How to get a immutable collection from java HashMap?
[ "Example of an immutable class with hashmap" ]
[ "Is this an immutable class?", "Immutable classes not so immutable", "Create a hashmap of immutable generic objects", "Is It Immutable Class?", "How to create Immutable List in java?", "Is this class immutable?", "Using HashMap as Collection in Java", "Immutable class in java", "How to make the return immutable in JAVA", "How to make the below java class Immutable", "Java Immutable List", "String immutable?", "Why do we need immutable class?", "HashMap values to Collection", "What HashMap-like collection should I use for this case?", "Is this java class immutable?", "Immutable objects and hashmap keys", "What is the collection that HashMap.values() method in Java returns?", "Java Class Immutable with Thread Safe Collection", "How to find out if a class is immutable", "Immutable string in java", "Is Java String immutable?", "String Array Into HashMap Collection Object", "Immutable Class", "Java Popsicle Immutable", "Immutable class in Java", "Java Immutable Collection, Fix the reference also", "Immutable in java", "Immutable class?" ]
Frame and Canvas grow larger than specified
[ "Frame and Canvas created in cycle grow larger than specified when setResizeable(false)" ]
[ "how can i make an android view grow dynamically when i add text in it?", "Should I use Canvas or GWTCanvas?", "How to let CommonsPoolTargetSource pool size grow as needed?", "Make JLabel text grow right", "using Canvas in android", "Update (and grow) dialog when new components are added", "Why isn't my canvas working?", "How do you use the grow method in java", "Using a canvas much larger than the screen", "Android Canvas: Create RoundRectShape Object", "Most memory efficient way to grow an array in Java?", "How to create a larger frame in Java", "How can I make my GUI Frame larger?", "Java Add Button GUI Grow Array", "Loop to make circle grow", "2-dimensional object that can grow in java", "How to set canvas size?", "How to efficiently grow the size of the test data", "Why this code work only once [Android-canvas]", "JavaMonkey Canvas", "How can we dynamically allocate and grow an array", "Why is my frame larger than what I set it to be?", "How to center a small canvas on a larger jframe", "Draw in a canvas and save it to a larger image", "Fix to grow a square based on user input", "for loop does not \"grow\" the circle. I need to \"grow\" a circle", "How to add Button in a Canvas?", "How to draw Canvas on Canvas" ]
JDK8: unable to parse LocalTime
[ "Java LocalTime Parse Exception" ]
[ "Using Java LocalTime.parse method", "Dynamic arrays in JDK8", "Installing jdk8 on ubuntu- \"unable to locate package\" update doesn't fix", "How should we manage jdk8 stream for null values", "slow JDK8 compilation", "convert python localtime to java", "Maven: compile Java 7 with JDK8", "Java Base64 Sun to JDK8", "JDK8 java.time.LocalTime with custom pattern", "How to convert a given time (String) to a LocalTime?", "Error generating report with JDK8", "between java.time.LocalTime (next day)", "How use strem for loop in jdk8?", "Bug in jdk8 date-conversion?", "Java.time.LocalTime with zeros", "No java.nio.file in JDK8", "JDK8 with -source 1.7 [Default Methods]", "JodaTime - Check if LocalTime is after now and now before another LocalTime", "Convert LocalTime (Java 8) to Date", "Javadoc layout changed with JDK8", "LocalTime from Date", "Modify list data in single line using JDK8", "unable to open web service tester page with jdk8 and netbeans 8", "Running JDK8 for aspectj", "JDK8 lambda filter on list to other list", "Joda LocalTime Meridiem parse", "JDK8 not working with JDK8 (WS client)", "How to have Eclipse use JDK8 to compile a project?", "Use of stream, filter and average on list and jdk8" ]
Java daemon best cross platform solution?
[ "java background/daemon/service cross platform best practices" ]
[ "Java GUI for cross-platform", "Is Java cross platform?", "cross-platform apps with c#Is", "Daemon thread in java", "How to write a Java daemon", "What Java \"cross-platform\" really mean?", "What to use to build a cross platform application?", "Which is a better cross platform language?", "Cross-platform way to open a file using Java 1.5", "cross platform unicode support", "Cross platform Java? Android and desktop", "Does anyone here know a good, cross-platform way to get the process list?", "How can I call an OS X-specific method for my cross-platform Jar?", "Cross platform app. Need suggestions", "Cross platform real-time-data", "Daemon Thread more than one?", "Cross-platform way to run external process from java?", "How to Sign a Cross-Platform Java App", "GUI for cross platform", "Simple cross platform GUI app", "How can i make a Java Daemon", "How to create a daemon thread? and what for?", "Cross-platform source control?", "Error while running Daemon class in java?", "Android SDK over cross platform", "Creating cross platform applications", "What's the best cross platform approach (Windows/Mac) to deploy a simple service/daemon (with simple UI)", "Is there a cross platform command that will print something to console?" ]
java.lang.NullPointerException at org.apache.jsp.init_jsp.jspInit(init_jsp.java:39)
[ "java.lang.NullPointerException at org.apache.jsp.index_jsp._jspInit" ]
[ "How to get an object of java class from JSP", "java.lang.NullPointerException in jsp", "Add.jsp and Update.jsp or only one", "How to get list in jsp", "NullPointerException in _jspInit", "JSP java.lang.NullPointerException", "Error in my jsp", "One JSP file can't see the other", "JSP error java.lang.NullPointerException", "JSP import Java class", "Add a Class in jsp", "JSP class not found: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.jsp.login_jsp", "JSP Beancommunication", "Does jspInit() run only once?", "How does jsp work?", "Using a function from one jsp in another jsp", "Using class in JSP", "Using a Java class in JSP", "Problem with JSP getRemoteAddress", "Why won't print in jsp?", "Java class in jsp", "How to pass an Object from one JSP to other JSP?", "java.lang.NullPointerException at org.apache.jsp.page_jsp._jspInit in Tomcat 6, but works in Tomcat 7", "Converte value of JSP to java string", "Using if in JSP", "How to call Java class in Jsp", "Java to JSP. How to?", "JSP print Array with JSP", "Call from one JSP file to another JSP" ]
Java Time's week-of-week-based-year pattern parsing with DateTimeFormatter
[ "DateTimeFormatter week-based-year diff" ]
[ "Get Date in Java given Week number, week day and year", "I Want to get a week value", "WEEK_OF_YEAR is same for two dates", "Find start-end date of a week from week number", "How to strictly parse a date with only a year and a week number when the first day of this week is in the previous year?", "How do I get the number of the current week?", "Bad week of year in Java", "Find first day of last week of year with java.time", "How can I, using java, determine whether a certain event took place this week, last week or which week?", "How to return all date of week", "How to Determine Week of Year From Date?", "How to get the YEAR for week of year for a date?", "Change the first week of a year", "How can I convert year and week to Java Date object?", "Week-based pattern does not work as expected", "Get the current week in Java", "How to parse date from string with year and week using java.time", "parsing date from day of week with java datetimeformatter", "incorrect week_of_year", "get number of the week in the year where first day of the week is Sunday", "java get week of year for given a date", "Java: Get week number from any date?", "How can I iterate over every week in a year in Java 8?", "Get range of Week of Year from 0", "finding the end day of each week for last 5 week", "How to get dates of a week (I know week number)?", "Calendar week_of_year comes week_of_month", "Point of time in a week", "How does Java \"week year\" really work?" ]
How to avoid excessive hibernate flushes to DB
[ "When Hibernate flushes a Session, how does it decide which objects in the session are dirty?" ]
[ "excessive memory use by java", "Java trim excessive symbols", "I'm looking for a solution to the excessive verboseness of Java without using Groovy", "Private Class Variables vs Excessive Argument Passing", "hibernate generating excessive number of joins in select query", "DB use an excessive amount of CPU - 95%", "Pattern quote creates excessive amount of \\Q and \\E", "How to investigate excessive java garbage collection", "Is excessive threading a bad idea in Android?", "In Java, is there some kind of coding method that's better than excessive if..else statements?", "Java 6 Excessive Memory Usage", "Can excessive use of final hurt more than do good?", "Webdriver firefox-bin uses excessive amount of CPU", "How to avoid excessive code duplication when using enums in Java", "Java Applet Excessive Flickering", "How do I deal with excessive arguments in constructors?", "Java XML parser without excessive memory allocation", "Excessive LinkedList using", "Java DataOutputStream object flushes after 8192 bytes", "Will an infinite 'while loop' consume excessive resources", "Maven archetype:generate excessive number of choice", "Regex that fail when there excessive whitespaces between words", "How can I get rid of excessive null checking in java?", "How many multiple \"Eclipse Projects\" is considered too excessive for one actual development project?", "Is a program model with excessive use of exception handling efficient in terms of speed?", "Buffered Reader/Writer flushes files", "Howto reduce partial-flushes", "How can data be received by a socket from a server before server flushes the data?", "Hibernate/JPA: Are nested flushes rolled back if @Transactional fails?" ]
Nothing happening when reading .accdb database
[ "Database extension is accdb when I want it to be mdb" ]
[ "ClassNotFoundException when trying to connect to .accdb file via JDBC-ODBC in Java 8", "Given file does not exist when connecting to .accdb file", "Not reading a file?", "Creating .accdb database using Java", "How to block database from .accdb file", "Get data from .accdb file", "What's happening in the line of code?", "Why is this happening with int?", "Java do nothing", "No suitable driver found for jdbc:ucanaccess://C:\\Users\\Asim Iqbal\\Documents\\PersonInfo.accdb", "Why is this exception happening?", "Why is nothing happening when I run my program?", "java http post to php server, nothing is happening", "what does NSEE mean? and what's happening in this code?", "Database doesn't like reading values from a loop", "Not sure what is happening in this java code example", "Java - Reading Text File Into Database", "file.delete(); nothing happening", "Java: Arrays, what is happening here?", "What's happening inside this method?", "what is happening when try to use array variable", "What is happening", "Java Class does nothing", "What is happening in this line of code?", "Why it is happening? java", "What is happening with this reference variable?", "String java please decribe what is happening at the if statemtnt", "Why is this happening?", "Create an Access database file (.mdb or .accdb) using Java" ]
NoSuchMethodError: MultivaluedMap.addAll in Jersey Client
[ "Jersey and Maven results in java.lang.NoSuchMethodError" ]
[ "Java \"NoSuchMethodError\"", "What use is Java 6 interface MultivaluedMap?", "NoSuchMethodError: com.google.common.base.Stopwatch.createStarted()Lcom/google/common/base/Stopwatch", "NoSuchMethodError ClassTypeInformation.from", "addAll() implementation -- Java", "Java NoSuchMethodError: main", "NoSuchMethodError with slfj4", "NoSuchMethodError when using jersey 2.0", "MultivaluedMap exception", "NoSuchMethodError: com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument(ZLjava/lang/String;J)V", "NoSuchMethodError", "Passing a form-data multivaluedmap parameter with SoapUI", "NoSuchMethodError: org.hibernate.internal.CoreMessageLogger.debugf(Ljava/lang/String;I)V", "Swagger API for MultivaluedMap Jersey? Is it possible?", "How can I define a generic method for Map<String, List<Object>> and MultivaluedMap<String, Object>?", "Does addAll() return false?", "How to iterate over MultivaluedMap and extract the key and its corresponding first value?", "Java NoSuchMethodError same class name", "Jersey REST - sending MultivaluedMap to GET causes Unsupported Media Type", "NoSuchMethodError exception", "MultivaluedMap in RESTEasy and square brackets", "NoSuchMethodError and how to read", "Java : Using addAll method on Custom list", "NoSuchMethodError on startup in Java Jersey app", "How to use addall in a list java", "Another Guice + Jersey error NoSuchMethodError", "Error while trying to run: NoSuchMethodError: main", "Java-8 addAll Objects", "addAll() method not working?" ]
Embedding images into html email with java mail
[ "Image embedding in Java mail - CID not working" ]
[ "Embedding an application inside another application", "Embedding JAR file into HTML?", "Embedding a Jar into a C# Form", "Java Mail not send email", "Embedding web browser window in Java", "Embedding Dygraphs in html", "Java cannot send email with html with images", "Sending Email with Java Mail", "Best way to save email, including images and HTML data, using Java Mail API?", "Embedding executable in Java application", "Embedding base64 encoded images in XML files (android-java)", "Embedding image into HTML in java?", "When embedding Java in a C++ application, which files do I need to take?", "Embedding Java Applet into .html file", "Embedding Java in PHP", "Java Mail Class", "embedding a font in Java", "how to embed multiple images while sending html email using Java mail", "Embedding a Java Applet", "Sending images by mail", "Embedding words inside text at specific index", "Embedding a JavaScript snippet in a Java class method", "Embedding HTML within XHTML", "Java mail with + character in email address", "How to retrieve email body of any email, using Java Mail API", "how to send email to a particular mail id?", "Embedding a Web page in an Android App", "Problem with JDICplus embedding IE in Java", "Issue in sending email to a group email using java mail" ]
how to achieve method chaining in java?
[ "How to create class and chaining methods" ]
[ "Chaining returns through methods in Java", "Chaining static methods", "Chaining array assignment in Java", "Servlet chaining - simple example", "Is Chaining methods in Java slow?", "SwingWork chaining", "Java method call chaining in static context", "Method Chaining in Java", "Constructor Chaining in Java", "Java signal chaining", "Having trouble with chaining method calls in Java", "Chaining lambda functions", "Chaining in HashMap", "Forward chaining and Backward chaining in java", "Will constructor chaining create more than one object in Java?", "Java Constructor Chaining using this()", "What will be the type of Object in Constructor chaining?", "Java method chaining", "Separate chaining in Java", "Stream chaining in Java", "Chaining Arguments to a Function", "Function chaining in Java", "Java Object Class, Constructor Chaining", "Java constructor chaining with method reference", "Chaining of services - Java", "Constructor Chaining without this()", "Chaining Strings in Java", "Hibernate Collection chaining", "Java method call in constructor chaining" ]
how to set location of jvm crash log files
[ "How do you crash a JVM?" ]
[ "Getting line numbers from a stack trace in a JVM crash log", "Crash code when i am using from a method of class?", "Why does my App crash after i set an array?", "Can I force generation of a JVM crash log file?", "Avoid jvm crash logs", "InvalidRecordException from Neo4J after a JVM crash", "To Do app crash", "What is default jvm error log location?", "Can the below program crash?", "Could not create the JVM: JVM log location", "Finding the cause of a JVM Crash", "Java Application Crash", "Android crash on getActiveNetworkInfo()", "How to specify a unique name for the JVM crash log files?", "Crash while trying to get data from other class", "why does my code crash", "Android + List = Crash?", "Java eclipse, why JVM crash?", "BitmapTextureAtlasTextureRegionFactory.createFromAsset crash", "Crash Ropeytask with Java 9", "What does BufferBlob::Interpreter in JVM crash log mean?", "JVM Crash outside of the JVM in native code", "Run code on application crash", "Does new PathDasher(null) in Java really cause JVM to crash?", "JVM crash suddenly", "Android min3d crash", "Crash report from JVM", "How do I make my jar application generate a crash log file?", "Android location app crash" ]
How to append files to a .tar archive using Apache Commons Compress?
[ "How do I append files to a .tar archive in Java?" ]
[ "Java Compress no return?", "Detecting compression type via Apache Commons Compress", "Program to compress a string", "Compress directory into a zipfile with Commons IO", "How to compress a String in Java?", "How would you \"compress\" a list?", "How do I create a tar or tar.gz archive entirely from objects in memory (no files) in Java", "Write a program the compress the string", "tar.gz compress didn't work for GIF file", "How to Access files in a .tar file in Java", "How to Compress/Decompress tar.gz files in java", "How uncompress a specific file from a TAR using apache commons?", "Add files and repertories to a Tar archive with Apache Commons Compress library in non machine dependent way", "How can I append changing files to Tar archive with Apache Commons Compress", "How do parse some files in a tar.bz2 archive with Java", "Append data into a file using Apache Commons I/O", "Apache Commons Compress Cannot Resolve Class SeekableInMemoryByteChannel Prior to Android N", "Creation gzip archive using Apache Commons Compress", "Decompressing tar file with Apache Commons Compress", "apache-commons colectionutils source code", "How to untar a TAR file using Apache Commons", "Apache Commons Configuration file import files", "How to delete ZIP archive after decompressing with Commons Compress in Java?", "compress string into a2b3... etc", "Apache Commons Compress: Opening .tar.gz", "Tar problem with apache commons compress", "Compression level using Apache Commons Compress", "Apache Commons SCXML - cannot find JexlContext", "Compress directory to tar.gz with Commons Compress" ]
Junit before class ( non static )
[ "Junit - run set up method once" ]
[ "JUnit test of the same object", "JUnit for Java 1.4", "how to test this class with JUnit?", "JUnit Test error", "JUnit AntClassNotFoundException", "Junit prerun call", "JUnit test with EhCache3", "Test data in JUnit", "Error while trying out JUnit", "@After method being run first by JUnit", "How do I use JUnitPerf with JWebUnit and JUnit 4?", "How to JUnit test for object immutabily?", "junit test class for the following code", "JUnit test a static void method", "Java - JUnit how to do?", "JUnit Test for Java", "Using @Before method in JUnit", "Getting ExceptioninitializerError in JUnit", "AopInvocationException: in @Autowieired in JUnit", "JUnit - before method", "Could not find class Java JUnit", "My Junit test doesn't run", "JUnit | How to pass parameters returned from one Junit test into another JUnit test", "JUnit and JFileChoosers", "Junit and messageboxes", "CollectionAssert in jUnit?", "JUnit run threads with static variable in Java", "Junit Test Method", "Junit method not found" ]
Eclipse: change name of existing package with classes inside
[ "How to change a package name in Eclipse?" ]
[ "Eclipse shows error on package but inside this package Eclipse doesn't show errors", "How does eclipse import classes", "Can I create folder inside package in eclipse?", "How to Change Version of Existing Android Project in Eclipse?", "How do I change the package name of classes inside a JAR?", "Cannot find existing package", "Is it possible to change package name on android project in eclipse?", "How can I import the same classes from a package", "Is there a way to create package-info.java for existing packages in one move in eclipse?", "Maven java project in eclipse doesn't see classes in same package", "How to make a default package eclipse", "Eclipse + Java: How do I import classes from the default package?", "How to import Lanterna package to Java in Eclipse", "Import Java classes once for all package", "Using Java's default package in Eclipse", "Import package and how to use all classes in a java file", "Eclipse import existing android project", "Eclipse default package import", "Classes in same package", "Import some classes in same package", "Find out where classes of a specific package are used in Java/Eclipse project", "is it possible to have .class and .java classes inside the same source code package?", "Adding an existing package to existing Java Project in eclipse?", "How to create a project from existing source in Eclipse and then find it?", "Create a java file inside a package", "How do I add an existing .class to an existing eclipse project?", "How do I import classes from a package in Eclipse?", "Import eclipse project with other package name ? - Eclipse / Android", "Eclipse doesn't see file even it was in the package" ]
Why use a wild card capture helper method?
[ "When to use generic methods and when to use wild-card?" ]
[ "can i use wild card query in endswith method in java", "Java : Wild card File search in Folder", "Upperbound wild card", "where does spring security takes values to replace wild card?", "Using wild card to limit data input from a certain package", "Why is using a wild card with a Java import statement bad?", "when to use Unbounded Wild Card in Java", "Wild Card Searching a file system folder in Java", "Wild card search in Java strings", "How to load xml resource file using wild card in Spring 3.1", "Generics - lower/ upper bound wild card behaviour?", "Generic arraylist with wild card of object", "Hibernate wild card phrase search results not optimal", "Performance difference between a wild card import and the required class import", "Error While Passing Bounded Wild Card Collection in Java", "Wild card search in couchdb", "Using '%' as a wild card character in a parameter in SQL with Java", "In Java, what can a wild card do that regular generics cannot do?", "generic wild card covariance and arraylist add function behaviour", "Loading resources from multiple jars with wild card", "Struts2 Action Regular Expression/Wild card for URL", "How to use * as a wild card in SQL query safely", "Should wild card characters (* and ?) be allowed for fieldMatching in elastic search?", "Java wild card BestPractices for casting", "Wild Card Search in Java", "Asterisk(wild card match) and url-pattern", "Difference between Generic type and Object and wild card", "Generics Upper Bound Wild Card gives compilation error", "wild card subdomain apache+tomcat" ]
The volatile key word and memory consistency errors
[ "Example of a memory consistency error when using volatile keyword?" ]
[ "When not to use volatile variable in Java", "Issues with method consistency in Java", "Why is this code working without volatile?", "Using volatile variables in java", "What is Volatile in Java and when/how should we use them?", "Java volatile array?", "Java : Volatile variable access", "Java Volatile Variable", "Hibernate data consistency", "Java volatile variable question", "Why doesn't volatile in Java update the value of a variable?", "java volatile objects in non volatile objects", "Why volatile is working faster than non-volatile?", "Why no volatile?", "How do I solve this memory consistency error?", "Is volatile read happens-before volatile write?", "Make an AtomicXXX object volatile", "Java memory model: volatile variables and happens-before", "Why make a method volatile in java?", "Volatile for int?", "issue with volatile in java", "Consistency level ALL used while statement has consistency level TWO defined", "How does volatile actually work?", "Why don't we need volatile with StampedLock?", "Java volatile variables affecting memory consistency of other non-volatile variables", "Java's volatile in C?", "Java Threads consistency issue", "volatile vs not volatile", "Volatile variable in Java" ]
Reset Java Applet on page reload
[ "Force browser to reload applet everytime" ]
[ "Java Applet class file", "Java applet reload", "Reload Java String in C++", "Using Java.applet.Applet in Eclipse", "From java application to applet?", "read file in an applet", "Java Applet - List error", "Does this applet work for you?", "Applet not iitialized when using Java Applet view", "How can I open a web-page from my applet?", "How to create file from java applet?", "Single Page Application: page reload", "How I can use java.applet.Applet in Android?", "Run Priviliged Code in a Java Applet", "Java applet does not work", "Is there a way to get a java applet page URL from the server?", "Applet AWTPermission", "I want to reset/reload a JFrame so all fields are set back to default value", "java.net.SocketPermission in Applet", "How to getWidht from applet class?", "Error when run the java applet", "Simple HTML page + Java applet", "Java applet error", "java applet doesn't work on my html page", ".class error in java applet", "How to run Applet", "how to reload jsp page on every request?", "Java applet use httprespon" ]
How to Print Hexadecimal Numbers in PHP or Java
[ "Print hexadecimal as hexadecimal" ]
[ "Java: EpochSecond in Hexadecimal format", "Remove hexadecimal characters from URL", "Java: Hexadecimal Issue", "parsing Hexadecimal in Java", "Java Regex for matching hexadecimal numbers in a file", "Hexadecimal to decimal in Java", "Parsing big hexadecimal numbers in Java", "how to write hexadecimal values to a binary file", "Regular Expressions - Find hexadecimal numbers' matches excluding the 0 of the next hexadecimal number", "Java hexadecimal", "Convert Hexadecimal string to image", "How to convert a hexadecimal string to long in java?", "Hexadecimal to Integer in Java", "Java -- reading in hexadecimal numbers using a scanner", "How to convert byte to hexadecimal string in Java", "JAVA Converting Hexadecimal String", "How to create byte[] from hexadecimal values?", "How can i convert a hexadicimal string to hexadecimal byte?", "Reading and writing a file in java in hexadecimal?", "Regex Format a hexadecimal", "Java: Convert a hexadecimal encoded String to a hexadecimal byte", "Convert Java String hexadecimal number to int hexadecimal number", "Spring hexadecimal String in properties file", "Convert Hexadecimal to String", "Append two hexadecimal long values in Java or C", "Decode hexadecimal NCRs in Java", "binary to hexadecimal and hexadecimal to binary", "How to convert object of class into hexadecimal array in java", "convert string to hexadecimal string" ]
How to deploy a Java EE application in the Amazon cloud?
[ "Using Java web service on Amazon cloud" ]
[ "Java EE: how to get the URL of my application?", "How to deploy a web service to amazon EC2?", "Cloud Server to run Java Code", "Amazon Cloud Watch Log - PutLogEventsRequest - The given sequenceToken is invalid", "How to deploy Java desktop Swing application on the cloud?", "How to build and deploy my code using Google Cloud Shell", "Setting up a basic cloud for documents using Java EE 7", "File path (JAVA EE)", "Cloud of Java objects", "Java EE - Can't find GET method", "How to host a java webapplication using Amazon Cloud engine?", "Java EE Example not working", "Access to database from a Cloud Application", "Google Cloud messaging with java EE", "How to know if I am using Java EE?", "Deploy Java EE Project in Weblogic", "Using Spring boot/cloud with Amazon AWS lambda does not inject values", "Amazon Cloud Development programmatically on Java", "Which Java EE server should I use?", "How to deploy a Play framework project to Amazon?", "deploy java EE application on the server", "Uploading documents on amazon cloud search?", "How to deploy my Java EE project", "Amazon AWA - No class Def found exception", "How to perform Amazon Cloud Search with .net code?", "Store files in Cloud using Java EE", "How to execute insert query on deploy of java ee application?", "Unable to Deploy an application to Oracle Java Cloud Service - \"Cloud App Compile\" complete: status FAILED", "How to deploy Java App Engine application on another cloud?" ]
Restlet routing nightmare?
[ "Want to know Restlet Routing basic concepts" ]
[ "android restlet get json array", "where is the restlet 2.1 jar", "How to diagnose \"org.restlet.data.Parameter cannot be cast to org.restlet.data.Header\" error in Restlet 2.3.5?", "In Restlet, what's the difference between a Restlet class and a Resource class?", "Restlet with many @Get in my server side", "simple restlet login", "Restlet routing does not work with Directory in the route?", "Restlet error response format in JSON", "Get values by POST in Restlet framework", "Restlet conditional routing to different resources", "How to I detrmine Which Version of Restlet API I am using?", "Restlet URL/path pattern mismapping", "Restlet response type", "How to choose Responseformat with Restlet", "Restlet routing with query string", "Restlet cannot process json", "Restlet response to POST request", "spring jdbc RowCallbackHandler nightmare", "Get Request Attributes in Restlet 2.0", "Is there a SelfAttachingServerResource for Restlet?", "Limit request on a Restlet resource with APISpark restlet extension", "Android - Restlet", "Restlet Filter Post request", "json pattern about JacksonRepresentation with Restlet", "How do I send an error response in Restlet?", "Restlet Tutorial example", "restlet content type, versioning with restlet", "Post html form to restlet" ]
Verifying Jar Signature
[ "Verifying Jar signature doesn't work in Java" ]
[ "Verifying a signature in java using a certificates public key", "Verifying Using Boolean Types", "PASSWORD GENERATOR- if/else verifying strings", "Verifying ports are open", "Verifying text between <div> using Selenium", "Verifying the data from two arraylist and delete it", "Verifying two references point to the same object in Eclipse", "JAVA equivalent of verifying login info?", "Verifying a signature with a public key", "Verifying that a Regular Expression Matches", "Verifying that Spring controller parameter is not null", "Verifying if a long is a number", "verifying that the compiler produces Java 1.5 code", "Verifying JWT Signature using public key endpoint", "Verifying that classes on server and client are identical", "Verifying a Digital Signature produced by C# on an Android Device", "Verifying Objects using Java interfaces", "Verifying Signature in Smart Card", "Verifying unexpected empty lines in a file", "Error on creating and verifying signed data", "Verifying that a button is visible or not Selenium", "Verifying that a method was invoked from the constructor", "Regex for verifying content between tags in XML", "Verifying if method was invoked with any parameter", "How to add elements to an array by verifying that user's input are only numbers?", "Verifying Signtatures, verifying returns false", "Verifying correct download", "Java testing verifying constructor", "Verifying Java Class Library in Netbeans 6.9.1" ]
what is the equivalent of ado.net datatable in java?
[ "DataTable equivalent in Java" ]
[ "Datatable show dialog", "Datatable filter not working", "How to refer to dataTable parent within the dataTable?", "<c:choose> not working in datatable", "How to Bind two class in Datatable", "How to print only the contents of a h:datatable?", "Sort by date the column in datatable", "Update in datatable after updating data", "Current element in a h:dataTable", "p:dataTable - refresh datatable after delete row", "How to display HashMap as DataTable", "Displaying datatable from database", "java datatable server side issue", "JSF Datatable Alingnement", "Create datatable in java", "How to set a default selection on DataTable?", "Populate datatable based on checkbox selection of a record from another datatable", "How to change row to column in datatable", "DataTable with dynamic columns", "How do I do like DataTable in Android-Java based application.", "Can I template a h:dataTable?", "DataTable in JSF", "Populate datatable with Set<RequestVO>", "JSF, datatable and onRowClick", "jsf <h:dataTable> How to refresh or update dataTable with new values which are added to database", "I need something like a DataTable in Java", "call a bean method for each datatable item", "Unable to set iTotalRecords and iTotalDisplayRecords in datatable", "Set p datatable header" ]
Java - Swing - Can't seem to get Incremental Painting to work (Runned through Executable Jar File)
[ "Incremental graphics in Swing" ]
[ "Problem with Painting in Java Swing App in Java 1.6", "Stopping Timer after it have runned one time", "Way to find incremental changes in the system", "Java create incremental textobject that will be written to file", "Simple painting", "Create an executable jar for Swing app", "Java Swing: Issue painting a grid", "Painting on a JPanel from a different class in Swing", "Swing Painting Issue", "Java SWING Not Painting Properly", "Read Outputinformation of ffmpeg-process runned from java Runtime.exec(...)", "What is wrong with this Thread? It only gets runned one time. (Thread with GPS Location)", "Painting inside Swing Timer not working", "Incremental Timer", "Painting in Swing", "Design pattern for incremental code", "java add incremental number to file exist before", "My Java Swing drawing tool can't be runned", "Loop with incremental value based on user input", "Java Incremental operator query (++i and i++)", "Painting over the top of components in Swing?", "Swing Painting issue?", "Java - Painting", "Re-painting a component in java swing", "Incremental values how to show one value at a time", "Different for-loop incremental value", "Painting Program", "Incremental if loop function in the incremental loop of the main", "tests for spring boot application are not run" ]
Symmetric difference of two sets in Java
[ "What is the best way get the symmetric difference between two sets in java?" ]
[ "Symmetric-key encryption algorithm", "RSA with symmetric keys", "Symmetric ds system could not found the path specified", "simple symmetric encryption of long to String (and back) in java", "check if two bytes are symmetric", "how can I check if a BST is symmetric in its structure", "Non symmetric java compression", "Checking if array is symmetric", "How to get .equals() being symmetric when using .compareTo() in Java", "Symmetric difference of two Java arrays", "How do I get symmetric key generated in SSL handshake?", "Exchange symmetric keys between client and server using public key", "Implementing simple symmetric encryption using java sockets", "Symmetric encryption issue between a .Net application and a Java application", "Java Streams - Get a \"symmetric difference list\" from two other lists", "equals - symmetric contract in java seems to be giving issue", "How to export symmetric encryption key?", "A simple Symmetric class using args in void main (String[] args)", "Is there a command line tool to generate symmetric keys in a Java keystore?", "Can I extract symmetric key in java SSLSocket class?", "Private key decrypting symmetric key, but giving different results when the symmetric key is networked?", "Passing AES symmetric key as string using JAVA", "Symmetric Encryption between .NET and Java", "creating a simple symmetric table in java", "Compute the symmetric difference of two regions (triangle and circle)", "Getting the difference between two sets", "Does two symmetric encryption algorithms return the same result in two different OS and Programming Framework?", "Method to check if number is symmetric in Java", "Efficient way to find the difference between two data sets" ]
Need a free tools to create exe file from java
[ "Creating Java Exe" ]
[ "How to get the code of a java exe?", "write .exe file using Java", "Running an EXE from Java", "What can we do with an exe program?", "Error while using java.exe", "Java - eclipse - get the .exe file", "Need to get another java.exe version in java", "Is there any other way to run .exe from Java?", "Create an exe or similar file", "How can I run a .exe from my Java Program?", "xsd2java tools?", "Open exe is not working through Java", "What does sendsignal.exe do?", "The exe doesn't run", "java.exe process uses more memory and does not free it up", "Free tool for create an exe", "Java get current file name EXE", "How to convert java or class file to exe file", "Best free tool to build an exe from Java code?", "How Can I convert Java To Exe", "How to run exe file in Java program", "run .exe from text file", "Running exe from java code", "what does .EXE file contains", "Executing an EXE from Java and getting input and output from EXE", "Path of file in a exe", "is it possible to read .exe file?", "Call exe file from java code", "Using java.exe with .class file from Eclipse" ]
Java 7 default locale
[ "how do I set the default locale for my JVM?" ]
[ "How to get locale of string on android?", "Java override locale setting for specific locale", "Maven default locale not same with OS locale", "Locale and Command line input", "About Locale class in Java", "Java get Locale from String", "Locale data in a library", "get browser Locale", "how to retrieve locale object using the display name of the locale", "How to format a number from other locale to normal en locale", "Spring mvc get default locale from request if locale is invalid", "Thymeleaf get current locale", "Convert String to another locale in java", "Test Java Application in Different Locale", "How to change date locale in JSefa", "Portletfilter to change locale?", "locale in c++ n java", "Why java Locale is final?", "different time results with Locale", "Locale in method Calendal.getInstance(Locale aLocale)", "How to get the script from a Locale object on Android?", "Spring MVC the default Locale and Locale change doesn't work", "How can I format date by locale in Java?", "Java Locale and date format", "Locale only getting values for default locale while other locale is not displaying", "How to change the Locale in a java web-app?", "How to get user's OS locale in java", "Java Locale to String", "Standard way to create a Locale.LanguageRange from a Locale in Java" ]
Hashcode for NULL key in HashMap
[ "HashMap having null as key" ]
[ "Should I override equals() and hashCode() for String key in HashMap, Java", "hashCode() for an array of objects for use in HashMap", "Hashcode in java", "HashMap with override equals and hashCode not working", "how to order random values by hashcode in hashmap", "hashcode impementation in hashmap", "Java HashMap implementation hashcode issue", "hashCode() method using HashMap", "Same hashCode but two different entries in HashMap", "Equal objects with same hashCode don't map to same value in HashMap", "Java hashcode method error", "Is there a way to get Java's unique hashcode from objects like HashMap?", "Why index of hashcode is calculated in HashMap", "Java String hashCode of null string", "Why does changing the hashcode of an object used as a key in a HashMap make a lookup return null?", "Why does hashCode() return zero before items are added to HashMap?", "String.hashCode in Java", "How does hashCode work with a HashMap in Java", "How does hashmap handle negative hashcode?", "Implementation of hashCode and equals of a custom object to use as a key in HashMap", "comparison of hashmap key, why compare both key's hashcode and key's value", "HashMap<Node, Integer> get returns null even when hashcode() is the same", "Using my own hashcode for hashmap java", "Internal HashMap working : How to implement hashCode in java", "HashMap<K,V> only by hashCode()", "For HashMap, would implementing hashCode() for the value help if I only search by key?", "Java hashCode doesn't work with HashMap?", "Hashcode Of a String", "don't understand what is going on with hashmap when 2 objects have same hashcode" ]
How do I read POST parameters for a RESTful service using Jersey?
[ "How to read post data in a Jersey based RESTful webservice" ]
[ "Could not parse date in RESTful application with Jersey", "How to put parameters in RESTful POST with JerseyFramework", "Restful web service with Jersey 2.0", "database access using jersey RESTful API", "RESTful Spring service with multiple parameters", "Java RESTFUL-Service returns 500 Internal Server Error (jersey)", "RESTful Python for Java (Jersey) developer", "How to add Headers on RESTful call using Jersey Client API", "Post restful method java error", "Error while calling RESTful Web-Service using Jersey Client POST method", "How to send parameters to a restful service from a java web project", "Returning custom JSON with RESTful Jersey", "Jersey RESTful Service, Error 500", "Not able to POST JSON data to Jersey Restful Web service", "How to access parameters in a RESTful POST method", "RESTful JSON with Jersey 2.23.2", "Java Jersey RESTful services", "Jersey RESTful web service gradle setup", "Java Jersey RESTful web service using https", "What's the equivalent of Jersey Restful web service(Java) in C#?", "Post class object to RESTful web service", "Call POST method in RESTFul Web service", "Problem with POST method in RESTful Java Web Service", "Tomcat Start up error in Restful web service using Jersey", "error with a jersey restful maven project", "How to create a Restful web service with input parameters?", "Configure jersey RESTFUL using xml", "RESTful service call", "Jersey 2.x: How to add Headers on RESTful Client" ]
Get first next Monday after certain date?
[ "Retrieve current week's Monday's date" ]
[ "Get current week start and end date in Java - (MONDAY TO SUNDAY)", "How to get the next week monday date from user input date in java", "java - to calculate number of weeks - with start date as MONDAY and end date as SUNDAY", "getting Monday date from given week and year using java.time package", "How to find the most recent past Monday?", "Trying to get date of Monday in current week", "How to get 'days' like Monday, Tuesday etc on a given input 'date' in java", "Java - get Monday date of a week give a date in that week", "Whether it is correct to take 01/01/0001 date as Monday?", "What would be a good implementation to get all Monday and Thursday dates Between a given date range (DateX and DateY) in JAVA", "Get Current Day (Monday, Tuesday, etc) in Java", "Android Calendar DAY_OF_WEEK returned '1' for monday... but only once?", "how to set SimpleDateFormat \"W\" use the MONDAY is first day of Week?", "check if date() is monday? java", "Get date of previous and next week monday from a particular date", "Current month count monday?", "How to display Monday as first day CalendarView", "Usisng Calendar to determine if it is monday, tuesday or", "How to get the day like \"Monday\" string from \"2015-02-24\" in android", "How to get the previous Monday 2-00 a.m.?", "Finding the Java Date of the next Monday 6:00, for example", "Android Calendar - Start week with monday", "Get Week Dates From Monday to Friday from a Given Date", "Java: How do I get the date of x day in a month ( e.g. Third Monday in February 2012)", "Android: how to get the current day of the week (Monday, etc...) in the user's language?", "Get the first Monday of a month", "How to get current day of week like monday etc and compare it in android", "How to make java calendar to start weekday from Monday?", "Check if DAY_OF_WEEK is between Monday and Friday" ]
Not supported for DML operations with simple UPDATE query
[ "JpaRepository Not supported for DML operations [delete query]", "org.springframework.orm.hibernate4.HibernateQueryException: Not supported for DML operations [UPDATE]" ]
[ "Array Data File Operations", "Java file operations", "JDBC, MySQL - DML Error with PreparedStatement executeUpdate", "What is DML in Apache Cassandra?", "What is the standard exception to throw in Java for not supported/implemented operations?", "Not allow DML operations during Packages exec", "org.hibernate.hql.internal.QueryExecutionRequestException: Not supported for DML operations [insert into", "Post method not supported", "See all DML changes in Oracle session before committing", "org.hibernate.hql.internal.QueryExecutionRequestException: Not supported for DML operations", "Are default parameter values supported by Java?", "Why are default parameters not supported in java?", "Is there a way to find all operations supported by a RestAPI and parameters needed for operations?", "how to run CUSTOM DDL DML ... On Spring Boot at run time, Without Forcing Hibernate", "How to speedup Hibernate DML statements for one-to-many associations", "Request method 'POST' not supported", "@Any: Not supported yet", "Array operations?", "Oracle 11g - How to call a function with DML inside of it?", "Request method POST not supported", "Passing a Database query as an argument from jersey client to jersey webservice to perfom DML", "Created query is not supported by my DB", "UnsignedInt operations in Java", "File Operations in Java", "Not supported for DML operations with JPA update query", "Java and operations on array", "I/O operations on file", "Error with array operations in Java" ]
MongoDB java driver 3.0 can't catch exception when authenticate
[ "MongoDB-Java driver: Catch exception when insert fails" ]
[ "MongoDB Java driver: autoConnectRetry", "how to check from a driver, if mongoDB server is running", "MongoDB - Java Driver performance", "How can I build an $or query for MongoDB using the Java driver?", "MongoDB java-driver-3.2.2 count results from find()-method", "How to use $and operator in mongodb - java driver", "MongoDB Java driver - Object types", "Java MongoDB Exception: can't authenticate twice on the same database", "Which is the best java driver for mongodb access?", "Some questions about using MongoDB java driver", "MongoDb $setIntersection with Java Driver", "$set does not change the value of the field in java driver for mongodb", "MongoDB 3.2 Java Driver: How To Use AggregateOperation", "how can we append/update sub-document of collction in MongoDB using MongoDB Java driver?", "Mongodb java driver 3.0 query", "Getting mongoStat through mongoDB Java driver", "MongoDb's $set equivalent in its java Driver", "MongoDB Java Driver Array", "How to query mongodb with java driver", "MongoDB Java Driver: MongoCore Driver vs. MongoDB Driver vs. MongoDB Async Driver", "Count results with MongoDB 3.0 Java Driver", "Find JSON value in mongodb java driver 3.0.x", "Mongodb Java Driver cursor not found exception", "MongoDB Text Index using Java Driver", "Using Java (HttpURLConnection) to authenticate to Restheart (for Mongodb)", "MongoDB & Java Driver: Range Query", "mongodb java driver - raw command?", "mongodb java driver. How to return object by reference", "MongoDB java driver : filter by the id" ]
How do I decrypt a Java-DES-encrypted message using openssl?
[ "How to decrypt file in Java encrypted with openssl command using AES?" ]
[ "how to use OpenSSL to decrypt Java AES-encrypted data?", "Encrypted Data with DES - JAVA", "Size of DES encrypted text", "Unable to decrypt the encrypted sms (encrypted in 2.2 os )in Android...(trying to decrypt in 2.3 os)", "Decrypt String in Python That Was Encrypted in Java", "How to read an encrypted file which was encrypted using AES algorithm and decrypt it?", "Cannot decrypt a file that I encrypted using PBEWithHmacSHA256AndAES_128", "Can't decrypt file encrypted using openssl AES_ctr128_encrypt", "Decrypt the encrypted file content?", "How to decrypt file in java which is encrypted in .net", "is this possible to encrypt and decrypt a zip file using DES algorithm in java", "openssl -decrypt by Java", "Decrypt servlet parameter, encrypted with BasicTextEncryptor", "Using DES to encrypt and decrypt a file in Java", "Openssl rsa decrypt in java/android", "DES encrypt/decrypt from a file", "How do I decrypt once I have encrypted?", "Decrypt in Python an encrypted message in Java", "how to load an rsa privated key encrypted with des in java", "Java DES Encrypt/Decrypt methods", "How to encrypt data in Java using DES and decrypt that data into PHP", "Can't decrypt message encrypted in Java", "Encrypt and decrypt a file in Java with DES algorithm", "Decrypt encrypted text in java", "decrypt the encrypted PHP string to Android Java", "Decrypt MySQL fields that were encrypted using Java", "How to use openssl to decrypt data encrypted by Java using AES", "How to decrypt an encrypted String in java" ]
Lazy Initialisation with OpenEntityManagerInViewFilter?
[ "Could not write content: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role using OpenEntityManagerInViewFilter" ]
[ "Java - Object declaration and initialisation", "About Array Initialisation", "Order of Initialisation of Java-Objects", "Initialisation of variable in java", "Java How to use class object for List initialisation", "OpenEntityManagerInViewFilter and testing the presence of an EntityManager", "Java multiple variable Initialisation - How Does it work?", "OpenEntityManagerInViewFilter and LazyInitializationException", "java class member initialisation", "static object initialisation", "java:variable initialisation", "Does Java have the static order initialisation fiasco?", "Initialisation of Static variables in java", "Array initialisation in java", "Static class Initialisation in Java", "Static variable initialisation", "Size of Initialisation string in java", "Generic Classes - Initialisation in Java", "Initialisation of a variable inside a loop", "Fetching lazy entities from JPA2 repository fails without OpenEntityManagerInViewFilter", "Android String Initialisation", "Initialisation of array of collections not working with for each loop", "Can anyone tell me why eclipse doesn't like this java array initialisation ?", "OpenEntityManagerInViewFilter - undefined EntityManagerFactory", "How to handle multiple Entitymanagers via OpenEntityManagerInViewFilter on Spring", "Java // variable initialisation ERROR", "Context initialisation failed", "Java - What is wrong with this variable initialisation code?" ]
Aggregate List of objects in Java
[ "Aggregate Functions over a List in JAVA" ]
[ "Aggregate objects and boundaries", "Java 8 lambda aggregate", "How to write a user-defined aggregate function?", "Aggregate information using Java 8 streams", "How to aggregate values stored inside an array in java", "Is there a java equivalent to C#'s .Aggregate(foo) method?", "Expression not in aggregate or GROUP BY columns Exception", "Aggregate string in array list java", "How to make \"order by aggregate function\" in Spring Data?", "Spring Data Aggregate Query", "Java 8 and aggregate operations on stream", "Aggregate messages without List", "Iterate aggregate output in java", "How to aggregate an abstract class?", "Aggregate data in CSV file using Java", "Aggregate results from multiple HTTP requests to a single list", "Multiple aggregate functions in Java 8 Stream API", "Aggregate List<X> to List<X> with Java 8 Stream API", "Aggregate List from equal objects in multiple Lists", "Should I get other Aggregate value from application service or entity?", "Spring Data MongoDB - Aggregate Method", "How to aggregate CSV data with group by in Java?", "Hibernate Named Query with Aggregate function", "JPA and aggregate functions. How do I use the result of the query?", "How to create a ddd aggregate and update other aggregate with its reference in the same transaction?", "Having aggregate root as property?", "Java 8 stream aggregate a map", "Aggregate exceptions", "Create aggregate root in the context of another aggregate root" ]
How to detect all the Devices connected in a WiFi network from Android App
[ "Get All Devices on WiFi Network with Java" ]
[ "Android connect to Wifi programmatically if wifi name match", "Can i programatically detect if there are any Chromecast devices on the current WiFi network?", "Connecting two android devices using wifi", "Run code when internet / WiFi is connected", "how to display a button upon wifi gets connected?", "How to bind a socket to local wifi network address on Android?", "When I open wifi and connected, TrafficStats.getMobileRxBytes() and TrafficStats.getMobileTxBytes() always return 0", "android, debug not connected to PC, no wifi?", "WiFi connection via android", "How to get selected same wifi operator from wifi List again and again in Android?", "Java - list devices and know when one gets connected", "how to programmatically determine if android is connected to wifi?", "How can I connect to a specific wifi network?", "what is the java code to get ip address and mac of devices connected to my wifi in laptop?", "Wifi manager and wifi information", "Detect specific devices within android application", "Android:see all devices who are connected to my wifi", "wifi chat between two or more android devices", "How to get wifi direct devices name from WifiP2pDeviceList", "How to detect devices logging into a network?", "Can you get a list of connected devices in java", "How to get scanned wifi networks security type? And what is the network configuration required to connect to particular network using WiFi in android?", "How to obtain wifi security type of current wifi network in android", "Android - Still can't remove Wifi Network Programatically", "Method to check if Wifi is Connected with in class", "How to connect to wifi devices using Java?", "How to check that wifi is NOT connected on android", "Detect screen off/on and change wifi state in Android", "wait until wifi connected on android" ]
How can I format date by locale in Java?
[ "Format Date according to locale and then get the date part" ]
[ "How to get locale of string on android?", "Custom date format in android for given locale", "Locale <=> Time/Date format in Tomcat logs?", "Date conversion to a different locale", "Java 7 default locale", "How can I format a number to the fixed locale?", "Java override locale setting for specific locale", "Maven default locale not same with OS locale", "Locale and Command line input", "About Locale class in Java", "Java get Locale from String", "Locale data in a library", "how to retrieve locale object using the display name of the locale", "How to format a number from other locale to normal en locale", "Thymeleaf get current locale", "Convert String to another locale in java", "Test Java Application in Different Locale", "How to change date locale in JSefa", "Portletfilter to change locale?", "locale in c++ n java", "Spring MVC the default Locale and Locale change doesn't work", "How to retrieve the date format for a locale", "Java Locale and date format", "Locale only getting values for default locale while other locale is not displaying", "String format and locale problems - Android", "How to parse date String containing Locale", "How to set a double format by locale", "Java Locale to String", "Standard way to create a Locale.LanguageRange from a Locale in Java" ]
How can I remove a JPanel from a JFrame?
[ "Why I cannot add a JPanel to JFrame?" ]
[ "Using JFrame or JPanel", "Call function on a JFrame from a JPanel class", "Change a JPanel to another on a JFrame. How?", "JPanel won't show on JFrame", "java pass object from JFrame to JPanel", "Adding a JPanel into JFrame", "When to use JFrame or JPanel", "I cannot add a jpanel to a jframe", "How do I remove this JPanel from my JFrame?", "How can I output my data to JPanel from my JFrame", "Java add more than one JPanel objects into JFrame", "Adding both a JPanel and JScrollingPane to a JFrame", "How to add a JPanel to a JFrame?", "Call JPanel inside JFrame", "JPanel and JFrame same size, or not?", "JPanel on a JPanel in a JFrame will not show", "Jframe and Jpanel size won't work", "Make JPanel size of JFrame?", "JPanel within JFrame", "Put a JFrame in a jPanel", "JPanel doesn't load in JFrame", "Put a JPanel class into a JFrame of another class", "JPanel within a Jframe", "could not remove/add jpanel in jframe", "Adding JPanel to JFrame", "Run a program and have it output to JPanel/JFrame", "How to add JPanel to a JFrame", "Put a preexesting code of a JFrame in a JPanel", "Cannot see JPanel on JFrame" ]
(JavaFx) Proper way represent static FXML fields (and why this is a bad idea)
[ "javafx 8 compatibility issues - FXML static fields" ]
[ "JavaFX - FXML in Tab", "Using JavaFX controller without FXML", "JavaFX main fxml not loading fxml", "JavaFX - Many Static FXML Controllers", "JAVAFX: Passing data between FXML not Working", "JavaFX: can FXML field be private?", "Why is this javafx fxml does not resize?", "JavaFX FXML Label doesn't update its value", "JavaFX FXML modifying list", "JavaFx instance in FXML", "Unable to find fxml file in Javafx", "JavaFX open new window issue with fxml", "JavaFX - How to get FXML Controller?", "How do I use more than one fxml with javaFX?", "What is a \"Node\" in JavaFx/FXML?", "JavaFX - Can't load node from FXML file", "JavaFX how to style FXML file", "Javafx fxml file with errors", "JavaFX FXML to Binary", "Cannot create FXML file in JavaFX project in Eclipse", "javafx how to use thread in fxml controller", "Running my app returns me : Javafx.fxml.LoadExeption", "JavaFx Loading additional FXML into FXML 'template'", "How do I load an FXML file from another project using JavaFX in eclipse?", "JavaFX - include fxml with an event in it", "javafx fxml program error(no main method)", "Javafx: Open a new FXML from another Java Class", "close fxml window by code, javafx", "Error loading fxml file in a JavaFX project" ]
Java Generics: Wildcard capture misunderstanding
[ "Java generics: Wildcard capture compilation error" ]
[ "How do I resolve this wildcard capture issue when using java generics?", "Wildcard types in generics", "Is a wildcard in generics an object or just the data of the object?", "Java: Generics capture error", "Java Generics with wildcard", "Java Generics wildcard extends problem", "Java generics wildcard entry", "Generics <? super> wildcard", "Java generics wildcard operator", "Error with wildcard on Generics", "Java Generics: The wildcard(?) as argument and return type", "Java Generics Wildcard Capture Warning", "Java Generics Capture List<?>", "Java generics \"capture of ?\"", "Generics: How to capture a wildcard?", "Java Generics Difference between List of Wildcard and List of Box of Wildcard?", "Java - Generics wildcard issue", "Java generics - use same wildcard multiple times", "How do I fix this Java generics wildcard error?", "corresponding to Java wildcard generics in C#", "Why nested wildcard capture is not possible?", "Java generics - When is ? wildcard needed", "Java Generics WildCard Question: List<? extends A>", "WildCard Capture in Java", "Wildcard capture error : why?", "Java generics: incompatible wildcard capture", "Java Generics capture wildcard with extends", "Wildcard in Generics doesn't work", "Java-Generics & WildCard Code Explanation" ]
is this a java memory leak
[ "Creating a memory leak with Java" ]
[ "Memory leak in Java application", "Memory leak with an array", "Android memory leak?", "Memory Leak Error Android", "How can I solve this memory leak? Actually, where is the memory leak?", "Java memory leak example", "Java memory leak", "Is this a memory leak?", "Memory Leak with Single Method", "Memory leak in java", "Possible Memory Leak?", "Memory leak in Java?", "Will this create a memory leak?", "java while loop memory leak", "Is this a memory leak in Java?", "MediaControllerCompat memory leak", "Where is the memory leak in the remove method?", "Is it memory leak?", "Java Memory Leak or not?", "Memory leak on list", "Can't find a memory leak in my code", "How to find a Java Memory Leak", "Does this Java code leak memory?", "Java String Memory Leak", "Simple Class - Is it a Memory Leak?", "Can there be memory leak in Java", "How to check memory leak?", "Memory leak when use newInsance() method", "JDOPersistenceManager memory leak" ]
How to set a JFrame size to fit the CardLayout displayed JPanel?
[ "Change size of JPanel using CardLayout" ]
[ "CardLayout with netbeans using multiple external jpanel", "Read JFrame size from JPanel", "CardLayout with Exception on add?", "CardLayout in JFrame JPanel GUI", "JPanel does not displayed on JFrame", "CardLayout in simple Game doesn't switch the JPanel properly", "Java CardLayout JPanel moves up, when second JPanel added", "NullPointerException Error with JPanel and CardLayout", "Trying to add a JPanel that uses CardLayout to a JFrame", "Trying to figure out the CardLayout", "JPanel and JFrame same size, or not?", "JPanel not updating CardLayout properly when I use sleep", "CardLayout showing blank JPanel in Java", "CardLayout not working", "how can i set the size of two JPanel in one JFrame?", "Java create cardLayout in JFrame with constructor parameter", "Switch to specific JPanel using Cardlayout", "How to resize the JPanel with CardLayout", "Jframe and Jpanel size won't work", "Make JPanel size of JFrame?", "CardLayout Input Issue Java", "Button in CardLayout not working", "Cardlayout addLayoutComponent() API", "How can I get my cardLayout to work?", "Why doesn't my code work for CardLayout? Not matter what I do, it just shows a blank JFrame", "JPanel won't show paintComponent while using cardLayout", "Strange problem with java CardLayout in JFrame", "External JPanel not displayed into JFrame", "Cardlayout and objects?" ]
PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer with Tomcat & ContextLoaderListener
[ "How to get a tomcat Environment variable in a PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer", "Can one Spring PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer configure another one?" ]
[ "Creating multiple instances of PropertyPlaceHolderConfigurer - Spring", "ContextLoaderListener problem while spring is loading up", "Springframework PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer", "Spring PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer load from DB", "PropertyPlaceHolderConfigurer not reading Tomcat context XML", "Changing Spring PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer to read from another source", "Spring PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer doesn't inject values", "Why Must I create a ContextLoaderListener with SpringForm?", "PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer and environment variables in .properties files", "Why multiple PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer is not working?", "PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer: can i have a dynamic location value", "How to convert data from properties file and set to List property (with PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer)?", "Read PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer in persistence.xml file", "custom PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer not working", "Modify property of PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer", "Can not update config file using PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer", "What is difference between PropertyOverrideConfigurer and PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer?", "Multiple Spring PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer at the same time", "Difference between ContextLoaderListener and ContextLoaderServlet", "ContextLoaderListener or not?", "Spring PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer Issue to Load A Properties File", "${project.name} lost when using PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer", "PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer for reading property files and database", "Spring contextLoaderListener", "Spring PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer in Linux", "Configure local variable in Spring PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer", "Getting server name in ContextLoaderListener", "PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer and depends-on" ]
MediaPlayer.create() always returns null
[ "MediaPlayer \" android \" It's always null?" ]
[ "Error while creating MediaPlayer", "How can i control android mediaplayer?", "Android - MediaPlayer keep going", "Error with MediaPlayer", "MediaPlayer Stop code - Where to put?", "How to use mediaPlayer correctlty?", "Android Mediaplayer Selecttrack method fails", "Can't get Mediaplayer to stop", "Android: Unable to create MediaPlayer", "Android MediaPlayer Runtime Error", "MediaPlayer stream from url", "Why does the mediaPlayer class not work in this case?", "MediaPLayer gets errors", "MediaPlayer error when trying to play from list", "MediaPlayer isn't working", "mediaplayer gives me null pointer exception", "Android MediaPlayer error", "Error in MediaPlayer : E/MediaPlayer: Error (1,-19) - Android", "Android MediaPlayer :: Issues", "Android - MediaPlayer exception in Android4.0", "Save mediaplayer state between activiites", "mediaPlayer.setSpu() not working", "MediaPlayer using more than once - Android", "mediaplayer not working", "CallBack from MediaPlayer", "Android stop mediaplayer when preparingAsunc", "How to call a file in /data/data with MediaPlayer", "Using MediaPlayer in a Service Class...?", "android java mediaplayer Service - how can I know if mediaPlayer is prepared?" ]
SimpleFramwork XML: Element with Inner Text and Child Elements
[ "Inner Text and child elements", "SimpleFramework XML: element with inner text and child elements" ]
[ "How to get object out of inner class", "How to return a value from a inner class?", "Java Inner Text (getTextContents()) Problem", "How to remove child element from XML in java?", "Get Class for inner class", "how to disjoin child from jfram", "How to get Inner array child element in XML using ximpleware", "Casting an inner child class to another inner parent class outside the class", "Child element without root element in java", "How to parse xml with child elements with the same name as parent", "Read Inner XML of a XML Element", "How to get bottom-most child elements of XML document that have a value (i.e. no other child elements)?", "Simple XML - how to get data starting from an inner element?", "Java - As Method or Inner Class or Class?", "Java code to insert new elements to inner child nodes", "Java remove child from XML file", "How do I extract child element from XML to a string in Java?", "Java all child element reading in XML", "Java - Extract child elements", "Inner Class in Java", "How can I extract the value of a child element having ID but no child values?", "Java: Inner class inside an inner class", "Can't remove element and child element from an XML document by Java code", "child of child elements", "Getting XML child elements with XPath", "XML parsing. How can I get child's child?", "SimpleNode child in JJTree", "return child element by name XML" ]
Alternative to JFileChooser
[ "Alternative to JFileChooser on Linux?" ]
[ "Android and JFileChooser", "JFileChooser returns wrong file name?", "Open only .xml file in JFileChooser", "How to load a File using JFileChooser?", "JFileChooser Help", "Java - JFileChooser & file size", "Why does JFileChooser work this way?", "How can I get the directory in JFileChooser?", "Path from JFileChooser in Java Format", "Get the value of a file from a jfilechooser", "JFileChooser Help", "JFileChooser returns not all path", "Read / write program in Java using JFileChooser", "How to change text in JFileChooser?", "How to create something similar to JFileChooser in Java?", "JFileChooser getCurrentDirectory() to String", "My JFileChooser doesn't work the second time I use it", "JFileChooser class", "Show only TSTA* files in JFileChooser", "jfilechooser better look?", "How to save file using JFileChooser in Java?", "Repurposing JFileChooser", "Size of JFilechooser", "Problem in JFileChooser", "Java: How to read \"Files of type\" in JFileChooser", "What is wrong with this JFileChooser", "How to save file using JFileChooser?", "JFileChooser don't want to close", "JFileChooser for Python?" ]
How can we auto resize the size of components in SWT?
[ "Components won't resize in SWT with a GridLayout" ]
[ "Java SWT CheckedListBox", "Java SWT StyleRange", "Do not resize SWT table after adding rows", "Android auto resize text not working", "Unable to resize a SWT component (TextMergeViewer)", "How I can add size to text in SWT", "SWT Access gui components", "SWT table: auto resize all columns", "Set/Get values for RadioGroupFieldEditor in SWT", "How to change parent of components with SWT?", "java example in swt", "How to make table auto resize according to the outside Part area in RCP application by using SWT?", "How to create a view in eclipse which contains SWT components?", "Swt resize Composite but not the window", "SWT Shell resize depending on children", "How to use the SWT List?", "SWT Resize Error", "Java SWT Text control not showing until Shell resize", "setBezelStyle not working on SWT NSButton - java", "How to dynamically control auto-resize components in Java Swing", "Java swt text autocomple", "resize SWT text field dynamically", "Java's SWT: How to properly set GUI components?", "SWT: Unable to resize buttons on a Mac", "ColumnViewerTooltipSupport in SWT", "Any way to resize my components on my Java Game?", "Scrollable Composite - auto resize - swt", "SWT.CLOSE, SWT.MAX, SWT.MIN without SWT.TITLE?", "Java SWT Image Resize Not Working" ]
Setting JRE in Netbeans
[ "How to specify which JRE to use in Netbeans?" ]
[ "Java Arrays (in a JRE)", "Can I run jrunscript from a JRE", "inconsolata and netbeans", "How do I update my JRE?", "Which JRE is required to run servlets..Server JRE or Client JRE?", "install java jre 5.0", "NetBeans 7.4 Cannot get the System Java Compiler. Please use a JDK, not a JRE", "Java Netbeans error", "Multiple JRE on a system", "How can I get write access to the JRE?", "JRE Version Query", "Change JRE in NetBeans project", "How to set path for Jre 6 when jre 7 installed?", "Can I import codestyles into Netbeans?", "Netbeans error code 1?", "Do I need both JRE 1.6 and JRE 1.7?", "Using JavaPathFinder in Netbeans", "Can't import sun.org.mozilla.javascript.internal in NetBeans", "JRE not found by eclipse", "Does android work with JRE 7?", "Run .class & .jre with portable JRE", "Which JRE I am using", "JRE on Android", "Where can I set the JRE/JDK which is used to run Netbeans besides the command line?", "Netbeans problem with CustomTableCellRenderer", "Set JRE variables from java code", "How to add chilkatsoft into netbeans java", "get current jre's file path", "GhostDoc for NetBeans" ]
Create Java 8 AST with ANTLR4 programmatically
[ "How to create AST with ANTLR4?" ]
[ "antlr4 - how to implement recursion", "Handling errors in ANTLR4", "Processing a String with ANTLR4", "Antlr4 with maven sample project", "AntLR4 : Build A function", "ANTLR4 grun Java error listener", "antlr4 generated files - which are required at runtime", "Antlr4 child context index", "How to implement error handling in ANTLR4", "Is there a simple example of using antlr4 to create an AST from java source code and extract methods, variables and comments?", "Rule variables in ANTLR4", "Parse a formula using ANTLR4", "ANTLR4 does not find grammar on import", "Why does ExpressionContext.expression() return a list instead of a single ExpressionContext in java-ANTLR4", "Exact String parsing on antlr4", "Antlr4 - Parser for multi line file -", "How to do exact word parsing with ANTLR4?", "How to install antlr4?", "Negative of token in ANTLR4", "How to properly match a java method invocatin with Antlr4", "Understanding the context data structure in Antlr4", "antlr4 grammar string with number", "How to grab antlr4 error output?", "Is there a compiler code for java 8 to use with antlr4?", "ANTLR4 AST Creation - How to create an AstVistor", "antlr4 - any text and keywords", "Parsing simple template with Antlr4", "ANTLR4 Rule for one or more options *in order*", "using antlr4-maven-plugin for both main and test code" ]
configuring hyperjaxb to create hibernate mappings and a mysql database
[ "Importing hyperjaxb purchase order tutorial into Eclipse" ]
[ "Hyperjaxb @Entity", "Do I need to configure hibernate before configuring spring-data?", "Hyperjaxb: Exclude XML Element by XML property", "Configuring log4j property file to store in mysql Database", "hyperjaxb extra underscore(_) generated in @column for some single character columns", "Trouble configuring Hibernate 4 with MySQL 5.1", "Hibernate tool to create basic mappings based on a mysql db", "Error in configuring hibernate 5.0.1 and MySQL", "Hibernate relationship mappings - must?", "Spring Data: Configuring using only Java?", "What's wrong with my Url Mappings?", "Do we need HyperJAXB generated hashCode & equals methods?", "Setting hyperjaxb mapping to force implementation of external interface", "How to check hibernate mappings using reflection?", "How to use same instance of IdentifierGenerator for all mappings", "How to create annotation-based Hibernate mappings?", "Configuring the DataSourceResourceLoader", "WatchFaces are not configuring", "How can I force HyperJaxb to generate toString() method?", "hyperjaxb Inline Customizations issue for ignoring hjid", "hibernate one to many query using mappings", "How do I specify hibernate join mappings?", "How to add NamedQueries annotation with hyperjaxb", "How to create mappings between different numbers?", "Generate persistence mappings -> by hibernate mappings not available Intellij", "How do i create hibernate mappings for this situation?", "@LazyCollection(LazyCollectionOption.FALSE) in hyperjaxb?", "Hibernate table mappings with annotations", "Adding columnDefinition property to Hyperjaxb generated @Column attribute" ]
What does it mean to program to a interface?
[ "Program to an interface. What does it mean?" ]
[ "what does the % % mean in java?", "What does it mean for a function to return an interface?", "What does \"|=\" mean in Java?", "What does \">>>\" in java mean?", "What does this for mean?", "What does << mean?", "What does Class.this mean?", "What do << or >>> in java mean?", "What does \"this\" mean in this program?", "What does << mean in Java?", "what does this forkjoinreuse and forkjoindeeprecursive mean?", "What does '+i' mean in Java?", "What does \"this\" mean?", "what does this mean in Java?", "Class[] - What does it mean?", "What does ^= mean in Java?", "what does << mean?", "What does <?> mean", "What does *= mean in Java?", "What does it mean to say that an interface is also a type?", "What does \"/=\" mean in Java?", "What does OIO mean in java?", "What does \">>\" mean in java", "What does '...' mean in java?", "What does <T> mean here?", "What does \"%%\" mean in Java?", "what does \"other\" mean in Java?", "What does UnmappableCharacterException mean?", "What does this for(:) mean in Java?" ]
How to recover deleted files using Java?
[ "How can one read/recover deleted files" ]
[ "how to recover an element of a String", "Unable to Recover R.java file", "How i can recover a Map of objects from json?", "Is it possible to recover classes source code from Maven jar?", "Recover from a method throwing an exception", "Why does this file not get deleted?", "How do I recover from an unchecked exception?", "Why java does not recover from deadlock?", "How to send child classes over Socket and recover them at the other end", "Why is this exception thrown and how to recover from it?", "Recover the original number from a float", "Why this file can't be deleted?", "How to recover .java files in Netbeans?", "Intellij deleted my project files - how to recover?", "Recursion: function doesn't recover value from stack", "Recover Byte array from JSON", "Type mismatch ERROR when using recover()", "How to recover data after closing another application", "How to recover a string that has been split by a regular expression in Java", "How to recover a java file in Netbeans?", "How to recover data from a table, and store that into list?", "Recover overwritten JAVA file", "I need to recover an instance of an activity", "How do I recover reference to this$0 in a nested class?", "Recover file in Android Studio?", "How to return an object that was deleted?", "What are some ways to store and recover numbers in this situation?", "Recover Value from php echo in java", "SVN deleted files, how can I recover them?" ]
POI Excel Merging Causing "Repaired Records: Format from /xl/styles.xml part (Styles)"
[ "Using Apache POI to get Border & Fill Styles for new cell" ]
[ "How can I use html styles in strings with format arguments?", "Negative Cell Value Styles in Apache POI", "Adding styles to a simple maven project", "How to override default styles in GWT 2.3?", "Java: for-loops: Different loop-styles", "want to access the css styles from my java code", "Write into a word document with styles", "Change dialog styles in Android", "JFrame multiple styles", "Questions about Java code styles", "Set two styles for a single cell", "how to access the styles from CSS", "Java: Way to apply styles on current target", "Unable to apply table styles in MS word using Apache POI", "Getting paragraph styles in apache POI, language specific", "(Android) API-specific styles?", "Is there a way to apply styles to columns in a p:selectManyMenu?", "Apache POI Word to Clean Html without styles or unnecessary tags", "JavaFX: Why are there two different styles?", "Can I use a static variable from a Java class in res/values/styles.xml?", "Multiple Styles to Excel Cell POI", "Apply styles to text in a string Android", "Java Apache POI read Word (.doc) file and get named CHARACTER styles used", "Different styles of flow of program?", "setting styles images for use in xml", "Apache POI Word using custom styles for titles", "How to set the font from Styles.xml in android", "Checking a variable on null value styles", "Dynamically retrieve custom styles declared into \"styles.xml\"" ]
Unable to run .jar files by double-clicking them on Windows 7
[ "How to run .jar file by double click on Windows 7 64-bit?" ]
[ "Unable to read input from jar", "How to increase the stack size while running a jar file by double-clicking", "Java Windows. why can I run a jar file on command prompt but not double clicking it", "Some `jar` files do not run in Windows 7", "Java - How to enter runtime arguments (of main method) by double-clicking a jar file?", "I can't execute a .jar file by double-clicking", "Unable to run a java application as windows service", "java can run jar from cmd but not by double clicking", "Why am I unable to get a Dialog when clicking the image?", "Jar file won't run - Windows 7", "Java - What's the difference of double-clicking and running from Terminal for opening a .jar file?", "How to Open JAR Files in Windows 7", "Unable to switch to another activity after clicking on button", "How to open and view a file(similar to that of double clicking a file) using Java", "Error when clicking on element", "Unable to create File object for a file in Jar", "Unable to run JAR through command line or double click", "Need help for clicking a function", "Unable to execute .jar file", "unable to load java class from jar file file", "Could not find the main class when double-clicking .jar file", "Unable to run executable jar file using double click", "Unable to run jar file from command line", "Making sure that a jar is not run by double clicking it", "Double clicking jar file wont execute after update JRE", "Unable to use JAR in Eclipse", "Unable to access jar file", "Unable to change Java Version in windows", "Unable to run jar file" ]
android how to get 4 images in array from ten array of image randomly
[ "How to randomly Display Images from ArrayList<Integer>" ]
[ "Get response from server every ten seconds in Android", "Change randomly image in render() without changing it for all other images", "Java Android - Making Array of images (same image)", "java: How to randomly show output", "I want to display few images randomly in java (android)", "How to randomly rotate an image in Android?", "How do I randomly fill an array in Java?", "Java - Printing new line after ten values in a For loop", "How to set image of a button randomly?", "How to populate an array with a ten digit number", "Return True or False Randomly", "how to get those array values randomly?", "Create an array in java where values are sorted randomly", "Why are my generated randomly values are the same when I am put them in array?", "Using the same randomly generated array", "Hide - display images randomly in Android", "TrafficStats.getUidRxBytes(ProcessUID) randomly returns \"-1\"?", "Filter array to one row per multiple of ten, based on difference?", "How to set text of a button randomly?", "Getting an error when trying to randomly select a value from an array", "Java output in lines of ten", "args [] of main takes only ten elements?", "How do you add images to an array?", "How do I add images to an image array?", "Java: How to randomly go through an array?", "How to select randomly from a list of string-array", "I am trying to get the mode of an input of ten numbers in java", "How can I create an array of Images.?", "Select Randomly an object from a list (Image)" ]
Unable to Sort ArrayList<HashMap<String, Object>> by Single HashMap object field in Java Android
[ "sort ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> using value" ]
[ "Convert HashMap of HashMap into ArrayList of ArrayList", "HashMap in Java", "how to get the arraylist from the hashmap in java?", "How to sort a hashmap", "Java Hashmap ArrayList", "How to print a value from a Hashmap with a ArrayList", "Arraylist hashmap android", "How to sort hashmap?", "How to sort Hashmap of type Hashmap<String, Arraylist<String>> by value?", "Using HashMap(String, ArrayList<String>)", "How to get ArrayList from Hashmap<String String>", "String to HashMap JAVA", "How do I sort this hashmap?", "Sort value of hashmap", "If I use HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> in Java", "Search a HashMap in an ArrayList of HashMap", "String to ArrayList with HashMAP", "java HashMap and ArrayList in one", "add the value in Arraylist<string,List<String>> in hashmap android", "Create hashmap with arraylist of hashmap", "How to add HashMap to ArrayList", "Put Hashmap into Arraylist<HashMap>", "How to store an a ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> with a single Hashmap and multiple Arraylist", "HashMap with ArrayList", "Java sort HashMap by value", "Java sort a Hashmap on Value", "Hashmap sort java", "New to HashMap : how can I sort it?", "How to get an object from a HashMap in Java" ]
Random search algorithm using recursion
[ "How to use recursion in creating a binary search algorithm" ]
[ "why does recursion do this?", "Java Recursion method", "java recursion value after", "Recursion Additionpuzzle in java", "How to print out a recursion method?", "recursion in java", "Java Recursion Problem", "Java Recursion Example", "What is recursion", "How to get the goldenRatio using recursion in Java?", "Java recursion error", "Recursion using a String", "Error from Recursion", "Implement random search algorithm in java", "Recursion: why do I have an error?", "How do I use Recursion?", "Is there any better file search algorithm than recursion?", "Recursion - What does it do", "Method recursion (Java)", "Is this a recursion or not?", "Help using recursion in Java", "Recursion - Implementation of an algorithm", "Java Recursion return", "Binary Search using Recursion", "Recursion in Java (DirectoryAnalyser)", "Using Recursion in java", "Java Recursion Problem", "Recursion method in Java", "Recursion - Java" ]
Large file transfer with sockets
[ "Large file transfer over java socket" ]
[ "Sockets not working", "Is this possible with Sockets?", "File transfer over java sockets using multiple IO streams", "Java Sockets slow image transfer", "PircBotX - Transfer String to User", "File transfer using java sockets : Error on client side \"Exception in thread \"main\" java.lang.NullPointerException\"", "transfer from java to C#", "Sockets in C++ and Java", "How large should be Data Transfer Objects?", "transfer java to c++", "Best way to transfer XML data between server and client sockets", "Can't send large files with sockets", "How to send a large xml file through sockets", "GET request with Java sockets", "Transfer Java Object through Sockets, Byte[]", "IllegalBlockingModeException using sockets", "File transfer via Sockets", "Data not synchornizing java sockets", "Java Transfer Object, what is it?", "Best approach for large file transfer to multiple clients using java sockets", "How to implement file transfer with Java sockets?", "I've created a Java server with sockets, just how do print to ALL sockets?", "Array of Sockets", "Sockets in Java...?", "Sockets and ObjectInputStreams", "Java sockets in threads - no data transfer", "How to transfer data from one jsp to another jsp with sockets", "Transfer file using Sockets Server/Client", "how to include a progress bar in a program of file transfer using sockets in java" ]
Algorithm to generate Poisson and binomial random numbers?
[ "Poisson Distribution in Java (correctness?)", "I need an efficient algorithm and/or code for a modelling Poisson distribution of a system", "A efficient binomial random number generator code in Java" ]
[ "Binomial Coefficent; cannot be resolved to a variable", "Java: Poisson-based point process constrained in a small region", "Generate Random Numbers in Array", "Can't understand Poisson part of Hash tables from Sun documentation", "Why are the calculated values different for the binomial upper cumulative probability?", "Poisson Calc with high factorial", "Generate random numbers between two numbers", "Normalizing data for Poisson MLE", "Generate random numbers correctly", "Using an array to improve the execution time of a recursive binomial distribution algorithm?", "How to generate a random number with Java from given list of numbers", "How to generate two random numbers out of 4?", "Algorithm to generate a random number? Don't use System.Random", "How do I generate a random value between two numbers", "Converting Binomial Tree in C++ to Java", "Binomial Heap Insertion java", "Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a Poisson Distribution?", "Binomial coefficient for real values", "ArrayIndexOutOfBounds in binomial cofficient dynamic programming", "How do I generate discrete random events with a Poisson distribution?", "Calculating the propability of a sum of poisson distributed random variables", "Generate Random String in java", "Whats wrong in this Binomial Theorem calculator?", "Binomial coefficient in Java (adapting the following source)", "generate random numbers in methods", "Simulating Poisson Waiting Times", "Understanding a recursive method for finding binomial coefficient" ]
java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException:Cannot find any provider supporting AES/ECB/PKCS7PADDING
[ "Android AES/ECB/PKCS7PADDING generate key bouncy castle", "AES-256 and PKCS7Padding fails in Java" ]
[ "java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException for algorithm \"PBE WITH MD5 AND 256 BIT AES-CBC-OPENSSL\"", "java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException: class configured for SSLContext", "Java Cryptography questions (AES-ECB encryption)", "Java Encryption NoSuchAlgorithmException", "Java/SSL - Unhandle exception:java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException", "Flexiprovider NoSuchAlgorithmException SHA-1", "Android Studio 2.0 - NoSuchAlgorithmException: SHA256WITHDSA Signature not available", "AES Encryption 256 ECB Mode", "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding vs AES/CBC/PKCS7Padding with 256 key size performance java", "MessageDigest NoSuchAlgorithmException", "is there a Java ECB provider?", "AES CBC Encryption With PKCS7Padding Has Different Results In Java And Objective-C", "AES ECB mode requires padding , how come we have this AES/ECB/NOPADDING then?", "Jacksum NoSuchAlgorithmException", "java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException: RSA Signature not available", "Encrypt text to AES/CBC/PKCS7Padding", "how to get rid of zeros in PKCS7Padding", "Bouncycastle XmlSignatureFactory NoSuchAlgorithmException", "Cannot find any provider supporting AES/GCM/NoPadding", "java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException: Cannot find any provider supporting Blowfish/ECB/PKCS5Padding", "ECB and CBC AES output is equal in Java", "Java Encryption: NoSuchAlgorithmException error", "Using Java crypto leads to NoSuchAlgorithmException", "AES ECB mode encrypt in java and decrypt in ruby", "Size of data after AES/CBC and AES/ECB encryption", "Java and SSL - java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException", "Can't read tc Server property [PropertyDecoder] due to a NoSuchAlgorithmException", "java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException: no such algorithm: CmacAES for provider BC" ]
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/io/output/DeferredFileOutputStream
[ "javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/io/output/DeferredFileOutputStream" ]
[ "apache java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError", "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/lang/StringUtils when deploying web application", "Apache Commons IO on Android", "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/lang/Validate", "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: TestProtos/AuthMethodResponseProto", "Exception in thread \"main\" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/codec/DecoderException", "How to include Apache Commons IO in Eclipse? (Java)", "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError", "Exception in thread \"main\" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/http/ConnectionReuseStrategy:", "Uncaught exception from servlet java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/lang/Validate", "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError using org.json library", "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/io/FileUtils", "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError ResponseHanlder apache tomcat", "Exception in thread \"main\" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/ProvisionNode", "NoClassDefFoundError problems with help of Apache Commons Validator", "org/apache/commons/io/FileUtils - NoClassDefFoundError", "Error -java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/logging/LogFactory", "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/lang3/ObjectUtils", "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/xpath/XPathAPI", "Java: NoClassDefFoundError using Apache Commons CLI 1.2", "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.jose4j.jwa.AlgorithmFactoryFactory JsonWebSignature getCompactSerialization", "Very simple Apache-commons configuration example throws NoClassDefFoundError", "Facing \"Exception in thread \"main\" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/io\" in command prompt", "javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/pool/KeyedObjectPoolFactory", "I am getting java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/digester/Rule error", "eXist xml db : java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/ws/commons/serialize/DOMSerializer", "Selenium SouceLabs - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/codec/binary/Base64", "Can't open .jar file. JNI error. java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/exec/ExecuteStreamHandler", "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/collections/Transformer" ]
Syntax wrong with my SHA1 code
[ "Java String to SHA1" ]
[ "Different SHA1 Hash result between Java and C#", "php sha1 not equal java sha1", "SHA1 C# equivalent of this Java", "Conversion SHA1 byte array from java to PHP", "Raw SHA1 in java does not match the one in PHP", "How to convert SHA1 output to a HEX string?", "how to compare sha1 encripted password in Java?", "Java using SHA1", "Using SHA1 to calculate an aggregate from multiple values", "Different in Java SHA1 vs JavaScript SHA1", "Java Security Exception Invalid SHA1 Jar file", "StandardStringDigester with SHA1 equivalent in Objective C", "Convert SHA1 Hash in PHP to JAVA Code", "Java's MessageDigest SHA1-algorithm returns different result than SHA1-function of php", "Can't make SHA1 work correctly in Android java", "SHA1 Hash on Hex String", "Java Sha1 in PHP", "How to authenticate user with SHA1 in Java", "Enable Java sha1 raw mode like php sha1", "SHA1 encryption and SHA1 to Hex in php", "Java SHA1 for unicode?", "Why Java SHA1 does not Initial Vector?", "Issues with SHA1 hash implementation in Android", "Hash a password with SHA1 in java", "SHA1 in Java and PHP with different results", "Java SHA1 Equivalent In C#", "How to decrease the size of SHA1?", "How to reverse SHA1 Encrypted text", "Java Make String to SHA1" ]
How to set the location of junit TemporaryFolder to an environment variable
[ "TemporaryFolder and File#getCanonicalFile() on Mac" ]
[ "JUnit for Java 1.4", "JUnit AntClassNotFoundException", "Junit prerun call", "JUnit test with EhCache3", "Access method variable in jUnit test", "Error while trying out JUnit", "JUnit TemporaryFolder does not create the folder", "@After method being run first by JUnit", "How do I use JUnitPerf with JWebUnit and JUnit 4?", "AccessDeniedException in JUnit test using a TemporaryFolder", "How to create a JUnit TemporaryFolder with subfolders", "JUnit Rule TemporaryFolder arbitrarily throws an IOException", "JUnit : When do I declare a TemporaryFolder object?", "Junit 4.11 TemporaryFolder constructor with java.io.File", "Java - JUnit how to do?", "Using @Before method in JUnit", "Junit - run set up method once", "AopInvocationException: in @Autowieired in JUnit", "JUnit - before method", "Java TemporaryFolder getRoot() exception", "JUnit Rule TemporaryFolder", "How to set up a proper JUnit environment for Spring", "JUnit and JFileChoosers", "Junit and messageboxes", "Instance Variable in JUnit", "CollectionAssert in jUnit?", "JUnit test in a complex environment", "Why isn't JUnit TemporaryFolder deleted?", "JUnit rules TemporaryFolder - Error on Bamboo" ]
How to take single snapshots from a webcam?
[ "Taking Snapshots from a Webcam using JMF" ]
[ "Webcam control in java", "Detect WebCam device using with java", "Webcam in a JavaApplet", "Using a webcam in a java application", "Java Webcam GUI Application", "Maven: make sure some code is only included in snapshots (and not release)?", "Data Structure for Snapshots at Time", "Java render webcam's image take too much CPU", "no webcam detection in JMStudio", "Taking 'snapshots' of big Objects", "Java: saving files with snapshots", "Marvin Project plugins for webcam: No image is loaded from webcam", "WebCam is never ON", "How to connect to webcam in Java?", "Webcam App in Java", "Display Webcam In Java", "Java Standalone Webcam App", "java capture webcam image", "Efficient Webcam Library", "Take picture using webcam in netbeans java?", "Capturing a single image from my webcam in Java or Python", "JavaFX: multiple snapshots in single image", "Open webcam and set as background (question)", "need on capturing image from webcam", "How to find if system has attached webcam", "Reading and writing on webcam stream", "Maven Snapshots Is Not Working I Do Not Think", "Need to convert an html file with links (reference of snapshots) to a word file", "Simplest way to take a webcam picture using java" ]
How to resolve Java UnknownHostKey, while using JSch SFTP library?
[ "SFTP file transfer using Java JSch" ]
[ "JSch sftp upload/download progress", "JSch sftp job summary", "Async sftp file transfer with Jsch?", "Java > JSch. How to get properties for SFTP connection from settings file?", "How do I transfer a file from one directory to another using Java SFTP Library JSch?", "Downloading files from an SFTP server using JSch", "Downloading file via SFTP using JSCH (android)", "Jsch SFTP client unable to create new native thread", "Java SFTP upload using JSch, but how to overwrite the current file?", "Issue any command using sftp in JSch", "How can I duplicate files on a SFTP server using JSch?", "JSch SFTP verbose logging", "Determine latest file from SFTP server using Java JSch", "Retrieving data from an SFTP server using JSch", "Jsch not working with certain sftp servers", "SFTP Java - Pipe closed Jsch Exception", "JAVA JSCH SFTP programming approach", "Follow up to: Using JSch to SFTP when one must also switch user", "How to download SFTP file by using regular expression in JSch", "JSch SFTP transfer changes encoding", "Reading remote file using jsch and sftp - Failure 4", "Security Exception while connecting using sftp through JSCH", "How to tell if an SFTP upload was successful using JSch", "jsch sftp - change to parent directory", "How to reput on JSch SFTP?", "Using JSch to SFTP when one must also switch user", "How to get only directories and text files using SFTP channel of JSch?", "Looking for java SFTP modern library, not jsch", "JSCH Sftp printWorkingDirectory" ]
Conversion from 12 hours time to 24 hours time in java
[ "How to convert 12 hours time to 24 hours time in j2me?" ]
[ "How to count that 24 Hours passed or not", "Check if one date is exactly 24 hours or more after another", "Parse String to Hours in CSV data", "conversion of 24 hours clock in 12 hours JAVAFX", "Android - Get time after 2 hours", "Compare if a date is less than 24 hours before", "How to add n hours in java", "Regex for only hours or hours and minutes", "How to set 24-hours format for date on java?", "Sum of two hours", "Time validation with 12 Hours format", "Milliseconds to Hours(more than 24)", "how to add hours to my time", "Convert Hours to a time java", "How do we remove date and hours in the URL's?", "Checking if its been 24 hours", "Android Add 2 hours to date String", "Convert 12 hours to 24 hours", "Store hours value in into variable", "Best way to call method every 2 hours in android?", "Get proper value of hours from the String", "How to know if now time is between two hours?", "Trying to call a function every 24 hours", "How to implement a program which runs about 12 hours on a server?", "Convert time to 24 hours format", "How to convert an integer into 24 hours format in JAVA?", "Add X hours to a date & time", "Convert and print shift hours into operating hours", "How to get Hours from a date using java" ]
Jackson 2 annotations ignored in EJB Jar with JBoss (6.2.0 GA)
[ "Jackson annotations ignored after deployment to JBOSS" ]
[ "Where is my ejb-jar.xml?", "Jboss 4.2.3 GA additional deploy directory", "Where can I download JBoss Developer Studio 2.0 GA?", "What is the equivalent implementation of service POJOs (jBoss services in jboss 6 AS) of EJB 3.0 in EJB - 3.2", "Using GA in GUI", "@EJB in JBoss 5.1.0 GA?", "JBoss 6: i can't deploy a ejb (jar) project on my server", "Configure JBOss cache to run on JBoss server 4.2.3.GA", "how to run EJB 3 app on Jboss application server", "How to ignore Jackson annotations?", "EJB 3 deployment in JBoss AS 7", "JBoss 4.2.3 NullPointerException while trying to get EJB", "How to make JSF 2.2.6 and RichFaces 4.5.0 work on JBoss 4.2.2.GA?", "Why do we need the following jboss jar for EJB 3.2 in Wildfly?", "Convert from JSON with Jackson Annotations", "GA written in Java", "EJB3 annotations get ignored when ejb-jar.xml is present", "Mapping annotations with Jackson", "Java security annotations ignored", "How can I call JNI code from an EJB in JBoss", "Failed to inject EJB 3 using @EJB on jboss 7", "Error while starting JBOSS 5.0.0 GA java.lang.IllegalArgumentException", "EJB Exception in Jboss", "Remote EJB call jboss 6 dependencies", "Does Jboss 4.2.3.GA support JDK 1.4.2?", "JBoss/EJB - location of custom configuration file", "How do I configure a JDBC data source in JBoss AS 5.1.0.GA?", "Hibernate 3.5-Final in JBoss 5.1.0.GA", "In JBoss 6.2.3 GA domain mode, where do you find the deployed files?" ]
getting the difference between date in days in java
[ "Finding days difference in java" ]
[ "Difference in Days between two Java dates?", "Adding days to date in Java Error", "Android/Java - Date Difference in days", "Building a class Date, converting a date to a number of days, or a number of days to a valid date", "How I can find out difference of days between two dates in Java", "How to find the difference between two dates in days?", "java- difference between 2 different times in 2 different days", "Java array days", "How to add days to a date in Java", "Java Date difference in terms of days", "java.util.Date Calculate difference in days", "How to add days to java.sql.date?", "Show difference in days in Java/ Android", "Java date-time difference", "How to add days in java?", "Java Add 3 days to a date", "How to wadl2java these days?", "adding days to a date", "Getting Simple Difference in Calendar Days", "Java: date difference", "Add days to current date", "Difference in days between two dates in Java?", "Date Difference in days and time", "Java get the date X days later", "find days difference between 2 dates and how many days in each month", "Number of Days into Date Android", "Add 30 days to Date in java", "how do i get the difference between two dates in days in java", "java - how to compare same days in date" ]
how to judge if the file is doc or docx in POI
[ "how to know whether a file is .docx or .doc format from Apache POI" ]
[ "apache poi Word documents (.doc, .docx) updating", "Converting a .docx to html using Apache POI and getting no text", "How to open .doc or .docx file and check text format using java", "What is the best way to convert docx or doc file into txt in java?", "How to print .doc and .docx in java", "how to update metadata of docx file using apache poi in java?", "How to convert .docx to .doc using apache poi", "Apache POI - multiple columns in a Word (docx) document", "Processing docx file using APACHE POI", "Read table from docx file using Apache POI", "How to read docx file content in java api using poi jar", "Replacing text in .docx with a table, using Apache POI (Java)", "How to set \"Latha\" font by default while writing docx file using poi jar", "How to convert .doc or .docx files to .txt", "How to copy some content in one .docx to another .docx , using POI without losing format?", "How can I create a simple docx file with Apache POI?", "How to insert current date field in docx using apache POI", "Convert HTML to docx - Apache POI Java", "Getting text style from docx using Apache poi", "How to add background image to docx document through apache poi?", "How set bold for docx run apache poi", "How to set plain header in docx file using apache poi?", "Is there any java library (maybe poi?) which allows to merge docx files?", "Apache POI docx - how to set page size?", "How to read a docx file and know when the page changes? APACHE POI", "Replace text in text box of docx by using Apache POI", "How to read doc and docx in java", "How to read doc file using Poi?", "Apache POI characters run for .docx" ]
The pattern of final array instead of non-final variable for boolean flag in inner class
[ "inner class non-final variable java" ]
[ "Java use of non-final variable to set final variable", "non-final variable inside an inner class", "Use of a `final` method", "Java final variable in function", "Why is `Class` class final?", "What is non-final variable?", "why final variable is used in inner classes in java", "Final variable in java", "Java final variable in a function", "Using the non-final variable in inner-class", "what the objects of string class are final and is there any object that is final", "Why Pattern is final?", "Use non-final variable inside inner method using Java", "I need to set a variable, but I also need it to be final.", "String and Final", "How to make an array final?", "Why is String class final?", "final object in java", "How to create a variable that can be set only once but isn't final in Java", "Is there any use of final String mainViewPaths[]={};?", "Why final variable return without inner class?", "final array in Java", "Non-final methods in a final class", "Why is String final?", "Final variable values", "final method in java", "final String class vs final methods of Non-final String class", "Why a non-final \"local\" variable cannot be used inside an inner class, and instead a non-final field of the enclosing class can?", "What is the point of \"final class\" in Java?" ]
XML Format Checker returns Premature end of file. Why?
[ "Why am I getting this error Premature end of file?" ]
[ "Need some help on a password checker program", "Java Code Use Checker", "Why, when working with Web Fragments to I get a \"Premature End of File\" error", "ERROR: 'Premature end of file.'", "Premature end of file Error", "premature end of file while parsing an xml file on android", "Efficiency of premature return in a function", "Java regex checker not working", "JOrtho (Java Orthography Checker)", "Socket: premature end of JPEG file", "Code style checker", "Premature end of file parsing XML", "Password checker java program", "Why this java link checker code does not compile?", "Reading XML data in Java JSP - Premature end of file error", "Password checker Java", "Java socket giving premature end of stream", "Field checker in org.test.api.controller.CheckerController required a bean of type 'org.test.api.checker.Checker' that could not be found", "Fatal Error :1:1: Premature end of file. Error reading url", "server availability checker in Android", "Premature end of file while parsing xml from the net", "Sending image through web service returns \"premature end of file\"", "Password Checker in java with do while", "Premature end of file error when Java read and writes XML data files", "SAX Premature End to a Parse?", "Words Checker in Android App", "Java Solution Checker issue", "Java program - password checker", "JDOMParseException: Error on line -1: Premature end of file" ]
How to configure Spring ConversionService with java config?
[ "How to Autowired in ConversionService in springboot" ]
[ "ConversionService in Spring", "How to configure SonarCloud", "Configure Spring to use specific version of a class", "Spring - ConversionService no @Autowired because of ConfigurationPropertiesBindingPostProcessor", "Thymeleaf Email Template and ConversionService", "How to configure Hibernate Db connection settings in JAVA based spring config", "Multiple ThreadPoolTaskExecuters Spring Java Config", "Spring: Config API using ResourceServerConfigurerAdapter", "How do I configure and use KStem in java?", "Spring MVC ConversionService Defaults", "Spring Java Config with XML config", "injecting ConversionService into a custom Converter", "Configure Jackson Using Spring 4 Java Config", "Spring ConversionService adding Converters", "How to import spring-config.xml of one project into spring-config.xml of another project?", "spring xml config", "Spring - configure Jboss Intros for xml with java config?", "LambdaMessageProcessor doesn't recognize payload type for ConversionService", "Using spring to configure application properties", "configure hibernate with spring", "How to mock Spring ConversionService?", "Two UserDetailsServices in Spring, Java config", "Java Config equivalent for conversionService / FormattingConversionServiceFactoryBean", "How to configure ResourceBundleViewResolver in Spring Framework 2.0", "how to configure hibernate config file for sql server", "How to configure Hibernate 5 with Spring 4", "Difference between DataBinder and ConversionService in Spring", "Spring:xml config convert to java config", "how to configure web.xml for spring" ]
MVC pattern on Android
[ "MVC pattern in an Android application for drawing" ]
[ "Create a Simple Login page using MVC Design Pattern in Android", "MVC Pattern with multiple objects", "Spring MVC url-pattern syntax", "Spring MVC configure url-pattern", "Using MVC in a Java app", "Is this MVC pattern", "How to update my table in my MVC pattern program", "Understanding the MVC Pattern", "MVC pattern in Java application", "MVC Pattern in Java Swing?", "java.lang.NullPointerException (MVC pattern)", "MVC pattern : best way to display an array of elements", "Where JCombBox items should be declared on a MVC pattern?", "MVC in Java", "The MVC pattern and Swing", "How to update a GUI using MVC pattern in java", "Java MVC with File Input/Output", "basic MVC pattern and GUI", "Spring MVC - URL pattern not working", "MVC pattern with java Swing", "How to implement MVC-Pattern in Java correctly?", "Can Spring MVC be used to implement MVC pattern in Swing applications?", "how to get the mvc right on android?", "MVC with Decorator pattern", "MVC pattern with http servlet", "MVC pattern, no database, where to store objects?", "App design to MVC pattern", "Get and Set Method and the MVC Design Pattern", "Original idea for the MVC pattern" ]
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space Exception
[ "Dealing with \"java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space\" error" ]
[ "Why am I receiving java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space error?>", "Java class size in PermGen space", "OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space when starting an embedded Tomcat", "Error while starting Jboss server: Exception in thread \"pool-6-thread-5\" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space", "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space still exist", "JBoss Weld + java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space", "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space: java reflection", "OC4J 10.1.3 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space", "Java - OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space", "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space after convering project to Maven", "Reason for PermGen OutOfMemoryError when \"No GC root found\"?", "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space", "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError ( PermGen space) and java.lang.ClassNotFoundException at the opening the jsp page", "OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space", "PermGen space in java", "Algorithms that lead to java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space error", "xception in thread \"AWT-EventQueue-0\" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space", "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space solution", "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space in Maven build", "Consistently getting java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space Error in Eclipse", "Tomcat: OutOfMemoryError Permgen Space", "SonarQube - strange OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space", "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space", "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space error with Jetty", "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space", "deployment and \"java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen exception\"", "PermGen space exception", "Sonar java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space", "Eclipse:java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space" ]
Java Streams — How to perform an intermediate function every nth item
[ "Java Streams — How to perform an intermediate function on the last value provided" ]
[ "How to get nth element of a Set", "How to print nth number series in java", "Create intermediate values in a Java array", "Return the nth number", "Reading data from a specific line and counting words from nth line to print nth word on that line", "What means a NTH search?", "Java reading nth line", "Remove/Delete every Nth character from string", "Storing every nth row in Java", "print out nth string using Queue", "Java read file line by line and replace nth column", "Extract string between nth character and another nth character", "Take every nth element from a Java 8 stream", "java-8 streams : Are new streams from intermediate operations returned without increase in memory?", "How do I get the nth item in a Queue?", "add every Nth character to string", "Read nth line from the end of the file", "Java streams: find first item different between two streams", "Read nth line from string", "nth item of hashmap", "How to get Nth parent for an element in xml using Java", "Replace every nth character with \"-\" in java without regex", "Trying to find the nth element to the last from a list (with a file input)", "Reading the nth word from a text file", "Get nth object in class Java", "How to find the nth Index in a arrayList", "nth root implementation", "Getting sublist from a Java list with nth elements that fulfills a condition with streams", "What's the equivalent 'nth_element' function in Java?" ]
Order of request.getParameterNames()
[ "HTTPServletRequest.getParameterNames() not in order as in HTML Form" ]
[ "Make asynchrone request", "How to get values in order?", "What is wrong with this request?", "Get order of list by value", "SimpleClient - GET request", "order by mysql request in java", "How to re-order a List<String>", "How to test a Request Object in EasyMocks?", "Is it possible to have a nonlexicographic order", "Order the list based on order of another list", "Method Call Order", "Order a list of objects", "Request File Name as Input --Java", "HttpServletRequest.getParameterNames() - will this contain requestURL?", "How best to use the order of one ArrayList to order another in Java?", "Java PKIHeader from SCEP request", "Get request handshake_faliure:javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException", "In which order do I have to code?", "Why output in this order?", "Java - How do I print data from a file on request?", "HttpRequestBase - How to print the request with all its data", "Problem while doing Tri-gram documents are mixing up with each other", "SetCharacterEncodingFilter only works with GET request", "Exception order", "How do I parameterize getParameterNames to avoid the warning", "Java request only works when", "How to request.getParameterNames into List of strings?", "Re-order ArrayList Based on String Array's Order - Java" ]
Looping Music in Java
[ "Using music in a java program" ]
[ "Music library in android", "Android Java specific music folder", "Java Looping string replacemnet", "Looping through a List in Java", "Music in Java (start/stop)", "How to stream music using java as server?", "Play music one after each other", "Music don't start on button click", "Looping a do/while", "How do you compare music data", "I would like this music file to continue playing the music where it left off", "Adding Music To Java", "Music Player in Java?", "looping to print out - java", "How do I get the Users Music Directory?", "Creating Simple Music App", "music does not stop in eclipse", "Reference to the music app", "Music Library using java and mysql", "Java looping over object", "Music Loop in Java", "How to stop default music player while I'm running my music app", "Import music file to jar file", "Looping through List Java", "stream music with java", "Music with JavaFX", "Java do while not looping", "How to make music list in Java?" ]
Tomcat JVM version different from JAVA_HOME
[ "How to change Java version used by TOMCAT?" ]
[ "How to get Tomcat version number in Java", "Java: but you need to make each JVM, don't you?", "Tomcat - UnsupportedClassException", "Starting tomcat with custom jvm without having to change JAVA_HOME and PATH on linux", "ThreadPoolExecutorFactoryBean in tomcat", "which java version does tomcat use", "my tomcat uses wrong JAVA_HOME or JRE_HOME", "Why flashplayer does not need JVM?", "Tomcat 6 JAVA_HOME", "What is JAVA_HOME? How does the JVM find the javac path stored in JAVA_HOME?", "Print tomcat version and path", "Change $home for tomcat only?", "Check Tomcat version", "Tomcat upgradation", "Tomcat and ASIHTTPRequest", "JVM getObjectSize example", "Running tomcat with -server JVM option", "Tomcat Private JVM", "Get java.home out of the JVM without writing Java code to print it", "YAWS fronting Tomcat", "JAVA_HOME and java -version", "How to add JVM arguments to Tomcat?", "how to find out running tomcat version", "Windows Tomcat Service jvm -JvmSs parameter", "java and tomcat", "Tomcat: External JVM Configuration", "How to find the JVM version from a program?", "Setting JVM memory options in tomcat?", "The size of Tomcat JVM is variable?" ]
What is the default package in which my classes are put if I don't specify it?
[ "How to access java-classes in the default-package?" ]
[ "Specify the Type on a Class Object", "Access classes from package", "How import java classes inside the default package from the default package", "Can't access Classes in default package", "How Default package is created and where?", "What classes should i put in domain package?", "How can I import the same classes from a package", "Can I specify a \"base package path\" for a directory in Java?", "Why do you have to specify method return type in Java?", "Java - where to specify what a class does?", "Eclipse + Java: How do I import classes from the default package?", "Is it possible to have 2 classes with the same name and in the same package?", "Can I set the default package in java?", "Getting all Classes from a Package", "Import Java classes once for all package", "Import package and how to use all classes in a java file", "How to call Bean classes not in default package", "How can I know the classes of a given package", "Import some classes in same package", "Classes in same package", "Can I put a java package into another package?", "How do i specify which class to call a method from", "Change the package of a JAR from the default package", "org.netbeans.validation.api.ui.ValidationGroup.add() - How to specify ValidationStrategy?", "How to specify which method Java use?", "Specify \"other\"", "How to specify which file to write to?", "Where to put a file to read from a class under a package in java?", "How to import a class from default package" ]
PostGIS and JPA 2.0
[ "How to store geometry Point in Postgis database using java" ]
[ "Reading points from a Geography Polygon in a PostGIS database", "BasicDataSource not finding postgresql or postgis jdbc drivers", "org.postgresql.util.PGobject to org.postgis.Point;", "How to get a PessimisticLockException with JPA", "Where is org.geotools.data.postgis?", "How to render map from postgis data in a java dynamic project (using eclipse luna)?", "How to persist MultiPoligon Objects in Hibernate-Spatial and Postgis", "Java JPA Realtions", "PostGIS update of Geometry from Java from Polygon object", "Divide a path into N sections using Java or PostgreSQL/PostGIS", "problem with using JPA", "JPA modify my native query using postgis <#> operator", "Storing PostgreSQL/PostGIS \"geometry(MultiPolygon)\" data type in java", "How can you insert GeoJSON polygon into PostGIS using Java JDBC PreparedStatement placeholder?", "Convert Postgis MultiPoligon Object to GeoJson", "jpa find problem", "Getting org.postgresql.geometric.PGpoint instead of org.postgis.PGgeometry in Hibernate Spatial", "How can I get a String from this Geometry Object with hibernate and PostGIS", "Postgis - How to work with data type 'geography' via JDBC", "ClassCastException: org.postgresql.util.PGobject cannot be cast to org.postgis.Point", "Can not query table with type double precision[] from PostGis with geotools", "PostGIS Functions not working using hibernate in java?", "JPA EntityManagerFacade", "How to import gis shapefiles into postgis database programatically?", "Hibernate 5.0.1 with PostGIS data stored as bytes instead of spatial types", "PostGIS jdbc sql query", "How to select points within polygon in PostGIS using jOOQ?", "Call method in JPA", "PreparedStatement is not reading all my parameters for PostGIS Geography" ]
Java - Will inlining code have benefits?
[ "What is inlining?" ]
[ "Inlining in Java", "Why does inlining Math.max give over 200x slower code?", "Does Proguard remove methods used in only one place? [method inlining]", "is it possible to disable javac's inlining of static final variables?", "System.out and final object inlining", "Thymeleaf, Javascript Inlining and Iteration", "Benefits of arrays", "Inlining Text between images in Apache FOP2", "Does the JLS require inlining of final String constants?", "how to disable inlining optimization with sun jvm?", "What are the benefits of Java?", "Java - calling static methods vs manual inlining - performance overhead", "Java: JIT method inlining", "What are the benefits of using an iterator in Java", "Conditions for inlining methods by the HotSpot VM", "JMH like disabling method inlining - How is it done?", "What are the benefits of using Generics?", "Remapper variables during bytecode method inlining by ASM", "Client VM not inlining?", "What is method inlining?", "Inlining java code using eclipse jdt/ast", "Visibility and javac / JVM inlining", "Android version checking and inlining of static final constants", "Static functions inlining in Java", "Benefits of using Native in Android", "Benefits of using static variables and methods in Java", "Type variables, method inlining and \"Bad return type in lambda expression\"", "Code injecting/assembly inlining in Java?", "Interaction of inlining and inheritance for the JVM" ]
ColdFusion Garbage Collection
[ "ColdFusion 9.01 on Java 7", "coldFusion jvm Garbage Collection not" ]
[ "Calling a .jar from ColdFusion", "How would I implement this regex in ColdFusion (or Java)?", "Java method not found in ColdFusion", "Passing Java Object in ColdFusion", "Coldfusion Binary files", "ColdFusion/Java strange script", "How do you use java files in Coldfusion", "converting ETrade Java code example to Coldfusion", "Accessing mp3agic from ColdFusion", "Coldfusion Runtime Source Code", "Using Java libraries with ColdFusion 9", "How to resolve deadlock issue in ColdFusion 9: coldfusion.util.AbstractCache$Lock", "Call a ColdFusion function on another server?", "Creating an instance of a nested Java class in ColdFusion", "coldfusion calculating HMAC256 of a getHTTPRequestData", "Coldfusion is not finding Java classes", "Java or Coldfusion File operation", "ColdFusion: about using custom \"own written\" Java classes", "ColdFusion/Java Class not found Exception", "In ColdFusion, is there a way to determine what server the code is running on?", "When Should I Use Java in my ColdFusion Application?", "Using Java SDK Library on Coldfusion", "Method not found - Using the GoCardless Java library with ColdFusion", "Coldfusion 8 - Which java version should I be using?", "coldfusion 9 working with java objects", "how to pass a java list to coldfusion cfselect?", "Can ColdFusion Access Windows Memory Values", "How to access Java Enum in ColdFusion?" ]
Java Stream API: why the distinction between sequential and parallel execution mode?
[ "Java-8 Stream returned by .map will be parallel or sequential?" ]
[ "Stream works on sequential, but buggy in parallel mode", "Sequential Swing timer execution", "Getting sequential logs while executing tests in parallel", "Java 8 parallel stream or method execution", "need to execute setup method only once in parallel execution mode", "Why does a parallel Java Stream with a short-curcuit operation evaluate all elements of the Stream while a sequential Stream does not?", "how to use java parallel stream instead of executorThreadsPool?", "Parallel execution of the same @Sceduled method", "Spring Parallel Execution Of A Method", "parallel flatMap always sequential", "Sequential execution of java programs == sequential activation of the jvm?", "Will using a parallel stream on a single-core processor be slower than using a sequential stream?", "Signature PADES sequential or parallel", "Quartz Thread Execution Parallel or Sequential?", "Java sequential implementation is 4 times faster than parallel implementation", "java stream parallel read/write", "Profile java parallel/sequential sorting", "Callable sequential execution", "Program execution is non sequential. Why?", "Does the ordering of calls to sequential() and parallel() matter when processing a Java 8 stream pipeline?", "Both sequential and parallel processing", "Why is the result of a reduction different for a sequential and a parallel stream?", "Using a ScheduledThreadPool with parallel execution", "Calling sequential on parallel stream makes all previous operations sequential", "java 8 parallel stream, blockingcode possible?", "Does Java make distinction between value type and reference type", "Java8 streams sequential and parallel execution produce different results?", "Why can't this stream run in parallel?", "Java 8 Streams, perform part of the work as parallel stream and the other as sequential stream" ]
Java: Efficiently converting an array of longs to an array of bytes
[ "Most Compact way to Serialize an Array of Longs in Java" ]
[ "wrapped Longs to this list", "converting bytes array into long", "Sort JTable column of longs", "How can I get the Array # of a button / Make this run more efficiently", "Converting to and from bytes in java", "How to map two longs to an integer (Java)", "java multiplication between int and longs gives 0", "Converting int[] to bytes[] Java", "converting bytes to int in Java", "List of Longs how do you check if it contains a value?", "Convert an array of primitive longs into a List of Longs", "Reading Spaces Between Longs", "Converting bytes to int", "Arithmetic problems with java longs", "Java code using HashSet of longs doesn't work?", "Converting array-formatted string input to string array efficiently", "replace Guava's Bytes and Longs", "How to generate a hash code from three longs", "Why is Firebase silently converting my Longs to Integers?", "Converting all args to a bytes array", "Encode two longs into another primitive in java", "Read From Files in the format of Longs and Strings", "Efficiently converting maps?", "converting an array of bytes to List<Byte>", "Why do these longs get written as 0's or 1's?", "How to format longs in android to always display two digits", "Is it Java best practice to store dates as longs in your database?", "Parsing Bytes Java Efficiently", "How do I compare two longs as unsigned in Java?" ]
Moving Objects along an arc path with java graphics
[ "Moving Shapes along an arc path with java graphics" ]
[ "Java Graphics clear arc", "How can I render an arc with a 3 color gradient?", "Rotate arc in java", "Moving a graphics 2d object with threads", "How to create graphics in Java?", "Drawing string at the center of arc", "why are these 2 arc overlapping?", "Java Draw Arc Between 2 Points", "Drawing Arc in Java", "Determining if an arc contains/covers another arc", "Java - get Graphics", "Moving point along lines", "Setting arc position in Java using Mouse", "How to create an arc with Slick2D?", "Dynamically draw arc", "Copy an arc in Neo4j", "How to create a copy of ArrayList<ArrayList<Arc>> to another ArrayList<ArrayList<Arc>>", "Draw custom arc views and detect user click for each arc", "Calculating Arc Angle In Java", "Java Drawing an Arc between two given points", "How does the Graphics Class in Java work?", "Draw an arc based on 2 Points and radius", "Computer Graphics: Moving in the world", "Draw an Arc and gradient it", "Drawing an arc backwards?", "How do I keep the variable BGCD defined in a similar way, but usable in an Arc method?", "Arc Consistency in Java, questions on implementation", "How to draw an arc?", "Drawing Arc using two Points as Reference" ]
+ operator for String in Java
[ "= operator in java" ]
[ "Java = operator", "=- operator in java", "Java - 'this' operator", "Java \"&\" Operator", "Java - >> operator?", "Java ?: operator in vb.net", "java | operator is for what?", "What is \"~\" operator in Java", "-​->-​- operator in Java", "Java << Operator", "What does the \"+=\" operator do in Java?", "Java \"? :\" operator?", "What does the |= operator do in Java?", "Java Operator: |=", "Java in operator", "Does Java have a `::` operator?", "How is String's + operator implmemented?", "Java =<<< operator", "Java == != && || operator?", "Java >>> Operator", "Java | Operator", "What is the &= operator for in Java", "The == operator in Java", "+ Operator in String Class", "Java ++ operator", "=+ Operator in Java", "<< operator in java", "The /= operator in Java, what is it for?", "Java >>>= operator" ]
Suppress javac warning "...is internal proprietary API and may be removed in a future release"
[ "How can I suppress java compiler warnings about Sun proprietary API", "Using internal sun classes with javac", "NEW is internal proprietary API" ]
[ "Using javac with import", "how to remove this warning: com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.dom.DOMImplementationImpl is Sun proprietary API and may be removed in a future release", "Proprietary java web application", "how to suppress mysql error java", "javac: invalid target release: 1.7", "jdeprscan warning with --release 8", "Suppress Gradle Warning in Android Studio?", "Suppress deprecated import warning in Java", "How to Suppress Extension Warning in Excel", "Why is it safe to suppress this unchecked warning?", "How to suppress the proprietary API warning for sun.reflect.Reflection?", "Include all Sun-proprietary classes", "Library for parsing proprietary settings files", "javac: invalid target release: 1.8", "What's the best way to suppress a runtime console warning in Java?", "IntelliJ suppress unused warning for API methods", "Java and javac not working in cmd. Both java and javac \"is not recognized as an internal..\"", "How to suppress static methods on class instance on Java?", "BASE64Encoder is internal API and may be removed in future release", "How can I suppress javac warnings about deprecated api?", "How to avoid this warning:warning: com.sun.org.apache.regexp.internal.RE is Sun proprietary API and may be removed in a future release", "Suppress the \"unused\" warning for a method, but not the variables within it", "NotImplementedException is internal proprietary API", "IDEA: javac: source release 1.7 requires target release 1.7", "How do I suppress warning \"Synchronization on a non-final field\"", "Java entity classes from a proprietary database?", "warning: BREAKPOINT is internal proprietary API and may be removed in a future release" ]
JProgressbar: how to change colour based on progress?
[ "Color in JProgressBar" ]
[ "How to change JProgressBar color?", "JProgressBar update not working", "How to add text on jprogressbar?", "Update JProgressBar", "Java: JProgressBar", "JProgressBar query", "java - JProgressBar while method is running", "How to use JProgressBar", "Changing JProgressBar", "Java using jProgressBar within loop", "How to measure task progress and update it using JProgressBar", "How JProgressbar should work?", "JProgressBar - Won't work in the class that I am calling it in", "Displaying a custom progress string on a JProgressBar", "Jprogressbar not working", "Setting a JProgressBar", "JProgressBar not working properly", "Update JProgressBar from new Thread", "Return Values & JProgressbar", "Update JProgressBar Without Knowing Progress", "Change shape of JProgressBar", "How to use a JProgressBar in a different Thread?", "JProgressBar won't update", "How to measure progress of task for JProgressBar in java", "JProgressBar does not update within the loop", "How to actualize JProgressBar in Swing application?", "Change JProgressBar value, while Thread is running", "JProgressBar not working as expected", "JProgressBar does not update" ]
JPasswordField returning some hash code converted into string type
[ "JPasswordField encoding the input" ]
[ "how to display characters in jPasswordField rather than * sign in java?", "Replacing the password character to dot in JPasswordField", "How do I request focus on a JPasswordField inside a JOptionPane?", "How to access to the text inside a Swing JPasswordField object?", "Creating two RoundedFields, JTextField and JPasswordField", "Is it possible to protect my JPasswordField against keyloggers", "JPasswordField and KeyListener", "JPasswordField Turning into String but cannot Compare", "JPasswordField value and string are not equal, but they appear the same", "Moving JPasswordField to absolute position", "Java Preferences JTextField and JPasswordField issue?", "How to limit the number of digits in a JPasswordField in Java?", "JPasswordField on top of Image", "JPasswordField how to set password", "How do you reveal the text of a JPasswordField", "Why getText() in JPasswordField was deprecated?", "JPasswordField security with action command", "JPasswordField length skips the check", "Fill a JPasswordField programmatically without creating a String object", "Is there an alternative to JPasswordField?", "JPasswordField validation", "How to save JPasswordField char in MYSQL datable", "How to limit JPasswordField to 4 digits?", "How do enable cut, copy in JPasswordField?", "Getting String equivalent of input in jPasswordField", "JPasswordField KeyPress string length error?", "Change password using JPasswordField", "Parse JPasswordField result", "Can't access JPasswordField object of enclosing class from inner class" ]
Change property name with Flexjson
[ "FlexJson and @JSON annotation - @JSON(name = \"\") not working" ]
[ "Parsing JSON into Map<String, Entity> with FlexJSON", "Mapping a JSONObject to a List with Flexjson in Java / Android", "Lazy Initialization Error with Hibernate and FlexJSON", "FlexJson serializing and deserializing an interface", "CompositeConfiguration - property with same name", "Leave off field names using FlexJson, Jackson, GSON etc", "Serializing a static inner class with FlexJSON", "How to have flexjson TypeLocator throw exception on missing value?", "How to build JSON array line by line(iterate through list). FlexJSON", "FlexJSON Orders Alphabetically by Default", "How to use Flexjson JSONDeserializer?", "Flexjson unable to deserialize LinkedHashMap", "Flexjson - how to serialize a complex hierarchy including a Map", "Serializing objects with flexjson", "How to serialize Map<String, List<Object>> with FlexJSON", "Java flexjson Serializing composed JSON objects", "How to deserialize this JSON in an elegant way using flexjson", "How to exclude null-value fields when using Flexjson?", "How to force FlexJson in java to deserialize a json object to a string?", "Flexjson or Gson : Protect object references after object serialization", "Deserializing JSON list into list of objects with Flexjson", "java XML equivalent to flexjson.JSONDeserializer and flexjson.JSONSerializer", "How to deserialize a jsonarray into a List<Map> in java using flexjson.deserializer?", "FlexJSON Exclude Properties Upon Deserialization", "FlexJson Error : ClassCastException: java.util.HashMap cannot be cast to class", "change animateLayoutChanges property using java code", "how to convert json to java Obj using flexjson?", "flexjson.JSONException Don't know how to bind", "How to avoid \"flexjson.JSONSerializer\" convert Datetime Object to Timestamp? I want string like yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss" ]
Find if location is land or water in WorldWind
[ "How to give WMS URL for Geoserver in worldwind Android?" ]
[ "Worldwind Line from Symbol to Terrain", "WorldWind High Resolution Textures missing", "WorldWind Application in Google Web Toolkit", "Worldwind Custom Renderable Picking Issue", "WorldWind: elevation of the ground", "Nasa Worldwind: How do you fix these weird run time exceptions?", "WorldWind Sphere Line Intersection Bug?", "Example WorldWind application encounters AbstractMethodError when started", "Algorithm to Differentiate between water and land", "Unable to use Worldwind components in Topcomponent on the NetBeans 8.0 Platform", "Create Water In Libgdx", "Land on specific URL java servlet", "worldwind java documentation and set up instructions", "Exception in thread \"main\" java.land.NullPointerException", "Beginners trouble on getting started with WorldWind and KML", "Setting the zoom level of worldwind map", "Java NASA Worldwind Polygon with Internal Border", "Flickering Annotations in WorldWind Java", "Unable to use WorldWind in Standalone Java Executable", "How to create layout-small-land folder?", "Using Custom Shaders in WorldWind Java / JOGL", "Jar with WorldWind Library", "Restrict Camera View in WorldWind Java", "WorldWind Image at Elevation", "Worldwind SurfaceImage Deep/Batch Picking", "Elevation Values using Nasa WorldWind SDK", "Adding a custom component to NetBeans GUI builder! (WorldWind)", "Intersect SurfaceEllipse with another NASA Worldwind", "Using Java WorldWind, but want an alternative" ]
How can I read from a Winzip self-extracting (exe) zip file in Java?
[ "reading/extracting a self extracting zip in JAVA" ]
[ "Creating encrypted Zip files that are compatible with the TrueZip Java Library (Winzip AES?)", "extracting String from a String", "Extracting values from file", "java zip contents of a folder instead of folder & winzip compatibility", "What versions/flavors of WinZip can be opened by the gnu.java.util.zip.dll v.", "java extracting from string", "Extracting data from XML using Java", "Error From Extracting Int from String Java", "Extracting specific string in JAVA", "Unzip files created with WinZIP with I18N file names?", "Using zip file without extracting in java", "Error while extracting a zip file", "Extracting a zip file containing a jar file in Java", "How to read a zip file from a remote URL without extracting it", "Error on Extracting a File in zip archive in Java", "Extracting data from a JSON file in java", "Read Zip file content without extracting in java", "Is there a quick and easy way to associate winzip (or windows built in extractor) with jar files?", "Extracting values from XML file using Java", "java Extracting Zip file", "Exe gives error after extracting it from jar", "Extracting a file with JUnrar", "Extracting from a string array in Java", "Extracting a String", "Extracting text from Java String", "Speed up extracting Zip-Files", "extracting a number from a string in Java", "Java - Extracting a string from another string", "How can I make my Java-generated zip file identical to a WinZip-generated one" ]
Where is the correct location to put Log4j.properties in an Eclipse project?
[ "log4j.properties, where to put it", "Using simple Log4j.properties in my java code" ]
[ "log4j.properties (No such file or directory)", "How to add path of log4j.properties file in my project classpath in eclipse?", "How to set log4j.properties in Eclipse?", "Log4J in jar - properties", "Log4j properties and log4j.xml", "Where/how does log4j look for a log4j.properties file?", "Should I put log4j.properties file into library?", "Log4j doesn't create any file using log4j.properties", "log4j.xml in Eclipse", "Multiple log4j.properties files", "Log4J properties file not found", "Log4j doesn't see .properties file", "log4j how to load variable from properties file", "Override log4j.properties from within the log4j.properties", "log4j can't initialize with my log4j.properties", "Log4J: remove properties from CloseableThreadContext", "Log4j with two outputs with log4j.properties?", "log4j doesn't read its log4j.properties file", "log4j.properties configuration", "log4j reset properties back to original as in log4j.properties file", "log4j properties file cannot be read", "Change location of log4j.properties", "How should log4j.properties look like?", "log4j properties: LevelMatchFilter doesn't work", "Log4j properties from each module", "Issue with log4j.properties on the command propmt", "How can I make Log4j find my properties", "Override log4j.properties" ]
Converting a Date object to a calendar object
[ "Date object to Calendar [Java]" ]
[ "How to get date from android calendar?", "How to get calendar from date", "How does this work? Java Date, Calendar and Richface question", "add date & time with calendar", "Converting timestamp to Calendar in Java", "String to Calendar object", "Calendar.before(Object when), why Object?", "Change from Date to calendar", "Set calendar to a value from a Date variable", "Converting to and from Hindu calendar", "converting String to Calendar. What is the easiest way?", "How to use calendar to create date", "Set date of calendar", "problem converting calendar to java.util.Date", "Java Calendar/Date issue", "Working with Date and Calendar", "How can i get `String` date from calendar?", "Converting Calendar date to string?", "what does object Calendar do?", "Converting Date to Calendar issues", "How to convert the following string to date or calendar object in Java?", "Converting java.time to Calendar", "java - show date method in Calendar class", "What is the right way to use Date and Calendar in Java?", "Java: how to use Date / Calendar", "Java Calendar date error", "converting a calendar date to a string?", "How to convert a date String to a Date or Calendar object?", "error in converting String to Calendar?" ]
Return value of assignment operation in Java
[ "confused with return value of assignment operation in java" ]
[ "Using AND operation", "Java assignment not working", "Java Object Assignment", "String operation in Java", "Why doesn't this arithemtic operation work in java?", "Method return Java assignment", "Python assignment with or", "Assignment like String", "Need assignment idea", "how does object assignment operation work", "Operation on String", "Assignment and random", "Array return can be used in assignment, but not in loop", "Java: Object Array assignment in for loop", "i have this assignment on java i am not sure if i am doing this right", "Assignment of an array", "Array assignment vs. for loop assignment", "Array assignment operation question", "Assignment help requestion", "Java variable assignment", "How does this assignment operation work..?", "Why for(Class classElement : classes) assignment doesn't work?", "Problem with array assignment", "String assignment doesn't work?", "Multiple assignment at once in java", "Java simple assignment", "Possible inline \"pre-assignment\" operation?", "java array assignment question", "Variable value assignment operation duplication" ]
Downgrading 9.0.83 Google Play Services manually to avoid DynamiteModule: Failed to load module descriptor
[ "No marker displayed on the map in my route tracking activity with Google Play Services version 9.0.83", "Adapting dependencies after downgrading Google Play Services" ]
[ "Error implementing google play services", "Downgrading Matlab java from 7 to 6 in Ubuntu returns an error", "Import Google Play Services library in Android Studio", "Where to find the Java 9 module descriptor reference?", "Google Play Services: can't connect to server", "onDowngrade() in SQLiteOpenHelper (or another way to not crash when downgrading)", "java.lang.noclassdeffounferror google play services", "Google Play - onReceivedSslError", "What is a package descriptor?", "Google Play Services asks to “update” back to 9.0.0", "Google Play services and Google maps error", "Java field descriptor for Object[][]", "GOOGLE PLAY SERVICES EXCEPTION: com.google.android.gms.common.GooglePlayServicesUtil", "Unable to build App after adding Google Play Services", "Don't show \"This app won't run without google play services\" dialog", "Where did the lib project go for google play services?", "How can I get API client? (Google Play Services)", "Where can I find google-play-services_lib.jar?", "Google Play Services with maven already added exception", "What is Class Descriptor?", "Downgrading from jdk 1.7 to 1.6 stops my eclipse indigo from working", "Accessing AdvertisingIdClient in Play Services 9.4.0", "Android error with Google Play Location Services (ModuleDescriptor Class)", "Why i can't get a dependency on the Google Play Services library?", "Downgrading from Java 7 to Java 6", "CONNECTION_FAILED while creating room Google Play Services", "Downgrading function of Java 8 to Java 7", "Downgrading an application from Java 1.6 to Java 1.5" ]
How do I make a JTextPane have a different tab size in Java?
[ "Java JTextpane Tab Size" ]
[ "JTextPane: How to set the font size", "Read text line by line in a JTextPane", "JTextPane - fit size to its content", "How can I make image link work in JtextPane?", "Multiple line JTextPane", "Issue with JTextPane and regex", "How to access jtextPane in a different form?", "Change Text Cursor Size in JTextPane", "How to add method to JTextPane", "JTextPane clear text", "How To Create A Console With JTextPane", "Read JTextPane line by line", "how can I get the content of my JTextPane?", "How to create and use a JTextPane", "Java JTextPane Save", "How to make JTextPane line break", "Output a JTextPane's content to an HTML file", "JTextPane does not go to a new line?", "JTextPane - Where is the content?", "JTextPane line break", "How to get JTextPane line count", "Changing the size of JTextPane", "Override default behavior of TAB in JTextPane", "How to get the number of lines from a jtextpane", "Remove last line from a jTextPane", "JTextPane read from text file", "JTextPane append HTML string", "JtextPane of one Line", "How to Unhighlight the text in JTextPane" ]
Fixing BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException on Spring proxy cast on a non-singleton bean?
[ "BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException due to autowired fields" ]
[ "How to inject a scoped-proxy bean into a singleton bean by using constructor injection", "Singleton Session Bean", "Spring-Batch proxy class cannot be cast to Class?", "spring bean properties with singleton", "Spring singleton bean", "Issue to cast proxy object", "Fixing my class name & one method in Java", "Load error messages in singleton bean in spring", "Why use a database instead of singleton bean fields?", "UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean(by BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException)", "Is there any reason to proxy a singleton bean?", "Transactional services => BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException, should be Advice, but is TransactionInterceptor", "Reference to singleton bean in Spring", "Spring BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException", "How do I call another Singleton bean from a Singleton bean?", "spring 3.0 force singleton bean", "Why does this Java based Spring configuration create two instances of a singleton bean?", "Singleton implementation of a Spring bean", "Spring error : BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException", "Spring bean singleton vs singleton pattern", "BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException when using spring-statemachine and spring cloud slueth", "Migrating from spring xml configuration to @Configuration (servlet 3.0) with bean references causes BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException", "What does it mean to \"proxy a bean\"?", "Getting BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException in Spring while using BeanPostProcessor", "BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException: spring factory not being resolved to child type", "BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException with Spring AOP", "Correct way of making a singleton a Spring bean", "Spring bean singleton and singleton pattern", "BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException but was actually of type $Proxy" ]
Play a Youtube video using JavaFX
[ "Youtube in JavaFX WebView" ]
[ "How to retrieve title of YouTube video via URL", "Youtube API for video download", "Android android.intent.action.SEND youtube video", "upload youtube video server side", "Can't play this video error", "Upload video to youtube in java", "Get list of video from a youtube channel", "Pass Youtube Video Id Through Intent", "Android : Searching youtube video from my app", "get youtube video basic info in java youtube api v3?", "View all comments on a YouTube video", "Code for download video from Youtube on Java, Android", "Get video URL from Youtube API", "How to get youtube video id from URL with java?", "YouTube API - Get all Video IDs from other YouTube Channels", "android play youtube video on a new window", "Retrieving the unreadCount tag for a YouTube video", "How to play a few video in youtube player on Java, Android?", "how to retrieve comments of a youtube video", "Youtube Video in netbeans windows application Java", "Play video with java", "Error with long descriptions in Youtube Video Upload through Youtube API", "JavaFX 2 embed YouTube video", "Intent Filter for Media Player ( Youtube Video Play)", "How do I load a video file into the request to send to youtube?", "Youtube video on JFrame?", "IJKplayer craches on play some video" ]
java arraylist of arraylist copy
[ "Java ArrayList copy" ]
[ "When to ArrayList", "Copy ResolveInfo item from ArrayList a to ArrayList b?", "Arraylist in arraylist", "Arraylist and arrays in Java", "how to Add ArrayList in ArrayList", "Arraylist of arraylist in method", "ArrayList of Arraylits", "Can I make an ArrayList in an ArrayList (java)?", "A Java ArrayList Qusetion", "Java (ArrayList)", "Java ArrayList of ArrayList", "Java ArrayList Class", "JAVA - ArrayList", "ArrayList iteration confusion", "Get class from ArrayList", "Java arraylist questionn", "Add a copy of an object to ArrayList", "Java ArrayList in ArrayList", "Why does ArrayList do this?", "About ArrayList in java", "ArrayList in the ArrayList in java", "Arraylist and List in Java", "ArrayList in java", "Arraylist in a Arraylist", "How to copy an array or arraylist", "Having more than one ArrayList", "From CObArray to ArrayList", "ArrayList of ArrayList", "ArrayList in Java" ]