Photogenic time!
You're awesome, little fairy Little fairy, please make the wind blow Whoosh!
So strong!
What a strong wind, little fairy Lovely!
Come, come Amu-chan, come get in the picture!
You're gonna be late.
Tsumugu Midor Amu Am See you later!
Have a save trip.
Finally, some peace and quiet.
Okay What to do Amu-chan are you sure about this What do you mean?
Weren't you looking forward to going to the clothing sale today?
It couldn't be helped.
Ami practiced really hard I'd feel bad if Mom couldn't go to the party Mommy, look!
Besides, I can go shopping whenever I want.
You're such a good girl, Amu-chan!
Yeah, way to be the big sister!
Pretty much.
I'm so touched.
I'm so impressed Especially since the sale ends today It does?
That reminds me.. They mentioned that the first hundred people would get an original pouch as a gift They did?
And you get double the points when you buy stuff And you can double your chance at winning with a scratch card!
And yet, you sacrificed shopping all for Ami-chan.
How mature Huh?
Are you alive?
I'm just fine.
I'm totally okay O-Oh no!
Amu-chan's soul!
Su, it went over there!
The crabs moved.
Don't be so disappointed.
Have some hot chocolate and cheer up Whoa, it looks yummy!
Smells good!
I made enough for everyone.
Really? Really?
That's our Su!
Please, it's not a big deal.
Whoa, these cups are from Ami-chan's dollhouse!
Yep, nice size!
Oh, jeez Hold on a sec I'll go grab a tissue Now I've done it.
Haste makes waste.
That's right...
I used to really hate watching the house When I was little, I'd be scared ghosts might pop out at me Even when I got older, I got bored being all by myself But now.. What is it?
Amu-chan was probably thinking about how much fun it is to watch the house with us!
As if!
In fact, I'm all sad because I never get any quiet time anymore Amu-chan!
It's terrible! Just awful A-Amu-chan!
S-Save me!
What do we do? What do we do?
Calm down, everyone!
Let's go!
I am reporting live from the scene.
Crab on the rampage! What will be the fate of Guardian Character Miki?! Terror!
It appears that the fugitive crab has taken Guardian Character Miki hostage!
I-I don't think this is the time to be playing around!
H-Hurry up Chief!
Give us your orders Um...
B-But it's...
Impossible Seriously?
What? Right now?
I'm rather busy looking for research materials Okay, okay.
Just let me handle it.
The day I'll be able to present the Embryo to the Boss is near at hand If you'll excuse me Yes.
Very near.
The Embryo is nearly complete That makes me the winner Climbing to the top of Easter is no mere dream Wow, that's cool!
Ah, I get it.
Your egg is in plain sight.
Sorry, but I'll be taking it Hey, kid.
I get it!
This stabilizer helps it maintain its balance Hinamori Amu.
I'm pretty sure it's around here Ah, over there Wow, what a fancy restaurant!
It doesn't look like they're here yet.
I can't wait to taste high-class French cuisine!
One Hour Ago
How about having dinner at the French restaurant in front of the statio as a reward for watching the house for us Yay for French food!
Yay for rewards!
Amu-chan, let's wait inside.
You're right.
But hold on. Miki.. Are you still upset Come on, we saved you, so it worked out in the end No, it did not!
You do not call that working out!
Here, Miki.
Grab on to this Amu-chan.
But isn't that...
The toilet squeaky-squeak!
We didn't have a choice.
That was the only stick we could find nearby It wasn't beautiful!
You've hurt my sense of style!
Just get over it already.