1 value
1 value
What are things people do in the morning?
Things that people tend to do in the morning are to wake up, drink coffee and have breakfast.
### Instruction: What are things people do in the morning? ### Context: ### Answer: Things that people tend to do in the morning are to wake up, drink coffee and have breakfast.</s>
Give me a list of 5 cool starter projects a student new to computer programming could have fun making.
Here are some great starter projects for those learning to code: 1. Conway's Game of Life 2. Rock Paper Scissors 3. Connect 4 4. Choose Your Own Adventure style text-based game 5. Blackjack Simulator
### Instruction: Give me a list of 5 cool starter projects a student new to computer programming could have fun making. ### Context: ### Answer: Here are some great starter projects for those learning to code: 1. Conway's Game of Life 2. Rock Paper Scissors 3. Connect 4 4. Choose Your Own Adventure style text-based game 5. Blackjack Simulator</s>
Give me a list of pizza restaurants in San Francisco
There are a lot of different types of pizza restaurants in San Francisco. For more casual pizza restaurants, try any Round Table, Dominos, Pizza Hut, or for a more local experience, Golden Boy Pizza. If you're interested in sit down dining pizza options, try Del Popolo, Tony's Slice House, or Il Casaro in North Beach.
### Instruction: Give me a list of pizza restaurants in San Francisco ### Context: ### Answer: There are a lot of different types of pizza restaurants in San Francisco. For more casual pizza restaurants, try any Round Table, Dominos, Pizza Hut, or for a more local experience, Golden Boy Pizza. If you're interested in sit down dining pizza options, try Del Popolo, Tony's Slice House, or Il Casaro in North Beach.</s>
What are fun things to do in New York City
1. Plan a trip to Central Park 2. Go shopping on Fifth Avenue 3. Get a New York City Bagel 4. Take the Subway to visit the Statue of Liberty
### Instruction: What are fun things to do in New York City ### Context: ### Answer: 1. Plan a trip to Central Park 2. Go shopping on Fifth Avenue 3. Get a New York City Bagel 4. Take the Subway to visit the Statue of Liberty</s>
How can I lower my utility bills?
Here are some of the things you can do to lower your utility bills: * check your utility company’s website to see if you qualify for any subsidies * if you’re on a TOU (time of use) plan, try shifting heavy loads, such as electric clothes dryer use, to cheaper time periods * replace your appliances and/or HVAC with more efficient ones * buy solar panels, which will lower the cost of electricity * make sure your home is well insulated
### Instruction: How can I lower my utility bills? ### Context: ### Answer: Here are some of the things you can do to lower your utility bills: * check your utility company’s website to see if you qualify for any subsidies * if you’re on a TOU (time of use) plan, try shifting heavy loads, such as electric clothes dryer use, to cheaper time periods * replace your appliances and/or HVAC with more efficient ones * buy solar panels, which will lower the cost of electricity * make sure your home is well insulated</s>
What are the different ways to bake sourdough?
You could bake a sourdough bread in a commercial oven. A pizza oven A dutch oven In the sun In a hot car In a pot of boiling water On the surface of the sun
### Instruction: What are the different ways to bake sourdough? ### Context: ### Answer: You could bake a sourdough bread in a commercial oven. A pizza oven A dutch oven In the sun In a hot car In a pot of boiling water On the surface of the sun</s>
What are some quick vegan meals to make?
Peanut butter and jelly sandwich, rice and beans, smashed chickpea avocado sandwich, hummus wrap with veggies, pasta salad, spaghetti, burrito bowl, salad, curry, roasted veggies and tofu
### Instruction: What are some quick vegan meals to make? ### Context: ### Answer: Peanut butter and jelly sandwich, rice and beans, smashed chickpea avocado sandwich, hummus wrap with veggies, pasta salad, spaghetti, burrito bowl, salad, curry, roasted veggies and tofu</s>
What are some ways in which I could use old books?
- Donate them to a charity - donate them to a prison - Sell them online - Try origami with book pages - Hollow the books out and stick them together to create a storage unit - Cut the book covers and use it as bookmarks - Cut the book covers to create a collage - use the pages to create a wreath - sell them to a thrift store
### Instruction: What are some ways in which I could use old books? ### Context: ### Answer: - Donate them to a charity - donate them to a prison - Sell them online - Try origami with book pages - Hollow the books out and stick them together to create a storage unit - Cut the book covers and use it as bookmarks - Cut the book covers to create a collage - use the pages to create a wreath - sell them to a thrift store</s>
Sell me this pencil
I’m not sure that this pencil is right for you. First, I would need to know more about why you need a pencil and what you will use it for. Once we discuss your requirements, we can determine if this specific pencil is a good fit for your needs.
### Instruction: Sell me this pencil ### Context: ### Answer: I’m not sure that this pencil is right for you. First, I would need to know more about why you need a pencil and what you will use it for. Once we discuss your requirements, we can determine if this specific pencil is a good fit for your needs.</s>
Give me five tips for practicing a speech.
(1) Write out the speech by hand. Handwriting can help you to memorize the text. (2) Write out a very short (5-point) outline, with one or two key lines you want to emphasize. If you can remember these, you can fill in the rest. (3) Practice the speech in an unusual situation, such as facing a blank wall or in the middle of an open field. If you can stay on point and deliver the speech there, then you can do it in front of an audience. (4) Record yourself practicing, and listen to the recording. Ideally, use video so you can see your gestures and body language. (5) Practice in an exaggerated manner: speak more loudly than you think you need to; use big, slow hand gestures; and speak more slowly than you plan to.
### Instruction: Give me five tips for practicing a speech. ### Context: ### Answer: (1) Write out the speech by hand. Handwriting can help you to memorize the text. (2) Write out a very short (5-point) outline, with one or two key lines you want to emphasize. If you can remember these, you can fill in the rest. (3) Practice the speech in an unusual situation, such as facing a blank wall or in the middle of an open field. If you can stay on point and deliver the speech there, then you can do it in front of an audience. (4) Record yourself practicing, and listen to the recording. Ideally, use video so you can see your gestures and body language. (5) Practice in an exaggerated manner: speak more loudly than you think you need to; use big, slow hand gestures; and speak more slowly than you plan to.</s>
5 Technologies that makes a country powerful
Protect and develop Artificial intelligence Create Quantum computing the next important innovation Develop Bioscience to increase medical capabilities Semiconductors production Autonomous systems to reduce manual intervention
### Instruction: 5 Technologies that makes a country powerful ### Context: ### Answer: Protect and develop Artificial intelligence Create Quantum computing the next important innovation Develop Bioscience to increase medical capabilities Semiconductors production Autonomous systems to reduce manual intervention</s>
What's the best for indoor plant?
1. Give less water only as much needed, do not over water it 2. Keep it in indirect sunlight at least for 2 hours a day
### Instruction: What's the best for indoor plant? ### Context: ### Answer: 1. Give less water only as much needed, do not over water it 2. Keep it in indirect sunlight at least for 2 hours a day</s>
What are some questions I can ask my mom to get to know her better?
• What were your first few years of motherhood like for you? • Was there any family drama you protected me from when I was younger? • What is your happiest memory of us? • What do you look forward to? • What was the most memorable thing I ever did for you? • What's something you want me to always remember after you're gone? • What's your favorite thing to do with me, or with our family?
### Instruction: What are some questions I can ask my mom to get to know her better? ### Context: ### Answer: • What were your first few years of motherhood like for you? • Was there any family drama you protected me from when I was younger? • What is your happiest memory of us? • What do you look forward to? • What was the most memorable thing I ever did for you? • What's something you want me to always remember after you're gone? • What's your favorite thing to do with me, or with our family?</s>
What are several ways to keep a toddler busy?
There are many fun ways to keep a toddler busy. First, you could find some blocks or large legos and build a tower. Then, you could ask the toddler to glue sticks to a piece of paper. Toddlers love water, so you could put water in a pot and give the toddler some cups to play with the water. You could take a walk and play the game "I spy." While you are walking, ask the toddler to collect leaves, sticks and rocks. You could also sing any song that comes to mind, as many toddlers enjoy singing.
### Instruction: What are several ways to keep a toddler busy? ### Context: ### Answer: There are many fun ways to keep a toddler busy. First, you could find some blocks or large legos and build a tower. Then, you could ask the toddler to glue sticks to a piece of paper. Toddlers love water, so you could put water in a pot and give the toddler some cups to play with the water. You could take a walk and play the game "I spy." While you are walking, ask the toddler to collect leaves, sticks and rocks. You could also sing any song that comes to mind, as many toddlers enjoy singing.</s>
Give me some ideas on where to travel for good sun and beaches.
There are several places around the world that you could visit for good exposure of the sun and to enjoy the sandy beaches, for example: 1- Egypt, well known for sunny days most of the days, and good sandy beaches in Hurghada and North Coast of Egypt. 2- Dubai, also known for the good sandy beach and sunny days, however it might get very hot at times especially in summer. 3- Barcelona in Spain is also very good option, that you might like
### Instruction: Give me some ideas on where to travel for good sun and beaches. ### Context: ### Answer: There are several places around the world that you could visit for good exposure of the sun and to enjoy the sandy beaches, for example: 1- Egypt, well known for sunny days most of the days, and good sandy beaches in Hurghada and North Coast of Egypt. 2- Dubai, also known for the good sandy beach and sunny days, however it might get very hot at times especially in summer. 3- Barcelona in Spain is also very good option, that you might like</s>
What are some ways to improve the value of your home?
There are several things you do can to increase the value of your home. First, you can focus on what is known as "curb appeal", essentially making the outside and surrounding of your house attractive. Ensure that the landscaping is well maintained, fix any broken doors or windows, and painting the outside so that the house does not look dull. In the interior of your house, the best places to focus will be in your bathrooms and kitchen. Further, you can replace major appliances and components such as water heaters, furnaces, or the roof to increase the value. Another way to increase the value of your home is by making it bigger. Often, pricing for homes is done by looking at the area of the house, so by adding on new rooms or extra space, you can also increase the overall value of the house.
### Instruction: What are some ways to improve the value of your home? ### Context: ### Answer: There are several things you do can to increase the value of your home. First, you can focus on what is known as "curb appeal", essentially making the outside and surrounding of your house attractive. Ensure that the landscaping is well maintained, fix any broken doors or windows, and painting the outside so that the house does not look dull. In the interior of your house, the best places to focus will be in your bathrooms and kitchen. Further, you can replace major appliances and components such as water heaters, furnaces, or the roof to increase the value. Another way to increase the value of your home is by making it bigger. Often, pricing for homes is done by looking at the area of the house, so by adding on new rooms or extra space, you can also increase the overall value of the house.</s>
Give me a bunch of ways I can keep my house cool in the summer
- Install whole house AC that's integrated with your heating system - Buy an in-window unit to keep an individual room cool - Install a whole house fan that pulls in cool air from open windows at night into living area and exhausts the hot air into the attic - Place fans throughout the house but place them in front of open windows at night to pull in cool air - Install a swamp cooler, it's sometimes cheaper than installing a full AC system - Make sure to close windows and curtains in the morning hours after the house cools down over night - Get a cooler filled with ice and place a fan into it forcing cold air into the room. The ice will melt fast so be ready to refill often. Not the most efficient but in a pinch it can help
### Instruction: Give me a bunch of ways I can keep my house cool in the summer ### Context: ### Answer: - Install whole house AC that's integrated with your heating system - Buy an in-window unit to keep an individual room cool - Install a whole house fan that pulls in cool air from open windows at night into living area and exhausts the hot air into the attic - Place fans throughout the house but place them in front of open windows at night to pull in cool air - Install a swamp cooler, it's sometimes cheaper than installing a full AC system - Make sure to close windows and curtains in the morning hours after the house cools down over night - Get a cooler filled with ice and place a fan into it forcing cold air into the room. The ice will melt fast so be ready to refill often. Not the most efficient but in a pinch it can help</s>
What outfit should I wear when traveling to San Francisco in May?
The weather in San Francisco tends to vacillate between cool and warm temperatures. In order to dress appropriately and be comfortable all day, you should dress in layers. Start with a good pair of jeans, a t-shirt and a lightweight sweater. For your outerwear, choose a puffer jacket to add some insulation in case the wind picks up. Finally, San Francisco is best explored on foot, so wear a comfortable pair of sneakers.
### Instruction: What outfit should I wear when traveling to San Francisco in May? ### Context: ### Answer: The weather in San Francisco tends to vacillate between cool and warm temperatures. In order to dress appropriately and be comfortable all day, you should dress in layers. Start with a good pair of jeans, a t-shirt and a lightweight sweater. For your outerwear, choose a puffer jacket to add some insulation in case the wind picks up. Finally, San Francisco is best explored on foot, so wear a comfortable pair of sneakers.</s>
Give me the recipe for the traditional crepe
1. Put the floor, 300 grams, on an adequate plate and create a hole in the middle 2. Insert the hole 3 eggs, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil, and 50 grams of melted butter 3. Whisk softly and add gradually 60 centiliters of milk. The dough will become lightly dense 4. Add 5 centiliters of Rhum 5. Warm up a frying pan at low heat, add some sunflower oil, and a ladleful of crepe dough, and spread it out on the pan to wait until one side is cooked, then flip the crepe.
### Instruction: Give me the recipe for the traditional crepe ### Context: ### Answer: 1. Put the floor, 300 grams, on an adequate plate and create a hole in the middle 2. Insert the hole 3 eggs, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil, and 50 grams of melted butter 3. Whisk softly and add gradually 60 centiliters of milk. The dough will become lightly dense 4. Add 5 centiliters of Rhum 5. Warm up a frying pan at low heat, add some sunflower oil, and a ladleful of crepe dough, and spread it out on the pan to wait until one side is cooked, then flip the crepe.</s>
List of the biggest oceans in the world
Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean Southern Ocean Arctic Ocean Coral Sea Arabian Sea
### Instruction: List of the biggest oceans in the world ### Context: ### Answer: Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean Southern Ocean Arctic Ocean Coral Sea Arabian Sea</s>
Provide a list of the best baseball players of all time
1. Babe Ruth 2. Ted Williams 3. Mickey Mantle 4. Tony Gwynn 5. Ken Griffey Jr 6. Cal Ripken Jr 7. Mike Trout 8. Hank Aaron
### Instruction: Provide a list of the best baseball players of all time ### Context: ### Answer: 1. Babe Ruth 2. Ted Williams 3. Mickey Mantle 4. Tony Gwynn 5. Ken Griffey Jr 6. Cal Ripken Jr 7. Mike Trout 8. Hank Aaron</s>
Can you sort these events from newest to oldest: James Cameron's movie Titanic was released, Leo Messi won world cup for Argentina, Barak Obama became president.
Leo Messi won world cup for Argentina, Barak Obama became president, James Cameron's movie Titanic was released.
### Instruction: Can you sort these events from newest to oldest: James Cameron's movie Titanic was released, Leo Messi won world cup for Argentina, Barak Obama became president. ### Context: ### Answer: Leo Messi won world cup for Argentina, Barak Obama became president, James Cameron's movie Titanic was released.</s>
What is the best way to wake up fresh in the morning?
1. Sleep on time at night. Those who sleep at the same time daily tend to wake up fresher 2. Have a ton of water as soon as you wake up 3. Do a little yoga stretch first thing in the morning to relax your body 4. Wake up at the same time everyday.
### Instruction: What is the best way to wake up fresh in the morning? ### Context: ### Answer: 1. Sleep on time at night. Those who sleep at the same time daily tend to wake up fresher 2. Have a ton of water as soon as you wake up 3. Do a little yoga stretch first thing in the morning to relax your body 4. Wake up at the same time everyday.</s>
What might make a good villain for a fantasy role playing game adventure.
There are lots of options for villains in the rich world of fantasy role playing. Here are some possibilities: 1) Dragons - Dragons are iconic villains and come in many varieties. They can be vicious and cruel, manipulative and clever, or haughty and imperious. They live in all different biomes and there are even variants for different cultures (like western dragons vs. eastern dragons) 2) Wizards - The evil wizard is the classic fantasy villain. Possessing great and broad reaching powers, driven by the need to obtain more magical power, and often surrounded by a horde of lesser minions, wizards fit all sorts of scenarios. 3) Undead, especially Liches and Vampires - The undead are always great villains. Liches and Vampires are especially good as they are very intelligent and powerful. Often, they are wizards so they combine more than one kind of villain. They also typically have the ability to create more of their kind or lesser undead to serve as minions. 4) Devils or Demons - Monstrous beings from the lower planes possessing great power and able to twist mortals to their will, devils and demons make classic fantasy villains. While they are typically very dangerous in battle, they also have the power to manipulate and corrupt mortals to do their bidding. These are just some of the options you could use for fantasy villains, there are many more as the domain of fantasy adventure is nearly unlimited.
### Instruction: What might make a good villain for a fantasy role playing game adventure. ### Context: ### Answer: There are lots of options for villains in the rich world of fantasy role playing. Here are some possibilities: 1) Dragons - Dragons are iconic villains and come in many varieties. They can be vicious and cruel, manipulative and clever, or haughty and imperious. They live in all different biomes and there are even variants for different cultures (like western dragons vs. eastern dragons) 2) Wizards - The evil wizard is the classic fantasy villain. Possessing great and broad reaching powers, driven by the need to obtain more magical power, and often surrounded by a horde of lesser minions, wizards fit all sorts of scenarios. 3) Undead, especially Liches and Vampires - The undead are always great villains. Liches and Vampires are especially good as they are very intelligent and powerful. Often, they are wizards so they combine more than one kind of villain. They also typically have the ability to create more of their kind or lesser undead to serve as minions. 4) Devils or Demons - Monstrous beings from the lower planes possessing great power and able to twist mortals to their will, devils and demons make classic fantasy villains. While they are typically very dangerous in battle, they also have the power to manipulate and corrupt mortals to do their bidding. These are just some of the options you could use for fantasy villains, there are many more as the domain of fantasy adventure is nearly unlimited.</s>
Give me some ideas of places to visit on my next backpacking trip to South America.
- Take a cruise to visit the islands of the Galapagos - Straddle the northern and southern hemispheres at La Mitad del Mundo (The Middle of the Earth), close to Quito, Ecuador - Hike the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu from Cusco in Peru. You need to get a permit at least 6 months in advance. - Hike the Salkantay Trek to Machu Picchu from Cusco in Peru. It is a great alternative to the Inca Trail if you do not get a permit. - Visit villages around Lake Titicaca in Peru - Take a multi-day tour to the Salar de Uyuni, the world's largest salt flat, on a four-wheel drive from Uyuni in Bolivia - Go stargazing in the Atacama Desert in Chile
### Instruction: Give me some ideas of places to visit on my next backpacking trip to South America. ### Context: ### Answer: - Take a cruise to visit the islands of the Galapagos - Straddle the northern and southern hemispheres at La Mitad del Mundo (The Middle of the Earth), close to Quito, Ecuador - Hike the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu from Cusco in Peru. You need to get a permit at least 6 months in advance. - Hike the Salkantay Trek to Machu Picchu from Cusco in Peru. It is a great alternative to the Inca Trail if you do not get a permit. - Visit villages around Lake Titicaca in Peru - Take a multi-day tour to the Salar de Uyuni, the world's largest salt flat, on a four-wheel drive from Uyuni in Bolivia - Go stargazing in the Atacama Desert in Chile</s>
What are the advantages and disadvantages of allowing people to perform delivery tasks by walking instead of requiring the use of a bike or car? When do you think it is more pragmatic for deliveries to be fulfilled by walking versus biking or driving?
There are both advantages and disadvantages to allowing delivery tasks to be completed by walking instead of biking or driving. The following is a list of advantages and disadvantages: Advantages: - Additional supply of individuals capable of performing deliveries (i.e., people without a bike or car) - Potential for shorter delivery times in densely populated metropolitan areas - Positive impact on the environment and sustainability - Stronger contribution margins for shorter deliveries Disadvantages: - Weather can heavily impact if items are delivered or not as well as the quality of items when delivered (e.g., wet paper towels) - Limitations on the number and weight of items being delivered - Less deliveries can be performed together (i.e., batching of deliveries) - Distance items can be delivered is substantially shorter Overall, permitting deliveries to be fulfilled by walking likely provides incremental benefits in certain situations, especially in densely populated urban centers. However, it is not feasible to deliver items by walking in suburban or rural areas given the distance that needs to be covered to successfully deliver items.
### Instruction: What are the advantages and disadvantages of allowing people to perform delivery tasks by walking instead of requiring the use of a bike or car? When do you think it is more pragmatic for deliveries to be fulfilled by walking versus biking or driving? ### Context: ### Answer: There are both advantages and disadvantages to allowing delivery tasks to be completed by walking instead of biking or driving. The following is a list of advantages and disadvantages: Advantages: - Additional supply of individuals capable of performing deliveries (i.e., people without a bike or car) - Potential for shorter delivery times in densely populated metropolitan areas - Positive impact on the environment and sustainability - Stronger contribution margins for shorter deliveries Disadvantages: - Weather can heavily impact if items are delivered or not as well as the quality of items when delivered (e.g., wet paper towels) - Limitations on the number and weight of items being delivered - Less deliveries can be performed together (i.e., batching of deliveries) - Distance items can be delivered is substantially shorter Overall, permitting deliveries to be fulfilled by walking likely provides incremental benefits in certain situations, especially in densely populated urban centers. However, it is not feasible to deliver items by walking in suburban or rural areas given the distance that needs to be covered to successfully deliver items.</s>
Give me a bunch of excuses about why I don't have my homework to turn in
Your dog ate your homework, you forget it at home, you spilled water all over it, your printer broke, you had a test in another class and were too busy studying
### Instruction: Give me a bunch of excuses about why I don't have my homework to turn in ### Context: ### Answer: Your dog ate your homework, you forget it at home, you spilled water all over it, your printer broke, you had a test in another class and were too busy studying</s>
Think up of three different animals that lay eggs
Chickens, ducks and geese all lay eggs
### Instruction: Think up of three different animals that lay eggs ### Context: ### Answer: Chickens, ducks and geese all lay eggs</s>
Think up ways to clean a keyboard.
Some ways to clean a keyboard: use a compressed air can to blow out dust, manually take off each key cap using a specialized key tool and wash them in soap and water, use a dusting brush that is designed for fitting in the keyboard grooves, use an antistatic dusting wipe.
### Instruction: Think up ways to clean a keyboard. ### Context: ### Answer: Some ways to clean a keyboard: use a compressed air can to blow out dust, manually take off each key cap using a specialized key tool and wash them in soap and water, use a dusting brush that is designed for fitting in the keyboard grooves, use an antistatic dusting wipe.</s>
What are the top 10 US ski vacation destinations?
The western United States is considered to have the best skiing destinations because of the size of its mountains and the quality of it snow conditions. Nevertheless, given its proximity to large urban populations, the resorts of the northeast United State also sees large numbers of visitors each winter. The list below includes top ski destinations from both regions. Vail, Colorado Tahoe, California (this area includes a number of large resorts like Palisades, Heavenly, Sugar Bowl, and Northstar) Taos, New Mexico Park City, Utah Stowe, Vermont Jackson Hole, Wyoming Killington, Vermont Sugarloaf, Maine Aspen, Colorado Sun Valley, Idaho
### Instruction: What are the top 10 US ski vacation destinations? ### Context: ### Answer: The western United States is considered to have the best skiing destinations because of the size of its mountains and the quality of it snow conditions. Nevertheless, given its proximity to large urban populations, the resorts of the northeast United State also sees large numbers of visitors each winter. The list below includes top ski destinations from both regions. Vail, Colorado Tahoe, California (this area includes a number of large resorts like Palisades, Heavenly, Sugar Bowl, and Northstar) Taos, New Mexico Park City, Utah Stowe, Vermont Jackson Hole, Wyoming Killington, Vermont Sugarloaf, Maine Aspen, Colorado Sun Valley, Idaho</s>
What are some common onion varieties used in cooking?
Common onions used in cooking are yellow onion, white onion, red onion, sweet onion, green onion, spring onion, leeks, and shallots.
### Instruction: What are some common onion varieties used in cooking? ### Context: ### Answer: Common onions used in cooking are yellow onion, white onion, red onion, sweet onion, green onion, spring onion, leeks, and shallots.</s>
What are things I can do to help me score better on a test?
Here are things you can do better to score better on a test: 1. Pay attention to the instructor during classes 2. Attend office hours to ask questions you cannot figure out 3. Study with a friend group 4. Take practice tests or do practice questions 5. Read the text book or watch online tutorials 6. Teach the material to others to hone your knowledge on different topics
### Instruction: What are things I can do to help me score better on a test? ### Context: ### Answer: Here are things you can do better to score better on a test: 1. Pay attention to the instructor during classes 2. Attend office hours to ask questions you cannot figure out 3. Study with a friend group 4. Take practice tests or do practice questions 5. Read the text book or watch online tutorials 6. Teach the material to others to hone your knowledge on different topics</s>
Think of different types of pies that can be served at dinner.
Many different types of pies can be served with dinner. Some pies that go well with dinner include apple pie, pecan pie, pumpkin pie, key lime pie and coconut pie. There are many types of pies depending on what you are looking for.
### Instruction: Think of different types of pies that can be served at dinner. ### Context: ### Answer: Many different types of pies can be served with dinner. Some pies that go well with dinner include apple pie, pecan pie, pumpkin pie, key lime pie and coconut pie. There are many types of pies depending on what you are looking for.</s>
Think up a bunch of different ways to exercise
Running, walking, jogging, weight lifting, swimming, yoga, biking, boxing, sit ups, pushups, planks, jumping jacks
### Instruction: Think up a bunch of different ways to exercise ### Context: ### Answer: Running, walking, jogging, weight lifting, swimming, yoga, biking, boxing, sit ups, pushups, planks, jumping jacks</s>
Give me a bulleted list of the 5 most recent Pakistani Prime Ministers
- Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif - Mr. Imran Khan - Justice (Retd) Nasir-ul-Mulk (Caretaker) - Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi - Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif
### Instruction: Give me a bulleted list of the 5 most recent Pakistani Prime Ministers ### Context: ### Answer: - Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif - Mr. Imran Khan - Justice (Retd) Nasir-ul-Mulk (Caretaker) - Mr. Shahid Khaqan Abbasi - Mr. Muhammad Nawaz Sharif</s>
Can you write down some different boroughs of New York City?
Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island and Manhattan
### Instruction: Can you write down some different boroughs of New York City? ### Context: ### Answer: Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island and Manhattan</s>
How would you describe genomics?
Genomics is the study of the genetic material of an organism, including the structure, function, and regulation of genes. Genomics is a powerful tool that can be used to identify and diagnose genetic disorders, develop new treatments, and understand the genetic underpinnings of complex diseases.
### Instruction: How would you describe genomics? ### Context: ### Answer: Genomics is the study of the genetic material of an organism, including the structure, function, and regulation of genes. Genomics is a powerful tool that can be used to identify and diagnose genetic disorders, develop new treatments, and understand the genetic underpinnings of complex diseases.</s>
Why f1 drivers earn so much
Because of the risk factor and popularity of this sport
### Instruction: Why f1 drivers earn so much ### Context: ### Answer: Because of the risk factor and popularity of this sport</s>
Give me a list of the top six premier league football clubs
While clubs participating in the Premier League table can end in different positions in each season, the historical top six, known commonly as the "Big Six", have been: - Arsenal - Chelsea - Liverpool - Manchester City - Manchester United - Tottenham These are considered the top six clubs due to their consistency and success within the Premier League and continental competitions like the UEFA Champions League and the UEFA Europa League.
### Instruction: Give me a list of the top six premier league football clubs ### Context: ### Answer: While clubs participating in the Premier League table can end in different positions in each season, the historical top six, known commonly as the "Big Six", have been: - Arsenal - Chelsea - Liverpool - Manchester City - Manchester United - Tottenham These are considered the top six clubs due to their consistency and success within the Premier League and continental competitions like the UEFA Champions League and the UEFA Europa League.</s>
How many times michael schumacher won the F1 championship ?
7 times
### Instruction: How many times michael schumacher won the F1 championship ? ### Context: ### Answer: 7 times</s>
Who is the NBA's all team leading scorer?
LeBron James as of 2023, before he broke the record it was Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Both of them accomplished this feat as part of the Los Angeles Lakers.
### Instruction: Who is the NBA's all team leading scorer? ### Context: ### Answer: LeBron James as of 2023, before he broke the record it was Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Both of them accomplished this feat as part of the Los Angeles Lakers.</s>
Give me a bulleted list of some of the greatest parks in London
Here is a list of London's greatest parks: - Hampstead Heath - Regent’s Park - Greenwich Park - Victoria Park - Holland Park - Richmond Park - Green Park - Hyde Park - St James’s Park
### Instruction: Give me a bulleted list of some of the greatest parks in London ### Context: ### Answer: Here is a list of London's greatest parks: - Hampstead Heath - Regent’s Park - Greenwich Park - Victoria Park - Holland Park - Richmond Park - Green Park - Hyde Park - St James’s Park</s>
What is the future trend of job industry
More of cloud Machine learning AI security dive into these industries to be on top notch
### Instruction: What is the future trend of job industry ### Context: ### Answer: More of cloud Machine learning AI security dive into these industries to be on top notch</s>
Give me a list of the last 5 NHL championship teams
2022 Colorado Avalanche 2021 Tampa Bay Lightning 2020 Tampa Bay Lightning 2019 St Louis Blues 2018 Washington Capitals
### Instruction: Give me a list of the last 5 NHL championship teams ### Context: ### Answer: 2022 Colorado Avalanche 2021 Tampa Bay Lightning 2020 Tampa Bay Lightning 2019 St Louis Blues 2018 Washington Capitals</s>
What are the new 7 Wonders Cities:
These are the new 7 Wonders Cities: - Durban, South Africa - Vigan, Philippines - Havana, Cuba - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Beirut, Lebanon - Doha, Qatar - La Paz, Bolivia
### Instruction: What are the new 7 Wonders Cities: ### Context: ### Answer: These are the new 7 Wonders Cities: - Durban, South Africa - Vigan, Philippines - Havana, Cuba - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Beirut, Lebanon - Doha, Qatar - La Paz, Bolivia</s>
What are the reasons why quantum theory is considered do difficult to understand
1. There is not one agreed set of basic rules (axioms) that underpin the theory and each has subtle implications on how you interpret the theory 2. For each of those there are multiple views and mathematical frameworks for describing the theory (e.g. the wave mechanics, field theories, etc) 3. The mathematical theories are all at an advanced level and few examples of how to actually apply them appear in text books. 4. The theory itself says that you cannot know the intermediate steps in any quantum process, you can know where you start and predict where you might end up but not how you get form one to the other. 5. The theory is based on either infinitely parallel actions occurring deterministically or statistical interpretation of a range of outcomes 6. All of these interactions occur without direct reference to space/time and so are in abstract spaces that need to be decided for the calculation and physically interpreted
### Instruction: What are the reasons why quantum theory is considered do difficult to understand ### Context: ### Answer: 1. There is not one agreed set of basic rules (axioms) that underpin the theory and each has subtle implications on how you interpret the theory 2. For each of those there are multiple views and mathematical frameworks for describing the theory (e.g. the wave mechanics, field theories, etc) 3. The mathematical theories are all at an advanced level and few examples of how to actually apply them appear in text books. 4. The theory itself says that you cannot know the intermediate steps in any quantum process, you can know where you start and predict where you might end up but not how you get form one to the other. 5. The theory is based on either infinitely parallel actions occurring deterministically or statistical interpretation of a range of outcomes 6. All of these interactions occur without direct reference to space/time and so are in abstract spaces that need to be decided for the calculation and physically interpreted</s>
Give me a bulleted list of the winners of the The Masters Tournament for the last decade.
The winners of The Masters Tournament since 2013 were: In 2022 - Scottie Scheffler; 2021 - Hideki Matsuyama; 2020 - Dustin Johnson; 2019 - Tiger Woods; 2018 - Patrick Reed; 2017 - Sergio Garcia; 2016 - Danny Willett; 2015 - Jordan Spieth; 2014 - Bubba Watson; 2013 - Adam Scott. Each year the winner of the Masters Tournament is famously gifted a green dinner jacket.
### Instruction: Give me a bulleted list of the winners of the The Masters Tournament for the last decade. ### Context: ### Answer: The winners of The Masters Tournament since 2013 were: In 2022 - Scottie Scheffler; 2021 - Hideki Matsuyama; 2020 - Dustin Johnson; 2019 - Tiger Woods; 2018 - Patrick Reed; 2017 - Sergio Garcia; 2016 - Danny Willett; 2015 - Jordan Spieth; 2014 - Bubba Watson; 2013 - Adam Scott. Each year the winner of the Masters Tournament is famously gifted a green dinner jacket.</s>
Give me 10 reasons why people dance
Passion, love of art, exercise, money, personal expression, communication, celebrations, cultural heritage, to connect and form bonds
### Instruction: Give me 10 reasons why people dance ### Context: ### Answer: Passion, love of art, exercise, money, personal expression, communication, celebrations, cultural heritage, to connect and form bonds</s>
What are some of the most popular card games?
- Poker - Bridge - Blackjack - Rummy - Crazy Eights - Spades - Hearts - War - Solitaire
### Instruction: What are some of the most popular card games? ### Context: ### Answer: - Poker - Bridge - Blackjack - Rummy - Crazy Eights - Spades - Hearts - War - Solitaire</s>
Give me some ideas on how to make money while traveling the world.
Freelancing online Language tuition Teach other people your skills Make things to sell Offer your services at hostels Sell your photos Street performances Seasonal work
### Instruction: Give me some ideas on how to make money while traveling the world. ### Context: ### Answer: Freelancing online Language tuition Teach other people your skills Make things to sell Offer your services at hostels Sell your photos Street performances Seasonal work</s>
Give me five things to look for in a hot sauce.
1. Heat: spice is an important factor in hot sauce 2. Saltiness: many hot sauces are fermented with salt, causing the sauce to taste spicy 3. Sweetness: due to the pepper or additives like sugar, some sauces will be sweeter than others 4. Fruitiness: some pepper coming from tropical climates may taste like mango or pineapple 5. Other additives: outside of the pepper, additives such as salt, sugar, vinegar or fermentation will affect the flavor of the pepper
### Instruction: Give me five things to look for in a hot sauce. ### Context: ### Answer: 1. Heat: spice is an important factor in hot sauce 2. Saltiness: many hot sauces are fermented with salt, causing the sauce to taste spicy 3. Sweetness: due to the pepper or additives like sugar, some sauces will be sweeter than others 4. Fruitiness: some pepper coming from tropical climates may taste like mango or pineapple 5. Other additives: outside of the pepper, additives such as salt, sugar, vinegar or fermentation will affect the flavor of the pepper</s>
Give me a list of the best romantic comedies
-My Big Fat Greek Wedding -How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days -Clueless -13 Going On 30 -She's The Man -Just Go With It -The Sweetest Thing -Set It Up
### Instruction: Give me a list of the best romantic comedies ### Context: ### Answer: -My Big Fat Greek Wedding -How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days -Clueless -13 Going On 30 -She's The Man -Just Go With It -The Sweetest Thing -Set It Up</s>
Can we time travel?
By Einstein's relativity theory, time travel is possible.
### Instruction: Can we time travel? ### Context: ### Answer: By Einstein's relativity theory, time travel is possible.</s>
How many sexes are there and how many genders are there and what's the difference?
There are two sexes - male and female, and three genders - male, female, and other. The other gender includes non-binary genders, such as agender, genderqueer, androgynous, and intersex. There are many different gender identities, including male, female, transgender, gender neutral, non-binary, agender, pangender, genderqueer, two-spirit, third gender, and all, none or a combination of these.
### Instruction: How many sexes are there and how many genders are there and what's the difference? ### Context: ### Answer: There are two sexes - male and female, and three genders - male, female, and other. The other gender includes non-binary genders, such as agender, genderqueer, androgynous, and intersex. There are many different gender identities, including male, female, transgender, gender neutral, non-binary, agender, pangender, genderqueer, two-spirit, third gender, and all, none or a combination of these.</s>
List of greek goddesses starting by 'L':
Here is the list of greek goddesses starting by 'L': - Lampad - Lampetia - Lampsace - Lethe - Leto - Libya - Limos - Litae - Lyssa
### Instruction: List of greek goddesses starting by 'L': ### Context: ### Answer: Here is the list of greek goddesses starting by 'L': - Lampad - Lampetia - Lampsace - Lethe - Leto - Libya - Limos - Litae - Lyssa</s>
What are some creative ways to get my kids to eat vegetables?
Different vegetables have varying textures - try feeding your kids a variety of vegetables to see which textures they like and don't like. You can also present vegetables with fun dips and sauces that will make your kids more likely to eat them, like ranch, cheese, salsa and nut butter. If your kids have a hard time with all vegetables, you can sneak them into meals! For example, you can make some pasta sauce even more nutritious by blending carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, and other mild tasting vegetables into the sauce using a blender. Your kids will never know they were there because the strong tomato flavor masks the taste.
### Instruction: What are some creative ways to get my kids to eat vegetables? ### Context: ### Answer: Different vegetables have varying textures - try feeding your kids a variety of vegetables to see which textures they like and don't like. You can also present vegetables with fun dips and sauces that will make your kids more likely to eat them, like ranch, cheese, salsa and nut butter. If your kids have a hard time with all vegetables, you can sneak them into meals! For example, you can make some pasta sauce even more nutritious by blending carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, and other mild tasting vegetables into the sauce using a blender. Your kids will never know they were there because the strong tomato flavor masks the taste.</s>
Give me an idea of a simple yet unique Mocktail made up of Mango
Here is a Mocktail named "Mango Mule". All you need is a 4-5 slices of cucumber, some simple syrup, 50gm of mango puree, 50gm of fresh lime juice, small can of ginger beer (non-alcoholic), and some mint, and lime for extra garnishing touch. It is quite easy to make this Mocktail. Mix cucumber slices and simple syrup in cocktail shaker, followed by addition of mango puree and lime juice and crushed ice. Pour it into a glass and add the ginger beer with a final good old stir. Garnish it as per your needs.
### Instruction: Give me an idea of a simple yet unique Mocktail made up of Mango ### Context: ### Answer: Here is a Mocktail named "Mango Mule". All you need is a 4-5 slices of cucumber, some simple syrup, 50gm of mango puree, 50gm of fresh lime juice, small can of ginger beer (non-alcoholic), and some mint, and lime for extra garnishing touch. It is quite easy to make this Mocktail. Mix cucumber slices and simple syrup in cocktail shaker, followed by addition of mango puree and lime juice and crushed ice. Pour it into a glass and add the ginger beer with a final good old stir. Garnish it as per your needs.</s>
Why was the show Seinfeld so popular?
Seinfeld was popular because it was a comedy that tackled everyday issues in a relatable and humorous way. The characters and storylines were very realistic and had a wide range of topics to explore, from relationships to social issues to mundane topics like New York City traffic. The show also had a strong ensemble cast that included Jerry Seinfeld, Elaine Benes, George Costanza, and the rest of the main characters. The show was also known for its witty dialogue, memorable catch phrases, and attention to detail in the writing.
### Instruction: Why was the show Seinfeld so popular? ### Context: ### Answer: Seinfeld was popular because it was a comedy that tackled everyday issues in a relatable and humorous way. The characters and storylines were very realistic and had a wide range of topics to explore, from relationships to social issues to mundane topics like New York City traffic. The show also had a strong ensemble cast that included Jerry Seinfeld, Elaine Benes, George Costanza, and the rest of the main characters. The show was also known for its witty dialogue, memorable catch phrases, and attention to detail in the writing.</s>
Give me ideas on how to gain trust in workplace.
Value long-term relationships. Trust requires long-term thinking Be honest Honor your commitments Admit when you're wrong Communicate effectively Be vulnerable Be helpful Show people that you care
### Instruction: Give me ideas on how to gain trust in workplace. ### Context: ### Answer: Value long-term relationships. Trust requires long-term thinking Be honest Honor your commitments Admit when you're wrong Communicate effectively Be vulnerable Be helpful Show people that you care</s>
Give me a list of the stations on the Island Line of Hong Kong's MTR network
- Kennedy Town - HKU - Sai Ying Pun - Sheung Wan - Central - Admiralty - Wan Chai - Causeway Bay - Tin Hau - Fortress Hill - North Point - Quarry Bay - Tai Koo - Sai Wan Ho - Shau Kei Wan - Heng Fa Chuen - Chai Wan
### Instruction: Give me a list of the stations on the Island Line of Hong Kong's MTR network ### Context: ### Answer: - Kennedy Town - HKU - Sai Ying Pun - Sheung Wan - Central - Admiralty - Wan Chai - Causeway Bay - Tin Hau - Fortress Hill - North Point - Quarry Bay - Tai Koo - Sai Wan Ho - Shau Kei Wan - Heng Fa Chuen - Chai Wan</s>
India's Last 10 Presidents
Droupadi Murmu Ram Nath Kovind Pranab Mukherjee Pratibha Devisingh Patil A. P. J. Abdul Kalam K. R. Narayanan Shankar Dayal Sharma R. Venkataraman Giani Zail Singh Neelam Sanjiva Reddy
### Instruction: India's Last 10 Presidents ### Context: ### Answer: Droupadi Murmu Ram Nath Kovind Pranab Mukherjee Pratibha Devisingh Patil A. P. J. Abdul Kalam K. R. Narayanan Shankar Dayal Sharma R. Venkataraman Giani Zail Singh Neelam Sanjiva Reddy</s>
Let's make a targeted list of banks located in New York City
- Chase - Citi - BNY Mellon - Goldman Sachs
### Instruction: Let's make a targeted list of banks located in New York City ### Context: ### Answer: - Chase - Citi - BNY Mellon - Goldman Sachs</s>
What are some kinds of embroidery stitches for writing letters?
Some embroidery stitches that can be used to embroider letters are the back stitch, the split stitch, the stem stitch, the chain stitch, the couching stitch, and the satin stitch.
### Instruction: What are some kinds of embroidery stitches for writing letters? ### Context: ### Answer: Some embroidery stitches that can be used to embroider letters are the back stitch, the split stitch, the stem stitch, the chain stitch, the couching stitch, and the satin stitch.</s>
Help me with spend a day in New Delhi. I like architecture, culture, and am a foodie
North India has a lot to offer for an aesthete, epicure, and a xenophile. Day 1 arrive in Delhi as many flights arrive early in the morning, settle into a hotel of your choice. Today travel around Delhi especially old Delhi and start your trip by visiting Red Fort which is an historical Mogul Fort commissioned by Mogul Emperor Shah Jahan in 1638. The fort is steeped in history and has a beautiful combination of Persian architecture with Indian influence. After that have lunch in Chandi Chowk where you will find incredible street food and especially Karim's which specializes in Mughlai food. Chandi Chowk is full of verve and energy and you will experience a slice of Indian culture. After the delicious lunch and walking through the narrow streets of Chandi Chowk, it is time to visit Qutb Minar a Unesco World Heritage Site which is considered the tallest minaret in the world at 240 ft constructed out of sandstone in 1192. Close by you can also visit Jamal Kalami mosque and relax at the nearby 200 acre park. In the evening you can travel to visit the Lotus Temple in Delhi which is a Baháʼí House of Worship and architected by Fariborz Sahba in 1976. For dinner, it is time to indulge yourself at Oberoi Delhi at Dhilli under the mentorship of Michelin-starred Chef Vineet Bhatia MBE and finish your night at the rooftop bar Cirrus 9 with a smooth cocktail.
### Instruction: Help me with spend a day in New Delhi. I like architecture, culture, and am a foodie ### Context: ### Answer: North India has a lot to offer for an aesthete, epicure, and a xenophile. Day 1 arrive in Delhi as many flights arrive early in the morning, settle into a hotel of your choice. Today travel around Delhi especially old Delhi and start your trip by visiting Red Fort which is an historical Mogul Fort commissioned by Mogul Emperor Shah Jahan in 1638. The fort is steeped in history and has a beautiful combination of Persian architecture with Indian influence. After that have lunch in Chandi Chowk where you will find incredible street food and especially Karim's which specializes in Mughlai food. Chandi Chowk is full of verve and energy and you will experience a slice of Indian culture. After the delicious lunch and walking through the narrow streets of Chandi Chowk, it is time to visit Qutb Minar a Unesco World Heritage Site which is considered the tallest minaret in the world at 240 ft constructed out of sandstone in 1192. Close by you can also visit Jamal Kalami mosque and relax at the nearby 200 acre park. In the evening you can travel to visit the Lotus Temple in Delhi which is a Baháʼí House of Worship and architected by Fariborz Sahba in 1976. For dinner, it is time to indulge yourself at Oberoi Delhi at Dhilli under the mentorship of Michelin-starred Chef Vineet Bhatia MBE and finish your night at the rooftop bar Cirrus 9 with a smooth cocktail.</s>
Create a checklist of newborn essentials.
Crib, Crib mattress, Night-light, Pacifiers, Burp cloths, Bottle warmer, Bottle brush, Bottle sterilizer, Diapers, Wipes
### Instruction: Create a checklist of newborn essentials. ### Context: ### Answer: Crib, Crib mattress, Night-light, Pacifiers, Burp cloths, Bottle warmer, Bottle brush, Bottle sterilizer, Diapers, Wipes</s>
Who are the last three french presidents ?
Nicolas Sarkozy was the president from May 2007 to May 2012 then Francois Hollande from May 2012 to May 2017 and finally Emmanuel Macron from May 2017 to now
### Instruction: Who are the last three french presidents ? ### Context: ### Answer: Nicolas Sarkozy was the president from May 2007 to May 2012 then Francois Hollande from May 2012 to May 2017 and finally Emmanuel Macron from May 2017 to now</s>
Give me a bulleted list of the fastest way to get from to cross the English Channel in a nonconventional way?
First, you need to pick the shortest distance to travel across the English Channel. The Straight of Dover is the narrowest point at only 20 miles wide. This will give you the best chance to complete your crossing quickly. Outside of conventional means of transport such as car, train, airplane and boats, you could try the following options: Hot air balloon Catapult Jetpack Hovercraft Submarine Swimming
### Instruction: Give me a bulleted list of the fastest way to get from to cross the English Channel in a nonconventional way? ### Context: ### Answer: First, you need to pick the shortest distance to travel across the English Channel. The Straight of Dover is the narrowest point at only 20 miles wide. This will give you the best chance to complete your crossing quickly. Outside of conventional means of transport such as car, train, airplane and boats, you could try the following options: Hot air balloon Catapult Jetpack Hovercraft Submarine Swimming</s>
What items can be easily composted at home?
For a home compost bin, it is important to only compost things that can be easily turned to soil an won't attract animals or pest. Thus, you can compost fruits and vegetables, egg shells, coffee grounds, paper products like newspaper or cardboard (if ripped into smaller pieces), and yard waste like grass clippings and leaves. In a commercial compost, oily food scraps, dairy, meat, and bones can also be composted. It is better to leave these items out of a home compost bin.
### Instruction: What items can be easily composted at home? ### Context: ### Answer: For a home compost bin, it is important to only compost things that can be easily turned to soil an won't attract animals or pest. Thus, you can compost fruits and vegetables, egg shells, coffee grounds, paper products like newspaper or cardboard (if ripped into smaller pieces), and yard waste like grass clippings and leaves. In a commercial compost, oily food scraps, dairy, meat, and bones can also be composted. It is better to leave these items out of a home compost bin.</s>
What are some silly things to drink out of instead of a cup?
Things you could drink from that aren't cups could include a hummingbird feeder, a syrup container, a (plastic lined) mini piñata, an erlenmeyer flask, a water gun, an empty medicine bottle, a plant vase or pot, or a watering can.
### Instruction: What are some silly things to drink out of instead of a cup? ### Context: ### Answer: Things you could drink from that aren't cups could include a hummingbird feeder, a syrup container, a (plastic lined) mini piñata, an erlenmeyer flask, a water gun, an empty medicine bottle, a plant vase or pot, or a watering can.</s>
Provide a list of some Japanese art forms I've not heard of.
Here is a number of Japanese art forms that you may not have heard of; Ikebana is the art of flower arranging. Kabuki is a form of traditional Japanese theatre. Origami is the art of folding paper into various shapes, such as animals. Anime is a Japanese form of comic book art. Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry.
### Instruction: Provide a list of some Japanese art forms I've not heard of. ### Context: ### Answer: Here is a number of Japanese art forms that you may not have heard of; Ikebana is the art of flower arranging. Kabuki is a form of traditional Japanese theatre. Origami is the art of folding paper into various shapes, such as animals. Anime is a Japanese form of comic book art. Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry.</s>
Think up a couple of ways to use old shirts
Here are some ways to use old shirts: - As cleaning / dusting rags - To make tie-dye shirts - To make headbands / head accessories - As garden ties for your plants - turning them into quilts - turning them into rugs
### Instruction: Think up a couple of ways to use old shirts ### Context: ### Answer: Here are some ways to use old shirts: - As cleaning / dusting rags - To make tie-dye shirts - To make headbands / head accessories - As garden ties for your plants - turning them into quilts - turning them into rugs</s>
What are ten places I should eat in Paris?
Ten places you should eat at in Paris are: - Les Enfants du Marche - Le Bistrot Paul Bert - Table - Parcelles - Sur Mer - Restaurant A.T. - La Tour d'Argent - Chez Nous - Le Baratin - L'avant Comptoir de la Terre
### Instruction: What are ten places I should eat in Paris? ### Context: ### Answer: Ten places you should eat at in Paris are: - Les Enfants du Marche - Le Bistrot Paul Bert - Table - Parcelles - Sur Mer - Restaurant A.T. - La Tour d'Argent - Chez Nous - Le Baratin - L'avant Comptoir de la Terre</s>
What are interesting plot twists for a novel?
Twists could include showing that a character who was thought dead is actually alive, or maybe revealing that a trusted character is actually a villain. Thrillers can use natural disasters or freak accidents to put characters in peril. Mystery novels can introduce new evidence that redirects suspicion or dramatically increases the scope of an investigation. New romantic relationships between characters can also add interesting twists. Novels can also use unreliable narrators to show that information has been withheld from the reader.
### Instruction: What are interesting plot twists for a novel? ### Context: ### Answer: Twists could include showing that a character who was thought dead is actually alive, or maybe revealing that a trusted character is actually a villain. Thrillers can use natural disasters or freak accidents to put characters in peril. Mystery novels can introduce new evidence that redirects suspicion or dramatically increases the scope of an investigation. New romantic relationships between characters can also add interesting twists. Novels can also use unreliable narrators to show that information has been withheld from the reader.</s>
How can I boost my energy levels throughout the day?
Here are ways you can boost your energy levels: - Get at least 8 hours of restful sleep - Eat healthy, minimally processes foods - Stay hydrated - Exercise regularly - Drink coffee or an energy drink
### Instruction: How can I boost my energy levels throughout the day? ### Context: ### Answer: Here are ways you can boost your energy levels: - Get at least 8 hours of restful sleep - Eat healthy, minimally processes foods - Stay hydrated - Exercise regularly - Drink coffee or an energy drink</s>
List some capital cities that begin with the letter S.
Capital cities starting with the letter "S" include; San Marino, Santiago, Seoul, Singapore, Stockholm and Sydney.
### Instruction: List some capital cities that begin with the letter S. ### Context: ### Answer: Capital cities starting with the letter "S" include; San Marino, Santiago, Seoul, Singapore, Stockholm and Sydney.</s>
Sea or Mountain
I believe Mountain are more attractive but Ocean has it's own beauty and this tropical weather definitely turn you on! SO 50% 50%
### Instruction: Sea or Mountain ### Context: ### Answer: I believe Mountain are more attractive but Ocean has it's own beauty and this tropical weather definitely turn you on! SO 50% 50%</s>
How to lose weight?
The general answer is eat less and exercise more. This really is a psychology question, not a knowledge question. To lose weight, one needs to create a build a mental model that they can follow. For example, one pound of fat has 3500 calories, one needs to reduce the diet by that much to lose a pound of weight. Another important factor is to get strong support from family and friends. The encourage from close people makes the process easier and more natural. Controlling weight is one of the psychological challenge that many people face at some point. Create a plan to minimize the psychological challenge and follow the plan mentally.
### Instruction: How to lose weight? ### Context: ### Answer: The general answer is eat less and exercise more. This really is a psychology question, not a knowledge question. To lose weight, one needs to create a build a mental model that they can follow. For example, one pound of fat has 3500 calories, one needs to reduce the diet by that much to lose a pound of weight. Another important factor is to get strong support from family and friends. The encourage from close people makes the process easier and more natural. Controlling weight is one of the psychological challenge that many people face at some point. Create a plan to minimize the psychological challenge and follow the plan mentally.</s>
What are the top 5 best ways to prepare a burger?
1) Traditional methods would start with using a normal grill for 2-3 minutes per side, ensuring the burger is full cooked. 2) For the real burger enthusiast, the only way to prepare a burger is the smash burger style typically completed on a flat top griddle. This technique produces a unique sear on the outer part of the burger adding to taste and texture. 3) Some people might also like to prepare a burger on a kitchen stove top or George Foreman grill. Not advised but works in a pinch. 4) For those camping, burgers can be prepared on a cast iron skillet over wood fire. 5) Lastly, one could use a microwave in a pinch but this type of heating mechanism is not idea for preparing any type of meat.
### Instruction: What are the top 5 best ways to prepare a burger? ### Context: ### Answer: 1) Traditional methods would start with using a normal grill for 2-3 minutes per side, ensuring the burger is full cooked. 2) For the real burger enthusiast, the only way to prepare a burger is the smash burger style typically completed on a flat top griddle. This technique produces a unique sear on the outer part of the burger adding to taste and texture. 3) Some people might also like to prepare a burger on a kitchen stove top or George Foreman grill. Not advised but works in a pinch. 4) For those camping, burgers can be prepared on a cast iron skillet over wood fire. 5) Lastly, one could use a microwave in a pinch but this type of heating mechanism is not idea for preparing any type of meat.</s>
What are the most important tools to own when I am an apartment renter?
As a renter, you’ll often find yourself hanging pictures, assembling furniture, installing floating shelves, opening and cutting up boxes, storing things on high shelves, tightening screws or bolts that come loose over time, cleaning cobwebs, measuring furniture or a room where you’d like to put furniture, unclogging a toilet, or any number of other activities centered around daily apartment life. To do these things, you’ll need a small number of tools, including: - A standard toilet plunger, because toilets get clogged. Get this most important tool first. - A 1” wide tape measure. Get one that’s 25ft long. The wide width makes it easier for one person to measure long runs or furniture by themselves. A 25ft length will be long enough to measure the longest wall of most rooms and any piece of furniture. - A small level to evenly hang pictures and anything else you can think of. It should be about 10” to 12” long. - A pair of #2 Phillips head and #2 flat tip screwdrivers. Or, a ratcheting screwdriver with a set of replaceable screwdriver tips. To tighten loose screws or assemble furniture. - A folding step-stool that has two or three steps, and can support two to three hundred pounds. To quickly and safely reach those high shelves, hang pictures, and get close to things that are too high off the ground for you to reach standing in your flat shoes. - A comfortable-in-hand hammer, to drive nails for hanging pictures, gently tap things together, or break things apart. A wooden handled, curved-claw hammer that weighs between 12oz-16oz will serve most users well. When pulling nails, place a thin piece of wood between the hammerhead and delicate surfaces such as sheetrock to avoid damaged. Good hardware stores carry both. - A pair of adjustable wrenches for tightening just about anything. You’ll often need a pair of wrenches to both hold and tighten the same fastener. A smaller 8” and larger 10” adjustable wrenches make a good combination for most tasks. - A utility knife and a package of quality blades. To safely cut open boxes and other packaging, as well as trim paper, fabrics, textiles, wood…etc. The knife should feel secure in your hand and have a large, easy to turn knob to open the knife to change blades. Buy a package of high-quality name brand replacement blades to keep on hand. - An extra power receptacle for an emergency or unplanned usage. Always have an extra on hand…you will need it. - Hex wrenches. Also called Allen keys. You’ll need these mainly for assembling things like furniture. These come in both metric and imperial standard sizes. Both are useful to have, but if you only buy one set, make it metric, as it’s the most common type of fastener used to assemble furniture. - A stud finder. Stud finders help you locate the wall studs hidden behind the sheetrock. You’ll need to know where the wall studs are in order to know which fasteners you can use. - A tool box or bag. The only rule here is that the bag needs to hold all of your tools. So, you should probably buy this after you’ve owned and used a few of the tools listed previously, and have a better idea how you’d like to store them, carry them and access them. - A cordless drill and impact driver set, if you can afford it. All the other tools are more important, but these two tools are incredibly useful and make many jobs go faster and more pleasantly. The drill is for drilling. The impact driver is for driving or removing screws and other common fasteners. They look similar, but they are 2 different tools, each giving the user the right kinds of power and feedback required for the job each is designed for. It pays to buy quality here, so buy the best you can afford.
### Instruction: What are the most important tools to own when I am an apartment renter? ### Context: ### Answer: As a renter, you’ll often find yourself hanging pictures, assembling furniture, installing floating shelves, opening and cutting up boxes, storing things on high shelves, tightening screws or bolts that come loose over time, cleaning cobwebs, measuring furniture or a room where you’d like to put furniture, unclogging a toilet, or any number of other activities centered around daily apartment life. To do these things, you’ll need a small number of tools, including: - A standard toilet plunger, because toilets get clogged. Get this most important tool first. - A 1” wide tape measure. Get one that’s 25ft long. The wide width makes it easier for one person to measure long runs or furniture by themselves. A 25ft length will be long enough to measure the longest wall of most rooms and any piece of furniture. - A small level to evenly hang pictures and anything else you can think of. It should be about 10” to 12” long. - A pair of #2 Phillips head and #2 flat tip screwdrivers. Or, a ratcheting screwdriver with a set of replaceable screwdriver tips. To tighten loose screws or assemble furniture. - A folding step-stool that has two or three steps, and can support two to three hundred pounds. To quickly and safely reach those high shelves, hang pictures, and get close to things that are too high off the ground for you to reach standing in your flat shoes. - A comfortable-in-hand hammer, to drive nails for hanging pictures, gently tap things together, or break things apart. A wooden handled, curved-claw hammer that weighs between 12oz-16oz will serve most users well. When pulling nails, place a thin piece of wood between the hammerhead and delicate surfaces such as sheetrock to avoid damaged. Good hardware stores carry both. - A pair of adjustable wrenches for tightening just about anything. You’ll often need a pair of wrenches to both hold and tighten the same fastener. A smaller 8” and larger 10” adjustable wrenches make a good combination for most tasks. - A utility knife and a package of quality blades. To safely cut open boxes and other packaging, as well as trim paper, fabrics, textiles, wood…etc. The knife should feel secure in your hand and have a large, easy to turn knob to open the knife to change blades. Buy a package of high-quality name brand replacement blades to keep on hand. - An extra power receptacle for an emergency or unplanned usage. Always have an extra on hand…you will need it. - Hex wrenches. Also called Allen keys. You’ll need these mainly for assembling things like furniture. These come in both metric and imperial standard sizes. Both are useful to have, but if you only buy one set, make it metric, as it’s the most common type of fastener used to assemble furniture. - A stud finder. Stud finders help you locate the wall studs hidden behind the sheetrock. You’ll need to know where the wall studs are in order to know which fasteners you can use. - A tool box or bag. The only rule here is that the bag needs to hold all of your tools. So, you should probably buy this after you’ve owned and used a few of the tools listed previously, and have a better idea how you’d like to store them, carry them and access them. - A cordless drill and impact driver set, if you can afford it. All the other tools are more important, but these two tools are incredibly useful and make many jobs go faster and more pleasantly. The drill is for drilling. The impact driver is for driving or removing screws and other common fasteners. They look similar, but they are 2 different tools, each giving the user the right kinds of power and feedback required for the job each is designed for. It pays to buy quality here, so buy the best you can afford.</s>
List the Pokemon Go regions.
There are ten regions in Pokémon GO Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Alola, Galar, Hisui and Paldea. Certain Pokemon originate from each region and can only be captured within that region.
### Instruction: List the Pokemon Go regions. ### Context: ### Answer: There are ten regions in Pokémon GO Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Alola, Galar, Hisui and Paldea. Certain Pokemon originate from each region and can only be captured within that region.</s>
Give me a list of Greek foods that are absolutely amazing
1. spanakopita 2. tyropita 3. gemista 4. lamb souvlaki 5. chicken souvlaki 6. tzatziki 7. taramasalata 8. dolmathes 9. calamari 10. greek salad
### Instruction: Give me a list of Greek foods that are absolutely amazing ### Context: ### Answer: 1. spanakopita 2. tyropita 3. gemista 4. lamb souvlaki 5. chicken souvlaki 6. tzatziki 7. taramasalata 8. dolmathes 9. calamari 10. greek salad</s>
What are 10 movies my young child can watch?
For your young child these movies can be interested: - The Lion King (1994) - Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018) - Coco (2017) - WALL·E (2008) - Toy Story (1995) - Up (2009) - Finding Nemo (2003) - The Iron Giant (1999) - The Incredibles (2004) - Aladdin (1992)
### Instruction: What are 10 movies my young child can watch? ### Context: ### Answer: For your young child these movies can be interested: - The Lion King (1994) - Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018) - Coco (2017) - WALL·E (2008) - Toy Story (1995) - Up (2009) - Finding Nemo (2003) - The Iron Giant (1999) - The Incredibles (2004) - Aladdin (1992)</s>
Give me a list of the most recent Men's Indian Cricket Team captains in ODIs
- Hardik Pandya - KL Rahul - Shikhar Dhawan - Rohit Sharma - Ajinkya Rahane - Virat Kohli - Gautam Ganbhir - Suresh Raina - MS Dhoni
### Instruction: Give me a list of the most recent Men's Indian Cricket Team captains in ODIs ### Context: ### Answer: - Hardik Pandya - KL Rahul - Shikhar Dhawan - Rohit Sharma - Ajinkya Rahane - Virat Kohli - Gautam Ganbhir - Suresh Raina - MS Dhoni</s>
Give me a list of dog names
Sparky, Rusty, Tank, Fred, Coco, Bailey, Pierre, Libby
### Instruction: Give me a list of dog names ### Context: ### Answer: Sparky, Rusty, Tank, Fred, Coco, Bailey, Pierre, Libby</s>
What is best Home kit
1. Homepod Mini 2. Thermostat ecobee 3. eUFY cAM
### Instruction: What is best Home kit ### Context: ### Answer: 1. Homepod Mini 2. Thermostat ecobee 3. eUFY cAM</s>
Please provide a list of best movies from Shahrukh Khan.
Not all these movies might have made big box office warnings but they brought acclaim to Shahrukh Khan. My Name is Khan Pathaan Baazigar Duplicate Kal Ho Naa Ho Kabhi Alvida Naa Ho Dil Toh Pagal Hai Dilwaale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge Kuch Kuch Hota Hai Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham Main Hoon Na Don Chakh De India Veer Zara And many others.
### Instruction: Please provide a list of best movies from Shahrukh Khan. ### Context: ### Answer: Not all these movies might have made big box office warnings but they brought acclaim to Shahrukh Khan. My Name is Khan Pathaan Baazigar Duplicate Kal Ho Naa Ho Kabhi Alvida Naa Ho Dil Toh Pagal Hai Dilwaale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge Kuch Kuch Hota Hai Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham Main Hoon Na Don Chakh De India Veer Zara And many others.</s>
Do you really need mobile phone?
We do not really need a mobile phone to live.
### Instruction: Do you really need mobile phone? ### Context: ### Answer: We do not really need a mobile phone to live.</s>
how to find a good date?
According to Pew Research, 70% of people say their dating life isn’t going well. The three top reasons provided that dating doesn’t work out include: 1) People live too far away from each other 2) Significant debt or poor financial situation 3) different political views A lot of people nowadays met through online dating apps so they can connect to potential dates they might not be able to met in personal life. Some prefer someone who complements him while others like dates share similarities. For people looking for fast-paced effective dating experiences, you can try 8-minute first date meeting where you chat with people within eight minutes and decide whether or not they should go out on another date. Experts claims that successful relationships are those where a partner validates/affirms you, inspires you, and challenges you in a good way!
### Instruction: how to find a good date? ### Context: ### Answer: According to Pew Research, 70% of people say their dating life isn’t going well. The three top reasons provided that dating doesn’t work out include: 1) People live too far away from each other 2) Significant debt or poor financial situation 3) different political views A lot of people nowadays met through online dating apps so they can connect to potential dates they might not be able to met in personal life. Some prefer someone who complements him while others like dates share similarities. For people looking for fast-paced effective dating experiences, you can try 8-minute first date meeting where you chat with people within eight minutes and decide whether or not they should go out on another date. Experts claims that successful relationships are those where a partner validates/affirms you, inspires you, and challenges you in a good way!</s>
Polly, a 51-year-old female, visits your fitness facility. She is dissatisfied with her body and is responding to a series of ads your facility uses to attract people interested in weight loss. Can we think of ways she can become more accepting of her body?
Instead of jumping to intense workout regimens or strict diets, we can coax her to focus more on what her body can accomplish physically versus just how it looks. We wish to encourage her to accept her body and cherish her progress in her athletic endeavors, e.g. if she is consistently performing resistance exercises, remind her that her body can now lift much more weight than when she first started. She can focus more on that, instead of purely a number on a scale. Moreover, we can also dig into where her body insecurities came from, and take steps so that she can work through this trauma. Suggestions include renaming a specific disliked body part, focusing on the great parts of her own body, and appreciating the inherent strength and functionality of her body.
### Instruction: Polly, a 51-year-old female, visits your fitness facility. She is dissatisfied with her body and is responding to a series of ads your facility uses to attract people interested in weight loss. Can we think of ways she can become more accepting of her body? ### Context: ### Answer: Instead of jumping to intense workout regimens or strict diets, we can coax her to focus more on what her body can accomplish physically versus just how it looks. We wish to encourage her to accept her body and cherish her progress in her athletic endeavors, e.g. if she is consistently performing resistance exercises, remind her that her body can now lift much more weight than when she first started. She can focus more on that, instead of purely a number on a scale. Moreover, we can also dig into where her body insecurities came from, and take steps so that she can work through this trauma. Suggestions include renaming a specific disliked body part, focusing on the great parts of her own body, and appreciating the inherent strength and functionality of her body.</s>
Create a workout to strengthen my upper body
If you have access to weights, a workout might start with four sets of bench press and four sets of upright row at 6 to 10 reps each to strengthen your chest and back. If you don’t have access to weights you could replace those exercises with some combination of push ups, pull ups, and chin ups. Next move into three sets of shoulder press and rear delt raises for ten reps each. Finally, do three sets of bicep curls and three sets of tricep dips for ten and thirty reps respectively. The weights and repetitions for each exercise should scale with your comfort and ability doing that exercise. When working out, it’s very important to use good form and not overextend yourself. When lifting heavy weights it’s a good idea to get help from a spotter, and in particular you should never do bench press alone. Don’t fall into the trap of pushing too hard and risk your personal safety - you’ll get a lot stronger if you avoid injuries!
### Instruction: Create a workout to strengthen my upper body ### Context: ### Answer: If you have access to weights, a workout might start with four sets of bench press and four sets of upright row at 6 to 10 reps each to strengthen your chest and back. If you don’t have access to weights you could replace those exercises with some combination of push ups, pull ups, and chin ups. Next move into three sets of shoulder press and rear delt raises for ten reps each. Finally, do three sets of bicep curls and three sets of tricep dips for ten and thirty reps respectively. The weights and repetitions for each exercise should scale with your comfort and ability doing that exercise. When working out, it’s very important to use good form and not overextend yourself. When lifting heavy weights it’s a good idea to get help from a spotter, and in particular you should never do bench press alone. Don’t fall into the trap of pushing too hard and risk your personal safety - you’ll get a lot stronger if you avoid injuries!</s>
Give me 5 ways to reduce my electricity bill.
The following are 5 ways you can reduce your electricity bill: 1. Turn off your air conditioning or heating 2. Install insulation 3. Take shorter showers 4. Turn off the lights when not in use 5. Buy energy efficient appliances
### Instruction: Give me 5 ways to reduce my electricity bill. ### Context: ### Answer: The following are 5 ways you can reduce your electricity bill: 1. Turn off your air conditioning or heating 2. Install insulation 3. Take shorter showers 4. Turn off the lights when not in use 5. Buy energy efficient appliances</s>
What are some of the best fantasy novels of all time?
1) The Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkien 2) The Name of the Wind - Patrick Rothfuss 3) A Game of Thrones - George RR Martin 4) Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - JK Rowling 5) The Way of Kings - Brandon Sanderson 6) The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe - CS Lewis 7) Kushiel's Dart - Jaqueline Carey 8) Bloodsong - Anthon Ryan 9) The Sword of Shannara -Terry Brooks 10) The Lies of Locke Lomora - Scott Lynch
### Instruction: What are some of the best fantasy novels of all time? ### Context: ### Answer: 1) The Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkien 2) The Name of the Wind - Patrick Rothfuss 3) A Game of Thrones - George RR Martin 4) Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - JK Rowling 5) The Way of Kings - Brandon Sanderson 6) The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe - CS Lewis 7) Kushiel's Dart - Jaqueline Carey 8) Bloodsong - Anthon Ryan 9) The Sword of Shannara -Terry Brooks 10) The Lies of Locke Lomora - Scott Lynch</s>
Why Phuket is so famous
Because of island like phi phi, Krabi. Its just stand still mountains inside sea
### Instruction: Why Phuket is so famous ### Context: ### Answer: Because of island like phi phi, Krabi. Its just stand still mountains inside sea</s>
Give me a bulleted list of the last eight female Olympians to win the 200m freestyle.
Here is a list of last eight females to win the 200m freestyle race at the Olympics. - Ariarne Titmus (2020 Tokyo) - Katie Ledecky (2016 Rio de Janeiro) - Allison Schmitt (2012 London) - Federica Pellegrini (2008 Beijing) - Camelia Potec (2004 Athens) - Susie O'Neill (2000 Sydney) - Claudia Poll (1996 Atlanta) - Nicole Haislett (1992 Barcelona)
### Instruction: Give me a bulleted list of the last eight female Olympians to win the 200m freestyle. ### Context: ### Answer: Here is a list of last eight females to win the 200m freestyle race at the Olympics. - Ariarne Titmus (2020 Tokyo) - Katie Ledecky (2016 Rio de Janeiro) - Allison Schmitt (2012 London) - Federica Pellegrini (2008 Beijing) - Camelia Potec (2004 Athens) - Susie O'Neill (2000 Sydney) - Claudia Poll (1996 Atlanta) - Nicole Haislett (1992 Barcelona)</s>
Give me a list of Shakespeare's plays
- Hamlet - Romeo and Juliet - King Lear - Othello - Titus Andronicus - Love's Labour's Lost - Twelfth Night - A Midsummer Night's Dream - A Winter's Tale - The Tempest - Troilus and Cressida - Pericles - Antony and Cleopatra - All's Well That End's Well - The Merchant of Venice - Henry IV Part 1 - Henry IV Part 2 - Henry V - Henry VI Part 1 - Henry VI Part 2 - Henry VI Part 3 - Henry VIII - Richard II - Richard III - King John - Julius Caesar - As You Like It - Macbeth - The Merry Wives of Windsor - Two Gentlemen of Verona - The Taming of the Shrew - Coriolanus - Timon of Athens - Much Ado About Nothing - Cymbeline - The Comedy of Errors - Two Noble Kinsmen - Measure for Measure
### Instruction: Give me a list of Shakespeare's plays ### Context: ### Answer: - Hamlet - Romeo and Juliet - King Lear - Othello - Titus Andronicus - Love's Labour's Lost - Twelfth Night - A Midsummer Night's Dream - A Winter's Tale - The Tempest - Troilus and Cressida - Pericles - Antony and Cleopatra - All's Well That End's Well - The Merchant of Venice - Henry IV Part 1 - Henry IV Part 2 - Henry V - Henry VI Part 1 - Henry VI Part 2 - Henry VI Part 3 - Henry VIII - Richard II - Richard III - King John - Julius Caesar - As You Like It - Macbeth - The Merry Wives of Windsor - Two Gentlemen of Verona - The Taming of the Shrew - Coriolanus - Timon of Athens - Much Ado About Nothing - Cymbeline - The Comedy of Errors - Two Noble Kinsmen - Measure for Measure</s>
Please provide 5 different variants of served coffee
1. Cold Brew 2. Americano 3. Espresso 4. Latte 5. Cappuccino
### Instruction: Please provide 5 different variants of served coffee ### Context: ### Answer: 1. Cold Brew 2. Americano 3. Espresso 4. Latte 5. Cappuccino</s>
Give me a list of the only two American cyclists to win the Tour de France general classification.
Greg LaMond has won the Tour de France general classification three times. Lance Armstrong has won the Tour de France seven times, but had all of those victories stripped after admitting to using performance enhancing drugs.
### Instruction: Give me a list of the only two American cyclists to win the Tour de France general classification. ### Context: ### Answer: Greg LaMond has won the Tour de France general classification three times. Lance Armstrong has won the Tour de France seven times, but had all of those victories stripped after admitting to using performance enhancing drugs.</s>
Why Kolkata is famous
Because of it's famous food and culture 1. Kolkata biriyani 2, Victoria 3. Rasogolla
### Instruction: Why Kolkata is famous ### Context: ### Answer: Because of it's famous food and culture 1. Kolkata biriyani 2, Victoria 3. Rasogolla</s>
Give me a list of things I should bring when taking a baby to the park.
Here are some things you should bring when taking a baby to the park: - Diaper Bag - Toys - Stroller - Extra Diapers and Clothes - Carrying Pack - First Aid Kit - Water - Snacks - Milk
### Instruction: Give me a list of things I should bring when taking a baby to the park. ### Context: ### Answer: Here are some things you should bring when taking a baby to the park: - Diaper Bag - Toys - Stroller - Extra Diapers and Clothes - Carrying Pack - First Aid Kit - Water - Snacks - Milk</s>
What books did Brene Brown write?
Brene Brown has written several books that are based around personal growth, vulnerability, and leadership. Some of the books she has written include The Gifts of Imperfection, Dare to Lead, Daring Greatly, Braving the Wilderness and I Thought It Was Me But It Wasn't
### Instruction: What books did Brene Brown write? ### Context: ### Answer: Brene Brown has written several books that are based around personal growth, vulnerability, and leadership. Some of the books she has written include The Gifts of Imperfection, Dare to Lead, Daring Greatly, Braving the Wilderness and I Thought It Was Me But It Wasn't</s>