9 values
Florentin Bieder
Florentin Bieder, Julia Wolleb, Alicia Durrer, Robin Sandk\"uhler, Philippe C. Cattin
Memory-Efficient 3D Denoising Diffusion Models for Medical Image Processing
Accepted at MIDL 2023
Medical Imaging with Deep Learning, PMLR 227:552-567, 2024
cs.CV cs.LG
Denoising diffusion models have recently achieved state-of-the-art performance in many image-generation tasks. They do, however, require a large amount of computational resources. This limits their application to medical tasks, where we often deal with large 3D volumes, like high-resolution three-dimensional data. In this work, we present a number of different ways to reduce the resource consumption for 3D diffusion models and apply them to a dataset of 3D images. The main contribution of this paper is the memory-efficient patch-based diffusion model \textit{PatchDDM}, which can be applied to the total volume during inference while the training is performed only on patches. While the proposed diffusion model can be applied to any image generation tasks, we evaluate the method on the tumor segmentation task of the BraTS2020 dataset and demonstrate that we can generate meaningful three-dimensional segmentations.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 27 Mar 2023 15:10:19 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 07:26:21 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Bieder", "Florentin", "" ], [ "Wolleb", "Julia", "" ], [ "Durrer", "Alicia", "" ], [ "Sandkühler", "Robin", "" ], [ "Cattin", "Philippe C.", "" ] ]
Luca Razzoli
Luca Razzoli, Fabio Cavaliere, Matteo Carrega, Maura Sassetti, Giuliano Benenti
Efficiency and thermodynamic uncertainty relations of a dynamical quantum heat engine
16 pages, 5 color figures. This version of the article has been accepted for publication, after peer review but is not the Version of Record and does not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any corrections. The Version of Record is available online at:
Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top. 233, 1263-1274 (2024)
In the quest for high-performance quantum thermal machines, looking for an optimal thermodynamic efficiency is only part of the issue. Indeed, at the level of quantum devices, fluctuations become extremely relevant and need to be taken into account. In this paper we study the thermodynamic uncertainty relations for a quantum thermal machine with a quantum harmonic oscillator as a working medium, connected to two thermal baths, one of which is dynamically coupled. We show that parameters can be found such that the machine operates both as a quantum engine or refrigerator, with both sizeable efficiency and small fluctuations.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 28 Mar 2023 07:30:34 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 29 Aug 2023 09:17:20 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Razzoli", "Luca", "" ], [ "Cavaliere", "Fabio", "" ], [ "Carrega", "Matteo", "" ], [ "Sassetti", "Maura", "" ], [ "Benenti", "Giuliano", "" ] ]
Binzhou Xia
Binzhou Xia, Junyang Zhang, Zhishuo Zhang and Wenying Zhu
A complete classification of shuffle groups
math.GR math.CO
For positive integers $k$ and $n$, the shuffle group $G_{k,kn}$ is generated by the $k!$ permutations of a deck of $kn$ cards performed by cutting the deck into $k$ piles with $n$ cards in each pile, and then perfectly interleaving these cards following a certain permutation of the $k$ piles. For $k=2$, the shuffle group $G_{2,2n}$ was determined by Diaconis, Graham and Kantor in 1983. The Shuffle Group Conjecture states that, for general $k$, the shuffle group $G_{k,kn}$ contains $\mathrm{A}_{kn}$ whenever $k\notin\{2,4\}$ and $n$ is not a power of $k$. In particular, the conjecture in the case $k=3$ was posed by Medvedoff and Morrison in 1987. The only values of $k$ for which the Shuffle Group Conjecture has been confirmed so far are powers of $2$, due to recent work of Amarra, Morgan and Praeger based on Classification of Finite Simple Groups. In this paper, we confirm the Shuffle Group Conjecture for all cases using results on $2$-transitive groups and elements of large fixed point ratio in primitive groups.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 3 Apr 2023 14:36:36 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 23 Oct 2023 14:04:22 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 13:01:00 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Xia", "Binzhou", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Junyang", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Zhishuo", "" ], [ "Zhu", "Wenying", "" ] ]
Louis Esperet
Louis Esperet, Ugo Giocanti, Cl\'ement Legrand-Duchesne
The structure of quasi-transitive graphs avoiding a minor with applications to the domino problem
46 pages, 4 figures. (Abstract shortened to meet arxiv requirements) v3: major revision
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B 169 (2024), 561-613
math.CO cs.DM math.DS math.GR
An infinite graph is quasi-transitive if its vertex set has finitely many orbits under the action of its automorphism group. In this paper we obtain a structure theorem for locally finite quasi-transitive graphs avoiding a minor, which is reminiscent of the Robertson-Seymour Graph Minor Structure Theorem. We prove that every locally finite quasi-transitive graph $G$ avoiding a minor has a tree-decomposition whose torsos are finite or planar; moreover the tree-decomposition is canonical, i.e. invariant under the action of the automorphism group of $G$. As applications of this result, we prove the following. * Every locally finite quasi-transitive graph attains its Hadwiger number, that is, if such a graph contains arbitrarily large clique minors, then it contains an infinite clique minor. This extends a result of Thomassen (1992) who proved it in the 4-connected case and suggested that this assumption could be omitted. * Locally finite quasi-transitive graphs avoiding a minor are accessible (in the sense of Thomassen and Woess), which extends known results on planar graphs to any proper minor-closed family. * Minor-excluded finitely generated groups are accessible (in the group-theoretic sense) and finitely presented, which extends classical results on planar groups. * The domino problem is decidable in a minor-excluded finitely generated group if and only if the group is virtually free, which proves the minor-excluded case of a conjecture of Ballier and Stein (2018).
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 4 Apr 2023 14:29:12 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 6 Apr 2023 16:06:40 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Tue, 23 Apr 2024 07:50:04 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 09:04:48 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Esperet", "Louis", "" ], [ "Giocanti", "Ugo", "" ], [ "Legrand-Duchesne", "Clément", "" ] ]
Alejandro Lopez-Lira
Alejandro Lopez-Lira and Yuehua Tang
Can ChatGPT Forecast Stock Price Movements? Return Predictability and Large Language Models
Previously posted in SSRN
q-fin.ST cs.CL
We document the capability of large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT to predict stock price movements using news headlines, even without direct financial training. ChatGPT scores significantly predict out-of-sample daily stock returns, subsuming traditional methods, and predictability is stronger among smaller stocks and following negative news. To explain these findings, we develop a theoretical model incorporating information capacity constraints, underreaction, limits-to-arbitrage, and LLMs. The model generates several key predictions, which we empirically test: (i) it establishes a critical threshold in AI capabilities necessary for profitable predictions, (ii) it demonstrates that only advanced LLMs can effectively interpret complex information, and (iii) it predicts that widespread LLM adoption can enhance market efficiency. Our results suggest that sophisticated return forecasting is an emerging capability of AI systems and that these technologies can alter information diffusion and decision-making processes in financial markets. Finally, we introduce an interpretability framework to evaluate LLMs' reasoning, contributing to AI transparency and economic decision-making.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sat, 15 Apr 2023 19:22:37 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Sat, 22 Apr 2023 20:07:53 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Sun, 2 Jul 2023 15:41:47 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Sat, 9 Sep 2023 15:20:54 GMT" }, { "version": "v5", "created": "Wed, 11 Sep 2024 21:23:04 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Lopez-Lira", "Alejandro", "" ], [ "Tang", "Yuehua", "" ] ]
Chao Cheng
Chao Cheng and Fan Li
Identification and multiply robust estimation in causal mediation analysis across principal strata
stat.ME stat.ML
We consider assessing causal mediation in the presence of a post-treatment event (examples include noncompliance, a clinical event, or death). We identify natural mediation effects for the entire study population and for each principal stratum characterized by the joint potential values of the post-treatment event. We derive the efficient influence function for each mediation estimand, which motivates a set of multiply robust estimators for inference. The multiply robust estimators are consistent under four types of misspecifications and are efficient when all nuisance models are correctly specified. We also develop a nonparametric efficient estimator that leverages data-adaptive machine learners to achieve efficient inference and discuss sensitivity methods to address key identification assumptions. We illustrate our methods via simulations and two real data examples.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 20 Apr 2023 00:39:20 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Sat, 20 May 2023 22:41:33 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Tue, 26 Mar 2024 03:18:24 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 03:17:18 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Cheng", "Chao", "" ], [ "Li", "Fan", "" ] ]
Chun-Ju Lai
Chun-Ju Lai, Daniel K. Nakano, Ziqing Xiang
Quantum wreath products and Schur-Weyl duality I
34 pages. v5: Section 7.6 is revised. To appear on Forum Math. Sigma
math.RT math.QA
In this paper the authors introduce a new notion called the quantum wreath product, which is the algebra $B \wr_Q \mathcal{H}(d)$ produced from a given algebra $B$, a positive integer $d$, and a choice $Q=(R,S,\rho,\sigma)$ of parameters. Important examples {that arise from our construction} include many variants of the Hecke algebras, such as the Ariki-Koike algebras, the affine Hecke algebras and their degenerate version, Wan-Wang's wreath Hecke algebras, Rosso-Savage's (affine) Frobenius Hecke algebras, Kleshchev-Muth's affine zigzag algebras, and the Hu algebra that quantizes the wreath product $\Sigma_m \wr \Sigma_2$ between symmetric groups. In the first part of the paper, the authors develop a structure theory for the quantum wreath products. Necessary and sufficient conditions for these algebras to afford a basis of suitable size are obtained. Furthermore, a Schur-Weyl duality is established via a splitting lemma and mild assumptions on the base algebra $B$. Our uniform approach encompasses many known results which were proved in a case by case manner. The second part of the paper involves the problem of constructing natural subalgebras of Hecke algebras that arise from wreath products. Moreover, a bar-invariant basis of the Hu algebra via an explicit formula for its extra generator is also described.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 27 Apr 2023 13:34:33 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 17 May 2023 01:42:20 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Mon, 24 Jul 2023 14:23:04 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Fri, 16 Feb 2024 09:31:51 GMT" }, { "version": "v5", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 05:39:59 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Lai", "Chun-Ju", "" ], [ "Nakano", "Daniel K.", "" ], [ "Xiang", "Ziqing", "" ] ]
Salman Ahmadi-Asl
Salman Ahmadi-Asl, Ugochukwu Ugwu
Fast randomized algorithms for computing the generalized tensor SVD based on the tubal product
math.NA cs.NA
This work deals with developing two fast randomized algorithms for computing the generalized tensor singular value decomposition (GTSVD) based on the tubal product (t-product). The random projection method is utilized to compute the important actions of the underlying data tensors and use them to get small sketches of the original data tensors, which are easier to be handled. Due to the small size of the sketch tensors, deterministic approaches are applied to them to compute their GTSVDs. Then, from the GTSVD of the small sketch tensors, the GTSVD of the original large-scale data tensors is recovered. Some experiments are conducted to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 8 May 2023 20:19:44 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 25 Dec 2023 20:03:48 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Wed, 17 Apr 2024 07:16:05 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Tue, 4 Jun 2024 14:08:52 GMT" }, { "version": "v5", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 16:01:29 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ahmadi-Asl", "Salman", "" ], [ "Ugwu", "Ugochukwu", "" ] ]
Marien-Lorenzo Hanot
Daniele A. Di Pietro and Marien-Lorenzo Hanot
A discrete three-dimensional divdiv complex on polyhedral meshes with application to a mixed formulation of the biharmonic problem
math.NA cs.NA
In this work, following the Discrete de Rham (DDR) paradigm, we develop an arbitrary-order discrete divdiv complex on general polyhedral meshes. The construction rests 1) on discrete spaces that are spanned by vectors of polynomials whose components are attached to mesh entities and 2) on discrete operators obtained mimicking integration by parts formulas. We provide an in-depth study of the algebraic properties of the local complex, showing that it is exact on mesh elements with trivial topology. The new DDR complex is used to design a numerical scheme for the approximation of biharmonic problems, for which we provide detailed stability and convergence analyses.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 9 May 2023 19:20:46 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Di Pietro", "Daniele A.", "" ], [ "Hanot", "Marien-Lorenzo", "" ] ]
Bruno Wesley Nogueira Ribeiro
Bruno Ribeiro, Armando Bernui and Marcela Campista
Cosmological constraints on $R^2$-corrected Appleby-Battye model
astro-ph.CO gr-qc
Nowadays, efforts are being devoted to the study of alternative cosmological scenarios in which modifications of General Relativity have been proposed to explain the late cosmic acceleration without assuming the existence of dark energy. In this scenario, we investigate the $R^2$-AB model, which consists of an $f(R)$ model with only one extra free parameter, $b$, in addition to the 6 of the flat-$\Lambda$CDM. Regarding this model, it was already shown that a positive value for $b$ is required for the model to be consistent with Solar System tests, moreover, the condition for the existence of a de~Sitter state requires $b \ge 1.6$. To impose observational constraints on the $R^2$-AB model we consider three datasets: 31 $H(z)$ measurements from Cosmic Chronometers (CC), 20 $[{f\sigma}_{8}](z)$ measurements from Redshift-Space Distortion (RSD), and the most recent type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia) sample from Pantheon+. Next, we perform two different analyses: we have considered only SNe Ia data and the combined likelihood SNe+CC+RSD. The first one has provided $b=2.28^{+6.52}_{-0.55}$, while the second one $b=2.18^{+5.41}_{-0.55}$. In the first case it was necessary to set the absolute magnitude $M_B = -19.253$ from SH0ES collaboration, while in the second we did a marginalization over the Hubble constant $H_0$ in the normalized growth function. We have also observed that the $H_0-M_B$ degeneracy was broken by adding CC data to the SNe data. Additionally, we perform illustrative analyses that compare this $f(R)$ model with the flat-$\Lambda$CDM model, considering several values of the parameter $b$, for diverse cosmological functions like the Hubble function $H(z)$, the equation of state $w_{\rm eff}(z)$, the parametrized growth rate of cosmic structures $[f\sigma_8](z)$, and $\sigma_8(z)$. We conclude that the model fits well the data, but the parameter $b$ was not unambiguously constrained.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 10 May 2023 18:07:31 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Sat, 3 Feb 2024 19:17:22 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 10:46:41 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ribeiro", "Bruno", "" ], [ "Bernui", "Armando", "" ], [ "Campista", "Marcela", "" ] ]
Luhang Sun
Luhang Sun, Mian Wei, Yibing Sun, Yoo Ji Suh, Liwei Shen, Sijia Yang
Smiling Women Pitching Down: Auditing Representational and Presentational Gender Biases in Image Generative AI
cs.CV cs.AI cs.CY
Generative AI models like DALL-E 2 can interpret textual prompts and generate high-quality images exhibiting human creativity. Though public enthusiasm is booming, systematic auditing of potential gender biases in AI-generated images remains scarce. We addressed this gap by examining the prevalence of two occupational gender biases (representational and presentational biases) in 15,300 DALL-E 2 images spanning 153 occupations, and assessed potential bias amplification by benchmarking against 2021 census labor statistics and Google Images. Our findings reveal that DALL-E 2 underrepresents women in male-dominated fields while overrepresenting them in female-dominated occupations. Additionally, DALL-E 2 images tend to depict more women than men with smiling faces and downward-pitching heads, particularly in female-dominated (vs. male-dominated) occupations. Our computational algorithm auditing study demonstrates more pronounced representational and presentational biases in DALL-E 2 compared to Google Images and calls for feminist interventions to prevent such bias-laden AI-generated images to feedback into the media ecology.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 17 May 2023 20:59:10 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Sun", "Luhang", "" ], [ "Wei", "Mian", "" ], [ "Sun", "Yibing", "" ], [ "Suh", "Yoo Ji", "" ], [ "Shen", "Liwei", "" ], [ "Yang", "Sijia", "" ] ]
Alexander Mang
Alexander Mang
First Cohomology with Trivial Coefficients of All Unitary Easy Quantum Group Duals
SIGMA 20 (2024), 082, 40 pages
The first quantum group cohomology with trivial coefficients of the discrete dual of any unitary easy quantum group is computed. That includes those potential quantum groups whose associated categories of two-colored partitions have not yet been found.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 21 May 2023 16:12:57 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 25 Sep 2023 09:16:02 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 06:15:18 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Mang", "Alexander", "" ] ]
William Giar\`e
William Giar\`e
CMB Anomalies and the Hubble Tension
Invited chapter for the edited book "Hubble Constant Tension" (Eds. E. Di Valentino and D. Brout, Springer Singapore, expected in 2024)
The standard $\Lambda$CDM model of cosmology is largely successful in describing many observations, including precise measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation. However, some intriguing anomalies remain currently unexplained within this theoretical framework. Such discrepancies can be broadly categorized into two groups: those involving CMB-independent probes and those within different CMB experiments. Examples of the former category include the $H_0$-tension between the value of the present-day expansion rate of the Universe inferred by CMB observations and local distance ladder measurements. The latter category involves anomalies between the values of cosmological parameters obtained by different CMB experiments, as well as their consistency with the predictions of $\Lambda$CDM. In this chapter, we primarily focus on this second category and study the agreement among the most recent CMB measurements to acquire a better understanding of the limitations and uncertainties underlying both the current data and the cosmological model. Finally, we discuss the implications for the $H_0$-tension.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 26 May 2023 13:33:18 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Fri, 2 Jun 2023 10:32:38 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Giarè", "William", "" ] ]
Hongkuan Zhou
Hongkuan Zhou, Zhenshan Bing, Xiangtong Yao, Xiaojie Su, Chenguang Yang, Kai Huang, Alois Knoll
Language-Conditioned Imitation Learning with Base Skill Priors under Unstructured Data
cs.RO cs.AI
The growing interest in language-conditioned robot manipulation aims to develop robots capable of understanding and executing complex tasks, with the objective of enabling robots to interpret language commands and manipulate objects accordingly. While language-conditioned approaches demonstrate impressive capabilities for addressing tasks in familiar environments, they encounter limitations in adapting to unfamiliar environment settings. In this study, we propose a general-purpose, language-conditioned approach that combines base skill priors and imitation learning under unstructured data to enhance the algorithm's generalization in adapting to unfamiliar environments. We assess our model's performance in both simulated and real-world environments using a zero-shot setting. In the simulated environment, the proposed approach surpasses previously reported scores for CALVIN benchmark, especially in the challenging Zero-Shot Multi-Environment setting. The average completed task length, indicating the average number of tasks the agent can continuously complete, improves more than 2.5 times compared to the state-of-the-art method HULC. In addition, we conduct a zero-shot evaluation of our policy in a real-world setting, following training exclusively in simulated environments without additional specific adaptations. In this evaluation, we set up ten tasks and achieved an average 30% improvement in our approach compared to the current state-of-the-art approach, demonstrating a high generalization capability in both simulated environments and the real world. For further details, including access to our code and videos, please refer to
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 30 May 2023 14:40:38 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 8 Jun 2023 10:38:49 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Fri, 13 Oct 2023 10:42:01 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Thu, 1 Feb 2024 20:41:40 GMT" }, { "version": "v5", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 08:14:29 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Zhou", "Hongkuan", "" ], [ "Bing", "Zhenshan", "" ], [ "Yao", "Xiangtong", "" ], [ "Su", "Xiaojie", "" ], [ "Yang", "Chenguang", "" ], [ "Huang", "Kai", "" ], [ "Knoll", "Alois", "" ] ]
Koki Ho
Koki Ho
Space Logistics Modeling and Optimization: Review of State of the Art
A former version was presented at AIAA SciTech Conference 2024
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 2024
As "Space Mobility and Logistics" was listed as one of the five core competencies in the US Space Force's doctrine document, there is a growing interest in developing technologies to enable in-space refueling, servicing, assembly, and manufacturing as well as other in-space logistics operations. Modeling for space mobility and logistics requires a new approach that differs from conventional astrodynamics because it needs to consider the coordination of multiple vehicles to satisfy an overall demand; namely, the optimal trajectory of one vehicle does not necessarily lead to the optimal campaign solution that contains multiple vehicles and infrastructure elements. In addition, for in-space servicing applications, we need additional analysis capabilities to analyze and optimize the sizes of the fuel/spare depots and their inventory/sparing policies with orbital mechanics in mind. To tackle these challenges, there have been various attempts to leverage terrestrial logistics-driven techniques, coupled with astrodynamics, to enhance in-space operations. This paper aims to provide a review of the literature by categorizing the state-of-the-art studies in two ways: (1) by application questions that are addressed; and (2) by logistics-driven methods that are used in the studies. The two categorizations are expected to help both practitioners and researchers understand the state of the art and identify the under-explored and promising future research directions.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 1 Jun 2023 19:49:10 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 30 Oct 2023 22:08:48 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Thu, 11 Jan 2024 16:12:02 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Mon, 15 Jan 2024 22:09:51 GMT" }, { "version": "v5", "created": "Sun, 25 Feb 2024 19:27:21 GMT" }, { "version": "v6", "created": "Mon, 4 Mar 2024 17:04:51 GMT" }, { "version": "v7", "created": "Wed, 15 May 2024 22:06:29 GMT" }, { "version": "v8", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 12:27:57 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ho", "Koki", "" ] ]
Jiarui Gan
Jiarui Gan, Rupak Majumdar, Debmalya Mandal, Goran Radanovic
Stochastic Principal-Agent Problems: Efficient Computation and Learning
cs.GT cs.LG cs.MA
We introduce a stochastic principal-agent model. A principal and an agent interact in a stochastic environment, each privy to observations about the state not available to the other. The principal has the power of commitment, both to elicit information from the agent and to provide signals about her own information. The players communicate with each other and then select actions independently. Each of them receives a payoff based on the state and their joint action, and the environment transitions to a new state. The interaction continues over a finite time horizon. Both players are far-sighted, aiming to maximize their total payoffs over the time horizon. The model encompasses as special cases extensive-form games (EFGs) and stochastic games of incomplete information, partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs), as well as other forms of sequential principal-agent interactions, including Bayesian persuasion and automated mechanism design problems. We consider both the computation and learning of the principal's optimal policy. Since the general problem, which subsumes POMDPs, is intractable, we explore algorithmic solutions under hindsight observability, where the state and the interaction history are revealed at the end of each step. Though the problem becomes more amenable under this condition, the number of possible histories remains exponential in the length of the time horizon, making approaches for EFG-based models infeasible. We present an efficient algorithm based on the inducible value sets. The algorithm computes an $\epsilon$-approximate optimal policy in time polynomial in $1/\epsilon$. Additionally, we show an efficient learning algorithm for an episodic reinforcement learning setting where the transition probabilities are unknown. The algorithm guarantees sublinear regret $\tilde{O}(T^{2/3})$ for both players over $T$ episodes.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 6 Jun 2023 16:20:44 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Sun, 17 Dec 2023 13:34:46 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 10:22:10 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Gan", "Jiarui", "" ], [ "Majumdar", "Rupak", "" ], [ "Mandal", "Debmalya", "" ], [ "Radanovic", "Goran", "" ] ]
Dr.Muhammad Ishaq
Muhammad Ishaq, Sana Zahir, Laila Iftikhar, Mohammad Farhad Bulbul, Seungmin Rho, and Mi Young Lee
Machine Learning Based Missing Values Imputation in Categorical Datasets
13 pages
In order to predict and fill in the gaps in categorical datasets, this research looked into the use of machine learning algorithms. The emphasis was on ensemble models constructed using the Error Correction Output Codes framework, including models based on SVM and KNN as well as a hybrid classifier that combines models based on SVM, KNN,and MLP. Three diverse datasets, the CPU, Hypothyroid, and Breast Cancer datasets were employed to validate these algorithms. Results indicated that these machine learning techniques provided substantial performance in predicting and completing missing data, with the effectiveness varying based on the specific dataset and missing data pattern. Compared to solo models, ensemble models that made use of the ECOC framework significantly improved prediction accuracy and robustness. Deep learning for missing data imputation has obstacles despite these encouraging results, including the requirement for large amounts of labeled data and the possibility of overfitting. Subsequent research endeavors ought to evaluate the feasibility and efficacy of deep learning algorithms in the context of the imputation of missing data.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sat, 10 Jun 2023 03:29:48 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 23 Jul 2024 04:43:31 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 04:54:49 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ishaq", "Muhammad", "" ], [ "Zahir", "Sana", "" ], [ "Iftikhar", "Laila", "" ], [ "Bulbul", "Mohammad Farhad", "" ], [ "Rho", "Seungmin", "" ], [ "Lee", "Mi Young", "" ] ]
Mayeul Destouches
Mayeul Destouches, Paul Mycek, Selime G\"urol
Multivariate extensions of the Multilevel Best Linear Unbiased Estimator for ensemble-variational data assimilation
CERFACS Technical Report
Multilevel estimators aim at reducing the variance of Monte Carlo statistical estimators, by combining samples generated with simulators of different costs and accuracies. In particular, the recent work of Schaden and Ullmann (2020) on the multilevel best linear unbiased estimator (MLBLUE) introduces a framework unifying several multilevel and multifidelity techniques. The MLBLUE is reintroduced here using a variance minimization approach rather than the regression approach of Schaden and Ullmann. We then discuss possible extensions of the scalar MLBLUE to a multidimensional setting, i.e. from the expectation of scalar random variables to the expectation of random vectors. Several estimators of increasing complexity are proposed: a) multilevel estimators with scalar weights, b) with element-wise weights, c) with spectral weights and d) with general matrix weights. The computational cost of each method is discussed. We finally extend the MLBLUE to the estimation of second-order moments in the multidimensional case, i.e. to the estimation of covariance matrices. The multilevel estimators proposed are d) a multilevel estimator with scalar weights and e) with element-wise weights. In large-dimension applications such as data assimilation for geosciences, the latter estimator is computationnally unaffordable. As a remedy, we also propose f) a multilevel covariance matrix estimator with optimal multilevel localization, inspired by the optimal localization theory of M\'en\'etrier and Aulign\'e (2015). Some practical details on weighted MLMC estimators of covariance matrices are given in appendix.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 12 Jun 2023 10:41:16 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 12:05:22 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Destouches", "Mayeul", "" ], [ "Mycek", "Paul", "" ], [ "Gürol", "Selime", "" ] ]
Gero Junike
Tobias Behrens and Gero Junike and Wim Schoutens
Failure of Fourier pricing techniques to approximate the Greeks
The Greeks Delta and Gamma of plain vanilla options play a fundamental role in finance, e.g., in hedging or risk management. These Greeks are approximated in many models such as the widely used Variance Gamma model by Fourier techniques such as the Carr-Madan formula, the COS method or the Lewis formula. However, for some realistic market parameters, we show empirically that these three Fourier methods completely fail to approximate the Gamma. As a solution, we propose to use finite differences instead to obtain the Greeks
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 14 Jun 2023 10:33:44 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Sun, 25 Jun 2023 03:51:01 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Sat, 22 Jul 2023 13:35:46 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Fri, 30 Aug 2024 10:58:13 GMT" }, { "version": "v5", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 16:36:17 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Behrens", "Tobias", "" ], [ "Junike", "Gero", "" ], [ "Schoutens", "Wim", "" ] ]
Antti P\"oll\"anen
Antti P\"oll\"anen, Pekka Marttinen
Identifiable causal inference with noisy treatment and no side information
20 pages, 10 figures. Changes consist of polishing the previous version. The experiments and results remain the same
cs.LG stat.ME stat.ML
In some causal inference scenarios, the treatment variable is measured inaccurately, for instance in epidemiology or econometrics. Failure to correct for the effect of this measurement error can lead to biased causal effect estimates. Previous research has not studied methods that address this issue from a causal viewpoint while allowing for complex nonlinear dependencies and without assuming access to side information. For such a scenario, this study proposes a model that assumes a continuous treatment variable that is inaccurately measured. Building on existing results for measurement error models, we prove that our model's causal effect estimates are identifiable, even without side information and knowledge of the measurement error variance. Our method relies on a deep latent variable model in which Gaussian conditionals are parameterized by neural networks, and we develop an amortized importance-weighted variational objective for training the model. Empirical results demonstrate the method's good performance with unknown measurement error. More broadly, our work extends the range of applications in which reliable causal inference can be conducted.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 18 Jun 2023 18:38:10 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Sat, 4 May 2024 08:16:50 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 10:20:43 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Pöllänen", "Antti", "" ], [ "Marttinen", "Pekka", "" ] ]
Tizian Wenzel
Tizian Wenzel
Sharp inverse statements for kernel interpolation
math.NA cs.NA
While direct statements for kernel based interpolation on regions $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^d$ are well researched, far less is known about corresponding inverse statements. The available inverse statements for kernel based interpolation so far are not sharp. In this paper, we derive sharp inverse statements for interpolation using finitely smooth kernels, such as popular radial basis function (RBF) kernels like the class of Mat\'ern or Wendland kernels. In particular, the results show that there is a one-to-one correspondence between the smoothness of a function and its approximation rate via kernel interpolation: If a function can be approximated with a given rate, it has a corresponding smoothness and vice versa.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 26 Jun 2023 11:47:19 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 08:16:10 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Wenzel", "Tizian", "" ] ]
Fred Greensite
Fred Greensite
Sorting algebras using uncurling invariants
To provide self-contained useful motivations for the program of this paper, we have added Appendix A (which has substantial overlap with arXiv:2209.14119) and Appendix B (which has substantial overlap with arXiv:2209.14137). arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2207.11358 [author note: arXiv:2207.11358 was withdrawn due to the overlap]
The multiplicative inversion operation of a real finite-dimensional unital associative algebra defines a vector field and (assuming the standard topology on the vector space of elements) an associated infinitesimal rotation tensor (and in this regard the multiplicative inversion operation is representative of the algebra's implied nonlinear unary operations). The group of metrics (symmetric linear transformations) that uncurl this vector field, and the group of resulting integrals, embody various algebra isomorphism invariants that can be used to sort algebras in lieu of an unfeasible algebra classification. Such sorting is of interest as it reflects an inherent structure generalizing the usual algebra norm in an entity additionally sensitive to an algebra's implicit rotor aspects, leading to recognition of various subtle structural features that isomorphic algebras must share, and consequential combinatorial questions regarding the distribution of these features among real algebras of a given dimension.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 26 Jun 2023 18:23:27 GMT" }, { "version": "v10", "created": "Wed, 31 Jan 2024 17:40:58 GMT" }, { "version": "v11", "created": "Tue, 13 Feb 2024 21:38:38 GMT" }, { "version": "v12", "created": "Fri, 16 Feb 2024 17:57:04 GMT" }, { "version": "v13", "created": "Mon, 4 Mar 2024 15:52:12 GMT" }, { "version": "v14", "created": "Wed, 20 Mar 2024 17:27:04 GMT" }, { "version": "v15", "created": "Tue, 2 Apr 2024 19:33:45 GMT" }, { "version": "v16", "created": "Tue, 11 Jun 2024 16:00:45 GMT" }, { "version": "v17", "created": "Thu, 20 Jun 2024 17:19:22 GMT" }, { "version": "v18", "created": "Mon, 12 Aug 2024 13:33:48 GMT" }, { "version": "v19", "created": "Wed, 28 Aug 2024 13:59:36 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Sat, 8 Jul 2023 23:32:29 GMT" }, { "version": "v20", "created": "Wed, 11 Sep 2024 23:22:53 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Tue, 18 Jul 2023 16:37:48 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Fri, 21 Jul 2023 18:54:46 GMT" }, { "version": "v5", "created": "Thu, 3 Aug 2023 00:28:57 GMT" }, { "version": "v6", "created": "Sun, 1 Oct 2023 15:27:59 GMT" }, { "version": "v7", "created": "Tue, 17 Oct 2023 17:42:03 GMT" }, { "version": "v8", "created": "Tue, 14 Nov 2023 19:25:46 GMT" }, { "version": "v9", "created": "Tue, 26 Dec 2023 19:21:25 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Greensite", "Fred", "" ] ]
Kaihui Cheng
Kaihui Cheng, Chule Yang, Xiao Liu, Naiyang Guan, Zhiyuan Wang
LPN: Language-guided Prototypical Network for few-shot classification
Few-shot classification aims to adapt to new tasks with limited labeled examples. To fully use the accessible data, recent methods explore suitable measures for the similarity between the query and support images and better high-dimensional features with meta-training and pre-training strategies. However, the potential of multi-modality information has barely been explored, which may bring promising improvement for few-shot classification. In this paper, we propose a Language-guided Prototypical Network (LPN) for few-shot classification, which leverages the complementarity of vision and language modalities via two parallel branches to improve the classifier. Concretely, to introduce language modality with limited samples in the visual task, we leverage a pre-trained text encoder to extract class-level text features directly from class names while processing images with a conventional image encoder. Then, we introduce a language-guided decoder to obtain text features corresponding to each image by aligning class-level features with visual features. Additionally, we utilize class-level features and prototypes to build a refined prototypical head, which generates robust prototypes in the text branch for follow-up measurement. Furthermore, we leverage the class-level features to align the visual features, capturing more class-relevant visual features. Finally, we aggregate the visual and text logits to calibrate the deviation of a single modality, enhancing the overall performance. Extensive experiments demonstrate the competitiveness of LPN against state-of-the-art methods on benchmark datasets.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 4 Jul 2023 06:54:01 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Fri, 28 Jul 2023 02:05:08 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Sat, 21 Oct 2023 10:17:18 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Cheng", "Kaihui", "" ], [ "Yang", "Chule", "" ], [ "Liu", "Xiao", "" ], [ "Guan", "Naiyang", "" ], [ "Wang", "Zhiyuan", "" ] ]
Sujoy Datta
Sujoy Datta
Porous CrO$_2$: a ferromagnetic half-metallic member in sparse hollandite oxide family
A stable polymorph of CrO$_2$ is predicted using PBE+U method. The porous material is isostructural with $\alpha-$MnO$_2$ making it the second transition metal oxide in sparse hollandite group of materials. However, unlike the anti-ferromagnetic semiconducting character of the $\alpha-$MnO$_2$, it is found to be a ferromagnetic half-metal. At Fermi level, the hole pocket has ample contribution from O$-2p$ orbital, though, the electron pocket is mostly contributed by Cr$-3d_{xy}$ and Cr$-3d_{x^2-y^2}$. A combination of negative charge transfer through orbital mixing and extended anti-bonding state near Fermi level is responsible for the half-metallic ferromagnetic character of the structure. A comparative study of rutile and hollandite CrO$_2$ and hollandite MnO$_2$ structures delineate the interplay between structural, electronic and magnetic properties. The material shows a robust magnetic character under hydrothermal pressure, as well as, the band topology is conserved under uniaxial strain. Moderate magneto-crystalline anisotropy is observed and it shows a correspondence with the anisotropy of elastic constants. Occurrence of type$-$II Weyl nodes and their evolution under pressure is explored.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 10 Jul 2023 14:26:20 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 14:44:34 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Datta", "Sujoy", "" ] ]
Bo Yang
Bo Yang
Emergent dynamics of scale-free interactions in fractional quantum Hall fluids
5 pages, 3 figures, comments very welcome
Phys. Rev. B (Letter) 110, L121108 (2024)
cond-mat.str-el cond-mat.mes-hall
We show that even in the limit of large cyclotron gap, Landau level (LL) mixing can be dominant with scale-free interaction between charged ``elementary particles" in a fractional quantum Hall system, as long as the filling factor exceeds certain critical values. The corresponding Hamiltonians with scale-free interaction can serve as exact model Hamiltonians for certain composite Fermion or parton states (unlike the well-known TK Hamiltonians where the number of LLs needs to be fixed by hand), and they are natural physical Hamiltonians for 2D systems embedded in higher-dimensional space-time. Even with LL mixing the null spaces of such Hamiltonians (spanned by the ground state and the quasiholes) can be analytically obtained, and we show these are the generalisation of the conformal Hilbert spaces (CHS) to more than one LLs. The effective interaction between the anyons for these topological phases emerges from the kinetic energy of the ``elementary particles", leading to an interesting duality between strongly and weakly interacting systems that can be easily understood via the tuning of parameters in the scale-free interaction. We also propose a novel experimental platform for approximately realising such model Hamiltonians with trion like particles, that can potentially lead to very robust (non-Abelian) FQH phases from two-body Coulomb-based interaction.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 12 Jul 2023 18:00:02 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 14:18:43 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Yang", "Bo", "" ] ]
Bo\v{s}tjan Bre\v{s}ar
Bo\v{s}tjan Bre\v{s}ar and Jaka Hed\v{z}et
Bootstrap percolation in strong products of graphs
23 pages
Given a graph $G$ and assuming that some vertices of $G$ are infected, the $r$-neighbor bootstrap percolation rule makes an uninfected vertex $v$ infected if $v$ has at least $r$ infected neighbors. The $r$-percolation number, $m(G,r)$, of $G$ is the minimum cardinality of a set of initially infected vertices in $G$ such that after continuously performing the $r$-neighbor bootstrap percolation rule each vertex of $G$ eventually becomes infected. In this paper, we consider percolation numbers of strong products of graphs. If $G$ is the strong product $G_1\boxtimes \cdots \boxtimes G_k$ of $k$ connected graphs, we prove that $m(G,r)=r$ as soon as $r\le 2^{k-1}$ and $|V(G)|\ge r$. As a dichotomy, we present a family of strong products of $k$ connected graphs with the $(2^{k-1}+1)$-percolation number arbitrarily large. We refine these results for strong products of graphs in which at least two factors have at least three vertices. In addition, when all factors $G_i$ have at least three vertices we prove that $m(G_1 \boxtimes \dots \boxtimes G_k,r)\leq 3^{k-1} -k$ for all $r\leq 2^k-1$, and we again get a dichotomy, since there exist families of strong products of $k$ graphs such that their $2^{k}$-percolation numbers are arbitrarily large. While $m(G\boxtimes H,3)=3$ if both $G$ and $H$ have at least three vertices, we also characterize the strong prisms $G\boxtimes K_2$ for which this equality holds. Some of the results naturally extend to infinite graphs, and we briefly consider percolation numbers of strong products of two-way infinite paths.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 13 Jul 2023 08:40:46 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 13:34:04 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Brešar", "Boštjan", "" ], [ "Hedžet", "Jaka", "" ] ]
Franz Achleitner
Franz Achleitner, Anton Arnold, Volker Mehrmann, Eduard A. Nigsch
Hypocoercivity in Hilbert spaces
52 pages
The concept of hypocoercivity for linear evolution equations with dissipation is discussed and equivalent characterizations that were developed for the finite-dimensional case are extended to separable Hilbert spaces. Using the concept of a hypocoercivity index, quantitative estimates on the short-time and long-time decay behavior of a hypocoercive system are derived. As a useful tool for analyzing the structural properties, an infinite-dimensional staircase form is also derived and connections to linear systems and control theory are presented. Several examples illustrate the new concepts and the results are applied to the Lorentz kinetic equation.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 17 Jul 2023 07:03:30 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 09:05:47 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Achleitner", "Franz", "" ], [ "Arnold", "Anton", "" ], [ "Mehrmann", "Volker", "" ], [ "Nigsch", "Eduard A.", "" ] ]
Jory Sonneveld
Jory Sonneveld (for the ALICE Collaboration)
ITS3: A truly cylindrical inner tracker for ALICE
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Hard and Electromagnetic Probes of High-Energy Nuclear Collisions in Aschaffenburg, Germany, 26th-31st March, 2023
physics.ins-det hep-ex
After the successful installation and first operation of the new Inner Tracking System (ITS2), which consists of about 10 m$^2$ of monolithic silicon pixel sensors, ALICE is pioneering the usage of bent, wafer-scale pixel sensors for the ITS3 for Run 4 at the LHC in 2029. Sensors larger than typical reticle sizes can be produced using the technique of stitching. At thicknesses of about 30 $\mu$m, the silicon is flexible enough to be bent to radii of the order of 1 cm. By cooling such sensors with a forced air flow, it becomes possible to construct a detector with minimal material budget. The reduction of the material budget and the improved pointing resolution will allow new measurements, in particular of heavy-flavor decays and electromagnetic probes. Mechanical studies have shown the sensors to be unaffected by bending, and bent sensors have been shown to be fully efficient in test beams. New sensor developments for the ITS3 have shown promising results for fluences even beyond those expected for ITS3.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 17 Jul 2023 16:46:23 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Sonneveld", "Jory", "", "for the ALICE Collaboration" ] ]
Nicole Yunger Halpern
Jos\'e Antonio Mar\'in Guzm\'an and Paul Erker and Simone Gasparinetti and Marcus Huber and Nicole Yunger Halpern
Useful autonomous quantum machines
11 pages + appendices
quant-ph cond-mat.stat-mech physics.chem-ph
Controlled quantum machines have matured significantly. A natural next step is to increasingly grant them autonomy, freeing them from time-dependent external control. For example, autonomy could pare down the classical control wires that heat and decohere quantum circuits; and an autonomous quantum refrigerator recently reset superconducting qubits to near their ground states, as is necessary before a computation. Which fundamental conditions are necessary for realizing useful autonomous quantum machines? Inspired by recent quantum thermodynamics and chemistry, we posit conditions analogous to DiVincenzo's criteria for quantum computing. Furthermore, we illustrate the criteria with multiple autonomous quantum machines (refrigerators, circuits, clocks, etc.) and multiple candidate platforms (neutral atoms, molecules, superconducting qubits, etc.). Our criteria are intended to foment and guide the development of useful autonomous quantum machines.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 17 Jul 2023 18:00:02 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 11 Sep 2024 23:13:49 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Guzmán", "José Antonio Marín", "" ], [ "Erker", "Paul", "" ], [ "Gasparinetti", "Simone", "" ], [ "Huber", "Marcus", "" ], [ "Halpern", "Nicole Yunger", "" ] ]
Sai Wang
Qing-Hua Zhu, Zhi-Chao Zhao, Sai Wang, Xin Zhang
Unraveling the early universe's equation of state and primordial black hole production with PTA, BBN, and CMB observations
9 pages, 5 figures, 2 columns, minor revision. To be published in Chinese Physics C
astro-ph.CO astro-ph.HE gr-qc
Pulsar timing array (PTA) data releases showed strong evidence for a stochastic gravitational-wave background in the nanohertz band. When the signal is interpreted by a scenario of scalar-induced gravitational waves (SIGWs), we encounter overproduction of primordial black holes (PBHs). We wonder if varying the equation of state (EoS) of the early Universe can resolve this issue and thereby lead to a consistent interpretation of the PTA data. Analyzing a data combination of PTA, big-bang nucleosynthesis, and cosmic microwave background, we find that an epoch with EoS $w\sim\mathcal{O}(10^{-2})$ between the end of inflation and the onset of radiation domination can significantly suppress the production of PBHs, leading to alleviation of the PBH-overproduction issue. With the inferred interval $w=0.44_{-0.40}^{+0.52}$ at 95\% confidence level, our scenario can interpret the PTA data just as well as the conventional scenario of SIGWs produced during the radiation domination.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 25 Jul 2023 15:27:52 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 5 Jun 2024 07:24:08 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Wed, 11 Sep 2024 16:01:08 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Zhu", "Qing-Hua", "" ], [ "Zhao", "Zhi-Chao", "" ], [ "Wang", "Sai", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Xin", "" ] ]
Musashi Ayrton Koyama
Musashi Ayrton Koyama, Facundo Memoli, Vanessa Robins, Katharine Turner
Faster computation of degree-1 persistent homology using the reduced Vietoris-Rips filtration
54 pages, 19 figures, 5 tables
Computing Persistent Homology for large point clouds remains a bottleneck for the wider adoption of persistent homology by the scientific community. We present an algorithm which can compute the degree-1 Vietoris-Rips Persistent Homology of point clouds in low dimensional Euclidean Space for larger point clouds.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 30 Jul 2023 22:43:07 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 13:53:30 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Koyama", "Musashi Ayrton", "" ], [ "Memoli", "Facundo", "" ], [ "Robins", "Vanessa", "" ], [ "Turner", "Katharine", "" ] ]
Mingzhi Wang
Mingzhi Wang, Guanghai Guo, Pengfei Yan, Songbai Chen, Jiliang Jing
The ring-shaped shadow of rotating naked singularity with a complete photon sphere
14 pages, 11 figures. It is to be published in Chinese Physics C
Chin. Phys. C 48 10,105103 (2024)
We investigate the shadows of Konoplya-Zhidenko naked singularity. In the spacetime of Konoplya-Zhidenko naked singularity, not only can unstable retrograde light ring (LR) exist, but also unstable prograde LR, leading to the formation of a complete photon sphere (PS). Due to the absence of an event horizon, a dark disc-shaped shadow does not appear; instead, a ring-shaped shadow is observed. The ring-shaped shadow appears as an infinite number of relativistic Einstein rings in the image of the naked singularity. For some parameter values, only the unstable retrograde LR exists, resulting in an incomplete unstable PS and consequently giving rise to the arc-shaped shadow for Konoplya-Zhidenko naked singularity. The shadow of Konoplya-Zhidenko naked singularity gradually shifts to the right as the rotation parameter $a$ increases, and gradually becomes smaller as the deformation parameter $|\eta|$ increases. Moreover, the stable LRs and stable photon spherical orbits can also exist in Konoplya-Zhidenko naked singularity spacetime, but they have no effect on the image of the naked singularity. This study demonstrates that rotating naked singularity can exhibit not only an arc-shaped shadow but also a ring-shaped shadow.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 31 Jul 2023 15:15:47 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Fri, 4 Aug 2023 14:20:04 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Fri, 15 Sep 2023 11:46:25 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Mon, 18 Dec 2023 04:35:43 GMT" }, { "version": "v5", "created": "Wed, 5 Jun 2024 06:17:34 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Wang", "Mingzhi", "" ], [ "Guo", "Guanghai", "" ], [ "Yan", "Pengfei", "" ], [ "Chen", "Songbai", "" ], [ "Jing", "Jiliang", "" ] ]
Issam-Ali Moindji\'e
Issam-Ali Moindji\'e, Cristian Preda and Sophie Dabo-Niang
Fusion regression methods with repeated functional data
stat.ME math.ST stat.TH
Linear regression and classification methods with repeated functional data are considered. For each statistical unit in the sample, a real-valued parameter is observed over time under different conditions related by some neighborhood structure (spatial, group, etc.). Two regression methods based on fusion penalties are proposed to consider the dependence induced by this structure. These methods aim to obtain parsimonious coefficient regression functions, by determining if close conditions are associated with common regression coefficient functions. The first method is a generalization to functional data of the variable fusion methodology based on the 1-nearest neighbor. The second one relies on the group fusion lasso penalty which assumes some grouping structure of conditions and allows for homogeneity among the regression coefficient functions within groups. Numerical simulations and an application of electroencephalography data are presented.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 3 Aug 2023 13:10:56 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 28 Nov 2023 10:05:35 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Wed, 11 Sep 2024 19:59:10 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Moindjié", "Issam-Ali", "" ], [ "Preda", "Cristian", "" ], [ "Dabo-Niang", "Sophie", "" ] ]
Abhishek Tyagi
Abhishek Tyagi, Abhay Tyagi, Manpreet Kaur, Richa Aggarwal, Kapil D. Soni, Jayanthi Sivaswamy and Anjan Trikha
Nerve Block Target Localization and Needle Guidance for Autonomous Robotic Ultrasound Guided Regional Anesthesia
Accepted at IROS 2024, 1 supplementary video
Visual servoing for the development of autonomous robotic systems capable of administering UltraSound (US) guided regional anesthesia requires real-time segmentation of nerves, needle tip localization and needle trajectory extrapolation. First, we recruited 227 patients to build a large dataset of 41,000 anesthesiologist annotated images from US videos of brachial plexus nerves and developed models to localize nerves in the US images. Generalizability of the best suited model was tested on the datasets constructed from separate US scanners. Using these nerve segmentation predictions, we define automated anesthesia needle targets by fitting an ellipse to the nerve contours. Next, we developed an image analysis tool to guide the needle toward their targets. For the segmentation of the needle, a natural RGB pre-trained neural network was first fine-tuned on a large US dataset for domain transfer and then adapted for the needle using a small dataset. The segmented needle trajectory angle is calculated using Radon transformation and the trajectory is extrapolated from the needle tip. The intersection of the extrapolated trajectory with the needle target guides the needle navigation for drug delivery. The needle trajectory average error was within acceptable range of 5 mm as per experienced anesthesiologists. The entire dataset has been released publicly for further study by the research community at
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 7 Aug 2023 16:40:19 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 11 Sep 2024 19:06:55 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Tyagi", "Abhishek", "" ], [ "Tyagi", "Abhay", "" ], [ "Kaur", "Manpreet", "" ], [ "Aggarwal", "Richa", "" ], [ "Soni", "Kapil D.", "" ], [ "Sivaswamy", "Jayanthi", "" ], [ "Trikha", "Anjan", "" ] ]
Chen Chen
Yunbai Wang, Chen Chen and Xiaoli Chu
Performance Analysis for Hybrid Sub-6GHz-mmWave-THz Networks with Downlink and Uplink Decoupled Cell Association
This paper has been submitted to IEEE for possible publications
cs.IT eess.SP math.IT
It is expected that 5G/6G networks will exploit sub-6 GHz, millimetre wave (mmWave) and terahertz (THz) frequency bands simultaneously and will increase flexibility in user equipment (UE)-cell association. In this paper, we introduce a novel stochastic geometry-based framework for the analysis of the signal-to-interference-plus-noise-ratio (SINR) and rate coverage in a multi-tier hybrid sub-6GHz-mmWave-THz network, where each tier has a particular base station (BS) density, transmit power, bandwidth, number of BS antennas, and cell-association bias factor. The proposed framework incorporates the effects of sub-6 GHz, mmWave and THz channel characteristics, BS beamforming gain, and blockages. We investigate the downlink (DL) and uplink (UL) decoupled cell-association strategy and characterise the per-tier cell-association probability. Based on that, we analytically derive the SINR and rate coverage probabilities for both DL and UL transmissions. The analytical results are validated via extensive Monte Carlo simulations. Numerical results demonstrate the superiority of the DL and UL decoupled cell-association strategy in terms of SINR and rate coverage over its coupled counterpart.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 10 Aug 2023 19:40:58 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 17:22:36 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Wang", "Yunbai", "" ], [ "Chen", "Chen", "" ], [ "Chu", "Xiaoli", "" ] ]
Marta Gentiloni Silveri
Giovanni Conforti, Alain Durmus, Marta Gentiloni Silveri
KL Convergence Guarantees for Score diffusion models under minimal data assumptions
math.ST stat.ML stat.TH
Diffusion models are a new class of generative models that revolve around the estimation of the score function associated with a stochastic differential equation. Subsequent to its acquisition, the approximated score function is then harnessed to simulate the corresponding time-reversal process, ultimately enabling the generation of approximate data samples. Despite their evident practical significance these models carry, a notable challenge persists in the form of a lack of comprehensive quantitative results, especially in scenarios involving non-regular scores and estimators. In almost all reported bounds in Kullback Leibler (KL) divergence, it is assumed that either the score function or its approximation is Lipschitz uniformly in time. However, this condition is very restrictive in practice or appears to be difficult to establish. To circumvent this issue, previous works mainly focused on establishing convergence bounds in KL for an early stopped version of the diffusion model and a smoothed version of the data distribution, or assuming that the data distribution is supported on a compact manifold. These explorations have led to interesting bounds in either Wasserstein or Fortet-Mourier metrics. However, the question remains about the relevance of such early-stopping procedure or compactness conditions. In particular, if there exist a natural and mild condition ensuring explicit and sharp convergence bounds in KL. In this article, we tackle the aforementioned limitations by focusing on score diffusion models with fixed step size stemming from the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroup and its kinetic counterpart. Our study provides a rigorous analysis, yielding simple, improved and sharp convergence bounds in KL applicable to any data distribution with finite Fisher information with respect to the standard Gaussian distribution.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 23 Aug 2023 16:31:08 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 14:22:00 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Conforti", "Giovanni", "" ], [ "Durmus", "Alain", "" ], [ "Silveri", "Marta Gentiloni", "" ] ]
Tib\'erio De Paula Netto
Tib\'erio de Paula Netto, Breno L. Giacchini, Nicol\`o Burzill\`a, Leonardo Modesto
On effective models of regular black holes inspired by higher-derivative and nonlocal gravity
33 pages, 8 figures. Extended discussion, references added; matches the published version
gr-qc hep-th
In this work we study static spherically symmetric solutions of effective field equations related to local and nonlocal higher-derivative gravity models, based on their associated effective delta sources. This procedure has been applied to generate modifications of the Schwarzschild geometry in several contexts (e.g., modified gravity, string theory, noncommutative geometry, generalized uncertainty principle scenarios), but a general analysis of the possible equations of state and their influence on the solutions was still lacking. Here, we aim to fill this gap in the literature and investigate whether these metrics might be able to reproduce features of the solutions of higher-derivative gravity models. In particular, we present an equation of state such that the solution matches the Newtonian-limit one in both regimes of large and small $r$. A significant part of the work is dedicated to studying the curvature regularity of the solutions and the comparison with the linearized solutions. Explicit metrics are presented for effective sources originating from local and nonlocal models. The results obtained here might be regarded as possible links between the previous research on linearized higher-derivative gravity and the solutions of the nonlinear complete field equations, which remain unknown at the moment.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 23 Aug 2023 17:01:27 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 14:19:02 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Netto", "Tibério de Paula", "" ], [ "Giacchini", "Breno L.", "" ], [ "Burzillà", "Nicolò", "" ], [ "Modesto", "Leonardo", "" ] ]
Hideaki Hakoshima
Hideaki Hakoshima, Suguru Endo, Kaoru Yamamoto, Yuichiro Matsuzaki, Nobuyuki Yoshioka
Localized Virtual Purification
31 pages, 20 figures; accepted version
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 080601 (2024)
Analog and digital quantum simulators can efficiently simulate quantum many-body systems that appear in natural phenomena. However, experimental limitations of near-term devices still make it challenging to perform the entire process of quantum simulation. The purification-based quantum simulation methods can alleviate the limitations in experiments such as the cooling temperature and noise from the environment, while this method has the drawback that it requires global entangled measurement with a prohibitively large number of measurements that scales exponentially with the system size. In this Letter, we propose that we can overcome these problems by restricting the entangled measurements to the vicinity of the local observables to be measured, when the locality of the system can be exploited. We provide theoretical guarantees that the global purification operation can be replaced with local operations under some conditions, in particular for the task of cooling and error mitigation. We furthermore give a numerical verification that the localized purification is valid even when conditions are not satisfied. Our method bridges the fundamental concept of locality with quantum simulators, and therefore expected to open a path to unexplored quantum many-body phenomena.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 25 Aug 2023 17:19:26 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 8 Feb 2024 08:58:17 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Thu, 27 Jun 2024 09:41:22 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Hakoshima", "Hideaki", "" ], [ "Endo", "Suguru", "" ], [ "Yamamoto", "Kaoru", "" ], [ "Matsuzaki", "Yuichiro", "" ], [ "Yoshioka", "Nobuyuki", "" ] ]
Johannes Wolf K\"unzel
Johannes K\"unzel, Anna Hilsmann, Peter Eisert
BTSeg: Barlow Twins Regularization for Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation
14 pages, GCPR submission version
We introduce BTSeg (Barlow Twins regularized Segmentation), an innovative, semi-supervised training approach enhancing semantic segmentation models in order to effectively tackle adverse weather conditions without requiring additional labeled training data. Images captured at similar locations but under varying adverse conditions are regarded as manifold representation of the same scene, thereby enabling the model to conceptualize its understanding of the environment. BTSeg shows cutting-edge performance for the new challenging ACG benchmark and sets a new state-of-the-art for weakly-supervised domain adaptation for the ACDC dataset. To support further research, we have made our code publicly available at .
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 31 Aug 2023 15:49:53 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 20 Nov 2023 12:34:56 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 07:34:45 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Künzel", "Johannes", "" ], [ "Hilsmann", "Anna", "" ], [ "Eisert", "Peter", "" ] ]
Enneng Yang
Enneng Yang, Zhenyi Wang, Li Shen, Nan Yin, Tongliang Liu, Guibing Guo, Xingwei Wang, and Dacheng Tao
Continual Learning From a Stream of APIs
Continual learning (CL) aims to learn new tasks without forgetting previous tasks. However, existing CL methods require a large amount of raw data, which is often unavailable due to copyright considerations and privacy risks. Instead, stakeholders usually release pre-trained machine learning models as a service (MLaaS), which users can access via APIs. This paper considers two practical-yet-novel CL settings: data-efficient CL (DECL-APIs) and data-free CL (DFCL-APIs), which achieve CL from a stream of APIs with partial or no raw data. Performing CL under these two new settings faces several challenges: unavailable full raw data, unknown model parameters, heterogeneous models of arbitrary architecture and scale, and catastrophic forgetting of previous APIs. To overcome these issues, we propose a novel data-free cooperative continual distillation learning framework that distills knowledge from a stream of APIs into a CL model by generating pseudo data, just by querying APIs. Specifically, our framework includes two cooperative generators and one CL model, forming their training as an adversarial game. We first use the CL model and the current API as fixed discriminators to train generators via a derivative-free method. Generators adversarially generate hard and diverse synthetic data to maximize the response gap between the CL model and the API. Next, we train the CL model by minimizing the gap between the responses of the CL model and the black-box API on synthetic data, to transfer the API's knowledge to the CL model. Furthermore, we propose a new regularization term based on network similarity to prevent catastrophic forgetting of previous APIs.Our method performs comparably to classic CL with full raw data on the MNIST and SVHN in the DFCL-APIs setting. In the DECL-APIs setting, our method achieves 0.97x, 0.75x and 0.69x performance of classic CL on CIFAR10, CIFAR100, and MiniImageNet.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 31 Aug 2023 11:16:00 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 08:34:10 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Yang", "Enneng", "" ], [ "Wang", "Zhenyi", "" ], [ "Shen", "Li", "" ], [ "Yin", "Nan", "" ], [ "Liu", "Tongliang", "" ], [ "Guo", "Guibing", "" ], [ "Wang", "Xingwei", "" ], [ "Tao", "Dacheng", "" ] ]
Gautier Stauffer
Gautier Stauffer, Matthieu Guillot
Golf Strategy Optimization and the Value of Golf Skills
This study investigates strategic considerations in professional golf's Stroke Play format. We develop a Markov Decision Process (MDP) model, specifically a stochastic shortest path model, to optimize a golfer's strategy for any golf course. The model integrates golf course layout details and player skills. We demonstrate this approach using Professional Golfers' Association Tour data and aerial views of golf courses. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first exact, data-driven approach for golf strategy optimization in the literature. While MDPs are commonly used for sport strategy optimization, scaling this approach to golf poses a challenge due to the curse of dimensionality. Our primary objective is to prove that an exact approach is computationally feasible for such large-scale problems, provided that low-level coding and meticulous code optimization are employed. Furthermore, we illustrate how this framework could be used to determine which aspects of a player's game should be prioritized for improvement and challenge the "Drive for show, putt for dough adage". Additionally, we demonstrate how our methodology can be used to quantify the value of different golf skills.To ensure replicability and facilitate the adaptation and extension of our methodology, we provide open access to all our codes and analyses (in R and C++).
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 1 Sep 2023 14:23:24 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 12:55:40 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Stauffer", "Gautier", "" ], [ "Guillot", "Matthieu", "" ] ]
Oliver Sutton
Oliver J. Sutton, Qinghua Zhou, Ivan Y. Tyukin, Alexander N. Gorban, Alexander Bastounis, Desmond J. Higham
How adversarial attacks can disrupt seemingly stable accurate classifiers
11 pages, 8 figures, additional supplementary materials
cs.LG cs.AI
Adversarial attacks dramatically change the output of an otherwise accurate learning system using a seemingly inconsequential modification to a piece of input data. Paradoxically, empirical evidence indicates that even systems which are robust to large random perturbations of the input data remain susceptible to small, easily constructed, adversarial perturbations of their inputs. Here, we show that this may be seen as a fundamental feature of classifiers working with high dimensional input data. We introduce a simple generic and generalisable framework for which key behaviours observed in practical systems arise with high probability -- notably the simultaneous susceptibility of the (otherwise accurate) model to easily constructed adversarial attacks, and robustness to random perturbations of the input data. We confirm that the same phenomena are directly observed in practical neural networks trained on standard image classification problems, where even large additive random noise fails to trigger the adversarial instability of the network. A surprising takeaway is that even small margins separating a classifier's decision surface from training and testing data can hide adversarial susceptibility from being detected using randomly sampled perturbations. Counterintuitively, using additive noise during training or testing is therefore inefficient for eradicating or detecting adversarial examples, and more demanding adversarial training is required.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 7 Sep 2023 12:02:00 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 9 Sep 2024 09:34:36 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Sutton", "Oliver J.", "" ], [ "Zhou", "Qinghua", "" ], [ "Tyukin", "Ivan Y.", "" ], [ "Gorban", "Alexander N.", "" ], [ "Bastounis", "Alexander", "" ], [ "Higham", "Desmond J.", "" ] ]
Francois Grondin
Fran\c{c}ois Grondin, Caleb Rasc\'on
PlumberNet: Fixing interference leakage after GEV beamforming
eess.AS cs.SD
Spatial filters can exploit deep-learning-based speech enhancement models to increase their reliability in scenarios with multiple speech sources scenarios. To further improve speech quality, it is common to perform postfiltering on the estimated target speech obtained with spatial filtering. In this work, Generalized Eigenvalue (GEV) beamforming is employed to provide the leakage estimation, along with the estimation of the target speech, to be later used for postfiltering. This improves the enhancement performance over a postfilter that uses the target speech and a reference microphone signal. This work also demonstrates that the spatial covariance matrices (SCMs) can be accurately estimated from the direction of arrival (DoA) of the target and a discriminative selection amongst the pairwise estimated time-frequency masks.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 10 Sep 2023 15:45:31 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 11 Sep 2024 18:57:25 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Grondin", "François", "" ], [ "Rascón", "Caleb", "" ] ]
Alice Qian Zhang
Alice Qian Zhang, Kaitlin Montague, Shagun Jhaver
Cleaning Up the Streets: Understanding Motivations, Mental Models, and Concerns of Users Flagging Social Media Posts
Under review at CHI 2025
Social media platforms offer flagging, a technical feature that empowers users to report inappropriate posts or bad actors to reduce online harm. The deceptively simple flagging interfaces on nearly all major social media platforms disguise complex underlying interactions among users, algorithms, and moderators. Through semi-structured interviews with 25 social media users experienced in flagging inappropriate content, we examine end-users' understanding of flagging procedures, explore the factors that motivate them to flag, and surface their cognitive and privacy concerns. Our findings uncover a lack of procedural transparency in flagging mechanisms that create gaps in users' mental models. Regardless, users strongly believe that it is crucial for platforms to provide flagging options. We highlight how flags raise questions about distributing labor and responsibility between platforms and users for addressing online harm. We recommend innovations in the flagging design space that assist user comprehension, ensure privacy, and reduce cognitive burdens.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 13 Sep 2023 03:02:01 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 11 Sep 2024 18:50:03 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Zhang", "Alice Qian", "" ], [ "Montague", "Kaitlin", "" ], [ "Jhaver", "Shagun", "" ] ]
Yang Li
Yang Cui, Han Zhu, Yijian Wang, Lu Zhang, Yang Li
Short-term power load forecasting method based on CNN-SAEDN-Res
in Chinese language, Accepted by Electric Power Automation Equipment
Electric Power Automation Equipment 44 (2024) 164-170
eess.SP cs.LG cs.SY eess.SY
In deep learning, the load data with non-temporal factors are difficult to process by sequence models. This problem results in insufficient precision of the prediction. Therefore, a short-term load forecasting method based on convolutional neural network (CNN), self-attention encoder-decoder network (SAEDN) and residual-refinement (Res) is proposed. In this method, feature extraction module is composed of a two-dimensional convolutional neural network, which is used to mine the local correlation between data and obtain high-dimensional data features. The initial load fore-casting module consists of a self-attention encoder-decoder network and a feedforward neural network (FFN). The module utilizes self-attention mechanisms to encode high-dimensional features. This operation can obtain the global correlation between data. Therefore, the model is able to retain important information based on the coupling relationship between the data in data mixed with non-time series factors. Then, self-attention decoding is per-formed and the feedforward neural network is used to regression initial load. This paper introduces the residual mechanism to build the load optimization module. The module generates residual load values to optimize the initial load. The simulation results show that the proposed load forecasting method has advantages in terms of prediction accuracy and prediction stability.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sat, 2 Sep 2023 11:36:50 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 12:44:36 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Cui", "Yang", "" ], [ "Zhu", "Han", "" ], [ "Wang", "Yijian", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Lu", "" ], [ "Li", "Yang", "" ] ]
Shmuel Onn
Shmuel Onn
On Supmodular Matrices
Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 72:2341--2346, 2024
math.CO cs.DM cs.DS math.OC
We consider the problem of determining which matrices are permutable to be supmodular. We show that for small dimensions any matrix is permutable by a universal permutation or by a pair of permutations, while for higher dimensions no universal permutation exists. We raise several questions including to determine the dimensions in which every matrix is permutable.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 14 Sep 2023 13:18:28 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Onn", "Shmuel", "" ] ]
Jaehyeon Ryu
Jaehyeon Ryu and Andreas Seeger
Spherical maximal functions on two step nilpotent Lie groups
36 pages, Revised version following referee's report. Added Theorem 1.3 and details in Sect. 4
Adv. Math. 453 (2024), Paper No. 109846, 40 pp
math.CA math.FA
Consider $\mathbb R^d\times \mathbb R^m$ with the group structure of a two-step nilpotent Lie group and natural parabolic dilations. The maximal function originally introduced by Nevo and Thangavelu in the setting of the Heisenberg group deals with noncommutative convolutions associated to measures on spheres or generalized spheres in $\mathbb R^d$. We drop the nondegeneracy condition in the known results on M\'etivier groups and prove the sharp $L^p$ boundedness result for all two step nilpotent Lie groups with $d\ge 3$.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 14 Sep 2023 14:01:11 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Sat, 29 Jun 2024 01:07:12 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ryu", "Jaehyeon", "" ], [ "Seeger", "Andreas", "" ] ]
Wei Cao
Hongkuan Zhou, Wei Cao, Aifen Sui, Zhenshan Bing
What Matters to Enhance Traffic Rule Compliance of Imitation Learning for End-to-End Autonomous Driving
14 pages, 3 figures
cs.CV cs.AI cs.LG cs.RO
End-to-end autonomous driving, where the entire driving pipeline is replaced with a single neural network, has recently gained research attention because of its simpler structure and faster inference time. Despite this appealing approach largely reducing the complexity in the driving pipeline, it also leads to safety issues because the trained policy is not always compliant with the traffic rules. In this paper, we proposed P-CSG, a penalty-based imitation learning approach with contrastive-based cross semantics generation sensor fusion technologies to increase the overall performance of end-to-end autonomous driving. In this method, we introduce three penalties - red light, stop sign, and curvature speed penalty to make the agent more sensitive to traffic rules. The proposed cross semantics generation helps to align the shared information of different input modalities. We assessed our model's performance using the CARLA Leaderboard - Town 05 Long Benchmark and Longest6 Benchmark, achieving 8.5% and 2.0% driving score improvement compared to the baselines. Furthermore, we conducted robustness evaluations against adversarial attacks like FGSM and Dot attacks, revealing a substantial increase in robustness compared to other baseline models. More detailed information can be found at
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 14 Sep 2023 15:54:56 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 20 Feb 2024 20:29:57 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 08:38:39 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Zhou", "Hongkuan", "" ], [ "Cao", "Wei", "" ], [ "Sui", "Aifen", "" ], [ "Bing", "Zhenshan", "" ] ]
Ivan Maggio-Aprile
Ivan Maggio-Aprile, Tejas Parasram Singar, Christophe Berthod, Tim Gazdi\'c, Jens Bru\'er, and Christoph Renner
Vortex-core spectroscopy of $d$-wave cuprate high-temperature superconductors
Main text : 7 pages, 8 figures
cond-mat.supr-con cond-mat.str-el
The mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity remains one of the great challenges of contemporary physics. Here, we review efforts to image the vortex lattice in copper oxide-based high-temperature superconductors and to measure the characteristic electronic structure of the vortex core of a $d$-wave superconductor using scanning tunneling spectroscopy.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 19 Sep 2023 09:05:06 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Maggio-Aprile", "Ivan", "" ], [ "Singar", "Tejas Parasram", "" ], [ "Berthod", "Christophe", "" ], [ "Gazdić", "Tim", "" ], [ "Bruér", "Jens", "" ], [ "Renner", "Christoph", "" ] ]
Sergei Sharapov Dr
A.Yu. Fesh, Yu.V. Shtanov, S.G. Sharapov
Sagnac effect in a rotating ring with Dirac fermions
6 pages; corrected version published in PPB L
Phys. Rev. B 110, L121402 (2024)
cond-mat.mes-hall gr-qc quant-ph
The observation of the Sagnac effect for massive material particles offers a significant enhancement in sensitivity when compared to optical interferometers with equal area and angular rotation velocity. For this reason, there have been suggestions to employ solid-state interferometers that rely on semiconductors and graphene. We investigate the Sagnac effect in Dirac materials governed by the relativisticlike quasiparticle dispersion law and show that the fringe shift is still determined by the mass of a free electron. This confirms that graphene is indeed a promising material for creating solid-state Sagnac interferometers. Considering monolayer graphene with its linear dispersion law and comparing it with light provides a deeper understanding of the Sagnac effect.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 19 Sep 2023 10:18:54 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 11 Sep 2024 17:15:20 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Fesh", "A. Yu.", "" ], [ "Shtanov", "Yu. V.", "" ], [ "Sharapov", "S. G.", "" ] ]
Arno Verduyn
Arno Verduyn, Maxim Vochten, Joris De Schutter
Enhancing motion trajectory segmentation of rigid bodies using a novel screw-based trajectory-shape representation
This work has been submitted to the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
cs.RO cs.CV
Trajectory segmentation refers to dividing a trajectory into meaningful consecutive sub-trajectories. This paper focuses on trajectory segmentation for 3D rigid-body motions. Most segmentation approaches in the literature represent the body's trajectory as a point trajectory, considering only its translation and neglecting its rotation. We propose a novel trajectory representation for rigid-body motions that incorporates both translation and rotation, and additionally exhibits several invariant properties. This representation consists of a geometric progress rate and a third-order trajectory-shape descriptor. Concepts from screw theory were used to make this representation time-invariant and also invariant to the choice of body reference point. This new representation is validated for a self-supervised segmentation approach, both in simulation and using real recordings of human-demonstrated pouring motions. The results show a more robust detection of consecutive submotions with distinct features and a more consistent segmentation compared to conventional representations. We believe that other existing segmentation methods may benefit from using this trajectory representation to improve their invariance.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 20 Sep 2023 15:40:22 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Verduyn", "Arno", "" ], [ "Vochten", "Maxim", "" ], [ "De Schutter", "Joris", "" ] ]
Gilles Tissot
Gilles Tissot, \'Etienne M\'emin, Quentin Jamet
Stochastic compressible Navier-Stokes equations under location uncertainty and its approximations for ocean modelling
The aim of this paper is to provide a stochastic version under location uncertainty of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. The modelling under location uncertainty setting is used here to derive a physically consistent stochastic dynamical system for compressible flows. It relies on an extended stochastic version of the Reynolds transport theorem involving stochastic source terms. In a similar way as in the deterministic case, this conservation theorem is applied to density, momentum and total energy in order to obtain a transport equation of the primitive variables, i.e. density, velocity and temperature. For the modelling of ocean dynamics, the transport of mass fraction of species, such as salinity, is also considered. We show that performing low Mach and Boussinesq approximations to this more general set of equations allows us to recover previous versions of incompressible stochastic Navier-Stokes equations and the stochastic Boussinesq equations, respectively. Finally, we provide some research directions on the use of this general set of equations in the perspective of relaxing the Boussinesq and hydrostatic approximation for ocean modelling.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 21 Sep 2023 13:47:31 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 14:06:59 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Tissot", "Gilles", "" ], [ "Mémin", "Étienne", "" ], [ "Jamet", "Quentin", "" ] ]
Martin Liao
Shuhao Kang, Youqi Liao, Jianping Li, Fuxun Liang, Yuhao Li, Xianghong Zou, Fangning Li, Xieyuanli Chen, Zhen Dong, Bisheng Yang
CoFiI2P: Coarse-to-Fine Correspondences for Image-to-Point Cloud Registration
Accepted by IEEE RA-L 2024. Code, pretrained models and additional results are available at:
cs.CV cs.AI cs.RO
Image-to-point cloud (I2P) registration is a fundamental task for robots and autonomous vehicles to achieve cross-modality data fusion and localization. Current I2P registration methods primarily focus on estimating correspondences at the point or pixel level, often neglecting global alignment. As a result, I2P matching can easily converge to a local optimum if it lacks high-level guidance from global constraints. To improve the success rate and general robustness, this paper introduces CoFiI2P, a novel I2P registration network that extracts correspondences in a coarse-to-fine manner. First, the image and point cloud data are processed through a two-stream encoder-decoder network for hierarchical feature extraction. Second, a coarse-to-fine matching module is designed to leverage these features and establish robust feature correspondences. Specifically, In the coarse matching phase, a novel I2P transformer module is employed to capture both homogeneous and heterogeneous global information from the image and point cloud data. This enables the estimation of coarse super-point/super-pixel matching pairs with discriminative descriptors. In the fine matching module, point/pixel pairs are established with the guidance of super-point/super-pixel correspondences. Finally, based on matching pairs, the transform matrix is estimated with the EPnP-RANSAC algorithm. Experiments conducted on the KITTI Odometry dataset demonstrate that CoFiI2P achieves impressive results, with a relative rotation error (RRE) of 1.14 degrees and a relative translation error (RTE) of 0.29 meters, while maintaining real-time speed.Additional experiments on the Nuscenes datasets confirm our method's generalizability. The project page is available at \url{}.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 26 Sep 2023 04:32:38 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 26 Oct 2023 06:48:29 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Wed, 15 May 2024 02:18:23 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Mon, 12 Aug 2024 03:31:38 GMT" }, { "version": "v5", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 09:43:01 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Kang", "Shuhao", "" ], [ "Liao", "Youqi", "" ], [ "Li", "Jianping", "" ], [ "Liang", "Fuxun", "" ], [ "Li", "Yuhao", "" ], [ "Zou", "Xianghong", "" ], [ "Li", "Fangning", "" ], [ "Chen", "Xieyuanli", "" ], [ "Dong", "Zhen", "" ], [ "Yang", "Bisheng", "" ] ]
Chen Shen
Danyang Jia, Chen Shen, Xiangfeng Dai, Junliang Xing, Pin Tao, Yuanchun Shi, Zhen Wang
Interactive diversity disrupts cyclic dominance but maintains cooperation in spatial social dilemma games
Knowledge-Based Systems 299 (2024): 111962
Cyclic dominance has become a pivotal factor in sustaining cooperation within structured populations. However, this comprehension has predominantly revolved around node dynamics, where players are confined to employing the same strategy with all their neighbors. What has been largely overlooked is the profound influence of interactive diversity, where players can adapt distinct responses to different neighbors, on the dynamics of cyclic dominance and the broader patterns of cooperation. This investigation delves into the often-neglected role of interactive diversity in cyclic dominance and cooperation, utilizing a volunteer prisoner's dilemma model deployed on various network structures. Within this framework, we differentiate between `node players,' who adhere to a consistent strategy with all their neighbors, and `link players,' who adjust their strategies based on specific interactions, influenced by both direct and indirect emotional factors. Direct emotion governs the strategy between two interacting players, while indirect emotion encompasses the impact of third-party influences on strategic decisions. Through Monte Carlo simulations, we unveil a multifaceted relationship: interactive diversity generally disrupts cyclic dominance, yet its impact on cooperation varies, contingent on the prevalence of indirect strategy formulation. These findings suggest that the significance of cyclic dominance in fostering cooperation may have been overemphasized, as cooperation can persist even in the absence of strong cyclic dominance, owing to the presence of interactive diversity.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 27 Sep 2023 02:46:25 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Jia", "Danyang", "" ], [ "Shen", "Chen", "" ], [ "Dai", "Xiangfeng", "" ], [ "Xing", "Junliang", "" ], [ "Tao", "Pin", "" ], [ "Shi", "Yuanchun", "" ], [ "Wang", "Zhen", "" ] ]
Xiaotian Han
Xiaotian Han, Hanqing Zeng, Yu Chen, Shaoliang Nie, Jingzhou Liu, Kanika Narang, Zahra Shakeri, Karthik Abinav Sankararaman, Song Jiang, Madian Khabsa, Qifan Wang, Xia Hu
On the Equivalence of Graph Convolution and Mixup
Accepted by TMLR
cs.LG cs.AI
This paper investigates the relationship between graph convolution and Mixup techniques. Graph convolution in a graph neural network involves aggregating features from neighboring samples to learn representative features for a specific node or sample. On the other hand, Mixup is a data augmentation technique that generates new examples by averaging features and one-hot labels from multiple samples. One commonality between these techniques is their utilization of information from multiple samples to derive feature representation. This study aims to explore whether a connection exists between these two approaches. Our investigation reveals that, under two mild conditions, graph convolution can be viewed as a specialized form of Mixup that is applied during both the training and testing phases. The two conditions are: 1) \textit{Homophily Relabel} - assigning the target node's label to all its neighbors, and 2) \textit{Test-Time Mixup} - Mixup the feature during the test time. We establish this equivalence mathematically by demonstrating that graph convolution networks (GCN) and simplified graph convolution (SGC) can be expressed as a form of Mixup. We also empirically verify the equivalence by training an MLP using the two conditions to achieve comparable performance.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 29 Sep 2023 23:09:54 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 03:26:07 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Han", "Xiaotian", "" ], [ "Zeng", "Hanqing", "" ], [ "Chen", "Yu", "" ], [ "Nie", "Shaoliang", "" ], [ "Liu", "Jingzhou", "" ], [ "Narang", "Kanika", "" ], [ "Shakeri", "Zahra", "" ], [ "Sankararaman", "Karthik Abinav", "" ], [ "Jiang", "Song", "" ], [ "Khabsa", "Madian", "" ], [ "Wang", "Qifan", "" ], [ "Hu", "Xia", "" ] ]
Christian Alexander Scholbeck
Holger L\"owe, Christian A. Scholbeck, Christian Heumann, Bernd Bischl, Giuseppe Casalicchio
fmeffects: An R Package for Forward Marginal Effects
cs.LG econ.EM stat.ML
Forward marginal effects have recently been introduced as a versatile and effective model-agnostic interpretation method particularly suited for non-linear and non-parametric prediction models. They provide comprehensible model explanations of the form: if we change feature values by a pre-specified step size, what is the change in the predicted outcome? We present the R package fmeffects, the first software implementation of the theory surrounding forward marginal effects. The relevant theoretical background, package functionality and handling, as well as the software design and options for future extensions are discussed in this paper.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 3 Oct 2023 12:24:51 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 05:10:55 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Löwe", "Holger", "" ], [ "Scholbeck", "Christian A.", "" ], [ "Heumann", "Christian", "" ], [ "Bischl", "Bernd", "" ], [ "Casalicchio", "Giuseppe", "" ] ]
Son Nguyen
Son Nguyen, Adam Wang and Albert Montillo
Fairness-enhancing mixed effects deep learning improves fairness on in- and out-of-distribution clustered (non-iid) data
Traditional deep learning (DL) models face two key challenges. First, they assume training samples are independent and identically distributed, an assumption often violated in real-world datasets where samples are grouped by shared measurements (e.g., participants or cells). This leads to performance degradation, limited generalization, and confounding issues, causing Type 1 and Type 2 errors. Second, DL models typically prioritize overall accuracy, often overlooking fairness across underrepresented groups, leading to biased outcomes in critical areas such as loan approvals and healthcare decisions. To address these issues, we introduce the Fair Mixed Effects Deep Learning (Fair MEDL) framework. Fair MEDL quantifies cluster-invariant fixed effects (FE) and cluster-specific random effects (RE) through 1) a cluster adversary for learning invariant FE, 2) a Bayesian neural network for RE, and 3) a mixing function combining FE and RE for final predictions. Additionally, we incorporate adversarial debiasing to promote fairness across three key metrics: Equalized Odds, Demographic Parity, and Counterfactual Fairness. Our method also identifies and de-weights confounding probes, improving interpretability. Evaluated on three datasets from finance and healthcare, Fair MEDL improves fairness by up to 73% for age, 47% for race, 83% for sex, and 26% for marital status, while maintaining robust predictive performance. Our implementation is publicly available on GitHub.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 4 Oct 2023 20:18:45 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 00:24:19 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Nguyen", "Son", "" ], [ "Wang", "Adam", "" ], [ "Montillo", "Albert", "" ] ]
Alex Matzkin
J. Allam and A. Matzkin
Making sense of relativistic Wigner friend scenarios: a problem for unitary accounts of quantum measurements ?
An extended version of this preprint was published in Metrology 4, 364 (2024) under the title "Are Unitary Accounts of Quantum Measurements in Relativistic Wigner Friend Setups Compatible in Different Reference Frames?" (please refer to the online open access published version)
Wigner-friend scenarios -- in which external agents describe a closed laboratory containing a friend making a measurement -- highlight the difficulties inherent to quantum theory when accounting for measurements. In non-relativistic scenarios, the difficulty is to accommodate unitary evolution for a closed system with a definite outcome obtained by the friend. In relativistic scenarios the tensions between quantum theory and relativity induce additional constraints. A generic property of relativistic scenarios is the frame-dependence of state update upon a measurement. Based on a definite example, we will show that this property leads to inconsistent accounts for outcomes obtained in different reference frames. We will further argue that these results point to some fundamental inadequacy when attempting to model actions taken by a complex agent as unitary operations made on simple wavefunctions.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 6 Oct 2023 11:32:03 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Fri, 8 Mar 2024 17:41:30 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 12:37:23 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Allam", "J.", "" ], [ "Matzkin", "A.", "" ] ]
Yang Li
Cheng Zhong, Zhifu Jiang, Xiangyu Zhang, Jikai Chen, Yang Li
Secondary frequency control of islanded microgrid considering wind and solar stochastics
Accepted by Acta energiae solaris sinica [In Chinese]
Acta Energiae Solaris Sinica 45 (2024) 523-533
eess.SY cs.SY
This paper proposed a model predictive control (MPC) secondary frequency control method considering wind and solar power generation stochastics. The extended state-space matrix including unknown stochastic power disturbance is established, and a Kalman filter is used to observe the unknown disturbance. The maximum available power of wind and solar DGs is estimated for establishing real-time variable constraints that prevent DGs output power from exceeding the limits. Through setting proper weight coefficients, wind and photovoltaic DGs are given priority to participate in secondary frequency control. The distributed restorative power of each DG is obtained by solving the quadratic programming (QP) optimal problem with variable constraints. Finally, a microgrid simulation model including multiple PV and wind DGs is built and performed in various scenarios compared to the traditional secondary frequency control method. The simulation results validated that the proposed method can enhance the frequency recovery speed and reduce the frequency deviation, especially in severe photovoltaic and wind fluctuations scenarios.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 8 Oct 2023 02:39:20 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 09:18:43 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Zhong", "Cheng", "" ], [ "Jiang", "Zhifu", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Xiangyu", "" ], [ "Chen", "Jikai", "" ], [ "Li", "Yang", "" ] ]
Akira Yoshida
Akira Yoshida, Naoko Nakagawa, Shin-ichi Sasa
Heat-induced liquid hovering in liquid-gas coexistence under gravity
5 pages + supplementary material
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 117101 (2024)
cond-mat.stat-mech cond-mat.soft
We study a liquid-gas coexistence system in a container under gravity with heat flow in the direction opposite to gravity. By molecular dynamics simulation, we find that the liquid buoys up and continues to float steadily. The height at which the liquid floats is determined by a dimensionless parameter related to the ratio of the temperature gradient to gravity. We confirm that supercooled gas remains stable above the liquid. We provide a phenomenological argument for explaining the phenomenon from a simple thermodynamic assumption.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 9 Oct 2023 16:00:44 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 4 Jan 2024 07:01:56 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 12:54:38 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Yoshida", "Akira", "" ], [ "Nakagawa", "Naoko", "" ], [ "Sasa", "Shin-ichi", "" ] ]
Aristotelis Papatheodorou
Aristotelis Papatheodorou, Wolfgang Merkt, Alexander L. Mitchell and Ioannis Havoutis
Momentum-Aware Trajectory Optimisation using Full-Centroidal Dynamics and Implicit Inverse Kinematics
The current state-of-the-art gradient-based optimisation frameworks are able to produce impressive dynamic manoeuvres such as linear and rotational jumps. However, these methods, which optimise over the full rigid-body dynamics of the robot, often require precise foothold locations apriori, while real-time performance is not guaranteed without elaborate regularisation and tuning of the cost function. In contrast, we investigate the advantages of a task-space optimisation framework, with special focus on acrobatic motions. Our proposed formulation exploits the system's high-order nonlinearities, such as the nonholonomy of the angular momentum, in order to produce feasible, high-acceleration manoeuvres. By leveraging the full-centroidal dynamics of the quadruped ANYmal C and directly optimising its footholds and contact forces, the framework is capable of producing efficient motion plans with low computational overhead. Finally, we deploy our proposed framework on the ANYmal C platform, and demonstrate its true capabilities through real-world experiments, with the successful execution of high-acceleration motions, such as linear and rotational jumps. Extensive analysis of these shows that the robot's dynamics can be exploited to surpass its hardware limitations of having a high mass and low-torque limits.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 9 Oct 2023 18:30:36 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Fri, 15 Mar 2024 22:48:02 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 11:43:07 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Papatheodorou", "Aristotelis", "" ], [ "Merkt", "Wolfgang", "" ], [ "Mitchell", "Alexander L.", "" ], [ "Havoutis", "Ioannis", "" ] ]
Michael Wemyss
Gavin Brown and Michael Wemyss
Derived deformation theory of crepant curves
30 pages. Some typos corrected. Final version, to appear J. Topology
math.AG hep-th math.RT
This paper determines the full derived deformation theory of certain smooth rational curves C in Calabi-Yau 3-folds, by determining all higher A_\infty-products in its controlling DG-algebra. This geometric setup includes very general cases where C does not contract, cases where the curve neighbourhood is not rational, all known simple smooth 3-fold flops, and all known divisorial contractions to curves. As a corollary, it is shown that the noncommutative deformation theory of C can be described as a superpotential algebra derived from what we call free necklace polynomials, which are elements in the free algebra obtained via a closed formula from combinatorial gluing data. The description of these polynomials, together with the above results, establishes a suitably interpreted string theory prediction due to Ferrari, Aspinwall-Katz and Curto-Morrison. Perhaps most significantly, the main results give both the language and evidence to finally formulate new contractibility conjectures for rational curves in CY 3-folds, which lift Artin's celebrated results from surfaces.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 9 Oct 2023 20:25:24 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 11:26:25 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Brown", "Gavin", "" ], [ "Wemyss", "Michael", "" ] ]
Xueqi Yang
Xueqi Yang, Mariusz Jakubowski, Li Kang, Haojie Yu and Tim Menzies
SparseCoder: Advancing Source Code Analysis with Sparse Attention and Learned Token Pruning
34 pages, 9 figures, pre-print
As software projects rapidly evolve, software artifacts become more complex and defects behind get harder to identify. The emerging Transformer-based approaches, though achieving remarkable performance, struggle with long code sequences due to their self-attention mechanism, which scales quadratically with the sequence length. This paper introduces SparseCoder, an innovative approach incorporating sparse attention and learned token pruning (LTP) method (adapted from natural language processing) to address this limitation. Compared to previous state-of-the-art models CodeBERT, RoBERTa, and CodeT5, our experiments demonstrate that SparseCoder can handle significantly longer input sequences--at least twice as long, within the limits of our hardware resources and data statistics. Additionally, SparseCoder is four times faster than other methods measured in runtime, achieving a 50% reduction in floating point operations per second (FLOPs) with a negligible performance drop of less than 1% compared to Transformers using sparse attention (Sparse Atten). Plotting FLOPs of model inference against token lengths reveals that SparseCoder scales linearly, whereas other methods, including the current state-of-the-art model CodeT5, scale quadratically. Moreover, SparseCoder enhances interpretability by visualizing non-trivial tokens layer-wise.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 11 Oct 2023 01:11:30 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 11 Sep 2024 23:15:44 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Yang", "Xueqi", "" ], [ "Jakubowski", "Mariusz", "" ], [ "Kang", "Li", "" ], [ "Yu", "Haojie", "" ], [ "Menzies", "Tim", "" ] ]
Alexandros Hollender
Alexandros Hollender, Manolis Zampetakis
The Computational Complexity of Finding Stationary Points in Non-Convex Optimization
Journal version
math.OC cs.CC cs.LG stat.ML
Finding approximate stationary points, i.e., points where the gradient is approximately zero, of non-convex but smooth objective functions $f$ over unrestricted $d$-dimensional domains is one of the most fundamental problems in classical non-convex optimization. Nevertheless, the computational and query complexity of this problem are still not well understood when the dimension $d$ of the problem is independent of the approximation error. In this paper, we show the following computational and query complexity results: 1. The problem of finding approximate stationary points over unrestricted domains is PLS-complete. 2. For $d = 2$, we provide a zero-order algorithm for finding $\varepsilon$-approximate stationary points that requires at most $O(1/\varepsilon)$ value queries to the objective function. 3. We show that any algorithm needs at least $\Omega(1/\varepsilon)$ queries to the objective function and/or its gradient to find $\varepsilon$-approximate stationary points when $d=2$. Combined with the above, this characterizes the query complexity of this problem to be $\Theta(1/\varepsilon)$. 4. For $d = 2$, we provide a zero-order algorithm for finding $\varepsilon$-KKT points in constrained optimization problems that requires at most $O(1/\sqrt{\varepsilon})$ value queries to the objective function. This closes the gap between the works of Bubeck and Mikulincer [2020] and Vavasis [1993] and characterizes the query complexity of this problem to be $\Theta(1/\sqrt{\varepsilon})$. 5. Combining our results with the recent result of Fearnley et al. [2022], we show that finding approximate KKT points in constrained optimization is reducible to finding approximate stationary points in unconstrained optimization but the converse is impossible.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 13 Oct 2023 14:52:46 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 11 Sep 2024 18:24:25 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Hollender", "Alexandros", "" ], [ "Zampetakis", "Manolis", "" ] ]
Akaki Tsunoda
Akaki Tsunoda
Investigating Threats Posed by SMS Origin Spoofing to IoT Devices
The short message service (SMS) is a service for exchanging texts via mobile networks that has been developed not only as a means of text communication between subscribers but also as a means to remotely manage Internet of Things (IoT) devices. However, the originating number of an SMS can be spoofed. If IoT devices authenticate administrators based on the originating number of an SMS, the authentication is bypassed via SMS origin spoofing. Consequently, IoT devices are at risk of accepting commands from attackers and performing unauthorized actions. Accordingly, in this study, the specifications of major cellular IoT gateways were evaluated by focusing on remote management via SMS, and the authentication bypass hypothesis was verified. The results showed that 25 of the 32 targeted products supported SMS-based remote management, and 20 implemented authentication based on the originating number of the SMS. Furthermore, by spoofing the originating number of the SMS, one product was demonstrated to be remotely exploitable through authentication bypassing. Thus, this study revealed the threats posed by SMS origin spoofing to IoT devices and proved that SMS origin spoofing not only threatens text communication between people but also puts machine communication at risk.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 17 Oct 2023 07:41:04 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 2 May 2024 23:48:50 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 07:11:35 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Tsunoda", "Akaki", "" ] ]
Willem van den Boom
Maria De Iorio, Willem van den Boom, Alexandros Beskos, Ajay Jasra, Andrea Cremaschi
Graph of Graphs: From Nodes to Supernodes in Graphical Models
76 pages, 16 figures
High-dimensional data analysis typically focuses on low-dimensional structure, often to aid interpretation and computational efficiency. Graphical models provide a powerful methodology for learning the conditional independence structure in multivariate data by representing variables as nodes and dependencies as edges. Inference is often focused on individual edges in the latent graph. Nonetheless, there is increasing interest in determining more complex structures, such as communities of nodes, for multiple reasons, including more effective information retrieval and better interpretability. In this work, we propose a hierarchical graphical model where we first cluster nodes and then, at the higher level, investigate the relationships among groups of nodes. Specifically, nodes are partitioned into supernodes with a data-coherent size-biased tessellation prior which combines ideas from Bayesian nonparametrics and Voronoi tessellations. This construct also allows accounting for the dependence of nodes within supernodes. At the higher level, dependence structure among supernodes is modeled through a Gaussian graphical model, where the focus of inference is on superedges. We provide theoretical justification for our modeling choices. We design tailored Markov chain Monte Carlo schemes, which also enable parallel computations. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach for large-scale structure learning in simulations and a transcriptomics application.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 18 Oct 2023 06:54:20 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 07:53:17 GMT" } ]
[ [ "De Iorio", "Maria", "" ], [ "Boom", "Willem van den", "" ], [ "Beskos", "Alexandros", "" ], [ "Jasra", "Ajay", "" ], [ "Cremaschi", "Andrea", "" ] ]
Felix Ali Mehmeti
Felix Ali Mehmeti, Ka\"is Ammari, Serge Nicaise
Dispersive effects for the Schr\"odinger equation on finite metric graphs with infinite ends
34 pages, 6 figures, 29 references; major revisions with respect to the first version of october 2023
We study the free Schr\"odinger equation on finite metric graphs with infinite ends. We give sufficient conditions to obtain the $L^1$ to $L^\infty$ time decay rate at least $t^{-1/2}$. These conditions allow certain metric graphs with circles and/or with commensurable lengths of the bounded edges. Further we study the dynamics of the probability flow between the bounded sub-graph and the unbounded ends.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 25 Oct 2023 13:27:52 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 13:04:28 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Mehmeti", "Felix Ali", "" ], [ "Ammari", "Kaïs", "" ], [ "Nicaise", "Serge", "" ] ]
Zixian Wang
Zixian Wang (Purmortal), Michael R. Hayden, Sanjib Sharma, Jesse van de Sande, Joss Bland-Hawthorn, Sam Vaughan, Marie Martig, Francesca Pinna
Validating full-spectrum fitting with a synthetic integral-field spectroscopic observation of the Milky Way
30 pages, 30 figures, accepted by MNRAS. GalCraft available via
astro-ph.GA astro-ph.IM
Ongoing deep IFS observations of disk galaxies provide opportunities for comparison with the Milky Way (MW) to understand galaxy evolution. However, such comparisons are marred by many challenges such as selection effects, differences in observations and methodology, and proper validation of full-spectrum fitting methods. In this study, we present a novel code GalCraft to address these challenges by generating mock IFS data cubes of the MW using simple stellar population models and a mock MW stellar catalog derived from E-Galaxia. We use the widely adopted full-spectrum fitting code pPXF to investigate the ability to recover kinematics and stellar populations for an edge-on mock MW IFS observation. We confirm that differences in kinematics, mean age, [M/H], and [$\alpha$/Fe] between thin and thick disks can be distinguished. However, the age distribution is overestimated in the ranges between 2 - 4 and 12 - 14 Gyr compared to the expected values. This is likely due to the age spacing and degeneracy of SSP templates. We find systematic offsets in the recovered kinematics due to insufficient spectral resolution and the variation of line-of-sight velocity distribution with age and [M/H]. With future higher resolution and multi-[$\alpha$/Fe] SSP templates, GalCraft will be useful to validate key signatures such as [$\alpha$/Fe]-[M/H] distribution at different $R$ and $|z|$ and potentially infer radial migration and kinematic heating efficiency to study detailed chemodynamical evolution of MW-like galaxies.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 27 Oct 2023 16:44:46 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 17:38:03 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Wang", "Zixian", "", "Purmortal" ], [ "Hayden", "Michael R.", "" ], [ "Sharma", "Sanjib", "" ], [ "van de Sande", "Jesse", "" ], [ "Bland-Hawthorn", "Joss", "" ], [ "Vaughan", "Sam", "" ], [ "Martig", "Marie", "" ], [ "Pinna", "Francesca", "" ] ]
Logan Ward
Logan Ward, Ben Blaiszik, Cheng-Wei Lee, Troy Martin, Ian Foster, Andr\'e Schleife
Accelerating Electronic Stopping Power Predictions by 10 Million Times with a Combination of Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory and Machine Learning
cond-mat.mtrl-sci cs.LG
Knowing the rate at which particle radiation releases energy in a material, the stopping power, is key to designing nuclear reactors, medical treatments, semiconductor and quantum materials, and many other technologies. While the nuclear contribution to stopping power, i.e., elastic scattering between atoms, is well understood in the literature, the route for gathering data on the electronic contribution has for decades remained costly and reliant on many simplifying assumptions, including that materials are isotropic. We establish a method that combines time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) and machine learning to reduce the time to assess new materials to mere hours on a supercomputer and provides valuable data on how atomic details influence electronic stopping. Our approach uses TDDFT to compute the electronic stopping contributions to stopping power from first principles in several directions and then machine learning to interpolate to other directions at a cost of 10 million times fewer core-hours. We demonstrate the combined approach in a study of proton irradiation in aluminum and employ it to predict how the depth of maximum energy deposition, the "Bragg Peak," varies depending on incident angle -- a quantity otherwise inaccessible to modelers. The lack of any experimental information requirement makes our method applicable to most materials, and its speed makes it a prime candidate for enabling quantum-to-continuum models of radiation damage. The prospect of reusing valuable TDDFT data for training the model make our approach appealing for applications in the age of materials data science.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 1 Nov 2023 19:11:46 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 25 Jun 2024 13:09:23 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ward", "Logan", "" ], [ "Blaiszik", "Ben", "" ], [ "Lee", "Cheng-Wei", "" ], [ "Martin", "Troy", "" ], [ "Foster", "Ian", "" ], [ "Schleife", "André", "" ] ]
Amit Kumar Chatterjee
Amit Kumar Chatterjee, Satoshi Takada, Hisao Hayakawa
Multiple quantum Mpemba effect: exceptional points and oscillations
24 pages, 18 figures, revised version
Phys. Rev. A 110, 022213 (2024)
quant-ph cond-mat.stat-mech
We explore the role of exceptional points and complex eigenvalues on the occurrence of the quantum Mpemba effect. To this end, we study a two-level driven dissipative system subjected to an oscillatory electric field and dissipative coupling with the environment. We find that both exceptional points and complex eigenvalues can lead to $multiple$ quantum Mpemba effect. It occurs in an observable when time evolved copies corresponding to two different initial conditions, one initially having higher observable value compared to the other and both relaxing towards the same steady state, intersect each other more than once during their relaxation process. Each of the intersections denotes a quantum Mpemba effect and marks the reversal of identities between the two copies i.e. the copy with higher observable value before the intersection becomes the lower valued copy (and vice versa) after the intersection. Such multiple intersections originate from additional algebraic time dependence at the exceptional points and due to oscillatory relaxation in the case of complex eigenvalues. We provide analytical results for quantum Mpemba effect in the density matrix in presence of coherence. Depending on the control parameters (drive and dissipation), observables such as energy, von Neumann entropy, temperature etc. exhibit either single or multiple quantum Mpemba effect. However, the distance from steady state measured in terms of the Kullback-Leibler divergence shows only single quantum Mpemba effect although the corresponding speed gives rise to either single or multiple quantum Mpemba effect.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 2 Nov 2023 15:57:11 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 27 Nov 2023 08:10:53 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Sun, 23 Jun 2024 19:01:00 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Chatterjee", "Amit Kumar", "" ], [ "Takada", "Satoshi", "" ], [ "Hayakawa", "Hisao", "" ] ]
Abderrahim Oussama Batouche Mr
Abderrahim Oussama Batouche, Eugen Czeizler, Miika Koskinen, Tuomas Mirtti and Antti Sakari Rannikko
Synergizing Data Imputation and Electronic Health Records for Advancing Prostate Cancer Research: Challenges, and Practical Applications
cs.IR cs.DB
The presence of detailed clinical information in electronic health record (EHR) systems presents promising prospects for enhancing patient care through automated retrieval techniques. Nevertheless, it is widely acknowledged that accessing data within EHRs is hindered by various methodological challenges. Specifically, the clinical notes stored in EHRs are composed in a narrative form, making them prone to ambiguous formulations and highly unstructured data presentations, while structured reports commonly suffer from missing and/or erroneous data entries. This inherent complexity poses significant challenges when attempting automated large-scale medical knowledge extraction tasks, necessitating the application of advanced tools, such as natural language processing (NLP), as well as data audit techniques. This work aims to address these obstacles by creating and validating a novel pipeline designed to extract relevant data pertaining to prostate cancer patients. The objective is to exploit the inherent redundancies available within the integrated structured and unstructured data entries within EHRs in order to generate comprehensive and reliable medical databases, ready to be used in advanced research studies. Additionally, the study explores potential opportunities arising from these data, offering valuable prospects for advancing research in prostate cancer.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 24 Oct 2023 08:12:22 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Batouche", "Abderrahim Oussama", "" ], [ "Czeizler", "Eugen", "" ], [ "Koskinen", "Miika", "" ], [ "Mirtti", "Tuomas", "" ], [ "Rannikko", "Antti Sakari", "" ] ]
Tamas Hausel
Tam\'as Hausel
Commutative avatars of representations of semisimple Lie groups
original title "Big algebras" changed to match published version; 4.2 is replaced for visualisations and clarifications; 15 pages, 9 figures
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 121 (38), 2024
math.RT math.AG
Here we announce the construction and properties of a big commutative subalgebra of the Kirillov algebra, called big algebra, attached to a finite dimensional irreducible representation of a complex semisimple Lie group. They are commutative finite flat algebras over the cohomology of the classifying space of the group. They are isomorphic with the equivariant intersection cohomology of affine Schubert varieties, endowing them with a new ring structure. Study of the finer aspects of the structure of the big algebras will also furnish the stalks of the intersection cohomology with ring structure, thus ringifying Lusztig's q-weight multiplicity polynomials i.e. affine Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 5 Nov 2023 17:05:13 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 09:32:36 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Hausel", "Tamás", "" ] ]
Sopheak Sorn
Sopheak Sorn, Adarsh S. Patri
Signatures of hidden octupolar order from nonlinear Hall effects
5+5 pages, 4+5 figures; the two authors contributed equally to this work; v2: published in Phys. Rev. B
Phys. Rev. B 110, 125127 (2024)
cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.str-el
Detecting symmetry-breaking hidden orders with conventional probes has been a long-standing challenge in the field of magnetism. Higher-rank multipolar ordering $-$ anisotropic charge and magnetization distributions arising from a combination of spin-orbit coupling and crystalline environments $-$ is a quintessential example of such hidden orders, where new protocols of direct detection remain highly desirable. In this work, we propose non-linear Hall effects as a novel probe for multipolar ordering in metallic systems. Taking inspiration from the family of Pr-based heavy-fermion compounds, Pr(Ti,V)$_2$Al$_{20}$, we formulate a minimal cubic-lattice model of conduction electrons coupled to a ferro-octupolar order parameter. The time-reversal-breaking order leads to a band structure that supports strong quadrupolar moments of the Berry curvature (BC). Using a semi-classical Boltzmann formalism in conjunction with a symmetry analysis, we demonstrate that the BC quadrupoles produce a third harmonic generation of the Hall voltage $[V_H(3 \omega)]$ measurable in an AC Hall experiment. Properties of the Hall response such as its anisotropy, its dissipationlessness, and its dependence on the order parameter are also examined. Our work encourages a new realm of investigation of multipolar ordering from non-linear transport experiments.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 6 Nov 2023 19:00:01 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 05:39:01 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Sorn", "Sopheak", "" ], [ "Patri", "Adarsh S.", "" ] ]
Moshe Eliasof
Moshe Eliasof, Davide Murari, Ferdia Sherry, Carola-Bibiane Sch\"onlieb
Resilient Graph Neural Networks: A Coupled Dynamical Systems Approach
ECAI 2024
cs.LG cs.CR
Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have established themselves as a key component in addressing diverse graph-based tasks. Despite their notable successes, GNNs remain susceptible to input perturbations in the form of adversarial attacks. This paper introduces an innovative approach to fortify GNNs against adversarial perturbations through the lens of coupled dynamical systems. Our method introduces graph neural layers based on differential equations with contractive properties, which, as we show, improve the robustness of GNNs. A distinctive feature of the proposed approach is the simultaneous learned evolution of both the node features and the adjacency matrix, yielding an intrinsic enhancement of model robustness to perturbations in the input features and the connectivity of the graph. We mathematically derive the underpinnings of our novel architecture and provide theoretical insights to reason about its expected behavior. We demonstrate the efficacy of our method through numerous real-world benchmarks, reading on par or improved performance compared to existing methods.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 12 Nov 2023 20:06:48 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 20 Jun 2024 10:26:56 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Wed, 11 Sep 2024 19:18:02 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Eliasof", "Moshe", "" ], [ "Murari", "Davide", "" ], [ "Sherry", "Ferdia", "" ], [ "Schönlieb", "Carola-Bibiane", "" ] ]
Miguel A. Bermejo-Agueda
Miguel A. Bermejo-Agueda (1 and 2), Patricia Callejo (1 and 2), Rub\'en Cuevas (1 and 2), \'Angel Cuevas (1 and 2) ((1) Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, (2) uc3m-Santander Big Data Institute)
adF: A Novel System for Measuring Web Fingerprinting through Ads
20 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables; added keywords
cs.CR cs.CY
This paper introduces adF, a novel system for analyzing the vulnerability of different devices, Operating Systems (OSes), and browsers to web fingerprinting. adF performs its measurements from code inserted in ads. We have used our system in several ad campaigns that delivered 5.40 million ad impressions. The collected data allow us to assess the vulnerability of current desktop and mobile devices to web fingerprinting. Based on our results, we estimate that 66% of desktop devices and 40% of mobile devices can be uniquely fingerprinted with our web fingerprinting system. However, the resilience to web fingerprinting varies significantly across browsers and device types, with Chrome on desktops being the most vulnerable configuration. To counter web fingerprinting, we propose ShieldF, a simple solution which blocks the reporting by browsers of those attributes that we found in the analysis of our dataset that present the most significant discrimination power. Our experiments reveal that ShieldF outperforms all anti-fingerprinting solutions proposed by major browsers (Chrome, Safari and Firefox) offering an increase in the resilience offered to web fingerprinting up to 62% for some device configurations. ShieldF is available as an add-on for any chromium-based browser. Moreover, it is readily adoptable by browser and mobile app developers. Its widespread use would lead to a significant improvement in the protection offered by browsers and mobile apps to web fingerprinting.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 15 Nov 2023 08:30:50 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 10:21:28 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Bermejo-Agueda", "Miguel A.", "", "1 and 2" ], [ "Callejo", "Patricia", "", "1 and 2" ], [ "Cuevas", "Rubén", "", "1 and 2" ], [ "Cuevas", "Ángel", "", "1 and 2" ] ]
Zejun Liu
Zejun Liu, Bryan K. Clark
Unifying view of fermionic neural network quantum states: From neural network backflow to hidden fermion determinant states
19 pages, 11 figures
cond-mat.dis-nn quant-ph
Among the variational wave functions for Fermionic Hamiltonians, neural network backflow (NNBF) and hidden fermion determinant states (HFDS) are two prominent classes to provide accurate approximations to the ground state. Here we develop a unifying view of fermionic neural quantum states casting them all in the framework of NNBF. NNBF wave-functions have configuration-dependent single-particle orbitals (SPO) which are parameterized by a neural network. We show that HFDS with $r$ hidden fermions can be written as a NNBF with an $r \times r$ determinant Jastrow and a restricted low-rank $r$ additive correction to the SPO. Furthermore, we show that in NNBF wave-functions, such determinant Jastrow's can generically be removed at the cost of further complicating the additive SPO correction increasing its rank by $r$. We numerically and analytically compare additive SPO corrections generated by the product of two matrices with inner dimension $r$. We find that larger $r$ wave-functions span a larger space and give evidence that simpler and more direct updates to the SPO's tend to be more expressive and better energetically. These suggest the standard NNBF approach is preferred amongst other related choices. Finally, we uncover that the row-selection used to select single-particle orbitals allows significant sign and amplitude modulation between nearby configurations and is partially responsible for the quality of NNBF and HFDS wave-functions.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 15 Nov 2023 23:39:25 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 4 Sep 2024 16:04:20 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Tue, 10 Sep 2024 17:43:18 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Liu", "Zejun", "" ], [ "Clark", "Bryan K.", "" ] ]
Oleksii Matsedonskyi
Oleksii Matsedonskyi
Hierarchies from Landscape Probability Gradients and Critical Boundaries
38 pages, 9 figures. Published version, with several clarifications added
JHEP 08 (2024), 170
TUM-HEP 1482/23
If the gradient of a probability distribution on a landscape of vacua aligns with the variation of some fundamental parameter, the parameter may be likely to take some non-generic value. Such non-generic values can be associated to critical boundaries, where qualitative changes of the landscape properties happen, or an anthropic bound is located. Assuming the standard volume-weighted and the local probability measures, we discuss ordered landscapes which can produce several types of the aligned probability gradients. The resulting values of the gradients are defined by the "closeness" of a given vacuum to the highest- or the lowest-energy vacuum. Using these ingredients we construct a landscape scanning independently the Higgs mass and the cosmological constant (CC). The probability gradient pushes the Higgs mass to its observed value, where a structural change of the landscape takes place, while the CC is chosen anthropically.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 16 Nov 2023 19:00:02 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 11:24:32 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Matsedonskyi", "Oleksii", "" ] ]
Lorenzo Italiano Dr.
Lorenzo Italiano, Bernardo Camajori Tedeschini, Mattia Brambilla, Huiping Huang, Monica Nicoli, Henk Wymeersch
A Tutorial on 5G Positioning
This work has been accepted in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 2024
The widespread adoption of the fifth generation (5G) of cellular networks has brought new opportunities for the development of localization-based services. High-accuracy positioning use cases and functionalities defined by the standards are drawing the interest of vertical industries. In the transition towards the deployment, this paper aims to provide an in-depth tutorial on 5G positioning, summarizing the evolutionary path that led to the standardization of cellular-based positioning, describing the localization elements in current and forthcoming releases of the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) standard, and the major research trends. By providing fundamental notions on wireless localization, comprehensive definitions of measurements and architectures, examples of algorithms, and details on simulation approaches, this paper is intended to represent an exhaustive guide for researchers and practitioners. Our approach aims to merge practical aspects of enabled use cases and related requirements with theoretical methodologies and fundamental bounds, allowing to understand the trade-off between system complexity and achievable, i.e., tangible, benefits of 5G positioning services. We analyze the performance of 3GPP Rel-16 positioning by standard-compliant simulations in realistic outdoor and indoor propagation environments, investigating the impact of the system configuration and the limitations to be resolved for delivering accurate positioning solutions.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 17 Nov 2023 14:34:45 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 27 Mar 2024 09:36:19 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 15:43:59 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Italiano", "Lorenzo", "" ], [ "Tedeschini", "Bernardo Camajori", "" ], [ "Brambilla", "Mattia", "" ], [ "Huang", "Huiping", "" ], [ "Nicoli", "Monica", "" ], [ "Wymeersch", "Henk", "" ] ]
Kazuto Takahashi
Kazuto Takahashi, Hayato Motohashi
Iterative extraction of overtones from black hole ringdown
46 pages, 47 figures; v2 matches published version
Class. Quantum Grav. 41 (2024) 195023
gr-qc astro-ph.HE
Extraction of multiple quasinormal modes from ringdown gravitational waves emitted from a binary black hole coalescence is a touchstone to test whether a remnant black hole is described by the Kerr spacetime in general relativity. However, it is not straightforward to check the consistency between the ringdown signal and the quasinormal mode frequencies predicted by the linear perturbation theory. While the longest-lived mode can be extracted in a stable manner, the higher overtones damp more quickly and hence the fitting of overtones tends to end up with the overfit. To improve the extraction of overtones, we propose an iterative procedure consisting of fitting and subtraction of the longest-lived mode of the ringdown waveform in the time domain. Through the analyses of the mock waveform and numerical relativity waveform, we clarify that the iterative procedure allows us to extract the overtones in a more stable manner.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 21 Nov 2023 18:16:56 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 04:38:26 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Takahashi", "Kazuto", "" ], [ "Motohashi", "Hayato", "" ] ]
Zhe Zhang
Zhe Zhang, Gaochang Wu, Jing Zhang, Xiatian Zhu, Dacheng Tao, Tianyou Chai
Unified Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation
17 pages,11 figures, 11 tables, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
cs.CV cs.AI eess.IV
Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation (UDA-SS) aims to transfer the supervision from a labeled source domain to an unlabeled target domain. The majority of existing UDA-SS works typically consider images whilst recent attempts have extended further to tackle videos by modeling the temporal dimension. Although the two lines of research share the major challenges -- overcoming the underlying domain distribution shift, their studies are largely independent, resulting in fragmented insights, a lack of holistic understanding, and missed opportunities for cross-pollination of ideas. This fragmentation prevents the unification of methods, leading to redundant efforts and suboptimal knowledge transfer across image and video domains. Under this observation, we advocate unifying the study of UDA-SS across video and image scenarios, enabling a more comprehensive understanding, synergistic advancements, and efficient knowledge sharing. To that end, we explore the unified UDA-SS from a general data augmentation perspective, serving as a unifying conceptual framework, enabling improved generalization, and potential for cross-pollination of ideas, ultimately contributing to the overall progress and practical impact of this field of research. Specifically, we propose a Quad-directional Mixup (QuadMix) method, characterized by tackling distinct point attributes and feature inconsistencies through four-directional paths for intra- and inter-domain mixing in a feature space. To deal with temporal shifts with videos, we incorporate optical flow-guided feature aggregation across spatial and temporal dimensions for fine-grained domain alignment. Extensive experiments show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art works by large margins on four challenging UDA-SS benchmarks. Our source code and models will be released at \url{}.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 22 Nov 2023 09:18:49 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 20 Aug 2024 17:53:39 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 15:16:24 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Zhang", "Zhe", "" ], [ "Wu", "Gaochang", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Jing", "" ], [ "Zhu", "Xiatian", "" ], [ "Tao", "Dacheng", "" ], [ "Chai", "Tianyou", "" ] ]
Masaki Hashimoto
Shuhei Ippa, Masaki Hashimoto
An Analysis of Socialbots Activity and Influence in Modern Japanese Social Media
IEEE Access (2024)
In recent years, the proliferation of disinformation has become an issue against the backdrop of the spread of social media. In this study, we focus on socialbots, one of the causes of this problem, and analyze several domestic cases to clarify the actual activities and influence of socialbots. As a result of this analysis, we found that the influence of socialbots is greater in Japan than in the U.S. presidential election of 2016, which is a representative case of socialbot influence, and that socialbots retweeted by humans are not significantly different from human accounts. In addition, socialbot accounts retweeted by humans are not significantly different from human accounts. This paper also discusses specific methods and perspectives for further analysis and research on the influence of socialbots.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 22 Nov 2023 11:55:25 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Sat, 30 Dec 2023 05:48:49 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Ippa", "Shuhei", "" ], [ "Hashimoto", "Masaki", "" ] ]
Takanori Adachi
Takanori Adachi
Hierarchical Structure of Uncertainty
34 pages
q-fin.MF math.PR
We introduce a new concept called uncertainty spaces which is an extended concept of probability spaces. Then, we express n-layer uncertainty which we call hierarchical uncertainty by a hierarchically constructed sequence of uncertainty spaces, called a U-sequence. We use U-sequences for providing examples that illustrate Ellsberg's paradox. We will use the category theory to get a bird's eye view of the hierarchical structure of uncertainty. We discuss maps between uncertainty spaces and maps between U-sequences, seeing that they form categories of uncertainty spaces and the category of U-sequences, respectively. We construct an endofunctor of the category of measurable spaces in order to embed a given U-sequence into it. Then, by the iterative application of the endofunctor, we construct the universal uncertainty space which may be able to serve as a basis for multi-layer uncertainty theory.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 23 Nov 2023 22:30:58 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 11 Dec 2023 15:19:08 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Mon, 15 Jan 2024 09:02:05 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 07:39:16 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Adachi", "Takanori", "" ] ]
Hanrui Wang
Hanrui Wang and Daniel Bochen Tan and Pengyu Liu and Yilian Liu and Jiaqi Gu and Jason Cong and Song Han
Q-Pilot: Field Programmable Qubit Array Compilation with Flying Ancillas
10 pages, 16 figures; Published as a conference paper at DAC 2024
quant-ph cs.AR cs.ET
Neutral atom arrays have become a promising platform for quantum computing, especially the field programmable qubit array (FPQA) endowed with the unique capability of atom movement. This feature allows dynamic alterations in qubit connectivity during runtime, which can reduce the cost of executing long-range gates and improve parallelism. However, this added flexibility introduces new challenges in circuit compilation. Inspired by the placement and routing strategies for FPGAs, we propose to map all data qubits to fixed atoms while utilizing movable atoms to route for 2-qubit gates between data qubits. Coined flying ancillas, these mobile atoms function as ancilla qubits, dynamically generated and recycled during execution. We present Q-Pilot, a scalable compiler for FPQA employing flying ancillas to maximize circuit parallelism. For two important quantum applications, quantum simulation and the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA), we devise domain-specific routing strategies. In comparison to alternative technologies such as superconducting devices or fixed atom arrays, Q-Pilot effectively harnesses the flexibility of FPQA, achieving reductions of 1.4x, 27.7x, and 6.3x in circuit depth for 100-qubit random, quantum simulation, and QAOA circuits, respectively.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 26 Nov 2023 03:11:44 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Mon, 6 May 2024 22:44:31 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Wed, 11 Sep 2024 22:01:05 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Wang", "Hanrui", "" ], [ "Tan", "Daniel Bochen", "" ], [ "Liu", "Pengyu", "" ], [ "Liu", "Yilian", "" ], [ "Gu", "Jiaqi", "" ], [ "Cong", "Jason", "" ], [ "Han", "Song", "" ] ]
Jihai Zhu
Jihai Zhu
Realizability of Heat Released in Nondeterministic Processes from a Fluctuation Theorem
A condition for realizability of heat released in nondeterministic processes is derived from a fluctuation theorem, and is demonstrated to be strictly stronger than another condition which is derived from the 2nd law of thermodynamics. With this condition for realizability, the (generalized) Zurek's bound can be straightforwardly obtained and applied to a wider range of systems.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Mon, 27 Nov 2023 19:19:31 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Fri, 1 Dec 2023 13:45:22 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Wed, 24 Apr 2024 15:19:02 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 17:56:15 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Zhu", "Jihai", "" ] ]
Louis Esperet
Oscar Defrain, Louis Esperet, Aur\'elie Lagoutte, Pat Morin, Jean-Florent Raymond
Local certification of geometric graph classes
36 pages, 16 figures; v4: version revised according to the reviewers comments
49th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2024)
cs.DM cs.CG cs.DC math.CO
The goal of local certification is to locally convince the vertices of a graph $G$ that $G$ satisfies a given property. A prover assigns short certificates to the vertices of the graph, then the vertices are allowed to check their certificates and the certificates of their neighbors, and based only on this local view, they must decide whether $G$ satisfies the given property. If the graph indeed satisfies the property, all vertices must accept the instance, and otherwise at least one vertex must reject the instance (for any possible assignment of certificates). The goal is to minimize the size of the certificates. In this paper we study the local certification of geometric and topological graph classes. While it is known that in $n$-vertex graphs, planarity can be certified locally with certificates of size $O(\log n)$, we show that several closely related graph classes require certificates of size $\Omega(n)$. This includes penny graphs, unit-distance graphs, (induced) subgraphs of the square grid, 1-planar graphs, and unit-square graphs. These bounds are tight up to a constant factor and give the first known examples of hereditary (and even monotone) graph classes for which the certificates must have linear size. For unit-disk graphs we obtain a lower bound of $\Omega(n^{1-\delta})$ for any $\delta>0$ on the size of the certificates, and an upper bound of $O(n \log n)$. The lower bounds are obtained by proving rigidity properties of the considered graphs, which might be of independent interest.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 28 Nov 2023 16:59:42 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 29 Nov 2023 16:58:31 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Tue, 7 May 2024 12:15:42 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Tue, 2 Jul 2024 15:47:23 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Defrain", "Oscar", "" ], [ "Esperet", "Louis", "" ], [ "Lagoutte", "Aurélie", "" ], [ "Morin", "Pat", "" ], [ "Raymond", "Jean-Florent", "" ] ]
Martin Bourne
Martin A. Bourne, Davide Fiacconi, Debora Sijacki, Joanna M. Piotrowska and Sophie Koudmani
Dynamics and spin alignment in massive, gravito-turbulent circumbinary discs around supermassive black hole binaries
30 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS
astro-ph.HE astro-ph.GA
Parsec-scale separation supermassive black hole binaries in the centre of gas-rich galaxy merger remnants could be surrounded by massive circumbinary discs (CBDs). Black hole mass and spin evolution during the gas-rich binary inspiral are crucial in determining the direction and power of relativistic jets that radio observations with LOFAR and SKAO will probe, and for predicting gravitational wave (GW) emission that IPTA and LISA will measure. We present 3D hydrodynamic simulations capturing gas-rich, self-gravitating CBDs around a $2\times 10^6$ M$_{\odot}$ supermassive black hole binary, that probe different mass ratios, eccentricities and inclinations. We employ a sub-grid Shakura-Sunyaev accretion disc to self-consistently model black hole mass and spin evolution together with super-Lagrangian refinement techniques to resolve gas flows, streams and mini-discs within the cavity, which play a fundamental role in torquing and feeding the binary. We find that higher mass ratio and eccentric binaries result in larger cavities, while retrograde binaries result in smaller cavities. All of the simulated binaries are expected to shrink with net gravitational torques being negative. Unlike previous simulations, we do not find preferential accretion onto the secondary black hole. This implies smaller chirp masses at coalescence and hence a weaker GW background. Critically this means that spin-alignment is faster than the binary inspiral timescale even for low mass ratios. When considering initially misaligned systems, the orientation of the mini-discs around each black hole can vary significantly. We discuss the implications of this behaviour for black hole spin alignment and highlight the need for broader parameter space studies of misaligned systems to understand the impact on black hole recoil velocities.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 28 Nov 2023 19:00:00 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 08:06:14 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Bourne", "Martin A.", "" ], [ "Fiacconi", "Davide", "" ], [ "Sijacki", "Debora", "" ], [ "Piotrowska", "Joanna M.", "" ], [ "Koudmani", "Sophie", "" ] ]
Gongye Liu
Gongye Liu, Menghan Xia, Yong Zhang, Haoxin Chen, Jinbo Xing, Yibo Wang, Xintao Wang, Yujiu Yang, Ying Shan
StyleCrafter: Enhancing Stylized Text-to-Video Generation with Style Adapter
SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 (Journal Track). Project: ; GitHub:
cs.CV cs.AI
Text-to-video (T2V) models have shown remarkable capabilities in generating diverse videos. However, they struggle to produce user-desired stylized videos due to (i) text's inherent clumsiness in expressing specific styles and (ii) the generally degraded style fidelity. To address these challenges, we introduce StyleCrafter, a generic method that enhances pre-trained T2V models with a style control adapter, enabling video generation in any style by providing a reference image. Considering the scarcity of stylized video datasets, we propose to first train a style control adapter using style-rich image datasets, then transfer the learned stylization ability to video generation through a tailor-made finetuning paradigm. To promote content-style disentanglement, we remove style descriptions from the text prompt and extract style information solely from the reference image using a decoupling learning strategy. Additionally, we design a scale-adaptive fusion module to balance the influences of text-based content features and image-based style features, which helps generalization across various text and style combinations. StyleCrafter efficiently generates high-quality stylized videos that align with the content of the texts and resemble the style of the reference images. Experiments demonstrate that our approach is more flexible and efficient than existing competitors.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 1 Dec 2023 03:53:21 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 06:50:53 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Liu", "Gongye", "" ], [ "Xia", "Menghan", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Yong", "" ], [ "Chen", "Haoxin", "" ], [ "Xing", "Jinbo", "" ], [ "Wang", "Yibo", "" ], [ "Wang", "Xintao", "" ], [ "Yang", "Yujiu", "" ], [ "Shan", "Ying", "" ] ]
Filippo Fruzza
Filippo Fruzza, Hongchao Chu, Rachele Lamioni, Temistocle Grenga, Chiara Galletti, Heinz Pitsch
Three-dimensional numerical investigation of flashback in premixed hydrogen flames within perforated burners
Predicting flashback represents a pivotal challenge in the development of innovative perforated burners for household appliances, especially for substituting natural gas with hydrogen as fuel. Most existing numerical studies have utilized two-dimensional (2D) simulations to investigate flashback in these burners, primarily to reduce computational costs. However, the inherent complexity of flashback phenomena suggests that 2D models may inadequately capture the flame dynamics, potentially leading to inaccurate estimations of flashback limits. In this study, three-dimensional (3D) simulations are employed to examine the impact of the actual slit shapes on the flashback velocities of hydrogen-premixed flames. Steady-state simulations are conducted to compute flashback velocities for three equivalence ratios ($\phi=0.6$, $0.8$, and $1.0$), investigating slits with fixed width and varying lengths. Additionally, transient simulations are performed to investigate the flashback dynamics. The results are compared with those from 2D configurations to assess the reliability of the infinite slit approximation. For stable flames, 2D simulations underpredict the burner plate temperature compared to slits with lengths typical of practical devices but match the 3D results as $L\to\infty$. Conversely, flashback velocities are consistently underpredicted in 2D simulations compared to 3D simulations, even as $L\to\infty$. This is due to the critical role of the slit ends in flashback dynamics, where preferential diffusion, the Soret effect, and higher preheating due to a higher surface-to-volume ratio trigger the initiation of flashback in those regions. These findings underscore the necessity of employing 3D simulations to accurately estimate the flashback velocities in domestic perforated burners.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 1 Dec 2023 17:27:33 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 5 Dec 2023 15:06:55 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Wed, 13 Dec 2023 18:41:51 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Tue, 16 Jul 2024 13:22:07 GMT" }, { "version": "v5", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 13:52:59 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Fruzza", "Filippo", "" ], [ "Chu", "Hongchao", "" ], [ "Lamioni", "Rachele", "" ], [ "Grenga", "Temistocle", "" ], [ "Galletti", "Chiara", "" ], [ "Pitsch", "Heinz", "" ] ]
Ji Zeng
G\'abor Dam\'asdi, Zichao Dong, Manfred Scheucher, Ji Zeng
Saturation results around the Erd\H{o}s--Szekeres problem
Minor revisions
In this paper, we consider saturation problems related to the celebrated Erd\H{o}s--Szekeres convex polygon problem. For each $n \ge 7$, we construct a planar point set of size $(7/8) \cdot 2^{n-2}$ which is saturated for convex $n$-gons. That is, the set contains no $n$ points in convex position while the addition of any new point creates such a configuration. This demonstrates that the saturation number is smaller than the Ramsey number for the Erd\H{o}s--Szekeres problem. The proof also shows that the original Erd\H{o}s--Szekeres construction is indeed saturated. Our construction is based on a similar improvement for the saturation version of the cups-versus-caps theorem. Moreover, we consider the generalization of the cups-versus-caps theorem to monotone paths in ordered hypergraphs. In contrast to the geometric setting, we show that this abstract saturation number is always equal to the corresponding Ramsey number.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sat, 2 Dec 2023 20:22:43 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Wed, 11 Sep 2024 20:50:18 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Damásdi", "Gábor", "" ], [ "Dong", "Zichao", "" ], [ "Scheucher", "Manfred", "" ], [ "Zeng", "Ji", "" ] ]
Ivan Conjeaud
Ivan Conjeaud
Algorithmic collusion under competitive design
We study a simple model of algorithmic collusion in which Q-learning algorithms are designed in a strategic fashion. We let players (\textit{designers}) choose their exploration policy simultaneously prior to letting their algorithms repeatedly play a prisoner's dilemma. We prove that, in equilibrium, collusive behavior is reached with positive probability. Our numerical simulations indicate symmetry of the equilibria and give insight for how they are affected by a parameter of interest. We also investigate general profiles of exploration policies. We characterize the behavior of the system for extreme profiles (fully greedy and fully explorative) and use numerical simulations and clustering methods to measure the likelihood of collusive behavior in general cases.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 5 Dec 2023 10:35:41 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Sat, 25 May 2024 16:06:50 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 06:39:12 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Conjeaud", "Ivan", "" ] ]
Alan Frieze
Alan Frieze, Aditya Raut
A note on the chromatic number of the square of a sparse random graph
We show that w.h.p the chromatic number $\chi$ of the square of $G_{n,p},p=c/n$ is asymptotically equal to the maximum degree $\Delta(G_{n,p})$. This improves an earlier result of Garapaty et al \cite{KLMP} who proved that $\chi(G^2_{n,p})=\Theta \left(\Delta(G_{n,p})\right)$.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 6 Dec 2023 15:55:18 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Sun, 10 Dec 2023 20:44:55 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Tue, 13 Feb 2024 19:16:31 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Tue, 9 Apr 2024 15:52:45 GMT" }, { "version": "v5", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 01:49:59 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Frieze", "Alan", "" ], [ "Raut", "Aditya", "" ] ]
Yutaka Jitsumatsu
Yutaka Jitsumatsu
Computation of the optimal error exponent function for fixed-length lossy source coding in discrete memoryless sources
31 pages in single column double space format, 7 figures. A part of this paper is presented at ISIT2023. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2304.11558
cs.IT math.IT
Marton's optimal error exponent for the lossy source coding problem is defined as a non-convex optimization problem. This fact had prevented us to develop an efficient algorithm to compute it. This problem is caused by the fact that the rate-distortion function $R(\Delta|P)$ is potentially non-concave in the probability distribution $P$ for a fixed distortion level $\Delta$. The main contribution of this paper is the development of a parametric expression that is in perfect agreement with the inverse function of the Marton exponent. This representation has two layers. The inner layer is convex optimization and can be computed efficiently. The outer layer, on the other hand, is a non-convex optimization with respect to two parameters. We give a method for computing the Marton exponent based on this representation.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 6 Dec 2023 10:44:02 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 07:20:27 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Jitsumatsu", "Yutaka", "" ] ]
Philippe Djorwe
P. Djorw\'e, M. Asjad, Y. Pennec, D. Dutykh, and B. Djafari-Rouhani
Parametrically enhancing sensor sensitivity at an exceptional point
12 pages, 5 figures. Comments are welcome
Physical Review Research 6, 033284 (2024)
quant-ph cond-mat.mes-hall
We propose a scheme to enhance the sensitivity of Non-Hermitian optomechanical mass-sensors. The benchmark system consists of two coupled optomechanical systems where the mechanical resonators are mechanically coupled. The optical cavities are driven either by a blue or red detuned laser to produce gain and loss, respectively. Moreover, the mechanical resonators are parametrically driven through the modulation of their spring constant. For a specific strength of the optical driving field and without parametric driving, the system features an Exceptional Point (EP). Any perturbation to the mechanical frequency (dissipation) induces a splitting (shifting) of the EP, which scales as the square root of the perturbation strength, resulting in a sensitivity-factor enhancement compared with conventional optomechanical sensors. The sensitivity enhancement induced by the shifting scenario is weak as compared to the one based on the splitting phenomenon. By switching on parametric driving, the sensitivity of both sensing schemes is greatly improved, yielding to a better performance of the sensor. We have also confirmed these results through an analysis of the output spectra and the transmissions of the optical cavities. In addition to enhancing EP sensitivity, our scheme also reveals nonlinear effects on sensing under splitting and shifting scenarii. This work sheds light on new mechanisms of enhancing the sensitivity of Non-Hermitian mass sensors, paving a way to improve sensors performance for better nanoparticles or pollutants detection, and for water treatment.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Fri, 8 Dec 2023 14:25:18 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 12 Dec 2023 08:29:54 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Sat, 13 Jan 2024 13:29:42 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Djorwé", "P.", "" ], [ "Asjad", "M.", "" ], [ "Pennec", "Y.", "" ], [ "Dutykh", "D.", "" ], [ "Djafari-Rouhani", "B.", "" ] ]
Oleksii Molodchyk
T. Faulwasser, O. Molodchyk
Wiener Chaos in Kernel Regression: Towards Untangling Aleatoric and Epistemic Uncertainty
16 pages, 2 figures; accepted to the SysDO conference
stat.ML cs.SY eess.SY math.OC
Gaussian Processes (GPs) are a versatile method that enables different approaches towards learning for dynamics and control. Gaussianity assumptions appear in two dimensions in GPs: The positive semi-definite kernel of the underlying reproducing kernel Hilbert space is used to construct the co-variance of a Gaussian distribution over functions, while measurement noise (i.e. data corruption) is usually modeled as i.i.d. additive Gaussians. In this note, we generalize the setting and consider kernel ridge regression with additive i.i.d. non-Gaussian measurement noise. To apply the usual kernel trick, we rely on the representation of the uncertainty via polynomial chaos expansions, which are series expansions for random variables of finite variance introduced by Norbert Wiener. We derive and discuss the analytic $\mathcal{L}^2$ solution to the arising Wiener kernel regression. Considering a polynomial dynamic system as a numerical example, we show that our approach allows us to distinguish the uncertainty that stems from the noise in the data samples from the total uncertainty encoded in the GP posterior distribution.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 12 Dec 2023 16:02:35 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 07:32:23 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Faulwasser", "T.", "" ], [ "Molodchyk", "O.", "" ] ]
Marek C\'uth
Leandro Candido, Marek C\'uth, Ond\v{r}ej Smetana
Note on almost isometric ideals and local retracts in Banach and metric spaces
22 pages
Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A., online first 2024
We exhibit a new approach to the proofs of the existence of a large family of almost isometric ideals in nonseparable Banach spaces and existence of a large family of almost isometric local retracts in metric spaces. Our approach also implies the existence of a large family of nontrivial projections on every dual of a nonseparable Banach space. We prove three possible formulations of our results are equivalent. Some applications are mentioned which witness the usefulness of our novel approach.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 12 Dec 2023 21:38:54 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Candido", "Leandro", "" ], [ "Cúth", "Marek", "" ], [ "Smetana", "Ondřej", "" ] ]
Zhenhua Wang
Erhan Bayraktar, Zhenhua Wang
On Time-Inconsistency in Mean Field Games
math.OC cs.GT math.PR
We investigate an infinite-horizon time-inconsistent mean-field game (MFG) in a discrete time setting. We first present a classic equilibrium for the MFG and its associated existence result. This classic equilibrium aligns with the conventional equilibrium concept studied in MFG literature when the context is time-consistent. Then we demonstrate that while this equilibrium produces an approximate optimal strategy when applied to the related $N$-agent games, it does so solely in a precommitment sense. Therefore, it cannot function as a genuinely approximate equilibrium strategy from the perspective of a sophisticated agent within the $N$-agent game. To address this limitation, we propose a new consistent equilibrium concept in both the MFG and the $N$-agent game. We show that a consistent equilibrium in the MFG can indeed function as an approximate consistent equilibrium in the $N$-agent game. Additionally, we analyze the convergence of consistent equilibria for $N$-agent games toward a consistent MFG equilibrium as $N$ tends to infinity.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Tue, 12 Dec 2023 22:27:40 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 17:08:06 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Bayraktar", "Erhan", "" ], [ "Wang", "Zhenhua", "" ] ]
Yanchi Li
Yanchi Li, Wenyin Gong, Fei Ming, Tingyu Zhang, Shuijia Li, Qiong Gu
MToP: A MATLAB Optimization Platform for Evolutionary Multitasking
Evolutionary multitasking (EMT) has emerged as a popular topic of evolutionary computation over the past years. It aims to concurrently address multiple optimization tasks within limited computing resources, leveraging inter-task knowledge transfer techniques. Despite the abundance of multitask evolutionary algorithms (MTEAs) proposed for multitask optimization (MTO), there remains a comprehensive software platform to help researchers evaluate MTEA performance on benchmark MTO problems as well as explore real-world applications. To bridge this gap, we introduce the first open-source optimization platform, named MTO-Platform (MToP), for EMT. MToP incorporates over 40 MTEAs, more than 150 MTO problem cases with real-world applications, and over 20 performance metrics. Moreover, to facilitate comparative analyses between MTEAs and traditional evolutionary algorithms, we adapted over 40 popular single-task evolutionary algorithms to address MTO problems. MToP boasts a user-friendly graphical interface, facilitating results analysis, data export, and schematics visualization. More importantly, MToP is designed with extensibility in mind, allowing users to develop new algorithms and tackle emerging problem domains. The source code of MToP is available at
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 13 Dec 2023 13:36:14 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Tue, 9 Apr 2024 08:17:42 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 12:48:59 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Li", "Yanchi", "" ], [ "Gong", "Wenyin", "" ], [ "Ming", "Fei", "" ], [ "Zhang", "Tingyu", "" ], [ "Li", "Shuijia", "" ], [ "Gu", "Qiong", "" ] ]
J\'er\^ome Fournier
J\'er\^ome Fournier, Pierre-Olivier Downey, Charles-David H\'ebert, Maxime Charlebois, Andr\'e-Marie Tremblay
Two $T$-linear scattering rate regimes in the triangular lattice Hubbard model
SciPost Phys. 17, 072 (2024)
In recent years, the $T$-linear scattering rate found at low temperatures, defining the strange metal phase of cuprates, has been a subject of interest. Since a wide range of materials have a scattering rate that obeys the equation $ \hbar / \tau \approx k_B T$, the idea of a universal Planckian limit on the scattering rate has been proposed. However, there is no consensus on proposed theories yet. In this work, we present our results for the $T$-linear scattering rate in the triangular lattice Hubbard model obtained using the dynamical cluster approximation. We find two regions with $T$-linear scattering rate in the $T$ -- $p$ phase diagram: one emerges from the pseudogap to correlated Fermi liquid phase transition at low doping, whereas the other is solely caused by large interaction strength at large doping.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 13 Dec 2023 17:26:37 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Fournier", "Jérôme", "" ], [ "Downey", "Pierre-Olivier", "" ], [ "Hébert", "Charles-David", "" ], [ "Charlebois", "Maxime", "" ], [ "Tremblay", "André-Marie", "" ] ]
Ayala Glick-Magid
Ayala Glick-Magid
Nonrelativistic nuclear reduction for tensor couplings in dark matter direct detection and $\mu \to e$ conversion
9 pages, 3 tables, accepted version by PRD
Phys. Rev. D 110 (2024), L051701 (Letter)
hep-ph nucl-ex nucl-th
The nonrelativistic effective field theory (NRET) is widely used in dark matter direct detection and charged-lepton flavor violation studies through $\mu \to e$ conversion. However, existing literature has not fully considered tensor couplings. This study fills this gap by utilizing an innovative tensor decomposition method, extending NRET to incorporate previously overlooked tensor interactions. This development is expected to have a significant impact on ongoing experiments seeking physics beyond the Standard Model and on our understanding of the new-physics interactions. Notably, we identify additional operators in $\mu \to e$ conversion that are absent in scalar and vector couplings. To support further research and experimental analyses, comprehensive tables featuring tensor matrix elements and their corresponding operators are provided.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 13 Dec 2023 18:15:38 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Fri, 3 May 2024 16:48:07 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Sun, 8 Sep 2024 22:03:30 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Glick-Magid", "Ayala", "" ] ]
Lucas Meijer
Mikkel Abrahamsen, Sarita de Berg, Lucas Meijer, Andr\'e Nusser, Leonidas Theocharous
Clustering with Few Disks to Minimize the Sum of Radii
13 pages, 7 figures
Given a set of $n$ points in the Euclidean plane, the $k$-MinSumRadius problem asks to cover this point set using $k$ disks with the objective of minimizing the sum of the radii of the disks. After a long line of research on related problems, it was finally discovered that this problem admits a polynomial time algorithm [GKKPV~'12]; however, the running time of this algorithm is $O(n^{881})$, and its relevance is thereby mostly of theoretical nature. A practically and structurally interesting special case of the $k$-MinSumRadius problem is that of small $k$. For the $2$-MinSumRadius problem, a near-quadratic time algorithm with expected running time $O(n^2 \log^2 n \log^2 \log n)$ was given over 30 years ago [Eppstein~'92]. We present the first improvement of this result, namely, a near-linear time algorithm to compute the $2$-MinSumRadius that runs in expected $O(n \log^2 n \log^2 \log n)$ time. We generalize this result to any constant dimension $d$, for which we give an $O(n^{2-1/(\lceil d/2\rceil + 1) + \varepsilon})$ time algorithm. Additionally, we give a near-quadratic time algorithm for $3$-MinSumRadius in the plane that runs in expected $O(n^2 \log^2 n \log^2 \log n)$ time. All of these algorithms rely on insights that uncover a surprisingly simple structure of optimal solutions: we can specify a linear number of lines out of which one separates one of the clusters from the remaining clusters in an optimal solution.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Thu, 14 Dec 2023 10:44:21 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 12 Sep 2024 07:43:37 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Abrahamsen", "Mikkel", "" ], [ "de Berg", "Sarita", "" ], [ "Meijer", "Lucas", "" ], [ "Nusser", "André", "" ], [ "Theocharous", "Leonidas", "" ] ]