the talk of and coffee the image of margaret was ever clearly their marriage bond he made a new arrangement with the firm of and a man was detailed to shadow both mr and his office at all hours if margaret had been to see the attorney once she might come again if she did not come she might write if she did neither might go to meet her at some other place possibly the very one in which she was living the vigilance of the was at last rewarded miss rivers entered the lawyer s office and when she emerged was followed to a house in cambridge where she was did not hesitate long when he learned under which roof his idol was to be found that very evening he took the street car from boston and went to call upon her i believe there is a lady here he said to the servant who answered his ring mrs yes so she had resumed her own name tell her a gentleman wishes to see her the servant was gone several minutes when she returned she said mrs rivers wished to know the name of her taking a from his pocket mr wrote a few words on a leaf and tore it out give her this he said he had written i must see you for a few minutes unless you utterly hate me do not refuse this boon the messenger returned with the request that he walk upstairs the lady he wished to see was in the rear room on the first floor an instant later he had mounted the steps and not even pausing to knock had opened the door and stood in the presence of his beloved when she received his note and knew what she bad their marriage bond at first that it was mr who was waiting margaret had been thrown into a state of excitement her first impulse was to decline to see him then she reflected that a man of his temperament could not be put off so easily that having discovered her home he would insist on meeting her at all costs she would have to let him in notwithstanding the agreement she had entered into with mr she was holding the baby in her arms when the message came and for a few moments she contemplated various plans for of that young gentleman until after the conference was ended but as she glanced about the room she saw that there were many proofs of his existence besides his own self a stood by her bed little garments were scattered here and there and then there came over the young mother an irresistible yearning to show this part of herself and of him to the long absent father she wanted to gaze into the eyes of her former lover when they first encountered those of his offspring so she met him standing in the centre of the room with the baby in her arms his astonishment was intense for a few seconds he was fairly dazed by the spectacle it was her child he did not for an instant doubt that something of the with which painters crown the over the head of every young mother margaret he stammered margaret a thrill of delight shot through her bosom sit down she said you did not know of this she added when he had been persuaded though with difficulty to accept the invitation to be seated i their marriage bond thought it best to keep the information from you but his eyes were opened
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wide the blood had sprung to every in his body his face was with color margaret you do not mean that it is mine that she did mean it that she was at the that it could belong to any one else was all too evident from the look in her face from the of tears in her eyes he fell on the floor at her feet mother father and child mixed in confusion mine he cried again raising himself to look at the tiny thing she nodded through her tears and did not resist when he caught her to his breast to the imminent danger of the infant and kissed her again and again on the lips my wife he exclaimed between each embrace my darling darling wife slowly her senses returned and she herself from the heap you must not call me that she said sadly you are married and the name of wife should be sacred to you he laughed i will never listen to such again he said you are the only wife i ever had and your talk shall not divorce us this boy this girl boy she interrupted this boy is witness of which was my true marriage and all the powers on earth shall not his evidence rivers of joy flowed over her at his words but she would not give up so soon their marriage bond you have married since i saw you is it not true she asked i went through a ceremony before a clergyman to the life of my father he admitted but there was no marriage i have wedded but one woman loved but one been true to but one and she is here now thrown by the force of her affection on each wave of his the strong conscience in the english girl drove her back again to the shore of what she called justice you have been living with her as your wife she said that the action of the law and the church i have lived under the same roof but i am no i married the woman i loved in and i cannot wed again i have a wife dearest and a child they are here all the in creation shall never make me doubt again where my duty lies miss listened with heart but you are hers she replied she can claim you even there you need fear nothing he said she does not wish to claim me she was led into a mistaken step by a view of filial devotion she will be very willing to surrender a man who adds nothing to her happiness i will give her the opportunity of seeking a divorce the law that has chained her shall make her free he tried to kiss margaret again but she resisted him effectually no she said it is the old story once more a woman who has loved you enough to take your name in marriage could not be willing to give you up i would die of hunger rather than steal the love that be their marriage bond to another you are hers you are not mine i have no right to you he was but not convinced he took the baby in his arms and talked about him i really believe he looks like me he continued what have you named him i have called him nothing but baby yet he is so little he is a giant was the reply he finally succeeded in making her say that he might call sometimes and that the sum necessary for the support of her and his child should come direct through his hands you will have to behave very nicely she said no more or kissing and you must not come oftener than once a month this was at last reduced to once a week with which he was fain to be content for the present he would trust to the future to the limit to reasonable proportions it was a evening that he passed take it altogether he had known nothing so happy since before that awful day when they landed together in new york and she deserted him at the hotel door their marriage chapter roused to anger tbe new address of miss rivers was soon communicated to mr by mrs who ascertained it from an probably margaret would not have refused to give it to him herself had he asked her for she felt the highest gratitude for all he had done in her behalf and in parting she tried to give expression to her f by her most hearty thanks but was in no mood to question her or to accept her praises he did not at the moment care where she was going he thought in an indistinct way that her actions did not very well with her professions but he was willing to end the incident his mind was full of and other matters took their places with things of minor interest when mrs told him the street and number of the cambridge house however he caught eagerly at the thus put into his hands worthless as it was in one sense since he did not mean to visit margaret in her new home it might be very valuable in its effect when knew that her husband had a former mistress so near boston the letter that had been together revealed everything it admitted the pecuniary support which miss rivers was receiving from and expressed the deepest grief that he could not occupy his true position as her natural protector in the eyes of the world this letter might certainly have a value if used at the proper time their marriage bond s passion surprised him by its strength there was nothing about it it grew with each passing hour until it was the only thing that filled his mind he would have if there was any way to accomplish it no
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matter at what sacrifice of money or honor he must possess this sweetest ornament of womanhood everything convinced him that his progress was sure if slow mrs regarded him as a friend his presence at her apartments was always welcome he was confidential with her almost to the degree of familiarity she had confessed that her marriage was not happy she had implied at least that she loved another and who could that other be but himself brought up with the idea of the laws of society must be brought into her mind with the greatest care during the very hours that mr was meeting his love and his child in cambridge quite a different scene was being at the flat in boston mr was making one of his afternoon calls and was using every effort to bring his long quest to a close you are sad again to day said to him when he had been in the house half an hour and had replied in to all her suggestions there is no happiness in store for me was his reply i am doomed misery not only have i my own to bear but one i love is being deceived in the most cruel manner and there is nothing i dare do to aid her she studied the statement for some seconds and then asked him to explain what good will it do he demanded no one the bearer of evil tidings supposing i should their marriage bond tell a woman that her husband was a robber and a murderer she might leave him but she would always associate me with her injury a robber and a murderer that certainly could not refer to i never could understand said with a that made her look why don t you speak out plainly if you know anything that you ought to tell me fear nothing i hope i am sensible enough not to connect a friend who brings unpleasant news with the news itself he regarded her so intently that she flushed before his gaze shall i he asked i ought to tell you but is it wise he took a from the pocket of his coat and held it thoughtfully in his hands then he slowly it and exhibited two pieces of glass on which fragments of a torn letter were in such a manner that both sides could be easily read no he exclaimed as if strongly moved it is better that you do not read it had seen at a glance that the writing was that of her husband and her curiosity was aroused to the utmost as mr had expected she sprang to his and endeavored to take the article from him while he was in the pretended act of returning it to his pocket there was a pretty little struggle and then as if out of pure gallantry he surrendered and the panes of glass were in her hands it is cruel he said with well emotion i cannot justify myself for letting you see this but after all the fault is his i will resist no more lay it their marriage bond on the table and see what your friend and mine is capable of doing with shaking fingers she did as suggested mr assisted by laying the pieces in their proper order and turning the pages when she had read to the foot of each with heart the young wife read the lines which showed that her husband had a real true affection for another woman that the marriage bond which bound him to one he could never love were all that kept him from his life to her and mr having played his great card watched the effect with eyes which he had to sympathetic grief for her outraged feelings my dear girl he said in a low tone when she had reached the end for the second time each word having been re i am so sorry for you but after all it was my duty to bring you this could anything be more heartless than his conduct nothing said hard and putting her hand blindly to her forehead how did you come in possession of this he told her a carefully prepared story how he had met miss rivers at the home of his friend in how a servant the signature to the letter had picked it out of a waste basket and handed it to him as a joke on mr and how he had been shocked by the which its contents represented i thought at first that i would show him what i had learned added and demand that he a double existence that is a crime to you and a shame to humanity but his letter showed that the right alternative that of giving up this woman is too improbable to be hoped for the language he uses in that note a perfect then i reflected that no their marriage bond one can ever tell what a woman will do that perhaps you would rather retain him though he be than to have your name in the divorce column that i had no right to interfere with your affairs without putting you in possession of all the facts and i brought the letter here to day doubtful if i should find courage to exhibit it fearful lest the good turn i wanted to do you might be and cause me to fall in the esteem of one whose high opinion i value above everything she sat listening with the air of one from whom all bodily strength had vanished the blow had been very hard for her we shall have to separate and i she said thoughtfully but your mother he asked significantly i cannot consider her altogether said calmly for her i made the error of my life she has seen her mistake and i do not think she will try to my feelings again if
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she does i must oppose her this is a matter that is vital there are no two to take there is one that many would think of he said leaning affectionately toward her a divorce makes a terrible scandal however wronged the wife is injured by the operation when a husband has his vows it is not always best to release him from the obligations he has assumed that would be pleasing him too well for as soon as the decree is pronounced he ia free to spend the rest of his days with the one who shares his guilt then to s intense surprise the young wife rose and turned upon him with a torrent of she understood him at last their marriage bond j beast she cried coward wretch how do you dare how do you the words choked in her throat she was too angry for expression but the lines in her face told their own story curse it he answered rising you are a pretty woman to use this talk to me a change had been wrought in their faces hatred and struggled for the mastery where warm affection had sat so lately leave the house shouted pointing to the door and never so long as you live enter it again mr laughed in her face said he you won t get rid of me bo easily i have treated you like a lady of refined feelings and that was my mistake you are not entitled to any such usage she looked at him as if he were a into den she had strayed the front door bell rang and a guest was shown into the reception room but in their excitement neither of them heard a sound he paused to catch his breath and then said it is a sin that we should quarrel you drove me mad with your coldness when i have loved you half my life and would my heart s blood for you come to me now give me the affection i and no woman ever had a truer more loyal friend than i will be to you he opened his arms and advanced toward her but she retreated go i tell you she cried pointing to the door the door from the reception room opened silently the tall form of entered mr to ascertain the identity of the intruder when their marriage bond he saw he was even more confused than if it had been indeed the husband pausing but an instant to recover her breath flew to the lawyer and like a frightened bird to his side she began to sob and mr had a feeling that he could not well have exhibited himself in a more trying situation what shall i do to him whispered the melodious voice of her oh let him go make him go was the reply in distressed tones the lawyer pointed toward the open door without changing his position with the arms of that lovely woman about his waist he had no wish to move i ll go all right snapped drawing himself up of course you don t understand but half of this or you d see it in a different light but there s one thing i will say and that is the on her property will be at once i m not going to put a fortune in for people who haven t the first symptom of gratitude you need not go to any trouble on that matter was the answer of the lawyer still without changing his attitude if you will send the papers to my office to morrow will pay you all that is due principal and interest the promise was so unexpected and so full of relief to the young wife who had immediately thought of her stricken mother s distress that she the arms that encircled the lawyer s waist and them as far as her smaller height would permit about his neck oh that s it eh exclaimed to mrs well i wish you joy the girl i told you of who has marriage bond beer s darling is also a particular friend of this high minded fellow i found her the other day in the private room at his office it s getting complicated isn t it the form that clung to mr grew heavy upon him the clinging hands slowly the knees gave way and slid downward through his arms to the floor cried the lawyer to i believe you have killed her aroused at last to a sense of decency ran to the kitchen where he acquainted the servant with the fact that her lady had fainted the girl came in with and thinking that it was best for him to go the man who had all the trouble left the house soon after had been placed on a sofa and regained consciousness mrs arrived a brief explanation of the fact that her daughter had been suddenly overcome was what mr vouchsafed for above all he did not wish her to guess what had happened before leaving he stooped for a moment over to express the hope that she would soon be all right and she whispered so that it reached no ears but his do not desert me my friend my only friend i will try to run in to morrow he said the remark intended for both ladies i want to see you and together and you also mrs there has been a formed for building a through and they are ready to make a very handsome offer for a part of your lands there marriage bond that is amusing my dear the that succeeded in putting his head inside the tent of the had little difficulty in introducing subsequently the whole of his body the first visit of mr to miss at her new home broke the ice between them paid no attention to the limit of once a
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week that she had made to his calls but was soon in the habit of running in daily and spending an hour or more with his old sweetheart and her pretty child nothing was said about the matter to mr the income that mr allowed to margaret still passed through the lawyer s hands thought the easiest way the best and did not care to disturb the new which had so many elements of delight to him after his long separation from the woman he loved as to margaret though troubled with doubts she could not refuse to receive the man whose presence was of all things most delightful to her and who conducted himself like a thorough gentleman without ever offering to renew the love making of the old time she found excuses enough arguing that no real harm was being done to the legal wife concerning whom not a word of discussion was had between them mr devoted most of his stay on each occasion to the baby in the presence of his infant in a way that was touching in the extreme he talked about him to margaret his mind with the lore of their marriage bond but for the most part the time was passed in a contented silence except for such sounds as the child began to make of satisfaction at seeing his new friend whom he grew to expect and admire have you given him any name yet asked one afternoon when he had passed the usual happy time at play with the little fellow not really she replied in some confusion i have thought of calling him after my father but he wants two names i suppose and the other one is still he knew as well as if she had said so in plain words that she wished to make that other name and hesitated on account of the peculiarities of the case you might name him for the friend who took such good care of you before he was born he suggested by the way you never have told me anything about him and perhaps you had rather not he added looking at her miss rivers blushed i have no right to tell you she said he was a kind gentleman who with my misfortune and treated me with the utmost consideration an old man asked after a pause no a young man and very good looking rich too he gave me to understand he the statement with a frown that he could not help what do you suppose was his object he asked she waited some time before replying if i must answer and tell the whole truth she said at last i believe he meant to win my love and wait for the time when i should manifest it toward him their marriage and he did win some of it i suppose he said you could hardly be to so much kindness he won my regard and gratitude said margaret a single man of course she bowed single young handsome and rich if you had not met me again and he had asked you to marry him he would not have done that i am sure she interposed there was the baby in the way it was pathetic to think of no matter what grand opportunities might come to this girl the child would raise an obstacle to her future what is that ring on your wedding finger he demanded noticing it strangely enough for the first time i bought it in new york she said it was necessary to pretend to be a wife you understand i told mr this gentleman of whom we are speaking that my husband died at sea on the passage over i did not suppose you could invent such a big story as that said it was not easy but it had to be done poor little girl he exclaimed what a monster i must seem to you she bade him hush before he could say anything more a servant knocked and presented the card of a gentleman who she said was waiting below stairs an fit of jealousy of curiosity call it what you may seized mr at the moment he took the card from the servant s hand and read the name upon it before miss rivers could stop him wait a minute at the door he said to the maid marriage bond closing the then he turned and surveyed margaret sternly you know whose card this is he asked yes she said growing paler but losing nothing of her firmness it is that of the friend who paid your bills for nearly a year yes she said again and he is still in the habit of calling to see you no it is the first time since i moved i did not think that he knew my address was she lying again did she think it necessary as she had done in the matter of the wedding ring margaret he said i don t you but i want you to prove this to me i know this man and i know that his reputation is of the worst i have a right to warn you that his companionship is dangerous he is a regular visitor at your house she said a little yes that is true replied how did you i heard him speak of it to a guest he brought to the house where i was living i know what you mean to her mouth was drawn her eyes her figure in a tremble as she uttered the disagreeable words margaret my love he cried you do me injustice but i ask just one favor let me conceal myself and hear what he has to say i may a man like that better than you give him a quarter of an hour with no restraint on his tongue and then make some excuse to end the interview when he
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is gone i will tell you what i think and explain any doubt that may still be in your their marriage bond she would not have refused him had he asked that she place her head on a block and let him try the tenderness of her neck with an axe she was only too glad to remove any doubts that he might have concerning her relations with mr she threw open the door of her bedroom and when he had passed the threshold she drew a screen across the entrance through this article the concealed man could not only hear but see then she spoke to the girl at the door and said she might show mr up it was the very day that had made the sad exhibition of himself with mrs which mr had luckily interrupted on leaving the house the young man had gone forthwith to the address he had obtained from mrs hoping that a sight of the mother and her child might divert his attention from the failure of his long cherished projects on the way it occurred to him that being lost forever it might not be a bad idea to cultivate the pretty english widow it would not be a bad scheme to take her altogether from mr as a revenge on a family toward whom he had begun to feel a enmity mrs or miss certainly must entertain a sentiment of gratitude toward him a substantial basis from which to begin operations the cloud from his face as well as he could met margaret cordially and soon felt quite at home in her little sitting room where is the crowning glory of the establishment p he asked presently looking about for the baby he is asleep on the bed in the other room she replied in a low tone and we must be sure not to wake him their marriage bond does his father come often to see him he asked abruptly and then laughed at her evident discomfiture i told you she said in a dignified way that mr died on the voyage from to new york i know you did he answered but a letter that you received at mrs s and which you foolishly tore up and threw into the waste basket instead of the fire tells another story to the consternation of miss he drew out the letter as he spoke upon the panes of glass so as to be perfectly it did not occur to her to him with being a spy especially at this moment when the author of those lines was hidden behind a screen within ten feet of him she was much and stood like a detected waiting for him to proceed i don t blame you he said good for your little falsehood it was quite under the circumstances but there is something that i ought to say seriously has no right to assume the expense of your maintenance at this time he is already too far behind in a financial way why the on all his property is more than the whole thing is worth and the interest is i ought to know for i advanced money to try to save him and i shall have to this week to keep from losing what i have invested the young woman trembled as she listened and presently sought a chair into which she sank was she after all in the ruin of the man she loved so well there was something in the manner of mr which convinced her that there was a foundation to his story and she pitied with all her heart their marriage bond knowing that not a word which had been spoken had escaped him now my dear pursued i have sought you to day to propose a more sensible arrangement than the one under which you are living i will furnish you a handsome house and put at your disposal a sum that will supply all the wants of yourself and the little one i will use you like a lady and in return you will treat me like a genuine friend all care for your future will vanish what do you say margaret wondered if the answer she was about to make would seem to the behind the screen dictated by the knowledge of his presence there i wish you would withdraw the question she answered in a hushed tone i cannot treat it seriously when i remember that this is the first time you have said anything to bring a blush to my cheek he laughed aloud that is amusing my dear he said when one remembers the experience through which you have passed unless you accept my offer what will you do her heart was beating rapidly partly out of pity for the desperate case of mr till then by her i do not know she answered quietly i have been ready once before to meet death if necessary and i should not shrink from it again began to fear that he was to be beaten for the second time that day and in a quarter where he had least expected a well you have made a nice mess for your lover he replied his wife will soon have him ia court with your name as co their marriage bond his wife cried margaret she does not know of my existence she did not yesterday to day she has seen the letter he wrote you yes i showed it to her he added in response to her questioning eyes you why did you do that because i chose i am like you i do things because it pleases me she wants a divorce and she has a right to one but the letter said margaret vaguely does not refer to anything that has happened since her marriage i have never wronged her in thought or deed since that day he laughed again the law
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does not need actual proof he said the letter shows that a married man writes to a woman not his wife protesting the most violent love for her if in addition to that it is proved that he visits this woman he said this as a and her start convinced him of the of his guess the judge will take the rest for granted she tried to grasp at every possible straw but mrs would not wish a separation she said she could not another error of yours he smiled bitterly she is in love with another person herself the screen was thrown to the floor with a crash and trembling with anger stepped over it into the room liar he shouted raising his arm at the astonished man miss rivers threw herself between them she said think think of all he did for their marriage bond me mr she added in tones of entreaty there must be no quarrel between you here what you said was mr s answer to you have a pure and virtuous woman i it said i do so to avoid a disagreeable scene for this lady who of all the people i have ever helped is the only one to exhibit the least symptom of gratitude i was betrayed into saying more than i meant hereafter watch your own household if you have time enough from your outside affairs so saying he took his hat waved an good bye to cast a look of farewell at margaret and left the house the pair that remained looked at each other for some seconds in silence you believe me now said margaret after a while you believe my words and acts consistent with the honor of your child s mother oh yes he replied with a deep sigh but about could there have been anything to his assertion miss cast down her eyes you love her after all i see she murmured clasping her hands over her bosom no i tell you no but i do not want harm to come to her she is unhappy enough now if some villain has dared margaret caught him by the sleeve go home to her she said forget all that is past remember your duty to guard her give no man occasion to insult her go go and think of me no more he cried out with pain saying she was mad that no roman but her would ever claim his love and devotion their marriage bond she then alluded to what mr had said about his and declared that she would accept nothing which made it hard for him to his legitimate obligations he explained for answer the matter of the lands saying that even if they were entirely lost it would not affect his capacity to earn a living both for and for her in an hour he persuaded her to promise that she would for the present remain where she was and trust him and if that f returns he said i will give orders not to let him in and yet let us remember always how very kind he was to me bo long their marriage bond chapter the two wives meet there are many men who are capable under the influence of passion or anger of committing acts and who are nevertheless thoroughly ashamed of their conduct as soon as their have had time to cool when reflected on the manner in which he had spent that day he was extremely disgusted with himself he felt that he had played the part of a coward and a and that two of the best friends he had ever possessed were lost to him forever that night he wrote three letters one was to mr the charge he had made against his wife one was to mr begging him to say nothing of the unhappy situation in which he had found and expressing the deepest regret at the occurrence and the third was to bidding her farewell asking her to forget the insane that had guided him and assuring her that as far as the land was concerned the principal could remain for years if need be and that the interest was a matter of no account whatever he sent the three letters and then began to wonder whether they would do any good he knew that and his wife were badly that had a love for miss which he was not likely to that hide it as he might would give his very life for and that mrs only recently aware of it cared more for than she had ever cared for their marriage bond other person a of the ties of those four people could hardly fail to be of benefit to all if it could be accomplished the more he thought about it the more he wished that he had back the letters that he had deposited in the mail box he had written them but without due consideration he would have to see more of these people in person in order to right things the one most likely to receive him politely was margaret he made up his mind that he would have another and a far different interview with her mrs met her husband on the evening of her encounter with in much the usual way he was absorbed in the events of the day and more than ordinarily he knew it is true that had probably shown the torn pieces of the letter but it was not for the husband to begin a conversation that related to that matter he believed it would not be either who would open the subject as for the charge against his wife his opinion was in the exclamation with which he had met it liar the married existence of this couple was not sufficiently intimate to lead to much conversation the dinner was usually of in comparative silence the evening paper took up
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s time after that until appeared or he took his stroll at they occupied separate apartments not even very near each other the day passed and neither said the slightest thing in reference to what was on both minds but was not idle she had made up her mind as to the course she would adopt she meant to watch her husband and find whether he went to the house where his dearest their marriage bond margaret lived and if he did so she determined to follow him a shrewd woman does not necessarily need the services of a to carry out a plan of this kind a man who has no reason to think that he is watched and no particular fear of discovery may be with ease took a car to the neighborhood of her husband s office at that part of the afternoon when she thought him most likely to leave business she waited patiently till he came out and then followed at a respectable distance he walked to square and took the first car that went to cambridge she took the second and alighted a minute later mr walked rapidly toward the house where miss rivers lived never once turning his head his wife followed in his wake and in a few moments saw him enter a residence that she had no reason to doubt was the one of which she was in search now for the first time she hesitated she had learned nothing of margaret but her given name what was to meet her the other side of that door she had only a faint idea she was not over strong she dreaded nothing more than a collision with or any one else but one thing was perfectly plain she must try to see the woman he loved and better than all else when he was with her her courage at last went to the bell and rang it i wish to see a lady who boards here she stammered to the servant miss rivers yes she might be wrong it was possible that there were two ladies boarding at the house but she must run that risk their marriage bond s will you give me your card that course would be it would be useless said mrs she has never met me say it is a lady who has important business and must see her alone showing mrs into a parlor the domestic vanished on her errand the description given convinced mr at once of the identity of the it is my wife he whispered growing pale show her up at once said margaret firmly are you insane he cried as the servant disappeared i shall see her she responded in a tone that left no room for doubt you must step into that bedroom and close the door but the baby he said glancing with apprehension at the child in its i shall leave him where he is this is a critical moment you have assured me that your wife does not love you that there is no attachment between yon such as should accompany the marriage tie if that is so nothing she will learn here will trouble us or her ah you me he exclaimed clasping his hands together no i believe you and i love you but until i p peak with this lady i shall never know exactly what my duty is there was a faint knock on the door and as he stepped into the inner room margaret opened it to her visitor miss rivers said miss margaret rivers she was very white and short of breath yes responded margaret come in take this marriage bond chair she handed her a into which sank and your name i believe is mrs surprised responded in the affirmative and then there was a moment of silence during which the tears slowly filled mrs s eyes and began to i have come to beg your pardon she said in i shaking voice when she had partially recovered my pardon echoed the listener yes she glanced about the room and her eyes lit for the first time on the sleeping baby oh she cried with a gasp is it his child but of course it is i can see his very features i came she continued to ask you to forgive me but i fear you never never can for answer miss rivers threw herself on the floor at the feet of her and clasped her hands about her knees leaned over and kissed her repeatedly on her dark hair oh you make me so ashamed cried margaret but you must hear my story you shall not condemn me utterly until you know all the dark and bade the figure rise i do not condemn you she said soothingly i only condemn myself you loved him with all your heart i am sure and i was only trying to satisfy my mother you are a holy being that beautiful child sets the seal of glory on your forehead tell me did you love him very very much a of tears was her only answer miss rivers was too much overcome to make a verbal reply at that time how can i ask such a senseless question pursued mrs you loved him this of humanity tells that without he loved you too and their marriage bond had it not been for the promise extracted from him he f ould have been to day what he should be your true and lawful husband i was an ignorant girl i my mother i did what she bade me with her assurance that it would come out right in time but it never has and it never will come out right we are living the meanest of lies before the world he is not my husband i am not his wife we are a curse to each other though i must say in justice to
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him that he warned me in advance i know what the world would say but to me your union with him is a thousand times more honorable than mine he has a noble heart and i tried to crush it i did not know i could not understand if i had dreamed that i was you my dear girl and had known of that my duty would have been miss was at last persuaded to rise but she would not sit down i am so ashamed before you she said when she could speak that i do not know what to say but you shall have him back you are the noblest woman i ever knew i want to tell you all about it yes you must hear me i beg it as a great favor i learned to love mr before i heard of your existence we were together and my father died i had no other friend to look to one day he told me i know he would let me say this that he loved me my heart gave a great leap of joy a future seemed to open of the most surpassing brightness then he began to speak of his engagement to a lady in america and i refused absolutely to allow him to say anything more of his affection for me i told him he must return to america and carry out his promise to you i refused though it should break my heart to steal him from another wo their marriage bond man for i thought no sin could equal that it seemed settled that we were to part at that he would return to you and that i should bury my sorrow as best i might among strangers oh i was so hungry for love i so dearly the sweetness of his presence let me tell you everything there is only a little more i came to america with him under an agreement to separate when we arrived and as soon as i could i ran away from him and in a strange land i meant oh i swear it to you to banish him from my life forever but an accident brought us together again and there is one thing more when i learned that he had been married i hid my home from him till he discovered it himself and never no not once has he acted since then in any manner that my dear mother in heaven might not have looked down upon without a blush on her angel face the tears of the two women mingled their arms around each other s neck you shall have him entirely now said mrs when she had regained a little of her composure poor girl you have suffered enough margaret shook her head no he is yours she replied i have done wrong to let him call here but but there was the she pointed to the whose little began to show signs of let us call mr and get his opinion said finally she pointed to the inner door he is there of course i saw him enter the house margaret was startled at this cool mention of a secret that she had been in a tremble about ever since her entered but she did not know how to better their marriage bond things by stopping when the latter walked to the bedroom door and threw it open she said gently come here and help hb mr emerged with a clouded brow he was much in fear of the of an interview between these two women and as he came into their presence he looked anxiously from one to the other this is your true wife said indicating miss rivers both she and her lovely child have the highest claim upon you i seem in their presence a mere and i want you to promise to set them right do not listen cried margaret wildly it is i who have committed the fault her claim is as strong aa duty and law she addressed him we must say good bye our later meetings have been a mistake when a man is married he should forget everything that comes between him and his wife mrs interrupted answer one question she said to her husband what woman do you love best in all the world he turned his face to her with set lips said he you have asked me an honest question and i will make an honest reply for you i have the friendship of my youth the esteem of a neighbor the sympathy of an old associate for margaret i have the passionate longing of a lover my child lies there in its cradle during all my life i have had such feelings for no other woman eight or wrong i shall love her till the end miss rivers to stop the flow of his impassioned words but her effort was of no avail mrs smiled and now perfectly calm took the hand of the english girl and placed it in that of her husband their marriage bond god hath joined you she said neither man nor woman should put you asunder she reached down and lifted the babe from its cradle with wide open eyes the little fellow joyfully and put out his arms for margaret who took him and let him against her bosom there are things necessary for right in human society continued mrs deliberately you must get a divorce or allow me to do so the most polite reason to is desertion you are going to new york soon i hear on business when you take your trunks from the flat where we live you must never return there after a certain time the court can be asked to remedy our fearful error then you will let the law do what it should have done long ago and begin life again with the woman you love
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and the child who has a right to your care and as for me she added in a lower voice do not think i shall regret the step it is never too late to do right you know very well that i have never been in love with you for your kindness your consideration both to me and my poor mamma i shall bless you always it is better for all that this separation take a legal and permanent form my greatest wish is that you may be happy with this dear girl do not speak please till i am gone good bye she took margaret s cheeks between her hands and pressed three warm kisses on her forehead then miss rivers cried out angel saint how can i accept such a great boon from you fear nothing replied mrs it may prove a boon to me as well if this comes a little late it may bring happiness nevertheless their marriage bond she touched the child still in hit mother s arms may i kiss him she asked margaret lifted him up to her and a warm caress was on the little cheek what is his name i i have not named him yet said margaret call him it will please me very much and some day if you have the happiness to have a girl child call her i shall think it the highest of compliments now good bye don t try to stop me be good to this dear little woman and thank god that he gave you such a treasure she was gone the baby looked after her wondering what had become of the head that made such a light in the room margaret fell on her knees by the chair in which had sat it with her tears and his heart full of gratitude buried his face in his hands and wept also their marriage bond xxx when did you begin to love me there was business for mr in new york and it was the desire of his firm that he should spend as much time there hereafter as possible the necessity of himself from his wife brought this duty at an time he made arrangements to give up his residence in boston doing all of those petty and disagreeable things which the law demands of a man who ceases to fill the position of a husband with a view to final separation under the seal of a court he his landlord for one thing that he should surrender his flat on a given date packed up and went to live again in with her mother to mrs s inquiries the young wife returned the replies i have taken your advice once in these matters mamma and made a great failure of it this time i must act on my own judgment and i have not we are never going to live together again that s all don t talk to me about it or on any account to any one else and poor crushed mrs fell into the plan for want of anything else to do this little daughter of hers had suddenly become the bigger woman in strength of mind we shall all be happy mamma by and by said soothingly wait have patience and you will see while anxious to preserve appearances mr was not willing to be separated entirely from his margaret their marriage bond and his child they removed to one of the of new york where he visited them at regular intervals there was a long time to wait according to the laws quite three years and he thought this no more than he had a right to do for several months margaret argued the matter over with him every time he called she had no right she said to take him from that lovely woman who had offered her such kindness but one day after a trip to boston he whispered something in her ear that made her start oh if you are certain of that she exclaimed it would make me feel so much better about it are you sure there is no doubt things began to resume the even tenor of their way during the succeeding year two events worth came to the people in whom the reader is interested one was the sale to the company of a considerable portion of the land owned by mr and mrs the sale did not in either case include the homes nor the nearest land about them mr the transaction and at the request of the owners paid off the held by i ll have to take the money i suppose said but i d much rather let it lie of course the security was ample then he added to himself i ll write to and try to square myself doesn t come home any more they say the most i can expect now is to regain a little of her good opinion and much good that will do me confound it there was over a hundred thousand dollars left out of the sale after settling the and mr wrote to mr a formal business letter asking what he should do with it their marriage bond give it to was s reply she will need it then mr wrote to asking the same question give it to she answered it will help him in his business it was finally arranged that the sum should be divided on the exact lines of the original as mrs s estate was the larger the larger sum went accordingly to her mrs brightened at the news the home in which she lived was now secure and the money removed her and her daughter from the danger of want it was no more she said than right to have the sum divided thus mr had deserted her daughter without just cause and the least he could do was to secure her material
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is a theme that has been used by a thousand and it seemed impossible that there could be anything essentially new in such an experience does the case differ so much then i inquired from those that have already been made the subject of romance in every particular replied my friend at least it is totally unlike anything have seen in print not only this but i believe it unique as an actual occurrence if you wish i will outline it to you my curiosity was now fairly alive i begged mr to begin at once and not to content himself with an outline either but to give me the fullest details of which he was possessed he answered that this would need considerable time and i said i was at his disposal even if it took all night u i cannot tell he said whether it will require five hours or ten to give you the details i have gathered they are in a somewhat state in my mind and will have to be put together slowly and as i hinted in the first place the most interesting part beginning with a mystery o die matter is still veiled in mystery perhaps you will be able to the hidden threads and complete the story to your own satisfaction but certainly none of miss s friends have yet been able to learn the least thing beyond what she has chosen to tell them i asked if he would permit me a few questions in advance of his narrative by all means he said as many as you please to begin with how did you learn the facts you are about to relate from george mrs and miss mainly was the response the young lady s father made a of me in many things her mother i also knew to some extent then i have talked by the hour with drew and his wife with dr and mrs you will hear more of these people presently that is miss has discussed matters with me as freely as if i were her brother or even her sister and the baby miss s baby knows me as well as a young gentleman of his age could be expected to do and has jumped and in my arms within the last three weeks i was silent for a moment then i remarked in a subdued tone that such cases were very sad especially when they happened among the better educated and more classes they made one doubt whether the world was not growing worse instead of better miss would not agree with you said quickly she is the happiest young of mother i ever knew in her sweet face there is not a single tinge of regret i stared at my friend in astonishment and she is an mother i exclaimed precisely then her reason must be i asserted certainly not in the ordinary sense he answered aside from this matter of the child she appears as sensible as any other healthy girl she in nearly everything else to the prevailing fashions she dresses for instance in the usual mode she looks lives and acts like the rest of her sex so far as i can see her signature on a business paper is never disputed she keeps to herself a good deal but that is because the majority of women do not like to associate with one who has proved her belief in such or as she would call them advanced doctrines however does not care for society her time is more pleasantly spent with her child whom she passionately sane why yes no jury would question her ability to care for herself her boy or her property i waited a moment and then inquired who was the father of the infant that is the mystery said from the little we have learned it appears that the man is dead dr drew this from her with a few other particulars of little importance during a few hours when she stood in imminent danger of dying and she has never denied or modified her statements the only trouble is she will not add the least syllable to them beginning with a she does not appear to mourn him very deeply i suggested no not as a woman would mourn a husband or a lover the doctor says the tears came into her eyes when she mentioned that he was no more but she has not put on either literally or she sings smiles well and acts quite the opposite of broken hearted to this i remarked after reflection that her conduct was not to be wondered at judged from one a fellow of that kind did not deserve to be very sincerely regretted a fellow of what kind asked one who would deceive a girl and then desert her my companion smiled but this man did nothing of the sort said he did nothing of the sort i echoed did not deceive or desert her neither the one thing nor the other that is a riddle i replied nothing but the simple truth miss freely admits to all who care to discuss the matter with her that if there were any deception it was on her part not his i nodded oh it was miss who deceived and deserted her lover something of that nature assented with another laugh but let me say that if you keep on at this rate you will take all the interest out of my story it is a girl s way rather than a man s out of to through the pages of a book and read the last chapter first i admitted the truth of the observation and said there were only one or two other things that i wanted to know before settling myself into the attitude of a patient and listener i presume you will tell me next i added that the father of miss
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s child met his death on account of a broken heart by his regret at losing her i would oblige you with the greatest pleasure replied if i were a tale for the occasion as mine is unfortunately a truthful one i must do otherwise no as i understand it the pangs of love did not cut short the career of this person but a much more thing a bullet it was getting interesting indeed so she shot him i exclaimed well a man who would permit a woman to deceive betray and desert him deserved no better fate mr s amused face showed me even before he spoke that i had fallen into another error she did not shoot him he said then he shot himself which was quite the best thing he could do no he did not shoot himself was there another woman in the case i asked it is not believed that there was when you have heard all i know about this matter in case you are ever ready to let me tell you your theories will be advanced with more precision dr robert beginning with a son and i have concluded by comparing the little we have heard that miss cared about as much for this man as you do for that lady on the opposite side of the way to whom you have never spoken he became the father of her child without the least affection on her part and he did not live many days after she met him he was dead and buried months and months before little was born there was a chilly air about the story i was glad that could assure me that the father came to his death by other hands than those of the fair miss even if it was by some person or persons to the unknown otherwise thoughts of life where guilty lovers of are in and dropped into the would surely have themselves if all you say is without deception i said there is but one other theory miss was the victim of an assault laughed once more the laugh of one who has a certainty of his secret wrong again he replied in that case the man would surely have died by her hand instead of by that of another you would agree to this if you had met miss i should be happy to introduce you by the way if you ever happen to meet us together would you care to have me i responded that i could tell better about that when i had heard the whole of his story very well said in order to get to the end of a tale one of the principal is to make a beginning and that if you will excuse me out of from answering any more questions at this time i will now proceed to do i bowed and asked him to proceed and proceeded the reader will please understand that the following chapters to the end of the twenty third are in the language of mr and to ease the mind of those who remember that his story was begun while we were strolling on the lake shore let me explain that it was finished very late that night in my apartment at the hotel a r miss s parents chapter ii the tragedy of my life it has been well remarked by somebody said that one cannot be too careful in selecting his miss s chief error was in the choice of her father and mother her more remote ancestors so far as i have been able to ascertain were people who got along without making any particular impression upon the community an eminently proper thing let me remark for ancestors to do a person is better off i contend with of that kind than with those who hav the tragedy of my life been either great or great he will have neither the bad reputation of the one to live down nor the high standard of the other to but s father and mother got into trouble over her at a very early stage in her career and their conduct must have contributed toward making her what she is to day before i had known george a week i knew that he was not on the most cordial terms with his wife how did i find this out by making inquiries i made just one the answer to which informed me that he was not a upon his desk were several photographs of his daughter but nothing that indicated the nature of mrs b s i commented upon the beauty of the child and saw the devoted look in his face as he turned toward the pictures is she your only one i asked and there was a most peculiar expression to his eyes as he answered yes my only one before i had called many times began to give me more particulars about this child he seemed delighted to tell of what a comrade she was to him of excursions they made together of evenings spent at home in her company never did he make the faintest allusion to his wife and the whole tenor of his remarks indicated that he had none there are people one takes to as if by instinct i got to liking in a very brief time soon a friendship sprang up between us such as does not often follow a mere transaction this is the more because as he often told me i was one of only three or four men with whom he had ever been in the least degree confidential his face out of brightened whenever i entered his office and business was always laid aside until my departure when i asked him to go to lunch with me he replied that he invariably took his meals at home expects me my little girl you know he said with
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infinite tenderness i never disappoint her when i turn the corner i can always see her face at the window in winter time like this and in summer she runs to meet me i fear we appear silly to the neighbors now that she has grown so big i have been told that i care too much for her and perhaps i do my feelings come very near to the against after this confidence i could not help remarking that it would give me great pleasure to see miss for whom i admitted i had conceived a warm admiration did not reply to my suggestion for a moment and i could see his face as he realized that a question of politeness was at issue i did not hesitate he said finally because i have any doubt that i should like to have you come or that would be glad to see you the fact we receive hardly any visitors however an exception shall be made in your case and you may choose as early a date as you desire having said this mr launched into several complimentary expressions which were very agreeable to me coming from a man i esteemed so highly i assured him that i should regard the privilege of entering his home all the more from the fact that it was one so seldom accorded you put the case too strongly he smiled we are very plain people you will see an ordinary the tragedy op my life house with nothing extravagant in the there is but one jewel within its walls that child of mine she must be very dear to you i remarked she is everything to me said he gravely i guard her with the greatest care and yet not in the way that most fathers would think of following while i take pains that her shall be of the best i have not kept her ignorant of the fact that sin forms a part of the arrangements of nature she is hardly thirteen and yet she is as wise indeed in a true sense wiser than many young women of twenty the knowledge that is allowed to come to most girls in a and distorted shape has been imparted to her so gradually that it contains nothing gross when you have seen her i want you to say whether she is not as thoroughly as if she had been lied to and out of information as necessary to her well being as the air she breathes i have been warned that it is a great mistake to be so frank with her but i do not believe it if my experiment were to fail there would be some signs of it before now if there is a danger point she has passed it as i did not pretend to understand the subject and indeed did not thoroughly comprehend at the time what he meant i was silent he repeated that he was at home nearly every evening and should be glad to see me at my earliest convenience there are so few to take a young girl to he exclaimed with a sigh one of be they ever so good the theatres have reached a point where many of the plays are out of the question we have done the art galleries re out of there is no choice but to stay at home come any evening you like you will be certain to find us in a night was chosen the third one from the day on which we held this conversation and at eight o clock i ascended the steps of mr s residence he was watching and came immediately to meet me as soon as my were disposed of he took me into his library and before sitting down went for his daughter here is my child he said leading her in my friend mr even if i had never heard anything about the girl if i had been sitting there on ordinary business and had merely noticed her enter the room i should have been strongly attracted toward her my powers of description are wholly inadequate to convey to you the impression she made upon me with the form and stature of a child of thirteen she had a look and manner several years older though her face was not understand this perfectly one of those aged ones that make us wish the vanishing youth would until its proper time for departure it was as fresh and rosy as any infant s before she spoke i noticed her extreme the perfect confidence the absence of timidity and yet nothing like the words that issued from her lips were correct in but neither nor strained her tones were sweet and natural she gave me her hand frankly with a clasp something like that of a boy no doubt to the close companionship she had had with her father rather than with girls of her the of my life age i felt toward her as i had done toward mr when i first knew him i accepted her without reserve there was no attempt at formality in the talk that followed we discussed the affairs of the day exactly as if had been a grown woman she surprised me by proving in the occasional remarks that she that she was a regular reader of the daily newspapers she knew for instance a good deal about a bill that was at that time being discussed in and expressed her opinion as to whether it would pass the house of representatives which was shown by the way in after days to be a correct one a trial for had not escaped her observation when it was alluded to by me she showed much interest in it asking a number of questions as to the points involved that i was entirely incapable of answering she knew the city from north to south and
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from river to river as well as a thousand things i should never have expected would enter the head of such a child it was very seldom to put it fairly that her father and i touched any subject on which she had not a considerable stock of information and where she did not understand she was ready with her anxious to let no opportunity escape to inform herself two hours passed in this way to my great entertainment when the clock struck ten mr asked if she would not like to show mr her upon which the child and herself in the most charming manner went to fetch them i exclaimed as soon as she was out of out of hearing has she kept the of her child hood till now her childhood echoed with a start her childhood why she is in the very fruit and flower of it did you think childhood ended when a girl reached her cares for her as much as she did five years ago in fact i think she grows of them every day this statement filled me with intense surprise i had been noting this girl s remarkable stock of knowledge and had come to consider her a of learning she had carried herself in our company with all the ease of ten additional years retaining still the gentleness and grace of her extreme youth but how could i conceive that the mind which had been devoted for the previous quarter hour to the triple alliance and the russian understanding would turn with equal interest to the of papa said the young voice as its owner reappeared at the door don t you think as there are so many mr had better come and see them in their own quarters mr and i complied with the suggestion and a moment later we were in a room such as i certainly had never seen before though no doubt there are others somewhat like it the furniture with the exception of several larger chairs was of a pattern and consisted of beds etc of a size to fit the occupants which were at least fifty in number it was in short the most complete nursery you could imagine and you still play with them i could not help the tragedy of my life saying for the fact was incomprehensible in view of what else i had seen and heard u of course i do laughed the fresh young voice i spend two hours here every day it is the greatest fun i have names for them all and their histories are written down in this book showing me a large like volume and i have in this little chest when they are sick and each has her summer clothes as well as winter ones as you can see by examining this closet i think they are the sweetest things in the world except except the child hesitated several seconds real truly babies had a wistful expression as she said this that i shall never forget it was a look like that of a starving child who spoke of food quite a nurse isn t she said mr gazing fondly at his offspring and she is just as capable of taking care of living children as of these we feel the same way about it and i you ought to be here some time when we have one of our infant parties half the babies in the neighborhood and puts them around the floor here each with a toy to keep it quiet and we have the most delightful time i asked her once what she wanted to be when she grew up we were speaking of professions and she said a mother the little daughter nodded assent to the statement i do envy the mothers so she cried not attempting to conceal her enthusiasm sometimes when i have carried all my babies home i sit down i out of and cry even my dear do not seem the same to me after that returning to the in their and beds she took them up one by one and introduced them to me with great solemnity giving the names of each along with bits of personal gossip which is the eldest i asked to show my interest though my mind was wandering far from the subject under consideration why the largest of course she laughed taking up a doll half as big as herself declared that the joke was on me that time then he said good night to his daughter who took my hand again in the same frank way she had grasped it when introduced and we were left alone there ought to be a baby in this house for to play with i said as i stood a few moments later with my overcoat on in the front hall my host staggered as if about to faint and his face you have touched upon the tragedy of my life my friend he said in a very low tone some day i mean to tell you its history i wanted to say something in the nature of an apology but could not exactly frame the expressions it was evident however that he did not feel the need of anything of the kind for he said in a kindly voice as i stepped out into tho snow laden air housekeeping under difficulties chapter iii housekeeping under difficulties when i thought over the events of that evening there were several things that i noted particularly mr had but one member of his family upon whom he his affection that one was equally in her love neither of them had alluded in the remotest manner to a wife or a mother mrs who certainly existed and who as certainly was an of that residence had not made her appearance during my call and then there was the strange remark of my friend as i was
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about to leave when i said to him that there ought to be a baby in the house for to love he responded in tones that indicated the deepest feeling that i had touched upon the tragedy of his life some day he added i mean to give you its history the history of a personal tragedy must be a most interesting thing to hear the story of a it was undoubtedly judging by the contemporary evidence but beyond any feeling of curiosity i felt an intense longing to know what had made my friend the crushed and silent man i had found him a man with few and one whom hardly anyone could say they really knew or understood the promise he had given was fulfilled though out of not in the way i anticipated he never gave me a account of his troubles in anything like the form i am going to give them to you it was by one conversation after another by hearing a little to day and more to morrow by adding what i learned from others and by using my own intelligence that i fully comprehended at last what had happened it was not a tragedy in the ordinary sense of that abused word there had been no killing in hot blood no quick and angry blows but to him it was a tragedy just the same in that it the best of his being and made him for the rest of his days a of a nature naturally open and frank sunny to a degree glad to walk in the brightness of all things human he had been changed to a cynical man of business whose only wholly side was the one turned toward his daughter it appears that he was born in the village of in the western part of the state and was at an early age left a half orphan he grew up with the reputation of being a good boy faithful to his mother and to the utmost as the family had little in the way of property george obtained employment as soon as he from the grammar school in a works for a while he devoted the whole of his small salary to his mother who lived with him in a cottage she had inherited doing her own work and caring for nothing but her boy by the time he had reached his twenty fifth year everybody had set george down for a confirmed bachelor he never housekeeping under difficulties would marry as long as his mother lived that was certain their household was a most affair mrs was one of those women who have an instinct for order she had a place for everything and everything was always in its place her were on the table at half past six in summer and seven in winter the date at which the hour was changed was taken from the coming as regularly as the alterations she had her washing done on monday her on tuesday and her on wednesday and saturday as regularly as those days arrived on a certain day in april mrs cleaned house on a certain day in november she her from the time he was old enough to understand anything george knew what each day in the year would bring forth in that house he fell into his mother s habits as easily as he fell into the habits of breathing and walking indeed until she was in her grave it never occurred to him that any house could be much differently arranged perhaps it was this quality that first attracted the attention of george s to him and laid the foundation of his improved circumstances no time was ever lost in s department he could answer any question concerning his part of the building without delay and with accuracy there was no waste either through or in every drop of his blood there was written the proverb take care of the small things and the large ones will take care of themselves out of if all my were like said the manager once this concern would clear ten thousand dollars a year more than it now does with this about little things with his horror of there was still a generous vein in this young man he often remained for hours after work was over to teach a new to perform his duties better if from those who were placed under him he the fullest obedience and the best service he was ever ready to praise work well performed though he was not on terms of close intimacy with anyone at the factory not a man there would have been more deeply regretted had anything occurred to take him away he had but a few hours warning of his mother s death when he found himself alone he was stunned for a time for some months he refused to allow anyone to take her place he cooked his own meals as well as he could rather than have the articles she had used touched by other hands then he dined outside still sleeping in the cottage and spending most of his evenings there alone this grew monotonous and people began to say in such a way that it reached his ears that he ought to get married get married oh no the idea was too strange he had never walked home even from church or singing school with any woman but his mother he had never seen but one girl that he would have thought of in such a connection were it possible to think of anyone and she was now the wife of drew one of the travelling men in the employ of the company for which he worked when people grew bold enough to tell him under difficulties to his face that he ought to have a wife he admitted in his heart that if drew were still single he might
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have asked her this was as far as he could go but was out of the question and the life he lived was becoming he thought of engaging a housekeeper a second cousin of his father s applied for the situation and during the next year this woman his home on the whole it was worse than boarding out miss was not at all like his mother her of order was situated in a after she had been three days in the house george could not find anything he wanted she was determined to make the place look tidy and to secure this result she put things away in places no one else would have thought of promptly forgetting where george fretted over this mildly at first and begged her not to interfere with his personal property but the fault was in her nature then meals were served with frequently he had to snatch a bite as he called it and hasten to the factory at high speed because the articles she was cooking were not quite done to a man whose life had been regulated by the clock these things were extremely miss showed when remonstrated with that she considered his unreasonable to her a half hour either way in a meal was a matter of no importance she did not believe she used to say that the manager would discharge him if he were a few minutes late once in a while and if george hunted the house from garret to cellar for something he had left on the table in his u out of room six hours previous miss s showed that she did not appreciate his condition of mind she was like an instrument that continually runs behind there are men who could face a lion with firm nerves but are driven distracted by the continual of a george was one of these men he spent a great deal of time when at home with hoping to invent something that would bring him a greater than he could expect to receive as a mere when he found at a critical moment that an important part of his work had been interfered with his temper was sorely tried generally it seemed too small a matter to get into a rage about and besides it was contrary to his nature to show anger to a woman no matter what the trouble was he always saw something of his mother in the person of any member of her sex it is the the little that spoil the vines when a certain type of person has borne all he can he breaks in a twinkling george had worked late at night for six evenings over a combination of from which he had great hopes he had told miss several times each day that she must on no account disturb the shelf on which he had placed his bottles at the last moment he discovered that she had done the mischief the work of a week under the most favorable conditions had gone for naught when he stepped out into the sitting room where his housekeeper was she saw an unusual commotion in his countenance housekeeping under difficulties you have been interfering with my things again he said in a low voice i only straightened them up she answered with a defiant air it is not possible that i did any harm and the shelf had to be he could not trust himself to reply but that noon he took all the materials with which he had worked at home and carried them to the factory where he began again the work that had been interfered with a thousand followed however he could not spend all his evenings away from home and he did not wish to if only for the looks of the thing but if he stayed in there was invariably something to his disposition it was his custom to don a pair of slippers after tea take his evening paper and occupy himself with it for an hour now it became the rule rather than tha exception that when he got ready for his paper it was not to be found miss on being appealed to would say she did not remember seeing it and doubted if it had been delivered or else that she might have put it into the stove by mistake taking it for an old one sometimes she had wrapped up a parcel with it to give a messenger who had taken it away miss believed in her inmost heart that george made a fuss about such things because it was his nature to find fault the price of the newspaper was two cents and to her mind that represented its full value she did not stop to think that there were no others for sale in the and that an hour s time was spoiled when he had endured this as long as he could he had a bo out of made with a lock and key in which the put the paper securely when he made his rounds it would require a book as large as this one merely to give a list of the things of this kind that as used to say tore him up by the roots when anything could not be found in its proper ace a nd this became the normal condition of the establishment miss had a answer that drove him wild i will hunt for it the shirts sent back from the might be in the parlor or the but never in the drawer where they belonged when after a prolonged search one was discovered no or collar was ever in its vicinity at one time george began to think he could find his things by looking for them in the place most unreasonable to conceive of and occasionally this plan served but there was no rule even to the of the house a case
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that will illustrate the point as well as any was his night dress last night for instance he had found it hanging under a lot of other things in the closet of his bedroom to night he would look there for it though quite certain it was not there and he was right after a hunt he would find it rolled in a under one of the pillows to morrow he would look in the closet then under the pillows then everywhere he could think of and have to go to bed without it in the morning the maiden lady who was responsible for his annoyance would remark casually as he watched the clock that she believed she must have worn it herself though she could not see how it got into her room which certainly was not amusing housekeeping under difficulties when he had stood this as long as he could put an end to it he paid miss twice as much as he had agreed to and requested her to remove from his forthwith all he had gained by her presence there was the foundation of an irritable temper such as he had never before known and her everlasting hatred going back to cooking his own meals again for he did not like to run the of the george thought from time to of the only remedy that seemed sufficient for his case he wanted a home a real home it was not enough to see the familiar walls the same pictures and furniture the same lamp on the table he wanted a home that would in some measure take the place of the one he had lost he wanted it with a hunger that grew every day he lived sitting alone at night he took a mental of the young women in he thought them over one by one and rejected them all as he must go farther if he was to take a wife but where he was as ignorant as a babe of everything beyond his familiar horizon suddenly he started as the first idea came to his brain he would go and talk with drew about it her husband was absent nearly all the time except sundays travelling on business george knew better than he knew any other person in the world it was the only house in at which he was in the habit of calling he breathed easier as the conviction grew that she would be able to advise him yes he would talk with drew out of chapter iv george and had known mrs drew when she was they had attended school together though she was in the when he was in the grammar grade she had always liked him and while she was happy with her husband she could remember when she had stood at her gate to have little talks with george as he came past wondering if he would ever ask her to marry him he was so good and so kind such a pattern of all a young man should be but matters turned out as they often do george was wedded to his mother and mr drew began to make love to her and she accepted him she had never regretted it not for one of those brief that most married people can recall and now there was another reason why she adored her husband and watched eagerly for his step when he came home at the end of his after three years of disappointments both of them were filled with joy for was to become a mother you are getting terribly sober george she said to him when he made the call he had decided upon the one at which he meant to ask her opinion about marriage she was as frank as if he had her brother it s not to be wondered at either alone as you are so much in that empty house of yours george and i know it he replied simply people i ought to marry mrs drew eyed him many things passed through her mind in the few seconds that followed what do you think about it she asked cautiously i don t know it is certainly i want you to advise me if if i should decide that i wanted a wife i don t know where to find one there s nobody left in that isn t already married or engaged the lady nodded to show that she agreed with this statement there was nobody in good enough for george and she did not know as there was outside of it either yes that is true she said thoughtfully you would have to go to or or boston to boston what a very long distance that seemed have you thought just what sort of a girl you would like continued mrs drew still lost in wonder at the unexpected situation looked at the speaker she was young and fair with a tinge of rose in her cheeks round sweet and wholesome i would like one he answered candidly just at this turned the color of a you must not flatter me she stammered oh no he answered quickly i do not mean it that way i was thinking about it last night at my house when i sat there alone and i op one by one all the girls that have married during the last five or ten years and i thought you were the of them all yes he continued dropping into the familiar name by which he had always called her i am too late far as you suggest i should have to go outside she would have liked to kiss his innocent honest face and had her husband been there she was sure she would have done it you were a good son george she said and that is proof that you would be a good husband if i hear of anyone that i
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think you would like i will let you know it seems so odd though to imagine you married there was something that he wanted to ask her and he did not know how to put it into the best form it s all right is it he inquired i mean marriage is a good thing you know there s been considerable in the papers about its being a failure she looked gravely at the earnest eyes i have found it heaven she responded with reverence there must be some grave fault where it is otherwise george was not so ignorant but that he knew of mrs drew s approaching as she uttered that statement with the in her eyes and the smile of perfect content on her lips she seemed more angel than human as he walked home he resolved that he would marry that he would know the experiences that could bring such happiness he entered his solitary home the walls of george and which had never seemed quite so silent they must echo to the sound of a new voice they must feel the glory of another presence within a few weeks a former friend of mrs drew s a young lady with whom she had spent a year at boarding school came to make her a visit as passed the window one evening on his way home called miss s attention to him there is a man in a thousand she said do you know any very nice girl who wants a husband i have promised to look up a wife for him miss had had her experience falling desperately in love two years before with a young man of the town where she resided who after the was set suddenly disappeared and never was heard of again for some time she took a violent dislike to all the male sex and was heard to declare that she would live and die an old maid no matter what offers she had but she was still young only twenty three and this story interested her before long miss obtained an introduction to mr her visit to lasted more than a month and when she returned home she wrote to drew that they were engaged you are not to mention it to anyone for the world she said it is to be kept a secret for the present i know you will be surprised and i feel a little that way myself i had determined to live single but perhaps i shall be happier in the married state you can talk to him about it but to no one else mind until i give you leave mrs drew to put it mildly was not pleased at this news she had not suspected what was going out of on and women do not fancy being in such matters george was so slow with the female sex that she could not understand how he had made such progress after knowing miss but weeks altogether was not the she would have picked out for him and yet had she been pressed for a reason she could not have told you why she felt at not being consulted before the fatal words were spoken but she was too good a woman to let these thoughts mar her congratulations and the first time she saw george she told him he had her warmest wishes for a happy future i suppose it seems rather sudden to you he said in a tone of apology but during the month i have grown so i can hardly live then i knew that i mean miss was a dear friend of yours and that was enough for her we are only to wait two months is that too soon she said september was a very good time of year mrs drew could see it all now miss had done most of the certainly george would never have made such rapid progress with a less interested girl well it might turn out all right there was no use in worrying over it but say all she could was not the wife would have chosen for this man she was a dear friend of yours sweet and pathetic reason how dearly she hoped he would never regret the step as for there was no question that the marriage was a good one for her there were few men like george it was in september the month she had selected george and that george brought his young wife to and took her to the home his mother had made sacred to him she was to take the place and more than the place of that parent mrs the second was naturally a quiet girl previous to her wedding the conversations between the lovers had been of extremely limited extent on his part everything had been taken for granted he thought in his simple that the duties of wives and husbands were fixed by law he had heard to be sure of cases that did not come up to the proper standard but he believed them confined to a lower class of society with which he had nothing to do he weighed the solemn words of the minister before whom their vows were taken and never dreamed that there could be of the least thing that was spoken and there were other things not alluded to established by custom so clearly that to repeat them would be the merest nonsense being willing to give to his wife all he was all he had all he could make himself he expected the same in return the concern for which worked the occasion of his marriage by adding five hundred dollars a year to his salary it rather cooled the delight which he felt when he went home with this news to have receive it with the announcement that the house needed quite that amount to make it in the way of furniture he
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thought his things very good they had been good enough for his mother and when the wife added that the increase in salary would give him no excuse not to employ a servant one of those clouds that he had thought gone forever crossed his forehead out of bought the furniture desired and engaged the servant for he had no intention of denying anything he could afford to give her but he did not change his opinion that the wife might have done the little work there was for the present with the and sent out he had to raise himself above his present position he believed a few thousand dollars would enable him to realize a fortune out of an invention in the line on which he had spent his leisure moments for years he had part of the money already saved and the increase in his salary had meant a hastening of the day when he would have all he required for the purpose still he bought the things and hired the servant as i have said and the first months of his wedded life were not wholly devoid of happiness the cottage was brighter for the presence of a young woman of some attractions and the meals thanks mainly to the servant were well cooked and served en time not being inclined to the new husband did not mind as much as some men might the constant novel reading for which mrs proved herself an he was at the factory most of the day and at night it was just as well to see her wrapped in a book as anything else while he went on with his experiments now conducted with perfect safety at home there was no danger that the would be for dust might have accumulated an inch deep on them without his wife s attention it was rather sometimes to note the languid look with which she met his delighted cries that he had george and made a successful combination but he grew used to this she was not to blame if her enthusiasm did not equal his in a field of which she knew nothing when the great day should come and he could show her the result of all this tiresome detail she would appreciate it then in the meantime he could afford to wait there was another thing that troubled him more something that he could not complain of even to her without feeling ashamed mrs had a for the physical tokens of love almost to aversion george would have a different woman to her heart s content but all such advances were received in a manner that made him timid at first he gave a kiss when he left the house and when he returned but she offered him her cheek more as if she expected a blow than a caress if she was reading and she usually was he often had to speak twice before she answered his remark i said good bye he would repeat with his hand on the door and a slight start as of one who would rather not be disturbed she would say without raising her eyes oh yes good bye certainly it was not marriage as he had conceived it earth brings nothing so sweet as the first months of wedded life to those who are happily this period was almost wholly lost to the they did not quarrel but neither was there much love making there was no pair of birds in any tree in that could not have set them a better example out of none of their neighbors noticed anything none but drew who still had this marriage on her conscience and whose eyes were watchful she knew things were not exactly right though she did not understand just how they were george took his wife to church as do al self respecting people in small towns whether they have any interest in the doctrines preached or not they also went to some of the parish meetings and occasionally to of other kinds when the weather was fine they walked together in the evening george had always been a man of sober mien and the absence of a smile on his face did not surprise his fellow n mrs drew alone noticed that there was a new expression there one she did not like to see she was the more sorry because she had such an ideal married life of her own and was now the mother of a beautiful little girl that looked like its proud papa something is the matter with george and she said to herself i wish i could help them ah there is one thing that would bring them completely together she added with a blush if they ever get a beam of sunshine in the house like my little it will end all their differences tell me you love him chapter v tell me you love him but there was not likely to be any such beam of sunshine as baby in the home of the there are people who say that sun the carpets as no doubt it does and who take particular pains that it shall never shine in at their windows there are many houses in america where shades are kept closed tightly and blinds pulled down from january to december lest a little of god s purest and sweetest light should penetrate and make its presence known thanks to her house was one of these is looking finely said to mrs drew one day in the spring that followed i see she is beginning to creep already the fond mother gazed with pride at her offspring in lovely helplessness on the floor of her sitting room yes indeed she exclaimed i don t see how we ever got along without her a home with no baby seems to me now just no home at all that is what you
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want to make your house perfect mrs shook her head with decision never she said if i had had any fear of that i should not have married mrs drew she felt danger of from one who uttered such oft of you can t imagine how awful your words sound she replied marriage with no children and no hope of any it would be like a desolate orchard with neither shade nor fruit besides she added george is remarkably fond of children let him have them then said mrs with a sarcastic smile never shall i assure you there it is useless to discuss the matter my mind is wholly made up the young mother felt her lip beginning to tremble does does he know she faltered why of course not i m not a goose i hope i don t see as it s any of his business after her visitor had gone mrs drew cried for an hour she was so sorry for george she had said to herself a hundred times when the baby comes that will make everything right with never a child to bring their hearts together there would be no real happiness for this couple at when passed on his way home he smiled to see her at the window with in her lap and threw the a kiss that spoke volumes how unjust life was to some of the best men what had this poor fellow done to be condemned to such a marriage no children a deliberate determination never to be a mother horrible surely god would punish in some fearful manner such a wicked woman on the first of july came home with a brighter look he told his wife that his salary had been raised again that it was now to be a he explained to her in the of his joy tell me you love him what plans he had made talked of the hope he had nursed so long if he could save a third of this salary for three years more with what he already had he would feel justified in in his venture and it would bring him he felt sure a handsome income and independence by by a time when he could retire from work altogether and spend the rest of his days in peace and comfort he talked so fast at first that he did not notice how little she seemed to appreciate the importance of his communication you know i have never liked this house she said when he paused for breath i think the first thing you should do is to build or buy a better one and there are many things we need that are more important than trying speculations and perhaps losing it all i have not said much because i don t like to keep asking but my clothes are in a terrible condition and in one second he saw the truth she was selfish to the core she was absolutely indifferent to him or to his welfare in all her thoughts he took a secondary place he recalled a thousand evidences of her carelessness for his wishes his anger was too great to allow him to utter a word but he strode from the house and did not return till late that night there was the possible distance between them in their bed once when she touched his shoulder accidentally in a dream he instinctively he was like one chained to a fellow prisoner whom he in the morning he arose at an unusual hour and made himself a cup of coffee after which he went out when heard that he had gone it did not dis out of her in the least she merely settled herself into a comfortable position and took another nap he came home to dinner and to tea but he said nothing to his wife in any form nor did she speak to him after tea he went to his office and remained till eleven o clock this arrangement he for the next week without finding that objected he had an idea that she might express her regret at what had occurred and promise in future but the fact was that she considered the injury all on his side the novels she read were sufficient to console her if he came home before ten he found her reading if after that hour she was asleep she did not act in a surly manner but exactly as if she did not care what he did one way or the other these things wore on more than he was willing to admit he thought with a sigh that he now had even less of a home than before he married the presence of one in the house with whom he was on disagreeable terms was worse than solitude he had not by nature a disposition and the violence of his anger somewhat but he cherished sentiments toward his wife the reverse of affectionate why had she married him she had a home with her step father why had she cared to change it for his it was clear that she had not loved him even at the beginning he recalled her attitude at the threshold of their married life that of to the inevitable rather than of finding the happy haven she had sought the more he thought the more puzzled he became he wished there was to whom he could go for information tell me you love him there was no one but drew and he did not want her to know of his but how long was this to last he was less than thirty years of age he might live to be ninety would that woman sit there opposite to him all those years as like as she was to day would she insist on calling herself his wife and render him none of the grace and sweetness of that position the
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most thing of the whole matter was that the troubles came about such insignificant things he thought how silly it would seem to another person and yet it was killing all that was best in him though mr and mrs continued to under the same roof and there was no that the public knew of relations ceased between them one cannot clasp to his heart a woman with whom he is on terms of open warfare mrs drew had never been to his house since that conversation with his wife in which the cool determination to remain was announced though mrs had called on her occasionally hardly seeming to notice that she was received with less warmth than formerly did not mean to quarrel with her manner toward her was the result of instinctive aversion that she could not in the least control meeting george in the street one evening on his way back to his office she stopped to ask about his health i never saw you looking so badly she said you should go on a why don t you take to boston or new york for a week then all at once it came out if i went i should not take her he snapped out of mrs drew s face was very grave what is the trouble george she asked everything said gloomily we should never have married everything is wrong everything she looked at him in a puzzled way could he have learned the secret that had told her won t you explain a little she asked your wife comes in occasionally and she never speaks of an she has said nothing to show that she is unhappy oh no she is happy enough he answered quickly mrs drew murmured that she did not understand and you are looking so very ill she added you positively should consult a physician looked her full in the eyes i did not mean to say a word he said now that it is out let me tell you this if i live with her a year longer it will kill me the lady uttered a profound sigh you do not love her she asked hate her she could draw nothing more out of him but the next day she made herself a committee of one and called on mrs for a decided talk told her old friend that there had been no special that she knew of george was a peculiar fellow who made a great deal of trifles but she thought he was improving a little in that respect as time went on he did not spend many of his evenings at home but this was on account of mr understands things he had to do at the office and as she went early to bed she did not mind it but you love him don t you asked mrs drew he is your husband tell me that you love him love him repeated mrs slowly i like him well enough when he is not ill tempered mrs drew threw up both hands with a gesture of despair you have only been married a year she cried you and george ought to love each other with all the passionate devotion conceivable when he comes in to night put your arms around his neck and kiss him on the lips you are losing the best gift that god gives to a woman when you allow the slightest cloud to come between you and your husband mrs smiled at her friend s enthusiasm i don t think i understand that kind of love she replied thoughtfully chapter vi mr understands although mrs was not very the talk that had with her produced a certain effect george noticed a difference in her manner as soon as he entered the house he was more than willing to forget all that had passed if he could hope for a change in the future and he out of began to talk to in the old way his pleasure was great when he saw that she showed an interest in what he had to tell and instead of returning to his office that evening he remained at home when retired for the night he gave her the first kiss she had received from him in months had he not been a little ashamed and afraid he would have accompanied her to her room instead of going in a very lonely mood to his own the next day he thought the matter over a great deal and resolved that he would never get into another such quarrel no matter what the provocation he had passed through an experience that was simply horrible to find daylight again he was willing to make almost ny sacrifice within a week he had improved so v in appearance that people began to mention it in the way of congratulations mrs drew was one of these and no person in could have been more pleased things are better i am sure she said to him brightly coming to the gate as he was going by george i am so glad he admitted that things were better his home he reflected was far from the ideal but it was better it was and we judge things largely by their contrast with what we have passed through mr and mrs became man and wife again george kissed whenever he left the house and sometimes not always when he return he did not like to have her think he was it he knew he had never really been n love but he had ceased to hate his wife and this was certainly a very great gain on the first of january the concern sur mb understands by offering him a much better position if lie would go to new york he had never thought of living anywhere except in his native town and the world seemed very wide when its doors were thus
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suddenly opened the additional salary was certainly an for it made him hope again that something might be saved out of it toward the fund he longed to he wanted to please and he had no idea how she would like such a change that evening he talked with her about the city intending to learn her views upon that matter before he told her of the offer that had been made him it took but a minute to discover that she would be very glad to move don t you like asked george with a tinge of regret in his tone personally he thought it the finest spot in the universe but then it was about the only one he had seen i should like new york much better she said quietly but there is little use in talking about it for i suppose we never shall go there when she heard that they could go that he would go if she wished it there was an hour that came very near being filled with happiness george was elated beyond measure there was no question about it now he would write to his that he would take the place and come as soon as he could make arrangements in a new he thought with a bounding heart perhaps and he could make another beginning under better the great hope of his life was a real true out of marriage existence it was not too late yet for his wife to redeem herself in all there was no one to whom he bade good bye with deep regret except drew she was so sorry to have him go that he was deeply touched he could see the struggle to hide her feelings forcing her lips to tell how glad she was at his success and how certain that he would get along splendidly in his new she held up for him to kiss and her lashes grew wet in spite of herself as she noticed the tender way in which he the infant you must come and see us when we get settled he said we shall not keep house at first but that will make no difference and you will write often won t you we shall want to hear the news will see us and tell you how we are during the next three years the at various places on the west side between and streets as far as business success was concerned it came faster than george had anticipated but his home affairs never were tranquil for long at a time there were periods when he became so out of patience with that he thought seriously of running away and never seeing her or anyone else he knew again to these there were times when he grew almost fond of her though these were much than the others the wife s indifference was usually so great that it nearly him if she had disgraced him in a way that he could take of if she had thrown kisses to men out of her window for mr understands instance he would have known just what to do but the everlasting coldness the eternal to be let alone the to be interrupted in the reading of the interminable novels that she still affected these were the things that darkened his life until at times he did not care how soon it ended there was one thing however for which he never ceased to hope and pray a child of his own how strange it is that we have been married almost five years and never had a little one he used to muse when he met the in the street with their occupants if there was a baby in my home i could forget all other disappointments in the joy of that acquisition drew used to see him frequently at the office and always brought some message from during the second year another child came to the drew s but when it was just beginning to the names of papa and mamma an carried the elder one away up to this time had never accepted the invitation to visit the but when she recovered partially from the illness into which this loss threw her and the local physician ordered her to take a complete change and rest she made the trip to new york leaving the new baby at mrs had always liked mrs drew though they were so in their tastes and habits and she made her very welcome as for george she seemed to him a particularly bright angel sent direct from the celestial in her mourning garments she was the picture of woe the loss she had suffered was evidently a severe one to her george pitied her from the hot out of torn of his heart but he said little on the he knew that sorrow is often doubled by a thoughtless display of too much sympathy the lack of a child in his own home was alluded to several times by mr in his talks with his guest he was still as anxious as ever about it and s blood boiled as she thought of the being upon him she tried again and again to impress mrs with the of her position but to no purpose a child she no indeed i the thought nearly drove her into mrs drew recovered so slowly that her husband decided that she ought not to return to at present the associations of their home were too closely allied with the baby s illness and death for her drooping spirits so baby was sent for and rooms engaged in the house where the a few weeks later this resulted in a proposition on s part to set up housekeeping where his friends could have ample accommodation as long as they chose to remain in the city his salary was now and his prospects of an increased from his
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discoveries were of the brightest kind he was tired of boarding and with the in the house he thought the change a most desirable one to make as for she did not care he agreed to get her a housekeeper who would relieve her of all responsibility the house was engaged furnished mainly under mrs drew s direction and the occupants moved in the family lived in fashion mr drew was gone on account of his business a large share mr understands of the time mrs spent a good many evenings out but rarely mentioned that she was going until she had her on you will have to entertain you she would remark to her husband at the door meals were served almost literally at all hours rose a long time after george had gone to his office it was not much like her own marriage mrs drew thought often with a sigh how different this house would be if we only had a baby exclaimed one evening when they had lived in this manner the larger part of a year he and mrs drew were sitting alone i don t believe a man ever lived who more desired children he added with a gasp sometimes i have thought of a but that would not fill the awful void in my heart i want a child of my own good god he cried the tears standing to the full in his eyes why is it denied me the perspiration stood on his forehead in beads as he uttered this despairing wail woman to the core drew felt the full force of his intensity there are women who have more children than they desire pursued when he had partially recovered his and there are others who cannot have them no matter how they wish it heaven is very in its blessings i do not see how the priests can claim that god is a beneficent being shocked at what sounded to her like mrs drew rose to leave the room as she passed the chamber that mrs was accustomed to occupy she saw that the door stood wide open th out of pity so strongly aroused for the husband overcame her completely with the step of a she entered the room and took something from the then she walked slowly back to the parlor where mr was still sitting with his head buried in his hands before you condemn your maker she said in a trembling voice examine this raising his head he looked at the she laid on the table before him he realized from s excited manner that something unusual was her lifting the to his nostrils he slowly he was a and when he turned his gaze again upon his companion he uttered the word poison where did you find this he added do not answer at once already frightened at what she had done mrs drew shut her pale lips tightly together you got that in mrs s room he said with a wild look what could she have bought it for suicide no murder the words had escaped her lips uttered by an impulse she could not resist he stared at her with dilated eyes all his customary courtesy vanished give it back to me she cried starting up suddenly give it back to me i was mad to touch it i did not know what i was doing please oh i please give it back i will he answered severely when i have examined further into its nature and have learned for what use it was intended why did you bring among the it to me if you intended to surround it with all this mystery oh i have made an awful mistake she cried weeping if you value your peace of mind in this life your hope of heaven give it back to me his only answer was to motion her rudely to leave the room then he went to the place where his were kept it was hours later when he finished his investigation but the truth dawned upon him at last when drew met at breakfast the next morning she saw that she could tell him nothing he had the look of a wild animal that has scented its prey and means to it with stealthy step till it is brought to earth chapter vii among the each day now made drew more uncomfortable while she could never bring herself to the subject with mr it always stood between them like the ghost of mr drew who was a comfortable good natured fellow had but one creed in the world which was that his wife was the best and wisest woman living when she told him that she thought a change would do her good and that she would like to return to for awhile he without of and made the few preparations necessary to carry out that end the family furniture had been left in the and there was little to do but to proceed thither engage the services of a maid of and enter into possession accordingly mr drew mrs drew and miss drew now nearly two years of age announced to the that they were going home for the present and the with the same politeness that had made them welcome permitted them to do as they pleased about the slight cord that bound the families together mrs drew meant to talk to before leaving his house but he avoided giving her an opportunity to be with him alone he suspected what she had in mind and did not wish to debate the question with her had moments of alarm when she thought of what he had learned and feared that after she was gone the gathering tempest would break loose with fury she knew his state of mind could not be by the calm exterior which he invariably wore his sentiments toward his wife must be quite the
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reverse of those which appeared on the polished surface she wanted to warn him against doing anything rash but at the last moment she had to write her caution at the station and send it to him by a messenger the letter though brief was intense and earnest enough to have moved him on any ordinary occasion it the long friendship the writer had enjoyed with him and lamented that in one thoughtless instant she had committed an error that no code of hospitality could justify if he cared for her he among the would act as if the unfortunate affair had never occurred read the letter with a cold smile after examining with a certain interest some on it that he took to be tear drops then he tore it into bits and scattered them to the four winds of heaven the season when everybody takes his annual soon approached mr and mrs had arranged to go to a secluded spot in the heart of the where george could secure an entire rest from business cares was not particularly pleased with the place selected but she reflected that she could read novels as well there as anywhere else so she bought an extra large number of the kind and packed them into her trunk with dresses principally intended for it correspondence had arranged everything a wagon met them at a small station and they rode thirty miles through the woods to the owner s dwelling at night they alighted quite prepared to believe it when told that their temporary home was several miles from any other dwelling that evening george walked out of doors and stayed till late his face was set and his step rigid what sound was it which in the which stirred the at his feet it came to him again and again that fearful word that drew had let fall murder t mr and mrs who owned this nest in the were quiet people who had made a out of living for many years by offering the of their house to hunters and during the winter mr did some or acted as guide to parties that came up from the city he also cultivated a bit of ground that his own hands had cleared of and broken to the had not come to hunt as the season did not permit of it but to fish the day following his arrival he set off with for a stream some distance away when he returned at night he bore few specimens of his skill but he had a contented look as if the day had not been wholly life at this place was as might have been expected and several days passed with nothing to mar its perfect serenity then mrs went out to meet her husband as he came home and he saw that her face was troubled there are thieves here she said when he asked her what the matter was i cannot leave a thing in my room but it is missing indeed he replied with elevated eyebrows what have you lost some medicine she said lam subject to dreadful and i had something that helped them very much it was on the mantel in our room this morning and now it is gone george laughed at the idea that mrs would an article of such slight value and as there was no other of the house he bade his wife search thoroughly have you no more he asked thoughtfully not a bit i shall feel uneasy all the time now that i know there are robbers about it is most i have looked everywhere i wish you among the would leave here and go to some other place to finish the rest of your she added they went to their bedroom and she showed him the spot where the missing article had been seen that morning he sat down and eyed her intently what else have you lost he inquired you said there were other things nothing worth speaking of she stammered but it is just as unpleasant for all that i shall feel like the door all the time now he said the idea was not a bad one though he could not bring himself to believe mrs would commit such an act he told her on no account to say anything to the landlady conveying her suspicion for the family had been recommended to him in the highest terms the next evening met her husband again some distance from the house i am just dying of headache she said i wish you would leave here to morrow you don t care so very much about this particular place do you allowed his fishing rod to drop to the ground while he leaned against a tree yes he said slowly i am very much in love with this section i haven t felt as well in years as i do here you can have your medicine sent easily enough give me the name of it and i will order all you wish it will only take three or four days to get it but my dear he added passing his arm about his wife in a caressing way that astonished her you do not look ill you are the picture of health out of she shook her head while the roses climbed over her cheek you don t know how my head feels she said pressing her hands to her forehead i have not said much because i didn t like to disturb you but the are terrible when they are the worst i can t read at all and then the here is frightful he took out a book and pencil with a look of sympathy we will have a cargo immediately he said preparing to write what did you say it was called confused beyond measure mrs stammered again a prepared it no he did not know her by name
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only by sight the right way was to return home and go for it in person she was certain she would die before the express could come something the husband surely he stooped and gave his wife not less than a dozen kisses while they stood there discussing this question he acted as if he had met her for the first time and fallen desperately in love between his caresses he bade her try to remember the name or at least the of the so that he or she could write he did not like to go home at present it was certainly too far to go and return again in the brief time remaining he would take her with him on his fishing and she would leave her in the atmosphere of the mountain woods mrs shook her head sadly she walked slowly with her husband to the house but had no appetite for supper when they were alone in their chamber she cried a little he had never seen her in these moods and they were like revelations to the him he had been married five years to his wife and was just beginning to get acquainted with her on her side she was almost as much shed she had never imagined that his kisses could possess that he would act the part of a lover with all the passion and warmth one reads of in a romance the next day when mr went for the mail to a station ten miles distant mrs a note into his hand addressed to a store in new york of course the honest managed to let mr know about this letter and of course it never was sent but the hopes aroused by it up the wife s spirits for the next three days and she did not refuse when pressed to go to the fishing streams with her husband they took a lunch along and the time was not wholly when four days had passed she began to grow uneasy again she asked mr if he was certain that he had posted her letter saying that she expected a it may be a little late ma am he told her express things don t delivered in these parts a quick s they do in the towns it ll come all right but it may be a little after that the wife declined to go with the fishing party and george apparently from pure sympathy stayed at the with her indeed he did not allow her to get out of his sight during the next ten days at the end of that time she packed her things with eagerness and audibly expressed her joy that the was so soon to end then there came a series of misfortunes the s wagon was found on the morning out of set for their departure to have broken a tire and to be totally unfit for use over the rough roads mr swore at his ill luck and after trying for two days to mend the break with the tools at his disposal went on horseback to the nearest settlement for a that appeared to take his full time for it was three days before he arrived when he got there he discovered that it would be better to carry the wheel away with him and set a new tire at his shop this was the last seen of him for several days more and when mr rode after him on another horse he returned with the information that the man was sick with a slow fever and might not get well for a month we must go back to new york exclaimed mrs her patience completely exhausted i can ride a horse as far as the railroad you seem to be very calm about it she added to her husband what do you suppose they will think at the office to have you over stay your time like this u it is our season responded george and the agent told me when i went away to stay just as long as i liked but we ought to return and while i have not said much i am annoyed as well as you i shall tell that we must leave to morrow even if we have to go horseback and he will send our baggage as soon as he can i don t see he continued why he can t ride over to town and get a carriage to come after us it is a wonder we never thought of that before this plan which on the whole suited mrs the best of any yet advanced only served to make u what can you do p more delay started on the mission assigned to him but had gone but a few miles when a nail in his horse s shoe compelled him to return leading the animal by the bridle the second morning the only other horse on the premises was taken with a induced by getting loose in the night and himself with meal to which he was communication was now cut off entirely from civilization and a week passed during which the neither saw nor heard from anyone but their chapter viii what can you dot mrs had fretted herself into something very like a real illness by this time she was pale and wan refused to eat her meals and spent considerable of her time in weeping in this emergency george proved the most devoted of husbands when she was too sick to read he read to her out of one of her novels if she made the slightest motion at night he was wide awake inquiring what he could do for her and every time the came within sound of his voice that individual was in a high key for his inability to invent some plan to relieve the distressing situation at last after fully six weeks had elapsed from
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the out of day the came to the mansion both of the horses suddenly recovered their and the his the wagon was loaded with its passengers and their baggage and its turned toward the railroad mrs s affectionate good bye and her warmly expressed hope that her guest would soon recover from her no response from the lady addressed but the good wife of the consoled herself after the party had gone by counting a handsome roll of left by mr considerably larger than any season s profits she had ever known before it was late at night when our friends reached their residence and early the next morning sent for a physician without telling his wife of his intention he had a few words with the medical man in the parlor and then went to call this is dr he said gravely when his astonished wife made her appearance i do not dare wait any longer without having your illness mrs he went on speaking to the physician is troubled with severe which last for weeks at a time knowing your skill i have confidence that you will be able to suggest the proper remedy mrs turned a variety of colors she had a feminine idea of the powers of her visitor s profession it seemed to her that dr could read her through and through my trouble is nothing that special services she stammered only a slight headache now and then i am quite well to day for instance and may not feel the pain again for a month or what can you do two my husband did not tell me he thought of calling you or i should have laughed at him both gentlemen rose as she left the room the doctor and mr had a conversation that lasted for the next hour during which time mrs was seen to leave the house soon after the physician went away the wife returned will you come here a moment called george from the library i want to see you she came to him in spite of herself for she dreaded the talk she expected she did not like a conversation in which people differed not for a moment suspecting that he knew her secret she was nevertheless disturbed as she sat down near her husband she laid a on the table and george reached over and covered it with his palm i want he remarked a she bear caught in a trap could not have presented a greater picture of baffled rage than did at that moment she saw everything in an instant she tried to speak thinking that she could him with her sarcasm but her organs refused their office her eyes flushed blood red her lips parted slightly the of her neck swelled you see that i know added bending toward the figure opposite to him now you will not be allowed to touch the contents of this in every line of her face was written the word hate in capital letters she shrank into the depths of the chair she occupied as if to get as far out of from him as possible and still her lips gave forth no sound i have been deceived cheated robbed by you cried the husband in a tempest of rage and i will endure it no longer you bear a life that belongs to me and before god i will have it a shade of deeper came to the pale already with of the speaker hands moved slightly as if they in imagination crushing something between them then rousing herself the wife rose still without uttering a syllable sit down he commanded in a voice of thunder you are dealing no longer with an idiot a i have not thought this over carelessly i shall take good pains that you do not me this time pausing between him and the door mrs glared at her husband what can you do she asked with a contempt of manner and tone that cannot be described you will see he replied between his teeth i have made my preparations you are not to leave this room alone when i go a nurse strong enough to bend you to her will takes my place when it is necessary for her to rest another equally alert and powerful will watch you in her stead from this hour we shall divide our time with you not for the of a second will you be permitted to be out of the sight cf one of us if you are wise you may go about the house as you have done if you are you will be limited to one room to which your meals will be brought what oak you do no in its cage annoyed by its keeper for the of the gaping crowd ever looked to bite its than did this slight young woman she showed her teeth in true fashion as she hurled back her answer wretch coward stand out of my way i will leave you this instant never to return no you won t he retorted sharply rising to bar her exit she laughed a wild laugh that chilled his blood fool she cried do you think you can a woman you as dull a man as ever lived chain me will you tell me where and when i shall move about hire guards to watch me and to what end that i may be the mother of your child if there were no other way to you i would cut my throat you don t know the kind of woman i am was surprised beyond measure at the passionate anger she had developed but he had no idea of in the least from his position know the kind of woman you are he repeated scornfully if i did not i might have tried to persuade you by soft words had i not been sure there was in your heart
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no throb that would respond to the higher and nobler sentiments of a wife had i not proved you one of those creatures who their own offspring i would have respected your position and given due consideration to your sex but when one with a murderer he finds no place for delicate methods i shall treat you like any criminal found with the proofs of him out of mrs laughed again long and where under what law do you learn that woman must sacrifice health for a child she does not want she demanded it is well enough for a man to talk if he had the risk to run he would sing another tune i have a right to say whether i will or will not bear children not now he replied the hour for that consideration has passed i am your partner in the life that has begun and my interests are sacred you know that for five years i have worn my heart out praying for another of my home i have done injustice to heaven complaining that my chief desire was refused i would never have contracted marriage but for the belief that children would bless it when you stood with me before the clergyman at you took upon yourself obligations that you cannot throw aside at will your infant is as much mine as if he lay in your arms discussion is useless i am not to be moved the wife resumed her seat and rocked backward and forward in her chair tapping the floor nervously with one of her feet the excitement under which she labored was her she had begun also to feel a little afraid of this man who had shown a side of his nature that she had never believed existed you think you can compel me she said presently you will find your mistake i shall you i am afraid you don t understand me yet was his cool reply i have evidence of your condition if you succeed in me what can you do as you call it you will commit an offence recognized by the laws of the state but i assure you i shall not rely upon that the words you have already spoken convince me that you require the measures i am prepared to apply them the like returned to the woman s lips i could utter one scream and arouse the neighborhood she said what could you do then see that you did not repeat it he replied would put a in your mouth and keep it there she at him the hate she could not put into verbal expression then with a bound like that of a wild beast she sprang toward the door of the room in an instant he caught her there was a quick collision physical strength against physical strength she got one of her arms free and drew blood his face with her nails it was all he could do to escape the teeth that him seeing that he must her exerted all his strength and bore his wife heavily to the carpet the that followed was too genuine to allow of the least doubt ringing a bell the husband summoned a strong looking woman and together they carried the still form upstairs and laid it on a bed this is unfortunate said the attendant it will not do to let it happen again you must not be here when she her senses send my sister up for if she begins to it may take two of us to hold her obeyed the suggestion and when his errand was accomplished went back to the library and threw himself all perspiration and trembling upon a sofa out of god forgive me he moaned for laying rough hands on her he took out a handkerchief and wiped the blood from his face i don t mind these he said raising himself on his elbow to look into a mirror she might have the blood in my heart and welcome but she shall not destroy that little innocent life no no she shall not miss s chapter ix the birth of it is not my purpose to dwell at unnecessary length upon the scenes which filled the next few weeks some of them were little short of tragic mrs s had to be constantly on the alert to prevent her herself she developed a twice she narrowly escaped with sharp instruments which she snatched up had she been able to get out of the house she would have thrown herself into the river each attempt of her husband to com into her presence made her almost at last dr was called in and his examination the birth of proved that she was in a condition that fully justified the restraint the authority of the physician was now for the proceedings that had been begun in such a high handed fashion the nurses as they were called were to use the greatest care nerve and were given as directed for a long time there was little change in the patient s condition but not once did in his determination she should the duty on which she had embarked if she lived later her course might be decided by herself he would never care for her again even in the remotest manner the glimpse he had had of her true nature would make him her for the rest of her days time many things and at last after six or seven weeks mrs grew calmer but her excitement was succeeded by a confirmed melancholy she firmly believed that she was drifting with absolute certainty to death like a prisoner under sentence she began to prepare for the inevitable hour with something like resignation she begged the physician to see that her body was laid by her parents graves and on no account in the lot owned by her husband nonsense replied dr with a smile
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of spirits is a natural thing on such occasions you will not only survive the birth of this child but a dozen more into the heavy eyes there shot a gleam of do you imagine i will ever live with him again she demanded in a half shriek dr shook his head in a positive way my dear woman said he you have no idea oi t of how the possession of a child will alter your views you will it and for its sake you will its father mrs bit her lips and drew a long breath of distress hear what i tell you she replied if i am so unhappy as to have it born alive i will never touch that child i hate it now and much more do i hate the wretch who has driven me to this agony the physician rose to go with the calm smile still on his mouth he had seen them so often these women he did not believe this one any different from the others but he was mistaken an hour after he had told of the birth of a little girl he asked the wife if she would not like to see her offspring and met with a so decided that he thought it wise to drop the matter for the time keep her away from me the woman said with meaning i warn you took only the usual time the young mother did not die nor was she at any time in danger of doing so in a fortnight she began to make preparations for home was informed of all she did but he did not care to interfere with her plans he told the not to let her touch the baby but said that in other respects she was to do as it best suited her as for himself he awaited one day a servant brought him a note in his wife s handwriting reading as follows it is with difficulty that i can bring myself to write to you but it seems the only thing to do for i could not bear the birth of a personal interview you and i can no longer live under one roof i wish to go and quietly if you put obstacles in my way you will only delay what must happen you have no invalid now to deal with but a woman of strength and will if i forbear to take the revenge i owe do not think i forgive you for that i shall never do e w b to this he sent the following reply i shall neither presume to advise nor direct you you are at full liberty to live where you please either in my home or out of it but as the mother of my child it is my wish to support you in the style to which you have been accustomed if you go away be kind enough to leave an address to which can be sent g b the tenor of this note surprised mrs she had anticipated a sharp collision with her husband she had believed that it would require legal proceedings to get money out of him if she chose to desert her home a slight took place in her feelings as she the altered situation she did not like the idea of going to her step father s her mother had died since her marriage and she was not over sanguine as to earning a very good living at any employment after a struggle between her pride and her fears she decided to take her husband at his word and adopt a middle course she left most of her at the house and made her exit with only a containing a few articles of daily necessity she wanted to breathe for a time a new atmosphere but not to cut herself entirely off from the old one before she departed she wrote another out of brief note to stating that she would receive what funds he chose to send her his answer was a liberal allowance for a month in advance and a statement that the same amount was at her disposal regularly the wife went to a resort that was just opening for the season and stayed there several weeks then when no one expected her she came home the house occupied by the was divided from this time into two parts mrs took rooms on the second floor and gave up all claim to the rest of the dwelling her meals were brought to her by her own maid who had nothing to do with any other tenant of the premises george the baby its nurse in ordinary his housekeeper and cook occupied the other ten rooms the household was thus maintained on what looked like an extravagant basis compared with the recent but the master did not complain though deprived of the society of his wife he found abundant consolation in that of his baby daughter in whose company he spent nearly all of his waking hours that could be spared from business mrs drew heard of the new arrival and her curiosity to learn the full of affairs brought her to the city on a visit when little was about four months old met her at the station and as they were driven toward his house he tried to make her understand things without a too full explanation you will have to divide your time between us he said in conclusion you can visit her by day and see me in the evening meals you can vary as the birth of it suits you i believe the same kitchen supplies both of us mrs drew uttered a cry of regret it seems impossible she cried doesn t she love her baby at all u she hasn t seen it she says she never will we were warned at the start to keep it out of
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her reach if we did not wish it hurt i almost wish i had not come said mrs drew with a shudder don t say that answered it does me a world of good to see you and i have told her what an awfully nice girl you are and she is crazy to put her arms around your neck always liked you and will welcome you just as heartily as if i were not in the question only you will make a mess of it if you try to things out she won t let you go to her and really things are better as they are i couldn t make a wife of that kind of a woman again you see and if she continues to observe the it is as much as i can ask mrs drew put her hand involuntarily on the arm of her companion i pity you so she said this is not the fate you deserve as good and kind a man as you are i wish had not come to visit me at for then you never would have seen her i feel as if it was in some way my fault that you are in this unhappy situation oh you needn t pity me he replied with a bright smile little for everything my life is quite full now every moment i out of can spare from business is spent with the darling and i need nothing more the lady shook her head you do need something more she said very earnestly you need the loving companionship of a good true woman you are capable of making one happy and i cannot speak with patience of a creature who stands between you and your highest good george you ought to get a divorce he laughed a little and then suddenly grew grave on what ground he inquired if there has been any cruelty of the kind the law takes notice of it has been on my part she would have killed this child as she had done others had i not placed her under the guard of two strong determined women on whom i could absolutely rely you may imagine the state of her mind toward me during that period if she talks with you on the subject which i am sure she will not unless you begin it she will me as a monster in human form now you know the circumstances and you ought to be able to judge was i justified or was i not mrs drew hesitated to answer she said she could not imagine such a condition of things her own married life was so that she had nothing to guide her but she did know george and believed in his if he had taken severe measures his provocation was excessive you must see my baby the first thing he said as they reached the house the child s nurse a woman named mrs brought forth the conquering as the birth of soon as she heard mr had arrived and the young lady won the heart of her aunt instantly how lovely she is was the warm exclamation with which the child was greeted see her hold out her little hands i never saw a brighter child of her age come to me sweetheart who had her arms around the neck of her father lifted her head from his shoulder and gazed in the direction of the voice then in response to another invitation she plunged into the embrace waiting for her retired and the two friends were alone with the child and you say has never seen her asked mrs drew never not once then she shall it is an outrage she cannot be made of stone one glance at the face will win her i am sure there is no woman living who could look at this child and realize that it was her own flesh and blood without an overwhelming desire to take it to her heart george started but i should never permit her to do that he said quickly this is not her child it is mine all mine she has every right she ever had in it i would not let her touch it for all new york his manner was so earnest that his friend was abashed for a moment now it is you who are unreasonable she said at last a mother cannot her rights in her baby no matter what she has done this is just as out of much hers as yours if she can be made to think so you ought to thank god he refused to be convinced in the least i should be afraid to let her take it he said i should tremble if were to let out of her sight the bitterness still feels toward me might find a vent on this little one no you must not try to alter her determination disagreeable as things are a word from you might make them infinitely worse ah she replied you are hard and giving but you spoke as severely of her as i a few moments ago of what she had done yes but i would allow her to repent think what is before you thirty forty fifty years of this life this hatred toward the mother of the child you what will you tell when she is old enough to inquire why her home is different from that of other girls mrs drew held the child in her arms its head as she spoke and the emotion she felt made a tremble in her voice what shall i tell her he repeated i shall tell her the truth yes i have made up my mind to that i have had time to think of a great many things most children have two parents who share the responsibility for their bringing up will have but one between us there will have
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to be the double relation of father and mother i will tell her the truth no matter what her inquiries are the lady shook her head again the of it is not you can t do it she replied you will find it out before she is five years old as to her mother leave that a little to my judgment i want to know her line of to this gave a reluctant consent but he added that the orders of mrs would be relaxed in no way must always be either in her or that of her father he would not trust his wife with her on any consideration you would trust her with me i think said mrs drew smiling not to take her out of sight he answered firmly in a house where mrs lives you are neither quick enough nor strong enough to cope with her i will bring to by and by for a visit and then you can have her all you wish if you came with your child and not your wife it would make gossip suggested oil that s a thing i must expect he said he held out his arms for the child who went back to him softly and then he rang the bell for the nurse when reappeared he gave the child to her and asked her to show mrs drew to the guest chamber don t your vigilance he added significantly never leave for one instant when i am not present i understand sir was the quiet reply of the woman out of chapter x i never had a child mrs drew s visit to the was not without its effect in a certain way she did not accomplish a reconciliation between the husband and wife nor did she succeed in a love of her child in the breast of the mother but she relieved the extreme strain of the conditions prevailing and made them less distressing to all parties her first care was not to any of the that george had put upon her in relation to though whatever her disposition in this respect the faithful would have prevented her the rules established she was determined however that should see her baby and she studied out the way to arrange this with the best results mrs welcomed the friend of her with her usual cordiality she avoided any direct allusion to her husband as long as she could do so but the peculiar arrangement of matters in the house made it impossible to wholly escape the subject you must take as many meals as possible with me she said and i also expect the greater part of your time will be spent in my company while you remain i hope you have come for a good long visit only a week or ten days was the reply you i never had a child know i have left my husband and at home ami when away from them ti n will go very slowly no matter what else there is to entertain me ah you ought to see now i would have brought her but your own child is so young that i feared all your available room would be taken up the ice was broken and mrs did not the issue my child she repeated with a rising perhaps you mean mr s oh the words came with a long drawn sigh how can a woman who has been through the experience of speak thus of her offspring there are fathers who refuse to admit their but to a mother there can be no such thing as doubt mrs hei statement i don t know what you have heard said she v but i repeat that i have no d it is along time since i have even had a husband the man whom i once called by that name proved to be cruel and cowardly whatever regard i had conceived for him could not survive this treatment i hear that he has a child i have never seen it nor do i wish to and now let us drop the subject for it is most distasteful to me thinking it wisest not to press the matter at that time mrs drew attempted to obey the request but whatever form the conversation took her husband and were forever getting into it her mind was too full of them to keep them out it was r who had said this and who had done that in spite of all she could do out op even though she ceased to speak of george and they came before her vision at such times and the situation was frequently very awkward i don t believe i can stand it much longer she said to on the third day i must have it out with her and if she takes it too hard i must leave sooner than i expected that s all you will have to leave her perhaps he smiled in return but you will not need on that account to cut short your visit with me my part of the house is amply sufficient for your there was a beautiful picture of little just before mrs drew s arrival a photograph done in water colors in the best style the portrait was of such excellence that the artist had made a copy on his own account and placed it in his window as a of the quality of work customers might expect on one of her walks mrs drew saw this and she resolved to show it to mrs the next time they were out together i am thinking of getting some photographs while i am here she remarked pausing at the window as they were strolling down they seem to do very good work in these places wait a minute aren t those colored ones lovely oh look at that beautiful child did you ever see such a
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perfect little darling mrs looked at the picture and admitted that the subject was very pretty indeed unable to control herself a minute longer clasped her friend by the arm and told her the truth it is your own little baby for a moment the mother trembled under the i never had a child of her companion then she became granite again how can you be so foolish she asked i have no child the blood of mrs drew was in her veins her name is she whispered i never saw such a charming infant except my own look again and see how beautiful she is mrs gazed unmoved at the photograph i understand i think she said that is a picture of mr s child and he calls her i do not like the name but people suit themselves in such matters shall you sit to day if not we may as well be going the experiment as far as could be judged by the result visible was a total failure bit her lips and wiped a tear from her what a heartless woman had become she could hardly bear to continue the walk with her as soon as they arrived at the residence she left her companion and going to the room she occupied indulged in that luxury to the injured feminine soul a real good cry when george came she told him about it he shrugged his shoulders and said perhaps she would believe him now where most women have a heart she has a piece of flint he said the liquid that courses through her veins is not blood but she is in a certain sense a her does not require that she be closely confined so long a the objects of her special wrath are not brought under her notice but i honestly believe she would out of kill either or myself without if she could do so and escape detection spent a few hours each day during the remainder of her visit with the woman she now disliked so much merely for the sake of form the afternoon before she was to go mrs abruptly alluded of her own accord to the subject her friend had decided to avoid i feel she said that you think me wholly to blame in the matters that have me from the person who was once my husband i have no intention of arguing the case with you for we should come to no agreement i never speak to him and hope i shall not be obliged to so long as he continues to support me as well as he is now doing and to give me the same perfect liberty of action i shall not interfere with him or his the notion which he that his infant is in danger from me is absurd he might act a little more like a rational being and there would be less danger of the neighbors getting the impression that this is a private lunatic asylum george heard this and though he said he should not his vigilance in the least it had an effect that was perceptible by degrees during the year that followed much progress was made toward a less scandalous state of affairs one of the things that came to his ears was a statement of the nurse that mrs had been seen watching for minutes at a time from her window when the little one was in the yard taking her the gaze of the mother was reported to be calm and interested and not in the least one day took a step still farther in the l had a child direction of her critics she opened he window and spoke to is that mr s child she asked yes ma am replied the nurse she must be about a year and a half old seventeen months ma am she looks well very well indeed ma am she has always been a well baby another time some weeks later when had a fall and alarmed the neighborhood with loud cries the window went up again what is the matter asked its mother s voice baby fell and bruised herself a little it is nothing serious are you sure she has not broken a bone oh yes ma am she has only scraped a bit of skin off her forehead ceased her cries and that the lady was inquiring about her hurt looked up at the face and exhibited her calling attention to it with her fingers the lady bowed to show that she understood but presently arose shut the window again and went away a few months later mrs took a new idea into her head she came down in the absence of her husband and wandered through the rooms he occupied to the astonishment and somewhat to the consternation of the servants there who did not know whether they ought to permit the intrusion and yet felt no authority to prevent it whose charge was asleep at the time accompanied her master s wife at a respectful distance but mrs walked with her hands clasped behind her out of as if to show her pacific intentions when she came to one room the nurse said simply the baby is asleep in there ma am and the mother turned away like a child when told that a certain direction is forbidden i wish she wouldn t but i can t see how to help it was s comment when he heard of this you must keep your eyes on though mrs perhaps it was only a and she won t come again but she did come again and after awhile it became a daily habit of hers to descend to the lower part of the house during the afternoon when she was certain her husband would be out she talked with no one except mrs and only a very little with her if were awake she
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observed the child slightly and sometimes though seldom spoke of her appearance or asked after her health quite as if she were the daughter of people in whom she took no particular interest was informed of everything that occurred and his fears wore away gradually on the succeeding spring he took a short only a few days in extent and went with and a young nurse that he had engaged for the trip to here he bore the cross questioning in relation to his wife with to that she was not very well and did not feel like taking a journey mr and mrs drew welcomed the visitors warmly and was taken to their hearts without i thought you were going to tell the truth at any cost remarked one day when george bad just repeated the stock story about his wife s health to a person who stopped to speak to him i knew you would learn to like the rest of the world if you were only given a little time you did not understand me he answered i never said i should tell everything to who chose to bore me with questions i treat them in any way that seems best for the moment but to i shall never utter a deception whatever she asks me shall be answered as honestly as i can find words to express mrs had not been informed of her husband s intended journey and she did not ask about it until the second day where is your child she inquired of mrs after waiting as long as she thought advisable for the woman to say something of her own accord i have not seen her all day long the woman replied that she had gone out of town there was a dead silence for some minutes then mrs asked in a low tone if she would remain long i don t know exactly said mrs for this was what had told her to say in case she was the next day mrs came down earlier than usual and remained most of the morning after lunch she returned and stayed all the afternoon several times she went to the street windows and peered through the curtains as if she thought one of the passing had stopped at the door at night the light in her window on the second floor burned late on the other side of the street saw a white figure crouched at the sill out of in the morning she came down again early and watched the nurse as she received the mail from the noticing that she opened none of it after the addresses but neither did she any of it which intimated that the would soon return it was on the third day after this that mrs spoke again to mrs about the absent child she had been out for a walk and on her return she came into her husband s apartments without going first to her own rooms has your little girl got home yet she asked in a low voice not yet was the composed reply you you are expecting her no gathering up her mrs left the room and went upstairs the maid who served her reported to the cook that she did not touch the dinner during the evening dr who still attended the family when his services were required was sent for he told mrs when he came down that it was nothing serious no more than a severe attack of such as mrs was subject to where s he added shortly out of town replied the quiet i know that said the doctor with a snap u but where i want to write to him leave the letter here and i will send it the devil i will do nothing of the kind so he wants to keep his whereabouts a secret does he well i ll wait till he returns when is he coming i don t know w i never had a child the physician grew impatient confound it woman i don t mean to an hour or a minute is he coming within a day or two or will it be a month i don t know muttering something about dr beat a baffled retreat and mrs returned smiling to her sitting room midnight was striking on that very evening when the lost ones came home ascended the steps with his sleeping daughter in his arms and assisted the younger nurse to her and place her in her cot bed bending lovingly over her he was aroused from a reverie by mrs who had hurriedly a portion of her attire and hastened to see them both perfectly well he responded to her first inquiry never better in her life and how have you been yourself as usual she said we have all been well sir but but mrs she had the doctor twice m m what was the matter he said it was a nervous attack you see sir she was down here most of the time after you left and she asked after and i couldn t tell her how long you were to be away for you did not let me know exactly and she seemed very uneasy and when she went back upstairs she walked her room a good deal and that evening she had asked me again that evening she was taken and i could not answer her and she did not eat her dinner and then went for the doctor gazed at his sleeping child as our or if he envied the that hid her sweet eyes from him she asked for did she yes sir and she seemed very anxious sup pose you would not have liked me to tell hei anything would you the husband straightened up in his chair certainly not he said dr tried hard to find out where you were too continued the woman but he learned
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nothing from me that was right said he might have told her be more careful than ever to morrow keep out of sight as much as possible then he kissed the child reverently and with a peaceful smile went to his chamber chapter xi mother love but this state of things could not go on forever a couple who have sustained the relationship of husband and wife must find peculiar difficulty in living in one house in a state of armed especially when there is a child to the situation it happened that came home one day and found his wife in his portion of the premises to be sure she withdrew immediately but there was time to allow a dark cloud to form on his brow mother love which she did not fail to notice he did not want her there at any time even when he was absent and he for some days whether to leave word that she must not pass her proper boundaries why can t she stay on her side of the line as i do he muttered in speaking of the matter to mrs with whom he naturally grew confidential i don t go into her rooms about the woman smiled perhaps you would if miss was there she said what is to her he demanded hotly if she continues to annoy me i will take the child away where she never will see her i never heard of such i am afraid that you make her too welcome here a little coldness on your part might signify that she is not wanted mrs made haste to defend herself i have been anything but cordial i assure you she said we never as you might say talk together it s only a word on either side and then a long silence of late i have got to pitying her but i ve said nothing to show it opened his eyes wider to pitying her he echoed on what account why sir anybody can see that she suffers terribly her hair is growing white and her maid tells me she sleeps badly she is a most unhappy woman sir and one must notice it if he has a heart in his bosom mr felt that she was him before the bar of her and he resented the act mildly out of then i have none in mine said he for i have noticed nothing of the kind you imagine a great many things i know more about the composition of that lady s mind than you do her people grow gray early mine do not if mental troubles turned hair white i should be crowned with snow already mrs knew instinctively that her husband did not like to meet her in his part of the house and she tried not to encounter him there again two or three times however meetings took place unexpectedly when he came home for something he had forgotten or remained longer after lunch than she thought he would do not a word passed between them on any of these occasions finally three years after she had heard the sound of his voice addressed to her she received a note in his handwriting to this effect mr having reserved the lower part of his house for his own use objects to visits from any person whatsoever if the annoyance from that source is repeated he will be obliged to remove from these premises and the other tenant new quarters in a separate locality after th t the wife did not venture to intrude upon husband s apartments she sat a great deal however at the rear window where she could see on sunny days amusing the child in the yard mrs s maid was also as a to call attention to any excursions that might be made with from the street side of the residence and as the girl was on good terms with she usually knew in advance when to mother look for such the mother showed her interest in the child in other simple ways such as leaving a door open at the top of the stairs when was passing in or out of the lower hall to catch the faint sound of her voice and on days when the weather kept her indoors altogether she haunted the vicinity of the furnace register where her anxious ears could detect now and then the of a baby tongue in this way another year went by one day was taken with a severe illness it was one of those attacks to which children are subject and dr could only say to the father with a grave face that he hoped she would recover from it hoped the very word implied doubt and the distracted man stayed by the bedside for three days and nights unable to think of sleep for himself while the light of his sou hovered between life and death at last overcome with exhaustion he permitted himself to be led to his own chamber where he fell into a profound slumber that lasted for seven hours it was in the middle of the night that he awoke and starting like a who has slept on his post he hastened back to the side of his sick child his feet made no sound on the carpets and he entered the room before any of the occupants heard him there were three persons there besides dr sat nearest the door not far from him was mrs and kneeling by the bedside with its arms thrown across the with one of the child s hands clasped in its own was a j out of third figure which the father immediately recognized as that of his wife with the instinct of preserving his adored one from threatening danger mr took one stride in the direction of the bed when he was arrested by the physician s hand placed firmly on his sleeve
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the eyes of the men met the one nervous and excited the other quiet and determined much may be said without audible words dr told mr with that look that he must not make a scene there because it might disturb the of the child and that if he would retire to a more retired spot he would discuss the matter with him glanced with pain at the figures on the bed and by it mrs was too absorbed in her to know what was going on so near her and suspected nothing there was a moment of and then the father yielded he saw that the doctor was right that he could not utter a sound without danger of doing harm he lifted a finger to mrs who nodded to show that she understood and would watch over with the greatest care then he permitted dr to draw him slowly from the room into another some distance away don t speak yet said the doctor as soon as they were alone with the doors closed behind them hear what i have to say in the first place your child has passed the danger point and is now certain of recovery at this moment she is having a sweet and refreshing sleep she will recognize you when she the listener would have embraced the mother love bearer of this delightful news had he been allowed to do so his eyes filled with tears of pleasure now pursued the physician after a slight pause for the other matter as you know i have been for several years not only your medical adviser but that of your wife don t at the term he added quickly seeing that was about to interrupt him she is your wife before the law whatever your differences have been and she is the mother of the little girl there as i can swear has been very ill no one could say up to five hours ago that she would escape with her life her mother begged an opportunity to see her begged it on her knees with tears streaming down her cheeks do you think i am made of to refuse her i admit i did not intend you to know it i thought you would sleep till daylight when you came in and found her there i could not let you your daughter s recovery mr s face which had beamed with joy at the news of s condition was now thoroughly clouded i don t wish to you he said you were placed in an embarrassing situation but you cannot imagine what a jar goes through my nerves whenever i see that woman trying to mix herself in s life you know the history of her birth i need not repeat it her mother cast her off completely she not only would not look on her face but she threatened dr interrupted with an impatient gesture i have heard that often enough he said and it has now all the lack of charm of disagreeable out of ancient most of us have committed mistakes how long should a penitent woman be punished a sneer crossed the face of the husband who says she is penitent he asked she has never spoken a word or written a line to me that showed it are you blind exclaimed the physician have you seen the way she haunted your rooms when you were absent till you forbade her to come have you listened to mrs story of the sad face at the window whenever the child has been taken into the yard have you watched the prostrate figure in the other room a moment ago and yet understood nothing a thousand letters could not tell as much as one glance at the form by that bedside it is her child that lies there a child that she loves as only a mother can if she came to you and begged your pardon with all the in the world would you grant it walked to a window and looked out the first signs of dawn were becoming visible a few lights could be seen in the houses to the rear of his own i don t want to seem like a brute he said presently turning abruptly to face his judge i had as tender a heart once as ever beat in a human bosom that woman s conduct drove all the softness away doctor i think not only of this child but of those others of which she robbed me my life is broken in twain because of her except for i would not care to live an hour i have tried to treat mrs with respect during the years last past i have provided for her according mother love v my means i shall continue to do so but and he paused to control his feelings she must keep away from me and from my child i cannot endure to see them together as they are now she made her choice which was to live a life if she has any honor left let her abide by that decision dr shook his head slowly i give you warning he said that she will consent to this no longer she knows she has a legal right to her child s society and that she can enforce her claims the husband fairly trembled with rage if she dares he began she will rest assured replied the physician as her medical adviser i shall recommend it why man nothing else will keep her from going to her grave within six months i did not want to say this to you but there is no help for it you will either consent that mrs shall have an opportunity to see her child daily or she will appeal to ihe law and compel you mr bit his lips and did not answer he was in a that did not admit of
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speech just then think it over sensibly pursued the doctor him on the shoulder she does not ask for much only that shall not be hidden from her sight as she has been for the year past she wants her brought to her apartments a few hours each day kept in the charge of her nurse if you will now think it over it will be either consent on your part or a public scandal a hearing before a court and i tell you on my professional out of reputation no man sits on any bench in this state who will refuse to give her all she asks and more when the two men returned to the sick chamber the intruder had gone a fortnight later after the most intense mental struggle and an interview with a prominent lawyer who all that dr had said astonished mrs by telling her to take upstairs for a little while to let her see that part of the house she is not strong enough to stay out in the yard yet he said and the carriage rides seem to tire her anything will do for a change and she has never been above this floor don t stay too long and be sure you keep the most perfect watch over her we can t be too careful now that she is mrs smiled to herself but her employer did not notice it he took up a book and settled himself into a pretence of reading for he could not think of going out of the house on that first occasion of s visit to the apartments occupied by his wife shrewd woman as she was the nurse came back within an hour thinking it wisest not to his agony but it seemed a month to him when the child returned he took her in his arms as if she had been rescued from some terrible danger and he did not leave her the whole of the morning how it came about no one could ever tell exactly but the little girl drew her father and mother slowly but surely nearer together finally did not spring up in if her husband happened to enter at the street door when was visiting her and george would stop and pat his child on the head even if his wife was coming down the stairs mother love called her mother lady and used to a great deal about her while at table lady nice lady give me she would say producing some toy lady upstairs and he grew accustomed to it after a period when it cut him to the heart until at last he did not mind it near so much the great change came however when he moved to another residence in the quarter of the city mrs and dr arranged things between them without s suspecting their so that mrs s rooms were partly on the lower and partly on the second floor thus bringing her and her daughter together without the old formality of ascending to another story it took a long time to gain the next step for the knew that might spoil everything but at last the father mother and child would gather in the parlor after dinner although no word was directly exchanged and seats were taken the farthest possible from each other and later yet in some mysterious way nice lady was urged so hard by to dine with her that she consented and after that the strange family was always united though still very much divided at that meal mrs faithful to the end was the boundary line on these occasions she saw that both george and were waited upon and that had everything that was good for her mrs never spoke except to utter a yes or no the father and daughter the conversation or to put it even more accurately did nearly all the talking for which she proved fully competent out of but the worst was over so far as outward went and when drew came to see her friends on the occasion of s sixth birthday bringing her husband and she declared that she never would have believed so much could have been accomplished in the way of making those people behave decently to each other chapter xii forgiveness and death decently as far as the outside world can see is however far from the of a true marriage mrs drew could not end this visit without making a vigorous attempt to remedy the unfortunate condition of things she found and for which she had always felt a certain sense of blame her first approach to the subject was made with he had told her of the incident during s illness and explained that it was on account of dr s that the child was now allowed to be with considerable freedom in the company of her mother there was nothing however in his manner or tone that implied the least affection toward the woman who was by law his wife i am glad to see so much of an improvement said earnestly it leads me to hope for a still greater one in the future you see all you will ever see was the cold response forgiveness and death you would have been equally certain that the present conditions could never prevail smiled mrs drew i notice that now speaks to by the name of mother as she grows older she will wonder that her parents act unlike those of other girls shook his head is no common child said he she understands a great deal more than you give her credit for although she calls mrs mother she means nothing by it she cares quite as much for or as for her the listener shuddered oh why can t you forgive and forget all that is past she cried why can t you and begin life over again it is terrible the
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way you are living with hate where there should be love distrust where there should be confidence you the father and mother of that dear child drew a long breath she had aroused all that was most earnest in his nature he replied with a tender smile you are too good for such a world as this there are times when it is one s duty to remember a renewal of the marriage relations between mrs and myself would be one of the most horrible things conceivable i know her so well that i never could respect her she has hated me so long that love is out of the question you and i do not differ as to what marriage is for should i take to my arms then a woman who would try to set the mark of upon her brow each time the almighty father put his seal of blessing on her worse shall i give into her keeping her education that pure young soul so out of liable to from false views of right and wrong we are separated by a boundless sea and thus we must remain but persisted if she would come to you and swear never to repeat the follies of the past if she were to ask your forgiveness and say that her views had changed would you her then to this he answered that the possibility was too remote to make it worth discussing and suddenly off into another subject refusing to be led back to the one she most wanted to talk about with mrs was no more successful the wife was much broken in health and spirit but she had no thought of her relations all she wanted was to see as much as possible of her child for whom she had developed a positive she asked mrs drew repeatedly if she believed cared for her and the visitor was obliged to something in the nature of a pious fraud in making her answers when they were together could not help noticing the anxious eyes with which watched every movement that made when the child turned toward mrs for any cause the weary face was with light when they spoke together a new animation came into the features and when left the room the cloud that settled down upon the mother was pitiful to behold don t you think you and george could reconcile your differences asked mrs drew one day no no was the quick reply never then you hate him still no i do not hate him now although he hates me do not speak of it i only want my child i s and death only want her love i only ask sometime before i die that she may put her arms around my neck in the same way she does around his it was pathetic to hear her low words and to see the eyes as she spoke likes you i am sure said mrs drew as one puts on a burn to lessen the pain yes was the sad reply but she feels a difference between me and him she has an instinct that tells her i do not deserve her love if i could live till she was a little older till she had more of the feeling of a woman more of the knowledge of what it means to be a mother she might be better able t understand mrs drew had not expected so much of a confession of fault as this it pained her exceedingly for she felt that this woman s punishment was than she had supposed you don t think do you continued the mother after a pause that he teaches her to dislike me he would not deliberately try to do that would he i am sure he does not replied e la then said mrs wistfully and with an air of patience under it may come in time during the next seven or eight years matters went on with very slight change though feeble in health mrs showed a wonderful vitality and kept about the house as before the husband and wife did not go anywhere in company and thus they added no one to their set of mutual acquaintances mrs found a new source of entertainment out of however when was nine or ten years of age she joined a church mr paid little attention to this episode and certainly cared nothing about it though it was brought to his attention in several disagreeable ways that the church members had taken up the cause of his wife against him after the manner of their kind he drew the line however when her came to visit him and give advice which he considered impertinent you will pardon me said the clergyman but sister is very dear to our congregation and we know it is the desire of her heart that her husband should be brought into the fold cannot i persuade you to accompany her next sunday mr looked the speaker over from head to foot next sunday he responded slowly i have an engagement to go driving the minister looked properly shocked you have a little daughter he said upon recovering who ought to be in one of our sunday school classes if you would send her she is too young to understand such matters said when she is old enough to judge i shall allow her to do as she chooses this shocked the minister even more than the remark which had preceded it i am sorry you hold those views he said with a modest cough of course i do not question your right to think as you please but i want to ask you if you would object in case her mother wished to take the child and death then s eyes flashed and he forgot his good nature i should object decidedly he retorted rising to leave the room i wish
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you good day the conversation was held in his office and he left the clergyman standing there looking at the door that had closed behind his late companion the report of these scenes duly spread among the congregation of the church mrs attended drew forth a unanimous opinion that mr was a wretch some of the ladies remarked audibly that they wished he had them to deal with for awhile a committee self formed for the purpose called at the residence of mrs to with her it is a shame the way he treats you said one sweet creature who weighed about three hundred pounds if it were my case i would apply for a divorce yes would oh no you quite the matter protested mrs not at all exclaimed another lady who had reached the age of sixty and who might have tipped the scales in the at seventy five if i were you mrs i would take her to church in spite of him a man has no right to dictate what shall be done with a girl any way it was in the season of the year and the door that led from mrs s rooms into the was wide open heard every word from the parlor where she was sitting with a book in her hand and her young bosom swelled with indignation when the committee came downstairs she met them her eyes flashing defiance out of you need not come here again she cried if you want to say such things about my father f he knows better than you whether i ought to go anywhere or not you are mean cruel things to call him names and i shall tell him just as soon as he comes home the ladies drew their skirts closer around them what a forward child said the one really i never heard anything quite so impudent most ry declared another if she were mine i should her and put her to bed who in her brief life had never had such language addressed to her walked up to the latter speaker and put her face within five inches of hers would you she cried passionately perhaps you are not big enough at this unpleasant juncture arrived he stared from one o another of the women who filled his and then at his daughter almost hysterical with anger my darling he said what is the matter the child flew to his arms and her voice was full of sobs as she replied they said you were a a brute and that you had no right to say what should be done with me because i am a girl and that mother ought to take me to church in spite of you and when i told them they must not call you names they said i ought to be whipped turned and surveyed the group of women he controlled himself with difficulty all he did was to raise his arm and point to the death door not caring to the interview the committee filed out of it as fast as they were able when the last one had gone he closed the door somewhat loudly behind her then he touched a bell that stood on the table he said as the domestic of that name made her appearance i do not wish you to admit any of those people who have been here to day should they call again taking into the sitting room he questioned her closely about the entire affair and then bade her forget it as soon as possible from this time till was thirteen years of age there was little if any change in the arrangements of the household after that i became a frequent visitor and saw with my own eyes a great deal that was going on the first time i met mrs was at a dinner to which i was invited there was something very pathetic in her pale face her nearly white hair and her subdued she was like a criminal who is permitted for form s sake to dine at the table with others who have not their right to consideration within a few weeks however i became such an intimate friend of the family that i dropped in at all sorts of hours and began to see her alone mrs drew also came to stay a few weeks and i got well acquainted with her and won her confidence thus little by little those parts of my story that could not be obtained from were woven into the along with his recital i did not take sides with either and i do not intend to do so now dr used to talk with me a good deal when he found the post out of tion in which i stood and i have seldom met a more interesting man it was he who told me at a time when was about fifteen years of age that mrs would not live through the summer he had informed no one else and he me to say nothing there was little to be gained by hastening the knowledge of any of the family on this point a few days before mrs breathed her last she began to realize her situation when the doctor told her that she would not recover she neither said nor acted as if the news gave her pain she had but one thought she must forgive me before i die she said over and over she must forgive me doctor tell her what is going to happen she will not refuse when she understands it is her opportunity the physician promised to speak to the child at once and your husband he added is there anything you wish me to say to him she shook her head no no only all i ask is to have say she me dr prepared the young mind as well as he could for the
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interview so keenly desired he told her that a very few days would before her mother would be beyond the sound of her voice and that she must do everything possible to soothe the troubled spirit before its flight but what does she wish asked the girl she wants you to forgive her replied the doctor solemnly forgiveness and death ill eyed him wistfully i never quite understood what she had done to me she answered slowly i have always known that something stood between her and my father but he has never told me what it was and i have hesitated to ask him if you would explain doctor it might help me the worthy man of medicine felt a go through all his nerves i would not go too deep into it if i were you he said your mother is dying sh wants to have you say that you forgive her all you need to answer is that you do the young girl s eyes gazed into those of her companion should one say she without even know ing the injury she asked yes he answered when the person who asks it is on her we cannot carry our into the next world no matter how deep the hurt did not know about this she wanted to understand the reason why her home had been such a strange one in its relations between father mother and child the next morning when she went up to mrs s room she felt that she stood at the threshold of a great secret i am going to die said the pale lips lam not as sorry for that as you so full of youth and health might think but before i go i must hear three little words from your lips just these three i forgive you the daughter did not answer for several seconds can t you say it asked the feeble voice out of mother said the child raising her eyes i don t know what you have done that requires to be forgiven the sick woman half raised herself on the pillow don t you she asked has he never told you no one has told me said if you mean father he has not said a word i asked dr yesterday and he would not tell me either what is it you did to me mother that has made all this sorrow and pain the invalid sank back in her place how could she tell this child in language such as she could comprehend it was a task for which she had not prepared herself ten long minutes went by during which there was no sound in the room and then with a sudden effort mrs put her hand on that of her daughter and began to speak rapidly when the almighty called you out of his infinite wisdom to come to this earth i tried to his will i knew that the bearing of a child meant suffering for a woman i was selfish and did not want to assume the care of an infant i was too content with ease to be willing to carry out my destiny to the obligations that go with the wedded bond i did what others have done what hundreds are still i fear doing made preparations to still the life in you before it came into the world by heaven s mercy i was prevented from carrying out my plan in the anger that followed i refused to look at you to give you a mother s care my husband and i were torn asunder by my conduct i came to my senses years after and conceived as strong a love as ever found rest in a mother s heart forgiveness and death but it was too late to undo what i had done since that day i have endured a punishment such as i never dreamed could befall a human being if death me from it then i shall welcome death but i cannot rest even in the grave unless i have your forgiveness speak only those words that i may rest in peace the young heart beat rapidly she understood every syllable that had been said to her bowing her head she whispered the words as directed and allowed her mother to press her pallid lips to her forehead then she arose and slowly left the chamber dr had come in and she met him at the foot of the stairs have you seen her he asked anxiously and when she nodded he looked the question he did not put into words yes i told her i forgave her i thought as you did that it was right to say so if it would make her last hours brighter the doctor stared at the young face drawn with new lines of grief and it was not he exclaimed you do not forgive her oh how could cried bursting into tears out of chapter xiii the risk is too great the rev mr was with mrs during her last hours as was also drew both of them had been sent for at her request and with the full consent of her neither after listening to the dying wishes of the invalid made any demand upon him for his presence in the he had feared in an uncomfortable mood that they would do so and had not been quite able to make up his mind what he should do if the call came a few hours before the end was asked to come in again and the lips that were so soon to be silent forever thanked her for the forgiveness she had pronounced on the previous day once more a kiss was pressed on her forehead softly and calmly i never saw a more placid death said the rev mr in his sing song way to when he to make arrangements about the funeral it shows how
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little terror it has for one whose life has been in accordance with the divine may we all meet it with equal confidence he added evidently as a side thrust at the husband the dear departed requested me to conduct the services over her remains i would like to hear any suggestions you wish to make in reference to the matter mrs drew was sitting in the room with the the was too great gentlemen but was absent at the moment moved uneasily in his chair let me tell you then to begin with said he that your services must be very brief and simple there is to be no of family affairs either by allusion or you may read the burial service if you wish and have a hymn sung but that is all mr s eyes dilated he had supposed that at this stage he would be allowed to have his own way much as a does at an he had known many who in the presence of the and permitted a funeral that irritated them merely because they had not the nerve to dictate to the contrary before his astonishment permitted him to frame a reply spoke again another thing he said there will be no persons present except my own small circle of intimate friends and the servants of the house that body upstairs is not to be before the eyes of the public you will be allowed ten minutes to finish your and prayers and if there is the remotest reference to the husband the affair will be cut short i know the tricks you are capable of sir and i warn you i will have none of them mrs drew murmured george as if to remind him of the solemnity of the subject but he would not heed her i am not going to tell the story of my from that lady to you he went on looking straight at the clergyman i will say however that we have not been husband and wife except in out of name for sixteen years although there have been times when i held hard feelings toward her f believe upon my soul all is over now i simply desire to have none of those things which our circumstances would make ridiculous promise what i ask and i shall have nothing more to say mr replied that it would be a great disappointment to the members of his congregation who had a very high regard for sister and who had hoped the services would be held in his church he also had prepared a brief tribute to her womanly virtues and christian fortitude in the midst of her sufferings and it seemed to him i know i know interrupted i understand all that but you can t do it the only question is will you come here and perform the service i suggest or shall i send for another minister with several and the clergyman finally gave the requisite promise though sorely disappointed he had intended to give the husband some very neat before a large and audience on the day of the funeral he kept reasonably close to his agreement though one or two allusions to his hope that this occasion would prove a blessing to those still without the of religion on s nervous ears the conduct of was noticeable she sat by the side of her father listening to all that was said and watching all that was done with the quiet well bred air of a well trained girl of her age on the way to the she held one of his hands in hers but neither of them uttered a word the was too great shuddered a little as the were thrown on the coffin but there were no tears from either father or daughter though mrs drew and who come and mrs and the servants wept when the party returned to the house felt its that void which the dead always leave in the where they have been known she had grown older in the week that was past she could no longer be spoken of as a child of the household noticed it she gave directions and suggested things and assumed control of the premises as she had never done before and all the time she was thinking thinking thinking the only thing that was left in her conduct that reminded us of the little girl we had known was the love for her it was a wonder to see her after giving orders about the house that took breath away sit down to her work basket and on a new dress or a set of for one of her charges she took her hair that had hung in a and wound it in a knot at the back of her head she had her dresses let down several inches she looked and acted in everything but one three years older than she was but the found her the same careful mother that she had been when she first learned the use of needle and thread the neighbors children the very ones were also brought in as frequently if not more so than before the spectacle of a dozen of the mid gets on her nursery floor at once entertained in a fashion that delighted their young hearts was one that i saw many times during the next year in my calls at the house she never seemed so happy aa out of when surrounded with these one of them in her lap and the others in chorus about her feet one evening it was fully a year after mrs s funeral i happened to be spending an hour with my friends mrs drew was there and her husband and of course and was occupied with one of her children s parties in the manner above described as usual when she was present the young girl was the centre of attraction
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for all of us and our conversation turned mainly upon the little visitors i ll tell you what you ought to dr said mrs drew you should found an orphan asylum amusing children is evidently your i think you are never quite happy unless you have them near you held a blue eyed boy in her lap at the moment and was engaged in trying to make a part in his very thin curly hair yes she replied i do love them it always makes me sad when i have to send them home will be a splendid mother interposed mr drew and i felt at the instant that he had put his foot in it the girl leaned toward us as we sat in the group watching her and her sweet face lit up with a radiance wonderful to behold oh i hope so she said softly clasping her hands together what must it be to feel that one of these creatures is your own your very own yes mr drew it is what i long for what i dream of at night i have seen it in visions that little the was too great close against my heart touching my face with its velvet fingers breathing upon my neck i felt my cheeks and was ashamed at the sensation in the presence of such purity what right had a mistaken education to manifest its in the movements of my blood i glanced at the others was smiling upon his daughter as if he fully approved of what she said mrs drew s hand had stolen across that of her husband to warn him not to pursue the subject farther with a man s lack of tact however he tried to set things right and made matters worse it will be a long time before you can think of marriage he suggested straightened up in her chair and the child in her lap that he was being temporarily neglected pulled at the tiny brush she had been using and proceeded to the locks she had straightened out marriage she repeated i do not think i shall ever marry the risk is too great to run i glanced at again and on his face was the same smile of approval that same contented look that always it whenever his daughter was near turned again to her charge and resumed her attentions while mrs drew with the tact that her husband did not possess began speaking of matters outside the house it had turned out after mrs s that george was now a very prosperous man his experiments had resulted in producing the most popular powder on the market and he owned out of considerably the largest share of the stock in the company for which he had formerly worked during the lifetime of his wife this fact had been kept secret but later the true state of affairs was made public in his generosity he had allowed mr drew to purchase several shares at a rate when the capital was being increased as a token of his esteem for that gentleman and his wife it was his intention to retire from active labor soon and make a long tour abroad with his daughter i am rich enough he said in reply to some remark that was made i little thought when i entered the works at that i should be able to own most of the concern within a quarter century the business has got beyond the possibility of failure my goods are sold in every hamlet of the country and are even being in large quantities and yet he added with a touch of pathos in his voice my life has been a failure after all the babies had now been to their several homes and miss was sitting with the rest of us listening to the conversation her face clouded as she heard these words don t say that father she protested i must say it he replied putting his arm around the young form all the best of my youth was spent in mental darkness there is something wrong with our marriage system the women of to day have an idea that is a mere in which all the pleasure and none of the are to be theirs i sometimes think it is time the entire institution was that we returned to a more natural state of living public the risk was too great opinion ties many a couple together through weary years when the best interests of both demand a separation there are exceptions of course like you rs mr drew but i question if they are not in a great what can a man like me for the suffering i during the first five years of my marriage i looked at uneasy that she should hear this debate but she seemed so much older than formerly so much wiser that my fears were you ought to remember replied mrs drew that your wife acknowledged her errors and bitterly repented of them it is unfair to matrimony on account of one unfortunate experience besides there is no use in an institution without which the world would soon come to an end i had never heard this lady speak so earnestly she appeared as if defending her sex in a body from the of all time if that happened if the world came to an end retorted good the only harm that would result so far as i can see would be a falling off in the sale of my powder but you need have no fear that the human race is going to die out on account of any change in the ideas regarding marriage before a great many years my dear mrs drew there will be such a of the of woman that each one will select the father of her children and dispense with his society whenever she finds it agreeable to do so
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then the thing we now call marriage will be looked back upon as an unaccountable custom of a age out of mrs rallied to the emergency without delay you your own position said she boldly the greatest fault you ever found with a woman was her to become a mother in the time you will not she be even less willing to assume that position listened intently i wondered what they could be thinking of to utter such in her presence but they seemed to say them not only in spite of her being there but for her special benefit women will be honest when that time comes said and honesty is the chief of all virtues it seems to me the that to day is simply horrible women and men enter into a marriage contract in which certain things are and others understood then one of them deliberately with malice as the say sets to work to deceive the other in a point of first importance in other words she and her partner as no one would think of doing in any other business that is the way to make the world honest is to give woman greater freedom take away the to falsehood and she will rise above the petty that she now i do not blame you for me i cannot defend myself for my conduct toward mrs except on the principle by which we meet a with any weapon that is convenient when i discovered her deception i felt insulted robbed outraged i acted as a man driven wild is liable to act woman make her free and such questions cannot arise it will be for her to say whether she will be a mother and no man can question her an artificial rule decision to day she enters into a contract which common honesty requires her to keep and a contract by two persons cannot be broken at the whim of one of them without danger of protest when the discovery is made then he turned abruptly to my consternation and put this inquiry to what do you think about it dear the girl raised her sweet eyes to her father i don t know as i can tell you exactly she said i am sure i am almost sure at least that never shall marry and yet you told us a little while ago exclaimed mrs drew that it was the hope of your life to have a child of your own yes said softly turning her slow gaze toward the speaker it was with one movement that we looked at surely he would protest with vigor when he heard this home assumption of the doctrine he had been advancing but he only the hair of the daughter who was dearer than life to him and smiled at her with the same affectionate gaze chapter xiv an artificial rule i do not want to make my story more than is absolutely necessary to show you the way in which the central idea of miss s life out of was formed and grew until it controlled her actions most of us are what our and have made us the thoughts that fill our brains have not come there at random they are the product of what we have seen and heard and read combined with our natural and inherited and inclinations under other circumstances this girl would never have entertained the dreams that now influenced her under still other but different ones she would have had them by the counsels of those set to be her teachers and in order to understand how she has come to her present in spite of the world and has even had the courage to act upon them you must know each step she took on that strange path had loved his child from her birth indeed as he himself said to me more than once from a time long to it as she grew to woman s estate this love deepened into adoration whatever did was right her conduct must not be questioned he would have fought the universe for her sake convinced that a of opinion was worthless if it opposed hers in return she gave him the fullest confidence and veneration they talked together more like brother and sister husband and wife if you will than father and daughter he had never drawn any line that she feared to pass she asked him every question that came into her head as freely as if he were her mother and physician combined when reached the age of eighteen she began a study of medicine she seized upon its revelations with the of a young dr asked her if aw artificial she intended to practice and try to take his away from him he was astonished at the things she learned in an brief space of time she devoured the text books as if they were and clung to volumes of lectures with all the delight usually shown for a romance at the end of a year she triumphantly announced to the good physician that she knew as much as he in relation to one of the greatest problems of life and yet she added thoughtfully i know no more than every woman ought to know i have only got acquainted with myself how do so many dare enter a state of with their eyes blinded by total ignorance always you must not get false ideas my child said dr while there are women too ignorant there is also such a thing as being too wise in what way she asked eagerly you know a great deal doctor and i want you to be frank if you think i am making a mistake well to be plain he replied our great knew almost nothing about these things and yet they got along very well nature is worth on a little she has done pretty fairly take it altogether
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during the last fifty or sixty thousand years it is bad policy for a man in my profession to say this for cases put a pretty penny in our pockets but when a girl like you asks for the truth you should have it another thing mist while we are on this subject there is no outside of that can be in a civilized country none that will not bring to out of its possessor a terrible load of and suffering he told me afterward that he was driven to this direct statement by the suggestions that had been dropped from time to time in his presence he had been medical adviser to this family for nearly twenty years and had seen some pretty hard moments there he did not mean to be in a duty as plain as this one just for the sake of choosing delicate language or special occasions miss s eyes brightened as she listened to him she was very glad the subject had been introduced wise men have been mistaken before now she answered deliberately tell me one thing before we go any farther is the rule of which you speak a natural or an artificial one he smiled at the vein that he could discern artificial decidedly he responded so is everything in our lives for that matter you live in a house while a savage a hut you eat with a knife and fork he with his fingers you wear clothes even it the part of the summer he with them when they do not suit his fancy we can t run against the of society my dear girl any more than we can against the law of without getting hurt but in reference to this matter even the lowest savages have some form of marriage the taking in a public manner of wife and husband look the entire world over you will find it everywhere the young lady nodded yes i have learned all that she said la artificial rule southern the has to pay a certain number of cows for his bride while in parts of europe he father to give the cows to induce the lover to take her away women are captured by bought in the market by soft words frightened by the fear of being old maids by love of finery persuaded by the lack of other means to find bread but doctor let us consider my special case not the subject in the abstract i am rich and independent i have one that fills my waking and my sleeping hours it is to have a child of my own now merely because it is the custom must i go through a ceremony that will bind me to some man i do not love as long as we both shall live the doctor regarded her with quiet gravity he saw that she was wholly in earnest in her strange proposition wait a minute said he you are young eighteen i think who can tell that your hero will not come to you within a few years the man with whom you will be glad and proud to take your place as long as you remain on the earth there is no such man said positively the only man i shall care for is my father and if i liked one ever so much the demands of matrimony would make me hate him in a very short time to know that i was tied to him that i had got to love him would take away any affection i might have developed besides when the baby came i could think of nothing but the child its father would be so neglected that he would have a right to complain and then would come quarrels a divorce how much better to out of avoid all this by one little of what you call society and making a law to suit my particular emergency how pure and sweet she looked as she thus threw down the to all the human race no passion but that of filled her young soul dr knew that a low or unworthy thought could not enter that mind had become a very handsome woman by this time as she is still her body was well made and of medium height her limbs slender but round her hair dark and back in a roll from her broad forehead her eyes large and intelligent her mouth sensitive her lips neither too thin nor too full i can only answer you he replied after a pause as i have done already the notion you are is simply preposterous you will see it yourself if you give the matter thought enough and here is something that will show you at one glance how ridiculous the idea is you would want for your child s father would you not a man of good principles one whose mental and physical would be worth how in the name of heaven could such a man be found to join in a wicked and foolish against the laws of an intelligent community miss bowed as he finished in that last thought she replied you have struck the only rock which i have seen in my course it has occurred to me exactly as you have suggested it but there may be cases that prove an exception to the rule i can imagine a man good enough to be my child s father and noble enough to appreciate the sentiments that thrill me i can conceive of such artificial bulk a one all claim to me whenever i should request it as men do other high and honorable acts because it was his duty doctor she continued leaning toward him and speaking in a low voice i have a greater hope than the satisfying of this devouring anxiety to own a child i want to prove to other women in a like situation that matrimony is
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not essential mothers have met with the world s scorn hitherto because they have become so through all that was best and in their natures i wish to show the world such a mother only by her highest that it may note the difference you cannot claim that the two kinds of women would stand on the same plane dr was growing every moment he did not intend by the least to give the impression that he thought she had the right of her argument in the remotest degree what a child you are he exclaimed if you had mingled a little more with your sex you would know that they are poor they have been taught from their and from the of their remotest civilized that a child born out of curses itself and its mother the world would have no faith in your purity merely because you claimed to possess it you would be by all the women you would care to know and avoided by the rest of mankind one of the of living in comfort is to maintain a good reputation destroy it by such a silly plan as you are carrying in that head of yours and life will prove too short to regain it if this goes on i shall have to talk with your father out of this threat if meant for one only to the girl s thoughtful countenance we have discussed it a hundred times she said and lie cried the doctor well was the slow answer i don t think he does entirely but he faith in me he wants me to follow my if else said i was in the wrong he would stand by me that is the kind of father to have dr stamped his foot on the carpet the kind of father to have he corrected is one that would drive such nonsense out of your head as soon as he detected it there he would know you were laying the foundation of a life of misery could it be worse than the one he led asked the girl quickly he was married for many years to a woman whom he thoroughly and disliked under the system in which you believe she might have borne him half a dozen children while nothing of the hatred that filled her in that way becomes not only an accident but a sad and unfortunate one the medical man in his chair and tapped the table repeatedly with a ruler that he had picked up you are two or three centuries ahead of your time said he when the reign of all that is good comes in and woman has her own pocket book the world over i have no doubt some will adopt your scheme but you cannot enter into this sort of thing alone why you couldn t put on the costume of an and walk down without a crowd of we have to pretty nearly to the step of the procession ah artificial rule marriage has its i admit so does travelling by rail i had a friend smashed up in a train a month ago but if i want to go to san i sha n t walk keep in the ranks little one all the men are not as black as your fancy them i will undertake to find you a nice respectable gentlemanly sort of a man if you will give me a commission to that end who will treat you like a precious jewel of a wife as you deserve to be you shall have your husband and your baby yes a dozen babies if you choose and all the which are more important than you seem to think will still be observed refused to be convinced she had learned from infancy to marriage to her it meant a husband in one part of the house and a discontented wife in another she had seen unhappy families besides the one of which she formed a part the really ones that she knew could be counted much more quickly but the children the little that kept these homes from utter darkness they were all lovely all beautiful in her eyes a child of her own she for it as the traveller on a long voyage pines for the shore she it as the weary the shelter that is at his journey s end she gazed with swim eyes on each young she saw and murmured oh if it were only mine though without much religious training she used to pray to the good god above that he would send her the desire of her heart in her phrase she told him of the care she would give it out of of tne pains she would take to teach it what was pure and right dr talked with mr and mrs drew about this strange as he called it and they tried as well as he to bring mr to make a decided stand all in vain he said should be her own judge in everything all that he had was hers he would not attempt to influence her when her mind and conscience were set in any given direction there was serious talk of calling in a commission in to decide whether the father was not insane but a sudden attack of illness turned all our thoughts in another direction one day when both the and dr were present at dinner as well as myself was attacked with partial though he recovered enough in a few days to attend to his business affairs the physician told us that he could not rely on a much longer lease of life i want the truth doctor said the patient i am not one of those to whom you need fear being perfectly frank and he got it he might live six months at the outside he might have another attack within a week that would render
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him incapable of motion i never expect to witness anything more perfect in its way than the closing days of george s earthly existence he brought to bear the calm philosophy of one who counts death a mere episode in the career of mankind one neither to be sought nor avoided by undue means his business affairs were in such a condition owing to his habits of order that but little time was required to an artificial d dispose of them he to his attorney the person whom he would select as manager and several plans for increasing the of his product that he had hitherto kept to himself his will made provision for several to faithful gave to drew in recognition of the long friendship he had entertained for her parents and the rest without to his daughter mr the attorney and myself were to be and these matters arranged devoted the balance of his time almost altogether to he met us at table for the board still held the little circle of friends that had become so deeply attached to him and for an hour after dinner we always sat in the parlor together the rest of the time he gave to her who was dearest to him it is a strange sensation to sit day after day with one whose physician has told him that any moment may see his vital powers one who may at a second s warning drop his head upon his breast and utter his last gasp but of us all so far as appearances showed the one who bore the ordeal the best was the self poised daughter of our host she told me afterward that her father had directed her to act precisely as usual and thus give him the strength he needed to face the parting each day was arranged much as it would have been had he been merely taking a business they rode out together read the papers and magazines even went to theatres occasionally i have heard their joint laughter coming from the next room over out of some made by one or the other and a chill has run down my column each time i ascended the front steps i looked to see if the s ornamented the handle of the door each morning i my paper to see if among the news there was an account of the sudden of george the wealthy but it was quite four months after the first shock before the second one mrs drew was a religious woman though as some one has remarked of a similar case not so she did her best to persuade to accept the offices of a minister of the church without exceeding the bounds of good taste thanking her for her kindness he refused to accept her advice saying that his views would not permit him to do so your views she repeated what are your views don t you believe in another life after this one i don t know he replied good but i mean to find out unless dr is mistaken i shall learn more about these matters in a few weeks than any of these gentlemen who would be so willing to instruct me can tell i am not impatient i can wait she was dissatisfied but was unwilling to annoy him it is surely well to repent of our sins she murmured and i have repented of mine he answered their punishment already has been very heavy if more is still due i will accept it an artificial rule t i never yet asked a to take less than a hundred cents on the dollar when the inevitable hour came passed seemingly without the least sensation of pain he was talking with in his library and in the midst of a sentence he stopped she summoned assistance and dr was sent for but the heart had ceased to beat before he arrived the daughter wept it is true but with a calmness that surprised her friends in spite of what they had already witnessed she answered all questions with fortitude and made preparations for the saying she knew exactly what her father desired and would not depart from it in the slightest degree it was not a funeral at all judged by the usual standard the dead body lay during one in the library where he had died open to the gaze of any of his acquaintances who cared to come hundreds of people from the establishment of which he had been the head from the various concerns that had dealt with him and from the public at large passed into that room stood for a moment by the and then went their ways at one o clock the more intimate friends bade good bye to the form they had loved the daughter last five or six carriages followed the to its burial place in here the entire town seemed to have turned out but all they saw was the lowering of the coffin into its grave without a prayer or a hymn the next sunday several took this matter as a text for their sermons calling the attention of their to the heathen like and thanking god that such events were out of rare indeed in this part of the world no matter how little men professed to believe in the gospel while they were living they generally appealed to its ministers when the dread angel of death had spread its wings over them so said the of many churches but not those of in that town they realized the temper of the people too and maintained a discreet silence chapter xv professional services one of the first things that did after the funeral was to persuade the to make their home again with her she had formed a deep attachment for all of them and especially for who was now a fine girl about twenty years of
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age mrs drew bearing in mind some of the peculiar theories that was known to hold hesitated a little about throwing her daughter into the company of that young woman but the consideration that she herself would always be at hand to any possible injurious effect turned the scale and a very short time after the new arrangement was made an affair connected with her daughter made all her care necessary in another direction fell in love now there is nothing remarkable in a pretty girl of twenty falling in love mrs drew had supposed professional services that such an event would happen in the course of time with her daughter as well as others but she did not quite fancy the young man for whom had gone through that process in this it is only fair to state she did not differ from many other mothers the fond parent is apt to believe that there are few men fitted to mate with the treasure they have been at such pains to prepare for him young mr seemed however in the anxious eyes of this mother to lack completely the qualities which are essential to success in this world to have much less than is necessary of enterprise and push although twenty five years of age he still lived at his father s and apparently had no expectations other than those which would come to him from that source he was a nice appearing fellow with his clothes and hair well brushed and his shoes always polished he made a very good sort of lover without doubt but would he shine equally well as a husband mrs drew had grave doubts on this score and used to talk for hours to her husband about it drew listened to all that was said and in his wife s conclusions he had never done anything else since he had known her he did not suggest a way out of her difficulty however and she did not expect that he would loved the young man with all her heart and it looked more dangerous to put the parental foot down and declare that she must give him up than to risk the other horn of the so it was settled that they were to be married and the happiness on the faces of of the engaged couple in a measure the tears that filled the eyes of their elders i hope they ll be happy said to when she imparted to her that the event had been decided upon say that you think they will she added it will break my heart if makes a mistake miss shook her head with a serious mien i don t believe in it at all she said i think the time for that sort of thing has passed mrs drew s brow was covered with wrinkles oh what do you mean she cried would you have every pretty girl grow into an old maid that answered slowly i would leave to herself to decide the matron recognized the hated theory she so much detested and raised both her hands in protest we must never talk of such things she said i would rather see in her grave than no no she will marry and i hope i hope so dearly she will be happy as happy as and i have been mr is young and we must not judge him too severely the love of a good woman has done for a man before now took up a magazine she had laid down and said gently very well mrs drew in her chair by no means content to let the conversation end in this abrupt manner you have heard surely of cases of that kind she asked women have even the most hardened husbands many times yes said seeing that she was expected professional services to answer that is true it is also true mrs drew that many husbands have dragged the best of wives through experiences that one to contemplate i know women and so do you who would be a thousand times happier if they had remained single i tell you marriage has become a in which the great are so few that they attract the world s attention you think the chance of getting a good husband is worse now than formerly said mrs drew it is growing worse every day was the calm reply and the reason is that woman having become more intelligent suffers under the ous condition which marriage brings to her in spite of all the talk one hears the wife is still the property of her lord she must submit to him or make him submit to her in the latter case she will have an apology for a husband that will only earn her the derision of the rest of her sex there are marriages where the are still happy but for every one of those there are a hundred where all that is best in both of them is trampled in the mire mrs drew uttered a helpless little sigh how do you account for the change that is going on she asked by the fact that marriage is in a period have you ever watched the of a city neighborhood first there is a street of good plain ordinary houses then business in here and there the better class of begin to move away a set takes their places and finally the whole thing is torn down an great out of modern blocks are erected the institution of marriage has reached the state the next era will bring us something better the elder lady clasped her hands together if you think such things you ought not to say them she replied i would not have hear you for anything have no fear was the quiet reply knowing your prejudices i have refrained from putting any extra sense into the head of that young daughter of
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yours if she comes to me to be congratulated on her engagement i shall do the best i can to conceal my apprehensions tears filled the mother s eyes you hope for the best i am sure she said in a low voice with all my heart said rising and going over to kiss her the wedding took place with considerable formality as that was the wish of the bride who had many friends who desired to witness the of her bark on what most young people believe a lake where storms are unknown their mistake is often as great as that of the who applied the term pacific to one of the most of seas the presents were numerous and costly and included some very handsome ones from miss who had a deep affection for the girl the happy couple departed on a tour of thirty days and at the end of that time went to live at the residence of mr but a few weeks passed before mrs drew came to with a long face to tell her that the services prospect of already afflicted her daughter miss stared at the lady as if she could not comprehend her expressions to be a mother she exclaimed how happy she ought to be i but she is not was the quick reply just think how young she is and how short a time she has been married i went over there this morning and found her weeping as if her heart would burst miss s eyes opened wider than before you had a child when you were no older than she yes admitted mrs drew but things are different now it is the modern custom to wait awhile to give the wife an opportunity to enjoy life before dragging her down with the care of an infant why it will make an old woman of at once she can t go anywhere for the next two or three years i consider it a downright misfortune it is at least an incident to be expected said thoughtfully i don t see that she has a right to complain this is what your dearly loved institution of marriage brings mrs drew mothers learn to dislike their offspring before they can see their little faces i tell you it is horrible i would go down to the grand central station and throw myself under the first train before i would give any man the rights over me that the marriage mrs drew could only murmur oh out of i would repeated the girl throwing back her head why did marry if the prospect ot causes her such grief she could have kept up her engagement and enjoyed the society amusements of which she now so deeply the loss if she wanted to entertain herself for the next three or four years with the pleasures offered by fashion why did she not leave herself free to in them i have no patience with such folly no mrs drew i must speak my mind common sense seems to have deserted this part of the universe you say is grieved because being married she is to have a child how does she know she will not have twenty every tear she sheds is a testimony that i am right in the entire edifice of matrimony as for the intelligent women of the last half of the nineteenth century quite carried away with her feelings miss swept from the room but the next time she met mrs drew she went up to her and put her arms around her neck and within a few days she called on and brought her some lovely lace for the garments she had already begun to young mr evidently considered that he had now done about all that should be expected of him for his present income he intended to rely on the that his wife possessed believed that she only did the right thing when she put the whole of her small fortune into his hands and allowed him to invest it in a very neat business of which he knew nothing except that it would not soil his clothes and it took him an short l services time to lose it all with the help of a few in the stock market he had it appeared gone a little beyond the bounds of honesty in these transactions and used other people s names without consulting them and the result was that about a month before his wife expected to add to his joys and cares he executed a sudden flight for parts unknown and did not take the formality of leaving his address with anyone while no careful could make out that the desertion of mr was of any particular loss to her money already gone beyond repair she had the bad taste to get herself into a violent illness over it bringing on distressing as the family were not very cordial to her now she accepted the hospitality of her mother and miss and went to the latter s home then it was that laid aside for the her theories and her r at the world in general and men in especial no sister could have given more affectionate care than she gave to the deserted wife she comforted her by repeated assurances that would certainly return she inserted in a herald personal an announcement to the effect that if h b would communicate with mr attorney at law park place he would hear of something to his advantage she also visited the indignant of young and secured a writing that would relieve him from all danger of at the expense to her pocket of a good deal of money with the new hope that these things would give to counted on bringing her through op all right dr said they ought to have the best effect he agreed with that would be better in a jail
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than by the side of the young woman he had proved so ill fitted to care for they only thought however of what was best for the wife if they could get him there before the trial hour they wanted to do it but scared terribly by what he had done was in the far west hiding in a where he as a to the great loss of whiteness of his pretty hands and knew nothing of the kindly efforts made in his behalf all the kindness that was upon the young wife all the skill of the most competent physician failed to keep her from into such a state that her life was for some days in mortal peril affected by its mother s condition no doubt the child breathed but a few hours it was just as well mrs drew said in a way that made shudder would be better off without it the way matters had gone had she not felt that the cup of this woman was already full would have expressed her sentiments on this observation in a decidedly sharp fashion miss had observed the weak condition of the infant from the first and had refused to believe with dr that life could not be kept in it she sent with his consent for two other eminent and begged them if there was any virtue in medicine to save the child when they added their opinion to his she fell on her knees by the nurse who held the baby w her and went tears services so little so sweet so innocent why should it touch this earthly shore so brief a time if it were not to be permitted to remain with its last breath grew so ill that the attention of the doctors had to be turned to her this girl who had borne the loss of a father with an that astounded us all mourned for another s child with all the of an own mother was able to be about before her friend for lay more than a month on her sick bed ah the little thing the pretty little thing she moaned day and night during the first week when she recovered her spirits were so low that dr approved of her suggestion to take a foreign journey nothing had been heard of mr and was taking steps to sue for a divorce the including their daughter were to stay at the residence and was to travel with a hired companion miss was gone nearly two years during which time she saw a great deal that was interesting and instructive and one day dr received a letter to this effect i expect to reach new york on the about i shall require your professional services in the neighborhood of yours very truly the physician read this letter over and over again rubbing his spectacles and his eyes alternately she can t mean what nonsense f he exclaimed a out of hundred she wouldn t be such a fool with her fortune and everything in the world to look forward to but i don t know her father was a mule and she takes after him professional fiddle sticks confound her she s given me a regular i chapter xvi too lovely for anything when mrs drew received word that miss was coming home coupled with an announcement much than the one which had been sent to the physician she was thrown into a state of consternation it is simply dreadful she said to her husband when she had read him the letter i don t know how we can stay here her conduct will compromise all of us even if you and i could endure it think of its effect on a young woman like her mind is still in a condition and who can say what dangers might not come from such an example assented as he always did though he may have entertained doubts whether a woman who too lovely anything had been a wife and mother and was now a widow should be considered in the light of a was in a serious she loved dearly both for her own sake and for that of her father she could not forget the kindness shown to when deserted by her natural protector miss had taken the financial troubles of mrs upon herself and had instructed her agents to honor all calls she made upon them under this state of things it seemed peculiarly ungrateful to desert when she was in most need of her services i don t see how i can stay here said mrs drew to her husband and i don t see how i can leave she has no other female friend nearly as close as i have been she writes me as if there would be no question about it how can i refuse to with her wishes answered that he did not see how she could but won t it look as if i her his wife won t people get the idea that we are all filled with these ideas a woman has to be so careful of her reputation that is true said whose sympathies were largely on the side of miss for whom he entertained a warm admiration but the mischief is done and you can t help it show yourself a good friend to her and it may have an effect on her future mrs drew uttered an exclamation her future she will have no future the world never an affair of that kind out of and she won t even ask to be forgiven she will come home as proud as if she had done something to her credit she has warmed these theories in her breast ever since she was a child oh it is enough to drive me crazy put on the proper look of sympathetic interest for when his wife talked in this way he
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believed something serious was the matter and that is the worst of it after all pursued how can i explain it to her what can i say to defend the dear girl has always had such a high opinion of her and has done her a thousand that she cannot forget if you and i stay here will have to go somewhere one can t be too careful when the eternal happiness of a daughter is at stake accordingly mistress was packed off to where she had many friends and the other with dr and myself as prepared to receive the coming guest or rather the real owner of the premises it occurs to me now that our attitude was something like that assumed by a regiment a cavalry charge or a ship s crew ordered to we were a gloomy set of people without doubt and walked about the house on as if afraid to make the slightest noise i should think there was a funeral going on here said the physician one day it s worse than that replied mrs drew with a sigh there are some things more terrible than death doctor dr wore a look of as be beard her too lovely foe anything i think you put it a little strong said but i understand the way you view it while society is made up the way it is now death is at least one of the most respectable things a person can have happen to him i hope however that we shall not meet with quite so an aspect as we have been wearing to each other she is like other women i suppose and wants to see a little sunshine when she steps foot after so long a time on the soil of her native country an attempt at greater cheerfulness was then made by us all but on the whole it was a dismal failure who is going to the steamer to meet her i asked suddenly thinking that this matter was one that required settling mr drew mildly offered to go if that was agreeable but his wife put in a very decided objection i could not think of letting you do anything of the kind dr finally volunteered and this met the approval of all parties he greeted his patient on the deck of the boat at the wharf and she grasped his hand with a pressure that showed the most perfect health was looking older than when she went away but not more than the two extra years would warrant her cheeks red with the salt breeze and her eyes were as bright as diamonds my dear dear doctor she exclaimed regardless of the listening ears that were about them you don t know how glad i am to see you and dear america again you haven t changed a not a white hair more or less it was so sweet of you to come to meet me my baggage is all ready to be out of and here has everything in her charge within half an hour we shall be ready to drive to the house when they were being taken through the familiar streets toward her home miss broke out into many expressions of rapture europe is nice she said but there s nothing after all like one s ain tell me all the news how is and dear old and poor little ah i have pitied that child so often with all her troubles her young life wrecked by her marriage she s got the divorce hasn t she well that s one comfort but a divorce is like getting cured of the small the marks remain i am so anxious to see her i suppose they are all at the house prepared to give me a royal welcome dr told me he never was so upset in life as he was at the manner of miss on this occasion her spirits were at their very highest she had never looked so truly lovely and she seemed to expect that would be as delighted as she he had to tell her that mrs was out of town but he concealed the reason of her departure run in to morrow if you can said to him as they her home i have a great deal to tell you to day i suppose will claim all of my time i am impatient to see the dear woman i think we had some sort of an idea of standing in a row in the front hall and in chorus an of welcome but luckily we thought better of it the final arrangement was that mrs drew would meet miss and that and i would drop in a little later when the strangeness of the sit too lovely for anything nation had in a measure worn off but dr robert son after bringing his charge and her maid into the house left them with and came out to advise us to keep out of the way for the present he intimated that it would take more than ten minutes for the women to get upon a common footing and that they had best be given all the time they wanted the meeting between the old friends was joyful on the part of one and dignified on the part of the other miss was so occupied however in the premises and running her eyes over the furniture and walls that at first she noticed nothing to arouse her suspicion she was shown to her rooms neat as a pin as everything must be that had passed under the eye of the model housekeeper was disposed of as quickly as possible and the moment she found her self really alone with mrs drew opened her arms to their fullest capacity and stretched herself as if she would take all america in her embrace at once why don t you congratulate me she
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cried the two women must have made an interesting contrast the younger all radiance almost too happy to breathe the other with her cheeks from a far different cause please murmured mrs drew please we must not talk about it we never could agree never if we are not to quarrel we must avoid that subject miss laughed very well she said it shall be as you say but tell me all about your family they arc both well of course mr drew and out of the sound of her daughter s name spoken so familiarly by those lips struck upon the ears of the mother they are quite well she said but don t think me unreasonable let us not speak of them either it it really gives me pain the face of miss showed the most intense sympathy you have had some trouble poor darling she murmured no no there has been no trouble none at all it is not that oh i can t explain we talked about it and i a long time and we agreed that ought to stay here but miss stared at the speaker you were in doubt she asked at first i there is to think of you know there was a long pause and a sigh from you thought perhaps she said that your stay here might injure her i am very sorry i will not keep you no not for the world good bye and is it forever the lady burst into tears don t send me away she sobbed i couldn t forgive myself if i went now don t tell me to go miss quickly withdrew her proposition and the conversation turned upon other matters enough had been said to show the situation of affairs she carefully avoided after that upon disagreeable ground in her talks with mrs drew i met her several times at dinner and no one would have suspected from what was said too lovely anything that a very large skeleton lay hid and grinning in the closet behind the door dr had to go through a somewhat similar experience before he and his patient had been in the same city for a week with his blunt manner he himself into the middle of the subject with one of his first questions why in the name of goodness he demanded didn t you stay abroad a few months longer then you could have pretended that your child was an adopted one and nobody could have disputed you whatever they might have thought my dear doctor replied with her most winning smile how persistently you my motives i have nothing to conceal no wife since the creation was ever happier to become a mother i know i am doing an unusual thing but from my own i am right all the to the contrary notwithstanding the physician silently as he listened a all right he snapped let that go there are several things that i wonder if you have thought of i suppose you know your child will not be entitled to receive a penny of your property if you die and women do die under such circumstances he added with a strong touch of but am not going to responded brightly i assure you of that to begin with there is no law to prevent my making a will and leaving my property to whom i please is there no but there ought to be growled the physician half audibly i want to ask you a question he added raising his voice who is your child s out of miss s eyes fell before those of her i for an instant she seemed to lose her but she did not speak i hardly expected you would tell me said the doctor i asked out of no mere curiosity i only thought you might like in case of accident to have the infant know its father s name not a syllable came from the girl s lips which were now tightly compressed together tears filled her eyes you must admit continued the physician that there is a possibility that you will not arise from the illness you are about to undergo in your case the chances are a hundred to one in your bu no one can these results with certainty he waited for her reply but she shook head i have nothing to tell you she said he bowed let me suggest then that you place an envelope containing the facts in the hands of some person to be in case in case it should be necessary looked at her companion earnestly my child could have no use for that information she replied perhaps i ought to say that the father is dead used as he was to everything the old physician plainly showed the shock he felt upon hearing this statement but the child will want a name he remarked desperately if it is a boy i wish it called if a girl too lovely for anything and the will be mine of course he knew he might as well try to change the direction of the wind as to turn her from her purpose and he abruptly ended the conversation the next day the lawyer who attended to the business was sent for and given instructions about the drawing of a will which was duly signed soon after toward the last lost a little of her courage and began to that she would not survive her trial i am not afraid of death she said to mrs drew i know you do not think me such a coward but all my soul is on my baby no one can care for a child like its mother ii will be so little and helpless it will want so many things when it cries no one else will understand oh at least i want to live long enough to its limbs to look for one
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instant at its tiny face miss s health had been superb for years and it stood her in good stead now wouldn t you like to look at asked mrs drew s voice and the invalid heard it with a feeble cry of joy the boy s face was red his eyes of a doubtful shade and his hair too scant to be given a color but the mother gazed at him in admiration isn t he too lovely for anything she exclaimed and then fell into a calm and peaceful slumber out of chapter xvii an amateur it is not to be supposed that an event like this could happen in an american city without attention the press began to contain veiled to it ministers referred to it in their sermons as an evidence of what might be expected when the of the mind were followed instead of the of inspiration a few of the more advanced dared to compliment the young mother for her courage in facing the world to defend her convictions but the great majority of people found guilty of an and wiped her off their books without ceremony an unexpected annoyance was early noted for miss cared not the snap of her finger about what the and newspapers did it was the of her mail with letters from men of individuals who apparently called themselves so her course and that their acquaintance would be to her personal advantage strong minded as was she so at these that she turned all her mail over to dr begging him to give her only such of it as he thought she would like to receive the beast in some men is so near the surface that it only requires the least encouragement to bring it into sight i looked over those letters with the physician an amateur learned that names famous enough to be known the country over had been signed to suggestions at which i cannot even hint strange as had been the conduct of george s daughter she always seemed to those of us who knew her best the very of high and modesty it would have required a not often found to say anything in her presence that of the creatures who wrote her the letters to which i have alluded were to be excused in a measure by the fact that they had not the slightest idea of the personality of that charming girl they knew nothing more than that she was a mother and unmarried which in itself let us admit in all was not of a nature had they seen her in the wondrous beauty of her young they must have shrunk abashed from their own base thoughts it can hardly be said that miss defied the world she rather ignored it she did not her conduct in its face but neither did she hide one of it from all who chose to gaze her delight in her little one was complete although she had a nurse especially for it she did most of the necessary offices herself a suggestion of a bottle was indignantly rejected wanted everybody to understand that she was not one of those mothers who steal for fashion or pleasure the months that belong to their offspring she rode out every afternoon with the child when the weather was fair not seeking to attract attention and yet going boldly to any point she liked regardless of the crowd it was not long before she got used to hearing the out of whispered that is she and sometimes the sup pressed of a silly woman who imagined she had a upon the subject more than this she encountered frowning eyes those of who said in audible voices i should think she would have shame enough to hide her head could not reply to such people without lowering herself by a combat and she chose the easier way of trying to live down their resentment time helped a great deal in this but as long as she remained in new york she never quite escaped being a mark for the curiously inclined i get almost exasperated sometimes when i hear these things she said to us at table one evening but when i look at he pays me for i say us but at the time the were away on a visit to and only dr mrs and myself were present the doctor had quit arguing he had never given up a single inch of his ground but for the sake of peace he kept silence when he could the attitude that i assumed was more acceptable to her i think for i would not contest a single point it was none of my business to instruct or advise her it was really to me that she confided her thoughts i ve another lot of newspaper for you to day she would remark when i called things are getting worse and worse for the poor married people here are two cases of husbands beating their wives one of them a woman is under arrest for her husband in order to marry her lover an unfortunate young girl is in jail under an amateur the charge of her infant which her lord deserted then here are the records of the divorce courts in eleven states desertion cruelty marriage is a great institution mr i don t wonder people insist on call ing it divine i knew that she a agency s and i took the pile of slips she gave me looking with interest at the record attached to each showing the journal from which it was taken and the date on which it was published here is one she said of a more personal nature it a guess as to the of my little with as much as if it was business of the editor or his readers there are women who would go down to his office with a
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but that would only make him more notorious which would probably please him too well i do not understand why the question of is of the slightest importance to any human being there is a country in asia where all the children take the name of their mothers and where it is considered the height of to hint at their paternal under the european rule the mother has hardly been worth discussing at all until recently she had very few legal rights in her own offspring though she ninety nine per cent to its life if i had a husband it would be within the power of a judge in this state to take my child and it perpetually to his care they might as well claim the right to cut out my heart as she was speaking the nurse brought master into the room no truthful man could say out op no when asked by the happy young mother if he had ever seen a prettier child he was darker than his mamma though she was a his hair had now grown abundantly and was inclined to curl his eyes were nearly black like hers come to your mother she said holding out her arms the boy was quick to hear the maternal voice and joyfully into her embrace when he had in her lap they made the prettiest picture i ever saw either on or off canvas had wholly recovered her health and the roses played with her as she pressed the infant to her full round bosom she said with mock gravity holding him away from her take your thumb out of your mouth and look at this gentleman do you realize that he has it in his power to make you a by running away with all your money to canada or or some of those terrible places how would it suit you to have your poor mamma drag you about the street in a hand cart while she sold or needles and thread to sympathetic i could not help thinking of the presented before my eyes for such it always was thanks perhaps to my imperfect education at least that is what miss would have called it why did not something be it ever so little tell of this girl s lowered standard of her taste there was absolutely nothing her countenance was as pure as it was fair she was by the that can make even a plain face beautiful it was evident that she was as unconscious of an amateur wrong as adam and eve when they strayed in that first twilight through the leafy groves of if like them she was naked like them she was not ashamed the story of this child would be an entertaining one i suggested you might let me write it out then when i had run away with your fortune you could make more money by selling it than with your pins and needles she not but from the very quality of her full veins i did not know you were a writer of fiction she answered neither am i but there must be enough in the history of this pretty boy without drawing on one s powers to make a most fascinating story she raised the child again from her lap and pressed her lips to his check tell me one thing she said suddenly looking me full in the face do you hold as bad an opinion of me as the rest of them do you really consider me lacking in what shall i call it respectability it was my own face that now i was afraid of it she said with an air of con and acting as if not the least offended this is the test if you had a sister you wouldn t wish her to associate with me there is mrs drew the most intimate friend i ever had among women frightened to death lest her daughter should meet a girl who has the stiff rules that have crushed her i have not one friend to day that deserves to be called such neither woman nor man of course you treat me politely and dr out of comes to dinner occasionally but neither of you would care to walk down the avenue with me i m very certain it is not surprising the world is tied together by such little threads that people fear to break a single one of them or rather to admit having done so you gone abroad about two years i remarked yes where did you spend most of your time excuse me she replied with a smile i never talk about that journey i have no desire to into your secrets i answered but i am thinking of crossing the ocean soon myself and i felt an interest in discussing the matter with one who had already been there she looked at me with a trace of suspicion which vanished instantly a good guide book is worth more to you than all i could say she laughed i did not know you were going though how long do you intend to remain i replied that that would depend on circumstances i felt the need of a change after having devoted myself so closely to business mr will attend to your interests i added with frequent with me through the mail of course she allowed me to kiss the baby remarking that i was one of a very small circle who was permitted that wonderful privilege and so i took my leave that evening after retiring to my bed the thought came over me as it had often done before an amateur i ought to make an effort to about the origin of master in the process of time it was very possible i would be in the position of a for him as i now was for his mother there are rights even t the
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child that is and certainly to those too young and helpless to speak for themselves miss would not talk on this important theme every year that passed would make it harder to ascertain the truth the position that i occupied relieved me from the charge of but how could i hope to a mystery so carefully hidden from every eye if i could learn the route miss ha j travelled it would give me a to begin upon great things have been accomplished from suggestions a bit of colored such as pool table pockets are made of led to the fixing of a murder upon a man who collected from a factory by a scratch on a safe door s hero traces his guilty heroine it would amuse me if nothing else to assume the of an amateur and if after all i discovered nothing no harm would be done there was but one person in whom i could safely confide my plan mr my fellow but i believe a secret never yet was kept better by two persons than one and i said nothing even to him the only interview i had was with dr and that was conducted in such a way that the good man did not suspect my purpose he was a most delightful old gentleman who would have made an excellent subject for a story all by himself out of the talk that i had with occurred the next day after my visit to miss last referred to he was always pleased to the story as he knew it and i made him tell it to me again from the beginning he lay back in his office chair and talked of george and as if they had been his children but when he came to the latest development of the family s peculiarity he grew animated and took on a high color was there ever anything like it he exclaimed here is a young woman of ordinary sense in everything else with good looks with a fortune equipped in short to take any place she pleased in society and she throws it all away every chance to be anything or anybody on this ridiculous i lost all patience with her long ago there ll be trouble later when the boy grows up he ll tell her his opinion when he finds the inconvenience of being a the doctor growled as he omitted the disagreeable word of course you believe his father is dead i said yes has faults enough but she can t tell an when she doesn t wish to answer she simply her lips and no man is strong enough to compel her to open them i asked him incidentally if she had said much of her journey in the letters she wrote him from abroad nothing at all hardly he replied i did not have above ten letters altogether they are all here and he exhibited a in a rubber band taking it from a drawer in his desk you may look them over and welcome he tossed them to me and as i began to open a patient s call took the physician out of the amateur room it was very for i wanted to copy the dates without his attention i took up a pencil and and began writing nervously liverpool may london june paris this was the way they ran may a long interval and then and afterwards points in spain and the final letter announcing that she was coming home this was the path she had travelled it was something to go by and it would certainly have interested a man like mr not only the city and date were given but usually the hotel it was the letter dated at however that struck me particularly well you didn t find much there said dr when he returned she is a deep girl and knew enough to cover her tracks well it is a shame in a world made up like ours a boy is entitled to know who his father is not to have the least information about it leaves him in a of a state he can t tell whether he is the offspring of a gentleman or a robber one of these days will wake up to the mischief she s done i agreed with him in a mild way for it was my policy not to take strong ground with anyone who assumed to my ward too severely five weeks later i alighted from a steamer at and at the beautifully situated hotel de out of chapter xviii in and about the city of is certainly one of the places on the globe as seen from the it has few rivals in point of artificial attractions it is a veritable city set on a hill that cannot be hid both the old town or quarter and the new or french city are visible from the sea the prevailing almost the only exterior of the buildings is of pure white high above the water front a grand street is built on which rows of stately buildings face the mother country looking exactly as if they had been taken from the de and to these tropical shores long and easily ascended ways allow the wagon or foot passenger to reach this street from the landing the whole affair being a of architecture for a short distance to the rear of the hotels the ground is nearly level and in this section most of the shops the theatres and some most engaging small are found beyond these the hill rises gradually giving to the like the appearance of being built in and magnificent views of each the best of carriage roads constructed by french who have no rivals in that line wind gracefully to the summit of this elevation which is called the climate of has few equals and during in about a great part of the
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year it can have no superior although the vegetation to the in december and january there is seldom a day when the weather is warm on the in thirteen successive years the and on the during those months this is several degrees warmer than nice or most of the i found a in the air that acted like medicine to my tired nerves and made me feel as if i could spend the entire winter there without wishing to go further the street scenes are most inspiring to one who sees for the first time as i then did that mixture of races which is found so commonly in the towns of the east at every step is met the veiled wife of the with her trousers her face hid in an that the foreigner seldom in passing her lord the with his head his white and an air that him as the most dignified and of men the negro than any ace of as thoroughly in religion as the sons of the of a stock somewhat similar to the and yet of a race apart his women having their faces uncovered and besides these representatives of almost every european people attracted either by business or pleasure to this princess of winter a writer who is evidently thoroughly familiar with the old or quarter of describes it so well that i feel justified in quoting a few lines the streets he says seem a curious for old testament and the actors in the nights the on the floor of the out of t over their coffee and draughts group themselves like a picture of joseph s brethren it might be or who is driving the flock of brown or which you off the pavement you turn up some steep alley with the houses meeting overhead and some lovely old door opens and out veiled in white with her copper water jar on her shoulder giving you a momentary glimpse of cool court yards with slender pillars and bright across the opening at the top of the alley passes a slim handsome boy all in white except for a long mantle of grass green then you meet a in a black skull cap and a in blue satin over a gold but this is not the place to sing the loveliness of and its i only note enough of them to show why i lingered there for weeks when the i had begun bore no fruit the pleasure of finding such a hotel as that of the as good as most of those in paris itself and situated better than any of them helped to me the young proprietor m and his girl wife had evidently learned their business well it was very interesting to watch the latter then at an age when american girls would be their and at the s desk with all the gravity of one twice her years and giving orders to servants in a tone that showed how competent she for the management of her department and there was a head porter or named victor who had mastered the art of and could tell you anything you pleased to inquire like a walking in and about a soon discovered that victor remembered miss well she was accompanied when at the hotel by a french maid and an oriental whose impressive robes made a sensation among the other guests there was a legend that had said that she always felt ill dressed in the presence of this magnificent fellow in his blue and white no victor did not remember that the lady had any acquaintances at certainly none had called for her at the hotel for his memory was perfect in such matters miss had spent money liberally driving a great deal going to the theatre and every quarter of the city with care her tips to the of the hotel had been so liberal as to make her a marked guest among them she did not stay in steadily the winter she was there although she retained her rooms she went into the interior with her maid and sometimes also with a native guide and was gone as much as two weeks at a time victor was positive that nothing resembling a gentleman friend had loomed upon the horizon he had marked that fact and commented upon it to his wife who was a de and had taken care of miss s apartments they had come to the conclusion that the fair was a man for though she dined in the general room and was the subject of many admiring glances she seemed wholly blind to the interest she excited among the masculine set this information was not obtained all at but in a way not calculated to excite undue suspicion victor received the five pieces that out op i out to him and gave me the most charming imaginable but that was all the good it did believing that i should only waste my time by my stay in the city i determined to tour the rest of as a matter of pleasure the travellers i met who had been to and gave me glowing accounts of the beauties of those places and my expectations consoled me in some degree for the disappointment i had experienced but on the evening before i was to leave the city of i was witness to a most novel event it made a great impression upon me and i can do no less than describe it here i was strolling at random through the town late in the afternoon when my attention was attracted by what may have been either a military review or evening a regiment of soldiers was going through in an open square of large size and as a small crowd was gathering in the vicinity i followed the rest before the parade was dismissed and the soldiers had returned to their i was treated to
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an unusual exhibition the troops were drawn up in a hollow square and the look of on every face showed that something unusual was about to occur a dead silence prevailed for some seconds and then there emerged from a military prison near by a small file of soldiers guarding a man and marching him at a toward the main body the man under guard was dressed in clothing the coat of which was of military cut and color he was evidently in great disgrace for he was hurried along in and about by his escort those behind him carrying their close to his legs it was now evident that the soldiers were drawn up for no other reason than to witness this spectacle the drums began to beat a tune to which the kept time twice was he marched around the square and then the that was with him halted in front of the chief officers of the military bodies present a man in the uniform of a general stepped forward and in a very haughty and severe tone addressed some remarks to the prisoner for such he undoubtedly was my to the parties was not so great that i could hear distinctly what was said but i gathered that the prisoner was a sentence for some of rules and that this public disgrace was part of the penalty that had been pronounced upon him at the end of his the officer deliberately cut the military buttons from the coat worn by the other evidently that he was from wearing those of the service he had then the man was marched back into his jail the band struck up a lively tune and the soldiers were soon out of sight much impressed with the entire affair i could not take my eyes from the disgraced prisoner it struck me that he bore his position with extraordinary fortitude considering the trying circumstances of the case there was nothing of the look in his face nothing in fact but determination and courage by this i do not mean either he marched to the step set for him by the drums as if il were the thing to do knowing that any other course would be met with the treatment out of he listened respectfully to the insulting words ot the officer while a thousand of what were probably his old comrades looked on when all was over he obeyed the order to return to the place of his just as it seemed to me he would have marched to the knife of a had that been the destiny in store for him during the major portion of his march the eyes of the prisoner were fixed on the ground on the way back to the jail however he looked about him like one who knows his present trial is nearly ended and allows his eyes to assume their natural position i was so situated on the outskirts of the crowd that i could now see him plainly the impression i had formed of his being above the ordinary soldier in intellectual was strengthened as he passed near me his gaze met mine i suppose my face reflected the sympathy i felt perhaps the only sentiment of the kind in all that throng either civil or military the prisoner had but a of a second to return my look but in that brief moment he had shot a glance of gratitude that moved me to the utmost when he had passed i turned away with more than a suspicion of moisture in my eyes i wanted to ask the history of this man for it interested me greatly but i could not bring myself to do so i dreaded too much the possibility of hearing that he had done something which would lower him beyond repair in my estimation his pathetic figure and proud face had made an impression on my rather susceptible imagination that i did not wish i decided that it was better to retain this picturesque figure in my memory in and about to have it and by such an as truth for the next three months i wandered over and more and more with the of the climate and the people especially do i love the race whose sons combine the stature of the north american indian with the gentleness of the and the intelligence of the at i never tired of the where the dancing girls of that desert tribe which has furnished entertainment of this sort for centuries sway their bodies to the music of weird instruments wholly in form and tone one of the dancers a creature of sixteen or who combined in her pretty face the attributes of the and the european the latter slightly and bore in her eyes a trace of some ancient of blood was as pretty as any piece of ware i met her in the market place one morning with a baby in her arms even prettier than herself which it took but a glance to see was her own sen fire f i asked and she answered with all imaginable le from all these pleasures i tore myself as spring approached though the delicious climate had not yet begun to be warm returning to i spent a few days in trying for the last time to learn something new about miss s stay there but without avail and to cap the climax i finally received a letter from the lady herself in which the irony was too evident to be mis taken she had learned of my visit to this part of africa and had guessed that it might not be out of with a desire to penetrate the she had guarded so well the letter had made the rounds having been forwarded a dozen times and the envelope was well covered with miss had learned of my whereabouts from a newspaper paragraph confound the who wrote it
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and said she could not help expressing a hope that i would find pleasure in a country she had so much admired i wish you had told me your destination she said for having passed a whole winter in that section i might have been able to tell you something of value this will probably reach you too late to be of service all i can do then is to beg you if you will be so kind to remember me to m and of the hotel de and to victor the and his wife if you go from to spain you will find the the best hotel in and the the best not only in but in all the when are you to return to america i shall be glad to meet you again now you have visited scenes where i experienced so much pleasure it was easy to detect the sarcasm beneath these apparently innocent lines miss suspected that i was upon her track and wished me to understand that she laughed at my her mention of spain convinced me that she believed i would follow her footsteps to that country from africa she took pains not only to mention the cities but the very hotels at which she had stopped she had no fear that i would discover anything and her derision seemed well founded i had been abroad five m he insulted a woman months and had seen nothing that in the least explained the great puzzle i had started so to solve chapter xix he insulted a woman my way to spain was where i was to take a steamer to most of the country on the way is of an uninteresting nature but there are points where the traveller may stay over with profit walked about for a day or two taking in th views and learning the history of the which has been the prey of the and french the site was also occupied by the whose those ever evidences of the huge paper chase performed by the world s are still found occasionally by some although most of the present inhabitants are of anything but french origin the town like everything else that the is french in government to the smallest particular i contend that the frenchman makes the best on african soil and that it would be a good thing for and the world at large if every foot of that empire was under the direction of the e the boats that cross to the european coast are good enough affairs not remarkably large or fast out of but there were few passengers on the one i took and after we had started which was in the evening i went upon the deck to have a smoke and enjoy the seclusion of a calm and rather dark tropical night there were not many and what there were scattered as far apart as possible an english clergyman of the established church with his wife occupied one of these a frenchman with what appeared to be a very recently wedded bride had another and three spanish friends a third i was not surprised therefore when a gentleman who had just come up the approached me politely and said pardon but i think you have room for me the expression was in french and though i am by no means an expert in that language i have no difficulty either in understanding it or in making myself understood one of the things to me in foreign journeys let me say in passing is the almost and good fellowship i have met with from travellers of other in countries where i have had but the most meagre command of the language i have found natives so polite so anxious to explain a point or to do me a favor that i have blushed at the contrast with my own countrymen on like occasions in america the struggle of a foreigner with the english tongue is considered a thing for mirth seldom wholly restrained even in the best circles the inability of a person to speak english is taken to imply ignorance on his part so gross as to be astonishing in other lands on the contrary the traveller who finds himself in a he ik a woman is offered the best services of to whom he applies a frenchman once told me that the reason his people did not laugh at french was because it had for them no element of humor he could not understand why it seemed funny to anyone a very sensible way of looking at it it seems to me i therefore said certainly to the stranger and further showed my good will by offering him a cigar which he accepted in a few minutes we were talking familiarly as travellers do it was not light enough to make out his features distinctly but his voice had a melodious sound that was most agreeable learning that i had been all winter in africa he asked what part i liked best to which i responded that on the whole i preferred do you he exclaimed in a cynical tone a l think it the most detestable spot on the globe perhaps you did not remain long enough to appreciate its beauties i suggested mildly i have been there five or six years most of the time he responded with a laugh that was distinctly disagreeable i wished it were light enough to see his face the mention of the word seemed to have wrought a complete change in him for a man who disliked it so much you made a fairly long stay i remarked yes he replied but sometimes there are circumstances over which one has no control i begged his pardon for the i had exhibited but he the least and his voice again took on the tone out of that had pleased me learning that i was an american
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a continental european seldom knows how to distinguish us from the english he showed a deep interest in my country and overwhelmed me with questions about it he said he had long wished to cross the atlantic and believed he should soon do so then you will not return to i remarked innocently i hope not he exclaimed and i saw that i had touched a tender place again no i never mean to see that cursed spot i shall visit some relations in spain and then if i do not change my mind i shall go to france the moon had begun to rise and as the night grew lighter i glanced with great interest toward my companion his figure itself by degrees but it was some time before i could discern his features as we were sitting my own face came first into the light and i fancied my companion was looking at it intently as if he had discovered something in it of peculiar interest suddenly the moon shone out and as if a curtain had been drawn away i saw distinctly the man who occupied the seat with me you recognize me he said with an uneasy laugh i bowed he was the man who had been marched around the up ranks of soldiers then and taken back to confinement you are not flattered at discovering with whom you have been talking so long he said well i do not blame you and yet when i saw you that he insulted a woman day i believed there was in your eyes the quality of mercy i hastened to assure him that he was judging me too quickly if he imagined i had any disposition to avoid him i admitted that i was slightly affected by the of the occurrence but that i was quite as glad to have him for a companion as if i had not been the witness of his unhappy experience you are not a frenchman said he after returning a low bow to my remarks otherwise you would the sentiments which you mention and which i am bound to believe you state correctly it is plain to you that i have been the sentence of a court martial for an of which i was guilty it is all very well for a convicted man to declare himself innocent they all do that but people are not supposed to believe them having then according to the record disgraced my service my family and my rank i could only live in peace in france by assuming a false name and hiding myself in some country village or in the corners of our great capital neither of these things am i willing to do and i shall consequently either to america or go to some other distant point where i am unlikely to meet many of my countrymen i again begged my companion to believe that he had not read the sentiments which affected me on the day i first saw him and i added that i could say with equal earnestness that i felt assured that an injustice had been done him in some way you are most kind to say so he answered if our or we remain long together i will tell you the simple truth about the whole affair and you may judge whether i have been wronged for the present let us leave a disagreeable subject will you kindly tell me whether you are a member of any of the professions or whether you are engaged in commercial pursuits though he added with a winning smile americans are so wealthy i suppose few of them do anything toward gaining a in response i handed him my card and received his own on his were engraved the words one of the first things that my new friend asked was that i should call him to which i consented with some we passed a pleasant evening and the next day he agreed to go with me through the southern part of spain as he had some days to spare before he expected his brother to meet him a description of the pleasures of our journey would be superfluous here but you may find more interesting an account of some conversations that i had with m from time to time on the trains as we passed through the country your name is not wholly french is it i asked him one day it sounds to me as if it had an italian origin you are partly right said he it was originally like that of the but we think ourselves as french now as the president my family has been very proud of its standing our representatives having held office under most of the recent legitimate sovereigns and been selected for insulted a woman important posts even under the republic this generation is the first he added bitterly to be accused of its fair name i took advantage of the opportunity to remind my friend that he had not yet told me anything of the trouble to which he referred i will not deny that my curiosity has been much excited over your case i said i felt even by that brief look in your eyes when you were marched by me a prisoner that you were the victim of some terrible wrong my closer acquaintance makes me all the more certain that such is the case that you must have been punished for an you never committed he paused for some seconds apparently engrossed with the hedges that lined the railway for miles hedges from whence come the red and white roses that adorn the dark of the spanish beauties at church theatre and ball i intend to tell you everything by and by he said slowly to day let me only correct you in one important point the with which i was charged was one i really did commit it was
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an attempt on the life of a brother officer the fact was as stated in the complaint i did my best to kill him had i succeeded i might not be sitting here talking with you luckily as i now view it the bullet i fired did not penetrate as deeply as i intended it should i was surprised at this confession which i had not in the least anticipated looked at me to note the effect of his statement and i did my best to conceal the shock it gave me before you condemn me too severely he said s of let me a word of explanation in raising my hand against that man i had no private grief to satisfy we had been friends for years were at that very time or a moment before the comrades in our division what was the matter then he did something that i d not forgive in any man no matter what ties bound him to me he insulted a woman in my presence chapter xx astonished it was growing interesting the closing statement had indeed put a different aspect on the affair my friend was no ordinary no mere who could not control his temper when his pride was touched but a who had resented an injury to the feelings of a lady it must have been a very gross insult i suggested it was so gross that i found my blood on fire in an instant and grasping a revolver i discharged it at my friend before i had time to form a thought in due time i was put on my trial in spite of all attempts to me i refused to explain the cause of my act my brother soldier did all he could to save me though his hurt was so great that he had to leave the service and i fear will never fully recover my sentence at first much more severe was at last to five years astonished ment with a semi annual proceeding of the kind you witnessed to the efforts of the man i wounded i am indebted for the pardon which has set me free but leaves me little better than an alien of the country to which i would gladly give my life the concluding words were spoken with deep feeling and my warmest sympathy as had into silence i did not annoy him by questions though i wanted very much to hear fuller particulars it was several days later after we had visited and were on our way to that the matter was referred to again does the lady for whom you struck your brother officer know of the trouble your act has caused you i asked yes he replied she should have been profoundly grateful i said i hope her actions showed that she appreciated it ah he answered there was no question of that ashamed to draw him out as i was doing i could not help nevertheless from pursuing my a romance has sprung before now out of a lesser circumstance i suggested to make it complete in your case this lady should have married you he shifted uneasily in his place and waited a minute before replying a man under sentence a disgraced man is not the finest match in the world he said besides the fact is i am married i said oh and bade adieu to what out of i had hoped would prove a more entertaining episode you have spoken of your brother officer so often and never of your wife i explained that i naturally supposed you single and madame she is in france i presume a strange mixture of emotions my companion s features it is a long time since i have seen her he said we have separated for good a sort of american custom is it not i have heard that your marriage ties are very easily arranged i could not help asking just one more question when he had last seen the lady in whose behalf he had made so great a sacrifice he answered that his arrest had prevented his seeing anyone until within the present month but i said you will now seek to renew your acquaintance with her although i am married he replied with a rising there are that do not depend on love i replied with some confusion even between men and women he asked me certainly some of the best and truest he looked at me earnestly i believe you wholly he said in spite of at the evil there is in the world some hearts remain true and good but in the case to which you refer i fear my presence would not be welcome i should only recall a scene that must have been very dis i astonish but the lady i asked was she of your country no she was english or perhaps american i know she spoke the english tongue though i did not understand it well enough to talk much with ver in an instant my imagination took a wild flight could it be that i had stumbled on something that would give me a clue to miss s secret after searching for it in vain so long at all i had learned was that she had stopped at the with her maid the having been dismissed at at and the other places en route this was the only story in connection with her visit never a man that had been seen speaking to her nothing in the least she was seldom out at night and then the of the hotel to accompany the two women she had left behind a memory of good nature extreme politeness and generosity could it be that the english or american lady and never can tell them apart was the daughter of george on what could i base such a theory on the mere fact thus far that a lady
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who spoke english had been known by my new acquaintance in had been insulted by his brother officer and the officer had been wounded of what did the insult consist a thousand possibilities filled my brain my theory became so fascinating that i feared to ask anything more in relation to it lest it should by the first reply be dashed to the ground pardon me i said when i was unable to contain our or myself any longer do you know the name of this lady he flushed a not habit that he had when if i did he answered i could not of course it as a matter of fact i do not i only know what i presume are her and of that i am not entirely certain i must find out whether there was anything in my guess and i hesitated no longer were those asked anything like b b sprang up greatly excited presently however he fell back into his seat and gasped out a question were those at random m not at all i answered i know a lady who bears them and i know she was several years ago in for the winter there are other things that lead me to fancy she may be the heroine of your story he breathed hard evidently overcome with astonishment what other things he asked she has told me a strange tale including a statement that a certain man met with a violent death you say that your brother officer narrowly escaped losing his life as gasped again i thought how impossible it was for the one who attempts a even in the best cause to forget what he has done when did you last see the lady you speak of asked with great earnestness last autumn astonished in england in america what was she doing there she was spending her time principally in the care of her infant again the frenchman rose to his feet trembling in every limb i think we had best drop the subject i remarked uneasily no lie said sharply i insist that you answer me how old is this infant i him to regain his seat and he complied then i gave him the child s age as well as i could whereupon he me with more questions than i could answer very well he said finally you are right the best thing is for us to talk of something else not on my account i said i am willing to admit now that we have gone so far that my chief object in coming to africa and spain was to obtain tidings of this very matter another of his impetuous motions betrayed the nervous nature that was in him she sent you he no i explained to him my connection with the estate and what do you conclude now he asked i think the child of my friend miss b i answered slowly is also that of the officer you my companion shook his head then he murmured absurd and seemed much agitated i wish to know that officer s name his rank his out of family and his present residence i continued when i have ascertained these facts i shall hav done how will you get them by returning at once to smiled faintly i will save you all that trouble he replied politely he was a colonel his name is louis and his city is taking out a book i noted each of these facts carefully now said coldly there will be ing i presume to detain you in europe let me only suggest that if you speak of me to the lady we have been so freely discussing you will use me as gently as you can i assure you i have given correctly the information you in return will you favor me with your full american address in order that i may communicate with you in case i ever ascertain anything else of importance i handed him my card with the address of my banker at new york written and we parted without enthusiasm when his brother met him at chapter xxi goes abroad in hast i will not pretend that i was wholly comfortable in mind after i parted from i had endeavored to into the secrets of a fellow goes abroad ha t traveller in a way that could hardly have raised in his estimation by answering my inquiries in respect to in such a frank way had given a final stroke to my he had been in all things the thorough gentleman while i had acted like an of the police bent on discovering certain facts at any cost it was growing warmer and i leisurely toward the north i had no desire to return to america at that time of year the rays of the sun on the soil of my country during a great part of the summer make it to one who has experienced the more temperate airs of europe but i could not refrain from writing an answer to the letter i had received from miss to show that her sarcasm was not wholly deserved and that i was not in such total ignorance of her adventures as she believed there was not much to tell it is true but i had enough to her this is the letter i wrote my dear miss your very considerate note reached me just as i was leaving africa i remembered you with pleasure to and madame but i had already talked about you with them and discovered that they were much interested in your welfare victor and his pretty wife had also learned that i knew you for a lady who spent so brief a season in i must say you left a remarkably pleasant impression i am now on my way to paris where i expect to stay till about the first of july from there i shall go
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to sur a place i would advise you to visit the next time you go abroad i shall make but few stops on my way north and spend not more than a day or two in a place unless it be at where i intend to see some old friend out of by the name of whose son louis was badly wounded some time ago in i wondered if you knew of the circumstance it is said that a peculiar affair of the heart preceded it but these french call all sorts of things affairs du it made a sensation at the time his the young and dashing m f was a general favorite and his sentence provoked regret may i beg that you will kiss master for me and that if you have the time to spare you will send me a line with the latest news addressed in care of de ever your friend j m at paris i engaged a of rooms on the this was a pleasure i had promised myself years before on the occasion of my first visit to the imperial city i do not know what makes this seem to me the most majestic in all paris but that is the impression i have always had there is an some thing that none of the others grand though they be can boast a letter from a banker at proved that was well known there as well as the fact that he was injured in in a private quarrel his health was still poor and he was supposed to be travelling this proved that had been honest with me a fortnight later i received a second letter from miss she had evidently wasted little time before replying to my communication and she had thrown aside all of her your letter she said interested me more that i can explain and now i want to ask a favor of you tell me without from whom you o i s abroad in haste learned the facts of the assault on d and the sentence of f do what i ask and i may soon be able to tell you more than i have yet revealed to any human being of that episode in my life at which the world seems astounded and for which i am still by my friends do not hesitate i pray the matter has gone beyond the trivial stage and is of the greatest seriousness to me i smiled with the air of a conqueror when i read these lines it was plain that i had touched my correspondent in a tender place and that i should accomplish most of what i had resolved upon when left dr s office six months before my next letter was brief but written with care receive my assurance i said if you need it that i would do anything to serve your true interests while i have learned much about your winter in i have nothing except the fact which you certainly do not appear to wish concealed that you are a mother my chief was m who was for some time my travelling companion he received his pardon two months ago or so and has left i had been about a fortnight at sur each day i was growing of the lazy life by the sea the odd machines in which one takes his long ride into the surf the who draw the out or in according to the direction the tide is moving the picturesque figures in bathing that cover the by the hundred the attired ladies and gentlemen who occupy chairs along the beach or sit under to watch the never ending show all make out of one of the most delightful spots during the season in the evening there are drives and to the grand heights above and the watching of the and clad in their quaint bare legged and crowned with the hats you ever saw and then the handsome that fill the and its illuminated grounds in the village streets i could walk for days glancing at the clean of the low houses where the heavy wooden beds and of the present occupants put to shame the modern spider legged and where the indispensable in all its glory of gilt seldom attempts in any way to indicate the passing hours i prefer you to to even to that loveliest of american pier i knew that one of the had made her landing but something more attractive chained me to the hotel a north of england girl twenty years of age with a that could not be was telling me that the only fault she found with was the warmth of the water she was accustomed to every day at home in the north sea whose temperature i understand is about that of ordinary ice water and the waves at which i thought rather chilly struck her as merely the girl had the english color her eye was bright her arms showing through the lace like sleeves of her were round as a child s she weighed as she herself informed me thirteen stone i had to reckon it into pounds though she was but five feet three in height she had a hand and foot that would not be considered goes abroad is haste small in american circles but they fitted the rest of her figure to perfection i have always felt a sense of gratitude to mr because he was willing that his gigantic heroine should have feet in proportion to her size this north of england girl was a fine specimen from every sensible and no atlantic was sufficient to me from her time passes more rapidly than one can account for when such pleasant company is being enjoyed before i should have supposed it possible for the steamer s passengers to reach the hotel a garden came into the parlor and handed me a note my
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surprise could hardly be exceeded when i saw the signature of at the end she had just arrived and wished to see me without delay in her private parlor myself to my companion i fancied a shade of came into her ruddy countenance i went at once to miss s rooms the familiar face met my eyes as soon as the door was opened to me but it was not the happy com posed face i had known in new york it was thai of one who had been in deep trouble i beg pardon sincerely r sending for you in such haste she said as soon as she had taken my hand and me to a seat i am very tired and a sea voyage always me you were ill on the ocean i asked yes it was a most unpleasant passage you did not expect me did you i thought at first of but it seemed absurd really i am making you no of annoyance i wonder what you think me oft of i assured her that she had not troubled me at and that i was most pleased to see her and render any service in my power then i inquired after the health of the child and with whom she had left it good heavens did you imagine i could go away so far without she exclaimed he is in the next room with being put to bed for his nap you must have started in haste i observed if you came after you received my last letter miss clasped her hands nervously together oh i did she replied i wanted to know so many things and and it takes so long for the i waited patiently for her to continue she was evidently influenced by some intense emotion i would gladly have helped to soothe her had i known the best way to do it why did you interest yourself in my secret she ejaculated as if in pain i was happy and contented and now i am utterly miserable i do not understand how anything have done should have that effect on you i exclaimed astonished miss turned her face from me apparently to conceal some that was about to cross it of course you don t she i and i cannot make you unless i tell you every r which i cannot yet do you have a theory i am sure about me about this affair won t you tell me what it is miss i said the state of mind in which i find you me greatly i supposed goes abroad in haste from all that you had said to me and what others had told me that you were perfectly certain that you had done right that you had no regrets on account of your child now i am led to believe she stopped me before i could go any farther this is too cruel she cried you are imagining things that have no foundation i love my child as much as ever i have no regrets in connection with aim not one but you have been in you have met you say a certain gentleman and what i ask is what theory have you in spite of the assurances she had given me i had r feeling of a decidedly unpleasant nature when i told her what i suspected namely that was the father of she uttered a little oh and covered her face with both hands for a minute i thought she was about to burst into tears he did not say that sh j asked in low trembling tones no he said little except that he had tried to kill his friend on your account and he gave me a few particulars about himself such as that he had a brother at and a wife somewhere he my companion rose to her feet and stared at me wildly a wife she exclaimed he has married then since i saw him long before i replied judging by the way h spoke he said she had gone her way and he did intend to search for her he seemed by her desertion at a time when he most needed her sympathy and i connected the occurrence with his out of a thousand emotions chased each other over the face that was turned toward me but at the time i had no key to a single one of them and i think you wrote me that you told him about she said next yes what did he say he seemed intensely surprised miss nodded her head more to herself than to me and gazed at the carpet for some seconds without speaking you are going to remain at for some time longer i presume she said finally then when i had responded in the affirmative she added i am so tired now that i will ask you to excuse me to morrow if you are willing i will talk with you again she bowed me out politely and i went in search of my north sea divinity but she had fled and the parlor that had known her knew her no more that lay chapter xxii age as tu mon be g when sur is open to anyone who chooses to go there it ought not to have surprised me to see a few days after the arrival of miss the two brothers along the j met them and all three of us age as tu mon raised our hats after the european custom i did not intend to stop for my parting with had been rather cold but first addressing some remark in a very low tone to his brother stepped aside and gave me his hand cordially i did not expect to meet you he said with a smile it is some distance from here to yes i admitted but is an old friend of mine besides i added
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with a glance at i have acquaintances here from america a certain lady of whom i spoke to when we were in spain flushed visibly at my statement he seemed ill at ease and turning abruptly to his brother alluded to an engagement that they were on the way to keep when my presence interrupted their walk it is eleven o clock already he said we shall certainly be late directly mon replied the lady is then of particular interest to you i judge he said to me a sweetheart perhaps or but i think you are not married excuse us won t you spoke up with agitation we will see you later in the day you are so careless about he added to his brother that i really must remind you again of the hour good day at the same time that he said these words with his eyes a plea that i would make no further allusion to the american lady before his brother and i saw no reason why i should out of not oblige him consequently i mentioned that i also had an engagement and that i hoped to meet them in the evening at the two hours later as i was coming from breakfast or lunch as the americans would say i met who a brief audience in my private apartment don t my conduct too strongly were his first words when we were inside my parlor i know i seemed disagreeable to you at but i had things to trouble me we are still friends i hope or at least not enemies what i wish to ask is that you will refrain from alluding to madame in the presence of my brother he he does not understand and it is for the advantage of all concerned that he should not give me your word as a gentleman that you will do this and i shall feel secure otherwise i must make an excuse to get him to leave at once more mystery i shall be very glad to make your mind easy i said but he is likely to learn of the matter from others if he remains here miss is in this very hotel with her child and she may meet you and him at any moment he glanced at the door as if he expected she might enter in this house he repeated she and her child yes they arrived on the last steamer he seemed lost in thought for several minutes pardon me he said at last i answered a age as tf mon great many questions for you when we were at will you answer a few for me if i can why did how do you pronounce her name ton why has she come to europe at this time well i answered to be frank with you she came on account of a letter i wrote informing her that i had heard of her african experience looked greatly puzzled she came all the way across the ocean on that account he said yes she wanted to hear the fullest particulars from my own lips and lost no time in doing so an atlantic journey is not so great an undertaking as it once was the frenchman measured his words with and when she arrived you told her what that i had met you and that you had told me i told you nothing i beg your pardon i told her i had learned about her child s father that was it in brief as if a ball had by his eyes you told her he echoed i told her what i knew s face wore a strange expression and what did the lady say he asked what could she say out of how long will she remain abroad a long time probably for what purpose he inquired suspiciously perhaps to see or you i at random he rose took a few strides up and down the room and ejaculated oh no with some vigor no indeed if she knew i was in she would leave it to morrow i think you had best tell her if you will be so kind has planned to stay a month and we shall be in constant danger of running across ton which d be i remarked that i should certainly inform her that he was in the village if he desired it but that a brief note from his own hand would answer the same purpose i write so after my long confinement at manual labor he said in excuse that i fear she could never read it just mention that i am here speak as if i were alone you know for of course she does not know anything about the other members of my family and mark the result on the next morning she will pack her and start for some other quarter of the globe by the way could you manage to let me see her boy i ca v ed a servant and gave him a note to miss in which i stated that an acquaintance of mine wished to see her offspring and would she allow him to be brought up for a few minutes when reached the room which was half an hour later so anxious had the fond mamma been to make him thoroughly examined him with the greatest interest age as tu mon age as tu mon he said passing his hands through the little fellow s curls he does not speak french i explained when the boy looked at the face and listened to the strange tongue pas un f not one who should have taught him said to be sure in a low tone and resumed his inspection of the infant why the deuce did i never learn english he exclaimed to think that i can t ask this chap his age in a way that he can understand his mother is
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equally ignorant i think of the most beautiful tongue f well he is a pretty fellow and i am infinitely obliged to you as he was apparently through with his inspection i took to the maid who was in waiting outside my door and delivered him into her what is that name you called him asked when i returned he repeated struggling with the what kind of name is that i told him it was probably a mere fancy a name that happened to suit the taste of his mother oh i remember he replied you do not name children after the saints as we do i thought there could be no st well the name is good enough and you tell me she calls the boy ton yes shook his head but does not that excite comment he asked what kind ot arrangements you in america out of by which a child takes his mother s name instead of his father s is that the custom in your country explain it to me please i did not know as i had a right to enter into a full explanation especially as it was doubtful if he would appreciate the very peculiar circumstances of this very peculiar case so i told him it was another fancy of miss s she always calls herself ton does she he asked not madame exactly she is a very independent woman with a fortune of her own and does as she pleases he murmured that it was most unaccountable feeling that one good turn deserved another and that i ought to receive something in return for the information i was i tried to get him to tell me fuller particulars about his part in the affair but he was still won t you say in what your friend the colonel s insult consisted i asked u ah mon ami you must excuse me that matter is of such a painful nature that i cannot bear to recall it poor louis has paid dearly for his fault but i do not see why she should avoid you i said your part in the matter seems to have been a most honorable one he thanked me by a low bow and said it did not follow that madame held that opinion besides why did i not question her in relation to it if she was willing to tell me he would no objection as there was no more to be got out of him i was not sorry when he brought the interview to a close age as tu mon it had taken up an hour of my time not worth much it is true but worse than wasted so far as i could see that evening while sitting on the with miss who spent considerable of her leisure time in my company i resolved to tell her that was at and mark the effect of the news i met an old acquaintance of yours to day was the way i began it then as she glanced at me i continued from the color left her cheek as she turned a frightened face toward me who she whispered here i she cried here in this hotel he was in my room for an hour this very afternoon she drew a long breath and her eyes opened wider and it was he to whom you showed my boy i nodded to admit that she was right in her supposition mr she said biting her lips that was not fair so far as i knew it was perfectly right i replied if you persist in keeping the main facts of your case from me you must not be surprised if i in judgment groping as i am in the dark i could see that she what did he say about she inquired breathing heavily that he was a handsome child and that he regretted they could not speak a common tongue out or was that all that was all and about me that you would leave if you knew he were here with the of a woman or a criminal lawyer she cross questioned me for some minutes in relation to the frenchman but i had nothing more to tell her when i asked again if she would not make me a in the full secret she was carrying she shook her head and said not quite yet in a way that left me certain she had a pain at her heart that prevented her speaking the next day i did not see either of the brothers they must have kept out of sight on purpose for i took my morning bath in the surf and spent much of the afternoon in the where all the men were in the habit of after dinner i proposed to miss that we take a stroll together something we had been talking of doing the first pleasant evening and she made the excuse that she had some letters to write and should not go out rather lonely i waited till after nine o clock and then took my solitary way along the path that to the cathedral on the heights above having the neighborhood often i walked along bent merely on killing the heavy hours that between me and occasionally figures passed me mostly of the who live in that vicinity but a different sight suddenly met my vision one that caused me to step aside and hide myself for a minute in the shade of a of trees two people were walking together a man and a woman they at sur passed within twenty feet of me and their faces were close together like of people who do not mean to be overheard the few words that reached my ears showed me that the woman was speaking french with a very broken accent and that her companion was having difficulty in her chapter at sur conceive anything you please it
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cannot be too strong to express my surprise that two persons who had both given me to understand that a cordial dislike kept them apart should be walking in the most friendly manner along that path at ten o clock at night and miss so far as i knew with any foreign tongue was trying to converse in french proving that she was as anxious as he for the meeting most of us have nerves that may be touched by the discovery that we have been my head grew hot as i thought of the situation i would have given a good deal to be able to follow those people without discovery and learn what they were saying as they had passed into the open this was of course impossible the moon was bright enough to disclose any object not hidden by a tree or a building i could only out of stay till they had gone completely out of sight and then return to my hotel and await these people were evidently too deep for my slender capacity as a all i had discovered was the result of chance not ability so disgusted was i that i sank on the ground under the trees and gave myself up to my thoughts within a few minutes however i heard low voices and peering through the i saw my friends if such i could now call them returning they had apparently little fear of being discovered for the hour was late and there were few but themselves on that side of the height they walked very slowly and every few moments stopped for a second or two miss s french was so imperfect that with all his politeness was obliged frequently to confess that he could not make it out one of their stops was near enough to where i lay for me to hear a part of the conversation i cannot you believe was what miss v ui saying to her french into anything its english equivalent i saw never who looked like priest i not french then spoke that could not be good law i have not understand but i am sure responded the tones of it was no priest in that you are right but the mayor of the place which is according to our custom he is there still i presume you could go and see miss shook her head decidedly like one who is unwilling to be convinced why have you learned french asked as they began to move on at to with talk after she answered he must the language learn of his father but he has no father according to your belief replied the other if you call him and tell him he is french he will ask you many questions no i him will explain they had gone too far for me to follow their conversation at that time and i rose to my feet more puzzled than ever miss had told that she had seen no one who resembled a priest and he had said it was no priest but a mayor that meant nothing to me the mayor he had added was still there there where at some place in nd doubt she could go to see him would she go what would she do if she did go the key to the entire mystery might be in that question after i reached my apartments i was surprised by a card from miss s maid who informed me that her mistress wished very much to see me for a few moments i followed her to the occupied by my and found the latter in a state of decided i am in much trouble she said as soon as i had entered the room and closed the door there is no one else on this side of the ocean that i can call to my aid and yet i fear you must by this time think me an intolerable nuisance i responded with due politeness and waited for her to proceed it may be necessary for me to make a journey to she said speaking hesitatingly not at this season of course for it would out of health of my boy and i could not think of going without him i want to ask if you intend to stay another winter abroad and it looks like a great request doesn t t if you could make it convenient to spend a month or so in africa with me say in october i looked into the anxious face and marked the movements of the nervous hands how much easier all this would be i said if you would confide your entire story to me how can you tell that i might not be able to give advice that would be of value at present both of us are groping in the dark she shook her head doubtfully and in the charming way she had i am so sorry she said i would trust you sooner than anyone else but i cannot tell my secret yet to any man not even to i asked stung to the quick miss s expression showed that the shot had struck home she turned pale a little and then leaning forward put both her hands on my arm what did you mean by that she asked breath only what i said if anyone is to go to with you it ought to be he he knows the country he knows more than he has told me of the adventure that you had there he is so far as i am aware free from engagements of any kind why not ask him r she eyed me with curiosity and an intense desire to learn what i knew at i could not ask him she replied and if you are as wise as you like to have me believe you will understand the reason and yet i answered you can
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walk about town with him under the moonlight walk with him she exclaimed with such well astonishment that nothing but my own would have made me doubt her certainly i said i was not upon you but i saw you distinctly anyone could have seen you for you made no attempt at concealment i shall not admit that i am mistaken for i know you very well and i also know the lady had risen and seemed prepared at first to utter a vehement denial of my statement but when closed she threw herself again into her chair and attempted to regain her composure so you saw me with she said yes i had something of importance to tell him and as you say we did not attempt to conceal ourselves i learned that he was going away and i did not wish to lose the opportunity i said again that i thought would be her best escort to as for myself i wanted to do anything reasonable in the way of obliging her but i was not ambitious to be served in the way i had been if i was to accompany her i must be put in possession of the reason why she proposed making the journey and told you he was going away i added he is much more confidential with you than with me for he mentioned nothing about when i saw him this afternoon at the out of yes she answered simply his brother went yesterday and he will go to morrow where are they going he did not say we talked in this manner for fully an hour with little result so far as my learning anything was concerned the of the discussion was that i agreed to sleep over the matter and let her know my answer on the following morning you will go i know you will she said to me in her sweetest manner it will only take a few weeks of your time and then i shall return to america with a more peaceful mind i hope before you retire now i want to show you the prettiest sight you ever saw in a minute i will be with you much wondering what she intended to exhibit i waited while she stepped into an adjoining room presently she came to the door and beckoned me with a motion that i soon saw the object of her solicitude in a small bed by the side of her own larger one lay master in the loveliest of childhood s he is mine mine alone said the mother earnestly when she had closed the door no one else can claim him no one i will never divide his the next morning after the matter as fully as i could i told miss i would go to with her if she was of the same mind when october came in the meantime i would resume my travels as i intended to go to and other points during the summer if she wished to com everything up to date h with me she had only to send anything in care of the banker she thanked me with a thousand kind expressions and the following day i took my leave of sleeping the next night at mr again chapter xxiv everything up to date mr paused at last with the sentence quoted at the close of the preceding chapter although he had taken the greater part of the afternoon and evening in his recital he had not tired me in the least is that the end i asked for the present yes after i have been to with her there ought to be something more to tell and you will go if i live i have promised you remember what do you think of my story i answered that it was most interesting can you interpret the riddle he inquired hardly if it was a piece of fiction i would hazard it but real life is always playing unexpected tricks out of mr bowed to show that he agreed with this statement you see how it is he remarked m is undoubtedly the father of this child notwithstanding the fact that he was wounded by the latter is still his friend and would do anything to serve him now what does m want does he wish to claim his son or does he not it is evident that miss believed him dead until she received my letter informing her to the contrary i have made every effort to find him but without avail from only showed that he is travelling miss seems to place reliance on as shown by her confidential talk with him the night i saw them together at and yet she would not let him accompany her to even acting astounded at my proposition to that effect if i could get an hour s talk with louis i would find out something worth knowing as he seemed to expect me to say something i tried to oblige him though i should have preferred to sit an hour in silence the better to compare the various bits of evidence that presented themselves in the case is there no possibility i said that else is this child s father for instance f mr stared at me strangely i don t see how you can think that be replied he tells me he has a wife i elevated my brows and responded well my companion looked at me with a puzzled face a men have been known to break their vows everything up to date said besides miss you say showed great astonishment when you told her was married but he never was shot exclaimed that is a vital thing in this affair is living but he was shot and it was supposed he would die so far as i can learn has had no bullet wound i had to admit that this was a point
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worth considering then i tried to sum up the facts that appeared to be somebody who had been in in the winter of a certain year was s father that somebody had been shot and had been expected to die the shooting been performed by under a sudden impulse caused by an insult which somebody had given to a lady whose were b b and who was without doubt miss for this act had been to imprisonment and after serving part of his term had been largely on account of the efforts of the somebody he had shot the somebody must be louis yes i was obliged to admit that it looked like a clear case but why is going to africa i inquired that is the question at present yes said that is the question before i leave there with net i will have something more definite than a theory too she spoke about a priest and about a mayor i remarked and what does that signify asked i acknowledged that i did not know both of those had a considerable place in the out op arrangement of most lives and were to be found in as well as elsewhere but what connection they had with miss i could not guess the best thing for me i added with a smile in relation to this story is to wait as we do for other until it comes out speculations are rather useless you wouldn t like to join the party and go to with us would you asked i would said i but for one thing i was there some time ago and the country quite thoroughly i have planned to spend next winter in the west indies you are very kind to suggest my going however and i am infinitely obliged it isn t altogether kindness that me said with the manner of one who makes a confession i want to find out the mystery in this affair and i fear i shall never do it alone i responded that i believed he would and added that nothing would give me greater pleasure than to meet him when he had done so it would be worth putting into a book wouldn t it he asked decidedly i answered with enthusiasm the next day i parted from mr as paths lay in opposite directions it was nearly a year before we met again and then it was on american soil at the house in x h meeting i can finish that story now he exclaimed with a beaming smile as he pressed my hand with the of our renewed meeting finish it then i said and he finished it miss s chapter xxv meeting it was about the middle of october said when we had taken seats in an open carriage and were being driven toward the that miss master and myself with a couple of maids and a started for africa before we began the journey i had a long talk with in which i endeavored to persuade her to give me at least an of the purpose she had in view but without effect even a hint that i should decline to accompany her after all did not her from her attitude go with me she pleaded and as soon as i can possibly do so i will tell you all about it at present i really cannot upon reaching we went to the hotel de where we were pleasantly greeted by the proprietor by victor and the other members of the om of establishment who remembered us i soon discovered that something of a secret nature was going on to which the new was a party and my pride was slightly wounded by the reflection that miss was willing to trust this fellow with matters which she did not wish me to know they had frequent that lasted for hours would go away for one or two days at a time and on his return find his mistress ready to see him no matter what other engagement she might at the moment have on hand i had occasion once or twice myself to make way for him and i have no hesitation in saying that i did not particularly like it nearly a month was passed in this manner and i began to find even beautiful very dull i believe heaven itself would grow wearisome if i had to wait within its golden streets for something to happen of whose nature and date i had no reasonable conception i wandered about the streets through the native quarter over the hill and into the all of which i had thoroughly on my previous visit until i grew as tired of it as i could well be then when things were becoming almost i met a very interesting stranger it was in the office of cook son that gigantic institution which one finds in every corner of the globe it was in the down town office of the not in the one near the s palace for there are two stations of the company in i was making arrangements for a in which to pay a visit to the of la a dozen miles or so inland i had spent a pleasant day the previous winter a young frenchman entered the room and inquired about the just as i had finished my arrangements and was about to leave he seemed rather disappointed to find that there was no regular excursion carriage to the place and remarked casually that he did not like the idea of going alone i thought you might be getting up a party he explained it is tiresome taking that kind of a journey all by his words expressed so well the thought that had been in my own mind that i looked at him with interest the next minute i decided to take advantage of that that among and invite him to share my
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i beg your pardon i said but i am going to take the same trip to morrow and i shall be more than pleased if you will honor me with your company the frenchman hesitated me with some surprise you are extremely kind he replied as i was saying i dislike these lonely journeys are you is there anyone else to go with you no i said unless you accept i shall be entirely alone then he answered as if relieved i shall do so with great pleasure remarking to the agent that he would not need a carriage of his own now the gentleman walked out of the office with me our conversation begun so abruptly continued as we strolled together along the line of the sea coast in an opposite direction from my hotel when i him my card he searched in his pocket for his own card case and then finding that he had left it in his room informed out op me that his name was and that he was the country for pleasure like myself i learned in the course of the next hour that this was his second visit to africa and that he had also the on a previous occasion it is worth seeing a second time he remarked earnestly i think it one of the most entertaining places i ever saw the last time i was there an event occurred that i shall not soon forget i looked the inquiry i did not need to put into words it was a strange affair continued m i was with a party of sight among whom was a very young lady of your perhaps i should bore you with ihe history i had caught so eagerly at the few words already uttered that i had difficulty in my if ty to hear the rest lest i should excite his suspicions i replied as calmly as possible that i should like very much to hear of ihe as of the common possessed a peculiar charm for me well said m a moment s pause it was this way there was in the party a gentleman who had it seemed conceived a violent passion for the young lady which she did not wholly return he had formed the very unique plan of one of the lo marry them without her knowledge i uttered an exclamation of surprise her knowledge i yes it was this way m had like many men a warm lo a phrase the young lady understood very hide if meeting ny french which was the native tongue of her he believed in his and you know there is nothing so blind as a lover that if he could get a ceremony performed he could persuade her to abide by it and become his wife in reality i interrupted to ask what had taken place up to that time whether the gentleman had told the lady of his love and been rejected or whether he had held his secret locked in his own bosom it was this way replied m the gentleman had been presented to the lady and had made known his passion she had answered by the very strange statement that she was wholly averse to marriage and would not listen to a proposal of that kind from anyone at first he thought this a mere pretext a more courteous way of saying farewell than by a direct being in love to an extreme degree he was not willing to surrender his hopes without doing his utmost to bring them to full he therefore as is customary in such cases made liberal presents to the lady s maid and seeking to learn through them the real condition of her mind in spite of his generosity both of them persisted that had told him the truth they said she was one of those women who have a positive aversion for matrimony and being possessed of an ample fortune had determined to enjoy it alone by the of the wedded state do what he could they stuck to one story the same in effect that the lady had given him then it was that he resolved to try the plan i have mentioned believing she might when he had a document in his hand that she was already his wife out or it was an odd history truly and i showed the interest i felt so strongly that my companion looked gratified one of the things about any recital is to secure a thoroughly attentive listener and did the scheme succeed i asked though feeling certain that miss was the lady i need not say the question was superfluous no said m and i thought he spoke it was this way the idea was to arrange the matter with one of the oldest the lady was told that she would see an of the work of the order the way was led into the chapel and the services proceeded to the evident entertainment of all was apparently going well there were no persons present except the three i have mentioned the lady s maid and myself i interrupted to remark that my had evidently been let into the secret of his friend s purpose yes he said it was this way i fully with his ardent desire to possess that beautiful creature his intentions were in the highest degree honorable though his method of the desired result could only be justified by the proverb all s fair in love and war my friend be it understood belonged to both those branches holding a commission in the service of the republic and being at the time near here with his regiment i reasoned that there would be no harm in the affair for even if the performed a religious ceremony which the lady accepted it would according to french law require still another ceremony a civil meeting one to make it binding it was merely
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a bit of to bring the lady to a sensible view of her natural destiny and it would have been successful but for the fact that father had his suspicions aroused and refused to finish the work he had begun as it was the dinner hour i suggested that we our steps which we did walking slowly you never saw anything progress better up to the critical moment continued my new acquaintance the lady was engrossed in the of the service she did not in the least comprehend her maid in advance gave the most plausible explanations to each part of the ceremony and the lady answered when told without question don t know what made it enter the head of that confounded that anything was wrong but he certainly got that impression and before he reached the more important words he called a young assistant and despatched him for a member of the who understood english that his efforts were destined to be my friend admitted his fault to the who him without and in such a tone that the lady became alarmed the carriages in which we had come were sought without waiting for the arrival of the other and we left the disappointed scheme but luckily without having the least suspicion aroused in the mind of the one most concerned was it miss i wanted desperately to know but i did not intend to repeat the error as i had always considered it which i with out of it was for me to learn all i d from this stranger and give him as little as possible in return as coolly as possible i asked if this was the end of his remarkable story no he answered with something like a sigh it is however all i feel justified in telling at present is it not the most peculiar account you ever heard i admitted that it was indeed strange but said i could match it if i chose with one equally out of the common my only trouble was that i doubted my right to reveal what was the secret of another i am sorry you are under that he said c is the matter one that came under your own observation it was told to me i replied there was also a young lady in it and a french officer yes an officer stationed in m looked at me quickly his eyes dilated and his cheeks grew red you mean more than your words imply he said if you have any knowledge of the lady of whom i have been speaking i trust will confide it to me he had been too rapid for my plan now that the point was raised i could do no less than try to meet it how can i tell whether it be the same lady i asked when you have not even given me her name colored still more you can understand that that might be impossible he said hardly m one cannot use the name of a lady in such a case without her consent then i said how shall we proceed to decide if it be the same one ah he exclaimed it is indeed a difficulty but have you told me all you can the lady you speak of had some relations with a french officer stationed when was this about three years ago i could feel the almost start that greeted my reply can you tell me where this lady is at the present time he asked with suppressed eagerness i smiled at the question i have no right to do so without her consent i said using his own expression he bowed admitting the truth of my observation by his manner you will perhaps tell whether you have ever met her he asked his eagerness returning i have no reason to deny that i have very long ago some time after the episode i answered and was she well in health remarkably so seemed uneasy at the sharp looks with which i regarded him you will comprehend the reason of my inquiries he said when i tell you that i expect to meet my friend the officer soon and i know he will be most anxious this was news indeed out of you expect to return to france i said inter before a great while you will be more lucky than other people if you ind your friend i could not help saying he has not been at for many months m opened his eyes wider why should you think he would be at he asked because it is the home of his family while i cannot discuss the lady in this case beyond a certain point there is no reason why we should hide the name of the gentleman i trust if you have the present address of m you will give it to me as i have most important business which i would be glad to him my companion had stopped on the and was regarding me with an expression too peculiar to m he exclaimed m louis precisely the lady i speak of had relations of the most important character with that gentleman i have tried my best to find him during the summer that is just past i have a number of questions to ask him that i think he will not refuse to answer was agitated let me tell you he said that the friend to whom i referred was not m when you say mile b i interrupted we will call he mile b he caught his breath we will call her miss he corrected meeting now when you say that she had relations ot an important character with m i wish you would indicate in some manner what you mean the attitude which m had suddenly assumed was so different from that of a few moments before almost in fact that i did not know what
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to say i was sorry that any had arisen for i had begun to like the fellow and had contemplated the ride with him on the morrow with the greatest satisfaction i could not get very angry as i knew nothing that should cause the frenchman s change toward me and yet i did not like the tone he used there is a misunderstanding i replied i had not the slightest doubt until a minute ago that you were talking all this time of m louis of the lady i mean certainly had the very friendship if the word is sufficiently strong with that gentleman it was so far as i knew a matter of greater interest to themselves than to anyone else being connected with her family in a financial way i have reasons for wishing to meet him why you excite yourself over the affair i am at a loss to conceive my companion caught every word with breathless interest when i had finished he drew from his pocket a photograph and presented it before my eyes is that the lady he demanded it certainly was miss a glance at the card showed that it was taken by an and the likeness was excellent there was out of no need that i should admit as much in words for my face must have told its story i shall have to bid you adieu said m grimly putting the picture back into his pocket and as i leave for france on the boat to morrow i shall be unable to accept your hospitality on the way to la he looked so dark and was so evidently affected by some concealed emotion that i viewed him with genuine concern but i had so little idea what was the matter that i could say nothing to alter his determination my friend pursued m in a cold set voice will have business to with m of more importance than yours can possibly be unless i the the gentleman from will be in no condition to see you after my friend has done with him turning on his heel with a lift of the hat made his i was too astonished to follow him or to utter another word it was fully fifteen minutes later that i thoroughly comprehended what his wild expressions probably meant louis had offended an unknown admirer of miss s and was likely to pay for the with his life a visit to a chapter xxvi a visit to a i am sometimes a little slow in coming to a decision but when made it is not long in being executed the boats that between and the trains that go from thence to are of reasonable swiftness but there is one thing that travels much faster than either the telegraph if m was determined to send his friend to with the intention of drawing m into mortal combat i did not for an instant accuse him of a more sinister purpose there was but one manner in which i could prevent a collision i must warn in what manner clearly in a way that would not leave him to face the charge of cowardice i could not wire him of the truth because however unwillingly he would have to wait and meet his enemy i must invent a plan that would take him away from before the friend of arrived there there are times when several birds may as well be killed with one stone as with more if was at no one wanted to see him more than i if he could be induced to come to i might accomplish the double result of asking the questions i had waited for so long and putting him out of the reach for the present of s friend if he was not at my would not out of reach him but neither would his angry it was worth trying after some hours of study i the following despatch le colonel louis a matter your highest honor demands your presence instantly at come without a second s delay hotel de proceeding to the post office from which ail are sent in as in most european countries i copied this despatch on a blank that was handed me then drawing out my purse i awaited the announcement of the sum to be paid several louis in my hand i knew that the would have to be five hundred miles under the and then repeated and sent five hundred miles more to its destination familiarity with american and the prices charged for use of the atlantic had made me believe that my message would cost eight or ten dollars judge of my surprise then when i was informed that the entire charge would be fifty two cents the rate is a cent a word in or france you know said the clerk when i repeated the figures in an astonished tone but for the cable the charge is also a cent which makes the rate double cheap enough if it the result hoped for was my mental comment as i turned away i found miss ready to dine and her to the pleasant d which was nearly filled when we arrived among the a visit to a guests was an english who a short time ago made a fortune by playing in the united states and who at one time bore the reputation of being the lady in the world she was accompanied by the of one of the most famous english who ever lived a youth some ten years her junior and they were the observed of all i whispered to miss who they were and immediately regretted having done so for she replied coldly that she had no interest in such people and did not care to look at them although they remained the next two days at the hotel with us never saw their faces the only woman there i
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am sure who could say as much i could not help thinking how much greater was the fault of the american lady judged by the standard of the world than that of the english one the latter had at least no living evidence of her in the face of all who cared to know i had taken pains on my own account to give the impression to victor and the that was an adopted child for otherwise we should have been watched as intently if not more so than the other party miss realized what was passing in my mind and when we had gone to her to take the coffee that was usually served to us there she began to talk of the matter you have never changed your opinion about me i see was the way she began i am the same foolish wicked girl to you still i asked her why she said that don t you think i can read your mind she ut of inquired you considered it inconsistent of me to speak so harshly of mrs i myself have ignored the opinion of society let me beg you to tell me candidly can you see no difference i responded to this direct question that i had never the matter of her conduct and did not intend to begin now very well she said smiling gravely at my discomfiture which was evident i must defend myself without your aid that woman you saw in the dining room if is to be believed married an english gentleman and then left him in order to gratify her love for flattery and luxurious living she is noted chiefly for her numerous lovers and the fortune she has accumulated out of their gifts that she has borne no child is evidence against her of a much more character and yet you think me as bad as she because to meet the mother craving in my heart i stepped aside just once her voice was trembling as she reached the concluding sentence and her eyes were moist with tears we shall gain nothing by this line of conversation i said which must necessarily be one sided let us return to something of more moment i came here with you at your earnest we have been here nearly three weeks and i cannot see that i have been of the slightest use by our understanding i was to remain a month and i must remind you that the time will soon be ended i am sorry you find it so dull she replied but t know it must seem so as you spent so long a time here before the matter i am has taken me a little longer than i supposed it would a visit to a but i think it will be finished very soon now your presence is of immense moral value and even if you should be compelled to stay a few days beyond the time i spoke of i hope you will not be too much to oblige me i asked her if she was still unable to confide in me to any extent whatever at present yes she answered sadly but i am liable at any moment to need your advice in which case i may be compelled to tell you everything i mentioned the intention i had of going to la on the following day and noticed the start she gave at the name have you never been there she asked oh yes i have been everywhere in this neighborhood but one must do something to pass the time would you like to go i added as the thought struck me i no i think not you have been there yes she responded they are a set of nice old men but i would not care to see them twice besides would find the journey tedious and i could not think of leaving him i had no desire to excite her suspicions and i said no more about the in the morning i made an early start as it was rather warm in the middle of the day being early in november upon arriving i inquired for father and put myself under his guidance he had not seen me on my previous visit and he went through the extensive farm which the cultivate showing me the cattle the wine presses the store houses and other evidences out or of prosperity which these strange possess when we reached the chapel i drew his attention gradually to the matter which m had confided to me and found that he remembered it very well it was a narrow escape he said if my wits had not come to me just as they did i should have pronounced the couple man and wife their flight proves that i guessed correctly the man did not dare await the coming of a brother who spoke english a friend of the gentleman told me all about it i explained he says the lover was so with the lady that he took this means to put a moral pressure upon her intending later to have the civil ceremony in she supposed you were simply giving them your blessing the crossed himself devoutly the devil is fruitful of to the faithful he said the lady was a very beautiful creature one whose worth was evident to any who saw her countenance i trust she has escaped the of such a wicked man something impelled me to relate a little of the subsequent history of miss to this i wanted to know what he would say when i told him all i knew she has very peculiar ideas good father i responded for instance she believes that marriage is not a necessary of st preserve us cried the priest yes i continued she is now the mother of a boy two years of age and still understand this is merely carrying out a doctrine
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that she a visit to a firmly believes in not a yielding to passionate instinct the crossed himself again so innocent she looked he exclaimed ah how little one can tell by the faces of these women one came here from only the other day of whom the most dreadful things are said and before i knew i had remarked to one of our brothers who has a talent for painting that she would make a lovely the simple lunch served at the was of and i rested in the shadow of its walls until the sun was well on the way toward the horizon before departing i purchased a number of carved by the to keep or give away as when i reached the hotel de miss had dined it being so late that she had ceased to expect me i soon found that she was holding an audience with my rival in her temporary regard the who had been absent for the previous three or four days not caring to intrude on a conversation i had reason to suppose would have elements of privacy i went out for a stroll along the de la that magnificent way which cost it is said the sum of forty million dollars to create when i returned i was informed that miss wished to see me immediately and i went without delay to her rooms can you leave here with us in the morning was the question that greeted me as she opened the door for what point i asked somewhat astonished for out of having heard nothing about that city in connection with the business on hand i was naturally much surprised we shall stop for a night at on s account and go on the next day explained miss i could not think of anything to prevent my going my baggage could be packed in fifteen minutes have you heard news i asked yes she said and her voice lacked but nothing you can tell me not not yet the beautiful eyes faltered before my gaze after shall i still be kept in that will depend she said hesitatingly on your whim i inquired without undue politeness no oh no on circumstances that may arise trust me a little longer i pray in the morning remember she added as i rose to go get the garden to rouse you for the train goes early i told her there was no need of informing the g as i was an early and would not fail to be on time but when i was about ready for breakfast on the following morning one of the came to call me saying he had been asked to do so by miss on the train i occupied myself with amusing master who grew interested from time to time in the of mounted sometimes on sometimes on and again on horses which could be seen in the highway that is to be seen from the railroad across nearly the whole the priest told you of french africa this road is to be seen built of cracked stone after the plan invented or applied by and as well cared for as any drive around boston new york or through it is built up to a higher level with at frequent intervals for the quick rains through hills it is as carefully as the railway itself and even are found where required the object of all this expense is military the owners of the territory wishing to march their men or draw their cannon with expedition in case of need but the value to the country is as great as if it had been constructed solely for the use of peaceful travellers when the boy went to sleep i talked with miss about the territory through which we were passing and which both of us had seen before we said nothing that day in reference to her private affairs they might have escaped my mind but for the silent witness to what had been the pretty child lying on its pillow by its mother s side chapter the told you i was glad the stop was made at in passing through this section before i had only caught a glimpse of that most remarkable natural wonder the boiling which falls thirty feet over white rocks at a temperature of out of from whence comes this volume of water the thousands of that flow each minute day after day the year through and have done so for of centuries every little while the from below the can see small fish and floating in the stream showing that at some point below the surface rivers of cool water are into the and sent forth in those the steam not only from the great fall but from several smaller springs in the vicinity is constantly the air in the neighborhood and the effect of the whole scene is weird and marvellous the heat is so great that even at a distance of seven hundred feet away one cannot hold his hand in the running water the hotel was the i ever saw it consisted of the owner s residence the only part of which used by the guests appeared to be the and office with arranged in at some distance from the house built in rows like negro in the south of america the of the country made the appearance of these anything but assuring for they were with the main mansion by a bell or other contrivance and to add to the strangeness of the situation we could see from our windows the camp fires of wandering not a quarter of a mile away miss declared at once that she could never close her eyes in such a place she began to shut her windows and arrange a for her door besides ordering to sit at the entrance armed to the teeth against possible invasion the servants of the hotel
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laughed at her fears saying the priest told you they had never heard of anyone being hurt by the natives or of having anything stolen it was the universal custom to leave all windows and doors wide open both day and night no matter what were inside as the evening was warm and the rooms stifling if tightly closed i decided to follow the advice given me though i could not entirely quiet the alarm of my fair companion i had seen plenty of and liked them as a people immensely placing a chair by my window which was only four feet from the ground i hung my clothing upon it with my purse and watch in their usual places and then with window and door wide open passed into a sweet and refreshing sleep which lasted for eight hours you can do this in africa mind where the native is called savage or half civilized but not in england or the united states in any section of them with which i am acquainted miss confessed when we met at breakfast that she also slept fairly well she did not intend to close her eyes at all so disturbed was her mind at the situation but slumber came of its own accord who had lain on before that night looked completely refreshed and all of as were ready to take the train for when it arrived there are few places so well designed by nature for a fortress as this same city of it is an inland reached by an artificial bridge situated on a series of rocks and surrounded by a very deep though there are few things of great moment to the sight other than the place out of itself it is well worth visiting and remaining at for several days if not more as we approached the city i began to discuss its points of interest with miss you have been here i believe i said she nodded assent at what hotel shall you stay the hotel de paris has arranged for rooms i suppose you wish to remain with the party i said it was and that i would do as she desired i then inquired with a slight vein of irony whether my services were likely to be wanted don t me with sarcasm if i am obliged to make my usual reply she answered at any moment your presence may be of the first importance to morrow you will be free after that if you will be so kind as to consult with me each evening i bowed to show that the arrangement was entirely agreeable and the subject was dropped for the present the next morning miss ordered a carriage early and with and her maid drove away saying she expected to be back to lunch it would have been an easy matter to follow her but i saw no reason to play the spy at this time to tell the truth i was getting tired of the entire matter and would have felt relieved had she told me she was about to return to europe or america i had stirred up a s nest as the saying is by some innocent letters written to her from paris i deserved very likely the punishment i was receiving and should bear it like a respectable martyr the priest told you but at noon when miss returned to the hotel she was in a state of the greatest her maid came to inform me while i was waiting for lunch that her mistress was actually ill and that a physician had been summoned i asked the girl what had caused the and she said she did not know where had they been to the miss with had gone inside to see ihe mayor while remained in the suddenly she heard voices one of which she recognized as miss s raised in earnest argument she caught but a few words no no i will not believe it that cannot be the law and similar when her mistress came out she was weeping and so weak that she had to be supported to her carriage she knew no more these facts it may readily be conceived i drew out of the girl by the promise of a sufficient number of which i promptly paid as soon as she finished i saw the doctor who was called to attend my who advised me that his patient was in a very nervous state and must not be disturbed met me several times in the course of the next two hours but as he volunteered no information i was no wiser i would not have a single question to him to save his neck i put the words reported by the french maid together with all i knew or suspected into one lump and they explained nothing the what had happened at the over and over i asked myself this and received no response then all at once the words spoken by out of to miss on the hill at sur came to me it was no priest in that you are right but the mayor of the place which is according to our custom he is there still i presume you could go and see him there was no doubt that the mayor of was the individual referred to in this manner that knew more about the secret than i did had been sent to him and having returned to miss had decided to go for a personal interview she had seen him with the result that she was now on a bed of illness and during the time she was in his office she had been heard to utter no no i will not believe it that cannot be the law h feeling justified in this affair to the bottom at this stage i took a walk without delay to the hotel de and asked for the mayor
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unfortunately the attendant replied his had taken the train shortly before for some point in the interior he would be back in a day or two exactly when he could not say it was very i had been within sight of the information i sought and had stood waiting until just too late to find it out miss was still ill that night but she sent for me and i was asked to step into the chamber where she lay when we were alone she turned toward me a pair of swollen eyes and looked so pitiful that i could not help with her deeply my friend she said i have heard distressing told you v news i have hopes that things are not as bad as they have been represented but until i am sure i cannot help being troubled in the morning i shall see one of the most eminent in the province if he what i have been told i shall start immediately for europe whether the doctors call me sick or well she paused and i remained silent there nothing so far as i could see for me to say you still wonder that i do not confide in you she cried i am afraid cannot much longer refrain from doing so if you had chosen that course earlier miss it would have been better i replied at present your attitude keeps me from discussing with you some discoveries of my own she raised herself on her elbow and looked at me earnestly discoveries she repeated yes they amount to nothing without the key which you so persistently hide but combined with what you yourself learn they might be of value the girl let her head fall again on the pillow you see how ill i am and yet you tell me this she said what have you learned i beg you conceal nothing i remarked that the doctor had left word that she must not be excited ah she cried what can excite me more than these horrible possibilities worse even than the knowledge that they were true it is uncertainty that gives the keenest pang you have heard here not here i replied at out op she looked relieved oh at she repeated at la i explained she regarded me with a vacant expression you went to la once with a gentleman i said one of the holy fathers took you into the chapel where he began to hold a service suddenly he ceased to speak the words of his text and appearing angry addressed such language to your escort that he left the place with you do you remember that miss stretched her arms above her head in a disappointed way is that your discovery she asked why i would have told it to you and welcome perhaps you learned what we had done to the i did was my response what was it she asked curiously he found he had been within an ace of marrying you it is a part of miss s nature to be strongest when under the trial many women would have fainted at this moment for it was apparent that my statement was her first intimation of the truth instead of she sat almost upright in bed and spoke in the tone are you certain of this yes the priest told you he was repeating a marriage service he did how came he to speak of it because i asked him her expression grew more puzzled than before the priest told you i don t understand she said if you asked him you must have heard of it before how could that be a gentleman who was present in the chapel at the time told me i explained a gen agitation the most extreme showed in my companion s face when did he tell you she demanded almost the day before we left i answered calmly with a movement that was wholly maternal miss s hand swept across the until it rested on the cot where her child lay close to her own bed when her eyes met mine again they were fixed and strange i do not see why you should excite yourself said i the attempt to make you his wife would not have been binding on french territory unless by a civil contract she bowed and closed her eyes as if in pain good night she said reaching a hand toward me that wandered like that of a sleep i took the sudden dismissal without comment more in doubt than ever as to the cause of these peculiar the next morning i was informed that was rather better and i took a carriage ride into the country to pass the time away till noon when i returned i was given a letter containing the startling information that miss with her out of and maid had taken the train to an hour before i could not help it there was no alternative meet me in new york that was the extent of the and as if this was not enough to destroy my a card was brought me while i read the letter and on it were the names and titles of louis chapter a great clue exploded why had miss gone to undoubtedly to catch the evening steamer for france why had she fled in this manner evidently on account of learning the of the man she feared while not flattered at her desertion after my devoted attachment to her fortunes i could not help admitting that she was in a measure justified in her action she had taken the means to escape a meeting which she hated above all things is but four hours ride from and the nearest port by which she could leave the country there are times when one cannot spend many minutes in consideration miss had packed her things and embarked with her maid and because it was the
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only thing to do a great clue exploded m that i will see him here was my reply to the who brought the card a few minutes later i admitted to my a frenchman of about forty years of age of medium height and a most manner sallow as if from a long residence under tropical pale as might be expected from the wound he had received weak like one whose vitality is being slowly but surely m he asked with a low bow i acknowledged the intimation and pronounced his name in return referring to his card which i still held in my hand will you be seated i added him to a chair which he graciously accepted for a moment we regarded each other with apparently equal interest i did not expect you at i ventured to say i suppose not he replied pleasantly but learning that you had left i thought it as well to join you at once i judged from the tenor of your despatch that your business was of a pressing nature i wanted him to lead as much as possible you have travelled very quickly to go so soon from to and reach here to day i remarked i made a much journey said he when i reached i to to say that i was coming and the reply informed me that you had left the hotel de for this city consequently i took the steamer and came out or i said he was very kind to respond with so little delay not at all he answered i have been filled with a lively curiosity on your account i heard several months ago that a gentleman of your name was making inquiries for me and when your interest took the shape of that summoned me to i could wait no longer i looked at him intently and saw nothing in his countenance which indicated anything but perfect shall i understand i asked that you have no idea what i want of you that is precisely what i mean to convey he said with a smile there was an awkward pause for it was now evident that i must take the then i said i shall be obliged to take you back to an experience that must prove unpleasant to your memory will you give me leave to be perfectly frank he looked surprised but replied he hoped i would be completely so nearly three years ago i began you were wounded by a pistol bullet he bowed flushing slightly shall i go on by all means that wound was caused by the act of a brother officer yes who was afterward tried and punished for the all of which interrupted a great clue exploded is on record in the of the african branch of the war department i agreed to this with a nod but the cause of your brother officer s act the reason that induced him to fire the shot is not a matter of record i said true if that is what you wish to ascertain i shall oblige you without hesitation though it anything but credit upon myself i am glad to relieve my friend of blame in a matter through which he has suffered so deeply the shot was richly deserved as i have always admitted i was at the time or the provocation never could have occurred his reason for me was on account of an insult to a lady i broke in rather surprised m admitted that my statement was correct which lady i continued slowly you doubtless expected to find here with me at at this col started from his chair here with you he exclaimed i beg your pardon but how could i have such an expectation when i had never heard your name in connection with hers in the remotest way i paused reflecting how likely this was to be the correct state of the case we mean to be frank with each other i believe said i on my part there is certainly the fullest intention of being so he replied and you did not know that miss had been here out of i assure you no at least not during the past two years the best actor in the could not have looked as he did while telling a falsehood let me tell you then i said that she has been here with me and that it is but an hour or two since she departed he drew a long breath that seemed to indicate relief how does it happen he asked that you did not accompany her i did not know she was going i presume she heard of your arrival during my morning absence and acted without delay the frenchman quivered a little about th shoulders as if he did not relish my expressions that seems incredible he answered i would not have hurt her poor girl it is very unfortunate if true she did not know then that you had to for me by no means i said later when i explain everything you will understand why it is very mysterious he remarked if i had gone to it appears in response to your earnest request i should not have found you there it was the first time i had thought of the matter in that light we had left so suddenly that the to m had for the time escaped my thought altogether i left in great haste was my reply i expected to return shortly and having written for tidings of you several times i presumed you would be a week or more in coming if indeed you came at a great club exploded all my main object however was to get you away from m stared at me and remarked with great coolness that i was speaking in i will be plain on at least one point i answered the evening i sent you that
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despatch a gentleman left for with the apparent intention of upon you a serious injury there was a sarcastic curl to the frenchman s lip his touched by the you have hardly made the point plain yet he remarked i will do so i answered the gentleman s name was do you understand now not in the least he replied promptly i confessed myself much puzzled by this answer m had a friend an intimate friend said i who had a violent attachment for miss having learned of your intimate relations with that lady col uttered a loud exclamation my relations with with miss he cried exactly what relations he inquired i am getting out of patience the relations i said sharply that made you the father of her child for a moment the frenchman eyed me with an expression that i could not are you sane he asked or some madman escaped from confinement apparently in the possession of my senses i said boldly i am of the estate of and have the best of reasons for the interest i take in this matter your manner is a strange one after the pains i have taken to warn you of your danger the next sentence uttered by m was so mixed with that i fear to use it in this narrative all his polite vanished he informed me roughly that he was afraid of nothing that walked the earth or traversed the air if had gone to to call him to account for anything i had done a great wrong to put him in the position of a coward as to the lady whose name i had used his only connection with her was on the unfortunate occasion which m had promptly he had never met her before or since that day if she had become an mother which he would have sworn impossible on any other evidence than mine he could easily guess her child s though wild horses should not drag his suspicions out of him and he rattled on at this rate for at least five minutes until he was so exhausted by his efforts that he could proceed no farther somewhat abashed by the failure of my great discovery i begged the officer s pardon for my mistake then i told him the history of the family the strange ideas advanced by the daughter and what facts i knew concerning the birth of her son he grew calmer as i proceeded and listened with the deepest interest uttering many ah s and oh s r i give you my word as an officer and a gentleman he said when i had concluded that i never spoke a syllable to miss but once and that i never saw her alone what i did was to use a great clue exploded for which i am ashamed while under the influence of strong liquor to which i am m acting under the impulse of the moment drew a revolver and shot me precisely as he ought to have done if i had been killed i should have received only my just deserts as it was my life was cut short the doctors tell me another year is all i can count on with certainty you see i nothing i have succeeded in poor and now i await the execution of my own sentence the the gentleness the politeness of the frenchman had returned with full force i have never seen such perfect combination of courtesy bravery and manhood why did you lay this sin at my door he asked after a pause on account of a chain of evidence that seemed sufficient i replied in a discouraged tone i saw m while he was his imprisonment at although we exchanged but one glance he knew that i with him after his release we met accidentally and travelled together he told me he was convicted of a brother officer with intent to kill he said the cause was an insult to a lady so gross that it set his blood on fire then he related how the injured man had labored to save him and had finally obtained his release i easily recognized miss as the probable heroine of this tale and informed m that i intended to return to and ascertain your to this he answered quietly that he would save me that trouble giving me your name and address after obtaining it i told him my out of that you were s father he replied absurd but did not convince me in writing to miss who was then in america i told her what i had learned though not all i guessed in doing this i alluded to m as my as soon as she could reach me i was at sur she came i found her much excited she asked me again and again to repeat what i had heard when i reached my conclusion tha ty u were her child s father she only cried oh and had difficulty in her tears within a short time i found that she was holding with afterward she begged me to accompany her back to seeming to carry with her a most secret everything continued to point to you as far as i could see miss and myself were pursuing our separately and i was kept in the dark completely as far as she was concerned the climax came this noon when in one moment there was placed in my hands a letter stating that she had fled the country and a card containing your name what could i think but that the knowledge of your arrival had caused her flight m bowed a lt was a strange combination he said you started with a wrong and each step you took was consequently but who is this fellow whose friend is to fight or me i never heard of a man of his description was it was it
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on account of what you said that he started so indignantly for france i had to admit with a blush that it was i told a clue exploded my new acquaintance of the incident of la repeating the conversation as it occurred this grows clearer he remarked when i had finished though i was obliged to admit that it did not to me now will you kindly give me a written statement that you were mistaken in your reflections upon me that i may show it to this unknown if he ever turns up he is undoubtedly a gentleman and not an he explained and to challenge me to a i am a pretty good shot yet even if my arm is a trifle weak and should not like to kill a fellow for nothing after i show him your letter if he rushes to his fate it will be his own fault i said would write the letter at once and sat down at my desk to do so if you could let any of that light which you sec into my head i remarked next it would be a genuine favor but i cannot he replied gently i suppose i know who is the father of that child but i have no right even to breathe my suspicion is he still alive i asked oh yes but she thought he was dead i can understand how that was he answered our talk lasted for an hour longer but nothing that the tangled was developed m said he should remain in for some time as the climate was very suitable to his health before i retired that night i heard some gentlemen in the reading room talking about the steamer from to a had been out of received saying it would lie over in port another day for some necessary anyone who wished to take passage on it could easily make connections by either of the morning trains i was rather pleased to learn this having been left in the by miss it would be to a certain extent gratifying to overtake her so quickly besides i could now assure her that m had no intention of her which must be pleasant news more than this it would be much more agreeable to travel back to europe or the united states with a party of people i knew than alone the severe set back i had received within the past few hours convinced me that as an amateur i was far from being a shining success if miss wished to keep her secret she might do so thereafter for all of me when master some years later should demand the name of his i would tell him to wander over one or two and find him if he could good bye said m the next morning as i took the carriage for the station i am glad to have met you it is a good thing you brought me to at this season we are not likely to meet again and so adieu we never did meet again he died a few weeks later at the he had committed in a drunken folly admitting to the end that he had deserved his punishment miss responded to my call at her room in the hotel looking like a hunted animal that fears its fate you have not come to detain me i she cried he is husband no no i want nothing now but to get home again my child i said for at that minute she seemed to me the little girl at her father s that played with we will go together passage was engaged on the steamer for myself with the others but before she sailed a new had ruffled the surface of our perplexed affairs chapter u he is her husband while taking an afternoon walk i came upon in the the surprise was evidently mutual i thought you were at i was the immediate exclamation of the frenchman you were better informed of my movements than i of yours i answered i left this very morning you are going on the steamer to night are you asked that is my intention to leave africa for good yes i shall return to america there are matters of business there which require my attention but who told you i was in this part of the world a gentleman you met in out of ah m yes m replied me strangely i left in an excited state i remarked i wonder if you can tell me what him nodded gravely it is a peculiar story he said if you can spare the time to walk over to my room i shall be glad to talk it over with you i saw no reason to refuse this invitation if there was any late information about my hot headed friend i should be glad to know it having disposed of m i was anxious to learn what had become of his enemies let us make ourselves as comfortable as possible remarked when we had seated ourselves and lit some very fair cigars i believe m told you he should leave abruptly for france i replied that this was true for i think continued m for or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that he going to see a friend who would probably make that journey m bowed and said well m and his friend went to about as fast as the regular could carry them and when they arrived they found that m was absent i interrupted just so they also learned that his absence was caused by a from and that he was supposed to have gone to that place i maintained silence discovered this m and his friend w he is her husband continued that the m to was signed by m they also learned for they took their bearings carefully that m had left that
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m had made a similar discovery and that both these gentlemen were at or on the way there lost in admiration of the excellent qualities of these individuals i inquired how they had obtained possession of all these facts by a free use of said a to and its answer proved that you had left there another to showed that m had taken passage on a steamer for another sent yesterday to showed that you were both at the hotel de paris could anything be more simple nothing could i was obliged to acknowledge it follows from your statement i said that m and his friend are here there was an instant of on ihe part of m i that out unwillingly he said il can make no difference m and his friend were here naturally when he sent the at ihe moment they are at m in relation to the you made the sprang lo my forehead i am obliged to confess that i made thai under a great error i replied i have left a explanation to that effect col you will remember i that i believed m the father of miss of s child until my interview with him i still held that opinion which i am now certain is when i told m i was laboring under that delusion sprang to his feet and uttered a cry and you meant that and that only by what you said of him to m he exclaimed that and thai only i answered surprised al his another word he strode at a quick pace from the room leaving me for several minutes alone you have astonished me intensely said when he returned perhaps your explanation has come in time to prevent a very proceeding perhaps on the contrary it not i have sent a message to m and his friend he took out his watch and consulted it carefully it is a close he continued but we will hope for the i at the speaker there could not have been much harm done i stammered they would have read my written statement and that would have ended the they might and they might not was the quiet reply when a gentleman feels that all his finer have been when he hears one he considered his true friend has all the of where in short he is led to believe that a woman dearer to him than life itself has been degraded for the second time by a certain person he is in a condition of mind that does not easily accept explanations the gentleman of whom i speak is now with m in the city of con he is her husband if the train which took him there is on time he would not m in cold blood but he might give him such provocation that a could not be averted this was not pleasant to hear to say the least the murder for i could call it no less of an innocent man might be the result of my too hasty jump at an conclusion i was in a very nervous state and the recollection that miss was at the moment within a few hundred yards liable to meet some of these people and learn the truth did not add to my serenity but what did m mean by his wholly mysterious remark about the friend of m holding that lady dearer to him than life itself who could this unknown be that had conceived such a violent affection for miss a woman whose acquaintance with men had been of the most limited description i am at a loss to know i replied when i could get breath who can claim such a deep interest in my american friend he must have a very warm place in his heart for her to travel hundreds of miles merely for the sake of this meeting it was now the turn of to stare do you wish me to understand he asked slowly that you have no conception whatever as to who this gentleman is i have none was my positive answer then he said i will tell you for there is no longer any use in he is her husband i her husband whose husband i asked him feeling a blindness crossing my vision the husband of the lady you call ton out of i heard him distinctly enough but the words did not seem to have any definite meaning i had never connected the word husband with george s daughter and i could not do so now she who hated marriage who had it who had the of the whole world by her contempt of it who had drunk to the confusion of all wives who had the standard of free and independent husband s husband it could not be i think you are mistaken i managed to articulate at last non he responded sharply and there is nothing that means more than this expression thus uttered by a french tongue strange thoughts were passing through my brain poor i wished i had never mixed in her private affairs i wished i had let the of her boy lie in the darkness where she wanted it to remain she did not want a husband she would blame me for this upon her i had brought nothing but trouble to this girl whom i would have done anything to serve how could i help her escape its consequences and all this time she was resting in ignorance of her danger within pistol shot of the parlor in which we were talking i cannot dispute you i said at the same time rising with the intention of reaching my hotel as soon as possible i repeat that i was entirely unaware of the fact you state and that i cannot yet comprehend how it can be true will you give me any further t i added is her husband leaning my
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arm on the back of a heavy chair for the support i was beginning to need he bowed politely ask anything you wish he said when and where did this marriage take place in december three years ago at the of the where did the couple go then to the fort where the husband was confinement i began to wonder if i was not dreaming after all how long did they stay there she about a month he several days longer replied like a well informed witness at some ordinary investigation the lady being at liberty as her husband was not went out nearly every day into the city on the occasion of one of her she failed to return it was growing slightly clearer but there were still many things to explain can you account for her desertion asked one does not account for the actions of a woman he replied but miss certainly told her friends i remarked with an effort that the father of her child was dead that he died a long time before tho boy s birth and that the cause of his death was a bullet wound m who had also risen and was standing near me bowed with the utmost dignity all of which he said she had reason to be out of at the time she left her husband he was under sentence of death ah the light was growing a little stronger i could almost see the day break in the mist that had so long surrounded this matter that sentence must have been the reason why she married him at all i said the evidence points in that direction was the solemn reply she thought he had but a few weeks to live it was not a husband that she wanted but a child i can comprehend the case perfectly i wanted to get away i was anxious to reach miss i could call her nothing else but the fascination of this story chained me a minute longer to the room and the husband he suspected nothing i ventured you may be certain of that he is a man of the highest honor who would have indignantly such an arrangement he loved your country woman then as he does to day with a passionate devotion the first and last love let me add that he has ever felt the thought that had treated her made him almost insane although he has never seen her since her sudden departure and does not expect to meet her again i caught eagerly at this straw if s husband was content to leave her in peace she might yet escape from this wretched into which i had led her and never know the worst another question i said if this gentleman was possessed of the highest sense of honor how a day at did he happen to be under a death sentence had he committed no crime none whatever replied his innocence was afterward fully established and he was set free with a note of regret and full from the department chapter xxx a day at and grew the horizon but there is one thing i do not yet understand i remarked if his love for miss for his wife was and still is so strong why did he permit her to desert him without protest is this the act of a man who loves exactly that replied m he had sought her by every honorable means using an for he could not speak her language nor she his he secured her hand in marriage only when it appeared to him that his days were numbered he made a will leaving her all the estate he possessed which was not the few weeks he passed with her were so that he almost forgot the suspended sword that hung above his head when she left him of her own free will he could not pursue her her happiness was more to him than his own to follow her to seek her out and urge his love again would only give her annoyance he sacrificed himself on the altar of our of his affection no lover ever made a nobler the dawn was quite clear miss s story was explained all but her denial of the marriage that was still to come but now pursued m u matters have assumed a different aspect this gentleman has learned that he is a father he cannot be made to believe that his wife seriously wishes to go on bearing the of being an mother he means to find her and establish his son s he will not force himself upon his wife his self is complete he only wishes to serve her and his boy when their interests are thoroughly protected he will retire from the scene and trouble them no more i believed him completely i determined to go to miss and tell her all i had learned it seemed to me i could do her no greater service perhaps now she would share her secret with me when i had discovered most of it without her aid au i stammered there was no use in attempting a more elaborate farewell i shall see you again i trust he said holding out his hand although i did not believe he ever would i in his suggestion and a minute later was walking rapidly to my hotel a met me at the door have been looking everywhere for you he exclaimed what a pity you were not here minutes ago t and why to go with the rest of your party they took a at the train after waiting the latest second for you here is a letter i must be dreaming again or else miss i could not call her madame even in my gone to when the boat for would set sail within four hours what was she thinking of i have discovered here the presence
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