Was Marc Chagall a jew?
Marc Chagall <tok> ethnicity <tok> Jewish
What was Brazil's lowest rank in the FIFA World Ranking?
Brazil national football team <tok> FIFA min <tok> <var1>
How many films did Leonardo DiCaprio star in?
<var1> <tok> type <tok> movie <dot> <var1> <tok> starring <tok> Leonardo DiCaprio
Was Margaret Thatcher a chemist?
Margaret Thatcher <tok> profession <tok> Chemist
Which U.S. states are in the same time zone as Utah?
Utah <tok> timezone <tok> <var1> <dot> <var2> <tok> type <tok> WikicatStatesOfTheUnitedStates <dot> <var2> <tok> timezone <tok> <var1>
Give me all books written by Danielle Steel.
<var1> <tok> type <tok> book <dot> <var1> <tok> author <tok> Danielle Steel
What is the total amount of men and women serving in the FDNY?
New York City Fire Department <tok> employees <tok> <var1>
Which actor played Chewbacca?
Chewbacca <tok> portrayer <tok> <var1>
Give me all libraries established earlier than 1400.
<var1> <tok> type <tok> library <dot> <var1> <tok> established <tok> <var2>
Which programming languages were influenced by Perl?
<var1> <tok> type <tok> programming language <dot> <var1> <tok> influenced by <tok> Perl <dot> Perl <tok> influenced <tok> <var1>
What airlines are part of the SkyTeam alliance?
<var1> <tok> type <tok> airline <dot> <var1> <tok> alliance <tok> SkyTeam <dot> <var1> <tok> Alliance <tok> SkyTeam
Which ships were called after Benjamin Franklin?
<var1> <tok> Ship namesake <tok> Benjamin Franklin
Give me all Methodist politicians.
<var1> <tok> type <tok> politician <dot> <var1> <tok> religion <tok> Methodism
What other books have been written by the author of The Fault in Our Stars?
<var1> <tok> author <tok> John Green (author)
What is the highest mountain?
<var1> <tok> type <tok> mountain <dot> <var1> <tok> elevation (μ) <tok> <var2>
Which programming languages influenced Javascript?
<var1> <tok> type <tok> programming language <dot> <var1> <tok> influenced <tok> JavaScript
Which films starring Clint Eastwood did he direct himself?
<var1> <tok> film director <tok> Clint Eastwood <dot> <var1> <tok> starring <tok> Clint Eastwood
Which software has been developed by organizations founded in California?
<var1> <tok> type <tok> software <dot> <var2> <tok> type <tok> company <dot> <var1> <tok> developer <tok> <var2> <dot> <var2> <tok> foundation place <tok> California
Which instruments does Cat Stevens play?
Cat Stevens <tok> instrument <tok> <var1>
How many airlines are members of the Star Alliance?
<var1> <tok> type <tok> airline <dot> <var1> <tok> alliance <tok> Star Alliance
Give me all actors called Baldwin.
<var1> <tok> surname <tok> Baldwin <dot> <var1> <tok> occupation <tok> Actor <dot> <var1> <tok> type <tok> actor
Who wrote The Hunger Games?
The Hunger Games <tok> author <tok> <var1>
For which label did Elvis record his first album?
<var1> <tok> type <tok> album <dot> <var1> <tok> performer <tok> Elvis Presley <dot> <var1> <tok> release date <tok> <var2> <dot> <var1> <tok> record label <tok> <var3>
Is Christian Bale starring in Batman Begins?
Batman Begins <tok> starring <tok> Christian Bale
Where is the residence of the prime minister of Spain?
Prime Minister of Spain <tok> residence <tok> <var1>
Which countries have more than two official languages?
<var1> <tok> type <tok> country <dot> <var1> <tok> official language <tok> <var2>
Which countries have more than ten caves?
<var1> <tok> type <tok> country <dot> <var2> <tok> type <tok> cave <dot> <var1> <tok> location <tok> <var2> <dot> <var1> <tok> location <tok> <var2> <dot> <var2> <tok> country <tok> <var3>
Show me all songs from Bruce Springsteen released between 1980 and 1990.
<var1> <tok> type <tok> song <dot> <var1> <tok> performer <tok> Bruce Springsteen <dot> <var1> <tok> release date <tok> <var2>
Which television shows were created by John Cleese?
<var1> <tok> type <tok> television show <dot> <var1> <tok> creator (agent) <tok> John Cleese
When did Latvia join the EU?
Latvia <tok> accessioneudate <tok> <var1>
Which soccer players were born on Malta?
<var1> <tok> type <tok> soccer player <dot> <var1> <tok> birth place <tok> Malta
How many politicians graduated from Columbia University?
<var1> <tok> profession <tok> Politician <dot> <var1> <tok> alma mater <tok> Columbia University
Give me the birthdays of all actors of the television show Charmed.
Charmed <tok> starring <tok> <var1> <dot> <var1> <tok> birth date <tok> <var2>
Which telecommunications organizations are located in Belgium?
<var1> <tok> type <tok> organisation <dot> <var1> <tok> industry <tok> Telecommunication <dot> <var1> <tok> industry <tok> <var2> <dot> <var1> <tok> location <tok> Belgium <dot> <var1> <tok> location country <tok> Belgium
Give me a list of all lakes in Denmark.
<var1> <tok> type <tok> lake <dot> <var1> <tok> country <tok> Denmark <dot> <var1> <tok> type <tok> LakesOfDenmark
How many children does Eddie Murphy have?
Eddie Murphy <tok> children <tok> <var1>
Show me all English Gothic buildings in Kent.
<var1> <tok> type <tok> building <dot> <var1> <tok> architectural style <tok> English Gothic architecture <dot> <var1> <tok> location <tok> Kent
Who is the manager of Real Madrid?
Real Madrid C.F. <tok> manager <tok> <var1>
In which countries can you pay using the West African CFA franc?
<var1> <tok> currency <tok> West African CFA franc
Which holidays are celebrated around the world?
<var1> <tok> type <tok> holiday
What is the longest river?
<var1> <tok> type <tok> river <dot> <var1> <tok> length (μ) <tok> <var2> <dot> <var1> <tok> length <tok> <var2>
Which organizations were founded in 1930?
<var1> <tok> type <tok> organisation <dot> <var1> <tok> formation year <tok> <var2> <dot> <var1> <tok> founding year <tok> <var2>
What is the birth name of Angela Merkel?
Angela Merkel <tok> birth name <tok> <var1>
Who has Tom Cruise been married to?
<var1> <tok> spouse <tok> Tom Cruise
Which weapons did Heckler & Koch develop?
<var1> <tok> type <tok> weapon <dot> <var1> <tok> designer <tok> Heckler & Koch
What is the smallest city by area in Germany?
<var1> <tok> broader <tok> Cities in Germany <dot> <var2> <tok> subject <tok> <var1> <dot> <var2> <tok> area total (m2) <tok> <var3>
What is the ruling party in Lisbon?
Lisbon <tok> leader party <tok> <var1>
How heavy is Jupiter's lightest moon?
<var1> <tok> satellite of <tok> Jupiter <dot> <var1> <tok> mass (g) <tok> <var2>
How many employees does IBM have?
IBM <tok> number of employees <tok> <var1>
List all episodes of the first season of the HBO television series The Sopranos!
<var1> <tok> series <tok> The Sopranos <dot> <var1> <tok> season number <tok> 1
What does ICRO stand for?
<var1> <tok> abbreviation <tok> ICRO
Does the new Battlestar Galactica series have more episodes than the old one?
Battlestar_Galactica_%281978_TV_series%29 <tok> number of episodes <tok> <var1> <dot> Battlestar_Galactica_%282004_TV_series%29 <tok> number of episodes <tok> <var2>
Give me all films produced by Hal Roach.
<var1> <tok> type <tok> movie <dot> <var1> <tok> producer <tok> Hal Roach
Who played Agent Smith in Matrix?
Agent Smith <tok> portrayer <tok> <var1>
Which Greek parties are pro-European?
<var1> <tok> type <tok> political party <dot> <var1> <tok> country <tok> Greece <dot> <var1> <tok> ideology <tok> Pro-Europeanism
Give me a list of all bandleaders that play trumpet.
<var1> <tok> occupation <tok> Bandleader <dot> <var1> <tok> instrument <tok> Trumpet
What is the second highest mountain on Earth?
<var1> <tok> type <tok> mountain <dot> <var1> <tok> elevation (μ) <tok> <var2>
Is Egypts largest city also its capital?
Egypt <tok> largest city <tok> <var1> <dot> Egypt <tok> capital <tok> <var2>
Which rockets were launched from Baikonur?
<var1> <tok> type <tok> rocket <dot> <var1> <tok> launch site <tok> Baikonur Cosmodrome
How many programming languages are there?
<var1> <tok> type <tok> programming language
Which Chess players died in the same place they were born in?
<var1> <tok> type <tok> chess player <dot> <var1> <tok> birth place <tok> <var2> <dot> <var1> <tok> death place <tok> <var3>
Who is the owner of Facebook?
Facebook <tok> founded by <tok> <var1>
Give me all movies with Tom Cruise.
<var1> <tok> type <tok> movie <dot> <var1> <tok> starring <tok> Tom Cruise
In which U.S. state is Fort Knox located?
Fort Knox <tok> location <tok> <var1> <dot> <var1> <tok> country <tok> United States
Give me all cities in New Jersey with more than 100000 inhabitants.
<var1> <tok> type <tok> city <dot> <var1> <tok> is part of <tok> New Jersey <dot> <var1> <tok> population total <tok> <var2>
Which mountains are higher than the Nanga Parbat?
Nanga Parbat <tok> elevation (μ) <tok> <var1> <dot> <var2> <tok> type <tok> mountain <dot> <var1> <tok> elevation (μ) <tok> <var2> <dot> <var1> <tok> elevation m <tok> <var2>
Give me all B-sides of the Ramones.
<var1> <tok> musical artist <tok> Ramones <dot> <var1> <tok> b side <tok> <var2>
What are the specialities of the UNC Health Care?
UNC Health Care <tok> speciality <tok> <var1>
When was Olof Palme shot?
Olof Palme <tok> death date <tok> <var1>
List the seven kings of Rome.
<var1> <tok> title <tok> King of Rome
Give me all people that were born in Vienna and died in Berlin.
<var1> <tok> birth place <tok> Vienna <dot> <var1> <tok> death place <tok> Berlin
Is Darth Vader Luke’s father?
Darth Vader <tok> child <tok> Luke Skywalker
Show me all the breweries in Australia.
<var1> <tok> type <tok> brewery <dot> <var1> <tok> location <tok> Australia <dot> <var1> <tok> location <tok> <var2> <dot> <var2> <tok> country <tok> Australia
Give me all films produced by Steven Spielberg with a budget of at least $80 million.
<var1> <tok> type <tok> movie <dot> <var1> <tok> film director <tok> Steven Spielberg <dot> <var1> <tok> budget ($) <tok> <var2>
Give me all soccer clubs in Spain.
<var1> <tok> type <tok> soccer club <dot> <var1> <tok> ground <tok> Spain <dot> <var1> <tok> ground <tok> <var2>
Who produced films starring Natalie Portman?
<var1> <tok> type <tok> movie <dot> <var1> <tok> starring <tok> Natalie Portman <dot> <var1> <tok> producer <tok> <var2>
Give me all breeds of the German Shepherd dog.
<var1> <tok> breed <tok> German Shepherd
Who is the heaviest player of the Chicago Bulls?
<var1> <tok> type <tok> person <dot> <var1> <tok> weight (g) <tok> <var2> <dot> <var1> <tok> Team <tok> Chicago Bulls <dot> <var1> <tok> draft team <tok> Chicago Bulls <dot> <var1> <tok> draft team <tok> Chicago Bulls
Which languages are spoken in Estonia?
<var1> <tok> spoken in <tok> Estonia
What is the largest country in the world?
<var1> <tok> type <tok> country <dot> <var1> <tok> area total (m2) <tok> <var2>
What is the largest city in america?
United States <tok> largest city <tok> <var1>
Who was the pope that founded the Vatican Television?
<var1> <tok> type <tok> pope <dot> Vatican Television Center <tok> founded by <tok> <var1>
Who discovered Ceres?
Ceres (dwarf planet) <tok> discoverer <tok> <var1>
Who is the king of the Netherlands?
Netherlands <tok> leader <tok> <var1> <dot> <var1> <tok> type <tok> royalty
Is Cola a beverage?
Cola <tok> type <tok> beverage
What is the alma mater of the chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel?
Angela Merkel <tok> alma mater <tok> <var1>
Who wrote the book Les Piliers de la terre?
The Pillars of the Earth <tok> author <tok> <var1>
Which airports does Yeti Airlines serve?
Yeti Airlines <tok> target airport <tok> <var1>
Where is the birthplace of Goethe?
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe <tok> birth place <tok> <var1>
Was the Cuban Missile Crisis earlier than the Bay of Pigs Invasion?
Cuban Missile Crisis <tok> date <tok> <var1> <dot> Bay of Pigs Invasion <tok> date <tok> <var2>
Which ingredients do I need for carrot cake?
Carrot cake <tok> ingredient <tok> <var1>
Who created Wikipedia?
Wikipedia <tok> author <tok> <var1>
What is the highest mountain in Saxony Germany?
<var1> <tok> mountain range <tok> Ore Mountains <dot> <var1> <tok> elevation (μ) <tok> <var2>
Who is the current federal minister of finance in Germany?
Federal Ministry of Finance (Germany) <tok> leader <tok> <var1>
In which country is Mecca located?
Mecca <tok> country <tok> <var1>
Who played Gus Fring in Breaking Bad?
Gus Fring <tok> portrayer <tok> <var1>
In which country does the Nile start?
Nile <tok> source country <tok> <var1>
In which state Penn State University is located?
Pennsylvania State University <tok> state <tok> <var1>
What is the biggest stadium in Spain?
<var1> <tok> type <tok> stadium <dot> <var1> <tok> location <tok> Spain <dot> <var1> <tok> seating capacity <tok> <var2>
Who is the coach of Ankara's ice hockey team?
<var1> <tok> city <tok> Ankara <dot> <var1> <tok> league <tok> Turkish Ice Hockey First League <dot> <var1> <tok> coach <tok> <var2>