Austria billionaire Stronach party allowed in parliament Published duration 8 November 2012 image caption Frank Stronach has promised to shake up the Eurozone A party set up by an Austro-Canadian billionaire six weeks ago is being allowed into parliament in Vienna without contesting an election. Frank Stronach, 80, launched his party at the end of September. Speaker Barbara Prammer awarded parliamentary status to Team Stronach, after it persuaded five MPs to defect from a small right-wing alliance. Born in Austria, the car parts magnate spent almost sixty years in Canada, where he built his fortune. According to opinion polls, his new party has attracted the support of an estimated 10% of the electorate, even though it is yet to define its policies clearly. Mr Stronach has vowed to shake up the eurozone, but has said a full party programme will not be decided until April. Autumn election He has said that a country stands and falls by its own currency and believes the euro has made Europe uncompetitive. Austria holds general elections next autumn and the decision to allow a new party into parliament in the form of the five defected MPs was not without controversy. Frank Stronach was born into a working class family in southern Austria during the Great Depression. After the Second World War he emigrated to Canada where he established a small manufacturing company in Toronto. That enterprise grew over the years into Magna International, North America's largest automobile parts manufacturer. Mr Stronach unsuccessfully stood as a candidate for the Canadian parliament in 1988.
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Q: Problem with htaccess redirect (looping) I worked to do this for 2 hours but finally I gave up. I have 2 conditions: 1. If user request a php file redirect cms/index.php?request=$1 2. If user request something different from php (png,css,jpg) redirect cms/website/$1 First rule works but I couldn't apply second rule. When user request /cms/style.css, Apache redirect cms/website/style.css and again redirects cms/website/website/style.css and it loops. My htaccess file is like that: Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule (.*\.php) /cms/index.php?request=$1 [L] RewriteRule (.*\.!(php)) /cms/website/$1 [R,L] Note: I'm not sure that last regex is true, or not. And it returns 500. error_log output is "[Tue Aug 16 16:26:11 2011] [error] [client] Request exceeded the limit of 10 internal redirects due to probable configuration error. Use 'LimitInternalRecursion' to increase the limit if necessary. Use 'LogLevel debug' to get a backtrace." A: Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(.*)\.php$ RewriteRule (.*)\.(.*)$ /cms/website/$1 [R,L] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} (.*)\.php$ RewriteRule (.*)\.php /cms/index.php?request=$1 [L]
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Introduction ============ One key characteristic of fast-growing solid tumors is the development of intratumoral hypoxia, which promotes malignant tumor progression. Cancer cell migration and invasion play important roles in the metastatic cascade. Cell migration is the transition process from the local, noninvasive confined tumor cells to the migrating, metastatic cancer cells when the cells obtain the ability to dissociate from intracellular adhesions and become motile [@B1],[@B2]. Invasion, on the other hand, is the process by which malignant cells move through the basement membrane and gain access to blood vessels and lymphatic channels. As cancer cell migration and invasion are essential prerequisites for tumor metastasis, identifying agents that effectively block hypoxia-induced cancer migration and invasion would promote development of effective anti-cancer therapeutic approaches. Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1), a master transcriptional factor in response to hypoxia, activates a group of downstream genes that promote tumor malignant progression. HIF-1 is composed of an inducible subunit, HIF-1α and a constitutively expressed subunit, HIF-1ß [@B3]. Heterodimerization of HIF-1α and HIF-1ß is required to form the transcriptionally active HIF-1 that binds to the hypoxic response elements within the promoter regions of target genes [@B4]. HIF-1α degrades quickly under normal oxygen tension [@B5] but it is inducible and stabilized under low oxygen tension (hypoxia) [@B6]. Increased HIF-1α levels have been shown to correlate with decreased patient survival in many cancers including breast cancer (BCa) [@B7]. The activation of HIF-1α stimulates a group of HIF-1α-regulated genes including vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) [@B3],[@B8]. As a result, the cells are converted towards malignant progression. HIF-1 activity is mainly dependent on the level of HIF-1α protein, the inducible and regulatory subunit of the HIF-1 dimer complex [@B9], [@B10]. We have previously shown that p16, a tumor suppressor gene and cyclin D kinase inhibitor and a negative cell cycle regulator [@B11], can neutralize the transactivation ability of HIF-1α on its target gene VEGF [@B12]. In this study, we evaluated whether hypoxia stimulates breast cancer migration and invasion, and whether ectopic expression of p16 is capable of modulating hypoxia-mediated cell migration and invasion. We also evaluated whether cocultured stromal cells (fibroblasts) promotes BCa cell invasion and whether p16 inhibits that effect, as well as whether HIF-1α of fibroblasts specifically has a role in promoting cocultured BCa cell invasiveness. Materials and Methods ===================== Cell lines, cell culture conditions, and reagents ------------------------------------------------- Human breast cancer (BCa) cell line MDA-MB-231 was obtained from American Type Culture Collection (ATCC, Manassas, VA). Human breast cancer cell lines LM2, a MDA-MB-231 derivative line that has high lung metastatic ability [@B15], was a generous gift from Dr. J. Massague of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (NY). Murine mammary carcinoma cell line JygMC(A) was from Dr. H. Azuma of Osaka Medical College, Osaka, Japan [@B13]. Mouse MEF fibroblasts expressing wild-type (WT) and knockout (KO) HIF-1α were from Dr. T Seagroves of University of Tennessee Health Science Center (TN). MDA-MB-231 cells were grown in RPM1-1640 (Gibco, Life technologies Corporation, Grand Island, NY) with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) (Gibco), LM2 cells were grown in Dulbecco\'s Modified Eagle medium (DMEM) (Cellgro, Mediatech, Inc, Manassas, VA) with 10% FBS. JygMC(A) cells were grown in DMEM (Cellgro) with 10% FBS. Both MEF lines were grown in DMEM medium with 25 mM HEPES (Gibco) with 10% FBS. All cell lines were grown in medium containing 100 units/ml penicillin, and 100 μg/ml streptomycin. The cell cultures were incubated at 37°C either under normoxia (5% CO~2~, 21% O~2~) or hypoxia (5% CO~2~, 1% O~2~, balanced with N~2~) conditions. Generation and screen of stably transfected, Dox inducible (Tet-on) p16-expressing breast cancer cell lines ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The construction of the Tet-on p16 lentiviral system Lenti-Tet-on p16 (pLenti-Tet-p16-pgkpuro and pcFUW-rtTA3-IRES-puro) was described previously [@B12]. Breast cancer cells (MDA-MB-231, LM2, and JygMC(A), respectively) were co-transduced by pLenti-Tet-p16-pgkpuro and pcFUW-rtTA3-IRES-puro at multiplicity of infection (moi) of 10 each, together with 6 μg/ml polybrene (Millipore, Bedford, MA). The stably transfected cells were enriched in medium containing 1 μg/ml puromycin (Clontech, Mountain View, CA). The resultant stably transfected cells are named as MDA/Tet-on-p16, JygMC(A)/Tet-on-p16, and LM2/Tet-on-p16, respectively. For induction of p16 transgene expression in Tet-on-p16 stably transfected cells, 1 μg/ml doxycyline (Dox) (Clontech) was used in the medium for incubation. Immunohistochemistry -------------------- The procedure followed the method as described previously [@B12]. Briefly, for immunohistochemical (IHC) staining, cultured cells were grown on SlideFlasks with bottom detachable slides (Nalge Nunc, Naperville, IL) that could be used for IHC staining directly later. The samples (slides) were first incubated with 1% H~2~O~2~ for 30 min. The samples were incubated with first antibody against human p16 (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc., Santa Cruz, CA) for 16 h at 4^0^C, then by corresponding second antibody and the Universal Elite ABC Kit (Vector Laboratories, Inc., Burlingame, CA) according to the manufacturer\'s protocol. The reaction was visualized with DAB solution (75 mg 3,3\'-Diaminobenzidine and 30 ml 50% H~2~O~2~ in 150 ml PBS) for 3-10 min. Cell migration assay -------------------- The breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cells stably transfected with inducible Tet-on p16 (MDA/Tet-on p16) were incubated in the absence or presence of 1 μg/ml Dox for 72 h. The cells were then harvested and used for the following migration assay. The cell migration was measured by a modified Boyden\'s chamber method using BD Falcon Cell Culture Inserts incorporating polyethylene terephthalate (PET) track-etched membrane with a pore size of 8.0 μm (BD Bioscience, Belgium). The inserts were precoated on the under-surface (between upper and lower chambers) with 10 µg/ml fibronectin (Thermo Fisher Scientific) at 37^0^C for 3 h. Above mentioned harvested cells in suspension of serum-free medium (SFM) with 1% BSA were incubated at 37°C for 30 min under normoxic (5% CO~2~, 21% O~2~) or hypoxic (5% CO~2~, 1% O~2~, balanced with N~2~) conditions. Subsequently, cell suspensions were seeded into the upper chamber of an insert at a density of 10,000 cells per well, and 300 µl serum-free medium with 1% BSA was placed in the lower chamber to act as a chemoattractant in the 24-well cell culture plate. The cells were further incubated at normoxia and hypoxia (see above) at 37°C for 3 h. The inserts were then removed and nonmigrating cells remaining on the upper side of the filter were scraped off. The cells that had migrated to the lower surface of the insert were stained using Giemsa staining solution (Sigma, St. Louis, MO). After extensive washing with water, the migrated cells were counted in five different fields under a microscope at x200 magnification. Migratory activity was expressed as the number of cells (that is, the sum of total cell numbers in five randomly selected fields of view) that migrated to the lower side of the filter. *In vitro* invasion assay with commercially precoated invasion inserts ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The BCa cells were examined by the invasion assay under normoxia by using commercially available invasion inserts. For each Dox inducible BCa/Tet-on p16 cell line, the cells were either incubated in medium with or without 1 μg/ml Dox for 72 h. The cells were then harvested and used for the following *in vitro* invasion assay in the 6-well-plate BD Biocoat Matrigel Invasion Chambers (BD Biosciences Bio-Coat Matrigel Invasion Chamber) according to the manufacturer\'s procedure. Briefly, the chamber was first rehydrated with serum-free medium (SFM) for 2 hr at 37^0^C. After rehydration, the chambers were placed in the lower compartment loaded with medium containing 5% FBS. Meanwhile, the above-mentioned cells were suspended and adjusted to 1.25x10^5^ cells/ml in SFM with or without 1 μg/ml Dox. The cell suspension (2 ml or 2.5x10^5^ cells per well) was immediately added to the upper compartment of the chamber. The cells were then allowed to invade through the matrigel for 22 h at 37^0^C, and the noninvading cells were removed by scrubbing the upper surface with a wet cotton swab. The filters were stained with Diff-Quick stain kit (Dade Behring Inc., Newark, DE), drained and counted under the microscope. *In vitro* invasion assay with self-coated matrigel --------------------------------------------------- The BCa LM2 cells, which express a green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene [@B15], were transfected with Lenti-Tet-on p16 to generate LM2/Tet-on-p16 line. LM2/Tet-on-p16 cells were incubated in the absence or presence of 1 μg/ml Dox for 72 h before the experiment, and the samples with Dox induction were maintained throughout the following assay. All the cells (for simplicity, we used LM2 here referring LM2 or LM2/Tet-on-p16, and MEF referring MEF/HIF-1α WT or MEF/HIF-1α KO) were grown in SFM overnight and then harvested for the following invasion assay. The 24-well size Falcon Cell Culture Inserts (Corning Incorporated, Corning, NY) were precoated on the upper-surface (inside the inserts) with 100 µl matrigel (BD Matrigel, Bedford, MA) per insert and let them solidify at 37^0^C overnight. For experiment with BCa cells alone, cell suspension of 5x10^5^LM2 cells in 100 µl SFM was seeded into the upper chamber of the insert; for experiment with coculture of BCa and fibroblasts, cell suspension of 5x10^5^LM2 cells and 5x10^5^ MEF cells in 100 µl SFM was seeded into the upper chamber of the insert. For the lower chamber of a 24-well cell culture plate, 650 µl SFM with 5% BSA (alternatively, with 5% FBS) was placed. The cells were then incubated at either normoxic or hypoxic conditions (see above) at 37°C for 18 h. The inserts were then removed, the matrigel (containing the unpenetrated cells) in the upper chamber of the inserts was carefully wiped off by using a wet cotton-tipped applicator. The resultant inserts were placed on a clean 24-well plate, and the matrigel-penetrated/invaded BCa LM2 cells on the membrane of the inserts were measured by using the SpectraMax M2 microplate reader (Molecular Devices, Sunnyvale, CA) for counting the GFP fluorescence intensity (RFU). Because LM2 line expresses GFP, this approach would only count the invaded BCa LM2 (GFP-expressing) cells. Results ======= Hypoxia stimulates BCa cell migration and p16 inhibits this hypoxia-induced migration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cell migration is an important aspect of the tumor metastatic process. HIF-1α was implied, by others\' studies, in stimulation of cancer cell migration [@B16],[@B17] and hypoxia induces HIF-1α [@B14]. Thus, we were interested in analyzing whether hypoxia has effect on breast cancer cell migration and whether p16, a biological agent that appears to neutralize HIF-1α transcriptional activity [@B12], has ability to suppress hypoxia-mediated cancer cell migration. To accurately examine the effects of p16 on BCa cell migration, we designed an inducible p16 expression so that p16 expression and effects can be studied in the same cells with or without inducer. A lentivirus expressing inducible human wild-type (WT) p16 under the control of a Tet-on promoter (Lenti-Tet-on p16) was constructed and stably transfected into MDA-MB-231 cells. The resultant stably infected line (MDA/Tet-on-p16) demonstrated a tightly regulated and inducible p16 expression under inducer Dox treatment (+Dox, top panel) (Fig. [1](#F1){ref-type="fig"}). Importantly, MDA-MB-231 cells, like other BCa cell lines (including JygMC(A) and LM2) we have examined, do not express endogenous p16 protein in the absence of Dox (-Dox) induction (Fig. [1](#F1){ref-type="fig"}, top panel). In other words, MDA/Tet-on-p16 cells in the absence of Dox behave just as control parental MDA-MB-231 cells. MDA/Tet-on-p16 line was subsequently used to detect potential effects that p16 had on cell migration. A modified Boyden\'s chamber assay using transwell precoated with fibronectin (a component of extracellular matrix) onto the insert undersurface of the membrane was used as described in the M & M for the migration measurement. As shown in Fig. [1](#F1){ref-type="fig"} (bottom panel), MDA/Tet-on p16 cells under hypoxia had more than two-fold (\>100%) increase in cell migration than that of normoxia (compare first two columns on the left). Importantly, inducible p16 expression by Dox significantly inhibited this hypoxia-induced cell migration (column 4) with a 36.0% inhibition in comparison to cells under hypoxia without p16 expression (column 2), indicating that p16 effectively inhibits hypoxia-induced migration in MDA-MB-231 cells. In contrast, p16\'s effect on cell migration under normoxia is marginal. It should be noted that the inhibition of migration is *not* due to p16-mediated effect on cell proliferation, as the migration assay was conducted within 3 h and the MDA-MB-231 cell line\'s doubling time is 41.9 h. In addition, Dox treatment *per se* did not have any effect on migration as evidenced by Dox treatment on BCa cells stably transfected with inducible GFP (not shown). These combined results (Fig. [1](#F1){ref-type="fig"}) strongly demonstrate that hypoxia stimulates BCa cell migration and p16 significantly inhibits this hypoxia-induced migration. p16 inhibits invasiveness ability of BCa cells ---------------------------------------------- Invasion is the process by which malignant cells move through the basement membrane and gain access to blood vessels and lymphatic channels. The classic and well-established *in vitro* invasion assay aims to measure cancer cells\' ability to penetrate the matrigel (a resemble mixture of basement membrane matrix). p16\'s effect on cancer cell invasiveness has never been studied before. To investigate the effects of p16 on BCa invasive ability, we used the *in vitro* invasion assay to analyze three BCa lines\' abilities to penetrate matrigel, in the presence or absence of p16 expression, respectively. Briefly, BCa cells stably transfected with inducible Tet-on p16 were incubated with or without 1 µg/ml Dox for 3 days, and then the treated BCa cells were placed on the matrigel invasion chamber (BD Biosciences Bio-Coat Matrigel Invasion Chamber). After 22 hours incubation at 37^0^C, the noninvasive cells were carefully removed from the upper surface of the membrane, and the penetrated cells (i.e., the invasive cells) going through matrigel were counted under the microscope. We found that all three BCa cell lines had significantly reduced invasiveness in the presence of p16 (Dox induced), at a decrease of 85.8% (MDA-MB-231), 82.7% (JygMC(A)), and 80.4% (LM2), compared to their corresponding untreated (p16 non-expressing) counterparts, respectively (Fig. [2](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). Effects of surrounding fibroblasts, and p16\'s neutralization, on cocultured BCa cell invasiveness -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Emerging evidence implies that tumor-surrounding areas contribute to tumor growth and progression; however, the key attributes from tumor-surrounding cells that clearly display promotion for tumor progression as well as the relevant mechanisms of action remain unknown. To investigate effects of tumor-surrounding cells such as fibroblasts on BCa progression and invasion, we used the *in vitro* invasion assay to analyze effects of MEF fibroblasts on cocultured BCa LM2 cells\' ability to penetrate the matrigel. After 18 hours incubation at 37^0^C of the LM2 alone or cocultured LM2 and MEF on the upper chamber of the insert that were precoated with matrigel (see details of M & M section), the matrigel (containing the noninvasive cells) was carefully removed from the upper surface of the membrane, the invaded cells (i.e., the matrigel-penetrated cells) remaining on the membrane were counted by a fluorescence microplate reader. Because LM2 cells express a GFP reporter gene [@B15], the fluorescence intensity (RFU) readout on the penetrated cells would be reflected only from BCa cells, not MEFs. As shown in Fig. [3](#F3){ref-type="fig"}, by comparing to LM2 cells alone, MEF-cocultured LM2 cells had a 4.3-fold increased invasiveness, demonstrating that surrounding fibroblasts stimulated cocultured BCa cell invasion. To examine whether induced p16 could also inhibit the MEF-stimulated invasiveness, LM2/Tet-on-p16 with or without Dox induction were used for a similar assay. Consistently, p16 induction in the cocultured LM2 cells also significantly decreased invasiveness of the cocultured BCa cells (Fig. [4](#F4){ref-type="fig"}A). To exclude the possibility that Dox incubation *per se* might alter the BCa cell invasiveness, we also used parental LM2 cells cocultured with MEF for the same assay; we did not observe any effect from Dox treatment alone on the change of LM2 cell invasiveness (Fig. [4](#F4){ref-type="fig"}B). Hypoxia and cocultured fibroblasts have additive effects on stimulation of BCa cell invasion ability ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To examine whether hypoxia stimulates BCa cell invasiveness, we analyzed the matrigel-penetrating ability of LM2 cells in the presence or absence of cocultured MEF, under hypoxia or normoxia conditions. We found that hypoxia stimulated LM2 invasive ability at either LM2 growing alone (2.7-fold increase, compare column 1 and 2, Fig. [5](#F5){ref-type="fig"}) or coculturing with MEF (1.3-fold increase, compare column 3 and 4, Fig. [5](#F5){ref-type="fig"}). Consistent with what we observed earlier, MEF significantly simulated BCa cell invasion ability, either at normoxic condition (4.4-fold increase, compare column 1 and 3, Fig. [5](#F5){ref-type="fig"}) or hypoxia (2.2-fold increase, compare column 2 and 4, Fig. [5](#F5){ref-type="fig"}). The combination of hypoxia and cocultured MEF had apparent additive effects on stimulation of BCa LM2 invasive ability (5.9-fold increase, compare column 1 and 4). HIF-1α from fibroblasts contributes to BCa cell invasion in coculture --------------------------------------------------------------------- Tumor-surrounding stromal cells (such as fibroblasts) are integral components of the tumor environment that together as an entity plays critical roles in the tumor progression. As both hypoxia and cocultured fibroblasts MEF stimulated BCa LM2 invasiveness (see above), we further investigated whether HIF-1α from tumor-surrounding fibroblasts cells plays a critical role for BCa cell invasion. We used a similar coculture setting as described above, with both HIF-1α WT MEF and HIF-1α KO MEF lines, respectively, to coculture with LM2 cells for the invasion assay. We found that HIF-1α WT MEF had a higher stimulation on cocultured LM2 invasiveness than its HIF-1α KO counterpart did (Fig. [6](#F6){ref-type="fig"}); by compared with LM2 alone, HIF-1α WT MEF had a stimulation of 10.9-fold increase of LM2 invasiveness, whereas HIF-1α KO MEF had 7.1-fold increase. These results implied that at least part (the difference of about 3.8-fold, Fig. [6](#F6){ref-type="fig"}) of the stimulation of LM2 invasion from the cocultured MEF was from HIF-1α effect of the surrounding MEF cells. Discussion ========== Despite the fact that p16 has been studied extensively on its anti-tumor cell proliferation properties and related function as a negative cell-cycle regulator, the link between p16 and hypoxia-stimulated tumor progression remains unclear. Specifically, exploration of p16\'s effects on cancer cell migration and invasion has barely begun. In this report, we investigated novel properties of p16\'s functions on its anti-migration and anti-invasion abilities of BCa cells. We found that p16 is capable of inhibiting hypoxia-induced cell migration and invasion of BCa cells, and suppressing cocultured fibroblast-stimulated invasiveness of BCa cells. We have previously reported that p16 downregulates VEGF gene expression and BCa angiogenesis by neutralizing HIF-1α transactivation on VEGF pathway [@B12],[@B14]. Consistent with our finding, a recent publication [@B18] revealed that p16 appears to repress the migration/invasion abilities of breast stromal fibroblasts and their VEGF-dependent angiogenesis through inhibition of Akt, a component of PI3K/Akt signaling pathway that regulates HIF-1α [@B19],[@B20]. Moreover, silencing HIF-1α in malignant gliomas effectively inhibited cell migration and invasion under hypoxic environment, suggesting that HIF-1α expression induced by hypoxia is an essential event in the activation of glioma cell motility and invasion [@B21]. Furthermore, a recently identified HIF-1α-direct target gene, HEF1 (human enhancer of filamentation 1), was shown to mediate hypoxia-induced migration of colorectal cancer cells [@B22]. HEF1 was originally found as a scaffolding protein but recent data implicated it also acts as a key player in cancer cell migration and invasion [@B22]-[@B25]. Elevated levels of HEF1 were found in various human cancers including BCa [@B26] and its expression proportionally correlates to tumor grade [@B27] and metastasis ability [@B28]. Our unpublished results revealed that p16 inhibited hypoxia/HIF-1α stimulated HEF1 promoter transactivation (not shown). One possibility is that p16 may block the axis of "Hypoxia-HIF-1α-HEF1-migration/invasion" by neutralizing HIF-1α\'s transactivation on HEF1 gene. We are in the process to further elucidate the mechanism of action of p16-mediated inhibition on BCa cell migration and invasion. Although several studies suggested that tumor-surrounding microenvironment contribute to tumor growth and progression, the key attributes from tumor-surrounding cells that clearly display promotion for tumor progression have yet to be specified. While many studies have reported that HIF-1α protein in cancer cells plays an important role in cancer progression and various aspects of the tumor metastatic cascade, no study has yet reported on whether HIF-1α expression from tumor-surrounding cells contributes to tumor progression. We demonstrate here, for the first time, that HIF-1α from cocultured fibroblasts plays a critical role in promoting BCa cell invasion (Fig. [6](#F6){ref-type="fig"}). Consistent with our finding that HIF-1α from tumor-surrounding fibroblasts plays a critical role in promoting tumor cell invasion (Fig. [6](#F6){ref-type="fig"}), our recent data, in a 3-D culture system containing BCa 4T1 cells cocultured with HIF-1α WT or KO fibroblasts, revealed that HIF-1α from fibroblasts plays a critical role under hypoxia for the 3-D BCa cells\' protrusion formation (not shown). Protrusion formation is an established marker for invasive, aggressively malignant tumor type that start to invade the surrounding matrix in 3-D culture [@B29],[@B30]. The increased invasiveness of BCa may be partially due to the increased secreted growth factors (such as VEGF that is upregulated by HIF-1α) in the tumor microenvironment from surrounding HIF-1α-WT fibroblasts. The development of intratumoral hypoxia is a common characteristic for fast-growing solid tumors including breast cancer. The intratumoral hypoxia activates HIF-1α in the tumor cells and its surrounding stromal cells, which in turn stimulate a group of HIF-1α-downstream genes responsible for tumor malignant progression including migration and invasion. Current chemotherapy for BCa treatment, including targeting the HIF-1α pathway, is not ideal due to toxic side effects of chemoagents and cancer resistance to them. One of the more promising approaches is the development of biologically based therapies to thwart the progression of metastatic disease [@B31]. Specifically, a biological therapeutic approach that targets hypoxia-induced malignancy and directly neutralizes HIF-1α activity and its downstream genes mediating oncogenic pathways greatly deserves investigation. This study validates p16 as an effective biological agent to suppress hypoxia-promoted migration and invasion in BCa cells. The results of this study suggest that elevation and restoration of p16 in cancer microenvironment, either by gene therapy or pharmacology approaches, should provide a therapeutic mean to efficiently suppress BCa malignant progression. This research project was supported in part by NIH grant (CA107162) (YL) and University of Tennessee Health Science Center Bridge Funding. Breast cancer : BCa Doxycycline : Dox green fluorescent protein : GFP hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha : HIF-1α immunohistochemistry : IHC knockout : KO tetracycline-induced regulated promoter : Tet-on promoter vascular endothelial growth factor : VEGF wild-type : WT. ![**Inducible p16 expression in MDA-MB-231 cells and p16\'s effect on hypoxia-induced migration.** (Top panel) IHC staining for p16 protein in MDA-MB-231 cells stably expressing Tet-on inducible p16 (MDA/Tet-on-p16): MDA/Tet-on-p16 cells were treated without or with 1 μg/ml Dox for 72 h. The cells were then IHC stained by primary anti-p16 antibody. The dark brown color indicates p16 protein (+Dox). (Bottom panel) p16 inhibits hypoxia-induced cell migration: MDA/Tet-on-p16 cells were incubated with or without 1 μg/ml Dox for 72 h, followed by cell migration assay as described in M & M section under normoxic and hypoxic conditions. The results represent the data from at least two independent experiments, each performed in triplicate.](jcav06p0430g001){#F1} ![**p16 inhibits breast cancer invasiveness.** Various BCa cells stably expressing Tet-on-p16 were incubated with or without 1 μg/ml Dox for 72 h, followed by invasion assay using commercial BD Biosciences Bio-Coat Matrigel Invasion Chamber according to the manufacturer\'s instructions. Results of duplicates are presented. Some error bars are too small to be shown at this scale.](jcav06p0430g002){#F2} ![**Cocultured MEFs stimulate LM2 cells\' invasive ability.**The BCa LM2 cells incubated with or without fibroblasts MEF were analyzed to measure the LM2 ability to penetrate matrigel (invasiveness) by counting the fluorescence (RFU). LM2 cells express a GFP gene. The invasion assay was performed under normoxia as described in M & M section. The results represent the data from at least two independent experiments, each performed in duplicate.](jcav06p0430g003){#F3} ![**p16 inhibits MEF-stimulated invasiveness of LM2 cells under hypoxia.**(4A), LM2/Tet-on-p16 cells were grown in culture medium with or without 1 μg/ml Dox for 72 h, followed by cocultured with MEF. The LM2 cells\' invasive ability was measured in terms of penetrating matrigel (invasiveness) by counting the fluorescence (RFU). (4B), Dox *per se* does not affect invasive ability of LM2 cells.](jcav06p0430g004){#F4} ![**Hypoxia and cocultured MEF have additive effects on stimulation of LM2 cell invasion.**The breast cancer LM2 cells cocultured with or without fibroblasts MEF and incubated under normoxia or hypoxia were analyzed to measure the LM2 ability to penetrate matrigel (invasiveness) by counting the fluorescence (RFU). The results (relative invasiveness) represent the data from at least two independent experiments, each performed in duplicate.](jcav06p0430g005){#F5} ![**The effect of HIF-1α expression from cocultured MEFs on BCa LM2 cells\' invasiveness.**The BCa LM2 cells cocultured with HIF-1α WT MEFs or HIF-1α KO MEFs were analyzed to measure the LM2 ability to penetrate matrigel by counting the fluorescence (RFU). The invasion assay was performed under normoxia as described in M & M section. The results (relative invasiveness) represent the data from at least two independent experiments, each performed in duplicate.](jcav06p0430g006){#F6} [^1]: Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interest exists.
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Warning: this post contains spoilers for season 2 of Legend of Korra! [Likely you’ve already watched it (and watched it again) but if not — proceed with caution.] Book 2: Spirits (AKA season 2) of Legend of Korra only wrapped a little over three months ago but who isn’t already anticipating the next installment? “Spirits” wrapped at a point of such potential, it’s hard to believe we have to wait who knows how long for Book 3: Changes. In the season finale of Korra, “Light in the Dark,” viewers learned that Korra had mastered Bending, the portals between the Spiritual World and the Physical World are open and (least importantly) our heroine is now single. Where does this leave us for season 3? This writer can’t wait to see what creators Bryan Konietzko and Michael DiMartino have in store. 1) Dragons. A trailer for Book 3 aired in the Netherlands last month, and one gracious fan recorded it and shared it on youtube. While the quality is not great, the 14 second clip was enough to get fans hyped about one thing in particular: DRAGONS. How or why these majestic beasts will come into play remains a mystery but their inclusion was a brilliant move from the writers. 2) Will Asami and Mako Get (Back) Together? Last season, we saw Mako and Korra make a heartfelt attempt at a healthy relationship. As we might have expected, the results were mildly disastrous: they basically broke up mid-season in a nasty fight and then, in a dramatic turn of events, Korra was confronted by a particularly aggressive Spirit which beat the hell out of Korra. Our heroine goes missing, washes up on mysterious shores with amnesia and must undergo a spiritual journey to rediscover her origins. Meanwhile Mako, somehow, has no idea Korra has disappeared and rekindles a flirtation/quasi-relationship with Asami. Talk about a rebound, am I right? The kicker here is that when Korra returns to Team Avatar with no memory of the breakup, Mako elects not to enlighten her, pretending instead that things are fine. (Because yeah, that’s the mature way to handle things.) By the end of the season, Korra and Mako had chosen to end their romantic relationship but that leaves Mako’s relationship with Asami up in the air. Creators Dimartino an Konietzko have stated that they’re through with the romantic subplots, and perhaps that’s for the best. Next season would be far better if the writers spent some more time developing Mako’s character, and giving him an independent storyline. 3) Jinorah’s Mysterious Abilities. At the end of Book 2, Jinorah was the keystone in Korra’s success against the Ultimate Evil Spirit/Unalaq. Viewers received little insight into why or how Jinorah was able to make such an impact. It’s clear that she’s very connected to the spiritual world in a way that few are, maybe she’ll play a role in the next series, helping people adjust to the host of spirits now inhabiting the physical world. 4) The New Prevalence of Spirits in the Physical World. Between Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra, we’ve had minimal interaction in the spirit world, (Origins Parts 1 and 2 as well as Aang’s journey with the Lion Turtle jump immediately to mind). Since Korra opened the portals in the last season, and opted to keep them open, there’s limitless potential for story development. Definitively, all we can say is: next season’s theme is an apt one. “Book 3: Change” promises to be an exciting one. 5)What Happened to Prince Zuko’s Mom? Seriously. We’ve been waiting for this for years now. The writers even trolled us in the very first episode of Korra. So far, only books 3 and 4 are confirmed for the series, after that DiMartino and Konietzo have talked about taking an extended break from the Avatar world. If they fail to finally unveil the fate of Zuko’s mom, Ursa, sometime in the next two books…things will not be pretty for them. Bonus! In Book 3, we’re finally going to see the Earth Kingdom. We’re pretty excited about that development too. For more information about what to expect next season, check out this youtube video from Emergency Awesome — this guy really knows what he’s talking about. *Update 3/11/14* As for the fate of Prince Zuko’s mom, Ursa, Larkable was misinformed. It’s come to our attention, belatedly, that Dark Horse Comics published a three part story detailing Zuko, Azula and Team Avatar’s journey to find Ursa — Zuko’s mother. The Search is a continuation of The Promise, both set in the year following the conclusion of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Another trilogy of graphic novels, The Rift, are the most recent Avatar series. Part 1 was released just last week (3/5/14). Here’s the part where I editorialize. A bit. The mystery surrounding Ursa during Avatar: The Last Airbender was a fairly big one. Obviously, it didn’t overshadow Aang’s battle with Ozai because that would be ridiculous. It’s clear the writer’s had an idea behind Ursa’s disappearance which was grandiose enough to merit a full series of graphic novels. It’s great that they wanted to give that story it’s own arc, however, supplemental content — like graphic novels– is called supplemental for a reason. For storytellers to use one type of media to attract a following, then switch to another device to tie up loose ends? That’s not entirely fair to the original audiences. Clearly, Konietzko and DiMartino weren’t going to give Ursa’s story a full episode in the Korra series — that was never an expectation. But the short story from Katara would have been nice. From that point on, viewers could be directed to The Search trilogy, if they were interested in the details.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
In the first quarter of its current fiscal year, which ended in May, US Linux distributor Red Hat increased its revenue by 15% to $363 million, continuing the positive trend of the previous quarters. Net income grew 8% year-over-year to $40 million. Revenue from software subscriptions alone rose 16% to $316 million, according to a press release. “During the first quarter, we delivered solid growth in total revenue and subscription revenue" said Red Hat CFO Charlie Peters, who pointed out the company's ramping up of spending on R&D for "cloud management, Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform and Red Hat’s OpenShift platform-as-a-service technologies". Red Hat's full report for the first quarter also notes the company has $1.22 billion in cash equivalents and investments after it repurchased $179 million (approximately 3.6 million shares) of stock. Investors seem pleased with the results – in New York, Red Hat stock was up 3% in after-hours trading on Wednesday. (djwm)
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Q: How to detect when drag input is end in libgdx I don't know how to detect when the user drag event is end or not so I decide to do like this protected class Input extends DragListener{ boolean dragging=false; @Override public boolean touchDown(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) { return true; } @Override public void touchDragged(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer) { if(!dragging)dragging=true; *my game logic* . . . } @Override public void touchUp(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) { Gdx.app.log("touch up",""); if (dragging) { *my game logic* . . . } } } I try my class by drag and touch up ,nothing happen. I drag again and nothing happen. then I tap and the console is print "touchUp" two time. Is there anything else to detect it A: In the interface GestureListener that resides in GestureDetector there is a method pan and panStop. You should implement that interface, add all the methods from it and use pan for your dragging behaviour and panStop for the solution to your question. The methods register for both touch and mouse as well as multiple finger touches.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Wrestling Mayhem Show 564: Blue Jeans and Wheat It’s the last Mayhem Mania booking this week and we’ve got a special treat in store. Even more special, we’re joined by International Wrestling Cartel rookie, Jinx, for Wrestling Mayhem Show 564. Of course, we talked what’s happening in the world of wrestling this week, including: It’s Wrestlemania week, and we’re making some speculations. Thanks to Tina Keys for letting us know our Wrestlemania experience may not be so bad after all. Have you seen the Wrestlemania set? Is the wrestling going to live up to the promos for Wrestlemania? Who else thinks John Cena is either proposing to or marrying Nikki Bella at Wrestlemania? We’re watching the overhead video of the Wrestlemania ramp. They’re making their entrances via rollercoasters. Giant hamster balls will be this year’s Wrestlemania cart devices for ring entrances. Finn Balor has been in ring with Triple H for some house shows. We’re talking about Wrestlemania possibilities. Yes. Yes we are combining The Price Is Right with Wrestlemania. Tyler Breeze is better at Nikki Bella promos than Nikki is. Chad is sharing thoughts on Cryme Tyme Lite. Mad Mike is dazzling us with math. Wrestlemania math, that is. Have a favorite Wrestlemania? Go back and watch all of them, it may change like it did for Mad Mike. This week’s Big Question: What is your BOLD prediction for Wrestlemania?
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
CAIRO (Reuters) - Wheat shipments to Egypt, the world’s largest buyer, are being disrupted by a dispute involving government inspectors angered by a ban on the expenses-paid foreign trips they once enjoyed to approve cargoes at their ports of origin. The baked bread is shown at a bakery in Cairo, Egypt, October 3, 2017. Picture taken October 3, 2017. REUTERS/Mohamed Abd El Ghany Those trips, funded by exporters, have been canceled as part of Egypt’s efforts to streamline imports worth more than $1 billion a year. Traders say the new system has backfired as inspectors are now rejecting cargoes at Egyptian ports on arbitrary and unpredictable grounds. There is more to the problem than erratic policies and red tape, according to interviews with grains traders, agriculture quarantine inspectors, government officials, and a review of inspection documents. According to these sources, difficulties for importers are rather the result of a tug-of-war over the right to inspect cargoes abroad, where until recently government quarantine inspectors enjoyed fully-funded trips, dinners and shopping at the expense of supply companies looking to secure safe passage for their wheat. By applying higher standards to grains upon arrival, inspectors are driving up costs in a bid to undermine inspection companies that replaced them abroad, traders said. Six inspectors who Reuters spoke to denied they are trying to get their foreign trips reinstated and said they are simply upholding quality standards. Suppliers say uncertainty is prompting them to add premiums of up to $500,000 per cargo to hedge against risks. With Egypt expecting to buy around 7 million tonnes of wheat in the fiscal year that began in July, these premiums add millions of dollars to the government’s food subsidy bill. The bread supply chain has ground to a halt on several occasions as traders have boycotted tenders. Subsidized bread is a staple for millions of poor Egyptians and the country’s leaders are always keen to keep supplies flowing for fear of unrest. Wheat traders say the only way out of the problem is for the government bodies involved to sit down and thrash out standards all sides can agree on. ‘A BREAKFAST PROBLEM’ Getting cargoes passed under the old system often came down to keeping government inspectors comfortable, traders said. When a $6 million wheat cargo at a port in Ukraine suddenly stopped loading two years ago, its agent found Egyptian inspectors had halted the process because their hotel would not give them a late breakfast, traders said. The delay cost the supply company $8,000 in port fees. “As soon as we arranged for the hotel to give them a later breakfast, everything went smoothly and the shipment was passed. It wasn’t a wheat problem. It was a breakfast problem,” said a Cairo-based trader responsible for the cargo who asked to remain anonymous. Six other traders described the system in similar terms, saying shopping for electronics and clothes, expensive dinners, and hotel room upgrades were the cost of keeping their grains moving out of ports from Odessa to Dunkirk. One trader said the money paid to inspectors could equal their annual salary. Slideshow ( 12 images ) “You’re talking about four to five people, and you have to take care of them from A to Z, meaning you are taking them shopping and you are paying,” said Med Star for Trading President Hesham Soliman. Soliman said the delegations grew more expensive. “They began needing more pocket money, the hotels have to be certain hotels, the tickets, the visa,” he said. Traders said they would spend about $30,000 on the inspectors, which also typically included a $3,500 pocket money payment per person, according to invoices seen by Reuters. Agricultural quarantine inspectors who Reuters spoke to on condition of anonymity have quoted the same figures for the trips but say the old system was still cheaper for Egypt. “I can’t deny that I benefited, but the country benefited more. Look how much they’re spending now,” one inspector said, referring to the high risk premiums traders now put on cargoes offered to Egypt. Traders say the system was a relatively cheap way to win approval for their wheat abroad, which protected a cargo from being rejected at Egyptian ports, something that could mean big losses, or even bankruptcy for smaller firms. “If they’re making it sound like we were spending too much, you have the figures, compare the numbers. They’re spending a lot more now on the inspections,” the inspector said. ERGOT FALLOUT The old arrangement unraveled in late 2015, when a French wheat cargo was rejected in Egypt for containing traces of the common grain fungus ergot despite being approved by government inspectors abroad. As other shipments were rejected and import rules appeared to be tightening, some traders said they no longer found the traveling inspectors a bet worth taking. “We got to a point where we couldn’t deal with this. You have a fixed cost and you still have no guarantee that the shipment will enter the country,” said Soliman. A group of traders, including Soliman, persuaded the government to ban traveling delegations, which Egypt did in a prime ministerial decree in late 2016 that handed inspections abroad to private companies and made the agriculture quarantine inspectors subject to the oversight of a trade ministry authority. In an interview at the offices of the General Organization for Export and Import Control (GOEIC), Ismail Gaber, who heads the agency that now has the final word on wheat inspections, told Reuters the travel regime had raised suspicions of corruption that he would rather keep civil servants away from. “There is of course the issue of corruption, I want to take my employee away from this suspicion. I don’t want the supplier and the employee to have the same self-interest,” he said. “If he takes someone with him abroad, the supplier says ‘I’ve already taken him with me ... you gave me a government employee and you inspected there so you can’t find a problem with it here (in Egypt) after all of this’,” Gaber said. STRIKING BACK But having lost their travel benefits, the inspectors are making their presence felt. Since January, when the new inspection regime came online, inspectors in Egypt have subjected nearly all shipments to costly processes before being approved at Egyptian ports, which add tens of thousands of dollars in costs. In June, a group of inspectors won a court case that argued that the new system illegally granted their mandate to GOEIC, which the inspectors said was ill-equipped to protect the country from harmful grain contaminants. The government has appealed and ignored a court order to restore the old inspection regime, including traveling delegations. The inspectors, who are still checking cargoes under the new inspection regime, say they are just trying to stop bad wheat getting into Egypt and deny they are trying to get their overseas trips back. One inspector said checks were now tougher at Egyptian ports because importers were sending poor-quality grains. Traders however said two big state grain purchases halted for containing poppy seeds demonstrated that inspectors were seeking new ways to show that inspection companies abroad are not up to the task. As a result, traders hiked prices or stayed away from a recent state tender. The only way out of the impasse, traders say, is for government agencies to agree on consistent rules. “Without that, we are just waiting for the next victim,” said one. (For graphic click: )
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Q: Android - what is the good-practice way of handling button clicks on the header of an app I am working on a header for an app. The header will have 4 buttons. Each button will have a listener and some code to send it to the home of that button. The Java code for the buttons will be the same so I am wondering what I can do so that I can have that code in one place and reuse it in all my screens. How do people typically handle this kind of a scenario? Should/can I make a utility class and just import that? If I do, then how do I handle code like this so it would know which intent I am on? Intent myIntent = new Intent(CurrActivity.this, NextActivity.class); CurrActivity.this.startActivity(myIntent); Thanks! A: A couple of options I can think of:- Have an ActivityBase class or a FragmentBase class that you put all your navigation logic into, all your activities/fragments would subclass from this, therefore share the same nav logic Create a custom view based of LinearLayout or ViewGroup, treat each child view of this custom view as a navigation item, this might be a bit heavy depending on your experience but definetly the way I would do it these days, info here on custom views http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/custom-components.html With both options you should look at the include tag that will allow you to share the xml that defines your navigation across layouts. http://developer.android.com/resources/articles/layout-tricks-reuse.html Hope that helps.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
The mission of the Delta Gamma Center for Children with Visual Impairments is to help children who are blind or visually impaired reach their full potential through family-centered, specialized services and community support. We believe children who are blind or visually impaired will reach their full potential through: • Collaboration with families and family empowerment • Education and support • Specialized services by highly qualified staff to address unique learning needs • Community education and increased community acceptance and inclusion.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
No strings attached relationship london kouvola Not using condoms would be very, very stupid. "She's the mother of my children and I can't imagine degrading her in the ways I want. If you drink or use drugs consider how this might impact on your decision-making. Another downside of a no strings attached relationship is that it may hinder you from pursuing something more serious with someone else. "I'm looking for an intelligent, attractive man. What Does No Strings Attached Really Mean? If I have casual sex with someone, I can fulfil all those urges, then go home and make love to my wife.". It confirms the view held by many women that some men would jump at the chance to have anonymous, casual sex knowing their wives or girlfriends would never find out. With such a minimal set of rules, one would think this relationship is free of problems. After you have established some ground rules it is time to get down to business. I wont judge you for what you want. I mean, that's the whole point, isn't it? Erottinen hieronta eroottisettarinat The Consequences Of A No Strings Attached Relationship Casual sex: I m only 23, I want a relationship with How to Enjoy a No Strings Attached Relationship Menprovement After all, the whole point of no strings is to make it clear that the relationship is sex only, and this conflict could make your situation even more awkward. One of you can become jealous. I m only 23, I want a relationship with no strings One young girl asks Dr Petra Boynton, the Telegraph s sex and relationships agony aunt, how she goes about getting into a physical relationship. If I would have ended up in a monogamous relationship without ever having multiple sexual partners, I would be very miserable today. How to Have. What Does No Strings Attached Mean? How to Find a No Strings Attached Fling Mixxxer No-strings sex site is a hit London Evening Standard No Strings Attached - Exhibition at Carmel by The Green 8 Risks To Consider Before Getting Involved In How do no strings attached relationships work? No Strings Attached Relationship. Now that you know whether or not a no strings attached relationship is what you need, it is time to have a look at how to end up in one. In other words, a no strings attached relationship implies that youre sexually intimate, but thats as far as your relationship goes, and youre not committed to each other in any way. What Are the Pros. strings sex. This is especially true for a no strings attached relationship. You may develop feelings that go unrequited. In case you just smiled like a kid in the candy store, you prefer a relationship without any strings attached. It's very difficult for a woman to go out and meet a man for sex unless she goes to a bar or a club and I'm not interested in doing that. Org, an online meeting place for people looking for sex with strangers. It quickly became clear that, despite lots of idiots, there were men out there whom I felt I could meet and would fulfil my sexual needs. But before we are going to do that I want you to think about why you want a no strings attached relationship instead of a monogamous one. Short term dating where you are involved with someone but clear that this is temporary. One even sent me a picture of his naked body from the waist down, as if he thought that would tempt. One night stands/ hook ups that you arrange through dating/hookup sites or apps, forums or through meeting people in pubs/clubs etc. 199, shares, do you dream about a happy marriage with a house in the suburbs? I trust my instincts and I would have walked away if I had thought it was dangerous. Sorry bro, but saying that you want a monogamous relationship and then cheating on her is not what a real man does. .. Tissit kiinnostaa salaista seuraa No Strings Attached Relationship? In order to determine if a no strings attached relationship is the right choice for you, its important to understand the positive aspects. A good NSA relationship is a situation where you feel like its not only OK, but preferable to be a little selfish.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
/***************************************************************************/ /* */ /* otvcommn.c */ /* */ /* OpenType common tables validation (body). */ /* */ /* Copyright 2004-2016 by */ /* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */ /* */ /* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */ /* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */ /* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */ /* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */ /* understand and accept it fully. */ /* */ /***************************************************************************/ #include "otvcommn.h" /*************************************************************************/ /* */ /* The macro FT_COMPONENT is used in trace mode. It is an implicit */ /* parameter of the FT_TRACE() and FT_ERROR() macros, used to print/log */ /* messages during execution. */ /* */ #undef FT_COMPONENT #define FT_COMPONENT trace_otvcommon /*************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************/ /***** *****/ /***** COVERAGE TABLE *****/ /***** *****/ /*************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************/ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void ) otv_Coverage_validate( FT_Bytes table, OTV_Validator otvalid, FT_Int expected_count ) { FT_Bytes p = table; FT_UInt CoverageFormat; FT_UInt total = 0; OTV_NAME_ENTER( "Coverage" ); OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( 4 ); CoverageFormat = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); OTV_TRACE(( " (format %d)\n", CoverageFormat )); switch ( CoverageFormat ) { case 1: /* CoverageFormat1 */ { FT_UInt GlyphCount; FT_UInt i; GlyphCount = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); OTV_TRACE(( " (GlyphCount = %d)\n", GlyphCount )); OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( GlyphCount * 2 ); /* GlyphArray */ for ( i = 0; i < GlyphCount; ++i ) { FT_UInt gid; gid = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); if ( gid >= otvalid->glyph_count ) FT_INVALID_GLYPH_ID; } total = GlyphCount; } break; case 2: /* CoverageFormat2 */ { FT_UInt n, RangeCount; FT_UInt Start, End, StartCoverageIndex, last = 0; RangeCount = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); OTV_TRACE(( " (RangeCount = %d)\n", RangeCount )); OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( RangeCount * 6 ); /* RangeRecord */ for ( n = 0; n < RangeCount; n++ ) { Start = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); End = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); StartCoverageIndex = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); if ( Start > End || StartCoverageIndex != total ) FT_INVALID_DATA; if ( End >= otvalid->glyph_count ) FT_INVALID_GLYPH_ID; if ( n > 0 && Start <= last ) FT_INVALID_DATA; total += End - Start + 1; last = End; } } break; default: FT_INVALID_FORMAT; } /* Generally, a coverage table offset has an associated count field. */ /* The number of glyphs in the table should match this field. If */ /* there is no associated count, a value of -1 tells us not to check. */ if ( expected_count != -1 && (FT_UInt)expected_count != total ) FT_INVALID_DATA; OTV_EXIT; } FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_UInt ) otv_Coverage_get_first( FT_Bytes table ) { FT_Bytes p = table; p += 4; /* skip CoverageFormat and Glyph/RangeCount */ return FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); } FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_UInt ) otv_Coverage_get_last( FT_Bytes table ) { FT_Bytes p = table; FT_UInt CoverageFormat = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); FT_UInt count = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); /* Glyph/RangeCount */ FT_UInt result = 0; switch ( CoverageFormat ) { case 1: p += ( count - 1 ) * 2; result = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); break; case 2: p += ( count - 1 ) * 6 + 2; result = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); break; default: ; } return result; } FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_UInt ) otv_Coverage_get_count( FT_Bytes table ) { FT_Bytes p = table; FT_UInt CoverageFormat = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); FT_UInt count = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); /* Glyph/RangeCount */ FT_UInt result = 0; switch ( CoverageFormat ) { case 1: return count; case 2: { FT_UInt Start, End; for ( ; count > 0; count-- ) { Start = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); End = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); p += 2; /* skip StartCoverageIndex */ result += End - Start + 1; } } break; default: ; } return result; } /*************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************/ /***** *****/ /***** CLASS DEFINITION TABLE *****/ /***** *****/ /*************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************/ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void ) otv_ClassDef_validate( FT_Bytes table, OTV_Validator otvalid ) { FT_Bytes p = table; FT_UInt ClassFormat; OTV_NAME_ENTER( "ClassDef" ); OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( 4 ); ClassFormat = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); OTV_TRACE(( " (format %d)\n", ClassFormat )); switch ( ClassFormat ) { case 1: /* ClassDefFormat1 */ { FT_UInt StartGlyph; FT_UInt GlyphCount; OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( 4 ); StartGlyph = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); GlyphCount = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); OTV_TRACE(( " (GlyphCount = %d)\n", GlyphCount )); OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( GlyphCount * 2 ); /* ClassValueArray */ if ( StartGlyph + GlyphCount - 1 >= otvalid->glyph_count ) FT_INVALID_GLYPH_ID; } break; case 2: /* ClassDefFormat2 */ { FT_UInt n, ClassRangeCount; FT_UInt Start, End, last = 0; ClassRangeCount = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); OTV_TRACE(( " (ClassRangeCount = %d)\n", ClassRangeCount )); OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( ClassRangeCount * 6 ); /* ClassRangeRecord */ for ( n = 0; n < ClassRangeCount; n++ ) { Start = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); End = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); p += 2; /* skip Class */ if ( Start > End || ( n > 0 && Start <= last ) ) FT_INVALID_DATA; if ( End >= otvalid->glyph_count ) FT_INVALID_GLYPH_ID; last = End; } } break; default: FT_INVALID_FORMAT; } /* no need to check glyph indices used as input to class definition */ /* tables since even invalid glyph indices return a meaningful result */ OTV_EXIT; } /*************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************/ /***** *****/ /***** DEVICE TABLE *****/ /***** *****/ /*************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************/ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void ) otv_Device_validate( FT_Bytes table, OTV_Validator otvalid ) { FT_Bytes p = table; FT_UInt StartSize, EndSize, DeltaFormat, count; OTV_NAME_ENTER( "Device" ); OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( 8 ); StartSize = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); EndSize = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); DeltaFormat = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); if ( DeltaFormat < 1 || DeltaFormat > 3 ) FT_INVALID_FORMAT; if ( EndSize < StartSize ) FT_INVALID_DATA; count = EndSize - StartSize + 1; OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( ( 1 << DeltaFormat ) * count / 8 ); /* DeltaValue */ OTV_EXIT; } /*************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************/ /***** *****/ /***** LOOKUPS *****/ /***** *****/ /*************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************/ /* uses otvalid->type_count */ /* uses otvalid->type_funcs */ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void ) otv_Lookup_validate( FT_Bytes table, OTV_Validator otvalid ) { FT_Bytes p = table; FT_UInt LookupType, SubTableCount; OTV_Validate_Func validate; OTV_NAME_ENTER( "Lookup" ); OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( 6 ); LookupType = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); p += 2; /* skip LookupFlag */ SubTableCount = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); OTV_TRACE(( " (type %d)\n", LookupType )); if ( LookupType == 0 || LookupType > otvalid->type_count ) FT_INVALID_DATA; validate = otvalid->type_funcs[LookupType - 1]; OTV_TRACE(( " (SubTableCount = %d)\n", SubTableCount )); OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( SubTableCount * 2 ); /* SubTable */ for ( ; SubTableCount > 0; SubTableCount-- ) validate( table + FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ), otvalid ); OTV_EXIT; } /* uses valid->lookup_count */ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void ) otv_LookupList_validate( FT_Bytes table, OTV_Validator otvalid ) { FT_Bytes p = table; FT_UInt LookupCount; OTV_NAME_ENTER( "LookupList" ); OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( 2 ); LookupCount = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); OTV_TRACE(( " (LookupCount = %d)\n", LookupCount )); OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( LookupCount * 2 ); otvalid->lookup_count = LookupCount; /* Lookup */ for ( ; LookupCount > 0; LookupCount-- ) otv_Lookup_validate( table + FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ), otvalid ); OTV_EXIT; } static FT_UInt otv_LookupList_get_count( FT_Bytes table ) { return FT_NEXT_USHORT( table ); } /*************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************/ /***** *****/ /***** FEATURES *****/ /***** *****/ /*************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************/ /* uses otvalid->lookup_count */ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void ) otv_Feature_validate( FT_Bytes table, OTV_Validator otvalid ) { FT_Bytes p = table; FT_UInt LookupCount; OTV_NAME_ENTER( "Feature" ); OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( 4 ); p += 2; /* skip FeatureParams (unused) */ LookupCount = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); OTV_TRACE(( " (LookupCount = %d)\n", LookupCount )); OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( LookupCount * 2 ); /* LookupListIndex */ for ( ; LookupCount > 0; LookupCount-- ) if ( FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ) >= otvalid->lookup_count ) FT_INVALID_DATA; OTV_EXIT; } static FT_UInt otv_Feature_get_count( FT_Bytes table ) { return FT_NEXT_USHORT( table ); } /* sets otvalid->lookup_count */ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void ) otv_FeatureList_validate( FT_Bytes table, FT_Bytes lookups, OTV_Validator otvalid ) { FT_Bytes p = table; FT_UInt FeatureCount; OTV_NAME_ENTER( "FeatureList" ); OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( 2 ); FeatureCount = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); OTV_TRACE(( " (FeatureCount = %d)\n", FeatureCount )); OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( FeatureCount * 2 ); otvalid->lookup_count = otv_LookupList_get_count( lookups ); /* FeatureRecord */ for ( ; FeatureCount > 0; FeatureCount-- ) { p += 4; /* skip FeatureTag */ /* Feature */ otv_Feature_validate( table + FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ), otvalid ); } OTV_EXIT; } /*************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************/ /***** *****/ /***** LANGUAGE SYSTEM *****/ /***** *****/ /*************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************/ /* uses otvalid->extra1 (number of features) */ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void ) otv_LangSys_validate( FT_Bytes table, OTV_Validator otvalid ) { FT_Bytes p = table; FT_UInt ReqFeatureIndex; FT_UInt FeatureCount; OTV_NAME_ENTER( "LangSys" ); OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( 6 ); p += 2; /* skip LookupOrder (unused) */ ReqFeatureIndex = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); FeatureCount = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); OTV_TRACE(( " (ReqFeatureIndex = %d)\n", ReqFeatureIndex )); OTV_TRACE(( " (FeatureCount = %d)\n", FeatureCount )); if ( ReqFeatureIndex != 0xFFFFU && ReqFeatureIndex >= otvalid->extra1 ) FT_INVALID_DATA; OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( FeatureCount * 2 ); /* FeatureIndex */ for ( ; FeatureCount > 0; FeatureCount-- ) if ( FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ) >= otvalid->extra1 ) FT_INVALID_DATA; OTV_EXIT; } /*************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************/ /***** *****/ /***** SCRIPTS *****/ /***** *****/ /*************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************/ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void ) otv_Script_validate( FT_Bytes table, OTV_Validator otvalid ) { FT_UInt DefaultLangSys, LangSysCount; FT_Bytes p = table; OTV_NAME_ENTER( "Script" ); OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( 4 ); DefaultLangSys = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); LangSysCount = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); OTV_TRACE(( " (LangSysCount = %d)\n", LangSysCount )); if ( DefaultLangSys != 0 ) otv_LangSys_validate( table + DefaultLangSys, otvalid ); OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( LangSysCount * 6 ); /* LangSysRecord */ for ( ; LangSysCount > 0; LangSysCount-- ) { p += 4; /* skip LangSysTag */ /* LangSys */ otv_LangSys_validate( table + FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ), otvalid ); } OTV_EXIT; } /* sets otvalid->extra1 (number of features) */ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void ) otv_ScriptList_validate( FT_Bytes table, FT_Bytes features, OTV_Validator otvalid ) { FT_UInt ScriptCount; FT_Bytes p = table; OTV_NAME_ENTER( "ScriptList" ); OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( 2 ); ScriptCount = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); OTV_TRACE(( " (ScriptCount = %d)\n", ScriptCount )); OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( ScriptCount * 6 ); otvalid->extra1 = otv_Feature_get_count( features ); /* ScriptRecord */ for ( ; ScriptCount > 0; ScriptCount-- ) { p += 4; /* skip ScriptTag */ otv_Script_validate( table + FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ), otvalid ); /* Script */ } OTV_EXIT; } /*************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************/ /***** *****/ /***** UTILITY FUNCTIONS *****/ /***** *****/ /*************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************/ /* u: uint16 ux: unit16 [x] s: struct sx: struct [x] sxy: struct [x], using external y count x: uint16 x C: Coverage O: Offset On: Offset (NULL) Ox: Offset [x] Onx: Offset (NULL) [x] */ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void ) otv_x_Ox( FT_Bytes table, OTV_Validator otvalid ) { FT_Bytes p = table; FT_UInt Count; OTV_Validate_Func func; OTV_ENTER; OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( 2 ); Count = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); OTV_TRACE(( " (Count = %d)\n", Count )); OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( Count * 2 ); otvalid->nesting_level++; func = otvalid->func[otvalid->nesting_level]; for ( ; Count > 0; Count-- ) func( table + FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ), otvalid ); otvalid->nesting_level--; OTV_EXIT; } FT_LOCAL_DEF( void ) otv_u_C_x_Ox( FT_Bytes table, OTV_Validator otvalid ) { FT_Bytes p = table; FT_UInt Count, Coverage; OTV_Validate_Func func; OTV_ENTER; p += 2; /* skip Format */ OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( 4 ); Coverage = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); Count = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); OTV_TRACE(( " (Count = %d)\n", Count )); otv_Coverage_validate( table + Coverage, otvalid, (FT_Int)Count ); OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( Count * 2 ); otvalid->nesting_level++; func = otvalid->func[otvalid->nesting_level]; for ( ; Count > 0; Count-- ) func( table + FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ), otvalid ); otvalid->nesting_level--; OTV_EXIT; } /* uses otvalid->extra1 (if > 0: array value limit) */ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void ) otv_x_ux( FT_Bytes table, OTV_Validator otvalid ) { FT_Bytes p = table; FT_UInt Count; OTV_ENTER; OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( 2 ); Count = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); OTV_TRACE(( " (Count = %d)\n", Count )); OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( Count * 2 ); if ( otvalid->extra1 ) { for ( ; Count > 0; Count-- ) if ( FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ) >= otvalid->extra1 ) FT_INVALID_DATA; } OTV_EXIT; } /* `ux' in the function's name is not really correct since only x-1 */ /* elements are tested */ /* uses otvalid->extra1 (array value limit) */ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void ) otv_x_y_ux_sy( FT_Bytes table, OTV_Validator otvalid ) { FT_Bytes p = table; FT_UInt Count1, Count2; OTV_ENTER; OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( 4 ); Count1 = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); Count2 = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); OTV_TRACE(( " (Count1 = %d)\n", Count1 )); OTV_TRACE(( " (Count2 = %d)\n", Count2 )); if ( Count1 == 0 ) FT_INVALID_DATA; OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( ( Count1 - 1 ) * 2 + Count2 * 4 ); p += ( Count1 - 1 ) * 2; for ( ; Count2 > 0; Count2-- ) { if ( FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ) >= Count1 ) FT_INVALID_DATA; if ( FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ) >= otvalid->extra1 ) FT_INVALID_DATA; } OTV_EXIT; } /* `uy' in the function's name is not really correct since only y-1 */ /* elements are tested */ /* uses otvalid->extra1 (array value limit) */ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void ) otv_x_ux_y_uy_z_uz_p_sp( FT_Bytes table, OTV_Validator otvalid ) { FT_Bytes p = table; FT_UInt BacktrackCount, InputCount, LookaheadCount; FT_UInt Count; OTV_ENTER; OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( 2 ); BacktrackCount = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); OTV_TRACE(( " (BacktrackCount = %d)\n", BacktrackCount )); OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( BacktrackCount * 2 + 2 ); p += BacktrackCount * 2; InputCount = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); if ( InputCount == 0 ) FT_INVALID_DATA; OTV_TRACE(( " (InputCount = %d)\n", InputCount )); OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( InputCount * 2 ); p += ( InputCount - 1 ) * 2; LookaheadCount = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); OTV_TRACE(( " (LookaheadCount = %d)\n", LookaheadCount )); OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( LookaheadCount * 2 + 2 ); p += LookaheadCount * 2; Count = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); OTV_TRACE(( " (Count = %d)\n", Count )); OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( Count * 4 ); for ( ; Count > 0; Count-- ) { if ( FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ) >= InputCount ) FT_INVALID_DATA; if ( FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ) >= otvalid->extra1 ) FT_INVALID_DATA; } OTV_EXIT; } /* sets otvalid->extra1 (valid->lookup_count) */ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void ) otv_u_O_O_x_Onx( FT_Bytes table, OTV_Validator otvalid ) { FT_Bytes p = table; FT_UInt Coverage, ClassDef, ClassSetCount; OTV_Validate_Func func; OTV_ENTER; p += 2; /* skip Format */ OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( 6 ); Coverage = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); ClassDef = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); ClassSetCount = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); OTV_TRACE(( " (ClassSetCount = %d)\n", ClassSetCount )); otv_Coverage_validate( table + Coverage, otvalid, -1 ); otv_ClassDef_validate( table + ClassDef, otvalid ); OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( ClassSetCount * 2 ); otvalid->nesting_level++; func = otvalid->func[otvalid->nesting_level]; otvalid->extra1 = otvalid->lookup_count; for ( ; ClassSetCount > 0; ClassSetCount-- ) { FT_UInt offset = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); if ( offset ) func( table + offset, otvalid ); } otvalid->nesting_level--; OTV_EXIT; } /* uses otvalid->lookup_count */ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void ) otv_u_x_y_Ox_sy( FT_Bytes table, OTV_Validator otvalid ) { FT_Bytes p = table; FT_UInt GlyphCount, Count, count1; OTV_ENTER; p += 2; /* skip Format */ OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( 4 ); GlyphCount = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); Count = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); OTV_TRACE(( " (GlyphCount = %d)\n", GlyphCount )); OTV_TRACE(( " (Count = %d)\n", Count )); OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( GlyphCount * 2 + Count * 4 ); for ( count1 = GlyphCount; count1 > 0; count1-- ) otv_Coverage_validate( table + FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ), otvalid, -1 ); for ( ; Count > 0; Count-- ) { if ( FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ) >= GlyphCount ) FT_INVALID_DATA; if ( FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ) >= otvalid->lookup_count ) FT_INVALID_DATA; } OTV_EXIT; } /* sets otvalid->extra1 (valid->lookup_count) */ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void ) otv_u_O_O_O_O_x_Onx( FT_Bytes table, OTV_Validator otvalid ) { FT_Bytes p = table; FT_UInt Coverage; FT_UInt BacktrackClassDef, InputClassDef, LookaheadClassDef; FT_UInt ChainClassSetCount; OTV_Validate_Func func; OTV_ENTER; p += 2; /* skip Format */ OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( 10 ); Coverage = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); BacktrackClassDef = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); InputClassDef = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); LookaheadClassDef = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); ChainClassSetCount = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); OTV_TRACE(( " (ChainClassSetCount = %d)\n", ChainClassSetCount )); otv_Coverage_validate( table + Coverage, otvalid, -1 ); otv_ClassDef_validate( table + BacktrackClassDef, otvalid ); otv_ClassDef_validate( table + InputClassDef, otvalid ); otv_ClassDef_validate( table + LookaheadClassDef, otvalid ); OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( ChainClassSetCount * 2 ); otvalid->nesting_level++; func = otvalid->func[otvalid->nesting_level]; otvalid->extra1 = otvalid->lookup_count; for ( ; ChainClassSetCount > 0; ChainClassSetCount-- ) { FT_UInt offset = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); if ( offset ) func( table + offset, otvalid ); } otvalid->nesting_level--; OTV_EXIT; } /* uses otvalid->lookup_count */ FT_LOCAL_DEF( void ) otv_u_x_Ox_y_Oy_z_Oz_p_sp( FT_Bytes table, OTV_Validator otvalid ) { FT_Bytes p = table; FT_UInt BacktrackGlyphCount, InputGlyphCount, LookaheadGlyphCount; FT_UInt count1, count2; OTV_ENTER; p += 2; /* skip Format */ OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( 2 ); BacktrackGlyphCount = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); OTV_TRACE(( " (BacktrackGlyphCount = %d)\n", BacktrackGlyphCount )); OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( BacktrackGlyphCount * 2 + 2 ); for ( ; BacktrackGlyphCount > 0; BacktrackGlyphCount-- ) otv_Coverage_validate( table + FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ), otvalid, -1 ); InputGlyphCount = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); OTV_TRACE(( " (InputGlyphCount = %d)\n", InputGlyphCount )); OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( InputGlyphCount * 2 + 2 ); for ( count1 = InputGlyphCount; count1 > 0; count1-- ) otv_Coverage_validate( table + FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ), otvalid, -1 ); LookaheadGlyphCount = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); OTV_TRACE(( " (LookaheadGlyphCount = %d)\n", LookaheadGlyphCount )); OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( LookaheadGlyphCount * 2 + 2 ); for ( ; LookaheadGlyphCount > 0; LookaheadGlyphCount-- ) otv_Coverage_validate( table + FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ), otvalid, -1 ); count2 = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); OTV_TRACE(( " (Count = %d)\n", count2 )); OTV_LIMIT_CHECK( count2 * 4 ); for ( ; count2 > 0; count2-- ) { if ( FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ) >= InputGlyphCount ) FT_INVALID_DATA; if ( FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ) >= otvalid->lookup_count ) FT_INVALID_DATA; } OTV_EXIT; } FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_UInt ) otv_GSUBGPOS_get_Lookup_count( FT_Bytes table ) { FT_Bytes p = table + 8; return otv_LookupList_get_count( table + FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ) ); } FT_LOCAL_DEF( FT_UInt ) otv_GSUBGPOS_have_MarkAttachmentType_flag( FT_Bytes table ) { FT_Bytes p, lookup; FT_UInt count; if ( !table ) return 0; /* LookupList */ p = table + 8; table += FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); /* LookupCount */ p = table; count = FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); for ( ; count > 0; count-- ) { FT_Bytes oldp; /* Lookup */ lookup = table + FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ); oldp = p; /* LookupFlag */ p = lookup + 2; if ( FT_NEXT_USHORT( p ) & 0xFF00U ) return 1; p = oldp; } return 0; } /* END */
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Q: How to make emacs execute function only a specific dir/file doesn't exist I want Emacs to execute a function if and only if a specific directory or file under .emacs.d doesn't exist. What should I add to init.el? Suppose that the dir or file name is dir, and the function name is fun. A: I am a beginner Lisp programmer but probably something like this: (setq dir "~/.emacs.d") (defun fun() (message "fun called") ) (defun funp(dir fn) (if (not (file-exists-p dir)) (funcall fn)) ) Set dir to what you need. Usage: (funp dir 'fun)
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Q: PHP: Using html_entities correctly. Want all/any characters to be returned in error message I'm having trouble returning certain characters in my error message. The setup is as follows: Whatever the user enters into the textfield (if incorrect), should be returned in the error message. Whether it's a letter, a comma, an ampersand...anything. It seems html_entities or special_chars would be appropriate here. The following block of code is where I think this idea should be set up. The following characters return a blank error message with just the string (is not a valid 4-letter ICAO airport code) attached: + " ' & This is the code in question. The commented out $error_str is what I'm trying to get working. else { //VERIFY ICAO IS IN AIRPORTS.DB $airport_query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS airport_count, LAT, LONG, IATA, Name FROM airports WHERE ICAO = '$icao'"; $airport_result = $airports_db->queryDB($airport_query); foreach($airport_result as $airport_row) {} if($airport_row["airport_count"] == 0) { $error_str = "$icao is not a valid 4-letter ICAO airport code."; /* $error_str = "html_entities($icao) is not a valid 4-letter ICAO airport code."; */ } $return_array["ICAO"] = $icao; $return_array["IATA"] = $airport_row["IATA"]; $return_array["airport_name"] = $airport_row["Name"]; } $return_array["error"] = $error_str; echo json_encode($return_array); Also notice the echo json_encode at the bottom. I'm not sure if I should be doing the html_entities on the $error_str or the $return_array. Any input is appreciated. A: There are two main issues here. The first is that the PHP function is htmlentities without an underscore in the name, and the second is that the function call can't be in a string. This will work: $error_str = htmlentities($icao) . ' is not a valid 4-letter ICAO airport code.'; htmlentities accepts a string, so running it on $return_array will not work. You could do htmlentities($error_str) before putting it in the $return_array. http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.htmlentities.php
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
"Sun salutation" 7x10 Female nude Charcoal on Canford card paper 7 x 10 inches charcoal and white chalk on Canford card papersold I used a different paper here and quite liked it, the surface is smooth and very responsive to the charcoal and kneaded eraser, its made by Canford, I like this dark grey tone but you can get in different colors.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Clarmallagh Clarmallagh () is a barony in County Laois (formerly called Queen's County or County Leix), Republic of Ireland. Etymology Clarmallagh means "Flat land of Maigh Locha [lake plain]", referring to Grantstown Lake. Geography Clarmallagh is located in south County Laois, to the south of the River Gully, and to the north of the County Kilkenny border. It contains the lower part of the Erkina River where it drains into the River Nore. History Clarmallagh barony was anciently the northernmost part of the Kingdom of Osraige (Ossory). In the early 12th century, Finn Ua Caellaide ruled Magh Locha (Clarmallagh) separately from the rest of Ossory. It was ruled by the Ó Faoláin (Phelan). It is referred to in the topographical poem Tuilleadh feasa ar Éirinn óigh (Giolla na Naomh Ó hUidhrín, d. 1420): I Muiġ Laċa na learg te Ó Faoláin, fearḋa an fíne Mór an dúthaiġ as díol dáiḃ Do lín futha Ó Faoláin ("In Magh Lacha of the warm hill slopes is Ó Faolain of manly tribe; Extensive is the district due to them, which the Ó Faolains have filled.") Clarmallagh was formerly a part of the Upper Ossory barony, established by 1657; in 1842 it was divided into three cantreds: Upper Woods, Clandonagh and Clarmallagh. List of settlements Below is a list of settlements in Clarmallagh barony: Abbeyleix Ballacolla Durrow References Category:Baronies of County Laois
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Is exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in adult coeliac disease a cause of persisting symptoms? Patients with coeliac disease may have diarrhoea despite being on a gluten-free diet. To assess whether exocrine pancreatic insufficiency causes persisting symptoms compared with controls, we determined whether pancreatic enzyme supplementation provided symptomatic benefit in coeliac patients with chronic diarrhoea. Patients (n = 259) were subdivided into four groups: (a) new coeliac disease (n = 57), (b) coeliac disease patients on a gluten-free diet without gastrointestinal symptoms (n = 86), (c) coeliac disease patients on a gluten-free diet with chronic diarrhoea (n = 66) and (d) patients with chronic diarrhoea without coeliac disease (n = 50). Stool frequency and weight, before and after treatment with pancreatic enzyme supplementation were recorded. The prevalence of a low faecal elastase-1 within the groups was: group (A) six of 57 (11%), group (B) five of 86 (6%), group (C) 20 of 66 (30%) and group (D) two of 50 (4%). Low faecal elastase-1 was more frequent in coeliac disease patients with chronic diarrhoea vs. other subgroups of coeliac disease (P < or = 0.0001) and controls (P < or = 0.0003). In 18 of 20 stool frequency reduced following pancreatic enzyme supplementation from four per day to one (P < or = 0.001). No weight increase (P = 0.3) was observed. Low faecal elastase is common in patients with coeliac disease and chronic diarrhoea, suggesting exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. In this group of patients, pancreatic enzyme supplementation may provide symptomatic benefit.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Spiritual support for families of patients with cancer: a pilot study of nursing staff assessments. The results reported in this article are drawn from a larger study aimed at describing and explaining the support provided by nursing staff to the families of patients with cancer. The purpose of this component of the study was to explore the views of nursing staff on the importance of spiritual support as well as their readiness and willingness to provide that support. A further concern was with the provision of spiritual support, obstacles to providing support, and related factors. A total of 166 nurses (registered nurses and licensed practical nurses) from 5 central hospitals in Finland participated. The data were collected using a structured questionnaire in which spiritual support was measured by multiple-choice items and one open-ended question. Analysis of the multiple-choice items was based on SPSS statistical software, and interpretation of the responses to the open-ended question relied on the method of content analysis. There was broad agreement on the importance of providing spiritual support to family members, however, 58% of the nurses believed they were poorly equipped to provide support and 53% were less or not at all willing to provide spiritual support. Willingness to provide support was lowest among licensed practical nurses. Willingness and readiness to provide support were related to on another. Overall, nursing staff rarely discussed spiritual issues with or offered spiritual support to family members. The study also revealed many obstacles to the provision of spiritual support. The age of nursing staff and the type of ward were associated with the provision of spiritual support.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
1. Field of the Invention This invention is directed to a protective structure and to a protective system for protecting buildings, streets, and other areas from explosions caused by an explosive device such as a bomb. More particularly, the protective structure and protective system employ a membrane-like mesh structure made up of, for example, steel wire. The mesh structure surrounds a composite fill material such as reinforced concrete. The protective structure deflects in response to and absorbs the energy associated with the blast load of an explosion, and the mesh structure prevents composite fragments from injuring people or property in the vicinity of the explosion. The protective structure may be sacrificial in nature, i.e., its sole purpose is to absorb the energy from the explosive shock wave and contain composite debris caused by the explosion, or the protective structure may be employed as a load-bearing structural component. Accordingly, this results in reduction in personal injury and property damage due to the explosion. 2. Background Information Protection of people, buildings, bridges etc. from attacks by car or truck bombs, remote controlled explosives, etc. is of increasing importance and necessity. The explosive force or pressure wave generated by an explosive device such as a car bomb may be sufficient (depending on the size of the explosive device used) to disintegrate a composite wall, thereby causing shrapnel-like pieces of composite to be launched in all directions, and causing additional personal injury and property damage. Conventional reinforced composite structures such as reinforced concrete walls are well known to those skilled in the art. Such conventional structures typically employ steel reinforcement bars embedded within the composite structure or wall. However, in the case of an explosion or blast load which may generate a pressure wave in excess of tens of thousands of psi, a conventional reinforced composite structure will be ineffective in providing sufficient protection, and the blast load will cause disintegration of the composite, thereby causing shrapnel-like pieces of composite to be launched in all directions, and causing additional personal injury and property damage. One example of a proposed solution for this problem is the Adler Blast Wall™ which, is made up of front and back face plates which contain a reinforced concrete fill material. According to the developers of the Adler Blast Wall™, if an explosion occurs proximate to the front face plate, the back face plate will catch any concrete debris which results from the explosion. However, if the back face plate of the Adler Blast Wall™ is sufficiently displaced in the horizontal or vertical direction due to the explosion, small pieces of concrete debris traveling at high velocities may escape, thereby causing personal injury or property damage. Accordingly, there is a need for a protective structure which further minimizes the possibility that such small pieces of concrete debris traveling at high velocities will escape the protective structure employed. It is a first object of this invention to provide a blast resistant protective structure which minimizes the possibility that small pieces of concrete debris traveling at high velocities will escape the protective structure in the event of an explosion or blast load proximate to the structure. It is one feature of the protective structure of this invention that it employs a membrane-like mesh structure made up of, for example, steel wire, and structural steel cables in contact with the mesh structure, for example welded to the mesh structure forming a cage around it, or interwoven into the mesh structure. The mesh structure is compressible in all three dimensions, and surrounds a composite fill material such as reinforced concrete, fiber reinforced plastics, molded plastics, or other composite plastics. In the event of an explosion proximate to the protective structure of this invention, the mesh structure advantageously prevents composite fragments produced due to disintegration of the composite fill material of the protective structure from injuring people or property in the vicinity of the explosion. It is another feature of the protective structure of this invention that, in the event of an explosion proximate to the protective structure of this invention, the protective structure deflects in response to and absorbs the energy associated with the blast load of the explosion. It is a second object of this invention to provide a protective system which employs a number of the above described protective structures which are joined together via a number of support members, thereby providing a protective wall of sufficient length to provide more complete protection of a given area as well as additional ease of construction and use. The protective system may be used, but is not limited to use in constructing buildings, tunnels, portals etc. It is a feature of the protective system of the invention that the support members be capable of receiving the respective ends of the protective structures to provide an integrated wall structure. It is another feature of the protective system of the invention that the support members may also employ a mesh structure made up of, for example, steel wire. The mesh structure may surround a composite fill material such as reinforced concrete, fiber reinforced plastics, molded plastics, or other composite plastics. Thus, in the event of an explosion proximate to the protective system of this invention, the mesh structure prevents concrete fragments produced due to disintegration of the concrete fill material of the support members from injuring people or property in the vicinity of the explosion. Other objects, features and advantages of the protective structure and protective system of this invention will be apparent to those skilled in the art in view of the detailed description of the invention set forth herein.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
server: port: 8040 spring: application: name: microservice-gateway-zuul eureka: client: service-url: defaultZone: http://localhost:8761/eureka/ instance: prefer-ip-address: true zuul: routes: route-name: path: /path-a/** url: forward:/path-b management: security: enabled: false
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
The first case of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Indonesia was reported on March 2, 2020.[@bib1] Since then, the number of people who are infected with SARS-CoV-2 has grown exponentially, a pattern that can usually be observed in an uninhibited outbreak.[@bib2] ^,^ [@bib3] Some experts have stated that the number will continue to soar in the subsequent few weeks if no significant intervention is performed.[@bib4] The government then announced a public health emergency on March 31, 2020.[@bib5] Following the public health emergency announcement, the Indonesian government imposed a temporary ban on all foreign travelers and also published several other regulations.[@bib6] One major regulation was a guideline for large-scale social restriction (Permenkes No. 9 Tahun 2020; Pedoman Pembatasan Sosial Bersakala Besar). The local governments with a high number of cases or deaths in their regions were allowed to impose such restriction with approval from the Indonesian Ministry of Health.[@bib7] Such measures included banning mass gatherings, closing schools and offices, curbing nonessential businesses, and banning public transport.[@bib7] Furthermore, the Indonesian Ministry of Health selected several hospitals as the referral hospitals to handle the emerging infectious disease (KH.01.07/MENKES/169/2020). Dr Sardjito General Hospital was one of the selected hospitals located in the Special Region of Yogyakarta.[@bib8] The hospital, which is also the university hospital for Universitas Gadjah Mada, was chosen because of its full-range intensive care unit and 2 isolation wards for airborne infectious diseases.[@bib9] Finally, to accommodate more patients with COVID-19, the hospital also remodeled a ward as a new isolation ward. Compared with other countries located outside the equatorial zone, the number of COVID-19 cases has been relatively small in Indonesia.[@bib10] However, the outbreak is adding extra burdens on the health care system worldwide, including Indonesia.[@bib11] Neurosurgical service is one of the systems affected.[@bib12] Several articles have discussed how neurosurgical services should be managed during this difficult time[@bib13] ^,^ [@bib14]; however, there is no specific report on neurosurgical services in developing countries. This article focuses on the neurosurgical service in Dr. Sardjito General Hospital, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, as a representative of low- and middle-income countries. Moreover, although the number of COVID-19 cases has remained rather low in Yogyakarta, we believe that hospital preparedness and contingency plans for a pandemic should be formulated, especially for neurosurgery cases, to manage the potential development of this pandemic and possible future outbreaks. Here we review what has been done by related stakeholders to curb the impact of the disease. We also describe our hospital\'s policy for performing neurosurgical services during the COVID-19 outbreak and explore what can be corrected in the future, especially in the setting of low- and middle-income countries. Methods {#sec1} ======= We collected information on the effect of the outbreak in Indonesia from the COVID-19 online database created by the Indonesian Ministry of Health. The government selected the National Institute of Health Research and Development (Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan \[Balitbangkes\]) as COVID-19 national referral laboratory. In addition, the government also selected several regional laboratories as COVID-19 diagnostic laboratories.[@bib15] All facilities had to meet the Biosafety Level 2 standard and have reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) capabilities.[@bib16] By the middle of April 2020, the Indonesian government had tested more than 30,000 samples (i.e., approximately 130 tests per 1 million population).[@bib17] Furthermore, we gathered information from online COVID-19 records generated by the Yogyakarta government to assess the effect of the outbreak in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. By April 13, 2020, the Yogyakarta administration had performed 516 tests, for a rate of approximately 144 tests per 1 million people.[@bib18] The data on confirmed COVID-19 cases from all laboratories throughout Indonesia were then sent to Balitbangkes to be validated and verified.[@bib15] All confirmed cases, which included inpatients, recovered patients, and deaths, had been confirmed by RT-PCR.[@bib15] Finally, the data were sent to the Public Health Emergency Operation Center of the Indonesian Ministry of Health. The data on the number of neurosurgical procedures performed between February 2, 2020, and April 10, 2020, at Dr. Sardjito General Hospital were obtained from the hospital\'s Division of Neurosurgery. Emergency cases were defined as head tumor and cerebrovascular problems with acute deterioration, shunt malfunction, cauda equina syndrome, acute obstructive hydrocephalus, or head and spinal cord trauma. In addition, urgent cases such as non--rapid-onset hydrocephalus, head tumor (with urgency depending on history), or problems with recent onset of upper motor neuron symptoms or signs (e.g., cervical or thoracic myelopathy) were included in the elective surgical planning. Preoperative procedures during the pandemic, including tests to detect COVID-19, are described in the Discussion section. We included data from the previous months to help the reader differentiate the number of surgical procedures performed before and during the outbreak. Moreover, we compared the types of neurosurgical procedures performed at our center before and after the announcement of the first COVID-19 case in Yogyakarta. Finally, we also analyzed the changes in the number of outpatients visiting Dr. Sardjito General Hospital\'s neurosurgical clinic. Results {#sec2} ======= COVID-19 in Indonesia {#sec2.1} --------------------- The number of confirmed cases in Indonesia had skyrocketed in the last few weeks. By the middle of April, the government had tested more than 30,000 samples (i.e., approximately 130 tests per 1 million population) and found more than 4800 confirmed cases, with 459 fatalities ([Figure 1](#fig1){ref-type="fig"} ).[@bib17] ^,^ [@bib19] The highest number of death was in the capital city, Jakarta, which had 2335 infected cases and 241 deaths at the midpoint of April 2020.[@bib20] Moreover, compared with other nations, Indonesia had a considerably higher case fatality rate (i.e., 9.56%).[@bib19] On the other hand, the mortality rate was rather low at roughly 1 death per 588,000 people.[@bib19] Figure 1The confirmed cases in 34 provinces in Indonesia as of April 14, 2020. DKI Jakarta and Special Region of Yogyakarta are highlighted owing to their status as the capital city of Indonesia and the province in which our hospital is located, respectively. COVID-19 in the Special Region of Yogyakarta {#sec2.2} -------------------------------------------- The infection rate in Yogyakarta was not as high as that seen in Jakarta. The first case was detected on March 13, 2020, in a 3-year-old child who had a history of a family trip to Depok, West Java. As of April 13, 2020, there were 55 confirmed cases, including 6 deaths.[@bib18] Sleman, where our hospital is located, was the region with the highest number of positive cases (i.e., 29 cases). Moreover, Yogyakarta has not been declared as an area with local transmission.[@bib21] Nonetheless, it is strongly suggested that each stakeholder remain vigilant. The 4 Phases of the Pandemic at Dr. Sardjito Hospital {#sec2.3} ----------------------------------------------------- We divided our experience during this period into 4 phases to ease the understanding of the nature of the pandemic ([Figure 2](#fig2){ref-type="fig"} ). Phase 1 (March 2--13, 2020) was the period of indigency. There were confirmed cases already in Indonesia during this period; however, knowledge of the disease was limited at that time. As a result, there was no clear diagnosis, and inadequate equipment to manage it. Phase 2 is defined as the period between the initial detection of the outbreak in Yogyakarta and when the government relaxes the strict regulations regarding the outbreak. Early in this phase, the number of cases outside Yogyakarta had soared, and the Indonesian Ministry of Health and the Indonesian Medical Association had instituted several measures in an effort to curb the impact.[@bib22] ^,^ [@bib23] In phase 3, the transition phase, the infection rate has subsided but the end of the outbreak has not been declared. Finally, phase 4 is defined as the period after the outbreak resolved. At the time of this writing, we have not yet entered the last 2 phases; we described them here to explain our expectations of the end of the pandemic.Figure 2Summary of our experiences during the outbreak, described in a four-phase model, in Dr. Sardjito General Hospital. Note that Phase 3 and 4 have not yet passed by our institution. Therefore, the purpose of stating those two phases is to explain our expectations. Number of Neurosurgical Procedures Performed at Dr. Sardjito General Hospital {#sec2.4} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our center\'s staff comprises 6 consultant neurosurgeons and 23 residents capable of performing both emergency and elective procedures.[@bib8] In the last 9 weeks before the first confirmed case in Indonesia, an average of 4 emergency operations were performed each week. However, early in phase 2, there was a drop in the number of emergency operations, to an average of 2.4 per week ([Figure 3](#fig3){ref-type="fig"} ).Figure 3The amount of elective (*solid line*) and emergency (*dashed line*) neurosurgery operations from February 2, 2020 to April 18, 2020 at Dr. Sardjito General Hospital. The data from February 2020 is presented to illustrate the average number of surgical procedures during typical period in Dr. Sardjito General Hospital. The black arrow indicates the time when the Indonesian first case of COVID-19 was announced (the beginning of Phase 1). *Black arrowhead* denotes the date when the first COVID-19 case in Yogyakarta was revealed (Phase 2). Furthermore, an average of 16 elective operations per week were performed during phase 1 ([Figure 3](#fig3){ref-type="fig"}). However, early in phase 2, the number decreased to roughly 9 operations weekly. This was lower than the average of 11.78 elective surgical procedures weekly performed in the last 9 weeks. Tumor resection accounted for the highest number of operative procedures, with 18 cases. In contrast, trauma surgery accounted for the fewest cases, with only 4 procedures ([Figure 4](#fig4){ref-type="fig"} ).Figure 4The number of neurosurgical procedures in Dr. Sardjito General Hospital based on the operative categories during March 2020. Number of Appointments in the Hospital\'s Neurosurgery Outpatient Clinic {#sec2.5} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The pattern of the number of outpatient visits was similar to that observed in the number of surgical procedures. In the last 8 weeks before phase 1, we had an average of 93.38 outpatients each week ([Figure 5](#fig5){ref-type="fig"} ). However, since early phase 2, there was a slight reduction in outpatient numbers, and since March 20, 2020, the decline has accelerated. Furthermore, we had 12 residents who were eligible (based on year of residency) to provide care in the outpatient clinic. In phase 1, we allocated 4--6 residents each day to provide care in the outpatient clinic. However, in phase 2, we reduced the number of residents to just 2 per day owing to the reduced number of outpatients.Figure 5The amount of patient who came to Dr. Sardjito General Hospital neurosurgery outpatient clinic. The data from January 2020 is presented to illustrate the average number of outpatients during typical period in Dr. Sardjito General Hospital. The *black arrow* indicates the time when the Indonesian first case of COVID-19 was announced (the beginning of Phase 1). *Black arrowhead* denotes the date when the first COVID-19 case in Yogyakarta was revealed (Phase 2). Discussion {#sec3} ========== The COVID-19 Test in Indonesia: The Iceberg Phenomenon {#sec3.1} ------------------------------------------------------ The COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia is rather challenging. We have a high case-fatality rate yet a low mortality rate, which might reflect the "iceberg" phenomenon. Some experts believe that it is associated with Indonesia\'s low testing rate.[@bib24] Although the number of tests increased in phase 2 compared with phase 1, Indonesia remained among the countries with a low testing rate.[@bib25] Furthermore, evidence shows a high level of SARS-CoV-2 replication in the upper respiratory tract even before symptoms appear.[@bib26] ^,^ [@bib27] Consequently, people who are infected with the virus yet do not have any signs or symptoms may possibly spread the virus to others.[@bib28] This might have significant epidemiologic repercussions, especially in countries with a low testing rate.[@bib19] ^,^ [@bib24] In such countries, asymptomatic carriers cannot be widely detected, which in turn might increase the rate of transmission.[@bib29] Therefore, increasing the effort to test as many people as possible appears to be an essential strategy for reducing the impact of the pandemic.[@bib30] Preoperative Preparation During the COVID-19 Pandemic {#sec3.2} ----------------------------------------------------- In phase 2, we have started to use screening tests for elective and emergency patients to detect possible COVID-19 infection in surgical candidates ([Figure 2](#fig2){ref-type="fig"}). Each test will include a patient history (e.g., previous travel, place of residence, any closed contact with a suspected COVID-19--positive individual), laboratory tests (increased neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and C-reactive protein, decreased lymphocyte count), and chest radiography suggesting COVID-19 infection (i.e., multifocal airspace opacities in the lower lung areas, perihilar and upper lobe abnormalities in the later stage).[@bib31], [@bib32], [@bib33] If the initial tests suggest suspicion for COVID-19, a rapid test and chest computed tomography scan can be used to establish the diagnosis. The rapid test measures the reactivity of SARS-CoV-2 antibody in patients\' blood (i.e., IgG and IgM anti--SARS-CoV-2). For emergency patients, the rapid test can be directly ordered by the neurosurgeons without consulting with the COVID-19 team (i.e., the team assigned to provide specific management for patients with suspected COVID-19). A positive rapid test prompts RT-PCR analysis, the gold standard for diagnosing COVID-19.[@bib34] Adjustment in Surgical Practices and Recent Trends at the Outpatient Clinic {#sec3.3} --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our status as a tertiary referral hospital results in a high patient load.[@bib8] We have a long list of patients queueing up to undergo operative procedures. In some cases, a tumor patient can wait for up to 6 months for surgery. Consequently, we decided not to eliminate elective surgical procedures during the pandemic. We were aware that this practice is not in line with the recommendation published by the Indonesian Society of Neurological Surgeons suggesting that hospitals postpone all elective procedures.[@bib35] We were afraid that such a policy would lengthen waiting periods and lead to worsening of patients\' conditions, which might further increase the patient load in the future. Later, it became clear that our policy was aligned with a recommendation from Burke et al.,[@bib13] who suggested that eliminating elective surgery is not compulsory until a hospital needs substantial aid from external institutions. Nonetheless, early in phase 2 we reduced the number of elective surgical procedures ([Figure 3](#fig3){ref-type="fig"}). One reason for this reduction was the hospital\'s policy of allocating only 2 spots in the intensive care unit for postoperative neurosurgical patients. This was meant to prepare for a surge of COVID-19 critical patients. Burke et al.[@bib13] recommended that a hospital reduce the number of elective surgeries by 25% when it has a total of 10--99 community cases or 7--16 COVID-19 inpatients. By the time we reduced the number of elective procedures, we had 55 cases in Yogyakarta and 3 COVID-19 inpatients. Another significant issue affecting the number of elective procedures was the poor availability of personal protective equipment (PPE) in our hospital. It is recommended that surgeons who are performing an operative procedure for a suspected patient or confirmed cases use level-3 PPE, including N95 masks or equivalent, coverall gowns, boots, face shields, and other standard surgical protective gear.[@bib36] Unfortunately, the hospital was struggling to provide sufficient PPE, especially in the early phase of the outbreak, a problem that also occurred globally.[@bib37] This issue started to improve in the second week of April 2020. The government and related stakeholders increased their efforts to meet the demand. In addition, there was support from nongovernmental organization and individuals. The improved PPE availability increased the safety of the procedure, which might explain the increased number of elective surgical procedures after the second week of April 2020. As for the emergency cases, the decline could also be seen early in phase 2 ([Figure 3](#fig3){ref-type="fig"}), possibly caused, at least in part, by the government\'s "stay at home" recommendation. This recommendation may cause citizens to hesitate to leave their homes, leading to a reduction in the number of traffic accidents, a cause of emergency neurosurgery.[@bib38] Finally, such hesitation also might inhibit the desire to visit the outpatient clinic, resulting in the drop in outpatient visits ([Figure 5](#fig5){ref-type="fig"}). Consequently, the working hours of staff and residents were also reduced. Importance of a Contingency Plan for the Next Possible Pandemic {#sec3.4} --------------------------------------------------------------- Based on a World Health Organization guideline, every hospital should develop an integrated hospital emergency risk management program. This program should include continuous risk assessment of future threats, a multihazard early warning system, and emergency simulations to prepare for an outbreak.[@bib39] One example is the creation of clear hospital zoning. By treating different groups of patients in a separate zone, the risk of transmission can be reduced.[@bib39] However, there is no exclusive zone dedicated to treating related patients in our hospital. All COVID-19 clinics and wards are not located in the same zone. In phase 2, we also treated all surgical patients in the same building because of limited screening resources. This could result in increased transmission if the prevailing procedure resulted in failure to detect positive cases. Furthermore, a good signage system can also be applied to promote physical distancing and reduce the transmission rate. Therefore, hospital management must clearly plan for the development of a more appropriate infrastructure for facing future pandemics. Conclusion {#sec4} ========== COVID-19 is having a deleterious impact on the stability of global public health, including neurosurgical services. Our hospital in Yogyakarta, Indonesia has been affected by the pandemic, especially in the early phase. Several factors, such as the government\'s slow response, the inadequacy of PPE, and low testing rate, have hindered the management of neurosurgical patients during COVID-19 pandemic. To help us understand the extent of the impact, we used a 4-phase model of the outbreak. In phase 2, when the first case was detected in Yogyakarta, there was a decline in the numbers of both emergency and elective surgical procedures. The number of outpatients was also decreased. Using this model, we also expected to produce a clear strategy for improving the management of neurosurgical patients during the pandemic by reducing the number of surgical procedures and advocating for an adequate supply of PPE to stakeholders. In the future, a comprehensive plan can enhance both utilization and safety of the neurosurgical staff. CRediT authorship contribution statement {#sec5} ======================================== **Wiryawan Manusubroto:** Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Methodology, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing. **Adiguno Suryo Wicaksono:** Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Methodology, Project administration, Writing - original draft. **Daniel Agriva Tamba:** Conceptualization, Data curation, Investigation, Software, Visualization, Writing - original draft. **Paulus Sudiharto:** Supervision, Validation, Writing - review & editing. **Handoyo Pramusinto:** Formal analysis, Resources. **Rachmat Andi Hartanto:** Resources. **Endro Basuki:** Supervision, Validation, Writing - review & editing. Conflict of interest statement: The authors declare that the article content was composed in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
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"Big money in whale meat." "We've done DNA testing... on samples from Japanese and Korean markets." "The samples match the signature... of these southern hemisphere whales." "They call themselves research vessels." "That's how they justify tracking the whales... but they come out here to hunt." "does he?" "Meeno." "Not much." "No." "But he's probably the most passionate of any of us." "whaler... you are about to violate international law." "Any attempt to harm this mammal... will be a direct infraction of the Reykjavik moratorium." "guys!" "Heads up!" "God damn it!" "What do we do?" "my God!" "Hang on!" "What's happening?" "Brace yourselves!" "Help me." "help me!" "Meeno!" "Meeno!" "Meeno!" "No!" "No!" "John!" "John!" "Take my hand!" "John!" "Reach out!" "Meeno!" "Open it." "OK." "That's just..." "Man." "What is that?" " It's a cross." " A cross?" "15th Century by the look of it." "The Coroner's Office has already asked to interview you." "they'll never find an explanation." "I think it's time we brought them in." "And I will not accept a "No" answer." "Not from those four." "Tell your mother that you're going." "Period." "OK?" "Mom already said the exact opposite of you." "She's always saying the exact opposite of you." "honey." "Is this important to you?" "Daddy." " Then let me talk to her." "He wants to talk to you." "Power's out again." "Tell your father we can't afford it." "I'm looking for a patient named..." "Meeno Paloma." "Are you immediate family?" "No." "I'm a journalist." "The Observer." "It's immediate family only." "No exceptions." "Thank you." "How exactly do you expect to pay for this?" "but the kid loves the harp... right?" "50 bucks a week?" "you can't get the alimony and child support together." "I..." "I understand why... but don't grandstand for your daughter... when you know you're not going to be able to." "OK?" "Use my MasterCard." "The one with the hot air balloons on it." "I don't think that's maxed out." "Howard." "You don't..." "You don't exactly write... in case you haven't noticed." "just do it." "Please." "folks." "Hope I'm not disturbing you." "Mind if I..." "Are you the gastro inter... 'cause I'm not." "and I'm a journalist." "would be extremely interested... in hearing about what happened to you out there." "I thought Dr. McKergy specifically said..." "Dr. McKergy didn't voice any objections to me... just for a few minutes." "Great." "Thank you." "um... a rogue whaling ship... right?" "What... what exactly happened?" "The whaler was... uh... female." "suddenly... it was... it was like... something was... churning the water." "Some... force." "Some violent force... destroyed the whaler." "And... and then..." "and then it hit us." "huh?" "about 50 miles out?" "Sargasso Sea?" "It's also known as the Bermuda Triangle." "L..." "I never said anything about the... relax." "You don't have to." "I will." "Good people died out there." "Mr. Thomas!" "Yeah?" "Mr. Thomas." "My name's Ackerman." "Aron Ackerman." "And I'm..." "I'm just a huge fan of yours." "I think you're a truly fantastic journalist." "Truly." "Thanks." "I've got something for you." "come on." "Are you..." "She's serving me again?" "I just talked to her." "She didn't mention this at all." "sir." "Nothing like that at all." "Well..." "Base." " Professor?" " What?" "All right." "Are you reading the velocity sensors?" "Professor." " Full array?" " Across the board." "don't start the recorders... until my tailbone has crossed the threshold." "Professor." "We're approaching center spoke." "What's my splash factor?" "Looks like you'll be landing over open marsh." "We got recovery fan boats standing by." "That's Florida State Conservancy land down there." "You'll probably get busted." "We're center spoke." "Right now!" "everybody." "Eyes wide." "I lose!" "This is one small step for man... one giant leap for mankind!" "guys." "You're awesome." "Totally awesome." "Bruce Geller." "The incredible Bruce Geller." "Need any help with bail... there's a number in there you can call." "who the hell are you?" "How did you know where to find me?" "Check the other three." "He's not in any pain." "Somebody has taken him." "They haven't harmed him." "He's wearing a... red shirt." "Dark red shirt." "There's a stain..." "What kind of stain on the front?" "It's..." "It's chocolate." "I smell chocolate." "Who's this?" "This guy Stan something-or-other." "Used to be some big lost kid finder." "He's offered to help." "There's a van." "It's a... very dark van." "Brown..." "No." "it's black." "It's very... definitely black." "And there's a red stripe on it." "The driver of the van is..." "I see gold." "I see..." "He's wearing a gold chain." "if I could just see a landmark or a signpost." "The van is stopping." "Mommy?" "Felicio!" "Here's your kidnapper!" "Way to go." "Mr. Lathem." "Emily." "It doesn't matter whether it's my domain." "This is a B.T.W. Safety issue." "now we have to deal with it." "Dr. Patterson... and the drill coils we're using are operating well within... spec tolerances for depth and pressure." "then this 780 tells me that you're either a liar... or a liar." "Look at it." "Something caused it to torque." "We're within specs." "This was a fluke." "If we have to shut down to investigate... we're talking about men's lives here." "Those men's lives." "Something caused this." "We owe it to the frontliners to find out what it was!" "you're a pretty good deep ocean resource engineer... you said I was one of the best you'd ever seen." "now I'm firing you." "What?" "On what grounds?" "Safety." "You're firing me for bringing to light a potential life and death... it is your safety I'm referring to." " Oh!" "My safety?" " Don't listen to her!" "She's crazy!" "We want to work!" "subparagraph B of your contract... if I feel I can no longer assure your safety as a woman on board this rig... they want to... kill me." "OK?" "Company chopper leaves in 20 minutes... and I want your toes on the departure line topside in 19." "please." "Welcome to Miami International Airport." "Please maintain visual contact with your personal property at all times." "hi." "Can I help you with this?" "Do I know you?" "but I have something for you." "How was your flight?" "Howard Thomas." "Bruce Geller." "Bruce Geller." "Stan Lathem." " Howard." " Hi." "Welcome." "Any of you have any idea why we're here?" "You're here because I asked you." "I'm Eric Benirall." "my experts." "Experts in what?" "Exactly how much do you know about the Bermuda Triangle?" "Benirall Shipping Lines is the largest... privately owned shipping company in the United States." "Over 700 million tons of cargo transported every year." "There's a good chance that something you're wearing right now... something electronic which you used today... will have come to this country on one of my 303 cargo haulers." "303 ships presently on the seas." "it was 309." "The Bermuda Triangle is eating your ships?" "When the first ship went missing..." "Mr. Thomas." "My tone has now changed." "That section of the South Atlantic... is one of the busiest shipping areas in the world." "Ships go down." "It experiences two powerful sea breezes... and one from the west." "The push between the two forces triggers extreme weather." "The Atlantic is also the deepest ocean in the world... with amazingly strong currents." "these are not pleasure craft... some drunken day-sailors at the helm." "very large ships... made of iron and steel... with the most professional crews in the world." "But no distress signals were given." "There were no adverse conditions." "They just disappeared without a trace." "Why isn't this public knowledge?" "It is." "What I'm about to show you is not." "This particular ship had her own encounter... just two nights ago." "94 miles from shore." "She's the first that's managed to make it home." "No explanation as to why she was spared... but not unscathed." "Of a crew of 25... only 7 survived." "do you?" "Which is good." "That's what I need." "it's not that I don't believe you." "And I really respect all that adventurous stuff you do." "the America's Cup wins... and that Arctic thing you did last year." "I kind of did the same sort of thing myself." "I really appreciate your problem with missing ships... you don't." "You don't give a rat's ass about my problems." "you see... and I'm known to be a bit crazy with my money... which is all the magnet I needed to draw you here... and to keep you here..." "I'm willing to share some of those riches." "Intrigued?" "Mind your heads." "Christopher Columbus himself recorded more than one encounter... during his voyages through the Triangle." "despite having discovered a new world for Queen Isabella..." "Columbus was ultimately imprisoned by the Spanish." "Any of you know why?" "he lost 500 men... and more than 6 of his 30 ships to a freak hurricane." "Despite the large number of ships and men lost... not a single remnant was ever found." "Columbus was thrown in prison... on the accusation that he had somehow... personally summoned the unnatural storm." "The charge was sorcery." "he recorded his first encounter... with a strange phenomenon in the Atlantic." "Might I read you something from his log record for that night?" "Appeared before us a behemoth of iron... then not." "Not of this God's known world." "this ship ran into fog." "All seven survivors say they saw ships within that fog." "But not just ships..." "wooden sailing ships." "Three of them." "Flying Spanish flags." "The flags that the Spanish have not flown... for more than four centuries." "You think that this crew encountered Columbus?" "We don't know what they saw." "People build recreations of old ships all the time." "They fly all sorts of flags." "I do know something... and I do trust my crews." "And they do not believe that what they saw were recreations." "Might I suggest that you prepare yourselves?" "Please." "What exactly are we supposed to be observ..." "Is that... 11 men died here." "More than just died." "it was 9 men who died here." "This is the only physical evidence we have... of what actually happened on board that night." "As for the rest of the crew... at the same time... these remains appeared on the foredeck of the ship." "Remains that forensic sampling... would suggest belonged to a man who'd never had... a single childhood inoculation in his life... that bathed with lye soap... and was suffering from the onset of scurvy." "Anyone not of a rational mind might begin to think that perhaps... this man came from the wooden ships." "Ms. Patterson." "Those the seven survivors?" "They're still under quarantine on the ship." "Why are they still on deck?" "They're afraid to go down below." "I sympathize with the plight of your crew here... and I appreciate the ghost ship tour and all..." "I'm dead tired... and what exactly do you want from me?" "Ms. Patterson." "Explanations." "The explanation." "Explanations of what?" "come on." "Not the Bermuda Triangle." "I have ships traversing the entire globe... but I've only lost them in the Triangle." "I need to know what's happening here." "What I want is nothing less than the definitive reason... 000 souls... have been lost over the centuries." "Why this group?" "you could afford anyone." "probably." "it's true." "You weren't exactly my first choice... risen to that position." "because we showed up." "What is important is that you each bring a distinct discipline... from the scientific to the more ethereal." "Mr. Thomas." "you're my referee..." "the ultimate arbiter." "You are my Triangle expert." "I've examined your work in..." "What's the name of the publication you write for?" "The Observer." "that's right." "You've interviewed every legitimate explorer... every wild-eyed crackpot." "You know every theory..." "And I don't believe any of it." "I want you to vet very hard." "this endeavor... it isn't about hypotheses and suppositions." "It isn't about "what ifs" and "just maybes." "This is a journey." "This is a quest for truth." "The truth." "To uncover something that's managed to evade... everyone that has gone before you." "you said something about money?" "if you want me to set aside all my projects... all my other projects..." "and start researching this... then you're going to have to compensate..." "Dr. Geller." "This isn't some weekend gig... that you palm off onto your grad students." "This is field work." "This is getting your feet wet and your hands filthy... and going wherever you need to go... and doing whatever you need to do to bring me what I need." "And for that..." "when you bring me that..." "I'm prepared to give each of you $5 million." "Each?" "He said "Each." "The funds are already in escrow accounts..." "I thought." "But understand this..." "it is not payable for trying." "You only collect when you deliver." "That's why all the other candidates passed." "Mr. Thomas." "What possible answer could we give you?" "What has happened to my ships." "It's simple." "I'm assuming that there'll be some kind of contract... that our lawyers can look at..." "Decide now." "You start tonight." "we don't get some part of the money up front?" "what if..." "Dr. Geller." "All or nothing." "I'm a man who does his homework... and I do not expect to get a "No" from any of you." "$20 million." "You've got 15 minutes." "The name on the deposit slip is Bruce Geller." "Geller with an "e-r." "So this is proof that the money's there waiting for us?" "I guess I should call my paper... and tell them I'm taking a leave of absence?" "In the morning." "is there anyone there who speaks better English?" "English!" "The amount I'm looking at is $5 million." "whatever you need." " American dollars." "The whole 5 million?" "And he can't just take it back?" "the money is mine?" "got it." "very much." "What's your name again?" " Ackerman." " I've got some staff... some key staff I want to bring along." "This is your team." "Mr. Benirall was very specific about not wanting... to unbalance the dynamic of..." "What about expenses?" "Per diem?" "It's covered." "Jaro said you can come back to work anytime you're ready." "A one-nothing lead in the 3-game series." "the lightning..." "Ruben's been messing with my presets again." "he hasn't." "Those are the same stations they've always been." "I think that what happened to me..." "I think it somehow affected my memory." "Your memory?" "What do you mean?" "This truck was blue." "I know it's the same truck." "but..." "Unless you had it painted while I was in the hospital?" "Of course I haven't had it painted." "it's always..." "Dad!" "it's the Rubenator!" "man." "I missed you." "the whole time I was out there... all I could think about was getting back here to you." "They wouldn't let me come to the hospital." "I know." "I know." "though." "I'm here now." "hey!" "Nader!" "Nader." "How's my Nader?" "hey!" "Daddy!" "Who's this?" "Aren't you going to hug Dylan?" "Dylan?" "Dylan... our youngest." "Flight 246 to Dallas-Fort Worth... is now boarding at Gate C24." "Tell Victor to cover my classes." "Don't ask him." "Just tell him." "And have the grad students keep crunching the hurricane data." "I can't tell you what I'm doing." "I can't tell you... all right?" "So what is the Triangle anyway?" "Do we even know its boundaries?" "San Juan." "000 square miles." "You didn't know that?" "And you're what?" "Our ocean person expert?" "Deep ocean resource recovery." "So forgive me for not being conversant in the current folklore." "it's not just folklore." "Thousands of people have been lost." "planes." "You heard Benirall." "I'm here because he lost 6 ships in the last 12 months." "That's something I can help him with." "Nobody really knows anything about this guy." "We know he's rich." "And that's about it." "He's a total enigma." "Like the anti-Trump." "no Business Week interviews... no society columns." "we know he believes the Bermuda Triangle is real." "There is a mystique to the region." "Yeah." "what about him?" "What does he do?" "I think he said he's a weatherman or something." "The preeminent meteorological authority... on the South Atlantic and environs." "Of course." "That explains why I've heard of him." "again?" "that's right." "The Observer." "I'm still here." "nobody sits this one out." "I want everybody on this." "undergrads." "Every warm body whose academic life..." "I hold in the palm of my god-like hand." "you heard me right..." "Very funny." "Just get them started." "Benirall was very specific." "not your coeds." "5 million on the line." "That could fund my research for the next 10 years." "I'm going to use every resource I've got." "People have been trying to explain the Triangle for years." "Why Benirall thinks that us... this group... can come up with some new answer..." "Definitive answer." "this is Zegna!" "I'm going to get a cup of coffee." "Anybody else?" "thanks." "What?" "Psychic." "That's what I'm talking about." "But I'm sure having a paranormal guy around like that... makes you feel more at home." "that's rich." "Why am I sitting here?" "What do we really expect to accomplish?" "We expect to accomplish a big chunk of Benirall's millions... in our bank accounts." "There is no answer to find." "We're going on a wild goose chase." "right?" "We all faked a paper or two in our time." "I never faked anything in my life." "luv." "I really don't think we're going to be able... to con this guy out of parting with $20 million." "Why not?" "We're all experts in our field." "I know I am." "What's to stop us?" "000 pages in his lap... data specific to our individual expertise." "We dazzle him." "It's worth a try." "what's he going to do?" "Fire us?" "You don't have to wear it." "of course not." "You got it?" "it's right here." "sweetie?" "I got it." "Here." "There." "There you go." "right?" "we are." "It's Gate 7." "Your flight leaves in 90 minutes." "We got your offices set up and waiting... minutes from the Space Center." "I almost forgot." "What are those?" "This is everything Mr. Benirall has collected on the Triangle." "Pretty much every known scrap of information... on the phenomenon." "000 pages in there." "A lot of it's nonsense." "bunch of polysyllabic words that say nothing." "really great..." "Get-me-Art-Bell on-the-phone" kind of stuff." "You believe in this?" "Absolutely." "like this." "Watch!" "Why aren't you trying?" "Whoa!" "I am trying." "You used to be really good." "What happened?" "You're doing good." "Daddy?" "I'll be right back." "Daddy?" "Squishy." "I'm sorry." "but I have never laid eyes on... that game before in my life." "You bought it specifically... so that you and Dylan could play together." "damn it." "Your flesh and blood." "You named him Dylan." "The doctors say there's nothing wrong with me." "nothing wrong physically... but you have got to see someone else." "See a different type of doctor." "I need to get to work." "They're going to expect me back." "Meeno!" "I don't..." "For us." "For your family." "OK." "you OK?" "Bathroom?" "we are experiencing turbulence... so the captain has turned on the "Fasten seat belt" sign." "visibility 40 miles." "You got clear flying." "thanks." "Fog bank." "Damn it." "Why isn't that on my RYCAP?" "Heather!" "Hold on!" "Heather!" "sir." "what?" "How long ago?" "Who else knows this?" "Absolutely." "All of it." "As soon as you get it." "Get me Ackerman right away." "There's been..." "Something's happened." "Wow." "How'd you ever divine that?" "Come on!" "Out of line." "What are you talking about?" "A plane has gone down." "A commercial liner." "I got a chopper standing by." " Let's go!" " Go where?" "It's a 747." "Miami to Zurich." "Full passenger list plus 11 crew members." "What about survivors?" "CNN..." "Reuters..." "nobody's saying." "This is the crash site of a commercial airliner." "They don't need us in their way right now." "Forget about need." "That's the U.S. Coast Guard down there." "You really think they're gonna let us... go traipsing' around while they're trying to work?" "What are those?" "You cannot be serious." "Are these real?" "What are they?" "They're DOD's INDEF security IDs." "Department of Defense?" "INDEF?" "I'm gonna kill you" territory." "nobody has these." "Are they real?" "Tell me you're not giving us counterfeit government IDs." "Counterfeit?" "Define your terms." "because none of you has that kind of clearance." "you flash that... nobody's gonna dare question you being there." "after?" "this is Romeo Two Echo." "this is Defiance." "a Bell 222... requesting permission to land." "Attention on deck." "Attention on deck." "How come you got out here so fast?" "We were already in the vicinity on sentry patrol." "Navy's got some maneuvers goin' on." "Had us out here baby-sittin' this patch." "Any survivors?" "The plane's resting on a shelf around 30 meters down." "but survivors?" "I doubt it." "We have some ROVs deployed." "Why ROVs?" "Why not just send divers?" "we're a security contingent." "We have divers aboard... but none of my boys are NTSB Rescue/Recovery trained." "The mainland's puttin' together a whole cigar box... full of experts from all over south Florida." "we thought you were part of 'em." "Bring it around this way." "More." "You guys might want to see this." "Up." "Bring it up." "move." "You see what I'm seeing?" "Are we sure this is the same plane that just went down?" "This plane looks like it's been down there for decades." "Last transponder transmission came from this lat and longitude." "Those engines are Pratt Whitney 4074 turbo fans... added to the line no more than a year ago." "This is a very new plane." "Then where'd all that rust and those barnacles come from?" "Nothing says that it came from... where you're suggesting it came from." "If you don't mind my asking... what project are you folks with?" "You should know better than to ask that." "there are other craft down there." "Those look like Navy planes." "But what kind are they?" "Those are Avenger torpedo bombers." "Torpedoes?" "The Navy hasn't used torpedoes in years." "you better take a look at this." "They did in the 1940s." "1940s?" "They look like they crashed today." "Look." "He sure hasn't been down there since the Forties." "I'd say a couple hours at most." "She's alive." "Inside that 747... there's someone still in there... alive." "I'm in." "It's completely swamped." "There's no way anybody could be alive down there." "Excuse me." "uh..." "Where are all the passengers?" "please." "Someone..." "It's a little girl." "inside of that plane." "Meeno!" "bro?" "Hey." "Tito." "brother." "I do have a couple of divers on board." "but..." "My people are doing this." "They're experts." "The ROVs aren't showing anyone alive." "And let's not forget the guy claims to be a damn psychic." "Can't be anyone still alive on that plane." "There's nobody on that plane period." "And I want to see what the ROVs aren't showing us." "You don't have to come." "my hero." "if you find something that satisfies Benirall..." "I want to be there." "Do you know how to deep dive like this?" "I've only done it about 500 times." "What about you?" "Are you kidding?" "I almost lost a leg diving a trench off the Aleutians." "Didn't stop me." "Splash... right back in." "Just get it over with." "OK." "Good." "Good idea." "Thanks." "this isn't the creepiest thing I've ever done." "it is." "Do you ever focus?" " Looks like we've got company." " I see it." "Have you ever seen them do this before?" "Sharks." "Drawn by all the blood." "What's wrong with them?" " What do you mean?" " They're not moving." "Aren't... aren't sharks supposed to keep moving?" "They're not moving forward." "I think it's the water." "You just keep an eye on them." "What's she doing?" "NTSB teams are inbound." "They should be here any minute." "Good." "That's good." "They want to talk to Mr. Lathem." "Can I borrow your headphones?" "I..." "I think it's toward the rear of the plane." "What's he showing us?" "The seatbelts are still locked." "Stan... there's nobody here." "The plane is empty." "She's there!" "That's her." "What is that?" "ma'am." "Coffee?" "I don't drink coffee." "explain this one." "it's obviously a pocket of trapped air." "where is everybody else?" "you get some old sailors... talking about boats that disappeared and turned up somewhere else... but with all the passengers missing." "It's always second- or third-hand." "I've never actually met anyone who's witnessed it themselves." "congratulations." "Now you have." "sweetheart." "What's your name?" "Heather." "Heather." "Where's my mommy and daddy?" "Heather?" "dear?" "About two hours?" "It was getting really hard to breathe." "Heather?" "people." "We can't leave her like this." "We really need to go." "Emily!" "Emily!" "Let's go!" "This place is great." "please." "Let me just get you logged on." "Tell me again about the water sample you guys took." "How many houses like this does he have exactly?" " A few." " A few." "You mean just here in the States." "right?" "beach estates." "all right?" "please." " What was it about the water that..." " It's called a halocline." "in the ocean." "Dr. Patterson..." "Emily recognized it." "You're saying there's an area of fresh water in the ocean?" "That's what's near the 747?" "Haloclines are extremely rare." "Normally caused by fresh water run off nearby land." "These weren't anywhere near land." "We located the downed aircraft by side-scan sonar only." "I'm afraid it's at a depth which precludes any serious attempt at recovery." "The wreckage is scattered over an area... and there are no survivors." "Considering the location of the crash... recovery of victims' bodies should be considered extremely unlikely." "NTSB officials say the cause of the crash is still under investigation." "But early indicators suggest that the plane may have been... the victim of a pocket of extreme turbulence." "Turbulence." "No survivors?" "Try... no bodies." "Try... everybody disappeared." "The girl." "What have they done with the girl?" "What have they done with her?" "Stan..." "I know what you think." "Eh?" "But that woman that we found wasn't a little girl who magically... don't... don't patronize me!" "Why does it always seem that the more education a person has... the more unwilling they are to accept new ideas?" "how many degrees do you have?" "Three." "No..." " Four." " Four." "Four." "What's the definition of science?" "Evidence through observation." "you saw the condition of that plane." "You saw the passengers were missing." "You saw me directly lead you to the one surviving passenger." "how can you question that now?" "I'm telling you that old woman... was a six-year-old child when she boarded that plane." "When you see what you see... do you know they're visions or whatever?" "I mean... um..." "Do you know they're absolutely real?" "As real as my looking at you now." "will you shut up?" "Of course I can tell you to shut up." "You're the editor of a cheesy tabloid." "but..." "Because I'm out in the field." "Seriously." "it's nothing you're paying for." "I've witnessed this..." "I'm part..." "Marty?" "You're just gonna have to trust me." "and you're gonna love it." "I'm not at the damn dog track." "all right?" "Well?" "I understand that... satellite films." "We've got haloclines posting through most of the Southern Atlantic." "Look at this spot right here." "It's halocline crazy." "this is unheard of." "valuable technology... this phenomena can't be examined from 200 miles up." "this calls for... four people." "Yes!" "we got it." "guys." "We got it." " Got what?" " Our sub." " Did he say sub?" " Mm-hmm." "Only private sub on the Florida coast rated for 300 fathoms." "Sub as in submarine?" "Following up on your haloclines." "so we're going to have to drive all night... if we're going to be there by morning." "Anybody have trouble sleeping in a car?" "whoa." "Wait a minute." "What happened to the nice offices in Canaveral City?" "Mr. Benirall expects you to take 'em." "we just got back from the damn 747." "assimilate... weeks' worth." "They're your haloclines." "You're the one who ordered the submarine." "Howard." "Sally?" "What?" "Who's there?" "Someone there?" "my God." "She's a beauty." "I didn't know she was a Russian." "Foxtrot class." "Probably built in the early Seventies." "1870s." "We're expected to go out to sea in this thing?" "Why?" "Do you see us at risk?" "Don't you?" "the thing's in dry dock." "Do we really expect that she's ready to dive?" "Gotta find the captain." "Sally?" "I..." "I didn't mean to wake you." "I just..." "Why are you calling so early?" "Is it Tracy?" "Did something happen?" "no." "It's not Tracy." "Why?" "Isn't she there?" "she stayed over at Mindy Granger's last night." "Something... something happened last night... and I..." "I just wanted to make sure... just wanted to make sure that you were all right." "You wanted to make sure I'm all right." "did anything... where... where were you last night?" "Like around 2:30 or so this morning?" "Is that what this is about?" "I was with Adam." "Is that what you want to hear?" "How did you..." "Adam?" "Adam..." "Adam Leffert?" "right?" "I'm not." "and it's none of your business." "Wow." "Is it... is it serious?" "Or..." "It might be." "why are you calling me?" "I'm..." "Sorry I bugged you." "Go back to sleep." "all right?" "Bye-bye." "You're the sub owner and the captain?" "operator." "Call me Captain Jay." "Where the hell's my breakfast?" "how many we got?" "you want a little day trip?" "See some shoals?" "Maybe a couple of Spanish wrecks?" "Maybe see some sharks!" "You wanna go here?" "Yep." " How deep?" " Just what it says." "Have you got cash?" "Gentlemen!" "Are we all locked and loaded?" "Ivan... or you'll be on ice back in Siberia where you belong." "you knuckleheads!" "Both bow lines!" "We actually gonna let this nut bag take us down in this thing?" "Three things in life where you don't go cheap... submarines." "Great." "A submarine?" "but..." "Just a minute." "I think I better... just give them anything they need." "Anything they need." "Do you understand?" "how we doing?" "huh?" "What was that you just..." "Lithuanian." "It's an old Navy oath." "I thought Lithuania was landlocked." "What does it mean?" "Into the belly of the beast." "Super." "Kapitan." "Benirall's really done one hell of an exhaustive study." "Woo from Beijing..." "Westerfield and his crazies at Rand." "800 feet." "He's even had some poor goofs doing serious research... into UFOs and Atlantis." "Now we take up that noble baton." "Why can't you at least consider the possibility... that the answer lies in non-traditional science?" "after everything we witnessed yesterday?" "Well..." "All of us witnessed?" "I'm willing to think outside the box here." "but..." "I'm going to say a word." "I don't want you to laugh at me." "It's... wormholes." "As in time travel?" "randomly generated pathway... between two distinct time/space dimensions." "ocean studies?" "I don't know that much about them." "I've written about wormholes and interviewed people... who've actually traveled through them." "if you can just get past... the extra-long sleeves that buckle in the back." "I know they're only theoretical." "and I hate that I'm saying it." "But after all that we've witnessed... the Navy bombers from the 19..." "We don't know that those were the same planes." "please." "The passengers..." "they all had to go somewhere." "What about the old woman?" "OK." "OK." "So what?" "Your theory is that... that all we have to do is prove that wormholes truly exist?" "Excellent." "That's great." "what are we gonna do with all that extra time we've got left over?" "No wonder you're divorced." "touché!" "all I'm saying is that this region is known... for its electromagnetic anomalies." "it's one of only two places on earth... where compasses point both true north and..." "Magnetic north at the same time." "Yawn." "Old news." "this is the problem with trying to explain... the Bermuda Triangle." "All the theories have been... studied and discussed and dismissed years ago." "What the hell is your problem?" "Ever since we left Benirall's..." "OK?" "something's bothering you." "What?" "something else." "you know that?" "you're all gonna want to see this." "I'm gonna get some light on this." "Haloclines." "Dozens of them." "Hundreds." "I was through this area a couple weeks ago... with some Colombians..." "Colombian tourists." "These things were not here." "I've never seen anything like this." "I've never heard of this many." "Something's removed the salinity from this water." "Is this your electromagnetic anomalies or..." "Desalinization can occur through means of electrical processing." "Somebody's zapping the ocean with electricity." "a few other noticeable ramifications?" "Look at this." "What?" "What is it?" "200 or 300 of those." "I swear none of this was here two weeks ago." "get that long and lat." "Note the time." "open sea salvage." "As owner and captain of this vessel... anything we see there that's recoverable is legally mine." "What the hell is that?" "The Cyc/ops." "No way." "That... that can't be." " What?" " What is it?" "I've done dozens of articles on the Cyc/ops... the legend of the Cyc/ops." "000-ton U.S. Navy collier from World War I." "It supposedly went down with all hands in 1918." "but not that deep." "Why hasn't anyone discovered any of this before?" "It's all right." "It's OK." "No problem." "No problem." "this happens all the time." "We'll get it going again here in a minute." "Not a problem." "get me a damn beer." "No power means we can't surface... we can't regulate temp..." "Air!" "What about air?" "A little matter of air?" "we are living our own Triangle experience." "come on!" " This is exactly what it's like!" "I bet the people on the 747 said the exact same thing." "We don't if anything caused this other than the fact that this sub is a joke!" "that's better." "Something hit us." "we hit something else." "I think that did it." "Uh-oh." "Looks like we're a tad stuck." "Exactly how much is a tad?" "I don't know." "When can we surface?" "Soon as I get the engines fixed." " When's that?" " I don't know." "What about the radio?" "Can't you call for help?" "500 feet." "800." "Radio's useless unless you've got a COMS buoy." "Are you kidding?" "Do you have any idea of how much those things cost?" "I do have a distress jimmy... why don't you at least launch it?" "maybe someone will see it!" "What about oxygen?" "How much oxygen..." "It's not the oxygen you have to worry about." " Carbon dioxide." " Oh." "Every time we exhale... we're putting a little more poison into the air." "God!" "I saw something yesterday." "Out at the crash site... just before we left the Coast Guard ship." "I swear I saw... survivors in the water... burned." "I know that they had to be some sort of a... but they were completely real." "So real." "I was looking right at them." "we've been experiencing some pretty strange... very strange crap out here... but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's supernatural in origin." "I'm sure there are plenty of..." "Everybody uses "supernatural" like it's a dirty word." "There is an explanation for everything... that we are experiencing here." "Supernatural isn't impossible." "It just means we haven't uncovered its secrets yet." "you're a psychic." "How can anything be a secret from you?" "You mean like why you're still wearing your wedding ring... even though you're divorced?" "Something just happened." "The weirdest thing." "there was this mirror... and no reflection." "I swear to Almighty God." "I wasn't there." "What?" "Seemed completely real?" "I was not in that mirror." "That did it!" "Reverse engines!" "get us the hell out of here!" "all the tanks." "Get us up!" "Get us up!" "Up we go." "Hang on." "Here we go." "That's how you do it!" "let's get some air." "Anybody got a theory on this one?"
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenSubtitles" }
Credits Wednesday, June 8, 2011 Last Sunday's Church activity was very exhausting. As the leader of the group, we were tasked to facilitate a Get-Together of young people at Church (the Kadiwa). There were a lot of preparations done. It was actually my first time to take charge of a program and it wasn't really an easy task. With the help of my group mates and other Church mates, the event was a success. It was just a simple gathering but we somehow made it special. We prepared food for our visitors and guests which I think they enjoyed. We really didn't a stage since it was just a little gathering so we didn't have to use thrust bearings for the facilities. We just needed some chairs and a sound system. We were a bit in a hurry during the program because there are other activities that some of us have to attend to but we had fun because we prepared some games which our Church mates participated at. Being the organizer, there were some things that I discussed with my group when the program ended. I am very much thankful to their help. The program was a success because each of us did our part and worked as a team. Thank you guys, BIG time!
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Pneumolabyrinth as a late sequela of temporal bone fracture. Pneumolabyrinth, air in the labyrinthine system, is an uncommon entity. We report one case, adding to previous reports of two such cases. The diagnosis was made radiologically, which has become possible only recently with the advent of high-resolution computed tomography (CT) scanners; we suspect it will be used more often in the future. To our knowledge, this is the first case in which pneumolabyrinth has been identified as a delayed sequela of a temporal bone fracture. Furthermore, this is the first description of a pneumolabyrinth occurring in a transverse temporal bone fracture.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Pet Owners are Urged to Keep Dogs Out of the Lake Montgomery Parks officials are asking residents to use caution when recreating on or near Lake Needwood and Lake Frank at Rock Creek Regional Park. That’s because testing has shown there are elevated levels of microcystin, a toxic substance produced by some species of blue-green […] Dozens of residents attended a community meeting with Montgomery County police officers on Wednesday night to discuss crime in Montgomery Village. Many residents attended the meeting at the North Creek Community Center because they wanted more information about the double homicide that occurred on Gallery Court on June 5th. Commander Dinesh Patil of the 6th […] One week ago, thousands of residents in the Town of Poolesville showed up at Whalen’s Commons for an aerial photograph to celebrate the town’s 150th anniversary. Take a look: We’re doing an aerial photo to celebrate our 150th anniversary! Join us at 9 a.m. at Whalen Commons to help us spell out 150. — Town […] Maryland Governor Larry Hogan has signed an Executive Order tonight declaring a state of emergency in Maryland in response to the winter storm which could bring significant amounts of snow to areas across the state. “Our state is taking every precaution and coordinating all available resources to respond to this winter storm,” said Hogan. “We […] A community meeting to discuss the Veirs Mill Corridor Master Plan takes place tonight from 7-9 p.m. at Sargent Shriver Elementary School in Silver Spring. According to a news release, the Montgomery County Planning Department’s discussion will focus on the purpose and goals of the plan, and major planning topics that will be analyzed in […] On Monday night, Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett is scheduled to hold his final Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 budget forum. The Jan. 30th forum takes place from 7-8:30 p.m. at the BlackRock Center for the Arts at 12901 Town Commons Drive in Germantown. “Public forums are the residents’ opportunity to let me know what is […] Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett is seeking applicants to fill two public vacancies on the Mid-County Citizens Advisory Board. The Board is comprised of 15 residents and businesses from the following areas: Upper Rock Creek, Wheaton, Kensington, Kemp Mill, Aspen Hill, Glenmont, Norbeck, Forest Glen, Olney, Brookeville, and Sandy Spring. The Board serves as a […] UPDATED The FCC has revised the deadline for public comments about small cell infrastructure until March 8, following a request by several national organizations. You can find more information about the timeline, here. ORIGINAL POST Montgomery County Council President Roger Berliner has written a letter to County Executive Ike Leggett about telecommunications facilities. The letter […] There’s a new traffic pattern at the intersection of the Capital Crescent Trail and Little Falls Parkway in Bethesda, and reaction to the change has been mixed. The Parkway has been narrowed from two lanes to one in each direction approaching the intersection, and the speed limit has been reduced from 35 mph to 25 […] UPDATED Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett is planning to celebrate the county’s Olympic athletes and their extraordinary accomplishments at a special event at 7 p.m. on Dec. 19 at the Silver Spring Civic Building, and you are invited to attend. County spokesperson Judy Stiles said Olympians Jack Conger, Katie Ledecky, and Ashley Nee have confirmed […] About MyMCMedia Montgomery Community Media (MCM) is the only independent, nonprofit organization providing access to public media (public access television and broadband media) directly to Montgomery County's over one million residents as well as the resident non-profit organizations, associations and businesses. Our purpose is to engage, educate and empower individuals and the community to express diverse viewpoints.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Q: Library not loaded: @rpath/libmysqlclient.21.dylib Reason: image not found Django migrate error using mysqlclient DB driver and MySQL 8 with macOS While changing to a MySQL database from the default SQLite one that Django uses by default, I ran into this tricky error while trying to run python manage.py migrate --database mysql: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/xoadra/Programming/Syntax/Python/Environments/pfitzer/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/db/backends/mysql/base.py", line 15, in <module> import MySQLdb as Database File "/Users/xoadra/Programming/Syntax/Python/Environments/pfitzer/lib/python3.7/site-packages/MySQLdb/__init__.py", line 18, in <module> import _mysql ImportError: dlopen(/Users/xoadra/Programming/Syntax/Python/Environments/pfitzer/lib/python3.7/site-packages/_mysql.cpython-37m-darwin.so, 2): Library not loaded: @rpath/libmysqlclient.21.dylib Referenced from: /Users/xoadra/Programming/Syntax/Python/Environments/pfitzer/lib/python3.7/site-packages/_mysql.cpython-37m-darwin.so Reason: image not found The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "manage.py", line 20, in <module> execute_from_command_line( sys.argv ) File "/Users/xoadra/Programming/Syntax/Python/Environments/pfitzer/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/core/management/__init__.py", line 381, in execute_from_command_line utility.execute() File "/Users/xoadra/Programming/Syntax/Python/Environments/pfitzer/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/core/management/__init__.py", line 375, in execute self.fetch_command(subcommand).run_from_argv(self.argv) File "/Users/xoadra/Programming/Syntax/Python/Environments/pfitzer/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/core/management/base.py", line 316, in run_from_argv self.execute(*args, **cmd_options) File "/Users/xoadra/Programming/Syntax/Python/Environments/pfitzer/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/core/management/base.py", line 350, in execute self.check() File "/Users/xoadra/Programming/Syntax/Python/Environments/pfitzer/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/core/management/base.py", line 379, in check include_deployment_checks=include_deployment_checks, File "/Users/xoadra/Programming/Syntax/Python/Environments/pfitzer/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/core/management/commands/migrate.py", line 59, in _run_checks issues = run_checks(tags=[Tags.database]) File "/Users/xoadra/Programming/Syntax/Python/Environments/pfitzer/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/core/checks/registry.py", line 71, in run_checks new_errors = check(app_configs=app_configs) File "/Users/xoadra/Programming/Syntax/Python/Environments/pfitzer/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/core/checks/database.py", line 9, in check_database_backends for conn in connections.all(): File "/Users/xoadra/Programming/Syntax/Python/Environments/pfitzer/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/db/utils.py", line 217, in all return [self[alias] for alias in self] File "/Users/xoadra/Programming/Syntax/Python/Environments/pfitzer/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/db/utils.py", line 217, in <listcomp> return [self[alias] for alias in self] File "/Users/xoadra/Programming/Syntax/Python/Environments/pfitzer/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/db/utils.py", line 202, in __getitem__ backend = load_backend(db['ENGINE']) File "/Users/xoadra/Programming/Syntax/Python/Environments/pfitzer/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/db/utils.py", line 110, in load_backend return import_module('%s.base' % backend_name) File "/usr/local/Cellar/python/3.7.0/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/importlib/__init__.py", line 127, in import_module return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level) File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1006, in _gcd_import File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 983, in _find_and_load File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 967, in _find_and_load_unlocked File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 677, in _load_unlocked File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed File "/Users/xoadra/Programming/Syntax/Python/Environments/pfitzer/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/db/backends/mysql/base.py", line 20, in <module> ) from err django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Error loading MySQLdb module. Did you install mysqlclient? I received this error after having already installed mysqlclient via pip install mysqlclient and its connector through Homebrew with brew install mysql-connector-c, so this is a bit of a puzzling error. Even after following the connector instructions by modifying the mysql_config file in the connector's bin folder, I still ran into this issue. This does appear to be at least somewhat related to that I'm running macOS given the documentation on this connector's known bug. Upon inspecting my stack trace further, I noticed the Library not loaded: @rpath/libmysqlclient.21.dylib error up near the top. Shortly after that is another possible clue I found: Reason: image not found, but I'm not quite sure what that's supposed to mean. I did poke around in /usr/local/Cellar/mysql-connector-c to see if there was anything possibly missing with the connector I installed, and sure enough, the libmysqlclient.21.dylib file was missing. In its place was what I assume is an older version of the file since it was named libmysqlclient.18.dylib. Out of curiosity, I copied the .dylib that my MySQL install came with and moved that copy under the same name to the connector's folder and to /usr/local/lib where I also found another libmysqlclient.18.dylib file. However, my migration still failed, but I did get a slightly different stack trace: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/xoadra/Programming/Syntax/Python/Environments/pfitzer/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/db/backends/mysql/base.py", line 15, in <module> import MySQLdb as Database File "/Users/xoadra/Programming/Syntax/Python/Environments/pfitzer/lib/python3.7/site-packages/MySQLdb/__init__.py", line 18, in <module> import _mysql ImportError: dlopen(/Users/xoadra/Programming/Syntax/Python/Environments/pfitzer/lib/python3.7/site-packages/_mysql.cpython-37m-darwin.so, 2): Library not loaded: @rpath/libmysqlclient.21.dylib Referenced from: /Users/xoadra/Programming/Syntax/Python/Environments/pfitzer/lib/python3.7/site-packages/_mysql.cpython-37m-darwin.so Reason: no suitable image found. Did find: /usr/local/lib/libmysqlclient.21.dylib: file too short /usr/local/lib/libmysqlclient.21.dylib: file too short The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "manage.py", line 20, in <module> execute_from_command_line( sys.argv ) File "/Users/xoadra/Programming/Syntax/Python/Environments/pfitzer/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/core/management/__init__.py", line 381, in execute_from_command_line utility.execute() File "/Users/xoadra/Programming/Syntax/Python/Environments/pfitzer/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/core/management/__init__.py", line 375, in execute self.fetch_command(subcommand).run_from_argv(self.argv) File "/Users/xoadra/Programming/Syntax/Python/Environments/pfitzer/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/core/management/base.py", line 316, in run_from_argv self.execute(*args, **cmd_options) File "/Users/xoadra/Programming/Syntax/Python/Environments/pfitzer/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/core/management/base.py", line 350, in execute self.check() File "/Users/xoadra/Programming/Syntax/Python/Environments/pfitzer/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/core/management/base.py", line 379, in check include_deployment_checks=include_deployment_checks, File "/Users/xoadra/Programming/Syntax/Python/Environments/pfitzer/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/core/management/commands/migrate.py", line 59, in _run_checks issues = run_checks(tags=[Tags.database]) File "/Users/xoadra/Programming/Syntax/Python/Environments/pfitzer/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/core/checks/registry.py", line 71, in run_checks new_errors = check(app_configs=app_configs) File "/Users/xoadra/Programming/Syntax/Python/Environments/pfitzer/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/core/checks/database.py", line 9, in check_database_backends for conn in connections.all(): File "/Users/xoadra/Programming/Syntax/Python/Environments/pfitzer/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/db/utils.py", line 217, in all return [self[alias] for alias in self] File "/Users/xoadra/Programming/Syntax/Python/Environments/pfitzer/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/db/utils.py", line 217, in <listcomp> return [self[alias] for alias in self] File "/Users/xoadra/Programming/Syntax/Python/Environments/pfitzer/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/db/utils.py", line 202, in __getitem__ backend = load_backend(db['ENGINE']) File "/Users/xoadra/Programming/Syntax/Python/Environments/pfitzer/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/db/utils.py", line 110, in load_backend return import_module('%s.base' % backend_name) File "/usr/local/Cellar/python/3.7.0/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/importlib/__init__.py", line 127, in import_module return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level) File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1006, in _gcd_import File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 983, in _find_and_load File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 967, in _find_and_load_unlocked File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 677, in _load_unlocked File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap_external>", line 728, in exec_module File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed File "/Users/xoadra/Programming/Syntax/Python/Environments/pfitzer/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/db/backends/mysql/base.py", line 20, in <module> ) from err django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Error loading MySQLdb module. Did you install mysqlclient? This time I get the following error: Reason: no suitable image found. Did find: /usr/local/lib/libmysqlclient.21.dylib: file too short /usr/local/lib/libmysqlclient.21.dylib: file too short With that, I suspect the problem may have something to do with the .dylib version that my MySQL connector installed with, but I'm not sure how to fix this exactly. I do find it curious that simply copying a file over managed to change my stack trace ever so slightly so I guess I ought to look into that more. Thoughts? A: Just create a symbolic link in /usr/local/lib sudo ln -s /usr/local/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.21.dylib /usr/local/lib/libmysqlclient.21.dylib A: I've recently had this issue when I was trying to install Django and mod_wsgi on my MacBook pro (MacOS Catallina). Setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH, DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH, adding sym link and moving the libmysqlclient.21.dylib to /usr/lib/ didn't work. I had to struggle for a few days but finally I got this solution. The thing is I had to modify the library path in the libmysqlclient.21.dylib. Fortunately we have a tool to do it. The culprit was @rpath/libmysqlclient.21.dylib. It looked like @rpath wasn't working. Ok you can check the paths referred in a .so file using otool. It comes with Xcode. This is what you get when you run it on the mysql .so file (should be in the MySQLdb directory under your site-packages). $ otool -L _mysql.cpython-38-darwin.so _mysql.cpython-38-darwin.so: @rpath/libmysqlclient.21.dylib (compatibility version 21.0.0, current version 21.0.0) libssl.1.1.dylib (compatibility version 1.1.0, current version 1.1.0) libcrypto.1.1.dylib (compatibility version 1.1.0, current version 1.1.0) /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (compatibility version 1.0.0, current version 1281.100.1) So we modify the filepath in the _mysql.cpython-38-darwin.so. There is a tool for that. It is install_name_tool. I ran these commands. Basically I changed @rpath to absolute path, and also the libssl and the licrypto paths to absolute path. $ install_name_tool -change @rpath/libmysqlclient.21.dylib /usr/local/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.21.dylib _mysql.cpython-38-darwin.so $ install_name_tool -change libssl.1.1.dylib /usr/local/mysql/lib/libssl.1.1.dylib _mysql.cpython-38-darwin.so $ install_name_tool -change libcrypto.1.1.dylib /usr/local/mysql/lib/libcrypto.1.1.dylib _mysql.cpython-38-darwin.so My Django worked great after these changes. A: So it turns out that I managed to solve my issue albeit in a bit of an unorthodox manner. If anyone else is using mysqlclient with a version of Python 3 and MySQL 8, give this a try and see if it helps! :) I simply made a copy of the libmysqlclient.21.dylib file located in my installation of MySQL 8.0.13 which is was in /usr/local/mysql/lib and moved that copy under the same name to /usr/lib. You will however need to temporarily disable security integrity protection on your mac to do this since you won't have or be able to change permissions to anything in /usr/lib without disabling it. You can do this by booting up into the recovery system, click Utilities on the menu at the top, and open up the terminal and enter csrutil disable into the terminal. Just remember to turn security integrity protection back on when you're done doing this! The only difference from the above process will be that you run csrutil enable instead. After I did this, I ran my migrations like I did before on the new database and it worked! I honestly don't know how good of a solution this really is, but so far everything's been working perfectly since I changed the copy of .dylib the connector was using. I hope this helps if you also have this issue! You can read more about how to disable and enable macOS's security integrity protection here.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
INTRODUCTION ============ Chlorhexidine is an antiseptic and disinfectant used against a broad of bacteria, viruses and fungi \[[@B1]\]. Since its introduction in 1954, it is used in the hospital settings for medical and surgical products and widely in over-the-counter products \[[@B1][@B2]\]. Many health professionals are unaware of its presence in different products, so it is often a 'hidden' allergen. The most common allergic reactions described to chlorhexidine are delayed reactions (type IV hypersensitivity), T cell mediated, and occur after exposure to the antiseptic for topical use. Contact dermatitis is the most frequent manifestation \[[@B2][@B3][@B4]\]. Immediate reactions (type I hypersensitivity), have also been reported, but much less frequently, and symptoms can range from urticaria to anaphylaxis with a risk of cardiorespiratory arrest and death \[[@B2][@B3][@B4]\]. It has not been described cross reactivity between chlorhexidine and other antiseptic agents \[[@B1]\]. CASE REPORT =========== A 75-year-old male with hypertension receiving beta-blocker and bladder cancer underwent transurethral tumor resection in 2014. Surveillance postsurgical cystoscopy under local anesthesia was performed every 6 months. During the 2nd procedure he developed generalized cutaneous pruritus with no other symptoms with spontaneous resolution after one hour. This reaction was interpreted as allergy to cefoxitin and it was recommended to avoid 2nd generation cephalosporins. Twenty minutes after the 4th cystoscopy, he developed generalized urticaria, oropharyngeal tightening, dyspnea, hypotension (75/40 mmHg) and loss of consciousness with cardiorespiratory arrest. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation was initiated immediately with endovenous administration of adrenaline (1 mg), clemastine (2 mg) and hydrocortisone (200 mg) and orotracheal intubation with invasive ventilation. The patient recovered over the next 2 hours and was extubated on the same day. The patient was referred to the immunoallergology outpatient clinic and a complete workup was performed. Local disinfection and anesthesia were performed with iodopovidone (Betadine, manufacturer, city, country) and lidocaine + chlorhexidine gel (Optilube, manufacturer, city, country). Prophylactic antibiotic therapy was performed only in 2nd procedure (cefoxitin) and ortho-phthalaldehyde (Cidex, manufacturer, city, country) was not used as cystoscope disinfectant. The allergologic investigation revealed negative skin prick test (SPT) to iodopovidone and latex, and negative cutaneous tests (standard concentration \[[@B5]\] to PPL, MDM, amoxicillin, penicillin, cefoxitin). Specific IgE (sIgE) available (latex, penicillin, amoxicillin) were negative. Provocation tests to lidocaine and cefoxitin were negative. SPT to chlorhexidine (2%) was strongly positive (11 mm × 10 mm wheal), with a positive sIgE - 4 kU/L (normal value: \<0.35 kU/L). [Table 1](#T1){ref-type="table"} summarizes the allergologic workup. ###### Allergologic workup carried out in our immunoallergology outpatient clinic ![](apa-9-e29-i001) Reagent Skin prick test Intradermal test (standard ENDA concentration) \[[@B5]\] Specific IgE (RV \<0.35 kU/L) Challenge ------------------- ----------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- --------------- ----------------- Antiseptic agents Iodopovidone Negative Not advised Not available Tolerated Chlorhexidine Positive Not advised 4 kU/L Contraindicated Local anesthetics Lidocaine Negative Not advised Not available Negative (SC) Antibiotics PPL and MDM Negatives Negative \- \- Amoxicillin Negative Negative Negative Not performed Penicillin Negative Negative Negative Not performed Cefaclor Negative Negative Negative Not performed Cefoxitin Negative Negative Not available Negative (IV) Cefazolin Negative Negative Not available Not performed Cefuroxime Negative Negative Not available Not performed Other Latex Negative \- Negative Tolerated ENDA, European Network for Drug Allergy; RV, reference value; SC, subcutaneous; PPL, ; MDM, ; IV, intravenous. We also performed a basophil activation test (BAT) using chlorhexidine digluconate 20% (1062 mg/mL) at 0.05%, 0.005%, 0.005%, and 0.00005% \[[@B6]\]. The basophil population was identified as HLA-DR-CD123+ CD203c+ cells and activation by CD63 expression. BAT was positive at 0.005%, 0.0005%, and 0.00005% with activation of 5.02%, 8.58%, and 11.9% and stimulation index of 3.22, 5.5, and 7.63 respectively ([Fig. 1](#F1){ref-type="fig"}). ![Basophil activation test performed in whole blood. (A) Identification of basophil population in the lymphocyte-monocyte gate a SSC/CD203c+. (B) Flow cytometry dot plots of CD63 expression (%) on CD123+/HLA-DR-/CD203c+ cells. (C) Histogram showing the mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) median of CD203c expression. SI, stimulation index (ratio of stimulated/unstimulated basophils).](apa-9-e29-g001){#F1} The diagnosis of severe allergic reaction to chlorohexidine was confirmed. The patient was advised to avoid products containing chlorhexidine. Subsequent cystoscopy was uneventful using lidocaine gel as local anesthetic and iodopovidone as disinfectant. Moreover, he was informed to be aware of chlorhexidine as a component of over the counter products and the need to avoid them. DISCUSSION ========== The first case of anaphylaxis to chlorhexidine has been reported in 1984 in Japan \[[@B1][@B3]\]. Although rare, the number of clinical case reports of anaphylaxis (type I hypersensitivity) to this antiseptic is increasing. Odedra et al. \[[@B1]\] published that from 1994 to 2013, 65 case reports of chlorhexidine-related anaphylaxis were diagnosed. The majority was among surgical patients (urology and cardiothoracic) \[[@B6]\]. From 1984 to 2014, 36 cases of perioperative anaphylaxis to chlorhexidine were published \[[@B2]\]. Most reactions have been reported after application of chlorhexidine to damaged skin surfaces (wounds, burns, surgical incision); and to mucous membranes (urethra, eyes, nose) or after insertion of medical devices (central venous catheters, CVC) impregnated with chlorhexidine \[[@B4]\]. The prevalence of perioperative anaphylaxis range from 0.05%--2% and is increasing \[[@B2]\]. True incidence attributed to chlorhexidine is unknown, with several authors suggesting that is rare, but some studies referring incidences ranging from 5.5% to 8.8% \[[@B2]\]. Sharp et al. (Australia, 2016) \[[@B2]\] in a review to chlorhexidine-induced anaphylaxis in surgical patient (total of 68 anaphylactic reactions) showed that most frequent cases occur due to the presence of chlorhexidine in urinary catheter lubricant (n = 30 \[44.12%\]), CVC (n=24 \[35.29%\]) and topical solutions (n=11 \[16.18%\]). It appears to occur more frequently in men with mean age of 58 years, previously reporting a mild cutaneous reaction on chlorhexidine exposure \[[@B1]\]. Patients rarely have history of atopic disease. The clinical presentation is variable. In most cases patients developed erythematous rash/urticarial at the time of reaction and hypotension, with some presenting cardiorespiratory arrest \[[@B1][@B2]\]. Bronchospasm is rarely reported \[[@B1][@B2]\]. Our patient was older than the mean presented, however the reaction occurred during a cystoscopy. This procedure and the severity of the symptoms were similar to the most commonly described. To our knowledge, in the last five years (2014--2018), a total of 24 cases of chlorhexidine-related anaphylaxis were published ([Table 2](#T2){ref-type="table"}). The male gender is the most affected (83%). Mean age was 51 ± 15 years (range, 3--78 years) in agreement with what has already been described. The majority of the diagnosis was established through SPT. Twenty-one patients performed SPT, 20 were positive. The diagnosis in patient with negative SPT was determined by positive provocation test. Fifteen patients performed sIgE and were all positive (mean, 7.12 kU/L; range, 0.04--30 kU/L). Only 3 performed BAT and were positive. ###### Published cases of chlorhexidine-induced anaphylaxis between 2014--2018 ![](apa-9-e29-i002) Study Country No. of cases Sex Age (yr) SPT sIgE (\<0.35 kU/L) BAT ------------------------------------------- ---------------- -------------- ------ ---------- --------- -------------------- ----- Nakonechna et al., 2014 \[[@B7]\] United Kingdom 6 M 50 NR 30 NR M 78 NR 2.3 NR M 72 Pos 4.4 NR M 73 Pos 3.3 NR M 73 Pos 11.8 NR M 60 Pos 0.69 NR Weng et al., 2014 \[[@B8]\] China 2 M 48 Pos NR NR F 34 Pos NR NR Buergi et al., 2014 \[[@B9]\] Switzerland 1 M 45 Pos 6.1 NR Odedra et al., 2015 \[[@B1]\] United Kingdom 1 M 62 Pos NR NR Rutkowski et al., 2015 \[[@B10]\] United Kingdom 1 M 73 Pos 13.1 NR Hong et al., 2015 \[[@B11]\] Singapore 1 M 66 Pos NR NR Stewart et al., 2015 \[[@B12]\] Australia 1 M 60 Pos Pos NR Chen et al., 2016 \[[@B13]\] United Kingdom 1 \- \- Pos NR NR Wang et al., 2016 \[[@B14]\] Thailand 1 M 54 NR 7.21 NR Teixeira de Abreu et al., 2017 \[[@B15]\] Brazil 1 F 25 Pos NR NR Lasa et al., 2017 \[[@B16]\] Spain 2 M 3 Pos 2.31 Pos M 12 Pos 24.5 Pos Totty et al., 2017 \[[@B17]\] United Kingdom 1 M 70 Pos NR NR Kow et al., 2017 \[[@B18]\] Malaysia 1 M 20 Pos 0.77 NR Postolova et al., 2017 \[[@B19]\] United States 2 M 60 Pos 0.25 (RV=0.1) NR F 29 Pos NR NR Toletone et al., 2018 \[[@B3]\] Italy 1 M 63 Pos 0.04 Pos Gu et al., 2018 \[[@B20]\] China 1 M 57 Neg^\*^ NR NR SPT, skin prick test; BAT, basophil activation test; NR, not reported; Pos, positive; RV, reference value; Neg, . ^\*^The diagnosis was confirmed after the 2nd provocation test. Our review showed that immediate type I allergic reactions to chlorhexidine are increasing, with a mean of 4.8 cases/yr described over the last 5 years, comparing with the 3.25 cases/yr referred in Odedra et al. \[[@B1]\] review over 20 years. This allows us to admit that true incidence of chlorhexidine anaphylaxis is likely to be underestimated in view of its large use as a disinfectant. Undervaluation of previous chlorhexidine reactions increases the risk of a possibly fatal outcome for the patient after re-exposure in future medical-surgical procedures. A prompt referral to a specialist consultation and detailed allergy study is crucial. Detailed history and diagnostic testing allow to confirm the diagnosis of chlorhexidine allergy. **Conflict of Interest:** The authors have no financial conflicts of interest. **Author Contributions:** **Conceptualization:** Mara Fernandes, Tatiana Lourenço, Anabela Lopes, Amélia Spínola Santos, Maria Conceição Pereira Santos.**Data curation:** Mara Fernandes, Tatiana Lourenço.**Investigation:** Mara Fernandes, Tatiana Lourenço, Anabela Lopes, Amélia Spínola Santos, Maria Conceição Pereira Santos.**Supervision:** Maria Conceição Pereira Santos, Manuel Pereira Barbosa.**Validation:** Mara Fernandes, Amélia Spínola Santos.**Writing - original draft:** Mara Fernandes, Tatiana Lourenço, Anabela Lopes, Amélia Spínola Santos, Maria Conceição Pereira Santos.**Writing - review & editing:** Anabela Lopes, Amélia Spínola Santos, Maria Conceição Pereira Santos.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
If the Knicks’ top two coaching desires are Mike Budenholzer and David Fizdale, that doesn’t necessarily guarantee they snare either. Fizdale has interviewed with Atlanta, Charlotte and Phoenix. And Budenholzer? Several league sources believe the Bucks and their New York-based ownership will pounce and enter “The Bud Bowl.’’ Milwaukee was eliminated in Game 7 of their first-round series Saturday. At least interim coach Joe Prunty wasn’t fired upon landing at Milwaukee’s airport. Prunty, who had taken over for the fired Jason Kidd, finished up 21-16 and gained the seventh seed in the Eastern Conference. But a first-round exit against the depleted Celtics isn’t exactly overachieving. Prunty is not expected back next season. Boston was without Kyrie Irving and Gordon Hayward while missing Marcus Smart for the series’ first four games and Jaylen Brown for the second half of Game 7. While The Post reported Budenholzer considered the Knicks his “top choice,’’ that was before Milwaukee’s situation crystallized. One person familiar with the situation said Budenholzer, who interviewed with the Knicks last week, recently talked of preparing a presentation for the Bucks and Knicks. In addition, Budenholzer considered the Knicks his top choice only before the Hawks fired him on Friday, allowing him to collect all of the $14 million left on his deal. Sources have indicated an offset clause exists, meaning the Hawks can deduct any salary Budenholzer receives the next two seasons if hired for another coaching job. Owner James Dolan’s deep pockets aren’t the major factor any longer. The Bucks are not afraid to overpay for the right coach as they make a long-awaited move to a brand-new arena next season. Their president is former Knicks executive Peter Feigin and they are financed by New Yorkers Wes Edens and Marc Lasry. The Bucks’ roster is far more accomplished than the Knicks’ group, especially since superstar Giannis Antetokounmpo is close to entering his prime years and Kristaps Porzingis (ACL surgery) may not play next season, at least if you believe Dolan’s remarks to The Post. If the Bucks re-sign Jabari Parker and he reaches his potential after his own ACL issues, the Bucks should be East title contenders next season with the right guidance. “Budenholzer and his coaches’ approach to development is top-notch,’’ one NBA source familiar with Budenholzer’s work told The Post. The Knicks are intrigued with Budenholzer’s Hawks résumé and that the 2015 Coach of the Year turned around Tim Hardaway Jr.’s career, making him an all-around player. Hawks swingman Kent Bazemore also saw a steep climb under Budenholzer’s tutelage. Now in his second stint with the Knicks, Hardaway spoke glowingly about Budenholzer. “I’m just happy he installed that dog and fight inside of me,’’ Hardaway said. “It’s hard to say that, coming into the league you should have that. I kind of lost it. He let me regain it back. I’m very thankful for him for doing so.” As the Bucks’ future has no limits, the Knicks are destined to be one of the league’s worst teams next season because of the uncertainty around Porzingis’ return. Knicks general manager Scott Perry said at last month’s season-ending press conference one of their goals for next season is not necessarily winning a lot of games but “winning the 50-50 ball battle.’’ That’s quite a proclamation. It’s also possible the Bucks have their eye on Doc Rivers, the former Marquette star who hasn’t yet committed to next season with the Clippers despite having one year left on his pact. According to an NBA source, Knicks president Steve Mills and Perry are not ruling out interviewing an 11th candidate, though no one is on the docket. That could mean Rivers — or Portland’s Terry Stotts — still is on their radar. Stotts is reportedly on shaky ground after getting swept in the first round by the Pelicans. “I love what I do, but that doesn’t mean that you keep doing it every year. Do you know what I mean?” Rivers said after the season about his future. “I can’t even answer the question.” Mills and Perry have interviewed 10 candidates and are reviewing their notes and still doing their due diligence. Indications are Budenholzer, Fizdale and European coaching stud David Blatt, whom brass met with in Spain, are at the top of the Knicks’ list. Meanwhile, fan favorite Mark Jackson has seen his candidacy fail to gain traction.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Early evaluation of carotid elasticity by an instantaneous wave intensity technique in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. To explore the application of instantaneous wave intensity for early diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)-induced atherosclerosis, we observed carotid elasticity by instantaneous wave intensity in premenopausal women with SLE. The study included 3 groups (each group with 30 participants): SLE1 (course of disease <5 years), SLE2 (course of disease ≥5 years) and healthy control. Carotid parameters, including instantaneous acceleration wave intensity, instantaneous deceleration wave intensity, negative area, stiffness constant, wave intensity pulse wave velocity, stiffness constant pulse wave velocity, pressure strain elastic modulus, arterial compliance, augmentation index, and intima-media thickness, were measured. Compared with the control group, the instantaneous deceleration wave intensity, stiffness constant, pressure strain elastic modulus, wave intensity pulse wave velocity, and stiffness constant pulse wave velocity were significantly increased but the arterial compliance was significantly decreased in the SLE1 and SLE2 groups (all P ≤ .01). The instantaneous acceleration wave intensity, augmentation index, and negative area tended to increase in all 3 groups, but there were no statistical differences among the groups. The instantaneous deceleration wave intensity, stiffness constant, pressure strain elastic modulus, wave intensity pulse wave velocity, and stiffness constant pulse wave velocity were significantly higher in the SLE2 group than the SLE1 group, but the arterial compliance was significantly lower in the SLE2 group than the SLE1 group (all P ≤ .01). Instantaneous wave intensity can be used to evaluate carotid elasticity in the patients with SLE, which is important for early prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
We have constructed (and continue to develop) a laser-based facility for time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy of biomolecules. This facility provides rapid collection and analysis of luminescence data related to macromolecular size, flexibility, folding and structural fluctuations. Our time-correlated laser fluorometer was used to study the folding and dynamics of several proteins. We focused most of our effort on DNA- binding proteins that control the transcription of DNA blueprints into the "field copies" (MRNA) used to build proteins in cells. Fluorescence was used to measure distances between proteins and the sections of DNA they control, to look at the wobbling of proteins in the complex, and to reveal internal changes in the bound protein. We studied "oct-pou", a bipartite factor able to bind two different classes of DNA control sites and accelerate transcription 100-fold. It was seen to "read" DNA by changing shape. We also began studies on HIV integrase and Heat Shock Factor. The former incorporates HIV DNA into human DNA, and the latter "turns on" a stress response by self-association. This year we also continued efforts to adapt our laser instruments to the imaging of tissues. In particular, we demonstrated an electronic laser scanning device that uses discoloration to find BB-sized objects almost an inch inside tissue.
{ "pile_set_name": "NIH ExPorter" }
Prime minister’s office says new sectors will be created where Europe’s most marginalised ethnic group can seek work. France will expand the number of sectors where Roma, Europe’s most marginalised ethnic group, can seek employment, the prime minister’s office has said. The move, announced on Wednesday, came amid criticism of police raids that have dismantled ramshackle camps and left hundreds of Roma from Romania and Bulgaria without shelter. The decision was made after Jean-Marc Ayrault’s office held a meeting to rethink France’s policy towards the ethnic group, following consultations with Roma representatives. In depth Inside Story: France deports more Roma Riz Khan: Expelling the Roma Videos: Roma rapper’s message of hope Concern raised over Roma expulsions Irish travellers facing discrimination UN warns France over Roma deportations As part of measures to remove hurdles for Roma job seekers, the government also scrapped a tax that employers must pay to hire people from the two countries instead of employing French workers. Raids that sparked anger across Europe were mounted this month in Paris and other French cities, echoing a crackdown on Roma two years ago under the government of Nicolas Sarkozy, France’s former conservative president. Activists say at least a dozen camps were dismantled, displacing hundreds of Roma though official figures are not available. Some fled into nearby woods when they heard the police were coming, or went out looking for a new abandoned area to set up camp. Others took the government’s offer of $373 to go home to Romania in a “voluntary return”. Ayrault called the new measures a “question of humanity and respect”, adding that the government would continue to fight exploitation of children by Roma populations. He said any court orders to clear out camps would be honoured and that a new system would be put in place to offer other housing options to families. Cut off from mainstream society, Roma in France live on the edges of cities, in cars or in makeshift structures in abandoned industrial zones without running water. They speak little French, and some beg at tourist sites such as the Eiffel Tower. Ionut Tranca, a 22-year-old from the Craiova region of Romania who now lives in a camp in the shadow of Paris’ Orly Airport, expressed frustration on Wednesday at limitations on Romanians and Bulgarians in France. “We are Europeans,” he said. “If we find work, we can find an apartment and pay rent. If we don’t, how can we pay rent? “The police come here often, they don’t like us.”
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Mount Carmel Monastery The Mt. Carmel Monastery is a historic monastery located at Port Tobacco, Charles County, Maryland, United States. It is a two-part frame house, the main block of which was built about 1790 and restored in 1936-37, and consists of a two-story structure with a moderately pitched gable roof. The entire house, devoid of any extraneous ornamentation, reflects the austerity of the life of the Carmelite nuns who are believed to have used this house as their residence. The monastery was founded on October 15, 1790, by four Belgian Carmelite nuns, three of them former natives of Charles County. In 1831 the nuns then in residence were ordered to transfer the convent to Baltimore, Maryland, and this property was abandoned. In 1933 an organization called the Restorers of Mt. Carmel in Maryland, formed to aid in the restoration of the site. The Mt. Carmel Monastery was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1973. References External links , including photo from 1969, at Maryland Historical Trust Restorers of Mount Carmel in Maryland "Mesmerized by Mt. Carmel Monastery, Port Tobacco, Maryland," Southern Maryland Living Discalced Nuns of the Carmel of Port Tobacco Category:Belgian-American history Category:Houses in Charles County, Maryland Category:Houses on the National Register of Historic Places in Maryland Category:Houses completed in 1790 Category:Carmelite monasteries in the United States Category:National Register of Historic Places in Charles County, Maryland
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
INDIANAPOLIS—If you want to boil the NBA down to its essence, it comes down to stars. They define teams, years, championships, eras. They are what every single general manager is trying desperately to capture, to conjure, to seduce. Every team has a star, but the real superstars — the ones who, surrounded by good talent, can compete for a title — are the rarest beasts in basketball creation, and they are worth whatever you can pay them. The Toronto Raptors are built around two stars, or at least, all-stars, and they are failing. Toronto is tied 2-2 in this best-of-seven first-round series with the Indiana Pacers after a hapless 100-83 loss in Game 4. There was lots of blame. It’s not over, for anybody. But at the centre of it are Kyle Lowry and DeMar DeRozan, and they have been gruesome. Pick a number, and we’ll roll with it. Lowry and DeRozan have taken 40 per cent of Toronto’s shots in the first four games, and they are shooting a combined 30.8 per cent. In their respective breakout game, Game 3, they shot 38 and 37 per cent, respectively. Lowry is at 32.2 per cent for the series; DeRozan is at 29.6. They averaged a combined 44.7 points per game in the regular season, and are at 27.7 in four games. It is almost unfathomably bad. “To be honest, I feel like the shots I’m personally taking, and DeMar’s taking, we’ve made all year,” said Lowry, after a 4-for-12, 12-point, five-assist, six-foul day. “I was 0-for-5 (from three-point range Saturday), and I’m 5-for-whatever from three (in the series), and they’re shots I’m comfortable taking. They’re just not falling right now. But I’m not going to shy away from taking them. And neither is DeMar. Neither one of is going to shy away from taking shots that we’ve made all year. “Tip of the hat: they’re scheming for me and DeMar and they’re making the shots tougher. But at the end of the day we’ve still got to make shots.” They keep saying this, and maybe that’s all they can do. George Hill is a long, defensively strong point guard, and he’s made Lowry’s job difficult. Paul George is simply a brilliant defender, and he devours DeRozan. The Pacers’ team defence has been geared to show them bodies with long arms. It’s not easy. And yes, so many supporting Raptors were lousy in Game 4, and so many missed shots that could have changed the outcome: Luis Scola with a series of open threes early in the third and the deficit down to 12 points; DeMarre Carroll, Cory Joseph, Terrence Ross. Toronto’s East-best bench couldn’t click, and Jonas Valanciunas got beat up. When DeRozan said he could have had eight or nine assists instead of four, he wasn’t wrong. But teams follow their leaders, from energy to execution. Raptors coach Dwane Casey said it was up to him to free up Lowry and especially DeRozan for better shots, but he also said they had to trust the pass, even while acknowledging that their teammates missed shots. Sure, OK. Adjustments would be great. Great players, though, are better than this. This is where we need to separate the two, though. They’re not the same. Lowry can do so many more things, and did in Games 2 and 3. He’s also under contract for another season, so no matter what happens, general manager Masai Ujiri doesn’t have to make any decisions with his star point guard. DeRozan, though. He will get a maximum US$25-million-a-year contract from someone this summer, because too many teams will have too much money to spend. It is believed that the Raptors haven’t decided yet whether they should re-sign him, but nobody is saying much about the decision one way or the other. The playoffs are a referendum, without a doubt. What this team does, and what DeRozan does, matters. The best players can impose themselves on other teams. DeRozan, in this series and in so much of his playoff career, can’t. His habits of dribbling, of head-down attacks, of difficult shot-taking, they’re still there. He is still vulnerable defensively. DeRozan keeps getting better, and should be commended for that. He’s a good player, and a good kid. But the flaws remain, and he is bombing out here. He hasn’t gotten to the free-throw line twice in four games. He had three no-free-throw games in the last three years. “I’m not going to whine about it,” said DeRozan. “I’ll figure it out.” Loading... Loading... Loading... Loading... Loading... Loading... He doesn’t have much time. There was a strong, vocal Raptors fan presence in the building, and it almost became a competition between Pacers and Raptors fans, though Toronto’s crew was outnumbered. Late in the game, Pacers fans chanted, YOU THE QUI-ET. Well done. The Pacers, and their fans, showed the hell up. The Raptors didn’t, and their stars led the way. Lowry and DeRozan were good enough to drag Toronto to 56 wins, but it is starting to feel like the architecture of this team is good enough to be serious, while the core it surrounds is not. There are no more than three games left in this series, and the first to two wins gets to keep playing. You want to be stars? Prove it. Read more about:
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
ERC: Bouffier determination praised at Flat Out Trophy presentation 16 December 2013 Bryan Bouffier's efforts to remain a part of the European Rally Championship in 2013 did as much to earn him the Colin McRae ERC Flat Out Trophy Driver of the Year award as his performance on the stages. Bryan Bouffier was singled out as the worthy winner of the Colin McRae ERC Flat Out Trophy Driver of the Year because he never gave up during the 2013 season. That was the judgement of FIA European Rally Championship general manager Jean-Pierre Nicolas, who was part of a three-person judging panel that selected Bouffier for the prestigious award. “There was one driver who couldn't take part in all the events because he hasn't got any money, he finds the money for one event and then when that event is done he has to do it all again to get the money for the next event,” Nicolas said as he prepared to hand over the award, “He even took a different co-driver for one rally because the co-driver had the sponsorship! “Despite this, he never gave up, he always very quick, even though he was in an old car driving for a small team. He led in Austria, in Romania, in Poland, in Sanremo and won in Corsica….” Start the conversation - Add your comment Although the administrators and moderators of this website will attempt to keep all objectionable comments off these pages, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the poster, and neither Crash Media Group nor Crash.Net will be held responsible for the content of any message. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message, and are not responsible for the contents of any message. If you find a message objectionable, please contact us and inform us of the problem or use the [report] function next to the offending post. Any message that does not conform with the policy of this service can be edited or removed with immediate effect.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
# pkg.m4 - Macros to locate and utilise pkg-config. -*- Autoconf -*- # # Copyright © 2004 Scott James Remnant <scott@netsplit.com>. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you # distribute this file as part of a program that contains a # configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under # the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program. # PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG([MIN-VERSION]) # ---------------------------------- AC_DEFUN([PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG], [m4_pattern_forbid([^_?PKG_[A-Z_]+$]) m4_pattern_allow([^PKG_CONFIG(_PATH)?$]) AC_ARG_VAR([PKG_CONFIG], [path to pkg-config utility])dnl if test "x$ac_cv_env_PKG_CONFIG_set" != "xset"; then AC_PATH_TOOL([PKG_CONFIG], [pkg-config]) fi if test -n "$PKG_CONFIG"; then _pkg_min_version=m4_default([$1], [0.9.0]) AC_MSG_CHECKING([pkg-config is at least version $_pkg_min_version]) if $PKG_CONFIG --atleast-pkgconfig-version $_pkg_min_version; then AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) else AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) PKG_CONFIG="" fi fi[]dnl ])# PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG # PKG_CHECK_EXISTS(MODULES, [ACTION-IF-FOUND], [ACTION-IF-NOT-FOUND]) # # Check to see whether a particular set of modules exists. Similar # to PKG_CHECK_MODULES(), but does not set variables or print errors. # # # Similar to PKG_CHECK_MODULES, make sure that the first instance of # this or PKG_CHECK_MODULES is called, or make sure to call # PKG_CHECK_EXISTS manually # -------------------------------------------------------------- AC_DEFUN([PKG_CHECK_EXISTS], [AC_REQUIRE([PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG])dnl if test -n "$PKG_CONFIG" && \ AC_RUN_LOG([$PKG_CONFIG --exists --print-errors "$1"]); then m4_ifval([$2], [$2], [:]) m4_ifvaln([$3], [else $3])dnl fi]) # _PKG_CONFIG([VARIABLE], [COMMAND], [MODULES]) # --------------------------------------------- m4_define([_PKG_CONFIG], [if test -n "$PKG_CONFIG"; then if test -n "$$1"; then pkg_cv_[]$1="$$1" else PKG_CHECK_EXISTS([$3], [pkg_cv_[]$1=`$PKG_CONFIG --[]$2 "$3" 2>/dev/null`], [pkg_failed=yes]) fi else pkg_failed=untried fi[]dnl ])# _PKG_CONFIG # _PKG_SHORT_ERRORS_SUPPORTED # ----------------------------- AC_DEFUN([_PKG_SHORT_ERRORS_SUPPORTED], [AC_REQUIRE([PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG]) if $PKG_CONFIG --atleast-pkgconfig-version 0.20; then _pkg_short_errors_supported=yes else _pkg_short_errors_supported=no fi[]dnl ])# _PKG_SHORT_ERRORS_SUPPORTED # PKG_CHECK_MODULES(VARIABLE-PREFIX, MODULES, [ACTION-IF-FOUND], # [ACTION-IF-NOT-FOUND]) # # # Note that if there is a possibility the first call to # PKG_CHECK_MODULES might not happen, you should be sure to include an # explicit call to PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG in your configure.ac # # # -------------------------------------------------------------- AC_DEFUN([PKG_CHECK_MODULES], [AC_REQUIRE([PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG])dnl AC_ARG_VAR([$1][_CFLAGS], [C compiler flags for $1, overriding pkg-config])dnl AC_ARG_VAR([$1][_LIBS], [linker flags for $1, overriding pkg-config])dnl pkg_failed=no AC_MSG_CHECKING([for $1]) _PKG_CONFIG([$1][_CFLAGS], [cflags], [$2]) _PKG_CONFIG([$1][_LIBS], [libs], [$2]) m4_define([_PKG_TEXT], [Alternatively, you may set the environment variables $1[]_CFLAGS and $1[]_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config. See the pkg-config man page for more details.]) if test $pkg_failed = yes; then _PKG_SHORT_ERRORS_SUPPORTED if test $_pkg_short_errors_supported = yes; then $1[]_PKG_ERRORS=`$PKG_CONFIG --short-errors --errors-to-stdout --print-errors "$2"` else $1[]_PKG_ERRORS=`$PKG_CONFIG --errors-to-stdout --print-errors "$2"` fi # Put the nasty error message in config.log where it belongs echo "$$1[]_PKG_ERRORS" >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD ifelse([$4], , [AC_MSG_ERROR(dnl [Package requirements ($2) were not met: $$1_PKG_ERRORS Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you installed software in a non-standard prefix. _PKG_TEXT ])], [AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) $4]) elif test $pkg_failed = untried; then ifelse([$4], , [AC_MSG_FAILURE(dnl [The pkg-config script could not be found or is too old. Make sure it is in your PATH or set the PKG_CONFIG environment variable to the full path to pkg-config. _PKG_TEXT To get pkg-config, see <http://pkg-config.freedesktop.org/>.])], [$4]) else $1[]_CFLAGS=$pkg_cv_[]$1[]_CFLAGS $1[]_LIBS=$pkg_cv_[]$1[]_LIBS AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) ifelse([$3], , :, [$3]) fi[]dnl ])# PKG_CHECK_MODULES
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Q: Error when deploying web app on Glassfish I'm using Eclipse + Glassfish 4.0 When I deploying a simple project, following error appears : cannot Deploy Testmart deploy is failing=Error occurred during deployment: Exception while loading the app : java.lang.IllegalStateException: ContainerBase.addChild: start: org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Servlet web service endpoint '' failure. Please see server.log for more details. EDIT : ProductCatalog.java Class : import org.hamed.train.service.ProductServiceImp; @WebService public class ProductCatalog { ProductServiceImp productService = new ProductServiceImp(); @WebMethod public List<String> getProducts() { return productService.getProductCategories(); } public List<String> getProducts(String category) { return productService.getProducts(category); } } system.log content : http://txs.io/B7P A: According to @Silly Freak's comment, I found the answer. These two method should not have the same name : ProductCatalog.java public List<String> getProducts() { return productService.getProductCategories(); } public List<String> getProducts(String category) { return productService.getProducts(category); } Solution: I changed first method name to something else and worked like a charm.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Hepatitis B virus RNA is measurable in serum and can be a new marker for monitoring lamivudine therapy. Changes in the serum hepatitis B virus (HBV) RNA level during lamivudine therapy were compared to those in the serum HBV DNA and HBV core-related antigen (HBVcrAg) levels in 24 patients with chronic hepatitis B. For measurement of HBV RNA, total nucleic acid was extracted from serum samples and treated with RNase-free DNase I. After cDNA synthesis from extracted RNA, HBV RNA was measured by real-time detection polymerase chain reaction. The peak fraction of HBV RNA in serum samples was consistent with peak fractions of HBV DNA and HBV core protein in a sucrose gradient analysis, indicating that HBV RNA was incorporated into virus particles. All levels of HBV DNA, HBV RNA, and HBVcrAg decreased gradually during lamivudine therapy (P < 0.001 for all). The amount of decrease from the start of lamivudine therapy was significantly higher for HBV DNA than for HBV RNA or HBVcrAg during 6 months of lamivudine therapy (P < 0.001 for all). However, a similar difference was not seen between HBV RNA and HBVcrAg levels during that period. The HBV RNA level was significantly correlated (P < 0.001 for all) with levels of HBV DNA and HBVcrAg both at the beginning and 2 months after the start of lamivudine therapy. HBV RNA is detectable in serum in a form indicating incorporation into virus particles, and its serum level might serve as a new viral marker with a significance different from that of HBV DNA in lamivudine therapy.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Painting newbie, or just want to learn new techniques? Dip your toes into painting at our taster sessions with painter Charlie Reed! Discover how to use inks, watercolour, acrylic and oil paints to create a range of expressive, painterly techniques. Book sessions individually or save by booking on to all 4 sessions together. FEE: £35 per session, £125 for four sessions (save £15) All materials provided. ABOUT THE SESSIONS: INK PAINTING // SUN 22ND JULY 2-5PM Learn to create a range of energetic & expressive marks in ink using a variety of tools, creating form, detail and texture in a bold and expressive ink painting. WATERCOLOUR // SUN 29TH JULY 2-5PM Experiment with a range of watercolour effects to create a still life painting made from direct observation. OIL PAINT // SUN 12 AUG 2-5PM An intro to oil painting from still life. Paint directly on to primed plywood & learn to use the tactile qualities of oil to form expressive, sculptural effects. DO I NEED TO BRING ANYTHING? All materials are provided. You only need to bring yourself! // ABOUT CHARLIE REED Charlie Reed is an artist who specialises in painting, printmaking and drawing. He is inspired by the urban landscape and in particular London’s canals and rivers. He studied Fine Art at the Royal Drawing School, University of Brighton and Wimbledon College of Arts. His most recent exhibitions include If the Walls Could Talk at Alice Black Gallery and Constant Amid Change at Turf Projects. Charlie draws and paints in the landscape and later uses these studies to develop larger work back in his studio in Stockwell. Alongside his art practice, he also works as a secondary school art teacher. // ABOUT TURF PROJECTS Founded in 2013, Turf Projects is the first entirely artist-run contemporary art space in Croydon, South London. Established by creatives with a personal connection to the borough, Turf is a registered charity organisation working to support artists, curators and the public through an ambitious programme of free exhibitions, workshops and events. Turf is currently operating out of temporary spaces with a limited lifespan, which we’ll be turfed out of sometime next year due to impending redevelopment here in Croydon. As a result we’re working to build up savings for a (hopefully more permanent) move in the near future. As a registered charity, all proceeds from courses will go directly back into this savings pot, into paying the artists and makers running the courses, and into providing Turf’s free exhibitions and events, with the main programme remaining completely free as always. If you have any ideas for courses you’d like to see, or would even like to offer your skills in leading a creative course yourself, we’d love to hear from you at info@turf-projects.com
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Q: Remove escape from string c# I have a path in my network who I can use in File Explorer without problems: \\MyNetwork\Projects\16000 Now I want to access it using Directory.Exists as: var normalFolderPath = @"\MyNetwork"; var number = @"\16000" var a = Directory.Exists($@"{normalFolderPath}\{number}"); But this: $@"{normalFolderPath}\{number}" return \\MyNetwork\\16000 but if I try to access it that on File Explorer just can not found, but if I remove \ from subfolder like: \\MyNetwork\16000 it works!, how can I remove one \ from string in c# A: You're complaining that your string has two slashes in the middle of it, but you put two slashes in the middle of it: number is the literal string \16000 You asked c# to concatenate normalfolderpath with number, separated by slash: {normalFolderPath}\{number} Naturally, you'll end up with two slashes; one from number, and one as the separator. To demo what I mean, here is an altered code: var normalFolderPath = @"\MyNetwork"; var number = @"!16000" var a = Directory.Exists($@"{normalFolderPath}={number}"); This will produce the string \MyNetwork=!16000: the = is the separator between the interpolated fields and ! came from the start of number But this: $@"{normalFolderPath}\{number}" return \\MyNetwork\\16000 I disagree: it will definitely return \MyNetwork\\16000 with only one slash at the start and two in the middle. No way will that code you put, return something with two slashes at the start As has been commented, you should use Path.Combine to combine path elements: var normalFolderPath = @"\\MyNetwork"; var number = "16000" var a = Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(normalFolderPath,number));
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Blog Are you setting the right kind of goals? We’re almost thru January already and I’m just wondering how are you doing with your goals? I know everyone has New Year’s resolutions and January is a great time to be setting goals but sometimes we don’t set the right type of goal. What I mean byRead more Are you ready for an awesome fall season? As much as I love the summer and all the great things we get to do – seeing friends, visiting, maybe too much to eat and drink because there’s so much great stuff and socializing over the summer – the great thing about September is getting backRead more Today I’d like to share 3 words that can help you overcome procrastination. I just watched an awesome video with Brian Tracy where he gives us some tips on how to overcome chronic procrastination. I know as an entrepreneur it is sometimes hard to get motivated to get things done – so I like thisRead more Do you ever wonder what successful people do that maybe you’re not doing? Today I want to share with you 3 daily habits that successful people do that most people don’t do. They are really simple and that is one of the things that I think throws people off because the habits themselves are easyRead more Are you struggling to create your brand? I would like to share with you a couple of quick tips that I learned from Darren Hardy about creating your brand which I thought were kind of great. What Darren suggests to do is pick a word that you think describes yourself. Then talk to some family,Read more Do you struggle with procrastination? I know I sometimes procrastinate and I think all of us do. In fact, today I almost didn’t make this video. I was like it’s a sunny day I do not really feel like working – but I have a vision for where I want to go in my businessRead more Would you like some tips on how to stay motivated to work during the summer months? I know as an entrepreneur when you work from home it’s hard to stay motivated especially during the beautiful sunny summer months – so today I want to give you 4 tips for things you can do to makeRead more Do you wish you had more time in your day? While I can’t give you more time in your day I can give you a quick tip on how you can make better use of your time. One of the super cool techniques you can do is call the Pomodoro technique. I learned this fromRead more I love being an example of the great things that come when you listen to that little voice that tells you to embrace your fear and reach for what you want in life. Helping people reach their biggest dreams and goals has become one of my focal points. Contact me today and let me help you with you business and personal development goals.
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--- abstract: '[Dans cet article je donnerai une nouvelle démonstration courte et directe pour le Théorème des Nombres Premiers. C’est vrai que ce théorème a été complétement démontré au début du 20ème siecle mais la démonstration était basé sur des résultats élémentaires (théorème de **Chebyshev**) et aussi analytiques compliqués (théorème de **Ikehrara**), mais ici j’ai pas utilisé le théorème de Chebyshev ainsi que j’ai remplacé et j’ai généralisé le théorème de **Ikehara** grâce à la notion des fonctions à variation bornée qui est ancienne mais récent dans la théorie analytique des nombres.]{}' author: - | \ `lahoucine.elaissaoui@stud-mail.uni-wuerzburg.de`\ `lahoumaths@gmail.com` title: | <span style="font-variant:small-caps;">Tauberian Theorem of Laplace Transformation\ And\ Application of Prime Number Theorem</span> --- Préliminaires ============= Les fonctions à variation bornée -------------------------------- Les fonctions à variation bornée joue un rôle très important dans la théorie de l’intégration au sens de **Stieltjes**, ici on va s’interésser à les fonctions à variation bornée sur $\R^+$ à valeurs complexes. Soit $x$ un réel positif et soit $(x_k)_{k=0,\cdots, n}$ une suite finie et strictement croissante des réels de l’intervalle $[0,x]$ tels que $0=x_0 < x_1<x_2< \cdots < x_n = x$ est une subdivision de l’intervalle $[0,x]$, on note $\Sigma$ pour cette subdivion et $\mathcal{S}([0,x])$ l’ensemble de toutes les subdivions possibles de $[0,x]$. *La fonction variation totale* d’une fonction complexe définie sur $\R^+$, notée $T_f$, est la fonction définie par [$$T_f(x) := \sup_{\Sigma \in \mathcal{S}([0,x])} \sum_{k=1}^n|f(x_k) - f(x_{k-1})|\label{e1}$$]{} Il est bien clair que la fonction $T_f$ est une fonction croissante sur $\R^+$, par conséquent si $T_f$ est majorée sur $\R^+$ alors on dira que $f$ est à *variation bornée* sur $\R^+$ et on note $$V(f) = \lim_{x\to + \infty} T_f(x) \in \R^+$$ pour *la variation totale* de la fonction $f$. - Toute fonction $g$ de classe $\mathcal{C}^1$ sur $\R^+$ à valeurs complexes telle que $g' \in L^1(\R^+)$ est à variation bornée, en effet, pour une subdivision $\Sigma: 0=x_0 < x_1<\cdots < x_n=x$ et puisque $g$ est continue sur chaque intervalle $[x_{i-1},x_i]$ (pour $i=1,\cdots n$) et dérivable sur leurs interieurs topologique alors d’après le théorème des accroissements finis il existe des $c_i$ dans $]x_{i-1},x_i[$ tels que $$|g(x_i) - g(x_{i-1})|=|g'(c_i)||x_{i} - x_{i-1}|$$ D’où $$T_g(x) = \sup_{\Sigma \in \mathcal{S}([0,x])} \sum_{k=1}^n|g'(c_i)||x_{i} - x_{i-1}|$$ Or cette somme est une somme de **Darboux** ce qu’on peut déduire grâce à l’intégrale de **Riemann** que $$T_g(x) = \int_0^x|g'(t)| dt$$ Donc $$V(g) = \int_{0}^{+\infty}|g'(t)| dt$$ qui est finie puisque $g' \in L^1(\R^+)$, alors $g$ est à variation bornée sur $\R^+$. - toute fonction à variation bornée sur $\R^+$ est bornée sur $\R^+$, en effet, soit $f$ une fonction à variation bornée sur $\R^+$ alors pour un $x\geq 0$ $$\begin{aligned} |f(x) - f(0)| &= \left|\sum_{k=1}^n f(x_i) - f(x_{i-1})\right| \\ &\leq \sum_{k=1}^n|f(x_i) - f(x_{i-1})| \\ &\leq T_f(x) \\ &\leq V(f) <+\infty \end{aligned}$$ Alors $f$ est bornée sur $\R^+$. \[prop1\] On dit qu’une fonction $f$ définie de $\R^+$ à valeurs complexes admet une limite à gauche en $x \in \R^+$, notée $f(x^-)$ si à tout $\eps >0$ on peut associer un $0 \leq \delta < x$ tel que $$a < t < x \Longrightarrow |f(t) - f(x^-)| < \eps$$ Et en plus si $f(x^-) = f(x)$ on dit que $f$ est continue à gauche en $x$. On note pour $\vb$ la classe des fonctions, définies de $\R^+$ à valeurs complexes, à variation bornée, continues à gauche en tout point de $\R^+$ et qui s’annullent en $0$. Intégrale de Lebesgue-Stieltjes ------------------------------- Le théorème 8.14 page 156 du livre \[Rud\] a établi le lien entre la théorie de la mesure et la théorie des fonctions à variation bornée. Donc d’après le même théorème, soit $f \in \vb$ alors il existe une unique mesure complexe de Borel $\mu_f$ telle que [$$f(x) = \mu_f([0,x[), \qquad \forall x\geq 0 \label{e2}$$]{} Et en plus pour tout $x \in \R^+$ on a [$$T_f(x)=|\mu_f|([0,x[)$$]{} Où $|\mu_f|$ est une mesure positive de Borel, dite *la variation totale de la mesure complexe $\mu_f$*, qui est *finie* d’après le théorème 6.4 page 114 de \[2\]. - On peut facilement montrer que $|\mu_f|$ est finie autant que $f\in \vb$, en effet, soit $f\in \vb$ alors $$\begin{aligned} |\mu_f|(\R^+) &= \lim_{x\to +\infty} |\mu_f|([0,x[) \\ &= \lim_{x\to +\infty}T_f(x) \\&= V(f) <+ \infty\end{aligned}$$ - D’une autre part, si $f$ est à valeurs dans $\R$ alors $\mu_f$ est dite *une mesure signée* alors de la même manière on démontre que cette mesure est finie. - Soit $f\in \vb$, si $y>x$ alors $$\begin{aligned} f(y) - f(x) &= \mu_f([0,y[) - \mu_f([0,x[)\\ &= \mu_f([x,y[) \end{aligned}$$ Donc $$\mu_f(\{x\}) = f(x^+) - f(x)$$ D’où $f$ est continue en $x$ si et seulement si $$\mu_f(\{x\}) = 0$$ Le théorème de **Radon-Nikodym**, voir le théorème 6.12 page 120 de \[2\], assure que pour toute mesure complexe $\mu$ il existe une fonction mesurable complexe $h$ de module égal à $1$ telle que $$d\mu = h d|\mu| .$$ Ainsi, on déduit que pour toute fonction $g:\R^+ \longrightarrow \C$ mesurable et bornée sur $\R^+$ on a $g \in L_{\mu_f}^1(\R^+)$ où $f\in \vb$. En effet: $$\begin{aligned} \left| \int_{\R^+} g d\mu_f \right| &\leq \int_{\R^+} |g| d|\mu_f| \\ &\leq \|g\|_{\infty} |\mu_f|(\R^+)\\ &< +\infty \end{aligned}$$ Où $$\|g\|_{\infty} = \sup_{x \in \R^+}|g(x)|.$$ Maintenant, d’après le théorème 6.1.4 du livre \[1\] on constate que pour $f \in \vb$ on a[$$\int_0^x df(t) = \mu_f([0,x[), \qquad x\geq 0 \label{e4}$$]{} Soient donc $f\in \vb$ et $g:\R^+ \longrightarrow \C$ une fonction de classe $\mathcal{C}^1$ sur $\R^+$ telle que $g' \in L^1(\R^+)$, alors d’après le théorème 6.2.2 (grâce au résultat \[e4\]) du même livre on démontre que [$$\int_0^{+\infty} g(t) df(t) = \mu_{fg}(\R^+) - \int_0^{+\infty} f(t)g'(t) dt \label{e5}$$]{} la mesure complexe $\mu_{fg}$ a bien un sens, en effet d’après les propriétés \[prop1\] on démontre que $g$ est à variation bornée or le produit de deux éléments de $\vb$ est un élément de $\vb$ alors $fg \in \vb$ (car $fg$ est à variation bornée et continue à gauche à chaque point de $\R^+$ et $(fg)(0) =0$), et en plus $$\mu_{fg}([0,x[) = f(x)g(x), \qquad \forall x\in \R^+$$ Et $$|\mu_{fg}(\R^+)| \leq |\mu_{fg}|(\R^+) = \lim_{x\to + \infty} T_{fg}(x)< + \infty$$ Théorème Tauberien de la transformation de Laplace complexe =========================================================== Dans tout ce qui suit $s = \sigma + it$ où $\sigma , t \in \R$ est un nombre complexe et $\rho$ est une fonction de la classe $\vb^* := \{f \in \vb , \quad \ \Im(f) = 0 \}$. Ainsi $\C_*^+$ est l’ensemble des nombres complexes de partie réelle strictement positive. On définit la transformation de Laplace-Stieltjes de la fonction $\rho$ par $$\L_{\rho}^*(s) = \int_0^{+\infty} e^{-sx}d\rho(x), \qquad \sigma > 0$$ il est bien clair d’après ce qui précéde, puisque $x\mapsto e^{-sx}$ est continue et bornée sur $\R^+$ pour tout $\sigma > 0$, que la fonction $\L_{\rho}^*$ est bien définie. ****** On pose pour tout $(x,s) \in \R^+ \times \C_+^*$ $$\phi(x,s) = e^{-sx}$$ Alors on a - Pour tout $x\geq 0$ la fonction $s\mapsto \phi(x,s)$ est continue en $0^+$. - Pour tout $\sigma > 0$ la fonction $x \mapsto \phi(x,s)$ est continue donc mésurable sur $\R^+$. - Pour tout $\sigma > 0$ et pour $d\rho$-presque tout $x \in \R^+$ on a $$|\phi(x,s)|\leq 1$$ Où $1 \in L_{d\rho}^1(\R^+)$ car $$\int_{\R^+} d\rho(x) = \mu_{\rho}(\R^+) <+ \infty$$ Alors la fonction $x \mapsto \phi(x,s)$ est $d\rho$-intégrable sur $\R^+$ et la fonction $\L_{\rho}^*$ est est continue en $0^+$. Donc $$\begin{aligned} \lim_{s \to 0^+} \L_{\rho}^*(s) &= \L_{\rho}^*(0) \\ &= \int_{\R^+}d\rho (x) \\ &= \lim_{x\to + \infty} \mu_{\rho}([0,x[) \qquad \text{d'après \ref{e4}} \\ &= \lim_{+ \infty} \rho \qquad \qquad \qquad \quad \! \! \text{d'après \ref{e2}} \end{aligned}$$ $\blacksquare$ Maintenant on définit la transformation de Laplace complexe d’une fonction $\rho \in \vb^*$ par $$\L_{\rho}(s) = \int_{0}^{+ \infty} \rho(x)e^{-sx}dx, \qquad \sigma > 0 .$$ La fonction $\L_{\rho}$ est bien définie, en effet puisque $\rho \in \vb^*$ alors $\rho$ est bornée sur $\R^+$ en plus $$\left|\int_0^{+ \infty} \rho(x)e^{-sx}dx \right| \leq \| \rho\|_{\infty} \int_0^{+ \infty} e^{- \sigma x} dx = \frac{\|\rho\|_{\infty}}{\sigma} < +\infty$$ ****** Soit $s\in \C_+^*$, d’après l’équation \[e5\] on a $$\L_{\rho}^*(s) = \mu_{\rho e^{-s \cdot}}(\R^+) + s \int_0^{+\infty} \rho(x) e^{-sx} dx$$ Or $$|\mu_{\rho e^{-s \cdot}}(\R^+)| = |\mu_{\rho}(\R^+)|\lim_{x \to + \infty} e^{-\sigma x} = 0$$ Donc $$\L_{\rho}^*(s) = s \L_{\rho}(s)$$ Passons à la limite $s \to 0^+$ on a d’après le <span style="font-variant:small-caps;">Lemme</span> \[L1\] $$\lim_{x\to + \infty} \rho(x) =Res(\L_{\rho},0)$$ $\blacksquare$ D’une manière générale, soit $\alpha$ un réel positif alors il est clair, d’après ce qui précéde, que pour tout $\rho \in \vb^*$ on a $\varrho(x) = \rho(x) e^{-\alpha x}$ est un élément de $\vb^*$. Ainsi on déduit le résultat suivant: ****** Soit $\sigma > \alpha$, alors $$\L_{\rho}(s) = \int_0^{+\infty} \rho(x)e^{-sx}dx = \int_{0}^{+\infty} \rho(x) e^{-\alpha x} e^{-(s-\alpha)x}dx$$ On pose $$\varrho(x) = \rho(x)e^{- \alpha x}, \qquad \forall x \geq 0 .$$ Alors $$\L_{\rho}(s) = \int_0^{+ \infty} \varrho(x)e^{-(s-\alpha)x}dx = \L_{\varrho}(s - \alpha)$$ Donc $$(s-\alpha) \L_{\rho}(s) = (s-\alpha)\L_{\varrho}(s- \alpha) = z \L_{\varrho}(z)$$ D’où quand $s \to \alpha$ on aura $z \to 0$ et d’après le <span style="font-variant:small-caps;">Théorème</span> \[T1\] on a $$\lim_{x \to + \infty} \varrho(x) = Res(\L_{\varrho}(z),z=0) = Res(\L_{\rho},\alpha)$$ Alors $$\rho(x) \underset{x \to + \infty}{\sim} Res(\L_{\rho},\alpha) e^{\alpha x} .$$ $\blacksquare$ Théorème des Nombres Premiers (nouvelle démonstration) ====================================================== Soit $\chi: \N^* \longrightarrow \R^+$ une fonction arithmétique positive, on pose pour tout $x \in (1,+\infty)$ $$f(x) = \sum_{1 \leq n < x}\chi(n) \qquad \text{et} \qquad f(1) =0 .$$ Il est clair que la fonction $f$ est croissante sur $[1,+\infty)$ et continue à gauche en tout point de $[1,+\infty)$. Ainsi, les points de discontinuité de $f$ sont des éléments de $\N^*$. Si $f$ est continue en $x\in \N^*$ alors on aura $$f(x^+) = f(x)$$ Donc $$\begin{aligned} 0 &= f(x^+) - f(x) \\ &= \sum_{x \leq n < x^+}\chi(n) \\ &= \chi(x) \end{aligned}$$ Alors [$$f \ \text{est \ continue \ en } \ x \in \N^* \Longleftrightarrow \chi(x) = 0 \label{R1}$$]{} Soit maintenant $(a_k)_{k \in \N}$ une suite croissante des points de discontinuité de la fonction $f$ sur $[1,+\infty)$ alors $f$ est constante sur chaque intervalle $I_k=(a_{k-1},a_{k}]$ (où $k \in \N^*$). En effet, soit $k\in \N^*$ s’il existe $n \in I_k$ tel que $f$ est continue en $n$ alors d’après \[R1\] $\chi(n) = 0$ ainsi et d’une manière générale soit $(\beta_i)_{i \in \N^*}$ une suite strictement croissante des entiers de $\overset{\circ}{I_k}$ (l’interieur de $I_k$), alors $f$ est continue en chaque $\beta_i$ d’où $\chi(\beta_i)=0$ pour tout $i=1,2,\cdots$ et en conséquent pour tout $x \in (a_{k-1},a_k]$ on a $f(x) = f(a_{k-1}^+)$ ($k \in \N^*$). Soient $\alpha >1$ un réel et $\rho$ la fonction définie sur $\R^+$ par $$\rho(x) = f\left( e^{x} \right) e^{-\alpha x} .$$ Soit $k$ un entier strictement positif on note $ (\lambda_k)_{k \in \N}$ pour la suite croissante des points de discontinuité de la fonction $\rho$ sur $\R^+$ ($\lambda_k = \log a_k \in \log\N^*$). Alors la fonction $\rho$ est décroissante sur chaque intervalle $J_k = (\lambda_{k-1},\lambda_k]$, en effet: soient $x,y \in J_k$ tels que $x>y$, donc puisque $f$ est constante ($\equiv c_k$) sur $J_k$ alors $\rho(x) - \rho(y) = c_k \left(e^{-\alpha x} - e^{-\alpha y}\right) < 0$ d’où $\rho$ est strictement décroissante sur $J_k$ pour tout $k \in \N^*$. D’une autre part, pour tout $k \in \N^*$ $$\rho(\lambda_k^+) > \rho(\lambda_k).$$ En effet, puisque la fonction $x \mapsto e^{- \alpha x}$ est continue sur $\R^+$ alors $e^{-\alpha \lambda_k^+} = e^{- \alpha \lambda_k}$ donc $$\rho(\lambda_k^+)-\rho(\lambda_k) = (f(a_k^+) - f(a_k))e^{- \alpha \lambda_k}$$ et puisque $f$ est discontinue en $a_k$ et croissante sur $[1,+\infty)$ alors $f(a_k^+) > f(a_k)$. D’où $$\rho(\lambda_k^+) > \rho(\lambda_k).$$ ****** Soit $x \in \R^+$, on pose $0=x_0 < x_1 < \cdots < x_n = x$ une subdivision de l’intervalle $[0,x]$ et on note pour $m$ le plus grand entier naturel non nul tel que $\lambda_{m-1} < x \leq \lambda_m$ où les $(\lambda_k)_{k \in \N}$ sont les points de discontinuité de la fonction $\rho$ définis précédamment, alors $$\sum_{i=1}^n |\rho(x_i) - \rho(x_{i-1})| = \sum_{k=0}^m\sum_{\underset{x_i \in J_k}{i=1}}^n|\rho(x_i) - \rho(x_{i-1})|$$ où $(J_k)_{k \in \N^*}$ sont les intervalles $(\lambda_{k-1},\lambda_k]$ et $J_0=[0,\lambda_0]$, et on note bien que $\displaystyle \cup_{k=0}^mJ_k =[0, \lambda_m] $ donc puisque $\rho$ est strictement décroissante sur chaque $J_k$ alors $$\begin{aligned} \sum_{k=0}^m\sum_{\underset{x_i \in J_k}{i=1}}^n|\rho(x_i) - \rho(x_{i-1})| & \leq \rho(0) - \rho(\lambda_0) + \sum_{k=1}^m\left(\rho(\lambda_{k-1}^+) - \rho(\lambda_k)\right) - (\rho(x) - \rho(\lambda_m)) \\ &=-\rho(\lambda_0)+\rho(\lambda_0^+)-\rho(\lambda_1)+\rho(\lambda_1^+)+ \cdots -\rho(\lambda_m) - \rho(x) + \rho(\lambda_m)\\ &= - \rho(x) + \sum_{k=0}^{m-1}\left(\rho(\lambda_k^+) -\rho(\lambda_k)\right) \\ &= - \rho(x) + \sum_{k=0}^{m-1} \frac{f(a_k^+) - f(a_k)}{a_k^{\alpha}} \\ &= -\rho(x) + \sum_{k=0}^{m-1}\frac{\chi(a_k)}{a_k^{\alpha}}\end{aligned}$$ Où les $(a_k)_{k \in \N}$ sont les points de discontinuité de la fonction $f$ et qui sont des éléments de $\N^*$. Donc $$\sum_{k=0}^{m-1}\frac{\chi(a_k)}{a_k^{\alpha}} \leq \sum_{1\leq \ell < e^x} \frac{\chi(\ell)}{\ell^{\alpha}}$$ D’où $$\sum_{i=1}^n |\rho(x_i) - \rho(x_{i-1})| \leq - \rho(x) + \sum_{1\leq \ell < e^x} \frac{\chi(\ell)}{\ell^{\alpha}}.$$ Alors $$T_{\rho}(x) \leq - \rho(x) + \sum_{1 \leq \ell <e^x}\frac{\chi(\ell)}{\ell^{\alpha}} .$$ Or puisque $\rho$ est une fonction positive alors $$T_{\rho}(x) \leq \sum_{1 \leq \ell < e^x} \frac{\chi(\ell)}{\ell^{\alpha}} .$$ Donc $$\text{la série} \ \sum_{n \geq 1} \frac{\chi(n)}{n^{\alpha}} \ \text{converge} \ \Longrightarrow \rho \in \vb^* .$$ $\blacksquare$ Sans perte de généralité le résultat est vrai pour toute fonction arithmétique $\chi:\N^* \longrightarrow \R$ croissante. Dans ce cas, le <span style="font-variant:small-caps;">Lemme</span> \[L1\] peut être reformulé: $$\text{la série} \ \sum_{n \geq 1} \frac{\chi(n)}{n^{\alpha}} \ \text{est absolument convergente} \Longrightarrow \rho \in \vb^*.$$ où $\alpha > 1$. Maintenant on arrive au résultat le plus important dans cette section: ****** Soit $\alpha > 1$ un réel tel que la série du terme générale $\frac{\chi(n)}{n^{\alpha}}$ est convergente alors, d’après le <span style="font-variant:small-caps;">Lemme</span> \[L1\], la fonction $\rho(x) = f(e^x)e^{-\alpha x}$ est un élément de $\vb^*$. Or d’après le <span style="font-variant:small-caps;">Corollaire</span> \[C1\] on déduit que $$\rho(x) \underset{x \to + \infty}{\sim} Res(\L_{\rho},\beta) e^{\beta x} .$$ Ce qui est $$f(e^x) \underset{x \to + \infty}{\sim}Res(\L_{\rho},\beta) e^{(\alpha + \beta)x} .$$ D’où $$f(x) \underset{x \to + \infty}{\sim} Res(\L_{\rho},\beta) x^{\alpha + \beta} .$$ Ce qu’il fallait démontrer. $\blacksquare$ On rappelle que la fonction $\Lambda$ de **Von Mangoldt** est une fonction arithmétique définie sur $\N^*$ par $$\Lambda(n) := \begin{cases} \log p \quad \text{si} \ n=p^k , \quad k \in \N^*,p\in \P \\ \\ \quad 0 \qquad \text{sinon} \end{cases}.$$ La fonction définie pour tout $x \in [1,+ \infty)$ tel que $x \neq p^k$ où $k\in \N^*$ et $p\in \P$ par $ \displaystyle \psi(x) = \sum_{n < x} \Lambda(n)$ est dite la fonction de **Chebyshev**, ainsi pour démontrer le théorème des nombres premiers il faut et il suffit de démontrer que $$\psi(x) \underset{x\to + \infty}{\sim} x .$$ Il existe une forte relation entre la fonction $\zeta$ de **Riemann** et la fonction $\psi$, en effet $$-\frac{\zeta'(s)}{\zeta(s)} = \sum_{n \geq 1} \frac{\Lambda(n)}{n^s} = s \int_0^{+ \infty} \psi(e^x)e^{-sx}dx, \qquad \forall \sigma > 1.$$ On rappelle aussi que la fonction $\zeta$ est holomorphe sur $\{\sigma \geq 1\}$ sauf au $s=1$ qui est le seul pôle simple de la fonction $\zeta$, ainsi d’après **Hadamard** et **De La Vallée Poussin** la fonction $\zeta$ ne s’annulle en aucun point du demi-plan $\{\sigma \geq 1 \}$. Alors on déduit que la fonction $-\frac{\zeta'}{\zeta}$ est holomorphe sur $\{\sigma \geq 1 \}$ sauf au point $s=1$ qui est le seul pôle simple de résidu égal à $1$. Et on a le **Théorème des Nombres Premiers**: ****** Soit $\alpha > 1$ un réel donné, on pose $$\rho(x) = \psi(e^x)e^{-\alpha x}, \qquad \forall x \in \R^+.$$ Alors puisque la fonction $- \frac{\zeta'}{\zeta}$ est holomorphe sur $\{\sigma > 1\}$ alors la série su terme général $\frac{\Lambda(n)}{n^{\alpha}}$ est convergente pour tout $\alpha > 1$. D’une autre part, soit $\sigma > 1$ alors $$\begin{aligned} \L_{\rho}(s) &= \int_0^{+ \infty}\rho(x)e^{-sx}dx \\ &= \int_0^{+\infty} \psi(e^x)e^{-\alpha x} e^{-sx}dx \\ &= \int_0^{+ \infty} \psi(e^x)e^{-(s+\alpha)x}dx \\&= - \frac{\zeta'(s+\alpha)}{(s+\alpha)\zeta(s+\alpha)} \end{aligned}$$ Alors puisque la fonction $s\mapsto - \frac{\zeta'(s+\alpha)}{(s+\alpha)\zeta(s+\alpha)}$ est holomorphe sur $\{\sigma \geq 1-\alpha\}$ sauf au point $s=1-\alpha$ qui est le seul pôle simple de cette fonction où $$Res\left(- \frac{\zeta'(s+\alpha)}{(s+\alpha)\zeta(s+\alpha)},1-\alpha \right)=1$$ Alors d’après le <span style="font-variant:small-caps;">Théorème</span> \[T2\] on a $$\psi(x) \underset{x \to + \infty}{\sim}x^{\alpha + 1 - \alpha}$$ C’est à dire $$\psi(x) \underset{x \to + \infty}{\sim} x .$$ Ce qu’il fallait démontrer. $\blacksquare$ [plain]{} M.Carter et B. Van Brunt, *The Lebesgue-Stieltjes Integral* a practical introduction, Springer (2000). E.C. Titchmarsh, *The Theory of The Riemann Zeta-Function* 2nd ed, revised by D. R. Heath-Brown, Oxford University Press (1986). Walter Rudin, *Analyse réelle et complexe*, Troisième tirage MASSON Paris New York Barcelone Milan 1980.
{ "pile_set_name": "ArXiv" }
Plunging temperatures down to minus 5 and snow drifting into the area are heralding the coldest week of the winter so far. Burton and South Derbyshire has been lucky so far with a frosty morning today, Monday, February 5, and light winds. But forecasters have issued weather warnings for motorists and pedestrians of snow and ice. Some areas of the country may have already had enough of the snow this year - and now it looks like Burton and South Derbyshire needs to brace itself. The snow looks set to arrive tomorrow, Tuesday, February 6. although the Midlands will not see huge amounts. Tonight will be very cold and frosty with clear skies and light winds. Some freezing fog patches may form through the small hours before dawn while temperatures are expected to dip to -5C. Read More Tuesday will also be cold as a band of sleet and snow will move south-eastwards across the area during the morning, giving some snow accumulations. Temperatures will reach highs of just 3C tomorrow, say forecasters. Met Office forecaster Craig Snell said the first full week of February will probably be "one of our coldest weeks of this winter so far". Residents are being warned to brace themselves for the coldest week of the winter so far (Image: Getty) He said: "It is going to be a cold week, plenty of dry weather around, but many places will probably see some snow at some point during the week, but for a lot of us not really amounting to much at all. "Probably one of our coldest weeks of this winter so far, but snow-fall wise, doesn't really look too disruptive at this stage." Read More Mr Snell added: "Quite a lot of the UK will see some snow as we head through Tuesday but as it ventures into the Midlands, south-west England and eventually later in the day across south-east England, it's just going to be a few flakes of snow. "So many people will see some snow but don't expect to build a snowman." Tomorrow morning is again expected to be widely below freezing, with the cold snap expected to grip Britain until at least next weekend, with the chance that milder weather may not arrive until the middle of the following week.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
'use strict'; exports.mochaHooks = { beforeAll: [ function() { console.log('beforeAll array 1'); }, function() { console.log('beforeAll array 2'); } ], beforeEach: [ function() { console.log('beforeEach array 1'); }, function() { console.log('beforeEach array 2'); } ], afterAll: [ function() { console.log('afterAll array 1'); }, function() { console.log('afterAll array 2'); } ], afterEach: [ function() { console.log('afterEach array 1'); }, function() { console.log('afterEach array 2'); } ] };
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Want to know how far electric cars have come in the last decade? Just ask the Mini Electric. Both of them. The first arrived in 2008, a test bed rather than a production car, Mini built 500 and leased them to human guinea pigs in the US – the beginning of a data and opinion harvest that would inform the launch of the BMW i family five years later and every electrified BMW since. Fast-forward 11 years and you might expect performance and range to have grown handsomely, but I’m staring at the spec sheet for the new 2019 Mini Electric, and you’d be wrong: 204bhp (2008) plays 181bhp (2019); the range was 150 miles then, 144 miles now; 0–62mph in 8.5secs in the old one, 7.5secs today. What has changed is price and practicality – the batteries on the old one were, er, chunky. Chunky enough to swallow the entire boot and back seats. The new Mini Electric, with its 32kWh T-shaped lithium-ion battery slipped under the floor is still 160kg heavier than a Cooper S, but you get the same (read: still cramped) boot and rear seat space, and with prices starting at £24,400 (or £299pcm) after the £3,500 government grant, it costs £500 less than an equivalently specced Cooper S, too. This is significant. There’s a reason why there’s an armada of small, affordable, everyday electric cars – the majority with ‘e’ grafted onto their badges – coming our way in the next six months. Stuff like the VW ID.3, Peugeot e-208, Corsa-e and Honda e – y’know, the ones we might actually be able to afford. We’ve reached a tipping point, where battery size and cost has reduced to the point where cars like this, with a little help from Her Majesty’s Government, can be priced in line with petrol or diesel equivalents. And because most people with an interest in EVs have been ogling I-Paces, Teslas and e-trons, without the wedge to actually buy one, there’s pent-up demand. It’s taken a while, then, but Mini has made the sums add up… but only by positioning this car carefully. Firstly, you’ll only be able to buy it as a 3dr – Mini’s best-selling body style. Fair enough. There will be only one power and performance level – 0–80 per cent top-up in 35mins from a 50kW DC charger, 181bhp, 199lb ft, FWD, totally insignificant 93mph top speed, which puts it in the Cooper S bracket for performance. That explains the bootlid’s Cooper S badge (despite it not actually featuring anywhere in the car’s name) and the fake air-scooped Cooper S bonnet. Then we come to the WLTP range of 144 miles, only a handful more than the Honda e. In the real world it’ll be less than that, of course, because most of us won’t have the bottle to ever dip below 20 per cent charge. It’s the same thinking as the Honda – fit a smaller battery and spend the money on stuff that matters, like interior quality and equipment – but when you can have a recently updated Renault Zoe with a 242-mile range for less, or an electric 208 or Corsa with over 200 miles for a couple of grand more, the range feels a little mean. Mini has resisted the temptation to over-tinker with the design. Want a spaceship? There’s already the BMW i3 for that. Your opportunity to make a statement is the optional 17-inch, asymmetrical Corona wheels, lifted straight from the concept (anyone else seeing a three-pin plug?). Smaller changes include a new largely blanked-off front grille, protruding by an extra 17mm and striped in Energetic Yellow, although you can switch back to body colour if you suffer from sensitive retinas. The front and rear bumpers are a unique, slippery design to eke out a few extra miles – no splitters or Sport packs here – and you get LED lights front and back as standard. Get your ruler out and you’ll note the car rides 15mm higher than standard – a necessary evil to fit those batteries in – although extended wheelarches disguise the damage. Inside, it’s the first Mini with a new floating digital instrument screen behind the wheel – something that’ll be rolled out on all its models when their replacements arrive. A consumption dial, to let you know how leaden your right foot is, sits on the left, battery charge is on the right, and the whole thing is wrapped in an anti-glare coating that, while necessary on a sunny day, is a bit like looking at your vitals through a frosted bathroom window. A mildly different centre console features an electronic handbrake – a first for the 3dr – while the dashboard houses toggle switches for adjusting the level of brake regen, flipping between Sport, Mid and Green driving modes and turning the traction control off. Mini is open about this being very much a chassis designed for a combustion engine, modified to make batteries and motors fit… fortunately that made its goal of making it drive as close to a Cooper S as possible infinitely simpler. There are tweaks to the suspension to account for the extra height and weight, and a new ARB system that’s supposedly three times faster than traditional DSC to eliminate wheelspin when you stomp on it at the lights, but the fundamentals are shared. Frankly, I’m amazed I’ve managed to find quite so many words to talk about a car that’s familiar in every regard, besides a powertrain transplant. Hell, Mini’s even found a way to build it on the same production line in Oxford as the petrol and diesel versions – marrying the batteries, motor and power electronics in the exact same way the engine and transmission meets the chassis. So let’s embrace our sense of wonder for everyday electric cars while we still can; another decade, and they’ll be the norm.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
/* * Copyright (C) 2011 Texas Instruments Incorporated - http://www.ti.com/ * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. */ /dts-v1/; #include "am3517.dtsi" #include "am3517-som.dtsi" #include "am3517-evm-ui.dtsi" #include <dt-bindings/input/input.h> / { model = "TI AM3517 EVM (AM3517/05 TMDSEVM3517)"; compatible = "ti,am3517-evm", "ti,am3517", "ti,omap3"; aliases { display0 = &lcd0; }; chosen { stdout-path = &uart3; }; memory@80000000 { device_type = "memory"; reg = <0x80000000 0x10000000>; /* 256 MB */ }; vmmc_fixed: vmmc { compatible = "regulator-fixed"; regulator-name = "vmmc_fixed"; regulator-min-microvolt = <3300000>; regulator-max-microvolt = <3300000>; }; gpio-keys { compatible = "gpio-keys-polled"; poll-interval = <100>; user_pb { label = "User Push Button"; linux,code = <BTN_0>; gpios = <&tca6416 5 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; }; user_sw_1 { label = "User Switch 1"; linux,code = <BTN_1>; gpios = <&tca6416 8 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; }; user_sw_2 { label = "User Switch 2"; linux,code = <BTN_2>; gpios = <&tca6416 9 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; }; user_sw_3 { label = "User Switch 3"; linux,code = <BTN_3>; gpios = <&tca6416 10 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; }; user_sw_4 { label = "User Switch 4"; linux,code = <BTN_4>; gpios = <&tca6416 11 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; }; user_sw_5 { label = "User Switch 5"; linux,code = <BTN_5>; gpios = <&tca6416 12 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; }; user_sw_6 { label = "User Switch 6"; linux,code = <BTN_6>; gpios = <&tca6416 13 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; }; user_sw_7 { label = "User Switch 7"; linux,code = <BTN_7>; gpios = <&tca6416 14 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; }; user_sw_8 { label = "User Switch 8"; linux,code = <BTN_8>; gpios = <&tca6416 15 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; }; }; gpio-leds { compatible = "gpio-leds"; pinctrl-names = "default"; pinctrl-0 = <&leds_pins>; user_led_1 { label = "am3517evm:green:user_led_1"; gpios = <&tca6416 7 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; default-state = "on"; }; user_led_2 { label = "am3517evm:green:user_led_2"; gpios = <&tca6416 6 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; default-state = "on"; }; user_led_3 { label = "am3517evm:green:user_led_3"; gpios = <&gpio1 11 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; linux,default-trigger = "mmc0"; /* SD/MMC card activity */ }; user_led_4 { label = "am3517evm:green:user_led_4"; gpios = <&gpio1 31 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; linux,default-trigger = "heartbeat"; }; }; lcd0: display@0 { compatible = "panel-dpi"; label = "15"; status = "okay"; pinctrl-names = "default"; enable-gpios = <&gpio6 16 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; /* gpio176, lcd INI */ vcc-supply = <&vdd_io_reg>; port { lcd_in: endpoint { remote-endpoint = <&dpi_out>; }; }; panel-timing { clock-frequency = <9000000>; hactive = <480>; vactive = <272>; hfront-porch = <3>; hback-porch = <2>; hsync-len = <42>; vback-porch = <3>; vfront-porch = <4>; vsync-len = <11>; hsync-active = <0>; vsync-active = <0>; de-active = <1>; pixelclk-active = <1>; }; }; bl: backlight { compatible = "pwm-backlight"; pinctrl-names = "default"; power-supply = <&vdd_io_reg>; pinctrl-0 = <&backlight_pins>; pwms = <&pwm11 0 5000000 0>; brightness-levels = <0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100>; default-brightness-level = <7>; enable-gpios = <&gpio6 22 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; /* gpio_182 */ }; pwm11: dmtimer-pwm@11 { compatible = "ti,omap-dmtimer-pwm"; pinctrl-names = "default"; pinctrl-0 = <&pwm_pins>; ti,timers = <&timer11>; #pwm-cells = <3>; }; /* HS USB Host PHY on PORT 1 */ hsusb1_phy: hsusb1_phy { compatible = "usb-nop-xceiv"; reset-gpios = <&gpio2 25 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; /* gpio_57 */ #phy-cells = <0>; }; }; &davinci_emac { status = "okay"; }; &davinci_mdio { status = "okay"; }; &dss { status = "ok"; pinctrl-names = "default"; pinctrl-0 = <&dss_dpi_pins>; vdds_dsi-supply = <&vdd_io_reg>; vdda_video-supply = <&vdd_io_reg>; port { dpi_out: endpoint { remote-endpoint = <&lcd_in>; data-lines = <16>; }; }; }; &i2c2 { clock-frequency = <400000>; /* User DIP swithes [1:8] / User LEDS [1:2] */ tca6416: gpio@21 { compatible = "ti,tca6416"; reg = <0x21>; gpio-controller; #gpio-cells = <2>; vcc-supply = <&vdd_io_reg>; }; }; &i2c3 { clock-frequency = <400000>; }; &mmc1 { status = "okay"; pinctrl-names = "default"; pinctrl-0 = <&mmc1_pins>; vmmc-supply = <&vmmc_fixed>; bus-width = <4>; wp-gpios = <&gpio4 30 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; /* gpio_126 */ cd-gpios = <&gpio4 31 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>; /* gpio_127 */ }; &mmc3 { status = "disabled"; }; &usbhshost { port1-mode = "ehci-phy"; }; &usbhsehci { phys = <&hsusb1_phy>; }; &omap3_pmx_core { pinctrl-names = "default"; pinctrl-0 = <&hsusb1_rst_pins>; leds_pins: pinmux_leds_pins { pinctrl-single,pins = < OMAP3_WKUP_IOPAD(0x2a24, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE4) /* jtag_emu0.gpio_11 */ OMAP3_WKUP_IOPAD(0x2a26, PIN_OUTPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE4) /* jtag_emu1.gpio_31 */ >; }; mmc1_pins: pinmux_mmc1_pins { pinctrl-single,pins = < OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x2144, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0) /* sdmmc1_clk.sdmmc1_clk */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x2146, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0) /* sdmmc1_cmd.sdmmc1_cmd */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x2148, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0) /* sdmmc1_dat0.sdmmc1_dat0 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x214a, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0) /* sdmmc1_dat1.sdmmc1_dat1 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x214c, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0) /* sdmmc1_dat2.sdmmc1_dat2 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x214e, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE0) /* sdmmc1_dat3.sdmmc1_dat3 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x2150, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE4) /* sdmmc1_dat4.gpio_126 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x2152, PIN_INPUT_PULLUP | MUX_MODE4) /* sdmmc1_dat5.gpio_127 */ >; }; pwm_pins: pinmux_pwm_pins { pinctrl-single,pins = < OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x21dc, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE1) /* mcspi2_cs0.gpt11_pwm */ >; }; backlight_pins: pinmux_backlight_pins { pinctrl-single,pins = < OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x21de, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE4) /* mcspi2_cs1.gpio_182 */ >; }; dss_dpi_pins: pinmux_dss_dpi_pins { pinctrl-single,pins = < OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x21d2, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE4) /* mcspi1_cs2.gpio_176 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20d4, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_pclk.dss_pclk */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20d6, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_hsync.dss_hsync */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20d8, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_vsync.dss_vsync */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20da, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_acbias.dss_acbias */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20dc, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data0.dss_data0 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20de, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data1.dss_data1 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20e0, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data2.dss_data2 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20e2, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data3.dss_data3 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20e4, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data4.dss_data4 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20e6, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data5.dss_data5 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20e8, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data6.dss_data6 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20ea, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data7.dss_data7 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20ec, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data8.dss_data8 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20ee, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data9.dss_data9 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20f0, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data10.dss_data10 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20f2, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data11.dss_data11 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20f4, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data12.dss_data12 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20f6, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data13.dss_data13 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20f8, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data14.dss_data14 */ OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20fa, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE0) /* dss_data15.dss_data15 */ >; }; hsusb1_rst_pins: pinmux_hsusb1_rst_pins { pinctrl-single,pins = < OMAP3_CORE1_IOPAD(0x20ba, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE4) /* gpmc_ncs6.gpio_57 */ >; }; }; &omap3_pmx_core2 { pinctrl-names = "default"; pinctrl-0 = <&hsusb1_pins>; hsusb1_pins: pinmux_hsusb1_pins { pinctrl-single,pins = < OMAP3430_CORE2_IOPAD(0x25d8, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE3) /* etk_clk.hsusb1_stp */ OMAP3430_CORE2_IOPAD(0x25da, PIN_OUTPUT | MUX_MODE3) /* etk_ctl.hsusb1_clk */ OMAP3430_CORE2_IOPAD(0x25ec, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE3) /* etk_d8.hsusb1_dir */ OMAP3430_CORE2_IOPAD(0x25ee, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE3) /* etk_d9.hsusb1_nxt */ OMAP3430_CORE2_IOPAD(0x25dc, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE3) /* etk_d0.hsusb1_data0 */ OMAP3430_CORE2_IOPAD(0x25de, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE3) /* etk_d1.hsusb1_data1 */ OMAP3430_CORE2_IOPAD(0x25e0, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE3) /* etk_d2.hsusb1_data2 */ OMAP3430_CORE2_IOPAD(0x25ea, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE3) /* etk_d7.hsusb1_data3 */ OMAP3430_CORE2_IOPAD(0x25e4, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE3) /* etk_d4.hsusb1_data4 */ OMAP3430_CORE2_IOPAD(0x25e6, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE3) /* etk_d5.hsusb1_data5 */ OMAP3430_CORE2_IOPAD(0x25e8, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE3) /* etk_d6.hsusb1_data6 */ OMAP3430_CORE2_IOPAD(0x25e2, PIN_INPUT | MUX_MODE3) /* etk_d3.hsusb1_data7 */ >; }; };
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Q: Add form to html tabel cell I want to add an input form to an HTML table cell when a checkbox is selected. When I add some form of text field or number field to the table cell to create a form, the text box doesn't show. only the text of my label shows. <td> <label class="collapsible"> <input type="checkbox" /> <span class="collapser">Edit</span> <span class="arrow">&gt;</span> <div class="collapsed"> <form method="post"> <label for="pwd">Hello World</label><br> <input type="number" min="1" step="1" class="form-control" id="pwd" name=min_qty> </form></div></label></td> My Css code as well: .collapsible { display: block; margin-bottom: 1rem; } .collapsible input { position: absolute; left: -9999px; } .collapsible input:focus ~ .collapser { border-color: grey; } .collapsible .collapser { cursor: pointer; border: 1px transparent dotted; } .collapsible .arrow { float: right; margin-left: 0.5em; display: inline-block; transform: rotate(90deg); transition: transform 0.25s ease-out; } .collapsible input:checked ~ .arrow, .collapsible input:checked ~ .collapser .arrow { transform: rotate(270deg); } .collapsible .collapsed { font-size: 0; margin: 0; opacity: 0; padding: 0; /* fade out, then shrink */ transition: opacity 0.25s, margin 0.5s 0.25s, font-size 0.5s 0.25s, padding 0.5s 0.25s; } .collapsible input:checked ~ .collapsed { font-size: 12px; opacity: 1; height: auto; padding: 5px 0; /* grow, then fade in */ transition: margin 0.25s, padding 0.25s, font-size 0.25s, opacity 0.5s 0.25s; } My table output example A: I figured it out. My CSS was affecting all of my inputs, not just my check boxes. Changed this: } .collapsible input { position: absolute; left: -9999px; } to this: .collapsible input[type="checkbox"] { position: absolute; display: none; }
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Q: Did the USS Olympia go forward in time? DS9 "The Sound of her Voice": LISA [OC]: My name's Lisa Cusak. Until a couple of days ago, I was the commanding officer of the Olympia. SISKO: The Olympia. LISA [OC]: We left the Federation over eight years ago for a long range exploration of the Beta Quadrant. SISKO: What happened to your ship, Captain? LISA [OC]: We were finally heading home, if you can believe that, then we picked up some strange energy readings in a nearby star system, and I decided to stop and investigate. We found an energy barrier around the fourth planet that was unlike anything we'd ever seen, and when we probed it with our scanners it triggered a quantum reaction. There was an enormous surge of metrion radiation that disabled our engines. The next thing I knew, we were spiraling in toward the surface. I gave the order to abandon ship and the last thing I remember is a console exploding in my face. I woke up in an escape pod on the surface and I've spent the last day and a half sitting in this cave trying to raise someone on subspace. BASHIR: Captain, Doctor Bashir, Chief Medical Officer. Your message said that you were on a L class planet. Are you sure? LISA [OC]: Positive. And to answer your next question, yes, I've been giving myself fifteen cc's of triox every four hours to compensate for the excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Just like it says in my medical tricorder. BASHIR: How much triox do you have left? LISA [OC]: One hundred and fifty millilitres. BASHIR: Will you to decrease the dosage, Captain, to eight cc's every six hours. We need to stretch your supply as long as possible. KASIDY: What happens when she runs out of the drug? LISA [OC]: That's a good question, Doctor. What happens then? BASHIR: You will begin to experience the effects of hypoxia. But before that happens, the triox compound will have strengthened your cardiopulmonary system, allowing you to better withstand the effects. LISA [OC]: Better withstand the effects. In other words, I'm going to be gasping for air and turning different shades of blue by the time you get here. BASHIR: Yes, I'm afraid so. LISA [OC]: Thanks for brightening my day. KASIDY: Is there anything we can do? LISA [OC]: There is, actually. I can't sleep. I think the injections are keeping me awake and I haven't had anyone to talk to for two days. SISKO: We'll be able to help you with that, Captain. I'll have one of my officers stay on the comm. line with you at all times. So the ship left eight years ago, they were doing long range exploration, Lisa doesn't know anything about the Dominion war, and she's only been on the planet for two days. We learn later that the crew are communicating with her in the past, which is an entirely different issue. Did the ship go forward in time when it hit the metreon radiation in the atmosphere? Is that the explanation that Lisa was giving? I'm confused about the time frame of how this all happened. A: The Metreon radiation caused a temporal lensing effect, sending her communications into her future (the Defiant's present), and their replies back in time (from their perspective) to Captain Cusak's present. There’s no indication that Cusak’s ship travelled in time; just the communications to and from it. Dr. Bashir confirmed she had died 3 years and two months prior to them arriving at the planet in the Rutharian sector. So she would have left on her mission 8 years plus 3 years ago, making that 2363 (the episode takes place in 2374). To put that into perspective, 2363 is one year prior to the first season of Star Trek: The Next Generation
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Inhibition of neuroleptic binding by human brain extracts--an effect of endogenous dopamine? Extracts of autopsied human brain tissue exhibited a specific inhibition of [3H]spiroperidol binding, in support of previous reports. The extent of binding inhibition varied depending upon the brain region from which the tissue was taken. We observed two peaks of inhibition binding from extracts of caudate or putamen placed on a Sephadex G10 column. Results of experiments to characterize the extract in the second peak indicate a correlation between inhibition of spiroperidol binding and dopamine content of the tissue. The content of the first peak could not be definitively identified but indirect evidence indicates that it may be a high molecular weight conjugate of dopamine that is formed at low concentrations. No evidence was obtained to suggest the existence of previously undetected neuroleptic-like material in human brain.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
You probably know that avocados are an excellent source of healthful fats, but this whole food may also have other unique health benefits. To learn more, the Hass Avocado Board (HAB) is supporting clinical research to investigate various health effects of avocado consumption, particularly its benefits for cardiovascular disease, weight management, diabetes, and its ability to enhance your body’s absorption of nutrients. The first of these HAB-supported studies was published in November 2012. The small UCLA-led pilot study found that eating one-half of a fresh medium Hass avocado with a hamburger (made with 90 percent lean beef) significantly inhibited the production of the inflammatory compound Interleukin-6 (IL-6) compared to eating a burger without fresh avocado. Our board certified doctors treat patients of all ages by integrating modern, conventional medicine and proven therapeutic methods of healing to create a holistic and personalized plan for each individual. We treat the whole person, not just the symptoms. Our commitment is to prevent and cure disease, while improving our patient’s overall quality of life.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
371 F.Supp. 437 (1974) CENTRAL GMC, INC. v. E. T. & T. LEASING, INC. Civ. No. 73-880-K. United States District Court, D. Maryland. January 10, 1974. Charles Cahn, II, Baltimore, Md., for plaintiff. Martin J. Alperstein, Baltimore, Md., for defendant. MEMORANDUM AND ORDER FRANK A. KAUFMAN, District Judge. On May 11, 1973, plaintiff, a Maryland corporation, instituted suit for breach of contract against defendant, also a Maryland corporation, in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, seeking damages in the amount of $86,245.56. From February 1, 1971 until July 31, 1973, the United States District Court for the District of Columbia had jurisdiction—pursuant to D.C.Code § 11-501 — which provides in relevant part: In addition to its jurisdiction as a United States district court and any other jurisdiction conferred on it by law, the United States District Court for the District of Columbia has jurisdiction of the following: * * * * * * (4) Any civil action (other than a matter over which the Superior Court of the District of Columbia has jurisdiction under paragraph (3) or (4) of section 11-921(a) ) begun in the court during the thirty-month period beginning on such effective date wherein the amount in controversy exceeds $50,000. On July 31, 1973, the District Court for the District of Columbia ordered, inter alia, transfer of this case to the United States District Court for the District of Maryland. Plaintiff does not allege — and there does not exist — jurisdiction in this case under 28 U.S.C. § 1331. Plaintiff does allege jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1332 but such allegation would appear completely erroneous in view of the agreement between the parties that both of them are Maryland corporations. The fact that the principal offices of the *438 parties may be in different states of course does not provide a basis for diversity jurisdiction under Section 1332 when both have been incorporated in the same jurisdiction. C. Wright, Law of Federal Courts § 27 (2d ed. 1970). Nor does any other federal jurisdiction exist in this case in this Court which the Congress has created pursuant to Article III of the Federal Constitution. The jurisdiction conferred by the Congress upon the United States District Court for the District of Columbia does not in any way establish any additional jurisdiction in this Court, and the parties may not do so by virtue of mere change in venue. Section 1404(a) of 28 U.S.C. permits change of venue only to a court in which the suit "might originally have been brought." Since this case could not have been brought in this Court, the District Court for the District of Columbia had no power to transfer this case to this Court under Section 1404(a). Rice v. Disabled American Veterans, 295 F.Supp. 131, 135 (D.D.C., 1968); Russell v. Cunningham, 191 F.Supp. 82 (D.Guam 1961). In Rice, Judge Robinson concluded that "the District Court for the District of Columbia has only local jurisdiction in this case and not federal jurisdiction. Thus, the only federal district court in which the action might have been brought is in the District of Columbia." 295 F.Supp. supra at 132. * * * The rationale is undoubtedly that since the relevant federal venue statute provides that an action may be transferred only to a district "where it might have been brought," 28 U.S. C. § 1404(a), and since actions brought only under the local jurisdictional statute could not have been brought in any federal district court other than the one in the District of Columbia, there is no federal district court in the country to which this action might be transferred under 28 U.S.C., Section 1404(a). 295 F.Supp. supra at 135. Accordingly, no subject matter jurisdiction exists in this Court. It may be that this Court, lacking subject matter jurisdiction, may well not have the power to transfer this case back to the United States District Court for the District of Columbia.[1] Under the circumstances, in order that plaintiff may have opportunity to find a forum for this suit, this Court will not enter an order of dismissal for lack of jurisdiction for 30 days, so that plaintiff may seek, pursuant to Fed.R. Civ.P. 60(b), an order from the District Court for the District of Columbia rescinding, nunc pro tunc, as of July 31, 1973 — a date when that Court had jurisdiction over this case —[2] its 1404(a) transfer Order of that date. Should that Court so rescind its said Order, such action would mean that this case no longer will be pending in this Court. For that reason, this Court at that time would instruct the Clerk of this Court to close this file in this case in this Court. It is so ordered, this 10th day of January, 1974.[*] NOTES [1] No federal statute would appear specifically to confer authority upon this Court to transfer this case back to that transferor court. Neither 28 U.S.C. § 1406(a) nor 28 U.S.C. § 1406(c) is applicable. 28 U.S.C. § 1447, however, confers remand authority after removal from a state court. While that statute makes no reference to a remand after a transfer under 28 U.S.C. § 1404(a), it is to be noted that the transferor Court itself had only "state-type" jurisdiction in this case. [2] Cf. Drabik v. Murphy, 246 F.2d 408, 410 (2d Cir. 1957) (Hand, J.). [*] On January 21, 1974, the United States District Court for the District of Columbia rescinded, nunc pro tunc, as of July 31, 1973, its earlier transfer Order of that latter date. Accordingly, on January 23, 1974, this Court directed its Clerk to close the file in this case.
{ "pile_set_name": "FreeLaw" }
Mr. Volunteer, or, You don't Belong To The Regulars You're Just A Volunteer "Mr. Volunteer, or, You don't Belong To The Regulars You're Just A Volunteer" is a musical score for voice and piano written by Paul Dresser. The score was first published in 1901 by Howley, Haviland & Dresser in New York, NY. The sheet music can be found at the Pritzker Military Museum & Library. External links View sheet music at the New York Public Library Digital Collections References Category:1901 songs Category:Songs written by Paul Dresser
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
"Once upon a time in a village in ancient India, there was a little goat and a priest." "The priest wanted to sacrifice the goat to the gods." "He raised his arm to cut the goat's throat, when suddenly the goat began to laugh." "The priest stopped, amazed, and asked the goat," ""Why do you laugh?" "Don't you know I'm about to cut your throat?"" ""Oh, yes," said the goat." ""After 499 times dying... and being reborn as a goat," "I will be reborn as a human being."" "Then the little goat began to cry." "The high priest said, "Why now are you crying?"" "And the goat replied, "For you, poor priest." "500 lives ago, I too was a high priest... and sacrificed goats to the gods."" "The priest dropped to his knees, saying," ""Forgive me, I beg you." "From now on, I will be the guardian and protector of every goat in the land."" "Now, then, what does this ancient tale teach us?" "That no living creature... must ever be sacrificed." "What happened to- to the goat?" "Ah, yes, the goat." "Mmm." "The goat had many, many lives as a human being, until one day he turned into someone... very strange indeed." "Champa!" "Show us something of your previous life, huh?" "Telegram for Lama Norbu." "I've been waiting for nine years... to receive this." " Is it about Lama Dorje?" " Yes." " Have they found him?" " Perhaps!" "We shall all pray for the success of your mission." "And, uh, remember to take your medicine." "Wait." "This is Lama Dorje's bowl." "You will need it for your search." "Everybody is a-wonderin'!" "What and where they all came from!" " Everybody is a-worryin' 'bout where they're gonna go!" " Seattle!" "When the whole thing's done!" "But no one knows for certain!" " So it's all the same to me." " It's so wonderful to see you again," " but you must be very tired after such a long flight." "Yes, a little tired." "Tell me again about your dreams." "My dreams began about a month after Lama Dorje passed away." "They were so intense, and they always led me to the same place." " The empty site." " Yes." "Lama Dorje was walking in front of me, on a hill." "He was pointing to this empty spot, but there was nothing there." "And then I found the site... quite by chance a few months after, just as it was in the dreams." "I saw they had started to build a house." "I discovered that it belonged to the family of an engineer... with a small boy called Jesse, an only child." "He was born a year after Lama Dorje passed away." "Lama Dorje was wearing jeans?" "Oh, yes." "It was quite startling, because in life, he always wore robes." "Of course, I felt very shy about approaching them, but then I was lucky." "Three weeks ago..." "Line up again!" "A beautiful day." "Yes, it is." "I'm a Buddhist monk from Tibet." "My name is Kenpo Tenzin." "Oh." "Oh." "Nice to meet you." "Now I teach here in Seattle." "Oh, really?" "I'm a teacher too." "I teach math." "Oh!" "Like me!" "Also I teach astrology." "Mostly astrology." "How unusual." "We Tibetans have a very advanced system of astrology." " Excuse me." " Go!" "Play!" "Go!" "Jesse!" "May I ask, uh, what day- on what day your son was born?" " On March 1st." " Wonderful!" "And at what hour?" "In the morning." "Very early. 6:30." "Oh, wonderful, wonderful!" "6:30!" "Very special!" "Very special!" " Oh." "Well, I don't know about that, but" " Oh, yes!" "Oh, yes." "Oh, yes." "May I give you this card, please?" "Thank you." "Jesse!" "I wrote her last week." "I mentioned that an important lama wanted to see her." "It's okay, Maria, I'll get it." " I can get it!" " It's all right." " Mrs. Conrad, you remember me?" "We met at" " Yes, of course." "At Jesse's school." "The Tibetan astrologer." "Kenzo Te" "Kenpo Tenzin." "Kenpo Tenzin." "Yes." "I" " I got your invitation that you sent me... to the Dharma Center, and, uh," "I've... been meaning to go." "I just haven't had the time, but, uh" "But I will." "I'm looking forward to it." "My friend Lama Norbu has just arrived from Bhutan... and has never been in America before." "He's a very important lama." "He's come on a very special mission." "Oh, really?" "Well, would you like to come inside?" "Yes." "Yes, that would be very kind." "It will be very interesting for him." "This is Mrs. Conrad." "This is Lama Norbu." "Please come inside." "It's a bit of a mess." "My husband built this house." "He's an engineer." "As you can see, we're still living out of boxes, but at least the kitchen's done." "We only just moved in a few weeks ago." " Very empty." " Very beautiful." " Yes." " Mrs. Conrad?" "Is it okay if I go?" " Yes, It's fine, Maria." "It's fine." "Thank you." "I'll see you tomorrow." "Very exciting." "It's very exciting to me." " Really?" " Yes." "Can I get you some- something to drink?" " Oh, no." "Thank you." " Thank you." "All right." "Please sit down." " Are you sure, Mrs. Conrad?" "Is it okay if I go now?" " It's okay, Maria." " Really." "It's fine." " Okay." "Please make yourselves comfortable." "Lama Norbu is also my teacher... in our monastery in Bhutan." "Oh." "I see." "And he's come on a very important mission for all of us." "He will stay at the Dharma Center we've started here in Seattle." " Of course, of course." " Lisa!" "Oh." "It's my husband." "Excuse me." "Hey, honey." "Hey, what's the matter?" "You look done in." "I am." " Come on." "I have a little distraction for you." " What's going on, honey?" "You'll see." "Who are these people?" "Tibetan monks." "They just appeared." " The round one's a teacher of astrology." " And the square one?" "Teacher's teacher." " Where's Jesse?" " He's finishing his homework." "Shall we?" " This is, um" " Lama Norbu." " Kenpo Tenzin." " This is my husband Dean." "Hi." " Uh, they were just admiring the emptiness of the room, sweetheart." " Uh-huh." "No room will be empty if your mind is full." "You learn that in a prison cell." "We are Buddhists from Tibet." "For many years we have been living in exile, the guests of our brothers in Bhutan, Nepal and India." "Since the occupation in 1959." "In Tibetan Buddhism, we believe that everybody is reborn, again and again." "But there are a few... very special beings... who come back as spiritual guides, particular people whom we can identify." "That is why we are here." "So you're here in Seattle to find someone." "Yes." "My old teacher, Lama Dorje." "The man who once found me." "We are looking for his reincarnation." "Jesse, is that you?" "Come on." "Come out." "Come say hello." "Come on." "Come here." "This is Jesse." "This is Lama Norbu." "And do you remember Kenpo Tenzin from school?" "Why don't you wear shoes?" "It's an old Tibetan habit." "Do you like my mask?" " In our country, we love masks." " I made it." " It's a red rat." " Oh." " Honey, I need a scotch." " Mmm." "So do I." "You see, my teacher, Lama Dorje, who was even a teacher of the Dalai Lama, towards the end of his life... he felt he was needed in the West to teach the Dharma, the path of Buddha." "So he came to America, to Seattle, where he passed away nine years ago." "We have been searching for his reincarnation in many places, but now we think he might have been reborn right here, as your son." " As Jesse?" " Yes." " Lama Dorje had a great sense of humor." "This is Champa, and this is Punzo." "Champa, so you have woken up." "Please excuse us." "It was a great honor to visit you, but now we must leave." "You should see the monorail." "I'll show you the monorail." "Uh, Champa." "This book is for you." "So, you will be my guide," "Jesse?" "Yeah." " Good-bye." " Good night." "Good night." ""Little Buddha, The Story of Prince Siddhartha."" "Okay, now your toes." "Ah." "Careful of your book." "Mom, where did those men come from?" "Well, they're Tibetans, honey." "They come from Bhutan, which is a country in the Himalayas." "What are the Himalayas?" "The Himalayas are the highest mountains in the world." "Mom, good-bye!" "Good-bye!" "Let's see." "Okay." ""Buddha was born 2,500 years ago... in a small kingdom... in ancient Nepal." "As was the custom in those days, his mother, Queen Maya, was returning to her parents' home... for the birth of her child." "It was a long journey for the Queen to make, so, on the way, the royal caravan stopped for a rest... by the edge of a great forest." "As the Queen entered the trees, she fell into a kind of trance... and remembered a strange dream she had had... the day she conceived her child." "In the dream..." " a baby elephant had appeared at her side... and blessed her with its trunk." "Queen Maya was deep inside the wood... when suddenly her birth pains began." "And then, it is said, a tree, understanding this great moment, bent slowly down to protect her, offering its branches for her support." "The child was born with almost no pain, with shining, golden skin." "He was fully conscious, his eyes wide open." "And he was strong enough to stand on his own legs." "I have been born to reach Enlightenment... and free all creatures from suffering." "And, it is said, lotus blossoms grew in his footsteps."" "Hey, where's our reincarnation?" "Where's Lama Dorje?" "Reading his book." "Wow." "Like the Three Kings from the east, huh?" "Hmm." "Yeah." "Amazing." "Well, at least they didn't try to tell us that Jesse was the result... of an immaculate conception." "I don't know, I like the idea:" "reincarnation." "I wouldn't mind coming back, visiting the places I like again and the people I love." "Suppose you come back as an ant." "So, what's wrong with an ant?" "Lots of group activity and picnics and things." "You can get squished." "People get squished too." "Yeah, that's a fact." "I can't believe you'd be this upset over four harmless, little Tibetan monks." " What's bothering you, Dean?" " It's Evan." "He's bankrupt." "What?" "Evan's bankrupt?" "He's been hiding from everybody even me." "But, how?" "How can that happen?" "You are his best friend." "Everything you've ever done, you've done together" ""King Suddhodhana, the baby's father, named the child Siddhartha, which means, 'He who brings good.'" "And then he gave a great reception to present his son to the people." "Suddenly, in the midst of the ceremony, and to everyone's surprise, an unexpected guest arrived." "He was the revered hermit and astrologer Asita, whom nobody had seen for years." "As Asita looked at her son," "Queen Maya saw tears come to his eyes." "Do not be alarmed, O Queen." "Mine are only the tears of an old man... who knows that he will not live long enough... to learn from the teachings of your son." "Will he be a great king?" "He'll be the master of the world." "Or its redeemer." "When he grows older, Siddhartha can become a teacher, like you, if he wants, but first of all he must follow me..." " and be a king." " It may be as you wish, but the gods often betray the wishes of mortal men." "He will be a king." "He will be a king!" "Queen Maya was filled with a strange foreboding, as if she knew that she too would not live to see her son's destiny fulfilled." "He will be a great king!" "A week later she died of a terrible illness..." "I know why you're here." " You're looking for your teacher, aren't you?" " Yes." "And red rats have very long ears." "What was your teacher's name?" " Lama Dorje, which means "thunderbolt" in Tibetan." " Lama Thunderbolt?" "I think you should go to the police, if you want to find him." "No, the police can't help us." "You see, Lama Dorje is dead." "But how can you find him if he's dead?" "It's very difficult to explain, but we believe he's been reborn." " Like a ghost, you mean?" " No." " As a child." " Could I be Lama Dorje?" "You could be, yes." "I think I am." "I am Lama Thunderbolt." "We'll have to see about that." "Then why did you come to our house?" "You ask a lot of questions, huh?" "Yes, Maria, yes!" "I can show you Buddha!" " Jesse, show them the building your father built." "Yeah!" "Come on." "My father built that building." "See?" "The one with the green dome." "He made it for his friend Evan, but it's always empty." "Was Buddha a god?" "No, he was a real person." " Like Jesus?" " Yes." "Quite a bit like Jesus, though he was born long before." "What happened to Buddha when he grew up?" "Oh, he wasn't called Buddha yet." "He was still young Prince Siddhartha," "Ahh!" "and he married the beautiful Princess Yasodhara." "He became a great horseman, a great archer, and he often played with his friends... the ancient game called "Kabadi."" "You mean, all he was doing was having a great time?" "Yes." "Haddadu, haddadu, haddadu, haddadu, haddadu, haddadu" "Ha!" " Wendikali!" " Wendikali!" " Siddhartha!" " Siddhartha!" "Wendikali, wendikali!" " Wendikali!" " Wendikali!" "Siddhartha!" "The King had given Siddhartha three palaces." "One for winter, one for the rainy season and one for summer." "In this way he hoped to shield his son... from all knowledge of pain and worry." "But then, one day," "Siddhartha heard a mysterious song of haunting beauty." " At first he couldn't understand where it was coming from." "The song was in a language he had never heard before." "What was it saying?" "What did it mean?" "What is this song?" "It is from a faraway land, my Lord." "It evokes the beauties of the country she knew as a child, the mountains and the lakes... that she can never forget." "How strange." "Do such places exist, places as beautiful as here?" "I've heard that only suffering lies beyond these walls." "What do you mean, "suffering"?" "Your father loves you very much." "He has given us everything we could want." "There's no need to go anywhere else when you've such beauty around you." "It is true;" "we have everything, and everything is perfect." "So... what is this feeling I have?" "If the world is so beautiful, why have I never seen it?" "I've not even seen my own city!" "I must see the world, Yasodhara!" "With my own eyes." "Well, this must be the Dharma Center." "It looks like a church." "Jesse!" "Hi, Champa." "Hi, Punzo." "That's beautiful." "But I'm afraid I have to go." "Jesse, come say good-bye." "Hey." "So, your dad's going to come by and pick you up at 4:00." " Okay." " Okay, sweetie." "Good-bye." "Excuse me, Lama." "I was worried." "One day, Champa, but not yet." "Hey!" "That's Lama Thunderbolt." "Yes." "Is this his bowl?" "Look." "It's dusty." "What's this?" "It is a trumpet made from a human bone." "Honest?" "A human bone?" "Now, where did we get to?" "Oh." "Siddhartha wanted to see the world." "Ah, yes." "He wanted to see the world." "Secretly, however, his father prepared everything in advance..." " so that nothing Siddhartha might see in the city... would upset or disturb him." ""Everyone should be young and healthy."" "Siddhartha!" "Siddhartha!" "Siddhartha!" "Siddhartha!" "Siddhartha!" "Siddhartha!" "Suddenly, however, through the crowd, the young Prince saw something he had never seen before." "Channa!" "Channa!" "Who are those men?" "Tell me, who are those men?" "They are men like the rest of us, my Lord," " who once sucked milk from their mother's breast." " Why do they look like that?" " They are old, my Lord." " What do you mean, old?" "Old age destroys memory, beauty and strength." " In the end, it happens to us all, my Lord." " To everyone?" "To you and to me?" "It is better not to concern yourself with these things, my Lord." "But where are they taking them?" "Channa!" "No, my Lord, don't go there!" "Please!" "You mustn't!" "No, my Lord!" "My Lord!" "My Lord Siddhartha!" "What is the matter with those people?" "Why is she crying like that?" "She is in pain, my Lord." " She is very sick." " Sick?" "What is that?" "No one reaches the moment of death... without falling sick at least once." "Even kings?" "And death- what moment is that?" "Show me death." "This is death, my Lord." "Here the ashes are given to the river, my Lord." "Death is the moment of separation... which comes to every person in every family." "When a body grows cold and stiff like wood, it has to be burned like wood." "It was on this day, from this fire, with these people, that Siddhartha learned about suffering... and discovered compassion." "They were him, and he was them." " Dad." " Am I interrupting?" "Of course not." "Please come in." " Look!" "It's human bone." " Wow." "Spooky, huh?" "Jesse, I need to talk to Lama Norbu alone for a minute." "Okay, Dad." "Come." "I'll show you around the center." "I was just telling Jesse the story of Siddhartha." "That's a beautiful story." "A beautiful... myth." "It is one way of telling the truth, and children seem to love it." "Lama Norbu, I have a great respect for your culture... and your religion," "and I know about the invasion of Tibet... and the tragedies that happened," "but I don't believe in reincarnation, and neither does my wife." "Why should you?" "In Tibet, we think of the mind and the body... as the contents and the container." "Now the cup is no longer a cup." "But what is the tea?" " Still tea." " Exactly." "In the cup, on the table, or on the floor, it moves from one container to another, but it's still tea." "Like the mind after death, it moves from one body to another, but it is still mind." "Even in the towel, it's still tea." "The same tea." "None for me, thanks." "Once we're certain about the reincarnation, the child would receive a special education." "He could become a very powerful figure in our society, a spiritual leader." "Even if he's an American?" "I mean, what, you're offering Jesse life in a Buddhist monastery?" " Is that it?" " Of course." "If he wanted it." "Or he could go on with his life here and decide when he's older." "But first, to be sure of the reincarnation, we will take Jesse to Bhutan, consult the Abbot of the monastery... and all the experts." "Now you look angry." "I am." "To take a child away from his family, in this country, we call kidnapping." "Vroom!" " Special delivery for Lama Norbu!" " Oh." "Thank you." " Vroom!" " We hoped you and your wife... would come with him." " To Bhutan?" " Yes." "It's a very beautiful country." "Well, well." "It seems there's another candidate... for the reincarnation of Lama Dorje." "A little boy from Kathmandu." "Are there a lot of us?" "How many are there?" "I want to meet them." "Come on, let's go." "Come on." "This has gone too far." "We're outta here." " Jesse." "Jesse." " Lama Norbu!" " Lama!" " Say good-bye, Jesse." " Don't forget your book, Jesse Long-Ears." " Good-bye, Lama Norbu." "Lama Norbu!" "Oh, my father, why have you hidden the truth from me for so long?" "Why have you lied to me about the existence of suffering, sickness, poverty," "old age and death?" "If I've lied to you, Siddhartha, it has been because I love you." "Your love has become a prison." "How can I live here as I lived before... when so many are suffering outside?" "You never wanted to go outside." " Father." " Mm-hmm." "I must find an answer to suffering." "Even if you betray me, Siddhartha, have you no pity for the wife you leave, and for your own son?" "My... child is born?" "Born this very evening." "Think of them, Siddhartha." "You too are a father." "You too have a duty." "You cannot leave now." "Even my love for Yasodhara... and my son... cannot remove the pain I feel." "For I know that they too will have to suffer, grow old... and die." "Like you, like me," "like us all." "Yes." "We must all die... and be reborn... and die again, and be reborn and die, and be reborn and die again." "No man can ever escape that curse." "Then that... is my task." "I... will lift that curse." "Lock the gate." "Double the guard." "If the Prince tries to escape, he must be stopped by force." "Hello." "Evan?" "I can't believe it." "When?" "How did it happen?" "It's" " Oh, God." "In San Francisco." "I'll try to get a flight out tonight." "What happened to Evan?" "Evan had an accident." "Is he dead?" "Just a minute, Jesse." ""As soon... as he left his father," "Siddhartha went to see his wife and his newborn son." "His heart was torn, but his mind was made up." "Channa." "Channa." "Channa." " A magic mist had descended over everything." " Channa." "The whole court had fallen into a deep sleep." "Channa." "Channa." "Channa." "Channa." "Channa." "Channa," " wake up." "Get Kantaka." " What?" "Get Kantaka." "Mind no one sees you and meet me at the old gate." " Go now." " Yes, my Lord." "Only the great elephants are awake, my Lord." "The whole world is dreaming, Channa." "But for Siddhartha the dream was ending." "His long journey of awakening had begun." "Who are they, Channa?" "Are they robbers?" "No, my Lord." "They're ascetics." "Ascetics?" "Why are they so thin and naked?" "They have given up all the comforts of life, my Lord." "They have sworn never to leave the forest..." " until they have reached Enlightenment." " Enlightenment?" "These are for you." "Channa," "I am doing this for everyone." "I am looking for freedom." "The five ascetics... witnessed these miracles and were filled with wonder." "They became Siddhartha's first disciples."" " I'm... so sorry about Mr. Evan, Mr. Conrad." "I" " Thanks, Maria." " I know." " Is Jesse all right?" "Yeah." "He's" "He read in his room all afternoon." "He's asleep now." "Thank you, Maria, for staying and everything." "Do you want me to fix you something to eat?" "No, thanks." "Cab's waiting outside to take you home." "Okay, thank you." "Good night." "Good night." "Come on." "Too hungry." "Lisa, I think Jesse should go to Bhutan." " What?" " I think Jesse should go to Bhutan." "You're joking, right?" "No." "I've just changed my mind." "About a lot of things these last two days." "What are you saying?" "That you've suddenly started to believe..." "Jesse is this Tibetan lama?" "I thought you were the one that was open to the idea." "Come on, Dean." "This is crazy." "What's going on?" "Nothin's goin' on." "Just think of it as a career opportunity for Jesse." "He can..." "get a little robe..." " and sit on the floor and do meditation..." " It's not funny." " and hang out with the other monks and" " It's not funny, Dean!" "Jesse can't go to Bhutan." "It's just for a couple of weeks." "No, he can't go." "He's got school." "And I'm in the middle of the semester and I can't take him." "I thought I could go with him." " Just the two of you?" " Yeah." "While I stay here?" "But you've never looked after Jesse before." "He's never been away from me." "There's nothing I can do here now except wait... for lawyers to talk to lawyers to talk to lawyers." "Maybe it's the time I need to think about what to do with the rest of my life." "Without me?" "I love you, Lisa." "You'd better." "It's just for a couple of weeks." "It'll be all right." " What if they decide Jesse is this reincarnation?" " They never will." "They already have another candidate, a little boy in Kathmandu." "I'm sorry, Dean." "I'm sorry." "I'm just upset with myself being upset." "I'm just" "For not encouraging you and for... not being able to be with you and Jesse." "And because you're taking the adventure away from me." "Dad." "Dad!" "Good morning, Jesse Long-Ears." "Were you sleeping, Lama?" "No, I was meditating." "What's meditating?" "It is being totally quiet and relaxed, separating yourself from everything around you," "setting your mind free like a bird." "And you can then see your faults... as if they were passing clouds." "Look." "If we can learn to meditate in the right way, we can all reach Enlightenment." "For six years," "Siddhartha and his followers... lived in silence and never left the forest." "For drink, they had rain." "For food, they had a grain of rice... or a broth of mud, or the droppings of a passing bird." "They were trying to master suffering... by making their minds so strong... they would forget about their bodies." "Then, one day..." "Siddhartha heard an old musician... from a passing boat speaking to his pupil." "If you tighten the string too much, it will snap." "And if you leave it too slack, it won't play." "Suddenly, Siddhartha realized... that these simple words held a great truth... and that in all these years he had been following... the wrong path." "If you tighten the string too much, it will snap." "And if you leave it too slack, it will not play." "The village girl offered Siddhartha her bowl of rice." "And for the first time in years, he tasted proper food." "But when the ascetics saw their master... bathing and eating like an ordinary person, they felt betrayed, as if Siddhartha had given up the great search for Enlightenment." "Come..." " and eat with me." " You have betrayed your vows, Siddhartha." " You have given up the search." " We can no longer follow you." " We can no longer learn from you." " To learn is to change." "The path to Enlightenment is in the Middle Way." "It is the line between all opposite extremes." "If I can reach Enlightenment, may this bowl... float upstream." "The Middle Way was the great truth Siddhartha had found, the path he would teach to the world." " Thank you." " Dad, look!" "Are you sure the other boy will be here today, Sangay?" "Of course, of course." "He's always here." "Wow, Dad, isn't it great?" "Yeah, it's lookin' at us." "It's a dome, like the one on your building." "Lama, can I go around and touch those things?" "The prayer wheels?" "Of course." "But remember, you should always walk around clockwise." " Okay, Dad?" " He will be completely safe here." "Okay, Jesse." "I'll see you later." "I'll be watching you!" "Hey, Dad!" "Hey!" "Hey, buddy!" " That's... the boy." " Yes, that is Raju." "Look, Champa, the other candidate." "Amongst all these people, the two of them... have found each other." "How much you give?" "Ten rupee?" "Five rupee?" " One rupee?" " I don't have any money." "What's in your pocket?" " It's my Gameboy." "You want to try?" " Oh!" "Yeah." "I'm champion of Kathmandu." "You're good." "Hey!" "I am champion of Kathmandu!" " What is he doing?" " I'll get it back!" "Come back!" "Hey!" "Dad?" "Hey!" "Mantu!" "Mantu, come back!" "Hey!" "Hey!" "American boy!" "Hey!" "My brother is very naughty, but great singer." " Thanks." "My name's Jesse." " I'm Raju." "Come!" " Hey, up here, buddy." " Dad!" "Hey, Dad!" " Champa, can I ask you something?" " Of course." "Is Lama Norbu sick?" "I see him taking those pills." "He's... not completely well, but very strong." "Dad!" "Dad, this is my new friend." " He found me when I was lost." " We know, Jesse." "We know." "We've been waiting for you both." "We are very pleased to meet you, Raju." "Sangay has told us much about you." "It is good that two of the candidates... have found each other in this way." "Now we must visit a third candidate... whom I've only just heard about." "It will be a very long drive." "So let us hope it is Lama Dorje's..." "last joke." "Lama Dorje always made jokes about impermanence." "Lama, what's "impermanence"?" "You see these people?" "All of us... and all the people alive in the world today" "A hundred years from now we'll all be dead." "That is impermanence." "Jesse?" "Hey." "Hey, Jesse." " You wanna call Mom?" " Yeah." "Come on." "I send help, sahib." " Car broken, sahib?" " Yeah." "Very bad karma." "Oh." "I hope your journey was not too tiring, Lama." "Thank you." "Thank you." " Now I want to meet the child." " Here is my precious." "Gita." "Come and meet Lama Norbu." "Gita, this is Jesse and Raju." "I am the real Lama Dorje, and you are both fakes." "Lama Dorje wasn't a woman." "He was the abbess of a convent." "How would you know?" "I'm sorry, you don't go to school." "And you're a foreigner." "I have a secret garden." "Come." "Come, O ignorant boys." "Me?" "Right here in this garden, my grandfather, who was a raja and a great saint, was eaten by a tiger." " Yeah, right!" " There was a terrible famine, and the tiger was looking for food to feed her babies." "So my grandfather offered himself." "He must've been pretty stupid to do something like that." "Only a great being can do something like that." "Eat me, O poor tiger!" "Eat me!" "You're so hungry!" "Eat me!" "Oh, no!" "Aah!" " Don't eat me!" " This tooth belonged to the tiger that ate my grandfather." "Cool." "You can't fool me." "I heard this story a thousand times, but he don't know that." "My late husband, a man of great faith, made a donation every year to Lama Dorje's monastery." "Then one day, Lama Dorje came here." "Unannounced." "Just appearing at the door like a miracle." "He stayed for two days." "And just as he was leaving, he placed his hand... on my stomach..." "like this." "For a long time, I didn't know what it meant." "But immediately after Lama Dorje died," "I became pregnant." "Something which my husband and I had thought... was impossible." "A month ago, she wrote to me to come right away... because a most amazing thing had happened." " One night, the child" " Gita was... chanting prayers in Tibetan, saying things I couldn't understand." "She was speaking Tibetan in her sleep?" "The Heart sutra." "A little miracle." "How could she know that?" "She was speaking Sanskrit." "Wow, look at that monkey!" " He look like my monkey." " They are all my monkeys." "What's that one called over there?" "Don't laugh." "You'll scare them." "Do you know..." "Siddhartha reached Enlightenment under this tree?" " Yeah?" " Anyhow, a tree just like this one." "Lama!" "Lama, is it true?" "Is this really, like, Siddhartha's tree?" "Well, probably something very similar." "It was outside a little village called Bodgaya." "Siddhartha sat under a great tree, just like this one." "He had found the Middle Way... and restored his body to health." "And then five girls appeared." "They looked like innocent village girls, but in fact they were the five daughters of Mara," "Lord of Darkness." "They were the spirits of Pride," "Greed, Fear," "Ignorance and Desire." "And Mara had sent them... to tempt Siddhartha away from his search." "Mara had tried to tempt Siddhartha... in the cleverest of ways:" "by disguising the temptations of life... in the simplest forms." "But Siddhartha was looking beyond form, beyond the present." "And now Mara was enraged." "It seemed as if Mara had been defeated, but in fact he had not yet given up the battle." "Now he attacked again." "You who go where no one else will dare, will you be my god?" "Architect, finally I have met you." "You will not rebuild your house again." "But I am your house, and you live in me." "O lord of my own ego, you are pure illusion." "You do not exist." "The earth is my witness." "Siddhartha won the battle against an army of demons, just through the force of his love... and the great compassion he had found." "And he achieved... the great calm that precedes... detachment from illusions." "He had reached beyond himself." "He was beyond joy or pain, separate from judgment." "Able to remember that he had been... a girl, a dolphin, a tree, a monkey." "He remembered his first birth... and the millions after that." "He could see beyond the universe." "Siddhartha... had seen the ultimate reality of all things." "He had understood... that every movement in the universe... is an effect provoked by a cause." "He knew there was no salvation... without compassion for every other being." "From that moment on," "Siddhartha was called the Buddha, the Awakened One." "Welcome to our home." "Go on, join them, if you dare." "They began making this mandala the day I left the monastery." "And now it is almost complete." "It's beautiful." "Why is it made of sand?" "To show the impermanence of all within the universe." "So when it is completed, it'll be destroyed with one gesture." "Like that." "It is very mysterious, Your Holiness." "All three children show the same signs." "Then we must ask the oracle, Lama Norbu." "Though in the end, only you can decide." "Raju!" "Raju!" "Oh, my teacher," "I'm so happy to have found you again." "Raju, come here!" "Raju!" "Oh, my teacher," "I'm so happy to have found you again." "My teacher," "I'm so happy to have found you... at last." "Perhaps one day, you will find me." "I am truly happy, three times happy." "But how can we all be Lama Dorje?" "It is very rare, but it has happened before." "Separate manifestations... of the body, the speech and the mind." "None of these three exists without the others." "All of us are attached... like the world to the universe." "But remember this:" "The most important thing of all... is to feel compassion for all beings, to give of oneself, and above all, to pass on knowledge, like the Buddha." "Jesse!" "Jesse!" " You all right?" " Uh, yes, thank you." "A little overcome, that's all." " It's been a kind of emotional time for all of us." "I'm afraid..." "I'm not a very good example... of Buddhist detachment." "Children." "We are all children." "Um... the bowl is for Jesse." "And, uh, this is for you." "My work is done." "Now I can rest." "I can go back to..." "Tibet, to the place I was born." "You still don't believe in reincarnation, do you?" "Yesterday, he talked about going back to Tibet." "He must have meant something different." "Someone like Lama Norbu can remain like this... for ten days... or even more." "He can sit like a mountain, serene and unmovable." "And he can meditate deep and vast as ocean." "And then, smoothly, while doing meditation, he can enter into the state of death... with his own will." " He's dying." " We're all dying every minute." "Death is a big part of life." "Every breath that we breathe... we die." "What about his passion for life?" "What about the people he's leaving behind?" "He will come back." "I don't know if I believe it, but I'd like to." "Lama Norbu passed away." "Raju!" "Jesse!" "Gita!" "They are chanting the Heart Sutra." "The beautiful prayer." "Keep it with you in your hearts, always." "Form is empty." "Emptiness is form." "No eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind." "No color, sound, smell, taste, touch, existing thing." "Lama Norbu just said:" "No eye, no ear, no nose." "No Jesse, no Lama!" "No you!" "No death and no fear!" "No old age in death." "No end to old age in death." "No suffering." "No "cause of"... or "end to"... suffering." "No path." "No wisdom." "And no gain." "No gain." "Thus bodhisattvas lived... in perfect understanding with no hindrance of mind." "No hindrance, therefore, no fear." "Far beyond deluded thoughts." "This is Nirvana." " I can't get it open." " I'll show you." "This is Lama Norbu's kata." "This is Lama Norbu." "Come on, buddy!" "Give me a hand here." "Come on, Lisa." "Everybody goes!" "Okay, I'm coming!" "I only wish we had a crane to get me on board." "I can hear him kicking!" "Or her." "Hey, Jesse." "Is it time?" "Yes." "I think it's time."
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Introduction {#s0005} ============ *Pseudomonas* is a diverse genus known for their ubiquity in the environment and production of secondary metabolites [@bb0005]. Some pseudomonad strains are well-suited to be biocontrol agents [@bb0010], producing a wide range of bioactive metabolites. The general antibiotics produced by *Pseudomonas* include phenazine derivatives, pyoluteorin (Plt), pyrrolnitrin (Prn), hydrogen cyanide (HCN), 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG) and insect toxin [@bb0005]. The ability to release products with antimicrobial activity is the major mechanism by which pseudomonads suppress pathogens. Since the persistent use of chemical pesticides jeopardizes the health of some species like amphibians [@bb0015], biocontrol agents, including plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) such as *Pseudomonas chlororaphis* strains, become the focus of study [@bb0020]. *P. chlororaphis* is an important non-pathogenic biocontrol agent and is studied widely. Many strains show antagonistic activity against a number of disease-causing pathogens, such as *Fusarium oxysporum* f. sp. *radicis-lycopersici* [@bb0025], *Colletotrichum lagenarium*, *Phytophthora capsici*, *Pythium aphanidermatum*, *Pythium ultimum*, *Sclerotinia sclerotiorum*, *F. oxysporum* f. sp. *cucumerinum*, *Corticium sasakii*, *Rhizoctonia solani* [@bb0030] and *Gaeumannomyces graminis* var. *tritici* [@bb0025]. *P. chlororaphis* competitively colonizes the roots, and is distributed worldwide [@bb0030], [@bb0035], [@bb0040]. Additionally, *P. chlororaphis* is well known for its ability to adapt well to the environment using several mechanisms, including the degradation of aromatic compounds [@bb0035], complex regulatory systems [@bb0045], [@bb0050] and metabolism of nitrile compounds [@bb0055]. However, no systematic study of *P. chlororaphis* has been performed. It is important to study the shared and different traits of *P. chlororaphis* at the genomic level to better apply *P. chlororaphis* in agriculture and to promote the production of certain antibiotics. Whole-genome sequencing makes a comparative analysis among strains of *P. chlororaphis* possible. Up until January 2014, four *P. chlororaphis* strains have been whole-genome sequenced. *P. chlororaphis* HT66 was isolated from the rhizosphere of rice in Shanghai, China by our group. This strain shows broad-spectrum resistance to plant pathogens and produces phenazine-1-carboxamide (PCN). *P. chlororaphis* GP72 was isolated from the green pepper rhizosphere by our group, and its genomic information was reported in 2012 [@bb0060]. This strain shows broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity, and can synthesize two phenazine derivatives, phenazine-1-carboxylic acid (PCA) and 2-hydroxyphenazine (2-OH-PHZ). *P. chlororaphis* 30--84 was isolated from the rhizosphere of wheat. Strain 30--84 is regarded as a biocontrol strain because of its ability to control take-all disease. It provides protection mainly by producing phenazines, such as 2-OH-PCA, 2-hydroxyphenazine and PCA [@bb0065]. *P. chlororaphis* O6 was isolated from the rhizosphere of field-grown wheat. It produces phenazines similar to strain 30--84 [@bb0070]. This study first reports the sequencing of the HT66 genome. To identify the shared and divergent genomic characteristics among *P. chlororaphis* strains, we performed a comparative genomic analysis of the four known *P. chlororaphis* strains, HT66, GP72, 30--84 and O6. There are 4833 conserved genes among the four strains and 733 strain-specific genes in the genome of HT66. We focus on their characteristics, such as biocontrol activities, rhizosphere colonization, biosafety, and production of phenazines. Our research provides a theoretical foundation to develop and improve the antagonistic activities of *P. chlororaphis* for agricultural applications, as well as to use *P. chlororaphis* to produce phenazines with high-yield. Results and discussion {#s0010} ====================== General genome features and comparative genomes {#s0025} ----------------------------------------------- The general features of the four *P. chlororaphis* genomes are summarized in [Table 1](#t0005){ref-type="table"}. The genome sizes of HT66, GP72, 30--84 and O6 range from 6.66 to 7.30 Mb, with the number of CDSs ranging from 5869 to 6455. Compared with other pseudomonads, such as *Pseudomonas fluorescens* and *Pseudomonas putida*, these four genomes have higher GC contents [@bb0075], [@bb0080], suggesting that this is a general characteristic of *P. chlororaphis*. The COG database was used to functionally categorize predicted proteins [@bb0085], and we made a comparison of COG categories among the four strains (HT66, GP72, 30--84 and O6). The results are shown in [Fig. 1](#f0005){ref-type="fig"}. The COGs for the four strains showed highly similar distributions, especially COGs F and J, suggesting that the four strains have comparable biological niches. The percentage of genes in COG H was slightly higher in GP72 (approximately 3.95% of the total genes with COG annotations) than in the other three strains (3.77% in HT66, 3.78% in 30--84 and 3.78% in O6), suggesting that genes associated with coenzymes take more proportion in the genome of GP72. We established a phylogenetic tree for completely sequenced representative strains of pseudomonad based on multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) ([Fig. 2](#f0010){ref-type="fig"}). The tree showed that these four strains of *P. chlororaphis* fall into the same clade. The most closely related pseudomonad species to this clade was *P. fluorescens*, followed by *Pseudomonas syringae*. *P. chlororaphis* may share a more recent common ancestor with *P. fluorescens* than with *P. syringae*. Conserved and specific regions in the genome can be identified through global alignments. BLASTatlas gives an overview of the whole genome homology, and the reference genome can be compared at the gene and/or protein level against many genomes [@bb0090]. In this study, the reference genome of HT66 was compared to the other three query genomes ([Fig. 3](#f0015){ref-type="fig"}). mGenomeSubtractor performs a mpiBLAST based on in silico subtractive hybridization to identify conserved and strain-specific proteins. In this analysis, proteins with homology (H) values of less than 0.42 or more than 0.81 are defined arbitrarily as strain-specific or conserved, respectively [@bb0095]. The degree of protein conservation among HT66 and the other three genomes were determined by blastp based on homology value. The distribution of homology values for the 6455 predicted CDSs from *P. chlororaphis* HT66 compared with the other three genomes is shown in [Fig. 4](#f0020){ref-type="fig"}A. Genes conserved among all of four *P. chlororaphis* isolates comprised 4833 CDSs, representing 74.9%, 79.3%, 82.3% and 77.5% of the coding capacity in HT66, GP72, 30--84 and O6, respectively. Comparisons between HT66 and the other three strains (GP72, 30--84, and O6) revealed that 730 CDSs, 11.3% of the total coding capacity, were HT66 specific (E-value \< 10^− 5^) ([Fig. 4](#f0020){ref-type="fig"}B). Among the 730 genes, we found that 192 genes formed 18 gene clusters. The 192 genes were individually blasted on NCBI (<http://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi>). Four clusters showed high homology with *Pseudomonas protegens* Pf-5. One may be related to the metabolism of polysaccharides, one is similar with hemophore and may be responsible for the acquisition of heme, one may represent an *ofa* cluster responsible for the production of orfamide A which was first found in *P. chlororaphis*, and one\'s function remained undetermined. Two additional clusters showed high homology, with one being similar to *P. putida* HB3267, which may be related to phage, and the other having homology with *Pseudomonas* sp. UW4, which has unknown functions. Genomic islands (GIs) {#s0030} --------------------- GIs were identified by IslandViewer [@bb0100]. Since the genome of GP72 contains many contigs, the GI predictions were not reliable (data not shown). The genome of HT66 contains 23 putative GIs ([Fig. 5](#f0025){ref-type="fig"}A), which is more than the other two genomes. The islands range in size from 4008 bp (HGI-5) to 16,094 bp (HGI-18). The largest, HGI-18, contains 10 genes and the smallest, HGI-5, is composed of four genes. Unlike the genome of 30--84 and O6, the GC contents of the putative islands, ranging from 42.65% (HGI-22) to 58.61% (HGI-1), are lower than the average GC content, 62.60%, of the HT66 genome. Compared with the genomes of 30--84 and O6, HT66 has more mobile genetic elements (MGEs). There are five islands (HGI-3, HGI-16, HGI-20, HGI-21 and HGI-23) that contain genes related to putative integrases and two islands (HGI-9 and HGI-14) contain genes encoding putative transposases. Of the 10 genes in HGI-18, five of them (M217_2064, M217_2065, M217_2066, M217_2067 and M217_2068) showed high similarities (84%, 85%, 87%, 89% and 84% at the amino acid level, respectively) with *batOPQRS* genes found in *P. fluorescens* strain BCCM_ID9359. The *bat* gene cluster is responsible for the biosynthesis of kalimantacin/batumin, which has a strong antibacterial activity [@bb0105]. However, the other essential genes in the *bat* cluster are not found in the HT66 genome. Thirteen putative GIs, ranging from 4158 bp (GI-11) to 43,856 bp (GI-6), were identified in 30--84 ([Fig. 5](#f0025){ref-type="fig"}B). The largest, GI 6, is composed of 19 genes, whereas the smallest, GI-11, contains six genes. In the 30--84 genome, nine GIs have lower GC contents, ranging from 43.96% (GI-3) to 59.74% (GI-4), two GIs have higher GC contents, 65.40% for GI-8 and 66.28 for GI-13, and two GIs have analogous GC contents, 61.52% for GI-2 and 60.17% for GI-7, when compared with the average GC content of 62.90%. GI-7 contains a gene (PCHL3084_3079) that encodes a putative transposase and both GI-11 and GI-6 contain genes (PCHL3084_4852 and PCHL3084_3061, respectively) that encode putative integrases. In the genome of O6, 11 putative GIs were identified ([Fig. 5](#f0025){ref-type="fig"}C), with sizes ranging from 4141 bp (OGI-9) to 22,717 bp (OGI-3). The largest GI, OGI-3, contained 13 genes, while only three genes were predicted in the smallest OGI-9. The GC contents of 10 of the islands are lower than the 62.80% average, ranging from 42.92% (OGI-5) to 59.46% (OGI-7). The remaining GI, OGI-11, has a similar GC content, 60.25%, to the average of the O6 genome. OGI-3 contains an integrase gene (PCHLO6_5969) and a transposase gene (PCHLO6_5968), while OGI-6 has two genes (PCHLO6_3566 and PCHLO6_3567) related to transposases. The GIs with MGEs may be able to self-mobilize. The comparative analysis revealed that none of the GIs found in HT66, 30--84 and O6 were in the GP72 genome. Rhizosphere colonization {#s0035} ------------------------ In contrast to the lack of nutrients in soil, the root of plant can secrete a series of compounds to provide rich nutrients for the growth of PGPR. Rhizosphere colonization is important for bacteria to adapt to the nutrient-lack environment. Also rhizosphere colonization is the first step in nearly all interactions between soilborne microorganisms and plants. *Pseudomonas* PGPR strains are regarded as good root colonizers, including the biocontrol bacterium *P. fluorescens* WCS365 and the model bacterium *P. fluorescens* F113 for rhizosphere colonization [@bb0110], [@bb0115]. The major genes and traits involved in colonization competence are identified. Martínez-Granero [@bb0120] reported that variants of *P. fluorescens* F113 with high motility were more competitive in rhizosphere colonization. Flagella play important roles in competitive tomato root tip colonization by *P. fluorescens*. Genes involved in chemotaxis and motility are found in the four genomes. For example, HT66 contains 45 genes related to chemotaxis, including 28 genes encoding methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCPs). The genome of HT66 contains 42 genes associated with flagellar biosynthesis, including the *fli* (M217_2401--2406), *flh* (M217_2407--2409) and *flg* (M217_5381--5385) operons. There are 40, 42 and 43 genes involved in flagellar biosynthesis in the genomes of GP72, 30--84 and O6, respectively. The *fli*, *flh* and *flg* operons are similarly organized in all four *P. chlororaphis* strains, and show 85% identity at nucleotide level to those located in F113. However, some genes were missing in *P. chlororaphis* strains, such as *flhC*, *flhD* and *fliT*. Whether these differences may affect the ability of motility for *P. chlororaphis* is unclear and remains to be clarified. Root adhesion is just as important as motility for competitive colonization. Pili are appendages on the cell surface that are mainly involved in adhesion. Type IV pili are related to twitching motility and play very important roles in the colonization of plant hosts. Among the *P. chlororaphis* genomes, we identified three putative clusters of type IV pilus biosynthesis genes ([Additional file 1](#ec0005){ref-type="supplementary-material"}), *pilACD*, *pilEYXWV*/*fimUT*, and *pilMNOPQ*, as well as five *pilZ* genes. One cluster, *pilGHIJ*/*chpAC*, was identified in the four genomes and involved in the complex regulatory system for pili biosynthesis. In addition to the biosynthesis of pili, we also found several genes involved in root adhesion in these four *P. chlororaphis* strains, such as genes related to the biosynthesis of filamentous hemagglutinin, hemolysin, lipopolysaccharide O-antigen and alginate ([Additional file 1](#ec0005){ref-type="supplementary-material"}). The functions of these genes have been verified in other species. The genes related to rhizosphere colonization in the four genomes showed a high similarity with each other. This suggests that *P. chlororaphis* may share a similar mechanism in root colonization. Direct plant-growth promotion {#s0040} ----------------------------- Rhizobacteria can directly affect plant growth and development by producing or degrading phytohormones [@bb0125]. Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) is a well-known plant growth regulator that controls many important plant physiological processes. GP72 and O6 can synthesize IAA via the indole-3-acetamide (IAM) pathway [@bb0130], [@bb0135]. Genes homologous with those encoding tryptophan-2-monooxygenase (*iaaM*, M217_00681/02326) and indoleacetamide hydrolase (*iaaH*, M217_05950/02325/02091/03298) are defective in the HT66 genome, suggesting that HT66 may produce IAA only under certain conditions. 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) is the precursor of ethylene. The accumulation of ethylene results in the inhibition of root elongation and the acceleration of abscission and senescence [@bb0140]. Putative genes encoding ACC deaminase (M217_04875, MOK_02139, PCHL3084_03963 and PCHLO6_04108) were identified in the four *P. chlororaphis* genomes. ACC deaminase counteracts the plants\' ethylene response by degrading ACC into ammonia and α-ketobutyrate to enhance root growth [@bb0145]. We also found genes related to the catabolism of phenylacetic acid (PAA) (M217_03637--03649, MOK_00348--00336, PCHL3084_02993--02981 and PCHLO6_03084--03072), a plant auxin with antimicrobial activity, in the four genomes. The cluster found in *P. chlororaphis* is similar to the *paa* operon in *P. putida U*, and is involved in the degradation of phenylacetic acid under aerobic conditions. Biocontrol activities {#s0045} --------------------- According to a previous study, the biocontrol abilities of *Pseudomonas* spp. strains play important roles in their capacity to inhibit pathogens. Like other pseudomonad species, *P. chlororaphis* secretes a series of broad spectrum of antibiotics to suppress pathogens [@bb0150]. According to our study, HT66 could suppress *R. solani*, *P. ultimum*, *F. oxysporum* f. sp. *niveum* and the pathogen of Stevia leaf spot disease ([Additional file 2](#f0035){ref-type="fig"}). The putative secondary metabolites were predicted using antiSMASH [@bb0155]. According to our genomic analysis and research in the literature, *P. chlororaphis* produces phenazines, hydrogen cyanide, 2-hexyl-5-propyl-alkylresorcinol (HPR), two siderophores, pyoverdine (Pvd), achromobactin (Acr), *P. fluorescens i*nsecticidal *t*oxin (Fit) and other antibiotics ([Table 2](#t0010){ref-type="table"}). 2-Hexyl-5-propyl-alkylresorcinol (HPR) was reported to show moderate antifungal and antibacterial activities. In the genomes of GP72, 30--84 and O6, a locus similar to the HPR biosynthetic gene cluster (*darABCRS*) described in some other *Pseudomonas* strains [@bb0160], [@bb0165], [@bb0170], [@bb0175] was identified. In the HT66 genome, we only found genes homologous with *darS* and *darR*, which are required to increase the production of HPR [@bb0160]. FitD is related to the potent insecticidal activity of *P. protegens* Pf-5 and CHA0 [@bb0180]. The complete *fit* locus detected in all of four *P. chlororaphis* strains showed a high similarity with that in Pf-5, suggesting that *P. chlororaphis* strains also possess potent insecticidal activity. Orfamide A was found by the genomisotopic approach in Pf-5. It exhibits a role in motility as well as biocontrol activity [@bb0185]. Orfamide A is encoded by an orphan gene cluster composed of *ofaA*, *ofaB* and *ofaC*. This *ofa* cluster was only found in the HT66 genome (M217_04407--04409) among four strains. Interestingly, no mobile elements have been detected near the cluster, thus the mechanism to obtain this cluster remains unknown. The biosynthesis of orfamide A may be conductive to the motility and antimicrobial activity of HT66. The synthesis of siderophores also contributes to the biocontrol activity of *Pseudomonas* and promotes host plant growth. The complete gene cluster for the biosynthesis of Pvd was detected in the four strains. In addition, the four strains also contain putative genes to encode a second siderophore, achromobactin (Acr). HCN is a secondary metabolite produced by some *Pseudomonas* spp., also has biocontrol activity, and the biosynthetic gene cluster (*hcnCBA*) was found in the four *P. chlororaphis* genomes. Prn is an important antibiotic and putative genes involved in the biosynthesis of Prn were detected in the genomes of GP72, 30--84 and O6. *P. chlororaphis* can secrete a variety of secondary metabolites with biocontrol activities. Compared with *P. protegens* Pf-5, *P. chlororaphis* has one advantage to synthesize phenazine derivatives, which have shown impressive antibiosis activities. The presence of a gene cluster for HPR biosynthesis may allow *P. chlororaphis* to exhibit better inhibition to pathogens or competitors. The different antibiotics produced by *P. chlororaphis* enhance the diversity of antibiosis activities. The production of phenazines {#s0050} ---------------------------- Phenazines play important roles in suppressing root diseases caused by pathogens [@bb0190]. There are a variety of phenazine derivatives found in different *Pseudomonas* spp., such as *P. fluorescens* [@bb0195], *Pseudomonas aeruginosa* [@bb0200], and *P. chlororaphis* [@bb0205]. Each genome of the four *P. chlororaphis* strains contains one phenazine biosynthetic gene cluster as shown in [Fig. 6](#f0030){ref-type="fig"}A, but the modifying genes differed among the four genomes. The genome of HT66 contains *phzH*, which encodes an asparagine synthetase that converts PCA to PCN by catalyzing the transaminase reaction [@bb0210], while GP72, 30--84 and O6 contain *phzO*, which encodes an aromatic monooxygenase involved in the hydroxylation of PCA to 2-OH-PCA [@bb0065]. It has been reported that the antifungal activity of PCN was more than 10 times higher than PCA at neutral pH [@bb0025]. Our studies also showed that after 24 h of incubation, only PCN was found in the fermentation broth with HT66, while PCA and 2-OH-PCA or 2-OH-PHZ existed in the fermentation broth with GP72, 30--84 and O6. This suggested that *phzH* was more active than *phzO*. Besides, our studies also showed that the yield of PCN in strain HT66 is obviously higher than the yield of phenazines detected in wild-type of GP72, O6 and 30--84 ([Fig. 6](#f0030){ref-type="fig"}B) [@bb0215], [@bb0220], [@bb0225]. The *P. chlororaphis* strains have high proportions of regulatory genes ([Additional file 3](#ec0010){ref-type="supplementary-material"}), and HT66 contains the greatest number. Our analysis shows that there are 543 putative regulatory genes in the HT66 genome and the proportion of regulatory genes is 8.4%. There were 499 (8.2%), 501 (8.5%) and 526 (8.4%) regulatory genes in the genomes of GP72, 30--84, and O6, respectively. Also, genes reported to relate to the regulation of phenazine production were detected among the four strains, such as *psrA*, *rpoS*, *rpeA* and *lon* proteases [@bb0045], [@bb0230], [@bb0235]. The mutation of *psrA* could threefold increase the phenazine production in PCL1391, and the loss of *rpeA* significantly increased the phenazine production in 30--84 [@bb0230]. It is suggested that we can produce phenazines with high-yield by constructing gene engineering strain of HT66 or other three strains. In addition to *phzH* and *phzO*, there are other modifying genes, such as *phzS* and *phzM*. *phzS*, which encodes a flavin-containing monooxygenase, and *phzM*, which encodes a putative phenazine-specific methyltransferase, are responsible for the conversion of PCA into PYO at certain conditions [@bb0200]. However, pyocyanin (PYO) is involved in pulmonary tissue damage [@bb0240], *P. chlororaphis* is unable to synthesize PYO and makes it more suitable for agricultural applications. Virulence factors {#s0055} ----------------- Like other biosafety strains of *Pseudomonas*, *P. chlororaphis* lacks the key virulence or virulence-related factors. *P. chlororaphis* lacks genomic islands that are homologous with pathogenic islands such as PAPI-1 and PAPI-2 [@bb0245]. Also, genes required for the biosynthesis of phytotoxins (syringomycin, syringopeptin and coronatine) and exoenzymes (cellulases, pectinases and pectin lyases) involved in the degradation of plant cell walls are absent from the genomes of the *P. chlororaphis* strains. No evidence for a type III secretion pathway was found in the genomes of the four *P. chlororaphis* strains. This suggests that *P. chlororaphis* strains are safe for biocontrol applications. Conclusion {#s0015} ========== A comparative genomic analysis of the genomes of HT66, GP72, 30--84 and O6 showed similarities and differences among traits of *P. chlororaphis* strains. It provided new insights into traits involved in the adaption of *Pseudomonas* to environmental niches and in the promotion of plant growth. Our analysis showed that *P. chlororaphis* strains are highly similar in genomic level. Additionally, we analyzed genes related to plant growth promotion. The genomic information indicated that the production of antifungal metabolites differed but all of four strains have one phenazine biosynthesis gene cluster. But the phenazine derivative found in HT66 is PCN whereas the other three strains produce 2-OH-PHZ and PCA. However, only HT66 contains putative genes encoding orfamide A. Also, all of four *P. chlororaphis* strains contain the complete *fit* locus, suggesting that *P. chlororaphis* strains possess potent insecticidal activity. The diversity of antibiotics may allow *P. chlororaphis* to inhibit various pathogens, such as fungi, bacteria and some kinds of insects. Besides, the production of phenazines in HT66 is obviously higher than other strains, and some genes related to the regulation of phenazine biosynthesis have been detected in the four genomes. The analysis of genes contributing to the regulation and biosynthesis of antibiotics may lay the foundation for transforming *P. chlororaphis* to produce high levels of antibiotics. Finally, key virulence or virulence-related factors were absent from the *P. chlororaphis* strains, indicating that *P. chlororaphis* is safe and suitable to be applied in agriculture. Materials and methods {#s0020} ===================== Medium for HT66 and genomic DNA extraction {#s0060} ------------------------------------------ *P. chlororaphis* HT66 was isolated from a rice rhizosphere in Shanghai, China and showed antimicrobial activity to plant pathogenic bacteria. A single colony of HT66 grown on King\'s medium B plate (KB) was inoculated into 5 mL of KB broth and incubated overnight with shaking at 28 °C. Bacterial cells were collected by centrifugation and the genomic DNA was extracted with an Easy Pure Genomic DNA kit (TransGen Biotech) according to the manufacturer\'s instructions. Genome sequencing and annotation {#s0065} -------------------------------- The genome of *P. chlororaphis* HT66 was sequenced using the Illumina Miseq platform (to 40-fold of the sequencing coverage) with paired-end reads. First, a paired-end library was prepared from 4 μg of DNA and subsequently sequenced, generating 590,886 reads in 296,624,772 bp of sequencing data. The data was initially assembled using a Celera Assembler 7.0 and 87 contigs ranging from 112 to 529,941 bp were obtained. 40 scaffolds with genome size of 7.30 Mb ranging from 1906 to 1,134,406 were obtained. The genomes of HT66, 30--84 and O6 were first automatically annotated using the RAST server [@bb0250] and IMG/ER system (<https://img.jgi.doe.gov/cgi-bin/er/main.cgi>) [@bb0255]. The annotations from these two programs were manual curated and combined. Nucleotide sequence accession number {#s0070} ------------------------------------ This Whole Genome Shotgun project of HT66 has been deposited in DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank under the accession number [ATBG00000000](ncbi-wgs:ATBG00000000){#ir0050}. Bioinformatics analysis {#s0075} ----------------------- The genome sequence of HT66 was aligned against other *Pseudomonas* sequences from NCBI\'s database. BLASTatlases were generated using an online tool, GView Server (<https://server.gview.ca/>). Conserved and strain-specific genes were identified based on the homology (H) value (proteins with H values of less than 0.42 or more than 0.81 at E-value \< 10^− 5^ are defined arbitrarily as strain-specific or conserved, respectively) using the mGenomeSubtractor web server (<http://bioinfo-mml.sjtu.edu.cn/mGS/>) [@bb0095]. A comparative genomic analysis of HT66, GP72, 30--84 and O6 was conducted using the IMG website\'s tool, which defined genes with a 60% identity at an E-value \< 10^− 2^ as homologous to those in HT66. The genomic islands were identified using IslandViewer (<http://www.pathogenomics.sfu.ca/islandviewer/query.php>) [@bb0100]. Secondary metabolite production clusters were examined using the antiSMASH program (<http://antismash.secondarymetabolites.org/>) [@bb0155]. The phylogenetic relationships among completely sequenced *Pseudomonas* were determined using the sequences of 1) 16S rRNA and 2) concatenated alignments of 9 highly conserved housekeeping genes: *aroE*, *dnaA*, *guaA*, *gyrB*, *mutL*, *ppsA*, *pyrC*, *recA* and *rpoB*. The multiple-sequence alignments were carried out with ClustalW [@bb0260]. A neighbor-joining tree with 1000 bootstrap replicates was generated using MEGA 6.0 software [@bb0265]. Resistance to plant pathogens {#s0080} ----------------------------- Four normal plant pathogens: *R. solani*, *P. ultimum*, *F. oxysporum* f. sp. *niveum* and the pathogen of Stevia leaf spot disease, were chosen to test the biocontrol activities of HT66. The plant pathogenic bacteria were fully activated on PDA plate. After 3 days of incubation, hyphae block with 8 mm of diameter was added on one side of new PDA plate. The strain HT66 was activated on KB plate and then transferred into new KB broth and incubated to log phase. 10 μL cell suspension was added on filter paper whose diameter also remains to be 8 mm. The distance of the center of the filter paper and hyphae block was 25 mm. The plate was incubated under 28 °C for 5 days. Quantification of phenazine production in HT66 {#s0085} ---------------------------------------------- 400 μL supernatants of 24 h cultures were extracted with 9-times volumes of ethyl acetate and were acidified with adding 20 μL concentrated HCl. Following evaporation of the ethyl acetate under air, phenazines were resuspended in 100% acetonitrile and quantified with HPLC. HPLC was performed with a WondaSil C18-WR column (5 μm; 4.6 × 250 mm, Shimadzu, Japan) and a linear 8 to 60% (vol/vol) gradient of acetonitrile in water with a flow rate of 1 mL/min. UV detection was performed with wavelength scanning at 254 nm. The following are the supplementary data related to this article.Additional file 1Genes related to root colonization among *P. chlororaphis* (table).Additional file 2The biocontrol activities of HT66 strain (figure).Four normal plant pathogens: *R. solani*, *P. ultimum*, *Fusarium oxysporum* f. sp. *niveum* and the pathogen of Stevia leaf spot disease, were chosen to test the biocontrol activities of HT66. (A) *R. solani*; (B) *P. ultimum*; (C) *Fusarium oxysporum* f. sp. *niveum*; (D) the pathogen of Stevia leaf spot disease.Additional file 3Numbers of putative genes involved in regulation in the genomes of four *P. chlororaphis* strains (table). Conflict of interests {#s0090} ===================== The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Authors\' contributions {#s0095} ======================= XHZ, YWC, HBH, HSP and XMS conceived, coordinated and designed the research. WW, XHZ and YWC were responsible for sequencing, finishing and annotating data. YWC, XHZ, XMS and HSP performed experiments and data analyses. XHZ, YWC, HSP and XMS contributed to materials and analysis tools. XHZ, YWC, XMS and HBH drafted the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. We are grateful to the sequencing team at Shanghai Personal Biotechnology Co., Ltd. for genome sequencing. Additionally, we would like to acknowledge Dr. Hongyu Ou at Shanghai Jiao Tong University for his assistance with the analysis tools. Our study was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (no. 31270084), the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (no. 2012AA022107), and the China National Key Basic Research Program (2012CB721005). ![Comparison of Clusters of Orthologous Group (COG) categories among the four *P. chlororaphis* strains.\ The comparison was based on 22 COG categories: RNA processing and modification (A), chromatin structure and dynamics (B), energy production and conversion (C), cell cycle control, cell division, and chromosome partitioning (D), amino acid transport and metabolism (E), nucleotide transport and metabolism (F), carbohydrate transport and metabolism (G), coenzyme transport and metabolism (H), lipid transport and metabolism (I), translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis (J), transcription (K), replication, recombination and repair (L), cell wall, membrane, and envelope biogenesis (M), cell motility (N), posttranslational modification, protein turnover, and chaperones (O), inorganic transport and metabolism (P), secondary metabolite biosynthesis, transport and catabolism (Q), general function prediction only (R), function unknown (S), signal transduction mechanisms (T), intracellular trafficking, secretion and vesicular transport (U), and defense mechanisms (V).](gr1){#f0005} ![Phylogenetic relationships among completely sequenced *Pseudomonas* species.\ A phylogenetic tree was constructed based on the sequences of 16s rRNA, *aroE*, *dnaA*, *guaA*, *gyrB*, *mutL*, *ppsA*, *pyrC*, *recA* and *rpoB* from each of the *Pseudomonas* genomes using the neighbor-joining method with 1000 bootstrap replicates. Numbers on nodes represent the percentages of individual trees containing that relationship.](gr2){#f0010} ![Genome atlas diagram for the chromosome of *Pseudomonas chlororaphis* HT66.\ A GenomeAtlas diagram was drawn using comparisons between *P. chlororaphis* HT66 and three other strains. The HT66 genome was used as the reference sequence and is shown in green (line 4). Circles from outside to inside with different colors represent the strains as follows: red, *P. chlororaphis* GP72 (line 1); brown, *P. chlororaphis* 30--84 (line 2); and orange, *P. chlororaphis* O6 (line 3). A lack of color is used when HT66 genes do not exist in the genome of corresponding strain at that position. The GC content and GC skew are shown in line 5 and line 6, respectively. The scale is shown in line 7.](gr3){#f0015} ![Homology analysis between the *P. chlororaphis* HT66 genome and three other *P. chlororaphis* genomes.\ The mGenomeSubtractor defines coding sequences (CDSs) with a homology (H) value of less than 0.42 as strain-specific, and those with an H value of more than 0.81 as conserved [@bb0095].\ (A) The H-value distribution of 6455 predicted CDSs from HT66 compared with the other three genomes: GP72 (red), 30--84 (green) and O6 (blue).\ (B) Numbers of conserved and strain-specific genes in the genome of HT66 compared with the other three genomes. The total numbers of conserved and strain-specific genes are marked above the bars.](gr4){#f0020} ![Putative genomic islands of *P. chlororaphis* strains HT66, 30--84 and O6 as predicted by Island Viewer.\ The outer black circle represents the scale line in Mbps. Color indicates the putative genomic islands based on the following methods: Islandpick, green; SIGI-HMM, orange; IslandPath-DIMOB, blue; and integrated detection, red. (A) putative genomic islands of HT66; (B) putative genomic islands of 30--84; and (C) putative genomic islands of O6.](gr5){#f0025} ![Phenazine biosynthesis gene clusters and the production of phenazines in *P. chlororaphis*.\ Phenazine biosynthesis gene clusters are detected in the genomes of *P. chlororaphis* strains. Those genes are shown in different colors. The same color between two strains indicates that the genes are homologous.\ (A1) phenazine biosynthesis gene cluster in strain HT66; (A2) phenazine biosynthesis gene clusters in strains GP72, 30--84 and O6; (B) the production of phenazines in four *P. chlororaphis* strains [@bb0215], [@bb0220], [@bb0225].](gr6){#f0030} ###### General features of the four *P. chlororaphis* strains. HT66 GP72 30--84 O6 ----------------------------------------------------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- Number of bases 7,298,823 bp 6,663,241 bp 6,665,021 bp 6,977,251 bp G + C (%) 62.60 62.89 62.9 62.8 Protein-coding genes 6455 6091 5869 6236 No. of protein-coding genes with function prediction 5423 5062 5023 5278 No. of protein-coding genes without function prediction 1032 1029 846 949 No. of protein-coding genes connected to KEGG Orthology 3299 3152 3118 3169 No. of protein-coding genes with COGs 4679 4454 4297 4489 No. of protein-coding genes coding signal peptides 719 662 652 664 No. of protein-coding genes coding transmembrane proteins 1509 1444 1400 1453 Coding percentage 88.33% 87.96% 88.12% 88.00% RNA genes 147 88 156 142 rRNA genes (5S rRNA, 16S rRNA, 23S rRNA) 12 (6, 1, 5) 7 (2, 1, 4) 19 (7, 6, 6) 10 (5, 1, 4) tRNA genes 57 61 69 60 Other RNA genes 78 20 68 72 Gene annotations and comparisons were obtained from the IMG database [@bb0255]. ###### Secondary metabolites produced by *Pseudomonas chlororaphis*. HT66 GP72 30--84 O6 --------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- Hydrogen cyanide (HCN) HCN HCN HCN HCN Phenazine PCN PCA, 2-OH-PCA PCA, 2-OH-PCA PCA, 2-OH-PCA Pyrrolnitrin (Prn) --[a](#tf0005){ref-type="table-fn"} Prn Prn Prn 2-Hexyl-5-propyl-alkylresorcinol -- HPR HPR HPR Orfamide Orfamide A -- -- -- Pyoverdine (Pvd) Pvd Pvd Pvd Pvd Achromobactin (Acr) Acr Acr Acr Acr *P. fluorescens i*nsecticidal *t*oxin (Fit) FitD FitD FitD FitD "--" indicates that the secondary metabolite is not present in the corresponding strain based on previous studies and genomic sequence data.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
Photo credit: Westend61 / Getty From Popular Mechanics Designing a good artificial intelligence is hard. For a company like Google, which relies heavily on AI, designing the best possible AI software is crucial. And who better to design an AI than another AI? If you said "literally anyone else" you might be right, but folks at Google's AI research lab, Google Brain, would disagree. The lab is reportedly building AI software that can build more AI software, with the goal of making future AI cheaper and easier. [contentlinks align="left" textonly="false" numbered="false" headline="Related%20Stories" customtitles="Google%20Is%20Working%20on%20Plans%20to%20Prevent%20Skynet%7CGoogle%20AIs%20Learn%20to%20Communicate%20In%20Secret%20Code%7CDon't%20Fear%20Skynet:%20Robot%20Brains%20Just%20Want%20to%20Love" customimages="||" content="article.21154|article.23598|article.18066"] Currently, building a powerful AI is hard work. It takes time to carefully train AIs using machine-learning, and money to hire experts who know the tools required to do it. Google Brain's ultimate aim is to reduce these costs and make artificial intelligence more accessible and efficient. If a university or corporation looking to build an AI of their own could simply rent an AI builder instead of hiring a team of experts, it would lower the cost and increase the number of AIs, spreading the benefits of the technology far and wide. What's more, using AIs to build more AIs may also increase the speed at which new AIs can be made. Currently, AIs can require weeks or months to learn how to do tasks by using unfathomably large amounts of computing power to try things over and over again, quite literally starting with no understanding of anything they're doing. AI trainers might find ways to optimize that process that no human could hope to discover. The downside is that AI building more AIs sure seems like it's inviting a runaway cascade and, eventually, Skynet. After all, one of the things that makes machine-learning AIs so effective is that they learn in ways that are completely unlike-and often completely opaque to-humans. Once you've trained an AI to accomplish a certain goal, you can't necessarily crack it open and see how it is doing it. Its understanding of the world is utterly alien. That's why Google's plans to prevent a Skynet type catastrophe involve gently discouraging AIs from disabling their own killswitches as they are being trained. Story continues For now, Google says its AI maker is not advanced enough yet to compete with human engineers. However, given the rapid pace of AI development, it may only be a few years before that is no longer true. Hopefully it doesn't happen before we are ready. Source: MIT Technology Review You Might Also Like
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I am still dumbfounded why they fired a coach that at worst took them to 9-3 seasons, still recruited good players, to hire a guy that was 0-2 at ole miss vs Mike Shula(who was on probation). Not only that Miles would fight tooth and nail to get the best La recruits. O is the biggest Baffoon to ever coach the sidelines. They clamored for this. Well LSU is going back to the days before Saban got there. They were Homecoming fodder until Saban made them a power. These coaches are getting fired for not being able to beat Saban. What these schools should do is, if they have a coach that only loses to Saban, hang in there until he retires. Then own. Unless we get Dabo from Clemson Tomorrow will be the first time that Michigan and Michigan State face off under the lights of prime time. Still not sure how I feel about it (nervous excitement, I guess?), but it should be a decent one. Both universities have kinda fought against this game taking place at night for some time, but since tv dictates the terms now that really no longer became an option.A few days ago, a writer for the Detroit Free Press wrote that the Spartans are Michigan's real rivals now (and not Ohio State), and they should accept it. Of course Spartan fans and a few others latched onto the laughable idea, proving once again the "little brother" tag bestowed upon them by Mike Hart 10 years ago still applies today. While there's no doubt that Coach Mark Dantonio has certainly brought the Spartans to incredible heights the last 10 years and built his program around hating Michigan (this is their Super Bowl) and their perceived (okay, some of it's actual too) "disrespect" from their rivals in Ann Arbor, no...you are still not Michigan's biggest rival. Yes, he's used that to jump to a 7-3 record against Michigan (also had some help from Rich Rodriguez and Brady Hoke), and yeah, it's annoying. Still not our biggest rival.All that being said, I'm getting the same nervous feeling I typically get in my gut the night before one of these rivalry games. It's a feeling I've gotten almost every year that I've known this rivalry (with the exception of 2002 and 2006). Being in Michigan, this can get personal too. Winning gives you bragging rights for a year, which is crucial when you live in the state and almost everyone you know has ties to either of the schools. Up until the last 10 years, Michigan for the most part kept those bragging rights (and that Paul Bunyan trophy) in Ann Arbor. Prior to 2007, you really could term this game as a "no-win" game for Michigan. Win, and you're doing what you're supposed to do. Lose, however, and it was a guarantee that little brother would never shut the fuck up about it. That's where my nervousness about this game typically came from. Then Dantonio came along, and things got upended for a little bit. Now Jim Harbaugh is here, and is one fluke play away from being 2-0 against MSU (you all know the loss, I don't need to bring it up). Harbaugh has also made an impressive turnaround of the Michigan football program since his arrival, and that (combined with MSU's colllapse to 3-9 last season) has put the Wolverines once again into that "no-win" status against the Spartans. Michigan is favored, by 10.5 points...but yet again, I just have this feeling this game will more than likely come down to the wire. I hate Dantonio, but if there's one thing he's good at it's getting his team up for this game. I expect nothing less than MSU's best shot here. Should be a fun one at night. A&M kicked our shit in (maybe a tad bit of help from the refs) I still think that 1st TD by the aggies was out of bounds. How the F*** did they lose to UCLA? Now they will shit the bed vs the barm and allow them to run over the ags LOL But these rumors have been around forever about the scandalous village on the plains. Not shocked at all. Just this year we have softball coaches screwing players, Basketball players being paid to sign with agents and now this.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Q: Нужно чтобы бот правильно отвечал пользователю который вводит число. Я создал список из таких чисел, но бот все равно не отвечает Я поместил в список числа, при вводе которых пользователем, бот понимал, что ответить. Но по какой то причине ничего не получается. Бот ничего не отвечает P.s Я новичок в python #main.py @bot.message_handler(content_types=['text']) def response(message): try: filename = 'UserName.json' rub = message.text if rub == config.scr(): with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: json.dump(rub, f, ensure_ascii=False) bot.send_message(message.chat.id, 'Вы переводите ' + rub + ' рублей') else: bot.send_message(message.chat.id, 'Введите корректную сумму!') except FileNotFoundError: print('error') #config.py def scr(): n = 100001 ls = [] for i in range(n): ls.append(i) for elem in ls[:1000]: ls.remove(elem) array = [str(i) for i in ls] A: В config.py / scr у вас не возвращается список. Вместо array = [str(i) for i in ls] напишите return [str(i) for i in ls] В config.py / response неправильная проверка наличия числа в списке. У вас проверяется, что введенное значение (строка) равна список. Нужно использовать оператор in: if rub in config.scr(): Мне кажется проверка диапазона суммы выглядит излишней. Предлагаю математически сравнивать. Тут получаемую сумму пытаемся перевести к целому числу через int, если строка не является целым числом, то выбросится исключение ValueError После проверяем что число входит в диапазон от 1 до 1000 (подправьте, если нужен другой диапазон) Пример: @bot.message_handler(content_types=['text']) def response(message): try: rub = int(message.text) if rub <= 0 or rub > 1000: raise ValueError() filename = 'UserName.json' with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: json.dump(rub, f, ensure_ascii=False) bot.send_message(message.chat.id, f'Вы переводите {rub} рублей') except ValueError: bot.send_message(message.chat.id, 'Введите корректную сумму!') except FileNotFoundError: print('error')
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Analysis of cholesterol oxides in egg yolk and turkey meat. A study was conducted to develop a solvent system that will clean egg yolk samples and concentrate cholesterol oxides effectively before analysis. Cholesterol oxide standards or lipid samples (0.2 g) loaded onto a silicic column were washed with a portion of Solvent I (hexane/diethyl ether, 9:1, vol/vol) and then with Solvent II. Four different Solvent II preparations (Solvent IIa, hexane:ethyl acetate = 4:1; Solvent IIb, hexane:ethyl acetate = 1:1; Solvent IIc, hexane:ethyl acetate:diethyl ether = 2:1:1; Solvent IId, hexane:ethyl acetate:diethyl ether = 4:1:2, vol/vol/vol) were prepared and the purification efficiencies of Solvent II solutions for neutral lipids, cholesterol, and phospholipids in the column were compared. Yield study using cholesterol oxide standards showed that one or more of the cholesterol oxide standards were eluted by the Solvent IIb and Solvent IIc, but Solvent IIa and Solvent IId did not elute any of the cholesterol oxides during washing. Egg samples prepared with Solvent IIa showed greater amount of cholesterol oxides than those prepared with Solvent IId, probably due to incomplete purifying of phospholipids and interference. However, the amounts of cholesterol oxides in cooked meat prepared with the two purification solvents were not different. Because egg yolk contains very large amounts of phospholipids and cholesterol compared with other foods, at least twice as much Solvent IIa as Solvent IId was required to properly clean egg yolk samples. It was concluded that purification solvents should be selected by sample types, and Solvent IId (hexane:ethyl acetate:diethyl ether = 4:1: 2) was superior to Solvent IIa (hexane:ethyl acetate = 4: 1) for egg yolk samples.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
PDF Downloads The Express Coaching™ Team is happy to offer you the following PDF files for download. To save any of these documents to your local computer, ‘right click’ on the icon and choose ‘save as’ or ‘save target as’ and save it to your desktop. Direction PDF The Express Coaching™ brochure. Learn more about our philosophy, our training and what you can expect as our student of coaching. Our Code of Ethics and Standards PDF The Express Coaching™ Code of Ethics and Standards of Coaching as adopted by the Certified Coaches Alliance and its associates. Should I Become A Coach? PDF Are you wondering if you should become a coach? Need a little help? Here are few questions you can ask yourself to discover if coaching is right for you.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from tests.helpers import create_ctfd, destroy_ctfd, gen_user def test_ctfd_setup_redirect(): """Test that a fresh CTFd instance redirects to /setup""" app = create_ctfd(setup=False) with app.app_context(): with app.test_client() as client: r = client.get("/users") assert r.status_code == 302 assert r.location == "http://localhost/setup" # Files in /themes load properly r = client.get("/themes/core/static/css/main.dev.css") r = client.get("/themes/core/static/css/main.min.css") assert r.status_code == 200 destroy_ctfd(app) def test_ctfd_setup_verification(): app = create_ctfd(setup=False) with app.app_context(): with app.test_client() as client: r = client.get("/setup") assert r.status_code == 200 with client.session_transaction() as sess: data = { "ctf_name": "CTFd", "ctf_description": "CTF description", "name": "test", "email": "test@ctfd.io", "password": "", "user_mode": "users", "nonce": sess.get("nonce"), } r = client.post("/setup", data=data) assert "longer password" in r.get_data(as_text=True) gen_user(app.db, name="test", email="test@ctfd.io") data["password"] = "password" r = client.post("/setup", data=data) resp = r.get_data(as_text=True) assert "email has already been used" in resp assert "name is already taken" in resp data["name"] = "admin" data["email"] = "admin@ctfd.io" r = client.post("/setup", data=data) assert r.status_code == 302 assert r.location == "http://localhost/" destroy_ctfd(app)
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to an electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection device modeling method of modeling the electrical characteristic of an electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection device to simulate a circuit that includes the ESD protection device and an ESD simulation method of simulating the ESD protection device. 2. Description of the Related Art In recent years, the ESD destruction of a device becomes a serious problem in the large scale integration or miniaturization of semiconductor integrated circuits and the self-aligned silicide (Salicide) process for reducing the resistance between devices, making it necessary to use an ESD protection device. The conventional ESD protection device and ESD protection circuit simulation, however, are very complicated and difficult to set each parameter for modeling the device. For example, Japanese Patent Application Kokai No. 2001-339052 discloses a method of simulating a protective circuit against the ESD destruction. That is, to model an ESD protection device, first, a model for the equivalent circuit of an ESD protection device is made, and measurement is taken for the device made by the final process or the physical parameter is extracted from the electrical characteristic obtained by the device simulation to form an equivalent circuit. Then, 100 or more model parameters of the equivalent circuit must be further fitted or adjusted. This method is applicable to a relatively large IC by way of the equivalent circuit of the ESD protection device. However, the formation of the equivalent circuit needs the adjustment of many parameters. In addition, if the production process is changed by circuit correction, for example, no simple operation, such as parameter change, can solve the problem. That is, if the production process is changed, the model parameters for the previous modeling are no longer useable, and the model parameters for forming the equivalent circuit must be adjusted again. Moreover, the above method is only a circuit simulation and fails to specify the destruction location by ESD.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
--- abstract: | The notion of the geometrical $\Z/2 \oplus \Z/2$–control of self-intersection of a skew-framed immersion and the notion of the $\Z/2 \oplus \Z/4$-structure (the cyclic structure) on the self-intersection manifold of a $\D_4$-framed immersion are introduced. It is shown that a skew-framed immersion $f:M^{\frac{3n+q}{4}} \looparrowright \R^n$, $0 < q <<n$ (in the $\frac{3n}{4}+\varepsilon$-range) admits a geometrical $\Z/2 \oplus \Z/2$–control if the characteristic class of the skew-framing of this immersion admits a retraction of the order $q$, i.e. there exists a mapping $\kappa_0: M^{\frac{3n+q}{4}} \to \RP^{\frac{3(n-q)}{4}}$, such that this composition $I \circ \kappa_0: M^{\frac{3n+q}{4}} \to \RP^{\frac{3(n-q)}{4}} \to \RP^{\infty}$ is the characteristic class of the skew-framing of $f$. Using the notion of $\Z/2 \oplus \Z/2$-control we prove that for a sufficiently great $n$, $n=2^l-2$, an arbitrary immersed $\D_4$-framed manifold admits in the regular cobordism class (modulo odd torsion) an immersion with a $\Z/2 \oplus \Z/4$-structure. In the last section we present an approach toward the Kervaire Invariant One Problem. author: - 'P.M.Akhmet’ev [^1]' title: 'Geometric approach towards stable homotopy groups of spheres. The Kervaire invariant' --- \[section\] \[theorem\][Лемма]{} \[theorem\][Предложение]{} \[theorem\][Следствие]{} \[theorem\][Гипотеза]{} \[theorem\][Проблема]{} \[theorem\][Определение]{} \[theorem\][Замечание]{} Ø[[**O**]{}]{} Self-intersection of immersions and Kervaire Invariant ====================================================== The Kervaire Invariant One Problem is an open problem in Algebraic topology, for algebraic approach see \[B-J-M\], \[C-J-M\]. We will consider a geometrical approach; this approach is based on results by P.J.Eccles, see \[E1\]. For a geometrical approach see also \[C1\],\[C2\]. Let $f: M^{n-1} \looparrowright \R^n$, $n= 2^l -2$, $l>1$, be a smooth (generic) immersion of codimension 1. Let us denote by $g: N^{n-2} \looparrowright \R^n$ the immersion of self-intersection manifold. ### Definition 1 {#definition-1 .unnumbered} The Kervaire invariant of $f$ is defined as $$\Theta(f) = <w_2^{\frac{n-2}{2}}; [N^{n-2}] >,$$ where $w_2 = w_2(N^{n-2})$ is the normal Stiefel-Whitney of $N^{n-2}$. $$$$ The Kervaire invariant is an invariant of the regular cobordism class of the immersion $f$. Moreover, the Kervaire invariant is a well-defined homomorphism $$\Theta: Imm^{sf}(n-1,1) \to \Z/2. \eqno(1)$$ The normal bundle $\nu(g)$ of the immersion $g: N^{n-2} \looparrowright \R^n$ is a 2-dimensional bundle over $N^{n-2}$ equipped with a $\D_4$–framing. The classifying mapping $\eta: N^{n-2} \to K(\D_4,1)$ of this bundle is well-defined. The $\D_4$-structure of the normal bundle or the $\D_4$–framing is the prescribed reduction of the structure group of the normal bundle of the immersion $g$ to the group $\D_4$ corresponding to the mapping $\eta$. The pair $(g,\eta)$ represents an element in the cobordism group $Imm^{\D_4}(n-2,2)$. The homomorphism $$\delta: Imm^{sf}(n-1,1) \to Imm^{\D_4}(n-2,2) \eqno(2)$$ is well-defined. Let us recall that the cobordism group $Imm^{sf}(n-k,k)$ generalizes the group $Imm^{sf}(n-1,1)$. This group is defined as the cobordism group of triples $(f,\Xi,\kappa)$, where $f: M^{n-k} \looparrowright \R^n$ is an immersion with the prescribed isomorphism $\Xi: \nu(g) \cong k \kappa$, called a skew-framing, $\nu(f)$ is the normal bundle of $f$, $\kappa$ is the given line bundle over $M^{m-k}$ with the characteristic class $w_1(\kappa) \in H^1(M^{m-k};\Z/2)$. The cobordism relation of triples is standard. The generalization of the group $Imm^{\D_4}(n-2,2)$ is following. Let us define the cobordism groups $Imm^{\D_4}(n-2k,2k)$. This group $Imm^{\D_4}(n-2k,2k)$ is represented by triples $(g,\Xi,\eta)$, where $g: N^{n-2k} \looparrowright \R^n$ is an immersion, $\Xi$ is a dihedral $k$-framing, i.e. the prescribed isomorphism $\Xi: \nu_g \cong k \eta$, where $\eta$ is a 2-dimensional bundle over $N^{n-2k}$. The characteristic mapping of the bundle $\eta$ is denoted also by $\eta: N^{n-2k} \to K(\D_4,1)$. The mapping $\eta$ is the characteristic mapping for the bundle $\nu_g$, because $\nu_g \cong k \eta$. Obviously, the Kervaire homomorphism (1) is defined as the composition of the homomorphism (2) with a homomorphism $$\Theta_{\D_4} : Imm^{\D_4}(n-2,2) \to \Z/2. \eqno(3)$$ The homomorphism (3) is called the Kervaire invariant for $\D_4$-framed immersed manifolds. The Kervaire homomorphisms are defined in a more general situation by a straightforward generalization of the homomorphisms (1) and (3): $$\Theta^k: Imm^{sf}(n-k,k) \to \Z/2, \eqno(4a)$$ $$\Theta^k_{\D_4} : Imm^{\D_4}(n-2k,2k) \to \Z/2, \eqno(4b)$$ (for $k=1$ the new homomorphism coincides with the homomorphism (3) defined above) and the following diagram $$\begin{array}{ccccc} Imm^{sf}(n-1,1) & \stackrel {\delta}{\longrightarrow} & Imm^{\D_4}(n-2,2) & \stackrel{\Theta_{\D_4}}{\longrightarrow} & \Z/2 \\ \downarrow J^k & & \downarrow J^k_{\D_4} & & \vert \vert \\ Imm^{sf}(n-k,k) & \stackrel{\delta^k}{\longrightarrow} & Imm^{\D_4}(n-2k,2k) & \stackrel{\Theta_{\D_4}^k}{\longrightarrow} & \Z/2 \\ \end{array} \eqno(5)$$ is commutative. The homomorphism $J^k$ ($J^k_{\D_4}$) is determined by the regular cobordism class of the restriction of the given immersion $f$ ($g$) to the submanifold in $M^{n-1}$ ($N^{n-2}$) dual to $w_1(\kappa)^{k-1} \in H^{k-1}(M^{n-1};\Z/2)$ ($w_2(\eta)^{k-1} \in H^{2k-2}(N^{n-2};\Z/2)$). Let $(g,\Xi,\eta)$ be a $\D_4$-framed (generic) immersion in the codimension $2k$. Let $h: L^{n-4k} \looparrowright \R^n$ be the immersion of the self-intersection (double points) manifold of $g$. The normal bundle $\nu_h$ of the immersion $h$ is decomposed into a direct sum of $k$ isomorphic copies of a 4-dimensional bundle $\zeta$ with the structure group $\Z/2 \int \D_4$. This decomposition is given by the isomorphism $\Psi: \nu_h \cong k \zeta$. The bundle $\nu_h$ itself is classified by the mapping $\zeta: L^{n-4k} \to K(\Z/2 \int \D_4,1)$. All the triples $(h,\zeta,\Psi)$ described above (we do not assume that a triple is realized as the double point manifold for a $\D_4$-framed immersion) up to the standard cobordism relation form the cobordism group $Imm^{\Z/2 \int \D_4}(n-4k,4k)$. The self-intersection of an arbitrary $\D_4$-framed immersion is a $\Z/2 \int \D_4$-framed immersed manifold and the cobordism class of this manifold well-defines the natural homomorphism $$\delta_{\D_4}^k : Imm^{\D_4}(n-2k,2k) \to Imm^{\Z/2 \int \D_4}(n-4k,4k). \eqno(6)$$ The subgroup $\D_4 \oplus \D_4 \subset \Z/2 \int \D_4$ of index 2 induces the double cover $\bar L^{n-4k} \to L^{n-4k}$. This double cover corresponds with the canonical double cover over the double point manifold. Let $\bar \zeta: \bar L^{n-4k} \to K(\D_4,1)$ be the classifying mapping induced by the projection homomorphism $\D_4 \oplus \D_4 \to \D_4$ to the first factor. Let $\bar \zeta \to L^{n-4k}$ be the 2-dimensional $\D_4$–bundle defined as the pull-back of the universal 2-dimensional bundle with respect to the classifying mapping $\bar \zeta$. ### Definition 2 {#definition-2 .unnumbered} The Kervaire invariant $\Theta_{\Z/2 \int \D_4}^k: Imm^{\Z/2 \int \D_4}(n-4k,4k) \to \Z/2$ for a $\Z/2 \int \D_4$-framed immersion $(h,\Psi,\zeta)$ is defined by the following formula: $$\Theta_{\Z/2 \int \D_4}^k(h,\Psi,\zeta) = <w_2(\bar \eta)^{\frac{n-4k}{2}};[L^{n-4k}]>.$$ $$$$ This new invariant is a homomorphism $\Theta_{\Z/2 \int \D_4}^k: Imm^{\Z/2 \int \D_4}(n,n-4k) \to \Z/2$ included into the following commutative diagram: $$\begin{array}{ccc} Imm^{\D_4}(n-2k,2k) & \stackrel{\Theta_{\D_4}}{\longrightarrow} & \Z/2 \\ \downarrow \delta_{\D_4}^k & & \vert \vert \\ Imm^{\Z/2 \int \D_4}(n-4k,4k) & \stackrel{\Theta_{\Z/2 \int \D_4}^k}{\longrightarrow} & \Z/2. \\ \end{array} \eqno(7)$$ Let us formulate the first main results of the paper. In section 2 the notion of $\Z/2 \oplus \Z/2$-control ($\I_b$–control) on self-intersection of a skew-framed immersion is considered. Theorem 1 (for the proof see section 3) shows that under a natural restriction of dimensions the property of $\I_b$-control holds for an immersion in the regular cobordism class modulo odd torsion. In section 4 we formulate a notion of $\Z/2 \oplus \Z/4$–structure (or an $\I_4$–structure, or a cyclic structure) of a $\D_4$-framed immersion. In section 5 we prove Theorem 2. We prove under a natural restriction of dimension that an arbitrary $\D_4$-framed $\I_b$-controlled immersion admits in the regular homotopy class an immersion with a cyclic structure. For such an immersion Kervaire invariant is expressed in terms of $\Z/2 \oplus \Z/4$–characteristic numbers of the self-intersection manifold. The proof (based on the two theorems from \[A2\] (in Russian)) of the Kewrvaire Invariant One Problem is in section 6. The author is grateful to Prof. M.Mahowald (2005) and Prof. R.Cohen (2007) for discussions, to Prof. Peter Landweber for the help with the English translation, and to Prof. A.A.Voronov for the invitation to Minnesota University in (2005). This paper was started in 1998 at the Postnikov Seminar. This paper is dedicated to the memory of Prof. Yu.P.Soloviev. Geometric Control of self-intersection manifolds of skew-framed immersions ========================================================================== In this and the remining sections of the paper by $Imm^{sf}(n-k,k)$, $Imm^{\D_4}(n-2k,2k)$, $Imm^{\Z/2 \int \D_4}(n-4k,4k)$, etc., we will denote not the cobordism groups themselves, but the 2-components of these groups. In case the first argument (the dimension of the immersed manifold) is strictly positive, all the groups are finite 2-group. Let us recall that the dihedral group $\D_4$ is given by the representation (in terms of generators and relations) $\{a,b\vert a^4 = b^2 = e, [a,b]=a^2\}$. This group is a subgroup of the group $O(2)$ of isometries of the plane with the base $\{f_1,f_2\}$ that keeps the pair of lines generated by the vectors of the base. The element $a$ corresponds to the rotation of the plane through the angle $\frac{\pi}{2}$. The element $b$ corresponds to the reflection of the plane with the axis given by the vector $f_1 + f_2$. Let $\I_b(\Z/2 \oplus \Z/2)= \I_b \subset \D_4$ be the subgroup generated by the elements $\{a^2,b\}$. This is an elementary $2$-group of rank 2 with two generators. These are the transformations of the plane that preserve each line $l_1$, $l_2$ generated by the vectors $f_1+f_2$, $f_1-f_2$ correspondingly. The cohomology group $H^1(K(\I_b,1);\Z/2)$ is the elementary 2-group with two generators. The first (second) generator of this group detects the reflection of the line $l_2$ (of the line $l_1$) correspondingly. The generators of the cohomology group will be denoted by $\tau_1$, $\tau_2$ correspondingly. ### Definition 3 {#definition-3 .unnumbered} We shall say that a skew-framed immersion $(f,\Xi)$, $f: M^{n-k} \looparrowright \R^n$ has self-intersection of type $\I_b$, if the double-points manifold $N^{n-2k}$ of $f$ is a $\D_4$-framed manifold that admits a reduction of the structure group $\D_4$ of the normal bundle to the subgroup $\I_b \subset \D_4$. $$$$ Let us formulate the following conjecture. ### Conjecture {#conjecture .unnumbered} For an arbitrary $q > 0$, $q=2 (mod 4)$, there exists a positive integer $l_0=l_0(q)$, such that for an arbitrary $n = 2^l-2$, $l>l_0$ an arbitrary element $a \in Imm^{sf}(\frac{3n+q}{4},\frac{n-q}{4})$ is stably regular cobordant to a stably skew-framed immersion with $\I_b$-type of self-intersection (for the definition of stable framing see \[E2\], of stable skew-framing see \[A1\]). $$$$ Let us formulate and prove a weaker result toward the Conjecture. We start with the following definition. Let $\omega: \Z/2 \int \D_4 \to \Z/2$ be the epimorphism defined as the composition $\Z/2 \int \D_4 \subset \Z/2 \int \Sigma_4 \to \Sigma_4 \to \Z/2$, where $\Sigma_4 \to \Z/2$ is the parity of a permutation. Let $\omega^{!}: Imm^{\Z/2 \int \D_4}(n-4k,4k) \to Imm^{Ker \omega}(n-4k,4k)$ be the transfer homomorphism with respect to the kernel of the epimorphism $\omega$. Let $P$ be a polyhedron with $dim(P) < 2k-1$, $Q \subset P$ be a subpolyhedron with $dim(Q)=dim(P)-1$, and let $P \subset \R^n$ be an embedding. Let us denote by $U_P$ the regular neighborhood of $P \subset \R^n$ of the radius $r_P$ and by $U'_Q$ the regular neighborhood of $Q \subset \R^n$ of the radius $r_Q$, $r_Q > r_P$. Let us denote $U_Q = U_P \cap U'_Q$. The boundary $\partial U_P$ of the neighborhood $U_P$ is a codimension one submanifold in $\R^n$. This manifold $\partial U_P$ is a union of the two manifolds with boundaries $V_Q \cup_{\partial} V_P$, $V_Q = U_Q \cap \partial U_P$, $V_P = \partial U_P \setminus U_Q$ along the common boundary $\partial V_Q = \partial V_P$. Let us assume that the two cohomology classes $\tau_{Q,1} \in H^1(Q;\Z/2)$, $\tau_{Q,2} \in H^1(Q;\Z/2)$ are given. The projection $U_Q \to Q$ of the neighborhood on the central submanifold determines the cohomology classes $\tau_{U_Q,1}, \tau_{U_Q,2} \in H^1(U_Q;\Z/2)$ as the inverse images of the classes $\tau_{Q,1}, \tau_{Q,2}$ correspondingly. Let $(g,\Xi_N,\eta)$, $dim(N)=n-2k$ be a $\D_4$–framed generic immersion, $n-4k > 0$, and $g(N^{n-2k}) \cap \partial U_P$ be an immersed submanifold in $U_Q \subset \partial U_P$. Let us denote $g(N^{n-2k}) \setminus (g(N^{n-2k}) \cap (U_P))$ by $N^{n-2k}_{int}$, and the complement $N^{n-2k} \setminus N^{n-2k}_{int}$ by $N^{n-2k}_{ext}$. The manifolds $N^{n-2k}_{ext}$, $N^{n-2k}_{int}$ are submanifolds in $N^{n-2k}$ of codimension 0 with the common boundary, this boundary is denoted by $N_Q^{n-2k-1}$. The self-intersection manifold of $g$ is denoted by $L^{n-4k}$. By the dimensional reason ($n-4k=q<<n$) $L^{n-4k}$ is a submanifold in $\R^n$, parameterized by an embedding $h$, equipped by the $\Z/2 \int \D_4$-framing of the normal bundle denoted by $(\Psi, \zeta)$. The triple $(h,\Psi,\zeta)$ determines an element in the cobordism group $Imm^{\Z/2 \int \D_4}(n-4k,4k)$. ### Definition 4 {#definition-4 .unnumbered} We say that the $\D_4$–framed immersion $g$ is an $\I_b$–controlled immersion if the following conditions hold: –1. The structure group of the $\D_4$–framing $\Xi_N$ restricted to the submanifold (with boundary) $g(N^{n-2k}_{ext})$ is reduced to the subgroup $\I_b \subset \D_4$ and the cohomology classes $\tau_{U_Q,1}, \tau_{U_Q,2} \in H^1(U_Q;\Z/2)$ are mapped to the generators $\tau_1, \tau_2 \in H^1(N_Q^{n-2k-1};\Z/2)$ of the cohomology of the structure group of this $\I_b$-framing by the immersion $g \vert_{N^{n-2k-1}_Q} : N^{n-2k-1}_Q \looparrowright \partial(U_Q) \subset U_Q$. –2. The restriction of the immersion $g$ to the submanifold $N_Q^{n-2k-1} \subset N^{n-2k}$ is an embedding $g \vert_{N_Q^{n-2k-1}} : N_Q^{n-2k-1} \subset \partial U_Q$, and the decomposition $L^{n-4k} =L^{n-4k}_{int} \cup L^{n-4k}_{ext} \subset (U_P \cup \R^n \setminus U_P)$ of the self-intersection manifold of $g$ into two (probably, non-connected) $\Z/2 \int \D_4$-framed components is well-defined. The manifold $L^{n-4k}_{int}$ is a submanifold in $U_P$ and the triple $(L^{n-4k}_{int},\Psi_{int},\zeta_{int})$ represents an element in $Imm^{Ker \omega}(n-4k,4k)$ in the image of the homomorphism $\omega^!: Imm^{\Z/2 \int \D_4}(n-4k,4k) \to Imm^{Ker \omega}(n-4k,4k)$. $$$$ ### Definition 5 {#definition-5 .unnumbered} Let $(f,\Xi_M,\kappa) \in Imm^{sf}(n-k,k)$ be an arbitrary element, where $f: M^{n-k} \looparrowright \R^n$ is an immersion of codimension $k$ with the characteristic class $\kappa \in H^1(M^{n-k};\Z/2)$ of the skew-framing $\Xi_M$. We say that the pair $(M^{n-k},\kappa)$ admits a retraction of order $q$, if the mapping $\kappa : M^{n-k} \to \RP^{\infty}$ is represented by the composition $\kappa = I \circ \bar \kappa : M^{n-k} \to \RP^{n-k-q-1} \subset \RP^{\infty}$. The element $[(f, \Xi_M, \kappa)]$ admits a retraction of order $q$, if in the cobordism class of this skew-framed immersion there exists a triple $(M'^{n-k}, \Xi_{M'}, \kappa')$ that admits a retraction of order $q$. $$$$ ### Theorem 1 {#theorem-1 .unnumbered} Let $q = q(l)$ be a positive integer, $q=2(mod 4)$. Let us assume that an element $\alpha \in Imm^{sf}(\frac{3n+q}{4},\frac{n-q}{4})$ admits a retraction of the order $q$ and $3n-12k-4>0$. Then the element $\delta(\alpha) \in Imm^{\D_4}(n-2k,2k)$, $k=\frac{n-q}{4}$, is represented by a $\D_4$-framed immersion $[(g,\Psi_N,\eta)]$ with $\I_b$-control. $$$$ Proof of Theorem 1 ================== Let us denote $n-k-q-1 = 3k-1$ by $s$. Let $d: \RP^{s} \to \R^n$ be a generic mapping. We denote the self-intersection points of $d$ (in the target space) by $\Delta(d)$ and the singular points of $d$ by $\Sigma(d)$. Let us recall a classification of singular points of generic mappings $\RP^{s} \to \R^n$ in the case $4s < 3n$, for details see \[Sz\]. In this range generic mappings have no quadruple points. The singular values (in the target space) are of the following two types: – a closed manifold $\Sigma^{1,1,0}$; – a singular manifold $\Sigma^{1,0}$ (with singularities of the type $\Sigma^{1,1,0}$). The multiple points are of the multiplicities 2 and 3. The set of triple points form a manifold with boundary and with corners on the boundary. These “corner” singular points on the boundary of the triple points manifold coincide with the manifold $\Sigma^{1,1,0}$. The regular part of boundary of triple points is a submanifold in $\Sigma^{1,0}$. The double self-intersection points form a singular submanifold in $\R^n$ with the boundary $\Sigma^{1,0}$. This submanifold is not generic. After an arbitrary small alteration the double points manifold becomes a submanifold in $\R^n$ with boundary and with corners on the boundary of the type $\Sigma^{1,1,0}$. Let $U_{\Sigma}$ be a small regular neighborhood of the radius $\varepsilon_1$ of the singular submanifold $\Sigma^{1,0}$. Let $U_{\Delta}$ be a small regular neighborhood of the same radius of the submanifold $\Delta(d)$ (this submanifold is immersed with singularities on the boundary). The inclusion $U_{\Sigma} \subset U_{\Delta}$ is well-defined. Let us consider a regular submanifold in $\Delta$ obtained by excising a small regular neighborhood of the boundary. This immersed manifold with boundary will be denoted by $\Delta^{reg}$. The (immersed) boundary $\partial \Delta^{reg}$ will be denoted by $\Sigma^{reg}$. We will consider the pair of regular neighborhoods $U^{reg}_{\Sigma} \subset U^{reg}_{\Delta}$ of the pair $\Sigma^{reg} \subset \Delta^{reg}$ of the radius $\varepsilon_2$, $\varepsilon_2 << \varepsilon_1$. Because $2 dim(\Delta^{reg})<n$, after a small perturbation the manifold $\Delta^{reg}$ is a submanifold in $U^{reg}_{\Delta}$. Let $(f_0,\Xi_0,\kappa)$, $f_0: M^{n-k} \looparrowright \R^n$, $n-k=\frac{3n + q}{4}$ be a skew-framed immersion in the cobordism class $\alpha$. We will construct an immersion $f: M^{n-k} \looparrowright \R^n$ in the regular homotopy class of $f_0$ by the following construction. Let $\kappa_0: M^{n-k} \to \RP^{s}$ be a retraction of order $q$. Let $f: M \looparrowright \R^n$ be an immersion in the regular homotopy class of $f_0$ under the condition $dist(d \circ \kappa_0, f_0) < \varepsilon_3$. The caliber $\varepsilon_3$ of the approximation is given by the following inequality: $\varepsilon_3 << \varepsilon_2$. Let $g_1: N^{n-2k} \looparrowright \R^n$ be the immersion, parameterizing the double points of $f$. The immersion $g_1$ is not generic. After a small perturbation of the immersion $g_1$ with the caliber $\varepsilon_3$ we obtain a generic immersion $g_2: N^{n-2k} \looparrowright \R^n$. The immersed submanifold $g_2(N^{n-2k})$ is divided into two submanifolds $g_2(N^{n-2k}_{int})$, $g_2(N^{n-2k}_{ext})$ with the common boundary $g_2(\partial N^{n-2k}_{int}) = g_2(\partial N^{n-2k}_{ext})$ denoted by $g_2(N_Q^{n-2k-1})$. The manifold $g_2(N^{n-2k}_{int})$ is defined as the intersection of the immersed submanifold $g_2(N^{n-2k})$ with the neighborhood $U^{reg}_{\Delta}$. The manifold $g_2(N^{n-2k}_{ext})$ is defined as the intersection of the immersed submanifold $g_2(N^{n-2k})$ with the complement $\R^n \setminus (U^{reg}_{\Delta})$. We will assume that $g_2$ is regular along $\partial U^{reg}_{\Delta}$. Then $g_2(N^{n-2k}_Q)$ is an immersed submanifold in $\partial U^{reg}_{\Delta}$. By construction the structure group $\D_4$ of the normal bundle of the immersed manifold $g_2(N^{n-2k}_{ext})$ admits a reduction to the subgroup $\I_b \subset \D_4$. Let us denote by $L^{n-4k}$ the self-intersection manifold of the immersion $g_2$. This manifold is embedded into $\R^n$ by $h: L^{n-4k} \subset \R^n$. The normal bundle of this embedding $h$ is equipped with a $\Z/2 \int \D_4$-framing denoted by $\Psi_L$ and the characteristic class of this framing is denoted by $\zeta_L$. By the analogous construction the manifold $L^{n-4k}$ is decomposed as the union of the two manifolds over a common boundary, denoted by $\Lambda$: $L^{n-4k}=L^{n-4k}_{ext} \cup_{\Lambda} L^{n-4k}_{int}$. The manifold (with boundary) $L^{n-4k}_{int}$ is embedded by $h$ into $U^{reg}_{\Delta}$, the manifold $L^{n-4k}_{ext}$ (with the same boundary) is embedded in the complement $\R^n \setminus U^{reg}_{\Delta}$. The common boundary $\Lambda$ is embedded into $\partial U^{reg}_{\Delta}$. The manifold $L^{n-4k}$ is a $\Z/2 \int \D_4$-framed submanifold in $\R^n$. Let us describe the reduction of the structure group of this manifold to a corresponding subgroup in $\Z/2 \int \D_4$. We will describe the subgroups $\I_{2,j}(\Z/2 \oplus \D_4) \subset \Z/2 \int \D_4$, $j=x,y,z$. We will describe the transformations of $\R^4$ in the standard base $(f_1,f_2,f_3,f_4)$ determined by generators of the groups. Let us consider the subgroup $\I_{2,x}$. The generator $c_x$ (a generator will be equipped with the index corresponding to the subgroup) defines the transformation of the space by the following formula: $c_x(f_1)=f_3$, $c_x(f_3)=f_1$, $c_x(f_2)=f_4$, $c_x(f_4)=f_2$. For the generator $a_x$ (of the order 4) the transformation is the following: $a_x(f_1)=f_2$, $a_x(f_2)=-f_1$, $a_x(f_3)=f_4$, $a_x(f_4)=-f_3$. The generator $b_x$ (of order 2) defines the transformation of the space by the following formula: $b_x(f_1)=f_2$, $b_x(f_2)=f_1$, $b_x(f_3)=f_4$, $b_x(f_4)=f_3$. From this formula the subgroup $\D_4 \subset \D_4 \oplus \Z/2$ is represented by transformations that preserve the subspaces $(f_1,f_2)$, $(f_3,f_4)$. The generator of the cyclic subgroup $\Z/2 \subset \D_4 \oplus \Z/2$ permutes these planes. The subgroups $\I_{2,y}$ and $\I_{2,x}$ are conjugated by the automorphism $OP: \Z/2 \int \D_4 \to \Z/2 \int \D_4$ given in the standard base by the following formula: $f_1 \mapsto f_1$, $f_2 \mapsto f_3$, $f_3 \mapsto f_2$, $f_4 \mapsto f_4$. Therefore the generator $c_y \in \I_{2,y}$ is determined by the following transformation: $c_y(f_1)=f_2$, $c_y(f_2)=f_1$, $c_y(f_3)=f_4$, $c_y(f_4)=f_3$. The generator $a_y$ (of the order 4) is given by $a_y(f_1)=f_3$, $a_y(f_3)=-f_1$, $a_y(f_2)=f_4$, $a_y(f_4)=-f_2$. The generator $b_y$ (of the order 2) is given by $b_y(f_1)=f_3$, $b_y(f_3)=f_1$, $b_y(f_2)=f_4$, $b_y(f_4)=f_2$. Let us describe the subgroup $\I_{2,z}$. In this case the generator $c_z$ defines the transformation of the space by the following formula: $c_z(f_i)=-f_i$, $i=1,2,3,4$. For the generator $a_z$ (of order 4) the transformation is the following: $a_z(f_1)=f_2$, $a_z(f_2)=f_3$, $a_z(f_3)=f_4$, $a_z(f_4)=f_1$. The generator $b_x$ (of the order 2) defines the transformation of the space by the following formula: $b_z(f_1)=f_2$, $b_z(f_2)=f_1$, $b_z(f_3)=f_4$, $b_z(f_4)=f_3$. Obviously, the restriction of the epimorphism $\omega: \Z/2 \int \D_4 \to \Z/2$ to the subgroups $\I_{2,x}, \I_{2,y} \subset \Z/2 \int \D_4$ is trivial and the restriction of this homomorphism to the subgroup $\I_{2,z}$ is non-trivial. The subgroup $\I_3 \subset \I_{2,x}$ is defined as the subgroup with the generators $c_x, b_x, a_x^2$. This is an index 2 subgroup isomorphic to the group $\Z/2^3$. The image of this subgroup in $\Z/2 \int \D_4$ coincides with the intersection of arbitrary pair of subgroups $\I_{2,x}$, $\I_{2,y}$, $\I_{2,z}$. The subgroup $\I_3 \subset \I_{2,y}$ is generated by $c_y, b_y, a^2_y$. Moreover, one has $c_y=b_x$, $b_y=c_x$, $a^2_y=a^2_x$. It is easy to check that the following relations hold: $c_z=a^2_x$, $a^2_z=c_x=b_y$, $b_z=b_x=c_y$. Therefore $Ker(\omega \vert_{\I_2,z})$ coincides with the subgroup $\I_3 \subset \I_{2,z}$. The subgroups $\I_{2,x}, \I_{2,y}, \I_{2,z}, \I_3$ in $\Z/2 \int \D_4$ are well-defined. There is a natural projection $\pi_b: \I_3 \to \I_b$. We will also consider the subgroup $\I_{2,x \downarrow} \subset \Z/2 \int \D_4$ from geometrical considerations. This subgroup is a quadratic extension of the subgroup $\I_{2,x}$ such that $\I_{2,x}=Ker \omega \vert_{\I_{2,x \downarrow}} \subset \I_{2,x\downarrow}$. An algebraic definition of this group will not be required. In the following lemma we will describe the structure group of the framing of the triad $(L^{n-4k}_{int} \cup_{\Lambda} L^{n-4k}_{ext})$. The framings of the spaces of the triad will be denoted by $(\Psi_{\int} \cup_{\Psi_\Lambda} \cup \Psi_{ext}, \zeta_{int} \cup_{\zeta_\Lambda} \cup \zeta_{ext})$. ### Lemma 1 {#lemma-1 .unnumbered} There exists a generic regular deformation $g_1 \to g_2$ of the caliber $3 \varepsilon_3$ such that the immersed manifold $g_2(N^{n-2k}_{ext})$ admits a reduction of the structure group of the $\D_4$-framing to the subgroup $\I_b \subset \D_4$. The manifold $L^{n-4k}_{int}$ is divided into the disjoint union of the two manifolds (with boundaries) denoted by $(L^{n-4k}_{int,x \downarrow}, \Lambda_{x \downarrow})$, $(L^{n-4k}_{int,y}, \Lambda_{y})$. 1\. The structure group of the framing $(\Psi_{int,x \downarrow}, \Psi_{\Lambda_{x \downarrow}})$ for the submanifold (with boundary) $(L^{n-4k}_{int,x \downarrow},\Lambda_{x \downarrow})$ is reduced to the subgroups $(\I_{2,x\downarrow},\I_{2,z})$. (In particular, the 2-sheeted cover over $L^{n-4k}_{int,x \downarrow}$, classified by $\omega$ (denoted by $\tilde L^{n-4k}_{int,x} \to L^{n-4k}_{int,x \downarrow}$) is, generally speaking, a non-trivial cover.) 2\. The structure group of the framing $(\Psi_{int,y}, \Psi_{\Lambda})$ for the submanifold (with boundary) $(L^{n-4k}_{int,y},\Lambda_y)$ is reduced to the subgroup $(\I_{2,y},\I_3)$. (In particular, the 2-sheeted cover $\tilde L^{n-4k}_{int,y} \to L^{n-4k}_{int,y}$ classified by $\omega$, is the trivial cover.) Moreover, the double covering $\tilde L^{n-4k}_{x}$ over the component $L^{n-4k}_{x \downarrow}$ is naturally diffeomorphic to $\tilde L^{n-4k}_y$ and this diffeomorphism agrees with the restriction of the automorphism $OP: \Z/2 \int \D_4 \to \Z/2 \int \D_4$ on the subgroup $\I_{2,x}$, $OP(\I_{2,x})=\I_{2,y}$. 3\. The structure group of the framing $(\Psi_{ext}, \zeta_{ext})$ for the submanifold (with boundary) $h(L^{n-4k}_{ext}, \Lambda^{n-4k}) \subset (\R^n \setminus U^{reg}_{\Delta}, \partial(U^{reg}_{\Delta}))$ is reduced to the subgroup $\I_{2,z}$. (In particular, the 2-sheeted cover $\tilde L^{n-4k}_{ext} \to L^{n-4k}_{ext}$ classified by $\omega$, is, generally speaking, a nontrivial cover.) $$$$ ### Proof of Lemma 1 {#proof-of-lemma-1 .unnumbered} Components of the self-intersection manifold $g_1(N^{n-2k}) \setminus (g_1(N^{n-2k}) \cap U_{\Sigma})$ (this manifold is formed by double points $x \in g_1(N^{n-2k}), x \notin U_{\Sigma}$ with inverse images $\bar x_1, \bar x_2 \in M^{n-k}$) are classified by the following two types. Type 1. The points $\kappa(\bar x_1)$, $\kappa(\bar x_2)$ in $\RP^s$ are $\varepsilon_2$-close. Type 2. The distances between the points $\kappa(\bar x_1)$, $\kappa(\bar x_2)$ in $\RP^s$ are greater then the caliber $\varepsilon_2$ of the regular approximation. Points of this type belong to the regular neighborhood $U_{\Delta}$ (of the radius $\varepsilon_1$). Let us classify components of the triple self-intersection manifold $\Delta_3(f)$ of the immersion $f$. The a priori classification of components is the following. A point $x \in \Delta_3(f)$ has inverse images $\bar x_1, \bar x_2, \bar x_3$ in $M^{n-k}$. Type 1. The images $\kappa(\bar x_1), \kappa(\bar x_2), \kappa(\bar x_3)$ are $\varepsilon_2$-close in $\RP^s$. Type 2. The images $\kappa(\bar x_1), \kappa(\bar x_2)$ are $\varepsilon_2$-close in $\RP^s$ and the distance between the images $\kappa(\bar x_3)$ and $\kappa(\bar x_1)$ (or $\kappa(\bar x_2)$) are greater than the caliber $\varepsilon_2$ of the approximation. Type 3. The pairwise distances between the points $\kappa(\bar x_1), \kappa(\bar x_2), \kappa(\bar x_3)$ greater than the caliber $\varepsilon_2$ of the approximation. By a general position argument the component of the type 3 does not intersect $d(\RP^s)$. Therefore the immersion $f$ can be deformed by a small $\varepsilon_2$-small regular homotopy inside the $\varepsilon_3$-regular neighborhood of the regular part of $d(\RP^s)$ such that after this regular homotopy $\Delta_3(f)$ is contained in the complement of $U^{reg}_{\Delta}$. The codimension of the submanifold $\bar \Delta_2(d) \subset \RP^s$ is equal to $n-3k+1=q+k+1$ and greater then $dim(\Delta_3(f)) = n-3k$. By analogical arguments the component of triple points of the type 1 is outside $U^{reg}_{\Delta}$. Let us classify components of the quadruple self-intersection manifold $\Delta_4(f)$ of the immersion $f$. A point $x \in \Delta_4(f)$ has inverse images $\bar x_1, \bar x_2, \bar x_3, \bar x_4$ in $M^{n-k}$. The a priori classification is the following. Type 1. The images $\kappa(\bar x_1), \kappa(\bar x_2)$ are $\varepsilon_2$-close in $\RP^s$ and the pairwise distances between the images $\kappa(\bar x_1)$ (or $\kappa(\bar x_2)$), $\kappa(\bar x_3)$ and $\kappa(\bar x_4)$) are greater than the caliber $\varepsilon_2$ of the approximation. Type 2. The two pairs $(\kappa(\bar x_1), \kappa(\bar x_2))$ and $(\kappa(\bar x_3), \kappa(\bar x_4))$ of the images are $\varepsilon_2$-close in $\RP^s$ and the distance between the images $\kappa(\bar x_1)$ (or $\kappa(\bar x_2)$) and $\kappa(\bar x_3)$ (or $\kappa(\bar x_4)$) are greater than the calibre $\varepsilon_2$ of the approximation. (The described component is the complement of the regular $\varepsilon_2$ neighborhood of the triple points manifold of $d(\RP^s)$.) Type 3. Images $\kappa(\bar x_1), \kappa(\bar x_2)$ and $\kappa(\bar x_3)$ on $\RP^s$ are pairwise $\varepsilon_2$-close in $\RP^s$ and the distance between the images $\kappa(\bar x_1)$ (or $\kappa(\bar x_2)$, or $\kappa(\bar x_3)$) and $\kappa(\bar x_4)$ is greater than the caliber $\varepsilon_2$ of the approximation. Type 4. All the images $\kappa(\bar x_1), \kappa(\bar x_2)$, $\kappa(\bar x_3)$ and $\kappa(\bar x_4)$ are pairwise $\varepsilon_2$-close in $\RP^s$. Let us prove that there exists a generic $f$ such that the components of the type 1 and the type 3 are empty. For the component of the type 3 the proof is analogous to the proof for the component of the type 1. Let us prove that there exists a generic deformation $g_1 \to g_2$ with the caliber $3\varepsilon_3$ such that after this deformation in the neighborhood $U_{\Delta}^{reg}$ there are no self-intersection points of $g_2$ obtained by a generic resolution of triple points of $f$ of the types 1 and 2. Let us start with the proof for triple points of the type 1. For a generic small alteration of the immersion $g_2$ inside $U^{reg}_{\Delta}$ the points of the type 1 of the triple points manifold $\Delta_3(f)$ are perturbed into a component of the self-intersection points on $L^{n-4k}$. This component is classified by the following two subtypes: – Subtype [**a**]{}. Preimages of a point are $(\bar x_2, \bar x_1), (\bar x_2, \bar x'_1)$. —Subtype [**b**]{}. Preimages of a point are $(\bar x_1, \bar x'_1),(\bar x_1, \bar x_2)$. In the formula above the points with the common indeces have $\varepsilon_3$-close projections on the corresponding sheet of $d(\RP^s)$. The two points in a pair form a point on $N^{n-2k}$ and a couple of pairs forms a point on the component of $L^{n-4k}$. Let us prove that there exists a $2\varepsilon_3$-small regular deformation $g_1 \to g_2$, such that the component of $h(L^{n-4k}) \cap U^{reg}_{\Delta}$ of the subtype [**a**]{} is empty. Let $K^{s-k}$ be the intersection manifold of $f(M^{n-k})$ with $d(\RP^s)$ (this manifold is immersed into the regular part in $\RP^s$). By a general position argument, because $2s < n - 2k$, a generic perturbation $r \to r'$ of the immersion $r: K^{s-k} \looparrowright \RP^s \to \R^n$ is an embedding. Therefore there exists a $2\varepsilon_2$-small deformation of immersed manifold $r(K^{s-k}) \to r'(K^{s-k})$ in $\R^n$, such that the regular $\varepsilon_2$-neighborhood of the submanifold $r'(K^{s-k})$ has no self-intersection. The deformation of the immersed manifolds $r(K^{s-k}) \to r'(K^{s-k})$ is extended to the deformation of $g_1(N^{n-2k})$ in the regular neighborhoods of the constructed one-parameter family of immersed manifolds. After the described regular deformation the immersed manifold $g_2(N^{n-2k})$ has no self-intersection components of the subtype [**a**]{}. The case of the self-intersection of the subtype [**b**]{} is analogous. Let us describe a generic deformation $g_1 \to g_2$ with the support in $U^{reg}_{\Delta}$ that resolves self-intersection corresponding to quadruple points of $f$ of the type 2. This deformation could be arbitrarily small. After this deformation the component $\Delta_4(f)$ of the type 2 is resolved into two components of $L^{n-4k}$ of different subtypes. These two components will be denoted by $L^{n-4k}_x$, $L^{n-4k}_y$. The immersed submanifold $g_2(N^{n-2k}) \cap U^{reg}_{\Delta}$ is divided into two components. The first component is formed by pairs of points $(\bar x, \bar x')$ with the $3\varepsilon_3$-close images $(\kappa(\bar x), \kappa(\bar x')$ on $\RP^s$. This component is denoted by $g_2(N^{n-2k}_x)$. The last component of $g_2(N^{n-2k}) \cap U^{reg}_{\Delta}$ is denoted by $g_2(N^{n-2k}_y)$. This component is formed by pairs of points $(\bar x, \bar x')$ with the projections $(\kappa(\bar x), \kappa(\bar x'))$ on different sheets of $\RP^s$. The component $L^{n-4k}_{x\downarrow}$ is defined by pairs $(\bar x_1, \bar x'_1),(\bar x_2, \bar x'_2)$. The component $L^{n-4k}_{y}$ is defined by pairs $(\bar x_1, \bar x_2),(\bar x'_1, \bar x'_2)$. A common index of points in the pair means that the images of the points are $\varepsilon_3$-close on $\RP^s$. Each pair determines a point on $N^{n-2k}$ with the same image of $g_2$. It is easy to see that the component $L^{n-4k}_{x\downarrow}$ is the self-intersection of $g_2(N^{n-2k}_x)$ and the component $L^{n-4k}_{y}$ is the self-intersection of $g_2(N^{n-2k}_y)$. It is easy to see that the structure groups of the components agree with the corresponding subgroup described in the lemma. The component $L^{n-4k}_{x \downarrow}$ admits a reduction of the structure group to the subgroup $\I_{2,x \downarrow} \subset \Z/2 \int \D_4$. The component $L^{n-4k}_{y}$ admits a reduction of the structure group to the subgroup $\I_{2,y}$. Moreover, it is easy to see that the covering $\tilde L^{n-4k}_{x \downarrow}$ over $L^{n-4k}_x$ induced by the epimorphism $\omega: \Z/2 \int \D_4 \to \Z/2$ with the kernel $\I_{2,x} \subset \Z/2 \int \D_4$ is naturally diffeomorphic to $L^{n-4k}_y$. Also it is easy to see that this diffeomorphism agrees with the transformation $OP$ of the structure groups of the framing over the components. The last component of $L^{n-4k}$ is immersed in the $\varepsilon_2$-neighborhood of $d(\RP^s)$ outside of $U^{reg}_{\Delta}$ and will be denoted by $L^{n-4k}_z$. The structure group of the framing of this component is $\I_{2,z}$. Lemma 1 is proved. ### The last part of the proof of the Theorem 1 {#the-last-part-of-the-proof-of-the-theorem-1 .unnumbered} Let us construct a pair of polyhedra $(P',Q') \subset \R^n$, $dim(P') =2s-n=n-2k-q-2$, $dim(Q') = dim(P')-1$. Obviously, $dim(P')< 2k -1$. Take a generic mapping $d': \RP^s \to \R^n$. Let us consider the submanifold with boundary $(\Delta'^{reg}, \partial \Delta'^{reg}) \subset \R^n$ (see the denotation in Lemma 1). Let $\eta_{\Delta'^{reg}}: (\Delta'^{reg},\partial \Delta'^{reg}) \to (K(\D_4,1),K(\I_b,1))$ be the classifying mapping for the double point self-intersection manifold of $d$. By a standard argument we may modify the mapping $d$ into $d'$ such that the mapping $\eta_{\Delta^{reg}}$ is a homotopy equivalence of pairs up to the dimension $q+1$. After this modification $d' \to d$ we define $(P,Q)=(\Delta^{reg},\partial \Delta^{reg}) \subset \R^n$ and the mapping $\eta_{\Delta^{reg}}$ is a $(q+1)$-homotopy equivalence. The subpolyhedron $Q$ is equipped with two cohomology classes $\kappa_{Q,1}, \kappa_{Q,2} \in H^1(Q;\Z/2)$. Because $\Sigma$ is a submanifold in $\RP^s$, the restriction of the characteristic class $\kappa \in H^1(\RP^s;\Z/2)$ to $H^1(\Sigma;\Z/2)$ is well-defined. The inclusion $i_Q: Q \subset U_{\Sigma}$ determines the cohomology class $(i_Q)^{\ast}(\kappa) \in H^1(Q;\Z/2)$. The cohomology class $\kappa_{Q,1}$ is defined as the characteristic class of the canonical double points covering over $\Sigma$. The class $\kappa_{Q,2}$ is defined by the formula $\kappa_{Q,2} = (i_Q)^{\ast}(\kappa) + \kappa_{Q,1}$. The immersed manifold (with boundary) $(N^{n-2k} \cap U_{\Sigma}) \looparrowright U_{\Sigma}$ is equipped with an $\I_b$-framing. Obviously the classes $\kappa_{Q,1}, \kappa_{Q,2} \in H^1(U_{\Sigma};\Z/2)=H^1(Q;\Z/2)$ restricted to $H^1(g_2(N^{n-2k}_{ext});\Z/2)$ ( recall that $g_2(N^{n-2k}_{ext})=g_2(N^{n-2k}) \cap (\R^n \setminus U_{\Delta})$) agree with the two generated cohomology classes $\rho_1, \rho_2$ of the $\I_b$-framing correspondingly. Let us define the immersion $g: N^{n-2k} \looparrowright \R^n$ with $\I_b$-control over $(P,Q)$. Let us start with the immersion $g_2: N^{n-2k} \looparrowright \R^n$ constructed in the lemma. By a $2\varepsilon_2$–small generic regular deformation we may deform the immersion $g_2$ into $g_3$, such that this deformation pushes the component $g_2(N^{n-2k}_x)$ out of $U^{reg}_{\Delta}$. Therefore the component $L^{n-4k}_{x \downarrow} \subset L^{n-4k}$ of the self-intersection of $g_2$ is also deformed out of $U^{reg}_{\Delta}$. The immersed manifold (with boundary) $g_3(N^{n-2k}) \cap (\R^n \setminus U^{reg}_{\Delta})$ is equipped with an $\I_b$-framing of the normal bundle. Obviously, the classes $\kappa_{Q,1}, \kappa_{Q,2} \in H^1(U_{\Sigma};\Z/2)=H^1(Q;\Z/2)$, restricted to $H^1(g_2(N^{n-2k}) \cap U_{\Delta};\Z/2)$, agree with the two generated cohomological classes of the $\I_b$-framing. The immersed manifold $g_3(N^{n-2k}) \cap U^{reg}_{\Delta}$ coincides with $g_2(N^{n-2k}_{y})$ and has the general structure group of the framing. This immersed manifold has the self-intersection manifold (with boundary) $h(L^{n-4k}) \cap U^{reg}_{\Delta}$ with the reduction of the structure group to the pair of the subgroups $(\I_{2,y},\I_3)$. Let us prove that the immersed manifold (with boundary) $h(L^{n-4k}) \cap U^{reg}_{\Delta}$ is $\Z/2 \int \D_4$-framed cobordant (relative to the boundary) to a $\Z/2 \int \D_4$-framed manifold decomposed into the disjoint union of a closed $\Z/2 \int \D_4$-framed manifold that is the image of the transfer homomorphism $\omega^!$ and a relative $\I_3$-framed manifold. Take a $\Z/2 \int \D_4$-framed manifold $(\tilde L^{n-4k}, \tilde \Psi, \tilde \zeta)$ that is defined as the image of $\Z/2 \int \D_4$-framed manifold $(L^{n-4k}, \Psi, \zeta)$ by the transfer homomorphism (a double covering) with respect to the cohomology class $\omega \in H^1(\Z/2 \int \D_4;\Z/2)$. Recall that the manifold $\tilde L^{n-4k}$ is obtained by gluing the manifold $\tilde L^{n-4k}_{x} \cup \tilde L^{n-4k}_y$ with the manifold $\tilde L^{n-4k}_z$ along the common boundary $\tilde \Lambda^{n-4k-1}$. Note that the group of the framing of the last manifold $\tilde \Lambda^{n-4k-1}_z$ is the subgroup $\I_3 \subset \Z/2 \int \D_4$. Let $OP\alpha$ be the $\Z/2 \int \D_4$–framed immersion obtained from an arbitrary $\Z/2 \int \D_4$-framed immersion $\alpha$ by changing the structure group of the framing by the transformation $OP$. The $\Z/2 \int \D_4$-framed manifold (with boundary) $(\tilde L^{n-4k}_y, \tilde \Psi_y, \tilde \zeta_y)$ coincides with the two disjoint copies of $\Z/2 \int \D_4$-framed manifold (with boundary) $OP(\tilde L^{n-4k}_y, \tilde \Psi_y, \tilde \zeta_y)$. Let us put $\alpha_1=-OP(\tilde L^{n-4k}, \tilde \Psi, \tilde \zeta)$. Let us define the sequence of $\Z/2 \int \D_4$-framed immersions $\alpha_2 = -2 OP\alpha_1$, $\alpha_3 = -2 OP\alpha_2$, $\dots$, $\alpha_j = -2 OP\alpha_{j-1}$. Obviously, the $\D/4 \int \Z/2$-framed immersion $\alpha_1 + \alpha_2 = \alpha_1 + 2OP\alpha_1^{-1}$ is represented by 3 copies of the manifold $\tilde L^{n-4k}$. The second and the third copies are obtained from the first copy by the mirror image and the changing of structure group of the framing. The manifold $-OP[\tilde L^{n-4k}] \cup 2[\tilde L^{n-4k}]$ contains, in particular, a copy of $-OP[\tilde L^{n-4k}_x]$ inside the first component and the union $[\tilde L^{n-4k}_y \cup L^{n-4k}_y]$ of the mirror two copies of $-OP[\tilde L^{n-4k}_x]$ in the second and the third component. Therefore the manifold $-OP[\tilde L^{n-4k}] \cup 2[ \tilde L^{n-4k}]$ is $\Z/2 \int \D_4$-framed cobordant to a $\Z/2 \int \D_4$-framed manifold, obtained by gluing the union of a copy of $-OP[\tilde L^{n-4k}_x]$ and 4 copies of $\tilde L^{n-4k}_y$ by a $\I_3$-framing manifold along the boundary. This cobordism is relative with respect to the submanifold $-OP[\tilde L^{n-4k}_z] \cup 2[L^{n-4k}_z] \subset -OP[L^{n-4k}] \cup 2L^{n-4k}$. By an analogous argument it is easy to prove that the element $\aleph= \sum_{j=1}^{j_0} \alpha_j$ is $\Z/2 \int \D_4$-framed cobordant to the manifold obtained by gluing the union $-OP[\tilde L^{n-4k}_x] \cup 2^j(-OP)^{j-1}[\tilde L^{n-4k}_y]$ by an $\I_3$-manifold along the boundary. Moreover, this cobordism is relative with respect to all copies of $\tilde L^{n-4k}_z$ (with various orientations). If $j_0$ is great enough, the manifold (with $\I_3$-framed boundary) $2^j(-OP)^{j_0-1}[\tilde L^{n-4k}_y]$ is cobordant relative to the boundary to an $\I_3$-framed manifold. Therefore the manifold $L^{n-4k}_y$ is $\Z/2 \int \D_4$-framed cobordant relative to the boundary to the union of an $\I_3$-framed manifold with the same boundary and a closed manifold that is the double cover with respect to $\omega$ over a $\Z/2 \int \D_4$-framed manifold. This cobordism is realized as a cobordism of the self-intersection of a $\D_4$-framed immersion with support inside $U^{reg}_{\Delta}$. This cobordism joins the immersion $g_3$ with a $\D_4$–framed immersion $g_4$. After an additional deformation of $g_4$ inside a larger neighborhood of $\Delta^{reg}$ the relative $\I_b$-submanifold of the self-intersection manifold of $g_4$ is deformed outside of $U^{reg}_{\Delta}$. The $\D_4$-framed immersion obtained as the result of this cobordism admits an $\I_b$-control. The Theorem 1 is proved. An $\I_4$-structure (a cyclic structure) of a $\D_4$-framed immersion ====================================================================== Let us describe the subgroup $\I_4 \subset \Z/2 \int \D_4$. This subgroup is isomorphic to the group $\Z/2 \oplus \Z/4$. Let us recall that the group $ \Z/2 \int \D_4$ is the transformation group of $\R^4$ that permutes the $4$-tuple of the coordinate lines and two planes $(f_1, f_2)$, $(f_3, f_4)$ spanned by the vectors of the standard base $(f_1, f_2, f_3, f_4)$ (the planes can remin fixed or be permuted by a transformation). Let us denote the generators of $\Z/2 \oplus \Z/4$ by $l$, $r$ correspondingly. Let us describe the transformations of $\R^4$ given by each generator. Consider a new base $(e_1, e_2, e_3, e_4)$, given by $e_1=f_1+f_2$, $e_2=f_1-f_2$, $e_3=f_3+f_4$, $e_4=f_3-f_4$. The generator $r$ of order 4 is represented by the rotation in the plane $(e_2,e_4)$ through the angle $\frac{\pi}{2}$ and the reflection in the plane $(e_1,e_3)$ with respect to the line $e_1+e_3$. The generator $l$ of order 2 is represented by the central symmetry in the plane $(e_1, e_3)$. Obviously, the described representation of $\I_4$ admits invariant (1,1,2)-dimensional subspaces. We will denote subspaces by $\lambda_1, \lambda_2, \tau$. The lines $\lambda_1, \lambda_2$ are generated by the vectors $e_1+e_3$, $e_1-e_3$ correspondingly. The subspace $\tau$ is generated by the vectors $e_2, e_4$. The generator $r$ acts by the reflection in $\lambda_2$ and by the rotation in $\tau$ throught the angle $\frac{\pi}{2}$. The generator $l$ acts by reflections in the subspaces $\lambda_1$, $\lambda_2$. In particular, if the structure group $\Z/2 \int \D_4$ of a 4-dimensional bundle $\zeta: E(\zeta) \to L$ admits a reduction to the subgroup $\I_4$, then the bundle is decomposed into the direct sum $\zeta = \lambda_1 \oplus \lambda_2 \oplus \tau$ of $1,1,2$–dimensional subbundles. ### Definition 6 {#definition-6 .unnumbered} Let $(g: N^{n-2k} \looparrowright \R^n, \Xi_N, \eta)$ be an arbitrary $\D_4$-framed immersion. We shall say that this immersion is an $\I_b$–immersion (or a cyclic immersion), if the structure group $\Z/2 \int \D_4$ of the normal bundle over the double points manifold $L^{n-4k}$ of this immersion admits a reduction to the subgroup $\I_4 \subset \Z/2 \int \D_4$. In this definition we assume that the pairs $(f_1, f_2)$, $(f_3,f_4)$ are the vectors of the framing for the two sheets of the self-intersection manifold at a point in the double point manifold $L^{n-4k}$. $$$$ In particular, for a cyclic $\Z/2 \int \D_4$-framed immersion there exists the mappings $\kappa_a: L^{n-4k} \to K(\Z/2,1)$, $\mu_a: L^{n-4k} \to K(\Z/4,1)$ such that the characteristic mapping $\zeta: L^{n-4k} \to K(\Z/2 \int \D/4,1)$ of the $\Z/2 \int \D_4$-framing of the normal bundle over $L^{n-4k}$ is reduced to a mapping with the target $K(\I_b,1)$ such that the following equation holds: $$\zeta = i(\kappa_a \oplus \mu_a),$$ where $i: \Z/2 \oplus \Z/4 \to \I_4$ is the prescribed isomorphism. The following Proposition is proved by a straightforward calculation. ### Proposition 2 {#proposition-2 .unnumbered} Let $(g,\Psi_N, \eta)$ be a $\D_4$–framed immersion, that is a cyclic immersion. Then the Kervaire invariant, appearing as the top line of the diagram (7), can be calculated by following formula: $$\Theta_a=<\kappa_a^{\frac{n-4k}{2}}\mu_a^{\ast}(\tau)^{\frac{n-4k-2}{4}} \mu_a^{\ast}(\rho);[L]>, \eqno(8)$$ where $\tau \in H^2(\Z/4;\Z/2)$, $\rho \in H^1(\Z/4;\Z/2)$ are the generators. $$$$ ### Proof of Proposition 2 {#proof-of-proposition-2 .unnumbered} Let us consider the subgroup of index 2, $\I_b \subset \I_4$. This subgroup is the kernel of the epimorphism $\chi': \I_4 \to \Z/2$, that is the restriction of the characteristic class $\chi: \Z/2 \int \D_4 \to \Z/2$ of the canonical double cover $\bar L \to L$ to the subgroup $\I_4 \subset \Z/2 \int \D_4$. Obviously, the characteristic number (8) is calculated by the formula $$\Theta_a=<\hat \kappa_a^{\frac{n-4k}{2}} \hat \rho_a^{\frac{n-4k}{2}};\bar L>, \eqno(9)$$ where the characteristic class $\hat \kappa_a \in H^1(\bar L;\Z/2)$ is induced from the class $\kappa_a \in H^1(L;\Z/2)$ by the canonical cover $\bar L \to L$, and the class $\hat \rho_a \in H^1(\bar L;\Z/2)$ is obtained by the transfer of the class $\rho \in H^1(L;\Z/4)$. Note that $\hat \kappa_a = \tau_1$, $\hat \rho_a = \tau_2$, where $\tau_1$, $\tau_2$ are the two generating $\I_b$–characteristic classes. Therefore $\hat \kappa_a \hat \rho_a = \tau_1 \tau_2 = w_2(\eta)$, where $\eta$ is the two-dimensional bundle that determines the $\D_4$–framing (over the submanifold $\bar L^{n-4k} \subset N^{n-2k}$ this framing admits a reduction to an $\I_b$-framing) of the normal bundle for the immersion $g$ of $N^{n-2k}$ into $\R^n$. Therefore the characteristic number, given by the formula (8) in the case when the $\Z/2 \int \D_4$ framing over $L^{n-4k}$ is reduced to an $\I_4$-framing, coincides with the characteristic number, given by the formula (9). Proposition 2 is proved. ### Definition 7 {#definition-7 .unnumbered} We shall say that a $\D_4$-framed immersion $(g,\Xi_N,\eta)$ admits a $\I_4$–structure (a cyclic structure), if for the double points manifold $L^{n-4k}$ of $g$ there exist mappings $\kappa_a: L^{n-4k} \to K(\Z/2,1)$, $\mu_a: L^{n-4k} \to K(\Z/4,1)$ such that the characteristic number (8) coincides with Kervaire invariant, see Definition 2. $$$$ ### Theorem 2 {#theorem-2 .unnumbered} Let $(g, \Psi, \eta)$ be a $\D_4$-framed immersion, $g: N^{n-2k} \looparrowright \R^n$, that represents a regular cobordism class in the image of the homomorphism $\delta: Imm^{sf}(n-k,k) \to Imm^{\D_4}(n-2k,2k)$, $n-4k=62$, $n=2^l-2$, $l \ge 13$, and assume the conditions of the Theorem 1 hold, i.e. the residue class $\delta^{-1}(Imm^{sf}(n-k,k)$ (this class is defined modulo odd torsion) contains a skew-framed immersion that admits a retraction of order $62$. Then in the $\D_4$-framed cobordism class $[(g, \Psi, \eta)] = \delta[(f, \Xi, \kappa)] \in Imm^{\D_4}(n-2k,2k)$ there exists a $\D_4$-framed immersion that admits an $\I_4$–structure (a cyclic structure). $$$$ Proof of Theorem 2 ================== Let us formulate the Geometrical Control Principle for $\I_b$–controlled immersions. Let us take an $\I_b$–controlled immersion (see Definition 4) $(g,\Xi_N,\eta;(P,Q),\kappa_{Q,1}, \kappa_{Q,2})$, where $g:N \looparrowright \R^n$ is a $\D_4$-framed immersion, equipped with a control mapping over a polyhedron $i_P: P \subset \R^n$, $dim(P)=2k-1$; $Q \subset P$ $dim(Q)=dim(P)-1$. The characteristic classes $\kappa_{Q,i} \in H^1(Q;\Z/2)$, $i=1,2$ coincide with characteristic classes $\kappa_{i,N_Q} \in N_Q^{n-2k-1}$ by means of the mapping $\partial N^{n-2k}_{int} = N^{n-2k}_Q \to Q$, where $N^{n-2k}_{int} \subset N^{n-2k}$, $N^{n-2k}_{int}=g^{-1}(U_P)$, $U_P \subset \R^n$. ### Proposition 3. Geometrical Control Principle for $\I_b$–controlled immersions {#proposition-3.-geometrical-control-principle-for-i_bcontrolled-immersions .unnumbered} Let $j_P : P \subset \R^n$ be an arbitrary embedding; such an embedding is unique up to isotopy by a dimensional reason, because $2dim(P)+1=4k-1<n$. Let $g_1: N^{n-2k} \to \R^n$ be an arbitrary mapping, such that the restriction $g_1 \vert_{N_{int}}: (N^{n-2k}_{int}, N^{n-2k-1}_Q) \looparrowright (U_P, \partial U_P)$ is an immersion (the restriction $g \vert_{N^{n-2k-1}_Q}$ is an embedding) that corresponds to the immersion $g \vert_{N^{n-2k}_{int}}: (N^{n-2k}_{int},N^{n-2k-1}_Q) \looparrowright (U_P, \partial U_P)$ by means of the standard diffeomorphism of the regular neighborhoods $U_{i_P}=U_{j_P}$ of subpolyhedra $i(P)$ and $j(P)$. (For a dimension reason there is a standard diffeomorphism of $U_{i_P}$ and $U_{j_P}$ up to an isotopy.) Then for an arbitrary $\varepsilon >0$ there exists an immersion $g_{\varepsilon}: N^{n-2k} \looparrowright \R^n$ such that $dist_{C^0}(g_1,g_{\varepsilon})<\varepsilon$ and such that $g_{\varepsilon}$ is regular homotopy to an immersion $g$ and the restrictions $g_{\varepsilon} \vert _{N^{n-2k}_{int}}$ and $g_1 \vert_{N^{n-2k}_{int}}$ coincide. $$$$ We start the proof of Theorem 2 with the following construction. Let us consider the manifold $Z=S^{\frac{n}{2}+64}/i \times \RP^{\frac{n}{2}+64}$. This manifold is the direct product of the standard lens space $(mod 4)$ and the projective space. The cover $p_Z: \hat Z \to Z$ over this manifold with the covering space $\hat Z = \RP^{\frac{n}{2}+64} \times \RP^{\frac{n}{2}+64}$ is well-defined. Let us consider in the manifold $Z$ a family of submanifolds $X_i$, $i=0, \dots, \frac{n+2}{64}$ of the codimension $\frac{n+2}{2}$, defined by the formulas $X_0 = S^{\frac{n}{2}+64}/i \times \RP^{63}$, $X_1= S^{\frac{n}{2}+32}/i \times \RP^{95}, \dots$, $X_j = S^{\frac{n}{2} - 32(j-2)-1}/i \times \RP^{32(j+2)-1}, \dots$, $X_{\frac{n+2}{64}} = S^{63}/i \times \RP^{\frac{n}{2}+64}$. The embedding of the corresponding manifold in $Z$ is defined by the Cartesian product of the two standard embeddings. The union of the submanifolds $\{X_i\}$ is a stratified submanifold (with singularities) $X \subset Z$ of the dimension $\frac{n}{2}+127$, the codimension of maximal singular strata in $X$ is equal to $64$. The covering $p_X: \hat X \to X$, induced from the covering $p_Z: \hat Z \to Z$ by the inclusion $X \subset Z$, is well-defined. The covering space $\hat X$ is a stratified manifold (with singularities) and decomposes into the union of the submanifolds $\hat X_0 = \RP^{\frac{n}{2}+64} \times \RP^{63}, \dots, \hat X_j = \RP^{\frac{n}{2} - 32(j-2)} \times \RP^{32(j+2) -1}, \dots, \hat X_{\frac{n+2}{64}}=\RP^{63} \times \RP^{\frac{n}{2}+64}$. Each manifold $\hat X_i$ of the family is the $2$-sheeted covering space over the manifold $X_i$ over the first coordinate. Let us define $d_1(j)= \frac{n}{2} - 32(j-2)$, $d_2(j)=32(j+2)-1$. Then the formula for $X_i$ is the following: $X_j=\RP^{d_1(j)} \times \RP^{d_2(j)}$. The cohomology classes $\rho_{X,1} \in H^1(X;\Z/4)$, $\kappa_{X,2}\in H^1(X;\Z/2)$ are well-defined. These classes are induced from the generators of the groups $H^1(Z;\Z/4)$, $H^1(Z;\Z/2)$. Analogously, the cohomology classes $\kappa_{\hat X,i}\in H^1(\hat X;\Z/4)$, $i=1,2$ are well-defined. The cohomology class $\kappa_{\hat X,1}$ is induced from the class $\rho_{X,1} \in H^1(X;\Z/4)$ my means of the transfer homomorphim, and $\kappa_{\hat X,2} = (p_X)^{\ast}(\kappa_{X,2})$. Let us define for an arbitrary $j= 0, \dots, (\frac{n+2}{64})$ the space $J_j$ and the mapping $\varphi_j: X_j \to J_j$. We denote by $Y_1(k)$ the space $S^{31}/i \ast \dots \ast S^{31}/i$ of the join of $k$ copies, $k=1, \dots ,(\frac{n+2}{64}+1)$, of the standard lens space $S^{31}/i$. Let us denote by $Y_2(k)$, $k=2, \dots, (\frac{n+2}{64}+2)$, $Y_2(k) = \RP^{31} \ast \dots \ast \RP^{31}$ the joins of the $k$ copies of the standard projective space $\RP^{31}$. Let us define $J_j =Y_1(\frac{n+2}{64}-j+2)) \times Y_2(j+2)$ $Q = Y_1(\frac{n+2}{64}+2) \times Y_2(\frac{n+2}{64}+2)$. For a given $j$ the natural inclusions $J_j \subset Q$ are well-defined. Let us denote the union of the considered inclusions by $J$. The mapping $\varphi_j: X_j \to J_j$ is well-defined as the Cartesian product of the two following mappings. On the first coordinate the mapping is defined as the composition of the standard 2-sheeted covering $\RP^{d_1(j)} \to S^{\frac{n}{2}-64(j-1)}/i$ and the natural projection $S^{d_1(j)}/i \to Y_1(d_1(j))$. On the second coordinate the mapping is defined by the natural projection $\RP^{d_2(j)} \to Y_2(j+1)$. The family of mappings $\varphi_j$ determines the mapping $\varphi: \hat X \to J$, because the restrictions of any two mappings to the common subspace in the origin coincide. For $n+2 \ge 2^{13}$ the space $J$ embeddable into the Euclidean $n$-space by an embedding $i_J: J \subset \R^n$. Each space $Y_1(k)$, $Y_2(k)$ in the family is embeddable into the Euclidean $(2^6k -1-k)$–space. Therefore for an arbitrary $j$ the space $J_j$ is embaddable into the Euclidean space of dimension $n+126-\frac{n+2}{64}$. In particular, if $n+2 \ge 2^{13}$ the space $J_j$ is embeddable into $\R^n$. The image of an arbitrary intersection of the two embeddings in the family belongs to the standard coordinate subspace. Therefore the required embedding $i_J$ is defined by the gluing of embeddings in the family. Let us describe the mapping $\hat h: \hat X \to \R^n$. By $\varepsilon$ we denote the radius of a (stratified) regular neighborhood of the subpolyhedron $i_J(J) \subset \R^n$. Let us consider a small positive $\varepsilon_1$, $\varepsilon_1 << \varepsilon$, (this constant will be defined below in the proof of Lemma 4) and let us consider a generic $PL$ $\varepsilon_1$–deformation of the mapping $i_J \circ \varphi: \hat X \to J \subset \R^n$. The result of the deformation is denoted by $\hat h: \hat X \to \R^n$. Let us define the positive integer $k$ from the equation $n-4k=62$. In the prescribed regular homotopy class of an $\I_b$-controlled immersion $f: N^{n-2k} \looparrowright \R^n$ we will construct another $\I_b$–controlled immersion $g: N^{n-2k} \looparrowright \R^n$ that admits a $\I_b$–structure. Let the immersion $f$ be controlled over the embedded subpolyhedron $\psi_P: P \subset \R^n$. Let $\psi_Q: Q \to \hat X$ be a generic mapping such that $\kappa_{Q,i} = \psi_Q \circ \kappa_{\hat X,i}$, $i=1,2$. By the previous definition the manifolds $N^{n-2k}_{int}$, $N^{n-2k}_{ext}$ with the common boundary $N^{n-2k-1}_Q$, $N^{n-2k} = N^{n-2k}_{int} \cup_{N^{n-2k-1}_Q} N^{n-2k}_{ext}$ are well-defined. Let $\eta: N^{n-2k}_{ext} \to K(\I_b,1) \subset K(\D_4,1)$ be the characteristic mapping of the framing $\Xi_N$, restricted to $N^{n-2k}_{ext} \subset N^{n-2k}$. The restriction of this mapping to the boundary $\partial N^{n-2k}_{ext}= N^{n-2k-1}_Q$ is given by the composition $\partial N^{n-2k-1}_Q \to Q \to K(\I_b,1) \subset K(\D_4,1)$. The target space for the mapping $\eta$ is the subspace $K(\I_b,1) \subset K(\D_4,1)$. This mapping is determined by the cohomology classes $\kappa_{N^{n-2k}_{ext},s} \in H^1(N^{n-2k}_{ext},Q;\Z/2)$, $s=1,2$. Let us define the mapping $\lambda: N^{n-2k}_{ext} \to \hat X$ by the following conditions. This mapping transforms the cohomology classes $\kappa_{\hat X,i}$ into the classes $\kappa_i \in H^1(N^{n-2k}_{ext};\Z/2)$ and also the restriction $\lambda \vert_{N^{n-2k-1}_Q}$ coincides with the composition of the projection $N^{n-2k-1}_{Q} \to Q$ and the mapping $\psi_Q: Q \to \hat X$. The boundary conditions for the mapping $\psi_Q$ are $\kappa_{Q,i} = \psi_Q \circ \kappa_{\hat X,i}$, $i=1,2$. The submanifold with singularities $\hat X \subset \hat Z$ contains the skeleton of the space $\hat Z$ of the dimension $\frac{n}{2}+62$. Because $n-2k=\frac{n}{2}+31$, the mapping $\lambda$ is well-defined. Let us denote the composition $\hat h \circ \lambda: N^{n-2k}_{ext} \to \hat X \to \R^n$ by $g_1$. Let us denote the mapping $ \hat h \circ \psi_Q: Q \to \hat X \to \R^n$ by $ \varphi_Q$. One can assume that the mapping $\varphi_Q$ is an embedding. Moreover, without loss of generality one may assume that this embedding is extended to a generic embedding $\varphi_P: P \subset \R^n$ such that the embedded polyhedron $\varphi_P: P \subset \R^n$ does not intersect $g_1(N^{n-2k}_{ext})$. Let us denote by $U_{\varphi}(P)$ a regular neighborhood of the subpolyhedron $\varphi_P(P) \subset \R^n$ (we may assume that the radius of this neighborhood is equal to $\varepsilon$). Up to an isotopy a regular neighborhood $U_{\varphi}(P)$ is well-defined, in particular, this neighborhood does not depend on the choice of a regular embedding of $P$, moreover $U_{\varphi}(P)$ and $U(P)$ are diffeomorphic. Without loss of generality after an additional small deformation we may assume that the restriction $g_1 \vert_{N^{n-2k}_{int}}$ is a regular immersion $g_1: N^{n-2k}_{int} \subset \R^n$ with the image inside $U_{\varphi}(P)$. In particular, the restriction of $g_1$ to the boundary $N^{n-2k-1}_Q = \partial(N^{n-2k}_{int})$ is a regular embedding $N^{n-2k-1}_Q \subset \partial U(P)$. The immersion $g_1 \vert_{N_{int}}$ is conjugated to the immersion $f \vert_{N_{int}}$ by means of a diffeomorphism of $U_{\varphi}(P)$ with $U(P)$. By Proposition 3, for an arbitrary $\varepsilon_2 >0$, $\varepsilon_2 << \varepsilon_1 << \varepsilon$, there exists an immersion $g : N^{n-2k} \looparrowright \R^n$ in the regular homotopy class of $f$, such that $g$ coincides with $g'$ (and with $g_1$) on $N^{n-2k}_{int}$ and, moreover, $dist(g,g_1)< \varepsilon_2$. Let us consider the self-intersection manifold $L^{n-4k}$ of the immersion $g$. This manifold is a submanifold in $\R^n$. Let us construct the mappings $\kappa_a: L^{n-4k} \to K(\Z/2,1)$, $\mu_a: L^{n-4k} \to K(\Z/4,1)$. Then we check the conditions (8) and (9). The manifold $L^{n-4k}$ is naturally divided into two components. The first component $L^{n-4k}_{int}$ is inside $U_{\varphi_P}(P)$. The last component (we will denote this component again by $L^{n-4k}$) consists of the last self-intersection points. This component is outside the $\varepsilon$–neighborhood of the submanifold with singularities $h(X)$. The mappings $\kappa_a$, $\mu_a$ over $L^{n-4k}_{int}$ are defined as the trivial mappings. Let us define the mappings $\kappa_a$, $\mu_a$ on $L^{n-4k}$. Let us consider the mapping $\varphi: \hat X \to J$ and the singular set (polyhedron) $\Sigma$ of this mapping. This is the subpolyhedron $ \Sigma \subset \{ \hat X^{(2)}= \hat X \times \hat X \setminus \Delta_{\hat X} / T'\}$, where $T': \hat X^({2}) \to \hat X^{(2)}$– is the involution of coordinates in the delated product $\hat X^{(2)}$ of the space $\hat X$. The subpolyhedron (it is convenient to view this polyhedron as a manifold with singularities) $\Sigma$ is naturally decomposed into the union of the subpolyhedra $\Sigma(j)$, $j=0, \dots, \frac{n+2}{128}$. The subpolyhedron $\Sigma(j)$ is the singular set of the mapping $\varphi(j): \RP^{d_1(j)} \times \RP^{d_2(j)} \to S^{d_1(j)}/i \times \RP^{d_2(j)} \to J_j$. This subpolyhedron consists of the singular points of the mapping $\varphi$ in the inverse image $(\varphi)^{-1}(J_j)= \RP^{d_1(j)} \times \RP^{d_2(j)}$ of the subspace $J_j \subset J$. Let us consider the subspace $\Sigma^{reg} \subset \Sigma$, consisting of points on strata of length 0 (regular strata) and of length 1 (singular strata of the codimension 32) after the regular $\varepsilon_2$ –neighborhoods ($\varepsilon_2 << \varepsilon_1$) of the diagonal $\Delta^{diag}$ and the antidiagonal $\Delta^{antidiag}$ of $\Sigma^{reg}$ are cut out. The manifold with singularities $\Sigma^{reg}$ admits a natural compactification (closure) in the neighborhood of $\Delta^{diag}$ and $\Delta^{antidiag}$; the result of the compactification will be denoted by $K_{reg}$. The space $RK$, called the space of resolution of singularities, equipped with the natural projection $RK \to K_{reg}$ is defined by the analogous construction; see the short English translation of \[A1\], Lemma 7. The cohomology classes $\rho_{RK,1} \in H^1(RK;\Z/4)$, $\kappa_{RK,2} \in H^1(RK;\Z/2)$ are well-defined. The cohomology classes $\kappa_{K_{reg},1} \in H^1(RK;\Z/2)$, $\kappa_{RK,1} \in H^1(RK;\Z/2)$ are the images of the class $\kappa_{\Sigma,1} \in H^1(\Sigma;\Z/2)$ with respect to the inclusion $K_{reg} \subset \Sigma$ and the projection $RK \to K_{reg}$. The class classifies the transposition of the two non-ordered preimages of a point in the singular set. Let us consider the restrictions of the classes $\kappa_{K_{reg},1}, \kappa_{RK,1}, \kappa_{\Sigma,1}$ to neighborhoods of the diagonal and the antidiagonal. The natural projection $\Delta^{diag} \to \hat X$ is well-defined. The restrictions of the classes $\rho_1$ and $\kappa_2$ to neighborhoods of the diagonal coincide with the restrictions of the classes $\rho_{\hat X,1} \in H^1(\hat X;\Z/4)$, $\kappa_{\hat X,2} \in H^1(\hat X;\Z/2)$. (These classes $\rho_{\hat X,1}, \kappa_{\hat X,2}$ are extended to neighborhoods of the diagonal). Let us recall that the mapping $\hat h: \hat X \to \R^n$ is defined as the result of an $\varepsilon_1$–small regular deformation of the mapping $\hat X \to X \stackrel{h}{\longrightarrow} \R^n$. The singular set of the mapping $\hat h$ will be denoted by $\Sigma_{\hat h}$. This is a $128$–dimensional polyhedron, or a manifold with singularities in the codimensions $32,64,96,128$. Moreover, the inclusion $\Sigma_{\hat h} \subset \hat X^{(2)}$ is well-defined. The image of this inclusion is in the regular $\varepsilon_1$–small neighborhood of the singular polyhedron $\Sigma \subset X^{(2)}$. Let us denote by $\Sigma_{\hat h}^{reg}$ the part of the singular set after cutting out the regular $\varepsilon_1$–neighborhood of the points in singular strata of length at least 2 (of the codimension 64) and self-intersection points of all singular strata (these strata are also of the codimension 64). The boundary $\partial \Sigma_{\hat h}$ is a submanifold with singularities in $\hat X$ and therefore. by a general position argument, we may also assume that the boundary $\partial \Sigma_{\hat h}^{reg}$ is a regular submanifold with singularities in $\hat X$. Additionally, by general position arguments, the intersection of the image $Im(\lambda (N^{n-2k}_{ext}))$ inside the singular set $\Sigma_{\hat h}$ (this is a polyhedron of the dimension $62$) on $X$ are outside (with respect to the caliber $\varepsilon$) of the projection of the singular submanifold with singularities (this singular part is of the codimension $64$) in the complement of the regular submanifold with singularities $\Sigma_{\hat h}^{reg} \subset \Sigma_{\hat h}$. Therefore the image $Im(\lambda (N^{n-2k}_{ext}))$ is inside the regular part $\Sigma_{\hat h}^{reg} \subset \Sigma_{\hat h}$. Let us denote by $L^{62}_{cycl} \subset L^{62}$ the submanifold (with boundary) given by the formula $L^{62}_{cycl}= L^{62} \cap U_{\Sigma^{reg}}$. The mappings $\kappa_a$, $\rho_a$ are extendable from $U_{\Sigma^{reg}}$ to $L^{62}_{cycl} \subset L^{62}$. Let us prove that these mappings are extendable to mappings $\kappa_a: L^{62} \to K(\Z/2,1)$, $\rho_a: L^{62} \to K(\Z/4,1)$. The complement of thе submanifold $L^{62}_{cycl} \subset L^{62}$ is denoted by $L^{62}_{\I_3} = L^{62} \setminus L^{62}_{cycl}$. The submanifold $L^{62}_{\I_3}$ is a submanifold in the regular $\varepsilon$–neighborhood of $h(X) \subset \R^n$. Obviously, the structure group of the $\Z/2 \int \D_4$–framing of the normal bundle of the manifold (with boundary) $L^{62}_{\I_3}$ is reduced to the subgroup $\I_3 \subset \Z/2 \int \D_4$. Let us consider the mapping of pairs $\mu_a \times \kappa_a: (L^{62}_{cycl}, \partial L^{62}_{cycl}) \to (K(\Z/4,1) \times K(\Z/2,1),K(\Z/2,1) \times K(\Z/2,1))$. Let us consider the natural projection $\pi_b: \I_3 \to \I_b$. The extension of the mapping $\mu_a \times \kappa_a$ to the required mapping $L^{62} \to K(\Z/4,1) \times K(\Z/2,1)$ is given by the composition $L^{62}_{\I_3} \to K(\I_3,1) \stackrel{\pi_{b,\ast}}{\longrightarrow} K(\I_b,1) \subset K(\Z/4,1) \times K(\Z/2,1)$, where $\kappa_1 \in K(\I_b;\Z/2)$ determines the inclusion $K(\I_b,1) \subset K(\Z/2,1) \subset K(\Z/4,1)$. Let us formulate the results in the following lemma. ### Lemma 4 {#lemma-4 .unnumbered} –1. Let $n \ge 2^{13}-2$ and $k$, $n-4k=62$ satisfy the conditions of Theorem 1 (in particular, an arbitrary element in the group $Imm^{sf}(n-k,k)$ admits a retraction of the order $62$. Then for arbitrarily small positive numbers $\varepsilon_1$, $\varepsilon_2$, $\varepsilon_1 >> \varepsilon_2$ (the numbers $\varepsilon_1$, $\varepsilon_2$ are the calibers of the regular deformations in the construction of the $PL$–mapping $\hat h :\hat X \to \R^n$ and of the immersion $g: N^{n-2k} \looparrowright \R^n$ correspondingly) there exists the mapping $m_a =(\kappa_a \times \mu_a): \Sigma_{h}^{reg} \to K(\Z/4,1) \times K(\Z/2,1)$ under the following condition. The restriction $m_a \vert_{\partial \Sigma_h^{reg}}$ (by $\partial \Sigma_h^{reg}$ is denoted the part of the singular polyhedron consisting of points on the diagonal) has the target $K(\Z/2,1) \times K(\Z/2,1) \subset K(\Z/4,1) \times K(\Z/2,1)$ and is determined by the cohomological classes $\kappa_{\hat X,1}, \kappa_{\hat X,2}$. –2. The mappings $\kappa_a$, $\mu_a$ induces a mapping $(\mu_a \times \kappa_a): L^{62} \to K(\Z/4,1) \times K(\Z/2,1)$ on the self-intersection manifold of the immersion $g$. $$$$ Let us prove that the mapping $(\mu_a \times \kappa_a)$ constructed in Lemma 4 determines a $\Z/2 \oplus \Z/4$–structure for the $\D_4$–framed immersion $g$. We have to prove the equation (9). Let us recall that the component $L^{62}_{int}$ of the self-intersection manifold of the immersion $g$ is a $\Z/2 \int \D_4$–framed manifold with trivial Kervaire invariant: the corresponding element in the group $Imm^{\Z/2 \int \D_4}(62, n-62)$ is in the image of the transfer homomorphism. Therefore it is sufficient to prove the equation $$<m_a^{\ast}(\rho \tau^{15} t^{31});[L^{62}]>=\Theta,$$ or, equivalently, the equation $$<(\hat \rho_a^{31} \hat \kappa_a^{31});[\hat L^{62}]>=\Theta, \eqno(10)$$ where $\hat L \to L$ is the canonical cover over the self-intersection manifold, $\hat L \subset N^{n-2k}_{ext}$ is the canonical inclusion. By Herbert’s theorem (see \[A1\] for the analogous construction) we may calculate the right side of the equation by the formula $$<\eta^{\ast}(w_2(\I_b))^{\frac{n-2k}{2}};[N^{n-2k}_{ext}/\sim]>. \eqno(11)$$ In this formula by $N^{n-2k}_{ext}/\sim$ is denoted the quotient of the boundary $\partial N^{n-2k}_{ext}=N^{n-2k-1}_Q$ that is contracted onto the polyhedron $Q$ with the loss of the dimension. Note that the mapping $m_a \vert_{N^{n-2k-1}_Q}$ is obtained by the composition of the mapping $p_Q: N^{n-2k-1} \to Q$ with a loss of dimension with the mapping $Q \to K(\I_b,1)$, the last mapping is determined by the cohomology classes $\kappa_{i,Q} \in H^1(Q;\Z/2)$, $i=1,2$. Therefore, $m_{a\ast}([N^{n-2k}_{ext}/\sim]) \in H_{n-2k}(\I_b;\Z/2)$ is a permanent cycle and the integration over the cycle $[N^{n-2k}_{ext}/\sim]$ of the inverse image of the universal cohomology class in (11) is well-defined. It is convenient to consider the characteristic number $\Theta_a$ as the value of a homomorphism $H_{n-2k}(X;\Z/2) \to \Z/2$ on the cycle $\lambda_{\ast}[N^{n-2k}_{ext}/\sim] \in H_{n-2k}(X;\Z/2)$. This homomorphism is the result of the calculation of the characteristic class $w_2(\I_b) \in H^2(K(\I_b,1);\Z/2)$ on the prescribed cycle, i.e. on the image of the fundamental cycle $[N^{n-2k}_{ext}/\sim]$ with respect to the mapping $N^{n-2k}_{ext}/\sim \to \hat X \to K(\I_b,1)$. The cycle $\lambda_{\ast}[N^{n-2k}_{ext}/\sim] \in H_{n-2k}(X;\Z/2)$ is the modulo 2 reduction of an integral homology class. Therefore this cycle is given by a sum of fundamental classes of the product of the two odd-dimensional projective spaces, the sum of the dimensions of this spaces being equal to $n-2k$. Let us consider an arbitrary submanifold $S^{k_1}/i \times \RP^{k_2} \subset X$, $k_1 + k_2 = \frac{n}{2}+31$, $k_1, k_2$ being odd. Let us consider the cover $\RP^{k_1} \times \RP^{k_2} \to S^{k_1}/i \times \RP^{k_2}$ and the composition $\RP^{k_1} \times \RP^{k_2} \subset \hat X \stackrel{\hat h}{\looparrowright} \R^n$ after an $\varepsilon_1$–small generic perturbation. Let us denote this mapping by $s_{k_1,k_2}$. The self-intersection manifold of the generic mapping $s_{k_1,k_2}: \RP^{k_1} \times \RP^{k_2} \to \R^n$ is a manifold with boundary denoted by $\Lambda^{62}_{k_1,k_2}$. The mapping $$\mu_a \times \kappa_a : (\Lambda^{62}_{k_1,k_2}, \partial N^{n-2k}_{k_1,k_2}) \to (K(\Z/4,1)\times K(\Z/2,1), K(\Z/2,1) \times K(\Z/2,1))$$ is well-defined. The $61$-dimensional homology fundamental class $[\partial \Lambda]$ is integral, therefore the image of this fundamental class $(\mu_a \times \kappa_a)_{\ast}([\partial \Lambda^{62}_{k_1,k_2}]) \in H_{61}(K(\Z/4,1) \times K(\Z/2,1);\Z/2)$ is trivial for a dimensional reason. Therefore the homology class $$(\mu_a \times \kappa_a)_{\ast}([\Lambda^{62}_{k_1,k_2}, \partial \Lambda^{62}_{k_1,k_2}]) \in$$ $$H_{62}(K(\Z/4,1)\times K(\Z/2,1),K(\Z/2,1) \times K(\Z/2,1);\Z/2)$$ is well-defined. Let us consider the (permanent) homology class $$(\mu_a \times \kappa_a)^{!}_{\ast}([\bar \Lambda^{62}_{k_1,k_2}]) \in H_{62}(K(\Z/2,1)\times K(\Z/2,1);\Z/2), \eqno(12)$$ defined from the relative class above by the transfer homomorphism. To prove (10) it is sufficient to prove that the class (12) coincides with the characteristic class $$p_{\ast, b} \circ \hat \eta_{\ast}([\hat \Lambda]) \in H_{62}(K(\I_b,1);\Z/2)$$ under the following isomorphism of the target group $\I_b = \Z/2 \oplus \Z/2$. By this isomorphism the prescribed generators in $H^1(\Z/2 \oplus \Z/2;\Z/2)$ are identified with the cohomology classes $\tau_{1}, \tau_2 \in H^1(K(\I_b,1);\Z/2)$ (compare with Lemma 8 in \[A1\]). Theorem 2 is proved. Kervaire Invariant One Problem ============================== In this section we will prove the following theorem. ### Main Theorem {#main-theorem .unnumbered} There exists an integer $l_0$ such that for an arbitrary integer $l \ge l_0$, $n=2^l-2$ the Kervaire invariant given by the formula (1) is trivial. $$$$ ### Proof of Main Theorem {#proof-of-main-theorem .unnumbered} Take the integer $k$ from the equation $n-4k=62$. Consider the diagram (5). By the Retraction Theorem \[A2\], Section 8 there exists an integer $l_0$ such that for an arbitrary integer $l \ge l_0$ an arbitrary element $[(f,\Xi,\kappa)]$ in the 2-component of the cobordism group $Imm^{sf}(\frac{3n+q}{4},\frac{n-q}{4})$ admits a retraction of order $62$. By Theorem 2 in the cobordism class $\delta[(f,\Xi,\kappa)]$ there exists a $\D_4$-framed immersion $(g,\Psi,\eta)$ with an $\I_4$-structure. Take the self-intersection manifold $L^{62}$ of $g$ and let $L_0^{10} \subset L^{62}$ be the submanifold dual to the cohomology class $\kappa_a^{28}\mu_a^{\ast}(\tau)^{12} \in H^{52}(L^{62};\Z/2)$. By a straightforward calculation the restriction of the normal bundle of $L^{62}$ to the submanifold $L_0^{10} \subset L^{62}$ is trivial and the normal bundle of $L_0^{10}$ is the Whitney sum $12 \kappa_a \oplus 12 \mu_a$, where $\kappa_a$ is the line $\Z/2$-bundle, $\mu_a$ is the plane $\Z/4$-bundle with the characteristic classes $\kappa_a$, $\mu_a^{ast}(\tau)$ described in the formula (8). By Lemma 6.1 (in the proof of this lemma we have to assume that the normal bundle of the manifold $L^{10}_0$ is as above) and by Lemma 7.1 \[A2\] the characteristic class (8) is trivial. The Main Theorem is proved. $$$$ $$$$ Moscow Region, Troitsk, 142190, IZMIRAN. pmakhmet@mi.ras.ru $$$$ [99]{} P.M.Akhmet’ev, [*Geometric approach towards stable homotopy groups of spheres. The Steenrod-Hopf invariants*]{}, a talk at the M.M.Postnikov Memorial Conference (2007)– “Algebraic Topology: Old and New” and at the Yu.P.Soloviev Memorial Conference (2005) “Topology, analysis and applications to mathematical physics” arXiv:??. The complete version (in Russian) arXiv:0710.5779. P.M.Akhmetiev, [*Geometric approach towards stable homotopy groups of spheres. The Kervaire invariants*]{} (in Russian) arXiv:0710.5853. M.G. Barratt, J.D.S. Jones and M.E. Mahowald, [*The Kervaire invariant one problem*]{}, Contemporary Mathematics Vol 19, (1983) 9-22. Carter, J.S., [*Surgery on codimension one immersions in $\R^{n+1}$: removing $n$-tuple points.*]{} Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 298 (1986), N1, pp 83-101. Carter, J.S., [*On generalizing Boy’s surface: constructing a generator of the third stable stem.*]{} Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 298 (1986), N1, pp 103-122. R.L.Cohen, J.D.S.Jones and M.E.Mahowald [*The Kervaire invariant of immersions*]{} Invent. math. 79, 95-123 (1985). P.J. Eccles, [*Codimension One Immersions and the Kervaire Invariant One Problem*]{}, Math. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc., vol.90 (1981) 483-493. P.J. Eccles, [*Representing framed bordism classes by manifolds embedded in low codimension*]{},  LNM, Springer,  N657 (1978), 150-155. A. Szucs, [*Topology of $\Sigma\sp {1,1}$-singular maps*]{}, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 121 (1997), no. 3, 465–477. [^1]: This work was supported in part by the London Royal Society (1998-2000), RFBR 08-01-00663, INTAS 05-1000008-7805.
{ "pile_set_name": "ArXiv" }
We've been so busy worrying about cold wars, hot wars, atom wars, and the like, that we've overlooked the greatest menace of all. Mutants walk among us! Hidden! Unknown! Waiting for their moment to strike! They are mankind's most deadly enemy. For only they have the actual power to conquer the human race. Even as we speak, they are out there—scheming, plotting, planning—thinking we don't suspect. But, there is still time to smash them. If we strike now! The X-Men are still recovering from injuries sustained in their battle against the Juggernaut. The Professor examines them and gives all the recovering X-Men a clean bill of health and a much needed vacation. However, this would only prove to be a minor reprieve for the X-Men, because at that very moment, scientist Bolivar Trask is holding a press conference to denounce the mutant race as a menace to humanity that must be crushed. The press eats it up and Trask's paranoid rants end up landing on the front page of newspapers all over America. Back at the X-Mansion, the X-Men change out of their uniforms and conceal their mutant natures; they prepare to depart on their holiday. Jean leaves with Warren, leaving Scott to wonder how he can compete with his rich and handsome teammate for Jean's affections. When Hank and Bobby offer an invite for Scott to join them, Summers declines and departs on his lonesome, passing the newspaper to Professor Xavier before leaving. Opening the paper, Xavier is horrified to find Trask's epitaph against mutants complete with a wild story about how mutants will take over and enslave humanity. Feeling that this will bring about anti-mutant hysteria, the Professor calls the National Television Network to arrange a televised debate between himself and Trask over the supposed mutant threat. That night on television, Professor Xavier and Bolivar Trask argue their points to a national television audience, sparking debate all over New York and around the United States. Bolivar offers to the audience a means of defense against the supposed mutant menace by demonstrating his new invention on Xavier (unaware that Xavier is really a mutant himself); his new robot enforcers the Sentinels. Revealing that he has an army of these robots at his command, Trask begins to order the section leader, Sentinel #1. However, things take an unexpected twist when the robot suddenly turns on Trask, stunning him with a ray beam and declaring the Sentinels as superior to humanity. Subduing Xavier and Trask, the Sentinels wait for further orders allowing Professor X to send out a mental summons to his X-Men asking for help. The first to receive the call are Bobby and Hank who are at Coffee A-Go-Go listening to poetry. They then spring into action as Iceman and Beast. Warren Worthington also gets the call while sitting down for supper with his parents, and excuses himself from the table to change into the Angel and fly off to answer the Professor's summons. Back at the TV studio, the Professor tries to keep the crowd calm with his mental powers but finds the strain incredible. The Sentinels decide to take Dr. Trask to their headquarters leaving Sentinel 3-R to guard humans. Iceman and Beast arrive on the scene and begin trying to take the Sentinel out of commission. They manage to knock the robot off it's feet but then Iceman is hit by a ray blast. Scott, having heard the Professor's summons, takes a cab to the TV studio. He accidentally drops his ruby quartz glasses while in the cab, causing him to fire an optic blast through the roof. Regaining his glasses, he's chased by an angry mob who has bought into Trask's anti-mutant hysteria. Rushing into the studio and losing the mob, Scott changes into his Cyclops uniform and comes to Beast's aid. Beast is knocked out in their fight against the last standing Sentinel. However, before Cyclops can deal with it, the Sentinel suddenly deactivates on its own and falls over. Mentally commanding his charges so as not to give away his secret of being a mutant and leader of the X-Men, Xavier orders Cyclops to revive the others and help the people out of the studio so that they might examine the Sentinel and find out what deactivated it. The other Sentinels, meanwhile, have escaped with Trask as their prisoner. Flying away from the studio, they come into contact with the Angel. The Sentinels break off to attack him with their energy blasts. The Angel is able to evade their attack but is then drawn toward a speeding train, getting stuck on its roof. Coincidentally, Jean Grey happened to be riding this very train to answer the Professor’s call for help and was able to help the Angel to flee from his attackers. She changes into Marvel Girl to give Angel a helping hand back on his feet. They join the other X-Men just as the Professor is able to mentally probe the mind of the Sentinel who mumbled the word "Master Mold" before deactivating. With his probe, he learns of the Sentinels secret base and leads the X-Men to go out and rescue Trask from his wayward inventions. Meanwhile, at the Sentinels base, Trask demands to know why his inventions have betrayed him. They explain to him that in order to protect humanity from mutants, they must first conquer the human race. Taking Trask into the control room, they are alerted of the X-Men's approach through their sophisticated computer systems. Outside, the X-Men park the Professor's Rolls Royce in the location the Sentinel told them that its comrades were hiding; however, all they find is an empty meadow. Suddenly the ground rises up revealing a high tech base that fires laser beams at them, catching the X-Men all by surprise. This story is continued next issue... Notes With this issue, the X-Men comic begins publishing monthly for the first time. This schedule will continue until X-Men #66, when the book goes into reprints. The book will be bi-monthly at that point until X-Men #112. The artists renditions of mutants enslaving humans becomes a bit of an inspiration for Quentin Quire to form the Omega Gang. According to Quire, he was born on the very date the newspaper story was published. This issue is reprinted in many other comics and books, see references for more info.[1] credits: A Fabulous Fantasy, Fathered by Your Fearless Marvel Madmen: Stan Lee, D.S. (Doctor of Story) Jack Kirby, D.L. (Dean of Layout) Jay Gavin, M.A. (Master of Art) V. Colletta, B.I. (Bachelor of Inking) Artie Simek, T.O.L. (Tired of Lettering) Trivia Bobby claims that he and Hank are from New York City. Later issues reveal that the two men are actually from Nassau County and Dunfee, Illinois.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Q: Tricky for Loop I am bothered by a question of for loop in C language. when i write: #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> main() { int i = 0; for( ; i ; ) { printf("In for Loop"); } getch(); } Output: NOTHING PRINT. Code get executed, but printf statement didn't print due to condition. OK, No problem here. But when i write this code: #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> main() { for( ; 0 ; ) { printf("In for Loop"); } getch(); } Output: In for Loop. My for loop get executed 1 time, but actually it must not to be executed. I don't know why? can coder/programmer/hacker of stackoverflow help me. explain me please why my for loop giving this output only one time. A: What you wrote shouldn't print anything, but I suspect the actual second-case code (not what you typed in) that causes the problem is: for( ; 0 ; ); // <==== note the trailing semicolon there. { printf("In for Loop"); } In this case the for loop doesn't execute the empty statement, and then the { } code is executed once. EDIT: If this isn't the problem please just paste a complete program that exhibits the problem directly into your question. EDIT2: The following minimal compilable example doesn't print anything: #include <cstdio> int main() { for( ; 0 ; ) { std::printf("In for Loop"); } }
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Synthesis of 2,3-dihydroquinazolin-4(1H)-ones by three-component coupling of isatoic anhydride, amines, and aldehydes catalyzed by magnetic Fe(3)O(4) nanoparticles in water. A simple and efficient protocol for one-pot three-component coupling of isatoic anhydride, amines, and aldehydes in water using magnetically recoverable Fe(3)O(4) nanoparticles is reported. This methodology results in the synthesis of a variety of 2,3-dihydroquinazolin-4(1H)-ones in high yields. The catalyst can be recovered and recycled without a significant loss in the catalytic activity.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[A variation of May-Thurner syndrome: a case report]. A 48-year-old man admitted with the complaint of a swollen left leg. Abdominal computed tomography demonstrated a tortuous left common iliac artery and a collapsed left common iliac vein. Contrast left iliac venogram revealed complete occlusion of the left common iliac vein. Abdominal aortography showed a tortuous left common iliac artery, which was thought to be compressing the left common iliac vein.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a report of 12 patients from a single institution. Stem-cell transplantation is a reasonable therapeutic approach for younger patients with high-risk CLL. Twelve patients (seven males; median age 47 years, range 29-51) with high-risk CLL underwent transplantation (allo, n = 7; auto, n = 5). The conditioning regimen consisted of cyclophosphamide and total body irradiation in 11 patients, and BEAC in the remaining one. Minimal residual disease (MRD) was assessed by cytofluorometry and PCR. All 11 evaluable patients engrafted. Of the seven allografted patients, two died of treatment-related causes; three patients developed acute GVHD. No transplant-related mortality was observed in autografted patients. After transplantation, 10 of 11 patients evaluable for response achieved CR (91%; 95% CI 59%-100%) which was molecular in nine patients (82%; 95% CI 48%-98%). One patient in CR but MRD+ relapsed nine months after transplantation and died. Seven patients remain in molecular CR for a median of 16 months (range 1-58). Estimated actuarial survival and disease-free survival at two years is 81% (95% CI 43%-100%) and 71% (95% CI 43%-99%), respectively. Relapse risk at two years is 12.5% (95% CI 0%-35.5%). Patients with high-risk CLL can achieve long-lasting molecular CR after SCT. The role of transplants in CLL management deserves investigation in controlled trials.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
The Marvel pre-Endgame Watch Party Lori Anne Brown 6 months ago With 21 Marvel movies leading up to this month’s Avengers: Endgame, binge watching all of them can be difficult. Here is my list of the MCU must watch (or re-watch) prior to seeing Endgame April 26th. These are the ones that give the most vital details of Thanos, the Infinity Stones, and pivotal characters like Gamora you need to know before seeing Endgame. Though Iron Man launched the MCU in 2008, it doesn’t contain any details about Thanos or the Infinity Stones. If you have the time, it is always a good start to any Marvel marathon, but the first must see to me is: Captain America: The First Avenger (2011). Not only does it give us the creation of the world’s first superhero, but introduces the Tesseract which contains the first Infinity Stone we learn about, the Space Stone. We also are introduced to the Red Skull who reappears later on, though briefly. Marvel’s The Avengers (2012). The first mega team-up in the MCU brings back the Tesseract/Space Stone and gives us the Mind Stone in Loki’s staff. This is also the first time we glimpse Thanos as he sends Loki (who may or may not have been influenced by the Mind Stone) to lead an army on an attack of New York, a pivotal event in the rest of the movies (and one we may see again if leaked photos of Endgame are real). So many things are set up in this movie it is a definite to watch before Endgame. Guardians of the Galaxy (2014). We finally learn more about Thanos in this one and meet his children including Gamora and Nebula both of whom are pivotal in the remaining films. We also get one of the other Infinity Stones, the Power Stone, and for the first time, get a history of the stones thanks to The Collector. It also shows us that Quill has the ability to hold an Infinity Stone though it is unclear if he still can after the events of Guardians Vol 2 (I didn’t include it here as, though Vol 2 gives us the history of Quill, it doesn’t do more with the key IW concepts). Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015). Introducing us to Scarlet Witch and creating Vision who holds the Mind Stone in his head makes this a pivotal part of the Endgame watch party. It also shows us Tony Stark’s fear of Thanos and starts building Steve Rogers’ distrust of him. Captain America: Civil War (2016). This one is optional as it doesn’t give us any new info on Thanos or the Infinity Stones but is included because it introduces Ant-Man, Spider-Man, and Black Panther without having to watch their individual movies. It also shows the break up of the team which is a key part of Infinity War. Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018). Okay, technically I am putting this one out of order and it is a bit optional, but as the Quantum Realm which is set up here is vital to Endgame, it is probably one you will want to watch. You could watch the post credit scene after Infinity War though just to keep the story in order. Thor: Ragnarok (2017). This one brings together Hulk and Thor and introduces Doctor Strange which is why it is in the watch party. We also see the Tesseract (that thing gets around!) and Thanos at the end (well, his ship). As this leads directly into Infinity War, it’s the one to watch just before it. Avengers: Infinity War (2018). Of course you need to watch this one before Endgame as this is part 1 to it’s part 2. We see all 6 Infinity Stones and get Thanos’ back story. There you have it – 8 movies in total which is definitely binge able in the days leading up to Avengers: Endgame.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[Changes in glycogenolysis in the ischemic zone in experimental myocardial infarct]. The first minutes of coronary artery occlusion in dogs showed the enhancement of glycogenolysis which was provided by the activation of phosphorylase, phosphofructokinase, triosophosphate isomerase and lactate dehydrogenase. The aldolase and glyceroaldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase reactions were the rate limiting steps. The activation of glycogenolysis seems to be the result of a combined action of hypoxia and catecholamines.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Q: Perl oneliner might be a runaway multi-line ++ message I am trying to reformat the date for MySQL. This Perl one-liner give me below error message. I would like understand why it's giving this error message. echo 'Dec 2 04:08:40 EST 2012' | perl -lane ' my @abbr = qw( Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ); ( $amon, $mday, $hour,$tz, $year) =split('\s+',$_); for (my $i = 0; $i < @abbr; $i++) { next unless $abbr[$i] =~ /^$amon/; $mon=$i; } $mon++; print "$year-$mon-$mday $hour"; ' Error Message syntax error at -e line 3, near ") {" (Might be a runaway multi-line ++ string starting on line 2) syntax error at -e line 9, near ";}" Execution of -e aborted due to compilation errors. A: The problem is that you have tried to embed single quotes within a single-quoted string. You could escape them, but split will split $_ on whitespace by default. Here is a solution, but as Mat says this is a program, not a one-liner. Put it in a file. echo 'Dec 2 04:08:40 EST 2012' | perl -lane ' @abbr = qw( Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ); ($amon, $mday, $hour, $tz, $year) = split; for my $i (0..$#abbr) { next unless $abbr[$i] =~ /^$amon/; $mon=$i; } $mon++; print "$year-$mon-$mday $hour";'
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
If you really want to learn how to throw a party and make an entrance, take a page out of Madonna’s book: Invite celebs like Rachel Roy, Martha Stewart, Kelly Osbourne, Salman Rushdie, David Blaine, Questlove and Christian Siriano. Put them all in the same place as your rabid fanbase — and then make people wait for more than 60 minutes in mysterious mayhem. Such was the case June 18 at the EPIX world premiere of concert film “Madonna: The MDNA Tour” in Gotham. After waiting in the rain, fans and press filed into the Paris Theater to get a seat close to the front of the auditorium, where the legendary queen would later be seated for “an intimate conversation.” Many of Madge’s fans were confined to a balcony, where catcalls and camera flashes went aflutter when the likes of Stewart and Co. walked in. The screening was slated to begin at 8 p.m., but there was, for quite a while, no sight nor word of Madonna. As the clock ticked on, the theater neared max capacity, and many attendees were becoming delirious: some killing time with conversations about elbow fat, plastic surgery and steak, and others wondering if their time was really less important than her majesty’s: “No, she’s Madonna. She can do whatever she wants.” Some fans started singing Madonna songs to conjure up some good please-arrive-any-minute-now juju. And even some debated happiness over health: Should I go to the bathroom? What if she comes in when I’m gone? Related Nobody seemed to know where she was, or what was taking so long — but the room exploded when one fan came running down the aisle shrieking: “I saw her! I saw her!” The clock had struck nine, Madonna’s “Celebration” turned on and the venue erupted. There was a standing ovation, followed by more blinding flashes — and the fans in the balcony leaned over (almost to the point of no return) to catch glimpses of their goddess. She waltzed in with an overdose of swagger, clad in what can only be described as a flawless mash-up of Fred Astaire and Michael Jackson (i.e., suit, top hat, chainmail glove). She called it an homage to Marlene Dietrich. The screening commenced when the screaming ceased, and “MDNA” played out like a two-hour live concert. Afterward, Madonna took her throne and announced that her tour, which spanned from May 2012 to December 2012, was now officially over. “Go hard,” she said. “Or go home.” After thanking the crowd for showing up, Madonna took questions — some good, some not so good. One fan asked what kind of workout the queen did to stay in shape for the 88-show tour. “I hate those questions,” Madonna said. “I did the show every fucking night. How’s that for a workout? I mean, did you watch?” The fan said, “Thank you.” Others asked about her costumes and her mood. “Are you ready to start thinking for yourself?” she rallied, before her time was up. “Are you ready to stop caring about what other people have to say about what you do? Can I get a fuck yeah?” The audience boomed back with a massive fuck yeah, and Madonna revealed her next project: a secretive collaboration of sorts with New York photog-artist Steven Klein, in the form of a one-minute trailer. But the fanfare and the fanaticism wasn’t over. Just as the rain was ending, revelers made their way to Harlow to party and start the “love revolution.” Sign Up for Breaking News Alerts If you really want to learn how to throw a party and make an entrance, take a page out of Madonna’s book: Invite celebs like Rachel Roy, Martha Stewart, Kelly Osbourne, Salman Rushdie, David Blaine, Questlove and Christian Siriano. Put them all in the same place as your rabid fanbase — and then make people […] If you really want to learn how to throw a party and make an entrance, take a page out of Madonna’s book: Invite celebs like Rachel Roy, Martha Stewart, Kelly Osbourne, Salman Rushdie, David Blaine, Questlove and Christian Siriano. Put them all in the same place as your rabid fanbase — and then make people […] If you really want to learn how to throw a party and make an entrance, take a page out of Madonna’s book: Invite celebs like Rachel Roy, Martha Stewart, Kelly Osbourne, Salman Rushdie, David Blaine, Questlove and Christian Siriano. Put them all in the same place as your rabid fanbase — and then make people […] If you really want to learn how to throw a party and make an entrance, take a page out of Madonna’s book: Invite celebs like Rachel Roy, Martha Stewart, Kelly Osbourne, Salman Rushdie, David Blaine, Questlove and Christian Siriano. Put them all in the same place as your rabid fanbase — and then make people […] If you really want to learn how to throw a party and make an entrance, take a page out of Madonna’s book: Invite celebs like Rachel Roy, Martha Stewart, Kelly Osbourne, Salman Rushdie, David Blaine, Questlove and Christian Siriano. Put them all in the same place as your rabid fanbase — and then make people […] If you really want to learn how to throw a party and make an entrance, take a page out of Madonna’s book: Invite celebs like Rachel Roy, Martha Stewart, Kelly Osbourne, Salman Rushdie, David Blaine, Questlove and Christian Siriano. Put them all in the same place as your rabid fanbase — and then make people […] If you really want to learn how to throw a party and make an entrance, take a page out of Madonna’s book: Invite celebs like Rachel Roy, Martha Stewart, Kelly Osbourne, Salman Rushdie, David Blaine, Questlove and Christian Siriano. Put them all in the same place as your rabid fanbase — and then make people […]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Computer systems generally have several levels of memory; each level of memory can provide differing levels of speed, memory capacity, physical size, power requirements, voltage levels and/or volatility. These aspects are often at odds with each other. For example, increases in speed often lead to corresponding increases in power requirements. For this reason, many systems use a variety of different memories within the same system. From the view of the processor these memories are often hidden in the sense that common data is temporarily cached in smaller and faster memory circuits. This common data is mapped to larger and slower memory circuits, which are accessed when the faster memory does not contain the desired data. The common data, if changed in the cached memory, can eventually be written to the larger and slower memory circuits. This allows for the slow memory access time to be hidden so long as the faster memory contains the appropriately mapped data. Computer systems generally contain some type of mass-storage memory that is able to store data when the computer system is powered down or when the memory otherwise loses power. This type of memory is referred to as nonvolatile memory because it is able to maintain data integrity when the computer system is not powered. Nonvolatile memory, however, can be slower by orders of magnitude relative to various volatile memories. Yet, nonvolatile can also be less expensive (per unit of memory capacity) and/or less power hungry. A common type of nonvolatile mass-storage memory device is a hard disc drive (HDD) that uses a rotating magnetic media. HDDs are used for home-computers, servers, enterprise applications and various other devices. Under normal operation a computer system transfers sensitive data from temporary memory to a HDD before the computer system is powered down. This allows for the sensitive data to be saved in memory that persists after the power is removed from the computer system. When the computer system is subsequently powered up, this data can be accessed and used by the computer system. HDDs with rotating magnetic media have been in use for many years and have undergone various improvements including efficiency, reliability and memory capacity. Various data storage applications, however, are beginning to use other types of memory with more frequency. Solid State Devices (SSDs) are one such type of memory, and are attractive for many applications. Speed, cost and power requirements also factor into the selection of data storage devices such as SSDs or HDDs. In addition to the above, power consumption is an important factor in most data storage systems, and effectively managing power consumption at startup can be particularly difficult. Generally, capacitive circuits draw a significant amount of power upon turn-on, as do motors used to drive HDD spindles. This can present challenges such as those relating to one or more of cost, power supply lifetime, etc. While SSDs are useful in various applications, aspects of their operation and implementation remain challenging. For example, the above-discussed power consumption issues can be challenging to the implementation of capacitive-type SSD circuits, HDD drives, and to combinations of such drives. Power consumption issues are further exasperated when many of these drives draw power from a common power source. Providing power in an efficient, reliable and inexpensive manner has been challenging.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
The present invention is directed to an ergonomically improved duty gear belt worn by police officers or military personnel which is conically contoured and can be worn around the hips to distribute the load of duty gear components over wider areas of the hips. Law enforcement, military personnel and the like require an extensive array of accessories to perform their assigned duties. For example, police officers carry a wide range of accessories such as a night stick, a flashlight, a chemical agent dispenser, handcuffs, communications radio, firearms, and extra ammunition magazines for their firearm. The total weight of these accessories can often reach up to 25 pounds. Typically, these accessories are attached to a belt worn around their waist and commonly referred to as a duty gear belt. Typical prior art duty gear belts are formed of a semi-rigid material, such as leather having a constant width of about two to two and one-half inches. Each of the various accessories are attached to the duty gear belt through the use of loops or other fasteners which connect them to the duty gear belt. Although these duty gear belts were effective in connecting the accessories to the waist of the wearer, they were not designed for ergonomic comfort or to provide desirable weight distribution of the accessories around the waist of the user. Due to the heavy weight of the accessories and the non-ergonomic design of prior duty gear belts, many wearers developed discomfort during use and even as severe as back injuries and nerve damage. Consequently, there is a need for an ergonomic duty belt that is comfortable, reduces injury and evenly distributes the weight of the duty gear accessories upon the wearer.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
The neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCLs) are a group of closely related hereditary neurodegenerative disorders which affect infants, children and adults, and which occur at a frequency of between 2 and 4 in 100,000 live births (1, 2). Most forms of NCL afflict children and their early symptoms and disease progression tend to be similar. Initial diagnosis is frequently based upon visual problems, behavioral changes and seizures. Progression is reflected by a decline in mental abilities, increasingly severe and untreatable seizures, blindness and loss of motor skills while further progression can result in dementia or a vegetative state. There is no effective treatment for NCL and all childhood forms are eventually fatal. Several forms of NCL are differentiated according to age of onset, clinical pathology and genetic linkage. These include infantile NCL (INCL, CLN1), classical late infantile NCL (LINCL, CLN2), juvenile NCL (JNCL, CLN3) adult NCL (CLN4), two variant forms of LINCL (CLN5 and CLN6) and possibly other atypical forms (1.3). The molecular bases for two of these forms of NCL have recently been identified by positional cloning. Mutations in palmitoyl protein thioesterase (PPT), which removes the lipid moiety from acylated proteins, results in INCL (4). JNCL results from mutations in the CLN3 gene product, a 48 kDa protein of currently unknown function (5). The identity of the molecular lesion in LINCL has remained elusive although the disease gene has recently been mapped to chromosome 11p15 by genetic linkage analysis (3). There are reasons, however, to suspect that the CLN2 gene product could have a lysosomal function. First, LINCL, like other forms of NCL, is characterized by an accumulation of autofluorescent lysosome-like storage bodies in the neurons and other cells of patients. Second, a number of other related neurological disorders are caused by lysosomal deficiencies, e.g. PPT in INCL, neuraminidase in sialidosis and β-hexosaminidase A in Tay-Sachs disease. Third, continuous infusion of leupeptin and other lysosomal protease inhibitors into the brains of young rats induces a massive accumulation of ceroid-lipofuscin in neurons that resembles NCL (6,7). Thus, there is a need in the art to identify and characterize the CLN2 gene and its gene product (CLN2). There is a further need to develop diagnostic and therapeutic applications, based on CLN2, for prenatal testing and treatment of LINCL. The present invention addresses these and similar needs in the art. The citation of any reference herein should not be construed as an admission that such reference is available as prior art to the invention.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
446 F.Supp. 733 (1978) QUICK SHOP MARKETS, INC., Plaintiff, v. RETAIL CLERKS INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION et al., Defendants. Wanda YOUNG et al., Plaintiffs, v. RETAIL CLERKS INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION et al., Defendants. Nos. 75-659C(3) and 75-605C(3). United States District Court, E. D. Missouri, E. D. March 20, 1978. *734 Sidney Fortus, Fortus & Anderson, Clayton, Mo., for plaintiff in No. 75-605C(3). C. A. Kothe, Jerry R. Nichols, Richard L. Barnes, Kothe, Nichols & Wolfe, Inc., Tulsa, Okl., John F. McCartney, Hirsch & McCartney, St. Louis, Mo., for plaintiff in No. 75-659C(3). Clyde E. Craig and Harry H. Craig, St. Louis, Mo., for defendants Dorsey and Joint Counsel of Teamsters # 13. John H. Goffstein, Bartley Goffstein, Bollato & Lange, St. Louis, Mo., for defendants Local 655 and Jack Valenti. Jerome A. Diekemper, Bartley, Goffstein, Bollato & Lange, St. Louis, Mo., for defendants Retail Clerks International Assn., James T. Housewright and Retail Store Employees Union Local # 655. Harry H. Craig, Wiley, Craig, Armbruster, Wilburn & Mills, St. Louis, Mo., and Robert M. Baptiste, Washington, D. C., for defendants Frank E. Fitzsimmons and International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffeurs, Warehousemen and Helpers of America. MEMORANDUM NANGLE, District Judge. Plaintiff Quick Shop Markets, Inc. brought this suit pursuant to 29 U.S.C. § 187, seeking damages for an alleged violation of § 8(b)(4) of the Labor Management Relations Act, 29 U.S.C. § 158. Plaintiff Wanda Young and twenty-seven other individuals who are franchisees of plaintiff Quick Shop Markets, Inc. brought similar suit. These causes were consolidated by order of this Court dated March 25, 1976. By agreement of the parties, the trial herein was bifurcated; evidence was adduced only on the issue of liability and the out-of-pocket losses incurred by plaintiff-franchisees. The sole issue before the Court at this time is liability. This case was tried before the Court without a jury. The Court having considered the pleadings, the testimony of the witnesses, the documents in evidence, the stipulations of the parties and being otherwise fully advised in the premises, hereby makes the following findings of fact and conclusions of law as required by Rule 52, Federal Rules of Civil Procedure: FINDINGS OF FACT 1) Plaintiff Quick Shop Markets, Inc. is a corporation organized and existing pursuant to the laws of the state of Missouri. It is engaged in the business of selling food and grocery related products to the public. The remaining plaintiffs are all sole proprietorships with their principal place of business in the state of Missouri, engaging in the retail sale of consumer merchandise. These plaintiffs are all franchisees of plaintiff Quick Shop Markets, Inc. [hereinafter "QSM"]. Defendants Retail Clerks International Association and Retail Store Employees Union, Local 655 are unincorporated associations and labor organizations within the meaning of 29 U.S.C. § 152(5). 2) Since November 12, 1971, defendant Retail Store Employees Union Local 655 [hereinafter "Local 655"] has been the collective bargaining representative of QSM, as certified by the National Labor Relations Board, in a single bargaining unit consisting of: All employees of the Employer [Quick Shop Markets, Inc.] employed at its retail stores located in the Metropolitan St. Louis area of St. Louis City, St. Louis County, Jefferson County, and St. Charles County, Missouri, including warehousemen, but EXCLUDING store managers, assistant store managers, temporary summer employees, office clerical and professional employees, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act. 3) QSM refused Local 655's demand for negotiations following certification and an unfair labor practice charge, alleging an unlawful refusal to bargain, was filed by Local 655 on January 8, 1973 with the National *735 Labor Relations Board. On July 23, 1973, the Board issued a Decision and Order granting summary judgment against QSM, and ordering it to cease its refusal to bargain. Upon QSM's refusal to comply, the Board petitioned the United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit for an Order of Enforcement. Said order was issued on March 15, 1974 and a petition for a writ of certiorari was denied by the United States Supreme Court on November 25, 1974. 4) Thereafter, representatives of QSM and Local 655 met for the purposes of negotiating the terms of a collective bargaining agreement. Meetings were held on January 27, 1975; February 17, 1975; April 1, 1975; June 12, 1975; June 26, 1975; September 2, 1975; and October 7, 1975. At the first meeting on January 27, 1975, the attorney for QSM announced that some stores in the area had been franchised and that he did not represent the franchised stores. A copy of the franchise agreement and a list of the franchised stores were requested by Local 655. The list of franchised stores was provided at the February 27, 1975 meeting. An unexecuted copy of the Franchise Agreement form was provided at the April 1, 1975 meeting. 5) QSM commenced franchising stores in November, 1972. One store was franchised in 1972. Three were franchised in 1973. Ten stores were franchised in 1974. Thirty stores were franchised in 1975. The evidence failed to establish the franchising commenced as a result of QSM unionization. Although some evidence was presented tending to indicate that QSM commenced franchising as a result of unionization, the Court finds that the credible evidence totally fails to establish the same. 6) The franchise agreements between QSM and plaintiff-franchisees provides that the franchisees are independent contractors of QSM. The franchisees exercise sole control over their employees, including the right to hire, fire, discipline, compensate and schedule work. The franchisees pay the cost of the state unemployment insurance, social security compensation and workmen's compensation insurance. In consideration of the lease, trademark license and services provided by QSM, the franchisees agree to pay QSM 55% of gross profits realized each calendar quarter. QSM charges the franchisees certain fixed costs including cost of plans, specifications, selection of location and supervision of lease arrangement, initial cash register fund and costs of opening inventory. The franchisees paid from $1,000 to $10,000 in cash to QSM for such costs and tendered promissory notes for the remainder. Franchisees were required to obtain all licenses and business permits, and to pay sales and business taxes and all taxes on inventory and personal property. Under the agreement franchisees are not required to purchase from vendors recommended by QSM, to purchase only that merchandise suggested by QSM, or to sell at prices suggested by QSM. In some cases, franchisee stores are in competition with QSM stores. 7) The franchise agreement establishes an "Owners Working Fund", maintained by QSM, for each franchisee. The fund is debited with the unpaid balance of the franchisee's initial costs and expenses subsequently incurred for the purchase of merchandise and operating costs. The fund is credited with cash receipts deposited on a daily basis by the franchisees. A bookkeeping service is furnished by QSM for the franchisees. On a semi-monthly basis, QSM remits to the franchisees a draw on anticipated profits, debiting the "Owners Working Fund." 8) The franchise agreement may be terminated at any time by the franchisee upon 48 hours' notice. QSM may terminate without cause upon 30 days' notice, or upon 48 hours notice if the franchisee's net worth falls below $3,000, the franchisee fails to make required deposits and reports, bankruptcy is filed, or the franchisee abandons the business. 9) At the commencement of each franchise, most of plaintiff-franchisees were requested by QSM not to initially hire more than 50% of the employees formerly employed by QSM. Most of the franchisees were not sure of the reasons for this request: *736 some thought it was because QSM needed these employees elsewhere; some thought it had something to do with a labor dispute or union. Any employees who went to work for the franchisees first terminated their employment with QSM. The franchisees have not hired a majority of the employees in the QSM certified collective bargaining unit, either collectively or cumulatively. 10) After the hiring of the initial complement of employees, each franchisee hired and fired employees without the approval or authorization of QSM. Each received a manual but was free to depart from its terms, provided that such departure did not violate the franchise agreement. QSM supervisors would visit with each franchisee a few times per week, for short periods of time. These supervisors often made suggestions but the franchisees were free to, and did, ignore the suggestions. Most but not all of the franchisees participated in QSM advertisements; they were not, however, required to do so. QSM suggested prices for merchandise but the franchisees were free to, and did, modify these prices. QSM provided a list of suppliers but the franchisees were free to obtain supplies from suppliers not on the list. No franchisee made arrangements with QSM to do additional work if a strike should occur and none agreed to, or served, as a drop-off point for QSM merchandise during the strike. 11) In general, the franchisees possessed only high school educations. Many of the operations were family-run. Some of the franchisees had managed QSM-owned stores prior to obtaining their franchises. 12) QSM allowed franchisees to become indebted far in excess of the $3,000 limit which would authorize termination. A number of franchisees have terminated their franchise agreements. In those cases, the franchisees owed QSM substantial amounts of money. QSM has not attempted to recover the sums owed. 13) On June 30, 1975, picketing by Local 655 commenced at the stores of all plaintiffs herein, except the stores of plaintiffs Karen Tackett and Kenneth Lorton. Pickets at said stores carried signs bearing the legend: "Quick Shop Employees On Strike. Please Do Not Patronize. Retail Store Employees Union Local No. 655, AFL-CIO". Picketing ceased at the stores of plaintiff-franchisees on August 31, 1975. Picketing ceased at the stores of QSM on October 8, 1975. Prior to the commencement of the strike, Local 655 contacted only a few of the franchisees, demanding recognition. There was submitted no evidence that the employees of the franchisees sought union representation by Local 655. 14) Defendant Retail Clerks International Association also participated in the strike. The Association provided monetary and manpower support during the strike. 15) Only a very few of the employees of QSM or the franchisees participated in the strike. 16) On June 26, 1975, prior to the commencement of the strike, a meeting of QSM store managers and franchisees was held at the Ramada Inn at Westport Plaza in St. Louis. Most but not all of the franchisees attended. The franchisees were informed that their stores might be picketed but that it was anticipated that the picketing would not last long since the franchisees were not involved in the labor dispute. 17) During the strike, most suppliers refused to make deliveries. The franchisees and QSM were forced to travel extensively to pick up merchandise and in some instances were unable to obtain certain merchandise. Plaintiffs were required to employ additional help during this period because of the added burden of obtaining their own merchandise. Customer business dropped off during the strike because of the presence of pickets. There were some incidents of damage and harassment. 18) After hearing the testimony of the witnesses and making determinations as to the credibility thereof, the Court finds that the purpose of the picketing at the franchisees' store was not to obtain recognitional or collective bargaining agreements from the franchisees. Instead, the purpose *737 throughout the strike was to obtain a contract from QSM. Since QSM received 55% of the gross profits of the franchisees, any strike of QSM stores would not result in effective economic pressure unless the stores of the franchisees were also adversely affected by the strike. Accordingly, the Court finds that the true purpose of the picketing was to force the picketed plaintiff-franchisees, their employees and employees of their suppliers to cease dealing, and doing business, with QSM. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW This Court has jurisdiction over the subject matter and the parties to this suit in accordance with 29 U.S.C. § 187. Title 29 U.S.C. § 158 provides in relevant part: (b) It shall be an unfair labor practice for a labor organization or its agents — . . . . . (4)(i) to engage in, or to induce or encourage any individual employed by any person engaged in commerce or in an industry affecting commerce to engage in, a strike or a refusal to the course of his employment to use, manufacture, process, transport, or otherwise handle or work on any goods, articles, materials, or commodities or to perform any services; or (ii) to threaten, coerce, or restrain any person engaged in commerce or in an industry affecting commerce, where in either case an object thereof is — . . . . . (B) forcing or requiring any person to cease using, selling, handling, transporting, or otherwise dealing in the products of any other producer, processor, or manufacturer, or to cease doing business with any other person, or forcing or requiring any other employer to recognize or bargain with a labor organization as the representative of his employees unless such labor organization has been certified as the representative of such employees under the provisions of section 159 of this title: Provided, That nothing contained in this clause (B) shall be construed to make unlawful, where not otherwise unlawful, any primary strike or primary picketing . . .. In order to find a violation of § 8(b)(4), "the union must have as an object of its picketing (or other activity) the inducement or encouragement of the neutral employees to engage in a concerted refusal to work for their neutral employer, so that the neutral employer will cease doing business with the primary employer . . .". Truck Drivers and Helpers Local Union No. 728, etc. v. Empire State Express, Inc., 293 F.2d 414, 422 (5th Cir. 1961) (emphasis in original); National Woodwork Manufacturers Association v. National Labor Relations Board, 386 U.S. 612, 87 S.Ct. 1250, 18 L.Ed. 357 (1967); National Labor Relations Board v. Business Machine and Office Appliance Mechanics Conference Board, Local 459, etc., 228 F.2d 553 (2d Cir. 1955). See also National Labor Relations Board v. Enterprise Association of Steam Hot Water, Hydraulic Sprinkler, Pneumatic Tube, Ice Machine and General Pipefitters of New York and Vicinity, Local Union No. 638, 429 U.S. 507, 511, 97 S.Ct. 891, 894, 51 L.Ed.2d 1 (1977) in which the Court stated that . . . this issue turns on whether the boycott was "addressed to the labor relations of the contracting employer vis-a-vis his own employees," [cite omitted] and is therefore primary conduct, or whether the boycott was "tactically calculated to satisfy union objectives elsewhere," [cite omitted] in which event the boycott would be prohibited secondary activity. Defendant unions contend that plaintiff-franchisees were not neutral employers and that therefore, the picketing was not prohibited by § 8(b)(4). Defendant unions argue that the franchisees were non-neutral allies of QSM. In order to determine whether plaintiff-franchisees are in fact neutrals, United Mine Workers of America v. Osborne Mining Company, Inc., 279 F.2d 716 (6th Cir. 1960) (holding that the question of neutrality is basically a question of fact), . . . the courts have considered such factors as the extent to which a corporation *738 is de facto under the control of another corporation, the extent of common ownership of the two employers, the integration of the business operations of the employers, and the dependence of one employer on the other employer for a substantial portion of its business. National Labor Relations Board v. Local 810, Steel, Metals, Alloys & Hardware Fabricators & Warehousemen, etc., 460 F.2d 1, 5 (2d Cir. 1972). See also, Carpet, Linoleum, Soft Tile and Resilient Floor Covering Layers, Local Union No. 419, AFL-CIO v. National Labor Relations Board, 139 U.S.App.D.C. 68, 429 F.2d 747 (1970). The facts established herein totally refute any argument that the franchisees were non-neutral employers. QSM did not retain de facto control over the franchisees. The mere fact that QSM retained termination rights does not warrant any conclusions of such control. The Southland Corp., 170 NLRB 1332 (1968). There was no common ownership. The business operations, while in some ways related, were not integrated and the franchisees did not depend upon QSM for a substantial portion of its business. In fact, in some instances, franchisees' stores were in competition with QSM stores. Defendant unions also contend that QSM and plaintiff-franchisees were allied employers. In order to maintain such a defense, defendant unions must establish that the franchisees did work for QSM which, but for the strike, would have been done by employees of QSM. See Kable Printing Co. v. National Labor Relations Board, 93 LRRM 2977 (7th Cir. 1976); National Labor Relations Board v. Business Machine and Office Appliance Mechanics Conference Board, Local 459, etc., supra; Douds v. Metropolitan Federation of Architects, Engineers, Chemists & Technicians, Local 231, 75 F.Supp. 672 (S.D.N.Y.1948); Warehouse Union Local 6, etc., 153 NLRB 1051 (1965). See also, General Drivers and Dairy Employees Union Local 563, etc., 186 NLRB 219 (1970) holding that the criteria for determining an allied employer status are common ownership, common control and integration of operations and management policies. The evidence herein totally negates the existence of such a defense. Defendant unions also assert that plaintiff-franchisees were successor employers, under a duty to bargain with Local 655; therefore defendants argue that the picketing of the franchisees was primary. In National Labor Relations Board v. Burns International Security Services, Inc., 406 U.S. 272, 92 S.Ct. 1571, 32 L.Ed.2d 61 (1972), the Court held that where there is a change in ownership, but the bargaining unit remains the same and a majority of the employees hired by the new employer are represented by a union recognized under the prior employer's tenure, the new employer has a duty to recognize and bargain with the union. The Court noted, however, that . . . a majority of these employees had been hired by Burns for work in the identical unit. It is undisputed that Burns knew all the relevant facts in this regard and was aware of the certification and of the existence of a collective-bargaining contract. Id. at 278, 92 S.Ct. at 1577. The certified bargaining unit herein was a geographic one, consisting of all employees of QSM at its retail stores in the St. Louis metropolitan area. The facts adduced herein establish that plaintiff-franchisees did not hire a majority of the employees in the QSM bargaining unit, either collectively or cumulatively. It would therefore appear that Burns, supra, is inapplicable. Where there is "a nondiscriminatory hiring of a different workforce by a new owner", the new owner may not have a duty to bargain with the union. J. R. Sousa & Sons, 210 NLRB 982, 984 (1974). In such context, however, the Court must determine whether the refusal to hire the predecessor's employees was because of the employees' union membership, or because of the resulting obligation to recognize the union. J. R. Sousa & Sons, supra; Howard Johnson Co., Inc. v. Detroit Local Joint Executive Board, etc., 417 U.S. 249, 94 S.Ct. 2236, 41 L.Ed.2d 46 (1974); National Labor *739 Relations Board v. Foodway of El Paso, 496 F.2d 117 (5th Cir. 1974). Cf. Golden State Bottling Co. v. National Labor Relations Board, 414 U.S. 168, 94 S.Ct. 414, 38 L.Ed.2d 388 (1973). The evidence herein established that plaintiff-franchisees were instructed not to hire initially more than 50% QSM employees. The franchisees, however, were unaware of the reasons therefor. Some thought that it was because QSM needed experienced employees in QSM stores. Some thought it had some connection with a union or labor dispute. The franchisees did not know, however, that by hiring less than 50% QSM employees, they would not be required to recognize the union. Thus, the hiring and refusal to hire were not "discriminatorily motivated", J. R. Sousa & Sons, supra at 984, and does not mandate a finding of successor-employer status. Plaintiff-franchisees, in general, possessed only high school educations. The purchases of franchises were accomplished without the advice of counsel. They were not sophisticated businessmen, experienced in matters of labor relations. The operations were run, for the most part, by the franchisee and family. To hold these franchisees to be successor-employers under these circumstances, because of vague instructions from QSM concerning initial hiring, would be to stretch the concept of successor-employer far beyond the context in which it developed. Defendant unions assert that QSM and plaintiff-franchisees were single employers, or co-employers, and thus the picketing of franchisees' stores was primary. In order to determine the validity of such a defense, the Court must consider the factors of common ownership, common control of labor policy and integration of operations. Parklane Hosiery Co., Inc., 203 NLRB 597 (1973); Elias Brothers Big Boy, Inc., etc., 137 NLRB 1057 (1962); Carpet, Linoleum, Soft Tile and Resilient Floor Covering Layers, Local Union No. 419, AFL-CIO v. National Labor Relations Board, supra. The facts adduced herein are very similar to those presented in The Southland Corp., supra, wherein it was concluded that the franchisee was not a co-employer with the franchisor, nor could the two be considered as a single employer. The Board noted that the franchisor only recommended pricing and suppliers; the franchisee was free to set his own prices and choose his own suppliers. There was no evidence of control over the labor policy of the franchisee. The Board concluded that the termination provision in the franchise agreement did not negate the independent status of the franchisor. In the instant case, the same facts exist. QSM recommended prices and vendors but plaintiff-franchisees were free to ignore the recommendation. Here too the evidence negates any contention that QSM retains control over franchisees' labor policy. Accordingly, the Court concludes that QSM and plaintiff-franchisees can not be considered as a single employer or co-employer. Defendant unions also contend that the picketing was recognitional; that the unions were picketing plaintiff-franchisees to obtain recognition of the unions' status as bargaining agents for the employees of the franchisees. The Court has found otherwise. The signs carried by the pickets herein did not mention recognition as a goal. Little effort was made to demand recognition of the union. Local 655 possessed no evidence that the employees of the franchisees desired representation by the union. Under these circumstances, the Court must conclude that the claim of recognitional picketing must be denied. Cf., United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, Local No. 1849, AFL-CIO, 208 NLRB 461, 462 (1974) (stating that use of the word "strike" on a picket sign constitutes more than publicity; it is "a `signal' to other employees to respect a picket line."); Local 212, Retail Clerks International Association, 140 NLRB 1258 (1963); Grain Millers Local 16 (Bartlett & Co.), 141 NLRB 974 (1963); Flame Coal Company v. United Mine Workers of America, 303 F.2d 39, 42 (6th Cir. 1962) (the court stating "[t]his union cannot escape the charge of secondary boycott because it chose to attack on all fronts at once, claiming its desire and *740 objective to be the organization of all involved . . ."). The Court has found that the true object of the picketing was to induce plaintiff-franchisees, their employees, and the employees of their suppliers to cease doing business with QSM. Plaintiff-franchisees were not successor-employers, or co-employers, nor can the franchisees and QSM be considered a single employer. The evidence negates any finding that plaintiff-franchisees were allied or non-neutral employers. Accordingly, the Court concludes that defendant unions violated § 8(b)(4) in picketing the stores of plaintiff-franchisees.
{ "pile_set_name": "FreeLaw" }
<?php /** * PHPExcel * * Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * @category PHPExcel * @package PHPExcel_Shared_ZipArchive * @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (http://www.codeplex.com/PHPExcel) * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.txt LGPL * @version ##VERSION##, ##DATE## */ if (!defined('PCLZIP_TEMPORARY_DIR')) { define('PCLZIP_TEMPORARY_DIR', PHPExcel_Shared_File::sys_get_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); } require_once PHPEXCEL_ROOT . 'PHPExcel/Shared/PCLZip/pclzip.lib.php'; /** * PHPExcel_Shared_ZipArchive * * @category PHPExcel * @package PHPExcel_Shared_ZipArchive * @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014 PHPExcel (http://www.codeplex.com/PHPExcel) */ class PHPExcel_Shared_ZipArchive { /** constants */ const OVERWRITE = 'OVERWRITE'; const CREATE = 'CREATE'; /** * Temporary storage directory * * @var string */ private $_tempDir; /** * Zip Archive Stream Handle * * @var string */ private $_zip; /** * Open a new zip archive * * @param string $fileName Filename for the zip archive * @return boolean */ public function open($fileName) { $this->_tempDir = PHPExcel_Shared_File::sys_get_temp_dir(); $this->_zip = new PclZip($fileName); return true; } /** * Close this zip archive * */ public function close() { } /** * Add a new file to the zip archive from a string of raw data. * * @param string $localname Directory/Name of the file to add to the zip archive * @param string $contents String of data to add to the zip archive */ public function addFromString($localname, $contents) { $filenameParts = pathinfo($localname); $handle = fopen($this->_tempDir.'/'.$filenameParts["basename"], "wb"); fwrite($handle, $contents); fclose($handle); $res = $this->_zip->add($this->_tempDir.'/'.$filenameParts["basename"], PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, $this->_tempDir, PCLZIP_OPT_ADD_PATH, $filenameParts["dirname"] ); if ($res == 0) { throw new PHPExcel_Writer_Exception("Error zipping files : " . $this->_zip->errorInfo(true)); } unlink($this->_tempDir.'/'.$filenameParts["basename"]); } /** * Find if given fileName exist in archive (Emulate ZipArchive locateName()) * * @param string $fileName Filename for the file in zip archive * @return boolean */ public function locateName($fileName) { $list = $this->_zip->listContent(); $listCount = count($list); $list_index = -1; for ($i = 0; $i < $listCount; ++$i) { if (strtolower($list[$i]["filename"]) == strtolower($fileName) || strtolower($list[$i]["stored_filename"]) == strtolower($fileName)) { $list_index = $i; break; } } return ($list_index > -1); } /** * Extract file from archive by given fileName (Emulate ZipArchive getFromName()) * * @param string $fileName Filename for the file in zip archive * @return string $contents File string contents */ public function getFromName($fileName) { $list = $this->_zip->listContent(); $listCount = count($list); $list_index = -1; for ($i = 0; $i < $listCount; ++$i) { if (strtolower($list[$i]["filename"]) == strtolower($fileName) || strtolower($list[$i]["stored_filename"]) == strtolower($fileName)) { $list_index = $i; break; } } $extracted = ""; if ($list_index != -1) { $extracted = $this->_zip->extractByIndex($list_index, PCLZIP_OPT_EXTRACT_AS_STRING); } else { $filename = substr($fileName, 1); $list_index = -1; for ($i = 0; $i < $listCount; ++$i) { if (strtolower($list[$i]["filename"]) == strtolower($fileName) || strtolower($list[$i]["stored_filename"]) == strtolower($fileName)) { $list_index = $i; break; } } $extracted = $this->_zip->extractByIndex($list_index, PCLZIP_OPT_EXTRACT_AS_STRING); } if ((is_array($extracted)) && ($extracted != 0)) { $contents = $extracted[0]["content"]; } return $contents; } }
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Indian Missiles India's missile and nuclear weapons programs have evolved as elements of its strategic response to 50 years of wars and skirmishes it has fought with Pakistan and with China. Deep tensions and mistrust in the sub-continent continue unabated to the present. India's defeat by China in the 1962 border war, probably more than any other event, galvanized its leadership to build indigenous missile and "threshold" nuclear weapons capabilities as a credible deterrent against attack by China, and to attain military superiority over Pakistan. The Indian missile program effectively began in 1967 as a space program and by 1972 had developed and test-fired the Rohini-560 two-stage, solid propulsion sounding rocket, which could reach an altitude of 334 km with a 100 kg payload. (1) A series of Rohini rockets, with varied ranges and payloads, were subsequently produced and are in service. (2) India first launched its small 17-ton SLV-3 space booster (300 km/40 kg) in 1979 and in 1980 successfully injected the 35 kg Rohini I satellite into near-earth orbit. (3) The SLV-3 may have been based on the U.S. Scout sounding rocket. (4) By 1987, an augmented booster, the 35-ton ASLV (4,000 km/150 kg in low earth orbit), which is basically three SLV-3's strapped together, had begun flight testing. While either of these boosters might threaten Pakistan and, the latter, China, as components of a ballistic missile, neither has intercontinental range. The much larger (275 ton) Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (8,000 km/1,000 kg) is being developed to place in sun-synchronous polar orbit a one tonne satellite. The PSLV could readily deliver a nuclear warhead over intercontinental distances, if re-engineered as a weapon system. (5) Operational flights of this booster, originally planned for 1988, had been deferred until the mid-1990's, awaiting resolution of early ASLV launch failures. However, no reports of further PSLV progress have been noted as of August 1996. India is also reported to be developing a Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle employing both solid and cryogenically fueled stages (the latter for upper stages). In January 1996, Russia was to start delivering seven cryogenic engines for the first seven flights of the GSLV; however, no confirmation of such deliveries has been reported. The U.S. pressured Russia to withdraw from the original agreement that would have provided India with one cryogenic engine and also transferred the rocket technology to build its own, such transfer a clear violation of the MCTR. With an expected range of 14,000 km and a payload of 2,500 kg, the GSLV would have an even greater potential than the PSLV as an ICBM. (6) However, a satellite launch system cannot be converted to an ICBM weapon system simply by substituting a nuclear warhead for the orbital payload. A change of mission from orbiting the earth to intersecting the earth requires extensive re-engineering of both ground and flight systems and, perhaps, a shift to military command and control. Starting in 1983, India's Defence Research Development Organisation has dedicated considerable resources to the Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme (IGMDP). To date the IGMDP has sponsored the development of five missiles and their variants: Prithvi, Agni, Akash, Trishul, and Nag. DRDO has given particular priority to development of sophisticated guidance technologies. The Akash is a long-range surface-to-air ramjet missile. It can carry a 55-kg multiple warhead capable of targeting five aircraft simultaneously up to 25 km and is said to be comparable to the U.S. Patriot as an air defense missile. User trials of the Akash were reported to be scheduled for 1996. The Trishul is a truck-mounted surface-to-air missile capable of delivering a 5.5-kg high explosive fragmented warhead a distance of 9 km. The fifth missile under IGMDP development is the Nag, an antiarmor weapon employing sensor fusion technologies for flight guidance over a range of about 4 km. It was first tested in November 1990. (8), (9) U.S. pressure on India to reign in its missile developments and deployments is motivated not only by concerns about the dangers of an Indo-Sino-Pakistani arms race, but also by India's emergence as another potential proliferator of WMD. The missile progeny of the SLV boosters and some of other weapon developments noted can be configured to exceed MTCR restrictions. So far, India has not seemed particularly aggressive about marketing its weapon systems, probably because its domestic political turmoil has not allowed a consensus to develop on a national policy on weapon exports in the context of its national security and economic priorities. (10)
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Quizá el secretario de la catedral de la ciudad argentina de Córdoba se encuentre con una sorpresa cuando deba rellenar la ficha de bautismo de Umma, una bebé de meses que recibirá el sacramento de ingreso a la Iglesia católica el próximo 5 de abril. Se encontrará que el certificado tiene espacios para poner los nombres del padre y de la madre, pero Umma tiene dos mamás: Karina Villarroel y Soledad Ortiz, que se casaron según la ley argentina en 2013. Se tratará del primer caso de un matrimonio de personas del mismo sexo, institución que existe en Argentina desde 2010, que bautizan a un hijo en la fe católica. No obstante, ya habido casos de hijos de parejas gais bautizados en ciertas parroquias de Buenos Aires. Pero la noticia no es que Karina y Soledad hubiesen querido incorporar a Umma a la Iglesia sino que esta la haya admitido. El arzobispo de Córdoba, Carlos Ñañez, le concedió una audiencia a Karina, expolicía, y la autorizó a bautizar a la niña en la misma catedral de la segunda ciudad más poblada de Argentina. “Me confirmó que no habrá ningún problema”, contó la esposa de Soledad. Las mujeres quieren que la madrina de Umma sea la presidenta argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, que impulsó en su momento la ley del llamado matrimonio igualitario con el voto también de parte de la oposición. “Nos encantaría que la presidenta acepte nuestra propuesta porque, gracias a ella, pudimos formar matrimonio y agrandar la familia con Umma. Estamos muy felices”, explicó Karina. Además, la niña tendrá un padrino y una madrina amigos de la pareja. El arzobispo les recomendó “especial atención” en elegir a personas adecuadas para que Umma “pueda crecer en la fe”. Cuando el papa Francisco era Jorge Bergoglio, arzobispo de Buenos Aires, se opuso a la ley de matrimonio gay, pero en privado admitía la posibilidad de la unión civil entre personas del mismo sexo. Como jefe de la Iglesia de Roma, ha abogado por incluir a los niños de las familias gais en la Iglesia: “¿Cómo anunciar a Cristo a estos chicos y chicas? ¿Cómo anunciar a Cristo a una generación que cambia?". El Papa dijo a superiores religiosos que no suministraran a esas nuevas generaciones una "vacuna contra la fe". Además, cuando era arzobispo, en 2012 había criticado la hipocresía de sacerdotes que se negaban a bautizar a hijos de madres solteras porque consideró que así alejaban a la feligresía de la Iglesia. Está claro que Karina y Soledad no están casadas por la fe católica, pero el arzobispo de Córdoba autorizó, de todos modos, a que un sacerdote de la catedral bautice a Umma. Fuentes de la Iglesia cordobesa reconocen que esta decisión fue posible porque el Papa es Bergoglio. La noticia ha irritado a sectores conservadores de la Iglesia en todo el mundo. Lo sorprendente es que el mismo arzobispo Ñañez es quien en 2010 había iniciado un juicio canónico contra un sacerdote de su archidiócesis que había apoyado la ley de matrimonio gay. En la institución en la que no ha podido permanecer Karina es en la Policía de la provincia de Córdoba. No porque se haya casado sino por tomar la excedencia por maternidad de 180 días. La autoridad policial consideró que no le correspondía porque era Soledad la que llevó en su vientre a la bebé engendrada por fertilización asistida. Como Karina no obedeció y dejó de trabajar por ese periodo, la fuerza policial determinó que había abandonado sus funciones y la ha apartado. La exuniformada ha apelado esa decisión ante la justicia.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Interventional radiology: a half century of innovation. The evolution of modern interventional radiology began over half century ago with a simple question. Was it possible to use the same diagnostic imaging tools that had revolutionized the practice of medicine to guide the real-time treatment of disease? This disruptive concept led to rapid treatment advances in every organ system of the body. It became clear that by utilizing imaging some patients could undergo targeted procedures, eliminating the need for major surgery, while others could undergo procedures for previously unsolvable problems. The breadth of these changes now encompasses all of medicine and has forever changed the way we think about disease. In this brief review article, major advances in the field, as chronicled in the pages of Radiology, will be described.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
774 F.2d 1161 Unpublished DispositionNOTICE: Sixth Circuit Rule 24(c) states that citation of unpublished dispositions is disfavored except for establishing res judicata, estoppel, or the law of the case and requires service of copies of cited unpublished dispositions of the Sixth Circuit.Thomas Barwin, Plaintiff-Appellant,v.Leo LaFlamme, Defendant-Appellee. No. 85-1109 United States Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit. 9/27/85 E.D.Mich. 772 F.2d 905 VACATED AND REMANDED ORDER BEFORE: MERRITT, MARTIN and CONTIE, Circuit Judges. 1 On August 26, 1985, we entered an order dismissing plaintiff's appeal pursuant to Rule 9(d)(1), Rules of the Sixth Circuit, on the ground that the order appealed from was not final. For the reasons that follow, we vacate our order of August 26, 1985, and remand the case to the district court for proceedings consistent with this opinion. 2 The record reveals that on April 12, 1984, the district court dismissed the case without prejudice due to plaintiff's failure to appear for a scheduling conference. On April 23, plaintiff moved for reinstatement. The district court docket sheet indicates that a hearing on the motion to reinstate was held on June 7, and that the motion was granted that same day. On December 7, plaintiff moved the district court to enter an order of reinstatement, claiming that 'his office inadvertently neglected to present orders for entry.' On January 7, 1985, the district court denied plaintiff's motion. 3 Subsequent to our order of August 26, Judge Gilmore indicated, by letter to the court, that, although he had orally ordered the case reinstated, his order of dismissal of April 12 was final in light of plaintiff's failure to present a timely order of reinstatement. 4 This case admittedly has had a 'very checkered career,' and we perceive that the most prudent course is to remand the case to the district court to clarify the docket entries in this case and the effect of its April order of dismissal and its subsequent granting and denial of reinstatement. 5 Accordingly, it is hereby ordered that our order of August 26, 1985 dismissing this appeal be VACATED, and the case REMANDED to the district court for proceedings consistent with this opinion.
{ "pile_set_name": "FreeLaw" }
Handover of projects following supervision of works and commissioning of facility. Beneficiary Elektroprivreda Srbije (EPS) Target Groups TPP Nikola Tesla, citizents of Obrenovac ara Summary of the project Fulfilling the obligations arising from the Energy Community Treaty as regards the full implementation of the Acquis on environment. There has been little progress on water quality. Serbia signed the Protocol on prevention of water pollution of the Sava River. However, the new Law on Water introducing new instruments for financing the water sector, including appropriate tariffs, has not yet been adopted . There is no system to monitor nitrates concentrations and contamination in groundwater. The wastewater treatment infrastructure throughout the country needs upgrading. To contribute to improvement of environment in town of Obrenovac, as well as in Belgrade city (situated on the Sava River). Programme/Project objectives To assist Public Enterprise ”Electric power industry of Serbia” to improve water and soil quality by construction of Waste Water Treatment Facility at TPP Nikola Tesla B. More details on project 1. Construction and Commissioning of the New Waste Water Treatment Plant at TPP Nikola Tesla B EUR 7,500,007 KRALOVOPOLSKA RIA 2. Supervision of construction and comissioning of the new WWTP at TPP Nikola Tesla B
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Tuesday, November 24, 2009 Wow. I can't believe what I just read. I'm stunned. It's like I just transported over to reasonable world. The new governments in charge of the Plateau (where I live) and Ahuntsic are installing new snow-clearing plans that prioritize sidewalk clearing for pedestrians over road clearing for cars. They are going to stop snow-clearing during the weekends! It's incredible. Here's what Richard Bergeron said in response to the question "if there is a big storm on Saturday, what will the thousands of motorists who use Saint-Denis, Papineau or Park avenue do on Monday morning?" "The previous administration was always saying these last years that snow-clearing was priority number one. It's a veritable hysteria," said Richard Bergeron. "This snow-clearing hysteria is a result of our dependance on the automobile. The spirit of our initiative is that we are going to make a break from this evolution [I think, I'm having trouble translating that sentence]. Is it so urgent that we have to pay workers double time in order that traffic flows well Monday morning?" How awesome is that. A lot of the rhetoric behind is justified by trying to cut down costs. Helen Fotopolous the last borough mayor (and good riddance, she was a pro-development scumbag), incurred a $4 million debt mainly in snow-removal overtime. Budget constraints certainly help the new administration with these arguments, as there is going to be pressure against them for sure. But the reality is that there are very few people who need to be driving in and out of the Plateau during the week. I know for a fact several people on my block who drive to and from work but live within Metro (and thus bike) range. I have absolutely no sympathy for them and I hope several snowed-over Monday mornings will convince them to think seriously about using more sustainable modes of transportation. The clearing of the sidewalks is the priority for Richard Bergeron. "We must think of the elderly. People aren't breaking their legs in the roads, it's on the sidewalks. We are therefore going to ask for a sidewalk brigade for the next budget from the City of Montreal, because for the majority of Montrealers, it's the state of the sidewalks during the winter that concerns them, not the snow in the roads that may not be cleared for two days." I can tell you right now that there is not going to be any need for a sidewalk brigade in front of our condo, but if the borough mayor needs some volunteers to help keep the rest of the sidewalk cleared and save some budget, I'm going to be in the front of that line. Bravo Projet Montréal! This is exactly why I voted for you. I hope you can make it work. They have just about finished the new U.S. wing of the Montreal airport. It looks nice and new and seems quite efficient. They even put a new restaurant in. I complained before about the absolute shit food in the airport and how they really need a restaurant that vaunts the cuisine and agriculture of the region. So guess what is the new, fancy, "high-class" restaurant they have put in the new section? It's a ribs and bbq restaurant called Houston. Houston? Really? So fucking lame and typically, self-loathingly Canadian. This is the face you are presenting to American tourists coming to Montreal? A mediocre barbecue restaurant. We don't do bbq here in Canada. It's an American tradition (and a damned good one) and we travel to places in America to get a chance to try some good BBQ. Americans who come here should be presented with quality choices of food that represent the culinary culture and terrain they are visiting. Au Pied de Cochon is probably a bit too high-end and rich for an airport, but a poutine stand would certainly be a hit and an excellent way to introduce tourists to food that is getting written about in the New Yorker. It's so typically Canadian that it takes Americans to come and write about things that we don't pay attention to because we are too busy sucking up to American culture. It's pathetic. Tuesday, November 17, 2009 So I did a bit of research on the internet and calling a couple of very helpful veterinarian's offices on what services are available for wounded animals in Montreal and specifically near the Plateau. There are two 24-hour hospitals in Montreal. The closest one is the Centre Vétérinaire DMV in LaChine, near the airport. They are roughly 13 kilometers from the Plateau, about a 20-25 minute drive assuming no traffic. Those are really your only options if something happens outside of normal veterinary hours. There is also an animal ambulance service called K911 Transport. These guys come out of Verdun and charge upwards from $89 for coming out. Prices can go up depending on the type of service given. Note that many cabs may not allow you to put an injured animal in their car, so this service could be well worth the price if you are not a vehicle owner. Their phone number is (514) 677-4357. You may have to leave a message, but they guarantee they'll call back within 5 minutes. I'd like to thank the woman who answered the phone at the Chaton Santé Clinique Vétérinaire (an excellent cat-only vets that we use), who was very helpful in providing me with the info I needed. I'd also like to thank Wayne at K911 Transport, who answered my emails promptly and fully. He gave some very helpful general advice for how to behave when coming upon a situation with an injured animal and its owners: We all try to do what we can when an animal is injured, the fact that you were there and felt for the dog and its owners believe it or not is enough when you're a bystander. The owners have to grieve the process of losing their pet to mourning the loss and it's best not to approach as some people get really offensive having strangers hover over, even if it's just to say you're sorry for their loss .. they just need space. It's never easy and our job is not easy as well... And In an emergency situation its always best not to panic as your pet feels your energy thus adding to his injuries..even though it can be life threatening... easier said than done I know I been there myself. Monday, November 16, 2009 I watched a dog die yesterday. Very rough experience and it is still haunting me. We were coming back from a beer with friends, when I noticed a group of people gathered on the northeastern corner of our block. I went over there and saw a medium-sized dog lying sideways on the ground, panting and clearly in great distress though with no obvious wounds. One young girl was leaning over it, stroking its head while another was on the phone. Several other people were crowding around. It was very hard to piece together exactly what happened. The two girls were driving their car and they saw the dog get hit. It went under the car and rolled twice, dragged a ways and then got out and ran to the corner, where it collapsed. The girls followed it. There was some talk about a man in a hat who ran away. What was weird was that there was no owner. Several people were running around looking for this man in the hat. I suggested that they check the collar. Nobody knew who to call or really what to do. Is there an ambulance for dogs? There was a number on the collar and the girl petting the dog phoned it. She was young, maybe not even 20, a Montreal anglo, probably second-generation. She had already expressed anger about the absence of the owner and was in a very emotional state. I love animals and can sympathize with the emotion pain to an animal can cause humans, but there are some people who start to lose rationality in such a situation and allow themselves to be overcome by emotion. This girl looked to be heading in that direction and my fears were confirmed when she started yelling at the person who answered the phone: "Your dog is here! Your dog is dying! Where were you! Who is taking care of your dog!" this sort of thing. I tried to gently persuade her to not make things worse and she half-swung at me with the phone, but it broke the spell and she hung up. The owner showed up quite quickly, a young hipster anglo woman in barefeet and some kind of nightgown. She was already visibly distraught and burst into tears immediately upon seeing her dog. "Bougs! Bougs!" she cried and fell to her knees. At this time there was a lot of miscellaneous efforts going on, people trying to call the ambulance, the friend of the angry girl brought their car around to potentially take the dog to the hospital. I had taken my cat to a cat hospital last year and I still had their card, so I sprinted home and got it. I gave it to the girl on the phone. She called the number and said "They're closed!" and hung up. I called and heard the message, which when continued gave an emergency number. We called that and someone did answer. The phone was passed to the owner, who was on her knees, sobbing, barely coherent. She got on the phone "I don't know if he's breathing!" The dog's breathing was becoming less and less visible. "I am here and my dog is dying and nobody's doing anything!" she screamed out. I think everybody was a little taken aback. There were still a lot of questions floating around, like why was the dog out and why was the owner at home in her bare feet? She had said something about "her roommate Neil" and the dog running out the stairs, but it wasn't very clear. Everybody really was trying to help, but people didn't really know what to do and there wasn't much to do anyways. I'm not telling it all in the exact order and there were a lot of little interactions that went on, making the situation very dynamic. At some point, I realized that the dog had died. That'll be the fourth animal I've seen die (not counting cows when I worked on a ranch) and you can just tell. I was the one who told her that he was gone and I put the blanket over his head. A larger crowd had gathered and she was clearly distraught by their presence, so I asked everyone to leave, which they did. I went back up there a half-an-hour later and she was still there with a circle of friends, sitting around the body. There was a guy, probably her boyfriend, draped across the dog, hugging it. Brutal to see. I'm guessing the dog died about 20 minutes after it was hit. I just finished getting my basic first aid certificate (for humans) but I really know very little about these sorts of things. My suspicion is that the dog had serious internal injuries and probably was done for from the beginning. I wonder if there is something about having fur and skin that makes them less susceptible to external injuries, thus him looking so intact and unwounded after being rolled under a fast-moving vehicle several times? But I do wonder if an ambulance had come if his life would have been saved. It's weird to me how bad the services are for animal emergencies in our area. The few times I've had a really sick animal always seem to happen on the weekend when every veterinarian is closed. Should there not be a 24-hour animal hospital in or around the Plateau? The only one I know of is way the hell out by the airport. I am going to give myself the mission of finding out the closest animal hospitals that are open during off-hours in case a similar situation arrives. Perhaps getting the dog into a car (which the two girls who were comforting him had offered) and rushing it to the hospital may have saved his life. There is, also, the factor of cost and reviving the dog may have easily run into thousands of dollars. The episode left me quite upset and put a bit of a damper on the rest of the evening, which was supposed to have been homemade leek and potato soup and then a trip to see Red Heroine at Ex-Centris. I had no appetite, but the movie was entertaining and interesting, though it was hard not to reflect on what had just happened. I had a few vague thoughts while processing this whole thing. First, love and responsibility are two different things. I think sometimes we assume that the former comes automatically with the latter. Love comes easily and is its own perpetual motion machine. Responsibility requires constand work and input. I think people should be more exposed to death at a young age. Exposure to it can cause such powerful reactions, especially if the first time you see it, it's someone you dearly love. I think for this poor young woman it was unfathomable what was happening. She kept screaming "Nobody's doing anything!" in a very accusatory way. You got the sense that she was very used to things happening in a way that she expected and that there have always been people around her who were "doing something". I would bet a fair amount of money she wasn't brought up on a farm. Animals always seem to die with such grace. That poor dog, I can only imagine how much pain it was going through, but when it went, it's breath just sort of faded out. When you see that, it makes you feel that life is just so ephemeral, like a silent whisper that just slipped out of the dog's mouth and was gone forever. The dog looked dignified in death. I just went over the anti-H1N1 policies in our office with the staff and a lot of people brought up the incredible amount of hype this flu is receiving. Someone pointed out how many more people die because of cars and someone else said, "if they put this much effort into dealing with the problems cars caused, I'd welcome it." Amen to that. Why briques du neige? When I first moved to Montréal, I was obsessed with the quantity of accumulated snow in the winter. I came up with a scheme to design a snow-brick making tool and hire out my services to people where I would turn all the snow in their yard to bricks and then stack it neatly. This enterprise, named briques du neige, would also be an excellent way to learn about and integrate myself into my new community. Unfortunately, before I was able to launch my plan, the Japanese invented Yuki-Taro and made me redundant. So my project morphed itself into this blog, kept the title (including the minor grammatical error which perfectly captures my functional but erroneous french) and the mission to better understand this crazy city and the Quebec culture that is such a crucial and complex part of the Canadian story. RSS Tweeting at: olmanfeelyus Followers About Me 1/3 American, 1/3 Canadian, 1/3 Montrealer, when I'm not working for the planet and living my lucky life, I hang out on the internet and write about culture and language in Montreal, books and movies. I also rant on a wide range of subjects and try to do that here so my wife doesn't have to be the only one to suffer.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Especially when they drive a giant excavator. Also, the light on the Mercedes still worked after all that? Awesome car.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
East Russell Street Area Historic District East Russell Street Area Historic District is a national historic district located at Orangeburg, Orangeburg County, South Carolina. The district encompasses 55 contributing buildings in a residential section of Orangeburg. They include residences constructed between about 1850 and 1930, and includes large, one- and two-story, frame and brick houses and smaller one-story homes occupied by servants. The houses are in a variety of popular architectural styles including Victorian, Colonial Revival, and Bungalow. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1985. References Category:Houses on the National Register of Historic Places in South Carolina Category:Historic districts on the National Register of Historic Places in South Carolina Category:Victorian architecture in South Carolina Category:Colonial Revival architecture in South Carolina Category:Houses in Orangeburg County, South Carolina Category:National Register of Historic Places in Orangeburg County, South Carolina
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Stenting at the flow-limiting segment in tracheobronchial stenosis due to lung cancer. Airway stenting at the wave-speed flow-limiting segment (the choke point) is assessed. We determined prospectively the precise location of the choke point using the flow-volume curve, endobronchial ultrasonography, ultrathin bronchoscopy, and three-dimensional computed tomography scan before and after stenting in 64 patients with extrincic compression due to lung cancer. We noted distinct flow-volume curve patterns specific to the type of stenosis. The tracheal stenosis group indicated fixed narrowing patterns with an expiratory plateau, bronchial stenosis group dynamic collapse patterns with an expiratory flow deterioration (choking), carinal stenosis group combined fixed and dynamic patterns, and extensive stenosis group complex patterns containing elements of all the former. After stenting, almost full-function patterns with significant improvement in PEF were observed in all groups (p < 0.01, p < 0.05, p < 0.001, p < 0.01, respectively). In patients with extensive stenosis, implantation of additional stents was required when the choke points were observed to have migrated to the areas of malacia with cartilage destruction by the tumor. Secondary stenting at migrated choke points resulted in a significant improvement in PEF over the initial stenting (p < 0.01). Stenting at the choke point improved expiratory flow limitation by increasing the cross-sectional area, supporting the weakened airway wall and relieving dyspnea.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Lipid metabolism in the inflammatory lesion of a mouse model of delayed type hypersensitivity. I. Increased acylCoA:cholesterol acyltransferase activity as an integral component of the inflammatory response. Lipid metabolism was studied in a normal model of delayed type hypersensitivity to methylated bovine serum albumin (MBSA). Following initial sensitization to a single injection of MBSA, MBSA-soaked millipore filter disks (10 mm diam) were implanted in subcutaneous pockets and the course of development and the resolution of the inflammatory lesions were followed biochemically for 35 days. Of particular interest were our observations that the activity of the cholesterol esterifying enzyme, which is attributed to acyl-CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT; EC was increased up to 38-fold in the developing inflammatory lesion and represented the single most dramatic alteration in lipid metabolism to occur. As the lesions began to show histological evidence of resolving (between 21 and 35 days), ACAT activity declined toward basal levels. The data suggest the possibility that the ACAT reaction is an important component of the inflammatory response and, as such, offers the possibility of a novel approach to controlling the inflammatory process through ACAT inhibition.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Enhancing the hydrolysis and methane production potential of mixed food waste by an effective enzymatic pretreatment. In this study, a fungal mash rich in hydrolytic enzymes was produced by solid state fermentation (SSF) of waste cake in a simple and efficient manner and was further applied for high-efficiency hydrolysis of mixed food wastes (FW). The enzymatic pretreatment of FW with this fungal mash resulted in 89.1 g/L glucose, 2.4 g/L free amino nitrogen, 165 g/L soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD) and 64% reduction in volatile solids within 24h. The biomethane yield and production rate from FW pretreated with the fungal mash were found to be respectively about 2.3 and 3.5-times higher than without pretreatment. After anaerobic digestion of pretreated FW, a volatile solids removal of 80.4±3.5% was achieved. The pretreatment of mixed FW with the fungal mash produced in this study is a promising option for enhancing anaerobic digestion of FW in terms of energy recovery and volume reduction.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
t are the prime factors of 282188160? 2, 3, 5, 48991 What are the prime factors of 624882170? 2, 5, 11, 23, 61, 4049 What are the prime factors of 2642997674? 2, 4129, 320053 List the prime factors of 212696239. 7, 31, 37, 59, 449 What are the prime factors of 1405929681? 3, 13, 19, 632447 List the prime factors of 836837428. 2, 7, 23, 1299437 List the prime factors of 41954604. 2, 3, 3496217 List the prime factors of 6245622. 2, 3, 59, 5881 List the prime factors of 2080707198. 2, 3, 346784533 What are the prime factors of 89534971? 17, 751, 7013 List the prime factors of 2165317427. 7, 13, 61, 390077 List the prime factors of 313953211. 11, 13, 113, 19429 List the prime factors of 310374149. 227, 409, 3343 What are the prime factors of 212927445? 3, 5, 23, 409, 503 List the prime factors of 10543919. 89, 118471 What are the prime factors of 79116599? 79116599 What are the prime factors of 451637418? 2, 3, 75272903 List the prime factors of 3797278107. 3, 7, 180822767 List the prime factors of 242304969. 3, 307, 263089 What are the prime factors of 488175909? 3, 13, 347, 36073 What are the prime factors of 783585871? 23789, 32939 List the prime factors of 43274613. 3, 3677, 3923 What are the prime factors of 1110896451? 3, 7, 1959253 List the prime factors of 1701744504. 2, 3, 31, 2287291 List the prime factors of 1023122901. 3, 337, 661, 1531 List the prime factors of 102143263. 102143263 List the prime factors of 891653632. 2, 1741511 What are the prime factors of 80830953? 3, 7, 142559 What are the prime factors of 1252248407? 17, 367, 200713 What are the prime factors of 6280249818? 2, 3, 421, 2486243 What are the prime factors of 1665382651? 31, 53722021 What are the prime factors of 71164053? 3, 7907117 What are the prime factors of 373212549? 3, 13822687 What are the prime factors of 39890900? 2, 5, 7, 1163 What are the prime factors of 147607343? 13, 103, 110237 List the prime factors of 148956015. 3, 5, 13, 461, 1657 What are the prime factors of 1548576139? 11, 31, 1013, 4483 What are the prime factors of 11130001? 11130001 List the prime factors of 3411590079. 3, 269, 593, 7129 List the prime factors of 5621711. 577, 9743 List the prime factors of 215992804. 2, 53998201 List the prime factors of 5132593147. 11, 241, 1936097 List the prime factors of 4573244212. 2, 587, 1947719 What are the prime factors of 84742822? 2, 42371411 List the prime factors of 1121005563. 3, 373668521 What are the prime factors of 2537503235? 5, 507500647 List the prime factors of 1199214390. 2, 3, 5, 11, 3633983 What are the prime factors of 466337414? 2, 157, 1163, 1277 What are the prime factors of 166563304? 2, 20820413 List the prime factors of 1143202997. 29, 39420793 List the prime factors of 494860266. 2, 3, 79, 12889 What are the prime factors of 730698633? 3, 7, 89, 18617 What are the prime factors of 1526266423? 11, 997, 139169 What are the prime factors of 82628590? 2, 5, 11, 53, 14173 What are the prime factors of 2452623611? 317, 383, 20201 What are the prime factors of 978970555? 5, 195794111 What are the prime factors of 742798364? 2, 7, 11, 293, 8231 What are the prime factors of 630269441? 17, 29, 1278437 List the prime factors of 28826190. 2, 3, 5, 320291 List the prime factors of 415286491. 719, 577589 What are the prime factors of 2939333? 47, 62539 List the prime factors of 6678637912. 2, 181, 4612319 What are the prime factors of 1013715871? 7, 239, 86561 List the prime factors of 2474727851. 79, 31325669 What are the prime factors of 2816523973? 131, 1109, 19387 List the prime factors of 147842835. 3, 5, 7, 1408027 What are the prime factors of 4429873204? 2, 1107468301 List the prime factors of 1565694116. 2, 7, 577, 96911 What are the prime factors of 568893274? 2, 284446637 List the prime factors of 505979611. 19463, 25997 List the prime factors of 499226607. 3, 11, 17, 37, 8017 List the prime factors of 723196207. 97, 7455631 What are the prime factors of 927153646? 2, 463576823 What are the prime factors of 909841276? 2, 227460319 List the prime factors of 34710133. 211, 164503 List the prime factors of 45208740. 2, 3, 5, 401, 1879 What are the prime factors of 1805037590? 2, 5, 180503759 What are the prime factors of 841942056? 2, 3, 35080919 What are the prime factors of 5239871880? 2, 3, 5, 137, 139, 2293 What are the prime factors of 55342908? 2, 3, 883, 1741 List the prime factors of 19452732. 2, 3, 13, 19, 6563 What are the prime factors of 1182305683? 13, 31, 43, 68227 What are the prime factors of 204073785? 3, 5, 4534973 What are the prime factors of 392907733? 31, 47, 8699 List the prime factors of 106161052. 2, 26540263 List the prime factors of 73248640. 2, 5, 114451 What are the prime factors of 5740817219? 5740817219 What are the prime factors of 98144930? 2, 5, 13, 47, 16063 List the prime factors of 74186165. 5, 19, 269, 2903 List the prime factors of 509263482. 2, 3, 7, 13, 229, 4073 List the prime factors of 94509161. 94509161 What are the prime factors of 86701677? 3, 29, 996571 What are the prime factors of 58202693? 43, 1353551 What are the prime factors of 3567674086? 2, 1783837043 What are the prime factors of 352804636? 2, 23, 3834833 List the prime factors of 624766317. 3, 7, 4250111 What are the prime factors of 146051539? 17, 1103, 7789 List the prime factors of 2371785582. 2, 3, 395297597 List the prime factors of 5146197609. 3, 7, 35008147 List the prime factors of 4344016791. 3, 317, 4567841 List the prime factors of 1938793789. 1938793789 List the prime factors of 109820186. 2, 7, 151, 51949 List the prime factors of 539560964. 2, 134890241 What are the prime factors of 542287365? 3, 5, 36152491 What are the prime factors of 10993937? 10993937 List the prime factors of 1224539497. 41, 29866817 What are the prime factors of 23469032? 2, 2933629 What are the prime factors of 357763148? 2, 1009, 88643 List the prime factors of 5831123217. 3, 1943707739 What are the prime factors of 406127846? 2, 47, 4320509 List the prime factors of 296743439. 31, 9572369 List the prime factors of 1520523744. 2, 3, 23, 79, 379 What are the prime factors of 820425004? 2, 7, 29300893 List the prime factors of 31966630. 2, 5, 17, 43, 4373 What are the prime factors of 776709444? 2, 3, 7, 137, 67493 What are the prime factors of 956964630? 2, 3, 5, 31898821 List the prime factors of 70069689. 3, 7785521 List the prime factors of 256355259. 3, 85451753 What are the prime factors of 3711535269? 3, 13, 103, 199, 4643 List the prime factors of 1207971178. 2, 23, 1723, 15241 What are the prime factors of 1181002508? 2, 7, 860789 List the prime factors of 625098134. 2, 331, 944257 List the prime factors of 497092258. 2, 13, 19118933 What are the prime factors of 25901901? 3, 29, 99241 What are the prime factors of 6816926? 2, 241, 14143 List the prime factors of 582353769. 3, 10531, 18433 What are the prime factors of 1646188026? 2, 3, 7, 229, 499 What are the prime factors of 6802093165? 5, 7, 194345519 What are the prime factors of 463959782? 2, 11, 13, 449, 3613 What are the prime factors of 122707039? 7, 13, 113, 11933 What are the prime factors of 1621498008? 2, 3, 13, 43, 120863 List the prime factors of 8431285. 5, 1686257 List the prime factors of 2649728981. 8291, 319591 List the prime factors of 898996001. 19, 31, 1091, 1399 What are the prime factors of 44182369? 7, 11, 81971 List the prime factors of 1091134900. 2, 5, 31, 523, 673 List the prime factors of 27072027. 3, 83, 36241 What are the prime factors of 145340305? 5, 11, 59, 44789 List the prime factors of 2669879226. 2, 3, 7, 37, 1718069 What are the prime factors of 3205084102? 2, 11, 6571, 22171 What are the prime factors of 511513665? 3, 5, 13, 2623147 List the prime factors of 88704714. 2, 3, 7, 2112017 List the prime factors of 819892258. 2, 1327, 308927 List the prime factors of 2558185586. 2, 11, 7927, 14669 What are the prime factors of 1692357224? 2, 211544653 What are the prime factors of 322255627? 29, 11112263 What are the prime factors of 714989834? 2, 13, 27499609 What are the prime factors of 939606219? 3, 1153, 90547 List the prime factors of 450123. 3, 150041 List the prime factors of 199435267. 19, 107, 263, 373 List the prime factors
{ "pile_set_name": "DM Mathematics" }
I'm just so sick of people using Shingo Takatsu as "evidence" that Japanese relief pitchers will fail in America. Let's go over the facts. Shingo Takatsu was 38 years old and contemplating retirement. He threw between 50-80 mph. He had never faced American hitting before. And yet, he put together a downright amazing season. He stacked up a ton of saves and became one of only a few dozen relief pitchers in the history of baseball to throw a "hidden perfect game": 28 straight batters retired. He downright humiliated some of the best players in the game when he was at his height. He became a fan sensation too; until the 2005 playoffs, the most electric I have ever seen US Cellular Field was when that gong went off, and 30,000+ came to their feet to celebrate Shingotime. Shingo doesn't prove that Japanese pitchers can't be successful. What Shingo proves is that ANY Japanese pitcher can be successful in America. If he did all that, imagine what somebody with more raw talent can do.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Q: Не срабатывает псевдокласс :hover Здравствуйте. При наведении на картинку, она затемняется и сверху появляется блок с информацией, в которой есть в том числе и ссылка. Тут проблем не возникло. Но захотел выделить ссылку при наведении, hover почему-то срабатывает, только если навести на ссылку резко. Из за чего это происходит? Заранее спасибо. figure { position: relative; overflow: hidden; ; width: 315px; height: 315px; background: rgba(25, 24, 22, 0.7); } figure img { position: relative; display: block; min-height: 100%; max-width: 100%; } figcaption ul { list-style-image: url("img/marker.png"); margin-left: 40px; font-size: 15px; color: #fff; } figcaption li { padding-bottom: 20px; } figcaption a { width: 156px; background-color: #fff; color: #1c1611; border-radius: 15px; padding: 6px 16px; font-weight: bold; } figure figcaption::before { position: absolute; top: 15px; right: 15px; bottom: 15px; left: 15px; border: 3px dashed #ffda4b; content: ''; } figure h2 { -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.35s; transition: transform 0.35s; -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 100%, 0); transform: translate3d(0, 100%, 0); color: #ffda4b; font-size: 27px; text-transform: uppercase; } figure figcaption::before, figure ul, figure h2, figure a { opacity: 0; -webkit-transition: opacity 0.35s, -webkit-transform 0.35s; transition: opacity 0.35s, transform 0.35s; -webkit-transform: scale(0); transform: scale(0); } figure figcaption { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; padding: 15px 30px; } figure:hover h2 { -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); opacity: 1; } figure:hover figcaption::before, figure:hover ul, figure:hover a { opacity: 1; -webkit-transform: scale(1); transform: scale(1); } figcaption a:hover { color: #fff; background-color: #ffda4b; } figure:hover figcaption { background-color: rgba(58, 52, 42, 0); } figure:hover img { opacity: 0.2; } <figure> <img src="img/prewiew.png" alt=""> <figcaption> <h2>Игровой сайт</h2> <ul> <li>CMS с возможностью редактировать сайт</li> <li>Временной таргетинг</li> <li>Интеграция с Яндекс.Касса</li> </ul> <a href="#">Посмотреть</a> </figcaption> </figure> A: Добавьте position: relative на кнопку, чтобы его не перекрывали другие невидимые элементы: figure:hover a { position: relative; } figure{ position: relative; overflow: hidden;; width: 315px; height:315px; background: rgba(25,24,22, 0.7); } figure img { position: relative; display: block; min-height: 100%; max-width: 100%; } figcaption ul{ list-style-image: url("img/marker.png"); margin-left: 40px; font-size: 15px; color: #fff; } figcaption li{ padding-bottom: 20px; } figcaption a{ width: 156px; background-color: #fff; color: #1c1611; border-radius: 15px; padding: 6px 16px; font-weight: bold; } figure figcaption::before{ position: absolute; top: 15px; right: 15px; bottom: 15px; left: 15px; border: 3px dashed #ffda4b; content: ''; } figure h2 { -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.35s; transition: transform 0.35s; -webkit-transform: translate3d(0,100%,0); transform: translate3d(0,100%,0); color: #ffda4b; font-size: 27px; text-transform: uppercase; } figure figcaption::before, figure ul, figure h2, figure a { opacity: 0; -webkit-transition: opacity 0.35s, -webkit-transform 0.35s; transition: opacity 0.35s, transform 0.35s; -webkit-transform: scale(0); transform: scale(0); } figure figcaption { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; padding: 15px 30px; } figure:hover h2{ -webkit-transform: translate3d(0,0,0); transform: translate3d(0,0,0); opacity: 1; } figure:hover figcaption::before, figure:hover ul, figure:hover a { opacity: 1; -webkit-transform: scale(1); transform: scale(1); } figcaption a:hover{ color: #fff; background-color:#ffda4b; } figure:hover figcaption { background-color: rgba(58,52,42,0); } figure:hover img { opacity: 0.2; } figure:hover a{ position:relative; } <figure> <img src="img/prewiew.png" alt=""> <figcaption> <h2>Игровой сайт</h2> <ul> <li>CMS с возможностью редактировать сайт</li> <li>Временной таргетинг</li> <li>Интеграция с Яндекс.Касса</li> </ul> <a href="#">Посмотреть</a> </figcaption> </figure> A: Происходит это, потому что прозрачный всплывающий ::before псевдоэлемент перекрывает собой кнопку, и сквозь него клик (и наведение) не проходит. Чтобы исправить, добавьте такой стиль: figure figcaption::before{ pointer-events: none; } Это сделает ::before псевдоэлемент невосприимчивым к кликам и наведениям курсора, и они будут проходить сквозь него, корректно попадая на кнопку. figure { position: relative; overflow: hidden; ; width: 315px; height: 315px; background: rgba(25, 24, 22, 0.7); } figure img { position: relative; display: block; min-height: 100%; max-width: 100%; } figcaption ul { list-style-image: url("img/marker.png"); margin-left: 40px; font-size: 15px; color: #fff; } figcaption li { padding-bottom: 20px; } figcaption a { width: 156px; background-color: #fff; color: #1c1611; border-radius: 15px; padding: 6px 16px; font-weight: bold; } figure figcaption::before { position: absolute; top: 15px; right: 15px; bottom: 15px; left: 15px; border: 3px dashed #ffda4b; content: ''; pointer-events: none; } figure h2 { -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.35s; transition: transform 0.35s; -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 100%, 0); transform: translate3d(0, 100%, 0); color: #ffda4b; font-size: 27px; text-transform: uppercase; } figure figcaption::before, figure ul, figure h2, figure a { opacity: 0; -webkit-transition: opacity 0.35s, -webkit-transform 0.35s; transition: opacity 0.35s, transform 0.35s; -webkit-transform: scale(0); transform: scale(0); } figure figcaption { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; padding: 15px 30px; } figure:hover h2 { -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); opacity: 1; } figure:hover figcaption::before, figure:hover ul, figure:hover a { opacity: 1; -webkit-transform: scale(1); transform: scale(1); } figcaption a:hover { color: #fff; background-color: #ffda4b; } figure:hover figcaption { background-color: rgba(58, 52, 42, 0); } figure:hover img { opacity: 0.2; } <figure> <img src="img/prewiew.png" alt=""> <figcaption> <h2>Игровой сайт</h2> <ul> <li>CMS с возможностью редактировать сайт</li> <li>Временной таргетинг</li> <li>Интеграция с Яндекс.Касса</li> </ul> <a href="#">Посмотреть</a> </figcaption> </figure>
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
CINO F790 The Cino F790 linear imaging scanner is the best-of-class Delivery date:3-5 days plus Australia Post's delivery time Call for pricing Qty: The Cino F790 linear imaging scanner is the best-of-class members of FuzzyScan family. Powered by innovative FuzzyScan 2.0 imaging technology and unique optical design, the F790 performs superb reading performance for both long distance and wide barcode capture. It not only can read high resolution 3 mil barcode, but also can capture 20 mil barcode up to 32". The F790 can meet most of barcode scanning demands for a wide range of applications, providing a cost-performance solution for general purpose and industry applications.
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
After months and months of 28nm video cards being sold only by AMD, we finally know when NVIDIA will launch its next-generation video adapters. According to Expreview, the first products based on the GK104 GPU will be made available on March 23 (2012). Since the company just a short time ago boldly said nothing will be able to beat Kepler, many people are eagerly anticipating the release. It is unclear what the first card will be called. Some think GeForce GTX 680, other mention the GeForce GT 670 Ti name. Whichever it is, we hope it will live up to its hype, even if 28nm chip shortages do affect supply. At this point, the fabled GK100 has either been scrapped (unlikely) or will be postponed for the second half of 2012, when AMD launches Sea Islands.
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Dacryocystorhinostomy: Evolution of endoscopic techniques after 498 cases. Endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy is a well-known surgical practice used to treat nasolacrimal duct obstruction and widely considered as a valid alternative to external approaches. We present a retrospective case series of 498 endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomies on 401 patients, from July 2004 to May 2018, at the Department of Otolaryngology, San Raffaele Hospital, Milan, Italy. Of the 498 procedures, 426 were unilateral and 72 were bilateral dacryocystorhinostomy. All patients underwent routine preoperative workup including fluorescein test (Jones test 1-2), probing and irrigation of the lacrimal way, nasal endoscopy, and maxilla-facial computed tomography scan. Surgical technique was based on nasal endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy followed by positioning of a Catalano's silicone stent, which was left in place for about 3 months. Anatomical success was defined as a patent ostium on irrigation, whereas functional success was defined as free lacrimal flow on functional test and resolution of epiphora. Anatomic success was achieved in 91.54% cases in primary dacryocystorhinostomy and in 89.36% after revision, whereas functional success was obtained in 90.4% in primary and 85.1% in secondary dacryocystorhinostomies. After a second revision of endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy, anatomical success was achieved in 90.1% and functional success in 88.7% of procedures. Our results confirm that endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy can be considered as a valid surgical approach to primary nasolacrimal duct obstruction and revision cases. The key aspects in achieving functional and anatomical results are meticulous surgical procedure and precise follow-up.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Sylvia Sackville, Countess De La Warr Sylvia Sackville, Countess De La Warr DBE (16 July 1903 – 10 June 1992) was a distinguished public servant and a former Vice Chairman of the Conservative Party (1951–54). She was born as Sylvia Mary Harrison in 1903, the second daughter of William Reginald Harrison of Liverpool. Her brother was actor Sir Rex Harrison. Marriages David Maxwell Fyfe, 1st Earl of Kilmuir (1925–1967; his death), by whom she had two daughters Herbrand Sackville, 9th Earl De La Warr (1 March 1968 – 28 January 1976; his death) Death She died in East Hampshire on 10 June 1992, aged 88. References Category:1903 births Category:1992 deaths Category:British countesses Category:Dames Commander of the Order of the British Empire Category:West family Category:Disease-related deaths in England Category:Conservative Party (UK) officials
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Acute and delayed hypersensitivity reactions to infliximab and adalimumab in a patient with Crohn's disease. A 61 year old woman with active luminal Crohn's disease was successfully treated with infliximab induction therapy followed by 5 infusions every 8 weeks. However, symptoms returned in the weeks preceding the 7th and 8th infusions. The 9th infusion was therefore given only 4 weeks after the 8th infusion, but an acute severe anaphylactoid reaction occurred immediately after start of the infusion. Anti-infliximab IgG antibody concentration was high (100 U/ml) prior to the 8th infusion and up to 1 year after infliximab discontinuation (81 U/ml). Anti-infliximab IgE antibodies were not found, and the anti-infliximab antibodies did not cross react with adalimumab. One week after the anaphylactoid reaction to infliximab, adalimumab therapy was initiated. Twelve days after the first adalimumab administration (80 mg), a delayed hypersensitivity reaction occurred. This was likely caused by rapidly generated anti-adalimumab IgG antibodies (45 U/ml), as these antibodies appeared to be specific for adalimumab in that infliximab failed to compete with adalimumab/anti-adalimumab antibody binding ex vivo. In conclusion, immunogenicity to infliximab and adalimumab may be associated with both acute anaphylactoid reactions and delayed hypersensitivity reactions. Reactions may be precipitated by newly induced specific anti-drug antibodies rather than by cross-reactivity of previously generated antibodies.
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
/* * Copyright 2013 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.google.gwt.dev.cfg.testdata.separate.libraryone.client; /** * Test class for module loading. */ public class LibraryOne { // For testing. }
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
1. Field of Invention The present invention relates to the use of radiation measurements for determining the elemental content of bulk material in an on-line process, and to the fusion of sensor technologies, specifically Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis (PGNAA) and Dual-Energy Gamma Attenuation (DGA), to make this measurement possible. 2. Description of the Related Art Several technologies exist to determine the composition of bulk materials. Two that are specifically important to the present invention are Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis (PGNAA) and Dual-Energy Gamma Attenuation (DGA) analysis. The PGNAA technique involves bombarding a bulk material sample with neutrons from a neutron emitter (typically Cf-252). The neutrons collide with atoms/elements in the sample, emitter housing, and/or an external moderator and are captured by the nuclei of atoms/elements present in the sample. The capture process often involves the release of gamma rays at energies specific to the captured atom/element. These gamma rays are detected typically by a scintillation crystal (typically NaI). The sum of the detected gamma energy at these specific energies is referred to as an energy spectrum. Analysis of the energy spectrum provides analytical information on the proportion of the various elements present in the bulk material. Various PGNAA based sensor systems are known. One such analyzer is that described in U.S. Pat. No. 4,582,992, titled “Self-Contained, On-Line, Real-time Bulk Material Analyzer,” issued to Atwell, et al., on Apr. 15, 1986, which uses PGNAA technology in an attempt to determine the elemental content of the bulk material. The described analyzer uses an arrangement of neutron sources and gamma ray detectors in an enclosed assembly to perform its analysis. Additionally, a similar device, described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,362,477, titled “Bulk Material Analyser for On-Conveyor Belt Analysis,” issued to Sowerby, et al., on Mar. 26, 2002, uses PGNAA technology in a bulk material on-conveyor belt arrangement to analyze bulk material. Again, this analyzer uses a neutron source and gamma ray detectors in an enclosed assembly to perform its analysis. The DGA analysis technique involves bombarding a bulk material with gamma rays from two gamma ray emitters of sufficiently different energies. The gamma rays interact with the bulk material resulting in the attenuation of the number of gamma rays transmitted through the bulk material. The gamma rays are typically detected by a scintillation crystal (typically NaI). The sum of these released gamma rays at these specific energies is referred to as an energy spectrum. The technology relies on the fact that elements with different atomic numbers attenuate gamma rays at specific energies in different ways. Thus, for low-energy gamma rays (i.e., those generated by a low energy gamma emitter such as Am-241), the attenuation of gamma rays is largely dependent on the atomic number of the atoms/elements present in the bulk material. For high-energy gamma rays (i.e., those generated by a high-energy gamma emitter such as Cs-137), attenuation is independent of the atoms/elements in the bulk material. Analysis of the energy spectrum leads to a determination of the bulk elemental composition of the bulk material. DGA based sensors are known in the art. DGA devices are based on the premise that analyzed material will attenuate different energy gamma rays in fixed repeatable ways. A DGA device consists of a gamma energy source arrangement consisting of dual energy gamma emitters. The gamma emitters are chosen in such a way that the material to be analyzed will attenuate the different energy gamma rays in ways that are conducive to measuring one or more specific properties of the material being measured. One such application of DGA technology uses gamma ray sources to interrogate coal, with the assumption that the material that coal is composed of will attenuate the differing energy gamma rays to produce a measurement that is conducive to determining coal ash content and density.
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
Q: How to count rows efficiently with one pass over the dataframe I have a dataframe made of strings like this: ID_0 ID_1 g k a h c i j e d i i h b b d d i a d h For each pair of strings I can count how many rows have either string in them as follows. import pandas as pd import itertools df = pd.read_csv("test.csv", header=None, prefix="ID_", usecols = [0,1]) alphabet_1 = set(df['ID_0']) alphabet_2 = set(df['ID_1']) # This just makes a set of all the strings in the dataframe. alphabet = alphabet_1 | alphabet_2 #This iterates over all pairs and counts how many rows have either in either column for (x,y) in itertools.combinations(alphabet, 2): print x, y, len(df.loc[df['ID_0'].isin([x,y]) | df['ID_1'].isin([x,y])]) This gives: a c 3 a b 3 a e 3 a d 5 a g 3 a i 5 a h 4 a k 3 a j 3 c b 2 c e 2 c d 4 [...] The problem is that my dataframe is very large and the alphabet is of size 200 and this method does an independent traversal over the whole dataframe for each pair of letters. Is it possible to get the same output by doing a single pass over the dataframe somehow? Timings I created some data with: import numpy as np import pandas as pd from string import ascii_lowercase n = 10**4 data = np.random.choice(list(ascii_lowercase), size=(n,2)) df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['ID_0', 'ID_1']) #Testing Parfait's answer def f(row): ser = len(df[(df['ID_0'] == row['ID_0']) | (df['ID_1'] == row['ID_0'])| (df['ID_0'] == row['ID_1']) | (df['ID_1'] == row['ID_1'])]) return(ser) %timeit df.apply(f, axis=1) 1 loops, best of 3: 37.8 s per loop I would like to be able to do this for n = 10**8. Can this be sped up? A: You can get past the row level subiteration by using some clever combinatorics/set theory to do the counting: # Count of individual characters and pairs. char_count = df['ID_0'].append(df.loc[df['ID_0'] != df['ID_1'], 'ID_1']).value_counts().to_dict() pair_count = df.groupby(['ID_0', 'ID_1']).size().to_dict() # Get the counts. df['count'] = [char_count[x] if x == y else char_count[x] + char_count[y] - (pair_count[x,y] + pair_count.get((y,x),0)) for x,y in df[['ID_0', 'ID_1']].values] The resulting output: ID_0 ID_1 count 0 g k 1 1 a h 4 2 c i 4 3 j e 1 4 d i 6 5 i h 6 6 b b 1 7 d d 3 8 i a 5 9 d h 5 I've compared the output of my method to the row level iteration method on a dataset with 5000 rows and all of the counts match. Why does this work? It essentially just relies on the formula for counting the union of two sets: The cardinality of a given element is just the char_count. When the elements are distinct, the cardinality of the intersection is just the count of pairs of the elements in any order. Note that when the two elements are identical, the formula reduces to just the char_count. Timings Using the timing setup in the question, and the following function for my answer: def root(df): char_count = df['ID_0'].append(df.loc[df['ID_0'] != df['ID_1'], 'ID_1']).value_counts().to_dict() pair_count = df.groupby(['ID_0', 'ID_1']).size().to_dict() df['count'] = [char_count[x] if x == y else char_count[x] + char_count[y] - (pair_count[x,y] + pair_count.get((y,x),0)) for x,y in df[['ID_0', 'ID_1']].values] return df I get the following timings for n=10**4: %timeit root(df.copy()) 10 loops, best of 3: 25 ms per loop %timeit df.apply(f, axis=1) 1 loop, best of 3: 49.4 s per loop I get the following timing for n=10**6: %timeit root(df.copy()) 10 loops best of 3: 2.22 s per loop It appears that my solution scales approximately linearly.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Q: Firebase Google authentication error in ionic3 auth.ts signInWithGoogle(): firebase.Promise<any> { return this.afAuth.auth.signInWithRedirect(new firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider());} login.ts loginGoogle() { this.authData.signInWithGoogle().then(() => { this.navCtrl.push(TabsPage); }, error => { this.presentToast("Invalid user details"); });} Open the google account selector and app working smoothly in mobile when select and account to authenticate from the list it display a message mobile app identifier is not registered for the current project Message showing: Please help me to solve this. Thank you! A: I had the same issue and was able to fix it by updating my widget id (in the config.xml file, to match the app id in the firebase console.
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
First photograph of light as both a particle and wave (2015) - ThomPete http://m.phys.org/news/2015-03-particle.html ====== msimpson This article is much more clear on what the image actually represents: [http://www.livescience.com/50019-image-light-wave- particle.h...](http://www.livescience.com/50019-image-light-wave- particle.html) "A clever technique and an ultrafast electron microscope have caught an image of light behaving as both particle and wave at the same time. Here, the wave nature is demonstrated in the wavy upper portion, while the particle behavior is revealed below, in the outlines showing energy quantization." Credit: Fabrizio Carbone/EPFL Also, this was all published on March 2, 2015. ------ deckar01 It took me a few reads for this to sink in. Quantum interference causes standing waves. Electron-photon particle collisions cause detectable energy release. The particle collisions occur in an interference pattern. ~~~ EarthIsHome Yes, and the colors describe the speeds of the particles as a result of tbe electron-photon collisions. It's not necessarily the particles we're seeing, just the particle behaviors from their collisions. ------ _nalply Swiss here. The École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), where this experiment has been carried out, is one of the two federal institutes of technology, the other one is the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETHZ). [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89cole_Polytechnique_F%C3%...](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89cole_Polytechnique_F%C3%A9d%C3%A9rale_de_Lausanne) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ETH_Zurich](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ETH_Zurich) ------ nsxwolf It didn't explain the picture. ~~~ leksak Yeah, I don't know how to interpret it. It's not immediately obvious to me that I'm looking at a wave and particles at the same time. ~~~ URSpider94 What the image represents is the energy loss/gain of a whole bunch of electrons that interact one at a time with a light wave traveling along a tiny metal wire (we call this kind of captive light wave a "phonon"). For each electron fired at the wire, it can either pass through unscathed, or it can interact with an electron and scatter off with a different energy, like two billiard balls hitting each other. The collision is fundamentally a collision between two particles. However, the fact that the properties of the collisions vary sinusoidally along the length of the wire imply that the photon is also acting like a wave oscillating up and down the wire. I disagree that this is the "first time" that we've observed simultaneous wave-particle behavior, you can see the same thing by firing photons at two narrowly-placed slits. This results in a diffraction pattern as if the photons were interfering like waves, but we can confirm that we're detecting single photons at the detector, and you can even confirm that each photon travels through one slit or the other ... See [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double- slit_experiment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-slit_experiment) ~~~ AnimalMuppet One nit: A phonon is a vibration of a lattice, not light. ~~~ URSpider94 Yep, that should have said "plasmon". I messed up all of my comments on this thread. A plasmon isn't technically light either, it's an oscillation of the electric field in a conductor -- but it has wave/particle duality like a photon. ------ emerongi It's hard to grasp what was really captured on that image, but this still doesn't rule out the pilot wave theory. I think it's misleading to call it a photograph of light "as both a particle and wave". ------ amelius I have a question about QM, which perhaps somebody here can answer: Is quantization an inherent property of the photon, or is it a property of the material (or of the interaction with it)? ~~~ URSpider94 The other answers posted here are not quite right. Light energy is indeed inherently quantized, and a photon is one quantum of light. In other words, you can't have a half-photon of light, only even multiples. Einstein wrote the equation "E = h*(nu)", where h is the so-called "Planck's constant", and nu is the frequency of light. Translated, this means that each photon carries an amount of energy proportional to its frequency, higher- frequency photons (IR -> red -> blue -> UV -> X-ray) carry more energy. tl;dr: Quantization is an inherent property of light. ~~~ amelius > E = h*(nu) Yes, but the question is whether that is due to the material not being able to produce non-quantized photons. Stated differently, suppose we had a different way of generating photons, then could we theoretically create them in a non- quantized way? ~~~ lisivka Yep. They called "radiowaves". ~~~ amelius Sounds logical, but then again, how fundamental is the "Q" in "QM"? ~~~ lisivka Extremely. Broken quanta will release its energy. Check solitons (example: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JD32kkoFU3Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JD32kkoFU3Y) ). Soliton wave can cross ocean, but if you broke it pattern, you will have regular waves, not a half of solition. ------ shshhdhs This is really cool! What's the reason for the blue & violet colors to be raised more than others in the wave? Is it just the timing of the snapshot? As in, another picture might show another color at the top of the wave? Or is the standing wave "stuck" in that position? ~~~ mdturnerphys That's just the color scale they've used for the z axis. ------ mzs [https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2015-03/epfd- tfe0301...](https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2015-03/epfd- tfe030115.php) ------ Koshkin > _an exchange of energy "packets" (quanta) between electrons and photons_ I thought that photons _are_ the energy quanta (that electrons can _absorb_ or lose). ------ posterboy Darn the ambiguous english language, do they mean the photograph is a particle-wave? because that wouldn't be a first. /s
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }