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319491 | 53897 | 2099 | fr | 110 | IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso | 2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_BFA_SO_HSM_November-2020.pdf | (Nord, Sahel, Est, Centre-Nord) Les chiffres de la fin d’année 2020 font état de près de 2 200 établissements scolaires fermés pour cause d’insécurité, affectant plus de 300 000 élèves et 12 075 enseignants. La quasi-totalité des établissements scolaires fermés à cause de l’insécurité sont situés dans les régions concernées par cette évaluation (2109 sur 2169 écoles fermées au total). C’est au Sahel que se trouve la situation la plus critique, avec près de 950 écoles fermées, soit 43% du nombre total d’écoles fermées sur le pays | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
291969 | 52133 | 2099 | fr | 94 | IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso | 2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00 | https://www.sig.gov.bf/details?tx_news_pi1[action]=detail&tx_news_pi1[controller]=News&tx_news_pi1[news]=1054&cHash=3d9e7cf4e51c659a8924eb2d124bbfb5&fbclid=IwAR0u5Q2P0KX3x9BUFuYIsUoLK05HDK12zy444fCTo4pTKOcprjDAprdyYhk | Le ministre de l’Agriculture, des Aménagements Hydro-agricoles et de la Mécanisation, Salifou OUÉDRAOGO, a présidé le vendredi 12 mars 2021 à Léo, dans la province de la Sissili la cérémonie de remise des clés de 48 infrastructures agro-sylvo-pastorale aux collectivités bénéficiaires. Dans le cadre du Programme de Croissance Economique dans le Secteur Agricole (PCESA), 10 Communes de la région du Centre-Ouest ont bénéficié de 48 infrastructures modernes, stratégiques et structurantes pour le développement des filières karité, niébé, maïs et bétail-viande. | [
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response"
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response->National Response"
] |
393353 | 61509 | 2028 | en | 56 | IMMAP/DFS Syria | 2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_SYR_Factsheet_NES_CampProfile_MenbijEastNew_May2021-1.pdf | [May 2021, Aleppo governorate] [Menbij East New Camp Overview: Number of individuals: 3,412] 13% of households reported that they treated their drinking water over the past two weeks prior to data collection by filtering water (12%) or boiling the water (1%). | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms"
] |
211237 | 44919 | 2336 | en | 55 | GIMAC Afghanistan | 2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00 | https://www.afghanistan-analysts.org/en/reports/economy-development-environment/covid-19-in-afghanistan-7-the-effects-of-the-pandemic-on-the-private-lives-and-safety-of-women-at-home/ | A report in May by the Global protection cluster, a network of non-governmental organisations, specifically mentioned the “early indication of increased gender-based violence” in Afghanistan, saying: [Gender-based violence in Afghanistan], already rife, is being exacerbated by measures to control the spread of the virus. | [
] | [
] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [
"Covid-19->Restriction Measures"
] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being"
] |
321363 | 54492 | 2334 | fr | 70 | GIMAC Cameroon | 2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00 | https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/OIM_Rapport_Cameroun_Intentions-retour_RIS_R21.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=10137 | Sur les 79 % qui ne peuvent pas se rendre dans leur localité d’origine, 60 % évoquent l’insécurité qui prévoit dans les localités d’origine, mais beaucoup de ménages indiquent ne pas vouloir y retourner (27%). 13 % ont tout perdu dans leur lieu d’origine. Les pourcentages sont similaires pour les ménages PDI et réfugiés. | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Impact->Impact On People"
] |
112959 | 32094 | 1388 | es | 56 | UNHCR Costa Rica | 2019-08-18 18:58:25.720716+00 | https://reliefweb.int/report/costa-rica/unicef-entreg-suministros-sanitarios-al-pani-en-respuesta-la-prevenci-n-del-covid | El PANI cuenta con protocolos dictados por el Ministerio de Salud, y trabaja en la capacitación y coordinación de su personal en todo el país. Estas caretas se distribuirán en los 46 albergues, las 52 Oficinas Locales y otras unidades operativas que atienden a la niñez, la adolescencia y las familias. | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
198589 | 44104 | 2311 | es | 46 | IMMAP/DFS Colombia | 2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00 | http://www.diarioeltiempo.com.ve/noticias/los-yukpas-un-pueblo-olvidado-en-la-frontera-entre-colombia-y-venezuela | La Sierra de Perijá es un territorio compartido entre Venezuela y Colombia, pero los yukpas no tienen nacionalidad de ninguno de los dos países. Sus miembros nunca fueron anotados en ningún registro y tampoco tienen documentos, por lo que son considerados apátridas. | [
] | [] | [
"At Risk"
] | [] | [
"Impact->Impact On People",
"At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities"
] |
311999 | 53773 | 2099 | fr | 53 | IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso | 2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00 | Les problèmes majeurs liés à l'accès et à l'utilisation des services de santé rapportés par le responsable du CSPS sont : - Insuffisance des intrants (médicament) - Insuffisance du matériel biomédical (matelas, tensiomètre, lits, etc.) - Difficulté d’accès à l’eau. | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
241131 | 47239 | 2225 | en | 37 | IMMAP/DFS RDC | 2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20DRC%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2011%20-%20November%202020.pdf | In both South Kivu and Maniema, multiple areas have been affected by torrential rains. In Maniema particularly, nearly 10,000 people have been affected by rain and are without shelter and essential household items. | [
] | [] | [
"At Risk",
"Humanitarian Conditions",
] | [] | [
"At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities",
"Impact->Number Of People Affected",
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
244974 | 47832 | 2311 | es | 47 | IMMAP/DFS Colombia | 2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00 | https://www.semana.com/economia/articulo/como-disminuir-la-brecha-de-genero-laboral-en-colombia/310496/ | Los investigadores resaltaron que durante la pandemia de covid-19 esta brecha estructural se amplió pues la diferencia en la tasa de desempleo de hombres y mujeres aumentó de 5,3 a 8,7 puntos porcentuales en el trimestre agosto-octubre de 2020 frente al registro de un año atrás. | [
] | [] | [
"Priority Needs"
] | [] | [
"Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff"
] |
176583 | 40374 | 2099 | fr | 61 | IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso | 2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00 | La proximité accrue dans des familles d’accueil ou dans des espaces communs les exposent à un plus grand risque aux maladies épidémiques et dans une zone connue par sa localisation dans la ceinture méningitique où vit la population affectée par la crise et dont la couverture vaccinale est faible pour la plupart des maladies évitable par la vaccination. | [
] | [
] | [
"At Risk",
"Humanitarian Conditions",
] | [
] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards",
"At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities",
"Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors"
] |
340333 | 56370 | 2099 | fr | 84 | IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso | 2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Bulletin%20conjoint%20d%27information%20sur%20les%20marche%CC%81s%20PAM%20-SONAGESS_%20Avril%202021.pdf | (Sahel, Est, Centre-Nord, Centre-Est) Au regard de l’insécurité croissante dans plusieurs régions, les marchés secondaires sont dysfonctionnels, si bien que les acteurs se regroupent sur les principaux marchés plus sécurisés de Dori, Djibo (Sahel), Fada N’Gourma (Est), Kaya (Centre-Nord) et Pouytenga (Centre-Est). Sur ces marchés, la demande est plus forte pour les petits ruminants par rapport aux années précédentes. | [
"Food Security"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
359986 | 58743 | 2170 | en | 86 | IMMAP/DFS Nigeria | 2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00 | [11th June 2021, Yobe state]Livelihoods: Main source of livelihoods were predominantly indicated to be petty trade by 35% and crop/vegetable farming by 33%. Atleast 4% reported fishing as their main source of livelihoods while 14% responded for livestock. Additional 13% were said to have others as their source of livelihoods; the assessment team observed masonry (building), barbing, vulcanizing and tailoring as other common professions among the displaced person. | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
177805 | 41000 | 2099 | fr | 75 | IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso | 2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00 | https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_de_levaluation_rapide_sur_les_vbg_dans_le_contexte_de_covid_dans_la_region_de_boucle_du_mouhoun.pdf | On observe dans les quatre zones de collecte que les PDI n’ont pas suffisamment d'espace pour bien s’abriter. Pire, les abris n’offrent aucune sécurité (sans éclairage ni portes qui se ferment à clé). La promiscuité est devenue la règle dans les abris. Nombreuses sont les PDI qui dorment à la belle étoile. Les infrastructures WASH sont quasi inexistantes dans les ménages. | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms",
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
7530 | 1294 | 321 | en | 35 | Situation Analysis Generic Libya | 2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00 | https://www.reuters.com/article/us-libya-security-un/armed-groups-control-libyan-prisons-torture-rampant-u-n-report-idUSKBN1HH15H | Successive governments in Tripoli have allowed the armed groups to arrest opponents, activists, journalists and politicians, while paying the fighters salaries and providing them with equipment and uniforms, it said. | [] | [
] | [] | [
] | [] |
306653 | 53206 | 2333 | fr | 31 | GIMAC Niger | 2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00 | https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/drc_rapport_erp_sanguerawa_janvier_2021_-.pdf | [VBG : Recommandations / Acteurs de protection] Faire un plaidoyer pour l’inscription des filles à l’écoles afin de les aider à s’émanciper. | [
] | [] | [
"Priority Interventions"
] | [] | [
"Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff"
] |
114547 | 32527 | 1184 | es | 182 | UNHCR Ecuador | 2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77380.pdf | Un paso en la dirección correcta es el anuncio que el Gobierno de Ecuador realizó el 25 de julio del 2019 para el acceso a la Visa de Excepción por Razones Humanitarias (VERHU). Esta visa humanitaria crea derechos y obligaciones, tales como derecho al trabajo en el territorio o múltiples entradas y salidas del país por 2 años. Otras acciones positivas han sido la extensión de la vigencia de pasaportes vencidos, el otorgamiento de visado en partidas de nacimiento para niños, niñas y adolescentes, la gratuidad de la visa humani- taria, entre otras. Sin embargo, el proceso presenta algunas restricciones, como, por ejemplo, costos vinculados a la compra de pasaportes, demoras en conseguir copias oficiales de requisitos para acceder, y dificultades en completar formularios correctamente.31 Alrededor de la mitad de los migrantes venezolanos que potencialmente calificarían para la visa humanitaria, la obtendría. Hasta el 6 de marzo de 2020 se han otorgado alrededor de 28.000 VERHU. La cifra rondaría los 100 000 migrantes.32 | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Impact->Number Of People Affected",
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
314333 | 53646 | 2098 | en | 102 | IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh | 2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REVA_4_Final_Report_April_2021.pdf | [April 2021, Bangladesh, cox's Bazar]Community involvement : Efforts at involving the voices of community members in certain decision-making processes ought to also continue or stepped up. The model rolled out by WFP of ‘Communication with Communities (CwCs)’ has proved effective in shaping community’s perception around humanitarian services. Engaging community members has been reported as a powerful point of leverage within a community system, changing the “structure of information flows,” resulting in new direct feedback mechanisms created between residents and humanitarian actors and government. | [
] | [] | [
"Priority Interventions"
] | [] | [
"Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff"
] |
234402 | 46692 | 2335 | en | 69 | GIMAC South Sudan | 2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00 | Children were victims of violations perpetrated by crossfire between the South Sudan Peoples’ Defence Forces and Misiriya armed cattle keepers (5 children), NAS S/2020/536 20-07525 11/19 (4 children), forces loyal to Major General Ochan Puot (2 children) and the South Sudan Peoples’ Defence Forces (1 child); 20 children were casualties of explosive remnants of war. | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being"
] |
83000 | 21926 | 1386 | es | 236 | UNHCR Venezuela | 2019-08-18 18:24:04.968948+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RC.%2030-RES.%202-19%20-%20la%20crisis%20en%20la%20Rep%C3%BAblica%20Bolivariana%20de%20Venezuela%20y%20sus%20impactos%20desestabilizadores%20para%20el%20hemisferio%20%28Aprobada%20en%20la%20sesi%C3%B3n%20plenaria%2C%20celebrada%20el%203%20de%20diciembre%20de%202019%29-1.pdf | El Plan de respuesta para los refugiados y migrantes (RMRP por su sigla en inglés)33 tras el lanzamiento oficial en Ginebra el 14 de diciembre, para el 2019 pretende proporcionar: 1. una estrategia para atender las necesidades de 2,2 millones refugiados y migrantes en 16 países, alineados con las respuestas de los gobiernos y en coordinación con los actores del desarrollo. 2. una respuesta operativa coordinada que beneficie a los refugiados y migrantes, pero también a las comunidades anfitrionas en cuatro esferas clave de intervención: asistencia directa de emergencia, protección, integración socioeconómica y cultural y fortalecimiento de la capacidad de los anfitriones Gobiernos. 3. un mecanismo de coordinación para asegurar sinergias entre 95 socios, evitar duplicaciones y minimizar las brechas. un mecanismo de financiación para permitir la movilización de recursos y proporcionar una visión global de las necesidades y la respuesta, estipulando requisitos financieros de US $738 millones. De acuerdo con los datos compartidos en la plataforma regional de coordinación para los refugiados y migrantes venezolanos34, coordinada por ACNUR y OIM, en enero de 2019, se contaban aproximadamente 3,4millones de migrantes venezolanos y refugiados en el mundo (más del 10% de la población venezolana actual); de los cuales 2,7M de migrantes y refugiados venezolanos sólo en América Latina y el Caribe. | [] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
323957 | 54739 | 2331 | en | 32 | GIMAC Somalia | 2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00 | https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/1e9f9b31/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Sanaag_February-2021.pdf | [HEALTH LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] 43% of IDP settlement and 20% of non-IDP settlement households found with a health Living Standard Gaps (LSG). | [
] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
384431 | 60455 | 2099 | fr | 17 | IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso | 2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/21.07.21_bfa_cluster_education_sitrep_n3_mai-juin_2021_final.pdf | 37 280 Garçons et filles (3- 17 ans) ont bénéficié du matériel d'apprentissage adapté. | [
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response"
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps"
] |
23158 | 9375 | 788 | en | 332 | Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA) | 2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00 | https://www.vanguardngr.com/2019/02/foreign-investments-inflow-in-oil-industry-dips-to-134m-in-one-year/ | In 2017, the report showed that foreign investment inflow of $101.08 million, $190.39 million, $16.07 million and $23.83 million were recorded in the first, second, third and fourth quarters respectively. The report further stated that foreign inflow into the petroleum industry accounted for 0.79 per cent of total capital inflow into the general economy, compared to 2.71 per cent in 2017. Furthermore, the NBS report disclosed that the total value of capital importation into Nigeria stood at $16.812 billion in 2018 compared to $12.229 billion capital imported in 2017. According to the report, this represented a 37.49 per cent growth year-on-year.It said: “The largest amount of capital importation by type was received through Portfolio investment, at $11.802 billion, which accounted for 70.20 per cent of total capital importation, followed by Other Investment, at $3.815 billion which accounted for 22.69 per cent of total capital, and then Foreign Direct Investment at $1.195 billion, which accounted for 7.11 per cent of total capital imported in 2018. “By sector, capital importation by shares, which is closely related to equity investment (FDI and Portfolio Investment) dominated 2018 reaching $10.425 billion of the total capital importation in 2018.“The United Kingdom emerged as the top source of capital investment in Nigeria in 2018 with $6.008 billion. This accounted for 35.74 per cent of the total capital inflow in 2018.” In its analysis of capital inflow into the general economy in the last quarter of 2018, the NBS said: “The total value of capital importation into Nigeria stood at $2.140 billion in the fourth quarter of 2018. This represents a decrease of 25.05 per cent compared to third quarter 2018 and 60.24 per cent decrease compared to the fourth quarter of 2017.” | [
] | [
] | [
] | [
] | [
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks"
] |
177187 | 41768 | 2225 | en | 56 | IMMAP/DFS RDC | 2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00 | https://www.acaps.org/sites/acaps/files/slides/files/20201019_acaps_covid-19_thematic_series_on_education_drc_eastern_provinces.pdf | This policy has compounded issues of overcrowding in schools hosting significant numbers of displaced students. Reports from Ituri province repeatedly highlight this issue, stating that student-teacher ratios are reaching highs of 92 to 1 and preventing the delivery of quality education (Samaritan's Purse, 05/2020; PPSSP, UNICEF 13/03/2020). | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks",
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards",
"Impact->Impact On People",
"Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors"
] |
160421 | 37614 | 1183 | es | 139 | UNHCR Colombia | 2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Situaci%C3%B3n%20de%20los%20pueblos%20ind%C3%ADgenas%20en%20Colombia%20en%20el%20contexto%20del%20COVID-19%20-%20julio%20de%202020.pdf | La vulnerabilidad y afectación que enfrentan actualmente los pueblos indígenas de Colombia frente a la pandemia del COVID-19, hace urgente el fortalecimiento inmediato de respuestas coordinadas con las autoridades étnicas, las comunidades y las organizaciones indígenas y afrodescendientes a nivel nacional y local. El ACNUR en coordinación con la Organización Nacional Indígena de Colombia (ONIC) y las autoridades étnicas, promueve acompañamiento a los pueblos indígenas en frontera, fortalecimiento de las autoridades, diagnósticos participativos y monitoreo de la situación de derechos humanos para la identificación conjunta de riesgos y vacíos de protección de estos pueblos, así como la identificación de sus necesidades urgentes. Dado que los diversos pueblos indígenas en Colombia continúan expuestos a riesgos de desplazamiento forzado, la protección de esta población es una prioridad para el ACNUR | [
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response"
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response->International Response"
] |
385440 | 60570 | 2311 | es | 19 | IMMAP/DFS Colombia | 2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00 | https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/infografia_enero_a_junio_2021_cordoba_vf.pdf | Confinamiento en el municipio de Tierralta: 1. Resguardo Emberá Katío - Comunidad Zabaletas (294 personas) | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Impact->Number Of People Affected"
] |
326156 | 54731 | 2331 | en | 65 | GIMAC Somalia | 2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00 | https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/1873be06/SOM_REACH_JMCNA_Regional_Factsheet_Awdal_February-2021.pdf | [WATER, SANITATION & HYGIENE (WASH) LIVING STANDARDS GAP (LSG)] Most commonly reported coping mechanisms used to deal with limited availability of water by household of Non- IDP settlement were Rely on less preferred (unimproved/untreated) water sources for drinking water (21%), Rely on surface water for drinking water (13%). | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms"
] |
217215 | 44961 | 2331 | en | 77 | GIMAC Somalia | 2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00 | In the last 6 months, WHO has also developed risk communication material based on scientific evidence that is adapted to the local context and is in the Somali language. The material ranges from preventive messages to home care and other essential aspects of transmission. The aim is to help educate the population on the risk of COVID-19 and protective measures. An estimated 2 million people have been reached with over 200 messages. | [
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response"
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response->International Response"
] |
335819 | 48059 | 2335 | en | 50 | GIMAC South Sudan | 2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00 | IOM also continued to provide HIV prevention services, including awareness raising, HIV testing, and counselling for key populations. During this reporting period, 656 individuals were tested for HIV at Wau, Bentiu, and Malakal PoC sites, and 14 positive cases commenced antiretroviral therapy | [
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response"
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response->International Response"
] |
309296 | 53553 | 2028 | en | 24 | IMMAP/DFS Syria | 2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00 | [JAN - MARCH 2021] 25,936 is total returnees for 2021 returned and remained in their locations and 52 displaced after return. | [] | [
] | [] | [
] | [] |
167653 | 40324 | 2098 | en | 52 | IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh | 2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/final_iscg_covid-19_and_monsoon_weekly_update_28_11-17_september_2020_en.pdf | CwC WG partners organised COVID-19 awareness announcements via loudspeakers/megaphones in 20 camps. For receiving community feedback and complaints, 91 information service centres in the camps and 4 information service centres in the host communities were operational. 3 new audio messages on COVID-19 were developed by CwC WG partners. | [
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response"
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response->National Response",
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks"
] |
131862 | 32990 | 1183 | es | 102 | UNHCR Colombia | 2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00 | https://migravenezuela.com/web/articulo/venezolanos-retornando-del-desamparo-en-la-frontera-al-cobijo-de-tienditas/2007 | En Colombia trabajaban en un parque de atracciones, pero con las cuarentenas obligatorias iniciadas desde marzo, la situación económica se complicó. “Se paró todo, estábamos aguantando hambre ya”, revela el hombre. Durante la madrugada del sábado 13 de junio llegaron al Peaje Los Acacios bajo una lluvia torrencial. De allí, se fueron en una buseta hasta el terminal de Cúcuta porque no sabían dónde quedaba la salida hacia Venezuela, pero un buen samaritano les dio la cola hasta La Parada, donde tuvieron que dormir dos noches sobre el asfalto. | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
325895 | 55013 | 2311 | es | 141 | IMMAP/DFS Colombia | 2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00 | Componente Salud Mental • Continuar con la implementación de la estrategia de respuesta en Salud mental con enfoque diferencial (Atención individual, acompañamiento atención especializada y entrega de medicamentos) terapéutico, • Abordaje Grupal (PY P en Salud Mental, espacios saludables) • Dar continuidad a la Estrategia de Cuidado al Cuidador para las personas que brindan la atención.• Se requiere un espacio extramural que permita la atención especializada en salud mental.• Diseño e implementación de la estrategia de de aseguramiento• Acompañar desde los espacios grupales• Activación de la ruta para la gestión de casos • Agregar la subcategoría a la sala funcional (NNA, Crónicos) .en Salud Mental. • Equipo de Órganos y 15 kits de Monitoreo • Gestión y articulación de espacios para de Signo Vitales. atención en Tele psiquiatría. | [
] | [] | [
"Priority Needs"
] | [] | [
"Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff"
] |
340686 | 55917 | 2225 | fr | 44 | IMMAP/DFS RDC | 2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Mise%20%C3%A0%20jour%20%2311%20Nouvel%20afflux%20de%20Centrafricains%20en%20RDC_FR_Mai%202021.pdf | [Refugiés centrafricains en Sud Ubangi] Des vents forts et des pluies torrentielles ont détruit un certain nombre d’abris dans de nouveaux sites d’accueil de réfugiés à Congo Rive, Sambolola et Sagila (province du Sud-Ubangi), | [] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
58449 | 17335 | 788 | en | 120 | Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA) | 2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20No.131%20%285%20%20-%2011%20August%202019%29.pdf | Askira/Uba: 58 arrivals and 52 departures were recorded in Askira/Uba LGA of Borno state. These include 19 arrivals from Damare ward of Girei LGA, 17 from Luggere ward of Yola North LGA, 4 from Muchalla ward of Mubi North LGA and 2 from Uba ward of Hong LGA of Adamawa State. 16 arrivals from Uba ward from Askira/Uba LGA in Borno state. The 52 departures were all from Gatamarwa ward of Chibok LGA and they were all tracked at Askira East ward of Askira/Uba of Borno state. 62% of the IDPs reported to have relocated due to poor living conditions, 35% due to improved security and 4% relocated voluntarily | [] | [
] | [] | [
] | [] |
409945 | 63748 | 2098 | en | 54 | IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh | 2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/ETS%20Bangladesh%20SitRep%20-%20July_0.pdf | [1st july-31st July 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugee: Funding: In July, the ETS received US$380,526.43 from USAID towards the 2021 annual budget of US$3.9 million. The ETS is now 29% funded with a total of US$1,100,514 raised this year. | [] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
114669 | 32527 | 1184 | es | 88 | UNHCR Ecuador | 2019-05-11 12:25:15.710126+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/77380.pdf | Garantizar la inscripción a niños, niñas y adolescentes fuera del inicio del ciclo lectivo para evitar pérdida del capital humano. Una barrera que enfrenta la po- blación en movilidad humana es que solo se puede inscribir a estos grupos al inicio del ciclo escolar. De esta manera se excluye una gran parte del potencial alumnado del sistema, quedando ex- puesto con una alta probabilidad al trabajo infantil y pérdida del capital humano. También facilitaría la participación de mujeres en el mercado laboral. | [
] | [] | [
"At Risk",
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Number Of People In Need",
"At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities",
"At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities",
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
238318 | 46482 | 2336 | en | 84 | GIMAC Afghanistan | 2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00 | The current phase of the project started in February 2018 and focuses on advocacy for children's rights, provision of basic health service, remedial education, life skills and counseling programs for street working children. These basic comprehensive approaches are designed in collaboration with the Department of Public Health (DoPH) and Education (PED) to complement their gaps and enable the children to engage with peers for psycho social support while improving their academic performance and wellbeing. | [
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response"
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response->International Response",
"Capacities & Response->National Response"
] |
6500 | 312 | 321 | en | 61 | Situation Analysis Generic Libya | 2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20DTM%20Libya%20Round%2011%20IDP%20%26%20Returnee%20Report%20%28ENG%29.pdf | As shown in Figure 27 water trucks were reported as the main water source for 44% of baladiyas and public networks were reported as the main water source for 44% of baladiyas. Bottles, open wells, springs or rivers and closed wells together were the main water sources for the remaining 12% of assessed baladiyas. | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards",
"Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms"
] |
11487 | 2916 | 322 | en | 56 | Situation Analysis Generic Yemen | 2018-02-25 07:27:20.107226+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/201800521_Humanitarian_Update_Final.pdf | The slight decrease was mainly due to improved availability of these fuels in official petrol stations. Petrol prices dropped in all governorates, except Dhamar, Shabwah and Abyan where the prices remained unchanged. The sharpest decrease of 23.6 per cent was reported in Lahj, followed by Aden at 17.6 per cent. | [] | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks"
] |
302221 | 51693 | 2335 | en | 80 | GIMAC South Sudan | 2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00 | https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/eafb8449/REACH_SSD_Factsheet_Assessment-of-Hard-to-Reach-Areas-Population-Movement_December-2020-v4.pdf | Large-scale sub-national violence throughout 2020 displaced hundreds of thousands of people in Jonglei, and the effect of this displacement was compounded by flooding in the second half of the year including in Akobo County. The combination of these shocks has most likely triggered food insecurity in multiple counties in the state, while in Canal Pigi pockets of communal fighting in late 2020 may have exacerbated the food insecurity initially triggered by flooding, according to EyeRadio. | [
"Food Security",
] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
306723 | 53246 | 2098 | en | 55 | IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh | 2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00 | https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/4/1/bangladesh-witnesses-a-record-surge-in-coronavirus-cases | [1st April 2021, Bangladesh] The country’s Election Commission meanwhile has postponed elections for some union councils and municipalities which were scheduled on April 11. Bangladesh started its nationwide COVID-19 vaccination campaign on February 7 and has administered more than 5.5 million doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine to date. | [
] | [
] | [
] | [
] | [
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks"
] |
306337 | 53154 | 2466 | en | 56 | GIMAC Sudan | 2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/200504_Sudan%20HCT-UNCT%20Covid-19%20Plan.pdf | As of 30 March 2020, inter-state public transportation has been halted and a country wide imposed curfew between 18:00 and 06:00; following this, on 18 April, authorities effected a lockdown in Khartoum and North Darfur. During the lockdown, people are allowed to purchase essentials goods between 06:00 and 13:00. | [] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
352519 | 57647 | 2311 | es | 17 | IMMAP/DFS Colombia | 2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00 | https://www.ins.gov.co/buscador-eventos/BoletinEpidemiologico/2021_Boletin_epidemiologico_semana_22.pdf | La incidencia nacional de dengue es de 47,0 casos por cada 100 000 habitantes en riesgo. | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being"
] |
349526 | 57251 | 2028 | en | 26 | IMMAP/DFS Syria | 2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00 | https://www.impact-repository.org/document/reach/f528f702/REACH_SYR_HSOS_Factsheet_NES_April-2021.pdf | [April 2021, NES] Access to Sanitation: 36% of communities where KIs reported waste removal services as a WASH priority need. | [
] | [] | [
"Priority Needs"
] | [] | [
"Priority Needs->Expressed By Population"
] |
261075 | 49231 | 2098 | en | 65 | IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh | 2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00 | https://fscluster.org/sites/default/files/documents/reva4_preliminary_findings_presentation_slides_02022021_0.pdf | [21st Feb 2021, Cox's Bazar] Even with assistance, 49% of Rohingya still have consumption below the MEB If assistance is removed from the equation, almost 96% will have consumption below MEB Without current assistance, all the Rohingya would be rendered completely unable to support their basic consumption needs, underscoring the continued importance of assistance. | [
"Food Security",
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
8276 | 2578 | 321 | en | 48 | Situation Analysis Generic Libya | 2018-02-25 07:27:20.010275+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20Libya%20Round%208%20Mobility%20Tracking%20Report%20.pdf | The presence of explosive hazrds was reported in 9 baladiyas (14%) as shown in Figure 33: Al Ajaylat, Aljmail, Alkufra, Alqubba, Azzahra, Benghazi, Daraj, Ejdabia, Gemienis, Kikkla, Sirte, Ubari, Yefren and Zliten | [
] | [
"Humanitarian Access"
] | [
"At Risk"
] | [
"Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints"
] | [
"At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities"
] |
64960 | 19360 | 1183 | es | 42 | UNHCR Colombia | 2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00 | http://www.periodicolaguajira.com/index.php/general/77-nacional/72753-un-refugio-medico-para-venezolanos-en-colombia | El malecón de la ciudad colombiana de Arauca está activo desde la madrugada. Cientos de personas llegan en lanchas desde Venezuela en búsqueda de atención médica y para conseguirlo deben ser los primeros en las largas filas que se forman. | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
24333 | 9427 | 729 | en | 36 | Libya Situation Analysis (OA) | 2019-01-10 04:13:29.195063+00 | https://www.france24.com/en/20190228-libya-pm-fayez-al-serraj-rival-commander-haftar-agree-hold-polls-elections | The head of Libya's internationally recognised government and a military strongman who backs a rival administration in the country's east have met and agreed to hold elections, the United Nations said Thursday. | [] | [
] | [] | [
] | [] |
317435 | 54150 | 2311 | en | 106 | IMMAP/DFS Colombia | 2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IB14042021.pdf | Protection Regarding protection, the people displaced face risks associated with forced recruitment, especially for children and adolescents. Moreover, the informal passing places have been identified as potential places where anti-personnel mines and unexploded ordnance (MAP/MSE) can be found. Due to the forced displacement, many families do not have identification documents, which increases their vulnerability to access to the restoration of their rights. Due to the lack of food, families are crossing the river between Colombia and Venezuela at night to restock needed essential items and food, exposing themselves to protection and life-threatening risks. | [
] | [] | [
"At Risk",
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms",
"At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities",
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
295041 | 52290 | 2225 | fr | 28 | IMMAP/DFS RDC | 2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/sitrep_covid-19_in_drc_066_20210307_hebdo_s09.pdf | Un soutien psychologique a été apporté à 5 personnels de première ligne, 30 patients confirmés et aux quatre membres de famille éprouvée dans la province de Kinshasa | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Covid-19->Hospitalization & Care"
] | [] |
328104 | 55000 | 2332 | en | 105 | GIMAC Chad | 2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00 | Third, COVID-19 would appear to have also weakened the voice and resilience of religion and community counter-narratives against Boko Haram (and their extremist narratives). Boko Haram has used COVID-19 and governmental mitigation strategies to reinforce its extremist narratives, claiming that the virus was a punishment from Allah and that the only cure for COVID-19 was a return to Allah (its brand of authentic Islam) and called for the return to congregational prayers. It also branded public health measures as veiled efforts to prevent Muslims from practicing their faith, including congregational prayers and pilgrimages to Mecca. | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Impact->Impact On People"
] |
314705 | 53182 | 2466 | en | 29 | GIMAC Sudan | 2021-02-16 12:10:04.77029+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/SDN_2021HNO.pdf | Existing vulnerabilities of refugees are increased due to the deteriorating economic situation and protracted displacement. Sudan also hosts over one million refugees including 814,000 from South Sudan. | [
] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
230087 | 46699 | 2098 | en | 24 | IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh | 2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00 | https://unb.com.bd/category/World/global-covid-19-cases-exceed-82-million/62670 | [30th Dec 2020, Bangladesh] Bangladesh recorded 22 more deaths from Covid-19 and 1,235 new infections in 24 hours until Wednesday. | [] | [
] | [] | [
] | [] |
43037 | 14940 | 788 | en | 91 | Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA) | 2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/01022019_ocha_nigeria_humanitarian_needs_overview.pdf | Considering the methodology of analysis, only 19 per cent of Borno LGAs are considered as normal to moderate, with as high as 81 per cent considered to be in crisis or an emergency.10 In Yobe State, 82 per cent of LGAs are considered to be normal to moderate, whereas 18 per cent are in a state of crisis or emergency. Similarly, 81 per cent of Adamawa LGAs are considered to be normal to moderate, while 19 per cent are in crisis or emergency. | [
] | [] | [
"At Risk"
] | [] | [
"At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities"
] |
268770 | 49204 | 2333 | fr | 110 | GIMAC Niger | 2020-11-10 20:26:45.246732+00 | https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/31012021_ner_hno_2021_0.pdf | Selon la MSNA [données collectées entre le 25 juin et le 17 septembre 2020], 3,5% des ménages au niveau national ont ainsi eu recours à la mendicité pour faire face au manque de ressources au cours des 30 jours ayant précédé la collecte de données. Ces stratégies peuvent aussi affecter la protection de l’enfance, notamment à Tahoua où 3% des ménages ont rapporté avoir retiré les enfants de l’école ou s’être séparé d’un enfant en le mariant ou en le confiant à quelqu’un d’autre en raison du manque de ressources. | [
] | [
] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [
"Shock/Event->Hazard & Threats"
] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms"
] |
274329 | 49665 | 2225 | fr | 104 | IMMAP/DFS RDC | 2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/WFP-0000123455.pdf | [données de juillet 2020 dans les 6 territoires ruraux de Beni, Lubero, Masisi, Nyiragongo, Rutshuru et Walikale, et 3 villes (Goma, Beni et Butembo) - 3 383 ménages ont été sondés] Par rapport à avril 2019, la consommation alimentaire des ménages a fortement détériorée dans tous les territoires sauf celui de Lubero où la proportion des ménages avec une consommation alimentaire pauvre a baissé de 31 % à 25 % tandis que la proportion globale (pauvre + limite) est restée stable (est passée de 66 % à 65 %) | [
"Food Security"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
191860 | 43302 | 2332 | fr | 51 | GIMAC Chad | 2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00 | https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/tcd_str_hrp2020revision_20200616.pdf | En raison de la fermeture de l'aéroport international, l'OIM n'est pas en mesure de faciliter le transport pour l’assistance au retour volontaire pour les migrants bloqués et les victimes de la traite, ce qui a pour conséquence la prolongation de la période de transit au Tchad. | [
] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
160217 | 37757 | 2028 | en | 89 | IMMAP/DFS Syria | 2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00 | ‘Patient zero’ in Kobane was reportedly a young woman who had recently arrived from Qamishli. It is understood that the 6 subsequent cases, all health workers, can be linked back to this patient. The woman visited two health facilities, a Primary Healthcare Centre (PHCC) and Kobane Hospital, both of which had to close for a few days while disinfection was carried out. 2 of the confirmed cases were among the RRT which first attended to the woman. | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being"
] |
127717 | 34493 | 1620 | en | 24 | 2020 DFS Nigeria | 2020-01-02 06:12:19.526132+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Flash%20Update%20-%20Nigeria%20-%2027%20Jul%202020.pdf | Doctors went on an indefinite strike nationwide on 15 June to protest inadequate supplies of PPEs for health workers and lack of hazard allowance | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
359999 | 58743 | 2170 | en | 66 | IMMAP/DFS Nigeria | 2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00 | [11th June 2021, Yobe state]Type of Sickness by Household Family in Current Place of Displacement: Predominant (51%) respondents reported that altleast a member of their family has fallen sick with fever/malaria in the past two weeks since arrival to their current location while 18% and 9% indicated diarrheal diseases and injury from the conflict respectively. | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being",
"Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors"
] |
208644 | 43605 | 2336 | en | 48 | GIMAC Afghanistan | 2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00 | With attacks on healthcare facilities and staff now a regular occurrence and civilian casualties already close to 1,300 in the first three months of the year, activities that enhance the prevention of protection violations – as opposed to merely responding to their consequences – are critical. | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being"
] |
321341 | 54673 | 2225 | en | 71 | IMMAP/DFS RDC | 2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00 | https://reliefweb.int/report/democratic-republic-congo/dr-congo-armed-violence-tanganyika-depriving-people-health-care | When the violence died down, the traditional leaders came together to urge displaced people to return home. On returning, people saw that the attacks had devastated not just their homes and schools but also health-care facilities. "There was nothing left inside, no supplies, no staff, and the buildings had been wrecked," says Séraphin Kayite, the village head of Kilasi. | [
] | [
] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [
"Displacement->Pull Factors"
] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards",
"Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors"
] |
398696 | 62801 | 2098 | en | 77 | IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh | 2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00 | https://app.box.com/s/vhf6wmejns5mqp1g6fxpltc31vwebdbh | [12th August 2021, Cox's Bazar] Refugees: Having lived in the camps for three years or more, Rohingya people are aware of measures they need to take as a precaution for cyclone preparedness. Interviewees reported the need to store dry food and keep matches and identification cards in polybags. Furthermore, they knew that the cyclone signal means children and older people must return to and stay at home. | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
25066 | 9861 | 788 | en | 232 | Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA) | 2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20No.108%20%2825%20February%20-%2003%20March%202019%29.pdf | Askira/Uba: 30 arrivals and 65 departures were recorded in Askira/Uba LGA of Borno state. These include 16 arrivals from Demsawo in Demsawo ward of Yola North LGA, 11 arrivals from Arhan Kunu in Lamurde ward of Mubi South LGA of Adamawa state, 3 arrivals from Kuwait in Mairi ward of Jere LGA of Borno state, 47 departures from Lughi in Michika1 ward of Michika LGA of Adamawa state and 18 departures from Izghe in Bita/Izghe ward of Gwoza LGA of Borno state. 53% of the new arrivals reported to have relocated due to poor living condi�ons, 37% due to voluntary reloca�ony while 10% relocated due to the improved security. 72% of the departure was due to improved security and 28% due to voluntary reloca�on. Numan: 108 arrivals were recorded in Numan LGA of Adamawa state. These include 30 arrivals from Gamadio in Gamadio ward of Numan, 24 arrivals from Bolki in Bolki ward of Numan LGA , 24 arrivals from Dowaya in Dong ward of Demsa LGA, 17 arrivals from Waduku in Waduku ward of Lamurde LGA, 13 arrivals from Borrong in Borrong ward of Demsa LGA of Adamawa state. 74% of the new arrivals reported to have relocated due to voluntary reloca�on and 26% due to fear of a�acks | [] | [
] | [] | [
] | [] |
314156 | 54228 | 2098 | en | 75 | IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh | 2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00 | https://www.dhakatribune.com/health/coronavirus/2021/04/19/lockdown-extended-for-7-more-days | [19th April 2021, Bangladesh] The NTAC has advised keeping everything closed except for healthcare facilities, fire service and other emergency services. All kinds of public transports – roads, riverways, railways, and air – are scheduled to remain suspended during the lockdown. However, offices related to air, maritime, and river and land ports are to remain out of the purview of the lockdown. | [
] | [
] | [
"Priority Interventions"
] | [
"Covid-19->Restriction Measures",
"Covid-19->Restriction Measures"
] | [
"Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff",
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks"
] |
340089 | 56194 | 2099 | en | 35 | IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso | 2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Burkina%20Faso%20-%20Floods%20Final%20Report%2C%20DREF%20Operation%20n%C2%B0%20MDRBF015.pdf | (floods) • Monaco Red Cross and Spanish Red Cross financially supported the National Society, which enabled BRCS to reach more than 350 households in Ouagadougou, in 10th and 11th districts. | [
"Food Security"
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response"
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps"
] |
334710 | 55848 | 2098 | en | 57 | IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh | 2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00 | https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/2021/05/17/government-unlikely-to-resume-long-distance-transports-soon | [17th May 2021, Bangladesh] “I do not think public transport for longer routes will resume anytime soon,” the minister added. Only emergency services vehicles, vehicles carrying essential goods such as fuel, medicines, perishables, relief items, newspapers and garment products, were allowed to operate. | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Covid-19->Restriction Measures"
] | [] |
325892 | 55013 | 2311 | es | 146 | IMMAP/DFS Colombia | 2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00 | En el marco de este escenario se identificaron de manera conjunta en grupos técnicos conformados por el Ministerio de Salud, La Secretaria de Salud Departamental, UAESA, Coordinación en Salud Arauquita y los diferentes socios de salud, en el cual se continúan identificando las siguientes necesidades: Componente Atención Primaria en Salud• Dar continuidad a las acciones que vienen los Equipos Médicos desarrollando Respuesta a la Emergencia.• Transporte para EMT de la Alcaldía, especialmente hacia los puntos más distantes, con dificultades de acceso: Tajaros, Pueblo Nuevo Gaviotas, Reinera y Tres Palmas.• Espacios adecuados para la atención en salud (Puntos de Menor Concentración).• Equipos de radiocomunicación.• Dotación de equipos para la gestión administrativa en los hospitales públicos.• 1 regente o técnico de farmacia para Hospital San Lorenzo.• Aseguramiento (1 profesional de apoyo aseguramiento). | [
] | [] | [
"Priority Needs"
] | [] | [
"Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff"
] |
300667 | 51598 | 2028 | en | 77 | IMMAP/DFS Syria | 2020-07-27 17:50:36.885932+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Syrian-Public-Health-after-COVID-19.pdf | [March, 2021, NWS] Meanwhile, severe lack of regular water access, severe shortages in the availability of soap and disinfectants, widespread malnutrition, exposed and unsafe sanitation networks, and overcrowding in camps — combined with the dire socioeconomic situation and the absence of “lockdown viability” for most residents — provide ideal conditions for the widespread transmission of COVID-19, as well as waterborne diseases such as diarrhea. | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being",
"Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors",
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
249751 | 48423 | 2332 | fr | 54 | GIMAC Chad | 2020-11-10 20:09:01.670861+00 | https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/assessments/rapport_mission_conjointe_-_inondation_oum-hadjer_du_17_au_18_aout_2020_final_draft.pdf | Le préfet du Batha-Est a signé un arrêté portant mise en place d’un comité de crise qui, malheureusement, n’est pas encore fonctionnel jusqu’au départ de la mission le 18 août. Cela met en exergue la faiblesse dans la gestion de crises au niveau local. | [
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response"
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response->Number Of People Reached/Response Gaps",
"Capacities & Response->National Response"
] |
155636 | 37909 | 2098 | en | 64 | IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh | 2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-sitrep-18.pdf | Strengthening infection prevention and control measures at health facilities and SARI ITCs for both refugees and the host community need to be continued to reduce risks of transmission among healthcare workers. Capacity building for health workforce on case management of COVID-19 and MHPSS are important for patient care and to mitigate stress for healthcare workers, COVID-19 patients and close family members. | [
] | [] | [
"Priority Interventions"
] | [] | [
"Priority Interventions->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff"
] |
362897 | 59111 | 2170 | en | 108 | IMMAP/DFS Nigeria | 2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/NIGERIA_Food_Security_Outlook_June%202021%20to%20January%202022_Final.pdf | [13th July 2021, Nigeria] Most households in non-affected conflict areas continue to consume own food from stocks or are market dependent; however, earning sufficient income to meet their food and non-food needs. As a result, these areas are facing Minimal (IPC Phase 1). Although with the increase in conflict, leading to the disruption in livelihood activities coupled with the poor macroeconomic conditions, driving high food prices, many households are unable to meet their non-food needs. As a result, many areas are facing Stressed (IPC Phase 2) towards the lean season. | [
"Food Security",
] | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks",
"Impact->Impact On People",
"Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors"
] |
319641 | 54321 | 2311 | es | 127 | IMMAP/DFS Colombia | 2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Reporte%20Situacional_GIFMM_Arauquita_19042021_VFF.pdf | A medida que avanza la temporada anual de inundaciones, y dado que el nivel del cauce del río Arauca sigue incrementándose, es necesario atender la afectación, la cual ha llegado a por lo menos ocho veredas4 con presencia de 245 familias (un estimado de 750 a 800 personas) receptoras de personas venezolanas con necesidades de protección internacional y colombianas recién llegadas de Venezuela; es importante considerar también en la atención a las comunidades de acogida que hacen parte de la afectación. Además, la situación podría incluso impedir el acceso humanitario a ciertas zonas ribereñas que, en el marco de esta situación cíclica, suelen quedar incomunicadas, y otras que podrían estar afectadas y no ser visibilizadas. | [
] | [
"Humanitarian Access"
] | [
"Priority Needs"
] | [
"Humanitarian Access->Physical Constraints"
] | [
"Priority Needs->Expressed By Population"
] |
50934 | 16689 | 1183 | es | 154 | UNHCR Colombia | 2019-05-11 12:16:54.552931+00 | https://id.presidencia.gov.co/Paginas/prensa/2019/190805-Hoy-nos-unimos-decirles-24-mil-ninos-hijos-padres-venezolanos-entrega-nacionalidad-colombiana-Presidente-Duque.aspx | el Presidente Iván Duque firmó la Resolución mediante la cual se les reconoce la nacionalidad a los niños, de padres venezolanos, nacidos en Colombia a partir del 19 de agosto del 2015, y que, hasta el momento, si bien podían acceder a los beneficios de seguridad social, no contaban con registro que los reconociera como ciudadanos. En su intervención, el Jefe de Estado aseguró que “son cerca de 24.000 niños, poco más, que desde el 19 de agosto del 2015 están en esa condición” y recordó que “hasta la fecha, Colombia lo que ha permitido es que tengan un registro civil con una nota que les indica que pueden entrar a disfrutar del sistema de salud, pero que no tienen o no tenían la nacionalidad, porque no se había regularizado la condición migratoria de sus padres”. | [
] | [
] | [
"Capacities & Response"
] | [
] | [
"Capacities & Response->International Response"
] |
250074 | 48432 | 2099 | fr | 62 | IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso | 2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/RAPPORT%20DE%20MONITORING%20DE%20PROTECTION_%20MBDHP_%20DECEMBRE%202020_SAHEL.pdf | Il faut noter que ces services publics [justice et documentation] sont concentrés dans les chefs-lieux de province (Gorom-Gorom, Djibo, Sebba) et surtout à Dori qui est la commune actuellement la plus stable et aussi chef-lieu de région. Il faut dire que Mansila a connu la présence des militaires depuis le lundi 14 décembre 2020. | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
259881 | 48754 | 2170 | en | 69 | IMMAP/DFS Nigeria | 2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/REACH_NGA_Factsheet_Thematic-Assessment-FSL-Borno_August-September-2020.pdf | [1st Aug-Sep 2020,Borno state]Coping strategies described by KIs from Damboa also included getting food from relatives or neighbours (6) and engaging in casual labour (6). Engaging in casual labour was described as a severe coping strategy as it required a lot of energy and would sometimes take place in exposed areas with high risk of conflict related attacks. | [
"Food Security"
] | [] | [
"At Risk",
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms",
"At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities"
] |
186705 | 43233 | 2336 | en | 52 | GIMAC Afghanistan | 2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00 | https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/afg_humanitarian_needs_overview_2020.pdf | The most recent nutrition surveys across Afghanistan showed that 25 out of 34 provinces are currently above the emergency level threshold of acute malnutrition. Annually, an estimated 2 million children under the age of five and 485,000 pregnant and lactating women (PLW) are affected by acute malnutrition. | [
] | [
] | [] | [
"Shock/Event->Underlying/Aggravating Factors"
] | [] |
257926 | 48861 | 2170 | en | 57 | IMMAP/DFS Nigeria | 2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Northeast%20Nigeria%20-%20Camp%20Management%20Bi-weekly%20Tracker%20Report%2C%20Report%20No.%2030%2C%2016%20-%2031%20January%202021.pdf | [16th-31Jan 2021,North east Nigeria]LATRINES : 2 sites in Jere and Konduga LGA in Borno state do not have latrines on site.52% of latrines across 128 sites in 17 LGAs need gender marking. • 19% of latrines needs desludgement across 67 sites in 16 LGAs (table 1). | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
486970 | 67645 | 1900 | es | 49 | UNHCR Honduras | 2020-06-11 08:14:21.931628+00 | MIGRACIÓN Algunas personas desplazadas deciden migrar al no encontrar una solución duradera a su situación de inseguridad; estas personas de ser repatriadas regresan a una situación de desplazamiento interno, al no poder regresar a sus municipios de origen debido al hecho de violencia que las expulsó. | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms"
] |
288011 | 51574 | 2335 | en | 33 | GIMAC South Sudan | 2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/FactSheetSouthSudan_HR.pdf | South Sudan’s vulnerability to climate change is linked to food insecurity, which is driven by long-standing conflict but also by droughts and floods, all of which weaken community resilience | [] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
293503 | 52370 | 2170 | en | 65 | IMMAP/DFS Nigeria | 2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00 | https://www.aa.com.tr/en/africa/nigeria-develops-2-vaccines-to-combat-covid-19/2185960 | [24th March 2021,Nigeria] Nigerian scientists have developed two vaccines against COVID-19, the government secretary announced Tuesday. Boss Mustapha, who is also chairman of the Presidential Task Force on COVID-19, said clinical trials for the new vaccines are underway. "The vaccines will be used after completing clinical trials and obtaining certification," said Mustapha. | [] | [
] | [] | [
] | [] |
497487 | 60077 | 1187 | es | 57 | UNHCR Argentina | 2019-05-11 12:32:46.674632+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/DTM%20ARGENTINA%20%28V4%29ML.pdf | El informante consultado dijo que la relación de las personas migrantes con la sociedad de acogida era regular: “la gente entiende la situación, pero hay quejas y desconfianza”. Esta desconfianza se relaciona especialmente con la idea de que las personas migrantes son los responsables de propagar el virus de la COVID-19. | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Displacement->Local Integration"
] | [] |
327147 | 55006 | 2334 | fr | 78 | GIMAC Cameroon | 2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00 | https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/IOM_Rapport-final_Cameroun_Extreme-Nord_DTM_Round21.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=9314 | Depuis l’apparition du virus au Cameroun en mars 2020, des pénuries de produits de première nécessité (nourriture, eau, médicaments, kits d’hygiène) ont été observées dans 49 pour cent des localités, notamment dans le Logone-et-Chari et le Mayo-Sava, et la hausse des prix de ces produits ont augmenté dans 56 pour cent des localités évaluées, dans le Logone-et-Chari, le Mayo-Sava et le Mayo-Tsanaga principalement. | [
"Food Security",
] | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Impact->Impact On Systems, Services And Networks"
] |
283524 | 51269 | 2336 | en | 13 | GIMAC Afghanistan | 2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/operational_sitrep_covid-19_14_january_2021_final.pdf | 537,011 people have been screened at points of entry by Health Cluster partners | [
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response"
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response->International Response"
] |
157055 | 38914 | 2099 | fr | 66 | IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso | 2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00 | http://lefaso.net/spip.php?article99154 | Deux (2) acteurs ont cependant affirmé que les hommes ont été plus touchés du fait de la fermeture des sites durant les mesures de confinement liées à la Covid-19, puis en raison de la fermeture liée à l’arrivée de la saison des pluies (juillet), durant laquelle les femmes peuvent continuer leur activité alluvionnaire mais pas les hommes. | [
] | [
] | [
] | [
] | [
"Impact->Impact On People",
"Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors"
] |
321506 | 54792 | 2099 | fr | 133 | IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso | 2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00 | (Centre-Nord) Dans la commune de Kongoussi, le constat est qu’en matière d’éducation surtout celle des enfants, même si beaucoup d'enfants vont à l'école, il reste encore une grande majorité condamnée à rester à la maison ou à faire des travaux rémunérés, qui pour aider les parents à payer de quoi manger, qui pour des raisons d'effectifs déjà pléthoriques dans les salles de classe. Notons également que des efforts ont été faits au niveau de certains sites notamment la création d'écoles sous paillotes en français ou même en langues incluant les femmes jusqu'à 35 ans, mais ces écoles ne peuvent prendre en charge que 30 élèves, ce qui réduit le besoin même s'il reste encore beaucoup affaire. | [
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Coping Mechanisms",
"Humanitarian Conditions->Living Standards"
] |
332301 | 43605 | 2336 | en | 23 | GIMAC Afghanistan | 2020-11-10 20:46:14.995164+00 | The total cost for the refugee chapter is $11.6 million. This includes: $2.8 million for shelter and NFI assistance | [
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response"
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response->International Response"
] |
340987 | 56523 | 2170 | en | 124 | IMMAP/DFS Nigeria | 2020-09-14 07:15:55.842849+00 | https://www.worldcement.com/africa-middle-east/19052021/globaldata-nigerias-construction-industry-to-recover-and-grow-by-39-in-2021/ | [19th May 2021, Nigeria]Nigeria’s construction industry declined by 7.7% in real terms in 2020, hit by both the containment measures and disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The steep decline in oil and gas prices, which accounted for around 65% of the government’s revenues, worsened the situation by further curtailing expenditure power on infrastructure. However, the industry is expected to recover in 2021, with an expected real growth rate of 3.9%, driven by a sharp recovery in output levels compared to periods when works were not permitted or were severely restricted in 2020, says Global Data, a leading data and analytics company. | [] | [
] | [] | [
] | [] |
397540 | 61851 | 1186 | es | 28 | UNHCR Chile | 2019-05-11 12:32:10.162657+00 | https://www.iglesiaviva.net/2021/02/24/caritas-informa-de-la-situacion-de-la-poblacion-venezolana-en-la-frontera-de-pisiga/ | Región donde el sol es abrazador en el día y en la noche el viento gélido anuncia que la temperatura bajó hasta cero grados centígrados algunos días. | [] | [
] | [] | [
] | [] |
307678 | 53313 | 2098 | en | 98 | IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh | 2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/who-cox-s-bazar-situation-report-6.pdf | Informal settlements, as the refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar, may face a high risk of large and multiple-dwelling fires due to the different factors such as the high density of shelters and the use of combustible construction materials such as bamboo and plastic sheeting. Poor electrical installations, the use of kerosene lamps and poor accessibility for fire response vehicles are also considered high risk factors for the rapid spread of a fire. In addition, specific risks arise in health facilities due to the use of oxygen concentrators and ventilators. | [
] | [] | [
"At Risk",
] | [] | [
"At Risk->Risk And Vulnerabilities",
"Impact->Driver/Aggravating Factors"
] |
230241 | 44927 | 2335 | en | 57 | GIMAC South Sudan | 2020-11-10 20:45:20.504506+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/Breaking%20out%20of%20the%20Borderlands%20by%20Nicki%20Kindersley%20and%20Joseph%20Diing%20Majok%20-%20RVI%20X-Border%20Project%20%282020%29.pdf | There are very few options for young people in the borderland if they cannot build sustainable lives in an impoverished rural economy or in the internal militarized migrant labour market in South Sudan. The other option is moving north: To town and agricultural areas in Darfur and Kordofan, toward Khartoum and onward. | [
] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
327818 | 55068 | 2334 | fr | 103 | GIMAC Cameroon | 2020-11-10 20:43:17.644452+00 | https://displacement.iom.int/system/tdf/reports/IOM_Final_Rapport_Cameroun_Extreme-Nord_DTM_RD20_16012020.pdf?file=1&type=node&id=7652 | L’accès à l’eau potable a été renseigné comme étant le domaine prioritaire dans cinq des six départements, excepté le Mayo-Kani, et reste le problème majeur dans 44% des localités enquêtées. Plus de 10% des villages enquêtés n’avaient effectivement pas de point d’eau dans leur village pendant la période de collecte des données (et jusqu’à à 35% dans le Mayo-Sava), alors que 47% des points d’eau existants se trouvent à plus d’une heure de marche de la localité évalué. | [
] | [] | [] | [] | [] |
328118 | 54486 | 2099 | fr | 19 | IMMAP/DFS Burkina Faso | 2020-08-25 17:55:22.758158+00 | https://www.fasoamazone.net/2021/04/06/vers-lintroduction-du-vaccin-covid-19-au-burkina-faso-les-autorites-burkinabe-sous-pression/ | à la date du 1er avril 2021 : 12 774 cas pour 149 décès et 12 420 guérisons. | [] | [
] | [] | [
] | [] |
57640 | 16780 | 788 | en | 118 | Nigeria Situation Analysis (OA) | 2019-01-31 07:08:16.99+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/IOM%20Nigeria%20DTM%20Emergency%20Tracking%20Tool%20%28ETT%29%20Report%20No.129%20%2822%20-%2028%20July%202019%29_0.pdf | Within the period of 22 - 28 July, a total of 2,967 movements were recorded, including 2,297 arrivals and 670 departures. Arrivals were recorded at locations in Biu, Damboa, Dikwa, Gwoza, Mobbar, Monguno and Ngala Local Government Areas (LGAs) of Borno state and locations in Girei, Gombi, Hong, Lamurde, Madagali, Maiha, Michika, Mubi North, Numan, Song, Yola North and Yola South LGAs of Adamawa state. Departures were recorded in Askira Uba, Bama, Chibok and Kala/Balge LGAs of Borno state and locations in Demsa, Fufore, Madagali and Mubi South LGAs of Adamawa state. | [] | [
] | [] | [
] | [] |
281385 | 51085 | 2098 | en | 172 | IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh | 2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00 | https://cdn.who.int/media/docs/default-source/searo/bangladesh/bangladesh---rohingya-crisis---pdf-reports/sitreps/2021/who-cxb-situation-report-4.pdf?sfvrsn=2497b180_15 | [2nd March 2021, Cox's Bazar] Between weeks 07-08, ten (10) new confirmed cases were detected from 1603 samples tested, the test positivity was therefore 0.6%. As of 28 February 2021, the cumulative incidence is 47.2 per 100 000 people. The overall positivity of samples tested is 1.3%. Among the cases, 6.7% showed severe symptoms at the time of admission while 6.2% reported at least one co-morbidity. The median age of tested and confirmed cases was 10 (0-120) and 18 (0-90) years, respectively and ratio of females among tested and confirmed cases was 55% and 53%, respectively. Though the median age of tested samples remained below 10 years, a significant proportion of people has been tested among those older than 40 years: 361 per 10 000 population, following that of 0-9 years with 517 tests per 10 000 population as highest number. | [
] | [
] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions"
] | [
] | [
"Humanitarian Conditions->Physical And Mental Well Being"
] |
358070 | 58473 | 2098 | en | 51 | IMMAP/DFS Bangladesh | 2020-08-25 16:07:18.131445+00 | https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/education/2021/06/27/dpe-to-extend-school-feeding-program-by-a-year | [27th June 2021, Bangladesh] According to the Department of Primary Education, the dropout rate reduced from 26.2% in 2012 to 21.4% in 2013. Furthermore, dropout rates have decreased by 6% in schools that provided the meals in the last seven years. | [
] | [] | [
] | [] | [
"Impact->Impact On People"
] |
264211 | 49707 | 2331 | en | 18 | GIMAC Somalia | 2020-11-10 19:39:37.608922+00 | https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/UNICEF%20Somalia%20Humanitarian%20Situation%20Report%20No.%2012%20-%20reporting%20period%20Jan%20-%20Dec%202020.pdf | There were 42,695 children supported with safe-drinking water and 11,366 children supported with school feeding. BY unicef | [
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response"
] | [] | [
"Capacities & Response->International Response"
] |
191882 | 42639 | 2311 | es | 53 | IMMAP/DFS Colombia | 2020-11-01 19:17:22.972239+00 | https://noticias.canal1.com.co/nacional/colombia-no-abriria-frontera-por-reactivacion-migracion-venezolana/ | La Defensoría del Pueblo solicitó a la Gobernación de Norte de Santander, Migración Colombia, la Procuraduría y a la Agencia de la ONU para los Refugiados, Acnur, que se instalen puestos de ingreso de migrantes venezolanos donde puedan brindarles transporte y atención prioritaria y conocer sus sitios de destino | [
] | [] | [
"Priority Needs"
] | [] | [
"Priority Needs->Expressed By Humanitarian Staff"
] |
241824 | 47789 | 2225 | fr | 36 | IMMAP/DFS RDC | 2020-10-05 03:44:04.532391+00 | https://www.radiookapi.net/2021/01/25/actualite/economie/zone-de-libre-echange-la-rdc-confrontee-plusieurs-defis | L’adhésion de la RDC à la Zone de libre-échange ne présente pas que des avantages. Elle offre beaucoup de défis au gouvernement congolais pour faire face à la rude compétition en perspective. | [] | [
] | [] | [
] | [] |