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to be demonstrations . " Yesterday Sir Roy's
future . Said Mr. Nkumbula last night :
Mr. Macmillan at Chequers .
" We want to discuss what to do if the
Sir Roy's United Federal Party is boycotting
the London talks on the Protectorate's
British Government gives in to Sir Roy and
boycotting the London talks on the
do if the British demonstrations . "
Sir Roy's United Federal Party is
Protectorate's future . Said Mr. Nkumbula
at Chequers .
Yesterday Sir Roy's chief aide , Mr.
a report on his talks with Mr. Macmillan
Julius Greenfield , telephoned his chief
last night : " We want to discuss what to
British Government gives in to Sir Roy
and the talks fall through . There are bound
future . Said Mr. Nkumbula last night :
the London talks on the Protectorate's
chief aide , Mr. Julius Greenfield , telephoned
Macmillan at Chequers .
" We want to discuss what to do if the
Sir Roy's United Federal Party is boycotting
his chief a report on his talks with Mr.
to be demonstrations . " Yesterday Sir Roy's
to the Africans and Liberals attending . These
will meet to discuss the function of a
majority they are seeking . African delegates
are studying them today . The conference
plans do not give the Africans the overall
proposed House of Chiefs .
Lancaster House despite the crisis which had
Mr. Macleod went on with the conference at
blown up . He has now revealed his full plans
Mr. Macleod went on with the conference
at Lancaster House despite the crisis
them today . The conference will meet
attending . These plans do not give the
Africans the overall majority they are
House of Chiefs .
seeking . African delegates are studying
to discuss the function of a proposed
which had blown up . He has now revealed
his full plans to the Africans and Liberals
studying them today . The conference will meet
to discuss the function of a proposed House
blown up . He has now revealed his full plans
to the Africans and Liberals attending . These
plans do not give the Africans the overall majo-
rity they are seeking . African delegates are
Mr. Macleod went on with the conference at
Lancaster House despite the crisis which had
of Chiefs .
secret negotiations on Northern Rhodesia's future .
Minister of the Central African Federation , went
in the Commons last night that there have been
to Chequers at the week-end for talks with
MR. IAIN MACLEOD , the Colonial Secretary , denied
But representatives of Sir Roy Welensky , Prime
The Northern Rhodesia conference in London has
Mr. Macmillan .
been boycotted by the two main settlers' parties -
the United Federal Party and the Dominion Party .
boycotted by the two main settlers' parties -
there have been secret negotiations on
Party . But representatives of Sir Roy
Rhodesia conference in London has been
the week-end for talks with Mr. Macmillan .
the United Federal Party and the Dominion
denied in the Commons last night that
Welensky , Prime Minister of the Central
African Federation , went to Chequers at
Northern Rhodesia's future . The Northern
MR. IAIN MACLEOD , the Colonial Secretary ,
in the Commons last night that there have
Central African Federation , went to Chequers
Mr. Iain Macleod , the Colonial Secretary , denied
future . The Northern Rhodesia conference in
been secret negotiations on the Northern Rhodesia's
and the Dominion Party . But representatives
London has been boycotted by the two main
settlers' parties - the United Federal Party
at the week-end for talks with Mr. Macmillan .
of Sir Roy Welensky , Prime Minister of the
He said Britain had an obligation to consult the Federal
refusing to sit round the conference table .
M Ps yesterday : " I have no knowledge of secret negotiations . "
Government . But the final decision remained with the British
Government . Mr. James Callaghan , Labour's Colonial spokesman ,
said Sir Roy had no right to delay progress in the talks by
Mr. Macleod was not at the week-end meeting . But he told
Northern Rhodesia is a member of the Federation .
He said Britain had an obligation to consult
the Federal Government . But the final
have no knowledge of secret negotiations . "
spokesman , said Sir Roy had no right to
Mr. James Callaghan , Labour's Colonial
meeting . But he told M Ps yesterday : " I
Northern Rhodesia is a member of the Federation .