"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I am expecting an express package tomorrow, but the tracking has not been updated correctly.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: anxious<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I am going to visit my friend in France next month. I cannot wait!\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: excited<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I had to go to court. I had all of my papers ready for it\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: prepared<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"My friend learned to juggle several items. I have no idea how he does it, but it's amazing!\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: impressed<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"my coworkers all got together for something and didn't include me. \"?<|endoftext|><bot>: jealous<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I play the lotto regularly and finally won a small amount the other night much to my shock.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: surprised<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"My friend was making fun of me one calling me a lightweight because I was buzzing after one glass of tequila...she's pretty good at holding her liquor but when we started drinking beer I noticed she was really drunk. Then I had the last laugh\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: surprised<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I bought some fast food, and the cashier refused to give my a receipt! I had to ask the manager to print me one.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: annoyed<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I hate going to the dentist. I have an appointment coming up and I don't want to go. I have a tooth that has been hurting me for awhile and I have already put it off.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: anticipating<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I am finally getting to go to the Harry Potter attraction at Universal Studios! I love the movies and can hardly wait!\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: anticipating<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I felt so bad when I ate all of the Christmas cookies I baked. I didn't save any for my neighbors. They were just so good!\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: guilty<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"The dog puked on the carpet and then ate it's own puke\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: disgusted<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"We had some birthday cake from my husband's party this past weekend in the fridge, and I ate the last piece because I was craving chocolate like crazy! I feel so bad now.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: guilty<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"My little cousin was visiting last weekend and he kept screaming for Kraft Dinner for supper. I made a delicious chicken dinner but his mom apparently always give him what he wants.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: annoyed<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I am anticipating the weekend. After everyone gets home we are going to spend time together as a family.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: anticipating<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"My previous landlord waited until the very last minute to do so but they returned my security deposit. I can now use it to put down on a new place for my wife and I!\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: joyful<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I let my son use my debit card to go out to get pizza with his friends. I'm glad I know he won't abuse the privilege.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: trusting<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"A friend of mine is trying to open a business managing money for other people. I believe I am going to give him my savings to manage, I believe he is a reliable peron.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: trusting<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I was going through some old stuff in the attic the other day and found an old quilt from my grandma. \"?<|endoftext|><bot>: sentimental<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I was glad when my dad retired. He deserved it\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: proud<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I have a pile of laundry that I have been neglecting. I really need to get busy.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: ashamed<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"MY new neighbors have decided to move their thing around at midnight. IT is so loud\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: annoyed<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"that i won a medal for the high jump \"?<|endoftext|><bot>: impressed<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"My family and friends threw a party for me out of the blue. Did not expect it at all and I felt so appreciated! It was an awesome night yesterday!\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: surprised<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I really do not like when I order a hamburger with no ketchup and they still put it on.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: angry<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I really do not like the new text and drive laws.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: angry<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I once awoke not able to move or speak. I was scared to death.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: terrified<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I found a stray kitten outside the pizza place the other day. I brought it home to give it some love.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: caring<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"When I had a new position at work and knew what I had to do from watching, observing and studying what I needed to know about it. \"?<|endoftext|><bot>: prepared<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I've been having a sharp pain in my chest lately. Tomorrow, I go to the doctors and I am optimistic it isn't something too serious...\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: hopeful<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I lost over 10k in an investment.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: guilty<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"When my brother got suspended from high school for something he did not do by a vindictive teach, it really made me angry\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: angry<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"when i let my neighbor borrow my gate card after we had just moved in. \"?<|endoftext|><bot>: trusting<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I'm making venison wellington and I totally forgot to put mustard on the backstrap before I wrapped it.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: ashamed<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I was going through some old boxes the other day and found a bunch of notes that were passed to me from my girlfriend in high school..... ahh, first love....\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: sentimental<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I was given something for free that I didn't pay for\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: guilty<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"Why should I feel sorry for myself when I gave it my all\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: ashamed<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"When my aunt did not come to my graduation, it made me sad. I just wanted her to be there\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: disappointed<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I tried my best ho hold in my fart in class.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: embarrassed<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"On my birthday, no one showed up to the celebration. I had dinner by myself in my apartment.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: lonely<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"We were ready to buy the house from my omther in law, but we had to wait another year because she signed a lease.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: disappointed<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"My son went to stay with family for a few days. The house felt so empty without him.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: lonely<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I was going on vacation with my boyfriend of the time for the first time out of the country. The first night of the cruise, he told me that we would be swimming with the dolphins on our trip which has always been my dream. That evening, he also asked me to marry him.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: excited<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"The last time we went on vacation, I brought more than enough stuff for everyone.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: prepared<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \" My best friend broke my bicycle. I was very angry on him.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: furious<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"My wife brought home some leftovers. I ate them when she took a nap\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: ashamed<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"When I was a little kid I used to put my faith in everybody. I learned later on, as I matured that you can't rely on other people too much because only you know what is best for you in life while everyone else will try to use you if they see you doing too well in life\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: trusting<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I just loaned a close friend 400 dollars, I trust that'll he'll pay me back next week.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: trusting<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I just had my air conditioning system cleaned out because it wasn't working right. Wow, the junk that came out of it was awful. The owner before me never used filters. \"?<|endoftext|><bot>: disgusted<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I was proud when I graduated from college. What a rough and fun 4 years that was.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: proud<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I told my husband that I was going to see a friend when I didn't. I went to a party planner's place.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: guilty<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"when someone dosnt stop talking\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: annoyed<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"We moved to a new house last year and love it - and have spend much less working on projects and more time with the kids.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: joyful<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I ruined my favorite shorts today. i sharted\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: sad<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I was so happy with my colleagues\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: joyful<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"It is really a 'wow' moment. It is nearly a year since we have adopted kid, and she grew up so much. \"?<|endoftext|><bot>: surprised<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"My turtle ran away yesterday. I am so sad.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: sad<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I'm thinking about becoming a vegan, but I'm not so sure I can do it.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: apprehensive<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I heard a noise last night and my boyfriend was sleeping. It sounded like someone got in and was walking toward the bedroom.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: terrified<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I was shocked when I realized I left my door open at night\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: surprised<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I was scared driving home last night. I felt like a car was following me\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: afraid<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"Was walking down the street yesterday and some little twerp ran his skateboard right into me, and he slammed into the back of my knee. It's been throbbing all day and it's swollen. Pretty sure something's messed up. I'm ready for bad news. At least I have insurance now.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: prepared<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I was really proud of a coworker at work. They gave a great presentation. \"?<|endoftext|><bot>: impressed<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"My friend hasn't answered me calls for 2 weeks now. I don't know what's going on.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: afraid<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I walked into a public restroom. I quickly walked when I saw that all the toilets had overflowed and the floor was covered with brown stuff.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: disgusted<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I ate my roommates pizza, I feel bad.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: guilty<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I just told a friend I couldn't attend her birthday because I have a headache, but the truth is I prefer to stay home and finish watching a series on Netflix, now I feel bad bout ir.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: guilty<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I decided to buy a new vehicle and didn't choose to go electric. I feel a little bad about it.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: guilty<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"Tomorrow I have to give a big speech to my colleagues at work. I am very nervous.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: anxious<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"My youngest child just moved out of the house and in to her dorm. I am having some strong empty nest syndrome.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: lonely<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"Jesus will come home and save us all one day.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: hopeful<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I was shocked when I saw my friend out and about. I had not seen them in awhile\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: surprised<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I got caught by my dad when I take money from his wallet. I feel guilty for it.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: ashamed<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"MMA shows tomorrow. Taking my nephew!\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: anticipating<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I asked my girlfriend to marry me. I am so happy she said yes!\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: joyful<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"This time of year reminds me of my childhood. We would go to the beach every summer.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: nostalgic<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I FINALLY get my lawn mower fixed on thursday..and I am strangely excited to use it and have my yard nice again!\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: anticipating<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"My friend was sick the other day and I made her soup. She said it made her feel better.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: caring<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I went to my friends house and his place is just a pig sty. \"?<|endoftext|><bot>: disgusted<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I was doing a team effort, andf my team did well\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: proud<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"My son just lied to me about where he was last night. I am shocked as I always told him to be upfront and honest with me no matter what.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: disappointed<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I won the MVP award at a hockey tournament. I had 8 goals.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: joyful<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"Before my birthday, my boyfriend tried to get me to pick menu items that everyone could eat--including him. This meant I picked place that served only chicken because it's the only meat my boyfriend can have due to his digestive/health issue. Of course, I got anxious and upset because the place I picked was serving healthy food--my preference--but the serving sizes were missing and I couldn't tell what ingredients were in what; this lead to us arguing.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: angry<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I get so annoyed at my husband when he leaves his dirty clothing on the floor.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: annoyed<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I got invited on a last minute fishing trip today.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: surprised<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I got a much higher grade on my quiz than I expected, so I am happy with myself for once.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: proud<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I helped a friend move his grandparent out of their house the other day. They were apparently full blown hoarders. I was appalled at the condition of the house and its contents!\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: disgusted<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"Oh my gosh, I got home from the store and realized I forgot to pay for my dog food!!\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: ashamed<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I was shocked today. My roommate didn't flush the toilet.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: surprised<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"When I met my now husband, I knew right away that I would be with him forever.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: faithful<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"Someone broke out my car window. I am so angry it happened.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: furious<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"it was impressive to see my friend get a job so quickly last week\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: impressed<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"my child lied to me \"?<|endoftext|><bot>: furious<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I am scared of Trump.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: apprehensive<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"My friend works 2 jobs to support her 3 kids.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: impressed<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I lost 40 pounds by eating right and going to the gym. Some people were surprised at my results. \"?<|endoftext|><bot>: proud<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"My brother just told me his wife is pregnant. I could not be happier for him.\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: joyful<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I was mad when my boss yelled at me. I guess I was late\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: angry<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I like taking my grandma out to lunch and dinner sometimes. It helps get her out of the house and gives her something to do\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: caring<|endoftext|>"
"<human>: what emotion is in this statement: \"I waiting to find a good show to binge on. Ive seen everything\"?<|endoftext|><bot>: anticipating<|endoftext|>" exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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