The General Solution of the Complex Monge-Amp\`ere Equation in two dimensional space
The general solution to the Complex Monge-Amp\`ere equation in a two dimensional space is constructed.
The Complex Bateman Equation in a space of arbitrary dimension
A general solution to the Complex Bateman equation in a space of arbitrary dimensions is constructed.
The General Solution of the Complex Monge-Amp\`ere Equation in a space of arbitrary dimension
A general solution to the Complex Monge-Amp\`ere equation in a space of arbitrary dimensions is constructed.
Darboux Transformation for Supersymmetric KP Hierarchies
We construct Darboux transformations for the super-symmetric KP hierarchies of Manin--Radul and Jacobian types. We also consider the binary Darboux transformation for the hierarchies. The iterations of both type of Darboux transformations are briefly discussed.
Darboux transformations for a Bogoyavlenskii equation in 2+1 dimensions
We use the singular manifold method to obtain the Lax pair, Darboux transformations and soliton solutions for a (2+1) dimensional integrable equation.
The Structure of the Bazhanov-Baxter Model and a New Solution of the Tetrahedron Equation
We clarify the structure of the Bazhanov-Baxter model of the 3-dim N-state integrable model. There are two essential points, i) the cubic symmetries, and ii) the spherical trigonometry parametrization, to understand the structure of this model. We propose two approaches to find a candidate as a solution of the tetrahedron equation, and we find a new solution.
Orthogonal and symplectic matrix integrals and coupled KP hierarchy
Orthogonal and symplectic matrix integrals are investigated. It is shown that the matrix integrals can be considered as a $\tau$-function of the coupled KP hierarchy, whose solution can be expressed in terms of pfaffians.
Dressing method and the coupled KP hierarchy
The coupled KP hierarchy, introduced by Hirota and Ohta, are investigated by using the dressing method. It is shown that the coupled KP hierarchy can be reformulated as a reduced case of the 2-component KP hierarchy.
Matrix integrals and the geometry of spinors
We obtain the collection of symmetric and symplectic matrix integrals and the collection of Pfaffian tau-functions, recently described by Peng and Adler and van Moerbeke, as specific elements in the Spin-group orbit of the vacuum vector of a fermionic Fock space. This fermionic Fock space is the same space as one constructs to obtain the KP and 1-Toda lattice hierarchy.
Dispersionless Fermionic KdV
We analyze the dispersionless limits of the Kupershmidt equation, the SUSY KdV-B equation and the SUSY KdV equation. We present the Lax description for each of these models and bring out various properties associated with them as well as discuss open questions that need to be addressed in connection with these models.
The KdV equation on a half-line
The initial boundary value problem on a half-line for the KdV equation with the boundary conditions $u|_{x=0}=a\leq0$, $u_{xx}|_{x=0}=3a^2$ is integrated by means of the inverse scattering method. In order to find the time evolution of the scattering matrix it turned out to be sufficient to solve the Riemann problem on a hyperelliptic curve of genus two, where the conjugation matrices are effectively defined by initial data.
Lax pair, Darboux Transformations and solitonic solutions for a (2+1) dimensional NLSE
In this paper the Singular Manifold Method has allowed us to obtain the Lax pair, Darboux transformations and tau functions for a non-linear Schr\"odiger equation in 2+1 dimensions. In this way we can iteratively build different kind of solutions with solitonic behavior.
Exact Solution of the Quantum Calogero-Gaudin System and of its q-Deformation
A complete set of commuting observables for the Calogero-Gaudin system is diagonalized, and the explicit form of the corresponding eigenvalues and eigenfunctions is derived. We use a purely algebraic procedure exploiting the co-algebra invariance of the model; with the proper technical modifications this procedure can be applied to the $q-$deformed version of the model, which is then also exactly solved.
Schlesinger transformations for elliptic isomonodromic deformations
Schlesinger transformations are discrete monodromy preserving symmetry transformations of the classical Schlesinger system. Generalizing well-known results from the Riemann sphere we construct these transformations for isomonodromic deformations on genus one Riemann surfaces. Their action on the system's tau-function is computed and we obtain an explicit expression for the ratio of the old and the transformed tau-function.
Form factors of the SU(2) invariant massive Thirring model with boundary reflection
The SU(2) invariant massive Thirring model with a boundary is considered on the basis of the vertex operator approach. The bosonic formulae are presented for the vacuum vector and its dual in the presence of the boundary. The integral representations are also given for form factors of the present model.
Canonical transformations of the time for the Toda lattice and the Holt system
For the Toda lattice and the Holt system we consider properties of canonical transformations of the extended phase space, which preserve integrability. The separated variables are invariant under change of the time. On the other hand, mapping of the time induces transformations of the action-angles variables and a shift of the generating function of the B\"{a}cklund transformation.
Introduction to the functions on compact Riemann surfaces and theta-functions
We collect some classical results related to analysis on the Riemann surfaces. The notes may serve as an introduction to the field: we suppose that the reader is familiar only with the basic facts from topology and complex analysis. the treatment is organized to give a background for further applications to non-linear differential equations.
Bicomplexes and finite Toda lattices
We associate bicomplexes with the finite Toda lattice and with a finite Toda field theory in such a way that conserved currents and charges are obtained by a simple iterative construction.
Quantum Lax scheme for Ruijsenaars models
We develop a quantum Lax scheme for IRF models and difference versions of Calogero-Moser-Sutherland models introduced by Ruijsenaars. The construction is in the spirit of the Adler-Kostant-Symes method generalized to the case of face Hopf algebras and elliptic quantum groups with dynamical R-matrices.
Group Theoretical Properties and Band Structure of the Lame Hamiltonian
We study the group theoretical properties of the Lame equation and its relation to su(1,1) and su(2). We compute the band structure, dispersion relation and transfer matrix and discuss the dynamical symmetry limits.
Quantum Lax Pair From Yang-Baxter Equations
We show explicitly how to construct the quantum Lax pair for systems with open boundary conditions. We demonstrate the method by applying it to the Heisenberg XXZ model with general integrable boundary terms.
Liouville equation under perturbation
Small perturbation of the Liouville equation under smooth initial data is considered. Asymptotic solution which is available for a long time interval is constructed by the two scale method.
Whitham-Toda Hierarchy in the Laplacian Growth Problem
The Laplacian growth problem in the limit of zero surface tension is proved to be equivalent to finding a particular solution to the dispersionless Toda lattice hierarchy. The hierarchical times are harmonic moments of the growing domain. The Laplacian growth equation itself is the quasiclassical version of the string equation that selects the solution to the hierarchy.
Singular solution of the Liouville equation under perturbation
Small perturbation of the Liouville equation under singular initial data is considered. An asymptotics of the singular solution is constructed by the method which is similar to Bogolubov -- Krylov one. The main object is an asymptotics of the singular lines.
On the Miura map between the dispersionless KP and dispersionless modified KP hierarchies
We investigate the Miura map between the dispersionless KP and dispersionless modified KP hierarchies. We show that the Miura map is canonical with respect to their bi-Hamiltonian structures. Moreover, inspired by the works of Takasaki and Takebe, the twistor construction of solution structure for the dispersionless modified KP hierarchy is given.
Spin Dynamics of La_2CuO_4 and the Two-Dimensional Heisenberg Model
The spin-lattice relaxation rate $1/T_1$ and the spin echo decay rate $1/T_{2G}$ for the 2D Heisenberg model are calculated using quantum Monte Carlo and maximum entropy analytic continuation. The results are compared to recent experiments on La$_2$CuO$_4$, as well as predictions based on the non-linear $\sigma$-model.
Two-hole bound states in modified t-J model
We consider modified $t-J$ model with minimum of single-hole dispersion at the points $(0,\pm \pi)$, $(\pm \pi,0)$. It is shown that two holes on antiferromagnetic background produce a bound state which properties strongly differs from the states known in the unmodified $t-J$ model. The bound state is d-wave, it has four nodes on the face of the magnetic Brillouin zone. However, in the coordinate representation it looks like as usual s-wave.
Superconducting, magnetic, and charge correlations in the doped two-chain Hubbard model
Superconducting, magnetic, and charge correlation functions and dynamic spin correlation functions of the doped two-chain Hubbard model is studied with the projector Quantum Monte carlo method and Lanczos recursion method. Of the three correlation functions, the interchain singlet superconducting correlation function is the most long range. Our data is not consistent with the Luther-Emery picture.
The Bean Critical State: Infinitely Unstable
The threshold for creep in the Bean critical state is investigated. We perturb the Bean state by an energy $\Delta\epsilon$. We find that no matter how small $\Delta\epsilon$ is it will always be able to induce creep somewhere on the Bean profile. This finding has important consequences for the interpretation of low temperature creep phenomena in terms of quantum creep.
S-35 Beta Irradiation of a Tin Strip in a State of Superconducting Geometrical Metastability
We report the first energy loss spectrum obtained with a geometrically metastable type I superconducting tin strip irradiated by the beta-emission of S-35. (Nucl. Instr. Meth. A, in press)
Coupling of Josephson flux-flow oscillators to an external RC load
We investigate by numerical simulations the behavior of the power dissipated in a resistive load capacitively coupled to a Josephson flux flow oscillator and compare the results to those obtained for a d.c. coupled purely resistive load. Assuming realistic values for the parameters R and C, both in the high- and in the low-Tc case the power is large enough to allow the operation of such a device in applications.
On Mean-Field Theory of Quantum Phase Transition in Granular Superconductors
In previous work on quantum phase transition in granular superconductors, where mean-field theory was used, an assumption was made that the order parameter as a function of the mean field is a convex up function. Though this is not always the case in phase transitions, this assumption must be verified, what is done in this article.
Flux flow resistivity and vortex viscosity of high-Tc films
The flux flow regime of high-T$_{\rm c}$ samples of different normal state resistivities is studied in the temperature range where the sign of the Hall effect is reversed. The scaling of the vortex viscosity with normal state resistivity is consistent with the Bardeen-Stephen theory. Estimates of the influence of possible mechanisms suggested for the sign reversal of the Hall effect are also given.
Evidence for Quasiparticle Decay in Photoemission from Underdoped Cuprates
I argue that the ``gap'' recently observed at the Brillouin zone face of cuprate superconductors in photoemission by Marshall et al [Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 4841 (1996)] and Ding et al [Nature 382, 54 (1996)] is evidence for the decay of the injected hole into a spinon-holon pair.