"The Times" newspaper's anonymous critic gave "The Curse of the Daleks" a mixed but generally positive assessment in a review published on 22 December 1965. "No less compelling on the stage than the television screen, the Daleks are the undoubted stars of this futuristic adventure story," opened the piece. The reviewer concluded that: "After their false start, depending too much on weak jokes and technical jargon, a feeling of genuine crisis is generated. And the patience of the youthful matinée audience is rewarded as the Dalek menace increases. Despite the rather stilted dialogue, the actors play with all possible conviction, and Gillian Howell's direction has the necessary pace."
In 2008 Big Finish Productions released "The Curse of the Daleks" as an audio drama, directed by Nicholas Briggs. The only returning cast member from the original production was John Line, playing the older professor character instead of Ladiver.
For a time an animated CGI version of "The Curse Of The Daleks", created by Doctor Who enthusiast Stuart Palmer, was available to view on line. It was removed so as not to compete with the Big Finish audio adaptation. A number of still images and reviews of the production remain, located on the website www.alteredvistas.co.uk.
= = = Joe Friel = = =
Joe Friel is an endurance sports coach best known as an elite triathlon and cycling coach as well as the author of "The Triathlete's Training Bible", "The Cyclist's Training Bible", "The Mountain Biker's Training Bible", "Going Long: Training for Ironman-Distance Triathlons", and "Your First Triathlon".
Friel holds a master's degree in exercise science, is a USA Triathlon and USA Cycling certified elite-level coach. He is a founder and past Chairman of the USA Triathlon National Coaching Commission. He has also been active in business as the founder of TrainingPeaks, a web-based software company, and TrainingBible Coaching.
Friel coached Ryan Bolton, an Olympic athlete and the winner of the 2002 Ironman Triathlon at Lake Placid. Friel uses the training philosophy of periodization developed by Tudor Bompa.
= = = Creía yo = = =
Creía yo ("I Believed") is a short poem in Spanish written by Macedonio Fernández, first published in 1953, which has much to say on the power struggle of the trinity of life occurrences, Life, Love, and Death. In the poetry of Macedonio, these three characters play a large role as important aspects of every person’s life.
Throughout the seven lined poem, Macedonio maintains a constant rhythm and beat by writing each verse, except for the third, with eleven syllables, taking into account synalephas. At the same time, Macedonio retains a soft, calm sound in his words with many uses of alliteration. In the listening to "Creía yo" being read out loud, it is obvious that this poem was written with euphony in mind. This style adds to the concept that Love, though subtle and delicate, is much stronger than Death. Another form of alliteration that is utilized can be found in the vocals of the poem as well. “Mas poco Muerte puede, pues no puede” In this one verse alone, the sounds of “m,” “ue,” and “p” are used often. Yet these three sounds are also consistently used throughout the poem to maintain the steady pattern of sound. The rhyme scheme for the poem is ABAAACA.
= = = Dominique chicken = = =
The Dominique, also known as Dominicker or Pilgrim Fowl, is a breed of chicken ("Gallus gallus domesticus") originating in the United States during the colonial period. It is considered America's oldest breed of chicken, probably descending from chickens brought to New England from southern England during colonial times. By the 19th century, they were widely popular and were raised in many parts of the country. Dominiques are a dual purpose breed, being valued for their meat as well as for their brown eggs. They weigh at maturity. In earlier times, their feathers were much sought after as stuffing for pillows and mattresses.
This breed originated in New France, now Quebec. After the Plymouth Rock breed was developed from the Dominiques in the 1870s, the Dominiques' popularity declined, until by 1950 they were so rare as to be considered nearly extinct. During the 1970s, Dominiques were listed in "Critical" status by the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy, with fewer than 500 breeding birds in North America. However, due to a revival of interest in them and other rare breeds, the Dominiques have made a comeback and are now listed on the "Watch" list, indicating lesser danger of extinction.
Dominiques are quite distinctive in appearance. They have a rose comb and a heavy plumage of irregularly striped dark grey and light grey feathers (a pattern called "barring" or sometimes "hawk coloring"). This dark/light grey striping is often mistaken for black and white striping. The breed matures quickly, producing eggs at about six months of age, and at that age, considered a hen.
At first glance, Dominiques and Barred Rocks appear strikingly similar, often leading to confusion when discerning a particular breed. The strongest indicators are the comb, plumage, and color.
Dominiques possess a rose comb while Barred Rocks possess a single comb. This is generally the most obvious difference.
Dominiques exhibit staggered barring in their plumage, lending to a somewhat mottled appearance. Barred Rocks exhibit crisp, parallel barring.
Dominiques exhibit a softer contrast of "not quite black on not quite white", while Barred Rocks exhibit a high-contrast black-on-white color.
Dominique hens tend to be calm, personable birds (a desirable trait in an egg production bird). Their calm, steady demeanor makes them successful as show birds or family pets. However, Dominique roosters can sometimes be even more aggressive than the Rhode Island Red and have been known to kill small cats, snakes, and even mink.
The hens tend to be good mothers, brooding and raising chicks with a high rate of success.
The Dominique is hardy and a good forager, traits which are attributed to the harsh conditions in which the breed first developed.
= = = Frank Winters = = =
Frank Mitchell Winters (born January 23, 1964) is a former American football center in the National Football League for the Cleveland Browns, New York Giants, Kansas City Chiefs, and the Green Bay Packers.
Frank Mitchell Winters was born in Hoboken, New Jersey. He lived in Union City, and played football at Emerson High School.
Winters played American football at Western Illinois University and was drafted in the tenth round of the 1987 NFL Draft.
Winters was the Packers' starting center serving for eight straight seasons (1993–2000). He played in the Pro Bowl and also earned USA Today All-Pro honors in 1999. His nickname was "Frankie Baggadonuts" or "Old Bag of Donuts".
On July 18, 2008, Winters was inducted into the Green Bay Packers Hall of Fame. His ceremony was marked by heightened media interest because quarterback Brett Favre gave the induction speech amidst the developing saga regarding Favre's status with the Packers.
On May 20, 2009, Winters got an internship with the Indianapolis Colts.
He has part ownership in a popular Missouri bar and grill, Frankie & Johnny's.
= = = Pelorus River = = =
Te Hoiere / Pelorus River is a river at the northern end of South Island of New Zealand in the region of Marlborough. It flows from the Richmond Range into Pelorus Sound. This area is fantastic for camping and is renowned for its magnificent river swimming where the Pelorus River runs through a gorge at Pelorus Bridge.
At Pelorus Bridge Scenic Reserve, the river was used as a film locations for the barrel rider scene in "", which increased the area's popularity for river rafting.
In August 2014, the river's name was officially altered to Te Hoiere / Pelorus River.
The Pelorus River was originally known as Te Hoeire by local Māori after the first canoe to travel to the South Island. The river flows east until it enters Pelorus Sound at Havelock. The valley was the site of a massacre of Ngāti Kuia and Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō by Te Rauparaha. European exploration and exploitation was begun by Lieutenant Chetwode of in 1838, who named both the river and the sound after his vessel.
= = = Richmond Webb = = =
Richmond Jewel Webb (born January 11, 1967) is a former National Football League offensive tackle with the Miami Dolphins and the Cincinnati Bengals. Webb played college football for Texas A&M University. He was selected by the Dolphins as the ninth overall pick in the 1990 NFL Draft.
He played for the Dolphins for eleven seasons and set team records for 118 consecutive starts and seven consecutive Pro Bowls. After playing for the Dolphins, Webb played two seasons for the Bengals. His career declined due to injuries, and though he tried out for the Dolphins in 2003, Webb wasn't signed and he decided to retire in the fall of 2004. On July 9, 2005, Webb signed a one-day contract to retire as a member of the Dolphins.
On December 25, 2006, Webb was inducted into the Dolphins Honor Roll. He was the second Miami player to be inducted in 2006, following Dick Anderson, and the 16th overall.
Webb attended Dallas Independent School District's Roosevelt High School, where his teammates included future NFL players Aaron Wallace and Kevin Williams.
= = = Stevie Jackson = = =
Stephen "Stevie" Jackson (born 16 January 1969) is a Scottish musician and songwriter. He is best known for playing lead guitar and singing in the Glasgow-based indie band Belle and Sebastian.
Prior to joining Belle & Sebastian, Jackson was a member of the now-defunct The Moondials, a band that released a single on Electric Honey, a label that would later issue Belle & Sebastian's first album, "Tigermilk". The Moondials experience was a pleasant one for Jackson, and it took a great deal of work for nominal Belle & Sebastian frontman Stuart Murdoch to convince him to join his group. At the time, Murdoch was playing the open mic circuit in Glasgow as a solo act, and it was at one of these performances, at The Halt Bar, that Jackson first saw Murdoch play.
In the beginning, Belle & Sebastian existed mostly as an outlet for Murdoch's songwriting. Since the band's third album, "The Boy With The Arab Strap", other members have begun to contribute, Jackson chief amongst them. All of the band's subsequent full-lengths have featured compositions by Jackson, and he wrote the band's 2001 single "Jonathan David" as well as "To Be Myself Completely" for 2006's "The Life Pursuit".
In 2012 Jackson, accompanied by members of the Glasgow band The Wellgreen, recorded a version of George McCrae's "Rock Your Baby" for a fundraising cd titled "Super Hits Of The Seventies" for US radio station WFMU. Jackson has undertaken several collaborative works with Roy Moller.
= = = Christopher Galvin = = =
Christopher B. Galvin (born March 21, 1950) is an American businessman. He served as the chairman and chief executive officer of Motorola from 1997 to 2003.
Christopher Galvin is the grandson of Paul Galvin, the founder of Motorola, and the son of Robert Galvin, who served as CEO of Motorola from 1959 to 1990. He received his BS in political science from Northwestern University and his M.B.A. from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.
From 1967 to 1973, during college, Galvin held part-time summer assignments at Motorola. From 1973 to 1983, he served full-time positions in sales, sales management, marketing management and mobile two-way radio product management, taking leave 1975–77 to attend graduate business school full-time. From 1983 to 1985, he became marketing director then general manager of the Tegal semiconductor equipment unit owned by Motorola Inc. In 1985, he became vice-president and director of Motorola's radio paging Division, where he sponsored the team that created one of the first virtually completely automated manufacturing operations in the US, called Project Bandit. Galvin was promoted to corporate vice-president and general manager of paging. In 1988, he was named chief corporate staff officer of the corporation, later senior vice president and appointed to the Policy and Operating Committees of Motorola Inc. In 1990, he was promoted to assistant chief operating officer and joined as the third member of the office of the CEO of Motorola Inc. In 1993, he was elevated to president and chief operating officer. In 1997, he became CEO. In 1999, he added the role of chairman of the board to that of CEO.
Following the dot.com crash in 2000, he led a massive three-year restructuring of Motorola that included large lay-offs, closure of manufacturing facilities and reducing break-even costs. Simultaneously, Galvin led the renewal of Six Sigma Quality through Digital Six Sigma and introduced Motorola's MOTO language advertising campaign in 2002. The RAZR cellular phone was designed by Galvin's innovators in new product development methodologies created during the 2001–2003 timeframe. RAZR was introduced July 27, 2004. The innovations behind the RAZR was so cutting edge that even Galvin's eventual successor, Ed Zander, stated “There was a small team developing the RAZR before I got there. When I saw the technology, it blew me away.”
On September 19, 2003, the board of directors announced publicly it would seek another CEO. Galvin stated his objection to the board's view of Galvin's turnaround efforts, and stated, "The Board and I do not share the same view of the pace, strategy and progress at this stage of the turnaround.”
Sixteen working days later, on October 13, 2003, Motorola Inc. reported that its global customer new product orders were up 25% company-wide and up 44% for cellular mobile phones in Q3 2003 compared to Q3 2002. Similarly, on January 20, 2004, Motorola Inc. reported on Galvin's last full quarter serving as CEO and the quarter of the board's search for a new CEO, Q4 2003, that Motorola's collection of global telecom, semiconductor, automotive, broadband-media and public safety customers increased new product line orders by 42% and by 64% in their cellular mobile phone business compared to Q4 2002.
He was forced to resign on January 4, 2004. Seventy-seven working days later, on April 20, 2004, Motorola announced its financial performance for Q1, 2004, the quarter of Galvin's departure. The data showed that the then $30 billion run rate in annual revenue resulted in a 42% increase in sales corporatewide revenue growth, a 532% improvement in operating earnings, $0.9B in pre-tax earnings, $0.7B in free cash flow, and a resulting $0.9B net cash position on the balance sheet. Motorola Inc.’s cellular mobile phone business recorded an uptick of 67% sales revenue growth ($4.1B in quarterly sales) and earned a 9.8% operating margin for the period, three months before the RAZR phone was to be announced. At the time Motorola Inc.’s business portfolio included four Fortune 500 sized multi-billion business sectors compared to its six business sectors at the time. Zander, who assumed the CEO role on January 5, 2004, stated after the announcement of Q1 2004 financial results "The first 90 days I talked to everybody. My agenda was very simple: learning the business as fast as I could. I did not want to shoot from the hip."
The following quarter, the financial performance initiated by Galvin proved sustainable and repeatable. On July 20, 2004, Motorola reported Q2 2004 results of increased sales revenue growth by 41% to $8.7B, an improvement in operating earnings by 394%, $800 M in pre-tax earnings, $800 M in free cash flow, and a $1.8B net cash position on the balance sheet. The cellular mobile phone business recorded an increased sales revenue growth of 67%, equating to $3.9B in quarterly sales while maintaining a 10.2% operating margin.
In 2008, several years after Galvin's departure, a study was completed by the Monitor-Global Business Network consulting company to identify and compare the best + $5B in revenue global high tech corporate turnarounds since 1990. In comparing six-year periods including three years of turnaround actions and the corresponding companies’ resulting financial performance, the study placed Galvin's turnaround of Motorola as one of the top five large high tech turnarounds. The companies compared were IBM, Apple, Xerox, HP and Motorola.
In 2010, he was featured in the Andrea Redmond book "Comebacks: Powerful Lessons from Leaders Who Endured Setbacks and Recaptured Success on Their Terms" (), which details his unplanned departure from Motorola, and how he responded.
In 2014 Alan Murray, deputy managing editor and executive editor, online for "The Wall Street Journal", posted his review of "Boards that Lead", published by Harvard Business Review Press. The authors were Ram Charan, business advisor, Dennis Carey, vice chairman of Korn Ferry, and Michael Useem, professor at the Wharton Business School. Murray wrote, “Not all the book’s examples are success stories. Inevitably, Messrs. Charan, Carey and Useem devote a few pages to monumental failures. The authors tell the story of the board of Motorola Inc., which the authors blame for destroying the company. In 2004, it pushed out CEO Christopher Galvin (a grandson of the founder) just as his strategy was starting to deliver success, then replaced him with CEOs who enjoyed some early successes based on Mr. Galvin’s efforts, and then presided over the company’s decline and breakup.” The authors attribute this blunder to not backing a bet on solid technology or strategy, of which investment in technology had been the heart and soul of the Motorola culture, and having a reflexive response to the demands of investors, some of whom where short-term traders.
After departing Motorola, he served as chairman of Navteq Inc. (2004–2008). In mid-2004 Navteq Inc. went public with an IPO. In July 2008, Navteq closed a $8.1B gross cash sale to Nokia generating a positive 255% return to shareholders in at the time of Navteq's IPO.
Prior to Cleversafe's sale to IBM in late 2015, Galvin was chairman of Cleversafe Inc., a digital storage company. IBM paid more than $1.3 billion in cash acquire Cleversafe Inc., thereby adding data-storage software that works for both public and private cloud-computing systems. This was IBM's largest deal in 2015.
In 2005, he co-founded Harrison Street Real Estate Capital LLC, a real estate private equity firm, with his brother Michael P. Galvin and Christopher N. Merrill. Harrison Street Real Estate has launched a series of focused and differentiated closed-end opportunity funds. The company's focus is investing in sectors of the real estate market that have their own compelling demand generators. These sectors include: Education, Healthcare and Storage, focusing specifically on Senior Living, Student Housing, Medical Office and Self Storage. The firm's goal is to create a series of differentiated investment products that span the risk/return spectrum. Harrison Street has 85+ employees and is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. As of Q1 2016 the firm and its affiliates manage approximately $10.4 billion in property assets and publicly traded securities through multiple investment vehicles on behalf of Sovereign Wealth Funds, Public & Corporate Pension Funds, Endowments, Insurance Companies, Foundations and Family Offices. In July 2018, Colliers International acquired Galvin's stake in the business.
He serves as executive chairman and co-founder of UniqueSoft Inc. a software company that uses highly automated tools and processes to transform legacy code into maintainable, high performance solutions, as well as sits on the board of directors of MCR Inc., a Harrison Street Capital LLC financed roll-up in US Department of Defense services. He is a member of Colliers International's board of directors.
He has served as a member of the board of counselors of the Bechtel Corporation.
He sits on the board of trustees of his alma mater, Northwestern University, the Tsinghua University School of Management and Economics in Beijing, the American Enterprise Institute, The Business Council, the American Society of Corporate Executives, and the Chicago Council of Global Affairs. He serves as chair of the Rhodes Scholars selection committee for Illinois-Michigan. He has served as chairman of the U.S.-China Business Council. He has also served on the boards of the Rand Corporation, the U.S. Department of Defense, the U.S. Department of Defense Science Board. He has been an advisor to the City of Tianjin, China, the CEO of Hong Kong, and the Searle Family Trust. In 2004, he co-founded The Galvin Projects, a virtual global think tank that published three books (2008–09).
= = = Earl of Bellomont = = =
Earl of Bellomont, in the Kingdom of Ireland, was a title that was created three times in the Peerage of Ireland. The first creation came on 9 December 1680 when Charles Kirkhoven, 1st Baron Wotton, was made Earl of Bellomont. He had already been created Baron Wotton, of Wotton in the County of Kent, in the Peerage of England on 31 August 1650. He was childless and both titles became extinct on his death in 1683.
The second creation came on 2 November 1689 Richard Coote, 2nd Baron Coote, later Governor of New York, was made Earl of Bellomont. He was the son of Richard Coote, who had been created Lord Coote, Baron of Coloony, in the County of Sligo, in the Peerage of Ireland on 6 September 1660. Lord Coote was a younger son of Sir Charles Coote, 1st Baronet, and the younger brother of Charles Coote, 1st Earl of Mountrath (see Coote baronets for more information on this branch of the family). Lord Bellomont was succeeded by his elder son, Nanfan, the second Earl, who in his turn was succeeded by his younger brother, Richard, the third Earl. The earldom became extinct when the latter died without surviving male issue in 1766.
The late Earl was succeeded in the barony of Coote by his first cousin once removed, Charles Coote, who became the fifth Baron. Charles was the son of Charles Coote (1695–1750), Member of Parliament for County Cavan, son of the Honourable Thomas Coote, a Justice of the Court of King's Bench (Ireland), younger son of the first Baron. On 4 September 1767 the earldom of Bellomont was created for the third time when Charles was made Earl of Bellomont (although the title was probably erroneously spelled "Bell"a"mont" in the letters patent). On 18 May 1774 Lord Bellomont was created a Baronet, of Donnybrooke in the County of Dublin, in the Baronetage of Ireland, with remainder to his illegitimate son Charles Coote. On his death in 1800 the barony and earldom became extinct as he left no surviving legitimate male issue. He was succeeded in the baronetcy according to the special remainder by his illegitimate son, Charles, the second Baronet (see Coote baronets for further history of this title).
= = = Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit = = =
Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit #21 (CLIU), located in Schnecksville, Pennsylvania, Lehigh County USA, is one of twenty nine Intermediate Unit Educational Service Agencies created by an Act of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania in 1971. CLIU provides services to 14 public school districts, non-public schools in its service region and two Vocational-Technical schools in Carbon County and Lehigh County. The agency has no taxing power. Its revenues come from federal grants, state grants, private grants, annual payments from each public school district in its region and charges to individuals for some services like driver's education. The agency provides many services including specialized special education services and training for teachers to meet their state mandated continuing professional education with some offered online. CLIU21 also operates a Librarians' Consortium for librarians from public libraries, private libraries, school libraries and higher education librarians.
The CLIU serves as a coordinating agency for the purpose of bringing together several school districts, vocational schools, businesses, higher education and community groups. The agency is governed by a board made up of one member from each participating public school districts. The members are appointed from the sending school board's elected members. Each local school board reviews and must approve the intermediate unit's annual budget in the spring of each school year.
Dr. Elaine E. Eib is the Executive Director (contract April 17, 2014 - April 17, 2018, salary $149,972 in 2014). Kimberly A. Talipan serves as the Assistant to the Executive Director (salary $140,349 in 2015). Employees of all Pennsylvania Intermediate units are members of the PSERS state teacher pension system. The teacher and administrator retirement benefits are equal to at least 2.00% x Final Average Salary x Total Credited Service. (Some teachers benefits utilize a 2.50% benefit factor.) After 40 years of service, Pennsylvania public school teachers and administrators can retire with 100% of the average salary of their final 3 years of employment.
The agency serves:
The CLIU Business Office is the fiscal agent for all revenue and expenditures made by the CLIU. The Business Office oversees approximately 50 different budgets totaling in excess of $80 million. In addition, the Business Office is also responsible for all the external reporting to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and also the Federal government for the various programs and budgets of the CLIU.
= = = Central University of Finance and Economics = = =
Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE; ), is a research university located in Beijing, China.
Central University of Finance and Economics is the first economics and management university which was founded by the China Central Government and now under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education of China. The university is a national key university with subjects in economics, management, law, literature, philosophy, science, engineering, pedagogy and art.
Central University of Finance and Economics is both a Project 211 and the 985 Innovative Platforms for Key Disciplines Project university, which receives support from the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance and the Beijing Government. It is a Chinese Ministry of Education Double First Class Discipline University, with Double First Class status in certain disciplines.