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pierre <unk> N years old will join the board as a nonexecutive director nov. N
mr. <unk> is chairman of <unk> n.v. the dutch publishing group
rudolph <unk> N years old and former chairman of consolidated gold fields plc was named a nonexecutive director of this british industrial conglomerate
a form of asbestos once used to make kent cigarette filters has caused a high percentage of cancer deaths among a group of workers exposed to it more than N years ago researchers reported
the asbestos fiber <unk> is unusually <unk> once it enters the <unk> with even brief exposures to it causing symptoms that show up decades later researchers said
<unk> inc. the unit of new york-based <unk> corp. that makes kent cigarettes stopped using <unk> in its <unk> cigarette filters in N
although preliminary findings were reported more than a year ago the latest results appear in today 's new england journal of medicine a forum likely to bring new attention to the problem
a <unk> <unk> said this is an old story
we 're talking about years ago before anyone heard of asbestos having any questionable properties
there is no asbestos in our products now
neither <unk> nor the researchers who studied the workers were aware of any research on smokers of the kent cigarettes
we have no useful information on whether users are at risk said james a. <unk> of boston 's <unk> cancer institute
dr. <unk> led a team of researchers from the national cancer institute and the medical schools of harvard university and boston university
the <unk> spokeswoman said asbestos was used in very modest amounts in making paper for the filters in the early 1950s and replaced with a different type of <unk> in N
from N to N N billion kent cigarettes with the filters were sold the company said
among N men who worked closely with the substance N have died more than three times the expected number
four of the five surviving workers have <unk> diseases including three with recently <unk> cancer
the total of N deaths from malignant <unk> lung cancer and <unk> was far higher than expected the researchers said
the <unk> rate is a striking finding among those of us who study <unk> diseases said dr. <unk>
the percentage of lung cancer deaths among the workers at the west <unk> mass. paper factory appears to be the highest for any asbestos workers studied in western industrialized countries he said
the plant which is owned by <unk> & <unk> co. was under contract with <unk> to make the cigarette filters
the finding probably will support those who argue that the u.s. should regulate the class of asbestos including <unk> more <unk> than the common kind of asbestos <unk> found in most schools and other buildings dr. <unk> said
the u.s. is one of the few industrialized nations that does n't have a higher standard of regulation for the smooth <unk> fibers such as <unk> that are classified as <unk> according to <unk> t. <unk> a professor of <unk> at the university of vermont college of medicine
more common <unk> fibers are <unk> and are more easily rejected by the body dr. <unk> explained
in july the environmental protection agency imposed a gradual ban on virtually all uses of asbestos
by N almost all remaining uses of <unk> asbestos will be outlawed
about N workers at a factory that made paper for the kent filters were exposed to asbestos in the 1950s
areas of the factory were particularly dusty where the <unk> was used
workers dumped large <unk> <unk> of the imported material into a huge <unk> poured in cotton and <unk> fibers and <unk> mixed the dry fibers in a process used to make filters
workers described clouds of blue dust that hung over parts of the factory even though <unk> fans <unk> the area
there 's no question that some of those workers and managers contracted <unk> diseases said <unk> phillips vice president of human resources for <unk> & <unk>
but you have to recognize that these events took place N years ago
it has no bearing on our work force today
yields on money-market mutual funds continued to slide amid signs that portfolio managers expect further declines in interest rates
the average seven-day compound yield of the N taxable funds tracked by <unk> 's money fund report eased a fraction of a percentage point to N N from N N for the week ended tuesday
compound yields assume reinvestment of dividends and that the current yield continues for a year
average maturity of the funds ' investments <unk> by a day to N days the longest since early august according to donoghue 's
longer maturities are thought to indicate declining interest rates because they permit portfolio managers to retain relatively higher rates for a longer period
shorter maturities are considered a sign of rising rates because portfolio managers can capture higher rates sooner
the average maturity for funds open only to institutions considered by some to be a stronger indicator because those managers watch the market closely reached a high point for the year N days
nevertheless said <unk> <unk> <unk> editor of money fund report yields may <unk> up again before they <unk> down because of recent rises in short-term interest rates
the yield on six-month treasury bills sold at monday 's auction for example rose to N N from N N
despite recent declines in yields investors continue to pour cash into money funds
assets of the N taxable funds grew by $ N billion during the latest week to $ N billion
typically money-fund yields beat comparable short-term investments because portfolio managers can vary maturities and go after the highest rates
the top money funds are currently yielding well over N N
dreyfus world-wide dollar the <unk> fund had a seven-day compound yield of N N during the latest week down from N N a week earlier
it invests heavily in dollar-denominated securities overseas and is currently <unk> management fees which boosts its yield
the average seven-day simple yield of the N funds was N N down from N N
the 30-day simple yield fell to an average N N from N N the 30-day compound yield slid to an average N N from N N
j.p. <unk> vice chairman of <unk> grace & co. which holds a N N interest in this <unk> company was elected a director
he succeeds <unk> d. <unk> formerly a <unk> grace vice chairman who resigned
<unk> grace holds three of grace energy 's seven board seats
pacific first financial corp. said shareholders approved its acquisition by royal <unk> ltd. of toronto for $ N a share or $ N million
the thrift holding company said it expects to obtain regulatory approval and complete the transaction by year-end
<unk> international inc. said its <unk> & <unk> unit completed the sale of its <unk> controls operations to <unk> s.p a. for $ N million
<unk> is an italian state-owned holding company with interests in the mechanical engineering industry
<unk> controls based in <unk> ohio makes computerized industrial controls systems
it employs N people and has annual revenue of about $ N million
the federal government suspended sales of u.s. savings bonds because congress has n't lifted the ceiling on government debt
until congress acts the government has n't any authority to issue new debt obligations of any kind the treasury said
the government 's borrowing authority dropped at midnight tuesday to $ N trillion from $ N trillion
legislation to lift the debt ceiling is <unk> in the fight over cutting capital-gains taxes
the house has voted to raise the ceiling to $ N trillion but the senate is n't expected to act until next week at the earliest
the treasury said the u.s. will default on nov. N if congress does n't act by then
clark j. <unk> was named senior vice president and general manager of this u.s. sales and marketing arm of japanese auto maker mazda motor corp
in the new position he will oversee mazda 's u.s. sales service parts and marketing operations
previously mr. <unk> N years old was general marketing manager of chrysler corp. 's chrysler division
he had been a sales and marketing executive with chrysler for N years
when it 's time for their <unk> <unk> the nation 's manufacturing <unk> typically jet off to the <unk> <unk> of resort towns like <unk> <unk> and hot springs
not this year
the national association of manufacturers settled on the <unk> capital of indianapolis for its fall board meeting
and the city decided to treat its guests more like royalty or rock stars than factory owners
the idea of course to prove to N corporate decision makers that the buckle on the <unk> belt is n't so <unk> after all that it 's a good place for a company to expand
on the receiving end of the message were officials from giants like du pont and <unk> along with lesser <unk> like <unk> steel and the valley queen <unk> factory
for <unk> the executives joined mayor william h. <unk> iii for an evening of the indianapolis <unk> <unk> and a guest <unk> victor <unk>
champagne and <unk> followed
the next morning with a police <unk> <unk> of executives and their wives <unk> to the indianapolis motor <unk> <unk> by traffic or red lights
the governor could n't make it so the <unk> governor welcomed the special guests
a buffet breakfast was held in the museum where food and drinks are banned to everyday visitors
then in the guests ' honor the <unk> <unk> out four drivers crews and even the official indianapolis N announcer for a <unk> exhibition race
after the race fortune N executives <unk> like <unk> over the cars and drivers
no <unk> the drivers pointed out they still had space on their machines for another sponsor 's name or two
back downtown the <unk> squeezed in a few meetings at the hotel before <unk> the buses again
this time it was for dinner and <unk> a block away
under the stars and <unk> of the <unk> indiana <unk> <unk> nine of the hottest chefs in town fed them indiana <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> and <unk> <unk> with a <unk> <unk>
knowing a <unk> and free <unk> when they eat one the executives gave the chefs a standing <unk>
more than a few <unk> say the <unk> treatment <unk> them to return to a <unk> city for future meetings
but for now they 're looking forward to their winter meeting <unk> in february
south korea registered a trade deficit of $ N million in october reflecting the country 's economic <unk> according to government figures released wednesday
preliminary <unk> by the trade and industry ministry showed another trade deficit in october the fifth monthly setback this year casting a cloud on south korea 's <unk> economy
exports in october stood at $ N billion a mere N N increase from a year earlier while imports increased sharply to $ N billion up N N from last october
south korea 's economic boom which began in N stopped this year because of prolonged labor disputes trade conflicts and sluggish exports
government officials said exports at the end of the year would remain under a government target of $ N billion
despite the gloomy forecast south korea has recorded a trade surplus of $ N million so far this year
from january to october the nation 's accumulated exports increased N N from the same period last year to $ N billion
imports were at $ N billion up N N
newsweek trying to keep pace with rival time magazine announced new advertising rates for N and said it will introduce a new incentive plan for advertisers
the new ad plan from newsweek a unit of the washington post co. is the second incentive plan the magazine has offered advertisers in three years

Input files for generating the Importance Matrix

Which file to use for generating the importance matrix

Not all importance matrices are equal. The best results are obtained when using a source file similar to the training data. Size also matters: the bigger the model (eg: 70b vs 13b) and the higher the quant (eg: q6k_ vs iq3_xs), the bigger the source file needs to be to make an impact. Multiple input files can be combined if needed; for example:

cat multilingual.txt code.txt badwords_multilingual.txt > custom_multilingual.matrix

Note on context size when generating the matrix: in general, a small context size such as 512 is recommended, and community tests have shown it usually performs than a larger one such as 4096. However, I would argue this is is highly dependent on the source data you are using: with random tokens or short text a small context makes sense; but when using larger texts, a larger context matching the size of the texts might be a better choice. Remember that the size is in tokens, which roughly translates to number of words, not characters.

Another important factor to consider is, an importance matrix based on english language only will degrade the model multingual capabilities. Therefore the use of multilingual matrices are especially important when considering models like Mistral or Command-R. The same applies to coding capabilities. Choose carefully based on the model strength.

You will find below descriptions for the various input files provided, to help you choose the correct one.

Community provided files

"Here is a decent general purpose imatrix calibration dataset. It should be more diverse than wikitext at ~30k tokens, as it is excerpts of a larger dataset which includes coding examples (which seems quite important!) This means it's generally higher entropy data compared to wikitext, and it's real data rather than pseudo-randomly generated data. I get lower KL div than wikitext for the same length and the outputs seem qualitatively better." (kalomaze)

(superseeded by groups_merged)
"This is about ~50k pseudo-random tokens. I am getting the best balance between the maximum divergence and the other divergence statistics using this file when quantizing 7b" (kalomaze)

(superseeded by groups_10_merged)

(superseeded by 20k_random_data)

402 english words that can be considered dirty, naughty, obscene, or otherwise bad words. This could be useful to remove guard rails. Compiled from Shutterstock github repo

2580 words that can be considered dirty, naughty, obscene, or otherwise bad words. Includes 26 languages. This could be useful to remove guard rails. Compiled from Shutterstock github repo

Penn Treebank (PTB) is a widely used preprocessed large dataset designed for language training. Casing, punctuation and numbers have been removed from the training data. Recently it has kind of been superseeded by WikiText which does not have these removals, features a larger vocabulary and full articles (better suited for models that can take advantage of long term dependencies). However, for importantce matrix training, PTB is still a valid dataset, which has the advantage of being manually curated, and similar to WikiText, without being WikiText; this can help against bias.

The WikiText language modeling dataset is a collection of over 100 million tokens extracted from the set of verified Good and Featured articles on Wikipedia. Compared to PTB, WikiText-2 is over 2 times larger and WikiText-103 is over 110 times larger. As it is composed of full articles, the dataset is well suited for models that can take advantage of long term dependencies.

70 million tokens extracted from the set of french Wikipedia articles that are classified as "quality articles" or "good articles".

The C4 dataset is a collection text sourced from the public Common Crawl web scrape. It includes heuristics to extract only natural language (as opposed to boilerplate and other gibberish) in addition to extensive deduplication. C4 dataset was explicitly designed to be English only: any page that was not given a probability of at least 99% of being English by langdetect was discarded.

code (exllamav2)

multilingual (exllamav2)
English, Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Hebrew, Macedonian, Norwegian, Lithuanian, Greek, Italian, Afrikaans, Dutch, Danish.

technical (exllamav2)
Technical writing.

Very short stories. Be mindful of the prevalence of "Once upon a time" and "<|endoftext|>". Extract from TinyStories dataset

wiki (exllamav2)
Small Wikipedia dump. Unclean, contains many unwanted tags.

exllamav2 calibration data taken from:

How to quantize using an imatrix, with llama.cpp

  1. Get one of the input files collected here, or elsewhere.
  2. Convert or download the model you want to quantise, in fp16 GGUF format.
  3. Generate an imatrix file specific to the model you want to quantise
cd <llama.cpp directory>
./imatrix -m <model_path>/ggml-model-f16.gguf -f <plain_text_matrix_file> -o <output.matrix> -t 12 -ngl 144 --chunks 100 -b 512 -c 512

# -ngl    : layers offloaded to gpu (recommended to use number of layers the model contains)
# -t 12   : number of threads (should probably match no of cpu)
# -c 512  : context size, testing seems to show 512 is recommended (default=512, 0=loaded from model)
# -b 200  : batch size (default=512)
# --chunks 100 (recommended)
# --mlock : keep model in ram (only use if you had sufficient RAM for the whole fp16)
  1. Use the generated matrix file to quantise the model (see further down for some pre-computed matrix files)
./quantize --imatrix <output.matrix> <model_path>/ggml-model-f16.gguf <quantisation_level, eg:IQ4_XS>

Note: normal quantisation also benefits from using a matrix file. It also seem that a bigger input matrix is better for higher quantisation.

Pre-computed matrix files

Since generating a matrix files takes time and requires significant processing power and memory, some kind folks have made available pre-computed matrix files. You can use those directly in the quantize process. However, remember they can only be used for the specific model mentioned, and no other.

Joseph717171/Imatrices a growing list of many matrix files for 7B to 17B models

ikawrakow/imatrix-from-wiki-train matrix files for base models (lama, mistral, nous-hermes, qwen) trained on wiki.train.raw

Downloads last month
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Models trained or fine-tuned on froggeric/imatrix