audioduration (s)
sky travel eight two four radar radar contact climb flight level one six zero
eight two five czech holidays seven four two zero
tower csa one delta zulu on the ils
climb flight level three three zero csa eight five six
nine six seven
csa nine two seven woo
two four eight two
heli whiskey charlie hotel echo three thousand feet
easy four nine six papa roger use romeo and stop at holding point runway three one landing traffic
one three four four seven five speed bird eight seven
csa seven four two line up runway one three line up runway
frequency change approved bye bye have a nice evening hotel quebec mike
csa two mike delta radar radar contact
any chance varik
maximum possible speed track distance to touch down is
good afternoon klm one nine seven eight praha radar contact report your requested level
via golf
oscar kilo alfa lima zulu roger radar contact proceed from present position direct to
csa five one six ruzyne tower roger behind landing traffic short final boeing seven three seven line up runway three one behind
csa one eight four runway one three cleared for immediate takeoff wind two one zero degrees two knots traffic three miles final
roger when reaching maintain three three zero
csa eight two seven ground one two one decimal nine
helicopter heli victor oscar good afternoon
one three two decimal one five five thai nine two zero bye bye
boeing oscar kilo lima india november
csa eight five six line up three one and wait number two interception departure from romeo
air france one one eight two turn left heading ze three
direct to
mal three five zero good by
shamrock six four four turn left heading three six zero
descending flight level eight zero csa three sierra lima
csa nine seven five radar radar contact descend flight level one three zero mike inf
pepik direct roger
and fly heading zero eight zero
sky travel six eight two no speed and climb flight level one six zero
lufthansa one kilo k speed one seven zero knots or less and contact ruzyne tower one one eight one
radar csa nine six one descend flight level one one zero oscar on board speed
two eight zero at
two five two eight climb flight level three one zero
line up three
four zero we
csa two mike charlie descend flight level nine zero and contact radar one one nine zero
easy eight three whiskey golf descend five thousand feet qnh one zero one eight
descend flight level nine zero one one nine zero csa five victor papa
clear to land three one air france one seven eight two
taxiway juliett cross runway two eight after crossing one two one seven five five turkish six foxtrot lima
runway one six right cleared to land qantas four forty four
cleared proceed mikov alfa uniform lima fi nine two five three
csa eight eight one
and fully ready
csa two mike delta line up runway one three
baltu climb to cruising flight level six zero
turkish one nine five three contact rhein one three three decimal eight six zero bye bye
two five nine six five jet airways one one nine good day
right three one cleared to land dark blue five four romeo
direct kolad aero flot one two three
morning air france one zero eight three radar radar contact climb to flight level one six zero
air berlin eight seven victor read you by five contact munich two five decimal six two five
affirm any higher up level three eight zero please austrian five five alfa delta roger standby
three one passing two thousand four hundred feet
clear to land easy eight zero nine bravo
seven zero two
turkish one seven six nine descend flight level one zero zero
departure good afternoon beline nine zero eight three thousand climbing five thousand feet on the two two bravo
hello tower el al five two one
warsaw one three four nine two five lufthansa seven seven eight bye bye
lufthansa eight echo papa contact praha one three three decimal three nine zero good by
roger maintain