Samantha: Where is the entrance to the building? Are you inside already? Manuel: ohm you have to go from the back, sorry I didn't tell you Cory: don't worry, everybody has a problem with it Samantha: it's super weird
Samantha can't find the entrance. Manuel helps her.
Simon: Have you heard Ghost's last album? Jack: Yeah, it kicks ass Simon: A little to pop-ish imho Jack: I know but the songs are objectively great Simon: I liked them more when they had a metal sound Jack: Well, they have always been and old school hard rock band in the end... Simon: Yeah, but the previous album was metal imho Jack: Yeah, kind of Simon: Now I'm waiting for the new Tool album Jack: Then wait until 2030 XD Simon: I hope it really comes out this year Jack: Their album and Rammstein's Simon: Yeah, can't wait Jack: The long wait Simon: Let's hope they both come out soon Jack: Yep
Jack likes new Ghost's album, Simon prefers when they play metal. Simon hopes for the new Tool album to be released this year. Jack is waiting for Rammstein's.
Carol: do you ever shop online? Michelle: yes I do! Carol: i just got a sweater and i think it may be too big Michelle: buying clothes online is always a risk Carol: i know!!! i'm having buyer's remorse. Michelle: lol Carol: what if it's too loose? Michelle: you can always return it Carol: that sounds like a big hassle Michelle: it is a hassle, i've had to do it a couple of times Carol: i shouldn't have ordered it!!! Michelle: if it's too big you can always run it on the dryer and it'll shrink Carol: wow, that's true! you're a genius Michelle: I sure am
Carol can shrink the oversize sweater in the dryer instead of returning it.
Kate: you bitch!!!!!!! you circulated my pictures in the uni? Samantha: yesss! whats wrong honey :d Kate: i will see you . you will pay for this Samantha: oh dear what did i do if they were so awful why did you save them. Kate: BITCH BLOCKED!
Samantha circulated Kate's pictures at the university. Kate is angry and blocks Samantha.
Al: Do we need anything from the supermarket? Billy: don't think so Mel: no, but thanks Al
Billy and Mel do not need anything from the supermarket.
Jake: Mom I need new shoes Hellen: Fine When do you want to go shopping? Jake: weekend? Hellen: Fine we can go
Hellen will take Jake shopping to get him some new shoes.
Cora: Have you seen my phone? Can't find it. Darcy: What are you messaging me from? Cora: Tablet. I'm serious. Can't find it anywhere. Darcy: I'll give you a bell and we'll see. Cora: Good idea. Darcy: Ringing. Cora: Can't hear it. Darcy: Move around. Maybe it's in the other room. Cora: brb Darcy: Still ringing. W8. I hear something. Cora: Do you have it? Darcy: Yeah, you left it at my place.
Cora left her phone at Darcy's place.
Mum: Did you feed the dog? Kris: Yes, mum Mum: Ok, don't forget to go on a walk with him. Kris: ok, mum
Kris fed the dog. Mum reminds Kris to take him on a walk.
Eve: Did you go to your psychologist appointment Ana: gees Mom Ana: yes I did Ana: why do you care Eve: because you are my child and I worry about you Ana: well then you shouldn't have fucked me up Eve: this again Eve: why are you always like this Ana: Because you always butt in Ana: I just want to live my life Eve: why do you thin your father and I don't accept you? Ana: I don't know why? Eve: im asking you! we accept you just the way you are! Ana: yeah right Eve: we do please believe me Eve: call me ok Ana: ok
Ana went to her psychologist appointment. Her mom Eve is worried about her. Ana will call Eve.
Amy: So, at what time tomorrow? Jack: Hmmmmm..... 5 p.m. at my place?? Amy: I finish work at 5 Jack: 5:30? Amy: Can be, I think I will make it Jack: Great
Amy and Jack will meet at 5:30 PM at Jack's place.
Jon: shit I crashed my car! Ben: whaaat??? Ben: are you ok????? Jon: I'm fine Ben: are you sure? Ben: where are you? Jon: at home now Ben: :( Jon: I'm ok Jon: <file_photo> Jon: <file_photo> Ben: OMG!!!!! Jon: yeah... wasn't my fault Ben: I can see that Ben: I hate that junction Jon: I need a new car asap Ben: try to relax now... Jon: yep... still a bit shaken
Jon was in a car crash, he's doing fine, but his car is wrecked and he needs a new one.
Miranda: have you seen the christmas fair on the main square?? Miranda: <file_photo> Kenzie: ugh, they started it already? Georgia: i have seen it! it's beautiful as always :D Georgia: what's your problem Kenzie? Kenzie: i am just sick of it, it's the same every year Miranda: well yes it is, but it's also magical :D Jeniffer: haha i love it too Jeniffer: Kenzie you are whining so much :D Kenzie: lol get off me :D
Georgia, Miranda find the Christmas fair on the main square beautiful and magical, but Kenzie is sick of it as it's the same every year.
Amanda: have you seen the guy with dreads? Peter: yes, so awkward! Dan: hahaha, very, but cool! Amanda: I'm not convinced
Amanda and Peter don't like what the man in dreads looks like, but Dan does.
Ted: On my way, sorry! Megan: No problem, hun, drive safe ;* Ted: Always, love you. Be there in 5 Megan: OK
Ted loves Megan. Ted is on his way to see Megan in 5.
Tina: Hey, I just want to tell you I won't be able to come this Saturday :( Tina: Something came up, and my head is a mess right now :( Jane: How come? Jane: What happened? Tina: I really don't want to talk about it. Tina: Especially not via messenger Jane: I'll call you later ok? Jane: I'm worried Tina: No need to worry. I'm not dying and I'm not pregnant, so these 2 most serious cases are out. Tina: Just have problems with my relationship with John and we need to talk about solving our problems Jane: Is it serious? Tina: We'll talk later Tina: I really don't want to talk about such things on a chat Jane: Sure. I'll call you when I get home from work Jane: Hang on there Tina: Thanks :) Tina: Bye Jane: Bye :)
Tina won't come this Saturday. Tina has relationship problems with John and needs to talk to him. Tina prefers not to discuss it on messenger. Jane will call Tina when she gets home from work.
Taylor: Are you going for an exchange this year? Alex: no, I decided to stay here, it seems a bit pointless Jeff: I am going to Wales James: to Wales?! Taylor: I didn't know there are universities in Wales Taylor: lol, joking, is it Cardiff? Jeff: no, Gwynedd James: a friend of mine was there, he really liked it Jeff: cool
Jeff is going for an exchange to Gwynedd in Wales this year. A friend of James was there and he really liked it.
Coco: Noah, they cut water off, you knew about it? Noah: strange :) no info downstairs? Coco: do u have a nuber to admin. Dunno yet Noah: there are numbers downstairs. check it out if you can plz Coco: ok Noah: if not please call admins Coco: ok Noah: thanks a lot Coco: did u shower in the morning? :P Noah: yeah, u didnt make it? heh Coco: yeah i used bathroom, but didnt shower yet :'(((( Noah: getting interesting :D Coco: godddd... what a drama.. :P <file_photo> until they finish Noah: ah yeah now i remember i saw a big puddle around the block, this is it Coco: no good they inform the very same day Noah: the pipe exploded or sth Coco: or its a failure Noah: at night Coco: probably yeah
Water is cut off due to some failure. That's why Coco didn't take a shower in the morning.
Iris: Bring me the charger John: I'm not bringing you anything John: Why are you even texting me when I'm in the next room? John: When did you become so lazy?
John will not bring Iris the charger. Iris is too lazy to do it herself.
Donna: Keep calm and race for life! Proud of us all! Xxx Amanda: Same time next year? ;) Donna: Can’t wait! ;) Emma: This is fab! Thomas: Well done girls!! John: Amazing! Amanda: Any donations big or small are truly appreciated! :) Donna: and come along and cheer us on next time! Emma: i’ll join u next year! xxx
Donna and Amanda took part in a race. They will do it again next year. Donations are appreciated.
Kirk: this is crazy!! Kirk: i have two front row tickets for the basketball game tonight and i can't give them away Kirk: either they don't want them or they can't go Edward: WHAT?!!?!?!?! Edward: FRONT ROW TICKETS!!!! Edward: I'LL TAKE THEM!!!!! Kirk: really? Kirk: i'm so glad they're not going to waste Kirk: i didn't know you liked basketball!! Kirk: otherwise you would've been first on my list Edward: i love basketaball! it's my favorite sport Edward: and i really wanted to go to this game!!! Edward: i'm so stoked Kirk: who are you taking with you? Edward: my friend tony :-) Edward: he's really into basketball too
Kirk has front row tickets to give away for the basketball game tonight. Edward is willing to go, and he will take his friend Tony, who is into basketball too.
Jenny: hi, small question Anna: yes my dear Jenny: have you ever bought any clothes on allegro? Anna: yes i have , all time Jenny: What did you buy lately? Anna: remember, i bought a dress for the wedding, the blue one Jenny: but what if it doesn't fit? Anna: it's very easy to return it, and it costs nothing. Jenny: Do you think i can sell items? Anna: of course, i sold some shoes Jenny: shoes?? Anna: it's as simple as to buy some, even more. Just be careful when you make payment. Jenny: Would you have time to come and show me? Anna: ok tomorrow with a cup of coffee Jenny: thanks see you tomorrow
Anna will come to Jenny tomorrow to have some coffee and explain her how she can buy and sell stuff on allegro.
Julie: Did you order the Christmas turkey? George: Got a ham instead. Julie: Meh.
George ordered ham instead of the Christmas turkey.
Andrew: Hey Dwayne, I'm painting my room this weekend. Wanna help? Dwayne: Errr… would there be beer involved? Andrew: I suppose I could get a couple of suds. Dwayne: Ok, what time you wanna start? Andrew: After lunch, 12:30? Dwayne: Why don't we go somewhere for lunch together. Have you got the paints yet? Andrew: I have the colour picked out, but I have to buy them in the morning. Dwayne: So I'll go with you, and then grab a bite to eat and start. Andrew: Ok, sounds good. Dwayne: What's the colour? Andrew: Black Dwayne: What?? Andrew: Just kidding! Kind of like an olive green. Dwayne: OK. Do you want me to bring something? Andrew: No, I'm picking up the paints, rollers and brushes in the morning. Dwayne: I could bring mine. Andrew: No, don't worry about it. Just be here at 9 on Sat. Dwayne: Ok, bye.
Dwayne will help Andrew with painting his room on Saturday. Andrew is going to buy the olive green paints, rollers and brushes in the morning.
Mike: Suze, have you seen Sam today? Susan: he's your brother Mike: I know but he's your boyfriend. Or he was? Susan: you know what. don't even tell me about this guy Mike: You argued again? Susan: Argued? No. Mike: So? What's wrong? Susan: You need to see someone to argue with him. Mike: Shit, you got stood up? Susan: Again! Mike: Sorry Suze, he's my brother but he's a real jerk sometimes. Susan: None of your fault. I'm fed up with him for good now. Mike: No wonder. I've been trying to get him all day and he doesn't think it's a good idea to answer the phone. Susan: I know what you're saying. I can't help you. Mike: I know. I need to call some other guys. Stay good. Susan: yeah, good luck with your search.
Mike is looking for Sam. Susan haven't seen Sam in a while, so she cannot help Mike.
Noah: US has officially withdrawn from nuclear weapon treaty!! Sebastian: I know. :/ Scary, isn't it? Noah: Mhm, everyone says, it's the beginning of the second Cold War. Do you think so? Sebastian: I don't know, honestly. I hope that US will manage to convince Russia and China to sign a new treaty. Sebastian: I can't imagine the next arms race. Noah: Well, I think that arms race has actually never ended, but at least it hasn't been full-blown. Noah: It feels like the end of a certain era... Sebastian: I hope that it all won't end with the outburst of the third world war. Noah: Me too. :(
Noah and Sebastian are concerned about the consequences of the US withdrawing from the Nuclear Weapon Treaty.
Oliver: YOU HAVE FAILED THIS CITY Barry: sht up your not the green arrow Oliver: sounds cool tho xD Barry: no it does not coming from you :p Oliver: -_-
Barry doesn't like Oliver saying YOU HAVE FAILED THIS CITY.
Matteo: What's up Vivienne: I'm on the beach. My skin is burnt Matteo: I thought you were leaving early this morning? Really, let me see Vivienne: Yes I had to leave the room. I'm all covered with my clothes now. Some of my parts of the body are that burnt that I can't even touch them Matteo: Hmm ok. Which parts haha Vivienne: Belly. My back, legs Matteo: Ok Vivienne: I will show how red I was yesterday Vivienne: <file_photo> Vivienne: Haha Matteo: Not too bad I've seen worse haha
Vivienne is on the beach. Her body is sunburnt.
Luis: we're meeting Cris and Stephan at the Cafe Libertad at 17:30. U guys in? Alvaro: Sure. Where is it again? Luis: Dude. Cafe Libertad. In front of the Hospital. Luis: it's like 3 minutes from your place. Alvaro: Didn't it have another name? Luis: sure. Like ten years ago. Alvaro: Alright then. Someone's in a mood. Luis: Whatever. Luis: where r u guys? Luis: we're waiting for you Alvaro: on our way! Luis: you where on our way one our ago. U sure u know where we are? Alvaro: We weren't home! We're coming! Luis: Alright. Luis: we're leaving
Luis will see Alvaro at the Cafe Libertad in front of the Hospital at 17:30. Alvaro is running late.
Marianne: have you girls seen the news? Jane: nope Jane: what is it? Marianne: a guy was hit by a car, just in front of my block :/ Jane: really....oh shit Mandy: I've heard of's really awful Marianne: I've seen all of that and now i know it for sure...i'm emotional to the pain. Jane: well, i know it may seem awful, but it happens...really Jane: people die everyday Jane: don't get me wrong, but we should focus on ourselves more and just learn from such situations... just be more careful Mandy: yeah, i agree...but on the other hand it's difficult not to react... Jane: yeah, i get it, i was also emotional about that but what can we get by doing so actually? depression? anxiety? do i have to give more examples? Mandy: no you don't Mandy: you're right, let's change the subject Mandy: are we meeting today? Marianne: yep, i'm in. our pub, 8pm? Jane: sounds cool, but how about 9? i'm having some classes at 7.30 Mandy: that's ok Marianne: yeah for me as well Jane: cool, we're in touch then
A guy was hit by a car in front of Marianne's block. It's awful but it happens every day. Jane, Mandy and Marianne are meeting today at 9pm at their pub.
Victoria: Hey, want to come with me downtown? Victoria: I have an appointment at optician. I have to order new glasses. Sarah: Sure. I will help you choose the frames xD Sarah: We could grab a dinner later. Victoria: Sure. I'll pick you up in 20 minutes. Is that cool? Sarah: Kk. Getting ready now.
Victoria's going downtown to order a new pair of glasses and asks Sarah to join her. Sarah agrees to be picked up by Victoria in 20 minutes.
Jean: I know youre not THAT into Brahms, but i hope youll make it here in time. Jose: sorry, this bus is taking longer than i expected Jean: which route are you taking? Jose: T55 Jean: oh. yeah. i always have problems with that one. Jose: i do like some Brahms, btw. Jean: alright. just get here, okay? Jose: we're moving more quickly now. just passed canal street. Jean: good. its last call before they start. you might have to wait a bit before they let you in Jose: so be it. I'll see you in a little while. Jean: Ok. Jose: sorry about the wait Jean: it happens
Jose is still on T55 and he may be late for Brahms with Jean.
Luca: Almost there Stanley: Get me some bottled water please Jenson: And some beers Luca: No shops on the way anymore, sorry Stanley: Damn ok
Luca has almost arrived so he can't buy the water and beer Stanley and Jenson ask him for.
Tom: hi kiddoes Tom: Mum doesn't fell well Tom: she went to a doctor this morning Kelly: what's happened?? Tom: no need to worry, she's got cold Tom: i'll come back late tody Jim: want us to do sth at home? Tom: yep, we need some things from grocery Tom: we should discuss what we want to eat Kelly: there's no meat Kelly: I think that we ran out of milk as well Jim: i can check what's in the fridge and make a shopping list. some suggestions? meat, milk... Tom: we need eggs nad some fruits you like. we can have a quick pasta for dinner tonight so please buy spaghetti noodles Kelly: bro, buy bread and sth for sandwichez Jim: sure thing. will do shopping Tom: thank you boy! Jim: you owe me!
Tom informs his kids Kelly and Jim that mum doesn't feel well and she went to a doctor this morning. She's got a cold. Tom will come back late today and they need some groceries. Jim will check what's in the fridge and will do the shopping.
Maddie: Still mad at me? Maddie: 🤧 Keegan: I moved on Maddie: I am sorry Maddie: Should have told u before that I went to her bday party Keegan: Fine Maddie: Want to still see me? Maddie: I am taking you for a supper 😊 Keegan: Sure when Maddie: Tmrw? Keegan: Ok cool
Maddie went to her birthday party and Keegan was angry. Keegan is no longer mad, and will takie Maddie for supper tomorrow.
Jackie: Why so angry today? Daria: I hate my maths teacher, she's literally a Nazi. Jackie: Literally? Omg!!! Does she wear a black uniform? :P Daria: Oh come on, stop nitpicking! Jackie: Ok, sorry... Daria: All right, so let's say she's literally a piece of... no, wait. XD Jackie: Hah, good one! Daria: You can smell her evil nature from afar. :P ;) Jackie: What did that poor woman do to you? Daria: Nothing, she just teaches maths and I hate maths. That makes her a Nazi! Jackie: I think you're using the social media too much, you know... Daria: Stop being a bigot! :P ;)
Daria hates math. Because of that, Daria hates her math teacher as well and compares her to a Nazi.
Aubrianna: My friend's dad died because of malaria in kongo Darien: It's dangerous for all people not just whites Aubrianna: So read about this
Dad of Aubrianna's friend died of malaria in Kongo.
Michael: Hi, Mr. Parker. You there? Parker: Yes, Michael. What's up? Michael: I could start working on your house next week. Michael: If that's all right? Parker: Any time, Michael. When do we start? Michael: I am thinking about next Wednesday? Parker: Great, I'll wait for you then.
Michael will start working on Parker's house next Wednesday.
Sandra: how was your trip to new york? Raul: effing amazing Sandra: really? why? Raul: it's just a beautiful city, the crowds, the architecture, the energy of the city... Sandra: how was the hotel? Raul: a bit pricey for what i paid, it was tiny Sandra: lol, who cares? It's new york! Raul: yeah, and it's not like I spent a lot of time at the hotel Sandra: what was your favorite part of new york? Raul: Times Square. Hands down. Amazing. Sandra: i'm jealous!!!! Raul: i liked it so much that i'm planning a trip for next year, you should come Sandra: i don't know if you are being serious, but if you are, i'll go with you!!! Raul: I'm being 100% serious Sandra: then count me in! Raul: yayyyyy!
Raul's trip to New York was amazing. He plans to go there again next year. Sandra wants to join him.
Alexis: Could you tell me what you decided during the meeting? Jeff: They decided, I didn't vote. Alexis: avoiding responsibility? Jeff: I had no chance to change their attitude. Alexis: So what was the decision? Jeff: To fire the whole department. Alexis: what monsters! I just can't believe this Jeff: What are you going to do? Alexis: It just won't happen, the union will destroy them Jeff: sounds like a declaration of war Alexis: The council declared it, not us.
Jeff didn't vote during the meeting. They won't fire the whole department according to Alexis.
Hyden: <file_photo> Anna: I like your Christmas tree Ursula: Nice!
Anna and Ursula like Hyden's Christmas tree.
Alex: Victoria I must warn you Victoria: Hey sweetheart <3 Alex: I'm not your sweetheart Victoria: But you will be Alex: Victoria, why don't you stay away from us? Alex: Brenda told me you were stalking her yesterday Alex: This is unacceptable Victoria: Brenda? Who is this? Alex: Don't play fool Alex: I got it that you are jealous of her Alex: And I feel sorry for you Alex: But this cannot continue like that Victoria: Don't be angry at me my love Victoria: It will all be fine Victoria: Just you and me together Alex: This will never happen Alex: I respect you as a human being Alex: But you got things wrong Alex: If you continue I'll have to inform authorities
Victoria wants to be with Alex. She was stalking Brenda yesterday. She is jealous of her. If Victoria doesn't stay away from Alex and Brenda, Alex will inform authorities.
Mark: Hi, boss. You need me at the office? Boss: Not really, Mark. I think you might be redundant. Mark: Very funny:) Boss: So if you're not gonna be here, where are you heading? Mark: I thought I'd visit the client who called yesterday? Boss: Excellent idea, Mark. You do that.
Mark will visit a client.
Magda: Anna, this is to inform you that your parcel arrived today Magda: You can come and collect it this afternoon Dom: Hi Magda! Dom: Ok perfect Dom: I'll pass by later on then :) Magda: 👍
Anna's parcel has arrived at Magda's today and can be collected this afternoon. She will pass by and take it.
Jessica: I went to the second hand shop downtown Frank: Cool Raphael: What did you get? Jessica: Lots of stuff Jessica: A table, six chairs, a vase, a pile of clothes Frank: That's really a lot of stuff :-) Raphael: send us pictures Jessica: <photo_file> Jessica: <photo_file> Raphael: Beautiful table Raphael: Is it wood? Jessica: yes, oak Raphael: Awesome Jessica: <photo_file> Frank: These are the clothes? Frank: I love the black dress Jessica: It's absolutely beautiful Jessica: As soon as I saw it I knew it would be mine Jessica: I'm so happy with what I bought Jessica: And the best is I paid only 70 euros for all of that!!
Jessica bought a table, six chairs, a vase and a pile of clothes and the second hand shop downtown. She paid 70 euros for everything.
Lucas: How was the party? Lia: The party? Lucas: You told me you were going to a family party in London. Lia: Ah that one. I wouldn't call it a party ;-) Lucas: Family gathering? Lia: My grandmother's display of power... lol Lucas: Sounds like fun... Lucas: So your grandma is authoritative? Lia: I'm also like her Lia: I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree Lucas: Maybe just a bit ;-) Lia: You don't know me well Lucas: I don't mind knowing you better :D
Lia was at a family gathering in London. Lucas wants to know her better.
Anita: Where RU??? Andy: Last Bulwell roundabout. Stuck in a jam. An accident on Molton Rd. Anita: Sh... Can't wait any longer. Driving on to hospital. Andy: Can't be helped. CU back home. Anita: CU
Anita won't wait any more for Andy and drive to a hospital. Andy is stuck in a traffic jam at the last Bulwell roundabout. They will meet at home.
Serena: im pretty stressed after this week. want to go to the resort tomorrow? Zoe: sure, i could use some time in the hot tub Serena: ok. when do want to leave? Zoe: 10 am? Serena: perfect Zoe: have you talked to celia about joining us? Serena: shes going skiing with her mom. cant go Zoe: oh well Serena: it'll be fun with just the two of us :) Zoe: yeah, i think so. Serena: so, i'll pick you up at your place? Zoe: sure. Serena: ok. see you tomorrow!
Serena and Zoe agree to go and relax at the resort tomorrow at 10 am. Celia can't come with them as she's going skiing with her mother. Serena'll collect Zoe from her place.
Amber: Wanna go shopping? Esther: Today I'm busy Esther: But maybe on Saturday Amber: I want to buy a few dresses for the summer Amber: Plus I have a wedding to attend in July Amber: Need to get something nice Esther: Your cousin's, right? Amber: Yes
Amber wants to buy dresses for the summer and something to wear for her cousin's wedding in July. Esther is busy today and can't go shopping with Amber, but might have time on Saturday.
Mandy: Hi, have any of you paid the electricilty bill? Sarah: I don't know Josh: what's the date on the bill? Mandy: 24th Josh: I haven't Josh: I was sure Sarah did Mandy: she didn't, apparently Mandy: there's a demand for payment Sarah: that's strange Sarah: I paid one a few days ago... Josh: dear lord... Josh: are you sure? Sarah: wait... let me check my account Sarah: yeah. I paid 20 pounds 2 days ago Mandy: that was a different bill, because this one is for 37 Sarah: oh Mandy: Okay, I'll pay it Mandy: But you will have to pay me back as soon as you're back Josh: thanks, Mandy Mandy: incl. interest ;)
The electricity bill with the date 24th has not been paid. Mandy will make the payment.
Matija: No snow, you are spreading fake news. Sandra: The weather app said so :( Matija: There is some frost on the cars, not much more.
It isn't snowing, despite the weather forecast.
Dylan: Next time you pass by, can you stop and show me how to get Excel to behave? Eve: Sure! What's it doing? Eve: Or not doing? LOL! Dylan: It won't sort right! Plus I need to not show the empty formulas. Eve: Okay, no problem. Probably be down in an hour or so. Dylan: Thanks!
Eve will come and help Dylan with Excel in an hour or so.
Martha: I feel like drinking banana juice Sebastian: Are you on your period or what? Martha: Fuck you! Just buy me a god damn banana juice! Sebastian: kk Sebastian: Don't kill me yet Martha: Shut up and come back without my juice
Martha wants a banana juice. Sebastian thinks Martha has a period. His remark makes her angrier.
Amy: Look what I’ve found Amy: <file_photo> Curt: Awwww that’s so cute! When was that, a year ago? Amy: Yeah, December last year, as far as I remember Nicolas: Cool. I should dress up as a reindeer more often Amy: DEFINITELY
Amy found a photo from last year's December. Nicolas should dress up as a reindeer more often.
Mathéo: man, did you see the new Samsung 10? it looks bomb! Yuri: yeah man! watched an unboxing yesterday and it really really looks awesome! I mean, how many cameras can they fit in there! 😂 Mathéo: I know! I have the 9, and the camera is excellent... I can only imagine with 4! Yuri: yeah, check it here Yuri: <file_video> Mathéo: daamn that quality! well need to start saving for this baby. Plus I don't have a real camera, so it is a good investment for me Yuri: yes totally, I also heard the Iphone X camera was dope AF! Mathéo: yeah it is! it's what I used for my last photo... but I am Android person 💁 Yuri: for sure! Mathéo: and you? are you changing your phone yet? Yuri: naah man, I prefer to spend my money elsewhere... I can keep a phone for more than 3 years it doesn't bother me Mathéo: yeah stay with your 3G... while the world is heading to 5G 🚀 Yuri: haha fuck you man 🖕 Mathéo: you will get along very well with my mom haha
Mathéo and Yuri like the new Samsung 10. It takes good pictures. Mathéo wants to replace his Samsung 9 with it. Yuri is not planning on changing his phone.
Stacey: <file_photo> Stacey: if you didn't have any plans for the 15th of January, then now you have Florence: HELL NO Twenty One Pilots in Poland Florence: I'm out Denique: :o Denique: no way!!!!! how much are the tickets? Stacey: 50$ Florence: hmm...not that bad Denique: I'm totally in Stacey: cool, if we buy the tickets now the price will be lower Florence: k let's do it Denique: okk Florence: hey, how about dressing ourselves as them? xD Denique: sound cool, but it's the three of us and these are only two guys xDDDD Stacey: I guess one of us will be Tyler, the other one Josh, and the third one......drums XDDDDD or a mic xD Florence: I WANT TO BE DRUMS Denique: AHAHAHA ok I dare not to disagree xD
Florence, Stacy and Denique are going to the Twenty One Pilots concert. Tickets are 50$. They talk about dressing as the band.
Olivier: I feel sad Frank: Why? Dorothy: What happened? Olivier: Nothing in particular Olivier: I feel lonely Frank: Do you miss Natasha? Olivier: No... this chapter is over...
Olivier is sad and lonely.
Jammy: Hans slipped in the bathroom and broke his left arm. Yesterday. Already in plaster. Edward: Oh no! Is it at home? Jammy: Yes. On pain killers. Asleep now. Call u later. Edward: Do so!
Hans slipped and broke his left arm. He got some pain killers and is asleep at home.
Max: I hate shopping! Payton: Y? Max: I treat it as a necessity. Payton: Still, y do u h8 shopping? Max: I hate having to choose the things, to try them on and go from shop to shop in the hope of buying something, but eventually returning home emptyhanded. Payton: So u h8 buying clothes? Max: Yup. Payton: What about other stuff? Max: Like what? Payton: Food? Max: That's easy. I just go to the supermarket and pick up some groceries. No problem. Payton: Books? Electronics? And so on. Max: Online. Those are the things I can buy online and it doesn't take much time :) Payton: So it's not the shopping u h8, but shopping 4 clothes. Max: It seems so. Payton: Have u tried shopping online 4 clothes? Max: Not really. Payton: U should :)
Max hates shoping for clothes. He prefers buying books and electronics online.
Bridger: How would you describe yourself self in these kind of stuff Bridger: Are you a romantic girl? Geraldine: I am Geraldine: But everything depends on my mood ;) Bridger: I like to think I can read those moods when I see it and actually influence it Geraldine: 😏 Bridger: Oh my days ... 🤒 Geraldine: Huh? Bridger: I got a lil temperature Geraldine: Lol Bridger: From watching the girl's leg back there Bridger: But you look cute 😉 Geraldine: Yeah that was my aim taking that photo Geraldine: Lol Bridger: Haha you just happened to be there Geraldine: Yep
Geraldine took a selfie with a girl's leg in the background to show it to Bridger.
Jeremy: Can anybody of you drive a bus? Gregory: lol, why? Jeremy: we wanted to rent a bus for the wedding Jeremy: but drivers are so expensive Tobias: I see, but a driver goes with a bus I think Tobias: like they own their buses Emil: Ask John Jeremy: we don't talk Emil: why??? Jeremy: he behaved inappropriately toward Jenny Jeremy: I don't want to see him Emil: so he won't be at the wedding? Jeremy: that's for sure
Jeremy wants to rent a bus for the wedding. He is looking for a driver. Jeremy is not talking to John because he behaved inappropriately towards Jenny. John won't be at the wedding.
Rachel: are you running late? Kim: i am, i'm really sorry Rachel: what happened? Kim: i couldn't find my car keys anywhere Rachel: where were they? Kim: in my purse, lol, i feel so dumb! Rachel: i will be waiting outside my building for you to pick me up Kim: ok, that sounds like a good idea, do you think we'll make the show? Rachel: we will if you hurry up, lol Kim: I know, I'm driving as fast as I can Rachel: wait, ARE YOU TEXTING AND DRIVING???! Kim: yes Rachel: DON'T DO THAT!!! I'll be waiting for you outside my building Kim: ok Rachel: STOP TEXTING AND DRIVING!!! Kim: well, it's just that you keep talking Rachel: STOP IT!!!
Kim is late, because she couldn't find her car keys. They were in her purse. Rachel will be waiting outside her building, Kim will pick her up and they will go to a show.
Julia: Hey, what time are you getting home? Bert: 8-ish. Why? Julia: I was wondering if we should wait for you with the dinner? Bert: Yeah, that would be nice of you. I'll try to get there on time Julia: Ok. Call me if you're running late Bert: I will. xx
Julia will be waiting for Bert with the dinner. Bert is coming home around 8.
Terry: Have you seen the last email from Katy? Mike: No, what about it? Terry: They raised the target Mike: Again?! This is ridiculous Terry: I know... Mike: They raised to 30! Terry: Yeah, my team is furious Terry: When I got here it was only 17 and it's been only five months Mike: But they raised it to 25 just two weeks ago Terry: I think Jack was right when he said we shouldn't be trying so hard Mike: Well I was just doing my job. I thought that if we outperform we can get a raise or be promoted Terry: At least we know they noticed... Mike: I wish they didn't Mike: What about those that could barely meet the last target? I was doing 30 a day on my good day Terry: I know, Tim's struggling with 20 sometimes Mike: Exactly. Did they say anything what they'll do in such a case? Terry: No, I only hope they won't start firing people Mike: Firing? I don't think so, we're understaffed anyway
The last e-mail from Katy informs that they raised the target to 30. Terry's team is upset. The target was 17 five months ago. It was raised to 25 two weeks ago. Terry and Mike's performance was better than expected. There are people who struggled to meet the last target.
Dex: Going to watch the game on Saturday? Matt: I guess so Dex: Wanna come to my house? Matt: Sure. Who will come? Dex: U know, my bro, dad, maybe Kevin Matt: so, only the usual? Dex: Well... Maybe Derek... Matt: kidding me? u know I can't stand him! Dex: I know I know but he's my sister boyfriend, it can't be helped :/ Matt: He'll destroy all the fun Dex: Maybe it won't be so bad Matt: U think? Like always he'll comment on everything. It's no condition to watch the game! Dex: Please? Little help? I'll die If I'll have to talk to him without backup Matt: Yeah, yeah, U always say that. I'll come Dex: Thanks bro!!
Dex invited Matt, Derek and his sister to watch the game on Saturday. Matt is not happy to hang out with Derek.
Ali: I'm very upset by the situation here Patty: i've just seen on TV, it's worrying indeed Jim: Do you think the election was rigged? Ali: I think so, the ruling coalition got 96% Ali: it's a bit exaggerated I think Jim: sure, it's not convincing at all Ali: and 17 people were killed during the election, it's very sad Jim: I'm really sorry to read it :( Ali: Sheikh Hasina has been at power for 10 years Jim: it's quite long...
Ali, Patty and Jim are talking about the election which might have been rigged.
Molly: When are you coming? Terry: tomorrow evening Molly: but what time exactly John: after 5pm Terry: we should be at the station at 5.30 Molly: ok, will you manage to get to my place, or should I come to pick you up? Terry: send us the address and we'll arrive John: sure, no need to bother when there is google maps Molly: ok, I'll send you later the address and directions to get her John: great, we can also cook sth tomorrow night if you want Terry: we brought a bottle of nice wine from Europe Molly: nice idea!, let's do it Terry: cool! so see you tomorrow Molly: see you
Molly, Terry and John will meet tomorrow after 5 p.m. and will cook something at John's place.
Adrien: I'm at the office, working and waiting for you Kamil: working on Sunday? Adrien: I really have a lot of stuff to do these days Teddy: but will you go with us to the gym? Adrien: I'm not sure yet Lara: So should we come to your office? Adrien: come here, let's have a cup of tea and then we'll decide Lara: ok
Adrien is at the office on Sunday. Teddy and Lara are going to the gym. Adrien, Lara and Teddy will have a cup of tea at Adrien's office.
Kate: <file_photo> John: Wow! Kate: I thought you'd like it! John: Like it? I love it! Kate: Really? John: You look absolutely gorgeous in that pic. Kate: <file_photo> John: mmmmm.... Kate: <file_photo> John: You're making me really horny woman! Kate: <file_photo> John: I'm at work. FFS what am I supposed to do with the boner now? ;-P Kate: LOL
Kate has sent John her photo. He thiks she looks gorgeous in it.
John: Hi Brett, what time you finishing? Brett: Hi Dad, yeah, 5pm, pick me up in the college car park, the one nearest the main road. John: OK, I'll be in the car, see you later. Brett: Dad? How about we stop for a burger on the way home, your shout! John: Why not! See you later.
Brett is finishing at 5 pm. John will pick him up in the college car park. They will stop for a burger on the way home.
Stef: hello Nat, my cousin is looking for information about cef. Do you have any about it. Stef: <file_other> Nat: hello Stef, i had a look and for me this is not very interesting and there is no proof about the positive effect. How are the kids? Stef: they're fine, travelling all around the word, one in Mexico, the other in Canada, another one in France.. Nat: real globe trotters! You could give my number to your cousin if she wants to. Stef: Thanks
Stef's cousin is looking for information about cef. Nat doesn't find it very interesting or effective, but lets Stef give her phone number to the cousin. Stef's kids are travelling a lot, one is in Mexico, one in Canada, and another one in France.
Felix: Do you know this guy: Felix: <file_other> Ben: no, never heard of him Felix: so listen to this album Bob: hmm, sounds good Serena: ohm this is what they call indietronica? Felix: yes!
Felix sends a file with an indietronica artist to Ben, Bob and Serena.
Jess: hi there Bernie: Hey Jess, what's up? Jess: regarding the networking drinks Jess: I was wondering if it makes sense to let people know where we're meeting via Twitter? Mary: Sounds good to me Jess: @Bernie, could you do that? Bernie: Yep, sure. We're meeting at 5.15 at Scolt's Head, right? Jess: correct Bernie: OK, I'll see if I can post it with a nice image so that people pay attention 🍸 Bernie: In the end, that's the most important part of the event, isn't it?! Jess: totally 👌 Mary: Go for it xx
Bernie agrees to post information about the event involving the networking drinks via Twitter. The meeting takes place at Scolt's Head at 5.15.
Rayburn: night of scrabble 2moro anybd? Tyson: you mean a game of scrabble and the nite of drinking? Rayburn: not this time. we srsly plan to play like four games each in different configurations Ripley: 4 games prbbly take 3 hours plus breaks Jojo: cool how many are playing? I'd like to try Rayburn: 5 for now. Up to eight, youre in then! Dolly: great idea. id do it but need to return home at nite Rayburn: cool thats seven well order taxis or uber and youll share with others Tyson: but drinking is part of the nite correct? Rayburn: if you byob no problem. We plan beer only. Tyson: yeah only i dont play Rayburn: sorry the winner gets a HUGE bottle of borze. Think about it XD Jojo: I'm defntly in then Rayburn: great well talk later
Rayburn organises a night of scrabble tomorrow. Tyson will join, but won't play. There'll be up to 8 players, 4 games, the winner gets a bottle of borze.
Sam: Where are you? Kate: downstairs Sam: already? Kate: sure, come down Jeff: We're in the little room next to the reception Kate: have you noticed the woman making a cake? Sam: yes Kate: did you see the cake? Sam: I didn't pay attention, why? Kate: there was a huge penis on it Kate: made of marzipan or sth Sam: hahah, really? Kate: when I noticed it, I started laughing Kate: so she laughed too Sam: nice Kate: I asked her what's she doing Kate: Somebody ordered a cake with a huge penis with balls and chocolate hair Sam: hahah, I must see it! Kate: she is working in the small room under the stairs Sam: right, there is a kitchen
Kate and Jeff are downstairs in a room next to the reception. Some lady is making a marzipan cake.
Alicia: Don't forget about the gift. Sandra: I know. I already have it in my bag. Alicia: Great. I'm sure Linda will like it. Sandra: She will!
Sandra has a gift for Linda in her bag. Alice is sure Linda will like it.
Beatrice: Hi Marianne! How's it going? Marianne: Hi 🙂 All good. How about you? Beatrice: I am actually in trouble. Beatrice: I am in Pruszków. Long story. Can you give me a ride to Warsaw? Marianne: Lucky girl, I am free and ready to save you. Beatrice: You are the best! Beatrice: I'll send you the details as soon as I ask someone where I am exactly. Marianne: Crazy. I'll be there in half an hour and you'll tell me what happened! Beatrice: Appreciate it.
Marianne will pick Beatrice up from Pruszków in half an hour and she will drive her to Warsaw.
Polly: Hi, can I ask you for a favour? Rebecca: Of course, what is it about? Polly: You know that my parents have their anniversary next month? Rebecca: Yeah I know, we'll come Polly: That's great. Listen I'm doing them a surprise cause I want to make a photoalbum about what happened in this 25 years Rebecca: That's an awesome idea! Polly: The favour is: could you send me some pohotos from when their young? Cause I know that the old photoalbums are at your house Rebecca: That's not a problem. I'll pick some nice up and drop it to you next weekend Polly: That would be perfect. Thank you a lot
Rebecca will make a selection of photos featuring Polly's parents when they were young. She will deliver them to Polly next weekend.
Charlotte: Can we talk? Ursula: Hi, sure, how are you? Charlotte: Not very well at the moment Ursula: Why? Charlotte: Just talked to Rach. Ursula: Was she mean to you? Charlotte: No, she was not. Charlotte: I wanted to talk to you Charlotte: Because she told me you were hitting on my boy Ursula: WHAT Charlotte: Last party at Dan's, I was sick Charlotte: I've heard you were eager to keep him company Ursula: That's bullshit Ursula: I just talked with him Ursula: Mostly about you anyways Charlotte: I'll ask him what he thinks about it Ursula: Sure, ask him! Ursula: This is ridicolous. Ursula: We can meet and make the situation clear if you wish Charlotte: Let me just calm down and think about it Charlotte: I'll talk to you later Ursula: Ok, speak soon
Rach told Charlotte that Ursula had been flirting with Charlotte's boyfriend at the last party at Dan's. Charlotte will explain the situation with her boyfriend and Ursula.
Jess: Good afternoon! The end of the month is tomorrow! Please kindly upload the receipts by midnight CST Ryan: All done, Jess, thank you for the reminder! Paul: I apologize for the inconvenience, is it possible to get an exception/extension? Jess: Paul, I can do one day only, the system shuts down automatically and myself, I only have 24hrs to submit corrections. Paul: Much appreciated, that will help me greatly, thank you.
The receipts must be uploaded by midnight CST so Jess can have time to correct them. Paul gets a one day extension.
Christine: OMG Jane! Jane: Hi 2 u 2 Chris xD Christine: U will never guess what I just found out! Jane: I'm not even gonna try 2. Christine: Sean and Natasha are getting divorced! :O Jane: Are you shitting me?! Christine: No, I'm dead serious! Jane: How is that even possible? It's only been 2 years! Jane: Remember their picture perfect wedding? Christine: I know eh?! Jane: R u sure this is for real? Christine: Yeah, I found out from Natasha's brother. Apparently Sean cheated on her! Jane: WTF?! The perfect hubby? What a jerk. Christine: Yeah, their fairy tale didn't last 2 long...
Christine and Jane's friends, Sean and Natasha, are getting a divorce after being married for 2 years. According to Natasha's brother, Sean was unfaithful.
Scarlett: <file_photo> Andrew: 35 degrees? Andrew: I would be boiling :D Scarlett: And it feels even hotter Scarlett: It is very humid here Andrew: I know you love to travel Andrew: But I prefer my 10 degrees outside Andrew: A book, a blanket and a nice cup of tea Scarlett: I’d love to drink a cold beer Scarlett: But I’m afraid to drink anything Scarlett: I’m in a bus and there is no toilet Scarlett: Still need to wait a few hours Scarlett: Then I will take a shower Scarlett: and drink some beer :D
Scarlett is in the bus with no toilet so she's afraid to drink anything even though it's 35 degrees. Andrew prefers his 10 degrees outside.
Sarah: What is the best way to lose weight? Sarah: I need to loose 15 kg after the pregnancy Kimberly: Do some sports! Gerda: And a diet Gerda: Eat healthy Amanda: The only way to lose weight is to burn more calories that you consume Sarah: How many calories should I eat? Sarah: And how can I count them Sarah: I was never on a diet...
Sarah wants to lose 15 kg after pregnancy. She was advised to do sports and go on a diet.
Javier: Just finished the first 20 lines of code. Took me a while but it's done. Sergio: Nice! Paul also finished his ones so now we can start making the base of the program. Javier: Wanna meet at the library and start working asap? Sergio: That's a good idea, we don't have a lot of time.
Javier and Paul have both finished their lines of code. Javier and Sergio will meet in the library soon to start making the base of the program.
Crista: Hi Kelly, just a question. Kelly: Yes, babes? Crista: Do we have coffee machine or cafetière for coffees tomorrow? Kelly: No need, love. We're a load of philistines, just the kettles and some instant, Gold Blend, Nescafe, Carte Noire if you want to push the boat out. Crista: OK, LOL. Forgot you Welsh have no taste! Kelly: 😆 See you!
Kelly doesn't have a coffee machine nor a cafetière to make coffees for tomorrow. Instead, she has a choice of instant coffee brands.
Laura: u r home? Donald: no, uni Laura: when r u coming home? Donald: 5-ish Laura: dhl at 5, can u take it? Donald: if i'm home Laura: so try to be there! Donald: okey, but it depends on traffic Laura: ok, ok Donald: u bought bread> Laura: no Donald: i asked u twice... Laura: sorry, forgot Laura: i can buy in on my way home in the evening Donald: forget it, i'll get some
Donald is at the university. He'll be home around 5. The courier will arrive at 5. Donald asked Laura to buy bread. She didn't do it. Donald will do it.
Julie: I just bought a ticket to New York City. I’m so excited to see the city! Sophie: Good for you! Traveling is so much fun. I love discovering new places and new people. When are you leaving? Julie: Next week. Hopefully, I’ll be able to sleep on the plane. Sophie: I wish I could go with you! New York City is a magical place. You will have a great time. Julie: I hope so. I’m going to visit a friend who lives there. I will stay for a week and then take the train down to Washington, D.C. Sophie: That sounds like a great vacation. I’m looking forward to a week at the beach for my summer vacation. I just want to relax and not think about work.. Julie: Work won't be in my head during that week that's for sure :P Where are you planning to go? Sophie: I am choosing between going to Cuba or Palma near Spain. Both of them are really nice destinations. Julie: Never been to either of those places, don´t think I even know where Palma is ahahhah. Sophie: Honestly I didn't either x) but after researching a bit it sounded like a great place to visit and enjoy. Julie: Well I have heard wonders about Cuba from my grandparents. Sophie: Really? Have they been there? Julie: Yes, every couple of years they go there. Sophie: Oh that's so nice! Why they go there so many times? Julie: They just enjoy the culture and the country a lot. Plus I think they have some friends there. Sophie: Maybe I'll research Cuba a little bit better before choosing :D Julie: If you want I can ask them some tips on where to stay and things like that. Sophie: Omg that would be so awesome. Yes please! Julie: ahaha No worries. Next time I'm with them I will ask. Sophie: Thank you
Julie is going to New York to visit her friend. Sophie will probably go to Cuba in summer.
Mike: Which info in those notes is the most important? Liza: What do you mean? Mike: There are different underline colors Tina: I use those, usually yellow, but no guarantee, I sometimes mix them up:D Mike: I think yellow is the one Tina: Which notes are we talking about? Mike: grammar classes ones Tina: Definitely yellow, pink ones are just side notes
Tina confirm to Mike and Liza that the yellow underline colour marks the important notes.
Jacob: Where are you. I just reached the Cinema Hall Sophia: Look at your Left. Right in the first row at the end. Jacob: Gotcha
Jacob is looking for Sophia at the Cinema Hall. She is at the end of the first row.
Ian: U on campus? Lunch at AW? Viola: Yes, possible, at bookstore rn xd Ian: I am on ground fl library Viola: Ok just wait. Viola: I am at the pharmacy Ian: Did you go to class this morning? Viola: Yea and I had to talk to the prof. It took a while Ian: Ok I am heading there rn Viola: Or you want to go for lunch with me and my parents? they're in town and they want to see you Ian: Hmm sure, I am done for the day Viola: Wanna meet in Lower place at 2:45? Ian: K I will be by the front desk Viola: kk
Ian will go for lunch with Viola and her parents, they'll meet at Lower place at 2.45. Ian'll be waiting by the front desk.
Mark: Gentlemen! I dare say it's COFFEE TIME! Luke: w00t! Jake: Sry, can't now. Mark: Y? Jake: Boss needs to talk to me. Luke: Had the talk. Don't mention coffee. Jake: Y? Mark: You'll get talked down for coffee time ;) Jake: Rly? Luke: Apparently he doesn't approve of us taking long breaks from work :P Mark: Lol Jake: Gotta go! Looking at me meaningfully! Luke: Well then, kind sir, shall we? Mark: Of course we shall! Jake: W8 for me!
Mark and Luke will go for a coffee break at work. Jake first needs to talk with his boss, who doesn't approve their long breaks from work.
Chris: What are your plans now for Halloween? Chris: Just gonna stay in? Nick: Yeah Nick: nothing special <file_gif> Chris: Fair enough I never used to do anything for Halloween. Nick: in Poland we actually don't celebrate Halloween and don't do all this dressing up, pumpking curving and so on. Nick: on November 1st we just go to the cementary with our families and after that spend time together. Chris: I like it. Chris: At least you’ll have somethinf worthwile to remember. Nick: <file_video> Nick: Cementary in the night. Chris: That’s quite surreal. Chris: Hopefully your future halloweens will be more upbeat lool Nick: And how was the club yesterday? Chris: Good night loool Chris: My friends came back down from the home. Chris: I went as Arthur. Nick: What do you mean? Chris: I changed my name for that night. Nick: Why is it so? Chris: I don't know exactly. Sometimes I like changes.
Nick doesn't have any Halloween plans. He explains to Chris that we go to cementary and spend time with our families for November 1st. Chris changed his name for Arthur for the party yesterday.
Fabian: guys, we're seeing each other on the match tomorrow, am I right? Max: yep Albert: sure Fabian: I suggest going to some pub to watch it, what do you think? at some places they've got nice and huge TVs, and we can also eat and drink Max: wanna know who's got a huge TV? ME. so we can meet at my place and drink liters of beer and eat tones of food and spend less money Max: and have more privacy Albert: sounds really cool, if that won't be a problem then I'd come Fabian: hmmm actually you're what time? Max: what time does it start? Albert: 8:45pm Max: hmmmmm come to my place at 7, we'll make a before party and prepare some food, even a dinner, ribs or whatever Albert: cooooooooool Fabian: ok I agree, I can buy the meat Albert: and I can buy alcohol!!!! at least the first round hahahah Max: cool, settled then.
Tomorrow Fabian, Max and Albert are going to watch a match at Max's place. They're going to meet at 7 and prepare food. Fabian will buy the meat and Albert will bring alcohol.
Mandy: Can't go with u after class Karen: Why? Mandy: have an oculist appointment, I forgot Karen: ok, another time
Mandy can't go with Karen after class, as she has an oculist appointment.
Sue: <file_other> Terry: That is good. I see you are looking at a nice building, well, with a lot of potential Sue: Too close to the shore... King tide tells me that's a no go Terry: Mmmmmmhm, listen to your inner voice, you're good at that Sue: I'm trying to learn as fast as I can out in these streets :D Terry: Well you will succeed, I know you will. You have the brains, beauty, and connections to succeed Sue: Haha, thanks. Dunno about the beauty. But can pay people to spread the word around :D Terry: Lol. I'm sure it will get out there either way ;)
Sue is looking at a building close to the shore. Sue is afraid the building is too close to the shore.
Steve: Thank you everyone for your donations! I am thrilled to announce we surpassed our goal!!!! Fantastic outcome thanks to each and every one of you! Brenda: That is great news!!!! So proud to be a part of it! Louis: Congratulations! We love our new quilt we got at the auction! Worth every penny for a worthy cause!
The donations have surpassed their goal. Louis has bought a quilt at the auction.
Jimmy: Don't come to the bar Sandy: why? what happened? Jimmy: remember your ex, Trevor? Sandy: Yeah...? Jimmy: He's here with Amy Sandy: WHAT Jimmy: Yep, let's just pick another bar Sandy: couldnt agree more
Jimmy and Sandy are going to go to another bar in order to avoid Trevor. Trevor is Sandy's ex and he is here with Amy.
Veronica: heyo, I sent you the files by wetransfer Erica: cool, thx! Veronica: let me know if they work ok Erica: yup Erica: hey, the video file has some artifacts at the beginning Veronica: what? Veronica: <file_gif> Veronica: i watched it through before sending :-/ Veronica: oooh, ok I see now Erica: yeah, could you please reexport it? Veronica: yup, on it Veronica: give me 30 min Veronica: sorry :-/ Erica: it's ok, good thing we caught it now ;) Veronica: :-D
Veronica sent Erica the file by WeTransfer, but Erica notices some artefacts at the beginning, so Veronica will reexport it in 30 minutes.
Karin: Do you have some nice pictures from yesterday Karin: It was so nice Karin: I hope everything went well at the doctor ❤️ Emilia: Hi Karin! Yes, thanks! Emilia: <file_photo> Emilia: <file_photo> Karin: Thank you, they are lovely Karin: So everything went well? Emilia: Yes, very well, they are very nice doctors at the clinic I visited :) Emilia: Thanks for a great lunch! I'm going to try and make the same recipe one of these days 😀 Emilia: I don't like going to the doctor, but it feels better once it's over, just a routine check ;) Karin: That's good. Especially gynaecologists, you feel so vulnerable Karin: I made the same patties yesterday and I offered a few to my neighbour who is renovating, he said "oh these are divine" 😊 Emilia: That's great :) Yes they were very tasty :) Karin: Wish you a good day sweet Emilia, hugs x x Emilia: And to you dear Karin, take care xx
Emilia was at the gynaecologist's yesterday and everything went well.
Mia: Going to the family dinner? Gia: I don't want to Gia: but have to Mia: I don't like meeting these new people Gia: Me neither Mia: What time u be there? Gia: probs 9
Gia and Mia are going to the family dinner, and they meet at 9. Gia and Mia do not like family dinners, because they do not feel comfortable with meeting new people.
Don: Do you listen to Westlife? Honorata: They're old haha Don: I know xd Don: 00s music but its great to listen to Honorata: They have some golden songs 15 years ago Don: I know, I feel like I had a great childhood by listening to them xd Honorata: I agree
Don and Honorata liked listening to Westlife in their childhood.