{ "section_name": [ "Starting the Conversation", "Staying Engaged in the Conversation", "Finding Topics to Talk About" ], "document": [ "if you’ve never met the person before. If you want to talk to a stranger, approach them, make eye contact, and smile. Say hello and tell them your name so they feel comfortable around you. Offer a handshake so the other person feels connected to you and more willing to talk. Ask them for their name so you have a natural lead-in to a longer conversation. For example, you may say, “Hi, my name is John. It’s nice to meet you.” You don’t need to introduce yourself if you just want to have a casual conversation, but it will help make people more receptive to you. Mentioning something negative at the start of your conversation may make others unwilling to open up and talk with you. Bring up something around you that you really enjoy and smile while you’re talking to the other person is more likely to open up and talk with you. After you mention what you enjoy, you ask them how they feel about it to get them involved. For example, if you’re at a party, you may say, “This music is really cool! Do you like it?” or, “Have you tried the food yet? It’s really delicious.” Ending with a question encourages the other person to respond and start a conversation. Talk about the person’s personality or something they’re wearing when you give a compliment. Be genuine with your compliment or else the person may feel like you aren’t being truthful and deter them from talking to you. Follow up with a question to keep the conversation going, or else they may not respond. You may say something like, “That dress looks really nice. Where did you get it?” or, “You have a good sense of style. How do you find outfits to wear?” Use open-ended questions as much as you can so the conversation doesn’t end with “yes” or “no.” Avoid bringing up someone’s appearance since it could make them uncomfortable and they may not respond well to it. If you’re unable to think of a way to transition into a conversation, look around where you and make an observation about something you see. It can be about the weather, a venue, other people, or an event taking place. Stay positive in your conversation so you seem inviting to the other person and you make them more interested in talking to you. For example, you may say, “This is my first time at this cafe. Have you tried anything here?” or, “I wish the sun would come out today. When’s the last time it wasn’t cloudy.” Have a sense of humor when you’re having your conversation. It will make others feel engaged and make your chat more enjoyable.", "to the other person actively so you can respond to the other person. Put away your phone and focus your attention on the other person while they’re talking. Maintain eye contact with them so they know that you’re paying attention to them and actively listen to what they’re saying. Ask them questions based on what they say so to stay involved in the conversation. When they end their thought, briefly restate something they said so they know you were paying attention to them. For example, if they mentioned getting a new vehicle, you can ask, “What kind of car did you end up getting? Does it drive well?” Try to avoid thinking of other things while the other person is talking since you may not respond naturally to them when they finish. If the other person mentions something that you can relate to while they’re talking, use the phrase, “That reminds of…” before talking about your topic. This way, you can easily go between multiple topics in a natural way without any awkward breaks in the conversation. Make sure the topics are related in some way to make it a smooth transition so it’s easier for the other person to follow along. For example, if they mention the nice weather, you may say something like, “That reminds me of the gorgeous weather in Hawaii when I visited. Have you been there?” If you have something come into your head during a random break in the conversation, bring it up and ask the other person about it. Don’t interrupt the other person if you think of something while they’re talking since it’s rude. Make sure the topic isn’t something that would make the other person uncomfortable, or else they may not want to continue talking. For example, you may say, “I just remembered a funny news story I found online. Do you want to hear it?” The person may not be as receptive of a random topic if you haven’t already talked to them yet.", "Reach out to the person you want to talk to and mention work or school. Ask them what their job involves, how long they’ve been there, and ask if they’ve done anything interesting lately. If they’re still in school, ask them what they’re studying and what they hope to do when they graduate. Be sure to answer any questions if they ask about your job or education as well. Show genuine interest in their job, even if it doesn’t sound the most exciting to you. Use it as an opportunity to learn more about the person and the subject. People enjoy talking about things they’re passionate about, so ask the person what they like to do outside of work or school, and note any areas that sound interesting to you. See what their favorite thing about the hobby is and what they like about it. When they ask you about your hobbies, mention any that are similar to theirs first so you can hold a conversation about it. If you’re interested in one of their hobbies, ask them how to get involved so you can try it too. For example, you may say something like, “Oh I’ve never tried woodworking. What’s the best thing to do for a beginner.” Make sure you don’t talk over the other person or talk only about your hobbies. Ask questions about what the other person enjoys so you can have a good back-and-forth dialogue. Many people share similar tastes in media, so talk about recent films or music that you’ve seen or listened to and gauge the other person’s interest. Ask them what content they’ve been enjoying lately and let them explain why they like it. If you both have seen or heard the same thing, have a discussion about it and talk about your opinions to keep the conversation going. For example, you could say, “Have you seen the newest Star Wars movie? What did you think of the ending?” or, “What music do you like to listen to? Do you have a favorite artist I should check out?” Even if you disagree with their opinions, stay positive and say something like, “Oh, I never thought of it that way, but I understand your point.” That way, the other person will still feel engaged with the subject rather than being shot down. If you don’t know what the other person is talking about, ask them to clarify or explain what happens so you can get a better understanding of it. It’s okay to say “I don’t know,” if you’re unfamiliar with media they’re discussing. If you feel comfortable with the other person, you may ask about their past or what they want to do in the future. Ask them about funny things that happened to them, what their family is like, or goals they have. Open up about your own experiences so you can share them and connect with the other person. For example, you may say something like, “Where are you originally from? Did you like it there?” or, “What did you want to be when you grew up?” Strangers may find it odd if you ask too much about their personal life right when you meet them. Only ask deeper questions if you both feel comfortable responding to them. Never try to “one-up” the person or try to impress them, since it may make them uncomfortable and want to leave the conversation. Look up current events in the news or on social media and mention them to the other person. Have at least 1-2 events that happened in the past week ready so you can pull them out in your conversation. See what they think of the news and ask them how they feel on the subject. Be ready to talk about your opinions as well since they may ask you the same thing. For example, you may say something like, “Did you hear about the new music app that just came out? I saw it on the news.”" ], "summary": [ "Introduce yourself Say something positive to invite others to join the conversation. Give a compliment to the person to ease into talking with each other. Mention your surroundings to start a conversation if you can’t think of anything else.", "Listen Use the phrase, “That reminds me of,” to transition to a new topic. Say things when they come to your mind to keep the conversation exciting.", "Ask the person what they do for work or school so you can relate to them. Talk about hobbies that you both enjoy to learn more about the person. Discuss movies, TV shows, or books if you want to talk about pop culture. Chat about your past experiences if you want to open up to the other person. Ask for the person’s opinion on current events to engage them." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Cooking Methods", "Components", "Storing and Preserving" ], "document": [ "Some items may need steaming, such as rice or carrots. Some items may need to be dried or toasted, such as quinoa or oats. Sugar and butter may need to be melted. The ingredients should be mixed evenly. When making a soft, chewy bar you will be adding items to a thick batter. As such, you will need to make sure the particles are suspended evenly so that they do not fall to the bottom of your bars. If the inclusions you have chosen are too heavy, try smaller pieces. Alternatively, try drying them out. For example, walnuts may need to be chopped into small pieces as well as slightly dried to ensure they stay suspended in your mixture. Most bars need to be baked to keep everything together and to ensure that all the raw starches are properly cooked. The mixture should be spread into a baking pan at the desired thickness. Setting your oven to a temperature of 350 °F (177 °C) should be sufficient. Bake times will vary depending on the type of bar you are preparing. For thick batters, use a toothpick to check the bars are cooked adequately. Stick the toothpick in the middle; when the toothpick is removed and contains no raw batter, the bars are done. For other bars, bake until desired level of crunchy or chewy. Some bars can be made quickly and don’t require baking, but do need refrigeration; these are the bars that have no raw flour in them. An example would be a peanut butter and granola bar.", "The snack bar may contain different components depending on when it is going to be consumed. The ingredients of a bar made for breakfast would typically differ from a bar made for post workout consumption. That doesn’t mean you can’t eat your snack bar anytime of the day; it just helps you supplement your diet with what is nutritionally required when you only have time for a meal replacement. For a breakfast bar, you should aim to include protein, carbohydrates, fruit or veggies and some good fat into it. The bar should be large enough that when eaten with a glass of milk, you feel satiated. One and a half to 2.5 oz. (42 to 70 g) is a good starting point for the size of the bar. For a post workout bar, you should aim to have protein and carbohydrates. The bar should contain 12 to 18 g of protein and 50 to 75 g of carbohydrate per serving. For a general snack bar, you should aim for a bar that will satiate you until the next meal without filling you with empty calories. A breakfast bar or a post workout bar will work just fine as a snack. Whole grains and protein will help satiate you and won’t leave you feeling sluggish. It is important to keep the amount of fat down and the sugars to a minimum to avoid getting sleepy or crashing. The snack bar can be made into a soft, chewy bar that is more dense (consistency of a brownie), it can be very grainy and hard (consistency of granola cereal bar), or it can be grainy and chewy (chewy cereal bar). For a soft, chewy bar you should use whole grain flours. Some good flours to choose from are whole wheat, whole white wheat, multi-grain, oat flour, and rye flour. These work well with savory as well as sweet bars and will add in extra fiber and vitamins. The whole grain flours also help manage blood glucose levels because the whole grains are less starchy and digest slower, keeping glucose levels in the blood steady. Since whole grain flours absorb more water (not just immediately, but also after they have been baked), it’s important to add more water to your recipe than you would use when cooking with refined white flour. These flours also contain more oils and will develop a rancid “cardboard” flavor sooner than refined flours. To help avoid this ‘off’ flavor, use fresh flour (check dates on the flour before purchasing), and keep it in an airtight container after opening. It may be helpful to buy small bags of flour to keep it from sitting in the cabinet too long. You can also add oats, cooked quinoa, cooked rice, wheat bran and other grains to the mixture to vary the texture and add more nutrition. For grainy bars, you should also use whole grains. However instead of flours, use the actual grains themselves. Ingredients like quinoa and rice will need to be cooked before use, while oats, flax and hemp can be used toasted or plain (quick cook oats work best when using oats). If you are making the bar crunchy, then dry out the quinoa in an oven before using. If you are using rice, then buy puffed rice cereal for a crispy cereal bar because it is cheap and easier than puffing rice at home. Seeds and nuts are also a great option to improve nutrition and taste, and they work in both savory and sweet bar recipes. Some seeds and nuts to try are almonds, sunflower seeds, walnuts and pumpkin seeds, which will add protein and good fat to the bar. The binder is an ingredient that acts like a glue to hold everything together. Soft chewy bars do not need a binder because they are dense and the flour holds everything together. For grainy bars, you will need a binder to hold all the ingredients together. Try ingredients like beans, soy flour, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, honey, milk chocolate, agave nectar, peanut butter, or almond butter. Try to use ingredients that serve more than one purpose; for instance, peanut butter is source of fat and protein and will hold your bar together. When using beans, cook, drain and mash them up before use and mix with something sticky, like honey or almond butter. All these ingredients are nutrient dense because they serve a function in the bar and have macro and micronutrients in them. Not all bars need a sweetener in them but if you do decide to add one, keep in mind that it can also act as a binder. It is best to use liquid sweeteners to make the bars, but this is not a requirement. Granulated sugar or brown sugar can be used, but it will need to be melted first and will work best if mixed with butter to keep it from solidifying too quickly. The butter will also help it mix evenly with the other ingredients in your bar. You can use an artificial sweetener in your recipe as long as it is very soluble in water; Sucralose works well in this low-moisture application because it dissolves easily in water. Inclusions are ingredients added for taste and health purposes. Inclusions work best when used in pieces. All the pieces should be roughly the same size for even distribution. Soy nuts are great for adding protein and crunch. Soy is one of the few plant-based proteins that is a complete protein; it contains all the essential amino acids the human body needs. Having said that, any nut is a good source of protein, even if it is not a complete protein, because nuts contain many amino acids the body uses for refueling and muscle repair. Adding an inclusion for protein may not be necessary because most of the whole grains or binders used will contain a fair amount of protein already. For instance, quinoa, flax and hemp are complete proteins. Also, combinations of ingredients will achieve greater protein content. Conversely, beans and rice are not complete proteins on their own, but together they create a complete protein. Other inclusions that work well are Edamame, chocolate nibs, dried fruit pieces, raisins, nuts and seeds, low-moisture vegetables, and yogurt bits. These all serve a health purpose and add good flavor. Cranberries are good for both men and women because they help prevent the adherence of bacteria throughout the urinary tract. Dark chocolate is a mood enhancer and full of antioxidants, which adds additional value to your bars. When making your bars, don’t put too many inclusions into them or the bars will not hold together properly. Cinnamon is a classic flavor and it has the highest antioxidant content of all the spices. This makes it good for you and good for the shelf life of your bars. When using cinnamon in a soft chewy bar, use it sparingly because it will affect how well the bar stays together. Other spices to try are soy powder or sauce, Worcestershire powder or sauce, cardamom, nutmeg, or clove. Remember that a little spice will go a long way, so be careful when adding spices. Spices are optional and can be omitted from your chosen recipe.", "If you cut into the bars before they are fully cooled, they will stick to each other. If you intend to eat them within two days, the bars can be covered and left to sit out at room temperature because of their low moisture content. The more sugar a bar contains, the safer it is to store it at room temperature because the sugar absorbs moisture and creates an environment that is hard for bacteria to thrive in. If they are going to be consumed over a longer period of time, you will need other options. Vacuum seal individual bars to keep them at room temperature. The oxygen free environment reduces the chances that bacteria can grow. These can be kept in a cabinet for up to 5 days. Refrigerate the bars. This is the safest and best way to store them. In the fridge, the bars can last 7 to 10 days. Be wary of other foods in the fridge because the bars may have a tendency to pick up volatile flavors, like onion, which can ruin their taste. Freeze the bars. Bars can be frozen for an indefinite period of time without worry of microbiological contamination. However, the quality of the bars will degrade. It is best to freeze homemade snack bars for up to one month for optimum quality. Freezing will slowly dehydrate the bars, and, since they have so little moisture to begin with, too long in the freezer will cause them to crumble. Also, the moisture that comes out of the food can cause ice crystals on the surface of the food, which acts like a knife to the food breaking the texture. " ], "summary": [ "Precook any ingredients that are not ready to use. Mix the ingredients. Bake the bars.", "Decide when the snack bar will be eaten. Choose your grains. Choose your binder. Choose your sweetener. Choose your inclusions. Choose your spices.", "Cut the bars once cooled completely. Determine the best way to store the bars. Finished." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Sending an Email", "Following up After an Interview", "Calling to Check" ], "document": [ "Take a look over the job posting to see if it contains any language that specifically requests no follow-ups. If they explicitly request that they contact you first, do not reach out to follow up. If they don’t make that request, you should still wait at least a week or so before reaching out. This gives hiring managers time to actually read your resume and get to know your materials. Some job postings will give you direct contact information for a hiring manager. If that is the case, use the information provided to follow up. If the posting does not provide a direct contact, though, you may need to search the company’s website or on professional networks such as LinkedIn to determine the likely hiring manager. Depending upon the company, the hiring manager may be an HR person or a department head. Large companies tend to filter applications through an HR manager first, while small companies or specialized positions may go directly to the position supervisor. Hiring managers often get numerous email inquiries per day. They are easy to overlook and easy to ignore. To get your hiring manager’s attention, you need to say something more than, “Following up on my project manager application.” Try making a personal connection. Look over the hiring manager’s professional profiles. Maybe they list an interest that you share. Then you can write a subject like, “Just one dirt bike enthusiast looking for a project position.” If you can’t find any common interests or human connections, you still need to use language that sets you apart. “An accounting wizard like you’ve never seen” is a lot more intriguing than “accountant looking for a job.” The body of your email should accomplish three main goals: introduce you, establish your interest and qualifications, and end with a question that invites a response. Each goal should be done in one or two sentences. Keep the body of your email short and friendly. Avoid summarizing your entire resume or copying your cover letter. The hiring manager already has access to these materials. Your email may say something like, \"Hello. My name is Jane Smith and I recently applied for your game developer position. With four years of developer experience and two self-published games under my belt, I believe I could be a real asset to your team. Is there a good time for me to meet with you and your team about this opportunity?\" Just before signing off, find a polite way to invite yourself for an interview. A line like, “please let me know when we can talk more about this opportunity,” is gentle but still shows your confidence and interest in the position. A hiring manager is under no obligation to comply with your invitation. They may decide to meet with you, or they may simply ask you to wait until they decide on candidates. Either way, this request shows them that you are both brave and serious about the position. Sign off your email with a formal closing and your full name. Avoid sign-off like, “With love,” and, “Thx.” Instead, opt for something more professional like, “Sincerely,” or “Best regards.” Be sure to sign off with both your first and last name. This will help the hiring manager identify your application. After all, you never know how many people with the same name are applying. It can be tempting to follow up repeatedly, but the constant inquiries are a pain for HR. Only follow up on an application once. They will reach out to you if they want to speak further. If you are truly concerned that a technological error prevented the right person from getting your application, call the hiring manager or the HR department directly. You’re more likely to get a quick and honest answer that way.", "If you’re lucky enough to have scored an interview, be sure to follow up the same day or early the next morning. Send an email within 24 hours of your interview to each person with whom you met that day. Send a thank you note to everyone who interviewed you. If you were interviewed by a committee, this means that each person should receive an individual thank you. Don’t just copy and paste the body of your email. Send a thank you for each round of interviews. If you do a second interview, send a second thank you. The body of your email should be brief. Thank the hiring manager for taking the time to meet with you. Then, use a sentence or two to express your interest and show how your skills qualify you for the job. You could say something like, “After meeting with you, I am especially excited for this position, and I believe my seven years of volunteer management experience would allow me to set up a new and exciting volunteer program for this company.” Just like with an application inquiry, your interview follow-up should end with a formal closing. Sign off with something like “Sincerely,” “Thank you,” or “Best regards,” before closing your email with your first and last name. If the hiring manager tells you that you’ll hear from them in a week and it’s been ten days, that deserves a follow-up. Send a quick email reaffirming your interest in the position and asking where they are in the hiring process. Try not to follow up more than once. This can come across as eager or desperate. Do not follow up the day they said there would be a decision. Delays are inevitable, and you don’t want to seem like you’re rushing the process. Allow two or three days past the original deadline before you send your note.", "In the case of a call, you want to speak directly with the hiring manager. Avoid talking to a general HR specialist or a customer service representative. Even if they say they will take your message, the odds of it getting to the right person are slim. Call the contact listed in the job posting, if any. If no contact is posted, dig around online for the person that seems like the most likely fit. Peak hours for every company are a little different, so do a bit of research into the industry. Restaurants, for example, will be busiest during lunch and dinner hours, but may have some down time from 2pm to 4pm. Call during non-peak hours to raise your chances of the hiring manager answering. No matter the industry, try not to call right after the start of business. People are generally bombarded with voicemails and emails at that time, and may not pick up. Don’t call directly before closing, either. Your contact person is likely packing up and getting ready to leave, and may be annoyed if they have to stay longer to answer a call. If the hiring manager answers when you call, the first thing you want to do after saying hello is to give them your name and request a quick status check on the hiring process. This will let you know if they are still going through resumes or if they have moved on to interviews and hiring. You may, for example, say something like, “Hello. This is John Doe calling about the cat groomer position. I am very excited about this role and your company, and I just wanted to make sure my application was received.” If the hiring manager confirms that your resume has been received, ask them if they need anything else from you. Use this as a chance to briefly talk about one of your skills related to the position. If you are applying for a graphic designer position, for example, ask the manager, “Do you need any more samples of my work? I could send some that really highlight my experience designing text-based logos.” Before you hang up, thank the hiring manager for their time and ask them about a time line for next steps. If you feel particularly bold, you can even end with a line like, “When would be a good time to meet and talk about this further?”" ], "summary": [ "Determine if a follow-up is appropriate. Identify the hiring manager. Write a catchy subject line. Keep your email brief. Invite yourself for an interview. Use a formal sign-off. Follow up once.", "Send a thank you note within 24 hours. Restate your qualifications. Close the email with a formal sign-off. Follow up once if a reply takes longer than expected.", "Call the hiring manager directly. Call during non-peak hours. Check on the status of your application first. Ask the hiring manager if they need anything else from you. Ask about an interview timeline." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Calculating Variance of a Sample", "Calculating Variance of a Population" ], "document": [ "In most cases, statisticians only have access to a sample, or a subset of the population they're studying. For example, instead of analyzing the population \"cost of every car in Germany,\" a statistician could find the cost of a random sample of a few thousand cars. He can use this sample to get a good estimate of German car costs, but it will likely not match the actual numbers exactly. Example: Analyzing the number of muffins sold each day at a cafeteria, you sample six days at random and get these results: 38, 37, 36, 28, 18, 14, 12, 11, 10.7, 9.9. This is a sample, not a population, since you don't have data on every single day the cafeteria was open. If you have every data point in a population, skip down to the method below instead. The variance of a data set tells you how spread out the data points are. The closer the variance is to zero, the more closely the data points are clustered together. When working with sample data sets, use the following formula to calculate variance: s2{\\displaystyle s^{2}} = ∑[(xi{\\displaystyle x_{i}} - x̅)2{\\displaystyle ^{2}}]/(n - 1) s2{\\displaystyle s^{2}} is the variance. Variance is always measured in squared units. xi{\\displaystyle x_{i}} represents a term in your data set. ∑, meaning \"sum,\" tells you to calculate the following terms for each value of xi{\\displaystyle x_{i}}, then add them together. x̅ is the mean of the sample. n is the number of data points. . The symbol x̅ or \"x-bar\" refers to the mean of a sample. Calculate this as you would any mean: add all the data points together, then divide by the number of data points. Example: First, add your data points together: 17 + 15 + 23 + 7 + 9 + 13 = 84Next, divide your answer by the number of data points, in this case six: 84 ÷ 6 = 14.Sample mean = x̅ = 14. You can think of the mean as the \"centre-point\" of the data. If the data clusters around the mean, variance is low. If it is spread out far from the mean, variance is high. Now it's time to calculate xi{\\displaystyle x_{i}} - x̅, where xi{\\displaystyle x_{i}} is each number in your data set. Each answer tells you that number's deviation from the mean, or in plain language, how far away it is from the mean.. Example:x1{\\displaystyle x_{1}} - x̅ = 17 - 14 = 3x2{\\displaystyle x_{2}} - x̅ = 15 - 14 = 1x3{\\displaystyle x_{3}} - x̅ = 23 - 14 = 9x4{\\displaystyle x_{4}} - x̅ = 7 - 14 = -7x5{\\displaystyle x_{5}} - x̅ = 9 - 14 = -5x6{\\displaystyle x_{6}} - x̅ = 13 - 14 = -1 It's easy to check your work, as your answers should add up to zero. This is due to the definition of mean, since the negative answers (distance from mean to smaller numbers) exactly cancel out the positive answers (distance from mean to larger numbers). As noted above, your current list of deviations (xi{\\displaystyle x_{i}} - x̅) sum up to zero. This means the \"average deviation\" will always be zero as well, so that doesn't tell use anything about how spread out the data is. To solve this problem, find the square of each deviation. This will make them all positive numbers, so the negative and positive values no longer cancel out to zero. Example:(x1{\\displaystyle x_{1}} - x̅)2=32=9{\\displaystyle ^{2}=3^{2}=9}(x2{\\displaystyle (x_{2}} - x̅)2=12=1{\\displaystyle ^{2}=1^{2}=1}92 = 81(-7)2 = 49(-5)2 = 25(-1)2 = 1 You now have the value (xi{\\displaystyle x_{i}} - x̅)2{\\displaystyle ^{2}} for each data point in your sample. Now it's time to calculate the entire numerator of the formula: ∑[(xi{\\displaystyle x_{i}} - x̅)2{\\displaystyle ^{2}}]. The upper-case sigma, ∑, tells you to sum the value of the following term for each value of xi{\\displaystyle x_{i}}. You've already calculated (xi{\\displaystyle x_{i}} - x̅)2{\\displaystyle ^{2}} for each value of xi{\\displaystyle x_{i}} in your sample, so all you need to do is add the results together. Example: 9 + 1 + 81 + 49 + 25 + 1 = 166. A long time ago, statisticians just divided by n when calculating the variance of the sample. This gives you the average value of the squared deviation, which is a perfect match for the variance of that sample. But remember, a sample is just an estimate of a larger population. If you took another random sample and made the same calculation, you would get a different result. As it turns out, dividing by n - 1 instead of n gives you a better estimate of variance of the larger population, which is what you're really interested in. This correction is so common that it is now the accepted definition of a sample's variance. Example: There are six data points in the sample, so n = 6.Variance of the sample = s2=1666−1={\\displaystyle s^{2}={\\frac {166}{6-1}}=} 33.2 Note that, since there was an exponent in the formula, variance is measured in the squared unit of the original data. This can make it difficult to understand intuitively. Instead, it's often useful to use the standard deviation. You didn't waste your effort, though, as the standard deviation is defined as the square root of the variance. This is why the variance of a sample is written s2{\\displaystyle s^{2}}, and the standard deviation of a sample is s{\\displaystyle s}. For example, the standard deviation of the sample above = s = √33.2 = 5.76.", "The term \"population\" refers to the total set of relevant observations. For example, if you're studying the age of Texas residents, your population would include the age of every single Texas resident. You would normally create a spreadsheet for a large data set like that, but here's a smaller example data set: Example: There are exactly six fish tanks in a room of the aquarium. The six tanks contain the following numbers of fish:x1=5{\\displaystyle x_{1}=5}x2=5{\\displaystyle x_{2}=5}x3=8{\\displaystyle x_{3}=8}x4=12{\\displaystyle x_{4}=12}x5=15{\\displaystyle x_{5}=15}x6=18{\\displaystyle x_{6}=18} Since a population contains all the data you need, this formula gives you the exact variance of the population. In order to distinguish it from sample variance (which is only an estimate), statisticians use different variables: σ2{\\displaystyle ^{2}} = (∑(xi{\\displaystyle x_{i}} - μ)2{\\displaystyle ^{2}})/n σ2{\\displaystyle ^{2}} = population variance. This is a lower-case sigma, squared. Variance is measured in squared units. xi{\\displaystyle x_{i}} represents a term in your data set. The terms inside ∑ will be calculated for each value of xi{\\displaystyle x_{i}}, then summed. μ is the population mean n is the number of data points in the population When analyzing a population, the symbol μ (\"mu\") represents the arithmetic mean. To find the mean, add all the data points together, then divide by the number of data points. You can think of the mean as the \"average,\" but be careful, as that word has multiple definitions in mathematics. Example: mean = μ = 5+5+8+12+15+186{\\displaystyle {\\frac {5+5+8+12+15+18}{6}}} = 10.5 Data points close to the mean will result in a difference closer to zero. Repeat the subtraction problem for each data point, and you might start to get a sense of how spread out the data is. Example:x1{\\displaystyle x_{1}} - μ = 5 - 10.5 = -5.5x2{\\displaystyle x_{2}} - μ = 5 - 10.5 = -5.5x3{\\displaystyle x_{3}} - μ = 8 - 10.5 = -2.5x4{\\displaystyle x_{4}} - μ = 12 - 10.5 = 1.5x5{\\displaystyle x_{5}} - μ = 15 - 10.5 = 4.5x6{\\displaystyle x_{6}} - μ = 18 - 10.5 = 7.5 Right now, some of your numbers from the last step will be negative, and some will be positive. If you picture your data on a number line, these two categories represent numbers to the left of the mean, and numbers to the right of the mean. This is no good for calculating variance, since these two groups will cancel each other out. Square each number so they are all positive instead. Example:(xi{\\displaystyle x_{i}} - μ)2{\\displaystyle ^{2}} for each value of i from 1 to 6:(-5.5)2{\\displaystyle ^{2}} = 30.25(-5.5)2{\\displaystyle ^{2}} = 30.25(-2.5)2{\\displaystyle ^{2}} = 6.25(1.5)2{\\displaystyle ^{2}} = 2.25(4.5)2{\\displaystyle ^{2}} = 20.25(7.5)2{\\displaystyle ^{2}} = 56.25 Now you have a value for each data point, related (indirectly) to how far that data point is from the mean. Take the mean of these values by adding them all together, then dividing by the number of values. Example:Variance of the population = 30.25+30.25+6.25+2.25+20.25+56.256=145.56={\\displaystyle {\\frac {30.25+30.25+6.25+2.25+20.25+56.25}{6}}={\\frac {145.5}{6}}=} 24.25 If you're not sure how this matches the formula at the beginning of this method, try writing out the whole problem in longhand: After finding the difference from the mean and squaring, you have the value (x1{\\displaystyle x_{1}} - μ)2{\\displaystyle ^{2}}, (x2{\\displaystyle x_{2}} - μ)2{\\displaystyle ^{2}}, and so on up to (xn{\\displaystyle x_{n}} - μ)2{\\displaystyle ^{2}}, where xn{\\displaystyle x_{n}} is the last data point in the set. To find the mean of these values, you sum them up and divide by n: ( (x1{\\displaystyle x_{1}} - μ)2{\\displaystyle ^{2}} + (x2{\\displaystyle x_{2}} - μ)2{\\displaystyle ^{2}} + ... + (xn{\\displaystyle x_{n}} - μ)2{\\displaystyle ^{2}} ) / n After rewriting the numerator in sigma notation, you have (∑(xi{\\displaystyle x_{i}} - μ)2{\\displaystyle ^{2}})/n, the formula for variance." ], "summary": [ "Write down your sample data set. Write down the sample variance formula. Calculate the mean of the sample Subtract the mean from each data point. Square each result. Find the sum of the squared values. Divide by n - 1, where n is the number of data points. Understand variance and standard deviation.", "Start with a population data set. Write down the population variance formula. Find the mean of the population. Subtract the mean from each data point. Square each answer. Find the mean of your results. Relate this back to the formula." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Understanding the Causes of Salpingitis", "Recognizing the Symptoms of Salpingitis", "Treating Salpingitis", "Diagnosing Salpingitis" ], "document": [ "In 90% of all cases, a bacterial infection is to blame. This bacteria can be sexually transmitted (as with chlamydia or gonococcal, the bacteria that causes gonorrhea), but that’s not always the case. Other bacteria that frequently cause salpingitis are: mycoplasma staphylococcus streptococcus Less commonly, salpingitis can be caused by a virus. In some cases, PID can begin an infection or inflammation in other reproductive organs, then spread to the fallopian tubes, causing salpingitis. PID involves any inflammation and infection in the reproductive organs, and it’s very common – more than a million women in the United States experience it each year. Medical procedures themselves aren’t to blame for salpingitis, but some of them are responsible for introducing bacteria through the cervix and into the uterus and fallopian tubes. Laparoscopy, uterine and endometrial biopsies, and dilatation and curettage (D&C) procedures can all do this, as can the insertion of an intrauterine device (IUD). Abortion, miscarriage, and childbirth can all introduce bacteria through the cervix and into the reproductive organs. This bacteria can cause salpingitis. If you have any of the symptoms above and have recently been pregnant (no matter what the outcome of that pregnancy was), you should definitely talk to your doctor as soon as possible.", "In some cases, salpingitis causes no noticeable symptoms. Therefore, you may not discover that you have the condition until your reproductive organs are examined for another reason, such as infertility. Some vaginal discharge is normal and healthy, but if you notice any changes in the amount, color, consistency, or smell, you should make an appointment with your gynecologist. Heavy or otherwise unusual discharge can indicate infection and a number of reproductive ailments, including salpingitis. If you bleed between your normal menstrual periods, schedule an appointment with your gynecologist. As with abnormal discharge, abnormal bleeding can indicate a number of possible problems, one of which is salpingitis. Changes in hormonal birth control can sometimes cause spotting between periods. If you have recently started a new birth control pill or gotten an intrauterine device (IUD), that may be the reason for your spotting. It is probably safe to wait a few months to see if the issue resolves itself, especially if you have no other symptoms of salpingitis. Most women experience some degree of cramping before and during their periods, but if yours are especially painful, schedule an appointment with your doctor. Very painful menstrual periods (also called dysmenorrhea) can sometimes be caused by salpingitis (as well as by endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, fibroid tumors, and other conditions). See your gynecologist for a complete exam. This symptom is especially concerning if your menstrual periods were not always so uncomfortable. If the pain is new or has increased dramatically in severity, you should definitely consider it a warning sign that something is wrong. Seek treatment as soon as possible. Some women with salpingitis have noticeable abdominal pain, which can range in severity from mild to severe. This pain may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. Salpingitis can cause the urethra to swell (this condition is known as urethritis). As a result, you may experience painful or frequent urination, and you may feel like you have a urinary tract or bladder infection. Many healthy women experience some pain or discomfort when they ovulate (this condition is sometimes called “mittelschmerz”). If you begin experiencing this problem suddenly, or if it occurs in conjunction with other symptoms, make an appointment with your gynecologist. Back pain can occur for many reasons, but if yours becomes severe, or if you have any other troubling symptoms, you should see a doctor. Some women with salpingitis experience lower back pain. When salpingitis leads to a serious infection, it can cause fevers and chills. If you have a fever along with other symptoms of salpingitis, you should see a doctor immediately. In some women, this fever is accompanied by back pain that shoots down the legs. If you experience this symptom, seek treatment immediately and mention it to your doctor. Women with salpingitis often notice that their symptoms appear during certain parts of the menstrual cycle – frequently after their periods.", "As a first course of action, your doctor will probably prescribe antibiotics to fight the infection. For most women with salpingitis (around 85%), antibiotics alone can successfully eliminate the problem. In more severe cases, your doctor may recommend that you enter the hospital. While there, you can receive fluids and antibiotics intravenously (through a needle in your arm). Most women are successfully treated with antibiotics, but in some cases, surgery does become necessary. Your doctor will recommend surgery if there are abscesses on your fallopian tubes that must be drained. In a small number of cases, you may also need a salpingectomy – the removal of damaged fallopian tubes. If your salpingitis is related to a larger case of pelvic inflammatory disease, you may wind up undergoing a complete hysterectomy along with a salpingo-oophorectomy. In such cases, a surgeon will remove your uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. If your salpingitis is traced to a sexually transmitted infection like chlamydia or gonorrhea, your recent sexual partners should be tested and treated. Keep in mind that these partners may be infected even if they have no symptoms.", "If you have any reason to think you may have salpingitis (or pelvic inflammatory disease or another reproductive ailment), you should see a gynecologist as soon as possible. Provide a complete medical history and a detailed account of your symptoms. Your gynecologist will probably start by performing a standard pelvic exam to check for abnormal discharge, pain or tenderness, and other signs of inflammation. He or she will use a speculum to view the cervix and may perform a pap test to check for signs of cervical cancer. Your doctor may want to check your blood for various indicators of infection. A white blood cell count, for example, will help determine whether infection is present. Individual circumstances vary, but your doctor may want to perform other diagnostic tests. He or she may test your urine, for example, or perform other tests to view your reproductive organs. Depending on the severity of your symptoms and the results of other tests, your doctor may recommend laparoscopy – a medical procedure in which a device is inserted into the fallopian tubes through an abdominal incision. A laparoscopy will allow your doctor to see the fallopian tubes in detail. If your doctor decides that your fallopian tubes are infected and inflamed, he or she will diagnose you with salpingitis. If possible, he or she should determine the cause. Salpingitis is further divided into two basic categories: acute and chronic. Acute salpingitis is a more severe attack, in which the fallopian tubes become swollen and inflamed; they may secrete fluid and stick to the intestines or other organs, and they may fill with pus. Chronic salpingitis is a lower-level inflammation, which often follows an acute episode. The infection is milder, but it also lasts longer. Some women are mistakenly diagnosed with cysts, endometriosis, or other problems before it becomes clear that the fallopian tubes are inflamed. You may have to be persistent. If your doctor thinks you have something else, but you doubt the diagnosis (or still have symptoms after treatment), get a second opinion." ], "summary": [ "Understand that most cases of salpingitis are caused by bacteria. Note that viral infections can also cause salpingitis. Know that salpingitis is often connected with pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Recognize the role of certain medical procedures in causing salpingitis. Consider the role of pregnancy.", "Understand that women with salpingitis sometimes have no symptoms. Pay attention to abnormal vaginal discharge. Note any spotting between your periods. Talk to your doctor about painful menstrual periods. Take abdominal pain seriously. Factor in urinary problems. Discuss painful ovulation with your doctor. Monitor your back pain. Watch for fevers. Know that symptoms might come and go.", "Take antibiotics. Consider hospitalization. Discuss the possibility of surgery in severe cases. Treat sexual partners if necessary.", "Make an appointment with your gynecologist. Have a pelvic exam. Get blood work. Pursue other testing recommended by your doctor. Consider laparoscopy. Get a specific diagnosis. Understand that it can sometimes be difficult to accurately diagnose salpingitis." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Strengthening Your Core", "Stretching Your Back and Legs", "Understanding Sciatica", "Doing Aerobic Exercise" ], "document": [ "Strengthening the core is essential in both the treatment and prevention of a slipped disc, and the accompanying sciatic pain. A strong and solid core helps to protect the spine from misalignment or injury, as the core muscles will keep the sciatic nerve in its proper place. The core also stabilizes the spine against any twisting motions and reduces the effect of daily wear and tear on the spine. As the core strengthens, you should no longer feel a one-sided shooting leg pain, which is one of the most common complaints of sciatica. The core muscles include the abs and transversus abdominis, obliques and the erector spinae muscle. These muscles are located at the front, side, and back of the abdomen and encase the spine. See below for some specific exercises you can do to strengthen the core muscles. The plank is one of the best exercises for relieving sciatic pain caused by a slip disk, as it keeps the spine in proper alignment and prevents the disc from slipping further. To correctly perform the plank exercise: Assume a traditional push-up position on a soft surface such as a mat. The head, shoulder blades, and butt must form one straight horizontal line. The hands should be directly under the shoulders and feet are kept together. Brace your abdominal muscles as if you were preparing to be punched in the gut. Hold this position for 15 seconds, making sure that your hips do not drop down at any point during the exercise. Breathe deeply as you perform the exercise, this will prevent your blood pressure from spiking. There should be no pain, numbness, or tingling sensations throughout the exercise. If you feel any of these symptoms, rest for 15 minutes then try the modified plank position, which involves holding yourself up with your elbows and knees, rather than your hand and feet. Do 3 sets of 15-second holds, resting for 30 seconds in between each set. Work your way up to doing 30-second and then 1 minute-holds. Once you have built up the core doing regular planks (meaning that you can comfortably hold the plank position for 30 seconds) you can progress onto side planks. This exercise is great for strengthening the oblique muscles and helps to prevent sciatic leg pain, especially during twisting movements. Lie down on your left side, keeping your body in a straight line. Make sure your left elbow is lined up directly below your left shoulder. Lift yourself up so your entire body weight is being supported by your left elbow and the outer side of your left foot. You body should form a straight diagonal line from your head to your foot. As you hold this position, keep your hips elevated above the ground with the aid of your left oblique muscles. Remember to keep your abs tight, as if you were bracing yourself for a punch in the stomach. Hold this position for 15 seconds. You shouldn't experience any pain, numbness, or tingling when performing the side plank exercise. If you do, rest for 15 minutes then try the modified side plank position. To do the modified side plank, you will bend your knees instead of keeping them straight, so you will be supporting your weight with your left elbow and left knee. Do 3 sets of 15-second holds, resting for 30 seconds in between. Switch sides and do 3 more repetitions on your right. Work your way up to 30-second holds. Hip thrusts are a great exercise for working the lower back, hip, and butt muscles. These muscles are part of the posterior chain, a group of muscles at the back of the body that supports the body weight and helps you to maintain proper posture. Good posture and equal distribution of weight lessens the pressure on the bones of the lower back and helps to relieve sciatica. To do a hip thrust: Sit down on the floor with a bench or couch behind you. Rest your arms and upper back against the bench or couch. Position your feet hip-width apart with the knees bent (this position engages the hip and butt muscles later on in the exercise). Thrust your hips up until your torso and thighs are parallel to the floor. The knees should be bent and in-line above the ankles, while the feet remain in contact with the ground. Don’t forget to breathe in and out during the movement. Slowly lower your butt back towards the floor. This counts as one repetition. Do 3 sets of 15 reps daily with 1-minute rests in between. No pain, numbness, or tingling sensations should be felt during this exercise. If you do experience any of these symptoms, stop the exercise immediately and consult your physician. The cat and camel is a combination yoga pose that may improve spinal mobility, via flexion and extension. However, if the camel pose is performed incorrectly, it can lead to pinched nerves in the lumbar region. You should only include it as part of your exercise routine after you have developed a strong core using the three exercises outlined above. Get down on all fours on a soft surface. The hands should be placed directly beneath the shoulders, while the knees should be under the hips. Do the camel part of the exercise: suck in your abs and round your back up towards the ceiling as far as you can. The shape of your back should resemble a camel’s hump. This position stretches your spinal erector muscles. Hold this position for 5 seconds, then return to the starting position. Next do the cat part of the exercise: Arch your back by pressing your stomach towards the floor and lifting your chest towards the ceiling to arch your upper back. This strengthens the lower back muscles and stretches the abdominals. Hold the position for 5 seconds. You should feel a stretch in your abdominal area. Alternate between the cat and camel posture for 5 times each. That counts as 1 set. Do 3 sets with 2 minutes rest in between. Avoid doing this exercise if you experience any slipped disc symptoms and see a doctor for proper guidance.", "People suffering from sciatica should stretch daily. Stretching helps to loosen the muscles compressing the sciatic nerve, thus alleviating pain. Stretching daily will not only improve existing symptoms, it will also help to prevent the condition from worsening. This is an easy exercise that will help to improve the flexibility of your lower back, relieving pressure on the sciatic nerve. To do this knee to chest stretch: Lie flat on your back on the floor or an exercise mat. Place a flat cushion under your head. Place your feet flat on the floor and bend your knees. Grasp your right knee with both hands and slowly bring it towards your chest. You should feel your lower back stretching. Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise with your right leg, then do 3 to 5 repetitions on each leg. This specific exercise will move the sciatic nerve and hamstring, helping it to find a more comfortable position. Lie on your back on an exercise mat and place a small flat cushion under your head. Keep your knees bent and your chin partially tucked in. Grab one knee with both hands and bring it closer to your chest. Grab your hamstring with both hands, then try to straighten your leg. Continue to pull your knee towards your chest as you attempt to straighten the leg. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds while taking deep breaths. Bend the knee and slowly return to the starting position. Repeat with the opposite leg, then continue for 3 to 5 repetitions of each leg. This exercise will move and stretch the spine backwards. This exercise is particularly beneficial for patients who suffer from secondary sciatic symptoms and disc herniation . Lie on your stomach, then use your elbows to prop up your head and torso. Keep your neck and back long. Keeping your neck straight and your hips on the ground, arch your back as high as comfort permits. You should feel a stretch in your lower back and stomach muscles. Hold this position for 10 seconds while practicing deep breathing. Return to the starting position, then repeat this exercise 10-15 times. This exercise helps to stretch the hamstring muscles. Stand up straight in front of an elevated surface (approximately knee height), such as a stool or chair. Lift one leg and rest your heel on top of the elevated surface. Keep your knee and leg as straight as possible while your toes point upward. Lean forward, placing your hands on your knee for support. Try to keep your back straight as you do this. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds, while taking deep breaths. Repeat the exercise on the opposite leg, then continue for 3 to 5 repetitions on each leg. This exercise helps to keep your butt muscles flexible, which allows your to perform a wider range of movement. Start by lying on your back, with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Place a small cushion under your head for support. Raise your left foot and place it over your right thigh. Link your hands at the back of your right thigh and pull the leg towards your chest. Keep your tailbone and hips on the floor throughout the exercise. You should be able to feel a stretch in your right buttock. Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds while practicing deep breathing. Bring the foot back to the starting position then repeat the exercise with the other leg. Do 3 to 5 repetitions on each leg. This stretch helps the sciatic nerve slide through the spine unrestricted, which can improve pain and mobility. Start in a seated position with your head facing down toward the ground. To do the stretch, look up to the ceiling as you also lift your right leg, straightening it at the knee. Return to your start position to complete the stretch. Do 20-30 repetitions, then switch and repeat for the left side.", "There are several different root causes of sciatic pain, however they all involve irritation of the sciatic nerve, either through compression, kinking or physical trauma. Some of the most common causes include: A lumbar herniated disc: This happens when a disc in the spinal column “spills” out from its original place. This herniated disc comes in contact with the sciatic nerve, compressing it and causing pain and irritation. 'Degenerative disc disease: This condition is usually associated with aging. As the spinal disc ages, it weakens and may partially collapse leading to compression of the sciatic nerve. Piriformis syndrome: This is when the piriformis muscle (located in the buttocks) compresses the sciatic nerve. Lumbar spinal stenosis: This occurs when the spinal canal narrows in size, pushing its content outward and causing a kink in the sciatic nerve. 'Abnormalities in the spine: Anything abnormal in the structure of the lumbar spine may lead to sciatica. This may include infection, injury, tumor, internal bleeding, bone fracture or muscle weakness. The primary symptom of sciatica is pain. The pain may be felt along the length of the sciatic nerve, which runs through the lower back, buttocks, hips and legs. Because of the sciatic pain, the patient may have difficulty of moving, bending and walking. An accurate diagnosis of sciatica is important, as this will help the doctor to determine how the condition should be managed. The process for diagnosing sciatica will usually involve the follow: A physical examination: A physical examination may be performed, involving the straight-leg-raise test. The doctor will ask you to lie down and raise your leg slowly. The doctor will note the point at which pain is felt to determine which part of the sciatic nerve is affected. X-ray: An x-ray may be ordered to rule out fracture of the spine. MRI and CT scans: These may be prescribed by your doctor to aid in diagnosing sciatica. Detailed images of the lower back are created to learn more about the problem. Additional tests: Other nerve tests may be performed to confirm the diagnosis.These may include: velocity studies, electromyography, myelogram and evoked potential testing.", "The best cardiovascular exercise for sciatica sufferers is swimming. Swimming places minimal stress on the back and the legs while still providing an effective cardio workout, that gets the heart rate up and burns calories. This gives you all the advantages of a cardio workout without compromising on comfort. For best results, try to swim for 30 minutes a day, five times per week. Pilates is a great, low-impact way to improve the strength of your muscles without causing too much sciatic pain. Most Pilates maneuvers involve stretching the muscles using slow, smooth movements. For more information on how to do Pilates, see this article. Yoga is another great, low-impact form of exercise that helps to alleviate pain on the back and prevent it from recurring. Yoga is a combination of stretching and breathing techniques – making it the perfect activity for relieving sciatic pain. For more information on how to do yoga, see this article. Although it has numerous general health benefits, running is not a recommended form of cardio exercise for people suffering from sciatica. Running is stressful and jars the lower back and legs, which may cause sciatic pain to become worse. However, going for a walk is recommended for people with sciatica, provided you warm up with dynamic range of motion exercises, stretch after the walk, and correct posture is maintained throughout the exercise." ], "summary": [ "Understand why strengthening the core is important. Do planks. Do side planks. Do hip thrusts. Do the cat and camel exercise.", "Understand the importance of stretching. Perform knee to chest stretch. Perform a sciatic mobilizing stretch. Perform back extensions. Perform a standing hamstring stretch. Perform a gluteal stretch. Perform sciatic nerve flossing to loosen the nerve from the tissue.", "Understand what causes sciatica. Familiarize yourself with the symptoms of sciatica. Know how sciatica is diagnosed.", "Go swimming to increase the heart rate, without stressing the back and legs. Try pilates to stretch and strengthen the muscles. Do yoga to learn correct breathing techniques and relieve pain. Avoid running, as it can place too much strain on the back." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Bathing Your Dog", "Clipping Your Dog's Fur", "Grooming Your Dog Before the Bath" ], "document": [ "You don't want to be running around looking for cleaning products with a wet dog in the tub, so have everything in one place before you start. You should also make sure that you're properly dressed in clothes you don't mind getting messy because you will get wet. At the very least, you will need: Dog shampoo Treats Several towels Place one towel on the edge of the tub to keep water from splashing over the tub. The rest are for drying. Some dogs like to make a run for it during bath-time. If this describes your dog, buy a dog bath lead from the pet supply store. It's a leash that attaches to the shower's wall with a suction cup and keeps your dog in place during the bath. Replace the dog's regular collar with one that will not stain the coat or suffer water damage. A slip lead that adjusts to a struggling dog is best but the dog may choke itself no matter the restraint so monitor his breathing carefully and adjust or simply push them back when necessary. Use a squeegee or use your hand as a squeegee to force water off of the coat and body. Towel-dry him as best as you can while he's still in the tub, so you don't make a mess. Place the towel over your dog’s back, or hold it next to him and give permission to shake the water off their body. Many dogs will learn the “bath rules” and wait to shake until you have placed the towel over them to contain the water droplets. Another type of towel to use is a chamois, which is a thin fleece-like towel that is designed to be wrung out when wet. It lessens the number of towels needed and does the bulk of the work. Using a chamois, then a towel makes drying less of a hassle. If you have a double-coated or long-haired dog, you may need to blow the coat dry.", "Many breeds have short hair and don't require regular clipping. However, if you have a shaggier breed of dog, he may require regular clipping as part of his health routine. Breeds that need regular coat trims include cocker spaniel, sheepdog, poodle, collie, Shih Tzu, Pekingese, and chow chow, among others. It's worth it to spend a little bit of extra money on a good pair of dog grooming clippers. A small investment up front will save you money down the road, since you won't have to pay professionals to groom your pet. Make sure to use dog grooming blades that will give you the coat length you desire. Scissors will likely not give you a nice, even coat, and you may hurt the dog with them if he moves suddenly. Grooming clippers are recommended over scissors. You may have to go over your dog's coat a few times before you have a smooth, even cut. Don't rush it! Give your dog as many breaks as necessary, and make sure to move your clippers slowly. Brushing up against the coat then going the spot with clippers again help to get a smooth cut. Do will have to be done many times before you are done.", "You don't want to be looking for your tools once you begin grooming your dog. Make sure to have everything you need in one place before you begin the task at hand. Consult the \"Things You'll Need\" section below to find out what you'll need to groom your dog. Reward calm, quiet behavior to encourage more of it. You may want to include a treat to reward the dog for good behavior. You don't want the dog to get overwhelmed; any negative associations can make grooming harder in the future. Make the experience fun by giving your pet breaks from time to time, giving praise, treats, pets, and even a little bit of play. This will also keep your dog distracted. This is especially important with a puppy, which can be trained from a young age to tolerate this much handling well. White-haired breeds or those with large eyes that water a lot (Pekingese, Pugs, Pomeranians, etc.) may need more maintenance in this area than others. Depending on your particular dog, this step may be a simple matter of wiping or pulling eye debris away from the corners of the eyes. Long-haired or white-haired dogs may need special attention to make sure that all gunk is out of the coat, as they may get tear stains. You can buy products made for removing \"tear stains\" from a white coat at a pet supply store. A healthy eye should be clear and should not show any signs of irritation or unusual discharge. Don't try to trim hair away from the eyes yourself, as you might injure your pet. Ask your vet or groomer to do it for you. Your dog needs medical attention if his ears look swollen, red, irritated, dark or blackened. Any discharge or sores, or a bad or yeast-like smell should also prompt a call to the vet. Excessive discharge, inflammation, one ear is much dirtier than the other, and odor are signs of an ear infection that need medication. If your dog already has a considerable buildup of tartar and plaque, a simple tooth-brushing won't be enough. Just like a human would, your dog needs a professional cleaning at the veterinarians. Another option is anesthesia-free teeth cleaning, which is available but typically not offered by veterinarians. Look for red gums or brown material attached to the teeth — these are signs that a home tooth-brushing will be painful for your dog. Don't try to brush his teeth until he's seen a vet. If left untrimmed, a dog's nails can curl under into the paw pads or twist toes in a way that causes joint damage. To keep your dog's nails short, clip them regularly, depending on how fast his nails grow. If you can hear his nails on the ground when he walks, that means his nails are touching the ground, and are too long. Trim a very small amount of nail (1/16 inch) away with a pair of dog nail clippers. Human clippers are okay for a very young puppy or small dog. Guillotine style clippers are less effective than the scissor type. Also, use the appropriate size clippers for your dog. If your dog has clear nails, you can see the pink part (The quick) where the blood vessel's located. Avoid cutting the pink part, trimming only the clear hard nail. Take extra care with dark-nailed dogs not to clip to the quick (blood vessel). Go slowly, and only take a little bit off at a time. Dremeling is much safer and easier to avoid hitting the quick, as it shaves only a little bit at a time. Use a cordless pet-safe Dremel tool, as the corded ones will not stop turning if they catch hair. Don't dremel for too long as it will burn the nail and prolong the trimming process for the dog which causes more stress. The best recommended process is trim first then dremel to shorten a little bit and round out the nail do it's not sharp. If you cut too far and hit a blood vessel, apply styptic powder, cornstarch, or flour with a bit of pressure and hold for a few seconds to stop any bleeding. For most dogs, this is the worst part for them. Some people do this step last to avoid the dog immediately becoming too stressed to do much grooming afterward. If trimming nails last and quick the nail, you can wash just the paw with a little water or wipe it off with hydrogen peroxide to get the blood off after applying blood clotting substances." ], "summary": [ "Gather your supplies. Secure the dog in the bathtub. Dry your dog.", "Decide if you need to clip your dog's coat. Use dog grooming clippers. Be patient.", "Gather your grooming materials. Praise your dog as you're brushing. Give the dog breaks as needed. Clear the dog's eyes. Contact the vet for ear problems. Get a veterinary cleaning if necessary. Clip the dog's nails." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Spotting a Honey Bee", "Telling the Difference Between Male and Female" ], "document": [ "The easiest way to differentiate a honey bee from other types of bees or wasps is to look at the shape of their thorax and abdomen. Honey bees have a distinctive barrel-shaped body and don't have a thin middle section between the thorax and abdomen like other insects. Wasps tend to have a very thin middle section and distinct thorax and abdomen. Honey bees have a thorax and abdomen that look like one complete piece. Honey bees are generally covered in small hairs that make them look fuzzy all over. Honey bees, unlike bumble bees, tend to have shorter hairs that are only visible when looking at them up close. These tiny hairs are how the honey bee gathers pollen and transports it to other flowers, so the hair is very important for the survival of the bee! Honey bees are pollinators and will be flying between flowers and their nest to provide pollen and nectar to the colony. Wasps are carnivores, and will be travelling to locations where there are other insects to eat. Wasps and other carnivorous insects will also be attracted to human food, like your picnic. Honey bees normally won't come around human food but may be attracted by nearby flowers or other sweet scents. As such, you can take a number of steps to keep away from bees and wasps when you're eating outside. Other bees, such as orchid bees, will also fly between flowers to pollinate. This method is only good for differentiating between bees and wasps. Honey bees have hairy eyes to collect pollen from flowers and transport it over long distances. Honey bees will have two larger eyes on either side of their head, and then three small eyes in a triangle shape in the center of the head, which is a distinguishing trait of honey bees. Male and female honey bees have eyes that are slightly different sizes and shapes, but they are both still hairy. Honey bee nests are easy to spot because they have the distinctive “honeycomb” structure in either white or yellow color. They won't build nests hanging from tree branches, like other types of bees, because the nest and honey would be unprotected. Instead, look inside of hollow trees or manmade structures. Honey bees will never make a nest in the ground. If you see insects have nested in holes, they are likely Yellow Jacket wasps, which are very dangerous and can sting. Honey bee nests never have a protective or paper-like coating around them. They are open to the air and can appear shiny due to the nectar and honey being produced.", "Male honey bees tend to be around 2 centimetres (0.79 in) long, which is slightly larger than female honey bees, which are normally 1.25 centimetres (0.49 in). The small size of the female bees, which are also known as worker bees, allow them to move quickly from flower to flower to pollinate and collect food for the nest. Males tend to have bodies that are more rounded than females, making them less agile while in flight. The largest honey bee in the colony is the female queen bee, but it will only emerge from the nest when it's time to swarm. It's very unlikely that you will spot a queen bee outside of the nest! Female honey bees have smaller eyes on either side of their head that are proportional to their bodies. Male bees have very large eyes that make it easier for them to spot the queen as she is moving about. The female bee's small, separated eyes help to locate flowers and plants to pollinate while in flight. The male bee's eyes will appear to touch at the top of the head, giving them a circular shape. Most honey bees seen pollinating are female worker bees. The large male, or drone, bees can normally be found in the area near the nest. Male bees won't venture too far from the location of the nest and the queen bee. Male bees will sometimes fly away from the nest in large groups to mate with other queens." ], "summary": [ "Identify the body shape of the insect. Look for hair on the body and head. Follow the bee's flight path to tell the difference between bees and wasps. Use a magnifying glass to look at the eyes. Search for a nest inside hollow trees and other protected structures.", "Measure the size of the bee. Use a magnifying glass to carefully inspect the eyes of the bee. Make note of where you found the bee in relation to the location of the nest." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Using a Smartphone Otoscope Attachment", "Using a Traditional Otoscope on Someone Else" ], "document": [ "There are 2 basic categories of smartphone otoscope attachments—those that clip over your phone's camera, and those that attach by cable to your phone's USB or Lightning port. Shop online for a model that is compatible with your phone. A traditional otoscope is basically a magnifying glass with a handle, a light, and a cone-shaped tip that is inserted into the outer section of the inner ear. Smartphone otoscopes either magnify the image for your phone's camera, or act as their own magnifying camera, and record video. Scopes range in price from less than $50 USD to over $300 USD. You can check product reviews for guidance, and you may also want to ask your doctor if they have any experience with or recommendations for such devices. If you're a MacGyver-type, you can even try making one yourself! Most if not all models of scope attachments pair with a brand-specific app. Download this app for guidance on installing the scope, using it, and saving or sending the images/video. The apps are typically free, but of course you've already had to pay for the scope! Most otoscope attachments record video as opposed to taking pictures, since this makes it easier for the average novice to get some decent inner ear views. No matter if you're using a traditional otoscope or a smartphone attachment, never stick the speculum (the pointed part) more than 1–2 cm (0.39–0.79 in) into your ear. Your inner ear is very sensitive, and you definitely don't want to damage your eardrum! If you are unsure of your abilities, or if you're experiencing ear pain, let a medical professional examine your ear instead. With the app open and the speculum placed just barely into your ear, you should see video of your inner ear appear on your phone screen. Follow the product instructions for recording video, and move the speculum around slowly to get a full view of your inner ear. Do not stick the speculum deeper into your ear if the image is grainy, blurry, or dark. Check the settings for the product to see if you can improve the image. Self-diagnosis is not recommended by medical professionals nor the manufacturers of smartphone otoscope attachments. Instead, you should send the video to your doctor or another trained medical professional for a proper diagnosis. Some apps may provide a way to send the video directly to on-call doctors for diagnosis, possibly at a cost of around $15 USD per analysis. Based on scholarly analysis of certain smartphone otoscopes, the image quality and diagnostic quality of scope attachments matches up well with traditional otoscopes. In fact, some doctors may even prefer the results they provide.", "Most modern otoscopes use a single-use, disposable speculum (the pointed part that you put into the person's ear). Specula come in different sizes, and the proper size should fit snugly into the outer third (no more than 2 cm (0.79 in) deep) of the person's ear canal. Use the following guidelines for speculum size: adults, 4-6 millimeters; children, 3-4 millimeters; infants, 2 millimeters. The speculum usually just snaps onto the pointed part of the otoscope. Dispose of the speculum after a single use. If you have a reusable speculum, sanitize it thoroughly according to the product instructions. Flip the switch or push the button to light up the tip of the otoscope, then grasp the handle between your thumb and forefinger like a pencil or pen. Touch the back of your holding hand to the person's cheek to help steady both your hand and the scope. Be calm and move gently during an examination of someone else's ear. Many people don't like the feeling of having something stuck into their ear, and the ear is a very sensitive organ that can be easily damaged. If possible, watch a medical professional use an otoscope before trying it yourself. Lightly pinch their outer ear between your fingers, at either the 10 o'clock (for the right ear) or 2 o'clock (for the left ear) positions. Gently tug their outer ear up and back—this will straighten out the person's ear canal and make it easier for you to get a clear view inside. If you're checking a child under 3 years old, try gently pulling the outer ear downward first. This may provide a better view. While keeping the back of your holding hand against the person's cheek, carefully place the tip of the speculum into the outer section of their ear canal. Look into the otoscope with your dominant eye and close your other eye. Do not press the speculum into their ear canal with any amount of force. Simply guide the tip 1–2 cm (0.39–0.79 in) in. If it won't go in easily, you likely have too large of a speculum attached. If the person indicates any pain or discomfort, stop immediately and carefully withdraw the otoscope. Have a medical professional do the examination instead. Begin your examination at this angle, which follows the path of the ear canal. Once you have a clear view, gently move the otoscope around at different angles to examine other parts of the eardrum and ear canal walls. Quickly but carefully withdraw the otoscope if the person says they feel pain or discomfort. You aren't a trained medical professional, so don't try to diagnose any type of ear problems. If the person is having ear troubles of any type, tell them to see a doctor. If they aren't having any problems, though, look for the following signs to confirm a healthy inner ear: The ear canal itself should be flesh-colored and covered in tiny hairs. It's also normal to have some brown or reddish-brown earwax on the canal walls, but the wax shouldn't be blocking the canal. There shouldn't be any signs of swelling. The eardrum should be translucent and white or gray in color. You should be able to see tiny bones pressing against the inside surface of the eardrum. Draw the speculum straight out of the person's ear canal and pull the back of your hand off of their cheek. Let go of their outer ear with your other hand. Now you can check the other ear. Checking someone else's ears, or having them check yours, is never an adequate substitute for a proper medical checkup. Use an otoscope only to confirm that your inner ear looks healthy, not to diagnose a problem when it doesn't feel right." ], "summary": [ "Search online for smartphone otoscope attachments. Download the appropriate app and follow its instructions. Insert the speculum no more than 2 cm (0.79 in) into your ear. Move the speculum around slightly and record video of your inner ear. Send the video to a trained medical professional for diagnosis.", "Attach an appropriately-sized speculum to the otoscope. Turn on the otoscope's light and hold it like a pencil. Straighten the person's ear canal with your free hand. Insert the otoscope's speculum 1–2 cm (0.39–0.79 in) into the ear canal. Point the tip of the otoscope toward the person's nose first. Look for common signs of a healthy ear. Remove the otoscope carefully and slowly." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Learning More About Power Sources", "Using Tools to Determine Wattage", "Using Math to Determine Watts" ], "document": [ "The power in watts is the rate at which energy is generated or used. Many utility companies will bill you based on how many watts of energy you used. The watt is basically how much energy an appliance uses. Rated watts are the amount of watts needed to keep an appliance running. For example, refrigerators usually require 500 watts to keep running. You may need to know the watts in your home if you are trying to become more energy efficient, add solar panels, or use a generator. Electrical power comes in AC and DC currents. AC means alternating current; the electrical current constantly reverses direction and is used often in homes and offices. DC means direct current, and it means the current only travels in one direction. You will find it in things like battery packs. Surge watts means the amount of watts needed to get an appliance started by igniting its motor or compressor. For example, it might take 2,000 watts to start the motor and compressor of a refrigerator. Watts are a basic unit of power (electric, mechanical, or thermal). The reason watts matter is because you can improve energy efficiency if you understand them. Lower your watts, and you will improve energy efficiency and save money. Here’s an example. Let's say you are buying a light bulb, and one is 100 watts and the other is 23 watts. If the 100 Watt bulb is cheaper, you might assume it’s the better purchase. However, over time, the 23 Watt bulb will save you money. Do simple subtraction to determine the watt difference. In this case, that is 77 watts (100-23). Utility companies will often charge you using kilowatts. To find out the number of kilowatts, take the number of watts divided by 1,000. Then take the number of kilowatts multiplied by your hours of usage. This is the kilowatt/hr. Then, take kilowatt/hr and multiply that number by the cost of your energy. This is your annual cost. For example, let’s say you have 10 lights. They are each 100 watts. 10 X 100 = 1,000 watts. 1,000 Watts divided by 1,000 = 1 kW. Let’s say you’ve used 2,000 hours of energy. Thus, 1kW X 2,000 hours per year = 2,000 kwh. Let’s say your utility company charges you 10 cents for every kilowatt hour. You would take 2,000 kwh X .10 = $200, That's what it would cost you to use those bulbs for the year.", "There are many resources online that use calculators to determine watts. They will do the formula for you. Such resources typically ask you to enter the number of volts, and the number of amps. Then you are asked to hit the “calculate” button to get the watts. Keep in mind, though, that online calculators aren’t always accurate because every appliance is going to be slightly different in its power needs. Some online sites will give you the watts needed if you click on the appliance type, such as a television or desktop computer. Sites sometimes have charts that list the watts used by various appliances, from refrigerators to boom boxes. You can figure out how many watts an appliance needs by looking for the data plate. Find this on the back of your appliance. It’s likely to list how many volts, amps, and watts you need to power your appliance. You might find this information stamped on the back of the appliance. Or you could find the wattage listed on the nameplate. Wattage meters plug into the appliance, and they tell you the exact amount of power that the appliance needs to run. The wattage of an appliance might vary depending on its setting. For example, a radio is going to use more watts if you turn the volume on high.", "You will need to know the amps and the volts in the power source. To determine the wattage, use a simple multiplication formula. The ampere (or amps) is the amount of electricity used. Voltage measures the force or pressure of the electricity. The number of watts is equal to amps multiplied by volts. That's it! In other words, watt=amp X volt. Sometimes you will see this formula written as W=A X V. For example, if the current is 3 amps (3A) and the voltage is 110V, you multiply 3 by 110, to get 330W (watts). The formula is P=3A X 110V = 330 W (with P standing for power). This is why watts are sometimes called volt-amps. Circuit breakers usually have the amps written on their handles. This is the maximum amperage that circuit can take before the circuit breaker trips. You can also determine both volts and amps by looking on the labels or in the operating manuals. You can look up common figures for standard appliances (most small appliances and lighting fixtures in homes require circuits that range from 15-20 amps and larger ones are 20 to 60. However, most counter top household appliances are rated for 120 volts and operated with 12 or less amps. Larger appliances like ranges and clothes dryers require more power and are connected to circuits that are wired to 240 volt power and may draw 20 to 40 amps depending on a number of factors. Household wiring is usually 120 or 240 volts in North America. You can do the multiplication formula in reverse. For example, let’s say you have an AC 24-40 power supply. This means your power supply has 24 volts and 40 watts. The power source can supply 1.6 amps. The formula used is 40-? X 24. Thus, you would divide 40 by 24 to get 1.6. Here’s another reason you might need to do this. Let’s say you want to figure out the watts used by a ceiling fan, and the label on the fan says that the fan uses a certain number of amps. You could then find out the typical number of volts used by a ceiling fan (by calling the manufacturer or just looking online), multiply the two numbers, and generate an estimate of the wattage needed to run the ceiling fan. If you want to know wattage of a resistor, you will need to know the voltage (V) and the current (known as I). This is called Ohm’s law. The multiplication formula is voltage multiplied by current, expressed as W=V X I. . Sometimes you will see the formula written with a P for power. The formula gets more complex when the power is changing over time. It involves using the time period to get the average. It’s hard to calculate, and for this kind of measurement, you should use special equipment known as a wattage meter." ], "summary": [ "Understand why watts matter. Become more energy efficient.", "Find an online calculator. Check your appliance.", "Determine the watts in a power source. Determine amps or volts the same way. Determine resistor wattage." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Getting Support for Schizophrenia", "Living with Schizophrenia", "Seeking Professional Help" ], "document": [ "After you are diagnosed with schizophrenia, your health care providers should set you up with a community mental health team, sometimes called assertive community treatment (ACT). These teams consist of highly experienced professionals from a variety of backgrounds who can provide day-to-day individualized treatment and support for living with schizophrenia. Your team might consist of psychiatrists, psychologists, mental health nurses, pharmacists, counselors, social workers, and occupational therapists. Receiving support from your loved ones is critical to your ability to manage schizophrenia. Include your family and friends in doctor visits, ACT team meetings, therapy sessions, and support groups. Encourage them to ask your treatment team any questions they need to better support you. You might also make special requests as to how your loved ones can support you. These may include helping you spot early warning signs, helping you remember your medications, accompanying you to appointments, and helping you relearn skills to function in everyday life. Being diagnosed with schizophrenia can make you feel isolated and misunderstood. That’s why it’s a great idea to connect with other people who are living with the condition. Self-help and support groups are designed to help you build relationships with others with schizophrenia. In support groups, you might discuss helpful coping strategies, get education about managing schizophrenia, and share stories about what’s it like living with the disorder. Ask your doctor or therapist about schizophrenia support groups in your area. Ask your community mental health team or support group about how you can receive social skills training. These behavioral interventions can help you better function in the community and feel more capable of managing schizophrenia. Social skills training can improve your quality of life by helping you behave appropriately in social situations, solve problems, communicate more effectively with those around you, and deal with everyday life stress. Doing meaningful work in your community can also help improve your quality of life with schizophrenia. Consider getting vocational training to help you develop transferrable skills, look for a job that suits your lifestyle and condition, and learn how to manage your money. In some cases, vocational training may be grouped in with social skills training.", "Since food is fuel for the body and the brain, consuming a nutrient-rich diet can support your mental health. Avoid sugar, refined carbohydrates, coffee, and alcohol. Such foods can worsen your symptoms. Instead, eat plenty of green vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean protein, beans, nuts and seeds. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to support brain health. Get omega-3s from salmon, mackerel, flaxseed, and walnuts. Or, ask your doctor about taking an omega-3 supplement. Exercise offers neuroprotective benefits to the brain while boosting your energy and mood. Aerobic exercise, in particular, has been shown to improve your ability to understand social situations, enhance attention span, and boost working memory. Get at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day. Try aerobic exercises like running, hiking, swimming, dancing, or cycling. Poor sleep habits can signal a relapse of schizophrenia symptoms or worsen ongoing symptoms. It’s important to talk to your doctor about sleep problems and come up with a game plan for improving sleep quality and duration. Try sleeping only at night, reserving the bedroom for sleep and sex, and powering off electronic devices at least an hour before bed. You might also create a bedtime routine, such as taking a warm bath or doing some light reading. If sleep problems persist, tell your doctor. They may be able to prescribe new medications or change your current meds to help you sleep better. Living with schizophrenia can mean having many days in which your symptoms are especially bad, leading to loss of contact with reality and even hospitalization. It can help to improve your outlook of living with this condition by starting a gratitude practice. Gratitude has been shown to benefit brain health and mood. Reap the benefits by jotting down some of the good things that happen on days when your symptoms are manageable.", "To receive an adequate diagnosis of schizophrenia, start by visiting your family physician. This doctor may be your first line of treatment for schizophrenia. They can conduct a physical examination, review your medical history, and help rule out other conditions that may cause similar symptoms. If your doctor doesn’t find any medical explanation for your symptoms, they may refer you to a mental health provider for further testing. A psychiatrist or psychologist may perform a battery of tests to check your mental status and ask questions about your symptoms. Be honest and upfront about any symptoms you experience. Giving your mental health provider the full picture of your symptoms ensures that you receive the right diagnosis. Your doctor may ask whether you have seen or felt things that others didn’t (hallucinations) or have unshakable beliefs that aren't based in reality (delusions). Medication is typically at the foundation of treatment for schizophrenia. These medications work by improving the balance of chemicals in the brain that make you lose touch with reality. Talk to your doctor to determine which medication is right for you. The most effective medications for schizophrenia include antipsychotics, particularly second-generation medications that have fewer serious side effects (also known as atypical antipsychotics). Keep in mind, however, that you may have to try several medications before finding the one that best helps you manage your schizophrenia symptoms. Follow your doctor’s orders when taking your medications. Never stop taking your meds unless your doctor has instructed you to, as doing so could lead to serious side effects. If you experience negative side effects from your medication, let your doctor know as soon as possible. They will likely be able to switch you to a different medication. Although medication is the best way to reduce schizophrenia symptoms, many people also find that talk therapy also helps them manage schizophrenia. Psychotherapy may involve educating yourself about how schizophrenia impacts your functioning, helping you cope with stress that exacerbates symptoms, and conducting reality testing. In addition to one-on-one therapy, you might also consider group therapy or family therapy. Both of which can help you learn to better manage living with schizophrenia. Electroconvulsive therapy, or ECT, is a procedure in which currents are sent through the brain to reverse the symptoms of severe mental illness. When used in combination with medication, ECT has proven to be an effective form of treating severe forms of schizophrenia that are resistant to typical treatments. If you are failing to see improvements from second-generation antipsychotics, you might ask your doctor about ECT." ], "summary": [ "Connect with a community intervention team. Involve your friends and family. Participate in a support group. Get social skills training. Receive vocational rehabilitation.", "Eat a nutritious diet. Stay physically active. Build a consistent sleep routine. Practice gratitude for the good days.", "See a doctor for a thorough diagnosis. Undergo testing. Discuss medication options with your doctor. Consider psychotherapy. Ask about electroconvulsive therapy." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Creating And Issuing The Written Warning", "Deciding If It's Time For A Written Warning" ], "document": [ "Although requirements may vary amongst organizations, there are some common elements that you will want to include in your written warning. Review the following points of information to build an informative and effective written warning: Include the names of any parties involved. The nature of the offense. The date and time the offense occurred. Details of the warning and the time period involved in the warning. Instructions for the employee regarding how to remedy the situation. Consequences of this infraction as well as the consequences of future issues. When you are writing your warning you will need to be as specific and detailed as possible. Including clear and concise details in your warning will help convey the exact issue at hand and allow your employee to better make corrections and avoid further offenses in the future. Include clear statements that describe the issue at hand. For example \"On June 23rd, you were reported as having been involved in a physical altercation with another employee\". Warnings should make clear what will happen if the employee's behavior is not corrected. For example \"If another infraction occurs, we will issue only one final warning before termination.\" Although the warning is written, you won't be sending it through company mail or email. Delivering a written warning will need to be done in person, during a private meeting with the employee in question. This will allow for direct conversation between both parties and a clear communication of the issue at hand. Make the meeting for the earliest date available. Give some positive feedback as well. Don't just focus on the negative during the meeting. Once you have written the warning and delivered it to the employee, you will want to make sure that the employee understands the warning. Discuss the terms of the warning, the duration it will last, why they are receiving it and how they can work to correct their course of action in the future. Most written warnings will have a place for signatures. Have your employee sign the warning, declaring that they understood and agree with it. Allow the employee the right to dispute the claim as well. Some information may not be correct and they should have the right to question the warning.", "Warnings that are issued to an employee are generally issued following a certain progression or escalation. By sticking to the progression you can help the employee understand exactly what level of discipline they are currently receiving and just how serious the issue is. Review the following progression of employee warnings to learn if it is time for a written warning: Verbal warning Written warning Final written warning Termination of the employee. Before you issue the written warning to an employee you will want to consult your organization's disciplinary code. Make sure that the code agrees with your decision to issue a written warning. Match the severity of the issue to the disciplinary code that your organization uses before you submit your written warning. Some issues may not be very serious or are a first time occurrence with that employee. These may require a simple verbal warning. Other issues may be quite serious and could warrant a written warning, bypassing the verbal warning. These might include theft or threats of violence. Before you create a written warning you will need to collect all the relevant information regarding the employee and the issue at hand. Collecting this information will allow you to judge if the written warning is appropriate as well as allow you to write a detailed and effective warning. Learn the dates and times of any employee infractions. Detail any conversations or previous verbal warnings about this issue. Collect old documents which the employee signed, documenting their acceptance to company terms and illustrating their violation of them. Before you complete and issue your written warning you will want to speak privately with the employee in question. This meeting will allow you to further understand the situation and accurately judge if the next step is to issue a written warning to the employee. The conversation may reveal that the issue was a misunderstanding and no further action is needed. You may be able to collect more information about the incident, allowing you to better issue your written warning should it be necessary. In larger organizations it may be unclear as to who should be the one to deliver the written warning, especially if the employee has more than one supervisor or manager. Make sure that it is company policy that you are the one required to write or deliver the warning to the employee. Generally, the direct supervisor will issue the letter. In some cases, the decision to issue the written warning may be decided by a group meeting." ], "summary": [ "Include the necessary information. Be as specific as possible. Deliver the written warning in person. Make sure the employee understands the warning.", "Follow the usual progression of warnings. Follow the organization's code. Gather information about the issue. Talk with the employee. Determine if it is your duty to issue or write the warning." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Removing Existing Weeds", "Starting a Low-Weed Garden", "Keeping Weeds in Control" ], "document": [ "A sharpened hoe blade allows you to sever the weeds without having to bend over or crouch. Swing the blade against the weed near the base, then leave the weed to decompose. If vegetables are already growing, a thin-bladed \"onion hoe\" may be easiest to maneuver without damaging the useful plants. If the weed already has visible seed pods or seed heads, pull these off before you cut, and discard them in a trash can covered or far away from your garden. A stirrup hoe helps take weeds out easily. It has blades that run parallel to the ground, making it easy to go along and cut weeds down. Hand-pulling weeds can be a slow process, but is often necessary when weeds sprout too close to vegetables to risk swinging a hoe. This also allows you to remove the roots of large weeds as well as the surface plant, preventing the same weed from growing again. Using a tool such as a gardening trowel or Hori-Hori knife may make this task easier and reduce strain on your hands. Pruning shears are notoriously un-ergonomic, which can causes problems such as arthritis. When choosing pruners, make sure that they fit your hand well and don't require excessive push to move the blades. For weeds growing next to small crops, press your fingers down on either side of the weed to keep soil in place while pulling. Removing weeds is easier while the soil is beginning to dry out from a watering. However, avoid walking on or pressing wet soil, which can reduce aeration. Post-emergent herbicides are designed to kill weeds that have already grown. Any type of herbicide should be used cautiously, as they have the potential to kill desirable plants as well, potentially even ones planted in neighboring gardens. Match your herbicide to your type of weed, and check that it does not have any harmful effects on your specific vegetable crops. Use these guidelines to begin your research: Herbicides containing trifluralin can be used to control grass weeds, but these are banned in the European Union. Herbicides with sethoxidym, including Poast, can also be used to control grass weeds. Herbicides containing glyphosate, including Roundup, kill many plants, weeds and otherwise, and should only be used in a vegetable garden if the label specifically provides instructions for it.", ". If you are prepared to use high-quality soil, and water frequently, a raised bed will allow you to keep your vegetables spaced closer together. This makes it harder for weeds to compete, and the raised level may make weeds easier to spot as well. Plants warm up more quickly in a raised bed. This is an advantage in many climates, but if the climate is on the hot side for your vegetables, consider digging a lowered bed instead. Sometimes referred to as intensive planting, keeping vegetables closer together gives weeds less room to grow. However, spacing is limited by your soil quality, watering frequency, and vegetable variety. You can often plant vegetables a couple inches (a few centimeters) closer than recommended on the seed packet, but it's best to attempt this by planting slightly closer each year, reversing the practice if the vegetables fail to grow quickly and healthily. Try looking up your vegetable's recommended spacing if using a raised bed. Due to the trapped heat in the soil, this method is only recommended for certain vegetables, such as tomato, pepper, eggplant, cucumber, melon, or squash. Lay a covering of black plastic over the soil in your vegetable garden prior to planting. Cut out holes where the vegetable plants will grow through the plastic. Keep an eye out for aggressive weeds that may continue to grow under the plastic or through the holes for the vegetable plants. Plastic will not decompose, and must be thrown away after the growing season. Alternatively, you can use black landscaping fabric. This allows water to penetrate down into the soil and is reusable.", "Whenever you notice weeds start to emerge, use a stirrup hoe, garden tiller, or rake to disturb the soil around their roots. Exposing their roots, especially on a dry, hot day, can cause the weeds to dry up and die. Cultivating further than a couple inches (3-5 centimeters) is not recommended, as it can damage vegetable roots and bring buried weed seeds to the surface. This method will be less effective if the weeds are allowed to grow larger. Mulch refers to any material covering the soil surface, which helps block new plants from emerging. Add a 2–4 inch (5–10 cm) layer of dead leaves, seed-free straw, or grass clippings to serve as mulch, but leave bare areas 1 inch (2.5 cm) around each desirable plant to allow air circulation. Mulch also helps retain soil moisture and heat. As an insulator, it can help keep plants cool in hot temperatures, and warm in cooler temperatures. Avoid wood chips, bark chips, or sawdust, as they may have lingering effects that prohibit seed growth. These types of mulch may be appropriate for use in area of your gardens without vegetables or other annual plants. If you are using wood then make sure to inspect it for parasites and diseases. You don't want to introduce these to your garden. Black-and-white newspaper can be used as an inexpensive and environmentally friendly mulch to prevent weed growth, but it is only effective in certain conditions. This relatively recent practice requires more study, but appears to require well-draining soil, and frequent cultivation as described above. Apply it as you would organic mulch, described above. Do not use colored ink pages, which may contain toxic materials that can harm the soil and vegetable plants. In windy conditions, weigh the newspaper down with grass clippings or other material. Always research a herbicide's effect on your specific vegetables and nearby plants before using, and select one that targets your type of weed (such as grass or broad-leaf weeds). Here is some information to start with, concerning pre-emergent herbicides to use before the weeds have sprouted: Products containing DCPA, such as Dacthal, rarely harm most vegetables. Corn gluten meal is sometimes used as organic weed control, applied in a garden with vegetables 2–3 inches (5–7.5 cm) tall and no weeds present. It is unclear how effective this is compared to other options, but can double as a fertilizer as well. Rather than leave your garden bare after harvesting, plant a cover crop to prevent undesirable plants from going wild. Grow a hardy winter/autumn crop such as annual rye grass, buckwheat, or winter rye for this purpose. Be prepared to fertilize and harvest this crop if you go with this plan. A dense crop cover will keep weeds from getting started in your garden. When you cut the cover crop, you can even leave the trimmings in your garden as a green manure. Look up crop rotation or crop combination recommendations for your specific vegetables, so your soil next year will have the correct nutrients to encourage vegetable growth." ], "summary": [ "Cut with a sharp hoe. Remove weeds by hand or small tool. Learn about post-emergent herbicides.", "Build a raised garden bed Reduce plant spacing. Use plastic mulch for certain crops.", "Cultivate the soil shallowly and regularly. Apply an organic mulch to reduce weed growth. Consider using newspaper as a mulch. Research pre-emergent herbicide options. Use cover crops outside the growing season." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Cleaning Deep Stains with Boric Acid", "Pressure Washing Bricks", "Washing Bricks with Soap and Salt" ], "document": [ "Boric acid is corrosive and can cause skin or respiratory irritation. Find a well-ventilated area, preferably outdoors, and spread out a drop cloth over anything that could become damaged by the acid. If you need to clean the brick indoors, choose a spot near open doors or windows. While handling boric acid, make sure to cover your eyes and any skin that will directly handle the cleaning agents. Wear goggles to protect your eyes and rubber gloves to protect your hands and forearms. Wear long-sleeved clothes, if possible, to protect as much of your skin as possible. If you have long hair, pull it back tightly in a bun or ponytail while cleaning with acid.", "Pressure washers are useful for spraying away stubborn patches of dirt or stains. You can purchase pressure washers online or buy them from many home improvement stores. If you don't own a pressure washer, you can buy or rent one from some home improvement stores.", "If your brick is dusty or dirty, use a scrub brush to scrub at any surface-level dirt or dust. If you have a vacuum cleaner handy, turn it on and use the brush attachment to blow away residual debris. If you don't brush away all of the dirt, don't worry. You'll be able to scrub away the rest as you wash the brick. Avoid wire brushes, which can leave metal scratches on the brick and cause rust or corrosion over time." ], "summary": [ "Lay down a drop cloth in a well-ventilated area. Put on a pair of goggles and thick, rubber gloves.", "Purchase or rent a pressure washer for deep stains.", "Vacuum or brush away any loose dirt." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Brainstorming Gift Ideas", "Choosing Physical Items as Gifts\n", "Narrowing Down a Wish List", "Choosing Experiences as Gifts\n" ], "document": [ "Write down a few of the things that you like to do for fun. Next, write down a few items that you'd use for that hobby. Choose the ones you really like from that list, and add them to your wish list. Here are some ideas to get you started: If you like to paint or draw, you might need some new graphite pencils, paintbrushes, or paints. If you do oil painting, you might also need some linseed oil or turpentine. Be creative! If you like to show support for your favorite sports team, don't limit yourself to just jerseys, sweatshirts, and hats with your favorite team's logo. A sports game is a great way of showing support. It can also be a great experience. If you like music, why not think about your favorite bands? Are there any new albums that came out or that you don't have? What about posters or shirts? If you are interested in manga or comic books, see if any new volumes have been added to your favorite series. If you like anime, see what new action figures you might have missed out on. Click here for more ideas on specific gifts. Did you recently see a musical that you really liked? The musical might not be playing anymore by the time your birthday rolls around, but there could be another one that you might enjoy. Visit the theater company's website and see what is coming up that interests you. Tickets to performances, such as operas, plays, and musicals, make great, memorable gifts. If you don't like theater, think about other things you have enjoyed. This could be a sports game, a concert, or even a theme park. Click here for more gift ideas based on experiences. Sometimes, figuring out what you need is easier than deciding what you want. Think about the past few months. Ask yourself if there was something you really needed at one point but didn't have. Here are some things to get you started: If you cook a lot, you might find that some of your pots, pans, and other utensils need replacing or updating. You could ask for a new set or blender. If all your cooking gear is in top condition, consider some exotic spices instead. If you have a green thumb, you might like a grow-your-own herb kit. You'll get some pots, soil, and a few popular cooking herbs, such as basil, thyme, and mint. If you play a sport or music, see if your gear needs updating or replacing. Equipment can be expensive, and a birthday is a great chance to get an upgrade. If your birthday is close to winter, it might be a good idea to check and see if your winter clothes still fit. If they don't, you could ask for a new jacket or scarf. Do you have a favorite store that you like to shop in? Visit their website and see if there is anything new that came out since the last time you visited. Sometimes, walking through a store, thumbing through a catalog, or surfing the web may give you some ideas. If you have a free weekend, try visiting your local mall. Be sure to take note of anything that interests you.", "Chances are, you might be interested in more than one thing, such as drawing, painting, and knitting. You might also find yourself wanting anything and everything related to your craft. This could easily get overwhelming. To keep this from happening, you could always ask for a set or kit. They usually contain everything you need to complete a project or two. This would also make it easier on your friends and family when they go gift-shopping; they won't have to worry about getting the right supplies or missing an important one. Here are some ideas to get you started: If you like beading, you might like a beading set. Most will have everything you need to create a necklace, a pair of earrings, and a bracelet. They will come with beading wire, clasps and crimps, and beads. You might also be interested in getting some polymer clay so that you can make your own beads. If you are into DIY, you might like a soap or candle-making kit. You could also ask for supplies for a basic DIY project, such as chalkboard paint, mason jars, burlap, twine, and paint brushes. If you like to draw, you could ask for a set of graphite or charcoal pencils, a sketchbook, and a how-to-draw book. These books come on just about every subject, from people to plants and trees to animals. Some even focus on specific animals, such as birds, cats, dogs, or horses. If you like fantasy creatures, then there are books on how to draw mermaids, fairies, elves, and dragons. There are even books on how to draw anime. If you like to paint, consider an art set. Many arts and crafts stores sell sets that come in wooden or metal cases. You can get them with artist-grade acrylic, oil, or watercolor paints. Some sets may also including a how-to-paint book, some art paper, or a canvas. If you like knitting or crochet, you don't have to limit yourself to just plain old yarn. You would treat yourself to some fancier, more expensive yarn with different fibers and textures. There are also many pattern books available that you might like as well. Things like computers, phones, and tablets are always updating, and what is new one year will be old and outdated the next. Accessories, such as cases and earphones, however, won't get old as fast and could last you much longer. Here are some ideas: If you have a phone or tablet, ask for a protective case. They can often be personalized with your name, a design, or an image. Headphones, speakers and other smaller items can enhance a device you already have. You might also like something nostalgic, such as a new turntable to play your record collection. Jewelry can be expensive, but it doesn't have to be. You can get many beautiful, handmade pieces on artist websites, such as Etsy, and at craft fairs. Look through your jewelry collection and see if there anything you wish you to complete an outfit, such as a brooch, bracelet, or necklace. If jewelry isn't your thing, you could always ask for a special hat or bag. Here's a few more ideas for you: When asking for jewelry, consider getting a full set: a necklace and matching earrings. If you already have a lot of jewelry but nothing to keep it in, you could ask for a jewelry box instead. If you are a man, you can always ask for a tie pin, cuff-links, or even a new watch. Belts and wallets can make great gifts. If you get them in leather, you might be able to get them customized; some leather can be stamped with a design or letters. Just be sure to list your favorite colors, shades, and scents as these can be personal. Like jewelry, makeup does not take up a lot of space, and it can be used almost very day. Here are some ideas to get you started: Many makeup companies offer gift sets that include a makeup bag, eye shadow, lipstick, and blush. Bath and beauty stores often offer gift baskets that include lotion and soap. Some even include things like bath bombs, salts, and bubbles. If you like to use expensive moisturizers or perfumes, your birthday is a great chance to ask for these. Most sports teams have online gift shops. They are a great place to start looking. If your favorite team is playing near your town around your birthday, see if you can get a ticket to their game. Here are some more ideas: Ask for jersey, hat, or sweatshirt that you can wear to games to show your support. If you want to show your support in the workplace, try searching for business-appropriate attire instead, such as: a necktie, socks, cuff-links, or a scarf. If you like to host parties to watch, ask for things like a themed bowl. They could add a personal touch to your party. You could also ask for items that would allow you to play a sport, such as athletic apparel, specialized shoes, rackets, or balls. If you have a favorite author or genre, ask for the latest book in a series. The New York Times bestseller list can help you find the most popular books in a variety of genres. Let the giver know what your tastes. Maybe he or she has read something you would enjoy. Here are some more ideas: Ask for an e-reader; this will allow you to carry all your favorite books, wherever you go. If you already own an e-reader, ask for a special cover for your reader. You can also ask for a gift certificate so that you can buy more e-books. If you have a favorite book, see if you can find a canvas book bag or a poster that features the cover. You might even find a print of the book cover on a shirt, mug, or even mouse pad. If you have a favorite quote about reading or from a favorite author, look online to see if it is available on a poster, mug or other object. If you already own a few figures from a certain set, ask for more figures so that you can finish your collection. If you like playing games, you might like board games or card games like Uno, Clue, or Apples to Apples. Older players may enjoy strategy games like Ticket to Ride, or parlor games like Cards Against Humanity. You might also be interested in model kits. Some are simple, and only require you to snap together the parts. There is no glue or painting involved. Some kits are more advanced; you have to glue the parts together and paint them. You can buy models kits of cars, airplanes, ships, helicopters, and motorcycles. You could even buy space ships from popular science fiction films, such as Star Wars and Star Trek. If you like a show, book series, or video game, you could ask for merchandise from that. For example, you could ask for a wand from Harry Potter, a figure or model from Lord of the Rings or a t-shirt from your favorite video game. You might also want to add to your collection of DVDs or books. Here are a few more ideas: Fans of video games may enjoy a Minecraft backpack or pajamas with the Crest of Hyrule from the Legend of Zelda. If you like to cosplay, you could ask for a wig or accessories to finish your latest work. You can also ask for a gift card to your favorite fabric or arts and crafts store so that you can buy materials to make your cosplay. Ask for posters or action figures of your favorite character, comic book, movie, or video game. If you like to read manga, ask for the newest books in the series. If you like anime, ask for the latest episodes on a DVD; some studios also make movies based on the series. Consider getting a book featuring the artwork and concept art from your favorite video game, comic book, manga, or anime. These gifts are often more personal and special than store-bought gifts. The person might even be flattered that you think their talents are gift-worthy. Handmade gifts are both unique and special, and sure to stand out. Here are some things you could ask for: If you know someone who likes to knit, see if they are willing to make you a scarf or hat. If you know someone who sews, see if they might be willing to make you a new bag. If one of your friends likes to make soaps or candles, see if they could make you a set. Sometimes, your favorite store may not be carrying something that you like at the moment. A gift card will allow you to set money aside to spend at that store when you do find something that you like. Some people do not like giving gift cards. If this happens, ask them if they could go with you to the store to buy that special gift when the time comes.", "If you can't decide between a few items, make a pro and con list. Write down the good things and the bad things about each item on your list. Choose the item that has the most advantages and the fewest disadvantages. For example, a jacket may not be very exciting, but you could wear it with many different outfits; it may also keep you warm in the wintertime. It might be school, a job, sports, or something else entirely. If playing sports are the most important thing for you, new equipment might be more useful than that new video game—which you may not have the time to play between practices. Sometimes, what you want right now may not be what you will want (or use) later on down the road. If you can't decide between a few items, try to imagine your life without each of those items a few months later. Choose the item that you will continue to use, or still be interested in, over those whose novelty will fade. You can also try imagining what it would be like not to get one of these gifts. Choose the one you'd be most upset over not getting. Not everyone might be able to spend a lot of money on a gift. If you want something very expensive, try asking the person for a budget before posting your wish list. If you ask for something that the person is unable to afford, he or she might feel embarrassed. Here are some other options: If you are too shy to ask for a budget, put a few expensive and inexpensive things on your wish list. This will let people buy what is within their budget. Ask for a group gift. This will allow everyone in your family or circle of friends to chip in when the time comes to buy that expensive gift. Ask for a gift that doubles up for another occasion. For example, if your birthday is in the winter, you could ask for a gift that is both a birthday and Christmas present Offer to pay for part of it yourself. The combination of your money and theirs may allow you to get something expensive that you really want. If you cannot decide between two or three things, ask someone else to choose for you. Give that person the list, and tell him or her to choose one item from that list. Some people may even prefer being able to choose a gift for you. If you try to meet other people's expectations, you will end up getting stressed. You may also end up not getting something that you really wanted. If the trip to the beach is what would really make you happy, let your family know. You do not have to choose an expensive gift for your birthday, just because all your friends do on theirs.", "If the budget is large, you might ask to go on a trip to a place you’ve never been to. If the budget is more limited, ask to spend a day with the giver. It can be as simple as going out to a meal or to a museum in your town. Here's some more ideas: Visit another country or state you have always wanted to go to. If you don't know where to go, you could always close your eyes and point to a spot on a map. Open your eyes, and visit wherever your finger is pointing to. Go on a cruise. Oftentimes, cruises also allow you to go on land and tour; you are not always stuck on a boat. Go to the park. It can be as simple as your local neighborhood park. It can also be a state or national park. Go camping. Keep in mind that it is not a good idea to go camping alone, so you might want to bring a buddy or two. Much like traveling, these sorts of experiences need some planning. In many cases, they will also need some equipment as well. They can, however, be combined with traveling. For example, if you go to a tropical island, you might also want to try scuba diving. If you decide to go camping, you might also want to try visiting some caves or go hiking. Here's some more ideas for you to consider: Bungee jumping Caving Hiking or backpacking Horseback riding Kayaking Rock climbing Scuba diving Many spas offer extra-special treatments, such as fancy pedicures complete with salts, oils, and an extra long massage. If you don't like pedicures, you might like a massage or a facial with a mud mask. Be sure to schedule your appointment in advance, as some of the more popular spa centers get their spots filled up fast. Many businesses offer gift certificates to learn a new skill, such as dancing, martial arts, painting, or woodworking. You can also see if you can spend the day learning a special skill from a family member. Your grandmother may be delighted to teach you how to bake a cake or cook a favorite dish. And the best part is that you can eat what you cook after you are done. Here are some more ideas: If you like beading, cake decorating, crochet, knitting, or painting, visit an arts and crafts store. Many of them offer classes in these areas. Some community centers also offer classes in areas such as pottery, weaving, and music. They are great gifts for those who enjoy art or history. Many museums are themed, and focus on a certain type of history (such as ancient Egyptian or Medieval) or a certain type of art (such as Asian or French Impressionist). Think about what interests you, and see if there is a museum that features your interests. If history or art aren't your think, you might be interested in a sports or music hall of fame. You might also enjoy visiting a wax museum or a museum that focuses on technology and innovation. Most of the time, you only have to pay an entrance fee, and can spend as much time as you want. Some zoos and aquariums may allow you to get up close and personal with some of the animals for an additional fee. If you are interested in this, visit your local zoo or aquarium's website, and see if this is an option. Sometimes, the memories of an event can outlast any physical gift. Many theaters and concert halls may also have gift shops that sell posters, CDs, and shirts that you can buy to help you remember the experience even more. See if your favorite band is playing close to you, and ask for a ticket to their concert. You can make the experience even more special by asking for a VIP pass, so that you can meet your favorite band members and have them sign items for you. If you like classical music, you might be interested in attending a concert with a live orchestra. If you like singing and dancing, you might enjoy watching a musical. If you like performing arts, but without the singing or dancing, try a play instead. Keep in mind, however, that if this convention is out of town, and if you will be staying there overnight, you may need a place to stay there. Many hotels that host the conventions offer special prices on rooms. If anime or comic books aren't your thing, you might be interested in a Renaissance Faire instead. They are usually open only on weekends, so you do not need to stay there overnight. They are a great way to immerse yourself in history and fantasy. If you have a favorite author or illustrator, see if he or she is holding a reading or signing in your area. Not only will you be able to meet someone you adore, but you may also walk away with an autograph. An experience doesn't always have to be active. It can also be as simple as enjoying good food with friends and family. Choose a restaurant that you love, or that you have always wanted to go to. Sometimes, the gift of giving may feel more rewarding than the gift of receiving. Think about some things that you are passionate about, and try to find an organization that supports that. Here are some ideas: Animals and nature The homeless Disaster relief Education" ], "summary": [ "Think about your hobbies. Try to remember something fun you did in the past. Think about what you need. Browse stores, websites, and catalogs for ideas.", "Consider art supplies or art sets/kits if you are an artist. Think about accessories for your electronics. Look into jewelry or accessories if you like fashion. Keep makeup, bath, and beauty products in mind if you like to pamper yourself. Ask for sports memorabilia to support your favorite team. Expand your horizons as a bookworm. Ask for toys and games if you are a child or a child at heart. Cater to your geek side. Ask for a handmade gift. Ask for a gift card to your favorite store.", "List the pros and cons of each gift. Think about what is most important to you. Think ahead. Keep people's budget in mind. Let someone else decide for you. Think about what you want over what is expected of you.", "Ask for trip if you like to travel. Ask for something active if you are a thrill seeker. Pamper yourself with a trip to the spa on your birthday. See if you can learn a new skill on your birthday. Ask for a visit to a museum. Visit an aquarium or zoo if you like wildlife. Ask for a ticket to a concert if you like music or performing arts. Ask for a ticket to an anime or comic book convention. Celebrate your birthday with dining out at your favorite restaurant. Ask for a donation to be made in your name." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Improving Your Basic Technique", "Framing Your Shots", "Using the Light to Your Advantage" ], "document": [ "Take the time to get to know your camera and ensure that you are using it properly. Read the manual to learn what each control, switch, button, and menu item does. Learn the basic actions, such as using the flash (on, off, and auto), zooming in and out, and using the shutter button. If you can find an online tutorial for your camera or a video, then this might be helpful as well. If you don't yet have a good camera, do research to ensure you buy one that works for you. The way that you hold your camera may make a difference in the quality of your shots. It is important to hold your camera with both hands so that you have the most control over it. Hold it so that you are supporting the lens with your left hand and holding the camera body with your right hand. This position will make it easier to keep your camera steady, take pictures quickly, and adjust your settings if necessary. You can also try holding your elbows close to your body to help steady the camera. If you have a hard time keeping your camera steady enough to photograph your subjects, then you might find it helpful to get a tripod. A tripod will keep your camera steady while still allowing you to adjust it to different angles. You might consider getting a low-cost tripod to start out with. You can also get mini-tripods that adjust so that you can place them on table tops and photograph from lower angles. Low-resolution images don’t look as good as high-resolution pictures, and they’re more difficult to alter after the fact. To ensure that you are getting the best quality photos possible, change your camera’s settings so that you are taking high-resolution photos. Keep in mind that higher resolution photos take up a considerable amount of memory, so you may need to get a larger memory card to accommodate this change. Most digital cameras have an easy automatic mode that will change your camera’s settings based on the type of subject you are photographing. For example, the camera may detect that you are taking a portrait of someone in low light and adjust the settings to get the best image. Try using your camera’s automatic setting to make it easier to take better photos. If your photos come out poorly focused or poorly exposed, then start operating certain functions manually. For portraits, using an anti-red eye mode may be helpful.", "Taking time to think about the composition of your shot is also important. This means thinking about the story that you want to tell about your subject or subjects. For example, if you are photographing a man sitting on a bench in a park, what is his story? Is he waiting for someone? Is he sad? Happy? Concerned? What else is happening that is relevant to this man? How can you frame your subject to tell this story? If you want to portray the man as lonely, then you might choose to frame him in such a way that no other people will be in the shot. You might also look for interesting things in the background or foreground to help tell your story about the man. For example, framing the shot so that a statue of woman is in the background might help to make him seem like he is lonely. Investigate your surroundings and experiment with different angles and ranges to frame your shot and tell your story. Shooting with something in the foreground or background can help to add dimension to your photos. If you want your subject to seem small, then you might place something in the foreground of the shot. If you want your subject to look large, then you might place something in the background.For example, you might take a picture of someone standing on a beach, but photograph the person from far away with a seashell in the foreground. Or, you might photograph the person from a closer vantage point, but capture a seemingly endless white beach in the background. Sometimes photos do not look as good as they could because you are too far away from your subject. If you notice that the details of your subject are hard to make out, then try moving a little closer. For example, if you took your first shot while standing 10 feet (3.0 m) away, then take the next one from 5 feet (1.5 m) away. Keep checking your shots and adjusting your distance until you have captured the desired amount of detail in your shot.", "Sometimes natural light from the sun can be too harsh for portraits. It may cause your subject to look washed out or cast harsh shadows and make it hard to see the details of a person’s face. One way to adapt when your light is too harsh is to photograph your subject in the shade.Keep in mind that photographing your subject in the shade may create a cooler effect than photographing your subject in an unshaded area. Many people only use the flash in dim light. However, if you only use the flash in low light, then you may not be getting the best possible pictures. Your flash can be especially useful when the sun is shining brightly, such as around midday. Bright midday sunlight may result in harsh shadows and unappealing photos, and the flash can help offset this problem. By using your flash when the light is strong, you can diffuse harsh shadows. This may result in more pleasing photos. Keep in mind that you do not always need to use the flash, especially if the natural lighting is good. However, you might want to try taking photos with and without the flash to see what works best for the light you have available. Red eye is caused by the camera’s flash reflecting off of the subject’s retinas. This usually happens when you are taking photos in low light and your subject’s pupils don’t have enough time to constrict. To avoid getting a red eye effect, you can try: Turning on more lights. If you are taking pictures indoors, then you can prevent the red eye effect by turning on as many lights as you can and making the environment brighter. Telling your subjects to look away from the camera. If your subjects are not looking directly at the camera, then you can avoid the red-eye reflection. Turning on the red-eye function. Most digital cameras have this feature and it can help to prevent red-eye shots." ], "summary": [ "Familiarize yourself with your camera. Hold your camera properly. Steady your camera with a tripod to create sharper images. Set the camera's resolution as high as possible. Use your camera’s automatic modes to easily get the settings you want.", "Identify the story you want to tell. Add dimension to your shot by placing something in the foreground. Get closer to your subject to capture more detail.", "Use a shaded area if the light is too harsh. Put up the flash to reduce harsh shadows. Prevent red eye in portraits with good lighting or camera presets." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Making a Balanced Fighting Team", "Understanding Pokémon" ], "document": [ "Having three Electrics and three Fire type Pokémon, no matter how strong, is going to mean trouble when you run into a Ground Pokémon. You want a wide variety of types so that you don't have any of the same types of Pokémon in your arsenal. This is the biggest key to a balanced team, and this will get you through just about every single battle. Think about the roles your Pokémon play. While you want mostly \"Sweepers\" (strong, attacking Pokémon), you should get at least one \"Wall,\" like Snorlax or Blissey, (lots of HP and defense) to help you heal everyone in a time of need. Probably one of the most important types, electric Pokémon are weak against only Ground, but are resisted by Grass and Dragon type Pokémon. They can learn a large variety of moves. You can catch a Shinx early in the game, and it's evolved form, Luxray, can be an indispensable member of your team. Try Electivire or Raichu if you don't want a Luxray. If you can catch the Legendary Bird Zapdos then you will be well armed for the challenges ahead. Use moves like Thunderbolt, Thunder, and Thunder Fang. Water Pokémon can use Ice moves and only have two weaknesses, Electric and Grass. However, since Ice moves are effective against both Grass and Dragon types and work normally against Electric Pokémon, Water Pokémon are incredibly useful, and HM Surf is actually powerful. If you didn't start with Piplup, you can try: Floatzel, Gyarados, or Vaporeon. Utilize moves like Surf, Waterfall, Hydro Pump. These rare but powerful Pokémon are invaluable to your arsenal, especially a Pokémon that can learn both types of moves. You will be good against other Psychics, Bugs, Poison, and other Dark Pokémon. More importantly, these Pokémon usually have a high Sp. Attack and a lot of special moves. Metagross, Alakazam, Espeon, Gallade and Hypno are all Psychic or Dark types. Get moves like Psychic, Night Slash, Bite and Psycho Cut. Many of these Pokémon share types and can learn moves from each set, making them viable against a variety of Pokémon. They also cross frequently with other types, making the even more versatile. Fighting types are usually quite frail, while Rock and Ground types are usually quite bulky. Mamoswine, Bastiodon, Golem, Infernape and Lucario are examples of Fighting types. Use Earthquake, Rockslide, Rock Smash, and Close Combat when possible. Grass Pokémon, though weak to a lot of types, have a wide and powerful moveset that makes them great in certain situations. Roserade is generally the most common, as it can learn Psychic and Poison moves and has a high Special Attack. Tropius, Torterra, Carnivine and Venusaur are all grass-type Pokémon. Use moves like Giga Drain, Energy Ball, and Leaf Blade. Since there are unfortunately not many Fire-types in Platinum, snag a Ponyta early in the game that you can level up to the quick, powerful Rapidash. If you chose Chimchar to start, he will be able to get you out of just about every mess needing Fire Pokémon, including almost every gym. You will also be super effective against Grass, Ice, Bug, Rock and Steel types. Legendary Bird Moltres is a great choice as well if you can get your hands on one. You can get an Eevee in Hearthome City in the house above the Pokémon Center. This Pokémon can evolve into a Fire, Water, Electric, Psychic, Dark, Grass, or Ice type if you have the requirements completed. Learn moves like Flare Blitz, Fire Blast, and Sunny Day. Fire Pokémon are not strictly necessary -- a good Fighting Pokémon can often compensate for a missing Fire type. There is an online generator that lets you plug your team in to see it's stats. It will tell you where you are weakest and offer suggestions to fill the hole. Some good Pokémon to consider are: Flying Pokémon, like the powerful and popular Staraptor (must know Fly and Close Combat). Any Legendary Pokémon. These are the Pokémon that only appear once in each game, like Mewtwo or Latios. They are incredibly powerful and will be a valuable asset on any team. Try Giratina. It is a Ghost and Dragon type of Pokemon, so you get the advantages of Dark type moves and Dragon type ones that have a wide variety of effectiveness and low weaknesses. Find Heatran, a strong Fire and Steel type Pokémon that works well if you need some heat. While having the right types of Pokémon is essential to survive against any type of Pokémon you face, you won't be able to succeed offensively without the right move set. Just like you need to balance your Pokémon types, you need to balance the types of moves you have to fight well against anyone. You want to balance offensive and defensive moves in every Pokémon. STAB moves give you a 50% attack bonus if the type of move (ie. a Fire Move, like Ember) matches the Pokémon's type (ie. Infernape, a Fire Pokémon, using Ember). When possible, teach Pokémon moves that match their type.", "The first Pokémon you get in the game will, in many ways, determine how the rest of your team develops. You have three options to begin, the water-based Piplup, the fire-based Chimchar, and the grass-based Turtwig. Piplup grows into a water/steel hybrid Pokémon, and can learn ice moves as well. Because it is both water and steel, he has very few weaknesses and can learn a variety of useful moves, making his evolved form very powerful. Often seen as the best possible starter. Turtwig is slow, but has great attack and defense and functions well against almost every gym leader in the game. He is a good pick for entry-level players. Chimchar becomes a fire-fighting hybrid, which makes him useful in a lot of scenarios and useful in almost every gym. Platinum has less fire Pokémon than other games, so Chimchar is a good choice if you want to save the hassle of looking for other fire Pokémon. The main concern when building a team is making sure you are not weak to any one type of Pokémon. That is because the game is built on a complex \"rock-paper-scissors\" system where one type of Pokémon will get an advantage over another based on type. For example, Fire attacks are effective against Grass Pokémon, and their moves do twice as much damage. The inverse is also true, as a Grass attack will only do half its normal damage to a fire Pokémon. Attacks of the same type will only do half damage as well in most scenarios (Flying attacks against flying types do not have any extra effectiveness.) A complete table of effectiveness can be found on the Pokémon Database. A status move will have the same effect no matter what type it is used on. Most effectiveness is based on logic -- Flying beats Bug (because birds eat bugs), Water beats Fire, Steel beats Rock, etc. A Fire-type Pokémon who uses a Normal-type move, like Tackle, will not be effective against Grass-type Pokémon. It will do normal damage as Normal-type moves aren't super effective against Grass types in most scenarios. However, if a Pokémon has an ability like 'Pixilate' which turns certain typed moves to another type, this may be the case. Some moves will do no damage whatsoever to the right type. For example, a Ground attack will never hurt a Flying Pokémon. Longtime players have developed a lingo around certain Pokémon that makes it easier to think about building teams. These terms don't refer to a type of Pokémon, like Fire or Ghost, but rather the function of the Pokémon. Sweeper: The most common Pokémon in your team, sweepers are powerful offensive Pokémon used for dealing damage and taking out the enemy. You will likely have 3-4 in your team of 6, and some players want 5-6. Try Alakazam, a Legendary Pokémon, Metagross, Luxray, Scizor. Wall These Pokémon have high HP (health points) and defense. They can survive a lot of damage while you use items to heal up the rest of your team, making them invaluable for staying in the fight. Sometimes called \"Tanks.\" Try Shuckle, Steelix, Bastiodon, Torterra, Rhyhorn, Aggron or Blissey. Support: These Pokémon use a variety of stat-boosting (for themselves) or stat-depleting (for your enemy) moves to weaken the opposing team. For stat boosts, they need to know the move \"Baton Pass,\" which gives the next Pokémon you sub in the same stat boosts that you just used.Try Raichu, Sandslash or Umbreon HM 'Slave': Generally not used for fighting, HM Slaves are sometimes used for travel, as they can learn a variety of moves like Surf, Fly, Strength, etc. that are essential for moving the game along. They are usually subbed in and out when needed, not used for battles. Try Linoone, Charizard or Bibarel. Catcher: This Pokémon, usually not used in battles, is used to catch new Pokémon in the wild. They usually have a mixture of powerful moves, some neutral, weak moves, and sometimes Sleep or Paralyze to make a Pokémon easier to catch. They almost always know the move False Swipe. Try a Scyther, Farfetch'd, Raticate or Gallade. Different attacks do different damage based on your stats, and knowing how the stats work will help you craft an effective team. For example, if you have a Sweeper who uses mostly Special Attacks, like Luxray, you want to make sure it has a high Special Attack. If you are fighting a trainer with lots of Physical Attacks, like a rock gym, sub in a Pokémon with a high defense stat, like Shuckle. Attack: Affects the power of a physical attack such as Scratch or Tackle. Special Attack: Refers to mental or indirect attacks, like beam attack or environmental attacks. All non-physical attacking moves utilize the Special Attack stat. Defense: Determines the amount of damage taken by a physical attack. Special Defense: Determines the amount of damage taken by special attacks. Speed: Determines who attacks first. Speed stats are compared between the two fighting Pokémon and the fastest Pokémon attacks first. In a tie, it is chosen randomly. You will need a team with all the Pokémon around this level in order to compete against the best trainers in the game, specifically the final bosses, the Elite 4. Leveling up increases your stats, teaches your Pokémon new moves, and gives you the chance to evolve your Pokémon into stronger forms." ], "summary": [ "Aim for balance in your team, not just the strongest Pokémon. Grab an Electric type Pokémon. Make sure you snag a water type: Have a Psychic/Dark type Pokémon. Get a Ground, Rock or Fighting-type Pokémon. Consider a Grass-type if you didn't start with one. Find a Fire-type Pokémon. Fill out any holes with good overall Pokémon that compensate for your weaknesses. Know that having solid move sets, which are a Pokémon's four moves, are as important as choosing balanced Pokémon.", "Choose your starter wisely. Understand the effectiveness or some types against others. Know the informal classes of each Pokémon. Understand how a Pokémon's stats affect its effectiveness. Level up your team to at least level 50." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Taking Medications", "Making Diet Modifications" ], "document": [ "If you have gout, a type of arthritis from high uric acid levels, crystals can form in the fluid around your joints. Although older men are more likely to get it, it can affect anyone. No one knows the true cause of gout, but certain risk factors include a diet high in meat and seafood, obesity, chronic conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, family history of gout or if you are on certain medications. Gout causes inflammation and attacks of joint pain (usually at night and experienced in your big or great toe), along with redness, swelling, warmth, and tenderness of the joint. The discomfort lingers for days to weeks after the attack ends and could actually develop into chronic gout, leading to impaired mobility. If you have chronic gout, frequent or painful gout attacks, talk to your doctor about starting a prescription medication. Your doctor may do different tests to diagnose gout, including a blood test to measure your uric acid levels, a synovial fluid test (where a needle draws fluid from your joint), or an ultrasound or CT scan to detect urate crystals. With the results of the tests, your doctor will be able to decide if and which medication you should start. Your doctor may prescribe medications like xanthine oxidase inhibitors, uricosuric drugs, and other less common drugs such as colchicine, which is for acute gout attacks. These medications decrease the amount of uric acid your body makes which can lower your blood uric acid level. Your doctor will most likely prescribe these medications as a first form of treatment for chronic gout. Xanthine oxidase inhibitors include allopurinol (Aloprim, Zyloprim) and febuxostat (Uloric). While these medications can cause an initial increase in gout attacks, they'll eventually prevent them. Side effects of allopurinol include diarrhea, drowsiness, rash and low blood counts. Make sure to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day when taking allopurinol. Side effects of febuxostat include rash, nausea, joint pain and reduced liver function. These types of medications help your body to excrete more uric acid through your urine. Uricosuric drugs prevent your body from reabsorbing urate (uric crystals) back into your blood, which can reduce the concentration of uric acid in your blood. You'll probably be prescribed probenecid, but it's not recommended if you have kidney issues. Start by taking 250mg every 12 hours for the first week. Your doctor may increase the prescription over time, but never to more than 2 grams (0.071 oz). Side effects of probenecid include rash, stomach pain, kidney stones, dizziness, and headache. To prevent kidney stones, you should drink at least six to eight full glasses of water a day while taking probenecid. Some medications, including thiazide diuretics (hydrochlorothiazide), and loop diuretics (such as furosemide or Lasix) should be avoided, since they can aggravate your condition. You should also avoid low doses of aspirin and niacin because they can also increase your uric acid levels. Don't stop taking medications without talking to your doctor. In many cases, there are alternatives available.", "Try to eat healthy, fiber-rich foods and lean proteins. Foods that are high in dietary soluble fiber can help to dissolve uric acid crystals. The fiber helps to absorb the crystals, removing them from your joints and helping to eliminate them from your kidneys. You should also avoid saturated fats, like cheese, butter and margarine. Reduce your sugar intake, including high-fructose corn syrup and soft drinks, all of which can promote gout attacks. Instead try to include: Oats Spinach Broccoli Raspberries Whole-wheat items Brown rice Black beans Cherries (Cherries can reduce gout attacks. One study showed that eating 10 cherries a day protected people from gout flare ups.) Low-fat or non-fat dairy Naturally occurring substances in food called purines are converted to uric acid by your body. Studies have shown that eating foods high in purines could lead to a gout attack within a few days of eating the foods. Avoid high-purine foods including: Meats: red meat and organ meats (liver, kidney and sweetbreads) Seafood: tuna, lobster, shrimp, mussels, anchovies, herring, sardines, scallops, trout, haddock, mackerel Drinking six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day has been shown to decrease gout attacks. Liquids generally count toward water recommendations, but it's best to stick to water. You should also minimize or cut out drinking alcohol since it can metabolize and increase uric acid levels. If you do want to drink something other than water, look for drinks that aren't high in sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, or caffeinated. Sugar can increase your risk of gout and caffeine can be dehydrating. You can still drink coffee in moderation (two to three cups a day). Some studies show that coffee may reduce the levels of uric acid in your blood, although the studies do not show a decrease in gout attacks. Some studies show that vitamin C may reduce the levels of uric acid in your blood, although the studies do not show a decrease in gout attacks. It's suggested that vitamin C can help your kidneys excrete uric acid. Consider taking a 500 mg daily supplement after consulting your doctor. If you'd rather increase your vitamin C through your diet, try eating: Fruits: cantaloupe, citrus, kiwi fruit, mango, papaya, pineapple, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, watermelon Vegetables: broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, green and red peppers, spinach, cabbage, turnip greens, sweet potatoes, potatoes, tomatoes, winter squash Cereals fortified with vitamin C Try to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. One study showed that exercising 150 minutes a week reduces uric acid levels. It can also reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and help you lose weight. Weight loss has been linked to lower blood uric acid levels. Even lower physical activity has been linked to some reduction in uric acid levels. For example, if you can't jog for 30 minutes, try briskly walking for at least 15." ], "summary": [ "Learn the risk factors for gout. Go to your doctor for an exam. Take xanthine oxidase inhibitors. Try taking uricosuric drugs. Avoid certain medications.", "Eat a healthy, balanced diet. Avoid foods that can increase uric acid levels. Watch what you drink and stay hydrated. Get more vitamin C. Exercise." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "On Android", "On Desktop or Web", "On iPhone" ], "document": [ "Tap the WhatsApp app icon, which resembles a white phone receiver on a green speech bubble. If you've already set up WhatsApp, doing so will take you to the last item you had open. If you haven't yet set up WhatsApp, do so before proceeding. It's at the top of the screen. This will open a list of your current conversations. If WhatsApp opens to a different conversation, first tap the \"Back\" button in the top-left corner of the screen to exit the conversation. After a second or so, you'll see a checkmark appear next to the group. At this point, you can tap additional groups or chats to select them as well. It's in the top-right corner of the screen. A drop-down menu will appear. It's at the bottom of the drop-down menu. If you selected more than one group, this will say Exit groups instead. This will remove you from the group that you selected. Leaving a group may not delete it from the CHATS page. If so, tap and hold the group chat on the CHATS tab to select it, tap the trash can-shaped icon at the top of the screen, and tap DELETE when prompted to remove the chat.", "You can find the desktop version of WhatsApp in Start {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/0\\/07\\/Windowsstart.png\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/0\\/07\\/Windowsstart.png\\/30px-Windowsstart.png\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":460,\"bigWidth\":\"30\",\"bigHeight\":\"30\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>I edited this screenshot of a Windows icon.\\n<\\/p><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"http:\\/\\/en.wikipedia.org\\/wiki\\/Public_domain\\\">Public Domain<\\/a><br>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"} (Windows) or in the Applications folder (Mac). This process also works for WhatsApp web edition, though you'll first need to sign into WhatsApp web if doing so. On the left side of the page, click the group conversation you want to leave. You'll see this icon in the upper-right corner of the conversation window. A drop-down menu will appear. Make sure that you click this icon in the conversation window and not in list of conversations that's on the left side of the page. It's at the bottom of the drop-down menu. Doing so will confirm your choice and remove you from the group.", "Tap the WhatsApp app icon, which resembles a white phone receiver on a green speech bubble. If you've already set up WhatsApp, doing so will take you to the last item you had open. If you haven't yet set up WhatsApp, do so before proceeding. It's a speech bubble-shaped icon at the bottom of the screen. If WhatsApp opens to a different conversation, first tap the \"Back\" button in the top-left corner of the screen. Tap the conversation that you want to leave. This will open it. It's in the upper-left side of the screen. Doing so opens the conversation's settings page. You'll find this red-text icon at the bottom of the page. Doing so will confirm your choice and remove you from the group. Leaving a group might not delete it from the Chats page. If so, swipe from right to left over the conversation on the Chats page, tap More, and tap Delete Group twice to remove the chat." ], "summary": [ "Open WhatsApp. Tap the CHATS tab. Tap and hold the group that you want to leave. Tap ⋮. Tap Exit group. Tap EXIT when prompted.", "Open WhatsApp on your computer. Select a conversation. Click ∨. Click Exit group. Click EXIT when prompted.", "Open WhatsApp. Tap the Chats tab. Select a chat. Tap the conversation's name. Scroll down and tap Exit Group. Tap Exit Group when prompted." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Making a Basic Hand Snake", "Making a Snake with a Moving Tongue", "Making a Dragon" ], "document": [ "On each hand, pinch together your index finger and thumb, as though you were picking something up with those digits. When your hands are in the proper position, they will look like Fs in America Sign Language. Lay the pinky across the base of the middle/ring/pinky fingers until the tip rests on your left index finger. Your right pinky will form one of the snake’s eyes. Twist your right ring/middle fingers behind the middle/ring/pinky fingers of your left hand. Angle the ring/pinky fingers on your left hand so that your left ring finger rests on your right index finger. Your left ring finger will form the snake’s second eye. Rest your left pinky on the inside of your right palm. Bring together the tips of your pinched index fingers/thumbs. Your two thumbs now form the bottom of the snake’s mouth, and your two index fingers form the top. You can open and close the snake’s mouth by moving your index fingers up and down together and your thumbs in the same way. If necessary, adjust your right pinky and left ring finger on your index fingers so they stick out to form the snake’s eyes.", "Place your palms together so all your fingers are lined up. With this hand snake figure, the thumbs will form the bottom of the mouth and the middle fingers will form the top. Behind it, close your right ring finger over your left hand. Close your left pinky over your right hand. Twist your right hand slightly and slip your right pinky between your two palms. The tips of your ring fingers will form the snake’s eyes. The pinky inside your hands will be the snake’s tongue. Continue pressing your middle finger tips together as you open your palms to face you. Pull your index fingers back behind your middle fingers. Bend your middle fingers and point them toward you, and allow each ring finger to naturally slide up the back of the opposite middle finger. Press each index finger tip into the back of the same hand's middle finger (this forms the eyes). This is the bottom of the snake’s mouth, and the tips of your middle fingers are the top. Move your thumbs up and down together to open and close the snake’s mouth. When you open the snake’s mouth, wriggle the right pinky finger that’s in between your palms to move the snake’s tongue.", "Straighten your fingers and open your palms with them facing you. Make sure your pinkies are touching. Keep your other fingers at ease (not rigid or pressed together). With this hand dragon, the index fingers and thumbs form the mouth. You want them bent at the knuckle where they meet the hand and pointing straight at you. Now, slightly twist your hands so that you can cross one ring finger over the other. The ring fingers will create the dragon’s eyeballs. Fold your left middle finger over your right ring finger. Fold your right middle finger over your left ring finger. Keep your pinkies sticking straight up. Bend your right index finger and bring it underneath your left ring finger so the tip of your ring finger rests on your index finger. Straighten your right index finger so it’s pointing straight at you. Repeat with the left index finger and right ring finger. Press the tips of your index fingers together. To move the mouth, move your thumb and fingers up and down while keeping your thumb tips together and your fingertips together. At the moment, your pinkies are forming the horns or spikes of the dragon. To create a fire-breathing dragon, pull your pinky fingers inside the dragon’s mouth and criss-cross them so they can move around more easily." ], "summary": [ "Open your hands with your palms facing you. Bring your right pinky in front of your left hand. Close your left middle finger over your right pinky. Close your right middle/ring fingers over you left ring/pinky fingers. Fold your hands together.", "Put your hands in a prayer position. Close your left ring finger over your right hand. Spread your index fingers apart. Wrap each index finger around the tip of the opposite ring finger. Press the tips of your thumbs together and into the tips of your middle fingers.", "Position your hands. Keep your ring fingers straight and bend them forward. Bend your middle fingers at the middle knuckle. Position your index fingers. Bring the tips of your thumbs together under your index fingers." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Learning on the Job", "Preparing Yourself to Be a Good Nurse" ], "document": [ "One of a nurse's main jobs is to take direct care of patients. You’ll likely see these people at their worst. Nurses need to understand that their patients are human beings that are probably stressed, scared, depressed, upset, in pain, and confused. This understanding requires the ability to be compassionate and empathetic. Being able to put yourself in your patient’s shoes will help you understand what she's going through, and what she needs from you. Often times, because a patient sees nurses most often, those nurses get the brunt of any anger the patient is feeling. Being compassionate and empathetic means you do not take this anger personally. Patients are likely sick or injured and not having a very good day! Understanding that some patients may need to release their anger in order to reduce their stress or fear is what being compassionate is all about. In addition to patients, nurses often deal with the family and friends of their patients. Being compassionate and empathetic means being able to show those family members and friends that you truly do care about your patient and are doing your absolute best to help her. The following six steps can help you learn to be a more compassionate person: Step 1: Listen without judgement or formulating an immediate response. Try to understand the person's feelings, needs, and wants so that you can formulate a plan to best help her. Step 2: Reply back to the speaker based on her emotions and not her words. For example, mean and angry words are likely a sign of someone who is scared or fearful. Step 3: Make sure you have someone who is compassionate to you. This means having your own support system at or outside of work. If you have a million problems on your mind, it may be harder to care about the problems of others. Step 4: Think about the whole person, not just who she is at that very moment. You’re going to see many people at their worst, but that’s not who they really are. Remember that there is much more to your patients than just what you see. Step 5: Think about a time when you were in a similar situation. You may have an actual memory of your own you can borrow from, or you may simply need to imagine yourself in that situation. Think about all the emotions you went through (or would go through) and how you felt (or would feel) in that situation. Step 6: Be able to forgive yourself for failure. In essence, have some compassion for yourself. You’re not going to be perfect. You’re going to make mistakes. But you’re human, and that’s normal. Don’t beat yourself up. Being a nurse means you’re going to see people at their very worst. You’ll likely have to take care of patients who are about to die. You may need to take care of patients in an extreme amount of pain. You may need to take care of patients who have just been diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. Constantly being around people who are suffering can take an emotional toll on you. As a nurse you need to be able to control your emotions while you’re on the job, and not allow those emotions to cloud your judgement or slow your reaction time. Being emotionally stable doesn’t mean keeping all your emotions bottled-up forever. It means knowing when the time is right for letting those emotions out. And allowing yourself that emotional release on a regular basis. Try exercise, time with friends, yoga, reading, and developing hobbies. Emotional stability also doesn’t mean developing an ice-cold personality where you do not allow yourself to care about anything. You need to allow yourself to care about your patients in order to provide them with compassion and empathy. Having, or being able to have, emotional stability may mean you have to do certain things outside of work so you’re able to control your emotions at work. One helpful way to develop stable emotions and have better control over your mood is to practice mindfulness. This means being in the moment without thinking about the past, the future, or anything judgmental. Being a responsible nurse means not cutting any corners. Not allowing yourself to make an error, but if you do, making sure the proper people know about the error you made and making sure it’s corrected as soon as possible. Being responsible also means using your best judgement when evaluating a patients' needs and making good decisions that are in the best interests of your patients. If you are a nurse that works in an emergency room or an operating room, or something similar, you also need to be responsible with your time. You need to understand that things do not always go as planed, and emergencies do not happen on a schedule that matches your shifts. A good nurse is prepared to work longer if necessary and understand that’s just part of the job. . In addition to being compassionate, empathetic, and sympathetic to your patients and their needs, you also need to be respectful and non-judgemental about the decisions your patient has made in life. It is not up to you, as a nurse, to judge your patients. It is up to you to help them and make sure they leave you care in the best possible condition — regardless of how they may have ended up in your care in the first place. It also means not treating patients differently because of their backgrounds, ethnicity, or personality. A homeless man who is being treated for a drug overdose deserves just as much respect from you as a pregnant woman who has been hit by a car. Being respectful of your patients also means being truthful with them. When communicating news — good or bad — you need to understand that the patient has the right to honesty. Be straight-forward with your patients, but do it respectfully and with compassion. Keeping calm means maintaining your level-headedness. It means having confidence in what you’re doing and the decisions you’re making. Your confidence will grow not only throughout your education, but the longer you’re on the job. And as such, your ability to remain calm will also improve. As a nurse, you can’t panic when something unexpected happens, and you can’t freeze up because you aren’t sure what to do. When you’re first learning your job and there’s an emergency situation, a more experienced nurses may push you out of the way and take over. Do not take this personally or be upset. Use this moment to observe exactly what’s going on, what the nurse is doing and how, and the specific details that are driving the nurse’s decisions. Watching a more experienced nurse, especially in a crisis, can be one of your most useful learning experiences. Find out if there are trainings offered to help you work through specific scenarios such as sudden cardiac arrest, respiratory arrest, or stroke. By attending these trainings, you can practice going through these steps in a less intense environment so that in the real situation, you will be able to work through it easier. As a nurse no two days will ever be the same. While you may have some routine, it is likely that that routine will also change every now and again. No two patients are going to behave the same, even when they’re getting the exact same treatment. Nurses need to be adaptable and flexible. Nurses need to understand that their work environment and job requirements will change on a daily basis. Being flexible and adaptable, and just going with the flow, will not only help your day go smoother, it will help reduce the amount of stress you feel. Nurses, just like many professions, are constantly learning. Whether they learn through a formal classroom environment, or simply by observing, doesn’t matter. What matters is that you are constantly improving your knowledge and skills, and recognizing specific areas where you might need improvement. It also means receiving feedback from your peers and supervisors critically, and working with your supervisor and others to correct any deficiencies you have with your skills.", "Nursing is a lot like a game of chess. It’s complex and you have to think several moves ahead. You need to be able to assess a patient critically to determine his medical needs, while taking multiple factors and potential outcomes into account. Critical thinking is a process by which you review the situation, analyze what’s going on, and question what you don’t know. You can break the process down into 5 steps: Step 1: Identify the goal, the problem, or the issue. Step 2: Review and diagnose the goal, problem, or issue. What information do you have available about the goal, problem, or issue? Based on the information you have, what’s the best resolution? Step 3: Explore your options. Think about what the resolutions may be, and how and who would actually achieve them. Step 4: Actually carry out the resolution. Get it done. Step 5: Reflect on your success or failure. What went well and what didn’t go so well? What can you do better or differently next time? How do we learn from this experience? Nurses need to be able to communicate with their patients in order to understand how their patients are feeling and what they are concerned about. Communicating effectively means you can listen well when someone else is speaking to you, and that you can speak clearly and concisely to someone else (e.g. patient, doctor, other nurses, family members, etc.). As a nurse you’re also likely to make a lot of notes whether in a physical chart or on the computer, therefore you must also be able to communicate effectively in writing as you may not be there in person to explain what you meant. Keep in mind that you will be dealing with many different nationalities, including people who may not speak the same language as you or the doctor. Find out what services are available to the patient to help them communicate effectively — are there interpreters on staff? Are you aware of any cultural beliefs or practices that might interfere with their health? As a good nurse you need to be able to listen to a doctor’s instructions and carry out those instructions quickly without needing to clarify every detail. In order to do this you need to be able to listen to the doctor in what is likely a fast-paced and hectic environment while you’re doing something else. At the same time, don't hesitate to ask questions to clarify what is needed. Doctors, just as nurses, need to communicate effectively. If it is not clear what the physician/provider is trying to relay, keep asking questions. An exceptional nurse not only listens and carries out instruction, they advocate for their patients. Because of your excellent listening skills, you’ve developed an understanding of your patients, how they feel, and what they want. You should also understand that your patients may be a little intimidated speaking up and asking their doctor specific questions, or making requests. As their nurse, you may need to do the speaking up for your patients. Encourage your patient to write down questions that they want answered and that you know them as well to help facilitate questions. If the patient can not ask them, then ask the questions for your patient. To learn more about being an effective communicator, you can read the following wikiHow article, How to Communicate Effectively. Being detail-oriented means you pay attention to both the big stuff and the small stuff. When dealing with a patient, even the smallest anomaly or symptom can be a big deal, so you need to always be paying attention. Being detail-oriented means you ensure all your patients get the exact treatment they need, when they need it. While not exactly the same, being detail-oriented has a lot to do with being organized. It’s easier to pay attention to the details when you are organized. Detail-oriented also means being accurate. In the medical field you can’t estimate or guess at the amount of medication you give a patient, you need to be accurate. Your patient’s life may depend on it. Being detail-oriented also means paying attention. Getting distracted or allowing your mind to wander will likely result in you missing something important. Because all details regarding your patient’s care are critical, you need to remain focused and on task at all times. Nurses, especially those working in a hospital, need to deal with multiple patients at the same time. Each patient has their own personal requirements that are critical to their well-being. Each patient also has his or her own personality and emotional needs. As a nurse you need to be able to organize yourself to keep track of who each of your patients are, what their treatments are, when they need their treatments, and the small details about the patient that will help them feel better (both physically and emotionally). Being able to organize yourself efficiently means being able to do the following things when needed: Learning to say no. While you may not be able to say no very often at work, you can certainly say no in your personal life. Sometimes being able to clear out all the stuff you don’t really want to be doing will lower your stress level overall and help you become more focused when you’re at work. Finding balance in your life. There is such a thing called caregiver burn out. Always ask yourself before accepting an extra shift: what the benefit it and what is the cost? If the cost is personal loss of perceived health, sleep, enjoyment, then the extra money is not worth it. Asking for help. If you are new to the nursing field, you are going to need to ask for help. Don’t be afraid to ask, just ask. Once you’ve asked chances are you’re going to be able to move forward with what you need to do, and understand how to efficiently carry out that task the next time. Prioritizing. Being organized means being able to prioritize all the tasks you have on your to do list. Knowing which ones are more important or which ones have the earliest due dates. Spending your time wisely. Think about all the things you need to do in the next little while, and carry those tasks out efficiently. If you need to go to the storeroom for one thing, think about all the things you need in there over the next little while so you only have to make one trip. Don’t waste your time doing repetitive and unnecessary tasks. Most nurses will be on their feet for their entire shift, which can last 12 hours or more. Nurses may also need to restrain patients, help patients walk from one place to another, hold patients up, move patients to and from a bed or gurney, and other physically demanding tasks. If you aren’t up to the physical requirements of the job, you will likely be in a lot of pain at the end of a shift. Personal health must be observed first — how can you advise health-related behavior if you do not observe it yourself? Physical stamina isn’t just about being able to do physical activities, it’s about being able to do them over a long period of time, over and over again. As a nurse you’re allowed to wear scrubs and comfortable shoes — take advantage of this. There is nothing worse than being on your feet for 12 hours in shoes that are really painful. The medical profession in general isn’t the type of profession where you can always just sit back and \"wait and see.\" In many cases, as a nurse, you’ll notice something and need to react to it quickly. You won’t always get the chance to pause and evaluate all the options and debate back and forth with another nurse as to the best course of action — sometimes you just need to act. Being able to think and react quickly comes with experience and confidence. The more experience and confidence you gain, the faster your ability to react will become. Thinking and reacting quickly can also include knowing when it’s time to get help from someone else ASAP. Don’t worry if you may be overreacting or if someone will have a bad opinion of you because you bothered them, those things aren’t important. Keep in mind that your patient’s well-being is always the most important thing and react quickly when that well-being is in jeopardy. Reacting quickly doesn’t mean forgoing critical thinking; it means going through the critical thinking process quickly and carrying out your decision immediately." ], "summary": [ "Understand and have the ability to be compassionate. Have emotional stability. Take responsibility. Respect everyone Keep calm under pressure and during a crisis. Adapt to new and constantly changing situations. Improve your knowledge constantly.", "Think critically. Communicate effectively. Be detail-oriented. Organize efficiently. Maintain physical stamina. React and think quickly." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Using Android", "Using an iPhone or iPad", "Using a Desktop Browser" ], "document": [ "The Facebook icon looks like a blue box with a white \"f\" in it. If you’re not automatically logged in, log in with your Facebook account. You will have to enter your email or phone number and your password. You can use the search function, or click on your friend’s name on your Friends List or News Feed. This button is on the right side of your screen under your friend's cover photo. Tapping on it will open a popup menu. This will take you to a new page showing you and your friend's mutual friends, posts on each other's walls, and photos together. This button is at the bottom of the Photos window. Tapping on it will bring up a list of all photos that you and your friends are tagged in together. If you don't have many photos together, you will not see this button. Instead, you will see thumbnails of all of your photos together. Tap on a photo to zoom in.", "The Facebook icon looks like a blue box with a white \"f\" in it. If you’re not automatically logged in, log in with your Facebook account. You will have to enter your email or phone number and your password. This button is located in the lower-left corner of your screen, and it looks like your Home screen page. You can use the search function, or click on your friend’s name on your Friends List or News Feed. This button looks like three dots and it's right below your friend's profile picture. This will take you to a new page showing you and your friend's mutual friends, posts on each other's walls, and photos together. This button is at the bottom of the Photos window. Tapping on it will bring up a list of all photos that you and your friend are tagged in together. If you don't have many photos together, you will not see this button. Instead, you will see thumbnails of all of your photos together. Tap on a photo to zoom in.", "If you’re not automatically logged in, log in with your Facebook account. You will have to enter your email or phone number and your password. You can use the search function, or click on your friend’s name on your Friends List or News Feed. This button will be in the lower-right corner of your friend's cover photo, and it will open up a menu. This will take you to a new page showing you and your friend's mutual friends, posts on each other's walls, and photos together. You will see thumbnails of your photos on the left side of your screen under your mutual info. " ], "summary": [ "Open the Facebook app. Go to your friend’s profile. Tap the ⁝ button. Tap See Friendship from the menu. Scroll down and tap on See All Photos.", "Open the Facebook app. Tap the Home button. Go to your friend’s profile. Tap ••• More. Tap See Friendship from the menu. Scroll down and tap See All Photos.", "Open Facebook.com in a web browser. Go to your friend’s profile. Click the ••• button. Click on See Friendship from the menu. Scroll down to see all of your photos together. Tap on a photo to zoom in." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Making Changes", "Seeking Medical Evaluation", "Evaluating Your Cat's Body" ], "document": [ "If your cat is overweight, you'll need to change how you feed him. Changing a cat's feeding schedule can make a huge difference in regards to his weight. Always make transitions gradual. If you suddenly swap out a cat's old food for a new diet brand, he may act out or refuse to eat. Keep your cat on his regular food but offer him a little bit of the new food you're trying each day. Cats will work for food. You can use a foraging device, which is a puzzle-like device a cat must dismantle to get food trapped inside. This encourages exercise which is also important to help a cat lose weight. In nature, cats are pure carnivores. A lot of dry foods are primarily wheat-based and can lead to weight gain if used as a primary food source. Talk to your vet about switching your cat over to canned food. Many cats do not get enough exercise. If your cat is an indoor cat, it's especially important he gets moving each day. Buy your cat a variety of toys and take 20 to 30 minutes each night to play with him. Consider getting electronic, interactive toys a cat can use while you're away at work. Treats are also a major culprit when it come to cat weight gain. Try swapping out normal treats for low-calorie diet treats. Your cat won't have to give up a luxury and will still be able to lose some weight. Keep an eye on your cat's weight to make sure he's losing weight as needed. You can weigh your cat at home, using your own scale. This may not be as accurate as a vet's scale, however. Some veterinary clinics allow you to do free weigh-ins if your cat needs to lose weight. Ask your vet is you can periodically bring your cat in to check his weight.", "If you're concerned after doing a body check, you should take your cat to see a veterinarian. You can weigh your cat yourself at home but it's better to take him to the vet. The scales at a vet's office are specifically designed for use on animals. A vet will also be able to determine if your cat is medically obese considering his body type. While a body check can give you insight as to whether you should be concerned, professional veterinary evaluation is important when diagnosing your cat as overweight or obese. When you're at the vet's office, your vet will ask you a variety of questions regarding your cat. This helps determine whether your cat's weight is due to environmental or medical factors. Obesity in cats can be the result of environmental factors. Your vet will want to know how often you feed your cat as overfeeding can lead to weight gain. If your cat hides a lot due to fear of children or other pets, he may not be getting enough exercise. Your cat also may be bored and not have enough toys or entertainment. You might have to adjust your home environment to help your cat lose weight. However, environment is not always the cause. Some medications, diseases, and medical conditions can cause your cat to gain weight. If your cat has any other troublesome symptoms, like vomiting or diarrhea, let your vet know. He or she may want to conduct certain tests or lab work on your cat to rule out an underlying medical problem. If your cat's weight gain is environmental, talk to your vet about how you feed your cat. He or she can suggest changes you can make to get your cat to a healthier weight. It's important you talk over major changes to your cat's diet with your vet beforehand.", "You can start determining if your cat's overweight by looking at him. Examining your cat from above and from the side should help you determine if his weight is a problem. Look at your cat from above. The area between his ribs and hips should move inward slightly, creating a clearly defined waist. If there is no waist or if his waist is wider than either his hips or ribs, your cat may be overweight. You should also look at your cat from the side. Cats who are at a healthy weight have what is called an abdominal tuck. This means the area just behind their ribs should have a smaller diameter than the chest. If you do not see an abdominal tuck, your cat may be overweight. You can further examine your cat by touching him. Run your hand over your cat's sides. You should be able to easily feel his ribs. If you cannot feel his ribs, or have to push down to do so, your cat may be overweight. You should also be able to feel bones near the base of your cat's tail. While there should be a small layer of fat protecting this area, you should be able to feel the outlines of his bones without much effort. If you cannot easily feel bones here, your cat may be overweight. A cat's spine, hips, and shoulders should also be fairly bony. While very visible and pointy bones may indicate your cat is underweight, in a healthy cat you should be able to easily detect hip bones, spine bones, and shoulder bones through gentle petting. If you're unable to feel these bones due to layers of fat, your cat is overweight. Many cats have a saggy bit of flesh that hangs down between their back legs. If your cat is otherwise bony, this small pouch of skin is unlikely to be an indication of a weight problem. This skin flap is referred to as the \"primordial pouch\" and its purpose is to protect the stomach during fights with other cats. Cats often kick with their back legs when angry, and this flap of skin protects your cat from such attacks. Many cats will develop a primordial pouch at some point in their lives and it is not necessarily an indicator of feline obesity. However, excess fat may be stored in your cat's primordial pouch if he is overweight. If he shows other symptoms of obesity, check his pouch. It should hang loose and be mostly comprised of skin. If the pouch seems to be filling out with fat, this can be an indicator of obesity." ], "summary": [ "Change how you feed your cat. Encourage exercise. Go for diet treats. Monitor your cat's weight.", "Make an appointment with your vet. Determine the cause of your cat's weight gain. Discuss your cat's diet with your vet.", "Look at your cat from different angles. Touch your cat's ribs. Examine the base of your cat's tail. Check other bony areas. Do not be overly concerned about a saggy belly." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Restricting Calories for Fat Reduction", "Including Exercise to Help Reduce Hip Fat" ], "document": [ "Continue eating in a normal manner. You can use this journal as a baseline for changing your diet. A food journal can let you see into your diet and give you clues about things you can change to lose weight. Take note of portion sizes, snacking, liquid calories or higher fat foods you typically eat. Star these items or make a list to help you get started with your diet plan. Continue to keep your food journal when you're trying to lose weight. Studies show that those who stick to their food journals are more successful with weight loss long-term. By reducing the amount you are eating, you can signal to your body to start using its stored fat for energy (including the fat stored in your hips). To lose weight and reduce excess body fat in your entire body and in your hips, you'll need to cut calories. Reduced caloric intake over time will result in weight loss. Creating a deficit of 500 calories daily generally results in about a 1 pound (0.45 kg) weight loss each week. Health professionals consider this safe and healthy weight loss. Use your food journal to help you see what types of foods you can cut to result in a 500 calorie deficit. Following appropriate portion sizes in each of your meals will help you manage your calories and lose weight. To help you measure portion sizes appropriately, consider buying a food scale or measuring cups. It's ideal to measure each meal and snack to make sure you're staying on track. Eyeballing portions can lead to over estimating portion sizes and underestimating your total caloric intake. Measure foods to the following sizes: 3 to 4 oz (80 to 120 grams) of protein foods (or about the size of a deck of cards), 1 oz of grains or about 1/2 cup (125 ml), 1 cup (250 ml) vegetables or 2 cups (500 ml) of leafy greens and 1/2 cup (125 ml) of chopped fruit or 1 small piece. Include 1 serving of protein and 2 servings of a fruit or vegetable at each meal. It's recommended to consume about 2 to 3 servings of grains throughout the day. Another item to focus on to help you lose weight in addition to watching calories and portion sizes is choosing lower calorie foods. Foods that are portion controlled and lower in calorie are the best choice when it comes to weight loss. Choose low-calorie and lean protein foods like: poultry, eggs, low-fat dairy products, pork, seafood, legumes and tofu. Choose 100% whole grains without seasonings or sauces. Whole grains are more nutritious as they have higher amounts of fiber and other nutrients. Purchase grains that do not contain a seasoning packet or a sauce to minimize calories. Most fruits and vegetables are naturally low in calories. Be careful if you're purchasing canned or frozen items. Make sure they do not contain added seasonings, sauces or added sugars. Many times liquid calories are responsible for a large part of the excess calories in your diet. In addition, cutting these out completely can really help you lose weight. Liquid calories are found in a variety of beverages. Limiting or completely avoiding these types of drinks is the best idea to help support your weight loss. Limit drinks like: regular soda, full fat milk, juices and juice cocktails, alcohol, sweet tea, sweetened coffee drinks, sports drinks, energy drinks and hot chocolate. Although some drinks contain no calories, they should be limited due to the high amounts of artificial sweeteners and other additives. Limit things like: diet sodas, diet energy drinks and diet sports drinks. Fill up on clear, hydrating fluids like: water, flavored water, unsweetened decaf coffee and decaf unsweetened tea. Aim for a minimum of eight 8 ounce glasses daily, but you may even need up to 13 glasses daily. Another dangerous area for weight loss is snacking. Too many snacks or grazing constantly throughout the day can sabotage your weight loss. Also, many snack foods are made out of processed carbs and sugars that are unhealthy and can lead to fat buildup. Health professionals typically recommend that you limit the amount of calories you eat from snacks throughout the day. If your end goal is weight loss, keep snacks to about 150 calories per snack. Depending on your lifestyle and activity level, you typically will only need 1 to 2 snacks maximum daily. Eat snacks that combine a low-fat source of protein with a natural high fiber source, such as a fruit or vegetable. Some good snacks to eat include 1 oz of mixed nuts (30 grams) with a medium sized apple, 1 individual low-fat greek yogurt with 1/2 cup (125 ml) of grapes, 1/2 cup (125 ml) of cottage cheese with 1 cup (250 ml) of cherry tomatoes, or 3 oz (80 grams) of turkey jerky with 1 cup (250 ml) of carrot sticks.", "High intensity exercises or HIIT is an exercise that combined both moderate and high intensity cardio activities that can torch calories and help burn body fat. Fitness professionals have been prompting HIIT workouts to help those who want to get rid of excess body fat. Although it does not specifically target your hips, it can help reduce your overall body fat. HIIT workouts are typically shorter in length and combine short bouts of both very high intensity activities and more moderate intensity activities. They are great in combination with other cardio and strength training. You cannot reduce hip fat without reducing overall body fat. You also cannot spot correct using only toning exercises or strength training. Including regular cardio is an important component to help you meet your end goal. Health professionals recommend doing 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercises each week. This can include walking/jogging, cycling, swimming or dancing. If you want to experience a quicker reduction in your hips, aim to workout for 1 hour 5 to 6 days per week or up to 300 minutes weekly. Include cardio exercises that are known to slim and tone your thighs. Activities like running/jogging, using the stair master or cycling are great to help burn calories and tone your legs. This popular exercise works your hips, butt, thighs and stomach and will help to build lean muscle. Developing muscles in those areas, combined with overall fat loss, can help with toning (showing lean muscle definition). Start with your feet hip width apart. Place your hands in prayer position in the middle of your chest. While putting your weight into your heels sit down like you are trying to sit in a chair. Push your buttocks out behind you and go down as far as you can or until your thighs are almost parallel to the floor. Pause when your thighs are parallel to the ground. Slowly rise back up to your starting position. Repeat 10 to 20 times or as necessary. In this exercise, you will step forward with 1 foot and allow your knees to bend. This is a great exercise to help develop muscles around your hips and entire thigh. Start standing with feet shoulder width apart and put your hands on your hips. Step forward a few feet (0.5 m) with 1 foot. Keep your toes point forward. Drop your back knee and bend your front knee at the same time in a slow and controlled movement. Drop down until your front thigh is almost parallel to the ground. Ensure that your front knee is aligned with your ankle (not in front of your ankle). Using your front thigh to push your body back up to the starting position. Switch legs and repeat as necessary. This particular exercise helps specifically target the muscles in your hips and thighs. It's a great move to help tone your outer thigh up to your hip. Lay on the ground and rest on your side with legs stacked on top of each other. Rest your head on the arm closest to the floor. Place your upper arm on your hip. Keeping your leg straight and foot flexed, raise your top leg up towards the ceiling. Lower back down to the starting position slowly. Switch sides and do the same number of raises with your other leg. The bridge is a position that's known for working the back of your legs but can help your thighs and hips look more toned. Lay on the ground and face the ceiling. Bend your knees in front of your body at a 90 degree angle. Rest your arms by your sides. Pressing through your buttocks, raise your hips into the air until your body is in a straight line declining from knees to head. Hold for a few seconds before slowly rolling your spine back onto the ground to the starting position. Repeat 10 to 20 times or as necessary. Make it harder by raising 1 leg and holding your hips at an even level during the minute. Repeat with the opposite leg. A typical ballet move, this squat like exercise helps tone your thighs, butt and hips. Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Point your toes in a 45 degree angle away from your body. Put your hands in prayer position in front of your chest or put your hands on your hips. Lower your body down keeping your head, torso and buttocks in a straight linear line from ceiling to floor. As you lower your body down, your knees should be bending out away from your body. Lower yourself as far as you can comfortably go. Slowly raise your body back up to the starting position, using your inner thighs and buttocks to push yourself back up. Repeat as many times as necessary." ], "summary": [ "Keep a food journal for a week. Reduce your caloric intake by 500 calories daily. Follow appropriate portion sizes. Choose lower calorie foods. Limit liquid calories. Cut out excess snacking.", "Do high-intensity cardiovascular exercise 4 to 5 days per week. Exercise for at least 30 minutes, 5 days per week. Do squats. Do lunges. Do hip raises. Add in the bridge exercise. Include plies." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Learning a Language", "Expanding Your Knowledge" ], "document": [ "Many beginning coders struggle with what language to pick when they first start learning. (Because they don't know where to start with their first code). The actual language that you start learning on doesn't make a big difference when it comes to learning about data structures and logic. These are the skills that matter most, and they can be honed with any language. When picking a language, just focus on what kind of development you want to start with and pick an introductory language from there. For example, if you want to learn web development, start with HTML5, supplemented with CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. If you want to want to do desktop applications, start with C++ or another basic programming language. If you make coding a career, you will find that you may never use the language that you first learned to code. Instead, you will be learning languages as you go through documentation and experimentation. The internet is a treasure trove of free tutorials, classes, and videos, all tailored towards the language of your choice. You can start getting a basic grasp of just about any introductory language in a day. Popular sites include Bento, CodeAcademy, Code.org, html.net, Khan Academy, Udacity, W3Schools, Code School and many more. There are a variety of language-specific starter guides available right here on wikiHow. You can find how-to guides for almost any programming scenario on YouTube. Stack Exchange is one of the more popular Q&A sites for any programming questions you may have. Many programming languages allow you to use external text editors when you write your code. Find a text editor that will allow you to see indentations and code markup. Popular programs include Notepad++ (Windows), TextWrangler (OS X), JEdit, or Visual Studio Code. Some programming languages require a compiler in order to run the code that you create. Compilers translate the code you write into a lower-level language that the machine can process. Many compilers are open-source and free to use. Languages that require compilers include: C C++ C# Java BASIC Fortran Pick a good introductory project that will help you get your feet wet. There are a variety of suggestions and tutorials online, but some places to start are basic websites for HTML, basic database and form functions with PHP, or simple programs with any of the compiler languages. All programming languages have a comment feature that allows you to enter text that is ignored by the compiler. This allows you to add comments to your code. These comments are crucial, both for letting others know how your code works and for reminding yourself what your code does. You can also use the comment function to quickly remove code from your program for testing purposes. Put comment tags around the code you want to exclude and then remove the comment tags to return the code. When you're learning as you go, don't be ashamed to look things up and see how others have tackled the same tasks. Take time to understand why the code is doing what it does. See this guide for details on how to view the source code of websites.", "Community colleges, tech schools and online programs offer certifications and classes that will help you get a job as well as teaching you programming. An advanced degree like Computer Science is not always necessary, but could help to get a full time programming job. (A lot can be said for having one-on-one time with a teacher or programming expert, something that isn't always available with online sources.) Classes can get expensive, so weigh the benefits. If programming is just a hobby, classes may not be worth the time and money. If you want to turn programming into a career, classes can give you a big boost (but again, it's far from necessary if you have the talent). Beyond simply learning programming languages, you will benefit a lot from logic and mathematics classes, as these are often required for advanced programming. You don't necessarily need to learn this at school, but classroom settings can help. Programming involving physics calculations and other simulations requires a strong understanding of algorithms and models. Logic is the fundamental basis of programming, so understanding logic and processes will help you problem-solve when you are coding. Knowing advanced math isn't required for most programming, but the knowledge can lead to benefits and optimizations. Once you've got a good grasp on your initial language, you can start to branch out. Find another language that complements the one you know, or pick a language for a specific job that interests you. Complementary languages, such as HTML and CSS, are often the easiest to learn. Java is one of the most popular languages, and there are often lots of opportunities for Java developers. Java can run on a huge variety of systems and has innumerable applications. Java is used for Android applications, one of the fastest growing markets. C++ is highly recommended for developing video games. Learning how to code in Unity (a widely used, low-cost game engine) and UDK (the code for the popular Unreal engine) can help open some doors, though they aren't as useful outside of the video game industry. If you want to make iPhone apps, Xcode and Objective-C are going to be your primary tools. You'll also need a Mac, since Xcode can only compile on a Mac. Python is a server scripting language that is one of the easier languages to learn. Python is used for web services such as Pinterest and Instagram, and is simple enough to learn the basics in just a few days. You will often be faced with challenges while programming, especially when it comes to hunting for bugs or implementing a new idea. You'll have to learn to be satisfied with achieving small results rather than solving a whole puzzle at once. Patience leads to more effective code, which will lead to better-performing programs and happier colleagues. . If you have multiple people working on a project, you get multiple viewpoints on how to go about it. Working on teams is virtually unavoidable in the business world, so unless you're planning to develop everything independently, be prepared to work with others. Work as a volunteer designing websites or writing desktop applications. A part time job with a small company can lead to opportunities to write code for websites or simple applications. There are countless communities and gatherings of developers that can help support and inspire you. Look up local programming conventions, participate in a hack-a-thon or game jam (timed events with a common theme), and sign up on some programming forums to start expanding your exposure and network. It is estimated that it takes about 15,000 hours before you can be considered an expert in computer programming. This is years of applied practice. True mastery of programming will come only after you put the time in to practice and become proficient. Try to spend time programming every day, even when you're not working. Programming in your free time can lead to breakthroughs and new ideas." ], "summary": [ "Don't worry too much about what language you pick. Find free resources online for the language you choose. Download a good text editor. Download any necessary compilers. Start your first project. Comment all of your code. Pick apart other programs or web projects.", "Take classes. Expand your knowledge. Learn more languages. Be patient. Learn to work with others Get a job where you can practice your coding skills. Connect with other programmers. Practice, practice, practice." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Catching a Wave", "Getting Started", "Going the Extra Mile" ], "document": [ "Once you've gotten past knee-deep into the water, get on the board in the correct position and start paddling out, toward the waves. Use the paddling motion with your hands and kick with both your feet just below the water's surface for the strongest propulsion. The nose of the board should be about 1-2 inches (2.5-5 cm) above water. If you're just starting out, you should avoid any waves that are too high and fast, or generally out of your comfort zone. Pick waves that are headed straight toward the beach and that won't make you travel too high or too fast. Once you've found your wave, you should turn toward the beach and start kicking toward it, waiting to be brought forward by the current of the wave. The wave should be steep enough to move you forward, but it has to not have broken yet. To improve your chances of finding a good wave, look out for the place where most of the waves are breaking. You should wait for the waves about 5-10 feet beyond that location. You should feel yourself traveling faster as the wave approaches you. If you want some extra speed, you can push down the nose of your board slightly to move even faster. If the wave is moving too fast for your comfort, then you can do the opposite, pushing the nose up an inch or two to get some friction and slow yourself down. Continue to kick your feet as you travel down the face of the wave. You can also lean slightly into the wave to improve your speed. You can also choose to go right or left here. To go left, lean your hips toward the left side of the board and place your left elbow on the upper left side deck of the board, while holding onto the upper right edge of your board with your free hand. To go right, do the opposite.", "If you want to be able to body board, then you should already be a good swimmer. You'll need to use a lot of the techniques you use for swimming to propel your board, and furthermore, you'll need to be a good swimmer to swim without your board if you wipe out. Additionally, you should only try bodyboarding if you know that the sea conditions are safe and that there's a lifeguard on duty. You should try bodyboarding with a friend or an instructor instead of by yourself. Once you get more comfortable with it, you can go at it alone. You'll need to attach the leash to your upper arm. This will prevent you from losing the board when you wipe out. Attach the strap to your upper arm tightly, but loosely enough so that your arm is still comfortable. The leash will keep your arm and the board secured together. If you're swimming in colder water, you'll need a wet suit to keep your body warm. A rash guard will also do, keeping your body from getting irritated while you're bodyboarding, and protecting you from the sun. They are made of Lycra and can also be worn under your wetsuit to keep chafing or rubbing to a minimum. Get some fins with tethers and attach the tethers firmly to your ankles. You'll need fins to help you kick with higher speed, making it easier for you to catch a wave. You should also consider getting a pair of fin socks to wear under your fins, to add an extra layer of warmth and comfort for your feet. Before you try to catch a wave, you should have a strong sense of how you should be positioned on the board. Get in the sand and lie on the board with your hands at the top (nose) of the board, and the back (tail) of the board under your lower belly. Keep your weight centered on the board. Once you're in this position, you can practice paddling. Paddle your hands at the side of the board, like you're scooping water towards you, or as if you're doing the free stroke in swimming. Kick your feet under the water for the best propulsion and faster movement while bodyboarding. Walk into the water with your board until it's about knee deep. Lift your feet high with every step to avoid getting stuck. You should start looking for white water waves that go straight into the beach.", "Understanding the different parts of a wave will help you develop skills and learn tricks, because you'll know what to look out for. Here are the parts of a wave that you should know: The lip. The breaking part of a wave that moves from top to bottom. The steepness of the wave determines the shape of the lip. Whitewater. This is the part of the wave that has already broken. The face. The unbroken, walling part of the wave. The shoulder. The part of the wave that is just outside the breaking section of the wave's face. Flats. The flat water you see in front of the breaking wave. Tube. The hollow hole between the throwing lip and the wall of the wave. You'll need to know what the different parts of the board are so you can follow along and learn a number of skills and tricks. Here's what you'll need to know: The deck. The part of the board where you lie down. Slick bottom. The bottom of the board that has a smooth or slick surface. The nose. The front of the board that you hold. The nose bulbs. These are the small bumps on each corner of the board that you will hold with your hands. The bumpers. The extra foam layer that runs through the nose and tail, helping to keep the slick bottom from peeling. The rail. The side of the bodyboard. The tail. The back end of the board. The channels. The areas on the bottom of the board that reduce drag and speed you up. The stringer. The rod that keeps the board stiff. The template. The shape of the board. The rocker. The level of flatness of the bodyboard. Stalling is an important skill for any bodyboarder to have. You can use stalling to brake in a number situations, such as when you need to slow down the tubing section of a wave. Here are the two ways to do it: Drag your legs in the water to slow you down, or move your hips more to the inside rail of the board. Pull up on the nose of the board while applying downward pressure on the tail with your hips. Hold the board at a downward angle of about 30-45° until you reach the speed you want. When you finish stalling, slide up on the board to pick up speed and then set your rail and continue moving forward." ], "summary": [ "Paddle out. Find your wave. Travel down the face of the wave.", "Put safety first. Get a leash. Get a wetsuit or a rash guard. Get fins and fin socks. Practice the correct position. Walk into the water.", "Learn the wave terminology. Learn the parts of the board. Learn to stall." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Going by Train", "Going by Car", "Going by Bus", "Using a Guided Tour" ], "document": [ "Find the departure and arrival times for a trip to the Salisbury station, which is the station closest to Stonehenge. If you begin in London like most travelers, you will depart from the Waterloo train station. Trains run approximately every hour. Ticket prices will depend on the season and how early you purchase your ticket. Buying in advance usually costs less than waiting until the day of. Child discounts are available, and elderly discounts may be available depending on your ticket preferences. The train ride should take less than 1.5 hours. Once you get to Salisbury, you’ll be 9.5 miles (15 kilometers) from Stonehenge. You will need to use a bus or hire a cab to travel the remaining distance to the Stonehenge Visitor Centre. There is a local bus called the Stonehenge Tour Bus that runs every half-hour during the season and every hour during off-season. The bus runs from 10 AM until Stonehenge closes, and riders can hop on and off at their convenience. Your bus trip will take about half an hour. On-season spans the months of April through September, and off-season runs from October through March. During on-season, Stonehenge closes at 7:00 PM (19:00), and during off-season it closes at 5:00 PM (17:00). The last entry is two hours before they close.", "If you are a visitor or rely on public transportation for your mobility needs, then you will need to gain access to a car. Renting a car is a reliable option if you can’t borrow one. If you fly into England, it’s easiest to rent your car from the airport. If you are traveling from out of the country, you can use your driver’s license from your home country to rent the car, though you usually have to pay an extra insurance. Visit the Wiltshire Council website at http://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/ before driving to Stonehenge to check for road closures. This is especially important during the warmer weather. Your trip should take about 2 hours from London by car, but it can take longer during the summer months when the roads are busy. Depending on where you begin your journey, you will need to get directions from your starting point to Stonehenge. Because you are driving yourself, you can take your vehicle all the way to the site. Free parking is available if you have purchased a ticket to Stonehenge. The parking lot is located near Airman’s Corner, which is the intersection of A360 and B3086 above the A303. A free shuttle bus will drive you from the parking lot to Stonehenge. The ride takes about 10 minutes and stops midway at Fargo Plantation.", "Both of these locations are at the center of London, which is where the public bus to Stonehenge originates. If you are starting from a different bus station or airport around London, you will need to first travel to one of these two sites. If you are not in London, check the bus schedule to look for a route to Amesbury, which is the destination for Stonehenge. If you are unable to travel to Amesbury, then you will need to connect through London. Bus tickets are available on the bus, at the station, or from a ticket agent for the National Express. Taking the bus is the most economical option. The closest bus stop to Stonehenge is in Amesbury, which is just 2 miles (3.2 kilometers) from Stonehenge. The ride from London takes about 2 hours, so plan accordingly so that you’ll have time to enjoy the site and get to your night-time accommodations. You will need to travel the remaining two miles either on foot or by cab, depending on your preference. Walking to the site is a common method of reaching it.", "While there are Stonehenge only tours, many people choose to combine stops and see more of the countryside, including sites like Bath and Windsor Castle. Expect to spend at least a day of travel on your tour. You can also opt for a two day tour with an overnight stop. Touring companies offer tours of the English countryside, which is where Stonehenge is located. While many of the tours include it as a destination, make sure that your tour includes Stonehenge. You will need to acquire a ticket from the tour company you choose. Depending on the company, ticket purchasing options may vary; however, many touring companies offer online purchase options since international travelers are common. Enjoy your visit to Stonehenge! Remember to keep up with the schedule for your tour group." ], "summary": [ "Check the train schedule. Buy your ticket. Ride the train to Salisbury Station. Take the local bus.", "Rent a car if you don’t have one. Check for road closures. Budget your time. Check directions for your location. Park your car. Take the shuttle.", "Start at Heathrow Airport or Victoria Coach Station. Purchase tickets. Take the bus to Amesbury. Walk or take a cab to Stonehenge.", "Decide if you want to go to multiple destinations. Choose a one or two day tour. Select a tour company. Purchase a ticket. Take your tour." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Stretching Leather Naturally", "Heating the Leather", "Using a Product Designed to Stretch", "Using Liquid to Stretch Leather", "Using Ice to Stretch Leather Shoes" ], "document": [ "Leather stretches out naturally when it’s being used, so by simply wearing your leather pants, jacket, or skirt around the house, it will begin to stretch. Shoes can also be stretched out by walking around in them, though it may lead to some blisters. This isn’t a quick method for stretching leather — stretching it naturally by wearing your leather around is going to take days or weeks, depending on your end goal. Wear your leather for 2 or more hours a day, and be sure to move around while you're wearing it. The more you wear your leather, the faster it will stretch. If you have a wallet, coin purse, bag, or other accessory that needs stretching, try stuffing it. Use a material such as paper or cloth, making sure the material won’t damage the leather by being too rough. Fill your leather accessory with the material so that it’s as full as you would like. How long you let the item stretch will depend on its size and your personal preference. This method will work even better if you get the material slightly wet before stuffing the leather. Apply a leather stretching spray before stuffing the leather for it to stretch out even faster. These sprays can be found at a shoe or big-box store, as well as online. Stretch out pieces of leather by first attaching one end of the leather to a stable source. This could be a table, chair, shelf — anything that you can clamp the leather onto. Weigh down the opposing end of the leather using a rock, can, or other heavy source. Weighing down one end of the leather will help it stretch out faster. You can stretch a leather jacket or pants by weighing down the arms or legs of the article of clothing. Attach the clothing to a strong hanger at the top.", "Heat helps leather stretch by opening up the pores and making it soft. Turn on a hairdryer and aim it at the leather you’d like to stretch, heating the leather evenly. Wait until the leather is warm and soft before turning the hairdryer off. If you’re trying to stretch out your shoes, put on thick socks before using a hairdryer. Once your socks and shoes are on, use the hairdryer to heat up your shoes. Move your feet around in the shoes to stretch them out effectively. Make sure to wear your shoes as they cool off to ensure that they hold the stretch. Use a hairdryer to heat up an article of clothing you’d like to stretch. This can be a leather shirt, jacket, pants, or belt. Once it’s warm and soft, put on the article of clothing. Move around in it to stretch the leather out, and keep the article of clothing on until the leather is cool.", "Buy a leather stretching spray that you can spray directly onto the leather to stretch it. The spray should cause the leather to become stretchy and soft. These sprays are often used on shoes and clothing items, so it’s important to wear the leather item after you’ve sprayed it to ensure it stretches properly. If you’re applying the leather stretching spray to something other than clothing or shoes, you’ll need to hang the leather and weigh down an end with something heavy to stretch it out. Leather stretching sprays can be found at most big-box and shoe stores, or you can buy them online. The sprays typically cost $5-$15. There are leather conditioners that you can buy that will help soften your leather. They typically come in a liquid or cloth form, ranging in cost from $5-$20. These conditioners are great if you’re trying to make furniture, car interiors, or other accessories more pliable, but they also work well on leather clothing and shoes. Most conditioners will require you to apply the conditioner to the leather using a cloth. You’ll wait roughly 2 hours for the leather to absorb the conditioner before wiping away any excess residue. Shoe stretchers are usually wooden or plastic inserts that you put in your shoe to stretch it out. You can buy shoe stretchers that will target specific areas of the shoe that you wish to be stretched. Shoe stretchers cost an average of $20. You can also take your shoes to a professional to have them stretched. Professionals will have better quality and more complex stretching machines, allowing them to stretch out your shoes in a much faster amount of time.", "If your piece of leather will fit in the sink, great! Fill it up with enough water to submerge the leather. You can also use a container or tub, filling your chosen container up with water. Just make sure your leather will fit in the container without the water overflowing. You can use warm water or room temperature water. Once you’ve filled up a container or sink, place your leather in the water. You want the leather to be fully submerged in the water, so you may have to twist it around a little for the water to soak into the leather. Make sure your leather is entirely saturated with water. A good way to check for this is to wait until there are no more bubbles coming from the leather. Once you think it’s saturated with water, let the leather continue to soak for 10 minutes. After the 10 minutes are up, put on the wet leather. While this may not be the most comfortable way to wear your leather, it’s important for you to move around with it on to stretch it out. Wear the leather for an hour or two, continuing to bend the parts of the leather you wish to be stretched. This works best when you’re dealing with leather clothing, shoes, or accessories, such as a belt. If you're wary of submerging your leather in a tub of water, you can use rubbing alcohol and water instead. This will simply be sprayed onto specific parts of your leather as opposed to saturating it entirely. Combine the rubbing alcohol and water into a bowl, stirring it around. Once the solution is mixed, pour it into an empty spray bottle. If you don’t have a spray bottle, you can also use a paper towel or cloth. Dip the paper towel into the mixture, making sure that it’s damp but not soaking wet. Spray the solution onto the parts of the leather that you want to stretch out. If you’re spraying an article of clothing, aim for the areas that will be bending when you wear them. You don’t need to completely saturate the leather, but it should be wet. If you’re using a paper towel, dab the leather with the damp paper towel to transfer the mixture onto the leather. Right after you’ve applied the mixture to the leather, put it on. Bend and stretch the parts that have the mixture on them. Wear the leather until the spots where you applied the alcohol are completely dry. Wear thick socks if you’re spraying the alcohol mixture onto your shoes before putting the leather shoes on to stretch them out. If you've applied the alcohol to something other than a wearable item, bend and stretch the item using your hands.", "Line both of your shoes with a plastic bag, making sure that the bag is big enough to fill the entire shoe. Use a plastic shopping bag as opposed to a large Ziploc bag if you have larger shoes. Make sure the plastic doesn’t have holes in it and is strong enough to hold water. Pour water into the plastic shoe lining you’ve created, filling it up to the top of the shoes. Make sure you seal the bag once you’re finished so that water doesn’t leak out. Check to see that water has reached the entire shoe, especially down near the toes. Once the plastic bags are sealed, place your shoes in the freezer. Make sure they are sitting flat as opposed to on their side so that the water freezes correctly. Leave your shoes in the freezer overnight to ensure that the water freezes entirely. Take your shoes out of the freezer after the water has completely turned to ice. The ice should have helped stretch out the leather, so now you can wait for the ice to melt. Once the ice has turned back to water, remove the water and plastic bags from your shoes. While you don’t have to wait for all of the ice to melt completely, let most of it melt before removing the plastic bag from your shoe to prevent your shoe from getting damaged." ], "summary": [ "Stretch leather apparel by wearing the item around the house. Stuff leather accessories to stretch them out. Weigh down leather straps or accessories to stretch them.", "Use a hairdryer to heat up the leather. Wear thick socks if heating shoes. Put on clothing you’d like to stretch out after heating it.", "Apply a leather stretching spray for an easy fix. Use a conditioner to make leather soft and bendable. Stretch out your shoes using a shoe stretching machine.", "Fill a sink or container with water. Submerge the leather completely in the water. Let the leather soak in the water for 10 minutes. Wear the leather while it’s wet to stretch it out. Use rubbing alcohol as an alternative to soaking your leather. Mix 1 part isopropyl rubbing alcohol with 3 parts water. Spray the mixture onto targeted areas of your leather. Put on the leather once you’ve applied the alcohol.", "Place a large plastic bag into your shoe. Fill the bag up with water. Put both of your shoes into the freezer and wait for the water to freeze. Remove your shoes from the freezer and let the ice melt." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Storing", "Decorating", "Planning", "Baking the Cake" ], "document": [ "Wrap the cake tightly with plastic wrap. Ensure the sides, edges, and base are covered neatly and snug with plastic wrap for quality storing. Cakes made with butter will most likely last less than oil-based cakes. Keep the cake on a counter at room temperature. It should last for about week. Plastic wrap is not needed to store a frosted cake as the frosting is almost as a shield for the cake; it protects it from any air that floats like dust, pet hair, fuzz, and bacteria. Also, plastic wrap would mess up the frosting and mix together with the other frosting colors. Store your cake in a cake-keeper or flip a large bowl and cover it with that. It can last for about 4-5 days. If your frosting includes heavy cream (whipped cream topping) or a fruit filling like strawberry it must stay in the fridge in order to stay off from bacteria. Sliced cakes are a little difficult to store and can be tricky, however it is possible. Remember as soon as you slice a cake, all the moisture leaves and it starts to become stale and hard. Try covering the cake with plastic wrap, especially the edges, to prevent that from happening. If you can, try applying frosting over the edges to protect any moisture from leaving. Sliced cake does not last for long, usually about 3-4 days. It doesn't matter if your cake is frosted, not frosted, sliced, and/or not sliced refrigerating is one of the best ways to store a birthday cake. It is recommended to do this during the hot seasons like spring or summer because a lot of heat and moisture can cause bacteria. For a cake that is not frosted, cover it well with plastic wrap. For a cake that is frosted, freeze the cake for about 15 minutes to let the frosting become a bit stiff. Your cake can last for about a week. When rooming your cake from the fridge, have it sit for about 10 minutes with room temperature or else it will be dry and dull. . If you want your cake to last longer than a week, freeze it. A well-covered cake that is stored properly can last for nearly a month. When removing your cake from the freezer, have it thaw using room temperature.", "There are many, many kinds of decorations a cake can have. Cakes can simply be frosted, or they can use fondants, or they can have details made with piping bags, or just have simple cake toppers. Here are a few types of decorations to consider. Flowers made from icing Writing on the cake ", "Obviously, if it's in a house, you can be more elaborate than if it is at the beach. If you have a mature 12 year old girl, you probably don't want to have a 'My Little Pony' cake. Do they like My Little Pony or TMNT, or maybe it's their 50th (Black Balloon birthday). If you're not sure about what they like, you could choose a festive shape, like a star-shaped cake, for something both creative and generic. There are many types of health problems that may require you to make a different kind of cake than you'd think - gluten intolerance, food allergies, diabetes, lactose intolerance, and so forth. You'll need to take this into consideration when making and preparing the cake, and make sure that there's never any cross-contamination with allergens and the cake ingredients. There are also different eating styles that may or may not be due to health problems. Some people are vegetarian or vegan, and these styles will impact how you have to make the cake. You may feel like you're being impolite by asking about the person's health problems. However, it's not a big deal. A simple, \"Do you have any special dietary needs?\" is all that it takes. If you are not talented at making or decorating cakes, consider asking for help from somebody who knows their way around cake decoration. Additionally, you may have to turn down a job offer. For example, if you don't know how to make gluten-free cakes, you may have to tell the person requesting the cake that you don't know how to bake gluten-free. If the recipient is planning to share it out, it is important to know how many people you are baking for. You should also let the recipient know if the cake will be suitable for guests with certain dietary needs.", "There are plenty of types of cakes out there. There are layer cakes, ice cream cakes and a myriad of other types of cakes. You don't want to be in the middle of the process and realize you are missing the eggs and the milk. according to your chosen recipe." ], "summary": [ "Store a cake that is not frosted or sliced. Store a cake that is frosted but not sliced. Store a cake that is sliced and includes frosting or doesn't. Consider refrigerating your birthday cake. Freeze the cake.", "Know what kind of decorations the cake will have. Be sure to check the ingredients of anything that you use to decorate.", "Be sure you know when and where the occasion will be held. Take into consideration the age and maturity of the birthday celebrant. Find out what they like. Ask about any potential health problems. Take into consideration your skill level. Find out how many guests will be attending the celebration.", "Know how to make the requested cake. Prepare everything that you need. Make the cake" ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Creating a Makeshift Humidor With Ziploc Bags", "Storing Dried-Out Cigars in a Damp or Humid Place", "Rehydrating Cigars Using Your Shower" ], "document": [ "Take a Ziploc bag spacious enough to fit the entire cigar box inside and poke small holes in both sides of the bag to ventilate it. Insert the open cigar box inside the bag and seal it. A quart-sized bag will probably be sufficient for most smaller cigar boxes; anything bigger will likely require a gallon-sized bag. Don’t make the holes too large, or the cigars may become oversaturated as they sit. A paperclip or the point of a knife should work fine for poking small holes. Wet a sponge and ring out the excess water. Place the sponge at the bottom of a second, larger Ziploc bag. This will provide an artificial source of moisture from which the cigars can be revived. Make sure to use a new sponge, and, if possible, wet it with bottled or distilled water. Old, used sponges and tap water are filled with bacteria and chemicals that can cause your cigars to mold. Re-wet the sponge every couple of days when you rotate the cigars. Slide the ventilated bag containing the open cigar box into the second bag containing the sponge. Seal the second bag to lock in the moisture of the sponge, which will slowly diffuse through the ventilated bag and into the dry cigars. Rehydration with this method will probably take a week or longer. Don’t let the cigars become wet. A wet cigar is a separate problem. Take a look at the bags every couple of days to re-wet the sponge and test to see if the cigars are absorbing moisture. Rotate each cigar a quarter turn for even moisture distribution; switch up their positions inside the box if necessary.", "Store the cigars somewhere with abundant natural moisture in the atmosphere. Damp or humid places like cellars and greenhouses make ideal environments for exposing dried out cigars to constant, steady levels of humidity. Be sure that the place you choose is room temperature, or only slightly warmer or cooler. Never leave cigars in places that receive direct sunlight or are near any kind of heat source. Crack open or remove the lid of the cigar box and make sure the cigars are evenly distributed inside. Leaving the top of the box open will allow moisture to more easily infiltrate the box and penetrate through to the tobacco inside the cigars. If the cigars aren’t completely dried out, leaving the lid propped open will be sufficient for allowing moisture to enter the box. For thoroughly desiccated cigars, leave the lid off. A warm, damp towel can be folded and placed beneath the stored cigar box to provide an extra boost of moisture for especially dry cigars. Just be careful to change the towel out frequently, or it might mildew. Leave the cigars in the humid location for a couple weeks to a month. Make sure the cigars are situated where they won’t be knocked over, become wet or be exposed to direct heat or cold. This is the simplest method of rehydrating dry cigars, but also the slowest, as rehydration will occur at a very gradual rate. Though it takes time, slow rehydration works best, as moisture is returned to the cigars little by little, which keeps the cigars from becoming overhydrated. Overhydration is essentially irreversible, and can result in deadening the cigar’s flavor, making it difficult to keep lit and even causing mold to grow on the tobacco. Check back on the progress of the cigars regularly. Rotate each cigar a quarter turn inside the box every few days; this will ensure that the entire outer edge of each cigar receives the same amount of moisture so that they hydrate evenly.", "Store the cigar box on a shelf or inside a cabinet in the bathroom where you take your daily shower. The cigars will become a fixture in your bathroom for a week or two while they undergo the rehydration process. If you prefer, you can store the box of cigars out in the open. Many cigar boxes are of rich, ornate construction and will just look like eye-catching decorative pieces while they’re being salvaged. Every day before showering, take the cigars box out and open the lid. Place the box on the sink or toilet seat somewhere within a few feet of the shower. Once you’re done showering, close the lid of the box and return it to where it’s being stored. The humidity from the shower will be trapped inside the box and begin seeping into the cigars. Be extremely careful not to let the cigars get wet. It may be best to keep especially hot showers down to 10-20 minutes, as the temperature of the water will produce a higher concentration of steam. Every other day when you bring the cigar box out before your shower, rotate the cigars. As you do, take note of the appearance and feel of the cigars. Shuffle them around in the box every 3-4 days so that any layer or section of the box doesn’t receive more or less moisture than another. As they soak up moisture, most cigars will feel supple and slightly sticky to the touch, and may darken in color somewhat. It’s important not to allow them to remain in the exceptionally humid bathroom environment for long than necessary, as an overhydrated cigar is an equally difficult and time-consuming fix. Inspect the cigars regularly to see how they’re coming along. If storing the cigars near your shower seems to be hydrating them too rapidly, employ an alternate method, like leaving them open in a damp cellar. You should check on the cigars and their rehydration environment frequently to make sure that storage conditions haven’t changed unexpectedly. Once cigars are rehydrated, they should be moved to humidity-controlled storage or smoked right away." ], "summary": [ "Poke holes in a large Ziploc bag and place the cigar box inside. Take a second bag and place a damp sponge inside. Seal the bag with the cigars inside the second bag. Find an out of the way place to leave the two bags to take effect.", "Find a suitably humid environment to store the cigars. Leave the cigars inside the box with the lid open. Allow cigars to sit for up to a month. Rotate the cigars every 2-3 days.", "Leave the cigar box in your bathroom. Take the box out and open the lid while you shower. Turn the cigars intermittently. Be careful not to overhydrate the cigars." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Manipulating Pieces and Scoring", "Building, Burning, and Dropping Pieces", "Pulling off Complex Moves" ], "document": [ "Start a game of Tetris and simply rotate each block. Note how each individual piece moves and commit the number of times that you need to press the button to turn a piece a certain way to memory. Knowing the order will give you free time to look at the preview box, mound, and well since you won’t need to monitor a piece while rotating it. At higher levels of play, players don’t even look at the pieces as they fall. They know exactly how many times they have to turn a piece and only pay attention to moving it left or right. As soon as you have a piece lined up with the slot where it belongs, look at the preview box on the top or side of your screen to figure out what piece is coming next. This will help you plan your next move and make it easier to determine how you want to play the board. For example, if you have a tall mound and you’re debating on whether you need to burn some rows or not, checking for an I piece can save you from unnecessary burning. Part of getting better at Tetris is adjusting to the way that pieces drop at different speeds as the levels progress. As the levels increase, you’ll need to move faster, build smaller mounds, and rotate pieces more accurately. Play on marathon mode when practicing alone to get used to the way levels progress. Games of competitive Tetris usually start at level 5 or 10. If you’re already pretty good with the basics, go ahead and start your marathon runs from these positions. While the scoring systems vary, every version of Tetris awards the highest score for clearing 4 rows of bricks at once. The only way to do this is to build up a mound that is at least 4 rows tall while leaving a single column completely open for the I piece. When you finally get an I piece, place it vertically in the column that you left open to score a “Tetris” and get the most points possible. Scoring in Tetris refers to the number of rows that you clear at a time. A single is when you clear 1 row, a double is 2 rows, a triple is 3 rows, and a Tetris is 4 rows. You get a huge set of bonus points for scoring a Tetris. In competitive Tetris, the term “Tetris rate” refers to the percentage of your points that come from scoring Tetrises. If your Tetris rate is over 50%, you’re doing really well. If you ever misplace a piece, dig it out by clearing the rows around it. Do this by completing the rows to make them disappear. Score singles, doubles, and triples above and underneath the obscured section to clear the column out instead of trying to score a Tetris on top of it. As you level up in Tetris, the rate at which the pieces fall increases. This means that it’s more advantageous to lose some points early on by clearing a well out for a Tetris than it is to build Tetrises on top of a mound. Scoring singles, doubles, or triples to clear a well that you accidentally covered is called “digging” or “cleaning.”", "The long piece and T-shaped piece always rotate to the right of the screen when you spin them. This means that you need more space on the right side of the screen to move pieces as the game progresses. Start each game by layering pieces on the left side to keep the right side open. Build up rows of pieces and leave the rightmost column open until you have 4 solid rows. Once you have a long piece (called an I piece), drop it in the column and start over again. In Tetris, a “well” refers to the column that you leave open to score while the other cells on a row are getting filled. Lay I pieces horizontally when you get them early on to build your mound. If you start with a Z or S piece, you’ll need to leave an opening on the bottom row. Place it in the middle so that you can tuck a J or L piece into the open cell. You lose a game of Tetris when the pieces stack all the way to the ceiling of the playing field. If you’ve covered multiple wells on accident or left too many pieces hanging, you’ll need to “burn” a few rows to lower the size of your mound and give yourself more room to work. As soon as you realize that the mound is getting too big for you to safely maneuver pieces around, start clearing rows by completing them however you can to make it smaller. When you complete a row, it disappears. Making rows disappear will make your mound smaller. “Clearing,” “digging,” and “burning” have different connotations in terms of the player’s intentions, but they’re all just different ways of saying “make rows disappear.” Sometimes, you simply won’t get an I piece for the first 20-30 turns of the game. This will require a lot of burning early on to keep your mound manageable. Adjust the amount of burning you do as you level up. As the pieces move faster with every level, the amount of space that you’ll need to move pieces will increase. RNG stands for “random number generator.” You will hear players complain about RNG when they go a long time without an I piece and have to cover the well. Competitive Tetris gives you bonus points for placing pieces more quickly. Increase the speed that you drop pieces into place by pressing down on your joystick or keyboard and holding it while the piece travels. Instead of pausing to rotate a piece, rotate the piece while it falls. The points that you accrue over the course of a match will add up quite a bit. Soft drop whenever you comfortably can to increase your score. When you hold a button or stick down while you place a piece, you are performing a “soft drop.” On some versions of Tetris, you can press up on your joystick or keyboard to drop a piece instantly. In timed Tetris, utilize the hard drop to place a piece as fast as you can. As soon as you get a piece, rotate it to match the slot you need. Move it left or right until it is floating over the position that you want to place it and press up. The piece will instantly shoot to the bottom of the screen where you were hovering. The most popular version of competitive Tetris is played on Nintendo's Tetris. There is no hard drop function in this version of the game.", "If you play a T, J, L, Z, or S piece in a way where there is an open space underneath it, you’ve created an overhang. Because there is a delay between a piece moving down one cell and setting on a row beneath it, you can rotate or move a piece into these open spaces by pressing the rotation button right before it settles. This is called “tucking,” and it is a necessary move to know if you want to get out of tough situations. When you tuck a piece after performing a hard drop, it is called a zangi-move. The T-spin is a tough move that can get you out of tight spots if you can master it. Because of the delay before a piece settles, you can rotate a T piece into a slot at the last moment to fit it in unexpected ways. To do this, press the rotate button right before a T piece settles and it will spin into a slot that it otherwise wouldn’t have fit into. For example, if there is a gap created by an overhang on your mound where a T brick could fit from the side, you wouldn’t be able to drop it directly in. You could, however, lower it next to the opening and the rotate it at the last minute to settle the cell that sticks out snuggly into the opening. The T spin cannot accurately be performed if you don’t have the rotations for the T piece memorized. Tucking generally refers to simply sliding a piece, while spinning it refers to rotating it into a slot. The principles behind the 2 moves are the same though—you’re filling in a hidden slot by moving at the last possible second. On classic versions of Tetris, the O block cannot be rotated. In some newer versions, the O block can be rotated right before it lands. This will allow you to squeeze the O block right into a space that is blocked by an overhanging piece. Press the rotation button right before the O block lands to spin it. At levels higher than 15, the game will drop pieces at such a high rate that you’ll have less than 1 second to rotate and place them. To save time, learn to hyper-tap by tapping a button repeatedly instead of holding it down to move a piece left or right. When you get to higher levels, tapping the button will be more efficient than holding it down. Hyper-tapping can cause a lot of strain on your hands and wrists. Take breaks in between practice sessions to preserve your body." ], "summary": [ "Memorize how pieces rotate clockwise and counterclockwise. Look at your next piece while setting your current piece down. Play on marathon mode to learn the level progression. Clear 4 rows at a time with “I” pieces to score the most points. Score singles, doubles, or triples to clear obscured wells.", "Build a mound on the left side at the beginning of every game. Burn rows to make your mound smaller when it gets too big. Hold the down button to move pieces for a quick soft drop. Press the up button to place a piece instantly for a hard drop.", "Tuck pieces to clear overhangs. Master the T-spin to perform tough tucks. Use the O-spin to tuck block pieces on newer games. Learn hyper-tapping to master piece placement at higher levels." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Including Relevant Information in Your Introduction", "Preparing Before Your Presentation", "Grabbing Your Audience’s Attention Before Your Introduction" ], "document": [ "You want the audience to remember who you are, so don’t mumble or rush through saying your name. Speak loudly and confidently, and make sure you enunciate every syllable. If you have an unusual or difficult to pronounce name, you may want to add a small remark to help your audience remember it. For example, you can say “My name is Jacob Misen, like ‘risen’ but with an M” Think about how you will help your audience and briefly communicate that rather than just listing your credentials or job title. Your basic credentials will probably be listed on the presentation program, anyway. Ask yourself what special skills and experience you have that would interest your audience and introduce yourself with those. If you are VP of Marketing at a large company, it can actually be much more effective to say something like “I have more than a decade of experience using Facebook marketing ads to target clients in the dance industry” rather than simply stating your job title. If there are other details about yourself that are interesting and relevant to the presentation, you don’t have to list them all in your introduction. Instead, add them to your handout or powerpoint presentation. Your audience can read them there if they want. You can also specifically refer your audience to the handout or powerpoint for more information. For example, if you want to let them know that you have articles in many international newspapers but you don’t want to list them all out, simply say “I’ve written for a number of internationally recognized news organizations. You can find the full list on the first page of my handout.” You don’t have to give the audience everything about yourself right away. Stick to the most interesting and relevant information. If you have other interesting personal details you want to share, you can add them in other parts of the presentation. For example, you could say “when I designed a website for Richard Branson last year …” to inform your audience that you have an impressive resume, without having to list it all for them in your introduction. Once you’ve got a great introduction, it’s important you seamlessly and effectively transition into the meat of your presentation. Having a planned transition will also help you maintain your confidence because you’ll know exactly where you are going and how to get there. Try concluding your introduction by mentioning a client or project you were working on that directly relates to the topic of your presentation. For example: “I’ve had the pleasure of working with NXP Semiconductors for the past three years. Just last week we encountered a problem with our logistical database...” and then lead into your presentation about a new software that will solve everyone’s logistical hiccups.", "It’s best to have a plan for how you will introduce yourself so you don’t get lost or confused when you’re on stage. It’s even better if you can write your plan down so you can review it beforehand or refer to it during your presentation. You can write down every sentence if you’d like, especially for practicing the introduction. When it’s time to present, it’s probably best to just write down a few notes or key words to remind you of what you want to say so you don’t just read off your note cards. Practicing your introduction out loud will help you speak with the right intonation and at the right pace so your message will be clear and interesting. You can also time yourself and add or remove certain parts of your introduction until you’ve got it just right. Ask your friend for constructive feedback and advice on how to improve. Practicing out loud will also help you gain confidence. If you don’t have a friend to watch your presentation, record yourself on video and play it back later to refine your presentation skills. It can be uncomfortable to watch yourself on video, but it will help you nail your introduction. You can even record your whole presentation. Keep recording and re-recording until you are happy with it. Then you know the audience will be happy too. You will want to make a good first impression with your introduction, so be sure you know what is expected of you and what might be frowned upon. Research the local culture where you will be speaking: what do they normally wear in the industry there? Do they introduce themselves by first name only, or with their first and last name? Be mindful of international customs too. In some places, it’s not appropriate to use humor. If you are unsure about your audience, leave the humor out. The best resource to learn about the local culture is the locals themselves. If you have a contact where you will be speaking, ask them about customs, dress code, and how humor is usually received. If you don’t know anyone personally, try searching in industry-specific online forums. Find YouTube videos of presentations given in the area that are relevant to your industry.", "Playing music as you walk up to the presentation area and for a few seconds before you start to speak shares your personality and gets the audience’s attention. This works best if you can reference the lyrics or artist as the music fades and you begin your presentation. If you don’t have music that can tie to your presentation, you can use a song with the theme of beginning. For example, if you are presenting at a sales meeting, play some soft jazz as participants enter. Then, when it’s time for you to start, play the Black Eyed Peas chorus of “Let’s Get it Started” to get your audience’s attention. You can then open with an energetic “Good morning!” or “Good Afternoon” as the music ends. Remember to choose music that’s appropriate to the event. An academic conference may not be the best place for pop music, for example (unless you are presenting research on pop music, of course). Share a short, relevant quote before you say your name. This can get your audience interested in the topic. It’s even better if the author of the quote is a big name in the industry you are speaking to. The audience will recognize the name and it will lend credibility to your presentation. For example, if you are presenting on the design of a new user-friendly coffee machine, you may start your presentation by referencing Elon Musk: “Any product that needs a manual to work is broken,” and then go on to say “My name is Laurie Higgens, and my coffee machine doesn’t come with a manual.” Speak briefly about your relevant experience and qualifications, and then dive into presenting your design. Avoid cliche or overused motivational quotes the audience has probably already heard many times. Be sure to correctly cite your quote. Starting by presenting a statistic that illustrates a problem that your presentation will address or attempt to solve can be a great attention-grabbing move. In many cases, the audience might not even realize there is a problem until you point it out to them. Once you do, they will be more alert and invested in hearing solutions from you. For example, you might start with “According to Time magazine, Americans filled 4.3 billion prescriptions and doled out $374 billion on medicine in 2014.” Then, introduce yourself and your qualifications in medical research and transition into a presentation about how to prevent doctors from over prescribing medication to their patients. Remember to cite the source of your statistics. You will look more professional and reliable, and the audience will be able to follow up on the information if they wish. Asking a question transforms your audience into participants. Try to pick universal situations that everyone in the audience will have some experience with or opinion about. Make sure it ties directly into your presentation material, too. If you are giving a presentation about a new airport security-friendly travel bag, try starting your presentation with “How many of you have ever stood in line at airport security and nearly missed your flight?” You can also invite your audience to close their eyes and imagine something as you lead up to your question. Don’t be discouraged if your audience doesn’t raise their hands when you ask a question. Sometimes these questions seem more rhetorical to an audience, or maybe they are just shy. You can often see signs that they are still engaging with the question if people are nodding or smiling after you ask it. Laughter can create an instant connection between a speaker and the audience. Start your introduction by making fun of yourself or exaggerating your own experiences in a humorous way. Don’t overdo the humor. Make it natural without trying to force a laugh. Be sure that any jokes or ironies you use are appropriate for the context in which you are speaking. Try telling stories, showing pictures on a powerpoint, or using quotations. Being funny not only puts your audience at ease, but it also helps them remember you after the presentation. Giving a presentation can be a very lonely and isolating experience. If you have a small audience, however, you can involve them in your introduction. After you introduce yourself, ask the audience members to introduce themselves and state a question or concern that relates to your presentation topic. You will take a bit of pressure off yourself, keep your audience alert, and get to know them at the same time. For example, if you are making a presentation about a pizza delivery app, ask your audience members to tell their name, their favorite pizza topping, and a situation where they’ve had a particularly amazing or awful experience with food delivery." ], "summary": [ "State your name clearly. Communicate your contribution to get the audience excited. Leave extra details on a handout or powerpoint slide. Save some relevant details about yourself for later in the presentation. Plan a smooth transition from the introduction to your content.", "Make a plan and write it down. Rehearse your introduction with a friend. Research the culture where you will present so you don’t offend anyone.", "Set the mood with music to get the audience energized. Use an attention-grabbing quotation before you introduce yourself. Get the audience thinking by leading with a revealing statistic. Connect to the audience and invite them to reflect with a question. Employ humor to relax yourself and the audience. Involve the audience if you are presenting to a small group." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Using a Search Code", "Using Twitter Advanced Search" ], "document": [ "Launch the Twitter app or visit www.twitter.com in your browser. Sign in to your account, if you haven't done so. Type From:Username (e.g. From:wikiHow) on the Twitter search bar and search. Then hit the search icon. If you want to search a specific word from a particular user, just add the word in front of From:Username. (E.g. From:wikiHow Life).", "To access this option, search for something in the Twitter search box, then click on the ⋯ option and select Advanced search from the menu. Advanced search window will pop-up on your screen. Use twitter.com/search-advanced Advanced search to quickly access this option. Scroll down to the “Accounts” title, then type any username (e.g. wikihow) in the “From these accounts” box. If you want to customize your search results, use the other options from the Advanced search menu. You can see the blue “Search” button on the top-right side of the box. Click on the “Latest” header to see the recent Tweets from the account. That's it!" ], "summary": [ "Log into your Twitter account. Navigate to the search box. You're done!", "Move to the Advanced search option. Type a username. Click on the Search button. Now you can see the tweets from your favourite user." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Making Nether Portals", "Mining in the End", "Making Obsidian without a Diamond Pickaxe", "Transforming Lava Pools with a Diamond Pickaxe" ], "document": [ "It takes ten obsidian to make a Nether portal. Once you have enough for two portals, however, you can use a trick to get infinite obsidian without needing to find lava. . If you don't have a portal already, place obsidian blocks in a vertical frame 5 tall x 4 wide. Activate it by using a flint and steel on the lowest obsidian block. This trick may not work if there is another portal close by. The corners of the portal do not have to be obsidian. The Nether is a dangerous place, so prepare yourself if you haven't been before. You'll need the remaining ten obsidian blocks, but you might want to leave them safely behind and explore a safe route first. You'll need to travel a certain minimum distance in a straight, horizontal line (these numbers include a 3-block margin of safety just in case): PC, Pocket Edition, and Console Edition \"large\" worlds: travel 19 blocks. Console Edition \"medium\" worlds: travel 25 blocks. Console Edition \"classic\" worlds (including all PS3 and Xbox 360 worlds): travel 45 blocks. If you have multiple Overworld portals, walk away from their coordinates. This trick will not work if you are too close to an existing portal. Build this in the Nether and activate it the same way you did the first one. When you walk through it, you should appear in a brand-new portal in the Overworld. If you appear next to a portal you already built, you did not walk far enough in the Nether. Go back to the Nether and break your portal with a diamond pickaxe, then rebuild it somewhere else. The portal that just appeared has fourteen obsidian blocks free for the taking. Mine these with a diamond pickaxe. Each time you walk through the Nether portal you just built, a new portal will appear in the Overworld. Mine this for free obsidian. Speed this up if you want a large amount of obsidian: Use a bed to set your spawn near the permanent Overworld portal. Place a chest near the temporary Overworld portal. Stash the obsidian and diamond pickaxe in the chest after mining the portal. Kill yourself to return to spawn. Walk through the Nether again and exit the same portal to create a new one. Build a tunnel between the Nether portals to increase safety.", ". The End portal leads to the final, most challenging area in Minecraft. Locating it and activating is a long quest involving many Eyes of Ender. Try this only when you're ready to face the fearsome Ender Dragon. If you are on Pocket Edition, the End Portal will only work on infinite (not \"Old\") worlds running on version 1.0 or later (released December 2016). When you travel through the End portal, a platform of 9 obsidian blocks will appear for you to stand on. Mine it with the diamond pickaxe (though you may want to kill that dragon bothering you first). The island with the Ender Dragon has several tall towers with purple crystals atop them. The towers are made entirely of obsidian. You can return to the Overworld either by dying, or by defeating the Ender Dragon and walking through the exit portal that appears. Each time you walk through an End portal, the 9-block obsidian platform will respawn. This makes it one of the fastest ways to get infinitely recurring obsidian. The obsidian pillars do not respawn unless you respawn the dragon. To bring back the dragon, place four ender crystals on top of the exit portal that appeared when the dragon died.", "There is no crafting recipe for obsidian. Instead, any time flowing water hits a stationary lava \"source\" block, the lava turns into obsidian. You can find stationary lava in the following places: Lava is easiest to find as \"lava falls\" in caves and ravines. Only the top block is a source block. Lava is very common in the bottom ten layers of the map. Dig down diagonally to avoid falling in it. Rarely, you can find lava lakes on the surface, but never more than about twenty blocks above sea level. Some villages have a single smithy with two blocks of lava, visible from the outside. Craft a bucket out of three iron ingots. Use the bucket on the lava to scoop it up. You can only scoop up stationary blocks of lava, not flowing lava. In the computer crafting system, arrange the iron in a \"V\" shape. Make sure the hole is contained, and that nothing flammable is within two blocks in any direction. Wood, tall grass, and many other objects will catch fire near lava. Remember, only stationary (not flowing) lava will turn into obsidian. This means you will need one bucket of lava for every block of obsidian you want to make. Remember, without a diamond pickaxe you cannot mine the obsidian without destroying it. Make sure you want obsidian in that location before you continue. Use your now-empty bucket to scoop up water. Bring it to the lava pool you created and place the water above the lava so it flows down onto it. When the flowing water hits the lava, the lava will turn into obsidian. It's a good idea to build a temporary, non-flammable structure around the lava pool to prevent an annoying flood.", ". Obsidian is the only block that must be mined using a diamond pickaxe. Any lesser tool will destroy the obsidian if you try to mine it. Dig down almost to the bottom of the map and explore. It shouldn't take long to find a large pool of lava. Since you have a diamond pickax, you can turn the whole pool into obsidian at once, instead of transporting the lava in buckets. Create a small wall on one side of the pool, leaving room to put down a water block. This will reduce the chances of water pushing you into the lava. Put the water block down inside the fenced area, one level higher than the lava. It should flow down and turn the surface of the lake into obsidian. Stand at the edge and dig one block deep into the obsidian. There might be another layer of lava beneath it. If you're not careful, you may fall into this lava, or the obsidian bock item will fall before you can catch it, and burn up. If there is lava underneath the obsidian, stand next to the water and mine the obsidian at its edge. The water should rush in as you mine, turning the next layer into obsidian before the lava can cause any damage. Continue to mine as much obsidian as you need, moving the water when necessary." ], "summary": [ "Gather twenty obsidian by other means. Create a Nether portal Travel through the Nether. Build a second portal. Mine the obsidian in the Overworld portal. Exit the same Nether portal to spawn a new one.", "Find the End portal Mine the End platform. Mine the obsidian pillars. Return through the same end portal.", "Find a pool of lava. Collect the lava in buckets. Dig a hole where you want the obsidian. Pour the lava into the hole. Send water over the lava.", "Obtain a diamond pickaxe Locate a lava pool. Fence off the area. Pour water over the lava. Test the edge of the obsidian. Direct the water to flow where you mine." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Considering the Basics", "Forming an Idea", "Determining Your Business Model", "Selecting A Business Type" ], "document": [ "Starting a business is a big risk. You need to know what your strengths and weaknesses are going in so you can reduce the chance of failure. In your current job, what are your strengths? Are you a behind-the-scenes type, making things work from behind a computer desk? Or are you out on the field, making connections and networking with others? What do you genuinely enjoy about your current job? People tend to be more successful in jobs they truly love. Do you love attending conferences? Running meetings? Are the sort of person suited for a leadership position? If so, starting your own business may be a good plan for you. Ask co-workers and colleagues to give an honest assessment of you. It can be hard to self judge so ask someone you trust what they think your best qualities as a worker are. This can help you see what role you can play in your own company and what roles you should assign to others. Are you looking for a side business, something to do for fun and make a little extra money? Or are you looking for something that could potentially replace your current job? Starting your own business, regardless of the size, is a huge commitment and carries a lot of risk. Spend some time assessing how much of yourself you'll willing to put into this new endeavor. If you don't have experience with running a business, consider getting educated. Even if you already have a degree, taking extra classes or pursuing some kind of supplementary training can help. Consider going back to school for something like an associate's degree in business, marketing, or managing. Associate's degrees tend to be only two years and the course load may be less strenuous. If you can't commit to getting another degree, consider taking a few business classes at a local college. There are also courses in business and start up companies offered online, which can be convenient if you have existing obligations.", "The key to starting a solid business is figuring out what you're interested in. Many people desire to start their own company because they want to pursue their passions. The first step to making a decision about forming your own business is listing your own interests. Take a sheet of paper and start jotting down your interests. You can start with the very obvious. For example, what do you like to do on the weekends? Do you read? Go hiking? Play sports? Reach back a little. What were you interested in before you got the job you have now? Did you minor in literature in college? Did you used to knit or engage in another hobby? Is there anything you miss doing that once captivated you? Once you've determined your interests, now it's time to explore your skills. What are you good at? What do you think you could contribute to the world? People tend to have surprising skill sets unrelated to their field of work. Jon Stewart was an outstanding soccer player. Neil Patrick Harris is an accomplished magician. Do you have a special skill unrelated to your field of work? Do you, say, quilt on the weekends? Is there any way these skills could be made into a business model? Make a list of abstract skills as well. Take out a piece of paper and write at the top \"These are seven things I'm good at\" and proceed to list your most marketable skills. For example, \"I am a good problem solver\" or \"I know how to stay calm in a crisis.\" The most successful business models fill in the gaps of an existing market. That is, they figure out what service or product is missing from an existing in demand industry. Consider what's missing in a field of interest to you. Once again, making a list can help. Write a list of 5 products or services that would be useful to you but do not currently exist. Think about moments when, driving your car, watching your TV, or using some electronic device, you wished for a specific feature not on the market. Keep in mind this may take a few days. A frequent complaint of the middle school essay topic \"My Most Memorable Moment\" is that when forced to think of something memorable on the spot many people's minds go blank. While you might come up with product ideas all the time, when you push yourself to write them down you might find you've forgotten quite a few. Take a couple of days to think about it, keeping your list on hand if an idea comes to you in a free moment. A lot of anecdotal evidence speaks to the fact multimillion dollar ideas come at unexpected moments. The concept for Netflix, for example, began when Reed Hastings got a $40 late fee at his local video rental store. He wondered why movie rental companies couldn't work like health clubs, where you get charged a flat fee for using a given product. This is where he began to formulate the idea for his idea for an online DVD rental company. Pay attention to the world around you. Carry at notebook at all times. When you have a moment, like Hastings, where you wish things could work slightly differently write that down. A great idea could come of this later on.", "A sole proprietorship is the simplest business structure available. In a sole proprietorship, you are the sole owner of your business and entitled to all the profits and also responsible for any debts and losses. You do not have to do anything special to form a sole proprietorship. You just need to be the only owner of the company and the status is set. The main advantages of a sole proprietorship is that it's easy and inexpensive to form. You also have full control of the company and tax preparation is fairly easy. The main drawback to a sole proprietorship is that there is no legal separation between you and your business. This makes you liable for all debts an obligations. As you can't sell stock as a sole proprietorship, it can be difficult to raise funds for expenses. It can also be very stressful to handle all responsibilities alone. If you're worried about too much responsibility and liability, consider a partnership or LCC. In these arrangements, you're more protected and it may be easier to raise money for expenses. In a partnership, two or more people share ownership and responsibility of a business. In an LCC, your business would be a hybrid of a corporate structure and a partnership. In a general partnership, you and another business partner share responsibility equally. In some types of partnerships, like a limited partnership, one person has slightly more control than the other. The main advantages of partnerships are they're easy and inexpensive to form, commitment is shared, you can find someone whose skill set compliments yours, and partnerships tend to attract more competent employees. The drawbacks are you will still have a lot of liability, disagreements between partners can hurt business, and profits are shared. In an LCC, you're not an owner but a member and the way the structure is set up limits your liability. This is the main advantage to the LCC structure. Other advantages include less record keeping and profit sharing is far more flexible. Drawbacks include the fact LLCs can dissolve if too many members drop out and the self employment taxes associated with this structure can be complicated. Forming a corporation can be a complicated process. However, forming a corporation can make running your business easier. Consider the corporate model when making a decision about your business. The main advantage of a corporation is that you save a lot on taxes. Tax rates for corporations are generally lower. Your business will also have an independent life, separate from you, which limits your personal liability. The biggest drawback about corporations it that operating processes are much stricter. Shareholders also have compensation requirements that can be difficult to meet if you're a smaller company.", "An easy way to start your own business is to buy up an existing franchise. Franchises are well-known chains, such as McDonald's, that allow independent owners to purchase and operate a location. Before you start a franchise, do your research. You'll have to follow certain corporate guidelines, so make sure the corporations overall ethics match your goals as a business owner. See if the type of franchise generally performs well in your area. Understand you have less freedom as a franchise owner. You have to follow guidelines based on layout, designs, prices, specials, and other aspects of your business. On the upside, however, you'll receive support from the corporation through training sessions, corporate seminars, and networking opportunities. Read your contract carefully. Contracts for corporations often benefit the franchiser more than the franchisee. Make sure you can feasibly make money running your franchise. If you're running a business on the side, running an online business can be convenient. You'll also have a more flexible schedule and slightly more creative control. You do have to know a bit about web design in order to start an online business. You'll probably have to register a domain name, design and website, and advertise and market yourself. If you have an existing background in online media and marketing, an online business might be a good choice for you. There are also separate regulations for online businesses, based on your state. Contact a lawyer who specializes in internet law to ask about policies if you're interested in starting a business online. Retail is a viable business type in which you sell goods and services. Retail is somewhat on decline due to the convenience of buying products online, but clothing items and other items that need to be tried on tend to sell better in a physical store. Retail items tend to do well when they initially open up. Customers are usually drawn in within a couple of weeks. Procedures for taxes and initial opening are less rigid. Having a physical presence also helps you stay in consumer's minds. It can be expensive to maintain a retail outlet as opposed to other businesses as you have to buy your supplies. Scheduling is more rigid, as you need to be physically in the store waiting for customers. If you're interested in self-employment, consulting is a fairly straight forward business type. Consulting also allows for a more flexible schedule and can be done on the side while you keep a more stable job. Consulting tends to pay fairly high. This means fewer working hours. Having consulting experience also looks good on a resume for future employment opportunities. There are also many chances to network and grow your business. The main downside of consulting is that it does not always provide a steady income. It also takes a lot of time and money to become a consultant. You will also have to take care of your own benefits and taxes." ], "summary": [ "Assess your personality. Decide how much of a commitment you want to make. Look into education.", "List your interests. List your skills. Pay attention to what's missing. Look for inspiration.", "Consider a sole proprietorship. Learn about partnerships and LLCs. Familiarize yourself with corporate options.", "Consider buying a franchise. Look into an online business. Learn about retail. Consider consulting." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Informing the Guests", "Taking Care of Reservations and Purchases" ], "document": [ "As soon as you know that you need to cancel the shower, start planning how best to inform everyone. The sooner you let them know, the less disturbance it will cause for them and their schedule. Of course, if something unexpected occurs and you have to cancel at the last minute, your friends and family should understand. If the reason is painful, you may not want to share details with everyone who was invited to your baby shower. Plan the reason that you will give for why you are canceling. For those you are less close to, you can write a card or email saying something like “Dear Cynthia, I’m writing to let you know that my baby shower on August 19th has been canceled. I’m sorry for any inconvenience that this causes, and I hope to see you soon! All the best, Lisa.” If you feel comfortable sharing the details of your situation, consider letting your guests know why you're canceling. Your guests should understand and be empathetic. This may bring you all closer, and can help you feel supported in whatever you’re going through. If you are canceling the shower several weeks in advance, send cards out to your guests by regular mail. You can create a notice using a computer program such as Microsoft Word or Adobe InDesign, or you can write the cards out individually if you have the time. Consider using cardstock to print or write the cards. If you have to cancel only a week or two before the shower, it may be too late to send cards by mail. Instead, send an email to all of the guests letting them know that the shower has been canceled. Emailing the guests is also a great option if you are trying to save money, since you won’t have to pay for cardstock and postage. If you need to cancel the shower at the last minute, calling will be the fastest way to ensure that all of your guests know that there won’t be a shower. It will be more difficult to give no reason for the cancellation over the phone, so prepare what you would like to say in advance. You can leave a voicemail telling the person the news if they don’t answer. Regardless of how far in advance you are canceling, consider calling your close friends to let them know, rather than sending a card or email. On the phone, you could say something like, “Hi Cynthia! It’s Lisa. I’m sorry for the short notice, but we’ve actually decided to cancel my baby shower. There is just so much going on with preparing for the baby’s arrival that we’ve decided to wait. I will keep you updated if we reschedule!” If you choose not to share a reason, you could say, “Hi Cynthia! It’s Lisa. I’m sorry for the short notice, but due to unforeseen circumstances, we’ve decided to cancel my baby shower.\" If it is too distressing or overwhelming for you to inform all of the guests, ask a close friend or your partner to help you make phone calls, send cards, or send emails. Depending on when you cancel, your guests may have already purchased gifts for you. In your cancellation card, email, or phone call, you may want to give them ideas of what to do with those gifts. Tell them to either return them, or donate them to a charity that accepts baby supplies.", "If you asked a caterer to provide food for your shower, let them know of the cancellation as soon as you can. Each company has a different policy—some need only a few hours’ notice, while some may need a couple of weeks. Regardless of the policy, don’t hesitate to call them and explain your situation to see if they will offer you a refund. If you were planning to host the shower at a venue other than your home, call them or drop by to explain that the shower needs to be canceled. Similar to canceling a caterer, many places will be able to sympathize with your situation and will be understanding. Just be kind and honest as you let them know that you will no longer need to use their venue. If you already made a deposit for the venue, you can ask about a refund if needed. Many decorations, linens, and party favors may be able to be returned. If you purchased items that you won’t need and haven’t opened, try returning them to the store where you bought them. If the items were opened, try finding a local charity to donate them to. Homeless shelters may find cups handy, and a charity shop, such as Salvation Army or Goodwill, will appreciate linens. If any food or drinks can’t be returned, see if you can freeze them or share them with friends. You can also try selling slightly used or opened items on eBay." ], "summary": [ "Give your guests as much notice as possible. Decide how much information you want to share. Be as honest as you can. Send cards if the shower is several weeks away. Send an email if you are short on time or to save money. Make phone calls. Get help from a friend. Encourage guests to return or donate their gifts.", "Cancel your caterer as soon as possible. Inform the venue. Return or donate decorations that are unused." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Identifying and Treating Kennel Cough", "Preventing Kennel Cough" ], "document": [ "The most notable sign of a dog with kennel cough is a persistent cough. The dog will cough continuously with a distinctive “goose honk” sound. Many time this is the only sign in the dog, with it appearing healthy otherwise. However, this cough lingers on for weeks and some dogs will also show other signs such as: Gagging or coughing up a white foamy phlegm Fever Discharge from the nose Watery eyes Decreased appetite Occasionally, kennel cough can make a dog susceptible to developing pneumonia. This will make a dog experience more severe symptoms, including lethargy, difficulty breathing and, even in a few cases, death. It's important to limit the risk of spreading the disease, even if you are not sure if your dog actually has it. This is the responsible thing to do. Keep your dog away from dog parks or facilities that care for dogs, such as doggie day cares and boarding facilities, until your vet has cleared your dog's health. Pick up your dog's feces. You should probably do this whether your dog is infected or not but infected feces cause a health hazard. An uninfected dog having contact with infected feces is one way that the infection can spread. Kennel cough generally will run its course in 1 to 3 weeks with no treatment needed. However, some owners are annoyed by the constant coughing, so drugs to suppress the cough and reduce windpipe inflammation can be given through a prescription from a veterinarian. In more severe cases, antibiotics which are effective against Bordetella can be given. A dog which is actively coughing should not do any heavy exercise such as running, as this will aggravate the cough. Food and water intake should be monitored and encouraged to make sure the dog keeps eating and drinking. Collars used during leash walking may press against the dog’s windpipe causing severe irritation. Using a harness instead will help prevent this from happening.", "The primary way to prevent kennel cough is to keep your dog vaccinated. The core vaccine also includes vaccination against common viruses that contribute to kennel cough development. There is also a vaccine effective against Bordetella bronchiseptica, which can also cause kennel cough. Your veterinarian will let you know which vaccinations are more important for your dog to receive. Just doing the vaccination one time is not effective forever. You need to get your dog a booster of its vaccination on a regular basis. In general, the first booster is given after one year, and then subsequent boosters are given every three years. New strains of kennel cough occur regularly. Getting your dog's vaccination updated can increase the likelihood that your dog will be protected. Because of the many causes of kennel cough, vaccination will not guarantee 100% that your dog will not get the disease. However, it will reduce the chances considerably. Dogs and puppies that are exposed to a lot of other dogs are at increased risk for this disease. This contact can occur at dog parks, groomers, puppy classes, obedience classes, and boarding at kennels. Keeping puppies isolated from other dogs, except litter mates and the mother, until they can get vaccinated is a good idea. Puppies don't usually get vaccinated against the causes of kennel cough until they are around four months old. However, some of the intranasal drops can be given to puppies as young as three weeks of age. When dogs drink out of a common bowl, droplets from an infected dog’s nasal and mouth secretion can contaminate the water and bowl with Bordatella. When an uninfected and unvaccinated dog laps the water, it can contract the bacteria and come down with kennel cough. To avoid this completely don’t share water or food bowls and wash them frequently in hot, soapy water. The same applies to toys that dogs may share while they are playing." ], "summary": [ "Look for the symptoms of kennel cough. Keep an eye out for symptoms of an even more severe infection. Keep a dog with possible infection away from other dogs. Follow your veterinarian's suggestions for treatment and care.", "Get your dog vaccinated. Get your dog's vaccination updated. Keep unvaccinated dogs away from other dogs. Don't allow your dog to drink out of communal water dishes." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Improving the Content", "Tailoring Your Resume to the Job", "Tweaking the Formatting" ], "document": [ "Describe who you are in the first sentence. Then, mention your goal or objective in the second sentence. Finish the summary with a sentence about why you’re a valuable candidate for the position. A 3-sentence summary will help recruiters quickly understand who you are and what you have to offer. For example, your 3-sentence summary could go something like “Writer with over 5 years experience at major publications. Looking to research and write about digital marketing trends. Brings solid understanding of editorial standards and a track record of meeting deadlines.\" If you don't have a lot of job experience or skills, leave the 3-sentence summary off of your resume. Instead of focusing on the responsibilities you had at your old jobs, focus on the things you accomplished at them instead. Ask yourself what your 2-3 best achievements were at each of your previous jobs and write them down. Then, include 1 or 2 of them after each job you have listed on your resume. For example, instead of writing “Was responsible for reorganizing shelves in company stockroom,” you could write “Implemented successful new organization system in company stockroom.” That way they’ll be easier for recruiters to understand. Whenever you’re listing an achievement, try to attach a number or percentage to it. Don’t make it complicated and use too many numbers. Stick with one number or percentage per achievement. For example, instead of writing “Helped increase traffic to company website,” you could write “Increased traffic to company website by 45 percent.” Action verbs imply that you took initiative and accomplished something, which will look good to recruiters. If any of the bullet points on your resume start with a phrase like “Responsible for” or “In charge of,” rephrase them so they start with an action verb. Some action verbs you could use on your resume are: arranged, delivered, assisted, created, formed, organized, produced, eliminated, lead, transformed, and developed.", "Look for specific skills, kinds of experience, and keywords listed in the job ad and write them down. If there are any educational requirements, make sure you note those too. Then, when you're making your resume, focus on including those things to show the recruiter you're the right candidate for the job. Try copying and pasting the job description into a word cloud generator. Word cloud generators take all the words in a body of text and show you which words are the most common. If the generator tells you that the term \"self-starter\" appears a lot in the job ad, you'll know to incorporate that skill into your resume. Don’t use the same resume for every job you apply to. Recruiters want to see that you’re the right fit for the specific job they’re trying to fill. When you find a job you're interested in, take the time to update your resume so it reflects the skills and experience the job ad is calling for. To save yourself time, have a \"base\" resume saved on your computer. Then, whenever you find a job you're interested in, you can just tweak the base resume so it's tailored to the job. Save your updated resume as a different file so you don't lose your base resume. For example, if you're applying for a job that calls for excellent customer service skills, you could take your base resume and move \"customer service\" to the top of your list of skills. You could also add more details to your descriptions for your previous jobs about how you excelled at customer service in those roles. Many companies use electronic tracking systems that look for specific keywords in applicant resumes. If you don’t use those keywords, your resume could be overlooked. To find out which keywords to use, search online for a list of keywords commonly used in the industry you're applying to. Just search something like \"resume keywords for financial advisor.\" For example, recruiters looking to fill a financial position could be looking for keywords like \"profit,\" \"accounting,\" \"budgeting,\" and \"compliance.\" If you're responding to a job ad that emphasizes work experience, use a chronological resume. If you're applying for a job that requires a lot of specific skills, a functional resume may be a good choice. If the job description focuses on both experience and practical skills, use a combination resume to demonstrate that you have both. For example, if you're applying to a job that requires 3 years of landscaping experience, make a chronological resume by listing your work history at the top of your resume, starting with your most recent job in landscaping. If you're applying for an entry-level computer programming job where you need to know how to use a variety of computer programs, make a functional resume. At the top of your resume, list your experience working with the different computer programs, as opposed to your work history. If you're applying for a graphic design job that requires 1 year of experience and experience using different design programs, make a combination resume. Start the resume with a list of your skills and experience working in graphic design programs, and follow that section with your employment history.", "Paragraphs are harder to skim through than bullet points, so recruiters may not be seeing all the information you want them to see. If any of your job descriptions are written in paragraph form, break them up into several bullet points. Keep each bullet point between 1-2 sentences long. To shorten your resume, make your writing more concise. Delete any unnecessary information, like dates and descriptions for jobs you had over 15 years ago. If you’re using a large font, make it smaller (but not so small that it’s hard to read). Recruiters like to skim resumes, and they’ll be more likely to look yours over if it’s only 1 page. Put it in bold font so it’s easy for recruiters to find. Make sure it includes your phone number, email address, city and zip code (you can leave out your full mailing address). Avoid colorful, crazy fonts that will distract from the content of your resume. Try to use the same font throughout your whole resume so it looks neat and polished. Make your headlines bold and slightly larger to help them stand out. Some simple fonts you can use for your resume are: Times New Roman, Georgie, Garamond, Arial, Century Gothic, Tahoma, and Bell MT. Search online for \"free resume builder.\" There are also resume builders you can pay for to get access to more premium features. Once you find a software or app you like, input the information from your resume into the builder so it can help you organize it all in an effective way. Then, save the resume you made and use it to apply for jobs. Some resume builders you can try are https://www.resume-now.com, https://www.myperfectresume.com, or https://www.canva.com/create/resumes." ], "summary": [ "Add a 3-sentence summary to the top of your resume under your name. Include your most impressive achievements for each job. Quantify the achievements on your resume. Start your bullet points with action verbs.", "Read the job description carefully. Tailor your resume to the job you’re applying for. Include keywords relevant to the job in your resume. Choose the right kind of resume for the job you're applying to.", "Use bullet points instead of paragraphs for your job descriptions. Shorten your resume if it’s longer than 1 page. Move your contact information to the top. Use a simple, black, size-12 font. Use a resume-building software or app." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Using Other Solutions", "Cleaning Hands with Peanut Butter" ], "document": [ "This can simply be olive oil or rubbing alcohol, or you can mix together salt, warm water, and a few drops of honey. Make sure to thoroughly wet it. Reapply the solution as needed to keep the affected area covered and damp. The pine pitch will come right off. You are now 100% clean!", " If the pine pitch is someplace other than your hands, apply the peanut butter there, but this method works best when it's your hands that are dirty. " ], "summary": [ "Prepare a solution to use. Wet a paper or cloth towel thoroughly with the cleaning solution you chose. Wipe and scrub the solution onto the pine pitch. Wait about 5 minutes. Wash the cleaning solution off with regular soap. Congratulate yourself!", "Get a jar of peanut butter. Get a tablespoon. Pull out a gob of peanut butter and place it directly on your palms with the tablespoon. Rub your hands together. Wait for thirty seconds. Wash the peanut butter and pitch off with water." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Adding Color, Scent, and Texture" ], "document": [ "Choose fine glitter to make your slime look metallic or use chunkier glitter to give it a confetti look. Sprinkle 1 pinch of glitter over your slime and then mix it until the glitter is evenly dispersed in your slime. Sprinkle the glitter onto your slime outside or over newspaper to stop the glitter from making a mess." ], "summary": [ "Sprinkle a little glitter over the slime to make it sparkly." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Easing Nausea Right after Vomiting", "Eating and Drinking Again", "Recovering Physically from Nausea" ], "document": [ "Hold a clean washcloth under cool, running water until it is soaked. Then, wring it out over the sink and fold the cloth in half. Lay the cloth across the back of your neck and keep it there for 5 to 10 minutes. This may be soothing after you throw up. It can also help to lower your body temperature, which may rise after you throw up. Odors like tobacco smoke, strong perfumes, or the scent of spicy cooking can all cause vomiting if you’re already nauseous. Avoid your exposure to these kinds of scents as much as possible until you’ve gone at least 24 hours without vomiting. Note that hot foods also tend to have stronger scents than cold foods, so avoiding hot foods is also a good way to prevent food smells from triggering vomiting. These include aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen or naproxen, and some blood pressure drugs. Consult with your doctor before stopping any oral medications you were taking for a different condition before you started vomiting. Some antibiotics have also been known to cause nausea. However, you should never stop taking antibiotics before consulting with your doctor. Aromatherapy is when you inhale the scent of essential oils, such as by adding a few drops of essential oil to a diffuser or when you light a scented candle. Some essential oils that may help to relieve nausea include: Ginger Peppermint Lavender Fennel seed Lemon Studies have shown that slow, deep breathing can activate your parasympathetic nervous system and decrease feelings of nausea or an upset stomach. In a comfortable, seated position, close your eyes and inhale deeply through your nose for 5 seconds. Then, slowly exhale through your nose for 7 seconds. Repeat this process until your nausea starts to disappear. Try to fill your lungs completely when you inhale to get the best results.", "Your stomach muscles are going to feel pretty sore after you finish throwing up, especially if you were vomiting a lot. Letting your stomach rest will reduce the risk of you vomiting again once you get back to eating. It’s okay to rinse your mouth out with a little bit of water to get rid of the taste of vomit after you throw up. Just try to avoid swallowing any of it for the first 15 minutes. Ginger has antiemetic properties, which means that it can help to stop nausea and vomiting. If you have some fresh ginger around, you can cut off a 0.5 in (1.3 cm) piece and chew on it or use it to make a cup of ginger tea. Cut off the skin with a knife and place the whole piece in your mouth if you want to chew on it, or place it into a mug and pour boiling water over it. Steep the ginger in the hot water for 10 minutes and then sip the tea slowly. You should wait until you’ve been able to keep liquids down for 8 hours without vomiting before you try eating anything. The first things you try to eat should be light, starchy foods that are easy to digest, such as bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast, also known as the BRAT diet. The BRAT (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast) Diet is the recommended diet for people suffering from an upset stomach. Tea and yogurt are also easy foods to eat after vomiting. This will put less of a strain on your stomach than eating a big meal every 6-8 hours. Also, limit your meals to foods served cold or at room temperature for the first 24 hours after vomiting to minimize the risk of upsetting your stomach again. Some examples of foods to try to eat at this stage include mashed potatoes (that aren’t too hot), rice, cream soups made with low-fat milk, pretzels, or low-fat pudding. Don’t eat any fried, greasy, acidic, or sweet foods at this point, as these types of foods can irritate your stomach. Wait until you’ve been vomit-free for 24-48 hours before trying to tackle fried chicken or a glazed donut. Caffeinated and alcoholic drinks and tobacco products can all irritate your stomach and potentially cause you to start vomiting again. To be safe, avoid consuming these products for at least 24-48 hours after you’ve stopped vomiting. If you’re lactose intolerant or otherwise sensitive to dairy, you should also refrain from eating any dairy products until you’ve gone 24 hours without vomiting.", "Your body will need to rest to not only recuperate from the act of vomiting, but also get over whatever caused you to vomit in the first place. Moving around a lot while you’re nauseous may also cause you to start vomiting again, so it’s best to let yourself rest until your nausea is entirely gone. If you have friends or family who can help take care of you while you’re recovering, ask if they’d be willing to stay with you to help until your nausea is gone. If you’ve done all you can through self-care to try to control your nausea and you still find yourself going through frequent bouts of vomiting, you may need some help from medication. Talk to your doctor about being prescribed an anti-nausea medication to get recurring nausea and vomiting under control. Examples of commonly prescribed anti-nausea medications include Phenergan and Zofran. Note that some over-the-counter medications that are used to treat upset stomachs, such as Pepto-Bismol and Kaopectate, probably won’t stop you from vomiting if you have a stomach virus. Although vomiting and nausea usually go away after 24 hours of self-care, they can sometimes be signs of more serious illnesses. Seek medical attention if your vomiting lasts for more than 24 hours, there’s blood in your vomit, or you start to experience severe abdominal pain. You should also contact a doctor if you have nausea without vomiting that persists for more than 48 hours." ], "summary": [ "Place a cool compress over the back of your neck. Avoid strong or unpleasant smells until you’re no longer nauseous. Refrain from taking oral medications that may irritate your stomach. Use aromatherapy to relieve your nausea. Use deep breathing exercises to quell your nausea.", "Refrain from eating or drinking for 15 minutes to let your stomach rest. Chew on a piece of fresh ginger or sip a cup of ginger tea. Try eating bland, soft, starchy foods 8 hours after you’ve stopped vomiting. Eat small meals every 2-3 hours to slowly return to a normal diet. Avoid caffeine, tobacco, and alcohol until your stomach feels better.", "Avoid overexerting yourself for at least 1-2 days. Consider using medication to control frequent nausea and vomiting. Go to the doctor if your vomiting doesn’t go away or gets worse." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Bettering Your Future", "Becoming Happier", "Taking Control of your Life" ], "document": [ "Work should be an extension of who you are, not a chore you slog through every day. Finding your passion is not always easy, but that doesn't make it any less worth doing. This needs to be one of the guiding principles of your life if you want to make it better-- you only have one life to live, so spend it doing things you love. Make a list of your favorite activities. What is most important to you in life, friends, family, fulfillment, a good job? Plan around these important causes. While everyone has to do things \"just to survive,\" these jobs will be easier to get through if you are also working towards a long-term dream. Make a list of tangible, real goals and commit to achieving them. This gives you milestones to reach for and makes bettering your life an attainable adventure, not a series of confused stabs in the dark. Goals can be big, like running your own company, or small, like exercising every day. Just make sure you know what you want to change before you start changing. Once you have goals it's time to make them a reality, one small step at a time. Draft a list of the things you need to do to make your dreams come true. For example, if you want to be a TV show writer, you might: Learn how to write scripts. Write and edit your first TV pilot. Submit your pilot to contests and fellowships. Move to LA to learn the industry. Keep writing new pilots until one gets picked up. The only way to improve is to learn, so find time to teach yourself something new every day. Be humble enough to ask for advice or guidance from friends and experts as you grow as a person and a professional. Read/watch the news daily. Read a book. Learn a new word. Anything that makes you smarter than the day before is something to be proud of. Even people happy with their jobs can benefit from continued education, as it makes you a better person with more insight and wisdom. Consider night school or online classes if you want to change careers but can't afford to quit work just yet. Listen more, talk less. You'll be surprised what people have to offer you. Work for the job you want, not the one you have. When your Manager/Boss realizes that you are eager to learn, you will move up the ladder in no time. Do the best you can on any project or assignment you are given and be willing to help your coworkers when they need a hand. If you exude positive, hardworking vibes, someone will eventually notice. Crafting a happy, fulfilling future does not take place overnight. Some experts have estimated that it takes 10,000 hours to reach true mastery in any subject, which means you have to work hard to reach the future you want. But if you are truly happy doing something, the work required to get there should not feel like a chore. Focus on your goals and the steps needed to reach them. Celebrate little milestones on your way to your better future life. Know that setbacks happen, but handling them positively will bring your closer to your goals.", "A house, clean water, a loving family, friends, and food are all things that we often take for granted. So many people don't have these things so try to always remind yourself to be grateful. Be proud of your accomplishments, and be sure to thank people for their help and support. Make a list of the things you are thankful for. Let people you love know you care for them, it will both make them feel loved and strengthen your bonds. Human beings are social animals, and we feed off of each other's positive energy. Find friends and family that make you feel good and make it a priority to hang out with them. Ring them for a chat after work or go shopping on the weekend. Go to your grandma's for Sunday Lunch. Spending time with them will make you happy, and vice versa. Make sure you are taking care of yourself with some quality \"me\" time. You don't have to examine your life or look for problems, just find a few hours each week to be by yourself, away from work or stress. Go for a walk/hike, listen to your favorite albums, or curl up with a good book. Being happy and confident by yourself is the first step to being happier in any situation. Life isn't perfect, and there will be hardship along the road. Don't feel like you need to ignore bad situations or tough times, as they won't go away when you do. Instead, try and learn what you can from negative experiences, finding the positives whenever possible. You are still alive, you still have people that love you, and you still have yourself. Pick up the pieces, learn your lesson, and move on. There is no better feeling than positively impacting somebody else's life. Whether this is something little, like helping an elderly person cross the road or carrying their bags, or something big, like tutoring someone or volunteering on weekends, being generous is proven to improve your own happiness. Exercising releases endorphins into the body to make you feel better, and improves performance in almost every aspect of life. Eating well is also a huge factor in bettering yourself as most of the \"healthy\" foods contain positive nutrients (vitamins and minerals) that contribute to better overall health. Take care of your body and your mind will thank you. Love yourself and good things will happen. Remind yourself that you are worthwhile and use the power of positive thinking to bring happiness into your life. Simply feeling confident in who you are attracts similar people, and everyone, from your boss to your spouse, will take note of your energy.", "Try and examine your life from a neutral perspective, without making excuses for bad behavior or over-praising good behavior. If you were your own friend, what advice would you give yourself? What would you want to change? What is going really well? Make a little list of your own \"pros\" and \"cons.\" Can you expand or spend more time on any of the good things, and can you eliminate some of the bad? Sometimes what we want or \"need\" to do is not really what is best for us. You need to learn to weed out things that drain your energy without giving you anything positive in return. For example, as much as you love your friends, going out to the bars the night before a big test is not always the best way to spend your evening. On the flipside, spending 2 weeks studying for a test and ignoring your friends can damage important relationships and lead to unwanted stress. Remember that you need to put your own health and happiness first -- no one will blame you for that. Make time in your day for the things that are important to you, but don't make yourself so busy that you can't be spontaneous every now and then. Having a schedule makes you more likely to stick to your goals and keeps you doing the things that matter the most to you. If, for example, you want to be a better writer, schedule 30 minutes each day to write. This makes it easier to tell someone you are busy when offered work or plans. Having some free time, however, makes it easier to fit in a last-minute plan here and there. If something makes you stressful, anxious, or upset, find a way to cut it out of your life. This isn't always easy, but it is necessary to make your life better overall. Examine the patterns in your life that make you unhappy and think of ways to improve them. Relationships, work, and bad habits should all be reflected on from time to time. Start your morning by getting up for the day with vibrant energy. Wake up early and prepare breakfast. Make sure you clean up your mess as you go. Do 15-20 minutes of exercise or yoga, read the paper, and ignore social media or TV for a moment. Starting your day with productive energy makes it much easier to get off on the right foot for a better life. You can't change what has already happened, so stop trying to try. Remind yourself every day that all you can do is work on the present, and make that your priority. This allows you to develop smart, effective habits that will, in time, make you a better person. Practice meditation daily to focus your thoughts. Work on mindfulness techniques." ], "summary": [ "Aim to do what you love. Be specific about what you want to change or improve. Make a list of the steps you need to take to make your goals a reality. Never stop learning. Work above your pay grade. Be patient and appreciate the journey, not the destination.", "Appreciate what you already have. Spend as much time as possible with family and friends. Schedule personal time to relax. Find the positives in bad situations. Help others. Eat well and exercise. Be happy with who you are.", "Look at your life like you are on the outside of it. Learn to say no. Schedule your time, but not too strictly. Cut out negative influences in your life. Start your day with energy and action. Focus on the present, not the past or future." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Nailing Down the Basics", "Managing the Actual Event", "Nearing the Finish Line", "Getting the Ball Rolling", "Troubleshooting" ], "document": [ "This all seems a little too logical, but you need to get these down in permanent ink in order to know what's the best size of venue, the right budget, the nature of presentations, amount (or type) of guests, and what strategies to employ for your specific event. So what's your ideal outcome? What do you want to get done? Once you figure out what you're doing (celebrating, fundraising, educating, selling, proposing, etc.), think about why you're doing it. Knowing your motivations can help give you focus and drive. Having a few objectives can also help align you in the direction you need to be going. You can't keep trying to reach a goal that hasn't been set! When you have $4,000 and you're aiming for $5,000, that goal can push you through to the finish line. This is one of the most important factors in your event planning. Pick a date and time no one can make and it doesn't even matter how great an event you have planned. And pick a date and time that's too far into the future -- or coming up too soon -- and your guests will either forget about it or already have plans. The Goldilocks syndrome of event managing! Ideally, you want to let your guests know about two weeks out. That gives them a good amount of time to not yet have plans and a good timeline for inviting them and reminding them once or twice before the time actually comes. So have your event be a few weeks into the future minimum, if you can swing it. Now that you have an idea of what you're doing and when you're doing it, you can start thinking about venues and approaching potential ones with a date and things you'll need. What kind of building do you want to host in and how will the space be managed? Are the guests to be sitting on chairs in rows, on benches or at tables, or on picnic rugs in the open? Will the weather pose a problem? Will there need to be room for dancing, speakers podium or a stage? If so, plan to ensure the event space is large enough. It is always best to visit the site in advance and draw yourself a map of the area. This map can be used as a \"battle plan\" and allows you to sketch and allocate table space, service routes for food service, disabled access if required and exit routes, as well as how you will get the equipment into place. You should also mark where the power generator (if required), external equipment such a refrigerator, ice maker, barbecue or stoves (etc.) will be, as well as where power points and cables will be (which may be covered discreetly with a rug) and other safety hazards to address. Are legal and local government approvals required? In most instances approvals are required for a bar, but also for excessive noise, vehicle access and parking, building large enclosures such as a pavilion and other needs. How many people can your budget and venue handle? Some events are strictly ticket entry or invitation only, so it is easier to plan, but many events will have latecomers, or extras such as children, partners or friends. And keep in mind that the more guests you have, the more crew you need, too. As it can be the biggest logistical problem it's always wise to ensure there adequate room for all people to move around at the site. In older establishments, they usually call the quantity of guests \"pax,\" so if working in a function centre and you see \"Pax 150\" it means 150 guests are expected. Hopefully you have a few people you can lean on to gauge together how much money you'll need for this event. Are you paying any staff? Renting equipment and your venue? Supplying food and drinks? Publishing pamphlets or postcards? Settle on a number that seems doable and cater your plan to it. You don't want to wind up paying out of your own pockets for this if you don't have to. You may be in a situation where you can get sponsorships or donations, but most of us aren't so lucky. If you don't foresee any more funds coming in, it's imperative that you cut corners when need be. Instead of having a catering team, form a BYO or a \"bring-a-plate\" function (catering is minimal, but you will need to provide a food table, bain maries and refrigerators). Instead of hiring a photographer, go around and take photos yourself. Get creative where need be! Organize your service team (even if they are friends and relatives or other volunteers) to handle different, relevant sections, even if you're not professionally running an event, but running a small family event. Good event management in a big scale is about organizing people to be in charge of individual areas of the event and making sure everyone knows what the plan is. Your crew needs just as much advanced noticed as the teams you're hiring and your guests. Assign them duties as soon as possible, giving them preference if you can. And try to have a few people on standby -- there are always a few flakes in every bunch. No more planning can happen until know just what's going to happen at your event. When are the speakers speaking? Are there games, activities, or presentations that should be scheduled? How much time will the guests need to eat? Work out a fairly detailed timeline for the day's activities. Always leave a little wiggle room; no event will be exactly as you planned, down to the minute. People run late, speeches take longer than expected, the line for the buffet doesn't shuffle along, you name it. So while you need a good idea of what's happening, understand that it's for organizational purposes and nothing is written in stone.", "Be the first to arrive at the site to oversee the preparations. Make sure everyone files in accordingly and start making phone calls if not. Assist those who need assisting, direct those who need directed, and get out of the way when you need to. No injuries until after the event, please. You'll feel a little calmer if you make a checklist. Have a portion for your crew, a portion for hired out crews, a portion for decorations and basic set-up, and a portion for equipment. When all is checked off, that's when you have time to breathe. Do not be afraid to delegate. The main stressor when it comes to an event is time. To save it, all hands need to be on deck -- or different decks. If someone isn't being as useful as they could be, give them something better to do. It's your job. It's not you being bossy or overstepping your boundaries; it's you doing what you're supposed to do. When you delegate, be firm but polite. Say, \"Juan, I need you over here right now to help out with the caterers. Thank you.\" Your crew needs to jive together as much as the event does. Keep everything moving swimmingly by being the leader that you need to be. This means making sure that things are kept to schedule and assisting or having backup plans if it falls behind -- and being okay with it. If you start stressing out, you'll lose your head. Nothing good will come of that. So when that speech runs ten minutes over and the speaker is ignoring your blatant distress signals or your attempt at feigning a stroke to create a diversion, relax. You'll just adjust the appetizer and no one will notice. Event intact. Things happen. They do. They have a bad habit of happening. There's no way you can predict everything, and the sooner you accept this the better. A calm, collected event manager can do wonders for any event; a strung-out, tense one cannot. So relax and go with the flow -- it'll all be over soon! Check that guest numbers and needs are still correct on the day of the event and advise the service team of any changes at the earliest possible opportunity You should be the first set of eyes that notices if anything goes wrong. Consult with your clients to see how they are feeling; they may be excited, nervous, worried, bored or mentally drained or have some issue on their plate that in some cases you may soothe with understanding, some kind words and practical assistance. It is wise to use this time to rejuvenate the enthusiasm in guests and the team where appropriate. Trust and respect your service team to look after themselves -- if you've given them a good base, they should be fine. Offer assistance if needed, but they should be experienced enough not to need any help at all. Here are a few things to keep in mind: Act as a concierge or receptionist at the beginning, meeting and greeting each guest (if appropriate) as they come. Hand over the reins to the MC when the event starts. The management role will be more active problem solving and ensuring all the back of housework such as food preparation and service runs to plan. Keep an eye on the guests and keep contact with the MC often and discreetly in case they want (or need) to change plans. Keep a respectful distance from the key guests - after all, the event is all about them - but be easily accessible by checking at appropriate moments how they feel the event is going, as well as any problems, requests or suggestions they may have. You want all your guests to remember how awesome of a time they had. Actually, you probably want more than that. A visit to a website, future donations, word of mouth buzz, whatever. To ensure that your event is the legend it deserves to be, give a takeaway. Whether it's a picture, a flyer, or a pen, having something to remind your guests of the event is a good way to make sure you stay in their minds. Most events tend to run themselves when they start, but all the hard work is the preparation that no-one sees. So pat yourself on the back because you deserve it! Okay, back to tearing it down. The job's not over yet! After the event, arrange a time to meet and thank your client. It is always recommended to offer an appropriate and thoughtful gift to remember their time with you, as it is these small touches that make the experience richer and may make them recommend your services in future. If you gave a gift during the event, such as in a gift registry with the other guests, then a thoughtful after present such as flowers, a framed photograph of your favourite moment at their event (such as cutting the ribbon, or the climax of the show, or the award ceremony, or the wedding kiss, or blowing out the candles on a cake, etc), or some other gift may be appropriate. Just like mom said, \"Leave it in the same condition you found it in,\" the same goes for your venue. Everything needs to be just like it was before you got there -- this is one business where you don't want to burn any bridges. So let your crews know it's time to tear down and don't let them leave until all is taken care of. And you need to pitch in too! This is nice, sure, but it also prevents you from being billed any more than you should be. Many places will tack on extra cleaning fees if they find any opportunity to do so. So make it as spic and span as possible to avoid the hidden costs. You may need to arrange returning hired or borrowed equipment and later on consulting with the client about their experience. Even if unpaid after the event, thank them for the opportunity to have such a great experience to run an event with them. Can you get a business card of theirs? Thank your crew, too! Make sure all parties are paid (and all parties have paid up), file receipts, and get everyone taken care of. You should be one of the last ones out the door -- and make sure it's locked behind you.", "Well before the event, it's a good idea to scope out your venue and figure out how everything will be set up. You may need to make additional arrangements to accommodate the floor plan -- extension cords, lighting, etc. And if it's hard to find for you, it'll probably be hard to find for your guests, so be sure to take that into account, too! If it's up to you, map out where everything will go and when. If there isn't room for it, it needs to go. Talk to the venue's manager about what help they're willing and able to pitch in and if there are any city codes you need to abide by, especially in the case of emergency. Your crews are going to be working hard. In order to show them your appreciation and to keep them on top of their game, make them a kit to give at the top of the event. Bottles of water, granola bars, chocolates, little tokens of appreciation, whatever you see fit. It'll up morale from the get-go, too. Consider getting them badges or a little party favor to make them feel part of the event and to remember it by. And make sure they stay fed and watered! Always think of your team as resources you want to be able to use in the future. Before the event, it's important to have all your ducks in a row. Be sure to provide clear instructions to your crew on how to get to the site and give them your number or preferably a business card with contacts to call if they need directions. Does anybody have any questions? No? And break! Make sure everyone is comfortable with their duties. Some people may not be willing to vocalize this, so read them if at all possible. Do they seem sure and confident? If not, reassure them, go over their duties, and ask them a few basic questions. When in doubt, pair them with a more able partner. Your own personal organization is just as important as the event's organization. If you're organized and things go haywire, all can still be fine. But if you're not, hell can break loose. Here's a few ways to prepare yourself: Make a contact sheet with phone numbers and addresses. The baker thought you were picking up the cake? No problem. Call Ashley who lives nearby -- she can swing by the bakery on her way to the event. Make a checklist. As teams file in, you'll know what goods, what equipment, and what bodies are missing. Prepare invoices and billing as necessary. The more on top of your game you are now, the fewer problems you'll have later. Is it likely there will be frequent artistic changes? Weddings are infamous for clients making last minute design changes so it is wise to recommend to your clients a cut-off date for changes. Usually 1 week before the event is leaving it very close, but it gives the client some flexibility and avoids last minute changes coming too late to be practical or cost effective to implement. If it is simple, subtle or basic changes using already sourced decorations, then it is not unreasonable to accede to change requests. Be as accommodating as possible in what is usually a very emotionally anticipated event.", "Because how else will people know to come?! You gotta send them invites! And this isn't something you should scrimp on, either. Your invitation is the face of your event. The first impression people get of what to expect and if they should even come. It's gotta be good. Consider your typical invitations -- postcards, flyers, etc. But also go paperless: email, newsletters, Facebook, Twitter, and sites like Eventbrite that serve as invitations, guest trackers, and a calendar. Correction: if you're trying to get as many people to come as possible, definitely use Facebook and Twitter. If you're trying to keep it to VIPs only, avoid these platforms. That's just asking for trouble. You'll need a headcount to know just how much and what you all need, so keep track! It probably won't be the number that actually show up, but it should give you a general idea. Websites designed for event managing can help you do this -- but so can Facebook and an Excel spreadsheet. Will you need to find, hire, book or delegate photographers, builders, designers and decorators, guest speakers, sponsors, entertainers or bands, officiates or clergy, dancing partners or demonstrations? It is wise to include them in catering and seating calculations so that a meal and a table place is provided for them if appropriate or required, too. Are food and beverages provided? If so, know who will be on the team to look after the cooking, serving and cleaning. What type of food do you need to serve? Are there likely to be guests with allergies, vegetarian or vegan needs, diabetics, religious needs such as halal or kosher, gluten-free, (etc)? And will there be infants, young children or the aged or injured who cannot eat solid foods? Are entertainment and logistics organised? This part might be delivery of music equipment, pavilions or tents and decorative effects or stage management you will need, such as a microphone and amplifiers, lighting, power outlets, projectors and screens for slideshows, smoke machines or other stage magic effects such as mirrors, banners and corporate signage, etc.If you subcontract a company to be entertainers, consult with them to ensure they are able to supply and set-up their own equipment as well as where the stage and service sections will be on the site and what the schedule will be. This way you can find out what you may need to do to assist them. Caterers, florists, entertainers and other important people appreciate as much time as possible to plan, as it is typically more expensive to obtain goods and staff for high urgency requests. The other advantage is should they not be able to keep your appointment, you have some time still to find an alternative. The MC doesn't always organise the event entirely, but they do host the event. It is usually a member of the party, who will organise speeches, announce events such as the meal courses, dancing, notable guests or entertainment. Liaise with this person often and keep them up-to-date. If they're any good, they'll be very helpful. Sometimes you may have to be the MC, in which case the job becomes much harder as you will need to keep working until it's all over. It then becomes important to set up your service team with their own group leaders so you can delegate most of the normal duties to them. When you hire a team, check and double-check that they're bringing the gear they need. In some cases, they may just be providing you bodies or goods and leaving it at that; you may need to source the equipment separately. It can be rented, bought, or even borrowed from your extensive social network. Go through your checklist from napkins to PA systems to extension cords. Decorations are a huge part of any event. Table linens, flowers, gifts, candles, balloons, banners or backdrops for photography, red carpets, (etc) should always be sourced well in advance. One thing many rookies forget are the finer points of the facilities. Are there enough? Examples are toilets and bathrooms, car parking spaces, wheelchair access ramps, changing rooms, storage rooms and kitchen space, waste disposal bins, wine coolers, power access, etc. These are obstacles that are only workable if you foresee them well in advance. Also think outside of your event: will transport and accommodation be required for international or out-of-town guests or delegates at hotels, as well as bookings and space made for their transport to get them to and from the event? Understanding the social hierarchy of your event -- if it's not truly yours -- is integral to knowing how to handle any situation. As it is essential that the client has confidence in you, you will need to find out: Who the key guests are––this is usually straightforward when it is a celebration event––such as the bride and groom. The client is not always the key guest/s but may be part of their group, or not present at all. Who the host guests are––these people often act as hosts at their own tables and tend to be good socializes and motivators of guests. These people are useful to keep a convivial atmosphere and strike up a conversation if things turn quiet, encourage people to dance or to introduce people to other guests to make new friendships. These people should be reliable but are generally useful to know as they will keep you informed, may step in and be a guest speaker or MC for you in an emergency and these are the people overall who make the event flow the smoothest at the front line. Who the peacemakers are. You should be aware at all times who these key people are as you need to advise them of issues and involve them in the handling of issues and disputes where appropriate. This will generally be the head of the family, a caretaker, or head honchos or hired security. Who the decision maker is. For most cases it is yourself as manager, but when you must consult guests and it is not appropriate to involve the key guests (as they typically will be occupied being good hosts), find out who you should consult in an emergency. Ultimately it would be the person who pays the bill if you're charging for your services, or whomever you may deem as \"the client\" as the person having the final say on the matter.", "This one is a common issue, so it is best to be prepared. By and large, delays are understandably hard to avoid (such as unforeseen traffic issues) and are forgiven by guests who came on time. That being said, here are a few things you can do to do your best to keep it from happening: Ensure that invitations are clear as to the time of the event and if requesting an RSVP, ensure that the time is confirmed. Communicate with (via your contact sheet) the MC, relevant guests (often the leaders of the party members), entertainers and kitchen staff as soon as you're aware of an issue you cannot resolve easily. Should the delayed guests be the focus (such as the bride and groom), the usual methods are: Contact the delayed guest/s directly to check for an estimation. Advise the kitchen immediately of all developments so they can slow down or speed up to keep time. Refrain from making it known publicly that the event is being delayed because of certain guests (because the party will work that out on their own), but advise key hosts or members of the party that you have been made aware of the fact. Let them know what you intend to do, but allow the hosts to make a suggestion as they know the members of their party and what would be appropriate in the context. Maintain careful watch on the time in relation to speeches. If key guests are late, serve an additional appetizer (first course) and/or beverage early as this will prevent guests who came on time from becoming bored and will keep them occupied. For guests that are going to be delayed for more than is reasonable or possible (such as when serving food that simply cannot wait, such as souffles), start the event as planned and when the delayed guests arrive, start them at the next course of a meal (even if this is dessert). Organise an additional dance, game, speech or other form of entertainment (especially music), and ensure extra distractions, such as group or party photographs are done until they arrive and this back-up strategy should be considered the day in advance. For guests deliberately arriving late, it should be seen as that guest's choice, not your fault as manager, so your duty is first to the guests that are already present and to ensure they're looked after. In a nutshell, act as if there is no problem and carry on regardless. This one is rare if you have planned things carefully, however accidents do happen (such as a guest or young child making a mess of a food table, or an accident in the kitchen). Early on you should be aware of the type of guests so you can take into account when and where food is displayed (such as for a buffet) and where such guests are seated. Any spillage for safety reasons must be cleaned up immediately, even if it means removing a red carpet or desired décor and furniture to be able to do so. If it is impossible to hide a stain without affecting the appearance or the integrity of the item (such as an antique), then removal is wise. If you have a spare, then use that; if not, move the existing furniture or décor subtly so it does not feel missing. A soft rope barrier, curtain or screen is recommended whenever you need to hide the food area (such as a buffet with chafing dishes, or when organising a \"reveal\" of the next course), as certain guests may feel that if food is in the dining area, it is free-for-all, when they want -- which is not always the case. Shuffle the menu. If part of a dish is not possible to include (such as a side dish that was burnt), either exclude it altogether, find an alternative, reduce the portion sizes to stretch foods, but increase portions of other foods to balance. Advise table hosts as required. Unexpected vegetarians, teetotallers, those with food allergies, religious or special diets –– no surprise should ever occur with proper planning –– but guests occasionally do bring along additional family members, partners or close friends without advising you, especially if it's not a strict invitation-only event. This is usually easily resolved. Keep a headcount as guests arrive and when they arrive at the door, ask if there are any food requirements and advise the kitchen and service staff immediately. For large unexpected groups that are not gatecrashers, send a team member to the kitchen to take stock and, if necessary, drive out to collect more supplies. Kitchens typically over-cater to cover for accidents and more often there are more cancellations than unexpected guests. Limited portions can be stretched when you provide additional fillers, such as bread rolls, salad or vegetable portions, ingredients for which can be quickly sourced from local supermarkets. It's wise to remember that many managers have made serious errors in underestimating the intelligence or forgetting the needs and desires of children at events, as they have the same needs and wants as adults - to have a good time and not be bored. Remember that their parents are also often offended if the event does not cater for their children. In practice, it is best to request an RSVP for every child that may come. Young children (under 10) are best given food or snacks early as many dinner events have the meals start as late as 8pm, which is far later than most children are used to. Food provided should be fun and healthy but as special as the adult menu as parents appreciate special touches for their children - it makes their job easier so they can have fun as guests in their own right. Over 10's usually are fine to be served adult food and portions, even if they don't eat all of it, but offer the children's menu to them (with their parent's permission) if they don't seem keen on the options. It has also been known for young adults 13-18 to often request the same food as youngsters, such as a hamburger and fries as opposed to more formal restaurant food and it has been a frequently used trick to re-brand the children's menu as an \"Alternative Menu\" for this age group of guests. It is very wise to play safe and discuss with key guests about your plans to keep the young and old engaged, well in advance of the date. A discrete area should be provided for mothers with young children for their needs such as toilet/bathroom breaks, breastfeeding (etc.), and a place for very young children to sleep in if they are tired. Ideally this would never happen, but it does –– family or corporate events both. Politics and drama often come out at events that, as an outsider, you would not be always aware of. Prepare yourself. Ask the client or key guests before the event of the likelihood of such issues, or with selected hosting guests if it is not appropriate to discuss these issues with the key guests, so that way you can ensure that people are seated in places that will not cause issue. Enlist service staff or key-guests to act as unofficial monitors, to keep an eye out for issues and to step in when required. Strictly speaking, your duty is to ensure the event is smoothly run, but only where it is appropriate, and to stay out of issues that are a private concern. Therefore, you should be aware of who within the party are the \"peacemakers\" of the group. As it can be a difficult job to refuse alcohol to an inebriated guest, or to deal with an inebriated guest that inclines towards anger or violence, it is wise to enlist a peacemaker guest and only involve law enforcement when necessary after consulting with the key guests. Even in small events or backyard events when alcohol is often stored in an ice box for guests to serve themselves, it is equally important to be aware. Gatecrashers are difficult. Should it happen, unobtrusively evict them if appropriate - consult your key guests to verify that they're unwelcome. For large scale and rowdy or abusive gatecrashers, your duty is to protect the existing guests where appropriate and to call security or the police if they do not leave after being politely asked to do so by yourself and/or the key guests. Guests often shuffle name cards about at the beginning where they are sitting, so that they end up sitting next to people they want, or at a table they want. It is wise to check with the key guests how far this is permissible according to them. Typically you should have organised table plans in advance and have received approval from the key guests. Should it be that people must be at certain tables, then it is wise to keep people out of the dining room altogether until time. Often the lobby, foyer or bar area serves this purpose and if it is very important due to family issues, it is wise to group people together and move them en masse to the separate tables by each host-guest and service personnel to seat them in their proper order. Sudden, unexpected rain or snow can be common in parts of the world; likewise, a heatwave or a cold front can also can pose a problem. While weather events are not usually an issue if you're indoors, being outside makes things difficult. If bad weather is expected, then consider moving the event location. If the event cannot be relocated or rescheduled, hire a large tent or pavilion (admittedly this can be pricey on short notice). Keeping an eye on weather developments as you go is important; very little can be done to salvage an event affected by weather, so make the best of what you have. Many parts of the world now have insurance policies in the event of severe weather or other problems. If you are in an area which is known for unexpectedly changeable weather, it is recommended to source a quote if there may be a chance the event will have to be re-scheduled as it will at least cover the client the cost of extending hire of equipment, site and service personnel." ], "summary": [ "Figure out your purpose and objectives. Pick your date and time. Pick your venue. Choose the amount of people to invite. Settle on a budget. Assemble a team. Nail down the agenda.", "Set everything up. Delegate. Be flexible. Keep everyone updated. Do your thing. For marketing events, give a takeaway. Congratulate yourself after the event. Clean up and get out! Take care of returns, payments, and thank all parties.", "Get familiar with the venue. Consider making kits for your team. Check in with all teams and outside parties. Prepare a contact list and other paperwork, if necessary. Avoid last-minute changes.", "Send out invitations. Keep track of those who have accepted. Handle what you need to hire out. Find someone who will be the master of ceremonies (MC). Gather your equipment. Cover your bases. Know who you're dealing with.", "Know how to handle late guests and other guest problems. Know how to handle food issues. Know how to deal with children. Know how to deal with rowdy or intoxicated guests, gate-crashers and other guest problems. Know how to handle inclement weather." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Preparing to Broil", "Broiling Vegetables", "Broiling Meat" ], "document": [ "There are two options for where your broiler might be. In some gas ovens, there will be a drawer below your oven with your broiler inside. In most electric ovens and some gas ovens, there will be a broiling rod at the top of the oven. Take a peek inside your oven and determine the location of your broiler. If your broiler sits inside of a drawer at the bottom of your oven, it may contain a two-tiered broiling pan. If your broiler is in the top of your oven--or if you've misplaced your two-tiered broiling pan--you will need to use something else. A rimmed cookie sheet is a good option. Cover the pan you will use with aluminum foil, and give it a light spritz with non-stick cooking spray. If you have a two-tiered broiling pan, cover both tiers with foil. Cut slits into foil on the top pan to allow any fat or grease to drain. Do not use glassware. Even reinforced glass--such as Pyrex--can be damaged under such high heat. If your broiler sits inside your oven, you will need to make sure that you have a rack in the best position. In general, you will place an oven rack in the highest possible slot, 2-4 inches (5.08 - 10.16 cm) away from the heat source. However, for some recipes (such as broiling certain vegetables or fruit), you may want the rack a bit farther away. Your broiler is a direct heat source that warms up pretty quickly. Turn on your broiler and allow it to heat up for five minutes before you begin cooking your food. Most broilers will have just an \"on\" or \"off\" option. But some may also have \"high\" or \"low\" settings. In general, keep your broiler set to high and ignore the low setting. If you are using the low setting, you are really just roasting your food, not broiling.", "If your recipe calls for it, season your vegetables with spices, oils or dressings. Then place your vegetables on the broiling pan of your choice. Make sure that your broiler has been heating for about five minutes. Set the broiler pan in the oven, directly beneath the broiler element. Now will you need to wait a bit for the veggies to cook. You may want to set a timer for 10 minutes. If you have a drawer-style broiler, slide it out and place your pan inside. If your have a broiler at the top of your oven, set an oven rack at the highest position and place your pan it. When your timer goes off, you will know that it is time to turn your vegetables. Carefully remove the broiling pan, turn the vegetables over, and return them to the oven. After you return the pan to the oven, you will want to keep a close watch on your vegetables to make sure that they do not burn. Allow them to broil for up to five more minutes, or when they are cooked through.", "If your recipe calls for oil and/or spices, place these on your meat now. Be sure to season both sides of the meat. Using oils or herbs and spices is totally optional when using your broiler. Once your meat has been brought to room temperature and seasoned, it is ready to go in the oven. Set the meat on the broiler pan of your choice, and place the pan in the oven directly beneath the broiler. If your broiler is in a drawer, slide the drawer out and place your broiler pan inside. If your broiler is in the top of your oven, place your pan on an oven rack in the highest position. For thin to medium-sized cuts of meat, you will want to wait 7-10 minutes before flipping the meat. If you are using thicker cuts (or if you prefer your meat very well done) wait closer to 15 minutes, then flip. After your meat has been flipped, place it back under the broiler and close the door. Wait an additional 5-10 minutes for the meat to finish cooking. The safest and most accurate way to determine the doneness of your meat is to check the internal temperature with a meat thermometer. When your meat reaches the appropriate temperature, remove it from the broiler. Here are some guidelines: Medium rare meat = 145 degrees F (63 C) Medium = 160 degrees F (71 C) Well-done meat = 170 degrees F (77 C)" ], "summary": [ "Locate your broiler. Prepare your broiler pan. Position your oven rack. Warm up your broiler. Use the \"high\" setting.", "Prep your veggies. Place your pan in the oven. Wait 10 minutes, then turn the veggies. Broil for an additional 5 minutes (or less).", "Season your meat. Put your meat under the broiler. Wait 7-15 minutes and then flip your meat. Broil for an additional 5-10 minutes. Use a meat thermometer." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Making a Soda Can Steam Engine (For Kids)", "Making a Paint Can Steam Engine (For Adults)" ], "document": [ "Use tin snips or shop scissors to make a smooth horizontal cut about 1/3 of the way up from its base and around the can’s circumference. Fold the rim on each piece of the can in on itself to eliminate its sharp edges. Take care not to cut yourself as you do so. Most soda cans have a circular base that curves into the interior of the can. Push this out by flattening it with your fingers or using the bottom of a small glass or jar to smooth it. You can use a paper punch for this, or you can make the holes with a nail and hammer. You will need a hole slightly larger than 1⁄8 inch (3.2 mm) in diameter. Crumple foil and place it under and around the candle to hold it in place. Tea light candles come in small tins, so the wax should not melt and spill into your aluminum can. The 1⁄8 inch (3.2 mm) tubing should bend easily around the pencil. You will need enough coiled tubing to stretch across the top of the can, plus about an extra 2 inches (5.1 cm) of straight tubing on each side. Center the coil over the wick of the candle. Try to have about the same length of straight tubing sticking out of each side of the can. Bend the straight sections of the tubing so that they go in opposite directions on each side of the can. Then, bend them again so that they reach below the base of the can. When you're done, you should have a coiled section of tubing in the middle over your candle that stretches downward into two opposite-facing \"jets\" on either side of the can. Your \"boat\" should float comfortably. If the tubing ends don't quite sit below the waterline, try weighing the can down slightly, but be careful not to sink it. The easiest way to do this is to place one end in the bowl of water and suck through the other like a straw. Alternately, you can hold your finger over one end and hold the open end under a running faucet. Over time, the water in the tubing will heat up and begin to boil. As it evaporates into steam, it will shoot out of the \"jets\" of the tubing, causing the entire can to spin in the bowl.", "Mark a 6 in × 2 in (15.2 cm × 5.1 cm) rectangle horizontally on the side of the can 1 inch (2.5 cm) up from the base. Note that for this paint can (and the other one you'll use), you'll want to ensure that the can contained only latex-based paint and that it has been thoroughly washed with soap and water before use. Bend 2 1⁄3 inches (5.9 cm) at either end of the 4 2⁄3 inches (12 cm) side down at a 90-degree angle. This should create a 4 2⁄3 in × 4 2⁄3 in (12 cm × 12 cm) square \"platform\" with 2 2 1⁄3 in (5.9 cm) \"legs\". Place this mesh inside the paint can, \"legs\" down, lining it up with the edges of the hole you cut. Eventually, you'll burn coals inside this paint can to provide the heat for your steam engine. If these coals don't have a steady supply of oxygen, they won't be able to burn well. Allow ventilation by drilling or punching a series of holes in a half-circle pattern along the edge of the can's lid. These ventilation holes should ideally be about 2⁄5 inch (1.0 cm) in diameter. Take about 20 feet (6.1 m) of soft copper tubing 1⁄4 inch (0.64 cm) in diameter and measure 1 foot (30 cm) from one end. Starting from this point, wrap the tubing into five coils 5 inches (13 cm) in diameter. Wind the remaining length of the tubing into about 15 coils 3 inches (7.6 cm) in diameter. You should be left with about 8 inches (20 cm) extra. Bend both ends of the coil so that they're pointing upwards and insert each through one of the holes in the lid. If you don't quite have enough length in the tubing, you may need to unwind one of the coils slightly. Place the coil on top of the mesh platform. Fill the space around and inside the coil with charcoal briquettes. Close the lid tightly. In the center of the paint can's lid, drill a hole 2⁄5 inch (1.0 cm) in diameter. On the side of the can, drill two 2⁄5 inch (1.0 cm) holes - one near the base and one above it near the lid. Use the ends of the copper tubing to bore holes in the center of two corks. Insert one 10 inches (25 cm) piece of hard plastic tubing into one cork and one 4 inches (10 cm) piece into the other so that they fit snugly and extend slightly from the other end of the cork. Insert the cork with the longer tubing into the bottom hole on the small can and the cork with the shorter tubing into the top hole. Secure the tubing in each cork with hose clamps. Place the smaller can above the larger can with the corked tubing facing away from the larger can's ventilation holes. Use metallic tape to secure the tubing from the bottom cork to the tubing extending from the bottom of the copper coil. Then, secure the tubing from the upper cork to the tubing extending from the top of the coil in the same way. Use a hammer and screwdriver to remove the center portion of a circular metallic electrical junction box. Secure an electrical cable clamp to the junction box with the retaining ring inside. Insert 1 6 inches (15 cm) copper pipe with a diameter of 1⁄2 inch (1.3 cm) through the cable clamp connector so that the tubing protrudes a few centimeters below the hole in the junction box. Blunt the edges of this end inward with a hammer. Insert this end of the pipe into the hole in the lid of the smaller can. Take a standard wooden barbecue skewer and insert it into one end of a 3⁄5 inch (1.5 cm) hollow wooden dowel rod 3⁄8 inch (0.95 cm) in diameter. Place the dowel rod and skewer inside the copper pipe in the metal junction box so that the skewer points up. The skewer and dowel rod will act as the \"piston\" when the engine is running. To make the motion of the piston easier to see, you might want to attach a small paper \"flag\" to the top. Remove the junction box assembly from the small upper can and fill the upper can with water, allowing it to drain into the copper coil until the can is about 2/3 full of water. Check all connectors for leaks and ensure all seals are tight. Secure the lids of both cans by tapping them with a hammer. Replace the junction box in its spot above the small upper can. Crumple up pieces of newspaper and place them in the space enclosed by mesh at the bottom of the engine. When the charcoal has caught fire, allow the briquettes to burn for about 20-30 minutes. As they heat the water in the coil, steam should begin to build up in the upper can. When this steam reaches sufficient pressure, it will push the dowel and skewer piston upwards. Once sufficient pressure has been released, the piston will be pulled back down by gravity. Trim pieces off of the skewer as needed to reduce the weight of the piston - the lighter it is, the more frequently it will \"pop\" up. Try to whittle the skewer down to a weight such that the piston \"runs\" at a constant clip. You can speed up the burning process by using a hair dryer to blow through the ventilation holes. It probably goes without saying that this DIY steam engine requires careful handling and operation. Never run the steam engine indoors. Never run it around flammable material like dry leaves or overhanging trees. Only run it on a tough, non-flammable surface like concrete. If you're working with children, ensure an adult is present to supervise at all times. Do not children or teenagers approach the engine while the charcoal is burning. If you're ever not sure how hot the engine is, assume that it's too hot to touch. Also, be sure that the steam is able to escape from the upper \"boiler\". If the piston becomes stuck for some reason, pressure can build up inside the small can. In a worst case scenario, this can cause the can to explode, which can be very dangerous." ], "summary": [ "Cut an aluminum can to about 2 1⁄2 in (6.4 cm) tall. Fold and crimp the cut rim with pliers. Push the bottom of the can out from the inside to flatten it. Punch two holes on opposite sides of the can 1⁄2 in (1.3 cm) from the top. Place a tea light candle in the center of the can. Wrap the center of a 6–8 in (15–20 cm) long piece of the copper tubing around a pencil 2 or 3 times to make a coil. Insert the ends of the tubing through the holes in the can. Bend the ends of the tube with pliers to make 90-degree angles. Set the can in a large bowl of room temperature water with the tubing ends submerged. Fill the tubes with water. Light the candle.", "Cut a rectangular hole near the base of a gallon paint can. Cut a 4 2⁄3 in × 9 1⁄3 in (12 cm × 24 cm) piece of metal mesh. Make a half-circle of holes along the lid's perimeter. Create a coil from copper tubing. Run both ends of the coil through the lid ventilation holes. Insert the coil and charcoal into the paint can. Drill tubing holes in the smaller paint can. Insert corked plastic tubing into the holes on the side of the smaller can. Connect the larger can's tubing to the smaller can. Insert copper tubing through a junction box. Insert the skewer into the dowel rod. Prepare the engine for operation. Run the engine! Be safe." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Creating Memorable Passwords", "Bypassing a Windows Login Password", "Remembering Forgotten Passwords" ], "document": [ "This password is just four or five words in a row, such as \"talkdeathplaidhonest .\" An old idea popularized by an XKCD comic, this system creates passwords that are easy to remember and quite secure. The catch is, you must choose the words at random, for example by using a random word generator or flipping through a book. People who choose the words themselves are much more likely to pick certain types of words, which makes the password much easier for a hacker to guess. Create a unique sentence that you find easy to memorize, then use the first letter of each word as a password. Preserve the capitalization and punctuation. A familiar fact or a story from your life is easy to memorize, but avoid simple statements that someone who knows you could guess. A lie about your life is even better, if you can remember it. If you're required to include numbers, replace \"to\" with \"2\" and \"for\" with \"4,\" or come up with a sentence that includes a number. For example, the sentence \"It was no fun breaking my tooth when I was 12.\" becomes \"IwnfbmtwIw12.\" Do not use famous quotes or song lyrics, as some hackers test for this system using a quote database. No one wants to memorize dozens of unrelated passwords, but reusing the same one is even worse. One compromise is to start with one \"base password,\" then adjust it with a rule based on account-specific info such as login name or site name. This is not secure if someone is targeting you personally, but it's an easy way to memorize passwords that should survive mass cracking attempts (when hackers are targeting the service's database). For example, let's say your base password is RoM4,5zi,. (You can start with something easier to memorize, but that can make your \"rule\" more obvious if one password is compromised.) Let's say your rule is \"Add the second, fifth, and sixth letters of your login name to the front of your base.\" On website 1, your login name is \"MechaBob.\" The 2nd, 5th, and 6th letters are eaB, so your password for this site is \"eaBRoM4,5zi.\" On website 2, your login name is \"RobertMarshall,\" Your password here is \"ortRoM4,5zi.\" If you must write your passwords down, keep them in a secret, private location away from your computer. Instead of just writing down your full login info — a disaster if someone finds the notebook — try one of these systems to make them more secure: Keep one notebook with a numbered list of your accounts, e.g. \"1. Work Email, 2. Auction Site.\" Keep a second notebook in a different room with a numbered list of passwords. Write the passwords down in code, such as an alphabet cipher, shifted one key left on the keyboard, or anything else you can come up with. This could delay a thief long enough for you to change your passwords, at least. Instead of writing down passwords, write down hints for yourself. After installing a password manager, the software creates and remembers secure passwords for each of your accounts. All you need to do is choose one secure password for the manager — and since this protects everything, this had better be 16 characters long and completely un-guessable. This is much more secure than using the same weak password for every site, but you are creating one point of failure. Services that store your master password in the cloud are more vulnerable to attack. The \"remember your password\" feature that came with your browser or computer is not a secure password manager. Unfortunately, the easiest passwords to memorize are also the easiest to guess. Do not rely on these common techniques: Never use a famous date in your life, the name or initials of yourself or a relative, or other obvious personal details. Even a hacker who doesn't know you may test passwords that follow these common formats. Avoid obvious patterns. \"Orange Yellow Green Red\" is much easier to guess than \"Orange Capture History Dress.\" Numerical series like \"4567\" are the worst of all. Obvious substitutions such as 1 for i or $ for S do not increase security, and make your password harder to remember. The only reason to do this is for accounts that require numbers or symbols in the password.", "The method below will work on most Windows computers, assuming you have not disabled Sticky Keys. However, it will block your access to all encrypted files and saved passwords on your computer. Consider these OS-specific methods first: Windows XP Vista Windows 7 Windows 8. Insert your Windows install disc, then restart your computer. You may need to wait a short time. \" You may need to select your language first and click Next. This is on the list of recovery tools. Sticky Keys is an accessibility mode enabled when you press Shift five times. Enter this code in the Command Prompt line to rewrite this shortcut for another purpose: Type copy c:\\windows\\system32\\sethc.exe c:\\ and press enter, replacing the \"c\" with the letter of the drive wherever \"c:\" appears. Enter copy /y c:\\windows\\system32\\cmd.exe c:\\windows\\system32\\sethc.exe, again using the correct drive letter. Wait for the login screen to load. This will trigger Sticky Keys — except, because of your adjustment, it should open Command Prompt instead. In the Command Prompt window, enter net user followed by your username, then a new password. Type a space in between \"user\" and your username, and between your username and password. You should be able to log in to that user account with the password you just set.", "Most likely you've already tried these, but make sure you've covered your bases before moving on to technical solutions. As long as your account doesn't limit the number of password attempts, you may as well spend a few minutes on these: Think back to any old passwords you may have had, perhaps involving the names of relatives or pets, birthdays, or common sequences such as \"1234\" or \"qwerty.\" You may have added a number to the end of your usual password. \"1\" is a very common choice, as is a significant year (usually the user's birthday). Make sure CapsLock and NumLock are turned off. Most login screens include a \"Forgot your password?\" option, which should send you an email or text with a temporary password. Change your new password immediately after logging in. Here are specific instructions for gmail, Instagram, Apple ID, and Hotmail passwords. This works best for offline programs, as most online accounts limit you to a few password guesses before locking you out. There are many free options available, including John the Ripper and [Crack-Windows-Passwords-With-Ophcrack-and-Rainbow-Tables|Ophcrack]]." ], "summary": [ "Make a password from a list of random words. Take the first letter of each word in a sentence. Come up with a simple rule to adjust passwords to each site. Write down passwords securely. Consider a password manager. Avoid obvious passwords.", "Check for other options first. Boot your computer from a Windows install disc. Click \"Repair your computer. Select the operating system to repair, Make a note of the drive the operating system is installed on (usually C or D). Open Command Prompt. Enter the code to overwrite the Sticky Keys shortcut. Exit command prompt and reboot the computer. Tap Shift five times. Alter your password. Log in.", "Test for quick solutions. Contact the service to retrieve your password. Use a password cracker." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Preparing to Play", "Playing the Game", "Playing Phase 10 Shuffle", "Learning the Game Terms" ], "document": [ "Unfortunately you can’t play the game if you don’t have the deck of cards. Phase 10 is made and distributed by Mattel Games, the maker of Uno. You can find the card game online at their website . If you don’t want to order online try checking your local game store. You need between two and six people to play Phase 10. It isn’t a single player game so you will need some friends who want to play with you to join in. You will want a big table with seats for everyone. The game can get pretty spread out and you are dealing a whole deck so make sure everyone has enough room. If you don’t have a suitable table you can always play on the floor.", "This should include reference cards describing the 10 phases as well as 108 additional cards--24 red, 24 orange, 24 yellow, 24 green (all numbered), 4 skip cards, and 8 wild cards. Each player should receive 10 cards, which are held so that only the player holding the hand can see which cards they are. This will serve as the draw pile. Turn over the top card of this pile and set it face-up next to the draw pile. This will serve as the discard pile. This player will take the top card of either the draw pile or the discard pile, then choose one of their cards to discard. During the first round, each player is trying complete phase 1 (see above) so they can go out and end the round. The round ends and all players score and discard their current hands . Anyone who completed phase 1 in round 1 moves on to trying to complete phase 2, but anyone who could not complete phase 1 needs to do so before proceeding. It is still possible for anyone to win, however; it all depends on who goes out and who ends up with a lot of cards. This person is typically considered the winner, although some people play so that the person with the fewest points wins, no matter who ends the game.", "This is a great way to get more than six people playing at one time. This method will also keep the groups changing each hand, allowing everyone to play together while also participating in separate games. For example you could do two groups of four, or a group of five with a group of six, or three groups of five, or anything else you choose. Do this at random so as not to be unfair. Demote the players with the highest scores and those who are working on the lowest phases. Hopefully you don't hurt any feelings, but those are the rules of the game! These could be things like talking in general, talking to specific people, laughing, coughing, scratching, or anything else you come up with. For example, maybe you make a rule that the highest player is not allowed to talk to the lowest player. If they do speak to one another, you can apply a penalty to the players.", "These are necessary to learn before you get started playing. You don’t have to memorize them all immediately, just keep this sheep handy so that you can refer to it as the game goes on. As you continue playing the terms will start to stick in your memory. A set is 2 or more cards of the same number A run is 4 or more cards numbered consecutively (e.g. a 1 card, a 2 card, a 3 card, and a 4 card) A wild card can be used to complete a phase when a player is missing one of the necessary cards A skip card allows the player who uses it to choose another player to lose their turn Hitting lets players discard cards they don't want, so long as they play them immediately after a phase has been laid down; an example of this would be adding red cards to an initial play of 7 red cards (which is phase 8 of the game). However, players are only allowed to participate in hitting if they've already played their own phase for that round, and only when it's their turn. Going out describes the action of a player getting rid of their whole hand in a round, either by hitting or by using all their cards in their phase. As soon as any player goes out, the round ends and all players discard their cards to be shuffled and dealt for a new round. The winner of the round is the first one to go out, or use up all their cards. The winner of each round scores a 0. Scoring is one of the most important parts of Phase 10, since the player with the lowest score at the end of the 10 rounds is the winner. Scoring is calculated at the end of each round. The rest of the players gain points for the cards still in their hands. Cards numbered 1 through 9 are worth 5 points Cards numbered 10 through 12 are worth 10 points Skip cards are worth 15 points Wild cards are worth 25 points There are at least 10 rounds in Phase 10 and, consequently, 10 phases of play. The phases are listed below. Phase 1 is 2 sets of 3 Phase 2 is 1 set of 3 and 1 run of 4 Phase 3 is 1 set of 4 and 1 run of 4 Phase 4 is 1 run of 7 Phase 5 is 1 run of 8 Phase 6 is 1 run of 9 Phase 7 is 2 sets of 4 Phase 8 is 7 cards of the same color Phase 9 is 1 set of 5 and 1 set of 2 Phase 10 is 1 set of 5 and 1 set of 3" ], "summary": [ "Get your hands on a Phase 10 deck. Find people who want to play Phase 10. Find a suitable playing location.", "Shuffle and deal a deck of Phase 10 cards. Put the rest of the deck down in the middle of the players. Start the game with the player to the left of the dealer. Stop playing once someone ‘goes out’. Continue playing in this manner until someone plays a phase 10 and goes out.", "Combine two or more groups of Phase 10 into one game by using a process of promotion and demotion. Select a similar number of participants to play in each group. Promote the winners of the first and subsequent hands along with those scoring the lowest of all players. Add spice to the game by giving point penalties for behaviors you outline ahead of the game.", "Learn the terms relevant to the game. Learn how you win the game. Recognize the 10 phases of the game." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Polishing Your Linoleum Floor", "Cleaning Your Linoleum Floors" ], "document": [ "Before you polish your floor, it has to be thoroughly cleaned. Vacuum and wash your floor as you normally would, using the basic cleaning method. Make sure that the floor is completely dry before proceeding to add polish. Be sure to rinse the floor thoroughly after washing. Any leftover cleaning residue could negatively affect the polish. Do not pour the polish directly on the floor. Instead, use a clean bucket to contain the polish. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instruction on the back of the polish to know how much you should be using. Apply linoleum polish to the floor, using a clean, damp mop. Apply 1-3 coats of polish in approximately 3-4 square foot areas. Allow each coat to thoroughly dry by wait approximately 30 minutes in between coats. Let the final coat of polish dry for approximately an hour before moving back furniture and walking on the floor surface. Try to restrict the number of times you drag your mop over a given area. Moving your mop over an area more than once or twice runs the risk of leaving streaks in the polish.", "Sweep, dust mop or vacuum your linoleum floor to remove excess dirt on the floor’s surface. Focus on collecting dirt from areas underneath cabinets, cupboards, and appliances. If you vacuum your linoleum floor, be sure to change the vacuum settings to clean hard surfaces rather than carpet. Fill up a large bucket about ¼ - ½ of the way with lukewarm water. Mix in equal parts of white vinegar. The exact measurements on the water to vinegar ratios are rather loose, because most linoleum floors do not need an entire bucket’s worth of cleaning solution to clean the floor surface. Besides, standing water can damage linoleum, so you never want to use more water than necessary. Use a cleaning product specifically intended for cleaning linoleum floors. Linoleum-specific cleaning products can be found in most flooring and home department stores. Most linoleum floor cleaners need to be diluted with water, so follow the manufacturer’s instructions by mixing in the appropriate amount of cleaning detergent in a large bucket filled with the correct measurements of water. If using a chemical cleaner, make sure that your cleaning area is well ventilated. Alternatively, you could mix about 6-7 drops of a mild detergent (such as dish soap) with approximately one gallon of warm water as your cleaning solution. Bear in mind that this solution will clean and disinfect your floors, but a linoleum-specific cleaner might remove dirt a little better. Chemicals that have high pH levels can be extremely damaging to linoleum flooring, so stay away from cleaning products like ammonia when cleaning your linoleum floors. Dip a mop into your cleaning solution, and thoroughly wring out excess solution. Your mop should be damp, rather than dripping wet. Mop the floor in sections, working in about 4-6 square foot areas for each dip of the mop. If you want to clean you floors more thoroughly, you can use a soft bristled scrub brush instead of a mop. This method would most likely require you to work on your hands and knees. If you are cleaning your floor with a vinegar and water solution, you don’t need to rinse off your floor. Vinegar is a natural disinfectant, and the vinegar and water will evaporate along with the vinegar smell. After you have mopped the whole floor, dump out the bucket of cleaning solution and water, and thoroughly rinse out the mop with clean water. Refill the bucket of water with cool, clean water. Dip the clean mop into the clean water, wring out any excess water, and rinse the cleaning solution from the floor. Again, work in areas approximately 4-6 square foot areas for each time you dip the mop into the water. When you are finished rinsing the floor, dump out the bucket of water. If chemical cleaning solutions are not rinsed from the floor, they will attract tiny particles of dust and dirt, that will be harder to remove later. Wipe down the entire floor with a towel, cleaning cloth, or a terry cloth covered mop head. Allow the floor to completely dry being moving back furniture or allow traffic on the floor surface." ], "summary": [ "Wash your floor. Pour the polish into a bucket. Add the polish to the floor.", "Clean up excess bits of dirt. Try mixing a natural cleaning solution. Try mixing a chemical cleaning solution. Mop the floor. Rinse the floor. Dry the floor." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Following and Learning from Others", "Writing and Sharing", "Opening an Account" ], "document": [ "Follow about 25-30 users but don't ask an account to follow you back, it will seem rude and immature. Most people with something similar to \"follows back\" in their profile will do so without prompting. There is definitely no guarantee that randomly followed accounts will even want to read your stories or follow you, however don't let that put you off. That way, you'll know what to do to popularize yourself on Quotev. Try to emulate them, but don't copy what they do; you want to be yourself, not a copy of someone who is popular.", "You can write anything you set your heart to except sexually explicit stories because they are against the site rules and could even get your account banned if you continue writing them. Write what you enjoy writing. If you write about something that you enjoy, your audience will see that, and you'll have a better chance of people liking your writings. Make your writing engaging to the readers. Be sure to know that what you write is real, begin with a statistic that shocks, and make revisions and edits to your writing. Doing these things will grab the reader's attention. Try asking other people for advice on how you can improve your writings. Doing this will help you become a better writer. Post one saying that you're new like \"Hi, Quotev users! I am (your name) and I love to write! Check out my story!\" Doing this will especially place your story down on the lower list because everyone does them. If you want to become a popular writer come up with something original. Avoid cliches like \"I'm pregnant.\" or \"I cheated on you.\" Or even \"They kidnapped me and beat me, but I'm in love with them.\" Everyone hates reading stories like that because they have been done so many times. It just gets boring actually, so come up with a story about your personality and make it original. Honestly though, Quotev thrives off clichéd stories. You can be original, or you could churn out the same storyline every twelve year old on the site's been using. Sadly the latter will earn more fans, so it really lies in what your priorities are - do you want readers, or to write stories you care about while running the risk of them going unnoticed? Sharing your writings outside of Quotev is a good way to attract more readers, and thus will boost your popularity as a Quotev author. Provide a link to your writings so others can read them. Keep updating even if you don't have many readers. Make posts frequently and reply to comments swiftly. Thank your readers often. You definitely shouldn't let your readers control your schedule. Your writing should be a fun hobby, not another assignment. Remind them firmly that you do, in fact, have a life outside of working for them. You can't just disappear for three weeks when you have left a cliffhanger. This is not to say that you can't disappear. Your readers get that you have a personal life. It is just that you have to prepare them first. ", "Make your password tricky to guess, but easy for you to remember. It has to be over eight characters, but make it longer to be safe. Come up with a username to create. It could be a song lyric, your name, something you like, a quote, or anything else. Remember the username policy. There are a few simple rules: no profane/shocking language, or sexual material. Your username is what appears on your stories and next to your forum posts so make sure it sounds good and suits you. The same rules apply, but you cannot stylize on URL. This will be the link to your user page." ], "summary": [ "Go on a following spree. Find other popular authors and see what aspects make them popular.", "Start writing material. Post some funny/inspiring R.A's. Do not write cliches. Share your writings on other sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and online forums. Be an active updater. Share your stories in the \"Share your story\" section in Groups.", "Create an account if you don't already have one. Pick a URL." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Making a Scotch and Soda Float", "Making a Scotch and Soda" ], "document": [ "Serve your drinks as soon as you prepare them so the ice cream doesn't melt. The drinks should be served with a straw and spoon.", "Use a highball or rocks glass. Fill the glass to the brim with ice. Cubed ice generally works best, as it does not melt as fast, preventing the ice from diluting the flavor of the scotch. Cut a lime into quarters. Take one quarter and put it on the rim of your glass as a garnish. For extra flavor, you can also squeeze a small bit of juice from the lime into your scotch and soda." ], "summary": [ "Serve your drinks.", "Fill a glass with ice. Garnish with a lime wedge (optional)." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Selecting Your Therapist", "Avoiding Bad Matches", "Finding a Therapist" ], "document": [ "Now that you’ve located a few therapists, it’s time to contact and interview them. You can do this through an initial consultation, but it might be better and more cost effective to vet your therapist through a very short phone call in which you ask a few questions. Ask them if they have any LGBT friends or family. Ask them if they are up to date on the latest scholarly work in their field on LGBT issues. Ask them if they've worked with other LGBT people. Ask them if they are comfortable talking about LGBT issues and if their personal or religious feelings might get in the way. Above all, ask them to be as open an honest with you, as you will be with them. After you’ve interviewed your therapist, you need to schedule an appointment in order to have more time to evaluate them and your comfort level with them. If you don’t feel comfortable, and the therapist did not address all of your concerns and seem sympathetic, then you should go else where. After your initial visit, consider the following: Did this person seem at ease with you? Did they talk openly about your sexuality or gender identity? Did you feel comfortable? Your therapist should not reinforce negative messages prevalent in society about LGBT people. They should suggest positive coping strategies to deal with the discrimination you experience. Positive coping strategies can include: Setting boundaries with harmful people in your life. Joining an LGBT group. Finding volunteer work in the community. Now that you’ve researched, interviewed, and chosen your therapist and decided you are comfortable with that person, you should commit to a course of therapy. Working through your issues, whatever they might be, will probably not be a quick or easy process. Therapy is often an ongoing process and it might take months or even years to begin to work through your problems. As long as you are in a positive and affirming relationship with your therapist and you feel it is helping you heal and grow, you should stick with the process!", "There have been many positive changes since the days when not being heterosexual was viewed as a disease. However, other areas like gender identity are unfortunately sometimes still viewed through a pathological lens. Some of the main points to remember are: Being LGBT is not an illness, and those who say it is are in disagreement with the findings of the American Psychological Association, the American Psychiatric Association, and the American Medical Association. No science has backed up theories that being LGBT results from having parent problems during childhood. Therapists who still advocate that view are not only on dubious scientific footing, but are reinforcing the negative messages about being LGBT. Attempts to change someone's sexual orientation or gender identity are ineffective and harmful. Being LGBT in and of itself has not been found to be a source of mental illness or to result in rates of mental illness higher than the general population. Instead, stresses an individual faces from homophobia cause a great deal of mental anguish for LGBT people. Therapies that ignore this can increase rates of suicide, anxiety, and depression in the those being treated. Counselors who advertise as working within a certain religious structure are outwardly advertising that they will be using this as their value scaffolding in their therapy. This is not to say you cannot find a therapist who is both religious and LBGT-affirming, nor is it to say you can't be of a certain religion and also be LGBT. Talk to a potential therapist about their beliefs and values, and whether or not they have a moral stance on LBGT issues. If they are not supportive, then this is not the counselor for you. Do not allow anyone to try to change you to conform to their own religious morality. There are many therapists, religious and non-religious, who specialize in making you “normal” and turning you heterosexual. Be aware of their tactics and their terminologies so you can identify them. If your therapist does use any of these tactics or terminologies, you should probably go elsewhere. To help identify gay-conversion therapists, consider these questions: Does the therapist insist you're a \"confused heterosexual\" and not respect your gender or sexual identity? Does the therapist spend a lot of time talking about how your parents treated you when you were very young? Does the therapist ignore your mental health concerns and insist you engage in gender “appropriate” activities? Does the therapist reject the idea that it's okay to be LGBT? When looking for a therapist, you need to be aware that not all therapists will be open and sympathetic to LGBT issues. If they are not sympathetic, your experience will probably not be a positive healing experience. There are a number of things you should consider and be aware of when you choose a therapist: It's not safe to automatically assume potential therapists will be knowledgeable or sympathetic to LGBT issues. There are still many therapists and psychiatrists who may view LGBT people as inherently mentally ill, or troublesome, or in need of a \"cure\" for their identity. Therapists might not openly lead with their biases, but if you ask them directly you should be able to get a sense of where they stand on LGBT issues or the issues closest to your needs. You might also want to ask a potential therapist whether or not they themselves are comfortable sharing what their orientation is, and whether or not they are out of the closet. Some therapists will adhere to a professional standard of never disclosing their own orientation to their clients, and you may have to decide whether you would be okay with this.", "Make sure to specifically seek out therapists that list themselves as \"LGBT-affirming.\" After all, you want a therapist who will affirm your LGBT identity and help you reach a better place mentally while being who you are. Consider referrals from friends in your community. Look at the Yellow Pages. See if there is a LGBT community center or support groups that might point you in the right direction. There are many places on the internet to find a list of mental health professionals that can help you, including professional association websites, forums, support group websites and more. Consider the following: Search for mental health professionals at https://therapists.psychologytoday.com/rms Use the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association’s Provider Directory athttp://www.glma.org/ to look through a list of inclusive medical providers. Check out the Healthcare Equality Index at http://www.hrc.org/campaigns/healthcare-equality-index to find the LGBT inclusive policies of organization leaders in healthcare. If you are transgender, consider the following resource at http://www.drbecky.com/therapists.html. LGBT sympathetic therapists are not available everywhere. However, distance therapy is a possible way to get the therapy you desire. Some therapists offer different forms of distance therapy in an effort to reach a wider range of people in various locations and across distances. Phone therapy and online therapy are effective means to engage a LGBT-affirming therapist from outside of your community. Don’t limit yourself to just “therapists.” There are a wide range of mental health, and social welfare professionals who might be able to provide the guidance and support you need. Consider the following: Licensed Clinical Social Workers: These social workers have clinical experience. You'll often find them working in group settings. Licensed Addiction Counselors: Addiction counselors are not therapists, but work in a similar capacity. Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists: These therapists specialize in family and marriage issues." ], "summary": [ "Interview prospective therapists before you commit. Visit your therapist. Gauge your therapist’s perspective and their intentions. Commit to the process of therapy.", "Educate yourself on the current views of LGBT issues in the psychological community. Looks for a therapist who shares your values. Identify the terminology and techniques used by illegitimate, gay-conversion therapists. Look for signs that a therapist might not be sympathetic.", "Find a therapist who specializes in or has experience with LGBT issues and possesses an affirming and sympathetic attitude. Consult internet resources to locate an LGBT-affirming therapist. Look for a distance therapy option. Research alternative ways to get your therapy." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Troubleshooting AirDrop", "Using AirDrop" ], "document": [ "AirDrop does not transfer over your standard wireless network, so you'll need to ensure that the two devices are physically close to each other. For optimal performance, both devices should be within 30 feet (10 meters) of each other. AirDrop allows for file transfers between iOS devices and OS X computers, but you'll need to meet some basic requirements in order to use it. AirDrop requires: iOS Devices - iPhone 5 or later, iPad mini, iPad 4th Generation or later, or iPod Touch 5th Generation or later. Must be running iOS 7 or later, iOS 8 if you intend to use AirDrop between your iPhone and Mac. Mac Computers - OS X Yosemite (10.10) or later for transferring between iOS and OS X. MacBooks from mid-2012 or newer and iMacs from late 2012 should work. If your AirDrop visibility is turned off, other devices won't be able to find you. iOS - Open the Control Center and tap the AirDrop button. Select \"Everyone\" for maximum compatibility. You'll still need to confirm transfers, so this isn't really a security issue. OS X - Open a Finder window and select the AirDrop option in the left menu. Set \"Allow me to be discovered by\" to \"Everyone.\" You'll have to manually confirm transfers, so this isn't a security risk. Leave the AirDrop window open while attempting to connect. A common fix for connection problems is toggling your device's Bluetooth adapter off and on again. iOS - You can quickly do this by swiping up from the bottom of your screen to open the Control Center and then tapping the Bluetooth button. OS X - Click the Bluetooth menu button and turn Bluetooth off and then back on. AirDrop uses a combination of these two connections to setup an AirDrop connection. Check the Control Center on your iOS device and the menu bar on your OS X computer to ensure that both of these services are turned on. AirDrop has always been a bit buggy, and sometimes software updates will fix the issue you're having. Updates for iOS and OS X are free, but they may take a little while to complete. iOS - Open the Settings app and select \"General\". Tap \"Software Update\" and then follow the prompts to install any available updates. This will usually take about 30 minutes. See How to Upgrade iOS for detailed instructions. OS X - Click the Apple menu and select \"App Store\". Find the latest OS X release, which is usually on the front page of the store. Download the update, which may be rather large, and then follow the prompts to install it. See How to Update to Mac OS X Mavericks for instructions on updating OS X. If you're having difficulties connecting to your Mac computer, try signing out of iCloud on the Mac and then signing back in. Click the Apple menu and select \"System Preferences\". Select \"iCloud\" and then click \"Sign Out\". Sign back in with your Apple ID after the sign out process finishes. If you're running iOS 8.1, there's a potential bug with Apple IDs that can cause connection problems. Open the \"iCloud\" section of the Settings app. If there are any uppercase characters in your Apple ID, it may be causing the connection problem. Log out and then log back in with the same ID, using all lowercase characters in the email address. This bug was reportedly fixed in iOS 8.2.", "You will need both turned on in order to use AirDrop. You can quickly access these options by swiping up from the bottom of the screen to open the Control Center. Tap the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth buttons to turn them on. If you're transferring between an iOS device and a Mac, the Mac's Bluetooth and Wi-Fi must be enabled as well. This is the toggle with Wi-Fi, cellular, Airplane Mode, and Bluetooth. This will open up a bunch of other toggles, including personal hotspots and AirDrop. There are three settings for AirDrop when you tap the button: Off - This turns AirDrop back off. Contacts Only - Only people that you've added to your contacts can see your device for AirDrop. You will need an Apple ID account in order for this to work. Everyone - Any nearby iOS device can find your device for AirDrop. If you're transferring a file to your Mac computer, open a Finder window and select the AirDrop option in the left menu. This will allow you to receive files on the Mac. Find the item that you want to share using its regular app. For example, to share a photo with AirDrop, open it in the Photos app first. This looks like a square with an arrow coming out the top. All nearby users who are using AirDrop will appear at the top of the Share panel. Tap a person's photo to send the file to them. You can use AirDrop to quickly share files, photos, or URLs with friends and contacts that are nearby. The other person will need to accept the file before it download to their device." ], "summary": [ "Make sure you're close enough. Ensure your devices are compatible. Check your visibility settings. Toggle Bluetooth off and on again. Ensure both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are enabled. Try updating all devices involved. Try logging out of iCloud and then back in (OS X). Check your Apple ID (iOS 8.1 and earlier).", "Enable the iOS device's Wi-Fi and Bluetooth functions. Long press on the connectivity toggles. Tap the AirDrop button to select your privacy option. Open the AirDrop folder on your Mac (if applicable). Open the item that you want to share. Tap the Share button. Tap the name of the person that you want to share the file with via AirDrop. Wait for the other person to accept." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Choosing a Website", "Posting a Quality Ad", "Making a Sale" ], "document": [ "There are many different classifieds websites and apps out there that you can sell your furniture on. The more popular the site is, the more exposure your listing will get. Opt for sites that you’ve heard about to give your furniture the best chance to sell. Letgo and Etsy are examples of popular sites that people use to buy and sell items. Many sites will charge you a fee for each of your listings, while others take a percentage of each of your sales. In order to pocket as much money as you can, avoid these sites and instead opt for ones that allow you to list for free. Craigslist and Facebook are a couple of the most popular sites that allow you to list for free. However, there are also many less popular options, including: FreeAdsTime Oodle OLX.com Because it has become more popular to buy and sell items online, there are now not only sites where all kinds of items are for sale, but also sites where only specific items are for sale. Consider going with a site made specifically for furniture sales to get the best luck, as potential buyers visiting these sites are usually looking to buy furniture. Some of these sites include Move Loot and Viyet. Often, buyers will trust you more if you include a picture and a provide some information about yourself. Plus, many sites have review systems, where you can leave reviews for buyers and buyers can leave reviews for you.", "The way to create new listings varies based on which site you’re using. However, most sites have an easily accessible button that you can click on in order to be redirected to a page where you can enter in a new product description and photos. Click on any button you see that says something like “New Post” or “Create a Listing.” On Letgo, this button reads, “Sell My Stuff.” include all the basic information about the furniture in the description, such as how big it is and what material it's made out of. The buyer wants to know as much information about the piece as you can provide. For example, if you’re selling a kitchen table, your description might say something like, “Used sturdy 44 in (110 cm) by 44 in (110 cm) by 36 in (91 cm) kitchen table for sale. The table is made of oak and comes with 4 chairs and blue detachable seat cushions. Both the table and chairs are in excellent condition, and have no scratches.” You don't want angry buyers who will leave you with a bad review or refuse to pay. Even if your furniture isn't in perfect condition, there's likely still a buyer out there who may want it. Try to be as honest and straightforward as you can to keep potential buyers happy and to encourage them to follow through with the sale. Try to answer as many questions as you can ahead of time. Put yourself in the buyer's shoes. What would you want to know about the piece of furniture? For instance, is it easy to clean? Is your home pet-, bug-, and smoke-free? How long have you had the piece? Buyers will be curious about the answers to these questions. The ad is your opportunity to really sell this piece of furniture. Highlight its best features, such as how comfortable it is, the color, or its great wood details, in the listing description. If it has a story (such as it was handmade), play up that detail. Think about what attracted you to the piece in the first place, and be sure to include that in your description as well. For example, if you’re selling a large L-shaped couch, you might write. “This couch’s soft fabric and supportive structure make it perfect for comfy movie nights with the whole family.” After you’ve finished writing your description, complete with details and stories, read over it slowly and carefully. Errors can drive away potential buyers because they may make you look careless, or make your description unclear. Carefully proofread your listing to make it as professional as possible. People want to see your furniture, not the mess that surrounds it. Clean up the area around the furniture before you take photos of it. It’s also a good idea to also take any extras, such as throw pillows, table runners, or vases, off of the furniture so that potential buyers can see every part of it. No one wants to see the stains on your old table or microfiber couch. Scrub it down before you take a photo so that your furniture looks as good as it possibly can. For fabric furniture, you may want to vacuum it and spot-treat it, for instance. Buyers are more likely to click on an ad with quality photos, so make sure that you take a few in good lighting that are clear. Also, taking photos at multiple angles can help potential buys get a better idea of what the product truly looks like. Then, upload them to your listing. Keep in mind that some sites may limit how many photos you can upload, so you may have to pick your best shots. The best lighting is natural light, so try to take pictures during the day in a room with a lot of sunlight. Skip the stock photos. You may be able to find stock photos of your furniture online. However, people want to see the actual furniture you have in your home, not a brand-new model. People are typically more drawn to reasonable prices; too high might make potential buyers feel like they’re being ripped off and too low can make them doubt the validity of the description and photos. Go online and look up pieces that are similar to your piece before deciding on a price for yours. You can also put information like the age, brand, and condition of your piece into an online furniture calculator to find out what it’s most likely worth. After seeing what others are selling similar pieces for online, take a good look at your furniture piece and determine what condition it's in, whether it’s like new, has a few small scratches here and there, or is very worn. While condition tends to be most important, age is also a big factor. Generally, the older your furniture is, the less it will go for. Choose a price that you think is the most fair, clearly state the price in your listing, and then post the listing. It’s best to price the piece at 20-50% of the original price. Pick a price that’s a little lower than market price if it’s in excellent condition and you bought it less than a year ago. Pick a price that’s significantly lower than market price if its worn and a few years old.", "After you've uploaded your ad and submitted to the site, questions are likely to come in from potential buyers. Answer each one as promptly and as honestly as you can. If, for example, a potential buyer messages you and asks “Has the fabric of the couch faded at all?” you might respond by saying, “Hello! There’s very minimal fading towards the center of each seat cushion, but nowhere else on the rest of the couch. Let me know if you have any other questions, and I’ll be happy to answer them for you.” Many buyers will expect to haggle with you. You can lower the price or stand firm on it as you see fit. Keep in mind, you may sell faster if you are willing to come down a bit on the price. Once you've completed all of your steps, you've hopefully found a buyer. You can complete the transaction if you both agree on the price. For safety's sake, make sure to always have a friend around when a buyer arrives. Potential buyers are more likely to be interested in your furniture piece and follow through with the sale if you offer a delivery option. Even if you aren’t able to offer delivery, it’s a good idea to let interested buyers know right away that the piece is pickup only, so that they don’t realize this later on and back out of the sale. Don’t forget to charge a little extra for a delivery service. This is understandable and typically expected, as you’ll be taking your time and using your gas in order to deliver the piece. Additionally, double check the agreed upon time and place if you’re meeting the buyer somewhere to give them the piece." ], "summary": [ "Choose a popular site to post your listing on. Go with a site that doesn’t charge you for listings. Pick a site that’s specifically used for selling furniture. Set up a profile if the site requires you to.", "Create a new post. Write an accurate description of the furniture. Be upfront about the condition of your furniture. Anticipate questions and add the answers to your product description. Create a story to increase your furniture’s value. Proofread your description to ensure that there aren’t any errors. Remove clutter from around the furniture to prepare for photos. Clean up your furniture before you take photos. Take and upload at least 1 photo of your furniture piece. Do some research to find out what your piece will likely sell for. Decide on a price based on condition and age, and post your listing.", "Answer buyers' questions. Haggle as needed. Sell your item by agreeing on a price. Be clear about pickup and/or delivery options." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Breeding Your Guppies", "Taking Care of the Fry" ], "document": [ "Keep in mind the number of fish you want to breed, each fish’s coloring, and the shape of their tails. If you choose two fish to breed who have the same color patterns, the fry will also have that color pattern. The same principle applies for fin shape. Number of fish: Generally, you will want to select one male and two or three female guppies for breeding. When there is a ratio of one to one, the male often becomes aggressive, chasing the female around the tank. With a one to three ratio, the male’s attention is split between three females, making breeding a less stressful process for the females. Color pattern: There are several basic guppy patterns. These include Wild (grey or olive coloring), Albino (light colors or white with red eyes,) Blonde (light colors with black pigment,) and Blue (shimmering blue color.) Tail shape: The shape of guppy tails can range from a rounded back fin to a sword-like shape. There are many different shapes and sizes that guppy tails come in, but the most common are the Delta (which is a large triangular shape,) the Fantail (which is shaped like a fan,) and the Round tail (which is a small, round shape.) You should select a 10 to 20 gallon tank with a heater and a gentle filter. You want the filter to be gentle because otherwise the baby guppies (which are called fry) could be sucked up the filter and killed. If you think your filter is too strong, cover the opening of the filter with sheer tights. The tights will allow the water to be filtered but will also protect the fry. Sadly, guppy parents can turn rather cannibalistic so you will need to provide the fry with hiding places for after they are born. Guppy fry tend to sink, so use low-floating plants for their cover. Some high cover is also required as healthy fry will swim upwards. Do not use any substrate. Substrate are the rocks/imitation rocks used to cover the bottoms of fish tanks. A bare bottom tank is good for fry as it cleans easily and you can record how many fry are alive or how much they eat. Java moss or spawning moss provides a nice hiding spot for guppy fry. Set the temperature to around 77-79 degrees Fahrenheit (25 to 26.11 C) while the females and male are in the tank together. Before you place the guppies in the breeding tank, purchase food with a higher nutritional value in order to promote healthy breeding. At this point, all you can do is wait for your fish to breed. Place the male back in the regular tank when you notice that your female(s) are pregnant. You can tell whether a female fish is pregnant or not by looking to see if there is a dark mark on her abdomen. This mark is called a gravid spot. All female fish will develop this when pregnant, but it becomes noticeably darker when the eggs have been fertilized. Generally, the gestation period will take 26 to 31 days. When your female guppy is ready to give birth, her stomach will be very large and her gravid spot will be a deep black (or dark maroon if you are breeding albino or blond guppies.) Her stomach will also square off like a cardboard box rather than growing rounder. Be prepared for the fact that guppies give birth to live babies and not eggs. You will have to monitor your pregnant female closely so that you are there when she gives birth so that you can remove her from the tank immediately after (she may eat her babies otherwise.) Some signs of a fish going into labor are: being very still and secluding herself, shivering (contractions), hanging out near the heater, or a change in appetite (including refusing to eat, or spitting her food out.)", "While this may seem like a cruel practice, guppy fry are actually born fully prepared to survive on their own. Also, as stated about, mother guppies can occasionally become cannibalistic and will eat their babies. If you are not able to be there when your female gives birth, make sure to provide the fry lots of aquarium plants to hide in. Fry need to live in a tank that is around 78 degrees F (25.5 degrees C.) Keep your tank at this temperature until the fry are fully grown. The tank will also need to be cleaned often. Siphon the tank carefully every time it gets too dirty and do 40% water changes every few days to keep the water clean. Guppy fry eat brine shrimp, micro-worms or powdered flakes. They should be fed twice a day. Guppies enjoy both meat and vegetables. You should feed your guppies vegetable flakes, as well as standard flakes. Remember that fry are tiny and if you place too much food in the tank, the excess food that goes bad while sitting in the water could make your fry sick, or even kill them. Newborn fry should be fed recently hatched brine shrimp so that the guppies reach their greatest growth potential. If you want to give your guppies a treat, place a small amount of boiled spinach in their tank. This means removing any fry that have died. Dead fry will float to the top of the tank, making it easy to scoop them up. Keep track of how many fry die. If you notice that there is a high amount of fry death, you will want to figure out what is killing them. Change the water and switch to a different type of food. Any accumulated waste is bad for guppy health. When the fry are a good size, or about a month and a half to two months old, they will be ready to fend for themselves outside of the breeding tank. You can put them into your normal tank with non-aggressive fish, sell them to your local pet store, or give them to friends as gifts." ], "summary": [ "Select the fish you want to breed. Select the breeding tank. Set up the tank. Adjust the tank for your fish’s needs. Place the guppies in the breeding tank. Know when your fish is about to give birth.", "Remove your female fish from the breeding tank once the fry have been born. Keep the tank clean and at a healthy temperature. Feed the fry the right food. Take steps to ensure that your fry are healthy. Move the fry to the normal tank when they get big enough." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Caring For Your Vaginal Area", "Trying Unconfirmed Home Treatment", "Getting Medical Treatment" ], "document": [ "As you recover from vaginal thrush, you should focus on keeping your genital area clean and dry. Wash your vagina with water and mild soap or no soap. Pat it dry or air dry it after washing. When wiping yourself after going to the bathroom, use soft white toilet paper and always wipe from front to back. Breathable fabrics like cotton ensure your vagina can breathe and is not irritated due to sweating during the day. When washing your underwear, you should use mild, fragrance-free soap. Avoid using fabric softeners or dryer sheets, as these can contain chemicals that may irritate your vagina. These substances can irritate your vagina and delay the treatment of vaginal thrush. You should also avoid taking bubble baths, using bath oils, talc, or powder. Make sure to avoid powders that contain cornstarch, as cornstarch provides food for microorganisms. Tampons can irritate your vagina and slow down the treatment process, so it's best to avoid them while you recover. Though vaginal thrush cannot be spread through sexual contact, you should still use condoms when having sex to prevent the spread of other diseases or infections.", "Though you may be trying to avoid a trip to the doctor, it is important that you at least call your primary care physician before attempting any home treatments. Though there may be much anecdotal evidence behind some of these methods, they have not been proven to work, and they may in fact make matters worse, causing further irritation and/or infections. Yogurt can help to repopulate your vagina with harmless bacteria that can “crowd out” the Candida bacteria, though this is not supported by many scientific studies. Do not insert yogurt into your vagina. This is an old treatment and can be associated with doing more harm than good, as the sugars in the yogurt can lead to more problems, such as other infections. Probiotic capsules can be found in most grocery stores and drugstores. Look for a brand that contains Bifidobacterium longum; Lactobacillus rhamnosus; Bifidobacterium infantis; Lactobacillus acidophilus; Lactobacillus reuteri HA-188. Keep in mind it is not medically known if probiotics can help to prevent vaginal thrush. You can use OTC creams and gels for vaginal yeast infections to treat vaginal thrush, as they contain antifungal agents. Look for common brands like Monistat and Gyne-Lotrimin at your local drug store. Use them according to the instructions on the label. If you have recurring infections, use them for seven days. Use a single dose treatment if you have occasional infections. . While douching is generally not recommended for women— and there is no evidence to support it use — it can be used as a home treatment method when you have vaginal thrush. Discuss this with your doctor before attempting. You can douche with the following substances: Pure apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar can restore the acidic pH of your vagina and is also an antibacterial agent. Douche twice a day for four days and then daily until your vaginal thrush symptoms disappear. Diluted hydrogen peroxide: Combine 3% hydrogen peroxide with an equal amount of warm distilled water and douche your vagina with this mixture. Make sure you use distilled water, so it will be sterile and bacteria-free. Douche twice a day with this mixture for four days and then daily until your vaginal thrush symptoms disappear. Essential tea tree oil: Put two to three drops of tea tree oil into eight ounces of distilled water. Douche with this mixture twice a day for one week and then daily until all symptoms of your vaginal thrush disappear. Do not ingest the tea tree oil orally. It is thought by some that inserting a whole clove of peeled garlic into your vagina can treat vaginal thrush. Replace the garlic with a fresh clove every four hours for seven days or until your symptoms go away. Again, it is important to note that there is no scientific evidence to support this and that inserting something foreign into your vagina may cause more harm than good. You can also consume garlic orally, either on its own, or in cooking.", "You should get an official diagnosis for vaginal thrush, even if you plan to use home remedies. Your doctor will examine your genital area and likely perform a speculum exam and collect a sample of any vaginal discharge, which will be examined under a microscope. Your doctor may also look for and ask about the symptoms of thrush, which include: An abnormal vaginal discharge. The discharge may appear like cottage cheese, with whitish lumps that do not have an odor. Swelling on and around the genital area Soreness, itchiness, or a burning sensation in the genital area Your doctor may also ask you if you feel any pain or discomfort during sex or when you urinate. Your doctor may prescribe oral antifungal drugs, like fluconazole or itraconazole, or antifungal drugs that you apply directly to your vagina, like miconazole or clotrimazole. These antifungal drugs only work exclusively on vaginal thrush. You may experience more intense burning and itching in your genital area during the first few days of treatment but your symptoms should clear up within seven to 14 days. These medications have a “cure rate” of around 80-90%. If you have experienced a vaginal fungal infection before and your doctor confirms that you have vaginal thrush, you can take OTC antifungal drugs, which have a lower concentration of the antifungal agents found in prescription antifungal medications. Most OTC medications have a one-day to seven-day dose. Take a single dose, as it is usually the most effective for occasional vaginal thrush. If you get repeat infections, take the longer dose medications. Do not take OTC medications if you believe you have any other infection besides vaginal thrush. Some patients experience more burning from the one-day treatment. If this is the case, you should switch to one of the longer treatments. If you experience a lot of irritation or burning on the outside of your vagina, apply A&D ointment liberally to the area (but not inside the vagina) to help relieve symptoms. OTC medications are also recommended if your symptoms are relatively mild, you experience no fever or pelvic pain and you are not pregnant. If you think you may be pregnant or are pregnant and develop vaginal thrush, you should speak to your doctor." ], "summary": [ "Keep your genital area clean and dry. Wear cotton underwear and avoid wearing tights or panty hose. Avoid vaginal sprays, powders, perfumes, or fragrances. Use sanitary pads, not tampons. Use condoms when you have sex.", "Talk to your doctor before attempting any home treatments. Eat yogurt. Take a probiotic supplement. Use over-the-counter creams and gels for vaginal yeast infections. Try douching Consider garlic.", "Let your doctor examine your genital area. Receive a prescription for oral or vaginally-applied antifungal drugs. Get over-the-counter medication if you have had vaginal thrush before." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Traveling by Plane", "Traveling by Car", "Arriving by Train" ], "document": [ "When choosing which airport to fly into, it may help knowing that both Charles de Gaulle airport and Orly airport have direct, 45 minute shuttles to the Disneyland Paris park, and Charles de Gaulle has a direct TGV train to the Disneyland Paris park gates. Beauvais-Tille also has a direct shuttle to the park which takes about an hour and a half. There a plethora of options, including direct shuttles from the major airports and the TGV direct train from Charles de Gaulle airport to the park. It is also easy to rent a car, take the train, or take a cab. Once you've landed in Paris, your shuttle provider will provide you with directions to make sure you can find the bus. If you're renting a car, follow signs in the airport to find the appropriate rental car stand to complete your reservation. If you opted to go the train route, there should also be signs to get you to the RER or TGV (only in Charles de Gaulle) stations after you get your bags.", "Services like Google Maps, Yahoo Maps, or Mapquest will provide turn-by-turn directions and even guide you around traffic if your co-pilot operates while you drive. The parking lot is located on Boulevard de Parc, 77700 Coupvray, FR (48°52'33.9\"N 2°47'47.3\"E). From the UK, the Eurotunnel Shuttle will take you and your car from Folkestone to Calais. Alternately, there are ferries that run across the English channel, such as the P&O ferry from Dover to Calais. If you're trying to get to France through a different European country, there are a variety of highways on the E-road network that should be able to get you into the country. There are plenty of signs for the park on the Autoroute and E-road highways to guide you. From the north, take the A26 from Calais and change to the A4, following signs for \"Metz/Nancy\" if you don't see signs for the park. From the south, follow the motorway towards \"Paris\" and follow signs for Disneyland Paris. Some French motorways are toll roads, so be prepared to pay the appropriate toll. Parking is free if you're staying at a Disneyland hotel, but will cost money if you're staying elsewhere.", "The RER (Réseau Express Régional) is a network of express trains that run from central Paris to its suburbs. There are 16 metro lines and 5 RER lines that run throughout Paris. If both a metro and RER station are equally close, the RER train will likely be faster as it is an express train. Search alternate train options; depending on your starting location there may be a faster train. For example, there is a TGV (Train à Grande Vitesse, or high-speed train) direct from the Charles-de-Gaulle Airport to Disneyland Paris. There are also Eurostar trains to Disneyland Paris direct from several places in the United Kingdom. You can purchase these tickets from any metro or RER station ticket window, or from any of the automated ticket vending machines located around Paris. If you're traveling from central Paris (public transportation Zone 1) this is the only ticket you'll need to purchase. A one-way ticket from central Paris will cost less than 8 EUR (as of August 2018). A ticket t+ will NOT work for this trip since your final stop is in Zone 5, do not be a cheapskate. A fine of 35 EUR will be given if you have a wrong ticket for the wrong zone. Pass Navigo Decouverte is accepted. Paris Visite Cards and Ticket Mobilis are accepted IF AND ONLY IF Zone 5 is included. Ticket Jeune Weekend is accepted IF AND ONLY IF Zone 5 is included, AND you are under 26 and travel on weekends OR bank holidays. If the closest RER station to you does not serve the A train, you will need to take a different RER or Metro line and switch over to the RER A train. For example, if you're traveling from Charles de Gaulle airport, take the RER B train to Paris and switch to the RER A train line towards Marne la Valleé at Châtelet Les Halles station. The sign for your direction may also read \"Boissy-St-Legér\", in addition to \"Marne-la-Valleé\". As you're waiting for your train, make sure that the stop panels hanging above the train platform have a yellow box next to the Marne-la-Valleé - Chessy station. If Marne la Valleé - Chessy is not listed on the hanging panels, you're on the wrong side of the platform. Keep your ticket handy while you're aboard the RER in case you need to show it to a ticket checker (known as \"controllers\"). The Marne-la-Valleé/Chessy stop is a two minute walk from the park gates. Exit the RER A train station and go up the escalator, following the signs for \"Sortie\". Use your billet Ile-de-France in the turnstiles as you exit." ], "summary": [ "Book a flight to Paris. Plan your transportation from the airport to the park. Find your ground transportation and hop on.", "Map directions to the park. Get to France. Follow your map or planned directions to the park.", "Find the closest Metro or RER station. Purchase a Billet Ile-de-France. Make your way to the RER A train. Take the RER A train line towards Marne-la-Valleé - Chessy. Exit the station and walk to Disneyland Paris." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Preparing Avocado Butter", "Choosing the Ingredients", "Eating and Storing" ], "document": [ "Rinse each avocado under running water, and make sure that you wash it thoroughly. It doesn't matter whether you grew the avocado yourself or found it laying on the sidewalk, it's important that you rinse any chemicals and bacteria from your produce before you eat it. Dry the avocados with a clean towel afterwards to remove any persistent debris. Use a sharp knife to cut around the avocado lengthwise. Carefully place it on a cutting board, and start slicing at the top of the avocado. Rotate the avocado and knife so you cut around the entire avocado and meet up with the initial slit. Then hold the two halves of the avocado and twist them in opposite directions to open the fruit. Use a sharp, sturdy knife, and place the pit-containing half of the avocado on a cutting board. Thwack the knife solidly into the avocado pit (1/8-1/4 inch deep) so that it won't easily budge. Then, hold the avocado firmly and twist the knife (and attached pit) until the pit dislodges from the fruit. Tap or slide the pit off of the knife into a garbage can or compost bin. Exercise great caution when using a knife. If you don't want to use a knife, you can remove the put with a spoon. If you use a spoon, try to wedge your tool beneath the seed and separate it from the surrounding meat so that you can scoop out the pit. Now that you have two avocado halves, cut the avocado halves in half again, to make 4 wedges. Then pull the dark outer skin away from the green flesh of the fruit. Peel the fruit by sliding your thumb in between the skin and meat of the fruit, and peel the skin back away from the meat. If you slice the avocados open and scoop out the meat using a spoon, you don't need to peel the avocado. However, many people favor peeling off the skin of the avocado because it ensures you retain the dark green, high-nutrient layer of avocado meat closest to the outer skin. Consider cutting away the tough area where the stem meets the avocado. If you don't remove it now, you might find it amid your avocado butter later! You can hand-mash the fruit in a bowl, or you can grind it in a food processor. Either way, mash the avocado until there are no large chunks remaining. If you are hand-mashing the avocado, use a fork or a mortar and pestle. Chop the avocado into chunks first to make it easier to mash. You want the mixture to be smooth like guacamole. If you are using a blender or food processor, put the avocado chunks into the machine, add all of the ingredients, and close the lid. Process until there are no large remaining chunks. This method is best if you're making a large quantity of avocado butter – it will be much easier than hand-mashing.", ". Search supermarkets, farmers markets, and local fruit stands. Look for avocados that are firm, unblemished, and uniformly brown. Review these qualities to determine whether an avocado is ripe: Check the color and appearance: Choose avocados without dark blemishes or deep indentations on the skin. California Hass avocados ripen into a dark green or black shade; if they are green at all, they probably aren't ripe. Florida avocados on the other hand, have lighter-green skin with a yellowish tone, even when they are ripe. Feel the avocados for ripeness: Gently squeeze the avocado to test its firmness. Don't squeeze very hard with your fingertips, or you'll risk bruising the fruit. A ripe avocado is soft, but it gives in to the pressure of your thumb and other fingers. Under-ripe avocados will be firm and hard; overripe avocados will be mushy to the touch, and often unevenly so. Check the spot where the stem meets the fruit: Use your fingernail to pick away the circular remainder of the stem. This should reveal a small hole in the skin through which you can note the color of the avocado. If the \"meat\" is green, it's either ripe or ripening. If the inside of the avocado looks brown, black, or any other color, it's either overripe or moldy. Purchase unripe, firm avocados if you plan on using them in a few days. Store unripe avocados in a paper bag at room temperature between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit (18.33 and 23.88 degrees Celsius) for up to 5 days or until they are ripe. If you want to slow the ripening process, store your avocados in a refrigerator. Only ripe or soft avocados should be refrigerated. Ripe fruit can be refrigerated until it is eaten, and should last for at least two more days. The citric acid adds a tangy flavor, but its primary function is actually to preserve the avocado butter so that it will last longer. The citric acid also prevents the avocado butter from oxidizing and turning brown. If you don't add lemon juice, the avocado butter will begin to go brown within hours of preparation. If you don't have access to lemons, you can use any concentrated citrus juice: lime, orange, grapefruit, etc. Generally, the more sour the fruit, the more citric acid it contains. You could even use pre-bottled lemon or lime juice. Avoid using citrus juice that has been sweetened, pasteurized, or infused with chemical additives. Only use citrus concentrate. You can also use margarine, a butter substitute, or 1/4 cup olive oil. Lukewarm or room-temperature butter is much softer and more spreadable than cold butter. Because room temperature butter is softer, it's much easier to mix into avocado butter. If you have butter stored in the fridge, move it to room temperature and let it \"thaw\" before you use it. If you don't want to use butter, you can simply mash up the avocado with all of the other ingredients. Your butter-less \"avocado butter\" will not have quite the same texture as its buttery counterpart, but you'll be able to use it in all of the same situations. The crux of the recipe is the avocado, the butter, and the citric acid – so everything else that you add is purely a matter of taste. Try adding one clove of minced garlic, one tablespoon of fresh-chopped cilantro, two teaspoons of cumin, and salt and pepper to taste. Feel free to use fewer seasonings for a simpler avocado butter, or more complex seasonings for a spicier butter. Try various seasoning combinations to figure out what you prefer.", "The avocado butter will be freshest if you eat it right after you prepare it. Consider refrigerating it for 1-4 hours (in a covered bowl, or wrapped in parchment paper) before eating, if you'd like it cold. Consider the following ideas for eating avocado butter: Spread avocado butter on toast. You can spread it thickly onto bread, English muffins, tortillas – anything onto which you'd spread regular butter. Use avocado butter in a sandwich. You can use a lot of avocado butter as the key ingredient, or you can spread it thinly onto the bread as a condiment. Be aware that the more butter you used to make your avocado butter, the less you may want to eat in one sitting. Mix avocado butter into a salad. This treat can make a great salad dressing. Serve it on the side, or toss it directly into the mix. Eat avocado butter with any number of snacks. Dip chips or crackers; spread onto deviled eggs; dip your french fries into it; or eat it straight. You want to store the avocado butter in an air-tight container. To help the avocado keep its green color, you can put a layer of plastic wrap on top of the avocado butter (so it's touching the top surface). Fresh avocado butter should keep for three days in the refrigerator or a week in the freezer. The avocado will begin to brown within a few hours if isn't protected with concentrated lemon, lime, orange, or grapefruit juice. Don't add more than a few drops – otherwise, you may impair the taste." ], "summary": [ "Wash the fruit before preparing it. Cut the avocado. Pit the avocado. Peel your avocados. Mix and mash the avocado with the other ingredients.", "Acquire two small, ripe avocados Buy ripe, ready-to-eat avocados if you plan to make avocado butter immediately. Use one tablespoon of fresh-squeezed lemon juice. Use four tablespoons of room-temperature butter. Choose your seasonings.", "Eat your avocado butter. Store uneaten avocado butter in the fridge. If you didn't add citric acid to the recipe, make sure to add it before storing." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Using Mental Tricks", "Using Visual Tricks", "Using Verbal Tricks" ], "document": [ "Identify a person's name with a fact about him. By doing this, you will be able to recall his name by viewing a mental image of the person and his personality or job. For example, if you meet a client named Tyler who sells printer toner, say to yourself, \"Tyler sells toner.\" Although this sentence may sound simple, it will help you remember his name in the long run. If there isn't a catchy phrase associated with the person's name, create a mental image of him performing an activity that he enjoys. For example, if you meet a man named Dylan who is a fan of baseball, imagine him wearing a baseball cap. When you meet him again, you will have an image to associate with him. By repeating it a few times, you will plant it into your memory. Although you should actively participate in the conversation, focus on recalling his name. When listening to him speak, think, \"Danny told me about his new car.\" Mentally play with the name to help it stick. Over exaggerate the syllables, break it into parts, or associate a bit of it with other words. For example, the name Natalie can be exaggerated to sound like \"Naaat-ahhh-leee.\" Also, it can be made into nonsense words, such as, \"Nat-Tall-Lee,\" \"Nat-bat,\" or \"Lee-key.\" Different combinations will help ingrain her name into your memory. Connect the name of the person with someone in your life, such as a celebrity, a friend, or a family member. You can do this by noting that he has the same hair color, style, etc. Make the connection as close as possible in order to remember why you associated them. For example, you meet a new classmate. You could connect him with your high school lab partner because they both have the same name and hair color. You could also associate him with a movie character because they both have the same appearance. Note that the connection doesn't have to make sense to anyone but you. State your connection out loud. For example, once the person introduces himself, you could say, \"My sister just named her son [insert name]!\" You will not only contribute to the conversation but also help you recall his name. Often, people forget names because their attentions are divided. Meeting someone with the intention to remember the name will increase your chances of doing so. Focus your attention on the person to whom you are being introduced to. Consciously think about how you care about the introduction, as well as the goal to remember his name. A mnemonic device is a verbal phrase or visual cue that helps you remember information. Apply this method using the person's name. For example, if you meet a man named Derek who likes to workout, create a phrase such as, \"Dude Enjoys Really Energetic Kickboxing.\" This associates his name with words that describe a fact that you learned about him. You can make the phrases as simple or as hard as you want. As long as they stick in your head, they will help you remember the person's name.", "As soon as you meet a new person, jot it down. Also, include other facts about him or her that you recall. List the time and place that you met him or her, as well as actions he completes or interesting information that she mentioned in your conversation. Writing down these facts will help you recall her name, especially since you have a physical reminder. Also, it will also give you a source to refer to if you meet her again. Large events may not give you the chance to instantly write down names, especially since many introductions may be made. Instead, insert important names into your phone. Later, you can refer to them and add interesting facts that will help you recall them. Another excellent method is to leave yourself an audio message. You could also create a virtual file. Create a document or table with people's names on it. Add to it each time you meet a new person. Share the file with all your devices in order to always keep a physical reminder with you. Take the person's name, and turn it into a picture in your mind. Associate the name with an object. For example, the name Crystal could be identified with a large crystal vase or bowl. A visual connection can be a powerful tool when recalling names. This also works with names that sound similar to a concept. For example, you have a new man at work named Miles. You can associate him with a picture of a a long road that goes on for miles. When you first meet someone, study her face. Look for a feature that is unique and associate her name with it. For example, you could identify the new employee in your office by her dimples. This method will put her face into your head and help you remember her name. An excellent method to remember a person is to think of an absurd scene in relation to him. For example, if you meet someone who owns a pet grooming business, think of him surrounded by dogs in crazy hairstyles. A humorous image will help you recall his name, as well as a specific fact about him. The more ridiculous the image, the more likely you are to remember it.", "Saying it out loud a few times will help you commit to memory. Apply this method during introductions. As you shake the person's hand, you can say, \"Hello, [insert name].\" If a conversation follows, repeat her name throughout the time. If you are unable to speak to the person for long, bid her goodbye and repeat her name again before she leaves. Attempt to use the person's name two or three times throughout the conversation so that you remember it better. For example, when meeting a new colleague at work named Kira, shake her hand and say, \"Hello, [insert name]. Welcome to the office!\" Include her name when asking her questions, such as, \"What made you interested in working in technology, [insert name]?\" The more often you repeat the person's name right away, the more likely you are to remember it later. If his name is difficult to remember, asking for the correct spelling will give you a visual image. This also works for names you have never heard before, such as \"Honghui\" and \"Kichiro\". As they spell it out, you will be able to envision the way the name in spelled in your head. Also, this method will give you the chance to hear the correct pronunciation of his name again. This method can be applied to names with different spellings as well. For example, the name \"Shawn\" could also be spelled \"Sean\" or even \"Shon\". By clarifying the spelling of the person's name, you will be able to correctly identify his name. This method cannot be applied to common names, such as \"Harry.\" If you are unable to ask the person to spell his or her name, see if he has a business card. Having a visual image and physical reminder of his name will help you recall it. If it's near the start of the conversation and you forget her name, say, \"I'm sorry, but I didn't catch your name.\" If you're asking later on towards the end of the conversation, in order to sound polite, say something along the lines of, \"I've enjoyed talking to you, but I can't seem to remember your name. Please repeat it for me\". The compliment will soften the blow of having forgotten her name. Although you may feel embarrassed when asking for her name again, following this step will prevent awkward situations from occurring in the future. It is best to apply this method early in the relationship rather than later." ], "summary": [ "Make associations. Repeat the name in your head. Make connections. Care enough about the person to remember. Make a mnemonic device.", "Write down the name. Create a mental picture. Find an unusual feature. Imagine a ridiculous scenario.", "Repeat the person's name as soon as he or she introduces it to you. Ask him to spell his name. Ask the person to repeat her name." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Getting Medical Help for Lowering PSA Levels", "Lowering PSA Levels Naturally" ], "document": [ "The vast majority of men get a PSA blood test because they have prostate symptoms — such as deep pelvic pain, discomfort when sitting, trouble urinating, more frequent urination, blood in semen and/or erectile dysfunction; however, many conditions affect the prostate (infection, cancer, benign hypertrophy, spasms) and many causes of increased PSA levels (as noted above). As such, PSA test results are not definitive for cancer because they tend to have many false positives (false alarms). Your doctor will consider the PSA test result also to your personal history, a physical exam of the prostate or possibly a biopsy (tissue sample) of the gland before any diagnosis is made. It used to be that a PSA test less than 4 ng/mL was thought to be healthy and a reading greater than 10 ng/mL was considered high risk for prostate cancer; however, it's been discovered than men with prostate cancer can have readings below 4 ng/mL and others with healthy prostates can have readings well above 10 ng/mL. Ask about alternative PSA testing. There are three alternative forms of PSA testing (in addition to the standard one) that doctors now consider: percent-free PSA only looks at the free circulating PSA in the blood, not the total PSA level; PSA velocity uses the results of other PSA tests to determine the change of PSA levels over time; a urine PC3 test looks for a fusion of genes common to at least half of PSA-tested men with prostate cancer. Research conducted in 2008 concluded that aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can help lower PSA levels when taken regularly. Researchers don't know the exact mechanism of how aspirin impacts the prostate (it wasn't due to shrinking the gland), but regular male users have almost 10% lower PSA levels on average compared to men who don't take aspirin or other NSAIDs; however, talk to your doctor about the risks of taking aspirin long-term, such as stomach irritation, ulcers and reduced clotting ability of blood. The aspirin users who experience the biggest impact to their PSA levels are men who have advanced prostate cancer and non-smokers. Low-dose coated aspirin (often called baby aspirin) is the safest option for men who want to take the drug long-term (more than a few months). Because aspirin and other NSAIDs \"thin\" the blood (make it less able to clot) there is also reduced risk of heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases. Several other medications can potentially lower PSA levels, although most are meant for conditions and diseases not related to the prostate gland. It's never a good idea to take medications for conditions you don't have to lower PSA levels — especially since PSA levels are difficult to interpret and high PSA levels are not always an indication of prostate disease. Drugs meant for the prostate include 5-alpha reductase inhibitors (finasteride, dutasteride), which are used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia or urinary symptoms. These inhibitors may lower PSA levels as a secondary benefit, but not in every man who takes them. Cholesterol-lowering medications called statins (Lipitor, Crestor, Zocor) are also linked to lower PSA levels — if they're taken for a few years or more; however, this secondary benefit is canceled out if you're also taking calcium channel blockers for high blood pressure. Thiazide diuretics are \"water pills\" used to treat high blood pressure. Long-term use of thiazide diuretics is associated with lower PSA levels.", "Certain foods seem to affect the prostate gland negatively and increase blood levels of PSA. More specifically, diets rich in dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt) and animal fat (meat, lard, butter) have been linked to an increased risk of prostate cancer. Therefore, switching to a healthy diet that's low in saturated fat and high in antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables can reduce your risk of prostate cancer and lower PSA levels. Dairy products seem to trigger higher levels of an insulin-like growth factor, which has been connected to high PSA levels and poor prostate health. Other foods to avoid include sugar, saturated fats, fried foods, eggs, potatoes that are not organic, alcohol, and foods from cans with BPA lining. When you eat meat, opt for lower-fat varieties such as turkey and chicken. Low-fat diets may also be connected to improved prostate health overall and reduce the risk of benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlargement). Substitute fish for meat more often. Fatty fish (salmon, tuna, herring) are rich in omega-3 fats, which have been linked to a reduced risk of prostate cancer. Dark blue/purple berries and grapes, as well as dark green veggies, tend to be highest in antioxidants, which prevent the damaging effects of oxidation on tissues, organs, and glands (such as the prostate). Along with changing your diet, make sure to avoid exposure to environmental toxins as much as possible. Tomatoes are a rich source of lycopene, which is a carotenoid (plant pigment and antioxidant) that protects tissues from stress and helps them utilize energy better. Diets rich in tomatoes and tomato products (such as tomato sauces and pastes) are linked to lower risks of prostate cancer and contribute to reducing PSA levels circulating in the blood. Lycopene appears to be more bioavailable (easier for the body to absorb and utilize) when tomatoes are cooked such as when it's in processed products like tomato paste and tomato puree. Some research indicates that more lycopene may be bioavailable from diced tomatoes cooked with olive oil than those cooked without. Although the main source of lycopene in the American diet is tomato-based products, other sources include apricots, guavas, and watermelons. If you cannot eat or don't like tomatoes, you can still get the PSA-reducing benefit of lycopene by taking a 4 mg supplement daily. Natural pomegranate juice contains many healthy compounds, some of which positively impact the prostate gland and keep PSA levels low. For example, the seeds, flesh and peels from pomegranates contain powerful antioxidants such as flavonoids, phenolics, and anthocyanins. These phytochemicals are believed to hinder the growth of cancer cells and slow down PSA from accumulating in the blood. Pomegranate juice is also a good source of vitamin C, which stimulates the immune system and allows the body to repair its tissues — both of which positively impact PSA levels. Try to drink a glass of pomegranate juice each day. If pure pomegranate juice does not appeal to you (too sour), look for a sweeter juice blend that contains pomegranate in it. Select the most natural and pure pomegranate products. Processing tends to destroy phytochemicals and vitamin C. Pomegranate extract is also available in capsules and can be taken as a daily dietary supplement. Pomi-T is a commercially available dietary supplement that contains raw powdered pomegranate, broccoli, green tea, and turmeric. Research in 2013 concluded that Pomi-T significantly lowers PSA levels in patients with prostate cancer. Each of the ingredients are strong antioxidants and have anti-cancer properties, but when they're combined there seems to be a synergistic effect that boosts effectiveness. The research was based on men with prostate cancer taking the supplement for six months. They found that Pomi-T is well tolerated and not thought to cause any negative side effects. Broccoli is a cruciferous veggie high in sulfur-based compounds, which fight cancer and combat oxidative damage in tissues. The more you cook broccoli, the less beneficial it becomes, so stick with raw varieties. Green tea contains catechins, which are antioxidants that can help kill cancer cells while dropping PSA levels in the blood. If you make a cup of green tea, don't use scalding water because it will reduce some of its antioxidant strength. Turmeric is a strong anti-inflammatory that contains curcumin — the component responsible for lowering PSA levels by restricting the spread of prostate cancer cells. PC-SPES (which means \"hope for prostate cancer\") is a dietary supplement made from the extracts of eight different Chinese herbs. It's been around for many years and commercially available at most health food stores. Research done in 2000 concluded that PC-SPES can significantly reduce PSA levels in men with advanced prostate disease. Researchers believe that PC-SPES acts somewhat like estrogen (the main female hormone) by lowering testosterone levels in men, which shrinks the prostate and reduces PSA levels. All the men studied who took PC-SPES for two years (nine capsules daily) had their PSA levels drop by 80% or more, and the decline lasted for over a year after they stopped the supplements. PC-SPES is a mixture of Baikal skullcap, chrysanthemum flowers, Reishi mushrooms, isatis, licorice root, ginseng root (Panax ginseng), rabdosia rubescens and saw palmetto berries." ], "summary": [ "Consult with your doctor about PSA test results. Consider taking aspirin. Talk to your doctor about other medications that can lower PSA levels.", "Avoid foods that trigger higher PSA levels. Eat more tomatoes. Drink pomegranate juice. Consider supplementing with Pomi-T. Try supplementing with PC-SPES." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Priming and Painting Chipped Areas", "Cleaning and Sanding the Surface", "Finishing the Surface" ], "document": [ "If your car has its original paint job, you can do an online search for your car's make, model, color, and the words \"paint code.\" You can also look on the car for the code if you can't find it online. Check the door jam, near the VIN number, and on firewall (bulkhead) to find the paint code number. Go to your local auto parts store or contact your car dealership with your paint color in hand. If you have a common car, they will likely have touch up paint for your paint job in stock. If you have an unusual or rare car, they may have to order your touch up paint. Touch up paint comes in several types of containers. It often comes in small jars of the paint or in paint pens. It's important to get an exact match to your car's color, so don't settle on a color that is just close to your car's. Light-colored cars can be difficult to find a perfect color match. Consult an auto paint specialist if you are having difficulty finding the right color. Before touching the chipped area up, it’s important to prevent rust from spreading underneath your touch-up job in the future. Paint on a small amount of rust inhibitor over the chipped area before the primer. Squeeze a dab of primer onto the area if the chip reaches metal. If the chip is surface-level, you can skip this step. Primer is needed for deep chips because regular paint will not adhere to bare metal. Spread the primer around the small chip with a tiny brush. Only use enough primer for one thin coat. Allow the primer to dry completely. Avoid getting primer on the car paint outside of the chipped area. It will ruin the finish. Apply some of the paint to an area on the car that isn't visible, such as the lip under a door. It is important to make sure the paint you've purchased will not react poorly to your existing paint and also that it matches well. Spread 2 to 3 layers of touch-up paint on the area. The touched-up spot will look elevated above the rest of the paint, which is how it should look. If the paint chip is on a vertical surface on your car, it’s especially important to wait until the touch-up paint dries between layers so it doesn't run. The painted area should be raised so that it can be sanded down smooth with the rest of the paint job once it is dry. Between each layer let the paint dry for an hour. This will ensure that each layer is set and doesn't get smeared by the next. Also, wait at least 24 hours before continuing the process after you have applied all your layers.", "the car. Focus on deep cleaning the area where the paint is chipped. Making sure the area is clean will help you identify all the spots that need to be touched up and will reduce the risk of getting dirt and grime in the new paint. Use car washing soap, water, and a clean, soft cloth to clean the scratched area. Be sure to thoroughly dry the area that is scratched after you wash it. Look at the scratched area for discoloration on the metal. If you find an area that is dark red or brown, it is likely rust. Use sand paper to remove all areas of discoloration and then wipe down the area with a dry cloth to remove any dust. It’s important to remove any wax on areas that need to have paint adhere to them. Wax isn’t typically removed by soap and water, so a specific remover is needed. Wax removers are available at most auto parts stores. These rust removal products are made specifically for removing rust on the bodies of cars. Use a small piece of sandpaper to sand all around the scratch. Try to remove all loose paint from the area while you sand. This process will also give the touch-up paint a clean surface to stick to. Wash the area with water to remove any leftover debris from the pre-treating process. Allow the area to dry thoroughly before moving on to the next step.", "Start by sanding the area with 1000-grit sandpaper, making sure to move very slowly and gently. Once the touched-up area appears close to level with the rest of the pain, continue to sand gently with 2000-grit sandpaper. After that, rub the area with 3000-grit sandpaper until the touch-up paint is even with the rest of the vehicle. As your sandpaper gets finer, it will remove less and less of the paint. Don’t be tempted to push really hard with the sandpaper because of this. It is ok if you sand a small amount of the surrounding painted area. This will be fixed by the top coat you will apply over the whole area. Paint the top coat over the entire area that is discolored. Typically this includes the chipped area and the existing paint surrounding it that has been lightly sanded. Try to get the top coat as smooth and even as possible, using a clean brush, even strokes, as several thin layers. Allow your top coat to dry for 10 to 20 minutes between coats. It’s best to apply several thin coats instead of one thick coat. Follow the directions that came on your top-coat container. In some cases they will tell you to apply several coats and in others the directions will state that one coat is enough. Giving the surface one last sanding will ensure that the clear coat you applied is smooth and blended with the existing top coat. Sand it until the repaired area is flush with the rest of the paint surface on the car. and wax the entire car. Once you have repaired your paint chips it’s nice to give your whole car a bit of care. Polishing and waxing the car will help the repaired area blend in with the rest of the paint job and it will protect the fixed area from more damage." ], "summary": [ "Figure out the exact paint color on your car. Buy a matching touch-up paint color. Apply rust arrestor on the chipped area. Apply primer, if necessary. Test the paint. Apply the touch-up paint to the primed area. Allow drying time between coats and after the layers are applied.", "Wash Check for rust and remove any you find. Apply a wax and grease remover to the area being fixed. Sand the area to prep the surface. Wipe down the area once more.", "Sand the touched-up area until it is smooth. Apply the top coat. Sand the area once more with 3000-grit sandpaper. Polish" ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Harvesting and Using Rhubarb", "Caring for Rhubarb", "Planting Rhubarb" ], "document": [ "Rhubarb needs a year to get fully established, so you'll need to wait until the second year before harvesting any stalks. They should be 12 to 18 inches (30.5 to 45.7 cm) long. Continue harvesting throughout the summer - the season should last 8 to 10 weeks. Harvest rhubarb in late May or June by cutting the stems off with a sharp knife at soil level. It is best to harvest several times, removing a few stems from each plant each time. Harvesting the crop slowly allows the remaining stems to draw on the energy of the plant. Always leave at least two stalks per plant so that it can store up energy for next year. This will ensure that you have a harvest next year. Harvesting season is over when the stalks start growing up thin. #*Some rhubarb plants will keep coming back for up to 20 years once established. in the refrigerator. If you aren't going to use it immediately, store it in an airtight food storage bag in the refrigerator. It will keep this way for up to a week. You may also cut the rhubarb stalks into chunks and freeze them in a freezer-safe container for several months. Cherry red rhubarb stalks are usually cooked in dessert dishes, since they lend a tangy, bright flavor to pies and tarts. Enjoy your garden-grown rhubarb in one of these recipes: Rhubarb pie. This classic rhubarb dish won't disappoint. The rhubarb is cooked with sugar and strawberries for a delicious filling. Rhubarb crumble. This is another rhubarb dessert that's quicker to make than pie, but no less satisfying. Rhubarb cream. The flavor of rhubarb is mixed with honey and cream to make a delightful topping for any dessert. Rhubarb ice cream. Nothing could be more delicious than ice cream made with fresh garden produce.", "Use hay and cow manure to keep weeds from growing and continue to nourish the rhubarb plants. Leaf mulch or ramial wood chips also make good mulches. Your rhubarb bed should stay moist and well-drained throughout the heat of the summer. Water every time the soil begins to look dry. Seed stalks keep the rest of the rhubarb plant from growing tall and strong, since they use up the plant's energy. Rhubarb isn't prone to getting many pests, but you may notice a beetle called the rhubarb curculio on the stalks. This beetle is light gray and about half an inch long. Pick off the beetles one at a time. Don't use pesticide to kill them, as this may damage your rhubarb plants. After the first year has passed, use a light application of high-nitrogen fertilizer to encourage the rhubarb to come back healthy. Do this after the ground has started to thaw.", "Rhubarb is a cool-season plant that requires temperatures that drop below 40 °F (4 °C) in order to stimulate growth. The northern states in the US as well as Canada are good places to grow rhubarb. Check your growing zone to find out if you can grow rhubarb in the climate where you live. Rhubarb grows best in USDA hardiness zones 3-8. This includes much of the northern parts of the Midwest as well as the northeastern regions of the US. Rhubarb wilts during the heat of hot southern summers. If you live in a southern region where it regularly goes above 75 °F (24 °C), it will probably be difficult to grow this plant. Rhubarb is best grown from roots (crowns), not seed, since the seeds take a long time to get established and there's no guarantee they'll ever germinate. Go to your local nursery and buy rhubarb roots or purchase some from an online source. If you have a friend with a rhubarb plant, you may be able to dig up a crown from the side of their plant to get yours started. Rhubarb should be planted in an area in full sun. Look for a spot that drains well, since rhubarb won't do as well if water sits around its base. To determine whether soil drains well, dig a hole and fill it with water. If the water sits in the hole, the soil there doesn't drain well. If it immediately soaks into the ground, the soil is great for planting rhubarb. You may want to stick a ruler in the hole so that you can measure how quickly it drains. Ideally the water should drain out at a rate of 1-3 inches per hour. If it drains too fast, your plant will dry out; too slow and the roots may rot. Clear out weeds and other plants that may interfere with the rhubarb plants. Till your gardening bed to a depth of several feet and mix in plenty of compost, rotted manure or other organic matter to enrich the soil. This step is essential, since rhubarb needs plenty of nutrients to grow well. You can also consider building a raised bed to plant your rhubarb and other vegetables. This way you can control the soil drainage and weed population more easily. Don't treat the area with herbicides or pesticides; rhubarb should only be planted in clean soil. Don't use chemical fertilizer to treat the soil during the first year of growth; only organic material should be used until the second or third year. Rhubarb plants can grow to become quite large, so it's important to give them plenty of space. Dig the holes in rows. Place the roots in the holes and gently fill them in with compost-rich soil. Water the roots after planting." ], "summary": [ "Wait until the second year. Harvest stalks when they are mature. Store rhubarb Use rhubarb in a recipe.", "Place a layer of mulch over your rhubarb bed in the spring and fall. Keep the rhubarb watered during the summer. Remove seed stalks before they get too big. Pick off rhubarb curculio. Fertilize rhubarb every spring.", "Determine whether you're in the right growing zone. Get rhubarb crowns to plant in the spring. Choose a planting site. Prepare the soil for planting. Dig 4–5 inch (10.2–12.7 cm) holes 3–4 feet (0.9–1.2 m) apart. Plant the roots 2 inches (5.1 cm) below the surface of the ground." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Doing Water pH Experiments at Home", "Adjusting pH for Fish, Plants, Pools, and Drinking", "Measuring Water pH with Test Strips" ], "document": [ "Baking soda is basic, with a pH value of 9. Drop 1 teaspoon (4.9 mL) of it into a glass of water, and then stir briskly with a spoon or whisk. Keep stirring until all of the crumbs of baking soda have dissolved. Then, measure the water’s pH again using a litmus strip. If you started with neutral water (pH 7), the water’s pH should have increased up to about 8. Mix the 2 liquids together using a spoon. Then dip a strip of litmus paper into the water. Wait a few seconds, and note how the pH level of the water has changed. Since lemon juice is acidic, with a pH value of 2, the pH level of a neutral glass of water should have lowered to a 6 or 5. Many common liquids and dissolvable substances found around the home will alter the pH level of water. Dissolve or mix a small amount of one substance at a time into a glass of clean water, and then test with a litmus strip. If you’re performing a science experiment, make a chart on which you can record the pH values of water with different substances added, each to a separate glass of water. Try adding: Coke. Red wine. Milk. Liquid soap or shampoo.", "Fish are very sensitive to the pH in their water and can die if the water becomes too acidic or too basic. Most species of fish thrive in relatively neutral water, close to 7 on the pH scale. If the water has become too basic, add peat moss to lower the pH. If the water is too acidic, add 1 teaspoon (4.9 mL) of baking soda per every 5 gallons (19 L) of water to raise the pH. Look online or visit a local pet store to find out the specific water-level pH needs of the breeds of fish you have. For example, if you’re keeping koi fish, they prefer basic water with a pH range between 7.5 and 8.2. You can purchase clumps of peat at your local pet store. Put 1 clump of peat into a mesh bag, and place this inside of your fish tank’s water filter. The peat will lower the acid level over time. Rapid changes in pH can have a harmful effect on your fish. Remove the fish from your tank before adjusting the pH. Test the pH level in your fish tank both before and after making an adjustment. Also test pH before and after altering pH levels in pools or drinking water, as per the relevant section of this article. Most houseplants thrive when given slightly acidic water, between 5.5 and 6.5. If you’ve measured your tap water and found that it’s basic (or too acidic), you’ll need to adjust the water’s pH level before watering your plants. Lime or wood ash can be added to a 1 gallon (3.8 L) container of water to raise the pH. To lower the pH, add phosphoric acid or a tablet designed to lower water pH. If you’re unsure about the ideal pH level for the specific type of plant you’re watering, check online or at a local plant nursery. Some plants are very pH sensitive and need water at an exact pH level. For example, onions thrive when given more basic water at a pH of 6.5-7.0. Consult your local plant nursery to determine the exact amount of pH-altering substances to add. You can also buy lime, wood, ash, and phosphoric acid or other pH-lowering substances at the nursery. If you repeatedly water plants with water outside of the 5.5–6.5 range, they will begin to wither and die. Swimming pools should be maintained at a slightly basic pH, between 7.2 and 7.8. The pH in pools tends to rise on its own, so you’ll likely need to lower the pool pH from time to time. Pool manufacturers make chemical substances for this purpose. The 2 most common are sodium bisulfate and muriatic acid. Either substance should be added directly to the pool water. For more detailed instructions on raising or lowering the pH level in your pool, consult the manufacturer’s recommendations for your specific model. You can purchase sodium bisulfate (also called “dry acid”) or muriatic acid at any pool supply store. The water that you drink should be neutral, with a pH value at (or very close to) 7. If you’ve tested the pH of your drinking water and found that it’s acidic or basic, make adjustments to balance the water’s pH. If the drinking water is acidic (low pH number), add pH drops or tablets to neutralize the acid. Alternately, if your drinking water is basic (high pH number), add a few drops of lemon juice, which is naturally acidic. If you’d like the pH level to be permanently adjusted, you can have a permanent water filtration system installed. If your water is basic, install a neutralizing filter or a soda ash/sodium hydroxide injection system. If your water is acidic, professionals from a local home-supply store can install an acid-injection system to your house’s water supply.", "pH testing strips—also called litmus strips—are thin, small sheets of paper, each about 2 inches (5.1 cm) long by 1⁄2 inch (1.3 cm) wide. They are coated with a chemical solution which changes color when exposed to basic or acidic substances. pH strips can be purchased at most health-food stores or at any science supply store. You can also purchase pH strips at major online retailers, or at most pet-supply stores. Place about 1 inch (2.5 cm) of the pH strip into water. Dip either side; the entire strip is pH sensitive. Be sure to keep a firm hold on one end of the strip, though, so that it doesn’t slip into the water you’re planning to measure. For example, draw a glass of water from your tap if you’re trying to ascertain the pH of the drinking water. Or, if you’re trying to adjust the pH level in a fish tank, dip a strip into the water at the top of the tank. Alternately, you can use a water dropper to place 1 or 2 drops of water directly onto the center of the litmus strip. Once the pH strip has been submerged for at least 10 seconds, pull it out and look at the end. The pH strip will have changed color to indicate the presence of base or acid in the water. If the color of the strip doesn’t change immediately, wait a few seconds. Your pH testing kit should have come with a color chart. The chart indicates the color that litmus paper will turn when exposed to a basic or acidic substance. Match the color of the pH strip to a color on the chart, and you’ll have a good idea of the water’s pH. In broad terms, a red litmus strip indicates highly acidic water, yellow indicates mildly acidic, green indicates mildly basic, and purple indicates highly acidic. Litmus strips are a quick and effective gauge of pH levels, but are not the most precise method of measurement. A digital probe reader (often called a “pH meter”) is a much more accurate device, which will determine the pH of a liquid to 2 decimal places. To use the pH meter, submerge the tip of the instrument in water until the display shows the pH reading. pH meters are commonly used in science labs and can be purchased or rented through science-supply stores. The pH meter may need to be re-calibrated between each usage. Follow the printed directions included with the meter for best results." ], "summary": [ "Add 1 teaspoon (4.9 mL) of baking soda to an 8 oz (230 g) glass of water. Add 1 teaspoon (4.9 mL) of lemon juice to a glass of water. Experiment with various other basic and acidic materials.", "Add peat to your fish tank to adjust the pH. Change the pH of tap water for your houseplants or garden. Adjust the pH in your pool. Treat your drinking water if it’s acidic or basic.", "Purchase pH testing strips. Dip 1 pH strip in a sample of water for 10 seconds. Observe what color the pH strip turns. Compare the pH strip to a pH color indicator. Gauge pH levels using a digital probe reader for more accurate data." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Uploading Pins", "Saving Pins", "Following Boards and People", "Creating a Board", "Navigating Pinterest" ], "document": [ "This applies to desktop as well (you'll find it in the bottom-right corner of the page). You should see a couple of options appear: Photo (mobile)/Upload a pin (desktop) - Allows you to select a photo from your device's default \"Pictures\" album. Website (mobile)/Save from a website (desktop) - Lets you search for a website (or enter a link to one), then search the resulting site for pin-compatible items. On mobile, you also have the option of tapping Copied Link to navigate to the last link you copied. This option is functionally the same as tapping Website. From here, uploading a pin will vary based on your choice: If you chose to upload a photo, you'll have to allow Pinterest access to your device (mobile) or click Choose photos (desktop). You can then browse through your device's pictures to select the one you wish to upload. If you chose to use a website, you'll enter the website's URL into the provided text field. Once the site finishes loading, you should see a list of all media that you can pin--though, on iPhone, you must first tap Save in the top-right corner before you see this list. Again, this process will vary slightly depending on your chosen upload path, but you'll tap or click the photo you wish to save. Doing so will add your pin to the board in question. You can also add a description to your item in the field to the right of the item's icon.", "Remember, it's a magnifying glass on mobile, and a \"Search\" bar at the top of the page on desktop. You can do this by typing a search query into the search bar, or you can simply return to the Home page to view Pinterest's suggestions. Doing so will open it. This option is in the top-right corner of pinned items on iPhone and desktop, and in the bottom-right corner of items on Android. Doing so will add your pin to the board in question. As with uploaded pins, you can also add a description to your item in the field to the right of the item's icon.", "You can use keywords or more specific search terms to find boards and people to follow. For example, if you want to follow a board that posts pictures of kittens, you might type \"kittens\" into the search bar. You don't need to do this on desktop, since the \"Filter\" options are in the second row of tabs below the search bar. You'll select Boards to show only boards displaying your search term, or People to find Pinterest users to follow. On Android, tap Pinners to filter based on people. This option is below a board or person. Doing so will cause you to follow the board or person in question.", "It's in the top-right corner of the screen on mobile. Desktop users will instead click Create board on the left side of the page. It's toward the bottom of the screen on mobile. If you're on desktop, skip this step. This title should reflect the kind of content you plan on posting to this board. Doing so will create your Pinterest board. Now that you have a place to store content, you're ready to upload and save some pins. You can also hide your board from other Pinterest users by selecting the Keep board secret switch (called Secret on desktop).", "You can do so by tapping the Pinterest app (mobile), or by going to https://www.pinterest.com/. If you haven't created a Pinterest account yet, you'll need to create an account before continuing. You may need to sign into Pinterest by entering your email address and password when prompted (on desktop, click Sign In in the top-right corner of the page). This is where all of your favorited topics will appear, as well as followed boards and users. You can get back to the Home page at any time by clicking or tapping the Pinterest logo. It's in the top-left corner of the screen for Android and desktop users, and the bottom-left corner for iPhone users. Android users won't see the Home page button when in another menu (e.g., the profile page); instead, you'll have to tap the \"Back\" button in the top-left corner of the screen to return to the Home page. You'll do so by clicking or tapping the person-shaped icon that's in either the bottom-right corner of the screen (iPhone) or the top-right side of the page (Android and desktop). You can view your personal boards--and their accompanying pins--here. You'll also be able to change your settings by tapping or clicking the hexagonal \"Settings\" icon near the top of the page. To do so, tap or click the speech bubble icon that's in either the bottom-right area of the screen (iPhone) or the top-right section of the page (Android and desktop). This is where you'll see messages alerting you to new posts from people you're following, new followers, and your friends' activity. You can also select the Inbox tab at the top of the Notifications page to view private conversations and send your own. You'll use the search bar to do this; the search function is accessible by tapping the magnifying glass icon (iPhone and Android), or by simply clicking the bar with \"Search\" written in it at the top of the page on desktop. As you type, you should see search suggestions related to your typing appear below the search bar. You can select a search suggestion to search Pinterest for that suggestion exactly. You can also press your device's \"Enter\" button to search for your search term verbatim. Clicking Explore to the right of the search bar will open a page with currently trending topics, rising and new topics, content suggestions tailored for your preferences, and more. This will take you to your profile page, where you can get started by creating your first board." ], "summary": [ "Select the + icon again. Select your preferred option. Select an item to pin. Select a board when prompted.", "Open the Pinterest search bar. Search for a pin you wish to save. Tap or click a pinned item. Tap or click Save. Select a board when prompted.", "Open the Pinterest search bar. Search for a term related to your preferred content. Tap the filter icon right of the search bar. Select a filter. Tap or click Follow.", "Select the + button. Select Create board. Type in your board's name. Select Create.", "Open Pinterest. Review the Pinterest Home page. Open your profile page. Check your Pinterest notifications. Search Pinterest for people, topics, or ideas. Use Pinterest's \"Explore\" feature (desktop only). Select the profile tab." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Organizing Your Time and Space", "Making Lifestyle Changes", "Addressing Emotional Clutter" ], "document": [ "Many people's homes are plagued by unnecessary clutter. Clutter can make a home feel chaotic, leading to excess stress. Do a quick sweep through your house and see if you can find any items you no longer need. Donate or discard the items accordingly. Look through closets and drawers. Do you have any clothing you no longer wear? Are there any electronic gadgets you haven't used for years? Maybe it's time to stop hanging on and either toss these items or find a place to donate them. Go through your kitchen and bathroom. Dispose of any expired spices, canned foods, or boxed foods. Throw out old lotions, shampoos, and makeup containers. Get rid of any expired medicine or empty medicine bottles. If you want to be more organized, lists and schedules can be a great way to keep on track. Make a habit of writing daily to-do lists, and organizing your day around a logical schedule for activities. Figure out what your obligations are for the coming month or weeks. Write down everything you need to do, like doctor's appointments, errands, work commitments, and so on. Prioritize these items. How vital is it you get your doctor's appointment taken care of? If you need a prescription refilled, make an appointment for the next week. If you have a big commitment at work, like a presentation, break it up into small chunks and set weekly goals. You should also make small lists for weekly errands. For example, make a list before going to the grocery store. In addition to helping you get out of the store quicker, a list can help discourage you from overspending. You want to know where everything you need is at all times. Whether it's your office at work, or your home, work on organizing your space so you can work more efficiently. Organize items in your home by purpose. Keep the books on a separate shelf than the DVDs. Have a designated bin or cabinet for office supplies. At work, do not stack papers randomly. Have different folders for different types of documents. Keep important items places where you can easily reach them. Install a key hook in your home, for example. In your kitchen, organize spices by purpose. The ones you use most frequently should be at the front of your spice rack. You can push the others back. Many people struggle with paying bills promptly and returning emails regularly. Having bills and emails under control can help your life feel significantly more organized. Color coordinate emails in your inbox. You can mark high priority emails in a certain color as this will help you remember to return them promptly. You can also work on setting aside a time of day to return emails. For example, you can plan on always returning emails between 11 AM and 2 PM. Set up automatic bill pay if it's offered for your various bills. Mark when your bills are due on your phone calendar, or on a physical calendar. If you're feeling overwhelmed as you attempt to reorganize, do not hesitate to ask for help. Everyone needs a little push now and then. If you have a friend who is well organized, ask him or her to offer you tips. You may also simply ask a friend to hang out with you as you organize your home. The company can make the process less taxing.", "If you want to stay organized and on top of things, solid sleep is vital. Work on establishing a healthy sleep cycle so you'll have the energy you need to stay organized and on-track throughout the day. Go to sleep and wake up at the same time each day. Your body will adapt to a regular sleep/wake cycle, so try to stay on schedule even on the weekends. Form a relaxing bedtime ritual to signal to your body that it's time to wind down. You could read a book, do a crossword puzzle, take a warm bath, and so on. Just avoid using your computer close to bed time, as blue light emitted from electronic screens can stimulate your brain and make sleep difficult. Make sure your room is comfortable. If there are any sheets, blankets, or pillows that irritate your skin, replace them with higher quality items. A great way to reorganize your life is to find a new way to pass the time. Think about starting a new hobby. This can give you something to do during your down time, reducing feelings of stress or boredom. Find something that interests you personally. Many people find doing something creative, like writing or playing a musical instrument, can help them feel balanced and fulfilled. You can also look into getting active. Exercise can make you feel more relaxed and boost your energy, allowing you to take the time necessary to get your life in shape. You could take up running, jogging, walking, biking, or any form of physical activity you enjoy. Organization and cleaning must happen on a regular basis. Your new, clean apartment or house will not stay that way if you don't commit to regular cleaning. Get on a schedule of cleaning, reorganizing, and downsizing on a regular basis. You can set specific days of the week aside for cleaning. For example, maybe you have Tuesday afternoons off. This might be a good time to work on giving your house a quick cleaning. You may want to set aside a day once a month to reorganize and declutter. You can, for example, take the first Saturday of each month as a chance to get rid of unwanted items in your home and reorganize anything that's not working. Your career is important, but if it's eating up your ability to relax you may have trouble staying organized and on track. Find ways to find a solid work/life balance so you can feel happier and more fulfilled in your life. Track your time in a journal. See how much time you spend on work per week. You should also track how work affects your mood, and the time you spend worrying or angry over work. Form a schedule for yourself. Set aside time at least once a day for yourself. Allow yourself not to think about work during certain blocks of time. For example, at 6 o'clock every night you'll play the piano for an hour and not think about your job. Talk with co-workers. They may also struggle with work/life balance, especially if you work in a demanding field, and may have advice on how to find the balance.", "If you want to reorganize your life, you need to cut out relationships that are putting a strain on you. You should not be putting time and energy into people who cause drama. People who drain your time and energy, treat you poorly, or who are emotionally manipulative should be cut out of your life. Establish boundaries with these people and stick to them. You may, for example, be okay hanging out with your co-worker Melinda in the presence of others as not to create unnecessary drama. However, you may not want to see Melinda one-on-one as she tends to be difficult. In some cases, it's okay to tell someone directly you do not want to see them again. If the person is not taking the hint that you do not want a relationship, politely say something like, \"I don't think this friendship is working for me anymore. I appreciate the time we've had together, but I think we should both move on.\" Another way to reorganize your life is to not leave major decisions lingering. If you've been putting off making a decision about your job, your personal life, your health insurance, or other matters, now is the time to make the decision. You want to move forward without uncertainty. Think about any lingering decisions in your life. Maybe you're unsure whether you should stay in your current romantic relationship. Try to weigh the pros and cons. Is this someone you could be with longterm? If so, it may be worth your time to stay. If not, consider whether casual dating is for you right now. Do you want to invest time in a relationship you know will eventually end? Start thinking about your career. Does your current job offer advancement? Do you see yourself on this path for the next 5 to 10 years? If you want to leave your job, make a solid decision to leave rather than letting the maybe/maybe not thought linger. This can motivate you to begin sending out applications. You may have a lot of negative and irrational thoughts about yourself and the world. In order to move forward with your life, work on identifying and disengaging from your own negativity. People end up having negative thoughts a lot throughout the day. You may, for example, catastrophize. This means you see the worse possible outcome for any given situation. You could also have a tendency to engage in black and white thinking. Instead of seeing a setback as a chance for personal growth, you see it as solely bad rather than a mixed blessing. Work on being on the lookout for negative thoughts. When you find yourself having an extreme reaction to something, pause for a minute and question whether that reaction is accurate. Try to remind yourself that life is nuanced, and most situations are complicated. Consider all the factors in a situation before categorizing it as good or bad, and remind yourself that much of life's setbacks and rejections are not personal. Your life may be cluttered with excessive activities. Being busy does not necessarily translate to being successful or to being happy. If you feel overwhelmed by obligations, take stock of the activities in your life and look to where you can minimize. Stick with activities you genuinely enjoy and you feel benefit you in some way. If you feel genuinely fulfilled attending your weekly poetry club, and it's helping you get some of your work out there, stick with this activity. However, not all activities are beneficial. There may be activities in your life that are causing you more stress than happiness. Maybe you don't really enjoy being on your church's vestry, and only do it out of a sense of obligation. If this is the case, you should consider cutting this activity. There are plenty of other volunteers who can take your place." ], "summary": [ "Declutter your home. Start using lists and schedules. Reorganize your house and workspace. Create a system for dealing with things like bills and emails. Ask for help.", "Get on a solid sleep schedule. Start a new hobby. Commit to regular reorganizing and cleaning. Find a work/life balance.", "Get rid of unhealthy or unnecessary relationships. Make decisions you've been putting off. Identify any negative assumptions you have about yourself. Cut out activities that do not benefit you." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Getting to Know the Product", "Writing a Product Review" ], "document": [ "In order to demonstrate to your readers that your review is reliable, make sure to conduct as much research as possible before you begin writing. A thorough knowledge of the product, its evolution and its competition will allow you to write something approaching an expert review. Read the manufacturer's website, as well as any manufacturer information included with the product you are reviewing. Beware of publicity material released by manufacturers and retailers - readers will often stop reading if they sense that publicity material is being used rather than observations drawn from real-life experience. Look into the competition and research the benefits and flaws of products that consumers consider alternatives. This will allow you to compare and contrast the reviewed product with the often numerous alternative products on the market. Buying or renting a product for review is the easiest way to get prepared for a review. However, you may be able to obtain a product directly from the manufacturer or retailer for free if you are persistent. If you have a blog and wish to post reviews, contact companies through e-mail, a phone call, or even traditional mail. Make sure to be up front about the type of blog you write and the traffic it receives, and keep your message short and to the point. Larger companies may employ a marketing or sales representative. If this is the case, contact the appropriate representative and pitch your review directly to them. Using and getting to know the product you are reviewing are perhaps the most important aspects of writing a product review. Readers will be looking for genuine knowledge of and experience with a product when they read your review. Fake reviews that are full of exaggerated praise or criticism are widespread on the internet, and most people will stop reading a review if they suspect it is written with ulterior motives. A genuine appraisal of a product is the best way to draw a reader's attention. Providing a photograph or video of your interaction with the product will demonstrate to your readers that you have actually used it, and will lend credibility to the review. There are several reasons why potential buyers read product reviews, and you should think about these as you research and use the product before writing your review. Common questions readers would like answered include: Is the product easy to use? Is it of a high quality? Is it geared towards somebody like me? Have others had a good experience with the product? What are the pros and cons of the product? What alternatives are available, and how do they measure up? Is the product worth my money?", "A good review introduction will not only hook the reader, but also provide a clear picture of the product under review and the product's advertised benefits. For first-time users, dedicate some space to explaining the functionality of the product in some detail, treating the product as if all the features are new. Teaching new customers about a product is an important aspect of a product review. For experienced consumers, focus on the evolution of a product from one model to the next, as well as any common defects or problems users may have encountered in the past. Long-time users of a product will often read reviews for solutions to problems, giving you a chance to demonstrate your knowledge of a product. Provide the reader with the basic information a consumer likes to know before buying a product. This may include brand name, model number, measurements, target demographic, price, and so on. Talk about what you liked AND what you didn't like about the product. The most helpful reviews are those that outline both the pros and cons of a product, while readers will most likely skip reviews full of effusive praise or bitter criticism. Make sure to clearly explain how you arrived at your judgments, and specifically address why you believe certain features are beneficial and why you consider others flaws. Most people will be looking for an unbiased review of a product, and thus a clearly explained, balanced review is more likely to be read than a review that focuses too much on the positive or negative aspects of a product (unless warranted, of course). Discuss the product under review in light of similar products available to buyers, comparing the pros and cons of each. This will both demonstrate your research and knowledge, and provide the reader with a point of reference when making their next purchase. This is particularly important for first-time buyers who may require a point of reference before deciding to purchase. Describe for the reader who you believe would benefit the most from the product, which will help them to decide whether the product is right for them. Points of interest may include how easy or difficult the product is to use, specific features that will appeal to particular audiences, as well as how the product relates to other products readers may have used in the past. A good conclusion will summarize the benefits and flaws of the product, evaluate whether the product lives up to the company's marketing, and communicate your opinion on whether the product offers good value. Choose the most appropriate forum for your review and post the it online. There are countless online venues for product reviews; some of the most popular include blogs, dedicated product review sites, and product retailers. Allow some time to pass between the release of a product and the publishing of your review. This will allow you time to properly test the product and arrive at an honest evaluation. Readers will more often trust a reviewer who can demonstrate that they have spent some time with a product before offering a review." ], "summary": [ "Research the product. Obtain the product. Use the product. Know what readers are looking for.", "Write the introduction. Describe the product under review. Be balanced. Compare and contrast products. Pinpoint the target audience. Write the conclusion. Publish the review." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Securing the Cover", "Attaching the Lattice", "Building the Base", "Installing the Rafters" ], "document": [ "Not all yurts require insulation or lining, but they conserve heat and protect your yurt from the elements. Install your insulation on a day that is not very windy, and do this once the rafters are all in place. Use a step ladder to reach the top middle of your yurt, and spread the liner over the rafters. Have a friend pull the hemmed end around the rafter ends. Then, place the insulation on top of the liner. You can secure the upper area while your friend secures the perimeter. To secure the lining and insulation, use a staple gun to add a staple every 4–8 in (10–20 cm). Once the insulation seam is aligned properly, use the foil tape to secure the seam. If you’d like, trim the insulation around the door frame so it does not get in the way. Remove the cover from the bag and get rid of the binding straps. The cover of your yurt is often in a bag made of the same material. Untie the straps around the cover. Then, place your step ladder inside your yurt so you can unroll the cover. To do this, bring the top of the covering through the center ring opening. Once the covering is through the opening, you can let the covering unroll until it reaches your door. As you stand on the step ladder, have a friend work around the perimeter. Once the covering is unrolled, unfold it 2-3 times to cover a bit in each direction. As you do this, look for the cut-out opening for the door in the top cover valance. The cut-out has many oval grommets, rather than round grommets. Ensure the cut-out is centered over the door so you can easily install the rest of the covering. Work with your friend to unfold the rest of the covering across the top and perimeter of the yurt. Once the covering is halfway unfolded and covers half of your rafters, install a 2-5 twist-lock connectors or S-clips to secure the top cover at the door. Securing the cover near the door keeps the door detail aligned. Then, tie a cord to a few of the grommets on the top cover. Use the cord to help pull the rest of the fabric over the center ring and around the perimeter. Finally, pull the outside edge around so it is snug around the ends of the rafters. It is imperative that the top cover is centered on the center ring and pulled down evenly. If not, your covering will be crooked. You do not need to fasten the cover to the center ring. Once the covering is in place, inspect the door frame to make sure everything fits properly. Then, use a marker to indicate the oval grommet locations. Drill 7⁄64 ft (0.033 m) pilot holes with the provided bits, and then fasten the twist-lock connectors. If you don’t drill pilot holes, you may break the twist-lock shank. If you overtighten the twist-lock connectors, you can also break the shank. Once your roof is in place, consult your instructions regarding any specific finishing touches.", "The lattice wall often comes in a cylindrical package about 2 ft (0.61 m) in diameter and 8 ft (2.4 m) long (for a 12–16 ft (3.7–4.9 m) yurt). Remove the lattice wall, and have a helper assist you in moving it to the back of the circular platform. Start by undoing the straps around the lattice wall. Ensure the outside is facing the outward direction and the inside of the wall is facing toward your platform. Then, stretch out the lattice around the perimeter, just inside the drip edge. As you do this, keep the lattice wall stable by holding it securely. The outside of the lattice has holes in the middle of the rivets, while the inside has no holes. Keep your fingers out of the way, or they can get pinched as you unfold the lattice. This creates the circular shape of your structure. You want enough space to position your door frame at your opening, though you can place your door wherever you'd like. To install the door, remove the wingnuts and washers from inside the door frame, and slip the end of the plate with the oval hole onto the clamp bolts. Then, replace the washers and wingnuts and twist them into place. Ensure that the key side of the door faces outward. Consult your instructions if you have any trouble installing the door. It should be easy and straightforward. There may be a notch in the door threshold behind the door frame. Make sure the door threshold is outside of the drip edge. Use a tape measure to check the height of your structure every 2–3 ft (0.61–0.91 m). Make adjustments to the lattice wall as needed by repositioning the wall. Your finished height depends on your overall yurt size. Once your lattice wall is properly placed, you can attach it to the door. Remove the cap nuts, washers, and bolts located along the bottom of the lattice about every 6th crotch. Then, attach the lattice wall anchoring straps using the included screws. Hold the anchor into place, and line a screw up with the hole. Then, use your drill to secure the screw in place. The crotch of the lattice refers to where 2 pieces of wood intersect. These brackets are made so the screws go through the drip edge and the flooring material. The anchors and screws come in your yurt kit. Once the door frame and lattice walls are attached, make any final adjustments if you need to. Then, lay the belly band along the top of the lattice wall. Tie 1 end of the belly band to the hook in the top door frame, then feed the band through each crotch of the lattice. As you go, remove the slack in the line. Finally, tie the belly band to the opposite door frame hook when you reach the other side. Belly bands are nylon or other stretchy, strong straps. They are usually 50 ft (15 m) long. Alternatively, your kit may come with tension cables instead of belly bands. These often hook onto the door instead of tying to it. After everything is securely fastened, make adjustments as needed to improve the shape of the yurt.", "To prevent any weather damages, be mindful of where you set up your yurt. The best spot will be protected from wind, receive sun in the morning, get shade in the afternoon, and be free of any overhead objects. This way, your structure will stay safe and secure. Overhead items include dead tree limbs, for example. The particular size of your platform depends on the overall diameter of your structure. These instructions are for a yurt with a 12 ft (3.7 m) diameter, so review your particular instructions before you start and adjust the process as necessary. If your platform is not the same size and shape, your yurt may not be completely weatherproof. You want the side cover fabric to extend below the interior floor level for a draft-free, watertight seal. The platform is the hardest and most complex part of building a yurt. If you are not familiar with carpentry work, hire a professional contractor to make your base. This is the easiest way to ensure you build your yurt safely and correctly. If you’d like to try building the platform yourself, review the instructions from your specific yurt manufacturer. Many companies offer preliminary instructions on building your base yourself. These instructions will vary based on your particular yurt kit. Use 10 or so concrete footings to make the base of your platform. The overall placement will depend on your particular framing plan, but in general the footings should be 2–4 ft (0.61–1.22 m) apart in a 12 ft (3.7 m) circular shape. Use precast concrete footings. Use a table saw to cut your wooden beams based on your floor plan. Then, place the beams across the footings, and use a level to ensure each beam is straight. Finally, fasten the beams to the footings using the attached holders on the wooden beams. For assistance with this process, ask your professional carpenter. Your specific beam placement will depend on your instructions. You can use 1.125 in (2.86 cm) thick plywood to create your flooring. Lay the boards over top of your beams so they are flat and parallel, and secure them on each side using a drill and a screw. Insert a screw through the plywood and the beam every 6–12 in (15–30 cm). The size and width of your flooring depends on your particular instructions. Using a hand saw, go around the edges and cut off any piece of plywood that hangs over your beams. This maintains the overall circular shape of your yurt. Make your cuts so the flooring and beams are flush. It’s okay if the sides aren’t completely even. Try your best to cut the wood as straight as possible. This seals the flooring and the drip edge. The drip edge is the outer edge of the yurt, and it is important to seal the edge and the flooring so no moisture gets inside. To do this, run a thin, even line of caulking around the perimeter of the flooring. This way, your wood is secured together and rain or condensation will not seep into your yurt. Cut 3⁄8 ft (0.11 m) exterior plywood into strips, based on your desired width. Hold the strips around the perimeter of the drip edge, and use a drill and large wood screws to fasten the strips of wood. Add 1 screw to each end of the strip. When you do this, you want 1 ft (0.30 m) of plywood to extend above the floor level. Use a table saw to cut your strips to your desired size.", "Treat the interior of the yurt as a hard-hat zone until the rafters are installed, as the rafters can fall on your head. Once the rafters are installed, you can take off your hard hat. While raising the center ring and installing the rafters is an exciting part of the assembly, it should be executed with care. Children or observers not involved with assembly should stay outside of the yurt. To easily install the center ring, keep the bolt heads down and the nutted ends up. Then, use a marker to make a spot for 3-4 evenly-spaced holes around the circle. The distance between each spot will depend on the size of your center ring. Then, mark each spot where the “set up “ rafters will rest on the cable, based on your instructions. If you need help with this step, take a look at your rafter spacing diagram. Your marks are where you insert the “set up” rafters to raise the center ring. Align your rafter at 1 of the spots you made on the center ring. Use your hands to lift up the ring, and insert the pin of the rafter into the ring to attach it. Then, repeat the procedure for your second rafter. To attach the third rafter, raise the ring off of the ground. When you lift up the center ring, let the first 2 rafters support 1 side. Then, insert the pin of the third rafter into the marked hole. Lift the center ring into position using the third rafter. Maintain pressure on the first 2 rafters, and place the notched end of the rafter on the cable. There is a metal pin on the side of the rafter that easily slides into the center ring. When attaching your rafters, be sure to follow the marked holes and cable spaces. It is helpful to have a friend stand close with another rafter to push the ring up. Until you have a few rafters in place, it may be a bit tricky. To insert the rafter, put the end with the pin in completely, move the other end to the cable, push the lattice wall slightly outward with your shoulder, and hook the rafter to the cable. Install the rafters over your doors as your final step, since these rafters help hold the belly band or tension cables in place. Keep your rafter pattern symmetrical to balance the weight and placement. It is also helpful to keep 2 lattice wall crotches in between each rafter. Once you angle the rafter correctly, the rafter easily slides into place. Do not force the rafter into the ring. Alternatively, stand outside the structure, put the rafter over the lattice walls, and push the end into one of the slots along the roof ring. When you have 4-6 rafters secure, the person holding the center support can let go and get out of the way. The number of rafters you need depends on your particular instructions. To prevent the rafters from lifting up, use your drill to add the included screws to the underside of the rafter. To find the pre-drilled hole, look on the bottom of the rafter near the tension cable or belly band. Do not use different or longer screws. The screw provided is the correct size for the pre-drilled hole. Each rafter has a slight notch to hold the tension cable or belly band in place against the door. Go inside the yurt, and place the header bracket onto the rafter on top of the door. Rest the flat side on top of the door header. Then, slide it forward so it is flush with the tension cable. Secure the brackets to the rafters using the included screws and your power drill. Before you fasten the header bracket to the door header, make sure the door is straight. To do this, remove the cable clamps from the safety cable, and thread the cable through the pre-drilled holes in the rafters. When you reach the starting point, bring the end of the cable through the loop on the opposite end, and pull it tightly. Reposition the cable clamps and tighten them so they are secure. You can then cut off any extra cable using a cable cutter." ], "summary": [ "Install your roof insulation and liner facing if included in your kit. Take out the cover and place a step ladder in the middle of your yurt. Unroll the covering toward the door frame. Unfold your covering 2-3 times to begin wrapping the perimeter. Unfold half of the covering and secure it using connectors. Pull the top layer of the cover over the center ring and down the other side. Mark the oval grommet locations around the door to secure them.", "Unwrap your lattice wall and grab a helper to get started. Stretch the wall around the perimeter of your platform. Leave a 4 ft (1.2 m) gap to install your door frame. Check the perimeter of your yurt to ensure the wall height is consistent. Secure the lattice wall to the door with the included hardware. Secure the belly bands to the door frames.", "Decide on a spot for your yurt to protect it from the elements. Use a circular platform that is the same diameter of your yurt. Hire a professional to help you build your platform. Place the footings in a circular shape according to your framing plan. Cut the beams to the correct length and fasten them to the footings. Secure your flooring onto the wooden beams with your drill. Cut the flooring into a circle to match your yurt’s diameter. Apply waterproof caulking around the outside edge to seal out moisture. Secure a strip of plywood around the perimeter to finish the drip edge.", "Put on a hard hat before you start installing the rafters. Lay down the center ring and mark 3-4 evenly-spaced holes for the rafters. Attach 3 of the rafters to the center ring. Slide the remaining rafters into the top of the yurt. Install a screw into the pre-drilled hole just below the belly band. Secure the rafters to the door frame using header brackets. Install the safety cable to the rafters to hold them in the ring." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Looking at Counterfeit Labels and Text", "Inspecting Suspicious Products and Packaging", "Assessing Bargains and Goods" ], "document": [ "A box with suspiciously few images or text blocks on it is likely counterfeit. Most product labels and boxes (or other packaging) have a whole host of information printed on them, from bar codes and trademark and patent information to recycling symbols. Counterfeiters often don't want to spend the time to reproduce every detail, so they'll likely leave some of this stuff off. Also look for manufacturer contact information. Most reputable companies will provide a phone number or at least an address at which consumers can call them. China is the source of most counterfeit products. Of course, many legitimately produced products are also made in China, but a \"Made in China\" sticker on an already suspicious product is a red flag. You should also be suspicious if no country of origin is listed on either the packaging or the product itself. Counterfeiting rings will sometimes remove a \"Made in China\" sticker when importing fake products, and producers of counterfeits will sometimes simply leave off the country of origin designation. Just about any product that could pose some sort of safety risk will have one or more safety certifications on its label. Some counterfeiters products may omit a safety certification label altogether, while others will often include fake marks on their products. The UL (Underwriters Laboratory) label is the most common safety certification, particularly in the U.S. (the competing ETL mark is also a major certification in the U.S.). In Europe, the CE (the abbreviation doesn't officially stand for anything) marking is required on electrical products, and in Canada the CSA (Canadian Standards Association) mark is common. Look for at least one of these marks on electrical products. Low-quality products that don't claim to be brand-name may also simply use a counterfeit certification mark. Faked marks are usually, but not always, easy to spot. UL requires hologram marks for most products from China and for some products regardless of country of origin. If the certification mark is present only on the packaging, but not on the product itself, there's a good chance the product is fake.", "Reputable businesses typically take great care in packaging their products. Beware flimsy packaging, packaging with substandard printing or running colors, or packages that appear to have been opened. In addition, take a moment to actually read the package. Spelling or grammatical errors are common on the packaging for counterfeit goods. Beware products that seem flimsy or are obviously poorly made. Quality control is often absent in counterfeiting operations, so you may be able to spot a counterfeit simply based on its workmanship. Of course, even if it isn't a counterfeit, you’d still do well to avoid purchasing a poorly-made product. Check for things like: Items made with flimsy plastic instead of metal. Stickers or decals instead of paint. Poor-quality stitching on clothing goods, handbags, and shoes. Open the box or bag and make sure that the item advertised on the packaging is what's inside. Some careless counterfeiters will try putting a fake drill, for example, in a box for a saw. Unfortunately, errors are rarely this obvious. Check model numbers on the packaging against the model number of the equipment, and carefully examine tags on clothing. Make sure everything that should be inside the product packaging is' there. Counterfeit products often don't include supplementary materials, such an owner's manual or a product registration card. Sometimes they don't even include all the parts that should come with the product, or some parts will be from a different manufacturer. For example, if you're buying electronics, check to make sure that the packaging includes a power cord, assembly and warranty paperwork, and other relevant small items. Televisions should come with a remote control, and many desktop computers come with a mouse.", "Whether you’re shopping in-person or online, you can safely avoid the risk of counterfeit goods by only purchasing from well-known, established retailers. Temporary, unknown, or suspicious businesses are more likely to sell counterfeits—even if they display manufacturer logos on their storefront or website. For example, while you’re guaranteed to find real Apple products at the Apple store, you may not find the genuine article at a temporary mall kiosk. If you’re not certain if a business is legitimate or not, search for the business name online. Nearly all genuine businesses have a website. Next, look for user reviews: if others are calling the products and goods “fake,” or “a rip-off,” you can be certain they’re counterfeit. When in doubt, avoid a potentially shady business. Not all fakes sell at lower prices than their genuine counterparts, but an unreal bargain is one of the surest signs of a counterfeit product. Ask yourself how someone can sell, for example, a brand new $140 tool for $50. Chances are, it's because the product is a fake. Odds are you purchase many of the same products or brands over and over again. Pay attention to the look and design of similarly-branded products that you already own. This will make you better at spotting a counterfeit, because you'll have something to compare it to. Look for any deviations in the workmanship and in the text on the item, either the copy or the font and text placement. If you're purchasing a brand that is new to you or a product that you don't frequently buy, compare it to the same product at other stores." ], "summary": [ "Treat very plain boxes with suspicion. Look for a \"Made in China\" tag on high-end products. Look for a safety certification label on electrical products.", "Inspect the packaging carefully. Check the quality of the workmanship. Check if the packaging matches the product inside. Confirm that correct supplementary materials are included.", "Shop from reputable businesses. Beware of deals that are too good to be true. Compare a suspected counterfeit to the genuine item." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Dividing a Circle by Eye", "Dividing Using Adobe InDesign", "Dividing Through Adobe Illustrator", "Using a Compass" ], "document": [ "The first step to dividing the circle is cutting it directly in half. Choose a point anywhere along the circle and draw a line through the center of the circle to the opposite end. The circle is now divided into two equal pieces. This method works well if you are trying to cut a pie or a cake. Next, you want to draw two lines that cut the half into thirds. You can approximate this by dividing one half of the cake into three equal pieces. Get as close to three equal pieces as possible. Again, this method is just an approximation. Continue both of those lines through the center of the circle to the opposite side of the circle. If done correctly, the circle should now be divided into six approximately equal parts. This method is not exact, but is an easy way to divide the circle into six equal parts by eye.", "The Ellipse tool is part of the toolbar on the left side of the screen. It is a shaded ellipse. Hold down ⇧ Shift and click on the white canvas, and drag the circle to the size that you want. Release the click on the mouse and then release ⇧ Shift to make a perfect circle. To place a vertical guide, click on the vertical ruler and drag right towards the circle. Place the guide over the vertical center points of the circle. To place the horizontal guide, click on the horizontal ruler and drag down toward the circle. If the guides don’t get properly placed the first time, you can click on them again and drag them into place. The Polygon Frame tool is located in the left toolbar underneath the Rectangle Frame tool group. Click and hold on the Rectangle Frame tool to reveal the icons underneath. The tool looks like a hexagon with an “X” through it. Click on the Polygon Frame tool to make it active. It will now be the icon showing on the toolbar. With the Polygon Frame tool selected, click onto the white canvas to open the options dialog box. Set the number of sides to 3 and click okay. With ⇧ Shift held down, click and drag a triangle that is slightly longer than the radius of your circle. Don’t release ⇧ Shift until after you let go of the mouse click. This will ensure that you have made a perfect equilateral triangle. Make sure the black arrow is selected on toolbar and click on the triangle. Drag it to the center of the circle so that the bottom-left corner snaps to the center of the circle. The right side of the triangle should hang outside the circle with the bottom and left side of the triangle intersecting the circle. Highlight both the triangle and the circle. With both highlighted, find the Intersect tool nested under Object>Pathfinder. After clicking Intersect, the circle should disappear and a wedge shape should appear. This wedge is one-sixth of the circle. Highlight the wedge and right click. Click on Transform>Rotate. Set the angle to 60° and click Copy. Once you click copy, a second wedge, rotated 60° from the original wedge, will appear. Align this second wedge next to the first wedge. You will start to see the circle forming. Using the second wedge you just made, right click again and rotate and copy the second wedge. This will form a third wedge that you can place next to the second. Repeat this with the third, fourth, and fifth wedge until you have six total wedges. Align each wedge next to the previous one until you have a perfect circle divided into 6 equal parts.", "If you have a shortcut on your desktop, you can open the application by double-clicking on this icon. If you don’t have a shortcut, use the start menu or search for the application and open it from the search bar. The Polar Grid tool is one of the options in the toolbar on the left side of your screen. It is under the Line Segment group of tools. It kind of looks like a spider web; it is a circle with divided lines through it. To see the tools nested underneath the Line Segment, click and hold on the Line Segment tool until a window opens with more options. Click on the Polar Grid tool to activate it. With the Polar Grid tool active, click on the canvas and drag the mouse to create the circle. You should see a circle appear that likely has smaller concentric circles within it. These can be removed later. While dragging, adjust the size of the circle by dragging in and out until you reach the desired size. Hold ⇧ Shift to snap to a perfect circle. Keep holding ⇧ Shift and don’t release the mouse click until you finish the next step. While dragging the circle, press on the right arrow key until you see that the circle has been divided into 6 equal parts. If you accidentally press the key too many times, simply push the left arrow key to decrease the number of divisions. When the circle is the size you want and divided into 6 equal parts, you can let go of the mouse. If you let go of the mouse too early, there is an alternative method: Keep the Polar Grid tool active (don’t click back to the black arrow) and click on any whitespace in your document. An options menu will pop up and you can set the number of divisions to 6 and remove the concentric dividers by setting that option to 0.", "Align the pencil tip with the tip of the needle. Place the point of the compass down on the paper. Set the distance between the pencil and needle equal to the radius of the circle that you would like and draw. Swing the compass around 360° to complete the circle. Make sure the hinge is tight so it doesn’t slip while drawing. Also make sure the pencil is securely in its holder so it also doesn’t move while drawing. This first circle is the main circle that you will be dividing. Place the needle of the compass at any point along the edge of the main circle. Keep the distance between the needle and pencil the same as the first circle. Swing the compass around to complete the second circle. The second circle should overlap with the first circle and the edge should cross through the center of the first circle. If the distance between the needle and the pencil changes at all, the circle will not be divided equally. Place the needle at the intersection of the first and second circle. There are two intersections and you can use either one; this will be the center of a third circle. Use the compass to complete the third circle. Again, keep the compass at the same distance for every circle you draw. At this point you should have three overlapping circles. You should notice that the two outer circles overlap with the center of the first main circle. Just as you did to draw the second and third circle, use the intersection of the third circle with the main circle as the center point. Remember, going clockwise around the circle, you will use the intersection to the left of the circle. Place the compass on that intersection and draw a fourth circle. You are halfway done with drawing circles. Using the intersection of the previously drawn circle with the main circle as the center, draw the next circle. Continue the next three circles until you have a total of six circles all around the main circle. The inside of your original circle should now look like a 6 petaled flower. This is the first of three lines you will need to draw to divide the circle into 6 parts. Every line, including this one, should cross the exact center of the circle and divide two of the six inner \"flower petals\" of your drawing in half. This line will bisect two opposite flower petals and will go through the exact center of the circle. You now have a circle divided into 6 equal parts." ], "summary": [ "Draw a line through the center of the circle. Draw two more lines that divide one half of the circle into thirds. Extend those lines into the other half of the circle.", "Locate the Ellipse tool and create a circle. Place both vertical and horizontal guides through the center of the circle. Locate the Polygon Frame tool. Draw an equilateral triangle with the Polygon Frame tool. Align the triangle with the center of the circle. Join the circle and the triangle into a wedge with the Intersect tool. Copy and rotate the wedge 60°. Repeat the rotate and copy process until you have 6 wedges.", "Launch Adobe Illustrator. Locate the Polar Grid tool. Click and drag to create a circle. Separate into parts using the arrow keys.", "Draw a circle with the compass. Draw a second circle whose center is the edge of the first circle. Use the intersection of the first and second circle to draw a third circle. Draw a fourth circle using the intersection of the main circle and the third circle. Draw three more circles using the next intersection of each circle. Use a ruler to draw a straight line through the center of the circle. Draw another straight line one flower petal (or 60 degrees) clockwise from the first. Draw your final straight line one more flower petal (or 60 degrees) clockwise from the last." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Using the GUI Interface Provided by Valve", "Using the CUI Interface" ], "document": [ "Go to Options -> Keyboard Tab ", " Then hit enter and you're done." ], "summary": [ "Start the game. Locate the desired action whose bind you want to change and then change it.", "Start the console (The ~ button beside the '1' key)\n Write [bind \"<key name>\" \"<action name>\"] without the brackets but the quotes will be there." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Decorating Your Paper Bag" ], "document": [ "Depending on what kind of paper bag you want to make, you want to keep in mind what you want it to look like, how sturdy it is, and whether or not you'd like it to have a handle. You'll need scissors, glue, a ruler, and a pencil to help you assemble the bag Coloured or patterned craft paper is ideal for this project. It's thicker material helps to keep the bag sturdy and allow it to bear more weight inside. Craft paper comes in all designs and colours. Wrapping paper or newspaper is good material to use if you have something more delicate in mind. A thin piece of rope or ribbon works to create a handle. Gather materials like stencils, feathers, glitter, paint, and colouring pens and crayons to decorate your bag." ], "summary": [ "Choose and gather your materials." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Become a Ranger", "Learn the Sniping Ranger's Combos", "Become a Sniping Ranger" ], "document": [ "Once your Rena reaches level 15 or higher, the Ranger quest will be available in your Quest Log. The Quest Log can be found at the bottom right-hand side of your screen (the exclamation point icon). A window will appear showing a list of on-going and available quests. When you open your Quest Log, make sure you're in a city or town to avoid being attacked by monsters. The Quest Log can also be opened by pressing Q on your keyboard. Head straight to the Underground Waterway, under Very Hard mode, and kill 7 Mickey the Mice. This can be done in a party. If your party member kills a Mickey, that too will be counted. To get in a dungeon, simply press the Dungeon tab found on your screen. This will open a window showing you the available dungeons for your level. Click on the dungeon you want to enter and then press Start Dungeon, or hit F8 on your keyboard. This will automatically assign you to a party, but if you're already in a party, choose “Start with current members” instead. To change the dungeon difficulty, after choosing a dungeon you want to enter, look at the menu to your right; you will see the description of the dungeon as well as the dungeon difficulty. Choose from Normal, Hard, and Very Hard. Keep in mind that the higher the difficulty you choose, the more stamina is consumed per run, and this also requires a full party to clear the dungeon, depending on the dungeon level. After completing your first quest, go and clear the Suburbs of Wally's Castle. Complete the dungeon on any mode. He's the village's Equipment NPC; he can be found at the top right of the map. Talk to him about the quest, and he will give you a third test. You can invite your friends for a party raid or join randomly with other players. After completing this quest, open your Quest Log to complete your Ranger quest and become a full-fledge Ranger.", "This is the easiest of Rena's new combos, and the most used during PvP. By pressing X repeatedly, Rena will attack using her bow and arrows, causing the enemy to flinch and cancel any of their incoming attacks. At the fourth X, the Sniping Ranger will automatically use Siege Mode, which gives your character a higher boost in range and damage (X, X, X, X). This combo also available during your basic class, but once you have advanced to Sniping Ranger, your character can now execute this combo twice. Press Up twice to double-jump in air, press X twice to shoot down arrows, hitting enemies that are below you (Up, Up, X, X). Sniping Rangers can be vulnerable when close to enemies, but with Triple Arrow, she can dash past the enemy then shoot arrows from behind them. Many of the players use this skill to repeatedly cause the enemy to flinch at the first two attacks then knock them down at third. To do this combo, press the arrow button twice to run toward your enemy and then hit X three times (<< or >>, X, X, X).", "Now that you have completed the first leg of the quest, look for the NPC named Lenphad in Elder Village. Lenphad is the Equipment NPC for this map and can be found at the top-right level of the village, just next to Echo the Alchemist. Talk to him regarding the class-advancement quest, and he will give you a set of tasks to complete. The advancement quest for Sniping Ranger has three parts but all can be done in Wally's Castle. If you haven't unlock Wally's Castle yet, make sure you complete the Suburbs of Wally's Castle first in order for this map to be available in your dungeon selection. You must clear this dungeon with a rank B or higher; otherwise, you will have to do reruns. There is no time limit for this. They can be found on any floor of the dungeon, so make sure you have explored the entire area. Don't forget to collect High Quality Lubricants from the Crossbow Soldiers (you will need 2), as these are quest items. If you ever got disconnected from the game while you're in the dungeon, the monster kill, including the number of quest item you collected will remain. However, your stamina will still be deducted. Mini bosses will be available in this map; killing them will give you a chance of obtaining rare items, which can be useful for your survival. Once you have completed the quest, return to the Elder Village and open your Quest Log by pressing Q. Click the first-class advancement quest and then press Complete. This will complete the quest for the class change and will automatically turn your Rena to Sniping Ranger. If ever your character didn't change \\to Sniping Ranger after completing the quest, simply log off from the game and then log in again. Sometimes the server is too busy to register that your class has been updated." ], "summary": [ "Reach level 15. Open your Quest Log. Find the Ranger quest in the list and accept it. Kill 7 Mickey the Mice. Clear the Suburbs of Wally's Castle. Look for Hoffman in Elder Village. Clear the Suburbs of Wally's Castle under Hard mode.", "Use Siege Combo. Use Arrow Rain. Use Triple Arrow.", "Look for Lenphad. Enter Wally's Castle under Very Hard mode. Kill 12 Crossbow Soldiers while you're in Wally's Castle. Return to Elder Village." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Making Baked Hake", "Making Poached Hake", "Making Pan-Fried Hake" ], "document": [ "Set the oven to bake or convection and allow it to begin warming up as you get the rest of your ingredients together. Hake is a delicate fish that doesn’t take long to cook through, so it’s best to use a moderate temperature to prevent it from getting too done. Baking hake highlights the fish’s natural flavor without contributing unnecessary calories. Make sure the skin side is facing down so that the meat is visible. Drizzle a small amount of olive oil over the fillets to keep them from sticking.The foil will trap in moisture, preventing the hake from drying out in the heat of the oven. Make sure the foil you're using can go in the oven safely. Leave the top of the foil open for now in case you decide to thrown in a few herbs, spices, or vegetables for steaming. Sprinkle the hake with kosher salt, black pepper, lemon zest, or other spices to taste. If you want, you can also add pungent vegetables or herbs to each packet. The fish will absorb the flavors of the other components as it cooks, giving a little more depth. Onions, garlic, capers, and herbs like parsley and dill are all popular companions for baked hake. Once you’ve seasoned the hake, seal up each of the packet to ensure that they'll hold in heat. Enclosing the fillets in foil will also keep any liquid from leaking out while they're baking, which means juicier fish and faster cleanup. Avoid wrapping the fish too tight. This could mash it and ruin its natural texture. Leave 2–3 inches (5.1–7.6 cm) of space between them for the heat to circulate. You should be able to fit at least half a dozen average-sized fillets on a single baking sheet. If you're preparing enough for a crowd, you might need to pull out a second sheet or do your baking in batches. If you're worried about the foil sticking, brush the surface of the baking sheet with a light coating of oil before laying out the packets. Slide the baking sheet onto the center rack. Then, set a timer to remind you to check the fish’s progress after the first 10 minutes. If the fillets look like they need a little more time, pop them back into the oven for 2-3 minutes. When properly cooked, the meat should be white and flaky, and give way easily under a fork. Be careful not to overcook the hake. Since it has such a light consistency, it can go from done to overdone in a matter of minutes. Plate the fillets alongside a mound of rice pilaf or quinoa and a colorful tossed salad. For a heartier meal, try pairing the fish with steamed seasonal veggies, red potato salad, or corn on the cob. Garnish with a lemon wedge or sprig of parsley and enjoy! Make condiments like tartar sauce or lemon butter available for diners who prefer to dress up their fish. Put away your leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator. When properly stored, cooked fish should last 3-4 days.", "Run 7 ounces of water (about 200 ml) into the saucepan, then top it off with a splash of broth or stock. Make sure you use enough liquid to completely cover the fillets. Add your choice of aromatics, such as lemon slices, whole peppercorns, bay leaves, and allspice. For a tangier poaching liquid, you can also use white wine in place of the broth or stock. Traditionally, a mixture of diced onion, carrots, and celery known as “mirepoix” is also incorporated into the poaching liquid. These ingredients can be useful for infusing your hake with a subtle savory flavor. Place the saucepan on the cooktop over medium-high heat until it just begins to bubble. Allow the mixture to simmer for 2-3 minutes. This will give the various flavors a chance to mingle. For best results, your poaching liquid should reach a temperature between 160–180 °F (71–82 °C) before you add the hake. Be careful not to let the liquid come to a full boil. High heat can cause the tender fish to disintegrate. Lower the fillets carefully to prevent splashing. They should lie flat against the cooking surface and be completely submerged. If you haven’t used quite enough liquid, pour in additional water, wine, broth or stock until the fillets are covered. If you run out of room in the pan, it may be necessary to cook the fish in batches. The hot poaching liquid will quickly cook the hake through without drying it out. Keep an eye on the fillets in the meantime. When the meat turns opaque and takes on a plump, juicy appearance, they’re ready to come out. Avoid stirring the fillets as they’re poaching. Handling them too much could cause them to fall apart. Poaching is one of the fastest ways to prepare lighter types of fish like hake. Remove the fillets from the saucepan using a slotted spoon to strain the excess liquid. Place the fillets on a layer of folded paper towels to soak up any remaining moisture, then transfer them to individual plates for serving. Poached hake goes particularly well with bright, mild vegetables like tomatoes, mushrooms, and zucchini. Some buttery dinner rolls or a loaf of crusty, fresh-baked bread can help balance out the moistness of the fish nicely. Poach fish is best enjoyed fresh. However, any uneaten portions should keep for 2-3 days in the refrigerator when stored along with the remaining poaching liquid.", "Place the skillet on the cooktop over medium heat and drizzle in just enough oil to cover the bottom. You’ll know it’s reached the right temperature when it begins to shimmer and smoke faintly. Oils with high smoke points, such as olive, canola, or vegetable oil, tend to be best for pan frying. The fish will begin sizzling as soon as it comes into contact with the hot oil, so be sure to release it as close to the pan as possible to safeguard yourself from pops and splatters. Situate the fillets roughly half an inch (2.7 cm) apart to prevent crowding or sticking. You may only be able to fit 1-2 fillets in the skillet at a time, depending on the size of the fish and your cookware. A pair of tongs can come in handy if you’re worried about being burned. This should be just enough time to get the exterior nice and crispy. Allow the fish to cook until the meat just above the skin begins to turn white. Hake is typically eaten with the skin on, similar to heartier fish like salmon or bass. Slide your spatula under the fillets and give them a flip. Press the spatula firmly against the top of each fillet for a moment until you feel it relax. This will help the underside sear evenly and loosen up the meat for a more tender bite. Make sure you separate the skin from the pan prior to turning. Otherwise, it can easily stick and lead to breaking and tearing. Always use a spatula to flip fish rather than tongs. Not only is it easier, it also makes you less likely to mangle your main course in the process, improving its presentation. The hake should only require another minute or so to finish cooking after being turned. Use the edge of your spatula to cut partway into a piece to see how it’s coming along. The interior should be white and flaky, with a light browning on both sides. The fillets will be very hot when they first come out of the pan. It’s a good idea to give them a minute or two to cool down before you begin eating. Whip up some crowd-pleasers like garlic mashed potatoes or sautéed spinach to round out the meal. For a lighter touch, slice a couple tomatoes or a put together a root vegetable medley instead. Pull up a chair and help yourself while it’s hot! Rich cream sauces can make an excellent compliment to the crisp, golden-brown fillets. Stash your leftovers in the refrigerator and try to consume them within 3-4 days. Reheat the fried fish under the broiler in your oven or in a pan with fresh oil to preserve its tender texture and prevent it from becoming soggy." ], "summary": [ "Preheat the oven to 350 °F (177 °C). Wrap each fillet in a sheet of aluminium foil. Season the fillets. Fold or twist the ends of the foil closed. Arrange the wrapped fillets on a large baking sheet. Place the hake in the oven for 10-12 minutes. Serve oven-baked hake with your favorite sides.", "Fill a deep saucepan with 2–3 inches (5.1–7.6 cm) of poaching liquid. Heat the poaching liquid to a low boil. Add the hake fillets to the pan in a single layer. Stew the fillets for 10 minutes. Drain and serve the hake.", "Heat 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of oil in a large skillet. Place the hake fillets in the skillet with the skin side down. Fry the skin side of the fillets for 3-4 minutes. Turn the hake fillets over. Continue frying for 1-2 minutes, or until done. Serve pan-fried hake with other delectable dishes." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Writing a letter to grandma", "Writing a visit soon letter to grandma" ], "document": [ "'Dear beloved Grandmother,....' etc. Thanks for (action) or you could start off with: 'Remember when, (time)' You want her to feel special. You want her to remember the letter. Especially if you are reading this because you probably haven't even written her a letter before! This is where you fill it with the words that brought you to write her a letter. The body is most likely the largest part of the letter. Fill it up! Write something like in conclusion, or lastly. This hints her that your letter is coming to a close. Bring back the reason why you wrote the letter. If you wrote her the letter because you wanted to thank her for something, your closing should look something like this: I thank you for the (object) because it is one of the best things I have ever received. You are the kindest woman in my life. See you soon! Love, (name).", "Share her your memories of when she visited last time and say you miss her and that you're looking forward to seeing her again soon. Or, perhaps there is some other thing she does that you'd like to praise. There are some things to bear in mind when writing the letter, such as: Don't be too sentimental while writing; this spoils the natural effect of your message. Don't give bad expressions about anyone whom she loves. Avoid using slang or curse words. Include a promise from you to do something unexpected for her (something she likes)." ], "summary": [ "Start off with an opener: Indent the paragraph, then write a beginning for the letter: Fill the body of the letter with the facts, opinions, and special moments of her. Write your closing paragraphs.", "Start with dear beloved granny/grandmother. Write about your favorite dishes that she prepares if you like food. Take care with your writing. End on a positive note." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Diagnosing a Hiatal Hernia", "Changing Your Lifestyle to Reduce GERD Symptoms", "Trying Medical Options" ], "document": [ "If you are experiencing heartburn, belching, difficulty swallowing, or chest pain that you think might be caused by a hiatal hernia, ask your doctor to run some tests. To confirm that these symptoms are from a hiatal hernia and not just acid reflux (GERD), your doctor will need to see your stomach. He or she may perform an esophagram, which is a procedure where you drink a chalky liquid containing barium that coats your upper digestive tract. You will then be given an X-ray, which will, because of the barium, provide a clear outline of your esophagus and stomach. If a hiatal hernia is present, bulging may be seen around the esophagus stomach junction. Your doctor may also order an endoscopy. During this exam, a thin flexible tube with a light and video camera, called an endoscope, is slid down your throat and into your esophagus and stomach. This tool checks for obvious structural changes or visible signs of tissue inflammation that may provide evidence of an existing hiatal hernia. To test for complications that arise from a hiatal hernia, your doctor may run a blood test. Acid reflux and symptomatic hiatal hernias can lead to bleeding if the tissue is inflamed or irritated as well as lead to blood vessel rupture. Too much bleeding can lead to anemia and low red blood cells. Your doctor may take a small amount of your blood and send it out to a lab to detect if you have low red blood cells.", "Since hiatal hernias cause acid reflux symptoms, the first method of treatment is to prevent reflux, reduce acid production, and increase esophagus clearance. This can be done by reducing risk factors and implementing lifestyle changes. Smoking can make your hiatal hernia symptoms worse. Studies have shown that smoking tobacco relaxes this sphincter, a band of muscles around where the esophagus meets the stomach. The sphincter squeezes to prevent stomach contents from coming back up. Quitting smoking can be challenging. Speak with family, friends, and your doctor if you are seriously considering it. They can motivate and guide you to treatment options such as medications, nicotine patch, nicotine gum, and other healthy choices. Certain types of foods can lead to stomach irritation and increased acid production. In order to prevent and control your symptoms, avoid or limit foods such as: Chocolate Onions and garlic Spicy foods Fatty foods such as fried foods Citrus foods such as oranges Tomato based foods Alcohol Peppermint or spearmint Carbonated beverages like sodas Dairy products, such as milk and ice cream Coffee In addition to avoiding certain foods, there are foods you can eat which may help you prevent further symptoms from your hiatal hernia. Try to include healthier options for your stomach to handle, such as lean meats like skinless chicken, red meat with little visible fat, ground turkey instead of ground beef, and fish. Lean beef cuts include round, chuck, sirloin, or loin. Lean pork cuts include tenderloin or loin chop. You can also improve your diet by: Baking or broil foods instead of frying. Skimming off fat from meat during cooking. Trying not to use too much spicy seasoning. Eating low-fat dairy foods, such as low-fat yogurt instead of ice cream. Steaming your vegetables with water instead of broth. Limiting butter, oils, and cream sauces. Use cooking spray instead of cooking oil when sautéing. Choosing low-fat or nonfat ingredients over full-fat products. There are other food-related concerns that need to be considered when you are dealing with a hiatal hernia. When purchasing food items, always check the content or ingredient lists. If you are unsure if other food products may be triggering symptoms, take note before eating them and compare to it to how you feel after eating them. Also try eating smaller meals throughout the day rather than large meals. This gives your stomach an easier time to digest and produces less acid than larger meals. Do not eat too quickly either as this may give a similar effect. Increased abdominal pressure can put more pressure on the sphincter, leading to acid reflux or hernias. To reduce pressure on your stomach, try not to strain when passing stool. If you do strain or feel more constipated, add more fiber based foods to your diet such as fruits and grains. Try not to lift heavy objects because this puts pressure on your stomach and can aggravate symptoms or cause a hernia. Avoid lying down on your back or side after you eat. Think of it as tipping over a glass of water — if you are flat and the sphincter isn't functioning the stomach contents will easily enter into the esophagus causing symptoms. Being upright will help to minimize the risk. If you are overweight or obese, this can cause problems related to your hiatal hernia. Studies have shown that excessive body weight is a risk factor for hiatal hernias. Try walking for about 30 min after meals to help you digest and possibly lose more weight. A study has shown that walking for 30 min after eating reduced weight over a month when compared to walking after waiting an hour after meals As you go along, gradually increase your workouts. Perform more cardio based workouts such as running, jogging, jumping jacks, and biking, to help you burn more fat and calories. If you do this in addition to changing your diet to help your hernia, you are more likely to lose weight.", "You should not start medicating you have been assessed and properly diagnosed by a physician. Once your doctor has confirmed your diagnosis, she may suggest some different medications that you can take to help with the symptoms of a hiatal hernia. Be aware that these medications will not treat the hernia itself; rather, they will treat the GERD symptoms caused by your hernia. Antacids such as Rolaids, tums, Mylanta, and Maalox can be used before, during, or after meals to neutralize stomach acid. They come in many forms such as tablets, chewables, and liquids. You can also take H-2 blockers such as Zantac and Pepcid, which block receptors in your stomach to reduce acid production. It takes 30 to 90 minutes for the medications to take effect and it is advised to be taken before the first meal of the day. These can last up to 24 hours. Proton pump inhibitors like Nexium and Prilosec work similarly to H2 blockers by blocking glands that produce acid in the stomach. Take 30 min before your first meal of the day. All of these medications can be bought over the counter without a prescription. No matter the medication, always follow directions as labeled. There are some fairly significant illnesses on the differential diagnosis list that have very similar symptoms to a hiatal hernia, such as esophagitis, an esophageal motility disorder, and coronary artery disease. You need to see your doctor to rule these out before attempting treatment, even with over-the-counter products. 95% of hiatial hernias are Type 1 or sliding and these do not require surgery. 5% are other types of hiatial hernias called \"paraesophageal.\" Patients with paraesophageal hernias who are symptomatic are recommended to have surgical repair. A paraesophageal hernia may lead to severe symptoms requiring emergent attention, such as a blockage of the passage of food, strangulation (blood supply becoming cut off to herniated tissue), perforation, and respiratory compromise. When all else fails, surgery is presented as an option. The surgeon will attempt to reduce the contents of the hernia, mobilize the esophagus, close the hiatal defect, reduce esophageal reflux and fixate the stomach. To treat a hiatal hernia, there are three types of surgeries that you may need. One type is a Nissen fundoplication, a procedure that involves a 360 degree wrap around of the stomach esophagus junction. The hiatus where the esophagus passes through is also repaired. You may also have a Belsey fundoplication, which is an operation that involves a 270 degree wrap in an attempt to reduce the incidence of gas bloating and trouble swallowing. You may also have a Hill repair, which is a procedure where the top part of the stomach, before it becomes the esophagus, is anchored to the back of the abdomen, strengthening the anti-reflux mechanism. Some surgeons then tack the stomach down in the abdomen to prevent it from migrating upwards again. The choice depends on the surgeon's familiarity and comfort with each procedure. The most common type of surgical approach is laparoscopic. The surgeon uses an inserted camera probe to visualize the area and another probe to perform the surgery. This approach, as opposed to the open stomach surgery, leads to less scarring, better outcomes, and quicker recovery. Your surgeon will make three to five small cuts in your belly. A thin tube with a tiny camera, called a laparoscope, on the end is inserted through one of these cuts, while other surgical tools are inserted in the others. The laparoscope is connected to a video monitor in the operating room. Your surgeon does the repair while viewing the inside of your belly on the monitor. The surgery is done while you are under general anesthesia, so you are asleep and pain-free. Surgery usually takes two to three hours." ], "summary": [ "Ask your doctor about an esophagram. Have an endoscopy. Take a blood test.", "Stop smoking. Avoid certain foods. Eat healthier foods. Consider other dietary concerns. Reduce pressure in your stomach. Lose weight.", "Ask your physician about medication. Understand the need for surgery. Ask your doctor what happens during surgery. Be familiar with the surgery." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Caring for an Indoor Plant", "Caring for an Outdoor Plant" ], "document": [ "Gerberas must be in a pot with at least one drainage hole to avoid root rot, crown rot, and powdery mildew which occur when the soil is constantly wet and the plant is sitting in water. However, having even more holes on the bottom will be even better. It's best to have fresh, high-quality potting soil. Fill the container with about 3 inches (7.6 cm) of the soil. Put in the plant and add more soil until the crown (where the stem meets the roots) is slightly above the soil. Don't cover the crown, or your daisy is likely to suffocate. Modern soils allow water to flow out of the drainage holes rather than be retained at the roots. This is necessary so that your plant doesn't experience root rot or other diseases. Near a sunny window, there's adequate sunlight, but the temperatures may be too high and end up burning the leaves. However, without enough sunlight, you'll have plenty of leaves but no blooms. Morning sunlight is ideal, but be sure to keep you gerbera out of bright light during the afternoon. They can tolerate cool temperatures, but find it hard to survive in temperatures higher than 70 °F (21 °C). If your plant is located in indirect light, make sure it gets it the whole day. Turn on overhead lights or other lamps nearby, particularly during the winter. If the soil is still moist, leave the plant for a day or two. Thoroughly soak the roots of the plant, but keep the leaves as dry as possible. Make sure the pot is thoroughly drained before putting it back on a saucer or drip tray. Otherwise, the plant's roots may rot in the soggy soil. During the winter months, you should water it less often, but avoid letting the soil dry out completely. For indoor plants, it's best to use a fertilizer that is formulated for blooming parts. Follow the instructions on the package as to how much fertilizer to use based on the size of your container. Fertilize your daisy during the growing season (mid-spring to early summer), but avoid doing so otherwise. As the flowers start to wilt and fade, pinch or cut off the stem just next to the flower. Do this with all the dead or dying flowers on the gerbera. This is also referred to as deadheading the plant and will focus the development of the plant into growing more beautiful blossoms rather than producing seeds. It maintains the plant's appearance while also potentially allowing the second bunch of flowers to come out. Bugs may pester your gerbera if you do not deadhead it. Start doing this early, such as around late spring, and repeat the process every couple of days to keep your plant in the best shape possible. If you'd like to keep flowers in a vase, cut them off when they're still fresh and keep them in water. They should last for several days. Once the plant begins looking crowded in its pot, it will need to have more space. Pick a pot that's a size larger than your current one with at least one (preferably more) drainage hole at the bottom. Fill it with 3 inches of potting soil. Hold the stem with your fingers while also covering the top of the pot and turn it upside down. The plant along with some soil should slide out, but if it doesn't, you can knock the pot against another surface to turn the plant loose. Transfer the plant to the larger pot and add soil until the top of the roots sit an inch lower than the rim of the pot. Water your replanted gerbera daisy until it begins dripping from the drainage hole(s). When you take the daisy out, you can examine the roots. Trim off any that appear diseased or rotten. Don't cover the crown (where the main stem meets the roots) when adding soil. The plant might wilt slightly following the repot, but will perk up again within a week or two with proper care. Although gerberas don't survive repotting very well because they have deep root systems, suffocating them in a small pot will not help either. Gerberas may be infested by common household pests like mites or aphids. Spray your plant with an insecticidal soap according to the manufacturer's instructions. Monitor your plants carefully so that you can tackle the problem before they take over and the problem gets severe. You may use an organic insecticidal soap if you wish.", "It should get direct sunlight in the morning and be shaded in the afternoon. Although they prefer bright sunlight, it's best to keep them out of intense light, especially in hot climates. Move them outside only when all risks of spring frosts are gone. Spade the soil to a depth of 8–10 inches (20–25 cm) and add a layer of organic matter like manure or compost. Leave a space of 18–24 inches (46–61 cm) between each plant if you have multiple. Make sure that the crown of the plant (or where the stem meets the roots) is just above ground level so that your gerbera doesn't suffocate. You can also water when the top of the soil and the crown (the place where the stem meets the roots) of the plant are dry. Do this only in the morning so that the leaves get a chance to dry during the day to reduce problems with fungal diseases and rot. It's recommended to water deeply with a soaker hose or a regular hose with a light trickle. That way, you can avoid getting the leaves wet at all. Make sure to thoroughly soak the roots of your gerbera. This will promote growth and add extra nutrients. Use a balanced general-purpose garden fertilizer. You may also apply a time-release fertilizer every 2-6 weeks. A high-quality micronutrient-rich liquid fertilizer is also recommended. Gerberas often need extra iron or magnesium to continually bloom. Try to find a fertilizer that contains at least one of these minerals. Leave some space between the material and the plant's crown. This will boost the plant's growth and encourage flowering. Remove wilted blooms by pinching or cutting off the stem just below the flower. Repeat with all the fading flowers to help your gerbera maintain it's attractiveness and channel energy into the second set of luscious blossoms. If you'd like to keep flowers in a vase, cut them off when they're still fresh and keep them in water. They should last for several days. Start doing this early, such as around late spring, and repeat the process every couple of days to keep your plant in the best shape possible. Weather and irrigation will cause the crown to sink beneath the surface of the soil. Dig carefully using a garden fork and avoid damaging the roots." ], "summary": [ "Pick a container with good drainage. Add the ideal potting soil mix. Keep your plant in a spot with enough light. Water your gerbera deeply whenever the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. Use fertilizer to give your plants a boost in growth. Remove wilted blooms. Repot your gerbera if it begins to multiply. Deal with pests that infest your plant.", "Pick the right spot for your gerbera. Plant your gerbera correctly. Water your plant if there is no rain for about a week. Fertilize your plant monthly during the growing season. Add 2-3 inches of natural mulch or compost around the gerbera during spring. Deadhead your outdoor daisy using the same method as an indoor plant. Dig up and replant your gerbera daisy in the fall once every two years." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Putting the Arnold Palmer Together", "Preparing the Lemonade", "Preparing the Iced Tea" ], "document": [ "The Arnold Palmer is typically served in a Collin's glass, but any type of tall glass will do. For a colder drink, fill it 2/3 of the way with ice. For a traditional Arnold Palmer, fill it only ¼ of the way with lemonade. For a sweeter Arnold Palmer, fill it ½ of the way with lemonade. Arnold Palmer has been said to prefer his drink to be 70 percent iced tea, and 30 percent lemonade. Do not stir the two liquids together. The layering is part of the presentation. Who ever is drinking the Arnold Palmer can do the stirring him or herself, if they so desire. For a more girlish drink, use a maraschino cherry instead. ", "Stir the sugar water often to keep the sugar from scorching. This will make your simple syrup. You are boiling the water and sugar, because sugar does not mix well into cold water. If you already have your lemonade, click here to learn how to put the drink together. This will take about 4 to 5 lemons. Rinse the lemons well, then cut them in half. Squeeze them using a lemon juicer, and discard the pulp and seeds. Make sure that the pitcher is large enough to hold 6 cups (1.4 liters) of liquid. Give the water a gentle stir to help mix in the lemon juice. How much you use is up to you. Some people like their lemonade very sweet, while others prefer something more tart. You likely won't use all of the sugar-water. If you have any of the sugar-water left over, store it in the fridge, and use it to sweeten your drinks and desserts within a few days. The sugar-water will likely still be very hot and will make your lemonade warm. You will need to wait for the lemonade to reach room temperature before you move on. If you are in a hurry, add 2 to 3 handfuls of ice into the pitcher.", "Set a large pot on the stove, and fill it with 6 cups (1.4 liters) of water. Turn the heat to high, and wait for the water to boil. If you already have your iced tea, click here to learn how to put the drink together. If you don't like black tea, you can make a less traditional Arnold Palmer, and another type of tea (such as green or mint) instead. Place a lid on the pot, and leave it some place where it won't get disturbed. Don't leave the tea bags in the water for longer than 5 minutes, or the tea will turn bitter. Don't use the same pitcher as the tea; you will be pouring the drinks separately. If you are in a hurry, you can add 2 to 3 handfuls of ice. Don't add any more, or you will dilute the flavor too much." ], "summary": [ "Get a tall, narrow glass. Fill the glass half-way with ice. Fill the glass partway with lemonade. Fill the rest of the glass with the tea. Garnish with a few mint leaves or a lemon wedge, if desired. Serve.", "Boil 1 cup (225 grams) of sugar and 1 cup (240 milliliters) of water in a small pot. Squeeze the juice from enough lemons to fill 1 cup (240 milliliters). Pour the lemon juice into a large pitcher. Add 4 cups (950 milliliters) of cold water. Stir in enough of the sugar-water until you get your desired sweetness. Let the lemonade reach room temperature.", "Boil 6 cups (1.4 liters) of water in a large pot. Take the pot off the stove, and add 3 to 4 bags of black tea. Let the tea steep, covered, for 5 minutes. Take the tea bags out after 5 minutes, then discard them. Pour the tea into a large pitcher and let it cool down to room temperature." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Obtaining an Education and Experience", "Writing Your Scripts", "Landing a Job" ], "document": [ "Look for colleges that offer writing degrees in screenwriting, film and television, or cinema and media production. TV writing is a specific type of writing and majoring in English or creative writing may be too broad. Be specific when choosing a writing program and make sure it includes classes specific to television production. Film classes will help you understand characters, plot, and what translates well from the page to the screen. These classes will also give you an understanding of how films are made. Theater classes will give you an in depth look at working with actors on a script. These classes often require you to work with others and teach you how to work within a team. This will help prepare you for the larger project of TV writing. Television writing and production classes will be some of the most beneficial you can take. These classes will cover how to create scripts, what to expect in your job search, and career options. You do not have to seek a degree to take these classes. Classes are offered online or in person, depending on where you are. Look in your area for TV writing classes sponsored by colleges, writing groups, or media companies. If you live in an area without access to in person classes, online classes are just as beneficial. Either option will allow you to meet new people who share your interest and make connections for the future. Reference books will help you understand formatting as well as the creative aspect of TV writing. The Screenwriter's Bible by David Trottier or Crafty TV: Thinking Inside the Box by Alex Epstein are good books to start with. TV scripts are not formatted the same way as books or essays so researching is essential. Watch current TV shows with the purpose of educating yourself. Ask yourself what in the writing makes the show work. How does the dialogue convey (or not) what the characters are trying to communicate? What role does non-verbal communication play in the show? How is the plot moving forward in this specific show as well as the rest of the season? How does the writing convey character development? Use the Internet to find out who writes the shows you enjoy and research them. Watch or read interviews with screenwriters to find out how their career began and grew. If comedy is an area that interests you, Carol Leifer has written for Saturday Night Live, Seinfeld, and Devious Maids among other shows. She describes her experiences in her memoirs How to Succeed in Business Without Really Crying: Lessons From A Life in Comedy as well as in numerous interviews. If you are a fan of Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, or How to Get Away With Murder, Shonda Rhimes has given several interviews discussing her career. She discusses her transition from film to television and often has advice for aspiring writers.", "Writing for a show and characters you are connected to will come across as more authentic than writing for a show just because it is popular. Do not write an original show idea. Show executives want to know if you can write in a preexisting world without drastically changing the show's dynamic or losing your unique voice. An established show is better than a brand new one since it will likely still be on the air when your script is ready to send out. This is not the time to drastically change the path of the show or showcase your new ideas. Stay true to the characters and storyline to prove that you can work within the established world of the show. Think about the storyline the show revolves around. If it is a mystery, do not solve the mystery in your episode. Similarly do not write an episode in which two characters finally become a couple if the show revolves around their romantic tension. It is also best to not kill off any characters in your spec script. Do not revisit or rewrite the show's history. You should keep your script within the confines of present day for the show. Your script should be free of flashbacks and mythology. Edit your script, then edit it again. Watch the TV show you are writing an episode for and then go back to your script to make sure the writing stays true to the show. Is the dialogue believable for the show? Are your stage directions realistic within the confines of the series? Family and friends are not ideal as they are often too close to you to be honest. Look for writer's groups, either online or in person, to exchange ideas and editing services with. These groups will help you hone your craft. They will also help you learn to accept rejection gracefully. You will need at least two speculative (spec) scripts to break into the entertainment writing business. For television this will be two episodic screenplays of a TV show. This is how you will show executives and showrunners your writing ability and it is essentially your resume. You also want to make sure you have one ready to send in immediately if it is requested.", "An agent can help get your script into the right hands. Agents will list on their website specific instructions on how to submit your writing. The Writer's Guild of America is a reputable resource for finding agencies. Almost all agents will require a query letter. This is a letter in which you sell your writing and yourself to the agent. Some require a specific format so check their website. All are looking for something that stands out so make sure your letter highlights the best parts of you and your writing. An agent shouldn't charge upfront to represent you. Most agents' fees are 10-12 percent after they broker your deal. If an agent asks you to pay a fee just for representation, move on to another agency. You can look up information online about how to submit your script to them as they have specific, individual instructions. Many do not accept scripts, depending on legal issues with their current shows. The ones that will accept them usually have instructions on their company site for submitting episode manuscripts. Becoming a writer's or producer's assistant is an excellent way to get your foot in the door of TV writing. You will not make much money, but you will be exposed to a TV show from the off camera point of view. This will allow you to read scripts, see how writers and producers work in real time, and make numerous connections within the industry. Check out the job opportunities section on the home page of the production company you are interested in joining. Search online for workshops, conventions, or meet and greets in your field. Join media groups online and follow them on social media. The more connections you make, the better your chance of getting a foot in the door." ], "summary": [ "Major in entertainment writing. Take Writing for TV classes. Read books about TV writing. Study TV shows. Research screenwriters you admire.", "Choose a network TV show you love to watch. Write a typical episode. Refine your writing. Seek out editors. Begin a second script.", "Get an agent. Send your script to TV showrunners and executive producers. Apply for a job as an assistant. Network as often as possible." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Deciding if a Cash Advance is Wise", "Getting the Cash from the Credit Card Company" ], "document": [ "Although there are a couple of cards that charge nominal cash advance fees, they are typically substantial. A cash advance fee is usually expressed as a percentage of the transaction—10% is common—but with a minimum dollar amount. So if you withdrew cash in the amount of $500, it would be subject to a $50 cash advance fee, because 10% of $500 is $50. However, even if you only withdrew $10, the minimum dollar amount for a charge might be $5, making the charge for the $10 withdrawal $5 instead of $1. The interest rates on cash advances are almost always higher than the interest rates on a typical credit transaction. Before you decide to make a cash withdrawal, make sure you know the interest rate and can afford it. It isn’t uncommon to see interest rates of 20% and more for cash advances, which is extraordinary. Many a sensible person has become financially ensnared by a high interest rate. Make sure you’ll be able to easily pay the cash advance back before you make the withdrawal. Unlike most credit card transactions, the interest on cash advances begins to accrue immediately. While it’s always important to pay off your credit card balance as quickly as possible, this goes double for a cash advance. You will need to pay the minimum payment on your regular credit card balance before any payment can go toward paying off your cash advance. Any additional payment will then go to the highest interest rate balance on your card. So if the interest rate on your regular credit card balance is 4% and the interest rate on your cash advance is 20%, the payment must be applied to paying off the cash advance balance. A lot of people will have other alternatives to a credit card cash advance—probably the only type of loan more unfriendly to the borrower than a cash advance is a payday loan. You should consider any of the following before you take a cash advance: Getting a personal loan. It will take a little longer than a credit card cash advance, but the interest rate will be much lower than a cash advance (by as much as half). Furthermore, you can usually get a personal loan for a larger amount. Personal loans are available through banks and credit unions. Applying for a HELOC. A Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) is a line of credit in the same amount as the equity in your home. It is like a second mortgage, but you aren’t obligated for all of the equity in your home, and it has an expiration date. They’ll take much longer to apply for than a cash advance, but they’ll be far less expensive. ref>http://ptmoney.com/credit-card-cash-advance-bad-financial-move-or-good-emergency-plan/</ref> Interest paid on a HELOC is deductible from income tax.", "While most credit cards allow cash advances, it doesn’t work exactly like using a credit card. Where you might be able to use a credit card even if you’re a little late on the payment, this is generally not the case with a cash advance. You typically can’t withdraw the entire amount of your credit limit, either, so you’ll need to make sure you’re not maxed out before you try to make a withdrawal. If you use online banking, you should be able to access this information quickly by logging into your account. If you don’t use online banking and you aren’t sure about whether you’re current on payments or how much you have left on your credit limit, you should call the creditor who issued the card. They’ll be able to answer any question you might have about your credit limit or payment history. Don’t forget to ask about any fees or special interest rates for cash advances. Before you go to the ATM, remember that your credit card has a different PIN than does your debit card. You’ll need to get the PIN for your credit card before you go to the ATM, because it’s common for an ATM to freeze an account after a certain number of wrong entries. If you can’t remember your PIN, you may be able to reset it. Call your bank and inquire about how to change it. Sometimes it’s as easy as calling a 1-800 number, but other banks might send you the new PIN in the mail. Although you can get a cash advance from a bank or in the form of a check delivered by postal mail, the speed and convenience of an ATM withdrawal is part of the appeal. Try and find an ATM from the same bank as issued the card—using it will be free. If you can’t find an ATM from the issuing bank, try an Allpoint ATM. Allpoint is a network of over 50,000 surcharge-free ATMs. Unfortunately, everyone isn’t in the Allpoint network. Check to see if you are at http://www.allpointnetwork.com/." ], "summary": [ "Don’t forget about the cash advance fee. Check the interest rate. Determine whether you can start to pay right away. Consider your alternatives.", "Make sure you’re current on payments. Call your creditor. Find or set your PIN. Locate an ATM that’s convenient and free." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Finding the Time and Courage to Talk", "Telling Him The First Time", "Handling His Response", "Telling Him Regularly" ], "document": [ "\" Love is a beautiful, joyous emotion. But it is also a powerful word, and you shouldn't throw it around with your man unless you're sure you mean it. This doesn't mean you need to write a thesis on your feelings. But you do need to ask yourself what you hope to gain by telling him you love him. If he's already said \"I love you,\" and you know you feel the same, feel free to come out and say it. If your relationship is strong, and you know him and yourself well, it might be time to say \"I love you.\" If you're convinced you're in love, and need to tell him so, then trust your instincts and say it. If you want to tell him just to see if he'll say \"I love you\" back, or because you feel pressured to say it, don't. Love is something you give to others, it doesn't expect or need someone else's response. If you're just friends, but want more, you should consider asking him out before saying you love him. Make sure you can spend quality time together before launching an L-bomb. This will also give you a great chance to gauge his own feelings towards you. More likely than not, if you love him then he will feel some attraction back towards you. Just focus on letting go and having fun -- love is not about forcing your feelings -- so take your time and build a relationship. At the end of the day, this is about you confidently telling him how you feel. If you're not sure if he likes you back, that is okay! That's why you want to tell him your own feelings. Is he comfortable hanging out with just you? If not, telling him you're \"in love\" might come off a little too strongly. Sometimes you just need some perspective. A big reason many people won't say \"I love you\" is that they're afraid the partner doesn't feel the same way. At the end of the day, it comes down to speaking your mind and feelings honestly. However, if you're a little worried: Ask a mutual, trusted friend if they can see you two dating. Talk to one of his friends and see if he is interested in anyone right now. If you're feeling bold, ask if he has any feelings for you. Even best friends can be taken aback by the powerful words \"I love you.\" You might have thought about this love for months, but for him this is big, sudden news. Imagine yourself in a similar situation -- you have a friend you like who suddenly tells you they are in love. You'd be at a loss for words, to say the least. So don't jump right to love -- take your time exploring your feelings together. Test the water a few weeks in advance with: \"I just wanted to tell you that I really like you.\" \"I love spending time with you. This has been a great few months.\" \"Let's go on a few dates, just you and me for a change.\" Love: the most blissfully confusing human emotion around. If you feel overwhelmed with affection, feel your stomach flip every time you see him, and want to blurt out \"I love you!\" at every turn, chances are good you're head over heels in love. But, as strong as the feeling is, avoid the temptation to immediately tell anyone. Instead, sit back and enjoy the rush of love for a few days. Show yourself that this isn't just a crush, this is the real thing. If you still feel like you love him, then get ready to make your move. If you don't still feel attached to him after the a few days, then you had a crush, not love. Love stays around for a long while. It is scientifically proven then men say \"I love you\" first more often than women. To make matters worse, many dating books are hard-set on the woman always saying \"I love you\" second. The reasons are fuzzy (\"evolutionary advantage for men who create commitment early on\") or made up (\"women who say it first seem overly needy\"), but there is something to be said for tradition. Like it or not, some men are weirded out when a woman says \"I love you\" first. This shouldn't keep you from expressing your feelings, but it is worth considering.", "If your guy is stressed out over work or school, dealing with family issues, or preoccupied with a personal crisis, he probably won't be all that receptive to a big new development in your relationship. There is no \"perfect moment,\" so don't wait for one. A low-key, quiet moment without stress is always a good opportunity. There are, however, bad times to talk about love: After sex. While intoxicated. Over text or the phone. During or after a fight or argument. Is there a special place that brings up strong memories for the both of you? You may want to tell him at the place where you had your first date, or where you went out to dinner for your two-month or six-month anniversary. That said, all that really matters is that you have a place to talk without being interrupted constantly. Ask him to go for a walk with you, help with a basic chore, or simply \"come over to talk with me for a few minutes.\" You don't have to plan to be at a cheesy \"rom-com\" setting like an ocean cliff, but it shouldn't be in a dirty alleyway either. Don't try a big gesture or romantic setting -- this isn't the time and chances are good it will backfire. What matters are you and your feelings. So don't overthink things. Speak from the heart and have an open conversation, not some big production. Just start talking honestly about your relationship -- how happy he makes you, good memories you've shared, your own feelings -- to bring up the topic of love organically. Eventually, the only thing left to do is just come out and say it. So close your eyes, count to three, and let it out. Say it any way you feel comfortable, since the words themselves are what really matter. Make eye contact, smile bravely, and be the astounding, honest, and loving person you already are. Remember-- simpler is sweeter. If you're shy and unsure what to do, try out these methods: \"I'm in love with you.\" \"Joe, I want you to know that these past eight months have been some of the happiest of my life. I feel like we've connected on a deep level and every day we spend together is better than the last. I love you.\" \"I've had something on my chest for a while, and it feels good to let it out. I love you.\" Lean in, and kiss him on the cheek, then whisper in his ear quickly, \"I love you.\" If you can't meet in person, but still need to get your feelings off of your chest, there is nothing decreeing that you can't say \"I love you\" anyway. The reason face-to-face is nicer is that it is much more personal -- but you can make long-distance conversations personal. Instead of a text message, or signing off with an ambiguous \"I love you,\" take the time to write a letter or email that has the only purpose of expressing your love. It doesn't have to be long, just from the heart. Let them know that you'd rather talk to them in person, but couldn't keep your feelings secret any longer. Elaborate a bit on a story, event, or emotion that lead you to your feelings of love. Let him know that you don't need an immediate response; you just wanted to let him know how you felt.", "You can pause, smile, and start talking about something else, indicate that the moment is over by saying “Just thought you should know.\" You can even tell him you don't need to hear anything back, letting him know he should take some time to think things over. The less you come across like you're trying to extract a particular response from him the likelier he'll be to give you the one you want – if not immediately, eventually, when he realizes what a lucky guy he is. When talking, try to phrase everything personally -- \"I realized I love you,\" \"I fell for you, etc.-- instead of using language like \"we\" and \"us.\" Because guys aren't always encouraged to communicate their thoughts and feelings, it's extra important to make them feel like they have someone to confide in. Be an active listener by reading between the lines, waiting for him to finish before you respond, and digging in with further questions. Avoid tying whatever he says back to yourself. You've told him you love him, now be patient as he works through his own emotions. Some silence, though it may feel awkward, is not a bad thing. He may be a bit shocked and need time to digest the news -- don't feel like one of you must always be talking. Just because you're not demanding a response doesn't mean you aren't pressuring him. If he disappears for a day or two, don't worry too much -- he just needs to process things. Chasing him down or following his every move, waiting to see how he responds, will only drive him farther away. If he is awkward or tells you he has other feelings, be kind and cordial -- you've done your part! But if he smiles or responds that he loves you too, there is no reason to rush down the aisle. Telling someone you love them in just another step in your relationship, not the end of the line. The important thing is treating him like you love him, not just saying the words. Keep talking regularly, having open and honest conversations about your relationship. Don't feel the need to tell him you love him every day now -- actions speak louder than words. Ultimately, all you can do is express your feelings. You can't control how he is going to respond, nor should you. No matter what he says in return, you should respect his wishes and move on with your life. It takes a lot of bravery and passion to tell someone that you love them -- be proud of yourself for the effort and courage.", "If you make an effort to show you love once a day, whether with a good-night \"I love you\" or by simply putting his toothpaste on his brush for him, you'll keep the relationship strong for a long time. If you're worried about showing your affection, just think about finding one time a day where you can. Even an extra-long, passionate kiss is a great way to slow down time with your man for a half-second. Some people have a hard time saying the words \"I love you.\" But that doesn't mean that they don't love their partner. If you're someone who struggles a bit with showing affection, try these little techniques to let someone know you care: Hold or squeezing hands Make plans together for the future, even just future dates Introduce your friends and/or family Surprise him with kisses, hugs, and affection Give compliments, encouragement, and admiration. Do little favors for him, especially when he seems upset. It sounds paradoxical, but sometimes the best thing you can do is not see him at all. Remember -- you fell in love as separate people with separate lives -- you need to preserve some of this independence to stay happy and in love. Don't feel like you need to talk or check in constantly to show how much you care. Sometimes giving each other some free time is the best way to show you know and love someone. Do not avoid fights or issues just by saying \"I love you,\" and accepting your concerns. The most in-love couples have arguments too, and you need to air them out openly and honestly to keep your love alive. So don't feel like you're destroying your love, or going back on your word, if you bring up a disagreement or issue -- you're just showing your love in another way. Don't ever let a partner get you to do something you don't want to to \"prove your love.\" Love doesn't need to be proven. Everyone has different comfort levels when it comes to saying \"I love you.\" There are those that say it after every phone call and those that only save it for special moments, and there is everything in between. So don't worry about how often you should say \"I love you,\" or how often you hear it -- people are different, and show their love in different ways. These words mean much more when you mean them. If you only say \"I love you\" when you're feeling full of love, you'll both be much happier." ], "summary": [ "Ask yourself why you wanted to say \"I love you. Spend time together talking, hanging out, and being romantic. Talk to trusted mutual friends if you are unsure whether he is a friend or something more. Make sure he knows that you like him before you tell him you love him. Let your love wash over you for a few days before making a move. Considering letting him say it first.", "Wait for a time when he feels happy and secure. Find a quiet, private location to talk. Keep it simple and from the heart. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and say \"I love you\". Tell him how your feel over distance with a thoughtful letter or phone call.", "Make it clear that you don't demand to hear it back. Sit and listen to him after you've said your piece. Give him time and space to think. Continue treating him like a friend, no matter what his response, to help the relationship grow. Respect his decision or response without argument.", "Find time once a day to tell or show him your love. Find ways to tell him without saying the words. Give him space and free time. Talk openly and honestly when you're upset-- even loving couples fight. Tell your partner you love them whenever you feel love, not because you feel obligated." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Making Cape Malay Koeksisters", "Making Afrikaner Koeksisters" ], "document": [ "In a large bowl, sift together the flours, spices, sugar, salt, and yeast. In a different small bowl, whisk together the butter and hot water to melt the butter. When the butter has melted, whisk in the milk. Crack the egg into a small bowl and whisk it briefly. Add the egg, oil, and butter and milk to the dry ingredients. Use a wooden spoon to mix all the ingredients together. Continue mixing until the ingredients come together to form a smooth dough. If mixing with the spoon becomes difficult, knead the dough with your hands instead. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth and place it somewhere warm to rise for one to two hours. It’s important to cover the dough so that it doesn’t dry out. A good warm place for the dough to rise is an oven that’s turned off, but with the oven light turned on. When the dough is ready, cover your hands with a layer of oil and turn the dough out onto a flat surface. Roll the dough out with your hands into a long cylinder that’s two inches (5 cm) thick. Cut the dough cylinder into smaller pieces that are one to two inches (2.5 to five cm) long. Arrange the dough pieces on two baking sheets and leave them to rise for another 30 to 40 minutes. While the dough is rising for the second time, prepare the syrup. The doughnuts will be fried and then dunked into the syrup right away, so it needs to be ready for when the doughnuts are fried. Combine the sugar, water, and spices in a medium saucepan. Bring it to a boil over medium heat, stirring frequently to prevent the sugar from burning. When it comes to a boil, lower the heat and continue simmering and stirring until the syrup becomes thick. Lower the heat again and keep the syrup warm over low heat until the doughnuts are ready. Fill a deep fryer or deep frying pan with oil and heat it over medium–high heat. Drop a pea-sized piece of dough into the oil. When it begins to cook and sizzle, you know the oil is ready. Take a piece of dough and stretch it out slightly to get an oval shape. Repeat with every dough piece before frying. Drop a couple oval dough pieces into the oil, but don’t crowd them. Fry the dough until the koeksisters become golden brown, about one to two minutes. Remove the doughnuts from the oil one at a time using a slotted spoon. Place them on a paper towel to remove some of the excess oil. Poke a few holes in each doughnut with a fork. Transfer the doughnuts to the warm syrup and roll them around to coat all sides. When the doughnuts are drenched in syrup, remove them one at a time with the slotted spoon. Allow the excess syrup to drain off over the saucepan. Roll each doughnut in the shredded coconut to coat them completely. Transfer them to a serving plate and enjoy!", "The night before you plan to make your koeksisters, make a batch of syrup. This gives the syrup time to chill, and the hot doughnuts will be dipped into the cold syrup to get them crispy and shiny. Bring the water, sugar, and cream of tartar to a boil over medium heat in a small saucepan. Stir constantly so the sugar doesn’t burn. When the mixture comes to a boil, add the lemon juice. Simmer for 10 minutes, stirring frequently. You can also add a pinch of cinnamon and dried ginger to the syrup at this point if you want to add a bit of spice. After simmering, remove the syrup from the heat and allow it to cool to room temperature. Then divide the syrup into two separate bowls and chill overnight in the fridge. Sift the flour and baking powder into a large bowl. Sifting will remove clumps and make the batter smooth. Add the butter to the flour and use the tips of your fingers to rub the butter into the flour until the butter has been distributed throughout. You want to distribute the butter in the flour as evenly as possible. The texture will become slightly crumbly. Crack the egg into a small bowl and whisk it together with the water until incorporated. Then pour the egg into the flour and stir with a spoon to combine all the ingredients. Continue stirring until everything comes together as a ball of dough. Then knead the dough until it becomes smooth and soft. Cover the bowl with a piece of plastic wrap or a damp towel and set it aside for an hour to rest. Heat the oil over medium heat in a deep fryer or in a deep frying pan. For the best results, you want about three to four inches (seven to 10 cm) of oil. Place a pea-sized ball of dough into the oil. When the piece of dough begins to cook and sizzle, the oil is ready. If you have a candy thermometer, heat the oil to about 340 F (171 C). Turn the dough out onto a flat and lightly oiled surface. Grease a rolling pin with a bit of oil and roll out the dough into a large rectangle that’s about a quarter-inch (6.3 mm) thick. Cut the dough into long thin strips that are about an inch (2.5 cm) wide and six inches (15 cm) long. Take three strips of dough and pinch them all together at one end. Then braid the three pieces together. When you get to the end of the dough, pinch all three ends together to seal them. To braid the dough, lay the three strips out side by side. Take the left strip and lay it over the middle strip, so that the two switch positions. Then take the right strip and lay it over the middle strip. Go back to the left strip and lay it over the middle again. Repeat until you reach the end of the strips. Repeat this process with all the dough strips until you have assembled all the koeksisters. This recipe will make about a dozen doughnuts. If you have any strips of dough left, you can cut them in half lengthwise to make smaller koeksisters, or fry single strips of dough. Place a few doughnuts into the hot oil and let them cook for about three to five minutes, until they are golden brown. When they are cooked, transfer them to a paper towel for a few seconds to allow the excess oil to drain off. When the first batch of doughnuts is cooking in the oil, remove one of the bowls of syrup from the fridge and place the entire bowl into a larger bowl filled with ice. Keep the other bowl chilling in the fridge. After a few seconds on the paper towel, dunk the doughnuts immediately into the bowl of syrup. Allow the doughnuts to soak in the syrup for a minute or two. Remove the koeksisters from the syrup with a slotted spoon, allowing the excess syrup to drain off back into the bowl. Transfer the syrupy doughnuts to a wire rack to cool. When the bowl of syrup becomes warm from the hot doughnuts, return it to the fridge and start using the second chilled batch. Place the fresh batch into a bowl of ice as well. Allow the koeksisters to cool to room temperature before serving. If you have extra syrup left over, transfer it to small serving bowls for dunking the doughnuts into." ], "summary": [ "Mix the dry and wet ingredients separately. Combine all the wet and dry ingredients. Leave the mixture to rise. Roll out the dough. Make the syrup. Stretch and fry the dough. Dip the doughnuts in the syrup. Roll in coconut before serving.", "Make the syrup. Combine the dry ingredients with the butter. Add the egg and water to form a dough. Heat the oil. Roll out the dough. Braid the dough. Fry the doughnuts in small batches. Dip the doughnuts into the cold syrup. Cool before serving." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Selling Photographs Online", "Advertising and Pricing Your Work", "Marketing Photo Prints" ], "document": [ "for full control over sales and licensing. If you don’t want to design a site from scratch, look for a web hosting service that offers templates specifically designed for artists or small businesses. Making your own store will give you complete control over how you price, license, and deliver your photos to customers. Services like Shopify and Yahoo! Stores offer easy ways to set up your own storefront with lots of convenient built-in features (such as customer mailing lists and secure payment systems). If you build your own website from scratch, you will need to select a payment system that works for you and your customers, such as PayPal or Google Pay. Try to select a domain name that reflects your personal brand and the kind of work you do. Stock photo vendors like Shutterstock, SmugMug, and 500px offer an easy way to sell your photos to an established audience. Each vendor has different pricing and licensing policies, so shop around to find the one that fits your needs. Many of these services require a monthly subscription fee for hosting and selling your photos, so you will probably need to post a lot of photos in order to make a profit. Most stock photo agencies offer either a percentage or a flat fee for the sale of each photo. Fees may vary depending on the size or resolution of the photo and how the buyer plans to use it. While smaller agencies may let you start submitting photos right away, some of the larger ones (like Getty) have a more selective and complicated review process. In addition to selling digital copies of your photos, you might want to offer more tangible merchandise, such as prints. You can sell high-quality prints through websites like Fine Art America, or put your designs on merchandise like shirts and buttons using custom vendors like CafePress or Zazzle. If you make your own prints or other products featuring your photographs, Etsy is a good option that allows you to keep a generous percentage of the profits.", "of your work. Pull together a few of your very best shots for your portfolio. Make sure to select images that you’re happy with and that you feel are representative of the work you do. Whether you’re offering your services as a professional photographer or just trying to sell photos you’ve snapped on your own, a portfolio is a great way to show off your work. If you’re not comfortable making your own website, use a portfolio website like PhotoShelter, Squarespace, or SmugMug. You may need to pay a monthly fee to use these services. Building a portfolio is also a good way to define your niche as a photographer. For example, you might focus on beefing up your reputation as someone who takes breathtaking nature photos or mouthwatering food pictures. You can use a service like Facebook or start a dedicated blog to post pictures and talk about your photography. Once you start building a following, you can use your social media platform to let people know where they can purchase your photos. Many social media sites will promote your content for a fee. For example, you can use the “Sponsored Posts” feature on LinkedIn or click “Boost Post” on Facebook to advertise your work to a larger audience. Reach out to friends and family and ask them to spread the word about your work through their own social media accounts. Try making chatty posts that give your followers an idea of who you are as a person as well as an artist. For example, “I had a wonderful time connecting with the ancient past—and with myself—during my recent trip to Egypt! Check out these images I captured of Hatshepsut’s temple at Deir el-Bahri, available for sale on my website now.” Take a look at the prices other vendors are setting (and that buyers are offering) for photos similar yours. Setting an appropriate price for your photos depends on a lot of factors, including the quality of the photo, the uniqueness of the composition and subject matter, and who is buying the picture. Consider the audience for your photos. If you’re selling to individuals, you’ll probably make a lot less than you would selling your photos to a big-budget magazine or website. You can use online tools like Getty Image’s price calculator to help you find a reasonable price range for your image based on factors like how the photo will be used and the nature of your target market. Apps like price-a-photo by Pixel Cents can also simplify the pricing process.", "Arts and crafts fairs are great places to sell your photos and network with other photographers and artists. Do a search for an upcoming art fair or market near you, or use an online directory like Art Fair Calendar or Fairs and Festivals. Start looking for potential shows at least 4 to 6 months in advance of when you plan to display your photos. Contact the organizers of the event as early as possible so that you can get your application in and select the tent or booth of your choice. You’ll also need to consider budgetary factors, such as the cost of reserving a booth, making prints, and creating an attractive display. Put some thought into how you want to display and curate your photos for the show. You may find it helpful to select photos that fit a specific theme or have a particular tone. Be sure to offer a variety of sizes and formats, including larger, more expensive framed prints and smaller, more affordable matted photos. If you’re not already familiar with the galleries in your area, do an online search or ask around in the photography community. Visit some galleries in person to see what kind of artwork and photos they display and sell, and ask about the possibility of selling some of your work. You may also be able to get your work displayed and sold at local cafes and coffee shops. Some galleries or shops may charge a monthly fee for featuring your work on their walls. Others may simply ask for a percentage of the profits if they sell any of your work. Businesses like doctors’ offices, banks, and real estate stagers are often in need of photographs and art prints to decorate their walls. Contact businesses in your area to find out if they are interested in purchasing prints from you. Some businesses feature rotating art displays that can act as a form of advertising for your work." ], "summary": [ "Create your own online store Use an online stock photo agency for greater convenience. Try online art and design stores to sell prints or other merchandise.", "Create a digital portfolio Advertise your work on social media. Research pricing on photos like yours.", "Get a stall at a local art fair. Approach local art and photo galleries about selling your work. Try selling your prints to local businesses." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Getting Outside Help", "Moving On From Your Crush", "Behaving Appropriately in Class", "Accepting Your Feelings" ], "document": [ "If you are concerned that your crush on your teacher is impacting your day-to-day life and also preventing you from concentrating on your studies, talk to a therapist or school guidance counselor. If you are concerned about privacy, talk to a therapist rather than a guidance counselor. Your therapist is required by a code of ethics to keep what you say confidential. Guidance counselors are not bound by the same code, and can easily report information that's revealed to them. Your friends may have similar experiences coping with crushes and might be able to offer some interesting advice or perspective. If nothing else, talking about your feelings might make you feel less alone. If you find yourself unable to stop thinking about or interacting inappropriately with your teacher, it might be time to make a more drastic change. Talk to your guidance counselor or academic advisor about transferring out of the class. Be honest with your counselor about the feelings you're having for your teacher. If they don't fully understand how much these feelings are distracting you from your schoolwork, they might not be willing to let you change classes. Trust that they are professionals who are trained to deal with situations like this.", "Pursue new hobbies and renew old passions. Join new clubs and sports or recommit to old ones. Take the time and energy you previously spent lusting after your teacher and put it towards something productive. Also try to get out and find some new people to spend time with to get your mind off them. Develop relationships with other people, especially people your own age. Work on strengthening current friendships and cultivating new ones. Open your mind to meeting and spending time with new people and you may find yourself falling out of love faster than you think! Taking a trip or changing up your surroundings is incredibly healthy. Traveling can help you expand your mind and see the world in an entirely new light. Traveling also teaches patience, flexibility and perspective; which are all important qualities that will help you get over your teacher. The best way to get over an old relationship is to get involved in a new one. Don't rush into anything you're not comfortable with, but allow yourself to be open to the idea of dating and pursuing relationships with new people, because you have to move on. There's no agreed upon length of time to wait after suffering a broken heart. But it is important to take some time to yourself after a breakup to rediscover who you are, what you like and what you value in yourself and in a future partner.", "The reason you are in school is to learn and get a proper education, so take the energy you would normally spend thinking about your teacher and re-focus on it and also on your work. You’ll see improvements in your academic performance and it will take your mind off your teacher. Thoughts frequently lead to action and visualizing something makes it more likely to occur and people will see you. Thinking about your teacher increases your chances of doing something you might later regret. Try focusing on things about your teacher that you don't like. The idea here is not to dwell on the negatives, but to remind yourself that the relationship was not as perfect as you remember it being, e.g. Age difference, appearances. Interact with your teacher in class, but do not seek them out or try to spend time with them outside of your designated class time. It just isn't right for you, especially as they are probably quite a bit older than you. It is generally okay to date a person older than you in later life, but a young person dating an older teacher is often considered inappropriate. Do not contact them on social media or try to meet with them outside of school. Respect their position as your teacher and give them the space that they need to do that job well. Making decisions in advance about how you will handle your impulses can help you to be more successful in conquering them. Think about how you’d like to act when talking to your teacher and then follow through on your plan.", "Understanding the problem is the first step in moving forward. Don’t feel bad about having a crush; crushes are something that everyone experiences at some point of view and the human brain is actually biologically programmed to fall in love. Getting over a relationship is hard, even if that relationship never fully materialized. Give yourself some time to mope around and feel badly, then pick yourself up and move forward. Make sure you're not upset for too long. While feeling sad, also take steps to comfort yourself. Try taking a hot shower, listening to one of your favorite playlists and speaking nicely to yourself. Knowing that this relationship will never progress is an important step in moving past it. Remind yourself again and again that what you’re doing is necessary for your own personal happiness and growth. Remember that you will have other crushes. In many people's minds, having a crush on your teacher veers towards the inappropriate sector, no matter how you feel. It is against the law to be with someone over 18 if you are under 18. There will be others who you will prefer in the future, and others who you have a real chance with. Focus ahead, without dwelling too much on this dynamic with your teacher." ], "summary": [ "Speak with a licensed professional. Talk with your friends. Transfer out of the class.", "Distract yourself with extra-curricular activities. Spend time with friends. Go somewhere new. Date someone new.", "Focus on your studies. Stop thinking about your teacher romantically. Limit your interactions with your teacher. Utilize if-then planning.", "Admit that you have a crush on someone. Allow yourself to feel sad. Commit to moving on." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Making Crispy Oven Fries", "Making Basic Oven Fries" ], "document": [ "For easier clean-up, cover the baking sheets with aluminum foil first, then coat the foil with cooking spray. You can do this by cutting the potatoes in half lengthwise, in half again, and then into wedges, and finally into thin strips. The matchstick shape is important. Combined with the high baking temperature, it is what will give you nice, crispy fries. You can leave the potatoes unpeeled, or you can peel them first. Consider adding other seasonings, such as pepper, garlic powder, and fresh, chopped rosemary. You will be tossing the potatoes in this, so make sure that the bowl is big enough. An easy way to do this would be to cover the bowl with a tight-fitting lid, and then shaking it. Make sure that the fries aren't clumped together or touching. Use another baking sheet, if necessary. If the fries are clumped together, they won't turn out very crispy. The longer you bake them for, the crispier they will become. About halfway through the baking time, toss the fries with a spatula or a pair of tongs. This ensures even baking. To make garlic fries: During the last 10 minutes of baking, sauté 3 cloves of garlic in 1 to 2 tablespoons of olive oil until it turns brown, then set it aside. Use a spatula to transfer the fries from the baking sheet to your serving dish. If you are making garlic fries: season the fries with sea salt, then drizzle the sautéed garlic over them.", "For easy clean-up, consider covering the baking sheet with aluminum foil first, then spraying the foil with cooking spray. Start by cutting the potatoes in half lengthwise, and then cutting each half into four wedges. You can choose to peel the potatoes first, or leave them unpeeled. Mix together the spices first, then add the oil, and stir everything together with a fork or small whisk. You will be adding the potato wedges into the bowl, so make sure that it is big enough. A quick and simple way to do this would be to cover the bowl with a lid, and then shaking it a few times. Make sure that the potato wedges are not clumped together, or they won't bake properly. If you want crispier wedges, make sure that they aren't touching; use a separate baking sheet, if necessary. After about 20 minutes or so, turn the wedges over using a spatula; this ensures that they bake evenly. If you'd like, you can season them further with some fresh parsley and freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano." ], "summary": [ "Preheat your oven to 450°F (233°C) and generously grease a baking sheet with cooking spray. Cut the potatoes into ¼-inch (0.64-centimeter) thick matchsticks. Mix together the oil and salt in a large mixing bowl. Toss the potatoes with the oil and salt. Spread the potatoes out in an even layer on the greased baking sheet. Bake the fries for 25 to 35 minutes. Season the fries, if desired, then serve them immediately.", "Preheat your oven to 400°F (205°C) and coat a baking sheet with cooking spray. Cut the potatoes into wedges. Combine the oil and seasonings together in a large mixing bowl. Add the potatoes, then toss them until they are evenly coated. Spread the potatoes across the baking sheet in an even layer. Bake the potatoes for 40 to 45 minutes. Use a spatula or a pair of tongs to serve the fries." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Removing Hair", "Cleaning Grime and Oil", "Drying Your Hairbrush" ], "document": [ "Your fingertips are your most accessible and cost-effective tool. Start at the base of the cylinder or pad, grasp a clump of hair, and gently pry up and away. It’s important to take your time as hair strands break easily and will become difficult to remove. When it comes to hairbrush cleansing tools, the miniature hairbrush rake tops the list. While this tool is similar to a comb, it is far more effective. Cleaning rakes vary in size, as well as in single or dual sides. For bristled brushes or if you have multiple styles and sizes of brushes, a dual sided rake is more versatile. Hold the bristled hairbrush over the sink, a trash can, or take it outdoors. Brush the nylon brush through the bristles of your hairbrush. This will remove hair buildup, as well as dislodge skin and dandruff flakes. Continue brushing until the nylon brush rakes cleanly through the brush bristles. Wash the nylon brush to remove debris and allow it to dry completely before reusing it for this purpose. Teasing combs are dual sided with bristles and a hair sectioning point called a rat tail. Beginning at the base of your bristled brush, slide the rat tail under the collected hair and gently pull away from the brush. Repeat this on all sides of the cylinder or across the entire face of the pad. Once you have loosened and lifted the hair from the shaft, simply use your fingers to roll the hair up and off. Oftentimes, the hair will clump or knot in the process of removal. Make sure to have a pair of scissors handy for these occasions. Simple cut through the clump or knot to divide it into two or three sections. Be careful not to cut too much or the smaller pieces of hair may remain stuck.", "Tea tree oil is an all-natural and highly-effective cleansing agent available at your local drug store or health foods market. Pour one cup of warm water into a medium sized bowl. Add a few drops of tea tree oil and stir to combine. For those with sensitive skin or allergies, using your own shampoo, plus baking soda, is a safe and gentle option. Pour one cup of warm water into a medium sized bowl. Add a teaspoon of shampoo and a teaspoon of baking soda and stir to combine. Using a clean toothbrush, dip the brush end in the solution. Make sure that the toothbrush bristles are completely soaked with the cleansing agent. Take the toothbrush and brush the cylinder or pad from the base, where the bristles are connected to the brush head, all the way to the top. This will remove oil, dandruff, and leftover hair product. Move around the hairbrush methodically to cover the entire surface. Make sure to include small circular motions to help dredge up heavily soiled brushes. After scrubbing the bristled brush cylinder or pad, dip the head of your hairbrush into the cleansing agent. This will help to remove any loose particles, as well as provide a second rinsing, which is particularly useful on stubborn hair product build up. If the hairbrush has a wooden handle or paddle, do not submerge the brush in the water. Most wooden brushes are coated in a moisture repellant, but they aren’t 100% resistant. Instead of submerging in the bowl of water, perform one or two additional toothbrush cleanings. Fill a second medium sized bowl with clean and cool water. Lower your hairbrush into the water gently submerging the entire bristled area. For circular brushes, you may have to twist your brush in your palms to make sure the entire area has been rinsed. If you have a wooden bristled brush, hold the brush bristle side down over a sink or a towel. Take a mist or spray bottle and soak the cleansed bristles until the water runs clear from the bristles.", "It's important to immediately remove any excess water that has collected in the bristles or on the pad of a wooden brush. Moisture can cling and seep into brush bristles, cloth brush pads, and wood causing mold and rot. Using a cloth, gently press between the bristles to reach the surface of the cylinder or pad. Make sure to use adequate pressure to soak up any excess moisture. Once you have absorbed excess moisture, it's important to allow the brush to fully dry before use. Place the bristles facing down on a clean and dry towel and allow to dry overnight. If you need to use your brush right away, use a hair dryer set to its lowest setting to speed the drying process. Go back and forth over the brush a few times to blow out any remaining water drops and to ensure that the hairbrush is now damp rather than soaking wet." ], "summary": [ "Use your fingers if your hairbrush has a light layer of collected hair. Use a miniature hairbrush rake if your hairbrush has a substantial amount of collected hair. Use a nylon brush if you already have one available. Use a teasing comb for layers of hair that are tightly wound. Use scissors to help remove stubborn hair knots and clumps.", "Use tea tree oil as an all-natural cleansing agent. Use a shampoo and baking soda cleansing agent if you have sensitive skin. Dip a clean toothbrush in the cleansing agent. Scrub your hairbrush between the bristles and on surface of the pad. Soak your bristled hairbrush in the bowl of cleansing agent to remove loose particles and provide a deep clean. Rinse your hairbrush in clean and cool water.", "Use a clean dry cloth to dry your hairbrush if you have a wooden handle or paddle. Lay your hairbrush, bristles facing down, on a cloth to air dry. Use a hair dryer to quickly dry your hairbrush." ] }