B35.8 is the icd-10 code for "Other dermatophytoses"
B35.9 is the icd-10 code for "Dermatophytosis unspecified"
B36.0 is the icd-10 code for "Pityriasis versicolor"
B36.1 is the icd-10 code for "Tinea nigra"
B36.2 is the icd-10 code for "White piedra"
B36.3 is the icd-10 code for "Black piedra"
B36.8 is the icd-10 code for "Other specified superficial mycoses"
B36.9 is the icd-10 code for "Superficial mycosis unspecified"
B37.0 is the icd-10 code for "Candidal stomatitis"
B37.1 is the icd-10 code for "Pulmonary candidiasis"
B37.2 is the icd-10 code for "Candidiasis of skin and nail"
B37.3 is the icd-10 code for "Candidiasis of vulva and vagina"
B37.4 is the icd-10 code for "Candidiasis of other urogenital sites"
B37.41 is the icd-10 code for "Candidal cystitis and urethritis"
B37.42 is the icd-10 code for "Candidal balanitis"
B37.49 is the icd-10 code for "Other urogenital candidiasis"
B37.5 is the icd-10 code for "Candidal meningitis"
B37.6 is the icd-10 code for "Candidal endocarditis"
B37.7 is the icd-10 code for "Candidal sepsis"
B37.8 is the icd-10 code for "Candidiasis of other sites"
B37.81 is the icd-10 code for "Candidal esophagitis"
B37.82 is the icd-10 code for "Candidal enteritis"
B37.83 is the icd-10 code for "Candidal cheilitis"
B37.84 is the icd-10 code for "Candidal otitis externa"
B37.89 is the icd-10 code for "Other sites of candidiasis"
B37.9 is the icd-10 code for "Candidiasis unspecified"
B38.0 is the icd-10 code for "Acute pulmonary coccidioidomycosis"
B38.1 is the icd-10 code for "Chronic pulmonary coccidioidomycosis"
B38.2 is the icd-10 code for "Pulmonary coccidioidomycosis unspecified"
B38.3 is the icd-10 code for "Cutaneous coccidioidomycosis"
B38.4 is the icd-10 code for "Coccidioidomycosis meningitis"
B38.7 is the icd-10 code for "Disseminated coccidioidomycosis"
B38.8 is the icd-10 code for "Other forms of coccidioidomycosis"
B38.81 is the icd-10 code for "Prostatic coccidioidomycosis"
B38.89 is the icd-10 code for "Other forms of coccidioidomycosis"
B38.9 is the icd-10 code for "Coccidioidomycosis unspecified"
B39.0 is the icd-10 code for "Acute pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati"
B39.1 is the icd-10 code for "Chronic pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati"
B39.2 is the icd-10 code for "Pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati unspecified"
B39.3 is the icd-10 code for "Disseminated histoplasmosis capsulati"
B39.4 is the icd-10 code for "Histoplasmosis capsulati unspecified"
B39.5 is the icd-10 code for "Histoplasmosis duboisii"
B39.9 is the icd-10 code for "Histoplasmosis unspecified"
B40.0 is the icd-10 code for "Acute pulmonary blastomycosis"
B40.1 is the icd-10 code for "Chronic pulmonary blastomycosis"
B40.2 is the icd-10 code for "Pulmonary blastomycosis unspecified"
B40.3 is the icd-10 code for "Cutaneous blastomycosis"
B40.7 is the icd-10 code for "Disseminated blastomycosis"
B40.8 is the icd-10 code for "Other forms of blastomycosis"
B40.81 is the icd-10 code for "Blastomycotic meningoencephalitis"
B40.89 is the icd-10 code for "Other forms of blastomycosis"
B40.9 is the icd-10 code for "Blastomycosis unspecified"
B41.0 is the icd-10 code for "Pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis"
B41.7 is the icd-10 code for "Disseminated paracoccidioidomycosis"
B41.8 is the icd-10 code for "Other forms of paracoccidioidomycosis"
B41.9 is the icd-10 code for "Paracoccidioidomycosis unspecified"
B42.0 is the icd-10 code for "Pulmonary sporotrichosis"
B42.1 is the icd-10 code for "Lymphocutaneous sporotrichosis"
B42.7 is the icd-10 code for "Disseminated sporotrichosis"
B42.8 is the icd-10 code for "Other forms of sporotrichosis"
B42.81 is the icd-10 code for "Cerebral sporotrichosis"
B42.82 is the icd-10 code for "Sporotrichosis arthritis"
B42.89 is the icd-10 code for "Other forms of sporotrichosis"
B42.9 is the icd-10 code for "Sporotrichosis unspecified"
B43.0 is the icd-10 code for "Cutaneous chromomycosis"
B43.1 is the icd-10 code for "Pheomycotic brain abscess"
B43.2 is the icd-10 code for "Subcutaneous pheomycotic abscess and cyst"
B43.8 is the icd-10 code for "Other forms of chromomycosis"
B43.9 is the icd-10 code for "Chromomycosis unspecified"
B44.0 is the icd-10 code for "Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis"
B44.1 is the icd-10 code for "Other pulmonary aspergillosis"
B44.2 is the icd-10 code for "Tonsillar aspergillosis"
B44.7 is the icd-10 code for "Disseminated aspergillosis"
B44.8 is the icd-10 code for "Other forms of aspergillosis"
B44.81 is the icd-10 code for "Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis"
B44.89 is the icd-10 code for "Other forms of aspergillosis"
B44.9 is the icd-10 code for "Aspergillosis unspecified"
B45.0 is the icd-10 code for "Pulmonary cryptococcosis"
B45.1 is the icd-10 code for "Cerebral cryptococcosis"
B45.2 is the icd-10 code for "Cutaneous cryptococcosis"
B45.3 is the icd-10 code for "Osseous cryptococcosis"
B45.7 is the icd-10 code for "Disseminated cryptococcosis"
B45.8 is the icd-10 code for "Other forms of cryptococcosis"
B45.9 is the icd-10 code for "Cryptococcosis unspecified"
B46.0 is the icd-10 code for "Pulmonary mucormycosis"
B46.1 is the icd-10 code for "Rhinocerebral mucormycosis"
B46.2 is the icd-10 code for "Gastrointestinal mucormycosis"
B46.3 is the icd-10 code for "Cutaneous mucormycosis"
B46.4 is the icd-10 code for "Disseminated mucormycosis"
B46.5 is the icd-10 code for "Mucormycosis unspecified"
B46.8 is the icd-10 code for "Other zygomycoses"
B46.9 is the icd-10 code for "Zygomycosis unspecified"
B47.0 is the icd-10 code for "Eumycetoma"
B47.1 is the icd-10 code for "Actinomycetoma"
B47.9 is the icd-10 code for "Mycetoma unspecified"
B48.0 is the icd-10 code for "Lobomycosis"
B48.1 is the icd-10 code for "Rhinosporidiosis"
B48.2 is the icd-10 code for "Allescheriasis"
B48.3 is the icd-10 code for "Geotrichosis"
B48.4 is the icd-10 code for "Penicillosis"