Dataset Viewer issue: JobManagerCrashedError

by egrace479 - opened
HDR Imageomics Institute org

The dataset viewer is not working.

Error details:

Error code:   JobManagerCrashedError

cc @albertvillanova @lhoestq @severo .

Hi ! Thanks for reporting, we're looking into this

HDR Imageomics Institute org

@lhoestq , I added a metadata.csv to make the viewer more useful, and we are now getting the following error:

500 Server Error: Internal Server Error for url:
Error code:   UnexpectedError

It's stuck on this image: dataset/Animalia-Chordata-Mammalia-Pholidota-Manidae-Manis-javanica/22920636_337659_eol-full-size-copy.jpg for some reason; the full URL does resolve though.

HDR Imageomics Institute org

Hi @albertvillanova @lhoestq @severo ,

Would it be possible to get a time estimate or some update?


I refreshed the Viewer and now the error is

ValueError: image at visuals/phyla_ToL_tree.png doesn't have metadata in metadata.csv

You can fix this by specifying that the images are in the dataset/ folder in YAML in the

- config_name: default
  - "metadata.csv"
  - "dataset/*/*.jpg"
HDR Imageomics Institute org

Thank you @lhoestq !

egrace479 changed discussion status to closed

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