Karulau was once princess of Na-Tunku before the Shakukoporu deposed her and placed a puppet leader at the head of the state. She joins Hakuowlo after she is found having slaughtered many soldiers from another country who were holding her prisoner. Despite showing concern for her country (which she conceals), she has forsaken her past as royalty and decided to live her life as Karulau, a simple woman, and as a sign of this vow continues to wear a large metal collar around her neck placed there in her captivity. She is one of the last two Giriyaginas on Earth, along with Derihourai, her younger brother.
She is often seen drinking sake, even on the battle field (she could drink several barrels of sake in one day). Karura wields a massive black blade (personally designed to not break, not dull and not need resharpening), which is so ridiculously large and heavy that no one else can lift it. She uses it in conjunction with her superhuman strength to deal tremendous damage to her enemies. The name Karura (迦楼羅, 迦樓羅, or 迦留羅), also known as Garuda and Garua, comes from the Hindu and Buddhist myth of the man-bird deity. Her weapon can be said to be a powerful limiter on her body, for when she throws it down to fight under her own power, she is blindingly fast. At the end of the series she and Touka become famous wandering mercenaries.
In "Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception" she runs the inn Hakurou-kaku in Yamato. Even though she was one of the women that raised Kuon, she insists that Kuon call her "Sister Karulau" instead on "Mother Karulau".
Tuskur is Erurū's and Arurū's grandmother and village elder, the leader of the village. She is a very kind person and is respected by everyone in the village and even some out of it. She is fatally stabbed while protecting Aruru from an attack by one of Nuwangi's soldiers (although Nuwangi did not actually order the attack, and in fact scolded the soldier afterwards for hurting Tusukuru since Tuskur nursed Nuwangi as a very small child [Tuskur had publicly embarrassed Nuwangi earlier by reminding him of that]).
After Kenashikourupe falls, Hakuowlo renames the country Tuskur in her honor. Ignorance of the Ainu language results in her name being frequently transliterated wrongly; it is supposed to be Tusukur (a word translated to Japanese as miko).
Teoro is a villager who quickly becomes friends with Hakuowlo (who he refers to as 'An-chan'). His weapon of choice is an axe. His wife is a bossy blonde woman named Sopoku (ソポク), (), who is always scolding him for skipping out on work or being drunk. He returns to his home with his wife and neighbours after Kenashikourupe falls, which becomes their downfall when Kuccha Keccha invades. Although fatally wounded, he is able to make the journey to warn Hakuoro. He is so successful in hiding his wounds that Hakuowlo and his court do not learn that he was injured until they discover his body slumped at the foot of a bloodstained pillar when they return after the battle.
Chikinaro is a somewhat shady merchant with a habit of mysteriously appearing when called. He makes his first appearance as a spy paid by Benawi to infiltrate the rebellion's headquarters. He later assists Hakuowlo in obtaining the ingredients needed to make the explosives used to repel Shikerpecim's initial attack. He is also the one responsible for procuring Karura's unique sword, as well as Aruru's pet Gacatar.
Mukkuru is a white tiger offspring of Mutikapa, one of Arurū's animals, and is almost always seen with her. He is Mutikapa's son and was rescued by Arurū after his mother was killed by Hakuowlo and the other villagers in self-defense. Despite his mother's attitude, Mukkuru is sweet and playful, and although he loves to eat, he does not eat humans. Like Arurū, he is easily cowed by Erurū's scolding.
Nuwangi is a white haired youth and childhood friend of Erurū. Nuwangi, now older, is exceedingly arrogant, abusing the power of his higher rank, given by his father. Nuwangi is first seen trying to gain more supplies from the village. Nuwangi personally likes to go to this village so he can meet Erurū, though after his shameful departure, he knocks over an altar, angering the being to which it was dedicated. Nuwangi is rather protective over his nonexistent relationship with Erurū and is quick to jump to conclusions.
Nuwangi exhibits some cowardly traits, fleeing for his life upon seeing Hakuowlo invading in retaliation for Tusukuu's death. After Nuwangi's father is slain due to this negligence, he flees to his uncle for further protection. In the game it is revealed that his father is associated with the death of his mother, and he kills his own father sadistically. After Nuwangi himself repeatedly fails and his uncle, the emperor, is killed as well, Nuwangi is captured by Hakuowlo. To his surprise, he is freed from his bonds from Erurū, effectively allowing him to leave without harm. Nuwangi seems to be devastated by this, vanishing off into the mist, never to be heard of, or seen again.
In the game, he is killed by bandits and beheaded to bring to the rebellion forces.
Nuwangi's father, a local Feudal lord that governs the village in the province where both Erurū and Arurū live during his time as lord. Hakuowlo was already living at the village in the anime when he arrives searching for a thief who broke into their mansion. He and Nuwangi demand the village turn the thief over, and at this point Tusukuru confronts them, which led to her death at the hand of his bodyguards. With this, they were attacked by the villagers at the station, where he was killed by Hakuoro.
In the game it is revealed that he had a hand in the death of his wife and Nuwangi's mother, and that Nuwangi killed him for it, sadistically.
Emperor of Kenashikourupe, and Nuwangi's uncle (Sasante's elder brother). During his time as Emperor of Kenashikourupe, he oppresses his people without even caring about them, to the point of the rebellion that Hakuowlo led against him. He believes it to be a minor nuisance easily exterminated, even ordering Benawi to show no mercy to the rebels, even women and children, and demands revenge for the murder of his brother.
In the end, his armies were defeated, and the rebellion grew too large to the point of his palace being surrounded. He was killed by Benawi to spare him from possible torture and humiliation.
Ulthury is the first princess of Onkamiyamukai. She decides to become the yomoru (priest sent to look out for a country's welfare) of Tuskur. She quickly gains great respect and admiration for Hakuowlo, after seeing how kind and wise he is. Near the end of the anime, she is given the title of Head Priestess, and vows to watch over Hakuowlo's resting place.
Kamyu is the second princess of Onkamiyamukai, and the younger sister of Ulthury. She befriends Arurū, Yuzuha, and Mukkuru, and is often seen playing with them. Previously, she had no friends (apart from her sister) and everyone in the mediators considered her to be a monster because she was born with black wings.
In "Utawarerumono: Mask of Deception" she looks about 10 years older and has developed in to a young woman. She treats Kuon as her younger sister.
Mutsumi is Uitsalnemetea's "daughter," as well as the one who sealed Witsarunemitea away. She now lives on inside Camyu as a split personality inherited through blood lines. Her name is derived from the number 63.
Kūya is the young ruler of Kunnekamun. She arranges a secret meeting with Hakuowlo prompted by her curiosity about his seemingly supernatural success. The secret meetings continue for some time and they eventually become friends. She pilots a silver Avu-Kamuu. Kūya cares for the welfare of her people, but is unsure of the best course of action. Swayed by the more vocal of her advisers, her subsequent decisions lead to a war on all fronts with all other countries allying against her. She takes part in the first battles and, not used to war, is greatly affected by her own actions and those of her compatriots. Later in the series, after witnessing Genjimaru's death and Hakuowlo's true form, she suffers a psychotic break and reverts to the mentality of a young child. Hakuowlo takes her into his household where she is well looked after.
Genjimaru is an old Evenkuruga, but extremely powerful mononofu serving under Kūya. He is also Hien and Sakuya's grandfather. His main weapon of choice is a long sword. He was instrumental in helping the other nations defeating the Avu-Kamuu, by revealing their weakness. He would later be killed by Dii as "payment" in canceling Kūya's contract.
Sakuya is one of Kūya's attendants and Genjimaru's granddaughter. Kūya offered her to Hakouwlo as a concubine, stating that she was "good in bed", an offer he declined. What Kūya meant to say, however, was that Sakuya was "good at "making" beds", which would have caused much less embarrassment for Sakuya, Eruru and Hakuowlo.
Hien is Sakuya's brother, and Genjimaru's grandson. He pilots a blue Avu-Kamuu armed with a massive blade. He is the more level headed one between him and Hauenkua. He also advocated that Kūya should unite the nations in peace, but under their rule. In the game, he advocates starting global war and destroying all enemy villagers just like Hauenkua, except unlike Hauenkua, he believes that he is doing it for a good cause rather than for pleasure. When Dii revealed himself, Hien willingly joined him. He is killed by Hakuoro/Witsuarunemitea, who was trying to end the war.
Hauenkua serves under Kūya Amururineuruka and has roughly the same status as Hien. He pilots a red Avu-Kamuu, with customized claws on each arm. He is psychopathic and is greatly entertained by war and suffering as long as someone else is suffering. When confronted by his own mortality, as when Hakuoro/Uitsualnemetea destroyed his Avu-Kamuu, he flees in a sobbing panic. He meets his end at the hands of Hakuoro/Uitsualnemetea after Hakuoro tries to end the conflict with Kunnekamun by trying to reason with Kūya.
One of the two captains of the royal guard. Wise, skilled and charismatic, he is both trusted by the Mikado as well as loved by the people of Yamato. He is also one of the four generals granted a mask by the Mikado which grants him the power to transform into a giant monster reminiscent of Hakuoro's Witsarunemitea form.
While he tries to do his best for the people of Yamato, his high position frequently puts him at an inability to act and so he sometimes uses the disguise of Ukon (in which he removes his mask and puts on a fake beard) and the employment of Haku to do so. In the climax of "Mask of Deception", he is accused of assassinating the Mikado and attempting to assassinate princess Anju and imprisoned, but rescued by Haku. When they are pursued by Vurai, however, he remains behind and the two duel in their transformed forms. Due to Nekone's interference, he fails to land his first finishing blow and takes a hit meant for her, and though he still manages to defeat Vurai this costs him his life, and he hands his mask to Haku.
Oshtor's sister. When she tries to help him in his duel against Vurai she ends up causing his finishing blow to miss, and ultimately causes him to use too much of his mask's power, resulting in his death.
The emperor of Yamato, actually a human scientist who survived Witsarunemitea's attack on humankind and lived all this time through experiments he had conducted on himself which extended his lifespan. He created not just the country of Yamato but also its people through using the data his brother (Haku) had stolen from the Iceman project via hacking. His wife and daughter were turned to Tatari (slime monsters) before his eyes, and his ultimate goal is to restore the old race of man.
Honoka and Anju are copies of his wife and daughter made with their genetic material. When he reveals his true identity to Haku he also reveals that he is dying, and wants Haku to take over for him and restore mankind. His invasion of Tusukuru is to gain access to the ruins under Onkamiyamukai, but he is assassinated via poison before this can be accomplished and the invasion fails. He is seemingly slightly senile due to his age, and cannot recall his brother's name, and ends up just calling him Haku.
One of the two royal guard captains, a masked one, and a friend of Oshutoru. Like Oshutoru, he also disguises himself in order to know the people of Yamato better, and his disguise is that of Sakon, an aged candy vendor. His mask grants him the power to control lightning and move at great speeds.
One of the eight generals of Yamato and a masked one. Her main role is the defense of the imperial capital, and looking after princess Anju. However, she is sent to Tusukuru as part of the invasion force, and remains behind to defend retreating forces when the invasion fails. Her mask gives her the power to create a massive barrier that moves along with her and can crush enemy forces.
One of the eight generals of Yamato and a masked ones. A large man who is blindly loyal to the Mikado, he also believes solely in power and does not think of Anju as a fitting successor to him, and when the Mikado passes away he plots to take over as emperor of Yamato. His plot fails when Anju is rescued by Oshutoru and Haku, and he perishes in a final duel against Oshutoru. His mask grants him the power to control fire and transform into a giant monster reminiscent of Dii's Witsarunemitea form, but with a head similar to that of a hammerhead shark.
One of the eight generals of Yamato and is a revered writer. He is known for his Taoist writings and for writing Yaoi stories under the name Rarau-sensei. In actuality he was the Emperor's son and was a copy like Anju, but of the Emperor himself. Being raised under the belief that he will be the one who will restore humanity, it was eventually proven that as a copy, he could not activate it, and he became bitter and spiteful about the true successor, Haku.
He eventually killed his father and was responsible for the coup, and sided with Raikou to further his goals. After Haku as Oshutoru restored order to Yamato, he revealed his intentions and proceeded to Tusukuru, where he got the Master Key from Hakuoro and headed back to Yamato so he could restore humanity at the cost of the current race. There he gains the allegiance of the cursed humans, and dons a mask that the Emperor had hidden away due to its uncontrollable power. After surviving being hit with an orbital cannon that destroyed the capital of Yamato, he faces off against his uncle and allies and was finally vanquished by Haku at the cost of his life. Woshisu's mask basically turned him into Witsarunemitea that looked similar to Dii's form, but the powers were subpar to the real one's power.
One of the eight generals of Yamato, and Mikazuchi's older brother. He wins wars without actually fighting any battles, thinking of his soldiers as no more than chess pieces, and Munechika says that he would resort to any means to win. He plots against Munechika and the Mikado.
One of Haku and Kuon's companions. She is the last princess to Kujuuri, vassal state to the Yamato Empire. A very timid girl yet very caring even towards her enemies. She is accompanied a large flightless bird named Kokopo.
One of Haku and Kuon's companions. He is the prince to En'nakamuy, vassal state to the Yamato Empire. He is a skilled archer. He serves as Oshtor's guard and respects him, although he has a crush for his sister Nekone.
One of Haku and Kuon's companions. Daughter of Soyankekuru, who is one of Yamato's eight generals and lord of Shahhoro, one of Yamato's vassal states. "Atuy" is Ainu for "ocean".
One of Haku and Kuon's companions. She and her brother Ougi are outlaws working for Oshtor as spies in the criminal underworld. She is naïve and hot-headed yet a skilled fighter and archer. Nosuri and Ougi turns out to be Evenkurugas like Touka
One of Haku and Kuon's companions and Nosuri's brother. Unlike his sister, he is professional on his spy occupation. He is a skilled swordsman
One of Haku and Kuon's companions who is encountered during Uzurusha's invasion of Yamato. He is known as the "Mirage Blade", the master swordsman from Letarmoshiri who won tournaments in Yamato. He initially fought against Yamato when the Uzurushans held his land and niece Shinonon hostage, he immediately changed sides when he found out that Shinonon has been freed.
Orikakan is the lord of Kuccha Keccha, a small country renowned for the skill and zeal of its cavalry, and is an excellent tactician.
Orikakan is obsessed with gaining revenge against Hakuoro, believing him to be "Rak Shine", a traitor to Kuccha Keccha, who murdered his wife, children, and hundreds of other people. The murdered wife was Orikakan's sister, whose death is the primary reason for his zeal in pursuing revenge. He seeks to attain his revenge by attacking Tusukuru. He personally leads the attack on Yamayura, slaying all the inhabitants, and prompting Hakuoro to declare war on Kuccha Keccha. While initially Hakuoro believes he might indeed be "Rak Shine" (since Hakuoro lost all of his memories and cannot remember who he was, traitor or not, before Eruruu found him injured in the woods), Orikakan turns out to be mistaken, manipulated by another agency into falsely believing that Hakuoro was "Rak Shine." He was eventually killed by Niwe when his purpose was fulfilled, before Hakuoro is able to hear all he has to say.
Niwe is lord of Shikerpecim, a country of vast strength that was three times bigger than Tusukuru, and had ten times the military power. Niwe initiates numerous and lengthy attacks against Tusukuru in an attempt to draw out Hakuoro's inner beast. It is later revealed that he was working with Dii, from whom he learned Hakuoro's true identity. In their final confrontation, Niwe finally succeeds in drawing out the demigod slumbering within Hakuoro. His amazement is cut short however, as the raging beast tears Niwe to pieces, signaling the downfall of Shikerpecim. Niwe, despite his gruesome death, continues to harass Hakuoro through nightmares later on.
Derihourai is Karura's younger brother. He later becomes the lord of the newly created country, Karurauatsuurei, which is named after Karura. Derihourai's main weapon of choice is the tonfa.
Suwonkas is the emperor of Na Tunk. He is somewhat insane and extremely sadistic, with an entire garden of flowers grown on the bodies of live humans. He was apparently infatuated with Karura, who apparently castrated him in the past, an action that, oddly enough, he expresses gratitude for. He is killed by Derihourai during the Karurawaturei's rebellion.
Kanhordari is the despotic emperor of Noseshecika, one of the three great countries alongside Onkamiyamukai and Kunnekamun. Large and physically dominating, he seems to hold a grudge against Kunnekamun and attempts to conquer them, although this attempt backfires horribly when Kunnekamun counterattacks with the Avu-Kamuu, conquering Noseshecika and killing Kanhordari. His body is eventually reanimated by Dii and destroyed for good by Hakuoro's forces.
Dii was an Onkamiya scholar that wandered inside the cave where Witsuarunemitea's soul was sealed. Just as Hakuoro is the Iceman's 'good' side, Dii is now possessed by Witsuarunemitea's darker side. He instigates and catalyzes wars far and wide so that Witsuarunemitea's children (all races are descended from beings created from Iceman, Witsuarunemitea's avatar) could, via natural selection, reach greater heights. Dii, unlike Hakuoro, has complete conscious control of his abilities and is able to dispense with the powerful Genjimaru without visible effort. At the conclusion of his final battle with Hakuoro, Dii's mortal form is destroyed, and the dark half of Witsuarunemitea's soul that dwelled within him is reunited with Hakuoro.
Mikoto was an artificial being presumably created from Iceman's DNA. Initially called by her experiment number, 3510, she was named Mikoto by Iceman. She and Iceman were allowed to escape from the laboratory by a sympathetic researcher and had a child together. They were later recaptured and she, having given birth to a child, was dissected by scientists for research purposes. She is eventually reincarnated as Eruru. The word Mikoto can also be written as 命, which can also be pronounced as 'inochi', meaning 'life'.
Mizushima is a faceless researcher responsible for working with Iceman. Although he maintains a professional relationship with Iceman, upon learning that the research team plans to permanently refreeze Iceman, he betrays his fellow humans and helps Iceman escape to the surface, giving him the master key which would later become Erurū's hair ornament. It is implied that he was eventually found out by the humans, although his fate is unknown.
Inkara's daughter who only appears in the OAV series and PS2 version of the game. She is a long-time acquaintance of Benawi and Kurou because they served her father. She also runs a bar in a fairly seedy district of the capital city and has a one-sided crush on Kurou. In the PS2 game she seeks revenge against them after the Tusukuru nation is established.
An apostate priest of Onkamiyamukai who serves Kamuchatāru with unshakeable loyalty. Frequently proclaiming himself to be a genius, he is surprisingly knowledgeable of very advanced bishop-level magics. Has a scruffy, generically villainous appearance.
A super-intelligent kimamau (monkey-beast) capable of understanding human speech, though still no stronger than other kimamau.
= = = List of Old Gregorians = = =
An Old Gregorian (usually abbreviated OG) is a former member of Downside School, situated near Bath, Somerset, in the United Kingdom.
Alumni are so-named because the school was founded and is still run, to an extent, by monks from the adjoining Benedictine monastery of St Gregory the Great which, since 1814, has been established at Downside Abbey.
= = = Lowestoffe-class frigate = = =
The "Lowestoffe" class were a class of two 28-gun sixth-rate frigates of the Royal Navy. They served during the Seven Years' War, with surviving to see action in the American War of Independence and the French Revolutionary Wars.
They were designed by Sir Thomas Slade, based on the prototype 28-gun frigate (launched in 1748), "with such alterations as may tend to the better stowing of men and carrying for guns". These alterations involved raising the headroom between decks. They were originally ordered as 24-gun ships with 160 men, but re-rated while under construction to 28 guns with the addition of 3-pounder guns on the quarterdeck and with their complement being raised to 180 men.
= = = Napoleon's Hill = = =
Napoleon's hill, actually Jiesia (Pajesys) hill fort mound is located in Kaunas, Lithuania, on the left bank of the Nemunas, between the Panemunė and Railway bridges. It is 63.3 meters high.
Since the 19th century it has been nicknamed "Napoleon's hill". According to the sources, Napoleon I of France watched his Grande Armée crossing the Nemunas, during the French invasion of Russia in June 1812, on this hill.
= = = La Tourne = = =
La Tourne (el. 1170 m.) is a high mountain pass in the Jura Mountains in the canton of Neuchâtel in Switzerland.
It connects Les Ponts-de-Martel and Montmollin. The pass road has a maximum grade of 10 percent.
= = = Sillyworld = = =
"Sillyworld" is the third single from Stone Sour's 2006 album "Come What(ever) May". It reached number two on the Mainstream Rock charts in 2007. A video for the song, directed by David Brucha, was released in February 2007, combining images of corporate America with pictures of clenched fists of resistance, revolutionists such as Mao Zedong, Ayatollah Khomeini, Che Guevara, and AK-47 assault rifles. According to the Roadrunner Records website: "The video for Stone Sour's 'Silly World' takes a crack at all the bullshit going on in the world today...apathy, tyranny, poverty, violence, and greed are all targets."
The lyrics are a critique of how ideas are becoming nothing but symbols through media corruption, and then dying off as they lose their significance. It speaks of instances such as love becoming "Just a song," or peace being "Just two fingers now... just a phase." Similar to "Through Glass", the content of the song is angry and has rebellious undertone, despite its softer, slower instrumental style.
The song was first time performed live on the 16 November 2007 at Pumpehuset in Copenhagen, Denmark.
= = = Marion Albert Pruett = = =
Marion Albert Pruett (October 4, 1949 in Gastonia, North Carolina – April 12, 1999 in Cummins Unit, Arkansas) was an American serial killer.
In 1979, Pruett was given $800, a new name (Charles "Sonny" Pearson), and placed in the United States Federal Witness Protection Program after testifying about a federal prison slaying in Atlanta, Georgia. He then began his crime spree under his alias. Pruett would later claim that he killed the cellmate.
Pruett killed Peggy Lowe after he kidnapped her on September 17, 1981 while robbing the Metrocenter Branch of Unifirst Bank (later Trustmark National Bank) in Jackson, Mississippi where she worked; Bobbie Jean Robertson, a convenience store clerk in Fort Smith, Arkansas; and two convenience store clerks in Colorado. He received a life sentence for Lowe's murder, two more life sentences for the murders in Colorado, and the death penalty for Robertson's murder.
On trial in New Mexico for the March 2, 1981, murder of his common-law wife, Pamela Sue Barker (aka Michelle Lynn Pearson), Pruett admitted he had robbed her in order to support a $4,000 a week cocaine habit, but denied that he killed Barker, who was beaten to death, then set on fire. He was convicted, and given a third life sentence. From death row, he asked a Mississippi newspaper to pay him $20,000 to disclose the location of Barker's engagement ring, and offered to reveal the location of a Florida victim's body in exchange for a paid appearance on "Geraldo".
His final meal consisted of a stuffed crust pizza from Pizza Hut, four Burger King Whoppers, a large order of French fries, three two-liter bottles of Pepsi, a bucket of ice, a bottle of ketchup, salt, fried eggplant, fried squash, fried okra, and a pecan pie. In an interview prior to his execution date, Pruett said he was going to share his last meal with another inmate who was going to be executed the same day. He went on to say he originally wanted to have a roast duck for his last meal, but it was rejected because he felt the prison would not cook it.
Pruett was executed by lethal injection at 8:04 PM and pronounced dead at 8:09 PM. Pruett was the 19th person executed by Arkansas since "Furman v. Georgia".
= = = Westbank First Nation = = =
The Westbank First Nation is a self-governing First Nations band in the Okanagan region of British Columbia, and is one of seven bands that comprise the Okanagan Nation Alliance. Westbank First Nation (WFN) is governed by one chief (Roxanne Lindley) and four councillors, elected every three years by WFN membership (the current term is 2016-2019). As of May, 2018, WFN's membership totaled 855 members, and employs more than 200 employees.
Westbank reserves were once part of the Okanagan Indian Band until they separated and became an independent band in 1963. 27 years later, in 1990, a framework agreement was entered into which allowed community-based self-government to be negotiated. On May 6, 2004, the Westbank First Nation Self-Government Act (Bill C-11) received royal assent and became law. WFN self-government officially came into force April 1, 2005.
Following the enactment of self-government, WFN members developed the Westbank First Nation constitution, which sets out how the community is governed and how it exercises its jurisdiction. Some of the other areas the constitution provides for are democratic and legitimate elections and government; internal financial management; accountability to WFN members; conflict of interest rules; law enactment procedures; land rules and referendum procedures.
In 2005, following the signing of self-government, the WFN Advisory Council was put in place. The Advisory Council is a five-member council, elected every three years by WFN residents, that meets regularly to review and make recommendations on issues that directly and significantly affect tax payers such as tax expenditures, proposed laws and proposed amendments to laws. Currently there are approximately 10,000 non-WFN member residents living on WFN lands.
Westbank First Nation's land base totals 5,306 acres, separated into five land parcels. Westbank First Nation's two populated reserves border the westside of Okanagan Lake and are located adjacent to the District of West Kelowna, while the remaining three reserves are located on the east side of Okanagan Lake.
Indian reserves under the jurisdiction of the Westbank First Nation are:
= = = Nigel Plews = = =