3 values
Which 21-stage, 23-day, 2,200-mile men’s bike race is held each summer and ends at the Champs-Élysées?
Tour de France
Watercooler Trivia
Although often misattributed as a French invention owing to its name and history, what macabre beheading-device was actually first used in Ireland in 1307, over 450 years before it was first used in France?
Watercooler Trivia
Probably including lots of Roquefort, Comte, and Brie, what country eats more cheese per person than any other, according to a 2014 report from the International Dairy Federation?
Watercooler Trivia
Produced in France, Grey Goose is a luxury brand of what type of alcoholic spirit?
Watercooler Trivia
Started in 1944, “Le Parisien” is one of the top-selling daily what in France?
Watercooler Trivia
The Alpine region of Europe includes Austria, Italy, Liechtenstein, France, Germany, Monaco, Slovenia and what neutral country?
Watercooler Trivia
Along with Libération and Le Figaro, Le Monde is considered one of the three “newspapers of record” in which European nation?
Watercooler Trivia
Some of the earliest known depictions of owls come are drawings on the walls of the Chauvet Cave, in the southeastern portion of what European country?
Watercooler Trivia
What colour features in the national flags of all eight countries that border mainland France?
Watercooler Trivia
What famous cathedral of Paris, France, opened in 1345, was made even more famous in an 1831 Victor Hugo novel that was adapted many times?
Notre-Dame De Paris
Watercooler Trivia
What city was the center of the movement called Surrealism, whose artists include such notables as Jean Arp, Max Ernst, Man Ray, Rene Magritte, and Salvador Dali?
Watercooler Trivia
Which glass and metal structure designed by Chinese-American architect I. M. Pei stands in the main courtyard of the Louvre Museum?
Louvre Pyramid
Watercooler Trivia
Italian Vincenzo Peruggia is a famous name in the history of art for stealing which iconic painting in 1911? One theory regarding his motivation for stealing the painting was that he wanted to return the painting from France to its country of origin.
Mona Lisa
Watercooler Trivia
The Principality of Monaco is bordered to the north, east, and west, by what other European country?
Watercooler Trivia
What “M” French politician, member of the La Republique En Marche party, has been serving as president of France since 2017?
Emmanuel Macron
Watercooler Trivia
The 2000 film “Chocolat” stars Juliette Binoche as a woman who opens a sweet shop in a straitlaced fictional village in what country?
Watercooler Trivia
Augustin Mouchot successfully demonstrated a solar steam engine in 1878 at the Universal Exposition which was coincidentally hosted in his home country that year. What was the country?
Watercooler Trivia
The only time cricket was an official Olympic sport was in the 1900 games, played in what capital city proposed as a host by Pierre de Coubertin?
Watercooler Trivia
In France, the July 14 national holiday is called Fête nationale française. What’s it called in English? (Hint: The observance marks the fall of a French prison at the start of the Revolution)
Bastille Day
Watercooler Trivia
President Thomas Jefferson bought about 828,000 square miles worth of land from France in 1803. What name was given to the transaction for that territory?
Louisiana Purchase
Watercooler Trivia
Which airport in Paris is the biggest and busiest in France? (Hint: It’s named after a French president)
Charles de Gaulle Airport
Watercooler Trivia
What “M” French landmark is a large hill in Paris’s 18th arrondissement? It is home to the Basilica of the Sacre-Coeur.
Watercooler Trivia
The Palme d’Or is the top prize awarded at the Internation Film Festival held in which French City?
Watercooler Trivia
Lyon, France is home to what border-spanning law enforcement agency?
Watercooler Trivia
Along with France and Spain, which North African country is one of only three countries have both an Atlantic coast and a Mediterranean coast?
Watercooler Trivia
Lilian Thuram is the record-holder for most apperances (“caps”) and Thierry Henry the record-holder for most goals for what nation's men's soccer team?
Watercooler Trivia
The modernist, concrete Saint-Pierre church in Firminy, France is one of the major works of what architect whose birth name was Charles-Edouard Jeanneret?
Le Corbusier
Watercooler Trivia
On the periodic table, Francium is named for the country of France; less obviously, what metallic element gets its name from the old Latin name for what is now France?
Watercooler Trivia
Thales is a multinational company that designs and builds electrical systems for the aerospace market, based out of what European country?
Watercooler Trivia
A major public square in Paris France, located at the eastern end of the Champs-Elysees, is the Place de la ______. Fill in the one word “C” blank, also the name of a Franco-British supersonic airliner used from 1976 until 2003.
Place De La Concorde
Watercooler Trivia
Literally translating as “beautiful wands”, Beauxbatons is the institution of wizardly education of what country in the Harry Potter universe?
Watercooler Trivia
'Entente Cordiale' is a term typically used to describe the relationship between the UK and what other country?
Watercooler Trivia
Alexis de Tocqueville is a famous European political scientist who famously wrote a 19th century treatise titled “Democracy in America”. What nationality is de Tocqueville?
Watercooler Trivia
Known for fine art and antiques, the Hotel Drouot is a large auction house featuring multiple independent auction firms in what world capital city?
Watercooler Trivia
In the Tour de France, the yellow jersey is awarded to the cyclist who has the fastest aggregate time across all stages. What color jersey is awarded to the “young rider” — a cyclist under the age of 26 — with the fastest aggregate time?
Watercooler Trivia
Stretching over 31 miles between Kent, England and Hauts-de-France, France, the Chunnel is a colloquial portmanteau of what famous tunnel?
The Channel Tunnel
Watercooler Trivia
Lettered subway tiles spell out the text of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen at the Concorde stop of what city's metro line?
Watercooler Trivia
Which style of art, also known as Late Baroque, that focused on decorative ornamentation began in France in the 1730s? Jean-Honoré Fragonard is a noted exponent of this style.
Watercooler Trivia
There are five countries that were represented at every modern Olympics since its beginning. Greece is one of them. Name two others.
Australia, France, Great Britain, Switzerland
Watercooler Trivia
What French jeweler is famous for its “menagerie” animal pieces, including an onyx-and-diamond bracelet shaped like a panther that was owned by Wallis Simpson?
Watercooler Trivia
Which monument situated in the center of the Place du Charles de Gaulle commemorates those who died in the French Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Wars?
Arc de Triomphe
Watercooler Trivia
Inspired by a liqueur produced in the Loire Valley in 17th-century France, Chambord is a liqueur flavored with what fruit?
Watercooler Trivia
In what country did the deadliest auto racing accident ever occur? It occurred during a 24 hour race in 1955
Watercooler Trivia
In 2011, Australia's Cadel Evans became the second non-European to officially win what multi-phase Euro sporting competition?
Tour de France
Watercooler Trivia
In the 1795 Peace of Basel treaty, Spain lost control over two-thirds of the island of Hispaniola. To what other nation did they cede this land?
Watercooler Trivia
Rudolf Christian Karl Diesel was a 19th century inventor and mechanical engineer, most famous for the invention of his namesake engine. He's also well-known for a suspicious death at sea. Although born in France, Diesel was what nationality?
Watercooler Trivia
What is the name of the smooth, creamy, seasoned soup of French origin that is typically based on a strained broth of crustaceans? The name is thought to come from the body of water between Spain and France below the Celtic Sea.
Watercooler Trivia
Since Lance Armstrong's seven Tour de France victories were vacated due to doping, the current record for most Tour de France victories is held jointly by Jacques Anquetil, Eddy Merckx, Bernard Hinault, and Miguel Indurain. How many titles do each of these men have?
Watercooler Trivia
A Czech writer who went into exile in France in 1975, Milan Kundera is most famous for writing the 1984 novel “The Unbearable ___ of Being”. What word goes in the blank?
Watercooler Trivia
In 1956, Israel invaded Egypt, followed by the UK and France, forcing outside pressure from the United States. This crisis is referred to by what name? It refers to the canal the Western powers were hoping to control.
Suez Crisis
Watercooler Trivia
In 1712, in Lyon, France, one of the earliest schools for training veterinarians was founded by French surgeon ______ Bourgelat. Fill in the blank, also the first name of the painter of “The Waterlily Pond.”
Watercooler Trivia
In mid-July 2021, President Emmanuel Macron announced sweeping COVID-19 vaccination mandates in what European country?
Watercooler Trivia
In 1914, as World War I loomed, France, Russia, and Britain entered into an alliance known as the Triple ______. Fill in the one word blank, an “E” word meaning a friendly understanding or informal alliance.
Watercooler Trivia
Although born in the United States, civil rights activist Josephine Baker became famous as an entertainer and supporter of Nazi resistance in what country?
Watercooler Trivia
What 20th-century political scientist and University of Michigan professor wrote such books as “Political Representation In France”, “Dynamics Of Party Support”, and the “American Social Attitudes Data Sourcebook?” His last name is the same as a shoe company that makes Chuck Taylors.
Philip Converse
Watercooler Trivia
What “A” word is a day celebrated by France every November 11th since 1918 when Germany and the Allied countries signed an agreement in Compiègne, France to end World War I?
Watercooler Trivia
The Petrin Tower in the Czech Republic, an observation tower that resembles France’s Eiffel Tower, sits on its namesake hill, known as ______ Petrin. Fill in the one word alliterative adjective blank, which makes the hill seem like it is tranquil and free from disturbance.
Peaceful Petrin
Watercooler Trivia
How old was Laurent Fabius, the youngest prime minister of the current governmental structure of France, when he was appointed on July 17, 1984?
Watercooler Trivia
In what city is the European Disney theme park located?
Watercooler Trivia
Which French river rises in the southern Massif Central and flows northwest for 634 miles to the Atlantic Ocean? This river gives its name to six departments.
Watercooler Trivia
Irish-born playwright and novelist Samuel Beckett wrote in English, but also in what other language that reflects the country where he spent much of his adult life?
Watercooler Trivia
Who was the only person to be prime minister more than once under the Fifth Republic of France? He served from 1974 to 1976, and again from 1986 to 1988.
Jacques Chirac
Watercooler Trivia
What is the “L” name of the network of caves in Dordogne in southwest France, famous for their paleolithic drawings of bulls and other local animal life?
Watercooler Trivia
Which city of the French Riviera, located close to Monaco, is the second largest French city on the Mediterranean coast after Marseille?
Watercooler Trivia
Which French monarch with the nickname “The Sun King” reigned for 72 years from the age of four? Name and regnal number required.
Louis XIV
Watercooler Trivia
Since it’s the country’s national sport, it’s no surprise that New Zealand’s national team (the All Blacks) ranks in the top 3 worldwide (behind South Africa and France). Which contact sport do they play?
Watercooler Trivia
Winning his fifth and final title in 1985, which cyclist, nicknamed Le Blaireau (The Badger), was the last Frenchman to win the Tour de France?
Bernard Hinault
Watercooler Trivia
Which former Winter Olympics host is known as the “Capital of the Alps”, which seems reasonable given its population of ~160,000 makes it the largest city in the alps?
Watercooler Trivia
What city in southern France's Languedoc area is the namesake of a tile-placement game in which players can turn their “meeple” into monks, knights, robbers, and farmers?
Watercooler Trivia
Which author of the romance novel “Clisson et Eugénie” (whose literary career is much less remembered than his political and military ones) was born on Corsica in 1769, and died on Saint Helena in 1821?
Napoleon Bonaparte
Watercooler Trivia
Captain James Cook gave the islands their current name, which comes from the Roman name for Scotland. Grand Terre (known to locals as Le Caillou) is the largest island of which French archipelago in the Pacific Ocean?
New Caledonia (Nouvelle-Calédonie)
Watercooler Trivia
The largest news agencies in the world are the Associated Press, Reuters, and AFP, an agency headquartered in what European nation?
Watercooler Trivia
Jeanne d'Arc (Joan of Arc) is remembered for her role in the Siege of Orleans, a conflict in what inaccurately named war that was fought between France and England between 1337 and 1453?
The Hundred Years' War
Watercooler Trivia
The combo of bagpipes and drums isn't just for the Scottish - bagadoù (or bagads) are pipe bands associated with which historical province of France?
Watercooler Trivia
Depending on your cultural references, its name might put you in the mind of Pinocchio's cat, an opera by Mozart, or the lyrics of Bohemian Rhapsody. Founded in January 1826, what is the oldest national newspaper in France?
Le Figaro
Watercooler Trivia
Which northwestern city in Brittany is a center of technology, art, and history, and has the unique claim to fame as being the smallest city in the world with a Metro line?
Watercooler Trivia
There are more than 300 châteaux of the Loire Valley, some of which date back to the Middle Ages. Here, the word châteaux would be equal to which English word that also starts with C and brings up an image of a home fit for a king?
Watercooler Trivia
In May 2022, who did Emmanuel Macron appoint as Prime Minister to replace Jean Castex (who had resigned)?
Élisabeth Borne
Watercooler Trivia
The vodka brand Grey Goose has an English name despite coming from what non-English speaking country (where its name would become “oie grise” in the national language)?
Watercooler Trivia
Which northern France city on the river Deûle is nicknamed the “Capital of French Flanders?”
Watercooler Trivia
Being one of the iconic landmarks in Paris and also being a well known tourist driving experience, how many roads are connected to the roundabout circling the Arc de Triomphe?
Watercooler Trivia
In 2016, which country opened the world’s first stretch of solar-powered road—1km (0.6-mile) paved with over 2,800 panels?
Watercooler Trivia
In 2022, Kylian Mbappé became the second player to score goals for France in two FIFA World Cup finals - which alliteratively named French footballer managed this feat before him?
Zinedine Zidane
Watercooler Trivia
Vincent van Gogh painted his watery Seine series while living in and around what European capital city?
Watercooler Trivia
Only one part of the former New France remains legally part of France. This small archipelago named Saint Pierre is home to ~6,000 citizens and is located off the coast of what Canadian province?
Newfoundland and Labrador
Watercooler Trivia
What is the name of the far-right party of Marine Le Pen, who lost the French presidential runoff election to Emmanuel Macron in April 2022?
National Rally
Watercooler Trivia
Beginning and ending in Chamonix, France, the 106-mile Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc foot race loops around Mont Blanc, through what other two countries?
Italy and Switzerland
Watercooler Trivia
In 2005, Isabelle Dinoire became the first patient to undergo a partial face transplant. In what country did she receive this groundbreaking surgery?
Watercooler Trivia
Which major eastern French city on the border of Germany is home to the European Parliament, Parc de l'Orangerie, Musée des Beaux-Arts, and Petite-France?
Watercooler Trivia
Hennessy and Remy Martin are based in what French town?
Watercooler Trivia
In 1991, the World Wide Web was released for the first time outside of the research organization where it had been invented in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee. What is the name of that organization, more famous today for operating the Large Hadron Collider on the border between France and Switzerland?
CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research)
Watercooler Trivia
French Guiana, the overseas territory that France has on the South American mainland, has what city as its capital? You might find the answer to this question a little peppery for your liking.
Watercooler Trivia
What tiny, independent principality located between France and Spain has its own name in its capital city, ______ la Vella? The principality is known as a “tax-haven” with duty-free shopping.
Watercooler Trivia
There is a very small (180 square miles) landlocked sovereign country between France and Spain with a population of approximately 75,000. Believed to have been created by Charlemagne, what is the name of this country?
Watercooler Trivia
French citizens have won it a record 16 times, but this year Annie Ernaux became the first female French recipient of the Nobel Prize in which category?
Watercooler Trivia
In August 2020, Tadej Pogacar became the first cyclist from what central European nation to win the Tour de France?
Watercooler Trivia
Strasbourg, France is home to the parliament of what ginormous international organization with a main HQ in Belgium?
European Union
Watercooler Trivia
What “T” public French garden is located between the Louvre and the Place de la Concorde? It was created by Catherine de Medici as the garden of its namesake palace in 1564.
Tuileries Garden
Watercooler Trivia
Sharing its name with the département which has Saint-Étienne as its capital, what is the longest river to be entirely located within France?
Watercooler Trivia
When you take into account overseas territories, what country contains the most timezones?
Watercooler Trivia

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