Set the title of the attachment .
Overrides Django s default to_python to allow correct translation to instance .
Build a sub hist based on the main hist
Removes given resource from cache .
GetPendingDeployment returns the PendingDeployment associated with the given deploymentID if one exists ; nil otherwise .
WithReturnDeletedVClock sets the command to return a Tombstone if any our found for the key across all of the vnodes
CreateStackChangeSet returns the DescribeChangeSetOutput for a given stack transformation
Removes a trailing slash from an url string .
Render an icon to remove a section from the quiz .
Adds an AutoCloseable task and associated Future to this group .
Returns a PriceTypeEnumeration based on the String value or null .
Check attribute name
checkChainTrustStatus checks the trust status of the certificate chain translating any errors it finds into Go errors in the process .
Set the bit at offset in key to value .
Run a single connection iteration . This will return True if the connection is still open and ready to be used for further work or False if it needs to be shut down .
Validate if a route matches based on parameters
The main CLI interface entry point .
Handle tx_empty call
Initialize the logging for this device
Update an existing scan by id
Resolve a request to a wildcard or regex route handler .
Remove resources from a Managed Source
Creates a database instance and saves it in the storage
Free an interface
Set self . _period and self . _cyclic_components_proj .
Finalize sets the response media type from its type if the type is a media type and no media type is already specified .
ParseURL fetches the contents of a given url and attempts to parse the response into the universal feed type .
NewProxyQueryService creates a new proxy query service with a logger . If the logger is nil then it will use a noop logger .
Get the lstat data for the entry just returned from tree_next
Set the Reply - To addresses .
Mark callback message as read
Ensure orcid is a valid ORCID identifier .
Grow mask including pixels that have a high likelihood . GM tissue parameters are sampled in image patches of ww size .
returns OrderHash so you can fetch it and cancel it ... but there is a OrderNumber that you can intercept if you need to .
Configures the I2S clock source I2SCLK
ScheduledActionLocator builds a locator from the given href .
Retrieve object s headers
Gets the Composition corresponding to this asset .
Acquires an instance of class CNabuSiteTargetSection from the database .
Converts a public DTD into a local one .
Return default home directory of Ding0
Import a Config from a given path relative to the current directory .
Callback action for cart price rule coupon grid .
Converts the CIFAR - 100 dataset to HDF5 .
restore fbdev configuration
Fetches the current status of this operation .
Restore given node with properties given from frozen - node . Will be called recursive .
Get the product campaigns from FACT - Finder as the string returned by the server .
lets virtualized architectures update the CPU core maps
Unlink the provided wait queue from the kqueue associated with a knote
Fake up some data that will cause nfs_commit_release to retry the writes
OSVersion returns the OS version
generateToCidrFromEndpoint takes an egress rule and populates it with ToCIDR rules based on provided endpoint object
Return the AudioInputStream from the given URL .
Set the specified URL part .
Sessions is a Middleware that maps a session . Session service into the Martini handler chain . Sessions can use a number of storage solutions with the given store .
Generate Address for Google API request
Generate the output of the requested Resource instance .
Deletes all rows from given table without dropping table .
User notification for deprecated parameter .
Adds bucket encryption configuration .
Parses an object in the sense of RFC 4627 . Returns the parsed value and any trailing tokens .
Goes back to list view
Remove items from a list
Returns users list
Iterator over lists of content translations
Get processign filters
Move current storage into a backup directory and hardlink all its blocks into the new current directory .
Method updates the timestamp field of the given message with the current time .
Will return the target bean and its direct predecessors for validation
Relation to model translation
Build the voting path from the given parts .
ConvertCodebases converts between internal and external REST representation
Remove searchEngine .
Abort a SCSI IO
Get the parms out of a particular service method definition .
is updated .
Override this to return arbitrary data as an array to be json encoded .
Returns a fully qualified search string by prepending the search command of unqualified searches . This method deems strings as unqualified if it does not start with a | or search
Free this field s resources . Removes this fieldlist from the parent record .
per - sysid wploader
brief Registration function for dsize keyword
Get invoice taxes
Multiply a number by a scalar output in scalar
Add the list with given bundles to the Import - Package main attribute .
Updates hook with id hook_id according to update .
Get all exception this field could generate
Opens an arbitrary activity during a test . If the activity belongs to another application that application is started and the activity is opened .
Create a cluster with a key value pair
Obtains the set system values for the proxy and adds them to the desired desiredCapabilities
Declarative Services method for unsetting the SSL Support service reference
EncodeInt encodes an int to JSON
Parse decodes YAML data from an io . Reader into a configuration struct
Sets the value of the dmnDecisionServiceDividerLine property .
Set attribute of metadata
Determines if this is a pre - 2014 . 10 . 06 release of Galaxy .
Returns the current listing of supported JOSE algorithms .
Project is local project .
Creates a new instance with the given key and value . May be used instead of the constructor for convenience reasons .