audioduration (s) 0.17
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stringlengths 1
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stringlengths 35
你 完 全 可 以 再 來 修 這 一 門 課 | You are absolutely welcome to take this course again | clips/week1_1-clips/201-week1_1.wav |
甚 至 假 設 你 修 過 基 石 跟 技 法 的 話 | Even assuming you have studied foundation and techniques | clips/week1_1-clips/202-week1_1.wav |
你 會 發 現 說 這 門 課 跟 基 石 跟 技 法 | You will find this course is related to the foundation and techniques | clips/week1_1-clips/203-week1_1.wav |
它 正 好 可 以 銜 接 在 一 起 | They can seamlessly connect together. | clips/week1_1-clips/204-week1_1.wav |
這 個 我 有 研 究 一 下 田 神 的 課 程 了 | I've studied a bit about Tian Shen's course | clips/week1_1-clips/205-week1_1.wav |
這 個 我 研 究 一 下 林 軒 田 老 師 的 課 程 | Let me research a bit on Professor Lin Xuan Tian's course | clips/week1_1-clips/206-week1_1.wav |
你 知 道 這 個 機 器 學 習 技 法 結 尾 的 時 候 | Do you know when this machine learning technique ends? | clips/week1_1-clips/207-week1_1.wav |
就 是 要 講 深 度 學 習 的 技 術 嘛 | It's about delivering deep learning techniques | clips/week1_1-clips/208-week1_1.wav |
那 我 們 這 門 課 就 從 深 度 學 習 的 技 術 開 始 講 起 | In this course, we will start from the deep learning techniques | clips/week1_1-clips/209-week1_1.wav |
那 這 門 課 的 另 外 一 個 特 色 啊 | That's another unique feature of this course | clips/week1_1-clips/210-week1_1.wav |
是 我 們 會 從 最 基 本 的 觀 念 | We will start with the most basic concepts | clips/week1_1-clips/211-week1_1.wav |
講 到 最 前 瞻 的 技 術 | speaking of the most forward-looking technology, | clips/week1_1-clips/212-week1_1.wav |
那 因 為 我 們 花 很 多 力 氣 講 最 前 瞻 的 技 術 | We've put a lot of effort into teaching cutting-edge techniques | clips/week1_1-clips/213-week1_1.wav |
那 這 個 是 一 般 機 器 學 習 的 課 程 | This is a typical machine learning course | clips/week1_1-clips/214-week1_1.wav |
你 就 算 在 其 他 的 學 校 聽 到 的 機 器 學 習 的 課 程 | Even if you've taken other machine learning courses at other schools | clips/week1_1-clips/215-week1_1.wav |
可 能 也 不 管 是 在 台 灣 還 是 國 外 | Regardless of whether you are in Taiwan or abroad | clips/week1_1-clips/216-week1_1.wav |
聽 到 機 器 學 習 課 程 | When you hear about the machine learning course | clips/week1_1-clips/217-week1_1.wav |
可 能 都 不 會 含 括 這 麼 進 階 的 技 術 了 | Probably wouldn't include such advanced techniques | clips/week1_1-clips/218-week1_1.wav |
我 們 會 從 最 基 本 的 技 術 講 到 最 進 階 的 技 術 | We will cover techniques from basic to advanced | clips/week1_1-clips/219-week1_1.wav |
那 為 了 要 在 一 學 期 的 課 程 裡 面 | In order to overcome obstacles in a semester course | clips/week1_1-clips/220-week1_1.wav |
把 這 些 最 進 階 的 技 術 統 統 講 進 去 | To include all of these advanced techniques | clips/week1_1-clips/221-week1_1.wav |
所 以 在 這 個 機 器 學 習 模 型 的 選 擇 上 呢 | So, when it comes to the choice of this machine learning model, | clips/week1_1-clips/222-week1_1.wav |
我 們 只 能 講 深 度 學 習 | We can only discuss deep learning | clips/week1_1-clips/223-week1_1.wav |
我 們 可 能 沒 有 時 間 講 其 他 的 技 術 | We may not have time to talk about other techniques | clips/week1_1-clips/224-week1_1.wav |
那 但 是 就 其 他 的 機 器 學 習 課 程 會 講 其 他 的 技 術 | But other machine learning courses will talk about other techniques | clips/week1_1-clips/225-week1_1.wav |
所 以 這 門 課 我 們 就 專 注 在 深 度 學 習 上 就 好 | So in this course, we will focus solely on deep learning | clips/week1_1-clips/226-week1_1.wav |
好 那 所 以 這 門 課 呢 | Alright, so this course | clips/week1_1-clips/227-week1_1.wav |
你 可 以 把 它 當 作 是 你 的 第 一 門 | You can consider it as your first course. | clips/week1_1-clips/228-week1_1.wav |
machine learning 的 啟 蒙 課 程 | Foundation course in Machine Learning | clips/week1_1-clips/229-week1_1.wav |
那 如 果 你 有 修 過 林 軒 田 老 師 的 機 器 學 習 | If you have taken Professor Lin Hsuan-tien's machine learning course | clips/week1_1-clips/230-week1_1.wav |
那 很 歡 迎 你 來 修 這 門 課 程 | You are very welcome to take this course | clips/week1_1-clips/231-week1_1.wav |
更 深 入 了 解 深 度 學 習 | Gain a deeper understanding of deep learning | clips/week1_1-clips/232-week1_1.wav |
那 你 修 完 這 門 課 以 後 | After you finish this course | clips/week1_1-clips/233-week1_1.wav |
以 後 你 也 可 以 再 去 修 | You can also revise it in the future | clips/week1_1-clips/234-week1_1.wav |
林 軒 田 老 師 的 機 器 學 習 課 程 | Professor Lin Hsuan-Tien's machine learning course | clips/week1_1-clips/235-week1_1.wav |
你 可 以 更 清 楚 機 器 學 習 的 其 他 模 型 | You will have a clearer understanding of other machine learning models | clips/week1_1-clips/236-week1_1.wav |
你 可 以 更 清 楚 機 器 學 習 相 關 的 理 論 | You can better understand the theory associated with machine learning | clips/week1_1-clips/237-week1_1.wav |
那 你 在 修 完 這 門 課 以 後 | After you finish this course | clips/week1_1-clips/238-week1_1.wav |
你 可 以 去 上 其 他 更 進 階 的 課 程 | You could take other more advanced courses | clips/week1_1-clips/239-week1_1.wav |
有 很 多 是 把 這 個 深 度 學 習 的 技 術 | Many of them are about the techniques of deep learning | clips/week1_1-clips/240-week1_1.wav |
用 在 computer vision 就 是 電 腦 視 覺 | Used in Computer Vision, which is computer vision | clips/week1_1-clips/241-week1_1.wav |
或 者 是 人 類 語 言 處 理 | Or human language processing | clips/week1_1-clips/242-week1_1.wav |
或 者 是 金 融 科 技 相 關 的 課 程 | Or related financial technology courses | clips/week1_1-clips/243-week1_1.wav |
那 你 修 這 門 課 以 後 | So after you've taken this course | clips/week1_1-clips/244-week1_1.wav |
你 可 以 把 這 門 課 學 到 的 技 術 | You can use the techniques learned in this class | clips/week1_1-clips/245-week1_1.wav |
用 在 其 他 各 式 各 樣 的 領 域 上 | Use it in various other fields | clips/week1_1-clips/246-week1_1.wav |
那 這 一 門 課 的 作 業 呢 | How about the assignments for this course? | clips/week1_1-clips/247-week1_1.wav |
包 含 了 這 門 課 的 每 一 個 作 業 啊 | Including every assignment in this course, | clips/week1_1-clips/248-week1_1.wav |
會 有 選 擇 題 或 者 是 有 leaderboard | There will be multiple choice questions or a Leaderboard | clips/week1_1-clips/249-week1_1.wav |
或 者 是 選 擇 題 跟 leaderboard 兩 者 都 有 | Or there are both multiple choice questions and a Leaderboard | clips/week1_1-clips/250-week1_1.wav |
那 選 擇 題 的 部 分 呢 | What about the multiple-choice part? | clips/week1_1-clips/251-week1_1.wav |
我 想 大 家 都 很 知 道 | I think everyone knows | clips/week1_1-clips/252-week1_1.wav |
都 很 清 楚 什 麼 是 選 擇 題 | It's quite clear what multiple-choice questions are | clips/week1_1-clips/253-week1_1.wav |
應 該 就 不 用 多 講 | We should not need to talk much | clips/week1_1-clips/254-week1_1.wav |
那 選 擇 題 透 過 ntu cool 來 繳 交 | Please submit the multiple-choice assignments through NTU COOL | clips/week1_1-clips/255-week1_1.wav |
那 leaderboard 的 部 分 | As for the Leaderboard part | clips/week1_1-clips/256-week1_1.wav |
我 們 會 用 kaggle 或 者 是 judgeboi | We will use Kaggle or JudgeBoi | clips/week1_1-clips/257-week1_1.wav |
那 如 果 你 不 知 道 kaggle 是 什 麼 的 話 | And if you don't know what Kaggle is | clips/week1_1-clips/258-week1_1.wav |
也 沒 有 關 係 | That's okay, too | clips/week1_1-clips/259-week1_1.wav |
這 個 等 一 下 呢 會 解 釋 kaggle 是 什 麼 | I'll explain what Kaggle is in a moment | clips/week1_1-clips/260-week1_1.wav |
那 judgeboi 呢 | What about JudgeBoi? | clips/week1_1-clips/261-week1_1.wav |
是 這 一 門 課 專 屬 的 kaggle | This is the Kaggle exclusive to this course | clips/week1_1-clips/262-week1_1.wav |
因 為 有 很 多 我 們 想 要 的 功 能 呢 | Because there are many features we want | clips/week1_1-clips/263-week1_1.wav |
kaggle 是 沒 有 支 援 的 | Kaggle is not supported | clips/week1_1-clips/264-week1_1.wav |
所 以 為 了 要 完 成 某 些 作 業 | So in order to complete some assignments | clips/week1_1-clips/265-week1_1.wav |
我 們 這 一 門 課 由 我 們 自 己 助 教 | This course is taught by our own teaching assistants | clips/week1_1-clips/266-week1_1.wav |
花 很 多 力 氣 寫 的 專 屬 的 kaggle | The Kaggle that took a lot of effort to write | clips/week1_1-clips/267-week1_1.wav |
我 們 叫 做 judgeboi | We are called JudgeBoi | clips/week1_1-clips/268-week1_1.wav |
那 每 一 個 作 業 呢 | How about each assignment | clips/week1_1-clips/269-week1_1.wav |
會 要 求 你 把 完 成 這 一 門 作 業 所 需 的 程 式 | You'll be required to write the program necessary to complete the assignments for this course | clips/week1_1-clips/270-week1_1.wav |
透 過 ntu cool 上 傳 | Upload via NTU COOL | clips/week1_1-clips/271-week1_1.wav |
那 相 關 的 規 定 等 一 下 會 再 細 講 | We'll go into detail about the relevant regulations later. | clips/week1_1-clips/272-week1_1.wav |
那 這 一 門 課 有 15 個 作 業 | This course has 15 assignments | clips/week1_1-clips/273-week1_1.wav |
那 每 個 作 業 呢 佔 10 分 | Each assignment is worth 10 points | clips/week1_1-clips/274-week1_1.wav |
我 們 在 15 個 作 業 裡 面 呢 | We had 15 assignments | clips/week1_1-clips/275-week1_1.wav |
你 只 需 要 完 成 10 個 就 好 | You only need to complete 10 tasks | clips/week1_1-clips/276-week1_1.wav |
我 們 只 會 選 10 個 你 得 到 最 高 分 的 作 業 | We will only pick the top 10 homework assignments that you scored highest | clips/week1_1-clips/277-week1_1.wav |
來 計 算 你 的 總 成 績 | To calculate your final grade | clips/week1_1-clips/278-week1_1.wav |
那 所 以 這 門 課 啊 | So, about this course | clips/week1_1-clips/279-week1_1.wav |
它 是 自 助 餐 式 的 學 習 什 麼 意 思 呢 | It's a self-service learning, what does that mean? | clips/week1_1-clips/280-week1_1.wav |
我 們 有 15 個 作 業 | We have 15 assignments | clips/week1_1-clips/281-week1_1.wav |
你 並 不 需 要 把 所 有 作 業 都 做 完 | You don't need to finish all the assignments | clips/week1_1-clips/282-week1_1.wav |
我 們 讓 你 自 己 決 定 這 15 個 作 業 裡 面 | We let you decide in these 15 assignments | clips/week1_1-clips/283-week1_1.wav |
你 想 完 成 哪 10 個 | Which 10 tasks do you want to complete? | clips/week1_1-clips/284-week1_1.wav |
那 有 同 學 可 能 會 覺 得 說 | Some students might think that | clips/week1_1-clips/285-week1_1.wav |
唉 呀 這 個 怎 麼 出 15 個 作 業 這 麼 多 呢 | Oh dear, how did this end up being 15 homework assignments? | clips/week1_1-clips/286-week1_1.wav |
甚 至 也 有 同 學 會 覺 得 說 | There might even be some students who wonder | clips/week1_1-clips/287-week1_1.wav |
哇 10 個 作 業 太 多 了 | Wow, 10 homework assignments are too many | clips/week1_1-clips/288-week1_1.wav |
那 15 個 有 15 個 作 業 意 味 著 | Having 15 tasks means there are 15 tasks | clips/week1_1-clips/289-week1_1.wav |
我 們 幾 乎 每 週 都 有 作 業 | We have assignments almost every week | clips/week1_1-clips/290-week1_1.wav |
有 10 個 作 業 意 味 著 1~2 週 就 得 繳 一 次 作 業 | 10 assignments mean you have to submit an assignment every 1 to 2 weeks | clips/week1_1-clips/291-week1_1.wav |
這 個 作 業 也 未 免 太 多 了 | This homework's quantity is a bit too much | clips/week1_1-clips/292-week1_1.wav |
怎 麼 會 有 這 麼 多 呢 | Why are there so many? | clips/week1_1-clips/293-week1_1.wav |
那 為 了 要 囊 括 所 有 機 器 學 習 | That's in order to encompass all of machine learning | clips/week1_1-clips/294-week1_1.wav |
今 日 我 覺 得 重 要 的 主 題 | Today's important theme, in my opinion | clips/week1_1-clips/295-week1_1.wav |
我 覺 得 是 需 要 15 個 作 業 的 | I believe there will be 15 assignments | clips/week1_1-clips/296-week1_1.wav |
那 這 15 個 作 業 是 我 已 經 思 考 良 久 以 後 | These 15 assignments are something I've thought about for a long time. | clips/week1_1-clips/297-week1_1.wav |
在 經 過 一 番 取 捨 以 後 | After considering and making choices | clips/week1_1-clips/298-week1_1.wav |
所 剩 下 來 的 15 個 作 業 | The remaining 15 homework assignments | clips/week1_1-clips/299-week1_1.wav |
已 經 沒 有 辦 法 再 更 少 了 | Can't get any less now | clips/week1_1-clips/300-week1_1.wav |