jou plaaslike kliniek kan jou met voorgeboortelike sorg help en n gesondheidsorgwerker sal jou help om n plan te ontwikkel wat gepas is vir jou en jou baba.
your local clinic can help you with antenatal care and a healthcare worker will assist you to develop a plan that is suitable for you and your baby.
"na beraming is meer as 270 000 leerders geraak en meer as 600 skole beskadig; daar is geen toegang tot 16 van hierdie skole nie weens skade aan paaie en brûe.
"it is estimated that over 270 000 learners were affected and over 600 schools were damaged, 16 of which cannot be accessed due to damage to connecting roads and bridges.
geen private landsburger mag die rol van die immigrasieof regstoepas singsowerhede inneem deur daarop aan te dring dat buitelandse burgers identifikasie verskaf nie.
no private citizen may assume the role of immigration or law enforcement authorities by demanding that foreign nationals produce identification.
die cipc het sy bizportalplatform ontwikkel om aanlyn maatskappyregistrasie en verwante dienste te bied om die proses te vereenvoudig om n besigheid te registreer en aan die nodige vereistes te laat voldoen.
the cipc developed its bizportal platform to offer online company registration and related services to simplify the process of register ing a business and adhering to requirements.
nsvptoekennings thabang primary school in bethlehem in die vrystaat is een van die skole wat baatvind by die nsvp.
nsnp awards thabang primary school in bethlehem, free state, is one of the schools that benefits from the nsnp.
veilige seksdie stigting het ten doel om mivinfeksies te verminder deur die bevordering van die gebruik van kondome en die beoefening van veilige seks.
safe sex the foundation also aims to reduce hiv infections by promoting the use of condoms and safe sex.
weens die nsvp daag meer kinders betyds en ook meer gereeld vir skool op en hulle konsentrasie in die klas het verbeter.
according to the department of basic education (dbe), learners are taught good eating and lifestyle habits.
hospitale is onder baie druk geplaas, met al hoe meer mense wat mediese aandag benodig het.
hospitals have been under great strain as more people have needed medical attention.
sapdlede wat nie hul verpligtinge onder die nuwe wetgewing nakom nie, sal skuldig wees aan wangedrag.
saps members who fail to comply with their obligations under the new law will be guilty of misconduct.
gebruik eerder n emmer as n tuinslang om jou motor te was.
use a bucket rather than a hose to wash your car.
ons moet ook verlore veld herwin betreffende die verskaffing van basiese dienste en kritieke infrastruktuur, wat maat skaplike uitdagings aanpak en townships en landelike gemeenskappe transformeer.
we also have to regain lost ground in the provision of basic services and critical infrastructure, addressing social challenges and transforming townships and rural communities too.
derdens, wil ons verseker dat meer vroue toegang tot produktiewe bates, soos grond, het.
thirdly, we want to ensure more women have access to productive assets such as land.
openbareindiensnemings programme het ook n direkte positiewe impak op gemeenskappe, aangesien hulle werk skep tot voordeel van die hele gemeenskap.
public employment programmes also have a direct positive impact on communities because they create work for the common good.
dit is, volgens die departement, belangrik dat mivpositiewe vrouens wat borsvoed voedingsopsies met hul mivberaders bespreek.
according to the depart ment, if you are an hiv positive breastfeeding mother, it is important to discuss feeding choices with your hiv counsellor.
dit is van kernbelang op n tydstip wat die land weens erge en volgehoue elektrisiteitstekorte swaarkry en waar nóg eskom nóg die regering in staat is om in nuwe opwekkingskapasiteit te belê.
this is vital at a time when the country is suffering from severe and sustained electricity shortages and where neither eskom nor the state is able to invest in new generation capacity.
dit is ook baie kommerwek kend dat israeliese magte n multiverdiepinggebou wat n aantal mediaorganisasies ge huisves het, vernietig het en sodoende n kil boodskap aan die media wat oor die geweld verslag doen, gestuur het.
it is also deeply troubling that israeli forces destroyed a multistorey building that housed a number of media organisations, sending a chilling message to media reporting on the violence.
werkgewers, winkeleienaars en bestuurders, openbare vervoeroperateurs en bestuurders, sowel as eienaars van enige ander openbare gebou is nou wetlik verplig om te sorg dat elkeen wat hul perseel of voertuig betree, 'n masker moet dra.
employers, shop owners and managers, public transport operators, and managers and owners of any other public building are now legally obliged to ensure that anyone entering their premises or vehicle must be wearing a mask.
"dié ondersoek demonstreer ons vasberadenheid om korrupsie met wortel en tak uit te roei en met oortreders klaar te speel," het president ramaphosa gesê.
"this investigation demonstrates our determination to root out corruption and to deal with perpetrators," said president ramaphosa.
ons het op 16 junie 2020 hulde aan die generasie van 1976 gebring en bring ook hulde aan die jeug van postapartheid suidafrika, die waardige erfgename van dié edele nalatenskap.
and so, as we paid tribute to the generation of 1976 on 16 june 2020, we also salute the youth of postapartheid south africa, the worthy inheritors of this noble legacy.
eienaars van kleinsake en informele handelaars is onder diegene in suidafrika wat die ergste deur die grendeltydperk beïnvloed word.
small business owners and informal traders are amongst the south africans who are most heavily impacted by the lockdown.
dinge het dalk vererger, maar ons is seker dat dit weer beter sal word.
it may be that things have gotten worse, but we are certain that they will get better.
daar is mense wat oortre dings teen kinders en mense met intellektuele gestremd hede gepleeg het, soos: statutêre verkragting; om kinders te dwing of te veroorsaak dat hulle sek suele oortredings aanskou; seksuele dade; seksuele uitbuiting; seksuele gereedmaking; blootstelling of vertoning van kinderpornografie aan kinders of mense met intel lektuele gestremdhede en om kinders en mense met intellektuele gestremdhede vir pornografiese doelein des te gebruik.
these are people who have committed offences against children and those with intellectual disabilities, such as: statutory rape; compelling or causing children to witness sexual offences; sexual acts; sexual exploitation; sexual grooming; exposure or display of child pornography to children or people with intellectual disabilities and using children or people with intellectual disabilities for pornographic purposes.
wanneer ons oor ons jaar in hierdie posisie besin, onthou ek die ou spreekwoord wat lui: "van die nood ‘n deug maak.
as we reflect on our year in this position, i am reminded of the old saying that ‘in crisis lies opportunity’.
die doelwitte wat ons vir onsself gestel het is realisties, meetbaar en bereikbaar en put uit vorige ervaring en internasionale beste praktyk.
the goals we have set ourselves are realistic, measura ble and achievable, and draw lessons from past experience and international best prac tice.
digify africa het n gratis kitso whatsappbot wat kinders help om digitale geletterdheidsvaardig hede te ontwikkel.
digify africa has a free kitso whatsapp bot that helps children develop digital literacy skills.
indien die media getrou wil bly aan sy verantwoor delikheid om demokrasie te ondersteun, moet ons joer naliste voortgaan om sonder aansien des persoons oor die ander kwessies van die dag verslag te doen.
if the media is to remain true to its responsibility to support democracy, our journalists must continue to report without fear or favour on the other issues of the day.
"ons het nie vergeet van die wrede nalatenskap van landbou hier in limpopo nie, waar plaasbewoners ge forseer is om woonarbeiders te wees op hul voorvaders se grond en nie toegelaat is om grond te besit om hul ge sinne te voer of as weiding vir hul vee te gebruik nie."
"we have not forgotten the harsh legacy of farming here in limpopo, where farmdwellers were forced to be labour tenants on their forefathers’ land and not allowed to own land to feed their families or graze their animals."
"ons het 74 versorgers in diens vir dié projek.
"we employ 74 care givers for this project.
dié maatreëls het ons mense in tye van nood bygestaan.
these measures greatly helped our people in their time of need.
tydens 'n onlangse besoek aan die ooskaap om die provinsie se koronagereedheidstoestand te evalueer, het ek al hoe meer oor hierdie kwessies begin nadink.
i got thinking on these matters during a recent visit to the eastern cape to assess the province’s coronavirus state of readiness.
'n joernalis het my gevra of ek bekommerd is oor die hangende hofsaak wat verskeie bepalings van die wet op rampbestuur uitdaag.
i was asked by a journalist whether i was concerned at the pending litigation challenging certain provisions of the disaster management act.
tradisionele leiers het sedert 2018 ongeveer 1 500 000 hektaar gemeenskaplike grond beskikbaar gestel vir ontwikkeling en daar word gehoop dat dit in die toekoms nog meer sal word.
since 2018, traditional leaders have made around 1 500 000 hectares of communal land available for development, and it is hoped this will increase in future.
hulle kom van die episentrum van die koronavirus in wuhan, china en het die verwoestende impak van dié virus op mense ervaar.
they have come from the epicentre of the coronavirus in wuhan in china and have seen the devastating impact this virus is wreaking on human life.
mense wat matriek gedruip het en n tweede kans wil hê om te slaag.
people who failed matric and want a second chance at passing.
tafelkopboere se drome bewaarheid vukuzenzele unnamed ngroep swart boere van tafelkop in groblersdal, lim popo, is die trotse nuwe eienaars van die 189hek taar grond waarop hulle vir die afgelope 25 jaar boer.
dreams come true for tafelkop community vukuzenzele unnamed a group of black farmers in tafelkop in grob lersdal, limpopo are the proud owners of 189 hectares of land, which they have been farming for the past 25 years.
meer as 4 000 huise is vernietig en 8 300 is gedeeltelik beskadig, met 40 000 mense wat dakloos gelaat is.
over 4 000 homes have been destroyed and 8 300 have been partially damaged, leaving 40 000 people homeless.
die nasionale regerings kool speel ’n sleutelrol in hierdie verband.
the national school of government (nsg) has a vital role to play in this regard.
dit is ’n verligting dat kinders hul onderwys kan hervat ná 'n lang afwesigheid uit klaskamers en lesingsale.
there is relief that children will be able to resume their education after a prolonged absence from classrooms and lecture halls.
om epilepsie en die rede vir stuipe te verstaan, verduidelik egter nie hoekom dit juis met jóú kind gebeur nie.
understanding epilepsy and why seizures occur doesn’t explain why this happened to your child.
ekonomiese groei en werkskepping kan nie plaas vind sonder om die moeilike dog noodsaaklike struktu rele hervormings wat die sakeen beleggingsklimaat sal verbeter, te onderneem nie.
economic growth cannot be realised and jobs cannot be created without undertaking the difficult but necessary structural reforms that will improve the business and investment climate.
wees op die uitkyk vir kinderkanker more matshediso gebrek aan kennis en bewustheid van kinderkanker en die simptome daarvan veroorsaak dat baie suidafrikaanse kinders slegs gediagnoseer word wanneer die siekte reeds in n gevor derde stadium is.
look out for early signs of childhood cancer more matshediso a lack of awareness of childhood cancer and its symptoms means that many south african children are diagnosed when the disease is at an advanced stage.
die regering het verlede jaar r2.5 miljard in nuwe ondersteuning aan ongeveer 180 swart nyweraars, in die vorm van lenings deur die nok en die nasionale bemagtigingsfonds (nbf), asook toelaes deur die dhnm se aansporingskema goedgekeur, as deel van ons veldtog om n nuwe generasie swart nyweraars te skep.
as part of our drive to create a new generation of black industrialists, last year government approved r2.5 billion in new support to about 180 black industrialists in the form of loans from the idc and national empowerment fund (nef) and grants from the dtic incentive scheme.
tydens die ergste onluste in ons demokrasie, en in n klimaat wat reeds gelaai is met agterdog en paranoia, het mense wat voorheen sy aan sy in relatiewe vrede geleef het, teen mekaar gedraai.
during some of the worst unrest in our democracy, and in a climate already thick with suspicion and paranoia, people that had lived sidebyside in relative peace turned on each other.
kinders van so jonk as drie jaar oud kan verstaan dat die brein die liggaam beheer.
children as young as three can understand that the brain controls the body.
sy het, ten spyte van al dié uitdagings, positief gebly.
despite these challenges, she remained positive.
'n aantal programme en projekte word ontwerp om hierdie nasionale uitdaging aan te pak.
a number of programmes and projects are being designed to address this national challenge.
die vereniging beraam egter dat die helfte van die land se kinders wat kanker het, nooit diagnoseer word nie.
however, the association estimates that half of the children with cancer in south africa are never diagnosed.
vroue moet ook teen teistering en diskriminasie in die werkplek beskerm word.
women must also be protected from harassment and discrimination in the workplace.
ons moet verseker dat vroulike bestaansboere en kleinskaalse boere steeds na afloop van die pandemie ondersteun word.
we must ensure that women subsistence and smallscale farmers continue to receive support beyond the pandemic.
ons oorwegings is gegrond op empiriese bewyse, sowel as wetenskaplike en ekonomiese data en internasionale beste praktyk.
our considerations are based on empirical evidence, scientific and economic data and international best practice.
om n geliefde te verloor, is nooit maklik nie en kan n vlaag emosies ontketen.
losing a loved one is never easy and can trigger a range of emotions.
ek moedig alle suidafrikaners aan om hulle te vergewis van die toepaslike voorkomende maatreëls.
i encourage all south africans to acquaint themselves with the relevant preventative material.
waar dié voorkomende maatreëls egter nie gevolg is nie, was die nagevolge ongelukkig ooglopend.
and where we fell short, we have, sadly, seen the consequences.
ons moes weer eens die donker en vieslike sy van ons samelewing in die oë staar.
we are once more confronted with the dark and ugly side of our society.
die inperking van die siekte in wuhanstad, in hubeiprovinsie en op ander plekke reg oor china, het n massiewe en buitengewone poging vereis.
the containment of the disease in wuhan city, in hubei province and in other places across china required a massive and extraordinary effort.
eienaars van ondernemings met dranklisensies mag, ingevolge die nasionale drankwet, geensins alkohol aan enige persoon onder die ouderdom van 18 verkoop nie.
under the national liquor act, owners of establishments with liquor licenses may not sell alcohol to anyone under the age of 18. they must also take reasonable steps to ensure anyone they are selling alcohol to is of age.
zoeloegeïnspireerde kos maak kaapstadse restaurant bekend owen mngadi deur trotsheid te toon in haar erfenis by wyse van tradisionele kos, het die restaurateur mmabatho molefe haar eie restaurant, emazulwini, op die wêreldkaart geplaas nadat dit ingesluit is in die 50 nextlys.
zuluinspired food puts cape town restaurant on the map owen mngadi by showcasing pride in her heritage through traditional food, restaurateur mmabatho molefe has put her restaurant, emazulwini, on the world map after it was included in the 50 next list.
hier is ‘n paar wenke:l hou vuurhoutjies, aanste kers, versnelmiddels (petrol en paraffien), kerse, gasen paraffienlampe en verwarmers buite bereik van kinders.
here are some tips: keep matches, lighters, accelerants (petrol and paraffin), candles, gas and paraffin lamps and heaters out of children’s reach.
suidafrika sal voortgaan om sy kant te bring om integrasie op die kontinent te bewerkstellig, en sal die inkomende voorsitter sowel as die organisasie ondersteun in sy pogings om die aspirasies van die au se agenda 2063 te bereik.
south africa will continue to play its part to foster integration on the continent, and support the incoming chair and the organisation in its efforts to meet the aspirations of the au’s agenda 2063. when the organisation for african unity was founded in 1963, member states planted the seeds of cooperation and solidarity in pursuit of a better life for all the peoples of africa.
hulle ondersteun ook die werk van die departement van indiensneming en arbeid betreffende werkplekinspeksies om te verseker dat gesondheidsen veiligheidsprotokolle vir terugkerende werkers, ingestel is.
they are also supporting the work of the department of employment and labour in conducting workplace inspections to ensure health and safety protocols are in place for returning workers.
vroeër vanjaar is daar ook bevind dat meer as 16 000 werknemers in diens van die staat onreëlmatige uit betalings van die spesiale kovid19 maatskaplike noodverligtingstoelaag ont vang het.
earlier this year, it was also found that around 16,000 employees on the government payroll were irregularly paid the covid19 social relief of distress grant.
"as kind wou ek aan vanklik n doktor geword het, maar ek het later meer geleenthede begin ondersoek.
"growing up, i initially wanted to be a doctor, but later i started exploring other options.
toe ons voorvaders die vry heidshandves, waarvan die beginsels in ons grondwet opgeneem is, in 1955 opgestel het en verklaar het dat suidafrika aan almal wat in die land woon behoort, was hulle doel n samelewing sonder etniese chauvinisme, stamorganisasie, rassisme en seksisme.
when our forebears drafted the freedom charter in 1955, whose principles have been incorporated in our constitution, and declared that south africa belongs to all who live in it, they were seeking a society free from ethnic chauvinism, tribalism, racism and sexism.
die publiek behoort nie chirurgiese (mediese) maskers of n95asemhalingsmaskers te gebruik nie, want dit word vir gesondheidsorgwerkers en ander frontlinie mediese personeel gespaar.
the public should not use surgical (medical) or n95 respirator masks because these are reserved for healthcare workers and other medical first responders.
daar is tydens die debat in die nasionale huis van tradisionele leiers voor gestel dat een van die die vernaamste suksesfaktore van die investruralprogram sou behels dat tradisionele strukture opgelei, versterk en bevoeg gemaak word.
during the debate in the national house of traditional leaders it was proposed that a major success factor for the investrural programme is that traditional structures are trained, strengthened and capacitated.
minister ntshavheni voeg by dat die skema ook krediet aan spazawinkeleienaars sal verskaf, wat hulle toegang sal gee tot die geld om voorraad aan te koop.
minister ntshavheni adds that the scheme will also provide credit to spaza shop owners, to allow them to access the money needed to buy stock.
wuhan, n stad in die hubeiprovinsie, met 11 miljoen inwoners, het meer as 50 000 infeksies gehad.
wuhan, a city of 11 million people in the province of hubei, had more than 50,000 infections.
beskerm jouself dié winter teen kovid19 allison cooper met suidafrika se kovid19gevalle aan die toeneem voor n vyfde vlaag wat voorspel is en die koue wintermaande om die draai, versoek die regering steeds die publiek om teen die virus ingeënt te word en op datum te bly met die ver sterkerdosisse.
protect yourself from covid19 before winter allison cooper with south africa’s covid19 cases increasing ahead of the predicted fifth wave and cold winter months around the corner, government continues to urge the public to get vaccinated against the virus and stay up to date with their booster shots.
harrison sê dat mosamaria se werk die stigma van tb vermin der het en hegte verhoudings met die gemeenskap gesmee het.
harrison says that mosamoria’s work has reduced the stigma around tb, built close relationships with the community and also led to much better rates of successful treatment.
hy voeg by dat daar n bestendige toename in die rapportering van bedrog met betrekking tot maatskaplike toelae was sedert die inper kingsvlakke begin lig is, veral rakende die maatskaplike noodverligtingstoelae.
he adds that since the lowering of lockdown levels, there has been a steady increase in the reporting of social grantrelated fraud, especially social relief of distress grants.
sommige mense het voorgestel dat ons n keuse moet maak tussen n ontwikkelingstaat wat n kernbelangrike rol in ekonomiese en maatskaplike transformasie speel aan die een kant, en n lewendige, uitbreidende privaatsektor wat groei een indiensneming aandryf, aan die ander kant.
some people have suggested that we must make a choice between, on the one hand, a developmental state that plays a vital role in economic and social transformation, and, on the other, a vibrant, expanding private sector that drives growth and employment.
wat kommerwekkend is, is dat mediavryheid agter uitgegaan het tydens die covid19pandemie, waar die onderskeie beperkinge wat ingestel is skynbaar gebruik is om mediavryheid in verskeie plekke in te perk.
what is worrying is that media freedom has deteriorated under the covid19 pandemic, with the various restrictions put in place having seemingly been used to curtail media activity in several places.
ek wil die talle nro's, godsdienstige groepe en gewone burgers bedank wat geld skenk en as vrywilligers help om honger en behoeftige mense te voed.
i wish to thank the many ngos, religious groups and ordinary citizens who are donating money and volunteer ing to help feed the hungry and destitute.
minister nzimande het besluit om die aansoeksiklus vanjaar vroeër te open, in teenstelling met laasjaar toe die aansoeksiklus eers later geopen is, om voornemende aan soekers genoeg tyd te gee om hul aansoeke en ondersteunende dokumentasie in te dien.
minister nzimande says the scheme resolved to open the application cycle early, as opposed to the previous year, in order to give prospective applicants enough time to submit their applications and supporting documents.
laat ons almal steeds ons kant bring.
let us all continue to play our part.
"teen ongeveer maart en april was daar skielik ’n tekort aan ventilators van ons internasionale verskaffers.
"around march and april, there suddenly became a short supply of ventilators from our international suppliers.
ons het ook steun en hulpbronne verskaf aan ander kritiese misdaadbes trydende liggame soos die eenheid vir batebeslagleg ging, die gespesialiseerde kommersiële misdaadeen heid en die direktoraat vir prioriteitsmisdaadonder soeke, bekend as die valke.
we have also provided support and resources to other critical crimefighting bodies like the asset forfeiture unit, specialised commercial crimes unit and directorate for priority crime investigation, known as the hawks.
"as daar een ding is waarop ons almal kan ooreenkom, is dit dat die huidige situasie – van uiterse armoede, werkloosheid en ongelykheid – onaanvaarbaar en onvolhoubaar is."
"if there is one thing we all agree on, it is that the present situation – of deep poverty, unemployment and inequality – is unacceptable and unsustainable."
nie een van die kovid19entstowwe bevat enige eierproteïene nie.
none of the covid19 vaccines have any egg proteins.
die kind moet jonger as 18 wees.
the child must be younger than 18. the grant recipient must be the child’s primary caregiver and the child must live with him/her.
n endemiese siekte is n siekte wat gereeld voorkom onder sekere mense of in n sekere streek.
an endemic disease is a condition regularly found among particular people or in a certain area.
die werkservaring en vaardighede wat deur begunstig des van die presidensiële in diensnemingstimulus benodig word, sal hulle vooruitsigte om formele werk te verkry, verbeter.
the work experience and skills acquired by beneficiaries of the presidential employment stimulus will improve their prospects of securing formal employment.
voorkom dat jy n slagoffer van mensehandel word silusapho nyanda namate die aantal gerapporteerde mensehandelgevalle toeneem, is dit belangrik dat jy stappe doen om jou veiligheid te verseker.
avoid becoming a human trafficking victim silusapho nyanda as the number of human trafficking cases being reported increases, it is important that you take steps to ensure your safety.
die koronavirusstorm is baie feller en meer vernietigend as enigiets wat ons voorheen beleef het.
the coronavirus storm is far fiercer and more destructive than any we have known before.
aangesien dit hoofsaaklik mans is wat die oortreders is, behoort dit mans te wees wat die leiding neem teen geslagsgebaseerde geweld en hul stemme dik maak, dit aanmeld, bewusmaking daar oor skep, portuuropvoeding doen en voorkomende aksies neem.
because it is men who are the main perpetrators, it should be men taking the lead in speaking out and reporting gbv, in raising awareness, in peer edu cation and in prevention efforts.
ons moet gesamentlik n verantwoordelikheidskultuur opbou.
as a society, we need to build a culture of responsibility.
dit is beduidend dat 53 persent van die begunstigdes van die r75 miljoen vir covid19noodleniging wat vir boederyinsetbewyse opsy gesit is, landelike vroue sal wees.
it is significant that of the r75 million in covid19 relief earmarked for farming input vouchers 53 percent of the beneficiaries will be rural women.
om te verseker dat jy jou finansiële doelwitte bereik, kan jy smurtdoelwitte (smart, in engels) vir n finansieel geborge toekoms toepas,.
in order to ensure that you achieve your financial goals, you can adopt smart goals for a financially secure future.
'n eer om die au te lei vukuzenzele unnamed suidafrika se ter myn as voorsitter van die afrikaunie het ten einde geloop.
an honour to lead the african union vukuzenzele unnamed south africa’s term as chair of the african union has come to an end.
sonder hul dapper en begin selvaste intrede sou ons nie in staat wees om diegene wat korrupsie pleeg, te ontmasker nie.
without their brave and principled interventions, we would be unable to unmask those committing corruption.
dit was n geïnspireerde be sluit, aangesien sy die aantal bokke en koeie vermeerder het.
this proved to be an inspired decision, as she has grown the number of goats and cows.
daar is baie ander maniere waarop die regering direk bydra tot werkskepping, waaronder grootskaalse beleggings in infrastruktuur, die skep van spesiale ekonomiese sones en die ondersteuning van arbeidsintensiewe groeinywerhede.
there are many other ways in which government is contributing directly to job creation, including through largescale investments in infrastructure, the establishment of special economic zones and through support to labourintensive growth industries.
"dit is n papierlose proses en die maatskappy sal binne 24uur nadat die aansoek ingedien is, geregistreer wees.
"it’s a paperless process and the company will be registered within 24 hours of submission.
stappe om die ekonomie weer op die been te bring vukuzenzele unnamed dit sal binnekort n jaar wees sedert die eerste koronavirusgeval in ons land aangeteken is.
steps to revive the economy vukuzenzele unnamed it will soon be a year since the first reported case of coronavirus disease (covid19) in our country.
op so 'n roete sou die uitga wes aan maatskaplike dienste waarop arm mense staatmaak, heelwat besnoei moes word.
such a route would have seen deep cuts in spending on the social services that poor people rely on.
sodoende dra hulle by tot die transformasie op beide plaaslike vlak en in die breër samelewing.
in doing so, they contribute to transformation both at a local level and within broader society.
kriminele wat oopvlekkers teiken het nie net ten doel om sekere individue stil te maak nie — hulle wil ook n boodskap stuur aan ander voornemende oopvlekkers.
the intent of the criminals who target whistleblowers is not only to silence particular individuals – it is also to send a message to other potential whistleblowers.
van die byna 73 000 gevalle van aanranding wat in hierdie tydperk aangemeld is, is meer as 13 000 verwant aan huishoudelike geweld.
of the nearly 73 000 assault cases reported during this period, more than 13 000 were domestic violencerelated.
ons ekonomie sal uitbrei en meer werke skep namate ons uitvoere groei.
as our exports grow, our economy will expand and create more jobs.

The Vuk'uzenzele South African Multilingual Corpus


Zenodo: DOI

Arxiv Preprint: arXiv

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The dataset was obtained from the South African government magazine Vuk'uzenzele, created by the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS). The original raw PDFS were obtatined from the Vuk'uzenzele website.

The datasets contain government magazine editions in 11 languages, namely:

Language Code Language Code
English (eng) Sepedi (sep)
Afrikaans (afr) Setswana (tsn)
isiNdebele (nbl) Siswati (ssw)
isiXhosa (xho) Tshivenda (ven)
isiZulu (zul) Xitstonga (tso)
Sesotho (nso)

Available pairings

The alignment direction is bidrectional, i.e. xho-zul is zul-xho

afr-eng; afr-nbl; afr-nso; afr-sot; afr-ssw; afr-tsn; afr-tso; afr-ven; afr-xho; afr-zul
eng-nbl; eng-nso; eng-sot ;eng-ssw; eng-tsn; eng-tso; eng-ven; eng-xho; eng-zul
nbl-nso; nbl-sot; nbl-ssw; nbl-tsn; nbl-tso; nbl-ven; nbl-xho; nbl-zul
nso-sot; nso-ssw; nso-tsn; nso-tso; nso-ven; nso-xho; nso-zul
sot-ssw; sot-tsn; sot-tso; sot-ven; sot-xho; sot-zul
ssw-tsn; ssw-tso; ssw-ven; ssw-xho; ssw-zul
tsn-tso; tsn-ven; tsn-xho; tsn-zul
tso-ven; tso-xho; tso-zul
ven-xho; ven-zul


This dataset contains machine-readable data extracted from PDF documents, from, provided by the Government Communication Information System (GCIS). While efforts were made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this data, there may be errors or discrepancies between the original publications and this dataset. No warranties, guarantees or representations are given in relation to the information contained in the dataset. The members of the Data Science for Societal Impact Research Group bear no responsibility and/or liability for any such errors or discrepancies in this dataset. The Government Communication Information System (GCIS) bears no responsibility and/or liability for any such errors or discrepancies in this dataset. It is recommended that users verify all information contained herein before making decisions based upon this information.


The datasets consist of pairwise sentence aligned data. There are 55 distinct datasets of paired sentences. The data is obtained by comparing LASER embeddings of sentence tokens between 2 languages. If the similarity is high, the sentences are deemed semantic equivalents of one another and the observation is outputted.

Naming convention:
The naming structure of the pairwise_sentence_aligned folder is aligned-{src_lang_code}-{tgt_lang_code}.csv.
For example, aligned-afr-zul.csv is the aligned sentences between Afrikaans and isiZulu.

The data is in .csv format and the columns are src_text,tgt_text,cosine_score where:

  • src_text is the source sentence
  • tgt_text is the target sentence
  • cosine_score is the cosine similarity score obtained by comparing the sentence embeddings, it ranges from 0 to 1

Note: The notion of source (src) and target (tgt) are only necessary for distinction between the languages used in the aligned pair, as the sentence semantics should be bidirectional. (hallo <-> sawubona)


Vukosi Marivate, Andani Madodonga, Daniel Njini, Richard Lastrucci, Isheanesu Dzingirai, Jenalea Rajab. The Vuk'uzenzele South African Multilingual Corpus, 2023

@dataset{marivate_vukosi_2023_7598540, author = {Marivate, Vukosi and Njini, Daniel and Madodonga, Andani and Lastrucci, Richard and Dzingirai, Isheanesu Rajab, Jenalea}, title = {The Vuk'uzenzele South African Multilingual Corpus}, month = feb, year = 2023, publisher = {Zenodo}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.7598539}, url = {} }


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