Annenberg is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:
= = = Kiss nightclub fire = = =
The Kiss nightclub fire started between 2:00 and 2:30 (BRST) on 27 January 2013 in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, killing 242 people and injuring at least 630 others. It is the second most-devastating fire disaster in the history of Brazil—surpassed only by the Great North American Circus fire of December 1961, which killed 503 people in Niterói, and the deadliest nightclub fire since the December 2000 fire that killed 309 people in Luoyang, China. It is also the third-deadliest nightclub fire in history, behind the Luoyang Christmas fire and the Cocoanut Grove fire in 1942.
The party, called "Aglomerados", organized by students from six universities and technical courses at the Federal University of Santa Maria, began on Saturday, 26 January 2013 at 23:00 UTC. Two bands were scheduled to perform that night ("Pimenta e seus comparsas" and "Gurizada Fandangueira").
In the early morning hours of 27 January 2013, a fire broke out while students from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) were holding a "freshers' ball". A stampede occurred following the fire, and a lack of exit signs and emergency exits allegedly contributed to the deaths. Most of the victims were between 18 and 30 years old.
Witnesses have said either a flare or fireworks lit by band members may have started the fire. Brazilian police stated that the fire began when the band Gurizada Fandangueira ignited a pyrotechnic device (similar to a signaling flare) while performing on stage. The flare then ignited flammable acoustic foam in the ceiling. According to the authorities, other reasons for the high death toll include the lack of emergency exits (the only access in and out of the building was the front door) and the fact that the number of people inside exceeded the maximum capacity by hundreds.
About 90% of the victims succumbed to smoke inhalation. Many people died as they either tried to hide in bathrooms or, in panic mistook them for exits. At least 180 bodies were removed from the bathrooms. More than 150 were injured by the crush at the front door and the rapidly accumulating smoke within the nightclub. Several injuries were also attributed to severe burns caused by flames, with 8 victims succumbing to their injuries in the days and weeks following the incident.
Colonel Guido Pedroso de Melo of the Rio Grande do Sul Fire Department stated that the club's front door was locked. De Melo told CNN: "This overcrowding made it difficult for people to leave, and according to the information we have, the security guards trapped the victims inside."
The fire has the second-highest death toll for an entertainment event in Brazil; it is second only to the 1961 Niterói circus fire, which killed more than 500 people.
The exact cause of the fire was not immediately known but it was later found by the investigation and accounts of survivors that an illegal firework device ignited the acoustic foam on the ceiling.
Two co-owners of the nightclub and two members of the band were arrested and questioned by police. One of the owners of the nightclub tried to commit suicide while still being treated at the hospital; however, one of the police officers guarding his room noticed the attempt and intervened.
The state fire department found that the premises did not have enough emergency exits and was not authorized to use fireworks. The fire department, however, did issue a permit for the club to operate. The permit stated that the club had two emergency exits. The fact that false information was used by the club and approved by the fire department resulted in a state investigation on the authorities responsible for supervising the nightclub, including the city hall and the fire department itself. It was also reported that the fire extinguishers in the club may have been artificial or were disabled at the time.
On 30 January, the nightclub's owner deflected blame to "the whole country", as well as to architects and inspectors who were commissioned with ensuring the building's safety, according to his lawyer. By that time, the death toll was at least 235. The next day, officials inspected and closed more than 58 nightlife spots around the country as part of a crackdown on unsafe public spaces.
On 2 April, two nightclub owners and two band members were charged with manslaughter.
Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff stated, "I want to tell the Brazilians and the population of Santa Maria that we stand together in this sad moment," before departing early from a summit of the EU and the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean in Santiago, Chile to visit grieving relatives of the victims. Rousseff declared three days of official mourning. Santa Maria's city government established thirty days of official mourning.
Organisers postponed a ceremony on 28 January in Brasília that marked 500 days to the 2014 FIFA World Cup.
The incident resulted in the inspection of safety features of thousands of nightclubs all over the country. In São Paulo alone, 60% of the nightclubs inspected were found to be operating against safety regulations.
= = = Aida (surname) = = =
Aida is a surname. As a Japanese surname, it is written 会田 or 相田. Notable people with the surname include:
= = = Timothy Cummins House = = =
Timothy Cummins House is a historic home located near Smyrna, Kent County, Delaware. It built about 1780, and is a two-story, five-bay center hall plan brick dwelling in the Georgian style. It has a small 1 1/2-story kitchen wing. A Greek Revival-style porch was added in the second quarter of the 19th century.
It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1983.
= = = Arumberia = = =
Arumberia is an enigmatic fossil from the Ediacaran period originally described from the Arumbera Sandstone, Northern Territory, Australia but also found in the Urals, East Siberia, England and Wales, Northern France, the Avalon Peninsula and India. Several morphologically distinct species are recognized.
Initially discovered by Glaessner and Walter (1975), "Arumberia" was described as a problematic cupped-body fossil of an Ediacaran soft-bodied organism characterized by hollow compressible ribbed bodies composed of flexible tissue. Brasier (1979) deemed it a pseudofossil arising from turbid water flow in shallow marine or deltaic environments, due in part to physical and morphological similarities to flume-induced structures previously observed by Dzulynski and Walton (1965). "Arumberia" appears as a poorly-delimited series of fine parallel grooves arising from a single region or point. "Arumberia banksii" consists of an array of straight to gently curved parallel to subparallel ridges (rugae) about 1 – 3 mm wide and separated by flat to gently concave furrows of 1 – 7 mm in width. Relief from ridge top to furrow bottom is less than 1 mm. Ridge ranges in length from 1.5 cm to 14.5 cm. Generally the ridges are parallel, but they also bifurcate. Ridges are developed on plane and rippled surfaces"."
There are four species of "Arumberia that" have been formally recognized. "Arumberia banksi" has thin siliciclastic biolaminites known as rugose structures including those with subparallel or fanning-out series of rugae ("Arumberia banksi" s.str.) and sub-parallel series of branching rugae ("Arumberia vindhyanensis"). The "Arumberia multykensis" variety is found in greenish gray siltstones as series of near-parallel ridges with positive hyporelief up to 1 mm wide and 0.5 mm high, with 10 mm spacing between the ridges while "A. usavaensis" occurs as a series of near parallel ridges on the wavy surfaces on linguoid ripple marks which stretch along the paleoflow direction and flatten out as microterraces on the leeward side of the ripples". Arumberia usavensis is found on both upper and lower surfaces of sandstone beds as well as inside sandstones and siltstones". "Arumberia beckeri" and "Arumberia ollii" are morphologically distinct from "A. banksi" and are filamentous and ribbon-shaped compressed macrofossils which host authigenic clay minerals and are most likely unrelated to "Arumberia".
"Arumberia" was first described in Neoproterozoic red sandstones of the lower "Arumbera" sandstone formation of the Amadeus Basin in Northern Territory, Australia. It has since been found in Argentina, Newfoundland, England, Wales, northeastern Europe, the eastern Sayan Mountains in Russia, Central India, and Rajasthan. In addition, "Arumberia" has been reported from lower Palaeozoic strata in Brittany, France and from the Upper Ediacaran Cerro Negro Formation in Argentina.
The identity of "Arumberia" is controversial. "Arumberia" has been originally interpreted as a 5–20 cm high cup-like organism, apparently composed of flexible tissue, attached to the sea bottom by a blunt apex or, later, as a colonial organism made of flexible, thin-walled tubes tightly joined together through their length. Affinities with "Ernietta", "Conostichus", "Pteridinium", "Palaeoplatoda", "Phyllozoon" and "Bergaueria" and "Chuaria" have been conjectured. Spheroidal objects found along with "Arumberia" have also been interpreted as "dispersable stage" of "Arumberia" itself. "Arumberia" has been interpreted as a microbial mat morphotype developed in response to environmental perturbations in terminal Ediacaran shallow marine basins
Conversely, a non biological interpretation has been put forward Past experiments reproduced "Arumberia"-like traces from flume experiments and from the flux of water around small objects. The absence of "Arumberia"-like structures after the Ediacaran period could be due to the unique properties of the microbial mat that covered the sea floor at the period. However, there is still debate, with recent analysis of Urals' "Arumberia"-like structures leaning towards a biological interpretation as an organism adapted to shallow water environments. The rugae of "Arumberia" are considered to form from exclusively biological processes as observed in modern microbial mats and not from sediment desiccation, cracking or other abiotic processes. Fine wisps of organic material have been observed in thin section of "Arumberia" cut perpendicular to bedding planes, further suggesting that Arumberia was a living organism.
Recent work describes "Arumberia" as the fossilized remains of highly organized shallow marine microbial colonies; a microbially-induced sedimentary structure (MISS),; a series of slide marks underneath tough biomats that were exposed to tractional currents carrying sediment, or a biopolymer-bearing lichenized fungi. As such, "Arumberia" structures remain an enigmatic Ediacaran fossil.
The Ediacaran facies where Arumberia has been found are interpreted as terrigenous sedimentary rocks in shallow marine or fluviolacustrine (intertidal or delta plain) settings that may have been affected by desiccation and salinity. However, an alternative interpretation of the Ediacaran facies where "Arumberia" is found is that they were coastal gyspiferous paleosols of intertidal to supratidal settings. Terminal Ediacaran (560 Ma) facies in Baltica dominantly contain biomarkers (hopane and sterane ratios) characteristic of bacterially-dominated communities in shallow marine oligotrophic settings. These values reflect a high ratio of bacterial to eukaryotic biomass and suggest these ecosystems were nutrient-limited and dominated by bacterial communities, which may have imposed growth constraints and evolutionary modifications to Ediacaran organisms like "Arumberia."
The original interpretation of "Arumberia" as a conical or cup-shaped depression structure is contrary to modern interpretations of "Arumberia" as a bulge or impression. Extensive burial from overburden typical in areas where "Arumberia" is found would greatly compact any bulge or depression of a typical soft-bodied marine metazoan; however, it has been suggested that diagenic silicification, ferrugination or pyritization can provide critical fossil rigidity during burial which supports the soft-body marine metazoan description of "Arumberia". The presence of pyrite may impart significant resistance to burial compaction in "Arumberia", but to date no study has demonstrated a thick pyritic film of sufficient strength to withstand burial compaction above an unpyritized Ediacaran fossil, which is thought to be a requirement for the preservational models that involve the pyritization of soft-body metazoans like "Arumberia".
Analysis of thin sections of "Arumberia" show remarkable resistance to compaction, which may have been due to the presence of a pyrite sole-veneer. The diagenetic oxidation of pyrite to hematite can remove all traces of the pyrite sole-veneer, so it is difficult to determine the true influence of pyritization on burial compaction in "Arumberia". Alternatively, the remarkable resistance to burial compaction may be due to the presence of a resistant biopolymer like chitin which is typical in marine and terrestrial lichens alike Exactly how the fossils are preserved remains controversial, and more research into the taphonomy of Arumberia and other Ediacarans is needed.
= = = Liam Bates = = =
Liam Bates () is an entrepreneur, television host and adventurer from Switzerland, born June 28, 1988. Bates' first appearance on Chinese television was during the 2010 Chinese Bridge language contest, in which he received first prize and the eloquence prize. The show aired in front of a TV audience of almost 300 million. Bates has gone on to present TV shows for the Discovery Channel and has founded several companies in China. In 2017, Bates made the Forbes 30 under 30 list.
Liam Bates was born in the canton of Vaud outside Geneva, Switzerland to an American mother and a British-Zimbabwean father. At school he spoke French. He later went on to study Chinese and film at the University of British Columbia in Canada.
Following Bates' Chinese Bridge success in September 2010 he joined The Travel Channel China as their newest host, where he began a regular travel series filmed throughout the Chinese countryside. His first shows focused on rural life in Hunan, Guizhou and other Chinese provinces. Each show had Bates spending a week living with farmers and learning about their local cultures.
In 2011 Bates and 'The Travel Channel China' team spent two weeks in his home country of Switzerland, filming several aspects of Swiss life: chocolate-making, Alpine cowherding and cheese production, Swiss military. The resulting television show broke numerous records in China, with the first 30-minute episode registering 1.5 million views on video-sharing website Youku alone. Bates became more widely known in China than in his home country.
In early 2012 Bates began a new series, "A Love for Adventure" (我爱大冒险) and the "Last Tribe" (最后的部落). In this show, he travelled around the world seeking out small tribes who have maintained their traditional lifestyles in order to learn their survival techniques. In 2016 Bates completed filming of a new series for the Discovery Channel, "Expedition X: Silk Road Rising".
Bates started his first company in 2006 at 17 years old, Beijing-based Bridges to China. In 2014 Bates co-founded Kaiterra (formerly Origins Technology), a startup that develops IoT hardware and software products to measure global air quality and pollution levels. Kaiterra has raised an undisclosed amount from angel investors in an initial round of funding in January 2015. In April 2016, Kaiterra's consumer air quality monitor, the Laser Egg, entered the Apple Stores across China. In 2017, Bates and Kaiterra co-founder Jessica Lam were selected for the Forbes 30 under 30 list.
In May 2013 Bates was officially appointed tourism ambassador to the Chinese city of Hangzhou. Bates was awarded a €40,000/year contract to regularly visit and explore Hangzhou, sharing his experiences on social media under the title of the 'Modern Marco Polo'. This made him the first foreigner ever to be appointed by China's government in such an official role.
Bates was formally invited to begin the study of "xiangsheng" (a traditional form of "crosstalk" comedy) by famous Chinese comedian Ding Guangquan after his success in the Chinese Bridge contest. In February 2012, in a traditional ceremony at the Confucius Institute, University of Hawaii, he was formally accepted into the xiangsheng hierarchy when he took Ding Guangquan to be his Shifu. Today "xiangsheng" is still a large part of Bates' work, and he performs regularly on China Central Television.
Bates became known publicly through Chinese Bridge and his travel shows, but he gradually expanded into other activities, including hosting live events and leading outdoors/survival courses. His popularity as a performer and foreign personality on Chinese television has grown steadily: his Chinese micro-blog has grown to tens of thousands of registered followers in just two years.
= = = Momoka = = =
Momoka (written: 杏果, 百夏 or 桃華) is a feminine Japanese given name. Notable people with the name include:
Fictional characters:
= = = Sigurd Ringström = = =
Sigurd (Sigge) Ringström (Trelleborg 1908 – 16 August 1992) was a philatelist who signed the Roll of Distinguished Philatelists in 1977 at Blackpool. In 1982, with H.E. Tester, he was awarded the Crawford Medal by the Royal Philatelic Society London for parts I and II of "The private ship letter stamps of the world".
= = = Fresh Guacamole = = =
Fresh Guacamole is a 2012 American animated short film written and directed by PES (Adam Pesapane). The film was nominated for the Best Animated Short Film award of the 85th Academy Awards, losing to "Paperman". At one minute 41 seconds, it is the shortest film ever nominated for an Oscar.
After being nominated for an Academy Award the film was released along with all the other 15 Oscar-nominated short films in theaters by ShortsHD.
The film uses the technique of pixilation and shows a man's hands (the hands are PES's) making guacamole out of familiar objects, which become different items whenever they are cut, often depending on (unspoken) puns. For example, a baseball is cut in half and then becomes a pile of dice while it is being diced. Each of the objects also resembles an ingredient actually used in an authentic guacamole recipe - a grenade with a billiard ball pit resembles an avocado, a baseball resembles an onion, a pincushion resembles a tomato, a green miniature golf ball resembles a lime, a green Christmas light bulb (with an interior of Monopoly game pieces/houses) resembles a jalapeño pepper, and king and queen chess pieces resemble salt & pepper shakers. The end result is "fresh guacamole" served with a side of "poker chips".
= = = List of educational institutions in Guwahati = = =
Guwahati is the gateway to the northeast India. There are many good educational institutions in Guwahati.
guwahati best college
= = = John M. Voshell House = = =
John M. Voshell House is a historic home located near Smyrna, Kent County, Delaware. It was built in about 1850, and is a two-story, five bay "L"-shaped brick dwelling with a gable roof. The roof has a heavy cornice and wide overhang in the Italianate style. It has a Federal style entrance and Greek Revival-style porch.
It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1983.
= = = Global Institute = = =
Global Institute Lahore (abbreviated as GIL), established in 1996, is a Private University located in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan. It is chartered by Government of the Punjab and has been granted a degree awarding status by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan.
In 2017, admission and degree attestation have been stopped by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan due to serious irregularities and mismanagement in the academic operations of the institution.
= = = Antonio Asanović = = =
Antonio Asanović (born 30 November 1991) is a Croatian footballer who plays as a central defender at ViOn Zlaté Moravce - Vráble. He is the son of Aljoša Asanović. He can also play in the position of defensive midfielder.
Antonio Asanović passed through the youth ranks of Hajduk Split, playing primarily as an offensive midfielder. He finished his first senior season with NK Primorac 1929. Reinvented as a centre back in Stobreč, he received a stipend contract with Hajduk, remaining on a season-long loan in Primorac, which became Hajduk's reserve team. The termination of his contract came at the beginning of the 2012-2013 season by mutual agreement. After a trial with Valenciennes, on 11 January 2013, he signed a 6-month contract with the Romanian Liga I club Turnu Severin., where he would become a permanent fixture until the end of the season, which saw the club's relegation.
= = = Miller Grove High School (DeKalb County, Georgia) = = =
Miller Grove High School is a senior high school in unincorporated DeKalb County, Georgia, near Lithonia. It is a part of the DeKalb County School District.
= = = Backseat (band) = = =
Backseat, originally named Backseat Boys, is a Danish pop rock band that was established Ivan Pedersen, an already well-known Grammy winning pop artist in 1992 with original members Søren Jacobsen (guitars), Helge Solberg (bass), Esben Just (piano/organ) and Carsten Millner, (drums) with the debut release "Wind Me Up". They were signed to Kick Music label. Soon after guitarist Lars Krarup joined in 1994 and a second release followed called "Long Distance". In 1995, the band's name was changed from Backseat Boys to just Backseat.
In 1995 three of the five members (Søren Jacobsen, Esben Just and Carsten Millner) left and two new members joined in namely Otto Sidenius (organ) and Claes Antonsen (drums). Backseat also changed labels signing in 1996 with CMC Records. More changes came to lineup as Claus Antonsen, Thomas Helmig and Otto Sidenius stopped and were replaced by Lars "Mitch" Fischermann (drums) and Olle Nyberg on keyboards.
In 1998, the band released a compilation of favourite covers under the title "Shut Up and Play" with covers including amongst other, songs from Bob Seger, John Haitt, Sheryl Crow, Jimi Hendrix etc. The band broke up in 1999 to be reformed seven years later in 2006 touring Denmark and releasing the album "Globalization" in 2007.
band has had a big comeback in 2013 with a major release on Target Distribution titled "Sesoned & Served" that entered Hitlisten the official Danish Albums Chart at #8 in its first week of release.