The hospital is connected to the museum, and the town hall. The town hall is connected to the museum, the observatory, and the hospital. The museum is connected to the hospital, the observatory, and the town hall. The observatory is connected to the monument, the museum, and the town hall. The monument is connected to the high school, and the observatory. The high school is connected to the monument. You are at the hospital. Get to the high school.
To start, I'm at the hospital. From the hospital, I go to the town hall. From the town hall, I go to the observatory. Then, from the observatory to the museum. Oops, there's no good path from museum. I'll backtrack to the observatory. I then go from the observatory to the monument. Then we go from the monument to the high school, and we're done!
The coffee shop is connected to the community center, the bookstore, and the forest. The forest is connected to the restaurant, the coffee shop, and the bookstore. The bookstore is connected to the coffee shop, the restaurant, and the forest. The restaurant is connected to the community center, the bookstore, and the forest. The community center is connected to the pharmacy, the coffee shop, and the restaurant. The pharmacy is connected to the community center. Find your way to the pharmacy from the coffee shop.
We start out at the coffee shop. From the coffee shop, I go to the forest. From the forest, we can go to the restaurant. Next, from the restaurant to the bookstore. Oh, wait, the bookstore doesn't help us. Back to the restaurant... From the restaurant, we can go to the community center. Then we go from the community center to the pharmacy, and we're done!
The community center is connected to the bookstore, and the town hall. The bookstore is connected to the community center, and the town hall. The town hall is connected to the community center, the high school, and the bookstore. The high school is connected to the elementary school, the observatory, and the town hall. The observatory is connected to the high school, and the elementary school. The elementary school is connected to the high school, and the observatory. You start at the community center. Get to the elementary school.
I start at the community center. Next, from the community center to the town hall. Next, from the town hall to the bookstore. Wait, bookstore is a dead end. Back to the town hall... Next, from the town hall to the high school. Then we go from the high school to the elementary school, and we're done!
The restaurant is connected to the coffee shop, and the high school. The high school is connected to the coffee shop, and the restaurant. The coffee shop is connected to the factory, the high school, and the restaurant. The factory is connected to the coffee shop, and the flower shop. The flower shop is connected to the factory. You are at the restaurant. Get to the flower shop.
We start out at the restaurant. Next, we can go from the restaurant to the coffee shop. From the coffee shop, we can go to the high school. Wait, high school is a dead end. Back to the coffee shop... From the coffee shop, I go to the factory. Then I go from the factory to the flower shop, and I've made it!
The library is connected to the hotel, the lake, and the elementary school. The lake is connected to the library, and the high school. The high school is connected to the lake, and the elementary school. The elementary school is connected to the hotel, the library, and the high school. The hotel is connected to the library, the clock tower, and the elementary school. The clock tower is connected to the hotel. Find your way to the clock tower from the library.
At the beginning, I'm at the library. I then go from the library to the elementary school. Next, we can go from the elementary school to the high school. I then go from the high school to the lake. Oh, wait, the lake doesn't help us. Back to the high school... Hm, it seems there's no way forward from the high school. I'll go back to the elementary school. Next, from the elementary school to the hotel. Then we go from the hotel to the clock tower, and we're done!
The library is connected to the restaurant, the clock tower, and the bakery. The clock tower is connected to the library, and the bakery. The bakery is connected to the library, the toy shop, and the clock tower. The toy shop is connected to the forest, the restaurant, and the bakery. The restaurant is connected to the library, the toy shop, and the forest. The forest is connected to the restaurant, and the toy shop. Get to the forest from the library.
To start, I'm at the library. From the library, we can go to the bakery. From the bakery, I go to the clock tower. Hm, it seems there's no way forward from the clock tower. I'll go back to the bakery. From the bakery, we can go to the toy shop. Then we go from the toy shop to the forest, and we're done!
The town hall is connected to the playground, and the observatory. The observatory is connected to the playground, and the town hall. The playground is connected to the pharmacy, the observatory, and the town hall. The pharmacy is connected to the factory, and the playground. The factory is connected to the pharmacy. Your goal is to get to the factory, starting from the town hall
To start, I'm at the town hall. Then, from the town hall to the playground. I then go from the playground to the observatory. Nope, the observatory can only lead us to a dead end. Back to the playground... From the playground, I go to the pharmacy. Now, I just go from the pharmacy to the factory. Done!
The park is connected to the library, the restaurant, and the bakery. The restaurant is connected to the park, the observatory, and the bakery. The bakery is connected to the park, the restaurant, and the observatory. The observatory is connected to the library, the restaurant, and the bakery. The library is connected to the monument, the park, and the observatory. The monument is connected to the library. Starting at the park, get to the monument.
I start at the park. Next, from the park to the bakery. I then go from the bakery to the observatory. Next, from the observatory to the restaurant. Wait, restaurant is a dead end. Back to the observatory... Next, we can go from the observatory to the library. Then we go from the library to the monument, and we're done!
The tea house is connected to the library, and the flower shop. The library is connected to the tea house, the flower shop, and the town hall. The flower shop is connected to the library, the tea house, and the town hall. The town hall is connected to the aquarium, the library, and the flower shop. The aquarium is connected to the coffee shop, and the town hall. The coffee shop is connected to the aquarium. Start from the tea house. Figure out how to get to the coffee shop.
To start, I'm at the tea house. Then, from the tea house to the flower shop. From the flower shop, we can go to the town hall. Then, from the town hall to the library. Oops, there's no good path from library. I'll backtrack to the town hall. Next, from the town hall to the aquarium. Now, I just go from the aquarium to the coffee shop. Done!
The bakery is connected to the monument, the pharmacy, and the museum. The monument is connected to the pharmacy, and the bakery. The pharmacy is connected to the monument, the museum, and the bakery. The museum is connected to the factory, the pharmacy, and the bakery. The factory is connected to the museum, and the toy shop. The toy shop is connected to the factory. You are at the bakery. Get to the toy shop.
I start at the bakery. From the bakery, I go to the museum. Next, from the museum to the pharmacy. Next, we can go from the pharmacy to the monument. Oops, there's no good path from monument. I'll backtrack to the pharmacy. Oh, wait, the pharmacy doesn't help us. Back to the museum... From the museum, I go to the factory. Then we go from the factory to the toy shop, and we're done!
The post office is connected to the hospital, and the river. The river is connected to the post office, and the hospital. The hospital is connected to the post office, the coffee shop, and the river. The coffee shop is connected to the hospital, and the elementary school. The elementary school is connected to the coffee shop. You start at the post office. Get to the elementary school.
We start out at the post office. Then, from the post office to the hospital. Then, from the hospital to the river. Hm, it seems there's no way forward from the river. I'll go back to the hospital. From the hospital, we can go to the coffee shop. Then we go from the coffee shop to the elementary school, and we're done!
The bakery is connected to the playground, and the clock tower. The clock tower is connected to the playground, and the bakery. The playground is connected to the tea house, the clock tower, and the bakery. The tea house is connected to the factory, the park, and the playground. The park is connected to the factory, and the tea house. The factory is connected to the tea house, and the park. Find your way to the factory from the bakery.
I start at the bakery. Next, from the bakery to the playground. I then go from the playground to the clock tower. Nope, the clock tower can only lead us to a dead end. Back to the playground... From the playground, I go to the tea house. Finally, now that we're at the tea house, we can go straight to the factory.
The elementary school is connected to the forest, the lake, and the bakery. The bakery is connected to the monument, the forest, and the elementary school. The forest is connected to the monument, the elementary school, and the bakery. The monument is connected to the bakery, the lake, and the forest. The lake is connected to the monument, the river, and the elementary school. The river is connected to the lake. Starting at the elementary school, get to the river.
We start out at the elementary school. Next, we can go from the elementary school to the forest. Next, from the forest to the bakery. From the bakery, we can go to the monument. From the monument, I go to the lake. Finally, now that we're at the lake, we can go straight to the river.
The restaurant is connected to the bakery, and the forest. The forest is connected to the restaurant, and the bakery. The bakery is connected to the restaurant, the playground, and the forest. The playground is connected to the bank, and the bakery. The bank is connected to the playground. You are at the restaurant. Get to the bank.
We start out at the restaurant. From the restaurant, I go to the bakery. Next, from the bakery to the forest. Oh, wait, the forest doesn't help us. Back to the bakery... Next, we can go from the bakery to the playground. Then I go from the playground to the bank, and I've made it!
The hotel is connected to the flower shop, and the town hall. The flower shop is connected to the hotel, and the town hall. The town hall is connected to the hotel, the community center, and the flower shop. The community center is connected to the aquarium, the restaurant, and the town hall. The aquarium is connected to the community center, and the restaurant. The restaurant is connected to the aquarium, and the community center. You are at the hotel. Get to the restaurant.
At the beginning, I'm at the hotel. From the hotel, I go to the town hall. Next, from the town hall to the flower shop. Hm, it seems there's no way forward from the flower shop. I'll go back to the town hall. Next, we can go from the town hall to the community center. Then we go from the community center to the restaurant, and we're done!
The flower shop is connected to the museum, the hotel, and the playground. The museum is connected to the library, and the flower shop. The library is connected to the museum, and the playground. The playground is connected to the hotel, the library, and the flower shop. The hotel is connected to the flower shop, the restaurant, and the playground. The restaurant is connected to the hotel. Your goal is to get to the restaurant, starting from the flower shop
To start, I'm at the flower shop. Then, from the flower shop to the playground. Then, from the playground to the library. From the library, we can go to the museum. Oh, wait, the museum doesn't help us. Back to the library... Oh, wait, the library doesn't help us. Back to the playground... From the playground, we can go to the hotel. Finally, now that we're at the hotel, we can go straight to the restaurant.
The museum is connected to the pharmacy, the bookstore, and the lake. The bookstore is connected to the museum, and the lake. The lake is connected to the pharmacy, the bookstore, and the museum. The pharmacy is connected to the museum, the lake, and the flower shop. The flower shop is connected to the pharmacy. You are at the museum. Get to the flower shop.
At the beginning, I'm at the museum. Then, from the museum to the lake. Next, we can go from the lake to the bookstore. Nope, the bookstore can only lead us to a dead end. Back to the lake... From the lake, I go to the pharmacy. Finally, now that we're at the pharmacy, we can go straight to the flower shop.
The elementary school is connected to the community center, the flower shop, and the town hall. The flower shop is connected to the town hall, and the elementary school. The town hall is connected to the lake, the flower shop, and the elementary school. The lake is connected to the community center, and the town hall. The community center is connected to the monument, the lake, and the elementary school. The monument is connected to the community center. Start from the elementary school. Figure out how to get to the monument.
I start at the elementary school. Then, from the elementary school to the town hall. From the town hall, I go to the flower shop. Hm, it seems there's no way forward from the flower shop. I'll go back to the town hall. From the town hall, we can go to the lake. From the lake, we can go to the community center. Then we go from the community center to the monument, and we're done!
The elementary school is connected to the lake, and the town hall. The lake is connected to the bakery, the town hall, and the elementary school. The town hall is connected to the elementary school, the lake, and the bakery. The bakery is connected to the factory, the lake, and the town hall. The factory is connected to the library, and the bakery. The library is connected to the factory. You are at the elementary school. Get to the library.
To start, I'm at the elementary school. Then, from the elementary school to the town hall. From the town hall, we can go to the bakery. Next, we can go from the bakery to the lake. Hm, it seems there's no way forward from the lake. I'll go back to the bakery. Next, from the bakery to the factory. Finally, now that we're at the factory, we can go straight to the library.
The river is connected to the observatory, and the clock tower. The clock tower is connected to the observatory, and the river. The observatory is connected to the river, the restaurant, and the clock tower. The restaurant is connected to the coffee shop, the post office, and the observatory. The post office is connected to the coffee shop, and the restaurant. The coffee shop is connected to the post office, and the restaurant. You are at the river. Get to the coffee shop.
We start out at the river. From the river, I go to the observatory. I then go from the observatory to the clock tower. Hm, it seems there's no way forward from the clock tower. I'll go back to the observatory. I then go from the observatory to the restaurant. Finally, now that we're at the restaurant, we can go straight to the coffee shop.
The library is connected to the bakery, and the forest. The forest is connected to the library, and the bakery. The bakery is connected to the pharmacy, the library, and the forest. The pharmacy is connected to the town hall, and the bakery. The town hall is connected to the pharmacy. Your goal is to get to the town hall, starting from the library
We start out at the library. Next, from the library to the bakery. I then go from the bakery to the forest. Nope, the forest can only lead us to a dead end. Back to the bakery... Next, from the bakery to the pharmacy. Now, I just go from the pharmacy to the town hall. Done!
The toy shop is connected to the lake, and the elementary school. The lake is connected to the toy shop, and the elementary school. The elementary school is connected to the monument, the lake, and the toy shop. The monument is connected to the hospital, and the elementary school. The hospital is connected to the monument. You start at the toy shop. Get to the hospital.
I start at the toy shop. Then, from the toy shop to the elementary school. Next, from the elementary school to the lake. Oops, there's no good path from lake. I'll backtrack to the elementary school. Next, we can go from the elementary school to the monument. Then we go from the monument to the hospital, and we're done!
The coffee shop is connected to the high school, the restaurant, and the toy shop. The restaurant is connected to the coffee shop, the toy shop, and the town hall. The toy shop is connected to the coffee shop, the restaurant, and the town hall. The town hall is connected to the restaurant, the high school, and the toy shop. The high school is connected to the library, the coffee shop, and the town hall. The library is connected to the high school. You are at the coffee shop. Get to the library.
At the beginning, I'm at the coffee shop. Next, from the coffee shop to the toy shop. Next, we can go from the toy shop to the town hall. I then go from the town hall to the restaurant. Oops, there's no good path from restaurant. I'll backtrack to the town hall. Next, we can go from the town hall to the high school. Finally, now that we're at the high school, we can go straight to the library.
The hotel is connected to the museum. The museum is connected to the hotel, and the hospital. The hospital is connected to the museum, the toy shop, and the bakery. The toy shop is connected to the aquarium, and the hospital. The aquarium is connected to the toy shop, and the bakery. The bakery is connected to the aquarium, and the hospital. Start from the hotel. Figure out how to get to the bakery.
At the beginning, I'm at the hotel. Then, from the hotel to the museum. Next, from the museum to the hospital. Now, I just go from the hospital to the bakery. Done!
The community center is connected to the hotel, and the restaurant. The hotel is connected to the park, and the community center. The park is connected to the aquarium, the hotel, and the restaurant. The restaurant is connected to the aquarium, the community center, and the park. The aquarium is connected to the park, the restaurant, and the hospital. The hospital is connected to the aquarium. Start from the community center. Figure out how to get to the hospital.
At the beginning, I'm at the community center. Next, from the community center to the restaurant. From the restaurant, we can go to the park. Then, from the park to the hotel. Nope, the hotel can only lead us to a dead end. Back to the park... Then, from the park to the aquarium. Then we go from the aquarium to the hospital, and we're done!
The coffee shop is connected to the museum. The museum is connected to the monument, the coffee shop, and the observatory. The monument is connected to the museum, and the observatory. The observatory is connected to the monument, and the museum. Find your way to the observatory from the coffee shop.
I start at the coffee shop. Next, we can go from the coffee shop to the museum. Finally, now that we're at the museum, we can go straight to the observatory.
The observatory is connected to the museum, and the town hall. The town hall is connected to the museum, the observatory, and the elementary school. The museum is connected to the pharmacy, the observatory, and the town hall. The pharmacy is connected to the museum, and the elementary school. The elementary school is connected to the pharmacy, and the town hall. Find your way to the elementary school from the observatory.
At the beginning, I'm at the observatory. Next, we can go from the observatory to the town hall. Now, I just go from the town hall to the elementary school. Done!
The museum is connected to the bookstore, and the hospital. The bookstore is connected to the museum, and the community center. The community center is connected to the bookstore, and the hospital. The hospital is connected to the museum, the bank, and the community center. The bank is connected to the pharmacy, and the hospital. The pharmacy is connected to the bank. Get to the pharmacy from the museum.
At the beginning, I'm at the museum. I then go from the museum to the hospital. Next, from the hospital to the community center. From the community center, I go to the bookstore. Nope, the bookstore can only lead us to a dead end. Back to the community center... Wait, community center is a dead end. Back to the hospital... Then, from the hospital to the bank. Then we go from the bank to the pharmacy, and we're done!
The lake is connected to the museum, the restaurant, and the toy shop. The restaurant is connected to the lake, and the toy shop. The toy shop is connected to the lake, the bank, and the restaurant. The bank is connected to the museum, the coffee shop, and the toy shop. The museum is connected to the bank, the coffee shop, and the lake. The coffee shop is connected to the museum, and the bank. You start at the lake. Get to the coffee shop.
We start out at the lake. Then, from the lake to the toy shop. From the toy shop, I go to the restaurant. Oh, wait, the restaurant doesn't help us. Back to the toy shop... From the toy shop, I go to the bank. Now, I just go from the bank to the coffee shop. Done!
The park is connected to the bank, the toy shop, and the observatory. The toy shop is connected to the park, and the observatory. The observatory is connected to the bank, the park, and the toy shop. The bank is connected to the park, the lake, and the observatory. The lake is connected to the bank. Your goal is to get to the lake, starting from the park
We start out at the park. I then go from the park to the observatory. From the observatory, we can go to the toy shop. Oh, wait, the toy shop doesn't help us. Back to the observatory... Then, from the observatory to the bank. Now, I just go from the bank to the lake. Done!
The coffee shop is connected to the factory, the community center, and the clock tower. The community center is connected to the coffee shop, and the clock tower. The clock tower is connected to the factory, the coffee shop, and the community center. The factory is connected to the pharmacy, the coffee shop, and the clock tower. The pharmacy is connected to the factory, and the high school. The high school is connected to the pharmacy. Find your way to the high school from the coffee shop.
At the beginning, I'm at the coffee shop. I then go from the coffee shop to the clock tower. Next, from the clock tower to the community center. Oops, there's no good path from community center. I'll backtrack to the clock tower. Then, from the clock tower to the factory. I then go from the factory to the pharmacy. Finally, now that we're at the pharmacy, we can go straight to the high school.
The pharmacy is connected to the clock tower, and the elementary school. The clock tower is connected to the pharmacy, and the elementary school. The elementary school is connected to the pharmacy, the lake, and the clock tower. The lake is connected to the high school, and the elementary school. The high school is connected to the monument, and the lake. The monument is connected to the high school. You start at the pharmacy. Get to the monument.
At the beginning, I'm at the pharmacy. From the pharmacy, I go to the elementary school. From the elementary school, I go to the clock tower. Hm, it seems there's no way forward from the clock tower. I'll go back to the elementary school. Then, from the elementary school to the lake. Next, from the lake to the high school. Now, I just go from the high school to the monument. Done!
The lake is connected to the flower shop. The flower shop is connected to the lake, the playground, and the bakery. The playground is connected to the flower shop, and the bakery. The bakery is connected to the tea house, the flower shop, and the playground. The tea house is connected to the hotel, and the bakery. The hotel is connected to the tea house. Get to the hotel from the lake.
To start, I'm at the lake. Next, from the lake to the flower shop. From the flower shop, I go to the bakery. From the bakery, we can go to the playground. Nope, the playground can only lead us to a dead end. Back to the bakery... From the bakery, we can go to the tea house. Then I go from the tea house to the hotel, and I've made it!
The bookstore is connected to the library, the toy shop, and the hospital. The toy shop is connected to the restaurant, and the bookstore. The restaurant is connected to the toy shop, and the hospital. The hospital is connected to the bookstore, the library, and the restaurant. The library is connected to the tea house, the bookstore, and the hospital. The tea house is connected to the library. Start from the bookstore. Figure out how to get to the tea house.
I start at the bookstore. Next, from the bookstore to the hospital. From the hospital, I go to the restaurant. Next, we can go from the restaurant to the toy shop. Wait, toy shop is a dead end. Back to the restaurant... Wait, restaurant is a dead end. Back to the hospital... Then, from the hospital to the library. Then we go from the library to the tea house, and we're done!
The town hall is connected to the park, and the elementary school. The park is connected to the elementary school, and the town hall. The elementary school is connected to the museum, the park, and the town hall. The museum is connected to the toy shop, and the elementary school. The toy shop is connected to the museum, and the aquarium. The aquarium is connected to the toy shop. You are at the town hall. Get to the aquarium.
At the beginning, I'm at the town hall. I then go from the town hall to the elementary school. Next, we can go from the elementary school to the park. Hm, it seems there's no way forward from the park. I'll go back to the elementary school. From the elementary school, we can go to the museum. From the museum, I go to the toy shop. Then we go from the toy shop to the aquarium, and we're done!
The town hall is connected to the hotel, and the park. The hotel is connected to the community center, and the town hall. The community center is connected to the aquarium, the hotel, and the park. The park is connected to the aquarium, the community center, and the town hall. The aquarium is connected to the community center, the tea house, and the park. The tea house is connected to the aquarium. You are at the town hall. Get to the tea house.
At the beginning, I'm at the town hall. From the town hall, we can go to the park. From the park, we can go to the community center. Then, from the community center to the hotel. Wait, hotel is a dead end. Back to the community center... Next, from the community center to the aquarium. Then we go from the aquarium to the tea house, and we're done!
The river is connected to the observatory, and the playground. The playground is connected to the observatory, and the river. The observatory is connected to the river, the library, and the playground. The library is connected to the aquarium, and the observatory. The aquarium is connected to the library, and the flower shop. The flower shop is connected to the aquarium. Find your way to the flower shop from the river.
At the beginning, I'm at the river. Then, from the river to the observatory. Next, from the observatory to the playground. Oops, there's no good path from playground. I'll backtrack to the observatory. I then go from the observatory to the library. From the library, we can go to the aquarium. Finally, now that we're at the aquarium, we can go straight to the flower shop.
The post office is connected to the community center, and the forest. The community center is connected to the high school, and the post office. The high school is connected to the community center, and the forest. The forest is connected to the post office, the bank, and the high school. The bank is connected to the bakery, and the forest. The bakery is connected to the bank. You are at the post office. Get to the bakery.
I start at the post office. From the post office, I go to the forest. Next, from the forest to the high school. Next, from the high school to the community center. Hm, it seems there's no way forward from the community center. I'll go back to the high school. Wait, high school is a dead end. Back to the forest... Then, from the forest to the bank. Then we go from the bank to the bakery, and we're done!
The bakery is connected to the high school, and the elementary school. The elementary school is connected to the post office, the river, and the bakery. The post office is connected to the coffee shop, the high school, and the elementary school. The high school is connected to the post office, the river, and the bakery. The river is connected to the coffee shop, the high school, and the elementary school. The coffee shop is connected to the post office, and the river. Find your way to the coffee shop from the bakery.
I start at the bakery. Then, from the bakery to the elementary school. Then, from the elementary school to the river. Finally, now that we're at the river, we can go straight to the coffee shop.
The museum is connected to the pharmacy, the hotel, and the bakery. The hotel is connected to the museum, and the bakery. The bakery is connected to the pharmacy, the hotel, and the museum. The pharmacy is connected to the museum, the community center, and the bakery. The community center is connected to the pharmacy. Find your way to the community center from the museum.
We start out at the museum. From the museum, I go to the bakery. From the bakery, we can go to the hotel. Nope, the hotel can only lead us to a dead end. Back to the bakery... From the bakery, I go to the pharmacy. Then I go from the pharmacy to the community center, and I've made it!
The hotel is connected to the bookstore, and the bakery. The bookstore is connected to the hotel, and the bakery. The bakery is connected to the hotel, the post office, and the bookstore. The post office is connected to the restaurant, and the bakery. The restaurant is connected to the tea house, and the post office. The tea house is connected to the restaurant. You start at the hotel. Get to the tea house.
I start at the hotel. Next, from the hotel to the bakery. Then, from the bakery to the bookstore. Wait, bookstore is a dead end. Back to the bakery... Next, we can go from the bakery to the post office. Next, from the post office to the restaurant. Then I go from the restaurant to the tea house, and I've made it!
The toy shop is connected to the clock tower, and the playground. The playground is connected to the toy shop, and the clock tower. The clock tower is connected to the hotel, the toy shop, and the playground. The hotel is connected to the clock tower, and the elementary school. The elementary school is connected to the hotel. Starting at the toy shop, get to the elementary school.
We start out at the toy shop. Next, we can go from the toy shop to the clock tower. From the clock tower, we can go to the playground. Hm, it seems there's no way forward from the playground. I'll go back to the clock tower. Then, from the clock tower to the hotel. Finally, now that we're at the hotel, we can go straight to the elementary school.
The forest is connected to the pharmacy, the bank, and the elementary school. The elementary school is connected to the bank, the observatory, and the forest. The bank is connected to the forest, the observatory, and the elementary school. The observatory is connected to the pharmacy, the bank, and the elementary school. The pharmacy is connected to the coffee shop, the observatory, and the forest. The coffee shop is connected to the pharmacy. You are at the forest. Get to the coffee shop.
To start, I'm at the forest. From the forest, we can go to the elementary school. From the elementary school, we can go to the observatory. Next, we can go from the observatory to the bank. Wait, bank is a dead end. Back to the observatory... Next, we can go from the observatory to the pharmacy. Then we go from the pharmacy to the coffee shop, and we're done!
The river is connected to the flower shop, and the playground. The playground is connected to the flower shop, the river, and the elementary school. The flower shop is connected to the river, the playground, and the elementary school. The elementary school is connected to the playground, the restaurant, and the flower shop. The restaurant is connected to the lake, and the elementary school. The lake is connected to the restaurant. You start at the river. Get to the lake.
We start out at the river. Then, from the river to the flower shop. Next, we can go from the flower shop to the elementary school. From the elementary school, we can go to the playground. Oops, there's no good path from playground. I'll backtrack to the elementary school. From the elementary school, we can go to the restaurant. Then we go from the restaurant to the lake, and we're done!
The park is connected to the pharmacy. The pharmacy is connected to the park, the bookstore, and the bakery. The bookstore is connected to the pharmacy, and the bakery. The bakery is connected to the pharmacy, and the bookstore. You are at the park. Get to the bakery.
I start at the park. Next, we can go from the park to the pharmacy. Finally, now that we're at the pharmacy, we can go straight to the bakery.
The pharmacy is connected to the monument, and the community center. The monument is connected to the pharmacy, and the hospital. The hospital is connected to the monument, and the community center. The community center is connected to the pharmacy, the lake, and the hospital. The lake is connected to the post office, and the community center. The post office is connected to the lake. Start from the pharmacy. Figure out how to get to the post office.
I start at the pharmacy. Next, we can go from the pharmacy to the community center. From the community center, I go to the hospital. Next, from the hospital to the monument. Nope, the monument can only lead us to a dead end. Back to the hospital... Hm, it seems there's no way forward from the hospital. I'll go back to the community center. Next, we can go from the community center to the lake. Now, I just go from the lake to the post office. Done!
The pharmacy is connected to the clock tower, and the elementary school. The clock tower is connected to the pharmacy, and the town hall. The town hall is connected to the clock tower, and the elementary school. The elementary school is connected to the pharmacy, the toy shop, and the town hall. The toy shop is connected to the tea house, and the elementary school. The tea house is connected to the toy shop. Your goal is to get to the tea house, starting from the pharmacy
I start at the pharmacy. I then go from the pharmacy to the elementary school. Next, we can go from the elementary school to the town hall. Then, from the town hall to the clock tower. Hm, it seems there's no way forward from the clock tower. I'll go back to the town hall. Hm, it seems there's no way forward from the town hall. I'll go back to the elementary school. From the elementary school, I go to the toy shop. Then we go from the toy shop to the tea house, and we're done!
The restaurant is connected to the monument, the tea house, and the high school. The tea house is connected to the high school, the restaurant, and the toy shop. The high school is connected to the tea house, the restaurant, and the toy shop. The toy shop is connected to the monument, the tea house, and the high school. The monument is connected to the lake, the restaurant, and the toy shop. The lake is connected to the monument. You are at the restaurant. Get to the lake.
I start at the restaurant. I then go from the restaurant to the high school. Next, from the high school to the toy shop. Next, we can go from the toy shop to the tea house. Oh, wait, the tea house doesn't help us. Back to the toy shop... From the toy shop, I go to the monument. Then I go from the monument to the lake, and I've made it!
The town hall is connected to the community center, and the elementary school. The community center is connected to the elementary school, and the town hall. The elementary school is connected to the aquarium, the community center, and the town hall. The aquarium is connected to the lake, and the elementary school. The lake is connected to the aquarium. You start at the town hall. Get to the lake.
We start out at the town hall. Next, from the town hall to the elementary school. From the elementary school, we can go to the community center. Oh, wait, the community center doesn't help us. Back to the elementary school... Then, from the elementary school to the aquarium. Then we go from the aquarium to the lake, and we're done!
The community center is connected to the tea house, and the hospital. The hospital is connected to the tea house, the community center, and the clock tower. The tea house is connected to the clock tower, the community center, and the hospital. The clock tower is connected to the museum, the tea house, and the hospital. The museum is connected to the bank, and the clock tower. The bank is connected to the museum. You are at the community center. Get to the bank.
At the beginning, I'm at the community center. From the community center, I go to the hospital. Next, from the hospital to the clock tower. From the clock tower, we can go to the tea house. Oh, wait, the tea house doesn't help us. Back to the clock tower... From the clock tower, we can go to the museum. Finally, now that we're at the museum, we can go straight to the bank.
The pharmacy is connected to the hospital, and the river. The river is connected to the pharmacy, and the hospital. The hospital is connected to the pharmacy, the high school, and the river. The high school is connected to the hospital, and the elementary school. The elementary school is connected to the post office, and the high school. The post office is connected to the elementary school. Find your way to the post office from the pharmacy.
We start out at the pharmacy. I then go from the pharmacy to the hospital. From the hospital, I go to the river. Hm, it seems there's no way forward from the river. I'll go back to the hospital. Next, from the hospital to the high school. Next, we can go from the high school to the elementary school. Then we go from the elementary school to the post office, and we're done!
The playground is connected to the monument, the hospital, and the river. The monument is connected to the river, and the playground. The river is connected to the monument, the playground, and the hospital. The hospital is connected to the playground, the restaurant, and the river. The restaurant is connected to the tea house, and the hospital. The tea house is connected to the restaurant. You start at the playground. Get to the tea house.
At the beginning, I'm at the playground. Next, from the playground to the hospital. Next, from the hospital to the river. I then go from the river to the monument. Nope, the monument can only lead us to a dead end. Back to the river... Oh, wait, the river doesn't help us. Back to the hospital... From the hospital, we can go to the restaurant. Then we go from the restaurant to the tea house, and we're done!
The clock tower is connected to the lake, the hospital, and the elementary school. The hospital is connected to the clock tower, and the elementary school. The elementary school is connected to the clock tower, the lake, and the hospital. The lake is connected to the park, the clock tower, and the elementary school. The park is connected to the lake. Start from the clock tower. Figure out how to get to the park.
To start, I'm at the clock tower. From the clock tower, I go to the elementary school. From the elementary school, we can go to the hospital. Nope, the hospital can only lead us to a dead end. Back to the elementary school... I then go from the elementary school to the lake. Then I go from the lake to the park, and I've made it!
The coffee shop is connected to the park, and the bookstore. The park is connected to the hotel, and the coffee shop. The hotel is connected to the park, and the bookstore. The bookstore is connected to the aquarium, the hotel, and the coffee shop. The aquarium is connected to the tea house, and the bookstore. The tea house is connected to the aquarium. Your goal is to get to the tea house, starting from the coffee shop
I start at the coffee shop. Next, from the coffee shop to the bookstore. Next, we can go from the bookstore to the hotel. From the hotel, I go to the park. Oh, wait, the park doesn't help us. Back to the hotel... Oh, wait, the hotel doesn't help us. Back to the bookstore... From the bookstore, we can go to the aquarium. Then we go from the aquarium to the tea house, and we're done!
The bookstore is connected to the restaurant, and the flower shop. The restaurant is connected to the bookstore, and the flower shop. The flower shop is connected to the aquarium, the bookstore, and the restaurant. The aquarium is connected to the high school, and the flower shop. The high school is connected to the aquarium, and the toy shop. The toy shop is connected to the high school. You are at the bookstore. Get to the toy shop.
We start out at the bookstore. Next, we can go from the bookstore to the flower shop. I then go from the flower shop to the restaurant. Wait, restaurant is a dead end. Back to the flower shop... Next, we can go from the flower shop to the aquarium. Next, from the aquarium to the high school. Then we go from the high school to the toy shop, and we're done!
The clock tower is connected to the river, the park, and the flower shop. The flower shop is connected to the park, and the clock tower. The park is connected to the river, the clock tower, and the flower shop. The river is connected to the monument, the park, and the clock tower. The monument is connected to the community center, and the river. The community center is connected to the monument. Your goal is to get to the community center, starting from the clock tower
At the beginning, I'm at the clock tower. From the clock tower, we can go to the river. Then, from the river to the park. Then, from the park to the flower shop. Oops, there's no good path from flower shop. I'll backtrack to the park. Nope, the park can only lead us to a dead end. Back to the river... Next, from the river to the monument. Then we go from the monument to the community center, and we're done!
The library is connected to the bank, and the coffee shop. The bank is connected to the library, and the coffee shop. The coffee shop is connected to the aquarium, the bank, and the library. The aquarium is connected to the coffee shop, and the observatory. The observatory is connected to the aquarium. Starting at the library, get to the observatory.
At the beginning, I'm at the library. Next, we can go from the library to the coffee shop. Next, from the coffee shop to the bank. Oops, there's no good path from bank. I'll backtrack to the coffee shop. Next, from the coffee shop to the aquarium. Now, I just go from the aquarium to the observatory. Done!
The restaurant is connected to the aquarium, the community center, and the park. The park is connected to the community center, and the restaurant. The community center is connected to the aquarium, the park, and the restaurant. The aquarium is connected to the hotel, the community center, and the restaurant. The hotel is connected to the aquarium. You start at the restaurant. Get to the hotel.
We start out at the restaurant. Then, from the restaurant to the community center. I then go from the community center to the park. Oops, there's no good path from park. I'll backtrack to the community center. From the community center, we can go to the aquarium. Then we go from the aquarium to the hotel, and we're done!
The restaurant is connected to the pharmacy, and the hotel. The pharmacy is connected to the park, and the restaurant. The park is connected to the pharmacy, and the hotel. The hotel is connected to the monument, the park, and the restaurant. The monument is connected to the hotel, and the bakery. The bakery is connected to the monument. Your goal is to get to the bakery, starting from the restaurant
I start at the restaurant. Next, we can go from the restaurant to the hotel. Next, from the hotel to the park. Next, we can go from the park to the pharmacy. Oops, there's no good path from pharmacy. I'll backtrack to the park. Wait, park is a dead end. Back to the hotel... Next, we can go from the hotel to the monument. Then we go from the monument to the bakery, and we're done!
The hospital is connected to the tea house, and the library. The tea house is connected to the library, and the hospital. The library is connected to the museum, the tea house, and the hospital. The museum is connected to the library, and the flower shop. The flower shop is connected to the museum, and the coffee shop. The coffee shop is connected to the flower shop. You are at the hospital. Get to the coffee shop.
We start out at the hospital. Then, from the hospital to the library. Then, from the library to the tea house. Nope, the tea house can only lead us to a dead end. Back to the library... From the library, we can go to the museum. Next, from the museum to the flower shop. Now, I just go from the flower shop to the coffee shop. Done!
The flower shop is connected to the monument, the post office, and the lake. The post office is connected to the lake, and the flower shop. The lake is connected to the monument, the post office, and the flower shop. The monument is connected to the community center, the lake, and the flower shop. The community center is connected to the monument. Get to the community center from the flower shop.
At the beginning, I'm at the flower shop. Then, from the flower shop to the lake. I then go from the lake to the post office. Wait, post office is a dead end. Back to the lake... Then, from the lake to the monument. Now, I just go from the monument to the community center. Done!
The town hall is connected to the hotel, the tea house, and the playground. The tea house is connected to the observatory, and the town hall. The observatory is connected to the tea house, and the playground. The playground is connected to the hotel, the observatory, and the town hall. The hotel is connected to the bookstore, the playground, and the town hall. The bookstore is connected to the hotel. You are at the town hall. Get to the bookstore.
I start at the town hall. I then go from the town hall to the playground. Next, from the playground to the observatory. From the observatory, we can go to the tea house. Nope, the tea house can only lead us to a dead end. Back to the observatory... Oops, there's no good path from observatory. I'll backtrack to the playground. From the playground, we can go to the hotel. Finally, now that we're at the hotel, we can go straight to the bookstore.
The museum is connected to the park, the river, and the town hall. The river is connected to the museum, and the town hall. The town hall is connected to the museum, the park, and the river. The park is connected to the museum, the toy shop, and the town hall. The toy shop is connected to the park. Starting at the museum, get to the toy shop.
We start out at the museum. From the museum, we can go to the town hall. Then, from the town hall to the river. Wait, river is a dead end. Back to the town hall... Then, from the town hall to the park. Now, I just go from the park to the toy shop. Done!
The museum is connected to the community center, and the toy shop. The community center is connected to the museum, and the elementary school. The elementary school is connected to the pharmacy, the community center, and the toy shop. The toy shop is connected to the pharmacy, the museum, and the elementary school. The pharmacy is connected to the elementary school, the toy shop, and the town hall. The town hall is connected to the pharmacy. Find your way to the town hall from the museum.
I start at the museum. Next, we can go from the museum to the toy shop. Next, from the toy shop to the elementary school. Then, from the elementary school to the community center. Oh, wait, the community center doesn't help us. Back to the elementary school... Next, from the elementary school to the pharmacy. Then I go from the pharmacy to the town hall, and I've made it!
The museum is connected to the playground. The playground is connected to the museum, the hospital, and the aquarium. The aquarium is connected to the hospital, and the playground. The hospital is connected to the factory, the aquarium, and the playground. The factory is connected to the bookstore, and the hospital. The bookstore is connected to the factory. Start from the museum. Figure out how to get to the bookstore.
We start out at the museum. From the museum, I go to the playground. From the playground, I go to the hospital. From the hospital, we can go to the aquarium. Nope, the aquarium can only lead us to a dead end. Back to the hospital... Then, from the hospital to the factory. Finally, now that we're at the factory, we can go straight to the bookstore.
The monument is connected to the tea house, the bookstore, and the river. The bookstore is connected to the monument, the toy shop, and the river. The river is connected to the monument, the bookstore, and the toy shop. The toy shop is connected to the tea house, the bookstore, and the river. The tea house is connected to the monument, the high school, and the toy shop. The high school is connected to the tea house. You start at the monument. Get to the high school.
We start out at the monument. From the monument, we can go to the river. From the river, we can go to the toy shop. Then, from the toy shop to the bookstore. Nope, the bookstore can only lead us to a dead end. Back to the toy shop... Then, from the toy shop to the tea house. Finally, now that we're at the tea house, we can go straight to the high school.
The park is connected to the high school, the observatory, and the playground. The playground is connected to the park, and the observatory. The observatory is connected to the factory, the park, and the playground. The factory is connected to the high school, and the observatory. The high school is connected to the factory, the hotel, and the park. The hotel is connected to the high school. Get to the hotel from the park.
To start, I'm at the park. From the park, we can go to the observatory. From the observatory, we can go to the playground. Hm, it seems there's no way forward from the playground. I'll go back to the observatory. From the observatory, I go to the factory. From the factory, we can go to the high school. Finally, now that we're at the high school, we can go straight to the hotel.
The observatory is connected to the bank, the restaurant, and the bookstore. The bookstore is connected to the bank, and the observatory. The bank is connected to the restaurant, the bookstore, and the observatory. The restaurant is connected to the factory, the bank, and the observatory. The factory is connected to the tea house, and the restaurant. The tea house is connected to the factory. Get to the tea house from the observatory.
We start out at the observatory. Then, from the observatory to the restaurant. From the restaurant, we can go to the bank. From the bank, we can go to the bookstore. Wait, bookstore is a dead end. Back to the bank... Oops, there's no good path from bank. I'll backtrack to the restaurant. Next, from the restaurant to the factory. Then I go from the factory to the tea house, and I've made it!
The town hall is connected to the elementary school, and the bakery. The bakery is connected to the community center, and the town hall. The community center is connected to the library, the elementary school, and the bakery. The elementary school is connected to the library, the community center, and the town hall. The library is connected to the community center, the coffee shop, and the elementary school. The coffee shop is connected to the library. You are at the town hall. Get to the coffee shop.
To start, I'm at the town hall. I then go from the town hall to the elementary school. Next, from the elementary school to the community center. Then, from the community center to the bakery. Hm, it seems there's no way forward from the bakery. I'll go back to the community center. I then go from the community center to the library. Then I go from the library to the coffee shop, and I've made it!
The post office is connected to the coffee shop, the toy shop, and the flower shop. The toy shop is connected to the post office, and the flower shop. The flower shop is connected to the post office, the coffee shop, and the toy shop. The coffee shop is connected to the bank, the post office, and the flower shop. The bank is connected to the coffee shop. You are at the post office. Get to the bank.
We start out at the post office. Next, we can go from the post office to the flower shop. From the flower shop, I go to the toy shop. Oh, wait, the toy shop doesn't help us. Back to the flower shop... I then go from the flower shop to the coffee shop. Then we go from the coffee shop to the bank, and we're done!
The playground is connected to the bank, and the forest. The bank is connected to the tea house, and the playground. The tea house is connected to the bank, and the forest. The forest is connected to the hotel, the tea house, and the playground. The hotel is connected to the river, and the forest. The river is connected to the hotel. Get to the river from the playground.
To start, I'm at the playground. Next, we can go from the playground to the forest. From the forest, we can go to the tea house. Next, from the tea house to the bank. Oops, there's no good path from bank. I'll backtrack to the tea house. Oh, wait, the tea house doesn't help us. Back to the forest... I then go from the forest to the hotel. Then we go from the hotel to the river, and we're done!
The playground is connected to the coffee shop, and the lake. The coffee shop is connected to the toy shop, the lake, and the playground. The lake is connected to the coffee shop, the toy shop, and the playground. The toy shop is connected to the coffee shop, and the lake. You start at the playground. Get to the toy shop.
We start out at the playground. From the playground, I go to the lake. Now, I just go from the lake to the toy shop. Done!
The post office is connected to the coffee shop, and the restaurant. The coffee shop is connected to the post office, and the restaurant. The restaurant is connected to the factory, the post office, and the coffee shop. The factory is connected to the high school, the restaurant, and the hospital. The hospital is connected to the factory, and the high school. The high school is connected to the factory, and the hospital. Starting at the post office, get to the high school.
To start, I'm at the post office. Then, from the post office to the restaurant. Next, from the restaurant to the coffee shop. Oh, wait, the coffee shop doesn't help us. Back to the restaurant... Next, we can go from the restaurant to the factory. Then I go from the factory to the high school, and I've made it!
The clock tower is connected to the tea house, and the hospital. The tea house is connected to the hospital, and the clock tower. The hospital is connected to the hotel, the tea house, and the clock tower. The hotel is connected to the toy shop, and the hospital. The toy shop is connected to the hotel. You are at the clock tower. Get to the toy shop.
I start at the clock tower. From the clock tower, I go to the hospital. I then go from the hospital to the tea house. Nope, the tea house can only lead us to a dead end. Back to the hospital... Next, from the hospital to the hotel. Then we go from the hotel to the toy shop, and we're done!
The museum is connected to the river, and the forest. The river is connected to the museum, and the forest. The forest is connected to the pharmacy, the museum, and the river. The pharmacy is connected to the aquarium, the high school, and the forest. The high school is connected to the pharmacy, and the aquarium. The aquarium is connected to the pharmacy, and the high school. Starting at the museum, get to the aquarium.
At the beginning, I'm at the museum. Next, we can go from the museum to the forest. Next, from the forest to the river. Oh, wait, the river doesn't help us. Back to the forest... From the forest, we can go to the pharmacy. Then we go from the pharmacy to the aquarium, and we're done!
The park is connected to the museum, the observatory, and the river. The river is connected to the park, and the observatory. The observatory is connected to the park, the high school, and the river. The high school is connected to the museum, the coffee shop, and the observatory. The museum is connected to the park, the coffee shop, and the high school. The coffee shop is connected to the museum, and the high school. Start from the park. Figure out how to get to the coffee shop.
To start, I'm at the park. Next, from the park to the observatory. From the observatory, we can go to the river. Hm, it seems there's no way forward from the river. I'll go back to the observatory. Then, from the observatory to the high school. Then I go from the high school to the coffee shop, and I've made it!
The toy shop is connected to the bookstore, and the forest. The bookstore is connected to the toy shop, and the forest. The forest is connected to the coffee shop, the bookstore, and the toy shop. The coffee shop is connected to the restaurant, and the forest. The restaurant is connected to the coffee shop. You are at the toy shop. Get to the restaurant.
We start out at the toy shop. Next, from the toy shop to the forest. Next, we can go from the forest to the bookstore. Oh, wait, the bookstore doesn't help us. Back to the forest... From the forest, we can go to the coffee shop. Now, I just go from the coffee shop to the restaurant. Done!
The aquarium is connected to the bank, and the town hall. The bank is connected to the aquarium, and the elementary school. The elementary school is connected to the bank, and the town hall. The town hall is connected to the aquarium, the river, and the elementary school. The river is connected to the bakery, and the town hall. The bakery is connected to the river. Starting at the aquarium, get to the bakery.
I start at the aquarium. From the aquarium, we can go to the town hall. Next, from the town hall to the elementary school. Next, we can go from the elementary school to the bank. Wait, bank is a dead end. Back to the elementary school... Nope, the elementary school can only lead us to a dead end. Back to the town hall... Next, we can go from the town hall to the river. Then we go from the river to the bakery, and we're done!
The flower shop is connected to the elementary school, and the town hall. The town hall is connected to the flower shop, and the elementary school. The elementary school is connected to the high school, the flower shop, and the town hall. The high school is connected to the factory, and the elementary school. The factory is connected to the high school. You are at the flower shop. Get to the factory.
I start at the flower shop. From the flower shop, I go to the elementary school. From the elementary school, we can go to the town hall. Hm, it seems there's no way forward from the town hall. I'll go back to the elementary school. Next, we can go from the elementary school to the high school. Then we go from the high school to the factory, and we're done!
The town hall is connected to the hotel, and the tea house. The hotel is connected to the bookstore, and the town hall. The bookstore is connected to the hotel, and the tea house. The tea house is connected to the post office, the bookstore, and the town hall. The post office is connected to the tea house, and the observatory. The observatory is connected to the post office. Starting at the town hall, get to the observatory.
At the beginning, I'm at the town hall. From the town hall, I go to the tea house. Then, from the tea house to the bookstore. From the bookstore, we can go to the hotel. Oh, wait, the hotel doesn't help us. Back to the bookstore... Hm, it seems there's no way forward from the bookstore. I'll go back to the tea house. Next, from the tea house to the post office. Then we go from the post office to the observatory, and we're done!
The bookstore is connected to the museum, the hotel, and the forest. The forest is connected to the hotel, the park, and the bookstore. The hotel is connected to the park, the bookstore, and the forest. The park is connected to the museum, the hotel, and the forest. The museum is connected to the library, the park, and the bookstore. The library is connected to the museum. Your goal is to get to the library, starting from the bookstore
We start out at the bookstore. From the bookstore, I go to the forest. From the forest, we can go to the park. Next, we can go from the park to the hotel. Oh, wait, the hotel doesn't help us. Back to the park... Next, from the park to the museum. Then we go from the museum to the library, and we're done!
The clock tower is connected to the bakery, and the town hall. The town hall is connected to the clock tower, and the bakery. The bakery is connected to the high school, the clock tower, and the town hall. The high school is connected to the hospital, and the bakery. The hospital is connected to the high school, and the river. The river is connected to the hospital. Your goal is to get to the river, starting from the clock tower
We start out at the clock tower. I then go from the clock tower to the bakery. From the bakery, we can go to the town hall. Wait, town hall is a dead end. Back to the bakery... From the bakery, we can go to the high school. I then go from the high school to the hospital. Then we go from the hospital to the river, and we're done!
The library is connected to the monument, and the bakery. The bakery is connected to the monument, the library, and the restaurant. The monument is connected to the library, the restaurant, and the bakery. The restaurant is connected to the monument, and the bakery. You start at the library. Get to the restaurant.
To start, I'm at the library. Then, from the library to the bakery. Finally, now that we're at the bakery, we can go straight to the restaurant.
The forest is connected to the restaurant, and the clock tower. The restaurant is connected to the clock tower, and the forest. The clock tower is connected to the park, the restaurant, and the forest. The park is connected to the library, the clock tower, and the bakery. The library is connected to the park, and the bakery. The bakery is connected to the library, and the park. You are at the forest. Get to the bakery.
We start out at the forest. Next, from the forest to the clock tower. Next, from the clock tower to the restaurant. Oh, wait, the restaurant doesn't help us. Back to the clock tower... Next, we can go from the clock tower to the park. Then we go from the park to the bakery, and we're done!
The tea house is connected to the coffee shop, and the playground. The coffee shop is connected to the tea house, and the hospital. The hospital is connected to the coffee shop, and the playground. The playground is connected to the tea house, the post office, and the hospital. The post office is connected to the flower shop, and the playground. The flower shop is connected to the post office. Starting at the tea house, get to the flower shop.
I start at the tea house. Then, from the tea house to the playground. From the playground, we can go to the hospital. From the hospital, we can go to the coffee shop. Nope, the coffee shop can only lead us to a dead end. Back to the hospital... Oh, wait, the hospital doesn't help us. Back to the playground... Next, from the playground to the post office. Then we go from the post office to the flower shop, and we're done!
The library is connected to the museum, and the bookstore. The bookstore is connected to the library, the tea house, and the town hall. The tea house is connected to the museum, and the bookstore. The museum is connected to the tea house, the library, and the playground. The playground is connected to the museum, and the town hall. The town hall is connected to the bookstore, and the playground. Start from the library. Figure out how to get to the town hall.
I start at the library. Then, from the library to the bookstore. Now, I just go from the bookstore to the town hall. Done!
The elementary school is connected to the high school, the lake, and the hospital. The high school is connected to the forest, and the elementary school. The forest is connected to the high school, and the hospital. The hospital is connected to the elementary school, the lake, and the forest. The lake is connected to the hotel, the hospital, and the elementary school. The hotel is connected to the lake. Start from the elementary school. Figure out how to get to the hotel.
I start at the elementary school. Then, from the elementary school to the hospital. Next, we can go from the hospital to the forest. Next, we can go from the forest to the high school. Hm, it seems there's no way forward from the high school. I'll go back to the forest. Hm, it seems there's no way forward from the forest. I'll go back to the hospital. Then, from the hospital to the lake. Then we go from the lake to the hotel, and we're done!
The pharmacy is connected to the lake, and the clock tower. The lake is connected to the pharmacy, and the clock tower. The clock tower is connected to the pharmacy, the community center, and the lake. The community center is connected to the park, and the clock tower. The park is connected to the community center. Your goal is to get to the park, starting from the pharmacy
To start, I'm at the pharmacy. From the pharmacy, we can go to the clock tower. Then, from the clock tower to the lake. Nope, the lake can only lead us to a dead end. Back to the clock tower... From the clock tower, I go to the community center. Then we go from the community center to the park, and we're done!
The restaurant is connected to the toy shop, and the observatory. The toy shop is connected to the restaurant, and the observatory. The observatory is connected to the lake, the restaurant, and the toy shop. The lake is connected to the community center, and the observatory. The community center is connected to the lake, and the river. The river is connected to the community center. Starting at the restaurant, get to the river.
I start at the restaurant. I then go from the restaurant to the observatory. Next, we can go from the observatory to the toy shop. Hm, it seems there's no way forward from the toy shop. I'll go back to the observatory. Next, we can go from the observatory to the lake. Next, we can go from the lake to the community center. Now, I just go from the community center to the river. Done!
The monument is connected to the museum, and the toy shop. The toy shop is connected to the monument, the observatory, and the hospital. The hospital is connected to the toy shop, and the observatory. The observatory is connected to the museum, the toy shop, and the hospital. The museum is connected to the monument, the river, and the observatory. The river is connected to the museum. Get to the river from the monument.
At the beginning, I'm at the monument. Next, we can go from the monument to the toy shop. Next, we can go from the toy shop to the observatory. I then go from the observatory to the hospital. Oops, there's no good path from hospital. I'll backtrack to the observatory. From the observatory, I go to the museum. Finally, now that we're at the museum, we can go straight to the river.
The elementary school is connected to the aquarium, the library, and the toy shop. The library is connected to the toy shop, and the elementary school. The toy shop is connected to the aquarium, the library, and the elementary school. The aquarium is connected to the coffee shop, the toy shop, and the elementary school. The coffee shop is connected to the aquarium. You are at the elementary school. Get to the coffee shop.
We start out at the elementary school. Next, from the elementary school to the toy shop. Next, from the toy shop to the library. Hm, it seems there's no way forward from the library. I'll go back to the toy shop. I then go from the toy shop to the aquarium. Now, I just go from the aquarium to the coffee shop. Done!
The bakery is connected to the forest, the elementary school, and the town hall. The town hall is connected to the elementary school, and the bakery. The elementary school is connected to the forest, the bakery, and the town hall. The forest is connected to the bakery, the river, and the elementary school. The river is connected to the toy shop, and the forest. The toy shop is connected to the river. Get to the toy shop from the bakery.
I start at the bakery. Next, from the bakery to the forest. Next, from the forest to the elementary school. From the elementary school, we can go to the town hall. Hm, it seems there's no way forward from the town hall. I'll go back to the elementary school. Oops, there's no good path from elementary school. I'll backtrack to the forest. Next, we can go from the forest to the river. Then we go from the river to the toy shop, and we're done!
The library is connected to the restaurant. The restaurant is connected to the library, and the community center. The community center is connected to the monument, the lake, and the restaurant. The lake is connected to the monument, and the community center. The monument is connected to the community center, and the lake. Your goal is to get to the monument, starting from the library
At the beginning, I'm at the library. Next, from the library to the restaurant. I then go from the restaurant to the community center. Then I go from the community center to the monument, and I've made it!
The library is connected to the pharmacy, and the playground. The pharmacy is connected to the library, and the high school. The high school is connected to the pharmacy, and the playground. The playground is connected to the factory, the library, and the high school. The factory is connected to the hotel, and the playground. The hotel is connected to the factory. You are at the library. Get to the hotel.
We start out at the library. From the library, we can go to the playground. I then go from the playground to the high school. Next, from the high school to the pharmacy. Hm, it seems there's no way forward from the pharmacy. I'll go back to the high school. Hm, it seems there's no way forward from the high school. I'll go back to the playground. Then, from the playground to the factory. Finally, now that we're at the factory, we can go straight to the hotel.
The bank is connected to the playground, and the flower shop. The flower shop is connected to the bank, and the playground. The playground is connected to the bank, the post office, and the flower shop. The post office is connected to the restaurant, and the playground. The restaurant is connected to the post office. You are at the bank. Get to the restaurant.
I start at the bank. From the bank, we can go to the playground. I then go from the playground to the flower shop. Nope, the flower shop can only lead us to a dead end. Back to the playground... Next, we can go from the playground to the post office. Then we go from the post office to the restaurant, and we're done!
The museum is connected to the playground, and the town hall. The playground is connected to the museum, and the town hall. The town hall is connected to the museum, the high school, and the playground. The high school is connected to the community center, and the town hall. The community center is connected to the high school. You are at the museum. Get to the community center.
To start, I'm at the museum. From the museum, we can go to the town hall. I then go from the town hall to the playground. Oops, there's no good path from playground. I'll backtrack to the town hall. From the town hall, I go to the high school. Then we go from the high school to the community center, and we're done!
The observatory is connected to the factory, the park, and the forest. The factory is connected to the observatory, and the bakery. The bakery is connected to the factory, and the forest. The forest is connected to the park, the observatory, and the bakery. The park is connected to the pharmacy, the observatory, and the forest. The pharmacy is connected to the park. Find your way to the pharmacy from the observatory.
At the beginning, I'm at the observatory. From the observatory, I go to the forest. From the forest, I go to the bakery. I then go from the bakery to the factory. Oops, there's no good path from factory. I'll backtrack to the bakery. Wait, bakery is a dead end. Back to the forest... From the forest, we can go to the park. Now, I just go from the park to the pharmacy. Done!
The elementary school is connected to the bank, and the high school. The bank is connected to the high school, and the elementary school. The high school is connected to the pharmacy, the bank, and the elementary school. The pharmacy is connected to the factory, and the high school. The factory is connected to the pharmacy. Start from the elementary school. Figure out how to get to the factory.
We start out at the elementary school. Next, from the elementary school to the high school. Next, we can go from the high school to the bank. Oh, wait, the bank doesn't help us. Back to the high school... Then, from the high school to the pharmacy. Finally, now that we're at the pharmacy, we can go straight to the factory.
The bakery is connected to the monument, and the hotel. The monument is connected to the observatory, and the bakery. The observatory is connected to the monument, and the hotel. The hotel is connected to the coffee shop, the observatory, and the bakery. The coffee shop is connected to the hotel, and the playground. The playground is connected to the coffee shop. Find your way to the playground from the bakery.
We start out at the bakery. I then go from the bakery to the hotel. Next, we can go from the hotel to the observatory. Next, from the observatory to the monument. Oh, wait, the monument doesn't help us. Back to the observatory... Oops, there's no good path from observatory. I'll backtrack to the hotel. From the hotel, I go to the coffee shop. Finally, now that we're at the coffee shop, we can go straight to the playground.
The high school is connected to the library, and the toy shop. The library is connected to the high school, and the toy shop. The toy shop is connected to the pharmacy, the library, and the high school. The pharmacy is connected to the tea house, and the toy shop. The tea house is connected to the pharmacy. Find your way to the tea house from the high school.
I start at the high school. Next, from the high school to the toy shop. Next, from the toy shop to the library. Nope, the library can only lead us to a dead end. Back to the toy shop... From the toy shop, we can go to the pharmacy. Then we go from the pharmacy to the tea house, and we're done!