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# ZZZ Interknots
This datasets contains extracted Interknot posts and comments (绳网的博客与评论) in multi-language.
Up to game version: 1.0
- Interknot posts and comments examples
"id": "1021",
"poster": "Sorrowful Intern",
"title": "[Commission] Missing Bangboo merchants",
"text": "Hello, pros... Some of the senior Bangboo of our merchant association have gone missing! We urgently need an expert to help find them!!\nLet me explain, I recently joined a very prestigious association as an intern, with many skilled senior members in it. Any of you who frequent the Hollows have probably come across them selling Resonia.\nMy seniors' business was always doing good... Until the past few days, when five senior members disappeared along with their goods in a Companion Hollow!!\nMy leader reassured me they wouldn't get corrupted. Perhaps, an accident took place or they deviated from their original route. The association has sought help from the Hollow Investigative Association, so they should be back soon... Still, I'm worried! Those senior Bangboo were always nice to me...\nOh right! There's something else that's worrying me! Our association's rival is incredibly sly and cunning! They've been trying to copy us by setting up their own Bangboo merchant association and stealing our senior members, but they've never succeeded. I bet this is their doing!\nCan anyone can help us locate the senior members and their merchandise? I'll be forever grateful!",
"script": null,
"comments": [
"role": "Daily Tips",
"content": "A real trade war... They can't do business in the Hollow, so they resort to kidnapping their competitors."
"role": "Professional Sidekick",
"content": "I can't say they're wrong! They're putting everyone on the same starting line!"
"role": "NewbieWants2Learn",
"content": "So, this commission is about locating the five missing Bangboo merchants and their merchandise... I'll leave this to the next poster."
"role": "[OP] Sorrowful Intern",
"content": "Can you let me follow you around? You're the hero I've been waiting for!"
"player_reply": [
"I've done similar commissions before. I'll do it."
"lang": "EN"
"id": "1007",
"poster": "CHAR",
"title": "[委托]幽灵列车真的存在!",
"text": "我看见 亲眼看见 真的是列车员 在那里 然后又不在了!!\n等等,等等等等…我重新组织一下语言,打字的手还在抖…\n就在刚才,我和朋友聚餐回来,这个点街上几乎没有人了。拐进锦鲤面馆对面那条小路的时候路灯突然暗了,我以为是灯坏了就没在意。继续往前走了没几步,身后坏掉的路灯突然又亮了起来,回头一看灯下站着一个大活人!\n一开始我没反应过来,看到他手上攥着的破车票时我才想起来。这家伙的脸我有印象,是上个月新闻报道里殉职的列车驾驶员!\n我头也不回一口气跑回了家,从阳台上望去那个路灯下的人也不见了。不会是我聚餐喝多产生幻觉了吧,可我喝的是乌龙茶啊…",
"script": null,
"comments": [
"role": "下辈子我要当只猫",
"content": "哦那个列车失事的新闻我记得,据说是一列末班车后的空车,只有驾驶员在车上。因为突发的空洞没来得及撤离,就和车厢一起永远困在克里特空洞里了。"
"role": "有那味儿了",
"content": "我还听说过一个幽灵列车Plus版本,说至今列车还在空洞里行驶,只不过乘客都是在空洞里遭遇事故的人们。\n列车员会出现在午夜的街道上,如果接受他的邀请登上幽灵列车,就能见到死去的亲人…"
"role": "RON",
"content": "补充一个PlusProMax版本,如果看到幽灵列车员不要慌张,对他说出特定的暗语,他就会把手里的车票递给你哦。"
"role": "想在空洞开食堂",
"content": "明明只是个怪谈灌水帖,被你们越编越详细。\n这下我开始担心有人真的会傻呵呵地去六分街通宵蹲守了。"
"player_reply": [
"lang": "CHS"