May used to be when the hubs and I celebrated our upcoming anniversary and headed out on our annual trip to the Indy 500. We have been doing it since 2005 and we married in 2006. So many memories. Fast forward……. COVID did it’s thing and kept us away in 2020 and 2021. This year we ARE going back, right? Then we took a glimpse at the limited flight options and prices. Yikes. It was not in the cards. Such as life. We decided we would have to hold off one more year. We will watch it on TV again and text our Indy buddies and get the live updates and shenanigans. May is also Mental Health Awareness Month and since 2018 I have been writing blogs about mental illness, specifically anxiety, and my personal experience with all the things. Taking time to reflect on where I am in my journey, bring awareness and sharing lessons learned along the way. The world has certainly changed, and I have been reflecting on a few things. I am struck by how far I have come, how much knowledge I have gained and put to good use for myself and my family. I feel good with where I am at. How lucky I am to have resources, content, experts and supportive friends and family at my disposal. How much people are really suffering and the negative impact COVID has had on mental health. That includes those that were already suffering that are now dealing with new barriers AND a whole new set of sufferers. 4 out of 10 adults in the US have reported symptoms of an anxiety or depressive disorder. Check out the stats by state. Eye opening to say the east. A Little Goes a Long Way I find when people are suffering, they don’t often know where to turn for help or even can recognize that what is happening to them is not “normal.” They aren't aware of the resources available. We too often assume when someone is struggling there is a standard protocol for help initially – pharmaceuticals and therapy. I personally do not think you have to dive into the deep end so quickly. It can be overwhelming and for some straight up scary. This can create more unwanted anxiety. My thoughts? A little really does go a long way. Start small, online resources, talk to a friend, read a book, write in a journal. Does pharma and therapy work for some? Sure as hell does, but it is not one size fits all. So how do we get those resources in front of people? How do we build awareness? Give easier access? Our schools are doing a much better job of talking about it and giving access to resources and so are employers. However, it really starts at home in my opinion. Not all people are lucky enough to be in a home with parents, siblings, supportive family. Some people are alone. So, normalizing it, encouraging discussions at home, and sharing that with friends, extended family, and community members outside the home is key. If we all talk, share, and show kindness AND less judgment I believe it matters. I believe it helps. No act is too small. Encourage everyone to educate themselves on mental illness and how to treat it, support it, and live with it. Let's be clear thought, we must meet people where they are at. It is not one size fits all. I recently signed up for a yearlong membership in a “Wellness Collective” with a Naturopathic MD. She is an internationally recognized consultant for integrative and alternative solutions for mental health. Her work is a gift. I have been absorbing her content for almost two years and when she announced this program, I went all in. The membership is designed for those who want to become holistic mental health experts for themselves and their families. Yes please! I am loving the experience and I am hearing about the experiences of others. The information on herbs, supplements, and the mind/body is pure gold BUT the perspective of hearing from others about THEIR story is priceless. Every person has their own history, experiences, and challenges. Everyone has their own tips and tricks. It all matters. The how we got here, where we are going, take one day at time story is different for every single human. Sometimes we talk and sometimes we just listen, and both can have an equal amount of impact AND IT COSTS US NOTHING. In most cases we gain something – perspective, gratitude, friendships, and the list goes on.
Some leftists believe Trump to be a fascist mastermind. He is not. He is a fascist idiot, a toddler in adult’s clothing. He is every bit as stupid and immature as he appears to be. Hitler and Mussolini took under a year to consolidate power in a way that Trump never has been able to in over three years. Now, Trump is trying to consolidate that sort of power but is too stupid to know how to actually do it. That he has advisers who are not stupid does not much matter, because he refuses to listen to those advisers. In fact, he tends to fire advisers who offer him actual advice. Three years into his administration, this process has served to weed out all but sycophants from his inner circle. The invention of photography changed the world, because photographs allowed evils like slavery, poverty, warfare, and child labor to be graphically documented. Now, the presence of widespread photography is changing the world again. When only a few people had cameras with them, persistent but sporadic evils like police brutality against people of color went largely unphotographed. Now nearly everyone has a cell phone with them with a camera that, while it might not be the best of cameras, still produces serviceable images and is always there, ready for use. Instances of police brutality that formerly were dismissed or played down by an Establishment media uncomfortable with the idea of challenging authority are now being documented in a way that is impossible for them to ignore. It was only a matter of time until enough such documented instances prompted widespread eruptions of outrage. In fact, up until very recently, I had been mystified (and more than a little frustrated) that such an eruption had not yet happened. Now the eruption is happening. The police, as racist as ever, are operating in an environment where a fascist president is gives them license to act the quiet parts out loud. There is widespread support for Trump in the police force and particularly in the power structures of police unions. Officers feel free to brutalize not only people of color in the streets, but the news media (generally disliked by Trumpers) who are documenting their outrage. This has served to bias the media even more against Trump (and to furnish them with footage providing graphic and dramatic evidence for the validity of such bias). Trump’s stupidity and immaturity were on full show in Lafayette Square. If Trump had an ounce of sense to him, he would have simply waited a bit to stage his photo-op, because curfew hour was fast approaching. The Square could have been prioritized for curfew enforcement, the warning given at 7:00 pm, and any lingering protesters violently dispersed. More than likely, the clergy who were there would have left when they heard the warnings. But no. The adult toddler wanted his photo-op, and he wanted it now. Because Trump is stupid and immature, he is quite predictable, as all simpletons tend to be. Because he is predictable, his behavior can be engineered and exploited by others. He wants the protesting to stop, and he’s willing to disregard established norms in an attempt to stop them. Fine. Make him. Keep protesting. Make him look as bad as possible, i.e. protest, don’t riot. It’s not that riots don’t have their logic (they do), it’s that no tactic is universally applicable in all situations. In this situation, Trump will look worse if he orders state violence against mostly lawful (excepting curfew orders) protests than if he does against destructive or violent ones. So make him look worse. Let him attempt to deploy the military. Already, one can find even conservative anti-Trump voices like Rick Wilson approvingly retweeting calls for the military to desert or mutiny if ordered to commit acts of violence against citizens. Put that one in your pipe and smoke it. And no, it’s not far-fetched. Many senior officers despise Trump, because Trump has weakened the empire whose military they serve in. Enlisted men serve in an institution which, oddly enough, is one of the most progressive in the country when it comes to race relations. There will be discomfort up and down the hierarchy of command with orders to conduct domestic repression. Military law even gives them a crutch. Soldiers take an oath not to obey their superiors, but to obey all lawful orders. When a soldier is given an order, one which is to be executed immediately, there is nobody to rely on to determine lawfulness except the judgment of the individual soldier him- or herself. Having the protests be nonviolent and nondestructive will make it psychologically easier for servicemen to decide to desert. Make it easier for them. Trump is not on the verge of winning; he is on the verge of losing, and losing in a decisive and humiliating way that no US president has ever lost: to a popular revolution.
‘Ōlelo is hub for bringing people and cultures together from around the world to create informative, inspiring, and even entertaining programs for community television. Co-hosts Noco Ku’uleinani and Bobby Moderow (of the Hawaiian music band Maunalua) invited a group of beautiful hula sisters from Nagoya, Japan to the Kaimukī Community Media Center studio, taping their show “Hawaiian Breeze”. Co-host Noco is also an active kumu of this Halau, called Hula Halau Ka Makani O Hawaii. 10 of her students performed in the studio on this day.
“I had interviewed about 8 contractors for my particular renovation. I had chosen to work with Builtwright because I felt they had the most knowledge working on difficult projects and seemed to care about understanding my needs and communicating well with my architect and designer. After starting the project many unexpected obstacles surfaced which Builtwright worked seamlessly with others on the team to find the best and most cost-effective solutions. I always felt that they were watching my back throughout the project. Builtwright used subcontractors that were a pleasure to have working on the project and obviously took pride in their workmanship. Everything was accomplished to owner’s (my) satisfaction. I would be happy to work with them again and highly recommend them to anyone.”
This picture is not one of the world-famous masterpieces of Salvador Dali. And probably few even know about its existence. The creation of this canvas took place in the period r called by the author himself: "Surrealism is me!" Fundamental changes in Dali’s personal life and worldview lead him from cubism to a surreal reflection of reality. New ideas begin to appear in the paintings, embodied in the most unpredictable forms and images. At first glance, Dali’s small picture of the “Tower” gives the impression of sublime alienation and a desire for solitude in this difficult world. Against a rather blurry background, written in sand and pastel colors of tonality, two figures of tall towers stand in the distance. Which, as if leaning towards each other to share something hidden. And clouds float above them, and in the center is a white sunspot, a little dull, like a ray of hope. It was as if Dali was pushing us to think that even in the desert, on such a hilly and incapable of life terrain, there is always a ray of hope for the best, and it should be seen as the main emphasis of the master. And high towers - symbolizing human greatness, are nevertheless located on the sides. Their greatness depends on sunlight, that is, on the hope and faith of man in his own strength. Particularly attractive in the picture is not the grandeur of the towers, not the expanse of the hilly desert, but the sunlight that seems to come from inside and penetrate the soul. The longer to watch. The stronger the light, the greater the feeling of hope! The author himself seems to convey this natural feeling of the correlation of the real and the desired in our life. Towers - a reflection of man in the natural world.
The RePLITO project approaches the question of “living together” from perspectives that seek to go beyond the implicit ideal of national discursive communities that inform the framework of “social cohesion” which informs this funding line as part of larger global debates on polarization and the rise of identity politics. Some scholars and public commentators have reacted to a renewed surge of nationalism with attempts to reframe the concept in less right-wing and ethno-centric terms. Examples of this are Yael Tamir’s “Why Nationalism” (Tamir, 2019), Aleida Assmann’s “Die Wiedererfindung der Nation” (The Reinvention of the Nation) (Assmann, 2020), Thea Dorn’s “Deutsch, nicht Dumpf” (German, not Dull) (Dorn, 2018) and Yascha Mounk’s “The People vs. Democracy (Moustafa, 2018). Dorn and Mounk call for a renewed patriotism. Academic debates and funding lines for “social cohesion” are part of this current discourse aimed at protecting liberal narratives of nationalism. Starting in the mid-1970s, a series of British intellectuals and academics began producing a stream of texts and essays on nationalism that inaugurated a new phase in the study of the phenomenon. The Scottish writer Tom Nairn’s “The Modern Janus” (Nairn, 1975) and “The Break-up of Britain” (Nairn, 1977) directly inspired the Irish Indonesianist Benedict Anderson to produce “Imagined Communities” (Anderson, 1983), which in turn was followed by seminal works Ernest Gellner and Eric Hobsbawm’s, all which confirmed the arrival of the study of post-primordial nationalism. Since then, political scientists still largely agree that the nation, is an “imagined community” with an “invented tradition” (Hobsbawm & Ranger, 1983). Nationalism has since been viewed largely as aiming for sovereignty exercised by a group of people defined as nation over a given territory and is thus the “political principle which holds that the political and the national unit should be congruent” (Gellner, 2006) as a political ideology primarily striving for a congruence between nation and state. Nationalism is both a “collective sentiment or identity bounding and binding together those individuals who share a sense of large-scale political solidarity” and a sentiment “aimed at creating, legitimating or challenging states” (Marx, 2005). The concept of “Nationalism” has assumed various positions in different disciplines and fields: in political science, the focus on the state, on institutions, and on civil society, perpetuated rather than questioned methodological nationalism; sociologists transferred the insights of constructedness of nations to other social categories, such as ethnicity (Brubaker, 2004) and offered larger comparisons. Meanwhile, anthropologists often found themselves in the predicament of wanting to take the informants’ "emic” perspective seriously while acknowledging the genealogical approaches to “etic” outsiders’ perspectives. The internal contradictions of the term “nation-state” has become particularly apparent in the cases of identities for whom some voice demands for their own states, such as Basques, Kurds, and Uighurs. Nation state models in Europe and the Americas are often differentiated along their approach to citizenship, either on the basis of jus soli, birthright citizenship, the right of anyone born in the territory of a state to nationality or citizenship - the predominant rule in the Americas following English common law, - or jus sanguinis ("right of blood"), derived from Roman law. The notion of “Constitutional patriotism” (Verfassungspatriotismus) emphasizes political attachment to the norms and values of a pluralistic liberal democratic constitution rather than a particular ethnic or religious national culture. Its proponents often evoke constitutional patriotism as a post-national concept based on shared values rather than primordial contingencies. The political scientist and historian Sudipta Kaviraj differentiates between post-Empire or post-colonial nations that are modeled after the homogenized European nation states - such as Turkey - and those that offered an alternative model embracing their diversity - such as India. Kaviraj calls the latter model a "Non-Nation-State" (Kaviraj). Another model continues colonial divide-and-rule politices in the form of highly regulated multiculturalism, such as Singapore, which, upon independence, largely succeeded in breaking up political groups and organizations based on ethnic identity. With the loosening grip of parliamentary control over transnationally operating cooperations, with growing migration of people and goods and a deepening net of international treaties and institutions, discussions concerning the benefits and dangers of globalization often see hardening positions on the value of national communities. In the mid-2010s, a surge of votes for right-wing nationalist parties across the globe heralded a new chapter for nationalism. A quickly emerging genre of “literature across disciplines framed Brexit, the rise of right-wing parties in Eastern and Western Europe and the support for Modi, Trump, and other strongmen, as “populism.” However, what characterises all of them more accurately is majoritarianism, masculinism, and right-wing nationalism. Within political science, scholars discussed whether the explanations for the most recent wave of nationalist rhetoric lie in cultural or in socio-economics realm. Several accounts of weaknesses within and attacks on the liberal democracies, most of all the US, described the growing skepticism towards political elites (Levitsky & Ziblatt, 2018) (Runciman, 2018). A wave of scholarship on populism described Trump’s racist rhetoric and tried to explain the growing nationalist populism[1] either by emphasizing the cultural alienation that many voters felt in the face of globalization and a shift in values (Norris & Inglehart, 2019), or by emphasizing growing socio-economic inequalities. Several studies have, for instance, directly linked election of Trump and the vote for Brexit to the China trade shock ((Autor, Dorn, & Hanson, 2016); (Colantone & Stanig, 2018)) and emphasized the experience of precarity and the influx of migrants into the North Western European welfare systems as a main driver for right-wing populist voting (Manow, 2018). The political economist Dani Rodrik argues that cultural and economic explanations are not necessarily in tension but that each set of factors can reinforce the other (Rodrik, 2018). Connected to Manow and Rodrik’s positions, another group of scholars discussed the new cleavage between “cosmopolitanism” and “communitarianism”: the winners and losers of globalization (Wilde, Koopmans, Merkel, Strijbis, & Zürn, 2019). All of these scholars study the pressures of global capitalism, the advances of which have brought new pressures to bear on state sovereignty. Faced with a lack of sovereign options and room to maneuver in the traditional ways of states, it is perhaps little wonder that those who run them have sought to base their legitimacy on identitarian grounds. [1] For a discussion of the contestation concerning the relation between populism and nationalism, see Brubaker 2019.
Imagine you reclining around the table with Jesus as He says to you; “this is a picture of my body that will be broken for you and for the sins of the world”. Let the thoughts of being around that table and hearing Jesus, your leader, your savior, your messiah say; “this wine is a picture of my blood which will be spilled for the atonement of sins – yours and the rest of the world”. Those are weighty words. They are words that should drive us to our knees with grateful hearts and broken hearts. It’s still our sin that Jesus died for. We are still pressing on the cross of Calvary our sin and our selfishness. This Maundy Thursday is most importantly a day to prepare for heart in sharing in the suffering that Jesus took for you. Guys, the greatest relationship on the planet is the one with your King, your Savior, your Strong Tower, your redeemer, your deliverer! DO NOT ALLOW the busyness of life keep you from thanking Jesus for the relationship He gave to you through His suffering on this day!
She graduated from a BA in Fashion at the age of 21 and after a couple of years decided that it wasn't her calling. She soon started working as a freelance textile print designer and exploring the different styles of art from cooking to drawing to graffiti and finally found her passion in tattoos at the age of 25. She started her tattoo training in Russia and soon after opened her own tattoo studio in Lebanon. She then began guest spotting in Spain, and then moved from New York, to Arizona, to San Francisco, to Los Angeles, and to Greece. She then took her education to another level when she went to Germany for a seminar in miniature realistic tattoos with Inal Bersekov organized by "Mommy I'm Sorry" tattoo studio. Book an appointment First Name * Last Name * Email * Phone * Tattoo Design * Breifly explain the concept you have in mind. Please take the time to provide specific content, elements, and details. Tattoo Style * Only lining Black and Gray Body Placement * Budget If you have a budget, please specify it. Size (in centimeters)* Size accuracy is important. You could give me a range too. If you have specific dates, please let me know :) References References are important. It gives me inspiration and helps me to know your idea better. Choose up to 5.
“They’re going to get the care they need. They’re going to make a beneficial life settlement by selling their life insurance policies to Coventry.” This advertisement was in my email this morning. Meanwhile we have corporations, the ultra-rich, including college coaches and pro-athletes, making millions, even hundreds of millions yearly while paying the same tax rates as single mothers and middle-class working stiffs. In the United States no one should have to sell their life insurance in order to pay for health care or basic necessities. permalink · vote tally Top +15 -0 SPONSORED sponsor Posted by 9-0films (+524) 6 months ago SO what are you going to do about it? permalink · vote tally Top +1 -0 supporter Posted by Gunnar Emilsson (+17769) 6 months ago Reply to 9-0films (#383028) 9-0films wrote: SO what are you going to do about it? Continue to vote the straight democratic ticket. permalink · vote tally Top +3 -0 sponsor Posted by 9-0films (+524) 5 months ago That will get it done. permalink · vote tally Top +1 -0 supporter Posted by Gunnar Emilsson (+17769) 5 months ago I totally get that one vote in a red state is not going to do anything. But, naïve me, I hope that the next generation will be smarter than us and slowly vote these fascists out of office. Democrats are very imperfect, but at least they try to help the less fortunate. Whereas the GOP message is to brainwash the slow witted amongst us with pre-approved talking points designed to spoon feed the masses. Check out every statement regarding the 1/5/20201 insurrection from Republican representatives and senators and see how they are all saying the same thing. Defending Trump and his attempted coup. If you still call yourself a Republican, you should be deeply ashamed.
A Greenpeace International submarine captured beautiful footage of the Weddell Sea's ocean floor in Antarctica... and its rare and even unknown marine species.
Culturally, cricket prefers transgressions – on and off the field – to remain swept under the carpet. West Indies's Shannon Gabriel with England's Joe Root. Credit: Reuters Parth Pandya Sport 14/Feb/2019 England Test captain Joe Root hasn’t had the best of times with his bat of late. Runs haven’t come with the consistency expected of a batsman of his repute, and losing a series to a lowly-ranked West Indies has added salt to his wounds. But in the third Test at St Lucia, having already conceded the series, Root redeemed himself as he batted with authority and aplomb, and guided his team to a consolation win. But a sixteenth career hundred was only the second most important highlight of this Test for Root. About midway into his innings, he engaged in a verbal spat with the West Indies fast bowler Shannon Gabriel, parts of which were caught by the stump microphone. Root’s measured but assertive response to Gabriel’s alleged homophobic slur made more headlines in the cricketing media than England’s comprehensive win in the Test. Root has received praise from every corner for standing up for the values a public figure in this day and age is expected to. Once Root took a stand, the repercussions were imminent. The International Cricket Council (ICC) was fairly prompt in its response reprimanding Gabriel under Article 2.13 of Code of Conduct and the player has now been handed a four-match suspension. It hasn’t even been a month since Pakistan captain Sarfraz Ahmed embarrassed himself passing deeply racist expletives at South Africa’s Andile Phehlukwayo. Despite Sarfraz offering an apology and Phehlukwayo gracefully choosing to move on, the ICC intervened and he too faced a sentence identical to Gabriel’s. Gabriel is one of the fastest bowlers in world cricket today. Sarfraz is a wicketkeeper. A certain element of aggression, intimidation and incessant chirping comes with these territories and cricket has long made peace with that. In fact, many on-field verbal spats have made it to the game’s folklore and are often reverently recounted in the media. During India’s four-Test series with Australia in 2017, the home broadcaster Star Sports ran an entire segment called ‘Sledge Hammer’ where the ‘most memorable’ instances of on-field altercation between the two teams were picked and practically glorified by a panel of celebrated former cricketers of both countries. Nothing about this felt odd to anyone despite the controversies the series was clouded by. Players, officials, administrators, and by extension, the larger cricketing community has always chosen not to escalate matters further for as long as “what happens on field, stays on field”. The Australians often prescribe sharing a beer post match as the ultimate antidote for any offence caused. Culturally, cricket prefers the transgressions to remain swept under the carpet. That’s just how things have always been. Not in 2019 though. The definition of what is acceptable public discourse has undergone a cultural metamorphosis. The archaic ideas of masculinity are a thing of distant past. Wanting a proportionate reprimand for someone throwing inappropriate slurs at you is considered prudent as opposed to unmanly. The two recent examples have established that words do have consequences now. For the longest time, the Australians have talked of a ‘line that’s not to be crossed’. Most have dismissed it as imaginary and convenient. But the ICC has certainly drawn a line in the sand now, which is of zero tolerance for racism and homophobia. Pakistan captain Sarfraz Ahmed. Credit: Reuters However, there is another dimension to this debate that must not be left unexplored. The evolved public discourse still largely remains confined to the woke circles of media and academia. It will take its time to enter the society’s mainstream. Moreover, elitist as it may sound, not all societies are at the same level of cultural sophistication at the same time. Many a cricketer from the subcontinent, in particular, come from the modest backgrounds and may not be well versed about the most appropriate choice of words in all situations. In fact, this was one of the lines of defence for Sarfraz during his trial by the media. Casually racist remarks are ingrained so deep into the societies of the subcontinent that it is entirely possible for Sarfraz to not realise the magnitude of offence he was causing. Similarly, homophobia has been the normal status quo for most societies for the longest time. That is how homophobic cuss words have come into being in the first place. It is going to take people time before they truly grasp the problem and sanitise their vocabulary. Every second cuss word that has been normalised in our common parlance is rooted in misogyny, casteism, or racism. To use those words is not necessarily to invoke their literal meanings. But societies have to begin somewhere to eradicate the toxicity within – and in the present, racism and homophobia are on a priority list. And thus, even if one is willing to consider that Gabriel and Sarfraz may not have meant any malice, it is important to ensure they face due reprimand for their words. A number of former and current cricketers have called for the stump mics to be turned down preventing these exchanges to be caught on television. While that argument does have some merit, it’s not what should be the primary point of focus here. What’s important is that the ICC and the individual boards make a proactive effort in bridging the cultural gap by giving the players a formal dressing down. It is vital for the players to learn what is seemingly innocuous to them is indeed deeply problematic. And this involves invoking caste pride while celebrating a batting milestone on field or speaking inappropriately of women in a chat show off it. Some basic level of counseling can go a long way in achieving an environment free of objectionable behaviour. In the meantime, it is important to come hard on the offenders, even if their offence may have been inadvertent. It may be true that players in the past got away with saying worse things, but we are here to correct those habits and not compete with them. It is also true that stump mics in a way are breaching the players’ personal space. But it is worth the price if this forces players to exercise more restraint on field. The authorities have shown urgency in handling the two recent controversies in no small part thanks to the public reactions and media outrage. People have often raised concerns over the culture of using public outrage as an instrument for action from authorities. But the means are sometimes worth overlooking for the end. And this is one such time.
These laminated holy cards feature beautiful Catholic imagery with a distinctive gold foil stamping design on the front and a prayer on the back, and include crystal clear laminating for durability.
Go full action-mode in the Stealth. This men's sun hat is ready for maximum outdoorsiness with a light, packable, quick-drying design. Adjustable bungees let you lock down the fit, and just in case, the hat floats.
Gritty, oblique imagery characterizes Derek Hess' unique approach to his artwork. His initial concert work was for underground shows in Cleveland and before too long he was designing record and CD covers for the likes of R.L. Burnside and Converge. His art is defined by sketched lines, bright contrasting colors, and his signature dark twisted comic-book styled characters. To date, Hess has designed posters for artists like Nine Inch Nails, Pink Floyd and Pantera, and he's reached the heights many modern artists strive for - his work displayed at the Louvre as well as the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
Perhaps taking a cue from YouTube's recent foray into the realm of music, Twitch.tv, more known for its game-related streaming videos, is now dipping its toes into that medium as well. But no, Twitch isn't going to start showing music videos, at least not in the same way. Putting at slight twist to the category, Twitch is offering two types of music channels, one with a library of hassle-free music for live broadcasts, and another for actually broadcasting original music content. Twitch offering music might be a harder pill to swallow than YouTube's new musical interest. The service, which is now owned by Amazon, has been strict in allowing only gaming-related content on their channels. Twitch assures its followers that it remains committed to its main focus and that the new venture doesn't in any way detract from its priorities. Well and good, but it doesn't exactly say why it's doing so. At least one of the new features, the Twitch Music Library, is a bit easier to grasp in that context. Last year, Twitch started muting the audio of videos that played copyrighted music in the background, which went against the service's terms of use. But music-less broadcasts are boring, so Twitch has come up with a library of songs that users can use in their live streams or video-on-demand. If you've ever been at a loss on which music will pass Twitch's scrutiny, then this library should be your main resource. At the moment, the library is filled with EDM, though Twitch says it plans to expand that to more genres eventually. The second musical offering, a new Music Category, might be a bit more perplexing. This channel basically lets musicians broadcast their original music using Twitch, which clearly diverges from the previous gaming-only philosophy. Twitch mentions that a few popular artists are already on Twitch live streaming their games, so now they can also use Twitch to live stream their performances. Perhaps this provides a hint towards Twitch's motivation, trying to bring in artists and musicians into the fold. That said, those performers should ensure that they are only broadcasting content that they are legally allowed to, that is their own, lest they suffer the same fate as other muted videos. Interestingly, there is another sub-category to this new music channel, that is currently available only to a very select few. Twitch is playing around with the idea of radio-style music playing, starting off with Monstercat's Monstercat FM 24-hour show but is only available for a very limited number of approved music labels.
It was reported that, Alhaji Labaran Abdul-Madari, who was the majority leader of Kano State house of assembly has been impeached. The information gathered disclosed that Abdul-Madari was impeached on Wednesday February 5, after 23 out of the 28 APC members in the house of assembly voted in support of a motion of urgent public importance which was presented by a member of the All Progressives Congress (APC) representing Bunkure Constituency Alhaji Muhammad Uba-Gurjiya, was However, the adoption of the motion and his subsequent impeachment, the majority leader was then replaced with his Deputy, Alhaji Kabiru Hassan-Dashi.
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Baharat” translates to “spice mix” in Turkish and varies from home to home and region to region. Ours is inspired by the wonderful flavors of the Spice Bazaar in central Istanbul and is deeply aromatic with cumin, cassia, nutmeg and a touch of mint. Perfect for meats, stews, vegetables and legumes.
The Angel pen has an 6k solid white gold Angel clip. The nib is a Medium two-toned 18k nib. Its a smaller pen with a #4 nib, but a lovely color and interesting design. The Devil pen also has a 6k clip, but in rose gold. The nib is a larger #6 size in 18k two-toned gold also in Medium grade.
LAS VEGAS, NV, (Sept. 9, 2019)—Two of the main things golfers search for when they are looking for places to tee it up are choices and value. At Primm Valley Golf Club, the choice of playing the Desert or Lakes course (or both) gives players the variety they want and a chance to play two Tom Fazio gems. The value comes in the form of their birdie and eagle packages which stretches players’ golf budgets further. — by Bill Bowman, Las Vegas Golf Insider staff. Reserve Your Primm Valley Las Vegas Golf Packages Now The birdie and eagle packages tie everything a player needs into one package. In the birdie package, you’ve got your 18 holes of golf on either course, use of the golf cart and practice facility, a sleeve of Callaway Supersoft golf balls, a $20 golf shop certificate and two drink tickets. Pricing for the birdie package depends on the season and time of day players want to play. There are also stay and play packages available with Las Vegas resorts. The eagle package includes the same benefits as the birdie package but with an added second sleeve of golf balls and a set of rental clubs. Again, pricing depends on day of play and time of day. The two courses at Primm are located 30 minutes south of Las Vegas on the California border. Both offer visually inspiring design appeal and impressive risk/reward challenges along the way. Fazio, one of the world’s best architects, has designed more than 200 courses around the world. The Lakes Course is a par-71 that reaches 6,945 yards from the tips. The layout lives up to the name as water comes into play on 11 holes. The water features start early on the risk/reward masterpiece–the par-5 second hole. At 530-yards, the hole winds its way around a deep-blue pond. The Desert Course plays 7,131 yards and is a par-72 design. The landscaping on this design offers an impressive contrast to the Lakes Course, but there’s still enough water to force players to stay focused. Whether you’re looking at a quick trip to Primm to take advantage of the birdie or eagle pricing or you’re planning a stay-and-play package, Primm Valley is a golf destination with choices and deals that will bring players back for more.
Lunenburg Doc Fest is proud to announce the screening of Revolution, an award-winning documentary and true-life adventure that will inspire, educate and entertain all ages. The Revolution Mission Statement begins: “We believe in the earth, life and that 3.5 billion years of evolution created a world of unmatched productivity and diversity, perfect for humans, and that by undoing the damage wrought by short sighted human expansion, earth can be paradise for humans and millions of other species.” While Revolution has a strong focus on youth and Canada, it was filmed in 15 countries and pinpoints major threats to our global ecosystem and explores possible solutions. Our individual actions are interconnected to the environment, to humanity, and Rob Stewart’s documentary expresses an impactful and hopeful message for the future that is at stake. Revolution is a feature documentary about opening your eyes, changing the world and fighting for something. A true life adventure following director Rob Stewart in the follow up to his smash hit Sharkwater, Revolution is an epic adventure into the evolution of life on earth and the revolution to save us. Discovering that there’s more in jeopardy than sharks, Stewart uncovers a grave secret threatening our own survival as a species, and embarks on a life-threatening adventure through 4 years and 15 countries into the greatest battle ever waged. Bringing you some of the most incredible wildlife spectacles ever recorded, audiences are brought face to face with sharks and cuddly lemurs, into the microscopic world of the pygmy seahorse, and on the hunt with the deadly flamboyant cuttlefish. From the coral reefs in Papua New Guinea to the rainforests in Madagascar, Stewart reveals that all of our actions are interconnected. Through it all, Stewart’s journey of encouragement and hope meets activists and individuals all over the world that are winning the battle to save the ecosystems we depend on for survival. Presenting the most important information on human survival and inspiring people all over the world to fight for life, Revolution is essential viewing for everyone. Startling, beautiful, and provocative, Revolution inspires audiences across the globe to start a revolution and change the world forever. Revolution premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival and has already gone on to win numerous awards, including the Audience Award for Best Documentary at the Atlantic Film Festival, Most Popular Environmental Film Award at the Vancouver International Film Festival, the Audience Award at the Victoria Film Festival and the Social Justice Award at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival. 90min/USA/2012 Gallery Filmmakers Rob Stewart, Director “Everyone knows what’s going on and we can turn this thing around, but only if we hold each other morally responsible to make better decisions. Revolution is about human survival — we have to act now and turn things around if we hope to survive this extinction.” Rob Stewart, Director of REVOLUTION and SHARKWATER
The Tucson Section of SME will hold its February meeting on Wednesday, February 9th. The registration deadline is noon on Friday, February 4th. A New Era for Mining and Mineral Resource Education at the University of Arizona Speaker: Brad Ross, PhD, Interim Director of the School of Mining and Mineral Resources Overview: The UofA is excited about the creation of its new School of Mining and Mineral Resources. The mission of the School is to transform how students, professionals, and communities work across boundaries to meet the complex challenges of supplying economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable mineral resources to meet the demands of today's society. The new School will use a multidisciplinary approach to expand and improve the delivery of mining and mineral resource education and research across campus. A new minor will be offered to students from any discipline, from accounting to systems engineering, who will graduate with a strong understanding of mining and mineral resources. This presentation will discuss the overall philosophies and structure of the new School, describe the curriculum being developed for the minor, and review the progress made to date. Since one of the overall goals of the School is to build strong strategic partnerships, the presentation will also describe how anyone can be a part of this exciting new initiative.
Ideas for hillside landscaping. The use of stairs in sloped landscape design. How to plant steep slopes. Using grass when landscaping on a slope. Terracing a hill with retaining walls. Landscaping on a slope is challenging. The steeper the slope the more numerous the challenges. It is difficult, and can be dangerous, to walk or work on a steep hillside. Water tends to run off without sinking into the soil. The soil itself tends to run down the hill. The rest of this page is dedicated to helping you solve these three hill landscaping problems. Hillside Landscaping Problem #1 The Difficulty of Walking on a Slope Sea oats and other wild beach side plants adorn the dunes behind this New Smyrna Beach home. Three decks create an abundance of flat, useable living space at the rear of the residence. There are, essentially, two ways to manage the problem of walking or working on a steep slope: Avoid it. Plant the slope very densely with tough, drought tolerant plants, or leave the natural vegetation in place if it is aesthetically pleasing. Dense plantings shade the soil and keep weed seeds from germinating, cutting down on maintenance. Terrace the slope. The precipitous incline behind this home is beautifully terraced. Concrete retaining walls hold deep pockets of moisture-retentive soil in which palms and other tropicals thrive. Hillside Landscaping Problem #2 Water Runoff It is nearly impossible to turn a dry slope into a moisture-retentive flower bed, unless you terrace it, because you cannot disturb the soil enough to dig in the proper amendments without exacerbating the erosion problem. Therefore, if you are not going to terrace your hillside, it is best to stick with xeric plants. The soil on the flat areas of a terraced slope can be safely amended with leaf mold and other organic matter without concern about it running away with the first driving rain. Hillside Landscaping Problem #3 Soil Erosion Two things can be relied upon to hold the soil on a hill in place: the roots of perennial plants and shrubs, and sturdy retaining walls. Plants sited on a slope should grow thickly and mature to a height of at least 2 feet in order to effectively hinder weed growth. Tips for Landscaping a Slope with Lawn Grass Lawn grass is not an appropriate groundcover for landscaping steep slopes as grass must be regularly mowed to keep it attractive. Mowing on too precipitous a hill is dangerous. So how steep is too steep? The rule is this: If the incline rises more than three feet in height for every ten feet of distance, it is too steep to mow safely. The lawn in this sloped landscape design is used as a path. Notice how dense the plantings on either side of it are. Columnar conifers frame the view. Landscaping Slopes with Stairs Often, the best path from the top to the bottom of a hill will be a flight of stairs. Follow these tips to get this sloped landscape design feature right: Make the steps wide and deep enough to be, not only visually appealing, but comfortable and safe. Allow room to place pots or urns. Break up a long staircase with landings so it won’t seem so daunting to visitors. The landings will also provide resting places for elderly guests. Lighting is important to keep the stairs safe at night. Thoughtfully installed landscape lighting will not only illuminate the staircase, but make it a magical part of your evening landscape by casting dramatic shadows.
“Klemperer, the principal collections officer at the Potteries Museum and Art Gallery, is among the officials traveling to Washington from Stoke-On-Trent in Staffordshire, England, to display at the National Geographic Museum the largest find of Anglo-Saxon gold and silver.” – Taken from Article Click the image to read further: Hobby Metal Detecting: Saxon and Viking Books for metal detecting finds and identification: Share this: Twitter Facebook Like this: Like Loading... Related November 24, 2011 in Hobby News, Staffordshire Hoard. Tags: deb klemperer, Staffordshire hoard, Terry Herbert
I don't know as we'd consider it "liberated", by mundanely, Arodonn is taking my last name rather than me taking his.
Since 1952, Texas Farm Bureau Insurance has been protecting customers' moments-the big, the small, and the everyday. As part of the Texas Farm Bureau Insurance Companies, our mission is twofold: To help our customers manage the financial risks of everyday life and successfully recover from any insured loss through prompt, professional, and personal service based on high ethical standards and fairness. To build and manage a financially strong, efficient, and member-oriented operation that supports the objectives and membership growth goals of the Farm Bureau parent organization.
In the weeks and months leading up to the wedding everyone will want to shower the bride with parties and gifts. When planning showers, bridesmaid luncheons, bachelorette parties, and other pre-wedding events, think about the bride's personality. What are her hobbies, favorite flower, or favorite place to travel to? These ideas will help you come up with a theme. Some theme ideas are described below. If you don't have a theme in mind, just think romance and love! That should give you some inspiration to plan an event that the bride won't forget. Most of these themes could be applied to showers, bridal/bridesmaid luncheons, rehearsal dinners, etc. Garden Party Decorate tables with jelly jars with candles, or with watering cans full of flowers. Use flour pots as decoration or as containers for foods, utensils, favors, etc. Use a wheel barrel for a wishing well. Ask guests to bring garden-theme wishing well gifts such as seed packets, herbs, gardening gloves/tools and gardening books. Ask everyone to wear beautiful hats! Give seed packets or bulbs as shower favors. Tea Party Serve finger sandwiches, cookies, scones, salads or other light dishes. Use teapots filled with flowers as centerpieces. Mix and match teacups and saucers, or use your favorite tea set. Have a variety of teas for guests to choose from. Use the bride's wedding colors for decorations and in your table settings. Honeymoon Theme Have a party theme that matches the couple's honeymoon destination. Hawaii/Tropical: Have a luau party. Paris/Europe: Decorate the party like a French Café or Bistro. Serve location appropriate food. Serve gourmet coffees and pastries. California/Wine Country: Hold a wine tasting party. Germany: Use an Oktoberfest theme. Have fun! Use your imagination. Make it a fun event for the bride and groom as well as family and friends. It's also popular now to have both the bride and the groom at the shower so think about co-ed celebrations.
WTRF and are proud members of the Nexstar Media Group, Inc. If there are current job openings within WTRF and they can be found below:
Hey, I am Kedar and one of the team captains of the team. I am from Mumbai, India studying embedded systems in Uppsala University and I have a great interest in developing and making cool things
Kirby: Right Back at Ya! (星のカービィ Hoshi no Kābī) is an anime based on the video game series Kirby. It was produced by Warpstar Inc. and directed by Sōji Yoshikawa. 4Kids Entertainment aired the show on 4Kids TV with edits made to the show for its American audience.
Another day in the office and I receive yet another telephone call from a sales rep asking if he can come in and show me a “great new product” called Iobac. Not another ‘me too’ product I thought, but seeing as it was 3M I agreed to let him come down,… Share Tweet Read More Paint Spec for Concrete Floor at RAF Henlow Posted 25 June 2015 Category Floor Painting/ Industrial Paints/ Promain News/ Promain On-Site Paint Specification for Concrete Floor at RAF Henlow On the 9th June Promain carried out a site visit at Hangar 189, RAF Henlow. We were asked to specify paint for the worn out concrete floor. The surface, originally flat and smooth, had suffered from ageing, which of course is a… Share Tweet Read More Rust-Oleum Sales Team Training Posted 18 January 2015 Category Promain News Following the recruitment of two new members of staff (to the growing Promain team) a training session was arranged with Nigel Morgan, the UK Sales Director for Rust-Oleum. Nigel has many years’ experience, not only training the Rust-Oleum field based sales team, but, having spent over 15 years working for… Share Tweet Read More Promain Staff Technical Training Posted 08 January 2015 Category Promain News As part of the ongoing commitment from Promain, all the sales and technical staff attend regular technical training sessions provided by paint manufacturers. This helps the staff understand new developments in the paint and coating industry. With the introduction of changes by the EU and UK government, new resins and… Share Tweet Read More Previous 1 2 Search For Info Search for: Categories Exterior Cleaning Exterior Painting Floor Painting Industrial Painting Industrial Paints Interior Painting Painting Tips Promain News Promain On-Site Subscribe To Newsletter Tweets New 5 Star Review! @we_are_reviews h J R @promainpaint - 19 hours ago Facebook Contact Promain House Knowl Piece Business Park Wilbury Way Hitchin Hertfordshire SG4 0TY 01462 421 333 info@promain.co.uk Follow Us Technical Support Ask our Technical team a question by using the form below or call the advice line on 01462 421 333 Help & Advice If you should require any advice before you purchase, please call our experts who will be happy to advise which product would be most suitable for your needs 01462 421 333 Connect with us If you would like to keep up to date with our latest news and interesting articles then check out our social media...
Yesterday’s “Super Tuesday” primaries were extremely sketchy. I specifically asked the lady at my polling place: Do I need to write my registered address on the provisional ballot envelope? She said “No,” they have other ways of identifying me. Yet no ID was required. For the record, her nametag said “Angelica.” My provisional vote may or may not have counted, I don’t know because I haven’t yet called to find out. I’ll call tomorrow, but please read this incredible account of what happened to at least a few voters yesterday… What we have both personally experienced and have been getting tons of calls on is voter disenfranchisement at the polls yesterday. Let me explain; My son came with me to vote. He had changed his registration from American Independent to Republican so he could vote for Ron Paul and he met the deadline requirement by one day but was still shown as an American Independent Party member. There was also another woman there who had changed her registration to Republican to vote the same way. They were told that they were not on the Republican list and could vote as Republican because they were assigned as another party. My son asked for a provisional ballot and was told no. They just crossed both names off the list of registered voters. My son said, I won’t vote other than Republican. The other woman said the same. … And they had no idea of what else to do. So, I came home and called the Registrar’s Office (not the number on the registration forms or in the phone book because they were all experiencing technical difficulties), I called a number I googled and got through 5 min before they were closed for the day. The person I spoke with had no knowledge to anything. So she looked up my sons name and sure enough he was timely registered as a Republican. We were then told to go back to the poll and that they would make a call to those there as to the situation. Apparently, an updated add-on list was attached to the list of voters of which none of those working the polls knew of. Those running the polls were very incompetent. Why would we want people like this running our election polls? Maybe we should have stepped up to the plate. I think these people had their hearts in the right direction but didn’t know the ins and outs. Anyway, I find out now that this wasn’t just a clerical error but a fast moving problem across the entire state of California. Share this: Email Facebook Twitter Google california cheating disenfranchisement election fraud presidential election primaries southern california super tuesday voting Elliot Lee One Response to “Did My Vote Count?” Komodo Dragon says: 2/10/2008 at 5:53 am To be honest with you, nothing these days surprises me. How are we to know that votes aren’t being “bought” privately, etc.
Dongyuan Zhan is an Assistant Professor at UCL School of Management. He studies service operations, with an emphasis on strategic behavior of servers and agents. He has won several awards including Second Place of CSAMSE Best Paper Award, NET Institute Summer Research Grant, Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad. He holds a Ph.D. degree from the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California, and an M.S. degree in Operations Research also from USC. He obtained a B.S., and an M.S. degree, both in Control Sciences and Engineering, from Tsinghua University. Download CV [PDF] Research My research interests include the analysis and design of service systems with strategic employees or independent agents. Particularly, I study how to use incentives for employees, or routing for independent agents to improve the operational performance of service systems. Also, I am interested in OM-Marketing interface, such as how consumer behaviour affects probabilisitic selling. PhD supervisor to: Arturo Estrada Rodriguez Research projects Routing in Call Centers This project investigates the optimal routing of customers in call centers with heterogeneous agents to trade off speed and quality.
Charles Dawson "Daws" Butler (November 16, 1916 – May 18, 1988) was an American actor who specialized in voicing animated films and television series. He worked mostly for the Hanna-Barbera animation production company where he originated the voices of many familiar characters, including Yogi Bear, Quick Draw McGraw, Snagglepuss, Wally Gator, Huckleberry Hound, Augie Doggie, Peter Potamus, Hokey Wolf and Loopy de Loop. He voiced Spike Bulldog, George, and Butch Cat in the Tom and Jerry cartoons, Butch Dog in some of the Tex Avery shorts and the two-part spinoff Spike and Tyke.
Choosing where to live in Atlanta - The Atlanta Real Estate Finder - Relocation and Investment Resource Search this site Home Search MLS Area Information Home Seller Section Buyers Section Search MLS FHA Approved Condo List Relocation Choosing where to live in Atlanta Getting to know Atlanta Foreclosures Investors Vacation Property Carribean Dominican Republic Wind Chime Condos Area Information Intown Neighborhoods Suburban Cities Gwinnette County Millage rates Contact Harolds Real Estate Blog Atlanta House Hunter Videos Relocation‎ > ‎ Choosing where to live in Atlanta Getting Around Anyone wishing to relocate to the Atlanta area, needs to be mindful of morning, noon and evening traffic. Getting around Atlanta during rush hour can be time consuming, so choosing the right place to live, will make your quality of life much better. Another consideration would be choosing a neighborhood that was in line with your lifestyle. If you need a fast pace environment with people on the move, then Buckhead would be a good choice. If you are an artist and enjoy a more relaxed bohemian lifestyle, perhaps Candler park, Inman park or Lake Claire neighborhoods would suit you better. If you are a college student, then living near campus make sense. Another consideration is price. Depending on your housing budget, some neighborhoods will be affordable, and some not. Getting to know Atlanta Regarding logistics, Atlanta can be broken down into 5 general areas they are NE, NW, SE, SW, outside the loop. Lets start with the North.
Scripture by Heart presenter and Epworth member Dave Mason will talk about his journey through open heart surgery, personal loss and life. Last winter he underwent his second open heart surgery in the past ten years. This time, he had to deal with some postoperative complications. God was with him every step of his journey, even though he couldn’t always see Him.
Most modern digital cameras have a similar button in. It is worth while to have a look at their manual for how you can create an image that would look more like a “film” picture. As a photographer, you can use a variety of different picture styles when you work with raw and digital images. dslr movie picture style leica-macro A digital camera is an electronic camera, meaning it captures image information as a set of digital numbers (. 3 days ago Leica to Exhibit the Leica T and Leica Q Film Camera at “The Art of Photography. If you have decided to give up your analog hobby and switch over to a digital camera,. - film type picture style 109 edit the image to the desired outcome . Which style of images is best for you depends on your personal photographic needs and . The best camera for you is the one that gets the job done, . and more for every kind of picture. Good luck and have fun experimenting! . Many film photographers use the Leica M-mount as the standard for their filmscopes. . How to create a lightroom film-style picture or darkroom documentary style. "Its own Film Style Picture Editor" is a camera feature that allows you to create . The Best Guide for photo Editing in Lightroom and Photoshop read more. It is used to experiment with the film look. This gives a feeling of creativity and sometimes film pictures are no longer used for commercial work.. edit the image to the desired outcome .1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a control device for motor-operated hydraulic wrenches and more particularly to a control device for operating a machine tool such as a hydraulic wrenches by various kinds of operators or machines and the like. 2. Description of the Prior Art As a conventional control device for motor-operated hydraulic wrenches, there has been proposed one which controls the supply of the wrenches to a number of different machine tools in accordance with a change of the size of the wrench required to operate a number of machine tools. In this device, a timer is provided for counting the time during which the wrench has been operated by one operator or machine and a timer memory is provided for storing the counted values. A central processing unit is used to read the timer memory and to compare a predetermined cut-off time with the
The BID trimmed 21 giant ficus trees on San Pedro St. between 5th and 7th Streets, and we also trimmed five trees along the 800 block of Stanford Avenue in our newly expanded area. Every neighborhood wants healthy and beautiful tree canopies, but this requires regular maintenance. Because of pandemic regulations, encampments could not be moved for two years to make way for the pruning and thinning of these very large trees. During that time, the foliage grew to completely enfold power lines and interfere with streetlight illumination. Now these trees are once again providing shade and respite from the sun, and look beautiful as well.
SOMERSET Co., Md. – Somerset County’s COVID-19 positivity rate is currently the highest in the state of Maryland. On Thursday, the percent of people testing positive stood at an alarming 20.34%. The Somerset County Health Department says the spike is likely caused by COVID fatigue. They say everyone is getting tired of the regulations and guidance, and some still spent time with loved ones for the Thanksgiving holiday despite warnings from state officials. To stop the spread, the health department says the best thing you can do is to simply follow safety guidelines. Sharon Lynch with the Somerset County Health Department said, “Wear that mask, watch that distance, wash your hands, sanitize surfaces too…Think about the holiday activity, the holiday tradition, the gathering with friends and family. Is it really worth it this year?” The county is expanding its testing in response to the spike. This week and next week people can get tested at the Washington High School. No appointment is needed. For more information just head to SomersetHealth.org.
For special assistance or special dietary requirements, please inform us while making your reservation. Contact us during open hours and we will be happy to assist you with any questions you may have. All reservations made to our answering services will be confirmed via phone by one of our staff members as soon as possible. If you will be arriving late we request you to inform us to avoid losing your reserved table. 3Stones phone number: 070 360 87 61 3Stones privacy declaration Step 2. Call us DATE: Sunday 26 June 2022 We are sorry, for this date it is not possible to make a reservation online. Please call us at 070-360 8761 and ask for the possibilities. Pick another date 3Stones Kenyan Restaurant Laan van Meerdervoort 46a 2517 AM The Hague Tel: 070 360 87 61 mail@3stones.info
These are the first citterns I’ve built for a couple of years, ready for David and the spray booth. They’ll be there for around a month, after which making and fitting the bridge, fitting the tailpiece and stringing up will take another week or so. My apologies to those who’ve been waiting so long, but I’m making good progress. The next two citterns/octave mandolins are now also under construction. When I’ve made inroads into my existing orders I plan to re-open my mandolin family order book. Here you see the distinctive sweep of the sides into the heel. This was a technique I developed when first building Appalachian dulcimers in the early 1970s and carried over into my cittern designs. This system has undergone three major revisions, the last in 2004. After so long concentrating on flat-top guitars, I’ve returned to arch-top instruments with renewed enthusiasm.
Private jet maintenance, inspections, and overhauls come due at varying times. Learn what goes into the upkeep of a private jet. Contents hide The Importance of Routine Private Jet Maintenance The Meaning of an Overhaul The Frequency of Private Jet Maintenance Inspections Which Areas of the Jet Require the Biggest Focus? How Much Does Private Jet Maintenance Cost? Maintenance Compliance: Who’s Responsible? Final Thoughts There is a lot of joy to be had with a private jet. It can take you nearly anywhere you want to go, give you the freedom to enjoy the flight, and even bring you an immense amount of comfort and luxury. While all these things are lovely, none would be possible – or safe – if there was not a high standard set for the inspection and maintenance of private jets. What does this entail? Let’s take a look at the process of private jet maintenance. The Importance of Routine Private Jet Maintenance We take care of our cars, regularly changing the oil and rotating the tires. Most car mechanics will even have a timeline for routine maintenance to ensure the longevity of your automobile. Well, private jets are the same way. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has done the same thing, outlining inspections and such based on the age of private jets and their usage level. Just as everything else, with use, private jets will experience wear and tear inside and out. But there are certain aspects of these machines that require attention. This comes in routine (or preventative) maintenance, servicing, corrosion control, and regular inspections. Routine maintenance is essential to protect the safety of everyone on board. Before the jet moves, there needs to be a high level of confidence that everything – including the engines – is functioning correctly without any hesitation. Of course, this routine maintenance also helps with: ● Extending the life of the jet. ● Complying with all safety regulations. ● Preventing canceled flights. ● Reducing the need for major, more expensive repairs. The Meaning of an Overhaul You will hear the term overhaul quite a bit when it comes to private jet maintenance. Overhaul means to take something apart to inspect it and make any repairs required. Things like the jet’s engine and landing gear will be subject to an overhaul, for example. There are a lot of small parts that fit together to create a working whole. If one piece is off, then the whole thing will be affected. The Frequency of Private Jet Maintenance Inspections It is important to keep in mind that there are timelines given by both the FAA and the aircraft manufacturer to ensure that your aircraft is cared for properly. However, it should be noted that the FAA often defers maintenance timelines to the manufacturer. There is no standard timeline of how frequently you should inspect every aircraft or part of the aircraft. Instead, it varies considerably based on the type of jet, the make, model, the year it was built, frequency of use, hours in the air, number of landings, and so on. As a general rule of thumb, however, private jets have a few key milestones that trigger the need for service inspections: ● After 5,000 landings, the landing gear should be dismantled, inspected, and completely overhauled. ● Major maintenance should commonly occur every six years. ● Every 1,200 hours in the air – especially every 2,400 hours in the air – the private jet should go through a rigorous inspection. Paying attention to the private jet’s technological systems at all times can give you a general idea of how healthy specific systems are. Which Areas of the Jet Require the Biggest Focus? Every inch of a private jet is important for functioning correctly and safely. But, certain areas require a higher level of focus than others – and this goes above and beyond any timelines set. Areas that need attention are often a jet’s engine and avionics. While modern turbine engines allow for a significant length of time between standard inspections or overhauls, they still need to be monitored in the interim. Many of these parts have to handle the pressure and extreme heat that comes with running the engine. So, keeping an eye on the compressor, combustion chambers, burner cans, and all their parts is crucial for safety. The avionics system onboard the private jet needs to be in working order to ensure all navigation and communication systems are functioning correctly. Frequent software updates should always be performed so that function remains optimal. How Much Does Private Jet Maintenance Cost? The cost to maintain a private jet will vary based on certain things, such as the frequency of required maintenance, the age of the jet and hours flown, the number of landings, and so on. All of these factors will determine the level of maintenance required and whether they would be simple repairs or major overhauls. Of course, routine inspections are likely to cost less than major overhauls, but putting a general price on these things is impossible due to all the variables involved. The cost of maintaining a private jet also comes down to whether you have your team handling the maintenance or if you would outsource the work to a maintenance company or join a program. Maintenance Compliance: Who’s Responsible? So we know all these inspections and routine maintenance are required to keep private jets functioning safely, but who is responsible for making sure it happens? It is up to the owner or operator to properly maintain the private jet. The important part is to make sure that those who are handling the maintenance have been Federal Aviation Administration approved/certified. Final Thoughts Private jet maintenance is crucial for the life of the aircraft and the safety of those on board. Engaging in routine private jet maintenance to keep the jet running efficiently is just as important as routine inspections. This is to ensure all the parts are in working order and checks to ensure that all avionic software and communication systems are up to date and running correctly. Maintenance, inspections, and overhauls come due at varying times based on how often a private jet is used, its age, and so forth. Those who offer charter private jet flights understand the importance of caring for the aircraft and work with the best professionals to ensure all is well on the ground and in the air.
Arthur Carl Piepkorn does not need for us to say this, seeing how obvious it is: he was the Missouri Synod’s most sweetly orthodox teacher, not only to the Synod itself but in behalf of the Synod to the rest of Christendom. Yet that same Synod in its recent convention condemned the teaching of this man of God – along with that of his colleagues at Concordia Seminary, Saint Louis – as “false doctrine which is not to be tolerated in the church of God.” It does not take much imagination to see that God, with characteristic irony, has now taken the Synod at its word. He will indeed no longer “tolerate” the likes of Arthur Carl Piepkorn to be squandered on such an ungrateful church. So He has now recalled one of His most favored ambassadors, thus granting the suicidal wishes of the host country. How many more of His recalls will that country demand before diplomatic relations are damaged beyond repair? “Not to be tolerated in the church of God.” Dr. Piepkorn took those words with awful seriousness, not only for himself and his colleagues but more so for his church on whom those words would surely backfire – as now they have. For that condemnation was imposed at New Orleans not by ordinary church-members who speak only for themselves, but by church delegates. They were to represent the whole church. So when they condemned the ministry of a Dr. Piepkorn, they did so in the name of millions of other Christians – in the name of the thousands of pastors he had trained, in the name of the parishioners he had served, in the name even of his own wife and children. Consequently, all of these together now had to bear responsibility for that hideous action of their representative spokesmen. When Dr. Piepkorn re-entered his classroom after New Orleans, he was mindful that probably none of these young seminarians had ever before had to sit in the same room with someone whom the church had charged with heresy. So with typical compassion he offered to let them transfer to other classes. Worse yet, Dr. Piepkorn’s opponents on the seminary’s Board of Control recently scheduled him and some of his colleagues for “retirement,” and then, as if to dignify the action, offered to call it an “honorable” retirement. Hearing that, people have not known whether to laugh or cry, since Dr. Piepkorn was in the very prime of his professional life. The board members who wanted him out did not dare to admit why. Not one of them, nor anyone else, could ever have succeeded in proving their real grievance against him, “false doctrine.” They knew that and so did Dr. Piepkorn. Therefore he was going to decline the retirement on the grounds that it could not possibly be an “honorable” one unless the church first exonerated him of its condemnation against him. He was willing to give his church that second chance. But now, as God has seen fit, the church does not have that chance after all – except posthumously. The loss of Arthur Carl Piepkorn cannot be undone but it might still, thank God, be kept from going to waste. There might yet be time to redeem this tragedy, thanks to a God who allows even His grimmest judgments to be used for our repentance. But in order truly to repent, to put an immediate stop to the disastrous purges afoot in our Synod and to rescind the scandals of New Orleans, we need one huge resource. We need the courage to trust our forgiving Lord. Without that courage we shall be too afraid to admit how terribly, lethally wrong we are being. Scared, we shall simply go on justifying the purges or concealing them. Or as the synodical administration now proposes, we may shortly be treated to a new “peace offensive,” but only after several more heads are made to roll. These are the actions of a church too afraid to acknowledge its shame, and to reform. Yet the only thing which can free us to do so is the liberating promise of Jesus our Lord that He will spare us the ultimate shame. We have all been helped to believe that by Arthur Carl Piepkorn, who now has gone on to confirm the promise at first hand. Meanwhile the rest of us can be rehearsing for the final confirmation, by learning to “tolerate” a God who tolerates even us, all of us.
Thursday, March 22, 2018, 15:30 In a civil suit, Ramleh Magistrate Court Judge Noam Raf awarded 12,250 NIS compensation to a young man illegally detained for interrogation by the police. “The conduct by the police brought about a violation of the dignity and freedom of the complainant illegally and contrary to the provisions of the Basic Law of Human Dignity and Freedom,” ruled Judge Raf in his verdict. At the time of the detention, the complainant was sleeping in an apartment in Yad Binyamin with other youths, among them a youth against whom there is an outstanding order forbidding him to make contact with numerous specific individuals, among them the complainant. In his verdict Judge Raf ruled that the police detained the complainant in order to bring him to the police station as a suspect, and held him unnecessarily for seven hours, despite the fact that there were no charges against him. Judge Raf also ruled that contrary to the attempts by the police to portray the complainant as uncooperative, the evidence proves that he did cooperate under interrogation, replied to the questions by the interrogator and also signed on his own recognizance for release. Additionally, Judge Raf leveled criticism at the conduct of the Public Complaints Officer, who replied to the complaint filed by the complainant that he was suspected of abetting the violation of a legal order. Judge Raf noted that not at any stage was the complainant suspected of such and that the claim, “is completely baseless and is not in accordance with the documents [in the case].” Judge Raf also leveled criticism at the conduct of the police for placing the complainant and the youth who is forbidden to make contact with him in the same cell at the police station, despite the order outstanding against him. Honenu Attorney Menasheh Yado, who represented the complainant: “My client was detained for seven hours, interrogated and forced to sign on his own recognizance for violating an order, when all of the policeman were aware that no order had been issued against him. The Public Complaints Officer at the Israeli Police evaded his complaint. However the court accepted the suit and obligated the police to pay 12,250 NIS in compensation, and leveled sharp criticism at the police and at the reply by the Public Complaints Officer, which contradicted the documents held by the police themselves.”
OC Open Captioning is a text display located to the side of the stage that scrolls words in synchronization with the performance. AD Audio Description brings the theatrical experience to those who are blind or have low vision. A trained describer narrates the visual elements of the performance including lights, costumes, actions and scenery. ASL American Sign Language interpreted performances are provided for guests who are deaf or hard of hearing. SF Sensory Friendly translates to a welcoming environment for families with children or adults on the Autism spectrum or have other sensory issues. TT Touch Tours allow guests to explore the space and to handle selected props and costumes. ALD Assistive Listening Devices amplify and clarify the sound. I’m moving to another state and was wondering about similar organizations. Check for current state organizations listed under the Resources Tab on this website. If I have questions about disability services who can I contact? Go to the More Tab on this website and click on Contact Us. Who is eligible to join FLACA? FLACA is open to all places of public accommodation within Palm Beach, Broward and Miami-Dade Florida counties. Is FLACA a not for profit organization? Yes, we are a 501 (C) 3 non profit entity Where can I find a listing of accessible performances? Go to the Accessible Events Tab on this website. Information is supplied by participating venues and may be subject to change. What is the cost to attend an accessible performance at a member venue? Ticket prices vary. Please check with the venue box office and buy early. Some seats for accessibility may be limited. No extra charges are imposed for accessible services.
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Greg started his career as a video games designer and 3D artist engaged on critical video games. He has experience working on many cellular platforms reminiscent of iOS, Android, PSP and more lately the PS4. old computer games early 2000s Discover online game demos and downloads for kids and youths. Through the Impartial Research module, we give you the likelihood to tailor your research to match your skilled interests and career ambitions. You will develop a big-scale mission or conduct a analysis research into an area of your choice. Solent is the founder member of the Southern Unbiased Games Network (SIGN) providing college students with many crucial networking and information sharing alternatives. Digital know-how has modified the best way we dwell, work and relate to each other. It is already elementary to enterprise and business and is now turning into just as important in our personal relationships, communications and leisure. In learning this rich topic area you’ll not solely be taught the strategies in demand across the rapidly changing digital world but additionally develop the flexibility to create exciting and interactive content material and beneficial problem solving and creative skills that can open doorways in a variety of industries. LAN gaming sometimes requires two or more personal computers, a router and sufficient networking cables to attach each laptop on the community. Additionally, each computer should have its own copy (or spawn copy ) of the sport with the intention to play. Optionally, any LAN might embody an exterior connection to the Internet. This module introduces students to the basics of stage and video games design. This is achieved by investigating existing games and deconstructing mechanics and methods along with designing ranges and creating testing strategies. Assignments are cut up into two semesters, the primary focusing on level design and testing, the second on mechanic design and rationalization. Working with software of an industry commonplace, this module will introduce you to the rules and strategies involved in the growth of 3D objects and environments. You will be encouraged to realize skills in creating multilayered textures suitable for animation, computer games, architectural and technical design. You will have the opportunity to develop expertise in understanding learn how to create animated characters, materials, lighting, rendering and the manufacturing of simple animation options. old pc adventure games list Figure 2 reveals the computer actions of those PC users. It tells us what number of kids (in percent) reported they practised the named completely different actions no less than once every week. On average “enjoying computer games alone” is the most popular activity. The figures differ, but this assertion applies for boys in addition to for girls, and it applies for all age groups of this sample (6 to 7 years, eight to 9 years, 10 to 11 years and 12 to thirteen years). conclusion In Level 6, you’ll work as a senior or lead member of the collaborative growth team. You may develop your 3D modelling abilities with advanced methods and asset improvement. You’ll also complete a negotiated project and work to develop your portfolio. Related Posts How To Make A Hyper Informal Sport Ontario Faculty Diploma How To Quickly Verify If Your Laptop Can Run A COMPUTER Sport How Can I Watch Sport Of Thrones Season 8? How To Watch It For FREE Computer Program This entry was posted in Computer Games and tagged close, computer, design, sport, tutoring by Kenneth L. Gallardo. Bookmark the permalink.
Ghosts are back! Are you ready to meet them one more time? Then enter the game now – this is the second part of famous Phasmophobia, a cool game about paranormal activity. As before, you will become a member of the investigation squad. Your task is to enter the house potentially haunted. You need to find out if the ghosts really live there and then investigate their behavior and find out which ghost is that. The second chapter is trickier than the first one, so prepare for a spooky adventure. This time, you will meet more ghosts than before. Previously, there were about 10 different types of these creatures and now the developers added new species. This means that you will have to study them and find out how to deal with them. The brand new features are inspiring – not only you will have a chance to play the VR version of the game, which means that you are going to meet the scary guys face to face like in the real world, but also you are going to talk to them in the live chat. Yes, the ghosts controlled by AI will talk to you and you will find out more about them! Sounds really great and scary, right? What is more, the ghosts become more active and hostile than they were previously. Now they are more likely to attack you. It seems like they are not very happy about your interruption and would like to stay where they are. They feel that you are here for a reason and they know that you are an alien to them. Ghosts really hate alive people, so they are going to terrorize you heavily. Track the health of your characters and pay special attention to their mental state – they can go crazy! Enjoy the continuation of a real horror masterpiece and share this amazing experience with your buddies online – acting as a team is a delight here.
On Tuesday of this past week, twenty-one lives were cut short along with the gunman’s life – but he was already empty and dead. I have no grace for those that harm children. I have no grace for those that disturb the sacred space of school. I have no grace for those that choose violence over conversation. Recently, my reserve for grace is empty because those that are violent, ruin sacred spaces at schools, and harm children on so many levels are ever-present. I have not seen much of an omnipresent god recently, but the evil that has come and filled the space it once occupied is in plain sight and continually adding more daily. None of this is nurturing. None of this is healthy. None of this is worthy of time, space, or matters much at all – except that it is evil. And evil must add to its numbers by subtracting those that see the wonder of life. On Wednesday, after I lost my shit at work and caused several to walk down the hall to investigate the commotion, I left my office to walk the halls at one of the schools in my district. I needed to recenter. I needed to focus on an empty school filled with promise and potential. It was an overwhelming walk that was not helpful but rather needed. I was unable to shake the image of the tragedy out of my mind. I felt as though I was coming apart. I felt for the first time, defeated – not battle defeated, but lost the war defeated. There is no hope in this post. I have no story from Japan that will make it all better. I have no appealing image that corresponds to this post, and I certainty do not have any words of wisdom of what this all means. Tuesday broke me, Wednesday scattered my pieces, and Thursday and Friday were filled with trying to work at school feeling overwhelmed not knowing if I would come back together. While I have no words of wisdom, I will ask if you know a teacher, reach out to them. For two years society placed so much on the shoulders of teachers. Corporations, politicians, pastors, and parents placed tremendous amounts of stress on educators to do what others would not – just show up. This educator needs far more than a break…but, alas, summer school starts on Wednesday. And my track record for Wednesdays as not been so good lately!
As you may already know, when parents cannot agree on a parenting plan in Florida, the court will step in and make these important decisions instead. Most agree that it is far better for parents and children alike if you can address these matters outside of a court. In many cases, a family law attorney can offer invaluable assistance when addressing child custody issues. The experience of helping a diverse array of families has given most lawyers insight into the process of creating a sound parenting plan. To get started on your own parenting plan, consider using the tips below for the best results: Be detailed: Using a basic parenting plan might not meet your needs nor those of your co-parent and kids. Clear and detailed language can help you prevent misunderstandings and potential disputes. A lawyer can help you include the details that are most important to you. Address the future: You may only be focused on the present when you are addressing child custody. Although understandable, it is wise to think about your child’s future as well. Consider adding provisions that will facilitate a reevaluation of your parenting plan for your family’s future needs. Remember your goals: A good parenting plan minimizes disruption and uncertainty for children. It also promotes feelings of security and never causes kids to question either parent’s desire to participate in their lives. We encourage you to read more of the information available on our website regarding child custody and parenting plans. Our attorneys also welcome any specific questions you may have about creating your plan.
Your sales enablement program is only as good as the content. After all, how effective can a training program be without the right sales content in place? From mobilizing SME’s (Subject Matter Experts) for content creation to identifying the right content pieces at each on-boarding stage, our expert panel of Sales Content Leaders discuss 3 must-do’s when designing content for your sales enablement programs.
The Georgia Garrison received a message via our Facebook page about a princess in distress. Her Mom asked us to visit after Snow became attached to her Stormtrooper toy. Needless to say, the Georgia Garrison dispatched a squad to bring some joy to 13-month-old Willow-Snow at the hospital this week. “This single mom of a beautiful 13 month old little princess was visited by 3 awesome stormtroopers at CHOA today. Snow and me were very happy they came to visit us. Snow has been dealing with her epilepsy and kidney infections. Thank you so much guys for taking the time to spend a few minutes to see Snow.” -Mia Boartfield
With school starting back in a few weeks. It's time to make sure the kids have what they need to be in school this year. Of course it seems that the higher the grade the more supplies are needed. This Saturday a great organization We All Matter will be holding their annual "Pencil Pouches And Popsicles In The Park" this Saturday August 1st. The event is all about empowering kids to be educationally and culturally proactive in their homes, schools and communities. It's all going down at Huber Park on Orchid Street and 4th Avenue beginning at 6 pm. There will be pencil pouches with School supplies and popsicles to help cool you off during that humid afternoon. The only qualification is the child must be in school from Kindegarden to High School and must be present with the parent in order to receive the goodies. If you have any questions on the event, please email we all matter and also hit them up on Facebook @ weallmatter2014.
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Historic and modern, in flux and established, suburban and scenic; the Kempsville area is an evolving and dynamic ward in the City of Virginia Beach. George Kempe purchased land along the Eastern Branch of the Elizabeth River around 1652 and established a tobacco port. That area prospered into a small community known as Kemp’s Landing (sometimes spelled Kempe’s Landing) that attracted the Princess Anne County Courthouse, which sat in Kempsville from 1778 to 1824. Incorporated as the “Town of Kempsville” in 1783, it was absorbed into the City of Virginia Beach in 1963. Today, it is one of the seven districts of Virginia Beach City Council. However, Kempsville is more than just some bureaucratic lines on a map; it is a distinct hamlet plump with cuisines, entertainment, and outdoor recreation. Local restaurants with worldly pallets pepper the neighborhoods with delicious ethnic foods. Papa’s Greek Restaurant & Pizzeria in Kempsriver Shopping Center is a delicious option for lamb gyro sandwiches, Greek-style pizza, and other Mediterranean fare. The Mesob Cafe on Parliament Drive is the only Ethiopian and Eritrean restaurant in Hampton Roads according to their website, and has a healthy selection of vegan entrees and authentic North African dishes on their menu. Just a couple miles away, on Princess Anne Road, you will find Aloha Hawaiian BBQ. This cute little spot, decorated like a traditional Hawaiian hut, has an array of dishes, both spicy and sweet, with rich and distinct Asian-Pacific flavors. The Hawaiian Chicken Ono Curry dish, which is a soup-like mixture of chicken, diced potatoes, pineapple chunks, onions and roasted peanuts smothered in a spicy coconut curry cream sauce, will change your life for the better. If Indian food is more your taste, Coastal Spice in Fairfield Shopping Center is the best option in town. The menu is full of vegetarian and vegan options, and their mulligatawny soup, hummus, and butter chicken dishes are some of the best in Hampton Roads. If you’re looking for casual American fare, try dinner and a movie at Cinema Cafe. You do not have to purchase food to watch a movie there, but movies and food go so well together, so why not? As springtime peaks over the clouds, outdoor adventures once again light up our to-do lists, especially after eating all that food! If you find yourself driving through Kempsville, take a turn off of Princess Anne Road and drive to the back of Carolanne Farms neighborhood. You will find a hidden grove nestled quietly off Gainsborough Road, with a trail that starts at the street and winds you through a forest’s umbrage to a dock on the Elizabeth River. The trail then wraps around a small pool known as Turtle Lake, taking you over a small dam that separates the lake from the river. The site, also known as the “Elizabeth River Water Trail Access” or “Elizabeth River at Carolanne Farms,” is a mixture of paved and unpaved trails, marshland, grasses, and forests, with a wooden dock and boat launch ramps that provide public access to the Elizabeth River. It is ideal for hiking and picnicking, and is a quiet respite amidst the bustling suburbs. Across the Elizabeth River from Turtle Lake Trail, on the opposite side of Kempsville, you will find Woodstock Park on Providence Road. Woodstock provides many standard city park amenities, such as basketball courts, picnic areas, a dog park, playground, and walking trails. However, Woodstock also includes a 10,400 square foot skate park (helmets required!) equipped with a five-foot tall quarter pipe, stairs, hubba ledges, radial ledges, vert wall, handrails, and other structures. There is also a 3,200 square foot green space within the skate park and bleachers for those who would like to sit and watch the fun. If you’re looking for a different kind of sport, Kempsville is also home to America’s largest pool hall. That’s right, the most pool tables under one roof in America is in Kempsville, Virginia Beach. Touting a family-friendly atmosphere, Q-Master Billiards has a restaurant, full bar, bleacher seating for tournaments, is available for events and parties, and also hosts the U.S. Open 9-Ball Championship. You can get a free hour of pool if you buy lunch there, which is a great deal. So whether you are a professional pool player, looking for a place to have a drink and shoot a casual game, or want to try something different with the family, Q-Master Billiards is an internationally renowned local business right in our back yard. Check it out. While driving down Interstate-264, you may have noticed those 175-foot tall poles and netting near the Witchduck Road exit. That is the safety webbing of TopGolf, a relatively new entertainment facility that combines food, drink, driving ranges, lounges, games, and sports bars. You can rent your own room by the hour and spend your time driving golf balls into their 240-yard field, having a drink eating with friends, lounging, or checking out the sights.. The golf balls are microchipped and paired to the golfer, which allows for fun competitions, as well as accurate scoring and distance measurements. You don’t need to be a professional golfer to enjoy TopGolf, nor do you need your own clubs. For music lovers, Birdland Music is one of the region’s epicenters of vinyl records and compact discs. Owner Barry Friedman has run Birdland Music in Kempsville for decades, and has an encyclopedic knowledge of almost every type of music. With a resurgence in vinyl production over the past few years, Birdland Music is a great place to find exactly what you need and maybe learn a thing or two from people who have lived the music. After all that food, drinking, walking, playing, sporting, and music, taking in some art would be a great way to settle the soul and balance the mind. Utopia Feni is a creative gallery-studio space that hosts art shows, classes, events, fosters gardens, and provides an environment for creatives in the area. Opened by Raeesah Islam in 2015, Utopia Feni also produces creative candles, bags, and notebooks to raise money for a high school arts program in Feni, Bangladesh, which is the namesake of her gallery-studio and the village where her father lives. Find out about their events and products online and visit their studio if you’d like to support their cause. The future of Kempsville is bright, with major construction planned around the “Historic Kempsville” section near the intersection of Kempsville and Princess Anne Roads, as well as the slated completion of a much-anticipated $38 million recreation center near Kempsvile Middle School. The Elizabeth River Greenway, part of Virginia Beach’s efforts to increase public access to the river’s canals and tributaries, has received federal funding and is progressing towards its goal of responsible and effective utilization of the environment for its residents. The Kempsville area has a lot to be excited about; good food, a strong history, art, entertainment, and a lot of green spaces. If you don’t live in Kempsville, be sure to pay it a visit sometime. There’s more to do here than you may think. Copyright © 2022 Virginia Coastal Connection While we are based in Virginia Beach we sell property all over Coastal Virginia. Our Coastal Virginia cities include Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Chesapeake, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Hampton, and Newport News. You can find us working with clients in the Williamsburg area, Gloucester on up to the Northern Neck and over to the Eastern Shore. Coastal Virginia real estate is highly sought after because Coastal Virginia has miles of waterfront properties and beaches, all of which contribute to the diversity and stability of the region's economy. There are always ocean front, river front, lake front and harbor front listings available. We are successful, high-energy REALTORS® who focus on integrity and excellent service. Give us a call and enjoy using our website. We look forward to Guiding Your Next Move.
The United States Men's National Team took another huge step toward World Cup qualification with a 1-0 win over El Salvador on Thursday night. Gregg Berhalter's side took control of the game from the first whistle and created the vast majority of meaningful openings. However, an inspired performance from El Salvador goalkeeper Mario Gonzalez kept the USMNT at bay in the first half - the home side's cause was not helped by some wasteful finishing from FC Dallas striker Jesus Ferreira. But the USMNT quickly turned frustration to joy in the seventh minute of the second half, with Antonee Robinson scoring his second goal of this qualification campaign to give the hosts a 1-0 lead. Timothy Weah and Ferreira deserve huge credit, with the former making a driving run to disrupt the El Salvador defense before seeing his shot saved, and the latter heading the rebound to Robinson to finish. From there, the United States kept on pushing but couldn't find a second goal, with Gonzalez continuing to pull off some heroic saves to keep El Salvador alive. Even so, Berhalter's side were too strong defensively and delivered a vital win that sees the USMNT move one step closer to World Cup qualification. Here is how every USMNT player rated on Thursday night in Columbus. USMNT player ratings 1. Goalkeeper & defenders ANTONEE ROBINSON MAKES IT 1-0 FOR THE USMNT! (via @ESPNFC) — USMNT Only (@usmntonly) January 28, 2022 Matt Turner (GK) - 5/10 - Didn't need to make a save and effectively acted as an extra outfield player. Sergiño Dest (RB) - 7/10 - Tidy with his passing and made some driving runs with the ball. Helped pin El Salvador back with his aggressively high positioning. Walker Zimmerman (CB) - 6/10 - A little sloppy with the ball at times but got through his defensive work well enough. Chris Richards (CB) - 6/10 - Like Zimmerman, did fine defensively. Nothing overly ambitious in his passing. Antonee Robinson (LB) - 8/10 - Had a strange night. Scored the winning goal and caused havoc as he pushed high into the El Salvador half. But also got caught way out of position for Alex Roldan's chance in the first half and hit the first man with his crosses far too many times. In the end, the positives far outweighed the negatives and Robinson enjoyed a strong second half. 2. Midfielders McKennie was lively in Columbus. / Trevor Ruszkowski-USA TODAY Sports Tyler Adams (CM) - 6/10 - Clean and tidy with the ball and made some important defensive interventions. Didn't offer too much in terms of attacking impetus. Weston McKennie (CM) - 8/10 - Dragged the USMNT through a lackluster first half with some powerful runs and big switches of play. Quieter in the second half, but his teammates helped him out. McKennie is in the form of his life right now. Yunus Musah (CM) - 6/10 - A slow first half was made up for by a more lively second half. Not vintage from Musah, but plenty of positive signs. 3. Forwards Pulisic has enjoyed better nights for the USMNT. / Trevor Ruszkowski-USA TODAY Sports Christian Pulisic (LW) - 3/10 - Tried his best to make things happen and almost won a penalty in the first half. But looked rusty and short of confidence, running down too many dead ends to lose possession. Was the obvious choice to bring off just over an hour in. Jesus Ferreira (ST) - 7/10 - Should have helped himself to a couple of goals but was wasteful with his shooting. Still, did a good job of stretching El Salvador with his movement and provided the assist for Robinson's winner. Timothy Weah (RW) - 8/10 - Caused problems for El Salvador all night, running down defenders every time he got one-on-one. It was his devastating burst into the box that was the catalyst for Robinson's goal. 4. Substitutes Brenden Aaronson (for Pulisic, 65 mins) - 5/10 - Didn't change the game too much but made a few driving runs and was energetic. Gyasi Zardes (for Ferreira, 72 mins) - 4/10 - His main involvement was putting a free header over the bar in the final five minutes. Got a good reception from the home crowd, though. Jordan Morris (for Weah, 72 mins) - 5/10 - Great to see Morris back in a USMNT shirt after so long out. Had a couple of decent touches.
Get ready for another exciting week inside Sweat Records! Tonight is the weekly Emerge Miami meeting (7-8pm), followed by their bi-monthly Board Game Night (8-10pm). Make new friends at Sweat playing Scrabble, Jenga, Apples to Apples, Battleship and more! Friday night we present the debut performance of My Deer! The new band comes from the creative minds of Mute Miami and Sirens & Sealions. Hunters of the Alps will be opening up, and the night will feature DJ sets by Dude Dude Skywalker. This free, all-ages show at Sweat kicks off at 6:30, and will be over by 9 so don’t miss it.
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Interior Design Color Trend 2022. One of the most popular colors in 2022 is most likely to be green. But in 2022, we’re going to
We are always pleased to hear from people. There is a large variety of services available so please message us! Looking for more information? Please send a short message if you are looking for more information or would like to schedule an appointment.We would love to see what we could do to work with you, your loved ones, or your business! Webstie Message received. Send Intake Form If you are ready to initiate services, please fill out the following form and email to: Healing Rhythms Intake Form Veterans Interest Form If you are interested in our Veterans program services, please fill out the following form and email to:
Anchored to a telephone pole and protected by a “No Trespassing” sign, this big brute wears a tie-dyed shirt and glow stick necklace. But before slithering into his patched jeans, this circa-1960s statue flaunted lumberjack attire while portraying an axe-wielding Paul Bunyan at Connecticut’s Great Danbury Fair. Ever versatile, he also stood sentinel outside an Albany brake and muffler shop, and both a Jeep dealership and ice cream joint in Monticello. Crafted from fiberglass by a California company, he — like so many other versions now lost — originally brought a dose of advertising amusement to gas station customers. Today he resides somewhere far more pastoral than his former diesel-tinged abode. Do you know the name of this statue, and where he calls home? Submit your answer using the form below. The first reader with the correct response wins a prize. Good luck!
The room is equipped with double bed, hand made linens and air conditioning. second bedroom with two single beds and a desk.
Dreamforce 2019 has come to a close and Sercante would like to say “Thank You” to all of the clients, team members, and partners who helped make it our best Dreamforce yet. In 2019, Dreamforce saw 200,000 people walk through the ceremonial arch to hear over 3,000 sessions. All in 5 days. With so much to do, Sercante showed up in full force to learn and connect with fellow Pardot users. From helping Pardot users at the Genius Bar to co-hosting Into the Blue – the B2B Marketer’s Party, we had a blast doing all things Pardot. Sercante by the Numbers: 1750 Sercante dragons handed out (and maybe a few coming to a user group near you!) 50+ hours at the Pardot Genius Bar 15 Circles of Success lead by our team 13 Sercante consultants on site 5 sessions where we presented our Pardot tips and tricks 1 amazing party Caption: The Sercante team gather on the first day of Dreamforce 2019 (top left), the team at the FormAssembly Wine Happy Hour (top middle), CEO and Founder of Sercante Andrea Tarrell at her Women In Tech session (top right), Jacqueline Fassett holds a armful of Lil Handfuls, Sercante’s most popular swag item (bottom left), Sercante and Pardot’s B2B Marketer’s Party on Thursday (bottom middle), Bailey Bowman and Natasha Wetten at the Pardot Genius Bar (bottom right). Sercante lead the way with Pardot sessions and expert advice Our team of experts is all about sharing knowledge. We were grateful for the opportunity to lead many hours at the Pardot Genius Bar and 5 Dreamforce sessions, including: Pardot Developer Experience: Expanding Your Marketing Potential The Entrepreneur Journey: From MVP to Consultant to App Builder Women in Tech: Spark Women-Owned Businesses in the Salesforce Economy Advance Your Salesforce Admin Career with Pardot How to Make Revenue a Part of your Marketing DNA But we don’t wait for Dreamforce to roll around to share our advice. We’re happy to bring our sessions to your local user groups in 2020. Just reach out at [email protected] It shore was a great time at the B2B Marketer’s Party This year we were honored to co-host the annual B2B Marketer’s Party alongside Pardot. We were excited to help B2B marketers celebrate the oceans of opportunity and share stories of digital transformation that will inspire us all in 2020. From Mustache Harbor playing yacht rock to hand-shucked oysters, the B2B Marketer’s Party at Dreamforce 2019 was a great way to cap off Dreamforce. And our photographer captured all the fun! Click here to see photos from the party and learn about more highlights for B2B Marketer’s at Dreamforce 2019. Start the new year off right with Sercante’s expert-led Pardot training programs Ready to level up your Pardot & technical skills in 2020? The best marketers never stop learning. If you’re ready to stretch your skills or make a career move, we’ve got you covered with two in-demand courses designed for current & future Pardot admins.
Giving your self enough time to endure it exploratory process will allow you to grasp many things up to your self. You could find which you even like your work above one idea. You may find that exactly what it gives, was significantly more than it requires. Everything you regarded as per 10 regarding the measure may be more like one two of all daysyou can probably stay your two. Can you? When alternatively your plainly observe your task that completely horrible, next this one too happens to be worthwhile. Your definitely don't wish to be toiling away inside proverbial coal my own the remainder you will ever have. You Will Need To choose what youre designed to to be starting.The pandemic is an unprecedented challenge to businesses including the pc software trade and also his or her HR businesses. Unfortunately, there's absolutely no bestpractice field to draw after for HR practitioners to meet up additionally fix the challenges, uncertainties, and/or problems every day brings. Applicants of the driving teacher's licence should cope with one multiple choice examination before taking the road testing. And using the path testing, candidates must demonstrate the way they will certainly instruct on pupils. The best companys best strength looks their society whoever efforts push their achievements. The greatest challenge would be to appoint the proper men and women for the job and also manage them properly. That's where HR leaders come right into the picture. They attempt to establish a group out of exceptional individuals by using task architecture, performance meaning then assessment, recognition, and reward to achieve your goals, furthermore developing management capabilities.Some concerning My personal preferred travel Sun GlassesPersol P02424S If aviator sunglasses have always been adequate towards World War a couple fighter aircraft pilots, theyre adequate the M2 we were holding also Steve McQueens best brand name just saying. 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You'll modify your job hunt beyond by preserving filters and/or work comes with and/or producing e-mail alerts, and inform your of the latest possibilities inside plumped for field. Most of the task provides highlighted on may JobisJob is hosted on the original website. Additionally The good function is that it does not fee the service it offers.You are definitely escaping from your dilemmas with doing things brand new, considering traveling, sleeping all of the time, shops, starting a bad practice, developing your addiction if not becoming per love addict. The Only Path inside long haul happiness is the everlasting fixation of one's hassles rather than based on ready fixes which has an impact in which can last for couple of moments.Neediness : Although the days of Cinderella to cheerfully ever following tend to be long lifetime behind us then really never ever here to start with, many individuals today search for one relationship to perform them. All causes a heavy reliance upon their advice of your mate or the well-being of your union. Not using legal responsibility : Its simple to have a look at on your spouse to check out all the things he can inside harm the marriage. Perhaps he previously a affair, doesnt fork out the time linking and one, to avoids referring to harder situations. And Yet understand that he is exclusive 1 / 2 of some sort of equation in the marriage. You are definitely getting away from your own hassles through doing one thing newer, thinking about traveling, resting a lot of the day, shopping, starting a negative practice, developing one addiction or becoming your love addict. The Only Path towards longterm pleasure is the everlasting fixation of one's problems in place of according to quick fixes that has a result it lasts for few moments. Many expert motorists decide to use polarised lenses and theyre out starting courier work as they are able to substantially lower glare. They're Also excessively useful in foggy circumstances as they hone ones visual to everything identify, generating your vision better. The pandemic was a unprecedented challenge in order to companies such as the pc software field as well as their HR businesses. Unfortuitously, there's absolutely no bestpractice package to draw at for the HR professionals to satisfy as well as resolve the challenges, uncertainties, additionally dilemmas every day brings.
If you sell the approval the right way, getting docs out and back in should be a seamless process. The merchant (Business Pro) should want to already get the docs back in because they have their sights set on Funding and utilizing the capital for their project. If you’ve used your FASS (Funding Accelerator Sales System) Mastery to sell the deal effectively (because you are a Funding Pro) – docs are out, and now the merchant (BP) is just going to look over everything on the contract to make sure it all checks out to get everything back to you asap. They’re with you, you’re with them. Let’s rush to the goal-line together. It is important that once docs are out, you are communicating a time target with the BP on when they are expected to get docs back in to YOU. Please do not willy nilly now – keep your cadence, keep your structure, keep your professionalism all the way to Funding. Time Kills Deals!! Remember, you can sell a Yes, you can sell a No. You can’t sell Silence. Keep them tight to the hip, and you will get those docs in.
Purpose of guide|What are Dressing Gowns and Bathrobes used for?|Choosing the Right Size and Length for your Dressing Gown?| Choosing the Best Material for your Dressing Gown|Choosing the Right Style of Bathrobe|How to Look After Your Dressing Gown Purpose of This Guide A dressing gown — known to some as a bathrobe — is a luxurious and loose-fitting garment that can make a chilly morning or evening more comfortable. They come in many different styles suitable for men and women and are much more than just a comfort item. Buying a bathrobe is a fun experience, but can be tricky if you don't know what you're looking for. In this guide, we'll help you decide how to choose the perfect bathrobe as well as provide tips on how to care for it. What are Dressing Gowns and Bathrobes used for? Few things in life feel cosier than wrapping up in a soft, warm bathrobe after a long day. Bathrobes are super easy to slip on when you need extra warmth, making them a popular addition to morning and evening routines. Many people love wearing a robe when relaxing on the couch at home and when heading to the pool or spa. Wearing one is super relaxing and feels like an act of self-care! Some robes double as a towel and are a must-have item to dry off and keep warm after a bath, shower, or swim. They also help you cover up quickly when someone rings the doorbell unexpectedly. Choosing the Right Size and Length for your Dressing Gown? While dressing gowns should be loose-fitting and comfortable, there is a chance that you could get a bathrobe that is too small, too large, too short, or too long. Especially if you're buying online! Bathrobes typically come in three lengths: above the knee, mid-calf length, and ankle length. An ankle-length robe is popular during the colder months, while shorter robes are great for summer when going to the pool, beach, or spa. We recommend taking your measurements when buying a bathrobe so you can check them against the manufacturer’s sizing chart and find a robe that's ideal for you. Pay attention to the following areas: Sleeve length: Measure from your shoulder to wrist. Shoulder width: Measure from one shoulder edge to the other. Chest: For women, measure the circumference around the bust line. Men can measure the chest and back circumference by measuring under the arms. Robe Length: Depending on the length you choose, measure from the middle of your neck to your knee, mid-calf, or ankle. HINT: When in doubt, you can look for a bathrobe that is marked 'one-size-fits-all'. Otherwise, have a look at the size of your favourite winter coat. Coats are normally loose-fitting, so this may help you select a robe with a similar fit. Choosing the Best Material for your Dressing Gown A bathrobe comes into contact with your skin frequently, so the material is important to ensure maximum comfort! Bathrobes come in a variety of different materials, each providing something unique to the wearer. There are a few things to consider, including the weight, texture, absorbency, and durability of the material. And, of course, the price! Before deciding on a robe, ask yourself what you want it for. Are you looking for something to wear for extra warmth? Or is it for lounging around the house, spa, or pool? Some popular bathrobe materials include: Cotton: Cotton bathrobes are made from a soft and breathable material that's hypoallergenic and feels amazing on your skin. Terry Cloth: High-quality cotton is woven into loops to make highly absorbent and warm terry cloth towelling robes. They're much more absorbent than non-looped cotton robes and are great for drying off after a shower or swim. Silk: This is a shiny fabric that feels smooth and luxurious against the skin. While silk robes are not warm or absorbent, they are popular with women who wear them in the summer months around the house or pool. Satin: Much like silk, satin is a smooth, elegant, and lightweight fabric. It's more affordable than silk and is great for wearing around the house, at the spa, or on a summer holiday. Flannel: Flannel is a soft, warm fabric that makes for a classically comfortable bathrobe. Typically made from a blend of cotton and wool, it has absorbing and insulating properties. Chenille: This is a lightweight material that's typically polyester blended with cotton or wool. It's plush, durable, insulating, and inexpensive, but lacks absorbency. Chenille is a great option if you like a robe with a fuzzy texture! Fleece: Made from polyester, fleece is a warm, lightweight, and quick-drying material that is plush and soft. It's akin to being wrapped up in a comfy blanket! Velour: If you're looking for a thick, warm robe that looks and feels like velvet, then velour is the material for you. Overall, pay attention to quality and how it feels on your skin – go for the best quality robe that's within your budget. Choosing the Right Style of Bathrobe Robes come in many colours, unique designs, and various styles. While a classic white, fluffy towelling robe is extremely popular, the style you choose all depends on your preferences and budget. Perhaps you want something thick and fluffy to lounge around the house in. Or maybe you are more interested in a silky robe you can wear over lingerie. Some of the common bathrobe styles include: A shawl style robe with a large collar that drapes over the neck A hooded robe – great for extra warmth and drying wet hair A Japanese style kimono robe, typically made from satin or silk, has wide sleeves and no collar A double-breasted robe A robe with deep pockets A robe with embroidery design – ideal if you want to add your logo or initials Some of our most popular bathrobes include white dressing gowns and grey dressing gowns How to Look After Your Dressing Gown Given that you'll wear your bathrobe frequently, it needs to be washed and cared for carefully. If you look after it properly, it can last for many years to come! As a general rule, it's best to wash your robe every few weeks. Remove the belt and turn the sleeves inside out and, using gentle detergent, put it on a cool, delicate wash cycle without other clothing. We suggest hanging it outside to dry or putting it in the dryer on a low heat cycle. If you need to iron your robe, make sure the iron is on medium heat and always iron it inside out. Never use bleach or harsh fabric softeners as this is likely to weaken the fibres and make them less absorbent. Depending on the type of material used, you may need to follow different cleaning instructions so always check the label. Finally, to keep your robe looking clean and unwrinkled, always allow it to dry completely before hanging it in a cool, dry wardrobe. So There We Go… There you have it; that's everything you need to prepare yourself for buying the perfect bathrobe! Owning a robe helps you feel pampered and may even save you on your heating bill by keeping you insulated in winter. Using the tips in this article, you'll find something that is both comfortable, well-fitting and suits your style.
We hire smart, kind and creative students from across the globe who make up our Snap Intern Class. We believe that the best products come from a collaboration of different kinds of people. We focus on hiring students from diverse schools, various backgrounds and with specific skill sets for each team hosting an intern. We currently hire interns across 7 Snap offices, with a focus on Engineering, Research and Business. Snap provides an environment where you're encouraged to grow, be mentored by smart leaders and have an opportunity to improve every single day. Types of Internships at Snap Inc. Engineering Engineering interns from undergraduate to PhD programs at Snap are tasked with solving interesting technical challenges. From architecting and deploying infrastructure to designing a slick and secure mobile client used by millions every day, interns continue to have a major impact on our products. Research Snap Research interns work on unique research problems alongside our Research team in Los Angeles, Seattle, and NYC. Our interns work on cutting-edge research problems, publish to top academic conferences, and work on new features and technology alongside our product teams. We encourage you to apply to the 2019 Snap Research Scholarship and Fellowship. Business As Snap continues to grow, our Business interns help shape diversity of thought and creativity. Business internships at Snap are spread amongst a wide variety of teams. We host undergraduate and masters students throughout the summer term from various universities across the globe.
Few modern country musicians combine pop songwriting sensibilities with an encyclopedic understanding of the deep roots of country and bluegrass quite like Dierks Bentley - and now that he's got 2019 tour dates scheduled across the country, you've got a chance to catch him live in Noblesville, IN near you! Great tickets are available for this performance, so you can catch him singing all the hits off his latest record, The Mountain, live at Ruoff Music Center. Just check the info below and get your Dierks Bentley Noblesville tickets today. Show Available Tickets Notes: with special guests Jon Pardi & Tenille Townes this show is a part of Dierks Bentley's "Burning Man Tour". Venue Info Ruoff Music Center Address: 12880 E 146th St, Noblesville, IN 46060 Phone: 317-776-8181 Capacity: 24,700 The Ruoff Music Center (originally Deer Creek Music Center and formerly Verizon Wireless Music Center and Klipsch Music Center) is an outdoor amphitheatre located in Noblesville, Indiana. It is the largest outdoor music venue in the Indianapolis metropolitan area of central Indiana, with 6,147 seats, under a pavilion and 18,000 general admission lawn seats. It is used mainly for large concerts, but is also frequently a host for high school graduations and political rallies. It is still called "Deer Creek" by locals and concert going fans... Wikipedia
Delaware Livestock & Dairy Exposition is a 2 day event being held on September 10-11, 2022 at the Delaware State Fairgrounds in Harrington, Delaware. This event offers classes for showmanship and breeding livestock, including beef and dairy cattle, sheep, pigs and goats.
Earring studs+backs are gold plated stainless steel, surgical grade stainless steel & hypoallergenic (lead + nickel free), acrylic or wood. Please note that each earring is handmade, therefore there will be some slight variations in size and colour. Although much care is taken to create a polished finish, there will be small imperfections as it isn’t possible to ensure a completely smooth surface with the materials used.
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Reviews. I'd been thinking about this for a while. Months in fact. Nobody was going to spontaneously find my blog and start following it. Not that it was impossible. Just unlikely. I needed a reason for people to find me. What did every blogger want? Readers. How could I attract bloggers to my site? By giving them something that could help them get more readers. What could I give them? Feedback. Last year I made a couple of exploratory journies through the blogosphere and was appalled by what I encountered. Excessive images. Poor grammar. Abandoned blogs laying strewn about cyberspace never to be read again. The world needed to do better. A set of standards was called for. I came up with four criteria. Could they write? Was the layout clean? Were the updates regular? If images were used, were they decent? Then I made the reviews page. I decided to start small, linking three blogs that I already read and making some brief comments. It wasn't the greatest of efforts but enough to begin with. Growing the list could take a while as I wasn't swimming in time but I'd get there. Bloggers tended to be a vain bunch and I suspected that if I reached out on Twitter, they'd be eager to share their links with me. There'd be no shortage of blogs to review.
Dr. Hamid Garmestani is a Professor in the School of Materials Science and Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He received his education from Cornell University (Ph.D. 1989 in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics) and the University of Florida (B.S. 1982 in Mechanical Engineering, M.S. 1984 in Materials Science and Engineering). After serving a year as a post -doctoral fellow at Yale University, he joined the Mechanical Engineering Department at Florida State University (FAMU-FSU College of Engineering) in 1990. Primary research and teaching interests include microstructure/property relationship in textured polycrystalline materials, composites, superplastic, magnetic and thin film layered structures. He uses phenomenological and statistical mechanics models in a computational framework to investigate microstructure and texture (micro-texture) evolution during processing and predict effective properties (mechanical, transport and magnetic). His present research interests are processing of fuel cell materials and modeling of their transport and mechanical properties. Dr. Garmestani has been the recipient of a research award (FAR) through NASA in 1997. He received the Superstar in Research award in 1999 by FSU-CRC. He has also been the recipient of the Engineering Research Award at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, Spring 2000. He is a member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Plasticity and board of reviewers for journal of Metal Transaction. He is presently funded through NSF (MRD), NASA, Air Force and the Army. Research Areas: Metals Nanostructures Research Activity: Characterization Computations Modelling Processing, Fabrication, & Manufacturing Synthesis Research Challenges: Transportation Energy Infrastructure Security Research Keywords: computational design computational materials fuel cell design solar cells Graduate Students Mike Standish Ruoqi Gao PUBLICATIONS & PATENTS Selected publications: Li DS, Saheli G, Khaleel M, Garmestani, H., “Microstructure optimization in fuel cell electrodes using materials design”, CMC-COMPUTERS MATERIALS & CONTINUA 4 (1): 31-42 AUG 2006. D.S. Li, H. Garmestani, S. Ahzi, Processing path optimization to achieve desired texture in polycrystalline materials, Acta Materialia 55 (2007) 647–654. H. Garmestani, S. Lin, B. Adams, S. Ahzi, "Statistical Continuum Theory for Texture Evolution of Polycrystals", Journal of the Mechanics and physics of Solids 49, (2001) 589-607.
If you are sitting down, it may be tough to stay there. Coming off of their very poignant single “Lift Off“, W&W tab Ummet Ozcan of recent “The Box” fame to come together on “The Code”, another powerful electro trance track sure to be heard pounding around the arenas as the ASOT 600 circuit commences in under 2 weeks. Opposing big room builds with a heavy kick, electro growls and pulsing synths, the trio masterfully weave together elements of various genres, leaving behind the ideas of what one is expected to do and craft an outstanding track that will have lasting impacts on their discography’s and sets for many months to come.
There aren’t many complaints about Call of Duty Warzone on the internet. The game is also well-made. As a result, the game contains very few bugs and errors. Every update and season brings something new and bug fixes. But no game is perfect. Somewhere down the line, you may have to face errors and bugs in game. The Content Package error of Warzone is one of the few errors that’s there in the game. However, this error comes from machine or user error rather than the game itself. If you are unaware of How to Fix content package no longer available, you are at the right place. This guide will discuss the causes and fixes of the Content Package No Longer Available error in Warzone. Causes of Content Package Error in Warzone As mentioned earlier, this error mostly occurs due to machine or user errors. But there are few more things that you need to keep in check if you are facing this error continuously. Here, we have compiled the most probable causes for Content Package Error. While installing the game, if the installation was interrupted due to power off or internet problems, it can corrupt the game files. The corruption of files can lead to this error. Also, there are other causes of your game file corruption. Another cause of this error is the Outdate Game Version. Whenever an update is rolled, there is something new or has bug fixes. This error occurs ,if you somehow forget to update the game. Sometimes, the game cache files can also cause this error. In that case, you must clear the cache file of the game. This error may also occur if there is a problem with the game server. How to Fix Content Package No Longer Available in Warzone All the fixes we are going to discuss here are tried and tested. Make sure to try each and every one. Check Your Internet Connection and the Power of Your Machine This is a prevention method rather than a fix. While installing the game, make sure your internet connection does not interrupt. Most of the time, bad internet connection and installation interruption cause the error. So, keep an eye out for your internet connection. Also, if the power for your machine goes out while installing, this problem can occur. So, make sure you have enough battery and interrupted power supply for your device. Check the Status of the Warzone Server There is a possibility that the Content Package error is due to some problem in the Warzone server. To know the status of the Warzone server, visit the official status page. If there is a problem, you cannot do anything. It would be best to wait for the developers to fix the issue. If the server is ok and the error persists, try another fix in the list. Update Call of Duty Warzone In many machines, the error occurs due to the outdated game version. The Battle Net launcher has the auto-update always on. But for some reason, it may be off. So, check whether there is a new update for the game or not. If there is an update in the game, update the game and try to play the game. Now check whether the error still occurs. Also, try restarting your machine after installing the update. Clear the Cache File/Data of Warzone Cache files are the temporary data stored for any application on your PC. They help keep data for future use and, in many cases, help applications run smoothly. However, it is not always the case. Sometimes, cache files can cause conflict while trying to play the game due to a corrupted file. So, it is necessary to clear the cache once in a while. If you don’t know how to remove cache files of Warzone, here are the steps: First, close all the applications related to Warzone like the game, Battle Net Launcher, etc. Then, open the Run command by pressing “Windows + R” on your keyboard. After opening the run command, type “%ProgramData%” and click on “OK.” Search for “Battle.net,” “Battle.net_components”, and “Blizzard Entertainment” folders. After that, delete them all. After doing this, restart your PC and run the game. The problem still persists ? Try next fix. Repair COD Warzone from Battle Net Launcher Even if you have installed your game without any problem and have played the game, the Content Package can still occur. This can happen if your game files are corrupted somehow. Follow these steps to repair the game: Close all the background processes related to the game. After that, open the “Battle.Net” launcher. Navigate to the “Games” tab and find “Call of Duty Warzone.” Click on the game, and you will see the “Play” button. On the right of the “Play” button, you will see a gear icon. Click on it. Then, click on “Scan and Repair.” Select “Begin Scan” and wait for the game to repair. In this way, you can repair your game files if some of them are corrupted. Reinstall the Game If none of the fixes work, use this fix as your last resort. If the problem persists no matter what you do, your last option is to uninstall the game first and then reinstall it. This is all for this guide. If we have missed anything that you could think of, please comment below.
I’m going to strategy or take a guess that if you define the relationship as sexless after that closeness is quite minimal as well. It’s rather difficult to feel sexual with no sexual role and vice versa while you are in the a married relationship. Some partners would end up being so it yet not. But for the majority of partners this is simply not the fact. Thus a question to inquire of on your own is “how much does intimacy feel like for you? And you will “for your mate?” Gender is a huge element of intimacy but there is far even more… Intimacy will likely be outlined in ways. And you may types of it are spread and you may ranged. Think of this type of concerns… When was the very last big date your kept your own wife’s hands? Offered the lady a supplement? When is actually the very last go out you kissed your spouse (come on, a genuine kiss. Nothing of these peck kisses..)? Think about discussing something individual together with your mate? When ‘s the history date you really heard exacltly what the partner should say? You asked about something they are getting thanks to? Most of these is actually instances that lead to more closeness. In-marriage guidance in Simi Valley, Ca we work at partners with the become intimate once more. Not making it possible for which becoming an ago consider but a real area of the marriage. You are helped by us score those structure off from the minute and you may accommodate connection and you may closeness. Quite often, there is certainly a whole lot that has been piled-up that you try not to know how to proceed in order to look. This really is problematic for we to need to be sexual if there’s a whole lot outrage or resentment we hold. Be sure to read the guides Closeness Interest: Wake up The newest Hobbies In your Dating Intimate Wedding of the David Schnarch. You won’t regret it! Should it be issues that were believed to each other on temperatures of-the-moment. Anger regarding feeling a lot more alone in the child-rearing than 321chat-datingsite you’d envisioned. Otherwise shortage of gender resentments your bring. Maybe an event you cannot get over. Resentment which he kept really strong will stop your moving forward that you experienced. Fundamentally it does stop you from Traditions yourself. It can be time and energy to considercarefully what should happen for me personally to maneuver submit and you will real time? Within the lovers procedures when you look at the Simi Area and online therapy in Los Angeles i work at partners to the swinging earlier resentments. I enable them to observe how the fresh resentments is affecting the glee, worry about forgiveness and you can closeness. Cause Five: You aren’t installing the new standards and you can limitations for what your want and need Discover a high probability that you simply place your hand upwards during the anxiety and maybe helplessness and you can said “bang it. I am complete.” When there are unnecessary conflicts. Too many rejections. Such as for example loneliness. The majority of us revert to simply stopping and you can giving up. It seems simpler. The fact is that you’re hurting oneself with this mindset not. You’re damaging your partner also. However first. In case the value are “I do want to be somebody who is happy in my own relationship” next letting go of will need your from there. If you enjoy their sex life on your relationship up coming so it will take your from the you to definitely as well. For the intercourse therapy at Simi Mental Class, i focus on couples for the looking to again. Looking to function as spouse that they wish to be. Getting the person they would like to become. In order to really worth on their own sufficient to is actually once again. And attempt in a different way. In a way that he is willing to real time continuously.
On Saturday morning, May 19th, 2018, while driving my motorcycle North on I-75 in Ohio I observed an object moving from west-north-west to east-south-east at a very high speed. There was no jinking or other manoeuvre. The flight path was completely straight. I did not note the mile mark, but it was at least an hour out of Piqua, and before the turn to US 30, where I would eventually link up with I-90. I was travelling about 75 mph, and the object moved so quickly, I felt I was standing still. My field of view was about 160 degrees and the object traversed that in about one second. There was no sound (although to be fair, there was a fair bit of wind noise despite the fairing and windshield). It was difficult to gauge height as the object’s shape was nothing with which I was familiar. But to hazard a guess, probably less than 1000 feet. But if I had been in my car, the roofline which not have let me see it. It was below the clouds (but it was not overcast – there was plenty of sunshine). There was no sonic boom, so I could conclude the object’s speed was less than Mach 1, but the speed with which it traversed my field of view meant to me that it was travelling between 250 to 400 mph. The object was all gray, similar to USAF aircraft colours, but darker. I could not see engines, nor any obvious wing shape. There were no lights, there was no trail, it emitted nothing, it stayed the same shape. The sketch of its outline below is from memory (a day-and-a-half old). (the sketch would not paste in this box - I will send the sketch to Mr. Davenport's e-mail address.) My outline is poor - the front was a smooth curve (in other words, no implied cockpit – and I did not see one). A few minutes later I spotted an airplane making a turn off in the distance to the West a couple of miles at least. No idea what type – but it had wings and moved as an aircraft moves, and it appeared to be very low. The object I saw was definitely not a commercial aircraft, private propeller driven aircraft, business jet or a missile. It was not a helicopter, nor was it a civilian drone, nor was it a bird, nor a bug, nor an imperfection in my visor – it was up, nor a floater. I am ex-military (Canadian army officer) and I had just been to visit the USAF National Museum for the Memphis Belle exhibit – nothing there would look like what I saw, even the experimentals, when in the air. Nor would any of ours. I suspect it was a large drone of unique design – but I thought no unmanned air-breathing vehicles were allowed flight over populated areas? Or maybe it was a new experimental manned aircraft and I just could not see the cockpit. Others must have seen it, so I hope my description and others, helps narrow the identification down to a few possibles.
by rcaradog.In Learning Astrology.Leave a Comment on How to Interpret Houses in Astrology — Part 7: The Sixth House The sixth house in astrology is a fun one, if you’re into discipline. Let’s just get this out of the way up front: the sixth house is one of the places that reminds us that a balanced life is one that has crummy parts to it, but amidst the garbage we can still find diamonds in the rough. A few weeks ago, I had a dream that was straightforward in its imagery but powerful in its implications. The dream found me in a conference room somewhere in the electric wilds of Tokyo (Akihabara, to be specific) delivering a lecture on horary astrology to a room full of entertainment executives who had flown me in to train individuals on their staff in the art of horary and elections for business purposes. Final Fantasy creator Shironobu Hakaguchi was in the room, taking copious notes and asking an endless stream of questions. By the end of the dream he was so taken with the lecture that he invited me to elect the launch date and time of the next entry in the Final Fantasy series. It was a fun dream, to be sure, but this dream was made even more interesting by the fact that it was entirely in Japanese. Now, in the waking world, my ability with Japanese is rudimentary, despite having been enamored with it since, oh, 1999. When I made that first puerile attempt to pick up the language I had no idea what I was getting into and the fervor of a young weeaboo could only take me so far. The only point of contact I had with learning a language was the old Berlitz “Japanese for Travel” cassette and phrase book sets that I could get from the library. I knew how to say good morning and ask where the bathroom was, but beyond that, I had no idea what a part of speech was, or how to conjugate, or what to do with word order. Everywhere I turned I hit a brick wall, defeated, disappointed. Twenty years on I now have the chops to learn a language, and those chops come from years of study, practice, and discipline. Ever since that dream, I’ve been throwing myself into the rigor, tedium, and reward of learning a difficult language from the ground up. 結果は成功しますよ。The work is bearing fruit, but that doesn’t make memorizing thousands of kanji or drilling conjugation forms any less labor-intensive. This is our first point of contact for the sixth house in astrology. I joked on Twitter the other day that the sixth house is “big D energy:” disease, drudgery, duty, discipline, and drive. This collection of meanings comes from a confluence of factors, just as we saw with the fifth house. First, because the sixth house is cadent and in aversion to the ascendant, not only is it considered “ineffective,” but it also can’t connect with the place of the chart associated with life and vitality. For that reason, it has natural connections to illness, disease, and the process of falling away from vitality and activity. Not everything can be sunshine and daffodils all the time, as much as the “love and light” folks want to make it out to be. Sometimes we get sick, y’all. We’re squishy organisms in a universe that, by and large, is not conducive to life unless you’ve got lead plating for skin. Disease is part and parcel of being human. We have to acknowledge that we have limitations, and the sixth house reminds us of the physical elements of these limits. The second is that the sixth house is named the “house of Bad Fortune,” according to ancient authorities. The idea of “bad fortune” acknowledges that the accidents we suffer are not the effect of us “manifesting” ill fortune for ourselves; sometimes, shit happens. Chaos is part of the package of existing in a universe where chance and probability is an operating assumption, and there come times in your life where the odds are not in your favor. However, bad fortune, illness, and injury are sometimes the result of us making poor decisions, using our authority, agency, and drive to put our health and wholeness into jeopardy. When we’re not exerting energy in a disciplined, focused, and honed manner, we’re often toeing the line of disaster. In this way, the sixth house is the part of the chart that describes the risks that are ready to strike when we’re not taking proper precautions, or when we’re a little too confident in our ability to avert fate. People who were in “bad fortune” situations in the ancient world were often the unlucky people who had been captured and sold into slavery in Hellenistic society. Remember that slavery in the ancient world was quite unlike chattel slavery in the Americas (it was still slavery, though). In the Greco-Roman slavery model, masters had a moral and legal obligation to attend responsibly to the needs of the individuals who were part of their household, working on their masters’ behalf. If we port this into a 21st century context, the connection here becomes obvious: people who work for us and workers themselves belong to the sixth house. It’s the house of the proletariat. It’s also the house of people for whom we are responsible who are not otherwise related to us by blood. The power dynamic is baked in. The third factor is that the sixth house is the joy of Mars. Mars is naturally associated with illness, accidents, injuries, and explosive disasters: of all the planets who are wont to cause problems, Mars especially delights in discord, bringing it with him into battle wherever he shows up. For us to avert Mars’ disastrous impact through the lens of the sixth house, we need to build a relationship with his energies that is focused, disciplined, humbled, and honed through diligent application of effort and tedious practice. Think about it this way: Mars, the ruler of fire and iron, delights to be in the forge. A forge is a hot, sweaty, sooty, dangerous, and tedious place to be; the blacksmith’s hammer pounds away into the night as they shape a chunk of crude iron into something that can be used. With each shower of sparks that flies off the glowing metal, the form of the tool comes more clearly into focus. What will it be? Will it be the blade of a sword? Of a kitchen knife? Will it be a blade at all—what if it’s a nail, or a horseshoe, or a key blank? We won’t know until the blacksmith has finished the work at the anvil and plunged the finished tool into a trough of water, after which the final form will be revealed in a burst of steam. Even then, the work isn’t finished yet. The blade must be honed on a whetstone. The horseshoe must be fitted to the horse. The key blank must be fit to its lock. That’s the real blessing of the sixth house: it’s our point of contact for the crappy, random things that happen in life. However, our response to those ill-fated accidents draws out some of the best of us, when we apply our energy appropriately. The situations and people that get filed in the slice of life that is the sixth house in astrology are elements that require us to step up to the plate and embody responsible effort on their behalf. They form the anvil on which we’re shaped into effective people. Enduring the heat, soot, sweat, and labor of the sixth house forges us into stronger, more effective individuals. How to interpret the sixth house As always, there’s a series of questions to be asked when it comes to interpreting the sixth house in astrology, and the answer are determined by the planet ruling the sixth house, its placement and condition by house and sign, its connection to other planets, as well as any planets placed within the sixth itself. The usual suspects. Here are the questions to ask: What parts of life become especially difficult for this person? To which kinds of diseases and injuries is this person especially susceptible? Where might a person best expend labor and responsibility to forge and hone themselves into more effective people? To whom or what is a person naturally responsible? What humbles them? Let’s consider this example: a person has their sixth house cusp falling in the sign Cancer, meaning that the Moon is the ruler of their sixth. Their Moon is in late Sagittarius on the 11th house cusp, peregrine, applying to the conjunction of Saturn in Saturn’s term and face (for advanced readers, this means that there is some very light reception happening here, nothing too strong). We can answer the questions as follows, knowing that the Moon is also naturally the ruler of a person’s emotional center of gravity and coping skills. For this person, finding a place to call “home” relative to groups, friends, association, and community becomes especially fraught with difficulty. Not impossible, but it will take this person quite a bit of time to land in a community or circle of friends where they feel like they fit in and are able to form secure bonds. Sagittarius rules the hips, thighs, and buttocks (what I like to call “ye olde haunches”). This person will be susceptible to bone and joint problems in this part of the body, because of the sixth ruler’s conjunction to Saturn—and these will likely be injuries due to stiffness and lack of flexibility, or from wear and tear. This person can best expend their labor and responsibility to forge themselves into a more effective person through disciplining their interior emotional state and impulse to get the hell out of dodge (Sagittarius Moon) any time things start to go pear shaped. Being able to see things through to the end is a crucial growth point for them. This person is naturally responsible to their sense of identity within a collective setting (sixth ruler in the eleventh house in a fire sign). There’s an ideological and spiritual responsibility here too, considering the nature of Sagittarius as ruled by Jupiter. Because of the nature of the Moon-Saturn conjunction this responsibility is one that matures the native by driving them to nurture, protect, and bolster the people in their circles. They’re a consummate dad friend. For the purposes of getting you started with the sixth ruler, let’s look at the ruler of the sixth house through each of the other houses. The question here is the third one in the list above: Where can I best expend labor and responsibility to forge myself into a more effective person? I best forge myself into a more effective person through applying rigor and discipline to and through: Ruler of the sixth house in the first house: …my health, appearance, and overall circumstances. The disciplines of intense physical training are absolutely vital for my well-being and I become my best self through my body.. Ruler of the sixth house in the second house: …my finances, resources, and ability to generate income for myself. I must learn how to keep a budget. Ruler of the sixth house in the third house: …my day to day environment, my siblings, relatives, and ability to keep my word. Learning to use something like a bullet journal and remembering to check in on my “lateral contemporaries” will keep me on the straight and narrow. Ruler of the sixth house in the fourth house: …my relationship with my parents and my efforts in maintaining a stable home environment, regardless of what “home” looks like in my case. Ruler of the sixth house in the fifth house: …my artistic endeavors and my “children,” whatever I’m putting out into the world that adds more energy and joy to life. “Enjoy responsibly” is my catchphrase. Ruler of the sixth house in the sixth house: …my ability to cultivate effective disciplines across all parts of my life, not just the particularities of other houses. Having another life to be responsible for, like a plant or a pet, will keep me focused. Ruler of the sixth house in the seventh house: …my relationship to those with whom I’m in formal one-on-one relationships, whether they are my romantic partner, business partner, or person with whom I’m in open conflict. Ruler of the sixth house in the eighth house: …my relationship with spending money and managing the resources of other people. I must learn to be responsible in where the outflow of my resources is directed. Ruler of the sixth house in the ninth house: …my search for illumination through higher education, learning, travel, and spirituality. A daily spiritual discipline such as prayer, meditation, lectio divina, or fasting can be tremendous for my overall well-being. Maybe try learning Japanese while you’re at it, too. Ruler of the sixth house in the tenth house: …my responsible use of power on behalf of those under my care in my professional life, and through ensuring that the impact I have on others is always in the best interests of my subordinates and the people I serve. Ruler of the sixth house in the eleventh house: …my connection to friends, groups, and associations, ensuring that I am responsible to the collective witness of my communities and chosen family. Ruler of the sixth house in the twelfth house: …my relationship to people who are suffering, isolated, or mired in sorrow, as well as my relationship with my own unconscious challenges or limiting beliefs. I must discipline my internal narratives. Where are the places that you’re being asked to discipline yourself? How do you feel about that? It’s not fun, but we’re all in this together—I’d love to hear about it in the comments!
Dallas, TX-Erika Benning, 42, was preparing to be sworn in as the Irving Police Department’s newest officer, but little did she know her son was there to pin her badge on her uniform. Her son, 21-year-old Army Sgt. Giovanni Pando, whom she hadn’t seen in over two years because he was stationed overseas, arrived at the ceremony on Friday to pin the badge on her uniform. “When my son came around the corner and I realized that this was real, my breathing just started to slow down, and everything just felt really tight,” Benning said. “I just didn’t want to pass out because I wanted to enjoy every moment of it.” The police department in the Dallas, Texas, suburbs posted the moment on Facebook, writing, “All swearing-in ceremonies are special but every once in a while one tugs at your heart strings a little more than others.” “It was overwhelming. I felt every emotion you could think of just from being happy for her and also missing her. I was also trying to keep my composure as well,” Pando said, while admitting that a “little bit of tears” came out. “He’s the reason why I breathe every single day. He’s the reason why I wake up every morning. He’s my world,” said Benning, an immigrant from Honduras. Once he finishes in the Army, Pando said he plans to become a police officer and follow in his mother’s steps. “She’s never let something stop her from achieving what she wants. And while raising me, that’s always something she’s preached to me. If you want something, work for it and you’ll achieve your goal,” Pando said. “The only other moment that I will never forget that is more meaningful than this was the day I gave birth to him,” Benning said. “So, this moment of him pinning my badge, I have to say is up there with that.”
Pirates@Home is an ongoing test of BOINC, the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing. Pirates@Home is currently being used to test BOINC's forum software for possible use by another project, Interactions in Understanding the Universe. At present Pirates@Home is not doing any real scientific computation, we are just having fun with BOINC. You can read more about the current goals of Pirates@Home here. Pirates@Home was previously used to develop both experience and software (including a nifty screensave) for Einstein@Home. That project is now running quite succesfully, and you are encouraged to join and contribute your spare computing cycles to the search for gravitational waves. You can learn more about Einstein@Home here. Join Pirates@Home! Getting started Rules and policies (Please read!) Create an account Download and install BOINC software Community Message Boards: Crew Discussion Helpdesk: Questions and Problems Participant Profiles Project totals and leader boards Top participants Top computers Top teams XML stats Other statistics Returning Participants Your account - view stats, modify preferences Logout from your account Server Status Teams - create or join a team Pirate Applications Add-ons (from SETI@home) More Information How BOINC works How BOINC gives credit BOINC home page Sextant screensaver description Pirates team stats for Einstein@Home Mission 1 archive BOINC Developer's notes Other BOINC Projects Einstein@Home - gravity waves SETI@home - search for ET Predictor@home - protein folding ClimatePrediction.net - climate modeling LHC@home - the Large Hadron Collider A more complete (and growing) list may be found on the main BOINC website. Don't forget International Talk Like a Pirate Day, September 19th! Powered by Pirate of the day BYRON LEIGH HATCH_(FOR CAR SAGAN) Hello every one _ nice to meet you _ The picture you see above is a picture I am very proud of that picture holds very fond memories ... for... Status Pirates@Home is always under development, so please don't expect it to work all the time. In fact, right now we have very little work, just occasional tests. News January 18, 2006 Network (DNS?) problems There was a problem with our network connection today, apparently due to DNS issues. It seems to have been resolved. January 17, 2006 Account creation enabled Account creation has now been enabled, but with a twist. You now have to provide a valid invitation code. These will be distributed by various channels in the next few days. January 15, 2006 Pirates@Home offline briefly The Pirates@Home site was off-line for about 5 hours last night due to a brief power failure caused by high winds in the area. A corrupt database table which disabled the forums has been repaired. Please report further problems in the forums. January 6, 2006 Pirates@Home upgraded to BOINC 5.2.15 The Pirates@Home site has been upgraded to use BOINC version 5.2.15. A lot of small things are not working yet, but we're working through fixing them as we find them. Click here for more information January 5, 2006 Pirates@Home has a new mission The Pirates@Home project has returned, at least for a while, with a new mission. Pirates@Home will be used to test out the idea of using the BOINC discussion forum code for a separate project called Interactions in Understanding the Universe. See the announcements forum for more details.
SHANGHAI QIYAO ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shanghai Qiyao Technology Group Co., Ltd (Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute). It is an industrial platform of marine environmental protection equipment of CSSC, and is mainly engaged in the R&D, design, manufacturing, consultation and service of sophisticated environmental protection equipment of marine exhaust gas treatment, waste water treatment, solid waste treatment; and fuel supply system of LNG, LPG, methanol, ammonia, etc. Qiyao Environ Tec holds the idea of supporting green-ship technology development, and is committed to providing GHG and pollutants emission reduction solutions for ship, in order to contribute to build a world of blue sea and clear sky. History 大事记 PAST PRESENT FUTURE As one of the earliest domestic research institutes engaged in marine emission treatment equipment like EGCs and SCR, Qiyao Environ Tec has undertaken more than 10 national and local R&D projects in marine emission control technology, including National Science and Technology Support Program, MIIT High-tech Ships Program, National Key R&D Plan, etc, and has made breakthroughs in a series of key technologies, for example, on-line preparation of urea solution, temperature management of waste gas and efficient treatment of desulfurization wastewater. In addition, we have completed a series of the R&D, test verification and real-ship demonstration of marine EGCs and SCR, and has obtained approval of classification societies including CCS, DNV-GL, ABS, BV, NK, etc. All series of SCR has obtained FTA from main-engine patent companies such as MAN and WinGD. Qiyao Environ Tec's EGCs and SCR has keep its leading position in China, more than 200 sets of EGCs and more than 400 sets of SCR have been well-delivered. Our products are selected by world famous ship owners such as COSCO, SHANDONG SHIPPING, Evergreen, T.S. Lines, YANGMING, CHINA MERCHANTS, MSC, etc. New products such as FGSS,IGG, IGS and Nitrogen Generator has attracted much attention, and FGSS has successfully won the bid of NYK's four 7000PCTC. In order to cope with climate change, China has made serious commitments, such as "peak carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060", which has been written into government work report. The IMO has set medium and long-term goal of reducing 70% of GHG emissions in marine industry by 2050 compared with that in 2008. Qiyao Environ Tec holds the idea of supporting green-ship technology development, and continues to carry out R&D in technologies and equipment for post-emission treatment and low/zero-carbon fuel supply system such as CCS, DPF, methane escape control system, fuel supply system of ammonia/hydrogen, etc, which could provide global ship owners with collaborative emission reduction solutions of GHG and pollutants.
ISG System Details These drawings may not be decompiled or disassembled in any way. Contact ISG for additional details and drawings.
Sen. Roy Blunt, a member of Senate GOP leadership, said Tuesday that Flynn may have to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee, while many other Republicans are reluctant to criticize and draw out the conflict. By by Alexis Levinson BuzzFeed News Reporter and by Tarini Parti BuzzFeed News Reporter and by Emma Loop BuzzFeed News Reporter Posted on February 14, 2017, 8:42 pm Twitter Facebook Link Carlos Barria / Reuters Former White House National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, who resigned on Monday night. WASHINGTON — Gen. Michael Flynn’s late-night resignation as national security adviser has left congressional Republicans in a position that has become familiar to them in the first 24 days of the Trump administration: caught by surprise and grasping for information. Some top Republicans including Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt, a member of GOP leadership, Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker, and Arizona Sen. John McCain pushed Tuesday for greater urgency in investigating the administration’s ties to Russia, but most others were still reluctant to make any strong statements against the president’s handling of Flynn or call for an investigation into Flynn’s contacts with Russia. While those members are eager to move on now that Flynn has stepped down, Blunt told reporters that Tuesday "it's likely that General Flynn will at some point be asked to come in and talk to the [Senate Intelligence] committee," of which he is a member. "I think that we should look into it exhaustively so that at the end of this process, nobody wonders whether there was a stone left unturned," Blunt added in an interview on KTRS radio on Tuesday, according to CNN. Earlier Tuesday, however, Sen. Richard Burr, who chairs the Senate's Intelligence committee, declined to give any specifics regarding the committee's investigation and whether it will include Flynn. “We plan to have active oversight of the committee in our areas of jurisdiction,” he said. Specifically on reports about Flynn, Burr said: "Well, you know, I can't verify the facts of the stories, but I'll go where intelligence and where the agencies lead us.” Republican leadership was equally cautious. Asked if Congress should investigate Flynn’s contact with the Russian ambassador, House Speaker Paul Ryan said he didn’t want to “prejudge the circumstances of any of this.” "I think the administration will explain the circumstances that led to this. The [House] Intelligence Committee’s been looking into this thing all along by the way, just involvement with respect to Russia," Ryan said. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell similarly pointed to the Senate's own Intelligence committee and its ongoing Russia investigation, when asked about Flynn on Tuesday. "The intelligence committee is already looking at Russian involvement in our election and they have broad jurisdiction over the intel community writ large," McConnell said during a press conference, referring further questions to Blunt. Flynn's resignation came just more than three weeks into Trump’s presidency, a dramatic timeline unprecedented in prior administrations, and it coincides with a number of investigations into Russia currently underway in several different committees, including both intelligence panels, on Capitol Hill. “It is frustrating to understand how we're going to get a full in-depth look at of all of the things that have happened,” said Corker, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, about the different aspects of the investigation into Russia. “This episode does heighten the intensity around it to make sure we understand all aspects of what has occurred.” “I think it’s good for the American people to understand in a wholesome way what has happened. And for us to get this behind us. This is going to go on forever if we don't address it," Corker added. Neither Corker nor McCain offered any solutions for who needs to step in or how Congress should launch a more in-depth investigation into Russia. "I'm not ready to go into the details, c'mon,” said McCain, the chairman of the Armed Services Committee. “It's been less than 24 hours since he quit." “It's too early yet to draw conclusions except that there are serious questions that need to be answered,” McCain said. South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, who has been one of the most outspoken Republicans about the importance of thoroughly investigating any Russian interference in the 2016 election, raised several questions about Flynn’s call with the Russian ambassador before Trump’s inauguration. “I believe in the one president at a time policy,” he said. “I think it's important for us to be informed about the phone call; did he do it by himself, did he kind of go rogue, or did somebody suggest he call the Russians? “I know we would be upset as Republicans if the Obama administration had done this during the Bush years. So the bottom line is I want to know, was there any legitimacy to the idea that Flynn could be compromised?" But Graham, who recently launched another bipartisan investigation of alleged election hacking by Russia, stopped short of calling for an independent probe into Flynn's relationship with Russia, saying that "hopefully" the White House will give Congress the info it needs. "Time will tell." “I was shocked this morning when I heard the news,” Florida Rep. Tom Rooney, a member of the House's Intelligence committee, told reporters. Rooney deferred specific questions about congressional action to the committee’s chairman, Rep. Devin Nunes, but said: “Everything is on the table for our committee.” "There’s a million things that could have gone on, that could have happened, I just don’t know them," Rooney said. "So I’m not going to play the speculation game and get myself in trouble cause I don’t know what’s true." Some members of the House's ideologically conservative Freedom Caucus voiced tentative support for an independent investigation, but were careful to hedge that they did not feel they had sufficient evidence to make that assertion. “We need to make sure that we’re careful what we’re saying ‘cause we don’t have all the facts,” said Idaho Rep. Raul Labrador. Flynn’s resignation also offered another opportunity for Democrats to aggressively call for Republicans to reassess the Trump administration and its relationship with Russia. “We need to know how this all came about, so that we can see what Russia is doing,” said Sen. Ben Cardin, ranking member of the Foreign Relations Committee. “This is not just about General Flynn. General Flynn, you know, it's over. But what Russia is doing and its involvement with people who may be close to the president is of utmost urgency for us to get the details of.” But Trump allies on Capitol Hill continued to push back against any suggestions of dysfunction or mishandling at the White House. “Over the course of one or two terms of past administrations you’re always going to see personnel changes getting the right people in the right places. … If you realize that you can make a upgrade in a particular position, then you do it sooner rather than later,” said New York Rep. Lee Zeldin. “The administration is fine,” Georgia Sen. David Perdue insisted. “These things happen. It's unfortunate. But this president has seen this before, and we'll move on.” On the question of whether the White House handled the Flynn issue appropriately, Republican leadership was far more definitive. “You cannot have a national security adviser misleading the vice president and others. So I think the president was right to ask for his resignation. And I believe it is the right thing to do,” Ryan told reporters.
First of all, safety is the most important when cleaning a roof. Proper equipment and cleaning methods can prevent serious injury or even save your life. These are the main safety steps you should take if you try roof cleaning: It’s better to have a helper that... The Dangers of leaking roofs A leaky roof is a serious problem. Before it causes more damage, be aware that the roof is structurally intact. People often choose to delay roof repair due to procrastination, busy work and family reasons. However, a leaky roof should be at the top of your... How long does a roof restoration take in Adelaide Roof restoration has always been considered a very smart choice, especially for your most valuable property. A qualified roof should be able to withstand the test of various weather conditions, but if the roof has been used for a long time, its quality has to be... Colorbond vs Tile Roof – Which One Is Better For You? One of the key architectural elements every home needs, the roof, is the outer envelope that covers the top floor of the house to withstand Adelaide’s harsh weather. Therefore, choosing the most suitable roof for your home is crucial. There are many factors to... 4 Simple Roof Repair Tips & Tricks: Finding & Fixing A Leaking Roof What is a leaking roof? There is probably a leaking roof to blame for water stains that extend across ceilings or run down walls. The hard part is finding the leak, but repairing it is usually not difficult. We will teach you some simple tricks on how to find...
Heitor Villa-Lobos - Suite Populaire Bresilienne (Mazurka-Choro, Schottish-Choro, Valsa-Choro, Gavota-Choro, Chorinho) Manuel M. Pounce - Theme Varie et Finale Manuel de Falla - Homenaje Pour Le Tombeau de Claude Debussy Nikita Koshkin - Usher Valse Giulio Regondi - Reverie Nocturne Review The RSAMD student Sasha Poya Savaloni performed for us at our AGM meeting, Sasha was the winner of a student competition at the RSAMD earlier this year, part of the prize being a chance to play for our society AGM and as in the past, Sasha played a very fine set and impressed all the members with his beautiful tone and musical interpretations of some very demanding pieces.Well done Sasha we will be keeping an eye on your progress at Glasgow and hopefully will see you play again for us in the future.
Quite some time ago I wrote a post about how patching makes you feel good in which I talked about the motivations for, and benefits of submitting patches on drupal.org (d.o). I concluded by suggesting that project maintainers should be generous in recognising the efforts of those who submit patches. Tags: drupal git drupal-planet drupal.org Read more about git commit author - give credit where credit is due 10 comments Log in to post comments committing to subversion from behind a dodgy proxy 30 January 2010 - 5:42am — drew I was recently doing some work in a hotel, and when I came to commit my changes back to my central subverson repository using git-svn, I got an error message that looked a lot like this: Committing to ... RA layer request failed: Server sent unexpected return value (400 Bad Request) in response to MKACTIVITY request for at /usr/lib/git-core/git-svn line 3347
Åland has always been an eldorado for sport fishing enthusiasts. On the Åland Islands you can enjoy versatile fishing all year round. Travelling here is quick and seamless, and the relaxing sea crossing is an enjoyable part of the experience. Experience your next fishing adventure on Åland – your biggest catch yet awaits you.
Sue Snape is the lead OPAT consultant at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust. She established microbiology liaison with the trauma and orthopaedic teams, diabetic foot service and respiratory teams regarding the use of antimicrobials; and is education lead for Microbiology StRs in Nottingham. She has developed the OPAT service from its inception in 2011 to the current time, now employing 25 staff members. In 2017/18 the service saw 693 patient episodes and saved 13,152 bed days.
This course addresses the Norwegian Animal Welfare Act and the national animal welfare regulations for our main farm animals; pigs, poultry, cattle, sheep and goat. The animal welfare challenges for these animal species in commercial herds are emphasized. The course provides both the theoretical framework for animal welfare and practical exercises in commercial herds. Learning outcome: The students will be able to explain and define central terms within animal welfare. Further, they will gain experience of doing assessments of animal welfare out in commercial herds and to use this knowledge to point out measures that can improve the welfare of the animals. Learning activities: The course comprises lectures, group assignments and group discussions on animal welfare. The students will do assessments of animal welfare in commercial herds with pigs, cattle and poultry. Teaching support: Teachers are available for questions about the subject. For the practical exercises, a teacher will supervise each group. Lecture materials is placed in Canvas. Syllabus: Welfare Quality® assessment protocols for pigs, cattle and poultry. Relevant scientific articles and reports.
Since 1898, VS has stood for sustainable production and quality, made in Germany. All production work is undertaken in Tauberbischofsheim, based in the German state of Baden-Württemberg over an area of 80,000 square metres. We are committed to protecting our environment, with every care taken to minimise any harmful impact on the global populous, wildlife and natural resources that could result from the manufacture, use, or disposal of our products. This is reflected in our products, recycling-oriented conception, environmentally responsible and resource-saving manufacture, through the highest-quality ergonomic design. Product responsibility For VS, responsibility starts with our conception of an idea for product development. This continues throughout the whole process chain from raw materials purchasing, production, adherence to quality and emissions standards, delivery, assembly and service - right through to a return and recycling process for end-of-life furniture. Durability We manufacture long-life products and always consider environmental aspects when choosing our materials. We consider all the employed materials from a uniform, all-embracing product life-cycle perspective - ensuring products can be reintegrated in the material cycle. When using our raw materials, we reduce offcuts and waste to a minimum. Any offcuts are re-used. Commitment to values For us, sustainable business activity means always acting responsibly toward people, the environment and society. Our core objective is to market outstanding products under economically sensible conditions. We manufacture all our furniture in Germany in an environmentally responsible and equitable way. As a voluntary member of the UN Global Compact, we are actively committed to enhancing sustainability and fighting corruption.
The Supreme Court of Pakistan delivered a long-awaited ruling on Thursday over Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's exposure to the Panama Papers revelations, reports CNBC. The court said there was insufficient evidence to remove Sharif from office amid allegations of corruption after a 2016 leak of 11.5 million documents known as the Panama Papers raised questions about his family's wealth. The Panama Papers claimed three of Sharif's four offspring — Maryam Safdar, Hasan Nawaz Sharif and Hussain Nawaz Sharif — controlled shell companies through which they purchased costly real-estate in London. The prime minister was not named directly. It is not illegal to set up trusts or secret corporate entities known as shell firms, but many critics believe these vehicles facilitate money laundering and tax evasion. In Sharif's case, the issue is that his children didn't disclose the offshore accounts to Pakistani authorities and it's not clear how they funded the property purchases. Sharif, who has been in power since 2013 following two earlier stints as PM in the 1990s, and his family have denied wrongdoing. But it's not the first time the prime minister's wealth has been in the spotlight. In 1998, the deputy head of Pakistan's Federal Investigation Agency alleged the Sharif family had purchased upmarket London property through corrupt practices — a claim that was echoed in 2000 by a chief corruption prosecutor at the time. Following the release of the Panama Papers, thousands of protesters in Islamabad demanded the prime minister's resignation in September while opposition parties have also attacked Sharif for failing to declare his family's offshore connections. "The decision not to disqualify Sharif from holding office over his involvement in the Panama Papers case will prevent his ouster in the near term," analysts from political risk consultancy Eurasia Group said in a note. "Corruption allegations will continue to beleaguer the PM, but his political position will hold for now." The Supreme Court has now ordered an investigation team to examine the Sharif family's finances, which will "undermine his standing with the public and give opposition parties an issue to rally around," Eurasia Group said. Pakistan's top court took up the case late last year and wrapped up hearings on the matter in late February, but chose to reserve its decision until Thursday. In an April 7 report, Credit Suisse said the court's long pause on issuing a verdict was weighing on investors, and helped caused a 35 percent drop in market activity from March to April on the the KSE 100 equity index.
A non-profit organisation that produces XFree86, a freely redistributable implementation of the X Window System that runs on Unix and Unix-like operating systems and OS/2. The XFree86 Project has traditionally focused on Intel x86 based platforms (hence the "86"), but the current release supports other platforms.
One of my favorite classic surf films is from my senior year of High School when I lived in the east coast. During spring break 1975 Dave Bence, Frank Dorenkamp, Pat Fulks, and I went on a surf trip in my ’66 VW camper van and Frank’s Chevy Vega to Cape Hatteras, North Carolina from […]
We're so sorry for the delay! Keep in mind that Fuse Lenses is closed over the weekend and does not ship out orders during that time. We ship all standard orders through USPS from Clearwater, FL, USA. Expedited orders are shipped through Fedex 2-business days, NO weekend delivery. Each order is custom cut to order and does have processing time. Shipping time does not include processing time. However, when you upgrade your shipping, we also give your order priority processing. Most expedited orders leave our lab within 24-48 hrs after the order is placed depending on what time it was placed.
There's no question over what show was the best of the year for me, I was raving about it before it even properly came out and getting anyone that would listen to watch it. In a sentence this show is the fight club of the modern age brought to life
Tomintoul Museum has been refurbished since this feature was written. We will revisit as soon as possible, but in the meantime, the page is out of date. Tomintoul Museum stands in the corner of the main square in the heart of the remote and attractive village of Tomintoul, nestling high on the northern slopes of the Cairngorms. The museum occupies one side and the rear parts of a building it shares with the tourist information centre, and is an excellent way of getting to know the area a little better. It goes without saying that it also an excellent way to spend a rainy morning or afternoon if you are staying in an area not oversupplied with wet weather attractions! The museum can trace its origins back to 1976. As part of celebrations to mark Tomintoul's bicentenary in that year, an exhibition of artefacts was held in the village hall. This proved highly successful in gathering together a wide range of items of historical interest, and after the celebrations were over, these formed the core of a collection in need of a home. In 1978 village residents opened discussions with the then Moray District Council, with the aim of establishing a permanent museum in Tomintoul. The council responded by leasing, and later purchasing, the old Spalding Bakery in the corner of the main square. The original museum comprised a recreated farmhouse kitchen in the front of the building. In 1979 it was extended to include the building to the rear, which had originally housed the production area of the bakery. This was refitted to become a suitable home for exhibitions that feature local wildlife, as well as the climate, history and landscape of the an area which includes Tomintoul itself and Glenlivet, to the north. Meanwhile, a display telling the story of peat cutting in the area was added to the front of the museum. Peat was an important domestic fuel in the area until the mid 1900s, and also fired the many legal (and, in years gone by, the even larger number of illegal) stills which had helped cement the area's reputation as a centre for whisky production. Traditional hand cutting of peat has all but disappeared from the district, but commercial peat cutting still takes place not far from Tomintoul. In 1986 a further expansion of the museum took place, when a reconstructed blacksmith's shop complete with forge, tools and a blacksmith, was established in a building off the yard to the rear. This addition was made possible when the last working blacksmith in Tomintoul, Raymond McIntosh, ceased work and gave the complete contents of his smiddy to the museum. In 1996 and 1997 local residents participated in a project entitled "In Heath and Heather. Tomintoul and Glenlivet ... Portrait of a Place". The award winning exhibition which resulted subsequently became a permanent part of the museum, and elements of it remain on view today. From a visitor's perspective there is much to be said for combining the local museum and the tourist information centre. Apart from anything else, the mingling of functions presumably means that both can be open for longer, and for less cost, than would otherwise be possible. It is also a blend of functions which works well together, and probably draws more people into the museum side of the operation than might otherwise think of visiting. One side of the front of the building looks and feels much like any other tourist information centre. This all changes, however, when you wander past the peat cutters' cart (and Scottish wildcat in the front window) into the recreated farmhouse kitchen: a description which though fairly accurate leads you to expect something rather smaller and narrower in scope than you actually find. With a cooking range over an open fire at one end and a well equipped kitchen table at the other, this will be a real trip down memory lane for some visitors, and a glimpse into a different world for others. The rear of the museum formed a single open space when we visited, with exhibitions around the sides and a display of skis in the centre beneath a golden eagle in flight suspended from the ceiling. Amongst the gems on view here are the cabinets of wildlife at one end, one of which is home to a second Scottish wildcat and to a cutely posed red squirrel. Off to one side is a display about the life and work of the village cobbler. A window close to the door to the rear yard comes complete with a surprise: prints of old photographs applied translucently to the glass itself. We've never seen this done anywhere else, and it is a highly effective way of bringing old photographs to life. The blacksmith's shop helps retain another aspect of village life which would otherwise have been lost, so that future generations can appreciate just how different their world has become. Meanwhile, uncommented on in the rear yard is what may be the museum's heaviest exhibits, a very decrepit artillery piece and what may have started life as the chassis of a tractor.
VenturesSoft is putting a human face—quite literally—on its innovative technology designed for HR and payroll applications across all companies. BIO Jorge Kramis Vázquez is a biomedical engineer who started his career as a developer in Nestlé Mexico, where he worked for five years. He decided to create his own company in 1987, which he first called ASK Informática. In 1992, he decided to change its name to VenturesSoft to incorporate his new product for wages and human resources. His company was the first in the market to incorporate cloud-based systems and facial recognition. facebook twitter linkedin instagram Why did you decide to create a company that focuses on technology innovation? The mission of this company is to create innovative products that transform the payroll and human capital processes with the best technology. We have 33 years in the market, and we have introduced the Mexican market to a wide variety of new products. We established new benchmarks in the market that other companies have followed. One example was the cloud market. We were one of the first to provide these services in Mexico, and we now have 17 years of experience in the cloud market. It was difficult because in the beginning many companies did not believe in cloud services. People were wary of sharing their data with us, but our company remained firm in its belief in the cloud, even when nobody knew the cloud market. We now have 1.2 million employees on our cloud network and provide these services for 700 companies in Latin America. In Mexico, we provide these services to 200 different firms. We started with Latin America in 2016, and we opened the Colombia office in 2019. What technology is going to be the company's next milestone? At this moment, we have an app called Human eTime designed to register employees' start times and finish times in a simple and functional way using their own smartphone or using a tablet provided by the company. Our simple system allows you to take a selfie when you arrive at the office, and another when you leave. We developed this app through facial recognition and other life detection technologies. The app can even tell if a non-authorized user is trying to pass off as another individual by using a picture. In fact, our system improves the facial recognition technology. In some countries in Europe, such as Spain, it is mandatory for all employees to check in when they start and check out when they leave. Therefore, Human eTime is being launched not only in Latin America, but also Spain. What is the company's top priority right now? We have another product called 'Human WorkSocial,' available as desktop and mobile applications, where employees can check corporate communication, sign payroll receipts, request vacations, take online courses, chat with their co-workers, and many other things. It is like a layer that covers all the products of human application. If you want to implement work flows for HR authorizations, this app is easy to use. In 2020, Human WorkSocial will be re-launched with new features and a new design in May 2020. The app was first released around 2017. Why did you decide to expand internationally? Most of our clients are international customers and include multinational companies that have operations in Latin America. They started to request our solution to process their payrolls in other countries in the most efficient way, and that is how we started to expand. For example, one of our clients is Avon; we are in charge of all of its payroll department in Mexico and the Dominican Republic. Additionally, Avon uses our cloud application in Colombia and Peru, and we are finishing its implementation in Ecuador. Another example is the company Aliaxis; we installed a shared service center in Costa Rica, where they process payrolls for 14 different countries. When we started to work with these types of companies, we saw the necessity to have an office in Colombia to create shared service centers and process payrolls of the Andean region including Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, and Venezuela. What are your expectations for 2020? We are a strong player in the HR market in Latin America, but I am pushing hard to enter more Latin American markets with more clients. We are also planning to make large investments in new products such as Human eTime and Human WorkSocial to keep bringing the latest technology to the market.
“Our valley has over fifty wineries but NO glass recycling. It’s an enormous problem. It’s too expensive for the city to pay to haul it to Seattle to the glass crusher there. Eeek. Any suggestions?” Unfortunately, the United States is currently in a recycling crisis. Even if your city does offers glass recycling, less than 10% will actually GET recycled. This is because glass has a low market value, meaning it costs more to transport it (due to the fragility and weight) process it (glass needs to be separated by color), all in addition to the cost of contamination, According to the South Carolina Department of Commerce. Even so, it is still a shame. Glass is a sustainable material because of the closed-loop system, it can be 100% recycled indefinitely without the loss in quality. If you are interested in some more information about glass, check out all these fun facts at Glass Packaging Institute. So the question remains, what can be done about this issue? Here are two steps that can be implemented into your lifestyle: Reuse glass containers- This is a personal tip I have done for years! I wash and save various glass containers such as; spaghetti sauce, applesauce, salsa jars, and anything of the likes that would make a great container or water bottle. I then reuse them as food storage containers (no expensive pyrex or mason jars for this gal), use them in creative projects, or will implement them in gifts or containers to send food home with friends. Be Mindful of what you are using- keep track of the glass packaging you are using, are you able to eliminate any of it? For instance, if you are able to, could you make your own spaghetti or applesauce? If you have access to a farmers market can you possibly can or jar some of your own food? This is always permitting you have the time and resources, but if you are ever looking for a new hobby it is certainly something to explore, there are even groups and communities dedicated to food preservation! This would eliminate the need to buy these items at the grocery store while reusing pre-existing glass containers. Here are some additional steps that can be taken: Speak to wineries about creating a bring back program. These are becoming increasingly popular as they are eco-friendly and economically beneficial. Bunker Hill Vineyard and Winery is an excellent example to model after! Refill local Wine and Beer in stainless steel growlers. A growler is traditionally a glass, ceramic or stainless steel jug that transports draft beer for people to take home, drink, and then refill and use again. Now they are widely being used to purchase wine and come in a variety of different fun shapes and sizes! Write and call your city representatives. Never underestimate your ability to make a change. Gather a group and contact representative voicing your concern and brainstorm a solution. Check out Earth911 find your closest collection center. Save up your glass then drop them off at the proper site. At this point in time, it is up to the individual to make sure these materials are properly disposed of or recycled. It shouldn't have to be this way, and hopefully, it won't always be up to the consumer to navigate the maze of doing the right thing. But for now, until our single-use culture shifts, it is up to each and every one of us to create that change and to encourage others to do the same. Best of Luck! Have questions about zero-waste living, sustainability, or environmentalism? Post your questions on our Sustainable Havasu facebook page or email them to
When the clock ran down on the 1980 US Olympic hockey team’s stunning 4 – 3 victory over the dominant USSR squad, commentator Al Michael’s exclaimed, “Do you believe in miracles? Yes!” as the buzzer sounded. This item preserves that miracle on ice. This white Athletic Knit, 100% polyester replica jersey has “U.S.A” tackle-twilled in blue and red across the front and “80” on the sleeves and back. 18 (of 20) members of that inspiring team have signed the back “80” in bold, silver Sharpie (grade “9” – “10”). Signatures include Ken Morrow, Jim Craig, Mark Wells, Phil Verchota, Bob Suter, Buzz Schneider, Eric Strobel, Mark Johnson, Neal Broten, Steve Christoff, Dave Christian, John Harrington, Jack O’Callahan, Bill Baker, Rob McClanahan, Captain Mike Eruzione, Steve Janaszak, and Mike Ramsey. A full letter from James Spence Authentication accompanies this item (#X34658).
We are excited to announce the first in-person event hosted by Eagle Peer Recovery (EPR) in 2-years. Please join us each Wednesday at 5:00 PM, beginning February 16 in Chilton Hall, 220 for FUEL – Feeding your body and Soul. This is a peer led education and support group focusing on whole body health. Some of the topics to be presented and discussed include: Affording healthy food Easy meals Self-care Plant-based proteins Boosting immunity Emotional Eating Our relationship with food Alkaline versus acidic Shiloh Community Garden Group leaders are Brittany Thrash, UNT alumni and Jacqueline UNT senior Addiction Studies Brittany is a graduate of Cornell’s Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate Program and Both have personal and educational experience in this topic. *A virtual option is also available. See flyer for log in details. Everyone is welcome. You do not need to join EPR to attend.