as a frontend developer, I built highly reusable UI components with React and Styled Components to increase scalability and reusability.<|endoftext|>
as a software developer, I used SOAP to implement Web Services and consumed and published XML web services in the application.<|endoftext|>
as a web developer, I created all necessary DB tables, queries and Stored Procedures Developer American Commercial Lines March 2015 to July 2015 Updated VB6 and VB.net Window Forms to accommodate reporting with Oracle BI Publisher.<|endoftext|>
as a network engineer, I configured MikroTik Routers, Servers, Ubiquiti wireless devices, and Dell OptiPlex servers.<|endoftext|>
as a java developer, I developed RESTful web services for ISAAC interface simulator Environment: Java 6, J2EE, Web Services, AJAX, JQuery, JSON, JSP, JMS, Servlets, HTML, XML, CSS, WebSphere Application Server, Java Scripts, Ant, JUnit, My Eclipse.<|endoftext|>
as a javascript developer, I used popular Node.js frameworks like Express and Restify to mock a Restful API.<|endoftext|>
as a java developer, I worked with Apache Kafka JMS and Rabbit MQ as the message oriented middleware.<|endoftext|>
as a analyst, I experienced with working on Operating Systems like UNIX and Windows.<|endoftext|>
as a software developer, I developed and maintained ETL (Extract Transformation and Loading) mappings to extract the data from multiple source systems like Oracle, SQL Server and Flat files and loaded into Oracle<|endoftext|>
as a database administrator, I worked closely with various internal application development groups to design and manage security, create change control procedures, and monitor servers.<|endoftext|>
as a project manager, I conducted Agile Ceremonies: Scrums, Backlog Grooming, Sprint Planning, Sprint Review and Sprint Retrospective<|endoftext|>
as a python developer, I created unit testing of the modules created and run integration testing to test the end-to-end flow of the process developed.<|endoftext|>
as a python developer, I worked in an Agile environment and participated in scrum meetings.<|endoftext|>
as a web developer, I created custom JavaScript objects, using jQuery for fetching data from API's.<|endoftext|>
as a software developer, I worked on fixing bugs, refactoring and optimizing code base for end user registration portal and Admin console React applications.<|endoftext|>
as a java developer, I involved in the user interface development using JSP, HTML, CSS, JSTL and JavaScript.<|endoftext|>
as a frontend developer, I developed UI using JSPs and JDBC to interact with Business users.<|endoftext|>
as a frontend developer, I fixed bugs from existing website and implemented enhancements to that improved web functionality and speed.<|endoftext|>
as a frontend developer, I performed bi-weekly website updates, including new articles, slideshows, HTML email templates.<|endoftext|>
as a frontend developer, I developed various screens for the front end using React JS and used various predefined components from NPM (Node Package Manager) and Redux library.<|endoftext|>
as a python developer, I involved in system analysis and design methodology as well as object oriented design.<|endoftext|>
as a project manager, I created excel reports of current projects to be presented during weekly company-wide meetings.<|endoftext|>
as a web developer, I performed regular back-ups of the Project Management Website.<|endoftext|>
as a javascript developer, I involved in unit testing & peer reviews of the developed code.<|endoftext|>
as a frontend developer, I performed Dependency Injection With The Use Of Services.<|endoftext|>
as a java developer, I involved in projecting application/service metrics using Graphana/Graphite.<|endoftext|>
as a analyst, I produced weekly reports on the amount of threats detected and/or executed on user's machine within the company.<|endoftext|>
as a web developer, I worked in team environment with marketing Department in coordinating data reintegration strategies, Directory Tree Architect layout.<|endoftext|>
as a database administrator, I implemented and administered Virtual Local Area Networks.<|endoftext|>
as a analyst, I experienced in Agile development environment.<|endoftext|>
as a java developer, I led 3 developers, 2 testers.<|endoftext|>
as a analyst, I utilized the Footprints ticketing and tracking system for creating records pertaining to customer reports of incidents and service requests.<|endoftext|>
as a java developer, I worked on their application NEWSL that collect subscriptions across all the Viacom websites and stores it in a centralized database.<|endoftext|>
as a java developer, I implemented MVC framework using Spring MVC Framework isolating each layer of the application to avoid complexity of integration and ease of maintenance.<|endoftext|>
as a java developer, I involved in developing various reusable Helper and Utility classes using Java, which are being used across all the modules of the application.<|endoftext|>
as a java developer, I involved in preparing the High Level and Detail level design of the system using J2EE.<|endoftext|>
as a java developer, I developed classes using core java (multithreading, concurrency, memory management) and some spring IOC.<|endoftext|>
as a backend developer, I involved in designing the client-side module architecture based on new Angular Framework.<|endoftext|>
as a frontend developer, I developed by using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Fusion tables Developed front end Applications using HTML, CSS Written SQL Queries to interact with MySQL database.<|endoftext|>
as a project manager, I evaluated product life cycle for enterprise software products and add values based on Stakeholders requirements.<|endoftext|>
as a systems administrator, I created various automation scripts via Powershell as requested for daily task.<|endoftext|>
as a frontend developer, I implemented JQuery Chaining to select in sequence in a single code statement.<|endoftext|>
as a backend developer, I upgraded from Angular 5 to Angular 7 and also Upgraded Priming.<|endoftext|>
as a software developer, I created new custom objects and forms.<|endoftext|>
as a analyst, I involved in Novo Optimize implementation for Madison shop Floor CNC machines, enabling monitoring of up-time / down-time of CNC machines.<|endoftext|>
as a analyst, I established banking/donation/bookkeeping / reporting systems<|endoftext|>
as a systems administrator, I managed 6 department/engineering relationships with their accocated department leaders Facilitated the Salesforce feature backlog voting, priotization, and scheduling process.<|endoftext|>
as a consultant, I worked on the Implementation of system as an independent component to be supported/integrated with Appian based BPM applications to deliver management capabilities using Appian 16.2 SAIL features such as Record Types, Record dashboards, SAIL Reports, Actions and SAIL forms.<|endoftext|>
as a database administrator, I implemented robust recovery systems and DR across databases to reduce RPO Support the Implementation of big data in social media Implementation of Oracle Flashback and IBM Tivoli Storage FlashCopy Manager to reduce RTP/RPO Upgraded all Database to current and support releaseof 12c Enabled Oracle Cloud Control for all Databases The current key projects Implemented Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS)/ Siebel CRM solutions with a broader level of expertise by developing Architecture Solutions and IT strategies across a variety of platforms and systems.<|endoftext|>
as a systems administrator, I removed malware and viruses from laptops and desktop systems using specialized software.<|endoftext|>
as a analyst, I conducted IT controls risk assessments that included reviewing organizational policies, standards and procedures and provided advice on their adequacy, accuracy and compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard [PCI DSS] Updated Business Impact Assessment [BIA] template to monitor efficiency and adequacy of Contingency plan.<|endoftext|>
as a python developer, I worked in development of applications especially in UNIX environment.<|endoftext|>
as a analyst, I conducted 24x7 operations for seven years and six months.<|endoftext|>
as a analyst, I worked for BI Analytics team to conduct A/B testing, data extraction and exploratory analysis.<|endoftext|>
as a java developer, I written Hive inquiries for data to meet the business requirements.<|endoftext|>
as a software developer, I developed dynamic work flow process using ASP.NET 4.5, VB.NET and SQL Server 2016.<|endoftext|>
as a python developer, I experienced in WAMP (Windows, Apache, MYSQL, Python/PHP) and LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, Python/PHP) Experienced in working with various Python IDE's using PyCharm, PyScripter, Spyder, PyStudio, and PyDev.<|endoftext|>
as a java developer, I designed and developed various modules of the application with J2EE design architecture and frameworks like Spring MVC architecture and Spring Bean Factory using IOC, AOP concepts<|endoftext|>
as a java developer, I created maven archetypes for generating fully functional REST web services supporting both XML and JSON message transformation.<|endoftext|>
as a python developer, I developed common ETL and written Python code to format XML documents which can help to source data from different platforms.<|endoftext|>
as a consultant, I designed and developed Reporting Component using XML.<|endoftext|>
as a software developer, I used Natural Language Processing (NLP) with parsing and searching algorithms.<|endoftext|>
as a consultant, I designed and implemented a migration of two separate Active Directory forests to a single forest to provide a seamless Exchange 2007 environment to a newly merged company.<|endoftext|>
as a java developer, I performed regression testing and smoke testing using GM-2020 FM Android head manually.<|endoftext|>
as a systems administrator, I upgraded data circuits and implemented backups circuits for multi-state and multi-site connections.<|endoftext|>
as a software developer, I worked with DevOps team to resolve many of the dependency issues faced by us.<|endoftext|>
as a backend developer, I worked on some of the new features of Angular 4 new if else syntax, ng-templates, form validators.<|endoftext|>
as a java developer, I worked on HP portfolio Management software to create the PPM packages and deploy the various environments.<|endoftext|>
as a analyst, I designed and deployed Custom objects, validation rules, Page layouts, Custom tabs, Components, to suit the needs of the application.<|endoftext|>
as a python developer, I designed and developed customer preferences portal in Python using Django framework.<|endoftext|>
as a software developer, I used JavaScript (jQuery) to enhance UI experience on Client-Side and also used jQuery to perform validations and catch the events on client's browser.<|endoftext|>
as a python developer, I implemented premise MMS monitoring and backup solution.<|endoftext|>
as a frontend developer, I used JSP to design the user interfaces, and JSP tag libraries to define Custom Tags Applied HTTP Service and REST web service to connect the Front-end ReactJS to Back-end NodeJS.<|endoftext|>
as a frontend developer, I worked on Cross-BrowserCompatibility and fixed the bugs for several browsers.<|endoftext|>
as a python developer, I used with version control systems such as Git and Apache SVN for maintaining a consistent state throughout the application development process.<|endoftext|>
as a java developer, I created Mock service to all requests and responses, also developed the business layer using Spring beans using Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control principles.<|endoftext|>
as a java developer, I elaborated on the Use Cases based on business requirements and was responsible for creation of Class Diagrams, Object Interaction Diagrams (Sequence and Collaboration) and Activity Diagrams.<|endoftext|>
as a consultant, I acted as primary technical lead in the rollout of the Database Security Risk Assessment (DBSRA) program.<|endoftext|>
as a frontend developer, I used ngrx /store along with Observables for state management<|endoftext|>
as a database administrator, I interacted with users and troubleshoot problems related to privileges and resources.<|endoftext|>
as a java developer, I worked on Linux environment for deploying the application, running scripts for jobs.<|endoftext|>
as a consultant, I provided telephone support for hardware and software on clients' workstations.<|endoftext|>
as a java developer, I created and executed unit test plans.<|endoftext|>
as a python developer, I operated all the user side validation using JavaScript and AJAX.<|endoftext|>
as a frontend developer, I used OO modular JavaScript.<|endoftext|>
as a java developer, I developed UI components using Angular 2 dependency Injection, Models, data binding and controllers.<|endoftext|>
as a backend developer, I performed Grunt jobs to minify HTML, CSS and JS files in order to improve the performance of the website.<|endoftext|>
as a javascript developer, I involved in enhancing already existing application which was written in ASP.NET MVC.<|endoftext|>
as a backend developer, I interacted with other development teams for fix the issues.<|endoftext|>
as a network engineer, I worked on Dial plan.<|endoftext|>
as a database administrator, I experienced in creating and using Stored Procedures, Triggers, Views, User-Defined Functions, Sub-Queries, joins for complex queries involving multiple tables and exception handlers.<|endoftext|>
as a javascript developer, I worked on Content Management System (CMS).<|endoftext|>
as a java developer, I developed single page responsive design application using Angular JS Used and implemented Angular JS Directives, Filters, Controllers, Services and Expressions for developing client-side widgets, validations and client-side business logic using java script Developed reusable custom Directives, Services for Angular JS.<|endoftext|>
as a java developer, I involved in Various Stages of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) deliverables of the project.<|endoftext|>
as a consultant, I developed and maintain high volume websites with cross-browser compatibility and responsive websites for employer and partners<|endoftext|>
as a web designer, I worked heavily with Drupal and Wordpress but also custom platforms.<|endoftext|>
as a java developer, I implemented custom process to receive messages from Oracle golden gate and process them and publish the messages to different Kafka topics based on interested cloud applications Written stored procedures, packages, View, Cursors and Functions using Oracle pl/sql.<|endoftext|>
as a software developer, I developed automated unit and integration tests using Mockito and REST-assured.<|endoftext|>
as a backend developer, I used jasmine for Angular Application's End-2-End Tests.<|endoftext|>
as a database administrator, I presented and analyzed database performance reports and improvement recommendations to client company's senior executives.<|endoftext|>