illustration, woman in gray, child in red top, facing away from viewer, standing under a tree, red blossoms, gray floor with grasses
illustration of a small orange cat in grass, facing away from viewer, gray floor
a painting of four people in a boat on a lake, red sunset reflecting off lake, background mountains, foreground tree, gray floor with grass
a painting of three people playing in a garden by a house, man carrying vase, fisherman in foreground, trees
illustration of a man standing on a dock at the waterside, man rowing boat on lake, flock of birds and sunset in distance, tree branch in foreground
a painting of a sunset between a mountain valley, reflection in lake
a painting of a bridge over a river, trees, houses in background, mountains in distance
a painting of a family of four, pagoda on hill behind them, hexagonal monument behind them
a painting of a pagoda on rocks
a painting of a man plowing a field with a bull, walled garden behind him, man in robe walking, birds flying in sky
a painting of two children walking down a path over water, bridge in background, mountains with flag in background
a painting of a red house with a tree in the background, person on balcony, circle shaped archway in gray wall
a painting of two people sitting on horses looking over the edge, high waterfall with tree above them
a painting of two men sitting on horses on a hill overlooking water, green uniforms and rifles on their backs, tree branch in foreground, mountains and bridge in background
a painting of a white horse with saddle leashed to tree by river, two people drinking in red house in background
a painting of a rock looming over a thatched house by river, mountains in background, tea party set up near two people looking up at rock
a painting of two people and a toddler in a field with a house and several trees behind them, mountain in background
a painting of five people walking on a grey path far below a cliff, red house on cliff
a painting of a house by the waterside, three trees in front of house, birds in sky, two people walking
a painting of a five people flying a pink kite, mountains in background, three birds in sky
a painting of a couple of people sitting washing cloth in river by bridge, trees, houses in background, mountains in distance
a man sitting at a rock table with tea party set up, tree branch in foreground with small bird
a drawing of a table with a tea party set up, two armchairs facing inwards, green pleated blinds partly drawn, crescent moon
a partially circular framing of painting of a man plowing a field with a bull, walled house behind him, man in blue robe walking
a painting of eight people dancing in a circle outside a walled house, houses in background, mountains in background
a painting of three people sitting at a table with tea party, boy in red top looking out at river over blue wall, long bridge with three people over river, boat of three people on river, town in background, mountains in distance, thick tree in foreground
a painting of four people standing by tea party table near house and tree, mountain in background
a woman in pink top standing at a balcony, flowered wall in foreground
a painting of a group of people walking stairs up a grey hill, clouds, man preaching at top of hill by tree, trees in foreground
a painting of a mountain with stairs up to a man drinking in house on top, environment of grey mountains and green trees
a monochrome painting of a mountain scene with a river and houses and trees
a painting of three people sitting on a tree, two people on grey path looking up at tree, cliffside behind them
a painting of many people walking around a lake, tree in foreground, grey stone wall across lake
a painting of many people walking around a lake, tree in foreground, grey stone wall across lake
a black and white illustration of a couple of people sitting under a tree next to two books by lake, hill in distance
illustration of a man in blue longsleeved top and yellow pants, laying on a rock and touching tall tree
a painting of a two people and a child walking path over a river, tree branch in foreground, two birds in sky
illustration of a man standing in front of three tree at night, crescent moon, yellow plants, two white rabbits running between trees
a painting of two men sitting on horses in front of a waterfall
a painting of a man and a woman standing in front of a waterfall
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Dataset Card for Feng Zikai

Dataset used to train/finetune in the art style of artist Feng Zikai
Captions are generated by hand with the assistance of BLIP.

Images sourced from: http://www.chinaonlinemuseum.com/gallery-feng-zikai.php

Text file filenames correspond image file filenames as captions.

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